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Principles and Practice
Edition 3


Professor Emeritus
Department of Neurology
Kyoto University
Kyoto, Japan

Division of Clinical Electrophysiology
Department of Neurology
University of Iowa College of Medicine
Iowa City, Iowa



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Copyright © 2001 by Oxford University Press, Inc.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Kimura, Jun.
Electrodiagnosis in diseases of nerve and muscle: principles and practice / Jun
Kimura.—Ed. 3.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-19-512977-6 (cloth : alk. paper)
1. Neuromuscular diseases—Diagnosis. 2. Electromyography. 3. Electrodiagnosis.
I. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Neuromuscular Diseases—diagnosis. 2. Electrodiagnosis—methods. 3.
Neural Conduction—physiology. 4. Spinal Cord Diseases—diagnosis. 5. Synaptic
Transmission—physiology. WE 550 K49e 2000]
RC925.7 .K55 2000
616.7'407547—dc21 00-025011

As new scientific information becomes available through basic and clinical research,
recommended procedures undergo changes. The author and publisher have done
everything possible to make this book accurate, up-to-date, and in accord with
accepted standards at the time of publication. Nonetheless, the reader is advised
always to check changes and new information regarding the current practice and
contraindications before conducting any tests. Caution is especially urged with new
or infrequently used equipment.

1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2

Printed in the United States of America

on acid-free paper
To Junko
our growing family
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I know it is unwise to open introductory remarks with excuses be-

cause they instantaneously weaken the impact and preempt the
thrust of the message. Nonetheless, I wish to offer an explanation
for the enormous delay of this publication in spite of my good in-
tention to comply with the warm encouragement for a timely revi-
In 1989, immediately after the completion of the second edition,
unforeseen turns of events prompted my unscheduled return to
Kyoto to teach at my alma mater. I was able to maintain close ties
with the University of Iowa thanks to Dr. Antonio Damasio, Chair
of the Department of Neurology, who offered me a joint appoint-
ment with a ten-year leave of absence. Despite this liaison, an un-
planned relocation at once doomed any hopes of repeating a six
year cycle of revisions from the original date of publication in 1983.
Besides, continued involvement with the Muscle & Nerve, as well
as the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (IFCN)
and the World Federation of Neurology (WFN), in essence, precluded
any progress toward a timely finish.
Additionally, I found myself in the midst of a re-entry crisis after
a 30 year stay abroad which climaxed with a sadly misdirected le-
gal probe into our accounting of research donation from pharma-
ceutical industry and the fund raising for the 10th International
Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology (X-ICEMGCN Ky-
oto, 1995). Ironically, the incident provided me with an unexpected
opportunity to concentrate on rewriting the manuscripts as pro-
longed and persistent press surveillance all but forced my unin-
tended seclusion at home. In fact, I found myself in an ideal posi-
tion to update the text using ample and uninterrupted time with
which to analyze bits and pieces of documents assembled over the
past several years. The turmoil, which was widely publicized in
Japan as one of the biggest scandals of 1997, ended triumphantly
(for us) with the resignation of the prosecutor in charge and the
disbandment of the special task force, proving yet again that jus-
tice may be blindfolded but the truth always sets you free.
During this interim, some new fields have emerged in our disci-
pline requiring their inclusion as additional chapters and other ex-
isting areas have gained importance in patient care necessitating
expanded coverages. These include magnetic stimulation, human
reflexes, late responses, motor unit number estimate, quantitative
electromyography, and threshold electrotonus to mention only a
few. Advanced technology has brought considerable modifications
in theory and practice in many other areas, although the basic
premises remain the same in electrophysiologic approaches and in
clinical problem solving. Parallel advances in other fields of neuro-
science have led to equally exciting progress in the exploration of
many disease processes in general, and to the understanding of
neuropathies, muscular dystrophies, myasthenic syndrome and
movement disorders in particular. I have thus rewritten, in their
entirety, the chapters on principles and variation of conduction
studies; facts, fallacies and fancies of nerve stimulation technique;
other techniques to assess nerve function; the F wave and A wave;
somatosensory and motor evoked potentials; electrodiagnosis in the
pediatric population; and all the clinical sections included in Part
VI and Part VII with the addition of ethical consideration in clini-
cal practice as an appendix. The remaining chapters also under-
went substantial changes to reflect current understanding. The ad-
dition of some 2500 new papers, which I personally reviewed, attest
to the incredible advances in what was once considered to be a sta-
tic, rather than dynamic, field of clinical electrophysiology. To
achieve comprehensive coverage, I retained most of the old articles
to document earlier contributions. However, for the sake of brevity,
the text emphasizes basic principles, summarizing only pertinent
points for day to day practice. The inclusion of ample new refer-
ences should enable interested readers to consult the original pa-
pers for further details.
My decision to take on this venture affected—directly or indi-
rectly—many innocent bystanders who had to shoulder additional
workloads while I devoted myself in writing. In particular, I owe spe-
cial thanks to our staff in Kyoto guided by Dr. Ichiro Akiguchi who,
along with Dr. Shinichi Nakamura, Dr. Nobuyuki Oka and Dr. Shun
Shimohama, assumed many administrative chores. Dr. Ryuji Kaji,
together with Dr. Nobuo Kohara, supervised the Clinical Neuro-
physiology Laboratory where our post-doctoral fellows contributed
many new research insights useful for this revision. I am most grate-
ful to Professor Hiroshi Shibasaki and his staff, which consisted of
Dr. Hidenao Fukuyama, Dr. Takashi Nagamine and Dr. Akio Ikeda
of the Department of Clinical Brain Pathophysiology for their sup-
port. Our secretarial personnel, including Mari Yamane, Kayoko
Morii, Kyoko Maekawa, Tomoko Noboru and Kumiko Imai,
processed an enormous amount of English literature without hav-
ing prior exposure to foreign materials. Last, but not least, Machiko
Miyamoto typed and retyped the entire volume single-handedly, as
she was the only Japanese assistant proficient in English.
It was my good fortune to be able to complete the revision at the
Division of Clinical Neurophysiology at the University of Iowa headed
by Dr. Thoru Yamada, who directs the EEG section there with the
assistance of Drs. Malcom Yeh and Dr. Mark Granner. I enjoyed a
most flexible time schedule in the EMG section thanks to Dr. Ed-
ward Aul who filled in whenever necessary, along with the help of
Dr. Torage Shivapour and Dr. Jon Tippin. Dr. Eric Dyken, in charge
of the Sleep Disorder Laboratory, read the entire book and provided
useful suggestions. David Walker, M.S.E.E., rewrote the appendix
on electronics, which was previously co-authored by Pete Seaba,
M.S.E.E., who also gave helpful advice. I am indebted to Sheila Men-
nen, Shelli Hahn and Leigha Rios for their indispensable technical
and clerical help during my renewed part-time work in Iowa. Ms.
Mermen had already assisted with the first and second editions,
therefore, I appreciated her sentiment when she inquired as to
whether there would ever be a fourth edition!
I would also like to thank Lauren Enck and Susan Hannan at
Oxford University Press for inheriting the 3rd edition from F.A. Davis
in the midst of production, and for guiding me with patience and
encouragement despite the slow progress of the adopted project. I
am indebted to the American Association of Electrodiagnostic Med-
icine (AAEM) and its Nomenclature Committee, who granted me per-
mission to reprint the AAEE Glossary of Terms in Clinical Elec-
tromyography (1987) as Appendix 5.
In concluding this acknowledgment, I wish to update a personal
note on our household which, in the earlier editions, triggered many
kind remarks. We now have an attorney in San Francisco, a resi-
dent physician in Madison, and a counselor for handicapped chil-
dren in our home base in Iowa City. Junko, my wife, often refers
to herself as "an international cleaning lady", and periodically vis-
its all five posts including my retreat in Kyoto, which is buried un-
der manuscripts and always ranks bottom in her assessment. Our
boys have finally grown old enough to appreciate the magnitude of
the work involved in producing a textbook. For my 60th birthday,
which in Japan customarily warrants a special celebration in recog-
nition of one's accomplishment (regardless of any achieved), our
three sons and a daughter-in-law came to Kyoto to honor my en-
deavors. I consider it my good fortune to be able to work on this
edition in such a warm and conducive environment.
This book is again dedicated to Junko in appreciation for her com-
panionship, and to our growing family to acknowledge their com-
passionate, albeit spiritual, support. I take great comfort in the
thought that, at long last, we may endow the royalty from this book
as down payment for their first homes rather than tuition: I am
thrilled that, for a change, we can actually witness the rewards of
our investment!
Kyoto, Japan J. K.

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The preparation for the second edition began in 1983 with the orig-
inal volume still in press, literally before the ink had dried. Kind
encouragements and constructive criticisms received from different
corners of the world added further incentive for early revision. Most
suggestions proved helpful in improving the contents and style. A
few requests, however, posed problems because they represented
mutually exclusive views: for example, inclusion or exclusion of ex-
panded coverage of evoked potential studies. Here, I had to accept
the old maxim that, however much one wishes, one cannot please
everybody all the time (or even most people much of the time!).
Thus, I followed my own bias as to the relative importance of a topic
for the principles and practice of electrodiagnosis.
This revision, though initially conceived as routine and minor,
eventually required major changes, in part reflecting the rapid med-
ical and technologic advances in the field during the past five years.
The sections rewritten in their entirety include Facts, Fallacies, and
Fancies of Nerve Stimulation Techniques (Chapter 7), Single-Fiber
and Macro Electromyography (Chapter 15), Somatosensory and Mo-
tor Evoked Potentials (Chapter 19), Polyneuropathies (Chapter 22),
Myasthenia Gravis and Other Disorders of Neuromuscular Trans-
mission (Chapter 24), Myopathies (Chapter 25), and Fundamentals
of Electronics and Electrical Safety (Appendices 2 and 3). Most other
sections also underwent substantial changes to update, clarify, and
tighten the contents. The book now cites more than 1200 additional
references selected from some 2500 recent publications that I per-
sonally reviewed, with the hope that the inclusive bibliography helps
encourage further research in the area of electrodiagnostic medi-
The hustle and bustle inherent to the preparation of voluminous
manuscripts, by necessity, involve directly or indirectly those who
share the work environment with the author. I could not have com-
pleted the job without assistance from my colleagues, who endured
the fate of "galley" slaves over an extended period of time. Drs. Thoru
Yamada and Stokes Dickins ran the busy services of the Division
despite my preoccupation with writing. D. David Walker, M.S.E.E.,
rewrote the appendix on electronics previously coauthored by Pete
Seaba, M.S.E.E., who left the ranks for private enterprise. Sheila
Mennen, our Chief Technologist, Deborah Gevock, and Cheri
Doggett played major roles in maintaining the daily clinical opera-
tion and organizing technical as well as secretarial needs. A num-
ber of clinical fellows and residents participated in teaching ses-
sions, shedding new insights into the type of coverage essential in
an electrodiagnostic text. A total of 35 research fellows from Japan
and elsewhere spent one to two years with us during this interim
contributing original data in clinical electrophysiology, much of
which found its way into the revised text.
Dr. Maurice Van Allen, who had provided a kind foreword for the
first edition, continued to support my literary endeavor until his
untimely death in 1986. I lost a teacher and friend, and a new fore-
word, which he had promised. He had jokingly, but perhaps with
good reason, attributed the success of the first edition to his open-
ing remarks, which are retained in his honor. Dr. A. L. Sahs, who
initiated me into neurology, rendering help when I needed it most,
also passed away later in the same year. It was my good fortune
that the Department prospered under the direction of Dr. Antonio
Damasio, who, together with Dr. Robert L. Rodnitzky, provided the
kind of environment enticing to academic pursuit. I owe my thanks
to Mr. Robert H. Craven, Sr., Mr. Robert H. Craven, Jr., Dr. Sylvia
Fields, Ms. Linda Weinerman, Ms. Jessie Raymond, and Mr. Her-
bert Powell of F.A. Davis for their patience and encouragement. I
am indebted to the American Association of Electromyography and
Electrodiagnosis and its Nomenclature Committee, who granted per-
mission to reprint the AAEE Glossary of Terms in Clinical Elec-
tromyography (1987) as Appendix 4.
The work turned into a family project of sorts over the past sev-
eral years. Our three sons, five years older and perhaps wiser, if
not quieter, could now assist in substance by typing the book, cover
to cover, into a word processor to facilitate rewriting. I acknowledge
the yeomans' service by honoring their request again to dedicate
the book to their mother, who, I know, has funded the teenagers'
operation from time to time to boost their spirit of devotion. We lost
her father and mine during the preparation of the first edition and
my mother in this interim. I salute them for their constant support
of our venture abroad, with the credit given to whom it is most jus-
tifiably due.
J. K.


I found particular pleasure in preparing this foreword to the work

of a colleague whose professional development and scientific ac-
complishments I have followed very closely indeed for some twenty
Dr. Kimura, very early after his training in neurology, expressed
an interest in clinical electrophysiology. His energy and talents led
to full-time assignment and responsibility for the development and
application of electrodiagnostic techniques in our laboratory of elec-
tromyography and then to direction of the Division of Clinical Elec-
From his early assignment, Dr. Kimura has exploited the possi-
bilities for the applications of clinical electrophysiologic techniques
to their apparent limits, which, however, seem to continually ad-
vance to the benefit of us all. This volume is based on very exten-
sive personal experience with application of all of the now recog-
nized procedures.
The beginner will be able to follow this discipline from its histor-
ical roots to the latest techniques with the advantage of an ex-
planatory background of the clinical, physiologic, anatomic, and
pathologic foundations of the methods and their interpretation. The
instrumentation, so essential to any success in application of tech-
niques, is further described and explained. The more experienced
diagnostician will both appreciate and profit from this pragmatic,
well-organized, and authoritative source with its important biblio-
graphic references; the beginner will find it a bible.
There are few areas in electrodiagnosis that Dr. Kimura does not
address from his own extensive experience, backed by clinical and
pathologic confirmation. The sections on the blink reflex and the F
wave reflect his own pioneering work. He has closely followed the
application of new techniques to the study of disease of the central
nervous system by evoked cerebral potentials from the beginning.
These sections reflect a substantial personal experience in estab-
lishment of standards and in interpretation of changes in disease.
So important are the findings of electrodiagnostic methods that
the clinical neurologist must himself be an expert in their inter-
pretation. Preferably he should perform tests on his own patients
or closely supervise such tests. Only in this way can he best derive
the data that he needs or direct the examination in progress to se-
cure important information as unexpected findings appear. To ac-
quire the knowledge to guide him either in supervised training or
in self-teaching, he needs first an excellent and comprehensive guide
such as this text by Dr. Kimura.
Dr. Kimura is justifiably regarded as a leader in clinical electro-
physiology both nationally and internationally. Those of us who
profit from daily contact with him should be pardoned for our pride
in this substantial and authoritative work.
Maurice W. Van Allen, M.D.


This book grew out of my personal experience in working with fel-

lows and residents in our electromyography laboratory. It is in-
tended for clinicians who perform electrodiagnostic procedures as
an extension of their clinical examination. As such, it emphasizes
the electrical findings in the context of the clinical disorder. Al-
though the choice of material has been oriented toward neurology,
I have attempted to present facts useful to practicing electromyo-
graphers regardless of their clinical disciplines. I hope that the book
will also prove to be of value to neurologists and physiatrists who
are interested in neuromuscular disorders and to others who reg-
ularly request electrodiagnostic tests as an integral part of their
clinical practice.
The book is divided into seven parts and three appendices. Part
1 provides an overview of basic anatomy and physiology of the neu-
romuscular system. Nerve conduction studies, tests of neuromus-
cular transmission, and conventional and single-fiber electromyo-
graphy are described in the next three parts. Part 5 covers
supplemental methods designed to test less accessible regions of
the nervous system. The last two parts are devoted to clinical dis-
cussion. The appendices consist of the historical review, electron-
ics and instrumentation, and a glossary of terms.
The selection of technique is necessarily influenced by the spe-
cial interest of the author. Thus, in Part 5, the blink reflex, F wave,
H reflex, and somatosensory evoked potential have been given more
emphasis than is customary in other texts. I hope that I am not
overestimating their practical importance and that these newer tech-
niques will soon find their way into routine clinical practice. This
is, of course, not to de-emphasize the conventional methods, which
I hope are adequately covered in this text. The ample space allo-
cated for clinical discussion in Parts 6 and 7 reflects my personal
conviction that clinical acumen is a prerequisite for meangingful
electrophysiologic evaluations. Numerous references are provided to

document the statements made in the text. I hope that use of these
references will promote interest and research in the field of elec-
J. K.


I came from the Island of the Rising Sun, where English is not the
native language. It was thus with trepidation that I undertook the
task of writing an English text. Although its completion gives me
personal pride and satisfaction, I hasten to acknowledge that the
goal could not have been achieved without help from others.
Dr. M. W. Van Allen has provided me with more than a kind fore-
word. I wish to thank him for his initial encouragement and con-
tinued support and advice. He was one of the first to do elec-
tromyography in Iowa. During my early years of training I had the
pleasure of using his battery-operated amplifier and a homemade
loudspeaker (which worked only in his presence). I am indebted to
Dr. A. L. Sahs, who initiated me into the field of clinical neurology,
and Dr. J. R. Knot, who taught me clinical neurophysiology. I am
grateful to Drs. T. Yamada and E. Shivapour for attending the busy
service of the Division of Clinical Electrophysiology while I devoted
myself to writing. Dr. Yamada also gave me most valuable assis-
tance in preparing the section on central somatosensory evoked
potentials, which includes many of his original contributions. Drs.
R. L. Rodnitzky, E. P. Bosch, J. T. Wilkinson, A. M. Brugger,
F. O. Walker, and H. C. Chui read the manuscript and gave most
helpful advice. Peter J. Seaba, M.S.E.E., and D. David Walker,
M.S.E.E., our electrical engineers, contributed Appendix 2 and re-
viewed the text.
My special thanks go to the technicians and secretaries of the Di-
vision of Clinical Electrophysiology. Sheila R. Mermen, the senior
technician of our electromyography laboratory, typed (and retyped
time and time again) all the manuscript with devotion and dedica-
tion. Deborah A. Gevock, Cheri L. Doggett, Joanne M. Colter, Lauri
Longnecker, Jane Austin, Sharon S. Rath, Lori A. Garwood, and
Allen L. Frauenholtz have all given me valuable technical or secre-
tarial assistance. Linda C. Godfrey and her staff in the Medical
Graphics Department have been most helpful in preparing illus-

I owe my gratitude to Mr. Robert H. Craven, Sr., Mr. Robert H.
Craven, Jr., Dr. Sylvia K. Fields, Miss Agnes A. Hunt, Ms. Sally
Burke, Miss Lenoire Brown, Mrs. Christine H. Young, and two
anonymous reviewers of the F. A. Davis Company for their interest
and invaluable guidance. A number of previously published figures
and tables have been reproduced with permission from the pub-
lishers and authors. I wish to express my sincere appreciation for
their courtesy. The sources are acknowledged in the legends. The
Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Electromyography of the
American Association of Electromyography and Electrodiagnosis is
reprinted in its entirety as Appendix 3, with kind permission from
the Association and the members of the Nomenclature Committee.
My sons asked if the book might be dedicated to them for hav-
ing kept mostly, though not always, quiet during my long hours of
writing at home. However, the honor went to their mother instead,
a decision enthusiastically approved by the children, in apprecia-
tion for her effort to keep peace at home. In concluding the ac-
knowledgment, my heart goes to the members of my family in
Nagoya and those of my wife's in Takayama, who have given us
kind and warm support throughout our prolonged stay abroad. The
credit is certainly theirs for my venture finally coming to fruition.
J. K.


Part I

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3


Part II

Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Part III

Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Part IV

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Part V
Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20
Chapter 21
CORD 554

Chapter 22

Part VI

Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Part VII
Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29
8. TETANUS 834
9. TETANY 834
11. CRAMPS 835
14. TREMOR 838
17. DYSTONIA 839

Appendix 1
Appendix 2
7. FILTERS 872
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5

Part I
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Chapter 1

Facial Nerve
Trigeminal Nerve
Accessory Nerve
Phrenic Nerve
Dorsal Scapular Nerve
Suprascapular Nerve
Musculocutaneous Nerve
Axillary Nerve
Radial Nerve
Median Nerve
Ulnar Nerve
General Rules and Anomalies
Iliohypogastric Nerve
Ilioinguinal Nerve
Genitofemoral Nerve
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
Femoral Nerve
Saphenous Nerve
Obturator Nerve
Superior and Inferior Gluteal Nerves
Sciatic Nerve
Tibial Nerve
Common Peroneal Nerve
Sural Nerve

4 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

1 INTRODUCTION ment of reflex amplitude and latencies as

well as complex motor phenomena.
Individual methods can be used to ex-
Electrodiagnosis, as an extension of the plore different groups of overlapping neural
neurologic examination, employs the circuits. Meaningful analysis of electro-
same anatomic principles of localization, physiologic findings, therefore, demands an
searching for evidence of motor and sen- adequate knowledge of neuroanatomy. In
sory compromise (Fig. 1-1). Neurophys- addition, an electromyographer must learn
iologic studies supplement the clinical superficial anatomy of skeletal muscles and
examination by providing additional pre- peripheral nerves as a prerequisite for ac-
cision, detail, and objectivity. They delin- curate placement of the recording and
eate a variety of pathological changes that stimulating electrodes. The first part of this
may otherwise escape detection, and they chapter contains a review of peripheral
help examine atrophic, deeply situated, or neuroanatomy important for the perfor-
paretic muscles, which tend to defy clin- mance and interpretation of electrodiag-
ical evaluation. Specialized techniques nostic studies. A concise summary of clin-
provide means to test the neuromuscular ically useful information serves as a
junction per se, even though it is an in- framework for the rest of the text.
tegral part of the motor system. Electrical Despite the recognized importance of un-
studies also allow quantitative assess- derstanding muscle and nerve anatomy,

Cerebrum Stroke
DTR- Motor Brainstem M.S.
With Neuron
Sensory Spinal Cord Tumor
Motor Peripheral Neuropathy
,DTR Nerve
Weakness Neuron

Sensory Anterior Poliomyelitis
Horn Cells
Neuromuscular Myasthenia Gravis
Junction Myasthenic Syndrome

Without Muscle Muscular Dystrophy
Anatomical Dx Muscle Metabolic Myopathy

Examples With Muscle Polymyositis

Figure 1-1. Simplified diagram illustrating the differential diagnosis of weakness, with major divisions into
those with or without sensory abnormalities. Patients having sensory symptoms must show involvement of
the nervous system rather than of muscle or neuromuscular junction. Disease of upper motor neurons char-
acteristically shows increased stretch reflexes, while disease of the lower motor neurons is characterized by
decreased stretch reflexes. Patients without sensory disturbances may still have nervous system disease, es-
pecially if the weakness is associated with hyperreflexia, as in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Most patients,
however, exhibit hyporeflexia, as seen in anterior horn cell lesions, diseases of the neuromuscular junction,
or primary muscle disorders (see Chapters 23 through 29).
Anatomic Basis for Localization 5

written descriptions render the subject 2 CRANIAL NERVES

complicated and rather dry. The use of
schematic illustrations in this chapter sim-
plifies the discussion to compensate for Of the 12 cranial nerves, nine innervate
this inherent problem. Existing texts pro- voluntary muscles, as summarized in
vide more detailed accounts in regard to Table 1-1. The oculomotor, trochlear, and
the superficial anatomy of skeletal mus- abducens nerves control the movement of
cles6,7,10,14 or to the general peripheral the eyes. The trigeminal nerve innervates
neuromuscular anatomy.1-3,9,13 the muscles of mastication; the facial

Table 1-1 Muscles Innervated by the Cranial Nerves and Cervical Plexus
Nerve Mesencephalon Pons Medulla C-2 C-3 C-4
Oculomotor Levator
Trochlear _ Superior
Trigeminal Masseter
Abducens _ Lateral
Facial Frontalis
Digastric &
Glosso- Laryngeal
pharyngeal muscles
Vagus Laryngeal
Accessory Laryngeal
(cranial muscles
Hypoglossal Tongue
Accessory Sternocleidomastoid
(spinal Trapezius
root) Upper

Cervical Trapezius
plexus Lower
Phrenic Diaphragm
6 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

nerve, the muscles of facial expression. The cause a peripheral, rather than central,
laryngeal muscles receive innervation from type of facial palsy. The facial nerve com-
the glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves and plex exits the brainstem ventrolaterally at
the cranial root of the accessory nerve. The the caudal pons. Acoustic neuromas or
hypoglossal nerve supplies the tongue. The other cerebellopontine angle masses may
spinal root of the accessory nerve inner- compress the nerve in this area. After tra-
vates the sternocleidomastoid and upper versing the subarachnoid space, the facial
portion of the trapezius. Of these, the nerve enters the internal auditory meatus.
nerves most commonly tested in an elec- Here it begins the longest and most com-
tromyographic laboratory include the fa- plex intraosseous course of any nerve in
cial, trigeminal, and accessory nerves. the body. Within this segment lies the pre-
sumed site of lesion in Bell's palsy. Upon
exiting from the skull through the stylo-
Facial Nerve mastoid foramen, the facial nerve pene-
trates the superficial and deep lobes of the
The course of the facial nerve, from the nu- parotid gland. It then branches with some
cleus to the distal trunk, consists of four variation into five distal segments (Fig. 1-3).
arbitrarily subdivided segments (Fig. 1-2).
The central component, referred to as the
intrapontine portion, initially courses pos- Trigeminal Nerve
teriorly to loop around the sixth nerve nu-
cleus. Its elongated course makes it vul- The trigeminal nerve subserves all super-
nerable to various pontine lesions, which ficial sensation to the face and buccal and

Figure 1-2. Functional components of the facial nerve and the three major divisions of the trigeminal nerve.
The facial nerve (N, VII), consists of the portion at the stylomastoid foramen (A), middle segment distal to
the geniculate ganglion (B), and a more proximal segment that includes extrapontine and intrapontine path-
ways (C). [From Carpenter,3 with permission.]
Anatomic Basis for Localization 7

Figure 1-3. Major types of fa-

cial nerve branching and inter-
communication with percent-
age occurrence of each pattern
in 350 recordings. [From An-
son,1 with permission.)

nasal mucosa. It also supplies the mus- cleus of the trigeminal nerve located in the
cles of mastication, which consist of the midpons, medial to the main sensory nu-
masseters, temporalis, and pterygoids. cleus. This pathway provides the anatomic
The ophthalmic and maxillary divisions of substrate for the masseter reflex. The first
the trigeminal nerve supply sensation to component of the blink reflex probably fol-
the upper and middle parts of the face, lows a disynaptic connection from the
whereas the mandibular division carries main sensory nucleus to the ipsilateral fa-
the sensory fibers to the lower portion of cial nucleus. The pathway for the second
the face as well as the motor fibers (see component, relayed through polysynaptic
Fig. 1-2). The first-order neurons, con- connections, include the ipsilateral spinal
cerned primarily with tactile sensation, nucleus and the facial nuclei on both
have their cell bodies in the gasserian gan- sides (see Fig. 17-1).
glion. Their proximal branches enter the
lateral portion of the pons and ascend to
reach the main sensory nucleus. Those Accessory Nerve
fibers subserving pain and temperature
sensation also have cell bodies in the The cranial accessory nerve has the cell
gasserian ganglion. Upon entering the bodies in the nucleus ambiguus. The
pons, their fibers descend to reach the fibers join the vagus nerve and together
spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve. distribute to the striated muscles of the
The first-order afferent fibers, subserv- pharynx and larynx. Thus, despite the tra-
ing proprioception from the muscles of ditional name, the cranial portion of the
mastication, have their cell bodies in the accessory nerve functionally constitutes a
mesencephalic nucleus. They make mono- part of the vagus nerve. The spinal ac-
synaptic connection with the motor nu- cessory nerve has its cells of origin in the
8 Basics of Electrodiagnosi

Figure 1-4. Communication between the last four cranial nerves on the right side viewed from the dorso-
lateral aspect. Note the division of the accessory nerve into the cranial accessory nerve, which joins the va-
gal nerve, and the spinal accessory nerve, which supplies the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles.
[From Williams and Warwick,15 with permission.]

spinal nucleus located in the first five or 3 ANTERIOR AND

six cervical segments of the spinal cord POSTERIOR RAMI
(Figs. 1-4 and 1-5). The fibers ascend in
the spinal canal to enter the cranial cav-
ity through the foramen magnum and The anterior and posterior roots, each com-
then leave by the jugular foramen to end posed of several rootlets, emerge from the
in the trapezius and the sternocleidomas- spinal cord carrying motor and sensory
toid muscles. These two muscles receive fibers, respectively (Fig. 1-7). They join to
additional nerve supply directly from C2 form the spinal nerve that exits from the
through C4 roots although their motor spinal canal through the respective inter-
contribution is minimal.8 The spinal ac- vertebral foramina. A small ganglion, con-
cessory nerve provides the sole motor taining the cell bodies of sensory fibers, lies
function, whereas the cervical roots sub- on each posterior root in the intervertebral
serve purely proprioceptive sensation (Fig. foramina just proximal to its union with the
1-6). The accessory nucleus consists of anterior root but distal to the cessation of
several separate portions. Thus, a lesion the dural sleeve. There are 31 spinal nerves
in the spinal cord may affect it only in part, on each side: 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lum-
causing partial paralysis of the muscle bar, 5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal nerve. After
groups innervated by this nerve. This cen- passing through the foramina, the spinal
tral dissociation could mimic a peripheral nerve branches into two divisions, the an-
lesion affecting individual branches. terior and posterior primary rami.
Figure 1-5. The sternocleido-
mastoid divides the field bounded
by the trapezius, mandible, mid-
line of neck, and clavicle into an-
terior and posterior triangles. The
obliquely coursing omohyoid fur-
ther subdivides the posterior tri-
angle into occipital and subcla-
vian triangles. The contents of
the occipital and subclavian tri-
angles include the cervical
plexus, spinal accessory nerve,
and brachial plexus. The spinal
accessory nerve becomes rela-
tively superficial in the middle
portion of the stemocleidomas-
toid along its posterior margin,
thus making it accessible to per-
cutaneous stimulation. [From
Anson,1 with permission.] CERVICAL TRIANGLES

Figure 1-6. Anterior rami of

the cervical spinal nerves,
forming the cervical plexus.
Note the phrenic nerve sup-
plying the diaphragm, and
the branches from C2, C3,
and C4 roots and the acce-
sory nerve, both innervating1
the trapezius. [From Anson,
with permission.]

10 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

cles branch off the spinal nerve just dis-

tal to the intervertebral foramen. Hence,
denervation found at this level differenti-
ates radiculopathy from more distal le-
sions of the plexus or peripheral nerve.
The reverse does not necessarily hold, es-
pecially in early stages of the disease,
when the compressing lesions may only
irritate the root without causing struc-
tural damage. Futhermore, spontaneous
discharges appear in the denervated mus-
cles only two to three weeks after nerve
injury. Similar to the innervation of the
intercostal muscles by the anterior rami,
the paraspinal muscles receive supplies
from multiple posterior rami with sub-
stantial overlap. Therefore, the distribu-
tion of abnormalities in the limb muscles
rather than the paraspinal muscles de-
termines the level of a radicular lesion.


Figure 1-7. Ventral and dorsal roots forming the
spinal nerve, which divides into the anterior and pos- The anterior rami of the upper four cervi-
terior rami. The sensory ganglion of the dorsal root
lies within the respective12 intervertebral foramen. cal nerves, C1 through C4, form the cer-
[From Ranson and Clark, with permission.] vical plexus (Fig. 1-6). It innervates the
lateral and anterior flexors of the head,
which consist of the rectus capitis later-
The posterior rami supply the posterior alls, anterior longus capitis, and anterior
part of the skin and the paraspinal mus- longus colli. The brachial plexus, formed
cles, which include the rectus capitis pos- by the anterior rami of C5 through T1
terior, oblique capitis superior and infe- spinal nerves, supply the muscles of the
rior, semispinalis capitis, splenius capitis, upper limb. Occasional variations of in-
longus capitis, and sacrospinalis. These nervation include the prefixed brachial
muscles extend the head, neck, trunk, and plexus with main contributions from C4
pelvis, respectively. The anterior rami sup- through C8, and the postfixed brachial
ply the skin of the anterolateral portion of plexus derived primarily from C6 through
the trunk and the limbs. They also form T2. Tables 1-1 and 1-2 present a summary
the brachial and lumbosacral plexuses, of the anatomic relationship between the
which, in turn, give rise to peripheral nerves derived from cervical and brachial
nerves in the arms and legs. The anterior plexuses and the muscles of the shoulder,
rami of the thoracic spinal nerves become arm, and hand.
12 pairs of intercostal nerves supplying Topographic divisions of the brachial
the intercostal and abdominal muscles. At plexus include the root, trunk, cord, and
least two adjoining intercostal nerves sup- peripheral nerve (Fig. 1-8). Two nerves
ply each segmental level in both the tho- originate directly from the roots before the
racic and abdominal regions. formation of the trunks: dorsal scapular
The diagnosis of a root lesion depends nerve from C5, innervating levator scapu-
on identifying abnormalities confined to a lae and rhomboid, and long thoracic nerve
single spinal nerve without affecting ad- from C5, C6, and C7, supplying serratus
jacent higher or lower levels. The poste- anterior. The roots then combine to give
rior rami that supply the paraspinal mus- rise to three trunks. The union of C5 and
Anatomic Basis for Localization 11

Figure 1-8. Anatomy of the

brachial plexus with eventual
destination of all root compo-
nents. The brachial plexus
gives rise to (A) dorsal scapu-
lar, (B) suprascapular, (C) lat-
eral pectoral, (D) musculo-
cutaneous and its sensory
branch, (E) lateral antebra-
chial cutaneous, (F) median,
(G) axillary, (H) radial, (/) ul-
nar, (J) medial antebrachial
cutaneous, (K) thoraccorsal,
(I) subscapular, (M) medial
pectoral, and (N) long tho-
racic nerves. In addition, the
radial nerve gives off the pos-
terior antebrachial cutaneous
nerve (not shown) at the level
of the spiral groove. [Modified
from Patten,9 with permis-

C6 forms the upper trunk, and that of C8 which gives rise to the musculocutaneous
and T1, the lower trunk, whereas the C7 nerve and its sensory branch, lateral an-
root alone continues as the middle trunk. tebrachial cutaneous nerve, and the outer
Each of the three trunks gives off anterior branch of the median nerve. The anterior
and posterior divisions. The posterior division of the lower trunk, forming the
cord, formed by the union of all three pos- medial cord, gives off the ulnar nerve, me-
terior divisions, gives off the subscapular dial antebrachial cutaneous nerve, and
nerve innervating teres major, thora- the inner branch of the median nerve.
codorsal nerve supplying latissimus dorsi The trunks pass through the supraclav-
and axillary nerve subserving deltoid and icular fossa under the cervical and scalenus
teres minor, and continues as the radial muscles, forming the cords just above the
nerve. The anterior divisions of the upper clavicle at the level of the first rib. Accom-
and middle trunks form the lateral cord, panied by the subclavian artery, the cords
12 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

traverse the space known as the thoracic imal portion of the upper trunk of the
outlet between the first rib and the clavi- brachial plexus, supplies the rhomboid
cle. Consequently, injuries above the clav- major and minor and a portion of the le-
icle affect the trunks; those below, the vator scapulae, which keeps the scapula
cords. A more distal lesion involves the attached to the posterior chest wall dur-
peripheral nerves that emerge from the ing arm motion. The rhomboid receives in-
cords between the clavicle and axilla. nervation only from a single root (C5) in
contrast to the other shoulder girdle mus-
cles supplied by multiple roots.
Phrenic Nerve
The phrenic nerve, one of the most impor- Suprascapular Nerve
tant branches of the cervical plexus, arises
from C3 and C4 roots and innervates the The suprascapular nerve arises from C5
ipsilateral hemidiaphragm (Table 1-1). and C6 roots through the upper trunk of
the brachial plexus. It reaches the upper
border of the scapula behind the brachial
Dorsal Scapular Nerve plexus to enter the suprascapular notch,
a possible site of entrapment. The nerve
The dorsal scapular nerve, derived from supplies the supraspinatus and infra-
C4 and C5 roots through the most prox- spinatus (Fig. 1-8).

Figure 1-9. Musculocutaneous

nerve (A) and ulnar nerve (B),
and the muscles they supply.
The common sites of lesion in-
clude ulnar groove and cubital
tunnel (1), Guyon's canal (2),
and midpalm (3). [Modified
from The Guarantors of Brain:
Aids to the Examination of 7the
Peripheral Nervous System. ]
Anatomic Basis for Localization 13

Figure 1-10. Axillary nerve (A)

and radial nerve (B) with its main
terminal branch, the posterior
interosseous nerve (C), and the
muscles they supply. The nerve
injury may occur at the axilla (1),
spiral groove (2), or elbow (3), as
in the posterior interosseous nerve
syndrome. [Modified from The
Guarantors of Brain: Aids to the
Examination of7 the Peripheral
Nervous System. ]

Musculocutaneous Nerve minor, and a small area of the skin over

the lateral aspect of the arm (Fig. 1-10).
The musculocutaneous nerve originates
from the lateral cord of the brachial plexus
near the lower border of the pectoralis mi- 5 PRINCIPAL NERVES OF
nor (Fig. 1-9). Its axons, chiefly derived THE UPPER LIMB
from C5 and C6 roots, reach the biceps,
brachialis, and coracobrachialis, with
some variations of innervation for the last Radial Nerve
two muscles. Its terminal sensory branch,
called the lateral antebrachial cutaneous The radial nerve, as a continuation of the
nerve, supplies the skin over the lateral posterior cord, derives its axons from C5
aspect of the forearm. through C8, or all the spinal roots con-
tributing to the brachial plexus (Fig. 1-8).
The nerve gives off its supply to the three
Axillary Nerve heads of the triceps and the anconeus,
which originates from the lateral epi-
The axillary nerve, originating from C5 condyle of the humerus as an extension
and C6 roots, arises from the posterior of the medial head . The radial nerve then
cord as the last branch of the brachial enters the spiral groove winding around
plexus. It supplies the deltoid and teres the humerus posteriorly from the medial
14 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

to the lateral side (Fig. 1-10) giving off a terior cord, branching off the main truck
sensory branch, posterior antebrachial about 10 cm above the wrist as the su-
cutaneous nerve, which innervates the perficial radial nerve, which supplies the
skin of the lateral arm and the dorsal fore- skin over the lateral aspect of the dorsum
arm. As the nerve emerges from the spi- of the hand.
ral groove, it supplies the brachioradialis,
the only flexor innervated by the radial
nerve, and, slightly more distally, the ex- Median Nerve
tensor carpi radialis longus. Located lat-
eral to the biceps at the level of the lat- The median nerve arises from the lateral
eral epicondyle, it enters the forearm and medial cords of the brachial plexus
between the brachialis and brachioradi- as a mixed nerve derived from the C6 and
alis. At this point, it divides into a mus- T1 roots (Fig. 1-8). It supplies most fore-
cle branch, the posterior interosseous arm flexors and the muscles of the thenar
nerve, and a sensory branch, which sur- eminence. It also subserves sensation to
faces in the distal third of the forearm. the skin over the lateral aspect of the palm
The muscle branch innervates the supina- and the dorsal surfaces of the terminal
tor, the abductor pollicis longus, and all phalanges, along with the volar surfaces
the extensor muscles in the forearm: ex- of the thumb, the index and middle fin-
tensor carpi radialis longus and brevis, gers, and half of the ring finger. The sen-
extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor digitorum sory fibers of the index and middle fingers
communis, extensor digiti minimi, exten- enter the C7 root through the lateral cord
sor pollicis longus and brevis, and exten- and middle trunk, whereas the skin of the
sor indicis. The sensory fibers, originating thumb receives fibers mainly from C6,
from the C6 and C7 roots, pass through with some contribution from the C7 root,
the upper and middle trunks and the pos- through the lateral cord and upper or mid-

Figure 1-11. Median nerve (A)

with its branch, the anterior in-
terosseous nerve (B), and the
muscles they supply. The nerve
may undergo compression at
the elbow between the two
heads of pronator teres (1), or
slightly distally (2), as in the
anterior interosseous syn-
drome, or at the palm (3), as in
the carpal tunnel syndrome.
[Modified from The Guarantors
of Brain: Aids to the Examina-
tion of the Peripheral Nervous
Anatomic Basis for Localization 15

dle trunk. The median nerve innervates hamate to reach the lateral aspect of the
no muscles in the upper arm (Fig. 1-11). hand, where it reaches the adductor pol-
It enters the forearm between the two licis and medial half of the flexor pollicis
heads of the pronator teres, which it sup- brevis. Along its course from hypothenar
plies along with the flexor carpi radialis, to thenar eminence, the deep branch also
palmaris longus, and flexor digitorum su- innervates the three volar and four dorsal
perficialis. A pure muscle branch, called interossei, and lumbricals III and IV.
the anterior interosseous nerve, inner-
vates the flexor pollicis longus, pronator
quadratus, and flexor digitorum profun- General Rules and Anomalies
dus I and II. The main median nerve de-
scends the forearm and, after giving off Table 1-2 summarizes the pattern of
the palmar sensory branch, which inner- nerve supply in the upper limbs. One can-
vate the skin over the thenar eminence, not memorize the exact innervation for all
passes through the carpal tunnel between the individual muscles, but learning cer-
the wrist and palm. It supplies lumbricals tain rules helps broadly categorize mus-
I and II after giving rise to the recurrent cles. The radial nerve innervates the bra-
thenar nerve at the distal edge of the chioradialis, triceps, and with its main
carpal ligaments. This muscle branch to terminal branch, the posterior interos-
the thenar eminence innervates the ab- seous nerve, all the extensors in the fore-
ductor pollicis brevis, the lateral half of arm, but none of the intrinsic hand mus-
the flexor pollicis brevis, and the oppo- cles. The radial nerve innervates only the
nens pollicis. extensors, with the exception of brachio-
radialis, an elbow flexor in the neutral or
half-pronated position. The nerve sub-
Ulnar Nerve serves all the extensors of the upper limb
except for the four lumbricals, which,
The ulnar nerve, as a continuation of the supplied by median and ulnar nerves, ex-
medial cord of the brachial plexus, derives tend the digits at the interpharangeal
its fibers from the C8 and T1 roots (Fig. joints. The median nerve supplies most
1-8). It lies in close proximity to the me- flexors in the forearm, in addition to the
dian nerve and brachial artery at the ax- intrinsic hand muscles of the thenar em-
illa. In this position, the ulnar nerve inence and lumbricals I and II. The ante-
passes between the biceps and triceps, rior interosseus nerve branches off the
and then deviates posteriorly at the mid- median nerve trunk in the forearm to in-
portion of the upper arm and becomes su- nervate the flexor digitorum profundus I
perficial behind the medial epicondyle and II, flexor pollicis longus, and prona-
(Fig. 1-9). After entering the forearm, it tor quadratus. With the exception of the
supplies the flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor flexor carpi ulnaris and the flexor digito-
digitorum profundus III and IV, and gives rum profundus III and IV, the ulnar nerve
rise to the dorsal cutaneous branch of the supplies only intrinsic hand muscles, in-
ulnar nerve, which innervates the skin cluding all the interossei.
over the medial aspect of the dorsum of The most common anomaly of innerva-
the hand. It then passes along the medial tion in the upper limb results from the
aspect of the wrist to enter the hand, presence of a communicating branch from
where it gives off two branches (see Chap- the median to the ulnar nerve in the fore-
ter 26-6). The superficial branch supplies arm. The fibers involved in this crossover,
the palmaris brevis and the skin distally called the Martin-Gruber anastomosis,
from the wrist over the medial aspect of usually supply ordinarily ulnar-innervated
the hand, including the hypothenar emi- intrinsic hand muscles. Thus, the anom-
nence, the fifth digit, and half of the fourth alous fibers form a portion of the ulnar
digit. The deep muscle branch first in- nerve that, instead of branching off from
nervates the hypothenar muscles, that is, the medial cord of the brachial plexus,
abductor, opponens, and flexor digiti min- takes an aberrant route distally along with
imi. It then deviates laterally around the the median nerve and then reunites with
Table 1-2 Innervation of Shoulder Girdle and Upper Limb Muscles
Nerve C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 T-l
Dorsal Levator scapulae
scapular Rhomboideus
major &
Supra - Supraspinatus
scapular Infraspinatus
Axillary Teres minor .
Subscapular Teres major .
Musculo- Brachialis
cutaneous Biceps brachii
Long thoracic Serratus. anterior
Anterior Pectoralis major .
thoracic (clavicular part)
Pectoralis major .
(sternocostal part)
Pectoralis minor .
Thoracodorsal Latissimus dorsi
Radial Brachioradialis
nerve Extensor carpi
longus &
lateral &
medial heads
Posterior Supinator .
interosseous Extensor
nerve carpi
digiti minimi
brevis .
Median Pronator
nerve teres
Flexor carpi
Anterior Flexor
Interosseous digitorum
nerve profundus
longus —
Ulnar Flexor
nerve dlgltorum
III & IV _
. Adductor
. Flexor
. Abductor
minimi —
minimi —
. Flexor
minimi —
. Dorsal
Table 1-3 Innervation of Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb Muscles
Nerve L-2 L-3 L-4 L-5 8-1 8-2
Femoral Iliopsoas _
nerve Pectineus
Sartorius - Sartorius
Vastus Intermedius
Rectus femoris
Vastus lateralis .
Vastus medialis
Obturator Gracilis
nerve Adductor longus & brevis
Adductor- magnus
Obturator externus
Superior Gluteus- medius
gluteal Gluteus
nerve minimus
Tensor fasciae latae
Inferior Gluteus maximus
gluteal nerve
Sacral Obturator
plexus internus
Superior & inferior
Quadratus femoris
Sciatic nerve trunk
Peroneal Biceps femoris
division short head
Tibial Semi tendinosus
division Semi membranosus
long head.
Common peroneal nerve . Tibialis anterior
Deep Extensor digitorum longus
peroneal nerve Extensor digitorum brevis.
Peroneus tertius
longus .
Superficial Peroneus longus
peroneal nerve Peroneus brevis
Tibial Tibialis posterior
nerve Popliteus
Flexor digitorum longus
Flexor hallucis longus
Medial Flexor digitorum brevis
plantar nerve Flexor hallucis brevis
Abductor hallucis
Lumbrical I
Lateral Abductor digiti minimi
plantar nerve Adductor hallucis
Flexor digiti minimi
Quadratus plantae
Lumbricals II, III, IV
20 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

the ulnar nerve proper in the distal fore-

arm. Other anomalies reported in the lit-
erature include communication from the
ulnar to the median nerve in the forearm,
and all median or all ulnar hands, in
which one or the other nerve supplies all
the intrinsic hand muscles. These ex-
tremely rare patterns stand in contrast to
the high incidence of the median-to-ulnar
anastomosis. Failure to recognize an anom-
aly leads to misinterpretation in clinical
electrophysiology as a common source of
error (see Chapter 7-4).



The spinal cord ends at the level of the L1

to L2 intervertebral space as the pre-
conus, which consists of the L5 and S1 Figure 1-12. Anterior rami of the lumbar spinal
cord segments, and the conus medullaris, nerve forming the lumbar plexus, with the major
which contains the S2 through S5 levels. nerves derived from this plexus. The shaded portion
The fibers of the cauda equina, formed by indicates the dorsal divisions. [From Anson,1 with
the lumbar and sacral roots, assume a permission.]
downward direction from the conus to-
ward their respective exit foramina. The
fibrous filum terminale interna extends nerve, which leaves the psoas muscle lat-
from the lowermost end of the spinal cord erally. It then descends under the iliacus
to the bottom of the dural sac at the level fascia to reach the femoral triangle be-
of the S2 vertebra. Table 1-3 summarizes neath the inguinal ligament. Though pri-
the nerves derived from the lumbar plexus marily a muscle nerve, it also gives off sen-
and the muscles they innervate. sory branches—the intermediate and
The anterior rami of the first three lum- medial cutaneous nerves, and the saphe-
bar spinal nerves, originating from the L1, nous nerve.
L2, and L3, and part of L4 roots, unite to
form the lumbar plexus within the psoas
major muscle (Figs. 1-12 through 1-14). Iliohypogastric Nerve
The iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves
arise from the L1 root and supply the skin The iliohypogastric nerve originates from
of the hypogastric region and medial thigh, the L1 root and supplies the skin of the
respectively. The genitofemoral nerve, de- upper buttock and hypogastric region.
rived from the L1 and L2 roots, innervates
the cremasteric muscle and the skin of the
scrotum or labia major. The lateral femoral Ilioinguinal Nerve
cutaneous nerve originates from the L2 and
L3 roots. It leaves the psoas muscle later- The ilioinguinal nerve, arising from the L1
ally to supply the lateral and anterior thigh. and L2 roots, supplies the skin over the up-
The anterior divisions of the L2 through per and medial part of the thigh, the root
L4 anterior rami join to form the obtura- of the penis, and the upper part of the scro-
tor nerve, which exits the psoas muscle tum or labia major. It also innervates the
medially to innervate the adductor mus- transversalis and internal oblique mus-
cles of the thigh. The posterior divisions cles. The nerve follows the basic pattern
of the same rami give rise to the femoral of an intercostal nerve, winding around
Anatomic Basis for Localization 21

Figure 1-13. Lumbosacral

plexus and the courses of the
femoral, obturator, and sciatic
nerves. [From Anson,1 with per-

the inner side of the trunk to the medial Lateral Femoral

anterior iliac spine. Cutaneous Nerve
The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, the
Genitofemoral Nerve first sensory branch of the lumbar plexus,
receives fibers from the L2 and L3 roots.
The genitofemoral nerve, arising from the It emerges from the lateral border of the
L1 and L2 roots, branches into lumboin- psoas major muscle and runs forward,
guinal and external spermatic nerves. The coursing along the brim of the pelvis to
lumboinguinal nerve supplies the skin the lateral end of the inguinal ligament.
over the femoral triangle. The external The nerve reaches the upper thigh after
spermatic nerve innervates the cremas- passing through a tunnel formed by the
teric muscle and the skin of the inner lateral attachment of the inguinal liga-
aspect of the upper thigh, scrotum, or ment and the anterior superior iliac spine.
labium. About 12 cm below its exit from the tun-
22 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus inter-

medius, and vastus medialis. Of the mus-
cles innervated by this nerve, the iliopsoas
flexes the hip at the thigh, the quadriceps
femoris extends the leg at the knee, the
sartorius flexes the leg and the thigh, and
the pectineus flexes the thigh.

Saphenous Nerve
The saphenous nerve, the largest and
longest sensory branch of the femoral
nerve, receives maximum 11innervation
through the L3 and L4 roots and sup-
plies the skin over the medial aspect of
the thigh, leg, and foot. It accompanies
the femoral artery in the femoral triangle,
then descends medially under the sarto-
rius muscle. The nerve gives off the in-
frapatellar branch at the lower thigh,
which supplies the medial aspect of the
knee. The main terminal branch descends
along the medial aspect of the leg, ac-
companied by the long saphenous vein. It
Figure 1-14. Anterior rami of the lumbosacral passes just anterior to the medial malle-
spinal nerve forming the sacral plexus with the ma- olus, supplying the medial side of the foot.
jor nerves derived from this plexus. The shaded por-
tion indicates the dorsal divisions. [From Anson,1
with permission.]
Obturator Nerve
nel, the nerve gives off an anterior branch, The obturator nerve arises from the ante-
which supplies the skin over the lateral rior divisions of the L2 through L4 roots
and anterior surface of the thigh, and a (Fig. 1-15). Formed within the psoas mus-
posterior branch, which innervates the cle, it enters the pelvis immediately ante-
lateral and posterior portion of the thigh. rior to the sacroiliac joint. As it passes
through the obturator canal, the obturator
nerve gives off an anterior branch, which
Femoral Nerve supplies the adductor longus and brevis
and the gracilis, and a posterior branch,
The femoral nerve, formed near the verte- which innervates the obturator externus
bral canal, arises from the anterior rami and half of the adductor magnus muscle.
of the L2 through L4 roots (Fig. 1-15). The The sensory fibers supply the skin of the
nerve reaches the front of the leg passing upper thigh over the medial aspect and
along the lateral edge of the psoas mus- send anastomoses to the saphenous nerve.
cle, which it supplies together with the il-
iacus. It then exits the pelvis under the
inguinal ligament just lateral to the 7 SACRAL PLEXUS AND ITS
femoral artery and vein. Its sensory PRINCIPAL NERVES
branches supply the skin of the anterior
thigh and medial aspect of the calf. The
muscle branch innervates the pectineus The sacral plexus arises from the L5, S1,
and the sartorius, as well as the quadri- and S2 roots in front of the sacroiliac joint
ceps femoris, which consists of the rectus (Figs. 1-13 and 1-14). Designation as the
Anatomic Basis for Localization 23

Figure 1-15. Femoral nerve

(A), obturator nerve (B), and
common peroneal nerve (C)
branching into superficial (D)
and deep peroneal nerve (E)
and the muscles they supply.
The compression of the per-
oneal nerve commonly occurs
at the flbular head (1). [Modi-
fied from The Guarantors of
Brain: Aids to the Examination
of the Peripheral Nervous Sys-

lumbosacral plexus implies an intercon- Table 1-3 summarizes the nerves derived
nection between the sacral and lumbar from the sacral plexus, and the muscles
plexi. Common anomalous derivations in- that they innervate.
clude a prefixed pattern with a major con-
tribution of the L4 root to the sacral Superior and Inferior
plexus or a postfixed form with the L5 Gluteal Nerves
root supplying mainly the lumbar plexus.
The sacral plexus gives rise to the supe- The superior gluteal nerve, derived from
rior gluteal nerve, derived from the L4, L5, the L4 through S1 roots, innervates the
and S1 roots, and the inferior gluteal gluteus medius and minimus, and the
nerve, which arises from the L5, S1, and tensor fascia lata, which together abduct
S2 roots. The sciatic nerve, the largest and rotate the thigh internally. The infe-
nerve in the body, arises from the L4 rior gluteal nerve, arising from the L5
through S2 roots. After giving off branches through S2 roots, innervates the gluteus
to the hamstring muscles, it divides into maximus, which extends, abducts, and
the tibial and common peroneal nerves. externally rotates the thigh.
24 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

Sciatic Nerve affected in patients with foot drop, implies

a lesion above the knee. The adductor mag-
The union of all of the L4 to S2 roots gives nus, primarily supplied by the obturator
rise to the sciatic nerve, which leaves the nerve, also receives partial innervation
pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen from the sciatic trunk.
(Fig. 1-16). The nerve consists of a per-
oneal portion derived from the posterior
division of the anterior rami, and a tibial Tibial Nerve
portion composed of the anterior divi-
sions. The peroneal and tibial components The tibial nerve arises as an extension of
eventually separate in the lower third of the medial popliteal nerve that bifurcates
the thigh to form the common peroneal and from the sciatic nerve in the popliteal
tibial nerves or, in the older terminology, fossa (Fig. 1-16). After giving off branches
anterior and posterior tibial nerves. In the to the medial and lateral heads of the gas-
posterior aspect of the thigh, the tibial trocnemius and soleus, it supplies the tib-
component of the sciatic trunk gives off a ialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus,
series of short branches to innervate the and flexor hallucis longus in the leg. The
bulk of the hamstring muscles, which con- nerve enters the foot, passing through the
sist of the long head of the biceps femoris, space between the medial malleolus and
semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. the flexor retinaculum. Here it splits into
The peroneal component supplies the medial and lateral plantar nerves after giv-
short head of the biceps femoris, which, if ing off a small calcaneal nerve. This bi-

Figure 1-16. Superior gluteal

nerve (A), inferior gluteal nerve
(B), and sciatic nerve trunk
(C), and the muscles they sup-
ply. The sciatic nerve bifur-
cates to form the common per-
oneal nerve (D) and the tibial
nerve (E). The tibial nerve in
turn gives rise to the medial
(F) and lateral plantar nerve
(G). The compression of the
tibial nerve may occur at the
medial malleolus in the tarsal
tunnel (1). [Modified from The
Guarantors of Brain: Aids to
the Examination of the7 Pe-
ripheral Nervous System. ]
Anatomic Basis for Localization 25

furcation occurs within one centimeter of communicating branch called the acces-
the malleolar-calcaneal axis in 90 percent sory deep peroneal nerve may arise from
of feet.4 the superficial peroneal nerve at the knee
The medial plantar artery, which ac- to innervate the lateral portion of the ex-
companies the medial plantar nerve, tensor digitorum brevis (see Chapter 7-4).
serves as the landmark to locate the nerve The deep peroneal nerve also supplies the
just below the medial malleolus. The mus- skin over a small, wedge-shaped area be-
cle branches innervate the abductor hal- tween the first and second toes.
lucis, flexor digitorum brevis, and flexor
hallucis brevis. The sensory fibers of the
medial plantar nerve supply the medial Sural Nerve
anterior two thirds of the sole and the
plantar skin of the first three toes and part The sural nerve originates from the union
of the fourth toe. The lateral plantar nerve of the medial sural cutaneous branch of
winds around the heel to the lateral side the tibial nerve and the sural communi-
of the sole to innervate the abductor dig- cating branch of the common peroneal
iti minimi, flexor digiti minimi, abductor nerve. It arises below the popliteal space,
hallucis, and interossei. It supplies the descends between the two bellies of the
skin over the fifth toe, the lateral half of gastrocnemius, winds behind the lateral
the fourth toe, and the lateral aspect of malleolus, and reaches the dorsum of the
the sole. fifth toe. It receives maximum innervation
from the S1 root, with the remainder com-
ing from the L5 or S2 root,11 and supplies
Common Peroneal Nerve the skin over the posterolateral aspect of
the distal leg and lateral aspect of the foot.
The common peroneal nerve arises as an As one of the few readily accessible sen-
extension of the lateral popliteal nerve, sory nerves in the lower limbs, the sural
which branches off laterally from the sci- nerve offers an ideal site for biopsy, espe-
atic trunk in the politeal fossa (Fig. 1-15). cially because its removal induces only
It consists of fibers derived from the L4, minimal sensory changes. A fascicular
L5, and S1 roots. Immediately after its ori- biopsy of the sural nerve allows in vitro
gin, the nerve becomes superficial as it recording of nerve action potentials (see
winds around the head of the fibula lat- Chapter 4-4). Therefore, in vivo studies of
erally. After entering the leg at this posi- the sural nerve before such a procedure
tion, it gives off a small recurrent nerve provide an interesting opportunity to cor-
that supplies sensation to the patella and relate the data directly with in vitro con-
then bifurcates into the superficial and duction characteristics and the histologic
deep peroneal nerves. findings of the biopsy speciman.5
The superficial peroneal nerve, also
known as the musculocutaneous nerve,
supplies the peroneus longus and brevis,
which plantar-flex and evert the foot. After REFERENCES
descending between the peroneal muscles,
it divides into medial and intermediate 1. Anson BJ: An Atlas of Human Anatomy, ed 2.
dorsal cutaneous nerves. These sensory WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 1963.
branches pass anterior to the extensor reti- 2. Berry MM, Standing SM, Banister LH: Nervous
naculum and supply the anterolateral as- System. In Williams (ed): Gray's Anatomy, ed 38.
pect of the lower half of the leg and dor- Churchill Livingstone, New York, 1995.
3. Carpenter MB: Human Neuroanatomy, ed 7.
sum of the foot and toes. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1976.
The deep peroneal nerve innervates the 4. Dellong AL, Mackinnon SE: Tibial nerve branch-
muscles that dorsiflex and evert the foot. ing in the tarsal tunnel. Arch Neurol 41:645-646,
These muscles include the tibialis ante- 1984.
rior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor 5. Dyck PJ, Lambert EH, Nichols PC: Quantitative
measurement of sensation related to compound
hallucis longus, peroneus tertius, and ex- action potential and number and size of myeli-
tensor digitorum brevis. An anomalous nated fibers of sural nerve in health, Friedreich's
26 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

ataxia, hereditary sensory neuropathy and tabes 10. Perotto A: Anatomical Guide for the Elec-
dorsalis. In Remond A (ed): Handbook of Elec- tromyographer: The Limbs and Trunk, ed 3,
troencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiol- Charles C Thomas, Springfield, IL, 1996.
ogy, Vol 9. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1971, pp 83-118. 11. Phillips II LH, Park TS: Electrophysiological
6. Goodgold J: Anatomical Correlates of Clinical mapping of the segmental innervation of the
Electromyography. Williams & Wilkins, Balti- saphenous and sural nerves. Muscle Nerve 16:
more, 1974. 827-831, 1993.
7. The Guarantors of Brain: Aids to the Examina- 12. Ranson SW, Clark SL: The Anatomy of the Ner-
tion of the Peripheral Nervous System. WB Saun- vous System: Its Development and Function, ed
ders, Philadelphia, 1987. 10. WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 1959.
8. Nori S, Soo KC, Green RF, Strong EW, Mee SM: 13. Sunderland S: Nerves and Nerve Injuries, ed 2.
Utilization of intraoperative electroneurography Churchill Livingstone, New York, 1978.
to understand the innervation of the trapezius 14. Warfel JH: The Head, Neck and Trunk, ed 6. Lea
muscle. Muscle Nerve 20:279-285, 1997. & Febiger, Philadelphia, 1993.
9. Patten J: Neurological Differential Diagnosis, ed 15. Williams PL, Warwick R: Gray's Anatomy, ed 36
2. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995, p. 297. (British). Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1980.
Chapter 2

Ionic Concentration of Cells
Nernst Equation
Sodium-Potassium Pump
Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz Equation
All-or-None Response
Local Current
Diphasic Recording of Action Potential
Effect of Volume Conduction
Analysis of Triphasic Waveform
Near-Field and Far-Field Potentials

1 INTRODUCTION agnostic data in the clinical domain re-

quires an understanding of the electrical
properties of nerve and muscle.
The nervous system conveys information Despite different anatomic substrates
by means of action potentials, which, un- subserving electrical impulses, the same
der physiological conditions, originate in basic membrane physiology applies to
the cell body or axon terminal and prop- both nerve and muscle. Excitability of the
agate along the nerve fibers. An electro- tissues reflects the magnitude of the
physiologic study takes advantage of such transmembrane potential in a steady
neural impulses activated artificially by state. When stimulated electrically or by
electrical stimuli applied at certain points other means, the cell membrane under-
of the nerve. Motor conduction studies de- goes an intensity-dependent depolariza-
pend on recording a muscle action poten- tion. If the change reaches a critical level,
tial elicited by stimulation of the mixed called threshold, it generates an action
nerve, whereas sensory studies use either potential, which then propagates across
mixed or sensory nerve action potentials. the membrane. In contrast to intracellu-
Electromyography permits analysis of elec- lar recording in animal experiments, clin-
trical properties in the skeletal muscle ical electrodiagnostic procedures analyze
at rest and during voluntary contraction. extracellular potentials by surface or nee-
Thus, proper interpretations of electrodi- dle electrodes. Here the interstitial tissues
28 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

act as a volume conductor, where the po- brane, with a relative negativity inside the
sition of the recording electrode relative to cell as compared to outside. This steady
the generator source dictates the wave- transmembrane potential measures ap-
form of the recorded potentials. proximately 52-90 mV in human skeletal
muscle cells, but it varies from one tis-
sue to another, ranging from -20 mV to
2 TRANSMEMBRANE -100 mV. Second, intracellular fluid has
POTENTIAL a much higher concentration of potassium
(K+) and lower concentration of sodium
(Na+) and chloride (Cl~) ions relative to the
Understanding membrane physiology at extracellular fluid (Table 2-1).
the cellular level forms the basis for elec-
trophysiologic examination in the clinical
domain. This section deals with the ionic Nernst Equation
concentration of cell plasma and its role in
maintaining transmembrane potentials. In the steady state, the influx of an ion
The next sections summarize the basic precisely counters the efflux, maintaining
physiology of the propagating action po- an equilibrium. Thus, various factors that
tential recorded through volume conduc- determine the direction and the rate of the
tors. The following comments, intended ionic flow together must exert a balanced
merely as a background for forthcoming force. Measuring the ionic concentration,
discussion, covers only the fundamental therefore, provides a calculation of the
principles relevant to clinical electrophysi- equilibrium potential—that is, the trans-
ology. Subsequent sections, such as Chap- membrane potential theoretically required
ters 7, 8, and 20 further elaborate on these to establish such a balance (Fig. 2-1).
points. Interested readers can find a more In the case of potassium, for example, the
detailed account of basic cell physiology in ionic difference tends to push potassium
established texts.4,7,26,27,29,33,34,44,47,62,63 from inside to outside the cell, reflecting the
higher concentration inside. This force per
mole of potassium, or its chemical work
Ionic Concentration of Cells (Wc), increases in proportion to the loga-
rithm of the ratio between internal and ex-
The muscle membrane constitutes the ternal concentration of the cation, (K+)i and
boundary between intracellular fluid in cell (K+)0, according to the equation
cytoplasm and extracellular interstitial flu-
ids. Both contain approximately equal
numbers of ions dissolved in water but dif- where R represents the universal gas con-
fer in two major aspects. First, an electri- stant, T, the absolute temperature, i, in-
cal potential exists across the cell mem- side, o, outside, and log(e), natural loga-
Table 2-1 Compositions of Extracellular The energy required to counter this
and Intracellular Fluids of force must come from the negative equi-
Mammalian Muscle librium potential (Ek) pulling the positively
Extra- Intra- Equilibrium charged potassium from outside to inside
cellular cellular Potential the cell. This force per mole of potassium,
(mmol/1) (mmol/1) (mV) or the electrical work (We), increases in
proportion to the transmembrane voltage
Na+ 145 12 66 Ek, according to the equation
K 4 155 -97
Others 5 — —
cl 120 4 -90 where F represents the number of cou-
HCO 3 27 8 -32 lombs per mole of charge and Zk the va-
Others 7 155 — lence of the ion.
Potential 0 mV -90 mV
In the steady state, the sum of these two
From Patton,48 with permission. energies, Wc and We, must equal zero, as
Electrical Properties of Nerve and Muscle 29


Table 2-1 shows the values of Ek (-97

mV), Ena (+66 mV), and Ecl (-90 mV) de-
termined on the basis of their ionic con-
centrations. These compare with the ac-
tual transmembrane potential (-90 mV)
in the example under consideration. Thus,
ionic concentration and transmembrane
potential alone can maintain chloride ions
in perfect balance. To keep potassium
and sodium in equilibrium at transmem-
brane potentials of -90 mV, therefore,
other factors must exert a substantial in-
fluence on ionic movements. These in-
clude selective permeability of the cell
membrane to certain ions and the energy-
dependent sodium-potassium pump.

Sodium-Potassium Pump
In the case of potassium, an additional
factor, the active transport of potassium
by an energy-dependent pump, explains
the small discrepancy between Ek(-97
Figure 2-1. Simplified scheme of active and passive mV) and Em(-90 mV). Here, the forces
fluxes of potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), and chloride pulling potassium from outside to inside
(Cl~) in the steady state with driving force on each ion
shown by vectors. For potassium, the efflux along the the cell consist of the potential difference
concentration gradient equals the influx caused by the (-90 mV) and the active potassium trans-
electrical force plus the active influx by the sodium- port (approximately equivalent to —7 mV).
potassium pump. For sodium, the electrical and Together they counter almost exactly the
chemical gradient produces only a small influx be-
cause of membrane resistence. The sum of the two concentration gradient pushing potas-
equals the active efflux by the sodium-potassium sium from inside to outside the cell. In the
pump. For chloride, the concentration gradient almost case of sodium, both the concentration
exactly counters the electrical force. The ratio of gradient and potential difference (-90
sodium and potassium exchange by a common elec- mV) pull the ion from outside to inside the
trogenic pump averages 3:2, although this diagram il-
lustrates a neutral pump with a ratio of 1:1. cell. Nonetheless, this cation remains in
equilibrium because of its impermeability
through a mechanical barrier imposed by
they represent forces with opposite vec- the structure of the cell membrane. Active
tors. Therefore, transport of sodium from inside to outside
counters the small amount of sodium that
does leak inwards.
Thus, the Nernst equation provides the This energy-dependent process, known
theoretical potassium equilibrium poten- as the potassium-sodium pump, trans-
tial Ek as follows ports sodium outward in exchange for the
inward movement of potassium. Although
Figure 2-1 depicts a neutral pump that
The same equation applies to calculate the exchanges one sodium ion for every potas-
sodium and chloride equilibrium poten- sium ion actively transported inward, the
tials, Ena and Ecl, as follows: actual ratio of sodium and potassium ex-
30 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

change averages 3 to 2 in most tissues.47 graded response or a self-limiting local po-

Such an unbalanced arrangement, called tential in transmembrane potential that
an electrogenic potassium-sodium pump, diminishes with distance. If, on the other
directly contributes to the membrane po- hand, the membrane potential reaches a
tential, but only minimally compared with critical level with about 15-25 mV of de-
changes in membrane permeability. polarization, from -90 mV to -65 to -75
mV in the case of human muscle cell,52
the action potential develops in an all-
Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz or-none fashion; that is, the same maximal
Equation response occurs through a complex energy-
dependent process regardless of the kind
The Nernst equation closely predicts mem- or magnitude of the stimulus, as described
brane potential for highly diffusible chlo- below (Fig. 2-2).
ride and potassium ions. It does not fit
well with much less permeable sodium
ions, because it ignores relative mem- All-or-None Response
brane permeability. The addition of this
factor leads to the more comprehensive In the living cell, a voltage-sensitive mo-
Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz formula, which lecular structure regulates the conduc-
incorporates the concentration gradients tance of sodium and potassium ions
and membrane permeabilities of all ions. across the membrane. One set of chan-
nels controls the movement of sodium
Em = (RT/F) loge ions and another set controls potassium
PNa (Na + 0 ) + PK(K+0) + P cl (Cl - i ) ions, depending on the transmembrane po-
tential. When open, they provide adequate
PNa (Na+i) + PK(K+i) + Pcl(Cl-0) pathways for that specific ion to cross the
where PNa, Pk,, and PCl represent perme- membrane. In the resting stage, potassium
abilities of the respective ions. ions move freely, through potassium chan-
According to this equation, the concen- nels kept open at this transmembrane po-
tration gradient of the most permeable ions tential, whereas sodium ions remain static.
dictates the transmembrane potentials. In Depolarization to a critical level opens the
the resting membrane with very high PK sodium channels, giving rise to a 500-fold
relative to negligible PNa, the Goldman- increase in sodium permeability. An ex-
Hodgkin-Katz equation would approximate ternally applied current for nerve stimu-
the Nernst equation using the potassium lation, for example, will depolarize the
concentration gradients. The transmem- nerve under the cathode, or negative pole,
brane potentials calculated using either inducing negativity outside the axon and
equation range from -80 to -90 mV. Con- thus making the inside relatively more
versely, the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz po- positive. When this positivity, or depolar-
tential would nearly equal the Nernst po- ization, reaches a critical level, voltage-
tential for sodium, with negligible Pk dependent sodium channels open, initiat-
relative to high PNa. In this situation, the ing the sequence of events leading to nerve
calculated membrane potentials range excitation. In short, nerve stimulation ac-
from +50 to +70 mV. This reversal of po- complishes its objective by opening sodium
larity in fact characterizes the generation channels.
of an action potential as outlined below. This intrinsic property of nerve and mus-
cle underlies the all-or-none response: re-
gardless of the nature of the stimulus, the
3 GENERATION OF same action potential occurs as long as de-
ACTION POTENTIAL polarization reaches the critical level. The
increased conductance or permeability al-
lows sodium ions to enter the cell seeking
Generation of an action potential consists a new steady state. Sodium entry further
of two phases: subthreshold and thresh- depolarizes the cell, which in turn acceler-
old. Subthreshold activation produces a ates inward movement of this ion. Because
Electrical Properties of Nerve and Muscle 31

Figure 2-2. Schematic dia-

gram of graded responses after
subthreshold stimuli and gen-
eration of action potentials af-
ter suprathreshold stimuli. The
experimental arrangement
shows intracellular stimulation
(I) and recording electrodes
(E) on top (A) and polarity,
strength, and duration of a
constant current on bottom (B):
Hyperpolarizing (1) and sub-
threshold depolarizing current
(2) induces a nonpropagating
local response. Current of just
threshold strength will produce
either local change (3a) or an
action potential (3b). Supra-
threshold stimulation (4) also
generates an action potential,
but with a more rapid time
course of depolarization. [From
Woodbury,62 with permission.]

of this regenerative sequence, an action po- channels fail to open for a few millisec-
tential develops explosively to its full size. onds even with depolarization above the
The dramatic change in sodium perme- critical level, giving rise to the refractory
ability during the course of the action po- period (see Chapter 8-2). This inactivation
tential results in a reversal of membrane of sodium conductance, together with in-
potential from -80 or -90 mV to +20 or creased potassium permeability, results
+30 mV. In other words, a switch from the in rapid recovery of the cell membrane
potassium to the sodium equilibrium con- from depolarization. After the potential
stitutes generation of an action potential. falls precipitously toward the resting level,
This shift of intracellularly recorded mem- a transient increase in potassium con-
brane potential from negative to positive ductance hyperpolarizes the membrane,
gives rise to negative spike when recorded which then returns slowly to the resting
extracellularly according to the convention value, completing the cycle of repolariza-
in clinical electrophysiology. tion. The amount of sodium influx and
In the depolarized membrane, perme- potassium efflux during the course of an
ability to potassium ions also increases as action potential alters the concentration
a result of a molecular change, but only gradients of these two ions very little.
after a delay of about one millisecond. At Although repolarization primarily results
about the same time, the increased per- from a delayed increase in potassium con-
meability to sodium falls again to near the ductance in squid giant axon,28 this may
resting value with closure or inactivation not apply to mammalian peripheral or cen-
of sodium channels. Inactivated sodium tral myelinated axons.61 Voltage clamp ex-
32 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

periments indicate that sodium channels of the cell positive in that local region, re-
abound at the nodes of Ranvier, where flecting elevated sodium conductance.
potassium conductance may be minimal or Intracellular current then flows from the
absent in the intact 9mammalian peripheral active area to the adjacent, negatively
myelinated axons8'40 '4950 or mammalian dor- charged, inactive region. A return flow
sal column axons. ' In contrast, potas- through the extracellular fluid from the
sium channels are distributed all along the inactive 10to active region completes the
internodes, although paranodal regions current. In other words, a current en-
also contain some sodium conductance. ters the cell at the site of depolarization
Theoretically, the availability of potassium (sink) and passes out to adjacent regions
conductance facilitates repolarization, but of the polarized membrane (source) (see
at a cost of prolonging the refractory pe- Fig. 4-3). This local current tends to de-
riod. In mammalian fibers, the absence of polarize the inactive regions on both sides
potassium channels at the node of Ran- of the active area. When depolarization
vier, combined with the fast inactivation of reaches the threshold, an action potential
sodium conductance, allows an increased occurs, giving rise to a new local current
rate of firing (see Chapter 8-2). further distally and proximally. Thus, an
impulse, once generated in the nerve
axon, propagates in both directions from
Local Current the original site of depolarization, initiat-
ing orthodromic as well as antidromic vol-
An action potential initiated at one point leys of the action potential (see Chapter
on the cell membrane renders the inside 4-3).

Figure 2-3. Diagrammatic representation of an action potential in A fibers of the cat, with the spike and
negative and positive afterpotentials drawn in their correct relative size and true relationships. [From Gasser,21
with permission.]
Electrical Properties of Nerve and Muscle 33

In an extracellular recording, an action po-
tential consists of an initial negative spike
of about one millisecond duration repre-
senting the intracellular positive spike of
depolarization, and two subsequent after-
potentials, negative, or depolarizing, and
positive, or hyperpolarizing (Fig. 2-3). The
negative afterpotential, an externally nega-
tive deflection grafted onto the declining
phase of the negative spike, corresponds to
a super-normal period of excitability. This
phase results from sustained internodal
positivity and the extracellular accumula-
tion of potassium ions associated with the
generation of an action potential. The sub-
sequent positive afterpotential, a prolonged
externally positive deflection signals a sub-
normal period of excitability. This phase re-
flects the elevated potassium conductance
at the end of the action potential and an
increased rate of the potassium-sodium
pump to counter the internal sodium con-
centration (see Chapter 8-2).

AND WAVEFORM Figure 2-4. Diphasic (top) and monophasic record-
ing (bottom) of an action potential represented by the
shaded area. As the impulse propagates from left to
right in the top series, the two electrodes see no po-
Diphasic Recording of tential difference in a, c, and e. Relative to the ref-
Action Potential erence electrode ( G2), the active electrode (G1) be-
comes negative in b, and positive in d, resulting in
A pair of electrodes placed on the surface a diphasic potential. In the bottom tracing, the dark-
of a nerve or muscle at rest register no ened area on the right indicates a killed end with
permanent depolarization, making G1 positive rela-
difference of potential between them. If, in tive to G2 in a', c', and d'. In b', G1 and G2 have no
the tissue activated at one end, the prop- potential difference, causing upward deflection from
agating action potential reaches the near- the positive baseline to 0 potential.
est electrode (G1), then G1 becomes neg-
ative relative to the distant electrode (G2).
This results in an upward deflection of the tive relative to G2. Therefore, the trace now
tracing according to the convention of shows a downward deflection. It then re-
clinical electrophysiology (although one turns to the baseline as the nerve activ-
could also set the oscilloscope to display ity becomes too distant to affect the elec-
negativity of G1 as a downward deflection trical field near the recording electrodes.
as some investigators do against the gen- This produces a diphasic51action potential
eral trend.) With further passage of the as shown in Figure 2-4.
action potential, the trace returns to the
baseline at the point where the depolar-
ized zone affects G1 and G2 equally. When Effect of Volume Conduction
the action potential moves further away
from G1 and toward G2, G2 becomes neg- The above discussion dealt with a directly
ative relative to G1, or G1 becomes posi- recorded action potential in animal ex-
34 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

periments with no external conduction

medium intervening between the pick-up
electrodes and the nerve or muscle. Dur-
ing a clinical study, however, connective
tissue and interstitial fluid act as volume
conductors surrounding the generator
sources.10,16,22 Here, an electrical field
spreads from a source represented as a
dipole; that is, a pair of positive and neg-
ative charges.3 In a volume conductor, cur-
rents move along an infinite number of
pathways between the positive and nega-
tive ends of the dipole, with the greatest
number of charges passing per unit time
through a unit area along the straight path.
The current flow decreases in propor-
tion to the square of the distance from the
generator source. Thus, the effect of the
dipole gives rise to a voltage difference be-
tween the active recording electrode in the
area of high current density and a refer-
ence electrode at a distance. Whether the
electrode records positive or negative po-
tentials depends on its spatial orientation
to the opposing charges of the dipole. For
example, an active electrode located at a
point equidistant from the positive and
negative charges registers no potential. Figure 2-5. Potential recorded at P from a cell with
The factors that together determine the active (dark area) and inactive regions. In a, total
solid angle consists of 1, 0,2, and 3. Potential at
amplitude of a recorded potential at a P subtending solid angles 1 and 3 equals zero as,
given electrode include charge density, or in each, the nearer and farther membranes form a
the net charge per unit area, surface ar- set of dipoles of equal magnitude but opposite po-
eas of the dipole, and its proximity to the larity. In 2, however, cancellation fails because
recording electrode.12 these two dipoles show the same polarity at the site
of depolarization. In b, charges of the nearer and
The theory of solid angle approximation farther membranes subtending solid angle 2 are
pertains to analyzing of an action poten- placed on the axial section through a cylindrical cell.
tial recorded through a volume conduc- A dipole sheet equal in area to the cross-section then
tor. This theory states that the solid an- represents the onset of depolarization traveling along
the cell from left to right with positive poles in ad-
gle subtended by an object equals the vance. [Adapted from Patton.48]
area of its surface divided by the squared
distance from a specific point to the sur-
face.5,27 The resting transmembrane po- leading dipole, represents depolarization
tential consists of a series of dipoles at the cross-section of the nerve at which
arranged with positive charges on the the transmembrane potential reverses.46
outer surface and negative charges on A negatively charged wave front, or trail-
the inner surface. Thus, it increases in ing dipole, follows, signaling repolariza-
proportion to the size of the polarized tion of the activated zone.
membrane viewed by the electrode and
decreases with the distance between the
electrode and the membrane. Solid angle Analysis of
approximation closely predicts the po- Triphasic Waveform
tential derived from a dipole layer as
schematically shown in Figure 2-5. The Analyzing waveforms plays an important
propagating action potential, visualized role in the assessment of nerve or muscle
as a positively charged wave front, or action potentials. A sequence of potential
Electrical Properties of Nerve and Muscle 35

changes arise as two sufficiently close wave region near the electrode, however, lack the
fronts travel in the volume conductor from initial positivity, in the absence of an ap-
left to right (Fig. 2-6). This results in a proaching volley. A compound muscle ac-
positive-negative-positive triphasic wave as tion potential, therefore, appears as a neg-
the moving fronts of the leading and trail- ative-positive diphasic waveform when
ing dipoles, representing depolarization and recorded with the active electrode near the
repolarization, approach, reach, and finally end-plate region where the volley initiates.
pass beyond the point of the recording elec- In contrast, a pair of electrodes placed away
trode. Thus, an orthodromic sensory action from the activated muscle registers a posi-
potential from a deeply situated nerve gives tive-negative diphasic potential indicating
rise to a triphasic waveform in surface that the impulse approaches but does not
recording. The potentials originating in the reach the recording site.
The number of triphasic potentials gen-
erated by individual muscle fibers sum-
mate to give rise to a motor unit potential
recorded in electromyography (see Chap-
ter 13-5). The waveform of the recorded
potential varies with the location of the
recording tip relative to the source of the
muscle potential.6,19,23,57,59 Thus, the
same motor unit shows multiple profiles
depending on the site of the exploring nee-
dle. Moving the recording electrode short
distances away from the muscle fibers re-
sults in an obvious reduction in ampli-
tude. Additionally, the duration of the
positive-to-negative rising phase, or rise
time, becomes greater. The rise time gives
an important clue in determining proxim-
ity to the generator source. Amplitude
may not serve for this purpose, because
it may decrease with smaller muscle fibers
or lower fiber density.
According to the volume conductor
theory, the location of the needle dictates
the waveform of recorded potentials.
Thus, the same single fiber discharge may
Figure 2-6. Triphasic potential characterized by be registered as initially positive triphasic
amplitude, duration (A-D), and rise time (B-C). A
pair of wave fronts of opposite polarity represent de- fibrillation potential, initially negative
polarization and repolarization. The action potential biphasic endplate spike, or initially posi-
travels from left to right in a volume conductor with tive biphasic positive sharp wave (see
the recording electrode (G1)near the active region Chapter 14-4). Despite this prevailing
and the reference electrode (G2) on a remote inac-
tive point. A. G1 initially registers the positivity of
unifying concept,14'15 an accurate de-
the first dipole, which subtends a greater solid an- scription of the observed potential often
gle ( d) than the second dipole of negative front ( r). provides clinically useful information.41'42
B. The relationship shown in A reverses, with grad- For example, positive sharp waves re-
ual diminution of d, compared with r, as the ac- corded in the absence of fibrillation po-
tive region approaches GI. C. The maximal negativ-
ity signals the arrival of the impulse directly under tentials may imply subliminal hyperex-
G1, which now registers only negative ends of the citability of single muscle fibers, that
dipoles. D. The negativity declines as G1 begins to "spontaneously" fire only with mechanical
register the positive end of the second dipole. E. The irritation of the needle. If the tip of a nee-
polarity reverses again as r exceeds d.F. The trace dle blocks a propagating impulse, the
returns to the baseline when the active region moves
further away. The last positive phase, though recorded potential appears as a positive
smaller in amplitude, lasts longer than the first, in- sharp wave signaling only the approach of
dicating a slower time course of repolarization. the positive front of depolarization.
36 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

Near-Field and however, does not account for the stand-

Far-Field Potentials ing peaks derived from the propagating vol-
leys at certain points along the greater
The specific potential recorded under a length of the afferent pathway. In short-la-
particular set of conditions depends not tency somatosensory evoked potentials
only on the location of the recording elec- (SEP) of the median24,25,58 or tibial nerve54
trodes relative to the active tissue at any a voltage step develops between the two
instant in time but also on the physical compartments when the moving volley en-
characteristics of the volume conduc- counters a sudden geometric change38at the
tor. 11,13,37,38,45,56 The near- and far-field border of the conducting medium. The
potentials distinguish two different man- same principles apply in the analysis of mo-
ifestations of the volume-conducted tor unit action potential and spontaneous
field.30,31,53 The near field represents single-fiber discharge.17,18,23
recording of a potential as it propagates Here, each volume conductor on the op-
under a pair of usually closely spaced posite side of the boundary, in effect, acts
electrodes placed directly over the path of as a lead connecting any points within the
the impulse. A bipolar recording registers respective compartment 11to32 36 the voltage
primarily, though not exclusively, the source at the partition. ' ' '55 Conse-
near field from the axonal volley along the quently, the potential difference remains
course of the nerve. In contrast, the far nearly, though not exactly, the same re-
field implies detection of a voltage step gardless of the distance between G1 and
long before the signal arrives at the G2, thus allowing detection of the voltage
recording site, usually by a pair of widely step in far-field recording. The designation,
separated electrodes located far from the junctional or intercompartmental poten-
traveling volleys. A referential montage tial, differentiates this type of stationary
preferentially records far-field potentials peaks from fixed neural generators and
unless one of the electrodes lies near the helps specify the mechanism of the voltage
passage of the traveling volley. step generated by the travelling impulse at
A far-field derivation has become popu- a specific location (see Chapter 20-3).
lar in the study of evoked potentials to de-
tect voltage sources generated at a dis-
tance. Original work on short-latency REFERENCES
auditory evoked potentials30,31,53 sug-
gested that synaptically activated neurons
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38 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

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Chapter 3

Preparation of Needle Electrodes
Types of Available Electrodes
Differential Amplifiers
Common Mode Rejection Ratio
Means of Reducing Interference
Input Impedance
Frequency Response
Cathode-Ray Tube
Delay Line
Multiple Channel Recording
Storage Oscilloscope
Magnetic Tape Recorder
Electrode Noise
Amplifier Noise
Defective Apparatus
Movement Artifact
Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Interference
Radio and Mobile Phone Interference
Electrical Stimulation Requirements
Stimulus Isolation
Constant-Voltage versus Constant-Current
Magnetic Coil Stimulation
Control Values
Statistical Analysis
False-Positive versus False-Negative Results
Interlaboratory Communication
40 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

1 INTRODUCTION tric, bipolar

concentric,2 or monopolar nee-
dles. Single-fiber electrodes have a lead-
ing edge small enough to allow recording
The apparatus used in the performance of of potentials derived from single muscle
routine electrodiagnosis includes elec- fibers in isolation.30,72 Less commonly
trodes, amplifiers, displays, loudspeakers, used "special purpose" electrodes include
and data storage devices. Muscle or nerve the multielectrode, the flexible wire elec-
action potentials can be recorded by ei- trode, and the microelectrode placed in-
ther a surface electrode placed on the skin tracellularly.14 Electrode lead wires should
over the target or a needle electrode in- have protected pins to prevent inadvertent
serted closer to the source. Surface elec- connection to a power source, 3causing
trodes register a summated electrical ac- shocks, burns and electrocutions.
tivity from many muscle or nerve fibers,
whereas needle electrodes discriminate
individual motor unit potentials discharg- Preparation of
ing within a narrow radius from the Needle Electrodes
recording tip. The electrical and physical
characteristics of recording electrodes dic- Sterilization of needle electrodes in boil-
tate the amplitude and other aspects of ing water for at least 20 minutes prior to
the potentials under study.43,44 use prevents the transmission of infec-
Electromyographers analyze both the tion. Commercially available sterilizers
amplified waveform of action potentials on bring the water temperature to 100° C and
a visual display and the auditory charac- maintain it without excessive boiling.
teristics of the signals heard through a Only the metal and plastic components of
loudspeaker. The kind of information de- needle electrodes will withstand the time
sired and the type of activities under and temperature of steam autoclaving,
study determine the optimal amplifier set- thus the need to detach nonautoclavable
tings. Devices for permanent recordings connectors and lead wires before the ster-
include photographs with Polaroid films, ilization procedure. Gas sterilization also
a fiber-optic system with sensitive papers, suffices, although the chemicals used may
a magnetic tape recorder, and digital stor- damage the plastic, causing defects in in-
age. Amplitude and time calibrations ver- sulation. Thorough outgassing of elec-
ify the accuracy of the stored signals. This trodes reduces the amount of the agent
chapter deals with practical aspects of in- retained in the plastic material. Electrode
strumentation, 12,39,40,60 without a de- manufacturers provide instructions for
tailed discussion of electronics (see Ap- optimal sterilization methods.
pendix 2). With the advent of less costly dispos-
ables, it has now become a common prac-
tice in many laboratories to discard nee-
2 ELECTRODES dle electrodes after use in each patient.
The American Association of Electromy-
ography and Electrodiagnosis42 recom-
The signals recorded during voluntary mends this practice to circumvent any
muscle contraction depend to a great ex- concerns of possible transmission of dis-
tent on the type of recording electrode eases, especially after studying a patient
used.15,38 Surface electrodes placed over with AIDS, hepatitis, or any other conta-
the muscle record summated activities gious disorder. Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease
from many motor units. The use of a nee- poses special problems because the trans-
dle electrode allows recording of individual missible agent responsible for the disease
motor unit potentials during mild muscle may resist conventional sterilization pro-
contraction. With increased effort, syn- cedures.37,58 Further precaution before
chronous activity in many adjacent motor disposal, therefore, calls for incinerating
units precludes the identification of single used needles and blood-contaminated
motor units. For routine purposes, clinical materials, or autoclaving them for one
electromyographers use standard concen- hour at 120° C and 15 PSI.8
Electronic Systems and Data Analysis 41

Electrical properties of commercial nee- Types of Available Electrodes

dle electrodes vary considerably. Elec-
trolytic treatment of reusable needles tem- Figure 3-1 illustrates common electrodes
porarily improves their performance.23 used in electromyography.
Periodic examination of needle electrodes
ensures their structural integrity. The in- SURFACE ELECTRODES
ner concentric shaft may become corroded.
The Teflon coating of monopolar needles Surface electrodes, square or round metal
may peel off, exposing the insulated por- plates made of platinum or silver, come
tion of the conductor. An increase in in different sizes with an average dimen-
recording surface tends to reduce the am- sion of 1 X 1 cm. An adhesive tape suf-
plitude and area of the recorded motor unit fices for applying them to the skin, al-
potentials21with relatively little effect on its though the use of collodion improves
duration. The use of a dissecting micro- stability in long-term monitoring. Cleans-
scope with a magnifying factor of ten helps ing the skin with alcohol, scraping the cal-
detect a slight bend in the shaft or a crack loused surface, and applying electrolyte
in the tip. To test needle insulation, one cream under the electrode reduces imped-
terminal of a battery can be connected to ance. Too much paste, however, can form
the lead of a needle and the other terminal a bridge between the two recording elec-
to an ammeter with a small exploring metal trodes, cancelling the voltage difference. A
hook or moist cotton. A current should flow short circuit between the stimulator and
only if the exploring hook touches the ex- pick-up electrodes or ground introduces a
posed tip of the needle. Any current, if reg- large stimulus artifact. Perspiration can
istered while exploring the shaft of the nee- act in a similar manner. Time-efficient ap-
dle, indicates defective insulation. An plication of adhesive electrodes, including
ammeter should register no current if con- those marketed for electrocardiography,
nected to the battery through the two leads provides the same results as those ob-
of standard or bipolar concentric needles tained by the usual disc electrodes applied
unless there is a short circuit at the nee- with adhesive tapes.11
dle tip. A current will flow normally with Steady electrode offset voltage at the in-
immersion of the needle tip in water. terface, not recorded by the amplifier, can

Figure 3-1. Schematic illustration of (a) standard or coaxial bipolar, (b) concentric bipolar, (c) monopolar,
and (d,e) single-fiber needles. Dimensions vary, but the diameters of the outside cannulas shown resemble
26-gauge hypodermic needles (460 um) for a, d, and e, a 23-gauge needle (640 um) for b, and a 28-gauge
needle 360 um for c. The exposed tip areas measure 150 x 600 um for a, 150 x 300 um with spacing be-
tween wires of 200 um center to center for b, 0.14 mm2 for c, and 25 um in diameter for d and e. A flat
skin electrode completes the circuit with unipolar electrodes shown in c and d. [Modified from Stalberg and
42 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

give rise to an artifact if movement causes vary from one type of needle to another,
a sudden mechanical change in the metal- the pickup area, in general, constitutes a
electrolyte interface. To reduce this type very small portion of the motor unit ter-
of potential, some surface electrodes al- ritory. A separate surface electrode, taped
low most movement to occur between or applied with a suction cup, serves as
electrolyte and skin rather than at the the ground.26 Disposable concentric nee-
metal-electrolyte interface. dles generally compare reasonably well
A surface electrode is best suited for with reusable electrodes, although electric
monitoring voluntary muscle contraction or physical testing of the leads may not
during kinesiologic studies and recording adequately 62predict their recording char-
evoked compound nerve or muscle action acteristics.
potentials. It registers electrical activities
nonselectively from a wider region, cover- BIPOLAR CONCENTRIC NEEDLE
ing the recording radius of some 20 mm
compared to selective pickup from a 500 The cannula contains two fine stainless
um radius by a needle electrode.10 The steel or platinum wires. This electrode,
amplitude of compound muscle action po- therefore, has a larger diameter than the
tentials decreases with increasing elec- standard concentric needle for the same
trode size.79 The surface electrode also size wires embedded. The electrode regis-
serves well as a stimulating probe, a ref- ters the potential difference between the
erence, or a ground lead in conjunction two inside wires, with the cannula serv-
with the monopolar needle, but not as an ing as the ground. The bipolar electrode
active electrode to study motor unit po- thus detects potentials from a much
tentials, because it fails to reproduce smaller volume than the standard needle.
high-frequency components adequately. The three terminals in the connecting ca-
ble consist of two active leads and a
ground connection. In this type of record-
ing from a very localized area, only a small
number of single muscle fibers contribute
This electrode, introduced by Adrian and as the source for electrical activity.55 This
Bronk2 in 1929, has a stainless-steel can- restricted recording range provides selec-
nula similar to hypodermic needles, with tivity, but at the risk of disregarding the
a wire in the center of the shaft. The wire, overall activity of motor units. Concentric
usually made of nichrome, silver, or plat- electrodes tend to detect more sponta-
inum, measures 0.1 mm or slightly larger neous potentials than monopolar needles
as compared to the external rim of the probably because of increased tissue in-
shaft, 0.3 mm in diameter. The pointed jury.71
tip of the needle has an oval shape with
an exposed area of about 150 um x 600 MONOPOLAR NEEDLE
(um, and an impedance of around 50 kil-
ohms. The wire and shaft, bare at the tip, This electrode, made of stainless steel for
form a spheric rather than hemispheric its mechanical properties, has a fine
recording territory as might be anticipated point, insulated except at the distal 0.2 to
by the direction.28 The needle, when near 0.4 mm. The wire, covered by a Teflon
a source of electrical activity, registers the sleeve, has an average diameter of about
potential difference between the wire and 0.8 mm. A surface electrode or a second
the shaft, showing a restricted recording needle in the subcutaneous tissue serves
area. In fact, in the recording of a single as a reference lead and a separate surface
motor unit discharge that extends at least electrode, placed on the skin, as a ground.
1 cm in diameter, only the muscle fibers Its sharp tip causes less pain during in-
located within about 500 um radius from sertion, but it is less stable electrically,
the tip of the needle contribute to the am- hence 52,74
noisier than the concentric elec-
plitude, and those within 2.5 mm to the trode. The average impedance ranges
duration of the recorded potential.27 from 1.4 megohms at 10 Hz to 6.6 kil-
Thus, although recording characteristics ohms at 10 KHz.80 Presoaking the elec-
Electronic Systems and Data Analysis 43

trodes with a small concentration of a wet- along the shaft. Similar multi-lead elec-
ting agent in saline solution reduces the trodes may usefully 6serve for intraopera-
impedance by 6- to 20-fold. This pre- tive nerve recording.
treatment improves the resolution of low
amplitude signals. A monopolar needle FLEXIBLE WIRE
records voltage changes between the tip
of the electrode and the reference. The spa- A flexible wire, usually introduced through
tial recording characteristics,54 differ con- a hypodermic needle, permits freedom of
siderably from one type of needle to an- movement in kinesiologic examination.
other. In general, a monopolar needle Some investigators prefer a bipolar elec-
registers a potential 29,61,65,
that is twice as large trode made of nylon-coated Evanohm al-
and more complex, from the same loy wire, 25 um in diameter.13 Although
source, than a concentric needle, although this type of electrode comes in different
duration and firing rate remain the same.49 sizes, the most commonly used type has
insulated platinum wires 50-100 /mi in
diameter with the tip bare. A small hole
made in the insulation of the wire may
Single-fiber electromyography requires an provide smaller lead-off surfaces on the
electrode with a much smaller leading order of 10-20 umi.45 These electrodes,
edge, to record from individual muscle however, lack the rigid standardization re-
fibers rather than motor units (see Chap- quired for quantitative studies of action
ter 16-2). A wire 25 um in diameter potentials.72
mounted on the side of a needle provides
the maximal amplitude discrimination be- GLASS MICROELECTRODES
tween near and distant muscle fiber po-
tentials.31 As in concentric electrodes, A glass microelectrode used for intracel-
single-fiber needles may contain two or lular recording consists of fine glass tub-
more wires exposed along the shaft, serv- ing filled with potassium chloride solu-
ing as the leading edge. The most com- tion. Because of its extreme fragility, one
monly used type has one wire inserted must use a cannula as a carrier to intro-
into a cannula with its end bent toward duce the electrode through the skin, and
the side of the cannula, a few millimeters a micromanipulator to insert it into the
behind the tip.72 The spatial recording exposed muscle. The electrode has a very
characteristics of single-fiber needles show fine tip, less than 1 um in diameter, and
specific asymmetries and a greater po- consequently a very high impedance, on
tential decline with radial distance com- the order of 5 megohms. Therefore,
pared with concentric or monopolar elec- recording from a glass microelectrode re-
trodes.53,72 quires amplifiers of exceedingly high in-
put impedance.14

Multielectrodes contain three or more in- 3 ELECTRODE AMPLIFIERS

sulated wires, usually 1 x 1 mm in size,
exposed through the side of the can-
nula. 16 One of the wires serves as the in- Potentials assessed during electrodiag-
different electrode; the outside cannula of nostic examinations range in amplitude
the electrode, 1 mm in diameter, is con- from microvolts to millivolts. With the os-
nected to the ground. The separation be- cilloscope display set at 1 V per cm, sig-
tween the leads along the side of the mul- nals of 1 mV and 1 mV, if amplified 1 mil-
tielectrode determines the recording lion times and 1000 times, respectively,
radius. The commonly used distances in cause a 1 cm deflection. To accomplish
measuring the motor unit territory in- this range of sensitivity, the amplifier con-
clude 0.5 mm for myopathy and 1.0 mm sists of several stages. One system uses a
for neuropathy. The single-fiber needle preamplifier with a gain of 500, followed
may also contain multiple wires exposed by several amplifier and attenuator stages
44 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

to produce a variable gain of 2-2000. This electromagnetic interference affects the

arrangement increases the signal-to-noise two recording electrodes almost, but not
ratio by allowing major amplification of quite, equally depending on their relative
the signal near the source prior to the positions. Second, the contact imped-
emergence of noise that develops in the ances inevitably differ between the two
following circuits. To achieve this goal the recording electrodes, leading to unequal
preamplifier must have a high input im- distribution of the same common mode
pedance, a low noise level, and a large dy- voltage. A common mode voltage too large
namic range. to be perfectly balanced overloads the am-
Differential Amplifiers
Means of
During electromyographic examination, a Reducing Interference
major source of interference conies from
the coupled potential of the alternating Other precautions for minimizing electro-
current power line. The magnitude of this magnetic interference include reducing
field can exceed that of biological poten- and balancing contact impedances of the
tial by a million times. Proper assessment two electrodes and the use of short, well-
of the signal, therefore, requires its selec- shielded electrode cables. The system
tive amplification without, at the same must effectively ground not only the pa-
time, magnifying the noise. This would be tient and the bed, but also the instrument
impossible if the apparatus amplifies any and, if necessary, the examiner. Major in-
voltage appearing between an input ter- terference may originate from unshielded
minal and the ground terminal. Differen- power cords running to other appliances
tial amplifiers used in most electromyog- in the vicinity of the recording instrument.
raphy, therefore, amplify only the voltage With adequate care, most modern equip-
difference between the two input termi- ment operates well without a shielded
nals connected to the recording elec- room. In the presence of electrical noise
trodes. This system effectively rejects uncontrollable by ordinary means, a prop-
common mode voltages, which appear be- erly constructed Faraday shield can dra-
tween both input terminals and common matically reduce the interference. To be
ground. These include not only power line effective it should enclose the examining
interference but also distant muscle ac- room as one continuous conductor and be
tion potentials that affect the two record- grounded at one point. The 50 or 60 Hz
ing electrodes equally. filter available in most instruments re-
duces power line interference at the ex-
pense of distorting electromyographic sig-
Common Mode Rejection Ratio nals. Thus, only special situations, such
as portable recording in an intensive care
Inherent imbalance in the electrical sys- unit, may warrant their application when
tem of an amplifier renders rejection of the all other attempts have failed.
common mode voltage less than perfect.
The common mode rejection ratio speci-
fies the degree of differential amplification Input Impedance
between the signal and the common mode
voltage. Good differential amplifiers should Analogous to the resistance in a DC cir-
have rejection ratios exceeding 100,000; cuit, the impedance in an AC circuit de-
that is, 100,000 times more amplification termines the current flow for a given al-
of the signals than unwanted potentials ternating voltage source. For recording
appearing as a common mode voltage. A muscle or nerve action potentials, the tis-
very high rejection ratio, however, will not sue and electrode wires add only negligi-
guarantee the complete elimination of ex- ble impedances compared with those at
ternal interference caused by undesired the needle tip and at the input terminal
distant potentials, for two reasons. First, of the amplifier. In this circuit, the needle
Electronic Systems and Data Analysis 45

tip and the input terminal act as a volt- Here the new waveform approximates the
age divider with voltage changes occurring first derivative (rate of change) of the orig-
in proportion to the respective impedance. inal signal. Extending the frequency re-
Thus, with the impedance equally divided sponse too low causes instability of the
between these two, only one-half of the baseline, which then shifts slowly in re-
original potential will appear across the sponse to changing biopotentials. The
input terminal. Increasing the input im- analog filters also affect the peak latency
pedance of the amplifier to a level much of the recorded response because of phase
higher than that of the electrode tip would shift. High frequency filtering increases,
minimize the loss. The input impedances whereas low frequency filtering reduces,
of most amplifiers range from 100 kil- the apparent latency of peaks. The use of
ohms to hundreds of megohms. An am- digital filtering, which introduces zero
plifier with a high input impedance also phase shift, circumvents this problem in
improves the common mode rejection ra- clinical assessments.41,56'57
tio because the higher the input imped- A square wave pulse of known amplitude
ance, the smaller the effect of electrical and duration usually serves as a calibra-
asymmetry of the recording electrodes. tion signal to accurately determinine the
Higher electrode impedances increase am- amplitude and duration of the recorded po-
plifier noise and external interference, al- tentials. The distortion seen in the square
though electrode impedances as high as pulse results from the effects of high- and
50 times usual values apparently cause low-frequency filters. Its rise time indicates
no major waveform distortion.l the high-frequency response, and the slope
of the flat top, the low-frequency response
(see Appendix Figs. A2-18 and A2-20).
Frequency Response Other calibration signals include sine
waves from the power line or discontinu-
Most commercially available apparatuses ous waveforms of known frequency and
have variable high- and low-bandpass fil- amplitude.
ters to adjust frequency response accord-
ing to39,40the type of potentials under
study. Fourier analysis of complex 4 VISUAL DISPLAYS
waveforms encountered in electromyogra-
phy reveals sine waves of different fre-
quencies as their harmonic constituents. Appropriate amplification ensures an op-
The prominent sine wave frequencies of timal display of the waveform for visual
muscle action potentials, for example, analysis. The cathode-ray tube (CRT),
range from 2 Hz to 10 KHz. For clinical with no mechanical limitations in dy-
electromyography, the frequency band of namic high-frequency response, provides
the amplifier ideally should cover this an excellent means to trace rapidly chang-
range.19'20 In the presence of interfering ing amplitude against time.
high-pitched noise or DC drift, however, a
bandpass extending from 20 Hz to 5 KHz
suffices. Filter settings must remain con- Cathode-Ray Tube
stant in serial studies. Their modification
within the routine range results in statis- An electron gun discharges an electron
tically significant alteration of waveform.66 beam internally toward the glass screen
A high frequency filter (low pass), if set of a CRT. When struck by a beam of elec-
too low, reduces the amplitude of high fre- trons, the phosphor coating on the inside
quency components disproportionately. surface of the screen emits light. The ad-
Extending the high frequency response justable voltage between a pair of verti-
beyond the band required for proper cally placed plates (called horizontal de-
recording results in an unnecessary in- flection plates) determines the horizontal
crease in background noise. A low fre- position of this bright spot. Applying a lin-
quency filter (high pass), if set too high, early increasing voltage to the plates
distorts the slowly changing potential. makes the spot sweep at a constant speed.
46 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

A pair of horizontally placed plates (called lines of different traces as the beam
vertical deflection plates), connected to sweeps horizontally across the screen.
the signal voltage from the amplifier, con- This electrical switching takes place so
trol the vertical position of the electron fast that each trace appears to be contin-
beam. The waveform displayed on the face uous despite the interruption from one
of the screen, therefore, represents chang- trace to the next.
ing amplitude of the signal voltage in time.
The vertical axis represents response am-
plitude, whereas the horizontal axis shows Storage Oscilloscope
units of time. Electromyographic exami-
nation usually uses a free-running mode: Storage oscilloscopes have a different
when the spot reaches the end of the cathode ray tube that retains traces on
screen, it returns rapidly to the beginning the face of the screen for several hours. A
to repeat. Most manufacturers now pro- second electron gun floods the screen to
vide digital circuitry to process and store visualize the trace retained as electro-
the potentials before displaying them on static charges on a mesh behind the
a monitor. screen. Electrically discharging the mesh
can quickly erase the stored pattern. The
advent of digital storage and display tech-
Delay Line niques have made such storage oscillo-
scopes obsolete.
Instead of being free running, the horizon-
tal sweep may initate on command. In this
mode of operation, a motor unit potential
itself can trigger the sweep. Thus, a given
motor unit potential recurs successively at
the beginning of each sweep for detailed
analysis, although, by design, the portion Loudspeaker
of the waveform preceding the trigger point
fails to appear on the screen. In an analog Muscle or nerve action potentials have
machine, an electronic delay circumvents distinct auditory characteristics when
this difficulty by storing the recorded mo- played through a loudspeaker. For clini-
tor unit potential for a short period. After cal analyses, electromyographers depend
a predetermined delay following the onset very heavily on the sounds produced by
of a sweep triggered by the real-time po- different kinds of spontaneous or volun-
tential, the stored signal leaves the delay tarily activated muscle potentials during
line for display on the screen. With this needle examination. For example, fibrilla-
arrangement, the potential in question oc- tion potentials sound like "rain on a tin
curs repetitively and in its entirety on the roof" (see Chapter 14-4). Acoustic prop-
same spot of the screen for precise deter- erties also help distinguish a nearby mo-
mination of its amplitude and duration.63 tor unit with a clear, crisp sound, reflect-
With digital circuitry, the computer begins ing a short rise time, from distant units
displaying data at any desired point prior with dull sound (see Chapter 13-5). In
to the trigger, thus accomplishing the same fact, an experienced examiner can detect
objective. the difference between near and distant
units by sound better than by oscilloscope
display. The acoustic cues often guide in
Multiple Channel Recording properly repositioning the needle close to
the source of the discharge.
Some electromyographic instruments have
multiple channels to allow simultaneous
recording from two or more sets of elec- Magnetic Tape Recorder
trodes. Typically, two or more channels
share a beam from a single gun by switch- Magnetic tape provides one means to store
ing the point vertically between the base- electrical potentials for later analysis. Am-
Electronic Systems and Data Analysis 47

plitude modulation (AM) impresses the the oscilloscope and distinct sounds
signal itself on the tape, whereas fre- through the loudspeaker.40 Some noises,
quency modulation (FM) records the sig- however, mimic biologic activity so closely
nal after converting it to a varying fre- that even a trained examiner may have
quency of constant amplitude. The AM difficulty in identifying them.
recording registers high frequency poten- Most artifacts unaffected by the position
tials well but not low-frequency responses of the recording electrode originate outside
below 10 to 15 Hz. In contrast, the FM the muscle. These exogenous activities
method has a better low-frequency re- may result from peculiarity of the patient,
sponse, although it requires a very high like those induced by a cardiac pacemaker
tape speed to achieve the high-frequency (Fig. 3-2) or transcutaneous stimulator
response required for electromyography. (Fig. 3-3). More commonly, they result
The FM method reproduces the amplitude from 60 Hz interference caused by the elec-
of potentials more accurately than the AM trostatic or electromagnetic fields of elec-
method. trical appliances. Improper or inadequate
grounding results in electromagnetic in-
terference from the nearby alternating cur-
6 ARTIFACTS rent source. Different generator sources
give rise to characteristic, though not spe-
cific, patterns for easy identification (Fig.
Not all electrical potentials registered dur- 3-4). Artifacts may also originate in the
ing an electromyographic examination recording instruments themselves or from
originate in muscle or nerve. Any voltage a more remote generator, such as a ham-
not attributable to the biologic potential mer drill (Fig. 3-5). A loose connection in
sought represents an artifact, which usu- one or more parts of the recording circuit
ally causes a unique discharge pattern on may generate electrical activity, similar to

Figure 3-2. Artifacts induced

by a cardiac pacemaker re-
corded by a monopolar needle
electrode from (a, b) gluteus
medius and (c, d) paraspinal
muscle. Note opposite polarity of
the sharp discharge at the two
recording sites. The interval be-
tween the successive impulses
of 800 ms corresponds to a dis-
charge frequency of 75 im-
pulses/minute. Trains in a and
c show continuous recordings
from top to bottom; those in b
and d, interrupted tracings from
one sweep to the next.
48 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

Figure 3-3. Artifact induced by

a transcutaneous stimulator.
The 14 ms interval between the
successive impulses (a, b, c) cor-
responds to an approximate dis-
charge rate of 70 impulses per
second; the 7 ms interval
(d, e, f), a faster rate of 140 im-
pulses per second.

the muscle action potential. Impedance larization may distort the signals, whereas
variability within the muscle tissue may changing potentials will result in electrode
also cause electrical activity, depending on noise. A small electrode tip, because of its
the location of the needle tip. Genuine bi- high impedance, causes a greater voltage
ologic potentials generated in the muscle drop during the passage of current. Thus,
include end-plate noises and end-plate the smaller the electrode surface, the
spikes (see Chapter 13-4). These artifacts greater the interference from its polariza-
may mimic the intended signals sought tion or electrode noise. Therefore, the type
during electromyographic examination (see of metal alters the recording characteris-
Figs. 13-3 and 13-4). tics of the needle electrode much more
than those of the surface electrode. In
fact, an electrode potential from active
Electrode Noise metals too small to affect surface record-
ing could undermine the function of in-
Potentials may arise from two active met- tramuscular studies. The use of relatively
als or the metal-fluid junction at the nee- inert metals for needle electrodes, such as
dle electrode located intramuscularly. A stainless steel or platinum, minimizes
constant electrode-fluid potential by po- such adverse effects.
Electronic Systems and Data Analysis 49

Figure 3-4. Various types of 60

Hz interference induced by near-
by electrical appliances. They
include (a) common pattern, (b)
spikes from high impedance of
the recording electrode, (c) fluo-
rescent light, 120 Hz interfer-
ence from (d) diathermy unit
and (e and /) heat lamp.

Amplifier Noise loudspeaker (Fig. 3-6). The level of am-

plifier noise as perceived on the oscillo-
Electrical noise inherent in an amplifier scope increases in proportion to amplifier
originates from all components, including gain and frequency response. Thus, oper-
the resistors, transistors, and integrated ating the system at lower gains and with
circuits. Noise arising from the thermal narrower filter band widths substantially
agitation of electrons in a resistor in- reduces this component of noise seen on
creases with the impedance in the input the screen.
stage. Microphonic noise results from the
mechanical vibration of various compo-
nents. The use of a high-pass filter sup- Defective Apparatus
presses low frequency noise from these
and other sources in amplifier circuits. A By far the most likely cause of recording
low pass filter reduces high-frequency problems relates to a defect in one of the
noise, which appears as a thickening of three recording electrodes or its applica-
the baseline as it sweeps across the screen tion. A broken wire induces bizarre and
accompanied by a hissing noise on the unsuspected artifacts even if the insulat-
50 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

Figure 3-5. Effect of (a, b, c) a

hammer drill operated nearby,
and (d, e,f\ oscillation of the
amplifier circuits probably in-
duced by an excessively high
impedance of the electrode tip.
Both superficially resemble the
complex repetitive discharge,
but the recordings with a fast
sweep speed (c and f) uncover
a waveform and pattern of re-
currence not usually associated
with a biologic discharge.

ing cover appears intact. A partially sev- the process of autoclaving can also distort
ered conductor may generate very decep- the potential. Careful cleaning of the nee-
tive movement-induced potentials, which dle tip prior to autoclaving will alleviate
recur with muscle twitch, mimicking this problem. If necessary, application of
stimulus-locked evoked signals. Other an ultrasonic vibrator loosens dried ma-
common causes of artifacts include defec- terial from the needle. The use of dispos-
tive insulation of a monopolar needle or a able needles precludes problems inherent
concentric needle with a short-circuited tip. to sterilization, but unused electrodes
A 2-year study on durability revealed may manifest similar artifacts, caused by
the feasibility of reusing monopolar elec- mechanical defects induced during the
trodes on the average in 20-63 patients.59 manufacturing process.
Failure occurred, in order of frequency, as
the result of Teflon retraction, a dull or
burred tip, a break in a wire or pin, elec- Movement Artifact
trical artifacts, or a bend in the needle
shaft. Inadvertent insulation of the elec- When a patient contracts a muscle, the
trode tip by blood protein "baked on" in surface electrode may slide over the skin.
Electronic Systems and Data Analysis 51

Figure 3-6. Amplifier noise superficially resembling positive sharp waves. Both traces were recorded with a
disposable monopolar needle placed in the edematous subcutaneous tissue. The baseline thickness changed
abruptly with slight relocation of the needle tip, probably altering the impedance, which is high when in
contact with fatty tissue (top) and low when it is located elsewhere (bottom).

This causes a movement artifact primar- fluorescent lights, cathode-ray tube screens,
ily because of the change in impedance electric motors, light dimmers, and even
between the surface electrode and the unused power cords plugged into wall out-
skin. Movement-induced potentials also lets. The use of an ungrounded wheelchair
may result from existing fields near the or metal examining table enhances this
surface of the skin, particularly those type of artifact. Appliances sharing the
originating from sweat glands.73 Move- same circuit with the electromyographic
ment of electrode wires may produce ar- instrument cause especially noticeable in-
tifacts resembling muscle activity, mostly terference. Radio frequency electromag-
reflecting changing capacitance. Rubbing netic waves can also "carry" alternating
the lead of the needle electrode with a fin- current. A strong field from a nearby
ger or cloth sometimes produces friction diathermy apparatus produces a charac-
artifacts from a static charge. Adequate teristc wave pattern. Federal regulations
insulation of the needle, ideally with the now restrict the amount of interference
use of driven shields, reduces this type of that such a unit can render to other
interference. equipment. Intermittent powerline load
causes power-line voltage transient
changes, which in turn give rise to arti-
Electrostatic and fact. In an examining room located near
Electromagnetic Interference a driveway, auto ignition causes a pop-
ping sound. The examiner, if not properly
Sources of 50 or 60 Hz interference abound grounded, acts as an antenna by touch-
(Fig 3-4). They include electric fans, lamps, ing the needle.
52 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

Simple but effective measures to reduce tential applied to electrodes, usually on

electromagnetic interference include bun- the skin surface but sometimes inserted
dling or weaving the lead wires from the subcutaneously, induces a current of
pickup and ground electrodes to minimize short duration, 50-1000 ms, in the fluid
the area susceptible to the field of inter- surrounding a nerve bundle. The stimu-
ference, relocating them relative to the lating current, directed primarily along
patient or recording apparatus, and repo- the course, depolarizes the nerve under
sitioning the patient and recording appa- the cathode and hyperpolarizes it under
ratus within the room. With power cords the anode. Increasing the current to ob-
near the patient, turning off power to the tain a repeatable and maximal recorded
offending appliance does not necessarily response assures that essentially every
eliminate the artifacts. To avoid interfer- nerve fiber in the bundle discharges. Sur-
ence pickup from a cathode-ray tube face electrode stimulation requires 50-
screen or monitor, the patient and oper- 500 V to drive currents of 5-50 mA, de-
ater should not come too close to the pending on skin impedance. Higher shock
source. If these simple precautions fail, intensities can usually, though not always,
adequate control may require removing all compensate for decreased nerve excitabil-
electrical appliances from a room and ity seen in some neuropathic conditions
shielding the examining area. (see Chapter 7-5, Chapter 25-3). Stimu-
lation with subcutaneus needle elec-
trodes, already in good fluid contact and
Radio and Mobile closer to the nerve, uses much less in-
Phone Interference tensity for adequate activation. Just a few
volts may elicit a response in this case,
High-frequency interference or audio in- requiring much tighter electrical control
terference may appear on the screen of the over stimulus values for consistent and
oscilloscope from radio broadcasts, televi- safe practice than in the case of surface
sion, or radio paging systems. This type delivery. Effective depolarization displays
of artifact may escape detection because an inverse relationship between stimulus
of its transient nature unless the sounds intensity and duration. Thus, a lower in-
heard through the loudspeaker alert the tensity suffices if applied for a longer
examiner. Their elimination may require duration, but within limits. Generally, pa-
relocation or screening of the electromyo- tients tolerate stimulus durations exceed-
graphic instrument. An examining room ing 1000 ms poorly. With durations of less
located on the side of the building farthest than 50 mS, tissue capacitances limit the
from transmitting antennas has least in- rate of rise, preventing the stimulus from
terference. Screening the noise caused by reaching a full effective amplitude.
power wiring may require the use of The equipment must also provide con-
power-line radio frequency filters to re- trol and timing of the stimuli for different
move the effect. A mobile phone in use types of measurements. In performing the
near the electromyographic laboratory paired-shock technique, the first shock
also can give rise to substantial artifacts, with reduced intensity may subliminally
which may mimic high-frequency complex excite the motor neuron pool, which then
repetitive discharges.75 fires with the second shock delivered
within a few milliseconds. Some collision
techniques use two or three precisely
7 STIMULATORS timed stimuli, with individually adjustable
intensities, durations, and latencies, de-
livered to the same or to different sets of
Electrical Stimulation electrodes. Train stimulus techniques de-
Requirements liver many shocks of identical intensity at
rapid, adjustable rates of discharge. Such
Electrical stimulation of the nerve pro- complex stimulus generators must have
vides a clearly defined, reproducible re- adequate programmability with fail-safe
sponse for nerve conduction studies. A po- protection features.
Electronic Systems and Data Analysis 53

Stimulus Isolation widely used for excitation of the central

than peripheral nervous sys-
Electrical stimulators are "isolated" from tem. A rapidly changing magnetic
the recording amplifiers and other equip- field of high intensity can induce suffi-
ment circuits, for safety and artifact re- ciently localized current in the body fluid
duction. Thus, the stimulation circuits to cause nerve excitation (see Chapter
have no conductive path to other circuits 21-3). The apparatus consists of a hand-
except through the patient's body when held, doughnut- or figure 8-shaped coil
stimulating and recording electrodes have and a capacitive-discharge power unit,
been applied. This isolation ensures that triggered from conventional electromyog-
stimulus current flows only in the loop raphy equipment. The advantages of
provided by the two stimulating elec- magnetic stimulation include the capabil-
trodes. If the stimulator circuit has any ity of exciting the brain non-invasively, a
connection to the recording circuit, then lower level of pain associated with the
the stimulus current distributed in the stimulus, and the elimination of stimulus
body can divide into additional paths, electrode application. It might seem that
causing a large stimulus artifact, ampli- magnetically inducing the stimulus would
fier overload, or even spurious stimulation provide a high degree of isolation and thus
at unintended sites. Furthermore, under reduce stimulus artifact, but in fact, the
conditions of component failure, these ad- huge coil currents and high voltages cou-
ditional paths might conduct hazardous ple substantial artifact into low-level
levels of current. Stimulus isolation usu- recording circuits. The major disadvan-
ally relies on magnetic coupling of energy tages of magnetic stimulation include a
to the stimulating circuits, although greater uncertainty and variability as to
battery-powered stimulators may use op- the point of stimulation, and the greater
tical coupling of the control signal. expense of the stimulating equipment. Or-
dinary magnetic pulse generators require
Constant-Voltage versus a few seconds for recharge between stim-
Constant-Current uli, eliminating the possibility of closely
paired or train stimuli. Despite the advent
"Constant-voltage" stimulators deliver an of specially constructed devices for these
adjustable voltage across the stimulating purposes, safety considerations preclude
electrodes, essentially independent of stim- routine application of train stimuli to the
ulus current. Adjusting the voltage varies cortex. At this time, the U.S. Food and
the current through the stimulating elec- Drug Administration (FDA) has approved
trodes to achieve a desired level of stim- magnetic stimulation for human use only
ulation. At a fixed output voltage, changes in studies of the peripheral nerve. The na-
in stimulating electrode impedance alter tional review board has granted permis-
the stimulus current level. "Constant- sion for some limited research applica-
current" stimulators deliver an adjustable tions conducted in the central nervous
current through the stimulating electrodes, system.
essentially independent of their impedance.
The voltage across the stimulating elec-
trodes adjusts dynamically to maintain a 8 NORMATIVE DATA
constant stimulus current. Constant-cur- AND STATISTICS
rent stimulators provide more consistent
stimulus control, especially for techniques Most neurophysiological evaluation in the
that require a train of stimuli or response clinical setting makes comparison be-
averaging. tween a patient finding and some set of
normative data. Thus, the quality of such
Magnetic Coil Stimulation database plays an essential25role for diag-
nostic accuracy and yields. Established
Magnetic coil stimulation serves as an al- control values should accompany a de-
ternative means of nerve activation, more scription of a new technique for clinical
54 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

use, even though testing large numbers of formed for statistical manipulations. For
healthy subjects is tedious.18 The compi- example, the natural or base 10 loga-
lation of normative data7,17,67-70
must conform to rithm, or square root will render positively
established principles. skewed distributions more Gaussian. The
mean and standard deviations of the
transformed data may then be converted
Control Values back to original units to set up normative
limits for clinical application.
Normative data comprise a set of values Normative limits of the Gaussian distri-
derived from disease-free individuals. In bution are customarily set at ±2 standard
contrast, the term "reference" usually in- deviations about the mean, which include
dicates either a normative or disease con- 95.44 percent of the entire population.
trol. Patients referred to the laboratory for About 5 percent of normative values falling
evaluation of clinical signs or symptoms outside these limits represent false-posi-
may have "normal results." Despite val- tive test results, half at either end of the
ues within the "normal range," these pa- range. Performing multiple independent
tients do not belong to a normal group. tests on a single patient increases the like-
To judge some patients normal on the ba- lihood of finding an "abnormal" value.33,76
sis of test results for inclusion into a nor- The overall chance equals the sum of the
mative database represents a circular ar- probabilities in each of the individual
gument that defies its own purpose. tests.67,69 If each measurement allows a
Similarly, patients with disease or injury 2.5 percent rate of false-positivity using 2
unrelated to the study in question cannot standard deviations as the criterion, then
serve as normal subjects because the ap- an examination that consists of 10 inde-
parently unaffected limbs may have sub- pendent electrophysiological measure-
clinical involvement, and because sys- ments has a probability of more than 1 in
temic effects of treatments may influence 5 (20%) in turning up one or more abnor-
the test outcome. Further, the population mal values on the basis of chance alone.
with illness may well contain a higher pro-
portion than normal of preexisting condi-
tions which, even if subclinical, may af- False-Positive versus
fect the test outcome. False-Negative Results
False-positive outcomes present a major
Statistical Analysis problem for clinical application.32 In gen-
eral, therefore, we prefer to err on the side
In as much as population variables con- of false-negativity—that is, calling more
form to a bell-shaped Gaussian distribu- borderline abnormalities normal than the
tion, statistical analysis shows an identi- reverse. The incidence of false-positiviry
cal value for mean, median, and mode. will decrease with the use of a broader lim-
Gaussian distribution, though generally its, for example, mean ±2.5 standard de-
symmetrical, tends asymmetrically to the viations. In this case the false-positive rate
baseline at both ends, reflecting a small falls to about 1 percent in aggregate, at the
proportion of extreme high and low val- cost of a correspondingly higher false-
ues or outlyers. These values dictate "the negativity rate.24 Excessive overlap be-
range," which, unlike other methods for tween normative data and disease-
deriving normative data, critically de- reference values precludes the use of a
pends on only two individual values, the broader normative range because false-
lowest and the highest, essentially disre- negativity increases to such an unaccept-
garding all other sample data. Extreme able level, so as to make the study useless.
values may represent subclinical diseases Despite considerable overlap between the
or technical errors, making the range less two, powerful statistical tests may show a
useful as an index of normative limits. A significant difference comparing, as a
non-Gaussian distribution, though not group, the values in normal subjects and
ideal, can sometimes be usefully trans- diseased individuals. Such scientific con-
Electronic Systems and Data Analysis 55

elusions, though valid, provide only limited nosis, or KANDID, runs on an IBM-
practical applications. In the clinical con- compatible PC and assists clinical neuro-
text, a single patient value must fall out- physiologists during their examinations.
side the established normative limits to de- The system processes the data in two steps:
clare its abnormality with reasonable it converts raw data into a pathophysio-
confidence. Common sense must prevail in logical statement, and then matches this
questioning an isolated borderline abnor- statement to a disorder knowledge base. To
mality just outside the normal limit, a sur- maintain an iterative cycle of planning,
prise result unrelated to the patient signs testing, and diagnosing, the clinician must
and symptoms, or a pattern of abnormal- provide data of sufficient quality and de-
ities inconsistent with each other and the cide when to stop the electrodiagnostic ex-
clinical signs and symptoms. Unexpected amination.
findings that make little sense call for A prospective European multicenter field
reevaluation of the patient, scrutinizing trial tested the validity of36
KANDID at seven
possible errors in the interpretation of clin- independent laboratories. The agreement
ical or electrophysiological data (or both) in level among nine clinical neurophysiolo-
an effort to resolve discrepancy. gists who participated in 159 electrodiag-
nostic examinations averaged 81 percent
for pathophysiological conclusions and 61
9 EXPERT SYSTEMS AND percent for diagnostic categories. The pro-
QUALITY DEVELOPMENT nounced inter-examiner variation reflected
regional differences in epidemiology, exam-
ination techniques, reference values, inter-
Electromyographers face difficult chal- pretations and planning strategies.
lenges in considering a vast amount of
constantly increasing knowledge in elec-
trodiagnostic medicine. Computer-based ESTEEM
methodology has helped the development
of automated expert systems for use in The experience with KANDID led to a mul-
some electrodiagnostic assessments. This ticenter project called European Stan-
type of automated analysis may comple- dardized Telematic Tool to Evaluate EMG
ment the routine laboratory procedures, Knowledge Based Systems and Methods,
aiding the less-experienced examiner in or ESTEEM. This project used a multi-
time-efficient detection of abnormalities. center database of neuromuscular cases
Various expert systems, although still in to obtain diagnostic consensus by expert
the developmental stage, may eventually electromyographers and establish stan-
provide quick access to pertinent infor- dards and guidelines of electrodiagnostic
mation that facilitates the decision-mak- practice to develop an acceptable expert
ing process. The use of such a device can system. ESTEEM also served as a proto-
reduce interlaboratory variation, which type for an electrophysiology platform that
results from differences in the quality of integrated different tools within the labo-
training and technical preference of inves- ratory and for telematically communi-
tigators. This approach also helps stan- cated pertinent data at various posts
dardize physiologic evaluations in formu- within one hospital and also among dif-
lating a diagnostic impression. Adherence ferent institutions
to acceptable practice guidelines of elec- Studies in 81 patients from the ESTEEM
trodiagnosis ensures better quality con- database established the degree of observer
trol, which plays an essential role in the variation in interpreting individual tests.
effective operation of an expert system.34 Despite a good overall agreement among
physicians who assessed 735 muscles and
726 nerve segments, a considerable dis-
KANDID agreement emerged in determining spe-
cific pathophysiology in general and in di-
One such system, Knowledge Based As- agnosing demyelination in particular. For
sistant for Neuromuscular Disorder Diag- the consensus procedure of ESTEEM, the
56 Basics of Electrodiagnosis

moderator discarded all of the information evaluated by peer review. MUNIN utilizes
except for electrodiagnostic data and re- very few clinical findings. Thus, the sys-
lated reference values.77 The selected ex- tem does not accept the cases with lim-
perts then interpreted the data in each ited EMG examination performed only to
case with respect to pathophysiological confirm a clinical diagnosis. Methodolog-
conclusions and overall diagnosis. The ex- ical and population differences make it
perts must agree with the diagnosis be- difficult, if not impossible, to compare
fore transferring the case to the consen- MUNIN and KANDID regarding their di-
sus database. If not, the diagnosis given agnostic accuracy and dependability.
by the majority went back to the minor-
ity for a second interpretation, and when
necessary, a panel discussion, leading to Interlaboratory
a consensus for nearly all cases. Communication
The diversity of electrodiagnostic practices
MUNIN necessitates studying the differences be-
tween various existing techniques. For
Another EMG expert system, MUNIN, uses example, some physicians use quantita-
a causal probabilistic network in contrast tive muscle examination and near-nerve
to the rule-based 4KANDID.4,64 The micro- technique for nerve conduction studies,
human prototype includes a limited "Mi- whereas others use qualitative muscle ex-
crohuman" anatomy and a small number amination and surface electrodes. To im-
of nerve lesions. The system gives a de- prove the quality of studies, expert sys-
tailed description of the most important tems must consider these widely variable
groups of generalized disorders of muscle patterns of practices,35 and standardize
and nerve, as well as commonly used terminology for pathophysiological inter-
measures of electromyography and nerve pretations and diagnoses. To facilitate in-
conduction studies. For diagnostic pur- teraction among different laboratories via
pose, a probabilistic inference engine "rea- the Internet, the ESTEEM project devel-
sons" from test results to different aspects oped an electromyography communica-
of pathophysiology to neuromuscular dis- tion protocol.51 It consists of general data,
orders. It can also provide causal reason- examination techniques, reference values,
ing in the opposite direction, from disor- pathophysiological conclusions, and diag-
ders to pathophysiology to expected test noses. Its implementation of several com-
results. At the end of a 5-year project puter programs allows an exchange of
sponsored by the ESPRIT program, eval- data among laboratories despite the use
uation of its diagnostic performance re- of different techniques and reference val-
vealed generally satisfactory results in 30 ues. This consensus database may help
cases covering a wide range of neuro- develop an expert system, which inte-
muscular disorders. The seven expert grates all tools concerned and generates
electromyographers who evaluated the a report independent of specific instru-
system thought that MUNIN performed at ment and telematic programs.78
a level similar to an experienced neuro-
Compared to KANDID, MUNIN does not REFERENCES
explicitly help in the planning of an ex-
amination. If such an interaction were
available, the probabilities provided by the 1. Ackmann JJ, Lomas JN, Hoffmann RG, Wertsch
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Electronic Systems and Data Analysis 57

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Part II
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Chapter 4

Gross Anatomy
Myelinated and Unmyelinated Fibers
Axonal Transport
Transmembrane Potential
Generation and Propagation of Action Potential
Factors Determining the Conduction Velocity
Classification of Nerve Fibers
Modality Dependency of Nerve Conduction Velocity
In Vitro Recording and Fiber Diameter Histogram of the
Sural Nerve
Analysis of Compound Nerve Action Potentials
Axonal Degeneration
Segmental Demyelination in Animal Models
Pathophysiology of Demyelination
Clinical Consequences of Demyelination
Types of Abnormalities in the Clinical Domain

1 INTRODUCTION logic methods have made equally important

contributions in elucidating the patho-
physiology of peripheral nerve disorders.32
Histologic techniques have advanced our In particular, in vitro recordings of com-
understanding of peripheral nerve pathol- pound nerve action potentials from the
ogy, especially through quantitative analy- sural nerve have delineated the types of
sis of fiber diameter spectrum and single fibers predominantly affected in certain
teased fiber preparations. Electrophysio- neuropathic processes. These studies also
64 Nerve Conduction Studies

demonstrated the close relationships be- epineurium, composed of collagen tissue,

tween histologic and physiologic findings elastic fibers, and fatty tissue, tightly
in many disease entities. binds individual fascicles together provid-
Traumatic lesions of the nerve usually ing a protective cushion against com-
result in structural changes in the axon pression.201 This outermost layer of sup-
with or without separation of its support- porting structure for the peripheral nerve
ing connective tissue sheath.45 Nontrau- merges83 in the dura mater of the spinal
matic disorders of the peripheral nerve roots. Paucity of endoneurial collagen at
may affect the cell body, axon, Schwann the roots as compared with the nerve trunk
cell, connective tissue, or vascular sup- may explain why some disease processes
ply, singly or in combination. Electro- selectively involve the root. The vasa ner-
physiologic abnormalities depend on the vorum, located in the epineurium, branch
kind and degree of nerve damage. Hence, into arterioles that penetrate the per-
the results of nerve conduction studies ineurium to form capillary anastomoses in
closely parallel the structural abnormali- the fascicles. The perineurium probably
ties of the nerve. Histologic changes in the acts as a blood-nerve barrier, but the elu-
nerve and the nature of conduction ab- cidation of its detailed function needs fur-
normalities allow subdivision of periph- ther study.
eral nerve lesions into two principal types:
axonal degeneration and segmental de-
myelination. Myelinated and
This chapter will deal with the basic Unmyelinated Fibers
anatomy and physiology of the peripheral
nerve, and discuss types of conduction The nerve trunks contain myelinated and
abnormalities. A number of excellent texts unmyelinated fibers. Certain inherent
provide a more detailed review of the sub- properties of the axon apparently deter-
ject for interested readers. 56,183,199 chap- mine whether or not myelination will
ters 23 through 26 will present the clini- eventually occur. In myelinated fibers, the
cal aspects of peripheral nerve disorders. surface membrane of a Schwann cell, or
axolemma, spirals around the axon to
form the myelin sheath (Fig. 4-2). Each
2 ANATOMY OF myelinated axon has its own Schwann
cell, which regulates myelin volume and
thereby myelin thickness.189 The nodes of
Ranvier, located at junctions between ad-
Gross Anatomy jacent Schwann cells, represent uninsu-
lated gaps along the myelinated fiber. In
Nerves have a structure of considerable contrast, several unmyelinated axons
complexity and features of special relevance share a single Schwann cell, which gives
to nerve injury and regeneration.201 Three rise to many separate74 processes, each
kinds of connective tissue—endoneurium, surrounding one axon.
perineurium, and epineurium—surround The spacing of the Schwann cells at the
the axons in the nerve trunks (Fig. 4-1). time of myelination determines the in-
The endoneurium forms the supporting ternodal distance. As the nerve grows in
structure found around individual axons length, the internodal distance must in-
within each fascicle. The perineurium crease, because Schwann cells do not pro-
consists of collagenous tissue, which liferate. Thus, the fibers myelinated early
binds each fascicle with elastic fibers and achieve larger diameters and wider spac-
mesothelial cells. This layer serves neither ing between the nodes of Ranvier. In other
as a connective tissue nor as a simple words, the larger-diameter fibers have a
supporting structure; rather, it provides a greater internodal distance. In myelinated
diffusion barrier to regulate intrafasci- fibers, the action potentials propagate
cular fluid.209 Fascicular groups destined from one node of Ranvier to the next with
for the same endpoint remain localized the rate approximately proportional to the
within the nerve for long distances.218 The fiber diameter. In unmyelinated nerves,
Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Nerve 65

Figure 4-1. Transverse (A) and longitudinal

(B) sections of the sciatic nerve shown at low
magnification. Vertical scales at lower right
represent 20 um. In A, the epineurium (E)
contains vessels, fibro-blasts, and collagen.
The perineurium (P) surrounds fascicles of
nerve fibers, which are separated by en-
doneurial connective tissue. The longitudinal
section (B) includes a node of Ranvier (upper
arrow), a Schwann cell nucleus (right arrowj),
and Schmidt-Lantermann clefts (lower ar-
rows). [From Webster,225 with permission].

conduction velocity varies in proportion to complicated system of axonal transport

the square root of the fiber diameter. The provides the metabolic needs of the ter-
largest and fastest conducting fibers in- minal axon segments. Hence, the axons
clude the sensory fibers transmitting pro- not only conduct propagating electrical
prioceptive, positional, and touch sensa- potential but also actively participate in
tions and the alpha motor neurons. Small conveying nutrient and other trophic sub-
myelinated or unmyelinated fibers sub- stances. The velocity of transport varies
serve pain and temperature sense and au- from several hundred to a few millimeters
tonomic functions (see this chapter, part per day. The majority flows centrifugally,
4). Those found in the human epidermis though some particles seem to move cen-
apparently originate from nerve trunks in tripetally.
the dermis, subserving some sensory Axonal transport plays a complex role in
function.109 maintaining the metabolic integrity of the
peripheral nerve. Axonal flow of trophic
substances, at least in part, dictates the
Axonal Transport histochemical and electrophysiologic prop-
erties of the muscle fibers. No particles
In the peripheral nervous system, a small other than acetylcholine (ACh), however,
cell body with a diameter of 50-100 um seem to transfer across the neuromuscu-
regulates axons up to 1 m in length. A lar junction. Therefore, acetylcholine mol-
66 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 4-2. Fine structures of the peripheral nerve as visualized with the light microscope (A, B, D) and as
reconstructed from electron micrographs (C, E). A. The epineurium covers the entire nerve, whereas the per-
ineurium surrounds individual fascicles and endoneurium nerve fibers. B. The myelinated fiber consists of
axis cylinder, myelin sheath, and Schwann (neurilemma) cells. The myelin sheath is absent at the node of
Ranvier. C. The Schwann cell produces a helically laminated myelin sheath that wraps around an axon in-
dividually. D. Several unmyelinated nerve fibers share one Schwann cell. E. Several axis cylinders of un-
myelinated fibers surround the nucleus of the Schwann cell. [From Noback,145 with permission.]

ecules may have a trophic influence on phy.35,136 Neuromuscular transmission

muscle in addition to their role as a neu- fails, and the nerve terminals degenerate
rotransmitter. Separation of the axon from faster with distal than with proximal ax-
the cell body first results in failure of the onotmesis. Similarly, membrane changes
neuromuscular junction, followed by ax- in denervated muscle appear more rapidly
onal degeneration and muscle fiber atro- after nerve injury close to the muscle.86
Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Nerve 67

3 PHYSIOLOGY OF action potential (see Chapter 2-3). Nerve

NERVE CONDUCTION excitability change seen after a single
nerve impulse has three phases: the ini-
tial refractory period of a few milliseconds,
Transmembrane Potential supernormality lasting 30 ms or so, and
subnormality extending up to 100-200 ms
Nerve axons have electrical properties com- (see Chapter 8-2).
mon to all excitable cells (see Chapter 2-2). An action potential initiated along the
Measured transmembrane steady state po- course of an axon propagates in both di-
tentials vary from about -20 to -100 mV rections from its point of origin (Fig. 4-3).
in different tissues, despite the same ba- Intracellular current flows from the posi-
sic physiologic mechanisms underlying tively charged active area to the adjacent
the phenomenon. A smaller resting mem- negatively charged inactive region. An op-
brane polarization in the soma (-70 mV) posing current flows through the extra-
as compared to the axon (-90 mV) prob- cellular fluid from the inactive to active
ably reflects a partial depolarization from region, allowing the recording of electric
continuous synaptic influences. As in any as well as magnetic fields.85 This local
excitable element, generation of a nerve current depolarizes the inactive regions on
action potential consists of two steps: both sides of the active area. When it at-
graded subliminal excitation caused by tains the critical level, an action potential
any externally applied stimulus and generated there initiates a new local cur-
suprathreshold activation as the result of rent further distally or proximally. Hence,
increased sodium conductance. A local the nerve volleys always propagate bidi-
subliminal change in the transmembrane rectionally from the site of external stim-
potential rapidly diminishes with dis- ulation at one point along the axon. Phys-
tance. In contrast, threshold depolariza- iologic impulses originating at the anterior
tion produces an all-or-none action po- horn cells or sensory terminal travel only
tential determined by the inherent nature orthodromically. In pathological situa-
of the cell membrane, irrespective of the tions, however, impulses may arise in the
type of stimulus applied. midportion of nerve fibers. For example,
discharges occur in the middle of the
spinal root axons in dystrophic mice, ei-
Generation and Propagation ther spontaneously or as a result of
of Action Potential ephaptic transmission (cross-talk) from
neighboring fibers.165 In isolated nerve-
With application of a weak current to a muscle and leg preparations, electric ac-
nerve, negative charges from the negative
pole, or cathode (so named because it at-
tracts cation), accumulate outside the
axon membrane, making the inside of the
cell relatively more positive (cathodal de-
polarization). Under the positive pole, or
anode, the negative charges tend to leave
the membrane surface, making the inside
of the cell relatively more negative (anodal
hyperpolarization). The cell plasma resis-
tance and membrane conductance and Figure 4-3. Saltatory conduction along the myeli-
capacitance limit the subliminal local nated fiber. The myelin sheath effectively insulates
the intemodal segment with the bare axon at the
changes of depolarization or hyperpolar- node of Ranvier, where the current flows between
ization only within a few millimeters of the intracellular and extracellular fluid. A local current
point of origin. After about 10-30 mV of (broken arrows) produced by an action potential at
depolarization, the membrane potential one node (open arrow) depolarizes the axis cylinder
at the adjacent nodes on either side, transmitting
reaches the critical level for opening the the impulse in both directions (solid arrows). This
voltage dependent sodium (Na+) channels, type of saltatory excitation propagates rapidly as it
leading to the generation of an all-or-none jumps from one node to the next.
68 Nerve Conduction Studies

tivity of frog muscle can show ephaptic in- capacitance and conductance decrease
fluence on contiguous nerves under vari- with myelin thickness. Thus, for the same
ous conditions.14 axon diameter, conduction velocity in-
creases with myelin thickness up to a cer-
tain point. For a fixed total fiber diame-
Factors Determining the ter, an increase in axon diameter induces
Conduction Velocity two opposing factors, smaller axoplasmic
resistance on the one hand and greater
Various factors affect the time necessary membrane conductance and capacitance
for generating action potentials, which in reflecting reduced myelin thickness on the
turn determine the conduction velocity of other.220 Theoretical considerations indi-
an axon. Rapid propagation results from cate that the anatomic characteristics of
(1) faster rates of action potential genera- myelinated fibers fulfill all the conditions
tion, (2) increased current flow along the required for maximal conduction velocity.
axons, (3) lower depolarization thresholds Demyelinated or partially remyelinated
of the cell membrane, and (4) higher tem- segments have an increased internodal
perature. Warming up the body facilitates capacitance and conductance because of
activation and inactivation of sodium con- their thin myelin sheath. More local cur-
ductance, thereby lowering the amplitude rent is lost by charging the capacitors and
of action potential and increasing its rate by leaking through the internodal mem-
of transmission. Conduction velocity in- brane before reaching the next node of
creases nearly linearly about 5 percent Ranvier. Failure to activate the next node
per 1 °C from 29° to 38 °C.89 Thus, the results in conduction block. If the con-
change ranges 2-3 m/s per °C in a nor- duction resolves, the impulse propagates
mal nerve conducting at 40-60 m/s. Other slowly, because the dissipated current
elements of clinical importance (see Chap- needs more time to generate an action po-
ter 5-6) include internodal length,31 vari- tential.166 Thus, demyelinated axons
ation among different nerves and seg- characteristically exhibit conduction fail-
ments, effect of age, and 187
metabolic factors ure, decreased velocity, and temporal dis-
such as hyperglycemia. persion.219 After segmental demyelination,
In the myelinated fibers, action poten- smaller diameter fibers may show contin-
tials occur only at the nodes of Ranvier. uous rather than saltatory conduction if
This induces a local current that, in ef- the demyelinated region has 21a sufficient
fect, jumps from one node to the next, pro- number of sodium channels. Reduction
ducing saltatory conduction (Fig. 4-3) in- in length of the adjacent internodes tends
stead of the continuous propagation to facilitate conduction past focally de-
observed in unmyelinated fibers. An in- myelinated zones.221
crease in internodal distance allows a Conduction abnormalities do not nec-
longer jump of the action potential, but at essarily imply demyelination. They can re-
the same time causes greater loss of cur- sult from toxins or anesthetic agents.30
rent through the internodal membrane. Reduced fiber diameter by focal compres-
Typically, it takes approximately 20 JJLS for sion decreases the capacitance of the in-
the local current to excite the next node. ternodal membrane, which tends to facil-
The conduction velocity would then be 50 itate conduction. Concomitant increases
m/s for an internode distance of 1 mm. in resistance of the axoplasm, however,
The longitudinal resistance of axoplasm more than offset this effect by delaying the
tends to inhibit the flow of the local cur- flow of the local current to the next node.
rent. The capacitance and conductance of Most mechanisms known to influence
the internodal membrane also have the nerve conduction velocity affect the cable
same effect by the loss of the current be- properties of the internodal segments. Ad-
fore it reaches the next node. This in turn ditionally, altered characteristics of the
makes the time required to depolarize the nodal membrane itself may interfere with
adjacent nodal membrane longer, result- generation of the action potential (see
ing in slower conduction. Both internodal Chapter 8-3).
Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Nerve 69

Table 4-1 Types of Nerve Fibers

A fibers: myelinated fibers of somatic nerves
Group I: 12-21 um
Classification of Nerve Fibers Group II: 6-12 um.
Group III: 1-6 um
The compound nerve action potential Group IV: C fiber
elicited by supramaximal stimulation con- Efferent
sists of several peaks, each representing Alpha motor neuron
Gamma motor neuron
a group of fibers with a different conduc- Cutaneous nerve
tion velocity. Erlanger and Gasser61 in Afferent
their original study of the A fibers desig- Alpha: 6-17 um
nated successive peaks using the Greek Delta: 1-6 um
B fibers: myelinated preganglionic fibers of
letters, a, B, y, and 5 in order of decreas- autonomic nerve
ing velocity. Subsequent studies have re- C fibers: unmyelinated fibers of somatic or
vealed two additional components with autonomic nerve
very slow conduction velocity: B and C sC fibers: efferent postganglionic fibers of
fibers. The mammalian peripheral nerves autonomic nerve
drC fibers: afferent fibers of the dorsal root and
contain no B fibers. This designation, peripheral nerve
therefore, now indicates the preganglionic
fibers in mammalian autonomic nerves.
The original terminology for various peaks
of the A fibers has created some confu- individually bound A or B fibers. This, and
sion124; for example, referring to the ini- the absence of the myelin sheath, allow
tial peak as either A-alpha75 or A-beta,60 histologic identification of the C fibers.
and the subsequent peak, now considered Physiologic features include high thresh-
an artifact of recording, as A-gamma.75 olds of activation, long spike duration, and
Current practice designates the two peaks slow conduction velocity. High-frequency
in the A potential of cutaneous nerves as stimulation of cutaneous afferents induces
A-alpha and A-delta. paresthesia attributable to hyperexcita-
The three types of nerve fibers, A, B, and bility, followed by hypoesthesia that arises
C, have histologically and electrophysio- from stimulation-induced refractoriness
logically distinctive characteristics (Table at the central synaptic relays.29 As docu-
4-1). The A fibers are myelinated somatic mented in the human median nerve, both
axons, either afferent or efferent. The B myelinated and unmyelinated fibers show
fibers are myelinated efferent axons that intrafascicular segregation by modality
constitute the preganglionic axons of the rather than random distribution.84 Despite
autonomic nerves. The unmyelinated C specificity, two types of afferent input—for
fibers consist of the efferent postgan- example, A-delta and C fibers—may in-
glionic axons of autonomic nerves and the teract at primary afferent level.229
small afferent axons of the dorsal root and Afferent fibers of the cutaneous nerves
peripheral nerves. Despite histologic re- show a bimodal diameter distribution,
semblance, physiologic characteristics with one component ranging between 6
can differentiate B fibers from small A and 17 um and the other between 1 and
fibers. For instance, the B fibers lack neg- 6 um, or with the Greek letter designa-
ative afterpotentials and consequently a tion, A-alpha and A-delta fibers. The mus-
supernormal period of excitability after cle nerves comprise efferent and afferent
generation of an action potential. The neg- A fibers. The efferent fibers consist of the
ative spike lasts more than twice as long axons of alpha and gamma motor neu-
in B as in A fibers. The B fibers show rons. In Lloyd's Roman numeral classifi-
smooth compound action potentials with- cation, the afferent fibers consist of
out discrete peaks, indicating an evenly groups I, II, and III, ranging in diameter
distributed velocity spectrum. Several C from 12 to 21 um, from 6 to 12 um, and
fibers share a single Schwann cell, unlike from 1 to 6 um, and group IV, represent-
70 Nerve Conduction Studies

ing small pain fibers. In this designation, nerve biopsy consists of dissecting a bun-
the A-alpha fibers of cutaneous nerve cor- dle of several fascicles above the lateral
respond in size to groups I and II, the A- malleolus for 148a total length of approxi-
delta fibers to group III, and the C-fibers mately 10 cm. The distal half serves as
to group IV. the specimen for histologic studies and
the proximal half for in vitro electrophys-
iologic evaluation. The segment used for
Modality Dependency of conduction studies is immediately placed
Nerve Conduction Velocity in cool Tyrode's solution and transferred
to a sealed chamber filled with 5 percent
In cats and primates, muscle afferents carbon dioxide in oxygen and saturated
transmit impulses at a considerably with water vapor. Immersing the chamber
higher speed than cutaneous afferents, in a warm water bath helps maintain a
which in turn conduct faster than motor constant temperature at 37 °C.
fibers. Thus, conduction characteristics A series of silver electrodes support the
distinguish various fiber populations in nerve under slight tension by the pull of
mammalian species. This relationship a 0.5-0.9 gm weight attached to each end.
also holds in humans, although differ- Stimulation at the distal end of the nerve
ences tend to be smaller. For example, di- allows recording of the compound nerve
rect recording from human nerves can dif- action potential with a pair of wire elec-
ferentiate A-alpha and A-delta peaks as trodes placed 20-30 mm proximally. A
shown in the intracranially recorded po- monophasic waveform results with the
tentials from the169 sensory root of the nerve crushed between the recording elec-
trigeminal nerve. trodes following application of 0.1 percent
procaine at the distal electrode (see Fig.
2-4). The compound nerve action poten-
In Vitro Recording and tial recorded in vitro consists of three dis-
Fiber Diameter Histogram tinct peaks: A-alpha, A-delta, and C com-
of the Sural Nerve ponents with an average conduction
velocity of 60 m/s, 20 m/s, and 1-2 m/s
An in vitro study of the sural nerve action (Fig. 4-4). Each component requires dif-
potential complements the quantitative ferent supramaximal intensity for full ac-
morphometric assessment of the excised tivation. The gradual onset of A-delta and
nerve.54 The technique allows comparison C peaks precludes accurate calculation of
between the fiber diameter spectrum and the maximal conduction velocity.
the range of conduction velocities for dif- Figure 4-5 shows a fiber diameter his-
ferent components of the sensory nerve togram for the A-alpha and A-delta com-
action potential. Some authors caution, ponents. Here, the fiber diameter in-
however, that the sural nerve may 4occa- creases from left to right on the abscissa,
sionally contain some motor fibers. The thus, the first peak on the left corresponds

Figure 4-4. Compound nerve

action potential of a normal
sural nerve recorded in vitro
from an 11-year-old boy who
had an above-knee amputation
for osteogenic sarcoma. The ar-
rows, from left to right, indicate
A-alpha, A-delta, and C compo-
nents, measuring 2.6 mV, 0.22
mV, and 70 mV in amplitude
and 42 m/s, 16 m/s, and 1 m/s
in conduction velocity based on
the peak latency. [Courtesy of
E. Peter Bosch, M.D., Mayo
Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ.]
Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Nerve 71

Case I Control

Figure 4-5. Myelinated fiber size-frequency histogram plotting the number of fibers with increasing diam-
eter from left to right. The first large peak on the left corresponds to A-delta and the second smaller peak
to A-alpha. Note a bimodal distribution of myelinated fiber diameter in a normal subject (control). A patient
(Case 1) with familial pressure-sensitive neuropathy had an abnormal unimodal pattern with preferential loss
of the larger myelinated fibers. [Courtesy of E. Peter Bosch, M.D., Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ.]

to A-delta and the second smaller peak to In one study of 51 normal sural nerve
A-alpha fibers. In the opposite arrange- biopsies,179 the fiber diameter histogram
ment with decreasing diameter plotted changed gradually from unimodal to bi-
from left to right, fiber groups appear in modal distribution between 7 and 13
order of decreasing conduction velocity, as months. Cross-sectional measurements
in the tracings of compound action po- showed a growth in diameter of the thick-
tentials. In normal fiber groups, fiber di- est fibers, an increase in peak of the larger
ameter histograms show a continuous dis- fiber group, and separation between the
tribution between the large and small smaller and the larger groups until the be-
myelinated fibers with no clear separation ginning of adult life. With age, total trans-
between the two. Similarly, A-alpha and A- verse fascicular area increased in the face
delta peaks reflects a high concentration of of a stable number of nerve fibers, thus
fibers within the continuous spectrum.15 decreasing fiber density. Determining the
The largest fibers, with a diameter close to internodal length spectra in teased fiber
12 um, conduct at an approximate rate of preparation also provides quantitative
60 m/s, indicating a 5:1 ratio between the data in elucidating distribution of histo-
two measurements. logic abnormalities (Fig. 4-6).94 Statistical
Morphological evaluation of the periph- analyses show significant correlations be-
eral nerve must take into account the106,204
mat- tween teased fiber changes and conduc-
urational and age related changes. tion abnormalities affecting both motor
72 Nerve Conduction Studies

CaseI Control

Figure 4-6. Internodal length spectra of the same nerves shown in Figure 4-5. Each vertical line indicates
internodal lengths measured on a given myelinated fiber. The marked variability of internodal length in the
patient reflects the effects of chronic demyelination and remyelination. [Courtesy of E. Peter Bosch, M.D.,
Mayo Clinic, \Scottsdale, AZ.]

and sensory nerves in patients18 with sen- sectional area determines the amplitude
sory motor polyneuropathies. of an action potential. The factors that de-
termine the waveform abnormality of a
compound action potential include the
Analysis of Compound magnitude of conduction block, diminu-
Nerve Action Potentials tion of current in individual nerve fibers
and the degree of temporal dispersion. Se-
The amplitude of a compound action po- lective involvement of different groups of
tential, E, recorded over the surface of a fibers results in a major distortion of the
nerve increases in proportion to current recorded potential. In contrast, uniform
flow and external resistance. Ohm's law involvement of all fibers reduces the am-
expresses this as E = IR, where I is cur- plitude with relative preservation of all the
rent and R, resistance. Larger nerves have components. Hence, waveform analysis of
a greater number of fibers that would col- compound nerve action potentials pro-
lectively generate larger currents, with vides a means to assess fiber density and
each fiber contributing an approximately distribution spectrum (see Chapter 7-5).
equal amount. Nerves with greater cross-
sectional areas, however, have a smaller
total resistance. Large nerve size, there- 5 CLASSIFICATION OF
fore, may have a negligible overall effect NERVE INJURIES
on amplitude. In fact, a whole nerve com-
posed of many fascicles does not neces-
sarily give rise to an action potential larger Seddon183 defined three degrees of nerve
than the one recorded from a single dis- injury: neurapraxia, axonotmesis, and
sected fascicle.124 neurotmesis. In neurapraxia, or conduc-
More current flows as the nerve fibers tion loss without structural change of the
increase in number whereas the resis- axon, recovery takes place within days or
tance falls in proportion to the square di- weeks, following the removal of the cause.
ameter of the nerve. Thus, fiber density The conduction velocity, if initially slowed
or the number of fibers per unit cross- because of associated demyelination, re-
Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Nerve 73

turns to normal with remyelination. In ax- recordings show spontaneous activity in

onotmesis, the axons lose continuity with afferent fibers about half a minute after
subsequent wallerian degeneration along reestablishment of circulation. The per-
the distal segment. Recovery depends on ceived paresthesia also suggests ectopic
regeneration of nerve fibers, a process impulses generated along the nerve fibers
that takes place slowly over months or previously subjected to ischemia.153
years at a rate of 1-3 mm per day. In neu- In contrast to short-term effects, chronic
rotmesis, an injury separates the entire nerve ischemia induced by a bovine shunt,
nerve, including the supporting connec- for example, usually results in axonal de-
tive tissue. Without surgical intervention, generation of sensory fibers initially, and of
regeneration proceeds slowly, resulting in motor fibers later.17 In experimental ani-
an incomplete and poorly organized re- mals, partial infarction resulted in degen-
pair. This classification, originally pro- eration of fibers in the center of the nerve
posed for external trauma such as super- with no evidence of selective fiber vulnera-
ficial or penetrating nerve injuries, also bility.157 Hypothermia, by reducing meta-
applies to compression neuropathies such bolic demands, rescues the 110 nerve from
as carpal tunnel syndrome or tardy ulnar ischemic fiber degeneration. Chronic
palsy. nerve ischemia may also play a role in the
pathogenesis of some neuropathies such as
multifocal motor conduction.149
Neurapraxia In most acute compressive neuropathies,
such as a Saturday night palsy or crutch
The mildest form of nerve block results palsy of the radial nerve, conduction across
from local injection of procaine or the the affected segment returns within a few
transient loss of circulation—for example, weeks.135 A neurapraxia causing incom-
with leg crossing. These insults are im- plete and reversible paralysis could per-
mediately reversible and cause no struc- sist for a few months or longer, usually
tural changes of the axon. Tetrodotoxin accompanied by demyelination. Similarly
has similar but more widespread re- the prolonged application of a tourniquet
versible effects on myelinated nerve fibers causes sustained conduction block with
throughout the entire length of the axon. paranodal demyelination.150 Conduction
It acts by lowering the conductance of may return immediately after decompres-
sodium currents at the nodes of Ran- sion or at times even under the prolonged9
vier.154 compression, albeit markedly slowed.
During transient paralysis experimen- Complete recovery will ensue with re-
tally induced in humans by an inflated myelination. The degree of compression
cuff around the arm, conduction velocity determines the severity of the initial con-
may fall by as much as 30 percent. A com- duction block, but not the 91 subsequent re-
plete conduction block usually occurs af- covery rate of conduction.
ter 25-30 minutes of compression. Serial Although demyelination in these cases
stimulation along the course of the nerve can result from anoxia secondary to isch-
reveals normal excitability in the segment emia, studies of experimental acute pres-
distal to such a neurapraxic lesion. In rat sure neuropathy have stressed the impor-
sciatic nerve, transcient conduction block tance of mechanical factors76,156,173 with
developed within 10 minutes after femoral the initial displacement of axoplasm and
artery occlusion, reached a nadir at 45-60 myelin in opposite directions under the
minutes, and then improved to normal edges of the compressed region (Figs. 4-7
within 24 hours.158 The fall in amplitude and 4-8). Part of one myelin segment in-
with less than 15 percent slowing of con- vaginates the next with occlusions of the
duction velocity implied relative sensitiv- nodal gaps. Demyelination of the stretched
ity of slower conducting myelinated fibers portions of myelin follows. A patient with
to the effect of acute ischemia. These documented pneumatic tourniquet paraly-
short-term changes in nerve conduction sis had severe conduction block of sensory
probably result from anoxia secondary to and motor fibers localized to the presumed
ischemia.105 Intraneural microelectrode lower margin of the compression.19,172
Figure 4-7. Diagram showing the direction of displacement of the nodes of Ranvier in relation to the cuff
placed to induce a localized mechanical compression in experimental acute neuropathy. Proximal and dis-
tal paranodes are invaginated by the adjacent one. [From Ochoa, Fowler, and Gilliatt,151 with permission.]

Figure 4-8. A. Part of a single teased fiber showing an abnormal node. B. Electron micrograph of nodal re-
gion shown in A. a, terminal myelin loops of ensheathing paranode; b, terminal myelin loops of ensheathed
paranode; c, myelin fold of ensheathing paranode cut tangentially; d, Schwann cell cytoplasm; e, microvilli
indicating site of Schwann cell junction. Large arrows show length of ensheathed paranode (~20 urn). [From
Ochoa, Danta, Fowler et al,150 with permission].

Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Nerve 75

Chronic entrapment states such as carpal cent, spontaneous discharges accompa-

tunnel syndrome or tardy ulnar palsy also nied an axonal change.
show focal demyelination. 112,152,227 Like
acute compression, local demyelination in
chronic entrapment results from me- Axonotmesis
chanical forces rather than ischemia, al-
though microscopic findings of single In this condition, axonal damage results
fibers suggest different pathophysiology in in loss of continuity and wallerian degen-
the two types. Unexpected abnormalities eration of the distal segment followed by
of nerve conduction studies in asympto- denervation-induced muscle atrophy (Fig.
matic subjects suggest a high incidence 4-9).129 Conduction ceases immediately
of subclinical entrapment neuropathy. across the site of nerve injury followed by
Routine autopsies in patients without irreversible loss of excitability, first at the
known disease of the peripheral nerve neuromuscular junction, then the distal
have also documented unpredicted focal nerve segment.35,136 The time course of
anatomic abnormalites.144 such degeneration varies among different
Patients with demyelinating neuropathy species but generally not until four80or five
develop paralysis primarily because of days following acute interruption. The
conduction block rather than slowed con- proximal stump also undergoes relatively
duction velocity. The paralyzed muscles mild retrograde changes. Structurally,
may show fibrillation potentials and pos- sodium (Na+) channel reorganization fol-
itive sharp waves followng a prolonged lows peripheral target disconnection in-
lack of neural influence, despite the struc- volving not only the cutaneous 175afferent
tural 210
integrity of the axons. In one cell bodies but also their axons.
study, 25 percent of 31 patients had In an experimental axotomy in cats,
spontaneous discharges solely on the ba- sensory fibers degenerated more quickly
sis of a conduction block lasting more than did motor fibers of similar diameter,
than 14 days. In the remaining 75 per- and velocities of the fast-conducting fibers

Figure 4-9. Schematic representation of nerve axon and myelin sheath. From left to right: normal struc-
tures, wallerian degeneration following transection of the fiber, segmental demyelination, and axonal de-
generation secondary to disorders of the nerve cell. [From Asbury and Johnson,8 with permission.]
76 Nerve Conduction Studies

decreased at the most rapid rate.138 Per- progressively increases. The remaining
manent axotomy in cats produced by hind sprouts that fail to make functional re-
limb ablation results in sequential patho- connection will eventually degenerate. The
logic alteration of myelinated fibers of the Schwann cell basement membrane and
proximal nerve stump, namely, axonal at- the remaining connective tissues, if intact,
rophy, myelin wrinkling, nodal lengthen- help the nerve axon to regenerate in an
ing and internodal demyelination and re- orderly manner along the nerve sheath.
myelination.53 In the baboon, the muscle The axons grow at a rate of approximately
response to nerve stimulation disappears 1-3 mm per day, eventually restoring
four or five days after nerve section, but nearly the normal number and size of
an ascending nerve action potential may fibers.
persist in the segment distal to the sec- Available data lack detailed information
tion for two or three more days.78 Pre- to precisely characterize conduction ab-
ceding conduction failure, the maximal normalities during wallerian degeneration
conduction velocity remains the same in humans. In one series, muscle ampli-
whether calculated by the descending mo- tudes fell 50 percent in 3-5 days, and
tor potential or ascending nerve action abated completely by the ninth day after
potential. Histologically, degeneration de- injury. Sensory amplitudes declined 50
velops in the terminal portion of the in- percent in 7 days and disappeared by the
tramuscular nerve at a time when the eleventh day. Shorter distal stumps
proximal parts of the same fibers show rel- showed an earlier loss of amplitude.35 In
atively little change. The central stump of two cases, serial studies revealed loss of
a transected nerve fiber, though excitable, action potentials as early as 185 hours in
may show reduction in nerve action po- one case and 168 hours in the other af-
tentials and conduction velocity, possibly ter traumatic transection of the digital
from retraction of the myelin sheath.99,207 nerve. Conduction studies showed a nor-
Transverse section at this level reveals a mal velocity during wallerian degenera-
marked reduction in the number of myeli- tion prior to the loss of recorded re-
nated fibers.6 sponse.161 During the first few days after
Chronic ligation at peripheral nerves nerve injury, studies of distal nerve ex-
initially induces a transient, focal con- citability fail to distinguish axonotmesis
duction slowing or block at the site of con- from neuropraxia. Finger amputation177
striction, followed by more protracted dis- resulted in permanent retrograde change
tal effects ranging from116-118
loss of excitability of the digital nerve as evidenced by a re-
to slowed conduction. A persistent duction in amplitude of the digital nerve
nerve constriction also results in axonal potential. Histologic studies revealed a de-
atrophy and a reduction in motor con- crease in axon diameter rather than the
duction velocity distal to the ligature. number of nerve fibers.37,39,40 Other types
Studies in guinea pigs suggest that at- of axonotmesis include nerve injuries
rophic nerve fibers distal to a persistent caused by injections or tourniquets,228
constriction may become 184 particularly sen- sustained high intensity electric stimula-
sitive to local pressure. A tight con- tion,2 and extreme cooling.1,95
striction of the nerve distal to the crush Severe compressive neuropathy may at
site also adversely influences the process times provide the opportunity to study a
of regeneration as demonstrated in cat single motor axon showing a discrete ab-
studies using special cuff electrodes suit- normality.142 Otherwise, different types of
able for repeated studies.118 changes coexist in the majority of nerve
The process of regeneration accompanies injuries and neuropathies. Thus, catego-
the transport of structural proteins newly rizing injuries of a nerve, as opposed to
synthesized in the cell body to the multiple individual nerve fibers, depends on less
sprouts derived from the parent axon. Once precise definition. Nonetheless, electro-
the axon successfully reaches the periph- physiologic studies help elucidate the ex-
ery and reestablishes the physiologic con- tent of axonal damage. Nerve stimulation
nections, an orderly sequence of matura- above the site of the lesion reveals a re-
tion takes place and fiber diameter duced amplitude in proportion to the de-
Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Nerve 77

gree of conduction loss but falls to dis- of immunosuppression.63,134,143 If the stor-

tinguish neurapraxia from axonotmesis. age of nerve grafts becomes feasible, the
In either condition, unaffected axons, if use of peripheral nerve allografts may pro-
present, conduct at a normal velocity vide an attractive alternative to conven-
across the segment in question. Stimula- tional nerve autografts.62 Sometimes, nerve
tion of the nerve segment distal to the site anastomosis, for example, from spinal ac-
of the lesion helps differentiate the two en- cessory nerve to facial nerve may achieve a
tities. Injured axons undergo wallerian de- better cosmetic and functional outcome.57
generation after the first few days of in- Despite the advent of microsurgical tech-
jury. With the loss of distal excitability, niques, functional recovery following pe-
the compound action potential elicited by ripheral nerve lesion remains poor.137 The
distal stimulation declines steeply. Elec- poor restoration of motor function primar-
tromyography shows positive sharp waves ily reflects the limited capacity of injured
one to two weeks and fibrillation poten- axons to regenerate across the lesion site
tials two to three weeks after axonotmesis. and select the appropriate target to rein-
Rarely, distal nerve inexcitability may re- nervate.181,200 The complex factors that
sult from a proximal nerve lesion without guide regenerating axons toward appropri-
frank axonal degeneration based on the ate terminations involve such mechanisms
time course of quick recovery.130 In these as neurotrophic and neurite promoting
cases, changes+in the number or property factors, chemotactic influences, and prop-
of sodium (Na ) channels58 and impaired erties of the extra cellular matrix. 164,181,208
axoplasmic transport below the lesion The average axon diameter in the proximal
may cause the initial inexcitability of the segment of a transected and reconstructed
distal axons. peripheral nerve will decrease shortly after
the transection and increase again when
the regenerating axons make contact with
Neurotmesis their targets. As some axons reach their
target organs and start to mature, a num-
Sunderland199 has proposed three subdi- ber of the axons which have not reached
visions of Seddon's neurotmesis. In the a proper target organ will lose their con-
first type, the injury damages the axon duction. This loss of signal cancels out the
and surrounding connective tissue, pre- expected maturational increase in com-
serving the perineurium and architecture pound nerve action potential.121
of the nerve sheath. Unlike the central Misdirected regeneration is the rule, not
nervous system pathways,71,107 the pe- the exception, with motor axons entering
ripheral nerve regenerates effectively after any muscles in an almost random fash-
this type of injury though less completely ion, sometimes even from the 67 homologous
than in axonotmesis. Misdirected sprout- contralateral motor nucleus. Thus, af-
ing leads to innervation of muscle fibers ter nerve repair, especially with proximal
previously not supplied by the nerve. The injury, aberrant reinnervation abounds,
clinical phenomenon of synkinesis prob- accounting for a poor quality of functional
ably indicates an antecedent nerve injury restoration.16,196 Misdirection of motor ax-
of at least this severity.115,202 In the sec- ons after proximal section of the nerve
ond type, which involves the perineurium probably accounts for the absence205of or-
as well, the nerve barely maintains the derly recruitment of motor units. Pro-
continuity although it may look grossly in- prioceptors and other sensory axons may
tact on inspection. Some poorly oriented re- also reinnervate inappropriate end organs,
generation may occur for 125 myelinated as sometimes giving rise to abnormal connec-
well as unmyelinated axons. Surgical in- tions between sensory and motor fibers.119
tervention includes 47
sensory-motor differen- Misdirected axon regrowth without central
tiated nerve repair. The last type repre- adaptation leads faulty tactile digit local-
sents a complete separation of the nerve ization.55
with loss of continuity. Surgical repair con- Regeneration may progress poorly, with
sists of suturing the stumps, usually with frequent formation of neuroma.128 Spon-
a nerve graft to bridge the gap, and the use taneous discharges of nerve impulses re-
78 Nerve Conduction Studies

sult from changes in membrane proper- nerves after10,119,146

repair with an autogenous
ties as the source of pain associated with nerve graft. In one series,203 mo-
neuromas.217,223 The accumulation of tor and sensory nerve conduction veloci-
sodium channels at injured axonal tips ties showed sustained improvement after
may account for ectopic axonal hyperex- sural nerve grafts of the ulnar and me-
citability and the resulting pain and dian nerves. Two years after surgery, the
paresthesias.58 Chronic axonal injury motor conduction velocity across the graft
may also lead to intraneuronal hetero- itself reached, in most cases, 40-50 per-
geneity of the populations of sodium cent of the normal values obtained in the
channels in cutaneous afferents, one pop- contralateral limb. Sensory nerve action
ulation activating the other, leading to potentials returned in 44 percent of the
membrane instability and170,224
possibly to ec- nerves after 18 months, though greatly re-
topic impulse generation. Following duced in amplitude and conduction ve-
re-anastomosis of the nerve, regenerating locity. In another study,48 based on ex-
nerve fibers increase in number and in perience with 67 injured nerves, voluntary
size gradually over many years, although motor unit activity returned 7 months af-
they regain neither the original number ter repair and 12 months after grafting.
nor diameter.141,155 The conduction ve- Nerve stimulation elicited a compound
locity increases slowly, reaching 60 per- muscle action potential by 10 months af-
cent of the normal value within 4 years90 ter suture and 14 months after graft. Mo-
and a mean value of 85 percent after 16 tor unit potentials steadily increased in
years.194 Persistent prolongation of the amplitude with time, but sensory fibers
distal latencies suggests the presence of showed poor recovery both clinically and
limited number of fibers distally. Meta- electrophysiologically.
bolic recoveries of the crush denervated Toe-to-digit transplantation provides an
muscle follow a similar time course as the excellent model for study of patterns of
sequentially tested conduction character- nerve regeneration as it pertains to the
istics of the damaged nerve.123 The force donor and recipient nerves. In one series,
produced by the reinnervated muscle de- the transplanted toe achieved 70-90 per-
pends on the length 68 of time the muscle cent recovery for temperature, pinprick,
remained denervated. light touch, and vibration, but to a lesser
In detailed sequential studies of the me- extent for two-point discrimination.41 In
dian 27
nerve after complete section and su- fact, the transplanted toe behaved more
ture, the regeneration took place at an like a normal toe than a normal finger
average rate of 1.5-2.0 mm per day in with38regard to current perception thresh-
three patients. The sensory potential, old. Conduction studies also showed in-
when first recorded 3-4 months after the complete recovery in toe-to-digit trans-
injury, propagated very slowly at a veloc- plantation as compared with digit-to-digit
ity between 10 percent and 25 percent of replantation, which resulted in almost
normal. The conduction velocity increased complete repair.41 The factors responsible
3 percent per month during the first 2 for different recovery may include time in-
years, and 10 times slower thereafter. The terval from injury to surgery, size mis-
tactile sensibility had returned to normal match between recipient and donor
by 40 months, when the sensory poten- nerves, retrograde effects on the recipient
tial showed a normal amplitude but in- nerve and severity of tissue damage. In a
creased duration five times greater than study of transplanted autogenous mus-
normal. Conduction velocity reached 65- cles, function in motor endplate was re-
75 percent of normal in the adults. In chil- stored in about half a year with the com-
dren, the same degree of recovery oc- pletion213of the myelination of the grafted
curred 13 to 19 months after anastomo- nerve. Long-term alterations may persist
sis. The sensory potential returned five or develop after regenerated axons have es-
times faster after a compressive nerve le- tablished connections with their targets.24
sion than after section and repair. Electrophysiologic assessments can provide
Few studies have dealt with the neuro- clinically important information about the
physiologic recovery of human peripheral localization, severity, and pathophysiology
Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Nerve 79

of nerve injuries, although available meth- nerve conduction only minimally, espe-
ods permit only inadequate quantitation of cially if the disease primarily involves the
regeneration.49,162 small fibers.215 More commonly, selective
loss of the large, fast-conducting fibers re-
sults in reduced amplitude and slowing of
conduction below the normal range espe-
cially when recorded from distal as op-
NEUROPATHIC DISORDERS posed to proximal muscles.167 In these
cases, the reduction in size of the com-
pound muscle or sensory action potential
The preceding section has dealt with types shows a correlation to the degree of slow-
of conduction abnormalities associated ing in nerve conduction. In milder cases
with nerve injuries. These form the basis with the amplitude of the recorded re-
for assessing electrophysiologic features sponse greater than 80 percent of the ex-
found in other disease processes, either pected value, conduction velocity should
localized as in entrapment syndromes, or remain above 80 percent of the lower lim-
more diffuse as in polyneuropathies. His- its (80% rule).7,11,26,43 A greater loss of
tologic96 and electrophysiologic charac- fast conducting fibers would result in fur-
teristics indicate the presence of three rel- ther conduction slowing but not beyond
atively distinct categories of peripheral 70 percent of the lower limits of the nor-
nerve disorders (Fig. 4-9):(1)wallerian de- mal value. Thus, physiologic criteria
generation after focal interruption of ax- rarely misclassifies a neuropathy with
ons as in vasculitis; (2) axonal degenera- predominant axon loss on biopsy as de-
tion with centripetal or dying back myelinating.126 Anterior horn cell dis-
degeneration from metabolic derangement eases can also cause selective loss of the
of the neuron; and (3) segmental de- fastest fibers. In poliomyelitis, the motor
myelination with slowed nerve conduc- nerve conduction velocity may fall below
tion.8,100,131,133 Of these wallerian and the normal value, usually in proportion to
axonal degeneration cause denervation the decrease in amplitude. For the same
and reduce the amplitude of compound reason, patients with motor neuron dis-
action potential, whereas demyelination ease have slightly reduced motor conduc-
slows the nerve conduction with or with- tion velocities. Slower conduction in pa-
out conduction block. tients with more severe atrophy, however,
may in part reflect lowered temperature of
the wasted extremities (see Chapter 5-4).
Axonal Degeneration Neuropathies with this type of abnor-
mality include those associated with al-
Axons may degenerate in neuropathies af- coholism, uremia, polyarteritis nodosa,
ter mechanical compression of the nerve, acute intermittent porphyria, some cases
exposure to vibration,44,127 application of of diabetes and carcinoma, and most
toxic substances, or death of the cell body. cases of toxicity and nutritional deficiency
Nerve ischemia also causes axonal de- (see Chapter 25). Most axonal neu-
generation, affecting large myelinated ropathies affect both sensory and motor
fibers first, followed by smaller myelinated fibers, as exemplified by uremic neu-
fibers and unmyelinated axons.70 The ex- ropathies and amyloidosis. Acute intermit-
tent of abnormality varies with location of tent porphyria and hereditory motor sen-
occlusion.122 Electromyography reveals sory neuropathy Type II or neuronal type
normal motor unit potentials that recruit of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT2),50
poorly during the acute stage of partial however, show prominent motor abnor-
axonal degeneration. Long-duration, high malities. In contrast, sensory changes pre-
amplitude polyphasic potentials appear in dominate in the majority of toxic or meta-
the chronic phase. Fibrillation potentials bolic polyneuropathies, Friedreich's ataxia,
and positive sharp waves develop in two and some cases of carcinomatous neu-
to three weeks after the onset of illness. ropathies. Histological studies in diabetic
Axonal degeneration, if mild, affects rats revealed paranodal axonal swellings
80 Nerve Conduction Studies

and nodal bulgings of the axon during the can produce the same pattern of abnor-
early metabolic phase of the distal sym- mality.25 Distally predominant symptoms
metrical polyneuropathy.185 These alter- do not necessarily indicate a distal patho-
ations correlate with intra-axonal sodium logic process, according to probabilistic
accumulation and decreased sodium models that reproduce a distal sensory
equilibrium potentials that account for deficit on the basis of randomly distributed
the early nerve conduction defect. Nerve axonal lesions.222 In some neuropathies,
growth factors not visualized in normal studies fail to reveal the exact site of the
adult nerves become readily demonstra- primary damage responsible for axonal de-
ble in nerves undergoing active axonal de- generation.
In neuropathies secondary to chronic
alcoholism, carcinoma, and uremia, ax- Segmental Demyelination
onal degeneration initially involves the in Animal Models
most terminal segment of the longest pe-
ripheral nerve fibers. Thus, studies show In the second group, disturbance of the
a slower conduction velocity over the same Schwann cells causes segmental demyeli-
nerve segment if calculated based on la- nation associated with unequivocal re-
tencies to a distal muscle as compared duction of nerve conduction velocity, com-
with a proximal muscle.167 The distal pre- monly, though not always, substantially
dominance of pathology and its cen- below the normal range.28 Axonal degen-
tripetal progression led to the term dying eration cannot account for this degree of
back neuropathy. Less commonly en- slowing, even with selective loss of the
countered conditions associated with the fast-conducting fibers leaving only the
dying back phenomenon include thiamine slow conducting fibers relatively intact.
deficiency,4633 tri-orthorcresyl phosphate Experimental allergic neuritis serves as
neuropathy, acute intermittent por- one of the most useful animal models for
phyria,34 and 73,l63,197
experimental acrylamide pathogenetic 87,193,198
studies of demyelinative
neuropathies. In these condi- neuropathies. In animal experi-
tions, impaired axoplasmic flow initially ments, demyelination blocks the trans-
affects the segment of the nerve that is mission of nerve impulses through the af-
furthest from the perikaryon. Thus, pri- fected zone in some fibers as well as dorsal
mary involvement of the neurons leads to root ganglion for sensory conduction.193
axonal degeneration in the distal segment, The slowed conduction results primarily
most removed from the trophic influence from delayed nerve impulses passing
of the nerve cell.192 through the lesion and not simply from se-
Single-unit recording in dying back ax- lective block of transmission in the fast-
ons has confirmed the earliest failure of conducting fibers. Focal segmental de-
impulse generation in the nerve terminal myelination gives rise to slowed conduction
when impulse still propagates normally locally across the demyelinated segment
throughout the remainder of the axon.195 but not below the lesion.88 In addition to
In acrylamide dying back neuropathy in various toxins,59 injection of proteinase K
rats, a sequential morphometric study of to the nerve226 or removal of a small piece
the end-plate region showed the initial en- of perineurium in amphibian nerve160
largement of the nerve terminal area dis- causes a lesion consistent with demyelina-
tended by neurofllaments.212 The postsy- tion. Experimental conduction block may
naptic regions eventually became denuded also results from serum containing anti-
as more than half of all nerve terminals myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), IgM
subsequently disappeared. Unlike the ex- M protein211 or anti-GM1 antibodies.176
perimental acrylamide neuropathy with These antibodies could affect sodium
clear dying back phenomenon,93,178 not all channels64'216 at the nodes of Ranvier
the peripheral neuropathies with a distal where GM1 abounds.42
predominance may qualify as truly dying In an experimental study on demyeli-
back in type. Selective loss of the perikarya nation induced by diphtheria toxin, con-
and axons of the longest and largest fibers duction velocity began to decline one week
Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Nerve 81

after inoculation, reached a plateau dur- causes "outward capacitative current" at

ing the sixth to eighth weeks, and recov- the next node to be excited. This in turn
ered to the original level between the 18th depolarizes the nodal membrane to
and 20th weeks.97,98 The dose of toxin ad- threshold, thus opening the sodium chan-
ministered determined the degree of slow- nels and initiating another cycle of "in-
ing and the severity of paralysis. The am- ward ionic current." The safety factor of
plitude of the compound muscle action transmission, defined as a ratio of action
potential predicted the loss of strength current available at a node to threshold
more accurately than the conduction ve- current, must exceed unity for successful
locity. In antiserum-mediated focal de- conduction through a node.
myelination of male Wistar rats, conduc- In the presence of paranodal or segmen-
tion block began between 30 and 60 tal demyelination, the action current dissi-
minutes after198
injection, and peaked within pates through the adjacent internode as a
a few hours. Paralysis of the foot mus- consequence of increased capacitance and
cles persisted until about the seventh day, decreased impedance of the demyelinated
when low-amplitude, long latency muscle region. Reorganization of sodium channels
action potentials returned for the first also plays an important role in the patho-
time. The strength gradually recovered physiology of demyelination.132,147,180 Be-
thereafter, reaching a normal level by 16 cause it takes longer to charge the next
days. Morphologic studies revealed evi- nodal membrane to the threshold, this
dence of remyelination with two to eight leakage current prolongs the internodal
myelin lamellae around each axon coinci- conduction time, slowing the conduction
dent with the onset of clinical and elec- velocity. With advanced demyelination, the
trophysiologic recovery. Conduction ve- safety factor eventually falls below unity,
locities returned to pre-injection values by and the conduction fails because the cur-
the 37th day, when the myelin layer of rent no longer depolarizes the next node of
remyelinating fibers averaged only about Ranvier beyond threshold. Raising the body
one third that of control nerves. Serial stud- temperature reduces the amplitude of ac-
ies of an experimentally produced demyeli- tion potentials, further lowering the safety
nating lesion in cat spinal cord188 revealed factor. Thus, demyelinated nerves suffer
the onset of conduction block during the from temperature-induced inpulse block-
initial phase. Remyelination commenced in ing more than healthy nerves.36,69
the latter part of the second week con- It is possible to raise the safety factor
comitant with restoration of conduction above unity by prolonging the action cur-
through the lesion in the affected fibers. rent using an inhibitor +of the voltage-
Within three months the initially prolonged dependent potassium (K ) channel such
refractory period returned to normal, even as scorpion toxin.23 Similarly, 4-aminopy-
though the newly formed internodes re- ridine partially reverses symptoms in pa-
mained abnormally thin. In the adult rat tients with multiple sclerosis,22 but not in
spinal cord, transplantation of cultured those with inflammatory demyelinating
ravelin-forming cells from the peripheral neuropathies.13 Ion channel blockers may
nervous system resulted in the92,214
functional also exert immunomodulatory effects,
repair of demyelinated axons. which may have implications for their
therapeutic139 application in neuropathic
Pathophysiology of Normal nerves can transmit impulses at
Demyelination high rates over several hours104,171 ex-
ceeding the maximal motor unit firing fre-
Myelin normally provides high impedance quency of 50-70 Hz under physiologic
and low capacitance, preventing leakage conditions. By contrast, demyelinated
current through the internodal membrane nerve fibers, though capable of transmit-
to sustain saltatory conduction. Action ting lower-frequency impulses faithfully,
current through sodium channels at the may block higher-frequency discharges.120
activated node of Ranvier produces "in- Rate-dependent failure also characterizes
ward ionic current," which subsequently other neuropathies. For example, in rats
82 Nerve Conduction Studies

with acute streptozotocin-induced dia- tion and possible cardiac side effects. Per-
betes, insulin therapy preserves normal haps a digitalis derivative with better pen-
nerve conduction velocity and amplitude etrance through the blood-brain barrier
but not under the stress 5 produced by would render a better therapeutic effect.
high-frequency stimulation. This type of
block should impair information coded in
frequencies up to 250 Hz or more in the Clinical Consequences
central nervous system and peripheral of Demyelination
sensory nerves. The severity of the phys-
iologic defect dictates the critical fre- The pathophysiology of demyelination and
quency for block at the site of the lesion. its clinical consequences77,104,114.190 in-
Important factors include fiber geometry, elude (1) elevated thresholds and conduc-
sodium (Na+)-potassium (K+) pump acti- tion block resulting in clinical weakness
vation and ion channel density in the de- and sensory loss; (2) increased desynchro-
myelinated segment. After an action po- nization of volleys causing temporal dis-
tential, sodium accumulates in axoplasm, persion of waveforms, loss of reflexes, and
more so after transmission of high-fre- reduced sensation; (3) prolonged refractory
quency impulses. This increase in sodium periods with frequency-dependent conduc-
concentration surpasses the physiologic tion block especially at very high firing
range in a demyelinated axon, which, to rates, accounting for reduced strength
compensate for the current dissipation, during maximal voluntary effort; (4) exag-
must sustain more action current than in gerated hyperpolarization after the pas-
normal axons. High sodium concentration sage of impulse, inducing conduction
in turn activates the electrogenic sodium- block even at low firing frequencies caus-
potassium pump, which removes sodium ing fatigue after mild but sustained effort;
in exchange for potassium at a 3 to 2 ra- and (5) steady, ectopic discharges or spo-
tio, thus raising the threshold of the nodal radic bursts at sites of focal demyelina-
membrane by hyperpolarization.20 A tion considered responsible for focal
raised threshold may lower the safety fac- myokymia and spontaneous or mechani-
tor below unity, leading to rate-dependent cally induced paresthesias.
conduction block. A complete conduction block accompa-
One new therapeutic strategy exploits nies major loss of strength. In contrast,
digitalis, which specifically inhibits the slowing of conduction by itself leads to
sodium-potassium pump,102,103 thus cir- few, if any, clinical symptoms, as long as
cumventing rate-dependent conduction all the impulses arrive at the target organ.
block by pump activation. In animal mod- Further, a prolonged refractory period for
els with demyelination, digitalis not only re- transmission, though helpful as a diag-
versed rate-dependent block but also nor- nostic indicator,79 causes no symptoms
malized complete conduction block. The because the time intervals between vol-
inhibition of the pump, lowering the rest- untarily induced repetitive discharges in
ing membrane potential or the threshold of motor axons substantially exceed the re-
activation, also explains this additional ac- fractory periods under physiologic condi-
tion. Another experimental study81 con- tions. Nonetheless, the identification of
firmed the beneficial action of digitalis. In demyelination by these means offers po-
this study, the combined use of 4-aminopy- tentially important clues to conditions
ridine and digitalis provided a more than that may reverse by pharmacologic, im-
additive action to reverse conduction block. munologic, or surgical measures. Slow
These experimental data provided a ratio- nerve conduction resembling demyelina-
nale for the use of intravenous digitalis in tion, however, can result from physiolog-
selected patients with multiple sclero- ical sodium channel blockage by toxins.82
sis.101 Despite transient improvement of Nitric oxide168
also reversibly blocks axonal
the symptoms clinically and as tested by conduction. Other possibilities include
physiologic means, the use of digitalis excitability changes of the axons during
could not serve as a general therapeutic hyperventilation and ischemia.140
approach because of its very modest ac- Common demyelinating diseases of the
Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Nerve 83

peripheral nerve include the Guillain-Barr'e ral dispersion. Desynchronization of the

syndrome, chronic inflammatory demyeli- nerve volley may also result from repeti-
nating polyradiculoneuropathy, multifocal tive discharges at the site of axonal injury
motor neuropathy, myelomatous polyneu- after the passage of a single impulse. Un-
ropathy, hereditary motor sensory neu- less damage of the myelin sheath results
ropathy type I or the hypertrophic type of in secondary axonal degeneration, elec-
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, hereditary tromyography reveals little or no evidence
neuropathy with susceptibility to pres- of denervation. The motor unit potentials,
sure palsies, metachromatic leukodystro- though normal in amplitude and wave-
phy,72 and Krabbe's leukodystrophy (see form, recruit poorly, indicating a conduc-
Chapter 25-3 and 25-5). Some cases of tion block in severely demyelinated fibers.
diabetic and carcinomatous neuropathies
also belong to this category, although
most paraneoplastic syndromes show ax- Types of Abnormalities in
onal degeneration rather than demyelina- the Clinical Domain
tion. Diphtheritic polyneuritis no longer
affects humans very often. Alterations in In the arbitrary division into axonal and
nerve conduction in this condition re- demyelinating neuropathies, few cases fall
semble those seen in animal experiments, precisely into one group or the other. A
with marked reduction in conduction ve- neuropathy with extensive demyelination
locity diffusely or, in the case of focal de- often accompanies slight axonal degener-
myelination, over a relatively resticted re- ation.52,206 In a study of antiserum-medi-
gion. Despite the well-established concept ated demyelination, the inflammatory re-
of segmental demyelination in experimen- action could account for the axonal
tally induced chronic lead intoxication, degeneration seen174in 5-15 percent of
nerve conduction studies186
in human cases myelinated fibers. Conversely, axonal
show either normal or only mildly atrophy proximal to a neuroma or distal
slowed values.66 to constriction may cause secondary para-
In some hereditary neuropathies, the de- nodal demyelination in the presence of
myelinative process uniformly affects the healthy Schwann cells.
nerve throughout its length, delaying Other conditions that may belong to this
saltatory conduction more or less at all the mixed category include neuropathies asso-
nodes of Ranvier. By contrast, segmental ciated with diabetes, uremia, myeloma, and
conduction block in certain parts of the Friedreich's ataxia. Axonal enlargemet can
nerve characterizes acquired demyelinat- also cause axon-triggered demyelination as
ing neuropathies with non-uniform in- in giant axonal neuropathy or hexacar-
volvement. Slowing of nerve conduction bone intoxication (see Chapter 25-4). In
then accompanies a reduction of ampli- some cases, the slight loss of fibers or the
tude, indicating localized neurapraxia.65 mild degree of demyelination demon-
Conduction block may also occur as an strated histologically cannot account for
early sign of105
reversible injury in ischemic the degree of slowing seen in nerve con-
neuropathy. Thus, electrophysiologic duction studies.12
evidence of conduction block does not al- Despite the possibility of mixed abnor-
ways imply the presence of focal demyeli- malities, the electrophysiologic finding of
nation. 159,182 Conversely, conventional any true axonal or demyelinating compo-
nerve conduction studies, basically de- nent provides an important and major
signed for assessment of the distal seg- contribution in the differential diagnosis.
ments, may fail to elucidate a focal prox- Certain conduction abnormalities support
imal demyelinating lesion in the proximal the diagnosis of a predominantly demyeli-
segment.111 Increased range of conduc- nating component even when superim-
tion velocity results if the disease affects posed upon moderate axonal degeneration
smaller fibers exclusively or out of pro- as demostrated on needle electromyogra-
portion to its effect on larger fibers. The phy 7,11,26,43,126 These include reduction
evoked action potential broadens, indi- of conduction velocity below 70-80 per-
cating a pathologically increased tempo- cent of the lower limit, prologation of dis-
84 Nerve Conduction Studies

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Chapter 5

Cathode and Anode
Types of Stimulators
Stimulus Intensity and Duration
Stimulus Artifact
Surface and Needle Electrodes
Optimal Recording of Intended Signals
Averaging Technique
Display and Storage of Recorded Signals
Stimulation and Recording
Calculation of Conduction Velocity
Possible Sources of Error
Types of Abnormalities
Stimulation and Recording
Waveform, Amplitude, and Duration
Latency and Conduction Velocity
Physiologic Variation Among Different Nerve Segments
Effects of Temperature
Maturation and Aging
Height and Other Factors
Clinical Values and Limitations
Heart-Rate Variation with Breathing
Valsalva Ratio
Response to Change in Posture
Sympathetic Skin Response
Thermal, Pain, Vibratory, and Tactile Sensation

92 Nerve Conduction Studies

1 INTRODUCTION in the range of 0.5-1.0 cm in diameter.

Stimulating electrodes consist of a cath-
ode (negative pole) and an anode (positive
Helmholtz (1850)133 originally recorded the pole), so called because they attract
mechanical response of a muscle to mea- cations and anions. As the current flows
sure conduction velocity of motor fibers (see between them, negative charges that ac-
Appendix 1). Piper (1909)251 used the mus- cumulate under the cathode depolarize
cle action potential for this 21 purpose. Sub- the nerve. Conversely, positive charges
sequent138animal experiments and human under the anode hyperpolarize the nerve,
studies popularized the technique as a although probably not to the extent of
clinical test. Eichler (1937)84 recorded nerve blocking74the conduction during routine
potentials percutaneously in man. Daw- studies. In bipolar stimulation, with
son and Scott (1949)58 introduced photo- both electrodes over the nerve trunk, plac-
graphic superimposition and later electri- ing the cathode closer to the recording site
cal averaging for better resolution, making avoids anodal conduction block, if any. Al-
it possible to record sensory nerve action ternatively, locating the anode away from
potentials through surface electrodes60 af- the nerve trunk also prevents its hyper-
ter stimulation of the digital nerves. polarizing effect. Accurate calculation of
With steady improvement of recording conduction velocities depends on proper
apparatus, nerve conduction studies have measurements of the distance between
become a simple and reliable test of pe- the consecutive cathodal points used to
ripheral nerve function. With adequate stimulate the nerve at multiple sites.
standardization, the method now provides Clearly labeling the stimulating electrodes
a means of not only objectively indentify- avoids inadvertent surface measurement
ing the lesion but also precisely localizing from the cathode at one stimulus site to
the site of maximal involvement.162 Elec- the anode at another, which would lead
trical stimulation of the nerve initiates an to an erroneous results.
impulse that travels along the motor or sen-
sory nerve fibers. The assessment of con-
duction characteristics depends on the Types of Stimulators
analysis of compound evoked potentials
recorded from the muscle in the study of Most commercially available stimulators
the motor fibers and from the nerve itself, provide a probe that mounts the cathode
in the case of the sensory fibers. The same and the anode at a fixed distance, usually
principles apply in all circumstances, al- 2-3 cm apart. The intensity control lo-
though the anatomic course and pattern of cated in the insulated handle, though
innervation dictates the exact201technique bulky, simplifies the operation for a sin-
used for testing a given nerve. In addi- gle examiner. The ordinary banana plugs
tion to electrical shocks, used in most connected by shielded cable also serve
clinical studies, tactile stimulation can well as stimulating electrodes. Some elec-
also elicit nerve action potentials.15,35,222 tromyographers prefer a monopolar stim-
Assessment of mechanical characteristics ulation with a small cathode placed on the
helps delineate contractile properties of nerve trunk over the volar surface and a
the isometric twitch induced by stimula- large anode over the dorsal surface in the
tion of the nerve.219 same limb. The conduction velocities ob-
tained in this fashion differ slightly, but
randomly, from those determined by bipo-
2 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION lar arrangements. The use of a needle in-
OF THE NERVE serted subcutaneously as the cathode re-
duces the current necessary to excite the
nerve compared to surface stimulation.
Cathode and Anode The maximum current during such stim-
ulation causes neither248electric nor heat
Surface electrodes, usually made of silver damage to the tissue. Either a surface
plate, come in different sizes, commonly electrode located on the skin nearby or a
Principles and Variations of Nerve Conduction Studies 93

second needle electrode inserted in the with a cardiologist with special expertise
vicinity of the cathode may serve as the in this area should address feasibility of
anode. a nerve conduction study in any patient
Electromyographers use two basically using such a medical device, and the need
different kinds of electric stimulators in to turn the system off or on during the
nerve conduction studies (see Chapter procedure. Placing the stimulator at least
3-7). Of these, constant-voltage stimula- 6 inches away may minimize the233 chance
tors regulate the output in voltage so that of externally triggering the device. Elec-
the actual current varies inversely with the tromyographers should always keep in
impedance of the electrode, skin, and sub- mind these and other problems related to
cutaneous tissues. In constant-current general electrical safety (see Appendix 3).
units, the voltage changes according to the It is common to qualify electrical stim-
impedance, so that a specified amount of uli on the basis of the magnitude of the
current reaches the nerve within certain evoked potential. A threshold stimulus
limits of the skin resistance. Either type barely elicits a response in some, but not
suffices for clinical use, provided that the all, of the axons contained in the nerve.
stimulus output has an adequate range Increasing the duration of stimulation de-
to elicit maximal muscle and nerve action creases the threshold intensity, thereby
potentials in all patients. A constant-cur- prolonging the latency of nerve volleys
rent unit provides a better means of seri- whether tested in single motor axons,
ally assessing the level of shock intensity compound nerve potentials or H re-
as a measure of nerve excitability. flexes.227,228,243 A maximal stimulus acti-
vates the entire group of axons, so that
further increase in shock intensity causes
Stimulus Intensity neither additional increase in the ampli-
and Duration tude nor shortening in latency of the
evoked potential. Unlike a threshold stim-
The output impulse provides a square ulus, a maximal shock activates the axon
wave of variable duration, ranging from at or close to its rising edge, independent
0.05 to 2.0 ms. Surface stimulation of 0.1 of its duration. The current required for
ms duration and 100-300 V or 10-30 mA maximal stimulation varies greatly from
intensity usually activates a healthy nerve one subject to the next and from one nerve
fully. A study of diseased nerves with de- to another in the same individual. A
creased excitability may require a maxi- supramaximal stimulus has an intensity
mal output of 400-500 V or 40-50 mA. greater than the maximal stimulus. In-
Electrical stimulation within the above in- creasing the intensity of an already supra-
tensity range causes no particular risk maximal stimulus continue to shorten the
unless the patient is electrically sensitive. latency of nerve volleys because the
Any current, if delivered near the implan- spread of current tends to activate the
tation site, for example, could inhibit a nerve segment away from the cathodal
cardiac pacemaker.27 Special care to safe- point.
guard such patients includes proper If fibers with large diameters have the
grounding and placement of the nerve lowest threshold 89,300
in humans, as in exper-
stimulator at sufficient distance from the imental animals, then a submaximal
pacemaker.1,179 stimulus should theoretically suffice for
Similarly, in patients with indwelling determining the onset latency of the
cardiac catheters or central venous pres- fastest conducting fibers. Although this
sure lines inserted directly into the heart, assumption usually holds, especially with
all the current may directly reach the car- sensory nerves,269 the exact order of ex-
diac tissue. This possibility makes routine citation also depends on the spatial rela-
nerve conduction studies contraindicated tionship of various fibers and the stimu-
in such patients. Implanted cardioverters lating electrode.109,252 Further, in motor
and defibrillators also pose safety hazards conduction studies, the length of the axon
that usually preclude electric stimulation terminals, which partially determines the
near the implantation site. Consultation latency of the muscle response, varies
94 Nerve Conduction Studies

within a given nerve. Thus, with submax- sites and greater distance between the ac-
imal stimuli, the onset latency fluctuates tive (G1) and reference (G2) electrodes. The
considerably from one trial to the next, stimulator leads, which have no shield,
depending on the excited axons within a can also cause a large artifact if placed
nerve. In extreme cases the first axons ex- near the recording electrodes. With ex-
may in fact have the longest laten- cessive surface spread, a square pulse of
cies. The use of supramaximal stimuli, 0.1 ms duration can affect the active elec-
which activate all of the axons, circum- trode for several milliseconds at the sig-
vents this uncertainty. nal level of recording with high sensitiv-
Most commercial stimulators can pro- ity. Thus, reduction in surface spread of
vide a pair of stimuli at variable intervals stimulus current ensures an optimal
and a train of stimuli of different rates and recording of short-latency responses. Wip-
duration. Ideally, each of the paired stim- ing with alcohol helps dry the moist skin
uli should have independent controls of surface before the application of the stim-
both duration and intensity. A trigger out- ulus. Adequate preparation of the stimu-
put for the oscilloscope sweep should pre- lating and recording sites reduces the skin
cede each stimulus by a variable delay, to resistance. Surface grease will dissolve if
allow a clear marking of the exact stimu- cleaned with ether. Callous skin needs
lus point on the display.285 gentle abrasion with a dull knife or fine
sandpaper. Rubbing the skin with a
cream or solvent of high conductance low-
Stimulus Artifact ers the impedance between the electrode
and the underlying tissue. Theoretically,
The control of a stimulus artifact often placement of a ground electrode between
poses a major technical challenge in nerve the stimulating and recording electrode
conduction studies. Most electrode am- diminishes the stimulus artifact. In prac-
plifiers recover from an overloading input tice, an alternative location may suffice
in 5 to 10 ms, depending on the amplifier with the use of a modern fast-recovery
design and the amount of overload. With amplifier.
the stimulus of sufficient magnitude, an
overloading artifact interferes with accu-
rate recording of short-latency responses.
Better stimulus isolation from the ground 3 RECORDING OF MUSCLE
through an isolating transformer serves to AND NERVE POTENTIALS
reduce excessive shock artifact.48 Not only
does this eliminate amplifier overloading,
but it also protects the patient from un- Surface and Needle Electrodes
expected current leakage. The use of the
transformer, however, makes it difficult to Surface electrodes, in general, are better
faithfully preserve the waveform of the suited than needle electrodes for record-
original stimulus. A radio-frequency iso- ing a compound muscle action potential
lation also minimizes stimulus artifacts in assessing contributions from all dis-
while maintaining the original shape of charging units. Its onset latency indicates
the stimulus better than the transformer. the conduction time of the fastest fibers,
Unfortunately, high-frequency stimulus and its amplitude serves as a measure of
isolation units generally fail to deliver ad- the number of available axons. Averaging
equate intensity for supramaximal stimu- technique, though not usually required,
lation. Finally, the use of a fast-recovery may help14in evaluating markedly atrophic
amplifier circumvents the problem of muscles. A needle electrode registers
stimulus artifacts.324 Even then, optimal only a small portion of the muscle action
recording of short-latency responses calls potential, showing a more abrupt onset
for adequate reduction of surface spread and less interference from neighboring
of stimulus current, as stated below. discharges. Thus, its use may help in eval-
Shock artifacts increase with less sep- uating small atrophic muscles when sur-
aration between stimulus and recording face recording fails. It also improves seg-
Principles and Variations of Nerve Conduction Studies 95

regation of an action potential from a tar- such a high gain, the amplifier must have
get muscle after proximal stimulation, a very low inherent noise level. The use of
which tends to excite many muscles si- low-pass filters helps to further reduce
multaneously. such high-frequency interference. The
Surface electrodes suffice for recording electrode amplifier should provide differ-
sensory and mixed nerve action poten- ential amplification with a signal-to-noise
tials. Some electromyographers, however, discrimination ratio close to 100,000:1
prefer needle electrodes placed perpen- and an input impedance greater than 1
dicular to the nerve to improve the reso- megohm. It should respond to frequencies
lution. With this technique, the amplitude of wide bandwidth ranging from 2 Hz to
of the recorded potential increases by a 10 kHz without undue distortion.
factor of 2-3 times.269 The combination of
the two effects enhances the signal-to-
noise ratio by about 5 times and, when Averaging Technique
averaging, reduces the time required to
reach the same resolution considerably. Conventional techniques fail to detect sig-
Many laboratories now use ring electrodes nals within the expected noise level of the
placed over the proximal and distal inter- system. Interposing a step-up transformer
phalangeal joints to record the antidromic between the recording electrodes and the
sensory potentials from the digital nerves. amplifier improves the signal-to-noise ra-
Studies of the commonly tested nerves tio,32 as does placing the first stage of the
usually require no averaging because in- amplifier near the electrode site with a
dividual stimuli give rise to sensory po- remote preamplifier box.324 The use of
tentials of sufficient amplitude. Unneces- digital averaging represents a major im-
sary averaging is often a poor excuse for provement58over the photographic super-
a bad technique. imposition and early averager59 with its
motor-driven switch and multiple storage
capacitors. The electronic devices now in
Optimal Recording of use are triggered by repetitive stimulation
Intended Signals to sum consecutive samples of waveforms
that are stored digitally after each sweep.
The principles of amplification and display The voltage from noise that randomly
used in electromyography also apply to changes its temporal relationship to stim-
nerve conduction studies (see Chapter ulation in successive tracings will average
3-3). Instead of continuous runs, a pre- close to zero at each time point after stim-
pulse intermittently triggers the sweep, ulus onset. In contrast, signals time-
followed, after a short delay, by the stim- locked to the stimulus will sum at a con-
ulus. This arrangement allows precise stant latency and appear as an evoked
measurement of the time interval between potential, distinct from the background
the stimulus and the onset of the evoked noise within certain limits. In recording a
potential. The magnitude of the potential sensory nerve action potential, for exam-
under study dictates the optimal ampli- ple, averaging can virtually eliminate the
fier sensitivity for determination of the background noise up235 to 50 times but not
amplitude and the latency. Overamplifi- 100 times the signal. Electrical division
cation results in truncation of the re- of the summated potential by the number
corded response, whereas underamplifi- of trials will provide an average value of
cation precludes accurate measurements the signal under consideration. Here, the
of its take-off from the baseline. degree of enhancement increases in pro-
A 1.0 mV muscle action potential, if am- portion to the square root of the trial
plified 1000 times, causes a 1 cm vertical number. Thus, four trials give twice as
deflection on the oscilloscope at a display large a response, whereas nine trials give
setting of 1 V/cm. A much smaller sen- three times the response. In other words,
sory or mixed nerve action potential, on the signal-to-noise ratio improves by a
the order of 10 ^tV, requires a total am- factor of the square root of 2 every time
plification of about 100,000 times. With the number of trials is doubled.
96 Nerve Conduction Studies

Display and Storage of record the frequency range of the com-

Recorded Signals pound action potential, including DC
changes. Further, in the analysis of evoked
The use of an oscilloscope with digital muscle or nerve potentials, the FM method
storage capacity can display a series of re- preserves the amplitude of the recorded po-
sponses with a stepwise vertical shift of tential very accurately. In contrast, the AM
the baseline, to facilitate the comparison modulation responds well to high-fre-
of successively elicited potentials in wave- quency bands but distorts the amplitude of
form and latency. An automatic device the recorded response. The AM method pre-
digitally displays the latency based on serves the high-frequency components bet-
mathematically defined take-off from the ter for recording motor unit potentials with
baseline. When necessary, manual posi- needle electrodes (see Chapter 3-5).
tioning of the marker to the desired spot
of the waveform improves accuracy. Con-
versely, minor adjustments inconsistent 4 MOTOR NERVE CONDUCTION
with the overriding definition may induce
measurement errors. Modern oscillo-
scopes provide a very stable time base re- Stimulation and Recording
quiring no marking of calibration signals
on the second beam. Consequently, a sin- Motor conduction studies consist of stim-
gle channel suffices for most routine nerve ulating the nerve at two or more points
conduction studies. Dual channels, how- along its course and recording muscle ac-
ever, have a distinct advantage in simul- tion potentials (Fig. 5-1) with a pair of sur-
taneous recording of related events. Os- face electrodes: an active lead (G1) placed
cilloscopes with four or more channels on the belly of the muscle and an indiffer-
allow multichannel analysis. ent lead (G2) placed on the tendon.168,330
A magnetic tape recorder can store the Depolarization under the cathode results in
original potentials using either frequency the generation of a nerve action potential,
modulation (FM) or amplitude modulation whereas hyperpolarization under the anode
(AM). The FM mode has a limited high- tends to block the propagation of the nerve
frequency response, but can adequately impulse (see Chapter 4-3). Although this

Figure 5-1. Compound mus-

cle action potential recorded
from the thenar eminence fol-
lowing stimulation of the me-
dian nerve at the wrist. The
distal or terminal latency in-
cludes (1) nerve conduction
from the stimulus point to the
axon terminal and (2) neuro-
muscular transmission, in-
cluding the time required for
generation and propagation of
the muscle action potential af-
ter depolarization of the end-
Principles and Variations of Nerve Conduction Studies 97

poses theoretical rather than practical con- The usual measurements include am-
cern in the usual clinical setup, placing the plitude from the baseline to the negative
anode 2-3 cm proximal to the cathode pre- peak or between negative and positive
cludes the possibility of blocking the prop- peaks; duration from the onset to the neg-
agation of the nerve impulse. Pulses of ative or positive peak or to the final re-
moderate intensity help adjust the position turn to the baseline; and latency, from the
of the cathode until further relocation stimulus artifact to the onset of the neg-
causes no change in the size of the mus- ative response. Electronic integration can
cle action potential. With the cathode at the provide the area under the waveform,
best stimulating site, increasing the inten- which shows a linear correlation to the
sity elicits a progressively larger response product of the amplitude and duration
until it reaches a maximal potential. In- measured by conventional means.108 La-
creasing the stimulus further should result tency consists of three components: (1)
in no change in the size of the muscle po- nerve activation time from application of
tential. The use of a 20-30 percent supra- the stimulus to the generation of action
maximal intensity guarantees the activa- potential, (2) nerve conduction time, from
tion of all the nerve axons innervating the the stimulus point to the nerve terminal,
recorded muscle. and (3) neuromuscular transmission time,
With belly-tendon recording, the propa- from the axon terminal to the motor end
gating muscle action potential, originating plate, including the time required for gen-
under GI, located near the motor point, eration of muscle action potential. Onset
gives rise to a simple biphasic waveform latency in general provides a measure of
with the initial negativity (see Chapter 2-4). the fast-conducting motor fibers, al-
A small positive potential may precede the though the shortest, but not necessarily
negative peak with inappropriate 77 position- fastest, axons may give rise to the initial
ing of the recording electrodes. If GI potential.
placed outside the motor point records a
positivity from one part of muscle and a
negativity from another, canceling effect Calculation of
makes the initial segment isoelectric with Conduction Velocity
apparent delay of onset.298 This "false" mo-
tor point may also result from inadvertent The motor nerve conduction time equals
recording from nearby muscles.63 The lo- the latency minus the time for nerve ac-
cation of G2 substantially influences the tivation, and neuromuscular transmis-
waveform of recorded response.27 sion including the generation of muscle
The compound muscle action potential action potential. The latency difference be-
consists of many motor unit action poten- tween the two responses elicited by stim-
tials within the recording radius of the ac- ulation at two separate points, in effect,
tive electrode in the range of 20 mm from excludes these components common to
the skin surface.16 A single shock applied both stimuli. Thus, it represents the time
to the nerve activates a group of motor units necessary for the nerve impulse to travel
slightly asynchronously, reflecting the dif- from one point of stimulation to the next
ference in conduction velocity and in ter- (Fig. 5-2). Dividing the distance between
minal length of individual nerve axons (see the stimulus points by the corresponding
Chapter 7-5). Temporally dispersed im- latency difference derives the conduction
pulses result in a degree of phase cancel- velocity. The reliability of results depends
lation depending on the nerve length under on accuracy in determining the length of
study and other multiple factors. The loca- the nerve segment, estimated with the
tion of the pick up electrodes determines surface distance along the course of the
the spatial orientation to the constituent nerve, and the latency measurements at
motor units and consequently the pattern the two stimulus sites. To recapitulate,
of their contribution.30,161,168,184,221,318,319 the nerve conduction velocity equals
The use of large electrodes tends to reduce
variability of recorded poten-
98 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 5-2. Compound mus-

cle action potential recorded
from the thenar eminence fol-
flowing the stimulation of the
median nerve at the elbow. The
nerve conduction time from the
elbow to the wrist equals the
latency difference between the
two responses elicited by the
distal and proximal stimula-
tions. The motor nerve con-
duction velocity (MNCV), cal-
culated by dividing the surface
distance between the stimulus
points by the subtracted times,
concerns the fastest fibers.

where D is the distance between the two improve the accuracy of latency determi-
stimulus points in millimeters, and Lp and nation.226 The actual conduction time in
Ld, the proximal and distal latencies in the terminal segment (Ld) slightly exceeds
milliseconds. Stimulation at multiple the calculated value (Ld' = D/CV) for the
points along the length of the nerve allows same distance (D) based on the conduc-
calculation of segmental conduction ve- tion velocity (CV) of more proximal seg-
locities. Separation of the two stimulation ments. The difference (Ld - Ld'), known as
points by at least several centimeters, and the residual latency, provides a measure
preferably more than 10, improves the ac- of the conduction delay at the nerve ter-
curacy of surface measurement and, con- minal153,172
and at the neuromuscular junc-
sequently, determination of conduction tion. The ratio between the calcu-
velocity. In the case of restricted lesions, lated and measured latency (Ld'/Ld),
as in a compressive neuropathy, however, referred to as the terminal latency index,
the inclusion of longer unaffected seg- also relates to distal conduction delay (see
ments dilutes the effect of slowing and Chapter 6-2).280 For example, a patient
lowers the sensitivity of the test. Here, in- with a measured distal latency (Ld) of 4.0
cremental stimulation across the shorter ms for the terminal distance of 8 cm, and
segment helps isolate the localized ab- forearm conduction velocity (CV) of 50
normality that may otherwise escape de- m/s would have a calculated latency (Ld')
tection (see Chapters 6-2, 7-6). of 1.6 ms (8 cm/50 m/s), residual latency
The latency from the most distal stim- of 2.4 ms (4.0-1.6 ms), and terminal in-
ulus point to the muscle includes not only dex ratio of 0.4 (1.6 ms/4.0 ms).
the nerve activation and conduction time
but also neuromuscular transmission
time. The inclusion of the additional fac- Possible Sources of Error
tors precludes calculation of conduction
velocity over the most distal segment. In normal subjects, shocks of supramax-
Here, meaningful comparison requires the imal intensity elicit almost, but not ex-
use of either premeasured fixed distance actly, identical compound muscle action
or anatomic landmarks for electrode potentials, depending on the nerve length
placement.223 Both approaches equally between the stimulating and recording
Principles and Variations of Nerve Conduction Studies 99

electrodes. The impulses of the slow con- Types of Abnormalities

ducting fibers lag progressively behind
those of the fast conducting fibers over a In general, axonal damage or dysfunction
longer conducting path. Hence, a proxi- results in loss of amplitude, whereas de-
mal stimulus gives rise to an evoked po- myelination leads to prolongation of con-
tential of slightly longer duration and duction time (see Chapter 4-5 and 4-6).
lower amplitude than a distal shock (see Assessment of a nerve as a whole, as op-
Chapter 7-5). This physiologic temporal posed to individual nerve fibers, usually
dispersion does not drastically alter the reveals more complicated features be-
waveform of the muscle action potentials, cause different types of abnormalities
as predicted by analysis of duration- tend to coexist. Nonetheless, three basic
dependent phase cancellation (see Fig. types of abnormalities characterize motor
7-11). The evoked potentials of dissimilar nerve conduction studies when stimulat-
shapes preclude accurate calculation of ing the nerve proximal to the presumed
conduction velocity, because the two on- lesion (Fig. 5-3): (1) reduced amplitude
set latencies may represent motor fibers with normal or slightly increased latency,
of different conduction characteristics. (2) increased latency with relatively nor-
Distorted waveforms result from the use mal amplitude, and (3) absent response.
of an inappropriately low stimulus inten- In the first variety, a shock below the le-
sity, which activates only part of the nerve sion may elicit a normal compound mus-
fibers. Conversely, an excessive stimulus cle action potential, even though proximal
intensity can cause an erroneously short stimulation above the lesion evokes re-
latency because the spread of stimulus cur- duced amplitude (Fig. 5-4). This finding,
rent depolarizes the nerve 250a few millimeters if seen during the first few days of injury,
away from the cathode. The surface fails to differentiate a partial nerve lesion
length measured between the two cathodal causing neurapraxia or early axonotmesis
points under these conditions does not pre- before the onset of distal degeneration.
cisely correspond to the conduction dis- Distinction between the two becomes pos-
tance of the nerve segment under study.334 sible by stimulating the nerve below the
When recorded with a high sensitivity, a lesion several days after the injury, when
small negative peak sometimes precedes degenerating axons will have lost their ex-
the main negative component of the mus- citability. In partial neurapraxia, the dis-
cle action potential.33,117,285 This small po- tally evoked muscle response still exceeds
tential, disregarded in latency determina- the proximally elicited potential in ampli-
tion, probably originates from small nerve tude. In contrast, stimulation above or be-
fibers near the motor point.76 A small nerve low the lesion elicits an equally reduced
action potential recorded from the digital amplitude in axonotmesis. Because the
nerve by the G2 electrode has a longer la- amplitude of the muscle response varies
tency and opposite polarity.118 In addition, considerably from one normal subject to
G2 electrodes placed distal to the metacar- another, minor diminution in the recorded
pophalangeal junctions usually register a potential seen diffusely often escapes de-
positive166 far-field potential (see Chapter tection.
20-3), which may constitute the pre- In the second variety, slowed conduc-
motor potential recorded by GI as a small tion accompanies relatively normal am-
negativity preceding the main muscle re- plitude in stimulation above the lesion
sponse.64,78,244 Awareness of these possi- (Fig. 5-5). These changes generally imply
bilities helps one avoid miscalculation, es- segmental demyelination without conduc-
pecially if the nerve potential not seen with tion block affecting a majority of the nerve
stimulation at one point appears at a sec- fibers. As shown in rabbits, incomplete
ond point with the use of a higher sensi- proximal compressive lesions may also
tivity for improved resolution. The use of give rise to slowed conduction with a re-
the same amplifier sensitivity minimizes duction in external fiber diameter distal
this type of error for comparison of suc- to the site of constriction.12 The time
cessively elicited potentials with stimula- course of recovery suggests that in these
tion along the course of the nerve. cases, conduction slowing along the dis-
100 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 5-3. Three basic types

of alteration in the compound
muscle action potential oc-
cur after a presumed nerve
injury distal to the site of
stimulation; mildly reduced
amplitude with nearly nor-
mal latency (top), normal am-
plitude with substantially in-
creased latency (middle), or
absent response even with a
shock of supramaximal in-
tensity (bottom).

tal nerve segment results from distal para- phase cancellation between peaks of op-
nodal demyelination.13 With neurapraxia, posite polarity based on pathologically in-
proximal stimulation above the lesion creased temporal dispersion 165 in the ab-
gives rise to a smaller compound muscle sence of a conduction block. Such an
action potential than does a distal stimu- excessive temporal dispersion commonly
lation below the lesion (Figs. 5-6 and 5-7). develops in acquired demyelinative neu-
A reduction in size of the compound mus- ropathies (Fig. 5-8). If the distal and prox-
cle action potential may also result from imal responses assume dissimilar wave-

Figure 5-4. Mild reduction

in amplitude of the com-
pound muscle action poten-
tial with a nearly normal
latency. This type of abnor-
mality indicates that a sub-
stantial number of axons re-
main functional. The affected
axons, constituting only a
small portion of the total
population, have either neu-
rapraxia or axonotmesis. The
normal latency reflects the
surviving axons that conduct
normally. Because of inher-
ent individual variability, mi-
nor changes in amplitude
may escape detection as a
sign of major abnormality.
Figure 5-5. Increased latency
of the compound muscle action
potential with normal ampli-
tude. This type of abnormality
indicates demyelination affect-
ing the majority of nerve fibers,
as in a compression neuropa-
thy. Conduction block, if pre-
sent during acute stages, will
also diminish the amplitude of
the recorded response.

Figure 5-6. A 67-year-old man with an acute onset of footdrop after chemotherapy and radiation treatment
of prostate cancer. Although epidural metastasis was suspected clinically because of backache, nerve con-
duction studies showed evidence of a conduction block at the knee, indicating a compression neuropathy.
[From Kimura,163 with permission.]
102 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 5-7. A 34-year-old man with selective weakness of foot dorsiflexors and low back pain radiating to
the opposite leg. Nerve conduction studies revealed a major conduction block between the two stimulation
sites, b and b', at the knee. The weakness abated promptly when the patient refrained from habitual leg
crossing. [From Kimura,163 with permission.]

forms, their onset latencies may represent mean normal value suggests 181 peripheral
two groups of motor fibers with different nerve disease, not myelopathy.
conduction characteristics, precluding ac- Absent or very small proximal responses
curate calculation of velocity. indicate that most of the nerve fibers fail to
A prolonged latency or slowing of the conduct across the site of the presumed le-
conduction velocity may also result from sion (Fig. 5-9). One must then differentiate
axonal neuropathy95 with loss of the fast- a neurapraxic lesion from nerve transec-
conducting fibers. A major reduction in tion. In either case, nerve stimulation dis-
amplitude to less than 40-50 percent of tal to the lesion elicits an entirely normal
the mean of the normal value usually ac- muscle action potential for the first 4-7
companies this type of slowing. In fact, if days. During the second week, however, the
the amplitude remains more than 80 per- normal distal excitability distinguishes
cent of the control value, a reduction of neurapraxic changes from axonal abnor-
the conduction velocity to less than 80 malities. With neurotmesis, stimulation be-
percent of lower limits of normal suggests low the point of the lesion produces no
the presence of demyelination. With a fur- muscle action potentials, because of the ini-
ther diminution of amplitude to less than tial failure at the neuromuscular junction
half the mean normal value, the conduc- (Fig. 5-10). The loss of nerve excitability fol-
tion velocity may fall to 70 percent of the lows during subsequent wallerian degener-
lower limit without demyelination. For the ation. Serial electrophysiologic studies help
same reason, slowed motor conduction delineate progressive recovery from severe
also results from loss of large anterior axonopathy on the basis of the amplitude
horn cells in myelopathies. Here, the mo- of the evoked potential (Fig. 5-11).
tor conduction velocity can decrease to 70 Single stimulation may also evoke var-
percent of the mean normal value with ious types of delayed responses usually
diminution of amplitude to less than 10 representing focal reexcitation of hyper-
percent of normal.180 Regardless of the excitable axons or abnormalities of the
amplitude, however, a conduction veloc- neuromuscular junction (see Chapter 18-
ity reduced to less than 60 percent of the 3).316 Stimulation applied at different lev-
Principles and Variations of Nerve Conduction Studies 103

Lt Ulnar Nerve Rt Ulnar Nerve

Lt Tibial Nerve

Figure 5-8. A. A 31-year-old

man with the Guillain-Barre
syndrome. Stimulation of the
ulnar nerves at the elbow or
wrist elicited delayed, tempo-
rally dispersed compound mus-
cle action potentials of the ab-
ductor digiti minimi bilaterally.
Four consecutive trials at each
stimulus site confirmed the
consistency of the evoked po-
tentials. B. Compound muscle
action potential in the same pa-
tient as shown in A. Stimula-
tion of the tibial nerve at the
knee or ankle elicited delayed
and very irregular compound
muscle action potentials of the
abductor hallucis.

els combined with the collision method citation,270 excess acetylcholine or acetyl-
helps clarify the origin of stimulus-induced cholinesterase inhibition88 at the neuro-
high frequency discharges,246,271,288 Other muscular junction (see Chapter 27-4) and
causes of repetitive muscle action poten- neuromyotonia185 and related disorders
tials316 include intramuscular nerve reex- (see Chapter 29-4).
104 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 5-9. No evoked poten-

tial with supramaximal stimu-
lation of the nerve proximally.
This type of abnormality indi-
cates the loss of conduction in
the majority of axons but fails
to distinguish neurapraxia from
axonotmesis or neurotmesis.

5 SENSORY NERVE the antidromic digital potential distally and

mixed nerve potential proximally. For ex-
ample, shocks applied to the ulnar or me-
dian nerve at the wrist give rise to an ac-
Stimulation and Recording tion potential along the nerve trunk at the
elbow. Sensory fibers with large diameters
For sensory conduction studies in the up- have lower thresholds and conduct faster
per limbs, stimulation of the digital nerves than motor fibers by about 5-10 percent.60
elicits an orthodromic sensory potential at Thus, mixed nerve potentials allow deter-
a more proximal site. Alternatively, stimu- mination of the fastest sensory nerve con-
lation of the nerve trunk proximally evokes duction velocity in healthy subjects and in

Figure 5-10. Nerve excitability

distal to the lesion in neurotmesis
or substantial axonotmesis. Dis-
tal stimulation elicits a normal
compound muscle action po-
tential during the first few days
after injury, even with a com-
plete separation of the nerve.
Unlike neurapraxia, wallerian de-
generation subsequent to tran-
section will render the distal
nerve segment inexcitable in 3
or 4 days.
Principles and Variations of Nerve Conduction Studies 105

Figure 5-11. A 21/2-year old boy

with hypothermia-induced axonal
polyneuropathy after prolonged
exposure to severe freezing
weather on a frigid winter night in
Iowa. A. Compound muscle ac-
tion potentials recorded over the
thenar eminence after stimulation
of the median nerve at the wrist
(W), elbow (E), or axilla (A). The
initial study on March 17, 1986,
revealed no response on either
side, followed by progressive re-
turn in amplitude and latency,
with full recovery by January 8,
1987. B. Compound muscle ac-
tion potential recorded from the
abductor hallucis after stimula-
tion of the tibial nerve at the an-
kle (A) or knee (K). The studies on
March 17 and May 7, 1986, re-
vealed no response on either side,
with full recovery by January 8

patients with neuropathies affecting 207

motor For routine clinical recordings, surface
fibers more than the sensory axons. This electrodes provide adequate and repro-
relationship, however, may not always hold ducible information noninvasively.6,96
in disease states that affect sensory fibers Some electromyographers prefer needle
selectively. Such circumstances would pre- recording to improve the signal-to-noise
clude differentiation between the sensory ratio, especially in assessing temporal dis-
and motor components of mixed nerve po- persion.141,142,173,176,242,269,311 Here a
tentials. signal averager provides a sensitive mea-
106 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 5-11 (Cont.). C. Motor conduction studies of the tibial nerve on May 17, 1986. Stimulation at the
knee elicited no response in the intrinsic foot muscle on either side (top three tracings), but a small com-
pound action potential in the gastrocnemius bilaterally (bottom) as the result of early reinnervation. D. An-
tidromic sensory nerve action potential recorded from the second digit after stimulation of the median nerve
at the wrist (W) or elbow (E). The studies on March 17 and 4May 7, 1986, showed no response on either
side, with full recovery by January 8, 1987. [From Afifl et al, with permission.]

sure of early nerve damage by defining ious skin and muscle afferents in hu-
small late components that originate from mans.44,45,47,173,175,284 For example, this
demyelinated, remyelinated, or regener- method allows selective recording from
ated fibers.34,114,269 Minimum conduction nerve fibers with similar functional charac-
velocity calculated from these late com- teristics excited by a mechanical stimulus
ponents normally, averages 15 m/s cor- that46mostly activates Meissner's corpus-
responding281to the fibers of about 4 mm in cles or by vibration, which presumably
diameter. A reduction in minimum drives pacinian corpuscles.126 In contrast,
conduction velocity seves as a sensitive the conventionally recorded orthodromic
measure of neuropathy, often showing compound sensory action potentials re-
otherwise undetectable abnormalities.140 sult from activation of all the large-diame-
The technique of near nerve recording ter fibers excited by supramaximal electri-
also provides unique opportunity to es- cal shocks that bypass the receptors and
tablish physiologic characteristics of var- terminals axons.
Principles and Variations of Nerve Conduction Studies 107

Waveform, Amplitude, ing the electrodes at this fixed distance.

and Duration The antidromic digital potential recorded
with a pair of ring electrodes has no ini-
With the use of surface electrodes, the an- tial positive phase, clearly seen in the or-
tidromic potentials from digits generally thodromic potential. The lack of potential
have a greater amplitude than the ortho- difference between GI and G2 implies the
dromic response from the nerve trunk, be- stationary character of the positive phase
cause the digital nerves lie nearer to the 'along the digit, as predicted by the far-
surface.33 The relationship reverses with field theory (see Chapter 20-3).
the use of needle electrodes placed near The amplitude of the sensory potential,
the nerve. Some motor axons have thresh- measured either from the baseline to the
olds similar to 112those of large myelinated negative peak or between the negative and
sensory axons. In studying the mixed positive peaks, varies substantially among
nerve, therefore, superimposition of action subjects and to a lesser extent between the
potentials from distal muscles may ob- two sides in the same individual. The same
scure antidromically recorded sensory po- degree of variability occurs in recording
tentials. Stimulation distal to the termina- with surface or needle electrodes.33 In ad-
tion of the motor fibers selectively activates dition to the density of sensory innerva-
sensory fibers of mixed nerves (see Chap- tion, body mass index, as a measure of
ter 6-2). Moving more proximally, overlap- the depth of the nerve from the skin sur-
ping muscle action potentials, if any, be- face, determines the amplitude 36
of the
come apparent by an abrupt change in nerve action potentials. Women tend to
waveform.160 have greater sensory nerve action poten-
The position of the recording electrodes tials than men for a yet undetermined
alters the waveform of a sensory nerve ac- reason, but possibly because the
tion potential.8,256,263,335 An initially pos- nerves lie more superficially. Left-handers
itive triphasic waveform characterizes the often have greater median sensory poten-
orthodromic potential recorded with an tials at214 the wrist on the right side, and vice
active electrode (G1) on the nerve and a versa. Most electromyographers mea-
reference electrode (G2) at a remote site. sure the duration of the negative-positive
A separate late phase may appear in the diphasic antidromic potential from the ini-
temporally dispersed response recorded at tial deflection to the intersection between
a more proximal site. Placing G2 near the the descending phase and the baseline.
nerve at a distance of more than 3 cm Some use the negative or positive peak as
from G1 makes the recorded potential the point of reference, and still others re-
tetraphasic, with addition of the final neg- sort to the less definable point where the
ativity.33 Bipolar recording register a sig- tracing finally returns to baseline.
nal as the potential difference between GI The types of abnormalities described for
and G2 when the impulse propagates un- motor conduction apply in principle to
der the electrodes. Assuming a conduc- sensory conduction as well. Substantial
tion velocity of 50 m/s and signal dura- slowing in conduction velocity implies de-
tion of 0.8 ms, a 4 cm interelectrode myelination of the sensory fibers, whereas
distance allows the impulse to pass the axonotmesis results in reduced amplitude
GI site before being picked up at the G2 of the compound nerve action potentials
location. Thus, the waveform distortions with stimulation either distally or proxi-
are least 83,116,187
with the 4 cm interelectrode sep- mally to the site of the lesion. Sural nerve
aration. Theoretical considera- potential serves as a sensitive measure for
tion notwithstanding, some favour the use length-dependent distal axonal polyneu-
of a 3 cm over a 4 cm separation for two ropathy.5 In patients with neuropathy,
practical reasons; less noise and easier sural to radial nerve sensory potential ra-
application when recording from short tio often falls below 0.40, compared to the
digits.323 We prefer a 2 cm separation, as mean of 0.71.272 The sensory fibers de-
do many others, to be consistent with our generate only with a lesion distal to the
normative values established using com- sensory ganglion (Fig. 5-1 ID). Thus, the
mercially available recording bars mount- presence of distal sensory potential serves
108 Nerve Conduction Studies

as a criterion for differentiating pregan- this practice, the conduction distance de-
glionic root avulsion from plexopathy.113 termined to the midpoint of GI and G2,
Intra-spinal canal lesions such as radicu- rather than to GI itself, compensates for
lopathy, however, could involve the gan- the discrepancy between the arrival of the
glion or postganglionic portion of the157,192
root impulse and the appearance of the nega-
affecting the digital nerve potential. tive peak.73 The use of modern amplifiers
Distinction from plexopathy then depends with high resolution now makes it feasi-
on the distribution of sensory involve- ble in most cases to measure the sensory
ment. Plexopathy tends to affect multiple latency to the initial positive peak. Deter-
digits, whereas radiculopathy will show mining the conduction distance from the
selective change of the first digit by C6, stimulus point to G1 then allows accurate
the second and third digits by C7, and the calculation of conduction velocity of the
fourth and fifth digits by C8 root lesions.97 fastest fibers.33
This type of assessment must take into With the biphasic digital potential re-
account the relative amplitude values of corded antidromically, the onset latency
the sensory action potential for each measured to the initial take-off of the neg-
digit.55,56,231 ative peak corresponds to the conduction
time of the fastest fibers from the cathode
to GI. The use of the peak latency has
Latency and some justification as a quick estimate of
Conduction Velocity abnormal temporal dispersion, which in-
creases the duration of the evoked poten-
Unlike motor latency, which includes neu- tial. Mesuring both the onset latency and
romuscular transmission, sensory latency duration, however, provides more com-
consists only of the nerve activation and plete data especially with easily detectable
conduction time from the stimulus point antidromic digital potentials, which con-
to the recording electrode. Therefore, siderably exceed orthodromic potentials
stimulation of the nerve at a single site in amplitude. In one study, antidromic
suffices for calculation of conduction ve- conduction times, despite identical mean
locity. The latency of activation, or a fixed values, showed slightly higher standard
delay of about 0.15 ms at the stimulus deviations than orthodromic measure-
site174 makes the calculated conduction ments.33 In another study, the ortho-
velocity slightly slower with the use of dromic recording revealed a shorter distal
measured latency from a stimulus to a latency than the antidromic method in
recording site compared to the latency dif- both median and ulnar nerves.51 For the
ference between two recording sites flank- same segment of the sensory nerve, how-
ing the same nerve segment. In measur- ever, the orthodromic and antidromic po-
ing the latency of the orthodromic sensory tentials recorded using the same inter-
potentials, some electromyographers use electrode 53distance have the identical
the initial positive peak and others the latencies.
subsequent negative peak, as the point of
reference.149 Sensory potentials elicited
by stimulation at different sites vary in 6 NERVE CONDUCTION IN
waveform because of temporal dispersion THE CLINICAL DOMAIN
between fast and slow fibers. The interval
between the positive and negative peaks
also increases in proportion to the nerve The validity of the calculated nerve con-
length tested. Therefore, the conduction duction velocity depends primarily on the
velocity calculated with the latency to the accuracy in determining the latencies and
negative peak does not necessarily relate the conduction distances. Sources of er-
to the fastest conducting sensory fibers. ror in measuring latencies include unsta-
The measurement to the negative peak ble or incorrect triggering of the sweep,
circumvents the technical problems of poorly defined take-off of the evoked re-
identifying the preceding smaller positive sponse, inappropriate stimulus strength,
peak, especially in diseased nerves.110 In and inaccurate calibration. Errors in es-
Principles and Variations of Nerve Conduction Studies 109

timating the conduction distance by sur- and nerve conduction velocity.40,196,336,340

face measurement result from uncertainty Available data further indicate a good cor-
as to the exact site of stimulation and the relation between conduction velocity and
nonlinear course of the nerve segments. estimated axonal length in peroneal and
Surface determination of the nerve length sural nerves, but not in motor or sensory
yields particularly imprecise results when fibers of the median nerve.290 These find-
the nerve takes an angulated path, as in ings might suggest, without histologic
the brachial plexus or across the elbow or proof, abrupt distal axonal tapering in the
knee. lower limbs. The other factors possibly re-
Because of these uncontrollable vari- sponsible for the velocity gradient include
ables, the calculated values only approx- progressive reduction in axonal diameter,
imate the true nerve conduction velocities. shorter internodal distances, and lower
On repeated testing, the results may vary distal temperatures. Statistical analyses
as much as 5-10 m/s because of the lim- of conduction velocities show no differ-
itations inherent in the technique (see ence between median and ulnar nerves or
Chapter 7-6).171 Changes in limb tem- between tibial and peroneal nerves. These
perature in part account for this variabil- measures also show a high degree of sym-
ity.23 Strict adherence to the standard metry with only small 29side-to-side differ-
procedures minimizes the error, improves ences (see Chapter 6).
the reproducibility, and helps establish a The nerve impulse propagates faster in
small range of normal values, which justify the proximal than in the distal nerve seg-
the use of conduction studies as a diag- ments.111,134 For example, the most prox-
nostic study. Unlike conduction velocity, imal motor nerve conduction velocity de-
latency comparison calls for a constant dis- termined by F-wave latency clearly exceeds
tance between the stimulating and record- the conventionally54,85,158,164,169
derived most distal con-
ing electrodes. A number of factors, listed duction velocity. Statistical
below, can modify the results of motor and analyses show no significant difference be-
sensory conduction studies. A combined tween cord-to-axilla and axilla-to-elbow
index improves diagnostic classification segments.158 The F ratio (see Chapter 18-
over use of single test results.264 Analyz- 5) compares the proximal and distal mo-
ing multiple measurements, however, tor nerve conduction time from the 159 stim-
poses statistical problems, necessitating a ulus site at the elbow or the knee. In
technique for data reduction (see Chapter healthy subjects, faster proximal conduc-
3-8).265 The common assumption that tion compensates for the difference in
conduction values follow a normal, bell- length between the cord-to-elbow and el-
shaped Gaussian distribution appears bow-to-muscle segments or between the
unwarranted.41 If so, calculation of refer- cord-to-knee and knee-to-muscle seg-
ence values as the mean ± 2 (or 3) stan- ments.164 Hence, approximately equal con-
dard deviations, for example, must use duction time along the proximal and dis-
the optionally transformed data to remove tal segments from the site of stimulation
the effect of skew and unacceptable rate makes this ratio close to unity.
of misclassification (see Chapter 3-8).267
Effects of Temperature
Physiologic Variation Among
Different Nerve Segments Lower temperatures slow down impulse
propagation while at the same time aug-
Both motor and sensory fibers conduct menting the amplitude of nerve and mus-
substantially more slowly in the legs than cle potential, as demonstrated in the squid
in the arms. A small reduction in temper- axon,139 and in human studies.68,182,186,249
ature cannot account for the recorded dif- For example, distal latencies increase by
ferences, ranging from 7 to 10 m/s.167,304 0.3 ms per degree for both median and ul-
Longer nerves generally conduct more nar nerves upon cooling the hand.42 These
slowly than shorter nerves, as suggested principles apply for both normal and de-
by an inverse relationship between height myelinated fibers as a straightforward
110 Nerve Conduction Studies

consequence of the temperature coeffi- of the limb from 32 °C to 42 °C.273 In de-

cients governing voltage-sensitive sodium myelinated nerve fibers, conduction ve-
(Na+) and potassium (K+) conductance. In locity increases as temperature rises un-
particular, cold-induced slowing of sodium til propagation ceases at a vulnerable site.
channel opening and a delay of its inacti- The nerve conducts faster, reflecting quick
vation probably account for the slowing of activation of Na+ channels over a length
conduction and the increase in amplitude. of a fiber that is normal except for a short
A parallel temperature-dependent202change segment of demyelination. Conduction
also affects the refractory period. fails at a particular site with a low safety
In contrast, nerve impulses conduct factor when the rising temperature re-
faster at a higher body temperature,61 as duces the 102,326
action potential below the crit-
is seen, for example, after physical activ- ical level. Thus, the latency and am-
ity. 125 The conduction velocity increases al- plitude measure two completely separate
most linearly, by 2.4 m/s, or approximately effects of change in temperature.
5 percent per degree, as the temperature Studies conducted in a warm room with
measured near135,148
the nerve increases from ambient temperature maintained between
29° to 38 °C. Conduction velocity 21° and 23 °C reduce this type of variabil-
changes nonlinearly with increase in skin ity. Although impractical and unnecessary
temperature, showing more pronounced in clinical practice, a warmer room at
effect in the lower temperature range.306 26°-28 °C or even 30 °C minimizes the tem-
Very high temperatures, however, induce perature gradient along the course of a
a pronounced effect, decreasing motor nerve.154 To check the intramuscular tem-
and sensory potentials by 27 percent and perature, the insertion of a thermometer
50 percent in amplitude, and 19 percent through the skin requires an additional
and 26 percent in duration with warming puncture for each muscle tested. In prac-

Figure 5-12. Relation of age to conduction velocity of motor fibers in the ulnar nerve between elbow and
wrist. Velocities in normal young adults range from 47 to 73 m/s, with most values between 50 and 70 m/s.
Ages plotted indicate the month after the expected birth date based on calculation from the first day of last
menstruation. [From Thomas and Lambert,302 with permission.]
Principles and Variations of Nerve Conduction Studies 111

Table 5-1 Normal Motor Nerve Conduction Velocities

(M/S) in Different Age Groups
Age Ulnar Median Peroneal
0-1 week 32 (21-39) 29 (21-38) 29 (19-31)
1 week to 4 months 42 (27-53) 34 (22-42) 36 (23-53)
4 months to 1 year 49 (40-63) 40 (26-58) 48 (31-61)
1-3 years 59 (47-73) 50 (41-62) 54 (44-74)
3-8 years 66 (51-76) 58 (47-72) 57 (46-70)
8-16 years 68 (58-78) 64 (54-72) 57 (45-74)
Adults 63 (52-75) 63 (51-75) 56 (47-63)
Source: From Gamstorp,107 with permission.

tice, the skin temperature measured with Maturation and Aging

a plate thermistor correlates linearly with
the subcutaneous and intramuscular tem- Nerve conduction velocities increase rapidly
peratures.123,124 A skin temperature of as the process of myelination advances
34 °C or above indicates a muscle temper- from roughly half the adult value in full-
ature close to 37 °C.69 A measured value term infants302 to the adult range at age
falling below 32 °C calls for warming of the 3-5 years (Fig. 5-12). Conduction velocity
limb with an infrared heat lamp or by its of slower fibers also show a similar time
immersion in warm water for a sufficient course of maturation.122 Table 5-1 sum-
time in the order of 30 minutes.101 Alter- marizes the results of one series showing a
natively, one may add 5 percent of the cal- steep increase in conduction of the peroneal
culated conduction velocity for each degree nerve through infancy and a slower matu-
below 32 °C to normalize the result. Such ration of the median nerve during early
conversion factors, based on an average of childhood.107 Premature infants have even
many healthy subjects, however, may pro- slower conduction velocities, ranging from
vide misleading interpretations in diseases 17 to 25 m/s in the ulnar nerve and from
of the peripheral nerve.11,19,40,71,237 14 to 28 m/s in the peroneal nerve.49 The

Table 5-2 Normal Sensory and Motor Nerve Conduction

Velocities (M/S) in Different Age Groups
Age 1O-35 Years Age 36-5O Tears Age 51-80 Tears
(3O Cases) (16 Cases) (18 Cases)
Nerve Sensory Motor Sensory Motor Sensory Motor
Median nerve
Digit-wrist 67.5 ±4.7 65.8 ±5.7 59.4 ±4.9
Wrist-muscle 3.2 ±0.3* 3.7 ± 0.3* 3..5 ± 0.2*
Wrist-elbow 67.7 ±4.4 59.3 ±3.5 65.8 ±3.1 55.9 ± 2.6 62.8 ±5.4 54..5 ± 4.0
Elbow-axilla 70.4 ±4.8 65.9 ±5.0 70.4 ±3.4 65.1 ±4.2 66.2 ±3.6 63..6 ± 4.4
Ulnar nerve
Digit-wrist 64.7 ±3.9 66.5 ±3.4 57.5 ±6.6
Wrist-muscle 2.7 ± 0.3* 2.7 ± 0.3* 3,.0 ± 0.35*
Wrist-elbow 64.8 ±3.8 58.9 ±2.2 67.1 ±4.7 57.8 ±2.1 56.7 ±3.7 53.,3 ± 3.2
Elbow-axilla 69.1 ±4.3 64.4 ±2.6 70.6 ±2.4 63.3 ± 2.0 64.4 ±3.0 59..9 ± 0.7
Common peroneal nerve
Ankle-muscle 4.3 ±0.9* 4.8 ± 0.5* 4..6 ± 0.6*
Ankle-knee 53.0 ±5.9 49.5 ±5.6 50.4 ± 1.0 43.6 ±5.1 46.1 ±4.0 43.,9 ± 4.3
Posterior tibial nerve
Ankle-muscle 5.9 ± 1.3* 7.3 ± 1.7* 6.,0± 1.2*
Ankle-knee 56.9 ±4.4 45.5 ±3.8 49.0 ±3.8 42.9 ± 4.9 48.9 ±2.6 41..8 ±5.1
H reflex, popliteal fossa 71.0 ±4.0 64.0 ±2.1 60..4 ± 5.0
27.9 ±2.2* 28.2 ± 1.5* 32.,0±2.1*
'Latency in milliseconds.
Values are means ± 1 standard deviation.
Source: From Mayer220 with permission.
112 Nerve Conduction Studies

Table 5-3 Comparison of Conduction Studies Between

Younger Group (n = 52, 1O-40 Years) and Older Group (n = 52, 41-84 Years)
Age Age
29.7 ± 6.9 54.0 ± 10.5
Nerve No. of Years No. of Years
Tested Nerves (Mean ± SD) Nerves (Mean ± SD) P Value
M amplitude (mV) 104 5.4 ± 1.5 98 5.0 ± 1.3 0.03*
M latency (ms) 104 3.7 ± 0.9 98 3.7 ± 0.7 0.98
MNCV (m/s) 104 49.5 ± 5.4 98 47.8 ± 3.8 0.01*
F latency (ms) 44 47.1 ±5.3 42 47.6 ± 4.9 0.68
FWCV (m/s) 44 60.6 ± 7.7 42 59.9 ± 7.6 0.66
F number (#) 10 8.5 ± 1.7 29 9.7 ±3.1 0.19
M amplitude (mV) 104 6.7 ± 2.0 100 5.9 ± 1.5 0.001*
M latency (ms) 104 3.5 ±0.6 100 3.6 ± 0.6 0.23
MNCV (m/s) 104 48.6 ± 4.2 100 49.1 ±4.9 0.52
F latency (ms) 74 47.9 ±4.1 74 48.3 ± 4.6 0.63
FWCV (m/s) 74 58.3 ± 6.2 74 57.5 ± 6.8 0.49
F number (#) 25 11.6 ±3.4 27 12.4 + 2.6 0.39
H amplitude (mV) 53 1.4 ±0.8 43 1.2 ± 0.8 0.20
H latency (ms) 53 29.8 ± 2.3 50 30.7 ± 2.0 0.04*
S amplitude (^V) 53 20.9 ± 8.0 50 17.2 ± 6.7 0.01*
S latency (ms) 53 2.7 ± 0.3 50 2.8 ± 0.3 0.16
SNCV (m/s) 53 52.5 ± 5.6 50 51.1 ±5.9 0.23
MMCV, motor nerve conduction velocity in the distal segment; FWCV, F-wave conduction velocity in the
proximal segment; F number, number of responses out of 16 trials.
*Amplitude was significantly reduced in the older group for all the nerves tested, whereas measures of
conduction showed no changes except for peroneal MNCV and tibial H latency.
Source: From Kumura,163 with permission.

values at 23-24 weeks of fetal life average amplitude and changes in the 94 shape of the
roughly one third those of newborns of nor- evoked potential (Table 5-3), especially
mal gestational age.57,225,286 In premature when recorded55,56across the common sites of
infants, motor and proprioceptive con- compression. The latencies of the F
duction show a different time course of wave and somatosensory evoked poten-
maturation when studied on the expected tials also72 gradually increase with advanc-
date of birth.26 Fetal nutrition may alter ing age, probably reflecting preferential
peripheral nerve function by influencing loss of the largest and fastest conducting
myelin formation.268 motor units.327
In children and adolescents, from age 3
to 19 years, both motor and sensory con-
duction velocities tend to increase slightly Height and Other Factors
in the upper limb and decrease in the
lower limb183
as a function of age and growth In addition to temperature and age, other
in length. Conduction velocities begin factors that influence nerve conduction
to decline after 30-40 years of age, but measures274,292
include anthropometric charac-
the values normally change301,322
by less than teristics. For example, height shows
10 m/s by the sixtieth year or even negative association with sensory ampli-
the eightieth year.236 The most distal tude and positive association with distal
branches, such as the interdigital nerves, latencies. Sural, peroneal and tibial nerve
may degenerate earlier.188 Table 5-2 conduction velocities all have inverse cor-
summarizes the results of one study220 relation with height in normals261 and 106
showing a reduction in the mean conduc- patients with diabetic neuropathy.
tion rate of about 10 percent at 60 years Women have faster conduction velocity
of age. Aging also causes a diminution in and greater amplitude for both motor and
Principles and Variations of Nerve Conduction Studies 113

sensory studies than men.266 Most gender hereditary demyelinating neuropathies

differences resolve when adjusted by commonly show diffuse abnormalities, with
height, whereas amplitude differences per- little difference from one nerve to another
sist despite such correction. In one in the same patient and among different
study312 dealing with sural nerve conduc- members in the same family.195 Approxi-
tion velocity, the changes attributable to mately equal involvement of different nerve
height fell within the experimental error of fibers limits the degree of temporal disper-
2.3 percent expected from the method. sion despite a considerably increased la-
Ischemia induced by a pneumatic tour- tency. In contrast, acquired demyelination
niquet alters nerve excitability substan- tends to affect certain segments of the nerve
tially, with progressive slowing in conduc- disproportionately,159,169 giving rise to
tion velocity, decrease in amplitude, and more asymmetric abnormalities and sub-
increase in duration of the action poten- stantial increases in temporal dispersion.
tial.277 These changes affect the median Pattern of distribution in sensory nerve
nerve more rapidly in patients with carpal conduction abnormalities also helps differ-
tunnel syndrome than in normal control entiate demyelinating and axonal polyneu-
subjects.105 Conversely, patients with dia- ropathies. For example, a reduced median
betes or uremia or elderly subjects have a amplitude compared with the sural ampli-
greater resistance to ischemia with regard tude supports the diagnosis of a primary
to peripheral nerve function.43 Threshold demyelination.28 In contrast, a reduced
tracking provides confirmatory evidence for sural amplitude compared with the radial
the ischemic resistance in motor axons of amplitude implies axonal polyneuropa-
diabetic subjects (see Chapter 8-3).331 In thy.272
chronic hypoxemia and diabetes, reduction Optimal application of the nerve con-
in amplitude of nerve potential during is- duction study depends on an understand-
chemia shows a time course correlated with ing of the principles and a recognition of
the blood oxygen saturation. Thus, hypoxic the pitfalls of the technique. The conven-
exposures may induce resistance to is- tional methods deal primarily with distal
chemic conduction failure.127 Animal stud- nerve segments in the four limbs. Special
ies in rats suggest that both glucose and techniques enable assessment of nerve seg-
insulin also play an important role.245 ments in less accessible anatomic regions
for better evaluation of a focal lesion, and
improved detection of subclinical abnor-
Clinical Values and Limitations malities. Despite certain limitations, these
methods can provide diagnostically perti-
Over the years, nerve conduction studies nent information if used judiciously in ap-
have made major contributions to the un- propriate clinical contexts.
derstanding of peripheral nerve function
in health and disease states.115 Such eval-
uations can precisely delineate the extent 7 STUDIES OF
and distribution of the lesion, providing THE AUTONOMIC
an overall distinction between axonal and NERVOUS SYSTEM
demyelinating involvement.303 This di-
chotomy provides a simple and practical
means of correlating conduction abnor- Electrophysiologic evaluations of the sym-
malities with major pathologic changes in pathetic and parasympathetic pathways
the nerve fibers. In support of this con- help confirm a clinical diagnosis of auto-
cept, in vitro recordings from the sural nomic neuropathy.3,254 Some studies read-
nerve have clearly delineated close rela- ily performed in a clinical neurophysiology
tionships between histologic and physio- laboratory complement invasive investi-
logic findings.20 gations required for precise localization of
In addition to such a broad classification, the site of the lesion. Autonomic func-
the pattern of nerve conduction abnormal- tions change with age, requiring appropri-
ities can often characterize the general na- ately matched control values for compar-
ture of the clinical disorder. For example, ison.75,98,203
114 Nerve Conduction Studies

Noninvasive studies for cardiovascular The heart rates, determined mainly by

function include heart-rate (R-R intervals) vagal activity, reveal parasympathetic func-
variation with104
breathing, spectral analysis tion. Atropine but not propranolol blocks
of heart rate, Valsalva ratio, blood pres- its increase during inspiration.150,333
sure, and heart-rate response to change Heart rate variation during breathing de-
in posture and to 99eyeball pressure for va- creases with age, and in diabetes and
gal overreactivity. Studies of sudomotor other disorders affecting autonomic path-
function consist of sympathetic skin re- ways 144,199,255,278
sponse (SSR), thermoregulatory sweat
test, 293
quantitative sudomotor axon reflex
test, and sweat imprint method.155,204 Valsalva Ratio
Studies routinely used in a clinical neu-
rophysiology laboratory comprise R-R in- The Valsalva maneuver, or a brief period
tervals and SSR.278,279 Some investigators of forced expiration against a closed glot-
advocate power spectral analysis.198,199 tis or mouthpiece, increases the heart rate
by stimulating the intrathoracic stretch
receptors such as the carotid sinus and
Heart-Rate Variation aortic arch baroreceptors. The subject lies
with Breathing in a semirecumbent position with a rub-
ber clip over the nose and breathes force-
The heart rate increases physiologically fully into a mouthpiece for 10-15 s, main-
during inspiration and decreases during taining an expiratory pressure of 40 mm
expiration. The R-R intervals recorded us- Hg. The Valsalva ratio, calculated by di-
ing an electrocardiogram (ECG) test the de- viding the longest R-R interval after the
gree of this change during deep breathing. maneuver with the shortest R-R interval
After a resting period of 5 minutes, the pa- during the maneuver, measures the
tient breathes deeply, in a recumbent po- changes of heart rate resulting from the
sition, at the rate of 6 breaths per minute cardiac vagal efferent and sympathetic va-
for 1 minute. A standard electromyographic somotor activity.191 The highest ratio from
instrument suffices to display the ECG with three successive attempts, each separated
a surface electrode placed at the midpoint by 2 minutes,206 normally exceeds 1.4 in
of the left clavicle 131,291
and the other electrode subjects younger than 40. The Valsalva
over the sternum. ratio reflects both parasympathetic and
The difference between the shortest and sympathetic function. In addition, pa-
longest R-R intervals during 1 minute tients with heart and lung disease may
serves as the most reliable method, show- have low values for reasons unrelated to
ing little intraindividual variation, whether the autonomic system.
tested manually or using automatic meth-
ods of analysis.291,332 With deep breath-
ing, heart rates should normally change Response to Change
more than 15 beats per minute. Values of in Posture
less than 10 beats usually indicate an ab-
normality, although the result depends on When a person stands from the supine
the age of the subject.144,205,232,291 The position, the heart rate increases usually
expiratory/inspiratory ratio (E/I ratio) from 10 to 20 beats per minute. After
provides another measure of R-R variation reaching a maximum at about the fif-
defined as the mean of the maximum R-R teenth heart beat, it declines to a relatively
intervals during expiration over the mean stable rate at about the thirtieth heart
of the minimum R-R intervals during in- beat. The ratio of the R-R intervals corre-
spiration.297 Subjects younger than 40 sponding to the 30th and 15th heart
should have an E/I ratio above 1.2, which beats, termed the 30:15 ratio, measures
then decreases with age.144 Transfer func- parasympathetic function.90 Young adults
tion analysis may also provide an easy should have a ratio of more than 1.04. At-
measure of103respiratory-induced heart rate ropine blocks the effect, suggesting its de-
variability. pendency on vagal innervation of the
Principles and Variations of Nerve Conduction Studies 115

heart.90 Heart-rate responses measured or DC to 2-3 kHz). Effective stimuli com-

on a tilt-table also normally increase 5 to prise a surprise element such as a loud
30 beats per minute, without the bipha- noise delivered unexpectedly. To trigger
sic response seen on standing. This the osciloscope sweep for latency mea-
change also declines with age.144 surement, we apply an electrical shock
0.1 ms in duration, and 10-20 mA in in-
tensity to the ipsilateral 279
or contralateral
Sympathetic Skin Response wrist, ankle, or any digit. The temper-
ature of the limbs is maintained at
In the conventional nerve conduction 32°-34° C.
studies, unmyelinated fibers do not con- Randomly timed electrical stimuli over
tribute to the surface recorded responses. the median nerve elicit a biphasic poten-
Recording SSR using a non-invasive tech- tial with either the initial negativity or pos-
provides a means to test these ax- itivity over the palmar surface of the hand
ons. A surface electrode placed on and the plantar surface of the152foot. In one
the palm of the hand (Fig. 5-13) or sole study of 35 healthy subjects, mean la-
of the foot (Fig. 5-14) serves best as the tencies increased from the wrist to the
active electrode, G1, with the reference middle phalanx but then decreased to the
electrode, G2, on the dorsal surface of the distal phalanx. This finding may reflect
same limb. In contrast, G1, if placed on density difference of sweat glands, which
the axilla, forearm, or dorsal surface of the dictates sympathetic sudomotor nerve ac-
hand or foot, usually fails to register a re- tivity.170In one study of 30 healthy sub-
sponse, probably reflecting the paucity of jects, normal values (mean ± SD) for
sweat glands. Recording a long latency re- palmar and plantar responses consisted
sponse (Fig. 5-15) with low frequency of the onset latency of 1.52 ± 0.135 s and
components requires a very slow sweep 2.07 ± 0.165 s and amplitude of 479 ±
(0.5-1 s per division), a high gain (100 /mV 105 mV and 101 ± 40 mV. In another
per division), and a wide band-pass (0.16 study,86 measurements of the normal

Figure 5-13. Electrical stimulation of the index finger and recording of sympathetic skin response over the
palm (G1) and the dorsal surface (G 2 ) of the same hand.
Figure 5-14. Electrical stimulation of the big toe and recording of sympathetic skin responses over the sole
(G1) and the dorsal surface (G2) of the same foot.

