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Mythology Tracking Sheet Name: ________________________

Directions: The table below is for tracking your study of Greek gods and heroes. While it is
intended to be used primarily as a study guide, it is also an assignment due the day of the test.
Make sure that you have at least one checkmark next to each god or hero. Ideally, the more
checkmarks you have, the greater your understanding of that character or story. Plan on studying
those with the fewest checkmarks first as they are most likely the ones with which you’ve had
the least reinforcement.

Initials God/Hero Genre (Type) of Myth Read Jigsaw Presentation

1. Achilles
2. Aphrodite
3. Apollo, Artemis, &
4. Ares & Hephaestus
5. Atalanta
6. Athena (and Arachne)
7. Atlas
8. Cronus
9. Daedalus & Icarus
10. Dionysus & Midas
11. Eros & Psyche
12. Hades, Persephone,
& Demeter
13. Hera
14. Paris, Trojan War
15. Heracles (Hercules)
16. Hermes & Iris
17. Jason
18. Medusa & Perseus
19. Orpheus
20. Narcissus & Echo
21. Odysseus
22. Zeus
23. Pandora, Prometheus,
24. Pegasus
25. The Flood
26. Phaethon
27. Pygmalion
28. Pyramus & Thisbe
29. Poseidon
30. Theseus

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