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Add two perfectly conducting walls in z-plane

separated by a distance 6

For B.C͛s to be satisfied, d must

be equal to an integer
multiple of ʄg/2 from the wall.

Field in cavity can be viewed as a Z-directed TE and

TM wave that reflected back and forth between Z=0
and Z=d boundaries
For transverse Electric fields (Ex, Ey) of TE@ or TM@
j waveguide
j   F  à  F  à
    à !          
The propagation constant of the m, n th TE or TM
mode is


Apply Boundary condition Et=0 at z=0

Et=0 at z=d
Cut off wave number in rectangular cavity can be
defined as

So TE or TM resonant mode present in the cavity


refers the number of variations in standing
wave pattern in the x, y, z directions
The resonant frequency of TE or TM

If b<a<d then the dominant mode will be TE101

The dominant TM mode is TM110
Ñ for TEº mode

Considering the reflected wave


Field form standing waves in cavity

So stored magnetic and electric energies are equal at resonance
ÿower loss in the conducting walls is given by
Ñ of the conductor with lossy conducting wall

Ñ of the conductor with lossy dielectric filling

Total Ñ
Same as rectangular cavity
circular cavity formed by closing
the both ends by conducting
The propagation constant for TEmn mode
The propagation constant for TMmn mode

The resonant frequency for TE mode

Dominant TE mode is TE111

The resonant frequency for TM mode

Dominant TM mode is TM110

The field in TE can be written as
Average stored electric and magnetic energies are

Total stored energy

The power loss in conducting walls
Ñ for imperfect conducting walls
ÿower loss in dielectric
Ñ if dielectric loss present

ë x èoss tangent of the dielectric

Total Ñ

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