Figure 5-15. Sympathetic skin responses recorded simultaneously in four limbs of a normal subject after
electrical stimulation of the left wrist. A greater latency for the foot responses than the hand responses re-
flects the different lengths of the descending pathways. Oscilloscope settings consisted of very slow sweep
(500 ms/division), high gain (500 mV/division), and a wideband pass (0.16-3 kHz).
Principles and Variations of Nerve Conduction Studies 117

mean onset latency and amplitude were function in Friedreich's ataxia, which pri-
1.50 ± 0.08 s and 3.1 ± 1.8 mV for the marily involves large143myelinated fibers,
hands, and 2.05 ±0.10 s and 3141.4 ± sparing smaller fibers. Ischemic conduc-
0.8 mV for the feet. Neither the site nor tion block of the arm abolishes the previ-
the type of stimulation275 alters the onset ously obtainable response.314 Disorders as-
latency with any consistency, which re- sociated with delayed or absent 31
flects not only the peripheral C fiber func- include lepromatous leprosy, hereditary
tion but also conduction in a long multi- motor329sensory neuropathy,67 chronic ure-
neuronal pathway. In contrast, the density mia, and palmar hyperhidrosis.197
of spontaneously activatable sweat glands The SSR also reflects preganglionic
dictates the amplitude as a measure of pe- sympathetic activity, providing informa-
ripheral sympathetic activity. Lower tem- tion different from the somatic pathway in
peratures reduce the amplitude 62and pro- evaluating myelopathy338 and other het-
long the latency. In one study, cooling erogeneous systemic diseases such as
the whole arm as compared to the hand multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic
induced a greater effect in latency but not lateral sclerosis,70 Parkinson's
in amplitude. Thus, amplitude change re- and rheumatoid arthritis. Patients show
flects only the neuroglandular junction, no detectable assymetry in the foot 7
as the
whereas latency modulation also involves result of L5 or SI radiculopathies or after
the postganglionic194sympathetic C fibers. sural nerve biopsy.247
In another study, a change in temper-
ature over 32°-34 °C range increased the
amplitude by 8.5 percent and decreased
the latency by 2.5 percent per degree. 8 OTHER EVALUATION
Although SSR can occur in the absence OF NERVE FUNCTION
of normal sweat gland function,18 its ab-
normalities in general correlate 215 reason-
ably well with other sweat tests and Microneurography
certain other measures of autonomic func-
tion 215,278,289 Its variability and rapid Conventional nerve conduction studies
habituation combined with a nonquanti- provide accurate measurement of the
tative nature tend to limit clinical appli- fastest conduction velocities, as well as an
cation. Some consider only its absence or approximate number of volleys and the pat-
major reduction in amplitude as a definite tern of their distribution, based on the size
abnormality,309,310 whereas others regard and waveform of the evoked response. The
a prolonged latency as a sign of neuro- technique usually relies on the application
pathy.66 Magnetic stimulation applied of an artificially synchronized electrical
to the neck evokes easily recordable, stimulus that the nervous system never
highly reproducible sympathetic skin re- experiences in the natural environment.
sponses, refrecting strong afferent sen- Thus, despite the established diagnostic
sory in-puts proximally. The potentials applications, such studies rarely help elu-
thus recorded revealed an orderly latency cidate the exact physiologic mechanisms
gradient from proximal to distral sites of underlying the clinical signs and symp-
all limbs.200,217,218,315 Reported onset la- toms that concern the patients most. For
tencies include 1.0 ±0.1 s (mean ± SD) example, the evaluation of pain and
for the arm, 1.2 ± 0.1 s for the forearm, paresthesia falls outside the conventional
1.1 ± 0.1 s for thigh, 1.5 ± 0.1 s for the stimulation methods, which only detect
calf, and 1.7 ± 0.2 s for the sole.313 deficits in nerve function. Similarly, the
Iontophoresis of atropine into the skin conduction studies help assess the in-
under the recording site abolishes194,289,339
the re- volvement of small fibers only indirectly
sponse. Patients
with diabetes, by localizing focal abnormalities of large
scleroderma, familial amyloid polyneu- axons, which may have little to do with
ropathy, or sympathectomy190 have ab-
the patient symptoms. Thus, the lack of
sent or reduced response on the affected clinical correlation becomes particularly
limbs. This contrasts to normal autonomic evident when the patient has positive
118 Nerve Conduction Studies

rather than negative signs and small nisms underlying various abnormalities of
rather than large fiber dysfunction. These the somatosensory, motor, and autonomic
and other concerns necessitate a different systems.178 Spontaneous activity identified
approach to explore the areas not easily by this method in cutaneous afferent fibers
accessible by the ordinary means of con- shows a good correlation to paresthesia ex-
duction assessments. perienced in neuropathies, neuromas, en-
Microneurography allows recordings of trapment syndromes, radiculopathies, tho-
impulse activity in single nerve fibers racic outlet syndromes, and Lhermitte's
within skin or muscle nerve fascicles signs.38,39,234,238 High-frequency discharges
through tungsten microelectrodes in- also originate at the site of nerve damage,
serted percutaneously.121 Recording of spontaneously or during and after is-
this type in an alert human subject pro- chemia.9,25,156 A previous impalement of a
vides a great deal of physiologic informa- nerve by a microelectrode gives rise to sim-
tion about various types of fiber popula- ilar abnormalities from discharges gener-
tions.37,120 Most human studies have ated ectopically at the site of injury. These
centered on post-ganglionic sympathetic recordings typically consist of brief bursts
fibers 22,91-93,211,282,296
innervating autonomic effector or- of 2-5 spikes occurring at a frequency of
gans. '325 Other areas of 7-10 Hz with peak instantaneous frequen-
possible interest include cutaneous affer- cies usually exceeding 300 Hz.208
ents from mechano-, thermo- and noci- In the clinical context, microneuro-
ceptors,239,280 and muscle afferents from graphic techniques allow recording of
spindles and Golgi tendon organs. Surface neural activity in single C fibers
stimulation of the receptive field gives rise or autonomic fibers.211,212,294 Despite the-
to evoked sensory action potentials with oretical interest in correlating cutaneous
late components, representing either the pain with neural discharges and vasocon-
high-threshold small-diameter fibers seen striction with sympathetic activity, how-
in normal subjects, or the abnormally low- ever, the technique has limited value for
threshold regenerating or demyelinating electrodiagnostic purposes, primarily be-
fibers seen in patients with neuropa- cause the nature of recording requires the
thy.177 expertise not generally available in an or-
Studies of normal subjects have sub- dinary electromyography laboratory.
stantiated the association between complex
high-frequency burst and sensation of
paresthesia induced by nerve compression, Thermal, Pain, Vibratory,
hyperventilation, or prolonged tetanic stim- and Tactile Sensation
ulation of cutaneous afferents.145,209,241
The findings suggest that the abnormal The cutaneous sensory tests usually in-
sensation results from ectopic discharges clude warm and cold thermal perception,
of hyperexcitable cutaneous afferent. vibration, touch-presure sensation and
Combined with intraneural microstimula- current threshold study.10,79,337 These
tion,241 the method also helps establish quantitative measures have found a limited
the direct link between impulse propaga- but useful role in the characterization and
tion along various primary afferents and quantitation of cutaneous sensory func-
subjective somatosensory experiences. In tion.80,82,213 As a noninvasive, nonaversive
fact, careful stimulation of single efferent method, the test yields reliable results even
axons give rise to distinctive perception cor- in children as young as 4 years old.137 Like
related with the type of cutaneous receptor those of any psychophysiological tests,
in question.210,241 Microstimulation of in- however, the findings vary among different
dividual muscle afferents fails to evoke a control groups—for example, between paid
coherent sensation, but stimulation of joint volunteers and laboratory personnel famil-
afferents evokes sensation of pressure or iar with the procedure.259 Automated tac-
movement in 50 percent of cases.37 tile testers measure threshold values for
In addition to physiologic studies con- light touch, high-frequency vibration, pin-
ducted in healthy subjects, this technique prick,129warming, and two-point discrimina-
can explore the pathophysiologic mecha- tion. Weighted needle pinprick using in-
Principles and Variations of Nerve Conduction Studies 119

expensive apparatus may give information Current perception threshold testing

on small-fiber dysfunction that compares uses constant current sine wave stimula-
with thermal threshold determination.50 tor usually at three different frequencies of
These tests may allow documentation of 5, 250, and 2,000 Hz, which may selectively
abnormalities in a higher percentage of activate three subsets of nerve fibers.260
patients than do more traditional clinical Some studies have shown good correlation
evaluations. of high-frequency stimulation with large-
Thermal thresholds tests use either the fiber function, and low-frequency216stimula-
method17 of limits or a forced-choice tech- tion with small-fiber function, but2,262 its
nique. A large-scale survey in patients clinical usefulness remains uncertain.
with diabetes193 indicates that either ap- Measurement of alternating current per-
proach serves as a simple, noninvasive tool ception thresholds may improve the quan-
to evaluate small-fiber neuropathy. Quan- titative assessment, as shown in grading
titative assessment of thermal sensitivity the severity of diabetic sensory neuropa-
may detect early small-fiber dysfunction, thy,260 and the degree of sensory52function
even if conventional electrophysiologic recovery after nerve transplant. Deter-
studies reveal no abnormalities.146 Thus, mination of the thresholds for heat pain
some advocate that vibratory and thermal in the foot may help evaluate disturbances
testing should constitute the primary of C-fiber-mediated sensibility in lum-
screening test for diabetic neuropathy.321 bosacral disc disease.295 The test may
Nerve conduction studies, however, pro- also provide a quantitative means to con-
vide better diagnostic value than quanti- firm elevated heat pain thresholds, or heat
tative sensory testing.257,258 hypoalgesia, which indicates advanced
As expected, thermal and vibratory stages of small fiber neuropathy.229 For
threshold increases in 147 proportion to the this test, thermal stimulation must exceed
severity of neuropathy. In addition to 43 °C, bearing some risk of burn injury in
thermal hypoesthesia, the test may reveal patients with sensory loss.136
hyperalgesia, or the perception of tem-
perature-induced pain preceding cold or
warmth sensation as a characteristic find- Thermography
ing of small-fiber 230damage.128,320 In one
study on diabetes, thermal and sweat- Despite the initial enthusiasm and favor-
ing tests correlated significantly with the able reports concerning thermography in
scores of abnormal temperature and pin- the carpal tunnel syndrome and many
prick sensation obtained by physical ex- other neurological disorders, more recent
amination, but not with the duration of studies conclude that the technique offers
the illness. Thermal sensitivity but not only limited value as a test of neural func-
sweat gland number predicted the degree tion in the clinical context. For example,
of motor and sensory nerve conduction ab- a well-controlled study224 documented
normalities. In one experiment measuring thermographic alterations in 0 of 9 hands
reaction times to stimuli at two sites on the with mild nerve conduction abnormalities
lower limb, 10° the estimated conduction ve- and 7 of 14 hands with marked nerve con-
locity (mean ± SD) for cooling (2.1 ± 0.8 duction changes. Similarly, thermography
m/s) exceeded that for warming (0.5 ± 0.2 provides nonspecific findings of uncertain
m/s). These figures confirm the transmis- diagnostic or prognostic relevance in the
sion of the sensation of warming via the evaluation of lumbosacral radiculopa-
thy. 130,287
unmyelinated peripheral nerve fibers and
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Chapter 6

Median Nerve—Motor Fibers
Median Nerve—Sensory Fibers
Multiple Stimulation Across the Carpal Ligament
Ulnar Nerve
Radial Nerve
Phrenic Nerve
Greater Auricular Nerve
Cervical Spinal Nerve and Brachial Plexus
Musculocutaneous and Lateral Antebrachial
Cutaneous Nerves
Medial and Posterior Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerves
Intercostal Nerves
Tibial Nerve
Common and Deep Peroneal Nerve
Superficial Peroneal Nerve
Sural Nerve
Lumbosacral Plexus
Femoral Nerve
Saphenous Nerve
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
Medial Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
Pudendal Nerve
Dorsal Nerve of the Penis
Mylohyoid, Deep Temporal, and Lingual Nerves
Accessory Nerve
Hypoglossal Nerve

Assessment of Individual Nerves 131

1 INTRODUCTION central or most proximal nerve segment

such as the radicular portion. Supple-
mental methods help evaluate the motor
Nerve conduction studies consist of stim- and sensory conduction in this region by
ulating a nerve and recording the evoked measuring the F wave, H reflex, or so-
potential either from the nerve itself or matosensory evoked potentials (see Chap-
from a muscle innervated by the nerve. ters 18, 19, and 20). Studies of the facial
The basic principles outlined in the pre- nerve and blink reflex constitute an inte-
vious section apply to all studies, al- gral part of cranial nerve testing (see
though the anatomic peculiarities dictate Chapters 7-3 and 17-2).
specific approaches to each of the com-
monly tested individual nerves. This sec-
tion will describe the usual points of stim-
ulation and recording sites together with
the normal values as reported in the lit-
erature or established in our institution.
To minimize the bias induced by different Median Nerve—Motor Fibers
techniques, each laboratory should de-
velop its own normal ranges, using a stan- The median nerve runs relatively superfi-
dardized method. cially in its entire course from the axilla
Most electromyographers assess the la- to the palm (Fig. 6-1A and B). The con-
tency and conduction velocity against the ventional sites of stimulation include
upper and lower limits of normal defined Erb's point, axilla, elbow, and wrist. Stim-
as a mean plus or minus two standard de- ulation at Erb's point or at the axilla tends
viations in a healthy population. The same to coactivate other nerves in close prox-
criterion does not apply to amplitude, imity.63 The use of the collision technique
which distributes in a non-Gaussian man- circumvents that problem (see Chapter
ner. In our experience, most individual 7-3). In our laboratory, we place the cath-
measures of amplitude in healthy subjects ode over the brachial pulse near the volar
exceed one half the mean of the control crease at the elbow, and 3 cm proximal to
value, which thus serves as a lower limit the distal crease at the wrist. The anode
of normal. An alternative approach uses is located 2 cm proximal to the cathode,
a log transformation of the amplitude data with the ground electrode around the fore-
to accomplish an equal distribution and arm between the stimulating and record-
then express the normal range in terms ing electrodes, if necessary to contain a
of plus or minus two standard deviation stimulus artifact (Fig. 6-2A). Additionally,
confidence intervals (see Chapter 3-8). the nerve is accessible to92,137,149
The conduction studies commonly in- stimulation in the palm. Tables
volve the readily available motor and sen- 6-1 and 6-2 summarize normal values in
sory fibers of the median, ulnar, and our laboratory.
radial nerves; the motor fibers of the ac- With stimulation at the wrist, elbow, or
cessory, peroneal, and tibial nerves; and axilla, the convention calls for placing the
the sensory fibers of the sural and super- cathode distally to the anode. This arrange-
ficial peroneal nerves. Less easily accessi- ment does not work in the palm, where
ble structures include the phrenic nerve, the proximally placed anode could acti-
brachial plexus, musculocutaneous, and vate the thenar nerve if the distally located
other nerves of the shoulder girdle; lateral, cathode has already passed the target
medial, and posterior antebrachial cuta- point (see Chapter 7-3), thus concealing
neous nerves; the dorsal sensory branch of the actual site of nerve activation. With
the ulnar nerve; the lumbo-sacral plexus, the reversal of electrode polarity (i.e., the
femoral and sciatic nerves, lateral femoral anode located distally), the cathode placed
cutaneous nerve, saphenous nerve, and mid-palm elicits no muscle response be-
lateral and medial plantar nerves. cause neither electrode lies on the nerve.
The ordinary nerve conduction studies Moving 1-2 cm proximally, the cathode
provide limited information regarding the activates the palmar branch of the ulnar
132 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 6-1. A. Motor nerve

conduction study of the median
nerve. The sites of stimulation
include Erb's point (A), axilla
(B), elbow (C), wrist (D), and
palm (E). Compound muscle ac-
tion potentials are recorded
with surface electrodes placed
on the thenar eminence. B.
Sensory nerve conduction study
of the median nerve. The sites
of stimulation include axilla (A),
elbow (B), wrist (C), and palm
(D). Antidromic sensory poten-
tials are recorded with a pair of
ring electrodes placed around
the second digit.

nerve, adducting the thumb, and 1 cm sion of carpal tunnel sydrome. Careful se-
further proximally, it activates the origin lection of the most distal point of palmar
of the thenar nerve, abducting the thumb stimulation avoids this error, guided by
(Fig. 6-3). Unlike the sensory nerve, the an appropriate thumb twitch, indicating
motor axons take a recurrent course along contraction of the abductor pollicis bre-
the thenar nerve off the median nerve vis. To further compound the problem, in
trunk. Thus, unless dealing with the ex- rare instances the recurrent182branch may
posed nerve for intraoperative monitor- take an anomalous course.
ing,12 palmar stimulation may inadver- Recording leads consist of an active
tently activate the distal segment of the electrode (G1) over the belly of the ab-
thenar nerve rather than the intended ductor pollicis brevis and an indifferent
branching point (see Chapter 7-3). Specif- electrode (G2) just distal to the metacar-
ically, surface stimulation aimed at the pophalangeal joint (Fig. 6-2A). Depending
origin of the thenar nerve in the palm on the electrode positioning, the poten-
commonly depolarizes the distal branch tials from other intrinsic hand muscles
near the motor point, resulting in an er- innervated by the median nerve con-
roneously short latency. An unreasonably tribute to the evoked response. Compar-
large latency increase between the wrist ison between the muscle action potentials
and palm then presents a false impres- from the second lumbrical innervated by
Assessment of Individual Nerves 133

Figure 6-2. A. Motor and sensory conduction studies of the median nerve. The photo shows stimulation at
the wrist, 3 cm proximal to the distal crease, and recording over the belly (G1) and tendon (G2) of the ab-
ductor pollicis brevis for motor conduction, and around the proximal (G2) and distal (G2) interphalangeal
joints of the second digit for antidromic sensory conduction. The ground electrode is located in the palm.
B. Alternative recording sites for a sensory conduction study of the median nerve, with the ring electrodes
placed around the proximal (G1) and distal (G2) interphalangeal joints of the third digit or the base (G1) and
the interphalangeal joint (G2) of the first digit.

the median nerve and the volar interos- latency difference greater than 0.4-0.5
seous innervated by the ulnar nerve pro- ms suggests an abnormal delay in con-
vides an additional technique to evaluate duction across the distal segment.
the distal segment35,57,143,159,173,187 A Recording from the pronator quadratus
Table 6-1 Median Nerve*
Amplitudef: Latency; to Difference Between Conduction Time Conduction
Site of Motor (mV) Recording Site Right and Left Between Two Points Velocity
Stimulation Sensory (uV) (ms) (ms) (ms) (m/s)
Motor fibers
Palm 6.9 ± 3.2 (3.5)§ 1.86 ±0.28 (2.4)' 0.19 ±0.17 (0.5)*
1.65 ± 0.25 (2.2)* 48.8 ± 5.3 (38)**
Wrist 7.0 ± 3.0 (3.5) 3.49 ± 0.34 (4.2) 0.24 ± 0.22 (0.7)
3.92 ± 0.49 (4.9) 57.7 ± 4.9 (48)
Elbow 7.0 ± 2.7 (3.5) 7.39 ± 0.69 (8.8) 0.31 ±0.24 (0.8)
2.42 ± 0.39 (3.2) 63.5 ± 6.2 (51)
Axilla 7.2 ± 2.9 (3.5) 9.81 ±0.89 (11.6) 0.42 ±0.33 (1.1)
Sensory fibers
1.37 ±0.24 (1.9) 58.8 ± 5.8 (47)
Palm 39.0 ± 16.8 (20) 1.37 ± 0.24 (1.9) 0.15 ±0.11 (0.4)
1.48 ±0.18 (1.8) 56.2 ± 5.8 (44)
Wrist 38.5 ± 15.6 (19) 2.84 ± 0.34 (3.5) 0.18 ±0.14 (0.5)
3.61 ± 0.48 (4.6) 61.9 ± 4.2 (53)
Elbow 32.0 ± 15.5 (16) 6.46 ± 0.71 (7.9) 0.29 ±0.21 (0.7)
*Mean ± standard deviation (SD) in 122 nerves from 61 patients, 11 to 74 years of age (average, 40), with no apparent disease of the peripheral nerves.
t Amplitude of the "evoked response, measured from the baseline to the negative peak.
Latency, measured to the onset of the evoked response, with the cathode at the origin of the thenar in the palm.
§Lower limits of normal, based on the distribution of the normative data.
'Upper limits of normal, calculated as the mean + 2 SD.
**Lower limits of normal, calculated as the mean - 2 SD.
Assessment of Individual Nerves 135

Table 6-2 Latency Comparison Between

Two Nerves in the Same Limb*
Site of Median Nerve Ulnar Nerve Difference
Stimulation (ms) (ms) (ms)
Motor fibers
Wrist 3.34 ± 0.32 (4.0) f 2.56 ± 0.37 (3.3)t 0.79 ±0.31 (1.4)f
Elbow 7.39 + 0.72 (8.8) 7.06 ± 0.79 (8.6) 0.59 + 0.60 (1.8)
Sensory fibers
Palm 1.33 ±0.21 (1.8) 1.19 ±0.22 (1.6) 0.22 ±0.17 (0.6)
Wrist 2.80 ± 0.32 (3.4) 2.55 ± 0.30 (3.2) 0.29 + 0.21 (0.7)
*Mean ± standard deviation (SD) in 70 nerves from 35 patients, 14 to 74 years of age (average, 37), with
no apparent disease of the peripheral nerve.
fUpper limits of normal, calculated as mean + 2 SD.

helps evaluate the lesion involving the an- The terminal latency index serves as a
terior interosseous nerve.127,147 In the measure of the terminal latency adjusted
presence of an anomalous crossover from to the terminal distance and expressed as
the median to ulnar nerve in the forearm, a percentage of the proximal conduction
distal and proximal stimulation elicits velocity. Thus, it equals terminal distance
compound muscle potentials of dissonant divided by the product of terminal latency
wave forms. The latencies of these re- and conduction velocity.49,158,163,164 A
sponses represent two different nerves, value of 0.34 or less suggests dispropor-
precluding their comparison for calcula- tionate distal slowing as in the carpal tun-
tion of the nerve conduction velocity (see nel syndrome and distally prominent
Chapter 7-4). polyneuropathy (see Chapter 5-4).

Figure 6-3. Stimulation of the median nerve with the cathode placed at the origin of the recurrent thenar
nerve and the anode placed 2 cm distally, and recording of the muscle response over the belly (G1) and ten-
don (G2) of the abductor pollicis brevis, with the ground electrode placed between the stimulating and record-
Ing electrodes.
136 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 6-4. Stimulation of the median nerve at the wrist and palm with the cathode placed 3 cm proximal,
and 5 cm distal, to the wrist crease, and the anode placed 2 cm proximally, and recording of the antidromic
digital potential with the ring electrodes placed 2 cm apart around the proximal (G1) and distal (G2) inter-
phalangeal joints of the ring finger (cf. Figure 6-11).

Median Nerve—Sensory Fibers fourth digit (Fig. 6-4) often reveal178abnor-

malities not otherwise detectable. The
Stimulation delivered at sites listed for the first digit provides asssessment of the C6
motor fibers also activates antidromic sen- root, upper trunk, and lateral cord,
sory action potentials of the first through whereas the third digit serves to evaluate
fourth digits. Motor axons have a thresh- the C7 root, middle trunk, and lateral cord.
old similar to that of the large myelinated In contrast to postganglionic lesions,
sensory axons. Thus, when one studies the which cause degeneration of the sensory
mixed nerve, superimposition of action po- axons, preganglionic root avulsion results
tentials from distal muscles may obscure in no abnormalities of the sensory poten-
the antidromically recorded sensory po- tial recorded from the anesthestic digits.
tential. Palmar stimulation distal to the ori- Table 6-1 summarizes normal values for
gin of the recurrent motor fibers, however, the digital potentials recorded with ring
selectively activates the sensory fibers of electrodes placed 2 cm apart around the
the median nerve. This helps identify mus- proximal (G1) and distal (G2) interpha-
cle action potentials, if elicited with more langeal joints of the second digit (Fig. 6-2A).
proximal stimulation, by a change in wave- For wrist and palm stimulation, we place
form of the evoked response.93 Sensory the cathode 3 cm proximal and 5 cm dis-
fibers innervating the second digit origi- tal to93 the distal crease of the wrist (Fig.
nate more from C7 than C6 root and tra- 6-4). Alternative techniques use a fixed
verse the middle trunk rather than the up- distance from the recording electrode, most
per trunk before entering the lateral cord. commonly 12-14 cm.39 Because of mixed
Thus, the second digit provides far less re- sensory innervation, stimulating the radial
liable results than the first digit in detect- nerve also elicits a sensory nerve potential
ing upper trunk lesions.56 The sensory po- over the first digit; stimulating the ulnar
tentials recorded from the first or third nerve, over the fourth digit. Thus, inadver-
digit (Fig. 6-2B), or the lateral half of the tent spread of stimulating current to the
Assessment of Individual Nerves 137

other nerves may confuse the issue. Some tentials suffices for routine14,32
clinical pur-
investigators take advantage of this spread poses. Alternatively, digital or palmar
to gain an instantaneous comparison of the stimulation31,45allows recording of the or-
median nerve136 to the ulnar nerve79,178 or the thodromic sensory potential at the palm,
radial nerve. wrist, or elbow with either surface elec-
Separate stimulation of the median and trodes or needle electrodes. This method
ulnar nerves at the wrist evokes a corre- demands a higher resolution to compen-
sponding sensory potential of the fourth sate for a smaller size of the orthodromic
digit at nealy the identical latency for the potential. The averaging technique offers
same conduction distance (Fig. 6-5). Ad- a distinct advantage in detecting such
ditional palmar stimulation at a fixed dis- small nerve potentials, especially in a dis-
tance from the wrist, usually 8 cm, allows eased nerve. Women tend to have greater
segmental latency calculation as one of orthodromic median sensory nerve action
the most sensitive, practical measures of potential at the wrist than men, possibly
comparison between the two nerves (Fig. reflecting smaller wrist size.110
6-6). Unnecessarily strong shocks applied The palmar cutaneous branch of the me-
to the palm tend to coactivate the median dian nerve usually arises about 5.5 cm
and ulnar sensory fibers innervating the proximal to the radial styloid and inner-
fourth digits. Selective stimulation of one vates skin of the thenar eminence. An-
or the other branch results from careful tidromic stimulation of the median nerve
application of electrodes along the line elicits sensory potentials over the mid-
connecting the medial or lateral aspect of thenar eminence. In one series, normal
the fourth digit and the ulnar or median values over 10 cm segments included the
nerve at the wrist. Slight twich of ulnar or onset latency of 2.6 ± 0.2 ms (mean ± SD)
median innervated muscle usually signals and amplitude of 12 ± 4.6 uV.111 This
proper placement of the stimulator. In our technique may help differentiate the car-
series (Table 6-3), normal values con- pal tunnel syndrome that spares the pal-
sisted of the onset latency of 2.88 ± 0.35 mar cutaneous branch from a more prox-
ms (mean ± SD) after wrist stimulation imal injury.
and distal amplitude of 37.6 ± 17.2 uV af-
ter palm stimulation for the median nerve,
and 2.86 ± 0.37 ms and 46.1 ± 24.3 uV Multiple Stimulation Across
for the ulnar nerve. The latency difference the Carpal Ligament
between the two nerves was 0.01 ± 0.17
ms with an upper limit of normal of 0.4 The use of palmar stimulation provides a
ms defined as the mean +2 SD. simple means of identifying conduction
Unlike the compound muscle action po- abnormalities of sensory or motor fibers
tentials that maintain nearly the same am- under the transverse carpal ligament or
plitude irrespective of stimulus site, the an- along its most terminal segment.108,168
tidromically activated digital potentials This distinction differentiates the carpal
diminish substantially with increasing tunnel syndrome from a distal neuropathy
nerve length under study. Indeed, stimula- seen, for example, in digital nerves of dia-
tion at Erb's point or the axilla may fail to betics.22,66 Stimulation of the median
elicit unequivocal digital potentials without nerve at multiple sites across the wrist (Fig.
the use of an averaging technique. Here, 6-7) further localizes the point of maximal
temporal dispersion between fast- and conduction delay within the distal segment
slow-conducting fibers results in duration- of the median nerve.92,.93,128,148 Short seg-
dependent phase cancellation (see Chapter mental stimulation of the motor fibers
7_5). 13,96 In addition, naturally recurring poses a less technical challenge when
orthodromic sensory impulses may par- recording from the lumbricals than from
tially extinguish the antidromic impulse by abductor pollicis brevis (see Chapter 7-3).
collision. These tendencies favor a proximal Incremental stimulation provides the only
stimulation over a more distal stimulation way to precisely localize a motor lesion,
in proportion to the distance between the which may deviate from the usual site of
stimulating and recording electrodes. compression (see Chapter 26-5).
Recording of the antidromic sensory po- The sensory axons normally show a pre-
Antidromic Sensory Conduction

Antidromic Sensory Conduction

Figure 6-5. A. Antidromic

sensory potentials in a
healthy subject recorded
from the index (top) and
ring finger (center) after
stimulation of the median
nerve at the palm and
wrist, and from the ring fin-
ger (bottom) after stimula-
tion of the ulnar nerve at
the comparable sites (see
Figures 6-4 and 6-11). Me-
dian and ulnar nerve re-
sponses showed nearly
identical latencies with
stimulation at the palm
and at the wrist regardless
of the recording fingers. B.
The same arrangement as
in A except for use of the
middle finger (top) instead
of the index finger for one
of the median responses in
another healthy subject.
Antidromic Sensory Conduction

Figure 6-6. A. The same arrange-

ment as in Figure 6-5 in a patient
with a mild carpal tunnel syn-
drome. Despite normal latency from
the wrist to the index finger (3.2 ms)
and to the ring finger (3.2 ms), the
latency difference between median
and ulnar nerve (0.7 ms) clearly ex-
ceeded the upper limit of normal
value (0.4 ms). In contrast, median
and ulnar responses showed nearly
identical latencies with stimulation
at the palm regardless of the record-
ing finger, confirming a delay of me-
dian conduction between wrist and
palm. B. Another patient with
carpal tunnel syndrome showing a
more pronounced latency difference
(0.9 ms) between median and ulnar
nerves and a reduced amplitude of
median nerve response recorded
from the ring finger. A normal me-
dian response elicited by palm stim-
ulation suggests focal demyelina-
tion across the carpal ligament with
no evidence of distal axonal degen-

Antidromic Sensory Conduction

Table 6-3 Distal Sensory Conduction Study Comparing Median and Ulnar Nerves*
Measurement of Antidromic Sensory Potential Calculated Values for Wrist to Palm Segment
Amplitude Latency Conduction Conduction
Recording Stimulation (uV) (ms) time (ms) Velocity (m/s)
Median Nerve Palm 49.8 ±21. 5 (25)§ 1.43 ±0.16 (1.7)*
2nd Digit 1.44 ± 0.20 (1.9)* 57.1 ± 8.3 (40)**
Wrist 38.4 ± 15.6 (19) 2.87 ±0.31 (3.5)

Median Nerve Palm 37.6 ± 17.2 (19) 1.45 ±0.20 (1.9)

4th Digit 1.43 ± 0.22 (1.9) 57.4 ± 8.9 (40)
Wrist 22.3 ±8.2 (11) 2.88 ± 0.35 (3.6)

Ulnar Nerve Palm 46. 1 ± 24.3 (23) 1.48 ± 0.26 (2.0)

4th Digit 1.38 ± 0.30 (1.8) 59.1 ± 8.3 (43)
Wrist 29.0 ± 14.8 (25) 2.86 ± 0.37 (3.6)

Median & Ulnar Palm 8.5 ± 20.7 0.02 ±0.1 7 (0.3)

Difference 0.04 ± 0.20 (0.4)
Wrist 5.9 ± 10.1 0.01 ±0.17 (0.4)
*Mean ± standard deviation (SD) in 31 healthy subjects, 16 to 64 years of age (average 38), with no apparent disease of the peripheral nerve.
tAmplitude of the evoked response, measured from the baseline to the negative peak.
^Latency, measured to the onset of the evoked response, with a standard distance of 8 cm between the stimulus sites at the wrist and palm.
§Lower limits of normal, based on the distribution of the normative data.
'"Upper limits of normal, calculated as the mean + 2 SD.
Assessment of Individual Nerves 141

dictable latency change of 0.16-0.20 tentials simultaneously recordable at sev-

ms/cm with series of stimulation from eral sites across the carpal tunnel with
mid-palm to distal forearm in 1 cm in- multi-channel-recording electrodes. This
crements (Fig. 6-7B). A sharply localized technique provides instantaneous com-
latency increase across a 1 cm segment parison of latencies but not amplitudes,
indicates focal abnormalities of the me- which vary so much depending on the
dian nerve (Fig. 6-7, C, D, E). A nonlin- depth of the nerve at the site of record-
ear jump in latency usually accompanies ing.95,156
an abrupt change in waveform showing
abnormal temporal dispersion. A para-
doxical increase in size of responses prox- Ulnar Nerve
imal to this point indicates the loss of
physiologic phase cancellation because Like the median nerve, the ulnar nerve
excessive desynchronization no longer su- takes a relatively superficial course along
perimposes fast and slow signals (see its entire length. Routine motor conduction
Chapter 7-5). Stimulation of the median studies consist of stimulating the nerve at
nerve at the digit95 or at the elbow70 multiple sites and recording the muscle po-
evokes orthodromic and mixed nerve po- tential from the hypothenar muscles with

Site of

Figure 6-7. A. Twelve sites of stimulation in 1 cm increments along the length of the median nerve. The
"0" level at the distal crease of the wrist corresponds to the origin of the transverse carpal ligament. The
photo shows a recording arrangement for sensory nerve potentials from the second digit and muscle action
potentials from the abductor pollicis brevis. [From Kimura, with permission.] B. Sensory nerve potentials in
a normal subject recorded after stimulation of the median nerve at multiple points across the wrist. The
numbers on the left indicate the site of each stimulus (compare with A). The latency increased linearly with
stepwise shifts of stimulus site proximally in 1 cm increments. [From Kimura,93 with permission.]
Figure 6-7. C. Sensory nerve potentials in a patient with the carpal tunnel syndrome. Both hands showed
a sharply localized slowing from -2 to -1 with the calculated segmental conduction velocity of 14 m/s on
the left (top) and 9 m/s on the right (bottom). Note a distinct change in waveform of the sensory potential
at the point of localized conduction delay. Double-humped appearance at -2 on the left suggests sparing of
some sensory axons at this level. Temporarily dispersed responses on the right at — 1 and beyond had greater
negative and positive peaks in area compared to normal, more distal responses, presumably because of loss
of physiologic phase cancellation (see Chapter 7-5). [From Kimura,93 with permission.] D. Sensory nerve po-
tential in a patient with the carpal tunnel syndrome. Both hands show a sharply localized slowing from -3
to -2, with a segmental conduction velocity of 10 m/s on the left (top) and 7 m/s on the right (bottom). An
abrupt change 93in waveform of the sensory potential also indicates the point of localized conduction delay.
[From Kimura, with permission.] E. Sensory nerve potential in a patient with the carpal tunnel syndrome
before (A) and after (B) surgery. Preoperative study showed a localized slowing from -4 to -3 with a calcu-
lated segmental conduction velocity of 8 m/s, which normalized in a repeat study conducted six months
Assessment of Individual Nerves 143

Figure 6-8. A. Motor and sensory con-

duction study of the ulnar nerve. The
photo shows stimulation at the wrist, 3
cm proximal to the distal crease, and
recording over the belly (G1) and tendon
(G2) of the abductor digit minimi for mo-
tor conduction, and around the proximal
(G1) and distal (G2) interphalangeal
joints of the fifth digit for antidromic sen-
sory conduction. B. Alternative record-
ing sites for motor and sensory conduc-
tion studies of the ulnar nerve with the
surface electrodes over the belly (G1) and
tendon (G2) of the first dorsal in-
terosseous muscle for motor conduction
and around the proximal (G1) and distal
(G2) interphalangeal joints of the fourth
digit for antidromic sensory conduction.
C. Sensory conduction study of the dor-
sal cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve.
The photo shows stimulation along the
medial aspect of the forearm between the
tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris and the
ulna, 14-18 cm from the active electrode,
and recording over the dorsum of the
hand between the fourth and fifth
metacarpals (G1) and the base of the fifth
digit (G2).

surface electrodes placed over the belly of muscles such as flexor carpi ulnaris177 or
the abductor digit minimi (G1) and its ten- flexor digitorum profundus.53 Common
don (G2) 3 cm distally (Fig. 6-8A). Alter- sites of stimulation include palm, wrist, ax-
native recording sites include forearm illa, and Erb's point (Fig. 6-9A,B). The use
144 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 6-9. A. Motor nerve

conduction study of the ulnar
nerve. The sites of stimulation
include Erb's point (A), axilla
(B), above the elbow (C), elbow
(D), below the elbow (E), and
wrist (F). Compound muscle
action potentials are recorded
with surface electrodes placed
on the hypothenar eminence.
B. Sensory nerve conduction
study of the ulnar nerve. The
sites of stimulation include
axilla (A), above the elbow (B),
elbow (C), below the elbow (D),
wrist (E), and palm (F). The
tracings show antidromic sen-
sory potentials recorded with
the ring electrodes placed
around the fifth digit.

of a fixed distance from the distal crease eliminated by the collision technique.91 Ta-
of the wrist or from the recording electrode bles 6-2 and 6-4 show the normal values
improves the accuracy of latency compar- in our laboratory.
ison between the two sides and among dif- Stimulation of the motor fibers above
ferent subjects. In our laboratory, we place and below the elbow helps document a
the cathode 3 cm proximal to the distal tardy ulnar palsy and a cubital tunnel
crease of the wrist and the anode 2 cm fur- syndrome. For accurate determination of
ther, proximally. Spread of stimulus cur- conduction velocity, the distance between
rent at Erb's point or in the axilla causes the proximal and distal sites of stimula-
less obvious problems in studying the ul- tion should exceed 10 cm to minimize
nar nerve, as compared with the median measurement error. The conventional
nerve, because the hypothenar eminence studies often fail to uncover the abnor-
contains only ulnar-innervated muscles. malities early because a focal slowing in-
Nonetheless, coactivation of the median duces an insignificant delay when calcu-
nerve gives rise to volume-conducted po- lated over a longer segment. Segmental
tentials from the thenar eminence, unless stimulation across the elbow in 1-2 cm
Table 6-4 Ulnar Nerve*
Amplitudef: Difference
Motor (mV) Latency to Between Conduction Time Conduction
Site of Sensory Recording Site Right and Left Between Two Points Velocity
Stimulation G*v) (ms) (ms) (ms) (m/s)
Motor fibers
Wrist 5.7 ± 2.0 (2.8)§ 2.59 ± 0.39 (3.4)* 0.28 ± 0.27 (0.8)'"
3.51 ± 0.51 (4.5)* 58.7 ± 5.1 (49)**
Below elbow 5.5 ± 2.0 (2.7) 6. 10 ±0.69 (7.5) 0.29 ± 0.27 (0.8)
1.94 + 0.37 (2.7) 61.0 ± 5.5 (50)
Above elbow 5.5 ± 1.9 (2.7) 8.04 ± 0.76 (9.6) 0.34 ± 0.28 (0.9)
1.88 ±0.35 (2.6) 66.5 ± 6.3 (54)
Axilla 5.6 ±2.1 (2.7) 9.90 ±0.91 (11.7) 0.45 ±0.39 (1.2)
Sensory fibers
2.54 ±0.29 (3.1) 54.8 ± 5.3 (44)
Wrist 35.0 ± 14.7 (18) 2.54 ±0.29 (3.1) 0.18 + 0.13 (0.4)
3.22 ±0.42 (4.1) 64.7 ± 5.4 (53)
Below elbow 28.8 ± 12.2 (15) 5.67 ± 0.59 (6.9) 0.26 ± 0.21 (0.5)
1.79 ± 0.30 (2.4) 66.7 ± 6.4 (54)
Above elbow 28.3 ± 11.8 (14) 7.46 ± 0.64 (8.7) 0.28 ± 0.27 (0.8)
*Mean ± standard deviation (SD) in 130 nerves from 65 patients, 13 to 74 years of age (average, 39), with no apparent disease of the peripheral nerves.
fAmplitude of the evoked response, measured from the baseline to the negative peak.
Latency, measured to the onset of the evoked response, with the cathode 3 cm above the distal crease in the wrist.
§Lower limits of normal, based on the distribution of the normative data.
'"Upper limits of normal, calculated as the mean + 2 SD.
**Lower limits of normal, calculated as the mean — 2 SD.
146 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 6-1O. Stimulation of the ulnar nerve in the palm with the cathode placed over the palmar branch
and the anode 2 cm distally, and recording of the muscle response over the belly of the adductor pollicis
brevis (G1) referenced to the thumb (G2). Appropriate thumb twitch confirms activation of the deep palmar
branch of the ulnar nerve as opposed to the recurrent thenar nerve, which usually lies 1 cm more proxi-
mally (cf. Figure 6-3).

increments detects an abrupt change in digiti minimi and 1.3 ms for the latency
latency and waveform of the compound difference between the two sides.132 In the
action potential at the site of localized com- assessment of the deep palmar branch, the
pression.18,83,94 The ulnar nerve slides size of muscle response elicited by stimu-
back and forth in the cubital tunnel with lation in the palm distal to the site of the
flexion and extension of the elbow joint.67 lesion provides a good measure of the
Thus, normal values vary depending on number of remaining motor axons (Fig.
the position of the elbow and, to a lesser 6-10). Lumbrical-interosseous comparison
degree, of the wrist.151 Holding the arm described for median nerve study (see
either at 135° or 90° flexion during stim- above) also serves in assessing a distal ul-
ulation and measurement minimizes the nar nerve lesion, which typically causes a
error.98,100 latency difference greater than 0.2 ms in
The study of the deep palmar motor the reverse direction.101,160
branch depends on recording the muscle Stimulation of the ulnar nerve trunk elic-
potential from the first dorsal interosseous its an antidromic sensory potential of the
or adductor pollicis after stimulation of the fourth and fifth digits (Fig. 6-8A,B). The
ulnar nerve at the wrist (Fig. 6-8B). The common sites of cathodal points include
latency difference between the hypothenar above and below the elbow,54 3 cm proxi-
and thenar responses provides a measure mal to the distal crease at the wrist, and
of conduction along the deep branch. In 5 cm distal to the crease in the palm, with
one series, the upper limit of the normal the anode located 2 cm further proximally
range based on 373 studies included 4.5 (Fig. 6-11). These stimulus sites make the
ms for the distal latency to the first dorsal studies comparable to those of the median
interosseous, 2.0 ms for the latency differ- nerve (see Fig. 6-1). The fourth and fifth
ence between this muscle and adductor digits provide assessment of C8 and Tl
Assessment of Individual Nerves 147

Figure 6-11. Stimulation of the ulnar nerve at the wrist and palm with cathode placed 3 cm proximal, and
5 cm distal to the wrist crease and the anode placed 2 cm proximally, and recording of the antidromic dig-
ital potential with the ring electrodes placed 2 cm apart around the proximal (G1) and distal (G2) interpha-
langeal joints of the ring finger. This arrangement yields results directly comparable to the analogous study
of the median nerve (cf. Figs. 6-4, 6-5, and 6-6).

roots, lower trunk, and medial cord. Stim- Placing the active electrode (G1). between
ulation of the digital nerve with ring elec- the fourth and fifth metacarpals optimizes
trodes placed around the interphalangeal the recording with the reference electrode
joints of the fifth digit, cathode proximally, (G2) at the base of the fifth digit (Fig.
elicits orthodromic sensory potential at 6-8C). Stimulation of the ulnar nerve
various sites along the course of the nerve. trunk more proximally elicits a mixed
Stimulation of the nerve at the palm or nerve potential that slightly precedes a
wrist gives rise to a mixed nerve potential large muscle action potential from the in-
of the ulnar nerve proximally (Fig. 6-12). trinsic hand muscles. The dorsal ulnar
These studies help differentiate lesions of cutaneous nerve, like the ulnar nerve
C8 and Tl roots from those of the lower proper, derives from C8-T1 roots, the
trunk, medial cord of the brachial plexus, lower trunk and the medial cord, but it
or ulnar nerve. Preganglionic C8 and Tl escapes compression at Guyon's canal.
root avulsion should spare sensory poten- The normal values of the sensory poten-
tials despite clinical sensory loss. tial established in one study77 include am-
The dorsal sensory branch, called the plitude of 20 ± 6 uV with distal stimula-
dorsal ulnar cutaneous nerve, leaves the tion, distal latency of 2.0 ± 0.3 ms (mean ±
common trunk of the ulnar nerve 5-8 cm SD) when recorded 8 cm from the point of
proximal to the ulnar styloid.77,89 It be- stimulation and conduction velocity of 60 ±
comes superficial between the tendon of the 4.0 m/s between elbow and forearm. This
flexor carpi ulnaris and the ulna.10 Surface technique complements the conventional
stimulation here selectively evokes an- study of the ulnar nerve after a severe le-
tidromic sensory potentials over the dor- sion at the wrist that has precluded the
sum of the hand, although anatomic vari- recording from the hypothenar muscles or
ations may alter cutaneous innervation.138 digits. It also helps localize a lesion within
148 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 6-12. Stimulation of the ulnar nerve in the palm with the cathode placed 2 cm proximal to the an-
ode, and recording of mixed nerve potential with the active electrode (G1) over the ulnar nerve trunk 8 cm
proximal to the cathode and the reference electrode (G2) 2 cm further proximally.

the forearm in the segment proximal or dis- tensor digiti minimi on the dorsal aspect
tal to the take-off of this branch with its of the ulna, 8 to 10 cm proximal to the
origin an average distance of 6.4 cm above styloid process. Either a needle electrode
the wrist.10 Its abnormality implies axonal or surface electrodes suffice (Fig. 6-14A)
degeneration with localization of the lesion when recording muscle action potentials
to a more proximal site. Conversely, the from the extensor digitorum communis188
presence of a normal response combined or the extensor indicis.
with abnormal digital ulnar sensory poten- In motor conduction studies, commonly
tial usually,68,89 though not always,179 lo- encountered errors result from such tech-
calizes an ulnar neuropathy to the wrist. nical problems as submaximal stimulation
in an obese or muscular limb, coactivation
of a number of extensors, and distortion of
Radial Nerve the waveform by volume-conducted poten-
tials from distant muscles. Further, distal
The radial nerve becomes relatively su- stimulation activates fewer muscles than
perficial at supraclavicular fossa, in the does proximal stimulation, making a valid
axilla near the spinal groove, above the el- comparison between the two responses dif-
bow, and in the forearm (Fig. 6-13A.B). ficult. The use of needle electrodes for stim-
The optimal sites of electrical stimulation ulation and recording helps circumvent
of the motor fibers therefore include (1) some of these limitations.50 Needle elec-
Erb's point, (2) between the coraco- trodes also enable relatively selective
brachialis and medial edge of the triceps recording from more proximal muscles such
about 18 cm proximal to the medial epi- as the anconeus, brachioradialis, and tri-
condyle, (3) between the brachioradialis ceps. In assessing the axilla to elbow seg-
and the tendon of the biceps 6 cm proxi- ment, anterior surface tape measurement
mal to the lateral epicondyle, and (4) be- compares most favorably with the actual
tween the extensor carpi ulnaris and ex- anatomic length.80
Assessment of Individual Nerves 149

Figure 6-13. A. Motor nerve

conduction study of the radial
nerve. The sites of stimulation
include Erb's point (A), axilla
(B), above the elbow (C), and
mid-forearm (D). Compound
muscle action potentials are
recorded from the extensor in-
dicis with a pair of surface
electrodes. B. Sensory nerve
conduction study of the radial
nerve. The sites of stimulation
include elbow (A) and distal
forearm (B). Antidromic sen-
sory potentials are recorded
using the ring electrodes
placed around the first digit.

The sensory branches run deep at the or between the second and third
level of the elbow, where the posterior an- metacarpals.167 An additional stimulation
tebrachial cutaneous nerve emerges to in- at the elbow under the brachioradialis
nervate the dorsolateral aspect of the fore- muscle lateral to the biceps tendon (see Fig.
arm.23 It then becomes more superficial 6-13B) allows determination of conduction
about 10 cm above the lateral styloid velocities in the segments between elbow
process. The sensory fibers cross the ex- and wrist and wrist and thumb.24,52,157,162
tensor 41,42
pollicis longus at the base of the Sensory fibers innervating the thumb orig-
thumb and are palpable at this point. inate from C6 and C7 roots and traverse
Percutaneous stimulation at the lateral upper and middle trunk before entering the
edge of the radius in the distal forearm posterior cord. Preganglionic avulsion of
10-14 cm proximal to the base of the the C6 and C7 roots results in a clinical
thumb elicits an antidromic sensory po- sensory loss associated with no abnormal-
tential recordable by a pair of ring elec- ities of the sensory potentials.
trodes placed around the thumb (Fig. Stimulation of the radial nerve at the
6-14B). Alternative arrangements combine thumb or the wrist elicits orthodromic
the disc electrode (G1) over the first web sensory potentials at the elbow or axilla.
space or slightly more proximally in the Spread of current to the median nerve,
snuffbox, with the reference electrode (G2) which partially supplies the thumb, ac-
near the first dorsal interosseous113,116 counts for 25 percent of the sensory po-
Figure 6-14. A. Motor and sensory conduction studies of the radial nerve. The photo shows stimulation in
the forearm with the cathode at the lateral edge of the extensor carpi ulnaris muscle, 8 to 10 cm proximal
to the styloid process. The monopolar needle electrode (G1) is inserted in the extensor indicis with a refer-
ence electrode (G2) over the dorsum of the hand laterally for motor conduction studies. The recording elec-
trodes are placed around the base (G1) and interphalangeal joint (G2) of the first digit for antidromic sen-
sory conduction. B. Alternative stimulation and recording sites for antidromic sensory nerve conduction
study of the radial nerve. The photo shows the cathode placed at the lateral edge of the radius in the dis-
tal forearm, with the anode placed 2 cm proximally. The recording electrodes are placed either around the
base (G1) and interphalangeal joint (G2) of the first digit or over the palpable nerve between the first and
second metacarpals (G1) and 2-3 cm distally (G2).
Assessment of Individual Nerves 151

Table 6-5 Radial Nerve

Conduction Velocity (m/s) Motor (mV)
Conduction n or Conduction Time (ms) Sensory (uV) Distance (cm)
Axilla-elbow 8 69 ± 5.6 11 ±7.0 15.7 ± 3.3
Elbow-forearm 10 62 ±5.1 13 ± 8.2 18.1 ± 1.5
Forearm-muscle 10 2.4 ± 0.5 14 ± 8.8 6.2 ± 0.9
Axilla-elbow 16 71 ± 5.2 4± 1.4 18.0 ± 0.7
Elbow-wrist 20 69 ± 5.7 5 ±2.6 20.0 ± 0.5
Wrist-thumb 23 58 ± 6.0 13 ± 7.5 13.8 ± 0.4
Source: From Trojaborg and Sinrup,175 with permission.

tentlal recorded over the radial nerve at anode. With an optimally placed needle,
the wrist or elbow, and 175
50 percent of that shocks of very low intensity suffice for se-
recorded at the axilla. Stimulation at lective stimulation of the phrenic nerve,
the wrist, especially with needle electrodes contracting the diaphragm as evidenced
placed along the nerve, accomplishes by hiccup or interruption of voluntarily sus-
more selective activation of the radial tained vocalization. Supramaximal stimu-
nerve. Table 6-5 summarizes the results lation may coactivate the brachial plexus
in one series.175 Orthodromic potentials located posteriorly behind the anterior sca-
may be recorded from the snuffbox after lene muscle. The diaphragmatic action po-
stimulation of the third digit,81 indicating tential gives rise to a strong positMry at the
inconsistent anomalous innervation of
this finger by the radial nerve.181



Phrenic Nerve
Conduction studies of the phrenic nerve,
though described early0,33,130 have not
gained popularity in part because surface
stimulation in the cervical area requires
shocks of a relatively high intensity. More-
over, some patients tolerate the esopha-
geal electrode used for recording the di-
aphragmatic potentials poorly.
As an alternative method, some inves-
tigators118 use a standard monopolar nee-
dle electrode inserted medially from the
lateral aspect of the neck at the level of
the cricoid cartilage (Fig. 6-15). After tra-
versing the posterior margin of the sterno- Figure 6-15. Motor conduction study of the phrenic
cleidomastoid muscle, the needle tip nerve. The diagram shows stimulation with a nee-
comes to within a few millimeters of the dle inserted medially through the posterior margin
phrenic nerve and adequately distant of the sternocleidomastoid at the level of the cricoid
from the carotid artery anteriorly and the cartilage. The recording electrodes are placed on the
xiphoid process (G1) and at the eighth intercostal
apex of the lung inferiorly. A metal plate space near the costochondral junction (G2). [From
placed on the manubrium serves as the MacLean and Mattioni,118 with permission.]
152 Nerve Conduction Studies

Table 6-6 Phrenic Nerve

Onset Between
Stimulation Recording Amplitude Duration Latency Sides
Authors Point Site No. (uV) (ms) (ms) (ms)
Newsom 78Davis 18 7.7 ± 0.80
Delhez 16 30 on 7.5 ± 0.53
(1965) right
30 on 8. 2 ±0.71
MacLean and Needle electrode Xiphoid 30 8.5 ± 40.5 48.1 ± 12.2 7.4 ±0.59 0.08 ± 0.42
Mattioni placed posterior process
(1981)68 to sternocleido-

7th or 8th intercostal space near the cos- ported values include latency of 1.7 ± 0.2
tochondral junction and a mild negativity ms (mean ± SD) for the distance of 8 cm
at the xiphoid process.120 Paired surface and conduction velocity 133
of 46.8 ± 6.6 m/s
electrodes placed over these recording sites, in 20 healthy subjects, and latency of
therefore, register the largest amplitude 1.9 ± 0.2 ms, and amplitude of 22.4 ± 8.9
with summation of out-of-phase activities. uV in 32 normal control subjects.97
Normal ranges established using 118 needle
stimulation in 30 healthy subjects very
closely approximate the earlier results Cervical Spinal Nerve and
obtained by surface stimulation (Table Brachial Plexus
Phrenic nerve conduction studies com- The brachial plexus comprises the anterior
plement needle electromyography of the rami of the spinal nerves derived from the
diaphragm by identifying the nature and C5 through C8, and T1 roots. Surface stim-
site of disorder of the respiratory system.9 ulation at Erb's point (see Fig. 1-8) acti-
Diaphragmatic compound muscle action vates the 60
proximal muscles of the shoul-
potentials show good intraindividual side- der girdle. It also evokes action potentials
to-side agreement for latency but not in the distal muscles such as those of the
for amplitude.171 Nonetheless, amplitude thenar and hypothenar eminence. The vol-
value serves as a better measure than the ume-conducted potentials from a number
latency in predicting respiratory dysfunc- of coactivated muscles interfere with the
tion.21 In one study of 50 phrenic nerves accurate recording of the intended signal
in 25 healthy subjects,25 normal values even with the electrode placed over a spe-
(mean ± SD) included the latency of 6.54 ± cific intrinsic hand muscle. A collision
0.77 ms and the amplitude of 660 ± 201 technique circumvents this difficulty by
uV, with the right-left difference of 0.34 ± blocking the unwanted impulse with a sec-
0.27 ms and 66.3 ± 65.3 uV. ond stimulus applied distally to the nerve
not under consideration (see Chapter 7-3).
The use of needle electrodes accomplishes
Greater Auricular Nerve more selective stimulation but carries the
risk of inducing pneumothorax.135
The greater auricular nerve, derived mainly The triceps has the endplate zone ver-
from the C2 and C3 roots, winds around tically oriented with the distal portion of
the posterior border of the sternomastoid the muscle innervated by longer nerve
and ascends cephalad on the surface of branches. Thus, the latency of a recorded
that muscle from the neck to the ear. Stim- response increases with the distance from
ulation with a pair of surface electrodes the stimulus point. The latency changes
firmly placed against the lateral border of nonlinearly reflecting irregularly spaced
the sternocleidomastoid muscle elicits an points of innervation. The biceps and del-
orthodromic sensory potential easily de- toid muscles have one or more horizon-
tectable on the back of the ear lobe. Re- taly directed endplates mostly in the mid-
Assessment of Individual Nerves 153

dle of the fibers.121,123,125 The point of positioning the needle slightly caudal to
recording does not affect the latency of the the C7 spinous process stimulates the C8
response in these muscles as much as and Tl spinal nerves simultaneously for
in the triceps. The same probably applies conduction across the lower trunk and
to the infraspinatus and supraspinatus. medial cord (Fig. 6-16B). The needle in-
Recording from the serratus anterior85 serted between these two points activates
permits conduction studies of the long the C6, C7, and C8 spinal nerves simul-
thoracic nerve.139,140 taneously, for evaluation of the posterior
The needle electrodes register from a cord. A metal plate or disk electrode on
more limited area, providing a reliable the skin surface or a second needle elec-
measure of latencies, even with102simulta- trode serves as the anode. Alternatively,
neous activation of many nerves. Intra- placing the anode over the T2 spinous
muscular recordings, however, fail to re- process allows activation of the C8 and Tl
veal the true waveform of the compound with the stimulating cathode inserted at
muscle action potential because of re- the C5-C6 level, minimizing the risk of
stricted recording area. When testing a pneumothorax.135,153
unilateral involvement of the brachial Recording from several muscles helps
plexus, comparison between the affected evaluate different portions of the brachial
and normal sides offers the most sensitive plexus—for example, biceps for the upper
indicator (Table 6-7). The standard proto- trunk and lateral cord, triceps for the pos-
col calls for equalizing the distance be- terior cord, and ulnar-innervated intrin-
tween the stimulating and recording elec- sic hand muscles for the lower trunk and
trodes on both sides. This principle holds medial cord. Table 6-8 summarizes the
in the study of any muscle of the shoulder conduction time across the brachial
girdle, and particularly that of the triceps plexus calculated by subtracting the dis-
for the reasons stated previously. tal latency of the ulnar nerve.17 The side-
A localized stimulus applied through a to-side difference exceeding 0.6 ms indi-
needle electrode can directly activate the cates unilateral lesions, making it a more
spinal nerve at the junction of the respec- sensitive index than the absolute latency.
tive ventral and dorsal roots.7,86,118,119,126
The uninsulated tip comes to an optimal
position when a standard 50-75 mm Musculocutaneous and
monopolar needle, inserted perpendicular Lateral Antebrachial
to the skin surface, rests directly on the Cutaneous Nerves
vertebral transverse process. Joint stim-
ulation of the C5 and C6 spinal nerves by Optimal sites of stimulation for motor
placing the needle 1-2 cm lateral to the conduction129,172 include the posterior
C5 spinous process tests the upper trunk cervical triangle 3 to 6 cm above the clav-
and lateral cord (Fig. 6-16A). Similarly, icle just behind the sternocleidomastoid

Table 6-7 Nerve Conduction Times From ERB's

Point to Muscle
Muscle n Distance (cm) Latency (ms)
Biceps 19 20 4.6 ± 0.6
15 24 4.7 ± 0.6
14 28 5.0 ±0.5
Deltoid 20 15.5 4.3 ± 0.5
17 18.5 4.4 ± 0.4
Triceps 16 21.5 4.5 ± 0.4
23 26.5 4.9 ± 0.5
16 31.5 5.3 ± 0.5
Supraspinatus 19 8.5 2.6 ± 0.3
16 10.5 2.7 ± 0.3
Infraspinatus 20 14 3.4 ± 0.4
15 17 3.4 ± 0.5
Source: Modified from Gassel,60 with permission.
154 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 6-16. A. C5 and C6 root stimulation. The diagram shows the needle inserted perpendicular to the
skin, 1-2 cm lateral to the C5 spinous process. B. C8 and Tl 1 root stimulation. The diagram shows the
needle inserted slightly caudal to the C7 spinous process. [From MacLean,117 with permission.]

muscle (see Fig. l-9)61,102 and the axilla the posterior cervical triangle and axilla by
between the axillary artery medially and the same electrodes positioned to stimulate
the coracobrachialis muscle laterally.145 motor fibers. The same stimulus also elic-
Either surface electrodes or needle elec- its antidromic sensory potential of the dis-
trodes suffice to stimulate the nerve and tal branch, the lateral antebrachial cuta-
to record the muscle action potentials neous nerve of the forearm (Fig. 6-17). The
from the biceps brachii (Table 6-9). recording electrode is placed 12 cm distally
The sensory branch runs superficially at over the course of the nerve in the forearm,
the level of the elbow, just lateral to the ten- along the straight line from the stimulus
don of the biceps. Stimulation of the nerve point to the radial artery at the wrist. Table
between the tendon of the biceps medially 6-10 summarizes normal values reported
and the brachioradialis laterally elicits or- in two series.74,166 Study of the musculo-
thodromic sensory potentials recordable at cutaneous nerve provides evaluation of the

Table 6-8 Brachial Plexus Latency with

Nerve Root Stimulation
Latency Across
Site of Plexus (ms)
Plexus Stimulation Recording Site Range Mean SD
Brachial (upper trunk and lateral cord) C5 and C6 Biceps brachii 4.8-6.2 5.3 0.4
Brachial (posterior cord) C6, C7, C8 Triceps brachii 4.4-6.1 5.4 0.4
Brachial (lower trunk and medial cord) C8 and Tl Abductor digiti quinti 3.7-5.5 4.7 0.5
Ulnar nerve
Source: From MacLean,117 with permission.
Table 6-9 Musculocutaneous Nerve
Orthodromic Orthodromic
Motor Nerve Conduction Sensory Nerve Conduction Sensory Nerve Conduction
Between Erb's Point and Axilla Between Erb's Point and Axilla Between Axilla and Elbow
Range of Range of Range of Range of
Conduction Amplitude (/iV) Conduction Range of Conduction Range of
Age n Velocity (m/s) Axilla Erb's Point n Velocity (m/s) Amplitude (/iV) n Velocity (m/s) Amplitude (/iV)
15-24 14 63-78 9-32 7-27 14 59-76 3.5-30 15 61-75 17-75
25-34 6 60-75 8-30 6-26 6 57-74 3-25 8 59-73 16-72
35-^4 8 58-73 8-28 6-24 7 54-71 2.5-21 8 57-71 16-69
45-54 10 55-71 7-26 6-22 10 52-69 2-18 13 55-69 15-65
55-64 9 53-68 7-24 5-21 9 49-66 2-15 10 53-67 14-62
65-74 4 50-66 6-22 5-19 4 47-64 1.5-12 6 51-65 13-59
Source: From Trojaborg,172 with permission.
156 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 6-17. Sensory conduction study of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm. The photo shows stim-
ulation just lateral to the tendon of the biceps and recording from the nerve with the electrodes placed 12
cm distal to the cathode along the straight line to the radial artery (G1) and 2-3 cm further distally (G2).

C6 root, upper trunk, and lateral cord bet- nerve, derived from the C5 through C8
ter than the median sensory potentials roots and the posterior cord, separates
recorded from the second digit, which, from the radial nerve in the spiral groove
more often than not, represent the C7 root and innervates the skin of the lateral arm
and middle trunk.56 and the dorsal forearm. At its origin, it
pierces the lateral head of the triceps,
separating into proximal and distal
Medial and Posterior Antebrachial branches. Surface stimulation above the
Cutaneous Nerves lateral epicondyle, between the biceps
and triceps brachii, elicits antidromic
The medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve, sensory potentials recordable with sur-
like the ulnar nerve, originates from the face electrodes placed 12 cm distally
C8 and Tl roots via the lower trunk and along the line extended from the stimu-
medial cord." It subserves the sensation lus point to the wrist, midway between
over the medial aspect of the forearm, the the ulnar and radial styloid processes
area not affected by lesions of the ulnar (Fig. 6-19).
nerve. The nerve pierces the deep fascia
4 cm above the elbow on a line bisecting
the distance between the biceps tendon Intercostal Nerves
and the medial epicondyle. Surface stim-
ulation at this point elicits antidromic Surface stimulation of this nerve elicits in-
sensory potentials best recorded over the tercostal muscle action potentials with in-
course of its volar branch on the same line consistent latency. Recording from the
extended distally 8 cm from the elbow (Fig. rectus abdominis muscle improves repro-
6-18). Table 6-10 shows the results of two ducibilites of the waveform and allows cal-
studies.74,144 culation of conduction velocity after stim-
The posterior antebrachial cutaneous ulating the nerve at two points.142
Assessment of Individual Nerves 157

Table 6-10 Lateral and Medial Cutaneous Nerve

(Mean ± SD)
of Latency . Conduction
Patients Age Distance Onset Peak Velocity Amplitude
Authors Nerve Seen (mean) (cm) (ms) (ms) (m/s) (uV)
Spindler and Lateral 30 20-84 12 1.8 ±0.1 2 .3 ±0.1 65 ± 4 24.0 ±7.2
Felsenthal166 cutaneous (35)
Izzo et al.74 Lateral 154 17-80 14 2 .8 ±0.2 62 ± 4 18.9 ±9.9
cutaneous (45)
Medial 155 17-80 14 2,,7 ±0.2 63 ± 5 11.4 ±5.2
cutaneous (45)
Reddy144 Medial 30 23-60 18 2.7 ±0.2 3 .3 ±0.2 66 ± 4 15.4 ±4.1
cutaneous (38)

4 COMMONLY TESTED NERVES muscles after stimulation of the tibial nerve

IN THE LOWER LIMB at the popliteal fossa and at the ankle pos-
terior to the medial malleolus. The nerve
bifurcates into two branches within 1 cm
Tibial Nerve of the malleolar-calcaneal axis in 90 per-
cent of feet.34 The usual choices for record-
Motor conduction studies record the mus- ing sites include the abductor hallucis and
cle response from one of the intrinsic foot flexor pollicis brevis, innervated by the me-

Figure 6-18. Stimulation of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve of the forearm with the cathode placed
medial to the brachial artery 4 cm above the elbow crease on a line drawn from the ulnar styloid process
to a point halfway between the medial epicondyle and biceps brachii tendon, and recording of the antidromic
sensory potential with the active electrode (G1) 8 cm distal to the elbow crease and the reference electrode
(G2), 3-4 cm further distally along the same line. This arrangement yields results directly comparable to the
analogous study of the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve (cf. Fig. 6-17).
158 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 6-19. Stimulation of the posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve with the cathode placed just above
the lateral epicondyle between the biceps brachii and triceps brachii, and recording of the antidromic sen-
sory potentials with the active electrode (G1) 12 cm distally and the reference electrode (G2), 3-4 cm further
distally along a line extended from the stimulus point to the mid-dorsum of the wrist, midway between the
ulnar and radial styloid processes.

dial plantar nerve, and the abductor digiti Reported normal values across a 10 cm
quinti, supplied by the lateral plantar nerve segment (mean ± SD) include 3.8 ± 0.5 ms
(Figs. 6-20 and 6-21A,B). One study re- for the medial and 3.9 ±0.5 ms for the lat-
ports normal distal latencies (mean ± SD) eral plantar nerves.58 Tables 6-11 and 6-12
of 4.9 ± 0.6 ms for medial and 6.0 ± 0.7 ms summarize the normal values in our labo-
for lateral plantar nerves over a 12 cm seg- ratory.
ment.72 Stimulation of the tibial nerve Sensory conduction studies consist of
above and below the medial malleolus de- stimulating the medial or lateral plantar
termines the conduction characteristics of nerves on the sole 11-13 cm distal to the
the motor fibers across the tarsal tunnel.55 G1 electrode184 and recording orthodromic

Figure 6-20. Motor conduc-

tion study of the tibial nerve.
The sites of stimulation include
the knee (A), above the medial
malleolus (B) and below the me-
dial malleolus (C). Compound
muscle action potentials are
recorded with surface elec-
trodes placed over the abductor
Figure 6-21. A. Motor conduction study of the medial plantar nerve. The photo shows stimulation of the
tibial nerve posterior to the medial malleolus, 10 cm from the recording electrodes placed over the belly (G1)
and tendon (G2) of the abductor hallucis. B. Motor conduction study of the lateral plantar nerve. The photo
shows stimulation posterior to the medial malleolus and recording with surface electrodes placed on the
belly (G1) and tendon (G2) of the abductor digiti quinti.
160 Nerve Conduction Studies

Table 6-11 Tibial Nerves*

Difference Conduction
Latency Between Time
Site of to Two Between Two Conduction
Stimu- Amplitude Recording Site Sides Points Velocity
lation (mV) (ms) (ms) (ms) (m/s)
Ankle 5.8 ± 1.9 (2.9)§ 3.96 ± 1.00 (6.0)' 0.66 ±0.57 (1.8)*
8.09 ± 1.09 (10.3) 48.5 ± 3.6 (41)**
Knee 5.1 ± 2 . 2 (2.5) 12.05 ± 1.53 (15.1) 0.79 ± 0.61 (2.0)
*Mean ± standard deviation (SD) in 118 nerves from 59 patients, 11 to 78 years of age (average, 39), with
no apparent disease of the peripheral nerves.
tAmplitude of the evoked response, measured from the baseline to the negative peak.
Latency, measured to the onset of the evoked response, with a standard distance of 10 cm between the
cathode and the recording electrode.
§Lower limits of normal, based on the distribution of the normative data.
.'Upper limits of normal, calculated as the mean + 2 SD.
**Lower limits of normal, calculated as the mean - 2 SD.

sensory potentials with surface or needle nerve potentials of the medial and lat-
electrodes placed just below the medial eral 73,90
plantar nerves at the first and fifth
malleolus (Fig. 6-22 and 6-23).6,141,152 Al- toes and of the medial calcaneal
ternative sites of stimulation include the nerve at the heel.134 In these cases, the
first and fifth toes with a pair of ring elec- use of an averaging technique improves
trodes. The medial plantar potentials have the resolution of small signals that
average latencies (mean ± SD) of 2.4 ± 0.2 would otherwise escape detection. The
ms, 3.2 ± 0.3 ms, and 4.0 ± 0.2 ms for 10, study of the plantar nerves helps evalu-
14, and 18 cm segments, respectively. The ate the integrity of the postganglionic
lateral plantar latencies average 3.2 ± 0.3 sensory fibers derived from the L4 and
ms and 4.0 ± 0.3 ms for 14 and 18 cm L5 roots,65for example, in patients with
segments. As a modification of this footdrop.
method, selective stimulation of the in-
terdigital nerve also gives rise to an or-
thodromic sensory potential for assess- Common and Deep
ment of interdigital neuropathy or Joplin's Peroneal Nerve
neuroma.51,131 Stimulation on the medial
aspect of the hallux selectively activates Stimulation of the common peroneal
the terminal sensory branch of the medial nerve above or below the head of the fibula
plantar nerve, or medial plantar proper or just above the ankle elicits muscle ac-
digital nerve, another uncommon site of tion potentials in the extensor digitorum
Joplin's neuroma.28 brevis (Figs. 6-24 and 6-25). This muscle,
The responses recorded at the knee af- primarily supplied by the deep peroneal
ter stimulation of the tibial nerve at the nerve, may also receive an anomalous in-
ankle comprise orthodromic sensory and nervation from the superficial peroneal
antidromic motor potentials.124 Stimula- nerve. The communicating branch, called
tion of the tibial nerve below the medial the accessory deep peroneal nerve, passes
malleolus elicits the antidromic sensory behind the lateral malleolus to reach the

Table 6-12 Latency Comparison Between Two Nerves in

the Same Limb*
Site of
Stimulation Peroneal Nerve Tibial Nerve Difference
Ankle 3.89 ± 0.87 (5.6) 4.12 ± 1.06 (6.2) 0.77 ±0.65 (2.1)
Knee 12.46 ± 1.38 (15.2) 12.13 ± 1.48 (15.1) 0.88 ± 0.71 (2.3)
*Mean ± standard deviation (SD) in 104 nerves from 52 patients, 17 to 86 years of age (average, 41), with
no apparent disease of the peripheral nerve.
fUpper limits of normal, calculated as the mean + 2 SD.
Assessment of Individual Nerves 161

Figure 6-22. Stimulation of the sensory branch of the medial and lateral plantar nerves with the cathode
placed over the medial and lateral aspects in the mid-portion of the sole and the anode placed 2 cm further
distally, and recording of the orthodromic sensory nerve potential with the active electrode (G1)placed im-
mediately posterior to the medial malleolus 11-13 cm from the cathode, and reference electrode (G2) 3-4 cm
further proximally.

Orthodromic Sensory Conduction

lateral portion of the muscle. In the pres-
ence of this anomaly, stimulation of the
deep peroneal nerve at the ankle evokes
a much smaller compound muscle action
potential than the shocks applied at the
knee (see Chapter 7-4).
For accurate determination of conduc-
tion velocity across the knee, the distance
between the proximal and distal sites of
stimulation should exceed 10 cm. A series
of shocks applied in short increments, how-
ever, is better suited for delineating a focal
conduction abnormality.82,94 In an ad-
vanced neuropathy, recording
from the ex-
tensor digitorum longus or tibialis ante-
rior36 instead of from the atrophic extensor
digitorum brevis may facilitate the assess-
ment. Stimulation of the peroneal nerve at
the ankle elicits mixed nerve potentials at
the fibula head.62 The use of needle elec-
trode and averaging technique improves
Figure 6-23. Orthodromic sensory nerve potentials resolution in recording small potentials of
of the medial (two top tracings) and lateral plantar the deep peroneal sensory nerve105 from
nerves (two bottom tracings) recorded from the tib-
ial nerve at the ankle following stimulation of each the web between the first and second toes.
nerve on the sole in a 48-year-old healthy man (cf. Tables 6-12 and 6-13 summarize the nor-
Fig. 6-22). mal values in our laboratory.
162 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 6-24. Motor conduction

study of the common peroneal
nerve. The sites of stimulation
include above the knee (A), be-
low the knee (B), and at the an-
kle (C). Compound muscle ac-
tion potentials are recorded with
surface electrodes over the ex-
tensor digitorum brevis.

Superficial Peroneal Nerve ate dorsal cutaneous nerves. They inner-

vate the skin of the dorsum of the foot and
This mixed nerve, derived from the L5 root, the anterior and lateral aspects of the leg.
originates below the fibular head as a The medial dorsal cutaneous nerve pierces
branch of the common peroneal nerve. It the superficial fascia at the anterolateral as-
gives rise to two sensory nerves in the lower pect of the leg about 5 cm above and 2 cm
third of the leg, the medial and intermedi- medial to the lateral malleolus.19,37 Stimu-
lation at this point with the cathode ad-
justed to produce a sensation radiating into
the toes elicits antidromic sensory poten-
tial over the dorsum of the foot medially.
The averaging technique helps identify the
potential with amplitude approximately half
that of the sural nerve, especially in record-
ing from a diseased nerve.
In another method,75,78 stimulation of
the intermediate dorsal cutaneous branch
with the cathode placed against the ante-
rior edge of the fibula elicits the antidromic
sensory potential at the ankles just medial
to the lateral malleolus (Fig. 6-26). Stimu-
lation of the nerve at two points, 12-14 cm
from the recording electrode and 8-9 cm
further proximally, allows assessments of
the distal and proximal segments. The
study of this sensory nerve helps distin-
guish an L-5 radiculopathy from more dis-
tal lesions.78 The near nerve needle record-
ing with signal averaging makes it possible
to assess small sensory 134 action potential
from interdigital nerves. Table 6-14
summarizes the normal values.

Figure 6-25. Motor conduction study of the com- Sural Nerve

mon peroneal nerve. The photo shows stimulation
over the dorsum of the foot near the ankle, 7 cm
from the recording electrodes over the belly (G1) and This sensory nerve, primarily derived from
tendon (G2) of the extensor digitorum brevis. the S1 root, originates in the popliteal
Assessment of Individual Nerves 163

Table 6-13 Common and Deep Peroneal Nerves*

Difference Conduction Conduction
Latency} to Between Time Right Between
Site of Amplitude! Recording Site and Left Two Points Velocity
Stimulation (mV) (ms) (ms) (ms) (m/s)
Ankle 5.1 ± 2.3 (2.5)§ 3.77 ± 0.86 (5.5)^ 0.62 ± 0.61 (1.8)'
7.01 ± 0.89 (8.8)* 48.3 ± 3.9 (40)**
Below knee 5.1 ± 2.0 (2.5) 10.79 ± 1.06 (12.9) 0.65 ± 0.65 (2.0)
1.72 ± 0.40 (2.5) 52.0 ± 6.2 (40)
Above knee 5.1 ± 1.9 (2.5) 12.51 ± 1.17 (14.9) 0.65 ± 0.60 (1.9)
*Mean ± standard deviation (SD) in 120 nerves from 60 patients, 16 to 86 years of age (average, 41), with
no apparent disease of the peripheral nerves.
tAmplitude of the evoked response, measured from the baseline to the negative peak.
^Latency, measured to the onset of the evoked response, with a standard distance of 7 cm between the
cathode and the recording electrode.
§Lower limits of normal, based on the distribution of the normative data.
'Upper limits of normal, calculated as the mean + 2 SD.
**Lower limits of normal, calculated as the mean - 2 SD.

fossa as the medial sural branch of the branch of the common peroneal nerve. In
tibial nerve. It becomes superficial at the some cases, the peroneal branch con-
junction of the mid and lower third of the tributes more than the main trunk from
leg, where it receives a communicating the tibial nerve. Descending toward the
ankle, it turns anterolaterally along the
inferior aspect of the lateral malleolus. Its
terminal branch, the lateral dorsal cuta-
neous nerve, supplies the lateral aspect of
the dorsum of the foot. The sural nerves
may contain some motor3 fibers in about
6 percent of individuals.
Stimulation of the nerve in the lower third
of the leg over the posterior aspect slightly
lateral to the midline elicits antidromic sen-
sory potentials, usually recorded around
the lateral malleolus (Figs. 6-27 and 6-28),
but at times more distally for the study106 of
the lateral dorsal cutaneous branch.
Sural potentials need no averaging for
recording except perhaps in older popula-
tion or patients with diseased nerve.15,17,38
Segmental studies dividing the nerve into
three contiguous portions of 7 cm each
have revealed a smaller mean velocity in
the most distal segment than in the mid-
dle or proximal segment.176
Averaging technique facilitates the study
of orthodromic potentials after stimulation
of the nerve over the lateral aspect of the
foot.4,5,69,87,161 Segmental studies depend
on recording at the popliteal fossa and high
at the ankle, 10-15 cm proximal to the lat-
Figure 6-26. Sensory conduction study of the su- eral malleolus (Table 6-15). Near-nerve
perficial peroneal nerve. The photo shows stimula- technique revealed a greater latency when
tion against the anterior edge of the fibula, 12 cm
from the active electrode (G1) located just medial to measured from the stimulus to the record-
the lateral malleolus at the ankle with the reference ing sites than the true conduction time cal-
electrode (G2) placed 2-3 cm distally. culated as latency difference over the same
Table 6-14 Superficial Peroneal Nerve
Stimulation Recording Amplitude Latency Conduction
Point Site n Age G*v) (ms) Velocity (m/s)
5 cm above, 2 cm medial to Dorsum of foot 50 1-15 13.0 ± 4.6 1.22 ± 0.40 53. 1 ± 5.3 (Distal segment)
lateral malleolus
50 Over 13.9 ± 4.0 2.24 ± 0.49 47.3 ± 3.4 (Distal segment)
Anterior edge of fibula, Medial border of lateral 50 3-60 20.5 ±6.1 2.9 ± 0.3 65.7 ± 3.7 (Proximal segment)
12 cm above the active malleolus
Anterolateral aspect of leg, Medial border of lateral 80 18.3 2.8 ± 0.3 51.2 ± 5.7 (Proximal segment)
14 cm above the active malleolus
37 78 75
Source: Data from Di Benedetto, Jabre, and Izzo et al.
Assessment of Individual Nerves 165

Figure 6-27. Antidromic sen-

sory nerve conduction study of
the sural nerve. The diagram
shows stimulation on the calf
slightly lateral to the midline in
the lower third of the leg, and
recording with surface elec-
trodes placed behind the lateral

segment. This discrepancy results from the Sural nerve study conducted with care174
latency of activation at the stimulus site, offers one of the most sensitive means of
or utilization time of about 0.15 ms, de- detecting electrophysiologic abnormalities
pending on the type of stimuli.103 The near- in various types of neuropathies. In addi-
nerve potential recorded at midcalf showed tion to absolute amplitude, sural to radial
a 32 percent higher amplitude in women amplitude ratio may serve as a sensitive
than in men, probably reflecting different measure. In one study, 150 a ratio less than
volume conductor properties.69 0.40, as compared to the normal mean of

Figure 6-28. Sensory conduction study of the sural nerve. The photo shows stimulation along the poste-
rior surface of the leg, slightly lateral to the midline and 7-10 cm from the ankle. The active electrode (G1)
is placed above or immediately below and behind the lateral malleolus with the reference electrode 2-3 cm
distally along the lateral dorsum of the foot (G2).
Table 6-15 Sural Nerve
Stimulation Recording Amplitude Latency Conduction Velocity
Authors Point Site n Age 0*v) (ms) (m/s)
Shiozawa161and Foot High ankle 40 13-41 6.3 (1.9-17) 44.0 ± 4.7
DiBenedetto37 Lower third Lateral 38 1-15 23.1 ±4.4 1.46 ±0.43 52.1 ±5.1
of leg malleolus 62 Over 23.7 ± 3.8 2.27 ± 0.43 46.2 ± 3.3
15 (Peak)
Behse and 4 15 cm above Dorsal 71 15-30 51.2 ±4.5
Buchthal lateral aspect of foot 40-65 48.3 ± 5.3
Wainapel Lower third Lateral 80 20-79 18.9 ± 6.7 3.7 ± 0.3 41.0 ± 2.5
et al.180 of leg malleolus (Peak)
Truong 176 Distal 10 cm 102 33.9 ± 3.25
et al. Lateral
Middle 10 cm malleolus 102 51.0 ±3.8
Proximal 10 cm 102 51.6 ±3.8
Kimura 14 cm above Lateral 52 10-40 20.9 ± 8.0 2.7 ± 0.3 52.5 ± 5.6
(Unpublished) lateral malleolus 41-84 17.2 ± 6.7 2.8 ± 0.3 51.1 ±5.9
malleolus (Onset)
Assessment of Individual Nerves 167

0.71, predicted axonal neuropathy. Sural S2 roots. Conventional conduction stud-

nerve study also provides a unique op- ies fall short of adequately evaluating their
portunity for direct comparison between integrity because of their inaccessibiity to
physiologic and histologic findings of the percutaneous electrical stimulation. The
biopsied specimen (see Chapter 4-4).44 use of the F wave and H reflex provides
Preganglionic pathology consistently spares an indirect measure of impulses propa-
the sensory action potential despite the gating across this region (see Chapters 18
clinical symptoms. Thus, studies of the and 19). An alternative method involves
sural nerve help distinguish peripheral le- needle stimulation47,48,117,126 or percuta-
sions from S1 or S2 radiculopathy or neous high voltage electrical stimulation71
cauda equina involvement. of L4, L5, or S1 spinal nerve just proxi-
mal to the plexus and stimulation of the
peripheral nerve just distal to the plexus.
5 OTHER NERVES DERIVED Conduction time through the plexus then
FROM THE LUMBOSACRAL equals the difference between the distal
NERVE ROOTS and proximal latencies.
The study of the lumbar plexus involves
the stimulation of the L4 spinal nerve by
Lumbosacral Plexus a 75 mm standard monopolar needle,
placed so as to lie just below the level of
The lumbosacral plexus consists of the the iliac crest. The needle inserted into the
lumbar plexus with fibers derived from the paraspinous muscle perpendicular to the
L2, L3, and L4 roots and the sacral skin surface must reach the periosteum of
plexus, which arises from the L5, S1, and the articular process (Fig. 6-29A.B). With

Figure 6-29. A. Motor conduction study of the lumbar plexus. The diagram shows stimulation of the L4
root, with the needle inserted perpendicular to the skin just below the level of the iliac crest, and of femoral
nerve distal to the inguinal ligament immediately lateral to the femoral artery. Muscle potentials are recorded
with surface electrodes over the vastus medialis (G1) and patella (G2).B. Motor nerve conduction study of
the sacral plexus. The diagram shows stimulation of the S1 root with the needle inserted at the level of the
posterior iliac spine, of the L5 root halfway in between the L4 and S1 roots and of the sciatic nerve at the
level of the gluteal skinfold midpoint between the ischial tuberosity and the greater trochanter of the femur.
The recording electrodes (not shown) are placed on the belly (G1) and 112tendon (G2) of the tibialis anterior for
L5 and of the abductor hallucis for S1 root studies. [From MacLean, with permission].
168 Nerve Conduction Studies

an optimal needle position, a shock of very deep below the surface.114 Over proximal
low intensity elicits the maximal compound cauda equina, cranially directed induced
muscle action potential of the vastus me- current via vertically oriented coil junc-
dialis. Stimulation of the femoral nerve just tion preferentially activates root entry
distal to the inguinal ligament, with either zone of the conus medullaris. Over distal
a surface or a needle electrode, provides the cauda equina, horizontally oriented junc-
distal latency (Fig. 6-29A). The nerve lies tion excites the lumbar roots—and verti-
immediately lateral to the readily palpable cally oriented junction, sacral roots—at or
femoral artery, as discussed later in this near the intervertebral foramina. The la-
section. tency difference between proximal and
The study of the sacral plexus involves distal stimulation typically yields the on-
inserting a needle between the spinous set latency of 1.9 ms for vastus medialis,
process and posterior iliac spine for the 2.3 ms for tibialis anterior, and 3.5 ms for
S1 spinal nerve and halfway in between abductor hallucis (see Chapter 21-5).
the L4 and S1 spinal nerves for the L5 High-voltage electrical stimulation given
spinal nerve. At the level of the gluteal percutaneously can also activate the sci-
skin fold, the sciatic nerve bisects a line atic nerve for proximal and segmental
drawn between the ischial tuberosity and nerve conduction measurements.71 This
the greater trochanter of the femur. Nee- type of stimulation simultaneously excites
dle stimulation here provides the distal la- the peroneal and tibial division of the sci-
tency required for calculation of conduc- atic nerve, requiring the collision tech-
tion time across the sacral plexus (Fig. nique 91to eliminate the unintended im-
6-29B). With careful adjustment of the pulse.
needle position, shocks of very low inten-
sity elicit a maximal compound muscle
action potential of the tibialis anterior for Femoral Nerve
the L-5 and of the abductor hallucis for
the S1 spinal nerve. Inadvertent activa- Shocks delivered to the femoral nerve above
tion of the neighboring spinal nerves in- or below the inguinal ligament elicits the
duces volume-conducted potentials from response recordable in the rectus femoris
distant muscles. Without proper care to muscle at various distances from the point
avoid such spread of stimulus, the record- of stimulation. The latency of the response
ing electrodes placed over the tibialis an- increases progressively with the distance
terior, for example, would regularly regis- reflecting vertical orientation of the end-
ter a simultaneously activated action plate region.59 The femoral nerve conducts
potential of the triceps surae. Table 6-16 at an average rate of 70 m/s, based on the
summarizes the normal value in one se- latency difference between the two re-
ries.117 sponses recorded at 14 and 30 cm from the
The commercially available magnetic point of stimulation (Table 6-17). This cal-
coils fail to optimally stimulate lumbo- culation, however, does not hold unless
sacral roots as diagnostic aids.47,48,115 all branches supplying proximal and dis-
Specially constructed large-diameter coils, tal parts of the muscle have similar and di-
placed flat on the skin surface, however, rectly comparable electrophysiologic char-
adequately excite the cauda equina lying acteristics.

Table 6-16 Lumbosacral Plexus

Site of Latency Across Plexus (ms)
Plexus Stimulation Recording Site Range Mean SD
Lumbar L2, L3, L4 Vastus medialis 2.0-4.4 3.4 0.6
Femoral nerve
Sacral L5 and SI Abductor hallucis 2.5-4.9 3.9 0.7
Sciatic nerve
From MacLean,117 with permission.
Assessment of Individual Nerves 169

Table 6.-17 Femoral Nerve

Onset Conduction
Stimulation Recording Latency Velocity
Point Site No. Age (ms) (m/s)
Just below 14 cm from 42 8-79 3.7 ± 0.45 70 ± 5.5
inguinal stimulus between the
ligament point two recording
30 cm from 42 8-79 6.0 ± 0.60
Source: Modified from Gassel,59 with permission.

Saphenous Nerve the medial gastrocnemius muscle and tibia,

usually 12-14 cm above the ankle. Signal
This largest and longest sensory branch of averaging improves the resolution of small
the femoral nerve lies deep along the me- antidromic sensory potentials recorded just
dial border of the tibialis anterior tendon anterior to the highest prominence of the
(Fig. 6-30). The nerve stimulation uses the medial malleolus (Table 63-18). Ortho-
surface electrodes pressed firmly between dromic studies46,155,.169 consist of stimu-
lating the nerve at two levels, anterior to
the medial malleolus, and medial to the
knee, and recording the evoked potential
with a needle electrode placed near the
femoral nerve trunk at the inguinal liga-
ment. The orthodromic potentials average
one half the size of the antidromic poten-
tials in amplitude. The saphenous nerve
may degenerate with postganglionic le-
sions such as lumbar plexopathy or
femoral neuropathy. In contrast, pregan-
glionic L3 or L4 radiculopathy spares the
distal sensory nerve potentials despite
clinical deficits.

Lateral Femoral
Cutaneous Nerve
The nerve becomes superficial about 10-
12 cm below the anterior superior ilac
spine, where it divides into large anterior
and small lateral branches. Surface stim-
ulation at this point elicits the ortho-
dromic sensory potential recordable with
a needle electrode inserted 1 cm medial
to the112lateral end of the inguinal liga-
ment. Alternative technique consists of
stimulation at the inguinal ligament with
Figure 6-30. Sensory conduction study of the a needle electrode and recording an-
saphenous nerve. The photo shows stimulation 14 tidromic sensory potentials from the thigh
cm above the active electrode (Gi) along the medial
surface of the leg between the tibia and the gas- (Fig. 6-31). In one study16 using a pair of
trocnemius and recording at the ankle 2-3 cm above specially constructed 1.2 x 1.9 cm lead
(G1) and just anterior to the medial malleolus (G2). strips fastened 4 cm apart, the normal
170 Nerve Conduction Studies

Table 6-18 Saphenous Nerve

Inguinal Ligament—Knee Knee—Medial Malleolus
Amplitude Conduction Amplitude Conduction
Authors Method Age Number (uV) Velocity Number (uV) Velocity (m/s)
Ertekin46 Orthodromic 17-38 33 4.2 ±2.3 59.6 ± 2.3 10 4.8 ± 2.4 52.3 ±2.3
Stohr et al.169 Orthodromic <40 28 5.5 ±2.6 58.9 ± 3.2 22 2.1 ± 1.1 51.2 ±4.7
>40 41 5.1 ±2.7 57.9 ± 4.0 32 1.7± 0.8 50.2 ±5.0
Wainapel et al.180 Antidromic 20-79 Peak latency 80 9.0 ± 3.4 41.7 ±3.4
of 3.6 ± 1.4
for 14 cm
Senden et al.155 Orthodromic 18-56 71 54.8 ± 1.9

values (mean ± SD) in 25 healthy adults placed 6 cm above the midpopliteal fossa
consisted of a latency of 2.6 ± 0.2 ms, an register an antidromic sensory potential
amplitude of 10-25 uV,V, and a calculated after stimulating the nerve 12 cm further
velocity165of 47.9 ± 3.7 m/s. In another proximally on a line drawn to the ischial
study, the antidromic potentials tuberosity. Normal values (mean ± SD)
recorded 25 cm distal to the stimulating obtained in 40 subjects43 with a mean age
electrode along the line connecting the of 34 years included peak latency of 2.8 ±
stimulus site and the lateral edge of the 0.2 ms (range, 2.3-3.4 ms) and amplitude
patella showed onset conduction velocity of 6.5 ± 1.5 uV (range, 4.1-12.0 uV). This
of 62.3 ± 5.5 m/s (mean ± SD) and am- method may help evaluate the peripheral
plitude of 2.00 ± 1.0 uV. nerve in a patient with lower limb ampu-
Posterior Femoral Medial Femoral
Cutaneous Nerve Cutaneous Nerve
This sensory nerve originates from the an- Sensory abnormalities occasionally involve
terior and posterior divisions of the S1, anterior medial thigh innervated by this
S2, and S3 roots, exits the pelvis distal nerve. Conduction studies107 may help dis-
to the piriformis muscle and proceeds tinguish this condition from radiculopathy
distally between the medial and lateral Involving the L2 and L3 roots with over-
hamstring muscles. Recording electrodes lapping dermatomal distribution.104

Figure 6-31. Sensory nerve conduc-

tion of the lateral femoral cutaneous
nerve. The diagram shows stimula-
tion above the inguinal ligament and
recording over the thigh 12 cm below
the anterior-superior iliac spine (G1)
and 2-3 cm distally (G2). [From But-
ler, Johnson and Kaye,16 with per-
Assessment of Individual Nerves 171

Pudendal Nerve mesencephalic nucleus of the midbrain,84

and sensory fibers arising from the gasser-
The technique consists of stimulating the ian ganglion.20 The jaw jerk reflex, elicited
pudenda! nerve and recording compound by tapping on the chin, evaluates jaw clo-
muscle action potential from the external sure (see Chapter 19-3) whereas the blink
anal sphincter.170 A specially constru- reflex assesses the afferent trigeminal fibers
cted disposable electrode, when properly and the efferent facial nerve (see Chapter
mounted onto the gloved right hand, has 17-2). Less commonly used techniques in-
the stimulating cathode at the tip of in- clude motor studies of40 the mylohyoid and
dex finger. Locating the ischial spine and deep temporal nerves and 109 sensory con-
lateral margin of the sacrum with the fin- duction of the lingual nerve.
gertip inserted into the rectum helps place Intraoral surface stimulation of the my-
the cathode near the pudendal nerve. Me- lohyoid nerve evokes the mylohyoid mus-
thodical exploration then identifies the op- cle potential under the chin in the ante-
timal location, which elicits maximal and rior submandibular area. The cathode,
reproducible muscle response. Latency taped to a tongue depressor, faces ante-
values exceeding26,88,183
2.2 ms suggest puden- riorly in the pterygomandibular space at
dal neuropathy. the level of the rear molars. The subject
opens the mouth and pushes the tongue
up against the front teeth to activate the
Dorsal Nerve of the Penis muscle for placement of the active record-
ing electrode. In one study of 42 healthy
Stimulation with a pair of electrodes subjects,40 who all had the response bi-
placed at the base of the penis, cathode 2 laterally, the reported value included la-
cm distal to anode, gives rise to antidromic tency of 1.9 ± 0.2 ms (mean ± SD) and
sensory nerve potential recordable at the amplitude of 4.9 ±1.8 mV.
distal shaft along the dorsal midline with For stimulation of the deep temporal
G1 placed 2 cm proximal to G2.11,29 The nerve, the cathode, placed in the pterigo-
latency measured to the peak of the neg- mandibular fossa faces posteriorly near
ative wave after averaging the response 20 the upper rear molar. The patient acti-
times yielded conduction velocity of 26. 9 vates the temporalis muscle by clenching
m/s for flaccid and 29.7 m/s for stretched the jaw for placement of the active record-
shaft.186 A specially constructed urinary ing leads. Only 60 percent of healthy sub-
catheter electrode placed in the urethra jects had bilateral responses, showing an
also registers sensory potential following average latency of 2.1 ± 0.3 ms and am-
stimulation of the dorsal nerve of the plitude of 4.3 ± 2.0 mV.
penis. 185 Stimulation of the mandibular nerve by
a needle electrode inserted in the in-
fratemporal fossa at the level of the fora-
6 CRANIAL NERVES men ovale elicits muscle action potentials
of the masseter and mylohyoideus.109 The
same needle registers sensory nerve action
The most commonly tested cranial nerves potentials elicited by stimulation of the lin-
in the electromyographic laboratory in- gual nerve along the inferolateral edge of
clude the facial and trigeminal nerves (see the tongue and of the inferior alveolar nerve
Chapters 7-3 and 17-2). at the mental foramen. This method may
prove useful in measuring the lingual and
inferior alveolar nerve lesion subsequent to
Mylohyoid, Deep Temporal, dental or orthognathic surgery.76,154
and Lingual Nerves
The mandibular nerve comprises motor ax- Accessory Nerve
ons originating in the trigeminal motor nu-
cleus in the mid pons,2 proprioceptive af- The accessory nerve runs superficially
ferents having their cell bodies in the along the posterior border of the stern-
172 Nerve Conduction Studies

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Chapter 7

Stimulating System
Recording System
Stimulation of the Facial Nerve
Axillary Stimulation and Collision Technique
Palmar Stimulation of the Median and Ulnar Nerves
Martin-Gruber Anastomosis
Anomalies of the Hand
Accessory Deep Peroneal Nerve
Anomalous Communication Between Peroneal and
Tibial Nerve
Physiologic and Pathologic Temporal Dispersion
Detection of Conduction Block
Distribution of Conduction Velocities
Collision Technique to Block Fast- or
Slow-Conducting Fibers
Segmental Stimulation in Short Increments
Late Responses for Evaluation of Long Pathways
Reproducibility of Various Measures
Clinical Considerations

1 INTRODUCTION With steady improvement and standard-

ization of methods,42,89 such studies have
become a reliable means of testing not
Nerve conduction studies help delineate only for precise localization of a lesion but
the extent and distribution of the neural also for accurate characterization of pe-
lesion and distinguish two major cate- ripheral nerve function.25,73 This chapter
gories of peripheral nerve disease: de- reviews the fundamental principles and
myelination and axonal degeneration. changing concepts of nerve stimulation
Facts, Fallacies, and Fancies of Nerve Stimulation Techniques 179

techniques and their proper application in unidentified yet easily correctable prob-
the differential diagnosis of peripheral lems include malfunction of the stimulat-
nerve disorders. ing electrodes or the recording system.
Despite simple basic principles that dic-
tate the method in theory, pitfalls abound
in practice.74,77,78-104 Commonly encoun- Stimulating System
tered sources of error that are often over-
looked include intermittent failure in the Absent or unusually small responses re-
stimulating or recording system, excessive sult from inappropriately low shock in-
spread of stimulation current, anomalous tensity or from a stimulus that is misdi-
innervation, temporal dispersion, and in- rected despite adequate current strength.
accuracy of surface measurement. Sta- The amplitude should improve with relo-
tionary far-field peaks may result from a cation of the stimulating electrode, press-
moving source not only in a referential but ing it firmly closer to the nerve, and, if
also a bipolar derivation, usually selected necessary, increasing shock intensity or
for recording near-field potentials (see duration. The use of monopolar or con-
Chapter 20-3). Lack of awareness of these centric needles may help, especially in
possibilities can cause confusion in the obese patients. Profuse perspiration or an
interpretation of the results. All these fac- excessive amount of cream over the skin
tors limit the reproducibility of conduc- surface may shunt the cathode and an-
tion studies, making it imperative to ode, rendering the otherwise sufficient
maintain good quality control.87,168 stimulating current ineffective. Inadver-
Conventional studies deal primarily tent reversal of the anode and cathode
with evaluation of the fastest conducting would, in theory, block the propagating
fibers, based on the latency measured to impulse; however, in the usual clinical
the onset of the evoked potential. In some setup with a 2-3 cm separation, anodal
clinical entities, special techniques may hyperpolarization abates too quickly to
help in evaluating other aspects, such as render any detectable effects. More im-
conduction velocity of the slower fibers portant, misidentifying the cathodal and
and the time course of the absolute and anodal positions would invalidate the re-
relative refractory periods. The phenome- lationship between the measured distance
non of collision provides a useful means and latency. Regardless of the responsi-
of assessing these features of nerve con- ble technical fault, submaximal activation
duction.53,56,70,71,82 Here, a second stim- of the nerve proximally may erroneously
ulus delivered distally to the nerve blocks suggest a conduction block, especially if
the unwanted impulses not under study. a distal stimulus elicits a full response. In
Other areas of interest include studies of some neuropathic states with an abnor-
threshold electrotonus and motor unit mally elevated threshold, an ordinarily
number estimates, described in Chapter sufficient intensity may fail to excite the
8. Although these methods supplement nerve at the site of pathology, necessitat-
the conventional technique in theory, ing more proximal stimulation to confirm
their clinical application in practice awaits propagation of impulses across the lesion
further clarification. (see this chapter, part 5).


Even optimal stimulation elicits a small re-
Technical problems often account for un- sponse if a faulty connection hampers
expected observations during routine recording. Common problems include in-
nerve conduction studies. The failure to appropriate placement of the pick-up elec-
appreciate this possibility will lead to an trodes; breaks in the electrode wires; use
incorrect diagnosis, especially if the find- of a disconnected preamplifier; loss of
ings mimic expected manifestations of the power supply; and incorrect oscilloscope
disease under consideration. Commonly settings for sensitivity, sweep, or filters. A
180 Nerve Conduction Studies

broken recording electrode may escape de- type of recording, by design, fails to pro-
tection because it shows no change in ap- vide the most important information on the
pearance if the insulating sheath remains total size of muscle response.
intact. With partial damage to the wire,
stimulus-induced muscle twitches cause Stimulation of the Facial Nerve
movement-related potentials, which can
mimic a compound muscle action poten- The facial nerve becomes accessible to
tial. A quick check of the recording system surface or needle stimulation as it exits
should be the first step: ask the patient to from the stylomastoid foramen (see Chap-
contract the muscle with the electrode in ter 17-2) (see Figs. 17-2 and 17-3). The
position and the amplifiers turned on. De- distal segment, tested by stimulating the
ficiencies at any step of the recording cir- nerve here and recording compound mus-
cuit would prevent a normal display of mus- cle action potentials from various facial
cle action potentials on the oscilloscope. muscles, remains normal for a few days
An initial positivity preceding the major after complete separation of the nerve at
negative peak of the compound muscle ac- a proximal site. The loss of distal ex-
tion potential usually results from incor- citability by the end of the first week
rect positioning of the active electrode away coincides with the onset of nerve degen-
from the end-plate region. Alternatively, it eration, which generally implies poor
may represent a volume-conducted poten- prognosis. With shocks of very high in-
tial from distant muscles, activated by tensity, stimulating current may also ac-
anomalous innervation or by spread of tivate the motor point of the masseter
stimulation to other nerves. The compound muscle. A volume-conducted potential
muscle action potential reverses its polar- then erroneously suggests a favorable
ity with an inadvertent switch of the active prognosis, when in fact the facial nerve
(G1) and reference (G2) electrodes. Simi- has already degenerated (Fig. 7-1). As
larly, any deviation from the standard belly stated before, visual inspection would ver-
(G1) and tendon (G2) placement of record- ify that the contraction involved the mas-
ing electrodes distorts the waveform. seter, not the facial, muscle. Surface stim-
ulation of the facial nerve may also
activate cutaneous fibers of the trigemi-
3 SPREAD OF STIMULATION nal nerve, causing reflexive contraction of
CURRENT the orbicularis oculi (see Chapter 17-2).
The reflex response may mimic a late com-
With an inappropriately high shock inten- ponent of the compound muscle action
sity, stimulating current can spread to a potential or recurrent response from an-
nerve or muscle not being tested. Failure tidromic activation of motor neurons.
to recognize this possibility may result in
false determination of latencies to the on- Axillary Stimulation and
set of a volume-conducted potential from Collision Technique
unintended muscles. Under these circum-
stances, visual inspection of the contract- With the use of ordinary shock intensity,
ing muscle, rather than the waveform on stimulation of the median or ulnar nerve
the oscilloscope, will identify the generator activates only the nerve in question at the
source. In some such cases, the collision wrist or elbow, but not at the axilla, where
technique (see this chapter, part 5) can, in the two nerves lie in close proximity.70 If
effect, activate the intended nerve selec- the current intended for the median nerve
tively by blocking the unwanted nerve.70 spreads to the ulnar nerve, the electrodes
The use of needle pick-up also restricts the placed on the thenar eminence register not
recording to limited target areas for such only median but also ulnar innervated
special purposes as studying innervation muscle potential. The measured latency
of individual motor branches, patterns of will then indicate normal ulnar conduction
anomaly, and function of atrophic muscles if the median nerve conducts more slowly,
that may escape surface detection. This as in carpal tunnel syndrome (Fig. 7-2). In
Figure 7-1. Compound muscle action potential from the orbicularis oculi after stimulation of the facial nerve
in a patient with traumatic facial diplegia. A. Left side. B. Right side. Shocks of ordinary intensity (top three
tracings) elicited no response but with a much higher intensity, a definite muscle response appeared (bot-
tom three tracings). Close observation of the face revealed contraction of the masseter rather than the or-
bicularis oculi.

Figure 7-2. A 39-year-old man

with carpal tunnel syndrome.
The stimulation of the median
nerve at the wrist (S1) or elbow
(S2) elicited a muscle action po-
tential with increased latency in
the thenar eminence. Spread of
axillary stimulation (S3) to the
ulnar nerve (third tracing from
top) activated ulnar-innervated
thenar muscles with shorter la-
tency. Another stimulus (S4) ap-
plied to the ulnar nerve at the
wrist (bottom tracing:) blocked the
proximal impulses by collision.
The muscle action potential
elicited by S4 occurred much
earlier. The diagram on the left
shows collision between the or-
thodromic (solid arrows) and an-
tidromic (open arrows) impulses.
[From Kimura,70 with permis-
182 Nerve Conduction Studies

the same case, a stimulus at the elbow palsy (Fig. 7-3). The earlier median com-
activates only the median nerve, revealing ponent from thenar muscles then ob-
a prolonged latency. The calculated con- scures the onset of the ulnar response
duction time between the axilla and elbow originating from hypothenar muscles. The
would then suggest an erroneously fast short latency measured to the onset of the
conduction velocity. In extreme cases, the median component fails to correctly re-
latency of the median response after flect a delayed ulnar response. A stimu-
stimulation at the elbow exceeds that of lus at the elbow in the same case acti-
the ulnar component elicited with shocks vates only the ulnar nerve with a
at the axilla. prolonged latency, leading to misculcula-
The reverse discrepancy can occur in a tion of an erroneously fast conduction ve-
study of tardy ulnar palsy, with spread of locity from axilla to elbow.
axillary stimulation to the median nerve. A physiologic nerve block with collision
In this case, the surface electrodes on the allows selective recording of the median
hypothenar eminence register the volume- or ulnar component despite coactivation
conducted response from thenar muscles of both nerves proximally.70 In studies of
or lumbricals as a small positive potential the median nerve, for example, a distal
of 1-5 mV in amplitude and 10-20 ms in stimulus delivered to the ulnar nerve at
duration. This positivity, though usually the wrist generates the antidromic im-
buried in a much larger ulnar response pulse, which collides with the orthodromic
occurring simultaneously, becomes obvi- ulnar impulse from the axilla. Thus, only
ous if the ulnar nerve conducts slower the median impulse reaches the muscle
than the median nerve as in tardy ulnar (Fig. 7-2). The ulnar response induced by

Figure 7-3. A 29-year-old man

with tardy ulnar palsy. Stimula-
tion at the wrist (S1) or elbow
(S2) selectively activated the ul-
nar nerve giving rise to an ab-
normally delayed muscle action
potential over the hypothenar
eminence. Spread of axillary
stimulation (S3) to the median
nerve (third tracing from top)
elicited an additional short la-
tency median response with ini-
tial positivity. This potential,
registered through volume con-
duction, obscurred the onset
(arrowhead) of the muscle re-
sponse under study. Another
stimulus (S4) applied to the me-
dian nerve at the wrist (bottom
tracing) blocked the proximal
impulses by collision. The posi-
tive median potential elicited by
S4 clearly preceded the ulnar
component under study. [From
Kimura,70 with permission.]
Facts, Fallacies, and Fancies of Nerve Stimulation Techniques 183

the distal stimulus precedes the median some technical problems. 10,24,72,126,165
response under study, usually without With serial stimulation in 1 cm incre-
obscuring it. If necessary, delivering the ments from palm to wrist, the sensory la-
distal stimulus a few milliseconds before tency increases linearly (see Fig. 6-7B).
the proximal stimulation accomplishes a The motor study, when recorded from the
greater separation. This time interval thenar eminence, sometimes shows un-
should not exceed the conduction time be- expected latency changes reflecting the
tween the distal and proximal points of recurrent course of the motor fibers. For
stimulation, lest the antidromic impulse example, a stimulus directed to the
from the wrist pass the stimulus site at branching point of the thenar nerve in the
the axilla without collision. The same palm could accidentally activate a termi-
principles apply for the use of a distal nal portion near the motor point. If an-
stimulus to block the median nerve in se- other stimulus, delivered 1 cm proximally,
lective recording of the ulnar response af- excites only the median nerve trunk, the
ter coactivation of both nerves at the ax- latency difference between the two stimu-
illa (Fig. 7-3). lus points becomes unreasonably large,
The collision technique can clarify oth- erroneously suggesting a focal slowing
erwise confusing results of motor nerve (Fig. 7-4A). Thus, a disproportionate la-
conduction studies in patients with carpal tency change indicates a localized pathol-
tunnel syndrome or tardy ulnar palsy. In ogy only if serial stimulation shows a lin-
each of the illustrated cases (see Figs. 7-2 ear latency increase in the segment
and 7-3), spread of the stimulus caused proximal and distal to the presumed site
obvious distortion in waveform of the of lesion (Fig. 7-4B).
proximally evoked potential. Less appar- Placing the pick-up leads over the sec-
ent discrepancies escape detection unless ond lumbrical, in lieu of the abductor pol-
the collision methods block unwanted licis brevis, circumvents this problem be-
nerve impulses, uncovering the true re- cause tracking the terminal branch
sponse from the intended muscle. The col- innervating this muscle poses no techni-
lision technique provides a simpler, non- cal difficulty (Fig. 7-5 A and B). As an ad-
invasive means than the procaine nerve ditional advantage, the same pair of elec-
block previously employed to identify the trodes may also be used to register muscle
origin of the recorded muscle potentials. action potentials from the first volar in-
Optimal studies of motor nerve conduc- terosseous muscle for inching study of the
tion depend on either selective activation ulnar nerve along the course of the pal-
of the nerve in question or isolated record- mar branch and across the wrist (Fig. 7-5
ing from the target muscle. The collison C and D). The pattern of muscle twitch,
method improves latency and waveform rather than recorded waveforms, should
determination even under circumstances be used to confirm selective activation of
that preclude selective stimulation of the the intended nerve; for example, thumb
nerve at a proximal point. As an alterna- abduction with stimulation of the recur-
tive method, the use of needle electrodes rent thenar branch of the median nerve,
renders reliable latencies even after coac- and thumb adduction with stimulation of
tivation of more than one nerve, but its the deep palmar branch of the ulnar
restricted recording area precludes as- nerve.
sessment of the size of the compound The same sort of error occurs in the cal-
muscle action potential. culation of motor latency over the wrist-to-
palm segment unless palmar stimulation
activates the median nerve precisely at the
Palmar Stimulation of the origin of the thenar nerve as intended. In-
Median and Ulnar Nerves cremental stimulation from the wrist to-
ward the digit with the cathode placed dis-
Palmar stimulation provides a unique con- tally to the anode can activate the thenar
tribution in evaluating the distal segment nerve at the anodal point (acting as a float-
of the median nerve, although studies of ing cathode), even when the actual cathode
the motor conduction in this region pose lies clearly distal to the origin of the nerve.
184 Nerve Conduction Studies

Site of

Figure 7-4. A. Compound

muscle action potentials in a
normal subject recorded after
stimulation of the median nerve
at multiple points across the
wrist. On the initial trial (left),
the latency decreased with the
cathode inching proximally from
-4 to -2, indicating inadvertent
spread of stimulating current to
a distal portion of the thenar
nerve. An apparent steep la-
tency change from -2 to -1
gave an erroneous impression of
a focal slowing at this level. A
more careful placement of the
cathode (righfi eliminated unin-
tended activation of the thenar
nerve. The zero level at the dis-
tal crease of the wrist corre-
sponds to the origin of the trans-
verse ligament (cf. Figure 6-3).
B. Sensory nerve (top) and mus-
cle action potentials (bottom) in
a symptomatic hand with the
carpal tunnel syndrome. Serial
stimulation showed a linear mo-
tor latency increase from —4 to
-2 and from -1 to 5 with a lo-
calized slowing between -2 and
— 1. A temporally dispersed,
double-peaked sensory nerve
potential indicates the point of
localized conduction delay from
-4 to -3 (cf. Figure 6-7). [From
Kimura,72 with permission.]

A surface distance measured to the catho- and, about one cm more proximally, thumb
dal point would then overestimate the nerve abduction, signaling the arrival of the cath-
length, thereby making the calculated con- ode just over the origin of the thenar nerve.
duction velocity erroneously fast. Proceed- In most subjects, this point lies 3 to 4 cm
ing from the distal palm toward the wrist from the distal crease of the wrist, near the
with reversal of the electrode position, that edge of the transverse carpal ligament.64
is, cathode proximally to the anode, cir- The use of needle stimulation renders more
cumvents this problem. In this approach, precise increments with less shock inten-
palmar stimulation initially fails to produce sity, facilitating the process, especially
a twitch, then causes thumb adduction, ac- when testing the palm, with its thick skin
tivating the deep branch of the ulnar nerve surface.
Figure 7-5. An inching study of median (A and B)
and ulnar nerve (C and D, overleaf) across the wrist
in 1 cm increments at eight sites of stimulation along
the course of the nerve. The zero level at the distal
crease of the wrist corresponds to the origin of the
transverse carpal ligament and Guyon's canal. The
photographs show a recording arrangement for mus-
cle action potentials from the second lumbrical after
stimulation of the median nerve (A), and the first
volar interosseous after stimulation of the ulnar
nerve (C). The latency increases linearly with step-
wise shifts of stimulus site proximally in 1 cm in-
crements for both median (B) and ulnar study (D)

Figure 7-5—Continued. An inching study of the ul-
nar nerve (C and D) across the wrist in 1 cm incre-
ments at eight sites of stimulation.
Facts, Fallacies, and Fancies of Nerve Stimulation Techniques 187

4 ANOMALIES AS SOURCES selectively, without exciting the median

OF ERROR nerve proper or vice versa (Fig. 7-6).82
This observation suggests a grouping of
the nerve fibers forming the anastomosis
Martin-Gruber Anastomosis in a separate bundle, rather than being
scattered within the median nerve. The
The anatomic
studies of Martin103 and anomaly occurs, often bilaterally, in
Gruber demonstrated frequent commu- 15-32 percent of subjects in an unse-
nication from the median to the ulnar lected population.2,82 The higher inci-
nerve at the level of the forearm a few cen- dence of this anomaly reported among
timeters 157
distal to the medial humeral epi- congenitally abnormal fetuses in general
condyle. This anastomosis, often origi- and those with trisomy 21 in particular
nating from the anterior interosseous indicates its phylogenetic origin.143 The
nerve, predominantly consists of motor communicating fibers rarely cross from
axons with rare sensory contribution, the ulnar to the median nerve in the fore-
may follow a different distribu- arm,44,113 occasionally involving only the
tion. The communicating branch sensory axons.55 Other anomalies associ-
usually, though not always,93 supplies ated with Martin-Gruber anastomosis in-
ordinarily ulnar-innervated intrinsic hand clude innervation of the ulnar aspect of
muscles, most notably the first dorsal in- the dorsum of the hand by the superficial
terosseous, adductor pollicis, and abduc- radial sensory nerve.105
tor digiti minimi.100,143,166 The number of Careful analysis of the compound mus-
axons taking the anomalous course varies cle action potentials readily reveals the
widely.2 A properly adjusted electrical presence of a Martin-Gruber anomaly
stimulus delivered at the elbow may acti- during routine nerve conduction studies.
vate the anomalous fibers, maximally and This anastomosis, in effect, represents a

Figure 7-6. A 46 year old

woman with the carpal tunnel
syndrome and the Martin-Gru-
ber anomaly. Stimulation at the
elbow (S2) activated not only the
median nerve but also commu-
nicating fibers, giving rise to a
complex compound muscle ac-
tion potential. With proper ad-
justment of electrode position
and shock intensity, another
stimulus at the elbow (S2) excited
the median nerve selectively
without activating the anasto-
mosis. Another stimulus (S3) ap-
plied to the ulnar nerve at the
wrist (bottom tracing) achieved
the same effect by blocking the
unwanted impulse transmit-
ted through the communicating
fibers. [From Kimura,76 with per-
188 Nerve Conduction Studies

small bundle of the ulnar nerve, which ac- branch still attached to the median nerve,
companies the median nerve as it de- sometimes mimicking ulnar neuropathy
scends from the axilla to the elbow before at the elbow.102
separating from it in the forearm to join When recording from the first dorsal in-
the ulnar nerve proper above the wrist. terosseous, adductor pollicis, or hy-
Thus, stimulation of the median nerve at pothenar muscles after stimulation of the
the elbow excites the small bundle of the median nerve at the elbow, volume-con-
ulnar nerve, activating not only the me- ducted potentials from distant median-in-
dian-innervated thenar muscle but also nervated muscles may mimic an anom-
the anomalously innervated thenar and alously activated response. Under this
hypothenar muscles. In contrast, stimu- circumstance, a careful comparison be-
lation of the median nerve at the wrist elic- tween distal and proximal stimulation usu-
its a smaller response lacking the ulnar ally clarifies the ambiguity.11,39,70,89,140 In
component. If proximal stimulation elicits difficult cases, recording with a needle
a larger response as compared to distal electrode may localize the origin of the
stimulation, it always implies the pres- recorded response, although distant ac-
ence of an anomalous communication or tivities, if present, may still confuse the
technical problem. The reverse discrep- issue. The collision technique70,132 pro-
ancy may pose difficulty, mimicking a vides selective blocking of unwanted
conduction block. For example, in the impulses transmitted via the communi-
presence of Martin-Gruber anastomosis, cating fibers (Fig. 7-7). Normally, an-
studies of the ulnar nerve show a smaller tidromically directed impulses from the
amplitude of thenar or hypothenar com- distal stimulation will completely block
pound muscle action potentials elicited by the orthodromic impulses from the prox-
proximal rather than distal stimulation.86 imal stimulation in the same nerve.53,152
Here stimulation at the wrist activates the The orthodromic impulses traveling
additional anomalous fibers, giving rise to through an anastomotic branch to the ul-
a full response, whereas stimulation at nar nerve, however, would bypass the an-
the elbow spares the communicating tidromic impulses and escape collision.70

Figure 7-7. Muscle action po-

tentials recorded from the hy-
pothenar eminence after stimu-
lation of the median nerve at the
wrist (S1) or elbow (S2). The top
tracing shows a volume con-
ducted potential from thenar
muscles (U-shaped wave of pos-
itive polarity). The middle trac-
ing reveals a small negative po-
tential superimposed upon the
thenar component. In the bot-
tom tracing, collision technique
clearly separated the anom-
alous response (bracket), with
Si preceding S2 by 4 ms. [From
Kimura,76 with permission.]
Facts, Fallacies, and Fancies of Nerve Stimulation Techniques 189

Figure 7-8. Muscle action po-

tentials recorded from the thenar
eminence after stimulation of the
median nerve at the wrist (S1) or
elbow (S2) as in Figure 7-7. In
the middle tracing, a large com-
pound action potential buried a
small anomalous response me-
diated by the anastomosis. In
the bottom tracing, a collision
technique separated the anom-
alous response (bracket) with S1
preceding S2 by 4 ms. [From
Kimura,76 with permission.]

The technique helps identify and charac- lead to an unreasonably fast conduction
terize the anomalous response, although velocity from the elbow to the wrist.1l,70,89
a thenar, as opposed to hypothenar, re- The anomalously innervated ulnar mus-
sponse elicited via anastomosis tends to cles usually lie at some distance from the
overlap with a large median potential recording electrodes placed on the thenar
elicited distally (Fig. 7-8). Delay of the eminence. Thus, the ulnar component
proximal stimulation by a few millisec- commonly, though not always, displays
onds usually achieves its satisfactory sep- an initial positive deflection.47 As men-
aration from the distally elicited response. tioned earlier, a collision technique can
The time interval must not exceed the la- block impulses in the anomalous fibers
tency difference between the two stimu- without affecting those transmitted along
lus sites, lest the orthodromic impulse es- the median nerve proper (Fig. 7-9).
cape antidromic collision in the absence Severence or substantial injury of the
of an anomalous route of transmission. ulnar nerve at the elbow ordinarily results
If this anastomosis accompanies the in wallerian degeneration and inexcitabil-
carpal tunnel syndrome, stimulation of ity of the distal segment. In the presence
the median nerve at the elbow evokes two of this anomaly, stimulation at the wrist
temporally dispersed potentials, a normal will excite the communicating fibers that
ulnar component and a delayed median bypass the lesion to evoke a small but oth-
component. The latency of the initial ul- erwise normal muscle action potential. In
nar response erroneously suggests the extreme cases, separation of the ulnar
presence of normal-conducting median nerve at the elbow may not appreciably
fibers. In contrast, stimulation of the me- affect the intrinsic hand muscles because
dian nerve at the wrist evokes a delayed all or nearly all ulnar fibers attached to
response without an ulnar compo- the median nerve escape injury. In this
nent.62,70,89 The discrepancy between rare condition, called all-median hand,
proximal and distal stimulation would the intrinsic hand muscles ordinarily sup-
190 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 7-9. A 55-year-old man

with the carpal tunnel syndrome
and the Martin Gruber anasto-
mosis. Stimulation at the elbow
(S2) spread to the ulnar nerve
through the anomalous commu-
nication (middle tracing). Another
stimulus (S3) applied to the ulnar
nerve at the wrist (bottom tracing)
blocked the impulses transmitted
through the communicating
fibers. In the bottom tracing, S3
preceded S2 by 4 ms to avoid the
overlap of the 76
muscle responses.
[From Kimura, with permission.]

plied by the ulnar nerve receive innerva- niques often hint at the presence of such
tion via the communicating fibers.101 anastomoses, although precise character-
Electromyography may reveal normal mo- ization and delineation of the extent of the
tor unit potentials in the ulnar-innervated anomaly call for anatomic studies.147 Var-
muscles, despite severe damage to the ul- ious communications may link the recur-
nar nerve at the elbow. Conversely, an in- rent branch of the median and the deep
jury to the median nerve at the elbow branch of the ulnar 14,32,98,122,128
nerve in the lateral
could lead to the appearance of sponta- portion of the hand. Any of
neous discharges in the ulnar-innervated the intrinsic hand muscles, the flexor pol-
intrinsic hand muscles. Hence, an anom- licis brevis in particular, may receive me-
aly of this type, if undetected, gives rise dian, ulnar, or dual innervation.135 In a
to considerable confusion in the interpre- small percentage of cases, thenar mus-
tation of electrophysiologic findings.48,161 cles, including the adductor pollicis, may
derive their supply exclusively from the
median or ulnar nerve.38,130 In addition
Anomalies of the Hand to neural anastomoses, skeletal anom-
alies of the upper limb may confuse the
Common anomalies of the peripheral clinical picture. The congenital absence of
nerves include variations in innervation of thenar muscles, for example, may suggest
the intrinsic hand muscles.136 Although a false15diagnosis of carpal tunnel syn-
not as widely recognized as the median- drome. The posterior interosseous nerve
to-ulnar communication, they too consti- may innervate accessory hand muscles
tute sources of error in the evaluation of consistent with extensor digitorum brevis
nerve conduction velocity and elec- manus.107 The deep branch of the ulnar
tromyography. Electrophysiologic tech- nerve may form a motor neural loop, caus-
Facts, Fallacies, and Fancies of Nerve Stimulation Techniques 191

ing an atypical clinical presentation after nerve, a major branch of the common pe-
penetrating injuries or compression neu- roneal nerve. In 20-28 percent of an un-
ropathy at the wrist.123 selected population, the superficial pe-
roneal nerve also contributes via a
communicating fiber. This branch, called
Accessory Deep Peroneal Nerve the accessory deep peroneal nerve (Fig.
7-10), descends on the lateral aspect of
The most frequent anomaly of the lower the leg after arising from the superficial
limb involves the innervation of the ex- peroneal nerve, then passes behind the
tensor digitorum brevis, the muscle com- lateral malleolus and proceeds anteriorly
monly used in conduction studies of the to innervate the lateral portion of the ex-
peroneal nerve. This muscle usually de- tensor digitorum brevis.58,90,162 Occa-
rives its supply from the deep peroneal sionally, the extensor digitorum brevis

Figure 7-10. A. Compound muscle action potentials recorded from surface electrodes over the extensor dig-
itorum brevis after a maximal stimulus to the common peroneal nerve at the knee (A), deep peroneal nerve
on the dorsum of the ankle (B), accessory deep peroneal nerve posterior to the lateral malleolus (C and D),
and tibial nerve posterior to the medial malleolus (K) at the ankle. Left and right panels show responses be-
fore and after block of the accessory deep peroneal nerve with 2 percent lidocaine posterior to the lateral
malleolus. Diagram of the foot indicates the site of block (X) and the points of stimulation (B, C, and D) and
recording (R). B. Course of the accessory deep peroneal nerve and action potentials recorded with coaxial
needle electrode (R) in the lateral belly of the extensor digitorum brevis muscle following stimulation of the
common peroneal nerve at the knee (A), just below the head of fibula (B), superficial peroneal nerve (C), ac-
cessory deep peroneal nerve posterior to the lateral malleolus (D) and deep peroneal nerve on the dorsum
of the ankle (E). The volume-conducted potential from the medial bellies of the extensor digitorum brevis (£5
reduces amplitude of action potential of the lateral belly with simultaneous stimulation of the common per-
oneal nerve at A or B. [From Lambert,90 with permission.]
192 Nerve Conduction Studies

may receive exclusive supply from this collision technique70 or a nerve block usu-
communication.111 The anomaly, when ally provides conclusive evidence.
inherited, shows a dominant trait.21
In patients with the anastomosis, stim-
ulation of the deep peroneal nerve at the 5 PRINCIPLES AND PITFALLS
ankle elicits a smaller compound muscle OF WAVEFORM ANALYSIS
action potential than stimulation of the
common peroneal nerve at the knee. Stim-
ulation of the accessory deep peroneal Physiologic and Pathologic
nerve behind the lateral malleolus acti- Temporal Dispersion
vates the anomalously innervated lateral
portion of the muscle. Injury to the deep In nerve conduction studies, latency mea-
peroneal nerve ordinarily causes weak- sure of the fastest fibers allows calcula-
ness of the tibialis anterior, extensor dig- tion of the maximal motor or sensory ve-
itorum longus, extensor hallucis longus, locities. In addition, waveform analyses of
and extensor digitorum brevis. In the compound muscle and sensory nerve ac-
presence of the anastomosis, however, tion potentials help estimate the range of
such a lesion would spare the lateral por- the functional units.25,74,118 This aspect
tion of the extensor digitorum brevis. of the study provides an equally, if not
Overlooking this possibility would, there- more, important assessment, especially
fore, lead to an erroneous interpreta- in the study of peripheral neuropathies
tion.28,46 The collision technique70 may with segmental block, in which surviv-
help identify isolated abnormalities of the ing axons may conduct nor-
accessory deep peroneal nerve.133 mally.41,51,95,109,145,151 In clinical tests of
motor and sensory conduction, the size of
the recorded response approximately par-
Anomalous Communication allels the number of excitable fibers. Any
Between Peroneal and discrepancy between responses to proxi-
Tibial Nerve mal and distal shocks, however, does not
necessarily imply an abnormality.
The sural nerve, ordinarily a sensory The impulses of slow-conducting fibers
branch of the tibial nerve, may arise from lag increasingly behind those of fast-con-
the common peroneal nerve, which in turn ducting fibers over a long conduction
receives anastomosis from the tibial path.9,22,89 With increasing distance be-
nerve.119 Although the nerve usually con- tween stimulating and pickup electrodes,
sists purely of sensory fibers, its anom- the recorded potentials become smaller in
alous motor branch may innervate96the ab- amplitude and longer in duration; and,
ductor digiti quihti of the foot. Rare contrary to the common belief, the area
motor anastomosis between the peroneal under the waveform also diminishes.
and tibial nerves, if undetected, may give Thus, the size of the recorded response
rise to an erroneous conclusion by show- depends to a great extent on the site of
ing patterns of waveform change similar stimulation. In fact, stimulation proxi-
to those seen in Martin-Gruber anom- mally in the axilla or Erb's point may nor-
aly.142 In rare anomalies, the tibial nerve mally give rise to a small or undetectable
may supply all the intrinsic foot mus- digital potential, despite a large response
cles.97 In documenting the innervation elicited73,117,164
by stimulation at the wrist or
pattern of this and other rare anasto- palm. For the same number of
moses, volume-conducted responses of- conducting fibers activated by the stimu-
ten confuse the issue.3,99 A pair of sur- lus, the size of sensory potentials changes
face electrodes placed anywhere in the linearly with the length of the nerve seg-
foot register a muscle action potential af- ment.79,85 A physiologic reduction both in
ter stimulation of peroneal or tibial nerve. amplitude and in the area under the wave-
Needle studies may also fall short of se- form may erroneously suggest a conduc-
lectively recording from individual intrin- tion abnormality between the proximal
sic foot muscles. In questionable cases, a and the distal sites of stimulation.
Facts, Fallacies, and Fancies of Nerve Stimulation Techniques 193

With short-duration diphasic sensory pendent phase cancellation,79 a physio-

spikes, a slight physiologic latency differ- logical temporal dispersion, also reduces
ence could line up the positive peaks of substantially the amplitudes of short-du-
the fast fibers with the negative peaks of ration muscle action potentials such as
the slow fibers, canceling both (Figs. 7-11 those recorded from intrinsic foot mus-
and 7-12A). According to computer sim- cles.
ulation,83,121 this phenomenon alone can The degree of overlap between peaks of
reduce the normal sensory nerve action opposite polarity depends on the separa-
potential to below 50 percent in area as tion between GI and G2, which dictates
well as in amplitude, a conservative fig- the duration and waveform of unit dis-
ure based on computation of a limited charges.9 A maximal cancellation results
number of nerve fibers for analysis. Thus, when a waveform contains negative and
a major reduction in the size of the com- positive phases of comparable size. In a
pound sensory action potential can result triphasic orthodromic sensory potential,
solely from physiologic phase cancella- as compared with biphasic antidromic
tion. In contrast, the same temporal dis- digital potentials, the initial positivity pro-
persion has less effect35,116
on compound mus- vides an additional probability for phase
cle action potential because motor cancellation. Changes in temperature also
unit potentials of longer duration super- affect the temporal dispersion, influenc-
impose nearly in phase rather than out of ing the fast- and slow-conducting fibers
phase, despite the same latency shift, re- more or less equally in percentage and
sulting in less cancellation compared to therefore differently in absolute terms.129
sensory potentials (Fig. 7-12B). In sup- The equations for the best fit lines be-
port of this view, the duration change of tween nerve length and other measure-
the sensory potential, expressed as a per- ments in one study may not necessarily
centage of the respective baseline values, apply to another unless the recording
far exceeds that of the muscle response.79 technique conforms to the particular
As expected from the term, duration-de- specifications.

Figure 7-11. Simultaneous

recordings of compound mus-
cle action potentials (CMAP)
from the thenar eminence and
sensory nerve action poten-
tials (SNAP) from index and
middle fingers after stimula-
tion of the median nerve at
palm, wrist, elbow and axilla.
With progressively more prox-
imal series of stimuli elicited
nearly the same CMAP but
progressively smaller SNAP
from the wrist to the79axilla.
[From Kimura et al., with
194 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 7-12. A. Sensory action potentials. A model for phase cancellation between fast (F] and slow (S) con-
ducting sensory fibers. With distal stimulation two unit discharges summate in phase to produce a sensory
action potential twice as large. With proximal stimulation, a delay of the slow fiber causes phase cancella-
tion between the negative peak of the fast fiber and the positive peak of the slow fiber, resulting in a 50%
reduction in size of the summated response. [From Kimura et al.,79 with permission.] B. Compound muscle
action potentials. Same arrangements as in A to show the relationship between fast [F] and slow (S) con-
ducting motor fibers. With distal stimulation, two unit discharges representing motor unit potentials sum-
mate to produce a muscle action potential twice as large. With proximal stimulation, long duration motor
unit potentials still superimpose nearly in phase despite the same latency shift of the slow motor fiber as
the sensory fiber shown in A. Thus, a physiologic temporal dispersion alters the size of the muscle action
potential only minimally, if at all. [From Kimura et al.,79 with permission.]

If the latency difference between fast- and model83 and computer simulation with a
slow-conducting motor fibers increases broader spectrum of motor nerve conduc-
substantially, as might be expected in de- tion velocities.92 This type of phase cancel-
myelinating neuropathy, muscle responses lation reduces the amplitude of muscle re-
also diminish dramatically based solely on sponse well beyond the usual physiologic
phase cancellation as predicted by our limits in the absence of conduction block.
Facts, Fallacies, and Fancies of Nerve Stimulation Techniques 195

Thus, in pathologic temporal dispersion as- application of S1 and S2 with varying in-
sociated with segmental demyelination, fo- terstimulus intervals simulates the effect
cal phase cancellation of the muscle action of desynchronized inputs (Fig. 7-13). In
potential could give rise to a false impres- 10 hands, an inter stimulus interval on the
sion of motor conduction block. This phe- order of 1 ms between S1 and S2 caused
nomenon explains an occasionally encoun- a major reduction in sensory potential by
tered discrepancy between severe reduction as much as 50 percent but little change
in amplitude of the compound muscle ac- in muscle action potential. With further
tion potential, on the one hand, and rela- separation of S1 and S2, the muscle re-
tively normal recruitment of the motor units sponse began to decrease in amplitude
and preserved strength, on the other. Thus, and area, reaching a minimal size at in-
sustained reduction in size of compound terstimulus intervals of 5-6 ms. The du-
muscle action potential may result from a ration also increased in proportion to the
pathological temporal disper-sion rather latency shift, although a gradual return of
than a prolonged neurapraxia.83,109,121 the response to the baseline obscured the
A simple model provides an excellent magnitude of this aspect of change in
means to test the effects of desynchro- waveform. A latency difference slightly
nized inputs.83 A shock applied to the me- less than one half the total duration of
dian (S1) or ulnar (S2) nerve at the wrist unit discharge maximized the phase can-
evokes a sensory potential of the fourth cellation between the two components and
digit and a muscle potential over the consequently the loss of area under the
thenar eminence. Hence, a concomitant waveform. Further increase in latency dif-

Recorded response Algebraic sum Difference

Figure 7-13. A. Antidromic sensory potentials of the fourth digit elicited by stimulation of the median (S1)
or ulnar (S2) nerve (top two tracings), or by both S1 and S2 at interstimulus intervals ranging from 0 to 2.0
ms (left). Algebraic sums of the two top tracings (middle) closely matched the actual recording at each in-
terval as evidenced by small difference shown in computer subtraction (right). The area under the negative
peak reached 83a minimal value at 0.8 ms in actual recordings as well as in calculated waveforms. [From
Kimura et al., with permission.]
196 Nerve Conduction Studies

Recorded response Algebraic sum Difference

Figure 7-13. B. Compound muscle action potentials from the thenar eminence elicited by stimulation of
the median (S1) and ulnar (S2) nerve (top two tracings), or by both S1 and S2 at interstimulus intervals rang-
ing from 0 to 10 ms (lefi). Algebraic sums of the top two tracings almost, but not exactly, equaled the ac-
tual recordings as shown by computer subtraction at each interstimulus interval (right). The area under the
negative peak 83
reached a minimal value at 5 ms in actual recordings as well as in calculated waveform. [From
Kimura et al., with permission.]

ference results in complete separation of recorded responses78 (see Fig. 7-11). Al-
the two potentials, precluding phase can- though this calls for segmental stimula-
cellation. As an inference, pathological tion at more than two sites to test the lin-
temporal dispersion may decrease the size earity of observed changes, it enjoys the
of the compound sensory or muscle ac- distinct advantage of having a built-in in-
tion potentials or conversely counter ternal control for all recording variables
physiologic phase cancellation, causing such as inter-electrode spacing. A non-
paradoxical increase of the responses (see linear reduction in amplitude or area, of-
Figure 6-7). ten associated with waveform changes, in-
Comparison between distally and prox- dicates either a pathological temporal
imally elicited responses often fails to dif- dispersion or conduction block. The dis-
ferentiate physiologic, as opposed to tinction between the two possibilities
pathologic, temporal dispersion, not to must in part depend on clinical cue as
mention conduction block. Many vari- stated below (Fig. 7-14 and 7-15).
ables, such as electrode position and dis- In summary, physiologic as well as
tance, make the commonly held criteria pathologic temporal dispersion can effec-
based on percentage reduction nearly un- tively reduce the area of diphasic or
tenable 91except in entirely standardized triphasic evoked potentials recorded in
studies. A simpler, more practical ap- bipolar derivation. The loss of area under
proach relies on a linear relationship seen the waveform seen in the absence of con-
in physiological phase cancellation be- duction block implies a duration-depen-
tween the latency and the size of the dent phase cancellation of unit discharges
Facts, Fallacies, and Fancies of Nerve Stimulation Techniques 197

Figure 7-14. Ulnar nerve conduction study with segmental stimulation at the wrist, below elbow, above el-
bow, and at the axilla. Traces show a complete conduction block in a 42-year-old patient (right), a partial
conduction block in a 40-year-old patient (center), and a normal study (left) for comparison.

within the compound action potential. sion in amplitude and area of compound
Segmental studies provide the best means action potential. An awareness of this pos-
of detecting pathologic nonlinear changes sibility helps analyze dispersed action po-
as opposed to physiologic linear regres- tentials in identifying various patterns of

Figure 7-15. Segmental study of the ulnar nerve in 1 cm increments from below elbow (1) to above elbow
(7). A. A 41-year-old man with distal ulnar neuropathy had prolonged terminal latency (3.7 ms) with nor-
mal conduction across the elbow. B. A 52-year-old woman with a tardy ulnar palsy showed normal distal
latency with an abrupt drop in amplitude above the elbow (5 to 6 and 6 to 7), indicating a partial conduc-
tion block as the cause of weakness.
198 Nerve Conduction Studies

neuropathic processes.74 Area difference the site of axonal injury after the passage
between negative and positive peaks in of a single impulse. Unless secondary ax-
each unit discharge provides a unique onal degeneration is induced by damage
measure, which sums without phase can- of the myelin sheath, electromyography
cellation irrespective of desynchronization reveals little or no evidence of denerva-
among different units. A composite of this tion. The motor unit potentials, though
calculated value should also remain the normal in amplitude and waveform, show
same between proximal and distal sites of poor recruitment because some fibers fail
stimulation. Thus, in analyzing com- to transmit the impulse.
pound muscle or nerve action potentials, The usual criteria for conduction block
subtraction of the positive peak from the in motor fibers revolve around the com-
negative peak should theoretically yield parison of compound muscle action po-
an identical value regardless of the site of tentials elicited by proximal versus distal
stimulation along the course of the nerve. stimulation, expressed in the ratio of their
This approach, therefore, can circumvent amplitudes or areas.1,114,146,158 This ratio
the ambiguity of waveform changes remains normal in axonal neuronopathy,
caused by temporal dispersion and phase which reduces distal and proximal re-
cancellation. In practice, however, muscle sponses equally. Generally accepted diag-
and nerve action potentials tend to have nostic clues used for motor conduction
negative and positive peaks of similar size block comprises a reduction in amplitude
and consequently a small area difference ratio greater than 20-50 percent, with less
between the two, making its precise de- than 15 percent increase in duration of
termination difficult. Also, a baseline shift the compound muscle action potential
or other electrical interference poses a elicited by proximal stimulation. These
major technical problem for reliable mea- criteria, however, do not neccessarily ap-
sure of area for this purpose. ply in all studies because the effects of
Referential derivation of a monophasic temporal dispersion vary depending on
waveform in a "killed-end" arrangement the electrode placement. A triple stimula-
also conserves the area irrespective of tion method with double collisions allows
stimulus sites showing no phase cancella- identification of motor conduction block
tion. This type of recording, however, may in the face of desynchronization.127 The
register a stationary far-field potential gen- technique, however, fails if the lesion is
erated by the propagating impulse cross- too proximal or if it compromises nerve
ing 80,81
the partition of the volume conduc- excitability at stimulus sites as the con-
tor. Such a steady potential could, in sequence of demyelination or degenera-
turn, distort the waveform of the near-field tion.
activity (see Chapter 20-3). In documenting motor conduction
block, the combination of clinical and
electrophysiologic finding usually circum-
Detection of Conduction Block vents the ambiguity of the criteria based
purely on waveform analysis.77 In the
In a demyelinating polyneuropathy, slow- presence of conduction block, a shock ap-
ing of nerve conduction often accompa- plied distally to the nerve lesion in ques-
nies a reduction of amplitude associated tion elicits a vigorous twitch and a large
with a partial conduction block.8,34,63,155 distal amplitude despite disproportion-
Conversely the evidence of conduction ately severe clinical weakness75 associ-
block usually implies the presence of fo- ated with paucity of voluntarily activated
cal demyelination,134 although other con- motor unit potentials.20 As an exception,
ditions such as ischemic neuropathy can the same finding also characterizes any
cause similar reversible changes.41,54 In- weakness attributable to upper motor
creased ranges of conduction velocities re- neuron involvement or hysteria or during
sult in pathological temporal dispersion the first few days of axonal lesion before
broadening the evoked action potential. the distal stum loses its excitability.106 In
Desynchronization of the nerve volley may equivocal cases, inability to distinguish
also result from repetitive discharges at focal pathological temporal dispersion
Facts, Fallacies, and Fancies of Nerve Stimulation Techniques 199

from conduction block poses no major Contrary to motor studies, which rely
practical problem because either finding heavily on clinical assessment of weak-
usually suggests demyelination, leading ness to define conduction block, sensory
to an appropriate treatment. The absence studies usually depend solely on wave-
of F waves complements conventional form analysis of antidromic response
nerve conduction studies to document elicited by short incremental stimulation
conduction block in the proximal seg- (see this chapter, part 6). Surface stimu-
ment.36,69 lation applied at multiple sites may not
Several other factors play an important necessarily indicate the exact point of
role in the clinical assessment of conduc- nerve activation. An alternate method
tion block. The use of insufficient stimu- consists of stimulating the digital nerve
lus intensities at the proximal site erro- and recording the orthodromic sensory
neously reduces the proximal amplitude. potential at multiple points with a series
Likewise, increased threshold for excita- of electrodes mounted 1 cm apart on a
tion in regenerated or chronically de- specially constructed flexible strap.57,74
myelinated nerves may account for a re- Though applicable to any other superfi-
duced proximal response.108 In some cially located sensory or mixed nerve, the
cases of multifocal motor neuropathy, fail- method suffers from a major limitation.
ure to maximally excite the involved seg- Using surface recording, the depth of the
ment calls for near-nerve stimulation us- nerve from the skin surface greatly influ-
ing a needle electrode. Alternatively, ences the amplitude of the evoked poten-
stimulation of more proximal, unaffected tial. Thus, a small potential derived from
nerve segment may give rise to a normal a deeply located nerve segment under the
response, indicating the passage of im- area in question may erroneously suggest
pulse across the lesion site despite its ab- a conduction block.
normally elevated threshold for local ex- In contrast to peripheral study, seg-
citation (Figs. 7-16). During the course of mental recording registers comparable
wallerian degeneration, the distal stump spinal somatosensory evoked potentials in
of the nerve remains viable for several intraoperative spinal cord monitoring. All
days at a time when its proximal part fails recording electrodes are nearly equidis-
to transmit the signal across the injury tant to the spinal cord115,139,148,150,156 if
site. In this situation, conduction studies placed in the subdural or epidural space,
performed soon after nerve severance the ligamentum flavum, or the interverte-
show a decreased proximal-distal ampli- bral disc. Figure 7-17 show unipolar
tude ratio. Unexpected excitation of recording from the ligamentum flavum at
anomalous branches such as Martin-Gru- multiple levels after epidural stimulation
ber anastomosis may lead to a confusing of the cauda equina in a patient with cer-
discrepancy in amplitude, as does inad- vical spondylotic myelopathy. The combi-
vertant70 current spread to a neighboring nation of an abrupt loss of the negative
nerve. In addition, lesions selectively af- peak at one level, augmentation of the
fecting smaller myelinated fibers may not negative peaks in the leads closely caudal
result in major loss of the proximal-to-dis- to that level, and monophasic positive
tal ratio. In antiserum-mediated experi- waves at more rostral levels constitutes a
mental demyelination,88 smaller fibers typical pattern of waveform changes, in-
underwent conduction block first. If this dicating a complete focal conduction
holds in the acute phase of demyelinating block. Paradoxically enhanced negative
neuropathies such as Guillain-Barre syn- peak results from resynchronization of
drome, normal conduction studies do not physiologically desynchronized signals
necessarily rule out such selective in- because the leading impulses stop travel-
volvement that might account for weak- ing when they reach the site of involve-
ness. More slowly conducting fibers, how- ment, whereas the trailing impulses con-
ever, belong to motor units generating tinue to propagate until they arrive at the
relatively small twitches, whose contribu- same point. In addition, the fast-con-
tions, if lost through conduction block, ducting fibers lose their terminal-positive
may cause only limited weakness. phases, which would have reduced the
Figure 7-16. A. Motor and sensory conduction studies of the left median nerve in a patient with multifo-
cal motor neuropathy. The left diagram illustrates the consecutive slices of MR images in relation to the sites
of stimulation at the wrist crease (Al) and at 2 cm increments more proximally. One horizontal division
equals 5 ms (motor) or 2 ms (sensory), and one vertical division corresponds to the gain indicated at the
end of each trace, together with stimulus intensity. Note the complete and selective motor conduction block
across the segment between A2 and A3, corresponding to the site of maximal nerve enlargement. [From Kaji
et al,66 with permission.] B. A repeat study in the same patient as shown in A after return of strength of
the median-innervated intrinsic hand muscles. High-intensity stimulation failed to excite the nerve along the
affected segments, A5-A8, mimicking a conduction block. More proximal stimulation at the elbow applied to
the presumably normal nerve segments, A9-A11, however, induced a series of temporally dispersed muscle
responses associated with thumb abduction, indicating recovery of conduction. [From Kimura,77 with per-
Facts, Fallacies, and Fancies of Nerve Stimulation Techniques 201

negative phases of the slower fibers by of nerve fibers, a smaller range of con-
physiologic phase cancellation. Even when duction velocity reduces the duration of
only some of the fibers sustain a conduc- the compound action potential. Con-
tion block, the identical mechanism en- versely, disproportionate slowing of slower
hances the negative peak at the points im- conducting fibers will result in increased
mediately preceding an incomplete lesion. temporal dispersion. The greater the
Thus, the response consists of positive-neg- range between the fastest and slowest
ative diphasic waves with enhanced nega- nerve fibers, the longer the duration of the
tivity at points immediately preceding the evoked potential. Temporal dispersion
block, a diphasic wave with reduced nega- also increases with more proximal stimu-
tivity at the point of the block, and initial- lation in proportion to the distance to the
positive waves alone or abolition of any recording site.35,71,80 Near-nerve record-
wave at points beyond the block.78,149 ings uncover the late components of sen-
sory action potentials not detectable by
surface electrodes. The minimum con-
Distribution of duction velocity thus determined for the
Conduction Velocities slower fibers may serve as a sensitive
measure of both axonal and demyelinat-
In contrast to the onset latency of the ac- ing peripheral nerve pathology.138 The use
tion potential, which relates only to the of needle electrodes improves the selec-
fastest conducting fibers, its waveform re- tivity of recording in measuring conduc-
veals the functional status of the remain- tion velocity of different motor units
ing slower conducting fibers. With the loss within a given muscle. A wide range of mo-

Figure 7-17. A. A T1-weighted MR image (TR 400 ms; TE 13 ms) (left) and a recording of spinal somatosensory
evoked potentials (right) obtained from a 65-year-old patient with cervical myelopathy. Epidural stimulation
at L2 elicited a series of potentials recorded unipolarly from the ligamentum flavum of C7 to Tl through
C12. Note the progressive increase in size of the negative component (arrows pointing up) from C7 to Tl (-3)
through C5 to C6 (-1) with the abrupt reduction at C4 to C5 (0) followed by a monophasic positive wave at
C3 to C4 (+1). The negative wave doubled in amplitude and quadrupled in area at '-1' compared to '-3'.
The '0' corresponded to the level of the spinal cord, showing the most prominent compression on the MR
image. [From Tani, Ushida, Yamamoto, et al,149 with permission.]
202 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 7-17. B. AT1-weighted MR image (TR 600 ms; TE 90 ms) (left) and a recording of spinal somatosensory
evoked potentials (right!) obtained from a 36-year-old patient with cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Epidural
stimulation at T11 elicited a series of potentials recorded unipolarly from the ligamentum flavum of Tl to
C2 through C3 to C4 after epidural stimulation at T11. Note the progressive increase in size of the second
negative component (arroius pointing up) from Tl to T2 (-3) through C6 to C7 (-1) with the abrupt reduc-
tion at C5 to C6 (0). The zero corresponded to the level of149
the spinal cord, showing a moderate compression
on the MR image. [From Tani, Ushida, Yamamoto, et al, with permission.]

tor fibers with different conduction char- velocity of the large myelinated axons,
acteristics sampled by this means show a which contribute to the surface recorded
close correlation to the twitch tension and response, may vary by as much as 25 m/s
recruitment threshold.27 The technique between fast and slow sensory fibers but
has limited clinical application because over a much narrower range of 11 m/s for
patients tolerate poorly the multiple nee- motor fibers.30 This observation, although
dle insertions required for isolation of the not universally accepted,29 would in part
slowest-conducting fibers. explain the different effect of temporal dis-
A number of publications have dealt persion on sensory and motor fibers for a
with mathematical models for studying given length of nerve segment.117
the waveform.23,94,110,144,163 The method Decomposition techniques in general
allows estimation of conduction velocity suffer from the inherent limitation of iden-
distribution in a nerve bundle based on a tifying individual elements no longer re-
detailed model of the compound action po- tained within the compound action po-
tential as a weighted sum of asynchro- tential because of phase cancellation. Any
nous single-fiber action potentials.31 The sophistication in technology cannot re-
technique has provided some interesting, trieve the information, if already lost. Be-
though unconfirmed, results. Distribution sides, some of the assumptions derived
of conduction velocity may reflect the from normal distributions may not nec-
pathologic changes as reported in the essarily apply in various types of neuro-
study of the sural nerve affected by n- pathy.26,153 In the analysis of compound
hexane neuropathy.169 Nerve conduction muscle action potential, the length of
Facts, Fallacies, and Fancies of Nerve Stimulation Techniques 203

axon, rather than the conduction charac- timate, falls short of providing a precise
teristics, may dictate the order of line-up measure of slow fibers. Different methods
of motor unit potentials. Thus, in motor devised for a more quantitative assess-
conduction, unlike in sensory conduction, ment commonly employ the principle of
short latencies do not necessarily imply collision.152 A distal stimulus of submax-
fast-conducting elements. This explains imal intensity initially excites the large-di-
why the use of peak latencies does not ameter, fast fibers with low thresholds. A
necessarily yield a slower conduction ve- shock of supramaximal intensity given si-
locity compared to the conventional cal- multaneously at a proximal site, then, al-
culations based on the onset latencies. lows selective passage of impulses in the
Careful attention to the waveform of slower fibers, because antidromic activity
each evoked potential improves the accu- from the distal stimulation blocks the fast
racy of interpretation in any electrophys- fibers. This assumption, however, does
iologic study. If the responses have dis- not always hold, because the order of ac-
similar shapes when elicited by distal and tivation with threshold stimulation de-
proximal stimuli, the onset latencies pends in part on the position of the stim-
probably represent fibers of different con- ulating electrode 65 in relation to the
duction characteristics. This discrepancy different fascicles.
results, for example, from the use of a An alternative method utilizes a series
submaximal stimulus at one point and a of paired shocks of supramaximal inten-
supramaximal stimulus at a second site. 43,49,50,53,59,60,112,125,129 This tech-
In diseased nerves, the impulse from a nique, in essence, consists of incremental
proximal site of stimulation may fail to delay of proximal shock after distal stim-
propagate in some fibers because of con- ulation without varying stimulus inten-
duction block even with an adequate sity. Shocks applied simultaneously
shock intensity. In addition, apparently cause collision to occur in all fibers. With
supramaximal stimuli may not activate a increasing intervals between the two stim-
bundle of regenerating or severely de- uli, the fastest fibers escape collision be-
myelinated axons if local structural fore the slow fibers. Measurement of the
changes or nerve pathology per se effec- minimal interstimulus interval sufficient
tively prevent the excitation of the nerve to produce a full muscle action potential
segment. The impulses, once generated provides an indirect assessment of the
voluntarily or reflexively at a proximal slowest conduction (Table 7-1).
site, however, may propagate along these Direct latency determination of the
fibers, giving rise to a confusing set of slowest fibers requires blocking of the fast
electrophysiologic findings. Any of these conducting fibers, leaving the activity in
circumstances preclude the calculation of the slower fibers unaffected. The use of
conduction velocity with the conventional two sets of stimulating electrodes, one
formula. placed at the axilla and the other at the
wrist, allows delivery of two stimuli, S(A1)
and S(A2), through the proximal elec-
Collision Technique to Block trodes and another shock, S(W), through
Fast- or Slow-Conducting Fibers the distal electrodes. The antidromic im-
pulse of S(W) blocks the orthodromic im-
The duration of the compound action po- pulse of S(A1), provided the distal shock
tentials, although useful as an indirect es- precedes the arrival of the proximal im-

Table 7-1 Range of Conduction Velocity in

Motor Fibers of the Ulnar Nerve
Authors Fastest Fibers Slowest Fibers Range
Thomas et al.152120 30-40%
Poloni53 and Sala 35-39%
Hopf 141 60.0 ± 3.2 4-7 m/s
Skorpil 61.1 ±4.5 37.7 ±7.1 22.4 m/s
204 Nerve Conduction Studies

pulse. With an appropriate adjustment of antidromic impulse of S(W) eliminates an

the interstimulus interval between S(A1) increasing number of fast-conducting
and S(W), the collision takes place only in fibers. The latency changes, however, do
the slow fibers, sparing the antidromic ac- not always coincide exactly with the val-
tivity from S(W) in the fast fibers. Thus, ues expected from the time interval be-
the impulse of the subsequent proximal tween S(A1) and S(W), presumably be-
stimuli, S(A2), collides with the antidromic cause the impulses in the slowest
activity only in the fast fibers. In this way, conducting fibers do not necessarily ar-
the muscle action potential elicited by rive at the motor end-plate last. The con-
S(A2) corresponds to the remaining slow duction time must depend not only on the
conducting fibers that selectively transmit speed of the propagated impulse but also,
the orthodromic impulses (Fig. 7-18). and perhaps more importantly, on the
This technique allows direct determina- length of fine terminal branches that
tion of the amplitude and latency of the characteristically lack myelin sheath.
slowest-conducting fibers. The muscle ac- Even though the branches vary in length
tion potential elicited by S(A2) shows pro- only on the order of a few millimeters, this
gressive diminution of amplitude as the degree of difference can still give rise to a

Figure 7-18. A. Compound muscle action potential recorded by surface electrode placed over the abductor
digiti minimi after stimulation of the ulnar nerve. The diagrams on the left show orthodromic (solid line) and
antidromic (dotted line) impulses generated by three stimuli, S(A1), S(W), and S(A2) delivered at the axilla,
wrist, and axilla, respectively. Note the collision between the orthodromic impulse from S(A1) and antidromic
impulse of S(W) in slow conduction fibers (S), and between the orthodromic impulse of S(A2) and antidromic
impulse of S(W) in the fast conducting fibers (F]. The orthodromic impulse of S(A2) propagates along the slow
conducting fibers and elicits the second compound muscle action potential. B. Paired axillary shocks of
supramaximal intensity combined with a single shock at the wrist (cf. bottom tracing in A). The first axil-
lary stimulation, S(A1)preceded the wrist stimulation, S(W), by intervals ranging from 6.0 to 8.0 ms in in-
crements of 0.2 ms. Adjusting the second axillary shock, S(A2), to recur always 6.0 ms after S(W) automat-
ically determined interstimulus interval between S(A1) and S(A2). The figures on the left shows the entire
tracing with a slow sweep triggered by S(A1) for amplitude measurement. The ftgwes on the right illustrate
latency determination with a fast sweep triggered by S(A2) and displayed after a predetermined delay of 6.0
Facts, Fallacies, and Fancies of Nerve Stimulation Techniques 205

substantial latency change at this level, tal forearm. A sharply localized nonlinear
where the impulse normally conducts at latency increase across a 1 cm segment
a very slow rate. indicates a focal abnormality. An abrupt
change in waveform nearly always ac-
companies a latency72increase across the
6 STUDIES OVER SHORT AND site of compression. In fact, waveform
LONG DISTANCES analysis often localizes a focal lesion, un-
equivocally confirming the validity of ex-
cessive latency change that might have re-
Segmental Stimulation in sulted from inaccurate advances of the
Short Increments stimulating electrodes or inadvertent
spread of stimulus current, activating a
Ordinary conduction studies suffice to ap- less affected and consequently more ex-
proximate the site of involvement in en- citable neighboring segments. If technical
trapment neuropathies.25 More precise lo- difficulties preclude a complete study
calization requires inching the stimulus in across the presumed site of the lesion, in-
short increments along the course of the cremental stimulation of the more proxi-
nerve 72in order to isolate the affected seg- mal and distal segments suffices to de-
ment. In the evaluation of a focal lesion lineate the abnormality. In these cases,
such as compressive neuropathy, inclu- the waveform analysis shows abrupt
sion of the unaffected segments in calcu- changes together with nonlinear shift of
lation dilutes the effect of slowing at the the onset (or peak) latencies of successive
site of lesion and lowers the sensitivity of responses above and below the affected
the test. Therefore, incremental stimula- zone, forming two parallel lines rather
tion across the shorter segment helps iso- than one. These findings confirm a focal
late a localized abnormality that may oth- lesion within the short interval in ques-
erwise escape detection (see Chapter 6-2). tion encompassed by normal segments
Thus, the study of short segments pro- proximally and distally.
vides better resolution of restricted le-
sions. For example, assume a nerve im-
pulse conducting at a rate of 0.2 ms/cm Late Responses for Evaluation
(50 m/s) except for a 1 cm segment where of Long Pathways
demyelination has doubled the conduc-
tion time to 0.4 me/cm. In a 10 cm seg- Nerve stimulation studies commonly used
ment, normally covered in 2.0 ms, a 0.2 in an electromyographic laboratory apply
ms increase would constitute a 10 percent mainly to the distal, relatively short seg-
change, or approximately one standard ments of the peripheral nerves. In as-
deviation, well within the normal range of sessing a more diffuse or multi-segmen-
variability. The same 0.2 ms increase, tal process as might be seen in
however, would represent a 100 percent polyneuropathies, the longer the segment
change in latency if measured over a 1 cm under study, the more evident the con-
segment signaling a clear abnormality. duction delay. In other words, this ap-
The large per unit increase in latency proach has an advantage in accumulat-
more than compensates for the inherent ing all the segmental abnormalities, which
measurement error associated with mul- individually might not show a clear devi-
tiple stimulation in short increments.12,40 ation from the normal range. If a nerve
This technique is best suited for assess- impulse conducts at a rate of 0.2 ms/cm
ing a possible compressive lesion, such as (50 m/s), for example, a 20 percent delay
in carpal tunnel syndrome,57,72,124,137 ul- for a 10 cm segment is only 0.4 ms,
nar neuropathy at the elbow,13,68 or per- whereas the same change for a 100 cm
oneal nerve entrapment at the knee.67 segment amounts to 4.0 msec, an obvi-
With stimulation of a normal median ous increase that is easily detectable. In
nerve in 1 cm increments across the wrist, addition, evaluating a longer as compared
the latency changes approximately to shorter segment improves the accuracy
0.16-0.21 ms/cm from mid-palm to dis- of latency and distance measurement be-
206 Nerve Conduction Studies

cause the same absolute error constitutes study of median and peroneal nerves18,33 in
a smaller percentage. Measuring the sur- patients with diabetic polyneuropathy
face distance (carelessly) in a 10 cm seg- revealed good reproducibility in nerve con-
ment, the actual value may vary between duction velocity but not in amplitude. A
9.5 and 10.5 cm. A 1 cm difference con- few studies4,33,159 of diabetic polyneu-
stitutes a 10 percent error. Thus, the cal- ropathy yielded excellent reproducibility
culated conduction velocity based on this of the median and peroneal F-wave laten-
measurement could vary between 50 m/s cies. In contrast, amplitude varied con-
and 55 m/s. The same 1 cm error in a siderably for both the motor and sensory
100 cm segment represents only 1 per- nerves although the use of large elec-
cent error, resulting in the range of cal- trodes improved reproducibility 154 of com-
culated conduction velocity between 50 pound muscle action potentials. Of a
m/s and 50.5 m/s. The same argument few 159
reported studies of F waves, all but
applies in determining the effect of possi- one dealt with the experience at a sin-
ble error in latency measurement. gle laboratory, showing variations of up to
Consequently, the study of a longer 10 m/s in conduction velocity.6,52
path offers a better sensitivity and accu- We also conducted a multicenter analy-
racy and, as stated later, improved repro- sis on intertrial variability of nerve con-
ducibility in serial studies. A number of duction studies to determine the confi-
neurophysiological methods supplement dence limits of the variations for use in
the conventional techniques for the as- future drug assessments for diabetic
sessment of longer pathways.37 The se- polyneuropathy.77,87 All measurements,
lection of such techniques necessarily re- repeated twice at a time interval of 1-4
flects the special orientation of each weeks, followed a standardized method. In
laboratory. Those of general interest in- all, 32 centers participated in the study
clude the F wave and the H reflex (see of 132 healthy subjects (63 men) and 65
Chapters 18-6 and 19-2). centers in the evaluation of 172 patients
with diabetic polyneuropathy (99 men).
Motor nerve conduction studies consisted
Reproducibility of of stimulating the left median and tibial
Various Measures nerves and measuring amplitude, termi-
nal latency, and minimal F-wave latency
In the assessment of polyneuropathy, and calculating motor conduction velocity
nerve conduction studies serve as a mea- and F-wave conduction velocity. Sensory
sure of abnormality to document serial nerve conduction studies comprised an-
changes during the clinical course.84 Al- tidromic recording of latency and ampli-
though the method provides a sensitive tude after distal stimulation of the left me-
and objective indicator, its accuracy pri- dian and sural nerves and calculation of
marily depends on the adherence to tech- sensory conduction velocities over the dis-
nical details.17 Any deviations from the tal segment.
standards result in inconsistencies of the In both the control group and the pa-
results. The awareness of this possibility tient group, amplitude varied most, fol-
plays an important role in designing a lowed by terminal latency, and motor and
multicenter clinical trial, which involves sensory conduction velocity. In contrast,
many investigators of different back- minimal F-wave latency showed the least
grounds and training. Nonetheless, few change, with the range of variability only
studies have emphasized technical factors 10 percent for the study of the median
influencing the reproducibility of nerve nerve and 11 percent for the tibial nerve
conduction measurements in the evalua- in normal subjects and 12 percent and 14
tion of polyneuropathy.159 percent, respectively, in patients with di-
Several investigators5-17,52,131 reported abetic polyneuropathy. These results sup-
on the reliability of nerve conduction ve- port the contention that minimal F-wave
locity in normal subjects and 18,33,159
patients latency serves as the most stable and con-
with diabetic polyneuropathy. A sequently reliable measure for a sequen-
Reproducibility of Neurophysiological Measurements
healthy volunteers

Figure 7-19. Reproducibility of various measures in (A) healthy volunteers and (B) patients with diabetic
neuropathy. All studies were repeated twice at a time77 interval of 1-4 weeks to calculate relative intertrial
variations as an index of comparison. [From Kimura, courtesy of Nobuo Kohara, M.D. et al, data from a
multicenter reliability study sponsored by Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.]
208 Nerve Conduction Studies

tial nerve conduction study of individual fects of a large variability among different
subjects. The same does not hold, how- subjects. Thus,
ever, when evaluating single patients
against a normal range established in a
group of subjects. Here F-wave conduc- where os2 and oe2 represent among-sub-
tion velocity suits better, minimizing the ject variance and experimental error. The
effect of limb length. Alternatively, some value exceeding 0.9 indicates a reliable
prefer the use of a nomogram, plotting the measure although, as seen from the for-
latency against the height as a simple, al- mula, this may indicate a large among-
beit indirect, measure of limb length. subject variance rather than a small ex-
In the assessment of reproducibility, we perimental error.
use two independent indices, relative in- Figure 7-19 shows the 5th to 95th per-
tertrial variation (RTV) and intertrial cor- centiles of RTVs and ICC in both groups;
rellation coefficiency (ICC). Of the two, RIV Figure 7-20 illustrates some examples of
directly represents a variation of mea- the individual data from the patients. The
surements expressed as the percentages measures showing the range of RIV within
of the difference between V1 and V2 over ±10 percent included F-wave latency and
the mean value of the two. Thus, F-wave conduction velocity of both me-
RIV(%) = 100*(V2 - V1)/0.5(V1 + V2) dian and tibial nerves, and sensory con-
duction velocity of the median nerve. In
where V1 and V2 represent the values of general, amplitudes showed a greater
the first and the second measurements of variation than latencies or nerve conduc-
the pair. The ranges of RIV within ±10 per- tion velocities. Similarly, ICC exceeded 0.9
cent usually indicate a higher precision. for F-wave latency of the median and tib-
Measures having larger interindividual ial nerves in both the healthy subjects and
differences are expected to show a greater the patients. Median nerve sensory nerve
infra-individual variability as well. The potential and median and tibial com-
calculation of ICC takes this into consid- pound muscle action potentials had a
eration as follows to partially offset the ef- large range of RIV despite a high ICC. In

Figure 7-2O. Comparison between the first and the second measures of (A) median nerve motor conduc-
tion velocity and (B) F-wave latency. Individual values plotting the first study on the abscissa and the sec-
ond study on the ordinate show a greater reproducibility of the F-wave latency compared to the motor nerve
conduction velocity (cf. Fig. 7-19). [From Kimura,77 courtesy of Noboru Kohara, M.D. et al, data from a mul-
ticenter reliability study sponsored by Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.]
Facts, Fallacies, and Fancies of Nerve Stimulation Techniques 209

these amplitude measurements, a large ducibility of the results. In summary,

among-subject variance of the amplitudes short distances magnify focal conduction
made os2 much greater than oe2, leading abnormalities despite increased measure-
to a high ICC despite a considerable in- ment error, and long distances, though in-
tertrial variability. sensitive to focal lesions, provide better
Although a high ICC indicates a statis- yields and reliability for a diffuse or mul-
tical correlation between two measure- tisegmental process.
ments,33,167 it does not necessarily imply
a good reproducibility. Thus, to achieve
an optimal comparison, a sequential REFERENCES
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ropathy. 89:161-169. Electroencephalogr Clin 168. Xiang X, Eisen A, MacNeil M, Beddoes MP:
Neurophysiol 89:161-169, 1993. Quality control in nerve conduction studies
159. Valensi P, Attali J-R, Gagant S: Reproducibil- with coupled knowledge-based system ap-
ity of parameters for assessment of diabetic proach. Muscle Nerve 15:180-187, 1992.
neuropathy. Diabet Med 10:933-939, 1993. 169. Yokohama K, Feldman RG, Sax DS, Salzsider
160. Valls-Sole J: Martin-Gruber anastomosis and BT, Kucera J: Relation of distribution of con-
unusual sensory innervation of the fingers: Re- duction velocities to nerve biopsy findings in
port of a case. Muscle Nerve 14:1099-1102, n-hexane poisoning. Muscle Nerve 13:314-320,
1991. 1990.
Chapter 8


Compound Muscle Action Potential
Sampling of Single Motor Unit Potential
Methods for Quantitative Assessments
Normal Values and Clinical Application
Refractory Period
Paired Shock and Collision Technique
Changes in Amplitude versus Latency
Excitability Changes after Passage of an Impulse
Strength-Duration Curve
Threshold Measurement of Strength-Duration
Time Constant
Latent Addition and Accommodation
Electrotonus and Threshold Electrotonus
Techniques to Measure Threshold Electrotonus
Applications of Threshold Measurements
Clinical Assessments


sumptions relating to the adequacy of sam-
pling in estimating average size. Technical
limitation in achieving unbiased selection
constitutes a major source of error.
In neuromuscular disorders characterized
by a loss of lower motor neurons, a pa-
tient's strength depends primarily on the Compound Muscle
number of remaining motor units in a Action Potential
group of muscles. A variety of techniques
provide the means for calculating motor The amplitude of a maximal compound
unit number estimates (MUNE).31,104,132 muscle response directly relates to the to-
Each method relies on dividing an average tal number and size of muscle fibers, pro-
size of a single motor unit potential into a viding a rough estimate,73 although phase
maximal compound muscle action poten- cancellation may distort the pattern of
tial that represents the sum of all motor summation.4,54 Supramaximal stimula-
units. All the methods have certain as- tion of a peripheral nerve activates all the
216 Nerve Conduction Studies

muscles innervated by that nerve, elicit- calculation of an average size of single mo-
ing a muscle response as a sum of activ- tor unit potentials. If all the motor units
ity from multiple sources rather than from in the muscle give rise to nearly identical
a single source. For example, a thenar re- potential, then sampling a subset consti-
sponse elicited by stimulation of the me- tutes a valid approach. Variation among
dian nerve represents the activity of all the different motor units causes sampling
intrinsic hand muscles innervated by this error, especially with a non-Gaussian dis-
nerve. In a strict sense, therefore, the mo- tribution. Thus, sampling a greater pop-
tor unit number estimate relates to a ulation128leads to more reproducible re-
group of muscles that contribute to the sults. In chronic neurogenic processes,
measure to a greater or lesser extent, de- the ease of measuring the reduced num-
pending on their spatial relationship to ber of larger potentials compensates for
the recording electrodes. Another techni- the inaccuracy resulting from an in-
cal concern centers on the intensity of creased size variation of individual units.
stimulation that must activate all the ex- The same motor unit potential may vary
citable motor axons. During the process in size from one stimulus to the next, with
of demyelination or regeneration an ordi- defects of neuromuscular transmission
narily adequate stimulus may fail for the requiring special interpretation. These in-
nerve with an abnormally elevated thresh- clude myasthenia gravis, amyotrophic lat-
old. The use of submaximal stimulation eral sclerosis, and neurogenic processes
would underestimate the motor units with ongoing reinnervation. With a decre-
number. ment of compound muscle action poten-
Although the maximal amplitude is tials on slow repetitive stimulation, for ex-
usually proportional to the number of ax- ample, the calculated value falls short of
ons, abnormally large motor unit poten- the actual number of motor units.
tials after reinnervation partially restore
the size, thus concealing the loss of ax-
ons. In fact, despite the loss of over one Methods for
half of its motor innervation, a muscle Quantitative Assessments
may maintain its normal amplitude.
Therefore, a reliable motor unit number The methods described for obtaining sin-
estimate requires the knowledge about the gle motor unit action potential values in-
average size of individual motor unit po- clude (1) all-or-none increments of com-
tentials in addition to a measure of the to- pound muscle action potential, (2) F-wave
tal response. The accuracy of the esti- measurements, (3) spike-triggered averag-
mated number depends, among other ing, and (4) statistical estimates. Of these,
factors, on the adequacy in sampling the spike-triggered averaging relies on volun-
representative population of single unit tary recruitment whereas the remaining
size, which varies considerably in normal three measures use nerve stimulation to
subjects55 and, to a much greater extent, record individual elements.52,104,133 Dif-
in patients with neuromuscular diseases. ferent methods place varying technical
emphasis on meeting the underlying as-
sumptions mentioned above, although ba-
Sampling of Single Motor sic principles remain the same. All these
Unit Potential techniques, when properly executed, yield
the same order of estimates.32
A severe neurogenic process may reduce The original incremental method103,104
the number of axons to a level that allows provides the easiest and most direct ap-
identification of all the existing motor proach to counting of single motor unit
units individually. In general, direct potentials. Based on the all-or-none char-
counts provide a reliable, reproducible re- acteristic of the activation of motor axons,
sult up to a maximum of 10 units. With application of finely controlled current in
a greater number of units, an overlap pre- very small steps allows measurement of
cludes a complete count of all the units, successively recruited individual motor
necessitating the selection of a subset for units. The maximal muscle action poten-
Other Techniques to Assess Nerve Function 217

tial derived by the average size of the step- the estimated number.43 Automated use
wise increments yields the estimated of submaximal stimulation and template
number of motor units. In incremental matching reduce the risk and improve the
methods, a selection bias for more easily accuracy.
activated larger motor units could result Spike-triggered averaging uses a two-
in an overestimation of the size of indi- channel recorder to isolate voluntarily
vidual elements and consequently under- activated motor units as a measure of sin-
estimation of motor unit numbers. This gle motor unit potentials.33,44 The tech-
technique may also fail to identify the in- nique consists of detecting single units by
crements by very small motor unit poten- a needle electrode on the first channel,
tials, such as nascent units or those seen and averaging its size using a pair of sur-
in severe myopathies. Several modifica- face electrodes on the second channel. An
tions introduced to minimize these errors amplitude trigger window selects the units
tend to favor the low-threshold units, recorded by single-fiber, bipolar concen-
with a selection9,49,51,60,61
bias against the high- tric, standard concentric, or fine-wire
threshold units. As a variation, electrodes. Their average size divided into
stimulating the nerve at several points the maximal muscle potential recorded
with very low intensity yields only the first from the same surface electrode yields the
recorded single motor unit poten- number of motor units. As a variant, mo-
tials.51,52,56,78,144 The average sizes of the tor units recruited at three levels of effort
units obtained with stimulation along the and recorded at two locations on the sur-
nerve divided into the maximal compound face provide a broader sampling.125 The
muscle action potential yields the num- sources of error unique to this method in-
ber of motor units. clude recording29with a spurious and er-
The firing threshold for an individual roneous trigger and missing some mo-
axon varies in time. Thus, at any given tor units at the surface, unless studying
stimulus intensity, different axons may the muscle located superficially.10 Fur-
discharge according to their probability of ther, voluntary activation preferentially
firing. If two motor axons have similar ex- recruits smaller motor units, without re-
citability, a threshold stimulus may acti- cruiting larger units. Despite these con-
vate them together or alternately. This cerns, the method provides values com-
possibility, termed alternation, constitutes parable to those expected from histologic
another source of error. In the presence studies and those obtained with other
of two units, for example, three distinct methods of recording. Microstimulation of
potentials would be recognized, one each nerve terminals in the endplate region
or both together, giving the count of three may activate the full range of motor units,
rather than two. Similarly, in the case of thus reducing the selection bias charac-
three motor units, alternation could result teristic of voluntary activation.107
in an erroneous count of seven instead of In contrast to all the other methods, the
the actual number of three. As mentioned statistical approach makes no attempt to
later, the stochastic approach127 avoids identify individual motor units. Instead, it
such an error by using cluster analysis to takes advantage of intermittent firing of
sort out the templates of the individual el- individual motor units near threshold that
ements from all potentials recorded at a results in variation in the size of a sub-
fixed intensity. maximal compound muscle action poten-
The F-wave method relies on the as- tial.45,127 It relies on Poisson statistics to
sumption that repeater F waves represent calculate the size of the individual steps
single rather than multiple motor units. If based on their known relationship to the
so, dividing the maximal muscle response variance of multiple measures of step
by their average size yields the number of functions. In this type of analysis, the
motor units.90,131 Alternation can occur sizes of a series of measurements are mul-
as described above. The mistaken inclu- tiples of the size of a single component
sion of F waves activated by multiple in- and the variance of their distribution pro-
stead of single motor units inflates the av- vides an estimate of the average size of
erage size of individual elements, lowering the individual components making up
218 Nerve Conduction Studies

each measurement. Obtaining adequate Normal Values and

estimates of motor units calls for testing Clinical Application
the axons with different thresholds at
multiple stimulus intensities. In the in- Normal values, though they vary among
terest of brevity, an initial scan of the com- authors using different techniques,45,52
pound muscle response identifies large range from 200 to 350 for the thenar mus-
steps with a series of 30 stimuli increas- cles tested with stimulation of the median
ing in equal increments. The scan thereby nerve and from 150 to 220 for the exten-
defines appropriate stimulus intensity lev- sor digitorum brevis tested with stimula-
els to recognize the representative single tion of the peroneal nerve. According to
units for the particular nerve under study. histological estimation, the flexor digit
In neurogenic disorders, for example, the minimi has about 130 motor units.111
axons with large motor unit potentials This result is in agreement with 411 mo-
may have a higher threshold than the ax- tor units estimated for the four hy-
ons of smaller potentials, necessitating pothenar muscles 61 by an automated in-
stimulation at higher intensities. cremental method. Few studies report
The statistical method has the advan- on proximal muscles because of the tech-
tage of not requiring identification of in- nical difficulty. The number of motor units
dividual components producing incre- remains stable for a given muscle except
ments too small to isolate at gains used for a mild decrease in the elderly.30,60
to record high-amplitude compound mus- Table 8-1 summarizes normal MUNE val-
cle action potentials. It also circumvents ues obtained by the statistical method for
the possible miscalculation caused by al- distal muscles innervated by median, ul-
ternation with activation of the same units nar, and tibial nerves tested at different
in different combinations. The technical stimulus intensities.45
problems include the need for a larger Earlier clinical studies used near-thresh-
sample size, requiring patient cooperation old methods,9,52,103 which are best suited
to undergo over 100 low-intensity stimuli. to test a muscle with a reduced number of
The remaining motor units not tested at motor units, allowing individual recognition
the stimulus intensities used are assigned of each unit with successive increments
a motor unit size estimate made at any of stimulus current. In addition, repro-
stimulus strength. Thus, this stimulus ducibility improves in absolute values with
strength influences the final result exces- a smaller number of motor units in the
sively.126 Defective neuromuscular trans- muscle. In contrast, the method tends to
mission also causes inaccuracies in this underestimate the number of motor units
measurement, from varying sizes of mo- in myopathies, which render some of the
tor unit potentials. A shift from Poisson increments too small to identify. A 20 per-
to normal distributions can produce er- cent accuracy gives estimates in the range
rors of up to 10 percent, necessitating a of 16-24 for 20 motor units and 160-240
display of the histogram of the individual for 200. Thus, a larger number of units
responses. makes a small loss harder to detect. Stim-

Table 8-1 Statistical MUNE in 30 Normal Subjects

Stimulus Median Ulnar Peroneal Tibial
Level Thenar Hypothenar EDB Abductor Hallucis
5-10% 210/90 285/105 154/52 310/195
15-20% 185/85 223/110 137/45 250/167
40-50% 153/70 154/70 135/38 195/154
70-90% 175/85 213/115 105/35 202/115
Multipoint 234/95 256/115 158/58 285/187
Statistical motor unit number estimate (MUNE) in 30 normal subjects tested at different stimulus inten-
sities. The mean and lower limit (XX/YY) is shown for each stimulus level for each nerve. Multipoint record-
ings measured MUNE at45 5-10 percent, and at 15-20 percent at two distal sites 1 cm apart along the nerve.
Source: From Daube, with permission.
Other Techniques to Assess Nerve Function 219

ulus currents above 15 percent of thresh- refractory characteristics possible as they

old also yield unreliable results, even in nor- pertain to the motor fibers per se.70,87,91,121
mal subjects. The technique supplements Although a considerable amount of data
conventional studies in documenting the has accumulated, its clinical value and lim-
loss of motor units in patients with a nor- itations await clarification.86
mal compound muscle action potential am- The physiologic mechanism underlying
plitude. These include congenital brachial the refractory period centers on inactiva-
palsy,123 tetraplegia64 and amyotrophic lat- tion of sodium (Na+) conductance (see
eral sclerosis.92 It also serves to quantitate Chapter 2-3). After the passage of an im-
the number of motor units for follow-up pulse, sodium channels will close to initi-
studies, documenting the rate of loss in pa- ate repolarization. Once closed, or inac-
tients with motor neuron disease and other tivated, they cannot open immediately, re-
neurogenic processes,5,6,29,46,57,58,144,147 al- gardless of the magnitude of depolarization
though it sheds no light on the functional by a subsequent impulse. This constitutes
status of the surviving motor units.41 the absolute refractory period, lasting
0.5-1.0 ms. During the subsequent relative
refractory period, lasting 3-5 ms, only an
2 ASSESSMENT OF excessive depolarization, far beyond the or-
NERVE EXCITABILITY dinary range, can reactivate sodium con-
ductance. Here, the impulse propagates
more slowly than usual because it takes
This section reviews the modulation of ax- longer to reach the elevated critical level re-
onal excitability following a single action quired to generate the action potential. The
potential.38,138 The behavior of a single refractory period is prolonged with low tem-
axon in this regard remains poorly un- perature,35,40,113,114 advanced age,50 slow
derstood. The altered excitability of many conduction velocity,113,114 and after exper-
fibers collectively determines the size of a imental demyelination 48,96,129,130
compound potential that will yield even
more complex, yet important biophysical
information. Axonal excitability also un- Paired Shock and
dergoes profound change after sub- Collision Technique
threshold stimulation, as discussed in
subsequent sections. A second shock delivered at a varying time
interval after the first reveals excitability
changes induced by the preceding impulse.
Refractory Period In this method, called the paired-shock or
conditioning and testing technique, the
After passage of an impulse, an axon be- first shock conditions the nerve and the
comes totally inexcitable for a fraction of a second impulse tests the effect. The test
millisecond during the absolute refractory stimulus, given during the refractory period
period, then gradually recovers its pres- of the conditioning stimulus, elicits no re-
timulus excitability within the ensuing few sponse. During the relative refractory pe-
milliseconds during the relative refractory riod that ensues, the test response shows
period. Direct measurement of the nerve reduced amplitude and increased latency.
action potentials in experimental ani- After extensive investigation in experimen-
mals13,67,142 substantiates the results in tal animals,16,142 the paired-shock tech-
human studies, mostly tested in the sen- nique has found its way to the study of hu-
sory nerves or mixed nerves.15,35,63,71,139 man sensory potentials35,137,14° and
When measured by muscle response, the mixed-nerve potentials.63,99
refractory period depends not only on the In testing the motor fibers with the short
excitability of the nerve but also the ex- interstimulus interval required for the
citability of the neuromuscular junction, as study of the refractory period, the muscle
implied by the term refractory period of responses elicited by the first and second
transmission.62,105 Modified paired-shock stimuli overlap. A computerized subtrac-
techniques, however, make the study of the tion technique circumvents this problem
220 Nerve Conduction Studies

by separating the test stimulus from the of antidromic activity (Fig. 8-1). Its mag-
conditioning muscle response.15,91 The size nitude and speed depends solely on the
of the test response measured, however, neural excitability after passage of the
still depends on the excitability change of conditioning stimulus, S(A1). The S(A1)-to-
not only the motor axons but also the neu- S(W) time interval dictates the point of col-
romuscular junction and muscle fibers.34 lision and consequently the length of the
Therefore, this technique, based on suc- nerve segment made refractory by S(A1),
cessively evoked muscle responses, fails to before it is eliminated by the antidromic
measure the nerve refractory period per se. activity of S(W). Changing the S(A1)-to-
A collision technique originally devised to S(A2) time interval defines the range of the
avoid this difficulty determines the refrac- absolute refractory periods of the differ-
tory period of antidromic motor impulses ent motor fibers by demonstrating the se-
by paired distal stimuli followed by an ap- rial recovery of the test response ampli-
propriately timed single proximal stimulus, tude (Fig. 8-2A). In contrast, the latency
which measures the test volley.70 of the test response elucidates the dura-
Alternatively, paired proximal stimuli, tion of the relative refractory period of the
combined with a single distal stimulus, al- most excitable fibers (Fig. 8-2B). Table
low assessment of orthodromic motor im- 8-2 summarizes the results in 20 ulnar
pulses, eliminating the effects of 84
the mus- nerves from 10 healthy subjects studied
cle and neuromuscular junction. In this in our laboratory.87
arrangement, the descending impulse
generated by the first of the paired axil-
lary shocks, S(A1), eliminates the an- Changes in Amplitude
tidromic impulse from the distal shock at versus Latency
the wrist, S{W). The impulse of the sec-
ond axillary stimulus, S(A2), will propa- The amplitude changes of the test re-
gate distally along the motor fibers cleared sponse obtained with shocks of maximal

Figure 8-1. Compound muscle

action potentials recorded by
surface electrodes placed over
the abductor digiti minimi after
stimulation of the ulnar nerve.
The diagrams on the left show
the collision between ortho-
dromic (solid arrows) and an-
tidromic (dotted arrows) im-
pulses. Axillary stimulation,
S(A), given 6.0 ms after the
stimulus at the wrist, S(W), trig-
gered sweeps on the oscillo-
scope. With single stimulation
at the axilla and at the wrist
(middle tracing), the ortho-
dromic impulse elicited by S(A)
collided with the antidromic im-
pulse of S(W) from the wrist.
With paired shocks at the axilla
(bottom tracing), M(A2) appeared
because the first axillary stim-
ulus, S(A1), cleared the path for
the second stimulus, S(A2).
[From Kimura, Yamada, and
Rodnitzky,87 with permission.]
Figure 8-2. A. Paired axillary shocks, S(A1)and S(A2), of just maximal intensity combined with a single
shock at the wrist, S(W). Interstimulus intervals between S(A1) and S(A2) ranged from 0.6 to 3.0 ms. S(A2)
always occurred 5.0 ms after S(W), which triggered sweeps on the oscilloscope. In the normal subject, M(A2)
first appeared (small arrows) at an interstimulus interval of 0.8 ms and recovered completely by 3.0 ms. The
patient with the Guillain-Barre syndrome showed delayed and incomplete recovery. [From Kimura,85 with
permission.] B. Paired axillary shocks, S(A1) and S(A2), of just maximal intensity combined with a single
shock at the wrist, S(W) (cf. bottom tracing in A). Delivering S(A1) 6.0 ms after S(W) allowed collision to oc-
cur 1.5 ms after S(A1). The interstimulus intervals between S(A1) and S(A2) ranged from 1.2 to 3.0 ms in in-
crements of 0.2 ms. The figures on the left show amplitude measurements with a slow sweep triggered by
S(W). The figures on the right illustrate latency determination with a fast sweep triggered by S(A2) and dis-
played after a predetermined delay of 11.0 ms. [From Kimura,87 with permission.]

Table 8-2 Interstimulus Intervals of the Paired Shocks and

Conduction Velocity of the Test Response (Mean ± SD)
Initial Recovery in Amplitude Full Recovery in Amplitude Full Recovery
(Test Response >5% of (Test Response >95% of in Velocity
Unconditioned Response) Unconditioned Response) (>95%)
Interstimulus Interstimulus Interstimulus
Interval Conduction Interval Conduction Interval
Length of Between Velocity of Between Velocity of Between
Refractory Paired Shocks Test Impulse Paired Shocks Test Impulse Paired Shocks
Segment (ms) (% of normal) (ms) (% of normal) (ms)
A distance
covered in
0.5 ms 1.16 ±0.18 55.3 ± 19.2 2.11 ±0.50 81.2 ± 17.4 2.65 ± 0.65
A distance
covered in
1.5 ms 1.18 ±0.16 70.3 ± 13.5 2.16 ±0.52 87.3 ± 14.2 2.36 ± 0.45
Source: From Kimura et al. with permission.
222 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 8-3. The pattern of re-

covery in amplitude of M(A2)
during the refractory period in
10 healthy subjects. The re-
turn of M(A2) followed the iden-
tical time course with the pas-
sage of impulse along the
shorter (0.5 ms) or longer re-
fractory segment (1.5 ms). The
gradual increase of M(A2) indi-
cates the range of the absolute
refractory periods of different
motor fibers. [From Kimura,
Yamada, and Rodnitzky,87 with

intensity follow a nearly identical course animal study142 that indicate (1) that a
irrespective of the length of the refractory delay of the test impulse during the re-
segment (Fig. 8-3). Therefore, reduction in fractory period allows an increasing in-
amplitude of the test response must re- terval between conditioning and test im-
sult from failure of nerve activation at the pulses as they travel further distally and
site of stimulation, rather than cessation (2) that an increasingly longer interval be-
of propagation along the course of the tween the two impulses, in turn, leads to
nerve. The impulse conducts at a slower progressive recovery of the test impulse
speed than normal, if transmitted at all, conduction velocity. Because of this re-
during the relative refractory period, gressive process, the test impulse con-
showing the greatest delay near the ab- ducts at a relatively normal speed by the
solute refractory period (Fig. 8-4). There- time it reaches the end of the refractory
after, the conduction progressively recov- segment, especially for a longer nerve.85
ers to normal as the interstimulus interval Electrophysiologic studies of human sen-
between the conditioning and test stimuli sory fibers,35 as well as computer simu-
increases. The length of the refractory seg- lation, have shown the same relationship
ment, which hardly influences the recov- between the refractory period and the
ery of the amplitude, substantially alters length of the nerve segment.145
the time course of the latency. The longer Human studies of the refractory period
the refractory segment, the greater the suffer from technical limitation in pre-
change in latency of the test response. The cisely measuring the amplitude and la-
delay, however, does not increase linearly tency of the test response. Specific prob-
in proportion to the length of the refrac- lems include small signals, unstable
tory segment; in fact, a change in latency baseline, gradual onset of the evoked re-
per unit length decreases for a longer con- sponse, and partial overlap of the test re-
duction distance. Therefore, the average sponse with the preceding events, despite
conduction velocity improves as the re- the use of a collision technique. A com-
fractory segment increases (Fig. 8-5). puterized cross-correlation analysis helps
These findings confirm the results of an improve numeric quantification of the
Figure 8-4. The pattern of re-
covery in latency of M(A2) in the
same subjects as shown in Fig-
ure 8-3. The curve shows the
latency difference between the
response to a single axillary
shock M(A), and the response
to the second axillary shock
M(A2) of the pair. The passage
of impulse across the longer re-
fractory segment (1.5 ms)
showed significantly slower re-
covery as compared with the
shorter refractory segment (0.5
ms). The bottom curve (trian-
gles) plots the difference in de-
lay of latency between 1.5 ms
and 0.5 ms segments. The val-
ues so calculated represent the
delay attributable to the last
1.0 ms of the 1.5 ms segment.
[From Kimura, Yamada, and
Rodnitzky,87 with permission.]

Figure 8-5. The time course

of recovery in conduction ve-
locity of M(A2) in the same sub-
jects shown in Figures 8-3 and
8-4. The conduction velocities
were calculated assuming that
the delay of M(A2) occurred
primarily in the segment prox-
imal to the point of collision.
In contrast to the pattern of re-
covery in latency (compare Fig-
ure 8-4), the conduction ve-
locity returned significantly
faster for the passage of im-
pulse across the longer (1.5
ms) than the shorter (0.5 ms)
refractory segment. The top
curve (triangles) shows the es-
timated velocity of M(A2) over
the last 1.0 ms of the 1.5 ms
segment. [From Kimura, Ya-
mada, and Rodnitzky,87 with

224 Nerve Conduction Studies

compound muscle potential in shape and Excitability Changes

latency.53 In this method, the height of after Passage of an Impulse
the peak in the correlation curve gives a
shape-weighted measure of the size of the Studies of the myelinated axons reveal
test response, and the time lag of the peak superexcitable and late subexcitable
indicates the delay of the test response as phases of excitability changes (see Chap-
compared with an averaged uncondi- ter 4-3) after absolute and relative re-
tioned muscle response. Another tech- fractory periods.12,63,138 Superexcitability
nique, called the double-collision method, reflects negative, or depolarizing, afterpo-
alleviates the transient changes in nerve tential from long-lasting depolarization of
and muscle fiber conduction3,74,75
that can dis- the internodal axon.11 Activation of fast
tort test muscle responses. potassium channels terminates this
A number of studies have shown pro- phase by regulating the conductance of
longation of the refractory period of sen- the internodal axon membrane. Thus,
sory and mixed nerve fibers in diseases of blocking these channels by 4-aminopyri-
the peripheral nerve.98,99,140 Patients with dine breaks down the normal relationship
alcoholic neuropathy had an increased re- between Superexcitability and membrane
fractory period of the median sensory potential.8 The late subexcitability results
fibers.2 In patients with chronic renal fail- from a positive, or hyperpolarizing, after-
ure, the initially abnormal relative refrac- potential that reflects two very different
tory period97reverted to normal after he- mechanisms: opening of slow potassium
modialysis. An increased refractory channels8,11,138 and activation of an elec-
period of median nerve sensory fibers in trogenic sodium pump triggered12,24,82,83
by intra-
patients with multiple sclerosis suggested cellular sodium accumulation.
the possible involvement 68of peripheral These hyperpolarizing effects intensify
nerve fibers in this disorder. Conversely, after the passage of a train of impulses,
hypokalemia of various origins102shortened probably contributing to the rate-depen-
the relative refractory period. dent conduction failure in demyelinating
Most previous studies in humans have neuropathies. Long, high-frequency trains,
dealt with the sensory or mixed-nerve however, lead to an opposite, hyperexcita-
fibers, but similar alterations probably tory state, causing posttetanic13repetitive ac-
occur in the refractory characteristics of tivity and ectopic discharges. These para-
motor fibers. In fact, the absolute and doxical hyperexcitability and spontaneous
relative87 refractory periods affect motor discharges may account for neuropathic
fibers, sensory fibers, and mixed fibers63 sensory disturbance and neuromyotonia.14
alike. For example, full recovery in the am- Threshold tracking study of a single motor
plitude of the test response precedes full re- axon during posttetanic hyperexcitability24
covery of the conduction velocity,35,63,69,87
regardless revealed a+ build-up of extracellular potas-
of the type of nerve fiber tested. sium (K ) ions. Rat axons show similar
Determining the refractory period of in- phenomena after injection of potassium
dividual motor fibers requires recording of ions into or under a myelin sheath.47,80 In
single motor unit potentials after delivery of either case, a reversal of the electrochemi-
paired stimuli to the nerve.17 Studies of the cal gradient causes the influx of potassium
whole nerve lack precision because fibers ions across the internodal axolemma into
with different conduction characteristics the axon, resulting in depolarization and
contribute to the absolute and relative re- further opening of potassium channels, ac-
fractory period. Furthermore, in contrast to celerating inward potassium current.
amplitude, which follows a predictable time
course, small, often variable changes in la-
tency provide limited value in clinical as- 3 THRESHOLD TRACKING
sessment. These uncertainties make the
measurement of the refractory period less
useful than might be expected on theoret- Strength-Duration Curve
ical grounds as a clinical test in diagnos-
ing diseases of the motor fibers and in elu- The threshold intensity just capable of ex-
cidating their pathophysiology. citing the axons varies according to the
Other Techniques to Assess Nerve Function 225

duration of the current; the shorter the

duration, the greater the intensity to
achieve the same depolarization. The
strength-duration curve plots this rela-
tionship with a motor point stimulation
that elicits a constant muscle response
(Fig. 8-6 A and B). A long-duration shock
excites both nerve and muscle, whereas a
short-duration stimulus activates the
nerve more effectively than the muscle.
The excitability characteristics expressed
by this curve, therefore, can differentiate
a normally innervated muscle from a par-
tially or totally denervated one. To formu-
late numerical indices of excitability,
rheobase is defined as the minimal current
strength below which no response occurs
even if the current lasts infinitely or at least
300 ms. Chronaxie is the minimal duration
of a current required to excite the cell at
twice the rheobase strength. The same
prinicple applies to the study of sensory
fibers as a measure of sensory deficit in
peripheral neuropathy. Although of histor-
ical interest, neither rheobase nor chron-
axie has proven94satisfactory as a test in
clinical practice. The strength-duration
curve itself has fallen into disrepute be-
cause of the excessive time required for its
determination and the complexity of its in- Figure 8-6. A. The strength-duration curve showing
terpretation, but the test of nerve ex- the stimulus intensity (ordinate) required for each du-
ration of stimulus (abscissa). In this example, the
citability remains an area of considerable stimulus intensity required remains the same after
theoretical and possibly clinical interest. the stimulus duration reaches 1.8 ms. This strength
Threshold tracking techniques test nerve is the rheobase (R). Chronaxie (Q is determined (ar-
excitability to assess the membrane po- row) as that duration along the strength-duration
tential, properties of ion26 channels, and curve 112
at a strength twice the rheobase (2 x R). [From
Ochs, with permission.] B. The normal strength-
electrogenic ion pumps. Changing the duration curve from a motor point of the abductor pol-
environment may alter the threshold—for licis brevis compared to the dashed line plotting curves
example, by inducing ischemia or applying from the denervated muscle of the other hand. De-
preceding currents. As described in the terminations at different times during reinnervation
showed the return of the strength-duration curve to-
previous section, a single shock or a train ward normal. [From Ochs,112 with permission.]
of supramaximal shocks given as a condi-
tioning stimulus tests refractoriness and
superexcitability that follow the passage of metabolic or toxic neuropathy, than focal
an action potential (Fig. 8-7). In contrast, abnormalities, as in demyelinating neu-
a brief or prolonged subthreshold current ropathies. Although these methods provide
assesses subliminal excitability changes, important insights into the physiology and
which latent addition and threshold elec- pathophysiology of neuronal properties,
trotonus measures. The threshold mea- their clinical utility awaits confirmation.
surements all test the membrane proper-
ties of the nerve at a point of stimulation,
thus complementing the conventional Threshold Measurement of
studies that measure the conduction char- Strength-Duration Time Constant
acteristics of the axon along its length. The
technique, therefore, is better suited for In the simplest type of threshold tracking,
studying diffuse axonal properties, as in only test stimuli delivered alone determine
226 Nerve Conduction Studies

tracking tests this relationship in human

peripheral nerve.108 The old term, chron-
axie, corresponds to the strength-duration
time constant defined from the thresholds
for just two pulses of different duration.108
The sensory fibers with more prominent,
persistent sodium conductance27 have
longer strength-duration time constants
than the motor fibers.108,115 Abnormalities
may result from changes in resting mem-
brane potential, sodium conductance, or
myelination. An increase by depolarization
and a decrease by hyperpolarization24,27
will reflect the +voltage-dependent behavior
of sodium (Na ) conductance.
For example, patients with acquired
neuromyotonia, a condition of peripheral
nerve hyperexcitabiliry, have an increased
strength-duration time constant of motor
but not sensory axons.101 This finding
suggests relative axonal depolarization,
greater persistent sodium conductance or
enlarged nodal area as a result of paran-
odal demyelination.
When the nodes under the stimulating
electrode have a very high value in thresh-
old, inadvertent excitation of the intact
nodes further away may show a normal
value in strength-duration time constant.
For example, studies may remain normal
in carpal tunnel syndrome, despite abnor-
mally high rheobase.109 This limitation ap-
Figure 8-7. Nerve excitability changes following ac- plies to all threshold-tracking techniques,
tion potential. [From Ochs,112 with permission.]
making them unsuitable for studying fo-
cal neuropathies, especially if a pathologic
segment shows hypoexcitabiliry instead of
the nerve excitability change brought hyperexcitability.
about by ischemia, hyperventilation, anes-
thetic agents, or other drugs.59,146 Base-
line studies consist of the application of a Latent Addition
series of stimuli, stepped up and down, at and Accommodation
regular intervals to determine the inten-
sity required to activate a standard frac- Very brief subthreshold conditioning
tion (e.g., 40 percent of the maximum pulses produce a membrane potential
muscle response). A repeated procedure called local response, which is confined to
then evaluates the new threshold com- the node of Ranvier and shows a decay
pared to the control value after altering regulated by the membrane time con-
the environment. The changes detected by stant. It simply adds to the changes in-
these means, if expressed in percentages, duced by a subsequent test stimulus if
apply equally to both single-fiber and given within a certain time, as implied by
multi-fiber preparations. the term latent addition.141 In contrast,
As shown in the strength-duration curve, currents longer than a few milliseconds
increased duration reduces the current affect not only the nodes but also the
strength needed to excite the same fraction myelin sheath, altering the potential dif-
of a compound action potential. Threshold ference across the internodal axon mem-
Other Techniques to Assess Nerve Function 227

Figure 8-8. A. Latent addition

for the motor axons of a hu-
man ulnar nerve, plotting per-
centage threshold changes (or-
dinate) against time delay
(abscissa). From top to bottom,
the traces show time course of
recovery after three sets each
of hyperpolarizing and depo-
larizing conditioning stimuli of
60 us duration. The intensities
used equal -90, -60, and -30
percent (top half) and 30, 60,
and 90 percent (bottom half] of
the control stimulus estab-
lished by threshold tracking to
maintain a 30 percent ampli-
tude of maximal hypothenar
compound muscle action po-
tential. Changing membrane
excitability measured by test
stimuli of 60 us duration de-
livered every 20 us indicated a
slower recovery of excitability
following depolarizing (lower
half) than hyperpolarizing (up-
per half) conditioning pulses.
[Courtesy of Shouchan Lin,
M.D., Department of Neurology,
Cheng-Kung University Hospi-
tal, Tainan, Taiwan.] B. Latent
addition for the sensory axons
of a human ulnar nerve, using
the same arrangements as for
the motor axons in A, except
for the use of the target thresh-
old to maintain 30 percent am-
plitude of maximal fifth digit
compound sensory potential.
Compared with motor fibers,
sensory fibers show a slower
time course of recovery after a
hyperpolarizing conditioning
stimulus (top half) and, to a
lesser extent, a depolarizing
conditioning stimulus (bot-
tom half). [Courtesy of
Shouchan Lin, M.D., Depart-
ment of Neurology, Cheng-Kun
University Hospital, Tainan,

brane. Activation of a variety of nodal and creases its threshold) because it brings
internodal ion channels regulates this the membrane potential that much closer
type of change of membrane potential, to the critical level of activation. In other
termed electrotonus. The threshold also words, a second stimulus generates an ac-
changes in association with electrotonus, tion potential more easily if applied to an
as implied by the term threshold electro- already depolarized membrane. Brief hy-
tonus.8,19,21 perpolarizing currents show the opposite
A brief subthreshold depolarizing cur- effect on membrane excitability, elevating
rent increases nerve excitability (or de- its threshold to the test stimulus (Fig.
228 Nerve Conduction Studies

8-8). One study of latent addition esti- to Kf1 currents via I channels. Sub-
mated the sensory fibers to have about threshold electrotonus probably does not
three times larger average time constants involve Kf2 currents related to F channels,
of a local response than motor fibers with which respond to a greater depolarization
depolarizing conditioning stimuli.116 This compared to I channels. Subthreshold hy-
difference dropped to about one and a half perpolarization activates inward rectifica-
with116hyperpolarizing 27conditioning stim- tion, gIR. The contributions of gKs, gKf,
uli. Another study, using automatic and gIR were inferred from the effects of
threshold tracking, found a slower recov- the channel blockers tetraethyl ammo-
ery from hyperpolarizing pulses than from nium (TEA), 4-amino pyridine (4-AP), and
depolarizing pulses in sensory fibers, al- Cs+, respectively.8
though both motor and sensory fibers had
a similar membrane time constant of about
45 us. These findings suggest greater rest- Electrotonus and
ing activation or persistent sodium con- Threshold Electrotonus
ductance in the sensory fibers, which
adds a slow component to the recovery of A study of threshold electrotonus deter-
threshold from hyperpolarizing pulses and mines the time course of membrane ex-
increases the strength-duration time con- citability change induced by a rectangu-
stant.27,37 Latent addition allows in vivo lar subthreshold current pulse based on
study of persistent sodium conductance, the intensity of the test shock necessary
which may explain the mechanism un- to evoke a26defined fraction of the maximal
derlying some forms of axonal hyperex- response. Multiunit recording enables
citability. direct comparisons between the changes
A prolonged subthreshold current may in threshold determined by this method
not increase the excitability as much as and the changes in membrane potential7
expected because the voltage-dependent measured by extracellular recordings.
channels tend to oppose depolarization in According to these studies, the change in
the process known as accommodation. threshold normally follows the electro-
Similarly, opposing actions of voltage- tonic changes in membrane potential
dependent ion channels tend to modify caused by the subthreshold polarizing
the effect induced by hyperpolarizing cur- currents.21 The channel blockers seem to
rent. Testing the change of membrane ex- affect these two measures in the same
citability in this context, therefore, can un- way, confirming the close causal corre-
cover function and dysfunction of the ion spondence between electrotonic and
channels regarding their rectifying proper- threshold changes.21
ties. In particular, this method holds The threshold measurements usually
promise in assessing the role of potassium parallel electrotonic potentials; thus, the
channels, which probably play a key role term threshold electrotonus8 defines the
in the accommodative process under ordi- threshold changes corresponding to elec-
nary circumstances.7,21,22,23,100 trotonic changes. This technique, mea-
Capacitative and resistive membrane suring the threshold noninvasively, esti-
properties11 determine the internodal po- mates changes of membrane excitability
tential changes in the axons induced ei- after subthreshold polarization. Thresh-
ther by a nerve impulse or by externally old electrotonus, like electrotonus, can be
applied currents.18,95 Various rectifying used to study the effect of depolarizing as
channels in the nodal and internodal axon well as hyperpolarizing current pulses. A
membranes alter electrotonic potentials family of accommodation curves thus gen-
recorded from the axon. A slow and fast erated will provide information about the
potassium conductance, gKs and gKf, ac- subthreshold electrical properties of the
tivated by prolonged subthreshold depo- axon or the nerve. The slow changes in
larization, relates to the currents induced threshold in response to depolarizing cur-
by the specific channel types identified in rents occur mainly in the direction of ac-
voltage-clamp and patch-clamp studies; commodation, or less excitability than ex-
gKs to Ks currents via S channels, and gKf pected. Hyperpolarizing currents induce
Other Techniques to Assess Nerve Function 229

the response mainly in the opposite di- Under computer control, 1 ms test
rection or less suppression than expected, pulses, delivered alone at 1Hz, determine
as implied by the term negative accom- the "threshold" current that is just suffi-
modation.7,21 cient to maintain a constant response in
A normally very close relationship be- amplitude of a predetermined size. The
tween membrane potential and threshold, value usually chosen equals 40 percent of
and therefore between electrotonus and the maximal response established by a
threshold electrotonus, breaks down in a supramaximal shock prior to the study.
few situations, where a fast component of Depolarizing and hyperpolarizing condi-
accommodation not reflected in the mem- tioning current pulses of 100 ms duration
brane potential causes threshold electro- usually have ± 20 percent and ± 40 per-
tonus to deviate from electrotonus. Such cent of "threshold" current. The procedure
separations occur with DC depolarizing consists of alternating test pulses on their
currents, raised extracellular potassium own and test pulses superimposed on 100
concentrations, or ischemia. Inactivation ms depolarizing and hyperpolarizing con-
of closed (unactivated) sodium channels ditioning pulses. The interval between the
probably underlies the most important ac- start of the test and conditioning shocks
commodative process that manifests with- is slowly advanced from +2 to -98 ms
out altering the membrane potential per over a period of 10 minutes. The increase
se, as has been shown in isolated toad in excitability produced by a depolarizing
fibers.143 Mammalian fibers rapidly ac- current, expressed upward as percentage
commodate only when they are depolar- reductions in threshold, cannot exceed
ized by 15-20 mV.26 The insensitivity to the line at the top for 100 percent thresh-
potassium channel blockers of this fast old reduction (Fig. 8-9).
accommodation supports the hypothesis The start of the current pulse immedi-
that sodium channel inactivation plays a ately depolarizes the node, resulting in a
role.7 step increase in excitability. Subsequent
depolarization of the node, as well as of
the internodal part of the axon, causes a
Techniques to Measure further increase in excitability, but more
Threshold Electrotonus slowly, for about 20 ms. Accommodation
follows,19 with a partial repolarization of
Threshold electrotonus21 tests the effect the nodal membrane, caused mainly by
of standardized subthreshold depolarizing the activation of slow potassium chan-
or hyperpolarizing currents on "thresh- nels21 present in the nodal and internodal
old," defined as the current required to axon membrane.8 Hyperpolarization gives
just excite a standard, submaximal re- rise to only two phases of response, the
sponse. Subthreshold depolarizing cur- fast component with changes in the nodal
rents lasting 100 ms adequately activate potential and prominent slow changes af-
the slow potassium channels responsible fecting both the node and the internode
for Ks currents inducing accommodation. together. Longer and stronger hyperpo-
Hyperpolarizing current pulses, usually larizing currents lead to a late depolar-
300 ms in duration, activate IH, an in- ization or negative accommodation by in-
wardly rectifying current causing negative ward rectification,21 a phenomenon more
accommodation. A test shock applied to prominent in the sensory than the motor
measure thresholds ordinarily has a 1 ms fibers.25
duration; that value is chosen to be long A computer model of a node and an in-
compared with the time constant of the ternode gives a reasonable account of the
nodes of Ranvier but short compared with time course of threshold electronus, tak-
the time constants of the internodal axon ing into consideration one type of sodium
and slowly activating ion channels. Nor- channel and three types of potassium
malizing both the polarizing currents and channels.26 For example, increased acti-
threshold measurements as percentages vation of potassium channels would de-
of the unconditioned threshold current crease the axonal membrane resistance,
minimizes the effect of tissue impedance. resulting in "fanning-in" or flattening of
230 Nerve Conduction Studies

Figure 8-9. Membrane poten-

tial and threshold electrotonus
showing increased excitability
followed by accommodation to
depolarizing subthreshold cur-
rents (top half) and decreased
excitability followed by negative
accommodation to hyperpolariz-
ing currents (bottom half). Prior
membrane depolarization or hy-
perpolarization shifted the re-
sponse curves toward the base-
line (fanning-in) or away from
the baseline 79(fanning-out).
[From Kaji et al, with permis-

the excitability curve. The opposite ab- chemic ectopic discharges23 and mecha-
normalities would result in 'fanning out' nisms underlying the difference in inward
of the threshold electrotonus. rectification 25between motor and sensory
nerve fibers. The model must be modified
in reproducing abnormal features when
Applications of Threshold threshold electrotonus deviates from elec-
Measurements trotonus in such28conditions as amyotrophic
lateral7 sclerosis or prolonged depolarized
The two threshold-tracking techniques, state.
latent addition and threshold electro- Motor and sensory axons show very
tonus, test human nerve excitability in similar depolarizing responses but differ-
vivo, providing better understanding of ent hyperpolarizing responses. Hyperpo-
any channel abnormalities. According to larization deactivates potassium channels
the 27experimental data on latent addi- in the internodal axon and later activates
tion, the axonal responses to brief cur- the axonal inward rectifier, IH, an excita-
rent pulses depend for the mostpart on a tory channel with permeability to sodium
small, persistent sodium conductance. as well as potassium ions. A difference in
Thus, any models of human nerve ex- expression of the inward rectifier helps to
citability should incorporate persistent as explain the characteristic behaviors of the
well as transient nodal sodium channels, motor and sensory axons on release of ex-
in addition to fast and slow potassium perimentally induced ischemia25,36 and
channels and inward rectification, as de- on the cessation of prolonged tetaniza-
scribed above. tion.81,83
The classical theory based on nodal cur- Applying a pneumatic tourniquet to a
rents suffices to analyze the normal wave- limb induces substantial ischemia, which
form of an action potential. Modern inhibits the +electrogenic sodium (Na+)-
approaches emphasize internodal mecha- potassium (K ) pump, causing membrane
nisms to account for pathologic nerve ac- depolarization. The extracellular accumu-
tivity, as seen in11 Barrett and Barrett's lation of potassium 12ions also reduces
equivalent circuit derived from the elec- membrane potential. On release of the
trical interaction between nodes and in- cuff, hyperactivity of the electrogenic
ternodes.122 This model can explain many sodium pump rapidly hyperpolarizes the
conditions in which threshold electrotonus axons. In tests of these changes, thresh-
closely parallels electrotonus:23,25,134,135 old tracking of a constant fraction of the
for example, pathophysiology of postis- compound muscle action potential shows
Other Techniques to Assess Nerve Function 231

results similar to those12,22,59

obtained from normal range, but the average showed
tracking of a single fiber. Ischemia, significant fanning-out, resembling the ef-
like depolarization, causes a fanning-in of fects of hyperpolarization. The results of
the threshold electrotonus, reflecting in- these studies suggest deactivation of
creased activation of fast and slow potas- potassium channels and, consequently,
sium channels. The pattern reverses after reduced potassium conductances. Later
release of ischemia, showing a fanning- series had more equivocal results, with
out, mimicking the trend seen during hy- the mean responses not significantly dif-
perpolarization. These findings indicate ferent from those of the controls, although
that the ischemic fall in threshold pri- the depolarizing responses showed dis-
marily reflects depolarization; the postis- tinctive changes in some patients. When
chemic rise, hyperpolarization. This close divided into subgroups, the "definite
relationship breaks down, however, if the amyo-trophic lateral sclerosis" and "pro-
axons become so depolarized that sodium gressive muscular atrophy" groups—not
channel inactivation becomes a major de- the "bulbar" and "primary lateral sclero-
terminant of excitability.7 This occurs dur- sis" groups—exhibited these abnormali-
ing prolonged ischemia, and in a few pa- ties. Threshold electrotonus cannot test
tients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. the abnormal membrane properties re-
During ischemia, motor latency in- lated to fasciculations20,79 if the change
creases despite depolarization, reflecting primarily involves the motor nerve termi-
inactivation of sodium channels.109 nals.93 In addition to motor fibers, cuta-
Postischemia, latency stays prolonged, re- neous sensory axons may show excitabil-
flecting the hyperpolarization of axons ity change in patients with amyotrophic
with a threshold increase exceeding 200 lateral sclerosis.39
percent. Studies of sensory25,106 fibers have In one study of diabetic polyneuropathy
shown similar observations. Thresh- in which the motor and sensory axons
old tracking studies have also elucidated were tested at the wrist, only a minority
the mechanism of postischemic ectopic of responses lay outside the normal
discharges in motor axonsm22,23 as well range.72 The group means, however,
as postischemic paresthesias originating showed a highly significant difference
from cutaneous afferents.25 Patients with when compared to those of normal con-
diabetic 136
neuropathy show resistance to is- trol subjects or patients with amyotrophic
chemia, as indicated by a deviation of lateral sclerosis. The abnormalities, seen
threshold changes from the normal pat- only in response to hyperpolarization, im-
tern 146
within 5 minutes of arterial occlu- plied a deficit in inward rectification in-
sion and an even greater dissociation volving both motor and sensory nerves.118
during postischemic hyperpolarization.136 The inward rectification depends on the
A similar study in patients with amy- level of intracellular cyclic adenosine
otrophic lateral sclerosis, however, failed monophosphate,1,76 a substance77report-
to confirm110previous reports of ischemic re- edly lacking in diabetic nerves. Inter-
sistance. estingly, threshold electrotonus applied to
biopsied human sural nerve in vitro has
shown the most prominent inward recti-
Clinical Assessments fication in C fibers,65 often most severely
affected in diabetic neuropathy. This
The first clinical studies of amyotrophic method has also demonstrated the rever-
lateral sclerosis showed two kinds of find- sal of the pathologic resistance to is-
ings during depolarization:28,88 type 1, ab- chemia after therapy in patients with di-
normally reduced threshold or loss of abetes.120
physiologic accommodation, probably re- Threshold electrotonus showed a
flecting an imbalance between sodium marked symmetrical fanning-in of the
and potassium currents, and type 2, responses66,124 in rapidly developing, pre-
sharply increased threshold, indicating dominantly large-fiber sensory neuro-
sodium channel inactivation. In another pathy induced by combination42chemo-
series72 many responses fell within the therapy of Taxol and cisplatin. These
232 Nerve Conduction Studies

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Part III
Assessment of
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Chapter 9

End Plate
Synaptic Vesicles
Acetylcholine Receptors
Miniature End-Plate Potential
Events Related to Nerve Action Potential
End-Plate Potential
Generation of Muscle Action Potential
Transverse and Longitudinal Tubules and Triad
Role of Calcium Ions
Postsynaptic Defect in Myasthenia Gravis
Experimental Models in Animals
Presynaptic Defect in Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome
Heterogeneous Pathophysiology of Congenital Myasthenic
Effect of Toxins and Chemicals
Enhanced Excitability Causing Repetitive Discharges
Effects of Paired or Repetitive Stimulation
Neuromuscular Depression and Facilitation
Normal Recovery Cycle
Effects of Disease States
Posttetanic Potentiation and Exhaustion

1 INTRODUCTION plate. Its chemical mode of transmission

has properties that are fundamentally dif-
ferent from the electrical propagation of
The neuromuscular junction is a synap- impulses along the nerve and muscle.
tic structure consisting of the motor nerve For example, the release of acetylcholine
terminal, junctional cleft, and muscle end (ACh) ensures unidirectional conduction
240 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

from the axon terminal to the muscle end 2 ANATOMY OF THE

plate. The same principle applies to NEUROMUSCULAR
synaptic transmission in a sequence of JUNCTION
neurons. In contrast, the nerve axons con-
duct an impulse bidirectionally from the
point of stimulus unless the impulse orig- End Plate
inates at the cell body or axon terminal,
as expected for any physiologic activation. Nerve and muscle become dependent on
The muscle fibers also show bidirectional each other during the course of embryo-
propagation of impulses initiated at the genesis. The formation of the neuromus-
motor point. Other characteristics com- cular junction follows differentiation of
mon to the nerve synapse and neuro- presynaptic nerve terminals, innervation
muscular junction include synaptic delay of postsynaptic components, and elimina-
of a fraction of a millisecond and the non- tion of the remaining multiple axons.112
propagating nature of end-plate potentials The name motor end plate originally im-
(EPPs). These local potentials cause no plied the specialized efferent endings that
refractoriness, unlike the all-or-none re- terminate on a striated muscle as a whole.
sponse of the nerve or muscle action po- Most authors, however, now use the term
tential. The graded responses summate to describe the postsynaptic membrane of
temporally as well as spatially after sub- the muscle alone. Each muscle fiber usu-
liminal stimuli, thereby providing greater ally has only one end plate, and each
flexibility and adaptability. As in a branch of a motor axon innervates one
synapse, the mobilization store must con- end plate. The motor nerve fiber loses the
tinuously replenish the liberated trans- myelin sheath at the nerve terminals. Dis-
mitters. Otherwise, the neuromuscular tal to the myelin sheath, therefore, only
junction would fail, with depletion of im- the Schwann cells separate the nerve ter-
mediately available molecules. minals from the surrounding tissue.
This section provides a simplified Thus, the neuromuscular junction con-
overview of the complex physiology in sists of the motor nerve ending, Schwann
preparation for a subsequent more de- cell, and muscle end plate (Fig. 9-1). At
tailed clinical discussion (see Chapter 27). the junctional region the nerve ending
The presynaptic ending contains many also loses the Schwann cells, forming a
minute vesicles, each with up to 10,000 flattened plate lying within a surface de-
ACh molecules. At rest, these vesicles ran- pression of the end plate. This indenta-
domly migrate into the junctional cleft. At tion of the muscle fiber, called a synaptic
the muscle end plate, they produce small gutter or a primary synoptic cleft, mea-
depolarizations of the postsynaptic mem- sures about 200-500 A deep. The thick-
brane. These miniature EPPs (MEPPs) do ened postsynaptic membrane in this
not attain the critical level for generation region has narrow infoldings called junc-
of a muscle action potential. Depolariza- tional folds or secondary clefts. A large
tion of the presynaptic ending at the axon number of mitochondria, nuclei, and
terminal triggers an influx of calcium small granules accumulate close to the
(Ca2+), initiating the calcium-dependent secondary clefts. Many mitochondria and
release of immediately available vesicles synaptic vesicles also lie in the axon ter-
into the junctional cleft. The greatly en- minals, just proximal to the presynaptic
hanced and synchronized ACh activity membrane.
gives rise to a nonpropagated EPP from Electron-microscopic studies have de-
summation of multiple MEPPs. When the lineated the ultrastructural features of the
EPP exceeds the excitability threshold of end plates in human external intercostal
the muscle cell, opening of the voltage- muscles.45 The presynaptic nerve termi-
dependent sodium (Na+) channels leads nal contains clear, round synaptic vesi-
to the generation of an action potential. cles, lying mostly clustered in the regions
Propagation of the muscle potential acti- called active zones, where acetylcholine
vates the contractile elements through ex- (ACh) release into the synaptic cleft takes
citation-contraction coupling. place. On average, a nerve terminal that
Anatomy and Physiology of the Neuromuscular Junction 241

Figure 9-1. Motor end plate as seen in histologic sections in the long axis of the muscle fiber (A) and in
surface view (B) under the light microscope, and a section through the motor end plate (area in the rectan-
gle in A) under the electron microscope (C). The myelin sheath ends at the junction at which the axon ter-
minal fits into the synaptic cleft. The Schwann (teloglial) cells cover the remaining portion without extend-
ing into the primary cleft. The plasma membrane of axon (axolemma) forms the presynaptic membrane and
that of muscle fiber (sarcolemma), the postsynaptic membrane of the end plate. Interdigitation of the sar-
colemma gives rise to the subneural or secondary clefts. The axon terminal contains synaptic vesicles and
mitochondria. [From Bloom and Fawcett,15 with permission.]

occupies an area close to 4 um2 contains nal, though normal in area, contains an
approximately 50 synaptic vesicles per elongated and sometimes markedly hy-
square micrometer. The synaptic basal pertrophic postsynaptic membrane. Nei-
lamina interposed between the nerve ter- ther disease is characterized by significant
minal and the muscle cell has a special alteration in the mean synaptic vesicle di-
composition containing, among other mol- ameter or the mean synaptic vesicle count
ecules, acetylcholinesterase.91 The post- per unit nerve terminal area. Clinically
synaptic membrane, 10 times longer than unaffected limb muscles may show the ul-
the presynaptic membrane, forms elabo- trastructural changes of the motor end
rate imaginations known as junctional plate in117patients with ocular myasthenia
folds, containing a concentration of ACh gravis.
receptors.109 The postsynaptic folds cover
an area about two and a half times that
of the terminal itself. Diseases of neuro- Synaptic Vesicles
muscular transmission alter the end-plate
profile (Fig. 9-2). In myasthenia gravis, Minute intracellular structures, 300-500 A
the terminal occupies less area, and post- in diameter, encapsulate ACh molecules
synaptic folds appear simplified. In con- inside the presynaptic axoplasm. In addi-
trast, in the myasthenic30,78syndrome or tion to the synaptic vesicles, the nerve end-
Lambert-Eaton syndrome the termi- ings contain high concentrations of choline
242 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

Figure 9-2. Schematic repre-

sentation of the motor end-
plates in control, myasthenia
gravis, and myasthenic syn-
drome drawn to the scale of
the mean figure. The diagram
shows an oversimplification of
the postsynaptic membrane in
myasthenia gravis and marked
hypertrophy in myasthenic
syndrome. [From Engel and
Santa,44 with permission.]

acetyltransferase, which synthesizes ACh, the y to the e subunit results in change of

and acetylcholinesterase, which hydro- channel open time, and consequently, con-
lyzes ACh. The proximal portions of neu- ductance. Studies of the kinetic properties
rons also possess the neurotransmitter of the normal ACh receptor94 help eluci-
and the two enzymes, although to a much date pathologic alterations seen in47 some
lesser extent. This finding suggests that congenital myasthenic syndromes.
enzymatic synthesis takes place in the cell
body 86before transport to the nerve termi-
nals. Each vesicle contains 5000- 3 ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY
10,000 molecules of ACh or a quantum.64 AT THE END PLATE
Some quanta (about 1000) located adja-
cent to the cell membrane are immediately
available for release; many more (10,000), Miniature End-Plate Potential
contained in the mobilization store, move
toward the membrane to continuously re- Many resting muscle fibers show a spon-
place liberated ACh. The remaining and taneous subliminal electrical activity,
largest portion of quanta (300,000) forms miniature end-plate potential (MEPP). It
the main store as a reserve supply for the represents a small depolarization of the
mobilization store. postsynaptic membrane induced by sus-
tained but random release of a single
quantum of acetylcholine (ACh) from the
Acetylcholine Receptors nerve terminal.49 An ordinary needle elec-
trode placed near the end plate of the
The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, a muscle fibers can record the MEPP (see
transmembrane glycoprotein, comprises Chapter 13-4). A microelectrode inserted
five subunits, a x 2, b, y, and 5 in the fe- directly into the end-plate region achieves
tus and a x 2, b, e, and d in the adult, form- a higher resolution for quantitative analy-
ing an ion channel. Binding of two ACh sis. Each ACh quantum liberated from the
molecules to two specific sites of a sub- nerve terminal contains a nearly equal
units opens the ACh channel, allowing number of ACh molecules, irrespective of
cations to flow through the postsynaptic external factors such as temperature or
membrane, with the net result of depolar- ionic concentration. In contrast, the fre-
ization.88 Patch-clamp studies have shown quency of the MEPP varies over a wide
bursts of ACh channel activation alternat- range. It increases with elevated temper-
ing open intervals and brief closures.20 atures and upon depolarization of the mo-
Synaptic maturation with switching from tor nerve terminals. It decreases with de-
Anatomy and Physiology of the Neuromuscular Junction 243

ficiency of calcium (Ca2+), the ion known As mentioned earlier, spontaneous re-
to enhance quantal release by increasing lease of a single quantum of ACh induces
fusion of the ACh vesicles with the mem- a MEPP that falls far below the critical
brane of the nerve terminal. level necessary for generation of a muscle
The factors that dictate the amplitude action potential. With the arrival of a
of the MEPP or quantum size include the nerve impulse, depolarization of the mo-
number of ACh molecules in a vesicle, dif- tor nerve ending initiates an influx of cal-
fusion properties of the liberated mole- cium into the motor axons. The increased
cules, structural characteristics of the end amount of calcium accelerates fusion of
plate, and sensitivity of the ACh receptors. the vesicle membrane with the nerve ter-
In normal human intercostal muscles, an minal membrane, thereby producing a
MEPP recurs roughly every 5 seconds, large increase in the rate of quantal re-
measuring approximately 1 mV in ampli- lease. Massive synchronized release of
tude when recorded intracellularly.32 ACh triggered by the arrival of a nerve ac-
Hence, the MEPP falls far short of the ex- tion potential results in summation of
citability threshold of the muscle fiber, av- many MEPPs, giving rise to a localized
eraging about 2-4 percent of the normal EPP. Thus, the number of immediately
end-plate potential (EPP) generated by a available ACh quanta and the voltage-de-
volley of nerve impulses. A small dose of pendent concentration of calcium within
curare greatly reduces the amplitude of the axon terminal, together, determine the
the MEPP, whereas an equivalent dose size of the EPP. The number of quanta
of neostigmine (Prostigmin) increases it.73 emitted per nerve impulse, or quantum
The MEPP ceases after denervation or content, averages 25-50, based on the
nerve anesthesia. In myasthenia gravis, amplitude ratio, EPP/MEPP.
receptor insensitivity results in reduced
amplitude of the MEPP, despite normal
discharge frequency. Conversely, defective End-Plate Potential
release of ACh reduces the rate of firing in
the myasthenic syndrome and in botulism, Like MEPPs, EPPs result from depolariza-
although the MEPP remains normal in am- tion of the motor end plate by ACh. The
plitude (see Chapter 27-2 and 3). opening of ACh receptors by the synaptic
transmitter increases the conductance of
various diffusible ions, principally those of
Events Related to Nerve sodium and potassium. Therefore, these
Action Potential ions move freely down their electrochemi-
cal gradients, resulting in depolarization of
In the resting state, the interior of the the motor end plate. The rise time, ampli-
muscle fibers is negative relative to the ex- tude, and duration characterize this non-
terior by about 90 mV. This transmem- propagated local response, which declines
brane potential primarily results from an rapidly with distance from the end plate. It
unequal distribution of inorganic ions normally begins about 0.5 ms after the re-
across the membrane, with +a high con- lease of ACh, reaches its peak in about 0.8
centration of potassium (K ) intracellu- ms, and decreases exponentially with a half
larly and of sodium (Na+) and chloride decay time of about 3.0 ms. The EPP, a
(Cl-) extracellularly (see Chapter 2-2). It graded, rather than all-or-none, response,
also depends on differential permeability increases in proportion to the number of
across the muscle membrane, with a high ACh quanta liberated from the nerve ter-
conductance for potassium and chloride minal. The sensitivity of the end plate to
and low conductance for sodium. The en- the depolarizing action of ACh also affects
ergy-dependent sodium-potassium pump the degree of depolarization. Like the exci-
compensates for a slight inward move- tatory post-synaptic potential (EPSP), two
ment of sodium and outward movement or more subthreshold EPPs generated in
of potassium at steady state to maintain near synchrony can summate to cause a
the electrochemical potential equilibrium depolarization exceeding the critical level
(see Fig. 2-1). for generation of an action potential.
244 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

4 EXCITATION-CONTRACTION electrical and mechanical activity.77,102

COUPLING Electrical activity of a muscle fiber con-
sists of two temporally separate compo-
nents attributable to different structures
Generation of Muscle within the fiber.22 The first portion origi-
Action Potential nates at the motor end plate and spreads
along the outer surface of the muscle fiber.
An end-plate potential (EPP) exceeding the The second part occurs within a complex
threshold or the critical level of depo- tubular system that surrounds and inter-
larization to open the sodium channel penetrates the muscle fiber. This network,
generates an all-or-none muscle action called the transverse tubules because of its
potential. A molecular change of the de- orientation relative to the axis of the mus-
polarized membrane results in selective cle fiber, lies at the junctions of the A and
increase of sodium conductance, followed I bands in humans (see Fig. 12-1). These
by an increase in potassium conductance. tridimensional tubules, though struc-
As long as depolarization reaches the crit- turally internal to the cell, contain extra-
ical value, this phenomenon, inherent in cellular fluid. Consequently, the inside of
the muscle membrane, occurs irrespective the tubule is electropositive relative to the
of the nature of the stimulus. In contrast outside, surrounded by intracellular fluid.
to the all-or-none characteristic of the am- Muscle action potentials propagate along
plitude dictated by sodium channel ki- the tubules into the depth of the muscle.
netics, the latency of the action potential A second tubular system, called the lon-
changes depending on the speed of initial gitudinal tubule or sarcoplasmic reticulum,
depolarization. This variability forms the surrounds the myofibrils of a muscle fiber
source of jitter in single-fiber studies (see (Fig. 9-3). These tubules have a longitudi-
Chapter 16-5), which serves as a sensi- nal orientation with respect to the myofib-
tive measure of subtle alteration of end rillar axis and, unlike transverse tubules,
plate. For example, even healthy muscle form a closed system devoid of continuity
shows reversible changes of neuromus- with either extracellular fluids or sar-
cular transmission after a period of dis- coplasm. They appear as fenestrated sacs
use.56 Once generated at the end plate, surrounding the myofibrils. The longitudi-
the action potential propagates bidirec- nal tubules expand to form bulbous ter-
tionally to the remaining parts of the fiber. minal cisterns on both sides of the trans-
The impulse conducts only in the range verse tubules, where they come into close
of 3-5 m/s along the muscle membrane, contact. The two terminal cisterns and one
compared with 60 m/s over the nerve (see interposed transverse tubule form a triad
Chapter 12-2). A neuromuscular block re- in longitudinal sections of the muscle.
sults when the EPP fails to reach the crit-
ical level. A subliminal EPP may imply in-
sufficient liberation of acetylcholine from Role of Calcium Ions
the axon terminal or reduced sensitivity
of the muscle end plate. In contrast to the Propagated action potentials invade the
all-or-none generation of a muscle action muscle fibers along the transverse tubules
potential in each muscle fiber, the com- to come into contact with the terminal cis-
pound muscle action potential shows a terns of the longitudinal tubules at the
graded response in proportion to the num- triad. This coupling to the sarcoplasmic
ber of activated muscle fibers. reticulum gives rise to a small electrical
potential referred 19
to as intramembranous
charge movement The action potential
Transverse and Longitudinal crossing the terminal cistern initiates the
Tubules and Triad release of calcium (Ca2+) from the longi-
tudinal tubules into the sarcoplasm that
The spread of action potential from the surrounds the myofilaments. The pres-
motor end plate to the transverse tubules ence of calcium there triggers a chemical
initiates muscle contraction. This process, interaction that leads to the formation of
called excitation-contraction coupling, links bridges between thin and thick filaments.
Anatomy and Physiology of the Neuromuscular Junction 245

Figure 9-3. Anatomic relation-

ship between the perpendicu-
larly oriented longitudinal and
transverse tubules. Propagating
muscle action potentials initiate
electromechanical coupling at
the triad of the reticulum, which
consists of two terminal cisterns
of the longitudinal tubules and
one transverse tubule between
them. [From Bloom and Faw-
cett,15 with permission.]

