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Billions of people amongst us; are well meaning. They are
innocuous and harmless. They are sober and gentle.

But, they are unaware of, unmotivated by the fervor of

blossoming of individual and the universe i.e. Total
Stress Management, Holistic Health or superliving.

Lack of such motivation leads to inadequate and deficient

development of the global consensus for the pursuit of
laws conducive to blossoming of all!

The cause of this lack or deficient motivation is; that; even

as millions of people practice NAMASMARAN; it
appears to be inadequate in quantity, intensity,
enlightenment and Self expression or Self assertion on
global scale; so as to trigger globally benevolent law
making crucial for Holistic Health!
NAMASMARAN must attain such a global dimension in
quantity and intensity that people all over the world
would acquire; objective perspective; thinking and

NAMASMARAN must attain such a dimension; that the

law makers are inspired to study Narad Smruti,
Vasishtha Smruti, Yajnyavalkya Smruti Manu Smruti,
Parashar Smruti, existing laws in different nations,
philosophy, psychology, physiology, biology, economy,
industry; and evolve (assert) international, national and
local laws conducive to individual and global blossoming
i.e. Total Stress Management i.e. SUPERLIVING i.e.
Holistic Health

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