Sliding of thin filaments against thick fil- costal muscles have revealed reduced am-
aments results in contraction of the my- plitude of miniature end-plate potential
ofibril (see Chapter 12-2). At the end of (MEPP) or small quantum size but normal
the muscle action potential, rapid rese- or nearly normal discharge frequency.32
questering of calcium into the longitudi- Consequently, the end-plate potential
nal tubules lowers its concentration in (EPP) elicited by a nerve impulse also
the sarcoplasm. The myoflbers relax as shows a reduced amplitude, despite a nor-
adenosine triphosphate breaks the exist- mal number of acetylcholine (ACh) quanta
ing bridges between filaments. liberated by a single volley or normal EPP
quantum content. On repetitive stimula-
tion, the number of quanta released falls
5 ABNORMALITIES OF gradually, as it does in normal muscle,
causing a further decrease in the ampli-
TRANSMISSION tude of the initially small EPP. With suc-
cessive stimuli, the EPP becomes insuffi-
cient to bring the membrane potential to
Postsynaptic Defect in the critical level in a progressively greater
Myasthenia Gravis number of fibers, thus causing reduction
in amplitude of compound muscle action
In myasthenia gravis (see Chapter 27-2) potential. Neuromuscular transmission
intracellular recordings from the inter- fails first in small motor units, perhaps
246 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

because they have a lower margin of safety normality in myasthenia gravis. Partial
than the large motor units.69,70 blocking of the ACh receptors with curare
Reduction in amplitude of MEPP sug- produces a similar physiologic defect.
gests (1) decreased numbers of ACh mol- Studies using plasma exchange have re-
ecules per quantum, (2) diffusional loss of vealed an inverse relationship between
ACh within the synaptic cleft, or (3) re- clinical muscle strength and antibody
duced sensitivity of the ACh receptor. In titers. This finding supports the view that
early studies, postsynaptic sensitivity to the auto antibody against nicotinic acetyl-
carbachol and decamethonium added to choline receptor plays the most important
the bath solution appeared to be nor- role in impairing neuromuscular trans-
mal.33 A presynaptic abnormality pro- mission in myasthenia gravis and ex-
posed on the basis of this finding, how- perimental autoimmune myasthenia
ever, has subsequently received neither gravis.4,28,55,96,97,126 Cytokines produced
morphologic nor electrophysiologic confir- by CD4+ and CD8+ T helper cells medi-
mation. Indeed, micro-iontophoretic ap- ate the production of anti-ACh receptor
plication of ACh at the end-plate region antibodies,125 sometimes induced by an
has since disclosed impaired postsynap- external stimulus.7 ACh receptor sub-
tic sensitivity to ACh.1 The observed elec- units found in the thymus alone, however,
trophysiologic changes may also imply do not produce myasthenia gravis.71
diffusional ACh loss resulting from alter- Antibodies mediate obstruction of the
ations in postsynaptic membrane struc- ACh receptor, presumably by binding with
ture. complement to the receptor zone of the
Ultrastructural histometric studies in postsynaptic membrane.40 Intercostal
myasthenic intercostal muscles have muscle biopsies show reduced numbers
shown a distinct end-plate profile, indi- of ACh receptors and binding of antibod-
cating postsynaptic membrane abnormal- ies to many of the remaining receptors in
ities.45 Another experiment has revealed patients with myasthenia gravis.84 Pa-
three types of neuromuscular junctions in tients with thymoma often have striational
the surface fibers of internal and external antibodies in addition to 67 anti-acetyl-
intercostal muscles of myasthenics.1 One choline receptor antibodies. This may
group with mild morphologic alterations interfere with calcium (Ca2+) release from
had EPPs of sufficiently large amplitude the sarcoplasmic reticulum, resulting in a
to trigger an action potential. A second defect of excitation-contraction coupling
group with a grossly altered postjunc- and contractility reported in myasthenic
tional membrane showed marked reduc- muscle.100,101 Autoantibody also appears
tion not only in amplitude but also in fre- to mediate seronegative myasthenia
quency of the MEPP and in amplitude of gravis, a heterogeneous disorder that can
the EPP. The last group had totally de- be passively transferred to mice.17
generated endplates showing neither
MEPPs nor EPPs.
Not every myasthenic end plate shows Experimental Models in Animals
morphologic alterations, despite dimin-
ished MEPP amplitude demonstrated uni- Experimental autoimmune myasthenia
formly. Therefore, changes in end-plate gravis shares the morphologic and phys-
geometry per se may not totally explain iologic abnormalities of the disease in hu-
the physiologic defect. Myasthenic mus- mans 28,29,46,51,61,83,105,107 Studies in rats
cles have decreased functional receptor showed reduced receptor content and in-
sites detected by radioactively labeled al- creased receptor-bound antibody. Thus,
pha-bungarotoxin, a snake venom that defective neuromuscular transmission
binds to the ACh receptor.31,48,57 Further, seems to result from a reduced number of
the number of functional ACh receptors, fully active receptors.84 Typical histologic
when counted by this technique, shows and electrophysiologic myasthenic fea-
positive correlation 66with the mean ampli- tures develop in mice after passive trans-
tude of the MEPP. These findings indi- fer of human serum fractions obtained
cate the presence of an ACh receptor ab- from patients with myasthenia gravis.116
Anatomy and Physiology of the Neuromuscular Junction 247

Decamethonium causes paralysis by per- tude of the MEPPs, and consequently in

sistent depolarization of the end-plate re- quantum size, or the sensitivity of the
gion in normal muscle.93 Reduction of muscle end plate to ACh. The discharge
postsynaptic sensitivity to depolarization frequency of the MEPP, however, does not
renders myasthenic muscles resistant to increase as expected in response to depo-
this type of neuromuscular blocking. An- larization of the motor nerve terminal.78
tibodies to the ACh receptor do not impair Thus, a single nerve impulse releases a
the ionophore, an ion-conductance modu- smaller number of ACh quanta than nor-
lator protein thought to control the per- mal or decreased quantum content. The
meability change following a reaction of EPP then fails to trigger an action poten-
ACh with ACh receptor. Experimental au- tial in some muscle fibers, which leads to
toimmune myasthenia gravis improves by a reduced amplitude of the compound
administration of dantrolene sodium, muscle action potential.80
which induces accumulation 115 of free cal- The defect improves immediately with
cium in the subcellular store. various 34
maneuvers to prime the nerve ter-
Intracellular recordings from muscle minals. For example, the EPP augments
end plates of immunized rabbits show re- progressively with repetitive stimulation of
duced amplitude of MEPPs but a normal the nerve. Postexercise augmentation
number 35 of ACh quanta released per nerve lasts longer after cooling, which 2+ reduces
impulse. Rats with chronic experimen- the rate of removal of calcium (Ca ) from
tal myasthenia have reduced amplitude of the nerve terminal.87 An increase of ex-
MEPPs despite normal ACh output at rest ternal calcium or the addition of quinidine
and during stimulation.74 After passive also enhances the EPP. These findings
transfer of human myasthenia gravis to suggest a normal number of quanta avail-
rats, reduction of MEPP amplitude does able in the presynaptic store, despite a low
not develop immediately, but occurs after probability of quantum release at the
the first 24 hours, reaching minimum lev- nerve terminal. Indeed, ultrastructural
els by 6 days.63 The delayed development studies have revealed no alteration in the
of reduced MEPP amplitude suggests a mean nerve terminal area or in the synap-
more complex mechanism by IgG anti- tic vesicle count per unit.45
bodies63 than a simple block of ACh
receptors like that caused by curare. Sim-
ilarly, despite a precipitous drop of anti- Heterogeneous Pathophysiology
body titers, electrophysiologic findings of Congenital
usually improve with a delay of at least 7 Myasthenic Syndromes
days from the start of plasmapharesis in
men.18 Congenital myasthenic syndromes result
from different39 types of pre- or postsynaptic
mechanisms caused by one or more spe-
Presynaptic Defect in Lambert- cific genetic abnormalities (see Chapter
Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome 27-4).8,37,43,53,54,72,108 They comprise a
number of myasthenic disorders not asso-
In the Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syn- ciated with detectable anti-ACh receptor
drome (see Chapter 27-3), myasthenia of antibodies. These entities, presenting at
skeletal muscles and autonomic symp- birth or in early life, share many common
toms result from an autoimmune mecha- clinical features, despite distinct etiologies
nism against the voltage-gated calcium identified by physiologic, ultrastructural,
channel located in the motor nerve ter- and cytochemical studies. Typical patients
minal79,82,98,103,111 and parasympathetic have such features as deficient muscle
nerve.62,121,122 In contrast to the receptor acetylcholinesterase, decreased frequency
insensitivity of myasthenia gravis, defec- but normal amplitude of the MEPP, de-
tive release of ACh quanta 30characterizes creased number of quanta liberated per
the myasthenic syndrome. Microelec- nerve impulse, small nerve terminals, and
trode recordings from excised intercostal focal degeneration of the postsynaptic
muscles reveal no abnormality in ampli- membrane. In some types, a low number
248 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

of quanta released per EPP primarily re- lar blocking agents can also cause pro-
flects a reduced store of ACh vesicles, longed muscle weakness.6
rather than a low probability of release, as Aminoglycoside antibiotics such as
in the case of the classic myasthenic syn- neomycin and kanamycin not only inter-
drome. A congenital defect in the molecu- fere with ACh release directly3,75 but also
lar assembly of acetylcholinesterase or its inhibit the transmission by postsynaptic
attachment to the postsynaptic membrane block.24 A number of other drugs induce
also represents a basic abnormality. A fa- dysfunction of the neuromuscular junc-
milial congenital myasthenic syndrome tion.3 These include the HIV protease in-
shows deficient synthesis of ACh.60 hibitor ritonavir,104 D-penicillamine, used
The syndromes adequately characterized to treat rheumatoid arthritis27 and Wilson's
to date include acetylcholinosterase defi- disease,2 21and cocaine.9,23 In addition, (3-
ciency,36,65 defective resynthesis or vesicu- 68
blockers ' and calcium channel block-
lar packaging of ACh,38,95 ACh receptor ers113,119,123 may aggravate myasthenia
deficiency such as congenital paucity of gravis or induce a myasthenic syndrome.
secondary synaptic clefts,81,110,124 kinetic
dysfunction of ACh receptor, such as slow
channel syndrome,52,99 high-conductance, 6 TIME COURSE OF
fast channel syndrome42,47 and other ab- NEUROMUSCULAR
normalities of interaction with ACh,118 TRANSMISSION
and familial limb-girdle myasthenia with
tubular aggregates.50,92 Enhanced Excitability Causing
Repetitive Discharges
Effect of Toxins and Chemicals The amount of acetylcholine (ACh) in the
2+ immediately available store and the con-
Abnormalities in calcium (Ca )-depen- centration of calcium (Ca2+) at the nerve
dent ACh release also reduce the ampli- terminal, together, determine the number
tude of the EPP in a number of other con- of ACh molecules released by a nerve ac-
ditions, including a neuromuscular block tion potential. Single nerve shocks may
by botulinum toxin89,106 (see Chapter excite muscle fibers twice or, rarely, three
27-5 and 6). The neuromuscular insuffi- times or more if enough ACh molecules
ciency in botulism results neither from remain after the first discharge, as in
blockage of calcium entry into the nerve congenital myasthenia 39 with acetyl-
nor from reduced storage of ACh vesicles. cholinesterase deficiency (see Chapter
The toxin interferes with the ACh release 27-4 and 6). Excess amounts of ACh may
process itself, by blocking exocytosis at result from the use of anticholinesterase
the release sites by cleaving synaptic pro- as therapy for myasthenia gravis37 or af-
tein 25 (see Chapter 27-5). Thus, the re- ter organophosphate poisoning.10-13 Re-
duced frequency of the MEPP, not affected activation of muscle response results,
by the addition of calcium, recovers after despite the normal amounts of ACh mol-
the administration of a spider venom ecules, in the slow channel syndrome with
known to neutralize the toxin. prolonged depolarization.41,99 In this en-
High concentrations of magnesium tity, as in organophosphate poisoning,
) block neuromuscular transmis- repetitive stimulation of the nerve show a
sion. Lowering the temperature in- rate-dependent decrement of all muscle
creases transmitter release and reacti- potentials, although secondary responses
vates previously paralyzed muscle in diminish first.58,59,120
botulinum paralysis, but not in normal
muscle blocked by high magnesium con-
centration.85 Experimental evidence indi- Effects of Paired or
cates an inhibitory effect of manganese Repetitive Stimulation
(Mn2+) on transmitter release at the neu-
romuscular junction.5 The long-term use Repetitive stimulation affects the release
of various nondepolarizing neuromuscu- of ACh and the end-plate potential (EPP)
Anatomy and Physiology of the Neuromuscular Junction 249

in two opposing manners. On the one Both facilitation and summation result
hand, the first shock utilizes a portion of in larger compound muscle action poten-
the store, partially depleting the amount tials through recruitment, provided that
of ACh available for subsequent stimuli, the initial stimulus failed to activate all
until the mobilization store has refilled the the muscle fibers. The greater amplitude
loss. On the other hand, calcium accu- and area under the waveform in recruit-
mulates in the nerve terminal after each ment imply the discharge of additional
shock, enhancing ACh release. These two muscle fibers. An increased amplitude
competing phenomena, though initiated may also result from better synchroniza-
by the same stimulus, follow different time tion of different muscle fibers without re-
courses.26 cruitment. In this phenomenon, called
Influx of calcium into the terminal ax- pseudofactiitation, the area under the
ons takes place immediately after depo- waveform, which approximates the num-
larization of the nerve, but the ion diffuses ber of active muscle fibers, shows no
out of the axon over the next 100-200 ms. major changes. Increased+ activation of the
Hence, paired or repetitive stimulation electrogenic sodium (Na )-potassium (K+)
with a shorter interstimulus interval pump triggered by preceding shocks also
causes accumulation of calcium. Such potentiates the amplitude of the subse-
fast rates of stimulation, therefore, tend quent single action potentials as the re-
to facilitate release of ACh, despite con- sult of hyperpolarization.90
comitant reduction of its immediately
available store. In contrast, slower rates
of repetition result in suppression, be- Normal Recovery Cycle
cause the negligible electrosecretory facil-
itation at such stimulus intervals can no Studies of the recovery cycle consist of
longer compensate for the loss of ACh recording the muscle action potentials af-
stores. The dichotomy between the fast ter delivering paired stimuli to the nerve
and slow rates of stimulation, however, at various interstimulus intervals. A sec-
does not always hold. For example, even ond shock delivered a few milliseconds af-
at high rates of stimulation, ACh deple- ter the first falls in the refractory periods
tion far exceeding its mobilization will lead of the muscle and nerve (Fig. 9-4). For in-
to reduced release of the transmitter. The tervals of 10-15 ms, an overlap between
partially depleted ACh store recovers ex- the first and second muscle responses
ponentially in 5-10 seconds through the precludes accurate measurement of the
slow reloading of ACh ejection sites. individual potentials. Thereafter, the sec-
ond compound muscle potential recovers
to the size of the first in the normal mus-
Neuromuscular Depression cle. This finding, however, does not nec-
and Facilitation essarily imply that the first and second
stimuli elicit the same EPPs.
Reduction in the number of ACh quanta At interstimulus intervals of 100-200
released by the second nerve impulse re- ms, the second shock may normally evoke
sults in a smaller EPP, which no longer a greater EPP than the first through neu-
reaches the threshold in some muscle rosecretory potentiation. If the EPP by the
fibers. The amplitude of the second com- first stimulus exceeds the threshold of ex-
pound muscle action potential decreases, citation in all muscle fibers, however, en-
or shows a decrement, compared with the hanced EPP by the second stimulus re-
first response. Conversely, an increase in cruits no additional fibers. A slow rate of
the number of quanta released by the sec- stimulation depresses the number of ACh
ond nerve impulse gives rise to a larger quanta released successively, even in nor-
EPP. Such true facilitation is based on the mal muscles. Because of a large margin
neurosecretory potentiation rather than of safety, however, the decreased amount
on summation of two EPPs elicited by of ACh suffices to cause an EPP well above
paired shocks with a very short inter- the critical level of excitation in all mus-
stimulus interval.26 cle fibers. In normal muscles, therefore,
250 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

Figure 9-4. Compound action

potentials from the thenar
muscles elicited by paired
shocks delivered to the median
nerve at the wrist. Time inter-
vals ranged from 2 to 30 ms
between conditioning (arrow)
and test stimuli. The top trac-
ing on the left shows a re-
sponse to a single stimulus.
The bottom tracing on the right
is a composite picture super-
imposing 20 paired responses.
The conditioning response of
each pair appeared in the
same spot, whereas the test re-
sponses shifted to the right in
proportion to the interstimu-
lus interval. An imaginary line
connecting the peaks of the se-
quential test responses repre-
sents the time course of neu-
romuscular excitability change
following the conditioning
stimulus. [From Kimura,76
with permission.]

changes in the amount of ACh do not al-

ter the size of compound muscle action
potential elicited by the second or subse-
quent stimuli.

Effects of Disease States

Partially curarized mammalian muscle,
with a reduced margin of safety, serves as
a good model for25studying the recovery cy-
cle of the EPP. With paired stimuli, the
second muscle response equals or exceeds
the first for the interstimulus intervals of
100-200 ms that accompany calcium-de-
pendent neurosecretory facilitation.14,25
With longer intervals, the second response
falls below the first, because depleted
stores of available ACh quanta can no
longer overcome the receptor insensitiv-
ity. The maximal depression at interstim-
ulus intervals ranging from 300 to 600 ms
is followed by a slow recovery. Full return Figure 9-5. Composite pictures superimposing 20
to the control value in about 10 s implies paired responses from the thenar muscles (compare
bottom tracing on right in Figure 9-4.) A patient with
restoration of releasable ACh through re- myasthenia gravis (A) and a normal control (B)
plenishment of the stores. In myasthenia showed the same recovery course for the interstim-
gravis, a reduced amount of ACh also fails ulus intervals ranging from 1 to 30 ms.
Anatomy and Physiology of the Neuromuscular Junction 251

to activate some muscle fibers with re-

ceptor insensitivity. Hence, the recovery
cycle of the muscle action potential shows
a great resemblance to that of curarized
muscle (Figs. 9-5 through 9-8). In either
case, the maximal depression results from
repetitive stimulation at 2-3 Hz, the rate
fast enough for the depletion of ACh but
slow enough for the diffusion of calcium
out of the axon.
In the myasthenic syndrome, character-
ized by a defective release of ACh, the EPP
elicited by a single stimulus falls short of
activating many muscle fibers. With the
second stimulus given in less than a few
milliseconds, the summated EPPs will re-
cruit additional muscle fibers. With stim-

Figure 9-7. Composite pictures similar to those

shown in Figures 9-5 and 9-6. Unlike the previous
tracings, both conditioning and test stimuli consist
of paired shocks with interstimulus intervals of 10
ms. The paired test stimuli followed the paired con-
ditioning stimuli (open arrow) by the interval of
200-400 ms. The double-peaked conditioning re-
sponses appeared in the same spot of each tracing
(paired arrows). The second peak of the pair, though
displaced downward, had the same amplitude as the
first. In myasthenia gravis (A), depletion of acetyl-
choline (ACh) by the conditioning stimuli reduced
the first peak of each test response. The second peak
of each test response, elicited 10 ms after the first,
recovered to a normal level indicating the summa-
tion of the two endplate potentials (EPP). In each test
response of the normal muscle, the maximal size of
the first peak precluded any amplitude increase of
the second peak.

uli delivered at a longer interval of 100-200

ms, EPPs no longer summate, but the elec-
trosecretory facilitation partially over-
comes the defective release of ACh (Fig.
Figure 9-6. Composite pictures of 16 paired re- 9-8). Increased EPPs will in turn recruit
sponses from the thenar muscles arranged in the some of the muscle fibers not activated by
same manner as in Figure 9-5. The interstimulus
intervals of paired shocks ranged from 30 to 400 ms. the first stimulus, which will lead to an in-
The conditioning response of each pair appeared in crease in amplitude of the second com-
the same spot of each tracing (arrows pointing down), pound muscle action potential.26 This find-
whereas the test responses shifted to the right suc- ing, though characteristic, reveals only a
cessively. The test response showed a mild but def-
inite reduction in amplitude at the interstimulus in- nonspecific abnormality seen whenever the
tervals of 150-250 ms in the myasthenic muscle (A), first stimulus evokes less than the maxi-
but not in the normal muscle (B). mal response, including some cases of
252 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

Decrement: Reduced Quantum Content Below Safety Margin.

Increment: Neurosecretory Potentiation (Ca++ dependent?)
Figure 9-8. Typical changes in quantum size and quantum content as determined by intracellular record-
ings in myasthenia gravis (MG) and myasthenic syndrome (MS). The compound muscle action potential show
a decrement to repetitive nerve stimulation with dropout of individual muscle fibers and an increment with
recruitment of additional fibers.

myasthenia gravis (Fig. 9-7). At a slower traction, the immediately available store
rate separated by more than 200 ms, the of ACh may increase as a result of a
second EPP diminishes because calcium greater mobilization rate. This increase of
no longer accumulates to compensate for ACh storage, coupled with the accumula-
depletion of available ACh stores. Limited tion of calcium in the axon, enhances the
release of ACh by the first stimulus, how- release of ACh and, consequently, the EPP
ever, may preclude major decremental for 1-2 minutes, causing posttetanic po-
muscle responses in most patients. tentiation. Subsequent stimuli release
Defective release of ACh also underlines fewer ACh quanta for up to 15 minutes,
the electrophysiologic abnormality in bot- probably because of metabolic changes in
ulism. With paired stimuli, summation of the nerve terminal, leading to posttetanic
the EPPs augments the second response exhaustion. These findings resemble the
at intervals of less than 10 ms. Increased experimentally induced block by hemi-
number of quanta released by the second cholinium, which interferes with ACh syn-
impulse also causes facilitation at inter- thesis.25
stimulus intervals of 100-200 ms. As ex-
pected, paired shocks of longer intervals
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synaptic clefts. Muscle Nerve 11:337-348, 125. Zhang G-X, Navikas V, Link H: Cytokines and
1988. the pathogenesis of myasthenia gravis. Muscle
111. Smith DO, Conklin MW, Jensen PJ, Atchison Nerve 20:543-551, 1997.
WD: Decreased calcium currents in motor 126. Zhang GX, Xiao BG, Bakhiet M, van der Meide
nerve terminals of mice with Lambert-Eaton PH, Wigzell H, Link H, Olsson T: Both CD4+
myasthenic syndrome. J Physiol 487:115-123, and CD8+ T cells are essential to induce ex-
1995. perimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis. J
112. Sohal GS: Sixth annual Stuart Reiner memor- Exp Med 184:349-356, 1996.
Chapter 10

Belly-Tendon Recording
Movement-Induced Artifacts
Temperature and Other Factors
Distal Versus Proximal Muscle
Upper Limb and Shoulder Girdle
Lower Limb
Short Interstimulus Intervals
Long Interstimulus Intervals
Normal Muscles
Myasthenia Gravis
Other Neuromuscular Disorders
Normal Muscles
Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome and Botulism
Other Neuromuscular Disorders
Use of Prolonged Stimulation
Posttetanic Potentiation
Posttetanic Exhaustion
Muscle Glycogenosis
Paramyotonia Congenita and Periodic Paralysis
Proximal Myotonic Myopathy

258 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

1 INTRODUCTION otrophic lateral sclerosis, poliomyelitis,

and multiple sclerosis. This chapter deals
with the physiologic techniques for eluci-
Nerve stimulation techniques as tests for dating decremental or incremental re-
neuromuscular transmission began with sponses in the differential diagnosis of
Jolly (1895),43 who applied faradic current clinical disorders (see also Chapter 27).
repeatedly at short intervals. Using a ky-
mographic recording and visual inspec-
tion of skin displacement, he found that 2 METHODS AND
the size of the muscle response deterio- TECHNICAL FACTORS
rated rapidly in patients with myasthenia
gravis during the faradization. Faradic
current failed to elicit a response in Belly-Tendon Recording
the volitionally fatigued muscle prior to
testing. Conversely, after faradization, Belly-tendon recording consists of stimu-
muscle responded poorly to subsequent lating the nerve with supramaximal in-
volitional contraction. Based on these tensity and recording the muscle action
findings, Jolly concluded that the myas- potential with the active electrode (G1)
thenics had motor failure of the periph- placed over the motor point and the ref-
eral, rather than central, nervous system, erence electrode (G2) on the tendon. The
a remarkable insight, considering the initially negative potential thus recorded
technical limitations at the time. His represents the summated electrical ac-
equipment consisted of a double-coil stim- tivity from the entire muscle fiber pop-
ulator capable of eliciting only submaxi- ulation, discharging relatively synchro-
mal responses and a mechanical, rather nously. The area under the negative phase
than electrical, recorder. changes primarily with the number of
The use of supermaximal stimulation muscle fibers activated. The magnitude of
and the recording of the muscle action po- the unit discharge from individual mus-
tential have increased the reliability and cle fibers also alters the size of the com-
sensitivity of nerve stimulation techniques pound muscle potential, especially in
considerably. In 1941 Harvey and Mas- myogenic disorders. In clinical studies,
land37 noted that in myasthenia a single measurement of the amplitude suffices in
muscle response induced a prolonged de- a train of responses that shows the same
pression, during which a second maximal duration and waveform.
motor nerve stimulus excited a reduced
number of muscle fibers, and that a train
of impulses resulted in a progressive de- Movement-Induced Artifacts
cline in amplitude of compound muscle
potential. Later studies have established Movement-related artifacts abound dur-
optimal frequency of stimulation, proper ing repetitive stimulation of the nerve. The
control of temperature, appropriate selec- recording electrode may continuously
tion of muscles, and various activation slide away from the muscle belly, or the
procedures to enhance an equivocal neu- stimulating electrodes may gradually slip
romuscular block.25 from the nerve, causing subthreshold ac-
Microelectrode studies provide direct tivation. In either case, a progressively
recording of end-plate potentials from smaller amplitude of a train mimics a
muscle in vitro. All other electrophysio- decremental response. Changes in limb
logic methods assess the neuromuscular position alter the shape of the volume con-
junction only indirectly. Nonetheless, ductor and the spatial relationship of
such an approach allows quantitation of muscle and recording electrodes, leading
the motor response to paired stimuli, to a misleading alteration in amplitude of
tetanic contraction, or repetitive 22,51,85,96
stimula- the recorded response (Fig. 10-1). Firm
tion at fast and slow rates. immobilization of the limb together with
Transmission defects affect a variety of visual inspection of the contracting mus-
disease states, such as myasthenia gravis, cle under study minimizes the movement-
myasthenic syndromes, botulism, amy- induced variability.
Techniques of Repetitive Stimulation 259

Figure 10-1. A train of responses recorded from the thenar muscle with stimuli delivered one per second
to the median nerve at the wrist in a healthy subject. Intentional stepwise alteration in thumb position from
abduction to adduction after each shock gave rise to a smooth reduction in amplitude with concomitant in-
crease in duration of successive potentials. The area under the waveform showed relatively little change from
the first to the fifth response.

In most instances, technical problems replacement in the presynaptic termi-

cause abrupt, irregular changes in the nal,38,39 (2) reduced amount of transmit-
amplitude or shape of the evoked re- ter release at the neuromuscular junction
sponse. Some movement artifacts, how- by the first of a train of impulses, leaving
ever, induce a smooth, progressive alter- more quanta available for subsequent
ation of amplitude that closely mimics the stimuli,23 (3) decreased hydrolysis of
myasthenic response. Nevertheless, close acetylcholine (ACh) by acetylcholinester-
scrutiny often discloses accompanying ase, allowing sustained action of the
changes in duration or other aspects of transmitter already released from the
waveform, usually attributable to an al- axon terminal,32,79,80 (4) increased 36post-
teration in the shape of the volume con- synaptic receptor sensitivity to ACh, and
ductor. In our experience, even gradually (5) reduced rate of removal of calcium ions
changing waveforms represent artifacts if (Ca2+) from the nerve terminal after stim-
repetitive stimulation induces excessive ulation.60
movement. Repeated trials help establish Elevated body temperature up to 42° C
the reproducibility of the finding, increas- causes no abnormality in healthy sub-
ing the reliability of the results. Intertrial jects,80 but enhances the decrement on
intervals should exceed 30 s to avoid the repetitive nerve stimulation in patients
effect of subnormality of neuromuscular with myasthenia gravis.81 Lowering the
transmission that lasts for a few seconds intramuscular temperature from 35° to
after a single stimulus and a greater time 28° C increases the amplitude of the com-
period after repetitive impulses. pound muscle action potential and en-
hances the force of the9 isometric twitch
and tetanic contraction. Patients with the
Temperature and Other Factors myasthenic syndrome also experience dis-
tinct improvement after cooling,72,99 as do 24
Exposure to warm sunlight may precipi- those with100amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,
tate ptosis and diplopia in myasthenic pa- botulism, or tick paralysis. Cooling
tients.8,90 Similarly, electrophysiologic ab- reduces the decrement to repetitive nerve
normalities of weak muscles may appear stimulation (Fig. 10-2). Paradoxically,
only after local warming. Physiologic brief stimulation at high rates may pro-
mechanisms that account for the im- duce a decremental response in normal
proved neuromuscular transmission with muscles cooled below 32° C.52 Prior im-
cooling include (1) facilitated transmitter mersion of the limb in warm water or the
260 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

Figure 10-2. Decremental response of the hypothenar muscle with stimulation of the ulnar nerve at two
per second in a patient with myasthenia gravis. On the left, stimulation at 36 °C and on the right, after cool-
ing of the hand to 30 °C. Note the reduction in the decrement from 15 percent to 6 percent, and the increase
in amplitude after cooling of the hand. [From Denys,23 with permission.]

use of an infrared heat lamp helps main- unaffected muscle. Thus, isolated bulbar
tain the recommended skin temperature or respiratory muscle weakness may pose
over the tested muscle, above 34° C in a diagnostic challenge.61 Weak proximal
most laboratories for diagnostic applica- or facial muscles show a higher incidence
tion. The effect of cholinesterase in- of electrical abnormality than stronger dis-
hibitors also influences the results of tal muscles.92 In a series of experiments,
repetitive stimulation. Administration of electrical and mechanical responses to
anticholinesterase drugs within a few repetitive stimuli revealed substantially
hours before the test reduces the proba- greater decrement and posttetanic poten-
bility of obtaining a decremental response. tiation in the platysma than in the ad-
Discontinuance of the short-acting med- ductor pollicis.48,49 Also, the trapezius has
ication for several hours improves the sen- proven more sensitive than the distal hy-
sitivity of the test. The patient must with- pothenar muscles in detecting abnormal-
hold a long-acting medication for a longer ities of neuromuscular transmission in
period, if clinically feasible. With an over- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.45 Similarly,
dose of anticholinesterase drugs, a single electrophysiologic findings in botulism
nerve impulse may cause a repetitive may involve only weak muscles of the clin-
muscle response, and repetitive stimuli at ically affected limbs. In contrast, patients
a high rate give rise to a decremental re- with the myasthenic syndrome usually
sponse (see Chapter 9-6). have prominent abnormalities not only in
the proximal muscles but also in distal
muscles, albeit less severely.13
3 COMMONLY USED In principle, the method consists of ap-
NERVES AND MUSCLES plying repetitive stimulation to a motor or
mixed nerve and recording a train of re-
sponses from the innervated muscle. Al-
Distal Versus Proximal Muscle though less sensitive, studies of the distal
musculature provide technically more re-
Patients with myasthenia gravis rarely liable results than those of more proximal
have a decremental response in clinically muscles in the limb or facial muscles.
Techniques of Repetitive Stimulation 261

Stimulation of the ulnar nerve at the el- line. The patient upright in a chair holds
bow allows simultaneous recordings from on to the handle with the arm flexed ap-
one proximal muscle and three distal mus- proximately 130 degrees and exercises the
cles: the flexor carpi ulnaris, abductor dig- muscle by extending the elbow.
iti quinti, first dorsal interosseous, and ad-
ductor pollicis.26 A negative result with BICEPS
distal muscles should prompt examination
of the proximal muscles, such as the del- The musculocutaneous nerve is stimulated
toid, biceps, and upper trapezius. Stimu- at the axilla with G1 on the belly of the bi-
lation of the brachial plexus at the supra- ceps and G2 over the tendon. The position
clavicular fossa tends to activate many of the arm depends on the type of me-
muscles simultaneously. In contrast, stim- chanical board available. A handlebar at-
ulation of the accessory nerve selectively tached under a solid table can serve as an
excites the trapezius without contamina- excellent restraint. The patient, upright in
tion from other muscles.59,87 Studies of the a chair, holds on to the handle from below
lower limb pose greater technical difficulty, with the arm flexed approximately 45 de-
yielding a wider67normal range compared to grees in the adducted and supinated posi-
the upper limb. Wise choice of the nerve tion. Pulling up against the handlebar with
and muscle based on distribution of weak- flexion at the elbow exercises the muscle.
ness increases test sensitivity.

Upper Limb and Shoulder Girdle The brachial plexus is stimulated at Erb's
point with GI on the belly of the muscle
HYPOTHENAR MUSCLES and G2 on the acromion. The patient sits
The ulnar nerve is stimulated at the wrist upright with the arm adducted, flexed at
with G1 placed over the belly of abductor the elbow, and internally rotated to place
digiti quinti and G2 on the tendon. Bind- the hand in front of abdomen for self-
ing the four fingers together with a ban- restraint by the opposite hand, and exer-
dage or Velcro strap prevents interference cises by abducting the arm against his
from movement. The use of a restraining own resistance. Weak or uncooperative
metal bar also helps hold the hand flat, patients do better with a Velcro strap ap-
palm down, on the examining table. The plied firmly against the trunk holding the
patient exercises by abducting the fifth arm adducted at the side.
digit against the restraint.

THENAR MUSCLES The spinal accessory nerve is stimulated

The median nerve is stimulated at the along the posterior border of the stern-
wrist with G1 placed on the belly of the ocleidomastoid muscle, with G1 on the up-
abductor pollicis brevis and G2 placed per trapezius muscle at the angle of neck
2 cm distally. The hand, held palm up by and shoulder and G2 over the tendon,
near the acromion process. The patient,
the restraining metal bar, lies flat on the upright in a chair, with the arms adducted
board with the thumb in the adducted po- and extended, holds on to the bottom of
sition. The patient exercises the muscle the chair and exercises, shrugging the
by abducting the thumb against the bar. shoulders against his own resistance.

The distal branch of the radial nerve is Lower Limb

stimulated 4 cm above the elbow on the ANTERIOR TIBIAL
line bisecting the line connecting the ole-
cranon and lateral epicondyle, with G1 The peroneal nerve is stimulated at the
placed 4 cm below the elbow on the same flbular head, with G1 on the belly of the
262 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

muscle and G2 a few centimeters distally. 4 RECOVERY CURVES BY

The patient sits in a chair with the thigh PAIRED STIMULATION
restrained firmly by Velcro straps and ex-
ercises by dorsiflexing the foot held on a
restraining foot board. Short Interstimulus Intervals
Paired stimuli applied at various intervals
QUADRICEPS reveal the time course of recovery of neu-
The femoral nerve is stimulated at the romuscular transmission (see Chapter
groin, just lateral to the femoral artery, 9-6). In normal muscles, the first supra-
with G1 placed on the rectus femoris and maximal stimulus activates the entire
G2 on the patellar tendon. The patient sits group of muscle fibers. A second stimu-
in a chair with the thigh and the leg fas- lus delivered within a few milliseconds
tened to the chair with Velcro straps and evokes a smaller response, indicating re-
exercises by extending the leg against the fractoriness of the nerve and muscle (see
restraint. The patient may also lie supine Fig. 9-4). The second potential then pro-
with the thigh bound to the bed by a Vel- gressively recovers, with some overlap of
cro strap and exercise by lifting the foot the two responses at intervals of less than
off the bed. 15 ms.
In typical cases of myasthenia gravis,
the first stimulus elicits a maximal or
Face near-maximal muscle response. The re-
covery curve also follows a normal pattern
for short interstimulus intervals up to 15
ms. The curve deviates from normal in the
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome,
A branch of the facial nerve is stimulated where the first stimulus elicits a sub-
in front of the ear as distally as techni- maximal response; a second shock given
cally feasible. This usually allows nearly at very short interstimulus intervals
selective recording from the target muscle evokes a larger response with the ampli-
with G1 placed on its belly and G2 on the tude one and a half to two times that of
opposite side or on the bridge of the nose the first. The increment represents re-
(see Figs. 1-3 and 17-2). The patient, ly- cruitment, based on summation of two
ing supine, exercises by contracting the end-plate potentials (EPPs), of those fibers
muscle as vigorously as possible without activated only subliminally by the first
the benefit of a restraining device to im- stimulus. Most patients with botulism
mobilize facial muscles. (Fig. 10-3)17 and, occasionally patients

Figure 10-3. The effect of

paired shocks given at inter-
stimulus intervals of 2.5 ms
(top), 15 ms (middle), and 25
ms (bottom). On the top trac-
ings, the reduced test response
in a healthy subject (A) indi-
cates the effect of the refrac-
tory period, whereas the in-
creased test response in a
patient with botulism (B) sug-
gests summation of two closely
elicited end-plate 15potentials.
[From Cherington, with per-
Techniques of Repetitive Stimulation 263

with myasthenia gravis who have less the next stimulus. Most patients tolerate
than maximal initial responses also show a train at faster rates poorly. Moreover,
the same phenomenon. continuous muscle contraction alters the
geometry of the volume conductor, which
in turn affects the waveform of the suc-
Long Interstimulus Intervals cessive responses.
Random or irregular variations in am-
Two EPPs no longer summate at inter- plitude or waveform suggest artifacts. Oc-
stimulus intervals exceeding 15 ms. Po- casionally, inadvertent movement may
tentiation of the second response here cause smooth, reproducible changes er-
represents true facilitation, resulting from roneously suggesting abnormality of neu-
an increased number of quanta liberated romuscular transmission. Even when the
by the second stimulus. Despite the re- amplitude measures show a deceptive
lease of a greater amount of acetylcholine change, careful evaluation of the wave-
(ACh), the second muscle potential nor- form and close visual inspection of the
mally shows no increment from the al- contracting muscle usually disclose the
ready maximal first response. Most pa- source of artifacts. Most modem equip-
tients with myasthenia gravis or botulism ment automatically calculates the per-
also have minimal change at this inter- centage reduction for the smallest of the
stimulus range. In contrast, patients with initial five to seven responses, compared
myasthenic syndrome show an increment with the first in the same train. Accepting
at interstimulus intervals ranging from 15 the computed results without verification
to 100 ms as one of the most character- of the waveform may lead to an erroneous
istic electrophysiologic features. conclusion. In normal muscles, decre-
The decremental response in myasthe- ment at stimulation of 2-3 Hz, if present,
nia gravis begins at intervals of about 20 does not exceed 5-8 percent.91 In fact, an
ms but becomes more definite at intervals optimal train comprises practically iden-
between 100 and 700 ms. The response tical responses from the first to the last.
reaches the trough at an interstimulus in- Thus, the presence of any reproducible
terval of about 300-500 ms (see Fig. 9-6). decrement should raise suspicion in a
At shorter intervals, concomitant facilita- tracing free of any technical problems.
tion attributable to the electrosecretory
mechanism obscures the depression. The
response slowly returns to the baseline in Myasthenia Gravis
about 10 s. The results of paired stimuli
predict that a train of stimuli produces the In myasthenia gravis, the amplitude drops
maximal decrement at the rate of 2-3 Hz.25 maximally between the first and second re-
sponses of a train, followed by a further but
lesser decline up to the fourth or fifth po-
5 DECREMENTAL RESPONSE tential (Fig. 10-4). Subsequent responses
in the series then level off or, more typi-
STIMULATION cally, reverse the course by regaining some
of the lost amplitude. Occasionally, the re-
covery may even exceed the original value
Normal Muscles by 10-20 percent, especially after several
seconds of repetitive stimulation. More
Repetitive stimulation at a rate of 1-5 Hz characteristically, continued stimulation
depletes the immediately available acetyl- induces a long, 42slow decline after a tran-
choline (ACh) store, without superim- sient increment. To avoid a false-positive
posed facilitation from neurosecretory result, most electromyographers use a con-
mechanisms (see Fig. 9-8). At slow rates servative criterion of abnormality: A re-
of stimulation, movement-related artifacts prducible decrement of 10 percent or more
are minimal because the muscle returns between the first response and the small-
close to its original relaxed position before est of the next four to six responses.40 In
Figure 10-4. Thenar muscle potentials elicited by a train of stimuli of three per second to the median nerve
before and after 1 minute of exercise in a patient with generalized myasthenia gravis. Amplitude compari-
son between the first and fifth responses revealed a decrement of 25 percent at rest, 12 percent immedi-
ately after exercise, and 50 percent 4 minutes later.

Figure 10-5. A 25-year-old woman with double vision of 11/2 months duration. A train of shocks of one,
two, and three per second to the median nerve revealed no detectable abnormalities in the abductor polli-
cis brevis. Stimulation of the facial nerve elicited decrementing responses in the nasalis. Note greater change
within the train as the rate of stimulation increased from one to three per second. [From Kimura,46 with
Techniques of Repetitive Stimulation 265

addition to the changes in amplitude, the conditions with reduced margins of safety.
latency may progressively increase in some These include the Lambert-Eaton myas-
myasthenic muscles. In equivocal cases, thenic syndrome (Figs. 10-6 and 10-7),
sampling several muscles improves the congenital myasthenic syndromes, botu-
chance of documenting localized myas- lism, multiple sclerosis,4,30,45,66 motor
thenic weakness. In particular, a negative neuron disease, and regenerating nerve.33
result in the distal limb muscles by no A partially curarized muscle will develop
means precludes electrical abnormalities a similar decrement to a train of stimuli.
detectable in the proximal or facial mus- In the patient with the myasthenic syn-
culature (Fig. 10-5). drome or botulism, single stimuli typically
The administration of edrophonium (Ten- elicit very small muscle action potentials.
silon) or neostigmine (Prostigmin) helps fur- A decremental tendency with a slow rate
ther delineate the characteristics of defec- of repetitive stimulation, though present
tive neuromuscular transmission. These in most cases, does not constitute an es-
agents potentiate the action of ACh by sential feature of these disorders, charac-
blocking acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in pa- terized by defective release of ACh.
tients with postjunctional abnormalities. In depolarizing block seen in slow-chan-
Therefore, a partial or complete reversal of nel congenital myasthenic syndrome or
the decrement by anticholinesterase agents end-plate AChE deficiency syndrome, as in
tends to confirm the diagnosis of myasthe- organophosphate poisoning,5,7 markedly
nia gravis. prolonged end-plate potential remains ex-
citatory beyond the refractory period of
neuromuscular junction. Thus, single
Other Neuromuscular Disorders stimuli of the motor nerve typically elicit
more than one compound muscle action
A train of stimuli at a slow rate causes potential, an initial main response fol-
decrementing responses not only in myas- lowed by one or more smaller recurrent
thenia gravis but also in a number of other responses, which appear at 3-7 ms inter-

Figure 10-6. Thenar muscle

potential elicited by a train of
stimuli 1 through 20 per sec-
ond to the median nerve in a
patient with myasthenic syn-
drome. Note decremental re-
sponses to slow rates of stimu-
lation up to five per second and
incremental responses to faster
rates of stimulation at 10 per
second and to a much greater
degree at 20 per second.
266 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

Figure 10-7. A repeat study in

the same patient as in Figure
10-6 using the same recording
arrangements. Note further
diminution in amplitude of the
compound muscle action po-
tentials compared with the ear-
lier study, slight decrement at
slow rates of stimulation up to
five per second, and progres-
sively more prominent incre-
ment at faster rates of 10-30
per second.

vals.34,98 With repetitive stimulation both response to greater amounts of aceryl-

responses show a rate-dependent decre- choline (ACh) released by subsequent
ment, although the recurrent potentials di- stimuli. The recruitment of muscle fibers
minish more rapidly and disappear after not activated by the first stimulus under-
brief exercise (Fig. 10-8). Quinidine sulfate lines the incremental tendency seen in the
therapy reverses this abnormality 35 con- myasthenic syndrome, botulism, and, oc-
comitant with clinical improvement. A casionally, myasthenia gravis. Muscles
low dose of pancuronium, an ACh recep- stimulated repetitively at a high rate tend
tor antagonist, repairs the decrement seen to discharge with increased synchrony
in organophosphate intoxication, coun- without recruitment of additional muscle
tering prolonged depolarization at the fibers. The compound muscle action po-
end-plate (Fig. 10-9).6 tential may then increase in amplitude,
but not in area under the waveform, as
implied by the term pseudofactiitation.
6 INCREMENTAL RESPONSE In normal adults, muscle action poten-
AT FAST RATES OF tials remain stable during repetitive stim-
STIMULATION ulation at a rate of up to 20-30 Hz.70 Some
healthy infants, however, may show a pro-
gressive decline in amplitude at this
Normal Muscles rate.18 In adults, trains of 50 Hz may
cause apparent decremental or incremen-
Supramaximal stimulation normally acti- tal responses. At such a fast rate, how-
vates all muscle fibers innervated by the ever, inherent movement artifacts render
nerve. This precludes any increment in the measurement unreliable.
Figure 10-8. A 29-year-old
woman with congenital myas-
thenic syndrome from acetyl-
cholinesterase deficiency. Gener-
alized weakness began in her
childhood, peaking at the age of
15-16 years with increasing fati-
gability of truncal and proximal
limb muscles and development of
scoliosis on standing. Adminis-
tration of anticholinesterase
worsened the symptoms. A. Sin-
gle shocks of the ulnar nerve
elicited two compound muscle
action potentials in the first dor-
sal interosseous muscle, M1 and
M2, but not in the deltoid, the
weakest muscle of the limb. B. A
train of stimuli at 3 Hz caused a
decrement of M2 but not M1 in
the first dorsal interosseous and
a clear decrement of M1 in the
deltoid. [Courtesy of Nobuo Ko-
hara, M.D., Department of Neu-
rology, Kyoto University School of

Figure 10-9. A 25-year-old woman with organophosphate intoxication after attempting suicide by ingestion
of phenitrothion. Severe cholinergic crisis resulted in a respiratory failure necessitating mechanical ventila-
tion for 70 hours. The patient remained comatose for a week, followed by gradual improvement; she returned
to normal in 17 days. A: On day 2 (a) single shocks of the median nerve elicited three compound muscle
action potentials, M1, M2 (underline), and M3 in the thenar muscle, and (b) a train of stimuli at 20 Hz showed
a decrement of M1 and M2 followed by an increment of M1 with absent M2 and M3. B: On day 5 (c) the same
train resulted in complete abolition of all responses after the third train of stimuli, and (d) administration
of acetylcholine receptor antagonist, pancuronium, in low dosage (1000 mg) repaired the deficit completely,
as expected in depolarization block. [Courtesy of Nobuo Kohara, M.D., Department of Neurology, Kyoto Uni-
versity School of Medicine.]

Techniques of Repetitive Stimulation 269

Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic of the discomfort it causes, most patients

Syndrome and Botulism tolerate the procedure poorly. Besides,
voluntary contraction usually induces
In the myasthenic syndrome29 single greater potentiation.96 Repetitive stimula-
stimuli typically elicit a strikingly small tion given at 20-50 Hz induces a remark-
compound muscle action potential (Fig. able increment of successive muscle ac-
10-10). The amplitude varies over a wide tion potentials to a normal or near normal
range among different subjects. Thus, a level (see Figs. 10-6 and 10-7). A slight
decrease by as much as 50 percent of the initial decrement may precede the incre-
maximal response in some individuals ment, but the last response of a train at
may still remain above the lower limit of the end of 1 minute usually 54exceeds the
a population norm. An apparent lack of first response several times. The elec-
reduction in amplitude, therefore, does trophysiologic abnormalities often im-
not necessarily rule out the syndrome. A prove in parallel to the clinical course af-
marked potentiation following a brief vol- ter the administration of guanidine or
untary exercise would disclose the sub- 3,4-diaminopyridine.68,86
normality of the initial amplitude and Patients with botulism may have en-
confirm the diagnosis. A slow rate of sus- tirely normal electrical responses in early
tained stimulation also facilitates the re- stages of the illness or have a small mus-
sponse if superimposed on voluntary con- cle potential in response to a single stim-
traction.56 ulus.16 An initially small response usually
A train of stimulation at high rates, de- potentiates after voluntary exercise or
spite its theoretical interest,69 has seen with a train of stimuli (Fig. 10-11). Incre-
only limited clinical application. Because menting responses, though smaller in

Figure 10-10. Relationship between clinical estimate of weakness and the amplitude of muscle action po-
tential in patients with myasthenia gravis and myasthenic syndrome. The histogram plots the amplitude of
the hypothenar muscle potential elicited by single maximal stimuli to the ulnar nerve. The scale on the ab-
scissa denotes normal strength (0), 75 percent (1), 50 percent (2), 25 percent (3), and complete paralysis (4).
[From Lambert, Rooke and Eaton,55 with permission.]
270 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

Figure 10-11. Muscle action potentials to a train of stimulation applied to the motor nerve at 50 per sec-
ond in a patient with botulism. Note incremental responses when the patient received a 7 mg/kg daily dose
of guanidine (A) and electrophysiologic15recovery after the dosage was increased to 35 mg/kg (B). Vertical
calibration is 2 mV. [From Cherington, with permission.]

range, resemble those found in the myas- stimulation at a rapid rate adds diagnos-
thenic syndrome.62,89 Tetanic and postte- tic information in the evaluation of infan-
tanic facilitation, the most characteristic tile botulism. Otherwise, clinical yields
abnormality of infantile botulism, persists seldom justify subjecting the patient to
for a number of minutes.20,31,84 this painful procedure. Further, sustained
muscle contraction causes excessive
movement artifacts that often interfere
Other Neuromuscular Disorders with accurate assessments of the wave-
form. As a research tool, a long train helps
An incremental response, though charac- elucidate the time course of the mechan-
teristic of the myasthenic syndrome and ical force of contraction. The force of mus-
botulism, by no means excludes other dis- cle twitch increases during prolonged
orders of the neuromuscular junction (see stimulation in healthy subjects, but not
Chapter 27-6). Patients with myasthenia in patients with myasthenia gravis. This
gravis not infrequently show such a pat- phenomenon, called a positive staircase,
tern, either during a progressive phase has no diagnostic specificity as a clinical
of the disease or during steroid ther- test.27,91 Whatever the purpose, clinicians
apy.21,63,88 In contrast to the marked po- must resort to a train of rapid stimulation
tentiation in the myasthenic syndrome, judiciously to avoid inflicting unnecessary
however, changes rarely exceed the initial discomfort.
value by more than 40 percent at the end Tetany develops after electrical stimula-
of 1 minute. Other disorders associated tion of a 20-30 s train at 50 Hz or a con-
with depressed neuromuscular transmis- tinuous run for a few minutes at 3 Hz.
sion and incremental tendency by a train Most subjects tolerate these procedures
of stimuli include antibiotic toxicity,7194
poorly. Fortunately, voluntary muscle
hypocalcemia, hypermagnesemiam,11,
contraction accomplishes the same effect,
and snake venom poisoning. Again, a discharging motor fibers up to 50 Hz dur-
limited degree of potentiation seen in ing maximal effort. A typical postactiva-
these conditions stands in sharp contrast tion cycle after voluntary or involuntary
to the multifold increase characteristic of tetanic contraction consists of two
the myasthenic syndrome. phases: Posttetanic potentiation,42 lasting
for about252 minutes, and posttetanic ex-
haustion, lasting up to 15 minutes.
Posttetanic Potentiation
Use of Prolonged Stimulation Tetanic contraction not only causes cal-
cium (Ca2+) to accumulate inside the axon
A short train of several shocks at a slow but also mobilizes acetylcholine (ACh)
rate suffices for routine evaluation of vescicles from the main store. Subsequent
neuromuscular transmission. Prolonged nerve stimulation gives rise to a larger
Techniques of Repetitive Stimulation 271

Figure 10-12. Thenar muscle

potential elicited by a train of
stimuli three per second to the
median nerve before and after
10 s of exercise in a patient
with the myasthenic syndrome.
Note a posttetanic potentiation
of 70 percent on the left and
160 percent on the right im-
mediately after the exercise and
a posttetanic exhaustion, 11/2
minutes later.

EPP, thus recruiting additional muscle not exceed 15 s, to minimize depletion of

fibers not previously activated in the Lam- ACh during voluntary contraction. In gen-
bert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome or re- eral, a posttetanic potentiation greater
lated disorders with defective release of than twice the preactivation response sug-
ACh (Figs. 10-12 and 10-13). In physio- gests the diagnosis of Lambert-Eaton syn-
logic experiments of single nerve fiber drome. The magnitude of potentiation,
stimulation, four types of short term however, varies considerably from one
synaptic enhancement follow the end of subject to another and during the course
tetanic activation, fast-decaying facilita- of the illness within the same patient (Fig.
tion, slow decaying facilitation, augmen- 10-14). A lesser degree of facilitation also
tation, and posttetanic potentiation.60 implies a presynaptic disturbance seen
In practice, a simple procedure consists not only in myasthenic syndrome but also
of delivering single shocks of supramaxl- in congenital myasthenic syndromes, bot-
mal intensity to the nerve and comparing ulism, and occasional cases of myasthe-
the size of the muscle response measured nia gravis.
before and after exercise. A striking in- The use of a train of stimuli at 3 Hz in-
crease in amplitude, usually reaching a stead of a single shock allows simultane-
level more than twice the baseline value, ous evaluation of the decremental trends.
indicates a presynaptic defect of neuro- The procedure consists of repeating the
muscular transmission.55 Posttetanic same train before and immediately after
augmentation lasts about 20 s, showing the exercise and then every 30 s there-
less decay after cooling, reflecting slower after for a few minutes. In this arrange-
removal 60of calcium ions from the nerve ment, posttetanic potentiation partially
terminal. Duration of exercise should compensates for depletion of ACh during
272 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

Figure 10-13. A repeat study

in the same patient as in Fig-
ure 10-12 using the same
recording arrangements. Com-
pared with the earlier study,
the patient had further diminu-
tion in amplitude of the com-
pound muscle action potentials
and a greater posttetanic po-
tentiation on both sides.

each train, repairing the deficit caused by ited neuromuscular reserves,47 however,
the slow rate of stimulation (see Fig. the amplitude of the compound muscle
10-4). Thus, the characteristic decrement action potential progressively declines at
seen within a train in myasthenia gravis high rates of stimulation.
tends to normalize immediately after the In myasthenia gravis, neuromuscular
tetanic stimulation. block worsens during posttetanic exhaus-
tion, indicating a reduced margin of
safety. Some patients showing an equivo-
Posttetanic Exhaustion cal decrement at rest may develop a def-
inite abnormality after exercise (see Fig.
Decreased excitability of the neuromus- 10-4). In the myasthenic syndrome, a re-
cular junction follows a transient poten- duced EPP after exercise results in fur-
tiation in 2-4 minutes after exercise. The ther diminution of the originally small
underlying physiologic mechanism for compound muscle action potential (see
this phenomenon probably relates to the Figs. 10-12 and 10-13). Thus, the use of
depletion of the immediately available exercise increases the sensitivity of the
store of ACh during prolonged contrac- nerve-stimulation technique as a test of
tion, despite an increased rate of ACh mo- neuromuscular transmission. In the eval-
bilization. In normal subjects with a large uation of posttetanic exhaustion, a 1
margin of safety, the reduced amount of minute period of voluntary contraction re-
ACh released during posttetanic exhaus- sults in optimal depletion of the ACh
tion will still generate an adequate EPP in store. In contrast, a shorter exercise, for
each individual muscle fiber. In prema- a period ranging from 10 to 15 seconds,
ture infants and some newborns with lim- suffices for assessment of the posttetanic
Techniques of Repetitive Stimulation 273

Figure 10-14. A 63-year-old woman with proximal weakness of all four extremities since October 1982.
Thenar muscle potentials were elicited by stimuli applied to the median nerve at the wrist at three per sec-
ond before and after 15 s of exercise. Notice the gradual reduction in the magnitude of posttetantic poten-
tiation from 1983 through 1987. In the last study, the exercise induced only an incrementing tendency within
the train, rather than the absolute increase in amplitude considered mandatory for the diagnosis of myas-
thenic syndrome. [From Kimura,46 with permission.]

potentiation to avoid excessive depletion silent muscle contracture develops after ex-
of ACh, which would mask the expected ercise (see Fig. 12-3). With rapid repetitive
change. stimulation of a motor nerve, the amplitude
of the compound muscle action potential
progressively declines, eventually leading to
8 CHANGES IN MYOGENIC the development of contracture.10,75 Low-
DISORDERS rate nerve stimulation during regional is-
chemia also gives rise to abnormal reduc-
tion of muscle response in patients with
A train of stimuli causes an apparent muscle glycogenoses as compared with
decrement of the compound muscle ac- control subjects.57
tion potentials in a number of myogenic
disorders, such as McArdle's disease, my-
otonia, pararnyotonia congenita, and pe-
riodic paralysis, but not in proximal my- Myotonia
otonic myopathy (see Chapter 27-6).93
In myotonic muscles, repetitive nerve stim-
ulation produces commonly but not invari-
Muscle Glycogenosis ably decrementing responses.2,12,28,53,68
Unlike the responses in myasthenia gravis,
In McArdle's disease and other disorders of a train fails to show a repair, or leveling
muscle glycogenesis, painful, electrically off, after the fourth or fifth stimulus. In-
274 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

stead, progressive decline continues for than the neuromuscular junction.12 Di-
the initial few seconds followed by grad- rect stimulation of single muscle fibers at
ual recovery during subsequent stimula- 10-20 Hz gives rise to a progressive de-
tion for many seconds. In general, the cline of single muscle fiber action poten-
higher the rate of stimulation, the greater tial associated with either increasing or
the change in amplitude and the shorter decreasing propagation velocity.50,65,97
the latent periods. The presence of clini- Intracellular recording of a myotonic dis-
cal weakness also favors the possibility of charge also shows a progressive decline in
finding prominent electrical decrement. amplitude.77 Myotonic bursts may render
The change occurs at a lower stimulation some of the muscle fibers refractory to
frequency in myotonia congenita than in subsequent stimuli. In contrast to mus-
myotonia dystrophica. cles in myasthenia gravis, myotonic mus-
The decremental changes in myotonia cles show neither posttetanic potentiation
may result from prolonged afterdepolariza- nor exhaustion. Indeed, the amplitude of
tion, induced by accumulation of potas- the muscle response is less than the base-
sium (K+) in the transverse tubules.1 Di- line value immediately after exercise. The
rect stimulation of the muscle evokes decremental tendency also worsens after
decreasing response, suggesting an ex- exercise, gradually restoring the resting
citability change of the muscle, rather value in about two to three minutes.

Figure 1O-15. A 27-year-old woman with a 10-year history of hyperkalemic periodic paralysis occurring two
or three times a year. Stimulation of the ulnar nerve at the wrist elicited a normal compound muscle action
potential (CMAP) of the abductor digiti minimi (9.7 mV). After a 5 minute exercise alternating 20 S maximal
contraction and 3 S rest, CMAP initially increased in amplitude, peaking at 30 s post-exercise (13.5 mV); it
then declined progressively throughout the test to a value below the baseline, reaching a trough at 40 min-
utes (4.7 mV). Repetitive stimulation of the median or facial nerve at 3 Hz revealed no change in CMAP am-
plitude of the target muscle. [Courtesy of Mark Ross, M.D., Department of Neurology, University of Ken-
Techniques of Repetitive Stimulation 275

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and mechanical responses of normal and 99. Ward CD, Murray NMF: Effect of temperature
myasthenic muscle with particular reference to on neuromuscular transmission in the Eaton-
the staircase phenomenon. Brain Res 10:1-78, Lambert syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psy-
1968. chiatry 42:247-249, 1979.
92. Somnier FE, Trojaborg W: Neurophysiological 100. Wright GP: The neurotoxins of clostridium bot-
evaluation in myasthenia gravis: A compre- ulinum and clostridium tetani. Pharmacol Rev
hensive study of a complete patient population. 7:413-465, 1955.
Chapter 11

Ischemic Test
Regional Curare Test
Varying Motor Unit Potentials
Jitter and Blocking
Miniature End-Plate Potentials
Stapedius Reflex
Tests for Oculomotor Function

1 INTRODUCTION the stability of neuromuscular transmis-

sion. In particular, assessment of the ex-
traocular muscles provides useful infor-
Not all muscles show electrophysiologic mation in patients with ocular myasthenia.
abnormalities in diseases of the neuro- Single-fiber electromyography has added
muscular junction. Thus, conventional the calculation of jitter as a very sensitive
nerve stimulation techniques may fail to and most useful measure of neuromuscu-
substantiate the clinical diagnosis. Im- lar transmission. The in vitro analysis of
posing metabolic stress with regional is- miniature end-plate potentials (MEPPs) of
chemia or application of curare reduces intercostal muscles allows a direct quanti-
the safety factor of the system, thus in- tative measure of neuromuscular trans-
creasing the yields of detection of neu- mission.6 This technique, however, is not
romuscular transmission abnormalities. feasible as a routine clinical test.
Obviously, such activation maneuvers Other laboratory methods of diagnostic
used to improve the diagnostic yields value include tonography and infrared
must avoid false-positive results. optokinetic nystagmography for ocular
A number of other electrodiagnostic myasthenia,26 1and stapedius reflex for fa-
methods supplement the technique of cial weakness. Electrophysiologic meth-
paired or repetitive electrical stimuli. Mea- ods also help in quantitating edrophonium
suring the fatigability of a few accessible (Tensilon) and neostigmine (Prostigmin)
muscles serves to document a decremen- tests. Measurement of serum antibodies
tal tendency. Electromyographic analyses against the muscle end plate detects im-
of motor unit potentials can also elucidate munologic abnormalities in most patients
280 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

with myasthenia gravis.13,14 As a part of series of 600 patients, the repetitive stim-
the clinical evaluation, pulmonary func- ulation at the wrist and shoulder11verified
tion tests provide useful objective criteria the diagnosis in 320 (53 percent). In the
in documenting neuromuscular fatigue.9 remaining 280 patients, the regional cu-
rare test revealed abnormality in 72 (26
percent), including 52 (74 percent) of 70
2 PROVOCATIVE TECHNIQUES patients with definite generalized myas-
thenia gravis, 13 (10 percent) of 136 pa-
tients with possible generalized myasthe-
Ischemic Test nia gravis, and 7 (14 percent) of 49 with
ocular myasthenia.
A double-step test may increase the diag- The concentration of curare that reaches
nostic sensitivity of nerve stimulation the muscle depends on diffusion through
techniques in some patients with mild, the volume of tissue, which probably varies
generalized, or ocular myasthenia from one case to the next. Thus, titrated
gravis.3,5 The first step consists of con- dosages of curare do not always differen-
tinuous supramaximal stimulation of the tiate normal and pathologic responses.10
ulnar nerve at 3 Hz for 4 minutes and Studies have revealed undue sensitivity to
recording the compound muscle action 23
curare not only in myasthenia gravis18 but
potential from the ulnar-innervated in- also in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and
trinsic hand muscles or the flexor carpi muscular weakness after administra-
ulnaris in the forearm. Thereafter, a train tion of antibiotics.21 Therefore, an abnor-
of 3 Hz stimulation for several shocks at mal regional curare test indicates a defect
30 s intervals determines the amount of in neuromuscular transmission but not
decrement within each three-per-second necessarily myasthenia gravis. These un-
trial. In cases of a negative or equivocal certainties notwithstanding, the regional
result, the second step consists of the curare test, as a measure of last resort,
same procedure under ischemia induced supplements conventional nerve stimula-
by a cuff inflated above arterial pressure tion techniques in difficult cases. Patients
proximal to the stimulation site. with established myasthenia gravis should
The double-step test has helped eluci- not undergo the procedure, to avoid the
date different degrees of myasthenic in- possible risk.
volvement in the same patient. How much
additional help this procedure provides in
the early diagnosis of myasthenia gravis 3 ELECTROMYOGRAPHY
remains unclear.19
In normal muscles, a motor unit firing
Regional Curare Test repetitively under voluntary control gives
rise to identical potentials in waveform
The amount of acetylcholine (ACh) re- and amplitude every time it discharges, as
leased with each nerve impulse normally long as the needle electrode remains in
produces an end-plate potential (EPP) that the same location relative to the genera-
substantially exceeds the critical level for tor source. This does not hold in myas-
excitation of all the muscle fibers. This thenic muscles, because nerve impulses
margin of safety protects the neuromus- may not always depolarize all the individ-
cular transmission with a latent deficit, ual muscle fibers to the critical level, as
rendering clinical and electrophysiologic the result of a reduced margin of safety.
evaluation difficult. Curare causes a non- Intermittent failure of some muscle fibers
depolarizing block by competing with ACh innervated by the same axon in response
for the end-plate receptors. Its adminis- to successive nerve impulse causes am-
tration, therefore, reduces or eliminates plitude variability of the recurring motor
the functional reserve and elucidates the unit potentials. Blocking at the neuro-
defect of neuromuscular transmission muscular junction also explains dimin-
that otherwise escapes detection.7,8 In one ished mean amplitude and duration of
Activation Procedures and Other Methods 281

motor unit potentials in myasthenic The end plate potential (EPP) generated
muscles. by voluntary contraction normally
reaches the threshold in all muscle fibers.
If the EPP falls short of this critical level
Varying Motor Unit Potentials at some neuromuscular junction, those
muscle fibers fail to discharge. This block-
Electromyography can assess the stabil- ing affecting only some fibers of a motor
ity of isolated motor unit potentials by unit reduces the size of the motor unit po-
slowly advancing or retracting the needle tential on standard needle recordings. If
for optimal display of the repetitive dis- an EPP barely reaches the necessary level,
charges. During minimal contraction of its rate of rise falls below the normal
the muscle, the amplitude variability of an range, delaying, rather than blocking, the
isolated potential, heard over the loud- action potential. This abnormality escapes
speaker, alerts the examiner to search detection in conventional electromyogra-
for unstable motor unit discharges. This phy because, unlike blocking, delayed dis-
method does not necessarily provide ac- charge of muscle fibers alters the motor
curate quantitative assessment of neu- unit potential very little.
romuscular transmission. The needle ex- On single-fiber recording of a pair of po-
amination, applicable to any muscles, in- tentials, an intermittent delay of the action
cluding those not tested by the stimula- potential in either fiber increases the jitter
tion technique, has the added advantage or the variability of interpotential interval.
of not requiring muscle immobilization. This finding, as the first sign of neuro-
For example, electromyography helps es- muscular instability, precedes blocking of
tablish the diagnosis of ocular myasthe- transmission. Thus, increased jitter her-
nia (see Chapter 15-3). alds variation of motor unit potentials or
The administration of anticholinester- decrementing response to repetitive stim-
ase reverses the abnormalities of motor ulation of the nerve. The practice of sin-
unit potentials in patients with myasthe- gle-fiber electromyography has added a
nia gravis. Thus, the injection of edro- new dimension to the assessment of neu-
phonium (Tensilon) increases motor unit romuscular transmission, although it re-
potentials recorded in the extensor digi- quires additional training. Most commer-
torum communis by 30-130 percent in cially available instruments have the
amplitude and 10-25 percent in dura- capability of computerizing the method,
tion.20 In patients with ocular myasthe- which surpasses the manual calculation
nia gravis, a progressive decrease in am- of the recorded responses.
plitude and frequency during a prolonged
period of voluntary contraction partially
reverses after intravenous administration 4 OTHER TECHNIQUES
of edrophonium.24
Minature End-Plate Potentials
Jitter and Blocking
Microelectrode recordings from single in-
The single-fiber recording has proven use- tercostal muscles provide the only means
ful in early detection of neuromuscular of measuring the size of minature end-
disturbances as an important adjunct plate potentials (MEPP) and the number
technique 27
in the evaluation of myasthe- of the acetylcholine (ACh) quanta released
nia gravis. -28 As described in detail later per volley of nerve impulses. These deter-
(see Chapter 16-5) the method consists of minations in turn can precisely charac-
recording a pair of single-fiber potentials terize the abnormality of neuromuscular
simultaneously and measuring fluctua- transmission. The method helps elucidate
tion of the neuromuscular transmission the specific pathophysiology underlying
by the stability of the interpeak intervals. the deficits in production or mobilization
Either blocking or increased jitter char- of ACh. It also measures the sensitivity of
acterizes neuromuscular disturbances. the motor end plate by quantitative as-
282 Assessment of Neuromuscular Transmission

sessment. This method, which depends on tion. This contraction in turn dampens
intercostal muscle biopsy, lies beyond the the acoustic sensitivity of the middle ear
scope of routine clinical tests. In selected and prevents hyperacusis. Thus, imped-
cases that pose a diagnostic challenge, ance audiometry can measure the func-
however, it helps differentiate myasthenia tion of the stapedius muscle. In normal
gravis, the myasthenic syndrome, and subjects, a sound stimulus 70-100 dB
other disorders involving the neuromuscu- above the hearing threshold elicits the
lar junction. A spectral analysis of endplate stapedius reflex. It shows no decay dur-
noise recorded by a conventional monopo- ing sustained contraction for up to 1
lar needle may help evaluate ACh receptor minute with stimulus frequencies of
ion channel kinetics, but its clinical value 250-1000 Hz.
waits further clarification.15 In patients with myasthenia gravis,
weakened stapedius muscles enhance
transmission of sound in the 1-4 kHz
Tonography range, resulting in hyperacusis. Here,
only high-intensity sound can induce the
Other techniques not ordinarily used in acoustic reflex.17 In addition, reflex con-
an electromyographic laboratory include traction of the stapedius muscle shows a
edrophonium (Tensilon) tonography. The rapid decrement, analogous to the similar
intraocular pressure results in part from response of the limb muscles to repetitive
contraction of the extraocular muscles. electrical stimulation of the nerve.1 The
Thus, measurements of the pressure with administration of edrophonium enhances
an electronic tonometer reveal the effect the acoustic reflex, diminishes hyper-
of anticholinesterase on ocular motility. acusis, and improves the decay of the
Some investigators advocate simultane- stapedius reflex in response to repetitive
ous recording of muscle action potentials sound stimulation. In some patients with
with needle electrodes placed in the ex- myasthenia gravis, testing the stapedius
traocular muscles. reflex may reveal 29the only electrophysio-
In normal subjects, intraocular pres- logic abnormality. In one study, stape-
sure may fall, on average, 1.6-1.8 mm Hg dial reflex showed clear abnormalities in
over a 1 minute period after an intra- 84 percent of the patients with myasthe-
venous injection of edrophonium up to 10 nia gravis as compared with 56 percent
mg.4 Patients with decreased extraocular by repetitive stimulation and 91 12percent
tone, as in ocular myasthenia, have low by single-fiber electromyography.
intraocular pressures. The administration
of edrophonium produces changes in
tonography coincident with a moderate in- Tests for Oculomotor Function
crease in electrical activity in the ex-
traocular muscles. A sudden increase in Electronystagmography provides quanti-
extraocular muscle tone alters intraocu- tative measurements of amplitude, veloc-
lar pressure by a mean of 1.6 mm Hg ity, and frequency of optokinetic nystag-
within 35 s of injection. This phenomenon mus to document fatigue of extraocular
does not necessarily imply ocular myas- muscles. In patients with ocular myas-
thenia, being also seen, for example, in thenia, edrophonium induces an increase
ocular myositis without other features of in previously reduced oculomotor func-
myasthenia gravis.30 Intraocular pressure tion.2 In one series, electrooculography re-
may also rise with the Valsalva maneu- vealed neuromuscular fatigue in 50 per-
ver. In this case, a control injection of cent of myasthenic patients.4 The infrared
saline can identify a false-positive result. reflection technique improves the sensi-
tivity of the test with the use of numeric
criteria in grading neuropharmacologic ef-
Stapedius Reflex fects on oculomotor fatigue.25 For exam-
ple, velocity of saccade measured by this
The stapedius muscles contract bilaterally means increases after administration of
in response to unilateral sound stimula- edrophonium.16 The Lancaster red-green
Activation Procedures and Other Methods 283

test also detects oculomotor fatigue, tingham S: Experimental autoimmune myas-

which improves after rest or with admin- thenia gravis and myasthenia gravis: Biochem-
ical and immunochemical aspects. Ann NY Acad
istration of edrophonium in patients with Sci 274:254-274, 1976.
myasthenia gravis.22 15. Maselli RA: End-plate electromyography: Use of
spectral analysis of end-plate noise. Muscle
Nerve 20:52-58, 1997.
16. Metz HS, Scott AB, O'Meara DM: Saccadic eye
REFERENCES movements in myasthenia gravis. Arch Oph-
thalmol 88:9-11, 1972.
17. Morioka WT, Neff PA, Boisseranc TE, Hartman
1. Blom S, Zakrisson JE: The stapedius reflex in PW, Cantrell RW: Audiotympanometric findings
the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. J Neurol Sci in myasthenia gravis. Arch Otolaryngol
21:71-76, 1974. 102:211-213, 1976.
2. Blomberg LH, Persson T: A new test for myas- 18. Mulder DW, Lambert EH, Eaton LM: Myasthenic
thenia gravis. Preliminary report. Acta Neurol syndrome in patients with amyotrophic lateral
Scand 41 (Suppl 13): 363-364, 1965. sclerosis. Neurology 9:627-631, 1959.
3. Borenstein S, Desmedt JE: New diagnostic pro- 19. Ozdemir C, Young RR: The results to be expected
cedures in myasthenia gravis. In Desmedt JE from electrical testing in the diagnosis of myas-
(ed): New Developments in Electromyography thenia gravis. Ann NY Acad Sci 274:203-235,
and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol 1. Karger, 1976.
Basel, 1973, pp 350-374. 20. Pinelli P: The effect of anticholinesterases on mo-
4. Campbell MJ, Simpson E, Crombie AL, Walton tor unit potentials in myasthenia gravis. Mus-
JN: Ocular myasthenia: Evaluation of Tensilon cle Nerve 1:438-441, 1978.
tonography and electronystagmography as diag- 21. Pittinger C, Adamson R: Antibiotic blockade of
nostic tests. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry neuromuscular function. Ann Rev Pharmacol
33:639-646, 1970. 12:169-184, 1972.
5. Desmedt JE: The neuromuscular disorder in 22. Retzlaff, JA, Kearns, TP, Howard, FM, Jr, and
myasthenia gravis. 1. Electrical and mechanical Cronin, ML: Lancaster red-green test in evalua-
response to nerve stimulation in hand muscles. tion of edrophonium effect in myasthenia gravis.
In Desmedt JE (ed): New Developments in Elec- Am J Ophthalmol 67:13-21, 1969.
tromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol 23. Rowland LP, Aranow H Jr, Hoefer PFA: Obser-
1. Karger, Basel, 1973, pp 241-304. vations on the curare test in the differential di-
6. Elmqvist D: Neuromuscular transmission de- agnosis of myasthenia gravis. In Viets HR (ed):
fects. In Desmedt JE (ed): New Developments in Myasthenia Gravis, The Second International
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Vol 1. Karger, Basel, 1973, pp 229-240. Springfield, 111, 1961, pp 411-434.
7. Feldman SA, Tyrrell MF: A new theory of the ter- 24. Sears ML, Walsh FB, Teasdall RD: The elec-
mination of action of the muscle relaxants. Proc tromyogram from ocular muscles in myasthenia
R Soc Med 63:692-695, 1970. gravis. Arch Ophthalmol 63:791-798, 1960.
8. Foldes FF, Klonymus DH, Maisel W, Osserman 25. Spector RH, Daroff RB: Edrophonium infrared
KE: A new curare test for the diagnosis of myas- optokinetic nystagmography in the diagnosis of
thenia gravis. JAMA 203:649-653, 1968. myasthenia gravis. Ann NY Acad Sci 274:642-
9. Griggs RC, Donohoe KM, Utell MJ, Goldblatt D, 651, 1976.
Moxley RT III: Evaluation of pulmonary function 26. Spector RH, Daroff RB, Birkett JE: Edropho-
in neuromuscular disease. Arch Neurol 38:9-12, nium infrared optokinetic nystagmography in
1981. the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. Neurology
10. Hertel G, Ricker K, Hirsch A: The regional cu- 25:317-321, 1975.
rate test in myasthenia gravis. J Neurol 27. Stalberg E, Trontelj JV: Single fiber electromyo-
214:257-265, 1977. graphy. In: Healthy and Disease Muscle. Raven
11. Horowitz SH, Sivak M: The regional curare test Press, New York, 1994.
and electrophysiologic diagnosis of myasthenia 28. Stalberg E, Trontelj JV, Schwartz MS: Single-
gravis: Further studies. Muscle Nerve 1:432- muscle-fiber recording of itter phenomenon in
434, 1978. patients with myasthenia gravis and in mem-
12. Kramer LD, Ruth RA, Johns ME, Sanders DB: A bers of their families. Ann NY Acad Sci 274:
comparison of stapedial reflex fatigue with repet- 189-202, 1976.
itive stimulation and single fiber EMG in myas- 29. Warren WR, Gutmann L, Cody RC, Flowers P,
thenia gravis. Ann Neurol 9:531-536, 1981. Segat AT: Stapedius reflex decay in myasthenia
13. Lefvert AK, Bergstrom K, Matell G, Osterman gravis. Arch Neurol 34:496-497, 1977.
PO, Pirskanen R: Determination of acetylcholine 30. Wray SH, Pavan-Langston D: A reevaluation of
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usefulness and pathogenetic implications. J the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis: With obser-
Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 41:394-403, 1978. vations on some other defects of neuromuscu-
14. Lindstrom JM, Lennon VA, Seybold ME, Whit- lar transmission. Neurology 21:586-593, 1971.
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Part IV
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Chapter 12

Gross Anatomy of Muscle
Excitability and Conductivity
Myofibrils and Myofilaments
Mechanism of Contraction
Type I and Type II Fibers
Fast and Slow Twitch Fibers
Fast and Slow Muscles
Effect of Muscle Injury, Denervation, and Innervation
Anatomy of Muscle Spindles
Function of Muscle Spindles
Golgi Tendon Organ
Innervation Ratio
Distribution of Muscle Fibers
Animal Experiments
Twitch Characteristics
Rate Coding

1 INTRODUCTION the middle length of the muscle, though

the detailed configurations vary among dif-
ferent subjects.110 Many muscles in the
The skeletal muscles comprise the extra- limbs have multiple motor points169 that in
fusal and intrafusal fibers, which show dis- part dictate their contraction characteris-
tinct anatomic and physiologic features. tics.101 Mammalian skeletal muscles may
The alpha motor neurons innervate the consist of two or more separate subdivisions
extrafusal fibers that occupy the bulk of known as neuromuscular compartments,
muscle mass as contractile elements. The with unique anatomic and functional char-
skeletal muscles usually have innervation acteristics.44,98,100,152 The gamma motor
zones with abundant motor end plates in neurons subserve the stretch-sensitive in-
288 Electromyography

trafusal fibers that constitute the muscle

spindles found in parallel with the extra-
fusal fibers, which contract to generate
force. The Golgi tendon organs, aligned in
series with the tendon of the extrafusal
fibers, also respond to stretch. The spin-
dles and Golgi tendon organ continuously
monitor and regulate the tonus of the re-
flexive or volitional muscle contraction.
The motor unit, the smallest contractile
element, consists of a single motor neu-
ron and all the muscle fibers innervated
by its axon.
A nerve impulse initiates muscle con-
traction in two distinct steps: neuromus-
cular transmission and electromechanical
coupling (see Chapter 9-3 and 9-4). Acetyl-
choline (ACh), released at the neuromus-
cular junction, depolarizes the end-plate
region generating an action potential,
which then propagates along the muscle
membrane. As the impulse reaches the
triad, depolarization of the transverse
tubules releases ionized calcium (Ca2+)
into the sarcoplasm. The interaction be-
tween calcium and the thin filaments trig-
gers electromechanical coupling, leading
to the formation of bridges between the
thin and thick filaments. The sliding of
thin filaments between the thick filaments Figure 12-1. Anatomic composition of the skeletal
muscle. The epimysium surrounds the entire mus-
shortens the muscle fibers. cle (a), which consists of many fascicles bound by
This section will present a description perimysium (b). Individual muscle fibers (c) in the
of the anatomy of the contractile elements, fascicle are covered by endomysium. Each muscle
the mechanism underlying the shortening fiber contains many bundles of myofibrils (d), which
in turn consist of thin (e) and thick (f) myofilaments.
of the muscle fibers, and the anatomy and Thin actin filaments slide past thick myosin fila-
physiology of motor units. ments during muscle contraction (g).

2 FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY 2 to 12 cm in length, some extending the

entire length of the muscle and others only
through a short segment of the total length.
Gross Anatomy of Muscle The sarcolemma on the surface membrane
of a muscle fiber contains multiple nuclei
A connective tissue called epimysium cov- distributed beneath the thin sheath.
ers the surface of each muscle. Inside this
sheath are many fascicles bound by the
coarse sleeves of the connective tissue per- Excitability and Conductivity
imysium (Fig. 12-1). Individual fascicles
contain many muscle fibers, each sur- The muscle membrane has functional
rounded by a delicate network of fine con- properties of excitability and conductivity
nective tissue, called endomysium. A mus- similar to those of an axon. Thus, a my-
cle fiber, the smallest anatomic unit oelectric signal originating from a neuro-
capable of contraction, averages in diame- muscular junction propagates in109both the
ter 10 /AHI in a newborn and 50 um in an proximal and distal directions. An or-
adult.22 Individual muscle fibers range from dinary electromyography instrument suf-
Anatomy and Physiology of the Skeletal Muscle 289

fices to measure muscle fiber conduction Myofibrils and Myofilaments

velocity using needle recording. With sur-
face studies, computerized data analyses The semi-fluid intracellular content of a
of frequency and time domain give rise to muscle fiber, called sarcoplasm, contains
an average estimate from many motor many bundles of cylindrical myofibrils.
units at different contraction levels.89,196 They appear as a thin, threadlike sub-
An averaging method with arrays of sur- stance with light and dark bands of stria-
face electrodes shows a high correlation tions under the light microscope. Myofib-
of conduction velocity with twitch and rils consist of two types of myofilaments,
threshold forces but not with rise time. 132 which represent the basic substrates for
The measurements with electric stimula- the contraction of muscle fibers. The
tion of single or a bundle of fibers, in gen- transverse striations seen by light mi-
eral, yield lower values than those obtained croscopy result from their specific
during voluntary contraction.4,58,201 When arrangements. The structural subunit,
measuring electrically elicited contraction called the sarcomere, extends between
of single motor units, the higher the stim- two adjacent Z lines. The center of the sar-
ulation rate, the133
greater the velocity within comere contains the longitudinally ori-
certain ranges. ented thick myosin myofilaments. The
During submaximal contractions, two thin actin filaments extend from either
opposing factors influence the average side of the Z line into the two adjacent
values of muscle fiber conduction veloc- sarcomeres to interdigitate with the
ity: Increase with recruitment of fresh mo- myosin filaments.
tor units, and decrease with fatigue of al- The thick filaments consist of only
ready active motor units.5 On average, the myosin molecules, which form parallel
conduction velocity increases with the elongated rods. The thin filaments contain
level of contraction force either measured not only actin molecules but also two
with surface electrodes or needle elec- other proteins, troponin and tropomyosin.
trode.128,150 Muscle fiber conduction ve- Globular-shaped troponins are attached
locity also changes with length. 19,91 In one to each end of the elongated tropomyosin
study180using single fiber electromyogra- molecule, which, in turn, is intimately
phy, propagation velocity increased by bound to several actin molecules along its
33 percent on shortening and decreased interwoven course (Fig. 12-2). During
by 22 percent on elongating the muscle muscle fiber contraction, actin filaments
fiber. These length-dependent changes slide relative to the myosin filaments. This
may contribute to the supernormal phase brings the adjacent Z lines closer together,
of muscle fiber propagation velocity and shortening the sarcomere, rather than in-
interdischarge interval-dependent myo- dividual filaments.25
genic jitter seen in single fiber studies.
Compared to the nerve axons, muscle
fibers conduct considerably more slow- Mechanism of Contraction
ly, with an estimated rate of 3 to 5
22,53,78,107,108,134,153,161,179,195 The mechanism of the sliding begins with
propagation velocities increase with age, the formation of calcium (Ca2+)-dependent
body height, and muscle diameter in the bridges that link the actin and myosin fil-
growing normal child.106 Surface and nee- aments. At rest, tropomyosin physically
dle recording reveal a reduced muscle blocks the formation of bridges between
fiber conduction velocity in myopathies,201 myosin and actin. The propagation of the
although a needle study may show the action potential into the sarcoplasmic
change more138clearly.184 Peripheral vascu- reticulum via the transverse tubules re-
lar diseases and high-dose methyl- leases calcium from the terminal cistern of
prednisolone therapy183 also alter surface the longitudinal tubules. The free calcium
myoelectric signals. Despite some en- binds to troponin, the only calcium-recep-
couraging results, muscle fiber conduc- tive protein in the contractile system. This
tion studies have found only limited clin- interaction shifts the position of
ical value as a diagnostic measure. tropomyosin relative to the actin molecule,
290 Electromyography

Figure 12-2. Fine structure of the thin actin filament with actin molecules attached to globe-shaped tro-
ponin and rod-shaped tropomyosin in an orderly arrangement. [From Ebashi, Endo, and Ohtsuki,52 with

allowing the globular heads of myosin to does not occur, presumably because of an
gain access to the actin molecules. insufficient amount of ATP. Failure of re-
Myosin-actin cross-bridges pull the actin laxation results in persistent shortening
filaments past the myosin filaments. The of the muscle in the absence of ongoing
tension develops in proportion to the num- muscle action potentials. This condition,
ber of cross-bridges formed by this chem- called contracture, typically develops
ical interaction. The dissociation of actin when patients exercise under ischemic
and myosin by adenosine triphosphate conditions (Fig. 12-3). In porcine malig-
(ATP) shears old bridges to allow further nant hyperthermia, a mutation of the cal-
sliding with new bridges. cium channel in the skeletal muscle sar-
Without a sustained muscle action po- coplasmic reticulum causes excessive
tential, ATP-dependent active transport release of calcium into the myoplasm,
sequesters calcium into the sarcoplasmic leading to contracture.156
reticulum. The removal of calcium from Although the degree of muscle contrac-
troponin allows tropomyosin to return to tion determines strength and endurance,
the resting position, and the muscle re- the amount of force generated serves only
laxes. Muscle contractility depends in partially as an index of motor skill. Func-
part on extracellular calcium concentra- tional alteration, for example, occurs with
tion.103,104 In McArdle disease, character- sarcopenia or loss of lean tissue with ag-
ized by deficiency of muscle phosphory- ing, and its metabolic and physiologic
lase, this initial step of muscle relaxation consequences.51 ,154

Figure 12-3. Contracture during ischemic exercise in a 66-year-old man with McArdle disease. With an in-
flated pressure tourniquet placed around the arm and a concentric needle electrode inserted into the flexor
digitorum profundus, the patient exercised the forearm flexors. Contracture began 45 seconds after the start
of ischemic exercise (arrow in A), and persisted (B). Electrical activity returned 15 minutes after the release
of the cuff (arrow in C). [Courtesy of E. Peter Bosch, M.D., Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale.]
Anatomy and Physiology of the Skeletal Muscle 291

3 TYPES OF MUSCLE FIBERS IIA, IIB, and IIC, emerge according to their
ATPase reactions (Table 12-1) after prein-
cubation at different pH values.17,18,56
The subdivision of muscle fibers depends Type IIC fibers constitute fetal precursor
on their histologic and physiologic pro- cells, rarely seen in adult muscles.
files. Important determining factors in- The myosine ATPase content dictates
clude enzymatic properties demonstrated the speed of contraction,6 which forms the
by histochemical reactions; rate of rise in basis for the physiologic subdivision of
twitch tension, regulating the speed of muscle fibers. Thus, in general, physio-
contraction; degree of fatigability; and the logic data correlate the slow twitch fibers
nature of motor innervation. 16° Table to histochemical 36,94
type I, and fast twitch
12-1 summarizes the commonly used fibers to type II, though exceptions
classification of muscle fibers into type I abound. For example, histochemically
and type II according to histochemical re- mixed extensor digitorum longus of the rat
actions;18,50,56 slow (S), fast resistant contains only fast fibers;41 slow soleus
(FR), and fast fatiguing (FF), based on muscle of eels shows greater myosin
twitch and fatigue characteristics;35 or ATPase activity than fast gastrocnemius
slow oxidative (SO), fast oxidative gly- muscle. Therefore, the intensity of histo-
colytic (FOG), and fast glycolytic (FG), by chemical ATPase reaction cannot serve as
twitch and enzymatic properties.141 the sole criterion in distinguishing fast
and slow twitch fibers.37
The growth of muscle cross-sectional
Type I and Type II Fibers area from childhood to adult age reflects
an increase in mean fiber size from 10-12
Histochemical reactions (Fig. 12-4) reveal fjLW. shortly after birth to 40-60 um at age
two types of human muscle fibers. Type I 15-20 years.137 Accompanying functional
fibers react strongly to oxidative enzymes development includes a change of the
such as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide fiber population with an increase of type
dehydrogenase (NADH) and reduced di- 2 fibers from about 35 percent at the age
phosphopyridine nucleotide (DPNH) and of 5, to 50 percent at the age of 20, most
weakly to both phosphorylase and my- likely by a transformation of type 1 to type
ofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase (AT- 2 fibers.95 Aging atrophy or sarcopenia be-
Pase). Type II fibers show the reverse re- gins around age 25 and then acceler-
activity.50 Three subtypes of type II fibers, ates,51,96,154 mainly reflecting a loss of

Table 12-1 Types of Muscle Fibers

Commonly used designations
Fiber types18 Type I Type IIA Type II B
Twitch and fatigue characteristics35 Slow (S) Fast resistant (FR) Fast fatigue (FF)
Twitch and enzymatic properties141 Slow oxidative Fast oxidative- Fast glycolytic
(SO) glycolytic (FOG) (FG)
Properties of muscle fibers
Resistance to fatigue High High Low
Oxidative enzymes High High Low
Phosphorylase (glycolytic) Low High High
Adenosine triphosphate Low High High
Twitch speed Low High High
Twitch tension Low High High
Characteristics of motor units
Size of cell body Small Large Large
Size of motor unit Small Large Large
Diameter of axons Small Large Large
Conduction velocity Low High High
Threshold for recruitment Low High High
Firing frequency Low High High
Frequency of miniature end-plate potentials Low High High
292 Electromyography

Figure 12-4. Cross-section of a normal skeletal muscle stained with adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) at
pH 9.4 in A, and with nicotinamlde adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase (NADH) in B. The darker fibers rep-
resent type II in A and type I in B. [Courtesy of Linda Ansbacher, M.D., and Michael N. Hart, M.D., De-
partment of Pathology, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.]

fibers of all types, and to a lesser extent, action potential, higher maximum rates of
reduction in fiber size mostly of type 2 depolarization and repolarization, and a
fibers. more variable shape of the repolarization
phase.188 The slow twitch fibers have
higher antioxidative capacity than the fast
Fast and Slow Twitch Fibers twitch fibers.83 The production of lipid
peroxides parallels the exercise-induced
Muscle fibers differ in their contraction increase of oxygen uptake in the muscle,
time, force-velocity curves, and rates of showing higher values in more oxidative
decay.141 Slow fibers (S) with high oxida- and better perfused, oxygen-consuming
tive properties (SO) resist fatigue. Fast re- muscle fibers.93
sistant (FR) fibers with high oxidative and
glycolytic properties (FOG) also resist fa-
tigue, whereas the fast fatigue (FF) fibers Fast and Slow Muscles
with high glycolytic activity35but low ox-
idative enzyme (FG) do not. These find- In animals, most muscles consist mainly
ings suggest that glycolytic capacity gen- of one muscle fiber type. Slow muscles ap-
erally relates to twitch characteristics, pear deeper red in color, reflecting a
and oxidative capability dictates fatigabil- higher myoglobin content, whereas fast
ity. Intracellular recordings have shown muscles tend to show a whitish hue.
that compared with slow fibers, fast gly- Functionally, slow muscles have a tonic
colytic fibers have greater resting mem- postural role, like that of the soleus in the
brane potential, a larger amplitude of the cat, whereas fast muscles provide willed
Anatomy and Physiology of the Skeletal Muscle 293

phasic movements, like those of the wing fected muscles.167 The finding suggests
muscles of a chicken. This distinction, that denervation during infancy impairs
however, blurs in humans because most normal development of muscle contractile
human limb muscles consist of slow and properties. In patients with chronic neu-
fast twitch motor units in various combi- romuscular diseases, normal muscle fiber
nations.30 For example, the slow fibers histochemistry persists as long as motor
with contraction times longer than 60 ms neuron differentiation remains. In pa-
constitute a majority in triceps surae, one tients with long-term spastic hemiplegia,
half in tibialis anterior, one third in bi- some motor units show greater fatigabil-
ceps brachii, and a small percentage in ity and longer twitch contraction times
triceps brachii.27 Slow oxidative fibers oc- than normal. Thus, the dynamic proper-
cupy 38 and 44 percent of superficial and ties of the muscle seem to change even in
deep areas in the vastus lateralis and 47 upper motor neuron lesions.198
and 61 percent in the vastus medialis.84 Alterations in histochemical properties
Further, fibers of the same types do not may reflect the firing pattern and axonal
necessarily share the same contractile conduction velocity of the motor neu-
speed in different muscles.147 rons.12 Athletes engaged in endurance
training have a greater number of slow
fibers,63 whereas weight lifters have more
Effect of Muscle Injury, fast fibers.176 Exercise training alone,
Denervation, and Innervation however, induces little change in basic
muscle contractility in humans.3,63,176
Focal injury to a long multinucleated Hence, motor neuron activity does not
muscle fiber could destroy it totally un- suffice in itself to alter the distribution of
less repair takes place immediately at the fast and slow fibers in a muscle. The find-
site of the lesion, sealing the remainder of ings in favor of additional neurotrophic in-
its length. The satellite cell-derived my- fluences66 include effects of neurons on
oblasts fuse with the injured muscle fiber muscle in tissue cultures199 and the in-
to undertake such localized repair9,159 verse relationship of nerve length on the
without affecting the major gene expres- time interval before the development of
sion in the uninjured parts of the fiber.200 muscle membrane changes after nerve
Transient loss of functional innervation section.38 The hypertrophy with type I
has a permanent effect on the myosin fiber predominance seen in some patients
composition.81 After denervation, the pat- with neuromyotonia may represent con-
tern of phosphorylation in fast muscle version of type II fibers based on similar
changes to resemble that of slow muscle, physiologic mechanisms as described in
a finding consistent with denervation-in- animal models.67,185 Reactive hypertro-
duced changes observed using other phe- phy of the masticatory muscle, induced
notypic markers.118,131,184 Denervation by increased workload, also accompanies
usually causes irreversible muscle atro- progressive type I fiber predominance and
phy unless denervated muscles receive type II fiber atrophy.73
reinnervation promptly.80 In one study, After the transplantation of the nerve
muscles grafted with nerve implants had normally innervating a fast fiber to a slow
a higher mass and generated twice the fiber, the originally slow muscle fiber will
force compared with denervated muscle acquire the properties of a fast muscle
receiving only nerve implants without fiber.31,85,146,197 Such a relationship be-
muscle graft.8 Functional recovery also tween the type of innervation and muscle
depends critically on the duration of den- activity also determines the mechanical
ervation before nerve repair.90 characteristics of contraction in some
The rate of stimulation dictates the con- fibers,28 but not others.190 For example,
tractile characteristics of muscle fibers motor neurons innervating fast twitch
in animals,82,102,142,143,144,145,151,170,187 as muscles have shorter afterhyperpolariza-
well as in humans.39 Brachial plexus tion than those supplying slow twitch mus-
palsy at birth alters isometric contraction cles.54 A study of the effect of cross-inner-
time and half relaxation time of the af- vation in patients with muscle transfer for
294 Electromyography

facial palsies have shown considerably less contracting nonfatiguing ones. Muscle
plasticity than in animal models in the fiber types also correlate with innervation
conversion of slow to fast twitch fibers.74 topography, as shown in the rat serratus
Also, the minimal changes in the spatial anterior muscle.65
distribution of fiber types following self-
reinnervation in adults suggests a limited
degree of conversion of muscle fibers to 4 STRETCH-SENSITIVE
myosin heavy chain phenotype matching RECEPTORS
the motor neuron characteristics.182
Studies using inactivity with and without
cross-reinnervation have shown that elec- Anatomy of Muscle Spindles
trically silent motor neurons can influence
type-related skeletal muscle properties.148 Muscle spindles consist of small special-
Further, activity-dependent fiber-type mod- ized muscle fibers encapsulated by con-
ulation differs substantially among fibers nective tissue. The intrafusal fibers mea-
in a relatively homogeneous muscle.171 sure only 4-10 mm in length and 0.2-0.35
Thus, the driving forces for this regula- mm in diameter, in contrast to the much
tion, though not yet elucidated, probably larger extrafusal fibers of striated mus-
include not only the discharge pattern of cle.57,86 The connective tissue capsule
the motor neuron but also the axoplasmic surrounding the intrafusal fiber joins the
transplantation of trophic substances sarcolemma of the extrafusal fibers at-
from the nerve to the muscle. Many other tached to the origin and insertion of the
factors influence the twitch and other muscle. The muscle spindles lie parallel
characteristics of muscle fibers. In one to the striated muscle fibers. The nuclear
study,20 capsaicin treatment, which se- arrangement in their equatorial region
lectively eliminated fibers belonging to the distinguishes two types of intrafusal
group III and IV muscle afferents,43,192 in- fibers, nuclear bag and nuclear chain (Fig.
duced muscle fiber transformation from 12-5). Both dynamic and static bag fibers
fast contracting fatiguing fibers to slowly expand near their midpoint over a short

Figure 12-5. Simplified diagram of the central region (about 1 mm) of the nuclear bag fiber (top) and nu-
clear chain fiber (bottom) showing two types of motor endings, two types of afferent fibers, and two types of
gamma motor neurons. [From Matthews,111 with permission.]
Anatomy and Physiology of the Skeletal Muscle 295

length of about 100 um by a collection of spinal cord. Although both kinds of mo-
some 50 nuclei. The smaller nuclear chain tor endings can innervate either type of
fibers contain a linear array of nuclei intrafusal fibers, the plate endings tend to
along the center of the fiber. supply preferentially the nuclear bag; the
The afferent and efferent nerves that trail endings, the chain fibers.
supply muscle spindles each have two dif-
ferent kinds of endings: primary (annu-
lospiral) and secondary (flower-spray) Function of Muscle Spindles
sensory endings; and plate (single, dis-
crete) and trail (multiple, diffuse) motor The dynamic afferent fibers respond to the
endings. The primary sensory ending spi- velocity of the actively stretching spindles.
rals around the center of the bag and The static afferent fibers detect a sus-
chain fibers. In contrast, the secondary tained change in the length. The primary
ending terminates more peripherally and ending has both dynamic and static func-
chiefly on nuclear chain fibers. The large- tion, but the secondary ending mainly me-
diameter fast-conducting group IA affer- diates static changes (Fig. 12-6). The dy-
ent nerve fibers from the primary endings namic and static axons of the fusimotor
subserve the monosynaptic stretch reflex. system influence the dynamic and static
In contrast, the secondary ending gives muscle spindles respectively.29,111 The
rise to group II afferent nerve fibers that trail endings mediate static changes,
terminate on the interneurons in the whereas the plate endings primarily con-

Figure 12-6. Responses of primary and secondary endings to a rapidly applied stretch before (top) and af-
ter (bottom) cutting the ventral root. Spontaneous fusimotor discharge maintained a steady intrafusal con-
traction in the decerebrate cat. The primary endings show a greater sensitivity to stretch112than the secondary
endings, but both types respond equally to changes in muscle length. [From Matthews, with permission.]
296 Electromyography

trol dynamic changes.113 The bag fibers Golgi Tendon Organ

receive a sufficiently distinctive motor in-
nervation to subserve preferentially dy- The Golgi tendon organ, arranged in series
namic fusimotor effects, and the chain with extrafusal striated muscle fibers,
fibers, static fusimotor effect.13,14 Muscle monitors not only active muscle contrac-
spindles, using the contraction-depen- tion but also passive stretch. The group IB
dent discharge pattern, monitor activity of afferent fibers originating herein subserve
motor units in the vicinity.32,116 Recep- disynaptic inhibition of the motor neurons
tor feedback, however, has a negligible ef- that innervate the stretched muscle. Ac-
fect on the motor neuron pool, compared cording to the traditional view, this in-
with the excitatory drive during voluntary hibitory mechanism provides a safety func-
contraction.117 During prolonged, sus- tion to prevent excessive muscle tension
tained contractions, afferent spindle dis- when motor neuron firing reaches a cer-
charges decline, whereas motor unit dis- tain level. The threshold tension, much
charges of the parent muscles increase. less than previously believed, however, ex-
This may give the impression of an a-y cites the tendon organ, especially during
dissociation, although the decline in spin- active stretch.79 The activation of group IB
dle discharge may result from a progres- afferent fibers during mild tension helps
sive failure in the peripheral mechanisms continuously monitor and adjust the mag-
by which the fusimotor system normally nitude of muscle activity for smooth con-
excites the spindle endings.68,69,70,105 traction even at a low level of tension.
Table 12-2 shows a simplified summary
of sensory endings found in muscle spin-
dles. The basic structural elements com- 5 ANATOMY OF THE
prise two types of intrafusal fibers, nuclear MOTOR UNIT
bag and nuclear chain; two types of sen-
sory receptor endings, primary and sec-
ondary, giving rise to group IA and group As defined by Liddell and Sherrington,97
II afferent fibers; and two types of fusimo- the motor unit consists of a motor neuron
tor endings, plate and trail, which prefer- and the few hundred muscle fibers that it
entially subserve dynamic and static func- supplies. A single discharge of a motor neu-
tion. The dynamic bag fibers receive ron gives rise to synchronous contraction
innervation from the fusimotor fibers with of all muscle fibers innervated by the axon.
plate endings and modulate dynamic func- Hence, even though individual muscle
tion via the primary sensory endings. The fibers represent the anatomic substrate,
static bag fibers and chain fibers, inner- the motor unit constitutes the smallest
vated mainly by fusimotor fibers with trail functional element of contraction.158
endings, give rise to both types of sensory
afferents to regulate static muscle length.
Muscle receptors play a role in proprio- Innervation Ratio
ception, as evidenced by sensory effects of
pulling or vibrating exposed tendons in hu- The innervation ratio relates to the aver-
mans,114 although cutaneous afferents age size of a motor unit expressed as a ra-
may also provide a dominant input.129 tio between the total number of extrafusal

Table 12-2 Sensory Endings of Muscle Spindles

Primary Sensory Ending Secondary Sensory Ending
Location Both bag and chain fibers Mainly chain fibers
Sensitivity Both length and velocity Mainly length
Fusimotor system Both dynamic and static Mainly static
Form of ending Half rings in annulospirals Spirals and flower sprays
Length of ending About 300 /Am About 400 um
Type of afferent fiber Group IA Group II
Diameter of afferent fiber 12-20 /urn 6-12 Aum
Anatomy and Physiology of the Skeletal Muscle 297

Table 12-3 Summary of Innervation Study

Number Mean Cross-
Number Calculated of Diameter sectional
of Number Number Fibers of Area of
Large of of per Muscle Motor
Nerve Muscle Motor Motor Fibers Units
Material Muscle Fibers Fibers Units Unit (/an) (mm3)
<?22 Platysma 1,826 27,100 1,096 25 20 0.008
840 Brachioradialis Right 525 >129,200315 >410 34
Left 584 350
c?22 First dorsal
interosseous 199 40,500 119 340 26 0.18
(J54 First lumbrical 155 10,038 93 108 19 0.031
$29 164 10,500 98 107 21 0.037
c?40 Anterior tibial 742 250,200 445 562
c?22 292,500 657 57 1.7
c?28 Gastrocnemius
medial head 965 1,120,000 579 1,934
<J22 946,000 1,634 54 3.4
Source: From Feinstein et al. with permission.

fibers and the number of innervating mo- different histologic fiber types seen in
tor axons. Depending on the type of mus- muscle cross-sections indicates consider-
cle, the ratio ranges from 3:1 in extrinsic able overlap in84 the territories of adjacent
eye muscles, which require fine grada- motor units. Single-fiber electromy-
tions of movement, to 30:1 to 120:1 in ography164,165,166 and 163electrophysiologic
some limb muscles subserving only cross-section analysis have demon-
coarse movement.173 Table 12-3 59 summa- strated the scattering of muscle fibers be-
rizes the results of one study. Table longing to a given motor unit. Indeed, a
12-4 shows the territory of motor units muscle fiber of a single motor unit rarely
estimated histologically42 or electrically.21 makes direct contact with other fibers of
the same unit. In general, motor unit
fibers may be arranged in clusters or sub-
Distribution of Muscle Fibers groups of varying size, rather than dis-
tributed widely throughout the territory of
Muscle fibers of a given motor unit have the unit.10 One study even refutes a ran-
identical histologic characteristics. There- dom arrangement of mammalian muscle
fore, the apparent random distribution of fibers but argues for a more orderly dis-

Table 12-4 Mean Values of Motor Unit Territory and

Maximum Voltage in Normal Muscles
Spike at Spike Standard Maximum Standard
Number of Number of Level Level Deviation Voltage Deviation
Muscle Muscles Motor Units (/uV) (mm) (mm) G*V) (MV)
Biceps brachii 24 129 100 5.1 0.2 2.4 370 ± 17 190
Deltoid 7 52 100 6.7 0.4 3.0 450 ± 27 190
Extensor digitorum 11 43 100 5.5 0.3 2.1 800 ± 59 390
Opponens pollicis 10 34 150 7.4 0.4 2.6 1,000 ± 83 500
Rectus femoris 9 65 100 10.0 0.6 4.6 550 ± 38 300
Biceps femoris 5 35 150 8.8 ± 0.7 4.1 900 ± 67 400
Tibialis anterior 8 47 100 7.0 ± 0.4 3.0 620 ± 43 300
Extensor digitorum 5 25 200 11.3 ±0.8 4.1 3,000 ± 300 1,500
Source: From Buchthal et al.21 with permission.
298 Electromyography
position at certain stages of development preparation and of rat peroneus longus
to minimize adjacencies of individual muscle, however, failed to substantiate
muscle fibers of the same motor unit.193 this concept. Histochemical studies
Such specification may have the func- showed no groupings of fibers within the
tional advantage of maximizing muscle motor unit in rat or cat muscle.15,49,55 Hu-
action potential dispersal for smooth mus- man studies with the single fiber needle
cle contraction and in compensating for revealed no evidence of muscle fiber
lost motor units. grouping within a motor unit in normal
Another mapping technique has also extensor digitorum communis or biceps
substantiated motor unit overlap.10,16,49,55 brachii muscles.162 Moreover, high am-
Repetitive stimulation of an isolated sin- plitude spikes do not necessarily imply a
gle ventral root nerve fiber exhausts glyco- synchronized discharge from a subunit,
gen storage in all the muscle fibers be- because a single muscle fiber can give rise
longing to the motor unit of the stimulated to such a potential if recorded by a nee-
axon. The muscle—excised immediately dle placed in close proximity. These find-
after tetanic stimulation and stained for ings have led most electromyographers to
glycogen in a frozen section—shows a abandon the concept of the subunit in
scattered distribution of unstained mus- normal human muscle.26
cle fibers. This method not only confirms
the territorial overlapping of adjacent mo-
tor units but also the histochemical uni- PHYSIOLOGY OF
formity of a given motor unit. Three-di- THE MOTOR UNIT
mensional reconstruction from tracings of
the glycogen-depleted fibers in the cat tib-
ialis anterior revealed a close relationship Table 12-1 summarizes types of muscle
between the area of the territory of a mo- fibers, as described earlier in this chap-
tor unit and the number of fibers in the ter. The same criteria apply to the classi-
motor unit.149 As the density of unit fibers fication of motor units, because all the
remain unchanged, the same factor must muscle fibers of a given motor unit have
regulate the number of fibers innervated identical histologic and physiologic prop-
by a motor neuron and its territory. Many erties. The animal and human data briefly
muscles have divisions that may function reviewed below pertain to the under-
independently, showing motor unit terri- standing of motor unit potentials in clin-
tories often confined to a compartment ical electromyography.
bounded by anatomic structures.178 In the
skeletal muscles, fibers rarely run from ori-
gin to insertion in parallel arrays. Instead, Animal Experiments
they comprise relatively short, serially
arranged muscle fibers with interdigitated Series of animal experiments have clearly
ends.181 Under these arrangements, a mo- established the close relationship between
tor unit acts in concert with other units, the fundamental physiologic properties of
transmitting forces generated to 62,149
the ten- motor units and the size of the motor neu-
don via adjoining muscle fibers. ron (see Table 12-1). The large motor neu-
Histologic findings in partially dener- rons have87,119
fast conducting axons of large
vated muscle once prompted some inves- diameter and a higher innervation
tigators23,24 to propose that the fibers of ratio; that is, a greater number of75,121,194
each motor unit might consist of many fibers supplied by one axon.
subunits, each containing an average of Larger motor units have, in turn, greater
10 to 30 fibers. According to this theory, twitch tensions, faster twitch contrac-
the motor unit potential recorded during tions, 34,76,77
and a greater tendency to fa-
routine electromyography results from tigue. According to the size princi-
completely synchronized firing of all fibers ple of Henneman, the motor neurons
belonging to a subunit. Electrophysiologic recruit not at random but in an orderly
studies of rat phrenic-hemidiaphragm manner determined by the fixed central
Anatomy and Physiology of the Skeletal Muscle 299

drive that preferentially activates small Twitch Characteristics

motor neurons first.75,87,88
In brief, the larger the cell body, the Different human muscles contain either
greater the conduction velocity, the fast or slow units whose twitch contraction
stronger the twitch tension, the faster the approximates the contraction time of the
twitch contraction, and, in general, the whole muscle.157 An averaging technique,
greater the tendency to fatigue. Smaller using repetitive discharges from a single
motor neurons, innervating smaller motor muscle fiber as a trigger, can provide a se-
units, discharge initially with minimal ef- lective summation of the muscle twitch at-
fort, before a greater effort of contraction tributable to that motor unit.125,130,168,174
activates larger motor neurons. Twitch tensions analyzed by this means
range from 0.1 to 1.0 g, with contraction
times varying between 20 and 100 ms.
Recruitment Spike-triggered averaging, however, often
extracts the characteristics of the unfused
Most findings in animal studies also ap- force transient, instead of the desired sin-
ply to humans (see Table 12-1). In the first gle motor unit twitch.99 Thus, in some
dorsal interosseous muscle, the motor muscles such as the human masseter,
units activated early at low threshold have this method may prove inappropriate for
lower twitch tensions and slower twitch determining highly task dependent single
contractions than those units recruited at motor unit force.120 Successive averages
higher levels of effort.33,125 Factors corre- from the same data using different inter-
lated with motor neuron excitability in- val scales revealed progressively greater
clude axon diameter61 conduction
veloc- fusion of twitches as the instantaneous
ity, and mo tor unit size.125 High firing rate increases.135
and low threshold motor units also differ In humans, as in animals, the twitch ten-
histochemically.191 Earlier studies hinted sion generated by a motor unit increases
at a distinction between tonic and phasic in proportion to its action potential ampli-
motor units on the basis of their firing pat- tude measured by macroelectromyogra-
tern and the order of recruitment.177 Later phy186 and the voluntary force required for
studies, however, have shown a relatively its activation. The units recruited with
continuous rather than bimodal pattern slight contraction have smaller twitch ten-
of recruitment.60,71,126,139 sions, slower contraction times, and greater
Despite certain exceptions documented resistance to fatigue, compared with the
under some experimental circumstances,7,64 units that appear with stronger contrac-
the size principle generally applies to any tion.168 Partially denervated muscles gen-
voluntary activation of motor units, in- erally have a prolonged contraction time
cluding rapid ramp or ballistic contrac- and reduced twitch tension.122 In contrast,
tions.47,140 The same rule governs the the twitch tension of individual motor units
order of presynaptic inhibition after acti- may become larger115 or smaller124 after
vation of group IA afferent fibers by tonic denervation. In one study,2 reinnervation
vibration.46 Neuropathy or motor neuron after nerve section normalized the distrib-
disease does not alter the size principle, but ution of motor unit force in adult rats but
a previously transected peripheral nerve not in neonatal animals. Thus, nerve in-
may show a random pattern of recruit- jury during the neonatal period resulted in
ment.124 Misdirection of motor axons ac- permanent abnormalities of motor unit
counts for the absence of orderly recruit- size and twitch force. Denervated skeletal
ment after complete ulnar or above-elbow muscle can restore normal or nearly nor-
median nerve sections. The size principle mal levels of force production as the re-
holds after nerve injury in humans, if mo- maining intact motor neurons sprout to
tor axons reinnervate their original mus- reinnervate denervated fibers. Daily loco-
cles or those with a closely synergistic func- motor activity can enhance the tension-
tion, as seen after complete median nerve generating capacity of chronically enlarged
section at the wrist.175 motor units.155
300 Electromyography

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after complete ulnar and median nerve section havior with histochemical muscle fiber type in
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176. Thorstensson A: Muscle strength, fibre types 192. Wei F, Zhao Z-Q: Blockade of capsaicin induces
306 Electromyography

reduction of GABA-immunoreactivlty spantide 197. Yellin H: Neural regulation of enzymes in mus-

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Chapter 13

Recording of Muscle Action Potential
Contraindications and Precautions
Recording Techniques
Origin and Characteristics
Clinical Significance
End-Plate Noise
End-Plate Spike
Motor Unit Profile
Amplitude and Area
Rise Time
Methods of Assessment
Selection and Analysis
Automated Methods
Frequency Spectrum
Interference Pattern
Measurements of Turns and Amplitude
Integrated Electrical Activity and Muscle Force
Collision Technique
Muscle Contraction and Fatigue
Kinesiology and Motor Control
Acoustic Signals
Sonographic Imaging

308 Electromyography

1 INTRODUCTION tromyography as an extension of the

physical examination, rather than a lab-
oratory procedure.54-233 The clinical
Electromyography tests the integrity of symptoms and signs guide the optimal se-
the entire motor system, which consists lection of specific muscle groups.101-191
of upper and lower motor neurons, the An adequate study consists of multiple
neuromuscular junction, and muscle. sampling at rest and during different de-
Further subdivision in each category re- grees of voluntary contraction. The find-
veals seven possible sites of involvement ings in the initially tested muscles dictate
that may cause muscle weakness (Fig. the course of subsequent exploration.
13-1). Electromyographers must first Thus, no rigid protocol suffices for a rou-
learn physiologic mechanisms of normal tine electromyographic examination. Cer-
muscle contraction to understand the var- tain basic principles apply, but a flexible
ious abnormalities that characterize dis- approach best fulfills the needs of indi-
orders of the motor system.55 Multiple fac- vidual patients.
tors affect the outcome of recordings. Although patients have some appre-
These include the age of patients and the hension before the study, adequate infor-
particular properties of the muscle under mation about the procedure will decrease
study in addition to the electrical specifi- their anxiety. In one study of low-back
cations of the needle electrodes and pain,140 predictors of the patients' experi-
recording apparatus, as discussed earlier ence of pain during the procedure in-
(see Chapter 3-2) cluded their assessment of their own low-
A trained physician must conduct elec- back pain, their trait-anxiety levels, and

Figure 13-1. Schematic view of the motor system with seven anatomic levels. They include (1) upper mo-
tor neuron from the cortex (7) to the spinal cord (II); (2) lower motor neuron with the anterior horn cell (III)
and nerve axon (IV); (3) neuromuscular junction (V); and (4) muscle membrane (VI) and contractile elements
(VII). The insert illustrates diagrammatically four steps of electromyographic examination and normal find-
ings. The cortical representation is adapted from Netter.185
Techniques to Assess Muscle Function 309

female gender. In another survey in a pe- motor unit103 but not for routine elec-
diatric population,116 children's behav- tromyographic studies.
ioral distress during the study showed a
positive correlation with younger age, un-
cooperative attitude with previous painful Contraindications
procedures, negative experiences with and Precautions
medical or dental care and their mothers'
fear and anxiety about the electrical stud- Two possibilities deserve special mention
ies. Children 2-6 years of age117 showed in screening patients for electromyo-
extreme behavioral distress in 35 percent graphic examination: bleeding tendencies
of examinations usually conducted with- and unusual susceptibility to recurrent
out major pain medication (see Chapter systemic infections. Specific inquiry in
22-1). this regard often reveals pertinent infor-
mation that the patient may not volun-
teer. To prevent unnecessary complica-
PRINCIPLES OF tions, the electromyographer should
ELECTROMYOGRAPHY consult with the referring physician to
weigh the diagnostic benefits against the
risks. A patient taking anticoagulants
Recording of Muscle should have appropriate laboratory tests
Action Potential for bleeding tendency prior to a needle
study. With heparin infusion, partial
The electrical properties of the cells (see thromboplastin time should not exceed
Chapter 2-2) form the basis of clinical 11/2 of control value. With warfarin
electromyography. Extracellular recording (Coumadin) therapy, patients should have
of the muscle action potential through the an international rating (INR) less than 2.0.
volume conductor reveals an initially pos- The same precautions should apply to
itive triphasic waveform as the impulse those with 214 other coagulopathy, such as
approaches, reaches, and leaves the ac- hemophilia. For thrombocytopenia,
tive electrode. The muscle fiber, if trau- unless the 27platelet count falls below
matized by the needle, cannot generate a 20,000/mm, local pressure can usually
negative spike at the damaged membrane. counter the minimal hemorrhage. Testing
In this case, a low-amplitude, slow nega- the degree of bleeding tendency with a su-
tivity follows a large initial positiviry. perficial muscle helps determine the fea-
The size of an action potential detected sibility of further study of deeper muscles,
in the external field varies, depending on which cannot be compressed adequately
the spatial relationship between the cell to accomplish hemostasis. Transient bac-
and the tip of the needle electrode. For ex- teremia following needle examination
ample, when recorded by an electrode could cause endocarditis in the presence
with a small lead-off surface, the ampli- of valvular disease or prosthetic heart
tude falls off sharply to less than 10 per- valves. Although these patients must
cent at a distance of 1 mm from the gen- avoid needle studies unless clearly indi-
erator source. Normally, neural impulses cated, few electromyographers recom-
give rise to synchronous discharges of all mend prophylactic administration of an-
muscle fibers of a motor unit, producing tibiotics for the procedure.1
a motor unit potential. In an unstable Some muscles considered for needle
denervated muscle, individual fibers fire studies overlie the pleural cavity. These
independently in the absence of neural include the diaphragm, intercostal and
control. The detection of these sponta- abdominal muscles and, to a lesser ex-
neous single fiber potentials constitutes tent, the supraspinatus muscle.203 When
one of the most important findings in elec- performing needle studies of these mus-
tromyography. Surface recording may suf- cles, a prior review of the pertinent
fice for a special purpose such as nonin- anatomy minimizes the risk of pneu-
vasive estimation of motor unit size243 or mothorax. Allergens from rubber gloves,
longitudinal tracking of the same single introduced under the skin during the
310 Electromyography

study, may cause local or systemic acute the muscle at rest, that is, with the nee-
hypersensitvity reaction. In fact, the use dle stationary in a relaxed muscle
of latex gloves has occasionally caused 3. motor unit potentials evoked by iso-
anaphylaxis and local hypersensitivity, lated discharges of motor neurons during
especially in patients with myelodyspla- mild voluntary contraction
sia. A history of rubber allergy, therefore, 4. recruitment and interference pattern
should prompt the use of vinyl gloves.162 during progressively increasing levels of
Electromyography, if conducted prema- contraction to a maximum level
turely, could interfere with the interpre- Routine oscilloscope settings consist of
tation of subsequent histologic or bio- a sweep speed ranging from 2 to 20
chemical findings that supplement ms/cm and an optimal gain to maximize
clinical evaluation. Repeated trauma dur- the recorded potentials without truncat-
ing insertion and movement of the needle ing the peaks. The sensitivity varies from
electrode consistently induces localized 50 to 500 uV/cm for insertional and spon-
inflammation, appropriately labeled sy- taneous activities and from 100 uV to 1
ringomyositis in our laboratory; and, less mV/cm for motor unit potentials. Obvi-
frequently, focal myopathic changes. These ously, a lower amplification suffices for
abnormalities may preclude the confir- the study of larger potentials. Most in-
mation of a clinical diagnosis, which of- vestigators use the low-frequency filter of
ten requires a muscle biopsy. With the an- 10-20 Hz and high-frequency filter of 10
ticipated need for pathologic exploration, kHz, but some prefer lowering the lower
needle examination must spare the mus- limit to 2 Hz or less when determining the
cle under consideration. waveform of motor unit potentials.
Serum creatine kinase (CK) increases in The needle electrode registers muscle
certain muscle diseases, such as muscu- action potentials only from a restricted
lar dystrophy and polymyositis, and in area of the muscle. An adequate survey,
other conditions, including cardiac is- therefore, calls for frequent needle repo-
chemia, hypothyroidism, and sustained sitioning in small steps for multiple sam-
athletic participation. The enzyme level pling. Exploration in four directions from
may also rise considerably in normal mus- a single puncture site minimizes patient
cles from the combination of electromyo- discomfort. Studies of larger muscles re-
graphy, diurnal variation, and prolonged quire additional insertions in proximal,
exercise.29,190 Needle examination by it- central, and distal portions.
self, however, should not elevate CK to a
misleading level in normal persons. In one
series, no significant changes occurred
within 245 hours after electromyographic 3 INSERTIONAL ACTIVITY
studies. The value reached a peak of 1 1/2
times baseline in 6 hours and returned to
baseline 48 hours after the needle exam- Origin and Characteristics
ination. Testing enzyme levels prior to
needle examination avoids any confusion, Insertion of a needle electrode into the
but a sufficient elevation of CK activities muscle normally gives rise to brief bursts
indicates abnormality, even for the serum of electrical activity. The same discharges
drawn after the procedure. also occur with each repositioning. The in-
sertional activity, on average, lasts a few
hundred milliseconds, slightly exceeding
Recording Techniques the movement of the needle (Fig. 13-2).
It appears as positive or negative high-
Electromyographic examination of skele- frequency spikes in a cluster,72,259 accom-
tal muscle has four components: panied by a crisp static sound over the
loudspeaker. As implied by the commonly
1. insertional activity caused by move- used term injury potential, the discharges
ment of a needle electrode in the muscle originate from muscle fibers injured or me-
2. spontaneous activity recorded with chanically stimulated by the penetrating
Techniques to Assess Muscle Function 311

Figure 13-2. Increased (a, b) normal (c, d), and decreased (e,f) insertional activities (arrows) from the first
dorsal interosseus in tardy ulnar palsy, tibalis anterior in a control, and fibrotic deltoid in severe dermato-

needle. Unequivocal recording of inser- complete study consists of sampling the

tional activities signals the entry of the activities at several locations in each mus-
needle tip into a muscle, as opposed to cle by shifting the electrode from one point
the surrounding adipose tissue. Volun- to another. Otherwise, patchy areas of
tary contractions help confirm the proper hyperexcitability, if present, may escape
location of the electrode in the intended detection.
target. In denervated muscles, insertion of the
exploring needle may provoke positive
sharp waves and, less frequently, fibrilla-
Clinical Significance tion potentials. These early abnormalities
of denervation resemble a normal inser-
The waveforms seen on the oscilloscope tional activity that may also take the form
and, perhaps more importantly, the of positive sharp potentials. In a quanti-
sounds over the loudspeaker allow a tative analysis using a mechanical elec-
somewhat loose but useful categorization trode inserter, one or two isolated positive
of the insertional activity into normal, de- waves commonly appeared in normal
creased, and increased patterns. The level muscles at the end of the insertional ac-
of response depends, among other things, tivity.258 None of these potentials, how-
on the magnitude and speed of needle ever, fired repetitively or in a train, or in
movement. Nonetheless, semiquantitative a reproducible fashion with further inser-
analysis provides an important measure tions. Their audio characteristics lacked
of muscle excitability, being typically re- the typical pitch of positive sharp waves
duced in fibroses and exaggerated in den- associated with denervation. These find-
ervation or inflammatory processes. Such ings suggest the nonspecificity of isolated
findings often provide the first clue to the positive waves induced by insertion, un-
nature of the lesion, directing the elec- less they give rise to reproducible trains
tromyographer toward the proper course with characteristic audio displays remi-
of examination. As mentioned earlier, a niscent of the spontaneous discharge.
312 Electromyography

4 END-PLATE ACTIVITIES in nature, tend to become excessive in

denervated muscles.
With the needle held stationary, normal
resting muscles show no electrical activ- End-Plate Noise
ity except at the end-plate region. Here,
irritation of the small intramuscular nerve The background activity in the end-plate
terminals by the tip of the electrode causes region consists of frequently recurring ir-
end-plate activities that consist of two regular negative potentials, 10-50 uV in
components: low-amplitude, undulating amplitude and 1-2 ms in duration, pro-
end-plate noise (Fig. 13-3) and high-am- ducing over the loudspeaker a character-
plitude intermittent spikes (Fig. 13-4). istic sound much like a live seashell held
These two types of potentials occur con- to the ear. It represents extracellularly
jointly or independently. The patient usu- recorded miniature end-plate potentials
ally experiences a dull pain, which dissi- (MEPP), that is, nonpropagating depolar-
pates with slight withdrawal of the needle. izations caused by spontaneous release
End-plate activities, although physiologic of acetylcholine (ACh) quanta.36,260 The

Figure 13-3. End-plate activities recorded from the tibialis anterior in a healthy subject. Two types of po-
tentials shown represent the initially negative, high-amplitude end-plate spikes (a, b, c) and low-amplitude
end-plate noise (g, h, i). The spikes and end-plate noise usually, though not necessarily, appear together (d,
e, f).
Techniques to Assess Muscle Function 313

Figure 13-4. End-plate spikes

recorded from the abductor
pollicis brevls In a normal sub-
ject (a, b, c) and In a patient
with the carpal tunnel syn-
drome (d, e, f). An unusual
prominence of end-plate activ-
ity in denervated muscle, al-
though common, carries little
diagnostic value.

corresponding potentials recorded intra- useful measure for possible identification

cellularly with microelectrodes show of myasthenic syndrome.
monophasic positivity, about 1 mV in am-
plitude—that is, opposite in 85polarity and
much greater in amplitude. End-plate End-Plate Spike
noise has had some limited clinical appli-
cation. Its enhancement combined with The end-plate spikes result from dis-
the absence of end-plate spikes charac- charges of single muscle fibers excited by
terizes an attack of periodic paralysis.81 the needle.31,36,120 intermittent spikes,
This finding supports the notion that nor- 100-200 uV in amplitude and 3-4 ms in
mal neuromuscular transmission suffi- duration, fire irregularly at 5-50 Hz. The
cient to generate adequate end-plate po- typical pattern with an initial negativity
tential (EPP) fails to generate propagating indicates that the spikes originate at the
action potential in this disorder.75 Power tip of the recording electrode. In fact, they
spectral analysis of end-plate noise per- have the same waveform as fibrillation po-
mits rapid estimation of the dominant tentials, which also show an initial nega-
acetylcholine receptor ion channel kinet- tivity when recorded at the end-plate re-
ics. 161 Thus, the technique may provide a gion. In contrast, fibrillation potentials,
314 Electromyography

recorded elsewhere, have a small positive cles, perhaps because of their higher in-
phase preceding the major negative spike. nervation ratios.198 The irregular pattern
Similarity of their firing patterns to dis- of firing and shorter duration distinguish
charges of muscle spindle afferents led the physiologic positive discharges at the
some investigators to postulate their ori- end plate from positive sharp waves seen
gin in the intrafusal muscle fibers,188 but in denervation or other pathologic condi-
without subsequent confirmation. tions.
Repositioning of the recording needle
may injure the cell membrane at the end-
plate region. Slight relocation of the nee-
dle tip near the source of discharge may
then reverse the polarity of the ordinarily
negative end-plate spikes. Small, irregu-
larly occurring positive potentials also ap- The motor unit consists of a group of mus-
pear in the end-plate region when cle fibers innervated by a single anterior
recorded with a concentric needle elec- horn cell (Fig. 13-5). It has anatomic and
trode. Here, the positive discharges prob- physiologic properties based on the in-
ably represent cannula-recorded end- nervation ratio, fiber density, propagation
plate spikes, hence reversed in polarity velocity, and integrity of neuromuscular
and reduced in amplitude.197 These pos- transmission. These factors vary not only
itive potentials favor the more distal mus- from one muscle group to another but also

Figure 13-5. A. Normal motor unit potentials from minimally contracted biceps in a 40-year-old healthy
man (a, b, c) and maximally contracted tibialis anterior in a 31-year-old woman with hysterical weakness
(d, e, f). In both, low firing frequency indicates weak voluntary effort. B. Normal variations of motor unit
potentials from the same motor unit in the normal biceps. Tracings a through h represent eight slightly dif-
ferent sites of recording with the patient maintaining isolated discharges of a single motor unit.
Techniques to Assess Muscle Function 315

with age for a given muscle. Isolated po- cilloscope sensitivity, sweep or filters, and
tentials attributed to an individual motor the methods of storage and display. These
unit represent the sum of all single mus- factors together dictate the amplitude,
cle fiber spikes that occur nearly syn- rise time, duration, number of phases,
chronously within the recording radius and other characteristics.52
of the electrode. Principal components
analysis shows three elements that con-
tain 90 percent of the variance of the data Amplitude and Area
set: changes in the size of the motor units,
variations in the arrival time at the record- All of the individual muscle fibers in a mo-
ing electrode, and loss of muscle fibers tor unit discharge in near synchrony, but
within the motor unit territory.181 Refined only a limited number located near the tip
techniques for longitudinal tracking of the of the recording electrode determine the
same motor unit enables serial measures amplitude of a motor unit potential (Fig.
of these aspects for quantitative39,40,63,104
assess- 13-6). Single muscle fiber potentials fall
ment of the disease process. off in amplitude to less than 50 percent
Surface recording, though not suitable for at a distance of 200-300 um from the
routine use,111 may suffice to character- source and to less than 1 percent a few
ize enlarged motor units after reinnerva- millimeters away74,107 with the use of an
tion, as may be seen in poliomyelitis.206 ordinary concentric needle. Fewer than
5-10 muscle fibers lying within a 500 um
radius of the electrode tip contribute to
Motor Unit Profile the high-voltage spike of the motor unit
potential.235,246 In fact, computer simula-
The shape of motor unit potentials re- tion indicates that the proximity of the
flects, in addition to the inherent proper- electrode to the closest muscle fiber de-
ties of the motor unit itself, many other termines the amplitude.70,183,236 There-
physiologic factors. These include the fore, the same motor unit can give rise to
resistance and capacitance of the inter- many different profiles, depending on the
vening tissue and intramuscular tem- recording sites. The amplitude normally
perature.21,60 The amplitude decreases varies from several hundred microvolts to
slightly with hypothermia, despite the lo- a few millivolts with the use of a concen-
cal facilitatory effect on the muscle mem- tric needle, and a similar range with a
brane, because differential slowing and substantially greater average when
desynchronization more than counter the recorded with a monopolar needle.142 In
anticipated change. Cooling from 37° to one study using simultaneous recording
30° C, for example, causes the duration to by two types of electrodes,41 the same mo-
increase by 10-30 percent, but the am- tor unit showed a significantly higher
plitude decreases by 2-5 percent per 1° C. mean amplitude (2.05 times), larger sur-
The number of polyphasic potentials in- face area (2.64 times), longer duration
creases as much as tenfold with a 10° C (1.86 times), and increased number of
decrease.35 phases (1.58 times) and turns (1.35
Finally, a number of nonphysiologic fac- times), with monopolar as compared with
tors influence the configuration of the concentric needles.
recorded potentials. Of these, the spatial Clinical experience and computer sim-
relationships between the needle and in- ulation indicate that area measurement
dividual muscle fibers play the crucial role may help differentiate neuropathy from
in determining the waveform.33 Thus, myopathy. Compared to the amplitude, a
slight repositioning of the electrode, al- greater number of muscle fibers lying
tering the spatial orientation, introduces within a 2 mm radius of the electrode tip
a new profile for the same motor unit. contribute to this measure. The value,
Other important variables include the however, varies markedly, with a slight
type of needle electrode, size of the record- move of the recording electrode mainly re-
ing surface or lead-off area, electrical flecting a change in amplitude. The ratio
properties of the amplifier, choice of os- between area and amplitude measures the
316 Electromyography

Figure 13-6. Reduction in amplitude of recorded response with the relocation of the electrode away from
the source. The needle with a large leading-off surface registers a low amplitude even near the spike gener-
ator, showing only minor reduction as the distance between the electrode and the source increases. In con-
trast, amplitude declines per unit distance steeply with a smaller leading-off surface (see Fig. 16-1). [From
Ekstedt and Stalberg,74 with permission.]

"thickness" of the potential, which varies Rise Time

much 179
less with changes in electrode po-
sition. The combination of amplitude The rise time, measured as a time lag from
and area/amplitude ratio improves dis- the initial positive peak to the subsequent
crimination considerably,228 detecting negative peak (see Fig. 2-6), helps esti-
around 70 percent of neurogenic changes, mate the distance between the recording
compared to only 15-30 percent by dura- tip of the electrode and the discharging
tion criteria alone. motor unit. A distant unit has a greater
Techniques to Assess Muscle Function 317

rise time because the resistance and ca- trode or a macroelectrode. Under this cir-
pacitance of the intervening tissue act as cumstance, the total time of single action
a high-frequency filter. Such a discharge potential from end-plate zone to muscu-
is accompanied by a dull sound, indicat- lotendinous junction may dictate overall
ing the need to reposition the electrode duration of motor unit action potential.71
closer to the source. In general, a rise time
less than 500 uS ensures recording from
within the motor unit territory,129 but Phases
some argue for less restrictive criteria.14
Such a motor unit produces a sharp, crisp A phase is defined as that portion of a
sound over the loudspeaker, which pro- waveform between the departure from and
vides an important clue to the proximity return to the baseline. The number of
of the unit to the electrode. The mea- phases, determined by counting negative
surement of the rise time confirms the and positive peaks to and from the base-
suitability of the recorded potential for line, equals the number of baseline cross-
quantitative assessment of the amplitude. ings plus one. Normally, motor unit po-
tentials have four or fewer phases.
Polyphasic motor unit potentials with
Duration more than four phases result from de-
synchronized discharges of individual
Duration measured from the initial take- muscle fibers, probably reflecting fiber
off to the return to the baseline (Table size variability more than random loss of
13-1) indicates the degree of synchrony fibers. These potentials do not exceed
among many individual muscle fibers with 5-15 percent of the total population in a
variable conduction velocity, membrane healthy muscle, if recorded with a con-
excitability and fiber length.69 Unlike the centric needle electrode. Polyphasic activ-
spike amplitude, exclusively determined ities occur more commonly with the use
by a very small number of muscle fibers of a monopolar needle, although no stud-
near the electrode, the duration of a mo- ies have established the exact incidence.
tor unit potential reflects the activity from Some action potentials show several
a greater number of muscle fibers within "turns" or directional changes without
the uptake area of the recording surface, crossing the baseline. These serrated ac-
which, in a concentric needle, extends tion potentials or, less appropriately, com-
2.0-2.5 mm from the core.183,235 There- plex or pseudopolyphasic potentials, also
fore, a slight shift or rotation of the nee- indicate desynchronization among dis-
dle influences the duration much less charging muscle fibers. In one study,270
than the amplitude. 180 The duration nor- irregular potentials appeared more com-
mally varies from 5 to 15 ms, depending monly during acute stages.
on the age of the subject. In one study,32
the values measured at the ages of 3 and
75 years were 7.3 and 12.8 ms in biceps 6 QUANTITATIVE
brachii, 9.2 and 15.9 ms in tibialis ante- MEASUREMENTS
rior, and 4.3 and 7.5 ms in the facial mus-
cles. Another study dealing with four
proximal and distal muscles of the upper Methods of Assessment
and lower limbs in 111 healthy subjects
between 20 and 80 years of age23 revealed In clinical tests, electromyographers as-
no marked increase of mean duration be- sess various features of a motor unit by
fore the age of 55. Those older than 55 oscilloscope displays of waveforms and
showed a slight tendency toward in- their audio characteristics. Using these
creased duration. The use of a wide-open simple means, an experienced examiner
amplifier bandpass combined with en- can detect abnormalities with reasonable
hanced signal-to-noise ratio results in a certainty. Such subjective assessment,
much longer duration, approaching 30 ms though satisfactory for the detection of
recorded either with a single-fiber elec- unequivocal abnormalities, may not suf-
Table 13-1 Mean Action Potential Duration (in milliseconds) in Various Muscles at Different Ages (concentric electrodes)
Facial Muscles
Ann Muscles Leg Muscles Orbicularis
Extensor Opponens Abductor Biceps Extensor Oris Superior;
Age in Biceps Triceps Digitorum Pollicis; Digiti Femoris; Gastroc- Tibialis Peroneus Digitorum Triangularis;
Years Deltoideus Brachii Brachii Communis Interosseus Quinti Quadriceps nemius Anterior Longus Brevis Frontalis
0 8.8 7.1 8.1 6.6 7.9 9.2 8.0 7.1 8.9 6.5 7.0 4.2
3 9.0 7.3 8.3 6.8 8.1 9.5 8.2 7.3 9.2 6.7 7.2 4.3
5 9.2 7.5 8.5 6.9 8.3 9.7 8.4 7.5 9.4 6.8 7.4 4.4
8 9.4 7.7 8.6 7.1 8.5 9.9 8.6 7.7 9.6 6.9 7.6 4.5
10 9.6 7.8 8.7 7.2 8.6 10.0 8.7 7.8 9.7 7.0 7.7 4.6
13 9.9 8.0 9.0 7.4 8.9 10.3 9.0 8.0 10.0 7.2 7.9 4.7
15 10.1 8.2 9.2 7.5 9.1 10.5 9.2 8.2 10.2 7.4 8.1 4.8
18 10.4 8.5 9.6 7.8 9.4 10.9 9.5 8.5 10.5 7.6 8.4 5.0
20 10.7 8.7 9.9 8.1 9.7 11.2 9.8 8.7 10.8 7.8 8.6 5.1
25 11.4 9.2 10.4 8.5 10.2 11.9 10.3 9.2 11.5 8.3 9.1 5.4
30 12.2 9.9 11.2 9.2 11.0 12.8 11.1 9.9 12.3 8.9 9.8 5.8
35 13.0 10.6 12.0 9.8 11.7 13.6 11.8 10.6 13.2 9.5 10.5 6.2
40 13.4 10.9 12.4 10.1 12.1 14.1 12.2 10.9 13.6 9.8 10.8 6.4
45 13.8 11.2 12.7 10.3 12.5 14.5 12.5 11.2 13.9 10.1 11.1 6.6
50 14.3 11.6 13.2 10.7 12.9 15.0 13.0 11.6 14.4 10.5 11.5 6.8
55 14.8 12.0 13.6 11.1 13.3 15.5 13.4 12.0 14.9 10.8 11.9 7.0
60 15.1 12.3 13.9 11.3 13.6 15.8 13.7 12.3 15.2 11.0 12.2 7.1
65 15.3 12.5 14.1 11.5 13.9 16.1 14.0 12.5 15.5 11.2 12.4 7.3
70 15.5 12.6 14.3 11.6 14.0 16.3 14.1 12.6 15.7 11.4 12.5 7.4
75 15.7 12.8 14.4 11.8 14.2 16.5 14.3 12.8 15.9 11.5 12.7 7.5
The values given are mean values from different subjects without evidence of neuromuscular disease. The standard deviation of each value is 15
percent (20 potentials for each muscle). Therefore, deviations up to 20 percent are considered within the normal range when comparing measure-
ments in a given muscle with the values of the table.
Source: From Buchthal,32 with permission.
Techniques to Assess Muscle Function 319

fice to delineate less obvious deviations or the source of discharge. An ideal quan-
mixed patterns of abnormalities. These tification calls for counting at least 20 dif-
ambiguous circumstances call for objec- ferent units in each muscle, using multi-
tive measurement of motor unit poten- ple needle insertions.32 In one study,76
tials.34,234,235 An objective approach also the 95 percent tolerance limits for mean
allows meaningful comparison of test re- total duration progressively narrowed
sults obtained sequentially or in different from 6.6 to 14.2 ms for 5 units to 7.4 to
laboratories. The use of standardized 13.0 ms for 20 units in normal subjects.
recording sites within the muscle reduces Quantitative results for duration sup-
location-dependent variability82 and in- ported the presence of myopathy in 2 of
creases diagnostic sensitivity. 10 patients with analysis of 5 units and
Physiologic properties that characterize in 9 patients with analysis of 20 units.
the motor unit potentials include dura- Thus, compared to the analysis of 5 units,
tion, spike amplitude, spike area, phases, which may suffice in diagnosing some
turns, number of satellites, and degree of cases, studying 20 potentials narrows tol-
waveform variability.229 Additional mea- erance limits, reduces intertrial variabil-
sures of interest include spike duration, ity, and improves diagnostic sensitivity.
thickness179 and size index,228 using spe- Table 13-1 summarizes the duration of
cial computer algorithms. Quantitative motor unit potentials recorded with a con-
studies customarily analyze at least 20 centric needle in normal subjects of dif-
different units to compare the mean with ferent ages.32 These values, measured
reference values. An alternative method from the point of takeoff to return to the
relies on identifying extreme values, which baseline, exclude late or satellite compo-
fall outside the normal range.230 This out- nents seen as a separate peak. 150 As dis-
lier technique helps identify abnormalities cussed earlier, the normal ranges depend
limited to a few motor unit potentials that on many factors other than simply the
escape detection in the assessment solely characteristics of the motor unit itself.
based on mean values. Hence, each laboratory should construct
Currently available quantitative tech- its own table of normal values to avoid in-
niques include spike-triggered averaging discriminate application of published data.
with a delay line,146 two-channel record-
ing using a concentric needle for pick-up
and a single-fiber electrode
for trigger,149 Automated Methods
template matching, and decomposition
technique based on multiple template Different investigators have explored the
matching.15,24,131,165,178 possibility of automatically analyzing mo-
tor unit action potentials using analog175
or digital techniques. Such a
Selection and Analysis system converts a motor unit potential to
a digital equivalent for computer analysis.
In quantitative analysis,20 most investi- The usual measurements include dura-
gators use the standard concentric needle tion, amplitude, polarity, number of
electrode 2with a lead-off surface of about phases, and integrated area under the
0.07 mm . The optimal recording requires waveform. One of the inherent difficulties
an amplifier frequency range of 10 Hz-10 with this approach centers on the selec-
kHz and standard sensitivity of 100-500 tion of the signals. In early methods, the
uV/cm. The motor unit action potentials examiner screened the motor unit poten-
selected for assessment must have a rise tials by visual inspection, using a moni-
time of less than 500 uS. A storage oscil- tor scope, before processing them for au-
loscope with a delay line offers a distinct tomated analysis.200 With another
advantage for quick identification of such technique, motor unit potentials qualified
potentials. Recorded waveforms vary a automatically if their peak-to-peak ampli-
great deal from one motor unit to another tudes exceeded 100 uV.145 Some investi-
and within the same unit, depending on gators advocated lowering the cutoff to
the relative position of the needle tip to less than 50 uV for inclusion of a greater
320 Electromyography

number of motor unit potentials.124 This seen during maximal contraction falls be-
system measures the duration of the dis- tween 100 and 200 Hz in normal sub-
charge at 20 uV above the baseline and jects.256 This peak shifts to a higher fre-
counts the number of phases as a deflec- quency in subjects with myopathy,204 and
tion exceeding 40 uV. to a lower frequency in subjects with an-
Most studies have shown no major dis- terior horn cell lesions.86 Frequency
crepancy between the results of time- analysis may also help characterize fa-
consuming manual quantification and tigue trends in normal subjects,12,110 and
quick automatic analysis.144,147,152,239 In- in those with myasthenia gravis266 or
deed, the computer can accurately and ef- other neuromuscular disorders.267 In
ficiently discriminate typical neuropathic Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the iso-
and myopathic changes.220,269 These metric contraction causes an increase of
techniques, however, may or may not re- the total power, showing a progressive in-
solve borderline cases in which conven- crease in lower frequencies and a decrease
tional methods fail to provide useful in- in higher frequencies, with a shift down-
formation. For example, an automatic ward of the median frequency.93 These
analysis failed to separate female relatives findings suggest decrement of the firing
of patients with Duchenne dystrophy from rate of the damaged fast-twitch motor
healthy subjects individually, despite sta- units, compensated for by a predomi-
tistically significant differences between nance of activity of relatively spared slow-
the two as a group.250 twitch motor units. The clear difference
Routine studies rarely include quanti- seen in typical cases does not imply its
tative analysis, which takes time to select practical value as a diagnostic test, which
and measure 20 individual motor unit po- depends primarily on controlling the vari-
tentials. Of various approaches discussed ables, such as needle position or level of
earlier, decomposition techniques are muscle contraction, that appreciably in-
probably best suited for automatic analy- fluence the results.51
sis, as they avoid a time-consuming quan-
tification process.24,65,160,178,237 Although
pilot studies show promising results, none DISCHARGE PATTERN
of the techniques are widely used or OF MOTOR UNITS
tested. Their implementation and evalua-
tion must await for further dissemination
of special computer algorithms as part of Recruitment
commercially available software. Some
authors recommend visual inspection and A healthy subject can initially excite only
remarking of each motor unit potential be- one or two motor units before recruiting
fore making clinical judgement from the additional units in a fixed order.121 The
data.28 units activated early consist primarily of
small, type I muscle fibers according to
the size principle.58,78,122,215 These motor
Frequency Spectrum units discharge at a rate of five to seven
impulses per second, typically semi-
The waveform of any action potential com- rhythmically, with slowly increasing, then
prises many sine waves of different fre- decreasing interspike intervals, despite
quencies. Thus, a frequency spectrum constant contraction. At such minimal
provides another objective means of char- levels of muscle contraction, changes in
acterizing motor unit potentials. This type firing rate grade the muscle force (rate
of analysis reveals that the shorter the du- coding). Greater muscle force brings
ration of the motor unit potential, the about two separate but related changes in
greater the high-frequency components. the pattern of motor unit discharge: (1) re-
Several investigators have studied fre- cruitment of previously inactive units and
quency spectra, or a histogram of activi- (2) more rapid firing of already active units
ties against frequency, in normal and dis- (Fig. 13-7). Which of the two plays a
eased muscles.42,136,163 The highest peak greater role is not known, but both mech-
Figure 13-7. Normal recruitment and full interference pattern with increasing strength in the same healthy subject shown in Figure 13-5A. The trac-
ings show the same activity recorded with fast (top) and slow (bottom) sweep.
322 Electromyography

anisms operate simultaneously. The the types of motor units under

physiologic rank order during slowly study.109,194,195 The reported ranges show
graded or ballistic increase in force (see a considerable overlap between healthy
Chapter 12-6) depends, in addition to subjects and patients with neuromuscu-
soma diameter, on other factors con- lar disorders.99 Some electromyographers
tributing to its selectivity, such as synap- prefer the ratio of the average firing rate
tic density and efficacy 195as well as specific to the number of active units. Normal sub-
membrane resistance. Ranking of re- jects should have a ratio less than 5 with,
cruitment also relates to the type of mo- for example, three units firing less than
tor units: slow, fatigue resistant, and fast 15 impulses per second each.53 If two
fatigue, in this order. With increasing ten- units are firing over 20 impulses per sec-
sion by activation of large high threshold ond, the ratio exceeds 10, indicating a loss
type II motor units, the force of single of motor units. Studying the temporal dis-
units enlarges exponentially compared to charge pattern of single motor units may
the size of motor unit254potentials measured help distinguish firing behavior in normal
by macrotechnique. subjects and in patients with upper mo-
Recording with a monopolar or concen- tor neuron lesions.84
tric electrode cannot readily confirm the
size principle from low to high threshold
motor units, because the small uptake ar- Interference Pattern
eas of those electrodes fail to assess the
motor unit territory.80 The sizes of con- With greater contraction, many motor
secutively recruited motor unit potentials units begin to fire very rapidly (Fig. 13-9).
vary considerably at individual recording Simultaneous activation of different units
sites, primarily reflecting their fiber den- precludes recognition of individual motor
sity rather than their motor unit size. A unit potentials; hence the name interfer-
normal recruitment pattern thus implies ence pattern. A number of factors deter-
the discharge of an appropriate number mine the spike density and the average
of motor units for the effort (Fig. 13-8A). amplitude of the summated response.
A reduced or increased pattern indicates These include descending input from the
a smaller or greater number of discharg- cortex, number of motor neurons capable
ing units than expected (Fig. 13-8 B and of discharging, firing frequency of each
C). A loss of motor units results in late motor unit, waveform of individual poten-
and sparse recruitment with increased tials, and probability of phase cancella-
rates of firing at all levels of effort. In con- tion. Despite such complexity, its analy-
trast, a random loss of muscle fibers from sis provides a simple quantitative means
each motor unit gives rise to early and ex- of evaluating the relationship between the
cessive recruitment at minimal and mod- number of firing units and the muscle
erate levels of effort. For accurate assess- force exerted with maximal effort. For ex-
ment, the examiner must know the ample, in hemiparetic patients, isometric
approximate number of active motor units contraction of parentic muscles shows fre-
expected for a given force being exerted. quent lapses in the interference pattern
Motor units may fire irregularly in basal and inability to sustain muscle activity as
ganglia disorders such as parkinsonism quantitative confirmation of clinical mo-
or chorea at or above physiologic tremor tor impersistency.92 Computer simulation
rate.59 Upper motor neuron lesions such may help automatic analysis of interfer-
as spinal cord injury may alter motor unit ence patterns.84,133 A special type of
forces and recruitment patterns.248 methodology permits the decomposition of
The recruitment frequency, defined as interference patterns into their con-
the firing frequency of the initially acti- stituent motor unit potentials for mea-
vated unit at the time an additional unit surement of their configurational and
is recruited, measures the pattern of mo- behavioral properties.48,58,134,226 Such
tor unit discharge. Normal values deter- analysis shows increased amplitudes, firing
mined during mild contraction average rates, and firing variability in motor neu-
5-10 impulses per second, depending on ron disease, and reduced amplitudes, du-
Figure 13-8. A. Normal recruitment in the triceps of a 44-year-old healthy man. The tracings show the
same activity recorded with fast (top) and slow sweep (bottom) during minimal (a, d), moderate (b, e), and
maximal contraction (c, /). B. Reduced recruitment in the tibialis anterior of a 44-year-old man with amy-
otrophic lateral sclerosis. A single motor unit discharged rapidly during strong contraction. C. Early re-
cruitment and full interference pattern in the quadriceps of a 20-year-old patient with limb-girdle dystro-
phy. The tracings show an excessive number of motor units for the amount of muscle force exerted during
weak contraction.
324 Electromyography

the number of "turns" or directional

changes of a waveform that exceeds a
minimum excursion without necessarily
crossing the baseline.263 This method
(Fig. 13-10) measures the amplitude from
a point of change in direction to the next,
not from baseline to peak, selecting po-
tentials greater than 100118,119
uV to avoid con-
tamination from noise. During a
fixed time epoch, the subject must main-
tain constant levels of muscle contraction.
Turns and spectral analyses of interfer-
ence pattern, though efficient, only indi-
rectly relate to the physiologic properties
of the motor units.67 Reported measures
include turns frequencies,135 the maximal
ratio of turns to mean amplitude, or peak
ratio, and the154
number of time intervals be-
tween turns. In this type of analysis, a
decreased peak ratio and a decreased in-
cidence of time interval supplement each
other in identifying 88,89,155
patients with neuro-
genic involvement.
After automatic analysis, a special-pur-
pose digital computer displays the total
number of reversals, histograms of the in-
tervals between potential reversals, and
cumulative amplitude of all 68 potentials
during96 a fixed time period. In one
study, the number of turns and mean
amplitude had 10-25 percent variability
Figure 13-9. Interference patterns seen in the tri- on repeated trials. Interindividual differ-
ceps of a 44-year-old healthy man (a), tibialis ante- ences diminished with the use of a rela-
rior of a 52-year-old man with amyotrophic lateral tive, rather than absolute, force in each
sclerosis (b), and quadriceps of a 20-year-old man subject. Diagnostic yield reached an ac-
with limb-girdle dystrophy (c). Discrete single motor ceptable level at muscle contraction pro-
unit discharge in b stands in good contrast to abun-
dant motor unit potentials with reduced amplitude ducing 20-50 percent of the maximum
in c. force, with the115best reproducibility at
10-30 percent.
As the force of voluntary contraction in-
ration, and firing rates in myopathies, con- creased from low to moderate levels, the
firming many of the traditional criteria.65 number of turns in the signal increased
faster than did the mean amplitude
change between turns. At higher force lev-
Measurements of Turns els, the pattern was reversed.182 The over-
and Amplitude all shape of the so-called normal cloud of
the turns and amplitude measurements
Examination of individual motor unit po- thus critically depends on the level of ef-
tentials during weak voluntary effort only fort at which recordings are made. The in-
relates to low-threshold type I muscle crement from 10 percent to 30 percent
fibers. Studies of the interference pattern maximal voluntary contraction led to
induced by strong muscle contraction al- highly significant increases in mean firing
lows quantitative assessment over a wider rate, 64
number of turns, amplitude, and rise
range.219 One such analysis utilizes an rate. Clinical studies, therefore, must
automated technique designed to count control contractile force precisely as a ma-
Techniques to Assess Muscle Function 325

Figure 13-10. Conversion of calibration wavefom (a) into two serial pulse trains: amplitude (b) and turns
(c). The outputs of these two pulse generators characterize the original input accurately, as evidenced by
graphical reconstruction of the waveform (d) from b and c. [From Hayward and Willison,119 with permis-

jor determinant of waveform and firing their temporal stability. Analysis of

properties. The use of a calculated index recruitment reveals an overall muscle per-
independent of force37may improve the di- formance by demonstrating the num-
agnostic sensitivity. ber and discharge pattern of all mo-
In one study,127 mean amplitudes, du- tor units. These methods, though not
rations, and numbers of turns all in- widely used at this time, hold promise as
creased linearly with age in both low- supplements to routine electromyogra-
threshold and high-threshold motor phy 87,90,91,95,98,114,157,159,164,166,232

units, suggesting an ongoing process of

denervation and reinnervation. The
method also helps differentiate primary 8 OTHER MEASURES OF
muscle disease from neurogenic lesions in MUSCLE FUNCTION
infants and young children.224,225 An in-
creased ratio of turns to mean amplitude
in myopathy, especially at 10-20 percent Integrated Electrical
of maximum force, stands in contrast to Activity and Muscle Force
a decreased ratio in neurogenic disorders,
mainly at a force of 20-30 percent.97 Con- During maximal effort, motor units dis-
versely, the ratio of root mean square volt- charge at frequencies up to 50 impulses
age to turns increased in chronic neu- per second. This gives rise to a tetanic
ropathies.90 contraction, which, generated by a high
Quantitative measurements of recruit- degree of fusion, produces more than
ment patterns complement studies of sin- twice the tension of a single twitch. De-
gle motor units. Evaluation of individ- spite intermittency of electrical impulses,
ual potentials allows precise description the accompanying mechanical response
of normal and abnormal motor units and fuses at high discharge frequencies to
326 Electromyography

maintain a relatively smooth tension. In trapezoidal-shaped pulses makes selective

contrast, unfused twitches of intermit- activation of small motor axons possible to
tently firing motor units induce a tremor achieve a physiologic recruitment order of
during isometric contraction. Spectral small-to-large motor units. With this stim-
analysis of muscle force, therefore, can be ulation technique, force modulation pro-
used to estimate overall motor unit activ- ceeded more gradually and contraction
ity.126,130 Smooth contraction of the whole fused at lower stimulation frequencies.83
muscle also results from asynchronous With some exceptions,106 muscle force de-
firing of different motor units. Isokinetic clines with age in both sexes.209 Fallout of
measurements of muscle strength reveal motor units contributes to the reduction in
the level of consistency in motor perfor- torque when compensatory reinnervation
mance, which in turn aids in the identi- begins to fail.231 Aged muscle is weaker,
fication of unusual patterns—for example, slower, and tetanized at lower fusion fre-
those seen in hysterical paresis.143 quencies but, paradoxically, it is more re-
Different surface measures of electrical sistant to static fatigue.184 Other factors
activity have been proposed for quantify- that influence muscle force include mus-
ing muscle fiber conduction velocity,174 cle fiber contractility, metabolic changes,
(see Chapter 12-2) and other muscle func- and central mechanisms.
tion,62,113 and assessing discharge pat-
tern of motor units.8,49,50,216,268 Wave-
form integration helps correlate the Collision Technique
muscle force and the electrical activity,
but, with repeated trials, the result may A collision technique helps determine the
vary considerably.167,221,222 For deter- relationship between the electrical poten-
mining the total area, a process called full- tial and the force produced by voluntary
wave rectification reverses the polarity of contraction of the first dorsal interosseous
all positive peaks. The tracing then con- muscle. Shocks of supramaximal inten-
sists only of negative deflections, allowing sity, delivered at either the wrist or the
their integration without phase cancella- axilla, evoke nearly identical compound
tion.13,170 The integral of a waveform in- muscle action potentials, M(W) or M(A)
creases in proportion to the amplitude, (Fig. 13-11). Shocks applied simultane-
frequency, and duration of the original po- ously at the wrist and axilla with the sub-
tential, usually relating linearly to the iso- ject at rest elicit M(W) but not M(A) be-
metric tension up to the maximal con- cause the orthodromic impulse from the
traction.148,172,249 Muscles of mixed fiber axilla collides with the antidromic impulse
composition, however, may show a non- from the wrist. During muscle contrac-
linear relationship.265 Surface recording tion, antidromic impulses from the wrist
can also provide useful information in es- first collide with voluntary impulses.
timating motor unit size.207 Diagnostic Therefore, the distal shock cannot com-
yield of surface studies57 may improve pletely block the impulse evoked by axil-
with the use of high spatial resolution lary stimulation. The fraction of M(A) so
recording in various neuromuscular dis- recorded, termed M(V), represents the
orders. 128 magnitude of the voluntary impulse. This
Studies of muscle force in the manage- technique produces, in effect, a synchro-
ment of neuromuscular diseases3,261 re- nized equivalent to the asynchronous mo-
quire rigorous quality control measures tor neuron activity associated with volun-
to assure test reliability, especially in tary contraction.141 The amplitude M(V)
multicenter trials.5,125 During dynamic relates linearly to the force of contraction
contraction, power spectra of surface under isometric conditions (Fig. 13-12).
myoelectric signals change depending on Needle study during weak voluntary
the applied torque, muscle length, and ve- contraction best characterizes the re-
locity of contraction, whereas the median cruitment and discharge pattern of indi-
frequency varies with the torque and vidual motor units.173,192,193,245 Strong
the muscle length, but not with the muscle contraction interferes with the
velocity.217 The use of special quasi- identification of single motor units in the
Techniques to Assess Muscle Function 327

Figure 13-11. Compound muscle action po-

tentials, M(W) and M(A), from the first dorsal
interosseous and muscle force (straight line).
At rest, the antidromic impulse from stimu-
lation at the wrist eliminated the orthodromic
impulse from the axilla by collision. With
muscle contraction (bottom tracing), M(V) ap-
peared in proportion to the number of axons
in which the voluntary impulse first collided
with the antidromic impulse from the wrist.
[From Kimura,141 with permission.]

presence of a large shower of spikes from ties gradually decline not only in the
many different units. Moreover, the few contracted muscle but also to a lesser ex-
motor units selected for observation do tent in the synergists, suggesting the exis-
not necessarily reveal the behavior of the tence of an inhibitory reflex.212 The power
total population of motor neurons. The spectrum shifts during fatigue, a phenom-
collision technique provides a direct enon best explained by accumulation of ex-
means of elucidating the relationship be- tracellular potassium (K+).171 In one study
tween the discharge pattern of the motor using automated analysis,66 motor unit
neuron pool and muscle force over a wide potentials derived from contractions of 30
range of voluntary contractions. This percent maximal voluntary contraction
method also serves as a good measure of showed (1) short-lasting decline and stabi-
the central drive to assess supraspinal lization of onset firing rate, followed by (2)
components of human muscle fatigue.100 progressive increase in mean firing rate and
amplitude, and [3] recruitment of addi-
tional larger motor units prior to the de-
Muscle Contraction velopment of fatigue. The last two elements
and Fatigue result in the well-known increase in total
surface electromyogram, compensating for
Compound muscle action potentials, a loss of force generated by fatiguing indi-
though reduced in amplitude, change vidual muscle fibers. Single human motor
little in area after fatigue218despite substan- units recording during fatigue also showed
tial reduction in torque. During fatigu- a similar dissociation between3 the electri-
ing contractions, electromyographic activi- cal and contractile properties.
328 Electromyography

Figure 13-12. Correlation between muscle force and electrical activity, with the same stimulation (open ar-
row) and recording as in the bottom tracing of Figure 13-11. Muscle force ranged from 0 to 6.0 kg (straight
line). In the last tracing, paired stimuli (closed arrow) delivered at the wrist elicited the second M(W) to ap-
pear with the same time delay as M(V). The second M(W)141equaled the first in amplitude, indicating the in-
tegrity of the neuromuscular excitability. [From Kimura, with permission.]

Fatigue decreases the contraction-re- ing rate.47 In four patients with congeni-
laxation rate of muscle fibers, lowering fu- tal myopathies characterized by a 100
sion frequency. Thus, lower rates of mo- percent type I predominance, the power
tor unit activation can result in the density frequency spectrum showed a
maintenance of constant force. In most shift to lower frequency and a greater elec-
studies, the number of motor unit spikes trical discharge per unit force compared
needed to maintain a constant force de- with those of control subjects.156
clined after maximal contraction, causing Isometric measure shows a decrease in
reduction in the surface recorded integral both the maximum voluntary and tetanic
of the rectified electrical
activities.105,273 force after stimulation with a uniform rate
In another experiment, the first 10 min- at 10 per second but not with a non-
utes of the 10 percent sustained contrac- uniform pattern containing a few high-
tion showed a most pronounced decrease frequency bursts.211 During fatigue, as
in mean power frequency and increase in well as during recovery, changes in max-
root mean square amplitude. Thereafter, imum voluntary contraction correlate best
frequency remained the same despite a with H2PO4, implicating this metabolite as
continued increase in amplitude, indicat- an important factor in human muscle fa-
ing recruitment of new motor units. Dur- tigue.26,168 Alteration in intracellular cal-
ing sustained maximal effort, the mean cium (Ca2+) exchange may play a major
and median power frequency declined ex- role in the fatigue process.262
ponentially with time. Fatigued muscles Human muscle fatigue may also result
show a decrease in number of spikes and from failure of central motor drive, which
amplitude, in part reflecting a dropout of results in less than maximal activation of
some motor units and a decrease in fir- muscle.100,139 The technique termed twitch
Techniques to Assess Muscle Function 329

interpolation provides a quantitative esti- tains a piezoceramic transducer glued to

mate of the amount of volitional effort by a flexible printed circuit board etched to
superimposing electrical stimulation dur- form three2,43copper strips taped firmly onto
ing voluntary contraction.5,6,11,169,244,251 the skin. Fourier analysis of sounds or
In one study using this method, cortico- vibrational signals shows presence of pre-
motor excitability increased during a sus- dominantly low-frequency components
tained submaximal voluntary contraction below 60 or 70 Hz.257 Frequency spec-
followed by progressive intracortical inhi- trum reveals relatively high-amplitude
bition as fatigue developed.213 In some peaks below 20 Hz, with the most promi-
central nervous system disorders such as nent peak occurring at around 10 Hz and
multiple sclerosis, motor unit activation additional peaks on either side of the ma-
may require186a relatively greater central jor peak.
motor drive. Patients with chronic fa- Stimulated muscle sounds suffice when
tigue syndrome complain of persistent as- artifacts such as tremor preclude record-
thenia that cannot be accounted for by ing of voluntary muscle sounds. An ac-
any known medical disease. Careful celerometer may be used to record mus-
analysis of symptoms should facilitate the cle vibration induced by twitches after
clinical evaluation, often preventing un- stimulation of the nerve. This approach
necessary physiological or biochemical not only eliminates motivational artifacts
procedures.151 but also allows the use of fundamental,
non-transducer-dependent units. It also
provides quantitative data to relate elec-
Kinesiology and Motor Control tric 16,253
signal to contractile muscle activ-
ity. One study17 reported latencies of
Electromyography plays a unique role in 5.7 ± 0.6 and 5.1 ± 0.6 ms (mean ± SD)
kinesiology, measuring the output of from the median and ulnar nerve stimu-
a-motoneurons, which can be readily lation at the wrist to the onset of the ac-
recorded in normal subjects and in pa- celeration waveform obtained from ab-
tients with a variety of motor disorders.238 ductor pollicis brevis and abductor digit
Electrical signals and twitch torque quinti. In another study,196 phrenic nerve
recording have provided insight into the stimulation at the neck induced a di-
function of the normal and the disordered aphragmatic acoustic signal with a la-
neuronal201 system as it relates to motor tency of 12.4 ± 0.6 ms as compared to an
control. This type of application 112,252
in- electrical response with a latency of 7.3 ±
cludes studies of coordination,
lo- 0.7 ms.
spinal cord187,208
in- The vibration amplitude from evoked
jury, stretch 9,10,73,138,272
reflex, muscle twitches provides a direct measure
dynamic muscle fatigue, ef_ of evoked twitch force from fatiguing mus-
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Chapter 14

Decreased versus Prolonged Activity
Insertional Positive Waves
Positive versus Negative Discharge
Types of Spontaneous Discharges
Excitability of Denervated Muscle Fibers
Fibrillation Potentials
Positive Sharp Waves
Spontaneous Single-Fiber Discharges in Clinical Domain
Complex Repetitive Discharges
Fasciculation Potentials and Myokymic Discharges
Continuous Muscle Fiber Activity
Abnormalities of Motor Unit Potentials
Lower Motor Neuron versus Myopathic Disorders
Lower and Upper Motor Neuron Disorders
Involuntary Movement

1 INTRODUCTION the needle, a relaxed muscle is electrically

silent. Several types of spontaneous dis-
charges seen at rest, therefore, all signal
Electromyographic studies analyze the diseases of the nerve or muscle, although
propagating muscle action potentials ex- they do not necessarily carry the same
tracellularly (see Chapter 13-2). Except clinical implications. Both fibrillation po-
for the end-plate activities and brief injury tentials and positive sharp waves result
potentials coincident with the insertion of from excitation of individual muscle
340 Electromyography

fibers, whereas complex repetitive dis- rize motor dysfunction into upper and
charges comprise high-frequency spikes lower motor neuron disorders and myo-
derived from multiple muscle fibers; these genic lesions. Each entity has typical find-
discharge sequentially and maintain a ings, as shown in Figures 14-1, through
fixed order. 14-3 and summarized in Figure 14-4. As
A motor unit is the smallest functional a means of introduction, the illustrations
element of volitional contraction. In con- emphasize the basic principles at the risk
ventional electromyography, isolated dis- of oversimplification. The description in
charges of single motor axons give rise to the text amplifies these points and clari-
motor unit potentials. Diseases of the fies certain variations and exceptions not
nerve or muscle cause structural or func- apparent in the diagrams.
tional disturbances of the motor unit,
which in turn lead to alterations in the
waveform and discharge patterns of their 2 INSERTIONAL ACTIVITY
electrical signals. Because certain char-
acteristics of such abnormalities suggest
a particular pathologic process, the study Decreased versus
of motor unit potentials provides infor- Prolonged Activity
mation useful in elucidating the nature of
the disease. A marked diminution of insertional activ-
Electromyography serves as a clinical ity usually indicates a reduced number of
tool only if the examiner interprets the healthy muscle fibers in fibrotic or se-
findings in the light of the patient's his- verely atrophied muscles (see Fig. 13-2).
tory, physical examination, and other di- Functionally inexcitable muscle fibers will
agnostic studies. In fact, the study con- also show the same abnormality during
stitutes an extension of physical attacks of familial periodic paralysis. Ab-
examination, rather than an independent sence of any activity, however, more often
laboratory test. The four steps of elec- than not signals technical problems such
tromyography (see Fig. 13-1) help catego- as a broken lead wire, a faulty needle, or

Figure 14-1. Typical findings

in lower motor neuron lesions.
They include (1) prolonged in-
sertional activity, (2) sponta-
neous activities in the form of
fibrillation potentials and posi-
tive sharp waves, (3) large-am-
plitude, long duration polypha-
sic motor unit potentials, and
(4) discrete single unit activity
firing rapidly during maximal
effort of contraction. The dia-
gram depicts reinnervation of
muscle fibers supplied by a dis-
eased axon (cf. Fig. 13-1). Al-
though not apparent in this il-
lustration, the sprouting axon
respects the anatomical con-
straint, incorporating only
those muscle fibers found
within its own boundary. Thus,
regeneration increases muscle
fiber density, but not necessar-
ily motor unit territory.
Types of Electromyographic Abnormalities 341

Figure 14-2. Typical findings

in upper motor neuron lesions.
They include (1) normal inser-
tional activity, (2) no sponta-
neous activity, (3) normal mo-
tor unit potential if detected in
an incomplete paralysis, and
(4) reduced interference pat-
tern with slow rates of firing of
individual motor unit poten-
tials. The diagram illustrates
degeneration of the corti-
cospinal tract resulting in a re-
duced number of descending
impulses reaching the anterior
horn cells, which in turn acti-
vate a small number of motor
unit potentials.

inadvertent exploration of the subcuta- cessation of needle movement, indicates

neous fat instead of muscle tissue by the irritability of the muscle or, more specifi-
examiner (underestimating the depth of cally, instability of the muscle membrane
obesity, for example). Abnormally pro- (see Fig. 13-2 and 14-1). This type of ac-
longed insertional activity, outlasting the tivity often develops in conjunction with

Figure 14-3. Typical findings

in myogenic lesions. They in-
clude (1) normal insertional ac-
tivity, (2) no spontaneous ac-
tivity, with some notable
exceptions, (3) low-amplitude,
short-duration, polyphasic mo-
tor unit potentials, and (4)
early recruitment leading to a
low-amplitude, full-interfer-
ence pattern at a less than
maximal effort of contraction.
The diagram illustrates a ran-
dom loss of individual muscle
fibers, resulting in a reduced
number of fibers per motor
342 Electromyography

Figure 14-4. Typical findings in lower and upper motor neuron disorders and myogenic lesions as shown
in Figures 14-1 through 14-3. Myotonia shares many features common to myopathy in general in addition
to myotonic discharges triggered by insertion of the needle or with voluntary effort to contract the muscle.
Polymyositis shows combined features of myopathy and neuropathy, including (1) prolonged insertional ac-
tivity, (2) abundant spontaneous discharges, (3) low-amplitude, short-duration, polyphasic motor unit po-
tentials, and (4) early recruitment leading to a low-amplitude, full-interference pattern.

denervation, myotonic disorders, or cer- chronically denervated muscles or in as-

tain other myogenic disorders such as sociation with rapidly progressive degen-
myositis.84 In addition, in some healthy eration of muscle fibers in acute poly-
individuals one or two isolated positive myositis. In these cases, positive sharp
potentials 157
may occur at the end of the waves also appear spontaneously—not
discharge. The lack of reproducibility initiated by needle movement (Fig. 14-5).
distinguishes this variant of normal in- By definition, insertional activity immedi-
sertional activity from qualitatively simi- ately follows the mechanical stimulus by
lar insertional positive waves, described the needle, even if it continues after ces-
below. sation of needle movement, whereas true
spontaneous activities occur without ap-
parent triggering mechanisms. Needle
Insertional Positive Waves movement also enhances spontaneous ac-
tivity, making differentiation between in-
A briefly sustained run of positive waves sertional and noninsertional activities
may follow insertional activity, lasting sev- somewhat arbitrary.
eral seconds to minutes after cessation of Insertional positive waves seen in den-
the needle movement. Less frequently, a ervated muscles have an abrupt onset and
train of negative spikes with or without termination without a waxing and waning
initial positivity may develop instead of quality. Nonetheless, a few positive waves
positive sharp waves. These discharges, in the first seconds after insertion of the
ranging from 3 to 30 impulses per second needle may mimic a mild form of myotonic
in firing frequency, closely resemble the discharge; hence the now-abandoned
spontaneous discharges recorded from term pseudomyotonia. Similarly, an
frankly denervated muscles at rest. In abortive form of myotonic discharge seen
fact, abnormal insertional activity of this immediately after prolonged exercise re-
type commonly appears in the early stages sembles insertional positive waves of early
of denervation, 10 days to 2 weeks after denervation. This finding in otherwise
nerve injury, before the appearance of asymptomatic subjects suggests a forme
spontaneous activity. It may also occur in fruste of myotonia congenita of autosomal
Types of Electromyographic Abnormalities 343

Figure 14-5. Spontaneous

single-fiber discharges from
the right paraspinal muscle in
a 62-year-old woman with
polymyositis. The tracings
show two types of discharges:
trains of positive sharp waves
(a,b,c) and negative spikes
(d,e,f) initiated by insertion of
the needle electrode. The lack
of initial positivity indicates
the recording of the negative
spikes near the end plate re-
gion, although their rhythmic
pattern speaks against the
physiologic end-plate spikes.
Note the absence of waxing
and waning quality typically
associated with myotonic po-
tentials, (cf. Figure 14-7).

dominant inheritance.152,159 Exaggerated myotonia when seen in polymyositis,

insertional positive waves may also ac- type II glycogen storage disease with acid
company some metabolic disorders, such maltase deficiency,65 some form of my-
as myopathies associated with hypothy- opathy such as cytoplasmic body myopa-
roidism (Fig. 14-6). thy resembling myotonic dystrophy101 or
other disorders characterized by chronic
Positive versus
A sustained contraction of the muscle fol- Negative Discharge
lows voluntary movement or electrical or
mechanical stimulation in myotonia con- Myotonic discharges take two forms, de-
genita, myotonia
dystrophica, paramyoto- pending on the spatial relationship be-
nia congenita, or hyperkalemic periodic tween the recording surface of the needle
paralysis20,45,100 (see Chapter 29-2). The electrode and the discharging muscle
electromyographic correlates of clinical fibers. One type of myotonic discharge oc-
myotonia consist of rhythmic discharges curs as a sustained run of sharp positive
that are triggered by insertion of the nee- waves, each followed by a slow negative
dle electrode but that outlast the external component of much longer duration (Fig.
source of excitation. Myotonic discharges 14-7). These waveforms, like those of den-
do not necessarily accompany clinical ervation, represent recurring single-fiber
344 Electromyography

Figure 14-6. A 40-year-old woman with hypothyroidism. Electromyography showed increased insertional
activities followed by sustained repetitive positive sharp waves, at times generating a transient myotonic dis-

potentials recorded from an injured area discharge does not closely simulate the
of the muscle membrane. A second type sound of a dive-bomber, judged from my
of myotonic discharge consists of a sus- extensive personal experience (with dive-
tained run of negative spikes with a small bombers).
initial positivity. These spikes resemble
the fibrillation potentials seen in dener-
vation. In contrast to the positive sharp Pathophysiology
waves usually initiated by needle inser-
tion, negative spikes tend to occur at the The pathophysiology of myotonic dis-
beginning of slight volitional contraction. charge, although not yet established in
Both positive sharp waves and negative humans, relates to abnormalities of chlo-
spikes typically wax and wane in ampli- ride (Cl-) and sodium (Na+) channels.67 A
tude over the range of 10 /W to 1 mV of- decrease in resting chloride conductance
ten, though not always, varying inversely results in repetitive
electrical activity in
with the rate of firing. Their frequency isolated frog and mammalian skeletal
may increase or decrease within the range muscles.92 Electrophysiologic studies
of 50-100 impulses per second, giving rise show abnormalities attributable to de-
to a characteristic noise over the loud- creased density of chloride 91 channels in
speaker that is reminiscent of an acceler- hereditary myotonia of goats. In normal
ating or decelerating motorcycle or chain fibers, the presence of chloride conduc-
saw. Despite common belief, a myotonic tance stabilizes the membrane potential
Types of Electromyographic Abnormalities 345

Figure 14-7. Myotonic dis-

charges from the right ante-
rior tibialis in a 39-year-old
man with myotonic dystro-
phy. The tracings show two
types of discharges: trains of
positive sharp waves (a,b,c)
and negative spikes with ini-
tial positMty (d,e,f). The dis-
charges in a and d reveals
waxing and waning quality.

by shunting the depolarizing current and shunting the current, this slow change
dampening its effect. Conversely, the ab- may trigger another action 14potential, and
sence of chloride conductance in effect the cycle repeats itself. Thus, the
raises the resistance of the membrane. process of depolarization begins as soon
According to Ohm's law (E = IR) increased as repolarization ends, leading to a series
resistance, R, will reduce the amount of of repetitive action potentials. The expla-
current, I, necessary to initiate a thresh- nation of myotonic phenomena based on
old depolarization, E. low chloride conductance seems to apply
The critical level of depolarization opens to human myotonia congenita.85 Pharma-
the sodium channel with a rapid change cologic blocking of the acerylcholine re-
in sodium conductance, which in turn ini- ceptor or atropine binding site effectively
tiates an action potential. The action po- silences fibrillation potentials, but not
tential falls with inactivation of sodium myotonic discharges.12
conductance and delayed activation of Paramyotonia and hyperkalemic peri-
potassium (K+) conductance, which tends odic paralysis result from a number of
to hyperpolarize the membrane. As potas- mutations in the adult skeletal muscle
sium conductance slowly returns to its sodium channel gene, which is located on
resting value, the cell becomes slightly de- chromosome 17q 23-25.115 For reasons
polarized, with accumulation of potas- not completely understood, patients with
sium in the transverse tubule system. In the same mutation may have variable
an unstable membrane without chloride clinical findings (see Chapter 29-3). Con-
346 Electromyography

versely, different mutations may account fiber and circus movements of currents
for the same signs and symptoms. None- among muscle fibers.71
theless, experts agree that sodium chan- Fasciculation potentials are isolated
nel mutation results in muscle membrane spontaneous discharges of a motor unit.
instability, which in turn causes tempera- In contrast, myokymic discharges repre-
ture-sensitive myotonic discharges trig- sent repetitive firing of a motor unit, as
gered by muscle activation.154 Cooling the the name grouped fasciculation indicates.
patient with this disorder depolarizes the Numeric grading serves to semiquanti-
muscle membrane slightly, initiating the tate each of these spontaneous activities:
entry of sodium ions into the muscle fiber. + 1—Rare spontaneous potentials re-
This leads to more sustained depolariza- cordable at one or two sites only af-
tion through regenerative activation of ter some search. This category in-
abnormal, noninactivating sodium chan-
nels. 126 Inactivation of normally function- cludes positive discharges elicited
ing sodium channels by further cooling or after moving the needle electrode (i.e.,
exercise results in inexcitability of the insertional positive sharp waves).
muscle fiber and paralysis. +2—Occasional spontaneous potentials
registered at more than two different
+3—Frequent spontaneous potentials
4 SPONTANEOUS ACTIVITY recordable regardless of the position
of the needle electrode.
Types of Spontaneous Discharges +4—Abundant spontaneous potentials
nearly filling the screen of the oscillo-
Basic types of spontaneous activity com-
prise fibrillation potentials, positive sharp
waves, complex repetitive discharges, fas-
ciculation potentials, and myokymic dis- Excitability of Denervated
charges. Isolated visible muscle twitches Muscle Fibers
over a localized area may accompany fas-
ciculation potentials and complex repeti- In the first 2 weeks after denervation, the
tive discharges, but not fibrillation poten- sensitivity of a muscle fiber to acetyl-
tials or positive sharp waves. Myokymic choline (ACh) increases by as much as
discharges seen in cramp syndromes 100-fold.94,144 This phenomenon, known
cause sustained segmental contraction as denervation hypersensitivity, may ex-
(see Chapter 29-6). In contrast, more gen- plain spontaneous discharges of dener-
eralized muscle spasms characterize the vated muscle fibers in response to small
syndrome of neuromyotonia representing quantities of circulating ACh.38,141 The
peripheral nerve hyperexcitability. Patients disappearance of fibrillation potentials af-
with the stiff-man syndrome also suffer ter artificially induced ischemia64 and in
from similar involuntary muscle contrac- isolated muscle fibers141 also supports the
tion, although the discharges responsible presence of some circulating substance. In
originate in the central nervous system. rats, fibrillation potentials cease after ap-
Both fibrillation potentials and positive plication of alpha-bungarotoxin or atropine
waves represent single-fiber activa- sulfate.12 Therefore, the receptor molecules
tion. In contrast, complex for these agents must play an essential part
repetitive discharges result from rapid fir- in the production of spontaneous activity.
ing of many muscle fibers in sequence, In experiments using rat soleus muscles,
driven ephaptically at a point of lateral fibrillation potentials appeared earlier after
contact.48,137 A spontaneously activated complete denervation than after partial
single fiber serving as a pacemaker regu- denervation. The time difference seemed
lates the frequency and pattern of dis- to reflect a more gradual increase in the
charge by two different, usually indepen- number of acetylcholine receptors and a
dent, mechanisms: rate of rhythmic greater sensitivity to tetrodotoxin of the
depolarization of the denervated muscle partially denervated muscles.3
Types of Electromyographic Abnormalities 347

Experimental data have been mar- of cholinesterase inhibitors, such as edro-

shaled against the ACh hypersensitivity phonium (Tensilon) or neostigmine
hypothesis: (1) The large amount of cir- (Prostigmin), and decrease after moderate
culating ACh reaching the end plate com- cooling of the muscle or hypoxia. Thus,
bines with acetylcholinesterase concen- warming the muscle under study enhances
trated in this region. This results in the chance of detecting this abnormality.
continuous hydrolysis of ACh to choline When triggered by spontaneous oscilla-
and acetate. (2) Denervation hypersensi- tions in the membrane potential, fibrilla-
tivity reflects the development of many tion potentials typically fire in a regular
highly reactive sites along the entire pattern at a rate of 1-30 impulses per sec-
length of the denervated muscle fiber,147 ond, with an average frequency of 13 im-
rather than a specific5 change localized to pulses per second.23,141 The firing rate
the end-plate region. Spontaneous activ- may be proportional to oxygen supply,
ity, however, seems to originate only in presumably 69reflecting the rate of aerobic
the end-plate zone and not elsewhere metabolism. The decreased resting
along the nonjunctional membrane.6 Fur- membrane potential in the denervated
ther, the infusion of curare blocks the muscle plays a critical role as the cause
end-plate receptors but fails to abolish of the oscillations.142 Fibrillation poten-
spontaneous discharges. (3) Denervation of tials originating from the same muscle
frog muscle may cause increased sensitiv- fiber may occasionally fire irregularly in
ity to ACh but produces no spontaneous the range of 0.1-25 impulses per sec-
activity.96 These findings suggest that ACh ond.19,97 These potentials result from ran-
hypersensitivity alone cannot explain the dom, discrete, spontaneous depolariza-
generation of spontaneous activity. Alter- tion of nearly constant amplitude.19 A
native hypotheses invoke slowly changing very irregular firing pattern, however,
membrane potentials of metabolic origin usually represents discharges from more
that may periodically reach the critical than one fiber. A new class of sodium
level and evoke propagated spikes,141 den- channels that develops after denervation
ervation-induced alteration of the mecha- may cause reduced sodium inactivation.
nisms that control refractory periods of Increased sodium conductance presum-
sodium channels,79 and2+reduction of ex- ably accounts for progressive lowering of
tracellular calcium (Ca ) concentration the firing 116
threshold, giving rise to cyclical
based on suppressing effects of dantrolene activities.
sodium on fibrillation potentials.70 Voluntarily activated single-fiber poten-
tials and fibrillation potentials have the
same shape and amplitude distribution
Fibrillation Potentials when studied with single-fiber elec-
tromyography (SFEMG).135 Close scrutiny
Fibrillation potentials range from 1 to 5 of a train reveals no change in shape be-
ms in duration and from 20 to 500 uV in tween the first and the last discharges.
amplitude when recorded with a concen- These findings indicate that fibrillation
tric needle electrode.23 These potentials potentials originate from single muscle
usually have diphasic or triphasic wave- fibers, a view consistent with the obser-
forms with initial positivity (Fig. 14-8), un- vation that they represent the smallest
less the tip of the needle electrode faces unit recorded by the needle electrode.38,72
the end plate zone, registering an initial The now-abandoned concept of the sub-
negativity. Physiologic end-plate spikes unit led to the earlier erroneous belief that
also have an initial negativity, but unlike 10-30 muscle fibers must discharge to
spontaneous activity recorded at the end generate a single potential.23,24
plate, they fire irregularly at a very high
rate. Over the loudspeaker, fibrillation po-
tentials produce a crisp clicking noise rem- Positive Sharp Waves
iniscent of the sound caused by wrinkling
tissue paper. The discharges increase after Positive sharp waves, which also repre-
warming the muscle or with administration sent single-fiber activation, have a saw-
Figure 14-8. A. Single-fiber discharges recorded from the denervated tibialis anterior in a 67-year-old man
with acute onset of a footdrop (cf. Fig. 5-6). Note gradual alteration of the waveform from a triphasic spike
with major negativity to paired positive potentials and finally to a single positive sharp wave over the time
course of some 8 seconds without movement of the needle. This fortuitous recording provides direct evidence
that the same single-fiber discharge can be recorded either as fibrillation potentials or as positive sharp
waves. Long-duration positive deflections seen in c, f, and g represent a pulse artifact. [From Kimura,76 with
permission.] B. Spontaneous single-fiber activity of the anterior tibialis in a 68-year-old woman with amy-
otrophic lateral sclerosis. The tracings show two types of discharges: positive sharp waves (a,b,c) and fib-
rillation potentials (d,e,f). C. Spontaneous single-fiber activity of the paraspinal muscle in a 40-year-old man
with radiculopathy, consisting of positive sharp waves (a,b,c) and fibrillation potentials (d,e,f).

Types of Electromyographic Abnormalities 349

Figure 14-8. (cent.) D. Spontaneous single-fiber activity of the deltoid (a,b,c) and tibialis anterior (d,e,f)
in a 9-year-old boy with a 6-week history of dermatomyositis, with two types of discharges: positive sharp
waves (a,b,c) and fibrillation potentials (d,e,f). E. Spontaneous single-fiber activity of the tibialis anterior in
a 7-year-old boy with Duchenne dystrophy, showing positive sharp waves (a,b,c) and fibrillation potentials

tooth appearance with the initial positiv- dle.156 As discussed earlier, positive sharp
ity and a subsequent slow negativity, waves may form part of myotonic dis-
much lower in amplitude but longer in du- charges, triggered by insertion of the nee-
ration. They often follow insertion of the dle or by mild voluntary contraction. De-
needle but also fire spontaneously at reg- spite the close resemblance in waveform,
ular intervals (Fig. 14-8). The physi- myotonic discharges, which characteristi-
cal relationship between the generator cally wax and wane, do not appear spon-
and the recording electrode dictate the taneously.
waveform of the potential.42 If the tip of
the needle damages the membrane, then
the sustained standing depolarization Spontaneous Single-Fiber
here precludes the generation of a nega- Discharges in Clinical Domain
tive spike at this point. Thus, a propa-
gating action potential that approaches Spontaneous activity, if reproducible at a
the site of injury gives rise to a sharp pos- minimum of two muscle sites, provides
itive discharge followed by a low-ampli- an unequivocal sign of abnormality and
tude negative deflection. Therefore, the is one of the most useful findings in clin-
absence of a negative spike implies ical electromyography. It usually suggests
recording near the damaged part of the lower motor neuron disorders, such as
muscle fiber. Although usually seen to- diseases of anterior horn cells, radicu-
gether after nerve section, the appearance lopathies, plexopathies, and axonal poly-
of fibrillation potential often lags behind neuropathies. Because of the latency pe-
that of positive sharp waves, which can riod of 2-3 weeks, however, the absence
be triggered by the insertion of a nee- of spontaneous activity does not preclude
350 Electromyography

denervation during the early weeks of the legs on the affected side in 50 hemi-
nerve injury. When found in disorders of plegic patients without 25 apparent plexus
the lower motor neuron, the distribution injury. In another study, the amount of
of spontaneous potentials can aid in lo- spontaneous activity seen in the lower
calizing lesions of the spinal cord, root, limb muscles after cervical spinal cord in-
plexus, or peripheral nerve. jury showed a positive correlation with the
Fibrillation potential amplitude seems length of the axon and a negative corre-
to relate to muscle atrophy after periph- lation with the degree of spasticity. Some,
eral nerve injury. In one study,81 the max- however, argue that the positive sharp
imum peak-to-peak amplitude measured waves and fibrillation potentials seen in
in 69 subjects declined from 612 //,V dur- hemiplegic patients reflect secondary dis-
ing the first 2 months after injury to 512 ease of the lower motor neurons.26 As a
uV during the third and fourth months rule, no spontaneous activity develops in
and 320 uV during the fifth and sixth disuse atrophy. Spontaneous activity may
months. After the first year, all fibrillation also appear in the paraspinous muscles
potentials were reduced to less than 100 after myelography or lumbar puncture,
uV in amplitude. developing by the first day after the pro-
Spontaneous discharges also charac- cedure and resolving by the second
terize certain myopathic processes such through the fourth day.30,153
as muscular dystrophy, dermatomyositis, In addition, fibrillation potentials and
and polymyositis. Less consistently, dis- positive sharp waves may occasionally ap-
eases of the neuromuscular junction give pear in otherwise healthy muscles. An iso-
rise to fibrillation potentials, as do many lated incidence, therefore, cannot serve as
other disorders,58,111 such as facioscapu- absolute evidence of a specific abnormal-
lohumeral dystrophy, limb-girdle 62 dystro- ity. Spontaneous discharges can occur in
phy, oculopharyngeal dystrophy, my- the absence of clinical signs or symptoms,
otubular, or centronuclear, myopathy,133 presumably reflecting subclinical nerve
and trichinosis.152 Fibrillation potentials injury. For example, 9 of 62 asymptomatic
found in 25 percent of patients with pro- subjects had spontaneous discharges in
gressive muscular dystrophy23 result at lumbosacral paraspinal muscles.31 Simi-
least in part from denervation secondary larly, 7 of 21 asymptomatic subjects
to muscle necrosis.39 Spontaneous activ- showed abnormalities in the extensor dig-
ity in polymyositis suggests increased itorum brevis or abductor hallucis mus-
membrane irritability,9 inflammation of cles.99 These changes alone, therefore, are
intramuscular nerve fibers,119 or focal de- of limited clinical importance, unless cor-
generation separating a part of the 130 mus- roborated by other means.
cle fiber from the end-plate region. In
support of postulated functional denerva-
tion, SFEMG and histochemical tech- Complex Repetitive Discharges
niques revealed evidence of reinnervation
in the terminal innervation pattern.63 Like The complex repetitive discharges range
fibrillation potentials, positive sharp from 50 ^V to 1 mV in amplitude and up
waves are seen not only in denervated to 50 to 100 ms in duration, representing
muscles but also in a variety of myogenic a group of muscle fibers firing in near syn-
conditions. The latter group includes chrony (Figs. 14-9 and 14-10). The entire
polymyositis, dermatomyositis, trichi- sequence repeats itself at slow or fast
nosis, ischemic myositis, and progressive rates, usually in the range of 5-100 im-
muscular dystrophy. pulses per second. The polyphasic and
Spontaneous discharges also occur, complex waveform remains uniform from
though not consistently, in otherwise un- one group of discharges to another, with
involved paretic limbs between 6 weeks periodic shifts to a new pattern. These dis-
and 3 months after the onset of acute up- charges typically begin suddenly, main-
per motor
neuron lesions.29,73,74 One tain a constant rate of firing for a short
study reported spontaneous activity in period, and cease as abruptly as they
68 percent of the arms and 70 percent of started. Over the loudspeaker, they mimic
Types of Electromyographic Abnormalities 351

Figure 14-9. Complex repeti-

tive discharges of the left
quadriceps in a 58-year-old
man with a herniated lumbar
disc. The tracings show two
types of discharges: trains of
single- or double-peaked neg-
ative spikes (a,b,c) and com-
plex positive sharp waves
(d,e,f). In f, each sweep, trig-
gered by a recurring motor
unit potential, shows remark-
able reproducibility of the
waveform within a given train.

the sound of a machine gun. The unique within the complex fire in the same order,
repetitive pattern once prompted the use as the discharge recurs repetitively. One
of a now discarded term, bizarre high- fiber in the complex serves as a pace-
frequency discharges. Superficial similar- maker, initiating the burst and driving
ities to myotonic sound led to the even one 137or several other fibers ephapti-
less appropriate term pseudomyotonia in cally. -147 In successive cycles, one of
the absence of waxing and waning. The rate the remaining fibers activated late in the
of repetition and the firing pattern—show- previous cycle, reexcites the principal
ing an identical waveform from one burst pacemaker to repeat the cycle until the
to the next—make the complex repetitive pacemaker fibers eventually fail. The elec-
discharges distinct from myokymia, neu- trical field associated with this repetitive
romyotonia, and cramp syndromes, despite pattern must effectively induce ephaptic
their superficial resemblance (see Chapter activation of neighboring muscle fibers.
29-4, 29-6, 29-11). Thus, complex repetitive discharges often
In single-fiber recordings,137 complex give rise to high-amplitude spikes, com-
repetitive discharges often consist of 10 or pared with fibrillation potentials.
more distinct unit potentials separated by This discharge is seen in some my-
intervals ranging from less than 0.5 ms to opathies, such as muscular dystrophy or
more than 200 ms. The individual spikes polymyositis, and in a wide variety of
352 Electromyography

Figure 14-10. Complex repet-

itive discharges with trains of
negative spikes from the same
muscle shown in Figure 14-9.
Note gradual decline of dis-
charge frequency in one train
(a,b,c) but not the other (d,e,f),
and the characteristically abrupt
onset and cessation (a,d,e). In
c and /, each sweep, triggered
by a recurring motor unit po-
tential, shows a detailed wave-
form of the repetitive patterns.

chronic denervating conditions, such as cally silent irritative process tend to in-
motor neuron disease, radiculopathy, volve deeper muscles in general and the
chronic polyneuropathy, myxedema, and iliopsoas in particular.
the Schwarz-Jampel syndrome sometimes
associated with neurogenic muscle hy-
pertrophy.125 In a large series,48 overall Fasciculation Potentials and
analysis of the prevalence revealed its Myokymic Discharges
highest incidence in Duchenne muscular
dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy, and Clinicians once referred to visible twitch-
Charcot-MarieTooth disease. Women with ing of muscle bundles as fibrillation, a
urinary retention may have profuse activ- term now reserved for the electromyo-
ity of this type in the striated muscle of graphic description of spontaneously fir-
the urethral sphincter.56 Apparently ing single muscle fibers. To avoid confu-
healthy subjects may occasionally show sion, the term fasciculation was proposed
the complex repetitive discharges as an to describe the38spontaneous contraction
unexpected finding. These foci of a clini- of motor units. Fasciculation potentials
Types of Electromyographic Abnormalities 353

result from spontaneous discharges of a cally associated with diseases of anterior

group of muscle fibers representing either horn cells, also occur in radiculopathy,
a whole or possibly part of a motor unit entrapment neuropathy, and the66muscu-
(Fig. 14-11). Motor unit potentials deep lar pain-fasciculation syndrome. In pa-
within the muscle may not necessarily in- tients with cervical spondylotic myelopa-
duce visible twitches. In such instances, thy, fasciculation potentials may appear
electromyography allows detection of this in the lower limbs, presumably secondary
spontaneous activity, which would other- to loss of inhibition, vascular insuffi-
wise remain unrecognized. ciency, cord traction, or denervation. Al-
Unlike normal voluntary motor unit po- though these hypotheses lack anatomic or
tentials, fasciculation potentials may un- physiologic evidence, spontaneous dis-
dergo slight changes in amplitude and charges do abate after cervical decom-
waveform from time to time. Mild volun- pression.75,77 Fasciculation potentials
tary contraction of agonistic or antago- also accompany some metabolic derange-
nistic muscles fails to alter the firing rate ments such as tetany, thyrotoxicosis, and
or discharge pattern. The generator overdoses of anticholinesterase medica-
source remains unknown, although exist- tion.35 Grouped occurrence of fascicula-
ing evidence favours a very distal site of tion potentials from multiple units tends
origin at or near the motor terminals.87 to show frequent association with amy-
The neural discharge, however, may orig- otrophic lateral sclerosis and progressive
inate in the spinal cord or anywhere along spinal muscular atrophy. They do not nec-
the length of the peripheral nerve.155 essarily imply an ominous prognosis,
In one study using a collision method however, because they are also seen in
and F-wave analysis, nearly all fascicula- other degenerative diseases of the ante-
tions had an axonal origin.121 Fascicula- rior horn cells, including poliomyelitis and
tions may appear transiently after ad- syringomyelia. Synchronous fascicula-
ministration of an anticholinesterase tions seen in muscles supplied by differ-
medication or 114a depolarizing neuromus- ent nerves or in homologous muscles on
cular blocker. Fasciculation potentials opposite sides possibly suggest an in-
may sometimes persist despite distal traspinal mechanism105 or a reflex origin
nerve block. After total removal of the via spindle123
afferent triggered by the arte-
nerve supply to the muscle, they remain rial pulse.
for about 4 days and then disappear.55 Either single or grouped spontaneous
In contrast to isolated discharges of one discharges occur commonly in otherwise
motor unit, more complex bursts of repet- normal muscle,98 sometimes, but not al-
itive discharges cause vermicular move- ways, causing cramps. These benign fas-
ments of the skin, called myokymia (see ciculations are not a prelude to progres-
Chapter 29-6).28 Repetitive firing of the sive motor neuron disease. Data obtained
same motor units usually occurs in bursts from a questionnaire survey of a group of
at regular intervals of 0.1-10 seconds, 539 healthy medical personnel indicate
with 2-10 spikes discharging at 30-40 im- that 70 percent have117experienced some
pulses per second in each burst (Fig. type of muscle twitch. Long-term follow-
14-12). Myokymic discharges commonly, up of 121 patients with benign fascicula-
though not specifically, involve facial tions revealed8 no incidence of motor neu-
muscles in patients with brainstem ron disease. Because of the serious
glioma or multiple sclerosis. Myokymic implications, a number of investigators
discharges also favor certain chronic neu- have sought to differentiate this form of
ropathic processes,95
such as Guillain- fasciculation potential from that associ-
Barre syndrome and radiation plex- ated with motor neuron disease, but in
opathies.1,2,35 Hyperventilation induces vain. No single method reliably distin-
hypocalcemia, which in turn amplifies ax- guishes one type from the other on the ba-
onal excitability and myokymic bursts, sis of waveform characteristics, such as
generated 11ectopically in demyelinated mo- amplitude, duration, and number of
tor fibers. phases.118,146 The frequency of discharge,
Fasciculation potentials, although typi- however, may separate the two categories;
Figure 14-11. A. A 59-year-old man with pain in
the posterior calf after a fall from a ladder, landing
on his feet. Electromyography showed fibrillation po-
tentials and sharp positive waves in the abductor
hallucis and only fasciculation potentials in the ab-
ductor digit! quinti. [From Kimura,76 with permis-
sion.] B. A 58-year-old man with muscular pain fas-
ciculation syndrome of 1 year's duration. He came
to the hospital for evaluation of "muscle twitching,"
which began in the right arm but soon became gen-
eralized. Electromyography showed fasciculation po-
tentials in most muscles tested, with no evidence of
other spontaneous discharges such as fibrillation
potentials or sharp positive waves. [From Kimura,76
with permission.]

Types of Electromyographic Abnormalities 355

irregular firing at an average interval of 3.5 proof of abnormality, unless they are ac-
seconds in patients with motor neuron companied by either fibrillation potentials
disease compared with 0.8 seconds in or positive sharp waves. Excluding those
asymptomatic individuals.37,146 The dis- seen in healthy subjects, fasciculation po-
charges in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis tentials suggest disease of the lower mo-
characteristically arise proximally early tor neuron with the origin at any level
in the 37disease and distally in the later from the anterior horn cells to axon ter-
stages. minals. Electrophysiologic studies fail to
In conclusion, fasciculation potentials offer reliable means of distinguishing be-
by themselves cannot provide absolute tween "benign" forms seen in otherwise

Figure 14-12. A. Myokymic discharges in a 21-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis. The patient had
visible undulating movement of the facial muscles on the right associated with characteristic bursts of spon-
taneous activity recorded from the orbicularis oris (a,b,c,d) and the orbicularis oculi (e,f,g,h). In d, each
sweep, triggered by a recurring spontaneous potential, shows a repetitive but not exactly time locked pat-
tern of the waveform. B. Myokymic discharges in a 57-year-old man with a 2-week history of Guillain-Barre
syndrome and nearly complete peripheral facial palsy. Despite the absence of visible undulating movement,
rhythmically recurring spontaneous discharges appeared in the upper (a,b,c) and lower (d,e,f) portions of
the left orbicularis oris. In c and /, each sweep triggered by a recurring spontaneous potential shows the
repetitive pattern.
356 Electromyography

normal muscle and "malignant" forms as- thus the name neuromyotonia. Needle
sociated with motor neuron disease. The studies demonstrate motor unit discharges
dichotomy, therefore, serves no useful with frequencies up to 300 Hz associated
purpose in the clinical domain. To char- with a characteristic "pinging" sound. The
acterize a recorded discharge, the de- firing motor unit potentials decline in am-
scription should consist of its waveform, plitude slowly or rapidly as increasing
amplitude, duration, firing pattern, and numbers of muscle fibers fail to follow the
frequency of occurrence. high rate of repetitive pattern. Ischemia or
electrical nerve stimulation, but usually
not voluntary contraction, provokes the
Continuous Muscle Fiber Activity high-frequency discharge. Patients re-
spond well to treatment with phenytoin or
Continuous muscle fiber activity refers to carbamazepine, which effectively reduces
the diffuse, sustained spontaneous motor involuntary movements.
unit activity seen in a heterogeneous
group of central or peripheral disorders.46
Stiff-man syndrome represents a rare but
well-recognized entity characterized by Cramps
sustained involuntary discharges of cen-
tral origin (see Chapter 29-10). A needle Cramp constitutes the sustained involun-
recording reveals normal motor unit po- tary contraction of a muscle in part or in
tentials that produce a sustained inter- entirety, either as a normal phenomenon
ference pattern involving the agonists and or as a sign of abnormality in pathologic
antagonists simultaneously. These dis- conditions (see Chapter 29-11). The re-
charges abate with peripheral nerve or sponsible impulses originate in the pe-
neuromuscular block, after spinal or gen- ripheral nerve, but the exact underlying
eralized anesthesia or during sleep. The mechanism of cramping remains un-
administration of diazepam, but not known. Some studies suggest cramps may
phenytoin or carbamazepine, also abol- result from mechanical excitation of mo-
ishes or attenuates the activity. tor nerve terminals during muscle short-
A descriptive term, neuromyotonia, ening.87,88,89,106 Peripheral nerve block
probably serves best to describe continu- often abolishes the activity, but spinal or
ous muscle fiber activity of peripheral ori- general anesthesia has no effects. After
gin.59 Other names used include Isaacs' severe cramps, the pain may persist for
syndrome, quantal squander, generalized days. Needle recording consists of repeti-
myokymia, pseudomyotonia and normo- tive discharges of normal motor unit po-
calcemic tetany68,104 (see Chapter 29-4). tentials at a high frequency in the range
These syndromes probably constitute dif- of 200-300 Hz. Beginning with single po-
ferent diseases that vary in their clinical tentials or doublets, the activity gradually
and electrophysiological presentations de- spreads to involve other areas of a mus-
spite the shared feature of sustained in- cle. Several different sites may be acti-
voluntary motor activity. The sites of vated simultaneously or sequentially. The
generator responsible for different dis- discharges wax and wane for several min-
charges vary from proximal segments of utes, then abate spontaneously.
the nerve to the intramuscular nerve ter-
minals.93,122,143 Excess motor unit activ-
ity remains during sleep and after general 5 MOTOR UNIT POTENTIALS
or spinal anesthesia. Nerve block will be
effective if abnormal discharges originate
more proximally. Neuromuscular block The measures to define a motor unit po-
totally abolishes the abnormal activity, tential comprise amplitude, rise time, du-
confirming its neural origin. ration, phases, stability, and territory. A
Clinical examination shows undulating wide range of neuromuscular disorders al-
movements of the overlying skin and a de- ters the waveform in different but charac-
lay of relaxation after muscle contraction, teristic combinations. Hence, such abnor-
Types of Electromyographic Abnormalities 357

malities help distinguish primary muscle duration, increasing the time of the initial
diseases from disorders of neuromuscu- and terminal positivity. Thus, the dura-
lar junction and lower motor neurons. A tion of the motor unit potential serves as
decrease in spike duration and amplitude a measure of a larger part of the muscle
characterizes motor unit potentials in my- fiber population lying within some 2.5 mm
opathies associated with random loss of radius, but still not the entire motor unit
individual fibers.22 In neuropathies or an- territory, which measures 1-2 cm. Mean-
terior horn cell diseases, a loss of axons ingful assessment calls for comparison
results in a reduced number of units, al- of the measured value with the normal
though surviving fibers with sprouting range established in the same muscle for
give rise to a larger potential than normal. the same age group by the same tech-
Thus, taken together with abnormalities nique. 15,43
of insertional and spontaneous activities, Diphasic or triphasic motor unit poten-
changes in the size and recruitment pat- tials abound in normal muscles, with only
tern of the motor unit potential play an 5-15 percent having four or more phases.
essential role in the classification of weak- The number of polyphasic units increases
in diseases of the nerve and mus- in myopathy, in neuropathy, or in motor
cle. In addition, assessing motor unit neuron disease (Fig. 14-13). Polyphasia
potentials serially helps monitor the dis- indicates temporal dispersion of muscle
ease process based on sequential physio- fiber potentials within a motor unit. Ex-
logic changes which correlate with134histo- cessive temporal dispersion, in turn, re-
logic alteration of the motor unit. sults from differences in conduction time
along the terminal branch of the nerve or
Abnormalities of Motor
Unit Potentials
The following discussion deals with the
contrasting features of the motor unit po-
tential seen in myopathies and lower mo-
tor neuron disorders. Each type of change
occurs as a common feature in a number
of disease categories, as listed here and
described in greater detail later from clin-
ical points of view for individual entities
(see Chapters 23 through 29). Thus, such
abnormalities per se often fail to establish
a specific diagnosis.
The recorded amplitude varies greatly
with the position of the needle electrode
relative to the discharging unit. Selecting
a motor unit potential with a short rise
time of 500 us or less guarantees its prox-
imity to the recording surface. The num-
ber of single muscle fibers within the ap-
proximately 500 um recording radius
from the tip of the needle determines the
size of the negative spike. The muscle
fibers lying closer together near the
recording surface give rise to a higher am-
plitude. Hence, in general, the amplitude
aids in determining the muscle-fiber den- Figure 14-13. Polyphasic motor unit potentials
from the anterior tibialis in a 52-year-old man with
sity, not the motor unit territory. Distant amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Temporal variability of
units not contributing to the amplitude of repetitive discharges in waveform suggests intermit-
the negative spike add to the motor unit tent blocking of some axon terminals.
358 Electromyography

over the muscle fiber membrane. Ex- than normal muscle.54 During neu-
trapotentials clearly separated from the rapraxia or an acute stage of axonotmesis,
main unit constitute a satellite poten- motor unit potentials, if recorded at all,
tial.34,53,145 Its presence suggests neu- show normal waveforms, indicating the
ropathy or myopathy: both have a five integrity of the surviving axons (Fig.
times higher incidence of such outliers 14-14).

Figure 14-14. A. Motor unit potentials from the extensor digitorum communis in a 20-year-old man with
partial radial nerve palsy. Minimal (a,d), moderate (b,e) and maxiinal voluntary contraction (c,f) recruited
only a single motor unit, which discharged at progressively higher rates. B. Motor unit potentials from the
extensor carpi ulnaris (a,b,c) and extensor carpi radialis longus (d,e,f) in the same subject. Maximal vol-
untary contraction recruited only a single motor unit firing at a high discharge rate.
Types of Electromyographic Abnormalities 359

Motor units normally discharge semi- voluntary contraction in normal mus-

rhythmically, with successive potentials cles. 109 In Parkinson's disease, paired dis-
showing nearly identical configuration. charges with shorter intervals preceded
Fatigue causes irregularity and reduction higher tremor beats, possibly suggesting
in the firing rate, without altering its their mechanical47 contribution to patho-
waveform. In patients with defective neu- logic movement. Patients with fascicu-
romuscular transmission, the amplitude lation potentials do not necessarily have
of a repetitively firing unit may fluctuate a higher incidence of double discharges
or diminish steadily. This finding suggests during voluntary activation of motor unit
intermittent blocking of individual muscle potentials.108
fibers within the unit as recurring dis- A fraction of the motor unit potential
charges deplete the store of immediately may fire repetitively, giving rise to a series
available acetylcholine (ACh). Waveform of recurring late potentials. These gener-
variability of a repetitively firing motor ally comprise sustained or intermittently
unit potential, termed jiggle, serves to doc- blocking high-frequency discharges of
ument136deficient neuromuscular transmis- short-duration, low-amplitude potentials.
sion, especially in muscles not acces- The results of a study using double stim-
sible by conventional nerve-stimulation ulation technique revealed an ephaptic re-
techniques (see Chapter 11-3). Increased excitation of the axonal branch by a sprout
jitter of the constituent single fiber po- rather than an ectopic focus as their ori-
tentials increase the waveform variability gin.131 The generation of ephaptic dis-
of the motor unit potential.110 Such an in- charges suggests a hyperexcitable axon
stability of motor unit potential may im- sprout typical of a heterogeneous group of
ply a large group of disorders affecting the chronic neurogenic disorders, which4 in-
neuromuscular transmission. These in- clude neurotonia,151 139neuromyotonia, en-
clude myasthenia gravis, myasthenic syn- trapment syndrome, and the syndrome
drome, botulism, motor neuron disease, of familial ataxia and myokymia.13
poliomyelitis, and syringomyelia, as well
as the early stages of reinnervation. In my-
otonia congenita, a characteristic decline Lower Motor Neuron versus
in amplitude of the successive discharges Myopathic Disorders
typically recovers during continued con-
traction. Increased amplitude and duration (Fig.
In another pattern, called doublets or 14-15) generally suggest disorders of the
triplets, a motor unit fires twice or three lower motor neuron, such as motor neu-
times at very short intervals. In doublets, ron disease, poliomyelitis, and sy-
or double discharges, two action poten- ringomyelia, or diseases of the peripheral
tials maintain the same relationship to nerve, such as chronic neuropathy and
one another at intervals of 2-20 ms. The reinnervation after nerve injury.132 In
term paired discharges describes a set of these disorders, the increased size of mo-
spikes with longer intervals, ranging from tor unit potential indicates anatomic re-
20 to 80 ms. In triplets, the middle spike organization of denervated muscle fibers
discharges closer to the first than to the by means of reinnervation. Sprouting
third, although both intervals range from axon terminals usually remain within
2 to 20 ms. The physiologic origin and their own motor unit territory, failing to
clinical implication of multiple discharges reach the denervated muscle fibers out-
remain unclear. They tend to accompany side this boundary. Thus, the conse-
latent tetany, hyperventilation, and other quences of reinnervation relate primarily
metabolic states associated with hyperex- to an increased number of muscle fibers,
citability of the motor neuron pool.127 with incorporation of denervated fibers
Other possibilities include 140 poliomyeli- within the territory of the surviving axon
tis,149 motor neuron disease, Guillain- (see Fig. 14-1). Thus, increased amplitude
Barre syndrome,120 radiculopathy, and indicates a greater muscle fiber density,
myotonic dystrophy.107 Doublets may whereas an increased duration probably
also occur at the beginning and end of results from abnormal variability in length
360 Electromyography

Figure 14-15. High-ampli-

tude, long-duration motor
unit potentials from the first
dorsal interosseus (a,b,c)
compared with relatively nor-
mal motor unit potentials
from orbicularis oculi (d,e,f)
in a patient with polyneu-
ropathy. Note a discrete single
unit interference pattern dur-
ing maximal voluntary con-

and conduction time of regenerating axon transection leads to increased polypha-

terminals, as might be predicted by com- sicity and temporal instability, with inter-
puter simulation.90 Alternatively, two or mittent segmental conduction block of re-
more motor units may discharge simulta- generating motor axons. After a partial
neously, with abnormal synchronization nerve lesion, healthy motor axons give rise
at the cord level or with ephaptic activa- to extensive collaterals for reinnervation
root level27 or near the termi-
tion at the 124 of the denervated muscle fibers. Late po-
nal axons. Even then, a monopolar or tentials linked to the main unit will sub-
concentric needle, inherently restricted by stantially increase the total duration.
its small recording radius, fails to identify These long-latency components, easily
the enlarged territory of simultaneously overlooked in free-running modes, be-
firing motor unit potentials. A macro- come apparent if recorded with the use of
study serves better for delineating the size an internal trigger. Here, a recurring mo-
of discharging units. tor unit potential itself initiates the sweep,
Studies on the time course of reinner- but a delay line allows display of the po-
vations10 have revealed characteristic tential in its entirety (see Chapter 3-4).
changes of motor unit potentials following In general, reduction in amplitude and
traumatic nerve injury. Complete nerve duration of the motor unit potential (Fig.
Types of Electromyographic Abnormalities 361

14-16) suggests primary myopathic dis- characteristically show little or no alter-

orders such as muscular dystrophy, con- ation in duration or amplitude of the mo-
genital or other myopathies, periodic tor unit potential.
paralysis, myositis, and disorders of neu- Contrasting changes in the waveform of
romuscular transmission, including motor unit potentials generally help dif-
myasthenia gravis, myasthenic syndrome, ferentiate myopathies from lower motor
and botulism. All these entities have in neuron disorders.17,18 Electromyography
common the random loss of functional and histochemical findings from muscle
muscle fibers from each motor unit, biopsies have an overall7,17,18,61
concordance of
caused by muscle degeneration, inflam- 90 percent or greater, although
mation, metabolic changes, or failure of the distinction may not always be un-
neuromuscular activation. A decrease in equivocal.50 Sick axon terminals in distal
the number of muscle fibers leads to a neuropathy, for example, may result in
lower fiber density, which in turn causes random loss of muscle fibers within a mo-
a reduction in amplitude and duration of tor unit. Similarly, during early reinner-
motor unit potentials. In extreme cases, vation, immature motor units consist of
voluntary contraction activates only a sin- only a few muscle fibers. Motor unit po-
gle muscle fiber, displaying a motor unit tentials may then become polyphasic, of
potential indistinguishable from a fibrilla- low amplitude, and of short duration. In
tion potential. The short spikes, 1-2 ms either instance a neuropathic process will
in duration, produce a high-frequency produce changes classically 102 regarded as
sound over the loudspeaker, reminiscent consistent with a myopathy.
of spontaneously discharging fibrillation Conversely, in myopathies with regener-
potentials. Unlike some inherited disor- ating muscle fibers, motor unit potentials
ders of muscle, metabolic or toxic my- may have a long duration, erroneously
opathies may cause reversible changes.16 suggesting a neuropathic process.39,86,113
Mild metabolic and endocrine myopathies These potentials commonly appear quite
distinct from the main unit, giving rise to
the terms satellite or parasite potentials,
now abandoned in favor of the more de-
scriptive name late component. In one
study dealing with 41 patients with differ-
ent myopathies,148 quantitative analyses
revealed reduction of the mean duration in
64 percent and 95 percent of patients, de-
pending on whether the late potentials
were included or excluded. This observa-
tion confirms the need to exclude the late
components in calculating the mean du-
ration for diagnostic purposes. Complex
potentials with normal or increased dura-
tion may appear in myopathy, reflecting in-
creased variability of fiber diameter.103 Ad-
ditionally, if the fiber density increases
during regeneration, so does the ampli-
tude, to a range much greater than ordi-
narily expected in myopathy. Hence, the
oversimplified dichotomy between myopa-
thy and neuropathy may not hold in in-
terpreting abnormalities of motor unit po-
tentials and51,150
correlating them with clinical
Figure 14-16. Low-amplitude, short-duration mo- diagnoses.
tor unit potentials from the biceps (o,b,c) and tib- Despite these uncertainties, the elec-
ialis anterior (d,e,f) in a 7-year-old boy with
Duchenne dystrophy, (cf. Fig. 14-8E). Minimal vol- tromyographic studies allow division be-
untary contraction recruited an excessive number of tween myogenic and lower motor neuron
motor units in both muscles. involvements in most patients with defi-
362 Electromyography

nite weakness.21 Findings often vary the loss in number. In extreme instances,
among different muscles in the same pa- a single motor unit potential may discharge
tient or even from one site to another at frequencies as high as 50 Hz, produc-
within a given muscle. An adequate study ing a discrete "picket fence" interference
consists of exploration in different parts pattern with maximal effort (Fig. 14-17).
of the limb, sampling each muscle in sev- In late recruitment caused by failure of
eral areas. In some disease states, mus- descending impulses seen in upper motor
cles with minimal dysfunction may show neuron lesions, the excited motor units
no abnormality, whereas very severely dis- discharge more slowly than expected for
eased muscles may reveal only nonspe- normal maximal contraction and may
cific end-stage changes. Optimal evalua- show characteristic firing patterns160 (Fig.
tions, therefore, should include those 14-18). In one study of 15 stroke patients
moderately affected but not totally de- with paretic tibialis anterior, low-thresh-
stroyed by the disease process. Quantita- old motor units fired within the lower end
tive and discriminant analysis of motor of the normal range, whereas high-thresh-
unit potentials may improve diagnostic old motor units, if recruited at all, dis-
yields in distinguishing myopathic and charged below their normal range.57 Pa-
neuropathic changes.112,134 tients with hemiparesis also showed a
compression in the range of motor neu-
ron recruitment forces, and a failure to
6 RECRUITMENT PATTERN discharge motor units at a higher rate
during increased voluntary effort to con-
tract the paretic muscles.60 Thus, a lower
Lower and Upper Motor motor neuron weakness with a rapid rate
Neuron Disorders of discharge stands in good contrast to an
upper motor neuron or hysterical paraly-
The number and the average force con- sis with a slow rate of discharge, even
tributed by each functional motor unit dic- though both show a reduced interference
tates the recruitment pattern. In disorders pattern. In addition, hysterical weakness
of the motor neuron, root, or peripheral or poor cooperation often produce irregu-
nerve, increased effort to contract the mus- lar, tremulous firing of motor units, not
cle produces limited recruitment, reflect- seen in a genuine paresis unless the pa-
ing reduced numbers of excitable motor tient also suffers from essential or other
units. To maintain a certain force, surviv- type of tremor. Thus, isokinetic measure-
ing motor neurons must fire at an inap- ments of muscle strength reveal increased
propriately rapid rate to compensate for variability of tonus in repeated tests and

Figure 14-17. Reduced re-

cruitment and incomplete in-
terference pattern of the
mildly paretic extensor carpi
radialis in a 20-year-old man
with partial radial nerve palsy.
The rate of firing rather than
the number of discharging mo-
tor units increased during min-
imal (a,d), moderate (b,e), and
maximal voluntary contraction
(c,f) (cf. Figure 14-14).
Types of Electroxnyographic Abnormalities 363

Figure 14-18. Reduced re-

cruitment and incomplete inter-
ference pattern of the tibialis
anterior in a 31-year-old woman
with hysterical weakness. Mini-
mal (a,d), moderate (b,e), and
maximal (c,f) effort to contract
the muscle altered neither the
rate of firing nor the number of
discharging motor units appre-

other signs of inconsistency80 and contra- functionally compensate in quantity for

dictory motor performance. the smaller force per unit. The number of
Electromyography has value in quantita- units required to maintain a given force
tively assessing paresis caused by upper increases in proportion to the inefficiency
motor neuron lesions. For example, it may of unit discharge. Thus, with slight vol-
reveal the presence of surviving fibers that untary effort, many axons begin to fire al-
traverse the injured portion of the spinal most instantaneously in advanced my-
cord, even in patients diagnosed as having opathy (Fig. 14-19). A full interference
a complete transection.40 Conversely, it pattern develops at less than maximal
may detect changes in single motor unit fir- contraction, although its amplitude re-
ing characteristics caused by an upper mo- mains low, reflecting the decreased fiber
tor neuron lesion early at a time when clin- density of individual motor units. For the
ical examination shows no 128evidence of same reason, the motor units also show
increased tone or spasticity. Increased early recruitment, reaching full interfer-
discharge variability in muscles just above ence prematurely in diseases of neuro-
the level of spinal cord injury also suggests muscular transmission. This general rule
that subtle effects extend beyond the clin- may not apply in advanced myogenic dis-
ically apparent segments of involvement.158 orders with loss of whole motor units in-
In incomplete spinal cord injury, an in- stead of individual muscle fibers. Here,
crease in the surface electromyography limited recruitment leads to an incomplete
during biofeedback depends on higher interference pattern, mimicking a neuro-
rates of firing of the already activated mo- pathic change; it reflects a reduced num-
tor units rather than recruitment of pre- ber of motor units rather than a random
viously unavailable motor units.138 Sec- loss of individual muscle fibers.
tion of the spinal cord results in a loss of
short term synchrony between pairs of
motor units, probably reflecting the re- Involuntary Movement
moval of synchronizing inputs or the re-
organization of synaptic inputs.36 Electromyographic findings associated
with involuntary motor symptoms and
neuromyotonia may resemble changes
Myopathy seen in a lower motor neuron disease (see
Chapter 29). Tremors show characteristic
If each motor unit potential, low in am- bursts of motor unit potentials repeating
plitude and short in duration, contributes at a fairly constant rate. Although many
less, many units must discharge early to motor units fire in a group during each
364 Electromyography

Figure 14-19. A. Early recruitment of the deltoid (o,b,c) and tibialis anterior (d,e,f] in a 9-year-old boy with
a 6-week history of dermatomyositis. (cf. Fig. 14-8D). Note abundant motor units discharging with increas-
ing effort from a through c and d through f during minimal muscle contraction. B. Early recruitment of the
biceps (a,b,c,d) and tibialis anterior (e,f,g,h) in a 7-year-old boy with Duchenne dystrophy, (cf. Figure 14-8E).
An excessive number of motor unit potentials appeared during minimal (cue), mild (b,f), moderate (c,g), and
maximal contraction (d,h).

burst, no fixed temporal or spatial rela- tor units in the muscles not under volun-
tionships emerge among them. Thus, suc- tary control (see Fig. 15-1). Simultaneous
cessive bursts vary in amplitude, duration, recording from multiple muscles confirms
waveform, and number of motor unit po- the presence of time-locked discharge of
tentials. A subclinical tremor burst could aberrant motor unit potentials, thus dif-
masquerade as a polyphasic motor unit po- ferentiating associated voluntary activity
tential of long duration, despite the vary- from involuntary synkinetic discharges.
ing appearance and rhythmic pattern.
Electromyographic recordings help char-
acterize different types of tremor on the ba- REFERENCES
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Chapter 15

Facial Muscles
Laryngeal and Nuchal Muscles
Recording Technique
Unique Properties of Extraocular Muscles
Neurogenic Extraocular Palsy
Myopathy and Myasthenia Gravis
Other Types of Gaze Palsy
Abdominal Muscles
Paraspinal Muscles
Indications and Technique
Resting and Voluntary Activities
Central Versus Peripheral Paralysis

1 INTRODUCTION physiologic and pharmacologic properties

as the peripheral skeletal muscles.14
The same technique applies to the trun-
Nonlimb muscles readily accessible to cal musculature and the muscles of the
needle examination include the muscles limbs. The intercostal nerves derived from
of mastication, face, soft palate, and the anterior rami of the spinal nerve in-
tongue. Electromyographic evaluation of nervate the abdominal muscles, whereas
laryngeal muscles requires the assistance the posterior rami supply the paraspinal
of an otolaryngologist for proper place- muscles. The study of these muscles and
ment of the needle electrode. Examination the external anal sphincter requires no
of the extraocular muscles also poses special instrumentation. Full evaluation
technical difficulty, but ophthalmologists of the paraurethral muscles depends to a
with the requisite skill and knowledge can great extent on cystometry and other uro-
place the electrode safely in the intended dynamic procedures, which are beyond
muscles. These muscles have the same the scope of this book.

Examination of Nonlimb Muscles 371

2 MUSCLES OF THE FACE, should open the mouth slightly and relax
LARYNX, AND NECK the jaw. In the mimetic muscles of the
face, motor unit potentials show low am-
plitude and short duration; reported val-
The ordinary techniques used for the ues 60range from 2.28 ± 0.3 ms (mean ±
skeletal muscles also apply in studies of SD) to 5 or 6 ms.19 The orbicularis oris
most voluntary muscles innervated by the contains some muscle fibers crossing
cranial nerves, with the exception of the from one side to the other. In the case of
laryngeal and extraocular muscles, as dis- unilateral denervation, therefore, activity
cussed below. The most commonly tested of muscle fibers innervated by the normal
muscles in the face and neck include the facial nerve on the unaffected side may
masseter, temporalis, orbicularis oculi, confuse the findings. Anesthetic block on
orbicularis oris, tongue, trapezius, and the healthy side can establish a complete
sternocleidomastoid. In the study of these loss of innervation on the side of the le-
muscles, holding their belly between the sion.17
index finger and thumb for firm immobi- After nerve injury, fibrillation potentials
lization generally facilitates the insertion appear slightly earlier in the face than in
of a needle electrode. the limb. Detection of spontaneous activ-
ity helps differentiate structural damage
to the axon from functional block in pa-
tients with peripheral facial palsy. The
Facial Muscles brevity and small amplitude of normal
motor unit potentials can mimic fibrilla-
Because of anatomic proximity, the nee- tion potentials in waveform (Fig. 15-1).
dle electrode placed in the orbicularis oris Accurate assessment of spontaneous po-
or oculi may detect distant potentials gen- tentials, therefore, calls for complete re-
erated in the masseter or temporalis mus- laxation of the muscle under study. As in
cle. To avoid this interference, the patient the skeletal muscles, the appearance of

Figure 15-1. Motor unit po-

tentials recorded in a 54-year-
old woman with hemifacial
spasm. A. Recurrent sponta-
neous bursts of high-fre-
quency discharges from the
orbicularis oris shown at a
slow (a) and fast sweep (b). B.
Simultaneous recording from
the orbicularis oculi (top trac-
ing in each pair) and oris (bot-
tom). The patient blinked
quickly several times to show
synkinesis involving the two
372 Electromyography

nascent units precedes the clinical return cle implicate a lesion of the hypoglossal
of voluntary movement as the electrical nerve on one side or the other, depending
evidence of reinnervation. Aberrant re- on the direction of needle insertion. An al-
generation is the rule, not the exception, ternative method of placing the needle in
after the degeneration of the nerve from the lateral portion of the protruded tongue
the proximal trunk (see Fig. 17-11).48 causes more discomfort, often resulting in
Random misdirection may involve two an unsatisfactory recording. To study
branches of the facial nerve or two dis- spontaneous activity, the patient with-
tinct but anatomically close nerves, such draws the tongue to the floor of the mouth
as the facial and trigeminal nerves. In with the electrode in place. Deviation of
these cases, simultaneous recording from the tongue away from the needle gener-
the affected muscles substantiates the ates the motor unit potentials, and devi-
presence of synkinesis. ation toward the needle relaxes the mus-
cle. Its protrusion in the midline requires
simultaneous contraction on both sides.
Laryngeal and The innervation ratio of these muscles
Nuchal Muscles probably falls between those of the ex-
traocular and limb muscles.
The glossopharyngeal nerve and the re- The spinal accessory nerve supplies two
current branches of the vagal nerve sub- readily accessible muscles, the stern-
serve the same motor function in the lar- ocleidomastoid and the trapezius. The
ynx. Electromyographic studies can sternocleidomastoid has unique ipsilat-
characterize the paralytic involvement of eral supranuclear control, unlike most
the vocal cord, palate, and pharyngeal and other muscles, which receive crossed in-
laryngeal muscles.68,8264In one study with put from4 the contralateral cerebral hemi-
seven healthy subjects, the vocalis mus- sphere. Unilateral activation turns the
cle and cricothyroid showed a mean am- head away from the contracting muscle.
plitude of 426 uV and 500 uV and mean The muscle on the opposite side receives
duration of 3.5 ms and 4.4 ms, respec- reciprocal inhibition in healthy subjects,
tively. As in skeletal muscles, electromyo- but not in patients with torticollis (Fig.
graphic abnormalities of the pharyngeal 15-2). Bilateral contraction flexes the
and laryngeal muscles generally show bet- head forward. The activation of the trapez-
ter correlation with clinical findings of ius causes the patient to shrug the shoul-
lower motor neuron 57than upper motor ders upward toward the ears. The trapez-
neuron involvement. Pharyngeal elec- ius receives limited and inconsistent
tromyography, though technically feasi- motor contribution from C2, C3, and C4
ble, lies outside the routine studies58con- roots.55
ducted in an ordinary laboratory. In
patients with vocal cord paralysis, the ab-
sence of motor unit potentials indicates Diaphragm
poor outcome, although the reverse does
not necessarily hold.32 Studies of these The sternal origin of the diaphragm arises
anatomic structures may need a flexible from the xiphoid process. Here, the mus-
wire electrode, usually inserted with the cle is easily accessible to a needle elec-
help of an otolaryngologist. In contrast, trode inserted behind 38 the bone slightly off
submental surface electrodes suffice to midline to either side. An alternative ap-
monitor laryngeal movements.33 proach uses needle placement in the
For examination of the tongue, most in- costal insertion of the diaphragm at the
vestigators recommend inserting the nee- anterior axillary line, distant from the ma-
dle from the bottom through the under jor vessels, pleura, lungs, and abdominal
surface of the mandible, 2 to 3 cm poste- viscera.65 Insertion of the needle perpen-
rior to the tip of the chin. With this tech- dicular to the upper border of the ninth
nique, the needle passes through the ge- or tenth rib avoids the intercostal nerves
nioglossus muscle before reaching the and arteries, which run along the lower
tongue itself. Abnormalities of either mus- border of the respective ribs. The needle
Examination of Nonlimb Muscles 373

a b c d

Figure 15-2. Torticollis on the right in a 30-year-old woman. Each pair of recordings shows muscle action
potentials registered simultaneously from right (upper tracing) and left (lower tracing) sternocleidomastoid.
During the sequential recordings, the patient either faced straight ahead (a and c) or turned the head to the
right (b) or left (d). The muscle on the right continuously discharged regardless of the head position, whereas
the muscle on the left fired only when the subject turned the head to the opposite direction (b).

must pass the intercostal muscle to reach Ocular studies also help detect abnor-
the diaphragm, which can be readily iden- malities of eye movements attributable to
tified by rhythmical discharges synchro- mechanical limitations, such as disloca-
nous with respiration. Different types of tion of the globe, anomalies in tendon at-
neuromuscular diseases may involve the tachment, presence of fascial bands con-
diaphragm, causing respiratory symp- necting one muscle with another, and
toms.2,29,30,31,51 In addition to phrenic fibrous tissue partly replacing the ex-
nerve conduction, needle study of the di- traocular muscles. Assessment of electri-
aphragm provides great assistance in cal activity of the extraocular muscles re-
identifying the nature and site of a disor- veals no abnormality in most patients
der.12,24 Diaphragmatic studies depend with mechanical strabismus.
heavily on the assessment of spontaneous
discharges at rest and the interference
pattern produced by respiration, because Recording Technique
few patients can contract the muscle par-
tially. In one study,53 turns analysis Monopolar needle electrodes currently in
demonstrated a substantial overlap be- use have an insulated shaft about 0.25
tween neuropathic and myopathic in- mm in diameter with a bare tip. Record-
volvement. ing requires either an indifferent electrode
placed on the tip of the nose or a ble-
pharostat attached to the eyelid. Some in-
3 EXTRAOCULAR MUSCLES vestigators prefer a fine concentric elec-
trode, 1-1.5 inches long and similar to a
30-gauge hypodermic needle in diameter.
Early work9,50,71 provided detailed de- The needles come in different sizes, rang-
scriptions of electromyography in the ex- ing from 0.25-0.5 mm in external diame-
traocular muscles, and indicated its use- ter with a leading area varying from
fulness in differentiating causes of 0.005-0.015 mm2. Simultaneous record-
paralytic squint, such as denervation, oc- ing from a second needle electrode placed
ular myopathy, and myasthenia gravis. in an agonist or antagonist muscle allows
374 Electromyography

studies of synergistic actions or recipro- others.73 These numbers fall considerably

cal inhibition. below the average value for the limb mus-
The patient lies supine on the examin- cles, which varies from 100 to 2000.18,69
ing table for placement of the needle elec- The low innervation ratio and other phys-
trodes through the skin of the lid after ap- iologic characteristics of the fast-twitch
plication of a topical anesthetic to the eye. fibers permit rapid and very finely graded
To evaluate voluntary eye movements, the eye movements. Slow-twitch fibers found
subject must be awake during the exam- near the surface layer of the extraocular
ination and cooperate fully. This require- muscle show characteristic monophasic,
ment precludes the use of any form of low-amplitude potential.16
general anesthesia. Electrical activity de- Despite electromyographic similarity to
creases during general, retrobulbar, or lo- skeletal muscles, a certain electrophysio-
cal anesthesia as the level deepens, lead- logic peculiarity characterizes the ex-
ing to complete electrical silence, with the traocular muscles. Placement of the nee-
eyes assuming a position of divergence. dle electrode causes a brief insertional
An ophthalmologist familiar with the ex- activity, presumably representing an in-
traocular muscles can easily reach the in- jury potential. Unlike the limb muscula-
ferior oblique and, with some searching, ture, the extraocular muscles show con-
any of the remaining extraocular muscles. stant electrical discharges following the
The study of the least accessible muscle, cessation of needle movement. The tonic
the superior oblique, requires a consider- activity maintains the eyes in the primary
ably longer needle. Monitoring the wave- position during the alert state. With ocu-
form and the sound of motor unit dis- lar movement, motor unit discharge in-
charges helps adjust the position of the creases in the contracting muscles and
needle inserted subconjunctivally into the decreases in the others (Fig. 15-3). The
belly of a muscle along its long axis. Most antagonist develops complete electrical si-
patients tolerate the procedure well and lence only through reciprocal inhibition
with minimal discomfort. Rare complica- during fast eye movements.
tions include ecchymoses of the conjunc- The smaller diameter of the muscle fibers
tiva, subcapsular hemorrhage, and expo- and lower innervation ratio make the mo-
sure keratitis, all of which clear without tor unit potentials lower in amplitude and
sequelae. Inadvertent perforation of the shorter in duration in the extraocular mus-
globe can occur, especially in the presence cles than in the limb muscles. Reported
of undetected glaucoma. normal values (mean ± SD) include an am-
plitude of 108 ±9.2 uV and9 a duration
ranging from 1.60 ± 0.06 ms to 2.8 ± 0.1
Unique Properties of ms.34 Another study16 reported a normal
Extraocular Muscles amplitude of 20-600 uV, with an average
of 200 uV in the primary position, and a
The eyes move rapidly and accurately. normal duration of 1-2 ms, with an aver-
Complex coactivation of synergistic mus- age of 1.5 ms. As in the limb muscles, in-
cles and relaxation of the antagonists dividual potentials mostly show triphasic
achieves precisely controlled movements waveforms, with occasional polyphasic ac-
of a constant load. Sherrington first de- tivities. With maximal effort of contraction,
scribed this principle of reciprocal inhibi- the motor unit potentials discharge at a
tion based on studies of the extraocular rate of up to 200 Hz.9 Spectral analysis also
muscles. The eye muscles 9can discharge demonstrates greater power in the higher
at a rate of up to 200 Hz, which stands frequency domain in the extraocular mus-
in sharp contrast to the usual rates of fir- cles than in the limb muscles.47
ing of less than 50 impulses per second
in the skeletal muscles. Extraocular mus-
cle fibers range from 10 to 50 um in di- Neurogenic Extraocular Palsy
ameter.15 The motor units consist of a
small number of26muscle fibers, averaging A neurogenic extraocular palsy results
23 in one study and numbering 6-12 in from lesions of the third, fourth, or sixth
Examination of Nonlimb Muscles 375

Figure 15-3. External and in-

ternal rectus of the left eye in
a normal subject, recorded si-
multaneously for comparison.
Upper tracing shows nearly
equal and constant activity of
normal amplitude in both
muscles. Lower tracing, taken
with the eye turned strongly
into field of action of internal
rectus, reveals increased motor
unit activity of this muscle and
corresponding reciprocal de-
crease in activity of external
rectus. [From Van Allen and
Blodi,76 with permission.]

nerve. Electromyography, in principle, re- tation may have abundant electrical ac-
veals the same abnormalities as those in tivity in the remaining normal units de-
denervated limb muscles. In the extraoc- spite mild palsies. This finding will mimic
ular muscle, however, physiologic tonic those seen in patients with ordinary stra-
discharge with the eyes in the primary po- bismus, who also have nearly normal mo-
sition may obscure pathologic discharges. tor unit activity on attempted rotation de-
To compound the problem, the normally spite limitation of movement.
brief motor unit potentials resemble fib-
rillation potentials. Studies can still con-
firm denervation with certainty in a Myopathy and
paretic muscle where spontaneous activ- Myasthenia Gravis
ities occur independent of any attempted
contraction. Reinnervation results in Electromyography in ocular myopathy,
high-amplitude motor unit potentials of unlike that seen in neurogenic paralysis,
long duration with increased polyphasic shows preservation of a normal interfer-
activities, but to a lesser extent than in ence pattern with no evidence of dener-
skeletal muscles. Large motor unit poten- vation.10 The abundance of brief, low-am-
tials frequently accompany aberrant re- plitude motor unit potentials suggests
generation of oculomotor nerves.16 random loss of individual muscle fibers
As in limb muscles, slow recruitment of without major loss in the number of func-
motor unit potentials suggests neurogenic tional motor units.35 Except in advanced
weakness of the extraocular muscles with cases, myopathic features may escape de-
a reduction of the interference pattern ap- tection because normal extraocular mus-
proximately in proportion to the degree of cles show a similar pattern. Myasthenia
paresis. Examination shows no motor gravis affects the ocular muscles early,
unit potentials in a totally paretic muscle causing diplopia and abnormal fatigue of
with attempted maximal contraction, al- eye movements. Thus, needle studies of
though rarely to the extent of complete the extraocular muscles may help estab-
electrical silence, even in severe palsies. lish the diagnosis in patients with normal
The interference pattern may consist of limb muscles. In myasthenia gravis, the
repetitive discharges from a single motor amplitude of a motor unit potential fluc-
unit in severe, but incomplete, paralysis. tuates or steadily declines during sus-
Patients without definite limitation of ro- tained contraction. Progressive decrease
376 Electromyography

in the number of discharging motor units

results in a reduced interference pattern,
which may return to normal immediately
after injection of edrophonium (Tensilon).
In patients with ptosis as the presenting
sign, studies of the levator palpebrae may
reveal abnormality, despite the technical
difficulty in localizing the muscle.

Other Types of Gaze Palsy

Musculofascial anomalies generally result
in limitation of gaze in one direction, ei-
ther vertically or horizontally. During con-
traction of an apparently paretic muscle
for mechanical reasons, studies reveal
normal motor unit potentials and a com-
plete interference pattern disproportion-
ate to the failure of rotation. In a blow-
out fracture of the orbit, for example,
incarceration of the extraocular muscle in
the fracture line may prevent the globe
from normal rotation. In such a case, oc-
ular electromyography establishes the
presence of normally innervated muscles
by demonstrating abundant activity with
the effort to rotate the eye. Conversely, the
detection of unequivocal abnormalities in
patients with limited rotation suggests a
direct injury to the nerve or muscle. Figure 15-4. External and internal rectus of the left
eye, recorded simultaneously in a patient with Du-
In Duane's syndrome, a deficiency of oc- ane's syndrome. The tracings show a normal inner-
ular motility results from congenital ab- vation pattern of the internal rectus, but neither in-
sence of the sixth nucleus with aberrant crement nor decrement of the external rectus on
innervation 54of the lateral rectus by the attempted gaze to the left or to the right. Note the nor-
mal electrical activity of this muscle in the primary
third nerve. The syndrome typically con- position. [From Blodi, Van Allen and Yarbrough,11
sists of impaired abduction of one eye and with permission.]
retraction and ptosis on attempted ad-
duction of the same eye. A fibrotic lateral
rectus muscle presumably neither con- the peripheral motor system. In such
tracts on abduction nor relaxes on ad- supranuclear disturbances, extraocular
duction. Thus, the muscle shows a re- electromyography reveals an altered pat-
duced number of motor unit potentials tern of innervation. The medial rectus has
when activated and fails to produce elec- normal electrical discharges with the eyes
trical silence when reciprocally inhibited. in the primary position but shows neither
In addition, a central supranuclear lesion an increase in activity on attempted ad-
may disrupt normal reciprocal inhibition duction nor reciprocal inhibition on at-
(Fig. 15-4), contributing to the ophthal- tempted abduction.
moplegia in this condition.11 The Mobius syndrome consists of facial
Limitation of eye movements may occur diplegia and restriction of horizontal eye
on a central basis, as in internuclear oph- movements. Electromyographic studies
thalmoplegia. In this syndrome, caused by show synchronous bursts of activity from
a lesion of the medial longitudinal fasci- the medial and lateral rectus, instead of
culus, the eye on the side of the lesion the normally expected reciprocal pattern
fails to adduct, despite the integrity of of innervation (Fig. 15-5). These findings
Examination of Nonlimb Muscles 377

Figure 15-5. External and in-

ternal rectus of the left eye,
recorded simultaneously in a
patient with the Mobius syn-
drome. Note spontaneous vol-
ley in external rectus with si-
multaneous waxing of activity
in internal rectus, indicating
the lack of physiologic recipro-
cal innervation. [From Van
Allen and Blodi,76 with permis-

suggest supranuclear abnormalities re- muscles have different and distinguish-

sponsible for the abnormal ocular motil- able actions on trunk movement, acting
ity in affected patients, despite the desig- together in breathing.37
nation of the syndrome as congenital The electromyographic study of the ab-
nuclear agenesis of the sixth and seventh dominal muscles also helps detect a le-
nerves. A pair of electrodes inserted into sion at the thoracic levels, which do not
the extraocular muscles can elucidate the have appendicular representation in the
pattern of various types of nystagmus.16 limbs. For example, cutaneous herpes
Electromyographic techniques also help zoster in the area of the thoracic der-
explore the reciprocal relationship be- matomes may cause segmental denerva-
tween76orbicularis oculi and levator palpe- tion of the corresponding myotomes in ad-
brae. dition to conduction abnormalities of the
involved intercostal nerves.39 The consid-
erable overlap in segmental representa-
4 TRUNCAL MUSCULATURE tion, however, precludes the exact local-
ization of the involved cord level. Each
segmental level receives at least two ad-
Abdominal Muscles joining intercostal nerves in both thoracic
and abdominal regions.
The anterior rami of the cervical spinal Electromyographers can study the ab-
nerves supply the upper limb muscles; dominal musculature with a needle just
those of the lumbosacral spinal nerves, as easily as the limb muscles. The exter-
the lower limb muscles. Similarly, 12 nal oblique is tested at the anterior axil-
pairs of intercostal nerves derived from lary line, 5-10 cm above the anterior su-
the anterior rami of the thoracic spinal perior spine of the iliac crest. The needle,
nerves innervate intercostal and abdomi- if inserted obliquely, can sample the elec-
nal muscles. Involvement of the inter- trical activities along the course of the
costal nerve results in segmental paraly- muscle fibers, which run medially and
sis of the abdominal muscles and weak downward. The needle, if placed too deep,
respiration. In this condition, the ab- may reach the internal oblique or trans-
domen would protrude on coughing and verse abdominis (or the abdominal cav-
the umbilicus would deviate to the unaf- ity!). Even with the patient completely re-
fected side by unopposed action of the laxed, the diaphragm and, to a much
normal muscle. The various abdominal lesser extent, the intercostal muscles fire
378 Electromyography

rhythmically with respiration. Volume- originating from different spinous pro-

conducted potentials from this source cesses, and long spinal muscles, or longis-
may mimic spontaneous discharges, but simus dorsi. The short spinal muscles, lo-
the time relationship to the breathing cy- cated deep, immediately posterior to the
cle differentiates the two. For analysis of transverse process, receive a fairly dis-
motor unit potentials, the patient con- crete segmental nerve supply from corre-
tracts the muscle by bending the upper sponding posterior rami.20 A needle in-
trunk forward. serted deeply, just lateral to the spinal
The abdominal rectus is tested between process, toward the transverse process
the linea alba, which connects the xiphoid reaches this portion of the muscle. Some
and umbilicus in the midline, and the authors advocate paraspinal mapping to
linea semilunaris, which forms the lateral quantify needle study, incorporating the
margin of the rectus. The needle insertion concept of unisegmental innervation of
into the muscle must avoid the three medial multifidus muscles,41,43 but its
transverse tendinous bands located at the clinical utility awaits further documenta-
xiphoid, the umbilicus, and halfway in be- tion.28 The long spinal muscles, located
tween.38 The patient bends forward more superficially, extend several cen-
against resistance to contract the muscle timeters to either side of the spinous
for the assessment of motor unit poten- process and the ligamentum nuchae.38
tials. Their nerve supply overlaps at least one
to two segments caudally and ros-
trally.49,80 A needle reaches this portion
Paraspinal Muscles of the muscle quite superficially if inserted
2-3 cm lateral to the spinous process at
In contrast to the limb and abdominal either the cervical or the lumbar level. In
musculature innervated by the anterior one study,42 cadaveric dissection con-
ramus of the spinal nerve, the posterior firmed accurate needle placement into
ramus supplies the paraspinal muscles at specific fascicles for 91 of 112 injections
respective segmental levels. Documenta- into multifidus, 39 of 43 injections into
tion of electromyographic abnormalities in longissimus, and 35 of 4470injections into
this region thus identifies a radicular le- iliocostalis. Another study using percu-
sion that affects the spinal nerve at a point taneous injection of colored latex into ca-
proximal to its bifurcation into the poste- davers confirmed the ability to make ap-
rior and anterior rami (see Figs. 1-7 and propriate needle placement.
14-8C). A more distally located lesion at To achieve complete relaxation, the sub-
the level of the plexus or the peripheral ject lies in the prone position with pillows
nerve would entirely spare the paraspinal under the abdomen for lumbar studies
muscles without the involvement of the and under the neck for cervical exami-
posterior rami. Hence, the examination of nation. For relaxation of the lumbar
paraspinal muscles plays a critical role in paraspinal muscles, the patient raises the
the investigation of cervical or lumbar disc hips slightly toward the ceiling. The cer-
herniation.40,45,46 In fact, patients in early vical paraspinal muscles usually relax if
stages of radiculopathy within 1-2 weeks the patient bends the neck forward, press-
after the onset may have electrical ab- ing the forehead against the table. In some
normalities limited to this region. Some subjects, lung tissue extends above the
systemic disorders, most notably poly- clavicle with a distance from skin surface
myositis, may affect the paraspinal mus- of approximately 3.3 cm.44 Thus, direct-
cles preferentially and sometimes exclu- ing the exploring needle in a direction per-
sively.1,72 Relatively selective denervation pendicular to the spine or slightly upward
in this region also develops in degenera- minimizes the risk of inducing pneu-
tive joint disease, arachnoiditis, diabetic mothorax, especially in the patient with a
polyradiculopathy, and rare local metas- long neck.
tasis to the muscles. Patients generally have less control for
The erector spinae consists of two por- voluntary activation of paraspinal mus-
tions, short spinal muscles, or multifidus, cles, making assessment of motor unit po-
Examination of Nonlimb Muscles 379

tentials difficult, especially for quantita- ventional concentric or monopolar needle

tive measure of5,74phases, turns, and other suffices for routine clinical use.
characteristics. Motor unit potentials Electromyographic studies quantitate
of low amplitude and short duration seen sphincter dysfunction in neurologic dis-
in the cervical or lumbar region may orders.52,56 They help establish or rule out
mimic fibrillation potentials. Transient the possibility of agenesis of the striate
positive sharp waves may appear in the sphincter in the preoperative assessment
paraspinal muscles by the end of the first of the newborn with an imperforate anus.
day and last up to 4 days after myelogra- Electrical studies not only localize the
phy79 or lumbar puncture.27 Paraspinal sphincter precisely, if it is present, but
studies help evaluate not only segmental also determine its functional capacity. The
pathology but also diffuse processes such anal sphincter may sustain traumatic in-
as myopathy and motor neuron disease. jury during parturition, prostatectomy, or
For example, vacuolar myopathies affect rectal surgery for repair of an anal fistula
paraspinal muscles more than limb mus- or prolapse. Electromyography helps de-
cles.61 In amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, termine the extent of damage in such
detection of profuse spontaneous dis- cases and aids in differential diagnosis of
charges confirm denervation unrelated to fecal incontinence.25 The anal and exter-
nerve entrapment. In one study,28 how- nal urethral sphincters share a common
ever, up to 15 percent of asymptomatic segmental derivation. Thus, confirming
subjects may have positive sharp waves the integrity of the anal sphincter provides
and fibrillation potentials in lumbosacral an important, albeit indirect, guide in
paraspinal muscles. ilioconduit surgery for prominent uro-
logic dysfunction. Electromyography of
the urethral sphincter ideally involve the
5 ANAL SPHINCTER help of urologists working in a laboratory
equipped with tools for urodynamic in-
Indications and Technique For studies of the anal sphincter, adults
and older children usually prefer the lat-
The anal sphincter receives the innerva- eral decubitus position. The patient may
tion of the pudendal nerve, which derives assume the knee-chest or modified litho-
from the anterior division of the S3, S4, tomy position, which allows the best ex-
and occasionally also S2 spinal nerves. In- amination in infants. After digital exami-
terdigitation of muscle fascicles across the nation of the sphincter tone, a gloved
midline results in substantial overlap of finger, still in place, can guide the needle,
innervation between the two sides. This inserted through the perianal skin adja-
enables partial reinnervation from the cent to the mucocutaneous junction. The
contralateral side81after unilateral puden- tip of the electrode should enter perpen-
dal neurectomy. The anal sphincter, dicular to the skin surface close 62 to the
which normally is under volitional control, anal orifice, 0.5-1 cm from the ring. The
shares similar physiologic properties with ring of the anal orifice has four parts, an-
the skeletal muscles of the7 limbs. Since terior and posterior quadrants on both
an initial attempt in 1930, electromyog- sides. A complete study consists of explo-
raphy has long contributed to kinesiologic ration of the four quadrants with the anal
studies of the normal anal sphincter at sphincter at rest and while contracted vol-
rest and during defecation. Surface untarily or reflexively.
recordings from the sphincter have shown
increased activity during coughing,
speaking, and body movements of the Resting and
trunk, and decreased activity in sleep. Voluntary Activities
Other kinesiologic studies used either a
25 um wire electrode or steel pins to Unlike peripheral skeletal muscles, the
record reflex contraction induced by dig- anal sphincter maintains a certain tonus
ital stretching of the sphincter. The con- without volitional effort. Thus, the subject
380 Electromyography

at rest maintains sustained firing of iso- To test voluntary activity, the patient
lated motor unit potentials at a low rate. contracts the sphincter as though at-
This activity varies considerably with tempting to hold a bowel movement. The
changes in subject position. The activity motor unit potentials range from 5.5 to
continues during sleep, although the dis- 7.5 ms in duration and from 200 to 500
charge rate drops substantially compared uV in amplitude.21,59 In one study,6 pa-
with that during wakefulness. Sphincter tients with fecal incontinence exhibited
activity ceases completely only during at- prolongation of mean motor unit potential
tempted defecation. Conversely, volitional duration, compared with matched con-
contraction of the anal sphincter inhibits trols. Digital examination of the anus,
rectal motility based on reciprocal inner- coughing, or crying elicits reflex activity of
vation between the rectal musculature the sphincter. A full interference pattern
and the striated muscle of the anal sphinc- should accompany a normal maximal
ter. The presence of physiologic tonic ac- contraction, whether induced voluntarily
tivity at rest makes detection of abnormal or reflexively. Reliability of grading the de-
spontaneous potentials difficult in a par- gree of such discharge, as in the skeletal
tially denervated muscle. In contrast, the muscles of the limb, depends on patient
paretic sphincter may reveal abundant fib- cooperation.78 Some subjects can neither
rillation potentials, positive sharp waves, relax nor contract the sphincter during
and complex repetitive discharges, as in the test, as instructed by the examiner. In
any denervated limb muscles. these cases, an appraisal of sphincteric

Figure 15-6. Recording from anal sphincter in a 16-year-old girl with incontinence. Tracings include con-
tinuous discharge at high frequency, resembling very prominent end-plate noise (a,b,c), complex repetitive
discharges (d,e,f), and very polyphasic fasciculation potentials (g,h,i), all recorded in a localized small area
of the sphincter with the patient completely at rest. In i, each sweep triggered by a recurring fasciculation
potential shows a consistent late component following the main discharge.
Examination of Nonlimb Muscles 381

tone by the interference pattern might er- muscles show evidence of conspicuous
roneously suggest a central lesion. Expe- denervation.66 In contrast, abnormal
rienced electromyographers, however, can spontaneous activity serves as a specific
usually correlate electrical activity and marker for neuronal degeneration of
sphincter tone with reasonable accuracy. Onuf's nucleus in multiple system atro-
phy63,67 and progressive supranuclear
palsy.75 In one series of 126 patients with
Central Versus suspected multiple system atrophy, 82
Peripheral Paralysis percent of those with definite diagnosis
had an abnormal sphincter studies.36,56
Paralysis of the striated sphincter may re- This finding also helps differentiate mul-
sult from a pure central, pure peripheral, tiple system atrophy from Parkinson's dis-
or mixed lesion. Central paralysis causes ease.3,8,77
reduction in voluntary discharges with
preservation of reflexive activation. The in-
terference pattern is incomplete, with mo- REFERENCES
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Chapter 16

Electrode Characteristics
Amplifier Settings
Recording Procedures
Recommended Criteria
Definition and Clinical Significance
Determination of Fiber Density
Duration and Mean Interspike Intervals
Definition and Basic Physiology
Determination of Jitter
Normal and Abnormal Jitter Values
Motor Neuron Disease
Peripheral Neuropathy
Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission
Other Applications

1 INTRODUCTION lows extracellular recording of individual

muscle fiber action potentials during vol-
untary contraction.6,85,103,108 Termed sin-
The concentric needle electrode2 and gle-fiber electromyography (SFEMG), this
other bipolar or monopolar needles record technique has contributed substantially
single motor unit potentials that represent to the understanding of muscle physiol-
the smallest functional unit of muscle ac- ogy and pathophysiology.8,32,117 In the
tivation. They fail to discriminate poten- clinical domain, the SFEMG supplements
tials from different muscle fibers within a conventional electromyography by deter-
motor unit, all of which fire more or less mining (1) fiber density—the number of
synchronously. single-fiber action potentials within the
In contrast, the single-fiber needle17 al- recording radius of the electrode—and (2)
Single-Fiber and Macro Electromyography 385

electromyographic jitter—the variability of recorded amplitude declines very steeply

the mterpotential interval between two or as the distance between the electrode and
more single muscle fibers belonging to the the source increases (see Fig. 13-6). This,
same motor unit.108,116,127 in turn, results in sharp discrimination of
single-fiber potentials with minimal inter-
ference from action potentials of neigh-
2 RECORDING APPARATUS boring muscle fibers.
A recording surface diameter of 25-30
um. has proven to be optimal for this pur-
Electrode Characteristics pose, considering the average muscle fiber
diameter of 50 um. 19 Most SFEMG nee-
A small leading-off surface of the single- dles have an active recording surface of
fiber needle electrode lies close to fewer 25 um in diameter, located 3 mm from
muscle fibers than the larger tip of the the needle tip along the side port. This
conventional needle that commands a arrangement minimizes the chance of
wider territory.15 In addition, a smaller recording from fibers damaged by needle
pick-up area causes little shunting and penetration. A system such as this allows
consequently less distortion of the elec- an uptake area approximately 300 um
trical field (Fig. 16-1). This type of needle, from the needle and consequently records
therefore, helps establish selective record- signals from only one or two fibers. Bipo-
ing from the generator under study. Here, lar derivation with two small electrodes
the action potential decreases almost ex- separated by a short interelectrode dis-
ponentially as the recording electrode tance further improves the selectivity of
moves away from the origin.30 Thus, the single-fiber recording, as opposed to a

Figure 16-1. Electrical field around a muscle fiber recorded with a small (S) and a large (L) leading-off sur-
face. The size of the recording area primarily determines the magnitude of shunting across the high- den-
sity isopotential lines near the generator source, but to a lesser degree further in the periphery. This in turn
dictates the relationship between the amplitude recorded and the electrode distance from the source—a much
steeper decline in potential per unit radius with a smaller leading-off surface (see Figure 13-6). [From Stalberga
and Trontelj,115 with permission.]
386 Electromyography

monopolar arrangement with a reference frequency discharges because the inter-

electrode outside the muscle (see Fig. vening muscle tissue tends to filter out
3-1). The suggested interelectrode dis- high-frequency components. Thus, the
tance of 200 um provides enough separa- use of a low-frequency cutoff of 500 Hz,
tion for optimal amplification of a single for example, selectively attenuates vol-
discharge but precludes recording from ume-conducted background activity. The
two independent sources.116 action potential from fibers close to the
In comparison, the conventional needle electrode also decreases by about 10 per-
electrode has a leading-off surface of cent.29,30 This slight change in shape of
about 150 x 600 um, which records from the single-fiber potential barely affects the
an area within a 500 um to 1 mm radius measurements of propagation velocity,
(see Fig. 3-1). This larger leading-off sur- fiber density, or jitter. In the analysis of
face induces prominent shunting across waveforms, however, one must lower the
the electrical fields that becomes dispro- high-pass (low-frequency) filter setting to
portionately greater near the source, about 2 Hz. A high-frequency cutoff of 35
where the isopotential lines gather in high kHz, though ideal, adds little in practice,
density (see Fig. 16-1). Thus, the ordinary because a low-pass (high-frequency) filter
electrode registers comparatively less am- of 10 kHz can substantially maintain the
plitude near the potential generator. Far- amplitude and shape of the original spike.
ther from the source, the shunting effect
diminishes with either type of electrode
because the larger radius of the isopo- 3 SINGLE-FIBER POTENTIAL
tential lines gives rise to lower gradient
of the electrical field. With large leading-
off surfaces, therefore, the action poten- An optimally placed single-fiber electrode
tial does not decrease exponentially with registers a biphasic spike with a rise time
increasing recording distance.28 Conse- of 75-200 us and total duration of about
quently, potentials derived from near and 1 ms.14 The peak-to-peak amplitude
distant fibers show relatively little differ- varies widely, from a low of 200 uV to a
ence in amplitude. high of 20 mV, but usually within the
range of 1-7 mV. The recorded amplitude
attenuates exponentially as the distance
Amplifier Settings between the electrode and the discharg-
ing muscle fiber increases.30 With a time
A single-fiber electrode with a small lead- resolution of 5-10 us, the shape of the po-
ing-off surface has a much higher electri- tential remains nearly constant for suc-
cal impedance than a conventional mono- cessive discharges. The frequency spec-
polar or concentric needle. Impedances trum ranges from 100 Hz to2810 kHz, with
range on the order of megohms (M ) at 1 a peak at 1.61 ± 0.30 kHz.
kHz for a platinum needle but vary for dif-
ferent metals. To maintain a high signal-
to-noise ratio, therefore, the amplifier Recording Procedures
must have a very high input impedance
on the order of 100 M . This helps main- Either electrical or voluntary activation can
tain an adequate common mode rejection suitably generate motor unit potentials for
ratio or differential amplification between SFEMG. Surface stimulation of the motor
the signal and the interference poten- fibers evokes many motor units simulta-
tial.116 The initial amplifier settings in- neously, making single-fiber recording dif-
clude a sensitivity of 0.2-1 mV/cm and a ficult. In contrast, stimulation of an end
sweep speed of 0.5-1 ms/cm. plate zone with a bipolar needle electrode
Short-duration, high-amplitude single- can excite only a few terminal twigs of a
fiber action potentials, recorded near the motor neuron. The activated terminal
generator, consist mainly of high-fre- twigs conduct the action potential first an-
quency components. In contrast, distant tidromically to the branching point, then
potentials have a larger proportion of low- orthodromically to the remaining nerve
Single-Fiber and Macro Electromyography 387

twigs of the entire motor unit.95,114 This and other particulars, which dictate the
allows recording of the SFEMG from a sin- accuracy of analysis. Each laboratory
gle motor unit firing in response to elec- should establish its own normal values.
trical stimulation. In cooperative subjects, The use of a high-pass filter set at 500
slight, steady voluntary muscle contrac- Hz eliminates most low-frequency re-
tion also reliably generates isolated motor sponses that represent volume-conducted
unit potentials, a preferred method of potentials from distant muscle fibers.7 In
studying SFEMG. this situation, even regular needle elec-
The recommended recording proce- trodes register the activity selectively from
dure20,116 calls for amplifier sensitivity of a few muscle fibers located nearby. Thus,
0.2-1 mV and sweep of 0.5-1 ms/cm for low-frequency attenuation helps record
initial exploration. The needle is inserted single-fiber potentials with the monopolar
into the slightly contracting muscle with or concentric needle. Although this type
the subject comfortably lying down or of recording does not accurately distin-
seated. Optimal acquisition of single-fiber guish single-fiber responses from sum-
potentials depends primarily on main- mated potentials of more than one fiber,
taining the needle at the critical area with it sometimes reveals abnormal complexity
a steady hand. Small shifts in position re- and instability of the motor unit not oth-
sult in radical changes in the waveform and erwise appreciated. This approach may
amplitude of the recorded response. The bridge the gap between SFEMG and con-
clear, high pitched sound of a single-fiber ventional electromyography.74,116,135
discharge, audible over the loudspeaker,
indicates a suitable site for further study.
Careful rotation and advancement or re- 4 FIBER DENSITY
traction of the needle then maximizes the
potential on the oscilloscope. The trigger
level set on the initial positive deflection Definition and
of the action potential allows consecutive Clinical Significance
discharges to superimpose on a storage
scope screen using a new sweep of 20 A single-fiber electrode randomly inserted
us/cm. A constant waveform of the suc- into a slightly contracting normal muscle
cessive tracings confirms a single muscle generally records activities derived from
fiber discharge, whereas varying wave- only one muscle fiber. The electrode may
forms indicate a composite action poten- occasionally lie close to two or more mus-
tial not suitable for analysis. cle fibers of the same motor unit. The
recorded activity then consists of multiple
single-fiber potentials discharging syn-
Recommended Criteria chronously within the recording radius of
the single-fiber electrode (Fig. 16-2). Re-
The criteria for accepting a potential as peated counting of such spikes with am-
generated by a single muscle fiber near plitude greater than 200 uV determines
the needle include peak-to-peak ampli- the electromyographic fiber density, de-
tude exceeding 200 uV; rise time from the fined as the mean number of associated
positive to the negative peak of less than single-fiber potentials that fire almost
300 us; and successive discharges with a synchronously with the initially identified
constant waveform, assessed with a time potential.113 All potentials greater than
resolution of 10 uS or better. The ampli- 200 uV originate within a 300 um radius
tude of a single-fiber discharge decreases of the116recording surface in the normal
to less than 200 uV at a distance greater adult. Thus, the motor unit fiber den-
than 300 um. Thus, counting the spike sity indicates the average number of sin-
discharge fulfilling the above criteria re- gle muscle fibers belonging to the same
veals all the muscle fibers of a motor unit motor unit within this radius.
located within this radius. Commercially Fiber density provides a measure of
available SFEMG systems may provide muscle fiber clustering, rather than the
different time resolution of the amplifier total number of muscle fibers within a mo-
388 Electromyography

Figure 16-2. Fiber density in

normal and reinnervated mus-
cles. All muscle fibers belonging
to one motor unit (small closed
circles) discharge synchro-
nously, but the recording radius
of the single-fiber electrode (half
circle) normally contains only
one (J) or two (2) muscle fibers.
Following reinnervation, how-
ever, a large number of fibers (3)
cluster within the same radius,
reflecting an increase in fiber
density. Time calibration is 1
ms. 115
[From Stalberg and Tron-
telj, with permission.]

tor unit. Random loss of muscle fibers within the motor unit.25,68,116 Studies
generally escapes detection by this tech- have shown a slightly higher density in
nique, because, by definition, the lowest the frontalis and lower values in the bi-
possible value is 1.0. However, a local con- ceps brachii. Subjects under the age of 10
centration of action potentials or an in- years and over the age of 60, in general,
crease in fiber density usually indicates have slightly higher counts (Table 16-1).
the presence of collateral sprouting.111 Fiber density increases slowly throughout
Fiber density rivals histochemical fiber life, with faster progression after the age
grouping in identifying rearrangements of 70 years, perhaps indicating degenera-

Table 16-1 Fiber Density in Normal Subjects*

10-25 Years 26-50 Tears 51-75 Years Above 75 Years
Muscles Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD n
Frontalis 1.61 0.21 11 1.72 0.21 15
Deltoid 1.36 0.16 20 1.40 0.11 10
Biceps 1.25 0.09 20 1.33 0.07 17
Extensor digitorum
communis 1.47 0.16 61 1.49 0.16 98 1.57 0.17 59 2.13 0.41 21
First dorsal 1.33 0.13 14 1.45 0.12 6
Rectus femoris 1.43 0.18 11 1.57 0.23 14
Tibialis anterior 1.57 0.22 18 1.56 0.22 21 1.77 0.12 4 3.8 1
Extensor digitorum
brevis 2/07 0.42 16 2.62 0.30 11
*Fiber density in different muscles of normal subjects arranged in four age groups, n, number of subjects.
Source: From Stalberg and Trontelj,115 with permission.
Single-Fiber and Macro Electromyography 389

tion of motor neurons with aging, com- search provides an additional means of
pensated for by reinnervation.113 characterizing the motor unit. This value,
defined as the time difference between the
first and last single-fiber potentials of the
Determination of same motor unit recorded at each random
Fiber Density insertion, reflects the difference in nerve
terminal conduction, neuromuscular trans-
Fiber density determination depends on mission, and muscle fiber conduction times
recording a single-fiber potential with the within the recording radius of the needle.
leading-ofif surface of the electrode opti- In practice, each recording site provides a
mally positioned close to the identified measure of the interval from the baseline
fiber. In practice, moving the needle tip intersection of the first potential to the re-
back and forth and rotating it will achieve turn to the baseline of the last potential.
the maximal amplitude of the identified po- The average of at least 20 such measure-
tential with the trigger level of the oscillo- ments normally yields a duration of 4 ms
scope set at 200 uV. Adequate stabiliza- or less in over 95 percent of all multiple-
tion of the first action potential facilitates potential recordings in the extensor digi-
counting the number of simultaneously torum communis. In contrast, values may
firing single muscle fibers for at least 5 reach as high as 40-50 ms in some patho-
ms after the triggering spike. For inclu- logic conditions.
sions, an action potential must have an Dividing the total duration by the num-
amplitude exceeding 200 uV and a rise ber of interspike intervals, or the number
time shorter than 300 us with a high-pass of spikes minus one, yields another index
filter set at 500 Hz. The needle is then fur- called the mean interspike interval The nor-
ther advanced to identify another single mal values in the extensor digitorum com-
muscle fiber potential. This procedure, munis range from 0.3 to 0.7 ms. This
repeated at 20 different sites in the mus- measure increases in muscular dystrophy,
cle, allows calculation of the fiber density polymyositis, and early reinnervation.116
as the average number of simultaneously
firing single muscle fibers within the
recording radius of the single-fiber elec-
trode. For example, isolated discharges of
a single muscle fiber at ten different
recording sites and two fiber discharges Definition and Basic Physiology
at ten other insertions would yield an av-
erage fiber density of 1.5. In some disease A series of single-fiber potentials recorded
states, a complex pattern of discharges after repetitive stimulation of the nerve
may preclude counting the number of as- show almost, but not exactly, the same
sociated spikes. This situation calls for re- latencies with each stimulus. This latency
porting the percentage of needle inser- variability, on the order of tens of mi-
tions that encounter only one single-fiber croseconds, represents electromyographic
potential without associated spikes. Iso- jitter (Fig. 16-3), the term previously used
lated discharges of a single fiber occur in in the engineering literature to denote in-
65-70 percent of random insertions in the stability of a time base generator.18 Repet-
normal extensor digitorum communis itive discharges of a single muscle fiber
muscle. Only two fibers discharge in the when evoked as H reflex show a greater la-
remaining 30-35 percent, and triple po- tency variability than direct responses. H
tentials appear in 5 percent or less.113 reflex jitter, largely derived from synaptic
transmission between the Group IA affer-
ent and the motor neuron, in addition to
Duration and Mean the neuromuscular junction,50,122 shows
Interspike Intervals a correlation with age, motor unit size,
and recruitment threshold.1,48 Antidromic
The duration of the action potential com- rather than reflexive activation of a single
plex determined during the fiber density motor neuron results in F wave with jit-
390 Electromyography

Figure 16-3. End-plate po-

tentials (EPP) and action po-
tentials recorded intracellu-
larly from the end-plate
region of a human muscle
fiber. The inconsistency of
neuromuscular transmission
time (jitter) results primarily
because amplitude and slope
of EPP vary from one dis-
charge to the next. [From
Elmqvist, 22Hofmann, Kugel-
berg et al, with permission.]

ter values less than an H reflex but more of the same axon (Fig. 16-4). The patient
than a direct response. slightly activates the muscle under study,
Axonal microstimulation serves as a con- and the examiner moves and rotates the
venient alternative to study the jitter at the needle until at least two time-locked sin-
individual motor end plates.58,117,125,12? gle potentials appear. Skillful use of trig-
Some propose the use of surface stimula- gering mechanisms, coupled with delay
tion to further simplify the method.23 lines, allows stable repetition of those dis-
Compared to voluntary activation, the stim- charges on the screen. The interpotential
ulation technique has the advantage of interval, then, represents the difference in
providing perfect control of the discharge conduction time from the common branch-
rate, including pauses in activity, for ing point to each fiber within the same mo-
quantitative estimation of the neuromus- tor unit.
cular defect.4,117 It obviates the need to In this type of recording, electromyo-
search for muscle fiber pairs. It enables graphic jitter equals the degree of vari-
testing of young children and comatose or ability in the interval, that is, the com-
uncooperative patients, as well as those bined variability of the two responses,
with impaired voluntary motor control.127 measured with one of the two discharges
Stimulation technique occasionally re- taken as a time of reference. This stands
veals abnormalities that otherwise escape in contrast to the jitter measured by stim-
detection. For example, bimodal latency ulation of a single axon, representing the
distribution seen in patients with myas- variability of only one response. Statisti-
thenia gravis120,127 implies the presence cal analysis shows that the values ob-
of dual neuromuscular junction supplied tained with voluntary contraction equal
either by a single or two different motor 2 times the stimulated single fiber jit-
neurons.128 ter.117 Any factor influencing the conduc-
Routine jitter measurements in cooper- tion of any component will affect jitter. For
ative patients depend on the voluntary ac- example, jitter may result from variability
tivation of muscle to isolate a pair of sin- in the conduction of impulses along the
gle-fiber potentials from two muscle fibers nerve and muscle fibers. These factors,
innervated by adjacent terminal branches however, contribute little unless the
Single-Fiber and Macro Electromyography 391

Figure 16-4. Determination of jitter by simultaneous recording from two muscle fibers, M1 and M2, within
the same motor unit. The potential from M1 triggers the sweep, although the use of a delay line allows its
display from the onset. The potential from M2 appears after a short interpotential interval determined by the
difference in conduction time from the common branching point (B) to the recording electrode (E). The vari-
ability of the interpotential interval (jitter) occurs mainly at the motor end-plates, with some contribution
from changes in propagation time along the terminal axons and muscle fibers. Calibration in the strip record-
ing: 2 mV and 500 us. [From Dahlback, Ekstedt, and Stalberg,11 with permission.]

paired potentials show an excessive in- filling the criteria. If the first of the paired
terval or very rapid firing, as discussed responses triggers the oscilloscope sweep,
below. Thus, the motor end plate consti- then the changing delay of the second po-
tutes the main source of jitter in normal tential of the pair indicates the variability
muscles.85,110 A slight change in the ris- in the interpotential interval. Jitter may
ing slope of the end plate potential (see increase erroneously unless the examiner
Fig. 16-3) and fluctuation in the thresh- strictly adheres to the recommended cri-
old of the muscle membrane necessary for teria to analyze only potentials greater
generation of an action potential probably than 200 uV in amplitude with a rise time
account for most of the variability in shorter than 300 us. Other sources of er-
transmission time at the neuromuscular ror include use of an unstable trigger,
junction.59 measurement of a potential pair separated
When jitter increases excessively, the by less than 150 us, and determination of
second potential fails. This phenomenon, jitter in potentials on the descending
referred to as "blocking," occurs more phase of the triggering discharge.
commonly in pathologic conductions such Most investigators express electromyo-
as in myasthenia gravis, but also, to a graphic jitter as the mean 16value of con-
lesser extent, in normal subjects, espe- secutive differences (MCD), rather than
cially after age 50.21 the standard deviation about the mean in-
terpotential interval, which reflects not
only the short-term random variability but
Determination of Jitter also the slow fluctuation in muscle fiber
propagation velocity. Superimposed slow
Jitter measurement uses the same tech- latency shifts will cause an increase in the
niques as those described for fiber-den- overall value, even though actual jitter be-
sity assessments, except for the need to tween potentials on sequential firing re-
identify paired single-fiber potentials ful- mains the same. In contrast, the compar-
392 Electromyography

ison of sequential discharges measures lows within approximately 1 ms. After su-
only the short-term variation. A series of perimposition of 10 paired discharges, the
consecutive differences has the additional latency difference between the baseline in-
advantage of being more easily computed. tersection points of the earliest and latest
Jitter values expressed by this method re- second potentials provides the time range
main the same during continuous activ- of 10 discharges. The average value of this
ity lasting up to 1 hour.16 measure from five different sampling sites
Most digital instruments offer software in the same muscle gives the mean range
for automatic analysis of jitter and display of 10 discharges. Multiplying it by 14
a factor
of the results by numeric or graphic of 0.37 yields an estimated MCD. Simi-
means. Without such a program, manual larly, another conversion factor of 0.49 ap-
determination of jitter depends on photo- plies for the mean range of 5 discharges
graphic superimposition of 50 sweeps in from ten different sites. The value obtained
groups of 5 or 10 discharges with a sweep by these formulas gives a good approxi-
speed of 200 us/cm or faster (Fig. 16-5). mation of the actual jitter value calculated
If the first potential triggers the oscillo- by a computer program.65,79
scope, then the jitter equals the variability Muscle fiber propagation slows sub-
of a series of second potentials, which fol- stantially upon rapid firing, because suc-

Figure 16-5. Manual cal-

culation of jitter in a normal
(A) and abnormal (B) action
potential pair. The tracings
show five groups of 10 su-
perimpositions to measure
the ranges of variability for
the interpotential interval
(IPI) in each group. The
mean value of the IPI vari-
ability multiplied by 0.37
equals the calculated mean
value of consecutive differ-
ence (calc MCD), which ap-
proximates very closely the
result determined by a com-
puter (comp MCD). [From
Stalberg and Trontelj,115
with permission.]
Single-Fiber and Macro Electromyography 393

cessive action potentials occur in the rel- Normal and Abnormal

ative refractory period of the muscle. This Jitter Values
delay may differentially affect the activa-
tion of two muscle fibers, depending on Different investigators have applied the
the lengths of their respective axon ter- technique to various conditions including
minals. In general, rapid firing rates tend studies of laryngeal muscles.90 Table 16-2
to increase jitter if the interpotential in- summarizes the jitter values for various
terval exceeds 4 ms, when physiologic muscles determined at a very fast sweep
slowing begins to influence two muscle speed with the time resolution of 0.3
fibers differently. A computer can sort the us.116 Jitter measurements may show a
trials on the basis of firing rate or the in- different range and higher mean value
terdischarge interval to calculate the cor- than those listed if recorded with less time
rected MCD, termed mean sorted interval resolution. Jitter value varies, depending
difference (MSD). The rate-dependent jit- on the age of the subjects, individual mus-
ter contributes on the average less than cles tested, and the method of muscle
10 )us but can be so large as to produce fiber activation. For example, the orbicu-
false abnormality at more irregular firing, laris oculi shows a significantly lower jit-
longer interval, and pronounced differ- ter than the extensor digitorum commu-
ences in velocity recovery function.129 If nis muscle, with the upper limit of 30 us
firing rate has not affected jitter, MCD/ for individual motor end plates and 18 124us
MSD = 1. If the ratio exceeds 1.25, one for the median of 20 motor end plates.
must use MSD instead of MCD, because In general, stimulation technique yields
the firing rate has influenced jitter. Con- smaller jitter values and fewer percent-
versely, a ratio less than 0.8, indicating ages of abnormal fibers, as expected from
slow trends, favors the use of MCD, not the measurement of one end plate versus
MSD. In calculating jitter without a com- two end 47plates tested with voluntay con-
puter, selection of an interpotential inter- traction. Despite these variabilities,
val of less than 4 ms omits the effect of blocking in more than one fiber or jitter
firing rate, and the use of MCD accom- values exceeding 55 us constitute an ab-
modates slow trends. normality in any muscle. In the extensor

Table 16-2 Jitter in Normal Subjects*

SD of MCD Values
Number of from Individual
Potential MCD—Pooled Data Subjects Upper Normal Limit
Muscles Pairs Mean SD Mean SD Close to Mean + 3 SD
Frontalis (range
of individual
means 258 20.4 8.8 6.2 2.3 45
(15.7-29.2) (5.5-8.7)
Biceps 125 15.6 5.9 35
Extensor digitorum
communis (range
of individual
means) 759 24.6 10.6 8.3 3.2 55
(16.5-32.0) (2.3-12.4) (65)
Rectus femoris 73 31.0 12.6 60
Tibialis anterior (75)
153 32.1 15.0 60
Extensor digitorum
brevis 29 85.3 68.6 None
*Jitter (MCD) measured with voluntary activation in normal subjects aged 10 to 70 years.
Because of some extreme high values, the data deviate from a Gaussian distribution. Thus, a more ap-
propriate upper normal limit is 60 us. In no one normal subject was there more than one value exceeding
this limit.
Source: From Stalberg and Trontelj,115 with permission.
394 Electromyography

digitorum cornrnunis, jitter remains rela- peratures would explain increased jitter
tively constant in persons younger than and paradoxically smaller decrement;
70. It increases around the age of 50 in fewer quanta released by the first impulse
the tibialis anterior, probably secondary leave more quanta available for subse-
to neurogenic change.114 Normal muscles quent release. Increases in temperature
show the same jitter regardless of the in- between 35° and 38° C do not normally
nervation rates or the recording site rela- change jitter value.
tive to the end-plate zone. Abnormal jit- In normal muscles, jitter may increase
ter, when found in normal muscle, usually during ischemia or following administra-
occurs as part of a triplet or multiplet.57 tion of curare. Conversely, cholinesterase
Neuromuscular jitter may increase during inhibitors may mask the findings of in-
continuous voluntary activation in pa- creased jitter in patients with myasthenia
tients with myasthenia gravis, spinal gravis.64 Abnormal jitter occurs not only
muscular atrophy, or motor neuron dis- in diseases of neuromuscular transmis-
ease, but not in normal subjects.45 Occa- sion21 but also in many other conditions
sional bimodal distribution of response associated with conduction defects of
latencies obtained during axonal micro- nerve and muscle.19,20,51 It may also re-
stimulation suggests multiple innervation sult from unusually low end-plate po-
of muscle fibers by the coexisting neuro- tentials or from a high threshold of the
muscular junctions from the same or dif- muscle fiber membrane. In general, an in-
ferent motor neurons.128 crease in jitter values, typically beyond
In most recordings showing an interval 80-100 us, precedes the transmission
of less than 4 ms, changes in conduction block. Blocking of single muscle fiber dis-
time by prior discharge largely cancel out charges results in a reduction amplitude of
between the two potentials. Thus, jitter re- the compound muscle action33potential with
sults primarily from variability in neuro- repetitive nerve stimulation. SFEMG can
muscular transmission. To support this detect increased jitter before blocking and
view, nonparalytic doses of tubocurarine, impulse blocking at levels below the res-
known to block end plate depolarization, olution of surface recording of compound
cause jitter to increase without changing potential.33,81 Chronic muscular activity
the shape and amplitude of the single also leads to increased jitter and other mi-
muscle fiber potentials.18 In pathologic nor SFEMG abnormalities, presumably as
conductions where the interval may reach the result of mild denervation and rein-
many milliseconds, however, variability in nervation of nerve terminals.93
the propagation velocity may contribute to
the jitter. In fact, jitter changing with fir-
ing rate may reflect this type of underly- 6 MACRO AND SCANNING
ing pathology. In myasthenia gravis char- ELECTROMYOGRAPHY
acterized by postsynaptic defect, the rapid
firing rate increases jitter, even with an
interval of less than 4 ms. In presynaptic Compared with the single-fiber electrode
disorders such as myasthenic syndrome that covers the radius of some 300 um, the
and botulism, jitter increases at slow fir- concentric or monopolar needle records ac-
ing rates and decreases at fast rates. tion potentials from a much wider zone
Jitter increases 2-3 us per degree centi- with a radius of about 500 um to 1 mm.
grade as the temperature of the muscle Motor unit territories, however, extend
falls from 36° to 32° C, followed by a more much further, varying in size from 5 to 10
rapid change of about1067.5 us per degree mm. To capture the total electrical activ-
centigrade thereafter. Despite an in- ity generated by a motor unit, the elec-
crease in the jitter value, a train of stim- trode must have a much greater record-
uli shows a less decrement of the com- ing surface. Such an electrode registers
pound muscle action potentials with activities from a number of motor units
cooling. A number of factors may con- because muscle fibers from different units
tribute to the apparent discrepancy. De- intermingle within the recording zone.
fective release of transmitters at low tem- Macro electromyography (EMG) using a
Single-Fiber and Macro Electromyography 395

specially constructed needle circumvents muscle fibers within a 500 um to 1 mm ra-

this difficulty by means of an averaging dius. In contrast, macro EMG motor unit
technique.99,100 potentials receive contributions from many
The needle used for macro EMG con- more muscle fibers located outside the
sists of two recording surfaces, one capa- range of the conventional recording,67
ble of recording SFEMG from a side port showing good short-term stability on re-
and the other dedicated for territorial peated recording every 15 minutes during
pick-up with a bare cannula 15 mm in a 2-hour period.37 Thus, macro EMG sig-
length (Fig. 16-6). A two-channel system nals give information about a greater part
provides SFEMG recording with a 500 Hz of the motor unit, in contrast to the regional
low-frequency filter in one channel, and electrical activity measured in conventional
macro EMG recording at a standard EMG studies, or the focal pick-up recorded in
setting in the other. The SFEMG side port SFEMG (Fig. 16-7). Macrorecording serves
referenced to the cannula produces sin- better in correlating the size of single mo-
gle-fiber signals that trigger the oscillo- tor units to their functional characteristics
scope sweep. The active cannula electrode such as twitch properties.130,131 For exam-
with reference to a skin or distant elec- ple, successively recruited motor units
trode registers electrical activities along its show a progressive increase in macropo-
entire length, but only if time-locked to the tential and a decrease in firing frequency,
SFEMG trigger. Simultaneous discharges confirming the size principle.49 In juvenile
from neighboring motor units, not time- myoclonic epilepsy, macrorecording shows
locked with the trigger, cancel as back- an increase in the amplitude of motor unit
ground noise during signal averaging. potentials, suggesting an enlargement of
The resultant response differs substan- motor units. Macro- and surface-
tially from the ordinary motor unit poten- recorded motor unit potentials show high
tial. A monopolar or concentric needle reg- positive correlations in area and in peak-
isters the activities generated by only a few to-peak amplitude.77

Figure 16-6. Principles for macro

EMG (A). Single-fiber action po-
tentials (B) recorded by the small
lead-off surface provide triggers
to average cannula activities (C)
time-locked to the discharge from
one muscle fiber (D). [From Stal-
berg,99 with permission.]
396 Electromyography

Figure 16-7. Examples of100macro motor unit potentials recorded in normal muscle and amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis. [From Stalberg, with permission.]

A specially constructed needle records limits of normal, ranging from 2 to 8 mm.

macropotential simultaneously with con- Thus, the size of the motor unit territory
centric recording, which serves as the trig- fails to provide a useful measure for de-
ger.46 With this technique, macrorecording tecting pathology.104 In the process of
correlated better with the area than the reinnervation, the terminal sprouts from
amplitude of motor unit potential recorded a surviving motor unit probably reach
by concentric electrodes in normal sub- only those territorially overlapping dener-
jects, as well as in patients with myogenic vated muscle fibers from another unit
or neurogenic disorders.5,27 The macropo- without extending beyond that unit's orig-
tential has a 40-50 percent smaller am- inal boundary.
plitude and area when triggered with con- In summary, with a modified SFEMG
centric as 69compared to single-fiber needle electrode, single-fiber action potentials
recording. This difference probably re- provide the trigger for selective averaging
sults from variant spatial orientation of of the intended motor unit potential.
the macroneedle to the motor unit in the Based on this principle, macrotechnique
two recording methods. extracts the contribution from most, if not
A variant of macrostudy serves to scan all, muscle fibers belonging to a motor
the motor unit territory by incrementally unit by recording the electrical activity ob-
advancing the needle with a precision tained by the electrode shaft during volun-
pressure device driven by a motor. The tary muscle contraction." During the rein-
scanning method assesses spatial distri- nervation process, SFEMG reveals the
bution of motor units and functional dynamics, whereas macro EMG uncovers
structure of the muscles. This technique the topography.102 The factors that deter-
has verified the rearrangement of muscle mine the characteristics of macro EMG in-
fibers in disease states, showing the pres- clude number of fibers, fiber diameter, end
ence of long polyphasic sections as the plate scatter, pattern of nerve branching,
most striking finding.104 In one study,35 motor unit territory, and electrode position.
most patients with myogenic disorders Table 16-3 summarizes the suggested nor-
had motor unit territory smaller than 4 mal data for the different age groups. Macro
mm, whereas those with neurogenic motor unit potentials increase in size after
processes showed larger values. The sizes age 60, in part reflecting reinnervation fol-
of the abnormal units, however, only oc- lowing physiologic loss of anterior horn
casionally exceeded the lower and upper cells with age.12,109
Single-Fiber and Macro Electromyography 397

Table 16-3 Macro EMG in Normal Subjects

Suggested Amplitude Limits (uV)
Biceps Vastus Lateralis Tibialis Anterior
Individual Individual Individual
Median Macro-MUP Median Macro-MUP Median Macro-MUP
Age Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
10-19 65 100 30 350 70 150 20 350 65 200 30 350
20-29 65 140 30 350 70 240 20 525 65 250 30 450
30-39 65 180 30 400 70 240 20 550 65 260 30 450
40-49 65 180 30 500 70 250 20 575 65 330 30 575
50-59 65 180 30 500 70 260 20 575 65 375 40 700
60-69 65 250 30 650 80 370 20 1250 120 375 45 700
70-79 65 250 30 650 90 600 20 1250 120 620 65 800
Source: Prom Stalberg,100 with permission.

7 CLINICAL VALUES sprouting, such as spinal muscular atro-

AND LIMITATIONS phy, show the highest fiber density among
motor neuron diseases. Clinical studies
have revealed an inverse relationship be-
SFEMG has become available in most lab- tween muscle strength and fiber density.119
oratories with a dedicated system or with The increased duration of the action po-
minor modification of the conventional tential found in this entity suggests a mix-
units. A computer-assisted method has ture of hypertrophic and atrophic fibers
rendered the technique simple enough to and slowly conducting, regenerated nerve
conduct as part of routine studies with a sprouts, forming collateral reinnervation
little extra training.116 The method has but not as effectively as in other neuro-
clinical and research applications for genic disorders.119 In contrast, rapidly
lower motor neuron disorders and dis- progressive diseases such as amyotrophic
eases of muscle in general, and of neuro- lateral sclerosis show increased jitter and
muscular transmission in particular.136 It blocking. The SFEMG characterizes the
has proven most useful, from an electro- functional status of the motor unit and
diagnostic point of view, as a test for may help establish the diagnosis and
myasthenia gravis and myasthenic syn- prognosis. Detecting abnormalities not
dromes,21,98,107 and, to a lesser degree, apparent clinically or with conventional
for a variety of peripheral nervous system electromyography provides early evidence
disorders, especially in assessing patterns of motor neuron involvement.
of nerve regeneration.101 Retrospective
and prospective multicenter studies have
provided collections of jitter and fiber den- Peripheral Neuropathy
sity data for the purpose of defining ref-
erence values for many muscles and dif- Disorders of the peripheral nerves also
ferent ages.31 Dynamic analysis suggests show increased jitter, occasional blocking,
that normal neuromuscular transmission and increased fiber density.105 These find-
jitter results from intrinsic noise34 rather ings become particularly prominent dur-
than from deterministic chaos. Table ing the process of reinnervation, having
16-4 summarizes the normative data re- been observed, for example, up to 1 year
formatted for simplified presentation.8 after autogenous facial muscle trans-
plants.38 Mean jitter values usually return
to normal approximately 11/2 years after
Motor Neuron Disease the onset of reinnervation, although some
individual recordings may remain abnor-
Disorders associated with abnormal SFEMG mal permanently.134 Abnormalities of the
include degenerative processes affecting SFEMG result in part from reinnervation,
the anterior horn cell111 and tetanus.26 The when seen in patients with polyneu-
chronic processes with marked collateral ropathies and motor neuron disease, and
Table 16-4 Single-Fiber EMG Reference Values
Jitter Values (fts): 95% Upper Confidence Limit of Normal
Mean Consecutive Difference (MCD) /Single Fiber Pairs
Muscle 10 yr 20 yr 30 yr 40 yr 50 yr 60 yr 70 yr 80 yr 90 yr
Frontalis 33.6/49.7 33.9/50.1 34.4/51.3 35.5/53.5 37.3/57.5 40.0/63.9 43.8/74.1
Obicularis oculi 39.8/54.6 39.8/54.7 40.0/54.7 40.4/54.8 40.9/55.0 41.8/55.3 43.0/55.8
Obicularis oris 34.7/52.5 34.7/52.7 34.9/53.2 35.3/54.1 36.0/55.7 37.0/58.2 38.3/61.8 40.2/67.0 42.5/74..2
Tongue 32.8/48.6 33.0/49.0 33.6/50.2 34.8/52.5 36.8/56.3 39.8/62.0 44.0/70.0
Sternocleidomastoid 29.1/45.4 29.3/45.8 29.8/46.8 30.8/48.8 32.5/52.4 34.9/58.2 38.4/62.3
Deltoid 32.9/44.4 32.9/44.5 32.9/44.5 32.9/44.6 33.0/44.8 33.0/45.1 33.1/45.6 33.2/46.1 33.3/46. 9
Biceps 29.5/45.2 29.6/45.2 29.6/45.4 29.8/45.7 30.1/46.2 30.5/46.9 31.0/48.0
Extensor digitorum 34.9/50.0 34.9/50.1 35.1/50.5 35.4/51.3 35.9/52.5 36.6/54.4 37.7/57.2 39.1/61.1 40.9/66..5
Abductor digiti 44.4/63.5 44.7/64.0 45.2/65.5 46.4/68.6 48.2/73.9 51.0/82.7 54.8/96.6
Quadriceps 35.9/47.9 36.0/48.0 36.5/48.2 37.5/48.5 39.0/49.1 41.3/50.0 44.6/51.2
Anterior tibialis 49.4/80.0 49.3/79.8 49.2/79.3 48.9/78.3 48.5/76.8 47.9/74.5 47.0/71.4 45.8/67.5 44.3/62.,9
Fiber Density Values: 95% Upper Confidence Limit of Normal for Mean Fiber Density
Muscle 10 yr 20 yr 30 yr 40 yr 50 yr 60 yr 70 yr 80 yr 90 yr
Frontalis 1.67 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.73 1.76
Tongue 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.79 1.79
Sternocleidomastoid 1.89 1.89 1.90 1.92 1.96 2.01 2.08
Deltoid 1.56 1.56 1.57 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.60 1.62 1.65
Biceps 1.52 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.57 1.60 1.65 1.72 1.80
Extensor digitorum 1.77 1.78 1.80 1.83 1.90 1.99 2.12 2.29 2.51
Abductor digiti 1.99 2.00 2.03 2.08 2.16 2.28 2.46
Quadriceps 1.93 1.94 1.96 1.99 2.05 2.14 2.26 2.43
Anterior tibialis 1.94 1.94 1.96 1.98 2.02 2.07 2.15 2.26
Soleus 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.57 1.59 1.62 1.66 1.71
Recommended criteria for an abnormal study: Jitter is abnormal if either: (1) value for mean MCD of 20 fiber pairs greater than the 95% upper confi-
dence limit; or (2) jitter values in more than 10% is greater than the 95% upper confidence limit for action potential pairs. Fiber density is abnormal if mean
value of 20 observations is greater than 95% of upper confidence limit.
Source: From Bromberg, Scott, and AD HOC Committee of the AAEM Single Fiber Special Interest Group (1994),8 with permission.
Single-Fiber and Macro Electromyography 399

perhaps also in those with polymyositis cles.82,118 About 25 percent of patients

and muscular dystrophy. Not all the with myasthenia gravis have fiber density
polyneuropathies show similar changes. increased slightly above the normal range.
Studies of the extensor digitorum com- Statistical analyses showed no correlation
munis121 showed abnormalities of fiber between this abnormality and disease
density, jitter, and blocking in patients severity or duration, but patients treated
with alcoholic neuropathy, but not in with cholinesterase inhibitors had a sig-
those with diabetic or uremic neuropathy. nificantly greater increase in jitter value.43
Another study, however, revealed an in- In one study of 15 myasthenic patients,
creased fiber density and jitter not only in voluntary activation demonstrated greater
diabetic patients with neuropathy but also increase in jitter value and proportion of
in diabetic controls without overt neu- blocking than stimulation technique,
ropathy. Persistent changes may reflect probably because of different sampling
ongoing reinnervation in certain types of bias between the two methods.66
neuropathy.92 Jitter values in chronic re- SFEMG can detect disturbances of neu-
nal failure 54improve after intermittent he- romuscular transmission before the ap-
modialysis. Other disorders sometimes pearance of clinical symptoms. Thus, nor-
associated with increased
jitter include mal jitter in a clinically weak muscle tends
multiple sclerosis, chronic demyelinat- to exclude the diagnosis of myasthenia
ing neuropathy, 71
idiopathic fecal inconti- gravis.83 In one series,118 SFEMG showed
nence,94 critical-illness polyneuropathy,87 increased jitter or blocking in the hy-
and peripheral sprouting after acute quad- pothenar muscles in all 40 patients with
riplegia.61 mild to moderate generalized myasthenia
Macro EMG study in chronic demyeli- gravis, even though the repetitive nerve
native neuropathy showed an increase in stimulation technique revealed equivocal
average amplitude, probably resulting results in 40 percent of these patients. In
from the loss of smaller
motor units rather another series,82 127 of 131 patients
than reinnervation. One study of diabetic demonstrated defective neuromuscular
neuropathy3 showed a greater increase in transmission by SFEMG, whereas less
amplitude of macro motor unit potential than 50 percent of these patients had an
and fiber density in patients with weak- abnormality by the conventional nerve
ness as compared to those with normal stimulation technique. SFEMG of the ex-
strength, suggesting incomplete reinnerva- tensor digitorum communis showed ab-
tion as the cause of the functional loss. normality in 8 of 24 first-degree relatives
of 12 patients with juvenile myasthenia
gravis. In this asymptomatic group, in-
Disorders of creased jitter occurred, on average, in 5
Neuromuscular Transmission of 20 potential pairs. Hence only 25 per-
cent of all recordings showed abnormali-
Normal muscles show increased jitter in ties, in contrast to 75 percent in clinically
1 of 20 recorded pairs of potentials.106 In- symptomatic patients.118 In a study of 17
creased jitter or blocking, if found in 2 or patients with pure ocular myasthenia
more of 20 pairs of potentials, provides gravis,53 SFEMG showed abnormalities in
evidence of defective neuromuscular all superior rectus and levator palpebralis
transmission. A patient with myasthenia muscles, and in7562 percent of orbicularis
gravis may have normal or increased jit- oculi muscles. In patients with re-
ter values within any one muscle. Jitter stricted extraocular muscle weakness, 58
exceeding 100 us usually leads to inter- percent developed generalized symptoms
mittent blocking.118 In generalized myas- if the extensor digitorum communis
thenia gravis, more than 30 percent of showed increased jitter initially as com-
recorded potential pairs show abnormali- pared to 18 percent of those without such
ties in the extensor digitorum communis. abnormalities.133
Patients with ocular myasthenia may have The SFEMG abnormalities correlated
such findings only in the facial muscles well with the clinical course 63,81
in serial stud-
and not necessarily in the limb mus- ies of individual patients. Adminis-
400 Electromyography

tration of edrophonium (Tensilon) short- muscular transmission of the arm mus-

ens abnormal jitter and decreases the in- cles.84 The time course, as well as the in-
cidence of blocking, without affecting the verse relationship between jitter and the
initially normal jitters. A therapeutic firing rate in the affected muscle, indi-
dosage of anticholinesterase medication cated that the toxin spread remotely from
may correct jitter in myasthenia. In some the site of injection.
cases, recovery from blocking in a num-
ber of fibers may give an apparent in-
crease in jitter values after treatment. In Myopathy
a healthy subject, anticholinesterase has
no effect on the jitter value. Indeed, the Dystrophic muscle in general shows in-
jitter value remained normal in a patient creased fiber density and jitter; it also oc-
who had received the medication for years casionally shows decreased jitter in some
with an116incorrect diagnosis of myasthenia recordings. Macro EMG studies indicate a
gravis. SFEMG may occasionally re- normal diameter of motor units with41,42 no
turn to normal during spontaneous re- signs of abnormal volume conduction.
mission or after thymectomy, but most of These findings suggest a remodeling of the
these patients still have increased jitter motor unit as the result of fiber loss, fiber
without blocking.116 regeneration, and reinnervation, but the
In the myasthenic syndrome, a slight in- exact pathophysiology underlying the
crease in fiber density116 probably results process remains unclear. The increased
from type II fiber grouping.39 In this syn- fiber density probably reflects a localized
drome, blocking tends to occur at greater abnormality in the distribution of muscle
jitter values than in myasthenia gravis. In fibers within each motor unit. Fiber den-
fact, jitter may reach as high as 500 us, sity may change after reinnervation of a
with the interval between the first and last portion of the muscle fiber separated from
of the second potentials reaching 2 ms for the end plate by transverse lesions, as
50 discharges.88,89 Both jitter values and shown in Duchenne dystrophy.13 Alter-
the degree of blocking decrease as the natively, fiber density may reflect new in-
stimulation rate increases, and these nervation of regenerating muscle fibers or
transmission abnormalities worsen after splitting of muscle fibers.96 Increased jit-
rest.10,80 These findings stand in sharp ter may result from altered 95
contrast to those typically seen in patients time in the muscle fibers.
with myasthenia gravis, but improvement In one series,98 patients with Duchenne
of jitter and blocking at higher rates of dystrophy had markedly increased fiber
stimulation, unless dramatic, does not density, averaging 3.5 initially and less in
necessarily suggest a presynaptic abnor- the late stage, although still above the
mality.126 Serial studies show a corre- normal value of 1.45. Another series
sponding improvement with remission or showed increased jitter in about 30 per-
after therapy, providing a quantitative cent of the recordings in each muscle and
measure of the changing clinical sta- occasional blocking in 10 percent of the
tus70,72,78 recordings.112 Interestingly, some pairs
Jitter values usually improve at high had jitter values below the normal range,
rate of stimulation in presynaptic disor- suggesting the potential originating from
ders.9,76 SFEMG in human botulism,73,86 split muscle fibers, which share a com-
however, may yield a different pattern of mon innervation zone.44 In support of this
abnormality, depending on the type of view, pairs with reduced jitter always
toxin and the stage of illness. In two pa- block simultaneously when subjected to
tients with wound botulism, for example, tubocurarine or other agents that inhibit
stimulated SFEMG showed increased jit- neuromuscular transmission. Ordinary
ter at high stimulation frequency,60 coun- potential pairs would show clear dissoci-
tering the general principle. In four pa- ation with this type of inhibition. Fiber
tients who received periocular injections density also increases in limb-girdle dys-
of botulinum toxin for blepharospasm, trophy, but to a lesser degree than in
SFEMG demonstrated abnormal neuro- Duchenne dystrophy. In one series,97
Single-Fiber and Macro Electromyography 401

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Part V
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Chapter 17

Stimulation of the Facial Nerve
Stimulation of the Trigeminal Nerve
Latencies of the Direct and Reflex Responses
Upper and Lower Limits of Normal Values
Lesions of the Trigeminal Nerve
Bell's Palsy
Synkinesis of Facial Muscles
Hemifacial Spasm
Acoustic Neuroma
Lesions in the Brainstem and Spinal Cord
Multiple Sclerosis
Wallenberg Syndrome
Facial Hypoesthesia
Other Disorders
Direct Involvement of the Reflex Arc
Effect of Lesions Outside the Reflex Pathway
Degree of Slowing
Direct and Remote Effect on Polysynaptic Pathways
Level of Consciousness and Perception of Pain
Altered Excitability of Interneurons

1 INTRODUCTION trigeminal nerve also elicits a blink reflex

that bears a resemblance to the corneal
reflex 9.25,27,69,76,106,120,130,131,134 Electri-
The use of an oscilloscope display allows cal stimulation of the supraorbital nerve
quantitative analysis for meaningful as- elicits two or more temporally separate re-
sessment of the corneal reflex responses sponses of the orbicularis oculi muscles,
tested in clinical practice.1,108 The me- an ipsilateral early (RJ component and
chanical or electrical stimulation of the bilateral late (R2 and R3) components
410 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

(Fig. 17-1). R1, usually evoked only on the 2 DIRECT VERSUS

side 53,130
of stimulation via a pontine path- REFLEX RESPONSES
way, may also appear contralaterally
if primed153 or after facial nerve palsy.97
These findings suggest unmasking of a pre- Stimulation of the Facial Nerve
existing crossed pathway. Unilateral stim-
ulation always elicits R2 bilaterally, pre- The test of nerve excitability consists of
sumably relayed through a more complex applying shocks of increasing intensity
route, including the pons and lateral and observing the resulting contraction of
medulla.20,42,44,67,80,107,142 A greater shock the facial muscles. The normal threshold
may evoke R3 probably by activation of ranges from 3.0 to 8.0 mA, depending on
small-diameter, high-threshold afferent skin resistance, skin temperature, and
fibers.6,29,77,79,117,119 Painful laser stimu- the anatomic course of the facial nerve.
lation also elicits bilateral responses at Comparisons with the unaffected nerve on
around 70 ms, and occasionally at 130 the opposite side reduce the number of
ms as well.28 Assuming the nociceptor ac- variables to a minimum. In healthy sub-
tivation time of about 40 ms, these onset jects, differences between left and right
latencies fall within the range of electri- should not exceed 2.0 mA. A complete sec-
cally evoked R2 and R3. tion of the nerve at a proximal site results
The more reproducible R1 serves as a re- in loss of distal excitability by the end of
liable measure of nerve conduction along the first week, but not during the first few
the reflex pathways. Analysis of R2 helps days before the emergence of wallerian de-
localize the lesion to the trigeminal38,67
nerve, generation. Hence, a normal distal re-
the facial nerve, or the brainstem. In- sponse at the end of the first week36after
volvement of the trigeminal nerve causes damage suggests a good prognosis.
an afferent pattern with delays or diminu- Recording of muscle action potentials
tion of R2 bilaterally after stimulation of provides a more quantitative assessment
the affected side. In diseases of the facial of nerve excitability than visual inspection
nerve, the pattern indicates an efferent ab- of contracting muscle. Stimulating the fa-
normality with alteration of R2 only on the cial nerve just below the ear and anterior
affected side, regardless of the side of stim- to the mastoid process151 141 or directly over
ulation. Afferent and efferent delays of R2 the stylomastoid foramen elicits com-
conceptually resemble the two types of ab- pound muscle action potentials in the fa-
normality in the pupillary light reflex, cial muscles. Placing the stimulating elec-
which, therefore, serves as a good anal- trodes more distally along a branch of the
ogy. Neither pupil constricts in response facial nerve (see Fig. 1-2) results in more
to light stimuli given to the affected eye in selective activation of the target muscles
an afferent defect, whereas the affected eye (Fig. 17-2A). Its designation as direct re-
shows no pupillary constriction regard- sponse, or M response, distinguishes it
less of the side stimulated in an efferent from the reflex activation of the orbicularis
defect. oculi by stimulation of the trigeminal nerve.

Figure 17-1. A. Top. Stimulation and recording arrangement for the blink reflex, with the presumed path-
way of R1 through the pons (1) and ipsilateral and contralateral R2 through the pons and lateral medulla (2
and 3). The schematic illustration shows the primary afferents of R1 and R2 as one fiber, as details of poly-
synaptic central connections of these reflexes are unknown. Bottom. A typical oscilloscope recording of the
blink reflex after right-sided stimulation. Note an ipsilateral R1 response and bilateral simultaneous R2 re-
sponses. [Modified from Kimura,59 with permission.] B. Five basic types of blink reflex abnormalities. From
top to bottom, the finding suggests the conduction abnormality of (1) afferent pathway along the trigeminal
nerve; (2) efferent pathway along the facial nerve; (3) main sensory nucleus or pontine intemeurons relay-
ing to the ipsilateral facial nucleus (1 in A); (4) spinal tract and nucleus or medullary interneuronal path-
ways to the facial nuclei on both sides; (5) uncrossed medullary intemeurons to the ipsilateral facial nu-
cleus (2 in A); and (6) crossed medullary intemeurons to the contralateral facial nucleus (3 in A). Increased
latencies of R1 usually indicate the involvement of the reflex arc itself, whereas the loss or diminution of R1
or R2 may result not only from lesions directly affecting the reflex pathway but also from those indirectly
influencing the excitability of the intemeurons or motor neurons.
Figure 17-2. Technique for recording the direct re-
sponse. A. Stimulation of the facial nerve trunk with
the cathode placed just anterior to the mastoid
process elicits compound muscle action potentials
in all mimetic muscles of the face ipsilaterally. Stim-
ulation of buccalis (B), zygomaticus (C), or other
branch activates the target muscle more selectively,
minimizing movement artifact. Recording from the
nasalis with G1 placed on the ipsilateral side of the
nose and G2 on the other side often gives rise to a
discrete compound muscle action potential (A and
B). The test performed in conjunction with the blink
reflex uses the active electrode (G1) and the refer-
ence electrode (G2) placed on the lower portion of
the orbicularis oculi (C) (see Fig. 1-3).
The Blink Reflex 413

The amplitude of the direct response varies tion, the remaining axons tend to show a
with the number of functional motor ax- normal or only slightly increased onset la-
ons, whereas the onset latency reveals the tency. In contrast, the amplitude of the
distal conduction of the fastest fibers. direct response determines the degree of
Recording electrodes consist of G1 axonal loss for accurate assessment of
placed on the orbicularis oculi, orbicularis prognosis. Comparison between the sides
oris, quadratus labii, or nasalis, and G2 in the same individual provides a more
on the same muscle on the opposite side sensitive measure than the absolute
or on the nose. When necessary, selective value, which varies substantially from one
stimulation of a given branch of the facial subject to the next. An amplitude reduc-
nerve elicits an isolated response from any tion to one half that of the response on
of the muscles of the face (Fig. 17-2B,C), the normal side suggests distal degener-
including the posterior auricular mus- ation.
cle.21 Some investigators prefer to record More importantly, serial determinations
from a needle placed in the orbicularis reveal progressive amplitude changes as
oris just superior to the corner of the an increasing number of axons degener-
mouth or in the orbicularis oculi at the ates in time (Fig. 17-3). Distal stimulation
lateral epicanthus. Surface electrodes are elicits a normal response for a few days,
generally better for assessment of com- even after complete separation of the
pound muscle action potentials, although nerve at a proximal site. By the end of the
needle study is useful for selective record- first week, however, the amplitude drops
ing from a small or atrophic muscle. The abruptly, coincident with the onset of in-
coaxial needle gives a slightly better end- excitability of neuromuscular junction fol-
point than the monopolar needle used in lowed by nerve degeneration, Thus, a nor-
conjunction with a reference electrode mal direct response during the first week
placed on the side of the nose. A larger after injury promises a good prognosis.
electrode placed on the forehead or under With shocks of very high intensity, a stim-
the chin serves as the ground. ulating current may inadvertently activate
Reported normal values for facial nerve the masseter muscle at its motor point
latencies (mean ± SD) in adults range (see Fig. 7-1). A volume conducted po-
from 3.4 ± 0.8 to 4.0 ± 0.5 ms.141 Table tential from this muscle can erroneously
17-1 summarizes the normal values mea- suggest a favorable prognosis when in fact
sured to the onset of the negative deflec- the facial nerve has already degenerated.
tion of the evoked potential in 78 subjects Close visual inspection of the contracting
divided into different age groups.151 For muscle clarifies the otherwise confusing
the assessment of a proximal lesion in results (see Chapter 7-3).
Bell's palsy, the latency of the direct re-
sponse rarely provides useful information.
Even with substantial axonal degenera- Stimulation of the
Trigeminal Nerve
Stimulation of the trigeminal nerve elicits
Table 17-1 Facial Nerve Latency in reflex contraction of the orbicularis oculi.
78 Subjects Divided into Different In contrast to the direct response that pro-
Age Groups vides a measure of distal nerve excitabil-
Age Mean (ms) Range (ms) ity, the blink reflex reflects the integrity of
0-1 month 10.1 6.4-12.0 the afferent and efferent pathways, in-
1-12 months 7.0 5.0-10.0 cluding the proximal segment of the facial
1-2 years 5.1 3.5-6.3 nerve. As mentioned earlier, a single
2-3 years 3.9 3.8-4.5
3-4 years 3.7 3.4-4.0 shock to the supraorbital nerve evokes
4-5 years 4.1 3.5-5.0 two separate contractile responses of the
5-7 years 3.9 3.2-5.0 orbicularis oculi. The latency of R1 repre-
7-16 years 4.0 3.0-5.0 sents the conduction time along the
From Waylonls & Johnson (1964),151 with per- trigeminal and facial nerves and pontine
mission. relay. Inherent latency variability from
414 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 17-3. A 63-year-old man with acute facial palsy on the left in November 1984 and on the right in
March 1985. Stimulation of the left facial nerve elicited no response in the nasalis at the initial evaluation,
and there was no recovery thereafter. Stimulation on the right evoked a normal response in November but
progressive reduction in amplitude of the compound muscle action potential in March. This finding indi-
cates axonal degeneration during the first few days after the onset of illness. [From Kimura,62 with permis-

one trial to the next makes R2 less reli- scribed later in this chapter, requires two
able for diagnostic purposes. Further- pairs of recording electrodes on the same
more, the latency of R2 reflects the ex- side of the face, one pair over the orbicu-
citability of interneurons and the delay for laris oculi and the other over the orbicu-
synaptic transmission, in addition to the laris oris or platysma.3,70
axonal conduction time. Shocks of 0.1 ms duration and optimal
The subject lies supine on a bed in a intensity ranging from 50 to 100 V or 5
warm room with the eyes open or gently to 10 mA elicit a nearly stable R1 response
closed for surface stimulation with the with repeated trials. In 5-10 percent of
cathode placed over the supraorbital fora- healthy subjects, single shocks of appro-
men and the anode placed 2 cm ros- priate intensities may not elicit a stable
trally.69 Shocks applied here evoke R1 and R1 with stimulation on either side. In
R2, which are best recorded with two pairs these cases, mild voluntary contraction of
of recording electrodes (G1) and reference the orbicularis oculi may facilitate the re-
(G2) electrodes placed 2 cm apart on the sponse. A higher shock intensity may only
lower aspect of the orbicularis oculi mus- cause the patient discomfort without sat-
cle on each side, with a ground electrode isfactory results. Applying paired stimuli
under the chin or around the arm (Fig. with an interstimulus interval of 3-5 ms,
17-4). Additional studies consist of stim- however, usually gives rise to an accept-
ulation of the infraorbital and mental able response. For accurate determination
nerve with the cathode placed over the re- of the shortest latency, a pair of stimuli
spective foramen on one side and record- ideally comprises a subthreshold condi-
ing from the orbicularis oculi on both tioning shock to subliminally excite the
sides. Assessment of facial synkinesis, de- motor neurons and a supramaximal test
The Blink Reflex 415

entire reflex arc, which includes the

trigeminal nerve and the proximal seg-
ment of the facial nerve.
Because G1 and G2 lie only a few cen-
timeters away from the cathode, R1 tends
to overlap the stimulus artifact, which can
last more than 10 ms. Usual care in re-
ducing surface spread of stimulus current
helps accomplish optimal recording of this
short-latency response. A specially de-
signed amplifier with a short blocking time
(0.1 ms) and low internal noise (0.5 uV
RMS at a bandwidth of 2 kHz) minimizes
the problem of stimulus artifact.148 Most
modern electromyography instruments of-
fer a similar fast recovery feature, requir-
ing no additional special devices for rou-
tine recording of R1. A frequency response
in the range of 20-10 kHz suffices for
recording either the R1 or R2 component.
In addition to electrical stimulation of
the supraorbital nerve, mechanical, visual,
or auditory stimuli also elicit the blink re-
flex. A mechanical tap35,72,76,130,136 given
by a specially constructed reflex hammer
with a built-in microswitch or other pres-
sure-sensitive device triggers a sweep on
Figure 17-4. Technique for recording the blink re- impact. A gentle tap over the glabella
flex. Unilateral stimulation of the supraorbital nerve causes a cutaneous reflex, rather than a
with the cathode placed at the supraorbital foramen stretch reflex, probably relayed by the
elicits R1 ipsilaterally and R2 bilaterally in the or- same polysynaptic reflex pathways as the
bicularis oculi muscles. Recording leads consists of electrically elicited blink reflex. A me-
the active electrode (G1) placed over the inferior por-
tion of the orbicularis oculi near the inner canthus chanical tap on one side of the forehead
and the reference electrode (G2) placed 2 cm later- evokes an R1 only ipsilaterally, similar to
ally. Rotation of the anode around the cathode helps unilateral electrical stimulation. In con-
establish the optimal position of the stimulating elec- trast, a glabellar tap, stimulating the
trodes to minimize the shock artifact.
trigeminal nerves on both sides, elicits the
R1 component bilaterally, allowing instan-
taneous comparison of the two sides (see
stimulus to evoke the response (Figs. 17-4 Fig. 17-6C). A mechanically elicited R1 has
and 17-5). In this case, the diagnostic as- a latency 2-3 ms greater than the electri-
sessment depends on the latency mea- cally evoked response. The longer latency
sured from the second shock artifact that results in part from additional length of
elicits the recorded reflex. The reflex la- the afferent arc from the glabella to the
tency of R1, measured to the initial de- supraorbital foramen, averaging 2 cm. Ac-
flection of the evoked potential, corre- tivation time of the cutaneous receptors
sponds to the minimal conduction time of probably accounts for the remaining dif-
the reflex pathway. Running several trials ference. This stands in contrast to mag-
on each side ensures recording of the netic coil stimulation, which also elicits R1
shortest latency response. The latency ra- bilaterally, but with latencies equal to
tios of R1 to the direct response (R/D ra- those following electrical shocks.10
tio) provide a measure for comparison of The R2 component elicited by a glabel-
the conduction through the distal seg- lar tap provides confirmation of an affer-
ment of the facial nerve with that of the ent or efferent abnormality of the electri-
416 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 17-5. A. R1 components recorded from the orbicularis oculi after stimulation of the supraorbital
nerve by individual supramaximal stimuli (top four trials on each side) or by paired stimuli with an inter-
stimulus interval of 5 ms (bottom four trials on each side). The paired stimuli consist of the first shock of
subthreshold intensity, which subliminally primes the motor neuron pool, and the second shock of supra-
maximal intensity, which activates the reflex and triggers the oscilloscope sweep. [From Kimura,60 with per-
mission.] B. Simultaneous recording from ipsilateral (upper tracing in each frame) and contralateral (lower
tracing) orbicularis oculi after unilateral stimulation of the supraorbital nerve, either with single shocks (top
two trials on each side) or with paired shocks (bottom two trials on each side). The paired stimuli consist of
the first shock of subthreshold intensity and the second stimulus of a supramaximal shock, which triggers
the oscilloscope sweep. Note unilateral R1 (arrows) recorded only in the upper tracing in each frame and bi-
lateral R2 (brackets) in both upper and lower tracings. [From Kimura,60 with permission.]

cally elicited R2. A glabellar tap stimulates 3 NORMAL VALUES IN

the right and left trigerninal nerves si- ADULTS AND INFANTS
multaneously, and these nerves activate
the facial nuclei on both sides to elicit bi-
lateral R2 responses. A consistent latency Latencies of the Direct
or amplitude difference between simulta- and Reflex Responses
neously recorded right- and left-sided R2
indicates a delay or block in the facial Table 17-2 shows the normal latency
nerve that constitutes the final common range of the direct response, R1, the R/D
path. A lesion affecting the afferent arc ratio, and R2 elicited by stimulation of the
unilaterally does not alter R2 on either supraorbital nerve in 83 healthy subjects
side, because the crossed afferent input 7-86 years of age (average age, 37 years)59
from the unaffected side compensates for and R1 elicited by a midline glabellar tap
the loss (see Fig. 17-6C). A glabellar tap in another group of 21 healthy adult sub-
or magnetic coil stimulation10 renders jects.72 In a comparable study of infants,
less discomfort to patients and causes no R1 was present in all but 3 of the 113 sub-
shock artifacts. In our experience, how- jects.63 Despite a considerably shorter re-
ever, electrical stimulation of the supra- flex arc, the neonates have a significantly
orbital nerve generally provides more pre- greater latency than the adults (Fig. 17-7).
cise information. Stimulation of the supraorbital nerve
The Blink Reflex 417

Figure 17-6. A. Delayed R1 (arrows) in a 68-year-old man with a mass lesion involving the right anterior
cavernous sinus (cf. Fig. 17-5A). B. Delayed and diminished R2 (bracket) on both sides after stimulation on
the right in the same patient as in A. Stimulation on the left elicited normal R2 on both sides. These find-
ings suggest a lesion involving the afferent arc of the reflex pathway on the right (cf. Fig. 17-13B). C. R1 (ar-
row) and R2 (bracket) after a midline glabellar tap in the same patient as in A and B. Note a delayed R1 on
the right in conjunction with a normal R2, bilaterally. Because of crossed input from the intact trigeminal
nerve, a unilateral lesion involving the afferent arc results in little alteration of R2 when elicited by a mid-
line glabellar tap.

elicited R2 bilaterally in all adults but nerves from 30 healthy subjects 7-67
in only two thirds of neonates, mostly on years of age, the values averaged 1.21 mV
the side ipsilateral to the stimulus (Fig. for direct response, 0.38 mV for R1, 0.53
17-8)11,16,63 and rarely in premature ba- mV for ipsilateral R2, and 0.49 mV for con-
bies.40,49,137 Both direct and reflex re- tralateral R2.69
sponses vary considerably in amplitude In another 50 healthy subjects 12-77
from one individual to the next. In 60 years of age (average age, 40 years), stim-
Table 17-2 Blink Reflex Elicited by Electrical Stimulation of Supraorbital Nerve in
Normal Subjects and Patients with Bilateral Neurologic Diseases (Mean ± SD)
Direct Response R1
Number Right and Left Right and Left Direct Ipsilateral Contralateral
of Combined Combined Response R1 R2 R2
Category Patients Abs Delay Nl Abs Delay Nl (ms) (ms) R/D Ratio (ms) (ms)
Normal 83 0 0 166 0 0 166 2.9 ± 0.4 10.5 ± 0.8 3.6 ± 0.5 30.5 ± 3.4 30.5 ± 4.4
(glabellar (12.5 ± 1.4)*
tap 21)*
syndrome 90 12 63 105 20 78 82 4.2 ± 2.1 15.1 ± 5.9 3.9 ± 1.3 37.4 ± 8.9 37.7 ± 8.4
polyneuropathy 14 4 13 11 7 13 8 5.8 ± 2.6 16.4 ± 6.4 3.1 ± 0.5 39.5 ± 9.4 42.0 ± 10.3
Fisher syndrome 4 0 0 8 0 1 7 2.7 ± 0.2 10.7 ± 0.8 3.9 ± 0.4 31.8 ± 1.3 31.4 ± 1.9
Hereditary motor
sensory neuropathy
type 1 62 9 88 27 0 105 19 6.7 ± 2.7 17.0 ± 3.7 2.8 ± 0.9 39.5 ± 5.7 39.3 ± 6.4
Hereditary motor
sensory neuropathy
type II 17 0 0 34 1 0 33 2.9 ± 0.4 10.1 ± 0.6 3.6 ± 0.6 30.1 ± 3.8 30.1 ± 3.7
polyneuropathy 86 2 20 150 1 17 154 3.4 ± 0.6 11.4 ± 1.2 3.4 ± 0.5 33.7 ± 4.6 34.8 ± 5.3
Multiple sclerosis 62 0 0 124 1 44 79 2.9 ± 0.5 12.3 ± 2.7 4.3 ± 0.9 35.8 ± 8.4 37.7 ± 8.0
Abs = absent response; N1 = normal.
*R1 elicited bilaterally by a midline glabellar tap in another group of 21 healthy subjects.
The Blink Reflex 419

Figure 17-7. RI component

(brockets) of electrically elicited
blink reflex in seven newborn in-
fants, recorded from the orbicu-
laris oculi muscle on the side of the
stimulus (arrows). Two successive
trials in each subject show consis-
tency of R1 response. Neonates of-
ten have polyphasic R1 with pro-
longed duration at times showing
more than one component, sepa-
rated by brief intervals (cases 2
and 5, left). If a submaximal stim-
ulus fails to elicit the initial peak
of R1, measurements to the second
peak may show an erroneously in-
creased latency (case 6, right, sec-
ond tracing). [From Kimura, Bo-
densteiner and Yamada,63 with

ulation of the supraorbital nerve elicited for direct response, 13.0 ms for electri-
both R1 and R2 regularly, whereas that of cally elicited R2, and 16.7 ms for me-
the infraorbital nerve evoked R1 in some chanically evoked R1. Additionally, the la-
cases and R2 in all. Both R1 and R2 had tency difference between the two sides
similar latencies regardless of the nerve should not exceed 0.6 ms for direct re-
tested. Shocks applied to the mental nerve sponse, 1.2 ms for electrically elicited R1,
elicited R1 rarely and R2 inconsistently, and 1.6 ms for mechanically evoked R1.
showing considerably prolonged latency. The R/D latency ratio should not fall out-
Stimulation of the lingual nerve on one side the range of 2.6-4.6, 2 SD above and
side also elicits R2 in the orbicularis oculi below the mean in normal individuals.
bilaterally, as a possible test for lingual With stimulation of the supraorbital
neuropathy.96,112 nerve, R2 latency should not exceed 40 ms
on the side of the stimulus and 41 ms on
the contralateral side. In addition, the ip-
Upper and Lower Limits silateral and the contralateral R2 simul-
of Normal Values taneously evoked by stimulation on one
side should not vary more than 5 ms in
The upper limits of normal, defined as the latency. A latency difference between R2
mean latency plus 3 SD include 4.1 ms evoked by right-sided stimulation and cor-
420 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 17-8. R1 (solid brackets)

and R2 (broken brockets) compo-
nents of electrically elicited blink
reflex in five newborn infants,
recorded from orbicularis oculi
muscle on both sides after unilat-
eral stimulation (arroiws). Each
subject had two successive right-
sided stimuli (rigfht half of figure)
followed by two successive left-
sided stimuli (left half) to show
consistency of reflex responses. All
five infants showed R1 and ipsi-
lateral R2 with small or absent
contralateral R2 (cases 9 and 11,
left, cases 10 and 12, right). [From
Kimura et al,63 with permission.]

responding R2 evoked by left-sided stim- Lesions of the

ulation may show a slightly greater value, Trigeminal Nerve
but not more than 7 ms. With stimulation
of the infraorbital nerve, the upper limit The blink reflex serves as a test of the
is 41 ms on the side of the stimulus and trigeminal nerve, the afferent arc of the
42 ms on the contralateral side. Studies reflex pathways.32,71,73,106,132 In our own
of the mental nerve provide less consis- series, only 7 of 93 patients with trigem-
tent results, but R2 response rarely ex- inal neuralgia had absent or slowed R1
ceeds 50 ms in latency. (see Table 17-3). Excluding 3 patients who
had undergone nerve avulsion before the
test, only 4 patients had abnormalities at-
4 NEUROLOGIC DISORDERS tributable to the disease. These findings
WITH ABNORMAL suggest that the impulse conducts nor-
BLINK REFLEX mally along the first division of the trigem-
inal nerve in most patients with this dis-
order. Usual sparing of the first division
Tables 17-2 through 17-4 summarize a and minimal compression of the nerve, if
10 year experience with the blink reflex in any, probably account for this finding.
our laboratory.54-57,59,63,64,67,71,84,85 A Conduction abnormalities, however, may
brief summary of each category follows. appear after surgery.19
The Blink Reflex 421

Table 17-3 Blink Reflex Elicited by Electrical Stimulation

of Supraorbital Nerve on the Affected and Normal Sides in
Patients with Unilateral Neurologic Diseases (Mean ± SD)
Category and Number Direct Ipsilateral Contralateral
Side of of Response R1 R2 R2
Stimulation Patients (ms) (ms) R/D Ratio (ms) (ms)
Trigeminal neuralgia
Affected side 89 2.9 ± 0.4 10.6 ± 1.0 3.7 ± 0.6 30.4 ± 4.4 31.6 ±4.5
Normal side 89 2.9 ± 0.5 10.5 ± 0.9 3.7 ± 0.6 30.5 ± 4.2 31.1 ± 4.7
Compressive lesion of the
trigeminal nerve
Affected side 17 3.1 ± 0.5 11.9 ± 1.8 3.9 ± 1.0 36.0 ± 5.5 37.2 ± 5.7
Normal side 17 3.2 ± 0.6 10.3 ± 1.1 3.4 ± 0.6 33.7 ± 3.5 34.8 ± 4.1
Bell's palsy
Affected side 100 2.9 ± 0.6 12.8 ± 1.6 4.4 ± 0.9 33.9 ± 4.9 30.5 ± 4.9
Normal side 100 2.8 ± 0.4 10.2 ± 1.0 3.7 ± 0.6 30.5 ± 4.3 34.0 ± 5.4
Acoustic neuroma
Affected side 26 3.2 ±0.7 14.0 ± 2.7 4.6 ± 1.7 38.2 ± 8.2 36.6 ± 8.2
Normal side 26 2.9 ± 0.4 10.9 ± 0.9 3.8 + 0.5 33.1 ± 3.5 35.3 ± 4.5
Wallenberg syndrome
Affected side 23 3.2 ± 0.6 10.9 ± 0.7 3.6 ± 0.6 40.7 ± 4.6 38.4 + 7.1
Normal side 23 3.2 ± 0.4 10.7 ± 0.5 3.4 ± 0.4 34.0 ± 5.7 35.1 ± 5.8

In contrast, 10 of 17 patients with tumor, In these patients, reproducible delay of R2

infection, or other demonstrable causes of bilaterally with stimulation on the affected
facial pain showed an unequivocal delay side indicated involvement of the afferent
of R1 on the affected side (see Fig. 17-6A). arc of the blink reflex (see Fig. 17-6B). The

Table 17-4 Direct Response and R1 and R2 of

the Blink Reflex
Disorders Direct Response R1 R2
Trigeminal neuralgia Normal Normal (95%) Normal
Compressive lesion of Normal Abnormal on the Abnormal on both sides
the trigeminal nerve affected side (59%) when affected side
stimulated (afferent
Bell's palsy Normal unless distal Abnormal on the Abnormal on the
segment degenerated affected side (99%) affected side
regardless of the side
of stimulus (efferent
Acoustic neuroma Normal unless distal Abnormal on the Afferent and/or efferent
segment degenerated affected side (85%) type
Guillain-Barre syndrome Abnormal (42%) Abnormal (54%) Afferent and/or efferent
Hereditary motor sensory Abnormal (78%) Abnormal (85%) Afferent and/or efferent
neuropathy type I type
Diabetic polyneuropathy Abnormal (13%) Abnormal (10%) Afferent and/or efferent
Multiple sclerosis Normal Abnormal with pontine Afferent and/or efferent
lesion, variable type
incidence determined
by patient's selection
Wallenberg syndrome Normal Normal or borderline Afferent type
Facial hypesthesia Normal Abnormal with lesions Afferent type
of the trigeminal
nerve or pons
Comatose state, akinetic Normal Abnormal with pontine Absent on both sides
mutism, locked-in lesion; reduced regardless of side of
syndrome excitability in acute stimulus
supratentorial lesion
422 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

R/D ratio increased, reflecting normal

conduction along the distal segment of the
facial nerve, combined with a delay along
the trigeminal nerve.

Bell's Palsy
Blink reflex latencies reflect conduction
along the entire length of the facial nerve,
including the interosseous portion in-
volved in Bell's palsy.64,69,113,114,125 All
144 patients studied showed either ab-
sence or slowing of R1 during the first
week of Bell's palsy, although the abnor-
malities did not necessarily emerge at the
onset. Delayed or absent R2 on the paretic
side, regardless of the side of stimulation,
indicated an efferent involvement. A few
other patients not included in this series Figure 17-9. Serial changes of RI in a 16-year-old
had a normal blink reflex despite minimal girl with Bell's palsy on the right. Two consecutive
unilateral facial weakness lasting 1-2 tracings recorded on each side show consistency of
RI on a given day. On the affected side, delayed R1
days, perhaps representing an unusually first appeared on the thirteenth day after onset, re-
mild form of Bell's palsy. covering progressively thereafter. Shaded areas in-
In 100 of 127 patients tested serially, dicate normal range (mean 3 SD in 83 subjects).
the previously absent R1 or R2 returned, [From Kimura,61 with permission.]
with preservation of the direct response
throughout the course. This finding im-
plied recovery of conduction across the in- implies an abnormally increased thresh-
volved segment without substantial distal old of the regenerated facial nerve seg-
degeneration (Fig. 17-9). These patients ment to locally applied stimuli despite
generally showed a good clinical recovery propagation of impulses following reflex-
within a few months after onset. The la- ive activation of the motor neurons (see
tency of RI, initially delayed by more than Fig. 7-16).
2 ms on average, decreased during the
second month and returned to normal
during the third or fourth month (Fig. Synkinesis of Facial Muscles
17-10). The magnitude of latency change
at the onset and the subsequent time The RI and R2 components of the blink re-
course of recovery indicated a demyelina- flex both normally involve the orbicularis
tive nature of the responsible lesion. The oculi alone and only rarely, if at all, other
R/D ratios increased as expected from ab- facial muscles.130 During axonal regener-
normalities involving the proximal seg- ation, however, the fibers that originally in-
ment of the facial nerve. In the remaining nervated the orbicularis oculi may supply
27 patients, marked diminution of the di- other facial muscles by misdirection.70 Un-
rect response without return of the reflex der such circumstances, the blink reflex
response during the first 2 weeks indi- elicited elsewhere serves as a sign of aber-
cated axonal degeneration.70 This group rant reinnervation (Fig. 17-11).
of patients had a slow and usually in- Recording an aberrant blink reflex helps
complete recovery associated with synki- identify time-locked discharges involving
nesis. In some of them, RI may return on two independent muscles showing synki-
the affected side, albeit with a delayed la- netic movements. In contrast, volitional,
tency, even though stimulation of the fa- associated movements that clinically mimic
cial nerve fails to evoke a direct response synkinesis lack the exact temporal rela-
of the orbicularis oculi. This discrepancy tionship between the two co-contracting
Figure 17-10. Serial changes In latency difference of RI between normal and paretic sides in 11 patients
recovering without nerve degeneration (A through K). Shaded area indicates the normal range (mean 3 SD
in 83 subjects). The response, if present at onset, showed relatively normal latencies but rapidly deterio-
rated during the first few days. Delayed RI usually returned during the second week, plateaued for 2 to 4
weeks, and progressively recovered in latency during the next few months. [From Kimura, Giron, and Young,64
with permission.]

Figure 17-11. The blink reflex

in the orbicularis oris and
platysma in four patients follow-
ing various diseases of the facial
nerve. Stimulation on the af-
fected side of the face elicited
both RI (small bracket) and R2
(dotted bracket) not only in the
orbicularis oris but also in the
platysma, indicating widespread
synkinesis. The blink reflex
elicited only in the orbicularis
oculi on the normal side of the
face served as a control in each
patient. [From Kimura et al,70
with permission.]
424 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

muscles. Measurement of the size of the flex provides unique diagnostic value. In
blink reflex elicited in muscles other than 33 patients studied, stimulation of the fa-
orbicularis oculi also elucidates the extent cial nerve elicited no direct response in 7,
of aberrant reinnervation. In one series, including 5 tested only after surgical sac-
the blink reflex confirmed synkinetic ac- rifice of the facial nerve. In the remaining
tivation of the orbicularis oris or platysma 26 patients, studies on the affected side
in 26 of 29 patients tested at least 4 showed absent R1 in 5, delayed R1 in 17,
months after total facial nerve degenera- and normal R1 in 4. Analyses of R2 re-
tion.70 One of the remaining 3 patients vealed 6 efferent, 6 afferent, 7 mixed pat-
had injury only to a peripheral branch of terns, and 7 normal responses.
the facial nerve and experienced return of
function with no evidence of synkinesis.
In the other 2 patients, the affected side Polyneuropathy
of the face showed total paralysis and no
evidence of regeneration. These findings Facial or trigeminal nerve involvement in
suggest that synkinetic movements ulti- various polyneuropathies affects the blink
mately occur in nearly all cases after de- reflex (Fig. 17-12A). Unlike the two clearly
generation of the facial nerve, unless the separated components seen normally, a
lesion involves a distal branch or the fa- delayed and temporally dispersed RI
cial nerve fails to regenerate. tends to merge with R2 in a demyelinative
neuropathy (Fig. 17-12B). In such cases,
bilateral recording can delineate the on-
Hemifacial Spasm set of R1 as the response clearly preced-
ing the onset of the contralateral R2,
Patients with hemifacial spasm (see which should approximately coincide with
Chapter 29-7) also exhibit clinical and the ipsilateral R2 (Fig. 17-12C).
electrical evidence of synkinetic move- Different categories of neuropathy show
ments.3,13,33,59,86,149 In these Cases, the distinct abnormalities, as briefly described
appearance of the blink reflex in muscles below.18,37,60,61 Most patients have either
other than the orbicularis oculi may indi- absent or delayed direct and RI responses
cate hyperexcitability at the facial nu- in the Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS),
cleus, ephaptic activation of motor axons chronic inflammatory demyelinative poly-
not normally involved in blinking, or aber- radiculoneuropathy (CIDP), and hereditary
rant regeneration of the facial nerve motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN)
fibers.92,101,102,140 Unlike the constant re- type I or the hypertrophic type of Charcot-
sponses seen after peripheral facial pare- Marie-Tooth disease (CMT1). Patients with
sis,70 successive responses in hemifacial diabetic polyneuropathy have a consider-
spasm may vary in latency and waveform, ably lower incidence of abnormality. The
a finding supportive of ephaptic transmis- Fisher syndrome does not regularly affect
sion.3 Inhalation of anesthetics during the blink reflex, except in patients with
surgery completely suppresses R1 or R2 in peripheral facial palsy, who show a de-
normal subjects, but not on the affected layed R1 on the affected side. The blink
side of patients with hemifacial spasm.93,95 reflex usually shows no abnormalities in
The blink reflex reveals no evidence of synk- HMSN type II or the neuronal type of
inesis in essential blepharospasm, focal Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT2). Pa-
seizures, or facial myokymia. tients with chronic renal failure have an
abnormal blink reflex, which often im-
proves after hemodialysis.135 Exposure to
Acoustic Neuroma trichloroethylene, known to have specific
toxic effects on the32trigeminal nerve, also
A cerebellopontine angle tumor frequently delays R1 latency. Abnormalities of me-
compresses the trigeminal nerve, facial chanically induced blink reflexes seen in
nerve, or brainstem. With possible involve- patients with diabetes showed a correla-
ment of the27,68,84,103,111,118,129
afferent, efferent, or central tion with the degree of hyperosmolality.136
pathways, the blink re- Statistical analyses of the direct response
Figure 17-12. A. Bilateral delay of R1 in
four patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome
(GBS) and four patients with hereditary mo-
tor sensory neuropathy type 1 (CMT). Two
tracings recorded on each side in each sub-
ject show consistency. The top tracings from
a healthy subject serve as a control, with
shaded areas indicating the normal range.
[From Kimura61.] B. R1 in a 55-year-old
woman with chronic peripheral neuropathy
and a monoclonal gammopathy (cf. Fig.
17-5A). Note a substantially delayed and
temporally dispersed R1 recorded by the
slower 5 ms/division sweep instead of the 2
ms/division normally used to obtain this re-
sponse. C. R1 and R2 in the same patient as
in B. Note delayed R2 recorded by the slower
10 ms/division sweep instead of the usual 5
ms/division. The continuity between R1 and
R2 precluded accurate latency determination
of R2 on the right. Nonetheless, the con-
tralateral R2 recorded simultaneously allows
approximate separation between R1 and R2
on the affected side.

426 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

and RI latencies revealed a marked in- R1,50,53,81,.85,100,109 as expected from the

crease in GBS, CIDP, and CMT1, a much effect of demyelination on impulse propa-
lesser degree of slowing in diabetic polyneu- gation. 88,127,150 The incidence of blink re-
ropathy, and no change in the Fisher syn- flex abnormality varies greatly, depending
drome or CMT2 (Table 17-2). The latency on the selection of patients. In general,
ratio of RI to the direct response showed a patients with a longer history of clinical
mild increase in GBS, a moderate decrease symptoms have a higher incidence of
in CMT1 and CIDP, a mild decrease in di- abnormality.
abetic polyneuropathy and a normal value An earlier study of 260 patients with
in CMT2. The latencies of R2, although long-standing disease59 showed a delayed
commonly within the normal range when RI in 96 of 145 patients (66%) who clini-
analyzed individually, had a significantly cally had disseminated lesions as weD as
greater average value in the neuropathies episodes of remission and exacerbation
than in the controls. (Fig. 17-13). The study showed an abnor-
mality in 32 of 57 patients (56%) who had
either multiple sites of involvement with-
Lesions in the Brainstem out relapse or a history of recurrence of a
and Spinal Cord localized lesion. The test revealed alter-
ation of R1 in 17 of the remaining 58 pa-
The blink reflex response to electrical tients (29%) in whom the diagnosis of mul-
stimulation of the supraorbital nerve may tiple sclerosis was suspected but not
also help evaluate lesions of the brain- clinically established. In the same 260
stem2,43,105,138 and spinal cord.104 We patients, R1 was abnormal in 49 of 63
studied 14 cases of intrinsic brainstem le- patients (78%) with clinical evidence of
sions (including 2 mesencephalic, 6 pon- pontine lesions, 50 of 104 (57%) with other
tine, and 4 medullary neoplasms, and 2 brainstem lesions, and 37 of 93 (40%) with
pontine syrinxes) and 20 cases of lesions neither brainstem signs nor symptoms.
extrinsic to the brainstem (including 6 In the 63 patients with clinical signs of
cerebellar and 14 cerebellopontine angle pontine lesions, the average latency of R1
tumors).68 The RI showed a delayed la- substantially exceeded the normal value
tency in all but three cases of medullary but fell short of the delay seen in GBS or
tumors and one case of cerebellar tumor. CMT1 (Fig. 17-14). The normal direct re-
Alteration of R1 by posterior fossa tumors sponse, combined with delayed R1
reflects either intrinsic or extrinsic pon- markedly increased the R/D ratio. Hy-
tine lesions or trigeminal or facial nerve perthermia did not induce significant
involvement by tumor. The R2 response changes in mean reflex latency, ampli-
with its ipsilateral and contralateral com- tude, or duration, even in patients with
ponents helps distinguish afferent from unequivocal blink reflex abnormalities be-
efferent abnormalities. Mixed patterns fore warming.116
suggest combined involvement of the Subsequent studies showed compara-
trigeminal and facial nerves or a relatively ble results.81,85,109,122,143 Another series
widespread brainstem lesion. This simple revealed a lower incidence of abnormali-
technique thus provides a useful addition ties: a delayed R1 in 41 percent of patients
to clinical observation in assessment of with definite diagnosis and 18 percent in
posterior fossa tumors. those with possible diagnoses.50 Other in-
vestigators reported similar rates of ab-
normality in patients referred for electro-
Multiple Sclerosis physiologic testing soon after the onset of
their symptoms.48,123 The blink reflex de-
Alterations of the electrically elicited blink tects only those lesions that affect the short
reflex may result from disorders of the pontine pathway. Thus, a delayed RI, al-
central reflex pathways. Of various lesions though less frequent than visual, so-
affecting the brainstem, multiple sclero- matosensory, or brainstem auditory evoked
sis causes a most conspicuous delay of potentials, helps localize a lesion to the
The Blink Reflex 427

Figure 17-13. A. Delayed R1 on both sides in multiple sclerosis. Two tracings recorded on each side in each
subject show consistency of RI response. The top tracings from a healthy subject serve as a control, with
shaded areas indicating the normal range (mean 3 ± SD in 83 subjects). In addition to increased latency,
R1 obtained in the patients shows temporal dispersion and very irregular waveform compared with the nor-
mal response. None of these patients had unequivocal pontine signs clinically, except for mild horizontal
nystagmus in cases 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7. [From Kimura,59 with permission.] B. R1 and R2 in a 35-year-old
woman with multiple sclerosis and mild facial and abducens paresis on the left (cf. Fig. 17-5B). Stimulation
on the right elicited normal RI and delayed R2 contralaterally, whereas stimulation on the left evoked de-
layed R1 and delayed R2 ipsilaterally. This finding suggests a lesion involving the efferent arc of the reflex
on the left, that is, the intrapontine portion of the facial nerve (cf. Fig. 17-6B). [From Kimura,61 with per-

pons when establishing subclinical dis- tion on the normal side of the face evoked
semination in multiple sclerosis.51 normal R2 bilaterally in 20 of 23 patients.
The remaining 3 patients showed normal
R2 only on the side of stimulation. Stim-
Wallenberg Syndrome ulation of the infraorbital nerve or mental
nerve gives rise to the same pattern of ab-
Patients with the Wallenberg syndrome normality. Various types of blink reflex
have selective alteration of R2 as expected abnormalities reflect different patterns of
from 67,107,146
lesions affecting the lateral me- sensory dysfunction in lateral medullary
dulla. unless the infarct extends infarction.52,98,121,147
to the pons, the latency of RI falls within
the normal range, but when analyzed in-
dividually, the values on the affected side Facial Hypoesthesia
may slightly exceed those on the normal
side (see Table 17-3). In a series of 23 typ- Patients with contralateral hemispheric le-
ical cases, stimulation on the affected side sions also develop an afferent delay of R2
of the face elicited no R2 on either side in indistinguishable from that seen in the
7, low-amplitude R2 in 6, and delayed R2 Wallenberg syndrome.22,35,58,91 This type
in 10 (Fig. 17-15). In contrast, stimula- of abnormality commonly, although not ex-
428 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 17-14. Latency distribution of the direct response and R1 of the blink reflex in normal subjects and
in patients with central or peripheral demyelination of the reflex pathways. The histogram shows delayed
direct response in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, and to a slightly lesser extent in Guillain-Barre syndrome,
and normal response in multiple sclerosis. The RI response is delayed equally in the two polyneuropathies,
but to a lesser degree in multiple sclerosis. [From Kimura,61 with permission.]

clusively, accompanies sensory distur- stem, 16 stimulation on the affected side of

bances of the face. Thus, the electrically the face elicited absent R1 in 6, delayed RI
elicited blink reflex provides a means of in 7, and various combinations of R2 ab-
quantitating facial sensation. In equivocal normalities in the others (Fig. 17-16). Gen-
cases, repetitive stimulation of the right erally, a smaller response indicated more
and left sides of the face alternately every complete sensory loss, and stimulation on
5-10 seconds reveals consistent asymme- a totally anesthetized part of the face failed
try beyond random variations that follow to elicit any response at all.
no predictable pattern. In 6 patients with
bilateral trigeminal neuropathy, blink re-
flex studies revealed slowed or absent RI Other Disorders
bilaterally in 3 and delayed or diminished
R2 regardless of the side of stimulation in A high incidence of blink reflex abnormal-
4. In 19 patients with unilateral disease of ities in handicapped children 138
implies the
either the trigeminal nerve17 or the brain- prevalence of brainstem lesion. Blink re-
The Blink Reflex 429

Figure 17-15. Left lateral

medullary syndrome. Two suc-
cessive stimuli given on the
right (top two pairs) elicited a
normal RI and R2 bilaterally.
Two successive stimuli on the
left (bottom two pairs) evoked
normal R1 but absent Ra bilat-
erally (cf. Fig. 17-19). [From
Kimura and Lyon,67 with per-

flex studies also show abnormalities in Mil-

lard-Gubler syndrome caused by a lesion
at the level of the facial nucleus.39


Direct Involvement of
the Reflex Arc
A substantial increase in latency of RI usu-
ally implies demyelination of either the cen-
tral reflex pathway in the pons53,56,59,81,99
or of the peripheral pathway along
the trigeminal nerve,41,71,106
the facial
nerve, or both.7,27,55,68,85 Pos-
terior fossa tumors may affect RI, either
by compressing the cranial nerves extra-
axially or by involving the brainstem
itself. 17,54,68

Effect of Lesions Outside

the Reflex Pathway
Figure 17-16. R1 and R2 elicited by stimulation of Alteration of RI may also result from le-
the infraorbital nerve in a 39-year-old woman with sions indirectly affecting the brainstem and
syringobulbia and facial numbness on the left (cf. causing excitability changes.59 A reversible
Fig. 17-5B). Stimulation of the right side of the face
elicited normal R1 and R2 bilaterally, but stimula- block of R1 seen in comatose patients usu-
tion on the left evoked only the R1 component. ally indicates acute supratentorial lesions
430 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

or massive drug intoxication.83 The latency cates proximal involvement of the facial
of R1 elicited by a glabellar tap shows a nerve, if the trigeminal nerve conducts nor-
mild increase in patients with acute hemi- mally. Other disorders with increased R/D
spheric strokes but recovers almost com- ratio include multiple sclerosis with pon-
pletely within a few days.35 In some of these tine involvement, compressive lesions of
patients, single electric shocks may also the trigeminal nerve, and Bell's palsy with-
elicit R1 partially or not at all when given out distal degeneration of the facial nerve.
contralateral to the hemispheric lesion. An
apparent increase in the latency of R1 re-
sults if such a stimulus fails to activate the O ANALYSIS OF THE
fastest conducting fibers. In this instance, R2 COMPONENT
paired stimuli with an interstimulus inter-
val of 3-5 ms usually54,58,59
elicit a maximal RI
with normal latency. Direct and Remote Effect
Thus, electrically elicited R1 has a nor- on Polysynaptic Pathways
mal latency even during acute stages of
hemispheric disease, when elicited with As mentioned earlier, analysis of the R2
paired stimuli or other facilitatory ma- component usually allows classification of
to compensate for reduced ex- the reflex abnormality as either afferent
citability. As an inference, the la- or efferent. Some brainstem lesions may
tency of a fully activated RI indicates the give rise to a more complex pattern of re-
conduction characteristics of the reflex flex change (see Fig. 17-1B). Stimulation
arc itself, and a delay of fully activated R1 on one side may reveal unilateral abnor-
beyond the normal range implies a lesion mality of R2 either ipsilateral or contralat-
directly involving the pathway, rather eral to the stimulus, whereas stimulation
than a remote process altering excitabil- on the opposite side shows normal, absent,
ity. In these cases, smaller, slower con- or delayed R2 bilaterally or unilaterally, but
ducting fibers may mediate the reflex re- not necessarily on the same side implicated
sponse following the conduction block of by the contralateral stimulation.
the larger myelinated fibers, or the axons Like RI, changes of R2 may imply lesions
may have slowed conduction across the directly affecting the reflex pathways, as in
demyelinated area. the case of the Wallenberg syndrome, or le-
sions elsewhere indirectly influencing the
excitability of the polysynaptic connections
Degree of Slowing (Fig. 17-17).24,44,67,107,139 For example, any
comatose state renders R2 unelicitable or
In multiple sclerosis, central demyelination markedly diminished in size (Fig. 17-18),
increases the latency of RI to 12.3 ± 2.7 ms regardless of the site of lesion. 14,83,90,126 A
(mean ± SD) compared with 15.1 ± 5.9 ms hemispheric lesion (Fig. 17-19) also sup-
in GBS and 17.0 ± 3.7 ms in CMT1. The presses R2, producing either an afferent
degree of latency prolongation presumably or an efferent pattern of abnormality, per-
reflects the difference in length of the de- haps based on the site of involve-
myelinated segment in the pons and along ment 8,23,35,46,58,72
the peripheral reflex arc. In support of this
view, in Bell's palsy with focal involvement
of the facial nerve the latency of RI in- Level of Consciousness
creases only to 12.8 ±1.6 ms. Patients with and Perception of Pain
compressive lesions of the trigeminal nerve
have a similar degree of delay of RI. A person's state of arousal alters the ex-
Conduction abnormalities affect CMT1 citability of R2 and, to a lesser extent,
and GBS to the same degree (see Figs. R15,12,25,34,65,66,128,133 Analysis of R2 dur-
17-12A and 17-14). A decreased R/D ra- ing sleep has shown marked reduction in
tio found in CMT1 suggests distal slowing stages II, III, and IV and substantial re-
of facial nerve conduction, whereas a covery during rapid eye movement (REM)
slightly increased R/D ratio in GBS indi- sleep, when the excitability approaches
The Blink Reflex 431

Figure 17-17. Various neurologic disorders associated with absent R2 after stimulation of the supraorbital
nerve. Shock intensity was slowly advanced up to 40 mA and 0.5 ms duration. Note virtual absence of R2
regardless of the side of stimulation in cases 2 through 5, with normal RI in cases 2, 3, and 5 and delayed
RI in case 4. [From Kimura,56 with permission.]

that of full wakefulness, showing some un- locked-in syndrome, in alert and ambula-
usual discharge characteristics. Blink re- tory patients with pseudobulbar palsy, and
flex studies may show absent R2 with nor- in alert patients given therapeutic dosages
mal or nearly normal RI in some alert but of diazepam (Valium), which presumably
immobile patients with features of the blocks the multisynaptic reflex arc.56 Corn-

Figure 17-18. RI and R2 in a patient recovering from herpes simplex encephalitis. The stimulus delivered
to the supraorbital nerve elicited neither RI nor R2 on June 9 (not shown) and on June 15 with the patient
in coma. A repeated study on June 19 showed a normal RI but markedly delayed and diminished R2. Note
the progressive recovery in amplitude and latency of R2 contemporaneous with the patients improvement to
full alertness in July. [From Kimura,56 with permission.]
432 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 17-19. Left cerebral

stroke (cf. Fig. 17-15). Paired
stimuli delivered to the right
supraorbital nerve elicited nor-
mal R1 but no R2 on either
side. Stimulation on the left,
however, evoked an ipsilateral
R1 and 58bilateral R2. [From
Kimura, with permission.]

plex psychological events may also selec- fect of a single cutaneous conditioning stim-
tively affect different reflex pathways.124 ulus on this reflex (Fig. 17-20). Healthy sub-
Stimulation on a hypesthetic area of the jects show a greater suppression of R2 than
face elicits a smaller R2 than that evoked of R1 following a conditioning stimulus.
by a shock of the same intensity applied Dissociation between the recovery curves of
to the corresponding area on the normal the oligosynaptic R1 and the polysynaptic
side. Sensory deficits of the face often R2 presumably results from excitability
cause alteration of R2; the reverse, how- changes at the interneuron level.57,144 A
ever, does not hold, because a similar re- conditioning stimulus delivered anywhere
duction of R2 occurs in pure motor hemi- on the face or neck suppresses the test R2
plegia.4,15,22,35,58 In such cases, clinical response elicited by a subsequent stimulus
evaluation may have failed to detect minor when the two stimuli are applied to the
sensory deficits, or supratentorial lesions same or different ipsilateral or contralateral
outside the somatosensory pathways may trigeminal cutaneous fields.57 Thus, the
have inhibited or failed to facilitate the ex- physiologic inhibition must involve the in-
citability of the efferent pathway. terneuronal network diffusely, even in re-
sponse to remote segmental input.
In Parkinson's disease, the recovery of
Altered Excitability R1 follows a normal time course, whereas
of Interneurons the physiologic suppression of R2 by a con-
ditioning stimulus lasts substantially less
Of the two components, R2 habituates than the normal range.68,87 Unlike in nor-
readily in normal subjects but not in pa- mal subjects, the recovery curve of R2 in
tients with Parkinson's disease, whether Parkinson's disease indicates that a cuta-
tested clinically, as with the glabellar taps, neous conditioning stimulus fails to inhibit
or electromyographically.74,82,89,114,120 Sim- interneurons. Interestingly, dyskinetic pa-
ilarly, the blink reflex fails to show physio- tients show more physiologic inhibition of
logic habituation in nocturnal myoclonus, R2, presumably reflecting the reinstate-
a syndrome associated with additional re- ment of dopaminergic suppressive45control
flex components after R2. These findings over the multisynaptic pathway. Addi-
suggest a disorder of the central nervous tional evidence of a change in excitability
system producing increased excitability of includes an abnormally short latency of
segmental reflexes.152 R2 in response to a single maximal stim-
The paired-shock technique reveals the ef- ulus in advanced cases. These findings
The Blink Reflex 433

Figure 17-20. Normal responses

to paired shocks (arrows) deliv-
ered to the left supraorbital nerve
with time intervals ranging from
125 to 400 ms between test and
conditioning stimuli. R1 of the
test response, although slightly
suppressed at time intervals of
125 to 175 ms, remained rela-
tively constant thereafter with the
amplitude equal to the condition-
ing response. The test stimuli
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146. Valls-Sole J, Vila N, Obach V, Alvarez R, Gon- duction delay. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 45:
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tion with clinical and magnetic resonance riodic leg movements of sleep (nocturnal my-
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118:1013-1025, 1995. man. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 47:87-90,
148. Walker DD, Kimura J: A fast-recovery electrode 1984.
Chapter 18

Recurrent versus Reflexive Activation of the Motor Neuron
Block of Antidromlc or Orthodromic Impulses
Latency and Amplitude of the F Wave
Physiologic Characteristics
Clinical Applications
Recording Procedures
Distal versus Proximal Stimulation
Central Latency
F-Wave Conduction Velocity
The F Ratio
Clinical Value and Limitations
Normal Values
Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Diabetic, Uremic, and Other Neuropathies
Entrapment Syndromes
Plexopathy and Radiculopathy
States of Altered Excitability

1 INTRODUCTION ease80 and motor neuron disorders,127 the

method has since gained popularity in
evaluation of a variety of neurologic con-
The F wave results from the backfiring of ditions as part of routine nerve conduc-
antidromically activated anterior horn tion Studies.12,14,49,89,133-135,144,180
cells. Thus its measurement helps in as- The inherent variability of the latency
sessing motor conduction along the entire and configuration makes use of the F
length of the peripheral axons, including wave technically more demanding than
the most proximal segment. Explored first that of the direct compound muscle ac-
in patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth dis- tion potential, or M response determina-

440 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

tion. Nonetheless, this response usefully wave requires prior activation of the mo-
supplements the conventional nerve con- tor axon. The evidence of its recurrent na-
duction studies in characterizing neuro- ture, however, does not necessarily pre-
pathic disorders in general and demyeli- clude the presence of reflex components
nating polyneuropathies in particular. that may still contribute. F-wave ampli-
F-wave latencies, reflecting accumulated tude and persistence serve as a measure
conduction delay, often clearly exceed the of motor neuron excitability, as does the
normal range even in patients with a bor- H reflex. Contrary to the general belief,
derline conduction abnormality. In addi- comparison between the two modes of mo-
tion, the calculation of F-wave velocities tor neuron activation may not help differ-
and F ratios permits comparison of con- entiate whether the observed change in-
duction in the proximal versus the distal volves the presynaptic or postsynaptic
nerve segments.85,87 The F wave also pro- pathway. This uncertainty relates primar-
vides a measure of motor neuron ex- ily to possible differences in inherent sen-
citability, which presumably dictates the sitivity between antidromic and reflexive
probability of backfiring in individual ax- activation, which would bias the result
ons. This section reviews the available (see Chapter 19-2).18,50,77,103,104
methods of F wave determination and dis-
cusses its clinical value and limitations in
the clinical context. Block of Antidromic or
Orthodromic Impulses
2 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE F WAVE Motor neurons subject to recurrent activa-
tion fire only infrequently after a series of
direct motor responses.154 Thus, although
Recurrent versus Reflexive antidromic activation and orthodromic ac-
Activation of the Motor Neuron tivation of motor neurons usually follow the
same physiologic principles,28 additional
A supramaximal electric shock delivered to mechanisms must prevent the motor neu-
a nerve often elicits a late muscle response rons from generating the recurrent re-
that follows the direct motor potential, or sponse with every stimulus.28,141 Recur-
M response. Since the original description rent discharges develop in only a limited
by Magladery & McDougal in 1950, when number of motor units, in part because
they designated it the F wave (presumably the antidromic impulse fails to enter the
because they initially recorded it from in- somata in some of the motor neurons.107
trinsic foot muscles), different authors This type of block often takes place at the
have debated its neural source. With more axon hillock, where membrane character-
proximal stimulation, the latency of the M istics change; but it may also occur more
response increases, whereas that of the F distally, in the myelinated segment of the
wave decreases (Fig. 18-1). Thus, the F axons. In addition, H-reflex discharges, if
wave impulse must first travel away from elicited by simultaneous stimulation of
the recording electrodes toward the spinal the group IA afferent fibers, prevent an-
cord before it returns to activate distal tidromic invasion by collision. This possi-
muscles. This finding supports either a re- bility may paradoxically reduce the F wave
flex hypothesis70,105,111 or a theory based amplitude and frequency when a higher
on recurrent discharge of 21,114,115,166
antidromically excitability results in a greater reflexive
activated motor neurons, or activation of the motor neurons.
both.63,65 The spike potential generated in the
The presence 57,114,115
of the F wave in deaf- soma-dendrite membrane (SD spike)
ferentated limbs117 and after trans- faces a very narrow window for transmis-
verse myelotomy implies that it depends sion. On the one hand, the generation and
on backfiring of motor neurons. Studies us- propagation of SD spike must precede the
ing single-fiber electromyography171 have inhibition via the Renshaw cell, activated
also shown that the occurrence of the F antidromically with a synaptic delay of
The F Wave and the A Wave 441

Figure 18-1. A. Normal M re-

sponse (horizontal brackets)
and F wave (small arrows)
recorded from the thenar mus-
cles after supramaximal stim-
ulation of the median nerve at
the wrist (top) or elbow (bot-
tom). The shift of stimulus
point proximally increased the
latency of the M response and
decreased that of the F wave.
The schematic diagrams illus-
trate the centrifugal (solid ar-
rows) and centripetal impulses
(dotted arrows). [Modified from
Kimura,80 with permission.] B.
Normal M response (horizontal
brackets) and F wave (small ar-
rows) recorded from the ab-
ductor hallucis after supra-
maxiinal stimulation of the
tibial nerve at the ankle (top) or
knee (bottom). With a shift of
stimulus site proximally, the la-
tency of the M response in-
creased, whereas that of the F
wave decreased. [From Kimura,
Bosch, and Lindsay,88 with per-

1 ms. On the other hand, the impulse, if a single motor axon may fluctuate by as
activated too early, cannot travel ortho- much as 2.5 ms, primarily reflecting vari-
dromically through the axon hillock dur- ation in synaptic transmission (see Chap-
ing its refractory period, which lasts for ter 19-2).
1 ms or so after the passage of the an- Slight voluntary contraction may sub-
tidromic impulse. Thus, only the recur- liminally excite soma-dendrite membrane
rent discharges confined to this short time and facilitate antidromic activation of the
interval will have any chance to be sus- SD spike, resulting in increased probabil-
tained. This explains in part why only a ity of a recurrent response. Conversely,
small percentage of the axons give rise to subliminal depolarization of the soma-
F waves even if the antidromic impulses dendrite membrane may prematurely gen-
invade the entire motor neuron pool. Be- erate the recurrent impulse, which can-
cause of a particular set of physiologic not propagate across the still refractory
conditions required for generation and axon hillock. It may also facilitate reflexive
propagation of a recurrent discharge, the activation of motor neurons, blocking an-
latency of successive F waves from a sin- tidromic impulses by collision. The two op-
gle motor axon varies only narrowly be- posing effects of subliminal depolarization
tween 10 and 30 us.154 Parenthetically, of motor neurons render the excitability
the latency of consecutive H reflexes from change unpredictable, but slight voluntary
442 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

muscle contraction usually enhances F generate the repeater F waves, identified

wave activation. Excessive effort, however, by recurrence of the identical waveforms.
may have the reverse effect because, if the This in turn provides a rationale for us-
descending facilitation reaches the thresh- ing the minimal latency of the F wave se-
old and generates an action potential, it lected from a relatively small number of
will protect the motor neuron from an- trials as a measure of the fastest con-
tidromic invasion by collision, precluding ducting fibers. The incidence of repeater
the possibility of recurrent discharge. F waves increases with loss of motor ax-
Up to 5 percent of antidromically invaded ons, as seen, for example, in median nerve
motor neurons give rise to an F wave, re- studies of the carpal tunnel syndrome.109
gardless of their peripheral 23excitability or
conduction characteristics. In normal
subjects, F-wave frequency varies, with a Latency and Amplitude of
mean of 79%, most responses occurring the F Wave
only once during a train of 200 stimuli.137
Partial excitation of the nerve generates re- A few-millisecond interval between the
current discharges in either larger anterior earliest and latest F wave results, in part,
horn cells with lower threshold motor ax- from the difference between fast and slow
ons or smaller cells with higher thresh- motor conduction.140 The nerve conduc-
olds.42,75,79 Furthermore, after progressive tion time changes as a function not only
block of the fast conducting axons by a col- of the speed of the propagated impulse but
lision technique, the F wave continues to also of the length of the fine terminal
appear in proportion to the slow conduct- fibers innervating each muscle fiber. The
ing motor axons that have escaped the col- terminal length determined by the loca-
lision.92 Studies of twitch contraction by tion of endplates probably varies only on
intramuscular microstimulation also show the order of a few millimeters between the
that recurrent discharges occur not only longest and shortest nerve fibers. A slight
in the larger motor neurons with greater change in the length of the unmyelinated
twitch force but also in the smaller motor terminal branch, however, may result in
neurons with lesser twitch force.22 a substantial latency difference. Another
For clinical studies in which both large unknown variable is the distance between
and small axons are activated simultane- the recording electrodes and the motor
ously rather than selectively, anatomic or endplate, where the muscle action poten-
physiologic properties might predispose a tial originates. Because of these factors,
given fraction of the more 69excitable motor the F wave from the fastest conducting
neuron pool to backfiring. In one study fibers may not necessarily show the short-
designed to analyze the constitution of the est latency, and vice versa.92
F wave, additional motor units contributed As described above, motor neuron ex-
a greater potential when 179recruited at citability influences the amplitude and
higher stimulus intensities. In another persistence of the F wave based33,41,42,54,55
on com-
study, however, no consistent correlation plex physiologic mechanisms.
emerged between the latency and ampli- The F wave fails in hypoexcitable cells if
tude of the F wave.44,45 The recurrent dis- an antidromic impulse produces only sub-
charges probably encounter blockage at liminal depolarization. It also fails in hy-
the initial segment more frequently in the perexcitable cells if a voluntarily or re-
smaller, lower threshold motor neurons, flexively evoked discharge eliminates the
which rapidly depolarize.72,79 Preferential antidromic invasion by collision. In addi-
activation of the larger motor neurons may tion, backfiring that occurs too rapidly
result if Renshaw cells inhibit the smaller during hyperexcitable states may abate,
motor neurons more effectively.29,30,68 facing the refractory period of the initial
Hence, the incidence of the F wave may, axon segments. Stimulation of afferent
at least in theory, favor the larger motor fibers may alter central motor neuron pool
neurons with faster conducting axons. In excitability, inhibiting F waves ipsilater-
fact, preferential activation of a few motor ally48175and facilitating them contralater-
units with very strong twitch forces may ally. Subthreshold transcranial mag-
The P Wave and the A Wave 443

netic stimulation, if appropriately timed to ready passed the site of ephaptic trans-
collide at the motor neuron, enhances the mission induced by a slow conducting de-
F wave. A second facilitatory phase seen myelinated axon, thereby preventing the
2-3 ms later presumably represents the collision. An increase in shock intensity
sequential arrival of I waves. A subse- also fails to inhibit the ectopic A wave in-
quent phase of suppression probably sig- duced by antidromic passage of an im-
nals the arrival of inhibitory postsynaptic pulse across a hyperexcitable segment of
potentials generated by the cortical stim- a nerve branch. In this case, paired
ulus.116 Electrical stimulation of the den- shocks abolish the A wave because the
tate nucleus also reduces the size of the second antidromic impulse collides with
F wave in humans.56 the ectopically generated orthodromic im-
pulse. With repetitive shocks, only every
other stimulus gives rise to an ectopic A
0 THE A WAVE AND OTHER wave, because even-numbered shocks
LATE RESPONSES cause collision.
Distal stimulation of the median or ul-
nar nerve at the wrist or of the peroneal
Physiologic Characteristics or tibial nerve at the ankle evokes an A
wave most commonly, whereas proximal
If a submaximal stimulus excites one stimulation above the origin of the collat-
branch of the axon but not the other, the eral sprout or cross talk produces only an
antidromic impulse propagates up to the M response. Thus, a series of stimuli ap-
point of branching and turns around to plied along the course of the nerve may lo-
proceed distally along a second branch, calize the site of bifurcation or the point of
giving rise to a constant late response, ephaptic transmission. Collateral sprout-
called the A wave. This newer designation ing, however, does not always develop at
has replaced the traditional name axon re- the level of the lesion, but frequently well
flex to avoid the implication of its reflexive below the actual site of involvement.61,167
origin. As suggested by its original de- Distal and proximal stimuli may elicit the
scription, the intermediate latency re- same A wave, allowing determination of
sponse, the A wave usually, although not conduction velocity for the short inter-
always, appears between the M response segment of that particular motor fiber.
and the F wave.61 Possible pathophysio- The point of origin and the conduction ve-
logic mechanisms include, in addition to locity of the two branches of the axon in-
collateral sprouting, ephaptic or ectopic volved determine the latency of the A
discharges generated in the proximal por- wave. The unmyelinated regenerating col-
tion of the nerve.9,110 Analogous to the F lateral sprout may conduct the ascending
wave, A wave latencies decrease with more or descending impulses much slower than
proximal stimulation, indicating an ini- the nearby intact axons that relay the F
tially antidromic passage of the impulse. wave. Hence, occasional A waves follow,
With the A waves generated by collat- rather than precede, the F wave (Fig.
eral sprouting shocks of higher intensity, 18-2A.C), making the designation, inter-
activating both branches distally, elimi- mediate latency response, not universally
nates the response, because two an- appropriate.
tidromic impulses collide as they turn The A wave has a constant latency and
around at the branching point (Fig. 18-2A waveform because it originates from the
and B). Thus, supramaximal stimuli nor- same portion of a single motor unit, ei-
mally abolish the collateral A wave alto- ther at a branching point of a collateral
gether, unless surrounding fibrosis or sprout or at a hyperexcitable site vulner-
other structural change prevents the cur- able to ephaptic transmission or ectopic
rent from reaching one of the branches. discharge. In the absence of synaptic con-
In many instances, the ephaptic A wave nection along the pathway, the impulse
may persist despite the use of very high- can usually follow a high rate of repetitive
intensity stimuli. The antidromic impulse stimulation up to 40 Hz. Less frequently,
of the fast conducting axon may have al- repetitive A waves (or an A wave multi-
444 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

plex) occurs after the M response, proba- waveform even if they originate from a sin-
bly representing reverberating ephapsis or gle axon. If repetitive potentials originate
multiple ectopic discharges.95 Repetitive A distally by the orthodromic impulse, their
waves usually fail at high rates of stimu- latencies change with M response, short-
lation and tend to vary in latency and ening with more distal stimulation. High-
The F Wave and the A Wave 445

Figure 18-2. A. A 51-year-old man with low back pain. Stimulation of the right tibial nerve at the ankle
elicited a number of A waves. A series of eight tracings displayed with stepwise vertical shift of the baseline
confirm the consistency. This type of display not only facilitates the selection of the F wave with minimal
latency but also allows individual assessments of all the late responses. Of the three A waves (small arrows,
1, 2, and 3) elicited by weak shocks S (1), stronger shocks S (2) eliminated only the earliest response.
B. Collateral sprouting in the proximal part of the nerve. A strong shock, activating both branches, can elim-
inate the A wave generated by weak stimulation by collision. [From Fullerton and Gilliatt,61 with permis-
sion.] C. A waves after stimulation of the left tibial nerve at the ankle or knee in the same patient as in
A. Proximal stimulation eliminated the A wave (arrow) that followed the F wave with distal stimulation.
D. A 50-year-old man with recurrent backaches following laminectomy. Stimulation of the tibial nerve at the
ankle or knee elicited the A wave (arrow). Like the F wave, the latency of the A wave decreased with proxi-
mal site of stimulation. This indicates that the impulse first propagates in the centripetal direction.

frequency responses probably result from associated with the A wave include various
ephaptlc or ectopic discharge at a focal entrapment syndromes, tardy ulnar palsy,
point of an axon, leading to repetitive re- brachial plexus lesions, diabetic neuropa-
excitation of the same site through com- thy, hereditary motor sensory neuropathy,
plex neural pathways.149,159
A late motor response presumably me-
diated by an axon loop along the nerve
may mimic the A wave.150 Other patho-
physiologic mechanisms for this type of
discharge include reflection of an impulse
and ephaptic transmission distal to the
site of stimulation.66,168 A late potential
may also result from a scattered motor re-
sponse with slow conduction in pathologic
nerves. Again, with proximal stimulation,
the latency of the A wave decreases,
whereas that of a temporally dispersed M
response increases (Figs. 18-2D and
18-3). Analyses of recorded responses us-
ing various models usually prove or dis-
prove the ephaptic hypothesis in each
case.110 The electric field of the muscle
action potential could also ephaptically
reexcite an intramuscular axon, produc-
ing a muscle-nerve reverberating loop.155
In either case, the original muscle poten-
tial and the repetitive discharge maintain
the same interval regardless of the nerve
stimulation point.

Clinical Applications
A waves occur in a heterogeneous group of
patients with peripheral neurogenic disor-
ders and rarely, if at all, in healthy indi- Figure 18-3. Incidental finding of unusual repeti-
viduals. As a sign of neurogenic abnor- tive discharges resembling A waves in a 38-year-old
mality it abounds in acute and chronic man with a history of right pelvic fracture. Stimula-
tion of the right tibial nerve at the ankle or knee
neuropathies, widely varying in patho- elicited the repetitive discharge. Its onset latency
physiology from nerve regeneration to de- shortened with proximal as opposed to distal stim-
myelination. The disease entities commonly ulation, as expected in an A wave.
446 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

facial neuropathy, amyotrophic lateral scle- surface electrode placed over the motor
rosis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and cervi- point of the tested muscle serves as the
cal root lesions.60,95,96,146-148,151,152 active lead (G1) against the reference elec-
trode (G2) over the tendon. An optimal set-
ting for display of F waves consists of an
4 DETERMINATION OF amplifier gain of 200 or 500 uV/cm and
F-WAVE LATENCY an oscilloscope sweep of 5 or 10 ms/cm,
depending on the nerve length and stim-
ulus point. A high amplification and slow
Recording Procedures sweep truncate and compress the simul-
taneously recorded M response into the
A supramaximal stimulus applied at prac- initial portion of the tracing. Most com-
tically any point along the course of a mercially available instruments provide
nerve elicits the F wave. In theory, plac- an option to display the M response and
ing the anode proximal to the cathode may F wave simultaneously, but separately,
cause anodal block of the antidromic im- using two optimal gains.
pulse. In clinical practice, however, the ef- F-wave latencies measured from the
fect of anodal hyperpolarization mostly stimulus artifact to the beginning of the
abates before the arrival of the propagat- evoked potential vary by a few millisec-
ing impulse with the use of an ordinary onds from one stimulus to the next. Auto-
stimulator having two poles separated by matic vertical shifting of successive sweeps
2-3 cm. Thus, the reversal of stimulator helps identify the number of F waves out
orientation provides no added advantage of 16-20 trials and other characteristics of
in the study of F-wave conduction.181 Be- the waveform (Fig. 18-4). Determination of
sides, the importance of maintaining the the minimal and maximal latencies reveals
same cathodal position in eliciting M re- not only the fastest conducting fiber but
sponse and an F wave outweighs the the- also the degree of scatter among consecu-
oretical concern of anodal inhibition. A tive responses, providing a measure of tem-

Figure 18-4. A. Eight consecutive tracings showing normal M responses and F waves recorded from the
hypothenar muscles after stimulation of the ulnar nerve at the wrist and elbow. B. Eight consecutive trac-
ings showing normal M responses and F waves recorded from the extensor digitorum brevis after stimula-
tion of the peroneal nerve at the ankle and knee.
The F Wave and the A Wave 447

poral dispersion. Electronic averaging of a cause the latency of the M response in-
large number of responses permits easy creases, whereas that of the F wave de-
analysis of mean latency, although phase creases. With stimulation at the wrist, el-
cancellation sometimes defeats its own bow, ankle, and knee, the F wave clearly
purpose.31,43,45,73,74,112 occurs after the M response. Axillary stim-
Slight voluntary contraction enhances ulation, however, elicits the 80,81
F wave super-
the incidence of the F wave, thus facili- imposed on the M response. In this in-
tating the analysis, especially if the trial stance, simultaneous stimulation at the
at rest yields only a few responses. Dur- axilla and wrist helps to isolate the F
ing this maneuver, only a small number wave. With this technique, the ortho-
of axons carry 83
a voluntary impulse at any dromic impulse from the axilla and the
given moment. Despite the orthodromic antidromic impulse from the wrist col-
activation in a few motor fibers, the an- lide, leaving the M response from the
tidromic impulse will reach the cell body wrist and the F wave from the axilla in-
in most of the axons and generate recur- tact. These two remaining evoked mus-
rent discharges. Therefore, the late re- cle potentials do not overlap, allowing de-
sponses recorded during mild voluntary tection of the80 F wave elicited by axillary
contraction consist primarily of F waves stimulation.
through motor conduction to and from the On average, the decrease in latency of
spinal cord. With greater effort to contract the F wave equals the increase in latency
the muscle, voluntary impulses collide of the M response, when the stimulating
with antidromic activity in many axons, point moves from the wrist to the elbow
inhibiting the generation of the F wave. In and then to the axilla. Thus, the sum of
this case, reflexively activated impulses, F wave and M response latencies remains
propagated along the motor axons cleared the same regardless of the site of nerve
of the antidromic impulse, may give rise stimulation, providing twice the conduc-
to a late response analogous to the H tion time along the entire length of the
reflex.71,174 axon, plus central activation time of about
1.0 ms. As an inference, F wave latency
from the axilla must equal the sum of the
Distal versus latencies of the F wave and M response
Proximal Stimulation elicited by distal stimulation minus the la-
tency of the M response evoked by axil-
The F wave elicited by distal stimulation lary stimulation.89 That is,
at the wrist or ankle serves as a measure F(A) = F(W) + M(W) - M(A)
of the motor conduction time along the
entire length of the nerve. With diffuse or where F(A) and F(W) represent the laten-
multisegmental lesions, the delay in nerve cies of the F wave with stimulation at the
conduction increases in proportion to the axilla and wrist, and M(A) and M(W) rep-
length of the tested pathway. Thus, rela- resent latencies of the corresponding M
tively mild slowing not identifiable by con- response.6
ventional motor nerve conduction studies For clinical studies, routine procedures
may lead to a delayed F wave. In the study include stimulation of the median and ul-
of F waves, an increased latency detected nar nerves at the wrist and elbow, and of
by distal stimuli results from conduction the tibial and peroneal nerves at the ankle
delay anywhere along the course of the and knee. When necessary, the equation
nerve (see Chapter 7-6). In contrast, com- described above provides the estimated la-
parison of F wave and M response laten- tency of the F wave from any proximal site.
cies with stimulation at the elbow or knee Stimulation of the facial nerve also elicits
can distinguish between distal and prox- F waves,153 although superimposition of
imal slowing. the M response usually makes its recogni-
The F wave first travels in the centripetal tion difficult. Furthermore, inadvertent
direction toward the spinal cord before it stimulation of neighboring trigeminal affer-
turns around distally to activate the mus- ent fibers may simultaneously activate re-
cle. With more proximal stimulation, the F flex responses,172 which may mimic the
wave moves closer to the M response, be- late response.
448 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

5 MOTOR CONDUCTION TO man motor fibers lasts about 1.0 ms or

AND FROM THE slightly less.82,90 Thus, the recurrent dis-
SPINAL CORD charge cannot propagate distally beyond
the initial segment of the axon during the
absolute refractory period lasting 1.0 ms af-
Central Latency ter the passage of antidromic impulse. The
impulse, however, would abate unless it is
Central latency or conduction time from the propagated orthodromically before the in-
stimulus point to and from the spinal cord hibition of Renshaw cells activated by an
equals F - M, where F and M are latencies antidromic impulse with a synaptic delay
of the F wave and the M response, respec- of 1.0 ms. In evaluating the minimal la-
tively (Fig. 18-5). Subtracting an estimated tency, therefore, it seems appropriate to as-
delay of 1.0 ms for the turnaround time at sume a turnaround time of 1.0 ms.
the cell and dividing by two, (F - M - l)/2 A given F wave represents only a portion
represents the conduction time along the of the motor axons available for activation
proximal segment from the stimulus site to of the M response. The interval of a few mil-
the spinal cord. Although no studies mea- liseconds between the earliest and latest F
sured the central activation time at the an- wave results from the difference between
terior cells in humans, animal data indi- the fast and slow conducting motor fibers.
cate a delay of nearly 1.0 ms.64,107,141 The The minimal-latency F wave selected out of
absolute refractory period of the fastest hu- many trials usually, although perhaps not
always, reveals the conduction properties
of the fastest fibers.17,34,80,88,93,134 In some
diseased nerves all the surviving fibers
that contribute to the M response may not
propagate antidromic impulses cen-
tripetally. In this instance, the stimuli that
elicit an M response fail to evoke F waves.
If the fast conducting fibers show proxi-
mal, but not distal, conduction block, the
M response and minimal-latency F wave
represent two separate groups of motor
fibers, not directly comparable for calcula-
tion of conduction velocity. This possibil-
ity diminishes if the increase in latency
of the M response elicited by a proximal
stimulus equals the decrease in latency of
the F wave.80,88,114,134 Comparison of the
sums of the F latency and M latency at
distal and proximal stimulus sites tests
this relationship. If the sums remain the
same, the minimal-latency F wave and the
Figure 18-5. The latency difference between the F earliest portion of the M response repre-
wave and the M response represents the passage of sent the same group of motor fibers, or at
a motor impulse to and from the cord through the least those with the same conduction
proximal segment. Considering an estimated mini-
mal delay of 1.0 ms at the motor neuron pool, the characteristics. This, in turn, provides a
proximal latency from the stimulus site to the cord rationale for directly comparing the la-
equals (F - M - l)/2, where F and M are latencies tencies of these two muscle potentials in
of the F wave and M response. In the segment to various assessments of proximal versus
and from the spinal cord, FWCV = {D x 2)/(F - M -
1), where D is the distance from the stimulus site distal conduction characteristics.84
to the cord, (F - M - l)/2 is the time required to
cover the length D, and FWCV is F-wave conduction
velocity. Dividing the conduction time in the proxi- F-Wave Conduction Velocity
mal segment to the cord by that of the remaining
distal segment to the muscle, the F ratio = (F - M -
1)/2M, where (F - M - l)/2 and M are proximal and In the upper limbs, the surface distance
distal latencies. [From Kimura,85 with permission.] measured from the stimulus point to the
The F Wave and the A Wave 449

C7 spinous process via the axilla and mid- that the various limbs of different lengths
clavicular point approximates80,85
the nerve have the same proportions for the proximal
length under consideration. In the and distal segments.84 Because of individ-
lower limbs, surface measurement follows ual variability, the F ratio has proven less
the nerve course from the stimulus site to useful than theoretically expected as a di-
the T12 spinous process by way of the knee agnostic test. It has, however, provided an
and greater trochanter of the femur.88 The important means to characterize the con-
estimated nerve length divided by the con- duction abnormalities in various neuro-
duction time to and from the spinal cord pathic conditions based on statistical com-
derives the F wave conduction velocity parison between patients and control
(FWCV) in the proximal segment as follows: subjects as a group.
FWCV = (2D)/(F - M - 1) In our normative data, average F ratios
approach unity with stimulation of the
where D represents the distance from the median nerve at the elbow, ulnar nerve,
stimulus site to the cord, and (F - M - 3 cm above the medial epicondyle, the tib-
l)/2, the time required to cover the length ial nerve at the popliteal fossa, and the
(see Fig. 18-5). peroneal nerve immediately above the
The estimated length of a nerve segment head of the fibula (see Table 18-1). With
by surface measurement correlates well stimulation at these sites, therefore, the
with its F-wave latency. Observations in latency of the F wave equals three times
five cadavers showed good agreement be- the latency of the M response plus 1.0 ms
tween surface determinations and actual for turn around time. Thus, the stimulus
lengths of nerves in the upper limbs106 as sites at the elbow or knee dissect the to-
well as the lower limbs.88 F wave laten- tal length of the axon into two segments
cies may provide a useful measure in of approximately equal conduction time
studying limbs of average length20 or in despite the considerably longer proximal
documenting sequential changes in the segment compared with the distal seg-
same subjects. Otherwise, clinical as- ment.88 In fact, calculated FWCV indi-
sessment of F wave latency calls for de- cates faster conduction proximally than
termination of a surface distance to ad- distally, which compensates for the dif-
just for differing nerve lengths162 or the ference in nerve length.17,80,88,89,93,121,134
patient's height with the use of a nomo-
gram.169 For unilateral lesions affecting
one nerve, comparison between the right 6 THE F WAVE IN HEALTH
and left sides in the same subject or one AND DISEASE
nerve with another in the same limb pro-
vides the best yield of abnormality (Tables
18-1 and 18-2).84,178 Clinical Value and Limitations
Clinical uses of the F wave suffer from in-
The F Ratio herent latency variability from one trial to
the next. Determination of the shortest la-
Two latency ratios compare proximal 34,35and tency after a large number of trials can
distal nerve conduction: the F/M ratio, minimize this uncertainty. In one study of
where F represents the latency of the F the normal ulnar nerves,15 a sample size
wave and M, that of the M response, and of 10, as compared with 100, underesti-
the F ratio, which is (F - M - 1)/2M, where mated the F-wave latency by a maximum
(F - M - l)/2 represents the conduction of 2.4 ms, whereas sampling 40 provided
time from the cord to the stimulus site, and an equal value. In another series, results
M, that of the remaining distal nerve seg- following 10 stimuli compared with 100
ment to the muscle. Circumventing the stimuli gave mean latency measurements
need for determining the nerve length, the within 1 ms, whereas 20 stimuli provided
F ratio provides a simple means of evalu- mean latencies within 0.5 ms.52 In group
ating conduction characteristics of the comparison of ulnar nerve F waves, the
proximal versus distal segment (see Fig. lower limit of sample size showing valid
18-5). Clinical use of this ratio assumes results included 16 stimuli or 10 waves
Table 18-1 F Waves in Normal Subjects"
F-Wave Difference Central Difference Conduction
Latency to Between Latency to Between Velocity F Ratio§
Number of Recording Right and from the Right and to and from the Between Proximal
Nerves Site of Site and Left Spinal Cord Left Spinal Cord and Distal
Tested Stimulation (ms) (ms) (ms) (ms) (m/s) Segments
122 median Wrist 26.6 ± 2.2 (31)** 0.95 ± 0.67 (2.3)** 23.0 ± 2.1 (27)** 0.93 ± 0.62 (2.2)** 65.3 ± 4.7 (56)
nerves from Elbow 22.8 ± 1.9 (27) 0.76 ± 0.56 (1.9) 15.4 ± 1.4 (18) 0.71 ± 0.52 (1.8) 67.8 ± 5.8 (56) 0.98 ± 0.08 (0.82-1.14)**,
61 subjects Axilla 20.4 ± 1.9 (24) 0.85 ± 0.61 (2.1) 10.6 ± 1.5 (14) 0.85 ± 0.58 (2.0)
130 ulnar Wrist 27.6 ± 2.2 (32) 1.0 ± 0.83 (2.7) 25.0 ± 2.1 (29) 0.84 ± 0.59 (2.0) 65.3 ± 4.8 (55)
nerves from Above 23.1 ± 1.7 (27) 0.68 ± 0.48 (1.6) 16.0 ± 1.2 (18) 0.73 ± 0.52 (1.8) 65.7 ± 5.3 (55) 1.05 ± 0.09 (0.87-1.23)
65 subjects elbow
Axilla 20.3 ± 1.6 (24) 0.73 ± 0.54 (1.8) 10.4 ± 1.1 (13) 0.76 ± 0.52 (1.8)
120 peroneal Ankle 48.4 ± 4.0 (56) 1.42 ± 1.03 (3.5) 44.7 ± 3.8 (52) 1.28 ± 0.90 (3.1) 49.8 ± 3.6 (43)
nerves from Above 39.9 ± 3.2 (46) 1.28 ± 0.91 (3.1) 27.3 ± 2.4 (32) 1.18 ± 0.89 (3.0) 55.1 ± 4.6 (46) 1.05 ± 0.09 (0.87-1.23)
60 subjects knee
118 tibial Ankle 47.7 ± 5.0 (58) 1.40 ± 1.04 (3.5) 43.8 ± 4.5 (53) 1.52 ± 1.02 (3.6) 52.6 ± 4.3 (44)
nerves from Knee 39.6 ± 4.4 (48) 1.25 ± 0.92 (3.1) 27.6 ± 3.2 (34) 1.23 ± 0.88 (3.0) 53.7 ± 4.8 (44) 1.11 ± 0.11 (0.89-1.33)
59 subjects
*Mean ± standard deviation (SD) in the same patients shown in Tables 6-1, 6-4, 6-11, and 6-13.
Central latency = F - M, where F and M are latencies of the F wave and M response, respectively.
Conduction velocity = 2D/(F - M - 1), where D is the distance from the stimulus point to C7 or T12 spinous process.
§F ratio = (F - M - 1)/2M with stimulation with the cathode on the volar crease at the elbow (median), 3 cm above the medial epicondyle (ulnar), just above
the head of fibula (peroneal), and in the popliteal fossa (tibial).
F(A) = F(E) + M(E) - M(A), where F(A) and F(E) are latencies of the F wave with stimulation at the axilla and elbow, respectively, and M(A) and M(E) are la-
tencies of the corresponding M response.
**Upper limits of normal calculated as mean + 2 SD.
Lower limits of normal calculated as mean - 2 SD.
Table 18-2 Comparison Between
Two Nerves in the Same Limb*
F-Wave Latency Central Latency
Number of Site of to Recording Site to and from the Spinal Cord
Nerves Tested Stimulation Median Nerve Ulnar Nerve Difference Median Nerve Ulnar Nerve Difference
70 nerves Wrist 26.6 ± 2.3 (31) 27.2 ± 2.5 (32) 1.00 ± 0.68 (2.4) 23.3 ± 2.2 (28) 24.5 ± 2.4 (29) 1.24 ± 0.75 (2.7)
from 35 Elbow 22.9 ± 1.8 (26) 23.0 ± 1.7 (26) 0.84 ± 0.55 (1.9) 15.5 ± 1.4 (18) 16.0 ± 1.2 (18) 0.79 ± 0.65 (2.1)
Peroneal Nerve Tibial Nerve Difference Peroneal Nerve Tibial Nerve Difference
104 nerves Ankle 47.7 ± 4.0 (55) 48.1 ± 4.2 (57) 1.68 ± 1.21 (4.1) 43.6 ± 4.0 (52) 44.1 ± 3.9 (52) 1.79 ± 1.20 (4.2)
from 52 Knee 39.6 ± 3.7 (47) 40.1 ± 3.7 (48) 1.71 ± 1.19 (4.1) 27.1 ± 2.9 (33) 28.0 ± 2.7 (33) 1.75 ± 1.07 (3.9)
*Mean ± standard deviation (SD) in the same patients shown in Tables 6-2 and 6-12.
Central latency = F — M, where F and M are latencies of the F wave and M response, respectively.
tUpper limits of normal calculated as mean + 2 SD.
452 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

for minimal and maximal latencies and 20 tween two nerves in the same limb serves
stimuli or 16 waves for chronodisper- as the most sensitive means of examining
sion.125 Recording as many as 40-100 F a patient with a unilateral disorder af-
waves at each stimulus site proved use- fecting a single nerve. Absolute latencies
ful in special studies,130,135 but not in a suit better for evaluating the same sub-
routine clinical test. Determining the la- jects sequentially, as is done in drug tri-
tency differences between two sides or be- als (see Chapter 7-6). Calculation of the

Figure 18-6. A. M response (open brackets) and F wave (small arrows) recorded from the abductor hallu-
cis in two subjects. The patient with Guillain-Barre syndrome had increased F wave latency. The M response
was normal in latency, although reduced in amplitude. B. A 26-year-old man with progressive generalized
weakness of 2 weeks' duration. He had difficulty rising from the chair or climbing stairs. Electrophysiologic
studies on September 18 revealed normal nerve-conduction studies, although the patient was unable to re-
cruit motor unit potentials. On September 24, the minimal F wave latency was increased by 4 ms from the
previous measures with stimulation of the median nerve either at the wrist or at the elbow. Prolongation of
minimal F latency to this degree, if reproducible, suggests a proximal conduction delay. This may be the
only abnormality in some patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome during an acute stage.
The F Wave and the A Wave 453

central latency, the FWCV, and the F ra- a variety of other neuropathies.99 Other
tio provides additional information not categories of disorders associated with F
otherwise available, especially in the com- wave changes include entrapment neuro-
parison of proximal and distal segments pathies, amyotrophic lateral sclero-
(see Tables 18-1 and 18-2). sis, and radiculopathies.35,55 Some pa-

Other measures advocated include F tients with cervical syringomyelia may

chronodispersion based on the degree of have increased F-wave latencies of the
scatter between minimal and maximal median or ulnar nerve with normal pe-
latencies.129,131 As a related matter, F ripheral conduction velocities.138,145
tacheodispersion plots the distribution of Studies of the F wave help characterize
the conduction velocities of individual polyneuropathies in general and those as-
nerve fibers or small groups of nerve fibers sociated with prominent proximal disease
estimated from a large number of con- in particular (Figs. 18-6 to 18-8). In the di-
secutively recorded F waves.13 This value agnosis of more localized nerve lesions such
may show an abnormality in some pa- as radiculopathies, the remaining normal
tients with neuropathy despite normal segment dilutes a conduction delay across
conventional nerve conduction studies. the much shorter segment. Thus, relatively
The F-wave studies show consistent ab- mild abnormalities over restricted segments
normalities in patients with hereditary mo- may reduce the F wave persistence but
tor sensory neuropathy,80,88,128 acute or rarely alter the F wave latency beyond its
chronic demyelinating neuropathy,85,89,93 inherent variability (see Chapter 7-6). In
diabetic neuropathy,17,91 uremic neuropa- fact, in experimental allergic neuritis with
thy,1,132,133 alcoholic neuropathy,101 and demyelination of the ventral root, only 14

Figure 18-7. M response (horizontal brackets) and F wave (small arrows) recorded from the thenar muscles
(cases 1 and 2) and hypothenar muscles (cases 3 and 4) in patients with hereditary motor sensory neu-
ropathy type I. Three consecutive trials in each showed markedly increased latencies of the M response and
F wave, requiring a slower sweep speed of 20 ms/cm instead of the usual 5 ms/cm. Because of slowed con-
duction, the M response and F wave were separated even with proximal stimulation at the axilla, rendering
the collision technique unnecessary. [From Kimura,80 with permission.]
454 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 18-8. A 44-year-old

man with adrenoleukodystro-
phy and diffuse weakness.
Stimulation of the tibial nerve
at the ankle or knee on the
right (A) or left (B) elicited the
F waves in the abductor hallu-
cis. An increase in latency and
duration and a marked tempo-
ral dispersion of the F wave
stand in sharp contrast to the
normal M response (cf. Fig.

percent of the guinea pigs and 7 percent of patients with spasticity.40 Reflex compo-
the rabbits showed an abnormal increase nents may contribute to the late response,
in F-wave latency in fibers with173
normal mo- especially if the patient has prominent hy-
tor nerve conduction velocity. perreflexia. The degree, duration, and type
F-wave characteristics are altered in of spasticity may determine average as well
some patients with upper motor neuron as maximal amplitude of the F wave.62 Un-
symptoms, implying38,46,118
the importance of usually large F waves may appear in asso-
central interaction. As a test of ciation with clinical spasticity and other
motor neuron excitability,113 however, the upper motor neuron signs (Fig. 18-9).47
F wave provides a less sensitive mea- Patients with upper motor neuron disorders
sure than the H reflex.76 Nonetheless, pa- show less facilitation of F waves with vol-
tients with lower limb spasticity show in- untary muscle contraction partly because
creased mean amplitude and duration of already enhanced baseline values have no
the F waves8 elicited by stimulation of the room for further increase.123 The amplitude
tibial nerve. In one study,33 the largest F of the F wave also increases in disorders of
wave, 4.5 percent of the M response in the lower motor neuron, presumably be-
normal subjects, remained the same in cause regenerated axons supply an in-
the patient group with chronic parapare- creased number of muscle fibers.51,156
sis. In patients with spasticity, however,
the F wave became more persistent, mak-
ing the average amplitude of 32 F waves Normal Values
significantly greater than 1 percent of the
M response seen in normal subjects. An- Tables 18-1 and 18-2 summarize the
other study of patients with spasticity ranges and the upper and lower limits of
showed paradoxical reduction in the av- normal latency, defined as 2 SD around
erage F wave frequency in motor neuron the mean, and other aspects of the F wave
disease together with an increased inci- established in the same control subjects
dence of repeater F waves.139 as described in the preceding section for
A higher rate of stimulation tends to in- nerve conduction studies. Placement of
crease F wave amplitude and persistence in the cathode 3 cm more proximally in this
normal persons39 and to a lesser degree in study of the median and ulnar nerves has
The F Wave and the A Wave 455

shortened the average F latency in this se-

ries compared with previous studies.80,88
In addition, an attempt to elicit three
times as many F waves at each stimulus
site and slight voluntary facilitation rou-
tinely employed also increased the chance
of recording the fastest conducting fibers.
Neonates and infants tend to have large
F waves, probably reflecting the immatu-
rity of physiologic inhibition.120 In chil-
dren, the minimal F wave latency remains
relatively constant during the first 3 years
of life because rapid change in conduction
velocity compensates for the increase in
arm length (see Chapter 22). For example,
the minimal F-wave latency of the median
nerve averaged 17 ms in neonates (1 to
28 days), 15 ms in infants (1 month to 1
year), and 16 ms in children (2 to 12 years)
in one study.119 The F-wave latency then
increases until about the twentieth year
of life, when it reaches 95 percent of its
maximal value.98 An older group of sub-
jects have longer F-wave latencies than
young healthy subjects.124

Figure 18-9. A 39-year-old man with chronic

tetanus, diffuse hyperreflexia, and rigidity. Supra- Hereditary Motor
maximal stimulation of the peroneal nerve at the Sensory Neuropathy
knee elicited large F waves in the extensor digito-
rum brevis. Six consecutive trials obtained on each
side show consistency of the response. The average Patients with advanced illness have nei-
amplitude of the F wave was 57% of the corre- ther an M response nor an F wave in the
sponding M response on the right and 43% on the lower limbs,88,128 but they have relatively
left. Reflex components may have contributed to the preserved responses in the upper limbs.
late response despite the use of supramaximal stim-
ulation. [From Risk, Bosch, Kimura et al,142 with These findings support the clinical impres-
permission.] sion that the disease affects the lower limb
more severely (Table 18-3). Mildly diseased

Table 18-3 Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy

(mean ± SD)
MNCV Between FWCV from Cord
Number of Sites of M Latency F Latency Two Stimulus to Stimulus
Nerves Tested Stimulation (ms) (ms) Sites (m/s) Site (m/s)
36 median Wrist 6.4 ± 3.0 55.6 ±26.1 33.7 ± 14.6
Elbow 15.6 ± 7.8 46.1 ± 21.4 30.4 ± 14.6 36.4 ± 14.9
Axilla 22.2 ± 10.6 39.3 ± 17.8 38.9 ± 20.2 38.4 ± 16.8
Wrist 5.2 ± 2.9 55.5 ± 35.1 38.0 ± 18.3 39.2 ± 18.7
31 ulnar Below elbow 13.1 ± 7.9 48.2 ± 29.8 40.2 ± 19.0
nerves Above elbow 18.0 ± 10.6 40.7 ± 27.2 36.6 ± 19.3 42.3 ± 20.8
Axilla 37.3 ± 23.6 42.5 ± 22.1 43.7 ± 18.9
21.3 ± 14.0
10 peroneal Ankle 5.6 ± 1.3 52.8 ± 10.6 47.2 ± 6.9
nerves Knee 15.0 ± 4.8 50.8 ± 19.1 40.7 ± 15.2 41.6 ± 6.8
2 tibial Ankle 5.4 ± 1.4 62.8 ± 21.3 42.9 ± 14.2
nerves Knee 16.2 ± 6.3 52.5 ± 15.3 40.3 ± 14.9 43.9 ± 12.3
FWCV = F-wave conduction velocity; MNCV = Motor nerve conduction velocity.
Figure 18-10. Latencies of F waves and M responses for median (A), ulnar (B), peroneal (C), and tibial
nerves (D) in control, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. The histogram includes
only those nerves whose stimulation elicited both an M response and an F wave at the sites of stimulation
indicated in the key. The difference in latency between F wave and M response (triangles) equals the cen-
tral latency required for passage of the impulses to and from the spinal cord. (From Kimura,87 with per-

Figure 18-10 (cent.).

458 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

nerves may show slow motor conduction in proximal segment. The considerably in-
the distal segment and normal conduction creased F wave latency suggests demyeli-
in the proximal segment.80 In advanced nation of the involved segment (see Fig.
cases, conduction abnormalities affect both 18-10).58
segments equally. A bimodal distribution of Many patients have a normal F ratio,
motor nerve conduction velocities165 sup- which indicates an equal slowing of con-
ports the dichotomous separation into hy- duction above and below the stimulus site
pertrophic and neuronal types, or Charcot- at the elbow and knee. This does not nec-
Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) 1 and CMT 2 essarily mean uniform abnormalities along
(see Chapter 25-5). Intermediate F-wave la- the entire length of the peripheral nerve.
tencies seen in the present series probably In our series, the cord-to-axilla segment
reflect extreme variability of conduction showed slowing more frequently than the
over a wide spectrum in each group (Fig. elbow-to-wrist segment for both the me-
18-10). dian and ulnar nerves. In calculating the
F ratio, a marked increase in terminal la-
tency compensated for the prominent prox-
Guillain-Barre Syndrome imal abnormalities.
Conduction abnormalities may involve
any segment of the peripheral nerve in Diabetic, Uremic, and
this syndrome (Table 18-4). The disease Other Neuropathies
commonly affects the most proximal, pos-
sibly radicular, portion of the nerve and Clinical observations of a glove and stock-
the most distal or terminal segment, rel- ing distribution of neuropathic symptoms
atively sparing the main nerve trunk in do not necessarily imply a distally domi-
early stages (see Chapter 25-3).85,89,93 nant pathologic process (see Chapter
The routine conduction studies may show 25-2). In fact, probability models can re-
normal results in 15-20 percent of cases produce the same sensory deficit on the
tested within the first few days of onset.32 basis of randomly distributed axonal dys-
Some of these patients may have axonal function.176 Diabetic neuropathy shows
neuropathies, but others probably have notable F-wave changes, reflecting con-
the lesion too proximal for detection with duction abnormalities over both proxi-
the use of ordinary techniques. These mal and distal segments,17,26,58,91,170 al-
cases typically show absent F waves ini- though not as a universal finding in mild
tially during acute stages of illness. The cases.122 In fact, minimal F wave latency
return of the previously absent F wave in- serves as the most sensitive and repro-
dicates recovery of conduction across the ducible measure of conduction slowing in

Table 18-4 Guillain-Barre Syndrome (mean ± SD)

M F MNCV Between FWCV from Cord
Number of Sites of Latency Latency Two Stimulus to Stimulus
Nerves Tested Stimulation (ma) (ms) Sites (m/s) Site (m/s)
Wrist 5.8 ± 3.1 38.1 ± 12.7 48.6 ± 11.1
58 median 48.2 ± 12.1
Elbow 11.2 ± 4.8 32.6 ± 9.9 49.1 ± 11.4
nerves 55.5 ± 14.1
Axilla 14.5 ± 5.7 29.4 ± 9.5 47.5 ± 14.5
Wrist 4.0 ± 2.0 36.8 ± 8.6 48.1 ± 9.7
40 ulnar Below elbow 8.3 ± 2.5 32.1 ± 7.1 52.2 ± 10.7 47.4 ± 9.6
nerves Above elbow 11.2 ±3.5 29.7 ± 8.7 56.8 ± 14.9 47.4 ± 10.7
Axilla 13.7 ± 4.8 27.2 ± 6.2 48.0 ± 12.3
39 peroneal Ankle 7.6 ± 4.8 59.9 ± 11.5 42.5 ± 8.7
43.0 ± 8.2
nerves Knee 16.9 ± 5.8 50.6 ± 10.3 43.9 ± 11.8
29 tibial Ankle 5.6 ± 2.3 56.4 ± 10.6 42.7 ± 8.8
43.3 ± 9.0
nerves Knee 14.6 ± 3.8 47.9 ±9.4 43.8 ± 9.9
FWCV = F-wave conduction velocity; MNCV = Motor nerve conduction velocity.
The F Wave and the A Wave 459

patients with diabetes mellitus (see Chap- less, a reduced F ratio of the median nerve
ter 7-6).4,94 The average value and distri- in the carpal tunnel syndrome rivals that
bution of the F ratio indicate distally in diabetic neuropathy (see Fig. 18-11).91
prominent conduction abnormalities de- F waves may also show abnormalities in
spite slowing along the entire length of the compression neuropathies of the ulnar
nerve (Fig. 18-11). In contrast, patients nerve. Differences between minimum and
with proximal amyotrophy may have an maximum F-wave latencies may provide a
increased F ratio in the lower limbs.11 sensitive indicator for early detection of
Patients undergoing hemodialysis for this syndrome.157,158 In the carpal tunnel
chronic renal112 or hepatic37 failure have syndrome, unaffected neurons backfire at
an increased F wave latency and a latency higher than normal frequencies, resulting
difference between the minimum and in an increased percentage of repeater F
maximum values. In some of these pa- waves.109
tients, an increased F ratio implies pre-
dominant affection of the proximal nerve
segment;10 in others, slowing of nerve Plexopathy and Radiculopathy
conduction involves both segments to the
same extent.36 A number of reports have suggested clin-
ical value in assessing patients with root
injuries.34,35,53,78,126,164,169 The F wave
Entrapment Syndromes usually remains normal in latency in most
cases of radiculopathy, even if the lesion
In general, the F wave latency fails to pro- affects the motor fibers. Thus, normal
vide a sensitive measure for the evalua- studies do not preclude the presence of
tion of entrapment syndromes because radicular lesions. In the thoracic-outlet
disproportionately longer unaffected seg- syndrome, the F wave latency may in-
ments tend to dilute the focal conduction crease in the classic type with neuronal
abnormalities (see Chapter 7-6). Nonethe- involvement,24,67,177,178 but rarely if vas-
cular symptoms predominate.84,157,158 F-
wave changes render useful information in
some children with brachial plexus injury
at birth,97 but the results may remain
normal in clinically established cases of
brachial or lumbosacral plexopathy.2
In general, the F-wave determination
provides only limited help as might be ex-
pected on theoretical grounds in the early
diagnosis of focal abnormalities.51,143 An
unequivocal delay or absence of the F
wave in conjunction with normal motor
conduction distally, however, indicates a
proximal lesion (Fig. 18-12). Right-sided
versus left-sided comparison is usually a
reliable means of assessing unilateral le-
sions, although even this measure often
falls short of documenting small latency
change.84 The F-wave persistence declines
on the affected side, compared with the
normal side, when the proximal lesion in-
Figure 18-11. F ratio of the median nerve in the duces partial conduction block. F chrono-
control group, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), and dispersion shows a more postural effect
diabetic polyneuropathy. Statistical analysis showed than the minimal latency in patients with
significantly (p 0.01) reduced ratios in both disease
groups, indicating disproportionate slowing of mo- lumbosacral root compression and canal
tor conduction distally. [From Kimura,86 with per- stenosis.163 In some patients with neuro-
mission.] genic claudication, serial studies before
460 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 18-12. A patient with

a sacral plexus lesion on the
left. Stimulation of the tibial
nerve at the ankle and knee
elicited an M response (open
brackets) and F wave (small ar-
rows) in the abductor hallucis.
Note the increased F wave la-
tency on the affected side de-
spite a normal M response.

and after ambulation reveal dynamic al- plitude and persistence.59 In our experi-
terations in F-wave persistence and la- ence, hysterical paresis also reduces F-
tency.108,136,161 These reversible changes wave excitability, probably because of the
suggest ischemic conduction block and lack of facilitatory drive.
slowing in proximal motor axons, cor- Systematic administration of anesthetic
roborating a neurologic origin for the agents intravenously affected100F-wave ex-
symptoms. citability only little, if at all. Intrathe-
cal baclofen application, however, altered
F-wave mean and maximum amplitude as
States of Altered Excitability well as mean duration, in a quantifiable
manner.25 Intravenous or subcutaneous
Spinal shock suppresses the H reflex and injections of thyrotropin-releasing hor-
F wave below the lesion very early after mone rapidly7 increased the amplitude of
injury. Although H reflexes tend to recover the F waves.
within days, F waves may remain absent
for weeks.102 In one series,19 50 percent
of the acute spinal cord injury patients REFERENCES
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161. Tag LM, Schwartz MS, Swash M: Postural ef- rol Sci 29:39-53, 1976.
fects on F wave parameters in lumbosacral root 177. Weber RJ, Piero DL: F-wave evaluation of tho-
compression and canal stenosis. Brain 111: racic outlet syndrome: A multiple regression
207-213, 1988. derived F wave latency predicting technique.
162. Tanenbaum DI, Jabre JF: New method for ex- Arch Phys Med Rehabil 59:464-469, 1978.
pressing F-wave data as conduction velocity. 178. Wulff CH, Gilliatt RW: F waves in patients with
J Electromyogr Kinesiol 1:68-74, 1991. hand wasting caused by a cervical rib and
163. Tang LM, Schwartz MS, Swash M: Postural ef- band. Muscle Nerve 2:452-457, 1979.
fects on F wave parameters in lumbosacral root 179. Yates SK, Brown WF: Characteristics of the F
compression and canal stenosis. Brain 111: response: A single motor unit study. J Neurol
207-213, 1988. Neurosurg Psychiatry 42:161-170, 1979.
164. Thacker AK, Misra S, Katiyar BC: Nerve con- 180. Young RR, Shahani BT: Clinical value and lim-
duction studies in upper limbs of patients with itations of F-wave determination. Muscle Nerve
cervical spondylosis and motor neurone dis- 1:248-250, 1978.
ease. Acta Neurol Scand 78:45-48, 1988. 181. Young MS, Triggs WJ: Effect of stimulator ori-
165. Thomas PK, Came DB, Stewart G: Hereditary entation on F-wave persistence. Muscle Nerve
motor and sensory polyneuropathy (peroneal 21:1324-1326, 1998.
Chapter 19

H Reflex versus F Wave
Recording Procedures of the Soleus H Reflex
Excitability and the Recovery Curve
Clinical Applications
Methods and Normal Values
Clinical Applications
Masseteric Silent Period
Normal and Abnormal Responses
Clinical Applications
Silent Period
Physiologic Mechanisms
Potentials That Break Through the Silent Period

1 INTRODUCTION sensory and motor axons as well as the

excitability of the neuronal pool.
Extensive studies have proven the prac-
Traditional nerve stimulation techniques tical value of the H and T reflexes in cer-
primarily assess the distal segments of the tain neurologic disorders. Clinical app-
peripheral nerves. Methods of testing the lications of the other techniques mentioned
proximal nerve segments or the central here await further confirmation, even
nervous system include, in addition to the though they have contributed substan-
blink reflex (see Chapter 17) and F wave tially as a means of quantitating physio-
(see Chapter 18), the H reflex, T reflex, logic studies of motor and sensory systems.
tonic vibration reflex, and silent period. This chapter reviews the basic physiology
The reflex studies reveal conduction char- and diagnostic usefulness of these tech-
acteristics along the entire course of the niques in evaluating the regions of the
H, T, Masseter, and Other Reflexes 467

nervous system not accessible by the con- flex can be evoked in the soleus and plan-
ventional methods. tar foot muscles after stimulation of the
tibial nerve and less consistently in the
flexor carpi radialis after stimulation of
2 H REFLEX AND T REFLEX the tibial and median nerves at
rest.85,105,182,283,318 stimulation of the
femoral nerve also can elicit a reflex re-
Neurologic examination exploits the mus- sponse of the quadriceps in some but not
cle stretch reflex to measure motor neu- all subjects.8,129 When necessary, mild vol-
ron excitability in spasticity and other re- untary contraction primes the motor neu-
lated conditions. Clinical observation, ron pool sufficiently to allow reflexive acti-
however, falls short in objectively evaluat- vation of other muscles such as biceps
ing the briskness, velocity, or symmetry of brachii, extensor digitorum longus, and tib-
these responses. Electrophysiologic record- ialis anterior.47,84,128,147,261,297,318,372 Un-
ings offer these advantages by quantitating der this condition, H-reflex latencies ex-
the response after a mechanical tap to the ceeded minimal F-wave latencies when
Achilles tendon or electrical stimulation of evaluating the abductor pollicis brevis and
the tibial nerve. The electrically elicited tibialis anterior but not the soleus mus-
spinal monosynaptic reflex, called the H cle.37 Thus, the H reflexes elicitable only
reflex after Hoffmann, bypasses the mus- when primed by voluntary contraction may
cle spindles, although otherwise it is iden- preferentially involve the low threshold slow
tical in many respects to the stretch re- conducting motor neurons, whereas the
flex induced by a163mechanical tap to the minimal latency F waves represent the high
tendon (T) reflex. Comparison of the H threshold fast conducting pools.
and T reflexes, therefore, provides an in- Despite the traditional emphasis on
direct measure of spindle sensitivity con- homonymous activation, IA afferents have
trolled by the gamma motor system. In a widespread projection to heteronymous
healthy adults, electrical stimulation elic- motor neuron pools. For example, the bi-
its H reflexes only when applied to the me- ceps brachii receive monosynaptic excita-
dian or tibial nerve. In contrast, mechani- tion from afferents in the median nerve at
cal stretch of any muscle evokes T reflexes. the elbow as shown by poststimulus time
For example, tapping the voluntarily con- histograms of voluntarily active motor
tracted erector spinae evokes two compo- units.49 In fact, stimulation of the median
nent stretch reflexes, short-latency Rls nerve at the elbow elicits a reproducible
considered segmental in origin, and long- heteronymous monosynaptic reflex in the
latency R2, induced by the suprasegmen- contracting biceps brachii, producing a
tal pathway.342 In one study,215 mechan- response smaller than the homonymous
ical stimuli to the ankle and patellar but H reflex evoked by stimulation at Erb's
not triceps tendon elicited the T reflex point.261 Similarly, stimulation of the me-
consistently in healthy subjects, suggest- dian nerve at the elbow elicits the H re-
ing their clinical value. The tendon jerk flex not only in the flexor carpi radialis
reflex elicited by a mechanical tap, how- as expected but also in the flexor digito-
ever, provides an incomplete picture of the rum profundus innervated by the ulnar
pathologic changes compared with more nerve.286 These findings offer physiologic
complex patterns of response following evidence in humans of monosynaptic ex-
muscle stretch caused by active or pas- citation from group IA afferents to het-
sive movement.114 eronymous muscles.
The limited distribution of the H reflex
at rest stands in contrast to an unre-
H Reflex versus F Wave stricted elicitation of the F wave in prac-
tically any distal limb muscle. The effect
Stimulation of most nerves in the limb, of increasing stimulus intensity also dis-
including the ulnar nerve, elicits an H re- tinguishes the two (Fig. 19-1). The H re-
flex in newborn infants and during the flex amplitude increases initially as the
first year of life.161,346 In adults, the re- stimulus changes from subthreshold to
468 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

selectivity. If the stimulus activates any

motor axons eliciting an M response, the
antidromic impulse in those axons can
generate recurrent discharges. Thus, sub-
maximal intensity does not guarantee the
reflex origin of the late response. In con-
trast to these human characteristics,
studies in rats show near-maximal H re-
flex elicited by shock intensities supra-
maximal for M response.50
Possible mechanisms for the extinction
of the H reflex with increasing stimulus
intensity include (1) collision of the reflex
impulse with antidromic activity in the al-
pha motor axon, (2) refractoriness of the
axon hillock after the passage of the an-
tidromic impulse, and (3) Renshaw inhi-
bition mediated by motor neuron axon
collaterals via internuncial cells to the
same 97,300,355
and neighboring alpha motor neu-
rons. In humans, unlike in ani-
mals, the antidromic volley arrives after the
monosynaptic excitation because the fast
conduction of the IA afferents more 96,178
compensates for the synaptic delay.
Therefore, under normal conditions, the H
reflex discharge protects the motor neurons

Figure 19-1. H reflex recorded from the soleus af-

ter stimulation of the tibial nerve at the knee. Shock
intensity was gradually increased from subthreshold
level (1) to supramaximal stimulation (8). Note the
initial increase and subsequent decrease in ampli-
tude of the reflex potential with successive stimuli of
progressively higher intensity. The H reflex normally
disappears with shocks of supramaximal intensity
that elicit a maximal M response and F wave.

submaximal. With a higher shock inten-

sity, the H reflex diminishes progressively,
and the F wave appears instead with a
slightly longer latency when the stimulus
elicits a maximal compound muscle ac-
tion potential or M response. The soleus
H reflex, elicitable at rest, has a shorter
latency than the minimal F wave, indi-
cating the participation of the fast con-
ducting afferent and efferent fibers. This
stands in contrast to the slower conduct-
ing motor neurons activated reflexively
only after priming with voluntary con-
traction.37 An optimal elicitation of the H
reflex requires maximal stimulation of the Figure 19-2. The H reflex from the soleus after
group IA afferent fibers without concomi- stimulation (arrow) of the tibial nerve at the knee.
tant activation of motor fibers, although Consecutive trials show consistency of the response
in practice few stimuli accomplish such on each side.
H, T, Masseter, and Other Reflexes 469

from antidromic invasion while at the same As mentioned earlier, this reflects a
time being eliminated by collision. Gamma greater variability in synaptic transmis-
hydroxybutyrate, known to promote cata- sion at a motor neuron compared with a
plexy, markedly suppresses the H reflex, relatively constant turnaround time for a
presumably by presynaptic inhibition, recurrent discharge.183,315,355 In one
without affecting the F wave.240 A differen- study, the latency of successive H reflexes
tial effect on the two responses may not recorded from single muscle fibers of the
serve as an indirect measure of presynap- human triceps surae varied up to 2.5
tic inhibition of IA fibers mediating the H ms.355 In a similar study, H-reflex jitter
reflex because changes in motor neuron ex- showed a direct correlation with H-reflex
citability influence the F wave much less latency, which, therefore, may serve as an
than the H reflex.178 indirect measure of the motor unit size
Consecutive F waves characteristically and recruitment threshold.184
vary in latency and waveform, because
they represent recurrent discharges of dif-
ferent groups of motor neurons with vari- Recording Procedures
able conduction characteristics. In con- of the Soleus H Reflex
trast, H reflexes remain relatively constant
if elicited by the same stimuli because The H reflex recorded with the patient
each trial activates the same motor neu- supine or prone suffices in clinical deter-
ron pool as long as motor neuron ex- mination of reflex latencies (Fig. 19-3). For
citability remains the same126 (Fig. 19-2). an accurate analysis of the amplitude or
The amplitude of the H reflex, however, force of the reflex response, the subject
declines when activated repetitively.120 sits upright in a modified dental chair.
The low-frequency depression seen at a With this arrangement, a potentiometer
stimulus rate of 1 pulse per second may monitors the movement of the feet, and175a
result from processes intrinsic to the force transducer measures the torque.
presynaptic bouton.176 In testing individ- A soft cushion supports the knee, semi-
ual axons with single-muscle-fiber record- flexed at about 120 degrees. Maintaining
ing, the latency variability of consecutive the angle of the ankle joint constant at
H reflexes far exceeds that of the F waves. about 110 degrees helps establish optimal

Figure 19-3. Recording of electrically induced H reflex from the soleus muscle with the active electrode (Gi)
on the medial surface of the leg at the edge of the tibia, one half to two thirds of the way from the popliteal
fossa to the ankle, and the reference electrode (G2) over the Achilles tendon. Shocks of submaximal intensity
and long duration (1 ms) applied at the popliteal fossa optimally activate the afferent fibers of the tibial nerve.
470 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

relaxation of the calf muscle. The tradi- cle contraction with a transducer placed
tional recording uses the active electrode against the foot plate. In isotonic condi-
(Gi) placed 2 cm distal to the insertion of tions, a potentiometer mounted on the
the gastrocnemius on the Achilles tendon axis of the foot plate determines the de-
and the reference electrode (02), 3 cm fur- gree and rate of foot displacement. The
ther distally, with a ground electrode lo- common evaluation of muscle action po-
cated between the stimulating and record- tentials recorded reflexively from the soleus
ing electrodes. An alternative, generally include the onset latencies of the H and
preferred, derivation consists of GI placed T reflexes determined to the initial deflec-
over the soleus just medial to the tibia, half tion, either negative or positive, Hmax/
the distance from the tibial tubercule to the Mmax and Tmax/Mmax, where Hmax, Mmax,
medial malleolus, and G2 over the Achilles and Tmax represent the maximal ampli-
tendon medial and proximal to the medial tude of the H reflex, M response, and T
malleolus.70 A second pair of electrodes, reflex. Submaximal M responses exceed-
placed over the belly of the anterior tibialis ing 5-10 percent of the maximal size
muscle 3 cm apart, along the longitudinal closely resemble the waveform of the to-
axis and near midline, monitors the an- tal response.172 This provides a rationale
tagonistic muscle. Intramuscular studies for expressing H- and T-reflex amplitudes
reveal a substantially greater contribution as a percentage of the M response. In as-
of the soleus compared with either medial sessing these indices, the subject must
or lateral gastrocnemius in the surface- control the degree of muscle contraction
recorded H reflex.247 Thus, the recorded H lest variability of baseline tension alter the
reflex varies in amplitude and waveform de- H-reflex magnitude.366 Hmax/Mmax is
pending on the placement of the recording greater when recorded from the soleus
electrodes. It appears as a triphasic poten- than from the gastrocnemius.271
tial with initial positivity with electrodes
placed over the gastrocnemius and as a
diphasic potential with initial negativity Excitability and the
when recorded from the soleus. Recovery Curve
The effective modes of stimuli include
(1} an electrical or magnetic stimulation When elicited with an optimal mechanical
applied to the tibial nerve at the SI nerve or electrical stimulus, the amplitude of the
root, sciatic nerve, or popliteal fossa (H re- H and T reflexes provides a measure of mo-
flex); (2) a tap of the Achilles tendon with tor neuron excitability. 23,206,284,347,365,371
a reflex hammer fitted to trigger the os- Suppression of the H reflex, however, may
cilloscope (T reflex), and (3) a mechanical also result from presynaptic inhibition of
stretch by quick displacement of the an- IA afferents. In general, preservation of F
kle. The ability to elicit the soleus H waves associated with a suppressed H re-
reflex from stimulation distally and prox- flex suggests a reduction of excitatory in-
helps localize the site of involve- put rather than decreased excitability of
ment. standard- motor neurons.227 As stated earlier in this
ization of stimulus conditions ensures chapter, however, methodological prob-
reproducible results. The amplitude of the lems confound the comparison of the F
H reflex and its relationship to the M re- wave and H reflex in elucidating the re-
sponse change with stimulus duration. sponsible physiologic mechanisms of ex-
Based on the recruitment curves, a stim- citability change.179 Nonetheless, the H-
ulus duration between 0.5 and 1 ms best reflex measurement helps in quantita-
elicits H reflexes.268,287 Stepwise change tively evaluating supraspinal and seg-
of shock intensities helps determine opti- mental inputs on the alpha motor neu-
mal electrical stimuli for obtaining the rons 13,80,81,117,225,229,376
maximal responses. In studying the T re- Postural changes play an important
flex, a handheld reflex hammer often gives role. For example,
acceptable results equal in reliability to lateral tilting modulates the soleus H re-
complicated instrumental stimulators.334 flex through vestibular influences, show-
Studies under isometric conditions ing ipsilateral suppression and contralat-
should measure the force of induced mus- eral facilitation.5,6 These data indicate that,
H, T, Masseter, and Other Reflexes 471

in humans, as in the decerebrate cat, tonic citability may change as the secondary
labyrinth reflexes act asymmetrically. Cal- effect of group IA inflows caused by
oric stimulation of the labyrinth facilitates mechanical stretch of the ankle extensor
the H reflex bilaterally.79,83 muscles on relaxation of the flexor mus-
Sleep in general, and the rapid eye move- cles.61,176,188 Selective cutaneous stimu-
ment period in particular, depresses the lation of the peroneal or tibial nerve
reflex.161 The background fusimotor ac- circumvents such ambiguity.230,294 In nor-
tivity has little or no influence in elicit- mal subjects, it results in marked am-
ing an Achilles' tendon jerk during plitude reduction of the test response at an
complete relaxation,41,42 although spindle interstimulus interval of about 100
discharges induced by shortening the ms130,131,173,174 This physiologic inhibition
homonymous muscle depress the mono- may not occur in the presence of parkin-
synaptic reflexes.377 Descending motor sonian rigidity.246 Conditioning cutaneous
commands that produce patterned volun- stimulation may even facilitate the H reflex
tary activity during pedaling normally in patients with corticospinal lesions.
causes facilitation during the downstroke The use of a subthreshold conditioning
and suppression during the upstroke. Loss stimulus provides another way of assess-
of this supraspinal control over the spinal ing supranuclear control of the H reflex.
inhibitory mechanism may contribute to The excitability curve plotted by this
the functional disability in spasticity.31 method consists of an early facilitation last-
Other related areas of interest include ing 25 ms and a period of predominant de-
spasticity 32,63,111,113,211,232,296,298,344,348,378 pression for the next 500 ms before the ex-
dystonia,33 task-dependency,45,94,95,319 citability approaches the control level (Fig.
drug effect,238 anesthesia,228,249,272 pre- 19-4). Superimposed on this long-lasting
paratory anticipation,121 and selective suppression, interceding potentiation be-
rhizotomy.55-71-234 gins from 50 to 200 ms or sometimes up
The paired-shock technique reveals the to 300 ms, peaking at 150 ms. Initial fa-
time course of alteration in motor neuron cilitation coincides with the excitatory post-
excitability by means of conditioning and synaptic potential in subliminally activated
test stimuli.195,285,381 Shocks of supra- alpha motor neurons.340 Subsequent de-
threshold intensity exert two opposing ef- pression presumably reflects presynaptic
fects on the excitability of the motor neu- inhibition or transmitter depletion. The in-
ron pool: On the one hand, those motor tervening relative facilitation, seen bilater-
neurons that have discharged in response ally with unilateral conditioning,305 may re-
to the conditioning stimulus become less re- sult from interaction of segmental or long
sponsive to a subsequent stimulus because loop reflexes.130,131
of the refractory period, the Renshaw effect, The paired-shock technique also re-
and other inhibitory mechanisms. On the veals19,21.46,62,196,266,269,379
the effects of reciprocal inhibi-
other hand, the remaining motor neurons, tion and reflex in
activated subliminally by the conditioning teractions.154,235 For example, femoral
stimulus, become more excitable in re- nerve stimulation produces heteronymous
sponse to the test stimulus as the result of reflex responses in tibialis anterior and
partial depolarization. The presence of these soleus, inducing short latency facilitation
two competing factors complicates the in- followed by long-lasting inhibition of the H
terpretation of the result.158 To further com- reflex at appropriate latencies.258,259 Con-
pound the problems, the size of the test H versely, the conditioning impulse from sci-
reflex also depends on the physiologic char- atic nerve afferents facilitates vastus medi-
acteristics of the sampled motor neurons alis motor neurons at the joint time of
and syn-aptic effects on recruitment arrival of the test volley via the H reflex or
gain.198 In experimental studies, single mo- corticospinal pathways. Subsequent inhi-
tor unit analysis circumvents these uncer- bition seen only in the H reflex implies
tainties, providing a tool to explore the ef- presynaptic Inhibition of the IA afferent ter-
fect of a conditioning stimulus on a unitary minals.310,360,386 A selective voluntary con-
H reflex.329,330 traction also produces H-reflex excitability
If the conditioning stimulus gives rise to changes by presynaptic and postsynaptic
muscle contraction, motor neuron ex- mechanisms.2,37,43,176,239,375
472 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 19-4. Conditioning of an H reflex by a subliminal H reflex stimulus. In the upper hal/"are specimen
records arranged in groups of three for each experimental situation. To the right are three H2 control re-
flexes before and after the conditioning series. To the left are groups of three conditioned H2 reflexes at test-
ing intervals of 25, 50, 100, 150, 225, 300, and 450 ms as indicated in the lower curve. The Si stimulus
was just below the threshold for evoking an H reflex whereas the S2 stimulus was just below the threshold
for an M response. The lower curve shows plotting of the mean of the three H2 reflexes at each testing in-
terval (abscissa), the mean sizes being expressed as percentages of the mean H2 reflex controls. [From Ta-
borikova and Sax,340 with permission.]

Clinical Applications motor index or conduction velocity along

the afferent and efferent fibers of the tib-
H or T reflex latency of the tibial or me- ial nerve.354 Segmental studies are better
dian nerve provides a measure of nerve suited for evaluation of focal lesions like
conduction along the entire length of the radiculopathy, eliminating the normal
afferent and efferent pathways.101,146 374 It portions of the reflex pathway, which tend
increases in patients with alcoholic, to dilute the conduction abnormality (see
uremic,152 and various other polyneuro- Chapter 7-6). As stated below, magnetic
pathies,318 and it decreases in the teth- or electrical stimulation of the SI nerve
ered cord syndrome, reflecting the lower lo- root provides a most sensitive measure of
cation of the conus medullaris.157 In the very short proximal segment within
patients with diabetes, this test rivals con- the spinal canal.,387
ventional nerve-conduction studies in de- Early studies revealed abnormalities of
tecting early neuropathic abnormalities and the T reflex in patients 89,321
with lumbar and
a clear-cut proximal-to-distal gradient of sacral root compression and demon-
conduction slowing.352,353 The test also strated clinical applications of the H reflex
helps establish maturational changes in the as a test for radiculopathy.34,290,303,312,322
proximal versus distal nerve segment.364 A delay or diminution of the triceps surae
The difference between the H-reflex and reflex implicates the S1 root, like a de-
distal motor latencies equals the segmen- pression of the ankle stretch reflex in the
tal conduction time along the reflex path- neurologic 7,68,99,108,109,187,275,324,373
examination, especially if it is
way.76,352,353 Dividing the distance be- unilateral. Anal-
tween the knee and Til by the latency ogous to clinical testing of phasic stretch
difference provides a mixed sensory and reflexes elicited by tapping the dorsal side
H, T, Masseter, and Other Reflexes 473

of the foot,333 the H reflex recorded from tal conduction time.242 This stands in con-
the extensor digitorum longus84 or tibialis trast to the utility of reflex studies in
anterior297 after stimulation of the common assessing diffuse or multisegmental pathol-
peroneal nerve may show abnormalities in ogy like chronic demyelinating polyneu-
patients with L5 or L4,5 radiculopathy. In ropathy, in which a longer pathway yields
patients with cervical radiculopathy, ab- a greater latency increase.216 To circum-
normality of flexor carpi radialis reflex vent this problem, H-M intervals to S1 root
may indicate lesions of the C6 or C7 root stimulation provide more reliable measures
Or both 262,263,316,317 of conduction across a short segment
The recruitment curve of the soleus H re- within the spinal canal comprising the
flex may reveal an increased threshold of proximal afferents, anterior horn cells and
excitation during transient conduction ab- ventral roots. In one study of 100 healthy
normalities as might be seen in neurogenic subjects (Fig. 19-5),385 peak latency differ-
claudication.98,289 Other conditions associ- ences between the simultaneously recorded
ated with depressed stretch reflex such as M response and H reflex were 2.6 ± 0.7 ms
neuropathy and Adie's syndrome265 also (mean ± SD) with stimulation at T12 to L1,
show a diminished or absent H reflex. As 4.2 ± 0.6 ms at L2 to L3, and 5.5 ± 0.3 ms
with the F wave, H-reflex or T-reflex laten- at L4 to L5 spinal processes and 6.8 ± 0.5
cies along the entire pathway often fail to ms at the S1 foramen.
detect a focal abnormality, which results in Table 19-1 summarizes the normal val-
only a limited percentage increase of the to- ues found in our laboratory in healthy

Figure 19-5. A. Schematic representation of soleus H reflexes elicited by electrical stimulation of the S1
root at the S1 foramen and of the tibial nerve at the popliteal fossa. B. The response complex of the H re-
flex and the M response elicited by magnetic stimulation (upper traces) and electrical stimulation (lower
traces) of the S1 nerve root at the S1 foramen. The intensity of the nerve stimulus is shown to the right of
the traces. [From Zhu, Starr, and Haldeman et al,385]
474 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Table 19-1 H Reflex*

Difference Difference
Between Latency Between
Amplitude Right and Left to Recording Site Right and Left
(mV) (mV) (ms) (ms)
2.4 ± 1.4 1.2 ± 1.2 29.5 ± 2.4 (35)§ 0.6 ±0.4 (1.4)§
*Mean ± standard deviation (SD) in the same 59 patients shown in Table 6-11.
Amplitude of the evoked response measured from the baseline to the negative peak.
Latency measured to the onset of the evoked response.
§Upper limits of normal calculated as mean + 2 SD.

adults. In evaluating a unilateral lesion, clinical context but does not by itself
the latency difference between the two constitute sufficient evidence of a herni-
sides provides the most sensitive measure ated disc or of a need for laminectomy.138
of the T or H reflex (Fig. 19-6).34 Unilat- Preterm neonates have slower H reflex con-
eral absence or a right-left latency differ- duction velocity than full-term babies.264
ence greater than 2.0 ms supports the di- Normal values for the soleus H reflex es-
agnosis of S1 radiculopathy in the proper tablished in 83 preterm and term infants
include the latency (mean ± SD) of 19.2 ±
2.16 ms for conceptional ages 31-34 weeks,
16.7 ± 1.5 ms for ages 35-39 weeks, and
15.9 ± 1.5 ms for 40-45 weeks.36 These re-
sults reflect the degree of myelination in in-
fants of increasing conceptional age, show-
ing progressive latency diminution despite
the longer reflex pathway associated with
growth (see Chapter 22-5). In one study of
103 elderly subjects aged 60-80 years, the
H reflex elicited in 92 percent of the popu-
lation showed average latencies of 30.8 ±
2.6 ms (mean ± SD) on the right and 30.7 ±
26 ms on the left, with an upper limit 112 of
normal side-to-side difference of 1.8 ms.


Sudden stretching of the muscle spindles

from a sharp tap to the mandible acti-
the jaw reflex, or masseteric T re-
flex. Electrical stimulation of the
masseter nerve elicits
not only the direct
motor responses but also a masseteric
H reflex.66,135,136 This reflex, relayed via
the mesencephalic nucleus of the trigem-
inal nerve, reflects conduction through
Figure 19-6. The H reflex in a 77-year-old man with the midbrain. The so-called motor root of
cauda equina syndrome. The recording arrangement the trigeminal nerve contains the sensory
is the same as for Figure 19-2. The reflex was de- fibers of the muscle spindle that form the
layed by more than 2 ms on the right compared with afferent arc of the masseter reflex and the
the left. The central latency as determined by the la- motor axons to the extrafusal muscle
tency difference between the M response and the H
reflex was also considerably greater on the right than fibers that form the efferent arc. The cell
on the left side. bodies of the proprioceptive spindle affer-
H, T, Masseter, and Other Reflexes 475

ents lie in the mesencephalic trigeminal

nucleus. The collateral branches from
these cells make a monosynaptic connec-
tion with the motor neurons of the trigem-
inal nerve located in the pons. The phys-
iology of the jaw reflex differs considerably
from that of the spinal monosynaptic re-
flex. For example, muscle vibration that
inhibits the soleus T and H reflexes po-
tentiates the masseteric T and H re-
flexes.135,136 Some authors advocate the
stretch reflex from the medial pterygoid as
an additional electrophysiologic study for
the trigeminal nerve.166,168

Methods and Normal Values

In eliciting the jaw reflex by a mechanical
tap over the mandible, the closure of a mi-
croswitch attached to the percussion
hammer triggers the oscilloscope sweep
(Fig. 19-7). During repetitive testing, an
increase in the weight supported by the
mandible or Jendrassik's maneuver tends
to facilitate the masseter reflex.156 The la-
tency and amplitude vary with successive
trials in the same subjects and among in- Figure 19-7. Jaw tap for simultaneous recording of
dividuals. The amplitude ratio between si- mechanically induced masseter reflex from both
multaneously recorded right-sided and sides with two pairs of electrodes placed over the
left-sided responses, however, remains belly of the masseter muscle (G1) referenced to the
relatively constant.203 Thus, electrophys- chin (G2). A modified reflex hammer has a built-in
microswitch that triggers the oscilloscope sweep on
iologic evaluation depends on the side-to- contact.
side comparison of the reflex responses
recorded simultaneously from the right
and left masseter muscles, rather than on
the absolute values. absence of the reflex up to the age of 70
In a study using a needle recording elec- years. Table 19-2 summarizes normal val-
trode,282 the criteria for abnormality con- ues established in our laboratory.203 For
sisted of unilateral absence of the reflex, the pterygoid reflex, the normal values re-
a difference of more than 0.5 ms between ported include a latency of 6.9 ± 0.43 ms
the latencies of the two sides, or bilateral (mean ± SD), with a side-to-side differ-

Table 19-2 Latency and Amplitude of Masseter

Reflex in 20 Normal Subjects
Latency Difference Amplitude Ratio
Latency (Large Value Minus Amplitude (Large Value Over
(ms) Small Value) (mV) Small Value)
Mean right 7.10 0.23
Mean left 7.06 0.21
Total 7.08 0.27 0.22 1.44
SD 0.62 0.15 0.24 0.42
Mean + 3 SD 9.0 0.8 Variable 2.7
From Kimura et al,203 with permission.
476 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

ences of 168
0.29 ± 0.21 ms, in 23 healthy vol- cation of the afferent nerve cell body, in-
unteers. tra-axial mesencephalic nucleus, and ex-
tra-axial craniospinal ganglia. A normal
masseter reflex in patients with pure sen-
Clinical Applications sory symptoms favors a diagnosis of gan-
glionopathy 17instead of axonal sensory
The jaw reflex poses technical problems as neuropathy.
a diagnostic test in standardizing the me-
chanical stimulus and regulating the tonus
of the masseter for optimal activation (Fig. Masseteric Silent Period
19-8). Nonetheless, an unequivocal uni-
lateral delay or absence suggests a lesion A jaw reflex elicited during voluntary
of the203,313
trigeminal nerve or the brain- clenching gives rise to a brief pause in the
stem. Electromyographic study of electromyographic activity of the masseter
the masseter muscle may document the muscle (Fig. 19-9). This inactivity, referred
presence of denervation, thus localizing to as the masseteric silent period, 338,341
the lesion within the motor pathway.281 about 30 ms in normal subjects.
In one study, the use of the jaw reflex as A similar masseteric silence also follows
a test of midbrain function revealed ab- acoustic or electric stimulation of the
sence or increased latency in 12 of an un- tongue, gums, oral mucosa, or belly of the
selected series of 32 patients with multi- muscle.135,136,255,325 A unilateral stimulus
ple sclerosis.141,382 In another study of 51 suppresses the muscle activity on both
patients with internuclear ophthalmople- sides, indicating the presence of crossed
gia, an abnormality limited to the mas- and uncrossed central pathways for this in-
seter reflex, suggested a midbrain lesion hibition.209,279,282 The masseteric silent pe-
in 59 percent whereas abnormal R1 of the riod simulates an analogous phenomenon
blink reflex indicated rostral pontine in- seen in limb muscles after electric stimula-
volvement in 35 percent.169 In Friedreich's tion of the nerve (see this chapter, part 5).
ataxia, which is characterized by absent In one study assessing the effects of
or hypoactive stretch reflexes in the up- brainstem lesions on the two phases of si-
per and lower limbs, the masseter reflex lence, S1 and S2, evoked by stimulation of
remains unaffected and 14,15,132
may paradoxi- the mental nerve, abnormalities tended to
cally show hyperactivity. This dis- implicate the pontine tegmentum between
crepancy probably reflects a different lo- the midpons and the pontomedullary
junction.280 The afferent impulses for Si
probably reach the pons via the trigemi-
nal sensory root, enter the ipsilateral
trigeminal spinal tract, and ascend, via in-
terneurons, to the trigeminal motor nuclei
on both sides. The impulses responsible
for S2 follow a similar but independent
path, descending more caudally to the
pontomedullary junction involving the lat-
eral reticular formation. The second and
third divisions of the trigeminal nerve con-
stitute the afferent arc of these reflexes.
Central activation of inhibitory interneu-
rons in the brainstem results in suppres-
sion of the trigeminal motor nuclei, re-
laxing the jaw-closing muscles.67
The force and direction of the tap and
Figure 19-8. Jaw reflex recorded simultaneously the magnitude of jaw clenching substan-
from right (top tracing of each frame) and left (bot-
tom) masseter after a mechanical tap on the chin tially influence the mechanically induced
(open arrow). Four trials are taken to show consis- silent periods. In particular, a decrease in
tency of the response. voluntary muscle contraction results in a
H, T, Masseter, and Other Reflexes 477

Figure 19-9. A. Voluntary contraction of the masseter. Electromyography was recorded simultaneously from
right (top tracing) and left (bottom) sides using two pairs of surface electrodes placed on the belly of the mus-
cle (G1) and under the chin (G2) on each side. B. Silent period (SP) of the masseter. The recording arrange-
ment is the same as in A, but the mechanical tap was applied to the chin at the beginning of the sweep
(open arrow). Electrical activity ceases immediately following the jaw reflex (arrows from top) elicited by the
stimulus. Small voluntary potentials (brackets) break through in the midst of the SP before the return of full
volitional activity (arrows from bottom) approximately 80 ms after the tap.

major increase in its duration. Thus, stim- traction of the muscle.38,39,93,185 This tonic
ulus and subject variables tend to limit its vibration reflex in many respects simulates
use as a clinical test of the masticatory sys- a tonic stretch reflex,135,137,151,267 al-
tem.253 Some patients with tetanus lack though skin mechanoreceptors may also
the inhibition.116,303,304 Conversely, its du- contribute.1,103 Hence, the vibration pro-
ration exceeds the normal range in pa- vides a means of testing motor neuron re-
tients with25 the temporomandibular joint action to tonic, rather than phasic, stim-
syndrome. Patients with Wallenberg syn- uli.86,160,217,362 Studies of the tonic reflex
drome show a variety of abnormalities in consist of stimulating the tendon with a
brainstem reflexes, including a masseter small vibrator that oscillates at 150 Hz
inhibitory reflex elicited by electrical stim- with an approximate amplitude of 0.5-1.5
ulation (see Chapter 17-4).361 The onset mm and recording muscle responses with
latency of the silent period may show a de- surface electrodes placed over the belly
lay, reflecting proximal conduction abnor- (G1) and tendon (G2). Intervals of at least
malities in a demyelinative polyneuropa- 10 seconds should separate the stimuli to
thy16 and diabetic polyneuropathy.65 avoid cumulative depression of the reflex
activities evoked segmentally.


Normal and Abnormal Responses
The motor effects of tonic vibration include
In contrast to the phasic activity of T and (I) active and sustained muscle contrac-
H reflexes, the tonic stretch reflex sub- tion,4,149,217 (2) reciprocal inhibition of mo-
serves postural and volitional movements. tor neurons innervating antagonistic mus-
A vibratory stimulus applied to a tendon cles,148 and (3) suppression of the T and H
or a muscle excites the muscle spindles se- reflexes (Fig. 19-10).78,206 Its generation in-
lectively and produces a sustained con- volves more than a simple, spinal neural
478 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

concomitant suppression of the T and H

reflexes, (5) side-to-side asymmetries in
corresponding muscles of the two limbs,
and (6) imbalances in two antagonistic
muscles within the same limb. The tonic
vibration reflex has also helped in as-
sessment of reciprocal inhibition,52,54
presynaptic inhibition, an inhibitory ef-
fect of acupuncture on the motor neu-
rons,165 central control of voluntary move-
ments,118,189,308 spasticity,51 ischemia,51
and Parkinson's disease.53,248

Clinical Applications
Clinical applications include early detec-
tion of incipient weakness, subclinical
rigidity, spasticity, and involuntary move-
ments such as tremors, clonus, and
choreoathetosis and dystonia.149,189,217
Figure 19-10. Effects of continuous muscle vibra- The tonic vibration reflex varies from pa-
tion in a normal subject showing suppression of pha- tient to patient, depending on the site of
sic stretch reflexes with or without the generation of spinal cord lesions. Thus, the predictable
the tonic vibration reflex (TVR). A. Vibration of the
quadriceps while knee reflexes are elicited every 5 s. pattern of abnormality, if clearly eluci-
Knee reflexes are depressed during the period of vi- dated, would help localize the responsible
bration (black bar) even without the development of lesion.26-28
tonic contraction, probably because of the spread of A large number of papers have appeared
the vibration wave to flexor muscles. B. Suppression describing the effect of tonic vibration on
of knee reflexes accompanying a tonic contraction
induced by vibration. C. Voluntary contraction of spasticity or rigidity.149,164,217 In most re-
quadriceps in the same subject as in B, without sup- ported series, vibration produced beneficial
pression of knee reflexes. Calibration: Vertical 0.4 effects, for example, (I) increased volun-
kg for A, 0.6 kg for B and C; horizontal, 10 s. [From tary power of a weak muscle, (2) reduced
De Gail et al,75 with permission.]
resistance of the spastic antagonist, and
(3) increased range of motion.26,27 Unfor-
tunately, these positive effects last only for
arc.159 Studies in cat gastrocnemius mus- the duration of the vibration, which in
cle before and after lesions at preselected practice cannot exceed a few minutes be-
neural sites indicate that (1) the reflex de- cause of frictional generation of heat.
pends on an intact neural axis caudal to Nonetheless, the technique holds promise
the midcolliculus, (2) facilitatory pathways as a diagnostic test for patients with spinal
ascend ipsilaterally in the ventral quadrant cord injuries and dystonia.
of the spinal cord, (3) the lateral vestibular
nucleus and pontine reticular formation
provide essential facilitation, and (4) the
medullary reticular formation subserves in-
Patients with a variety of motor disor-
ders develop abnormalities of the tonic vi-
bration reflex.27,92,191,217,332 These changes Silent Period
include (1) absence or diminution of the
response, (2) loss of voluntary control over Despite continued effort, action potentials
the reflex, (3) more abrupt development of a voluntarily contracting muscle un-
and termination of the response than in dergo a transient suppression following
normal persons, (4) loss or diminution in electric stimulation of the mixed nerve in-
H, T, Masseter, and Other Reflexes 479

nervating that muscle162 or a cutaneous Even with supramaximal stimulation,

sensory nerve.44 This period of electri- not all antidromic impulses reach the cen-
cal inactivity, designated either the mixed tral motor neuron pool, because during
nerve or cutaneous silent period, re- muscle contraction they collide with vol-
sults from several physiologic mecha- untary orthodromic impulses in some mo-
nisms.102,325 A number of investigators tor fibers. Greater effort increases the
have studied it after stimulation of the chance of collision, because more axons
nerve electrically104,325,357 or unloading of carry orthodromic impulses.199,200 Stim-
the muscle spindles mechanically337 in ulation of the nerve distally also enhances
normal subjects252 and in patients with this probability, which increases in pro-
neurologic disorders.18,30,193,218,220 xran- portion to the length of the nerve segment
scranial magnetic stimulation during sus- between the stimulus site and the cell
tained voluntary muscle contraction also body (Fig. 19-11). Thus, the greater the
results 48,72,124,125,180,214,251,277,351,358
in the silent period (see Chapter voluntary effort and the weaker and more
21-3). distal the nerve stimulation, the smaller
the antidromic invasion and the weaker
the recurrent inhibition of motor neurons
Physiologic Mechanisms (Fig. 19-12). In addition to the Renshaw
effect, other mechanisms such as the un-
The initial segment of muscle inactivity loading of the muscle spindle1l,186,257 and
immediately after the M response results activation of the Golgi tendon organ143
from collision in motor axons. Later contribute to the muscle inactivity.325 As-
phases reflect recurrent inhibition,201,301 cending cutaneous volleys also have an
unloading of muscle spindles,144 and ac- inhibitory effect, although a well-defined
tivation of inhibitory group IB and cuta- suppression on this basis results only
neous afferents.221,325 Although recurrent from a high intensity volley.210
inhibition301 follows the passage of an im- Sensory nerve stimulation could gener-
pulse along the motor axon to either di- ate a reproducible inhibition, presumably
rection,293 antidromic activities produce through either group IB afferent fibers
more effective suppression.212,311 from tendon organs or through ascending

Figure 19-11. Simultaneous

recording of muscle force of 3.0
kg (straight line) and the silent
period (SP) from the voluntarily
contracting first dorsal inter-
osseous muscle (three trials su-
perimposed). The SP was broken
by the voluntary potential (VP)
with a stimulus at the wrist but
not with a stimulus at the axilla,
indicating greater inhibition of
motor neurons with proximal
than distal nerve stimulation.
With distal stimulation, most an-
tidromic activity is extinguished
by collision with voluntary im-
pulses, a, b, and c, before reach-
ing the motor neuron pool. With
proximal stimulation, antidromic
activity, escaping collision, pre-
sumably invades recurrent axon
collaterals and inhibits the motor
neurons (shaded area). [From
Kimura,201 with permission.]
480 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 19-12. A. Stimulation and recording as

in Figure 19-11 at muscle tensions ranging from
1.5 to 2.5 kg. With stimulation at the wrist, the
voluntary potential (VP) became progressively
greater in size at increasingly higher muscle
forces. With stimulation at the axilla, no VP was
recorded at any level of muscle force, but the
duration of the silent period (SP) was shortened
as the 201
muscle force was increased. [From
Kimura, with permission.] B. Muscle tension
and the size of the VP breaking through the SP.
For muscle forces of 1.0 kg and above, the VP
was significantly larger with stimulus at the
wrist than at the axilla, indicating that motor
neurons were more inhibited by proximal as op-
posed to distal nerve stimulation during volun-
tary muscle contraction. The difference in in-
hibitory effects of proximal versus distal
stimulation became progressively larger as the
muscle force was increased. [From Kimura,201
with permission.]

reflex pathways.142,170,181,224,226,326,357 sive.60,177,233,274 In one study, the F wave

When this is the case, proximal stimula- elicited during the cutaneous silent period
tion, which activates a greater number of showed normal or even increased ex-
afferent fibers, would inhibit the motor citability, in conjunction with a dimin-
neurons more effectively. In contrast, the ished H222,227
reflex compared with the control
silent period may abate in cases of sy- values. These findings suggest
ringomyelia, which may interrupt the presynaptic inhibition of group IA affer-
pathway through the posterior horn.193 ents, reducing the H reflex, and of de-
The physiologic mechanisms generating a scending corticospinal fibers, inducing
cutaneous silent period remain elu- the silent period, in the face of normally
H, T, Masseter, and Other Reflexes 481

excitable motor neurons. This interpreta- oclonus,197,327,328 presumably in response

tion may not necessarily hold, however,241 to segmental polysynaptic inputs to motor
if the discrepancy between the two re- neurons.359 Alternatively, some investiga-
sponses simply results from a greater sen- tors equate V2 with the transcortical reflex
sitivity of the H reflex than of the F wave activity, or C response, elicited by brief
as a measure of motor neuron excitabil- stretching of arm muscles.77,110,244,331
ity (see this chapter, part 2).61,178 In contrast to total or partial suppres-
sion of V2 in hemiparetic patients and
during cognitive tasks in normal subjects,
Potentials That Break repetitive trains of stimuli have a strong
Through the Silent Period facilitatory effect.59 In Huntington's dis-
ease, displacement of the index finger or
Increasing voluntary muscle contraction electrical stimulation of the median nerve
can interrupt the silent period, which elicits Vi but not V2.276 In parkinsonism,
therefore must represent a relative, rather the median latency of V2 in the stretched
than an absolute, suppression. Two sep- triceps surae muscle is increased.320
arate potentials, V1 and V2, appear.359 At If V1 occurs segmentally and V2 corti-
high levels of muscle contraction, where cally, the latency difference between them
the antidromic activity collides with vol- provides a measure of the central con-
untary impulses in most axons, the first duction along the spinal cord to and from
potential mainly comprises the H re- the reflex center of V2. The comparison
flex.250,335 At low levels of muscle con- between the arm and leg allows calcula-
traction, based on few voluntary im- tion of mean spinal conduction time be-
pulses, the first potential primarily tween the seventh cervical and fifth lum-
represents the F wave, because substan- bar spinous processes, as follows.100 A
tial antidromic activity reaches the cen- large variability precludes its use as a di-
tral motor neuron pool.200 The second po- agnostic test, but this measure may serve
tential, V2, also designated the voluntary as an estimate of the mean conduction
potential, long-latency reflex, long-loop re- characteristics in a group of subjects.
sponse, or cortical (C) response, interrupts Spinal cord conduction time
the silence at approximately twice the la-
tency of V1. Despite presumed hypoex- = (V2 - V1)leg/2 - (V2 - V1)arm/2
citability of motor neurons, transcranial Instead of electrical stimulation, sudden
magnetic stimulation elicits large motor tilting of a platform around the axis of the
evoked potentials between the V 1 and human ankle joint also causes a regular
V2.351,384 This intuitively paradoxical pattern of short- and medium-latency
finding may result from activation of mus- discharges, termed M1 and M2, in the
cle afferents by mixed nerve stimulation, stretched triceps surae muscle and a long-
which increases cortical motor excitabil-
69,87,208,237,243 latency response in its antagonist, the tib-
ity ialis anterior muscle.29,30,171,314 Stretch of
The middle portion of the silent period the biceps brachii114 and the quadriceps
results at least in part from antidromic in- femoris24 also produces M1 and M2 re-
vasion of the Renshaw loop. Thus, the V2 sponses with a good intraindividual repro-
tends to occur with any maneuver that re- ducibility. Of these, M1 is transmitted seg-
duces the recurrent inhibition by axonal mentally by way of a spinal pathway,
volleys arriving at the motor neuron whereas the origin of M2 remains to be de-
pool.201 For example, weaker stimuli, termined.47,73 Some authors have referred
which activate fewer motor axons, favor the to M2 as the "long-loop" reflex via transcor-
appearance of V2.325 Descending volitional tical pathways.139,219,245,343 In agreement
inputs play an important role in the gen- with this view, patients with multiple scle-
eration of V2, normally seen only during rosis, spinal tumor, or cervical stenosis
tonic contraction of the muscle.200 A simi- may have a delayed long-loop reflex, a
lar activity can also be elicited at rest in finding that implies the presence of a
patients with posthypoxic cortical my- supraspinal pathway.3,90,91,123 The long-
oclonus and several other types of my- latency reflex component also shows a
482 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

close relationship with the motor prepa- taneous electrical stimulation of the sural
ration and programming.204 nerve145 tends to suppress the flexor re-
Despite the prevailing view that M2 trav- flex. Flexor reflex recordings may pro-
els via a cerebral pathway, some studies vide a useful measure for quantifying the
have provided contradictory findings. For benefit of antispastic therapy such as in-
example, these discharges may persist af- trathecal baclofen.288 Similar to the eye
ter spinal 133,350
cord transection in cats and blink conditioning paradigm, the human
monkeys, which suggests a seg- flexion reflex can serve as a model in clas-
mental origin. Sudden stretching of the sical conditioning experiments.207,292,349
human wrist, eliciting long-loop stretch Analogous to flexor reflexes in the limb
reflexes, accompanies a series of spindle muscles, stimulation of perianal skin elic-
discharges.150 Repetitive segmental re- its a two-component response in the ex-
flexes may result from these group IA af- ternal anal sphincter.291,339 Stimulation
ferent bursts, giving rise to a latency com- of penis or clitoris also evokes reflex re-
parable with the transcortical pathways. sponses with a typical latency of 33 ms in
In a patient with mirror movements, the external anal and urethral sphinc-
stretch reflexes of the hand, but not the ters.370 Similarly, stimulation of the dor-
arm, gave rise to contralateral M2 re- sal genital nerve elicits reflex activation of
sponses, indicating the absence of the external anal sphincter with a latency
transcortical mechanisms for the long-la- of 38.5 ±5.8 ms (mean ± SD). Patients
tency response in the proximal muscle.115 with fecal incontinence may have absence
The same physiologic mechanisms may or delay of this pudendoanal reflex.363
underlie the late response elicited by cu- With the active electrode (G1) over the bul-
taneous stimulation and long-loop reflex bocavernosus muscle beneath the scro-
induced by stretching of the spin- tum and the reference electrode (G2)over
dle.22,35,295 Both may represent activity at the iliac crest, pudenda! nerve stimulation
the segmental level modulated by de- applied at a rate of 1.5 Hz elicits, after 30
scending impulses from the higher cen- to 50 averaging, an initially negative
ter, such as the cerebellum.122 biphasic or triphasic reflex response with
onset latency of 35.9 ± 9.0 ms.153 Unilat-
eral stimulation of the genital nerve also
elicits two-component bulbocavernosus
6 OTHER REFLEXES reflexes, R1 and R2, bilaterally via crossed
and uncrossed spinal cord pathways.299
These techniques may prove useful in
The flexor reflex elicited by stimulation of the evaluation of diabetic neuropathy,127
the peripheral nerve consists of two or more impotence secondary to peripheral nerve
components usually demonstrating excita- involvement,254 spinal cord injury, and
tion-inhibition Cycles.88'118,256,260,306 Anal- neurogenic bladder.194 The bulbocaver-
ogous to the clinical Babinski sign, stroking nosus reflex may provide a more sensitive
the plantar surface with a blunt probe elic- measure of the sacral nervous system
its a flexor reflex recordable from the ex- than conventional or single fiber elec-
tensor digitorum longus and the extensor tromyography of external urethral and
hallucis longus with a latency ranging from anal sphincters.367-369 The voluntary act
160 to 500 ms, depending on the intensity of micturition suppresses this reflex in
and 307
speed of the mechanical stimula- normal persons, but not in patients with
tion. 9Electrical stimulation of the sole of upper motor323neuron lesions or voiding
the foot or of the fingers119,134,326 elicits dysfunction. Nerve conduction studies
cutaneous withdrawal reflexes approxi- of the dorsal nerve of the penis and pu-
mately coinciding with a silent period in ac- dendal somatosensory evoked potentials
tive muscles. In standing humans, noci- complement the measurement of the re-
ceptive stimulation induces a spinal reflex flex latency in diagnostic evaluation of
pattern without disturbing the support bowel, bladder, and sexual function (see
function of the limb.12,74,309,336 In pa- Fig. 20-20A).192,380
tients with spinal cord injuries, transcu- The auditory postauricular reflex gen-
H, T, Masseter, and Other Reflexes 483

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Chapter 20

Averaging Procedure
Near-Field Potential versus Far-Field Potential
Animal and Human Studies of Peripheral Nerve Volleys
Concept of Junctional Potential
Clinical Implications
Median and Ulnar Nerves
Tibial and Peroneal Nerves
Trigeminal Nerve
Pudendal Nerve
Other Nerves
Dermatomal Stimulation
Peripheral Inputs and Their Interaction
Central Mechanisms for Integration
Measurement of Conduction Time and Various Factors
Common Derivations and Normal Values
Peripheral Nerve
Spinal Cord and Brainstem
Diencephalon and Cerebrum
Multiple Sclerosis
Spinal Cord Monitoring
Clinical Value and Limitations

496 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

1 INTRODUCTION The optimal frequency and number of

stimuli vary a great deal, depending on
the components under study.195,265,285,332
Conventional sensory nerve conduction Small spinal potentials and scalp-recorded
techniques, primarily used in evaluating short-latency SEPs need up to 4000 stim-
the more distal portions of the peripheral uli to achieve an adequate resolution. Most
nerve, seldom contribute to the study of subjects tolerate the rate of stimulation ex-
the less accessible proximal segments. In ceeding 4 Hz poorly. Medium-latency and
contrast, studies of somatosensory evoked long-latency components in the range of
potentials (SEPs) assess the entire length 20-200 ms intervals require only 200-400
of the afferent pathways. Early work with stimuli delivered randomly at lower rates of
SEPs emphasized changes in the ampli- 1-2 Hz. With shocks given every 30 s or
tude and waveform of recorded potentials less, the initial stimuli of a train may give
in diseases affecting the cerebrum or rise to a disproportionately larger response,
spinal cord. Other studies have focused presumably because of habituation.
on the evaluation of central neural con- Unilateral stimulation elicits short-
duction determined by the latencies of the latency components symmetrically over
SEPs recorded over the spine or scalp. both hemispheres. Long-latency responses
This chapter reviews recording tech- show obvious asymmetry with major con-
niques and neural sources of spinal- tralateral components, which can vary con-
recorded and scalp-recorded SEPs and siderably from one trial to the next.472 In
discusses their practical value and limi- contrast, simultaneous bilateral stimula-
tations in the diagnosis of certain disor- tion elicits symmetric responses of all the
ders of the nervous system. Published SEP components for instantaneous com-
studies have dealt mainly with the median parison between the two hemispheres. A
or tibial nerves, less frequently with the routine evaluation in our laboratory con-
ulnar and peroneal nerves, and only oc- sists of right and left unilateral stimulation
casionally with nonlimb nerves such as to delineate abnormalities of short-latency
the trigeminal and pudendal nerves. peaks and bilateral stimulation for assess-
ment of any asymmetry of medium- and
long-latency components.473
Stimulation Somatosensory evoked potential compo-
nents show no significant difference in
Electrical, mechanical, or air puff stim- amplitude or latency whether recorded by
uli applied at any level can elicit surface disc or subdermal needle.118,121
SEPs.98,129,186,409,466 The common sites of The analysis of the SEP topography de-
stimulation include the median or ulnar pends on multichannel recordings from
nerve at the wrist, the tibial nerve at the 16 to 32 scalp areas. For clinical testing,
ankle, and the peroneal nerve at the knee. two to four well-selected channels cover-
A shock with intensity adjusted to cause ing optimal recording sites suffice. The
a small twitch of the innervated muscle 10-20 International Electrode Placement
suffices to activate all the large myeli- system (Fig. 20-1 A) designates the scalp
nated, more easily excitable sensory positions according to their specific
fibers. The usual intensity for square wave anatomic locations. It derives its name
pulses of 0.1-0.2 ms duration ranges from from spacing the electrodes 10-20 percent
10 to 30 mA or, for a skin resistance of 5 of the total distance between the nasion
kft, from 50 to 150 V. Subcutaneous and inion in the sagittal plane and be-
shocks administered with a needle elec- tween right and left preauricular points in
trode inserted close to the nerve, require the coronal plane. The use of percentages,
considerably less current. rather than absolute distances, provides
Figure 20-1. A. The 10-20 International Elec-
trode Placement system based on electrode
placement at either 10 percent or 20 percent
of the total distance between skull landmarks.
B. Relationship between central sulcus, syl-
vian fissure, lobes of the brain, and electrode
positions. [From Hamer and Sannit,182 with
permission.] C. The 10-20 International Elec-
trode Placement system, Ca and C4 electrodes
correspond closely to the location overlying the
central sulcus, whereas C'a and C;4 electrodes
placed 2 cm posterior to C3 and C4466
lie over the
postcentral gyrus. [From Yamada, with per-

498 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

flexibility for normal variations in head subdural140 or epidural space,389 although

size and shape. On the basis of the surface recordings provide a more practi-
anatomic relationship between electrodes cal means for clinical use.
placed according to the 10-20 system and
cortical landmarks, the C3 electrode, for
instance, lies within 1 cm of the central Averaging Procedure
sulcus (Fig. 20-1B).
Optimal scalp electrodes (G 1 ) include Single-sweep SEPs may emerge from ongo-
P3, P4, C3, or C4 contralateral to the side ing electroencephalography (EEG) either by
of stimulus for median or ulnar SEPs and filtering techniques321 or by pharmacologic
C1, C2, or Cz for peroneal or tibial SEPs. suppression of background activity with
A common reference electrode (G2) usu- general anesthesia.203,204 The usual prac-
ally lies at Fz, the chin, or connecting the tice, however, depends on averaging tech-
ears, A1 and A2. Far-field potentials (FFPs) niques. A commonly used instrument aver-
typically affect all scalp points nearly ages cerebral potentials after amplification
equally. Thus, they tend to cancel if they by a factor of 104-105 with a frequency cut-
are recorded between two cephalic leads. off of 5-10 Hz to 3-10 kHz. In special stud-
In contrast, a knee or other noncephalic ies, a high-pass (low-frequency) restriction
reference provides good474 resolution in me- of 200-300 Hz may aid in selectively elim-
dian or tibial SEPs. Although the inating slowly changing events such as
greater separation between G1 and G2 synaptic discharges.287 A computer will
generally results in larger amplitude of the then process the amplified potential, con-
recorded response, background noises verting an analog signal into a digital one,
also amplify, thereby obscuring the sig- for on-line measurement or for later off-
nal. The size and shape of evoked poten- line analysis of the stored data. In gen-
tials depend not only on the potential at eral, an adequate analysis will require
G1 but also on the activity of G2. Super- analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion with 10
fluous peaks generated by an "active" G2 to 12 bit resolution (210-212 voltage levels
may confuse SEP analyses, especially in or 1024-4096 separate voltage steps) and
assessing short-latency peaks. The activ- an intersample interval or dwell time per
ity of G2, if opposite in polarity to G1, helps address of 100-500 us (measurement
enhance the signal under study. For ex- taken every 100-500 us or 10-20 sepa-
ample, short-latency median SEPs am- rate points per millisecond). The study of
plify substantially if registered with GI medium- and long-latency components
placed on the neck and G2 connecting the can use a sampling rate as slow as 1-2
ears. Here the recorded response repre- ms per address (500-1000 times/s).
sents summation of the negative field reg- The memory core available, the number
istered by G1 and the concomitant posi- of channels employed, and the duration
tive potentials from the same source of total sweep time for each channel de-
detected at G2. termine the sampling rate. A minimal
Most healthy subjects have recordable sampling at twice the frequency of the sig-
cervical potentials and short-latency scalp nals under study provides adequate res-
peaks after stimulation of the median or ul- olution of waveform to define the peak and
nar nerve at the wrist. Stimulation of lower trough of each complete cycle of a sine
limbs gives rise to less consistent cervical wave. For example, an analysis of 5 kHz
and short-latency scalp SEPs. Electrodes components calls for a sampling rate of
placed on the lumbosacral spinous process 10,000 times per second. Thus, the size
regularly register spinal potentials after of the memory core divided by twice the
unilateral or bilateral stimulation of the analysis time will dictate the limit of high-
peroneal or tibial nerve.75,345,462 In one frequency analysis. Sampling for a dura-
study, the decreases in muscle artifact pro- tion of 1 second at a 5 kHz cutoff, there-
vided by diazepam improved recording of fore, requires 10 K of memory, whereas
lumbar and neck SEPs.342 The amplitude only 5 K of memory would suffice for a
of evoked spinal potentials increases sub- shorter analysis time of 500 ms.
stantially if recorded with GI inserted in the To exclude electrocardiogram (ECG) ar-
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 499

tifacts, muscle potentials, and other arti- 3 FIELD THEORY

facts from averaging, the operator must
either study each tracing separately and
select only acceptable trials or use a com- Near-Field Potential versus
puter program for automatic editing. In Far-Field Potential
our laboratory, the edit program at a sam-
pling rate of 100-500 us/address rejects The near field relates to the propagating
any trials with five successive equipoten- action potentials recorded as the impulse
tial points, which usually indicates an passes under the pick-up electrodes, and
overloaded response or mistrigger. A more the far field, a stationary potential gener-
commonly used program, based on am- ated by the signal away from the record-
plitude criteria, eliminates any unrealisti- ing site (see Chapter 2-4). A referential
cally large potentials exceeding a prede- montage preferentially detects the far-field
termined level. Artifacts increase nearly in activity, although it may also register the
proportion to the distance separating GI near field if the impulse passes near the
and G2, with a higher rate of rejection active (Gi) or indifferent (G2) electrode.
when referenced to the knee rather than Far-field recording has gained popularity
the ear. A computer program with random in the study of evoked potentials for de-
triggering of the stimulus can automati- tection of a48,71,93,113,126,137,2,284,410
voltage source generated at a
cally avoid the ECG artifact. Here, QRS distance. This
complexes, defined as overloaded artifacts section will review the current concept of
exceeding the duration of 100 ms, trigger far-field potentials (FFPs) as it pertains to
the stimulus with a varying time delay of recordings through a volume conductor
0-200 ms following the overloaded period. (see Chapter 2-4).
A high-pass (low-frequency) filter setting Earlier studies suggested that synaptic
of 30-100 Hz largely eliminates ECG T discharges from the brainstem might ac-
waves. count for short-latency auditory evoked po-
The amplitude resolution of the computer tentials. This assumption led to the com-
system determines the degree of accuracy mon belief that stationary peaks of cerebral
in analyzing small neural responses. Di- evoked potentials generally originated from
viding the sum of the responses by an ar- fixed neural generators, such as those that
tificial number lower than the actual trial occur at relay nuclei. The initial positive
count used in averaging tends to amplify peak of the scalp-recorded median (P9) and
small peaks that would otherwise barely tibial (P17) SEP, however, occur before the
exceed the baseline. The use of a small di- propagating sensory nerve action potentials
visor, however, would excessively amplify reach the second-order neurons in the dor-
the remaining larger component responses, sal Column 74,115,188,215,254,281,284,303,322,474
truncating the peaks, which would fall out- These peaks, therefore, must result from
side the range of the oscilloscope display. axonal volleys of the first-order affer-
A computer program can circumvent this ents.251,254 Why, then, does the far-field ac-
difficulty by determining the smallest di- tivity from a moving source appear as a non-
visor that will retain the largest point propagating potential at certain fixed points
within the display range. The oscilloscope in time? This section reviews the accumu-
displays the sum divided by this "adjusted lating evidence that volume conductors play
trial count," with a correction factor ap- an essential role in the generation of FFPs.
plied to the computer measurement. Typ-
ically, the divisors range from 1/15 to
1/30 of the actual trial count. Other com- Animal and Human Studies
puter manipulations for optimal recording of Peripheral Nerve Volleys
of unstable or rapidly changing evoked po-
tentials include real-time reconstruction A series of important animal experi-
using a two-dimensional filter method ments316 revealed interesting observations
that stacks successive responses for easy of the bullfrog's action potentials, recorded
tracking381 and weighted averaging to by fluid electrodes, that is, Ringer's solu-
maximize the signal-to-noise ratio.82 tion containing a nerve immersed through
Figure 20-2. A. Stimulation of the radial nerve 10
cm proximal to the styloid process of the radius and
serial recording of antidromic sensory potentials in
1.5 cm increments along the length of the radial
nerve. The "0" level at the base of the second digit
indicates the site where the volume conductor
changes abruptly. In most hands, "+6" lies near the
distal crease of the wrist, where another geometric
transition takes place. The ring electrode around the
fifth digit served as an indifferent lead for referen-
tial recordings. B. Sensory nerve potentials across
the hand and along the second digit in a normal
subject recorded antidromically after stimulation of
the superficial sensory branch of the radial nerve 10
cm proximal to the styloid process of the radius (cf.
A). In a bipolar recording using adjacent points as
G1 and G2 (left), the initial negative peaks, NI (ar-
row pointing up), showed a progressive increase in
latency and reduction in amplitude distally and no
response beyond "-1." In a referential recording us-
ing the fifth digit (V) as G2 (right), biphasic peaks,
PW-NW and PD-ND (larger arrows pointing down)
snowed greater amplitude distally, with a stationary
latency irrespective of the recording sites along the
digit. The onset of PW extended proximally to the
recording electrodes near the wrist (smaller arrows
pointing down), whereas PD first appeared at the
base of the digit. [From Kimura, Mitsudome, Yamada
et al,250 with permission.]

The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 501

a slot of the partition. Stimulation of the ing of the antidromic median sensory po-
nerve at the initial chambers gave rise to a tentials along the third digit, for example,
biphasic action potential recorded by adja- a stationary positive peak developed co-
cent fluid electrodes in the subsequent incident with the entry of the propagating
chambers. With wider separation of the two sensory potential into the palm-digit junc-
recording electrodes, the number of action tion.249 The same far-field activity may
potentials increased to equal the number precede the M response as a premotor po-
of the partitions between the electrodes. A tential, depending on the electrode place-
subsequent experiment315 demonstrated ment used for motor conduction stud-
that the biphasic action potential recorded ies.116,336 In referential recording of
between the adjacent fluid electrodes be- antidromic radial sensory potentials (Fig.
came monophasic after sectioning of the 20-2A), the digital electrodes detected two
nerve at the point of exit from the slot to stationary FFPs, PI-NI and PII-NII.247,250
the next compartment. Cutting the nerve When compared with bipolar recording of
at the point of its entrance into the slot to- the traveling source, PI occurred with the
tally abolished the evoked potential. passage of the propagating sensory im-
Studies of the peripheral sensory po- pulse at the wrist, and PII, at the base of
tentials in humans, as simple models of the digit (Fig. 20-2B). Systematic alter-
far-field recording, elucidated the possible ation of stimulus intensity has revealed
physiologic mechanisms for the genera- that FFP occurs in proportion to the prop-
tion of stationary peaks from a moving agating volley detected at the boundary of
source.247,249,250,475 In referential record- the volume conductor (Fig. 20-3).247

Figure 20-3. The far-field potential

(FFP) recorded referentially with GI at
the tip of the second digit and G2 at
the fifth digit, and near-field potential
(NFP) registered bipolarly with G2 at
the base of the digit and GI 1 cm prox-
imally, after stimulation of the radial
nerve. With reduction of stimulus
from a maximal (top) to a threshold
(bottom) intensity in 10 steps, the am-
plitude of FFP (PI and PII) declined in
proportion to that of NFP (Ni). [From
Kimura, Kimura, Ishida et al,247 with
502 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

The traditional concept of far-field polarity of the FFP. A computer model411

activity implied that it is a monophasic predicts that the volume entered becomes
positivity reflecting the approaching wave- initially positive compared with the volume
front of depolarization.207,277,463 Recent departed, regardless of the relative size of
findings indicate, however, that stationary the adjoining conductors. In the case of a
activity from a moving source usually boundary constriction, a consensus has
contains a major negative component emerged that points on the far side begin
that sometimes far exceeds the preceding to go positive when the generator ap-
positivity in amplitude and dura- proaches the boundary (Fig. 20-4).79
tion.111,115,188,189,247,250 On theoretical Other major determining factors include
grounds, the direction of the traveling im- the direction of axonal volleys as docu-
pulse in relation to the size of the volume mented in the analysis of the median
being left and entered may determine the SEP

Figure 20-4. Representation

of antidromic sensory action
potentials propagating through
a 3-"fingered" "hand" with in-
dependent attenuation of
sources and sinks on propaga-
tion through the hand, such
that the initial source reaches
zero amplitude first. The exam-
ples include calculated poten-
tial fields (left), and referential
(middle) and bipolar (right)
waveforms of potential at 12
recording sites against genera-
tor position. By Field a, the
whole hand has acquired a po-
tential of the same polarity as
the initial generator source. In
Field b, a stationary potential
begins to appear throughout
the length of the middle digit,
reaching a peak at Field c. In
Field d, the final potential pre-
sent at the tip of the middle
digit is of negative polarity rel-
ative to the reference on the lat-
eral digit, as in the actual
recordings (cf. Fig. 20-2B).
[From Cunningham, Halliday
and Jones,79 with permission.]
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 503

Concept of Junctional Potential rounding conducting medium. The animal

and human data provide strong, albeit in-
Why does a potential difference develop at direct, support for the contention that
the boundary with the arrival of the prop- most, if not all, of the scalp-recorded early
agating volley? The external field induced stationary peaks result from an abrupt al-
by the traveling impulse probably under- teration in current flow at various bound-
goes an abrupt change in current density aries of the volume conductor. For exam-
based on the geometric contour of the vol- ple, the initial positive peaks, P9 and P17
ume conductor entered.28,206,249,250 Thus, of the median and tibial SEPs arise when
FFPs may also originate in muscle tissue the propagating volleys enter the shoul-
at the proximal and distal muscle tendi- der and pelvic girdles.249,250 Similarly, the
nous junctions.114,121 Studies using second positive peaks, P11 and P24 of the
various models such as cylindrical and rec- median and tibial SEPs reflect, at least in
tangular volume conductors have con- part, changes in geometry as the impulses
tributed in elucidating the sources of sta- reach the cervical cord and the conus
tionary potentials.117 The waveforms medullaris. The latencies of these early
recorded by surface electrodes in our components support this view.133,148 A
model bear a great resemblance to those change in the position of the shoulder gir-
registered by fluid electrodes in an in vitro dle slightly but significantly alters its la-
experiment.314-316 As one of the essential tency and waveform.95,187
characteristics of this phenomenon, the Hence, far-field peaks used in clinical
voltage step, once developed at the parti- analysis of the afferent system do not re-
tion, appears instantaneously as a steady late exclusively to a specific neural gen-
potential difference between the two com- erator. As an inference, certain abnor-
partments. To draw an analogy, an on- malities of somatosensory and other
coming train (axonal volley) becomes si- evoked potentials could result from
multaneously visible (far field) to all changes affecting the surrounding tissue
bystanders at a distance (series of record- and not necessarily from the sensory
ing electrodes) as it emerges from a tun- pathways per se. Clinical studies of cere-
nel (partition of the volume conductor), bral evoked potentials exploit far-field
whereas the same bystanders see the train recording in the evaluation of subcortical
pass by at different times (near field), de- pathways not otherwise accessible. In
pending on their position along the rail- these instances, Junctional potentials may
road.247 The designation junctioncd or render clinically useful information about
boundary potential specifies the source of the arrival of the impulse at a given
the voltage step by location and differen- anatomic landmark forming a partition of
tiates this type of FFP from those origi- the volume conductor. This type of record-
nating in fixed neural generators. A pair ing also provides an indirect measure of
of electrodes positioned only a short dis- neural activities responsible for sensory
tance apart provides the best means of de- transmission, which is linearly related to
tecting such a stationary potential as long the amplitude of the stationary peak.247
as they are placed across the partition in
question.246,403 This observation calls for
reassessment of the commonly used di- 4 NEURAL SOURCES OF
chotomy, equating a bipolar and referen- VARIOUS PEAKS
tial montage with the near-field and far-
field recording.
Clinical Implications Considerable confusion exists in the
analysis of SEPs because various authors
Despite common belief to the contrary, the use different nomenclature for the same
complex waveform of short-latency SEPs waveforms (American EEG Society AEEGS
reflects primarily the physical relation- Guidelines on evoked potentials).8,199
ships between the nerve and the sur- Some describe the components by loca-
504 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

tion and sequence, that is, CP for cervi-

cal potential and IP, NI, PI, and Nil for ini-
tial positive and subsequent negative and
positive scalp-recorded potentials. Others
specify the average peak latency to the
nearest millisecond, that is, cervical NIS
or scalp-recorded Pi4, N i7 , P20, and N29-
The actual latency of the same component
varies individually, reflecting the different
lengths of the somatosensory pathways,
most peaks showing a good correlation
with height.59,302 Ideally, the names of the
various components should indicate the
respective neural sources, but the exact
generator sites of most peaks are still

Median and Ulnar Nerves Figure 20-5. Simultaneous recording from Cz (1)
referenced to knee (4) and low cervical electrode (3)
referenced to ear (2) after stimulation of the median
Several studies have confirmed the pres- nerve at the wrist in a normal subject. Four positive
ence of short-latency SEPs in adults peaks, P9, P11, P13, and P14 recorded at Cz were
and children.55,71,74,92,138,266,284,426,433 The nearly identical in latency to four negative peaks, N9
multi-channel SEPs recorded simultane- (P C9 ), N11, N13, and N14 recorded at the low cervical
electrode [cf. Figs. 20-6 and 20-7). [From Yamada,
ously from the scalp and cervical electrodes Kimura, and Nitz,471 with permission.]
help delineate the field distribution of such
short-latency components (Figs. 20-5
through 20-7, Table 20-1). Most of these teristic maturational changes in their
studies relate to median SEPs, but stud- topographic distribution of late SEP com-
ies of the ulnar nerve have revealed com- ponents (see Chapter 22-9).237
parable results.129,153,154,205 Some stud- Stimulation of the median nerve at the
ies have dealt with normative data in wrist elicits cervical potentials consisting
children,158,494 showing complex matura- of four negative peaks (N9, N11, N13, and
tional changes, that complicate the inter- N14) when referenced to the tied ears (see
pretation.159,162,292 Neurologically intact Fig. 20-5).471 The earliest component
preterm and term infants present charac- shows relative positivity if recorded with

Figure 20-6. Simultaneous recording

from a low cervical electrode (3) with knee
(4) or ear (2) reference after stimulation
of the median nerve at the wrist in a nor-
mal subject. The recording with a knee
reference showed the initial positive
peak, P9, followed by three negative
peaks, N11, N13, and N14. The use of an
ear reference reversed the polarity of the
first peak and enhanced the subsequent
negative peaks. [From Yamada, Kimura
and Nitz,471 with permission.]
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 505

Figure 20-7. Simultaneous recording from

Cz (1) with knee (4) or ear (2) reference after
stimulation of the median nerve at the wrist
in a normal subject. Of the four positive
peaks, P9, P11. P13 and P14 recorded with a
knee reference, only P13 and P14 appeared
when referenced to the ear. [From Yamada,
Kimura and Nitz,471 with permission.]

a noncephalic reference (see Fig. 20-6). medium-latency and long-latency compo-

With the use of the knee reference, the nents of scalp-recorded SEPs from the
initial positive potential of scalp-recorded central areas during the next 100 ms con-
SEPs contains four positive peaks: P9, P11, sist of Ni 9 , P22, N30, P40, and N60, or, ac-
P13, and P14 (see Fig. 20-7). Recording cording to another nomenclature, NI, PI,
with ear reference (see Fig. 19-7), far-field NII, PII, and NIII.
peaks consist of P13 and P14 without ear- The earliest scalp potential, P9,74 which
lier components, which make the scalp originates from a distal portion of the
and ear equally positive. These four peaks brachial plexus, corresponds to N9 of the
of the cervical and scalp-recorded SEPs cervical potential as recorded by means of
normally occur within the first 15 ms, fol- a scalp reference (see Figs. 20-5 and
lowed by a small but distinct negative 20-8).215 As mentioned above, the field
peak, NIS, recorded bilaterally in the distribution of the first component shows
frontal region as negative FFP. The a diagonal orientation with negativity at

Table 20-1 Latency of Erb's Potential and

Short-Latency Median Somatosensory Evoked Potential
in 34 Normal Subjects
Latency Latency Difference
(Left and Right Combined) (Between Left and Right)
Number Mean ± SD Number Mean ± SD
Components Identified (ms) Mean + 3 SD Identified (ms) Mean + 3 SD
Erb's potential 68 9.8 ± 0.8 12.2 34 0.4 ± 0.2 1.0
P9* 68 9.1 ±0.6 10.9 34 0.4 ± 0.2 1.0
N11 43 11.2 ±0.6 13.0 19 0.4 ± 0.3 1.3
P13* 68 13.2 ± 0.9 15.9 34 0.5 ± 0.4 1.7
Pl4 55 14.1 ± 0.9 16.8 25 0.5 ± 0.4 1.7
N18 68 18.3 ± 1.5 22.8 34 0.5 ± 0.5 2.0
Interwave peaks
P9-P11 43 2.2 ± 0.3 3.1 19 0.2 ± 0.2 0.8
N11-N13 43 1.9 ± 0.4 3.1 19 0.2 ± 0.2 0.8
N13-P14 55 1.0 ±0.4 2.2 25 0.3 ± 0.2 0.9
P14-N18 55 4.2 ± 0.9 6.9 25 0.7 ± 0.5 2.2
P9-N13* 68 4.0 ± 0.4 5.2 34 0.3 ± 0.3 1.2
N13-N18* 68 5.1 ±0.9 7.8 34 0.6 ± 0.5 2.1
*Consistently measurable components and interwave peaks.
From Yamada et al.,478 with permission.
506 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 20-8. Relationship be-

tween potentials recorded at the
scalp P9 (1) and potentials
recorded at the shoulder (2),
Erb's point (3), and 5 cm distal
to the axilla (4). The positive
peak, P9, at the scalp corre-
sponded in latency to the nega-
tive peak recorded from the
shoulder. 471
[From Yamada, Kimura
and Nitz, with permission.]

the shoulder and axilla and positivity over the most controversial SEP topics.300,489
the entire scalp and neck (see Figs. 20-6 The negativity reaches a maximum at the
and 20-8). The propagating impulse gen- cervical level with decreasing amplitude
erates a junctional potential at this level, rostrally and caudally.31,471 A slight delay
reflecting an abrupt geometric change of of N13 at higher cervical electrodes sug-
the volume conductor, anatomic orienta- gests the presence of a traveling wave.253
tion of the impulse, and branching of the Recordings of N13 from esophageal elec-
nerve 95,189,249,250,251,317,471 trodes or from anterior neck electrodes
According to an estimation based on clearly establish the existence of an an-
nerve conduction studies, sensory im- teroposterior field with positivity anteri-
pulses reach the spinal cord in 10-11 ms orly and maximum amplitude below the
after stimulation of the median nerve at foramen magnum.93,217 These findings
the wrist.131,253 Thus, N11 starts upon ar- suggest that the near-field N13 recorded
rival of the peripheral nerve volley at the over the cervical spine probably originates
spinal cord level.92 It closely relates to the in the dorsal horns, although ascending
activity recorded from the side of the neck volleys in the dorsal column may also con-
ipsilateral to the stimulation (Fig. 20-9). tribute. Lesions at the cervicomedullary
The characteristics of the refractory pe- junction spare N13, while abolishing sub-
riod indicate the143presynaptic nature of sequent components.299 Some investiga-
this component. The neural source of tors have recorded two subcomponents
N11, therefore, must lie near the entry with different orientations, N13a/P13a and
zone, with scalp-recorded P11 reflecting N13b/P13b, possibly corresponding to gen-
the positive end of the same field.471 Some erators in4,217,218
the dorsal horns and the cuneate
investigators, however, have observed a nucleus. Epidural, pial, and sub-
delayed NH in patients with cervical cord pial recording allows detection of addi-
and medullary lesions. This finding would tional low-amplitude high-frequency waves
imply a more rostral origin.18 superimposed on P9-N13, presumably re-
Despite considerable clarification dur- lated to the cuneate fascicles.101,348
ing recent years, the origin and identity of The third positive scalp potential consists
the N13/P13 components still rank among of two different generator sources, P13 and
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 507

the brainstem level. Although the origin of

P13 remains uncertain, it probably corre-
sponds to N13 arising from the cervical cord,
which in turn consists of at least two sub-
components, as mentioned above.219,406
Earlier studies suggested that P14 might
arise in the thalamus.74 In fact, SEPs
recorded in humans from the nucleus ven-
tralis caudalis consisted of monophasic or
diphasic potentials with a mean onset la-
tency of 13.8 ms.47 The preservation of Pi4
in patients with cerebral,18 thalamic,311 or
mesencephalic lesions55 suggests a more
caudal location of the neural source. Fur-
thermore, this component shows no phase
reversal between scalp and nasopharyngeal
recordings (Fig. 20-10),471 as might be ex-
pected if it were generated in the thalamus.
Unlike N11 and N13, a cervical electrode
barely detects N14 in most subjects, indi-
cating its neural source rostral to the cer-
vical spine. All of these observations to-
gether suggest that P14 originates rostral to
the cuneate nucleus,44,183,202,335 partially
or entirely representing a junctional po-
tential of the medial lemniscus impulse
crossing the foramen magnum.209,245,246
The polarity characteristics of the short-
latency SEPs suggest that a negative field

Figure 20-9. Responses recorded from a series of

electrodes placed longitudinally at Cz {!), Oz (2), and
high (3), mid (4), and low (5) cervical regions, with
a reference lead at the knee (6). The amplitude of
P11 decreased progressively from Cz to the high cer-
vical electrode (arrows) with phase reversal to N11 at
mid and low cervical electrodes. In contrast, the pos-
itive field of the first component (P9) extended from
Cz to low cervical electrode (Peg)- [From Yamada,
Kimura, and Nitz,471 with permission.]

Pi4, as evidenced by its bilobed appear-

ance.74 Debates continue on whether scalp-
recorded P13 represents the phase reversal
of N13 from the dorsal horn93 or corre-
sponds to the ascending volley of the pos-
terior column.18,309,471 A small and at times
equivocal P13, recorded over the scalp
stands in contrast to N13, which represents
the largest cervical potential. Some believe
that P13 originates below the foramen mag- Figure 20-1O. Responses recorded from Cz (1) and
num,299,449 whereas others,183,238 on the a nasopharyngeal electrode (2) using a knee refer-
ence. The identical waveform of P14 in both tracings
basis of intracranial recordings in humans, indicates its generation source caudal to both
propose that P13, like P14, arises from vol- recording sites, that is, below the base of the skull.
leys ascending in the medial lemniscus at (From Yamada et al.,471 with permission.)
Figure 20-11. A. Median SEPs after unilateral stimulation on the right in a normal subject. Topographic
analysis indicates Ni7-P2o-N29 peaks distributed bifrontally and at ipsilateral central (C4) and Cz electrodes,
N19-P23-N32 at contralateral central electrode (Ca), and N20-P36-N34 at parietal and occipital electrodes. In
this and in B. C7 indicates a cervical electrode just above the C7 spinal process. B. Median SEP after bi-
lateral stimulation in the same subject as in A. Potentials recorded over homologous electrodes in the two
hemispheres show symmetric patterns that resemble contralateral responses elicited by unilateral stimula-
tion. [A and B from Yamada et al469 with permission.]

Figure 20-11 (cont.). C. Topographic display of scalp (10-20 International Electrode Placement system) and
cervical potentials (C7) to stimulation of the left median nerve. Frontal Ni7 (FPa, F4) preceded central Ni9 (C4)
and parietal N20 (P4) contralateral to the stimulus. N17 also appeared at the vertex (Cz and frontal and cen-
tral areas ipsilaterally (F3, C3). [From Kimura and Yamada,251 with permission.] D. Cervical and scalp-
recorded SEPs in two normal subjects after simultaneous bilateral stimulation. Tracings were recorded from
the left (C3) and right (C4) central regions of the scalp and the mid-neck, all referenced to the connected
ears. The initial positive potential (IP) consists of Pi3 and P14, and the cervical potential (CP) consists of N9,
N11, N13, and N14. The subsequent negative and positive peaks, NI, PI, Nil, PII, and NIII, correspond to N19,
N22. N32, P40, and N60. [From Yamada, Machida and Kimura,474 with permission.]

510 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

near the generator site gives rise to the structure. The slow negative component,
cervical potentials and that scalp- N18, however, appears on the scalp with
recorded peaks reflect FFPs from the same a latency shorter than that of the nega-
source. Based on the polarity and mean tivity in the thalamus,3 and an extensive
latency, the presumed generator sites in- thalamic298 or pontine lesion404 may
clude (1) the entry to the brachial plexus spare N18, abolishing N20 and subsequent
at the shoulder (Ng and Pg), (2) entry to components. A far-field theory predicts
the cervical cord at the neck (Ni i and PI i), the generation of a slow negative rebound
(3) dorsal column volley with possible con- after positive peaks, P9, P11, P13, and P14
tributions from dorsal horn interneurons as the ascending impulse crosses the
and the cuneate nucleus (Ni3 and PIS), and shoulder and foramen magnum.246,431,434
(4) entry to the medial lemniscus at the Documented cases with involvement of
foramen magnum (N14 and P14). Of these, P14 without change in N18405 and dissoci-
P9, P11, and P14 represent, at least in part, ated effect of vibration on these two com-
a junctional potential generated by propa- ponents293 imply that the onset of N18
gating volleys crossing the geometric parti- may be even more caudal, perhaps repre-
tion at the shoulder, neck, and foramen senting the slow negative sequelae of P9
magnum. For clinical application, a com- generated at the brachial plexus.
bined recording from the scalp with a non- Topographic analyses have shown con-
cephalic reference or from the neck with a flicting results regarding the possible dipole
cephalic reference best delineates short-la- relationship5,88,96,407,443
between parietal N2o and
tency SEPs (see Fig. 20-7).465,471 frontal p20. Despite a similar-
Negative-positive peaks, NI, PI, and NII, ity in latency, close scrutiny reveals that
subsequent to P14 (Fig. 20-11 and Table P20 has a slightly later onset than N20.92,251
20-2) show the shortest latency at the The N20 and P20 show distinct amplitude
frontal electrodes (N 18 , P20, and N2g), with changes with increasing stimulus fre-
a progressive delay toward the central quency, indicating that these potentials
(N 19 , P22, and N32) and parietal (N20, P26, arise from separate generators.90 The dipole
and N34) areas. In contrast to a small N18 theory also falls short of providing an ade-
recorded bilaterally in the frontal region, quate explanation for some of the reported
the first major negative peaks, N19 and observations in clinical context. For exam-
N 20 , skew to the hemisphere contralateral ple, patients with motor neuron disease
to the side of stimulation. The vertex and show selective alteration of prerolandic po-
ipsilateral, and occasionally contralateral, tentials.488 Conversely, those with anterior
central electrodes may also register the lesions may show preservation of the pari-
first negative peak, N18. In this case, N18 etal N2o despite substantial loss of frontal
precedes N19 as an additional separate P20 These findings suggest a radially, rather
peak, suggesting the presence of two dis- than tangentially, oriented dipole mainly in
tinct components of separate neural ori- the parietal area. 190 To further confound the
gin. The appearance of N18 after P14, issue, the central P22 may have yet another
which arises in the medial lemniscus, ini- independent source, showing radial orien-
tially suggested its originate in a thalamic tation over the precentral gyms96,450 or the
structure297,447,448,452 or subthalamic postcentral gyrus.41,43,45

Table 20-2 Latency of Medium- and Long-Latency Median

Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in 34 Normal Subjects
Latency (Left and Right Combined) Latency Difference (Between C3 and C4)
Number Mean ± SD Number Mean ± SD
Components Identified (ms) Mean + 3 SD Identified (ms) Mean + 3 SD
N19 (NI) 68 18.1 ± 1.6 22.9 34 0.4 ± 0.4 1.6
P22 (PI) 68 22.8 ± 2.3 29.7 34 0.6 ± 0.4 1.8
N32 (NII) 68 31.6 ±2.6 39.4 34 0.5 ± 0.4 1.7
P40 (PH) 68 43.6 ± 3.6 54.4 34 0.6 ±0.5 2.1
P60 (NIII) 64 62.8 ± 9.3 90.7 32 1.5 ± 1.1 4.8
From Yamada et al.,478 with permission.
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 511

The origin of the subsequent component Tibial and Peroneal Nerves

Nil (Nso) remains undetermined. It is
elicited by electrical stimuli applied to the The scalp-recorded potentials usually be-
proximal phalanx of the thumb having gin with P35 after stimulation of the per-
both deep and cutaneous afferents, but oneal nerve at the knee and P4o after stim-
not by those applied to the distal phalanx ulation of the tibial nerve at the ankle (Fig.
containing only the cutaneous affer- 20-12). 106,253 The tibial SEP server better
ents.357 Therefore, joint and tendinous in- for routine clinical use, showing larger
put may evoke fontrocentral NSQ in either amplitude and less intersubject variability
precentral or postcentral areas. in waveform339and topography than the per-
The last negative peak, NIII (Neo). shows oneal SEP. The peroneal or tibial SEP
a wider distribution over the cortex, with also contains earlier peaks that corre-
greater temporal variability than the ear- spond to the short-latency components of
lier peaks. In contrast to the medium- the median SEP 229,281,308,362,403,430,453,474
latency responses relayed by specific Recording these small potentials requires
oligosynaptic routes, a nonspecific poly- particular attention to technical details
synaptic pathway probably mediates the and a substantial number of trials for av-
long-latency component. eraging. Stimulation of the tibial nerve at
A number of models have been proposed the ankle evokes three regular compo-
to describe median SEPs as the result of nents, P17, P24, and P31, and three less
a set of overlapping time-varying di- consistent peaks, P11, P21, and P27, dif-
poles.85 In fact, ascending and descend- fusely over both hemispheres. Of these,
ing phases of N2o contain a number of only P31 is recorded with the use of the
wavelets that show different recovery ear or shoulder as a reference; only P24
functions, presumably reflecting the num- and P31, with the iliac crest as a reference
ber of interspersed synapses.139,468 (Figs. 20-13 and 20-18, Table 20-3).

Figure 2O-12. Tibial SEPs after stimulation at the ankle in a normal subject (left) and a patient with sy-
ringomyelia and loss of vibration sense in the right leg (right). Note markedly reduced P40 and N45 to right-
sided stimulation in the patient (middle tracing). Hie use of an ear reference precluded the recording of short-
latency positive peaks, P17 and P24, and minimized P31 and the subsequent negative peak, N37, preceding
P40 (cf. Fig. 20-15.)
512 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 20-13. Scalp recorded

SEPs using a noncephalic ref-
erence after stimulation of the
median nerve at the wrist (mid-
dle) and the tibial nerve at the
ankle (bottom). Both median
and tibial SEPs consist of four
positive peaks initially and two
negative peaks thereafter, all
within the first 20 and 40 ms
following the stimulus, respec-
tively. For comparison, the top
tracing shows far-field poten-
tial, PI-NI, and PII-NII, recorded
from digit II referenced to digit
V, after stimulation of the ra-
dial sensory fibers at the fore-
arm. [From 255 Kimura, Yamada
and Walker, with permis-

Simultaneous recordings from multiple ing nerve potential at the gluteus

levels along the somatosensory pathway The second component shows the largest
suggest that P17 originates in the periph- negativity over the T11 to T12 spinous
eral nerve, P24 in the spinal cord, and PSI processes ( N 2 3 ) associated with stationary
in the brainstem (Fig. 20-14). The initial positive peaks rostrally (P24), with a la-
major component reverses its polarity tency slightly longer than the estimated
near the pelvis, rendering the trunk and nerve conduction time from the ankle to
scalp more positive (P17) than the leg, con- the spinal cord. The last component, best
comitant with the arrival of the propagat- recorded as a positive peak at the scalp

Table 2O-3 Latency of Short-Latency Tibial Somatosensory

Evoked Potentials (A) and Negative Peaks Along the
Somatosensory Pathway (B) in 21 Healthy Subjects
Recording Site Scalp
(A) Components PH Pl7 P 21 P24 P27 P31
Mean ± SD (ms) 11.4 ±2.7 17.3 ± 1.9 20.8 ± 1.9 23.8 ± 2.0 27.4 ±2.1 31.2 ± 2 .1
Number recorded 22 40 21 39 30 40
Number tested 40 40 40 40 40 40
Recording Site Gluteus L4 T12 C7 C2
(B) Components N16 N21 N23 N28 N30
Mean ± SD (ms) 16.4 ± 3.2 20.9 ± 2.2 23.2 ±2.1 27.6 ± 1.8 30.2 ± 1 .9
Number recorded 20 40 40 18 25
Number tested 22 40 40 22 26
From Yamada et al.,474 with permission.
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 513

In contrast to the diffuse distribution of

the early positive components, the first neg-
ative peak shows interhemispheric asym-
metry, with the ipsilateral response, N35,
appearing before the contralateral re-
sponse, N37 (Fig. 20-15). These two peaks
probably represent the subthalamic or sub-
cortical responses generated by two inde-
pendent sources in each hemisphere. In
clinical studies, the subsequent positivity,
P40, is better suited for measuring the con-
duction time to the cortex because of its
consistency. The cortical potentials often,
though not always, show a paradoxical lat-
eralization with higher amplitude ipsilater-
ally. This finding may reflect transverse,
rather than perpendicular, orientation of
the generators located in the mesial surface
of the postcentral sulcus.77,334,377,421,453 In-
trathecal stimulation of the lumbosacral
cord elicits similar cortical potentials, al-
though 10-15 ms shorter in latency.141
Tibial or peroneal SEPs recorded over
sacral, lumbar, or low thoracic levels cor-
respond to median or ulnar SEPs at the
cervical level.91,282,345,482 With the refer-
ence electrode (G2) placed at the T6 spin-
ous process or the iliac crest, the lum-
bosacral potential usually attains the
maximal amplitude with the active elec-
Figure 20-14. Tibial SEPs recorded from scalp lead trode (Gi) over the upper lumbar-lower
and longitudinally placed electrodes over the spine.
The first two positive peaks, P17 and P24, appeared thoracic vertebrae. Stimulation of the sci-
diffusely not only over the scalp but also along the atic nerve in the monkey also elicits pre-
entire spine. The gluteal lead registered a negative dominantly negative triphasic spinal po-
peak, N16, which slightly preceded P17. The second tentials along the 144cauda equina and
component, P24, extended caudally to the T11 spine, caudal spinal cord.
corresponding to negativity, N 23 , best recorded at the
T12 spine. A negative peak, N30, recorded at the C2 The lumbosacral potentials recorded
spine slightly preceded P31. [From Yamada, Machida from the surface after stimulation of the
and Kimura,474 with permission.] peroneal or tibial nerve consist of two neg-
ative components (Fig. 20-16). The la-
tency of the early peak increases from
(P31), coincides with the negative source sacral to upper lumbar levels, but that of
located in the brainstem (N30). The less the second peak remains constant (Fig.
consistent peaks, P11 and P21, are gener- 20-17). Thus, the latency separation be-
ated with the arrival of the peripheral tween the peaks becomes maximal in
nerve potential, N11, at the popliteal fossa, recordings from the lower lumbar or up-
and the spinal potential, N 21 , at the L4 per sacral sites.345 The first peak proba-
spinous process. The other peak, P27, co- bly represents a traveling wave ascending
incides with the arrival of the negative cer- through the nerve roots of the cauda
vical potential, N28, at the C7 spinous equina (cauda peak, or R wave); the sec-
process as recorded from the neck or310the ond peak, a standing potential generated
surface of the dorsal column nuclei. A in the conus medullaris, located at the level
localized synapse-dependent negativity, of the T12 spinous process (cord peak, or
N 29 , can also be recorded378at the level of S wave). The stability of the cord peak in
the second cervical spine. response to short-interval paired stimuli
514 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 20-15. Tibia! SEPs after

unilateral stimulation on the left.
The major components consist of
symmetrically distributed P17,
P24, and P31 recorded with the
use of a knee reference (left, col-
umn) and the subsequent asym-
metric negative peak, ipsilateral
N35 and contralateral N37. The
use of an ear reference precluded
the recording of the short-latency
positive peaks P17 and P24 (right
column). [FromYamada, Kimura,
and Machida,470 with permis-

suggests a presynaptic origin,345 although postsynaptic conus medullaris responses,

postsynaptic potentials may also con- abolishing concomitantly recorded H re-
tribute. Intrathecal baclofen infusion for flexes without producing substantial
management of spasticity suppressed the changes in cortical SEPs.250

Figure 20-16. Surface recording of lumbosacral evoked potentials after stimulation of the right (A), left (B),
and bilateral (C) tibial nerves at the popliteal fossa using a common reference electrode placed over the T6
spine. The responses consist of spinal (S) and double-peaked (R and A) cauda equina potentials as labeled
in C. In the diagram of the lower spine and pelvis on the right, the shaded areas indicate the locations of
recording electrodes at T12, L2, L4, and S1 vertebral levels. All traces represent averages of 64 responses.
[From Dimitrijevic, Larsson, Lehmkuhl et al,102 with permission.]
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 515

Figure 20-17. Cauda (first) and

cord (second) peaks In spinal
evoked potentials recorded from
multiple spinal levels using a ref-
erence electrode over the iliac
crest contralateral to the side of
stimulation. Each of the super-
imposed traces represents the
average of 128 responses. For
comparison, the last trace of the
right column shows a potential
recorded from an electrode over
the sciatic nerve at the gluteal
fold in response to the tibial
nerve stimulation. [From Phillips
and Daube,345 with permission.]

The cord peak recorded at the level of the eral nerve146bundle,268,369,394 the upper or
T12 spinous process probably consists of lower lip, the gums,30,50 tongue, 6
several components, including volleys in other parts of the face.21 Each of these
the dorsal root and dorsal column,94 or- methods evokes a major triphasic wave-
thodromic and antidromic discharges in form, which varies considerably depending
the ventral roots,351 and activities gen- on the technique used. In one study, scalp
erated locally in interneurons. When SEPs elicited by stimulation of the second
recorded caudal to the T12 spinous division (upper lip) consisted of N8, P14f and
process, the potential that occurs syn- N18, whereas stimulation of the third divi-
chronously with the cord peak, and la- sion (lower lip) reversed the polarity to P8,
beled as the A wave by some, may repre- N13, and P19.146 A bipolar recording be-
sent efferent motor activity in the anterior tween C3 (G1) and F3 (G2) also revealed an
root.91,102,351 It may also reflect a junc- inverted sequence, NI, PI, and Nil or NIS,
tional potential recorded at the reference P19, and N2e, following simultaneous stim-
electrode, which becomes positive (P24) ulation of both the upper and lower lips
when traveling volleys arrive at the conus unilaterally (Fig. 20-19 and Table 20-4).415
medullaris (N23) (Fig. 20-18). Such a pos- With an ear reference, stimulation of the
itive field extends over the entire trunk, gum above the first maxillary bicuspid
head, and arm, affecting any reference elicited scalp responses N20, Ps4, and Nsi.29
electrode placed rostral to the T12 spin- Stimulation of the infraorbital nerve elicited
ous process.494 three peaks over the scalp, Wi, W2, and Ws,
corresponding to the activity at the entry
into the gasserian ganglion, into the pons,
Trigeminal Nerve and into the trigeminal spinal tract. Awake
subjects also had additional components
In eliciting SEPs from the trigeminal nerve, P4, NS, PG, and Ny when recorded with the
the sites of stimulation include the periph- use of a noncephalic reference.269 These
516 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 20-18. Far-field peaks (FFPs), recorded over the scalp, and near-field potentials (NFPs), recorded
along the thoracic and lumbar spine and gluteal fold, after stimulation of the tibial nerve at the ankle. The
scalp peaks consist of PI7, P24, and PSI (left, top), which coincide with the arrival of NFP at the hip (Nie),
conus medullaris (N23), and brainstem, respectively. The first lumbar potential (N 2 i), which probably origi-
nates from the cauda equina, gives rise to an inconsistent FFP over the scalp. The second ("N24") and the
third ("Nsi") peaks in the right and middle columns represent FFPs registered by an "active" reference elec-
trode. In the left column, the use of the "inactive" knee reference eliminated the superfluous peaks.

peaks probably correspond to FFPs gener- nents. Technical problems limit the clinical
ated at the mandibular foramen, foramen usefulness of trigeminal SEPs, despite their
ovale, and gasserian ganglion or trigemlnal theoretic applicability to a number of enti-
root after stimulation of the mandibular ties, such as trigeminal neuralgia and
nerve in cats.2 paratrigeminal syndromes.267 Air puff
The dependence of the waveform on the stimulation induces neither stimulus nor
mode of stimulation and recording montage muscle artifacts.185 This combined with
makes it imperative to standardize the test high-amplitude evoked potentials en-
for clinical use in each laboratory. Each hances the signal-to-noise ratio.
published method has advantages and dis-
advantages. Surface stimulation of the
trigeminal nerve bundle or the lip tends to Pudenda! Nerve
activate facial muscles, causing major in-
terference with the signal. Needle stimu- Stimulation applied either to the base of
lation of the peripheral division, although the penis through a pair of ring electrodes
invasive, accomplishes more selective ac- or to the clitoral branch of the pudenda!
tivation of the sensory fibers. Stimulation nerve elicits SEPs 177,420
over the sensory cortex
of the gum requires a special supporter to and spinal cord. The concurrent
maintain optimal contact between the elec- measurement of the cortical and spinal
trodes and the surface. Regardless of the potentials and bulbocavernosus reflexes
method selected, surface current readily (see Chapter 19-6) permits the evaluation
spreads to the pick-up electrodes because of the peripheral and central sensory and
of their proximity. This results in a large motor pathways. Stimulation of the vesi-
stimulus artifact that tends to preclude ac- courethral junction also elicits cerebral
curate analysis of short-latency compo- evoked responses with a late prominent
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 517

multifactorial nature of neurogenic blad-

der dysfunction.280
The pudendal SEPs recorded with G1
2 cm behind Cz and G2 over the forehead
resemble those of the tibial SEPs (Fig.
20-20A), with an initial positive deflection
and subsequent negative and positive se-
quences.177 Table 20-5 summarizes the
mean latencies and standard deviations of
these waves in each of the populations
studied. The peak-to-peak amplitude of
the maximal response recorded over the
midline ranges from 0.5 to 2 uV in men
and from 0.2 to 1 uV in women compared
with 1-5 uV in the tibial SEP. After stim-
ulation of the pudendal nerve, the spinal
potential recorded by G1 over the LI and
G2 over the L5 spinous process consists
of a dominant negative peak with the on-
set latency of 177
9.9 ± 3.4 ms (mean ± SD)
(Fig. 20-20B). The amplitude ranges
from 0.1 to 0.5 uV, showing an inconsis-
tent response in overweight subjects. In
comparison, stimulation of the tibial nerve
at the ankle elicits spinal response with
an onset latency of 20.8 ± 1.8 ms and an
amplitude of 0.25 to 1 uV.
Figure 20-19. A cortical SEP of the trigeminal nerve Based on the latency of spinal poten-
elicited in a healthy subject following stimulation of tials, the impulses arrive at the L1 level
the lips. [From Stohr, Petruch and Scheglmann,416
with permission.] about 10 ms earlier after stimulation of
the dorsal nerve of the penis than after
stimulation of the tibial nerve at the an-
negativity.373 In contrast to distal urethral kle. Pudendal and tibial SEPs over the
or pudendal nerve stimulation that acti- scalp, however, show similar latencies,
vates the somatic afferents,181 this tech- presumably because the muscle afferents
nique probably excites the visceral affer- of the tibial nerve conduct much faster
ents arising from the vesicourethral than the cutaneous afferents of the pu-
junction. Rectal stimulation may elicit two dendal nerve.
distinctly different potentials, presumably
representing excitation of either the pu-
dendal nerve or the visceral afferents.275 Other Nerves
Most patients with detrusor acontractility
from suprasacral cord lesions have nor- Typical short-latency femoral nerve SEPs
mal lumbosacral SEPs, indicating the consist of widely distributed P15 and N19

Table 20-4 PI Latency and NI/PI Amplitude of Trigeminal

Somatosensory Evoked Potentials in 82 Healthy Subjects
Side-to-Side Amplitude
Latency Upper Latency Upper Amplitude Difference
(ms) Limit (ms) Difference (ms) Limit (ms) uV) (uV)
(Mean ± SD) (Mean + 2 SD) (Mean ± SD) (Mean + 2 SD) (Mean) (Mean)
18.5 ± 1.51 22.3 0.55 ± 0.55 1.93 2.6 0.51
Modified from Stohr and Petruch.
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 519

Figure 20-20. A. Somatosensoiy evoked potential recorded 2 cm behind Cz on stimulation of pudendal and
posterior tibial nerves. B. Spinal somatosensory evoked responses recorded at the L1 vertebral spinous
process on stimulation of pudendal (top) and posterior tibial nerves (bottom). [From Haldeman, Bradley, Bha-
tia et al,177 with permission.]

and localized scalp components P26.

?44, and N56.460 Percutaneous stimulation
of the phrenic nerve in the supraclavicular POTENTIALS
fossa35 evokes, over the scalp, PI at an av-
erage latency (mean ± SD) of 12 ± 0.8 ms
and NI at 17 ± 1.3 ms, with peak-to-peak Peripheral Inputs and
amplitude of 0.3-0.6 uV and a more vari- Their Interaction
able PII ranging in latency from 20 to
26 ms and NII from 31 to 45 ms.497 Stim- Early clinical studies revealed abnormal
ulation of the intercostal nerve also elicits SEPs only in patients with impaired vi-
SEPs, which may assist in the diagnosis of bration or position sense, whether the le-
both central and peripheral thoracic neural sions involved the spinal cord, cerebral
compromise.109 Other nerves of interest in- hemisphere, or brainstem. More recent
clude medial and lateral plantar and cal- findings suggest a better correlation of
caneal nerves for plantar neuropathies,112 SEP abnormalities with the loss of posi-
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve for meral- tion than vibration sense in patients with
gia paresthetica,346 and saphenous nerve selective involvement of either modal-
for entrapment neuropathies.436 ity.484 These data suggest the dependency
of SEP components on the integrity of the
dorsal column-medial lemniscal system
Dermatomal Stimulation in humans. Magnetic stimulation of
paraspinal muscles also elicits SEPs,
Stimulation of the cervical or lumbosacral which attenuate by vibration applied
dermatomes elicits SEPs used to evaluate locally or by voluntary contraction of the
radiculopathies.273 Paraspinal stimula- muscle.495 These findings confirm that
tion excludes most of the peripheral ner- muscle spindle receptors at least in part
vous system, thus eliciting SEPs that provide the afferent input responsible for
serve as a measure of spinal lesions.167 early components of SEPs. Brief air puff
Spinal SEPs following segmental sensory and electric stimuli applied to the tip of
stimulation provide a direct measure of the index finger produce SEPs of similar
dorsal root function.379 Dermatomal SEPs morphology. 184 A longer latency of air puff
may also serve in monitoring individual SEP probably reflects a transduction time
nerve root functions during degenerative at the skin receptors rather than differ-
spinal surgery despite considerable vari- ences in conduction velocities of the af-
ability of innervation patterns.333 ferent volleys.186 Mechanical stimuli also

Table 20-5 Latency Comparison Between

Tibial and Pudendal Evoked Potential in
Healthy Subjects (Mean ± SD)
Onset P1 NI P2 N2 P3 N3
(ms) (ms) (ms) (ms) (ms) (ms) (ms)
Men (13)
Tibial 34.0 ± 2.8 41.2 ±2.9 50.5 ± 3.0 62.7 ± 3.3 78.5 ± 4.4 99.5 ± 6.0 117.9 ±9.0
Pudendal 35.2 ± 3.0 42.3 ± 1.9 52.6 ± 2.6 64.9 ± 3.4 79.3 ± 4.0 96.6 ± 4.7 116.0± 7.2
Women (7)
Tibial 32.7 ± 1.7 39.3 ± 1.4 49.4 ±2.1 60.0 ± 2.0 76.1 ±4.2 96.1 ±5.8 119.2 ± 7.9
Pudendal 32.9 ± 2.9 39.8 ± 1.3 49.1 ±2.3 59.4 ± 2.8 73.4 ± 4.6 90.1 ±5.8 110.0+ 10.2
From Haldeman et al.,177 with permission.
520 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 20-21. Scalp-recorded

potential to bilateral stimula-
tion of the median nerve in a
33-year-old man with trau-
matic avulsion of C8, Tl, and
probably T2 roots on the left.
Myelography demonstrated a
large meningocele at C7. Inter-
hemispheric comparison re-
vealed no asymmetry for IP, NI,
and NIII despite an obvious de-
lay of NII on the right (C4).

evoke lower amplitude responses with enough to activate both large- and small-
fewer components than electric stimula- diameter fibers in the peroneal nerve pro-
tion, which65,150
activates more fibers syn- duces SEPs even after transection of the
chronously. Passive plantar flexion dorsal column and spinocervical tract in
of the ankle can also elicit cerebral po- cats.242 These findings all support the
tentials in humans, presumably via the contention that first-order afferent fibers
afferent fibers that originate from muscle outside the posterior column contribute to
mechanoreceptors.409 Thus, the fast- some of the SEP peaks. Clinical observa-
conducting, large, myelinated sensory tions also support the experimental evi-
fibers of the dorsal column-medial lem- dence in favor of separate sensory path-
niscal system, via either cutaneous affer- ways mediating various SEP peaks.
ents5 or muscle afferents152 primarily, al- Similarly, occasional patients with selec-
though not exclusively, mediate SEP tive impairment of pain-temperature sen-
components. sation without loss of position-vibration
Activity carried in the anterolateral col- sense have a depressed or absent NII de-
umn, however, also reaches the cortex in spite relative preservation of NI (Figs.
monkeys as well as in humans.15,498 In- 20-21 and 20-22).473 Conversely, lesions
deed, stimulation with an intensity great of the brainstem, cervical cord, or brachial

Figure 20-22. Scalp-recorded

potential to bilateral stimulation
of the median nerve in a 46-year-
old woman with multiple sclero-
sis. Interhemispheric compari-
son showed a slight delay of IP
and NI and far greater delay of
NII and NIII on the right (C4).
[From Yamada, Kimura, Young,
et al.473 with permission.]
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 521

Figure 20-23. Scalp-recorded

potential to bilateral stimulation
of the median nerve in a 59-
year-old woman with multiple
sclerosis. Despite a delay of NI
and NII on the right (C4) follow-
ing a normal IP, NIII showed no
difference between the two hemi-
spheres. [From Yamada, Kimura,
Young, et al.473 with permission.]

plexus479 may affect NI and earlier peaks of vibration and touch sensations.387 Brief
selectively, sparing NII and subsequent heat pulses applied to the skin excite the
components (Figs. 20-23 to 20-25). Such afferent pathway of pain and temperature
dissociated abnormalities of early or late sensitivity.439 In normal subjects, stimu-
components suggest the presence of at lation with CO2 laser radiant heat elicits
least partially independent central path- a large P320, maximal at vertex but dis-
ways, mediating NI, NII, and NIII. These tributed widely over the scalp.222,231,437
findings also tend to refute the traditional Its amplitude decreases and latency in-
view that successive peaks of the SEP rep- creases with reduction in stimulus inten-
resent the sequential activation of a uni- sity. Calculations using this method re-
tary somatosensory pathway. A high- vealed an estimated conduction velocity of
intensity stimulation elicited cortical SEPs 9 m/s 223
for the A5 fibers in the peripheral
with a latency of 84 ms for an estimated nerve, and 8-10 m/s for the slowly con-
propagation velocity of 12 m/s in a man ducting spinothalamic tract in hu-
with a complete loss of large myelinated mans.228 Clinical studies showed a posi-
sensory fibers.68 tive relationship between pain SEP and
A pinprick, but neither touch nor tac- densities of small myelinated 283
fibers of the
tile tap, elicits SEPs in patients with loss sural nerve in neuropathies, a drasti-

Figure 20-24. Scalp-recorded

potential to bilateral stimula-
tion of the median nerve in a
55-year-old woman with mul-
tiple sclerosis. The tracings
consisted of bilaterally absent
IP, substantially delayed NI,
borderline Nil, and normal NIII
on the right.
522 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 20-25. Scalp-recorded and cervical

potentials to bilateral stimulation of the me-
dian nerve in a 47-year-old man with mul-
tiple sclerosis. A well-preserved NIII oc-
curred as the initial potential in the absence
of preceding peaks, IP, NI and NIL [From
Yamada, Kimura, Young, et al.473 with per-

cally increased latency consistent with de- ment primarily affect the late cortical SEP,
layed pain perception in neurosyphilis,441 more than early cortical responses with
and normal pain SEPs in hereditary mo- minimal change in subcortical compo-
tor and sensory neuropathy with the nents.17,52,363,367,451 In one study, move-
preservation of C-fiber function.264 Other ment of the first digit, but not the fifth
conditions evaluated by this technique in- digit, attenuated P27 cerebral potentials
clude cortical reflex myoclonus,232 disso- elicited by stimulation of the first and sec-
ciated sensory loss of pain and tempera- ond digits, or the median nerve. Con-
ture,39,438 carpal
tunnel 480syndrome,20 versely, movement of the fifth digit, but
syringomyelia stroke, and facial not of the first digit, attenuated the com-
hypesthesia.76 ponent evoked by stimulation of the fifth
The brief effect of an inflated cuff on the digit, or the ulnar nerve. These findings
nerve, caused by ischemia rather than by suggest selective gating of SEPs with
mechanical compression, involves the movement that involves the areas of stim-
largest myelinated fibers first. Such ulation.424 In one study, aged healthy
tourniquet-induced ischemia diminishes subjects had a larger SEP amplitude at
the short-latency SEP peaks, P9, P14, and rest and showed greater amplitude re-
the first cortical response, NI, along with duction by voluntary movement than
the nearly parallel loss476of the potential younger controls.435 Thus, the magnitude
recorded at Erb's point. Thus, the large of gating may depend on SEP amplitude
myelinated fibers responsible for nerve ac- at rest. Pre-movement gating of frontal N30
tion potentials must subserve the early with no effect on N20 suggests a rostral
SEP components. Relative sparing of the projection from the primary somatosen-
later components, PII, NII, PIII, and NIII, sory area or direct projection from the
implies the presence of independent thalamus to the motor cortices.388 Men-
routes, possibly involving different pe- tal movement simulation also affects the
ripheral axons, for example, smaller N30 frontal component.53,360 Vibration at-
myelinated fibers. Interestingly, ischemia tenuates spinal and cerebral potentials
prolongs the latencies of PII and later evoked by stimulation of the mixed nerve
peaks more than those of the earlier peaks or muscle spindle but has no effect on cu-
(Fig. 20-26), again indicating the hetero- taneous input.63,64 Prior stimulation of
geneity of the afferent fibers contributing the same or other nerve also modifies
to the SEPs. SEPs 169,319,331,353 The final wayeform of
the recorded potential depends on a com-
plex interaction of varied sensory inputs
Central Mechanisms from different sources,220,224,225
some facilitatory
for Integration and others inhibitory. Cognitive
components also alter the later compo-
During gating experiments, which test in- nents of SEP, which therefore serve as a
put interactions, different kinds of move- measure of cortical function."
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 523

Figure 2O-26. A. Sequential changes of scalp-recorded SEPs (left) and Erb's potential (right) during me-
chanical application of a pressure cuff around the upper arm in a normal subject. Ischemia affected the ini-
tial positive and negative components, P14 and Nig, along with Erb's potentials earlier than the subsequent
components P22,N32, P40, and N60. A 24 minute compression abolished the "ischemia-sensitive" peaks while
preserving the "ischemia resistant" peaks relatively intact. B. Effect of ischemia on the SEPs and Erb's po-
tential. The change in latency in milliseconds (ordinate) plotted against duration of ischemia in minutes (ab-
scissa) showed a clear dissociation in the time course of latency change between the "ischemia-sensitive"
and "ischemia-resistant" components. [From Yamada, Muroga and Kimura,476 with permission.]

Despite this complexity, SEPs generally ley reached 50 percent of its maximum.152
favor the inputs from the fast-conducting Therefore, a few large afferent fibers that
fibers that reach the synapse first, oc- survive peripheral pathology may suffice
cluding those from the slow conducting to evoke a nearly normal SEP. In addition,
fibers by prior activation of the common the differential effect of desynchronization
pathway shared by the afferent fibers. on peripheral axons and central synaptic
This phenomenon would explain the gen- relays may cause apparent dissociation
eration of relatively preserved SEPs de- between central and peripheral sensory
spite a very abnormal sensory nerve ac- responses. The nerve action potential un-
tion potential in patients with peripheral dergoes substantial diminution based
neuropathies. Such discrepancy may also solely on phase cancellation between unit
result from central amplification that discharges of fast- and 248 slow-conducting
compensates for peripheral conduction fibers (see Chapter 7-5). Similarly, the
block.134 In one study, early components diminution of early SEPs may initially re-
of SEPs attained a maximum amplitude sult from temporal dispersion of axonal
before the responsible muscle afferent vol- volleys rather than from conduction
524 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

block. If so, the cortex, operating as an of age, scalp-recorded tibial SEPs show la-
integrator, may generate a sizeable evoked tency changes that reflect complex matu-
response after several synaptic relays, ration of central pathways. In contrast,
which tend to resynchronize the incoming the latencies of the peripheral and lum-
inputs. bar potentials correlate positively with age
Regardless of the underlying physiologic and height, yielding a predictable nomo-
mechanisms, these observations have gram.163 Short-latency SEPs in infants
practical implication in the clinical as- and children resemble those of adults but
sessment of SEP abnormalities. Patients show great maturational changes until
with severe sensory neuropathy may have adolescence. The peripheral part of the
absent peripheral nerve potentials with sensory pathway reaches the adult range
preserved, albeit delayed, SEP peaks. at 3-4 years of432age and the central part,
These disorders may affect the amplitude at school age. The central conduction
of the initial SEP peaks selectively with- time (mean ± SD), measured from the cer-
out concomitant diminution of the later vical area (N13) to the primary cortical re-
components. More importantly, conduc- sponse (NI), remains relatively constant
tion abnormalities of the peripheral nerve (5.66 ± 0.44 ms) between 10 and 49 years
can lead to increased interpeak latencies of age. It increases by approximately 0.3
of scalp responses as the result of dis- ms between the fifth and sixth decades,
proportionate delay of the late compo- with no further change thereafter.191
nents. Thus, a latency dissociation be- The somatosensory latency has two
tween early and late SEP peaks does not parts, peripheral conduction from the
necessarily imply a central lesion. This stimulus site to the spinal cord entry and
possibility underscores the importance of central conduction along the remaining
demonstrating the integrity of the periph- segment of the first-order afferent up to
eral nervous system by appropriate con- the dorsal column nuclei and subsequent
duction studies as part of SEP evalua- relay through the lemniscal system and
tions. thalamocortical fibers over at least three
synapses. The spinal potentials recorded
over the C7 and T12 spinous processes
Measurement of Conduction reveals peripheral conduction time in the
Time and Various Factors upper and lower limbs. The remaining
central latency for the median and tibial
In the clinical assessment of SEPs, two nerves measures the sensory pathways
separate trials with the same stimulus from the cervical enlargement (C7 spin-
setting serve to confirm the consistency of ous process) and the conus medullaris
the recorded response. Repeat studies on (T12 spinous process). The difference be-
successive occasions show better stability tween the two provides the spinal cord
for SEPs elicited by stimulation of the up- conduction from the conus medullaris to
per limbs than of the lower limbs. The the cervical enlargement.107,127 The la-
usual measurements include onset and tency difference between cortical poten-
peak latencies and peak-to-peak ampli- tials elicited by epidural stimulation of the
tudes (see Tables 20-1 to 20-3). Available cervical and thoracic spinal cord also
data suggest a linear relationship between serves as32 a measure of spinal cord con-
the subject's height and the latency of a duction. Because of a cumulative error,
given peak elicited by stimulation of a the currently available indirect estimate
lower limb.239 SEP latencies, which in- provides only a gross approximation of
clude synaptic delay, also change as a spinal cord conduction. In addition, the
function of body temperature, affecting technique applies only to SEP components
central, more than peripheral, conduction mediated by large myelinated, fast-con-
times.192,295 ducting fibers. Changes in conduction
Group means of the median SEPs indi- characteristics of slower conducting fibers
cate minor differences in waveform and la- not assessed by conventional nerve con-
tency between the genders..197 During nor- duction studies, could alter the SEP latency
mal postnatal development up to 8 years and waveform. Analysis with correlation co-
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 525

efficients can determine their reproducibil- nerves. The median nerve enters the
ity and side-to-side asymmetry.262 spinal cord through C5 to Tl roots. The
large myelinated fibers that carry propri-
oception, conveying touch, pressure, and
6 CLINICAL APPLICATIONS vibration sense, ascend the dorsal col-
umn, reaching the cuneate nucleus at the
medulla. Following synaptic connection
Studies of SEPs have made steady there, the second-order neuron crosses to
progress since the original description by the opposite side via the medial lemnis-
Dawson84 more than half a century ago. cus, and ascends to the ventral postero-
The advent of microcomputers and digital lateral nucleus of the thalamus. The
processors has freed the student of clini- third-order neuron then reaches the so-
cal neurophysiology from the limitations matosensory cortex, posterior to the cen-
of analog analysis. This in turn has led to tral sulcus.
a rapid escalation in the use of SEPs and We use a four-channel montage to trace
other evoked potential studies in the clin- the signal along the anatomic route of so-
ical domain, and a great number of pa- matosensory pathways from Erb's point
tients undergo such a test as a routine (channel 4) to cervical spine (channel 3)
procedure. Important questions remain, and then to scalp (channels 1 and 2) (Figs.
however, to delineate the practical scope 20-27 and 20-28 and Tables 20-6 to
of the SEP and its proper usage.13,244,260 20-8). Channel 4 records N10, or the
These include standardization of the tech- nerve potential at Erb's point, with a mean
nique and nomenclature, precise localiza- latency of 10 ms, which serves as a mon-
tion of neural generators, and elucidation itor of the peripheral nerve. Channel 3
of various 178
factors that affect the mea- registers three negative peaks, N9, N1l,
surements. and N13, derived from combination of
near- and far-field activities. Of these, N9
represents a positive FFP, P9, recorded by
Common Derivations and the reference electrode as the impulse
Normal Values crosses the distal portion of the brachial
plexus. Most propose N1l to arise from
Median SEPs generally have larger and the root entry zone as a presynaptic po-
better defined responses than the corre- tential and N13, from the cervical cord,
sponding peaks of ulnar SEPs or those the posterior columns, or cuneate nucleus
elicited by stimulation of pure sensory as a postsynaptic potential.

Figure 2O-27. Four-channel

recording of median SEPs show-
ing P13 and P14 recorded at F3
and C'3 electrodes, N18 at F3
electrode and N2o at C'3 elec-
trode. Cvs-AN derivation regis-
ters mixed near-field and far-
field potentials, N9, N11, and N13.
Of these, N13 matches P13 in la-
tency despite a different genera-
tor source. The propagating sig-
nal, N10, recorded at Erb's point
falls in between N9 and N11, rep-
resenting far-field activities.
[From Yamada 1994,466 with
526 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 2O-28. An abnor-

mal median SEP with nor-
mal N9 and N10 and de-
layed N13, P14, and N2o. A
prolonged N9 to N13 inter-
wave peak latency beyond
the upper limit of normal
(5.3 ms) indicates a lesion
involving either the proxi-
mal segment of the periph-
eral nerve or the cervical
cord. [From Yamada,466
with permission.]

The FFPs of clinical interest include four advantage when monitoring cervical cord
positive peaks, P9, Pll, P13, and P14, function during surgery.
recorded from C'3 or C'4 scalp electrodes In contrast to bifrontally distributed far-
usually by means of a non-cephalic refer- field negativity (N18) the first near-field
ence (see Fig. 20-1). This derivation often peak, N20, shows a clearly localized area
poses substantial technical difficulty be- over the somatosensory cortex in the con-
cause interfering noise increases in pro- tralateral parietal region, providing a
portion to the distance between the active means for evaluating thalamocortical pro-
and reference leads. To circumvent this jection and sensory cortex. Thus, the four-
problem, channels 1 and 2 register P13 channel derivation described here can
and P14 with the ear as the reference. The register propagation of impulse along the
scalp lead from the frontal but not pari- anatomic pathway of somatosensory sig-
etal region registers a negative FFP, N18, nals. The median SEPs also include later
following positive FFPs, P13 and P14. In potentials such as N32, P40, N60, P100,
our montage, therefore, a combination and N130. These intermediate- and long-
of scalp channels referenced to the ears latency components vary considerably, re-
and a neck channel using anterior-to- flecting the subject's vigilance, attention
posterior derivation substitutes the cum- to the stimulus, and other cognitive func-
bersome scalp-noncephalic recording in tions. Each wave has its own character-
measuring the FFPs. These far-field peaks istic scalp distribution, presumably rep-
show resistance to anesthesia, a distinct resenting neuroanatomic and physiologic

Table 20-6 Four-Channel Derivation for Median

Somatosensory Evoked Potential
Stimulation of Left Median Nerve Stimulation of Right Median Nerve
Channel 1: F4-A1 Channel 1: F3-A2
Channel 2: C'4-A1 Channel 2: C'3-A2
Channel 3: Cv5 to anterior neck Channel 3: Cvs to anterior neck
Channel 4: Lt Erb to Rt Erb Channel 4: Rt Erb to Lt Erb
F3, F4, C'3 and C'4 refer to the 10-20 International Electrode Placement sys-
tem (Fig. 20-1). C'3 or C'4 is 2 cm posterior to the C3 or C4, respectively. Cv5
refers to a point just below the C5 spinous process. Lt = left; Rt = right.
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 527

Table 20-7 Peaks of Median Somatosensory

Evoked Potential and Their Origins
Peaks Anatomic Origin
Channel 1: Pl3-Pl4 Bralnstem (median lemniscus)
N18 Perpheral nerve of brainstem
Channel 2: Pl3-Pl4 Bralnstem (medial lemniscus)
N20 Thalamocortical projection or cortex
Channel 3: N9 Distal portion of brachial plexus
N1l Root entry zone or dorsal column
N13 Cervical cord or cuneate nucleus
Channel 4: N10 Erb's potential

substrates for cortical sensory processing. face electrodes placed along the spine
Thus, these late waves may provide use- show propagation of a traveling impulse
ful information in the evaluation of higher above the T12 spinal level, but these small
cortical functions, although their clinical responses often escape detection. Chan-
value is limited. nel 2 with the scalp electrode C'z refer-
enced to the ear registers P31,N35, and
P40. Of these, P31 corresponds to P13/P14
of the median nerve SEP, arising from me-
The usual sites of stimulation include the dial lemniscus. Like P13/P14, P31 remains
tibial nerve at the ankle and, less com- stable under anesthesia, providing a use-
monly, the peroneal nerve at the knee. We ful measure for spinal cord monitoring.
use four-channel recording of the tibial The onset of N35 probably in part repre-
SEP, which shows less intraindividual sents a negative FFP equivalent to N18 of
and interindividual variability than per- the median nerve SEP.
oneal nerve SEPs (Figs. 20-29 and 20-30 Unlike N20 of the median SEP, its coun-
and Tables 20-9 and 20-10). terpart, N35 of the tibial SEP, generally
Channel 4 registers N8, or the periph- shows a small amplitude even in normal
eral potential with a latency of about 8 subjects. Channel 1 with C'Z-FZ (Fpz) de-
ms. Channel 3, similar to its counterpart rivation suites best for defining P40, the
in median nerve SEPs, registers a combi- most consistent scalp-recorded cortical
nation of near-field and far-field activities. component, showing maximum amplitude
Of these, N24, recorded at L1 and T12 at the vertex on the hemisphere ipsilat-
spinal processes, derives from the conus eral to the side of stimulation. The inter-
medullaris and N21 from the cauda wave peak latencies of N24-P31 and
equina, which in some cases appears as N24-P37 serve as a measure of conduction
a small notch over the rising phase of N24. time along the spinal and central so-
These two components correspond to N11 matosensory pathways. Tibial SEP laten-
and N13 of the median nerve SEP. Spinal cies, in general, show a linear relationship
potentials recorded from a series of sur- to the subject height in both children and
adults (Figs. 20-31 and 20-32).

Table 20-8 Upper Limit of Normal

Values for Median Somatosensory Peripheral Nerve
Evoked Potentials, Mean + 2 SD
Latencies Left-Right Differences The studies of SEPs supplement conven-
N9 10.8 0.8
tional sensory nerve conduction tests in
N13 15.5 0.5 general and assessment of the proximal
Pl4 17.1 0.9 sensory fibers in particular. Selective
N20 21.7 1.1 stimulation of the afferent fibers elicits
Latency Differences only a small peripheral sensory response,
N9-N13 5.3 1.0 especially in diseased nerves. Mixed-nerve
N13-Pl4 2.2 0.8 potentials, although relatively large, con-
N13-N20 7.4 1.0 tain not only the sensory volleys from
528 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 20-29. Four-channel recording of tibial SEP showing a cortical potential, P4o, in scalp-to-scalp de-
rivation and preceding far field potential Pai-Nss when referenced to the ears. L1 iliac crest derivation reg-
isters a far-field potential, P17,and near-field peaks N21 and N24 from cauda equina and conus medullaris.
The latency difference between P31 and N24 approximates the spinal conduction time. The propagating sig-
nal, N8, recorded at the popliteal fossa, monitors the peripheral nerve. [From Yamada,466 with permission.]

skin, joint, and muscle afferent fibers but sponding to the C6, C7, and C8 roots in
also antidromic motor impulses. In con- the differentiation of radicular lesions.418
trast, spinal or scalp-recorded responses Disorders commonly tested by this
result solely from sensory potentials, pri- means include lesions involving the root,
marily mediated by the large afferent plexus, or thoracic outlet (see Fig. 20-
fibers, even after stimulation of a mixed 21). 130,257,341,483,487 A number of Studies
nerve. Selective stimulation of the first, explored the use of segmental and der-
third, and fifth digits elicit SEPs corre- matomal SEPs in the diagnosis of cervical

Figure 2O-30. An abnormal tibial SEP in a patient with thoracic spinal cord injury, showing normal N8 and
N24 and diminished and delayed P40. A prolonged N24-P4o interwave peak latency beyond the upper limit of
normal (21.5 ms) indicates a lesion involving the spinal cord or higher levels.
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 529

Table 20-9 Four Channel Derivation for Table 20-10 Upper Limit of Normal
Tibial Somatosensory Evoked Potential Values for Tibial Somatosensory Evoked
Stimulation of Left or Right Tibial Nerve Potentials, Mean + 2.5 SD
Channel 1: C'Z(C'1) to Fz(Fpz) Latencies Left-Right Differences
Channel 2: C'z(C'1) to A1 + A2 Popliteal (N8) 10.0 1.0
Channel 3: Ll (T12) spine to iliac crest N24 26.5 2.0
Channel 4: Popliteal fossa (conventional P30 34.7 1.7
bipolar recording) P40 44.0 4.1
C'z is 2 cm posterior to Cz and C'1 is 1 to 2 cm Latency Differences
lateral to C'z on the hemisphere ipsilateral to the N8-N24 16.9 2.1
side of stimulation. N24-P30 11.0 2.1
N24-P40 21.5 4.1
N8-P30 25.2 1.8
34.9 3.8
radiculopathy,,3375 lumbosacral radicu- N8-P40

' and lumbosacral
spinal stenosis.402 Some advocate its clin-
ical value,240,333,380 whereas others refute data provide only insufficient evidence to
such a contention. Studies of support the use of dermatomal SEPs as a
longer pathways tend to mask latency clinical diagnostic tool for radiculopathy,
changes across a short segment because except perhaps in cases of spinal steno-
normal conduction in the remaining re- sis.397,402 Surgical decompression of lum-
gion dilutes the focal delay (see Chapter bar spinal stenosis may shorten the latency
7-6). Thus, intertrial and side-to-side of tibial, peroneal, or sural SEPs.89,166 Pu-
variation tends to mask any small change denda! SEPs, together with the bulbocav-
attributable to a focal lesion. The current ernosus reflex, help evaluate sacral nerve


Figure 2O-31. Tibial nerve SEP simultaneously recorded at various sites after stimulation at the ankle. The
labels show the surface polarity and mean peak latencies observed in 32 normal young subjects (age = 1-8
years, height = 82-130 cm). Electrode placement included popliteal fossa (Pf), first lumbar (L1) and seventh
cervical (C7) vertebral spinous processes, and C'z (2 cm behind Cz) referenced to either Fz or the sixth tho-
racic vertebral spinous process (T6). [From Gilmore, Bass and Wright,163 with permission.]
530 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

ance,60,l61 and system disorders such as

Machado-Joseph disease.67
Unfortunately, the test improves the ac-
curacy of diagnosis less than one might
expect on theoretic grounds in many in-
stances. For example, in a combined
study of SEPs and peripheral sensory
nerve action potentials, preoperative find-
ings correlated well with the discovered
locus of brachial plexus lesions in only 8
of 16 patients.216 In the remaining 8, 5
patients had only minor discrepancy be-
tween electrophysiologic and operative
data, but the other 3 patients had unex-
pected root avulsions at surgery despite a
prediction of a purely postganglionic le-
sion. The use of SEPs alone would have
provided less help because abnormalities
of peripheral sensory nerve action poten-
tials contributed substantially to the ac-
curate localization of the pathologic
process. A major limitation of this tech-
nique stems from its inability to test pre-
Figure 2O-32. The correlation of height to cortical ganglionic involvement in the presence of
evoked potentials (P28 in children and P37 or P40 in a postganglionic lesion, which precludes
adults). A. During growth and development (1-8 the evaluation of a more proximal seg-
years old). B. During163adulthood (18-40 years old).
[From Gilmore et al, with permission.] ment.

root or plexus injuries and bowel, bladder, Spinal Cord and Brainstem
and sexual dysfunction.177,313
SEP measurement also provides sensory Simultaneous recordings of a sensory nerve
studies of the median, ulnar, radial, mus- action potential and SEPs indicate central
culocutaneous, sural, superficial peroneal, involvement in various neuropathies364,385
and saphenous nerves.129,419 Less com- and many systemic disorders, such as late-
326 347
monly studied nerves include 119
posterior onset ataxia,
Kennedy's syndrome,
femoral cutaneous nerve, saphenous myoclonus, HIV infection, and my-
nerve,346 and lateral femoral cutaneous otonic dystrophy.24 In Friedreich's ataxia,
nerve. SEP studies help characterize pe- studies of the sural nerve show normal
ripheral sensory conduction, especially if conduction velocity despite reduced am-
peripheral neuropathies361abolish sensory plitude. Similarly, the median sensory po-
nerve action potentials. In one series of tentials recorded at the clavicular fossa
eight patients with chronic acquired de- show a marked attenuation but little evi-
myelinating neuropathy, however, the re- dence of delay. Studies of SEPs, however,
suits often revealed misleadingly normal reveal a dispersed and delayed cortical re-
data, presumably as the result of central sponse, suggesting210 slowed conduction in
amplification of an attenuated response central pathways. Spinal SEPs also
arising from a few surviving axons con- show frequent defects in spinal afferent
ducting normally.337 In 27 patients with transmission in diabetes, 73,496
Guillain-Barre syndrome, 7 had normal Marie-Tooth disease,211 and other pe-
SEPs despite an abnormal F wave from the ripheral neuropathies.401
same nerve, whereas none with normal SEPs provide a unique33,498
means of assess-
late responses had abnormal SEPs.358 ing spinal 272
cord injury, spinal cord
Other conditions tested usefully include retethering, spinal arteriovenous mal-
cisplatin-induced neuropathy,261 retro- formations,274 subacute combined degen-
grade effects of digital nerve sever- eration, 147,214,408,491,492 spondylotic mye-
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 531

lopathy,86,340,354,355,454,483,487 hereditary pending on the site of involvement. The

spastic paraplegia,429 HTLV-I associated pattern of SEP changes, therefore, help lo-
myelopathy (HAM) or tropical spastic para- calize lesions within the cerebral hemi-
paresis,230,286,312105 Pott's paraplegia,307 spheres.414
tabes dorsalis, adrenomyeloneuropa- Capsular lesions tend to spare P14 and
thy,356 and metachromatic leukodystro- N18but alter all the subsequent SEP com-
phy.464 Some of these patients also have ponents or involve N1l or NIII selectively. In
slow peripheral sensory conduction. In sy- contrast, a sizeable lesion in the frontal 472
ringomyelia (see Fig. 20-12), abnormali- parietal lobe may affect only N1l or NIII.
ties of SEPs accompany clinical sensory A variety of SEP abnormalities observed in
loss despite normal sensory nerve con- restricted nonhemorrhagic thalamic le-
duction studies.14,200 Patients with suba- sions reflect the presumed vascular terri-
cute myeloopticoneuropathy (SMON) also tories.467 Involvement of the primary sen-
have marked attenuation of the cortical sory nuclei, causing the thalamic
component and delayed central conduc- syndrome or the loss of all modalities of
tion of tibial384
SEPs with normal peripheral sensation, characteristically eliminates all
conduction. Lumbosacral SEPs from SEP components with preservation of only
tibial nerve stimulation may or may not P1457,180 and N18.298 Anterior thalamic le-
show abnormalities in patients with neu- sions not involving primary sensory nu-
rogenic bladder resulting from supra- clei often delay NI, whereas medial thala-
sacral cord injuries.280 mic lesions tend to affect central NIII.
A focal compression of the spinal cord Posterior capsular or lateral thalamic le-
causing little symptoms generally results sions may involve both N1l and NIII or NIII
in few SEP abnormalities.425 In contrast, alone. The complex relationship between
diffuse or multifocal lesions of the spinal the type of SEP abnormalities and the lo-
cord often lead to the absence of scalp re- cation of thalamic lesions suggests the
sponse or slowing of spine-to spine and presence of multiple, at least partially in-
spine-to-scalp propagation velocities.374 dependent, thalamocortical projections
Cervical cord lesions attenuate or abolish mediating regionally specific somatosen-
cervical responses if evoked by stimula- sory inputs.298,471
tion of an appropriate nerve, for example, Clinical application of SEP studies in-
the musculocutaneous nerve for C5 or C6, cludes their use to localize subcortical in-
the radial nerve for C6 or C7, the median farction263 and cortical infarction258,259,486
nerve for C7 or C8, and the ulnar nerve and to 241,289
establish functional prognosis in
for C8 or Tl. High cervical lesions that stroke. In general, the degree of ini-
spare early cervical potentials may abol- tial SEP abnormalities shows a good cor-
ish or delay the later components.376 Fi- relation with eventual clinical outcome.493
nally, the electrophysiological character- In some cases, the corresponding peaks at
istics of lumbosacral evoked potentials the central and parietal electrodes may
suggest a degree of spinal cord dysfunc- show 469 independent abnormalities after
tion caudal to the area of injury in a sub- stroke or resuscitation from cardiac ar-
stantial number of patients with estab- rest.40 Similarly, frontoparietal tumors may
lished spinal cord injury.270 result in complete absence of N70 of the
SEPs also provide useful data about pa- tibial SEP, whereas a frontal meningioma
tients with lesions of the brainstem78,145 leads only to a slight alteration.123 In pa-
and infratentorial space-occupying le- tients with occlusive cerebral vascular
sions.459 Motor neuron disease may ex- disease, SEP studies may reveal increased
hibit various SEP abnormalities, despite amplitude on the affected side, perhaps
sparing of the sensory system clini- reflecting a disturbance of the suppressor
cally 36,69,170,349 cortex.412
Patients with cortical myoclonus char-
acteristically have grossly enlarged re-
Diencephalon and Cerebrum sponces 196,226,227,306,330,365,383,386,428
that persist after administration of clon-
In patients with localized cerebral lesions, azepam366
or lisuride, known to reduce myo-
SEP abnormalities vary considerably, de- clonus. Measurements of SEPs using
532 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

paired stimulation reveal hyperexcitabil- nation. Delayed median SEPs in patients

ity of the central nervous system in my- with impairment of position or vibration
oclonic patients.446 Some patients with sense indicate conduction abnormalities
adult ceroid lipofuscinosis have nearly of the posterior column (see Figs. 20-22
monophasic, very high-amplitude SEPs to 20-25). Studies of SEPs can also un-
totally unlike those found in normal con- cover clinically silent lesions and docu-
trol subjects.455 Interestingly, etomidate, ment dissemination of disease in patients
an ultra-short-acting nonbarbiturate hyp- with clinical signs confined to a single
notic, also produces a marked increase in site54,66,97,478 such studies also help
the parietal P25and frontal N30.122 Large quantitate any known abnormalities and
SEP amplitude seen in a previously localize the level of the sensory distur-
healthy adult with anterior spinal artery bance in patients with paraparesis.107
syndrome may reflect loss of anterolateral Scalp-recorded SEPs show an overall in-
inhibitory influences on the dorsal col- cidence of abnormality ranging from 50 to
umn-medial lemniscal system.442 Simi- 86 percent in patients with an established
larly, giant SEPs seen in children without diagnosis25,54,296 and subclinical abnor-
clinical myoclonus may also represent a malities in 20-40 percent of suspected or
form of hyperexcitability of the central possible cases,54,66,478 with greater sensi-
nervous system.304,370,481,485 tivity after stimulation of the lower
In contrast to myoclonus, Huntington's limb.9,395,474 A substantial number of pa-
disease shows a drastic diminution in am- tients have major asymmetries in the
plitude of early cortical potentials in gen- medium-latency and long-latency compo-
eral and the N20-P25 component of me- nents (after NI) elicited by bilateral stim-
dian SEPs and the N33-P40component of ulation of the median nerve, despite nor-
tibial SEPs in particular.34,125,325,477 In mal short latency components (up to
Wilson's disease, most patients with neu- NI).478 Rising body temperature causes
rologic manifestations have some abnor- conduction block in demyelinated axons
malities of median or tibial SEPs, as ex- in the sensory pathway, thereby distort-
pected from widespread degeneration of ing the cervical and scalp SEPs.343
the brain.58 Other disorders showing ab- Recording a short-latency median SEP
normal cortical potentials include portal- (.N13) from the neck or FFP (P14) from the
systemic encephalopathy,62 developing scalp revealed abnormalities in 69-94 per-
brain death,42,457 head injury,194,201 cent of those with a definite diagnosis and
coma,26,290 and locked-in syndrome.176 in 44-58 percent of patients with a pos-
Cortical SEPs recorded with the use of sible diagnosis.136,156 The latency differ-
subdural electrodes show a latency ence between cervical and scalp-recorded
(mean ± SD) of 22.3 ± 1.6 ms for a post- negative peaks showed an 83 percent in-
rolandic potential with initial positiviry and cidence of abnormality in the definitive
24.1 ± 2.7 ms for a prerolandic potential of group and 68 percent overall.132 Stimula-
opposite polarity, thus allowing clear local- tion of the tibial nerve commonly fails to
ization of the central sulcus.104 Other pos- elicit cervical potentials in definite multi-
sible applications include various intraop- ple sclerosis, even with minimal clinical
erative monitoring,276,329,396 and studies of signs.398
the effect of sleep on SEPs.1 Change in me- The incidence of evoked potential ab-
dian SEP noted while monitoring carotid normalities generally increases in propor-
endarterectomy usually signals cerebral tion to the duration of clinical illness,37
ischemia and the need for a shunt during although it correlates more strongly with
the surgery.142,161,164,174,294 neurologic status of the functional sub-
systems.372 Unfortunately, intertrial vari-
ability sometimes exceeds the expected
Multiple Sclerosis changes brought about by disease
processes, leading to a tenuous temporal
Symptoms and signs of multiple sclerosis correlation between clinical and electrical
result from abnormal conduction of cen- changes.12,66,70,305 Indeed, evoked poten-
tral nerve fibers across areas of demyeli- tial studies may not provide information
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 533

for monitoring progression of disease, and administration of various medica-

with frequent disparity between the12,83,87
clin- tions. In one patient developing hemor-
ical and electrophysiologic courses. rhagic hypotension, SEPs deteriorated
Furthermore, some SEP abnormalities only with systolic pressures in the low
may not directly correlate with the pres- 40s.461 Hypothermia induced for surgical
ence or degree of clinical sensory impair- repair of the aorta abolished cortical SEPs
ment.19 at about 20° C and subcortical compo-
As a diagnostic study of multiple scle- nents at lower temperatures.173 Intra-
rosis, SEPs and visual evoked potentials venous loading of diphenylhydantoin at
(VEPs) contribute more than brainstem serum levels below 30 ug/ml induces a
auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) or reversible delay of synaptic transmission
electrically elicited blink reflexes. Wave- in spinal 301and central somatosensory
form analyses may yield a higher inci- structures.
dence of abnormality than latency mea- A normal SEP offers no guarantee for
surement alone.135 Serial studies of the integrity of the entire pathway of the
multimodality evoked potentials, if prop- spinal cord, whereas a markedly distorted
erly selected on the basis of clinical find- or delayed response usually signals a
ings, can establish temporal or anatomic warning and an impending risk. In pa-
dissemination, but not necessarily the tients with preoperative evidence of cord
specific diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. damage, the cortical response tends to
Morphologic lesions seen in magnetic res- fluctuate as a function of patient diagno-
onance imaging (MRI) of the cervical cord sis, neuromuscular status, age, and pro-
usually render appropriate electrophysio- cedural factors.279 In fact, it could abate
logic deficits in SEP.445 Combined evoked entirely without a major change in the
potential testing yields a higher sensitiv- concentration of the anesthetic agent or
ity than MRI,160 but MRI offers a better surgical manipulation of the cervical
yield than any single evoked potential cord.454
study alone.413 In one series of 222 pa- Most initial studies dealt with cortical
tients suspected of having multiple scle- potentials evoked by peripheral nerve
rosis, an abnormality demonstrating a stimulation. This type of recording shows
clinically silent lesion in any modality of inherent variability in amplitude as a ma-
evoked potentials predicted a 71 percent jor disadvantage16 dependent on fluctu-
chance of clinical deterioration compared ating levels of consciousness during anes-
to 16 percent in the remainder.193 In con- thesia.323,338 Spinal cord potentials show
trast to a high incidence of SEP abnor- less variability when recorded either from
malities in multiple sclerosis, patients Kirshner wire electrodes inserted in the
with acute inflammatory transverse spinous processes324 or from needles in
myelopathy tend to have entirely normal the interspinous ligament.283 A pair of
responses. 359 surface electrodes placed over the neck
and scalp register P14 and P31 after stim-
ulation of the median and tibial nerve.
Spinal Cord Monitoring These FFPs generated at the foramen
magnum also serve as a useful measure
Another clinical application of SEP relates showing less effect of anesthesia com-
to its use as an intraoperative spinal cord pared with cortical potentials.283 If pe-
monitor 80,81,171,172,208,213,327,390,399 Dur- ripheral nerve stimulation fails to elicit a
ing scoliosis surgery or removal of a spinal spinal cord potential or FFPs of adequate
cord tumor, general or local anesthesia amplitude, cauda equina stimulation pro-
precludes clinical examination of spinal duces considerably higher evoked poten-
cord function. Tibial or peroneal SEPs per- tials, permitting reliable monitoring of
sist under halogenated inhalational anes- spinal cord function.103
thesia, albeit with a slight reduction in Stainless-steel wire electrodes inserted
amplitude.371 Other factors of importance into the epidural space register two to
dictating latency and amplitude of SEP in- three negative potentials after stimulation
clude blood pressure, body temperature, of the peripheral nerve in humans (Fig.
534 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

20-33).212,391 Estimated conduction ve- elicits a compound muscle action poten-

locity ranges between 65 and 80 m/s for tial in the lower limb, although this does
the fastest activity212,291
and 30 and 50 m/s for not necessarily measure motor function if
the slower waves. In animals, spinal descending impulses of the sensory rather
evoked potentials also consist of two neg- than motor tracts activate the anterior
ative 422,444
peaks after direct cord stimula- horn cells. Individual variabilities in the
tion. Transection of the lateral col- waveform and amplitude of the spinal po-
umn attenuates the first peak; that of the tential reflect inconsistency in the place-
posterior column, the second peak. The ment of423the stimulating or recording elec-
subsequent polyphasic waves probably trodes. Precise positioning of electrodes
result from slower conducting ascending at optimal locations would minimize this
sensory pathways. difficulty by selective stimulation of, or
Epidurally applied shock to the spinal recording from, the spinal pathway in
cord yields better spinal or scalp poten- question (see Chapter 7-5). The facilita-
tials than surface stimulation of the pe- tory or inhibitory effect on the spinal mo-
ripheral nerve. Spinal potentials elicited tor neurons, however, may spread many
by this means consist of two major nega- segments below the level of the cath-
tive peaks, NI and N1l, and subsequent ode.175 Direct stimulation of the spinal
multiple smaller components (Fig. 20- cord also allows recording of peripheral
34).291 The same spinal stimulation also nerve action potentials at the popliteal

Figure 20-33. Spinal evoked potentials

recorded from an epidural electrode placed at
the rostral and caudal spine after stimula-
tion of the tibial nerve in two subjects. The
response recorded at the T12 spine level con-
sisted of a single diphasic potential with the
initial negativity. The waveform varied con-
siderably when recorded at the L3 spine level
or further caudally. Polyphasic waves fol-
lowed the major negative peaks, NI and N1l,
at the rostral spine.291[From Machida, Wein-
stein, Yamada et al, with permission.]
The Somatosensory Evoked Potential 535

technique as a clinical test in56,244

some of these
entities awaits confirmation. 46,382,392This cat-
egory includes head trauma, brain
death,27,49,155,165,456 cerebral aneurysm, 149
sleep,. cord injury, idiopathic scol-
iosis,38 cervical spondylosis, 393
genic bladder,177,280 spasticity,91 72
erative diseases in children, Down
syndrome,228 adrenoleukodystrophy
xeroderma pigmentosa, maturational
changes , 124, 159, 221,236, 237, 266, 292, 427
trigeminal neuralgia,
bellar atrophy, Parkinson's 490
motor neuron disease, 417
muscular dystrophy, myotonic dystro-
phy,23,168100achondroplasia,320 and hypo-
Studies of SEPs have helped in delin-
eating the pathophysiology in a variety of
disorders affecting the peripheral or cen-
tral nervous system. Clinical correlation,
however, does not necessarily lead to
Figure 20-34. Comparison of monopolar and bipo- practical application. A statistical differ-
lar recording of spinal evoked potentials. Two top ence between control and patient groups
tracings show monopolar recordings from G1 and G2 may add little in evaluating individual
placed 1 cm apart at the level of the T5 spinal cases. In the clinical domain, the test
process referenced to G2 at the paraspinal muscle. must unveil relevant information perti-
The bottom tracing represents a bipolar derivation
connecting GI and G2 used for the top montage. nent to the diagnosis or management of
Bipolar recording yielded a better defined, more sta- the patient in question. Even unequivocal
ble potential with fewer technical problems such as SEP abnormalities often fail to clearly lo-
muscle artifacts or stimulus-related baseline shift. calize the lesion, because the neu-
[From Machida, Weinstein, Yamada, et al,291 with
permission.] roanatomic origin of each peak still awaits
elucidation. Abuse and misuse, common
with any new diagnostic procedure, poses
spaces under maximum neuromuscular a particular problem in SEP studies,
blockade.344 which have become routine before their
The various recording techniques de- time, while the technique still continues
scribed here complement one another in to evolve rapidly.128,243 Despite widely
the assessment of spinal cord function in publicized clinical applications, in many
the operating room. Postoperative neuro- instances, these investigative procedures
logic deficits, however, may ensue despite can provide only limited information use-
unchanged intraoperative SEPs,271 or ful for the diagnostic work-up of individ-
conversely, intraoperative SEP may abate ual patients.
without any 51consequent postoperative Conservative and selective use of the
motor deficits. A large multicenter study test in proper clinical contexts would max-
has shown that SEP monitoring reduces imize its impact in electrodiagnostic med-
postoperative paraplegia by more than icine. Only with such a precaution will
50-60 percent.328 SEP studies play a meaningful role as a
diagnostic procedure. SEPs can directly
assess the transmission of the impulses
Clinical Value and Limitations that underlie the fundamental function of
the nervous system. Thus, the technique
Although a number of neurologic conditions has a wide range of application in physi-
accompany abnormal SEPs, the value of the ologic studies of the peripheral and cen-
536 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

tral nervous system in humans. Such evoked potential studies in patients with defi-
clinical and experimental data will help nite multiple sclerosis. Arch Neurol 41:1197-
1202, 1984.
define precisely its diagnostic value and 13. Aminoff MJ, Eisen AA: AAEM minimonograph
limitations. With a better understanding #19: Somatosensory evoked potentials. Muscle
of the anatomy and physiology of the sen- Nerve 21:277-290, 1998.
sory pathways and standardization of the 14. Anderson NE, Frith RW, Synek VM: So-
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Chapter 21

Animal Experiments
D Wave and I Waves
Technical Considerations
Clinical Studies and Limitations
Design of the Magnetic Coil
Discharge Pattern of Motor Neurons
Facilitation and Inhibition
Practice and Safety Considerations
Stimulator Characteristics
Stimulation of Deep Structures
Method and Normal Values
Use of Root Stimulation
Calculation Based on the F Wave
Technical Principles
Myoclonic Discharges
Other Disorders
Normal Values
Multiple Sclerosis
Motor Neuron Disease
Movement Disorders
Neuropathies and Radiculopathies
Cortical Mapping
Other Applications

554 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

1 INTRODUCTION dal tract neurons in the region of the axon

This results in a single descending
volley, or direct wave (D wave), so
Early studies recorded muscle twitches termed because of its short latency, with no
caused by the application of electrical stim- interposing synapse.248 Stimulation at
uli to the exposed brain to map the motor higher intensities induces a series of de-
cortex in animals and humans.127,167,249 scending volleys, or indirect waves (I waves),
A modern electrical stimulation can excite after the D wave at intervals of about 2 ms.
the motor cortex transcutaneously using They represent trans-synaptic activation of
shocks of a high voltage.199 Similar stimuli the same corticospinal neurons through in-
applied over the cervical spine activate C8 terneurons.147 Removal of the cortex abol-
and Tl motor roots in the region of the in- ishes the I waves but not the D wave. The
tervertebral foramina.200 Stronger stimuli twitch force produced in the first dorsal in-
excite the descending tracts directly at the terosseous muscle by a single high-inten-
level of the spinal cord324,326,331 and the sity anodal shock to the contralateral scalp
pyramidal decussation. Transcu- can greatly exceed the force produced by
taneous electrical stimulation has provided supramaximal stimulation of the peripheral
important insight into motor physiology and nerves.69 This indicates that a single corti-
pathophysiology,85,264 and has revealed a cal shock can cause repetitive firing of mo-
high incidence of abnormality in patients tor neurons, which summate to produce a
with multiple sclerosis.59,214,266 Discomfort very large force.
associated with shocks applied at the scalp,
however, limits its practical application.268
Painless transcranial magnetic stimula- D Wave and I Waves
tion has generally replaced electric shock,
gaining wide acceptance in the clinical In stimulating the motor cortex from the
study of motor evoked potentials (MEPs).12 surface, anodal current, which hyperpo-
In addition to the motor cortex, magnetic larizes dendrites, depolarizes the axon and
stimulation can also excite the motor roots cell body more effectively than cathodal
in the region of the intervertebral foramina, current does.118 With surface positivity,
as well as deep-seated nerves and plexuses, current flows out of the dendrites (source)
without causing pain.46,93,303 A specially of the pyramidal tract cells and enters the
constructed coil can also activate the pyra- axon hillock (sink), depolarizing the first
midal decussation,327,333,334,336,350 but not internode and producing a D wave. Stim-
descending motor tracts within the spinal ulation with higher intensities activates in-
cord.330 At present, this technique has lit- terneurons and afferents to the cortex, re-
tle use in the assessment of the peripheral sulting in trans-synaptic excitation of the
nerve for two reasons: uncertainty about pyramidal output neurons that generate I
the exact activation site and difficulty in waves. With cathodal stimulation, current
achieving supramaximal stimulation with- flows to hyperpolarize the axon hillock,
out exciting neighboring structures.33,94,240 raising the threshold for D wave activation.
Advances in coil design will further improve This tends to enhance the indirect trans-
technical precision and, thus, the clinical synaptic excitation of I waves.69,273
utility of transcranial magnetic stimulation. Human studies have confirmed this
finding,24 by altering firing probability of
a voluntarily activated motor unit by ran-
2 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION domly timed cortical stimulation. Low-in-
OF THE BRAIN AND tensity shocks elicit a single peak in the
SPINAL CORD peristimulus time histogram correspond-
ing to the excitatory postsynaptic poten-
tial from a D wave volley. Stimulation of
Animal Experiments higher intensities induces multiple peaks
representing both D and I wave volleys in
A brief low-intensity anodal electrical stim- the pyramidal tract. Direct recordings
ulus delivered to the exposed motor cortex from the cervicomedullary junction dur-
of a monkey activates the axons of pyrami- ing surgery also show a D wave with a la-
Motor Evoked Potentials 555

tency of about 2 ms, followed, with in- High-voltage electrical stimulation at

creasing intensity, by a series of I waves. the base of the skull may also activate the
descending motor tracts at a point mid-
way between331the cortex and the cervical
Technical Considerations enlargement. The posterior aspects of
the mastoid processes are used as anode
Bipolar stimulation involves placing of an and cathode. A small voluntary contraction
anode over the motor cortex and a cath- of the target muscle tends to facilitate an
ode at the vertex.58,214,215 With a specially evoked muscle response with no change in
made stimulator capable of delivering a latency. One study331 yielded a 1.5 ms la-
high-voltage (2000 V) pulse of short dura- tency difference between cortical and brain-
tion (10 uS), a single stimulus to the scalp stem stimulation and a 3.9 ms difference
elicits a submaximal muscle action poten- between cortical and cervical stimulation
tial of 1 mV or more. With moderate vol- for the first dorsal interosseous. Thus, this
untary contraction of the muscle under method seems to stimulate the pyramidal
study, a single scalp stimulus not much decussation at the level of the cer-
above threshold yields a muscle action po- vicomedullary junction. Unlike cortical
tential of near maximal amplitude. stimulation, which elicits multiple de-
A modified technique utilizes monopolar scending volleys, brainstem stimulation
stimulation capable of exciting the motor probably evokes a single impulse.
cortex with a fraction of the shock intensi- Stimulation of the pyramidal tract at two
ties employed previously
(Fig. 21-1).111,268 levels along the spinal column allows the
A flat anode (4.8 cm ) is placed on the scalp examiner to calculate conduction velocity
over the motor cortex, and a flexible stain- in the same way as in the study of the pe-
less-steel belt cathode is wrapped around ripheral nerve. The very large electrical
the head 2-3 cm above the nasion-inion stimuli (1500 V) necessary for transcuta-
plane (see Chapter 20-2). A unifocal stim- neous stimulation of the spinal cord,194,304
ulation tends to concentrate the electrical however, make it unsuitable for routine
field from anode to cathode on the motor clinical studies. An alternative method to
cortex, whereas a bifocal stimulation ori- approximate spinal cord conduction ve-
ents the field tangentially along the sur- locity involves monopolar needle stimula-
face. A pair of surface electrodes placed tion of the spinal cord at the C5 level, and
conventionally over the target muscle suf- recording of the muscle response from the
fices for recording the evoked potential. ipsilateral tibialis anterior muscle.19

Figure 21-1. Compound muscle action po-

tentials evoked by electrically stimulating
hand (A) and leg (B) motor areas over the
scalp in the same subject. Comparison be-
tween bipolar (first and third tracings) and
unipolar (second and fourth tracings) stim-
ulation show a substantial difference in
stimulus voltage (V) and duration (us) re-
quired to elicit similar muscle action po-
tential waveform, amplitude, and latency in
the two conditions. [From Rossini,263 with
556 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Clinical Studies and Limitations quired to evoke motor potentials. Seizures

as a result of kindling typically develop af-
Transcranial cortical stimulation is used ter trains of long-duration stimuli of about
for spinal cord monitoring of the motor 1.0 ms. Thus, the delivery of single stim-
tracts during surgery.82,164,165,359 If mus- uli of very short duration (50 us) on sev-
cle relaxants completely block neuro- eral occasions will probably produce few
muscular transmission, some investiga- side effects, if any. Nevertheless, one must
tors243,252 propose recording peripheral seek unequivocal evidence from an ani-
nerve potential from the popliteal fossa mal model that no permanent adverse
after stimulation of the spinal cord with changes result from the specific modes of
needle electrodes inserted into spinous cortical stimulation under consideration.
processes (see Chapter 20-6). Spinal
evoked potentials recorded by epidural
electrodes also serve as a means of mon- 3 TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC
itoring spinal cord surgery.150,299 Nitrous STIMULATION
oxide suppresses the muscle response
evoked by electrical stimulation of the mo-
tor cortex, inhibiting corticospinal path- Design of the Magnetic Coil
ways, presumably at the level of the spinal
neuronal or interneuronal system.361 In conscious, alert subjects, magnetic coil
Anesthesia, with inhalational agents such stimuli applied to the human brain through
as halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane, the intact scalp and skull can11,67,121,122
elicit a mo-
also suppresses the descending impulse tor evoked potential (MEP). Up
at the level of the spinal interneuronal or to 10 percent of normal subjects may have
motor neuronal systems.360 Ischemia as- no lower limb responses with a circular
sociated with profound systemic hypoten- coil. The figure-of-eight coil has a better
sion can107alter or obliterate evoked re- yield with very precise placement that
sponses. For this purpose, an electrical takes advantage of focal excitation under
shock has an advantage over magnetic the site of intersection.86,139 This type of
stimulation; use of smaller electrodes in- coil can activate the bulbocavernosus,
duces focal activation, overcoming the ef- sphincter, and pelvic floor muscles.91,241
fect of anesthetic agents. In addition, the Magnetic stimulation also induces a sen-
lack of pain with magnetic stimulation sation described as tingling descending
provides no benefit for intervention under along the leg, usually accompanied57by re-
anesthesia. Patients undergoing surgery sponses evoked in the leg muscles. The
may show an abnormal motor potential coil can activate the peripheral nerves and
recorded directly from the spinal cord de- roots in addition to cortex but, for some
spite normal somatosensory evoked po- unknown reason, not the spinal cord.330
tentials (SEPs).24,166 Magnetic stimulation relies on Fara-
Despite the advent of magnetic stimu- day's principle;106 an electric current of a
lation, certain physiologic studies still re- primary circuit will induce a time-varying
quire an apparatus that delivers single magnetic field that in turn causes an elec-
electrical stimuli of up to 700 V with a tric current in the secondary circuit. This
half-decay time for discharge of 50 or 100 technique, first applied in peripheral
us. 14,259,273 High-intensity stimulation of nerve stimulation, was soon used in stud-
the scalp causes discomfort associated ies of the motor cortex.10,20,80 In contrast
with contraction of the scalp and facial to electrical stimulation, which excites
muscles. It also poses considerable con- corticospinal axons directly, magnetic
cern regarding electrical hazards. The uni- stimulation acts at the axon hillocks of
focal method requires relatively low-volt- the output neurons or at a presynaptic
age stimuli, which can be delivered from site.211 Analysis of the electric field ori-
an ordinary stimulator built according to entation localizes the site of maximal in-
established safety standards. Electrical tensity to the level of the gray-white junc-
shocks used to produce convulsions as a tion, supporting activation of layer VI of
therapeutic regimen far exceed those re- the cerebral cortex.90
Motor Evoked Potentials 557

A magnetic coil generates a brief but in-

tense magnetic field of up to 2 tesla when
a capacitor charged to 4 kV is discharged,
passing a current of about 5 kA. The
magnetic field induced by the coil placed
over the scalp penetrates unattenuated
through the skull.256 This in turn induces
electrical currents inside the skull to a
level that excites the motor cortex, even
though the low current density at the sur-
face causes no pain. In addition to the fig-6
ure-of-eight or "butterfly" configuration,
other variations of coil shapes tested fa-
vorably include the "four-leaf,"
and "double cone."

Discharge Pattern of
Motor Neurons
The factors that dictate the size of the
MEP include the intensity of stimuli, lo-
cation and orientation of the stimulating
coil, and 121,217,229
intrinsic excitability of neural el-
ements. Responses elicited on
the contralateral side of the body have a Figure 21-2. Compound muscle action potentials
latency consistent with conduction in fast recorded from abductor pollicis brevis after magnetic
coil stimulation at various points along the motor
central pathways (Fig. 21-2). A stimulus pathways. Scalp stimulation characteristically
intensity set approximately 20 percent evokes less than maximal response despite the use
higher than the threshold evokes a fairly of an optimal stimulus.
reproducible response in distal muscles.
Stimuli of a still higher intensity can also
activate the proximal muscles in the up- ductor digiti minimi was less for the left
per limbs. The evoked responses in small hemisphere than for the right.183 17
hand muscles have a longer onset latency According to the size principle, small
usually by about 2 ms than those elicited cortical motor neurons with slowly con-
electrically.123 This difference equals the ducting axons fire first during voluntary
time interval between the D wave and the effort, followed by recruitment of larger,
first I wave, suggesting preferential excita- faster conducting neurons (Fig. 21-4).
tion of interneurons rather than70,190,192
motor neu- Magnetic stimulation also activates the
rons by magnetic stimulation. The cortical motor neurons in the same order,
D wave response generated only with stim- with the first motor units showing a rel-
uli of very high intensity has a shorter la- atively long latency.123 Threshold brain
tency and resists anesthesia.100The direc- stimuli can test this principle by eliciting
tion of current flow in the magnetic coil also single motor unit discharges in the in-
dictates the efficacy of cortical current68,352
for trinsic hand muscles at a constant la-
the interneurons or motor neurons. tency. As expected, magnetic stimulation
To activate the left hemisphere and the even from different coil positions up to 7
right small hand muscles, a circular coil is cm apart initially activates those motor
centered at the vertex directing the induc- units with the lowest threshold for volun-
ing current anticlockwise as viewed from tary activation. Stronger stimuli cause the
above (Fig. 21-3). Reversing the direction same motor units to discharge with less
of the current by turning the coil over stim- latency and recruit other motor units.
ulates the opposite side. In one study, the Single electrical or magnetic stimuli
threshold to activate the contralateral ab- may cause multiple firing at the level of
558 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 21-3. With a circular coil of diameter 10 to 12 cm centered at the vertex, the circumference of the
coil overlies the hand area of the motor cortex. The tangent at the optimal site is approximately 45° to the
parasagittal plane (a). A figure-eight coil with its central segment overlying the hand area is most effective
when angled to lie along the same tangent (b). [From Mills,208 with permission.]

the anterior horn cell. Thus, the duration trials.23,102,119,205,209,213 In normal sub-
and complexity of the evoked muscle re- jects, firing probability increases approx-
sponse continues to increase with greater imately 20 ms post-stimulus, constituting
stimulus intensity even after the peak-to- the primary peak, which reflects the exci-
peak amplitude has saturated. In fact, a tatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in-
single maximal cortical stimulus may pro- duced in motor neurons. This type of
duce a twitch force greater than expected assessment has revealed abnormal ex-
by supramaximal excitation of the pe- citability of the corticospinal pathway in
ripheral nerve alone. Collision studies can patients with amyotrophic lateral sclero-
confirm multiple repetitive firing of alpha sis,84,89,153,154,218 but not in Kennedy's
motor neurons in response to a descend- disease, which selectively affects lower
ing volley.69,123,273 Hence, a maximal an- motor neurons.349 The same technique
tidromic volley set up by stimulation at has also elucidated the influence of the
the wrist fails to eliminate entirely the or- corticobulbar system on the orbicularis
thodromic volley of69the peripheral nerve oris, providing evidence for a short-
induced by electric or magnetic brain latency activation of EPSPs consistent only
stimulation. Here, the remaining response with a direct monosynaptic projection.172
corresponds to the spinal motor neurons
firing more than once. These findings sug-
gest that the enhancement of responses Facilitation and Inhibition
by voluntary background contraction de-
pends not only on the additional recruit- Repeated trials of transcranial magnetic
ment of higher threshold motor units in stimulation show a high degree of vari-
the motor neuron pool but also on multi- ability 148,235
in the amplitude of evoked re-
ple firing of the same motor units (Fig. sponse. This instability probably re-
21-5). sults from spontaneous 87fluctuations in
Magnetic stimuli applied transcranially corticospinal excitability. Paired cortical
can modulate the firing of tonically active stimuli reveal a series of excitability
hand muscle motor units. This techni- changes, including initial facilitation at
que involves constructing a peristimu- intervals of 1-2.5 ms, followed by a period
lus time histogram, building up a picture of suppression of up to 20 ms and grad-
of motor-unit firing probability over many ual recovery thereafter.134,269,281 Record-
Motor Evoked Potentials 559

Figure 21-4. The recruitment order

of spinal motoneurons under in-
creasing voluntary or reflex drive is
related to their physical size (Henne-
man's size principle). Small mo-
toneurons have thin axons and con-
nect with muscle fibers with slow
twitch characteristics. Large motor
neurons have thicker axons and pro-
duce fast twitches. [From Mills208
with permission.]

ing the evoked corticospinal volleys also the level of181,289

the motor cortex290and spinal
shows triphasic changes of motor cortex cord, with or without an addi-
excitability, inhibition at 2.5 ms, facilita- tional peripheral mechanism. When using
tion at 25 ms, and a second inhibition at electric stimulation, voluntary contraction
100 to 200 ms after a conditioning stim- causes the otherwise insufficient D wave
ulus. 144,145,228 to discharge the motor neuron by sum-
A voluntary effort to contract the mus- mation, reducing the onset latency by 2-4
cle, or even having the thought149without ms and increasing the amplitude approx-
actually making the movement, facili- imately linearly with the degree of effort.
tates the responses evoked in121,122
that mus- With magnetic stimulation, a small con-
cle by cortical stimulation. This traction reaching only 5 percent of maxi-
type of facilitation depends primarily on mum has a marked effect on ampli-
lowering the motor neuron threshold at tude,116 probably as the result of spinal
560 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 21-5. Voluntary activa-

tion facilitates the muscle re-
sponse to brain stimulation.
Compound muscle action poten-
tials recorded from the FDI mus-
cle at stimulus intensities from
50% to 100% of maximal stimu-
lator output. At each intensity,
five trials have been averaged. On
the left the muscle was resting
and on the right maintaining a
10% maximum voluntary isomet-
ric contraction. At all intensities
below 100%, the response in the
relaxed muscle is smaller than in
the active muscle. The latency at
100% intensity in the resting
state is 24.2 ms and in the active
state is 22.8 ms. [From Mills,208
with permission.]

summation,144,145 shortening the onset In one study306 voluntary contraction of the

latency of the compound muscle action dominant hand facilitated MEP elicited in
potential by about 3 ms without further the contralateral non-dominant hand,
change when the background contraction suggesting a transcallosal modulation of
increases (Fig. 21-6). excitability. Similarly, postexercise facili-
Mild non-fatiguing exercise causes post- tation elicited by ipsilateral simple finger
exercise facilitation with a decay to base- movement suggests transcallosal transfer
line over 2 to 4 minutes, whereas fatiguing of excitability from the dominant to non-
exercise leads to postexercise depression, dominant cerebral hemisphere.25 In ex-
which returns to baseline after about 12 periments using ballistic contractions of
minutes.26,29,280 In another study, how- the target muscle, spinal facilitation pre-
ever, voluntary contraction of the con- dominated at a low force level, whereas
tralateral counterparts produced neither increased cortical excitability contributed
postexercise facilitation nor depression.278 equally at forces greater than 10 percent

Figure 21-6. Compound muscle action potentials recorded from abductor digiti minimi after magnetic stim-
ulation over the neck and scalp (CJ. Responses in each column represent simultaneous recording from the
minimally contracted muscle on the right and the relaxed muscle on the left. Note the effect of voluntary fa-
cilitation with cortical stimulation, but not with cervical stimulation.
Motor Evoked Potentials 561

of the maximum.212 Step as compared to Practice and Safety Considerations

ramp abduction of the index finger in-
duced a longer facilitation.146 Dynamic A pair of surface electrodes placed con-
rather than static contraction gave rise to ventionally over the target muscle suffice
a greater facilitation of the target muscle.6 for recording the evoked potential.79 Trans-
Facial or eye movements induce nonspe- cranial magnetic stimulation elicits the
cific facilitation of the abductor pollicis best response when the muscle is mod-
brevis response.5 A Jendrassik maneuver estly facilitated in the range of 10-20 per-
200-400 ms preceding the magnetic stim- cent of maximal contraction. A weaker
ulation also enhanced the response.251 effort causes small inconsistencies in la-
Motor evoked potential is sustained dur- tency, whereas a very strong attempt gives
ing the silent period induced by stimula- rise to excessive noise, making measure-
tion of a mixed nerve357 because activa- ment of onset latency difficult. Moderate
tion of muscle afferents increases cortical contraction of the homologous contralat-
motor excitability. Vibration of the target eral muscle also reduces latency and
muscle enhances a cortically activated re- increases amplitude without obscuring a
sponse by altering the excitability of alpha response.123 In a slightly contracted mus-
motor neurons.52,158,301 Conditioning by cle, neither a wide range of stimulus in-
motor threshold stimulation of the median tensity nor the position of the stimulating
nerve at the wrist enhances the MEP, coil within an area of 6 cm2 over the ver-
probably on the basis of muscle afferent tex alters the onset latency substan-
input.156 Cortical excitability also reflects tially.121 We choose the shortest onset la-
cutaneous afferent activities73,271 and tency and largest response from a series
other inputs such as speech.316 of four or five consecutive responses, ex-
A magnetic stimulus over the cerebellum pressing the amplitude as a percentage of
reduces the size of responses evoked by the maximal muscle response evoked by
magnetic cortical stimulation given 5-7 ms peripheral nerve stimulation.123 The size
later.332 Transcranial magnetic stimulation difference between peripherally and trans-
induces a silent period of the voluntarily cranially induced responses, at least in
contracted target muscle (see Chapter part, results from physiologic temporal
19-5),64,162,197,236,276 probably on the basis dispersion and phase cancellation (see
of intracortical inhibition..99,337,338,340,353 Chapter 7-5). Assessments should in-
Transcranial magnetic stimulation also clude waveform complexity, trial-to-trial
induces inhibition of brainstem motor variability31,32 and corticomotor thresh-
neurons at a cortical level.64,163 Focal old.210,217,218 Late muscle responses some-
transcranial magnetic stimulation on one times recorded after the cortically evoked
hemisphere suppresses ongoing voluntary short-latency primary potential probably
muscle contraction in ipsilateral distal reflect startle effect from the scalp stimu-
muscles.66,203 This transcallosal inhibi- lus.125
tion, mediated by the anterior half of the A reduction in amplitude indicates ei-
trunk of the corpus callosum, develops af- ther a block or degeneration of corti-
ter the age of 5 years.114 Voluntary con- cospinal fibers or a dispersion of the re-
traction reduces ipsilateral corticocortical sponse. The rate-dependent conduction
inhibition induced by a conditioning sub- failure characteristic of demyelination may
threshold transcranial magnetic stimula- block trains of I waves, which would have
tion at short interstimuli of up to 6 ms.258 fired the spinal motor neurons. Reduced
Thus, voluntary drive seems to reduce the amplitude may also result from depressed
excitability at inhibitory circuits in corti- excitability of spinal motor neurons or
cal areas that project to active muscle. In- presynaptic inhibition of corticospinal ter-
trathecal baclofen infusions induced a minals. For these reasons, identical ab-
marked increase of the transcranially normalities may result from different dis-
evoked silent period in a patient with dys- orders, showing limited specificity for
tonia.300 Adolescents with diplegic cere- pathophysiologic processes. Changes seen
bral palsy showed no transcallosal inhi- in a wide range of neurologic disorders
bition.115 thus imply no single disease process, de-
562 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

spite some findings considered more typ- describes the use and safety of a repetitive
ical of one than another. The technique transcranial magnetic stimulator.43,346,347
may occasionally demonstrate subclinical
motor abnormalities, although more often
it confirms known deficits of the motor 4 STUDIES OF THE
system, detected by clinical examination. PERIPHERAL NERVE
The numerous physiologic variables af-
fecting the descending volley in the corti-
cospinal tract alter the central conduction Attempts to magnetically stimulate the pe-
time by a few milliseconds. Thus, the role ripheral nervous system date back to 1959,
of magnetic brain stimulation for quan- first in a frog nerve-muscle preparation155
tification of abnormalities and for follow- and later in a mixed human nerve20 pro-
up purposes remains undefined. ducing visible muscle contractions. A sin-
Magnetic stimulation capable of pain- gle pulsed magnetic field can elicit com-
less excitation of the motor system has an pound muscle action potentials,10 with its
obvious advantage over electrical stimu- clinical utility to activate the proximal
lation if it proves safe in the clinical do- nerve segments not easily accessible to
main.58,120,214 In one series of 30 healthy electrical stimulation.94,175,176
subjects, EEC and cognitive and motor
tests remained unchanged before and af-
ter transcranial magnetic stimulation. Ex- Stimulator Characteristics
cept for a slight decline in serum prolactin
level, biochemical studies showed no cor- A stimulator must adequately excite var-
relation between the test results and the ious nerves focally at different definable
extent of stimulation.30 In the cat, a re- points along their course without coacti-
peated series of high-intensity stimuli re- vating nearby nerves. Optimal orientation
sulted in no adverse consequences as of a coil allows depolarization of the nerve
tested by cortical electrical activity and at the stimulator position. The nerve run-
blood flow, blood pressure, and heart ning through the center of the coil receives
rate.95 Although the heating of metal elec- less current because of its transverse ori-
trodes during rapid rate magnetic stimu- entation to the nerve fibers. A longitudinal
lation constitutes a possible safety haz- current would depolarize the axons more
ard, temperature does not increase to the effectively, although transverse fields also
degree high enough to induce a skin contribute.274 Results may vary depending
burn.3,272 A train of high-frequency stim- on soft tissue heterogeneity, which dictates
uli at a rate of 3 Hz or more could kindle current flow.151 Lifting part of the stimu-
the motor cortex to induce epileptic foci. lator head from the skin makes stimuli
Initially expressed concern of the theoret- markedly less effective. A clockwise or
ical risk of kindling, however, seems very counterclockwise current flow in the stim-
remote with the single or repetitive stim- ulator coil causes no major differences in
uli now in use.138 Although many thou- effect. Submaximal nerve activation ren-
sands of patients have undergone cortical ders the estimation of the point of nerve
stimulation, only isolated reports of focal stimulation less accurate.
seizures during or after the procedure Some investigators experienced failure
have appeared.126,142 The possibility of ad- of one type of round coil to selectively ex-
verse effects, nonetheless, must be borne cite the peripheral nerves. For example,
in mind with the clinical application of supramaximal stimulation of the median
newer techniques. Theoretically, magnetic nerve at the wrist tended to concomitantly
stimulation could dislodge intracranial activate the ulnar nerve.94 Using a differ-
metallic objects such as aneurysm clips ent type of round coil, others reported
and shunts, although this is highly un- success in focally exciting some periph-
likely. For now, we exclude patients with eral nerves.176,240 In one study, round
a history of epilepsy, those with a cardiac coils delivered supramaximal stimulation
pacemaker, and those who have under- in a tangential-edge orientation, but only
gone neurosurgery. A published guideline at some selective sites. Currently available
Motor Evoked Potentials 563

round coils, in general, fail to fulfill the ability of latencies, uncertainty about the
stimulation requirements for the periph- point of stimulation, and instability in the
eral nerve. In contrast, butterfly coils, al- evoked waveforms. Difficulties in obtaining
though less precise than electrical stimu- supramaximal responses compound the
lators, can provide selective supramaximal problem of locating the exact site of im-
stimulation at all sites, presumably be- pulse generation when stimulating the pe-
cause of improved focus rather than in- ripheral nerve distally.94,176,240,303 Smaller
creased strength of the magnetic field. stimulator heads with higher power out-
The differences in conduction velocities put and improved coil configuration may
derived by means of round coils used on perform more acceptably.21
two separate occasions ranged from 5 to
11 m/s for motor studies108 and up to 14
m/s for antidromic sensory conduction Stimulation of Deep Structures
velocities.240 The use of a butterfly coil
showed differences of less than 7 m/s for In studying the peripheral nerve distally,
sensory and motor conduction velocities magnetic stimulation offers no distinct ad-
in most segments. Calculated conduction vantage over conventional electrical stim-
velocities varied more with magnetic stim- ulation, which has better precision for the
ulation than with electrical stimulation, site of excitation. Magnetic fields, however,
especially for the short segment of the ul- attenuate very little through tissues such
nar nerve across the elbow, where differ- as bone, providing a useful addition when
ences reached 18 m/s.240 Although elec- studying deeply located proximal nerve
trical stimulation preferentially activates segments.63 High-voltage electrical stimu-
sensory axons over motor axons, magnetic lation given over the spinal column evokes
stimuli show no such tendency, activat- supramaximal motor responses from the
ing both fiber populations equally. Thus, arm or leg.187,194,216 Paravertebral mag-
electrical stimulation is better for detect- netic stimulation can also elicit potentials
ing focal changes at common entrapment in limb muscles with relatively little pain,
sites and eliciting H reflexes by selective although a flat 12 cm coil design fails to
submaximal activation of the sensory produce supramaximal responses. None-
axons.240 Magnetic stimulation applied theless, preferential activation of the
directly over skeletal muscle elicits con- largest diameter axons makes the onset
traction indirectly through nerve activa- latency stable irrespective of the posi-
tion at the motor point.88,184 Such stim- tioning of the coil or the stimulation
ulation also evokes cerebral potentials320 strength.33 Modified designs may improve
by activating terminal afferents in the the capacity of a coil for focal supramax-
muscle independent of muscle contrac- imal stimulation.
tion.363 Magnetic stimulation shows a Magnetic as well as electrical stimula-
greater longitudinal dispersion than elec- tion applied over the cervical spinal cord
tric shocks,62 as evidenced by collision ex- near the C6 spinous process elicits mus-
periments. Muscle activation and stim- cle action potentials in the upper limbs.
ulus artifact with magnetic stimulation Voluntary contraction does not apprecia-
preclude reliable recording of173distal sen- bly facilitate the effect of spinal, as op-
sory nerve action potentials. posed to cortical, stimulation. Onset la-
Available data do not seem to justify the tencies fall short of peripheral conduction
use of a magnetic coil stimulator in the times estimated from the F wave. In the
routine clinical practice of peripheral elec- cervical excitation of the roots, the site of
trodiagnosis. As a test for a commonly stimulation using either the electric or
studied peripheral nerve, round magnetic magnetic method occurs 2-4 cm distal to
stimulators generally fail in the minimal the motor neuron.216.283 In addition to the
requirement, providing no real advantages degree of nerve excitability, the electric
over conventional bipolar electrical stim- field dictates the site of activation in het-
ulation.94 The technique falls short in erogenous volume conductors.179 In clin-
achieving the accuracy of electrical stim- ical practice, a slight shift in position
ulation, showing a marked intertrial vari- of the magnetic coil induces no notice-
564 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

able change in latency of the evoked M response evoked by the same paraver-
response.178 Thus, depolarization must tebral stimulation alone. The onset laten-
originate distal to the anterior horn cell, cies of the proximally evoked F waves, us-
probably in the axon hillock, known to have ing the collision method or subtraction
the lowest threshold for excitation. A coil technique, provide a measure of the most
placed over the appropriate nerve roots proximal parts of the motor axons.
elicits the largest responses, further lo- With the use of a figure-of-eight coil, a
calizing the site of excitation at the root horizontally oriented junction over the
exit zone. The clockwise inducing current distal cauda equina optimally excites the
in the coil as viewed from behind tends to lumbar roots, whereas the vertically ori-
activate greater283
responses in the right arm ented junction tends to activate the sacral
and vice versa. Magnetic stimulation of roots.180-185 Using a vertically oriented
the cervical spine also excites the sensory junction of a figure-of-eight coil, and a
root near the spinal foramina, eliciting cranially oriented induced current, mag-
sensory potentials recordable with ring netic stimuli can also excite the cauda
electrodes around the fingers.368 Simi- equina proximally near or at the root exit
larly, magnetic stimulation at the T10, zone.180 Lumbar or sacral root stimula-
T12, and L5 vertebral levels elicits corti- tion distally near the foramina provides
cal somatosensory evoked potentials the distal latency for calculation of cauda
showing correlation between body height equina conduction time. With optimal
and N2, but not other components.319 stimulation of the sacral root, simultane-
Similar strategies apply to the lum- ous recording of the M and H waves re-
bosacral region to evoke muscle action po- veals a short interval corresponding to
tentials in the lower limbs.193 Stimuli de- the latency of the central loop (see Chap-
livered over the cauda equina elicit a ter 19-2, Fig. 19-5).318,362 Magnetic coil
response less effectively than those deliv- stimulation also has an advantage over
ered at the T12 spinous process over the electrical shocks when studying an other-
conus medullaris.329 A round coil mag- wise inaccessible deep nerve, for example,
netic stimulator placed over the lumbar the intracranial
portion of101,366
the cranial
spinal column activates the motor roots nerves, phrenic nerve, femoral
at their exit from the spinal canal, some nerve,254 and thoracic spinal nerve.44
3.0 ms or 15 cm distal to the motor neu- Intracranial stimulation of the facial
ron for the motor axons33with a conduc- nerve generates an impulse approximately
tion velocity of 50 m/s. Consequently, 6.5 cm proximal to the usual site for elec-
the peripheral conduction time estimated tric stimulation near the stylomastoid
by this means excludes the radicular part foramen.177 The actual site of stimulation
of the nerves. With progressively higher lies in the proximal part of the facial canal,
levels of supramaximal stimuli, latency with261 a transosseal conduction
time of 1.2
often decreases further, reflecting the ms. In our series, we used tangen-
spread of effective current distally.253 tial placement of a magnetic coil over the
Configurations of the M responses elicited scalp T5 or T6 based on the International
by proximal magnetic stimuli vary from 10-20 EEG Electrode Placement system
one trial to the next partly because of in- (see Chapter 20-2) combined with electri-
termittently generated F waves. We take cal stimulation applied 1 cm below the an-
advantage of this variability of successive terior tragus. Compound muscle action
response in indirectly recording proxi- potentials recorded from the ipsilateral
mally activated F waves by consecutive nasalis muscle showed onset latencies of
subtraction of sequentially elicited M re- 4.5 ± 0.5 ms (mean ± SD) with magnetic
sponses. Collision studies also reveal the stimulation and 3.2 ± 0.4 ms with elec-
presence of F waves by eliminating ortho- trical stimulation. Stimulation of the ex-
dromic impulses, and consequently the tracranial facial nerve at two sites yielded
overlapping M response, by the an- a conduction velocity of 59.6 ± 4.5 m/s.
tidromic impulses produced by the con- Based on these findings, the site of mag-
comitantly applied distal stimulation. netic activation must fall 79.0 ± 8.6 mm
Such an F wave starts 6-8 ms after the proximal to the point of electrical stimula-
Motor Evoked Potentials 565

tion at the root exit zone of the facial nerve. netic coil stimulation over Erb's point8 has
In fact, direct electrical stimulation at this yielded a similar peripheral latency and
site intraoperatively elicits a response with calculated central conduction time.
the same latency as transcranial magnetic
stimulation.317 This technique helps eval-
uate Bell's palsy177,261,262,317 and facial Use of Root Stimulation
myokymia and other disorders of the facial
nerve.104,105,238 Similarly, stimulation of High-voltage electrical or magnetic stimu-
the trigeminal nerve below the zygomatic lation over the spinal column excites the
arch elicits a masseter response recorded C8 and Tl roots in the region of the inter-
with an electrode inserted into the ptery- vertebral foramina, providing a means 216 of
gomandibular plica over the belly of the assessing peripheral conduction time.
muscle.323 For this purpose, a magnetic coil centered
over the C7 spinous process best excites
the cervical motor roots on the right when
5 CENTRAL CONDUCTION TIME the inducing current flows clockwise as
viewed from behind.283 The values thus
obtained show the same range as mea-
Method and Normal Values sured by needle stimulation of the lower
cervical roots using the cathode placed
Table 21-1 summarizes the onset laten- near the C7 to T1interspinous space and
cies of the compound muscle action po- the anode 6 cm rostrally or laterally. Cer-
tentials elicited by magnetic stimulation. vical stimulation evokes muscle responses
The total conduction time comprises acti- only slightly smaller in amplitude than
vation of the cortical structures, conduc- those elicited by electrical stimulation of
tion down the corticospinal pathway, ac- the peripheral nerve at the wrist or elbow.
tivation of spinal motor neurons, and Thus, in addition to its use for estimation
conduction along the peripheral nerve to of peripheral latency, this technique also
the muscle. Stimulation over the cervical can determine proximal conduction block
area with the cathode between the C7 and in the motor roots.215 Percutaneous elec-
T1 spinous processes excites the motor trical stimuli on the order of 300 or 400
roots at the foramina where they leave the V causes moderate local discomfort in
spinal canal.216 The conduction time, cal- conjunction with a sudden twitch of the
culated as the difference in latency be- arm. Nonetheless, electrical stimulation
tween scalp- and root-evoked compound elicits a larger amplitude and provides a
muscle action potentials, therefore, con- more reliable means of studying the wave-
tains a small peripheral component. Thus, forms (see Chapter 6-3).
the total motor conduction time of about The calculated central conduction time
20 ms from the scalp to the intrinsic hand using root stimulation for peripheral la-
muscle consists of a peripheral latency of tency consists of the time for excitation of
13 ms, synaptic and root delay of 1.5 ms, the cortical motor neuron, transmission
and central motor conduction time of 5.5 along the corticospinal tracts, a 0.5-1 ms
ms. The use of F waves268,279 and mag- synaptic delay at the anterior horn cells,

Table 21-1 Normative Data (n = 36 SIDES)

Measurement Mean SD Range Mean + 2.5 SD
Conduction time C7/T1 to ADM (ms) 13.60 1.35 10.9-16.9 16.3
Conduction time C7/T1 to wrist (ms) 11.18 1.19 8.7-13.8 13.56
Conduction time scalp to ADM (ms) 19.73 1.25 17.5-23.1 22.23
Central conduction time (ms) 6.13 0.89 4.5-7.7 8.35
R/L difference in onset latency (ms) (n = 12) 0.69 0.58 0-1.8 2.14
Amplitude as % of amplitude from wrist 18.6-96.6
ADM = abductor digiti minimi; R/L = right/left.
From Mills,204 with permission.
566 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

and 0.4 ms conduction time across the 6 JERK-LOCKED AVERAGING

cervical roots. Of these, root conduction
time increases with diffuse slowing of mo-
tor conduction as expected in peripheral Technical Principles
neuropathy, for example, 0.46 ms at 30
m/s and 0.89 ms at 20 m/s.53 Increasing Jerk-locked backward averaging of the
the stimulus intensity in an attempt to ob- scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) helps
tain larger amplitude will move the site of identify cerebral events time locked to a
activation distally along the motor root, voluntary or involuntary muscle contrac-
decreasing the onset latency and increas- tion. With this technique, rectified electro-
ing calculated central conduction time. myographic signals serve as the trigger for
In estimating the peripheral conduction averaging the cerebral activity, preced-
in the lower limb, the stimulating cathode ing the movement by means of a delay line
or the magnetic coil placed over the conus (Fig. 21-7).157 A number of investigators
medullaris excites intradural motor roots have used the method to assess movement
close to the cord.187,330 The cathode or related cortical potentials,13,161,291,\293 mech-
coil placed more caudally can stimulate anisms of synkinesis,293 the pathophys-
the motor roots in the region of the inter-
vertebral foramina. The central conduc-
tion time determined by these techniques
also includes short radicular latency.

Calculation Based on the F Wave

In estimating peripheral conduction time
using the F wave, one of the main techni-
cal concerns relates to small changes in
stimulator position that may shift the ac-
tual point of activation. This poses a par-
ticular problem with magnetic coil stimu-
lation, which by definition fails to pinpoint
the exact site of nerve activation. Thus, with
a shift of coil placement, both F wave and
M response latencies vary from one stimu-
lus to the next. The sum of the two laten-
cies, however, remains the same because
the increase in F wave latency precisely
compensates for the decrease in M re-
sponse latency, or vice versa (see Chapter
18-5). Thus, the value calculated by the fol-
lowing formula equals the conduction time
along the entire length of the peripheral
motor pathway and remains the same re-
gardless of the site of nerve excitation:
Total peripheral conduction time
= (F + M - l)/2
where M and F indicate the latencies of
the M response and F wave, whereas 1
represents the 1 ms turnaround time at
the anterior horn cell. In contrast to root Figure 21-7. Terminology of each component of cor-
stimulation, this method determines the tical potentials associated with voluntary, self-paced
peripheral motor conduction time in total, middle finger extension. The record shows a grand
average in 14 healthy subjects, 200 trials for each
thus eliminating peripheral contribution subject. See text for details. [From Shibasaki, Bar-
in the calculated central conduction time. rett, Halliday et al.292].
Motor Evoked Potentials 567

iology of myoclonus,110,297,305 parkin- tients with Alzheimer's disease and those

sonism,77 and other involuntary move- with Down's syndrome demonstrate a fo-
ments.295 cal, negative cerebral potential over the
Movement-related cortical potentials contralateral central region antecedent to
consist of at least eight separate compo- the myoclonic jerks.351
nents.230,231,291,292,308 Those preceding
the onset of movement include a sym-
metric early negative shift called Bereit- Other Disorders
schqftspotential (BP); an intermediate shift
(IS); a negative slow wave maximal over the Cortical slow negativity similar to the
contralateral precentral region (NS); P - 50, BP/NS' precedes choreic movement in pa-
or premotion positivity (PMP); and N - 10, tients with chorea-acanthocytosis but not
or motor potential (MP). Components oc- in those with Huntington's disease.295 In
curring after the onset of movement in- patients with Gilles de la Tourette syn-
clude N + 50, or a sharp negative wave over drome, spontaneous tics do not accom-
the contralateral frontal region; P + 90; pany any slow negativity, although a pre-
N + 160; and P + 300, or a widely distrib- motion negativity precedes voluntary
uted large positivity maximal over the con- jerks, mimicking their tics. Patients with
tralateral precentral region (see Fig. 21-7). mirror movement may show an abnormal
In the clinical domain, patients with topography of NS' that appears bilaterally,
Parkinson's disease show abnormal indicating unintended participation of the
topography of premotion slow negativity, opposite motor cortex.293
or a BP/NS' complex with reduced am-
plitude on the side of the affected basal
ganglia.72,296 This component also under- 7 CLINICAL APPLICATIONS
goes a predictable reduction of amplitude
in patients with cerebellar ataxia in gen-
eral, and in those with myoclonic epilepsy, Normal Values
ragged red fiber (MERRF) syndrome in
particular, presumably reflecting the dys- Magnetic stimulation is widely used in the
function of the cerebellofugal or denta- evaluation of not only the motor system
tothalamic pathways.296 but also higher brain functions in healthy
and diseased states.60,270 Evaluation of
the motor system complements somato-
Myoclonic Discharges sensory evoked potential studies assess-
ing a lesion of the spinal cord or moni-
Averaging the EEG time locked to a toring an operative procedure.267
myoclonic discharge helps in identifying Factors important in determining nor-
the responsible cortical spike and deter- mative data for central motor conduction
mining cortical excitability after myo- studies include the location of the target
clonus. 132,221,222,298 The EEG Correlatesof muscle, coil position, coil size, direction of
myoclonus established by this means re- current flow, and stimulus intensity in re-
semble the giant early cortical component lation to the threshold. The choice of elec-
of the somatosensory evoked potentials in trical or magnetic stimulation makes rel-
waveform, topography, and time relation- atively little difference. Total conduction
ship to spontaneous myoclonus.297 Corti- time shortens with a voluntary contrac-
cal reflex myoclonus shows relatively en- tion. Percutaneous stimulation of the mo-
hanced cortical excitability for 20 ms just tor roots yields a shorter peripheral con-
after the myoclonus, followed by a sup- duction time than a calculation using F
pressed postmyoclonus period there- waves. The formula used to calculate con-
after.294 In such cortical reflex myoclonus, duction velocity holds only if cortical and
cortical spikes precede movement of the spinal stimulation activates the same
upper limb by 6-22 ms. In contrast, pe- group of motor fibers. If cervical but not
riodic synchronous discharges start cortical stimulation activates the large
50-85 ms before the myoclonus in pa- fast-conducting spinal motor neurons,
tients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Pa- this discrepancy will erroneously increase
568 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

the calculated value of central conduc- contraction.226 The normal central motor
tion.314 In one study of 40 normal sub- conduction time to the voluntarily con-
jects, body height showed a linear corre- tracted tibialis anterior averages 12.5 ms
lation to cortical and spinal latencies by after magnetic stimulation of the motor
electrical stimulation, but not to central cortex.50
conduction time calculated as the differ- Prolonged central motor conduction
ence between the two.325 Magnetic stim- usually implies demyelination, or degen-
ulation shows a markedly increased eration of fast-conducting corticospinal
threshold in infancy, decreasing to the fibers, with transmission via small myeli-
adult level at about age 8 years..152 The nated fibers or by some other oligosynap-
onset latency reaches adult values at tic pathways. Any reduction in the de-
about 11 years of age, and then increases scending volley through loss of fibers or
linearly with age from the second to the conduction block will diminish temporal
ninth decade, with slowing occurring in and spatial summation at the alpha mo-
both the central and peripheral motor tor neurons, or the final common path,
pathways.85 The amplitude also declines delaying their excitation. The correlation
gradually with increasing years. of central motor conduction time with vol-
In normal subjects maintaining a small untary phasic force and twitch force most
voluntary contraction, magnetic stimula- likely reflects the degree of conduction
tion, with an intensity 20 percent above block and temporal dispersion rather than
threshold for relaxed muscles, evokes com- the delay in conduction per se.342
pound muscle action potentials of at least
18 percent of the maximal response elicited
by electrical stimulation of the nerve (see Multiple Sclerosis
Fig. 21-2). Therefore, any response re-
duced to a level below 15 percent of the In early studies, electrical stimulation of the
maximum compound muscle action po- brain and the spinal cord revealed markedly
tential suggests conduction block along the prolonged central conduction in patients
central or peripheral pathways.204 In one with multiple sclerosis.16,59,214,215,266 Later
study,194 latency comparison between reports confirmed these findings, with mag-
cortical and spinal stimulation yielded a netic stimulation showing a much lower
conduction velocity of 48 m/s from cortex incidence of absent responses than did
to cervical spinal cord and 47 m/s from electrical stimulation.9,15,31,32,124,137,265,341
cortex to lumbosacral enlargement. The Paired transcranial magnetic stimuli may
cortex-to-hand latency of 22.5 ms ob- reveal a substantial delay of the condi-
tained by this method slightly exceeded tioned response, probably reflecting corti-
that of 18-21 ms after stimulation of ex- cal abnormalities.235 Upper limb MEP de-
posed human cortex during neurosurgi- tects conduction abnormalities of multiple
cal procedures.220 Table 21-2 shows nor- sclerosis as well as visual evoked poten-
mative data for conduction to abductor tials (VEPs) and better than upper-limb
digiti minimi using magnetic cortical stim- somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs)
ulation, electrical stimulation of the cer- or brainstem auditory evoked potentials
vical roots, and a facilitatory background (BAEPs). MEP studies, however, uncover

Table 21-2 Magnetic Brain Stimulation:

Normative Data for Conduction to Abductor Digiti
Minimi Muscle (n = 36 SIDES)
Mean SD Range Mean + 2.5 SD
Conduction time from C7-T1 (ms) 13.60 1.35 10.9-16.0 16.3
Conduction time from scalp (ms) 19.73 1.25 17.5-23.1 22.23
Central motor conduction time (ms) 6.13 0.89 4.7-7.7 8.35
Amplitude as % of amplitude from wrist 18.6-96.6
From Murray, 226 with permission.
Motor Evoked Potentials 569

Figure 21-8. Central motor conduction is a healthy subject (above) and a patient with clinically definite
multiple sclerosis (below). Recordings were made from the right abductor digiti minimi muscle. The ulnar
nerve was supramaximally stimulated at the wrist (left traces); the C7/T1 roots were stimulated electrically
by a high-voltage stimulator over the cervical spine (middle traces), and the cortex was stimulated with a
circular coil centered at the vertex. In the normal subject, central motor conduction time is 5.8 ms and the
compound muscle action potential amplitude is about 50% of the amplitude from ulnar nerve stimulation.
In the patient, responses from cortical stimulation are delayed (central motor conduction time is 35 ms) and
are also small and dispersed. [From Mills,208 with permission.]

subclinical lesions less often than VEP or may occasionally constitute the only ab-
SEP studies. A number of other motor sys- normality.31,32 Studies reveal subclinical
tem diseases, such as Balo's concentric deficits in 20-24 percent of neurologically
sclerosis,174 motor neuron disease,136 normal limbs.85,124 Serial MEP studies
and radiation myelopathy, show simi- may uncover changes in central motor
lar conduction abnormalities along the conduction consistent with clinical remis-
central motor system. Therefore, these sion and relapse141 or with the therapeu-
findings by no means offer a specific di- tic effect of corticosteroid administra-
agnosis, although other conditions rarely tion.277 This technique, therefore, serves
cause the extreme prolongation of central as a useful measure to quantify motor dis-
motor conduction time characteristic of ability when monitoring the course of the
demyelination.204 disease.
Clinical signs showing a good correla-
tion with conduction abnormalities9 in-
clude weakness of the target muscle, Motor Neuron Disease
pyramidal signs124in the limb, brisk finger
flexor reflexes, and Babinski sign.137 Patients with motor neuron disease9,86,285
One study showed a delay in small hand a high incidence of abnormality,
muscles on one or124 both sides in 72 per- which typically consists of small ampli-
cent of 83 patients. Most of the patients tude and slight delays in latency. Some
with a prolonged conduction time showed patients have subclinical deficits131
reduced amplitude and variability of the whereas others have normal findings de-
recorded response (Figs. 21-8 and 21-9). spite clinical evidence of central motor
Brain stimulation commonly fails to evoke involvement.285 Other studies of interest
muscle action potentials especially in the include mapping of cortical muscle repre-
lower limb. The onset latency variability sentation.71 In general, central motor con-
570 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

Figure 21-9. Central motor con-

duction in two patients with clin-
ically definite multiple sclerosis.
The central motor conduction
time (CMCT) is prolonged in each
case. The upper traces show a
cortex to muscle latency of 28
ms, giving a CMCT of 14.2 ms.
The lower traces show a cortex
to muscle latency of 38 ms, giv-
ing a CMCT of 22.7 ms. Five
traces are superimposed in each
example to illustrate the marked
variability and dispersion of
compound muscle action poten-
tial 208configurations. [From
Mills, with permission.]

duction abnormalities do not 219 appear to epileptic focus, although, based on animal
correlate with physical signs. In one studies, this poses little or no concern with
study,86 almost all of the 40 patients had commonly employed low rates of train.
abnormalities in at least one recording Magnetic stimulation has occasionally in-
from three upper limb muscles, and 75 duced focal seizures in patients with is-
percent showed abnormalities in small chemic lesions of the cortex and in those
hand muscles. Patients with prominent with multiple sclerosis.126,142 A study of pa-
pseudobulbar features usually had no tients with partial or generalized epilepsy
recordable response despite the normal found no change in seizure pattern or 310 in
bulk and strength of the target muscle. In the EEG following magnetic stimulation.
another study of primary lateral sclero- Rapid magnetic stimulation to the cortex
sis,35 four of seven cases had no response could induce a motor seizure, although it
in either upper or lower limb muscles. The may129 or may not74 specifically activate
remaining three had a gross prolongation the preexisting epi-leptic focus. Anticon-
of central conduction time. vulsant medication probably raises cortical
In early stages of sporadic amyotrophic threshold intensity.38,130,196
lateral sclerosis, patients have a reduced In a patient with focal epilepsy and my-
threshold for transcranial magnetic
activa- oclonus, stimulation on the affected side
tion of the motor cortex,
a shorter induced a shorter silent period and re-
cortical silent period,356,365
and reduced in- duced corticocortical inhibition, indicat-
tracortical inhibition, all possibly re- ing asymmetry in cortical excitability.135
flecting cortical hyperexcitability. A study In patients with myoclonic epilepsy, but
using a peristimulus time histogram not in healthy subjects, magnetic stimu-
showed dysfunction of the cortical motor lation at the foramen magnum elicited
neuronal projection system.153,154,227,349 long-loop reflex (see Chapter 19-5) via the
ascending tracts in addition to direct re-
sponse via the descending tracts.335 Of
Epilepsy the two, the long-loop reflex required less
stimulus intensity to activate, probably
A high-frequency stimulation of the brain because the large-diameter muscle affer-
carries the theoretical risk of kindling an ents carry the ascending volley.
Motor Evoked Potentials 571

Stroke lateral stimulation elicited bilateral small

hand muscle responses.343 Patients with
Several studies have found abnormalities of essential tremor have normal cortical ex-
central motor conduction in patients with citability of the motor area.260
cerebrovascular diseases.17,39,78,126,141 The
paretic muscle often shows no response to
brain stimulation or increased threshold .Ataxia
intensities.2 Motor responses rarely detect
subclinical deficits, but they may predict Patients with a cerebellar or cerebel-
functional outcome better than clinical as- lothalamocortical lesion have an abnor-
sessment, especially when combined with mal reduction in the physiologic suppres-
SEP studies.182 Other aspects of the MEP sion of cortically elicited MEP by
reported in stroke include changes in the preceding magnetic stimulation over the
silent period,40,339 and post-stroke reorga- cerebellum.327,350 In contrast, this sup-
nization of brain motor output.49 pression remains normal in those with
Fisher's syndrome or with lesions in the
afferent pathway to the cerebellum.332
Movement Disorders MEP studies may provide useful informa-
tion in the differentiation of spinocere-
In Parkinson's disease, magnetic stimula-85,143
bellar 284
atrophy (SCA) subtypes. In one
tion may show abnormally large MEPs 9,15
study, central motor conduction time
with normal central conduction time. In exceeded 10 ms in all cases of SCA type
one study,37 patients with asymmetric dis- I compared with an upper limit of normal
ease had a lower threshold to cortical stim- at 8.5 ms. In contrast, SCA type III pa-
ulation for the hemisphere contralateral to tients often had a normal value. MEP
the side of rigidity than the uninvolved side studies reveal dispersed low-amplitude
or normal controls. Paired shock study re- upper limb responses with a delayed la-
vealed L-dopa responsive impairment of tency in most patients with Friedreich's
cortical excitability to magnetic stimuli de- ataxia and to a lesser extent in those with
livered after the end of the silent period.18 other ataxic disorders.51,65
Some but not all patients with progres-
sive supranuclear palsy had abnormali-
ties of central motor conduction suggest- Myelopathies
ing functional damage to the corticospinal
tracts.3 In healthy subjects, a single dose A few studies have revealed a slowing or
of dopaminergic drugs enhanced inhibi- block of corticospinal conduction in pa-
tion, whereas antidopaminergic counter- tients with radiation myelopathy304 or cer-
parts reduced it as tested by transcranial vical cord trauma.315 Patients with hered-
magnetic stimulation.364 Thus, these two itary spastic paraplegia have absent or very
agents seem to serve as inverse modula- small responses in the lower limb, with only
tors of motor cortex excitability. minor prolongation in latency, and normal
MEP studies have found no abnormali- responses in the upper limb53 despite clear
ties 83in97 Huntington's chorea or dysto- clinical signs of spasticity. These find-
nia. 301' Patients with Wilson's disease ings suggest length-dependent degenera-
may or may not47 have prolonged cen- tion of the corticospinal tracts. Several
tral conduction. The shortening of central studies have shown prolonged central con-
motor conduction time seen in patients duction in patients with cervical spondy-
with Rett syndrome implies unique corti- lotic myelopathy1,15,41,81,140,186,287,311,312
cal hyperexcitability corresponding to the and after spinal cord injury.42 In these pa-
characteristic overactivity of motor func- tients, reinforcement of the subliminal flex-
tion.233 In some patients with congenital ion reflexes by transcranial magnetic stim-
mirror movement, a reversed relationship ulation can provide evidence of preserved
between the direction of current flow and corticospinal innervation to the segmental
hemisphere 32,33
activation suggests ipsilateral motor neuron or interneuron pools.113 Ad-
projections, although in others uni- ditional slowing of the peripheral motor
572 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

pathway probably indicates radiculopathy cortex. 109,159,202,302,313 Areas so identified

associated with myelopathy. are small and are clearly separate from each
Other disorders showing central con- other and from corresponding somatosen-
duction abnormalities include adreno- sory areas.28,48,55,96,185,223,225,245,354 Repet-
leukomyeloneuropathy, 160 cerebrotendi- itive execution of identical movements in
nous xanthomatosis, HTLV-1-associated learning motor skills enhances MEP
myelopathy, and tabes dorsalis.328 and elicited by transcortical magnetic stimu-
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease.232 Addi- lation.112 Reading activity also modulates
tionally, cortical somatosensory potentials motor cortical outputs to the reading
evoked by magnetic stimulation of the hand in Braille readers.244,247
thoracic and lumbar roots also help eval- In one study of motor reorganization af-
uate the posterior column function.319,321 ter upper limb amputation in humans,54
magnetic scalp stimulation induced a sen-
sation of movement in the missing hand
Neuropathies and Radiculopathies or fingers in the patients with acquired
amputation but failed to do so in the pa-
In patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth dis- tient with congenital absence of a limb.
ease (CMT) types 1 and 2, MEP studies Magnetic stimulation evoked a larger MEP
in the upper limb show normal central at lower intensities of stimulation and re-
conduction if corrected for slowing of the cruited a larger percentage of the motor
proximal motor roots. Abnormalities of cen- neuron pool in proximal muscles ipsilateral
tral motor conduction abound, however, to the stump than those contralateral to
in those with CMT type 5, showing pyra- the stump. Thus, cortical reorganization in
midal features such as extensor plantar adult human motor pathways seems to tar-
responses.53 Some patients with acute or get the muscles proximal to the stump af-
chronic inflammatory demyelinating poly- ter amputations and the reinnervated mus-
neuropathy may have similar abnormalities cles after anastomosis.189,191
unilaterally or bilaterally. Patients Another human study27 using anesthetic
with multifocal motor neuropathy have block revealed rapid, reversible modula-
normal central motor conduction time.224 tion of human motor outputs after tran-
Some investigators advocate the use of sient deafferentation of the forearm. Sim-
magnetic stimulation in the diagnosis of ilar evaluation of patients with congenital
lumbosacral radiculopathy.22,45,92,170 The mirror movements, amputations, spinal
technique has, however, inherent limitation cord injuries, and hemispherectomy re-
because of its uncertainty regarding the site vealed the potential for reorganization of
of stimulation. Transcutaneous stimula- the motor system following lesions in the
tion of the cauda equina at the LI spine peripheral nervous system as well as
elicits a compound muscle action potential the central nervous system.56,348 Input-
in the external anal sphincter. Patients output curves obtained with a range of
with idiopathic neurogenic fecal inconti- stimulus intensities at a single scalp site
nence showed a greater pudenda! nerve la- provide information similar to cortical
tency (7.3 ±0.7 ms [mean ± SD] than nor- mapping produced by stimulating differ-
mal subjects (5.6 ± 0.6 ms). The proximal ent sites at the same intensity.257
conduction between the L1 and L4 verte-
bral levels, however, showed no difference
between the two groups.8,307 These obser- Other Applications
vations demonstrate the clinical utility of
evaluating not only the afferent but also the Normal MEP studies of apparently weak
efferent system. muscle support, but do not necessarily con-
firm, the suspicion of a functional basis for
symptoms. In contrast, an absent or de-
Cortical Mapping layed response rules out an entirely func-
tional weakness,
if suspected on clinical
MEP studies have provided the means for grounds. Patients with chronic "postvi-
noninvasively mapping the human motor ral " fatigue syndrome have normal central
Motor Evoked Potentials 573

motor conduction studies both at rest344 and Magnetic stimulation of the human brain and
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Chapter 22



An experienced physician may find elec- Helpful additions to adult instrumenta-

trodiagnostic examination of a distressed tion include pediatric-sized surface discs,
child challenging yet must perform the finger clips, and ring electrodes for record-
evaluation with confidence to minimize ing. The use of a pediatric-sized bipolar
the anxiety of the family. Using a clinical probe improves the quality of stimulation
diagnosis of the neuromuscular disease in in small children. An excessive applica-
question as a basis for a carefully planned tion of conduction cream increases shock
approach facilitates the process of as- artifacts. For needle study, a standard 1
sessment. The wide range of normal inch, 28 gauge monopolar or concentric
values reflecting the differing rates of electrode generally provides adequate
maturation of the neuromuscular sys- information. The use of an intramuscu-
tem among children poses unique prob- lar reference electrode may reduce inter-
lems and limitations for pediatric stud- ference during monopolar needle elec-
ies.5,25,26,35,46 Thorough knowledge of pe- tromyography. Studies performed in an
diatric neurology greatly improves the electrically noisy location, such as in in-
clinical practice of pediatric electrodiag- tensive care units, call for excellent
nosis.9,16 grounding. An incubator, if required to

Electrodiagnosis in the Pediatric Population 587

maintain appropriate body temperature of ing about pain to avoid any surprises.
an infant, may cause major electrical in- Some use the words "pin" instead of "nee-
terference unless it is properly grounded. dle" and "pinch" instead of "stick" to dis-
The examination should be thoroughly tract the child's attention from the elec-
explained to the parents to maximize their trodes. As stated earlier, children may
cooperation and reduce unnecessary fear. become fascinated with the noise the mus-
They must understand that the studies, cles make, and often encourages their par-
although uncomfortable for the child, do ticipation in the evaluation. For a compre-
not cause excessive pain. The physician hensive study, the needle examination
must establish a good rapport by dis- must survey multiple proximal and distal
cussing the purposes of the study and de- muscles in addition to the segment of con-
scribing the procedure in some detail. cern. For children under the age of 7 who
Demonstrating a conduction study on a cannot provide optimal voluntary contrac-
parent may help relieve anxieties. Parents tion, single-fiber studies are done by stim-
who understand the usefulness of the ulation techniques (see Chapter 16-3).
study are more likely to assist in the pro- A short well-executed evaluation usu-
cedure by controlling the child. Some ally eliminates the need for premedica-
choose to stay and may even hold the in- tion, which may preclude the assessment
fant on their lap during the examination. of motor unit recruitment patterns. For
Parents should understand in advance routine study, most advocate the use of
that they may be asked to leave, depend- analgesia only in distress-prone children
ing on the progress of the examination of a young age or in those with previous
and the degree of their tolerance. negative medical experience. A survey of
If the procedure is explained with ap- pediatric electrodiagnosticians noted the
propriate terminology, most children can most21behavioral distress in 2 to 6 year
understand the need for the procedure. olds, who may benefit from sedation.
Distraction with stuffed animals or other Premedication also has its place for repet-
toys may help young children. An older itive stimulation or for extended studies
child usually cooperates better if en- of spontaneous and insertional activity.
couraged to participate in the study by Sedation, analgesia, and general anesthe-
listening to the loudspeaker and observ- sia all have some risks, requiring appro-
ing the response build on the oscillo- priate support devices.
scope. Thus they may be cajoled to par- In our laboratory, we never sedate in-
ticipate in the examination by "hearing" fants younger than 1 year old (although
the muscle and "watching" it twitch. we sometimes sedate the parents!). Most
Teenagers should receive full information children 1-5 years old receive chloral hy-
regarding the study to avoid an element drate, 50 mg/kg, 30 minutes before the
of surprise for either needle or stimula- procedure. This dose usually produces
tion studies. enough effect for motor and sensory nerve
A physical examination before the study conduction studies without rendering the
will establish developmental reflexes of an child too sleepy to recruit motor units dur-
infant or functional skills in an older child. ing needle electromyography. Demerol,
Examiners rarely regain cooperation once another commonly prescribed drug, tends
it is lost during the needle exploration. to oversedate children.
Thus, a routine examination should begin Pain from procedures looms large for
with more easily tolerated nerve conduc- children, although examiners often un-
tion studies, which provide important mat- derestimate it. The distress caused by
urational information.3,38,44 Minimal stim- pain could leave a persisting fear of fu-
uli suffice to excite the superficially located ture medical interventions. Making the
peripheral nerves in children. Sensory study as comfortable as possible and
nerve conduction studies that cause the helping the child anticipate the worst mo-
least pain should be done first. ments helps reduce the negative experi-
For the more threatening needle studies, ence, rendering the investigation less
the child should receive honest forewarn- stressful to the child (and examiner).
588 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

3 MATURATIONAL PROCESS opment until the age of 1-3 years.2 The

modest velocity difference between the ul-
nar and median nerves gradually disap-
Peripheral nerve myelination, which be- pears by age 4 or 5. At about 3 years of
gins at about the 15th week of gestation,17 age all ulnar values reach the lower adult
continues throughout the first 3-5 years range.51 Table 22-1 summarizes a set of
after birth. Myelinated nerve fibers ma- normal values for motor and sensory
ture at the38same rate whether in utero or studies in children up to 2 years of age.
ex utero, exhibiting no accelerated Earlier maturation proximally rather
myelination just after birth.51 The axons than distally tends to shorten the H-reflex
also mature during the prenatal and post- and F-wave latencies more quickly than the
natal periods, beginning at 20 weeks' ges- distal latencies. The peripheral somatosen-
tation and reaching51a maximum between sory pathways mature at a faster rate than
ages 2 and 5 years. The thickness of the the central pathways measured by so-
myelin sheath directly correlates with the matosensory evoked potential (SEP).54 Cor-
diameter of the axon. Thus, conduction tical SEP matures, reflecting conceptional
velocities increase in proportion to the di- age, primarily during the first 3 weeks of
ameter of the axon. In the phrenic nerve, life, although the trend continues through-
the number of myelinated axons doubles out the first 2 years of life.15,18,37 This
from birth to 1 year of age,50 showing no process of maturation also involves the
further increase thereafter. The nodes of compound muscle action potential, which
Ranvier also undergo remodeling, with a triples in size as compared to nerve51con-
gradual lengthening of the internodal dis- duction, which doubles in velocity. Or-
tances that peak at about 5 years of age.20 thodromic compound sensory nerve ac-
Conduction velocities calculated from tion potentials recorded proximally may
the onset latency increase in proportion comprise two distinct peaks in infants,
to the diameter of the4 largest axon, main- representing two groups 52of maturationally
taining a ratio of 6:1. Thus, infants of dif- different sensory fibers.
ferent weights but the same gestational Maturational factors also influence the
age have a similar conduction velocity. interpretation of electromyography in
Therefore, nerve conduction studies help newborns and infants. Careful quantifi-
distinguish premature babies from full- cation of the electrical characteristics of
term infants with a small birth weight.14 the motor units constitutes one of the
Premature infants of 23-27 weeks' gesta- most useful aspects of the needle exami-
tion may have a motor conduction veloc- nation. It often serves as the only means
ity as low as 9-11 m/s,10,45 which grad- of distinguishing among acute, subacute,
ually approaches the normal neonatal and chronic stages during the course of a
values toward the conceptional age of 40 neuropathic process. Abnormal motor
weeks. In the newborn, distal motor laten- units in children may result not only from
cies 52decrease with increasing gestational diseases of the nerve or muscle, as in
age. At birth, the median, ulnar, and per- adults, but also from developmental de-
oneal nerves conduct at approximately half rangement of the neuromuscular system.
the speed of normal adult values, with an Proper assessment of motor unit poten-
average of 27 m/s. Conduction velocities tials in health and disease, therefore, re-
then increase rapidly during the first year quires the knowledge of the maturational
of life, and more slowly thereafter, plateau- sequence of the nerve and muscle.
ing by 5 years of age.33,38,51,52 Nerve fibers reach the elongated my-
The nerves conduct 7-10 m/s faster in oblasts at 6 weeks of gestation and form
the arms than in24the legs in older chil- the neuromuscular junction at 10 weeks,
dren and adults, but not in newborns, determining muscle fiber properties. Ini-
who show average velocities of 20-30 m/s tially, large type II fast-twitch muscle
in both the upper and the lower limbs. fibers outnumber the smaller type I slow-
The ulnar and peroneal nerves mature twitch fibers. This relationship reverses
most during the first 6 months of life, gradually with increased growth of type I
whereas the median nerve lags in devel- fibers after the nuclei migrate peripherally
Electrodiagnosis in the Pediatric Population 589

Table 22-1 Motor and Sensory Nerve Conduction Studies

in Infants; Range of Normal Values
CMAP/SNAP* Conduction Distal
Amplitude Velocity Latency Distance
Number (mV/jtV) (m/s) (ms) (cm)
Ulnar 56 1.6-7 20-36.1 1.3-2.9 1-3.4
Median 4 2.6-5.9 22.4-27.1 2-2.9 1.9-3
Peroneal 4 1.8-4 21-26.7 2.1-3.1 1.9-3.8
Median 10 7-15 (A) 25.1-31.9 2.1-3 3.8-5.4
1 8-17 (O)
Sural 8 3.3 5.5
Medial plantar 3 10-40 — 2.1-3.3 4.4-5.8

1-6 months
Ulnar 22 2.5-7.4 33.3-50 1.1-3.2 1.7-4.4
Median 6 3.5-6.9 37-47.7 1.6-2.2 2.1-4.1
Peroneal 10 1.6-8 32.4-47.7 1.7-2.4 2.5-4.1
Median 11 13-52 (A) 36.3-41.9 1.5-2.3 4.3-6.3
9-26 (O)
Sural 2 9-10 — 1.7-2.3 5.8
Medial plantar 2 17-26 35.4-35.7 1.5-1.9 4.5-5.5

7-12 months
Ulnar 28 3.2-10 35-58.2 0.8-2.2 1.9-4.6
Median 13 2.3-8.6 33.3-46.3 1.5-2.8 1.9-4.3
Peroneal 19 2.3-6 38.8-56 1.4-3.2 2.2-5.5
Median 15 14-64 (A) 39.1-60 1.6-2.4 5.5-6.8
11-36 (O)
Sural 5 10-28 40.6 1.7-2.5 5.8-7.6
Medial plantar 6 15-38 39.4-40.3 1.9-2.7 6.5-7.9

13-24 months
Ulnar 53 2.6-9.7 41.3-63.5 1.1-2.2 2.4-4.8
Median 16 3.7-11.6 39.2-50.5 1.8-2.8 2.2-4.3
Peroneal 36 1.7-6.5 39.2-54.3 1.6-3.5 2.2-5.8
Median 29 14-82 (A) 46.5-57.9 1.7-3 5.7-9.1
7-36 (O)
Sural 9 8-30 — 1.4-2.8 4.5-8.6
Medial plantar 12 15-60 42.6-57.3 1.8-2.5 6.1-9.3
*A = antidromic sensory potential; CMAP = compound muscle action potential; O = orthodromic sensory
potential; SNAP = sensory nerve action potential.
From Miller & Kurtz,38 with permission.

during the first 10-15 weeks of gestation. 4 NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES

By 15 to 20 weeks, type I fibers, larger in
diameter, match the type II fibers in num-
ber.16 Muscle fibers mature not only dur- The same anatomic landmarks used in
ing intrauterine life but also after birth.36 adults apply when placing stimulating and
The increased proportion of type II fibers recording electrodes in children. Active and
in adults may result from a transforma- reference leads placed 2 cm apart suffice
tion of type I to type II fibers.36 when recording from the small hands of the
590 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

newborn. For motor conduction studies, a ence of a normal sensory nerve action po-
disc electrode placed on the thenar or hy- tential excludes a lesion distal to the dor-
pothenar eminence serves as GI, and a ring sal root ganglion. Here, studies add im-
electrode wrapped around the third or fifth portant information even without
digit serves as G2- For technical reasons, calculation of the forearm sensory con-
most electromyographers test the median duction velocity. Neonates with poor tem-
and ulnar nerves in the upper limb and perature homeostasis should remain in
the peroneal nerve in the lower limb. an incubator during the study. Older chil-
Studies should include at least one sen- dren may sweat profusely with anxiety
sory nerve, especially in the assessment and crying, making the limb unexpectedly
of a diffuse process. The median, ulnar, cool with evaporation.
and sural sensory potentials are easily
elicited in newborns.38 In the upper limb,
orthodromic studies consist of stimulat- 5 LATE RESPONSES
ing the digits and recording from the me-
dian or ulnar nerve at the wrist or elbow.
Because of its length, the third digit is Late responses elicited by distal stimula-
best suited for recording from the median tion add useful information in evaluating
nerve. Antidromic recording of digital po- the peripheral nerves of infants. The
tentials elicited by proximal stimulation unique advantages include a higher rate
generally provides more stable results for of abnormalities accumulated over the
radial, ulnar, and musculocutaneous longer conduction distance and a greater
nerves in the upper limb and for the sural reproducibility reflecting smaller mea-
nerve in the lower limb. In cooperative surement error. Submaximal stimulation
children, quantitative thermal perception gives rise to a constant H reflex, whereas
testing may uncover small nerve fiber dys- supramaximal shocks evoke F waves with
function.22 variable waveforms and latencies.40
Stimulation with a needle electrode low- The H reflex, although elicitable from
ers the shock intensity, substantially re- most muscles in infancy, undergoes pro-
ducing the stimulus artifact. The use of a gressive central inhibition toward the end
relatively large ground, such as a band of the first year, when it is consistently
electrode placed around the wrist or an- recorded only from the calf muscle. For
kle, may accomplish the same result. example, stimulation of the ulnar nerve
Other useful strategies to reduce shock elicits the H reflex in most fullterm in-
artifact include lowering the impedance by fants, but not after 1 year of age. When
cleansing the skin, decreasing the surface tested using the H reflex latency, the sen-
spread of current by minimizing the sory fibers of the ulnar nerves conduct ap-
amount of conduction cream applied, and proximately 10 percent faster than the
altering the direction of the current by ro- motor fibers between the wrist and elbow
tating the anode around the cathode. in the newborn.58
Stimulation at the digits or palm may ini- Supramaximal stimulation of any pe-
tially trigger a grasp reflex in infants, but ripheral motor nerve evokes the F wave.
the movement usually habituates with re- In one series of 20 fullterm newborns, me-
peated trials. dian nerve stimulation elicited F waves of
In infants with such short limbs, move- the abductor pollicis brevis in 100 percent
ments hinder measurement, especially if of trials, showing a higher F wave/M re-
fat hides bony landmarks. With nerve seg- sponse amplitude ratio and more uniform
ments under study extending only several waveforms than in adults.41 The latencies
centimeters in length, an error of only 1 of late responses recorded by the standard
cm will result in a 20-25 percent velocity technique change with both age and limb
change. Immobilizing the limb properly length.3,38,44 In one study, F wave laten-
throughout the study improves accuracy. cies of the median nerve were 16.0 ± 1.5
Despite the inherent difficulty in nerve ms (mean ± SD) for infants less than 3
length estimation, a conduction study months of age and 14.4 ± 1.6 ms for
serves its purpose. For example, the pres- youngsters between 4 months and 2 years
Electrodiagnosis in the Pediatric Population 591

Table 22-2 F Wave Latencies in Infants: Recording R2, however, posed a greater
Range of Normal Values challenge because of the need to apply
Latency Distance shocks of the higher intensity required for
Months Nerve Number (ms) (cm) this nociceptive response while keeping
1-6 Ulnar 1 17 21 the infants fully awake so that sleep would
Peroneal 2 22-25 35-36
7-12 Ulnar 6 13-16 21-30 not suppress the reflex excitability. In
Median 3 13-16 23-30 many subjects, eliciting a direct response
Peroneal 3 19-23 20-47 by stimulation of the facial nerve caused
Tibial 2 19-24 43-48 more technical difficulties than evoking
13-24 Ulnar 10 14-17 25-39 the reflex response by stimulation of the
Median 4 14-18 22-27
Peroneal 10 21-26 30-53 trigeminal nerve.
Tibial 9 25-26 42-52 The presence of R1 in most newborn in-
fants provides evidence of maturation of
From Miller & Kuntz,39 with permission.
its pontine pathway at birth. Similarly, R2
elicited on the side of stimulus in two
thirds of neonates indicates at least par-
of age. Table 22-2 summarizes normal F- tial establishment of its central connec-
wave latencies for infants up to 2 years of tion. A comparatively greater latency of
age. the direct response and of R1 in infants
suggests incomplete myelination of the
trigeminal and facial nerves. Conduction
6 BLINK REFLEX velocities in fullterm infants average
roughly half of those of adults. Thus, de-
spite considerably shorter reflex pathways
Despite extensive studies in adults, only in infants, the latency of R1 exceeds the
a few reports have dealt with the matu- adult value by approximately 1.5 ms (see
rational pattern of blink reflexes in infants Table 22-3). By about 6 years of age, the
and children.6,23 We have reported our ex- R2 components in children parallel those
perience with newborn infants less than in adults in consistency and excitabil-
3 days of age to establish normal ranges ity.6,23 This corresponds with the time of
of the blink reflex
in the neonatal period.30 completion of brainstem myelination in
As in adults, the blink reflex elicited by children.
unilateral electrical stimulation consisted Determination of various aspects of R1
of an early ipsilateral component, R1 (see can aid in assessing the brainstem and
Fig. 17-7), and a late bilateral component, the trigeminal and facial nerves in in-
R2 (see Fig. 17-8), in about two thirds of fants.29,47,49 In contrast, R2 varies so much
neonates. The remaining one third had ip- in infants that its absence or asymmetry
silateral R1 and R2 but absent R2 con- at this age has little clinical value. Of the
tralaterally. The presence or absence of R2 two components of the electrically elicited
and its amplitude depended to a consid- blink reflex, the bilateral R2 bears a great
erable degree on the intensity of stimula- resemblance in latency and duration to
tion, that is, the stronger the shock, the the cornea! reflex elicited with tactile stim-
larger the size of R2. Table 22-3 summa- ulation. As an inference, therefore, an ab-
rizes various aspects of direct response sent or asymmetric corneal reflex provides
and of R1 and R2 components of the blink a questionable clinical sign in neonates.
reflex in 30 neonates compared with those
established in 30 older subjects aged 7-67
years (average age, 31 years). 7 TESTS OF NEUROMUSCULAR
Before initiating the study, we had an- TRANSMISSION
ticipated various technical problems that
might make testing difficult in small
neonates, but these concerns were mostly In testing neuromuscular transmission
unverified. In fact, optimally applied low- the same criteria apply to pediatric and
intensity stimuli elicited R1 without even adult populations except for infancy. In
awakening the infant in light sleep. younger children, sedation facilitates limb
Table 22-3 Direct Response and RI and R2 of the Blink Reflex (Mean ± SD) in 3O Neonates
Compared with 3O Adults
R2 Component
Direct Response RI Component to Stimulus
Neonates Adults Neonates Adults Neonates Adults
Latency, (ms) 3.30 ± 0.44* 3.15 ±0.28 12.10 ± 0.95t 10.60 ±0.82 35.85 ± 2.45f 31.30 ±3.33
Latency difference
between two sides in
the same subject (ms) 0.32 ± 0.33* 0.14 ±0.17 0.38 ± 0.22 0.31 ±0.31 1.79 ± 1.36 2.14 ± 1.76
Amplitude (mV) 0.48 ±0.30 1.21 ±0.77 0.51 ± 0.18f 0.38 ±0.23 0.39±0.19f 0.53 ±0.24
Amplitude ratio
between two sides in
the same subject,
right/left 0.95 ±0.56 1.03 ±0.45 1.00 ± 0.33 1.04 ±0.96 1.15 ±0.64 0.99 ±0.53
*p < 0.05.
Modified from Kimura, Bodensteiner and Yamada (1997).30
Electrodiagnosis in the Pediatric Population 593

immobilization with restraining straps or Thus, stimulation at 5 Hz or less evoked

tapes. For stimulation, the use of a nee- a stable response in all healthy infants.
dle minimizes movement-related inten- Children suffer from the same disorders
sity variability. For recording, a subcuta- of neuromuscular junctions as adults.
neously placed needle or wire may suffice, These include myasthenia gravis, botulism,
despite its restricted recording radius, al- Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, and
though a pair of surface electrode is bet- drug-induced conditions. Infants may also
ter for the evaluation of full responses. As have congenital myasthenia or infantile
in adults, the proximal limb muscles and botulism. Rare forms of congenital myas-
facial muscles usually provide the high- thenia characteristically show a series of
est yield. Repeat studies and testing mul- two or more repetitive responses to a sin-
tiple nerves help to confirm an abnormal- gle stimulus (see Figure 10-8). This finding
ity by establishing reproducibility. should prompt the electromyographer to
Studies performed with the infant's arm perform further studies with repetitive
immobilized on a pediatric arm board serve stimulation.
as the primary electrodiagnostic method
to quantitate clinical findings.7,8 A warm
blanket may help to maintain surface tem- 8 ELECTROMYOGRAPHY
perature, which can be monitored with a
thermister. It takes less intensity to achieve
supramaximal stimulation in children than The examination of infants must often de-
in adults. With mild sedation, it is thus pos- viate from the routine order of steps fol-
sible to do the test without awakening the lowed in studying cooperating patients. If
child. Stimulation begins at a slow rate, the child tolerates testing well, insertional
usually 2-3 Hz, as in adults. Children un- and spontaneous activities should be stud-
der 6 years of age usually cannot volun- ied first. If the infant resists, motor unit po-
tarily exercise the muscle. The test of tentials can be observed. Evaluation of gen-
posttetanic potentiation and exhaustion, eralized diseases may consist of studying a
therefore, must include a brief train of certain group of muscles at rest and an-
stimuli usually at rates of 20-50 Hz for other group of muscles during contraction.
1-5 s under adequate sedation. Single- Unilateral, segmental, or focal processes
fiber electromyography also depends on call for a more complete assessment, with
stimulation technique and not on volun- sedation if necessary. In infants, the nee-
tary contraction. dle must clear a large amount of adipose
Compared with adults, infants have dif- tissue to reach the muscle.
ferent physiologic responses to repetitive Infants tend to maintain relaxed pos-
stimulation, reflecting immature neuro- tures of the extensor muscles, such as the
muscular junctions at birth. In one series gastrocnemius in the legs and triceps in
of 17 newborns including 6 premature in- the arms, which, therefore, serve well
fants,32 continuous stimulation for 15 s for the assessment of spontaneous dis-
at a rate of 1-2 Hz induced no change in charges. Passive shortening of the muscle
amplitude. With an increased stimulus can also achieve enough relaxation for
rate, 5 of 8 infants had at least a 10 per- this part of the examination. Studies of
cent facilitation at 5-10 Hz, and 12 of 17 the less active intrinsic foot and hand
infants had a decremental change aver- muscles suffice for the evaluation of rest-
aging 24 percent at 20 Hz. Premature in- ing states in a diffuse or generalized dis-
fants showed facilitation and exhaustion ease. The distal muscles, with a large mo-
at rates greater than 20 Hz, possibly be- tor point zone, tend to show frequent
cause of inadequate neuromuscular re- end-plate spikes. Their irregular high-fre-
serves. Although greatest in the prema- quency pattern of discharges stands in
ture infants, all 17 had a reduction, contrast to fibrillation potentials, which
averaging 51 percent at 50 Hz. Despite a fire regularly at a slower rate.
reduced margin of safety, normal new- The initial insertion, which usually in-
borns showed neither decrement at a rate duces a maximal volitional contraction,
of 2-10 Hz nor facilitation at 20-50 Hz. allows the evaluation of the recruitment
594 Special Techniques and Studies in Children

pattern of motor units in infants. Flexor 9 SOMATOSENSORY EVOKED

muscles are reflexively activated as part POTENTIALS
of a withdrawal response. Studies of mo-
tor units should, therefore, center on the
flexor muscles, which tend to show strong The same technical principles apply for in-
functional activation. The most active are fants as for adults (see Chapter 20) in elic-
the tibialis anterior and biceps brachii. If iting somatosensory evoked potentials for
necessary, the use of primitive reflexes study of the peripheral nerve, spinal cord,
helps activate flexor responses. brainstem, and cerebral cortex.53 In
Compared with adults, infants and neonates, lower stimulation rates of 1-2
young children have smaller muscle fibers Hz are combined with a higher stimulus
and less fiber density, rendering motor intensity.15,18 Median nerve studies show
unit potentials of lower amplitude and a maturational variability in waveform
shorter duration. This makes a subtle my- during the first few years of life,18,28,34,54
opathic change difficult to detect. With a and stimulation of the lower limb nerves
5- to 8-fold increase in fiber diameter dur- elicits spinal evoked potentials more eas-
ing life, motor unit potentials also in- ily in infants than in adults.19'34
crease in size 2- to 5-fold.43 In infants 3
years old or younger, the amplitude
ranges from 200 13,43
to 700 /xV, usually not 10 THE FLOPPY INFANT
exceeding 1 mV.
In general, electrodiagnostic studies in
infants detect neurogenic patterns of Despite some overlap, pediatric and adult
more accurately than myogenic neuromuscular diseases vary consider-
features. In one series, electromyog- ably. Most infants referred for evalua-
raphy and biopsy results showed good tion have a floppy syndrome rather than
correlation in 14 of 15 infants with Werd- the radiculopathies or mononeuropathies
nig-Hoffinan disease and in 3 of 3 with that abound in adult practice.12
congenital infantile polyneuropathy, but Up to 80 percent of floppy infants have
in only 4 of 10 infants with myopathy.12 a primary central nervous system cause,
A definite dropout in the number of motor showing hypotonia but not weakness per
units, as might be seen in patients with in- se. Experienced pediatricians can clini-
fantile spinal muscular atrophy, causes a cally differentiate central hypotonia from
rapid firing of large motor unit potentials, neuromuscular dysfunction. In contrast
constituting a readily recognizable late re- to the normal newborn with well-defined
cruitment. In fact, a needle study shortly muscular tone and the ability to suck and
after birth may document intrauterine on- swallow, a floppy infant has minimal or
set of a neuropathic process.27 In contrast, limited skeletal muscle activity despite full
recognition of an early recruitment poses eye movements and a bright look. The
considerable difficulty because of irregu- limp head, arms, and legs form an in-
lar contraction. verted U when the child is lifted from the
Thus, in the study of a floppy infant (see prone position and supported by the ex-
this chapter, part 10), except for severe aminer's hands. These infants with weak
cases with unequivocal abnormalities, bulbar motor function tend to develop re-
myopathic disorders tax the electromy- current episodes of aspiration pneumo-
ographer more than neurogenic condi- nia. Some infants may appear normal at
tions.11 Subtle changes call for careful birth, but show delayed developmental
follow-up studies rather than invasive milestones, not holding up the head,
procedures. Cases with suggestive but in- rolling over, or sitting up during the first
conclusive evidence should be followed 3-6 months.
with a muscle biopsy for confirmation. Electrodiagnostic evaluation distin-
Electromyographers should err on the guishes neurogenic abnormalities from
side of under interpretation, working from myogenic abnormalities of the motor unit.
the principle that patients have normal re- In a retrospective review of 51 hypotonic
sults unless proven otherwise. infants younger than 1 year old,42 final
Electrodiagnosis in the Pediatric Population 595

diagnoses included spinal muscular43 atro- 12. David WS, Jones HR Jr: Electromyography and
phy or 20
Werdnig Hoffman disease, my- biopsy correlation with suggested protocol for
52 evaluation of the floppy infant. Muscle Nerve
opathy, infantile botulism, benign 17:424-430, 1994.
congenital hypotonia,4 and some 51types of 13. do Carmo RJ: Motor unit action potential para-
central nervous system disorders. Stud- meters in human newborn infants. Arch Neurol
ies revealed appropriate neuropathic or 3:136-140, 1960.
myopathic findings except for the last two 14. Dubowitz V, Whittaker GF, Brown BH, Robin-
son A: Nerve conduction velocity: An index of
categories, which yielded normal findings. neurological maturity of the newborn infant. Dev
In another series of 41 infants who had Med Child Neurol 10:741-749.8, 1968.
muscle or nerve biopsy or both,11 23 had 15. Eyre JA, Miller S, Ramesh V: Constancy of cen-
spinal muscular atrophy, which was ac- tral conduction delays during development in
man: Investigation of motor and somatosensory
curately defined by electromyography. pathways. J Physiol (Lond) 434:441-452, 1991.
Some patients with myopathy had classi- 16. Fenichel GM: Clinical Pediatric Neurology: A
cal features, whereas others had either Sign and Symptoms Approach, ed 3. W.B. Saun-
normal or nonspecific changes. The ab- ders, Philadelphia, 1996.
normalities of sensory conduction led to 17. Gamble HJ, Breathnach AS: An electron-micro-
scope study of human foetal peripheral nerves.
diagnoses of hypomyelinating neuropa- J Anat 99:573-584, 1965.
thies in five infants. 18. George SR, Taylor MJ: Somatosensory evoked
potentials in neonates and infants: Develop-
mental and normative data. Electroencephalogr
Clin Neurophysiol 80:94-102, 1991.
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terdam, 1996, p 761. 1986.
Part VI
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Chapter 23

Etiology and Pathogenesis
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Progressive Muscular Atrophy
Progressive Bulbar Palsy
Primary Lateral Sclerosis
Familial Disorders with Geographic Predilection
Infantile Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Juvenile Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Juvenile Progressive Bulbar Palsy
Scapuloperoneal Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Facioscapulohumeral Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita
Focal Amyotrophy
Kennedy Disease
Other Disorders

1 INTRODUCTION the elucidation of the basic biochemical

defects. Classic motor neuron disease
characteristically shows combined in-
Degenerative diseases of the anterior horn volvement of the upper and lower motor
cell rank first among the wide range of neurons. This group of diseases com-
disorders of the spinal cord commonly prises progressive bulbar palsy, progres-
seen in an electromyographic laboratory. sive muscular atrophy, and amyotrophic
Of various classifications proposed, those lateral sclerosis and its variant, primary
based on clinical and genetic features lateral sclerosis. In contrast, patients with
have proved most satisfactory, pending the spinal muscular atrophies have ge-
600 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

netically determined degeneration of the action potentials remain normal in the

anterior horn cells without corticospinal vast majority of cases.
tract involvement. This section discusses certain diseases
A number of other conditions, infectious of the anterior horn cells as they pertain
and toxic in nature, affect the motor neu- to electromyography and nerve conduc-
rons selectively or in conjunction with the tion studies. Readers interested in more
corticospinal tracts. Despite the advent of comprehensive clinical reviews should
a vaccine in the 1950s, poliomyelitis still consult other texts. 172,189,211,272,274
prevails in the tropics. With diminishing
public awareness of the need for vaccina-
tion, new epidemics may develop. The 2 MOTOR NEURON DISEASE
residual of old poliomyelitis, although rel-
atively common, may escape detection un-
less clinically suspected. Syringomyelia, Etiology and Pathogenesis
another classical neurologic disorder, also
involves the spinal cord. The disease of- Motor neuron disease together with
ten mimics motor neuron disease because parkinsonian syndrome and Alzheimer's
cutaneous touch sensation may remain disease constitute a triad of degenerative
completely normal. Careful sensory ex- disorders of the aging nervous system.271
amination will, however, reveal a selective In these disorders, selective vulnerability
loss of pain perception in the cervical or of a special set of cells leads primarily to
lumbosacral dermatomes in question. degeneration of the upper and lower mo-
Amyotrophy may occur as a feature of tor neurons. This group of disorders con-
familial multisystem atrophies such as fa- sists of common sporadic cases and 5-10
milial motor neuron disease and familial percent of familial incidence with an au-
spastic paraplegia. Some subtypes of spin- tosomal dominant pattern of inheritance.
ocerebellar atrophy such as olivopontocere- Patients with progressive muscular atro-
bellar atrophy, glutamate dehydogenase de- phy develop only lower motor neuron im-
ficiency, and Joseph disease also have pairment, whereas those with amy-
clinical and electromyographic evidence of otrophic lateral sclerosis have features of
lower motor neuron disease as a major find- upper motor neuron lesions as well. In
ing. Other systemic disorders associated contrast, prominent corticospinal tract
with amyotrophy and denervation include signs without lower motor neuron in-
Parkinson's disease, Huntington's chorea, volvement characterize primary lateral
Pick's disease, and xeroderma pigmento- sclerosis. Progressive bulbar palsy shows
sum. Juvenile spinal muscular atrophy the combined features of brainstem dys-
with hexosaminidase deficiency resembles function and spasticity. The various syn-
the Kugelberg-Welander phenotype. dromes, although described as separate
Electromyography and nerve stimula- nosologic entities, may represent a dis-
tion techniques help establish the differ- ease spectrum according to the sites of
ential diagnosis of these disease entities. maximal neuronal involvement.
Reduced recruitment suggests loss of mo- Attempts to isolate a virus or other
tor neurons during early stages. Fibrilla- causative elements have consistently
tion potentials appear at least 2-3 weeks failed,278 despite clinical resemblance to
after the onset of illness. Large-amplitude, transmissible Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
long-duration motor unit potentials de- and immunologic reactivity against cer-
velop later as the consequence of rein- tain infectious agents.125 An unidentified
nervation. The clinical severity of the dis- virus might have caused a motor neuron
ease correlates approximately with the disease with the clinical and pathologic
degree of reduction in amplitude of the appearance of amyotrophic lateral sclero-
compound muscle action potentials, but sis in a woman severely bitten by a cat.145
not necessarily with the magnitude and One study reports 17 patients in perfect
distribution of fibrillation potentials. De- health who developed a progressive motor
spite reduced amplitude of muscle poten- neuron disease after an electrical in-
tial and slowed motor conduction, sensory jury.110 In another case, the onset of the
Motor Neuron Diseases and Myelopathies 601

disease occurred in the limb through ing those resulting from radicular lesions
which the shock entered.290 Another clue or localized injuries of the peripheral
to the pathogenesis may lie in the lack of nerve. The disease has a prevalence rate of
hexosaminidase in some members of fam- 2 to 7 and an incidence rate of 1.0 to 1.9
ilies with recessively inherited motor neu- per 100,000 population.8,99,122,210 Familial
ron disease.16,80,212,269,305 Interestingly, cases, accounting for 10 percent of patients
their enzyme may fall to a very low level, with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),63
as seen in their relatives with Tay-Sachs usually show a dominant pattern. Of these,
disease.156 Another study implicates re- one-fourth have a missense mutation in the
duced levels of glutamate and aspartate, as antioxidant enzyme copper/zinc (Cu/Zn)
well as increased glutamate dehydrogenase superoxide dismutase (SOD1) gene on chro-
activity in the spinal cord as causally re- mosome 21.17,32,268 Linkage studies have
lated to the neurodegeneration.199,303 Dex- also located the rare autosomal recessive
tromethorphan, an N-Methyl-D-aspartate form of ALS to the long arm of chromosome
(NMDA) antagonist, however, showed no fa- 2.137 Etiologic possibilities include ge-
vorable effect in a pilot trial.14 netic,38,219 toxic,67,91,289 immunologic,89
A monoclonal protein that usually pro- environmental,13,47,56,62,138,191,201 and viral
duces a sensory motor peripheral neu- causes, although none has been proven.
ropathy sometimes induces a motor sys- The essential pathologic and functional
tem disorder resembling motor neuron change consists of relatively selective de-
disease. This observation suggests that generation of the motor cells in the spinal
the antibodies may impair the function of cord, brainstem, and, to a much lesser ex-
the cell body itself or the axons that ex- tent, the cortex,141,169 typically, although
tend from the cell body.88,270,275 Immuno- not entirely sparing Onufs nucleus.42,120
cytochemistry with antibodies against cy- The most extensive cellular damage oc-
toskeletal proteins has failed to show curs in the cervical and lumbar levels, pri-
specific changes in this disorder.188 The marily affecting the large motor cells.
search for an immunologic abnormality Studies of the ventral spinal root reveal
has led to the demonstration of serum an- axonal degeneration of the large myeli-
tibodies against a growth factor in some nated fibers.130 In the brainstem, histo-
patients.123 If confirmed, this finding im- logic changes predominate in the motor
plies that motor neuron disease results nuclei of the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth
from a deficiency of nerve growth factor.9 cranial nerves and, less frequently, in
In still other uncontrolled trials, in some those of the fifth and seventh nerves.
patients, thyrotropin-releasing hormone Rarely, the pathologic changes involve the
(TRH) has improved motor function clini- nuclei of the third, fourth, and sixth cra-
cally87,215 and electrophysiologically.121 nial nerves and frontal lobe motor neu-
In vitro application of TRH to rat muscles rons.98 The cellular damage consistently
increases the frequency of fibrillation po- involves the corticospinal tracts in the lat-
tentials and miniature end-plate poten- eral and ventral funiculi of the spinal
tials, possibly accounting for its effect on cord. Indeed, autopsy studies reveal these
muscle strength.317 In rats depleted of pathologic alterations even if the patient
TRH, however, motor performance re- had no clinical signs of upper motor neu-
mained normal by clinical and electro- ron lesions in life. Disputes continue re-
physiologic assessments.319 garding the primary neuron involved in
ALS. Some postulate primary involvement
of the cortical motor neuron or the local
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis circuit interneurons that inhibit its ac-
tivity,79,83,84 234
but there is no subsequent
confirmation. Others hypothesize ret-
rograde transport of pathogens from neuro-
The adjective amyotrophic implies muscle muscular junctions with the spread of the
wasting as a result of an anterior horn cell disease process monosynaptically from
disorder. The term in other contexts may the lower to the upper motor neuron.51
refer to any neurogenic atrophy, includ- Although the anterior horn cells and the
602 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

corticospinal tracts undergo the most se- showed some involvement of sensory ax-
vere degeneration, a wide spectrum of ons,127 but not as an essential part of the
changes affects the entire spinal cord. disease.77 Spasms and cramps of the leg
Degeneration of the anterior horn cells muscles occur early, often occurring at
results in denervation of muscle fibers. night or after exercise. A neurogenic blad-
Collateral sprouts from surviving motor der, although rare at the onset, may de-
neurons then reinnervate the affected mo- velop terminally. Pathologic laughing and
tor units. Reinnervation, as a relatively ac- crying spells signal pseudobulbar mani-
tive process, sufficiently makes up for the festations at some stage of the illness. In-
progressive loss of motor neurons until frequent and mild pleocytosis and oligo-
more than 50 percent of the motor neu- clonal bands seem to have no clinical
rons have died.34 Histochemical studies of importance in well-established cases of
fresh frozen specimens thus show char- ALS.228
acteristic denervation atrophy with fiber Clinical signs include widespread atro-
grouping that represents a compensatory phy162 affecting the limb and facial mus-
mechanism.75 Myopathic changes also cles, usually in proportion to the degree
appear, presumably as part of the dener- of weakness that primarily results from
vation process, although most biopsies lower167as opposed to upper motor neuron
show a relatively intact intermyofibrillar loss. The sparing of the extraocular
network and cellular architecture of the muscles stands in sharp contrast to the
fibers. Type I grouping correlates with the frequent involvement of the tongue. Most
best prognosis, whereas a high density of patients have hyperreflexia, some with an-
atrophic fibers implies a rapid progres- kle clonus and extensor plantar re-
sion.241 According to a quantitative study sponses. Fasciculations occur almost uni-
of the terminal innervation ratio and fiber versally at some stages, although some
type grouping, collateral reinnervation oc- patients may not notice spontaneous
curs less in ALS than in the more slowly muscle twitchings.82 A paucity of fascic-
progressing Charcot-Marie-Tooth dis- ulations may suggest slow progression of
ease.307 Motor nerve biopsy also shows the illness,227 but their abundance does
less density of regenerative clusters of not necessarily imply a worse prognosis.
small myelinated fibers than in motor Benign fasciculations, not uncommonly
neuropathy.54 seen in healthy subjects, usually involve
the eyelid, calf, or intrinsic hand muscles,
especially after strong contraction. Unlike
motor neuron disease, neither muscle
Symptoms usually begin in the fifth to weakness nor atrophy develops, and elec-
seventh decades, affecting men two to four tromyography provides no denervation.27
times as frequently as women.220 Distal The signs and symptoms may wax and
weakness commonly develops as an early wane, with an apparent improvement pre-
symptom. Despite asymmetric initial sumably after reinnervation and collateral
manifestations, at times limited to only sprouting. In one study, 32 of 74 patients
one limb, the disease progresses rapidly showed a fluctuating course.315 Despite
to involve muscles of the trunk and those this pattern, the disease usually pro-
innervated by the cranial nerves. Bulbar gresses without remission, leading to
signs tend to appear late in the course, death in 2-4 years, most often as the re-
but dysarthria, dysphagia and, rarely, sult of respiratory difficulties.119,261
respiratory failure50 may constitute the Longer survival in younger patients prob-
initial symptoms. Although patients com- ably reflects their greater neuronal re-
monly complain of aching and other vague serve.81 Perhaps as many as 20 percent
sensory complaints, they usually have no of all patients have a more favorable
clear objective loss of sensation. In one se- course, with survival in excess of 5
ries, however, 80 percent of the patients years.37 The "benign" form lacks bulbar
with motor neuron disease had abnormal signs in the early stages, but otherwise
thermal threshold tests.152 Pathologic ex- shares the same clinical features with the
amination of the peripheral nerves also classical variety. Other indicators for
Motor Neuron Diseases and Myelopathies 603

shorter survival include greater age, lower rise to widespread fibrillation potentials
predicted forced vital capacity, lower and positive sharp waves (see Fig. 14-8B).
serum chloride (Cl--) level reflecting degree Fasciculation potentials, as a nonspecific
of respiratory acidosis, a shorter interval but characteristic feature of ALS, imply
from symptom onset to diagnosis of ALS, motor neuron irritability in an appropri-
and greater weight loss.297 In one series,229 ate clinical context.65,120 These abnor-
about 4 percent, mainly younger men, ex- malities typically have an asymmetric dis-
perienced unusually long courses with tribution, particularly during early stages.
milder paralysis. Although very rare, some The presence of large and small fibrilla-
patients with a clinical syndrome closely tion potentials suggests both recent and
resembling ALS recovered completely, chronic denervation. Many motor unit po-
without treatment, 5 months to 1.5 years tentials have large-amplitude and poly-
after onset.313,314 phasic waveforms, some with late com-
Clinical diagnosis depends on the com- ponents.240 The motor unit potentials, re-
bined features of widespread muscular at- duced in number, recruit poorly and dis-
rophy, weakness, fasciculations and evi- charge rapidly, producing a less than full
dence of damage to corticospinal and bulbar interference pattern (see Figs. 13-8B, and
tracts.192 Differential diagnoses include any 13-9B). In one estimate, the motor unit
condition associated with diffuse muscle at- population decreased by half in each 6
rophy. A syndrome clinically resembling month period of the first year and then
ALS may appear in association with or- diminished more slowly thereafter.60 Sur-
ganochlorine insecticides,104 lead intoxica- viving enlarged motor units contribute
tion,29 chronic mercurialism,161 multifocal less282twitch force323 and fatigue more eas-
motor neuropathy,15,216,230,239,248,322 and ily than normal units because of me-
proximal motor neuropathy.45 Cervical chanical inefficiency. Motor unit number
spondylosis and developmental anomalies estimate (see Chapter 8-1) may predict
in the region of the foramen magnum disease progression and the length of pa-
sometimes simulate the disease closely, tients survival.11
with presenting symptoms of muscular Additional physiologic findings include
weakness in the upper extremities and ev- increased fiber density and jitter values as
idence of spasticity in the lower extremi- well as intermittent blocking determined
ties. When motor neuron disease and cer- by single-fiber electromyography.296 These
vical or lumbar spondylosis coexist, abnormalities, seen consistently in fasci-
sensory symptoms of radiculopathy alter culating motor units, reflect the degree
the picture of pure motor dysfunction. A and the recency of collateral reinnerva-
myelogram helps distinguish these diag- tion.153 Muscles showing no abnormali-
nostic possibilities. Elevated muscle en- ties either clinically or by conventional
zyme levels do not exclude the diagnosis needle examination may have subtle signs
because the serum level reaches two or of reinnervation and immature motor
three times the normal value in about half nerve terminals. Despite active reinnerva-
of the patients with motor neuron dis- tion, progessive denervation produces a
ease.326 deteriorating clinical course. A computer-
Therapeutic regimen include, in addi- assisted quantitative measure of motor
tion to supportive care,208 administration unit function showed that reinnervation
of riluzole which may prolong life by a few only compensated for up to 50 percent
months without tracheostomy.197 A high loss of the motor neuron pool.34,129
dose of methylcobalamine may slightly re- Studies of the motor nerve reveal a re-
tard muscle wasting in some patients.158 duced number of motor units showing
higher average amplitude than normal
(see Chapter 8-1) and slight slowing in as-
sociation with the reduced179,223
amplitude of the
Electromyographic abnormalities found muscle action potential. The values
during various stages of the illness reflect rarely fall below 70-80 percent of the nor-
the sequence of pathologic changes in the mal lower limits,55,95 and some studies
muscle.83,84,303 Diffuse denervation gives have found little or no change in maximal
604 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

conduction velocity129,148 despite abnor- ial nerve.203 Unlike in normal persons,

mal excitability of motor axons (see Chap- stimulation of the ulnar or median nerve
ter 8-3). These findings suggest at least also elicits an H reflex in the intrinsic hand
partial preservation of the fastest fibers muscles. Similarly, stimulation of the per-
for a long time with no evidence to indi- oneal nerve reflexively activates the exten-
cate their preferential loss. Pathologic sor digitorum or tibialis anterior mus-
slowing of normally slow fibers may in- cle.227 Although patients may experience
crease the scatter of velocities. Near-nerve few or no paresthesias during ischemia of
recording may detect subtle abnormalities the arm and after its release, the changes
in the sensory action potential in some pa- in axonal properties are not analogous to
tients.285 One study also revealed a slight those in diabetes mellitus.214
but significant reduction in sensory ac-
tion potentials in 22 percent of 64 pa- DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA
tients.217 In most cases, however, sensory
action potentials remain normal in am- A variety of focal or diffuse neuropathic
plitude and onset latency. Thus, any sub- disorders may mimic ALS.186 A set of elec-
stantial abnormalities in sensory conduc- trophysiologic criteria has gained general
tion studies suggest another disorder. acceptance to avoid falsely diagnosing this
Spectral analysis of heart rate variability fatal disease183: (1) fibrillation and fasci-
may reveal subclinical involvement of the culation in at least two muscles inner-
autonomic nervous system.250 vated by different nerves and roots in each
The common complaint of easy fatiga- of three limbs, or in two limbs and the
bility suggests impairment of neuromus- head; (2) reduction in number and in-
cular transmission that may result from crease in amplitude and duration of mo-
decreased trophic function of the neuron. tor unit action potentials; (3) normal elec-
In these cases, needle examination reveals trical excitability of the surviving motor
small unstable motor unit potentials with nerve fibers; (4) motor fiber conduction ve-
temporal amplitude variability (see Fig. locity within the normal range in nerves
14-13). Discharging units usually show of relatively unaffected muscles and not
more stability in the relatively chronic less than 70 percent of the average nor-
forms. Many patients with a rapidly pro- mal value according to age in nerves of
gressive form of the disease show abnor- more severely affected muscles; and (5)
malities of the compound muscle action normal excitability and conduction veloc-
potentials elicited by slow repetitive nerve ity of afferent nerve fibers even in severely
stimulation.25,171 In one series,69 67 per- affected limbs.
cent of 55 patients showed a decremental More recent studies, however, have
response, especially in the muscles show- raised some concern that the classical di-
ing atrophy or frequent fasciculations. As agnostic criteria may preclude earlier ac-
in myasthenia gravis, local cooling or ad- ceptance of many ALS patients into ther-
ministration of edrophonium (Tensilon) apeutic trials.21 To accommodate this
normalizes the findings, and exercise in- need, El Escorial criteria49 (World Feder-
duces posttetanic exhaustion. ation of Neurology Research Group on
Cortical stimulation reveals a number Neuromuscular Diseases)333 led to a 1998
of abnormalities including the absence of revision of diagnostic criteria approved by
responses, increased central delay,209 ini- the World Federation of Neurology. Ac-
tially reduced and later raised thresholds cording to this proposal, electrophysio-
for cortical excitation of single motor units logic tests should confirm a combination
and changes in cortical muscle represen- of active and chronic denervation in at
tation (see Chapter 21-7).64 Multimodal- least two of four parts of the body divided
ity studies of evoked potentials often un- into bulbar/cranial, cervical, thoracic,
cover evidence of mild sensory system and lumbosacral regions. The criteria call
involvement.300 Increased excitability of for the evidence of denervation of one
the spinal motor neuron pool results in a muscle in the bulbar region, paraspinal
higher amplitude of the H reflex in the muscles at or below T6 or abdominal mus-
soleus muscle after stimulation of the tib- cles in the thoracic region, and at least
Motor Neuron Diseases and Myelopathies 605

two muscles innervated by different roots have a more benign course. Atrophy and
and peripheral nerves in the cervical and weakness of the muscles develop without
lumbosacral regions. The presence of fas- accompanying features of spasticity or
ciculations helps, especially if found other evidence of upper motor neuron in-
in denervated muscles, showing long- volvement. The patients initially have
duration, polyphasic potentials. Their ab- asymmetric wasting and weakness of the
sence should raise doubts, although it intrinsic hand muscles. They then develop
does not rule out the diagnosis. atrophy of the shoulder girdle and the bul-
Typical cases show asymmetric and bar and lower limb muscles. Less com-
multifocal abnormalities. The involvement monly, the clinical signs may resemble
of upper and lower limbs serves to dif- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease or peroneal
ferentiate this entity from a syrinx or nerve palsy, with preferential involvement
spondylosis with segmental abnormali- of the anterior leg compartment in early
ties. Optimal selection of the muscles for stages. Diaphragmatic paralysis, al-
examination can minimize the 252 ambiguity though rare, may cause respiratory in-
regarding cranial involvement. In the sufficiency238 as a prominent presenting
limbs, examining the flexor pollicis longus symptom. Despite generalized wasting
rather than the thenar or hypothenar mus- and weakness, the stretch reflexes usu-
cles circumvents the possible effect of com- ally remain normal or only slightly de-
pressive neuropathies, such as the carpal creased. The disease runs a slower course
tunnel syndrome or tardy ulnar palsy. than classic ALS. Nonetheless, the symp-
Similarly, denervation of the extensor dig- toms and signs are unremitting, steadily
itorum brevis may result from nerve en- progressing to death, often from aspira-
trapment by a tight shoe. Assessment of tion pneumonia.
thoracic paraspinal muscle also serves to
distinguish this entity from other disorders
such as combined cervical and lumbar Progressive Bulbar Palsy
spondylosis.181 Studies should include,
in addition to the assessment of 18muscle Signs and symptoms that predominantly
strength using a standard tool, elec- involve the bulbar muscles justify the
tromyography, sensory as well as motor name progressive bulbar palsy.5 The pres-
conduction measurements and, when ap- ence of disease in siblings suggests an au-
propriate, tests of neuromuscular trans- tosomal recessive form of inheritance.22
mission to exclude other disorders of the The disease usually begins in the fifth or
peripheral nerve. Sparing of sensory nerves sixth decade with initial symptoms of pro-
provides an important clue, especially if gressive dysarthria and dysphagia. The
demonstrated in one of the weaker ex- tongue becomes atrophic with visible fas-
tremities. Evidence of defective neuromus- ciculations. Troublesome signs include
cular transmission with either repetitive pooling of saliva, nasal regurgitation of
stimulation or single-fiber electromyogra- fluids, and inability to chew or swallow.
phy suggests active disease with recent Most patients eventually develop signs of
reinnervation and immature end plates pseudobulbar palsy from lesions affecting
and, hence, a poor prognosis. the brainstem at higher levels or cerebral
cortex. Despite the often localized initial
symptoms, widespread involvement of
Progressive Muscular Atrophy motor neurons ensues in the terminal
stage. Thus, the diagnosis usually denotes
In the rare syndrome of Aran-Duchenne merely the229
bulbar onset of ALS in many
or progressive muscular atrophy, clinical instances.
signs and symptoms suggest a selective
disorder of the anterior horn cells, al-
though pathologic studies may show some Primary Lateral Sclerosis
changes in the corticospinal tract as well.
Most cases occur sporadically. Familial Pathologic studies in typical cases of pri-
forms, reported in a small percentage, mary lateral sclerosis show selective loss
606 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

of the corticospinal and corticobulbar slowly progressive weakness and spastic-

tracts with sparing of the anterior horn ity of the lower limbs. Three genetic loci
cells.253 The clinical signs include spastic- have been mapped: FSP1 to chromosome
ity, diffuse hyperreflexia, Babinski signs, 14q, FSP2 to chromosome 2P, and FSP3
and pseudobulbar palsy. In the conspicu- to chromosome 15q.175,176
ous absence of atrophy and weakness of
distal musculature, the disease may sim-
ulate cord compression with a spastic 3 SPINAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY
paraparesis. Neither electromyography nor
motor and sensory nerve conduction stud-
ies disclose abnormalities.276 These nega- Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), charac-
tive findings distinguish this disorder from terized by degeneration of anterior horn
other motor neuron diseases as a distinct cells, has one of the most devastating out-
entity. Magnetic brain stimulation may re- comes of all the genetically determined
veal a markedly prolonged central motor neurologic disorders of childhood.147 In a
conduction time.253 series of 108 patients seen in the Mayo
Clinic between 1955 and 1975, the mor-
tality rate reached 31 percent with a mean
Familial Disorders with age of 65 months at the time of death.182
Geographic Predilection Furthermore, only 35 percent of these pa-
tients could walk without assistance. The
Geographic foci of motor neuron disease current classification of childhood SMAs
described in the literature include the is- into types I, II, and III has gained wide ac-
land of Guam,35,284 and the Ryukyu Is- ceptance222: SMA I characterized by on-
lands, south of Japan.178 Epidemiologic set in the first month of life, SMA II oc-
studies have revealed a number of other curring by age 18 months, and SMA III,
smaller clusters.288 The Guamanian mo- with onset of illness thereafter. The dis-
tor neuron disease in the Chamorro pop- ease is an autosomal recessive trait with
ulation112 shows a high familial incidence. deletion of the survival motor neuron
Nearly 10 percent of the adult population (SMN) gene on chromosome 5ql3 in more
on the island die of the disease. The than 90 percent of infantile cases.187,263
parkinsonian-dementia complex affects At least some adult-onset cases have the
the same population, but the two entities same deletion, but no consensus has
have no etiologic relationship. Some pa- emerged whether various subdivisions
tients with motor neuron disease in Japan represent independent entities or a spec-
also suffer from presenile dementia.213 trum of the same disorder. In addition to
Other reported associations with familial SMN, other genes may cause or influence
motor neuron disease include colonic neo- the SMA phenotype.40,335
plasia.283 Types I and III have clinically distinct
Early studies may have underestimated features: the rapidly progressive infantile
the incidence of familial cases of juvenile form (Werdnig-Hoffmann disease), with
and adult onset motor neuron disease death before 3 years of age, and the late
with variation of penetrance.331 Some of childhood or juvenile form (Kugelberg-
these kindreds have a mixed pattern of Welander syndrome). Type II constitutes
amyotrophy: for example, motor neuron an intermediate form between types I and
involvement with pyramidal signs, and III. Despite an overlap in onset, the in-
motor neuropathy66 or upper limb amyo- fantile, juvenile, and intermediate forms
trophy, spastic paraplegia, and pseudo- have different time courses of the disease
bulbar palsy.126 In contrast to the age- and age of death. Table 23-1 summarizes
dependent incidence of sporadic ALS, fa- these and other features useful in sepa-
milial ALS,48 has an age of onset distrib- rating the three types of SMA.174 Other
uted about a mean of 45.7 years.299 clinically identifiable syndromes include
Familial spastic paraplegia (FSP) com- juvenile progressive bulbar palsy (Fazio-
prises a heterogeneous group of neurode- Londe disease), scapuloperoneal SMA, fa-
generative disorders characterized by cioscapulohumeral SMA, arthrogryposis
Motor Neuron Diseases and Myelopathies 607

Table 23-1 Distinguishing Features of the Various

Forms of Proximal Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Ability to Sit Fasciculations Serum
Age (Usual) Without of Skeletal Creatine
Type Onset Survival Support* Muscles Kinase Level
Infantile <9 months <4 years Never +/- Normal
Intermediate 3-18 months >4 years Usually +/- Usually
Juvenile >2 years Adulthood Always ++ Often
Adult >30 years 50 years + Always ++ Often
*At some time during the course of the illness.
From Kloepfer and Emery,174 with permission.

multiplex with anterior horn cell disease, before 6 months after birth with delayed
and distal SMA. Another form with adult developmental milestones. In many cases,
onset,149 once reported as a variant of the the infant dies of pneumonia, often before
late juvenile type, may constitute a sepa- the first birthday and usually by the age
rate entity according to one survey over245a of 3 years, although not all cases of neu-
10 year period in northeast England. rogenic muscular atrophy in infancy fol-
The distribution of affected muscles dis- low this acute course. In chronic SMA of
tinguishes ALS with distal weakness from childhood, clinical signs first appear at
the adult form of SMA, which is charac- about 6 months but occasionally as late
terized by more proximal involvement. as 8 years of age, with the 85,86,244
median age of
Morphometric analysis of intramuscu- death later than 10 years.
lar nerves showed less marked loss of The clinical features comprise progres-
myelinated nerve fibers with more effec- sive muscle weakness, atrophy of the
tive reinnervation compared with ALS.267 trunk and extremities, hypotonia, and
Various types of SMA share the same or feeding difficulties. The infants character-
similar electromyographic findings con- istically lie motionless with limbs ab-
sisting of fibrillation potentials, positive ducted in the frog-leg position. They are
sharp waves, fasciculation potentials, unable to hold their head up or sit and
large motor unit potentials, and a reduced have difficulty with any type of locomotion
interference pattern. In a rapidly pro- with the loss of previously developed mo-
gressing infantile SMA electromyography tor skills. About half of the patients have
suggests a mixture of denervation and re- fasciculations in the tongue and, much
generation with small motor unit poten- less frequently, in the atrophic muscles of
tials that vary temporally in configuration. the limbs. Children with the chronic form
of SMA may develop kyphoscoliosis, con-
tractures of the joints, and dislocation of
Infantile Spinal Muscular Atrophy the hip as the disease progresses. Bulbar
signs appear later in the course of the
Infantile SMA, first described by Werd- rapidly progressive illness. The facial mus-
nig327 and Hoffmann,142 is an autosomal cles, affected mildly, if at all, give the in-
recessive trait. Parents of affected children fant an alert expression, despite severe
have a significantly higher rate of con- generalized hypotonia with reduced or ab-
sanguinity than controls. The estimated sent stretch reflexes. The patients have
incidence ranges from 1 in 15,000 to 1 in normal sphincter functions and intact sen-
25,000 live births in Britian.243 One third sory systems, even in the terminal stages
of the affected children have the disease of illness.
already manifest at birth with decreased Muscle biopsy reveals sheets of round
fetal movements or congenital arthrogry- atrophic fibers intermixed with clumps of
posis.246 In the remainder, the onset of ill- hypertrophic type I fibers. The chronic
ness is usually by 3 months, and certainly form shows fiber type grouping with large
608 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

type II fibers and elevated levels of serum abnormalities.41 Rare cases of infantile
creatine kinase. Ultrastructural findings neuronal degeneration clinically resemble
include massive muscle cell elimination infantile SMA. Nerve conduction studies
by apoptosis and numerous immature showing marked slowing help distinguish
muscle fibers, raising the possibility that this entity characterized by a demyelina-
muscle cell damage results in secondary tive neuropathy as part of the widespread
death of motor neurons that no longer extensive neuronal degeneration.298
have the peripheral target.101
The incidence of fibrillation potentials
and positive sharp waves depends on Juvenile Spinal Muscular Atrophy
stage, progression, and severity of the dis-
ease. 135
It reached 100 percent in one The juvenile form of SMA, 180 inherited in
study,182 but considerably less in an- an autosomal dominant or recessive fash-
other. Fasciculation potentials occur ion, begins with proximal muscle weak-
infrequently if at all. One report39 de- ness and atrophy in the lower limbs. Two
scribed unique potentials regularly dis- thirds of the patients have a family his-
charging at a rate of 5-15 impulses per tory. The disease progresses more slowly
second in 75 percent of 30 patients, but with less predilection for proximal mus-
without subsequent confirmation. A late cles in the dominant variety than in the
recruitment of motor unit potentials re- recessive type. Compared with the infan-
flects the loss of anterior horn cells. Max- tile form it has a later onset throughout
imal effort produces an incomplete inter- childhood or adolescence, but most com-
ference pattern, with a limited number of monly between the ages of 5 and 15 years.
potentials discharging at a rapid rate. In The symptoms initially involve the exten-
extreme instances, only one or two motor sor muscles of the hip and knees and,
units fire at 40-50 impulses per second. later, the shoulder girdle muscles.
As expected from collateral sprouting and The patient has a characteristic lordotic
a high fiber density, a quantitative survey posture with protuberant abdomen, hy-
shows high-amplitude, long-duration mo- perextended knees, and hypertrophic
tor unit potentials. Regenerating axons, calves with rare involvement of the cra-
however, may also give rise to low-ampli- nial musculature such as ptosis. One half
tude, short-duration potentials. In ad- of the cases have fasciculations in the
vanced stages, the motor unit potentials proximal muscles. This abnormality af-
are either abnormally large or small, with fects the legs more than the arms, spar-
no normal units between the two ex- ing the distal muscles and the tongue ex-
tremes.135 The temporal variability of cept in the advanced stages. Examination
their waveform suggests instability of neu- usually reveals hyporeflexia with atrophy
romuscular transmission. but occasionally hyperreflexia and Babin-
Nerve conduction studies show normal ski signs. The disease follows a relatively
or nearly normal velocities with a reduced benign course with frequent survival into
amplitude of compound muscle action po- adulthood, albeit with confinement to
tentials. In one study,182 94 percent of the a wheelchair by the mid thirties. Some
patients showed reduction of amplitude to patients develop chronic neurogenic
less than 50 percent of the normal means. quadriceps amyotrophy as a forme fruste
Mild slowing of conduction velocity results of Kugelberg-Welander disease.28,107 The
from the loss of fast-conducting axons. differential diagnoses otherwise include
Repetitive stimulation of the nerve at ei- polymyositis and muscular dystrophy.
ther slow or fast rates causes a decreasing A modest elevation of serum enzymes
muscle response during ongoing reinner- such as creatine kinase remains nearly
vation, suggesting defective neuromuscu- constant as the disease progresses. In
lar transmission. In contrast to the motor Duchenne muscular dystrophy, an ini-
responses, sensory nerve studies usually tially very high level of creatine kinase
reveal normal amplitudes and velocities, gradually declines later. Muscle biopsy
although occasional patients may have specimens show fascicular atrophy and
minor electrophysiologic256 or histologic fiber type grouping characteristic of a
Motor Neuron Diseases and Myelopathies 609

neurogenic disorder with occasional mix- gressive bulbar paralysis, and positive sup-
ture of myopathic features. Biochemical port from electromyography or a pathol-
and immunocytochemical analyses help ogy study. The clinical features consist of
classify chronic SMA, identifying the mat- ophthalmoplegia, facial diplegia, laryngeal
urational stage of the muscle at the age palsy, and other cranial nerve paralysis
of disease onset.128 with onset in early childhood. Facial diple-
An overall incidence of fibrillation po- gia, if present at birth, suggests other enti-
tentials ranged from 20 to 40 percent in ties such as infantile myotonic dystrophy,
one series136 and 64 percent in another.182 infantile facio-scapulohumeral dystrophy,
More severely affected patients have an and Mobius syndrome.37 Progressive oph-
even higher percentage,224 although it thalmoplegia and dysphagia may also de-
does not match the level seen in Werdnig- velop as late manifestations in some cases
Hoflmann disease. Fasciculation potentials of juvenile SMA, but they are not the pre-
may111 or may not182 abound. Complex senting features. Electromyographic abnor-
repetitive discharges, if present, suggest a malities, prominent in bulbar and pontine
late stage. Spontaneous activities involve musculature, consist of fibrillation poten-
the lower limbs more than the upper limbs tials, positive sharp waves, and impaired re-
and proximal muscles more than distal cruitment of motor unit potentials.
Voluntary contraction gives rise to high-
amplitude, long-duration motor unit po- Scapuloperoneal Spinal
tentials that recruit poorly even at maxi- Muscular Atrophy
mal effort.39 Late components indicate the
presence of slow-conducting regenerating As indicated by the name, a unique pat-
axons. The percentage of large motor unit tern of muscular weakness distinguishes
potentials increases with duration of the scapuloperoneal SMA from the other
disease.136 In advanced cases, small types.68,93 A form of muscular dystrophy
polyphasic potentials also appear, sug- also exhibits the same distribution of
gesting secondary myopathic changes of weakness with features often indistin-
atrophic muscles. These potentials show guishable from those of muscular atro-
a constant configuration, unlike the vary- phy. Because of this, some prefer the term
ing waveforms seen in the more rapidly scapuloperoneal syndrome to include both
progressive infantile cases.182 neurogenic and myogenic forms.
Motor and sensory nerve conduction In addition, Charcot-Marie-Tooth dis-
studies, although usually normal,218,280 ease type 1 (CMT 1) may present as scapu-
may reveal a moderate reduction in am- loperoneal atrophy associated with distal
plitude of the compound muscle action sensory loss.146,265 This variety of mus-
potential. As in Werdnig-Hoffmann dis- cular atrophy slowly progresses after its
ease, this abnormality shows a strong cor- usual onset in early adulthood. In addi-
relation with the patient's functional ca- tion to sporadic cases, familial incidences
pacity. In one series, 54 percent were occur showing an autosomal dominant
bedridden when the amplitude fell below trait. One family had both Werdnig-Hoff-
half of normal, compared to only 7 per- mann disease and chronic distal SMA
cent in the remainder. with apparent autosomal dominant in-
heritance.33 Atrophy and weakness ini-
tially affect the anterior tibial and per-
Juvenile Progressive Bulbar Palsy oneal muscles and later the musculature
of the pectoral girdle, producing winging
Slowly progressive bulbar palsy character- of the scapulae. Some patients develop la-
izes this very rare disorder of Fazio-Londe ryngeal palsy.68 Muscle biopsies show a
inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.5 mixed neuropathic and myopathic pattern
The diagnostic criteria based on a review of in most cases. Electromyographic studies
24 children204 include clinical features of a demonstrate low-amplitude, short-dura-
pure motor neuronopathy affecting the bul- tion motor unit potentials, fibrillation po-
bar nuclei, exclusion of other causes of pro- tentials, and positive sharp waves. Nerve
610 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

conduction studies reveal normal motor orders.72,207,235,320 Those reported from

and sensory responses. Japan and to a lesser extent else-
where140,232,247 have distal and segmen-
tal muscular atrophy of juvenile onset.293
Facioscapulohumeral Spinal The clinical features include male pre-
Muscular Atrophy ponderance, localized atrophy uniquely
affecting the hand and the forearm, spar-
Like scapuloperoneal SMA, facioscapulo- ing of the lower limbs and cranial nerves,
humoral SMA has a unique distribution of and initial rapid progression followed by
weakness and a similar counterpart among slower change. The age of onset, distribu-
the muscular dystrophies.96 When inher- tion of atrophy, and benign course distin-
ited, it follows an autosomal dominant pat- guish it from motor neuron disease.134
tern. Atrophy primarily affects the muscles Electromyography shows motor unit po-
of the face and pectoral girdle musculature. tentials of large amplitude and long dura-
The weakness begins in early adult life and tion, with impaired recruitment. Abnormal
takes a slowly progressive course. Clinical single-fiber electromyography results, if
features resemble those of facioscapu- found over both arms and legs, suggest a
lohumeral muscular dystrophy. A descrip- more generalized disturbance than would
tive term, facioscapulohumeral syndrome, appear clinically.46 Nerve conduction stud-
used in some cases, suggests an inability ies reveal reduced amplitude of compound
to distinguish between the neurogenic and muscle potentials but normal velocities. At-
myogenic forms. rophy involving part of the body may not
necessarily justify the diagnosis of focal
motor neuron disease without first exclud-
Arthrogryposis ing other possibilities with extreme caution.
Multiplex Congenita Rare, monomelic amyotrophy with similar
clinical features may follow trauma and im-
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita com- mobilization in children.236 Alternative di-
prises congenital contractures of at least agnoses include spinal cord tumors,
two different joints and major muscle radiculopathy, plexopathy, and mononeu-
wasting not associated with a progressive ropathy. Sensory abnormalities, if present,
neurologic disorder.102 The condition may help differentiate these conditions from mo-
result from a number of different neuro- tor neuron disease either clinically or by
muscular and bony disorders, causing im- means of electrophysiologic studies.
mobilization of the limbs at the time of the
embryonic formation of joints.105 One
study describes a dominantly inherited Kennedy Disease
lower motor neuron disorder as the cause
of arthrogryposis present at birth.103 Dis- In patients with X-linked recessive bul-
orders of the motor neuron probably pre- bospinal atrophy or neuronopathy,165 dis-
dominate, although different investigators ease severity correlates with the size of the
postulate myogenic or neurogenic ori- tandem CAG repeat in the androgen re-
gins.52 Electromyography may show spon- ceptor gene.73,190,286 Clinical features
taneous discharges such as fibrillation po- consist of mild facial weakness, facial fas-
tentials or complex repetitive discharges. ciculations, severe atrophy of the tongue
Motor unit potentials show reduction in without prominent bulbar symptoms,
number and poor recruitment. The nerve postural hand tremor, hyporeflexia, tes-
conduction studies reported in a few cases ticular atrophy, gynecomastia, and a high
have shown no abnormalities. serum creatine kinase level. Some pa-
tients have hyperlipoproteinemia, hypo-
betalipoproteinemia,325 and hyperestro-
Focal Amyotrophy genemia.318 Autopsy studies show marked
depletion of the spinal and brainstem mo-
Distal amyotrophy of the upper limb de- tor neurons, with the exception of the
velops in a heterogenous group of dis- third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves.292
Motor Neuron Diseases and Myelopathies 611

Electromyography typically shows fibrilla- 4 CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB

tion potentials, complex repetitive dis- DISEASE
charges, and large motor unit potentials.
Nerve conduction studies usually reveal
absent or low amplitude sensory nerve ac- Despite the very early 57,151recognition of
tion potentials despite clinically normal Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, only more
sensation.206 These abnormalities indi- recent studies have proven its transmissi-
cate very slowly progressive anterior horn bility both in humans and the chim-
cell disorder with a sensory neuronopathy panzee.114 Accidental inoculation occurred
that mimics an acquired process.97 De- after a corneal transplant in one patient76
spite the clinical resemblance, this entity and after a surgical procedure with cont-
carries a much better prognosis than mo- aminated stereotactic electrodes in two
tor neuron disease.133 In one series, 2 per- others.24 Although the organism has not
cent of patients clinically diagnosed as been isolated, brain tissue from dying pa-
having ALS showed the CAG repeat ex- tients causes scrapie-like encephalopathy
pansion, underscoring the importance of in goats.124 The pathologic features re-
genetic screening.237 Differential diag- semble those of kuru, a transmissible dis-
noses also include Sandhoff disease, or ease seen in New Guinea,113 and consist
hexosaminidase A and B deficiency,308 of widespread spongiform degeneration
and various motor neuronopathies.4 with loss of nerve cells in the cortex, basal
ganglia, and spinal cord.
The disease may have a sporadic or fa-
Other Disorders milial form. It affects both sexes equally,
with onset in middle age or later. Follow-
Distal SMA resembles GMT 1 and 2 ex- ing vague prodromal symptoms, mental de-
cept for preservation of stretch reflexes, terioration, anxiety, depression, memory
relative sparing of the upper limb, and a loss, and confusion develop. A variety of
normal sensory examination. Some of neurologic disturbances indicate cortical
these patients have evidence of peroneal degeneration and upper and lower motor
muscular atrophy, whereas others suffer neuron involvement. The most commonly
from cramps and fasciculations of the encountered symptoms include weakness,
calves, showing true neurogenic hyper- rigidity, spasticity with hyperreflexia, mus-
trophy. 118 In one study of 34 patients,132 cular atrophy, incoordination, tremor, and
motor and sensory conduction studies re- visual loss. Wasting of the muscles with
vealed no abnormality. fasciculations during late stages of illness
One study reports three patients from a mimics the typical appearance of motor
large family who had an autosomal dom- neuron disease. The patient usually has
inant scapulohumeral form of SMA.154 spontaneous myoclonus, which may be-
The disease progressed rapidly, without come less prominent in the advanced
evidence of corticospinal tract dysfunc- stages. The disease follows a rapidly pro-
tion, and the patients died from respira- gressive course, leading to severe demen-
tory failure. tia, blindness, lethargy, and eventual coma
Chronic asymmetric SMA typically and death within a year after onset.
shows asymmetric neurogenic atrophy in- A characteristic electroencephalographic
volving one or more limbs without evi- abnormality seen in 90 percent of cases
dence of pyramidal tract dysfunction or consists of localized or diffuse bursts of
bulbar signs.131 Patients with this disease high-voltage sharp or slow waves. The
have no evidence of generalized neuropa- electromyographic evidence of denerva-
thy, although the motor nerve conduction tion indicates muscular atrophy with in-
velocities may show slight slowing be- volvement of motor cells in the medulla or
cause of muscle wasting. spinal cord. Motor and sensory nerve con-
Other entities include chronic segmen- duction studies reveal no abnormality un-
tal SMA of upper limbs,196,304
either as a fa- less the patient has a compressive or dif-
milial or a sporadic form, and a pre- fuse nutritional neuropathy in chronic
dominantly cervical form of SMA.116 stages.
612 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

Electromyographers have increasing ies163,251 but not others301 suggest a sta-

concern about the risks involved in ex- tistically significant association between
amining patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob poliomyelitis and motor neuron disease.
disease. With this disease, in contrast to Histopathologic and virologic studies in
the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome one patient with ALS and antecedent po-
(AIDS), exposure to saliva, nasopharyn- liomyelitis provided no evidence of the
geal secretions, urine, or feces should continuing presence of poliovirus.266
cause no special alarm.109 After such con- Considerable recovery takes place even
tact, recommended procedures consist of if severe generalized weakness develops.
through washing of hands and other ex- An excessive use of remaining motor units
posed parts with hospital detergent or or- leads to type I muscle fiber dominance,
dinary soap and discarding the needle presumably as the result of muscle fiber
electrodes used for electromyography af- transition from type II.30 Increased jitter
ter incineration (see Chapter 3-2). and fiber density, as well as large macro-
motor unit potentials, indicate pro-
nounced, and often unstable, reinnerva-
5 POLIOMYELITIS tion as compensation for the loss of motor
neurons, even in clinically unaffected
muscles.78,198,202 A supervised resistance
Poliomyelitis no longer prevails as sum- training program can lead to improved dy-
mer epidemics in the United States, but namic strength of both symptomatic and
sporadic, mostly vaccine-associated cases asymptomatic muscles.294 Reinnervation
still occur throughout the year.61,255,291 adequately compensates for the ongoing
Most clinical illness develops after infec- loss of neurons particularly in patients
tion by type I virus, but at times by type whose condition has stabilized.150,295
II or III. The intestinal and respiratory Late deterioration of function in some
tracts initially invaded by the virus trans- survivors suggested the possibility of late
mit the agent to the nervous system via virus infection7,221 but without subse-
the bloodstream. Affected anterior horn quent confirmation.205 Autopsy studies of
cells in the spinal cord and brainstem un- the spinal cord revealed no difference be-
dergo degenerative changes, causing an tween patients with stable postpoliomyelitis
inflammatory reaction in the meninges. deficits and those with postpoliomyelitis
Isolation of the poliomyelitis virus con- progressive muscular atrophy.249 Elec-
firms the diagnosis in about 90 percent of tromyographic studies show similar abnor-
patients with paralytic illness. malities in progressive and stable postpo-
The clinical features of systemic infec- liomyelitis patients,258,332 although those
tion are flu-like symptoms such as fever, with a more severe illness tend to develop
general malaise, diarrhea, and loss of ap- postpolio weakness.1
petite. Only a small percentage of patients If poliomyelitis has already depleted mo-
in whom meningeal irritation develops tor neurons, minor additional damage to
complain of headaches, a stiff neck, and the surviving anterior horn cells during
vomiting. In some cases, paralytic illness advanced age might result in exaggerated
follows the prodromal symptoms. It pro- clinical signs. In addition, the diseased
gresses over a period of several days to a neurons may have a certain predisposi-
week, affecting one or more limbs or, in a tion to senile degeneration, or some sur-
small number of children, bulbar muscu- viving motor neurons may have incorpo-
lature. Respiration weakens with the in- rated too many muscle fibers from the
volvement of the diaphragm and intercostal denervated units beyond the metabolic
and abdominal muscles, necessitating as- capability.19,90,173 A long-term follow-up
sisted ventilation in advanced cases. Neu- study of poliomyelitis patients with ap-
rologic examination shows widespread at- parent late progression has shown a rel-
rophy, diminished or absent stretch atively benign course, with the develop-
reflexes in the affected limbs, and a normal ment of fasciculations but few upper motor
sensory system. The spinal fluid examina- neuron signs.100,221 The incidence of an el-
tion reveals mild pleocytosis. Some stud- evated creatine kinase level may242,332 or
Motor Neuron Diseases and Myelopathies 613

may not225 differentiate those with delayed along immature nerve sprouts as the
weakness and those without. cause of the instability similar to ALS.312
Electromyography initially shows only a A sequential study using macro elec-
reduced recruitment pattern during the tromyography showed evidence of rein-
acute phase of poliomyelitis. Fibrillation po- nervation until motor unit potential be-
tentials develop as the motor axons degen- came around 20 times the normal size
erate. Reinnervation results in diminution followed by failing capacity to maintain
of spontaneous discharges and the ap- large motor units.117
pearance of motor unit potentials of large A poliomyelitis-like disorder, Hopkin's
amplitude and long duration. Weak mus- syndrome, may develop in association
cles may have only a few extremely large with asthma.143,193,328 The disease pre-
motor unit potentials. Patients with a his- dominantly affects boys 10 years old or
tory of paralytic poliomyelitis usually re- younger. The patient develops acute flac-
veal evidence of widespread chronic par- cid monoplegia involving a single upper or
tial denervation despite restricted clinical lower limb without sensory deficits.
weakness.36,330 Clinically involved spinal Marked atrophy in the involved limb sig-
segments may show a substantially in- nals a poor prognosis for recovery. Cere-
creased mean interference amplitude not brospinal fluid examination reveals pleo-
only in weak muscles but also in appar- cytosis and slight protein elevation, but no
ently unaffected contralateral muscles. rise in poliovirus antibody titers. The le-
Nerve conduction studies reveal normal sion may lie in the brachial plexus, but the
velocities with reduced amplitude of the absence of sensory abnormalities favors
compound muscle action potentials, ap- the motor roots74 or anterior horns328 as
proximately in proportion to the degree of the locus of the disease. Despite clinical
muscle atrophy.155 Transcranial magnetic similarities to poliomyelitis, the disease
stimulation shows normal postexercise fa- can affect previously vaccinated children.
cilitation and depression, indicating no Electromyographic features also resemble
abnormality in the intracortical compo- those seen in poliomyelitis. In one pa-
nent of fatigue.279 tient,328 C5 root synkinesis developed be-
In the absence of adequate reinnerva- tween biceps and inspiratory muscles
tion, fibrillation potentials may persist from aberrant regeneration.168
many years after the acute episode.43 In Patients with acute hemorrhagic con-
these cases, the spontaneous discharges of junctivitis caused by enterovirus 70 may
very low amplitude indicate small atrophic have polio-like paralysis of the limb and
muscle fibers. Even after reinnervation, cranial muscles.324 Early complaints in-
diseased anterior horn cells may degener- clude root pain and weakness. Elec-
ate prematurely and cause the reappear- tromyography of affected and some unaf-
ance of spontaneous discharges.94,277 Al- fected muscles shows fibrillation potentials
ternatively, muscle fibers may drop out of early and large polyphasic motor unit po-
a motor neuron that can no longer meet tentials later. Nerve conduction studies re-
the increased metabolic demand of an en- veal no specific abnormalities.
larged motor unit. Single-fiber elec-
tromyography in survivors of poliomyelitis
has shown a significant increase in jitter 6 SYRINGOMYELIA
and fiber density without neurogenic
blocking.311,329 These findings of defective
neuromuscular transmission may also Signs and symptoms of syringomyelia re-
represent disintegration with aging of the sult from cavitation and gliosis of unknown
reinnervated motor units. Routine elec- pathogensis affecting the spinal cord and
trophysiologic or morphologic techniques medulla. The disease may begin at any age,
usually fail to differentiate weakening but most often occurs in the third or fourth
muscles in this syndrome from previously decade. It may occur sporadically or famil-
affected but stable muscles.185 An in- ially, affecting both sexes equally. The pa-
crease in jitter with high-frequency stim- tient frequently has other congenital de-
ulation implies ineffective conduction fects, such as spina bifida or Arnold-Chiari
614 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

malformation. Other associated features clei of the lower medulla either unilaterally
consist of scoliosis, trophic changes, and or bilaterally. Common features include at-
intramedullary tumors found in conjunc- rophy of the tongue, loss of pain and tem-
tion with a syrinx. Secondary cavitation perature sensation in the face, abnormali-
may develop after traumatic, vascular, or ties of extraocular muscles, and respiratory
infectious lesions of the spinal cord. A difficulties. A lesion of the spinal accessory
slowly progressive course extends over a nuclei causes atrophy of the trapezius and
period of many years, although damage to sternocleidomastoid. In addition, spastic
medullary nuclei may lead to a rapid paraparesis results from interruption of the
demise. The differential diagnoses include upper motor neuron tracts.
motor neuron disease, multiple sclerosis, Electromyography reveals fibrillation po-
spinal cord tumor, anomalies of the cervi- tentials and positive sharp waves in the at-
cal spine, and posterior fossa lesions.3 rophic muscle. Sparing of the lower limbs
The cavities vary in location and in lon- serves to distinguish syrinx from motor
gitudinal extent, but most frequently af- neuron disease. Other abnormalities in-
fect the cervical cord, which may distend clude continuous motor unit activity, syn-
with the fluid or, conversely, flatten. Ir- chronous motor unit potentials, respiratory
regularly shaped gliosis and cavities, al- synkinesis and myokymic discharges.226
though ordinarily located near the central Motor nerve conduction studies show nor-
canal, may involve the entire white and mal velocities but reduced amplitude of
gray matter, affecting motor and sensory the compound muscle action potentials in
cells and various fiber tracts in any com- the affected limb.321 Motor evoked poten-
bination. Damage to the anterior com- tials using magnetic brain stimulation
missure of the spinal cord causes the also uncover spinal cord dysfunction, as
characteristic disassociation of sensory shown in a patient with posttraumatic sy-
abnormalities. Other common sites of in- ringomyelia.195,262 The finding of normal
volvement include the posterior and lat- sensory nerve potentials despite clinical
eral funiculi, with damage to the corti- sensory loss confirms a preganglionic in-
cospinal tract. volvement of the sensory pathway. In these
Clinical symptoms and signs depend on instances, somatosensory evoked poten-
the location and extent of the pathologic tials (SEPs) may reveal central conduction
changes. A syrinx in the cervical region block (see Fig. 20-12). One study showed
causes atrophy and weakness of intrinsic absent or reduced NIS recorded by poste-
hand muscles and dissociated loss of pain rior-anterior cervical montage in 83 percent
sensation with preservation of light touch of median nerve SEPs despite normal P14
in the lower cervical or upper thoracic der- and N20 recorded using a noncephalic ref-
matomes. A syrinx at the root entry zone erence.259 Pain-related SEPs following CO2
causes a segmental loss in all modalities laser stimulation also show clear abnor-
of cutaneous sensation, whereas lesions malities in most cases, thus providing a
of the posterior column selectively affect useful measure in the evaluation of disso-
the vibratory sense. Other signs include ciated sensory loss. 160 A lesion of the spinal
spasticity, hyperreflexia, Babinski signs, tract or nucleus of the trigeminal nerve
ataxia of the lower limbs, and a neuro- causes an afferent abnormality of the blink
genic bladder. A syrinx may affect the reflex with the absence of R2 bilaterally af-
lumbosacral region alone or in association ter stimulation on the affected side of the
with lesions at the cervical level. The clin- face (see Fig. 17-16).
ical features, then, include muscular at-
rophy and dissociated sensory loss of the
lower limbs and paralysis of the bladder. 7 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS
The loss of stretch reflexes suggests le-
sions at the root entry zone or the ante-
rior horn cells in the lumbar region. In multiple sclerosis, a demyelinating le-
Syringobulbia denotes a syrinx formed in sion with relative preservation of axis
the medulla that commonly involves the de- cylinders primarily affects upper motor
scending nucleus of the fifth nerve and nu- neurons. Clinical presentations vary, al-
Motor Neuron Diseases and Myelopathies 615

though the classical triad consists of nys- tern of clinical and physiologic changes. In
tagmus, scanning speech, and intention one study of 24 patients, the lesion involved
tremor. Patients also have symptomatic the thoracic cord in 7, conus and cauda
fatigue and muscle weakness.166,281 The equina in 10, and other levels in 6.12 Elec-
lesion may also involve the autonomic trodiagnostic studies revealed abnormali-
nervous system, causing incontinence as ties of tibial SEP in 7 of 8, nerve conduc-
a characteristic feature of the disease. In tion abnormalities in 10 of 23, and
one series, 3.9 percent of 282 newly di- evidence of denervation in 17 of 22. The
agnosed cases of multiple sclerosis devel- anterior spinal artery syndrome results
oped acute radicular pain as a presenting from ischemic cord infarction, which, dur-
symptom.257 Demyelination in the ventral ing the acute stage, abolishes the F wave
root exit zone probably accounts for lower on the affected side.6 Isolated paraplegia
motor neuron dysfunction and elec- may develop from a remote stab wound
tromyographic evidence of denervation.284 probably as the result of radicular artery
Depending on the site of demyelination, interruption in combination with systemic
different neurophysiologic techniques can hypotension.164 Infarction of the conus
provide an accurate measure of impaired medullaris results in the absence of lower
signal transmission. These include, in ad- limb F waves as an early electrophysio-
dition to visual and brainstem auditory logic finding.53 A high cervical cord in-
potentials, blink reflex (see Chapter 17-4), farction may reduce or abolish R2 of the
somatosensory evoked potentials (see blink reflex, indicating dysfunction of the
Chapter 20-6), motor evoked potentials spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve.231
(see Chapter 21-7), and autonomic eval- Some patients with human T lym-
uation (see Chapter 5-7). Conventional photropic virus I (HTLV-I) infection develop
and some specialized nerve conduction chronic progressive myelopathy,194 called
studies have revealed subclinical periph- HTLV-I-associated myelopathy (HAM) in
eral nerve involvement in about 10 per- Japan and tropical spastic paraparesis
cent of patients.334 The use of an abnor- (TSP) in South America.233,264 Autopsies
mality scale may increase the robustness disclose a mononuclear inflammatory re-
of changes in multimodal and longitudi- action, with myelin and axonal destruc-
nal studies of sensory and motor evoked tion involving mostly the white matter of
potential in multiple sclerosis.20,194 the thoracic spinal cord. A predominantly
proximal muscle weakness, therefore,
may result from a concomitant myopathy
8 OTHER MYELOPATHIES (see Chapter 28-7).108 Although rare, the
same disorder has been reported in the
United States92 and elsewhere. Electro-
Subacute combined degeneration, usually physiologic abnormalities in HAM include
associated with a low serum vitamin B12 segmental denervation of paraspinal mus-
level, may result from abnormal vitamin cles.10 SEP changes were reported in 86
B12 binding protein despite its high serum percent of patients in one study,44 and pe-
level.260 SEP studies show prolonged cen- ripheral nerve dysfunction was seen in 43
tral conduction time71 with improvement percent in another series.26 Pain-related
after cyanocobalamin therapy, which con- SEPs following CO2 laser stimulation also
tributes little to the recovery of peripheral show subclinical abnormalities of the
nerve function.309 These findings suggest spinothalamic tract in most patients.159
demyelination in the posterior column and An epidemic of spastic paraparesis
axonal degeneration in the peripheral nerve. called konzo developed in a drought-af-
Longitudinal neurophysiologic studies may fected rural area of Northern Tanzania.
help evaluate progression of myelopathy Konzo constitutes a distinct upper motor
and therapeutic effect following bone mar- neuron disease probably caused by a toxic
row transplantation in metachromatic effect of insufficiently processed cassava
leukodystrophy.70 ingested under adverse dietary circum-
Arteriovenous malformations of the stances.144 Magnetic brain stimulation
spinal cord give rise to a characteristic pat- may fail to elicit motor evoked potentials
616 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

(MEPs) but other neurophysiologic stud- Electrical injury may cause myelopathy
ies remain largely normal.316 associated with delayed conduction of cen-
Monomelic amyotrophy may develop af- tral motor and sensory pathways as tested
ter irradiation of the lumbosacral spinal by SEP and transcortical MEP.310 Other
cord for malignancy, as the result of se- rare cases of transverse myelitis include in-
lective injury to the lower motor neu- fectious agents such as Lyme borreliosis177
ron.184 Selective calf weakness usually and toxoplasmosis in patients with AIDS,139
suggests intraspinal pathology rather and odontoid fractures that may account
than peripheral neuropathy, which char- for delayed progressive myelopathy years
acteristically involves muscles innervated after a forgotten injury.58
by the peroneal nerve.31
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eration. Arch Neurol 45:526-529, 1988. cular atrophy (Kennedy's syndrome). A kindred
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Nerve 17:1068-1070, 1994. phosphokinase in motor neuron disease. Neu-
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Chapter 24

Cervical Spondylosis
Herniated Cervical Disc
Root Avulsion
Thoracic Radiculopathy
Idiopathic Brachial Neuropathy
Familial Brachial Plexopathy
Plexopathy Secondary to Radiation
Cervical Rib and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Conus Lesion
Cauda Equina Lesion
Herniated Lumbar Disc
Spinal Stenosis
Root Avulsion

1 INTRODUCTION anatomic regions usually results from

trauma, mechanical compression, and,
less frequently, neoplastic and inflamma-
Proximal lesions at the level of the root or tory processes. Thus, a relatively short list
plexus affect either the motor or sensory comprises the differential diagnoses of a
fibers or both. The features of motor in- proximal lesion compared with the much
volvement include weakness and atrophy of wider range of possibilities encountered in
the muscle, hyporeflexia, fatigue, cramps, neuropathies and other distal involvement
and fasciculations. Sensory abnormalities, (see Chapter 25-1).
which usually accompany motor deficits, In the evaluation of radicular or plexus
sometimes dominate the picture. Such injuries, electrophysiologic studies help
symptoms range from mild distal pares- delineate the distribution of the affected
thesias to complete loss of sensation, muscles, localize the level, and elucidate
dysesthesias, and severe pain. Peripheral the extent and chronicity (see Chapter
lesions such as carpal tunnel syndrome 1-4).213 A combination of clinical, labora-
can mimic proximal abnormalities of the tory, and electrodiagnostic features deter-
root or plexus. Selective damage to these mine the level of a radicular lesion.139
Radiculopathies and Plexopathies 629

Some studies report a high correlation Pain induced by irritation of the C7 root
among electromyographic evidence of typically involves the entire arm and fore-
denervation, myelographic abnormalities, arm with radiation into the third digit and,
and surgical findings.123 In one series,144 to a lesser extent, the second and fourth
however, electromyography and magnetic digits. Less commonly encountered C8
resonance imaging agreed in 60 percent root pain radiates to the fourth and fifth
of patients, but only one study showed ab- digits and Tl root pain, deep in the shoul-
normality in the remaining 40 percent, der, axilla, and medial aspect of the arm.
suggesting that they provide complemen- Although sensory symptoms help evalu-
tary diagnostic information. Some advo- ate radiculopathy, they often fail to eluci-
cate application of a computer-aided ex- date the exact level of lesion because the
pert system to brachial plexus injuries.70 dermatomes overlap with considerable
Broad and frequently anomalous seg- variability.
mental innervations challenge the clini- The distribution of motor deficits and
cian in attributing any pattern of clinical changes in the stretch reflexes provide
or electromyographic findings to a specific more reliable localization. Clinical assess-
spinal level.160 ment of radiculopathy depends on testing
In the affected muscle, needle exami- movements of the arm, which rely on al-
nation initially reveals poor recruitment of most exclusive control by single roots.
motor unit potentials indicating struc- Recommended maneuvers include shoul-
tural or functional loss of axons. Subse- der abduction to 180 degrees (C5), elbow
quent appearance of fibrillation potentials flexion in full and half supination (C6),
and positive sharp waves in 2-3 weeks and adduction of the shoulder, extension
suggests axonal degeneration. Low-ampli- of the elbow, and extension and flexion of
tude, polyphasic motor unit potentials the wrist (C7).155 A C8 root lesion affects
have temporal instability during active re- the long extensors and flexors of the fin-
generation of motor axons. In contrast, gers and, to a lesser degree, the intrinsic
high-amplitude, long-duration motor unit hand muscles, which receive substantial
potentials with stable configuration ap- supply from the Tl root. An ulnar nerve
pear later after completion of reinnerva- lesion spares the median-innervated
tion. Nerve conduction studies reveal re- thenar muscles, whereas a Tl root lesion
duced amplitude of the muscle or sensory affects all the small hand muscles. A lower
action potentials in appropriate distribu- cervical root lesion may cause selective
tion depending on the site of involvement. finger drop, mimicking the "claw hand"
associated most commonly with ulnar
nerve and, to a lesser degree, with radial
2 CERVICAL AND THORACIC nerve involvement.28 The abnormalities of
ROOTS certain muscle stretch reflexes assist in
determining the level of root lesions, for
example, biceps brachii (C5 or C6),
Anatomic peculiarity stems from a mis- supinator (C6), triceps (C7), and finger
match in number between eight cervical flexors (C8).
roots and seven cervical vertebrae. The C1 Electromyographic studies provide an
through C7 roots emerge above their re- objective means to corroborate clinical di-
spective vertebrae, whereas the C8 root agnosis of a radicular lesion (Table 24-1;
exits between the C7 and Tl vertebrae. also see Table 1-2). Studies of paraspinal
Common causes of cervical radiculopathy muscles help document the involvement of
include spondylosis, herniated disc, and the posterior rami, thus confirming a radic-
traumatic avulsion. ular as opposed to a plexus lesion. The
In compression of the C5 root, pain in length-dependent delay of nerve degenera-
the interscapular region radiates along tion141 predicts the appearance of dener-
the lateral aspect of the arm to the elbow. vation potentials first in the paraspinal
With involvement of the C6 root, pain ex- muscle. In one study,158 however, multi-
tends over the shoulder to the lateral as- variate estimates showed no correlation
pect of the arm and forearm and thumb. between paraspinal muscle spontaneous
630 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

Table 24-1 Innervation Patterns of the Cranial, Shoulder

Girdle, and Upper Limb Muscles

Anterior Primary Rami

Cervical Plexus
Spinal Accessory Nerve Sternocleidomastoid
Trapezius, upper, middle, lower
Phrenic Nerve Diaphragm

Brachial Plexus
Dorsal Scapular Nerve Rhomboid
Suprascapular Nerve Supraspinatus
Axillary Nerve Teres Minor
| Deltoid, anterior, middle, posterior
Subscapular Nerve Teres Major
Musculocutaneous Nerve Brachialis
Biceps Brachi
Long Thoracic Nerve Serratus Anterior
Lateral Pectoral Nerve Pectoralis Major (clavicular part)
Medial Pectoral Nerve Pectoralis Minor

Radial Nerve Brachioradialis

I Extensor Carpi Radialis
jTriceps, long, lateral, middle heads
Posterior Interosseous Nerve Supinator
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Extensor Digitorum
Extensor Pollicis Brevis
Extensor Indicis

Median Nerve Pronator Teres

Flexor Carpi Radialis
Abductor Pollicis Brevis
Anterior Interosseous Nerve Flexor Digitorum Pronfundus (I & II)
Pronator Quadratus
Flexor Pollicis Longus

Ulnar Nerve Flexor Digitorum Profundus (III & IV)

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Adductor Pollicis
Abductor Digiti Minimi
Interossei, volar (l-lll), dorsal (I-IV)

Posterior Primary Rami Cervical Erector Spinae

activity and symptom duration. In prac- for the optimal identification of the in-
tice, therefore, this time relationship may volved root.114 Affected muscles show
not necessarily hold.49 Clinical findings reduced recruitment and incomplete in-
should dictate which muscles to examine terference pattern at the beginning and
Radiculopathies and Plexopathies 631

fibrillation potentials, positive sharp Compressive cervical myelopathy just ros-

waves, and high-amplitude, long-duration tral to the origin of the C7 root may en-
motor unit potentials later in the course hance the triceps response and suppress
of the disease. Although some advocate the biceps and supinator reflexes.
the use of cervical root stimulation,15 late
response, or somatosensory evoked po-
tentials, these long-latency responses Herniated Cervical Disc
generally fail to conclusively document a
very focal abnormality (see Chapter 7-6). The discs herniate less frequently in the
Segmental stimulation in short incre- cervical region than in the lumbar region.
ments would help if technically feasible Cervical disc lesions usually affect pa-
during surgery. Preganglionic involvement tients having a history of neck trauma
spares the sensory nerve action potentials unilaterally. Injury to a spine with preex-
despite the degeneration of motor axons, isting cervical spondylosis may cause bi-
which leads to muscle atrophy and re- lateral symptoms, multiple root involve-
duction in amplitude of compound mus- ment, or myelopathy secondary to
cle potentials. Affected muscles may show compression of the spinal cord. The most
a decremental response to repetitive stim- common herniation between C5 and C6
ulation of the nerve.75 Thermography, al- vertebrae compresses the C6 root and
though abnormal in some patients, pro- those between C6 and C7 vertebrae, C7
vides no additional information in the root. Movement of the neck or the arm ag-
diagnosis of cervical radiculopathy184when gravates the initial symptom of pain over
compared with electromyography. a typical root distribution. Compression of
The differential diagnosis of cervical the ventral root causes weakness in the
radiculopathy should include lymphoma- muscles innervated by the affected root.
tous meningitis,75 a 180 rare anomalous
ectatic vertebral artery, Pancoast's tu-
mor with apical lung tumor 201 eroding Root Avulsion
through the C7 and Tl pedicles, and
meningeal melanocytoma.192 Misdiagno- The Erb-Duchenne palsy results from
sis may lead to progression of neurologic avulsion of C5 and C6 roots. This type of
signs and symptoms and improper mode injury occurs with downward traction on
of therapy. Spinal manipulation therapy the plexus, which increases the angle be-
performed in the presence of an organic tween the head and shoulder, for exam-
lesion, for example, may carry the risk of ple, following a forceps delivery with the
spinal cord injuries.164 shoulder fixed in position. The palsy pro-
duces a characteristic posture, sometimes
called the "waiters' tipping hand," with ad-
Cervical Spondylosis duction and internal rotation of the arm
and extension and pronation of the fore-
Cervical spondylosis results from bony arm. Despite the preservation of the in-
overgrowth of the vertebrae following de- trinsic hand muscles, the patient cannot
generation of the intervertebral disc. A abduct the arm or supinate the forearm
spondylotic bar, protruding posteriorly, to bring the hand into a useful position.
most commonly impinges on the C5 and The muscles innervated by C5 and C6
C6 roots and, less frequently, on the C7 roots atrophy, but the sensory examina-
root. Other cervical and thoracic roots are tion, although often limited in infants,
rarely affected. In most typical cases, neck usually reveals only mild changes.
movement triggers pain in the appropri- The Klumpke palsy with avulsion of C8
ate dermatome. Some patients have and Tl roots occurs much less frequently
asymptomatic bars, and others suffer from forced upward traction on the
from constant pain not alleviated by pos- plexus. An attempt to grasp an overhead
tural maneuvers. A C5 or C6 root lesion support during a fall increases the angle
suppresses the biceps and supinator between the arm and thorax beyond the
stretch reflexes, whereas a C7 radicu- ordinary limit. This type of injury degen-
lopathy diminishes the triceps reflex. erates the ulnar nerve, the inner head of
632 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

the median nerve, and a portion of the ra- these muscles also serves to distinguish
dial nerve. The intrinsic hand muscles between root and plexus lesions.
and long flexors and extensors of the fin-
gers atrophy, producing a partial claw
hand. The patient also has numbness Thoracic Radiculopathy
along the inner aspect of the hand, fore-
arm, and arm. Homer's syndrome indi- Isolated involvement of lower thoracic or
cates damage of the cervical sympathetic upper lumbar roots, although rare, may
fibers. result from collapsed vertebral bodies.128
Traumatic injury may cause pregan- With lesions at this level, proximal weak-
glionic avulsion of cervical roots from the ness of the legs may lead to an erroneous
spinal cord, or postganglionic damage to diagnosis of myopathy. Electromyography
the plexus, or both. This distinction has shows spontaneous discharges localized
practical operative implications, as nerve to the affected myotomes in the limb and
grafting onto avulsed root results in no re- paraspinal muscles. This should provide
turn of function. Myelography usually de- an important criterion especially because
lineates the extent of root injury, but myelography fails to differentiate sympto-
structural abnormalities do not necessar- matic and 10 asymptomatic thoracic herni-
ily coincide with functional deficits un- ated discs.
covered by electrophysiologic studies.196
Pseudomeningoceles may accompany in-
tact roots on the one hand, and root avul- 3 BRACHIAL PLEXUS
sion may fail to produce detectable
meningoceles on the other. To exclude
root avulsion definitively, direct stimula- During times of peace, brachial plexus le-
tion of the individual surgically exposed sions usually result from civilian gunshot
cervical nerve root must elicit repro- wounds. Penetrating injuries from bullet
ducible somatosensory evoked poten- wounds often involve the upper and lower
tial.91 Preganglionic separation of the cell trunks and the posterior cord. A difficult
body with lesions at the root level pre- birth or sudden traction applied to the arm
serves anatomic and physiologic integrity or neck can also damage the plexus. Al-
of the peripheral axon. Thus, intradermal though some affected infants have a fa-
histamine injection induces a physiologic vorable prognosis, most show no recov-
reflex skin reaction, and nerve stimulation ery.29 Some physicians recommend early
elicits a normal sensory action potential surgical reconstruction in those having no
despite sensory loss. These findings stand improvement by the age of 4 months.107,115
in sharp contrast to the loss of chemical Variable selection criteria and methodol-
or electrical reactivity along the distal nerve ogy make outcome evaluations difficult to
segments in patients with plexus lesions. interpret.
Earlier pessimism notwithstanding, recent In addition to direct injuries, indirect
studies show some functional recovery in trauma results from fractures of the
primates after 31spinal cord implantation of humerus or dislocation of the shoulder.48
avulsed roots. Plexopathy may develop after a prolonged
The deep cervical muscles receive in- anesthesia with the patient in an unusual
nervation from the posterior as opposed posture. Hemiplegics may sustain an in-
to the anterior rami of the spinal nerves. jury from repeated pressure under the
Evidence of denervation here, therefore, arms caused by lifting. Other possible
indicates an intraforaminal lesion affect- traumatic causes include complications
ing the root or spinal nerve before the di- during 61,217
brachial artery-antecubital131 vein
vision into the two rami. Other muscles shunts, axillary arteriography, me-
innervated proximaly to the brachial dian sternotomy,84,93,124 surgery for tho-
plexus include the rhomboids supplied by racic outlet syndrome,211 liver transplan-
the dorsal scapular nerve and the serra- tation not necessarily correlated with the
tus anterior subserved by the long tho- side of the axillary venovenous shunt,101
racic nerves. Spontaneous activity in jugular vein cannulation for coronary
Radiculopathies and Plexopathies 633

artery bypass graft surgery,178 and hand, and reduced or absent biceps and
constraints from a tight vest. Appropri- supinator stretch reflexes. Rare isolated
ate radiologic and electrophysiologic stud- injury to the middle trunk produces weak-
ies help determine the indications for ness in the general distribution of the ra-
surgical intervention, which benefits only dial nerve, involving the triceps only par-
well-selected patients.53,100,106,107 tially and sparing the brachioradialis
Idiopathic plexopathy ranks the first in entirely. Metastasis can occur to any por-
incidence among nontraumatic conditions tion of the plexus but predominantly to
affecting the brachial plexus.13 The differ- the lower trunk and medial cord as ex-
ential157diagnoses include Hodgkin's dis- pected from the location of lymph nodes.
ease, desensitizing103injections,215 Ehlers- Selective damage to the lower trunk also
Danlos syndrome, systemic lupus results from local trauma or direct inva-
erythematosus,20 an uncommon side ef- sion from a Pancoast tumor in the apex
fect of interferon therapy,17 localized of the lung. Lesions affecting the C8 and
chronic inflammation with fusiform seg- Tl roots impair hand function and cause
mental enlargement,40118,203subclavian-axil- Horner syndrome. These clinical features
lary artery aneurysm, and familial bear a resemblence to those of Klumpke's
pressure-sensitive neuropathy.22 Chronic palsy. In addition to the intrinsic hand
compressive lesions of the brachial plexus muscles, finger flexors and extensors are
range from primary nerve tumors8 to weak. Sensory changes involve the medial
metastatic breast cancer and lymphoma. aspect of the arm, forearm, and hand, in-
Cervical cord compression may mimic the cluding the fourth and fifth digits.
neuralgia.174 Patients with neoplastic in- Injury to the posterior cord seen in
vasion tend to have pain and Horner's shoulder dislocation gives rise to the clin-
syndrome.117 Radiation therapy of the ax- ical picture of combined axillary and ra-
illary region also causes plexopathy, mim- dial nerve palsies. The patient cannot ex-
icking tumor recurrence. Intermittent tend the elbow, wrist, or fingers. The weak
compression seen in some cases of tho- deltoid causes limited arm abduction
racic outlet syndrome produces less well- after the first 30 degrees, the range sub-
defined neurologic syndromes with little served by the supraspinatus. Sensory
or no objective abnormalities. One study changes involve the lateral aspect of the
reports reduced sensory nerve action po- shoulder and arm, the posterior portion
tentials in asymptomatic professional of the forearm, and dorsal aspects of the
baseball pitchers probably as an example lateral half of the hand, including the first
of a repetitive use syndrome affecting the two digits. Compressive lesions in the tho-
brachial plexus.130 racic outlet tend to affect the medial cord.
The clinical features depend on the area Motor and sensory deficits develop in the
of the primary pathology. The upper trunk median- and ulnar-innervated region that
bears the brunt of damage from injury by receives supplies from the C8 root. Al-
firearm recoil, which forcefully retracts the though rare, local trauma can selectively
clavicle against the underlying scalene damage the lateral cord, causing weak-
muscles,208 a heavy backpack,44 or the ness in musculocutaneous and median-
common football injury called a "stinger."48 innervated muscles that receive axons
The damage here causes the distribution from the C6 and C7 roots.
of weakness similar to that seen in Erb- The nerve conduction abnormalities
Duchenne palsy, with involvement of the commonly seen in demyelinative lesions
shoulder and upper arm and sparing of include (1) severe amplitude attenuation
the hand function. The patient cannot of muscle and antidromic sensory nerve
abduct the arm, internally or externally action potentials evoked with stimulation
rotate the shoulder, flex the elbow, or ex- proximal to the site of nerve injury com-
tend the wrist radially. Other clinical fea- pared with those evoked at a more distal
tures include sparing of the rhomboid site and (2) slowing of conduction across
and serratus anterior innervated by more the site of injury. These findings suggest
proximal branches, sensory changes over that the palsies result from a local con-
the lateral aspect of the arm, forearm, and duction block with or without axonal
634 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

loss.195 Magnetic nerve root stimulation tion134 or various vaccinations, especially

may help demonstrate segmental demyeli- with injection into the deltoid. Trauma, in-
nation. 150 The pattern of sensory potential fection, or serum sickness may precede
abnormality from each digit may help lo- acute onset of pain and other symptoms
calize axonal injury.37,38,145,171 In one se- of neuralgia. Complement dependent,
ries,68 upper trunk lesions showed con- antibody-mediated demyelination may
sistent sensory abnormalities of the lateral precipitate peripheral nerve damage,205
antebrachial cutaneous nerve and the me- suggesting an inflammatory-immune
dian nerve recorded from digit 1 rather pathogenesis.186 Most patients have uni-
than digit 2. Lower trunk lesions regularly lateral symptoms, but the condition may
diminished sensory potentials of the ul- occasionally occur bilaterally and, in rare
nar nerve recorded from digit 5 and the incidences, recurrently. The disease usu-
dorsal ulnar cutaneous nerve. These find- ally takes a monophasic course with grad-
ings suggest the importance of studying ual improvement over months, generally
uncommonly tested sensory fibers in the showing a good prognosis. It may, how-
localization of brachial plexus lesions. ever, be a few years before maximal re-
Electrophysiolgic studies in radiation covery is achieved if patients show no im-
plexopathy often reveal abnormal sensory provement during the first few months
conduction, normal motor conduction, after onset. Chronic relapsing brachial
and myokymic discharges.117 In trau- plexus neuropathy with persistent con-
matic plexopathies electromyography ren- duction block probably falls within the
ders more information than nerve con- spectrum of multifocal motor neuropathy
duction studies in delineating the degree, (see Chapter 25-3).3
distribution, and time course of the dis- The disease typically begins with pain
ease.5 Motor unit number estimation (see localized in the distribution of C5 and C6
Chapter 8-1) may help elucidate pattern dermatomes.127,154,199 The clinical pic-
of reinnervation in serial studies of con- ture varies considerably, with some pa-
genital brachial palsy.175 Abberant regen- tients showing a chronic and painless
eration of phrenic motor neurons may form177 and others evidencing progressive
induce arm-diaphragm synkinesis after monomelic sensory neuropathy.220 An in-
injury to the proximal portion of the tense aching sensation may radiate along
brachial plexus or cervical nerve roots.189 the arm. Two thirds of the patients expe-
Synkinetic movements and A waves may rience relatively mild sensory impairment.
involve different, sometimes antagonistic, Within a few days, the shoulder girdle
muscles in patients with brachial plexus musculature becomes weak and atrophic.
injury at birth.46 Simultaneous needle The disease most severely affects the C5
studies from multiple muscles help docu- and C6 myotomes and, to a lesser extent,
ment such misdirected reinnervation. the muscles innervated by the spinal ac-
cessory nerve and the C7 root. Pain usu-
ally subsides with the onset of weakness
Idiopathic Brachial Neuropathy but may last much longer. The charac-
teristic posture with the arm flexed at the
Idiopathic brachial neuritis, also known as elbow and adducted at the shoulder some-
neuralgic amyotrophy154 or brachial neu- times leads to a frozen shoulder syn-
ralgia, probably originates in the roots, al- drome. Some patients develop involve-
though the exact site of lesion remains ment of multiple cranial nerves associated
unknown. Rare infantile plexopathies re- with otherwise typical neuralgic amyotro-
sult from intrauterine causes. Otherwise, phy.162 Conversely, structural lesions in-
most cases occur sporadically after the volving the skull base may cause spinal
third decade, affecting men more than accessory mononeuropathy with ipsilat-
twice as frequently as women. The symp- eral cranial nerve involvement mimicking
toms may develop during pregnancy, brachial neuropathy.112
sometimes recurrently,166 or following a The disease may cause selective paraly-
surgical procedure as recognized in Par- sis in the distribution of a single root,
sonage and Turner's original descrip- trunk, cord, or peripheral nerve.60 Such
Radiculopathies and Plexopathies 635

mononeuropathies tend to involve the ra- Familial Brachial Plexopathy

dial, long thoracic, phrenic, suprascapu-
lar, or accessory nerve.19,111,207 Occasion- Nontraumatic brachial plexus neuropathy
ally the initial presenting symptoms mimic may develop on a familial basis in asso-
an anterior interosseous nerve palsy.199 ciation 22,23,55
with lesions outside the
Concurrent involvement of the shoulder plexus. Acute episodes have fea-
muscles in neuralgic amyotrophy suggests tures indistinguishable from sporadic id-
two possibilities168: (1) spatial scatter of iopathic neuralgic amyotrophy, but pa-
the underlying pathology to the forearm or tients with the familial variety have less
(2) selective damage of the brachial plexus pain. Inherited as an autosomal dominant
nerve bundle with topographic grouping at trait, the disease tends to affect a younger
the level of the cord.187 age group with no preference for either
Electromyography usually shows evi- sex, although pregnancy may herald its
dence of denervation on the affected side onset. The symptoms recurr more fre-
and may also reveal subtle changes on the quently in the familial than in the spo-
clinically asymptomatic side. Typical find- radic variety. The lesions outside the
ings seen in the involved muscles include plexus cause additional signs, such as
fibrillation potentials, positive sharp Homer's syndrome and dysphonia.74 The
waves, high-amplitude polyphasic motor disease can also involve the lumbosacral
unit potentials, and reduced interference plexus, cranial nerves, individual periph-159
pattern. This together with the course of eral nerves such as long thoracic nerve,
clinical recovery suggests axonal inter- and autonomic nervous system. Nerve
ruption and wallerian degeneration. Con- conduction studies show normal or re-
duction studies reveal slightly to moder- duced amplitude of the recorded re-
ately increased latencies from Erb's point sponse. Electromyography reveals fibrilla-
to severely affected muscles. The loss of tion potentials, positive sharp waves, and
fast-conducting fibers accounts for this reduced 55recruitment, suggesting axonal
change accompanied by reduced ampli- damage.
tude of the compound muscle potentials. Some patients with familial pressure-
Mild injury leading to pure demyelination sensitive neuropathy may also present
improves rapidly without loss of axons.168 with acute attacks of brachial plexopathy
A selective latency increase from Erb's (see Chapter 25-5). This condition affects
point to individual muscles of the shoul- the peripheral nerves diffusely,22 showing
der girdle suggests multiple mononeu- a predilection23 for the common sites of
ropathies.136 Conduction abnormalities compression. Sural nerve biopsies re-
may become more conspicuous after rein- veal bizarre focal swelling of the nerve
nervation has begun. The nerves in clini- fiber, mild reduction in the total myeli-
cally unaffected extremities209sometimes nated fiber count, and an abnormal fiber
show widespread changes. F wave diameter spectrum with loss of the nor-
studies may show increased latency and mal bimodal distribution. The term tomoc-
slow conduction velocity in the segment ulous neuropathy, used to describe this
above the axilla, but not consistently, es- pathologic condition, implies sausage-
pecially in the early stages of illness.105 shaped thickenings of the myelin sheaths.
The diagnosis often depends on the
combination of amplitude abnormalities
of median or ulnar sensory studies, Plexopathy Secondary
slowed conduction of musculocutaneous to Radiation
motor fibers, and lack of paraspinal fib-
rillation potentials on needle examina- In one series of 79 breast cancer patients,
tion.71 The loss or diminution of the sen- 35 percent had radiation-induced plex-
sory action potentials localizes the lesion opathy, most developing symptoms dur-
distal to the dorsal root ganglion. Normal ing or immediately after the exposure.142
paraspinal examination favors plexopathy Plexopathy, however, may develop months
but does not rule out radiculopathy. to years after radiation65treatment and take
a progressive course. Nerve conduction
636 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

studies reveal a mildly increased latency have low-set "droopy" shoulders and a
in proportion to a reduced amplitude of long swanlike neck.19° They usually com-
the evoked potentials. Electromyography plain of unilateral symptoms, even in the
shows fibrillation potentials, positive presence of bilateral cervical ribs. Some
sharp waves, and large, polyphasic motor patients develop pain, numbness, and
unit potentials. The presence of myokymic weakness principally over an ulnar distri-
discharges favors the diagnosis of radia- bution immediately after median ster-
tion plexopathies.2'88 notomy for coronary artery bypass graft.
In patients with cancer and brachial Despite a superficial resemblance, ster-
plexus signs, radiation injury may mimic notomy-related brachial plexopathy shows
tumor infiltration. According to a study of predominant damage in the C8 distribu-
100 cases, painless upper trunk lesions tion at the level of the anterior primary
with lymphedema suggest radiation in- rami of the cervical roots rather than the
jury, whereas painful lower trunk lesions lower trunk implicated in thoracic outlet
with Homer's syndrome imply tumor in- syndrome.124
filtration.108 Neoplastic infiltration may Vascular featuress result from upward
cause considerable slowing of conduction displacement of the axillary or subclavian
across the plexus, but not universally. artery by the cervical rib. Stenosis of the
The characteristic features emphasized in compressed artery may cause intermittent
another study for this distinction88 in- embolic phenomena of the brachial artery,
clude absence of pain as the present- with ischemic changes in the fingers. The
ing symptom, no sign of discrete mass hand turns cold and blue, with dimin-
with computed tomography, detection of ished or absent pulsations in the radial
myokymic discharges, and temporal rela- and ulnar arteries. Controversies con-
tionship to therapy, rather than the dis- tinue whether the entity is underdiag-
tribution of weakness or the results of nosed170 or overdiagnosed.212 Erroneous
nerve conduction studies. diagnosis may lead to inappropriate
scalenotomies for the disputed scalenus
anticus syndrome and removal of the first
Cervical Rib and Thoracic rib 5,34,80,126,211 The procedure has lim-
Outlet Syndrome ited indication for most patients with vas-
cular symptoms.76 If such intervention of-
A variety of anomalous structures in the fers a beneficial effect in the management
neck may affect the roots or trunks of the of arm pain, the initially normal elec-
brachial plexus causing a vascular or trophysiolgic studies usually fail to sub-
neurogenic syndrome.126 The cervical rib stantiate the subjective change.113 Some
may rarely compress the neurovascular investigators have reported consistent ab-
structures, especially in women who tend normalities of ulnar nerve studies with
to sag the shoulder girdle. A rudimentary stimulation at Erb's point,47,129,172,200
cervical rib with a fibrous band causes but without convincing data or subse-
symptoms more often than a fully formed quent confirmation.39,45,149,210.214
cervical rib. A compression syndrome may In contrast to the poorly defined condi-
also result from the first thoracic rib tion described above, the classical tho-
pressed upward by distortion of the tho- racic outlet syndrome denotes a rare, but
rax. In one study,152 magnetic resonance more clearly recognizable neurologic en-
imaging showed a bandlike structure tity, usually affecting women with a rudi-
extending from the C7 transverse process mentary cervical rib.77,78 The neural
in 25 of 33 sides in patients with vascu- symptoms include local and referred pain
lar symptoms and in 3 of 18 sides in con- secondary to pressure, paresthesias in the
trol subjects. The once widely publicized hand and forearm along the medial as-
compression by the scalenus anticus pect, and weakness of the intrinsic hand
muscle fell into disrepute because 102
a true muscles. Rare complications include focal
syndrome occurs only very rarely. Pa- hand dystonia on the compression site.165
tients with thoracic outlet syndrome often Prominent atrophy of the abductor polli-
Radiculopathies and Plexopathies 637

cis brevis may superficially suggest a di- lower than upper limbs. Unlike the cervi-
agnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. Tho- cal roots, the lumbar roots emerge from
racic outlet syndrome, however, gives rise the intervertebral spaces below their re-
to pain and sensory changes in the ulnar- spective vertebrae. In the upper limbs,
innervated fingers. Focal atrophy and motor deficits are a more reliable localiz-
weakness from a cerebral lesion can also ing sign than are sensory impairments.
simulate a thoracic outlet syndrome al- The reverse seems to hold in the lower
though electrophysiologic182,218
studies demon- limbs. Patients with familial predisposi-
strate no abnormalities. tion may develop lumbar disc herniation
Nerve conduction studies in patients at a young age.202 Lumbar radiculopathy
with a clear neurologic deficit show re- may develop following spinal fusion for
duced or absent sensory action potentials scoliosis.87
of the ulnar and medial antebrachial cu- Radiculopathies rarely involve the first
taneous nerves109,124 normal sensory ac- three lumbar roots that supply the skin
tion potential of the median nerve, re- of the anterior thigh. With compression of
duced amplitude of ulnar and median the L4 root, pain radiates from the knee
compound muscle action potential,119 to the medial malleolus along the medial
and an increase in latency of the F wave aspect. With L5 root irritation, pain orig-
of the ulnar nerve on the affected side inates in the buttock and radiates along
when52,116compared with the normal the posterior lateral aspect of the thigh,
side. Cervical root stimulation may lateral aspect of the leg, dorsum of the
help localize the site of conduction ab- foot, and first four toes. A lesion of the SI
normalities.67 Reduced amplitude of the root causes pain to radiate down the back
sensory action potential confirms a post- of the thigh, leg, and lateral aspect of the
ganglionic involvement,78,146,183 whereas foot. Irritation of the S2 through S5 roots
normal conduction velocities help exclude results in pain along the posteromedial
the possibility of more distal entrapment. aspect of the thigh, over the perianal area
Electromyography shows evidence of den- of the buttock, and in the genital region.
ervation in the intrinsic hand muscles, es- In the lower limbs, involvement of a sin-
pecially the abductor pollicis brevis. Pa- gle root does not necessarily cause promi-
tients free of neurologic deficits have none nent weakness or wasting, reflecting mul-
of these abnormalities even when vascu- tiplicity of root supply. In most leg
lar symptoms appear with postural ma- muscles, however, a single root primarily
neuvers.45,105 Some investigators advo- controls certain movements. These in-
cate the use of dermatomal, median, or clude hip flexion by L2, knee extension
ulnar somatosensory evoked potential and thigh adduction by L3, inversion of
studies, but their clinical usefulness is the foot by L4, toe extension by L5, and
limited.26,97 eversion of the foot by S1.155 Lesions of a
single root affect dorsiflexion of the foot to
a lesser extent because of the dual con-
4 LUMBOSACRAL ROOTS trol by the L4 and L5 roots. Similarly,
plantar flexion is subserved by the SI and
S2 roots. A lesion of the L4 root depresses
Injury at the lumbosacral level most com- the knee stretch reflex, whereas an S1
monly occurs at the point where the root root lesion affects the ankle jerk and its
exits through its foramen. Preganglionic electrical counterpart, the H reflex. One
damage, however, can occur anywhere series that tested the extensor digitorum
along the long subarachnoid pathway of brevis reflex for localization of L5 root135le-
the cauda equina within the spinal canal, sions provided disappointing results.
showing frequent anomalies such as con- When radiologic and clinical findings
joined lumbosacral dorsal nerve roots.161 conflict, electrodiagnosis plays a particu-
This anatomic peculiarity makes clinical larly important role in justifying surgical
and electrophysiologic localization of exploration.198 For example, extraforami-
radicular lesions more difficult in the nal compression of the L5 root by him-
638 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

bosacral ligaments may cause denerva- physiologic studies should reveal no ab-
tion despite a normal myelogram and normalities in the upper limbs.
other imaging studies.151 Conversely,
asymptomatic subjects may have abnor-
mal magnetic resonance scans of the lum- Cauda Equina Lesion
bar spine, making it imperative to seek a
physiologic and clinical correlation.21 To The lesions responsible for the lateral
supplement electrophysiologic evalua- cauda equina syndrome include herniated
tions of functional deficits, T2-weighted disc, meningioma, neurofibroma,14 and,
and short time to inversion recovery rarely, aneurysm in the sacral canal.176
(STIR) magnetic resonance imaging se- Such a mass lesion in the spinal canal be-
quences can be used to detect denervated low the T12 vertebrae can affect any of the
skeletal muscle, which shows32increased lumbar or sacral roots singly or in com-
signal intensity. In one study, this ab- bination. Some of these tumors may es-
normality corresponded closely with spon- cape detection by casual imaging studies
taneous activities on electromyographic because of their mobility.94 With a later-
examination. ally located lesion at the level of the LI,
L2, and L3 vertebrae, pain typically radi-
ates over the anterior thigh. Involvement
Conus Lesion of the L4 root results in atrophy and weak-
ness of the quadriceps muscle and foot
Tumors known to involve the conus inverters with a diminished knee reflex. A
medullaris, which comprises the S2 to S5 high, laterally located lesion may simul-
segments, include ependymoma,143 der- taneously compress the cord, giving rise
moid cyst, lipoma, arteriovenous malfor- to a hyperactive ankle reflex and other up-
mation,122 and, less frequently, metasta- per motor neuron signs. This rare, con-
sis.24 They typically invade the sacral fusing presentation may lead to an erro-
roots from below, beginning with the S5 neous diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral
root. Thus, the usual presenting features sclerosis.
consist of a dull backache and sensory A lipoma may involve a few cauda fibers,
disturbances in the genital and perianal producing a distension in the region of the
regions, which even a careful examiner conus medullaris with only sexual and
may fail to detect. Impotence and im- voiding dysfunction.73 Midline or diffuse
paired sphincter control soon develop. Bi- involvement of the cauda equina suggests
lateral diminution of the ankle jerk indi- metastasis from prostate cancer, direct
cates upward extension of the tumor to spread of tumors in the pelvic floor, or
the origin of the S1 root. The lesion typi- chrondromas of the sacral bone. Similar
cally spares the knee reflex. Initial uni- clinical features may result from leukemic
lateral weakness soon spreads to the or lymphomatous infiltration or seeding
other limb, leading to relatively symmet- with medulloblastoma, pinealoma, or other
ric involvement. malignant tumors of the nervous system.
Electromyographic abnormalities often Lower motor neuron syndromes may also
indicate a bilateral involvement of multi- follow radiation therapy, redundant
ple roots despite asymmetric clinical nerve root syndrome,167,188 spinal arach-
signs. The anal sphincter also shows evi- noiditis,153 or ankylosing spondylitis.12
dence of denervation and loss of tonus. Except for asymmetric distribution and
Nerve conduction studies may reveal re- severe pain, signs and symptoms of a
duced muscle action potentials but nor- cauda equina lesion resemble those of a
mal sensory nerve potentials, as predicted conus medullaris lesion.163 It often causes
from the preganglionic site of involvement. bilateral involvement of the dermatomes
Some ascending spinal fibers undergo de- ordinarily unaffected by a herniated lum-
generation, as evidenced by abnormal so- bar disc. Unlike the compression at the
matosensory evoked potentials recorded intervertebral space, changing positions
over the scalp after intrathecal stimula- of the lower limbs fails to alleviate the dis-
tion of the lumbosacral cord.62 Electro- comfort. Reduced muscle stretch reflexes
Radiculopathies and Plexopathies 639

at both the knee and ankle also tend to appropriate dermatomes, aggravated by
localize the lesion at the cauda equina leg raising or other maneuvers that
rather than the conus medullaris. Elec- stretch the root. Patients may have pure
tromyographic studies show fibrillation sensory or pure motor symptoms. In rare
potentials and large motor unit potentials instances, fiber hypertrophy exceeds at-
in the distribution of several lumbosacral rophy, resulting in unilateral enlargement
roots, including paraspinal muscles12 and of the calf muscles with a chronic S1
urethral sphincter. Again, the findings radiculopathy140,169 and of the anterior
mimic those of an intrinsic cord involve- tibial 137muscle with an L4 radicular le-
ment except for an asymmetric distribu- sion. Neurogenic muscle hypertrophy
tion of the abnormalities with spread may also result from a passive stretch
above the sacral myotomes. Unlike in ax- mechanism, a tethered spinal cord,18 and
onal polyneuropathy motor conduction excessive spontaneous muscle activi-
studies tend to show normal amplitude ties.137
and distal latency in lumbosacral radicu- Needle studies help confirm the diag-
lopathy.16 Nonetheless, a substantial nosis and identify the damaged root (Table
side-to-side difference in amplitude of the 24-2, also see Table 1-3 and Fig. 14-9).
compound muscle action potentials favors Denervation of the paraspinal muscles
the diagnosis of cauda equina rather than (see Fig. 14-8C) implies a lesion located
conus medullaris lesions. Simultaneous proximal to the origin of the posterior ra-
recording of somatosensory evoked po- mus. The absence of denervation here,
tentials from the lumbar area and the however, does not necessarily exclude the
scalp permit evaluation of cauda equina possibility of root compression. In addition
lesions based on the relative effectiveness to the diagnostic use, series of studies can
of the peripheral stimulation in eliciting guide the management by substantiating
these two responses.120 clinical progression or improvement." The
course of radiculopathy can be gauged
better by studies of electrical abnormali-
Herniated Lumbar Disc ties than by computed tomography re-
Disc protrusion involves the L4 to L5 and Paraspinal studies help differentiate
L5 to S1 interspaces in most cases and in radiculopathy from diseases of the plexus
the L3 to L4 space much less frequently. or peripheral nerve. The multifidus mus-
Lesions at the remaining higher or lower cles are innervated by a single root in con-
levels should suggest diagnostic possibil- trast to the polysegmental innervation of
ities other than uncomplicated herniation. the rest of the paraspinal muscle mass.29
The protruding disc tends to compress the Nonetheless, paraspinal abnormalities
lumbosacral roots slightly above the level usually fall to provide the exact location
of their respective foramina before their of the involved segment.85 Determination
lateral deviation toward the exit. A herni- of the precise level of lesion, therefore, de-
ated disc at the L4 to L5 intervertebral pends on careful exploration of the af-
space, therefore, compresses the L5 root, fected muscles in the lower limbs. Be-
which emerges under the L5 vertebrae. cause of anatomic peculiarities, lesions
Similarly, a disc protrusion between the located much higher than the ordinary
L5 and S1 vertebrae damages the S1 root disc protrusion may compress the L5 or
exiting the interspace below. As men- SI roots within the cauda equina. For ex-
tioned earlier, cervical disc herniation at ample, a tumor of a high lumbar root may
the C6 to C7 space compresses the C7 produce this type of confusing clinical fea-
root, which exits above the C7 vertebra. tures and myelographic abnormalities.
Thus, in both the cervical and lumbar re- The assessment of radiculopathy should
gions, the root most frequently subjected include nerve conduction studies to ex-
to damage carries the same number as clude a neuropathy. Amplitude asymme-
the vertebra below the herniated disc. try of compound nerve and muscle action
Clinical symptoms consist of weakness potentials also assists in detection of mod-
in the affected myotomes and pain in the est nerve damage. Despite the commonly
640 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

Table 24-2 Innervation Patterns of the Pelvic Girdle and

Lower Limb Muscles

Anterior Primary Rami

Lumbosacral Plexus
Femoral Nerve Iliopsoas
Rectus Femoris
Vastus Lateralis, Medialis
Obturator Nerve Gracilis
Adductor Longus, Brevis, Magnus
Superior Gluteal Nerve Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Minimus
Tensor Facie Latae
Inferior Gluteal Nerve Gluteus Maximus

Sciatic Nerve
Tibial Division jSemitendinosus, Semimembranosus
j Biceps Femoris, long head
Peroneal Division | Biceps Femorisa, short head

Common Peroneal Nerve

Deep Peroneal Nerve Tibialis Anterior
Extensor Digitorum Longus
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Superficial Peroneal Nerve Peroneus Longus
Peroneus Brevis

Tibial Nerve Tibialis Posterior

Flexor Digitorum Longus
Flexor Hallucis Longus
Gastrocnemius, medial head
Gastrocnemius, lateral head
Medial Plantar Nerve Abductor Hallucis
Lateral Plantar Nerve Abductor Digiti Minimi

Posterior Primary Rami Lumbosacral Erector Spinae

held belief that root lesions spare sensory tion43,133,156 or magnetic activation of the
amplitude, L5 radiculopathy often causes root132,197,221 to isolate the proximal
a reduction in superficial peroneal nerve radicular segment (see Chapter 21-4).
sensory action potentials.121 In such These studies help differentiate S1 from L5
cases, structural abnormalities compress involvement. The measures of F-wave la-
the dorsal root ganglion located at the in- tencies, dermatomal somatosensory evoked
traspinal canal, thus causing postgan- potentials (SEPs), or motor evoked poten-
glionic rather than preganglionic damage. tials may reflect delayed conduction, but
H reflex studies reveal abnormalities in an usually not well enough4,54,56,57,105,125
to detect an early
SI radiculopathy, especially with the use or mild radiculopathy. Con-
of more sensitive spinal nerve stimula- duction studies over long distances gener-
Radiculopathies and Plexopathies 641

ally provide an insensitive measure in eval- bar stenosis in chronic inflammatory82de-

uating focal nerve lesions (see Chapter 7-6), myelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. In
although some investigators advocate the a review of 37 patients, stenosis most
use of dermatomal SEPs as a screen for commonly affected the L4 or L5 level or
radiculopathy.206 both.179 In 36 patients, electromyography
Stereotactic devices now allow percuta- revealed fibrillation potentials and poorly
neous lumbar discectomy.110,138 The in- recruiting, polyphasic long-duration motor
troduction of microdiscectomy to lumbar unit potentials in several leg muscles and,
spine surgery, together with the combi- to a lesser extent, in the paraspinal mus-
nation of long-acting anesthetic agents cles bilaterally. Retrospective analysis of
and corticosteroids, has led to a substan- 244 patients with spinal stenosis has
tial decrease in postoperative79discomfort shown high medium- to long-term success
and shorten the hospital stay. These ad- with lumbar laminectomy and rare lumbar
vances notwithstanding, and even with instability following surgery, requiring lum-
strict criteria for indication of surgery, pa- bar fusion only infrequently.181
tients may develop failed back syndrome
at a rate eventually reaching 50 percent
in some series.30 Spinal cord stimulator Root Avulsion
implantation, then, seems preferable to
repeated operation or dorsal root gan- Intradural avulsion does not involve the
glionectomies.147,148 A relatively normal lumbosacral roots as often as the cervical
electromyographic finding promises a roots,69 although this condition is fre-
good outcome, whereas neurogenic ab- quently overlooked in patients with pelvic
normalities generally imply a poor prog- fractures or sacroiliac dislocation.89 In
nosis.64 Overall outcome, however, seems these instances, tension in the lumbar
to depend more on psychosocial aspects and sacral plexuses stretches the root in-
than on physiologic findings. tradurally.11 Electromyography reveals
Following laminectomy, spontaneous denervation in the appropriate myotomes,
activity may persist indefinitely, although including the paraspinal muscles. Myel-
it usually51 diminishes substantially by 3-6 ography delineates the level of involve-
months. In one study, focal abnormali- ment.
ties found at least 3 cm lateral to the in-
cision and 4 to 5 cm deep suggested a new
lesion.98 Other findings suggestive of an 5 LUMBOSACRAL PLEXUS
active radiculopathy in postlaminectomy
patients include (1) fibrillation potentials
and positive sharp waves at a specific level The lumbosacral plexus, often considered
on the symptomatic side only; (2) a mix- a single anatomic entity, consists of lum-
ture of large and small fibrillations and bar and sacral portions with a connection
positive sharp waves segmentally on the between them. The division helps delin-
symptomatic side, but only small sparse eate clinical problems that 50tend to affect
spontaneous discharges on the asympto- each portion independently. A lesion in-
matic side; and (3) the appearance in se- volving the lumbar plexus diminishes the
rial studies of new spontaneous activity at knee reflex and causes sensory loss over
the suspected level on the symptomatic the L2, L3, and L4 dermatomes. It also
side. weakens not only the hip flexors and knee
extensors but also the leg adductors. In
contrast, isolated femoral neuropathy
Spinal Stenosis spares the obturator-innervated muscles.
A lesion of the sacral plexus produces a
Neurogenic claudication usually results clinical picture similar to that seen with
from multilevel central narrowing of the a sciatic nerve lesion, but with additional
spinal canal with or without associated involvement of the gluteal muscles, and,
constriction in the nerve root canals. at times, the anal sphincter. Traumatic in-
Nerve root hypertrophy may cause lum- juries result from fractures of the pelvis
642 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

or inappropriate traction during orthope- receiving anticoagulation therapy,185 oc-

dic or other operative manipulations,11,36 curring as one of two anatomically dis-
including hip arthroplasty.81 tinct syndromes35,83: (1) involvement of
Neoplasms extending from the rectum, the lumbar plexus by hematoma within
prostate, or cervix often invade the lum- the psoas muscle58 and (2) selective com-
bosacral plexus. Metastatic, leukemic, or pression of the femoral nerve.219 In plexus
lymphomatous infiltration gives rise to lesions, weakness involves the thigh ad-
painful and slowly progressive paralysis, ductors, hip flexors, and quadriceps. Sen-
sometimes associated with sympathetic sory loss affects the entire anterior thigh,
signs such as hot and dry foot.41 In one including the area supplied by the lateral
series of 85 cases of documented pelvic femoral cutaneous nerve. In contrast,
tumors, plexopathy involved the upper femoral neuropathy selectively weakens
portion (L1 to L4) in 31 percent, the lower the quadriceps and hip flexors and causes
portion (L4 to S3) in 51 percent, and both sensory deficits limited to the distribution
in 18 percent.96 Clinical features com- of the anterior femoral cutaneous and
prised the quintet of leg pain, weakness, saphenous nerves.58
edema, rectal mass, and hydronephrosis. Other etiologies include aortoiliac vas-
Electrophysiologic studies revealed dener- cular disease, which may cause a neuro-
vation and reinnervation together with logic deficit involving the lumbosacral
conduction abnormalities of the motor plexus or sciatic or femoral nerve, with a
fibers, on average, 4 months after onset. good correlation between the level of the
In another series of 50 patients, radiation vascular lesion and the type of peripheral
plexopathy caused indolent painless leg nerve abnormality.42 Pregnant women
weakness early, often bilaterally. In con- may be at risk of lumbosacral plexus in-
trast, patients with tumors typically had jury resulting from small maternal size, a
painful unilateral weakness. Electromyo- large fetus, midforceps rotation, or fetal
graphy revealed partial denervation and malposition. Electrophysiologic studies
chronic reinnervation in both entities. often localize the site of obstetric paraly-
Myokymic discharges were found in more sis to the L4 to L5 lumbosacral trunk and
than half the cases of radiation plexopa- SI root, where they join and pass over the
thy but rarely if at all in patients with tu- pelvic rim.66 Regional nerve injury may de-
mors.193 velop after internal or external iliac artery
Immune or vascular etiologies probably catheterization for intraarterial chemother-
play an important role in the idiopathic apy for localized pelvic or lower limb tu-
type, similar to the better-described and mors. In one series of 11 patients, 9 de-
more frequently occurring brachial plex- veloped lumbosacral plexopathies and 2
opathies.186 Acute pain in one or both legs developed mononeuropathies within 48
usually precedes the onset of weakness hours of an intraarterial infusion.33
and areflexia, followed by atrophy of af- Electromyography plays a major role in
fected muscles.173 In 10 cases of idio- distinguishing a plexopathy from a radicu-
pathic lumbosacral plexopathy with an lopathy by examining the proximal mus-
average of 6 years of follow-up, the pa- cles innervated rostral to the plexus. These
tients recovered slowly and often incom- include, in addition to the paraspinal mus-
pletely.63 Some patients relapsed,9 and cles, the gluteus maximus, medius and
persistent pain was the most prominent minimus, and iliopsoas. Typical findings of
and debilitating symptom in others.90 plexopathy include poor recruitment of
Some responded to corticosteroids or in- motor unit potentials and fibrillation po-
194 204
travenous immunoglobulin.
' Pa- tentials at rest in the myotomes supplied
tients with diabetes 6 or those with amy- by the anterior rami of multiple spinal
loid polyneuropathy may also develop nerves. Distal nerve stimulation elicits a
features of lumbar plexopathy, femoral lower amplitude of the compound muscle
neuropathy, or radiculopathy. or nerve action potentials on the affected
Compression plexopathy may result side than on the normal side.1,25 Root
from hematomas in patients with hemo- stimulation may reveal increased latency
philia or other coagulopathies or in those across the plexus in the appropriate dis-
Radiculopathies and Plexopathies 643

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Chapter 25

Diabetic Neuropathy
Alcoholic Neuropathy
Uremic Neuropathy
Neuropathies in Malignant Conditions
Neuropathies Associated with Paraproteinemia
Necrotizing Angiopathy
Sarcoid Neuropathy
Sjogren's Syndrome
Other Neuropathies
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Miller Fisher Syndrome
Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
Multifocal Motor Neuropathy with Conduction Block
Acute Motor Axonal Neuropathy in China
Diphtheritic Neuropathy
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Other Neuropathies
Nutritional Neuropathies
Toxic Neuropathies
Genetic Classification of Hereditary Motor and Sensory
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 1 (HMSN Type I)
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 2 (HMSN Type II)
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease X-linked Dominant Type I
Hypertrophic Polyneuropathy of Dejerine-Sotas (HMSN
Type III)
Hereditary Ataxic Neuropathy of Refsum (HMSN Type IV)
Autosomal Dominant Cerebellar Ataxia
Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies
Friedreich's Ataxia

Polyneuropathies 651

Cerebral Lipidosis
Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathy
Lipoprotein Neuropathies
Giant Axonal Neuropathy
Fabry's Disease
Familial Amyloid Neuropathy
Other Neuropathies

1 INTRODUCTION with polyneuropathy. Sometimes a pa-

tient's own account may not provide suf-
ficient information, necessitating inde-
Polyneuropathy consists of the triad of pendent examination of family members.
sensory changes in a glove and stocking For some patients with an unequivocal
distribution, distal weakness, and hy- diagnosis of polyneuropathy, extensive
poreflexia. Certain types of neuropathy studies may fail to uncover the exact eti-
may show widespread sensory symptoms, ology.564,616 Hereditary and immune-
and others may begin with more promi- mediated polyneuropathy account for most
nent proximal weakness. Positive sensory cryptogenic cases.313 In one study, inten-
symptoms result from ectopic impulse sive evaluation permitted classification of
generation and autoexcitation of myeli- 76 pecent of 205 patients with initially un-
nated afferent fibers.106 In general, but diagnosed neuropathy; the final diagnoses
not always, normal muscle stretch re- included inherited disorders in 42 percent,
flexes speak against peripheral neuropa- inflammatory-demyelinating polyradicu-
thy. Acute pandysautonomic neuropathy loneuropathy in 21 percent, and neuro-
characteristically shows severe postgan- pathies associated with systemic disorders
glionic sympathetic and parasympathetic in 13 percent.229
dysfunction, with relative or complete Anatomic diagnosis depends on clinical
sparing of motor and sensory function.251 and electrodiagnostic evaluation, but few
Milder autonomic dysfunction also ac- specific patterns of peripheral nerve in-
companies most peripheral neuropathies, volvement characterize a given disorder.
but manifests clinically detectable symp- Nerve conduction and electromyographic
toms only in a few conditions, such as studies delineate the extent and distribu-
diabetes, amyloidosis, Guillain-Barre syn- tion of the lesions, and differentiate two
drome, porphyria, and familial dysau- major pathologic changes in the nerve (see
tonomia. Such autonomic disturbances Chapter 4-6): axonal degeneration and de-
usually result from acute demyelination myelination.91,204 An index based on mul-
or damage to small myelinated and un- tiple electrophysiologic measures against
myelinated fibers.560 standard norms may provide a better over-
A detailed history often reveals general all estimation,789 as reported in the as-
medical conditions such as diabetes, alco- sessment of diabetic polyneuropathy.706
holism, renal disease, malignancies, sar- Electrical studies alone rarely distinguish
coidosis, periarteritis nodosa, amyloidosis, clinical types of neuropathies or establish
and infectious processes such as diph- the exact etiology in a given case. Arriving
theria and leprosy. Inflammatory neu- at a specific diagnosis and establishing a
ropathies include Guillain-Barre syndrome course of therapy depend heavily on clini-
and chronic inflammatory demyelinative cal, electrophysiologic, and histologic as-
neuropathy. Metabolic neuropathies result sessments.11,514,618
from nutritional deficiencies or the toxic This chapter reviews the essential char-
effects of drugs or chemicals. The family acteristics of peripheral neuropathies as
history is essential in establishing the they relate to electrophysiologic abnormal-
type of inherited conditions associated ities.204 Interested readers should con-
652 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

suit other comprehensive reviews available abnormalities in peripheral nerves.782 Is-

elsewhere.36,37,231 chemic changes in the nerve presumably
result from proliferation of the endothe-
lium in blood vessels and abnormalities of
2 NEUROPATHIES ASSOCIATED the capillaries.531
WITH GENERAL MEDICAL Overall, two thirds of diabetic patients
CONDITIONS have objective evidence for some variety of
neuropathy, but only about 20 percent
have symptoms.220 A wide spectrum of
Neuropathies associated with general med- neuropathic processes develop.912 The
ical conditions include some of the most most commonly used clinical classifica-
commonly encountered polyneuropathies. tion36 consists of (1) distal symmetric, pri-
Despite a clear association with a general marily sensory, neuropathy; (2) autonomic
medical condition, the exact cause of the neuropathy; (3) proximal asymmetric pain-
neuropathies remains uncertain. ful motor neuropathy; and (4) cranial
mononeuropathies. Pathologic classifica-
tion separates diabetic neuropathies into
Diabetic Neuropathy two groups: predominantly large fiber or
small fiber disease. In the larger fiber type,
Diabetes often causes a symmetric segmental demyelination and remyelina-
polyneuropathy that likely has a meta- tion predominate, perhaps as a secondary
bolic basis.232 One theory postulates an change to diffuse or multifocal axonal loss,
increased amount of sorbitol in diabetic which seems to constitute the primary
neural tissue. In hyperglycemia, glucose, pathology.222 This process would distort
shunted through the sorbitol pathway, the normally linear relationship between
causes the accumulation of sorbitol in internodal length and fiber diameter. In
Schwann cells, which undergo osmotic the small fiber type, the primary impact
damage leading to segmental demyelina- of the disease is on the axons with sec-
tion. In one study, the ulnar motor con- ondary demyelination. In some patients,
duction velocity and F-wave latency im- abnormalities in the autonomic nervous
proved slightly but significantly after system closely parallel those in the pe-
treatment with an aldose reductance in- ripheral nervous system.2 In these cases,
hibitor. This finding would support the prominent histologic changes include ac-
sorbitol pathway hypothesis.245 Other fac- tive axonal degeneration, affecting mainly
tors considered important in the patho- unmyelinated and small myelinated fibers.
genesis include insulin deficiency and al- Distal axonopathy in experimental dia-
tered myoinositol metabolism. betes mellitus of the rat first affects the ter-
An equally attractive alternative theory minal portions of the susceptible nerves.95
suggests that small vessel disease leads to The clinical presentation depends on
infarcts within the nerve,688 resulting in varying combinations of the two basic
asymmetric types of diabetic neuropathy types. On the whole, patients with adult
and diabetic cranial mononeuropathies. In onset diabetes have the large fiber type,
some of the affected patients, neuropathy with symptoms consisting of distal pares-
is caused by an inflammatory vasculopa- thesias and peripheral weakness. The pa-
thy.463,730,929 Microvasculitis with infiltra- tients have dissociated loss of vibratory,
tive T cells may contribute to the patho- position, and two-point discrimination
genesis.929 The spatial distribution of fiber sense with relative sparing of pain and
loss also suggests ischemia and hypoxia temperature sense. The vulnerability at
similar to those found in experimental em- the common sites of compression may
bolization of nerve capillaries.213,404 In fact, cause multiple pressure palsies. The
vascular insufficiency quantitatively aggra- small fiber type of neuropathy character-
vates diabetic neuropathy.689 In animal istically affects those with insulin-depen-
studies, reduced endoneurial blood flow, dent juvenile diabetes. Dysautonomia and
insufficient to cause infarction, may result pain predominate, often awakening the
in measurable functional and morphologic patients at night with painful dysesthe-
Polyneuropathies 653

sias, thus the designation autonomic or neuropathy may selectively involve the
painful diabetic neuropathy. Charcot's distribution of the ventral or dorsal rami
joints, perforating ulcers, and other of the spinal nerves, or branches of these
trophic changes of the feet may develop rami, or varying combinations of these
after severe loss of pain. Impotence and distributions.805 Focal, unilateral protru-
postural hypotension result from involve- sion of the abdominal wall on this basis
ment of the autonomic nerves. Parasym- may mimic abdominal hernia.658
pathetic pupillary dysfunction precedes Electrophysiologic studies have revealed
sympathetic pupillary denervation.489 a number of150,218,524
abnormalities in diabetic
Quantitative measures of impaired sudo- neuropathies. Patients with signs
motor function correlate well with the of neuropathy have slower nerve conduc-
severity of polyneuropathy.431,433 Acute tion velocities and smaller amplitudes
painful neuropathy may follow precipitous than those without symptoms,495 show-
weight loss, but severe symptoms subside ing a close correlation between clinical
within 10 months. Histologic studies show findings 330,387
and the degree of conduction
degeneration of both myelinated and un- changes. In juvenile patients, those
myelinated axons.117 Spontaneous axonal with the longest duration of disease have
regeneration abounds even in advanced the highest incidence of abnormalities.239
cases.731 Patients with diabetes have abnormal per-
Mononeuropathies most often involve sistence of sensory evoked potentials dur-
the femoral nerve and lumbosacral plexus ing induced ischemia, which may herald
and, to a lesser extent, the sciatic, com- other electrophysiologic abnormalities.370
mon peroneal, median, ulnar, and cranial The degree of resistance shows a correla-
nerves.7,830 Unilateral femoral neuropa- tion with hemoglobin Ale and therefore
thy commonly develops as a complication metabolic control, but not with the state
in elderly men with poorly controlled dia- of neuropathy.683 Studies of spinal so-
betes. Thigh pain precedes wasting of the matosensory evoked potentials suggest
quadriceps and other proximal muscles of impairment of peripheral as 168,325 well as
the anterior thigh. Unlike the distal symp- central afferent transmission. In-
toms of diffuse polyneuropathy, the prox- creased interpeak latencies of the brain-
imal weakness tends to improve with ad- stem auditory evoked responses also sug-
equate control of the diabetes. This gest the presence of a central neuropathy
condition, although usually distinguished in some cases,203 but not in others.880
as diabetic amyotrophy, probably repre- Conduction abnormalities develop dif-
sents a form of diabetic mononeuropathy fusely along the entire length of the nerve,
rather than a separate entity.31,145 The but more so in distal segments than in
sudden onset of pain may herald involve- proximal segments (see Fig. 18-II).158,444
ment of a major proximal nerve trunk, in- Axon loss alone cannot explain 909 the degree
cluding the lateral cutaneous nerve of the of slowing conduction velocity. Abnor-
calf.258 Patients may have a rapidly evolv- malities predominate at the common sites
ing course or continued progression for of compression, for example, across12,402 the
many months. The rapidly evolving form, carpal tunnel for the median nerve,
considered ischemic in nature, and the showing a delay with no major conduc-
more slowly progressive condition, re- tion block.3 Studies reveal length-depen-
garded as metabolic in 45origin, may over- dent changes involving the tibial and per-
lap, causing confusion. oneal nerves more than the median and
Diabetic thoracic radiculopathy produces ulnar nerves,444 with preferential involve-
a distinct syndrome characterized by ment of the fastest conducting large
radicular involvement, abdominal or chest myelinated fibers.209 Some advocate the
pain, and weight loss; it has a relatively amplitude ratio between sural and radial
good prognosis434 895 and sometimes mim- sensory potential as a sensitive measure
icks a myelopathy. Polyradiculoneuro- of neuropathy.659,723 The disease can af-
pathy and truncal mononeuropathy may fect any part 917
of the body, including the
accompany advanced distal polyneuropa- phrenic nerve. Minimal F-wave latency
thy.813 The episodes of diabetic truncal is the most sensitive.21,158,444 and repro-
654 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

ducible453 measure in the assessment of tion.334 In one study, correction of hyper-

conduction abnormalities of diabetic neu- glycemia resulted in a slight increase in
ropathy. Motor unit number estimates re- conduction velocity after 6 hours.843 An-
veal an axonal loss that parallels the other carefully controlled study, however,
severity of the demyelinative process.339 revealed little improvement in conduction
Electromyography detects fibrillation po- at the end of 3 days.755 In a further se-
tentials and positive sharp waves in pa- ries, nerve conduction velocity improved
tients with prominent axonal degeneration. by 2.5 m/s after 1 year of improved glu-
Single-fiber studies provide a measure of coregulation with continuous subcuta-
reinnervation,88 and reveals the degree of neous insulin infusion.233 Attempts for
axonal loss as the eventual cause of weak- better glycemic control, in general, show
ness.22 encouraging results.200,894 Good glycemic
Most patients with sensory motor pe- control also plays an important role in the
ripheral neuropathy also show absence of prevention of neuropathy in children and
sympathetic skin response and other ab- adolescents with diabetes mellitus.280
normalities of sudomotor function.605,806
Useful measures for detecting a subclinical
neuropathy include nerve conduction ab- Alcoholic Neuropathy
normalities in two or more nerves and
quantitative autonomic examination of In the United States, alcohol is a major
heart beat during deep breathing or the cause of peripheral neuropathy. It pri-
Valsalva maneuver,151,157,219,265,358 In one marily affects those who drink large quan-
study,598 combined cardiorespiratory and tities for a number of years and improves
nerve conduction scores predicted sur- once a person abstains.360 In addition to
vival better than separate scores. the possible toxic effect of the alcohol it-
Some studies emphasize other measures self, dietary insufficiency and impaired
to characterize and quantitate the severity absorption may play important roles. In-
of a neuropathy.221,833 Thermal threshold deed, many alcoholic patients have a vit-
testing confirms length-dependent abnor- amin B1 or thiamine deficiency,182 which
malities of the small myelinated and un- alone can cause similar clinical findings.
myelinated nerve fibers, showing a good The pathologic changes include reduced
correlation with the severity of polyneu- density of large and small myelinated
ropathy.340-597 Quantitative study of vibra- fibers, acute axonal degeneration and re-
tion perception threshold, in contrast, pro- generation,52 and secondary paranodal
vides a useful measure in the assessment demyelination involving the most distal
of the large diameter fibers.449 These quan- segment.
titative sensory tests complement nerve Clinical symptoms usually appear insid-
conduction studies, although sural sensory iously over weeks or months, but some-
potentials serve as a better predictor of di- times more acutely over a period of a few
abetic neuropathy.692 days. The initial sensory complaints con-
Many studies have dealt with improved sist of distal pain, paresthesias, and dyses-
clinical management of diabetic neuropa- thesias, first in the legs and later in the
thy.912 A controlled double-blind study arms. Burning sensations in the extremi-
suggested the efficacy of uridine for mod- ties resemble those in diabetic neuropathy.
ifying neurophysiologic measures of neu- Trophic changes such as plantar ulcers de-
ropathy.281 Desipramine relieved pain velop when patients subject insensitive tis-
caused by diabetic neuropathy with an ef- sues to unusual amounts of trauma.727
ficacy similar to that of amitriptyline.550 More advanced cases involve bilateral foot-
Some investigators have suggested the drop, associated with distal muscular at-
therapeautic effect of ganglioside in pro- rophy involving the extensors more than
moting the recovery of sensory and com- the flexors. Neuropathic changes predom-
pound muscle action potentials presumably inate in chronically weak and atrophic
by fascilitating the process of reinnerva- muscles. Sensory symptoms may respond
tion,48 but without subsequent confirma- to daily administration of vitamin BI, but
Polyneuropathies 655

muscular atrophy tends to persist despite restless legs as a presenting symptom.831

therapy. After successful treatment with he-
Electrophysiologic evaluations demon- modialysis, vibratory perception returns
strate impaired function of small caliber to normal, followed by improvement in
motor fibers and large cutaneous sensory other clinical findings. A distal ischemic
fibers. Despite the traditional emphasis neuropathy has developed following the
on the role of conduction velocity, early placement of bovine arteriovenous shunts
abnormalities consist of decreased ampli- for chronic hemodialysis.73 Proximal mus-
tude of sensory nerve and compound cle weakness may also appear in uremic
muscle action potentials. Thus, nerve patients receiving hemodialysis.493 Pa-
conduction studies initially reveal either tients may have paradoxical heat sensa-
normal or only slightly reduced velocities tion in response to low temperature stim-
in most patients.52,116 As in other axonal ulation.925 Thermal threshold testing
neuropathies, conduction velocity de- reveals only infrequent abnormalities in
creases in proportion to the loss40 of evoked end-stage renal failure, showing little cor-
sensory and motor responses. relation with clinical and electrophysio-
Conduction abnormalities may involve logic evidence of polyneuropathy. These
not only the distal but 300also the proximal findings indicate25relative sparing of small
segments of the nerve. Assessments of diameter axons.
sural nerve and late responses improve Patients with severe renal insufficiency
the diagnostic yield.184 Electromyography often have motor and sensory conduction
reveals fibrillation potentials and other abnormalities in all limbs, with greater
neuropathic changes. Usually abnormali- deficits in the peroneal than the median
ties involve the lower limbs earlier and more nerve.608 As a sensitive indicator of neu-
prominently than the upper limbs, reflect- ropathy, facial nerve latency may rival the
ing the length-dependent degeneration of conduction studies of the peroneal, me-
axons. Other reported abnormalities in- dian, and ulnar nerves.580 Studies of late
clude those seen in sympathetic sudomo- responses and sural nerve conduction4
tor responses, sympathetic skin599responses, also reveal a high degree of abnormality.
and cardiorespiratory reflexes, as well as In acute renal failure, the muscle action
visual and brainstem auditory evoked po- potential may show a marked reversible
tentials.131 reduction in amplitude, presumably as
the result of conduction block.99 The
partly reversible acute uremic neuropathy
Uremic Neuropathy may show some demyelinating features
simulating Guillain-Barre syndrome.709
A variety of neuropathies result from the In chronic renal failure, such diminution
complex effect of renal failure on peripheral in size of the compound potentials signals
neurons, myelin, and Schwann cells.729 axonal degeneration usually but not al-
Uremic neuropathy often develops in pa- ways associated with fibrillation poten-
tients with severe chronic renal failure or tials.75 Most uremic patients have an ab-
in patients undergoing chronic hemodial- normal pattern shift in visual evoked
ysis. The use of neurotoxic drugs such as potentials and somatosensory poten-
nitrofurantoin can contribute to the nerve tials.715 Electrophysiologic findings gen-
damage. Histologic findings comprise ax- erally, but not exactly, correlate with the
onal degeneration, secondary segmental clinical signs, levels of serum creatinine,
demyelination, and, less frequently, seg- and pathologic changes of the peripheral
mental remyelination.33,709,729,831 nerve.871,905 Mild electrical abnormali-
Clinical symptoms of neuropathy usu- ties sometimes herald clinical manifesta-
ally develop abruptly, with a sudden rise tions.930 Conduction velocities decrease
in vibratory threshold as one of the early with the deterioration of signs and symp-
signs. The lower limbs tend to show ear- toms and increase with improvement
lier and more prominent disturbances after 183,609,627,884
dialysis or kidney transplanta-
than the upper limbs. Some patients have tion, but the question Still re-
656 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

mains whether nerve conduction studies thy causing numb 504 chin545 or intestinal
can monitor the adequacy of renal dialy- pseudo-obstruction. Although results
sis.675 are generally disappointing, some patients
with anti-Hu-associated paraneoplastic
sensory neuropathy will respond to early
Neuropathies in aggressive immunotherapy.628
Malignant Conditions Distinguishing between paraneoplastic
and nonparaneoplastic sensory neu-
Malignant processes affect the peripheral ronopathies can tax the clinician. Promi-
nerve directly or indirectly.169,680,811 Lym- nent neuropathic pain, neurologic dys-
phomas and leukemias may invade or464,892 infil- function involving more than the
trate through hematogenous spread, peripheral sensory system, or an in-
whereas nonlymphomatous solid tumors creased cerebrospinal fluid protein should
may cause external compression. Occa- prompt a careful search for a cancer.125
sionally a metastasis may involve the dor- Subacute sensory neuropathy of oat cell
sal root ganglia.403 Neuralgic amyotrophy carcinoma may result in severe sensory
may develop in association with radiation loss secondary to dorsal root ganglioni-
therapy for Hodgkin's disease.533 tis.206 In one case, morphometric studies
Paraneoplastic neuropathies, as an au- at autopsy showed preferential loss of large
toimmune disorder,211 result166,407from the diameter sensory nerve cell bodies, marked
distant effects of lymphoma,
bron- loss of large myelinated fibers in the dor-
chogenic carcinoma, pancreatic carci- sal root and sural nerve, and almost total
noma,110 or, less commonly, tumors of the loss of myelinated fibers in the fasciculus
ovary, testes, penis, stomach, or oral cav- gracilis.632 Chronic idiopathic ataxic neu-
ity.611 Approximately one third of patients ropathy185 denotes the same type of pro-
with malignancies develop clinically latent gressive sensory neuropathy seen without
neuropathies.661 Patients with lung can- evidence of cancer.422
cer have a slightly higher incidence. Re- Quantitative sensory testing may un-
mote malignancies usually affect the dor- cover subclinical abnormalities involving
sal root ganglia, but also occasionally the both large and small fibers.510 The con-
anterior horn cells. Pathologic features duction studies reveal only mild slowing of
include (I) neuronal degenerations with sensory or motor fibers or both with sub-
secondary peripheral or central axonal stantial reduction in amplitude of sensory
changes; (2) demyelination reminicent of nerve,681 or muscle action potentials, or
acute or chronic idiopathic polyneuritis511; both. Electromyography typically shows
(3) microvasculitis with active wallerian de- fibrillation potentials and high-amplitude,
generation, causing mononeuritis multi- long-duration motor unit potentials in at-
plex630; (4) perineuritis defined as per- rophic muscles.661 Small, short-duration
ineurial thickening and inflammation794; polyphasic motor unit potentials occasion-
and, possibly, (5) opportunistic neuro- ally seen in wasted proximal muscles prob-
pathic infection. Both cytotoxic T cell-me- ably result from neuropathic abnormalities
diated attack against neurons and humoral of the intramuscular axonal twigs.47
mechanisms play a role in paraneoplastic
subacute sensory neuronopathy.893
Patients have clinical findings of sen- Neuropathies Associated
sory or motor deficits or, more commonly, with Paraproteinemia
mixed involvement. Sensory motor neu-
ropathy represents a group of heteroge- A number of studies have demonstrated
nous conditions with overlapping clinical a clear association between IgM and
and histologic features.27,125 Occasional IgG812 and, to a lesser degree, IgA772 mon-
patients develop a pure motor neuropathy oclonal proteins and peripheral neuropa-
mimicking myasthenic syndrome or poly- thy.311,565 Most affected patients have be-
radiculopathy seen in meningeal carcino- nign monoclonal gammopathy, sometimes
matosis. Systemic cancer may initially with a genetic predisposition.399 Other syn-
cause the symptom of mental neuropa- dromes occasionally encountered include
Polyneuropathies 657

primary systemic amyloidosis, osteosclerotic rapidly lowers the level of monoclonal anti-
myeloma, and, less frequently, osteolytic body, with some recovery of motor func-
multiple myeloma, Waldenstrom's macro- tion.634,760 Some patients also respond to
globulinemia, cryoglobulinemia, gamma high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin
heavy chain disease often associated with therapy159,188,536 and immunosuppressive
hepatitis C infection,29,191 Castleman's dis- treatment.241,615 The characteristic labora-
ease, or angiofollicular lymph node hy- tory findings include IgM and IgG, and less
perplasia with vasculopathy, papilledema, commonly, IgA gammopathy and a high
organomegaly, endocrinopathy, and para- level of cerebrospinal fluid protein. Electro-
proteinemia,202 and the syndrome of poly- physiologic and morphologic studies show
neuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopa- evidence of demyelination, although axonal
thy, monoclonal gammopathy, and skin loss is a major finding in a few.784
changes (POEMS).575,732,776,847 Table 25-1 This category also includes various
summarizes the main clinical and labora- polyneuropathy syndromes associated
tory features of these entities. In multiple with antibodies either to peripheral nerve
myeloma and macroglobulinemia, neu- myelin or myelin-associated glycoprotein
ropathy may develop as a feature of the (MAG)39,134,501,611,861,889 or to sulfated
underlying disorder or as the result of glucuronyl paragloboside (SGPG).672,862
paraproteins.817'857 Slowly progressive sensory motor neu-
Benign monoclonal gammopathy occurs ropathies of this type often show dispro-
in 10 percent of all patients with idiopathic portionate prolongation of distal motor la-
peripheral neuropathy.207,426 Conversely, tency as evidenced by increased residual
30-70 percent of those with benign mono- latency and decreased terminal latency in-
clonal gammopathy develop chronic sen- dices (see Chapter 5-4),414 showing a
sory motor neuropathy. The clinical fea- higher correlation with anti-MAG than
tures closely mimic those of chronic anti-SGPG titers.842 A combined syn-
inflammatory demyelinating poly-radicu- drome of gait ataxia and polyneuropathy
loneuropathy (CIDP) with progressive sen- seen in some of these patients often im-
sorimotor loss71,93,162,612,771 and occasional proves after intravenous immunoglobulin
tremor.665 The association with a central or other immunosuppresive therapy.670
lesion,499 although uncommon, includes Primary systemic amyloidosis or the
cerebral lymphoma.237 Plasma exchange light-chain type of amyloidosis affects mul-

Table 25-1 Main Features of Monoclonal

Protein-Peripheral Neuropathy Syndromes
Weak- Sensory nomic CSF
Type of PN Topography ness Loss Loss Course Protein MNCV Pathology
Benign Distal, ++ ++ + Chronic ++ Mild SD + AD
monoclonal rarely progressive slowing
(IgG, IgA) proximal
Benign Distal, ++ ++ 0 Chronic ++ Very SD
monoclonal symmetric progressive slow
Amyloidosis, Distal, +/ + + +++ ++ Chronic + Mild AD
light-chain symmetric progressive slowing
Osteosclerotic Distal, +++ + 0 Chronic +++ Very SD(+AD)
myeloma symmetric progressive slow
Waldenstrom's Distal, ++ ++ 0 Chronic ++ Very SD(occ'l AD)
macroglo- symmetric progressive slow
MNCV = motor nerve conduction velocity; AD = axonal degeneration; SD = segmental demyelination; PN =
peripheral neuropathy; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid.
From Kelly,425 with permission.
658 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

tiple organ systems with symptoms simi- munologic effect of the monoclonal pro-
lar to those of malignancy or collagen vas- tein on a myelin antigen as a precipitat-
cular disease. Patients with amyloidosis, ing cause.427,546 Intraneural injection of
however, have plasma cell dyscrasias and patient serum into rat sciatic nerve, how-
amyloidogenic immunoglobulins.260,302,844 ever, produces no demyelinative lesion.428
Amyloid accumulates in the flexor reti- Instead, the morphologic features suggest
naculum, causing carpal tunnel syndrome. axonal attenuation or distal axonal degen-
Diffuse peripheral neuropathy develops as eration with secondary demyelination.631
the result of metabolic or ischemic152,425
changes Patients with osteolytic multiple myeloma
or direct infiltration by amyloid. The may have amyloid neuropathy much like
clinical features consist of a painful sen- the type seen in systemic amyloidosis
sory and motor neuropathy, with promi- without multiple myeloma. These cases
nent autonomic dysfunction affecting show, in addition to prominent distal ax-
multiple systems. Axonal degeneration onal loss and carpal tunnel syndrome,
predominates in small myelinated and atypical features such as radiculopathy
unmyelinated fibers,835 usually sparing and mononeuritis multiplex. In this con-
the large myelinated fibers. This accounts dition, a peripheral neuropathy also de-
for the typical dissociated sensory loss velops without amyloidosis in 30-40 per-
with predilection for pain and tempera- cent of cases, based on electrophysiologic
ture sense with relative sparing of vibra- and histologic findings.123,425 Diverse
tory and position sense, that is, the re- clinical and electrophysiologic features re-
verse of the findings in large fiber type semble various subgroups of carcinoma-
diabetic neuropathy. Electrophysiologic tous peripheral neuropathy. Sensorimotor
abnormalities include slight slowing of the types show distal axonal degeneration and
motor nerve conduction velocity with mild mild decrease in nerve conduction veloc-
reduction in amplitude of the compound ity. The patients with primary sensory in-
muscle action potential; absence of the volvement characteristically have a loss of
sensory nerve action potentials with dis- proprioception but few deficits in the mo-
tal stimulation of the ulnar, median, or tor system.424 Those with primary motor
sural nerve; and evidence of superim- abnormalities have features similar to
posed compression of the median nerve at CIDP, with prominent slowing of nerve
the wrist. Electromyography reveals evi- conduction velocities.
dence of denervation diffusely but more Patients with Waldenstrom's macro-
conspicuously in the distal muscles of the globulinemia may develop a primarily de-
leg.429 An in vitro study of sural nerve myelinating sensory motor neuropathy of
compound action potentials has shown a the type commonly associated with benign
selective reduction in C and A delta po- monoclonal gammopathy.613 Occasional
tentials in familial amyloid neuropathy.224 patients, however, have axonal degenera-
This supports the view that amyloid neu- tion and amyloid infiltration, as in oste-
ropathy predominantly causes distal ax- olytic multiple myeloma. Electrophysio-
onal damage first in the sensory and then logic studies typically reveal predominant
in the motor fibers. segmental demyelination and, less fre-
Skeletal osteosclerotic lesions, although quently, evidence of axonal changes as a
seen only in less than 3 percent of major finding.887
myeloma patients as a whole, develop in In cryoglobulinemia,123 two types of
at least 50 percent of those with myeloma neuropathy develop: (1) a mild distal neu-
neuropathy.428 This type of myeloma com- ropathy probably the result of vasa ner-
monly affects younger patients and takes vorum microcirculation occlusion caused
a benign clinical course although the pa- by intravascular deposits of cryoglobulins
tient often develops demyelinating neu- and (2) a severe distal symmetric sensory
ropathy that resembles CIDP.205 Neu- motor 286
neuropathy with necrotizing vas-
ropathy may improve following surgery, culitis. Hepatitis C virus may play a
radiation, and chemotherapy.716 Electro- role in nonsystemic vasculitic mononeu-
physiologic and histologic evidence of ropathy multiplex associated with cryo-
prominent demyelination suggests an im- globulinemia.28,432,747 Electromyography
Polyneuropathies 659

and sural nerve biopsy specimens show tor polyneuropathy.448 In another study
axonal degeneration with a preferential of 23 patients with giant cell arteritis, 11
loss of large diameter fibers, confirming a had generalized neuropathy, 9 had
major role of ischemia in the pathogene- mononeuritis multiplex, and 3 had a
Sis 121,289,602 Treatment consists mainly mononeuropathy.114 Nerve conduction
of plasmapheresis.826 A reversible sensory studies show slow velocity in proportion
autonomic neuropathy seen in cold ag- to reduced amplitude of the compound
glutinin disease may have a similar patho- muscle and sensory potentials in the af-
genesis to those proposed for cryoglobu- fected limbs. A conduction block may re-
linemia.839 sult from subinfarctive nerve ischemia af-
fecting the segment outside the usual
sites of compression mimicking a de-
Necrotizing Angiopathy myelinative neuropathy.301,584,707 Serial
studies, however, usually demonstrate
In necrotizing angiopathy, which is prob- conversion of the electrophysiologic find-
ably related to autoimmune hypersensi- ings to those551most consistent with severe
tivity, patients have systemic 215 or nonsys- axonal loss. Electromyography reveals
temic vasculitic neuropathy. -636 The spontaneous activities in atrophic mus-
inflammatory process, possibly through cles as expected in81,175
acute or subacute ax-
endothelial cell activation,647 involves the onal neuropathy.
small- and medium-sized arteries in mul-
tiple organ systems, including the tho-
racic and abdominal viscera, the joints Sarcoid Neuropathy
and muscles, and the nervous system.
Necrosis of the media gives rise to small Patients with sarcoidosis develop distal
aneurysms and thrombosis of the vessels, sensory motor603polyneuropathy as a rare
with palpable nodules along the affected complication. Typical neuropathies as-
arteries. This type of neuropathy also oc- sociated with this disorder include Gul-
curs in association with known or sus- lain-Barre syndrome, mononeuritis mul-
pected connective tissue disease such as tiplex, lumbosacral plexopathy, and
rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, purely sensory neuropathy.938 Histologic
nonvasculitic, steroid-responsive mono- studies reveal granulomata or inflamma-
muliplex,515 and Sjogren's syn-
neuritis352,636 tory changes in the epineural and per-
drome or other multisystem diseases ineural spaces that lead to periangitis,
such as Wegener's granulomatosis400'610 panangitis, and axonal degeneration.625
and cryoglobulinemia with an IgM kappa Electrophysiologic abnormalities include
M protein.829 reduced amplitude of the compound sen-
The clinical symptoms and signs, which sory and muscle action potentials and
may appear either abruptly or insidiously, mild slowing in conduction studies,126-625
consist of malaise, fever, sweating, tachy- and prominent fibrillation potentials and
cardia, and abdominal and joint pain. Ap- positive sharp waves in electromyography.
proximately one half of the patients de- In one case, morphologic studies con-
velop neuronal disturbances such as firmed the electrodiagnostic impression of
diffuse polyneuropathy and mononeuritis an acute axonal and demyelinating neu-
multiplex. Neuropathy presumably re- ropathy.603 Differential diagnosis should
sults from ischemia caused by thrombo- include rare nerve root452
involvement caus-
sis of the nutrient arteries heavily infil- ing polyradiculopathy.
trated with inflammatory cells. The
disease may remit spontaneously despite
a generally poor prognosis, with survival Sjogren's Syndrome
of only a few months to a few years after
the onset of clinical symptoms. In one se- Patients with Sjogren's syndrome develop
ries, 10 of 16 patients had features of dryness of the eyes, mouth, and other mu-
mononeuritis multiplex, and the remain- cous membranes. The disease involves
ing 6 had a distal symmetric sensory mo- various anatomic structures such as
660 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

joints, blood, internal organs, skin, mus- Migrant sensory neuritis of Wartenberg
cle, and central and peripheral nervous has a benign relapsing and remitting
systems. Subacute sensory neuropathy course. Movement of the limbs induces a
may develop as a presenting symptom,315 stretch, leading to pain and subsequent
sometimes primarily affecting the distrib- loss of sensation in the distribution of in-
ution of the trigeminal nerve.532 Other dividual cutaneous nerves. Stimulation of
forms include mononeuropathy multiplex, the affected nerves may elicit small or no
distal sensory neuropathy, distal sensory sensory action potentials.549 Patients with
motor neuropathy, and pure sensory neu- polymyalgia rheumatica with muscle
ropathy.419,420,890 Electrophysiologic and aching, tenderness, and weakness may
sural nerve biopsy studies reveal an ax- have not only steroid-responsive myositis92
onal neuropathy in these cases.673 In one but also peripheral neuropathies.728,751
series of 33 cases,567 symmetric sensory Meningococcal septicemia may cause a
motor polyneuropathy occurred most fre- mixed sensory motor neuropathy with
quently, followed by symmetric sensory electrophysiologic findings consistent with
neuropathy. Approximately one fourth of axonal degeneration.704 Critically ill patients
patients had superimosed autonomic neu- may develop a severe motor and sensory
ropathy, mononeuropathy, or cranial neu- polyneuropathy of unknown cause74,937
ropathy. The symptoms, generally mild at and other neuromuscular diseases with
the onset, slowly progress.890 Nerve biopsy prolonged ventilator dependency.799 Some
specimens may reveal evidence of necrotiz- investigators advocate the term critical ill-
ing vasculitis, with axonal degeneration ness neuropathy as a useful clinical con-
more than demyelination. Some of the clin- cept,72 whereas others argue that the
ical and neurophysiologic findings suggest enormous complexity encountered in
the involvement of the spinal ganglion and critical illness weakness makes the impli-
postganglionic sympathetic ganglion cells.469 cation of a neuropathy as the cause of
syndrome untenable.87 Histologic investi-
gations of muscle atrophy in two critically
Other Neuropathies ill patients with generalized weakness re-
vealed marked type I and type II muscle
Sensory-motor neuropathy may accom- fiber atrophy and only minor axonal de-
pany some multisystem atrophy such as generation of sural nerves and intramus-
Shy-Drager syndrome,279 and the syn- cular nerve fibers.916 Limb compression
drome of skin pigmentation, edema, and during unattended coma may also cause
hepato-splenomegaly.823,845 Patients with multiple peripheral nerve injuries. The
hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism may unique combination of swollen limbs,
have sensory and motor conduction ab- pressure blisters, and myoglobinuria con-
normalities diffusely50,455,676 or localized stitutes the compartment syndromes.764
at the common sites of compression.752 In The neuropathy associated with poly-
systemic lupus erythematosus, patients cythemia vera involves large and small
may have a predominantly motor or sen- myelinated fibers with mild slowing of mo-
sory demyelinating polyneuropathy as the tor and sensory conduction.922 Distal ax-
presenting feature.553,639,640 onal degeneration follows ischemia pro-
The neuropathy associated with the hy- duced by thromboembolic occlusion of a
pereosinophilic syndrome develops at the major proximal limb artery,902 especially
onset of marked eosinophilia.295,430,899 It in patients at risk with uremia, dia-
affects both the sensory and motor fibers betes,699 or peripheral arterial disease.240
with multifocal conduction abnormalities Multiple sclerosis occasionally accompa-
and evidence of severe axonal degenera- nies hypertrophic demyelinating neuropa-
tion.210 The eosinophilia myalgia syn- thy with typical nerve conduction
drome466 develops in some patients tak- changes.679,758 Denervation of the rectal
ing preparations containing L-tryptophan, sphincter characterizes multisystem atro-
causing sensory motor neuropathy char- phy, which resembles primary autonomic
acterized by segmental demyelination and failure with an autonomic neuropathy as
distal axonal degeneration.102,208,266,351 a common feature.691 Burn patients may
Polyneuropathies 661

have undiagnosed neuropathy.540 Poly- well as axonal degeneration.393 The sero-

neuropathy may also result from lightning typic determinant of PEN 19 of Campy-
injury,353 severe hypothermia,
and graft- lobacter jejimi may aide in the production
versus-host disease. of anti-GMi antibody by a GMi-like
Other systemic disorders sometimes as- lipopolysaccharide.932 In vitro demyelina-
sociated with mild polyneuropathy include tion by serum antibody from patients with
Whipple's disease,177 celiac sprue,423 mul- Guillain-Barre syndrome requires termi-
tiple symmetric lipomatosis,596 acro- nal complement complexes.744 In one se-
megaly,396 Crohn's disease,375 Leigh's dis- ries,49 the relative change in anti-GM1
ease,154,392 xeroderma pigmentosum,359'417 titers showed an inverse relationship with
cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis,888 B- muscle performance. In another study,757
thalassemia,648 hemophagocytosis syn- circulating tumor necrosis factor-a corre-
drome,367 sickle cell anemia,763 juvenile lated with electrophysiologic abnormali-
Parkinson's disease,820 tyrosinemia,298 ties of demyelination.
Machado-Joseph disease, and multiple An inflammatory demyelinative neuritis
symmetric lipomatosis. affects all levels of the peripheral nervous
system,416 occasionally with retrograde de-
generation in the motor cells of the spinal
3 INFLAMMATORY, cord or brainstem. In mild cases, patho-
INFECTIVE, AND logic changes may consist of only slight
AUTOIMMUNE NEUROPATHIES edema of the nerves or roots with only min-
imal inflammatory infiltrates.710,750 In
contrast, the fulminant syndrome may
Inflammatory, infective, and autoimmune show universal inexcitability of the pe-
neuropathies include a wide range of dis- ripheral nerves with axonal59,249
orders, from Guillain-Barre syndrome and secondary to inflammation. The seg-
related disorders365,369,708,802 to diphthe- ment of maximal involvement varies from
ria and leprosy as well as acquired im- one patient to the next. This helps explain
munodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). the diversity of clinical findings and of
conduction abnormalities in different
cases. Guillain-Barre syndrome consists
Guillain-Barre Syndrome of a number of subtypes showing differ-
ent clinical and pathologic features. These
Although of unknown etiology, Guillain- include, in addition to the common acute
Barre syndrome and related demyelinative inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropa-
neuropathies closely resemble experimen- thy (AIDP), Fisher syndrome, acute motor
tal allergic neuritis,749 either by active im- sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN), and
munization with extracts of peripheral acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN),
nerve94,350 or by repeated transfer of P2 or acute flaccid paralysis in China. A sub-
protein-reactive T cell lines.490 Some pa- stantial proportion of the patients initially
tients with this syndrome have human diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome
immunodeficiency virus (HIV),164 herpes may turn out to have a neuropathy with
zoster virus,641 or hepatitis B virus infec- another etiology, especially heavy metal
tion. Other possibilities include Campy- intoxication. 25°
lobacterje/unienteritis,238,320,349,474,759,934 Although the clinical and pathologic find-
Mycoplasma infection with anti-Gal-C an- ings vary even among patients with the
tibody,476 and Cyctospora infection.697 In classical syndrome, certain diagnostic cri-
most, however, repeated attempts have teria have emerged.34,365 In about two
failed to isolate infective agents. These thirds of the cases, neurologic symptoms
findings support an autoimmune patho- follow a mild, transient infectious process
genesis rather than direct invasion of the of either the respiratory system or, less
nerve by infectious agents.349 commonly, the gastrointestinal system.
Serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Some patients seem to have other precip-
anti-GMi antibodies may play a key role in itating events such as polio,447 rabies vac-
the pathogenesis of demyelination686,777 as cine treatment,105 and allogeneic bone
662 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

marrow transplantation.897 The first matic intervals.8,901 These patients have a

symptoms of neuropathy usually appear high incidence of an antecedent illness,
in about 1-2 weeks, when the infection lack an apparent response to immunosup-
has resolved. Occasionally, the disease pressive therapy, and have a normal CSF
takes the form of encephalomyeloradicu- protein level.314 Although some patients
loneuropathy with progressive central improve dramatically following corticos-
nervous system disease,592 bilateral deaf- teroid therapy,624 prednisone may ad-
ness,601 or severe sensory motor neu- versely affect the eventual outcome of the
ropathy.898 Rarely, seizures and other disease.373 Plasma exchange35,397 can be
signs of cerebral involvement may signal beneficial but not universally.568 Some pa-
the onset of illness in children.906 Weak- tients show antibody rebound after ther-
ness initially involves the lower limb, apy, with705,720
deterioration of nerve conduction
sometimes rapidly progressing to the up- studies. Treatment with intravenous
per limb and the face within a few days. immunoglobulin may or may
Paralysis of proximal muscles and facial not be beneficial.118
diplegia contrast with the distal weakness The time course of recovery depends on
characteristic of other forms of neuropa- the extent of demyelination and, more im-
thy. Respiratory problems develop in ap- portantly, axonal degeneration. In one se-
proximately one half of the patients.711 ries, severe residual deficits developed in
Occasional patients have an acute, severe, the patients with highly elevated anti-GMi
and progressive illness with quadriplegia activity863 and in another in those with
in 2-5 272,574
days, requiring mechanical venti- high IgG 933
antibody titers against GD1a gan-
lation. In addition to these features, glioside. '935 Some patients have severe
unfavorable predictive factors include old axonal loss without inflammation or de-
age, preceding infection, bulbar paralysis, myelination246,247,694,866,931 or secondary
and 297
onset of paralysis in proximal mus- to demyelination.57,173,249 Such patients
cles. may not regain motor function for 1-2
Other early signs include diminished or years. Although specific treatment has
lost muscle stretch reflexes, miminum sen- shortened the duration of mechanical
sory loss despite painful distal paresthe- ventilation, elderly patients with pre-ex-
sias, and, occasionally, myokymia and even isting pulmonary disease tend to require
involuntary contraction resulting682
from con- tracheostomy.491 In some patients, im-
tinuous motor unit discharges. Careful paired joint mobility becomes a major dis-
testing usually reveals deficiencies in vi- ability 795
despite an improving neurologic
bratory sense, two-point discrimination, status.
and pain perception. The autonomic dys- Electrodiagnosis plays a key role in the
function mainly results from axonal de- evaluation.10,14,161,713 In advanced stages
generation of the vagus and splanchnic of disease, nerve conduction studies usu-
nerves as seen in experimental allergic ally show velocities reduced by more than
neuritis563 involving both sympathetic 30-40 percent from the normal mean
and parasympathetic fibers of the cardio- value and abnormal temporal dispersion
vascular, sudomotor, gastrointestinal, and of the compound muscle action potential
other systems.936 Some patients have (see Figs. 5-8A,B). In milder forms, stud-
transient elevation or fluctuation of blood ies may reveal less dramatic changes be-
pressure and heart rate as261,712
the result of cause initial weakness commonly results
sympathetic hyperactMty. The CSF from proximal conduction block without
typically contains high protein levels and distal abnormalities.98 Indeed, 15-20 per-
no cells with the exception of some lym- cent of cases have entirely normal nerve
phocytes in occasional cases. conduction studies distally during the
The disease follows an acute or suba- first 1-2 weeks.236,443 Thus, normal con-
cute course with usual progression up to ventional conduction studies by no means
6 weeks after onset.374 The symptoms and precludes the diagnosis.483 In fact, the ini-
signs then plateau for a variable period tial absence and later delay of the F-wave
before gradually improving. Occasionally with normal distal conduction (see Figs.
acute relapses occur after long asympto- 18-6 and 18-10 and Table 18-4) charac-
Polyneuropathies 663

terizes the typical pattern of abnormalities, features, however, may have a primarily
indicating vulnerability of the most proxi- axonal neuropathy and prominent dener-
mal, possibly radicular portions of the vation first detectable 2-3 weeks after On-
motor fibers, with little changes along the Set 247,559
main 299,439,443,446,559
nerve trunk at the onset of ill- Sequential conduction studies show
ness. As in any neuropa- great variability among different patients
thy, the early changes may also selectively and even from one nerve to another in the
involve the common sites of nerve com- same patient.442 Relatively common pat-
pression98,480,483 and the most terminal terns of conduction failure include a
segment, presumably reflecting the longest length-dependent and uniform reduction
distance from the cell body. Immune-me- of compound muscle action potentials
diated attacks on the axolemma of motor presumably based on a random distribu-
fibers may also give rise to rapidly resolv- tion of lesions.867 Reversible proximal
ing conduction slowing and conduction conduction block often underlies rapid re-
block in the absence of demyelination.481 covery.62 In contrast, reduction in ampli-
Early and severe demyelination with sec- tude of compound muscle action poten-
ondary axonal damage may mimic acute tials with distal stimulation generally
motor axonal variant clinically and electro- suggests axonal degeneration, especially
physiologically because of inexcitability of when accompanied by normal conduction
motor nerves.411,544 velocities.165,181,319,573 Here, functional
Despite the clinical pictures of predom- recovery depends on axonal regeneration,
inantly motor involvement, sensory or which takes considerably longer than
mixed nerve conduction studies520 show remyelination. Very small distally evoked
distinct, albeit milder, abnormalities of potentials, however, may also result
the median and ulnar nerves. Interest- from primary demyelination of terminal
ingly, the disease tends to spare the sural branches.272,332 Thus, this finding does
nerve sensory action potential, often re- not necessarily imply 927a poor prognosis, es-
garded as one of the first affected in other pecially in children. After treatment,
neuropathies.590 Quantitative thermal conduction studies may840or may not revert
threshold measurements may uncover toward normal values. The nerve con-
early abnormalities at small nerve fibers.827 duction velocity often becomes slower
Phrenic nerve conduction time may provide while the patient begins to improve,
a sensitive measure in 312predicting impend- demonstrating again the lack of a strong
ing ventilatory failure. Studies of the correlation between clinical and electro-
blink reflex frequently reveal conduction physiologic assessments.
abnormalities as expected from clinical fa-
cial palsy (see Figs. 17-4 and 17-12 and
Tables 17-1 and 17-2). Although less sen- Miller Fisher Syndrome
sitive than F-wave studies,637 somatosen-
sory evoked potentials to median nerve The Miller Fisher syndrome259 consists of
stimulation may demonstrate a proximal ataxic gait, absence of muscle stretch re-
conduction delay between Erb's point and flexes and ophthalmoplegia. Despite im-
the cervical cord in patients with normal munologic peculiarities of this sub-
sensory conduction distal to Erb's point group,534 as evidenced by its association
during the first few weeks of onset.98,299 with serum antibodies to GQ1b ganglio-
Spontaneous activities include facial or side, It Probably con-
limb myokymic discharges (see Fig. 14- stitutes a cluster within the overlapping
12B), which may appear early, sometimes spectrums of Guillain-Barre syndrome.825
persisting during the course of illness,547 One atypical patient with this syndrome
and, rarely, continuous motor unit dis- had abnormal pupils and normal eye
charges, or neuromyotonia.682 Otherwise, movements;904 another 256patient had a late
electromyography usually shows only a central demyelination. Patients with
reduced interference pattern indicating acute ataxic neuropathy, which resembles
neurapraxia without axonal degeneration. this syndrome, had severe sensory loss,
Occasional patients with typical clinical no motor deficits, and a poor prognosis.821
664 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

Antibody against QD1b may play a role in tral demyelination resembles chronic re-
the pathogenesis of sensory ataxic neu- lapsing experimental allergic encephalo-
ropathy.479,578,620 myelitis and neuritis. Chronic motor axonal
Electrophysiologic studies usually show polyneuropathy (CMAN) may constitutes a
characteristics of an axonal neuropathy or variant of CIDP.148,308,411,853
neuronopathy with prominent sensory Other possible features include sub-
nerve changes in the limbs and motor dam- clinical central nervous system involve-
age in the cranial nerves.269 The findings ment,633,642 dropped head syndrome,364
in one series included normal distal motor dysautonomia,380 and pure sensory pres-
nerve conduction velocities, F-wave laten- entation629,773 labeled chronic sensory de-
cies, and blink reflex and abnormal sen- myelinating neuropathy.61 The risk of re-
sory action potentials.743 Serial studies in lapse increases during pregnancy.554
such a case, however, may show a time Familial occurrence may indicate a genetic
course of conduction changes similar to predisposition.274,378 Steroid-responsive
those in Guillain-Barre syndrome.395,852 hereditary sensory neuropathies may im-
Electromyography usually reveals only ply superimposed acquired demyelina-
slight abnormalities in the limbs and ev- tion.67,230 The clinical features in children
idence of facial denervation. Immunoab- may mimic a genetically determined disor-
sorption plasmapheresis, while improving der.781 Compared with adults, children
ophthalmoplegia, may not prevent facial tend to have a more precipitous onset, a
palsy, possibly because it fails to remove higher incidence of gait abnormalities, and
responsible antibodies.142 greater neurologic deficits.774,775
Nerve conduction studies reveal evidence
of diffuse demyelination with characteris-
Chronic Inflammatory tics quite similar to those of Gullain-Barre
Demyelinating Polyneuropathy syndrome, except for chronicity.441 Other
electrophysiologic abnormalities include
Apart from its chronicity following axonal an increase in fiber density283 and macro-
changes, the disease may continue to motor unit potential, and myokymic and
worsen with persistent evidence of ongo- continuous motor unit discharge.475,570
ing demyelination.44,555 This variety, re- The CSF cell count is less than 10/mm3
ferred to as chronic inflcanmatory de- unless the patient is HIV seropositive. Mag-
myelinative polyradiculopathy (CIDP), has netic resonance imaging may show abnor-
progressive or relapsing, usually motor and mal enhancement reflecting inflamma-
sensory, but rarely only motor or sensory, tion.172 Nerve root hypertrophy194,548,581
dysfunction of a peripheral nature involv- may cause lumbar stenosis.305 Nerve
ing more than one limb, developing over at biopsy reveals unequivocal pathologic ev-
least 2 months.20 Other clinical features in- idence of demyelination and remyelina-
clude hyporeflexia or areflexia, usually in- tion by either electron microscopy or
volving all four limbs. The disease may fol- teased fiber studies.
low a progressive course over several years Prednisone causes a small but statisti-
with severe generalized disability,214,684 or cally significant improvement over no treat-
affect only upper limb.310,834 Although rare, ment.228,246 Plasma exchange is a useful
focal neuropathy may precede the onset therapy, especially in cases with features
by several years or asymmetrical polyneu- of demyelination rather than axonal de-
ropathy may show a stepwise progressive generation.267,307,677,891 Additional modes
course.881,886 A chronic demyelinating of therapy include cyclosporin,42,363 im-
neuropathy may accompany a relapsing munoglobulin,227,361,822,870,872,882 and in-
multifocal central nervous system disor- terferon-a2a.309,724
der whose clinical features resemble mul- Successful treatment with plasma ex-
tiple sclerosis.569,593,838 In these cases, change suggests a role for pathogenic hu-
electrophysiologic studies reveal a slowing moral factors.328 Systemic passive trans-
of peripheral conduction velocity as well fer of immunoglobulin is known to cause
as an increased central conduction time. demyelinative disease in monkeys with
The occurrence of both peripheral and cen- substantial reduction of conduction ve-
Polyneuropathies 665

locity.357 Antimyelin-associated glycopro- dition solely on the basis of clinical ex-

tein antibodies may develop later during amination.440
the course of the disease.859 The GM1 and Conduction blocks typically involve un-
GM3 autoantibodies may play a role in the usual sites such as the median412nerve in
pathogenesis of778CIDP in systemic lupus the forearm or brachial plexus rather
erythematosus. Patients may have im- than the common sites of compression
munoglobulin187and complement deposits seen in multiple entrapment neu-
in the nerve. ropathies.65 Most patients have selective
involvement of motor fibers with normal
sensory conduction through the sites of
Multifocal Motor Neuropathy motor conduction block. Both motor con-
with Conduction Block duction block and abnormally increased
threshold probably reflect a chronic focal
As a unique variant of CIDP, multifocal demyelinating lesion that for yet undeter-
motor neuropathy (MMN),654,656,671 is a mined reasons becomes persistent with-
potentially treatable condition that needs out repair.408,441,923 Some patients with
to be distinguished from amyotrophic features indistinguishable from ALS have
lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other motor multifocal5,914
motor nerve conduction abnor-
neuron syndromes. Affected patients de- malities. In one series, 17 of 169
velop chronic asymmetric predominantly patients clinically diagnosed as having
motor neuropthy with multifocal conduc- motor neuron disease had some abnor-
tion delay and persistent conduction malities in motor nerve studies, including
block.461,809,814,864 Although MMN typi- 10 with conduction block.488 Demonstra-
cally causes distal upper limb weakness tion of motor conduction block at multi-
and atrophy, proximal muscles, biceps ple sites differentiates this potentially
brachii in particular, may show hypertro- treatable clinical entity from the small
phy possibly associated with continuous subgroup of ALS patients with only lower
motor unit activity.635 Similar to earlier motor neuron involvement.485
reported cases296,503,739
with sensory and motor Electrophysiologic studies must confirm
involvements, the long-lasting the diagnosis before therapeutic trials are
conduction block suggests chronic de- initiated with, for example, immunosup-
myelination as the pathologic basis. Pa- pressants such as cyclophosphamide.136
tients often have normal or occasionally Several authors have documented suc-
even increased stretch reflexes409 with a cessful treatment with intravenous im-
normal or only slightly elevated CSF pro- munoglobulin.413'461'653'656'657'671'864
tein (Table 25-2). Some patients
develop Outcomes of therapy with either im-
cranial nerve involvement others, munosuppressants or, immunoglobulin,
central demyelination.506'667 These fea- however, vary considerably among differ-
tures make it difficult to diagnose the con- ent reported cases.186 Some patients im-

Table 25-2 Characteristics of MMN and CIDP

Pure motor manifestation Frequent Rare
Multiple mononeuropathy Yes No
Remission and
exacerbation No Yes
Generalized areflexia No Yes
CSF protein level Often normal Elevated
Sites involved in Forearm Entrapment
conduction block brachial plexus sites, root
Elevated Anti-GMl antibody Frequent Rare
Choice of therapy Immunosuppressants, Steroids, plasma
immunoglobulin exchange
CIDP = chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; CSF = cere-
brospinal fluid; MMN = multifocal motor neuropathy.
666 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

prove but do not return to normal, others These antibodies however, may not have
stabilize, some require long-term therapy, a causal relationship with MMN, as evi-
and still others become refractory to any denced by many patients without raised
from of treatment. Most studies suggest levels.487,652 Surface-bound antibodies di-
better results with cyclophosphamide or rected against a major axoplasmic anti-
human immunoglobulin therapy135,614 gen may be interfering with remyelination
than with prednisone or plasmapheresis. rather than causing demyelination.408,411
In our series,412,413 two patients with In some cases, nerve ischemia may play
MMN had focal conduction block involv- a role in the pathogenesis.619
ing motor but not sensory fibers at the In an extraordinary case,738 a patient
site of nerve swelling (see Fig. 7-16A,B). had received a duck embryo rabies vac-
A nerve biopsy taken adjacent to the en- cine 3 months before the onset of her mo-
largement in one patient revealed sub- tor neuron disorder. She had multifocal
perineurial edema and slight thickening conduction block, elevated levels of anti-
of the perineurium under low-power light GMi IgM antibodies, and deposits of IgM
micrographs.412 The perivascular area at at nodes of Ranvier. Aside from attacking
the center contained scattered large-di- motor neurons guided by the abundant
ameter axons almost devoid of myelin or GMi on the cell surface, anti-GMi anti-
with very thin myelin. These thinly myeli- bodies may cause conduction block in pe-
nated axons usually had small onion ripheral nerves by binding to the nodes of
bulbs. The presence of cytoplasmic Ranvier. An autopsy study in another pa-
processes covered with basement mem- tient showed findings consistent with both
brane suggested their Schwann cell ori- ALS and MMN.883 It is necessary to clar-
gin. A nerve biopsy specimen from an- ify the exact pathogenesis underlying
other patient also revealed a perivascular these findings to properly classify the mo-
area containing scattered demyelinated tor neuron disease and MMN.
axons surrounded by small "onion bulbs."
Morphometric studies with high-power
light micrographs showed a fiber density Acute Motor Axonal
of 6458 fibers/mm2 compared with 7906 Neuropathy in China
fibers/mm2 in the control. Axonal diame-
ter and myelin thickness had a linear Annual summer epidemics of acute onset
relationship in the normal subjects. In flaccid paralysis occur in northern China.
contrast, the patient had numerous large- Based on a historical analysis of more
diameter axons with thinner myelin, al- than 3200 patients, distinctive features
though some normally myelinated large include a high incidence in children and
axons remained. young adults residing in rural areas. Pa-
The underlying pathogenic mechanism tients develop rapidly progressive ascend-
centers on elevated titers of anti-GMi an- ing tetraparesis often with respiratory fail-
tibodies found in a wide variety of neuro- ure without fever, systemic illness, or
muscular conditions,482 but more com- sensory involvement followed usually by a
monly in some lower motor neuron satisfactory recovery.284,317,318,557,918 The
disorders and in MMN.456,669 Antibodies CSF shows no cells with an elevated pro-
may have a predilection for the GMi com- tein content in the second or third week
ponent of motor fibers, which have a622
longer of illness. Electrodiagnostic studies show
carbon chain than sensory fibers. Au- reduced compound muscle action poten-
toantibodies may exert their effect, in part, tial amplitudes, normal motor distal la-
by binding to GM1 on the surface of motor tencies and limb conduction velocities,
neurons.160 Anti-GM1 antibodies may738 or and normal sensory nerve action poten-
may not351,362,411,649 cause motor dys- tials. When elicitable, F waves also fall
function by binding to the nodal and para- within the normal range in latency. Au-
nodal regions. Sera of patients with MMN topsy studies have shown wallerian-like
but not with progressive spinal muscular degeneration of motor fibers. Thus, despite
atrophy induced conduction block in rat its inclusion as a variant of Gullain-Barre
tibial nerves despite a similar elevation of syndrome, this acute motor axonal neu-
anti-GM1 titers in both categories.854 ropathy (AMAN), mostly seen in China but
Polyneuropathies 667

possibly elsewhere, probably constitutes a ganism seems to have a predilection for

distinctive entity.389 A similar relationship great auricular, ulnar, radial, peroneal,
exists between CIDP and its presumed facial, and trigeminal nerves. Of the two
variant steroid-sensitive chronic motor ax- clinical forms, the lepromatous, or neural,
onal neuropathy (CMAN).853 type causes extensive and widespread
granulomatous infiltration of the skin,
leading to characteristic disfiguration. The
Diphtheritic Neuropathy diffuse sensory neuropathy seen in this
variety results from direct invasion of the
Prophylactic immunization and early use nerve trunks by the bacillus. The thick-
of immune sera and antibiotics in infected ened perineurium by an overgrowth of
patients have drastically lowered the inci- connective tissue compresses the myelin
dence of diphtheritic polyneuropathy, sheath and the axons. In the other type,
which occurs in about 20 percent of pa- the tuberculoid form, more focal involve-
tients. The exotoxin of Corynebacterium ment of the skin causes patches of the de-
diphtheriae becomes fixed to the nerve pigmented, maculoanesthetic areas. Here,
and produces segmental demyelination swelling of the nerves does not necessar-
after several weeks. Local paralysis of the ily imply direct invasion by the organisms.
palatal muscles may immediately follow The two types of clinical presentation
an infection of the throat. Neuropathy commonly overlap without clear separa-
may also develop in adults after contract- tion, giving rise to an intermediate or
ing cutaneous diphtheria, which still pre- mixed form. Nerve biopsy material taken
vails in the tropics. from sites remote from skin lesions re-
The clinical signs resemble those of veals subperineurial edema and various
Guillian-Barre syndrome.170 The symp- amounts of loss of myelinated and un-
toms typically develop 2-4 weeks after the myelinated fibers. Similarities in some of
initial infection. Patients have a high in- the pathologic changes observed in the
cidence of lower cranial nerve dysfunc- two types of leprosy suggest a common
tion, most notably palatal and pharyngo- mechanism of nerve damage in the early
laryngo-esophageal weakness. Blurring of stages.762 Teased fiber studies in each
vision results from paralysis of accommo- leprosy type also reveal paranodal de-
dation. Other autonomic abnormalities myelination affecting successive intern-
include cardiac vagal dysfunction.376 The odes.394
involvement of sensory and motor nerves Clinical features suggest mononeuritis
causes paresthesias and weakness of the multiplex or slowly progressive diffuse
affected limbs. A rapidly descending polyneuropathy. Common manifestations
paralysis may lead to respiratory prob- include facial palsy involving the upper
lems. The primary pathologic change con- half of the face, wristdrop, footdrop, and
sists of segmental demyelination involving claw hands. Neural leprosy may begin
the sensory and motor fibers.791 Conduc- with a small erythematous macule that
tion abnormalities usually begin a few soon enlarges, forming anesthetic depig-
weeks after the onset of neurologic symp- mented areas. The loss of pain and tem-
toms and peak after clinical recovery has perature sensation causes ulcerated
already begun.472 F-wave studies also necrosis of the skin. Palpation of the
help establish serial changes in motor affected nerve reveals characteristic
conduction.291 fusiform swelling caused by an infective
granulomatous process. Electrophysio-
logic abnormalities consist of moderately
Leprosy to markedly slowed motor and sensory
conduction, not only across enlarged seg-
An acid-fast bacillus, Mycobacterium lep- ments527,818 but also along the unpalpa-
rae, transmits leprosy, a chronic infec- ble portions.562 In one series, radial nerve
tious disease, by close and prolonged con- sensory abnormalities correlated best
tact. Although rare in the United States, with the clinical findings,753 whereas in
the disease still prevails in Africa, India, another ulnar sensory studies revealed
and South and Central America. The or- more prominent changes.97 Electromyog-
668 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

raphy reveals denervation in the atrophic as the sole electrophysiologic abnormal-

muscles. The denervated muscle shows ity.787
histopathologic changes of fascicular at-
rophy and inflammatory nodules.
Other Neuropathies
Acquired Immunodeficiency Subacute sensory neuropathy is a rare
Syndrome complication of Epstein-Bar virus infec-
tion.719 Herpes zoster may cause a painful
Patients with acquired immunodeficiency neuropathy in addition to the more com-
syndrome (AIDS) develop various types mon postherpetic neuralgia.586,587 He-
of neuropathy43,293,304,324,331,372,913 as patitis B viral infection, albeit rarely, may
evidenced by nerve conduction stud- cause mononeuritis multiplex during
ies.180,271,484,785 In this entity, cell-medi- acute stages.153,381 In paralytic rabies,
ated tissue destruction results from vascular and inflammatory changes pre-
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in- dominate in the central nervous system
fection and serves as the pathogenetic but peripheral nerves may show segmen-
mechanism of AIDS neuropathy.193 Pe- tal demyelination, remyelination, and wal-
ripheral neuropathy may complicate all lerian degeneration with variable axonal
stages of HIV infection.137,163,486,500,572 loss.146 Electrophysiologic abnormalities
Acute inflammatory demyelinating poly- include slowing of motor and, to a lesser
neuropathy,687 sensory and sympathetic extent, sensory conduction velocities, and
ganglia neuritis,242 and acute cranial reduced numbers of motor unit potentials
nerve palsy all may occur 2-3 weeks af- and fibrillation potentials.816 Demyelinat-
ter acute HIV infection, sometimes in oth- ing neuropathy may occur as a rare man-
erwise asymptomatic patients. Cytomega- ifestation of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.604
lovirus, a common pathogen in AIDS, also A tick (Ixodes) bite may result in
causes a wide spectrum of peripheral ner- meningoradiculoneuritis with electromyo-
vous system disorders, including multifo- graphic evidence of denervation, prolon-
cal demyelinative polyneuropathy.85'588 gation of distal motor latency, and low
Neuropathy is also one of the most com- sensory amplitude, suggesting axonal de-
mon neurologic manifestations in AIDS- generation.858 Lyme borreliosis causes a
related complex, affecting as many as 20 severe, predominantly axonal polyradicu-
percent of patients. loneuropathy typically with cranial neu-
In contrast to the autoimmune basis of ropathy and lymphocytic meningi-
demyelinative neuropathy,810 less clearly tis.335,516,528,746 The syndrome of acute
established pathogenetic mechanisms of sensory and autonomic neuropathy often
distal symmetric polyneuropathy include show a focal onset, suggesting an im-
infections, toxins, and nutritional causes. mune-mediated or vascular process at the
Polyradiculopathy most likely results from level of the posterior root or the dorsal root
infections with such agents as cy- ganglion.662,910 Other infective diseases
tomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus. occasionally associated with neuropathy
These cause a severe selective destruction include rickettsial disease,336 Chagas' dis-
of the motor neurons of ventral spinal ease, trypanosomiasis,767 and other types
roots and motor cranial nerves.51,234 Zi- of insect and spider stings.171
dovudine may induce mitochondrical my-
opathy but causes no clear neurotoxic-
ity.497 Electromyography reveals severe 4 METABOLIC AND
diffuse denervation distally, despite only TOXIC NEUROPATHIES
mildly slowed nerve conduction velocities.
Multifocal or distal symmetric inflamma-
tory neuropathy may herald the onset of Metabolic neuropathies consist of two
AIDS in some homosexual men with lyrn- groups, those representing nutritional
phadenopathy.508,543 These patients may disturbances and those resulting from
have reduced sural nerve action potentials toxic causes. Neuropathies attributable to
Polyneuropathies 669

a specific nutritional deficiency include thy.388 Peripheral neuropathy may also

beriberi, pellagra, and pernicious anemia. develop from a serum proteinase inhibitor
Toxic neuropathies develop after the ad- deficiency264 and hypophosphatemia as a
ministration of various drugs or the ex- rare postoperative complication.768
posure to chemical substances such as Pernicious anemia results from a defi-
lead or arsenic. Many neuropathies asso- ciency of intrinsic factors in gastrointesti-
ciated with general medical conditions nal secretions that mediate absorption of
also belong to this broad category. vitamin 612- Pathologic changes primarily
involve the dorsal and lateral funiculi of
the spinal cord, thus the name combined
Nutritional Neuropathies system disease. The peripheral nerves
also show fragmentation of myelin
Children with insufficient protein or calo- sheaths and degeneration of axons.457
rie intake suffer from retarded myelina- The presenting clinical symptoms consist
tion or segmental demyelination.147 They of paresthesias, dysesthesias, and loss of
have abnormalities of motor and sensory vibration and position sense. The patients
nerve conduction related to the severity of commonly have spastic paraparesis
the malnutrition. Severe malabsorption during the early stages, followed by are-
from blind loop syndrome also causes vi- flexia as the disease progresses. So-
tamin E deficiency.89,896 Alcoholic and matosensory evoked potentials show
paraneoplastic neuropathies result, at marked abnormalities in the peroneal
least in part, from inadequate food and vi- nerve and milder changes in the median
tamin intake, although some toxins may nerve, in addition to peripheral conduc-
also interfere with the metabolism of the tion changes consistent with sensory mo-
nerves.182 In primary biliary cirrhosis, a tor axonopathy,257'695 or rarely demyeli-
sensory neuropathy develops from poor nating neuropathy.9 Most untreated
nutrition, xanthomatous infiltrates, or im- patients have reduced conduction veloc-
munologic abnormalities.133 ity in 167
part because of a thiamine defi-
Diets deficient in vitamins and other ciency. Patients with prominent axonal
nutritional factors play a major role in the degeneration have diffuse spontaneous
polyneuropathy associated with beriberi, discharges detected electromyographi-
pellagra, pernicious anemia, dysentery, cally but nearly normal motor nerve con-
and cachexia. 19° Beriberi, or thiamine de- duction velocities.457 Appropriate treat-
ficiency, causes signs and symptoms sim- ment arrests the progression of
ilar 366
to those of alcoholic polyneuropa- neuropathy, but residual neurologic ab-
thy. They consist of pain, paresthesias, normalities persist.552
distal sensory loss and weakness, and ab-
sent stretch reflexes. A similar neuropa-
thy may develop during intended weight Toxic Neuropathies
reduction796 or anorexia nervosa.525 His-
tologic studies reveal conspicuous axonal Toxic neuropathies may have three pre-
degeneration and less prominent de- sumed sites of cellular involvement: (1)
myelination. Pellagra, another deficiency neuronopathy affecting cell bodies, espe-
disease involving the vitamin BI complex, cially those of the dorsal root ganglion; (2)
often affects malnourished patients with myelinopathy or Schwannopathy with pri-
chronic alcoholism. The clinical features mary segmental demyelination; and (3)
consist of gastrointestinal symptoms, skin distal axonopathy causing dying-back ax-
eruptions, and disorders of the peripheral onal degeneration. Of these, the first two
and central nervous systems. Neuropathic types include rare acute sensory neu-
characteristics include paresthesias, loss ronopathy following antibiotic treat-
of distal sensation, tenderness of the ment804 and segmental demyelination by
nerve trunks, hyporeflexia, and mild perhexiline maleate
used for therapy of
paralysis. Isolated vitamin E deficiency, in angina pectoris. Administration of diph-
the absence of lipid malabsorption, may theria toxin556 or tetanus toxoid693 or
cause ataxia and peripheral neuropa- chronic exposure to lead may also cause
670 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

myelinopathy. Distal axonopathies, the neuropathies generally affect the large-di-

most common form of toxic neuropathy, ameter fibers, first in the distal segments
often involve not only peripheral but also with subsequent progression proximally
central axons, causing central-peripheral toward the cell body. The pathologic
distal axonopathy. In experimental acry- process then spreads to small-diameter
lamide neuropathy, recovery begins in the axons.
largest peripheral axons perhaps at the The sudden development of clinical
expense of central axons.410 symptoms in distal axonopathy reflects
A variety of drugs and industrial chemi- the acuteness of intoxication. In contrast,
cals cause distal axonopathy. Drugs with an insidious onset suggests chronic low-
known neurotoxicity include allopurinol,38
level exposure. Toxins often affect the
amiodarone, chloramphenicol, longer and more vulnerable nerves of the
cisplatin,698,703 colchicine,470,722,928 dap- lower limb initially. Early signs include
sone,454 diphenylhydantoin,690 2',3'-dide- distal weakness, hypesthesia or paresthe-
oxycytidines60 disulfiram,26'638 FK506,908 sia in a glove and stocking distribution,
gold,421 isoniazid, lithium,130,875 L-trypto-, as well as reduced ankle stretch reflexes.
phan,295 melarsoprol,294 metronidazole,84 Symptoms may worsen after termination
misonidazole,56 nitrofurantoin, nitrous of exposure. Despite this phenomenon, re-
oxide,492,725 penicillamine,664 perhexiline ferred to as "coasting," the removal of the
maleate,79,726 phenytoin,766 pyridox- neurotoxin eventually leads to a gradual
ine,63,655,911 taxol,235,509,860 suramin,792 recovery. The axons, once degenerated,
thalidomide,273 and vincristine.86,115 regenerate slowly over months to years,
Some drugs show a characteristic pat- with incomplete return of function. The
tern of neuropathic involvement. For ex- selection of proper electrophysiologic tests
ample, vincristme causes primarily motor depends largely on the nature of the con-
neuropathy, whereas pyridoxine abuse dition under study.494 A few specific tox-
leads to a pure sensory central-peripheral ins such as perhexiline maleate result in
distal axonopathy.655 Studies in chick demyelination as evidenced by motor
embryos show that exogenous administra- nerve conduction studies.79 Toxic expo-
tion of gangliosides may attenuate the neu- sure to n-hexane causes a primarily ax-
rotoxicity of vincristine in vitro.371 Cis- onal polyneuropathy with secondary de-
platin used to treat maligant tumors myelination623,783 and pathologic features
induces an axonopathy that bears a great consistent with giant axonal neuropa-
resemblance to sensory neuropathy some- thy.128 Most other toxins lead to axonal
times associated with such a neoplasm.460 loss, showing reduced amplitude of the
This dose-dependent sensory neuropathy compound nerve and muscle action po-
primarily causes a distal lesion, affecting tentials. In these cases, substantial de-
large sensory neurons as well as the spinal generation of large, fast-conducting fibers
cord and brainstem.462 The adrenocorti- accounts for a slight increase in distal la-
cotropic hormone analogue Org 2766 can tency and a decrease in conduction ve-
prevent or attenuate cisplatin neuropa- locity. Electromyography shows fibrilla-
thy.865 Psychiatric patients treated with tion potentials and positive sharp waves.
the phenothiazine derivative perazine may Lead and arsenic, two specific agents re-
develop subacute axonal neuropathy af- sponsible for distal axonal neuropathies,
ter intense sun exposure.702 merit further attention.
Industrial chemicals causing toxic ax- The general features of lead poisoning
onal neuropathy include acrylamide,410'600 include abdominal cramps, encephalopa-
carbon disulfide,646 isofenphos,120 inor- thy, and the occasional appearance of a
ganic mercury,13,30,780 methyl n-butyl ke- blue lead line along the gingival border.
tone,16,798 R-hexane,129,623,660,783 nitrous Laboratory tests reveal the presence of ba-
oxide,885 organophosphate ester mecar- sophilic stippling of erythrocytes and ele-
bam,800 organophosphate parathion,517,877 vated lead levels. Neuropathy occurs pri-
polychlorinated biphenyl,139 tellurium,850 marily in adults occupationally exposed to
thallium,192,924 triorthocresyl phosphate,876 lead or following accidental ingestion of
and vinyl chloride.668 These toxic axonal contaminated food but may also affect
Polyneuropathies 671

children with known plumbism or pica.252 predominantly sensory involvement asso-

Predominent involvement of motor fibers ciated with chronic low-level toxicity.316
innervating the extensor muscles of the
upper limbs produces bilateral radial
nerve palsies without sensory loss. The re- 5 INHERITED NEUROPATHIES
moval of the toxin leads to a gradual re-
covery over a period of several months.
Lead produces segmental demyelination Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
in some animal species, possibly because (HMSN) comprises several types: hyper-
extravasated lead in the interstitial fluid trophic and neuronal varieties of Charcot-
injures the Schwann cells directly.591 This Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), Dejerine-Sot-
type of pathologic change does not neces- tas disease, Refsum disease, and those
sarily characterize the neuropathy seen in associated with spinocerebellar degenera-
101 tion, optic atrophy, and retinitis pigmen-
human cases,
which show severe ax-
onal loss. A group of workers exposed tosa. Patients with these familial demyeli-
to lead had temporally dispersed com- native neuropathies characteristically
pound muscle action potentials but nor- have uniform conduction slowing of all
mal maximal conduction velocity.119 nerves without signs of major conduction
Arsenic poisoning usually results from block. This stands in sharp contrast to the
accidental ingestion of rat poison or expo- typical findings in an acquired demyeli-
sure to industrial sprays.253 The adminis- native neuropathy with multifocal slowing
tration of melarsoprol, an organoarsenic and conduction block and differential in-
compound, may also cause toxic arsenic volvement of various nerves and nerve
accummulation in the presence of renal segments.502 Other inherited polyneu-
and hepatic dysfunction.294 Polyneuropa- ropathies include hereditary neuropathy
thy develops several weeks after acute poi- with liability to pressure palsies, Friedre-
soning or more slowly with chronic low- ich's ataxia, acute intermittent porphyria,
level exposure. Pale transverse bands cerebral lipidosis, hereditary sensory neu-
bearing the eponym Mee's lines appear ropathy, lipoprotein neuropathy, giant ax-
parallel to the lunula in all fingernails and onal neuropathies, Fabry's disease, and
toenails about 4-6 weeks after arsenic in- familial amyloid neuropathy.
gestion. In one study, serial examination
revealed maximal sensory and motor loss
within 4 weeks of the estimated time of Genetic Classification of
exposure and only partial improvement 2 Hereditary Motor and
years after the onset of illness.589 Arsenic Sensory Neuropathies
is found in the urine during acute expo-
sure and in the hair and nails later. These Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), al-
clinical features resemble those of alco- though long regarded as a single entity,
holic neuropathy with early loss of stretch consists of two major varieties, hyper-
reflexes and painful paresthesias and sen- trophic and neuronal.100,124,346,382 Ge-
sory loss in a glove and stocking distrib- netic linkage studies provide evidence for
ution. Flaccid paralysis may develop later, further heterogeneity.68,323,650 The most
beginning in the lower limbs and eventu- common hypertrophic or demyelinative
ally affecting the upper limbs. Electro- form (Table 25-3) usually has an autoso-
physiologic studies show marked sensory mal dominant inheritance genetically lo-
abnormalities indicative of axonal degen- calized on chromosome 17196,333,345
(CMT1A) or
eration,626 progressive slowing of motor chromosome 1 (CMT1B). The
conduction velocity,589 and evidence of most prevalent form, CMT1A, has a tan-
denervation in electromyography. Timely dem duplication of chromosome
removal of the toxin leads to nearly com- 17pll.2-12 with trisomic expression of
plete recovery of conduction abnormali- the peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP-22)
ties. An acute demyelinating polyneu- gene521 or, less frequently, a missense
ropathy may develop following acute mutation of PMP-22.127,856 Men tend to
exposure in contrast to the distal axonal have a more severe form of the disease
672 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

Table 25-3 Genetic Classification of

Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy
Locus Gene Mechanism
CMT1 (HMSN type I)
CMT1A 17pll.2-12 PMP-22 Duplication/point mutation
CMT1B lq21-23 Po Point mutation
CMT1C Unknown Unknown Unknown
CMT2 (HMSN type II)
CMT2A lp35-36 Unknown Unknown
CMT2B 3ql3-22 Unknown Unknown
CMT2C Unknown Unknown Unknown
CMTX PC-linked HMSN)
CMTX1 XqlS.l CX32 Point mutation
CMTX2 Xp22.2 Unknown Unknown
CMTX3 Xq26 Unknown Unknown
Dejerine-Sottas disease (HMSN type III)
DSD type A 17pll.2-12 PMP-22 Point mutation
DSD type B lq22-23 Po Point mutation
Hereditary neuropathy with pressure palsies
HNPP type A 17pll.2-12 PMP-22 Deletion/point mutation
HNPP type B Unknown Unknown Unknown
CMT = Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease; CMTX = CMT, X-linked dominant or recessive; DSD = Dejerine-Sot-
tas disease; HMSN = hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy; HNPP = hereditary neuropathy with pres-
sure palsies.

than women, who may have formes muscle fiber hypertrophy predominantly
frustes.346 In contrast to CMT1A, the less of type I fibers,195,734 and others have
common CMT1B has a linkage to chro- neuropathy with optic atrophy.793 In one
mosome lq21-23, showing point muta- family with HMSN, some members had
tions in myelin protein zero (P0).522,779 An- features of myotonic dystrophy, and oth-
other type, CMT1C, has no linkage to ers had only its genetic markers on chro-
either chromosome 1 or chromosome 17. mosome 19.797 A large group of clinically
Genetic linkage analysis has identified unequivocal cases show a bimodal distri-
at least three different forms of the neu- bution of nerve conduction velocities.346
ronal type (CMT2) mapping to chromo- Some kinships have both the neuronal
somes lp,3q and 7p: CMT2A (lp35-36), and hypertrophic types and some investi-
CMT2B (3q 13-22), CMT2C (unknown gators emphasize the existence of an in-
loci), and CMT2D (7pl4).522,733 Other re- termediate variety.80,292,674
ported sites of mutation include chromo- Linkage analyses in autosomal domi-
some lq21-23 (P0).541 A neuronal type nant cerebellar ataxia have demonstrated
with onset in early childhood shows none genetic heterogeneity and subclassifica-
of the regenerative features considered tion:467 spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 to
characteristic of autosomal dominant type 7 (SCA1 to SCA7) with five identified
CMT2.276 Occasional 346
patients have an au- genes all showing expanded and unstable
tosomal recessive, X-linked dominant CAG repeat, SCA1 on 6p22-23, SCA2 on
pattern (CMTX1),674 or a 386recessive (CMTX 12q23-24.1, SCA 3/Machado-Joseph dis-
2 and CMTX 3) pattern. Clinical elec- ease (MJD) on 14q24.3, SCA6 on 19pl3,
trophysiologic and histologic findings also and SCA7 on 3pll-13, and two unidenti-
support primary axonal or demyelinat- fied genes, SCA4 and SCA5 on chromo-
ing neuropathy in the X-linked disorder somes 16 and 11.
(CMTX), which includes X-linked dominant In another disorder called hereditary
CMTXl(Xql3.1) with connexin 32(CX32) neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy
point mutations,69,737,819 and X-linked re- (HNPP) with autosomal dominant inheri-
cessive CMTX2(Xp22.2) and CMTX3(Xq26) tance,496 slight traction or compression
without CX32 point mutations.382 leads to motor and sensory deficits in an
Some families with autosomal dominant otherwise asymptomatic patient. In most
HMSN have calf enlargement caused by families thus far studied, patients have a
Polyneuropathies 673

1.5 megabase (Mb) deletion in a segment then the thigh and the upper limbs, spar-
of chromosome 17p11.2-12 that contains ing the trunk and girdle musculature.
the PMP-22 gene.418,537,607,926 The dupli- Some patients develop diaphragmatic
cation in CMTIA and deletion in HNPP in paralysis with respiratory or cardiac fail-
the same region are probably conse- ure.343 The classic stork leg configuration
quences of unequal crossing-over during develops only rarely in the hypertrophic
germ cell meiosis.127 Both neuropathies type. Bilateral footdrop causes a charac-
result from an imbalance in PMP-22 ex- teristic gait difficulty. The patient has
pression.278 In one series of 51 patients paresthesias, dysethesias, and muscle
with multifocal neuropathies, DNA analy- pain associated with foot deformity. Typ-
sis detected the deletion of 17p11.2 in 24, ical findings include palpable nerves, loss
establishing the diagnosis of HNPP.848 In of vibratory and position senses, reduced
another study, underexpresssion of PMP- cutaneous sensations, and diminished
22 mRNA correlated with disease severity stretch reflexes, first at the ankle and later
and with mean axon diameter.748 Reports diffusely. The disease progresses very
of kinships without the typical 1.5 Mb slowly over many decades, at times show-
deletion suggest genetic heterogeneity.19 ing spontaneous arrest. Muscle atrophy
and weakness may incapacitate the pa-
tient, but not always. Many investigators
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease consider Roussey-Levy syndrome with a
Type 1 (HMSN Type I) static tremor of the hands as a variant of
this type.107 Patients may suffer from tem-
The hypertrophic variety of CMT1 affects porary worsening of otherwise stable
both sexes, but men more commonly than symptoms during pregnancy.721 Neuro-
women. Histologic studies reveal enlarge- logic deficits may result from compression
ment of the peripheral nerves, segmental of the spinal cord, vertebral arteries, or
demyelination and remyelination with neural foramina by the hypertrophic nerve
onion bulb formation, and axonal atro- roots.714 Occasionally, a patient with
phy.873 Despite some studies suggesting CMT1 will develop superimposed chronic
a primary neuronal disturbance based on inflammatory demyelinating polyradicu-
axonal atrophy, morphologic and mor- loneuropathy, which may respond to im-
phometric investigations reveal a lack of munosuppressive therapy577 or corticos-
small- and large-diameter myelinated ax- teroids.67 Possible surgical therapies for
ons at an early stage, and a demyelinat- upper limb neuropathy include standard
ing process followed by axonal loss.277 In tendon transfers, nerve compression re-
a kindred displaying a dominant inheri- lease, soft tissue releases, and joint fu-
tance, marriage between two heterozy- sions.96
gotes resulted in two homozygous off- Nerve conduction studies show a marked,
spring. The homozygotes had clinical diffuse, and uniform slowing as a hall-
features of the classic Dejerine-Sottas dis- mark of CMTl.156,347,851 The uncommon
ease. Unusual and sometimes devastating recessive forms have slower conduction
clinical features may result from a rare than the dominant form.347 The motor
chance association of CMTIA with such conduction velocities in affected family
disorders as facioscapulohumeral muscu- members average less than one half those
lar dystrophy,103 myasthenia gravis,138 of normal individuals, varying from 9 to
Noonan syndrome,769 and 112 posterior in- 41 m/s with a mean of 25 m/s.225 The
terosseous nerve syndrome. range of conduction velocities found in af-
The symptoms begin insidiously during fected individuals show no overlap with
the first two decades, sometimes with those of their clinically normal relatives,
subtle clinical signs appearing even in indicating complete penetrance of the
children before 1 year of age. These in- gene from early childhood.606 Slowing of
clude pes planus, distal foot wasting, conduction is completely concordant with
weakness of ankle eversion, and dorsi- the presence of the segmental duplication
flexion and areflexia.248 Atrophy initially in CMTIA.415 The great variation in con-
involves the peroneal musculature and duction velocity emphasizes the influence
674 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

of factors apart from the shared genetic Some patients

also have impaired central
mutation on phenotypic expression. Pro- conduction and autonomic dysfunc-
longed terminal latencies in the early tion,790 but not universally.379
stages Indicate distally prominent slow-
ing.326 The disease affects both peripheral
and central sensory fibers, as evidenced Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
by delay and reduction of sensory poten- Type 2 (HMSN Type II)
tials as well as somatosensory evoked po-
tentials.405 In the neuronal variety of CMT, patients
Despite slowing, a limited degree of tem- have neither hypertrophic nerves nor
poral dispersion indicates a homogeneity prominent segmental demyelination. In-
of the pathologic process. The extent of herited as an autosomal dominant disor-
the conduction abnormality varies little, der, symptoms and signs appear in early
not only among members in the same fam- adulthood or later. Rarely the disease ap-
ily but also from 405one nerve to another in pears in early childhood sporadically or
the same patient. Such uniformity helps with autosomal recessive or dominant in-
differentiate this entity from acquired in- heritance.645 Most consider a third type
flammatory polyneuropathy. Conduction of CMT disease, designated as the spinal
abnormalities may herald clinical onset of form, as a variant of the neuronal type or
neuropathy.874 Motor nerve conduction of distal spinal muscular atrophy.
velocities attain maximal slowing over the The clinical features, although much
first 3-5 years of life326435and remain rela- less generalized, resemble those of CMT1
tively stable thereafter, whereas com- with less conspicuous sensory distur-
pound muscle action potentials decline in bances. As the name peroneal muscular
amplitude, reflecting a progressive axonal atrophy indicates, affected patients de-
loss.717 Both measures, despite an inverse velop selective muscular wasting of the
relationship to clinical severity, show no legs with limited involvement of the upper
correlation with age,368 probably because limbs in early states. An almost total loss
the primary pathologic 244 process remains of muscle bulk below the knee gives rise
inactive after childhood. Serial electro- to a stork leg appearance. Despite foot-
physiologic studies can detect the CMT1A drop with severe weakness of the plantar
gene abnormalities in infancy and early flexors and clubfeet, patients often walk
childhood.285 For purposes of genetic fairly well, rarely showing total incapaci-
counseling, a clinically and electrophysi- tation. Some affected individuals have
ologically normal subject at 6 months of tremors of the hands, but much less com-
age has a very small risk of having in- monly than those with CMT1. Plexiform
herited the CMT1 gene,55 although the neurofibroma of the cauda equina58 may
florid clinical picture may 285not occur until mimic peroneal muscular atrophy.
the second decade of life. Electrophysiologic studies reveal mild
Other electrophysiologic abnormalities slowing of nerve conduction velocities, con-
include absent or delayed F waves, a find- sistent with a reduction in amplitude of the
ing442 that matches the slowing of motor compound sensory nerve and muscle ac-
nerve conduction in the distal segment (see tion potentials.56,347 Electromyographic
Figs. 18-7 and 18-10 and Table 18-3).438
studies typically show large motor unit po-
Studies of facial nerve; and phrenic tentials, fasciculation potentials, fibrillation
nerve111 also show increased latencies de- potentials, and positive sharp waves.223
spite relatively normal strength of the fa-
cial muscles and diaphragm (see Figs.
17-12A and 17-14 and Tables 17-2 and Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
17-4). Recording isometric force during X-linked Dominant Type 1
fastest voluntary contraction shows a pro-
longation in contraction time and a reduc- The genetically heterogeneous group of
tion in maximal rate of rise of tension.513 hereditary motor and sensory neu-
In many patients, studies of evoked poten- ropathies includes a rare variant with X-
tials detect a minor degree of involvement linked dominant inheritance.718 In a large
of visual108 and auditory459,745 pathways. Canadian kindred traced through six gen-
Polyneuropathies 675

erations,329 affected fathers had no male- dance of focal myelin thickenings, or

to-male transmission, whereas all their tomacula, which serve as a striking dis-
daughters expressed the disease. The typ- criminating feature. The clinical, genetic,
ical clinical features included onset in and electrophysiologic characteristics
early childhood, pes cavus, distal muscu- otherwise resemble those of Dejerine-Sot-
lar atrophy, and sensory abnormalities. tas disease. In contrast to the generalized
Electrophysiologic observations indicated form, rare localized hypertrophic neu-
a substantial loss of distal motor and sen- ropathy consists of isolated mononeu-
sory nerve fibers with primary axonal de- ropathy with focal nerve enlargement.786
generation, a non-uniform slowing of mo- This entity represents a localized form of
tor conduction velocities and dispersion of Dejerine-Sottas disease, an entrapment
compound action potential reminiscent of neuropathy, or an intraneural neurofi-
acquired chronic demyelination.819 broma. In some patients, morphologic
findings in the localized areas of enlarged
nerves consist of primary perineurial cell
Hypertrophic Polyneuropathy of hyperplasia or perineurinoma.579 Nerve
Dejerine-Sotas (HMSN Type III) conduction studies suggest severe motor
and sensory axonal loss with no evidence
Dejerine (1890)
and Dejerine and Sot- of slowed conduction velocity. Elec-
tas (1893) described a very severe, gen- tromyography also indicates focal axonal
eralized form of demyelinating sensory loss with evidence of severe denervation
motor neuropathy inherited as an auto- limited to the territory of the affected
somal recessive trait.742 The disorder nerve.
shows a considerable genetic heterogene-
ity522 with a mutation355
in either PMP-
22383,385,539,701 or p0 or linkage to Hereditary Ataxic Neuropathy
chromosome 8.384 The affected nerves of Refsum (HMSN Type IV)
have marked thickening, onion bulb for-
mation, segmental demyelination, and Hereditary ataxic neuropathy of Refsum
thinning of the myelin surrounding the is a rare disorder transmitted by an au-
nerve. Symptoms appear in infancy with tosomal or a recessive gene that has char-
delayed development of motor skills, es- acteristic pathologic changes in the olivo-
pecially in walking. Clinical features con- cerebellar tracts, anterior horn cells, and
sist of pes cavus, muscle cramps, incoor- peripheral nerves.736 The typical clinical
dination, kyphoscoliosis, weakness, features comprise deafness, anosmia,
sensory loss, and abducens and facial night blindness with retinitis pigmentosa,
nerve palsies. Adult patients often have ichthyosis-like skin, cerebellar signs, and
paraparesis and severe truncal ataxia, re- nystagmus. Involvement of the peripheral
quiring the use of a wheelchair. Patients nerves causes lightning pain in the legs,
with this disorder have a higher incidence wasting of muscles, hyporeflexia, hypoto-
of ataxia, areflexia, and hypertrophic nia, and diminished vibration and posi-
nerves than those with CMT1. Pathologic tion sense. A metabolic defect in the oxi-
analysis reveals greater loss of myelinated dation of branched chain fatty acids
fibers, a larger number of onion bulbs with elevates serum phytanic acid, which for
more lamellae per each, and a higher ra- unknown reasons leads to a hypertrophic
tio of the 644
mean axon diameter to the fiber neuropathy. Patients develop recurrent
diameter. Nerve conduction studies re- segmental demyelination and motor and
veal marked slowing of the motor and sen- sudomotor axonal losses in parallel with
sory fibers. In one series of 11 patients, all exacerbations of weakness, showing an
but one had median and ulnar motor con- apparent long-term clinical stabiliza-
duction velocities less than 6 m/s.54 tion.471,832 Electrophysiologic studies re-
The differential diagnosis should in- veal decreased sensorimotor conduction
clude congenital demyelinating motor and velocities in all limbs.204 Severe axonal in-
sensory neuropathy with focally folded volvement in the lower limb may charac-
myelin sheaths.275 In this condition, terize other cases.288 Dietary restriction of
nearly all teased fibers have an abun- phytol results in considerable improve-
676 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

ment of symptoms. Some patients with re- cerebellar atrophy, demyelination of the
tinitis pigmentosa and ataxia have a syn- posterior columns, degeneration of ante-
drome that clinically resembles Refsum's rior horn and dorsal root ganglion cells,
disease without detectable biochemical and reduced myelinated fibers in the sural
abnormalities. In these cases, electro- nerve.144
physiologic studies reveal mildly delayed,
low-amplitude sensory action potentials
but 846
no evidence of hypertrophic neuropa- Hereditary Neuropathy with
thy. Liability to Pressure Palsies
Hereditary neuropathy with liability to
Autosomal Dominant pressure palsies (HNPP) is a familial dis-
Cerebellar Ataxia order 496
of autosomal dominant inheri-
tance. Histopathologic changes include
Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia focal, sausage-like, or tomaculous thick-
with neuropathy (ADCA) superficially re- ening of the myelin sheaths and noncom-
sembles CMT with distal wasting and pacted "loose" myelin lamellae together
weakness involving the legs more than the with segmental demyelination and re-
arms.740,807 Some patients show muscle myelination.53,526,841 The most prominent
wasting presumably reflecting the loss of feature of the disease is pressure-induced,
motor neurons.1 Most patients have an reversible motor weakness, although sen-
extensor plantar response with normal or sory symptoms may also appear.212 Com-
increased stretch reflexes in the upper pression palsy commonly affects the ulnar,
limbs and at the knee, but467often absent radial, and peroneal nerves, with recovery
ankle jerks. In one series, sensory or occurring slowly over weeks or months. Oc-
sensory motor polyneuropathy was found casional patients may develop acute ante-
in 42 percent of patients with SCA1, 80 rior interosseous neuropathy254 or recur-
percent of SCA2 and 54 percent of SCA3. rent familial brachial plexus palsies 651 or
Further, SCA1 patients with polyneu- other acute painless mononeuropathies
ropathy had a significantly higher CAG re- as the only or predominant clinical mani-
peats than those without polyneuropathy. festation.542,808 Others may have acute re-
Electrophysiologic abnormalities in- current polyneuropathy406,498 or chronic
clude lower than normal mean motor and sensory motor neuropathy as the present-
sensory nerve conduction velocities and ing symptom.255,530 Rare associated fea-
reduced amplitude of sensory nerve ac- tures include17 central nervous system de-
tion potentials.348,561 Median nerve so- myelination, and the756syndrome of moving
matosensory evoked potentials reveal de- toes and myoclonus.
creased amplitude of N13 and N20 with Motor and sensory studies show focal
increased interpeak latencies, implicating conduction abnormalities at usual com-
central and peripheral sensory path- pression sites851 in paretic limbs but also
ways.585 Sural nerve biopsies show fewer in some clinically unaffected nerves.841
myelinated fibers and normal unmyeli- Evaluations of clinically normal nerves re-
nated fibers.561 Peripheral neuropathy veal electrophysiologic abnormalities in
also develops in some patients with in- approximately one half of the patients and
fantile onset458 and late onset243,612 spin- some asymptomatic relatives.179 A patho-
ocerebellar degeneration, sometimes as- logically thick myelin sheath probably
sociated with ceroid lipofuscinosis.915 causes long-lasting conduction block and
A predominantly sensory axonal neu- the slowing of 754
conduction velocities seen
ropathy, seen in olivopontocerebellar at- in some cases, although segmental de-
rophy, affects those patients with gluta- myelination also plays a role.76
mate dehydrogenase deficiency, but not
those with normal enzymatic activities.143
Such a distinction may serve as an elec- Friedreich's Ataxia
trophysiologic marker for differentiating
the subtypes. The postmortem examina- Friedreich's ataxia is an autosomal reces-
tion of one patient revealed olivoponto- sive disorder associated with a GAA tri-
Polyneuropathies 677

nucleotide repeat expansion in the first in- lism.23 These include acute intermittent
tron of the X25 gene on chromosome porphyria, variegate porphyria, and
9q 13-21.1. Patients who develop mild hereditary coproporphyria.46 A partial de-
symptoms without cardiomyopathy later fect in hepatic heme synthesis results in
than the usual onset may have limited overproduction of delta aminolevulinic
GAA expansions.287,290,523 The disease acid and porphobilinogen. The disease
primarily affects the spinocerebellar has a higher incidence in women, auto-
tracts, corticospinal tracts, and posterior somal dominant inheritance, and variable
columns of the spinal cord. In advanced degrees of expression. Clinical features
cases, the degeneration also involves the include abdominal pain, vomiting, pe-
dorsal roots and peripheral nerves. De- ripheral neuropathy, neurogenic bladder,
spite the severe loss of large myelinated seizures, and mental status changes, but
fibers, well-preserved unmyelinated C no skin photosensitivity. Excessive quan-
fibers conduct normally.226,643 The only tities of porphyrin intermediates excreted
consistent clinical findings within 5 years in the urine impart a deep red color with
of presentation consist of limb and trun- formation of polypyrroles from porpho-
cal ataxia and absent stretch reflexes in bilinogen on exposure to light. Patients
the legs.344 All patients eventually develop experience acute attacks either sponta-
dysarthria, signs of pyramidal tract dys- neously or after inadvertent ingestion of
function in the legs, and loss of joint, barbituates, sulfonamides, or certain
position, and vibration sense. Other less other drugs.
frequent clinical features include car- Acute axonal neuropathy affects motor
diomyopathy, kyphosis, scoliosis, pes fibers regularly and sensory fibers in
cavus, distal amyotrophy, optic atrophy, about 50 percent of patients. Weakness
nystagmus, and deafness. On average, pa- progresses rapidly, involving the axial
tients lose the ability to walk by the age muscles more than the distal muscles.
of 25 years and become chair-bound by The sensory loss, although relatively mild,
the age of 44 years.344 Common variabil- may also predominate proximally. Nerve
ities include late onset, preservation of the conduction studies show low-amplitude
lower limb tendon reflex, and slow pro- compound action potentials with normal
gression.174 conduction velocities. Electromyography
Electrophysiologic studies show absent reveals prominent fibrillation potentials
or considerably reduced sensory nerve po- and positive sharp waves in the proximal
tentials558,735 and essentially normal mo- muscles 1-2 weeks after onset.15,78
tor conduction studies except for a mod-
est slowing in some patients.643 Nerve
biopsy reveals a severe loss of large myeli- Cerebral Lipidosis
nated fibers, but no demyelination.113 So-
matosensory evoked potentials may reveal Polyneuropathy accompanies at least two
abnormal peripheral as well as central types of cerebral lipidosis: Krabbe's dis-
conduction.199,663 Transcortical magnetic ease and metachromatic leukodystrophy.
stimulation indicates an abnormal central In both entities, a marked slowing of nerve
motor conduction time, which progres- conduction helps establish the clinical di-
sively worsens as the disease advances.178 agnosis, although confirmation comes
Patients rarely complain of visual impair- from a nerve or cerebral biopsy.282,538
ment, but most have an increased latency Krabbe's disease, an autosomal recessive
or reduced amplitude of the visual evoked disorder, affects the white matter of the
potential.109,512,663 central and peripheral nervous systems. A
galactocerebrosidase (GALS) deficiency
causes accumulation of undegraded psy-
Porphyria chosine, leading to the pathologic hall-
marks of globoid cell leukodystrophy. Iden-
An acute, primarily motor neuropathy tification of a homozygous point mutation
characterizes several forms of porphyria, in the GALS gene confirms the diagno-
a rare hereditary disorder that belongs to sis.741 Histologic studies in Krabbe's
the category of inborn errors of metabo- globoid cell leukodystrophy reveal diffuse
678 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

loss of myelin throughout the cerebral limbs equally, with a higher incidence of
white matter and peripheral nerves. chronic ulceration than in type 1.122 Char-
Prominent perivascular cuffs appear, con- acteristic features include progressive
sisting of greatly enlarged cells with the sensory neuropathy, spastic paraplegia,
accumulation of cerebroside. Affected in- and 824a mutilating lower limb acropa-
fants, normal at birth, develop severe neu- thy. '837 Nerve conduction studies show
rologic disturbances within the first few absent sensory action potentials and bor-
months of life. The disease often follows a derline slow motor nerve conduction ve-
fulminant course, with rigidity, head re- locities.
traction, optic atrophy, bulbar paralysis, a Type III is the same as familial dysau-
decorticate posture, and, finally, death be- tonomia or Riley-Day syndrome,700,830
fore the end of the first year. Neuropathy, and type IV is a rare congenital loss of C
usually a late manifestation, is occasion- fibers with complete insensitivity to
ally one of the presenting features.176,505 pain.518 Other entities in this category in-
In metachromatic leukodystrophy,268'
clude familial sensory autonomic neu-
a deficiency of arylsulfatase leads ropathy with arthropathy in Navajo chil-
to an abnormal breakdown of myelin. dren.401
Metachromatic staining properties result
from cerebroside sulfate, which accumu-
lates in the nervous tissue. Neurologic Lipoprotein Neuropathies
signs include spasticity, ataxia, dementia,
and neuropathy. The disease usually149,337
af- Two types of lipoprotein disorders accom-
fects infants, but rarely children or pany neuropathies. Patients with Bassen-
adults.77 Electrophysiologic studies reveal Kornzweig syndrome, mostly Jewish chil-
substantially slowed nerve conduction as dren, have malabsorption, cerebellar signs,
would be expected in a demyelinative neu- retinitis pigmentosa, acanthocytosis, and
ropathy. Morphometric studies reveal a virtual absense of betalipoprotein in the
marked reduction in sheath thickness, par- serum, or abetalipoproteinemia. Dimin-
ticularly in the large myelinated fibers.41 ished stretch reflexes and the absence of
position and vibratory senses suggest a
peripheral neuropahy. Neurologic signs
Hereditary Sensory and resemble those of Friedreich's ataxia and
Autonomic Neuropathy Refsum syndrome. In one histologic
study, the sural nerve showed a decreased
Hereditary sensory neuropathy consists of number of large fibers with diameters
four distinct entities. Type I has autoso- greater than 7 um, regeneration, and
mal dominant inheritance with degenera- paranodal demyelination.900
tion of the dorsal root ganglias, early loss Electromyographic findings include
of sensory nerve action potential, and signs of chronic denervation in distal limb
preservation of the sympathetic skin re- muscles; myotonic discharges; large-am-
sponses.765 In one family, sural nerve plitude, long-duration motor unit poten-
biopsies showed a marked loss of all tials; and poor recruitment. Sensory nerve
myelinated fibers and a189comparable loss conduction studies reveal reduced ampli-
of unmyelinated fibers. Clinical find- tude with a slight900slowing in distal con-
ings include loss of pain and temperature duction velocity. Motor conduction
sensation, areflexia, and development of studies show normal or slightly reduced
ulcers in the lower limbs with almost com- amplitude with normal conduction veloc-
plete sparing of the upper limbs. The dis- ities.519,571 Other electrophysiologic ab-
ease tends to progress slowly after its on- normalities may include a prolonged la-
set in the second decade of life. Deafness, tency of visual and somatosensory evoked
diarrhea, and ataxia occasionally develop potentials.90 The fiber diameter spectrum
in affected individuals. of the sural nerve indicates a loss in the
Type II has autosomal recessive inheri- 8-12 uam diameter range.
tance with onset in infancy or early child- Patients with Tangier disease have a low
hood. It affects both upper and lower level of high-density lipoprotein and cho-
Polyneuropathies 679

lesterol in the serum. Their enlarged ton- volving glycosphingolipid metabolism

sils have a characteristic bright orange causes the accumulation of ceramide tri-
color from the deposition of cholesterol es- hexose in various tissues. The enzymatic
ters. Their skin and rectal mucosa display defect of ceramide trihexosidase affects
similar changes. Both myelinated and un- the skin, blood vessels, cornea, and the
myelinated fibers show degeneration.450 cell bodies of the dorsal ganglia. Both the
Dissociated losses of pain and tempera- central and peripheral nervous systems
ture sensation, not unlike those seen in show lipid depositions in endothelial and
syringomyelia, suggest selective involve- perithelial 770
cells of the vessel walls or
ment of the small fibers.217 Patients may perikaryon. Axonal degeneration pri-
have a relapsing and remitting mononeu- marily involves small myelinated and un-
ropathy with prominent demyelination myelinated fibers.270,451 The presenting
and remyelination or slowly progressive clinical features include severe burning
neuropathy with advanced axonal degen- sensations of the hands and feet. Nerve
eration.678 Conduction studies may reveal conduction studies, although ordinarily
abnormal velocities in some patients but normal, may show some slowing in af-
not in others.282 fected761men and occasionally in female car-
riers. Electromyographic studies reveal
no abnormalities in most cases.
Giant Axonal Neuropathy
Children with progressive peripheral giant Familial Amyloid Neuropathy
axonal neuropathy32,201,828 usually have
minor central nervous system involve- Signs and symptoms of amyloidosis result
ment and intellectual dysfunction.582 The from deposits of amyloid around blood
disease shows an autosomal recessive in- vessels and connective tissues in multiple
heritance trait with the responsible gene organ systems. Clinical features depend
localized to chromosome 16q24.262 The on the organs involved, which commonly
accumulation of neurofllamentous mate- include the heart, tongue, gastrointestinal
rial leads to ballooning and degeneration tract, skeletal muscles, and kidney. Amy-
of the axons,322,468 affecting the motor loid deposits in the flexor retinaculum
fibers more than the sensory fibers. The may cause carpal tunnel syndrome in
clinical features in a large kindred in- about one fourth of the patients. Familial
cluded infantile onset, progressive distal amyloid neuropathies, unlike primary or
amyotrophy of four limbs, brisk reflexes, nonfamilial amyloid neuropathies associ-
diffuse fasciculations, bulbar signs, and ated with paraproteinemia (see this chap-
deep sensory loss in both lower limbs.338 ter, part 2), have relentless progression of
Patients characteristically have tightly neurologic and cardiac impairment, lend-
curled, reddish hair, in contrast to the ing to death within 7-15 years after dis-
sparse hair seen in Menke's kinky hair ease onset. Compared to hereditary sen-
disease. sory and autonomic neuropathy, familial
Electrophysiologic studies suggest the amyloid neuropathy shows a greater mo-
presence of secondary demyelination trig- tor and autonomic involvement with an
gered by axonal enlargement, although early loss of sympathetic skin re-
available data are insufficient to charac- sponses.765 Liver transplantation may of-
terize the condition. Abnormalities demon- fer hope for arrest of progression and im-
strated by evoked potential studies con- provement of sensory motorneuropathy.64
firm clinical and pathologic findings of Neurologic symptoms rarely develop in
central nervous system dysfunction.529 secondary amyloidosis seen in chronic de-
bilitating inflammatory processes.
A form of autosomal dominant amyloi-
Fabry's Disease dosis prevalent in northern Portugal pro-
duces progressive neuropathy involving
Fabry's disease is a multisystem X-linked the legs in young adults. Another, milder
recessive disorder. An inborn error in- form of autosomal dominant amyloidosis
680 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

with neuropathy of the upper limbs pri- wasting in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia
marily affects Swiss families with the on- type 1. Muscle Nerve 19:900-902, 1996.
2. Abraham RR, Abraham RM, Wyrni V: Auto-
set later in life. Familial amyloid neu- nomic and electrophysiological studies in pa-
ropathy has also involved kinships of tients with signs or symptoms of diabetic neu-
German,621 Japanese, 24,341,377,788
North- ropathy. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol
west Ireland, Taiwanese,921 and Eng-
801 63:223-230, 1986.
lish ancestries.445 Transthyretin gene mu- 3. Abu-Shakra SR, Cornblath DR, Avila OL,
Chaudhry V, Freimer M, Glass JD, Reim JW,
tations, found in some of these hereditary Ronnett GV: Conduction block in diabetic neu-
cases,849 have also affected British and ropathy. Muscle Nerve 14:858-862, 1991.
French patients without a family his- 4. Ackil AA, Shahani BT, Young RR, Rubin NE:
tory.66 The most common familial amyloid Late response and sural conduction studies:
Usefulness in patients with chronic renal fail-
polyneuropathy, type I, has a variant ure. Arch Neurol 38:482-485, 1981.
transtlyretin with a single amino acid sub- 5. Adams D, Kuntzer T, Steck AJ, Lobrinus A,
stitution.70 These include a most frequent Janzer RC, Regli F: Motor conduction block and
methionine-for-valine substitution re- high titers of anti-GM 1 ganglioside antibodies:
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Chapter 26

Facial Nerve
Trigeminal Nerve
Accessory Nerve
Other Cranial Nerves
Phrenic Nerve
Long Throracic Nerve
Suprascapular Nerve
Dorsal Scapular Nerve
Anterior Thoracic Nerve
Axillary Nerve
Musculocutaneous Nerve
Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerves
Proximal and Distal Sites of Compression
Posterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome
Pronator Teres Syndrome and Proximal Sites of
Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Digital Nerve Entrapmant
Tardy Ulnar Palsy and Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Compression at Guyon's Canal
Involvement of the Palmar Branch
Ilioinguinal Nerve
Genitofemoral Nerve
Lateral, Anterior, and Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerves
Femoral Nerve
Saphenous Nerve
Obturator Nerve
Superior and Inferior Gluteal Nerves
Sciatic Nerve

712 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System


Hypertrophic Mononeuropathy
Idiopathic Mononeuropathy
Postherpetic Neuralgia
Sports Injury
Musicians' Entrapment Neuropathy
Traumatic Mononeuropathy
Perioperative Mononeuropathy
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

1 INTRODUCTION distal to the lesion. Sensory findings that

usually appear earlier provide less reliable
localizing signs than motor deficits, partic-
Despite the unpredictable nature of trau- ularly in the upper limbs, where sensory
matic injuries, certain individual nerves dermatomes overlap considerably. Electro-
are predisposed to isolated damage.100'493 diagnostic studies help localize and char-
These include the long thoracic, supras- acterize a focal lesion if conducted as an
capular, musculocutaneous, and axillary extension of a physical examination in
nerves in the shoulder girdle and the lat- a proper clinical context.46 Electromyo-
eral femoral cutaneous, femoral, and sci- graphic examination delineates the exact
atic nerves in the pelvic girdle. Injuries re- distribution of denervated muscles in lo-
sulting from acute or chronic repetitive calizing a focal nerve lesion. In demyelina-
external pressure produce compressive tive or other neurapraxic conditions, a re-
neuropathy, whereas chronic distortion or duced recruitment of motor units despite
angulation of the nerve from an internal the preservation of the axons signals a con-
source causes entrapment neuropathy.289 duction block. The pattern of distribution
Entrapment syndromes develop at the here also helps elucidate the zone of in-
common sites of chronic or recurrent con- volvement.
striction of the radial, median, ulnar, Nerve conduction studies may provide
common peroneal, and tibial nerves.493 evidence of conduction abnormalities,
Certain types of peripheral nerve disor- which usually precede axonal degenera-
ders may develop occupationally. For ex- tion in a compression neuropathy. Such
ample, instrumentalists may suffer from focal conduction slowing may not neces-
symptoms of cervical radiculopathies, sarily accompany the reduced margin of
thoracic outlet syndrome, and median, ul- safety for the impulse propagation usually
nar, and digital neuropathies.282 A num- attributed to demyelination.233-332 Thus,
ber of different nerve lesions also result other factors such as ischemia may con-
from stretch, ischemia, compression, or tribute to the reversible conduction block
laceration during a surgical procedure.101 seen in some of these cases. Stimulation
Unusual sites of involvement may suggest above and below the suspected site of le-
rare anomalies such as congenital ring sion will document not only the slowing
constrictions of peripheral nerves.312 of conduction velocity but also changes in
The diagnosis of a focal nerve lesion de- amplitude and area of the muscle or nerve
pends on elucidation of weakness and at- action potential as indices of functional
rophy of all muscles supplied by the nerve block. Such a pattern of abnormalities of-
Mononeuropathies and Entrapment Syndromes 713

ten helps differentiate an entrapment syn- type may suffer from recurrent episodes,
drome from a diffuse neuropathy. This which tend to leave increasing residual
distinction, however, may blur in certain weakness after each attack.12 Hyperosto-
types of polyneuropathy that, in early sis cranialis interna, a rare genetic bone
stages, mimic a localized pathology at the disorder, also causes a recurrent facial
common sites of compression. palsy associated with impairment 308 of the
senses of smell, taste, and vision.
The same principles apply to the elec-
2 CRANIAL NERVES tromyographic examination of facial and
limb muscles. In the face, however, phys-
iologically small motor unit potentials
Isolated cranial nerve palsies may result may mimic fibrillation potentials, and
from lesions of the respective nerves along signs of denervation appear early in less
their extra-axial courses or as the sole than 3 weeks following injury presumably
manifestation of brainstem lesions.511 because of the short nerve length. Serial
Cranial nerves most commonly assessed electrodiagnostic studies help delineate
in an electromyographic laboratory in- the course of the illness (see Fig. 17-3 and
clude the facial and accessory nerves. Tables 17-2 and 17-3). The amplitude of
They both travel superficially, which al- the direct response elicited by stimulation
lows easy access to electrical stimulation of the facial nerve provides the best means
from the surface. They also innervate the for prognosis after the fourth to fifth day
muscles readily approachable by needle of onset. An amplitude greater than one
or disc electrodes for recording. half of the control value on the normal
side indicates a good prognosis, although
late degeneration can still occur. Preser-
Facial Nerve vation or return of RI or R2 of the blink
reflex also serves as a reliable measure in
Bell's palsy affects the facial nerve spo- predicting a satisfactory recovery (see Fig.
radically in an isolated incidence. Although 17-9), providing reasonable assurance
the exact etiology remains unknown, ac- that the remaining axons will survive. The
cumulating evidence suggests that herpes reflex, however, rarely returns during the
simplex virus type I (HSV-1) reactivation first few days after onset. In a series of 56
causes Bell's palsy in some, but not all patients who recovered without distal de-
patients,38'151-313 giving a rational for generation, the RI reappeared by the lat-
antiviral therapy with acyclovir.6 Swelling ter half of the first week in 57 percent, by
and hyperemia in the intraosseous por- the second week in 67 percent, and by the
tion of the facial nerve suggests a focal third week in 89 percent.245 Other signs
pathology during the acute stage. Paraly- for good outcomes include incomplete
sis of the upper and lower portions of the clinical paresis and the presence of vol-
face develops suddenly, often associated untary motor unit potentials in elec-
with pain behind the ear. Additional fea- tromyographic studies.560
tures may include loss of taste in the an- In the absence of substantial nerve de-
terior two thirds of the tongue and hy- generation, the latency of the direct re-
peracusis on the affected side. At least 80 sponse remains unaltered throughout the
percent of patients improve quickly with- course on the affected side. In these pa-
out specific therapy.556 Complete recovery tients the latency of RI of the blink reflex,
follows the demyelinative form, whereas if present, is relatively normal during the
functions return slowly and poorly after first days, is delayed during the latter half
degeneration of the facial nerve. Synkine- of the first week, and plateaus up to the
sis nearly always develops with regenera- fourth week, followed by a notable recov-
tion (see Fig. 17-II).245 Patients may com- ery during the second month and a return
plain of sensory signs in the trigeminal to the normal range during the third to
distribution in an otherwise typical case of fourth months (see Fig. 17-10). These
Bell's palsy. Patients with a rare familial findings suggest that most patients with
714 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

Bell's palsy who develop little axonal de- Peripheral facial palsy may herald other
generation suffer from a focal demyelina- symptoms of multiple sclerosis in young
tion of the facial nerve. If the facial nerve adults (see Fig. 17-13B). In these cases,
undergoes substantial degeneration, the blink reflex studies usually show an ab-
ultimate recovery depends on the com- sent or delayed RI, indicating demyelina-
pleteness 88of regeneration. This process tion of the central reflex arc, which in-
generally -247 takes a few months to a few cludes236
the intrapontine portion of the facial
years, resulting almost always in an aber- nerve. -238-239 Myokymic discharges, al-
rant reinnervation, sometimes associated though characteristic of this disorder,
with hyperexcitability. may also appear in other conditions such
Peripheral facial paresis secondary to as pontine glioma183 and subarachnoid
herpes zoster infection carries a less fa- hemorrhage.37 Progressive hemifacial at-
vorable prognosis, although early admin- rophy may develop in scleroderma with or
istration of acyclovir and prednisone may without associated hemiatrophy the
reduce the nerve degeneration.342 Pa- body.50-277-306
tients with Bannwarth's syndrome may Weakness of the orbicularis oculi and
develop unilateral or bilateral facial palsy frontalis usually suggests a peripheral as
as part of multiple mononeuritis associ- opposed to a central type of facial palsy.
ated with erythema, pain, elevated cere- In equivocal cases, an increase in mini-
brospinal fluid protein, and pleocyto- mal RI latency will confirm a peripheral
SjS 558 peripheral facial palsies may also abnormality. Reduced excitability may
accompany a systemic infection such as cause an apparent delay in RI latency
Lyme borreliosis162-186 and human im- during an acute stage of contralateral
munodeficiency syndrome or compli- hemispheric lesions,140especially if elicited
cate537 an inferior dental and, less com- by the glabellar tap. In doubtful cases,
monly, upper dental anesthetic block.31 paired stimuli counter the effects of
Diabetic patients who develop a facial supranuclear hypoexcitability, giving rise
palsy also tend to have a more severe to the shortest RI latency as the accurate
paresis and evidence of substantial den- measure of the conduction time along the
ervation.5 Patients with Guillain-Barre reflex arc. The excitability of polysynaptic
syndrome usually develop prominent fa- R2 may change substantially with a hemi-
cial paresis as a consequence of acute de- spheric lesion, showing either an afferent
myelinative conduction block (see Figs. or efferent pattern (see Chapter 17-6 and
17-12A and 17-14).237 In contrast, the Fig. 17-19).
chronic insidious progression in heredi-
tary Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1
allows compensation for motor function Trigeminal Nerve
despite a marked delay in conduction,
showing minimal weakness. Trigeminal sensory neuropathy charac-
An acoustic neuroma strategically lo- teristically evolves with unilateral or
cated at the cerebellopontine angle may bilateral facial numbness sometimes
compress not only the facial nerve but accompanied by pain, paresthesia, and
also the trigeminal nerve and the pons, disturbed taste. This type of neuropathy
i.e., the efferent, afferent and central arcs may accompany systemic sclerosis or
of the blink reflex.246-248-300-433 Thus, the mixed connective tissue disease.281 Pa-
electrically elicited blink reflex reveals var- tients with trigeminal neuralgia have al-
ious degrees of abnormality in most pa- tered cutaneous sensations in both the af-
tients (see Tables 17-3 and 17-4) show- fected and unaffected adjacent divisions,
ing a363high correlation with the tumor suggesting combined peripheral and cen-
size. Hypoglossal-facial nerve anasto- tral pathology.366 A mandibular fracture
mosis may partially restore function after may result in an 121isolated lesion of the
sacrifice of the facial nerve for removal of mandibular nerve. Demyelinating le-
cerebellopontine angle tumors.401 Sar- sions affecting pontine trigeminal path-
coidosis may also involve the facial nerve ways may cause trigeminal neuralgia in
probably at the cerebellopontine angle.169 patients with multiple sclerosis.155-239 Ex-
Mononeuropathies and Entrapment Syndromes 715

posure to trichloroethylene causes a cra- plication in approximately 5 percent of en-

nial neuropathy with peculiar predilection darterectomies.554
for trigeminal root damage.280 Facial
numbness may herald other symptoms of
an expanding tumor involving the trigem- 3 PHRENIC NERVE AND NERVES
inal nerve.265 Other causes of trigeminal IN THE SHOULDER GIRDLE
nerve lesion466include perineural spread of
carcinoma. The blink reflex helps es-
tablish abnormalities of the trigeminal The phrenic nerve originating from the C3
nerve (see Chapter 17-4). Other tech- to C5 roots and certain peripheral nerves
niques of interest include conduction derived directly from the brachial plexus
studies of the trigeminal motor 292
nerve112 have a predilection to isolated injury by
and of the mandibular nerve. compression or stab wound. The most
commonly affected include the long tho-
racic, dorsal scapular, suprascapular,
Accessory Nerve musculocutaneous, and axillary nerves.
Pressure from a tumor or surgical proce-
dures of the posterior triangle can dam- Phrenic Nerve
age the spinal accessory nerve.116 Other
causes include 92 stretch-induced injury,297 A phrenic nerve palsy develops in about 10
cargo loading, coronary artery by- percent of cases after open-heart surgery.
pass,311 carotid endarterectomy,504-559 Possible causes of this complication, al-
and ligature injury during surgical explo- though uncertain, include hypothermia
ration.25 In trapezius palsies following in- and nerve stretch. Unilateral lesions result
jury of the accessory nerve, the upper ver- in no symptoms. Electrophysiologic stud-
tebral border of the scapula moves away ies may reveal subclinical involvement of
from the spinal vertebrae. With the lower the contralateral diaphragm and limb mus-
angle of the scapula relatively fixed by cles, suggesting the possibility of neuralgic
muscles supplied by the C3 and C4 roots amyotrophy.272 Patients require total ven-
through the cervical plexus, the whole tilatory support after rare bilateral involve-
scapula slips downward and the inferior ment.542 Phrenic nerve conduction studies
angle rotates internally, or clockwise for help identify the cause of respiratory fail-
the right and counterclockwise for the left ure (see Chapter 6-3).77-107-441
scapula as viewed from the back. This type
of winging tends to worsen with abduction
of the arm to the horizontal plane, which Long Thoracic Nerve
displaces the superior angle further later-
ally. The paralysis of the sternocleidomas- The long thoracic nerve lies superficially
toid causes weakness when the face is in the supraclavicular region, where it
rotated toward the opposite shoulder in may sustain trauma. In addition to stab
proportion to the degree of muscle atrophy. injury, direct pressure results from a
Bilateral involvement of the muscles makes heavy shoulder bag or shoulder braces
flexion of the neck difficult. In a sequential during surgery. Radical mastectomy may
study of patients with trapezius palsy, also damage the nerve. Its straight course
nerve conduction changes revealed evi- from origin to insertion also makes it vul-
dence of spontaneous regeneration after nerable to stretch associated with vigor-
complete axonal degeneration.394 ous athletic382activity454 or chiropractic ma-
The serratus anterior, the only muscle
Other Cranial Nerves innervated by the long thoracic nerve,
functions as a stabilizer of the shoulder
Hypoglossal nerve palsy may result from in abduction of the arm. It holds the
compression by an aneurysm, or kinking scapula flat against the back by keeping
of the vertebral artery,167>426 or as a com- its inner margin fixed to the thorax. With
716 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

paralysis of this muscle, the patient can- nerve latency to the involved222supraspinatus
not raise the arm up straight. The unop- or infraspinatus muscles. Electromyo-
posed action of the rhomboids and leva- graphic studies show selective denervation
tor scapulae displaces the superior angle in the supraspinatus or infraspinatus or
of the scapula medially and rotates the in- both, sparing other muscles supplied by
ferior angle laterally and externally or C5 and C6 roots.
counterclockwise for the right and clock-
wise for the left scapula as viewed from
the back. The vertebral border of the lower Dorsal Scapular Nerve
scapula projects backward, away from the
thorax. This tendency, called scapular With entrapment or injury of the dorsal
winging, worsens with the outstretched scapular nerve, the scapula tends to wing
arm thrust forward. In contrast, winging on wide abduction of the arm.347 The pa-
of the scapula caused by trapezius weak- tient may complain of pain in C5 and C6
ness exaggerates with abduction of the distribution. The diagnosis depends on
arm laterally. Lesions of the long thoracic electromyographic demonstration of ab-
nerve give rise to isolated electromyo- normalities restricted to the rhomboid
graphic abnormalities in the serratus an- major and minor and levator scapulae.
terior muscle. Conduction studies provide
valuable information in distinguishing
partial from complete degeneration and395in Anterior Thoracic Nerve
assessing the degree of regeneration.
Of the two branches of the anterior tho-
racic nerve, the lateral pectoral nerve may
Suprascapular Nerve sustain a selective injury as reported in a
patient who had compression injury from
Injury may result from ganglionic cysts, a seat belt.314 Weight lifting and con-
pressure on the shoulder,
159 319 478
stab wounds comitant pectoralis minor hypertrophy
above the scapula, ' - improper us- may produce intramuscular 436 entrapment
age of crutches,462 and stretching of the of the medial pectoral nerve.
nerve as may occur138 338
in volleyball players
during serving. - The rupture of the
rotator cuff222 or downward displacement Axillary Nerve
of the upper trunk may also stretch the
nerve anchored at the notch,55 a mecha- The axillary nerve may undergo degenera-
nism in part responsible for Erb's palsy. In- tion as part of brachial plexus neuritis or
jury to this nerve at the supraspinatus as the result of selective injury. A partial
notch results in atrophy of the supraspina- nerve palsy sustained in association with
tus and infraspinatus muscles with weak- fracture or dislocation of the head of the
ness in initiating abduction of the arm and humerus usually recovers fully.294 A lesion
external rotation of the glenohumeral after a blunt trauma to the shoulder has a
joint.295 Isolated weakness and atrophy of less favorable prognosis.32 Other 500
causes in-
the infraspinatus muscle may also result clude the pressure of crutches or hy-
in a lesion at the spinoglenoid notch.338'487 perextension of the shoulder, as might oc-
In either case, the teres minor and deltoid cur in wrestling. A circumscribed area of
innervated by the axillary nerve partially numbness develops in the lateral aspect
compensate external rotation of the arm at of the arm over the belly of the deltoid.
the shoulder. Compressive lesions often in- Atrophy of this muscle, evident with flat-
duce a poorly defined aching pain along the tening of the shoulder, limits abduction of
posterior and lateral aspects of the shoul- the arm after the first 30 degrees sub-
der joint and the adjacent scapula supplied served by the supraspinatus. In contrast,
by the sensory branches. a C5 root lesion weakens all 180 degrees
Stimulation at the supraclavicular fossa with involvement of both muscles. Iso-
may reveal an increased suprascapular lated lesions of the teres minor often es-
Mononeuropathies and Entrapment Syndromes 717

cape clinical detection, being compen- 4 RADIAL NERVE

sated by the infraspinatus, which also ro-
tates the arm outward. Electromyographic
abnormalities confined to the teres minor Proximal and Distal Sites
and deltoid help establish the diagnosis of of Compression
axillary nerve palsy.
Nerve injury at the axilla from an incor-
rectly used crutch results in weakness of
Musculocutaneous Nerve all the radial-innervated muscles and in
loss of the triceps stretch reflex. Fractures
Injuries of the musculocutaneous nerve re- of the head of the radius injure the nerve
sult from fractures or dislocations of the more distally. External trauma at the spi-
humerus, gunshot or stab wounds, com- ral groove commonly injures the nerve with
pression of the arm, entrapment by the or without a concomitant supracondylar
coracobrachialis muscle, heavy exercise, 41
fracture of the humerus.94-144'315-539 A lo-
or rare complications of surgery. Sen- cal compression at this level also results
sory examination reveals numbness along from improper use of walkers and wheel-
the lateral aspect of the forearm. Paralysis chairs.22'48 The lateral head of the triceps
of the biceps results in an absent stretch muscle may entrap the radial nerve fol-
reflex and weakness of elbow flexion, com- lowing498
continuous repetitive arm exer-
pensated in part by the brachioradialis. cise, in association with focal myosi-
Electromyography shows denervation in tis14 or spontaneously.344 An individual,
the biceps brachii, brachialis, and coraco- often intoxicated, may compress the nerve
brachialis. Nerve conduction studies may by falling asleep while leaning against a
corroborate the diagnosis.516 hard surface or with an arm draped over
a bench as in the so-called Saturday night
palsy. The lesion here usually spares the
Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerves triceps but involves all the remaining long
extensor muscles of the hand, wrist, and
Vigorous arm exercise as in prolonged fingers as well as the brachioradialis. A
wind surfing may give rise to a compres- radial nerve injury spares the extension
sion syndrome of the lateral antebrachial at the interphalangeal joints subserved by
cutaneous nerve, the distal sensory ter- the median- and ulnar-innervated lumbri-
mination of the musculocutaneous calis. The sensory losses vary but most of-
nerve206 (see Fig. 1-8). This nerve, located ten affect the dorsum of the hand and first
in the antecubital fossa, may also sustain two digits. Rarely, children also suffer from
isolated injury by mechanical pressure traumatic or atraumatic mononeuropathy
from a heavy object carried with the fore- involving the proximal or distal main ra-
arm flexed or by venipuncture.564 Patients dial nerve or the posterior interosseous
have pain or numbness along the lateral nerve.132 In newborn infants, the umbili-
aspect of the distal forearm and tender- cal cord may play a role in the entrap-
ness to palpation over the nerve. Nerve ment.434
conduction studies may show a decreased Compression of the recurrent epicondy-
sensory amplitude and a prolonged distal lar branch causes pain at the elbow, usu-
latency.137 ally with simultaneous entrapment of the
Less frequently described mononeu- deep branch of the radial nerve. This syn-
ropathies include medial antebrachial cu- drome, one of the many entities commonly
taneous neuropathy after stretch and as- known as tennis elbow, results from re-
sociated with an arterial graft70 and peated indirect trauma by forceful supina-
posterior antebrachial cutaneous neu- tion as the predisposing factor. Pain and
ropathy after an intramuscular injection tenderness localized to the lateral aspect
in the upper arm68 (see Chapter 6-3). of the elbow resemble the symptoms of
Low-amplitude sensory action potentials lateral epicondylitis, another condition re-
help document the pathology. ferred to by some as tennis elbow. In the
718 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

entrapment syndrome; however, addi- arm,120 therapeutic excision90

of the radial
tional dysfunctions indicate the involve- head for certain fractures, lipoma, chon-
ment of the radial nerve. Subluxation of droma,134 and ganglion cysts320arising from
the head of the radius may produce a ra- the proximal radicular joint and Char-
dial nerve palsy. Focal damage at this level cot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1 (CMT1).65
also results from crush or twisting injury Violin players may develop transient symp-
to the wrist or forearm or from repetitive toms as the result of prolonged pronation
pronation and supination at work.105 of the forearm.305 The entrapment usually
Superficial radial neuropathy may de- involves the nerve at the arcade of Frohse
velop after wearing a tight watchband.415 between the two heads of the supina-
Handcuff-related compression injuries of- tor 152,361,430
ten involve the sensory fibers of the radial The patient complains of pain over the
nerve with or without concomitant in- lateral aspect of the elbow but no sensory
volvement of 115
the median or ulnar nerves loss. A lesion at this level causes weak-
at the wrist. -290'317'497 Nerve conduc- ness in the extensors of the wrist and dig-
tion studies should include comparison its with a notable sparing of the supina-
with the ipsilateral lateral antebrachial tor, which usually receives innervation
cutaneous nerve and with the contralat- proximal to the site of compression. The
eral superficial radial nerve.482 Surgical radial nerve proper supplies the extensor
maneuver for trigger release may cause ia- carpi radialis longus and brevis. Normal
trogenic laceration 64of the radial digital contraction of these muscles coupled with
nerve of the thumb. the weakness of the extensor carpi ulnaris
Conduction studies after a fracture of results in the characteristic radial devia-
the humerus may reveal slowing across tion of the wrist on attempted dorsiflex-
the compression site at the spiral groove ion. Constriction at the distal portion of
or the absence of both motor and sensory the supinator muscle may result in se-
potentials. The size of the muscle or an- lective injury of one of the terminal
tidromic sensory potential elicited by dis- branches, causing isolated paralysis of
tal stimulation differentiates between the abductor of the thumb and extensors
neurapraxia and axonotmesis. Most cases of the thumb and index.200 Conversely, a
have prominent conduction block and a compressive lesion may predominantly in-
varying degree of axon loss.48-535 Elec- volve the extensor digitorum communis,
tromyographic exploration helps demon- partially or entirely sparing the extensor
strate the type and location of injury (see indices proprius and, to a lesser degree,
Figs. 14-14 and 14-17).515 Pressure neu- the extensor digiti minimi. In this case,
ropathy of the radial nerve usually re- selective finger drop of the third and
solves in 6-8 weeks, but recovery takes fourth digits with the intact digits on both
considerably longer after loss of a sub- ends results in the so-called longhorn
stantial number of axons. sign. Operative neurolysis usually, but
not always, results in good recovery562from
posterior interosseous nerve palsy.
Posterior Interosseous In addition to electromyographic abnor-
Nerve Syndrome malities of the affected muscles, conduc-
tion studies may reveal mild slowing
The posterior interosseous nerve, the ter- across the entrapment, especially if tested
minal motor branch of the radial nerve in with the arm supinated against resis-
the forearm, penetrates the supinator tance.429 The differential diagnosis in-
muscle in its entrance to the forearm.406 cludes rupture of the extensor tendons, es-
The compression syndrome here may de- pecially if paralysis affects only the last
velop spontaneously or following closed in- three digits, with preservation of the first
juries to the elbow.221 Other conditions oc- two. In this case, weak muscles show no
casionally associated with this syndrome evidence of denervation, and passive pal-
include rheumatoid arthritis with synovi- mar flexion of the wrist induces no exten-
tis,327 congenital hemihypertrophy of the sion of the metacarpophalangeal joints.
Mononeuropathies and Entrapment Syndromes 719

5 MEDIAN NERVE above the elbow, proximal to the innerva-

tion to the pronator teres. Compression of
the brachial artery with full extension of
The median nerve traverses three com- the forearm obliterates the radial pulse.
mon sites of constriction along its course. Similar proximal median neuropathies
At the elbow, entrapment may occur be- may result from entrapment by an en-
tween the two heads of the pronator teres larged communication vein42 or an ac-
or more distally with selective involvement cessory bicipital aponeurosis,485 often in-
of the anterior interosseous branch. volving the pronator teres and flexor carpi
Carpal tunnel syndrome results from radialis in addition to the more distal
compression at the distal edge of the muscles. Incremental short segmental
transverse carpal ligament or less com- stimulation near the proximal portion of
monly within the intermetacarpal tunnel. the aponeurosis 359localizes the precise site
of compression. Weakness and elec-
tromyographic abnormalities of the
Pronator Teres Syndrome and pronator teres and flexor carpi radialis
Proximal Sites of Compression serve to differentiate these conditions
from the classic pronator teres syndrome,
In 83 percent of dissections, the median which usually spares the proximal mus-
nerve pierces the two heads of the prona- cles.8- 18L503
tor teres before passing under it. The
pronator teres syndrome develops at this
point with trauma, fracture, muscle hy- Anterior Interosseous
pertrophy, persistent median artery,218 or Nerve Syndrome
an anomalous fibrous band connecting
the pronator teres to the tendinous arch Anterior interosseous nerve syndrome,
of the flexor digitorum sublimis. The clin- also called the syndrome of Kiloh and
ical features include pain and tenderness Nevin,234 results from selective injury of
over the pronator teres, weakness of the the anterior interosseous nerve that
flexor pollicis and abductor pollicis bre- branches off the median nerve just distal
vis, and preservation of forearm prona- to the pronator passage, unilaterally or bi-
tion. Hypoesthesia over the thenar emi- laterally.349'543 The palsy occurs either
nence helps differentiate this entity from spontaneously or as a complication of an
carpal tunnel syndrome, which spares the injury such as a forearm fracture.158 Un-
sensory branch passing superficially to like the pronator syndrome, examination
the flexor retinaculum. The conduction reveals no distinct sensory abnormalities
studies may reveal mild slowing in the despite the common presenting symptoms
proximal forearm in conjunction with a of pain in the forearm or elbow. Pure mo-
normal distal latency.340 Test maneuvers tor weakness typically involves pronator
such as elbow flexion, forearm pronation, quadrates, flexor pollicis longus and the
and finger flexion generally fail to enhance radial half of the flexor digitorum profun-
conduction abnormalities across the en- dus,19 sparing the more proximal prona-
trapment site.343 Injection of corticos- tor teres. Asked to make an OK sign (or
teroids into the pronator teres may relieve money sign in Japan) with the first two
the pain to aid in diagnosis, but definitive digits, the patient will form a triangle in-
treatment requires a surgical decompres- stead of a circle—the so-called pinch sign.
sion.256 Spontaneous recovery takes place from 6
A similar but distinct entrapment may weeks to 18 months.
develop as the median nerve traverses the Neuralgic amyotrophy caused by lesions
ligament of Struthers, a fibrous band at- in the brachial plexus (see Chapter 24-3)
tached to an anomalous spur on the an- may manifest as an anterior interosseous
teromedial aspect of the lower humerus.33 nerve palsy421 presumably because the re-
This ligament may compress the median sponsible lesion selectively involves the
nerve together with the brachial artery nerve bundle already grouped to form the
720 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

terminal nerve branch at this level.451 Sim- Pathologic studies show that a striking re-
ilarly, the syndrome may appear acutely in duction in myelinated fiber size takes
a patient with hereditary neuropathy with place 510
under the carpal ligament at this
liability to pressure palsies.136 A partial me- point. Interestingly, even in normal
dian nerve lesion at an antecubital level can subjects the slowest nerve conduction oc-
also involve the bundle destined to form the curs 2-4241cm distal to the origin of the lig-
anterior interosseous nerve544 or, even ament. This finding suggests a mild
more selectively, only the branches inner- compression of the median nerve at this
vating the flexor pollicis longus.87 The an- particular level in some clinically asymp-
terior interosseous nerve syndrome may tomatic hands. In fact, a histologic
develop bilaterally as an idiopathic case" study357 revealed focal abnormalities at
or in association with cytomegalovirus in- this site in 5 of 12 median nerves at rou-
fection. 124 tine autopsy despite the absence of any
Ordinary nerve conduction studies of symptoms suggestive of the carpal tunnel
the median nerve reveal no abnormalities. syndrome in life.163
Stimulation of the anterior interosseous Certain anatomical peculiarities may pre-
nerve at the elbow may demonstrate a de- dispose some individuals to the entrapment
layed latency of the compound muscle ac- neuropathy. These include limited longitu-
tion potential recorded from the pronator dinal sliding of the median nerve under the
quadratus.349 Comparison of the median ligament,525 a36smaller cross-sectional area
motor latency to the pronatus quadratus of the tunnel, greater anteroposterior di-
and abductor pollicis brevis may prove ameter of the345wrist,175 obesity,353'540 and
useful.432 Electromyographic explorations small hand. Any expanding lesion in
show the evidence of selective denervation the closed space of the carpal tunnel en-
in the flexor pollicis longus, flexor digito- hances compression. Wrist flexion and ex-
rum profundus I and II, and pronator tension also substantially alter the cross-
quadratus. sectional areas of the carpal tunnel as
Although the current recommendation estimated by magnetic resonance imag-
for the treatment of spontaneous anterior ing477 and the intracarpal tunnel pressure
interosseous nerve paralysis centers on as measured by a catheter.506 A mea-
surgical decompression, some of theses surement of cross-sectional areas of the
lesions may represent a form of neuritis. carpal tunnel by computerized axial to-
In one series, most patients treated by mography, however, paradoxically re-
observation had signs of recovery in 6 vealed a significantly larger area 555
in carpal
months and full recovery within 1 year.333 tunnel patients than in controls. A sta-
tistical analysis based on median and ul-
nar nerve comparisons of motor and sen-
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome sory latencies may provide a useful risk
prediction for the diagnosis of carpal tun-
Of all the entrapment neuropathies, carpal nel syndrome.130
tunnel syndrome is by far the most preva- Carpal tunnel syndrome affects women
lent, showing the lifetime risk of approx- more than men, most commonly in the
imately 10 percent.207 The median nerve fifth or sixth decade491 showing a greater
passes, with nine extrinsic digital flexors, prevalence in older populations.354-355
through the tunnel bound by the carpal Age-related changes of median nerve con-
bones and transverse ligament, which is duction, however, also develop naturally,
attached to the scaphoid, trapezoid, and not necessarily leading to symptoms of com-
hamate. Anatomically the carpal tunnel pression. 199-353 The symptoms352
usually in-
narrows in cross section at 2.0-2.5 cm volve the dominant hand or are con-
distal to the entrance, rigidly bound on tralateral to amputation418 and show a
three sides by bony structures and roofed higher incidence in those who use their
by a thickened transverse carpal liga- hands occupational^43'403 or for arnbula-
ment. An abnormally high intracarpal tion with a cane, crutch, or wheel-
tunnel pressure also peaks at this level299
in chair.518'541 Symptoms may appear during
patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. pregnancy and resolve after delivery. The
Mononeuropathies and Entrapment Syndromes 721

rare syndrome seen during the early ages108 isolated309

fracture of capitatum452 or ha-
causes a characteristic feature of short-last- mate, acute soft tissue swelling after
ing but severe attacks of pain.444 In con- crushing injury of the hand, and acute in-
trast to192
the sporadic incidence in most adult traneural hemorrhage.195 Most of these
cases, rare familial occurrence prevails cases require emergency decompression
in children,40-176-285'412 sometimes with of the median nerve. The lateral border of
anomalous thickening of the transverse the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle
carpal ligament.326 Other associated ab- may compress the median nerve against
normalities include insensitivity to pain in the forearm fascia and other flexor ten-
the mutilated hand.23'505 dons. This rare entity causes symptoms
The syndrome also accompanies a vari- similar to those of carpal tunnel syn-
ety of polyneuropathies and systemic ill- drome, with additional findings of local
nesses.10'188 Hereditary neuropathy with tenderness and firmness in the fore-
liability to pressure palsies should rank arm.154'456
high in the differential diagnosis524of565famil- Differential diagnoses also include high
ial carpal tunnel syndrome. ' Pa- median nerve compression at the elbow,
tients with familial amyloidosis have a a C6 radiculopathy, and traumatic injury
high incidence of carpal tunnel syn- at the wrist, including a handcuff neu-
drome.268-346'431 Certain secondary amy- ropathy.290 Carpal tunnel syndrome may
loidoses, especially those associated with accompany degenerative cervical spine
multiple myeloma, may also give rise to diseases. This combination, called the
neuropathy. Of the endocrine disorders, "double-crush syndrome,"523 probably
acromegaly231'367 occurs most often, one represents a chance occurrence of two
study reporting 35 of 100 patients with very common entities.75'422 Nonetheless,
evidence of the entrapment neuropa- an awareness of this possibility under-
thy.367 Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs in scores the need of adequate electrophys-
a high proportion of patients with iologic assessments because the presence
rheumatoid arthritis,143 often as the ini- of one condition does not preclude the
67 458
tial manifestation of the tenosynovitis af- other. Some series ' but not oth-
fecting the wrist flexor. Patients with ers52-192 report a high incidence of elec-
rheumatoid arthritis may also develop trophysiologic evidence for median and
thenar atrophy from disuse, cervical spine ulnar nerve lesions at the wrist.
disease, or compression of the ulnar nerve In typical cases of idiopathic carpal tun-
at the elbow. Other conditions associated nel syndrome, paresthesias in the hand
with a high incidence of carpal tunnel syn- 215
frequently awaken patients at night. The
drome include 450
eosinophilic fascitis,469 pain often extends to the elbow and not
myxedema, lupus427 erythematosus, uncommonly to the shoulder, mimicking
hyperparathyroidism, toxic shock syn- the clinical features of cervical spine dis-
drome,443 Lyme borreliosis,161
long-term ease or high median nerve compression.78
renal hemodialysis, fibrolipomatous The differential diagnosis rests in part on
hamartoma,325 torsion dystonia,118 and the symptoms of proximal lesions that are
other conditions associated with pro- exacerbated with manipulation of the
longed wrist and finger hyperflexion.111 neck or shoulder girdle and subside with
Symptoms may develop with extra tun- 546
the arm at rest. In contrast, moving the
nel pressure by an anomalous artery 230
hand often alleviates the pain in carpal
or sudden growth of ganglion cysts. A tunnel syndrome. Compression can affect
nonspecific tenosynovitis also gives rise to the peripheral autonomic fibers, causing
symptoms similar to those of idiopathic defective vasomotor reflex. Thus, Ray-
carpal tunnel syndrome.229 Patients often naud's phenomenon may develop, espe-
have other evidence of degenerative cially in patients with systemic diseases
arthritis such as trigger fingers, bursitis, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Sensory
tendinitis, and tennis elbow. In addition, changes490 vary a great deal in early
traumatic conditions may result in acute stages. Hypesthesia involves the first
compression of the median nerve at the three digits and the radial half of the
wrist. These include Colics' fracture291 fourth digit or, not uncommonly, only the
722 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

second or third digit. Patients may indeed nel syndrome worsen during ischemia of
complain of a sensory loss outside the me- the arm. The factors that determine the
dian nerve distribution. In one large se- degree of such susceptibility include the
ries, 83 percent of 384 patients had a sen- severity of pain and paresthesia but not
sory disturbance mostly consisting of the extent of muscle wasting or duration
hypesthesia 397often confined to the tip of the of symptoms.149 These findings suggest
third digit. Typically, the sensory rapidly reversible changes in the nerve
changes spare the skin of the thenar em- fibers associated with ischemic attacks.
inence innervated by the palmer cuta- Sharply focal structural changes seen in
neous branch that arises approximately 3 entrapment neuropathy, however, indi-
cm proximal to the carpal tunnel. Occa- cate that mechanical factors must play an
150 371
sional patients, however, also have thenar important role in the pathogenesis. -
numbness with the additional entrapment Simpson's original contribution on
of this branch by the fascia of flexor dig- carpal tunnel syndrome, demonstrating
itorum superficialis.468 Examination of focal slowing at the wrist, paved the way
the fourth digit usually reveals character- for clinical conduction studies of this
istic sensory splitting into median and ul- entity. Since then a number of investiga-
nar halves, a pattern rarely seen in tors have published extensive stud-
radiculopathies. 51,164,166,207,219,274,323,396,509
Because of early detection, patients now work yielded a higher sensitivity of sen-
seldomly develop major wasting of thenar sory conduction testing than studies of
muscles, once considered a distinctive the motor axons.52'323>509 In our series,241
feature of the syndrome. Nonetheless, a however, the sensory and motor axons
comparison between the affected hand showed a comparable incidence of abnor-
and the normal side often reveals a slight malities. In addition, we often encoun-
weakness. To test the abductor pollicis tered selective involvement of motor
brevis in relative isolation, the patient fibers, with normal sensory conductions
presses the thumb upward perpendicular or vice versa. Antidromic or orthodromic
to the plane of the palm. For the assess- sensory conduction studies find more ab-
ment of the opponens, the patient presses normalities when tested in all the median
the tip of the thumb against the tip of the nerve innervated digits.461 In one series,302
little finger. The two heads of the flexor digit 3 proved the most sensitive, whereas
pollicis brevis receive mixed median and in other studies digit I259 and digit 4507
ulnar innervation with considerable vari- provided a better yield than the others.
ation. Wrist flexion may delay motor or sensory
Passive flexion or hyperextension of the conduction across the wrist,310-455 but not
affected hand at the wrist for more than to the extent of any diagnostic value.123
1 minute may worsen the symptoms,396 Nerve conduction measures generally
whereas a gentle squeeze of the hand may show a good relationship to the clinical
ease the pain.307 Hyperextension of the symptom severity.561 Electrophysiologic
index finger may exacerbate the symptom procedures have, however, become so
with volar forearm pain.269 Percussion of sensitive that they cannot only confirm
the median nerve at the wrist causes the clinical diagnosis in most patients but
paresthesia of the digits, although it has also detect an incidental finding in some
no localizing value in the carpal tunnel asymptomatic subjects.419 A sensible in-
syndrome.322-494 In fact, electrophysio- terpretation of the test results in the con-
logic data show the focal abnormality text of patients' symptoms and clinical
about 2-3 cm distal to the traditional per- findings avoids unnecessary or premature
cussion site on the volar aspect of the surgical intervention.1
wrist.241 The phenomenon originally de- Diagnostic studies should establish se-
scribed by Tinel513 relates to tapping the lective conduction abnormalities involv-
proximal stump of an injured nerve to ing the wrist-to-palm segment of the
elicit a paresthesia as an indication for ax- median49 52
for sensory or motor
onal regeneration and not for entrapment fibers . ' ' - 109,240,24 1 ,288,384,39 1 ,435,489
neuropathy.484 Symptoms of carpal tun- In our series,241 palmar stimulation elu-
Mononeuropathies and Entrapment Syndromes 723

cidated sensory or motor conduction ab- limits the clinical value of orthodromic in-
normalities in all but 13 (8%) of 172 clin- cremental studies (see Chapter 7-6).
ically affected hands. Without palmar A number of other variations may im-
stimulation, an additional 32 (19%) hands prove the sensitivity of the motor and sen-
would have escaped detection. Recording sory conduction studies. The difference
of the orthodromic sensory action poten- between the right and left sides, although
tial also revealed more abnormalities with useful with unilateral lesions, provides
the addition of palmar stimulation.103,334 limited help in assessing a bilateral com-
Palmar stimulation is a simple means to pression. With palmar stimulation, the si-
differentiate compression by the trans- multaneous recording from the digit and
verse carpal ligament from diseases of the the median nerve trunk at the wrist has
most terminal segment, as might be ex- the advantage of instantaneously assess-
pected in a distal neuropathy. In ad- ing the301 latencies over the two seg-
vanced stages, however, the axons may ments. Recording from two different
degenerate distal to the entrapment. Con- sites, however, precludes an accurate am-
versely, retrograde changes may also oc- plitude comparison between the an-
cur in the forearm as a result of a severe tidromic sensory potential and mixed
compression at the wrist.16,495,519 The nerve potential. Other measures include
loss of fast-conducting fibers also leads to the relative latency change of the median
slowed conduction velocity proximal to the sensory latency to radial, ulnar, or palmar
site of the lesion if recorded from digits.145 cutaneous sensory latency for the same
Mixed nerve conduction study in the fore- nerve length63,69,390,521 and between me-
measures the segment of interest per dian and ulnar motor latencies by lum-
se, although a possible cutaneous brical and interossei or thenar eminence
palmar branch bypassing 190 the carpal liga- recording.407,408,446,517,531
ment confuses the issue. An interesting approach along the same
With serial stimulation from the mid- line takes advantage of simultaneous
palm to the distal forearm in 1 cm incre- stimulation of two nerves, for example,
ments, sensory axons normally show a la- median and ulnar for recording of sensory
tency change of 0.16-0.21 ms/cm (see Fig. potentials from the fourth digit or median
6-7A,B). In about one half of the affected and radial for recording sensory potentials
nerves, there is an abrupt latency increase from the first digit.73,213,384,522 Recording
across a 1 cm segment, most commonly from the fourth digit also allows compar-
2-4 cm distal to the origin of the trans- ison of median and ulnar nerve potentials
verse carpal ligament.241,351,354,355 In elicited by palmar and wrist stimulation.
these hands, the focal latency change The affected median nerve typically shows
across the affected 1 cm segment averages a distally elicited synchronized response
more than four times that of the adjoin- and a proximally evoked temporally dis-
ing distal or proximal 1 cm segments (see persed delayed potential, in sharp con-
Fig. 6-7C,D). In the remaining hands, trast to the nearly identical ulnar re-
conduction delay affected more than one sponses regardless of stimulus sites (see
1 cm segment across the carpal tunnel Chapter 6-2). These studies generally fail
but was usually maximal at the site de- to serve as a useful test in patients with
scribed above. Segmental studies of the polyneuropathy.83
motor axons in short increments are tech- Two motor conduction measures com-
nically more demanding because of the re- pare the terminal latency of the distal seg-
current course of the thenar nerve that ment to the conduction time in the prox-
varies anatomically from one subject to imal segment adjusted to the same
another.214,241,545 Digital stimulation al- distance (see Chapter 5-4). Of these, the
lows simultaneous multichannel record- residual latency increases,260 and the ter-
ings of the orthodromic sensory potential minal latency 244,463,474
index decreases below the
across the carpal tunnel for segmental la- normal range in patients with
tency studies.201,242 The inability to com- carpal tunnel syndrome. Even with com-
pare the amplitudes and waveform of the plete denervation of the thenar muscles,
responses recorded from different sites the first and second lumbricals may main-
724 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

tain part of their innervation presumably vasive laser neurolysis as an alternative

because of a106,142
deeper location of their mo- therapy, although its 538
role in management
tor funiculi. Recognition of lumbri- awaits further study.
cal sparing thus helps establish the diag- If conservative therapy fails, division of
nosis especially in advanced cases with the transverse carpal ligament is usually
severe loss of axons supplying thenar the standard operative procedure for uni-
muscles.296 Conversely, lumbrical muscles lateral and occasionally385for bilateral re-
may show a prolonged latency despite an lease at one operation. Carpal tunnel
otherwise normal motor study.142 In ad- decompression also benefits patients
vanced cases, electromyographic studies with advanced thenar atrophy and sen-
show fibrillation potentials and positive sory deficits139,362 and those339
with under-
sharp waves in the median innervated in- lying peripheral neuropathy. Although
trinsic hand muscles. Needle studies, surgery is usually successful, 7-30 per-
though not necessary in typical cases of cent of patients will have either residual
the carpal tunnel syndrome may aid in86,170
ex- or recurring symptoms.93,381 Endoscopic
cluding other diagnostic possibilities. release may shorten the convalescence
Other techniques of theoretical interest time for return to work7 provided the in-
include quantitative
studies of sensory traoperative safety and outcomes equal
thresholds and strength-duration those of surgery.45
testing.335 Quantitative somatosensory
thermotesting may demonstrate impair-
ment of thin nerve fiber function,276 but Digital Nerve Entrapment
the ulnar-innervated digit 5 may also
show abnormal findings.171 Some advo- The interdigital nerves supply the skin of
cate the use of portable nerve conduction the index and middle fingers and half of
testing for screening, but its inability to the ring finger as extensions of the me-
measure the amplitude 488 and waveforms dian sensory fibers. Sensory symptoms
poses a major limitation. may result from compression of these
Nonoperative measures sometimes suf- small sensory branches against the edge
fice as the initial treatment212 although of the deep transverse metacarpal liga-
some recommend early surgery.553 Con- ment. Entrapment is associated with
servative therapy consists of patient edu- trauma, tumor, phalangeal fracture or in-
cation, wrist splinting, B vitamins, nons- flammation of the metacarpophalangeal
teroidal anti-inflammatory medication, joint or tendon.256 Patients complain of
steroid injections, oral administration of pain in one or two digits exacerbated by
steroid, and job change or modifica- lateral hyperextension of the affected dig-
tion.72,194 Splinting works best if applied its and tenderness and dysesthesia over
within 3 months of symptom onset.264 Lo- the palmar surfaces between the
cal steroid injections for symptomatic re- metacarpals. Local infiltration of a steroid
lief help confirm the diagnosis and treat may relieve the symptoms and assist in
the disorder. In one series, treatment with diagnosis.348 Abnormal median sensory
a single dose of 40 mg triamcinolone ace- potentials may result208from unsuspected
tonide resulted in complete remission in digital nerve lesions.
35 percent of patients and partial relief in
58 percent.160 An inadvertent injection
into the 293
nerve can result in permanent 6 ULNAR NERVE
damage. Two practices can help avoid
this complication: placing the needle care-
fully midway between the palmaris longus Tardy Ulnar Palsy and
tendon and the flexor carpi ulnaris ten- Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
don at the proximal edge of the transverse
carpal ligament in a line with the super- The ulnar nerve enters the flexor carpi ul-
ficial tendon of the ring finger146 and dis- naris between the humeral and ulnar
continuing injection and redirecting the heads of the muscle. After an intramus-
needle if the patient experiences pares- cular course of several centimeters, the
thesia of any kind. Some advocate nonin- nerve exits the flexor carpi ulnaris to lie
Mononenropathies and Entrapment Syndromes 725

between this muscle and the flexor digi- the flexor carpi ulnaris.330,502 Here, the
torum profundus.59 Ulnar neuropathy nerve has the largest diameter,71 may
commonly results from a focal entrapment show palpable swelling in the ulnar
in the retroepicondylar groove or at the groove, and appears hyperemic at surgery.
humeroulnar aponeurotic arcade joining Frequent hand use in the elbow flexed po-
the two heads of the flexor carpi ulnaris.58 sition narrows the cubital tunnel
and ex-
In one study of 130 cadavers, the humer- acerbates the symptoms. In one
oulnar arcade lay from 3-20 mm distal to study,357 routine autopsy revealed focal
the medial epicondyle, the intramuscular pathologic changes at the aponeurosis in
course ranged from 18-70 mm through 5 of 12 presumably normal nerves. The
the flexor carpi ulnaris, and the nerve ex- appearance of bilateral ulnar neuropathy
ited the tunnel 28-69 mm distal to the in a large number of patients suggests a
medial epicondyle.58 congenital predisposition to this syn-
Ulnar neuropathy at the elbow results drome.191,328,329 In fact, the asympto-
from widely varying causes.329 These in- matic contralateral nerve may show some
clude repeated trauma at the retrocondy- involvement histologically in some cases
lar groove, pressure from immobilization of idiopathic ulnar neuropathy.356
of the upper limb during surgery,536 en- The earliest clinical features include im-
trapment by the accessory anconeus pairment of sensation over the fifth digit
epitrochlearis muscle,316405
spontaneous in- and the ulnar half of the fourth digit.
traneural hemorrhage, and a gouty to- Weakness and wasting predominate in the
phus.9,533 Originally, tardy ulnar palsy first dorsal interosseous and other ulnar-
implied antecedent traumatic joint defor- innervated intrinsic hand muscles, such
mity or recurrent subluxation. Many clin- as the third and fourth lumbricals, giving
icians, however, now use the term for en- rise to the partial claw hands, and the
trapment of the ulnar nerve at the elbow, third volar interosseous, causing an in-
even without a history of trauma. The ability to adduct the fifth digit, or the
compressive lesion at this site can affect Wartenberg sign. Electromyography fur-
different fascicles, involving the terminal ther defines the site of involvement by
digital nerves and the fibers to the hand demonstrating the distribution of dener-
muscles much more frequently than those vation. Typically, the cubital tunnel syn-
to the forearm muscles.492 Classic clini- drome affects the ulnar half of the flexor
cal symptoms also appear with a more digitorum profundus, which receives the
proximal involvement at Erb's point225,261 nerve supply distal to the aponeurosis,
or at the level of the upper arm after in- sparing the flexor carpi ulnaris supplied
jections into the middle deltoid.157 Ulnar by a proximal branch. This distinction,
nerve palsy at the elbow may also consti- however, does not necessarily hold as
tute part of diffuse neuropathy or develop commonly believed,57reflecting variable in-
concomitantly with lower cervical spine nervation patterns.
disease involving C8 and T1 roots or with Nerve conduction and electromyo-
the thoracic outlet syndrome.347 In one graphic studies help localize the site of
study, ulnar sensory and motor nerve major pathology in these patients.249,417
fibers showed similar conduction changes Some have localized slowing of motor or
across the elbow in motor neuron disease. sensory conduction velocity across the el-
This finding casts doubt on double crush bow compared with the more proximal or
syndrome, which postulates the greater distal segments.475 Tests conducted with
susceptibility of the proximalty affected the elbow flexed rather than extended
axons to a distal entrapment.75 generally yield a more reliable result.257
Some reports emphasize the cubital Test accuracy is improved by maintaining
tunnel syndrome as the most common the identical limb position during record-
discrete entity.129,328,329 In this condition, ing and measuring the surface distance.
nerve entrapment accompanies neither a Waveform changes provide a more sensi-
joint deformity nor a history of major tive measure than the generally accepted
trauma.128 A number of factors give rise criteria for slowing of conduction exceed-
to entrapment of the nerve under the ing 10 m/s.373 The segment distal to the
aponeurosis connecting the two heads of presumed compression may show mild
726 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

slowing165 associated with a reduction in if present, characteristically spares the

amplitude of the compound muscle action dorsum of the hand innervated by the dor-
potential elicited by distal stimulation. sal cutaneous branch, which arises prox-
This finding usually indicates axonal de- imal to464the wrist. In Guyon's canal syn-
generation, although on rare occasion it drome, the responsible lesion may
may result from a quickly reversible involve both deep and superficial
change in nerve membrane excitability.321 branches of the ulnar nerve (type 1) or
Recording from the flexor carpi ulnaris only the deep branch, thus producing the
supplements the conduction study in se- palmaris brevis sign or sparing of this
vere cases showing atrophy of the intrinsic muscle innervated by the superficial
hand muscles.520 Recording a normal or branch (type 2).202,402 In either case, the
nearly normal compound muscle action po- other ulnar-innervated intrinsic hand
tential from a clinically weak muscle with muscles show weakness and atrophy as
distal stimulation indicates the presence of well as electromyographic evidence of den-
conduction block at a proximal site of com- ervation, whereas the flexor carpi ulnaris
pression. A drop in motor amplitude greater and flexor digitorum profundus III and IV
than 25 percent across the elbow usually function normally. The reverse, however,
localizes the lesion in this segment.399 does not necessarily hold because a prox-
Stimulating the nerve at multiple sites imal lesion can selectively damage the
across the cubital tunnel identifies the pre- bundle of axons destined for the more dis-
cise site of the lesion.60,220,328 A nonlinear tal muscles. In fact, ulnar nerve lesions
change in amplitude or latency or both at any level tend to affect the first dorsal
serves as the most sensitive measure of a interosseous muscle most consistently.
focal abnormality (see Chapter 7-5).243 In- Predominant involvement of the superfi-
traoperative studies pinpoint the site of cial branch results in selective paralysis
entrapment for optimal surgical therapy, of the palmaris brevis and loss of sensa-
showing a major conduction block at the tion in the fifth digit and ulnar half of the
point of exit from the cubital tunnel in fourth digit (type 3).
some cases. Some electromyographers ad- Entrapment in Guyon's canal most com-
vocate near nerve recording for better lo- monly results from a ganglion.380 Less fre-
calization.372 quent causes include trauma, rheumatoid
A strict nonoperative regimen should arthritis, tortuous arteries,459 calcium de-
constitute the initial management of the posits in Guyon's canal in scleroderma,512
cubital tunnel syndrome.104 Surgical an accessory palmaris muscle that arises
treatment consists of 287,331transposition,193 from the base of the fifth metacarpal,

simple decompression, or interfas- and pisiform-hamate coalition. Ganglions

cicular neurolysis.358 Patients may have and fractures usually cause combined mo-
some functional recovery if operated on tor and sensory deficits or isolated motor
early.273 Once a moderate degree of mo- weakness, whereas synovitis may cause
tor deficit has developed, symptoms per- isolated sensory loss.267 The presence of
sist after operative intervention in 30 per- a Martin-Gruber anastomosis may con-
cent or more of patients.129 In selected fuse 251
the issue with an unusual presenta-
cases, anterior transposition of the nerve tion. Handcuff neuropathy, which usu-
results in good clinical and electrophysi- ally involves the superficial radial nerve,
ologic improvement148,253,409 even as153 a re- may also affect the449,457
ulnar nerve selectively
operation for failed decompression. or concomitantly. Ulnar nerve com-
pression in the distal forearm may result
from the enlarged normally tendinous por-
Compression at Guyon's Canal tion of the flexor carpi ulnaris.56 A segment
of the nerve 569may anomalously penetrate
The ulnar nerve enters the113hand through this tendon. Surgical decompression
Guyon's canal at the wrist. Nerve injury generally improves the symptoms.224,383
at this level, seen less commonly than at In types 1 and 2, motor conduction
the elbow, has clinical features similar to studies reveal reduced amplitude and in-
those of tardy ulnar palsy. Sensory deficit, creased digital latency of the abductor dig-
Mononeuropathies and Entrapment Syndromes 727

iti quinti and first dorsal interosseous re- however, may show a prolonged latency
sponses showing asymmetry between the and reduced amplitude compared with the
affected and normal sides.380 Other use- unaffected side. Segmental stimulation of
ful techniques include short383 incremental the motor branch in the palm can estab-
stimulation across the wrist and com- lish precise localization of the lesion along
parison between ulnar and median motor the course of the nerve (see Chapter 6-2).
latency by258,465
lumbrical and interossei Electromyography shows selective abnor-
recording. Eliciting a normal sen- malities of the ulnar-innervated intrinsic
sory potential from the proximally branch- hand muscles except for the abductor dig-
ing dorsal ulnar cutaneous nerve209,235
usually iti minimi. These findings indicate slow-
localizes the lesion at the wrist, al- ing or block of nerve conduction distal to
though a lesion at the elbow could possi- the origin of the hypothenar branch.39,126
bly spare this branch in partial involve-
ment.527 Reduced or absent ulnar sensory
action potentials of the fourth and fifth 7 NERVES OF THE
digits indicate involvement of the superfi- PELVIC GIRDLE
cial branch. The mixed nerve action po-
tential between the wrist and elbow re-
mains normal. Recording from the fourth Although traumatic injury rarely affects
digit provides a sensitive measure of com- the lumbar plexus because of the protec-
parison between median and ulnar nerve tion afforded by the pelvic bones, individ-
sensory amplitude and latency (see Chap- ual nerves derived from the plexus may
ters 6-2 and this chapter, part 5). sustain isolated damage by either chronic
compression or acute injury.

Involvement of the Palmar Branch

Ilioinguinal Nerve
Further distally, the deep motor branch
may sustain external trauma or compres- The ilioinguinal nerve may be injured ac-
sion by a ganglion arising from the carpal cidentally or during surgery. Patients with
articulations168,499 or by the arch of 439
ori- ilioinguinal neuropathy complain of pain
gin of the adductor pollicis muscles or in the groin region, especially when stand-
tumor.413 Using the heel of the hand ing.256 Pressure immediately medial to the
against a crutch causes repeated injuries anterior-superior iliac spine causes pain
to this branch as does an attempt to shut radiating into the crural region. Muscle
or raise a window by striking the bottom weakness and increased intra-abdominal
edge with the palm. Compression of the ul- tension may lead to formation of a direct
nar nerve at the palm has also followed pro- inguinal hernia.
longed bicycle riding.127,189 Other 147entities
reported include video-game palsy, and
pizza cutter's palsy.437 Damage distal to Genitofemoral Nerve
the origin of the superficial branch gives
rise to no sensory abnormality clinically Selective damage of the genitofemoral
or electrophysiologically. In cyclist's palsy, nerve may result from trauma to the groin
however, a severe lesion may also affect or surgical adhesions. Clinical features in-
the sensory fibers supplying the skin of clude pain in the inguinal region, sensory
the fourth and fifth digits.364 deficits over the femoral triangle, and the
A palmar lesion usually spares the more absence of a cremasteric reflex.
proximal motor fibers supplying the hy-
pothenar muscles. Thus, conduction stud-
ies reveal no abnormalities between the el- Lateral, Anterior, and Posterior
bow and wrist and a normal distal latency Femoral Cutaneous Nerves
from the wrist to the abductor digiti min-
imi. The compound action potential Entrapment of the lateral femoral cuta-
recorded from the first dorsal interosseous, neous nerve, a purely sensory nerve,
728 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

causes a condition known as meralgia retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy, or hema-

paresthetica. The damage usually occurs toma.89,232,563 Diabetes and vascular dis-
at the anterior superior iliac spine where eases also commonly cause femoral neu-
the nerve emerges from the lateral border ropathy. Fractures of the femur or cardiac
of the psoas major and sharply angulates catheterization may render direct nerve
over the inguinal ligament.256 The precip- damage.54,228,411,534 In hyperextension
itating factors include the compression of injury from the lithotomy position 318during
the nerve by tight belts, corsets, seatbelts, surgery or gestational deliveries, ex-
or prolonged postoperative hip flexion for cessive hip abduction and external rota-
relief of pain after abdominal incision,205 tion stretches the nerve compressed at the
although the symptoms may develop with- inguinal ligament.11 A complete lesion re-
out obvious cause as the nerve penetrates sults in the inability to flex the thigh on
the inguinal fascia. Pathologic changes the abdomen or to extend the leg at the
consist of local demyelination and waller- knee, reduced or absent knee stretch re-
ian degeneration, particularly of the large flex, and variable sensory loss. Partial
diameter fibers.210 Malignant tumor of the femoral nerve lesions may selectively af-
psoas and other lesions located above the fect 66a single head of the quadriceps mus-
inguinal ligament can mimic meralgia cle. Electrophysiologic studies show in-
paresthetica and bear a more serious creased femoral nerve latency, reduced
prognosis.15 amplitude of the compound muscle action
Clinical diagnosis depends on the char- potential, and evidence of denervation in
acteristic distribution of paresthesias, the appropriate muscles. In general, two
pain, and objective sensory loss over the thirds of patients show functional im-
anterolateral surface of the thigh without provement in 2 years.266 In individual
motor weakness.256 Patients with an L2 cases, the estimated axonal loss based on
or L3 lesion may also have radiating pain compound muscle action potential ampli-
along the lateral aspect of the thigh.423 tude is a good measure of prognosis.
The absence of motor deficits clinically as Patients with diabetes may develop ap-
well as electromyographically despite ob- parent mononeuropathy of the femoral
jective sensory loss tends to support the nerve. The syndrome begins with pain in
diagnosis of meralgia paresthetica. Elec- the anterior aspect of the thigh followed
trophysiologic studies may reveal slowed by weakness and atrophy of the quadri-
sensory conduction across the compres- ceps. In most patients, careful clinical and
sion site.53,448,481 The use of dermatomal electromyographic examinations reveal
or cutaneous somatosensory evoked po- more widespread involvement in the ter-
tentials advocated by some271,547 provides ritory of the L2 through L4 roots, sug-
only limited help because assessments gesting polyradiculopathy. Differential di-
over the long conduction pathway tend to agnoses should also include bilateral
dilute a focal delay (see Chapter 7-6). quadriceps tendon rupture usually asso-
Conservative treatment suffices for most ciated with trauma,428 or an underlying
patients unless intractable symptoms call disease such as anabolic steroid abuse,98
for neurolysis with transposition or, in and renal failure.223
some, sectioning of the nerve.551
Femoral artery reconstructive surgery
may injure an anterior femoral cutaneous Saphenous Nerve
nerve.28 Rarely a venous malformation
surrounding the nerve compresses the The saphenous nerve exits from Hunter's
posterior femoral cutaneous nerve.81 subsartorial canal, together with the
femoral vessels.256 Obstructive vascular
disease may injure the nerve at this level,
Femoral Nerve causing localized pain over the medial as-
pect of the knee as the main clinical fea-
An intrapelvic lesion of the femoral ture. It often radiates distally to the me-
nerve may result from compression by tu- dial side of the foot347 and worsens with
mors of the vertebrae, psoas abscesses, any exercise such as climbing stairs.
Mononeuropathies and Entrapment Syndromes 729

Saphenous neuropathy, usually seen as a current colorectal carcinoma.270 Damage

spontaneous entrapment syndrome, may to the superior gluteal nerve gives rise to
also develop as a complication of ortho- weakness and denervation of gluteus
pedic and vascular procedures performed medius and minimus, which abduct and
on the medial area of the knee with the rotate the thigh inward. A lesion of the in-
formation of a neuroma in the dissection ferior gluteal nerve compromises the glu-
site.460 Further distally saphenous nerve teus maximus, which extends, abducts,
lesions caused by bursitis as part of an and rotates the thigh externally.
athletic overuse injury may mimic stress
fracture of the tibia.198 Electrophysiologic
studies reveal a slowed saphenous nerve Sciatic Nerve
conduction tested either orthodromi-
cally496 or antidromically.532 Sciatic neuropathy566,567 results from di-
rect spread of neoplasm from the geni-
tourinary tract or rectum, neurinoma of the
Obturator Nerve sciatic nerve itself, abscess of the pelvic
floor, pressure from a gravid uterus, frac-
The obturator nerve may sustain selective tures of the pelvis, hip, or femur, or is-
damage during pregnancy or labor by chemia resulting from aortic occlusion.278
pressure from a gravid uterus. Other Other uncommon compressive lesions in-
causes of obturator nerve injury include clude solitary primary lymphoma of the sci-
pelvic fracture, surgical procedures 425
for ob- atic nerve,400 popliteal artery470
turator hernia and pelvic cancer, en- segmental neurofibromatosis, 91
trapment in the obturator canal by in- prominent lesser trochanter, and acetab-
creased intra-abdominal pressure, and ular fracture.135 Sciatic endometriosis may
stretching at the bony obturator foramen cause cyclic sciatic pain and a sensory mo-
during prolonged urologic surgery.393 In- tor mononeuropathy.445 Misdirected in-
jury to this nerve weakens the adductors tragluteal injection may damage the sci-
and internal and external rotators of the atic nerve,350 the inferior gluteal nerve,
thigh. Typically, the patient complains of posterior femoral 368cutaneous nerve,204 or
pain in the groin radiating along the me- pudendal nerve. Penetrating wound,
dial aspect of the thigh, as well as hypes- hip surgery, or insertion of a prosthesis
thesia or dysesthesia over the medial as- may also traumatize the sciatic nerve.
pect of the upper thigh. Electromyographic Baker's popliteal cyst, formed by an effu-
studies show evidence of denervation in sion into the semimembranous bursa, can
the gracilis and adductor muscles. compress the sciatic, peroneal, tibial, or
sural nerve in any combination, especially
with the knee extended.348 Prolonged
Superior and Inferior squatting compresses the sciatic nerve in
Gluteal Nerves the segment between the ischial tuberos-
ity and trochanter major or between the
The superior and inferior gluteal nerves, adductor magnus and hamstring mus-
situated directly behind the hip joint, suf- cles.476 A bilateral posterior compartment
fer damage from fractures of the upper fe- syndrome may cause sciatic neuropathy
mur, 211,368
by misdirected intramuscular injec- as a complication of a surgical procedure
tion, with compression
from iliac performed with the patient in the sitting
artery aneurysms, or following pelvic position. Nerve conduction studies and
trauma.508,552 Anterior-superior tendi- electromyography help delineate the ex-
nous fibers of the pyriformis may compress tent and distribution of the abnormality.
the superior gluteal nerve, causing buttock The possible causes of isolated sciatic
pain and tenderness to palpation in the neuropathy in childhood include, in addi-
area superolateral to the greater sciatic tion to compressive lesions, stretch injury
notch.416 Compromise of the inferior during operation, traction injuries during
gluteal nerve documented electromyo- breech deliveries,486 puncture wound, lym-
graphically may herald clinical signs of re- phoma, eosinophilic vasculitis,216 entrap-
730 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

ment by a fibrovascular band,528 complica- 441

reach the lateral aspect of the knee. Ha-
tion of umbilical vessel catheterization,
bitual crossing of the leg compresses the
gluteal intramuscular injection, and nerve against the head of the fibula at this
compressive injury in utero.467 vulnerable point. Injury here most fre-
The pyriformis muscle may rarely en- quently affects the deep branch and, less
trap the nerve as it exits the 125,256 pelvis commonly, the whole nerve.480 The su-
through the greater sciatic notch. perficial nerve innervates the peroneus
The pyriformis syndrome may also result longus and brevis, both everter and plan-
as a complication of an operation per- tar flexor. Thus stimulation of the com-
formed44 with the patient in the sitting po- mon peroneal nerve after selective injury
sition and from neural compression by of the deep branch causes foot eversion
a pseudoaneurysm of the inferior gluteal and plantar flexion. Rarely, a ganglion in
artery386,387 or arteriovenous malforma- the same location can selectively involve
tion of the pyriformis muscle.96 Unlike the superficial branch,502 which may
more proximal lesions, it selectively in- show a number of anatomical variations.4
volves the gluteus maximus, sparing the Other uncommon compressive lesions
gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, tensor include intraneural synovial
cyst365 and
fasciae latae, and paraspinal muscles intraneural ganglion, identifiable only
clinically and electromyographically. For after the incision of epineurium.404 Pro-
such a focal lesion not accessible to seg- longed squatting or sitting down in a
mental stimulation, conventional nerve kneeling position (considered good manners
conduction studies provide little, if any, in Japan) may compress the peroneal nerve
clinically pertinent information. Some au- against the biceps tendon, the lateral head
thors reported the clinical value of the H of the gastrocnemius, or the head of the
reflex latency, which changes following fibula.21,255,502 Unilateral peroneal nerve
forcible contraction of the 141
pyriformis mus- paralysis has developed during intended
cle as a provocative test. weight reduction,185 following the use of an
For reasons not entirely clear, trauma exercise bicycle, as a complication of
affecting the sciatic nerve as a whole tends proximal tibial osteotomy,252 from the litho-
to involve the peroneal component much tomy position during gestational deliver-
more frequently than the tibial por- ies,85 and perioperatively during liver trans-
tion.341,501,526 Reaction to injuries may plantation.548 Peroneal neuropathy 217 in a
depend on funicular size and disposition of newborn may have a prenatal onset.
the nerves. The peroneal nerve trunk has Injury to the deep branch weakens the
less connective tissue and fewer but longer toe and foot dorsiflexors with sensory
nerve bundles than the tibial nerve. The changes over the web of skin between the
topical distribution may also make the per- first and second toes. Lesions of the su-
oneal division, located laterally and poste- perficial branch affect eversion and plan-
riorly, more susceptible than the tibial di- tar flexion with sensory deficits over most
vision to an injection in the buttock. of the dorsum of the foot. Preservation of
Proximal sciatic nerve injury may elicit dis- the ankle reflex and the ability to invert
tally projected sensory symptoms, mimick- the foot normally distinguishes a peroneal
ing tarsal tunnel syndrome.173 Studies of nerve palsy from a sciatic nerve lesion in
the H reflex or F wave or direct needle stim- patients with footdrop. The tibialis poste-
ulation of the nerve at the radicular level rior receives L4 and L5 innervation via the
and sciatic notch303 may reveal conduction tibial nerve. Thus, a needle study of this
abnormalities in these cases. muscle helps differentiate between per-
oneal palsy and L5 radiculopathy.197 Foot
drop may also result from a lesion of the
8 COMMON PERONEAL NERVE peroneal division at the level of the sciatic
nerve. Differentiation depends on elec-
tromyographic exploration of the ham-
Following the separation into individual string muscles, especially the short head
nerves in the lower thigh, the common of the biceps femoris innervated by the
peroneal nerve becomes superficial to peroneal component of the sciatic nerve.
Mononeuropathies and Entrapment Syndromes 731

A change in amplitude or, less fre- oneal nerve proximal to the inferior ex-
quently, slowed conduction across the tensor retinaculum.440 Electromyography
fibular head localizes the site of the le- in anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome reveals
sion. To diagnose a focal abnormality evidence of denervation in the extensor
based on conduction velocity, slowing digitorum brevis and other appropriate
must exceed 10 m/s compared with the muscles. Spontaneous discharges in the
remaining distal segment below the knee. intrinsic foot muscles, however, may sim-
A drop in amplitude by more than 20 per- ply reflect chronic nerve damage caused
cent from distal to proximal stimulation by wearing a tight shoe.133 The presence
usually indicates 398
a localized lesion at the of fibrillation potentials compared with in-
compression site. In our experience, in- sertional positive sharp waves provides a
cremental segmental stimulation serves more reliable indicator of true pathol-
as the most sensitive measure by reveal- ogy.156 A fascial band may compress an
ing a nonlinear change in latency, ampli- accessory sensory branch of the superfi-
tude, or waveform at the site of focal le- cial peroneal nerve, which438traverses the
sion. In one series, contrary to common lateral malleolus laterally.
belief, one half of the patients showed ax-
onal loss, one fourth showed conduction
block, and the remaining one fourth had 9 TIBIAL NERVE
a mixed pattern.226 In another study, the
extensor digitorum brevis tended to show
signs of axonal degeneration, and anterior The tibial nerve, because of its deep loca-
lateral compartment muscles had evi- tion, rarely sustains injury in the posterior
dence of conduction block.47 A smaller re- compartment of the thigh or leg. Occasional
sponse elicited by distal compared with compression by the flexor retinaculum as
proximal stimulation suggests the pres- it passes behind the medial 110,174,483
ence of an accessory deep peroneal nerve. causes tarsal tunnel syndrome. It
In these cases, a proximal shock at the may result from trauma, tenosynovitis,
knee but not distal stimulus at 275 the ankle venous stasis of the posterior tibial vein,
excites the anomalous fibers, giving or a ganglion arising from the subtalar
rise to the amplitude discrepancy (see joint. In our experience, most, if not all,
Chapter 7-4). Recording from the tibialis patients with idiopathic tarsal tunnel syn-
anterior in lieu of the atrophic extensor drome have an underlying neuropathic
digitorum brevis improves the accuracy of condition such as overt or subclinical di-
conduction assessment across the knee in abetic polyneuropathy. A patient with a
some cases.226,549 Additionally, clinical more proximal lesion such as a tumor of
recovery relates more to the function of the tibial nerve may show signs and symp-
the tibialis anterior and other muscles of toms of the tarsal tunnel syndrome pos-
the anterolateral compartment. Distal sibly20,550
because of venous thrombosis in the
stimulation elicits a small and delayed calf. The clinical features consist of
mixed nerve potential above the head of painful dysesthesia and sensory deficits
the fibula in mild compression and no re- in the toes and sole and weakness of the
sponses in advanced stages. intrinsic foot muscles. Electromyography
The anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome, reveals evidence of denervation in the in-
rare entrapment of the deep peroneal trinsic foot muscles supplied by the tibial
nerve at the ankle, causes pain on the dor- nerve.
sum of the foot, sensory deficits in the In the tarsal tunnel syndrome, nerve
small web area between the first and sec- conduction studies show increased motor
ond toes, and atrophy of the extensor dig- latencies along the medial or lateral plan-
itorum brevis. An incomplete form affects tar nerve with stimulation of the tibial
the motor or sensory fibers selectively af- nerve slightly above the medial malleolus.
ter their division under the inferior ex- Additional stimulation of the nerve
tensor retinaculum.262 Nerve conduction slightly below the malleolus may docu-
studies show increased distal motor la- ment segmental slowing across the com-
tency with stimulation of the deep per- pression site. The calculated conduction
732 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

velocity ranges widely, reflecting the short 10 SURAL NERVE

distance between the two stimuli. Alter-
natively, serial stimulation in 1 cm incre-
ments along the course of the nerve re- Isolated compression and traumatic neu-
veals an abrupt change in waveform of the ropathy of the sural nerve, although in-
recorded response together with a dispro- frequent, results from a ganglion.410
portionate latency increase at the com- Baker's cyst,348 use
of a combat boot,453
pression site. Near-nerve sensory con- or stretch injury. Its superficial loca-
duction of the medial and lateral plantar tion makes the sural nerve suitable for di-
nerve elucidates slowed velocities and ab- agnostic biopsy. The sensory innervation
normal temporal dispersion in most differs from one patient to another as the
cases.375,377 These findings indicate a fo- nerve receives various contributions from
cal segmental demyelination as the pri- the tibial and peroneal nerves. In general,
mary pathologic process. The conduction sensory changes involve the posterolateral
studies on the clinically unaffected side aspects of the lower third of the leg and
serve as a control. Both motor and sen- the lateral aspects of the dorsum of the
sory conductions improve after surgical foot. Nerve conduction studies help delin-
decompression.374 eate the lesion.180 Some investigators ad-
The nerve may undergo rare compres- vocate combination of neurophysiological
sion more proximally in the popliteal fossa and ultrasound findings in evaluating
or more distally as it enters the abductor sural nerve lesions.478
hallucis muscle. A lesion distal to the
flexor retinaculum results in a deficit of
either the medial or lateral plantar branch 11 OTHER
of the tibial nerve.376 The patient com- MONONEUROPATHIES
plains of pain and sensory changes in the
plantar aspect of the foot but not in the
heel. Anterior heel pain syndrome may re- Hypertrophic Mononeuropathy
sult from isolated injury of the inferior cal-
caneal nerve, which innervates the ab- Localized hypertrophic neuropathy or in-
ductor digit quinti as the first branch of traneural permeurinoma causes predom-
the lateral plantar nerve.26,388 The medial inantly motor weakness in the distribu-
plantar proper digital nerve arises from tion of a single nerve. Biopsy specimen
the medial plantar nerve as a terminal sen- shows the histologic 472
appearance of the
sory branch. Its selective injury or com- onion bulb formation. If this condition
pression causes a focal neuropathy, of unknown etiology affects the tibial
Joplin's neuroma.82 Useful diagnostic tech- nerve, the patient develops progressive
niques include electromyography of the in- wasting of the leg muscles.203
trinsic foot muscles and conduction stud-
ies of 182,378
the medial and lateral plantar
nerves and medial calcaneal nerve.388 Idiopathic Mononeuropathy
Chronic compression of the terminal dig-
ital branches under the metatarsal heads, An unusual clinical entity described in
usually in the third and fourth interspaces, young patients shows insidiously progres-
gives rise to a syndrome of painful toes, or sive, painless weakness in the distribution
Morton's neuroma. The interdigital nerve of a single major lower limb nerve.131 Elec-
syndrome also results from ligamentous trophysiologic and histologic findings sug-
mechanical irritation with hyperextension gest a chronic axonal mononeuropathy
of the toes in high-heeled shoes, hallux without conduction block or focal slowing.
valgus deformities, congenital malforma-
tion, rheumatoid arthritis, or any form of
trauma.347 Typically, walking precipitates Postherpetic Neuralgia
pain in the affected digits although the pa-
tient also suffers from spontaneous noc- Focal weakness of an arm may follow seg-
turnal discomfort. mental herpes zoster affecting the same
Mononeuropathies and Entrapment Syndromes 733

limb. Neurophysiologic investigation has sion is an effective alternative. The spe-

localized the lesion at the84,442
root, plexus, or cific diagnoses most likely to require
peripheral nerve level. In one se- surgery include trigger digits, carpal tun-
ries,184 21 of 40 patients had evidence nel syndrome, ulnar nerve entrapment,
of denervation, suggesting widespread rheumatoid 102arthritis, and Dupuytren's
subclinical motor involvement. Another contracture. Nerve conduction and
study337 found no correlation between electromyographic studies help confirm
the degree of postherpetic neuralgia and the diagnosis, establish the extent and
electrophysiologic abnormalities, with type of pathology, detect coexisting pe-
the inference that pain has little to do ripheral nerve disorders, and determine
with damage to the large diameter sen- the efficacy of therapy.304
sory fibers in this condition. Topical ap-
plication of aspirin dissolved in chloro-
form induces prompt relief of pain for 2-4 Traumatic Mononeuropathy
Electrophysiologic evaluations play an
important role in determining the out-
Sports Injury come of mononeuropathies produced by
a single episode of limb trauma. In an ax-
In one study263 involving 169 athletes, onal injury, amplitude loss begins on
one third of 190 sports injuries occurred days 3-5 for compound action potentials
while playing football. The most common and days 5-7 for sensory nerve action po-
injuries included, in addition to burners tentials.76,379 With complete axonal de-
and stingers representing cervical radicu- generation, conduction studies alone
lopathies, median, axillary, ulnar, supras- cannot provide conclusive evidence for or
capular, and peroneal mononeuropathies. against neurotmesis, or loss of continu-
Bodybuilders also develop rare mononeu- ity. In clinically suspected cases of tran-
ropathies of the upper limb, most com- section, failure to demonstrate evidence
monly involving thoracodorsal, dor- of reinnervation in 2-3 months calls for
soscapular, suprascapular, and medial surgical exploration for suture or graft-
pectoral nerves.336 Acute focal neu- ing.254 In studies of finger amputation
ropathies also affect weight lifters, who and toe-to-digit transplantation, early
develop usually sudden, painless weak- surgical intervention prevented retro-
ness in a muscle supplied by a terminal grade degeneration, improving recovery
motor nerve branch.34 of function.79,80

Musicians' Entrapment Perioperative Mononeuropathy

In one study, 9 of 520 patients who un-
Many instrumental musicians suffer from derwent liver transplantation developed
entrapment neuropathies, most com- mononeuropathy involving the peroneal
monly carpal304tunnel syndrome and ulnar nerve, radial nerve and cutaneous branch
neuropathy. The available information of the62 femoral nerve.548 In another
regarding ulnar neuropathy suggests that study, 10 percent of liver transplant re-
violinists and violists tend to develop cipients developed focal peripheral nerve
symptoms depending on their playing po- lesions, most commonly involving the ul-
sition.282,283,284 Ulnar neuropathy may nar nerve. The operative procedures dur-
initiate or sustain a hand dystonia by in- ing hip arthroplasty may injure a number
ducing a central disorder of motor con- of nerves travelling in the vicinity for dif-
trol.74 Conservative treatment, which pro- ferent reasons such as compression, trac-
vides relief for a substantial percentage of tion, and ischemia.172,360 These include
patients,29 consists of a modification the peroneal division of the sciatic
in playing technique or time, splinting, nerve,3227 femoral nerve,471 and gluteal
and medication.283 Surgical decompres- nerve, and superior gluteal nerve.114
734 Disorders of the Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy sympathetic overactivity as the cause of

autonomic disturbances, venous blood
Patients with reflex sympathetic dystro- collected from the painful side has a lower
phy, or causalgia, if it follows a definable concentration of plasma noradrenaline
nerve injury, suffer from sustained burn- and its intracellular metabolite.119 Sympa-
ing pain and local tissue changes. The thetic underactivity would explain skin red-
skin manifestations usually involve the ness associated with loss of vasoconstric-
entire limb and in most instances consist tion, anhidrosis, and, at times, edema, but
of color and temperature changes, often not pain. In contrast, sympathetic overdrive
associated with edema and bony atrophy. may enhance nerve excitability and ectopic
Changes in peripheral blood flow may re- firing, possibly inducing pain, but also
sult from supersensitMty to sympathetic should cause pallor and increased perspi-
neurotransmitters, which also con- ration not seen in this syndrome.
tributes to spontaneous pain and allody- An alternative mechanism, proposed by
nia by disrupting efferent sympathetic some, centers on the release of substance
modulation of sensation. The impairment P, calcitonin gene-related peptide, and
of high-energy phosphate metabolism histamine at the injury site, causing ec-
suggests reduced oxygen extraction in the topic firing of peptidergic fibers and va-
affected limb.196 Sympathetic blocks lead sodilation.35,279,568 Substance P together
to a temporary reduction of these symp- with histamine released from mast cells
toms. During the block, even vigorous me- also promotes plasma extravasation. A
chanical and cold stimuli fail to rekindle nociceptive afferent barrage can cause
hyperalgesia, which presumably results substantial changes in the central noci-
from sensitization of central pain-signal- ceptive system, leading to its hyperex-
ing neurons to mechanoreceptor input.514 citability. Hyperalgesia would then result
A normally painless signal from the low as a consequence of exaggerated response,
threshold afferents could activate the ab- or wind-up, of pain-signaling dorsal horn
normally hyperexcitable pain-transmit- neurons in response to single or repeated
ting dorsal horn neurons, thus explaining stimuli.18 The central effects of the noci-
stimulus-induced hyperalgesia.298 Nor- ceptive response occur at NMDA receptor
mal spontaneous sympathetic input to sites and are mediated by excitatory amino
tactile mechanoreceptors might drive acids such as glutamate and aspartate.
such afferent activity to maintain the vi- Thus, NMDA antagonists can reduce cen-
cious circle. This interaction would not tral hyperexcitability, inhibiting hyperalge-
only explain sympathetic dependence of sia and neurogenic pain.17,557
the spontaneous pain but also relief of the
symptom by blocking the normal sympa-
thetic efferent.424 Thus, sympathetic ef- REFERENCES
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Part VII
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Chapter 27

Etiologic Considerations
Clinical Signs and Symptoms
Electrophysiologic Tests
Etiologic Considerations
Clinical Signs and Symptoms
Electrophysiologic Tests
Transcient Neonatal Myasthenia
Other Forms of Infantile Myasthenia
Botulinum Toxin
Clinical Signs and Symptoms
Electrophysiologic Tests
Tick Paralysis
Effects of Drug or Chemicals
Lower Motor Neuron Disorders
Muscle Diseases

1 INTRODUCTION (see Figs. 9-1 and 9-2). Current evidence

clearly implicates the postsynaptic ACh
receptor as the site of pathology in myas-
Despite the early clinical description of thenia gravis. In contrast, presynaptic
myasthenic syndromes,135 only recent defects of ACh release characterize the
work has elucidated the pathophysiology Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome and
underlying disorders of neuromuscular botulism. Although such a dichotomy helps
transmission, correlating morphologic ab- simplify the classification of pathogenesis,
normalities with physiologic alterations in the exact physiologic or morphologic ba-
the kinetics of acetylcholine (ACh) release sis of various myasthenic syndromes re-
754 Disorders of Muscle and the Neuromuscular Junction

mains unknown. These additional diseases disease,295 transverse myelitis,160 multiple

affect the complex process of chemical sclerosis, stiffman syndrome,193 chronic

transmission at different steps, as exem- inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropa-

plified by the original case of 83
a congenital thy,122 human immunodeficiency
virus type
defect of acetylcholinesterase. 1 (HIV-1) infection, and rheuma-
Physicians must always consider defects toid arthritis.279 These disorders accom-
of neuromuscular transmission in any pa- pany myasthenia gravis with an incidence
tient with unexplained weakness287 be- clearly higher than might be expected for
cause many of these disorders are poten- coincidental association as reported for
tially treatable by irnmunosuppression.73 some other systemic disease such as Char-
Diagnostic possibilities include not only cot-Marie-Tooth disease46 or a seizure ten-
primary diseases of the neuromuscular dency.274 Furthermore, 20 percent of in-
junction but also abnormalities of the fants born of myasthenic mothers have
nerve terminals seen in motor neuron transient myasthenia following transpla-
disease and certain types of neuropathy. cental transfer of antibody. In contrast, a
Electrodiagnostic studies help 63,249,252
confirm patient with HIV-1 infection may show
and categorize the abnormalities. clinical improvement of myasthenia gravis
as the disease progresses, with a decline
in cellular immune responses and ACh re-
2 MYASTHENIA GRAVIS ceptor antibody titers.13,188,244 Similarly,
proteinuria may cause remission followed
by exacerbation after4,127treatment of the
Myasthenia gravis has an incidence of ap- nephrotic syndrome.
proximately 1 per 20,000 in the United About 80 percent of patients with myas-
States,211,218 primarily affecting young thenia gravis have antireceptor antibod-
women in the third decade and middle- ies.52,108 Cytokines produced by CD4+
aged men in the fifth and sixth decades, and CD8325 T helper cells mediate their pro-
although the age-specific incidences show duction. In addition, patients with thy-
a bimodal distribution for both gen- moma tend to have anti-striated muscle
ders.278 Women have a slightly higher (STR) antibodies, which may cause a de-
overall average incidence by a ratio of 3:2. fective release of Ca2+ from the sarco-
Children account for 11 percent of all pa- plasmic reticulum.125,221,222 In paraneo-
tients with myasthenia gravis.218 The fe- plastic myasthenia gravis, detection of anti-
male predominance in children changes MGT30 (titin) antibodies may predict
with the disease onset, increasing from thymic epithelial tumor better than im-
prepubertal to postpubertal stages, sug- munofluorescence assay of anti-STR anti-
gesting a modulating role of sex hor- bodies.309 Children with transient neonatal
mones.6 The disease usually occurs spo- myasthenia gravis also have elevated anti-
radically, although about 5 percent have receptor antibodies, which is one of the best
a familial incidence. The symptoms and indicators of the disease. 18° In one series of
signs tend to appear between the second 221 patients, 18.5 percent had no de-
and fourth decades. tectable antibodies. These included 7 of 14
patients with only ocular symptoms and 25
of 145 patients with generalized myasthe-
Etiologic Considerations nia.275 Antireceptor antibody assays fail to
adequately discriminate between congenital
Findings in support of the autoimmune myasthenia gravis and prepubertal onset
hypothesis226-269 include the develop- juvenile myasthenia gravis characterized
ment of thymoma in 10 percent and by a high frequency of seronegativity.6'323
thymic hyperplasia in 70 percent of pa- Patients with seronegativity also have a fa-
tients with myasthenia gravis.81 Patients vorable response to thymectomy or plasma-
may also have other potentially immuno- pheresis, indicating the presence of nonde-
logic diseases such as thyroiditis, hyper- tectable antibodies.40 Seronegative cases
thyroidism, hypothyroidism, polymyositis, may 199have atypical electrophysiologic find-
systemic lupus erythematosus, Hodgkin's ings. False-positive results, although
Myasthenia Gravis and Other Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission 755

rare, may occur in penicillamine-treated but also reduced excitation-contraction

or thymoma patients without myasthenia coupling and contractility as the cause of
gravis, bone marrow transplant recipients, myasthenic weakness.221
patients with Down syndrome, tardive
dyskinesia, primary biliary cirrhosis, or
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and, in the Clinical Signs and Symptoms
presence277of thyroid or mitochondria! an-
tibodies. The main clinical features consist of weak-
Animal studies also suggest the pres- ness and excessive fatigability of striated
ence of a circulating immunoglobulin and muscles. Although usually of insidious
altered cellular immunity.72,102,156,265 onset, the disease may become clinically
Passive transfer of a certain serum fraction manifest after acute infection or following
from patients causes myasthenic features various surgical procedures, including
in mice histologically as well as electro- a thymectomy.142,193 Symptoms initially
physiologically.169 Injection of the nico- appear toward the end of the day or after
tinic ACh receptor protein from the elec- strenuous exercise. Patients usually have
tric eel into the rabbit or monkey with weakness229 confined to restricted groups of
Freund's adjuvant sensitizes the animal. muscles. Involvement of the ocular
After a second injection, many animals muscles causes diplopia in about half of
develop myasthenic features that improve the patients, sometimes mimicking inter-
with the administration of an antichol- nuclear ophthalmoplegia or its variant,
inesterase.291 Thus, an immunologic ab- one-and-a-half syndrome, with additional
normality must play a role in the de- ipsilateral horizontal gaze palsy.66 Less fre-
struction of the membrane architecture. quently, isolated bulbar or respiratory
Experimental studies in mouse muscle muscle weakness constitutes the present-
further indicate that immunoglobulins ing symptom.167,176 Paralysis of palatal and
play an important role181 and that this pharyngeal muscles, seen in about one
process requires a heat-sensitive factor.158 third of the patients, results in nasal
The ACh receptor subunits found in the speech and difficulty in swallowing and
thymus alone, however, are not sufficient chewing. Patients rarely complain of gen-
to produce myasthenia gravis.130 Immu- eralized weakness of the trunk and ex-
nization of rats with thymus extracts also tremities or of urinary and fecal incon-
failed to produce a myasthenia-like con- tinence23,286 as the initial symptom. Paral-
dition.184 ysis worsens with elevation of body tem-
Histometric studies of motor endplate perature31,110 or following administration
ultrastructure86 reveal a reduced size of of certain drugs238
such as 55,129
the nerve terminal area and a simplified chloroquine, B-blockers,
postsynaptic membrane with poorly de- channel blockers,
veloped folds and clefts. In contrast, mean caine, and interferon-alfa.
synaptic vesicle diameter and mean Characteristic physical signs include a
synaptic vesicle count per unit nerve ter- wide spectrum of ocular disturbance,
minal area remain unaltered. Microphys- ranging from nystagmus to complete oph-
iologic findings indicate reduced sensitiv- thalmoplegia. Pupillary dysfunction may
ity of the postsynaptic membrane to develop157 as an exception to the rule that
iontophoretic application of ACh. A de- the disease affects only the striated mus-
creased number of functional ACh recep- cles. Ptosis, if present as an early sign,
tors is demonstrated by binding of alpha may alternate between the two sides. Dis-
bungarotoxin.93,124,298 Myasthenic mus- turbance of ocular muscles, not confined
cles contain IgG and complement bound to the distribution of a single nerve, varies
to the postsynaptic membranes. These ob- from one examination to the next. Weak-
servations clearly implicate the ACh re- ness of the orbicularis oris and other mus-
ceptor in the pathogenesis of myasthenia cles of the lower face produces a charac-
gravis. A human study of the biopsied in- teristic, expressionless myasthenic face.
tercostal muscles revealed not only the To compensate for the weakness of the
failure of neuromuscular transmission neck extensors, patients support the chin
756 Disorders of Muscle and the Neuromuscular Junction

with the hand. This maneuver also facil- to curare, although the finding is common
itates chewing and swallowing at the end to any disorder with defective neuromus-
of a meal despite the weakened muscles cular transmission, such as motor neu-
of mastication. Speech may deteriorate ron disease, ocular myopathy, and an-
with fatigue, showing a flaccid dysarthria. tibiotic toxicity.
Involvement of the respiratory muscles, In previously untreated cases, an intra-
common in advanced cases, poses a ma- venous administration of edrophonium
jor threat to life. Some patients develop (Tensilon) almost uniformly improves the
generalized or focal muscular atrophy.321 strength of involved muscles. The usual
Others show a limb-girdle distribution of clinical diagnostic procedure consists of
weakness, presenting a diagnostic chal- injecting a 2 mg test dose initially, fol-
lenge.119,206 The sensory examination re- lowed by an 8 mg booster dose if the pa-
veals no abnormality. tient shows neither improvement nor ad-
The clinical courses vary, often showing verse reaction. The effect of edrophonium
remissions and exacerbations. Approxi- begins within 1 minute and ceases in 5-10
mately one third of the patients improve minutes. For objective assessment, an in-
spontaneously, some nearly completely, jection of normal saline in a double-blind
requiring no further medication.210 Symp- fashion serves as a control. Some patients,
toms often fluctuate without apparent especially those with ocular myasthenia,
cause, but several circumstances tend to have an equivocal or a false-negative result
exacerbate the symptoms. These include with a brief effect of edrophonium. In these
infection, exposure to heat, emotional cases, administration of the longer acting
stress, thyroid disease, and, perhaps most neostigmine (Prostigmin) may improve the
importantly, overmedication. Some pa- strength more appreciably. Administration
tients develop respiratory failure or pneu- of edrophonium may improve the clinical
monia. Although unpredictable, the dis- signs in some cases of Lambert-Eaton
ease commonly worsens during early myasthenic syndrome, botulism, congeni-
pregnancy, followed by improvement later tal myasthenic syndrome, drug-induced
on. In the mildest form of the disease, myasthenia, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and
weakness is limited to the muscles of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.200
eye. This entity, designated as ocular my as- Differential diagnoses comprise all dis-
thenia, usually has a benign course. If signs eases characterized by weakness of ocu-
outside the eye have not appeared within lar, bulbar, or limb muscles.131 These in-
1 year, 90 percent of such patients will have clude muscular dystrophy, motor neuron
no further progression of symptoms.217,229 disease, progressive bulbar palsy, multi-
Semiquantitative assessment is useful ple sclerosis, ophthalmoplegia, pseudo-
in clinical evaluation with serial mea- bulbar palsy, and psychoneurosis. Pa-
surements of sustained upward gaze, grip tients with myasthenia gravis typically
dynamometry, vital capacity, and arm ab- complain of excessive fatigability after ex-
duction. If the patient exercises the limb ercise. In mild cases, symptoms may ap-
with a pneumatic cuff inflated around the pear only after exertion, not uncommonly
upper arm, myasthenic signs worsen in the leading to a mistaken diagnosis of hyste-
rest of the body upon release of the cuff.312 ria. A hot bath may worsen symptoms of
Early workers erroneously interpreted this myasthenia gravis by lowering the margin
phenomenon to indicate the presence of a of safety in neuromuscular transmis-
circulating toxic substance. The spreading sion.30,267 Here, distinction from multiple
weakness probably results from reduction sclerosis may prove difficult, especially if
in serum calcium, which binds with the the patient presents with pseudo inter-
lactate produced during ischemic exer- nuclear ophthalmoplegia.162 Routine mus-
cise.227 Similarly, citrate used for antico- cle biopsy has limited diagnostic value.
agulation during plasmapheresis reduces Type II fiber atrophy, although commonly
serum ionized calcium levels, thus aggra- seen in myasthenia gravis, can also result
vating myasthenic weakness at the end of from disuse or corticosteroid treatment.
exchange sessions.319 Myasthenic mus- Effective therapeutic regimens include
cles have characteristic hypersensitivity thymectomy, steroids, and immunosup-
Myasthenia Gravis and Other Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission 757

pressive drugs.186 In general, thymectomy decremental response to repetitive nerve

is the treatment of choice for any sympto- stimulation varies widely from 41 percent
matic patients in the absence of surgical in one laboratory253 to 95 percent in an-
contraindications.69,96,215,317 Some advo- other.219 In general, 65-85 percent of pa-
cate thoracoscopic thymectomy.245,284 For tients show a positive result, after a com-
an invasive thymoma, treatment consists prehensive survey from multiple recording
of total excision, if possible, and high doses sites.202 Despite technical difficulties with
of corticosteroids and combination chemo- movement artifacts, an adequate set of
therapy for the remaining tumor.311 In one tests must include recordings from prox-
series, the incidence of stable remission imal muscles. Studies of distal muscles
peaked at 2 years when treated with provide more consistent results but have
thymectomy alone and at 5 years with ad- less sensitivity. To compromise, one can
ditional immunosuppressive therapy.74 proceed from the easily immobilizable in-
Administration of prednisone may cause trinsic hand muscles to the anconeus,
acute inhibition of neuromuscular func- and then to the deltoid, trapezius, or other
tion. Patients then have increased decre- shoulder girdle muscles, and finally to the
mental response to repetitive nerve stimu- facial muscles. Warming the muscle in-
lation, reduced twitch tension, and lowered creases the test yield (see Fig. 10-1). When
force of maximum voluntary contrac- conventional studies yield equivocal re-
tion.177 As an alternative therapy, 3,4-di- sults, ischemic sensitization305 or re-
aminopyridine, which enhances ACh re- gional administration of curare may lower
lease, improves congenital or hereditary the margin of safety sufficiently to pro-
myasthenia, which comprises a heteroge- duce a clear abnormality,38 but the tech-
neous group of223disorders without immune nical complexity limits the clinical value
abnormalities. Plasma exchange induces of ischemic and curare tests in routine
a rapid improvement of neuromuscular practice (see Chapter 11-2).
transmission over 1-4 weeks in some pa- A single stimulus elicits a compound
tients.195 muscle action potential of a normal or
Neuromuscular functions improve in only slightly reduced amplitude. The mus-
correlation with plasma drug levels of cle action potentials show a decremental
pyridostigmine.35 Conversely, its overdose tendency to repetitive stimulation at 2-3
causes typical anticholinesterase toxicity Hz and to a lesser extent at higher rates
with repetitive discharge and the maximal (see Figs. 9-6 and 9-8). The amplitude
decrement in the second response fol- drops maximally between the first and
lowed by an increment.224 Careful thera- second responses of a train with less
peutic management does not necessarily changes for the next few peaks and sub-
preclude the occurrence of myasthenic sequent partial recovery or repair. Accord-
crisis, a potentially life-threatening com- ing to generally accepted criteria, at least
plication that requires aggressive ther- two muscles should show a reproducible
apy.214 Patients often improve after the reduction of more than 10 percent between
initial treatment with intravenous im- the first response and the smallest of the
munoglobulin, which may rarely cause first five of a train. In my experience, any
the complication of aseptic meningitis.76 reproducible decrement should raise sus-
Those who fail with this regimen may re- picion, provided the study reveals a clean
spond to intensive plasma exchange.282 tracing free of technical problems.
Intranasal neostigmine also produces If repetitive stimulation at 2-3 Hz
acute clinical and electrophysiologic im- demonstrates a decrement, intravenous
provement.234 administration of edrophonium will usu-
ally normalize the response partially or
completely. A brief voluntary exercise for
Electrophysiologic Tests 15-30 seconds also repairs a bona fide
tendency for decrement during subse-
Electrophysiologic studies play an impor- quent trains, a phenomenon called post-
tant role in establishing the diagnosis of tetanic potentiation. In contrast, ampli-
myasthenia gravis.126 The incidence of a tude diminution within a train exceeds the
758 Disorders of Muscle and the Neuromuscular Junction

preexercise value 2 to 4 minutes later dur- bers of ACh receptors.61,201 Although mi-
ing posttetanic exhaustion. Again, an ad- croelectrode studies have provided no
ditional 5 s of exercise will partially cor- convincing evidence to support such a
rect the change. Persisting changes may contention in most such cases, immuno-
suggest technical factors rather than de- logic evidence suggests the coexistence of
fective neuromuscular transmission. Thus, the two entities in a few reported patients
brief voluntary exercise helps differentiate (see this chapter, part 3).190 In general,
an abnormal response from a movement Ach release progressively declines with low
artifact (see Fig. 10-4). rates of stimulation and enhances with
Electromyography shows varying ampli- high rates of stimulation (see Chapter 9-5).
tude and configurations of recurring motor These physiologic phenomena result in
unit potentials. Although unpredictable, the clinical and electrophysiologic abnormali-
initial few discharges tend to decrease pro- ties if the margin of safety diminishes in
gressively in size and duration. Fibrillation the presence of defective neuromuscular
potentials and positive sharp waves, if pre- transmission (see Fig. 9-8). In the same pa-
sent, indicate the loss of innervation in se- tient, some muscles may demonstrate an
verely affected muscles. Single-fiber elec- abnormal pattern typical of myasthenia
tromyography (SFEMG) is one of the most gravis, whereas others may show changes
sensitive measures of neuromuscular reminiscent of the myasthenic syndrome.
transmission abnormalities.251,280 Clini- The size of the first compound muscle po-
cally strong muscles that show no decre- tential often dictates the response pattern
ment to repetitive nerve stimulation may to repetitive stimulation. For example, an
show increased jitter.100 An occasional bi- initially subnormal response tends to
modal distribution of response latencies show an increment during a train of rapid
seen in SFEMG using axonal microstim- stimulation even in patients with myas-
ulation implies the presence of dual neu- thenia gravis, whereas a full response has
romuscular junctions in some affected no room to enhance (see Fig. 9-7).
myasthenic muscles.297 In most studies,
the severity of disease correlated better
with the degree of jitter than 143,204
with the an- 3 LAMBERT-EATON
tibody titer to ACh receptor. In one MYASTHENIC SYNDROME
series of 43 patients with mild myasthe-
nia gravis who showed normal repetitive
stimulation tests, SFEMG detected ab- The Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome75
normalities in 79 percent, anti-ACh re- affects men twice as commonly as women,
ceptor antibodies in 71 percent, and Lan- with onset usually after age 40 years, al-
caster red-green tests in 81 percent.137 though rare cases have involved children 4
In another study, these three tests com- and 9 years of age.14,45 A clear association
plemented each other in confirming the with malignancy is key to elucidating the
diagnosis.126 SFEMG studies of the extra- mechanism that leads to a defective release
ocular muscles237 and, to 199
a lesser extent, of Ach. Recent accumulated evidence indi-
of the orbicularis oculi and frontalis cates the presence of autoantibodies that
muscles241 also serve as a good measure block ACh release by interfering with the
for ocular myasthenia. Normal SFEMG in voltage-gated influx of calcium at the nerve
the limb muscles tend to refute future de- terminal.54,150,159,189,209
velopment of generalized myasthenia
gravis in patients with restricted ocular
symptoms.316 Etiologic Considerations
Occasional patients with myasthenia
gravis show the electrophysiologic features More than 50 percent of affected patients
more typically associated with Lambert- have small cell carcinoma of the bronchus,
Eaton myasthenic syndrome. Such cases the most common tumor seen in con-
suggested the existence of an intermedi- junction with this syndrome.283 A careful
ate disorder characterized by defective search reveals a malignant neoplasm in
ACh release as well as diminished num- about 75 percent of men and 25 percent
Myasthenia Gravis and Other Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission 759

of women, but not necessarily at the time Immunoglobulin G (IgG) obtained from
of initial neuromuscular symptoms. In patients inhibits voltage-gated calcium
one series, a 62 percent risk of an un- flux in tumor cells, showing a good
derlying small cell lung cancer was esti- correlation with 150
physiologic indexes of
mated, which declined sharply after 209 2 clinical severity. IgG autoantibodies
years, becoming very low at 4-5 years. also inhibit calcium channels, diminish-
Thus, the malignancy may escape detec- ing transmitter release at the motor ter-
tion for many months or, occasionally, for minals.109,148,155,232,273 When applied in
many years after the onset of the myas- vitro on a short-term basis, however, the
thenic syndrome. With adequate follow autoantibodies do not consistently repro-
up, however, only 30 percent149 of the pa- duce the physiologic abnormality.141 In
tients remain free of cancer. The tu- pharmacological experiments using anti-
mors include reticulum
cell sarcoma,240 42
body from patients, Q-type voltage-gated
rectal carcinoma, renal carcinoma, 289
calcium channels were closely linked to
basal cell carcinoma of the skin, leu- the genesis of the parasympathetic re-
kemia,263 malignant thymoma, 152
and lym- sponse.118,308,314,315 In one series of 36
phoproliferative disorders.10 Systemic dis- patients,159 44 percent had a significant
orders associated with the syndrome level of antibody. Antibody titers against
include39thyrotoxicosis,196 Sjogren's289
syn- voltage-gated calcium channel did not
drome, rheumatoid arthritis, 36
sys- correlate with disease severity across
temic lupus erythematosus, and other individuals, but longitudinal studies
autoimmune disorders.111 showed a clear positive relationship be-
Histometric studies of motor end-plate tween antibody titer and physiologic
ultrastructure90 have revealed overdevel- scores of clinical abnormalities.
opment and increased area of the postsy- The pathogenesis centers on the pres-
naptic membrane (see Fig. 9-2). The nerve ence of autoantibodies to voltage-gated
terminal retains a normal mean synaptic calcium channels and the related struc-
vesicle diameter and mean synaptic vesicle tures demonstrated in the patient's tu-
density. Routine muscle biopsy material mor.54 Findings vary among cases. In one
shows only nonspecific findings with some patient who had a small decremental re-
type II fiber atrophy and mild inflammatory sponse and increased jitter and blocking,
reactions. Microelectrode studies of excised for example, histologic studies showed al-
intercostal muscles revealed a low fre- teration in the number and affinity of
quency of discharge of the miniature end- junctional ACh receptors and prominent
plate 77potential (MEPP) of normal ampli- tubular aggregations in muscle fibers. Two
tude. The initially low mean quantum patients had immunological evidence for
content of the end-plate potential (EPP) in- the coexistence of the Lambert-Eaton syn-
creases with repetitive nerve impulses.147 drome and myasthenia gravis.190 In these
These findings suggest either an abnor- cases, radioimmunoassays detected serum
mality in the calcium-dependent release of antibodies to voltage-gated calcium chan-
ACh from the motor nerve terminals or a nels, the antigenic target in the myasthenic
decreased store of available ACh. Ultra- syndrome, as well as to ACh receptors, the
structural studies show a normal synaptic antigen in myasthenia gravis.
vesicle number per unit nerve terminal,
which tends to discount the possibility of
defective storage. Thus, weakness in the Clinical Signs and Symptoms
myasthenic syndrome must result from
presynaptic abnormalities that lead to a re- In striking contrast to the fatigue phe-
duced number of ACh quanta released per nomena in myasthenia gravis, weakness
volley of nerve impulse. In an experimen- in the myasthenic syndrome peaks after
tal setting, high magnesium or low calcium rest or immediately upon awakening in
ion concentrations block neuromuscular the morning. Strength tends to transiently
transmission. Thus, a similar syndrome improve with brief exercise, although it is
may also occur as an adverse effect of the not sustained during a prolonged effort.
calcium antagonist diltiazem.301 Weakness and fatigability primarily affect
760 Disorders of Muscle and the Neuromuscular Junction

the lower limbs, particularly the pelvic gir- high dosage.203 The neuromuscular defect
dle and thigh muscles.209 Thus, patients also improves partially after the adminis-
have difficulty in climbing stairs and, to tration of calcium, 4-aminopyridine, 3,4-
a lesser degree, arising from a chair. The diaminopyridine (DAP), aminophylline, or
abnormality also involves the shoulders caffeine, which increase the cyclic adeno-
and upper limbs, usually but not always sine monophosphate essential in calcium
sparing the neck, bulbar, and extraocular mobilization in cells.254 Treatment with 3,4-
musculature.132 This distribution of weak- DAP blocks voltage-sensitive potassium
ness stands in sharp contrast to the typ- channels, prolonging the action potential
ical patterns seen in myasthenia gravis duration, which in turn increases calcium
with conspicuous bulbar symptoms such influx and enhances transmitter release.
as ptosis, diplopia, dysphagia, and dys- Compound muscle action potentials aug-
arthria. In the presence of ptosis, patients mented after voluntary contraction, how-
may have paradoxical improvement in lid ever, decay faster after treatment with 3,
elevation with sustained upgaze,34 which 4-DAP, indicating that the rate of cal-
is opposite the expected exacerbation of cium (Ca2+) efflux also accelerates.164 Ad-
ptosis after exercise in myasthenia gravis. verse side effects severely limit the use 185 of
Some patients may remain asymptomatic 4-aminopyridine and related drugs.
until challenged by the administration of Plasma exchange and immunosuppressive
neuromuscular blocking agents, which drugs may temporarily alleviate the symp-
may uncover the deficit by prolonged re- toms.191 Muscle strength may increase with
covery.163 Others may develop rapid res- simultaneous electrophysiologic improve-
piratory failure as the first manifestation ment after long-term therapy with pred-
of disease.18,28,194 Patients often com- nisone,281 azathioprine,250 or15,29,182,235,290
high-dose in-
plain of dryness of the mouth and, less travenous immunoglobulin.
frequently, impotence, paresthesias, and
dysautonomia. These symptoms suggest
that the defect of ACh release, not Electrophysiologic Tests
restricted to skeletal muscle, may affect
the autonomic nervous system predomi- As the electrical hallmark of the syn-
causing parasympathetic dysfunc- drome, nerve stimulation typically elicits
tion. Peripheral neuropa- very small compound muscle action po-
thy and subacute cerebellar degeneration tentials (see Figs. 9-8 and 10-10) and, in
may develop probably as manifestations striking contrast, entirely normal sensory
of a paraneoplastic syndrome. responses.209 Paired stimulation with in-
Neurologic evaluation reveals marked terstimulus intervals of 5-10 ms causes
weakness of the proximal muscles in the the second response to increase rather
lower limbs, which appreciably improves than decrease as expected in normal
after exercise. With each successive effort, muscles. Repetitive stimulation at low
the resistance needed to overcome the pa- rates further diminishes muscle action
tient's strength increases, giving the ex- potentials similar to the decrement seen
aminer a sensation similar to drawing up in myasthenia gravis. Stimulation at high
water from a well with a hand pump.37 rates causes substantial increments,
Reduced muscle stretch reflexes may im- usually exceeding 50-200 percent of the
prove after brief exercise. Some patients baseline value in amplitude and area (see
have signs of polyneuropathy. The edro- Figs. 10-6 and 10-7).29 Brief voluntary
phonium (Tensilon) test is ordinarily neg- contractions for up to 10 s, facilitate the
ative equivocal, but a small dose of d- subsequent responses elicited by nerve
tubocurarine and decamethonium causes stimulation. A slower rate of stimulation
a depolarizing block at the neuromuscu- also facilitates the response if combined
lar junction. with voluntary contraction.161 Posttetanic
Guanidine partially corrects defective facilitation, which decays exponentially
calcium-dependent ACh release and re- within 20 s, lasts longer after cooling, re-
sults in dramatic improvement in strength, flecting the reduced rate of removal166of cal-
although hematologic and renal complica- cium ions from the nerve terminal. This
tions usually preclude a long-term use in prolongation of postexercise augmentation
Myasthenia Gravis and Other Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission 761

underlies the patient's symptomatic im- results from transplacental transfer of anti-
provement in cold weather. During postte- ACh receptor antibodies208 or transient
tanic exhaustion, which peaks in 2-4 min- synthesis of receptor antibodies.154 The
utes, the muscle potential falls below the onset of clinical weakness on the second
resting level (see Figs. 10-12 and 10-13). or third day coincides with the release of
Electrophysiologic abnormalities may show antibodies from hemoglobins to which
various patterns, 198,205
reflecting different de- they are combined at birth.136 A similar
grees of blocking and availability of clinical syndrome develops in mice fol-
releasable ACh from the terminal axon.112 lowing injection of the IgG serum fraction
Nerve stimulation may reveal marked from patients with myasthenia gravis.294
abnormalities even in patients with mild Clinical features during the first few days
clinical symptoms. Clinical remission af- after birth consist of diffuse hypotonia with
ter therapy usually accompanies a paral- difficulty in breathing and sucking, al-
lel improvement in serial electrophysio- though some infants have selective weak-
logic studies.123 Interestingly, patients with ness of the diaphragm.117 The neonates
a mild myasthenic syndrome complain of usually respond to anticholinesterase med-
little motor dysfunction because post- ication. Symptoms generally disappear
tetanic facilitation during voluntary con- when the infant's own immune system be-
traction produces nearly normal strength. comes developed in a few weeks,187 but
Rested muscles, however, have an un- they may occasionally persist beyond 2
equivocal defect of neuromuscular trans- months.32 Electrophysiologic studies show
mission. Nearly all muscles show a mild characteristic abnormalities in distal mus-
decrement at low rates and a prominent cles68as late as 30 days after clinical recov-
increment at high rates of stimulation al- ery. An elevated antibody titer against
though abductor digiti minimi, abductor ACh receptors returns to136the normal range
pollicis brevis, and anconeus serve best to over a 3 month period.
detect the characteristic electrophysio-
logic findings.165 In contrast to this unifor-
mity in myasthenic syndrome, patients Other Forms of
with myasthenia gravis have variable elec- Infantile Myasthenia
trical abnormalities usually confined to
clinically symptomatic muscles. In one re- In the absence of maternal passive trans-
ported case, electrophysiologic studies re- fer, infantile myasthenia gravis may result
vealed a unique combination of marked de- from acquired autoimmune pathogenesis
pression to single-nerve stimulation and or nonautoimmune hereditary diseases.
facilitation at all rates from 1-200/s.145 The term congenital myasthenia gravis or
This case may represent a separate entity familial infantile myasthenia implies the
or a variation of the myasthenic syndrome. absence of anti-ACh receptor antibodies in
Needle studies show varying configura- the serum.307 These patients usually have
tions of repetitive motor unit potentials with a family history of similar disease but oth-
an incrementing tendency (see Chapter erwise are clinically not readily distin-
14-5). As expected, increased jitter and guishable from the autoimmune type.262
blocking in single-fiber studies improve The congenital type accounts for about 1
with high rates258of stimulation and worsen percent of all cases of myasthenia gravis.
following rest. Treatment with 3,4-di- Although the disease begins in infancy, it
aminopyridine may correct this feature.247 continues into childhood and adulthood,
unlike transient neonatal myasthenia. In
many cases, the family history reveals af-
4 MYASTHENIA IN INFANCY fected siblings, although the mother has
no disease. Initially mild symptoms slowly
progress despite therapy. The infants may
Transient Neonatal Myasthenia have respiratory depression at birth and
episodic weakness and apnea during the
Approximately 15 percent of infants born first2962 years.57,95 They may239 or may
to myasthenic mothers have neonatal mya- not improve with anticholinesterase
sthenia gravis. This condition presumably medication. This entity encompasses a va-
762 Disorders of Muscle and the Neuromuscular Junction

riety of specific defects at the neuromus- described below.21,80,88,105,106,131,266 For

cular junction, with no evidence of an im- example, a kinetic abnormality of AChR
niunologic attack against neuromuscular stems from missense mutation in the a,
junctions. Thus, antibody determinations B, or e subunit of the receptor. In this type
are useful in differentiating autoimmune of abnormality, gain-of-function muta-
and hereditary myasthenia in infancy. tions cause the slow channel syndrome,
Rare varieties of congenital myasthenia whereas loss-of-function mutations usu-
gravis with onset at birth or in childhood ally involving the e-subunit207gene result in
and a persistent clinical course are re- severe AChR deficiency. These and
viewed here. other syndromes of congenital myasthe-
Detailed physiologic, chemical, and his- nia probably represent separate patho-
tologic studies have elucidated a number logic,103,246,296,306
electrophysiologic, and clinical enti-
of types with specific presynaptic or post- ties. In vitro intracellular
synaptic abnormalities (Table 27-1). The microelectrode studies have revealed a dif-
newly recognized disorders have divergent ferent mechanism of defective neuromus-
features, such as absence of acetyl- cular transmission in each of the follow-
cholinesterase from the neuromuscular ing entities.
junction,79,83,120,121 82,179
failure of Ach syn- The first type, originally described in a
thesis or packaging, an abnormality 15-year-old boy who had intermittent pto-
in the regulation of the density of Ach re- sis, delayed motor development, and gen-
ceptor molecules in the postsynaptic eralized weakness, showed three main
membrane,78,153,271,300,306 slow channel features: acetylcholinesterase deficiency,
abnormalities,85,212 or other kinetic
dys- small nerve terminals, and reduced ACh
function of Ach receptors with or with- release.79,83,120,121 The patient had a neg-
out91,300 Ach receptor deficiency, and fa- ative edrophonium (Tensilon) test, no
milial limb-girdle myasthenia with tabular serum antibodies to muscle ACh recep-
aggregates.97 tors, and absent acetylcholinesterase at
These genetic defects either impair neu- the end plates. Nerve terminals averaged
romuscular transmission directly or re- one third to one fourth of the normal size.
sult in secondary derangements that In vitro microelectrode studies revealed a
eventually compromise its safety margin number of unusual features: normal am-
by one or more specific mechanisms, as plitude but low discharge frequency of

Table 27-1 Characteristics that Differentiate

Neuromuscular Transmission Defects in
Myasthenic Syndromes
Repetitive MEPP Marked
Muscle AP Duration Decrement of
to Single Increased EPP and MEPP
Myasthenic AChR Nerve MEPP by Esterase MEPP During 10 Hz Quantum
Syndrome Antibodies Stimulus Duration Inhibition Amplitude Stimulation Content
MG + - - + - -
LES - - - + - +
A - + - -
B - + + - -
C - - + + -
D - - - + - -
Dog - - - + - -
AChR = acetylcholine receptor; AP = Action Potential; MEPP = miniature endplate potential; EPP = end-
plate potential; MG = myasthenia gravis; LES = Lambert-Eaton syndrome; A = myasthenic syndrome with
endplate acetylcholinesterase deficiency, small nerve terminals, and reduced acetylcholine release83; B = fa-
milial, congenital
myasthenic syndrome possibly from an abnormal acetylcholine receptor with prolonged
open time
; C = familial, congenital myasthenic syndrome possibly from deficient synthesis of acetyl-
choline ; D = familial, congenital myasthenic syndrome with a146 possible abnormality of acetylcholine re-
ceptor synthesis or incorporation in the postsynaptic membrane ; Dog = congenital myasthenia in dogs.
Myasthenia Gravis and Other Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission 763

miniature end-plate potential (MEPP), a of autoimmunity, the abnormality might

marked reduction in number of ACh result from a defect of the ACh receptor
quanta released per nerve stimulation, and molecule or its synthesis. In still another
prolonged duration of MEPP and end-plate type of ACh receptor deficiency charac-
potential (EPP). A single shock to the nerve terized by paucity of secondary synaptic
elicited repetitive discharges, whereas a clefts, clinical features included weak fe-
train of stimuli at 2 and 40 Hz gave rise to tal movements during pregnancy, muscle
a decremental response.303 Needle studies weakness at birth, multiple contractures
showed temporal variability of the motor of the lower limbs, and271,272,300,322
myasthenic crisis
unit potentials (see Fig. 10-8). during febrile illness. Neuro-
In an infant, a separate entity, proba- physiologic studies demonstrated a 55
bly caused by a deficient synthesis of ACh, percent decremental response to stimula-
caused intermittent ptosis, feeding diffi- tion at 3 Hz and a reversal of this abnor-
culties, dyspnea or apnea, and vomiting.14 mality by administration of edrophonium
Weakness worsened with febrile illness (Tensilon).
and during exercise, but gradually im- In another form, an abnormal ACh re-
proved with age. Progressive weakness de- ceptor caused a prolonged EPP despite
veloped during prolonged nerve stimula- normal muscle acetylcholinesterase.84 The
tion at 10 Hz. A brief repetitive nerve affected infants had ophthalmoparesis
stimulation produced no decrement of the and weakness of neck muscles. Easy fati-
muscle action potential. In another term gability and weakness of shoulder girdle
infant with similar clinical features, elec- and forearm muscles developed later in
trodiagnostic studies demonstrated defec- the teens or adulthood. Single stimuli to
tive neuromuscular transmission charac- motor nerves elicited repetitive muscle ac-
terized by borderline low motor evoked tion potentials in proximal and distal mus-
amplitudes, profound decremental re- cles tested.303 In view of normal muscle
sponses at all stimulus rates, and mod- acetylcholinesterase, the prolonged EPP
erate facilitation ranging from 50-74 per- might result from abnormal transmitters
cent, 15 s after 5 s 50 Hz stimulation.2 resistant to muscle acetylcholinesterase306
Although not proven, these findings sug- or an abnormal ACh receptor with a pro-
gest an abnormality in ACh resynthesis, longed open time or slow channel.85,242
mobilization, or storage rather than de- The slow channel syndrome has an auto-
fective receptors.82,179 Indeed, prolonged somal dominant inheritance pattern char-
nerve stimulation induced a temporal de- acterized by missense mutations in genes
cline in EPP and MEPP amplitudes in nor- encoding subunits of the end-plate ACh re-
mal muscles after ACh synthesis was ceptor.89,104 Quinidine sulfate shortens the
blocked with hemicholinium.67 Despite opening episodes of the mutant ACh re-
abnormally small synaptic vesicles found ceptors, thus improving clinical strength
in some patients with familial infantile and the amplitude of muscle potentials
myasthenia, vesicle size showed no reli- elicited by rapid rates of stimulation.13 A
able correlation with the MEPP ampli- similar immune-mediated disorder, called
tude.179 acquired slow-channel syndrome, results
A case of congenital myasthenic syn- from an antibody that is specific to the
drome with a possible abnormality of ACh adult form of the AChRs. In this variant of
receptor synthesis had clinical features myasthenia gravis, alteration of the chan-
consisting of ptosis, limb weakness, and nel properties slows the closure of 318 the
easy fatigability since birth.146 He had channel and reduces the total current.
a similarly affected brother. Intracellu- Another type results from a kinetic ab-
lar microelectrode studies revealed low- normality of the ACh channel, which may
amplitude but normal duration and fre- stem from a point mutation in a receptor
quency MEPPs, a normal number of ACh subunit.91 The propositus had poor suck
quanta released by nerve stimulation, a and cry after birth and intermittent ocu-
normal store of readily releasable quanta lar symptoms and abnormal fatigue later.
in the nerve terminal, and abnormally low A younger sister had elements of the same
content of ACh receptor. In the absence disease. Physiologic studies revealed a
764 Disorders of Muscle and the Neuromuscular Junction

normal quantal content of the EPP, but ab- flux of calcium into the nerve terminals.
normally large miniature endplate currents Ultrastructural study of the motor end-
and short decay time constant, considered plate revealed the postsynaptic regions
characteristic of the high-conductance, fast denuded of their nerve terminals.299
channel syndrome.87 Electromyography
showed no decrement in limb muscles, but
single-fiber examination of the facial mus- Clinical Signs and Symptoms
cles uncovered findings consistent with a
neuromuscular transmission defect. Botulism should be considered first when
several members of a family develop simi-
lar symptoms after sharing the same meal.
5 BOTULISM Isolated cases pose a greater diagnostic
challenge. The mouse toxin neutralization
test and culture of the suspected food con-
Botulinum Toxin firm the diagnosis. Ingestion of a large
amount of toxin may rapidly result in fatal
The exotoxin of Clostridwm botidinum has cardiac or respiratory failure. Some cases
a generalized effect on the neuromuscular of the sudden infant death syndrome may
junction involving both striated and be the result of botulism, now recognized
smooth muscles. Of the six immunologic with increasing frequency in this age
types of Bacillus botulinus,53 types A, B, group.128,230 In less severe cases, mild
and E account for most human cases. The symptoms abate, and complete recovery
most common infantile form develops after usually ensues. Botulism in infants may
the consumption of food containing spores relapse after apparent resolution of clini-
that germinate in the gut, producing toxin. cal symptoms.101
In adults, poisoning by this heat-sensitive Symptoms appear within 1 to 2 days af-
toxin usually follows the ingestion of the ter consumption of contaminated food
preformed toxin in contaminated raw or in- and in 1-2 weeks after wound inoculation,
adequately cooked or canned vegetables, which requires time for elaboration of the
meat, or fish.115,178,293 An infected 233
wound toxin. Gastrointestinal dysfunctions such
may occasionally harbor the toxins. Bui- as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting pre-
bar weakness with visual symptoms in pa- cede the onset of cranial weakness, ini-
tients with subcutaneous heroin abuse tially characterized by external ophthal-
strongly suggest the possibility of wound moplegia and ptosis. Patients may also
botulism.171 Types A and B usually origi- have failure of convergence, fixed and di-
nate in contaminated canned vegetables lated pupils, dysarthria, dysphagia, or dif-
and type E in fish products. Types A or E ficulty in mastication.48 The involvement
have higher mortality rates than type B.175 of the intestines and bladder causes con-
The incidence of botulism increases at stipation and urinary retention.
high altitudes, probably because water The disease affects the muscles of the
boils at lower temperatures.47,49 Botulism limbs and later of the trunk. By then, ex-
bears a great resemblance to the myas- amination reveals a flaccid and areflexic
thenic syndrome, with marked impair- patient with widespread paralysis. Exer-
ment of ACh release from the nerve termi- cise causes fatigue but not as prominently
nal.133 In vitro studies of MEPPs show as in myasthenia gravis. Unlike the weak-
extremely low rates of discharge but nor- ness seen in the myasthenic syndrome,
mal or only slightly reduced amplitudes. A muscle strength does not improve with re-
small quantum content per volley of nerve peated efforts. Identification of the toxin in
impulse results in a markedly decreased the patient's serum confirms the diagnosis.
EPP. In vitro microelectrode study in a 6- Its early recognition by electrodiagnosis can
week-old infant revealed severe reduction lead to immediate therapy with antitoxin,
of the EPP quantal content and a marked which increases the rate of survival.264 Oth-
variability in their latencies.170,171 This erwise, patients should receive supportive
combination indicates a severe presynap- therapy.231 Administration of guanidine134
tic failure of transmission resulting from or 3,4-diaminopyridine65 fails to enhance
impaired vesicle release following the in- recovery from botulism.
Myasthenia Gravis and Other Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission 765

Electrophysiologic Tests omous snakes56,270,313 and arthropods,

certain marine creatures, skin secretions
Nerve conduction studies show normal of dart-poison frogs, and poisonous fish,
amplitude and latency of sensory action shellfish, and crabs. These toxins act at
potentials. A small compound muscle ac- single or multiple sites of the neuromus-
tion potential elicited by a single shock cular apparatus, interfering with voltage-
further declines with repetitive stimula- gated ion channels, ACh release, depolar-
tion at a slow rate. Paired stimuli at in- ization of postsynaptic membrane, or
terstimulus intervals of less than 10 ms generation and spread of the muscle ac-
characteristically potentiate the second tion potential.
response by summation of the two EPPs
(see Fig. 10-3). This finding, also seen in
myasthenic syndrome, stands in contrast Tick Paralysis
to the normal pattern consisting of a full
response followed by a smaller response Available data suggest that tick neuro-
during the refractory period. In botulism, toxin affects either the nerve terminal or
as in the myasthenic syndrome, the re- the neuromuscular junction. The para-
fractory period plays a limited role be- lytic condition, reported worldwide, re-
cause only a small number of muscle sults from infestation by the gravid female
fibers discharge in response to the first tick Dermacentor andersoni (wood tick) or
stimulus. The remaining muscle fibers Dermacentor paridulis (dog tick) in the
subliminally excited by the first shock United States and Ixodes holocyclus
tend to fire in response to the second (scrub tick) in Australia.228 Most cases in-
shock. volve young children, especially girls with
Muscle response is facilitated with a fast long hair, in spring or summer when ticks
train of stimuli or during posttetanic po- are active.257 The symptoms and signs be-
tentiation302 but usually not to the same gin 5-7 days after the tick has embedded.
degree as in the myasthenic syndrome.249 During this latent period, the organism,
In severe cases, complete blocking of the attached near the hairline, may remain
neuromuscular junction may preclude unnoticed.
any augmentation.264 In infantile botu- Illness begins with general symptoms
lism, repetitive stimulation at 20-50 Hz is such as irritability and diarrhea. Weak-
the most specific test, showing an incre- ness initially affects the lower limbs and,
mental response in over 90 percent of pa- within a day, spreads to the upper limbs.
tients (see Fig. 10-II).58 Prolongation of Paralyses of the bulbar and respiratory
posttetanic facilitation, at times for up to musculature, although now rare, pose a
4 minutes, also constitutes a unique fea- major threat until the removal of the
ture of botulism.92 embedded tick. Other features include dys-
The presence of fibrillation potentials may arthria, dysphagia, blurred vision, facial
indicate functional denervation caused by weakness, and reduced muscle stretch re-
limited release of ACh.98 Single-fiber EMG flexes. Occasionally patients complain of
has shown increased jitter and blocking and numbness and tingling of the limbs. Re-
some reduction in fiber density.44,168,220,256 moval of the tick usually leads to rapid im-
Local injection of botulinum toxin for ble- provement. Application of heat or petro-
pharospasm causes abnormal jitters in arm leum jelly causes the tick to withdraw
muscles, indicating a remote spread of toxin from the skin, allowing its gentle separa-
from the site of injection.8,16,151,255 tion in one piece with a forceps.
Electrophysiologic studies in a few con-
firmed cases have consistently shown re-
6 OTHER DISORDERS duced amplitude of the compound muscle
action potential.50,228,288 In one study,288
muscle action potentials changed little on
A variety of natural toxins of animal, repetitive stimulation up to 50 Hz. Mildly
plant, and bacterial origin can cause dis- increased distal motor and sensory la-
orders of neuromuscular transmission.261 tency during the paralytic phase returned
Animal toxins include those from ven- to normal after clinical recovery. Persis-
766 Disorders of Muscle and the Neuromuscular Junction

tent weakness and the presence of fibril- doses, as reported in children with car-
lation potentials in some cases after the bamazepine intoxication.324
removal of the tick suggest 71 a structural The use of penicillamine may herald the
lesion of distal motor axons. clinical onset 12,70,94
of myasthenia in rheuma-
The toxin probably prevents depolariza- toid arthritis, 7 and less commonly in
tion in the terminal axons by altering the Wilson's disease. The clinical and elec-
ionic conductance that mediates action trophysiologic characteristics, although
potentials in the nerve. Like other potent indistinguishable from those of idiopathic
biotoxins such as tetradotoxin and saxo- myasthenia gravis, improve after discon-
toxin, tick toxin blocks the inward flux of tinuation of the drug.3 The degree of jit-
sodium ions at sensory and motor nerve ter is positively correlated with the dura-
terminals and at internodes. Tick toxin tion of administration but not the dosage
may also interfere 50
with release of ACh at of penicillamine.l This disorder and idio-
the nerve terminal,183 but not with its syn- pathic autoimmune myasthenia gravis
thesis or storage. Intracellular studies probably share the same pathophysiology
of hamsters paralyzed by tick toxin, how- that underlies the presence of ACh re-
ever, have shown normal size and fre- ceptor antibody and resultant quantita-
quency of MEPPs and normal quantal tive reduction in available junctional Ach
content of EPPs.174 receptors.144 These data suggest that
penicillamine produces myasthenia gravis
by initiating a new autoimmune response
Effects of Drug or Chemicals rather than by enhancing ongoing au-
The administration of some drugs, notably Exposure to an organophosphate insecti-
kanamycin and neomycin and all other cide causes flaccid paralysis. Electrophysi-
polypeptide aminoglycoside antibiotics, ologic studies demonstrate repetitive com-
may cause abnormalities of neuromuscu- pound muscle action potentials in response
lar transmission.9,1l,138,139 At low rates of to a single stimulus of the nerve.25,243,303
repetitive nerve stimulation, the muscle Other findings include a decrement-incre-
action potentials show a decremental re- ment response at higher rates of stimula-
sponse, although facilitation after exercise tion, a tendency accentuated by adminis-
typically exceeds that seen in myasthenia tration of edrophonium (Tensilon) (see Fig.
gravis. In rats, small-amplitude MEPPs 10-9), and normal nerve conduction stud-
and an abnormally low mean quantum ies during acute stages.172,260,310 Intra-
content of EPPs suggest 64combined pre- venous pancuronium partially abolishes
and postsynaptic effects. Another type the decrement-increment phenomenon to
of abnormality produced experimentally repetitive stimulation, probably by block-
with67hemicholinium impairs ACh synthe- ing ACh receptors located on the terminal
sis. Myasthenia-like weakness may also axon.24'26
develop during procainamide therapy.192 Organophosphate poisoning can also pro-
Extended use of nondepolarizing neuro- duce a subacute postsynaptic neuromus-
muscular blocking agents such as ve- cular syndrome without marked symptoms
curonium, pancuronium, and atracurium of acute toxicity.107 In vitro microelectrode
can produce prolonged neuromuscular studies in rats showed no reduction in the
paralysis, imitating a myasthenia syn- amplitude of MEPPs or in the quantal con-
drome.17,259 Hypermagnesemia may pre- tent of EPPs, although their half-decay
sent as a spectrum of symptoms and times were significantly prolonged. Trains
signs, including neuromuscular junction of stimuli induced sustained end-plate de-
defect and quadriparesis.43 Repetitive polarization via a staircase phenomenon
stimulation studies suggest a presynaptic of summation of prolonged EPPs, a phe-
defect. Numerous drugs affect neuromus- nomenon enhanced by edrophonium and
cular transmission, producing only sub- abolished by d-tubocurarine. These re-
clinical effects because of a high mar- sults indicate that sustained end-plate
gin of safety. These effects may become depolarization can directly account for
clinically evident in cases of drug over- the decrement and weakness in acute
Myasthenia Gravis and Other Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission 767

organophosphate intoxication.173 In hu- alleged coexistence of both myotonic dys-

mans, electrophysiologic studies can trophy and myasthenia gravis in a few re-
rapidly determine the efficacy of oximes in ported cases.
reactivating ACh esterase.27 Based on a small series, patients with
proximal myotonic myopathy show no
postexercise depression despite a clinical
Lower Motor Neuron Disorders resemblance to myotonic dystrophy.248 In
McArdle's syndrome and other muscle
Defects of neuromuscular transmission glycogenoses, weakness increases with
also accompany motor neuron disease exertion, which induces electrically silent
and peripheral neuropathies. Experimen- muscle contractures (see Fig. 12-3). The
tal studies suggest the diminution of the compound muscle action potential pro-
immediately available store of ACh as the gressively decreases in amplitude as con-
cause of transmission failure during nerve tractures develop in 33 response to rapid
regeneration. Alternatively, a defect may repetitive stimulation.
lie in the propagation of impulses along
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Chapter 28

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Becker-Type Muscular Dystrophy
Facioscapulohumeral Dystrophy
Limb-Girdle Dystrophy
Other Dystrophies
Central Core Disease
Nemaline Myopathy
Myotubular or Centronuclear Myopathy
Congenital Fiber Type Disproportion
Other Congenital Myopathies
Acid Maltase Deficiency (Type II Glycogenosis)
Debrancher Deficiency (Type III Glycogenosis)
Muscle Phosphorylase Deficiency (Type V Glycogenosis)
Muscle Phosphofructokinase Deficiency (Type VII
Disorders of Lipid Metabolism
Mitochondrial Disease
Malignant Hyperthermia or Hyperpyrexia
Toxic Myopathies
Thyroid Myopathy
Parathyroid Disease
Adrenal and Pituitary Disease
Inclusion Body Myositis
Other Myositic Diseases
Critical Illness Myopathy
Myopathies Associated with General Medical Conditions

Myopathies 779

1 INTRODUCTION duces an abnormal protein that causes

dysfunction of the cell. Categorization of
inherited disorders simply by their inher-
The myopathies include any disorder itance pattern thus affords some predic-
whose primary pathology involves muscle tion concerning the underlying biochemi-
tissue. Primary diseases of muscle include cal defect.238
genetically determined disorders and those Useful screening tests include determi-
of a toxic or inflammatory nature. Enti- nation of creatine kinase level and eryth-
ties traditionally referred to as muscular rocyte sedimentation rate. Electromyo-
dystrophies have a clearly delineated mode graphic studies and analysis of force help
of genetic transmission and a progressive delineate the physiologic mechanism of
clinical course, whereas congenital my- weakness and fatigue.160 Muscle biopsy
opathies have a less well-defined pattern of specimens provide histologic and histo-
inheritance and a benign clinical course. chemical confirmation. Some advocate
Some myopathies also result from an in- needle biopsies over the traditional surgi-
born error of metabolism as part of a hered- cal techniques.318 In patients with clini-
itary systemic disorder. In addition, a wide cal myopathic disorders, biopsy reveals
variety of inflammatory processes such as prominent myopathic features regardless
dermatomyositis and polymyositis affect of the age of the patients, although my-
the muscle. Dysmaturation myopathy with- opathy in the elderly tends to accompany
out specific histochemical or cytoarchitec- neurogenic changes.291 Additional studies
tural characteristics accounts for many of interest include computer tomogra-
cases of hypotonia in infancy.515 phy128,480 and magnetic resonance mus-
Although patients with a myogenic dis- cle imaging.339,399
order develop hypotonia as one of the es- Electromyographic studies contribute not
sential features, not all floppy infants only in differentiating myogenic from neu-
have a primary muscle disease (see Chap- rogenic paresis but also in delineating the
ter 22-10). Overall, disorders of the mo- distribution of abnormalities and categoriz-
tor unit constitute less than 10 percent of ing dystrophies and myopathies.123,259,527
the identifiable causes of weakness dur- The patterns classically associated with my-
ing infancy. A disease of the central ner- opathy may occasionally result from neu-
vous system commonly produces so-called rogenic involvement. This confusing feature
cerebral hypotonia. Other nonmyogenic eti- develops in late stages following complex
ologies include spinal muscular atrophy, changes of denervation and reinnervation.
poliomyelitis, inflammatory polyneuropa- Nerve conduction studies also mimic a neu-
thy, myasthenia gravis, and botulism. Cen- ropathic process of the motor axons with
tral sleep apnea may complicate a variety a reduction in amplitude of compound
of neuromuscular syndromes, sometimes muscle action potentials and preservation
appearing as isolated symptoms of exces- of sensory nerve potentials. Neuromuscu-
sive daytime sleepiness.286 Myalgia may lar transmission studies show no abnor-
herald the illness as a presenting symptom mality in primary disorders of muscles. This
in some patients with a wide variety of myo- chapter provides a simplified overview of the
genic disorders. major disorders commonly encountered in
Differential diagnosis depends on the an electromyographic laboratory. Other
pattern of inheritance,13 the distribution texts provide further details for interested
of muscle weakness, and the time course readers.153,166,170,214,296,524
of progression. Recessively inherited dis-
orders most often show loss of function:
Homozygous or hemizygous patients have 2 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY
only defective copies of the defective gene,
producing little or no functional protein.
In contrast, dominantly inherited disor- Muscular dystrophy comprises a group of
ders most often show change of function; inherited muscle diseases with a progres-
heterozygous patients have both normal sive clinical course from birth or after a
and mutant copies of the gene, which pro- variable period of apparently normal in-
780 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

fancy. Most types result from a primary of alpha-actinin. The protein, located un-
myogenic lesion in the form of muscle der the muscle membrane, plays an es-
fiber degeneration. A currently accepted sential role in maintaining membrane in-
classification based on the mode of in- tegrity during contraction.
heritance and distribution of muscle de- Dystrophin acts as a functional link
generation has four main categories of between cytoskeletal proteins and the
muscular dystrophy, which include most extracellular matrix, via transmembrane
patients: Duchenne, Becker, facioscapu- dystrophin-associated glycoproteins (DAG).
lohumeral, and limb-girdle. Of these, Components of DAG identified to date are:
Duchenne and Becker dystrophies collec- dystroglycans, sarcoglycans, sarcospan,
tively belong to the newly proposed entity syntrophins and dystrobrevins. Defects in
termed dystrophinopathy. Other cate- these components associated with limb-
gories include oculopharyngeal dystro- girdle muscular dystrophies include334,386
phy, hereditary distal myopathies, mus- tations in the genes for sacroglycan.
cular dystrophy of the Emery-Dreifuss Another rare type of Duchenne-like mus-
type, and myotonic dystrophy. Differential cular dystrophy has an autosomal recessive
diagnosis depends on the clinical fea- mode of inheritance and thus is named se-
tures, genetic mode of inheritance, elec- vere childhood385autosomal recessive muscu-
trophysiologic patterns, and histologic lar dystrophy. This entity results from a
characteristics. defect of any one of four genes encoding for
The discovery of the protein product the sarcoglycan complex, which forms one
named dystrophin has transformed clinical component of the dystrophin-glycoprotein
concepts.316,426 Dystrophin is associated complex. Pathogenic mutations in each
with a large oligomeric complex of sar- gene determine a group of11disorders now
colemmal glycoproteins, including dystro- called sarcoglycanopathies.
glycan, which provides a linkage to the329ex-
tracellular matrix component laminin. A
myopathy results from mutation at Xp21, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
a specific locus on the short arm of the X
chromosome. Any mutation at the same Duchenne muscular dystrophy also known
locus should affect the dystrophin, caus- as the pseudohypertrophic variety of dys-
ing a variant of dystrophinopathy. Con- trophy,155has X-linked recessive inheri-
versely, any myopathy caused by a mu- tance. All mothers of affected sons
tation at another location should affect carry the affected gene. These phenotypi-
some other gene product. Carriers with cally normal females transmit the disease
myopathy and a normal karyotype may to 50 percent of their sons. In Klinefelter
have a dystrophin deficiency as evidenced syndrome, with the karyotype 47,XXY, the
by immunohistochemical studies showing presence of the two active X chromosomes
a mosaic345of fibers with and without dys- accounts for the milder symptoms seen in
trophin. The proportion of dystrophin- an affected child.437 This most common
deficient fibers, however, does not corre- muscular dystrophy has an incidence of
late directly with the degree of 447clinical approximately 1 in 3500 male births. Fe-
weakness in manifesting carriers. male carriers, although generally unaf-
The dystrophin gene has more than 70 fected, may suffer from a very mild dys-
exons containing 2.4 million bases, nearly function with hypertrophic calves, as
0.1 percent of the haploid genome. Two predicted by the Lyon hypothesis based
promoters are associated with alternative on disproportional X-inactivation. Symp-
first exons, one for brain and the other for tomatic young girls, if not carriers, have
skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle. The childhood muscular dystrophy of autoso-
400 kD protein contains 24 repeats of a mal recessive inheritance.229 Molecular
spectrin-like motif that forms an alpha he- biologic techniques identified the primary
lix. The ammo-terminal end has homol- biochemical defect based solely on the
ogy to the actin binding domain of alpha- chromosomal location.237,238
actinin and the carboxyterminal end has In Duchenne muscular dystrophy mu-
homology to the calcium-binding domain tations of the dystrophin gene cause a
Myopathies 781

frameshift, early termination, or deletion ing early childhood, although histologic ev-
of the carboxy-terminal or amino-terminal idence indicates that abnormalities already
ends, resulting in a nonfunctional protein. exist at birth. The child normally attains
Dystrophin is associated with a large initial developmental milestones such as
oligomeric complex of sarcolemmal glyco- raising the head or sitting upright. Early
proteins including the laminin-binding difficulty in standing or walking may give
glycoprotein called dystroglycan, which an erroneous impression of clumsiness.
provides a linkage to the extracellular ma- Weakness becomes apparent by age 3 or
trix.328 The absence of dystrophin leads to 4 years, with inability to run or to climb
a drastic reduction in all of the dystrophin- stairs. Patients tend to walk on their toes
associated proteins. In severe childhood with their feet externally rotated and, on
autosomal recessive muscular dystrophy standing up from the floor, show Gower's
with a similar phenotype, a specific defi- sign or "climbing up legs to stand." Weak-
ciency of the 50 kD dystrophin-associated ness usually begins in the proximal and
glycoprotein called sarcoglycan causes only 184
occasionally in the distal muscula-
disruption of the linkage between the sub- ture, involving primarily the hip and
sarcolemmal cytoskeleton and the extra- knee extensors, followed by the muscles
cellular matrix, rendering muscle cells sus- of the shoulder girdle. The disease pro-
ceptible to necrosis.11 gresses slowly and may even remit as nat-
A number of investigators
once advo- ural growth temporarily compensates for
cated the neurogenic or vascu- the weakness. Neurologic findings depend
lar226,337 theories with vigor but without on the stage of illness. Muscles harden
universal acceptance. The neurogenic hy- with rubbery consistency, leading to re-
pothesis introduced the concept of sick duced or absent stretch reflexes. The
motor neurons subserving the muscle. quadriceps degenerate most, but the mus-
Others described defects of erythrocyte cles of the shoulder girdle also show
membranes344425,522but without subsequent prominent abnormalities. Later, weakness
confirmation. Some also suggested becomes diffuse, sparing only the extraoc-
possible involvement of calcium (Ca2+330,351
) me- ular muscles.
tabolism in the dystrophic process. In advanced stages, the patient devel-
The main pathologic sequence of events ops severe kyphoscoliosis, cardiomyopa-
in the early stages consists of repeated thy and respiratory distress as the result
episodes of muscle fiber necrosis and re- of intercostal and diaphragm involvement.
generation.86,423 Incomplete regeneration Cardiomyopathy may result from abnor-
reduces the number of muscle cells, ren- mal baseline myocardial blood flow.207 Se-
dering some 441 fibers hypertrophic and oth- vere spine deformities may cause upper
ers atrophic. Progressive accumulation motor neuron abnormalities, which in
of collagen finally replaces the muscle turn lead to urinary dysfunction.84 The
cells. Preservation of extraocular muscle calf muscle, although initially strong, de-
function suggests protective properties 265 of velops pseudohypertrophy, as do the del-
fast-twitch fibers against degeneration. toid, quadricep, and gluteal muscles. With
In the murine animal model of the dis- a steady, downhill course, frequent falls
ease, mdx mice, diaphragm muscles show force 90-95 percent of children into a
greater contractile 56,157
abnormalities than wheelchair before age 12 years, contrac-
hindlimb muscles, reflecting unfa- tures of the joints prevent limb movement,
vorable factors such as a large proportion and the patients eventually die usually by
of fast oxidative fibers and sustained ac- age 20. Other features include macroglos-
tivity associated with forced lengthening sia, mild nonprogessive mental retarda-
during each eccentric contraction.89,205 tion seen at birth in 30-50 percent of chil-
Some patients may develop hypermetab- dren with IQs ranging from 50 to 90,
olism and rhabdomyolysis during anes- pulmonary problems, and cardiac my-
thesia, but contracture testing with caf- opathy with congestive heart failure.
feine or halothane reveals217no evidence of Prenatal studies of amniotic fluid usu-
malignant hyperthermia. ally show normal levels of creatine kinase
Proximal weakness of the leg begins dur- (CK). The newborn may have abnormal
782 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

values, which implies definite probability, rier or severe phenotype with expression
although normal values do not necessar- of the abnormal gene as an X-autosome
ily rule out the diagnosis. A markedly el- translocation or monosomy X.
evated serum CK during the first year of- Prednisone produces a rapid increase in
ten heralds the clinical onset of illness. muscle strength, with maximal effect at a
The values then fall gradually as the dis- dosage of 0.75 mg/kg or less.215 Alternate-
ease advances but never return to normal. day prednisone therapy effectively in-
No other neuromuscular disease has such creases strength but does not sustain the
an extremely high CK value. Other en- improvement to the same extent as 188 daily
zymes such as pyruvate kinase, aldolase, therapy or mitigate the side effects. In
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), glutamic- one study, dantrolene, which inhibits cal-
oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), and glu- cium release from the sarcoplasmic retic-
tamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT) all ulum, reduced serum CK associated with
show nonspecific elevation. Cardiac in- a lessening trend in motor function dete-
volvement results in typical electrocardio- rioration.48 In another study, long-term
graphic changes that consist of a tall, low-frequency electrical stimulation of af-
right precordial R wave118and a deep limb fected muscles also improved strength
and precordial Q wave in conjunction compared with the nonstimulated control
with characteristic abnormalities seen by side.537 Endurance training may or may
cardiac echo and positron emission to- not have a beneficial effect.163 Surgical
mography.408 Muscle biopsy material usu- stabilization by spinal fusion prevents pro-
ally reveal variations in muscle fiber size, gressive deformity for relative ease and
necrotic fibers, phagocytosis, regenerating comfort of wheelchair seating, although the
basophilic fibers, and vesicular nuclei. vital capacity primarily related to450muscle
Other features include swollen, rounded weakness continues to decline. Many
fibers with homogenic eosinophilic mate- patients do well on long-term ventilation,
rial, mildly increased internal nuclei, de- but some choose to discontinue this
generation of intrafusal muscle fibers with- method of life prolongation.235 Preliminary
out regeneration, and a nonspecific increase results suggest a possible role for human
in satellite cells detected with electron mi- myoblast transplantation,244 which, with
croscopy. improved efficacy, may deserve a thera-
Diagnosis is based on clinical presenta- peutic trial.267,343
tion, a 100-700-fold elevation in CK, the Electromyographic evaluation reveals
appearance of fatty degeneration in mus- characteristic features of myopathy. Inser-
cle biopsy tissue, direct measure of dys- tion of the needle elicits normal or pro-
trophin protein by immunohistochemistry longed activity initially but very little po-
or Western protein blotting, and antibody tential in the advanced stage, when fibrosis
detection in muscle biopsy specimens. has replaced muscle tissues. Fibrillation
DNA-based diagnosis also serves as pre- potentials and positive sharp waves ap-
natal screening in many cases.467 About pear early (see Fig. 14-8E) but to a much
65 percent of dystrophin mutations result lesser extent than in myositis or motor
from deletions. Southern analysis and poly- neuron disease. Low-amplitude, short-du-
merase chain reactions detect nearly 98 ration motor unit potentials result from
percent of these deletions. Either RNA random loss of muscle fibers. When re-
analysis or fetal protein analysis is used to cruited in abundance (see Figs. 14-16 and
assess point mutations. Laboratory diag- 14—19B), these potentials give rise to a
nosis and prognosis are generally deter- characteristic noise resembling a shower
mined by DNA analysis of the dystrophin of fibrillation potentials. In mildly affected
gene and immunoassay of muscle with an- muscles, limited in degree and distribu-
tibodies directed against340,436
different regions tion, the abnormalities could escape de-
of the protein product. The clinical tection without careful exploration. Elec-
spectrum of the dystrophinopathies ranges tromyography is generally of little value in
from a severe form presenting at birth to detecting carrier status. In one series, pa-
an asymptomatic elevation of CK.362 Fe- tients had significantly slower muscle
males may present as a manifesting car- fiber conduction velocities in the biceps
Myopathies 783

brachii (2.4 ± 0.9 m/s) than age-matched live into the sixth or seventh decade. Other
control children (3.2 ± 0.5 m/s).111 This abnormalities include cryptorchidism, hy-
abnormality may reflect an increased di- pogenitalia, testicular atrophy, mental re-
ameter variation which also causes com- tardation, electrocardiographic changes,
plex 112
and long-duration motor unit poten- cardiac dysfunction, and elevated CK val-
tials. Magnetic cortical stimulation in ues, especially at a young age.
patients reveals a higher threshold of stim- Electromyography shows nearly sym-
ulation than in normal persons, perhaps metric abnormalities in the proximal mus-
reflecting 137
a deficiency of brain synaptic dy- cles. Fibrillation potentials and complex
strophin. repetitive discharges abound in the para-
spinal muscles. Small and polyphasic mo-
tor unit potentials show an early recruit-
Becker-Type Muscular Dystrophy ment. Muscle biopsy specimens in an early
stage look like those of Duchenne dystro-
The Becker type of muscular dystrophy is phy with necrotic fibers, basophilic fibers,
a benign, X-linked recessive dystrophy and large hyaline fibers. In one series of
that affects male offspring. It also results 20 patients, histologic studies revealed con-
from a mutation in the dystrophin gene, spicuous fiber necrosis and regeneration in
leading to relatively mild clinical features. younger patients and chronic myopathic
Compared with Duchenne dystrophy, the changes such as moth-eaten fibers, fiber
Becker type has a later onset and con- splitting, and hypertrophic fibers in older
siderably longer and milder clinical course patients.264 In another study, each of eight
with survival into middle adulthood.39,417 families reviewed had mixed features of my-
A common pathogenesis underlies both opathy and denervation.63 Muscle biopsy
Becker and Duchenne variants. Dys- material revealed fiber atrophy and hyper-
trophin mutations give rise to the milder trophy with many split and angulated
phenotype that results from an abnormal fibers and clumps of pyknotic nuclei.
protein still maintaining intact amino-
and carboxy-terminal ends. An internal
deletion that maintains the reading frame, Facioscapulohumeral Dystrophy
for example, may merely reduce the num-
ber of repeats. Some patients may remain Facioscapulohumeral dystrophy, also
asymptomatic possibly because of the known as Landouzy-Dejerine type, affects
overexpression of the dystrophin-related both genders equally,273 with an incidence
protein in regenerating muscle fibers.484 of approximately 1 per 100,000. The dis-
The initial symptoms at ages 5 to 20 order has an autosomal dominant inher-
years consist of weakness of the pelvic gir- itance with complete penetrance and vari-
dle and legs and muscle cramps after ex- able expression, and the responsible gene
ercise. Physical examination shows hy- is localized to the telomeric region of chro-
pertrophied calves, shortening of the mosome 4q35.216,519 Some authors prefer
Achilles tendon, flexion contractures, and the term factoscapulahurneral syndrome
depressed stretch reflexes. The patient's with subdivisions into neurogenic, 154,358
difficulty involves climbing stairs and ris- pathic, and rare myositic entities.
ing from the floor. Unlike Duchenne mus- Initial myositic features may lead to clin-
cular dystrophy, patients with the Becker ical patterns indistinguishable from the
type usually walk for 25 to 30 years after myopathic type after some months to
onset, and many may reach an advanced years. Some patients have congenital ab-
age. Patients eventually develop contrac- sence of the pectoralis, biceps, or bra-
tures and skeletal deformities, but not as chioradialis muscles.
severely as in Duchenne dystrophy. Early The disease typically begins toward the
myocardial disease and myalgia may de- end of the first decade, although the
velop as a primary feature, unrelated to symptoms may appear within the first 2
the 131,370
severity of skeletal muscle dam- years of life.222 Early signs often missed
age. Patients may develop cardiac by patients or physicians include variable
failure as a late complication but usually degrees of mimetic muscle weakness ac-
784 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

counting for myopathic faces. Patients presence of spontaneous discharges sug-

usually have protruded lips, a transverse gests the neuropathic form of this syn-
smile, weak eye closure, and an inability drome.
to wrinkle the forehead. The loss of the The differential diagnosis consists of all
ability to use the arms, a common initially neuromuscular disorders with weakness
recognized symptom, results from weak- over a facioscapulohumeral distribution.
ness of the pectoralis major, latissimus These disorders include congential my-
dorsi, biceps, triceps, and brachioradialis opathies like myotubular myopathy, cen-
muscles. Attempted abduction of the arm tral core disease, and nemaline myopathy,
elevates the weak trapezius, giving rise to as well as polymyositis, spinal muscular
the typical appearance called trapezius atrophy, and myasthenia gravis. Complete
hump. Weakness of the tibialis anterior electrophysiologic testing should include
may cause foot drop as an early sign, but studies of neuromuscular transmission
otherwise the disease affects the lower and paraspinal electromyography to ex-
limbs later than the upper limbs. Beevor's clude myasthenia gravis and polymyositis
sign is a prelude to functional weakness with weakness in the facioscapulohumeral
of abdominal wall muscles.26 The patient distribution. A pilot trial of albuterol, a
has bilateral foot-drop as the presenting B2-adrenergic agonist, has shown some
sign in a variety493known as scapuloper- encouraging results, increasing certain
oneal dystrophy. measures of strength.277 Thoracoscapular
The very slowly progressive deficit fusion may improve function and cosmesis.
causes only minor disability and little al-
teration in life expectancy. In one series,
right-handed patients had greater preser- Limb-Girdle Dystrophy
vation of strength on the left, suggesting
a role of mechanical factors in73the pro- The designation limb-girdle dystrophy in-
gression of muscle weakness. In ad- cludes a heterogenous group of hereditary
vanced stages, patients develop lordosis disorders involving at least six different
and pelvic girdle muscle weakness but no genetic loci76,148,271 progressive weakness
cardiac myopathies. The infantile variant mainly affects the proximal muscles of the
seen in the first 2 years of life has a rapid shoulders, pelvic girdles, and upper and
progression and poor prognosis. The dev- lower limbs. Symptoms and signs vary,
astating combination of this entity with usually leading to severe disability by
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease resulted in midlife. It affects men and women equally
severe 77generalized weakness and early with an autosomal recessive pattern of in-
death. heritence.502 Both sporadic cases and a
Unlike in Duchenne or Becker dystro- kindred 101,177,320,389
with a rare autosomal dominant
phy, CK levels in facioscapulohumeral dy- pattern present similar clin-
strophy tend to remain normal. Measure- ical and histologic features.510
ment of pyruvate kinase is a more The illness often begins during the sec-
sensitive test. Biopsy material reveals ond or third decade of life, with involve-
variably sized fibers of both types, with ment of the pelvis and a highly elevated
many large fibers, groups of small angu- serum CK level. Weakness soon spreads
lar fibers reminiscent of denervation 15 atro- to the shoulder girdle, typically but not al-
phy, and inflammatory responses. In ways sparing the facial muscles.389 Symp-
the initial stages, electromyography may toms, restricted to these areas for many
show only a limited abnormality, which years, show only mild progression.476,477
may escape detection even in clinically Rarely, involvement of the diaphragm her-
weak muscles. The jitter studied by single- alds the onset of a limb-girdle sydrome as
fiber electromyography in facial muscles the presenting symptom.530 Some pa-
also remains within normal limits.500 tients have weakness of only one limb
Well-advanced cases show low-amplitude, without developing other characteristic
short-duration, polyphasic motor unit po- features or only 481
one muscle as in quadri-
tentials with early recruitment out of pro- ceps myopathy. The disease process
portion for the degree of muscle force. The usually runs a more rapid course in the
Myopathies 785

tibialis anterior than in the plantar flexor ally affects the same muscle group.9 Mus-
muscles.41 Pseudohypertrophy may or cle biopsy specimens show variation in
may not occur in the calves and deltoid. fiber size, occasional internal nuclei,
Despite eventual confinement to a wheel- small angulated fibers, and a moth-eaten
chair, the patient usually has normal life appearance of the intermyofibrillar net-
span. work 154when stained with oxidative en-
The name limb-girdle syndrome appro- zyme. Differentiation from myasthenia
priately denotes the heterogeneity of this gravis poses a major problem clinically.
entity, with subdivision into myogenic and Patients with oculopharyngeal dystrophy
neurogenic types based on clinical, histo- have absent titers for acetylcholine recep-
logic, and electrophysiologic findings (see tor antibody and a negative edrophonium
Fig. 13-8C). In addition, a clinical syn- (Tensilon) test. Progressive external oph-
drome of progressive proximal limb-girdle thalmoplegia can also develop in a num-
distribution may appear as a secondary ber of congenital myopathies such as cen-
manifestation in other well-defined condi- tronuclear and myotubular myopathy and
tions. These include chronic polymyositis, multicore disease.260 This general cate-
myasthenia gravis, and various metabolic gory, classified as ocular myopathy, has
and congenital myopathies, such as late either recessive or dominant inheritance.
onset acid maltase deficiency and carni- Slowly progressive ptosis starts at any
tine deficiency. Spinal muscular atrophy age. Head tilts and wrinkling of the fore-
also has a similar distribution of weak- head compensate for levator muscle weak-
ness, making clinical differentiation diffi- ness. Later, the disease may involve ex-
cult. traocular and facial muscles but not the
A review of 18 patients with proximal pupils. Patients may have elevated CK val-
weakness in the limb-girdle distribution ues and an abnormal sensitivity to d-
established a firm diagnosis only in four tubocurare. Electromyographic studies
cases even after histologic evaluation— usually reveal no spontaneous activity.
two with spinal muscular atrophy and two Brief, low-amplitude, polyphasic motor
others with muscular dystrophy.102 Mo- unit potentials show an early recruitment
tor innervation patterns suggested spinal in proximal muscles of the upper limbs.60
muscular atrophy in 4 of the 18 and limb- A neurogenic pattern with large motor
girdle dystrophy in the others. Elec- unit potentials may accompany the myo-
tromyographic features revealed myo- pathic features.442 Conduction studies re-
pathic changes in 11, denervation in 3, veal low-amplitude compound muscle ac-
and inconclusive results in 4. In another tion potentials in the weak muscles.
series of 20 patients, single-fiber elec- Repetitive nerve stimulation shows no
tromyography confirmed the original di- decrement of muscle response.
agnosis of myopathic limb-girdle syn- Primary muscle disease with a definite
drome in 11 and chronic spinal muscular distal predilection includes large series of
atrophy in 5 and helped differentiate the adult onset hereditary myopathy in Swe-
other four cases into myopathic and neu- den and rare sporadic distal myopathy
ropathic varieties.452 with early adult onset.341 The differential
diagnoses include myotonic dystrophy
and inclusion body myositis, both of
Other Dystrophies which characteristically cause atrophy of
distal rather than proximal musculatures.
Oculopharyngeal dystrophy, a rare form Late onset distal myopathy, first described
of progressive ophthalmoplegia, affects by Welander,526 is a rare autosomal dom-
French-Canadian families in an autoso- inant disorder with onset in adulthood.341
mal dominant fashion,30,109,224 with the Unlike most other forms of dystrophies, it
responsible gene localized to chromosome predominantly affects the distal muscles
14q11.2-ql3.65,471 Progressive ptosis and of the upper and lower limbs. Weakness
dysphagia develop late in life with or with- typically begins in the intrinsic hand mus-
out extraocular muscle weakness, al- cles or, less commonly, in the small mus-
though a childhood myopathy occasion- cles of the foot. As the disease slowly pro-
786 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

gresses, the dorsiflexors of the wrist and duction defects.165,427 This entity is also
foot become weak, usually with nearly known as scapuloperoneal muscular dys-
complete sparing of proximal muscula- trophy, scapulohumerodistal muscular
ture. Widespread weakness and wasting atrophy, and humero peroneal neuromus-
may occur, especially if the disease appears cular disease. Some families have a wide
at an earlier age and worsens rapidly. phenotypic spectrum.136 Most pedigrees
Quantitative sensory testings usually un- show an X-linked inheritance, but rare kin-
cover a distal sensory disturbance most dreds have autosomal dominant transmis-
prominent for temperature.58 The neuro- sion.342 Mutation of the responsible gene
genic lesion affecting the peripheral sensory results in loss or reduction of emerin, which
fibers may even precede the myopathic serves as a membrane anchor.189,352,376
changes. Most patients have slightly ele- Scapuloperoneal syndrome has both myo-
vated levels of serum CK. Muscle biopsy pathic and neurogenic abnormalities, with
specimens show vacuolar changes159,321 weakness and wasting confined to the
and increased staining for spectrin, desmin, muscles of the shoulder girdle and the an-
and Leu-19 as seen in denervated muscle terior compartment muscles of the lower
fibers.59 These findings may support a neu- limb. Clinical manifestations begin in the
rogenic component in this dystrophy, ful- second decade, primarily involving del-
filling the criteria for hereditary inclusion toids, pectorals, muscles of the arms, ex-
body myopathy.5 Electromyography demon- tensors of the hands, fingers, and feet,
strates an abundance of low-amplitude, and ocasionally muscles of the face, rela-
short-duration motor unit potentials during tively sparing the muscles of the pelvic gir-
mild voluntary contraction. dle. Other features include early contrac-
Another type of progressive distal my- tures with marked restriction of neck and
opathy described in Japan has an autoso-
elbow flexion. Patients also develop car-
mal recessive inheritance40 with linkage diopathy with atrioventricular block, atrial
to chromosome 2pl2-14. The disease af- fibrillation, decreased ventricular rate, and
fects young adults with the initial features exertional dyspnea, often dying suddenly
of impairment in standing on the tiptoes, from cardiac arrest. Electrophysiologic
followed by difficulty in climbing stairs and studies usually reveal early recruitment of
standing. Muscle atrophy involves the dis- short, polyphasic, and relatively high-
tal muscles in the legs and forearms, spar- amplitude motor unit potentials;424 nerve
ing the intrinsic hand muscles as detected conduction studies are normal. Histologic
clinically and computed tomography and studies of muscle show mixed patterns of
magnetic resonance imaging.339 Asympto- neurogenic and myogenic changes with in-
matic subjects may have an elevated serum ternal nuclei, necrotic fibers, round cell in-
CK value as a prelude of the disease.199 filtrates, and occasionally type 1 fiber pre-
Electromyography reveals abnormalities dominance. An autopsy of a typical case
consistent with myopathy. Muscle biopsy disclosed no abnormalities of the223spinal
specimens show severe segmental necrosis cord or of the ventral spinal roots.
and regeneration of myofibers with little in- A variant of this syndrome has an on-
flamatory responses.173 Other hereditary set at ages 3-11 years, with initial symp-
distal myopathies include familial adult on- toms and signs of shortening of the
set muscular dystrophy with leukoen- Achilles tendon, flexion contractures of
cephalopathy,513 late503 adult onset tibial the elbows, weak shoulder girdle muscles,
muscular dystrophy, and autosomal re- normal CK, and death eventually by car-
cessive distal myopathy with rimmed vac- diac arrest. Other possibly related entities
uole formation,479 which represents an in- include scapuloperoneal myopathy inher-
clusion body myositis (see this chapter, ited as an autosomal dominant or X-
part 6). linked recessive disease and scapuloper-
In a rare type of muscular dystrophy, oneal spinal muscular atrophy, a disorder
the scapuloperoneal syndrome of Emery- of the anterior horn cells with autosomal
Dreifuss type, patients develop a triad of dominant or X-linked recessive inheri-
slowly progressive humeroperoneal weak- tance. Scapuloperoneal atrophy may pri-
ness, early contracture, and early con- marily involve the peripheral nerve, oc-
Myopathies 787

curring sporadically without sensory ab- ter birth with several modes of hereditary
normalities or as an autosomal dominant transmission, congenital skeletal abnor-
or autosomal recessive disorder with sen- malities such as high-arched palate, long
sory loss. Rigid spine syndrome has sim- face, hip dislocation, and pes cavus, de-
ilar clinical features except for cardiac layed motor milestones with no ability to
conduction defects and mode of inheri- run or jump, proximal weakness, thinned
tance. 176,314,410,494 muscle bulk, absent or decreased stretch
Other dystrophies include benign hered- reflexes, and slow or no progression.
itary myopathy, an autosomal dominant Other features include short-duration,
disorder with an extremely slow progres- small-amplitude polyphasic motor unit
sion and a normal life expectancy, and potentials, normal conduction studies,
quadriceps myopathies, which may repre- muscle biopsy abnormalities of type I fiber
sent a generalized myopathy despite selec- predominance or type II fiber paucity, and
tive quadriceps muscle atrophy and ab- characteristic histopathologic or electro-
sent knee jerks. Congenital muscular microscopic changes, which virtually name
dystrophies comprise a heterogeneous the individual disorder. Concurrent struc-
group of autosomal recessive disorders of tural cardiomyopathy may result in cardiac
a slow evolution with multiple contractures conduction abnormalities or contractile in-
and generalized weakness. The entity has sufficiency. 127
two subgroups, one with a14,158,228,365
fairly homoge-
neous merosin deficiency and
another with heterogeneous merosin posi- Central Core Disease
tivity.182,371 A dominantly inherited multi-
system disorder called proximal myotonic Central core disease is a heterogeneous
distrophy, although phenotypically similar myopathy with typical core features in
to myotonic dystrophy, has no 292,415,473
CTG repeat nearly all fibers, irrespective of the mode of
expansion (see Chapter 29-2). genetic transmission. Its pathogenesis, al-
though unknown, is probably related to an
abnormality of neural influence, which may
3 CONGENITAL MYOPATHY affect embryonic differentiation of muscle
fibers. Infants occasionally have congenital
hip dislocations, hypotonia shortly after
A number of congenital conditions have birth, and delayed developmental mile-
nonprogressive or only slightly progres- stones. Older children may have proximal
sive muscular weakness.52,169,181 Some weakness but no distinct muscular atro-
have morphologically distinctive structual phy. Neither the patient nor the family rec-
alterations in muscle biopsy material. ognizes the disease before the onset of
These conditions include central core dis- skeletal deformities, such as lordorsis,
ease, nemaline myopathy, myotubular or kyphoscoliosis, and abnormalities of the
centronuclear myopathy, congenital fiber foot.491 Malignant hypertherrnia may com-
type disproportion, cytoplasmic body my- plicate operative interventions in children
opathy, fingerprint body myopathy, zebra with central core disease.167,194 For high-
body myopathy, and congenital hypotonia risk patients who require surgery for mus-
with type I fiber predominance. In rare culoskeletal defects, preoperative evalua-
cases, two or more structual changes co- tion should include in vitro tests for this
exist in the same patient or in one fam- devastating phenomenon, described later
ily,3,403 possibly indicating Z-band abnor- (see this chapter, part 4).
malities.492 The diagnosis of these rare Muscle biopsy material shows a marked
conditions depends not on clinical or ge- type I fiber predominance. The central re-
netic findings but on histologic examina- gion of the muscle fiber contains compact
tion of the muscle, identifying distinctive myofibrils devoid of oxidative and phos-
pathologic features that may or may not phorylase enzymes because of the virtual
represent the fundamental manifesta- absence of mitochondria.154 These central
tions. Clinical features common to this areas, referred to as cores, show no his-
group consist of generalized hypotonia af- tochemical reactivity with the oxidative
788 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

enzyme. They commonly appear in type I Patients and carriers both have a pre-
and to a lesser extent in type II fibers, but dominance of small42,114
type I fibers in muscle
their absence does not preclude the diag- biopsy specimens. Gomori trichrome
nosis.355 The resemblance of the cores to stain shows the characteristic rod-shaped
target fibers, which usually indicates de- bodies, not apparent with other methods.
nervation and reinnervation, supports the These contain material identical to the Z-
disputed idea that369
the disease may be neu- bands of muscle fibers, involving either
rogenic in nature. An increased terminal type I or type II fibers, or both. Nemaline
innervation ratio described in this entity myopathy455 derives its name from the
also suggests a neurogenic process.103,249 presence of these rod-like or thread-like
A rare variant of central core myopathy (nemaline in Greek) structures seen in both
shows characteristic collections of abnor- fiber types lying under the sarcolemma.
mally stained myofibrils along the entire Rods, devoid of enzyme activity, stain
length of a muscle fiber. bright red with trichrome and have peri-
Electrophysiologic findings vary but tend odic lines showing structural continuity
to suggest a mixed myopathic-neuropathic with actin filaments. They are seen not
process. Electromyographic studies usu- only in nemaline myopathy but also in
ally detect normal insertional activity, no other neuromuscular disorders and occa-
spontaneous discharges at rest, and small sionally in normal muscles. The number
motor 357
unit potentials with early recruit- of rods does not correlate with severity of
ment. Other studies have249revealed disease. A repeated biopsy may find a dra-
large and polyphasic potentials with in- matically decreased number of rods, im-
creased fiber density.110 Nerve conduction plying a reversible anomaly of Z-discs.227
studies show reduced amplitude 249
of muscle Electromyography may show low-
potentials with either normal or mildly amplitude, short-duration motor unit
slowed conduction velocity.241 potentials with early recruitment or, con-
versely, fibrillation potentials and a de-
creased number of high-amplitude, long-
Nemaline Myopathy duration motor unit potentials.374 These
changes probably result from degenera-
Nemaline myopathy can be sporadic or in- tion and regeneration of muscle fibers sec-
herited as an autosomal dominant trait,280 ondary to myopathic involvement.523
causing nonprogressive hypotonia that
usually begins at a very early age. Al-
though considered benign in older chil- Myotubular or
dren and adults, it may be responsible for Centronuclear Myopathy
early death in neonates and young in- 469
fants.374 In the severe infantile form, in- In myotubular myopathy,
or centronu-
creased axonal sprouting of the intra- clear myopathy, fetal myotubes per-
muscular nerve suggests maturational sist into adult life. Central nuclei are the
arrest of developing muscle or nerve common feature of this rare heterogeneous
fibers.373 In addition to diffuse weakness, condition, which otherwise has 37diverse
children show dysmorphism with reduced clinical and genetic characteristics. Three
muscle bulk and slender musculature. subgroups have been identified based on
The clinical features include elongated severity and mode of presentation together
faces, high-arched 287 palate, high-arched with genetic pattern: a311,465
severe neonatal X-
feet, kyphoscoliosis, dropped head312 linked recessive type, a less severe
and an occasional scapuloperoneal distri- infantile-juvenile autosomal recessive type,
bution of weakness. Many have a slightly and a milder autosomal dominant type.230
elevated level of serum CK. As a variant, The autosomal dominant type progresses
a late onset rod disease manifests initially more slowly than the generally severe X-
as proximal muscle weakness at ages linked form, which may lead to death from
37-60 years, followed by a progressive respiratory insufficiency. The milder au-
course, leading to severe disability and tosomal dominant type may show clinical
death. features simulating facioscapulohumeral
Myopathies 789

syndrome.185 The affected infants have nia.71,113 Infants may have generalized
early difficulty in lifting their head after a weakness with dysmorphic features at
normal labor and delivery. They can have birth.478 Additional signs include con-
hypotonia, ptosis, facial weakness, and tractures as the major source of func-
extraocular palsy at birth. Patient can tional limitation, congenital dislocation of
walk but cannot run. Some patients die the hip joint secondary to intrauterine
in infancy from cardiorespiratory failure, hypotonia, and other skeletal abnormali-
but others live until adulthood with little ties such as deformities of the feet and
progression and only mildly elevated kyphoscoliosis. The disease progresses for
serum CK. Those who survive suffer from the first several years and then either sta-
generalized weakness with facial and ex- bilizes or improves slightly. Some patients
traocular muscle involvement. have profound weakness of respiratory
Biopsy specimens show internal nuclei, muscles, needing assisted ventilation
absent subsarcolemmal nuclei, and agge- from early infancy.496 Patients have short
gates of mitchondria near the central nu- stature and fail to develop expected mo-
clei. Myotubes resemble those in fetal tor skills despite a normal or above-
muscle, thus the name myotubular my- normal mental capacity. A family history,
opathy. The fetus-like dystrophin expres- if present, shows a variable pattern of in-
sion 247,353
further suggests maturational ar- heritance.
rest, although sequential muscle Patient may have elevated CK values
biopsy findings indicate a progressive na- but not as a consistent finding. Muscle
ture of the disease in some cases.121 The biopsy specimens show, in addition to
central part of the fiber, devoid of myofib- fiber type disproportion, small type I fibers,
rils and myofibrillar adenosine triphos- hypertrophic type II fibers, and scattered in-
phate (ATP), stains poorly with the ATPase ternal nuclei. The presence of occasional
reaction. Oxidative enzymes may show in- rods suggests possible but unconfirmed
creased or decreased activity in the cen- relationships between this condition and
tral region. nemaline myopathy.275 Electromyography
Electromyographic abnormalities in- usually demonstrates low-amplitude, short-
clude an excessive number of polyphasic, duration motor unit potentials with early
low-amplitude motor unit potentials, fib- recruitment. Some patients have fibrilla-
rillation potentials, positive sharp waves, tion potentials, positive sharp waves, and
and complex repetitive discharges.29,230 large motor unit potentials.478
These findings distinguish this entity as
the only congenital myopathy consistently
associated with spontaneous activities in Other Congenital Myopathies
electromyographic studies.162 Occasional
myotonic discharges may lead to an erro- In cystoplasmic body myopathy, weakness
neous diagnosis of myotonic dystrophy, characteristically involves the face, neck,
especially in a patient with distal weak- and proximal limbs as well as respiratory,
ness and ptosis.409 Two sisters with oth- spinal, and cardiac muscles. Patients may
erwise typical centronuclear myopathy have scoliosis and cardiorespiratory failure
had clinical myotonia.206 Patients usually especially after lung infection. They have
have normal motor and sensory nerve elevated serum CK values and abnormal
conduction studies. electrocardiograms. Muscle biopsy mate-
rial reveals centrally placed nuclei, necro-
sis, fibrosis, and cytoplasmic bodies. Elec-
Congenital Fiber trophysiologic studies show normal nerve
Type Disproportion conduction and abnormal electromyo-
graphic findings consistent with myopa-
In normal muscles, type II fibers comprise thy sometimes showing myotonic dis-
more than 60 percent of the fibers and type charge.364,393 Other entities include
I, 30-40 percent. A reversed relationship multicore myopathy with multifocal de-
characterizes the histologic findings in generation of muscle fibers,171,535 finger-
some children with congenital hypoto- print body myopathy with typical electron
790 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

microscopic features showing inclusions ness with variable progression. They may
of complex lamellae arranged in fingerprint die of respiratory failure before the end of
patterns, zebra body myopathy with hypo- their second decade.172,323 Acid maltase
tonia and weakness clinically and distinct deficiency may have heterogeneous pre-
zebra bodies ultrastructurally,412 reducing sentations within a family, and an adult
body myopathy characterized by purple- onset case can present as a scapuloper-
gray periodic acid-Schiff-negative sarco- oneal neuromuscular syndrome.35 In-
plasmic masses, appearing as "empty" creased net muscle protein catabolism is
spaces with both ATPase and nicotinamide involved in the pathogenesis because the
adenine dinucleotide-tetrazolium reduc- conditon improves with a high protein
tase,372 and actin myopathy with intranu- diet.463 In the adult variant, symptoms be-
clear rods.208 gin with insidious limb-girdle weakness
during the second or third decade and res-
piratory difficulty some years later, neces-
4 METABOLIC MYOPATHY sitating a tracheostomy.146,482,498 Both
types have elevated serum enzymes. Mus-
cle biopsy specimens reveal a vacuolar
A variety of myopathies result from inborn myopathy affecting type I fibers more than
errors of metabolism.61 These include cer- type II fibers. Glycogen commonly de-
tain types of glycogen storage disease and posits in the central nervous system, par-
disorders of lipid metabolism. Of the 10 ticularly in the infantile form. Tissue cul-
glycogen storage diseases identified to tures have reproduced the enzymatic
date, prominent muscle involvement oc- defect.23
curs only in types II (Pompe's disease), III Electromyographic studies of the infan-
(Cori-Forbes), V (McArdle), and VII (Tarui) tile form find increased insertional activity,
glycogenosis.243 Two other metabolic my- fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves,
opathies, mitochondrial diseases and ma- and complex repetitive discharges, as ex-
lignant hyperpyrexia or hyperthermia, de- pected from anterior horn cell involve-
serve a brief mention. ment.172 Severely affected muscles typi-
cally lack insertional activity. As one of the
few exceptions to the rule (see Chapter
Acid Maltase Deficiency 14-3) true myotonic discharges may occur
(Type II Glycogenosis) in the absence of clinical myotonia. Mild
voluntary contraction recruits polyphasic,
In acid maltase deficiency, inherited as an low-amplitude, short-duration motor unit
autosomal recessive disease, the defi- potentials in abundance. In contrast to the
ciency leads to accumulation of glycogen widespread abnormalities in the infantile
in tissue lysosomes,16,234 causing a vac- type, the adult or late onset childhood type
uolar myopathy.517 In the infantile type, has changes restricted to the gluteal,
Pompe's disease, children develop severe paraspinal, and other proximal muscles.
hypotonia shortly after birth and die Most of these patients have electromyo-
within the first year from cardiac or res- graphic findings of myopathy without fib-
piratory failure.57 Anterior horn cells con- rillation potentials.498 Studies of motor and
tain deposits of glycogen particles, as do sensory nerve conduction and of neuro-
other affected organs such as the heart, muscular transmission reveal no abnor-
tongue, and liver. An enlarged tongue and malities, except for reduced amplitude of
cardiac abnormalities differentiate this the compound muscle action potentials.
condition from Werdnig-Hoffmann dis-
In the more benign childhood and adult Debrancher Deficiency
types, the symptoms limited to skeletal (Type III Glycogenosis)
muscle mimic those of limb-girdle syn-
dromes or polymyositis. Patients with the In Debrancher deficiency, inherited as an
onset of symptoms in childhood have autosomal recessive trait, the absence of the
proximal limb and trunk muscle weak- debrancher enzyme prevents breakdown of
Myopathies 791

glycogen beyond the outer straight glucosyl The disease has a wide clinical spec-
chains. Consequently, glycogen with short- trum.93,257,406 In infants, generalized hypo-
branched outer chains, called phosphory- tonia may lead to respiratory insufficiency
taselimit-dextrin, accumulates in the liver and early death.144 Patients developing
and striated and cardiac muscles. Despite symptoms later in life have more variable
the generalized enzymatic defect, the clinical presentations187 as late onset or
skeletal muscles do not necessarily show childhood myopathies.107 The abnormality,
weakness on clinical examination.74,360 confined to skeletal muscles, initially
Affected children with hypotonia and causes only nonspecific complaints of mild
proximal weakness fail to thrive. Accu- weakness and fatigue. Sometime during
mulation of glycogen in the liver causes adolescence patients begin to notice exer-
hepatomegaly, episodes of hypoglycemia, cise intolerance.435 Despite the onset of
and markedly elevated serum CK. Clini- symptoms in childhood or adolescence,
cal features of myopathy may develop af- muscle cramps rarely develop before late
ter hepatic symptoms have abated. Pa- adulthood.1,282 Atypical clinical presenta-
tient may improve in adolescence despite tions in adult patients include progressive
the enzymatic defect. Distal weakness and muscle weakness without exercise-
wasting sometimes resemble those in pa- induced contracture.326 The differential
tients with motor neuron disease.145 Mus- diagnoses include muscle phosphofruc-
cle biopsy specimens show subsarcolem- tokinase deficiency characterized by re-
mal periodic acid-Schiff-positive vacuoles current myoglobinuria and persistent
in type II fibers, without histochemical weakness,45 phosphoglycerate mutase de-
signs of denervation.145 Electromyogra- ficiency,497 lactase dehydrogenase-A defi-
phy may reveal profuse fibrillation poten- ciency,349 and Brody's disease, or a defi-
tials, complex repetitive discharges, and ciency of calcium (Ca2+)-adenosine triphos-
small, short-duration motor unit poten- phatase in sarcoplasmic reticulum.270
tials.145 Neurologic examination between bouts
of muscle cramps initially reveals only
mild proximal weakness without apparent
Muscle Phosphorylase Deficiency muscular wasting. Patients may develop
(Type V Glycogenosis) permanent limb-girdle weakness later in
life. A heavy muscle contraction or repet-
McArdle331 first described muscle phos- itive stimulation of the nerve produces
phorylase deficiency as a rare autosomal painful cramps that may last for several
recessive condition, although others have hours. In advanced stages, even mild ex-
subsequently reported families with an ercise precipitates the attack, severely
autosomal dominant pattern.100 It affects limiting the patient's activities. Associated
men more frequently than women by a ra- breakdown of muscle leads to myoglobin-
tio of 4 to 1.143 Myophosphorylase defi- uria, causing the urine to become wine
ciency blocks the conversion of muscle colored. Muscle pain and fatigue may im-
glycogen to glucose during heavy exercise prove during continued exercise if the
under ischemic conditions. Although the patient slows down and sustains non-
exercise intolerance mainly results from strenuous activity. This second wind phe-
impaired adenosine triphosphate genera- nomenon presumably results from in-
tion from anaerobic glycogenolysis,301 de- creased mobilization of serum free fatty
fects of oxidative metabolism may also acids as an alternative source of energy.
play a role.27,130 The myophosphorylase Exposure to cold during exercise may also
gene has been sequenced and assigned to delay the development of contracture.
chromosome 11. Although genetically het- The ischemic exercise test can confirm
erogeneous, thymine substitutes for cyto- the diagnosis in suspected cases. The test
sine at codon 49 is the most common mu- consists of contracting the forearm mus-
tation.501 In about 90 percent of cases, cles under ischemic conditions induced
analysis of the patient's leukocytes iden- by an inflated pneumatic cuff placed
tifies the responsible mutations, confirm- around the arm. The inability to convert
ing the diagnosis.501 glycogen to glucose for anaerobic glycoly-
792 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

sis promptly precipitates a muscle cramp. nerve stimulation causes a progressive

Normally, lactate levels in venous blood decrease in the evoked muscle action po-
should rise with the breakdown of glyco- tentials.313 During contracture (see Chap-
gen under ischemic conditions. Patients ter 29-12), electromyographic studies of
with McArdle's disease show no rise in the the cramped muscle reveal no electrical
lactate level in blood drawn from the ex- activity despite muscle shortening (see
ercised arm. The ischemic exercise test Fig. 12-3). In contrast, the ordinary mus-
can identify patients with absence of cle cramp or spasm shows abundant dis-
myophosphorylase but fails to detect490 par- charges of motor unit potentials. In one
tial expression of McArdle's disease. patient, the posttetanic mechanical ten-
The pathogenesis of the contracture ini- sion of the contracture reached only 17
tially centers around the depletion of high percent of the peak tetanic tension, and
energy phosphates in the absence of twitches superimposed on the contracture
glycogen metabolism. This might prevent fell by one half, as did the amplitude of
the 2+
energy-dependent reuptake of calcium the action potentials.66
(Ca ) by the sarcoplasmic reticulum, but
no studies70have confirmed such an ab-
normality. Membrane excitability also Muscle Phosphofructokinase
appears unimpaired during ischemic exer- Deficiency (Type VII Glycogenosis)
cise as tested by muscle fiber conduction
velocity and surface analysis of the fre- Muscle phosphofructokinase deficiency,
quency spectrum.310 Muscle fatigue may first described by Tarui and associates,489
result from failure of energy-dependent results from a defect in muscle phospho-
excitation-contraction coupling, but mag- fructokinase that precludes the conver-
netic resonance imaging studies have sion of fructose-6-phosphate to fructose
shown no depletion of adenosine triphos- 1-6 diphosphate.488 The clinical features
phate.17 Contractures probably develop include painful muscle contracture and
following the disruption of the complex in- myoglobinuria4 much like those of McAr-
terplay among the contractile proteins, cal- dle's disease. An infant with this syn-
cium release, and the calcium sequestra- drome may have, in addition to limb weak-
tion mechanism.429 In addition, a reduced ness, seizures, cortical blindness, and
density of sodium (Na+)-potassium (K+) corneal opacifications.446 Distinguishing
pumps on skeletal muscle fibers will re- this entity from McArdle's disease de-
duce muscle fiber membrane excitabil- pends on biochemical or histochemical
ity,220 which in turn decreases exercise ca- determination of phosphofructokinase ac-
pacity.430 tivity in the muscle biopsy specimen. Elec-
Between attacks, electromyographic tromyography reveals no abnormalities
studies may find no abnormalities or may between attacks. Studies have shown re-
reveal fibrillation potentials144and polypha- duced phosphofructokinase activity not
sic motor unit potentials or sponta- only in the muscle but also in the heart
neous activity and myopathic features 404 as and liver.10
seen in inflammatory muscle disease.
Myotonic or complex repetitive discharges
may appear predominantly in paraspinal Disorders of Lipid Metabolism
muscles.395 In one study, quantitative
analysis of the motor unit potential in the Whereas glycogen serves as the major
biceps showed a mean duration of 7.1 ms source of energy for rapid strenuous ef-
compared with 9.4 ms in the controls, sug- fort, circulating lipid in the form of free
gesting myopathic changes.66 Others have fatty acids maintains the energy supply at
proposed 506
a reduction in the number of mo- rest and during prolonged low-intensity
tor units but without subsequent con- exercise. Carnitine palmitoyl transferase
firmation. Nerve stimulation techniques catalyzes the reversible binding of carni-
reveal normal motor and sensory nerve tine to plasma fatty acids; once bound,
conduction studies. During regional is- carnitine can transport fatty acids across
chemia, a prolonged low rate of repetitive the mitochondrial membrane for oxida-
Myopathies 793

tion. Disorders of lipid metabolism in- from bulbar and respiratory involvement
clude carnitine palmitoyltransferase defi- may lead to death at an early age.62,108,225
ciency, carnitine deficiency,147 and other Some patients show features of both sys-
rare conditions such as lipid myoneu- temic and muscle carnitine deficiency.88
ropathy with normal carnitine.24 Muscle biopsy specimens reveal an excess
Carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiency, of lipid droplets mostly in the type I fibers,
a rare disorder inherited as an autosomal which depend on oxidation of long-chain
recessive trait, results most commonly from fatty acids to a greater extent than do type
a missense mutation that replaces a II fibers.
leucine for a serine residue at amino324,332
acid Electromyographic studies reveal mild
position 113 of the CPT II protein. voluntary contractions that recruit small-
The patient develops painful muscle amplitude, short-duration, polyphasic mo-
cramps and, on prolonged exercise or fast- tor unit potentials in abundance. Slightly
ing, 28,87,141,302
recurrent episodes of myoglobin- over half of patients have fibrillation po-
uria. Long-chain fatty acids not tentials and other forms of spontaneous
coupled to carnitine cannot shuttle across activity such as complex repetitive dis-
the inner mitochondria! membrane, lead- charges. Neuropathy may develop in
ing to 303
impaired oxidation of lipid sub- some,322 but motor and sensory nerve
strates. The first attack of myoglobinuria conduction studies and tests of neuro-
appears in adolescence, although muscle muscular transmission usually reveal no
pain may develop in early childhood. Mus- abnormalities.
cle remains strong between attacks, but Most infants with a lipid metabolism
exercise during fasting results in painful disorder benefit 449
from long-term therapy
cramps. The disorder has diverse clinical with L-carnitine. Lipid utilization takes
features, which include episodic exer- place in the mitochondria. This link may
tional dyspnea, exercise intolerance, and explain some overlap between lipid stor-
myoglobinuria, without cramps or myal- age myopathies and mitochondrial my-
gias.200 Muscle biopsy specimens may opathies.64 In one series, 21 of 48 patients
show no abnormalities or only a slight ex- with mitochondrial myopathy had a plasma
cess of intrafiber lipid droplets next to the carnitine deficiency. Most responded favor-
mitochondria in type I fibers. Electro- ably to L-carnitine therapy.81 Treatment
physiologic studies, reported in only a few with riboflavin and carnitine had a favor-
patients, have revealed normal elec- able effect on pure myopathy associated
tromyographic findings and normal motor with complex 1 deficiency.46
and sensory nerve conduction veloci-
Carnitine deficiency, probably inherited Mitochondrial Disease
as an autosomal recessive disorder, is the
first biochemical defect to be identified in Many proteins in the mitochondria are
muscle lipid metabolism.12,168 Of the two coded for not only in the nuclear DNA of
forms of this condition, the restricted type the cell but also in their own DNA. Mito-
develops lipid storage predominantly or chondrial DNA codes for 13 proteins that
exclusively in the muscle, causing a lipid are subunits of the respiratory chain com-
storage myopathy, so called before recog- plexes, two ribosomal RNAs and 22 trans-
nition of the specific biochemical defect. fer RNAs. Thus, defects in aerobic oxida-
Reduced muscle carnitine possibly results tion result from deletions and point
from a deficit in carnitine uptake in the mutations of the mitochondrial DNA. Most
muscle despite normal serum carnitine pathology associated with these muta-
levels in most patients. In the systemic tions involves multiple systems to a vari-
type, insufficient synthesis lowers the able degree, depending on the ratio of nor-
carnitine levels in the serum, liver, and mal to mutant mitochondria in any given
muscle. Carnitine deficiency causes a tissue. Mitochondria, with their own
congenital and slowly progressive myopa- genome predominantly inherited from cy-
thy of the limb-girdle62,268
type and episodic toplasm of the oocyte, follow maternal
hepatic insufficiency. Severe defects transmission rather than mendelian ge-
794 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

netics, making the risk assessment for ge- thalmoplegia, retinitis pigmentosa, heart
netic counseling difficult. This type of in- block, cerebellar syndrome, and a cere-
heritance should affect all offspring equally brospinal fluid protein level above 100
regardless of gender. mg/dl. Ophthalmoplegia occurs sporadi-
A large number of normal and abnor- cally, with the clinical signs of ptosis and
mally shaped mitochondria, often densely extraocular palsy appearing during child-
packing the cristae, characterize mito- hood or adolescence.43,269,443 As indi-
chondria! myopathies. On light microscopy, cated by its alternative name, oculocran-
granular material stains red with trichrome, iosomatic neuromuscular disease with
thus the name ragged red fibers. Abnormal ragged red fibers,380 characteristic fea-
fibers, often restricted to type I, show high tures include ragged red fibers in muscle
activity when stained for oxidative biopsy material, indicating a mitochondrial
enyzme. Heat shock proteins localized in abnormality. Progressive weakness and fa-
ragged red fibers using monoclonal anti- tigue may accompany a wide variety of neu-
bodies may act as a protein repair enzyme, rologic deficits such as sensorineural deaf-
catalyzing the refolding of misfolded pro- ness, cerebellar degeneration, endocrine
teins in the matrix of mitochondria.466 abnormalities, sensory motor neuropathy,
Ragged red fibers are only a nonspecific ab- demyelinating radiculopathy, and myas-
normality, appearing also in polymyositis, thenic symptoms.191,218,335,396 Laboratory
hypothyroiditis, thyrotoxic myopathy, and studies reveal a moderate increase in cere-
spinal muscular atrophy. Conversely, the brospinal protein level and a mild elevation
expression of a mitochondria! defect can of serum CK.
vary so much that the absence of ragged Electromyographic results are normal
red fibers does not necessarily rule out the or mildly abnormal, with early recruit-
diagnosis of mitochondria! myopathy.392,456 ment of low-amplitude, short-duration
Patients with mitochondria! cytopathy have motor unit potentials. Clinically asympto-
abnormalities of muscle energy metabolism, matic members of the family may have
which can be tested by venous lactate re- subtle changes consistent with subclini-
sponse to subanaerobic exercise.232,366,457 cal myopathy as detected by conventional
Structural changes of the mitochondria or single-fiber recordings.183 In the more
cause progressive muscle weakness as a advanced stages, electrophysiologic stud-
part 240,397,421,438
of complex neurologic manifesta- ies may uncover neuropathic changes of
tions. These entities comprise the axonal type but no abnormalities of
three subgroups: chronic progressive ex- neuromuscular transmission.495 Other
ternal ophthalmoplegia (CPEO), including neuropathic abnormalities include absent
Kearns-Sayre syndrome; mitochondrial or reduced ankle jerk, impared distal vi-
myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, bration sense, and reduced sural nerve
and stroke-like episodes (MELAS); and potentials.336 In one series, 10 of 20 pa-
myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fibers tients had abnormalities of nerve con-
(MERRF). Mitochondrial gene stud- duction, although only 5 had clinical fea-
ies94,175.272,299.384,453 in general show large- tures of a mild sensory motor neuropathy.
scale deletions in CPEO and point muta- In these patients, sural nerve biopsy ma-
tions in the transfer RNA genes of leucine terial revealed a reduced density of myeli-
in MELAS and of lysine in MERRF. Some nated fibers and axonal degeneration af-
reports indicate phenotypic heterogene- fecting533 myelinated and unmyelinated
ity,458,505 for example, absence of oph- fibers.
thalmoplegia in CPEO,485 chronic progres- In another study,132 brief periods of low-
sive external ophthalmoplegia in otherwise intensity exercise produced a decrease in
typical MELAS syndrome,179 association twitch tension with only a very slight
with MERRF and Ekbom's syndrome con- change in the amplitude of the compound
sisting of lipomas, ataxia, and neuropa- action potential. Progressive dissociation
thy,78 82
and MERRF/MELAS overlap syn- between the electrical and mechanical re-
drome. sponses suggests a failure of contraction
In Kearns-Sayre syndrome, or ophthal- rather than a disorder of the neuromus-
moplegia plus, a deletion of the mitochon- cular apparatus.356 Abnormalities of mul-
drial DNA lead to progressive external oph- timodal evoked potentials often reveal
Myopathies 795

subclinlcal impairment of central sensory tone. An explosive rise in temperature co-

and motor pathways.138,516 Blink reflex incides with the development of muscular
studies showed increased latencies and rigidity and necrosis. The remarkable hy-
decreased amplitudes of R1 and R2 and perpyrexia, metabolic in nature, may re-
greater habituation, perhaps indicating sult from abnormal depolarization of
reduced excitability of brainstem path- skeletal muscle by halothane.201 Patients
ways.283 with malignant hyperthermia characteris-
The syndrome of MELAS results from tically show reduced reuptake of calcium
multiple sites of point mutations that may (Ca2+) by the sarcoplasmic reticulum.248
give rise to the same or similar clinical fea- If untreated, they die of metabolic acidosis
tures.281,482 Conversely, the same point and recurrent convulsions. Homozygosity
mutation may lead to a diversity of clinical for this trait seldom occurs, with only a few
syndromes determined by the proportion of cases documented on the basis of pedigree
mutant genomes in combination with other information. These patients have a more se-
still unidentified tissue-specific modulating vere form, resulting in clinical symptoms in
factors.354 Some families with mitochondr- the absence of triggering agents and show-
ial myopathy have deficiency of nicoti- ing marked muscular weakness and ele-
namide adenine dinucleotide-ubiquinone vated serum CK levels between attacks.134
oxidoreductase, or complex I,212 whereas Without knowing a patient's family his-
others show decreased activity of complex tory, clinicians rarely suspect malignant
I as well as cytochrome c oxidase, or com- hyperthermia. Susceptible individuals have
plex IV, resulting in a fatal infantile mito- no symptoms unless subjected to anesthe-
chondrial disease.363,420 Still others suf- sia. Common physical characteristics in-
fer from a marked deficit in the activity of clude proximal hypertrophy and distal at-
complex IV.392 Other genetic abnormalities rophy of the thigh muscles and lumbar
found in association with a mitochondrial lordosis. Some patients have mild weak-
encephalopathy include deficiencies of two ness of the proximal muscles, diminution
respiratory chain polypeptides and a cir- of the muscle stretch reflexes, and elevated
culating autoantibody to a mitochondrial serum CK level. The abnormal muscle
matrix protein.440 A deficiency of the mito- shows hypersensitivity to caffeine, which
chondrial enzyme lipoamide dehydroge- normally causes muscle contracture by
nase may give rise to recurrent myoglobin- increasing the concentration of calcium in
uria and lactic acidemia.164 the sarcoplasm. In an in vitro screening
MERRF, or Ramsay-Hunt syndrome, re- test for suspected cases, concentrations
sults from a point mutation in a mito- of halothane and caffeine too low to affect
chondrial gene coding for a transfer RNA normal muscles produce contracture in
at various loci.92,197,252 The syndrome may specimens obtained from the patients.68
accompany celiac disease49,95,178,453
with or without As mentioned before, malignant hyper-
overt gluten intolerance. clinical thermia may develop in association with
manifestations include myoclonus, rare central core disease.194
generalized seizures, mitochondrial my-
opathy, cerebellar ataxia dementia, short
stature, and sensorineural hearing loss. Toxic Myopathies
Some toxic myopathies have distinct clin-
Malignant Hyperthermia ical, morphologic, biochemical, or molecu-
or Hyperpyrexia lar characteristics. These myopathies are
caused by ingestion of a toxic substance
Malignant hyperthermia, or hyperpyrexia, or are the side effects of drugs such as
is a rare entity with autosomal dominant zidovudine, azidothymidine, cholesterol-
inheritance. Affected individuals have un- lowering agents, and the combination of
usual susceptibility to anesthetics in gen- blocking agents with corticosteroids.116
eral and to halothane and succinylcholine Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome, char-
in particular.69,387 After the induction of acterized by generalized muscle pain and
general anesthesia, affected individuals de- eosinophilia, presumably results from in-
velop fasciculations and increased muscle gestion of contaminated L-tryptophan. Most
796 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

studies emphasize neuropathy, but pure or function. Cushing's syndrome secondary

combined myopathy also occurs as evi- to systemic administration of cortico-
denced by electrophysiologic studies.486 steroids or adrenocorticotropic hormone
Pentazocine abuse masquerades as a my- also causes myopathy.
opathy, with proximal weakness and elec-
tromyographic findings of low-amplitude,
short-duration polyphasic motor unit po- Thyroid Myopathy
tentials." Chronic alcoholism may cause
myopathy not associated with a deficiency Disorders of thyroid function may lead to
in mitochondrial energy supply.83 Acute a variety of neuromuscular problems, al-
myopathy and myoglobinuria with a though fulminating systemic features may
markedly elevated CK level may develop obscure muscular symptoms. Thyrotoxic
after gasoline sniffing, presumably as the myopathy probably ranks first in incidence,
result of lead toxcity.284 Other infrequent with most patients having some proximal
causes of myopathy include mushroom weakness and258 electromyographic features
poisoning from ingestion of Amanita phal- of myopathy. Myopathy affects men
loides, which also causes fulminant he- more frequently than women, although
patic failure.209 women have a higher incidence of thyro-
Zidovudine induces a mitochondrial toxicosis. Typically, weakness involves the
myopathy with ragged red fibers. Partial muscles of the shoulder girdle more than
cytochrome c oxidase deficiency is a those of the pelvic girdle. Patients usually
marker in this condition.91 The symptoms have normal or at times even hyperactive
ameliorate with discontinuation of the muscle stretch reflexes. Spontaneous mus-
drug, or administration of prednisone or cle twitching and generalized myokymia
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.117 may develop but not commonly. Muscle
Colchicine, given in customary doses, may biopsy specimens show increased axonal
produce a neuromuscular disorder. Myo- branching and degenerative changes of
pathic features predominate with proxi- preterminal axons,274similar to those in ex-
mal weakness and elevated serum CK val- perimental mice. Quantitative elec-
ues that remit after discontinuation of the tromyographic studies have shown low-
drug.289 The accompanying signs of ax- amplitude, short-duration motor unit
onal neuropathy persist longer with little potentials, even in the absence of clinically
functional consequence.288 evident muscle weakness.407 Other neuro-
Therapeutic administration of chloro- muscular conditions commonly associated
quine may cause a vacuolar myopathy.448 with thyrotoxicosis include exophthalmic
Other drugs known to induce myopathy in- ophthalmoplegia, myasthenia gravis, and
clude bezafibrate,518 ipecac,151 finasteride hypokalemic periodic paralysis.
used for 432prostatic
hyperplasia,219 and Hypothyroidism causes proximal muscle
colchicine. ' Focal myopathy with fl- weakness, painful muscle spasm, and
brosis also resuts from chronic intramus- muscle hypertrophy, especially in children.
cular administration of analgesics such as Characteristic features of myxedema in-
heroin,315 pentazocine,
pethidine,307 clude Hoffmann's sign or delayed relaxation
and piritramide. Deficiency of vitamin D of contracted muscle. The ankle stretch re-
may cause osteomalacic myopathy, and flex best demonstrates this change in mus-
selenium-deficient myopathy may com- cle contractibility—a brisk reflex movement
plicate human immunodeficiency virus in- of the foot with a slow return to the rest-
fection.90 ing position. A sharp tap to the muscle with
a reflex hammer causes a local ridge of
muscle to contract. This phenomenon,
5 ENDOCRINE MYOPATHY called myoedema or mounding of hypothy-
roidism, is electrically silent.
Electromyography may show increased
Endocrine myopathies develop in hyper- insertional positive waves with some tran-
thyroidism, hypothyroidism, parathyroid sient myotonic discharges without evi-
disease, and adrenal or pituitary dys- dence of clinical myotonia (see Fig. 14-6).
Myopathies 797

Elevations of serum CK levels, commonly sium, but their relationship to myopathy

a result of deranged creatine metabolism, remains elusive. Dysfunction of the retic-
do not necessarily imply the presence of ulum or mitochondria may also contribute
myopathy. to the pathogenesis. With preferential
weakness of the pelvic girdle and thigh
muscles, patients have difficulty rising
Parathyroid Disease from a chair or climbing stairs. The neu-
romuscular symptoms usually improve if
The influx of calcium (Ca2+) into axon ter- the underlying abnormality abates or
minals facilitates the release of acetyl- upon discontinuation of the steroids. Lab-
choline at the neuromuscular junction, oratory studies show normal serum en-
leading to excitation-contraction coupling. zymes but increased urinary creatine ex-
Calcium apparently plays an opposite role cretion. Muscle biopsy material reveals
at the central junction of axons: A reduc- Type II fiber atrophy but neither necrosis
tion in calcium here results +in increased nor inflammatory changes, as might be
conductance for sodium (Na ) and potas- expected from the degree of muscle wast-
sium (K+), causing instability and hyper- ing observed clinically.401
excitability of the cell membrane. Thus, in The compound muscle action potentials
hypoparathyroidism, chronic hypocalcemia may show a reduced amplitude especially
gives rise to tetany, the most dramatic neu- in proximal muscles. Endocrine or steroid
romuscular complication. Less frequently, myopathy with type II fiber atrophy usu-
neuromuscular symptoms in hypercal- ally reveals no specific abnormality in
cemia may also result from osteolytic electromyography, which only assesses
metastases, multiple myeloma, or chronic the initially recruited type I fibers. Pa-
renal disease. tients with inflammatory myopathy may
Varying degrees of proximal muscle develop progressive weakness after pro-
weakness develop in patients with hyper- longed steroid therapy. In this situation,
parathyroidism,394,464 usually affecting the a normal insertional activity and the ab-
pelvic girdle more than the shoulder gir- sence of fibrillation potentials suggest
dle. Brisk stretch reflexes and occasional steroid myopathy rather than exacerba-
extensor plantar responses, combined tion of the disease. In some cases, needle
with axial muscle wasting, raise the diag- studies show an early recuitment of low-
nostic possibility of motor neuron disease. amplitude, short-duration motor unit po-
Electromyographic changes in tetany in- tentials, but such mild abnormalities gen-
clude the presence of motor unit potentials erally reverse with withdrawal of steroids.
in doublets and triplets. Weak muscles Patients with endogenous Cushing's syn-
show early recruitment of low-amplitude, drome may, however, have electromyo-
short-duration motor unit potentials but graphic abnormalities in 378
keeping with an
no spontaneous activities. Nerve conduc- inflammatory myopathy. Thus, such
tion studies reveal reduced amplitude of findings should not preclude the appro-
the compound muscle action potentials priate biochemical and imaging studies to
and normal motor and sensory nerve con- exclude this treatable entity.
duction velocities.

Adrenal and Pituitary Disease
Diseases of the adrenal and pituitary A variety of inflammatory processes affect
glands may give rise to nonspecific mus- the muscle, including the most frequently
cle weakness, as in Cushing's syndrome, encountered polymyositis.55,115 Although
acromegaly, or Addison's disease. Similar macrophages play an important role in me-
weakness also appears after systemic ad- diating muscle fiber injury,152 no studies
ministration of corticosteroids or adreno- have shown a persistent enterovirus as the
corticotropic hormone. Steroids reduce cause of inflammatory myopathies.261'306
the intracellular concentration of potas- Patients with dermatomyositis have skin
798 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

rash in conjunction with the signs and supply to the peripherally located fibers.2,54
symptoms of muscle involvement. Despite The expression of the 65 kD heat shock
the usually typical characteristic of myosi- protein may also serve as an auto antigen
tis, its protean clinical presentation poses recognized by an autoreactive T cell.239
a considerable diagnostic challenge in some The initial presentation comprises such
cases. Complicated schemes of classifying nonspecific systemic symptoms as malaise,
inflammmatory myositis reflect the uncer- fever, anorexia, weight loss, and features of
tainty whether different clinical forms rep- respiratory infection. Rare systemic mani-
resent separate entities or a spectrum of festations include acute abdominal pain as
the same illness. Subtypes based on the a result of spontaneous hemorrhage.381
patient's age and underlying disorder in- Despite the traditional emphasis, pain and
clude54 (1) primary idiopathic polymyositis, tenderness of affected muscles, if present,
(2) primary idiopathic dermatomyositis, (3) constitute neither a presenting nor a pri-
dermatomyositis (or polymyositis) associ- mary symptom in most patients. Some pa-
ated with neoplasia, (4) childhood der- tients have demonstrable tenderness re-
matomyositis (or polymyositis) associated stricted to the muscles of the shoulder.
with vasculitis, and (5) polymyositis or Vague pains and muscle aches have no
dermatomyositis associated with collagen specific diagnostic value in this context.
vascular disease. For the purpose of this The skin lesions that may precede or fol-
discussion, a brief description suffices to low the onset of weakness consist of a he-
highlight certain clinical features consid- liotrope or purple-colored rash over the
ered characteristic of dermatomyositis and cheeks and eyelids, often resembling the
polymyositis as a broad and general cate- shape of a butterfly. Particularly promi-
gory. nent discoloration over the upper eyelids
usually accompanies periorbital edema.
An erythematous rash may also appear in
Dermatomyositis exposed body parts such as the neck, up-
per chest, knees, and hands. The affected
The combination of skin rash and mus- skin thickens with a reddish hue, espe-
cular weakness suggests the diagnosis of cially over the interphalangeal joints.
dermatomyositis. The symptoms begin at Telangiectasia may develop over the chest
any age but rarely in adolescence or early and the back of the hands in advanced
adulthood. Thus, the incidence histogram stages. In extreme cases, the inflamma-
shows a bimodal distribution with peaks tion renders the skin over the entire body
in childhood and in the fifth and sixth atrophic, edematous, and reddish in
decades. Dermatomyositis in childhood of- color. Intravenous administration of high-
ten accompanies the systemic symptoms of dose immunoglobulins has had a favor-
collagen vascular disease but rarely malig- able effect in some patients.511
nancy. Other common associations include
Raynaud's phenomenon, lupus erythe-
matosus, polyarteritis nodosa, Sjogren's Polymyositis
syndrome, and pneumonitis. Accumulating
evidence indicates that a complement- Except for the absence of skin lesions, the
mediated microvasculopathy may play a signs and symptoms of polymyositis
pathogenic role. In one study of 39 derma- closely resemble those of dermatomyosi-
tomyositis biopsy specimens,276 fascicular tis. Initial systemic manifestations also
comparison showed a significant correla- bear close resemblence in the two vari-
tion between focal myofibrillar loss con- eties. Polymyositis primarily affects adults
sidered ischemic in origin and capillarly with possible underlying conditions such
deposits of membrane attack complex. as collagen vascular disease or malig-
Conversely, fascicles with perifascicular nancy.38 Conversely, children usually de-
atrophy tended to show less membrane at- velop dermatomyositis with skin rashes
tack complex deposits. A perifascicular and only rarely polymyositis as a parane-
distribution of muscle fiber atrophy pre- oplastic phenomenon.451 Men have a
sumably implies the interruption of blood higher incidence of neoplasms that in-
Myopathies 799

volve bowel, stomach, lung, or breast. quent paresis of the shoulder girdle ren-
Muscle-specific autoantibodies may play ders patients incapable of lifting objects
a role in the pathogenesis of paraneo- or combing their hair. In most patients,
plastic myositis.190,504 Polymyositis has weakness soon spreads to involve the dis-
also accompanied billiary cirrhosis532 and tal limb muscles. The disease may begin
essential cryoglobulinemia.520 as a focal process that mimics a localized
In human immunodeficiency virus inflammatory reaction231 or as paralysis
(HIV)-associated polymyositis, patients and wasting of only one limb.304 Weak-
may develop subacute structural myopa- ness of the neck musculature shows
thy characterized by selective loss of thick predilection for the anterior rather than
filaments and widespread formation of rod the posterior compartment. The disease
bodies.210,472 Typical features consist of may cause dysphagia but spares the ex-
progressive proximal weakness, elevated traocular and other bulbar muscles. An
serum CK level, and electromyographic extremely focal inflammatory process may
changes consistent with myopathy with involve the diaphragm and intercostal
spontaneous activity.459 Some patients muscles.51 The patient has normal mus-
with acquired immunodeficiency syn- cle stretch reflexes until very late in the
drome develop myopathies with unusual course of the disease. Atrophy may escape
segmental vesicular changes of myofibers detection in the deep muscles of the pelvic
while receiving zidovudine therapy.116,390 or shoulder girdle but not in the orbicu-
Thus, both infection with HIV type I and laris oculi or other superficial muscles.
ingestion of zidovudine cause myopa- Conversely, focal lipoatrophy caused by
thy, H7,298 although HIV rather than the loss of subcutaneous tissue may produce
drug seems to play a more prominent an appearance of focal muscle atrophy as
role.460,461 The muscle fibers or the cul- might be seen in polymyositis.251
tured myotubes contain neither HIV se- The serum CK level is usually a helpful
quences nor transcriptional products.306 indicator in determining the diagnosis
Therefore, HIV-associated polymyositis and clinical course of myositis. Approxi-
does not seem to result from a persistent mately 10 percent of patients with proven
infection of muscle fiber by the virus. diagnoses, however, have no elevation
Human T-cell lymphotrophic virus even during acute stages. A normal enzy-
(HTLV) type 1 infection causes various matic level despite active myositis sug-
systemic conditions.383 These include gests extensive muscle atrophy in long-
HTLV-1-associated myelopathy, or tropi- standing disease.54 Enzymes may leak
cal spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP), and from defects in the muscle plasma mem-
polymyositis.19 The myopathies associ- brane359as postulated in Duchenne dystro-
ated with this condition have clinical and phy. Alternatively, anastomosis of
pathological features similar to those of a transverse tubules with 98 terminal cisternae
dystrophy, with a predominantly proximal may cause the leakage. Other inconsis-
weakness of the lower limbs. i40,198 Patients tent laboratory findings include elevated
with cryptogenic adult myopathies, there- erythrocyte sedimentation rate and gam-
fore, should have serological screening for maglobulin. Magnetic resonance imaging
HTLV-1 antibody. Retrovirus can trigger show high intensity on T2-weighted and
polymyositis not only in HIV-infected pa- normal intensity on TI-weighted images in
tients but also HTLV-1-infected pa- the active stage.195,196,411 This abnormal-
tients,529 even in the absence of detectable ity, probably representing edema and in-
viral genome within the muscle fibers.116 flammation, usually reverts to normal after
Weakness, as the usual presenting corticosteroid therapy.
symptom, ordinarily progresses slowly A triad of electromyographic abnormal-
over a matter of weeks. The disease, how- ities nearly always appear in untreated
ever, may take a fulminating course with myositis, especially in the clinically weak
the patient crippled during the first week muscles. They consist of (1) fibrillation
of onset. The initial involvement of pelvic potentials and positive sharp waves (see
girdle muscles causes difficulty in climb- Fig. 14-8D), (2) complex repetitive dis-
ing stairs or rising from a chair. Subse- charges, and (3) polyphasic low-ampli-
800 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

tude, short-duration motor unit potentials quantitative study499 revealed no ampli-

with early recruitment (see Chapter 14-6 tude differences between patients and nor-
and Fig. 14-19A). Certain muscles, how- mal subjects. The patients had three to
ever, may remain electrically normal, even four times more short-duration motor unit
in patients with moderately advanced dis- potentials than the controls. The average
ease. For adequate assessment, therefore, incidence of polyphasic potentials was four
examination should include a number of times higher in patients than in controls.
proximal and distal muscles with empha- Electromyographic findings change in the
sis on those exhibiting moderate weak- chronic stage, showing motor unit poten-
ness clinically. Muscle biopsy findings in- tials with increased duration and ampli-
clude necrosis, phagocytosis, atrophy, tude, and late components of the type seen
degeneration and regeneration of both in satellite potentials.483 Quantitative stud-
type I and type II fibers, internal nuclei, ies have revealed a minimal, if at all, in-
vacuolization, random variation of fiber crease in amplitude of macromotor unit ac-
size, mononuclear inflammatory infil- tion potentials, with a slight increase in
trates, and endomysial or perimysial fi- fiber density.31 Thus, reinnervation does
brosis.54 Single-fiber electromyography not seem to play an important role in mo-
and histochemical investigations have re- tor unit remodeling.
vealed changes of the terminal innerva- Compound muscle action potentials
tion pattern consistent with reinnerva- may show a decrement or, less frequently,
tion.233 Denervation could result either an increment upon repetitive stimulation
from segmental necrosis of muscle fibers of the nerve.242,245,514 Such electrophysi-
separated from the end-plate region133 or ologic abnormalities often accompany
from involvement of the terminal nerve clinical features of myasthenia. These pa-
endings. Electromyographic and histo- tients probably have myasthenia gravis
logic abnormalities often involve the with concomitant inflammatory changes
paraspinal muscles predominantly or se- of polymyositis and represent an overlap
lectively.348,475 of these two entities. Indeed, the electro-
A retrospective study of 153 patients physiologic and histologic features char-
with polymyositis or dermatomyositis re- acteristic of polymyositis commonly occur
vealed the following electromyographic in patients with severe myasthenia gravis.
abnormalities:55 (1) small-amplitude, High-dose steroid therapy retards the
short-duration, polyphasic motor unit po- progression in most patients, but the re-
tentials (90%); (2) fibrillation potentials, mission may not last long,416 showing fre-
positive sharp waves, and insertional irri- quent clinical relapses.305 In one se-
tability (74%); (3) complex repetitive dis- ries,398 30 of the 50 patients experienced
charges (38%); (4) a completely normal relapses during a follow-up period of up
study with otherwise classic disease to 13 years. Unlike in wallerian degener-
(10%); and (5) electrical abnormalities ation, spontaneous activity in polymyosi-
confined to the paraspinal muscle with tis diminishes or disappears within a few
widespread muscle weakness (1.6%). In weeks of successful steroid therapy.419
another large series of 98 patients,135 Because the time course of this change
electromyographic findings consisted of correlates well with clinical improvement,
(1) fibrillation potentials, positive sharp serial electromyographic evaluation can
waves, and polyphasic, low-amplitude, objectively assess patient response to var-
short-duration motor unit potentials with ious therapies. It also helps distinguish a
early recruitment (45%); (2) the above recurrence of myositis from the emergence
changes of motor unit potentials but with- of steroid myopathy. Patients refractory to
out spontaneous activity (44%); and (3) conventional steroid and immunosup-
no abnormalities (11%). No correlation pressive treatment may respond to cy-
emerged between the grade of clinical im- closporin A317 or high-dose intravenous
pairment at the onset of illness and the immunoglobulin.253 Clinical recovery gen-
electromyographic findings. Contrary to erally parallels serial improvement in elec-
the common description of low-amplitude tromyographic findings. Motor unit po-
potentials based on manual analysis, a tentials show progressive increases in
Myopathies 801

amplitude and duration initially some resistance training program may lead to
weeks or months after therapy, followed gains in dynamic strength of the least
by diminution of the number of polypha- weak muscles.468
sic units in a year or two. Related disorders include distal vaculo-
lar myopathy with complete heart block
and no filamentous inclusions.285 Famil-
Inclusion Body Myositis ial inclusion body myositis among Kur-
dish-Iranian Jews shows slowly progres-
In inclusion body myositis, a distinct but sive limb-girdle muscle weakness with a
infrequently recognized inflammatory dis- remarkable sparing of the quadriceps
ease of skeletal muscle,22,25,33,85,213,266,462 muscles.325 Frequent consanguinity and
the pathologic characteristics consist of the familial incidence indicate a genetic
rimmed vacuole256 containing osmophilic cause433with autosomal recessive inheri-
membranous whorls and intracytoplas- tance and various types of hereditary
mic or intranuclear filamentous inclu- inclusion body myopathies map to chro-
sions. These filaments share properties mosome 9pl-ql.18,246 Autosomal domi-
with intracellularly formed amyloid pro- nant myopathy with congenital joint con-
teins.338 In fact, muscle fibers in both spo- tractures, ophthalmoplegia and rimmed
radic and hereditary inclusion body vacuoles constitutes another variant 122 of
myositis contain B-amyloid protein, two hereditary inclusion body myopathies.
other epitopes of the B-amyloid precursor Electromyographic abnormalities, as in
protein,21 and apolipoprotein E as intra- other myositic conditions, comprises fib-
deposits within rimmed vac- rillation potentials, positive sharp waves,
uoles. This phenomenon, therefore, complex repetitive discharges, and low-
stands in contrast to the extracellular de- amplitude, short-duration motor unit po-
posits of amyloid in Alzheimer's disease. tentials with early recruitment. Most pa-
Some investigators stress the mixed my- tients have changes suggestive of a mixed
opathic and neurogenic aspects161 and neurogenic and myopathic pattern with or
the difficulty of identifying rimmed vac- without myotonic discharges.263,297 In
uoles.512 Unlike dermatomyositis, the dis- one series, quantitative studies of inter-
ease lacks the features of collagen vas- ference pattern showed changes consis-
cular involvement, but some patients tent with myopathy in all 13 patients
have evidence of associated autoimmune tested.32 About one third of cases have a
disease.278,297 Immunoreactivity with pattern of large and small motor unit po-
mumps virus antibodies has led to a96 pos- tentials, considered highly suggestive of
tulate of a "slow" mumps infection but inclusion body myositis to some.262
without subsequent confirmation.192,193
Mitochondrial DNA deletions may play a
role in the pathogenesis, causing respira- Other Myositic Diseases
tory chain379dysfunction in muscle fiber
segments. Bacterial and viral infections of muscle oc-
The disease frequently affects distal cur less commonly106,142,254
than dermatomyositis
muscles in men with early weakness and polymyositis. Parasitic in-
of forearm flexors, knee extensors, and fection, however, prevails in tropical coun-
foot dorsiflexors.8,186,309,444 It progresses tries. In cysticercosis, Taenia solium
slowly, taking a benign clinical
course. mostly affects the trunk muscles,439
The familial form usually but not al- whereas in trichinosis, Trichinella spirdiis
ways368 spares the quadriceps muscles, preferentially invades the extraocular
which the sporadic form severely affects. muscles.126 HIV-infected patients with
A small proportion of patients respond fever, encephalitis, multiorgan dysfunc-
to corticosteroid or immunosuppressive tion and elevated serum CK level of ob-
therapy.308 In refractory cases, other op- scure origin may have skeletal muscle tox-
tions include intravenous immunoglobu- oplasmosis.204 Patients with idiopathic
lin and low-dose whole-body or lymphoid inflammatory myopathy may also have in-
radiation.7,47,327 A supervised progressive creased anti-toxoplasma antibodies prob-
802 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

ably as the result of concurrent rather 7 OTHER MYOPATHIES

than causal infection.67
Inflammation of muscles may follow the
use of an antigenic agent, concomitant Critical Illness Myopathy
with 139
a variety of other allergic reac-
tions. A myopathy may develop in Acute quadriplegic myopathy may develop
conjunction with L-tryptophan-induced after large parenteral doses391of cortico-
eospinophilia myalgia syndrome usually steroid in myasthenia gravis, following
associated with axonal neuropathy.75,434 liver transplantation,80,528 or as a com-
Myositic conditions may also accom- plication of treatment with steroids, non-
pany systemic 521
disorders such
as histo- depolarizing blocking agents, or both in
scleroderma, Behcet's patients with severe systemic illness such
disease, tuberculosis,125 and sarcoido-
150,202,405 as renal 236
failure, sepsis, or status asth-
sis, sometimes accompanied by maticus. '295 Neuromuscular disorders
a rash typical of dermatomyositis.250 Neu- play an important role in prolonged ven-
romuscular involvement in patients with tilator dependency.470 Acute myopathy
Legionnaires' disease include myosites, predominates over acute axonal polyneu-
with elevations of serum CK level. The or- ropathy as the cause of generalized weak-
ganisms may invade the muscle directly ness in intensive care units.294 A muscle
in some patients.525 Biopsy-proven poly- biopsy specimen shows prominent necro-
myositis may complicate severe poisoning tizing fibers with an extensive loss of thick
by ciguatera fish toxin, which apparently myosin filaments and relative preserva-
predisposes the muscle to inflamma- tion of thin actin filaments.120,221,293 Im-
tion.474 Myositis may also develop in as- munocytochemical analysis reveals346deple-
sociation with giant cell arteritis.72 tion of either fast or slow myosin with
Focal myositis, a benign inflammatory some evidence of calpain-mediated prote-
pseudotumor of skeletal muscle, may olysis.454
cause a localized painful swelling within Electromyographic studies of critical ill-
the soft tissue, sometimes as a treatable6
ness myopathy generally show a mixture of
cause of compression neuropathy
or neurogenic and myopathic changes sugges-
dropped head syndrome. The disease tive of a necrotizing myopathy.180,211,418,536
may involve any muscle of the limb, neck, Some of these patients may have the char-
abdomen, and face as an indolent acteristic pattern of evolution with early ev-
lump.79,104,367 Histologic examination re- idence of denervation followed by changes
veals lymphocytic infiltration, scattered consistent with myopathy later during
muscle fiber necrosis and regeneration, recovery phase.414,418 Nerve stimulation
and interstitial fibrosis. Complete recov- elicits small compound muscle action po-
ery follows surgical removal of the lesion. tentials, with evidence of defective neuro-
Soft tissue sarcoma may mimic the con- muscular transmission in some. In one
dition, presenting as atypical limb study, direct muscle stimulation revealed
pain.124 Diabetic muscle infarction also muscle membrane inexcitability in severe
begins with the acute onset of focal pain quadriplegic myopathy in contrast to re-
and swelling in the thigh as an unusual tained excitability in polyneuropathy.413
neuromusular complication of dia- Steroids may have suppressive effects on
betes.34,53,300 Magnetic resonance imag- membrane excitability, as suggested by a
ing reveals the focal region of muscle dam- decline in muscle fiber conduction veloc-
age, which shows confluent areas of ity during short-term,509 high-dose methyl-
necrosis and edema in muscle biopsy ma- prednisolone therapy.
terial. A lesion of the anterior compart-
ment involves the quadriceps, posterior
compartment, and hamstring muscle Myopathies Associated with
group.34 In progressive unilateral hyper- General Medical Conditions
trophic myopathy, the affected muscles
show complex repetitive discharges, Amyloidosis may cause myopathy, al-
necrosis, and variations in fiber size.400 though less commonly than neuropathy.
Myopathies 803

In the typical form, findings include may improve exertional rhabdomyolysis,

macroglossia from pseudohypertrophy elevated serum CK level, and abnormal is-
and hoarseness of voice, although amy- chemic exercise test showing excessive
loid myopathy may develop in the absence potassium afflux.
of these features. In contrast, systemic A primary tardive myopathic condition
amyloidosis may accompany severe, de- predominantly affecting the entire axial
bilitating myopathy.255 Progressive amy- musculature may cause dropped head
loid myopathy has electron microscopic syndrome and bent spine syndrome
features distinct from the intracellular mostly in elderly patients.375 Some pa-
amyloid deposits characteristic of spo- tients may respond to prolonged im-
radic or inherited inclusion body myosi- munosuppressant treatment.422
tis361 (see this chapter, part 6). Respira-
tory failure may develop as a presenting
feature with amyloid infiltration of the di- REFERENCES
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Chapter 29

Myotonic Dystrophy
Myotonia Congenita
Proximal Myotonic Myopathy
Paramyotonia Congenita
Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis
Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis
Normokalernic Periodic Paralysis

1 INTRODUCTION or delayed relaxation of voluntarily or re-

flexively contracted muscle, occurs in sev-
eral myogenic syndromes, including my-
Muscles may stiffen pathologically be- otonic dystrophy, myotonia congenita,
cause of lesions involving the central ner- paramyotonia congenita, and a form of pe-
vous system, peripheral nerve trunk, axon riodic paralysis. Advances in molecular bi-
terminal, or muscle membrane. Myotonia, ology have resolved some of the issues re-
822 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

garding classification of these entities. Two cramp or spontaneous spasm, this type of
groups of disorders have now been defined: prolonged muscle contraction causes no
(1) muscle sodium channel-associated dis- pain. Myotonic discharges, provoked by
eases, which include hyperkalemic peri- voluntary contraction, muscle percussion,
odic paralysis and its clinical variants as or needle insertion, characteristically wax
well as paramyotonia congenita; and (2) and415
wane at varying frequencies up to 150
muscle chloride channel-associated disor- Hz. Amplitude decrements often ac-
ders, which comprise both the dominant company shortening of the interspike in-
and recessive forms of rnyotonia con- terval, giving the impression that motor
genita. 150,170,251,298,349,352,353 Involuntary unit potentials cannot keep up with the
muscle contraction also results from dis- increasingly higher firing rate. Conversely,
orders of the peripheral nerve as in myo- increments tend to occur in association
kymia, Schwartz-Jampel syndrome, and with a declining rate of discharges. These
neuromyotonia or continuous muscle fiber relationships, however, sometimes re-
discharge. In still other sustained muscle verse, suggesting that different ionic
contractions, spontaneous discharges orig- mechanisms may dictate changes in am-
inate centrally, as in the stiffman syn- plitude and firing frequency (see Chapter
drome. Other conditions with abnormal 14-3). During volitional activity, myotonia
muscle activity include the common cramp, may worsen initially but improve follow-
contracture, tetanus, tetany, and hemifa- ing a warm-up period, typically recurring
cial spasm. Muscle percussion may induce at the beginning of the next voluntary
myoedema or stationary, electrically silent movement after a period of rest. Percus-
muscle mounding, considered physiologic sion myotonia follows a brisk tap over the
with no 197 implication of a neuromuscular thenar eminence. Cold aggravates both
disorder despite its traditional link to hy- postactivation and percussion myotonia.
pothyroidism (see Chapter 28-5). Myotonic muscles typically have reduced
Several electrophysiologic techniques torques during maximal voluntary con-
help characterize involuntary movement traction and decreased mean amplitude of
and determine the site of abnormal dis- the compound muscle action potentials.36
charges.129 Nerve blocks will eliminate ab- Muscle action potentials decline further
normal muscular activity originating in the with repetitive nerve stimulation (see
central nervous system or the proximal part Chapter 10-8) or after isometric exer-
of the peripheral nerve. In this instance, cise.428,431
repetitive nerve stimulation proximal to the Myotonic discharge with or without clin-
block fails to induce the abnormal muscle ical myotonia develops in a number of
activity. Discharges from the distal or ter- metabolic muscle diseases such as hy-
minal nerve segment cease after the block perkalemic periodic paralysis, acid mal-
of neuromuscular transmission. In con- tase deficiency,134 hyperthyroidism,329
trast, curarization does not affect abnormal hypothyroidism, familial granulovacuolar
discharges originating from intrinsic mus- lobular myopathy,221 and malignant hy-
cle fibers. Some cramp syndromes display perpyrexia (see Chapter 28-4). Myotonia
a distinctive pattern of abnormalities on and myositis may also constitute part of
electromyography. Others produce a nor- the symptom complex seen in multicen-
mal interference pattern, although the sub- tric reticulohistiocytosis7 335
and possibly
ject has no voluntary control over the num- paraneoplastic syndrome. Myotonic
ber and frequency of discharging motor and repetitive discharges also appear in
units. In contracture, unlike true cramps, hypokalemic myopathy associated with
the contracted muscle is electrically silent. glycyrrhizin-induced hypochloremia.188
Other medications known to induce a my-
opathy with occasional myotonia include
2 MYOTONIA the hypocholesterolemic agent, diazocho-
lesterol,419 and colchicine.390 In all these
entities, myotonia plays neither a pre-
In myotonia, the muscle membrane, once dominant nor an essential role as in my-
activated, tends to fire repetitively, induc- otonic dystrophy, myotonia congenita,
ing delayed muscle relaxation. Unlike and paramyotonia.
Diseases with Abnormal Muscle Activity 823

The specific defect in myotonia causing heritance of modifying genes or imprint-

membrane hyperexcitability remains un- ing may play a role in materal inheritance
known. Potassium ions (K+) accumulate of congenital myotonic dystrophy. Rare
in the transverse tubular system during chromosomal aneuploidies associated with
activation of the muscle membrane, giv- this disorder include Klinefelter and Down
ing rise to a negative after-potential (see syndromes.45 In one family, 8 of 13 mem-
Chapter 2-3, Fig. 2-3). This degree of de- bers with hereditary motor and sensory
polarization, although normally not large neuropathy also had signs of myotonic
enough to generate an action potential, dystrophy. The syndrome could result
could initiate repetitive discharges in the from an allelic form of the myotonic dys-
myotonic muscle. Such membrane insta- trophy gene or two closely linked genes on
bility may result from an abnormally low chromosone 19.422
chloride (Cl-) conductance in the myotonia Typically, the illness begins in adoles-
of goats or those induced experimentally cence or early adult life. Neuromuscular
with drugs.71,154,421 In humans, only my- symptoms consist of weakness and my-
otonia congenita shows a low chloride per- otonia. Patients may have muscle stiffness
meability.368 In myotonic dystrophy, a and cramps, but distal weakness prompts
combination of an incomplete sodium (Na+) them to seek medical advice. On ques-
channel inactivation and potassium ion ac- tioning, they admit to difficulty with grip
cumulation in the T-tubule compartment release, which they describe as more of an
may lead to myotonia and paralysis.82 As inconvenience than a disability. Weak-
part of multiorgan involvement, erythro- ness may begin in the hands and feet, but
cytes may308,340 or may not demonstrate eventually spreads to involve all the mus-
biochemical and biophysical abnormali- cles, including the flexors of the neck. In
ties.155 atypical cases with onset in late adult-
hood, the initial weakness may predomi-
nantly involve proximal rather than distal
Myotonic Dystrophy limb muscles.239 The disease affects nu-
merous other systems as evidenced by car-
Myotonic dystrophy is one of the most diac abnormalities,306 and disturbances of
common dominantly inherited muscular ocular motility,6 bowel symptoms,198 res-
68 474
dystrophies, with an incidence of 1/8000. piratory infections, polyneuropathy,
The mechanisms underlying the myotonic personality disturbances, and low intel-
phenomenon, although not clearly estab- ligence. Cognitive abnormalities, associated
lished, may involve the sodium chan- with relatively mild brain pathology,332 re-
nel,388 the apamin-sensitive potassium main relatively stable despite progressive
channel,35 or calcium metabolism.231 The motor deficits.269 Unusual response to
responsible gene, which maps to ser- certain medications such as barbiturates
ine/threonine protein kinase on 19ql3.3, increases the risks of general anesthe-
normally has a run of 5-30 copies of the sia.360 Symptomatic patients have greater
trinucleotide sequence CTG in the 3'-un- susceptibility to anesthetic and surgical
translated region of the mRNA.10 In my- complications.277 Because of a highly
otonic dystrophy, this repeat expands to variable penetrance, some subclinically
more than 50 copies,63,217,232 showing a affected individuals live normal lives. Most
positive correlation between repeat size patients have a slowly progressive course
and clinical severity.343,453 Thus, this ex- with increasing weakness and myotonia
pansion, located in the noncoding region that becomes notable in the second or
of the RNA, must interfere with normal third decade.
protein function by some as yet undeter- Adult patients commonly have a hatchet-
mined mechanism. Trinucleotide repeats faced appearance, which results from rel-
tend to expand or, less frequently, con- atively selective atrophy of the temporalis
tract during oogenesis, possibly account- and masseter. Prominent wasting of the
ing for genetic anticipation or earlier on- neck muscles, particularly of the stern-
set of disease in subsequent generations, ocleidomastoids, gives rise to a swan neck.
largely confined to the offspring of affected The head supported by a slender neck ap-
mothers. In addition, mitochondrial in- pears unstable. In recumbency, the pa-
824 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

tient cannot lift the head from a pillow birth to a child with congenital myotonic
against gravity. Facial weakness produces dystrophy, a subsequent child has an 80
a blank expression and ptosis. In the ab- percent risk of having the same.
sence of this characteristic appearance, Electromyography shows myotonic dis-
milder cases of myotonic dystrophy may charges giving rise to "motorcycle" sounds
escape detection. Usually, however, grip (see Fig. 14-7) in all affected adults and
or percussion myotonia gives away the approximately one half of the344relatives at
diagnosis. Myotonic phenomena become risk for myotonic dystrophy. In 25 pa-
less prominent as the muscle wasting and tients from 15 different families,430 elec-
weakness advance. Myotonia tends to di- trical myotonia occurred most frequently
minish with continued exercise, and indeed in the intrinsic hand muscles and orbic-
the muscle may become almost normal ularis oculi, less commonly in the tibialis
clinically or electrically after repetitive test- anterior and extensor digitorum muscles,
ing.101 Additional features include early and least frequently in the proximal and
frontal baldness, cataracts, gynecomastia, paraspinal muscles. In adults, the test
testicular or ovarian atrophy, and cardiac helps to determine whether a patient with
conduction defects. Neurogenic features mild distal weakness and atrophy has my-
also occur as part of the generalized mem- otonic dystrophy.428 Patients with partial
brane abnormality. These include occa- syndrome, however, lack clinical or elec-
sional hypertrophy of peripheral 472 nerves52 trical evidence of myotonia.348 During in-
and eye movement abnormalities. fancy and early childhood, patients may
Maternal transmission results in a high have neither characteristic clinical my-
incidence of the congenital form of the dis- otonia nor myotonic discharge.125 Needle
ease characterized by poor feeding, respi- studies may show a myopathic process
ratory distress, and facial diplegia. In this with low-amplitude, short-duration, poly-
distinct entity, called congenital myotonic phasic motor unit potentials.72 Surface
dystrophy, neuromuscular and systemic recording reveals abnormal decrements in
manifestations develop during the neona- the first seconds of sustained contrac-
tal period in offspring of mildly affected tion.92
mothers.184,185,220,437 The most char- Other electrophysiologic abnormali-
acteristic symptoms during pregnancy in- ties include mildly slowed motor as well
clude reduced fetal movements and poly- as 25,211.257,274,303,377,383
sensory nerve conduction veloci-
hydramnios. In the neonatal period, in- ties, a striking TC-
fants have generalized hypotonia, facial duction in the number of functioning mo-
weakness, hyporeflexia, and feeding and tor units,211,280 and decreased velocity of
respiratory difficulties. These symptoms the visually guided saccades correlated
greatly diminish after a few weeks, al- with the prolonged visual evoked poten-
though all affected children show psy- tial latencies.445 The decreased smooth
chomotor retardation.180 Some of these pursuit seen in some patients may result
hypotonic infants may have no evidence from periventricular white matter abnor-
of clinical or electrical myotonia until the malities rather than extraocular myopa-
age of 5 years or later. Weakness produces thy.51 Patients may also have a reduction
a triangular mouth in which the upper lip in heart rate response to standing and in
points upward in the middle. Many chil- blood pressure response to sustained
dren have mental retardation, clubfeet, handgrip, as well as prolonged latency to
and diaphragmatic elevation.53,95 Infants reach peak velocity of pupillary light re-
frequently die of respiratory infections. flex. All these may reflect dysfunction of
Curiously, congenital myotonia rarely skeletal and smooth muscles rather than
shows a paternal inheritance, appearing the autonomic nervous system.114 The
nearly always in children born to my- severity of the neuropathic changes does
otonic mothers. Approximately 10 percent not correlate with the degree of muscular
of all the offspring and 20 percent of af- atrophy and weakness.334 Despite slow-
fected offspring from women with my- ing of peripheral motor conduction, cen-
otonic dystrophy develop a congenital ex- tral motor conduction time may remain
pression. If a mother has previously given within the normal range105 or show only
Diseases with Abnormal Muscle Activity 825

a slight delay associated with increased nia and calf hypertrophy with little or no
threshold331 when tested by transcranial loss of strength. Muscle biopsy material
magnetic stimulation. show few or no degenerative changes. My-
Typical clinical presentation and family otonia appears in infancy or early child-
history usually suffice in diagnosing the hood, but remains mild throughout life.
condition. A DNA analysis based on the Occasional asymptomatic patients with
polymerase chain reaction technique and electromyographic evidence of myotonic
Southern blotting to estimate the size of discharge may represent sporadic cases of
the CTG repeat discloses asymptomatic Thomsen's disease. The second, more
gene carriers, who may escape detection common type, as described by Becker,34
by neurologic examination, slit-lamp test, appears in an autosomal recessive fashion
or electromyography.67 A normal gene but affects men more frequently than
contains less than 30 repeats, whereas a women. More severe myotonia develops in
myotonic dystrophy allele has more than the recessive type, although the two vari-
50 repeats. Additional confirmatory fea- eties otherwise share similar clinical fea-
tures include electrical pattern of repeti- tures.435,492 Electrical after-activity results
tive discharges, demonstration of lens in slowed relaxation of the muscle.202 In a
opacities, and a degenerative pattern in third, rare type of myotonia congenita, the
muscle biopsy, which reveals type I fiber at- patient may have, in addition to myotonia,
rophy and long chains of internal nuclei. painful muscle cramps induced by exer-
Some biopsy specimens have shown a se- cise.33 A mutation in the skeletal muscle
vere deficiency of type IIB fibers,13 which voltage-gated sodium channel a-subunit
may develop consequent to lasting myotonic gene may cause painful congenital myoto-
activity rather than genetic factors.189 In nia.379
one study, the severity of muscular weak- In myotonia congenita, symptoms often
ness correlated with the predominance of predominate in the lower limb, causing dif-
type I fibers and the reduced number of hy- ficulty in ambulation. Movements begin
pertrophic type II fibers.452 Peripheral nerve slowly and with difficulty, especially after
morphometry has shown no significant prolonged rest. Although motor function
abnormality in the cutaneous branches improves to a normal level with continued
of the common peroneal nerve.345 Ther- exercise, this warm-up phenomenon in-
apeutic trials have generally failed to in- duces no systemic effect. Thus, repetitive
duce remarkable clinical improvement, contraction of one set of muscles does not
although amitriptyline combined with ex- limber up another set of adjacent muscles.
ercise may provide some benefit.293 Despite the apparent weakness, muscle
power returns to normal once myotonia
disappears. Children commonly have re-
Myotonia Congenita stricted motor development. In some pa-
tients muscular hypertrophy develops as a
Patients with myotonia congenita charac- result of continuous involuntary exercise.
teristically show stiffening and at times Their Herculean appearance, when pre-
paralysis of the skeletal muscles during sent, stands in striking contrast with the
voluntary contraction after a period of muscular wasting in myotonic dystrophy.
rest. Genetic studies have revealed about This degree of hypertrophy, however, does
30 point mutations and 3 deletions in not appear as commonly as previously pub-
CLCN-1, the gene encoding the skeletal licized. The disease affects no other sys-
muscle chloride channel, C1C-1 on chro- tems, allowing the patient to have a nor-
mosome 7.29,30,234,475 Genetic and clini- mal life expectancy.
cal features distinguish three different va- Diagnosis depends on family history
rieties of myotonia congenita. The first and clinical features, including readily
type originally described by Thomsen450 demonstrable percussion myotonia. In
in four generations of his own family equivocal cases, exposure to cold is a use-
shows an autosomal dominant trait. The ful provocative test. Muscle biopsy mate-
disease affects both genders equally, rial reveals the absence of type IIB fibers
showing characteristic features of myoto- and the presence of internal nuclei, al-
826 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

though to a104lesser extent than in myotonic the facial muscles, no signs of mental dis-
dystrophy. Painful muscle stiffness turbance, and no striking muscular atro-
provoked by fasting or oral potassium (K+) phy.239,275,366,367,426 Despite the clinical
administration may subside after intake similarities, genetic testing differentiates
of carbohydrate-containing foods. A con- it from myotonic dystrophy based on the
tracted muscle shows electrical silence, or absence of the chromosome 19 CTG re-
a contracture, probably resulting 399,425from peat 366,367,397,398,451 The exercise test
some defect of muscle metabolism. also distinguishes the two entities.398 On
In some patients, acetazolamide alleviates needle examination, myotonic discharges
myotonia dramatically.459 Some patients worsen with heat and abate with cold, per-
with a resistance to one type of antimy- haps indicating another physiologic basis
otonic agent such as mexiletine or fo- different from that in traditional myotonic
cainide may respond well to another type syndromes.397
of sodium channel blocking agent, for ex-
ample, flecainide.379
Electromyography plays an important Paramyotonia Congenita
role in establishing the diagnosis of my-
otonia. In one study, 67% of the het- Paramyotonia congenita of Eulenburg,137
erozygous carriers of recessive myotonia transmitted by a single autosomal domi-
congenita had electrical myotonia, mak- nant gene, affects both sexes equally.32,34
ing distinction difficult from very mildly Like hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, the
affected parents with dominant myotonia responsible mutations involve the adult
congenita.121 Repetitive nerve stimulation skeletal muscle sodium channel gene on
may cause a progressive decline in suc- chromosome 17, although the abnormal-
cessively evoked muscle action potentials ity is not identical.350,351 The symptoms
as a result of increased muscle fiber re- begin at birth or in early childhood, show-
fractoriness (see Chapter 10-8). Unlike in ing no improvement with age. Paradoxi-
myasthenia gravis, the decremental ten- cally the myotonia intensifies rather than
dency continues toward the end of a train, remits with exercise,179 thus the name
with a faster rate of stimulation produc- paramyotonia. When exposed to cold, the
ing a greater change. This phenomenon patient may develop stiffness of the
occurs in any type of myotonic disorder, tongue, eyelids, face, and limb muscles.
but particularly in the Becker variety5 Electrical discharges disappear with cool-
showing a close association to the tran- ing, despite increasing muscular stiff-
sient muscle weakness considered char- ness.315,486 Thus, the cold-induced rigid-
acteristic of this entity.119 Single-fiber ity may not represent true myotonia. The
studies show a progressive decline, some- disorder closely resembles hyperkalemic
times leading to complete disappearance periodic paralysis. Attacks of flaccid
at 10 or 20 Hz direct stimulation of mus- weakness accompanied by myotonia re-
cle fibers.240,290 A small percentage of semble the spells of periodic paralysis. In
muscle fibers in normal human limb mus- various members of the same family, in-
cle may show similarly profound decre- termittent paralysis may occur without
ments in amplitude but progressive wave- myotonia, or vice versa.
form changes and conduction block Laboratory findings include elevated or
characterize myotonic fibers.458 high normal levels of serum potassium.
Acetazolamide therapy can 38 reduce my-
otonic symptoms effectively, although
Proximal Myotonic Myopathy its administration may conversely trigger
severe weakness in some patients. The li-
The characteristic features of proximal docaine derivative tocainide can also ef-
myotonic myopathy, a hereditary disor- fectively suppress myotonia, but it418may
der, include cataracts, myotonia, and pre- cause reversible agranulocytosis. -428
dominantly proximal weakness without Mexiletine, another class Ib lidocaine de-
muscle pain or atrophy. Unlike myotonic rivative, also demonstrated clinical 85,208
dystrophy, patients have no weakness of cacy in several myotonic syndromes.
Diseases with Abnormal Muscle Activity 827

Electromyography shows evidence of weakness. Studies have identified some

myotonla and, in179 some, fibrillation poten- 20 different point mutations in the gene
tials on cooling. The compound mus- coding for the a-subunit +of the adult
cle action potential steadily declines on skeletal muscle sodium (Na ) channel on
repetitive nerve stimulation.75,76 Cold in- chromosome 17q23-25.81,193,387,476 Hy-
duces a substantial fall in amplitude of perkalemic or normokalemic type, when
the evoked response, worsens the decre- accompanied by myotonia, bears great re-
mental tendency, and virtually abolishes semblance to paramyotonia congenita.
myotonic discharges as well as voluntary Corticotropin-induced potassium changes
recruitment of motor unit poten- precipitate weakness in both hypo- and
tials.208,431,433 stimulation of the nerve hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, making
shows normal conduction between at- it feasible to use adrenocorticotropic hor-
tacks but fails to elicit muscle action po- mone427gel administration as a provocative
tentials during episodes of paralysis. test.
During an attack of periodic paralysis di-
rect or indirect stimulation fails to excite
3 PERIODIC PARALYSIS the muscle membrane.194 An end plate
potential persists during the paralytic
episodes, but action potentials cease to
Periodic paralysis results from reversible propagate along172the muscle fibers (see
inexcitability of muscle membranes. The Chapter 13-4). In the hypokalemic
traditional classification distinguishes hy- types, application of calcium (Ca2+) in-
pokalemic, hyperkalemic, normokalemic duces normal contraction in the muscle
types based on the serum level of potas- fibers 135
stripped of their outer mem-
sium (K+) during a paralytic attack. All branes. Thus, inexcitability must result
three categories share a number of clini- from dysfunction of muscle membrane
cal features, and changes in serum potas- rather than the contractile elements. An
sium level show no direct cause and ef- important finding common to hypo-
fect relationship with paralytic events. kalemic194,372 and hyperkalemic periodic
Indeed, episodes of weakness associated paralysis64 includes substantial depolar-
with either hypokalemia or hyperkalmia ization of the resting membrane potential,
can occur in a given individual.90 Of presumably reflecting increased sodium
these, primary hereditary types consist of conductance together with normal potas-
hypokalemic periodic paralysis and potas- sium and chloride (Cl~) conductance.194
sium-sensitive hyperkalemic or normo- These observations suggest that persistent
kalemic periodic paralysis. The secondary inactivation of sodium channels leads to
acquired types include thyrotoxic hy- muscle fiber inexcitability at least in hy-
pokalemic periodic paralysis, acute or pokalemic periodic paralysis. Interestingly,
chronic potassium depletion and retention, tetrodotoxtn, a sodium channel blocker,
hypokalemia caused by renal tubular aci- cannot reverse the depolarization block.
dosis37 and chronic hypernatremia.267 In
typical cases of periodic paralysis, nerve
stimulation demonstrates a decrease in Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis
compound muscle action potential ampli-
tude after several minutes of exercise. In Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis typically oc-
patients with thyrotoxic hypokalemic pe- curs between 20 and 40 years of age, in
riodic paralysis, this abnormality may contrast to the primary form in which the
show a dramatic improvement after treat- onset of attack usually begins before age
ment 207when they attain a euthyroid 20 and almost invariably before age 30.169
state. Otherwise, the two entities have indistin-
In hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, pe- guishable clinical and biochemical find-
riodic weakness typically follows a low ings. Predominance in Oriental males sug-
carbohydrate intake or exercise. An ele- gests some genetic factors predisposing the
vated serum potassium level and frequent muscle membrane for easy induction of
myotonia characterize the episode of paralytic attack under a slightly low potas-
828 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

sium condition.250 Genetic abnormalities the development of progressive myopa-

may affect calcium conductance in skele- thy.136,338 The myopathy shows a strong
tal muscle, although how calcium chan- correlation to age but not to the history
nelopathies lead to paroxismal weakness of paralytic attacks, when judged by mean
remains unknown.167 A thyrotoxic variety computed tomographic grading.254 Hy-
can occur as an isolated manifestation of pokalemic myopathy may also result from
incipient thyrotoxicosis.483 In these pa- other conditions associated with potas-
tients, the general examination may reveal sium loss.389 The light microscope reveals
none of the features of thyrotoxicosis such few structural abnormalities. Electron mi-
as tachycardia, widening of the pulse pres- croscopic studies, however, show vac-
sure, ocular signs, skin changes, and uoles arising from local dilation of the
weight loss.169 The diagnosis then depends transverse133tubules and sarcoplasmic
on a depression of thyroid stimulating hor- reticulum.
mone level; TS and T4 levels may remain Electrophysiologic studies during severe
normal or only slightly elevated. Patients paralytic episodes show a reduction in the
may respond to a B-blocker but not to number of voluntarily recruited motor
acetazolamide, the usual treatment for unit potentials and decreased muscle ex-
hypokalemic periodic paralysis. citability with preservation or enhance-
Autosomal dominant and sporadic hy- ment of end-plate noise (see Chapter
pokalemic periodic paralysis can result 13-4). Thus, electrical stimulation of the
from mutations of the dihydropyridine nerve elicits no muscle action potentials.
receptor,354 affecting men more than Less severe cases show decreased ampli-
women.136,156 Although variable in onset, tude of the compound muscle action po-
episodes of paralysis typically begin in the tentials in proportion to the degree of weak-
second decade. During an attack, weak- ness. Repetitive nerve stimulation at a rate
ness starts in the legs and gradually of 10-25/s may produce an incremental re-
spreads to involve all the muscles of the sponse in mildly affected muscles172 but no
body, with the exception of the ocular change in very weak muscles.80 Analogous
muscles, diaphragm, and other respira- to electrical recovery with repetitive stimu-
tory muscles. The episodes characteristi- lation, muscle strength improves tem-
cally occur after rest, especially on wak- porarily after gentle exercise, followed by
ing in the morning. A heavy carbohydrate severe rebound weakness. A prolonged ex-
meal may precipitate the attack. Each ercise test reveals the gradual decline of the
paralytic episode, which may immobilize elicited muscle response, serving as a mea-
the patient totally, lasts several hours to sure of muscle membrane excitability.14,282
a day, but a few days may elapse before In one study of a large kinship, surface
complete recovery. These attacks vary in studies revealed decreased muscle fiber
frequency and severity but tend to remit conduction velocity and lowered power
after age 35 years. Eyelid myotonia, orig- spectra in the affected members compared
inally described in the hyperkalemic type with asymptomatic offspring.493
of periodic paralysis, may363also appear in
the hypokalemic variety.
Administration of potassium chloride Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis
relieves the paralysis. Acetazolamide, (Adynamia Episodica Hereditaria)
which usually prevents paralytic attacks,
may worsen the episode in some patients In hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, an au-
perhaps because of its kaliopenic ef- tosomal dominant disorder that affects
fect.456,471 Although this and other car- the two genders equally, episodes of flac-
bonic anhydrase inhibitors can cause cid weakness accompany an elevated
nephrolithiasis, successful lithotripsy or serum potassium level.54,156 The disease
surgical removal of renal calculus permits begins in infancy or early childhood with
continued treatment.443 Between attacks, spells of generalized hypotonia. Sudden
the patient has neither clinical nor elec- weakness develops after a short period of
trophysiologic abnormalities, except for rest following exercise, upon exposure to
Diseases with Abnormal Muscle Activity 829

cold, or after the administration of potas- Normokalemic Periodic Paralysis

sium. Further exercise or administration
of carbohydrates temporarily delays what Normokalemic periodic paralysis is a very
eventually becomes a more severe attack. rare condition that also seems to have an
Paralysis usually lasts less than 1 hour. enigmatic relationship to potassium. Only
Weakness probably results from muscle a few reports have appeared since the
release of potassium rather than from the original account346 describing attacks of
high serum level. Myotonia commonly in- flaccid quadriplegia in infancy with nor-
volves the muscles of the face, eyes and mal serum levels of potassium. The clin-
tongue. This finding suggests some link- ical features closely resemble those of hy-
age between hyperkalemic periodic paral- perkalemic periodic paralysis289 of which
ysis and paramyotonia congenita. Both the normokalemic type may be a variant.
entities may appear in a single family,
suggesting that they represent part of the
spectrum of a single or closely related ge- 4 NEUROMYOTONIA
netic disorder.109 Evoked response test-
ing, with exercise and cold provocation,
may help determine the physiologic pat- Isaacs205,206 originally described two pa-
tern that predominates in any individual tients with progressive painless stiffness
case. and rigidity of the trunk and extremities.
Between attacks, electromyography may Subsequent authors referred to this entity
reveal only increased insertional activity either as the Isaacs syndrome or, more
or show myotonic potentials and complex descriptively, as continuous muscle Jiber
repetitive discharges. During a paralytic activity,206,260,264,394,463 neuromyotonia,288
episode, muscle irritability and myotonic newotonia,479 or generalized myokymia212
discharges increase, although electrical or Still others used the now abandoned term
mechanical stimulation fails to excite the pseudomyotonia to distinguish persistent
muscle. In the presence of prominent my- muscle activity of peripheral nerve origin
otonia, repetitive nerve stimulation may from true myotonia, which represents dis-
cause a decrement of the evoked muscle orders of the muscle membrane. The dis-
action potentials,263 a tendency accentu- ease usually appears sporadically without
ated by cooling.371 An abundance of low- a precipitating factor or following a viral
amplitude, short-duration motor unit po- infection.441 Symptoms begin at any age,
tentials and early recruitment suggest although rarely in the neonatal period.46
progressive myopathy, which tends to de- Similar sustained muscle contractions
velop at a time when attacks of paralysis may develop focally in the trigeminal
decline in frequency. Muscle biopsy spec- nerve distribution following radiation of
imens show variability in fiber size, inter- its motor branch.123
nal nuclei, and fibers with vacuoles.55 Some reports describe hereditary forms
Possible physiologic mechanisms un- of sustained muscle activity,16,20 at times
derlying episodic paralysis252 include re- in association with a neuronal type of
duced muscle membrane potentials at Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease469 and other
rest,103 reversible depolarization during forms of sensory motor or motor neu-
the attacks,54,64,73 and neural hyperex- ropathy.159,181,222 Continuous muscle ac-
citability.406 Sustained immobility re- tivity has also appeared in association
duces the amplitude and area of electri- with distal spinal muscular atrophy,84
cally elicited compound muscle action central pontine myelinolysis,9 chronic in-
potentials, with the maximal effect occur- flammatory demyelinative polyneuropa-
ring after 30 minutes. Prior intense mus- thy,324 multifocal motor neuropathy,473
cle exercise may accentuate this to some and myasthenia gravis.191,272
degree. This appears to represent the elec- Clinical evidence for a possible autoim-
trophysiologic correlate of the character- mune etiology include the presence of
istic symptom of weakness induced by oligoclonal bands in the spinal fluid, im-
rest after exercise (see Fig. 10-15).434 provement following plasma exchange, as-
830 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

sociation with thymoma and myasthenia injection of the botulinum toxin can also
gravls, raised antiacetylcholine receptor eliminate120or greatly diminish the dis-
antibody titers, and induction by penicil- charges. Diphenylhydantoin and carba-
lamine. These clinical data, taken together mazepine render beneficial effects in most
with physiological changes observed in patients16,20,205,206 but not all. Intravenous
mice injected with patients' immunoglob- administration of methylprednisolone may
ulin G suggest antibody-mediated au- also reduce the spasm.210
toimmune mechanisms, possibly directed Electromyographic abnormalities con-
to peripheral nerve potassium (K+) chan-
15,187,309,310,414,420,484 sist of fibrillation and fasciculation po-
nels. In apatient tentials and doublet, triplet, or multiple
with acquired neuromyotonia, a spinal single-unit discharges that have a high in-
epidural abscess may have triggered the traburst frequency, the frequency of the
production of the autoantibodies detected bursts themselves being irregular.310 In
during his acute illness.265 advanced stages, studies reveal charac-
In milder forms of the syndrome, the ab- teristic spontaneous discharges firing
normal activity appears restricted in degree rhythmically and continuously in all in-
and distribution, inducing focal muscle volved muscle groups. Waveforms of vary-
twitching, especially in the legs. Asynchro- ing configuration usually appear at high
nous contraction of single or multiple frequencies up to 300 Hz, representing ei-
motor units may produce generalized ther motor unit or single-fiber discharges.
myokymia.16 In a severe form, continuous A marked decrement in successive ampli-
and excessive muscle contraction may give tude results from an inability of the mo-
rise to abnormal posture, hyporeflexia, tor unit to follow rapidly recurring nerve
and the rigid arms with the wrist flexed and impulses. This high-frequency, decre-
the fingers extended. The patient moves menting discharge produces a unique mu-
slowly and deliberately, as if imitating a sical sound, "pings," that differs from
slow-motion picture. Stiffness seems to vary other spontaneous 242 potentials, including
from one movement to the next. Excessive myotonic discharge. During voluntary
sweating occurs, probably as the result of contraction, many motor units fire suc-
continuous muscle 209,253 activity. Laryngeal cessively with overlap. Artificially induced
spasm may develop. Enlarged mus- ischemia or electrical stimulation of the
cles likely reflect pseudohypertrophy. A nerve may abruptly initiate the sponta-
marked type I myoflber predominance prob- neous discharge.
ably represents conversion of type II fibers Microelectrode studies of end-plate po-
to type I fibers from continuous neuromy- tentials in an intercostal muscle biopsy
otonic stimulation.177 The patient may have have demonstrated normal miniature
an increased level of garnma-aminobutyric end-plate potentials242and no evidence of
acid in the cerebrospinal fluid.394 quantal squander. Electrophysiologic
In myotonia abnormal muscle activity abnormalities include hyperexcitability of
occurs only after voluntary or induced motor and sensory neurons seen244in some
muscle contraction. In contrast, as one of members of a patient's family, repeti-
several causes of visible myokymia, neu- tive after-discharges following each stim-
romyotonia results from spontaneously ulation of motor axons,19'20'466 and con-
occurring peripheral nerve discharges often duction46,463,487
abnormalities of the peripheral
accentuated by voluntary muscle contrac- nerve, together with the morpho-
tion. Thus, patients with neuromyotonia logic changes of intraterminal and ultra-
suffer from sustained or repetitive sponta- terminal sprouting.323 These findings sug-
neous activity of the muscle fibers. In ad- gest that the high-frequency discharge
dition, the affected muscles stiffen and fail originates at various sites along the
to relax completely following voluntary con- motor 454,466
axon and intramuscular nerve
traction. The motor activity persists dur- twigs. Increased strength-duration
ing sleep, general or spinal anesthesia, or time constant found by threshold track-
after procaine block of the peripheral ing technique may contribute to the ax-
nerve.46,205,206 Local administration of cu- onal hyperexcitability responsible for the
rare eliminates the activity. Intramuscular ectopic activity.74,266
Diseases with Abnormal Muscle Activity 831

5 SCHWARTZ-JAMPEL eralized myokymia with impaired muscle

SYNDROME relaxation may develop in association with
the syndromes of continuous muscle fiber
activity,209 restless leg syndrome,199 mus-
Continuous muscle fiber activity occurs in cular pain-fasciculation syndrome (see
osteochondromuscular dystrophy of auto- this chapter,487part II), 417 and peripheral
somal recessive inheritance, originally de- neuropathy. In autosomal dominant
scribed by Schwartz and Jampel.405 The familial paroxysmal kinesigenic ataxia
characteristic clinical features include and continuous myokymia, patients have
short stature, muscular hypertrophy, attacks of loss of coordination and bal-
diffuse bone disease, ocular and facial ance lasting a few minutes.69 Associated
anomalies, and severe voluntary and per- features include a postural tremor of
cussion myotonia.152,233,337 The muscle the head and hands and fine rippling
biopsy may reveal myopathic and neuro- myokymia detected in about half of the
genic features.141 The defect responsible cases. In one study, carbamazepine led to
for the continuous muscle contraction nearly total symptomatic relief.
presumably lies in the terminal axons, According to current usage, myokymia
although it may also involve a muscle has a distinctive clinical appearance and
component of the neuromuscular junc- is associated with certain neurologic dis-
tion.405,444 orders.175 In this entity, spontaneous
Electromyographic findings resemble repetitive contraction involves narrow
neuromyotonia or complex repetitive dis- muscle bands for several seconds. Each
charges. Unlike myotonia, the repetitive segment of muscle, 1-2 cm in width,
high-frequency discharges sustain without slowly contracts along the longitudinal
waxing or waning. They persist following axis. Independent irregular undulations
nerve block or even nerve degeneration. along different strips give rise to the ap-
Most but not all of the spontaneous activ- pearance of a cutaneous "race of worms."
ity disappears after administration of cu- Whereas electromyographic abnormalities
rare444 or succinylcholine.77 Other features vary slightly from one patient to another,
reported include increased insertional ac- the prolonged undulating movements of
tivity and absence of the silent period fol- myokymia all seem to result from brief
lowing muscle contraction. tetanic contractions of repetitively dis-
charging single or multiple motor units.319
Most likely, these ectopic discharges arise
from terminal branches of the nerve fibers
6 MYOKYMIA showing prolonged conduction block.384
Thus, myokymic discharges originating in
motor axons usually occur alone without
The term myokymia, first introduced to concomitant fibrillation potentials, posi-
describe a patient with leg cramps,404 ini- tive sharp waves, or spontaneous single
tially referred to spontaneous muscle con- muscle fiber discharges. In most limb
tractions of the calves, thighs, chest, and myokymia, discharges arise focally at the
arms. Others have used the term to in- site of a chronic peripheral nerve lesion.2-3
clude delayed muscle relaxation associ- Less commonly, myokymia results from
ated with continuous spontaneous motor biochemical, rather than structural, al-
unit discharges157 or, more broadly, man- terations, as the one seen in association
ifestation of benign neuromuscular irri- with clozapine therapy108 or timber rattle
tability.160 Different authors have since snake envenomation.59
applied the name to muscle twitches in a Two electromyographic patterns char-
variety of conditions, including lead poi- acterize myokymic discharges.358 In the
soning, thyrotoxicosis, scleroderma, sys- continuous type, rhythmic single or
temic infections, intoxications, and spinal paired discharges of one or a few motor
cord lesions. Myokymia of the superior units recur with striking regularity at in-
oblique muscle may cause microtremor of tervals of 100-200 ms. In the discontinu-
the globe, causing oscillopsia.58,436 Gen- ous type, bursts of a single motor unit ac-
832 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

tMty at 30-40 Hz last for 100-900 ms and facial spasm also develops as a late com-
repeat in semiregular intervals of 100 ms plication of Bell's palsy or other disorders
to 10 s (see Chapter 14-4). They do not typ- of the facial nerve, including compression
ically wax or wane despite462occasional as- of the44,318
brainstem by posterior fossa tu-
sociation with myotonia. Neither the mors and facial nerve injury.271
clinical myokymia nor the electrical coun- Involuntary twitching ordinarily begins
terpart changes substantially with sleep, in the upper and lower eyelid, spreading
volitional movement, rest, percussion, elec- gradually to involve the remainder of the
trical stimulation, or needle movement. orbicularis oculi and other facial muscles.
Reminiscent of hypocalcemic tetany, re- In advanced cases, spasm increases in
ducing serum-ionized calcium (Ca2+) en- severity and frequency, resulting in sus-
hances myokymic discharges.175,176 In tained spasms of several muscles on the
contrast, xylocaine infusion of a peripheral affected side of the face. Volitional activa-
nerve trunk blocks the discharges. Thus, tion of one muscle results in synchronous
myokymic potentials result from an alter- involuntary contraction of other muscles.
ation in membrane excitability at one of the Unlike focal convulsive twitches of the
various sites along the motor axon. face, the spasmodic contractions that of-
Myokymia occurs in a heterogenous ten follow blinking consist of simultane-
group of disorders including, most notably, ous rapid twitching in several facial mus-
Guillain-Barre syndrome60,276 and radia- cles. Less commonly, one side of the face
tion plexopathy,186,446 probably represent- may show prolonged contraction with ir-
ing a nonspecific neuronal response to in- regular, fluctuating movements. Although
jury. Other conditions associated with limb spontaneous discharges of this type
myokymia include78spinal stenosis," nerve nearly exclusively involve the facial mus-
root 307
compression, cardiopulmonary ar- cles, hemimasticatory spasm, a rare dis-
rest, subarachnoid hemorrhage,49 and order of the trigeminal nerve, may develop
neurocysticercosis.42 Metastatic tumor alone or in association with facial hernia-
that interrupts the supra-nuclear path- trophy,228,447 producing paroxysmal in-
ways descending on the facial nucleus voluntary contraction of the jaw-closing
may also give rise to myokymia.407,485 Fa- muscles unilaterally. Needle electromyog-
cial myokymia usually suggests segmen- raphy demonstrates irregular bursts of
tal demyelination,192 as may be seen in motor unit potentials identical in pattern
multiple sclerosis89,178,238
(see Fig. 14-12A) or to those observed in hemifacial spasm.
pontine glioma, but also com- Electrophysiologic findings suggest ec-
monly41appears in association with Bell's topic excitation of the trigeminal motor
palsy, 164syringobulbia,365 meningoradi- root or its nucleus, an abnormality anal-
culitis, and polyradiculoneuropathy ogous to hemifacial spasm.21
(see Fig. 14-12B).107,468 The diagnosis of hemifacial spasm de-
pends on visual inspection or electromyo-
graphic recording of abnormal movements.
7 HEMIFACIAL AND In clinically equivocal cases the electri-
HEMIMASTICATORY SPASM cally elicited blink reflex18,230,312 can doc-
ument synkinesis by demonstrating the
presence of RI and R2 components not
Idiopathic hemifacial spasms typically oc- only in the orbicularis oculi but also in
cur in middle age, affecting women more the orbicularis oris, platysma, or other
often than men. Vascular compression of muscles innervated by the facial nerve (see
the facial nerve may play an important Chapter 17-4, Fig. 17-11). Synkinesis
role.128,138,216,342 In one study,1 magnetic found in hemifacial spasm and in some pa-
resonance imaging and tomographic an- tients after Bell's palsy serves to differenti-
giography revealed findings consistent ate these entities from other motor disor-
with vascular compression in 65 percent ders, such as essential blepharospasm,
of the patients compared with 6 percent facial dystonia, focal seizures, and focal
in the controls. Familial hemifacial spasm myokymia. In none of these conditions does
may involve anatomic variants or anom- stimulation of the supraorbital nerve elicit
alies of the posterior circulation.97 Hemi- a blink reflex in facial muscles other than
Diseases with Abnormal Muscle Activity 833

orbicularis oculi. A temporal variability of matic or marginal mandibular branch of

responses characterizes hemifacial spasm the facial nerve, simultaneous recordings
in contrast to the highly reproducible re- from the orbicularis oculi and mental
sults seen in postparalytic synkinesis af- muscles confirmed transmission of im-
ter regeneration of the18 degenerated facial pulses between the two branches.312,314
nerve in Bell's palsy. If such a lateral spread results from
Spontaneous bursts of discharges may ephapses, the onset latency of the delayed
result from either hyperexcitability of the response should equal the antidromic and
facial nucleus after axonal injury102,144 orthodromic conduction to and from the
or ectopic excitation at the site of in- presumed site of the lesion. When the re-
jury.312,313,317,392 The frequency of repet- sponse was recorded from the orbicularis
itive motor unit discharges typically varies oculi muscle after electrical stimulation of
between 200 and 400 Hz, although some the marginal mandibular nerve, however,
patients have a slower192 irregular pattern in its latency exceeded the sum by a few mil-
the range of 20-40 Hz. Polygraphic stud- liseconds. This finding suggests the in-
ies reveal progressive diminution of spas- volvement of the facial nucleus rather
matic movements with deepening sleep than the motor fibers in302the generation of
stages,304revealing lowest values in REM the delayed response. Intraoperative
sleep. Central inhibitory processes may recordings also suggest backfiring of the
account for this partial decline. Inhalation facial motor neurons as the cause of the
anesthesia, which normally abolishes RI abnormal muscle response, which a prop-
and R2 of the blink reflex, however, fails to erly timed blink301
reflex can eliminate at the
suppress the spasm.302 facial nucleus. In another similar study
A number of investigators have sug- using a collision technique, delayed re-
gested various pathophysiologies underly- sponses represented ectopic re-excitation
ing the hemifacial spasm. Although the of the involved axons in some recordings
published accounts lack complete accord, and 385
backfiring of an alpha cell in oth-
the evidence of ephaptic transmission ers.
(cross-talk) has gained popularity. Focal Stimulation of the supraorbital nerve
slowing secondary to demyelination con- normally activates only a fraction of the
stitutes an important prerequisite for motor neuron pool destined to innervate
ephapses in experiments with squid ax- the orbicularis oculi muscle. Thus, the
ons. 359 An increased latency of RI on the size of the compound muscle action po-
affected side of the face provides sup- tential evoked by direct stimulation of the
portive evidence for this mechanism in facial nerve far exceeds that of the reflex-
some patients,312 but not in others.230 Re- ively activated RI. The increased ampli-
gardless of the type of physiologic mech- tude of RI found in hemifacial spasm sug-
anisms responsible for synkinesis, the gests lateral spread of the impulse,
beneficial effects of surgical decompres- activating more fibers contained in the zy-
sion suggest that the primary site of in- gomatic branch. Synkinetic responses of
volvement in hemifacial spasm probably RI and R2 in the mental muscle, not or-
resides in the facial nerve and not in the dinarily involved in the blink reflex, fur-
nucleus.22,316 This finding does not pre- ther supports the theory of lateral spread
clude hyperexcitability of the facial motor of impulses to other fibers. Paired shock
neurons, which could develop secondar- technique reveals an upward shift of the
ily as the result of a peripheral lesion. R2 recovery curve not only on the side of
In the presence of ephaptic transmis- spasm127 but also on the unaffected side,
sion, stimulation of the individual facial suggesting enhanced excitability of the fa-
nerve branches183,400,442
may evoke a delayed mus- cial motor neurons and brainstem inter-
cle response. Thus, stimulation neurons.464 The presence of after-activity
of one branch of the facial nerve and and late activity implies autoexcitation of
recording from muscles innervated by an- the involved fibers.313 Enhanced reflex re-
other branch would allow clear separa- sponses on the affected side of the face also
tion between an ephaptically activated re- suggest hyperexcitability of the facial nu-
sponse and a direct response.196 In one cleus.465 Unfortunately none of these
study, following stimulation of the zygo- findings conclusively distinguish ephaptic
834 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

or ectopic discharges along the motor fibers inhibitory mechanisms at multiple lev-
from excitation of the facial nucleus.385 els.481 Although the exact pathophysiol-
A possible therapeutic regimen includes ogy awaits further clarification, the mus-
carbamazepine. Botulinum toxin injection cle spasms and rigidity almost certainly
induces muscle weakness, thereby dimin- result from the effect of tetanus toxin on
ishing or abolishing the spasm without the central nervous system.
demonstrable effect on ectopic or ephaptic Some clinical and electrophysiologic
transmission in the facial nerve.163 De- findings suggest peripheral 408
nerve involve-
spite side effects that include, in order of ment in severe tetanus.158 Facial nerve
frequency, facial weakness, facial bruis- conduction studies may or may not461
ing, diplopia, ptosis, and various other show abnormalities. Increased jitter and
mild complaints,491 this preferred treat- block in single-fiber electromyography sug-
ment provided effective relief of spasm477 gest a presynaptic defect of neuromuscu-
for a mean duration of 18.9 weeks in one lar transmission in human tetanus.145
series.148 Electrophysiologic studies revealed evi-
dence of mild subclinical axonal polyneu-
ropathy in one series of 40 patients seen
8 TETANUS after recovery from tetanus.262

The toxin of Clostridium tetani travels from 9 TETANY

wound to central nervous system via blood
or retrograde axonal transport. After an in-
cubation period of 1-2 weeks, the patient The physiologic term tetanus is also used
develops either generalized or localized to describe tetany caused by hypocalcemia
manifestations of neuromuscular irritabil- and alkalosis. Decreased extracellular cal-
ity. Its stimulatory effect closely resembles cium (Ca2+) increases sodium (Na+) con-
strychnine, which competes with glycine ductance, which leads to membrane de-
for receptors in the spinal cord and higher polarization and repetitive nerve firing.
structures.416 The patients develop, in ad- Hypomagnesemia and hyperkalemia also
dition to hyperirritabiliry of limb muscles, induce carpopedal spasm. Tetanic con-
spasm of the masticatory muscles, or tris- traction abates with infusion of curare,
mus, and facial grimacing, or risus sar- but not with peripheral nerve block. Thus,
donicus. The symptoms may worsen within the spontaneous discharge seems to occur
a few days but improve in several weeks, at some point along the distal segment of
except for possible chronic manifestations the peripheral nerve. Various maneuvers
of tetanic contraction. Neonatal tenatus precipitate clinical or electrical neuro-
still poses a health hazard in developing muscular irritability. They include a gen-
countries as an important, preventable tle tap over the facial nerve (Chvostek's
cause of death.112-229 sign) or the lateral surface of the fibula
Tetanus toxin presumably blocks post- (peroneal sign) and artificially induced is-
synaptic inhibition in the spinal cord and chemia of the forearm (Trousseau's sign).
brainstem, thereby increasing the ex- Electromyography reveals grouped mo-
citability of the alpha motor neurons.65 tor unit potentials firing asynchronously
The continuous motor unit discharges at a rate of 4-15 Hz, with periods of rel-
seen in electromyography resolves during ative silence in between.
sleep, with administration of general or
spinal anesthesia, and after peripheral
nerve block. The shortened or absent 10 STIFFMAN SYNDROME
silent period probably results from failure
of Renshaw inhibition. This characteristic
electrodiagnostic feature of tetanus sel- A number of authors have described the
dom occurs in other disorders with motor clinical and electrophysiologic features of
unit hyperactivity.374'432 Reduction in the the stiffman syndrome.19,268,281 It usually
silent period induced by transcranial occurs sporadically in adult men and
magnetic stimulation suggests impaired women, but a congenital form also ex-
Diseases with Abnormal Muscle Activity 835

ists.396 Muscle stiffness develops insidi- The exact neurophysiologic mechanism

ously, progressing from tightness to underlying the abnormal discharge re-
painful, sustained contraction, often in- mains unknown. Clinical similarities with
ducing hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine chronic tetanus suggested a possible re-
in well-established cases. The spasm has lationship between these two entities.
some predilection for the pelvic and shoul- Tetanus toxin causes hyperexcitability of
der girdle muscles involving the lower motor units by blocking spinal inhibitory
more than the upper limbs and, in con- postsynaptic potentials. Similarly, the
trast to tetanus, usually spares the facial motor neuron pool may become exces-
muscles. The tightness of the chest mus- sively excitable in the absence of the in-
cles may interfere with breathing and hibitory spinal mechanisms in the stiff-
swallowing. man syndrome.330 Unlike those with
Painful spasms occur spontaneously or tetanus, however, patients with the stiff-
in response to sudden noise or other stim- man syndrome may have a normal silent
uli. Co-contraction of agonistic and an- period.270,424 The rigidity and electrical
tagonistic muscles may immobilize the discharges markedly improve with the ad-
limbs in unnatural positions. Inversion ministration of baclofen291,423,488 or di-
and plantar flexion of the feet reflect the azepam (Valium), which suppresses in-
overpowering force of the posterior versus terneurons at spinal and supraspinal levels.
anterior calf muscles. Movement, either In contrast, clomipramine injection severely
active or passive, aggravates the pain. The aggravates the clinical symptoms.284
excessive muscle contraction resembles Some patients seem to have an au-
physiologic cramps, although it involves toimmune pathogenesis with circulating
many muscle groups simultaneously and islet cell and anti-glutamic acid decar-
continuously. The stiffman syndrome may boxylase antibodies.106,149,171 This au-
mimic hysteria because of facial grimac- toantigen located in the B cells of the pan-
ing, unusual posture, and complaints of creas and in the GABA producing neurons
muscle cramps that superficially resem- may explain occasional association be-
ble voluntary contractions. The conspicu- tween this syndrome and diabetes melli-
ous absence of other neurologic abnor- tus201 and neurological symptoms caused
malities may strengthen this erroneous by inhibition of GABA synthesis.124 Other
impression. Close observation reveals the patients with this syndrome have parane-
pathologic nature of the powerful spasms oplastic syndrome31,146,149,171,380,470 and
that supercede any voluntary contraction. still others, thymoma and myasthenia
Indeed, fractures of the long bones have gravis.311 Treatment with plasma exchange
resulted. and immunosuppressants benefits some
Electromyography shows a sustained patients,48,56,200 further strengthening the
interference pattern consisting of normal autoimmune hypothesis.245
motor unit potentials in agonistic as well Other conditions described in associa-
as antagonistic muscles.270,424 The per- tion with stiffrnan-like features include
sistent electrical activity associated with nocturnal myoclonus and epilepsy,273 fo-
painful muscle cramps probably origi- cal cortical atrophy with increased spinal
nates in the central nervous system. The fluid gammaglobulin,268 diffuse 47
spasm and spontaneous discharges dis- following ingestion of alcohol, and sud-
appear during sleep, with administration den death.166,299 These symptoms proba-
of general or spinal anesthesia, following bly represent a variant called progressive
procaine block of the peripheral nerve, or encephalomyelopathy with rigidity and
after infusion of curare.287 Increased cen- myoclonus.285
tral excitability leads to enhanced extero-
ceptive reflexes, including cutaneously
elicited responses, such as the blink re- 11 CRAMPS
flex, showing a contralateral in addition
to the physiologic ipsilateral R1 and, with
higher intensity, R2 components following Cramps represent briefly sustained,
the normal R2 responses (see Chapter painful or painless involuntary contrac-
17-1).284 tions lasting seconds to minutes.246 This
836 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

definition excludes such sustained move- Skeletal muscle cramps, either sponta-
ments seen in tremor, chorea, hemibal- neous or induced by ischemia or exercise,
lisms or myoclonus, and isolated muscle also accompany a broad spectrum of other
twitches associated with fasciculation po- illnesses. For example, muscle cramps
tentials or complex repetitive discharges. constitute an early feature of motor neu-
Painful cramps commonly involve the calf ron disease, sciatica, and peripheral neu-
muscles and other flexors of the lower ropathies. Patients with certain inborn
limbs in healthy subjects. Cramps start errors of metabolism may complain of ex-
after maintaining a certain posture for a ertional cramps, but not as an essential
prolonged period of time and improve by symptom. Other disorders associated with
rubbing or lengthening the muscle. Nu- muscle cramping include the syndrome of
merous predisposing factors include salt insulin resistance, acanthosis nigricans,
depletion, other causes of hyponatremia, and acral hypertrophy.296
hypocalcemia, and vitamin deficiency. Electrically, muscle cramps consist of
Most cases of cramps in otherwise asymp- high-frequency irregular motor unit dis-
tomatic individuals have no detectable charges at rates ranging from 40 to 60 Hz
underlying cause. and occasionally reaching 200-300 Hz.
Cramps occur in hereditary
cases223,248,369 They involve a large part of the muscle
and sporadic cases of the muscular synchronously, as opposed to asynchro-
pain or cramp fasciculation syndrome. nous activation of motor units during vol-
The familial variety with an autosomal untary muscle contraction. Despite effec-
dominant inheritance pattern affects both tive inhibition by nerve block or spinal
genders. The symptoms appear during the anesthesia, repetitive nerve stimulation
first or second decade. Exercise induces distal to the block still induces cramp-
painful cramps predominantly in the ing.40 These findings suggest a peripheral
hands and feet, sometimes leading to more origin. In sporadic cases of muscular pain
generalized symptoms. Involvement of the fasciculation syndrome, nerve conduction
esophagus may cause difficulty swallow- studies may show decreased conduction
ing.57 Nonfamilial types also affect either and increased distal latencies. Needle
gender, with onset of symptoms during the studies may reveal fibrillation potentials
third to seventh decades. Although painful and positive sharp waves. In one study,
cramps primarily occur in the calves, fasci- patients with familial cramps had fascic-
culations develop in the lower limbs dif- ulation potentials, high-amplitude long-
fusely. The tubular aggregates reported in duration polyphasic motor unit poten-
biopsy specimens may have some relation- tials, and low normal nerve conduction
ship with muscle cramps.247 Fasciculation velocities.248
potentials constitute the only abnormality Carbarnazepine therapy partially sup-
found in routine electrodiagnostic studies. presses hyperexcitability of the peripheral
Supramaximal stimulation of the nerve may nerve.438 Tocainide also reduces disabling
produce showers of electric potentials fol- muscle spasms and cramps associated
lowing the compound muscle action poten- with conditions characterized by neuro-
tial, which abate with application of curare muscular irritability.355 Transcutaneous
but not by nerve block.417,438 nerve stimulation may relieve severe mus-
The syndrome of progressive muscle cle cramps as reported in a patient with
spasm, alopecia, and diarrhea401,402 af- muscle hypertrophy and fasciculation po-
fects women more frequently than men. tentials.292
Painful intermittent cramps involve the
limb muscles initially and then the neck,
trunk, and mastication muscles several 12 CONTRACTURE
years later. These painful muscle spasms
originate centrally and, except for normal
serum calcium (Ca2+) levels, resemble The term contracture refers to intense me-
tetani. The symptoms begin at about age chanical muscle shortening in the absence
10 years and slowly progress, leading to of muscle action potentials. Thus, elec-
malnutrition and possibly death. tromyography reveals no electrical activity
Diseases with Abnormal Muscle Activity 837

in the contracted muscle.126 Ischemia in- Other entities associated with 174
duces contracture most commonly in pa- nus include Rett syndrome, akinetic-
tients with muscle phosphorylase or mus- syndrome,81 corticobasal degenera-
cle phophofructokinase deficiencies (see tion, hereditary neuropathy with
Fig. 12-3) but also rarely in those with liability to pressure palsy,409 and post-
other conditions.247 In these entities, fail- traumatic stimulus suppressible my-
ure to produce adenosine triphosphate pos- oclonus of peripheral origin.17 Detailed
sibly2+ prohibits reaccumulation of calcium electrophysiologic analyses help elucidate
(Ca ) by the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The the origin of the discharge to identify dif-
essential steps for muscle relaxation, how- ferent forms of myoclonic jerks.410,411
ever, need further clarification (see Chap- Treatment depends on the type and usu-
ter 12-2 and Chapter 28-4). Electromy- ally consists of valproic acid, clonazepam,
ography shows normal activity during vol- and piracetam.236
untary muscle contraction. After strong ef- Abnormal sensory motor cortical dis-
fort, the muscle relaxes only slowly over a charges can cause a wide294,295,322
range of clini-
period of 10 s. During this period the stiff cal motor phenomena. Brief
muscle is electrically silent.241 Normal muscle jerks probably involve cerebral
motor unit potentials reappear if the pa- cortical mechanisms, which also accounts
tient voluntarily contracts the stiff mus- for the abnormal enhancement of so-
cle. Needle insertion or voluntary con- matosensory evoked potential (SEPs) and
traction initiates no myotonic discharge. premotor cortical potentials time locked to
Some patients without enzymatic defi- the preceding 410spontaneous or action-in-
ciency may 61develop painless exertional duced jerking. The site of abnormality
contracture. In an entity caused by a in the sensory motor cortex probably dic-
deficiency of calcium and adenosine tates the varied pattern of motor re-
triphosphatase, sarcoplasmic reticulum sponses such as stimulus-sensitive my-
had a decreased capacity to accumulate oclonus, spontaneous myoclonus, and
calcium.226 Painful contracture has ac- focal motor epilepsy. Other related enti-
companied a hereditary myopathy associ- ties of interest include cortical tremor,
ated with electromyographic signs of gen- which is defined as a type of reflex my-
eralized myotonia.399,425 Muscle stiffness oclonus associated with giant SEPs, en-
may also appear as an autosomal domi- hanced long-loop reflex, and premy-
nantly inherited condition.222,370 In these oclonus cortical spikes recorded by the
cases, muscles display an unusual sensi- jerk-locked averaging.204,328,455
tivity to stretch, manifested by rippling Various SEP studies have revealed en-
waves of muscle contraction not accom- hanced cortical excitability for 20 ms just
panied by muscle fiber action potentials. after the myoclonus, followed by sup-
Patients with certain myopathies may pression throughout the postmyoclonus
have slow muscle relaxation during repet- period.413 These findings indicate a patho-
itive nerve stimulation without accompa- logical enhanement of certain early corti-
nying electrical activity.357 cal components seen normally.412 Similar
waveforms and scalp topography imply
that the giant SEP and myoclonus-related
13 MYOCLONUS cortical spikes116may have a common,413 if
not identical, physiologic mechanism.
In reflex reticular myoclonus, the com-
Cortical, subcortical, spinal, and, less fre- plete movement pattern may reside in the
quently, peripheral lesions can induce jerk-generating subcortical structure.362
myoclonus, defined as a sudden, brief, Post anoxic myoclonus also belongs in
involuntary muscular contraction.321,411 this category.439 A single neural rhythm
Myoclonus occurs in a group of heteroge- generator may produce both positive and
neous disorders such as progressive negative myoclonus as documented333 in a
myoclonus epilepsy of Unverricht-Lundborg, patient with a pontine hemorrhage.
Lafora body disease, and myoclonus Paroxysmal axial spasm arises in pro-
epilepsy with ragged red fibers.91,153,297 priospinal systems intrinsic to the spinal
838 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

cord.66 This type of spinal myoclonus may lateral parkinsonian tremor 111
and bilat-
also present as thoracoabdominal muscle erally for essential tremor.
jerks showing rostral propagation.93,94 Seg- Mechanical factors such as changing
mental myoclonus may arise in the spinal hand position determine the peak fre-
cord after various viral infections, includ- quency of physiologic tremor.190,195 Motor
ing herpes zoster radiculitis. Usually ab- unit synchronization provides the me-
normal movements follow the rash but my- chanical basis for higher amplitude phys-
oclonus may precede herpes zoster iologic tremor.256 Topical anesthesia may
involving the same segments.235 Studies of suppress the tremor amplitude and the
lumbosacral SEPs by paired stimulation associated electric activity.347 Tremor as-
have revealed increased spinal cord ex- sociated with some polyneurpathy results
citability in a patient with rhythmic seg- from minimal weakness and possibly im-
mental myoclonus.122 pairment of the stretch reflex, both of
which increase central drive and enhance
physiologic temor.393
14 TREMOR Symptomatic tremors have varied patho-
physiologies. Patients with anti-myelin-
associated glycoprotein peripheral neu-
Tremor can be divided clinically into three ropathy often develop a distinct form of
types: (1) the rest tremor seen in Parkin- neurogenic tremor.339 Distal ulnar neu-
son's disease, (2) the intention or ataxic ropathy at Guyon's canal may initiate
tremor representing dysmetria seen dur- finger tremor.429 Delayed and enhanced
ing voluntary movement, and (3) the pos- long-latency reflexes may induce pos-
tural tremor seen during a maintained tural tremor in late cerebellar atrophy.279
limb position. Of these, both intention and Rhythmic olivocerebellar discharges can
postural tremor occur during voluntary cause tremorogenic excitation and inhibi-
muscle activation, thus the joint name ac- tion of postural electromyographic activ-
tion tremor. Postural tremor has three ity in the upper limbs as reported in one
subdivisions based on the underlying patient with palatal myoclonus and pro-
mechanism: (a) physiologic tremor ac- gressive ataxia.132
centuated by stress, drugs, and toxins; Essential tremor is one of the most com-
(b) symptomatic tremor associated with mon adult neurologic disorders, although
various disorders such as hereditary mo- its estimated prevalence varies a great deal
tor and sensory neuropathy, dystonia, depending mostly on the choice of diag-
parkinsonism, myoclonus, vitamin E de- nostic criteria.140,258,259 Early essential
ficiency, and other metabolic conditions; tremor qualitatively resembles the 8-12 Hz
and (c) essential tremor consisting of au- component of physiologic tremor, but ad-
tosomal dominant and sporadic varieties. vanced essential tremor has a frequency of
Accelerometric recording and spectral 4-8 Hz.131 Two subtypes of essential tremor
analysis help classify hand tremor by es- have emerged based on pharmacological
tablishing amplitude and frequency char- response to propranolol and electrophysio-
acteristics (see Chapter 13-8).23,79,147,168 logic studies, including polygraphic record-
Increasing evidence indicates the in- ing and long-latency reflex.117 The under-
volvement of the cerebellum in the gener- lying mechanism of essential tremor,
ation of parkinsonian rest tremor, which however, remains enigmatic with some
may depend on the interaction between ni- conflicting reports, for example, abnormally
grostriatal, pallidothalamic, and cerebel- reduced physiologic reciprocal inhibition of
lothalamic systems.261 If so, degeneration the forearm flexor muscles reported in one
of the substantia nigra would cause aki- study286 but not in another.386 Despite its
nesia and rigidity, whereas involvement of name, orthostatic tremor is not purely re-
the adjacent ventromedial tegmentum pro- lated to the upright posture.449 This tremor
vokes tremor. In support of this view, shifts from low to high frequencies with
positron emission tomography studies forceful muscle contractions,283 making it
showed enhanced regional cerebral blood distinct from essential tremor clinically and
flow in the cerebellum ipsilaterally for uni- electrophysiologically.
Diseases with Abnormal Muscle Activity 839

Transcranial magnetic stimulation re- longed rest.13° Dysesthesias in the legs ei-
sets both essential tremor and postural ther closely precede or follow occurrences
tremor in Parkinson's disease, implicating of irresistible leg movements.341 Periodic
the role of the intracortical structure in movements may occur in sleep, although
their generation.336 Patients with essen- the frequency decreases from wakefulness
tial tremor have normal cortical excitabil- to sleep stages 1 and 2.305 The syndrome
ity judged by the silent period that shows may precede clinical and electrophysio-
a similar duration as in control subjects.376 logic evidence of a peripheral neuropa-
Established treatments for essential tremor thy.395 In one series,203 eight consecu-
include propranolol and primidone,24 and tive patients seen with the primary com-
as an alternative to medication, streotactic plaint of leg movement had mild axonal
surgery. Some advocate botulinum toxin neuropathy. In another study,391 5.2 per-
injection to cervical and forearm muscle to cent of patients with polyneuropathy had
control head and hand tremor.214 This prominent symptoms of restless legs. In
toxin may restore presynaptic inhibition of most patients, muscle contractions show
Group IA afiferents in patients with essen- a constant order of propagation, de-
tial tremor.300 scending or ascending the spinal seg-
ments.457 This and other electrophysio-
logic patterns seem to indicate the spinal
15 MIRROR MOVEMENT origin of the involuntary limb movements.
Treatment with dopaminergic agonists
may provide effective relief of the symp-
In congenital mirror movements, elec- toms.
tromyographic studies show normal tem-
poral characteristics, response latency,
duration, and recruitment pattern on the 17 DYSTONIA
normal and mirror sides. These findings
suggest a similar motor command for both
voluntary and mirror movements.151 Neu- The term dystonia can describe a clinical
rophysiologic studies suggest as one of the sign, a symptom, or a syndrome. Dysto-
possible mechanisms of mirror move- nia has two characteristic features dis-
ments abnormally branched fast con- tinct from other involuntary movements,
ducting corticospinal tract fibers that pro- sustained muscle contractions, inducing
ject to motor neuron pools on both sides abnormal posture, and the twisting na-
of the spinal cord.142,278 A shortened con- ture of abnormality giving rise to torsional
tralateral silent period seen in this condi- movement, as implied by the phrase tor-
tion may imply an abnormal bilateral ac- sion dystonia. The symptom may appear
tivation of the hand motor cortex causing secondary to other neurologic conditions
an early recovery of background activity such as structural lesions of the basal
via non-stimulated motor cortex.96 In one ganglia, cerebral palsy, and exposure to
case, a unilateral stretch of distal but not toxins, but more commonly without an
proximal arm muscles gave rise to bilat- identifiable underlying cause showing an
eral long-latency reflex.143 This finding in- estimated overall prevalence of 329 per
dicates that a transcortical mechanism million, including 294 focal dystonia
plays a role in the generation of long-la- cases.320,480 Primary torsion dystonia con-
tency stretch reflexes in distal but not in sists of generalized dystonia, formerly
proximal arm muscles. known as dystonia muscu/orum deformons,
focal dystonia such as blepharospasm, tor-
ticollis, and writer's cramp, the three main
16 RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME entities encountered in practice, and mul-
tifocal or segmental dystonia. Dystonia-
plus syndromes comprise the phenotype of
Patients with restless legs syndrome have dystonia and additional neurologic fea-
an uncontrollable urge to move the legs tures, for example, myoclonus for my-
when lying in bed or during periods of pro- oclonic dystonia, parkinsonism for dopa-
840 Disorders of the Muscle and Neuromuscular Junction

responsive dystonia,139and rapid-onset dys- dystonic movements of the contralateral

tonia-parkinsonism, and two varieties symptomatic hand. This phenomenon,
of paroxysmal dystonia, paroxysmal kine- termed mirror-movement dystonia, pro-
sigenic dystonia and paroxysmal dystonic vides further evidence of the presumed
choreoathetosis. Advances in mo- central origin of the dystonic move-
lecular technology have led to discoveries ments.255 The inhibitory effects induced
of the increasing number of genes caus- by transcranial magnetic stimulation are
ing dystonia4 with distinguishable clinical reduced in patients with writer's cramp
phenotypes. '8'26'440 Segregation analyses during voluntary muscle activation.88 The
of adult-onset blepharospasm and cra- underlying abnormality in torticollis also
nial-cervical dystonia suggest an autoso- involves central motor programing for
mal dominant transmission with reduced head position rather than162 the activity of
penetrance, or polygenic inheritance.110 individual neck muscles. Studies of
Peripheral entrapment and brachial movement-related potentials show an ab-
plexopathy can give rise to distal, action- normal cortical processing of voluntary
induced involuntary postures of the hand muscle relaxation 118,490
in patients with fo-
with focal dystonia. Such causes of sec- cal hand dystonia. Anomalous so-
ondary dystonia would include pronator matosensory homunculus seen in pa-
teres syndrome, radial nerve palsy, lower tients with hand dystonia suggests that
brachial plexus lesion, median nerve abnormal plasticity may also play a role
compression, and thoracic outlet syn- in the development of dystonia.28
drome.356,403 Mechanical irritation of Blink reflex recovery curves character-
brachial plexus can precipitate rhythmic istically show increased excitability of R2
myoclonus in the arm.27 Focal dystonia in patients with blepharospasm and gen-
may follow soft tissue injury, suggesting eralized dystonia.127 The same abnormal-
a role of altered sensory information from ity, seen in spasmodic dysphonia, indi-
a painful limb disturbing motor perfor- cates that the dystonia involves not only
mance.227 Spasmodic torticollis may de- the larynx but also other anatomic struc-
velop in association with eighth nerve le- tures.98 Surface electromyography of the
sions.62 Peripheral nerve injuries, often orbicularis oculi helps classify the pattern
trivial, may trigger the causalgia-dystonia of blepharospasm327 to distinguish it from
syndrome, producing burning pain, allo- apraxia of lid opening or, 12,219,237
according to
dynia, hyperpathia, and vasomotor, su- some, focal eyelid dystonia. Elec-
domotor and trophic changes, as well as tromyographic studies also reveal a char-
a fixed dystonic posture.43 Some believe acteristic pattern of co-contraction of the
that this distressing syndrome results agonist and antagonist muscles of the
from a true functional disorder of the cen- forearm and hand in writer's cramp.364
tral nervous system, whereas others Somatosensory evoked potential studies
stress a psychogenic origin. show increased amplitude of NSQ in dys-
In one series of 672 musical instru- tonia patients in contract to decreased
mentalists, 7 percent of patients with amplitude in Parkinson's disease.361
playing-related disorders had focal dysto- Botulinum toxin injections effectively
nia compared with 64 percent for mus- relieve symptoms of focal dystonias
culoskeletal disorders and 22.5249percent including blepharospasm, torticollis,
for peripheral nerve problems. Ulnar writer's cramp460 and other hand dysto-
neuropathy, seen commonly in musicians, nia when other forms therapy have
may predispose them to focal dysto- failed.215,467 The primarily peripheral ef-
nia.86,381 Task-specific hand cramps also fect of botulinum toxin182,478 may also
develop during writing, typing, and piano have an indirect influence on the spinal
and guitar playing. In these patients, elec- cord through the action on the intrafusal
tromyography shows generalized muscle pathway.39,224 The possible central effect
spasms with co-contraction of agonist and supports the hypothesis that idiopathic
antagonist muscles, the findings charac- focal dystonia results from 173,225,378
a disorder of
teristic of a focal dystonia.326 The use muscle spindle afferents. Pa-
of the asymptomatic hand may provoke tients with medically intractable cervical
Diseases with Abnormal Muscle Activity 841

dystonia also respond favorably to botu- case of multicentric reticulohistiocytosis. Br J

linum toxin therapy, most improving sub- Dermatol 80:39-45, 1968.
8. Angood SJ, Penney JB, Friberg IK, Breakefield
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Appendix 1

Ethical principles in medical practice were A clinical research project requires the
established to protect the rights of pa- approval of an Institution Review Board.
tients, as summarized in an updated ver- A written informed consent for the proto-
sion of "Fundamental Elements of the col should include declaration of external
Patient-Physician Relationship" pub- sponsorship and compensation to the
lished by the Council of Ethical and Ju- consultant, if any.
dicial Affairs of the American Medical As- A physician should not charge an ex-
sociation.13 To ensure high standards of cessive fee for the electrophysiologic ex-
medical practice and to enforce technical amination and should not bill for un-
and ethical standards for practitioners, necessary services. As a guideline, a rea-
the American Association of Electrodiag- sonable fee should reflect the difficulty of
nostic Medicine (AAEM) has also pub-1 the technique, the skill and time required
lished a series of news and comments,
for the study, customary charges in the
guidelines, position state- locality for similar services, the experience
ments,3,7,10 and a summary of the cur- of the physician, and the quality of the ex-
rent recommendations.11,12 This appen- amination. In addition, each laboratory
dix briefly reviews important aspects of should consider setting an appropriate
these documents, whose general princi- upper limit for the total amount of charge
ples apply to any practice in electrodiag- per patient. The AAEM guidelines2,3,11,12
nostic medicine. Specific details may, outline a maximum number of specific
however, differ from one place to another tests necessary for a physician to arrive
in such areas as consultant-patient rela- at a diagnosis in at least 90 percent of
tionships, conflicts of interest related to cases, thus establishing reasonable
clinical research, compensation for elec- charges in most instances. The fee scale
trodiagnostic services, and professional should conform to the principles of the
misconduct.13,14 current environment to contain costs.
A medical consultant must recognize a Thoughtfully written reimbursement
patient's right to receive information guidelines will positively impact the pa-
about the benefits, risks, and costs of an tient care. Poorly written policies may lead
examination, to refuse all or part of the to poor medical judgments based8 on in-
electrophysiologic examination, and to adequate information. The AAEM recom-
ask for a copy of the summary of the med- mends the following minimum standards:
ical report. The patient's medical needs
should constitute the sole indication for 1. Electrodiagnostic testing must be
the performance of electrodiagnostic ser- medically necessary.
vices, not their race, religion, nationality, 2. Testing must be performed with elec-
or gender. A particular diagnosis, specif- trodiagnostic equipment that provides as-
ically one related to human immunodefi- sessment of all aspects of the recorded
ciency virus infection or another commu- signals. Studies performed with devices
nicable disease, must not preclude designed only for "screening purposes"
electrodiagnostic evaluation if indicated rather than diagnosis are not acceptable
for the care of the patient. under this policy.
860 Appendices

3. The number of tests performed must icine: Guidelines for ethical behavior relating to
be the minimum needed to establish an clinical practice issues in electrodiagnostic med-
icine. Muscle Nerve 17:965-967, 1994.
accurate diagnosis. 3. American Association of Electrodiagnostic Med-
4. Nerve conduction studies must be ei- icine Conference on Current Terminology Cod-
ther (1) performed directly by a physician ing. Response to Medi-Care B Bulletin No. 93-
or (2) performed by a trained individual 09. American Association of Electrodiagnostic
under the direct personal supervision of Medicine, Rochester, MN, April 18, 1994.
4. American Association of Electrodiagnostic Med-
a physician. Direct personal supervision icine, Nora LM: Guidelines in electrodiagnostic
means that the physician is in close phys- medicine: Implanted cardioverters and deflbril-
ical proximity to the electrodiagnostic lab- lators. Muscle Nerve 19:1359-1360, 1996.
oratory while testing is underway, is im- 5. American Association of Electrodiagnostic Med-
icine: Guidelines for establishing a quality as-
mediately available to provide the trained surance program in an electrodiagnostic labora-
individual with assistance and direction, tory. Muscle Nerve 19:1496-1502, 1996.
and is responsible for selecting the ap- 6. American Association of Electrodiagnostic Med-
propriate nerve conduction studies to be icine, Jablecki C, Andary MT, Di Benedetto M,
performed. Horowitz SH, Marino RJ, Rosenbaum RB,
Shields RW, Stevens JC, Williams FH: Guide-
5. Needle studies must be performed by lines for outcome studies in electrodiagnostic
a physician specially trained in electrodi- medicine. Muscle Nerve 19:1626-1635, 1996.
agnostic medicine, as these tests are per- 7. American Association of Electrodiagnostic Med-
formed and simultaneously interpreted. icine: Proposed Policy for Electrodiagnostic Med-
icine. American Association for Electrodiagnos-
Adopting the American Medical Associ- tic Medicine, Rochester, MN, 1997.
ation's Principles2 of Medical Ethics, the 8. American Association of Electrodiagnostic Med-
icine, Chaudhry V: Technology review: nervepace
AAEM guidelines state that "consultants digital electroneurometer. Muscle Nerve 20:
should not knowingly ignore a colleague's 1200-1203, 1997.
incompetence or professional miscon- 9. American Association of Electrodiagnostic Med-
duct" in order to protect the public from icine: Guidelines in Electrodiagnostic Medicine.
American Association of Electrodiagnostic Med-
an impaired physician. The AAEM has in icine, Rochester, MN, 1998.
place a mechanism to conduct a formal 10. American Association of Electrodiagnostic Med-
hearing on charges of professional mis- icine, Bierner SM, Chauplannaz G, Goodnough
conduct and to pursue a disciplinary DJ, Lachman T, Lewis R, Melvin JL, Myers SJ:
process based on established policies and "Any Willing Provider" position statement. Mus-
cle Nerve 21:250-251, 1998.
procedures. Each practitioner must main- 11. American Association of Electrodiagnostic Med-
tain the highest of standards in ethical icine: Suggested Guidelines for Electrodiagnos-
conduct and adhere to the enforcement tic Medical Consultations. American Association
policies for fairness and due process. of Electrodiagnostic Medicine, Rochester, MN,
12. American Association of Electrodiagnostic Med-
icine: Guidelines in Electrodiagnostic Medicine.
Muscle Nerve Suppl 8, 1999.
REFERENCES 13. Miller RG: Ethics and Electrodiagnostic Medi-
cine. American Association of Electrodiagnostic
Medicine, Plenary Session II: Special Topics in
1. American Association Electrodiagnostic Medi- EMG Practice, San Francisco, CA, September
cine: News and Comments, FDA Public Health 30, 1994. American Association of Electrodiag-
Advisory: Unsafe electrode lead wires and pa- nostic Medicine, Rochester, MN.
tient cables used with medical devices. Muscle 14. Miller RG, Nora LM: Written informed consent
Nerve 565-266, 1994. for electrodiagnostic testing: Pro and con. Mus-
2. American Association of Electrodiagnostic Med- cle Nerve 20:352-356, 1997.
Appendix 2

Circuits and Schematics
Resistors in Parallel
Resistors in Series
Voltage Dividers
RC Time-Constant Circuit
Capacitors in Parallel
Capacitors in Series
Magnetic Fields and Magnetism
Magnetic Inductance
RL Time-Constant Circuit
Inductors in Series and Parallel
AC Circuit Laws
Impedance and Reactance
AC Power
Active and Passive Circuit Elements
Integrated Circuits
Digital and Analog Circuits
Mathematical Logic
Binary Number System
862 Appendices

1 INTRODUCTION ward each other, analogous to gravita-

tional attraction. Charges of like polarity
exert equivalent forces of repulsion. The
The electromyographer must have a basic electric field in a region is a description of
knowledge of electronics to understand the force that would be exerted on a unit
physiologic signals, instrumentation, and test charge at any point. Because of these
electrical safety. Familiarity with elec- forces, charges moving in relation to one
tronics will help in recognizing and cor- another either absorb or release energy
recting recording problems, selecting and (work, in joules).*
operating new equipment, and applying
new techniques in the clinical domain.
This appendix briefly introduces the es- Voltage
sential topics in electronics for applica-
tion to electromyography. Interested read- It requires energy to lift a brick over your
ers should consult a good text on basic head. The mass of the brick moves away
electronics for a more detailed discus- from the mass of the earth, storing the
sion. 4-6-8.12 work of separation, called potential en-
ergy, in the earth-brick system. Similarly,
separating a system of charges requires
2 ELECTRICAL CONCEPTS (positive or negative) energy, stored as the
"electric potential." The energy required
per unit charge has dimensions of joules
per coulomb, or volts. The difference in
Charge electrical potential energy (for a unit test
charge) between two points in space is
The fundamental electrical concept is called the voltage, or the potential
charge. Natural occurrences like lightning Like mechanical potential, voltage is a
or static cling demonstrate the effects of measure of difference relative to some ref-
charge. Physics describes and accurately erence. Lifting bricks has immeasurable
predicts the behavior of "unit test charges" effect on the huge mass of the earth, so
but does not provide an explanation or ground level is often the reference (zero)
model for the source of the phenomenon. level for calculating potential energy. Sim-
Charge is a name for observed effects in ilarly, the earth is a huge sink for the dis-
a theory that developed empirically. persion of charge and is frequently the ref-
The primary concept of charge is that erence (zero) level for measuring voltage.
two polarities of matter exist, called posi- Voltage is also called electromotive force
tive and negative. Negatively charged elec- (EMF), which accounts for the symbol "E"
trons revolve around a positively charged in equations for voltage, but "V" is also
nucleus in all atoms. Other subatomic commonly used.
particles show positive or negative charge Conceptualizations and measurements
or a neutral state. No charge is smaller in electronics use voltage much more fre-
than the charge on one electron, and all quently than charge. Voltages encoun-
measured amounts of charge are exact tered in common electronic circuits range
multiples of this smallest unit; so charge from a few microvolts (10-6) to a few thou-
is quantized. Because all matter contains sand volts. In electrophysiology, mea-
charges, the term charge generally refers sured potentials arise from the separa-
to net charge imbalance. The unit for mea- tion of charged atoms or molecules
suring charge, called a coulomb, equals within the biochemical structures. Active
the charge on about 6.25 X 1018 elec- transport of ions across a cell membrane
trons. The symbol "Q" commonly repre- exemplifies the expenditure of energy to
sents the quantity of charge in equations. separate charges, giving rise to a voltage
Charged particles exert force on each difference.
other, called the electrostatic force, de-
pending on the amount of charge and the
distance between them. Charges of oppo- *Recall that energy = force x distance (1 joule = 1
site polarity exert forces of attraction to- newton x 1 meter).
Appendix 2: Fundamentals of Electronics 863

Current temperature, voltage, or current, but often

is assumed to be constant, for simplicity.
Charge can move from one place to an- The units of resistance are called ohms:
other by the motion of charged particles.
Charge imbalance also propagates within
conducting materials, perhaps like bil-
liard balls in a row translate an impact. Resistances typically involved in common
The latter mechanism transfers charge electronic circuits range from almost zero
much faster than particle motion. Current, ohms to several megohms (106 ohms). The
measured in amperes (also called amps), 3
unit kilohms (10 ohms) is also frequently
is the rate of charge flow. One ampere of used.
current is the flow of one coulomb per sec-
ond. Currents typically encountered in
common electronic applications range
from microamps to several amps. Power
Power is the time rate of energy flow. For
Resistance steady conditions:
Regardless of how charge propagates or
through a material, its flow results in some
conversion of electric energy into heat. One Energy = Power X Time
might think of it as charge-carrying parti- The unit of power, a watt, equals 1 joule
cles colliding with other atoms. The terms of energy per second. From the definition
conductor, semiconductor, and insulator re- of voltage above, energy in a charge flow
fer to the ease with which current flows equals the voltage (difference) times the
through a material. The loss of electric en- amount of charge. Because current is the
ergy manifests as a decreasing potential in time rate of charge flow, then
the direction of the current flow. The term
resistance quantifies this effect. Resistance
is the ratio of this voltage difference be-
tween two points to the current flow: = Voltage X Current
So the units of power also equal volts
times amps, often abbreviated VA.
from which derives the more familiar form
of OHM'S LAW: For example, if the headlights of an auto-
Voltage = (Resistance) X (Current) mobile draw 25 amps from the 12 volt bat-
tery, the total headlight power equals 300
and also watts.
Using Ohm's law, the power ("P") in a
resistor is also calculated in the following
Using the symbol "R" for resistance, and
the symbol 'T for current ("C" being re-
served for capacitance), these forms of
OHM'S LAW are often expressed as

A good conductor has a relatively low value Circuits and Schematics

of resistance, and a good insulator has a
relatively high value of resistance, the Car headlights are an example of an elec-
value judgment depending on the appli- tric circuit, an interconnection of compo-
cation. The resistance ratio may vary with nents such that currents flow in one or
864 Appendices

more closed loops. Electrical systems take

the form of circuits so that charge does
not accumulate at any one point. Appen-
dix Figure 2-1 shows the headlight circuit
A schematic diagram of an electrical cir-
cuit shows symbols for the various com-
ponents and shows how they are inter-
connected. Most circuits of interest
contain at least one source of energy, at
least one component to dissipate energy Appendix Figure 2-2. Resistances in paralell. A
(a load), conductors connecting the com- schematic of the headlight circuit with more lights.
ponents together, and some means of con-
trolling the flow of energy. Schematics Kirchhoff's current law for electric cir-
model real circuits by a number of sim- cuits:
plifying approximations.
The solid lines represent ideal (zero-re- The sum of all currents into a node equals the
sistance) conductors, which interconnect sum of all currents leaving a node.
the components. Ideal sources of energy Resistances connected each end to each
are the constant-voltage source and the end, as in Appendix Figure 2-2, are in par-
constant-current source. A battery is a allel Each resistance has the same volt-
fair approximation to an ideal voltage age across it. Thus the current in each re-
source. A fixed resistance models the load sistor can be calculated by Ohm's law,
that the headlights represent. giving the total current from the battery
Resistors in Parallel
Suppose more headlights were connected
across the battery in the circuit in Ap- which manipulates to
pendix Figure 2-1. The schematic of the
circuit could be drawn as in Appendix Fig-
ure 2-2. It would seem reasonable that
the total current from the battery would or
equal the sum of the individual load cur-
rents. Indeed, at any circuit node, a point
where two or more conductors connect,
charge does not accumulate. This leads to
From Ohm's law, the above expression for
E/I is the effective resistance of the whole
circuit in Appendix Figure 2-2. In general,
the equivalent resistance of "n" resistors
in parallel equals

Note that the equivalent resistance of two

or more resistors in parallel is always less
than any one of the individual resistors.
If there are more paths along which cur-
rent can flow, there is less equivalent
resistance. Also, the total power in the cir-
Appendix Figure 2-1. Schematic diagram of a
headlight circuit. The switch controls the current by cuit, the sum of the power in each indi-
opening and closing the conducting path. The zigzag vidual resistance, equals the power cal-
line is a symbol for resistance. culated for the equivalent resistance.
Appendix 2: Fundamentals of Electronics 865

Resistors in Series To apply Kirchhoffs voltage law to the

series circuit in Appendix Figure 2-3, one
The circuit in Appendix Figure 2-3 shows follows the direction of assumed current
several resistors connected to a battery in around the loop and adds the voltages al-
series. A series connection of two compo- gebraically. A voltage source has a fixed
nents means they have a node in common voltage across it regardless of the current
that does not connect anywhere else. By magnitude or direction through it. From
Kirchhoffs current law, above, the same Appendix Figure 2-3 this process yields
current must flow in all components con- E = (I X R1) + (I X R2) = I X (R1 + R2)
nected in series. Kirchhqff's voltage law
for electric circuits states: So for resistors in series:
Around any closed loop, the algebraic sum of the
voltage differences between nodes equals zero. Again, the total power in the circuit, the
This is analogous to a principle in physics sum of the power in each resistor, equals
that the potential energy of an object de- the power in the equivalent resistance.
pends only on its height and not on the
path it followed to get there. Similarly, the
voltage at any node does not depend on Voltage Dividers
the circuit path followed for computing it.
To apply Kirchhoffs voltage law, one In the series circuit, the total voltage
must establish a convention for the po- across the resistors equals the applied
larity of voltages in relation to the current. voltage from the battery. With the same
First, one assumes a direction for the loop current in all resistors, the voltage across
current. Engineers often use the "positwe- each is proportional to its resistance. The
cwrent" convention, that current entering applied voltage is "divided up" propor-
a resistor makes that end of the resistor tionately to the respective resistances.
positive. Many electronics texts will use Taking the negative battery node in Ap-
the "negative-current" convention, that cur- pendix Figure 2-3 as the zero reference
rent entering a resistor makes that end point, the voltage across R3 is given by
negative. The polarity of the convention is VR3 =
irrelevant as long as it is consistently ap-
plied to all components. Following either
convention and using Kirchhoffs voltage
law, above, results in a correct magnitude A fraction of the voltage applied to the se-
for the current, with a negative value if ries circuit of resistors appears across
the assumed direction was wrong. Apply- R3. This frequently used voltage divider
ing the same convention with the correct arrangement provides a voltage output
currents will yield correct polarities for all that is always a fixed fraction of the volt-
component voltages. age input.


When a nonconducting region of space

separates two conducting regions, charge
cannot flow through the nonconducting
medium. Within the conducting regions,
charge can flow freely and distributes so
there are no voltage gradients. If one con-
Appendix Figure 2-3. resistors in series. The di-
ducting region has a charge different from
rection of the current follows the ppositive-current the charge in the other, a voltage gradi-
convention, as it does in Appendix Figures 2-1 and ent or electric field exists across the in-
2-2. sulating medium. For a steady charge
866 Appendices

difference, a fixed voltage difference is es- source causes a momentary surge of cur-
tablished between the conducting regions. rent while one plate acquires a positive
The physical properties of the noncon- charge and the other, a negative charge.
ducting material and the geometry of the When the voltage across the capacitor
regions determine the amount of voltage equals the voltage source, no current
for a given charge. The constant charge- flows. When the voltage source is discon-
to-voltage ratio is called the capacitance. nected, the charges remain on the plates
Different insulating materials, like air, and the voltage remains across them. If
glass, or plastics, affect the capacitance, connected to a resistor, the charged ca-
compared with that of a vacuum. The elec- pacitor can supply current until its charges
tric field polarizes atoms or molecules of dissipate.
the dielectric material. Their alignment With a constant current into a capaci-
with the field reduces the voltage for a tor, the charge and the voltage increase
given charge, increasing the capacitance linearly with time. A current of 1 amp
ratio. Some materials yield several thou- charges a 1 farad capacitor linearly to 1
sand times the capacitance of a vacuum, volt in 1 second, a total charge of 1
the ratio called the dielectric constant coulomb. Because current is the time rate
A capacitor, a two-terminal circuit ele- of charge, the rate of change (derivative)
ment, provides a certain amount of ca- of voltage across a capacitor is propor-
pacitance between its terminals. Although tional to its current. Put another way, the
many geometries of construction are voltage across a capacitor is proportional
used, the capacitor is often conceptual- to the integral of the current through it.
ized as two parallel, rectangular plates of This is a mathematical way to define the
metal separated by an insulator. As in Ap- capacitive circuit element.
pendix Figure 2-4, the schematic symbol The property of having this voltage/cur-
for a capacitor is two separated, parallel rent relationship, or the ability to store
plates. The unit of capacitance, a farad charge, is useful in many electronic cir-
(F), equals one coulomb per volt. This is cuits. A capacitance tends to oppose
a very large unit in most typical electronic rapid changes of voltage across it, be-
work. A 1 farad parallel-plate capacitor cause that requires large currents. A cer-
with 1 mm air dielectric would have plates tain amount of capacitance exists be-
about 10.5 km square. More common tween any two insulated conductors, for
units of capacitance are the microfarad example, between power lines on a pole
(uf = 10-6 F), nanofarad (nf = 10-9 F), and the earth. This "stray" capacitance
and picofarad (pf = 10- 12 F). must frequently be considered in elec-
Connecting a capacitor across a voltage tronic circuits. In the electrophysiology of
excitable membranes, the capacitance of
the membrane plays a considerable part.
The very thin membrane, separating re-
gions of fluid with different potentials,
forms a relatively large capacitance be-
tween the interior and the exterior of the
cell: on the order of 1 /xf/cm2. This cell
membrane capacitance plays a major role
in the timing of cell depolarization and re-

RC Time-Constant Circuit
Appendiz Figure 2-4. The paralell-plate capacitor Consider a charged capacitor suddenly
and the schematic symbol for capacitance. Capaci- connected in parallel with a resistor (App.
tance is proportional to the area of the plates and
inversely proportional to the distance between them. Fig. 2-5). At any instant, the current
The constant depends on the insulating material be- equals the voltage divided by the resis-
tween the plates. tance. The charge on the capacitor will
Appendix 2: Fundamentals of Electronics 867

where the constant "e" (-2.7183 . . . ) is

a special number such that:

The factor RC, resistance times capaci-

tance, has units of seconds and is called
the time constant of the circuit, or of the
exponential equation. The time constant
equals the time it would take the voltage
or current to reach zero if the discharge
maintained its initial rate. Instead, the
rate declines, and the discharge theoreti-
cally takes an infinite time to reach zero,
Appendix Figure 2-5. Schematic of the RC dis- although, for practical purposes, it ap-
charge circuit. The switch closes at time t = 0. proaches zero in about five time con-
stants. At the end of any interval of one
time constant, the voltage is about 37 per-
dissipate through the resistor until the cent of its value at the beginning. There-
voltage and current both go to zero. From fore, after five time constants, the voltage
the definition of capacitance, the rate of will be less than 1 percent of its initial
voltage decline equals the rate of charge value.
decline divided by the capacitance. Thus,
at any instant, the rate of voltage decline
equals the current divided by the capaci- Capacitors in Parallel
tance. As the current decreases, the rate
of voltage decline decreases. The rate of Consider two capacitors connected in par-
discharge will be greatest initially and will allel, as in Appendix Figure 2-7. The volt-
also go to zero. Expressed mathematically, age across both capacitors must be the
same. The total charge in the combination
is the sum of the charges on each capac-
itor. Thus, the equivalent capacitance of
capacitors in parallel, the total charge di-
The solution of this differential equation vided by the voltage, equals the sum of
for the voltage during discharge is an ex- the individual capacitances:
ponential function of time (shown in App.
Fig. 2-6). Assuming the resistor is con-
nected at t = 0,
Capacitors in Series
so, Consider two capacitors connected in se-
ries, as in Appendix Figure 2-8. Any cur-
rent in one capacitor must pass through

Appendix Figure 2-6. RC discharge voltage curve. Appendix Figure 2-7. Capacitors in parallel. The
After one time constant, the voltage is about 37 per- equivalent capacitance is the sum of the individual
cent of its initial value. capacitances.
868 Appendices

ena. Certain ferromagnetic metals and

compounds display "permanent" magnet-
ism due to the way the spinning charges,
which are currents, of the atoms align
themselves. Some fundamental mecha-
nism, called magnetism, couples force be-
tween charged particles in motion. The
magnetic field in a region is a description
of the force that would be exerted on a
unit magnetic dipole at any point.
Appendix Figure 2-8. Capacitance in series. The Thus a flowing current has a magnetic
equivalent capacitance is less than the smallest, as field. Also, when a moving charge en-
is the case with resistances in parallel. counters a magnetic field from another
source, it experiences a force. Certain
geometries of current allow mathemati-
the other, so the charges on each capac- cally tractable magnetic field solutions—
itor must be the same. This charge, Q, is for example, current flowing in a line, as
the integral of current over all time up to in a wire, or current flowing around a
the present and thus is also the charge in cylinder, as in a coil of wire. The magnetic
the equivalent capacitance. Dividing this field intensity at a point is directly pro-
charge by the total voltage across the com- portional to the current. A steady current
bination yields the equivalent capacitance has a constant magnetic field. Establish-
of capacitors in series: ing this field, however, stores energy in
some mechanism; energy is absorbed if
the current is increasing or released if the
current is decreasing. We say energy is
"stored in the magnetic field," or the mag-
netic field "collapses." Current and mag-
netic field energy have a relationship
quantitatively like velocity and kinetic en-
The charge on a capacitor represents ergy. Taking a mass from rest to some ve-
some stored energy, equal to the work ex- locity absorbs energy, but no energy is re-
pended to move the charge there. In the quired to maintain that velocity. An
ideal (lossless) capacitor, this amount of opposing force that reduces the velocity
energy is available for release to the rest transfers energy into that force mecha-
of the electrical circuit. It can be shown nism. The property of an electric circuit
that the energy stored in a capacitor with equivalent to the mass in this analogy is
capacitance "C," voltage "V," and charge called inductance.
"Q" is

Magnetic Inductance
5 INDUCTANCE The name inductance comes from "in-
duce." A time-varying magnetic field will
induce current in a closed conducting
Magnetic Fields and Magnetism loop. A varying current in one coil induces
a voltage across the open ends of another
A moving charge has an associated mag- coil in the same field. This is called mu-
netic field. "Magnetic field" has no better tual inductance. A changing magnetic field
theoretical explanation than "charge." will also induce a current flow within any
Like charge, it has axiomatic descriptions conducting material in the region of the
in terms of observed forces and electrical field. Magnetic stimulation in electromyo-
interactions. Historically, the laws of mag- graphy relies on this principle to induce
netics arose empirically to form a consis- excitation current within the body fluid.
tent quantitative theory of the phenom- The increasing magnetic field of a coil
Appendix 2: Fundamentals of Electronics 869

with increasing current induces a voltage over the rate of current change, has units
across the same coil, with a polarity that of volts per amp-per-second or volt-sec-
reflects the energy absorption. The de- onds per amp, called henries. One henry
creasing magnetic field of a decreasing of inductance has a 1 volt differential
current induces a voltage across the coil, when its current has a gradient of 1 amp
with a polarity that reflects energy return. per second. This is a large unit in many
This phenomenon is called self-induc- applications (except power transformers),
tance. and the units of millihenry and micro-
An inductor is a two-terminal circuit el- henry are commonly used. A coil of 50
ement providing a certain amount of in- turns of wire on a nonmagnetic core 2 cm
ductance. Generally made from coiling long and 1 cm2 in area has an inductance
some wire around a form or core, the two of about 15 microhenries.
ends of the wire coil become the two ter- A coil in a vacuum has a certain in-
minals. A coiled wire is the schematic trinsic inductance for a given geometry.
symbol for inductance, as in Appendix The same coil wound around various ma-
Figure 2-9. The common symbol for terials may have more or less inductance
amount of inductance in equations is "L" than in a vacuum, depending on how the
(derivation unknown). Coiling a wire in- atoms interact with a magnetic field and
creases the inductance to a useful level, how well the material conducts induced
although any conductor carrying current currents. Like the dielectric constant in
has some inductance. An ideal inductor capacitors, the property called magnetic
has zero resistance between the termi- permeability changes the amount of en-
nals, and the inductance value is inde- ergy stored for a given current. Noncon-
pendent of current. In real inductors, the ducting ferromagnetic materials have high
wire has some resistance, and the core permeability. Some materials have rela-
material has different magnetic properties tive permeabilities of several thousand.
at different field strengths, making the in- Inductors wound on high-permeability
ductance nonlinear. Inductors are less cores have a useful property, their mag-
frequently seen in most electronic circuits netic fields concentrated primarily within
than capacitors. the core. The magnetic permeability of
With zero resistance in an ideal induc- materials varies greatly, however, with
tor, the only voltage across its terminals magnetic field strength; the core tends to
is that induced by a changing magnetic "saturate" and lose permeability as the
field. If we assume no magnetic fields from field strength increases. This makes the
any other circuits, the inductor voltage is inductance vary with current and makes
directly proportional to its rate of current circuits using such an inductor nonlin-
change. Inductance, the ratio of voltage ear.

RL Time-Constant Circuit
As a circuit element, the ideal inductor
has a voltage proportional to the deriva-
tive of its current or a current proportional
to the integral of its voltage. This volt-
age/current relationship is another way
of defining an inductor as a circuit ele-
ment. Inductance in a circuit tends to op-
pose rapid changes in current, because
that requires large voltages. Consider a
series circuit of a resistor and an induc-
Appendix Figure 2-9. An Inductance and its
tor (App. Fig. 2-10) suddenly connected
schematic symbol. Because of energy storage in its to a voltage source (at t = 0). The sum of
magnetic field, the voltage across an inductance is the resistor and inductor voltages equals
proportional to the rate of change of its current. the source, a constant. The inductor volt-
870 Appendices

Leq = V/(dI/dt) = (V1+V 2 )/(dI/dt) =

L1 + Ls {+ . . . + Ln}

By analysis similar to that used for resis-

tors in parallel, with rate of current
change instead of current, the equivalent
inductance of inductors in parallel is given

Appendix Figure 2-10. RL time-constant circuit. which is the same relationship as for re-
The current in the inductor rises exponentially to its sistors in parallel.
final value. The magnetic field around an inductor
carrying current represents some stored
energy, equal to the work required to es-
age equals the source voltage minus the
tablish the field. In an lossless inductor,
current times the resistance. The induc-
this same amount of energy is available
tor voltage also equals the derivative of the
for release to the rest of the electric cir-
current times the inductance. Analogous cuit. It can be shown that the energy
to the capacitor discharge (above), a dif- stored in inductance "L," with current "I,"
ferential equation describes the resulting equals: LI2/2
current, an exponential rise to the final
value. Expressing this mathematically:
Two coils sufficiently close together that
whose solution is their magnetic fields occupy significant
common space have mutual inductance
between the separate coil circuits. A
where T = L/R, with units of seconds, is changing current in one coil induces a
the time constant of the circuit. voltage in the other. The transformer, a
At first, the current is zero, and the full common electronic circuit component,
voltage appears across the inductor. The utilizes this effect. When both coils are
current in an inductance cannot change wound on a highly permeable core, the en-
instantaneously. Then the current rises ergy coupling between the two becomes
exponentially to its final value of E/R, very efficient. Power transfers from one
while the inductor voltage goes to zero. coil to the other with little loss. Trans-
formers proportionately increase or de-
crease voltages or currents, and they cou-
Inductors in Series and Parallel ple energy from one circuit to another
without a charge conducting path.
Consider circuits that have two inductors An ideal transformer, a four-terminal
in parallel or in series under the condi- circuit element, multiplies the voltage
tion that the two fields do not significantly across two of the terminals by a constant,
overlap (not coupled). Two inductors in se- the turns ratio, to the other two terminals.
ries have the same current, the same de- Because power remains the same, the
rivative of current, and the same polarity current is divided by the same constant.
of voltage in relation to the current. There- Two of the terminals are one coil, often
fore, the voltage across the series combi- called the "primary" winding, and the
nation is the sum of the voltages across other two terminals are the "secondary"
each, and the equivalent inductance winding, with infinite resistance between
equals the sum of the individual induc- the windings (App. Fig. 2-11).
tances (the same relationship as resistors Practical transformers have limitations
in series). of power loss, maximum power capability,
Appendix 2: Fundamentals of Electronics 871

Appendix Figure 2-12. The sine function.

Appendix Figure 2-11. Transformer symbols. The odic. For example, the potential between
ideal transformer and a simple linear model of a real a pair of skin electrodes has a nonzero av-
transformer. erage value attributable to metal/elec-
trolyte interfaces. Subtracting this aver-
age value leaves the AC component, a
and frequency of fluctuations. Real wind- varying potential that includes biopoten-
ings have some resistance in the wire. tials, noise, and interference.3
Core materials lose their effective perme-
ability at higher frequencies of field fluc-
tuation. Also, at very low frequencies, AC Circuit Laws
losses become greater than the energy
transfer, and transformers become im- DC circuit theory, the circuit laws and cal-
practical. In the limit, a constant current culations considered above, extends to
in one coil does not induce any voltage in circuits excited by AC sources. A sinu-
the other. soidal source causes sinusoidal voltages
and currents of the same frequency
throughout any linear circuit. One can
6 AC CIRCUITS represent such values in the circuit by
amplitude and phase information only.
The common measure of AC amplitude,
The term "AC," for alternating current, has the "RMS value," stands for root mean
two meanings in electronics. The literal square, the square root of the time aver-
meaning refers to voltages or currents age of the waveform squared. The RMS
that reverse in polarity at regular inter- amplitude of a voltage or current equals
vals, especially sinusoidal waveforms. The the constant (DC) magnitude that has the
output of a rotating generator or alterna- same power, that is, the same heating ef-
tor has a sinusoidal shape. A coil rotat- fect in a resistor. Referring to an ordinary
ing in a fixed magnetic field generates volt- outlet as "110 volts" means that the AC
age proportional to the sine of the angle potential has an RMS value of 110 volts.
between the coil plane and the field. This This sinusoidal voltage typically has a fre-
kind of AC, as shown in Appendix Figure quency of 60 cycles per second (called
2-12, is completely characterized by a fre- Hertz), with peak voltages of about +155
quency, an amplitude, and a "phase." The volts and -155 volts during the cycle.
phase specifies the time shift of the wave-
form, in degrees of angle (360 degrees =
1 cycle), relative to a reference sine wave Impedance and Reactance
of the same frequency.
Another common meaning for "AC" in In purely resistive AC circuits, the phase
electronics is that portion of a fluctuating of all voltages and currents remains the
voltage or current with zero average value same. One can solve for the AC values ex-
over a long time as opposed to the "DC" actly as with DC circuits, by using RMS
(for direct current) component, which is the amplitudes. For example, in the headlight
long-term average value. AC fluctuations circuit of Appendix Figure 2-1, if the volt-
could be complex, random, or nonperi- age source was 12 volts AC (RMS), then
872 Appendices

the current would be 25 amps AC (RMS),

and the average power would still be 300
If the circuit contains capacitors or in-
ductors, however, the analysis gets more
complex. AC voltages or currents from si-
nusoidal sources have the same frequency,
but have different phases throughout the
circuit. Thus, RMS amplitudes alone do not
specify the AC values, and RMS values of
different phases do not add or subtract Appendix Figure 2-14. AC voltage and current in
directly. an inductor. The voltage leads the current by 90 de-
If a sinusoidal current passes through grees.
a capacitor, the AC voltage across the ca-
pacitor "lags" the current in phase by 90
degrees. When the current is crossing The magnitude of inductive reactance
zero, reversing polarity, the voltage is at increases with increasing frequency while
a peak, reversing slope. When the current the phase remains +90 degrees. A more
is at a peak, the voltage is crossing zero, rapid current variation through an in-
the point of maximum slope. One could ductor (at constant amplitude) induces a
also say the current "leads" the voltage by greater voltage across it. The inductive re-
90 degrees, as shown in Appendix Figure actance of an inductance value "L" equals
2-13. (277fL).
For an inductor, the roles of voltage and The magnitude of capacitive reactance
current are reversed from above. The volt- decreases with increasing frequency while
age leads the current, or the current lags the phase remains -90 degrees. A more
the voltage, by 90 degrees, as shown in rapid voltage variation across a capacitor
Appendix Figure 2-14. (at constant amplitude) requires greater
For any component or combination of current flow. The capacitive reactance of
components in an AC circuit, the ratio of a capacitance value "C" equals l/(27rfC).
voltage to current is called the impedance,
analogous to DC resistance in Ohm's law.
Whereas resistance is a constant, imped- AC Power
ance is a two-dimensional quantity, re-
quiring the specification of magnitude and An ideal reactance does not dissipate any
phase angle, both of which may vary with energy. Energy may be stored or released,
frequency. The impedance of a pure ca- but none is lost. The instantaneous power
pacitor or inductor is called a reactance. in a capacitor or inductor, the instanta-
An arbitrary impedance (any phase angle) neous voltage times current, can be posi-
can be divided into resistive and reactive tive or negative, but the average power
components. equals zero. Distributed resistance ac-
counts for the power loss in real reactances.


In electronics, a filter usually means a cir-

cuit that passes some bands of frequency
while attenuating others. The effects of fil-
ters are often displayed in the "frequency
domain" by graphing the output magni-
Appendix Figure 2-13. AC voltage and current in tude or the attenuation ratio versus fre-
a capacitor. The voltage lags the current by 90 de- quency for constant-amplitude sine wave
grees. inputs. Examples of electronic filters are
Appendix 2: Fundamentals of Electronics 873

Appendix Figure 2-15. Ideal and practical filter re- Appendix Figure 2-17. RC low-pass filter-network.
sponse curves. A. Low-pass. B. High-pass. A. Schematic. B. Attenuation curve. C. Phase curve.

bass and treble tone controls or graphic dix Figure 2-17B shows its attenuation
equalizers in stereo music systems. The curve. At very low frequencies the capac-
most common types of filters are low-pass itor has high impedance and causes neg-
(high-cut), high-pass (low-cut), band-pass ligible attenuation. At very high frequen-
(low- and high-cut), and notch (center- cies the capacitor impedance approaches
cut) filters. Appendix Figure 2-15 shows zero, as does the output magnitude. The
real and ideal response curves for high- transition from pass-band to stop-band
pass and low-pass filters. occurs gradually, with no sudden discon-
Complex signals composed of a spec- tinuities in real filters. The frequency
trum of frequencies, such as a voice sig- where the attenuation ratio equals 0.707
nal or a compound action potential, can (-3 dB) is called the "break" or "corner"
often only be described as a graph of com- frequency, where output power equals one
ponent magnitudes versus frequency. half of the input power. This is also the
Multiplying such a graph times the at- frequency where the magnitude of the ca-
tenuation curve of a filter, point by point pacitive reactance equals the resistance,
in frequency, yields the frequency spec- leading to the break frequency equation
trum of the output signal passed through in Appendix Figure 2-17B. This comer fre-
the filter, as shown in Appendix Figure quency is generally taken as the cutoff
2-16. point, making the pass band of the low-
The simple RC network in Appendix Fig- pass filter from DC (0 Hz) to the break
ure 2-17A forms a low-pass jitter. Appen- frequency.
To specify a filter response curve com-
pletely, one must also specify the phase of
the output relative to the sine wave input
at each frequency. Appendix Figure 2-17C
shows the phase response of the RC low-
pass filter. Note that significant phase shift
occurs at frequencies where the amplitude
attenuation is still relatively insignificant.
A negative (lagging) phase indicates a de-
lay in the sine wave response and, indeed,
in the time response to a transient signal.
Lowpass filters increase the latency of fast
peaks and limit the speed of transition at
the output, or the rise and fall times of a
"square-wave" input. Appendix Figure
Appendix Figure 2-16. Frequency-domain effects 2-18 shows the effect of low-pass filtering
of band-pass filtering. on a calibrating signal.
874 Appendices

Appendix Figure 2-18. Time-domain effects of low- Appendix Figure 2-20. Effect of high-pass filter on
pass filtering. Note the slowing of abrupt transitions square-wave (calibrating) signal.
in the square-wave (calibrating) signal, creating a de-
These simple RC high- and low-pass fil-
ters, called first order, have an attenua-
The RC network of Appendix Figure tion slope in the stop band proportional
2-19A forms a simple high-pass filter, with to frequency; attenuation doubles at each
the attenuation curve shown in Appendix octave of frequency. Higher order filters
Figure 2-19B. At very high frequencies the can have more abrupt descent into the
capacitor has low impedance and causes stop band, but also have greater phase
negligible attenuation. At very low fre- shift in the pass band and sharper phase
quencies the capacitor impedance be- transitions near the corner frequency.
comes very large, and the output ampli- Higher order or multistage filters can have
tude approaches zero. The break frequency complex, biphasic responses to sharp
of this high-pass filter has the same value transitions or spikes, which may mimic or
as the RC low-pass filter (above). mask physiologic responses.
The phase response of this high-pass fil- Band-pass filters are low-pass and
ter (App. Fig. 2-19C) has a phase lead of high-pass filters combined, with overlap-
45 degrees at the corner frequency, an ef- ping pass bands in the center. With a
fective negative delay for steady-state sine wide pass band, the two corner frequen-
wave inputs. This apparent anticipation is cies far apart, frequencies in the middle
indeed seen as reduced latency for tran- have little attenuation or phase distor-
sient signals with high-pass filtering, not tion. As the two corners become close to-
that the circuit could create a negative de- gether, making a narrow pass band,
lay, but because the attenuation of slowly phase shifts become significant and com-
varying components causes the response to plex in the pass band, causing distortion.
peak earlier at reduced amplitude. High- Sharp LC band-pass filters are used at
pass filters suppress a slowly varying base- radio frequencies for tuning. Amplifiers
line shift and cause a droop in the response for electromyog-raphy and other electro-
to square-wave signals, such as the cali- physiologic studies use wide band-pass
bration signal in Appendix Figure 2-20. filters, with adjustable low- and high-
frequency cutoffs, to eliminate baseline
shifts, undesirable components, and ex-
cessive noise.7,9,11
Notch filters pass all frequencies except
a small band. The common notch filter
encountered in electrophysiology is the
"60 Hz filter," generally optional to reduce
power line interference. Appendix Figure
2-21 shows a typical 60 Hz notch filter
amplitude and phase response. Although
good filters have extremely narrow ampli-
tude notches, the phase distortion can be
significant over a much broader band. In
electromyography, the use of notch filters
should be limited to cases where no
recording would be obtained otherwise
Appendix Figure 2-19. RC high-pass filter network. and the resulting measurements qualified
A. Schematic. B. Attenuation curve. C. Phase curve. in that light.10
Appendix 2: Fundamentals of Electronics 875

Appendix Figure 2-21. Amplitude and phase curves Appendix Figure 2-22. V/I curve of a semicon-
for 60-Hz notch filter. ductor diode.

8 SOLID-STATE DEVICES tics of nonlinear devices. Appendix Figure

2-22 shows the V/I curve of a semicon-
ductor diode. In the forward direction, the
Active and Passive current is essentially an exponential func-
Circuit Elements tion of voltage. In the reverse direction, a
small leakage current flows unless the re-
Passive devices, resistors, capacitors, in- verse voltage becomes sufficient to cause
ductors, and transformers have a con- breakdown of the diode.
stant proportionality between the voltage Diodes find frequent use in electronic cir-
and current at their terminals, at least cuits to restrict current flow to predomi-
within a range of linearity, and they add nantly one direction. Applied to an AC
no power to a circuit. An active device has source, this creates a unidirectional sup-
voltage/current relationships that can ply that can be filtered and regulated to be-
vary in response to some circuit parame- come a DC source. This conversion of AC
ter, and they can add power to the circuit. power into DC power is called rectification.
Diodes can switch currents between differ-
ent circuit paths, and they can implement
Diodes simple logic functions. Special diodes also
find use as light emitters (LEDs), light de-
An ideal diode, a two-terminal nonlinear tectors, voltage regulators, temperature
device, has zero resistance ("short circuit") sensors, and voltage-variable capacitors.
for current flowing in one direction and in-
finite resistance ("open circuit") for current
flowing in the other direction. Therefore, Transistors
one terminal is distinguished from the
other. Real diodes have some resistance to The name transistor was a contraction of
current in the "forward" direction, nonlin- "transfer resistor," referring to a model
ear with current; and they have leakage whereby a small current in one loop mod-
current and breakdown voltage in the "re- ulated the resistance, and therefore a larger
verse" direction. The name "diode" carries current, in another loop. This effect enables
over from the days of vacuum tubes, when the transistor to amplify the input current.
a tube with two electrodes created this ef- Transistors are made in crystals of pure
fect. Today, most diodes are made in the semiconducting elements, usually silicon,
solid state, in crystals of semiconducting by diffusing other elements into different
material like silicon or germanium, doped regions of the crystalline structure. In bipo-
in different regions with other elements to lar transistors, a small input current fa-
alter their conduction properties. cilitates current flow in the output circuit,
Graphs of current versus voltage, V/I and thus the input current variations can
curves, visually describe the characteris- be multiplied several hundred times in
876 Appendices

the output circuit. Field-effect transistors Transducers provide analog electrical sig-
(FETs) employ a different mechanism. The nals from various physical phenomena
input voltage creates an electrical field, such as pressure, oxygen concentration,
which modulates the transistor conductiv- light, temperature, muscle force, and so
ity in the output circuit, allowing large out- forth. Biopotentials are analog electrical
put currents to be controlled with very lit- fluctuations proportional to electrochem-
tle input current (or power). CMOS ical activities.
(complementary metal oxide silicon) tran- An electrical circuit ascribed to digital
sistors are a type of FET, with the input purposes has a discrete number of
insulated by silicon dioxide (glass). "states" represented by voltages or cur-
Transistors replaced vacuum tube am- rents within a certain range. For example,
plifers because of their smaller size and a wire from a switch to monitor the posi-
much greater power efficiency. Many elec- tion of a microwave oven door could have
tronic applications, such as calculators a potential in the range of 0 to 2 volts with
and computers, were very impractical or the door closed and in the range of 3 to
impossible with vacuum tube circuits, but 5 volts with the door open. The circuit de-
became practical, reliable, and inexpen- sign should keep the "door state" signal
sive with transistors. within the specified limits over all rea-
sonable conditions of variability, such as
temperature, supply voltage, and manu-
Integrated Circuits facturing tolerances. The range of 2 to 3
volts would be an indeterminate band in-
Integrated circuits contain many transis- dicating abnormal operation or failure.
tors, diodes, resistors, and capacitors in a From this one can see that a "digital"
single silicon crystal with interconnections voltage represents much less information
to form complex circuits. Using processes than an "analog" voltage, but the digital
with very small geometries, hundreds of voltage conveys its information with much
thousands of such components are inte- greater reliability and accuracy.
grated on chips several millimeters square. The most commonly used digital circuits
Functions available as integrated circuits have just two states, variously named
include logic blocks, amplifiers, micro- on/off, true/false, high/low, or active/in-
processors, memory blocks, speech syn- active. A digital system could assign three
thesizers, and filters. or more states to an electrical quantity, but
Circuit integration has many advan- that would reduce reliability and increase
tages. Complex functions occupy a small complexity. Instead, to convey more infor-
space, with few external interconnections. mation, more digital circuits are used si-
Less stray capacitance allows lower power multaneously. The major advantage of a
levels and higher speeds. This results in digital system is its immunity to electrical
greater reliability at a lower cost and re- noise, interference, and component toler-
pair by replacement. A host of standard ances. The major disadvantage of digital
integrated circuits solve many design circuits is that they limit information to a
problems with a building-block approach. discrete number of choices.
Integrated circuit technology continues to Many applications lend themselves well
evolve in speed and complexity. to digital representations by nature. Inte-
ger arithmetic involves numbers as a se-
ries of digits; each digit has a discrete num-
9 DIGITAL ELECTRONICS ber of values. Many operations of machines
or processes occur as a number of states.
A common furnace thermostat is a good
Digital and Analog Circuits example of a digital circuit, because the
furnace fire is either on or off to regulate
An electrical circuit used for analog pur- temperature, not proportionally controlled.
poses means that a voltage or current is Digital circuits can perform the mathe-
proportional to some measurement that matical "logic" involved in many control
varies in a continuous (smooth) fashion. procedures: "IF the door is open, THEN dis-
Appendix 2: Fundamentals of Electronics 877

able all control buttons, AND IF the mi- Appendix Table 2-1 Powers of Two
crowave power is on, THEN stop it." Bits No. of Combinations Name
8 256 Byte
10 1024 Kilobyte
Mathematical Logic 16 65,536 Word
20 1,048,576 Megabyte
30 1,073,741,824 Gigabyte
Boolean algebra, the mathematics of vari- 40 1,099,511,627,776 Terabyte
ables having only two states, is often
called logic when considering the states as
"true" or "false." Using voltages to repre- acters in the digit set. The binary number
sent these states, digital circuits can per-
form Boolean operations on variables. A system has only two characters, 0 and 1,
combinational logic system has variables and thus requires many more digits to
derived only from operations on the cur- represent a number than the decimal sys-
rent states of other variables. Sequential tem. Each digit place of a binary repre-
logic involves variables depending also on sentation is called a bit, from the con-
the past states of variables. Introducing traction of "binary digit."
the concept of past states requires the Computer systems do counting and
system to have memory and a sense of arithmetic in the binary system because
time passage, a clock. of the reliability of on/off digital circuits.
The basic operations of combinational This use of binary is usually transparent
logic, AND, OR, and NOT, together form to the user. Data are input and output in
more complex operations. The AND oper- decimal, freeing the user from any need
ator on two variables says to understand other number systems. It
is useful to know some of the powers of
If A is true and B is true, two, as these quantities often come up in
only then (A AND B) is true. computer use (App. Table 2-1).
The OR operator on two variables says
If A is true or B is true (or both), Representations
only then (A OR B) is true.
Converting an analog voltage into a digi-
The NOT operator inverts one variable: tal representation requires a device called
If A is true, then (NOT A) is false; an A-to-D converter, some analog and dig-
if A is false, then (NOT A) is true. ital circuits, which generate a binary
number proportional to the value of the
A combination of these gives the EXCLU- analog input voltage. The digital repre-
SIVE - OR (XOR) operation: sentation includes only a finite number of
If A is true or B is true, but not both, discrete values according to the number
only then (A XOR B) is true. of bits implemented. Dividing the analog
input range by the number of digital com-
(A XOR B) = (A OR B) AND binations gives the 1 bit resolution of
[(NOT A) or (NOT B)] the converter, the digitizing error of the
Large systems of combinational and se- process. A furnace thermostat makes an
quential circuits can implement very com- A-to-D conversion of the room tempera-
plex logic functions, such as a digital ture into a 1 bit (on/off) control signal cen-
watch or a computer. tered about the set point. An audio com-
pact disk contains the data from music
digitized with 20 bit conversions. Biopo-
Binary Number System tential averaging equipment may make 10
bit to 16 bit conversions of amplified elec-
Our decimal number system uses one of trode signals. This digital value represents
ten characters (0 to 9) in a digit place and the amplitude of the biopotential at one
as many digit places as necessary to rep- instant in time. Repeating the conversions
resent a number. Equally valid are other at sufficiently rapid rates allows the wave-
number systems with more or less char- form over a limited interval to be approx-
878 Appendices

imated by an array of digital values. Dig- Primer for Clinical Electromyographers. Mini-
ital circuits can then store and manipu- monograph #12, American Association of Elec-
tromyography and Electrodiagnosis, Rochester,
late the waveform as a set of numbers.1 MN, 1979.
The A-to-D conversion process requires 3. Geddes LA: Electrodes and the Measurement of
some amount of time, setting the mini- Bioelectric Events. John Wiley & Sons, New
mum time between samples, and thereby York, 1972.
maximum frequency resolution, of the 4. Grob B: Basic Electronics. McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1977.
analog waveform. The sampling speed de- 5. Heath Company: Heath Continuing Education
termines the memory requirements to Series in Electronics. Heath Company, Benton
store an analog signal as a set of sample Harbor, MI.
values, or the maximum interval one2 can 6. Herrick CN, Deem BR: Introduction to Electron-
ics. Goodyear Publishing Company Inc, Pacific
store in a given amount of memory. Palisades, CA, 1973.
D-to-A conversion, converting a digital 7. McGill KC, et al: On the Nature and Elimination
representation into a proportional analog of Stimulus Artifact in Nerve Signals Evoked and
voltage, results in only a discrete number Recorded Using Surface Electrodes. IEEE Trans
of steps in the "analog" output, of course. Biomed Eng BME-29:129, 1982.
8. Mottershead A: Introduction to Electricity and
Examples of D-to-A conversion include dri- Electronics. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1982.
ving an analog monitor display, generating 9. Reiner S, Begoft JB: Instrumentation. In John-
stored or synthesized sounds, or setting the son EW (ED): Practical Electromyography.
stimulus intensity by means of software. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1980.
10. Stolov W: Instrumentation and Measurement in
Electrodiagnosis. Minimonograph #16, Ameri-
can Association of Electromyography and Elec-
REFERENCES trodiagnosis, Rochester, MN, 1981.
11. Walker DD, Kimura J: A fast-recovery electrode
amplifier for electrophysiology. J Electroen-
1. Cooper R, Osselton JW, Shaw JC: EEG Tech- cephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 45:789, 1978.
nology, ed 3. Butterworth & Co, Boston, 1980. 12. Yanof HM: Biomedical Electronics, ed 2. FA
2. Gans BM: Signal Extraction and Analysis. A Davis, Philadelphia, 1972.
Appendix 3

Isolated Power Systems
Ground Fault Interrupters
Redundant Grounding


All personnel involved in recording bio-
electric potentials should be knowledge- In the United States, the common electri-
able about electrical safety. Electrical cal power is distributed from transform-
safety recommendations are concerned ers as 120 VAC (volts alternating current)
with detecting or preventing dangerous at 60 Hz frequency, as shown in Appen-
situations. Violating safety standards or dix Figure 3-1. The center wire of this
neglecting inspections could invalidate in- transformer supply, called the neutral or
surance coverage or accreditations. If an cold line, connects to the earth (ground).
accident occurs, individuals or institu- The other wires from the transformer,
tions could face charges of negligence or called the hot lines, have 120 VAC with
malpractice. In addition, some of the mea- respect to the neutral, and thus to the
sures intended to ensure safety also re- earth (240 VAC is available between the
duce artifacts and interference in the two hot phases for high-power equip-
recording. ment). Touching any hot line while in con-
The standards and recommendations tact with some conductive path to the
for electrical safety have changed fre- earth would cause a shock. In healthy
quently. Electromyographers and staff people, the sensation of shock from a
should understand not only the most cur- steady application of 60 Hz AC occurs
rent regulation but also the theory of elec- from about 1 mA of current and above.
trical safety. Thus, from a 120 VAC source, a conduc-
880 Appendices

Appendix Figure 3-1. 120 VAC power distribution circuit. The hot lines will supply current through any
path to ground.

tive path of 120 Kohms impedance or less where earth grounds abound, such as
could cause a shock. The impedance from bathrooms, kitchens, basements, out-
one hand to the other in grasping wires doors, or other wet areas. Most metal
is on the order of 50 Kohms, attributable plumbing pipes are good earth grounds.
almost entirely to the dry surface layer of Appendix Figure 3-2 shows equipment
the skin. The levels of current in this sit- leakage paths to its chassis. With good in-
uation cause a sensation of shock and a sulation, the resistive path should con-
jerk-back reflex. At somewhat higher cur- duct very little. The capacitive path is
rents, the shock itself may stimulate always present to some degree and ac-
nerves or muscles. A still higher current counts for most of the "normal" leakage
may tetanize muscles so that the person current. A hazard occurs if these leakage
cannot release the shock source. If paths become sufficient to conduct an un-
enough current flows across the body, it safe level of current.
will induce cardiac fibrillation. To reduce the hazard of leakage current,
In debilitated patients or those with the modern wiring systems incorporate a sep-
surface layer of skin penetrated by a con- arate earth ground wire in the outlets and
ductor, such as a needle, much less cur- power cords, sometimes called the third-
rent causes a serious shock. In these wire ground, or safety ground. These out-
"electrosensitive patients," as little as 50 lets and plugs have three pins: neutral,
microamps (uA) can cause cardiac fibril- hot, and earth ground. The earth ground
lation because of a direct path via a car- wire connects to the chassis of the equip-
diac catheter, for example.4 This has also ment and any other exposed metal, 5con-
been termed microshock. ducting the leakage current to earth. The
Any line-powered equipment, and espe- chassis remains at ground potential, and
cially devices that have a metallic case, no current flows to a grounded person, as
could be a safety hazard. Capacitance be- in Appendix Figure 3-3.
tween the case and wiring, fluids spilled The abundance of equipment and fluids
in the machine, or failed insulation could in the hospital environment demands a
provide an accessible conductive path to three-wire grounded electrical system for
the hot line. Leakage current will flow safety. The patient may also have abnor-
through such paths to any earth ground. mal susceptibility to shock because of
The hazard is greater, therefore, in areas health conditions or invasive attachments.
Appendix 3: Electrical Safety 881

Appendix Figure 3-2. Equipment leakage paths between the hot line and the chassis. A grounded person
touching this chassis would conduct the leakage current to earth.

Any equipment that is electrically con- Such a situation may call for portable
nected to the body presents a much greater electromyography, or patients may come
risk because the patient cannot quickly to the laboratory with ancillary equipment
break the conductive path by reflex. attached.
Several pieces of equipment in the same If any one machine has loss of ground,
room with a patient increase the electri- then patients touching it or connected to
cal hazard, especially if more than one is it would have their whole body at some AC
connected to the patient. This situation potential above ground due to its leakage
occurs commonly with multiple monitors current. The proximity of other machines
in operating rooms or intensive care units. increases the likelihood that the patient

Appendix Figure 3-3. The safety ground wire conducts leakage current in a three-wire system. Notice that ca-
pacitance between the hot and ground wires in the power cord adds some leakage current. If the ground con-
nection is broken at the plug ("X"), then this capacitance becomes an additional leakage path to the chassis.
882 Appendices

could also touch a ground, becoming a somehow, then leakage current could flow
path for that leakage current. If they are through a patient or operator to some
already connected to another machine, other ground. If, in addition, the leakage
these connections may conduct to ground current of the equipment is above safe
at that AC potential. In fact, some equip- limits, then a hazardous situation exists.
ment may ground the patient directly. Safety standards and recommendations
Another hazardous situation could arise attempt to prevent or detect this possibil-
from multiple equipment if the earth ity by testing the integrity of the ground
grounds at their various outlets have some system and the leakage current levels in
AC potential difference between them. As the absence of a ground.
little as 50 mV difference between the
grounds could cause a hazardous current
to flow through a patient from one ground 4 ADDITIONAL SAFETY
connection to the other. Voltage between CONCERNS
different grounds could result from fault
currents flowing in the ground, improper Appendix Tables 3-1 and 3-2 list some
wiring, or magnetic induction from other kinds of faults that can lead to electrical
wiring. The wiring in patient areas should hazards.
use a concept known as the "equipotential Several pieces of equipment in the same
ground bus." In this system, each of the re- room with a patient increase the likeli-
ceptacles in one room has a separate hood of electrical hazard, especially if
ground connection to a common point. more than one is connected to the patient.
That point ties to earth ground by a wire This situation occurs commonly with mul-
that does not connect anywhere else. tiple monitors in operating rooms or in-
The above hazards are greatly reduced tensive care units. Such a situation may
if all the patient connections from all the call for portable electromyography, or pa-
instruments are "isolated." An isolated tients may come to the laboratory with an-
connection will not conduct more than 20 cillary equipment attached.
uA even if its potential is 120 VAC to If any one machine has loss of ground,
ground. Patient leads are isolated by us- then a patient touching it or connected to
ing nonconductive coupling methods or it would have their whole body at some AC
current-limiting devices. Any isolation can potential above ground, due to its leakage
fail if subjected to voltages above its rat- current. The proximity of other machines
ing, and any isolated circuit has some increases the likelihood that the patient
small leakage current to ground. Battery- could also touch a ground, becoming a path
powered devices have no connection to for that leakage current. If they are already
earth and no hot power wires to leak. connected to another machine, then these
However, battery devices are not neces- connections may conduct to ground at that
sarily completely safe. Under fault condi- AC potential. In fact, some equipment may
tions they can supply enough current to ground the patient directly.
endanger the patient, for example, when Another hazardous situation could arise
fluid is spilled in a battery-powered in- from multiple equipment if the earth
strument. Hence, patient connections grounds at their various outlets have
should still have current-limiting devices,
especially with electrosensitive patients.
Table 3-1 Common Faults That
Could Result in Loss of Ground
3 THE SAFETY PROBLEM- Broken ground pin on equipment power cord
LEAKAGE CURRENT AND Broken ground wire in power cord
LOSS OF GROUND Poor ground connection inside equipment
Poor earth ground connection to outlet
Weak contact tension between outlet and plug
Corroded, bent, or broken pins on power cord or
The third-wire "safety" ground basically outlet
solves the problem of hazard from leak- Ground system defeated with two-pin adaptors or
age current provided that no components extension cords
of the system fail. If this connection opens Use of equipment in old or faulty wiring systems
Appendix 3: Electrical Safety 883

Table 3-2 Faults that Could Result in of hospitals, homes, and private offices.
Excessive Leakage Current These agencies provide publications of the
Failed insulation in equipment or cord regulations:
Fluid spilled in or on equipment
Use of extension cords on equipment National Fire Protection Association
Improperly wired outlets—reversed polarity or (NFPA), 1981
reversed neutral/ground Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Inc.,
Electrical faults in equipment circuits
Unapproved equipment 1980
Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Hospitals (JCAH), 1982
Veterans Administration (VA), 197812
some AC potential difference between
them. As little as 50 mV difference be- The section entitled Electricity in Health
tween the grounds could cause a haz- Care Facilities of the National Electrical
ardous current to flow through a patient Code of the NFPA (1981) specifies stan-
from one ground connection to the other. dards for the wiring of examination or care
Voltage between different grounds could areas. It requires that all patient areas
result from fault currents flowing in the have three-pin grounded outlets, where
ground, improper wiring, or magnetic in- the earth grounds are connected with a
duction from other wiring. The wiring in separate third wire. The use of metal con-
patient areas should use a concept known duits, raceways, or junction boxes to sup-
as the "equipotential ground bus." In this ply the earth ground connections is not
system, each of the receptacles in one adequate. Some older wiring systems may
room has a separate ground connection not comply with this specification even
to a common point. That point ties to though they have three-pin outlets.8
earth ground by a wire that does not con- UL's Standard for Medical and Dental
nect anywhere else.7 Equipment, UL544, contains specifica-
The above hazards are greatly reduced tions for the performance of equipment.
if all the patient connections from all the These include a variety of electrical and
instruments are "isolated." An isolated mechanical safety standards, as well as
connection will not conduct more than 20 labeling and documentation require-
uA even if its potential is 120 VAC to ments. To be listed as UL544 compliant,
ground. Patient leads are isolated by us- equipment must be submitted to UL for
ing nonconductive coupling methods or testing. The use of equipment without a
current-limiting devices. Any isolation can UL rating may invalidate accreditations or
fail if subjected to voltages above its rat- insurance coverage. Equipment that is UL
ing, and any isolated circuit has some rated will bear appropriate stickers or in-
small leakage current to ground. signia, usually on a rear 11
panel where elec-
Battery-powered devices have no con- trical ratings are listed.
nection to earth and no hot power wires The JCAH's Functional Safety and San-
to leak. However, battery devices are not itation (1982) and the Veterans Adminis-
necessarily completely safe. Under fault tration Circular 10-77-111 (1982) specify
conditions they can supply enough cur- the requirements for safety inspections.
rent to endanger the patient, for example, These are summarized in the Hospital
when fluid is spilled in a battery-powered Electrical Standards Symposium of the
instrument. Hence, patient connections American Society of Hospital Engineering
should still have current-limiting devices,9 (1981). These documents require records
especially with electrosensitive patients. of periodic safety inspections.6



The following are examples of agencies Safe laboratory protocol involves under-
that regulate the manufacture and main- standing, prevention, inspection, and
tenance of equipment as well as the wiring record keeping. The laboratory director
884 Appendices

has the ultimate responsibility for the es- the outlet should be neutral and the
tablishment and execution of safety pro- shorter slot hot. The ground pin of each
tocols. Personnel should have some for- outlet should be at neutral potential and
mal training in electrical safety theory and have a resistance to a common ground
practices and should receive annual re- point of not more than 0.1 ohms in sen-
views. Ideally, staff should understand the sitive patient areas and 0.2 ohms else-
basis of electrical safety so that they can where. The voltage on outlet grounds, rel-
react to unfamiliar situations. ative to a common ground point, should
Routine practices of prevention can not exceed 20 mV RMS in sensitive pa-
avoid or detect hazardous situations. All tient areas and 50 mV elsewhere.10
electrophysiologic examinations should Measuring the force required to extract
follow such practices as part of a written a pin from each outlet contact tests the
protocol. This is especially important in contact tension. This should be greater
portable recordings. Appendix Table 3-3 than 8 ounces. Hospital-grade outlets and
lists some common prevention measures. plugs have greater initial retention and
Periodic electrical inspections of equip- longer wear. Even these require periodic
ment and wiring are a required part of replacement.
safety protocol. Standards and guidelines Equipment must also be periodically
set by the JCAH, the NFPA, or the Na- tested for ground integrity and leakage
tional Electrical Code may apply. If such current. The resistance between the in-
inspection services are not available, lab- strument chassis and the ground pin on
oratory personnel may have to perform the power cord should not exceed 0.1
these tests themselves. A good safety test ohms while pulling and bending the cord
meter may cost from $500 to $2000 and in all directions for detection of intermit-
requires some training in its use. tent or weak connections.
Outlets and wiring in patient areas Instruments require testing for leakage
should be checked at least once a year. current to the chassis and each of the pa-
Checking every outlet for absence of tient leads, using a standard impedance
ground connection or reversal of hot and to simulate the body in a leakage circuit.
neutral tests the wiring. The longer slot of The standard impedance equals about

Table 3-3 Preventing Hazards

Remove any ungrounded devices (two-wire power cords) and nonessential battery-powered devices from
patient areas: TV, radio, clock, lamp, tape player
Keep liquids away from equipment. Spills on or in instruments can increase leakage current, corrode
ground connections, and cause equipment failures. Electrode creams contain conductive electrolytes
that can destroy electronics and corrode metals
Inspect all plugs for tightness in outlets. All the plugs and outlets should be hospital grade, identified
with a green dot. They have better retention, contact, and wear properties
Always pull plugs straight out of outlets when unplugging, not to the side or wiggling. Of course, never
pull plugs out by the power cord
Unplug equipment before moving it. Jerking the power cord may break the wire or insulation and may
damage the pins in the plug or outlet. Report any such accidents immediately, for proper testing and
repair of the equipment and the outlet
Check daily for wear or damage to power cords and plugs
Never use extension cords on equipment, even three-wire extension cords. The added length of a power
cord increases the capacitive leakage current between the hot wire and ground. The extra set of
contacts increases the chances of the ground connection failing
In familiar and unfamiliar settings, verify that all equipment near a patient connects only to outlets in the
same room
Never use two-pin outlets or two-pin adaptors
Never turn the main power to equipment on or off while it is connected to a patient. During these
transitions the electronics may not function normally
Locate the ground electrode on the same side of the body as the recording and stimulating electrodes
unless recording requirements absolutely dictate otherwise. This prevents leakage/fault currents from
flowing across the body, where they might affect the heart. When multiple Instruments are directly
connected to a patient, all the grounds should be on the same side of the body. This is especially
important if any of the ground leads is not isolated
Appendix 3: Electrical Safety 885

1000 ohms at 60 Hz. Leakage current to ductance to earth. A grounded person

the chassis, the 1RMS value in microam- could touch either one of the power lines
peres at 60 Hz, is measured with the directly and only conduct the leakage cur-
ground to the instrument open and the rent of the system.
standard impedance connected between Isolated power systems are commonly
the chassis and ground, under the condi- found in operating rooms. They usually
tions of equipment turned on and turned include some monitoring circuits that
off, and with the hot/neutral supply nor- sound an alarm if leakage limits are ex-
mal and reversed. The worst-case leakage ceeded. Isolation-monitoring circuits may
should not exceed 100 uA if the patient cause interference on the power lines,
ground lead has an isolator or 50 uA if which can cause artifacts in recording
the patient ground lead connects directly equipment. Leakages of large isolated
to the chassis. For electrosensitive pa- power systems are typically on the order
tients, the limit is 20 uA.2 of 1 mA, which is excessive for patient pro-
The leakage current of the patient leads, tection. Patient-connected equipment
including patient ground, is measured must still have safe leakage limits when
with the standard impedance between the used on isolated power.3
lead connection and ground, under the Isolated power systems are also found
conditions of equipment on and off, nor- on recording equipment that has several
mal and reverse line, and with the in- different line-powered devices, such as
strument ground connected and open. computers, printers, and monitors, often
Worst-case lead leakage should not ex- not designed for low leakage. The total
ceed 20 uA for electrosensitive patients leakage current of all these devices at the
and 50 uA elsewhere. common power cord would exceed safe
Isolated inputs are also tested for leak- limits. An internal isolation transformer
age with their potential at 120 VAC by reduces the total power-cord leakage of
connecting the standard impedance be- the equipment to that of the transformer.
tween the hot line and the lead input con-
nection. (Do not try this test with noniso-
lated inputs!) Under all of the above Ground Fault Interrupters
conditions, the worst-case leakage of iso-
lated inputs should not exceed 20 uA. A The ground fault interrupter (GFI), a de-
good safety meter has provision for read- vice in the power wiring, senses the
ily making all these types of measure- amount of line current flowing to earth
ments. and shuts off the power if this current to
The JCAH Accreditation Manual for earth exceeds a trip level, usually about
Hospitals requires that protocols and pro- 4 mA. Ground fault interrupters are com-
cedures be established for these inspec- mon, and generally required, for new
tions and that records of the periodic tests wiring installations in bathrooms,
be kept. Inspected equipment should bear kitchens, garages, and outdoors. For hos-
a dated safety sticker. pitals, however, their trip level is too high
to be adequate for patient protection in all
Redundant Grounding
Isolated Power Systems For additional safety against loss of
ground, some equipment has a redundant
In isolated power systems, the trans- ground wire independent of the power
former supplying the 120 VAC is not con- cord. Intensive care units and operating
nected to earth. Then the power lines are rooms typically have redundant-ground
no longer "hot" and "neutral," but "float" panels for this connection. With a redun-
with respect to earth; that is, neither line dant ground connected, the instrument
has more than some small leakage con- remains grounded, even if the power cord
886 Appendices

ground fails. This is recommended on 4. Dalziel CF: Electric Shock Hazards. IEEE Spec-
equipment for routine portable use. trum 9{2):41, 1972.
5. Hatch DJ, Raber MB: Grounding and Safety.
Much of the material in this appendix IEEE Trans Biomed Eng BME-22:62, 1975.
reflects the work of Mr. Peter J. Seaba, 6. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals:
MSEE, who co-authored this section in Functional Safety and Sanitation. In Accredita-
the first edition. tion Manual for Hospitals. Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Hospitals, Chicago, Illinois, 1982.
7. McPartland JF, McPartland JM, McPartland GI:
McGraw-Hill's National Electrical Code Hand-
book, ed 17. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1981.
REFERENCES 8. National Fire Protection Association: Article 517.
Health Care Facilities. In Klein BR (ed): National
Electrical Code, NFPA 70-1981. National Fire
1. AAMI: Safe Current Limits for Electromedical Protection Association, Boston, MA, 1981.
Apparatus. Association for the Advancement of 9. Seaba P: Electrical Safety. Am J EEG Technol
Medical Instrumentation (AAMI), Arlington, VA, 20:1, 1980.
1978. 10. Strong P: Grounding-safety. In Biophysical Mea-
2. AAMI: Interim Rationale Statement for the Amer- surements (Tektronix #062-1247-00). Tektronix,
ican National Standard, Safe Current Limits for Inc., Beaverton, OR, 1973.
Electromedical Apparatus. Association for the 11. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc: Standard for
Advancement of Medical Instrumentation Medical and Dental Equipment, UL544, ed 2.
(AAMI), Arlington, VA, 1980. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Northbrook, IL,
3. American Society for Hospital Engineering: Hos- 1980.
pital Electrical Standards Compendium. Ameri- 12. Veterans Administration: Veterans Administra-
can Society for Hospital Engineering, Chicago, tion documents on electrical safety and service
IL, 1981. manuals. J Clin Eng 3:64, 1978.
Appendix 4


1 INTRODUCTION teenth century established the relation-

ship between the duration of stimulation
and current strength in eliciting muscle
Electrophysiology was developed toward contractions. This led to the development
the end of the eighteenth century with of classic electrodiagnosis, the study of
Galvani's discovery of animal electricity muscle responses to electrical stimulation
and has since progressed steadily during as a diagnostic test. The method gained
the past two centuries. Electrophysiologic popularity during the first half of the
assessments of muscle and nerve are now twentieth century as the recording appa-
considered indispensable in the practice ratus was improved from the capillary
of neurology, physiatrics, and other re- electrometer to the string galvanometer.
lated clinical disciplines. The historical Modern techniques began with the in-
growth of this medical field may be divided vention of the cathode ray oscilloscope in
arbitrarily into four relatively distinct but 1922 and the concentric needle electrode
overlapping eras. They represent (1) early a few years later. Aided by these techni-
developments, (2) classical electrodiagno- cal advances, electromyography became a
sis, (3) electromyography and nerve stim- clinically useful tool. The nerve stimula-
ulation techniques, and (4) recent devel- tion technique was then introduced, first
opments. for studies of neuromuscular transmis-
During the first period, ending at about sion and later for assessments of con-
the mid-nineteenth century, the existence duction velocity. Since then, there has
of bioelectricity was firmly established by been wide application of these techniques,
Galvani and others. The basic concepts of which are now considered conventional.
electricity were also established during More recently, an increasing number of
this period by a series of scientific achieve- newer electrophysiologic tests emerged for
ments of Volta and his pupils. The evaluation of anatomic regions not acces-
progress in these two branches of science sible by the traditional methods. These in-
complemented each other despite the ini- clude studies of human reflexes and other
tial controversy that arose over the exis- late potentials, recordings of somatosen-
tence of animal electricity. A number of sory and motor evoked potentials, and
studies in the second half of the nine- single-fiber electromyography.
888 Appendices

2 EARLY DEVELOPMENTS view of electricity of metallic origin pre-

vailed. This is understandable, because
the Voltanic pile produced all the phe-
Ancient physicians used electrical dis- nomena attributed to animal electricity by
charges from the black torpedo fish for the Galvani.128 Indeed, Galvanis' experiment
treatment of headaches and arthritis. It was all but forgotten until much later,
was not until the turn of the seventeenth when Nobili109 and Matteucci101 reported
century that the world electric was first electrical activity from muscle in 1830 and
used by William Gilbert54 in his book De 1842, respectively.
Magnete. Static discharges were also well In 1822, Magendie,96 who is credited
known after the invention of the Leyden with distinguishing between motor and
jar by Musshenbroek in 1745. In the same sensory nerves, tried to insert a needle into
year, Kratzenstein first induced muscle the nerve for electrical stimulation, a prac-
contraction by static electricity. The next tice soon abandoned because118of the pa-
year he wrote the first paper on80the use tient's discomfort! Sarlandiere, in 1825,
of electricity in medical therapy. Many was the first to introduce electropuncture
similar studies followed toward the end of for direct electrical activation of muscle.
the eighteenth century, each describing One of Volta's pupils, Marianmi,98 found
muscle contraction induced by electrical in 1829 that ascending (negative) current
stimulation. elicited muscle contraction more effectively
It was Galvani who laid the foundation than descending current. Nobili,109 in
for clinical electrophysiology. After a series 1830, recognized different stages of ex-
of experiments on muscle contraction in citability, based on the degree of muscle
frog legs, he introduced the idea that elec- contraction after turning on and off the
tricity was generated by nervous tissue. electrical current supplied by a battery.
This observation was first published in Later, Erb,42 in 1883, used this concept
1791 in his now famous article "De viribus clinically in the assessment of abnormal
electricitatis in motu musculari commen- excitabilities of disordered muscles.
tarius," which appeared in48the Proceedings According to Licht,92 Ampere intro-
of the Bologna Academy. His concept of duced the concept of current flow after
animal electricity was received with con- witnessing Oersted's 1819 demonstration
siderable skepticism in his time. Contro- that a battery, through metallic wire ex-
versy arose chiefly from Volta's belief that tended from the two poles, acted on a
the two plates of different metals were re- magnetic needle at a distance. In 1831,
sponsible for the electricity observed in Gal- Henry found the augmenting action of a
vani's experiments.127 Fowler46 agreed with long coil of wire on direct current; and in
Volta that dissimilar metals and the mus- the same year Faraday described alter-
cle had to be connected to generate frog nating current induced in a coil of wire by
current. another coil that was periodically charged.
Later, Galvani was able to produce mus- In 1833, Duchenne de Boulogne found
cle contraction by draping the free end of that a muscle could be stimulated elec-
the nerve across the muscle without the trically from the skin surface with the use
use of metals. This finding was reproduced of cloth-covered electrodes. He was also
by Humboldt74 in 1797 and Matteucci102 the first to use Faradic current for stim-
in 1844. In the meantime, Volta's convic- ulation.33
tion that animal electricity was in reality Carlo Matteucci101,102 of Pisa demon-
the effect of a very weak artificial current strated that stimulation of the nerve prox-
induced by application of two different imal to the application of a ligature or sec-
metals led to the development of the tion failed to elicit muscle contraction. In
Voltanic pile in 1799. He also noted that his 1838 experiment, published a few years
muscle contracted only at the closing and later, he placed the sciatic nerve still con-
opening of the circuit. Although Galvanti's nected to the leg muscles on the thigh mus-
view on intrinsic electrical current in frog cles dissected from the other leg.101 In this
legs was correct, Volta's new invention preparation, contraction of the thigh mus-
was so dramatic and convincing that his cles induced movements of the other leg,
Appendix 4: Historical Review 889

provided that its sciatic nerve was not in- found that galvanic current activated the
sulated from bared muscle. Hence, he de- paralytic limb from cerebral disease more
tected electrical activity of contracting mus- easily than the normal limb. In contrast,
cle for the first time using a neuromuscular more current was necessary if paralysis
preparation, the only means available in was caused by lesions of the3 spinal (pe-
those days. Inspired by the work of Mat- ripheral) nerve. Baierlacher had noted
teucci, DuBois-Reymond31 registered ac- that diseased muscle responded better to
tion potentials generated in the muscle.105 continuous galvanic current than inter-
In 1851, he identified the action potential rupted faradic current. Neumann,108
of voluntarily contracting arm muscles, us- however, was the first to recognize that it
ing jars of liquid as electrodes.32 This was was the duration that determined the ef-
perhaps the beginning of electromyogra- fectiveness of current. Erb also noted fail-
phy.106 ure of the paralyzed muscle to contract in
In 1850, Helmholtz63 succeeded in mea- response to frequently interrupted stim-
suring the conduction velocity of the nerve uli, and called this phenomenon the re-
impulse in the frog by mechanically action of degeneration.42 His quantitative
recording the muscle twitch. Using the studies revealed a certain relationship be-
same procedure, a conduction velocity of tween muscle contraction and current
61.0 ± 5.1 m/s was found in the human strength. Based on this principle, he as-
median nerve.64 He also determined the sessed excitability of the muscle in vari-
conduction rate in sensory nerve of man ous disorders and found marked irritabil-
to be 60 m/s by measuring the difference ity in tetany. In 1882, he introduced a
in reaction time. In 1878, Hermann65,66 formula of polar contraction in normal
stimulated the brachial plexus in the ax- subjects and its reversal in some disease
illa and recorded a response from the sur- states, thus establishing the foundation
face of the forearm, which he called ac- for classical electrodiagnosis.
tion potential. Burdon Sanderson15 was DuBois-Reymond believed that change
the first to show in 1895 that this wave in current, rather than the absolute value
of excitation preceded the mechanical re- of current strength, determined muscle
sponse. response. This view prevailed until the
end of the 19th century despite mounting
evidence to the contrary. In 1870, Engel-
3 CLASSICAL man showed a relationship between cur-
ELECTRODIAGNOSIS rent intensity and duration in eliciting
muscle contraction. This finding paved
the way for determination of the strength-
Duchenne34 found that electrical simula- duration 72curve in laboratory animals.90
tion activated certain localized areas of Hoorweg further challenged the concept
muscle more easily than others. Remak113 of DuBois-Reymond by stating that nerve
discovered that these points represented excitation occurred as a function of stim-
entry zones of the muscular nerves. In ulus time and intensity,90a view vigorously
1857, Ziemssen135 carefully mapped out supported by Lapicque. Waller and Wat-
the whole skin surface of the body in ag- teville130 also suggested a duration-inten-
onal patients and proved by dissection im- sity relationship for optimal stimulation in
mediately after death that the motor 1883.
points were indeed entrances of the nerve Toward the end of the nineteenth cen-
into the muscle. Krause,81 known for the tury, a few investigators recognized abnor-
skin corpuscle that now bears his name, mal localization 30,53
of motor points 91
in degen-
suggested that nerve impulses terminated erated muscles. Lewis Jones pointed
at the motor points. Kuhne84 coined the out that the phenomenon of "displaced mo-
name end plates for the nerve endings of tor point" simply represented abnormal
striated muscle. sensitivity in regions distinct from the mo-
Hammond104 translated Meyer's com- tor point. In 1907, Bordet reported that
prehensive discussion on electrical stim- during passage of a sustained current the
ulation of the muscle into English. He also critical excitatory level changed less rapidly
890 Appendices

in the denervated muscle than in normal pendent of the force generated. For him
muscle.114 This observation led to mea- this reflected the rhythm of neural im-
surements of accommodation and the pulses, although others considered the
galvanic-tetanic ratio, electrodiagnostic rate49,50
of firing to be inherent in the mus-
texts used widely until recent years. cle. Using the capillary electrometer,
D'Arsonval's20 use of a reflecting coil im- Buchanan12 arrived at the opposite con-
proved the galvanometer built by Stur- clusion: that the frequency of the elec-
geon in 1836. Lippmann95 introduced the tromyogram shifted substantially during
capillary electrometer in 1872. In the different degrees of contraction. She
meantime, Weiss134 first attempted to stated that the study of the interference
produce a rectangular stimulus pulse, pattern could not elucidate the mecha-
with a device called ballistic rheotome. nism of neural innervation. At the turn of
Lapicque89'90 developed a more accurate the century, Langley and Kato88 and Lan-
apparatus with a circuit breaker operated gley87 studied fibrillation in muscular dy-
by gravity in 1907. Using this instrument, strophy.
he defined rheobase as the minimal con- The study of muscle action potentials
tinuous current intensity required for progressed rapidly after the development
muscle excitation and chronaxie as the of sensitive recording apparatus. Braun9
minimal current duration required at an invented the cathode-ray tube. Later,
intensity twice the rheobase.90 Lewis Einthoven40 designed the string gal-
Jones91 constructed a battery of conden- vanometer with a fiber of quartz. In 1920,
sers (capacitors) for diagnostic purposes. Forbes and Thacher45 were the first to use
Using this apparatus, Bourguignon8 was the electron tube to amplify the action po-
the first to study chronaxie in man. Plot- tential and a string galvanometer to
ting strength duration curves for the first record it. Gasser and Erlanger51 intro-
time in man, Adrian1 reported a fairly con- duced one of the most important advances
stant time course in healthy muscles. He in technology, the cathode-ray oscillo-
also noted a predictable shift in the re- scope, which eliminated the mechanical
generating muscle during different phases limitation of galvanometers.52 Their book
of recovery after degeneration. A constant Electrical Signs of Nervous Activity laid the
current stimulator designed by Bauwens5 foundation of modern clinical electro-
improved the accuracy in determining the physiology.43
strength-duration curve. In 1925, Liddell and Sherrington93 pro-
posed the concept of the motor unit.
Shortly thereafter, Proebster112 performed
4 ELECTROMYOGRAPHY the first clinical electromyography in neu-
AND NERVE STIMULATION rogenic weakness, recording spontaneous
TECHNIQUES potentials in brachial plexus injury and
long-standing poliomyelitis. Another ma-
jor advancement came when Adrian and
Bernstein6 introduced the term action po- Bronk2 introduced the concentric needle
tential, but Schiff120 was the first to electrode in 1929. The use of this elec-
observe oscillation (fasciculation) of den- trode made it possible for the first time to
ervated muscle after section of the hy- record from single motor units. Adrian
poglossal nerve in 1851. This sponta- also initiated the use of a loudspeaker so
neous movement ceased if the muscle that electromyographers could use not
became atrophic or the nerve regenerated. only visual but also acoustic cues. Motor
Fibrillation meant a tremor of denervated unit potentials were studied by Denny-
muscle in experimental animals, accord- Brown25 in the same year and later by Ec-
ing to Rogowicz116 and Ricker.115 In the cles and Sherrington, 38
Clark,17 and Hoe-
first electromyography after DuBois-Rey- fer and Putnam.
mond, Piper111 recorded voluntary activ- Invention of the differential amplifier by
ity of muscles using a string galvanome- Matthews103 in 1934 made the recording
ter. He believed that the muscle activity of small muscle potentials possible, be-
discharges at a constant frequency inde- cause it minimized electrical interference
Appendix 4: Historical Review 891

from other sources. Lindsley94 noted un- Jolly78 described abnormal fatigability of
usual fluctuation of motor units in a pa- the orbicularis oculi muscle to intermittent,
tient with myasthenia gravis. Further direct-current stimulation in 62 myasthenic
work on11denervation potentials came from patients. Harvey and Masland were the
Brown, who tested the effect of acetyl- first to quantitate this clinical observation
choline on the denervated muscles. Using by stimulating the nerve repetitively and
a bipolar electrode, Denny-Brown and recording the muscle action potentials.
Pennybacker27 differentiated fibrillation This technique was also applied36 to the
potentials from fasciculation potentials in study of myasthenic syndromes. It be-
1938, a finding later substantiated by Ec- came an important part of our electrodi-
cles,37 who used a refined method. In agnostic armamentation after standard-
1941, Denny-Brown and Nevin26 recorded ization by
Lambert 86
myotonic discharges. In 14 the same year, Piper and Mimnich first recorded
Buchthal and Clemmesen confirmed the the muscle action potential instead of the
electromyographic findings of atrophic muscle twitch for determination of motor
muscles. nerve conduction.
Inspired by Sherring-
During the two world wars, the large ton's work on the stretch reflex, Hoff-
number of battlefield peripheral nerve in- mann70,71 demonstrated the monosynap-
juries increased the need for electrical tic reflex in man by stimulating the tibial
testing. An accelerated growth of elec- nerve and recording the muscle action po-
tronic devices such as radar and oscillo- tential from the soleus. Based on latency
scopes enhanced this tendency. At the measures of the H reflex, Schaffer119 cal-
same time, polio epidemics demanded de- culated a velocity of 60 to 65 m/s for the
velopment of procedures to accurately de- human sensory nerve. Interest in nerve
termine the presence and extent of nerve injury and repair during the war
injury and the status of regeneration. prompted basic scientists to study con-
Many fundamental contributions to elec- duction velocity of regenerating
nerves in
tromyography and nerve conduction stud- experimental
animals. Harvey and
ies came from this combination of cir- Kuffler and Harvey, Kuffler, and Tred-
cumstances. way61 studied peripheral neuritis in man,
Using standardized clinical testing, Wed- stimulating the nerve and recording mus-
dell, Feinstein, and Pattle132,133 noted the cle action potentials. It was Hodes,
appearance of spontaneous discharges 18 Larrabee, and German67 who first calcu-
to 20 days after denervation. Watkins, Bra- lated the conduction velocity, stimulating
zier, and Schwab131 recorded similar activ- the nerve at different levels in neurologic
ities in poliomyelitis from the skin surface patients. Around the same time, Kugel-
at various sites. The following year, Heofer berg82 used nerve stimulation to study the
and Guttman68 recorded paparaspinal den- effect of ischemia on 18nerve excitability.
ervation using a surface electrode. They re- Cobb and Marshall, extending this
ported that such abnormalities, detected work, demonstrated slowed impulse prop-
longitudinally, sometimes help localize the agation in39 the ischemic nerve.
level of spinal cord lesions. Around the Eichler was the first to report percu-
same time, Jasper and Notman76 intro- taneous recording of nerve action poten-
duced the monopolar electrode, and tials in response to electrical stimulation
Jasper, Johnston, and Geddes75 built a of the median and ulnar nerves in 1937.
portable apparatus for electromyography. The averaging technique of sensory nerve
Further clinical applications of the needle conduction studies emerged as a by-prod-
examination were reported in poliomyelitis uct when Dawson21 was attempting to
by Huddleston and Golseth,73 in lower mo- record cortical potentials by stimulating
tor neuron by Golseth and Huddleston,57 peripheral nerves in patients with my-
and in nerve root compression by Shea, oclonus. He used photographic superim-
Woods, and Werden.121 In 1955, Mari- position47 of a number of faint traces to
nacci" published the first book of elec- improve the resolution of the24 recorded re-
tromyography since Piper, and Buchthal13 sponse. Dawson and Scott needed the
contributed a monograph 2 years later. same technique to assess the growth of
892 Appendices

the sensory action potential of the pe- tential. The wide availability of minicom-
ripheral nerve with increasing stimulus puters and averagers has since acceler-
strength to prove the origin of their corti- ated the clinical application of this tech-
cal potential.55 Dawson22,23 subsequently nique in the assessment of the central
resorted to digital nerve stimulation to dif- nervous system. As stated above, this de-
ferentiate sensory potentials from an- velopment is of historical interest because
tidromic impulses in motor fibers. Al- Dawson21 originally used photographic
though some felt that latency measures super-imposition, a forerunner of electri-
sufficed,16 calculation of nerve conduction cal averaging, in the study of somatosen-
velocity became an integral part of elec- sory cerebral potentials. With the advent
trodiagnostic assessment in the 1960s. of electrical100 and magnetic coil stimula-
These initial studies, started indepen- tors4 capable of noninivasive excitation of
dently in the United States and Europe, the brain or spinal cord, it is now feasi-
soon spread to many countries, resulting ble to study the central motor pathways
in the common use of the whole field of as well.
electromyography and nerve conduction Introduction of single-fiber electromyo-
measurements. Important contributions graphy has made it possible to study elec-
came from Magladery and McDougal,97 trophysiologic characteristics of individ-
Wagman and Lesse,129 Gilliatt and Wil- ual muscle fibers.41 This stands in
son,56 Lambert,85 Simpson,123 Buchthal,13 contrast to the conventional use of coax-
Thomas, Sears, and Gilliatt,126 Johnson ial or monopolar recording needles for as-
and Olsen,77 Kato,79 Thomas and Lam- sessment of the motor unit, the smallest
bert,125 and Desmedt,28 to name only a few. functional element of muscle contraction.
The First International Congress of Elec- Stalberg and others have since refined the
tromyography, held at Pavia, Italy, in 1961, technique for research application and
signaled the rapidly growing worldwide in- clinical use.124 Some other newer tech-
terest in this then relatively new branch of niques, although directly related to elec-
medicine. tromyography and nerve conduction stud-
ies, have not yet found their way into the
clinical laboratory. These include the in-
5 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS vitro technique of sural nerve conduction
studies35 and electroneurography.58
The above outline includes most of the
Conventional methods of nerve conduction major events that have taken place in the
study mainly dealt with diseases affecting history of clinical electrophysiology of
the distal portion of the peripheral nerve in muscle and nerve. Inclusion of further de-
the four extremities and seldom con- tails, although tempting because of a
tributed to the investigation of the remain- number of intriguing anecdotes, falls out-
der of the nervous system. Several neuro- side the scope of this book. Interested
physiologic techniques have emerged as readers should consult previous publica-
diagnostic tests in evaluating the function tions on this subject by Mottelay,106 Mari-
of these less accessible anatomic regions. nacci," Licht,92 Gilliatt,55 and Brazier.10
These include studies of human reflexes
and other late responses. Of these, the
most extensively investigated have been REFERENCES
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of Magladery and McDougal,97 and the
blink reflex of Kugelberg.83 1. Adrian ED: The electrical reactions of muscles
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tem.19,28,59 The technique of signal aver- quency of discharge in reflex and voluntary con-
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Appendix 5

Basic Neurophysiology Terminology
General Terminology
Equipment Terminology
Stimulus Terminology
Response Terminology
Repetitive Nerve Stimulation Terminology
Needle Examination Terminology
Single Fiber Electromyography and
Macroelectromyography Terminology

FOREWORD term in the 1980 Glossary was reviewed;

some old terms were redefined, a few were
deleted, and some new terms were added.
One of the objectives of the American As- Also new to this 1987 Glossary are illus-
sociation of Electromyography and Elec- trations of selected waveforms and lists of
trodiagnosis (AAEE) is the publication of terms grouped by subject.
information to increase and to extend
the knowledge of electromyographers. In
1974, the Board of Directors of the AAEE AAEE Nomenclature Committee
established a Nomenclature Committee
with the task of compiling and defining a Charles K. Jablecki, M.D., Chairman
list of terms used in electromyography. Charles F. Bolton, M.D.
The resultant Glossary was published by Walter G. Bradley, D.M.
the AAEE in 1980. The Glossary was William F. Brown, M.D.
widely accepted and helped to standard-
ize the terms used in clinical reports and
in scientific publications. Subsequent ad- "Compiled by the Nomenclature Committee of the
vances in electromyography necessitated American Association of Electromyography and
Electrodiagnosis. Second Edition © AAEE 1987,
a review and revision of the 1980 Glos- published in Muscle & Nerve, Volume 10, Number
sary. In 1983, a new Nomenclature Com- SS/Supplement, October 1987. Reproduced and
mittee was created by the AAEE. Every modified in part by permission.
898 Appendices

Fritz Buchthal, M.D. An asterisk adjacent to a term indicates

Roger Q. Cracco, M.D. that an illustration of that waveform is
Ernest W. Johnson, M.D. contained in Section II. In Section III,
George H. Kraft, M.D. terms are grouped by subject without de-
Edward H. Lambert, M.D., Ph.D. finition to permit the systematic review of
Hans O. Luders, M.D., Ph.D. related terms.
Dong M. Ma, M.D.
John A. Simpson, M.D.
Erik V. Stalberg, M.D., Ph.D. SECTION I:
*A wave A compound action potential
In all areas of science, terms should be pre- evoked consistently from a muscle by sub-
cisely defined and standardized. Terms maximal electric stimuli to the nerve and
should be used consistently so that one frequently abolished by supramaximal
scientist in a field can speak or write to stimuli. The amplitude of the A wave is
another without ambiguity. The need for similar to that of the F wave, but the la-
definitions exists in electromyography be- tency is more constant. The A wave usu-
cause there are numerous clinical investi- ally occurs before the F wave, but may oc-
gators conducting studies. By agreeing cur afterwards. The A wave is due to
upon terminology, investigators can un- normal or pathologic axonal branching.
derstand and verify the findings of others. Compare the F wave.
It is suggested that the terms in this glos- absolute refractory period See refrac-
sary be used by authors of papers for pub- tory period.
lication in electromyography and by clini- accommodation True accommodation in
cal electromyographers for patient reports. neuronal physiology is a rise in the thresh-
The first edition of this Glossary was old transmembrane depolarization required
prepared and published by the American to initiate a spike when depolarization is
Association of Electromyography and slow or a subthreshold depolarization is
Electrodiagnosis (AAEE) in 1980. In 1983, maintained. In the older literature, accom-
the International Federation of Societies modation described the observation that
for Electroencephalography and Clinical the final intensity of current applied in a
Neurophysiology (IFSECN) published an slowly rising fashion to stimulate a nerve
adaptation of that glossary for its mem- was greater than the intensity of a pulse of
bers. This second edition of the AAEE current required to stimulate the same
Glossary was compiled after an extensive nerve. The latter may largely be an artifact
review of the first AAEE Glossary, of the of the nerve sheath and bears little relation
changes made by the IFSCEN, of new to true accommodation as measured intra-
terms suggested by AAEE members, and cellularly.
of the recent literature. The following de- accommodation curve See strength-
finitions are the result of considerable de- duration curve.
liberation. In some cases, the committee action current The electric currents as-
members compromised and retained sociated with an action potential.
terms which have been in use for such a action potential (AP) The brief regenera-
long time that it was agreed that they tive electric potential that propagates along
should remain as they are, even though a single axon or muscle fiber membrane.
they are not ideal. The action potential is an all-or-none phe-
This glossary is presented in four sec- nomenon; whenever the stimulus is at or
tions. In Section I, all terms are listed in above threshold, the action potential gen-
alphabetical order and are defined. The al- erated has a constant size and configura-
phabetical presentation permits elec-
tromyographers to use the glossary effi-
ciently to prepare and to review reports. *Illustration in Section II.
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 899

tion. See also compound action potential, stimulus and shock artifacts usually pre-
and motor unit action potential cede the activity of interest. A movement
active electrode Synonymous with ex- artifact refers to a change in the recorded
ploring electrode. See recording electrode. activity caused by movement of the
adaptation A decline in the frequency of recording electrodes.
the spike discharge as typically recorded auditory evoked potentials (AEPs). Elec-
from sensory axons in response to a main- tric waveforms of biologic origin elicited in
tained stimulus. response to sound stimuli. AEPs are clas-
AEPs See auditory evoked potentials. sified by their latency as short-latency
afterdischarge The continuation of an im- brainstem AEPs (BAEPs) with a latency of
pulse train in a neuron, axon or muscle up to 10 ms, middle-latency AEPs with a
fiber following the termination of an ap- latency of 10-50 ms, and long-latency AEPs
plied stimulus. The number of extra im- with a latency of over 50 ms. See brainstem
pulses and their periodicity in the train auditory evoked potentials.
may vary depending on the circumstances. axon reflex Use of this term is discour-
afterpotential The membrane potential aged as it is incorrect. No reflex is con-
between the end of the spike and the time sidered to be involved. See preferred term,
when the membrane potential is restored A wave.
to its resting value. The membrane dur- axon response See preferred term, A wave.
ing this period may be depolarized or hy- axon wave See A wave.
perpolarized. axonotmesis Nerve injury characterized
amplitude With reference to an action po- by disruption of the axon and myelin
tential, the maximum voltage difference sheath, but with preservation of the sup-
between two points, usually baseline to porting connective tissue, resulting in ax-
peak or peak to peak. By convention, the onal degeneration distal to the injury site.
amplitude of the compound muscle action backfiring Discharge of an antidromi-
potential is measured from the baseline to cally activated motor neuron.
the most negative peak. In contrast, the BAEPs See brainstem auditory evoked po-
amplitude of a compound sensory nerve tentials.
action potential, motor unit potential, fib- BAERs Abbreviation for brainstem audi-
rillation potential, positive sharp wave, tory evoked responses. See preferred term,
fasciculation potential, and most other ac- brainstem auditory evoked potentials.
tion potentials is measured from the most baseline The potential recorded from a
positive peak to the most negative peak. biologic system while the system is at rest.
anodal block A local block of nerve con- benign fasciculation Use of this term is
duction caused by hyperpolarization of the discouraged to describe a firing pattern of
nerve cell membrane by an electric stim- fasciculation potentials. The term has
ulus. See stimulating electrode. been used to describe a clinical syndrome
anode The positive terminal of a source and/or the presence of fasciculations in
of electric current. nonprogressive neuromuscular disorders.
antidromic Propagation of an impulse in See fasciculation potential.
the direction opposite to physiologic con- BERs Abbreviation for brainstem auditory
duction; e.g., conduction along motor nerve evoked responses. See preferred term,
fibers away from the muscle and conduc- brainstem auditory evoked potentials.
tion along sensory fibers away from the bifilar needle recording electrode Record-
spinal cord. Contrast with orthodrorrac. ing electrode that measures variations in
AP See action potential. voltage between the bare tips of two insu-
artifact (also artefact) A voltage change lated wires cemented side by side in a steel
generated by a biologic or nonbiologic cannula. The bare tips of the electrodes are
source other than the ones of interest. The flush with the level of the cannula. The lat-
stimulus artifact is the potential recorded ter may be grounded.
at the time the stimulus is applied and in- biphasic action potential An action po-
cludes the electric or shock artifact, which tential with two phases.
represents cutaneous spread of stimulat- biphasic end-plate activity See endplate
ing current to the recording electrode. The activity (biphasic).
900 Appendices

bipolar needle recording electrode See abundant potentials. Use of term is dis-
preferred term, needle bifilar recording couraged. It is used to describe a recruit-
electrode ment pattern of brief-duration, small-
bipolar stimulating electrode See stim- amplitude, overly abundant motor unit
ulating electrode. action potentials. Quantitative measure-
bizarre high-frequency discharge See ments of motor unit potential duration,
preferred term, complex repetitive dis- amplitude, numbers of phases, and re-
charge. cruitment frequency are to be preferred to
bizarre repetitive discharge See pre- qualitative descriptions such as this. See
ferred term, complex repetitive discharge. motor unit action potential.
bizarre repetitive potential See pre- BSAPPs Abbreviation for brief, small abun-
ferred term, complex repetitive discharge. dant, polyphasic potentials. Use of term is
blink reflex See blink responses. discouraged. It is used to describe a re-
blink response Strictly defined, one of cruitment pattern of brief-duration, small-
the blink responses. See blink responses. amplitude, overly abundant, polyphasic
*blink responses Compound muscle ac- motor unit action potentials. Quantitative
tion potentials evoked from orbicularis measurements of motor unit potential du-
oculi muscles as a result of brief electric ration, amplitude, numbers of phases, and
or mechanical stimuli to the cutaneous recruitment frequency are to be preferred
area innervated by the supraorbital (or to qualitative descriptions such as this. See
less commonly, the infraorbital) branch of motor unit action potential
the trigeminal nerve. Typically, there is an cathode The negative terminal of a source
early compound muscle action potential of electric current.
(Rl wave) ipsilateral to the stimulation central electromyography (central EMG)
site with a latency of about 10 ms and a Use of electromyographic recording tech-
bilateral late compound muscle action po- niques to study reflexes and the control
tential (R2 wave) with a latency of ap- of movement by the spinal cord and brain.
proximately 30 ms. Generally, only the R2 chronaxie (also chronaxy) See strength-
wave is associated with a visible twitch of duration curve.
the orbicularis oculi. The configuration, clinical electromyography Synonymous
amplitude, duration, and latency of the with electroneuromyography. Used to re-
two components, along with the sites of fer to all electrodiagnostic studies of hu-
recording and the sites of stimulation, man peripheral nerves and muscle. See
should be specified. Rl and R2 waves are also electromyography and nerve conduc-
probably oligosynaptic and polysynaptic tion studies.
brainstem reflexes, respectively, together coaxial needle electrode See synonym,
called the blink rejlex, with the afferent concentric needle electrode.
arc provided by the sensory branches of collision When used with reference to
the trigeminal nerve and the efferent arc nerve conduction studies, the interaction
provided by the facial nerve motor fibers. of two action potentials propagated to-
*brainstem auditory evoked potentials ward each other from opposite directions
(BAEPs) Electric waveforms of biologic ori- on the same nerve fiber so that the re-
gin elicited in response to sound stimuli. fractory periods of the two potentials pre-
The normal BAEP consists of a sequence vent propagation past each other.
of up to seven waves, named I to VII, complex action potential See preferred
which occur during the first 10 ms after term, serrated action potential.
the onset of the stimulus and have posi- complex motor unit action potential A
tive polarity at the vertex of the head. motor unit action potential that is polypha-
brainstem auditory evoked responses sic or serrated. See preferred terms,
(BAERs, BERs) See preferred term, brain- polyphasic action potential and serrated
stem auditory evoked potentials. action potential
BSAPs Abbreviation for brief, small, *complex repetitive discharge Polypha-
sic or serrated action potentials that may
begin spontaneously or after a needle
*Illustration in Section II. movement. They have a uniform fre-
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 901

quency, shape, and amplitude, with chronous nerve fiber action potentials
abrupt onset, cessation, or change in con- recorded from a nerve trunk, commonly
figuration. Amplitude ranges from 100 uV produced by stimulation of the nerve di-
to 1 mV and frequency of discharge from rectly or indirectly. Details of the method
5 to 100 Hz. This term is preferred to of stimulation and recording should be
bizarre high frequency discharge, bizarre specified, together with the fiber type (sen-
repetitive discharge, bizarre repetitive po- sory, motor, or mixed).
tential, near constant frequency trains, *compound sensory nerve action po-
pseudomyotonic discharge, and synchro- tential (compound SNAP) A compound
nized jibrillation. nerve action potential is considered to
compound action potential See com- have been evoked from afferent fibers if the
pound mixed nerve action potential, com- recording electrodes detect activity only in
pound motor nerve action potential, com- a sensory nerve or in a sensory branch of
pound nerve action potential, compound a mixed nerve, or if the electric stimulus
sensory nerve action potential, and com- is applied to a sensory nerve or a dorsal
pound muscle action potential. nerve root, or an adequate stimulus is ap-
compound mixed nerve action poten- plied synchronously to sensory receptors.
tial (compound mixed NAP) A compound The amplitude, latency, duration, and
nerve action potential is considered to configuration should be noted. Generally,
have been evoked from afferent and effer- the amplitude is measured as the maxi-
ent fibers if the recording electrodes de- mum peak-to-peak voltage, the latency as
tect activity on a mixed nerve with the either the latency to the initial deflection
electric stimulus applied to a segment of or the peak latency to the negative peak,
the nerve that contains both afferent and and the duration as the interval from the
efferent fibers. The amplitude, latency, first deflection of the waveform from the
duration, and phases should be noted. baseline to its final return to the baseline.
compound motor nerve action poten- The compound sensory nerve action po-
tial (compound motor NAP) A compound tential has been referred to as the sensory
nerve action potential is considered to response or sensory potential.
have been evoked from efferent fibers to concentric needle electrode Recording
a muscle if the recording electrodes detect electrode that measures an electric po-
activity only in a motor nerve or a motor tential difference between the bare tip of
branch of a mixed nerve, or if the electric an insulated wire, usually stainless steel,
stimulus is applied only to such a nerve silver or platinum, and the bare shaft of
or a ventral root. The amplitude, latency, a steel cannula through which it is in-
duration, and phrases should be noted. serted. The bare tip of the central wire (ex-
See compound nerve action potential ploring electrode) is flush with the level of
compound muscle action potential the cannula (reference electrode).
(CMAP) The summation of nearly syn- conditioning stimulus See paired stim-
chronous muscle fiber action potentials uli
recorded from a muscle commonly pro- conduction block Failure of an action
duced by stimulation of the nerve supply- potential to be conducted past a particu-
ing the muscle either directly or indirectly. lar point in the nervous system whereas
Baseline-to-peak amplitude, duration, and conduction is possible below the point of
latency of the negative phase should be the block. Conduction block is docu-
noted, along with details of the method of mented by demonstration of a reduction
stimulation and recording. Use of specific in the area of an evoked potential greater
named potentials is recommended, e.g., M than that normally seen with electric
wave, F wave, H wave, T wave, A wave stimulation at two different points on a
and Rl wave or R2 wave (blink responses). nerve trunk; anatomic variations of nerve
compound nerve action potential (com- pathways and technical factors related to
pound NAP) The summation of nearly syn- nerve stimulation must be excluded as the
cause of the reduction in area.
conduction distance See conduction ve-
"Illustration in Section II. locity.
902 Appendices

conduction time See conduction velocity. painful muscle contraction. Both the dis-
conduction velocity (CV) Speed of prop- charge frequency and the number of mo-
agation of an action potential along a nerve tor unit action potentials firing increase
or muscle fiber. The nerve fibers studied gradually during development and both
(motor, sensory, autonomic, or mixed) subside gradually with cessation. See
should be specified. For a nerve trunk, the muscle cramp.
maximum conduction velocity is calcu- c/s (also cps) See cycles per second.
lated from the latency of the evoked po- CV See conduction velocity.
tential (muscle or nerve) at maximal or cycles per second Unit of frequency, (cps
supramaximal intensity of stimulation at or c/s). See also hertz (Hz).
two different points. The distance between decremental response See preferred
the two points (conduction distance) is di- term, decrementing response.
vided by the difference between the cor- *decrementing response A reproducible
responding latencies (conduction time). decline in the amplitude and/or area of
The calculated velocity represents the the M wave of successive responses to
conduction velocity of the fastest fibers repetitive nerve stimulation. The rate of
and is expressed as meters per second stimulation and the total number of stim-
(m/s). As commonly used, the term con- uli should be specified. Decrementing re-
duction velocity refers to the maximum sponses with disorders of neuromuscular
conduction velocity. By specialized tech- transmission are most reliably seen with
niques, the conduction velocity of other slow rates (2-5 Hz) of nerve stimulation.
fibers can be determined as well and A decrementing response with repetitive
should be specified, e.g., minimum con- nerve stimulation commonly occurs in
duction velocity. disorders of neuromuscular transmission,
contraction A voluntary or involuntary re- but can also be seen in some neu-
versible muscle shortening that may or may ropathies, myopathies, and motor neuron
not be accompanied by action potentials disease. An artifact resembling a decre-
from muscle. This term is to be contrasted menting response can result from move-
with the term contracture, which refers to ment of the stimulating or recording elec-
a condition of fixed muscle shortening. trodes during repetitive nerve stimulation.
contraction fasciculation Rhythmic, Contrast with incrementing response.
visible twitching of a muscle with weak delay As originally used in clinical elec-
voluntary or postural contraction. The tromyography, delay referred to the time
phenomenon occurs in neuromuscular between the beginning of the horizontal
disorders in which the motor unit terri- sweep of the oscilloscope and the onset of
tory is enlarged and the tissue covering an applied stimulus. The term is also used
the muscle is thin. to refer to an information storage device
contracture The term is used to refer to (delay line) used to display events occur-
immobility of a joint due to fixed muscle ring before a trigger signal.
shortening. Contrast contraction. The denervation potential This term has
term has also been used to refer to an been used to describe a fibrillation poten-
electrically silent, involuntary state of tial. The use of this term is discouraged
maintained muscle contraction, as seen because fibrillation potentials may occur
in phosphorylase deficiency, for which the in settings where transient muscle mem-
preferred term is muscle cramp. brane instability occurs in the absence of
coupled discharge See preferred term, denervation, e.g., hyperkalemic periodic
satellite potential paralysis. See preferred term, Jibrillation
cps (also c/s) See cycles per second. potential.
*cramp discharge Involuntary repetitive depolarization See polarization.
firing of motor unit action potentials at a depolarization block Failure of an ex-
high frequency (up to 150 Hz) in a large citable cell to respond to a stimulus be-
area of muscles, usually associated with cause of depolarization of the cell mem-
discharge Refers to the firing of one or
*Illustration in Section II. more excitable elements (neurons, axons,
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 903

or muscle fibers) and as conventionally electrode A conducting device used to

applied refers to the all-or-none potentials record an electric potential (recording elec-
only. Synonymous with action potential. trode) or to apply an electric current (stim-
discharge frequency The rate of repeti- ulating electrode). In addition to the ground
tion of potentials. When potentials occur electrode used in clinical recordings, two
in groups, the rate of recurrence of the electrodes are always required either to
group and the rate of repetition of the in- record an electric potential or to apply an
dividual components in the groups should electric current. Depending on the relative
be specified. See also firing rate. size and location of the electrodes, however,
discrete activity See interference pattern. the stimulating or recording condition may
distal latency See motor latency and sen- be referred to as monopolar or unipolar. See
sory latency. ground electrode, recording electrode, and
double discharge Two action potentials stimulating electrode. Also see specific
(motor unit action potential, fibrillation po- needle electrode configurations: monopo-
tential) of the same form and nearly the lar, unipolar, concentric, bifllar recording,
same amplitude, occurring consistently in bipolar stimulating, multilead, single fiber,
the same relationship to one another at and macro-EMG needle electrodes.
intervals of 2 to 20 ms. Contrast with electrodiagnosis (EDX) The recording and
paired discharge. analysis of responses of nerves and mus-
doublet Synonymous with double dis- cles to electric stimulation and the identi-
charge. fication of patterns of insertion, sponta-
duration The time during which some- neous, involuntary and voluntary action
thing exists or acts. (1) The total duration potentials in muscle and nerve tissue. See
of individual potential waveforms is de- also electromyography, electroneurography,
fined as the interval from the beginning of electroneuromyography, and evoked poten-
the first deflection from the baseline to its tial studies.
final return to the baseline, unless other- electrodiagnostic medicine A specific
wise specified. If only part of the waveform area of medical practice in which a physi-
duration is measured, the points of mea- cian uses information from the clinical
surement should be specified. For exam- history, observations from the physical
ple, the duration of the M wave may refer examination, and the techniques of elec-
to the interval from the deflection of the trodiagnosis to diagnose and treat neuro-
first negative phase from the baseline to its muscular disorders. See electrodiagnosis.
return to the baseline. (2) The duration of electromyelography The recording and
a single electric stimulus refers to the in- study of electric activity from the spinal
terval of the applied current or voltage. (3) cord and/or from the cauda equina.
The duration of recurring stimuli or action electromyogram The record obtained by
potentials refers to the interval from the electromyography.
beginning to the end of the series. electromyograph Equipment used to acti-
earth electrode Synonymous with ground vate, record, process, and display nerve and
electrode. muscle action potentials for the purpose of
EDX See electrodiagnosis. evaluating nerve and muscle function.
electric artifact See artifact. electromyography (EMG) Strictly de-
electric inactivity Absence of identifi- fined, the recording and study of inser-
able electric activity in a structure or or- tion, spontaneous, and voluntary electric
gan under investigation. See preferred activity of muscle. It is commonly used to
term, electric silence. refer to nerve conduction studies as well.
electric silence The absence of measur- See also clinical electromyography and
able electric activity due to biologic or electroneuromyography.
nonbiologic sources. The sensitivity and electroneurography (ENG) The record-
signal-to-noise level of the recording sys- ing and study of the action potentials of
tem should be specified. peripheral nerves. Synonymous with clin-
ical electromyography.
EMG See electromyography.
*Illustration in Section II. *end-plate activity Spontaneous electric
904 Appendices

activity recorded with a needle electrode ered to a sensory receptor or nerve, or ap-
close to muscle end-plates. May be either plied directly to a discrete area of the brain,
of two forms: spinal cord, or muscle. See auditory evoked
1. Monophasic: Low-amplitude (10-20 potential brainstem auditory evoked poten-
uV),short-duration (0.5-1 ms), mono- tial spinal evoked potential somatosensory
phasic (negative) potentials that oc- evoked potential visual evoked potential
cur in a dense, steady pattern and compound muscle action potential and com-
are restricted to a localized area of pound sensory nerve action potential
the muscle. Because of the multitude evoked potential studies Recording and
of different potentials occurring, the analysis of electric waveforms of biologic
exact frequency, although appearing origin elicited in response to electric or
to be high, cannot be defined. These physiologic stimuli. Generally used to re-
nonpropagated potentials are proba- fer to studies of waveforms generated in
bly miniature end-plate potentials the peripheral and central nervous sys-
recorded extracellularly. This form of tem, whereas nerve conduction studies
end-plate activity has been referred refers to studies of waveforms generated
to as end-plate noise or sea shell in the peripheral nervous system. There
sound (sea shell noise or roar). are two systems for naming complex
2. Biphasic: Moderate-amplitude (100- waveforms in which multiple components
300 uV), short-duration (2-4 ms), can be distinguished. In the first system,
biphasic (negative-positive) spike po- the different components are labeled PI or
tentials that occur irregularly in NI for the initial positive and negative po-
short bursts with a high frequency tentials, respectively, and PII, NII, PIII,
(50-100 Hz), restricted to a localized NIII, and so forth, for subsequent positive
area within the muscle. These prop- and negative potentials. In the second sys-
agated potentials are generated by tem, the components are specified by po-
muscle fibers excited by activity in larity and average peak latency in normal
nerve terminals. These potentials subjects to the nearest millisecond. The
have been referred to as biphasic first nomenclature principle has been
spike potentials, end-plate spikes, used in an abbreviated form to identify the
and, incorrectly, nerve potentials. seven positive components (I-VII) of the
end-plate noise See end-plate activity normal brainstem/auditory evoked poten-
(monophasic). tial The second nomenclature principle
end-plate potential (EPP) The graded has been used to identify the positive and
nonpropagated membrane potential in- negative components of visual evoked po-
duced in the postsynaptic membrane of tentials (N75, P100) and somatosensory
the muscle fiber by the action of aceryl- evoked potentials (P9, P11, P13, P14, N20.
choline released in response to an action P23). Regardless of the nomenclature sys-
potential in the presynaptic axon termi- tem, it is possible under standardized
nal. conditions to establish normal ranges of
end-plate spike See end-plate activity amplitude, duration, and latency of the in-
(biphasic). dividual components of these evoked po-
end-plate zone The region in a muscle tentials. The difficulty with the second
where the neuromuscular junctions of the system is that the latencies of components
skeletal muscle fibers are concentrated. of evoked potentials depend upon the
ENG See electronewography. length of the pathways in the neural so-
ENMG See electroneuromyography. matosensory evoked potential tissues.
EPP See end-plate potential Thus the components of somatosensory
EPSP See excitatory postsynaptic poten- evoked potential recorded in a child have
tial different average latencies from the same
evoked compound muscle action poten- components of somatosensory evoked po-
tial See compound muscle action potential tential recorded in an adult. Despite this
evoked potential Electric waveform elicited problem, there is no better system avail-
by and temporally related to a stimulus, able for naming these components at this
most commonly an electric stimulus deliv- time. See auditory evoked potentials,
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 905

brainstem auditory evoked potentials, vi- the M wave(s) compared with the re-
sual evoked potentials, somatosensory sults of identical studies of the rested
evoked potentials. neuromuscular junction as follows:
evoked response Tautology. Use of term a. Repair of the decrement: A diminu-
discouraged. See preferred term, evoked tion of the decrementing response
potential seen with slow rates (2-5 Hz) of
excitability Capacity to be activated by repetitive nerve stimulation.
or react to a stimulus. b. Increment after exercise: An in-
excitatory postsynaptic potential crease in the amplitude associated
(EPSP) A local, graded depolarization of a with an increase in the area of the
neuron in response to activation by a M wave elicited by a single supra-
nerve terminal or a synapse. Contrast maximal stimulus.
with inhibitory postsynaptic potential
exploring electrode Synonymous with Facilitation should be distinguished from
active electrode. See recording electrode. pseudofacilitation. Pseudofacilitation oc-
F reflex See preferred term, F wave. curs in normal subjects with repetitive
F response Synonymous with F wave. nerve stimulation at high (20-50 Hz) rates
See preferred term, F wave. or after strong volitional contraction, and
*F wave A compound action potential probably reflects a reduction in the tem-
evoked intermittently from a muscle by a poral dispersion of the summation of a
supramaximal electric stimulus to the constant number of muscle fiber action
nerve. Compared with the maximal am- potentials. Pseudofacilitation produces a
plitude M wave of the same muscle, the response characterized by an increase in
F wave has a smaller amplitude (l%-5% the amplitude of the successive M waves
of the M wave), variable configuration, with a corresponding decrease in the du-
and a longer, more variable latency. The ration of the M wave resulting in no
F wave can be found in many muscles of change in the area of the negative phase
the upper and lower extremities, and the of the successive M waves.
latency is longer with more distal sites of far-field potential Electric activity of bi-
stimulation. The F wave is due to an- ologic origin generated at a considerable
tidromic activation of motor neurons. It distance from the recording electrodes.
was named by Magladery and McDougal Use of the terms near-Jield potential and
in 1950. Compare the H wave and the A far-field potential is discouraged because
wave. all potentials in clinical neurophysiology
*facilitation Improvement of neuromus- are recorded at some distance from the
cular transmission that results in the ac- generator and there is no consistent dis-
tivation of previously inactive muscle tinction between the two terms.
fibers. Facilitation may be identified in fasciculation The random, spontaneous
several ways: twitching of a group of muscle fibers or a
motor unit. This twitch may produce
1. Incrementing response: A repro- movement of the overlying skin (limb),
ducible increase in the amplitude as- mucous membrane (tongue), or digits. The
sociated with an increase in the area electric activity associated with the spon-
of successive electric responses (M taneous contraction is called the fascicu-
waves) during repetitive nerve stimu- lation potential. See also myokymia. His-
lation. torically the term fibrillation has been
2. Postactivation or posttetanic facilita- used to describe fine twitching of muscle
tion: Nerve stimulation studies per- fibers visible through the skin or mucous
formed within a few seconds after a membrane, but this usage is no longer ac-
brief period (2-15 s) of nerve stimu- ceptable.
lation producing tetanus or after a *fasciculation potential The electric po-
strong voluntary contraction may tential often associated with a visible fas-
show changes in the configuration of ciculation which has the configuration of a
motor unit action potential but which occurs
*Illustration in Section II. spontaneously. Most commonly these po-
906 Appendices

tentlals occur sporadically and are termed trodes, the firing rate has a wide range
"single fasciculation potentials." Occasion- (1-50 Hz) and often decreases just before
ally, the potentials occur as a grouped dis- cessation of an individual discharge. A
charge and are termed a "brief repetitive high-pitched regular sound is associated
discharge." The occurrence of repetitive fir- with the discharge of fibrillation potentials
ing of adjacent fasciculation potentials, and has been described in the old litera-
when numerous, may produce an undu- ture as "rain on a tin roof." In addition to
lating movement of muscle (see myokymia]. this classic form of fibrillation potentials,
Use of the terms benign fasciculation and positive sharp waves may also be recorded
malignant fasciculation is discouraged. In- from fibrillating muscle fibers when the
stead, the configuration of the potentials, potential arises from an area immediately
peak-to-peak amplitude, duration, number adjacent to the needle electrode.
of phases, and stability of configuration, in firing pattern Qualitative and quantita-
addition to frequency of occurrence, should tive descriptions of the sequence of dis-
be specified. charge of potential waveforms recorded
fatigue Generally, a state of depressed re- from muscle or nerve.
sponsiveness resulting from protracted firing rate Frequency of repetition of a
activity and requiring an appreciable re- potential. The relationship of the fre-
covery time. Muscle fatigue is a reduction quency to the occurrence of other poten-
in the force of contraction of muscle fibers tials and the force of muscle contraction
and follows repeated voluntary contrac- may be described. See also discharge fre-
tion or direct electric stimulation of the quency.
muscle. frequency Number of complete cycles of
fiber density (1) Anatomically, fiber den- a repetitive waveform in one second. Mea-
sity is a measure of the number of mus- sured in hertz (Hz) or cycles per second
cle or nerve fibers per unit area. (2) In sin- (cps or c/s).
gle fiber electromyography, the fiber frequency analysis Determination of the
density is the mean number of muscle range of frequencies composing a poten-
fiber action potentials fulfilling amplitude tial waveform, with a measurement of the
and rise time criteria belonging to one mo- absolute or relative amplitude of each
tor unit within the recording area of the component frequency.
single fiber needle electrode encountered full interference pattern See interfer-
during a systematic search in the weakly, ence pattern.
voluntarily contracted muscle. See also functional refractory period See refrac-
single fiber electromyography, single fiber tory period.
needle electrode. Gl, G2 Synonymous with Grid 1, Grid 2,
fibrillation The spontaneous contrac- and newer terms, Input Terminal 1, and
tions of individual muscle fibers which are Input Terminal 2. See recording electrode.
not visible through the skin. This term has "giant" motor unit action potential Use
been used loosely in electromyography for of term discouraged. It refers to a motor
the preferred term, fibrillation potential. unit action potential with a peak-to-peak
fibrillation potential The electric activity amplitude and duration much greater
associated with a spontaneously contract- than the range recorded in corresponding
ing (fibrillating) muscle fiber. It is the ac- muscles in normal subjects of similar age.
tion potential of a single muscle fiber. The Quantitative measurements of amplitude
action potentials may occur sponta- and duration are preferable.
neously or after movement of the needle Grid 1 Synonymous with G1. Input Ter-
electrode. The potentials usually fire at a minal 1, or active or exploring electrode.
constant rate, although a small proportion See recording electrode.
fire irregularly. Classically, the potentials Grid 2 Synonymous with G2. Input Ter-
are biphasic spikes of short duration (usu- minal 2, or reference electrode. See record-
ally less than 5 ms) with an initial posi- ing electrode.
tive phase and a peak-to-peak amplitude ground electrode An electrode connected
of less than 1 mV. When recorded with to the patient and to a large conducting
concentric or monopolar needle elec- body (such as the earth) used as a com-
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 907

mon return for an electric circuit and as "increment after exercise See facilita-
an arbitrary zero potential reference point. tion.
grouped discharge The term has been incremental response See preferred
used historically to describe three phe- term, incrementing response.
nomena: (1) irregular, voluntary grouping *incrementing response A reproducible
of motor unit action potentials as seen in increase in amplitude and/or area of suc-
a tremulous muscular contraction, (2) in- cessive responses (M wave) to repetitive
voluntary grouping of motor unit action po- nerve stimulation. The rate of stimulation
tentials as seen in myokymia, and (3) gen- and the number of stimuli should be spec-
eral term to describe repeated firing of ified. An incrementing response is com-
motor unit action potentials. See preferred monly seen in two situations. First, in nor-
term, repetitive discharge. mal subjects the configuration of the M
H reflex Abbreviation for Hoffmann re- wave may change with repetitive nerve
flex. See H wave. stimulation so that the amplitude pro-
H response See preferred term H wave. gressively increases as the duration de-
*H wave A compound muscle action po- ceases, but the area of the M wave re-
tential having a consistent latency evoked mains the same. This phenomenon is
regularly, when present, from a muscle by termed pseudojacilitation. Second, in dis-
an electric stimulus to the nerve. It is reg- orders of neuromuscular transmission,
ularly found only in a limited group of the configuration of the M wave may
physiologic extensors, particularly the calf change with repetitive nerve stimulation
muscles. The H wave is most easily ob- so that the amplitude progressively in-
tained with the cathode positioned proxi- creases as the duration remains the same
mal to the anode. Compared with the or increases, and the area of the M wave
maximum amplitude M wave of the same increases. This phenomenon is termed fa-
muscle, the H wave has a smaller ampli- cilitation. Contrast with decrementing re-
tude, a longer latency, and a lower opti- sponse.
mal stimulus intensity. The latency is indifferent electrode Synonymous with
longer with more distal sites of stimula- reference electrode. Use of term discour-
tion. A stimulus intensity sufficient to aged. See recording electrode.
elicit a maximal amplitude M wave re- inhibitory postsynaptic potential
duces or abolishes the H wave. The H (IPSP) A local graded hyperpolarization of
wave is thought to be due to a spinal re- a neuron in response to activation at a
flex, the Hoffmann reflex, with electric synapse by a nerve terminal. Contrast
stimulation of afferent fibers in the mixed with excitatory postsynaptic potential.
nerve to the muscle and activation of mo- injury potential The potential difference
tor neurons to the muscle through a between a normal region of the surface of
monosynaptic connection in the spinal a nerve or muscle and a region that has
cord. The reflex and wave are named in been injured; also called a demarcation
honor of Hoffmann's description (1918). potential. The injury potential approxi-
Compare the F wave. mates the potential across the membrane
habituation Decrease in size of a reflex because the injured surface is almost at
motor response to an afferent stimulus the potential of the inside of the cell.
when the latter is repeated, especially at Input Terminal 1 The input terminal of
regular and recurring short intervals. the differential amplifier at which nega-
hertz (Hz) Unit of frequency equal to cy- tivity, relative to the other input terminal,
cles per second. produces an upward deflection on the
Hoffmann reflex See H wave. graphic display. Synonymous with active
hyperpolarization See polarization. or exploring electrode (or older term, Grid
Hz See hertz. 1). See recording electrode.
increased insertion activity See inser- Input Terminal 2 The input terminal of
tion activity. the differential amplifier at which nega-
tivity, relative to the other input terminal,
produces a downward deflection on the
*Illustration in Section II. graphic display. Synonymous with refer-
908 Appendices

ence electrode (or older term, Grid 2). See tials that are not under voluntary control.
recording electrode. The condition under which they occur
*insertion activity Electric activity should be described, e.g., spontaneous or
caused by insertion or movement of a nee- reflex potentials and, if elicited by a stim-
dle electrode. The amount of the activity ulus, the nature of the stimulus. Contrast
may be described as normal, reduced, in- with spontaneous activity.
creased (prolonged), with a description of IPSP See inhibitory postsynaptic poten-
the waveform and repetitive rate. tial
interdischarge interval Time between irregular potential See preferred term,
consecutive discharges of the same po- serrated action potential
tential. Measurements should be made iterative discharge See preferred term,
between the corresponding points on each repetitive discharge.
waveform. *JitterSynonymous with single fiber elec-
interference Unwanted electric activity tromyographic jitter. Jitter is the variabil-
arising outside the system being studied. ity with consecutive discharges of the in-
*interference pattern Electric activity terpotential interval between two muscle
recorded from a muscle with a needle elec- fiber action potentials belonging to the
trode during maximal voluntary effort. A same motor unit. It is usually expressed
Jull interference pattern implies that no in- quantitatively as the mean value of the
dividual motor unit action potentials difference between the interpotential in-
(MUAP) can be clearly identified. A re- tervals of successive discharges (the mean
duced interference pattern (intermediate consecutive difference, MCD). Under cer-
pattern] is one in which some of the indi- tain conditions, jitter is expressed as the
vidual MUAPs may be identified while mean value of the difference between in-
other individual MUAPs cannot be identi- terpotential intervals arranged in the or-
fied because of overlap. The term discrete der of decreasing interdischarge intervals
activity is used to describe the electric ac- (the mean sorted difference, MSD).
tivity recorded when each of several dif- Jolly test A technique described by Jolly
ferent MUAPs can be identified. The term (1895), who applied an electric current to
single unit pattern is used to describe a excite a motor nerve while recording the
single MUAP, firing at a rapid rate (should force of muscle contraction. Harvey and
be specified) during maximum voluntary Masland (1941) refined the technique by
effort. The force of contraction associated recording the M wave evoked by repetitive,
with the interference pattern should be supramaximal nerve stimulation to detect
specified. See also recruitment pattern. a defect of neuromuscular transmission.
intermediate interference pattern See Use of the term is discouraged. See pre-
interference pattern. ferred term, repetitive nerve stimulation.
International 10-20 System A system of late component (of a motor unit action
electrode placement on the scalp in which potential) See preferred term, satellite
electrodes are placed either 10% or 20% potential
of the total distance between the nasion late response A general term used to de-
and inion in the sagittal plane, and be- scribe an evoked potential having a longer
tween right and left preauricular points in latency than the M wave. See A wave, F
the coronal plane. wave, H wave, and T wave.
interpeak interval Difference between latency Interval between the onset of a
the peak latencies of two components of stimulus and the onset of a response.
a waveform. Thus the term onset latency is a tautol-
interpotential interval Time between ogy and should not be used. The peak la-
two different potentials. Measurement tency is the interval between the onset of
should be made between the correspond- a stimulus and a specified peak of the
ing parts on each waveform. evoked potential.
involuntary activity Motor unit poten- latency of activation The time required
for an electric stimulus to depolarize a
nerve fiber (or bundle of fibers as in a
*Illustration in Section II. nerve trunk) beyond threshold and to ini-
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 909

tiate a regenerative action potential in the General term referring to the technique
fiber(s). This time is usually on the order and conditions that approximate record-
of 0.1 ms or less. An equivalent term now ing of all muscle fiber action potentials
rarely used in the literature is the "uti- arising from the same motor unit.
lization time." macro-EMG See macroelectromyography.
latent period See synonym, latency. macro-EMG needle electrode A modified
linked potential See preferred term, single fiber electromyography electrode in-
satellite potential. sulated to within 15 mm from the tip and
long-latency SEP That portion of a so- with a small recording surface (25 um in
matosensory evoked potential normally diameter) 7.5 mm from the tip.
occurring at a time greater than 100 ms malignant fasciculation Use of this term
after stimulation of a nerve in the upper is discouraged to describe a firing pattern
extremity at the wrist, or the lower ex- of fasciculation potentials. Historically,
tremity at the knee or ankle. the term was used to describe large,
M response See synonym, M wave. polyphasic fasciculation potentials firing
*M wave A compound action potential at a slow rate. This pattern has been seen
evoked from a muscle by a single electric in progressive motor neuron disease, but
stimulus to its motor nerve. By conven- the relationship is not exclusive. See fas-
tion, the M wave elicited by supramaxi- ciculation potential
mal stimulation is used for motor nerve maximal stimulus See stimulus.
conduction studies. Ideally, the recording maximum conduction velocity See con-
electrodes should be placed so that the duction velocity.
initial deflection of the evoked potential is MCD Abbreviation for mean consecutive
negative. The latency, commonly called difference. See jitter.
the motor latency, is the latency (ms) to mean consecutive difference (MCD) See
the onset of the first phase (positive or jitter.
negative) of the M wave. The amplitude membrane instability Tendency of a cell
(MV) is the baseline-to-peak amplitude of membrane to depolarize spontaneously,
the first negative phase, unless otherwise with mechanical irritation, or after volun-
specified. The duration (ms) refers to the tary activation.
duration of the first negative phase, un- MEPP Miniature end plate potential.
less otherwise specified. Normally, the microneurography The technique of
configuration of the M wave (usually recording peripheral nerve action poten-
biphasic) is quite stable with repeated tials in humans by means of intraneural
stimuli at slow rates (1-5 Hz). See repeti- electrodes.
tive nerve stimulation. midlatency SEP That portion of the
macromotor unit action potential waveforms of a somatosensori/ evoked po-
(macro MUAP) The average electric activ- tential normally occurring within 25-100
ity of that part of an anatomic motor unit ms after stimulation of a nerve in the up-
that is within the recording range of a per extremity at the wrist, within 40-100
macro-EMG electrode. The potential is ms after stimulation of a nerve in the
characterized by its consistent appear- lower extremity at the knee, and within
ance when the small recording surface of 50-100 ms after stimulation of a nerve in
the macro-EMG electrode is positioned to the lower extremity at the ankle.
record action potentials from one muscle miniature end plate potential (MEPP)
fiber. The following parameters can be The postsynaptic muscle fiber potentials
specified quantitatively: (1) maximal peak- produced through the spontaneous re-
to-peak amplitude, (2) area contained un- lease of individual quanta of acetylcholine
der the waveform, (3) number of phases. from the presynaptic axon terminals. As
macro MUAP See macro motor unit action recorded with conventional concentric
potential needle electrodes inserted in the end plate
*macroelectromyography (macro-EMG) zone, such potentials are characteristi-
cally monophasic, negative, of relatively
short duration (less than 5 ms) and gen-
*Illustration in Section II. erally less than 20 uV in amplitude.
910 Appendices

MNCV Abbreviation for motor nerve con- muscle fibers within the recording range
duction velocity. See conduction velocity. of an electrode. With voluntary muscle
monophasic action potential See action contraction, the action potential is char-
potential with one phase. acterized by its consistent appearance
monophasic end-plate activity See end with, and relationship to, the force of con-
plate activity (monophasic). traction. The following parameters should
monopolar needle recording electrode be specified, quantitatively if possible, af-
A solid wire, usually stainless steel, usu- ter the recording electrode is placed so as
ally coated, except at its tip, with an in- to minimize the rise time (which by con-
sulating material. Variations in voltage vention should be less than 0.5 ms):
between the tip of the needle (active or ex- 1. Configuration
ploring electrode) positioned in a muscle a. Amplitude, peak-to-peak (uV or
and a conductive plate on the skin sur- mV).
face or a bare needle in subcutaneous tis- b. Duration, total (ms).
sue (reference electrode) are measured. By c. Number of phases (monophasic,
convention, this recording condition is re- biphasic, triphasic, tetraphasic,
ferred to as a monopolar needle electrode polyphasic).
recording. It should be emphasized, how- d. Sign of each phase (negative, pos-
ever, that potential differences are always itive).
recorded between two electrodes. e. Number of turns.
motor latency Interval between the on- f. Variation of shape, if any, with
set of a stimulus and the onset of the re- consecutive discharges.
sultant compound muscle action potential g. Presence of satellite (linked) po-
(M wave}. The term may be qualified, as tentials, if any.
proximal motor latency or distal motor la- 2. Recruitment characteristics
tency, depending on the relative position a. Threshold of activation (first re-
of the stimulus. cruited, low threshold, high thresh-
motor nerve conduction velocity old).
(MNCV) See conduction velocity. b. Onset frequency (Hz).
motor point The point over a muscle c. Recruitment frequency (Hz) or re-
where a contraction of a muscle may be cruitment interval (ms) of individ-
elicited by a minimal-intensity, short- ual potentials.
duration electric stimulus. The motor Descriptive terms implying diagnostic sig-
point corresponds anatomically to the lo- nificance are not recommended, e.g., myo-
cation of the terminal portion of the mo- pathic, neuropathic, regeneration, nascent,
tor nerve fibers (end-plate zone). giant, BSAP, and BSAPP. See polyphasic ac-
motor response (1) The compound mus- tion potential serrated action potential
cle action potential (M wave) recorded over motor unit fraction See scanning EMG.
a muscle with stimulation of the nerve to motor unit potential (MUP) See syn-
the muscle, (2) the muscle twitch or con- onym, motor unit action potential
traction elicited by stimulation of the motor unit territory The area in a mus-
nerve to a muscle, and (3) the muscle cle over which the muscle fibers belong-
twitch elicited by the muscle stretch re- ing to an individual motor unit are dis-
flex. tributed.
motor unit The anatomic unit of an an- movement artifact See artifact
terior horn cell, its axon, the neuromus- MSD Abbreviation for mean sorted differ-
cular junctions, and all of the muscle ence. See jitter.
fibers innervated by the axon. MUAP See motor unit action potential
*motor unit action potential (MUAP) multielectrode See multtiead electrode.
Action potential reflecting the electric ac- multilead electrode Three or more insu-
tivity of a single anatomic motor unit. It lated wires inserted through a common
is the compound action potential of those metal cannula with their bared tips at an
aperture in the cannula and flush with
the outer circumference of the cannula.
*Illustration in Section II. The arrangement of the bare tips relative
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 911

to the axis of the cannula and the dis- *myokymic discharge Motor unit action
tance between each tip should be speci- potentials that fire repetitively and may be
fied. associated with clinical myokymia. Two
multiple discharge Four or more motor firing patterns have been described. Com-
unit action potentials of the same form and monly, the discharge is a brief, repetitive
nearly the same amplitude occurring con- firing of single units for a short period (up
sistently in the same relationship to one to a few seconds) at a uniform rate (2-60
another and generated by the same axon Hz) followed by a short period (up to a few
or muscle fiber. See double and triple dis- seconds) of silence, with repetition of the
charge. same sequence for a particular potential.
multiplet See multiple discharge. Less commonly, the potential recurs con-
MUP Abbreviation for motor unit potential. tinuously at a fairly uniform firing rate
See preferred term, motor unit action po- (1-5 Hz). Myokymic discharges are a sub-
tential class of grouped discharges and repetitive
muscle action potential Term com- discharges.
monly used to refer to a compound mus- myopathic motor unit potential Use of
cle action potential. this term is discouraged. It has been used
muscle cramp Most commonly, an invol- to refer to low-amplitude, short-duration,
untary, painful muscle contraction associ- polyphasic motor unit action potentials.
ated with electric activity (see cramp The term incorrectly implies specific di-
discharge). Muscle cramps may be ac- agnostic significance of a motor unit po-
companied by other types of repetitive dis- tential configuration. See motor unit action
charges, and in some metabolic myopathies potential
(McArdle's disease) the painful, contracted myopathic recruitment Use of this term
muscles may show electric silence. is discouraged. It has been used to de-
muscle fiber action potential Action po- scribe an increase in the number of and
tential recorded from a single muscle firing rate of motor unit action potentials
fiber. compared with normal for the strength of
muscle fiber conduction velocity The muscle contraction.
speed of propagation of a single muscle myotonia The clinical observation of de-
fiber action potential, usually expressed as layed relaxation of muscle after voluntary
meters per second. The muscle fiber con- contraction or percussion. The delayed re-
duction velocity is usually less than most laxation may be electrically silent, or ac-
nerve conduction velocities, varies with companied by propagated electric activity,
the rate of discharge of the muscle fiber, such as myotonic discharge, complex
and requires special techniques for mea- repetitive discharge, or neuromyotonic dis-
surement. charge.
muscle stretch reflex Activation of a *myotonic discharge Repetitive discharge
muscle that follows stretch of the muscle, at rates of 20-80 Hz are of two types: (1)
e.g., by percussion of a muscle tendon. biphasic (positive-negative) spike potentials
myoedema Focal muscle contraction less than 5 ms in duration resembling fib-
produced by muscle percussion and not rillation potentials, (2) positive waves of
associated with propagated electric activ- 5-20 ms in duration resembling positive
ity; may be seen in hypothyroidism sharp waves. Both potential forms are
(myxedema) and chronic malnutrition. recorded after needle insertion, after vol-
myokymia Continuous quivering or un- untary muscle contraction or after muscle
dulating movement of surface and overly- percussion, and are due to independent,
ing skin and mucous membrane associated repetitive discharges of single muscle
with spontaneous repetitive discharge of fibers. The amplitude and frequency of the
motor unit potentials. See myokymic dis- potentials must both wax and wane to be
charge, fasciculation, and fasciculation po- identified as myotonic discharges. This
tential change produces a characteristic musical
sound in the audio display of the elec-
tromyograph due to the corresponding
*Illustration in Section II. change in pitch, which has been likened to
912 Appendices

the sound of a "dive bomber." Contrast with refer to studies of waveforms generated in
waning discharge. both the peripheral and central nervous
myotonic potential See preferred term, system. The waveforms recorded in nerve
myotonic discharge. conduction studies are compound sensory
NAP Abbreviation for nerve action poten- nerve action potentials and compound mus-
tial See compound nerve action potential. cle action potentials. The compound sensory
nascent motor unit potential From the nerve action potentials are generally re-
Latin nascens, to be born. Use of term is ferred to as sensory nerve action potentials.
discouraged as it incorrectly implies diag- The compound muscle action potentials are
nostic significance of a motor unit po- generally referred to by letters which have
tential configuration. The term has been historical origins: M wave, F wave, H wave,
used to refer to very low-amplitude, long- T wave, A wave, R! wave, and R2 wave. It
duration, highly polyphasic motor unit is possible under standardized conditions
potentials observed during early states of to establish normal ranges of amplitude,
reinnervation of muscle. See motor unit ac- duration, and latencies of these evoked po-
tion potential tentials and to calculate the maximum con-
NCS See nerve conduction studies. duction velocity of sensory and motor
NCV Abbreviation for nerve conduction ve- nerves.
locity. See conduction velocity. nerve conduction velocity (NCV) Loosely
near constant frequency trains See pre- used to refer to the maximum nerve con-
ferred term, complex repetitive discharge. duction velocity. See conduction velocity.
near-field potential Electric activity of nerve fiber action potential Action po-
biologic origin generated near the record- tential recorded from a single nerve fiber.
ing electrodes. Use of the terms near-field nerve potential Equivalent to nerve ac-
potential and far-field potential is discour- tion potential. Also commonly, but inac-
aged because all potentials in clinical neu- curately, used to refer to the biphasic form
rophysiology are recorded at some dis- of end-plate activity. The latter use is in-
tance from the generator and there is no correct because muscle fibers, not nerve
consistent distinction between the two fibers, are the source of these potentials.
terms. nerve trunk action potential See pre-
needle electrode An electrode for record- ferred term, compound nerve action poten-
ing or stimulating, shaped like a needle. tial
See specific electrodes: bifilar (bipolar] neurapraxia Failure of nerve conduction,
needle recording electrode, concentric nee- usually reversible, due to metabolic or mi-
dle electrode, macro-EMG needle electrode, crostructural abnormalities without dis-
monopolar needle electrode, multilead elec- ruption of the axon. See preferred elec-
trode, single fiber needle electrode, and trodiagnostic term, conduction block.
stimulating electrode. neuromyotonia Clinical syndrome of
nerve action potential (NAP) Strictly de- continuous muscle fiber activity mani-
fined, refers to an action potential fested as continuous muscle rippling and
recorded from a single nerve fiber. The stiffness. The accompanying electric ac-
term is commonly used to refer to the tivity may be intermittent or continuous.
compound nerve action potential. See Terms used to describe related clinical
compound nerve action potential syndromes are continuous muscle fiber
nerve conduction studies (NCS) Synony- activity, Isaac syndrome, Isaac-Merton
mous with electronewography. Recording syndrome, quantal squander syndrome,
and analysis of electric waveforms of bio- generalized myokymia, pseudomyotonia,
logic origin elicited in response to electric normocalcemic tetany and neurotonia.
or physiologic stimuli Generally nerve con- *neuromyotonic discharge Bursts of
duction studies refer to studies of wave- motor unit action potentials that originate
forms generated in the peripheral nervous in the motor axons firing at high rates
system, whereas evoked potential studies (150-300 Hz) for a few seconds, and which
often start and stop abruptly. The ampli-
tude of the response typically wanes. Dis-
*Illustration in Section II. charges may occur spontaneously or be
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 913

initiated by needle movement, voluntary paired stimuli Two consecutive stimuli.

effort and ischemia or percussion of a The time interval between the two stimuli
nerve. These discharges should be distin- and the intensity of each stimulus should
guished from myotonic discharges and be specified. The first stimulus is called
complex repetitive discharges. the conditioning stimulus and the second
neuropathic motor unit potential Use stimulus is the test stimulus. The condi-
of this term is discouraged. It was used tioning stimulus may modify the tissue ex-
to refer to abnormally high-amplitude, citability, which can then be evaluated by
long-duration, polyphasic motor unit ac- the response to the test stimulus.
tion potentials. The term incorrectly im- parasite potential See preferred term,
plies a specific diagnostic significance of satellite potential
a motor unit potential configuration. See peak latency Interval between the onset
motor unit action potential of a stimulus and a specified peak of the
neuropathic recruitment Use of this evoked potential.
term is discouraged. It has been used to phase That portion of a wave between the
describe a recruitment pattern with a de- departure from, and the return to, the
creased number of motor unit action po- baseline.
tentials firing at a rapid rate. See preferred polarization As used in neurophysiology,
terms, reduced interference pattern, dis- the presence of an electric potential differ-
crete activity, and single unit pattern. ence across an excitable cell membrane.
neurotmesis Partial or complete sever- The potential across the membrane of a cell
ance of a nerve, with disruption of the ax- when it is not excited by an input or spon-
ons, their myelin sheaths and the sup- taneously active is termed the resting po-
porting connective tissue, resulting in tential it is at a stationary nonequilibrium
degeneration of the axons distal to the in- state with regard to the electric potential
jury site. difference across the membrane. Depolar-
noise Strictly defined, potentials pro- ization describes a reduction in the magni-
duced by electrodes, cables, amplifier or tude of the polarization toward the zero po-
storage media and unrelated to the po- tential while hyperpolarization refers to an
tentials of biologic origin. The term has increase in the magnitude of the polariza-
been used loosely to refer to one form of tion relative to the resting potential. Repo-
end plate activity. larization describes an increase in polar-
onset frequency The lowest stable fre- ization from the depolarized state toward,
quency of firing for a single motor unit ac- but not above, the normal resting poten-
tion potential that can be voluntarily main- tial.
tained by a subject. polyphasic action potential An action
onset latency Tautology. See latency. potential having five or more phases. See
order of activation The sequence of ap- phase. Contrast with serrated action po-
pearance of different motor unit action po- tential
tentials with increasing strength of vol- *positivesharp wave Abiphasic, positive-
untary contraction. See recruitment. negative action potential initiated by nee-
orthodromic Propagation of an impulse dle movement and recurring in a uniform,
in the direction the same as physiologic regular pattern at a rate of 1-50 Hz; the
conduction; e.g., conduction along motor discharge frequency may decrease slightly
nerve fibers towards the muscle and con- just before cessation of discharge. The ini-
duction along sensory nerve fibers to- tial positive deflection is rapid (<1 ms), its
wards the spinal cord. Contrast with an- duration is usually less than 5 ms, and the
tidromic. amplitude is up to 1 mV. The negative
paired discharge Two action potentials phase is of low amplitude, with a duration
occurring consistently in the same rela- of 10-100 ms. A sequence of positive sharp
tionship with each other. Contrast with waves is commonly referred to as a train
double discharge. of positive sharp waves. Positive sharp
paired response Use of this term is dis- waves can be recorded from the damaged
couraged. See preferred term, paired dis- area of fibrillating muscle fibers. Its con-
charge. figuration may result from the position of
914 Appendices

the needle electrode which is felt to be ad- volts, that exists between two points. Most
jacent to the depolarized segment of a mus- biologically produced potentials arise from
cle fiber injured by the electrode. Note that the difference in charge between two sides
the positive sharp waveform is not specific of a cell membrane. See polarization.
for muscle fiber damage. Motor unit action potentiation Physiologically, the enhance-
potentials and potentials in myotonic dis- ment of a response. Some authors use the
charges may have the configuration of pos- term potentiation to describe the incre-
itive sharp waves. menting mechanical response of muscle
positive wave Loosely defined, the term elicited by repetitive nerve stimulation, i.e.,
refers to a positive sharp wave. See posi- posttetanic potentiation, and the termfacil-
tive sharp wave. itation to describe the incrementing electric
*postactivation depression A descrip- response elicited by repetitive nerve stimu-
tive term indicating a reduction in the am- lation, i.e., postactivation facilitation.
plitude associated with a reduction in the prolonged insertion activity See inser-
area of the M wave(s) in response to a sin- tion activity.
gle stimulus or train of stimuli which oc- propagation velocity of a muscle fiber
curs a few minutes after a brief (30-60 The speed of transmission of a muscle
seconds), strong voluntary contraction or fiber action potential.
a period of repetitive nerve stimulation that proximal latency See motor latency and
produces tetanus. Postactivation exhaus- sensory latency.
tion refers to the cellular mechanisms re- *pseudofacilitation See facilitation.
sponsible for the observed phenomenon of pseudomyotonic discharge Use of term
postactivation depression. discouraged. It has been used to refer to
postactivation exhaustion A reduction different phenomena, including (1) com-
in the safety factor (margin) of neuro- plex repetitive discharges, and (2) repeti-
muscular transmission after sustained tive discharges that do not wax or wane
activity of the neuromuscular junction. in both frequency and amplitude, and end
The changes in the configuration of the M abruptly. These latter discharges may be
wave due to postactivation exhaustion are seen in disorders such as polymyositis in
referred to as postactivation depression. addition to disorders with myotonic dis-
postactivation facilitation See facilita- charges. See preferred term, waning dis-
tion. charge.
postactivation potentiation Refers to pseudopolyphasic action potential Use
the increase in the force of contraction of this term is discouraged. See preferred
(mechanical response) after tetanus or term, serrated action potential
strong voluntary contraction. Contrast Rl, R2 waves See blink responses.
postactivation facilitation. recording electrode Device used to
posttetanic facilitation See facilitation. record electric potential difference. All
posttetanic potentiation The incre- electric recordings require two electrodes.
menting mechanical response of muscle The recording electrode close to the source
during and after repetitive nerve stimula- of the activity to be recorded is called the
tion without a change in the amplitude of active or exploring electrode, and the other
the action potential. In spinal cord phys- recording electrode is called the reference
iology, the term has been used to describe electrode. Active electrode is synonymous
enhancement of excitability or reflex out- with Input Terminal 1 (or older terms Grid
flow of the central nervous system follow- 1, and Gl) and the reference electrode
ing a long period of high-frequency stim- with Input Terminal 2 (or older terms Grid
ulation. This phenomenon has been 2, and G2).
described in the mammalian spinal cord, In some recordings, it is not certain
where it lasts minutes or even hours. which electrode is closer to the source of
potential A physical variable created by the biologic activity, i.e., recording with a
differences in charges, measurable in bifilar (bipolar] needle electrode. In this sit-
uation, it is convenient to refer to one elec-
trode as Input Electrode 1 and the other
*Illustration in Section II. electrode as Input Electrode 2.
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 915

By present convention, a potential dif- period is the period following an action po-
ference that is negative at the active elec- tential during which no stimulus, however
trode (Input Terminal 1) relative to the ref- strong, evokes a further response. The rel-
erence electrode (Input Terminal 2) causes ative refractory period is the period follow-
an upward deflection on the oscilloscope ing an action potential during which a stim-
screen. The term monopolar recording is ulus must be abnormally large to evoke a
not recommended, because all recording second response. The functional refractory
requires two electrodes; however, it is period is the period following an action po-
commonly used to describe the use of an tential during which a second action po-
intramuscular needle exploring electrode tential cannot yet excite the given region.
in combination with a surface disk or sub- regeneration motor unit potential Use
cutaneous needle reference electrode. A of this term is discouraged. See motor unit
similar combination of needle electrodes action potential.
has been used to record nerve activity and relative refractory period See refractory
also has been referred to as monopolar period.
recording. *repairof the decrement See facilitation.
recruitment The successive activation of repetitive discharge General term for the
the same and additional motor units with recurrence of an action potential with the
increasing strength of voluntary muscle same or nearly the same form. The term
contraction. See motor unit action potential may refer to recurring potentials recorded
recruitment frequency Firing rate of a in muscle at rest, during voluntary con-
motor unit action potential (MUAP) when a traction, or in response to single nerve
different MUAP first appears with gradu- stimulus. See double discharge, triple dis-
ally increasing strength of voluntary mus- charge, multiple discharge, myokymic dis-
cle contraction. This parameter is essen- charge, myotonic discharge, complex repet-
tial to assessment of recruitment pattern. itive discharge.
recruitment interval The interdischarge *repetitive nerve stimulation The tech-
interval between two consecutive dis- nique of repeated supramaximal stimula-
charges of a motor unit action potential tions of a nerve while recording M waves
(MUAP) when a different MUAP first ap- from muscles innervated by the nerve. The
pears with gradually increasing strength number of stimuli and the frequency of
of voluntary muscle contraction. The rec- stimulation should be specified. Activation
iprocal of the recruitment interval is the procedures performed prior to the test
recruitment frequency. should be specified, e.g., sustained volun-
*recruitment pattern A qualitative and/ tary contraction or contraction induced by
or quantitative description of the sequence nerve stimulation. If the test was per-
of appearance of motor unit action poten- formed after an activation procedure, the
tials with increasing strength of voluntary time elapsed after the activation procedure
muscle contraction. The recruitment fre- was completed should also be specified.
quency and recruitment interval are two The technique is commonly used to assess
quantitative measures commonly used. the integrity of neuromuscular transmis-
See interference pattern for qualitative sion. For a description of specific patterns
terms commonly used. of responses, see the terms incrementing
reduced insertion activity See insertion response, decrementing response, facilita-
activity. tion and postactwation depression.
reduced interference pattern See inter- repolarization See polarization.
ference pattern. residual latency Refers to the calculated
reference electrode See recording elec- time difference between the measured dis-
trode. tal latency of a motor nerve and the ex-
reflex A stereotyped motor response pected distal latency, calculated by divid-
elicited by a sensory stimulus. ing the distance between the stimulus
refractory period The absolute refractory cathode and the active recording electrode
by the maximum conduction velocity mea-
sured in a more proximal segment of a
*Illustration in Section II. nerve. The residual latency is due in part
916 Appendices

to neuromuscular transmission time and sensory nerve conduction velocity See

to slowing of conduction in terminal ax- conduction velocity.
ons due to decreasing diameter and the sensory peak latency Interval between
presence of unmyelinated segments. the onset of a stimulus and the peak of
response Used to describe an activity the negative phase of the compound sen-
elicited by a stimulus, sory nerve action potential Note that the
resting membrane potential Voltage term latency refers to the interval between
across the membrane of an excitable cell the onset of a stimulus and the onset of
at rest. See polarization. a response.
rheobase See strength-duration curve. sensory potential Used to refer to the
rise time The interval from the onset of compound sensory nerve action potential.
a change of a potential to its peak. The See compound sensory nerve action po-
method of measurement should be spec- tential
ified. sensory response Used to refer to a sen-
*satellite potential A small action po- sory evoked potential, e.g., compound sen-
tential separated from the main motor sory nerve action potential
unit action potential by an isoelectric in- SEP See somatosensory evoked potential
terval and firing in a time-locked rela- serrated action potential An action po-
tionship to the main action potential tential waveform with several changes in
These potentials usually follow, but may direction (turns) that do not cross the
precede, the main action potential. Also baseline. This term is preferred to the
called late component, parasite potential terms complex action potential and
linked potential and coupled discharge pseudopolyphasic action potential See
(less preferred terms). also turn and polyphasic action potential
scanning EMG A technique by which an SFEMG See single-Jiber electromyography.
electromyographic electrode is advanced shock artifact See artifact.
in defined steps through muscle while a *short-latency somatosensory evoked
separate single-fiber electromyography potential (SSEP) That portion of the wave-
electrode is used to trigger both the os- forms of a somatosensory evoked potential
cilloscope-sweep and the advancement normally occurring within 25 ms after stim-
devices. This recording technique pro- ulation of the median nerve in the upper
vides temporal and spatial information extremity at the wrist, 40 ms after stimu-
about the motor unit. Distinct maxima in lation of the common peroneal nerve in the
the recorded activity are considered to be lower extremity at the knee, and 50 ms af-
generated by muscle fibers innervated by ter stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve
a common branch of the axon. These in the lower extremity at the ankle.
groups of fibers form a motor unit fraction.
sea shell sound (sea shell roar or noise) 1. Median nerve SSEPs: Normal short-
Use of term discouraged. See end-plate ac- latency response components to median
tivity, and monophasic. nerve stimulation are designated Pg, P11,
sensory delay See preferred terms, sen- P13. P14, N20. and P23 in records taken be-
sory latency and sensory peak latency. tween scalp and noncephalic reference
sensory latency Interval between the on- electrodes, and N9, N11, N13, and Ni4 in
set of a stimulus and the onset of the com- cervical spine-scalp derivation. It should
pound sensory nerve action potential. This be emphasized that potentials having op-
term has been loosely used to refer to the posite polarity but similar latency in
sensory peak latency. The term may be spine-scalp and scalp-noncephalic refer-
qualified as proximal sensory latency or ence derivations do not necessarily have
distal sensory latency, depending on the identical generator sources.
relative position of the stimulus. 2. Common peroneal nerve SSEPs: Nor-
sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) mal short-latency response components,
See compound sensory nerve action po- to common peroneal stimulation are des-
tential ignated P27 and N35 in records taken be-
tween scalp and noncephalic reference
electrodes, and L3 and T12 potentials in
*Illustration in Section II. bipolar derivation from respective spines.
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 917

3. Posterior tibial nerve SSEPs: Normal cle or elsewhere. (3) In clinical EEG
short-latency response components to recordings, a wave with duration less than
posterior tibial nerve stimulation are des- 80 ms (usually 15-80 ms).
ignated as the PF potential in the popliteal spinal evoked potential Electric wave-
fossa, P37 and N45 waves in records taken forms of biologic origin recorded over the
between scalp and noncephalic reference sacral, lumbar, thoracic or cervical spine
electrode, and L3 and T12 potentials in in response to electric stimulation or
bipolar derivation from respective spines. physiologic activation of peripheral sen-
silent period A pause in the electric ac- sory fibers. See preferred term, so-
tivity of a muscle such as that seen after matosensory evoked potential
rapid unloading of a muscle. spontaneous activity Electric activity
*single fiber electromyography (SFEMG) recorded from muscle or nerve at rest af-
General term referring to the technique and ter insertion activity has subsided and
conditions that permit recording of a sin- when there is no voluntary contraction or
gle muscle fiber action potential See single- external stimulus. Compare with involun-
fiber needle electrode and jitter. tary activity.
single fiber EMG See single-fiber elec- SSEP See short-latency somatosensory
tromyography. evoked potential
single fiber needle electrode A needle staircase phenomenon The progressive
electrode with a small recording surface increase in the force of a muscle contrac-
(usually 25 um in diameter) permitting the tion observed in response to continued
recording of single muscle fiber action po- low rates of direct or indirect muscle stim-
tentials between the active recording sur- ulation.
face and the cannula. See single-fiber elec- stigmatic electrode Of historic interest.
tromyography. Used by Sherrington for active or explor-
single unit pattern See interference pat- ing electrode.
tern. stimulating electrode Device used to ap-
SNAP Abbreviation for sensory nerve ac- ply electric current. All electric stimula-
tion potential. See compound sensory tion requires two electrodes; the negative
nerve action potential terminal is termed the cathode and the
somatosensory evoked potentials positive terminal, the anode. By conven-
(SEPs) Electric waveforms of biologic ori- tion, the stimulating electrodes are called
gin elicited by electric stimulation or phys- bipolar if they are encased or attached to-
iologic activation of peripheral sensory gether. Stimulating electrodes are called
fibers, for example, the median nerve, monopolar if they are not encased or at-
common peroneal nerve, or posterior tib- tached together. Electric stimulation for
ial nerve. The normal SEP is a complex nerve conduction studies generally re-
waveform with several components that quires application of the cathode to pro-
are specified by polarity and average peak duce depolarization of the nerve trunk
latency. The polarity and latency of indi- fibers. If the anode is inadvertently placed
vidual components depend upon (1) sub- between the cathode and the recording
ject variables, such as age, sex, (2) stim- electrodes, a focal block of nerve conduc-
ulus characteristics, such as intensity, tion (anodal block) may occur and cause
rate of stimulation, and (3) recording pa- a technically unsatisfactory study.
rameters, such as amplifier time con- stimulus Any external agent, state, or
stants, electrode placement, and electrode change that is capable of influencing the
combinations. See short-latency SEPs. activity of a cell, tissue, or organism. In
spike (1) In cellular neurophysiology, a clinical nerve conduction studies, an elec-
short-lived (usually in the range of 1-3 tric stimulus is generally applied to a nerve
ms), all-or-none change in membrane po- or muscle. The electric stimulus may be de-
tential that arises when a graded response scribed in absolute terms or with respect
passes a threshold. (2) The electric record to the evoked potential of the nerve or mus-
of a nerve impulse or similar event in mus- cle. In absolute terms, the electric stimu-
lus is defined by a duration (ms), a wave-
form (square, exponential, linear, etc.) and
*Illustration in Section II. a strength or intensity measured in voltage
918 Appendices

(V) or current (mA). With respect to the temporal dispersion Relative desynchro-
evoked potential, the stimulus may be nization of components of a compound ac-
graded as subthreshold, threshold, sub- tion potential due to different rates of con-
maximal, maximal, or supramaximal. A duction of each synchronously evoked
threshold stimulus is that stimulus just suf- component from the stimulation point to
ficient to produce a detectable response. the recording electrode.
Stimuli less than the threshold stimulus terminal latency Synonymous with the
are termed subthreshold. The maximal stim- preferred term, distal latency. See motor
ulus is the stimulus intensity after which a latency and sensory latency.
further increase in the stimulus intensity test stimulus See paired stimuli
causes no increase in the amplitude of the tetanic contraction The contraction pro-
evoked potential. Stimuli of intensity below duced in a muscle through repetitive max-
this level but above threshold are sufomox:- imal direct or indirect stimulation at a suf-
imol. Stimuli of intensity greater than the ficiently high frequency to produce a
maximal stimulus are termed supramaxi- smooth summation of successive maxi-
mal. Ordinarily, supramaximal stimuli are mum twitches. The term may also be ap-
used for nerve conduction studies. By con- plied to maximum voluntary contractions
vention, an electric stimulus of approxi- in which the firing frequencies of most or
mately 20% greater voltage/current than all of the component motor units are suf-
required for the maximal stimulus may be ficiently high that successive twitches of
used for supramaximal stimulation. The individual motor units fuse smoothly.
frequency, number, and duration of a se- Their tensions all combine to produce a
ries of stimuli should be specified. steady, smooth maximum contraction of
stimulus artifact See artifact the whole muscle.
strength-duration curve Graphic presen- tetanus The continuous contraction of
tation of the relationship between the in- muscle caused by repetitive stimulation or
tensity (Y axis) and various durations (X discharge of nerve or muscle. Contrast
axis) of the threshold electric stimulus for tetany.
a muscle with the stimulating cathode po- tetany A clinical syndrome manifested by
sitioned over the motor point The rheobase muscle twitching, cramps, and carpal and
is the intensity of an electric current of in- pedal spasms. These clinical signs are
finite duration necessary to produce a min- manifestations of peripheral and central
imal visible twitch of a muscle when applied nervous system nerve irritability from sev-
to the motor point. In clinical practice, a du- eral causes. In these conditions, repetitive
ration of 300 ms is used to determine the discharges (double discharge, triple dis-
rheobase. The chronaxie is the time required charge, multiple discharge) occur fre-
for an electric current twice the rheobase to quently with voluntary activation of motor
elicit the first visible muscle twitch. unit action potentials or may appear as
submaximal stimulus. See stimulus. spontaneous activity and are enhanced by
subthreshold stimulus See stimulus. systemic alkalosis or local ischemia.
supramaximal stimulus See stimulus. tetraphasic action potential Action po-
surface electrode Conducting device for tential with four phases.
stimulating or recording placed on a skin threshold The level at which a clear and
surface. The material (metal, fabric), con- abrupt transition occurs from one state
figuration (disk, ring), size, and separa- to another. The term is generally used to
tion should be specified. See electrode refer to the voltage level at which an ac-
(ground, recording, stimulating). tion potential is initiated in a single axon
synchronized fibrillation See preferred or a group of axons. It is also opera-
term, complex repetitive discharge. tionally defined as the intensity that pro-
*T wave A compound action potential duces a response in about 50% of equiv-
evoked from a muscle by rapid stretch of alent trials.
its tendon, as part of the muscle stretch threshold stimulus See stimulus.
reflex. train of positive sharp waves See posi-
tive sharp wave.
train of stimuli A group of stimuli. The
*Illustration in Section II. duration of the group or the number of
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 919

stimuli and the frequency of the stimuli from a potential source through a con-
should be specified. ducting medium, such as the body tissues.
triphasic action potential Action poten- voluntary activity In electromyography,
tial with three phases. the electric activity recorded from a mus-
triple discharge Three motor unit action cle with consciously controlled muscle con-
potentials of the same form and nearly the traction. The effort made to contract the
same amplitude, occurring consistently in muscle should be specified relative to that
the same relationship to one another and of a corresponding normal muscle, e.g.,
generated by the same axon or muscle minimal, moderate, or maximal. If the
fiber. The interval between the second and recording remains isoelectric during the at-
the third action potential often exceeds tempted contraction of the muscle and ar-
that between the first two, and both are tifacts have been excluded, it can be con-
usually in the range of 2-20 ms. cluded that there is no voluntary activity.
triplet See triple discharge. waning discharge General term referring
turn Point of change in direction in the to a repetitive discharge that gradually de-
waveform and the magnitude of the volt- creases in frequency or amplitude before
age change following the turning point. It cessation. Contrast with myotonic dis-
is not necessary that the voltage change charge.
passes through the baseline. The minimal wave An undulating line constituting a
excursion required to constitute a change graphic representation of a change, e.g.,
should be specified. a changing electric potential difference.
unipolar needle electrode See synonym, See A wave, Fwave, H wave, and M wave.
monopolar needle recording electrode. waveform The shape of a wave. The term
utilization time See preferred term, la- is often used synonymously with wave.
tency of activation.
VEPs See visual evoked potentials.
VERs Abbreviation for visual evoked re-
sponses. See visual evoked potentials.
*visual evoked potentials (VEPs) Elec- WAVEFORMS
tric waveforms of biologic origin are
recorded over the cerebrum and elicited
by light stimuli. VEPs are classified by 5-1. Compound sensory nerve action po-
stimulus rate as transient or steady state tentials
VEPs, and can be further divided by pre- 5-2. Short-latency SEPs of the median
sentation mode. The normal transient nerve
VEP to checkerboard pattern reversal or 5-3. Short-latency SEPs of the common
shift has a major positive occipital peak peroneal nerve
at about 100 ms (P 100 ). often preceded by 5-4. Short-latency SEPs of the posterior
a negative peak (N75). The precise range tibial nerve
of normal values for the latency and am- 5-5. Visual evoked potential
plitude of P100 depends on several factors: 5-6. Brainstem auditory evoked potential
(1) subject variables, such as age, sex, and 5-7. M wave
visual acuity, (2) stimulus characteristics, 5-8. F wave
such as type of stimulator, full-field or 5-9. H wave
half-field stimulation, check size, contrast 5-10. A wave
and luminescence, and (3) recording pa- 5-11. T wave
rameters, such as placement and combi- 5-12. Blink responses
nation of recording electrodes. 5-13. Repetitive nerve stimulation: nor-
visual evoked responses (VERs) See vi- mal response
sual evoked potentials. 5-14. Repetitive nerve stimulation: decre-
volitional activity See voluntary activity. menting response
voltage Potential difference between two 5-15. Repetitive nerve stimulation: incre-
recording sites. menting response
volume conduction Spread of current 5-16. Repetitive nerve stimulation: facili-
tation, increment after exercise, repair of
*Illustration in Section II. the decrement, postactivation depression
920 Appendices

5-17. Repetitive nerve stimulation: pseu- 5-32. Macroelectromyography

dofacilitation Each illustration is accompanied by a
5-18. Insertion activity complete explanation, which is the same
5-19. End-plate activity as that given in the glossary. The defini-
5-20. Fibrillation potential tions have been repeated fully with the il-
5-21. Positive sharp wave lustrations so that readers do not need to
5-22. Myotonic discharge refer back and forth between the illustra-
5-23. Complex repetitive discharge tions and definitions.
5-24. Fasciculation potential The illustrations have been modified
5-25. Myokymic discharge and adapted from material submitted by
5-26. Neuromyotonic discharge members of the AAEE. The illustrations of
5-27. Cramp discharge the short-latency somatosensory evoked
5-28. Motor unit action potentials potentials were reproduced from the Jour-
5-29. Satellite potential nal of Clinical Neurophysiology (1978;
5-30. Recruitment pattern 1:41-53), with permission of the journal
5-31. Single fiber electromyography editor and the authors.


Appendix Figure 5-1. Compound sensory nerve action potentials recorded with surface electrodes in a nor-
mal subject. A compound nerve action potential is considered to have been evoked from afferent fibers if the
recording electrodes detect activity only in a sensory nerve or in a sensory branch of a mixed nerve, or if
the electric stimulus is applied to a sensory nerve or a dorsal nerve root, or an adequate stimulus is applied
synchronously to sensory receptors. The amplitude, latency, duration, and configuration should be noted.
Generally, the amplitude is measured as the maximum peak-to-peak voltage, the latency as either the la-
tency to the initial deflection or the peak latency to the negative peak, and the duration as the interval from
the first deflection of the waveform from the baseline to its final return to the baseline. The compound sen-
sory nerve action potential has been referred to as the sensory response or sensory potential
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 921



Appendix Figure 5-2. Short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials elicited by electric stimulation of the
median nerve at the wrist (MN-SSEPs) occur within 25 ms of the stimulus in normal subjects. Normal short-
latency response components to median nerve stimulation are designated P9, P11, P13, P14, N20. and P23 in
records taken between scalp and noncephalic reference electrodes, and N9, N11, N13, and N14 in cervical
spine-scalp derivation. It should be emphasized that potentials having opposite polarity but similar latency
in spine-scalp and scalp-noncephalic reference derivations do not necessarily have identical generator
sources. The C4' designation indicates that the recording scalp electrode was placed 2 cm posterior to the
International 10-20 C4 electrode location.
922 Appendices



Appendix Figure 5-3. Short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials elicited by stimulation of the common
peroneal nerve at the knee (CPN-SSEPs) occur within 40 ms of the stimulus in normal subjects. It is sug-
gested that individual response components be designated as follows: (1) Spine components: L3 and T12
spine potentials. (2) Scalp components: P27 and N35. The Cz' and Fpz' designations indicate that the record-
ing scalp electrode was placed 2 cm posterior to the International 10-20 Cz and Fpz electrode locations.
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 923



Appendix Figure 5-4. Short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials elicited by electrical stimulation of the
posterior tibial nerve (PTN-SSEPs) at the ankle occur within 50 ms of the stimulus in normal subjects. It is
suggested that individual response components be designated as follows: (1) Nerve trunk (tibial nerve) com-
ponent in the popliteal fossa: PF potential. (2) Spine components: L3 and T12 potentials. (3) Scalp compo-
nents: P37 and N45 waves. The Cz' and Fpz' designations indicate that the recording scalp electrode was
placed 2 cm posterior to the International 10-20 Cz and Fpz electrode locations.

Appendix Figure 5-5. Visual evoked potential (VEP). Normal

occipital VEP to checkerboard pattern reversal stimulation
recorded between occipital (01) and vertex (Cz electrodes
showing N75, P100 and N175 peaks. Visual evoked potentials
are electric waveforms of biologic origin recorded over the cere-
brum and elicited by light stimuli. VEPs are classified by stim-
ulus rate as transient or steady-state VEPs and can be fur-
ther divided by presentation mode. The normal transient VEP
to checkerboard pattern reversal or shift has a major positive
occipital peak at about 100 ms (P100). often preceded by a
negative peak (N 75 ). The precise range of normal values for
the latency and amplitude of P100 depends on several factors:
(1) subject variables, such as age, sex, and visual acuity; (2)
stimulus characteristics, such as type of stimulator, full-field
or half-field stimulation, check size, contrast, and lumines-
cence; and (3) recording parameters, such as placement and
combination of recording electrodes.
924 Appendices

Appendix Figure 5-6. Brainstem auditory evoked potential

(BAEP). Normal BAEP to stimulation of the left ear, recorded
between left ear (A2) and vertex (Cz) electrodes. Brainstem
auditory evoked potentials are electric waveforms of biologic
origin elicited in response to sound stimuli. The normal BAEP
consists of a sequence of up to seven waves, named I to VII,
which occur during the first 10 ms after the onset of the
stimulus and have positive polarity at the vertex of the head.
In this recording, negativity in Input Terminal 1 or positiv-
ity in Input Terminal 2 causes an upward deflection.

Appendix Figure 5-7. M waves recorded with surface electrodes over the abductor digiti quinti muscle
elicited by electric stimulation of the ulnar nerve at several levels. The M wave is a compound action poten-
tial evoked from a muscle by a single electric stimulus to its motor nerve. By convention, the M wave elicited
by supramaximal stimulation is used for motor nerve conduction studies. Ideally, the recording electrodes
should be placed so that the initial deflection of the evoked potential is negative. The latency, commonly
called the motor latency, is the latency (ms) to the onset of the first phase (positive or negative) of the M
wave. The amplitude (mV) is the baseline-to-peak amplitude of the first negative phase, unless otherwise
specified. The duration (ms) refers to the duration of the first negative phase, unless otherwise specified.
Normally, the configuration of the M wave (usually biphasic) is quite stable with repeated stimuli at slow
rates (1-5 Hz). See repetitive nerve stimulation.
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 925

Appendix Figure 5-8. F waves recorded with surface electrodes over the abductor digiti quinti muscle elicited
by electric stimulation of the ulnar nerve at the wrist with two different gain settings. The F wave is a com-
pound action potential evoked intermittently from a muscle by a supramaximal electric stimulus to the nerve.
Compared with the maximal amplitude M wave of the same muscle, the F wave has a smaller amplitude
(l%-5% of the M wave), variable configuration, and a longer, more variable latency. The F wave can be found
in many muscles of the upper and lower extremities, and the latency is longer with more distal sites of stim-
ulation. The F wave is due to antidromic activation of motor neurons. It was named by Magladery and Mc-
Dougal in 1950. Compare the H wave and the A wave.

Appendix Figure 5-9. H waves recorded with surface electrodes over the soleus muscle elicited by electric
stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve at the knee. The stimulus intensity was gradually increased (top
tracing to bottom tracing). The H wave is a compound muscle action potential having a consistent latency
evoked regularly, when present, from a muscle by an electric stimulus to the nerve. It is regularly found
only in a limited group of physiologic extensors, particularly the calf muscles. The H wave is most easily
obtained with the cathode positioned proximal to the anode. Compared with the maximum amplitude M
wave of the same muscle, the H wave has a smaller amplitude, a longer latency, and a lower optimal stim-
ulus intensity. The latency is longer with more distal sites of stimulation. A stimulus intensify sufficient to
elicit a maximal amplitude M wave reduces or abolishes the H wave. The H wave is thought to be due to a
spinal reflex, the Hoffmann reflex, with electric stimulation of afferent fibers in the mixed nerve to the mus-
cle and activation of motor neurons to the muscle through a monosynaptic connection in the spinal cord.
The reflex and wave are named in honor of Hoffmann's description in 1918. Compare the F wave.
926 Appendices

Appendix Figure 5-10. A waves (under arrows) recorded with surface electrodes over the abductor hallu-
cis brevis elicited by electric stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve at the level of the ankle (top four traces)
and at the level of the knee (bottom four traces). The A wave is a compound action potential evoked con-
sistently from a muscle by submaximal electric stimuli to the nerve and frequently abolished by supramax-
imal stimuli. The amplitude of the A wave is similar to that of the F wave, but the latency is more constant.
The A wave usually occurs before the F wave, but may occur afterward. The A wave is due to normal or
pathologic axonal branching. Compare the F wave.
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 927

Appendix Figure 5-11. The T wave is a compound action potential evoked from a muscle by rapid stretch
of its tendon, as part of the muscle stretch reflex. The T waves were recorded with surface electrodes over
the quadriceps femoris (left tracings) and triceps surae (right tracings) and elicited by stretching the mus-
cles by tapping the corresponding tendon.

APPENDIX FIGURE 5-12. Blink responses recorded with surface electrodes over the right orbicularis oculi
(upper tracings) and left orbicularis oculi (lower tracings) elicited by electric stimulation of the supraorbital
nerve on the right (left tracings) and on the left (right tracings). The blink responses are compound muscle
action potentials evoked from orbicularis oculi muscles as a result of brief electric or mechanical stimuli to
the cutaneous area innervated by the supraorbital (or less commonly, the infraorbital) branch of the trigem-
inal nerve. Typically, there is an early compound muscle action potential (R1 wave) ipsilateral to the stim-
ulation site with a latency of about 10 ms and a bilateral late compound muscle action potential (R2 wave)
with a latency of approximately 30 ms. Generally, only the R2 wave is associated with a visible twitch of the
orbicularis oculi. The configuration, amplitude, duration, and latency of the two components, along with the
sites of recording and the sites of stimulation, should be specified. R1 and R2 waves are probably oligosy-
naptic and polysynaptic brainstem reflexes, respectively, together called the blink reflex, with the afferent
arc provided by the sensory branches of the trigeminal nerve and the efferent arc provided by the facial nerve
motor fibers.
928 Appendices



Appendix Figure 5-13. Study in a normal subject. The successive M waves are displayed to the right. The
M waves were recorded with surface electrodes over the hypothenar eminence (abductor digiti quinti) dur-
ing ulnar nerve stimulation at a rate of 3 Hz. Note the configuration of the successive M waves is unchanged.
Repetitive nerve stimulation is a technique of repeated supramaximal stimulations of a nerve while record-
ing M waves from muscles innervated by the nerve. The number of stimuli and the frequency of stimulation
should be specified. Activation procedures performed prior to the test should be specified, e.g., sustained
voluntary contraction or contraction induced by nerve stimulation. If the test was performed after an acti-
vation procedure, the time elapsed after the activation procedure was completed should also be specified.
The technique is commonly used to assess the integrity of neuromuscular transmission. For a description
of specific patterns of responses, see the terms incrementing response, decrementing response, facilitation,
and postactivation depression.
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 929



Appendix Figure 5-14. Repetitive nerve stimulation study in a patient with myasthenia gravis. Successive
M waves were recorded with surface electrodes over the rested cheek (nasalis) muscle during repetitive fa-
cial nerve stimulation at a rate of 2 Hz, with a display to permit measurement of the amplitude and dura-
tion of the negative phase (left) or peak-to-peak amplitude (right). A decrementing response is a reproducible
decline in the amplitude and/or area of the M wave of successive responses to repetitive nerve stimulation.
The rate of stimulation and the total number of stimuli should be specified. Decrementing responses with
disorders of neuromuscular transmission are most reliably seen with slow rates (2-5 Hz) of nerve stimula-
tion. A decrementing response with repetitive nerve stimulation commonly occurs in disorders of neuro-
muscular transmission, but can also be seen in some neuropathies, myopathies, and motor neuron disease.
An artifact resembling a decrementing response can result from movement of the stimulating or recording
electrodes during repetitive nerve stimulation. Contrast with incrementing response.
930 Appendices



Appendix Figure 5-15. Repetitive nerve stimulation study in a patient with Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syn-
drome (LEMS). An incrementing response was recorded with surface electrodes over the hypothenar emi-
nence (abductor digiti quinti) during repetitive ulnar nerve stimulation at a rate of 50 Hz with a display to
permit measurement of the peak-to-peak amplitude (top) or amplitude and duration of the negative phase
(bottom). An incrementing response is a producible increase in amplitude and/or area of successive responses
(M wave) to repetitive nerve stimulation. The rate of stimulation and the number of stimuli should be spec-
ified. An incrementing response is commonly seen in two situations. First, in normal subjects the configu-
ration of the M wave may change with repetitive nerve stimulation so that the amplitude progressively in-
creases as the duration decreases, but the area of the M wave remains the same. This phenomenon is termed
pseudofacilitation. Second, in disorders of neuromuscular transmission, the configuration of the M wave may
change with repetitive nerve stimulation so that the amplitude progressively increases as the duration re-
mains the same or increases, and the area of the M wave increases. This phenomenon is termed facilitation.
Contrast with decrementing response.
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 931



Appendix Figure 5-16. Repetitive nerve stimulation studies in a normal subject (N) and patients with myas-
thenia gravis (MG) and Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS). Three successive M waves were elicited
by repetitive nerve stimulation at a rate of 2 Hz. The three responses were superimposed. This method of
display emphasizes a change in the configuration of successive responses, but does not permit identifica-
tion of the order of the responses. In each superimposed display of three responses where the configuration
did change, the highest amplitude response was the first response, and the lowest amplitude response was
the third response. After testing the rested muscle, the muscle was forcefully contracted for 10 to 30 sec-
onds (exercise time). The repetitive nerve stimulation was carried out again 3 seconds, 2 minutes, and 10
minutes after the exercise ended. The results illustrate facilitation and postactivation depression.
932 Appendices



Appendix Figure 5-17. Repetitive nerve stimulation study in a normal subject. The successive M waves
were recorded with surface electrodes over the hypothenar eminence (abductor digiti quinti) during ulnar
nerve stimulation at a rate of 30 Hz. Pseudofacilitation may occur in normal subjects with repetitive nerve
stimulation at high (20-50 Hz) rates or after strong volitional contraction, and probably reflects a reduction
in the temporal dispersion of the summation of a constant number of muscle fiber action potentials due to
increases in the propagation velocity of action potentials of muscle cells with repeated activation. Pseudofa-
cilitation should be distinguished from facilitation. The recording shows an incrementing response charac-
terized by an increase in the amplitude of the successive M waves with a corresponding decrease in the du-
ration of the M wave resulting in no change in the area of the negative phase of the successive M waves.


Appendix Figure 5-18. Insertion activity in a normal subject. Insertion activity is the electric activity caused
by insertion or movement of a needle electrode. The amount of the activity may be described as normal, re-
duced, or increased (prolonged), with a description of the waveform and repetitive rate.
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 933


Appendix Figure 5-19. Spontaneous electric activity recorded with a needle electrode close to muscle end-
plates. May be either of two forms: (1) Monophasic (upper and lower traces): Low-amplitude (10-20 uV), short-
duration (0.5-1 ms), monophasic (negative) potentials that occur in a dense, steady pattern and are restricted
to a localized area of the muscle. Because of the multitude of different potentials occurring, the exact fre-
quency, although appearing to be high, cannot be defined. These nonpropagated potentials are probably
miniature end-plate potentials recorded extracellularly. This form of end-plate activity has been referred to
as end-plate noise or sea shell sound (sea shell noise or roar). (2) Biphasic (upper trace): Moderate-amplitude
(100-300 uV), short-duration (2-4 ms), biphasic (negative-positive) spike potentials that occur irregularly in
short bursts with a high frequency (50-100 Hz), restricted to a localized area within the muscle. These prop-
agated potentials are generated by muscle fibers excited by activity in nerve terminals. These potentials have
been referred to as biphasic spike potentials, end-plate spikes, and, incorrectly, nerve potentials.


Appendix Figure 5-20. The top trace shows a single fibrillation potential waveform. The bottom trace shows
the pattern of discharge of two other fibrillation potentials, which differ with respect to amplitude and dis-
charge frequency. A fibrillation potential is the electric activity associated with a spontaneously contracting
(fibrillating) muscle fiber. It is the action potential of a single muscle fiber. The action potentials may occur
spontaneously or after movement of the needle electrode. The potentials usually fire at a constant rate, al-
though a small proportion fire irregularly. Classically, the potentials are biphasic spikes of short duration
(usually less than 5 ms) with an initial positive phase and a peak-to-peak amplitude of less than 1 mV. When
recorded with a concentric or monopolar needle electrode, the firing rate has a wide range (1-50 Hz) and of-
ten decreases just before cessation of an individual discharge. A high-pitched regular sound is associated
with the discharge of fibrillation potentials and has been described in the old literature as "rain on a tin roof."
In addition to this classic form of fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves may also be recorded from fib-
rillating muscle fibers when the potential arises from an area immediately adjacent to the needle electrode.
934 Appendices



Appendix Figure 5-21. The top trace shows a single positive sharp wave. The bottom trace shows the pat-
tern of initial discharge of a number of different positive sharp waves after movement of the recording nee-
dle electrode in denervated muscle. A positive sharp wave is a biphasic, positive-negative action potential ini-
tiated by needle movement and recurring in a uniform, regular pattern at a rate of 1-50 Hz: the discharge
frequency may decrease slightly just before cessation of discharge. The initial positive deflection is rapid (< 1
ms), its duration is usually less than 5 ms, and the amplitude is up to 1 mV. The negative phase is of low
amplitude, with a duration of 10-100 ms. A sequence of positive sharp waves is commonly referred to as a
train of positive sharp waves. Positive sharp waves can be recorded from the damaged area of fibrillating
muscle fibers. Its configuration may result from the position of the needle electrode which is thought to be
adjacent to the depolarized segment of a muscle fiber injured by the electrode. Note that the positive sharp
waveform is not specific for muscle fiber damage. Motor unit action potentials and potentials in myotonic dis-
charges may have the configuration of positive sharp waves.
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 935


Appendix Figure 5-22. Repetitive discharge at rates of 20 to 80 Hz are of two types: (1) biphasic (posi-
tive-negative) spike potentials less than 5 ms in duration resembling fibrittation potentials, (2) positive waves
of 5 to 20 ms in duration resembling positive sharp waves. Both potential forms are recorded after needle
insertion, after voluntary muscle contraction or after muscle percussion, and are due to independent, repet-
itive discharges of single muscle fibers. The amplitude and frequency of the potentials must both wax and
wane to be identified as myotonic discharges. This change produces a characteristic musical sound in the
audio display of the electromyograph due to the corresponding change in pitch, which has been likened to
the sound of a "diver bomber." Contrast with waning discharge.
936 Appendices


Appendix Figure 5-23. A complex repetitive discharge is a polyphasic or serrated action potential that may
begin spontaneously or after a needle movement. They have a uniform frequency, shape, and amplitude,
with abrupt onset, cessation, or change in configuration. Amplitude ranges from 100 uV to 1 mV and fre-
quency of discharge from 5 to 100 Hz. This term is preferred to bizarre high-frequency discharge, bizarre
repetitive discharge, bizarre repetitive potential, near constant frequency trains, pseudomyotonic discharge,
and synchronized fibrillation.
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 937


Appendix Figure 5-24. Six different fasciculation potentials are displayed in the top traces with a time scale
to permit characterization of the individual waveforms. The bottom two traces display fasciculation poten-
tials with a time scale to demonstrate the random discharge pattern. A fasciculation potential is the electric
potential often associated with a visible fasciculation that has the configuration of a motor unit action po-
tential but that occurs spontaneously. Most commonly these potentials occur sporadically and are termed
single fasciculation potentials. Occasionally, the potentials occur as a grouped discharge and are termed a
brief repetitive discharge. The occurrence of repetitive firing of adjacent fasciculation potentials, when nu-
merous, may produce an undulating movement of muscle (see myokymia). Use of the terms benign fascicu-
lation and malignant fasciculation is discouraged. Instead, the configuration of the potentials, peak-to-peak
amplitude, duration, number of phases, and stability of configuration, in addition to frequency of occur-
rence, should be specified.
938 Appendices


Appendix Figure 5-25. Tracings of three different myokymic discharges displayed with a time scale (left) to
illustrate the firing pattern and with a different time scale (right) to illustrate that the individual potentials
have the configuration of a motor unit action potential. A myokymic discharge is a group of motor unit action
potentials that fire repetitively and may be associated with clinical myokymia. Two firing patterns have been
described. Commonly, the discharge is a brief, repetitive firing of single units for a short period (up to a few
seconds) at a uniform rate (2-60 Hz) followed by a short period (up to a few seconds) of silence, with repe-
tition of the same sequence for a particular potential. Less commonly, the potential recurs continuously at
a fairly uniform firing rate (1-5 Hz). Myokymic discharges are a subclass of grouped discharges and repeti-
tive discharges.
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 939


Appendix Figure 5-26. The time scale was chosen to illustrate the characteristic firing pattern. A neu-
romyotonic discharge is a burst of motor unit action potentials that originate in the motor axons firing at high
rates (150-300 Hz) for a few seconds, and often start and stop abruptly. The amplitude of the response typ-
ically wanes. Discharges may occur spontaneously or be initiated by needle movement, voluntary effort, and
ischemia or percussion of a nerve. These discharges should be distinguished from myotonic discharges and
complex repetitive discharges.
940 Appendices


Appendix Figure 5-27. A cramp discharge arises from the involuntary repetitive firing of motor unit action
potentials at a high frequency (up to 150 Hz) in a large area of muscle, usually associated with painful mus-
cle contraction. Both the discharge frequency and the number of motor action potentials firing increase grad-
ually during development, and both subside gradually with cessation. See muscle cramp.


Appendix Figure 5-28. A motor unit action potential (MUAP) is the action potential reflecting the electric ac-
tivity of a single anatomic motor unit. It is the compound action potential of those muscle fibers within the
recording range of an electrode. With voluntary muscle contraction, the action potential is characterized by
its consistent appearance with, and relationship to, the force of contraction. The following parameters should
be specified, quantitatively if possible, after the recording electrode is placed so as to minimize the rise time
(which by convention should be less than 0.5 ms).
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 941


APPENDIX FIGURE 5-29. Four tracings of the same motor unit action potential (MUAP) indicated by the ar-
row. A satellite potential is a small action potential separated from the main MUAP by an isoelectric inter-
val and firing in a time-locked relationship to the main action potential. These potentials usually follow, but
may proceed, the main action potential. Also called late component, parasite potential, linked potential, and
coupled discharge (less preferred terms).


Appendix Figure 5-30. Recruitment pattern and interference pattern. Recruitment refers to the successive
activation of the same and new motor units with increasing strength of voluntary muscle contraction. The
recruitment pattern is a qualitative and/or quantitative description of the sequence of appearance of motor
unit action potentials with increasing strength of voluntary muscle contraction. The recruitment frequency
and recruitment interval are two quantitative measures commonly used. The interference pattern is the elec-
tric activity recorded from a muscle with a needle electrode during maximal voluntary effort. A. full interfer-
ence pattern implies that no individual motor unit action potential (MUAP) can be clearly identified (see trac-
ing on far right). A reduced interference pattern (intermediate pattern) is one in which some of the individual
MUAPs may be identified while other individual MUAPs cannot be identified because of overlap. The term
discrete activity is used to describe the electric activity recorded when each of several different MUAPs can
be identified. The term single unit pattern is used to describe a single MUAP, firing at rapid rate (should be
specified) during maximum voluntary effort. The force of contraction associated with the interference pat-
tern should be specified.
942 Appendices


Appendix Figure 5-31. Single-fiber electromyography—jitter. Schematic representation of the location of

the recording surface of single-fiber needle electrode recording from two muscle fibers innervated by the
same motor neuron (row 1). Consecutive discharges of a potential pair are shown in a superimposed dis-
play (row 2) and in a raster display (row 3). The potential pairs were recorded from the extensor digitorum
communis of a patient with myasthenia gravis and show normal jitter (column A), increased jitter (column
B), and increased jitter and impulse blocking (column C, arrows). Jitter is synonymous with "single-fiber elec-
tromyographic jitter." Jitter is the variability with consecutive discharges of the interpotential interval be-
tween two muscle fiber action potentials belonging to the same motor unit. It is usually expressed quanti-
tatively as the mean value of the difference between the interpotential intervals of successive discharges (the
mean consecutive difference (MCD). Under certain conditions, jitter is expressed as the mean value of the
difference between interpotential intervals arranged in the order of decreasing interdischarge intervals (the
mean sorted difference (MSD).
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 943


Appendix Figure 5-32. Macroelectromyography (macro-EMG). Schematic representation of the location of

the recording surface of the macroelectromyography electrode recording from all the muscle fibers inner-
vated by the same motor neuron (upper diagram). Muscle fiber action potentials recorded by the technique
of macroelectromyography (lower traces) from a healthy subject (column A) and from a patient with amy-
otrophic lateral sclerosis (column B). Macroelectromyography is a general term referring to the technique and
conditions that approximate recording of all muscle fiber action potentials arising from the same motor unit.

SECTION III: useful for students and physicians who are

TERMS GROUPED BY SUBJECT new to the discipline. It may also help more
WITHOUT DEFINITION experienced electromyographers to under-
stand the logic behind the choices of terms
that were made by the Committee.
The AAEE Nomenclature Committee felt In several instances, one term has been
that electromyography terms should be chosen as the preferred expression to de-
presented in two ways as follows: the con- scribe a phenomenon for which several
ventional alphabetical list (Section I) and terms appear in the literature. The glos-
a list of the same terms grouped by sub- sary is inclusive and, in the following list
ject (Section III). of terms grouped by subject, the preferred
This listing of the terms of electromyog- terms are listed first in the small group-
raphy by subject should be particularly ings of like terms.
944 Appendices

Basic Neurophysiology Excitability

Terminology Reflex
Muscle stretch reflex
The definition of these terms is based on Fatigue
their usage in neurophysiology literature. Silent period
Action current Backfiring
Action potential Volume conduction
Muscle fiber action potential Tetanic contraction
Nerve fiber action potential Staircase phenomenon
Refractory period Latency of activation
Absolute refractory period Utilization of time
Relative refractory period
Functional refractory period Motor unit
Motor unit territory
Resting membrane potential
Threshold General Terminology
Membrane instability
Polarization The Board of Directors of the AAEE se-
Depolarization lected the term "Electrodiagnostic Medi-
Depolarization block cine" to describe the area of medical prac-
Hyperpolarization tice in which a physician uses information
Repolarization from the clinical history, observations
Afterpotential from the physical examination, and the
Injury potential techniques of nerve conduction studies
Baseline and electromyography to diagnose and
Noise treat neuromuscular disorders.
Interference Electrodiagnosis
Wave Electrodiagnostic medicine
Waveform Nerve conduction studies
Spike Evoked potential studies
Near-field potential
Far-field potential Electromyography
Discharge Electromyogram
Afterdischarge Electroneurography
Adaptation Microneurography
Frequency Electroneuromyography
Cycles per second
Hertz Clinical electromyography
Frequency analysis Central electromyography
Anode International 10-20 Electrode Place-
Cathode ment system
Excitatory postsynaptic potential
Inhibitory postsynaptic potential
End-plate potential Equipment Terminology
Miniature end-plate potential
End-plate zone Some of the terminology related to equip-
Accommodation ment dates back to the early descriptions
Accommodation curve of amplifiers in which one input was re-
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 945

ferred to as "Grid 1" or "G1"and the other or orthodromic), the intensity of the stim-
input was called "Grid 2" or "G2." In stud- ulus relative to the response (subthresh-
ies of activities generated by the central old, submaximal, or supramaximal), and
nervous system in response to peripheral the number of stimuli. The terms related
nerve stimulation (e.g., somatosensory to strength-duration curves are included
evoked potentials), this convention is pre- here solely for historic purposes because
served by the terms "Input Terminal 1" these tests are now rarely used.
and "Input Terminal 2" because the exact Antidromic
site of the origin of the recorded activity Orthodromic
is not known. In nerve conduction stud-
ies and electromyography, the electrodes Stimulus
that lead to the input terminals of the am- Threshold stimulus
plifier can be referred to as "Input Termi- Maximal stimulus
nals 1 and 2," but more commonly they Subthreshold stimulus
are referred to as the "active electrode" Submaximal stimulus
and the "reference electrode," respectively, Supramaximal stimulus
because the source of the electric activity Paired stimuli
is better understood. Conditioning stimulus
Electrode Test stimulus
Surface electrode Strength-duration curve
Needle electrode Chronaxie
Bifilar needle recording electrode Rheobase
Coaxial needle electrode
Concentric needle recording electrode Artifact
Monopolar needle electrode Stimulus artifact
Unipolar needle electrode Electric artifact
Multilead electrode Shock artifact
Multielectrode Movement artifact
Stimulating electrode
Anodal block
Recording electrode Response Terminology
Active electrode
Exploring electrode The terms in this section refer to the elec-
Stigmatic electrode tric activity recorded from peripheral
Reference electrode nerve and muscle and from the central
Indifferent electrode nervous system in response to physio-
Input Terminal 1 logic, mechanical, or electric stimuli. His-
Input Terminal 2 torically, the terms chosen to describe
Grid 1, Grid 2 these responses often implied physiologic
GI, G2 mechanisms that, in some cases, subse-
Ground electrode quent investigations have disproved. In
Earth electrode other cases, the term chosen has also
been used to describe more than one phe-
Single fiber needle electrode nomenon. To solve these problems, the
Macro-EMG electrode Nomenclature Committee recommends
that some waveforms be referred to by
terms (letters) that are specific and unbi-
Stimulus Terminology ased. For example, the term M wave
specifically refers to the compound mus-
cle action potential recorded over a mus-
In performing nerve conduction studies, it cle directly in response to electric nerve
is important to identify the direction of stimulation. This term is preferred to the
propagation of the stimulus (antidromic term motor response which may mean ei-
946 Appendices

ther an M wave or the contractile move- Sensory nerve action potential

ment of the muscle. For similar reasons, Compound action potential
the terms F wave and H wave were cho- Amplitude
sen to refer to the late responses elicited Conduction block
indirectly from a muscle by electric stim-
ulation of the nerve. The terms A wave Duration
and T wave are introduced to replace the Temporal dispersion
terms axon reflex and tendon reflex. Latency
The terminology to describe short- Distal latency
latency somatosensory evoked potentials Proximal latency
is based on the recommendation in the Latent period
American EEG Society's Clinical Evoked Peak latency
Potentials Guideline (J Clin Newophysiol
1:41-53, 1984). Latency of activation
Evoked potential Motor latency
Motor point Terminal latency
Motor response Residual latency
Compound muscle action potential Sensory latency
Evoked compound muscle action po- Sensory peak latency
tential Sensory delay
Muscle action potential Conduction velocity
*M wave Nerve conduction velocity
M response Motor nerve conduction velocity
Late response Sensory nerve conduction velocity
Conduction time
*F wave Conduction distance
F response Maximum conduction velocity
*H wave Muscle fiber conduction velocity
H response Brainstem auditory evoked potential
H reflex
Hoffmann reflex Brainstem auditory evoked response
*A wave Spinal evoked potential
Axon reflex *Visual evoked potential
*T wave Visual evoked response
*R1 wave *Somatosensory evoked potential (SEP)
*R2 wave Short-latency SEP (SSEP)
Blink responses *Median nerve SSEP
Blink reflex *Common peroneal nerve SSEP
Compound nerve action potential *Posterior tibial nerve SSEP
Nerve action potential Midlatency SEP
Nerve trunk action potential Long-latency SEP
Compound mixed nerve action potential Interpeak interval
Compound motor nerve action potential
*Compound sensory nerve action po- Repetitive Nerve
tential Stimulation Terminology
Sensory response
Sensory potential
Repetitive nerve stimulation has gained
widespread acceptance as a valid and re-
"Illustration in Section II. producible clinical technique to assess the
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 947

integrity of neuromuscular transmission. effort to select the one term that is pre-
Abnormal results of repetitive nerve stimu- ferred for each phenomenon. For example,
lation studies may also be seen in primary the term complex repetitive discharge was
disorders of nerve and muscle, as well as chosen to characterize the electric dis-
in primary disorders of neuromuscular charge that has two or more different com-
transmission. Therefore, it is important to ponents (complex) and repeats regularly
be certain that the results of the studies are (repetitive). Other terms that have been
described completely so that the basis of used to describe the same activity are
the conclusion can be reviewed. Descriptive bizarre high-frequency discharge, bizarre
terms such as decrementing response, in- repetitive discharge, and bizarre repetitive
crementing response, repair of the decre- potential These latter terms were not cho-
ment, and increment after exercise should sen since the word bizarre is a relative one
be used to describe the results. Quantita- and it has a negative connotation. The term
tive values indicating the magnitude of the pseudomyotonic discharge has also been
change, as well as the method of calcula- used to describe complex repetitive dis-
tion, should be included in the report. charges but is to be avoided because there
*Repetitive nerve stimulation are other electric phenomena that resem-
Jolly test ble myotonia, for example, waning dis-
charges. Two more terms that have been
Train of stimuli used to describe complex repetitive dis-
*Decrementing response charges are near constant frequency train
Decremental response and synchronized fibrillation.
Occasionally a term that describes a
*Repair of the decrement clinical phenomenon is used incorrectly to
*Postactivation depression describe an electric phenomenon. In or-
Postactivation exhaustion der to make clear the distinction between
them, both terms have been included in
*Incrementing response this Glossary. Examples of these pairs
Incremental response would be
*Increment after exercise fasciculation-fasciculation potential
*Facilitation myokymia-myokymic discharge
Postactivation facilitation neuromyotonia-neuromyotonic
Posttetanic facilitation discharge
muscle cramp-cramp discharge
Potentiation myotonia-myotonic discharge.
Postactivation potentiation It is important for physicians to use
Posttetanic potentiation each term in these sets correctly and
*Pseudofacilitation specifically. For example, it would be in-
correct to describe myotonic discharge as
myotonia or vice versa. Not all delayed
Needle Examination Terminology muscle relaxation (myotonia) is accompa-
nied by myotonic discharges, and not all
myotonic discharges are accompanied by
Needle examination terms comprise the visible, delayed muscle relaxation.
largest "group" in the Glossary. They in- The term motor unit action potential is
clude the range of activities that are ob- preferred to the term motor unit potential
served in muscle with a needle electrode. to described the synchronized muscle
The activities can be subdivided into in- fiber action potentials belonging to one
sertion activity, spontaneous activity, in- motor unit. This recommendation is in
voluntary activity and voluntary activity. In keeping with the origins of the term in the
several cases, different terms have been basic neurophysiology laboratory.
used in the literature to describe the same Attention is called to the terms recruit-
phenomena. The committee has made an ment frequency and recruitment interval
which provide more quantitative descrip-
"Illustration in Section II. tions of recruitment than the older terms
948 Appendices

single unit pattern, discrete activity, re- Late component (of a motor unit action
duced interference pattern, and full inter- potential)
ference pattern. Many electromyographers Coupled discharge
now assess the number of motor unit ac- Linked potential
tion potentials available in the muscle from Parasite potential
the recruitment frequency or recruitment Neuropathic motor unit potential
intervals, and report the results directly as "Giant" motor unit action potential
a normal number of motor unit action po-
tentials, or as a mild, moderate, moder- Myopathic motor unit potential
ately severe, or severe decrease in the BSAP
number of motor unit action potentials. BSAPP
*Insertion activity Nascent motor unit potential
Reduced insertion activity Recruitment
Increased insertion activity *Recruitment pattern
Prolonged insertion activity Recruitment frequency
Electric silence Recruitment interval
Electric inactivity Firing rate
Spontaneous activity Firing pattern
Involuntary activity Discharge frequency
Order of activation
*End-plate activity Onset frequency
End-plate noise *Interference pattern
End-plate spike Full interference pattern
Nerve potential Reduced interference pattern
Sea shell sound (sea shell roar or noise) Intermediate interference pattern
Fibrillation *Complex repetitive discharge
*Fibrillation potential Bizarre high-frequency discharge
Denervation potential Bizarre repetitive discharge
*Positive sharp wave Bizarre repetitive potential
Positive wave Pseudomyotonic discharge
Trains of positive sharp waves Synchronized fibrillation
Near constant frequency trains
Motor unit Fasciculation
*Motor unit action potential *Fasciculation potential
Motor unit potential Benign fasciculation
MUAP Malignant fasciculation
MUP Contraction fasciculation
Amplitude Repetitive discharge
Duration Grouped discharge
Rise Time Iterative discharge
Phase Double discharge
Monophasic action potential Doublet
Biphasic action potential Triple discharge
Triphasic action potential Triplet
Tetraphasic action potential Multiple discharge
Polyphasic action potential Multiplet
Serrated action potential
Turn Tetanus
Irregular potential Tetany
Complex motor unit action potential Myokymia
*Satellite potential *Myokymic discharge
Muscle cramp
*Illustration in Section II. *Cramp discharge
Appendix 5: AAEE Glossary 949

Neuromyotonia single fiber electromyography (SFEMG),

*Neuromyotonic discharge macroelectromyography (macro-EMG),
Myotonia and scanning electromyography. Because
*Myotonic discharge these techniques are used in clinical neu-
Myotonic potential rophysiology laboratories, terminology re-
Pseudomyotonic discharge lated to them is included in this Glossary.
Waning discharge *Single-fiber electromyography
Single-fiber EMG
Voluntary activity SFEMG
Volitional activity
Contraction MCD
Contracture MSD
Fiber density
Discrete activity
Single unit pattern Interpotential interval
Interdischarge interval
Neuropathic recruitment
Myopathic recruitment Propagation velocity of a muscle fiber
Single-Fiber Electromyography Macro-EMG
and Macroelectromyography Macro motor unit action potential
Terminology Macro-MUAP
Macro-EMG needle electrode
Recent modifications of recording elec- Scanning EMG
trodes have led to the development of Motor unit fraction

*Illustration in Section II.

This page intentionally left blank

Note: Page numbers followed by "f" indicate figures; numbers followed by "t" indicate tables; numbers followed
by "g" indicate glossary terms in the AAEE Glossary for Terms [Appendix 5]

A-alpha fiber 69, 70 Accessory deep peroneal nerve 25, 191, 191f
classification 69 Accessory nerve 7, 171, 715
fiber size-frequency histogram for 71f anatomy of 8f
in-vitro recording of 70f lesions of 715
A-beta lipoproteinemia muscles innervated by 5t, 715
neuropathy associated with 678 Accessory nucleus 7
A-delta fiber Accommodation 898g
classification of 69 us. latent addition 226, 227f
fiber size-frequency histogram for 71f Accommodation curve 898g
in-vitro recording of 70f Acetylcholine (ACh) 65, 242, 247, 345
A fibers axonal transport of 65
classification of 69t defective release of 247, 761
fiber size frequency histogram for 71f deficient synthesis of 762
in-vitro recording of 70f hypersensitivity of 345
A-to-D {analog to digital) conversion 877 quantum of 242
A wave 443 898g. See also Axon wave receptor of 242, 247, 762
clinical significance of 445 synaptic vesicles for 243
in facial neuropathies 445 Acetylcholinesterase 247, 265, 347, 766
Abdominal muscles 10, 377 in congenital myasthenia gravis 247
needle examination of 377 deficiency of 247, 248, 762, 762t
Abdominal rectus muscle 378 in organophosphate poisoning 265, 268f, 766
Abdominal stretch reflex 482 ACh receptor 242, 753
Abducens nerve 5, 5t, 376f, 377, 377f abnormalities of 242, 761
muscles innervated by 5t in myasthenia gravis 247
Abducens palsy 376 with a prolonged open time 762t
Abductor digiti minimi muscle 15, 17t, 18t, 25 ACh resynthesis
ulnar nerve study with 15, 143 abnormality of 762
Abductor digiti quinti muscle Acid maltase deficiency 343, 790, 822
tibial nerve study with 160 myotonia in 343
Abductor hallucis muscle 19t, 25, 156, 167 Acoustic neuroma 6, 714
sacral plexus study with 167 blink reflex in 421t, 424
tibial nerve study with 156 facial palsy in 714
Abductor pollicis brevis muscle 15, 17t Acoustic properties of motor unit 46
median nerve study with 15, 132, 135f Acoustic signals of muscle contraction 329
Abductor pollicis longus muscle 14, 17t Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 612,
Aberrant regeneration 371f, 372, 422, 423f 668
Abnormal muscle activity 821 sterilization of needle after use in 40, 612
Absolute refractory period 898g. See also Acromegaly
Refractory period carpal tunnel syndrome in 721
Accelerometer for acoustic signals 329 myopathy in 797

952 Index

Acrylamide neuropathy 80, 671 Akinetic mutism

Actin filaments 288f, 289, 290f blink reflex in 431f
Action current 898g Alcoholic neuropathy 654
Action potential (AP) 30, 32f, 898g axonal degeneration in 80
in A-alpha A-delta and C fibers 70 clinical features of 654
afterpotential of 33 electrophysiologic abnormalities of 655
all-or-none response in 67, 244 Alkalosis 834
amplitude of 247 All median hand 20, 189
analysis of 72 All-or-none response 30
compound muscle 94, 99, 901g in cell membrane property 32
compound nerve 96f in muscle action potential 67, 244
diagrammatic representation of 32f in nerve action potential 244
diphasic recording of 33, 33f in single motor unit potential estimate 216
duration of 107, 389 All tibial foot 192
error in recording 109 All ulnar hand 20, 190
generation of 30, 31f, 67, 244 Allergic neuritis in experimental demyelination 80
in-vitro recording of 25, 70f Allergic reaction
intracellular recording of 390f to electromyography 309
mixed nerve 94 Alpha-bungarotoxin 246, 755
monophasic recording of 33f Alpha-motor neuron 69
motor unit number estimates 215 us. gamma motor neuron 294f
sampling single units 216 Alternating current 871
muscle 244, 269f, 911g Alzheimer's disease 600
negative spike 32f AM (amplitude modulation) tape recorder 47, 96
nerve 912g Arninoglycoside antibiotics 248
propagation of 35f, 67 Aminopyridine
recording of 35f for multiple sclerosis 81, 82
repolarization of 35f Ampere 863, 888
sensory 94 Amplification 43
serrated 317 Amplifier 43
size of 309 basic 43
subthreshold activation of 30 common mode voltage 44
suprathreshold activation of 67 differential 44
triphasic recording of 35f electrode 43
turns of 317 fast recovery 94
waveforms of 72 frequency band of 45
Active electrode 899g gain 43
Active fluxes of ions 29f integrated circuit of 876
Acute compression 73 noise 49, 51f
Acute intermittment porphyria 79, 80, 677 settings 385
Adaptation 899g single-ended input of 44
Addison's disease 797 Amplitude 99, 325f, 871, 899g
Adductor longus brevis and magnus muscles 18t, of acoustic signal 329
22, 24 of action potential 35f
Adductor pollicis muscles 15, 17t of compound muscle action potential l00f, 315
Adrenal disease 797 of digital nerve potential 76, 107
Adrenoleukodystrophy of F wave 442
F waves in 454f of miniature end-plate potential (MEPP) 243
Adrenomyeloneuropathy 680 of motor unit potential 315, 357
Adrian, ED 890 in nerve excitability assessment 220, 222f, 223f
Adynamia episodica hereditaria 828 recovery curve in 220
AEPs (auditory evoked potential) 899g of sensory nerve potential 107
Afferent fibers 69, 70, 295 of test response 3l5f
Group IA 295 variability of 206
Group II 295 Amplitude modulation (AM) 47, 96
Group III 69 Amyloidosis 79
Group IV 69 carpal tunnel syndrome in 721
Afterdischarge 899g main features of 657t
Afterpotentials 33, 899g neuropathy in 657
in B fibers 69 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 353, 599, 601
negative 33 A wave in 445
positive 33 anal sphincter in 381
Age 111. See also Children axon reflex 443
autonomic neuropathy and 113 bulbar signs in 602
as a factor of conduction velocity 110f, 111 clinical features of 445, 602
AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) 612, cramps in 602
668 differential diagnosis of 4f, 604
Index 953

electromyography in 603 OK sign for 719

fasciculation in 353, 603 remote injury of 719
H reflex in 604 Anterior rami
interference pattern in 324f of cervical spinal nerve 8, 10
motor evoked potentials for 570 of lumbosacral spinal nerve 20f, 22f
motor unit potentials in 357f us. posterior rami 8
muscle biopsies in 605 Anterior roots 8
nerve conduction studies in 604 Anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome 731
neuromuscular transmission in 605 Anterior thoracic nerve 16t
pathology of 601 Anterior tibial muscle 167, 261
pseudobulbar signs of 602 Anterior tibial nerve 24
single motor unit potential sampling in 216 Anterior triangle of neck 9f
spontaneous activity in 348f Antl-acetylcholine (ACh) receptor antibody
threshold electrotonus in 231 in myasthenia gravis 246, 755
vs. cervical spondylosis 603 Antibiotics toxicity
us. chronic mercurialism 603 in neuromuscular transmission 248, 270
vs. lead intoxication 603 Antibodies in experimental demyelination 80
Amyotrophy 600 Anticholinesterase
diabetic 652 administration of 259
focal 610 in neuromuscular transmission 248
monomelic 616 overdose of 260
neuralgic 635 Antidromic impulse 94, 440, 899g
Anal sphincter 379 blocking of 440
fasciculation potentials in 380f for digital potentials 107, 109
needle examination of 379 for motor potentials 109
paralysis of 381 for sensory potentials 94
reflex of 482 us. orthodromic impulse 109
testing of 380 Antidromic sensory nerve conduction 104. See
tone of 379 also individual nerves
Analog-to-digital (A-to-D) converters 877 us. orthrodromic sensory nerve conduction 108
Anastomosis 77 AP (action potential) 899g. See also Action
involving accessory deep peroneal nerve 25, 191f potential
Martin-Gruber 15, 187, 187f Aran-Duchenne disease 605
between peroneal and tibial nerves 192 Arcade of Frohse 718
Anatomical diagnosis 4f Arm-diaphragm synkinesis 633
Anconeus muscle 13, 16t, 261 Arnold-Chiari malformation 613
Anesthesia effect Arsenic poisoning
on transcranial electrical stimulation 556 neuropathy associated with 671
Animal electricity 887 Arteriovenous malformations
Annulospiral endings 295, 296t myelopathies caused by 615
Anodal Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
block 899g with anterior horn cell disease 610
hyperpolarization 67, 92 Artifact(s) 42, 48, 899g
Anode 67, 92, 899g from 60-Hz current 49f
Anomalies 15 from cardiac pacemaker 47f
of accessory deep peroneal nerve 25 control of 47
of all median hand 189 detection of 42
of hand 190 from diathermy 49f
of innervation 188 from fluorescent light 49f
of Martin-Gruber anastomosis 188 from friction 51
carpal tunnel syndrome and 187f from heat lamp 49f
as sources of error 187 from movement 50, 258, 259f
Antebrachial cutaneous nerves 717 shock 94, 916g
lateral 153, 156f, 157t from stimulus 94, 918g
medial 156, 157f 157t from transcutaneous stimulator 48f
posterior 156 Artifact suppression
Anterior divisions in fast recovery amplifier 94
of brachial plexus 11 Asthma
of lumbar plexus 20 poliomyelitis-like Hopkin's syndrome in 613
vs. posterior divisions 11, 20 Ataxia. See also specific types
Anterior horn cell disease 600. See also Motor Cerebellar 676
neuron disease Friedrich's 79, 530, 676
differential diagnosis of 4f motor evoked potentials for 571
fibrillation potentials in 349 Refsum 675
Anterior interosseous nerve 15, 17t Audio interference 52
compression syndrome of 14f, 719 Auditory evoked potentials 899g
muscles innervated by 14f Autogenous nerve graft 77
954 Index

Automated analysis Becker variety of myotonia congenita

of motor unit potential 319 clinical features of 825
Autonomic nervous system 69, 113 electromyographic abnormalities in 343
Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia 676 Bell's palsy 6, 422
neuropathy associated with 676 aberrant regeneration after 414
motor evoked potential in 571 anatomic localization of 6
Averaging technique 94 blink reflex abnormalities in 421t, 422f
in signal recording 95 clinical features of 713
in somatosensory evoked potentials 498 facial myokymia in 831
Axillary nerve 13, 16t, 176 hemifacial spasm after 832
injury of 716 R1 in 422f
muscles innervated by 13f site of lesions in 6
Axillary stimulation 180 Belly-tendon recording
Axis cylinder 66f for motor nerve conduction 97
Axon 75f for repetitive stimulation 258
conduction velocity of 67 Benign fasciculation 356
degeneration of 66, 80 Benign monoclonal gammopathy 657t
neuropathic changes of 83 Berreitschafts potential (BP) 567
refractory period of 219 Beriberi
regeneration of 76 neuropathy associated with 669
us. myelin 77 Bernstein, J 890
Axon diameter 291t, 298 BERs (brainstem evoked responses) 899g
as a factor of conduction velocity 69 Beta-lipoprotein deficiency
as a factor of recruitment 299 neuropathy associated with 678
Axon reflex 899g. See also Axon wave Biceps brachii muscle 13, 16t
Axon response 899g. See also Axon wave brachial plexus study with 153, 261
Axon wave 443, 899g Biceps femoris muscle 18t, 19t, 24
clinical significance of 445 Bifllar needle recording electrode 899g
in facial neuropathies 445 Binary arithmetic 877
physiologic characteristic of 443 Binary digit 877
repetitive discharges of 445f Biopsy 603
us. F wave 445f in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 603
Axonal degeneration 75f, 80, 414f of muscle tissue 800
Axonal neuropathy 83 of nerve tissue 70
Axonal polyneuropathy 105f, 106f Biphasic action potential 899g
Axonal transport 65 Biphasic end-plate activity 899g
Axonotmesis 75, 104f, 899g Bipolar concentric needle 41f
nerve conduction abnormalities in l00f Bipolar montage 503
pathophysiology of 75 Bipolar needle recording electrode 900g
us. neurapraxia 77, 104f Bipolar recording 36
us. neurotmesis 104f Bipolar stimulating electrode 900g
Axoplasmic resistance Bipolar stimulation 92
as a factor of conduction velocity 68, 69 Bit 877
Bizarre high frequency discharge 900g. See also
Complex repetitive discharge
B fibers Bizarre repetitive discharge 900g. See also
classification of 69 Complex repetitive discharge
Bacillus botulinus Bleeding tendency
types of 764 in needle examination 309
Backfiring 440, 899g Blink reflex 7, 409, 421t, 900g, 927g
Bacteremia abnormalities of 410f
after needle examination 309 anatomy of 7
BAEPs (brainstem auditory evoked potentials) 533, in Bell's palsy 422, 430
899g in brainstem lesions 426
BAERs {brainstem auditory evoked responses) in cavernous sinus lesion 417f
899g in Charcot-Maric-Tooth disease 424
Baker's cyst clinical application of 420
involving the sural nerve 732 in coma 421t, 430
Band pass filter 873 in Guillain-Barre syndrome 418t
Bandwidth 873 in hemifacial spasm 424
Baseline 899g in lesions of trigeminal nerve 7
Basophilic stippling of erythrocytes 670 for level of consciousness 430
Bassen-Komzweig syndrome 678 normal values for 418t
Bauwens, P 890 pathways of 410f
Becker muscular dystrophy 783, 825 R1 of 414, 416f, 429
clinical features of 783 in children 591, 592t
electromyographic abnormalities in 783 in infants 419f, 420f
Index 955

R2 of 414, 431 Buchanan, F 890

in children 591, 592t Bulbar palsy 605
in infants 419f, 420f juvenile 609
R/D ratio 415, 416, 430 progressive 605
recording technique of 415f Bulbar signs 602
in spinal cord lesions 426 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 602
in synkinesis 414, 423f in infantile spinal muscular atrophy 607
in syringomyelia 614 Bulbocavemosus reflex 482
us. direct facial response 413 Bulbospinal atrophy 610. See also Spinal
Blink response(s) 900g. See also Blink reflex muscular atrophy
Block 281 Butterfly coils 563. See also Figure-of-eight coil
anodal 67, 92, 899g
cathodal 224
in single fiber electromyography (SFEMG) 281 C fibers 69
us. increased jitter 281, 391 classification of 69
in single fiber electromyography (SFEMG) 281 in-vitro recording of 70, 70f
us. increased jitter 281, 391 c/s (cycles per second) 902g
Bordet 889 Calcaneal nerve
Botulinum toxin 400, 764 somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) 519
presynaptic abnormality with 248 Calcium-dependent acerylcholine (ACh) release
Botulism 262, 262f, 764 759
in children 593, 595 Calcium-dependent facilitation
clinical symptoms of 764 in neuromuscular transmission 250
electrophysiologic tests for 765 Calcium ions 244
fibrillation potentials in 361 depolarization dependent influx of 243
infantile 270, 764 neurosecretory facilitation by 250
prolonged stimulation for 270 role in muscle contraction of 244
motor unit potentials in 361 in sarcoplasm 244
muscle action potentials in 270f Calcium-receptive protein 289
repetitive stimulation in 262, 262f, 269 role in muscle contraction of 289
Bourguignon, G 890 Calibration signals 45
Brachial neuralgia 634 Calibration waveforms 35
Brachial plexus 9f, 10, 152 Cannula-recorded end-plate spikes 314
anatomic features of 11f, 445 Capacitance 865
anterior division of 10. See also Anterior division Carbamazepine toxicity
clinical features of 633 neuromyotonia associated with 830
compressive lesions of 12 Carbon disulfide toxicity
formation of 9f neuropathy associated with 670
histamlne test of 632 Carcinoma
latencies of 154t myasthenic syndrome associated with 758
lateral cord of 634. See also Lateral cord neuropathies associated with 80, 83, 655
lower trunk of 633. See also Lower trunk Carcinomatous myopathy 802
medial cord of 634. See also Medial cord Cardiac catheter
middle trunk of 633. See also Middle trunk electric stimulation in patients with 93
nerve conduction studies of 152, 634 Cardiac pacemaker 93
nerves derived from 10 artifact associated with 47f
posterior cord of 634. See also Posterior cord electrical stimulation in patients with 93
posterior division of 11. See also Posterior electrically sensitive patients with 93
division Carnitine deficiency 785, 793
upper trunk of. See also Upper trunk Carnitine palmityl transferase deficiency 793
us. supraclavicular fossa 11 Carpal tunnel syndrome 14f, 15, 720
Brachialis muscle 13, 16t anatomic abnormalities of 15
Brachioradialis muscle 14, 16t axillary stimulation in 180
Brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) 900g clinical symptoms of 721
Brainstem lesions conduction velocity in 182f
blink reflex in 426 diseases associated with 721
Brainstem motor evoked potentials 554 effect of ischemia in 97
Brainstem pathways 36 electrophysiologic studies in 722
Braun, F 890 F ratio in 459f
Breathing inching technique in 144f
as a factor of heart rate 114 incidence of 148
Bronchogenic carcinoma 758 Martin-Gruber anastomosis in 187f, 190f
Bronk, DW 890 median-to-ulnar communication in 187f, 190f
Brown, GL 890 pathologic studies of 721
BSAPPs (brief small abundant polyphasic serial stimulation for 184f
potentials) 900g thermography for 110
BSAPs (brief small abundant potentials) 900g Carpopedal spasm 834
956 Index

Cataracts lesions of 629

in myotonic dystrophy 823 stimulation of 153, 154f
Cathodal block 224 Cervical spinal cord
Cathodal depolarization 67 transcranial magnetic stimulation of 563
Cathode 67, 92, 900g Cervical spondylosis 603, 631
Cathode-ray tube (CRT) 45, 878 fasciculation potentials in 353
Cauda equina 20 us. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 603
lesions of 167, 638 Chagas' disease 668
Cauda equina syndrome 638 Chainsaw sound of myotonia 344
clinical symptoms of 638 Chamorro population 606
H reflex in 474f Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 79, 83, 602, 673
sural nerve potentials in 638 A wave in 445
us. conus lesions 638 blink reflex in 425, 428f
Cauda peak clinical features of 671
in spinal evoked potential 512, 513, 515f complex repetitive discharge in 352
Cavernous sinus lesion demyelinative type of 83, 674
blink reflex in 417f F-wave abnormalities in 456f, 674
Cell membrane 32. See also Membrane facial nerve palsy in 424
Cells fasciculation potentials in 352
ionic concentration of 28 hypertrophic type of 83, 673
transmembrane potential of 28 motor evoked potentials in 572
Central amplification 523 motor nerve conduction velocity in 83
Central conduction time neuronal type of 671
with transcranial magnetic stimulation 565, spinal form of 671
565t Charge, electrical (defined) 862
Central core disease Cherry-red spot-myoclonus syndrome 680
malignant hyperthermia in 795 Childhood muscular dystrophy 781
type I fiber predominance in 787 Children 586
Central electromyography 900g blink reflex in 591, 592t
Central inhibitory process 833 chronic spinal muscular atrophy of 607
Central latency of F wave 448, 524 distress with electromyography in 308
calculation of 451t dystrophy in 780
normal values for 450t, 456f electromyography in 586
Central motor conduction time (CMCT) 565 F-wave studies in 591t
Central motor drive 328 floppy infant 594
Central pathways for somatosensory evoked instrumentation for 586
potentials (SEP) 524 late responses in 590
Centronuclear myopathy 788 nerve conduction studies in 589
Ceramide trihexose neuromuscular transmission tests in 591
in Fabry's disease 679 normal values for 589t, 591t
Cerebellar ataxia 676 pain management in 587
motor evoked potential in 571 posttetanic potentiation and exhaustion in 593
Cerebellopontine angle 6 practical approach in 586
Cerebral hypotonia 779 somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) of 594
Cerebral lipidosis 677 and height relationships 527, 529f, 530f
Cerebral stroke 432f Chip (defined) 876
blink reflex in 432f Chloramphenicol toxicity
Cerebroside sulfate 678 neuropathy associated with 670
in metachromatic leukodystrophy 678 Chloride 28, 29f
Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis 680 Chloride conductance
Cervical dermatomes in myotonic phenomena 345
for somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) 519 Chloride (Cl") ions
Cervical disk herniation 631 transmembrane potential of 28
Cervical myelopathy 199, 201f, 202f Cholinesterase inhibitors 265, 347, 766. See also
Cervical plexus 5t, 9f, 10 Acetylcholinesterase
anatomic features of 9f effect on fibrillation potentials 347
diseases associated with 628 Chorea-acanthocytosis 680
formation of 9f transcranial magnetic stimulation for 567
muscles innervated by 5t, 6 Chronaxie 225, 900g
nerves derived from 11f Chronic entrapment 75, 713
phrenic nerve derivation in 12 Chronic fatigue syndrome 329
Cervical rib syndrome 636 motor evoked potentials for 572
Cervical roots 16t, 17t, 136, 629 Chronic inflammatory demyelinating
A wave from lesions of 445 polyneuropathy (CIDP) 83, 424, 657, 658,
avulsion of 632 664
electrophystologic studies of 153, 632 blink reflex in 424
histamine test for 632 nerve conduction studies in 83
Index 957

Chronic mercurialism 603 Communication 189. See also Anastomosis;

Chronic polymyositis 785 Anomalies
Chronic polyneuropathy 352, 418t Communication protocol 56
complex repetitive discharges in 352 Complex action potential 900g
Chronic relapsing polyneuropathy 661 Complex motor unit action potential 900g
Chronic spinal muscular atrophy 607 Complex repetitive discharges 350, 900g, 936g
Chronic tetanus 455f, 834 in chronic denervating conditions 352
F wave in 455f in hemiated lumbar disks 351f
us. Stiffman syndrome 835 Compound action potential 901g
Chvostek's sign Compound mixed nerve action potential 901g
of tetany 834 Compound motor nerve action potential 901g
us. peroneal sign 834 Compound muscle action potential 94, 99, 901g
Circuit 864 alteration in l00f, 194f, 196f
isolated 883 increased latency of 99
Circular magnetic coil in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome 269
for peripheral nerve studies 562 maturational process of 588
for transcranial stimulation 556, 558f for motor unit number estimates 215
Clark, DA 890 in neuropathies 99
Classical electrodiagnosis 4 by paired stimuli 219
Classification recording of 94, 96f, 97
of diabetic neuropathy 652 stimulation and recording of 97
of hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy temporal dispersion of 103f, 192
(HMSN) 671, 672t waveforms of 35, 72
of hereditary sensory neuropathy 672t, 678 Compound nerve action potential 70f, 102, 901g
of inflammatory myositis 797 alteration in 107
of motor neuron disease 599 in children 588
of muscular dystrophy 779 increased latency of 108
of myotonia 822 recording of 70f
of nerve fibers 69 temporal dispersion of 192
of nerve injuries 72 waveform of 72
of neuropathy 651 Compound sensory nerve action potential 901g,
of periodic paralysis 827 920g
of spinal muscular atrophy 606 Compression neuropathy 73, 101f
of toxic neuropathies 669 acute variety of 73
Clinical electromyography 900g chronic variety of 75
Clostridtum botulinum 764 conduction velocity in 205
Clostridium tetani 834 Computer analysis
CMCD (central motor conduction time) 565 of motor unit potential 319
Coaxial needle electrode 41f, 42, 900g Computer-based methodology 55
Cobb W 891 Concentric needle electrode 42, 901g
Cockayne's syndrome 680 bipolar 41f
Coil design coaxial 41f
for magnetic stimulation 556, 558f Conditioning and testing technique 219
Collision technique 180, 326, 328f, 900g Conditioning response 219
for anomalous potentials 188, 188f, 189f us. test response 222f, 223f
for assessment of nerve excitability 219, 220f Conditioning stimulus 901g
223f, 221t Conduction abnormalities 75
for axillary stimulation 180, 182f after nerve repair 77
double 224 in axonotmesis 76
for F-wave measurement 447 in demyelination 80, 101f
for Martin-Gruber anastomosis 188 of individual motor axons l00f
for muscle force 327f, 328f measurement of 99
for slow conducting fibers 203, 204f reproducibility of 206, 207f, 208f
for study of motor fibers 180, 182f in somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) 524
for voluntary contraction 326 types of 99
Coma Conduction block 69, 72, 101f, 102f, 197f, 523,
blink reflex in 421t, 430 901g
Combinational logic 877 action potential in 72
Common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) 44 in demyelinating neuropathy 80
Common mode voltages 44 detection of 198
Common peroneal nerve 19t, 25 digitalis for 82
anatomic features of 24 in neurapraxia 73
compression of 730 rate-dependent 82
mononeuropathy of 730 Conduction distance 97, 901g
muscles innervated by 19t, 23f, 24f Conduction studies
nerve conduction study of 162f in children 588, 589t
normal values for 163t principle of 91
958 Index

Conduction time 902g Corneal reflex 409

Conduction velocity 64, 65, 70, 108, 902g Corneomandibular reflex 483
across nerve graft 77 Corner frequency 873
in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 604 Cortical (C) response
of autonomic nervous system 113 during silent period 478
calculation of 97 us. long latency response 481
in children 588, 589t Corticospinal tract 600
in demyelination 69 Corynebacterium diphtheriae 667
determining factors of 68 Coulomb (defined) 862
reproducibility of 206, 207f, 208f Coupled discharge 902g
in different age groups 111t, 112t cps (cycles per second) 902g
in different temperature 394 Cramp 356, 835
in the distal segment 109 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 835
distribution of 201 discharge 902g, 940g
in full-term infants 111 from hypocalcemia 835
and gender 112 in voluntary discharges associated with 836
and height 112 Cranial accessory nerve 5t, 8f
internodal distance as a factor of 68 muscles innervated by 7
in long increments 205 Cranial nerves 5, 171
and maturation 111 mononeuropathy of 713
of motor nerve 97 muscles innervated by 5t, 6, 630t
of muscle fibers 289 Creatine kinase (CK) 309
of nerve fibers 94, 117 after needle examination 309
in the proximal segment 109 in Duchenne muscular dystrophy 782
in regeneration 78 in infantile spinal muscular atrophy 608
in remyelination 69 in juvenile spinal muscular atrophy 608
saltatory 68 in polymyositis 799
in short increments 205 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 600, 611
in unmyelinated nerves 64, 65 jerk-locked averaging for 567
variability of 68, 206 sterilization of needle after use in 40, 612
Conductivity Critical level of depolarization 243
of muscle membrane 288 Cross-bridges of filaments 290
Conductor 863 in muscle contraction 290
Congenital fiber type disproportion 787 Cross-talk 67, 833. See also Ephaptic
Congenital hypomyelination polyneuropathy 680 transmission
Congenital myasthenia 593, 595 Crush injury
Congenital myasthenia gravis 761 nerve regeneration after 78
Congenital myasthenic syndrome 267f, 763 Cubital tunnel 144
Congenital myopathy 787 Cubital tunnel syndrome 144, 724
Congenital myotonia 825 electrophysiologic assessment of 144
Congenital myotonic dystrophy 823 ulnar nerve lesion in 144
Constant current unit 93 Curare 280
Constant voltage unit 92 in neuromuscular transmission 280
Continuous (galvanic) current 889 Curarization 280, 822
Continuous muscle fiber activity 356, 830 Current 863
myokymia in 830, 831 alternating 871
Contraction 902g constant 93
acoustic signals of 329 direct 871
mechanism of 290 faradic 889
Contraction fasciculation 902g galvanic 889
Contraction time local 67f
of muscle fibers 290, 293 spread of 93
Contracture 791, 825, 836, 902g Current density
in ischemic exercise 791 in volume conductor 31, 34
in McArdle's disease 767 Current flow 33
Control values 54, 206 sink and source of 32
Conus lesions 638 in volume conductor 34
clinical features of 290 Current leaks 880
electromyography in 290 Cushing's syndrome 797
us. cauda equina syndrome 638 Cutaneous nerve 69, 70
Conus medullaris 20 antebrachial 717
Coracobrachialis muscle 13, 16t sensory function 118
Cord peak Cutaneous silent period 479
in spinal evoked potential 512, 513, 515f Cutoff frequency 45
Cords of brachial plexus 11 CV (conduction velocity) 902g
lateral 11, 136, 153. See also Lateral cord Cycles per second (cps) 902g
medial 11, 147, 153. See also Medial cord Cysticercosis
posterior 11, 149, 153. See also Posterior cord myositis associated with 802
Index 959

Cytomegalovirus infection 668 Dermatomyositis 638, 798

Cytoplasmic body myopathy 789 clinical features of 798
early recruitment in 364f
electromyographic abnormalities of 798
D-to-A (digital to analog) conversion 878 fibrillation potentials in 350
D wave 554 spontaneous activity in 349f
Dapsone toxicity us. polymyositis 798
neuropathy associated with 670 Dermoid cyst
d'Arsonval, D 890 of conus medullaris 638, 790
Database 54 Desensitizing injections 633
Dawson, GD 525, 891 Desynchronization of nerve volley 83
Debrancher deficiency 790 Diabetic amyotrophy 652
Decay time constant 867 Diabetic mononeuropathy 653
Decremental response 260f, 263, 264f, 902g Diabetic neuropathies 80, 83, 112, 652
in McArdle's syndrome 275 A wave in 445
in myasthenia gravis 260f, 767 adult-onsest 653
in myasthenic syndrome 265f, 266f axonal degeneration in 79
in myotonia 275 blink reflex in 418t, 421t, 424
in periodic paralysis 275 classification of 653
Deep peroneal nerve 19t, 23f clinical features of 445, 653
conduction studies of 162f conduction abnormalities in 80, 206, 207f, 298f
muscles innervated by 23f cutaneous nerve sensory function 118
normal values for 163t electromyographic abnormalities in 653
Deep temporal nerve 171 F wave in 458, 459f
Defective apparatus 49 H reflex in 472
Degeneration of axon 66, 75f, 80 insulin-dependent juvenile 653
nerve conduction during 66 large-fiber type of 653
wallerian 75f small-fiber type of 653
Dejerine-Sottas disease 672t, 675 sympathetic skin response in 117
Delay 902g threshold electrotonus in 231
Delay line 46 Diabetic polyradiculoneuropathy 653
Delayed relaxation Diaphragm 5t, 12, 151, 372
of muscle contraction 795 Diathermy apparatus
Delta-aminolevulinic acid interference from 49f
overproduction in porphyria 677 Diazepam (Valium) therapy 835
Deltoid muscle 13, 16t, 261 in stiff-man syndrome 835
brachial plexus study with 261 suppression of R2 by 431
Demyelinating neuropathy 198 Differential amplifier 44
Demyelination 69 Digastric muscle 5t
clinical consequences 82, 661 Digital circuitry 46, 876
conduction abnormalities associated with 80, Digital electronics 876
l01f Digital-to-analog (D-to-A) conversion 878
conduction block in 80 Digital nerve
conduction velocity in 69 amputation 76
by diphtheria toxin 80 entrapment 724
experimentally produced 80 potential 107
in neurapraxia 73 Digitalis therapy
neuropathies associated with 83, 661. See also for rate-dependent conduction block 82
specific types Digitizing error 878
pathophysiology of 81 Diodes 875
Schwann cell abnormality in 80 Diphasic recording 33f, 35
segmental 75f, 80, 99 Diphenylhydantoin toxicity 670
Denervation 293, 346 neuromyotonia associated with 670, 830
hypersensitivity 346 neuropathy associated with 670
spontaneous activities in 347 Diphtheria toxin 80
Denervation potential 902g in experimental demyelination 80
Denny-Brown, D 891 neuropathy associated with 83, 667
Depolarization 30, 34, 902g Dipole
action potential from 30, 31f, 67, 243 of transmembrane potential 34
cathodal 67 in volume conduction 34
critical level of 243 Direct current (DC) 871
effect on threshold electrotonus 228 Direct facial response 412f, 413
latent addition of 226 in Bell's palsy 414f, 421t, 714
summation of end-plate 249 in facial diplegia 414f
Depolarization block 827, 902g normal values for 413t, 418t
Dermacentor andersoni and paridulis technique for recording of 412f
as cause of tick paralysis 765 us. blink reflex 413
Dermatomal somatosensory studies 519 Direct wave (D wave) 554
960 Index

Discharge 902g Dying-back phenomenon 80

Discharge frequency 903g conditions associated with 80
Discharge pattern of motor units 320 Dynamic response
Discrete activity 903g of muscle spindles 295, 295f
Discrete discharge 324f, 362 Dysautonomia 653
in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 324f Dystonia 839
in polyneuropathy 360f Dystrophic mice 67
in radial nerve palsy 362f Dystrophy 400
of single motor units 324f, 360f Becker 783. See also Becker muscular
Disk herniation 628 dystrophy
in cervical region 631 in childhood 780
in lumbar region 639 classification of 779
Display complex repetitive discharges in 351
of recorded signals 96 Duchenne 400, 780. See also Duchenne
Disposable electrodes 40, 42 muscular dystrophy
Distal axonopathy 670 Emery-Dreifuss 786
Distal excitability 104f fascioscapulohumeral dystrophy 783
Distal latency 96f, 903g hereditary distal 785
Distal myopathy 802 limb-girdle 784. See also Limb-girdle dystrophy
Distal spinal muscular atrophy 607, 611 motor unit potentials in 356
Distribution muscular 779
Gaussian 54 oculopharyngeal 785
Distribution spectrum 73 progressive 350
Disulfiram toxicity
neuropathy associated with 670
Dive-bomber sounds of myotonia 344
Divisions of brachial plexus Early recruitment
anterior 11 of motor units 363, 364f
posterior 11 Earth electrode 903g
Divisions of lumbar plexus Edrophonium (Tensilon) test 282, 400, 756, 760
anterior 20 in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome 760
posterior 20 in myasthenia gravis 282, 756
Dog tick Edrophonium tonography 282
paralysis associated with 765 EDX (electrodiagnosis) 4, 903g
Dorsal column-medial lemniscal system Efferent nerve fibers 69, 70
in somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) 519 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Dorsal cutaneous nerve. See also superficial brachial lexus lesion in 633
peroneal nerve Eichler, W 891
intermediate 162 Einthoven, W 890
medial 162 Electric artifact 903g
Dorsal interosseous muscle 17t Electric field 365, 365f, 862, 865
Dorsal nerve of penis 171 Electric inactivity 903g
Dorsal scapular nerve 12, 16t, 716 Electric potential 324, 863
injury of 716 Electric silence 903g
Double-collision method 224 Electrical power distribution 863
Double discharges 359, 903g Electrical properties of nerve and muscle 27
Double-step test Electrical safety 879
for neuromuscular transmission 280 Electrical stimulation 92
Doublet 359, 903g of the brain 554
Drug-induced myasthenia 766 of the spinal cord 555
Duane's syndrome us. magnetic stimulation 556
ocular electromyography in 376, 376f Electrical stimulator 92
DuBois-Reymond, E 889 Electrically sensitive patient 93, 880
Duchenne, G 888 Electro-oculography 282
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 352, 780 Electrocardiogram 114
clinical features of 780 Electrode(s) 39, 40, 41f, 903g
complex repetitive discharges in 352 application of 40
early recruitment in 364f characteristics of 385
electromyographic evaluation of 782 disposable 40
motor unit potentials in 361f flexible wire 43
neurologic findings in 781 glass micro 43, 118
single-fiber electromyography (SFEMG) in 400 ground 94
spontaneous activities in 349f input impedance of 40
Duration 93, 317, 903g insulation of 41
of action potential 35f, 389 multi 43
of motor unit potential 317 needle 95. See also Needle electrode
of sensory nerve action potential 107 pediatric-sized 586
Index 961

ring 95 End-plate spikes 48, 312f, 313, 313f, 904g

single-fiber 41f, 43, 118 cannula recording of 314
steam autoclaving of 40 us. end-plate noise 313
sterilization of. See Electrode sterilization End-plate zone 904g
surface 41, 95 Endocarditis 309
types of 41 after needle examination 309
Electrode amplifier 43 Endocrine myopathy 796
Electrode cables 44 Endomysium 288, 288f
shielding of 44 Endoneurium 64, 65f, 66f
Electrode distance ENG (electroneurography) 904g
from generator 385f Engelman 889
Electrode noise 48 ENMG (electroneuromyography) 904g
Electrode offset voltage 41 Ensheathed paranode 74f
Electrode placement in compression neuropathy 75
international 10-20 system 496, 497f Entrapment syndrome 75, 713. See also specific
Electrode sterilization 40 types
after use in AIDS 40, 612 Ependymoma
and artifacts 50 of conus medullaris 638
after use in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 40, 612 Ephaptic transmission 67
after use in hepatitis 40 in complex repetitive discharge 351
Electrodiagnosis (EDX) 4, 903g in dystrophic mice 67
computer-based methodology 55 in hemifacial spasm 833
Electrodiagnostic medicine 903g Epidural electrode 535f
Electromagnetic interference 51 Epilepsy
Electromotive force 862 motor evoked potentials in 556, 561, 570
Electromyogram 903g Epimysium 288, 288f
Electromyograph 903g Epineurium 64, 66f
Electromyography (EMG) 309, 903g Episodic paralysis 829
apparatus for 309 EPP (end-plate potential) 249, 904g. See also
in children 593 End-plate potential
contraindications for 309 EPSP (excitatory postsynaptic potential) 904g
examination guidelines in 308 Equilibrium potential 28
for children 593 for chloride (Cl-) +ion 28
four steps of 311 for potassium (K ) ion 28
inflammations with 310 for sodium (Na+) ion 31
for kinesiology 329 us. transmembrane potential 28
ocular 373 Equipotential ground bus 883
patient distress in 308 Erb-Duchenne palsy 631
principles of 309 Erb, W 889
single-fiber 384. See also Single-fiber Erb's point 153
electromyography (SFEMG) brachial plexus latency from 153t, 154t
Electromyography communication protocol 56 stimulation of 153
Electron gun 45 Erlanger, J 890
Electron tube 45 Errors 98
Electroneurography (ENG) 903g anomalies as sources of 99, 187
Electronics 862 in nerve conduction studies 108, 206
Electronystagmography 282 in recording system 179
Electrosecretory mechanism in stimulation technique 179
in neuromuscular transmission 263 technical 109
Electrosensitive patients 93, 880 Erythematous rash 798
Electrostatic interference 51 ESTEEM (European Standardized Telematic Tool
Electrotonus 227 to Evaluate EMG Knowledge Based Systems
us. threshold electrotonus 228 and Methods) 55
Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy 786 Ethical considerations 859
EMG (electromyography) 903g. See also Eulenberg's disease 825
electromyography European Standardized Telematic Tool to Evaluate
End plate 240 EMG Knowledge Based Systems and
electrical activity at 242 Methods (ESTEEM) 55
in intercostal muscles 240 Evoked compound muscle action potential 904g
in myasthenia gravis 242f Evoked potential 904g
in myasthenic syndrome 242f Evoked response 905g
neuromuscular junction in 240 Excitability 27, 905g
End-plate activities 242, 903g, 933g of cells 27
End-plate noise 48, 312, 312f, 904g of H reflex 470, 472f
seashell sounds of 312, 916g of interneurons 432
us. end-plate spike 313 of muscle membrane 288
End-plate potential (EPP) 243, 313, 904g during negative afterpotential 33
962 Index

Excitability (continued) us. H reflex 467

of nerves 27. See also Nerve excitability us. M response 441f
during positive afterpotential 33 F-wave conduction velocity (FWCV) 448, 448f, 450t
subnormal period of 33 F-wave latency 450t, 451t
supernormal period of 33, 69 assessment of 440
Excitation-contraction coupling 244 collision technique for 447
Excitatory postsynaptic potential 905g determination of 441f, 446, 446f
Exhaustion Fabry's disease 679
posttetanic 252 Facial diplegia
Experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis direct facial response in 414f
246 Facial hypoesthesia
Experimental demyelination 80 blink reflex in 421t, 427
Expert systems 55 Facial muscles 371
Exploring electrode 905g needle examination of 371
Extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle 14, 16t synkinesis of 422, 423f
Extensor carpi radialis longus muscle 14, 16t Facial myokymia 831
Extensor carpi ulnaris muscle 14, 16t Facial nerve 5t, 6, 180
Extensor digiti minimi muscle 14, 16t acoustic neuroma of 714
Extensor digitorum brevis muscle 19t, 25 anatomic course of 6, 7f
peroneal nerve study with 25, 161 axon reflex of 445
Extensor digitorum communis muscle 14, 16t in Bell's palsy 713
Extensor digitorum longus muscle 19t, 25 cerebellopontine angle in relation to 6
Extensor hallucis longus muscle 19t, 25 in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 424
Extensor indicis muscle 14, 16t direct response after stimulation of 714
radial nerve study with 14, 149f, 150f electromyographic examination of 713
Extensor pollicis brevis muscle 14, 16t excitability test of 410
Extensor pollicis longus muscle 14, 16t functional components of 6f
External (lateral) rectus muscle 375f in Guillain-Barre syndrome 424
External oblique muscle 377 internal auditory meatus in relation to 6
Extracellular fluid 28, 28t mononeuropathy of 713
Extrafusal muscle fibers 287 in multiple sclerosis 714
us. intrafusal muscle fibers 294 muscles innervated by 5t
Extraocular muscles 373, 374 parotid gland in relation to 6
electromyography of 373 stimulation of 410
innervation ratio for 296 stylomastoid foramen in relation to 6
motor unit potentials in 374 transcranial magnetic stimulation of 564
Extraocular palsy 374 Facial nerve palsy 414, 414f, 714
Extrapyramidal syndrome 680 Facial synkinesis
blink reflex in 414
Facilitation 905g
Facioscapulohumeral dystrophy 783
F ratio 448f Facioscapulohumeral spinal muscular atrophy 609
normal values for 448f, 450t Facioscapulohumeral syndrome 784
F reflex 905g False-negative 54
F response 905g False-positive 54
F wave 442, 467, 905g, 925g Familial amyloid neuropathy 657
in adrenoleukodystrophy 454f Familial brachial plexopathy 635
amplitude of 442 Familial congenital myasthenic syndrome 247
central conduction time based on 566 Familial dysautonomia 678
in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 456f, 674 Familial pressure-sensitive neuropathy
in children 590, 591t brachial plexopathy associated with 635
in chronic tetanus 455f Far-field potentials 36, 499, 500f, 504, 511, 905g
clinical values of 449 computer modelling of 502f
in diabetic neuropathy 458, 459f of median somatosensory evoked potential (SEP)
in entrapment syndromes 459 504, 512f
in Guillain-Barre syndrome 458 of peroneal and tibial somatosensory evoked
in hereditary motor sensory neuropathy potential (SEP) 511, 512f
(HMSN) 453f of radial sensory potential 512f
latency of 442 Farad 866
motor unit number estimate with 216, 217 Faraday shield 44, 888
normal values for 450t Faraday's principle
physiology of 440 in transcranial magnetic stimulation, 556
in radiculopathy 459 Fascicles of nerve fibers 65f
recording procedures for 446 Fascicular biopsy
selection of minimal latency of 445f of sural nerve 70, 72f
central conduction time based on 566 Fasciculation 905g
during voluntary contraction 447 Fasciculation potentials 352, 905g, 937g
Index 963

in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 353, 603 effect of cholinesterase inhibitors on 347

benign 356 effect of temperature on 347
grouped 353 in hemiplagia 350
in muscular pain fasciculation syndrome 353, in lower motor neuron disease 360
355f in muscular dystrophy 350
in myelopathy 353 in neurapraxia 75
in normal muscles 353 origination of 347
in polyneuropathy 355f as single muscle fiber discharge 349
in progressive spinal musculat dystrophy 353 Figure-of-eight coil 563
us. myokymia 353 for peripheral nerve stimulation 563
Fast conducting nerve fibers 192, 523 for spinal cord stimulation 564
blocking of 203 for transcranial magnetic stimulation 556, 558f
us. slow conducting fibers 192 Filaments 245
Fast fatigue (FF) muscle fibers 291t, 292 actin 288f, 289, 290f
Fast glycolytic (FG) muscle fibers 291t, 292 myosin 288f, 289
Fast muscle 292 thick 245
Fast oxidative glycolytic (FOG) muscle fibers 291t, thin 245
292 Filters 45, 311, 872
Fast rates of stimulation frequency response of 42, 874
for neuromuscular transmission 248, 266 high-frequency 45
Fast-recovery amplifier 94 high-pass 873, 874
Fast resistant (FR) muscle fibers 291t, 292 low-frequency 45
Fast twitch fibers 374 low-pass 873, 874
Fatigue 906g notch 873, 874
in electromyography 327 Firing pattern 906g
Fazio-Londe disease 606, 609 Firing rate
Femoral nerve 18t, 21f, 22, 727 of motor units 300, 906g
anatomy of 22 Fisher syndrome 424, 661
conduction study of 169 blink reflex in 418t, 424
course of 21f motor evoked potentials in 571
lesions of 728 Flexible wire electrode 43
muscles innervated by 18t, 23f Flexor carpi radialis muscle 15, 17t
neuropathy of 653 Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle 15, 17t
normal values for 169t Flexor digiti minimi muscle 15, 17t, 19t, 25
somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) 517 Flexor digitorum brevis muscle 19t, 25
Femoral neuropathy 653 Flexor digitorum longus muscle 19t, 24
Fetal myotubes 788 Flexor digitorum profundus muscle 15, 17t
Fiber density 72, 73, 387, 906g Flexor digitorum sublimis muscle 17t
for motor unit potential 314 Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle 15
for nerve action potential 72, 73 Flexor hallucis brevis muscle 19t, 25
normal values for 388t, 398t Flexor hallucis longus muscle 19t, 24
in reinnervated muscles 388f Flexor pollicis brevis muscle 15, 17t
Fiber diameter 64, 69 Flexor pollicis longus muscle 15, 17t
Fiber diameter histogram 70 Flexor reflex 482
Fiber diameter spectrum 69 Floppy infant 594
Fiber type disproportion 789 Flower-spray endings 295, 296t
Fiber types 69t Fluorescent light
A 69t interference from 49f
A-alpha 69 FM (frequency modulation) tape recorder 47, 93
A-delta 69 Focal amyotrophy 610
afferent 69 Focal interruptions of axons 77
alpha 69 Focal motor neuron disease 610
B 69t Focal myopathic changes 310
C 69 69t Footdrop
efferent 69 associated with peroneal palsy 730
fast conducting 192 Forbes, A 890
gamma 294f Frequency 871 906g
myelinated 64 break 873
regenerating 77 corner 873
slow conducting 192 Frequency analysis 320, 906g
unmyelinated 64 filter cutoff in 45
Fibrillation 906g Frequency band
Fibrillation potentials 75, 347, 350, 906g, 933g of amplifier 45
acoustic characteristics of 347 Frequency domain 872
in axonal degeneration 79 Frequency modulation (FM) 47, 93
in dermatomyositis 350 Frequency responses
in diseases of neuromuscular junction 350 in recording signals 45, 320
964 Index

Frequency spectrum 320, 873 Glycogen depreciation technique

of motor unit potential 320 for mapping motor unit territory 298
Friction artifacts 51 Glycogen storage disease 343, 790. See also
Friedreich's ataxia 79, 530, 676 Glycogenosis
clinical features of 676 Glycogenosis 273, 790
conduction abnormalities in 530, 676 myotonic discharges in 343
motor evoked potentials in 571 type II 790
somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) in 530 type III 790
Frontal baldness type V 791
in myotonic dystrophy 823 type VII 792
Frontalis muscle 5t Goat hereditary myotonia 823
Full interference pattern 906g Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation 30
Functional refractory period 906g Golgi tendon organ 296
Fusimotor effects Gracilis muscle 18t, 22
of muscle spindles 296 Greater auricular nerve 152
FWCV (F-wave conduction velocity) 448, 448f, Grid 1 (GI) 906g
450t Grid 2 (G2) 906g
Gross anatomy 64, 288
of neuromuscular junction 240
of peripheral nerve 64
Gl (grid 1), G2 (grid 2) 906g of skeletal muscle 288
Gain of amplifier 43 Ground 44
Galvani, L 887 earth 880
Galvanic current 889 for interference 44
Gamma motor neuron 294f, 467 loop 44
type of muscle fibers innervated by 294f loss of 882, 882t
vs. alpha motor neuron 69 redundant 885
Gammopathy 656, 656t, 657, 657t safety 880
monoclonal 657 third wire 880
Ganglion 726 Ground electrode 44, 94, 906g
of common peroneal nerve 730 Ground fault interrupter 885
of sural nerve 732 Ground loop 44
Gasserian 7 Group IA afferent fiber 295
of Guyon's canal 726 Group IB afferent fiber 296
of popliteal fossa 730 Group II afferent fiber 295
of tarsal tunnel 732 Group III afferent fiber 69
Gasser, HS 890 Group IV afferent fiber 69
Gasserian ganglion 7 Group potential 880
Gastrocnemius muscle 24 Grouped discharge 907g
Gaussian distribution 54 Grouped fasciculation potentials 353
Gaze palsy 376 Guamanian motor neuron disease 606
Gender Guanidine
as a factor of conduction velocity 112 in myasthenic syndrome 760
Generation of action potential 30, 67 Guillain-Barre syndrome 83, 84, 446, 661
Genitofemoral nerve 21 blink reflex in 418t, 421t, 424, 428f, 663
anatomic course of 20 clinical features of 661
lesion of 727 delayed R1 in 425f, 430
muscles innervated by 21 demyelination in 83
Geographic predilection of disorders 606 F wave in 452f, 456f, 458t, 662
Giant axonal neuropathy 679 facial nerve involvement in 428f
Giant cell arteritis fasciculation potential in 353
myositis associated with 802 multiple discharges in 359
"Giant" motor unit action potential 906g muscle action potentials in 359
Gilbert, W 888 myokymic discharge in 353, 355f
Gilles de la Tourette syndrome nerve conduction abnormalities in 661
transcranial magnetic stimulation in 567 Guyon's canal 726
Glabellar tap 415 compression of ulnar nerve at 726
blink reflex elicited by 415 Gynecomastia
us. electrical stimulation 417f, 418t in myotonic dystrophy 824
Glioma of brainstem
myokymia associated with 831
Globoid cell leukodystrophy 678
Glossopharyngeal nerve 5t H reflex 467, 469, 907g
Gluteal nerves 23 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 604
Gluteus maximus muscles 18t, 23 in cauda equina syndrome 474f
Gluteus medius muscles 18t, 23 in children 590
Gluteus minimus muscles 18t, 23 clinical value of 472
Index 965

conditioning of 470 Herpes zoster

excitability of 470, 472f facial palsy associated with 714
extinction of 467 Hertz (Hz) 871, 907g
normal values for 474t High-frequency filter 45
by paired shocks 472f High pass filter 603
in radiculopathy 638, 640 Histamine test
recording procedures for 469, 469f in root avulsion 632
recovery curve of 470, 472f Histochemical reactions
stimulation of tibial nerve for 468f, 469f of muscle fibers 291
us. F wave 467 Hodes, R 891
H response 907g. See also H reflex Hodgkin's disease
H wave 907g, 925g. See also H reflex brachial plexopathy in 633
Habituation 907g Hoefer, PFA 890
Hammond, WA 889 Hoffman, P 892
Handcuff palsy Hoffman reflex 907g. See also H reflex
of radial nerve 718 Hoffman's sign 796
Harvey, AM 891 Hoorweg, JL 889
Heart rate variation Hopkin's syndrome 613
electrophysiologic evaluation of 114 Horizontal deflection plates 45
Heat lamp Homer's syndrome 633
interference from 49f Hospital grade outlet 884
Height Huddleston, OL 891
as a factor of conduction velocity 112 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 661
Helmholtz, H 889 Human T-cell lymphotrophic virus
Hemicholinium toxicity (HTLV-I)-associated myelopathy 615
in neuromuscular transmission 252 Humboldt, FA 888
Hemifacial spasm 363, 833 Hunter's subsartorial canal 728
blink reflex in 833 Huntington's disease
motor unit potentials in 363 somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) in 532
recruitment pattern in 363 transcranial magnetic stimulation 567, 571
synkinesis associated with 371f, 423f, 833 Hypereosinophilic syndrome 660
Hemiparesis Hyperkalemia
interference pattern in 362 in tetany 834
Hemiplegia Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis 274f, 275, 343,
blink reflex in 432, 432f 827, 829
fibrillation potentials in 350 administration of carbohydrate in 828
Hemodialysis myotonia in 343, 822, 828
for neuropathy 655 us. hypokalemic periodic paralysis 828
Hemophilia us. paramyotonia congenita 826
in patients with 309 Hypermagnesemia
Henry (defined) 869 neuromuscular transmission block in 270
Hepatitis Hypernatremia 827
neuropathy associated with 668 Hyperparathyroidism 721, 797, 822
sterilization of needle after use in 40 carpal tunnel syndrome in 721
Herculean appearance Hyperpolarization 31, 907g
in myotonia congenita 825 anodal 67, 92
Hereditary ataxic neuropathy 675 effect on threshold electrotonus 228
Hereditary distal myopathy 785 of transmembrane potential 31
Hereditary motor sensory neuropathies (HMSN) Hyperpyrexia 796. See also Malignant hyperthermia
424, 657, 671, 675. See also specific types Hyperreflexia
(I, II, III, IV, V) differential diagnosis of 4f
blink reflex in 418t, 421t, 424 Hyperthermia 426, 795, 796
classification of 672t blink reflex in 426
clinical features 671 Hyperthyroidism
F-wave abnormalities in 445, 453f, 455t myasthenia gravis associated with 754
pressure-sensitive 671 Hypertrophic Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 83,
Hereditary myotonia 673
in goats 344, 823 Hypertrophic neuropathy 671
Hereditary sensory neuropathy 424, 455, Hyperventilation
678 multiple discharges during 359
Hermann, L 889 Hypocalcemia 834
Hemiated cervical disk 631 in tetany 834
Herniated lumbar disk 639 neuromuscular transmission in 270
complex repetitive discharges in 351f Hypoglossal nerve 5t 172
electromyography in 639 muscles innervated by 5t
F-wave abnormalities in 640 Hypoglossal nerve palsy 715
H-reflex abnormalities in 474, 640 Hypokalemic myopathy 828
966 Index

Hypokalemic periodic paralysis Inferior gemellus muscle 18t

acetazolamide for 828 Inferior gluteal nerve 22
administration of carbohydrate 829 mononeuropathy of 729
us. hyperkalemic periodic paralysis 275, 827 muscles innervated by 18t, 24f
Hypomagnesemia Inferior oblique muscle 5t
tetany in 834 Inferior rectus muscle 5t
Hypoparathyroidism 797 Infraorbital nerve 414
Hyporeflexia Infraspinatus 12, 16t
differential diagnosis of 4f Inherited neuropathies 671
Hypothenar muscles 15, 261 Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) 907g
Hypothyroidism 754, 796 Injury potential 310, 907g
carpal tunnel syndrome in 721 Innervation 293
myasthenia gravis in 754 anomalies of 187
myoedema in 796 of cranial muscles 5t, 630t
Hypotonia 779 effect of 293
Hypoxia of lower limb muscles 19t, 640t
effect on fibrillation potentials 347 mechanical characteristics determined by 294
Hysterical paralysis of muscle fiber 293, 314
interference pattern in 363f of pelvic girdle muscles 18t, 640t
Hz (Hertz) 871, 907g rules for upper limb 15
of shoulder girdle muscles 16t, 630t
of upper limb muscles 17t, 630t
Innervation ratio
I wave (indirect wave) 554 of motor unit 296, 314, 374
Idiopathic brachial neuropathy 634 Input impedance
clinical pictures of 634 of amplifier 44
electromyography in 634 vs. electrode impedance 44
Iliohypogastric nerve 20 Input terminal 1, 907g
Ilioinguinal nerve 20 Input terminal 2, 907g
lesion of 727 Insertional activity 311, 908g, 932g
Iliopsoas muscle 18t abnormally prolonged 341
Impedance 40, 44, 871 absence of 340
amplifier input 44 clinical significance of 311
Impulses 67, 74f, 94 decreased 311f, 340f
antidromic 109, 440. See also Antidromic increased 311f, 340
impulse Insertional positive waves
orthodromic 109. See also Orthodromic in denervated muscles 342
impulse us. myotonic discharge 342
In vitro recording 25 Instrumentation 40
as test for malignant hyperthermia 796 for children 586
of nerve action potential 25 in electromyography 40
of sural nerve potential 25, 70, 70f safety standard of 879
Inclusion body myositis 802 Insulation 49
Incontinence defective 49
study of anal sphincter for 380, 380f of needle electrode 41
Increased insertional activity 907g Insulator 863
Increment after exercise 907g Integrated circuit 876
Incremental methods Integration 326
for motor unit number estimate 216 Intercompartmental potential 503
Incremental response 907g Intercostal muscles 10
in myasthenic syndrome 265f, 266f end plate of 240
Indifferent electrode 907g Intercostal nerve 156
Indirect wave (I wave) 554 somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) 519
Inductance 868 Interdigital nerve syndrome 732
magnetic 868 Interdischarge interval 908g
mutual 868 Interference 44, 908g
self 868 50 or 60 Hz 47, 49f
Infantile botulism 270, 764 audio 52
Infantile facioscapulohumeral dystrophy 609 from cardiac pacemaker 47f
Infantile myotonic dystrophy 609 control of 44
Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy 680 from diathermy apparatus 49f
Infantile spinal muscular atrophy 607 electromagnetic 51
bulbar signs in 607 electrostatic 51
clinical features of 607 from fluorescent light 49f
conduction abnormalities in 608 from heat lamp 49f
electromyography in 608 from mobile phone 52
fasciculation in 607 from paging system 52
Infective neuropathy 661, 668 from power line 44
Index 967

from radio 52 Ixodes holocyclus

reduction of 44 paralysis associated with 765
from transcutaneous stimulator 48f
Interference pattern 321f, 322, 908g. See also
Recruitment pattern
Interlaboratory communication 56 Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease 600. See also
Intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve. See also Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Dorsal cutaneous nerve Jaw reflex 7, 474, 476f
conduction study of 162 clinical application of 476
Intermediate interference pattern 908g normal values for 475t, 476
Intermediate shift (IS) recording of 474
of movement-related cortical potential 567 silent period in 476, 476f
Internal auditory meatus 6 Jendrassik maneuver 561
Internal (medial) rectus muscle 375f Jerk-locked averaging
International 10-20 system 496, 497f, 908g of somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) 837
Interneurons Jitter 281, 389, 908g
excitability of 432 calculation of 392f
Internodal capacitance 69 determination of 391, 391f
Internodal conductance 69 effect of temperature on 394
Internodal distance 64 in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome 761
as a factor of conduction velocity 68 manual calculation of 281
in myelinated fibers 64 in myasthenia gravis 281, 399, 758
Internodal length spectra in myasthenic syndrome 400
in sural nerve fibers 71, 72f normal values for 393t, 398t
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia 376 Jolly, F 891
Interosseous muscle 15, 19t Jolly test 908g
Interpeak interval 908g Jones, HL 890
Interpotential interval 908g Junctional folds 240
Interrupted (faradic) current 889 Junctional potential 500f, 503
Intervertebral foramen l0f amplitude of 501f
Intracellular fluid 28, 28t concept of 36
Intracellular recording Juvenile diabetes mellitus 653
of action potential 390f Juvenile progressive bulbar palsy 609
Intracranial metallic objects Juvenile spinal muscular atrophy 606 608
effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on clinical features of 608
562 creatine kinase in 608
Intrafusal muscle fibers 294, 294f. See also fasciculations in 609
Muscle spindle nerve conduction studies in 609
us. extrafusal muscle fibers 287
Intramuscular temperature 110, 259
Intraocular pressure
tomography measurement of 282 Kanamycin toxicity 248
Involuntary activity 908g myasthenia gravis from 766
Involuntary movement presynaptic abnormalities in 248
vs. synkinesis 363 KANDID (Knowledge Based Assistant for
Inward ionic current 81 Neuromuscular Disorder Diagnosis) 55
Ion channel blockers 81, 228 Kato, M 892
in demyelination 81 Kearns-Sayres ophthalmoplegia 794
effect on threshold electrotonus of 228 Kennedy disease 610
Ionic concentration of cells 28 Kidney transplant
Iontophoresis of atropine in patients with neuropathy 655
effect on sympathetic skin response of 117 Killed-end effect 198
IPSP (inhibitory postsynaptic potential) 908g Kiloh-Nevin syndrome 719
Irregular potential 908g Kindling
Ischemia 73, 97 with cortical stimulation 562
effect on median somatosnesory evoked potential Kinesiology and electromyography 329
(SEP) 523f Kirchoff s circuit laws 865
nerve excitability during 226 Klumpke's palsy 631
neurapraxia induced by 73 Knowledge Based Assistant for Neuromuscular
Ischemic test 280 Disorder Diagnosis (KANDID) 55
for McArdle's disease 290f, 791 Konzo 615
for neuromuscular transmission 280 Krabbe's globoid cell leukodystrophy 83, 677
Isolated circuit 883 Kratzenstein, C 888
Isolated inputs 885 Krause, W 889
Isolated power systems 885 Kugelberg, E 891
Isoniazid toxicity Kugelberg-Welander disease 606, 608
neuropathy associated with 670 Kuhne, W 889
Iterative discharge 908g Kuru 611
968 Index

Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome 247, 758, Lead toxicity 670, 831

762t. See also Myasthenic syndrome neuropathy associated with 670
in children 593 us. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 603
clinical features of 759 Leading-off surface 41f, 385
compound muscle action potentials in 269 of concentric needles 42
defective release of acetylcholine in 247 of monopolar needles 42
edrophonium test for 760 of single fiber needles 43, 365f, 385
electrophysiological tests for 760 Leakage current 881
etiologic considerations for 758 Leprosy
muscle action potential in 269 lepromatous 667
posttetanic exhaustion in 761 neural 667
posttetanic facilitation in 761 tuberculoid 667
posttetanic potentiation in 271 Leukemia 642
presynaptic defect in 247 lumbosacral plexopathy in 642
repetitive stimulation in 269, 761 neuropathy associated with 656
single-fiber electromyography (SFEMG) in 761 Levator palpebrae muscle 5t
small-cell bronchogenic carcinoma in 758 Levator scapulae muscle 12, 16t
Laminectomy Liddell, EGT 890
spontaneous activity after 639 Ligament of Struthers 719
Lancaster red-green test Limb-girdle dystrophy or syndrome 784
for myasthenia gravis 282 clinical features of 784
Landouzy-Dejerine dystrophy 783 interference pattern in 324f
Langley, JN 890 motor unit potentials in 324f
Lapicque, L 889 890 recruitment in 323f
Large-fiber type diabetic neuropathy 653, 657 Lindsley, DB 891
Laryngeal muscles 5t, 7, 372 Lingual nerve 171
Late component Linked potential 909g
of motor unit action potential 361, 908g Lipid metabolism
Late-onset acid maltase deficiency 785 disorders of 792
Late response 908g Lipidosis 677
Latency 908g Lipoma
in conduction velocity calculation 97 of the conus medullaris 638
in nerve excitability assessment 220, 222f, Lipoprotein neuropathies 678
223f Lippmann, MG 890
us. amplitude change 315 Lithium toxicity
Latency measurement 108 neuropathy associated with 670
of compound muscle action potential l00f Local current 32
of F wave 440 in action potential 67, 67f
of motor conduction 108 Local response 31f
in nerve excitability assessment 220, 222f, 223f Locked-in-syndrome
of sensory conduction 108 blink reflex in 431f, 432
sources of error in 109 Logic 877
Latency of activation 908g combinational 877
Latent addition sequential 877
vs. accommodation 226, 227f Long interstimulus intervals 263
Latent period 909g Long-latency reflex 481
Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve 13, 156 Long-latency response 478
conduction study of 156f, 170f Long-latency somatosensory evoked potential (SEP)
normal values for 157t 909g
in relation to musculocutaneous nerve 153 Long-loop response 481
Lateral cord of brachial plexus 11, 634 Long spinal muscles
clinical localization of lesions in 136 needle examination of 378
Erb's point in relation to 147 Long thoracic nerve 16t, 715
formation of 9f, 11f, 153, 633 injury of 715
sensory potential in lesions of 136 muscles innervated by 16t
stimulation of 147 Longissimus dorsi 378
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve 21 Longitudinal tubule 244, 245f
conduction study of 170f Loudspeaker 46
lesion of 728 Low-frequency filter 45
in relation to lumbar plexus 169 Low-pass filter 873
Lateral medullary syndrome Lower limb 20 157
blink reflex in 429f muscles of 18t, 19t, 640t
Lateral plantar nerve 19t, 25, 160 nerves of 18t, 19t, 157, 640t
conduction study of 160 Lower motor neuron disorders 359, 767
muscles innervated by 19t, 24f, 160 as a cause of weakness 308, 308f
Lateral popliteal nerve 25 motor unit potential in 340f
Lateral rectus muscle 5t neuromuscular transmission in 767
Latissimus dorsi muscle 16t recruitment pattern in 362
Index 969

typical electromyography in 340f Magnetic inductance 868

us. myogenic lesions 341f Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in multiple
us. upper motor neuron lesions 341f sclerosis 533
Lower motor neurons Magnetic stimulation 117, 553
stretch reflex in diseases of 4f cervical 117
Lower trunk of brachial plexus 11, 633 contraindications for 562
clinical features in lesions of 147 normal values for 567, 568t
formation of 9f, 11f, 153, 633 transcranial 554
sensory potential in lesions of 147 Magnetic tape recorder 46
stimulation of 147 Magnetism 868
Lumbar plexus 20, 167 Main sensory nucleus
abnormalities in lesions of 167 of the trigeminal nerve 7
anatomic course of 20f Malignancies
anterior division of 20f myasthenic syndrome associated with 758
clinical localization for lesions of 167 neuropathy associated with 656, 656t
conduction studies of 167f Malignant fasciculation 909g
formation of 20f Malignant hyperpyrexia 795. See also Malignant
nerves derived from 20f hyperthermia
us. cauda equina 20 Malignant hyperthermia
us. conus medullaris 20 in-vitro screening test for 796
Lumbosacral dermatomes Manganese toxicity
somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) 519 in myotonia 248
Lumbosacral evoked potentials 514f presynaptic abnormalities in 248
Lumbosacral plexus 21f, 641 Marianini, S 888
components of 21f Marinacci, AA 891
electromyography of 642 Martin-Gruber anastomosis 15, 187
latencies across 167f in carpal tunnel syndrome 187f, 190f
lesions involving 642 collision technique for 188
needle examination of 167 Masland, RL 891
neoplasm of 642 Masseter muscle 5t, 7, 182f
nerves derived from 21f Masseter reflex 7, 474, 477f
root stimulation for evaluation of 167f normal values for 475t
Lumbosacral potentials 513 silent period of 476, 477f
Lumbosacral roots 18t, 19t, 637 Mastication
stimulation of 167f, 168t muscles of 7
Lumbrical muscles 15, 17t Matteucei, C 888
Lupus erythematosus 721, 798 Maturational process
carpal tunnel syndrome in 721 of nerve conduction 111, 588, 589t
dermatomyositis in 798 Maximal stimulus 93, 909g
Lyme disease 668 Maximum conduction velocity 909g
Lymphoma 633, 642 McArdle's disease 275, 791
brachial plexus lesion in 633 contracture in 290f, 767
lumbosacral plexus lesion in 642 decremental response in 275
Lyon hypothesis repetitive stimulation in 275
in muscular dystrophy 780 MCD (mean consecutive difference) 909g
Mean consecutive difference (MCD) 391, 909g
Mean interspike interval (MISI) 389
Mechanical stimulation 415
M response 445, 909g. See also Compound by glabella tap 415
muscle action potentials for somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) 496
us. blink reflex 413, 418t Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve 156, 157f,
us. F wave 441f 157t
us. H reflex 467, 468f, 469f Medial cord of brachial plexus 11, 634
M wave 909g 924g. See also M response formation of 9f, 11f, 153, 633
Macro-motor unit action potential (MUAP) 396f, sensory potential in lesions of 147
909g stimulation of 147
Macroelectromyography (macro-EMG) 394, 395f, symptoms in lesion of 634
909g, 943g Medial dorsal cutaneous nerve
needle electrode 395, 909g conduction study of 162
normal values 397t Medial femoral cutaneous nerve 170
Macroglobulinemia Medial plantar nerve 19t, 25
neuropathy associated with 657 conduction studies of 159f, 160
Magendie, F 888 muscles innervated by 24f, 160
Magladery, JW 892 Medial popliteal nerve 24
Magnesium toxicity Medial rectus muscle 5t
presynaptic abnormalities in 248 Median nerve 14, 15, 17t, 719
Magnetic coil stimulator 53 anatomic course of 14f
Magnetic field 868 at birth 588
970 Index

Median nerve (continued) stimulation of 154

conduction studies of 96f symptoms in lesions of 147
F waves of 451t Midlatency somatosensory evoked potential (SEP)
latency of 135t 909g
mononeuropathy of 719 Millard-Gubler syndrome 429
motor fiber conduction 131, 132f, 133f, 135f Miller Fisher syndrome 663
motor unit number estimate for 218, 218t Millihenry 868
muscles innervated by 14,14f, 17t Miniature end-plate potential (MEPP) 243, 909g
normal values for 134t, 135t amplitude of 243
in children 589t in myasthenia gravis 242f
palmar stimulation of 141f, 183 quantum size of 243
sensory fiber conduction 132f, 133f, 136, 136f vs. end-plate noise 312
stimulation sites of 135f, 136f, 141f, 184f, 185f Mirror movement 839
testing motor fibers of 96f, 131, 132f, 133f transcranial magnetic stimulation in 567
testing sensory fibers of 132f, 133f, 135f, 136, MISI (mean interspike interval) 389
138f Mitochondrial disease 793
Median nerve somatosensory evoked potential Mixed nerve action potential 94, 104
(SEP) 504 Mixed nerve silent period 479
after bilateral stimulation 509f MNCV (motor nerve conduction velocity) 910g.
effect of ischemia on 522, 523f See also Motor nerve conduction
in multiple sclerosis 520f, 521f, 522f Mobile phone interference 52
neural sources of 505t, 510t Mobilization store
normal values for 526t, 527t of acetylcholine (ACh) quanta 243
topographic analysis of 507f Mobius syndrome
Median to ulnar anastomosis 189. See also extraocular muscle in 376, 377f
Martin-Gruber anastomosis Monoclonal gammopathy 657
Membrane Monoclonal neuropathies 656, 656t
physiologic properties of 28 Monomelic amyotrophy 616
postsynaptic 240, 241f Mononeuritis multiplex 657, 668
presynaptic 240, 241f Mononeuropathy 75, 712. See also individual
Membrane capacitance 67 nerves
Membrane conductance 67 in diabetes mellitus 653
Membrane instability 909g in necrotizing angiopathy 659
Membrane physiology 28 in polyarteritis nodosa 80
MEPP (miniature end-plate potential) 242, 909g. in sarcoidosis 659
See also Miniature end-plate potential Monophasic action potential 910g
Meralgia paresthetica 728 Monophasic end-plate activity 910g
Mercurialism Monophasic recording 33f
us. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 603 Monophasic waveform 198
MERRF (myoclonic epilepsy ragged red fiber) Monopolar montage 503
syndrome 567 Monopolar needle 41f
Mesencephalic nucleus Monopolar needle electrode 41f, 910g
of the trigeminal nerve 7 Monopolar stimulation 92
Metabolic myopathy 790 Monosynaptic reflex 467
differential diagnosis of 4f, 790 of the median nerve 467
Metabolic neuropathies 80, 668 of the tibial nerve 467. See also H reflex
Metachromatic leukodystrophy 83 of the trigeminal nerve 474. See also Masseter
Metastasis 633 reflex
involving brachial plexus 633 Montage 36
involving lumbosacral plexus 642 Morphometric assessment
Methyl-n-butyl ketone toxicity of sural nerve potentials 70
neuropathy associated with 670 Morton's neuroma 732
Metronidazol toxicity Motor conduction block 198
neuropathy associated with 670 Motor end plates 241f, 755. See also End plate
Meyer, M 889 Motor endings 294f, 295
Microamps 863 of muscle spindles 295
Microelectrode plate (single discrete) 295
glass 43 trail (multiple diffuse) 295
recording 281 Motor evoked potentials (MEPS) 554. See also
Microfarad 866 Transcranial magnetic stimulation
Microhenry 868 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 570
Microneurography 117, 909g in ataxia 571
Microshock 880 cortical mapping with 572
Microvolts 862 D wave (direct wave) 554
Middle trunk of brachial plexus 11, 136, 633 in epilepsy 570
formation of 9f, 11f, 633 I wave (indirect wave) 554
sensory potential in lesion of 147 in movement disorders 571
Index 971

in multiple sclerosis 568, 569f, 570f normal values for 218, 218t
in myelopathies 571 single motor unit potential for 216
in neuropathies 572 Motor unit potential 35, 311, 910g
in radiculopathies 572 abnormalities of 356
in stroke 571 all-or-none response of 216
by transcranial electrical stimulation 554, 555f, amplitude of 315, 357, 361
556 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 357f
Motor latency 108, 910g automated analysis of 319, 324
Motor nerve conduction studies 97, 98f. See also computer analysis of 319, 324
individual nerves in Duchenne dystrophy 361f
of brachial plexus 152, 635 duration of 318t, 357, 361
of common peroneal nerve 162f effect of volume conductor 34
of lumbar plexus 167f in extraocular muscles 374
of median nerve 96f frequency spectrum of 314f
of peroneal nerve 160, 160t, 161t in hemifacial spasm 363
of phrenic nerve 151 interference pattern 322, 362
of radial nerve 149f, 150f in limb-girdle dystrophy 324f, 785
of sacral plexus 167f monopolar us. concentric electrode for 42
techniques for 96, 97 in myasthenia gravis 281, 757
of tibial nerve 158f, 160t, 161t in myopathies 341f, 361
types of abnormalities in 94 in neuropathies 340f, 359, 360f
of ulnar nerve 143t, 144f normal values for 318t
Motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) 98f, 910g phases of 317
Motor neuron disease 397, 600 polyphasic 913g
classification of 599 in polymyositis 800
complex repetitive discharge in 352 quantitative measurements of 317
cramps associated with 836 recruitment pattern of 320, 362
defects of neuromuscular transmission in 604 during reinnervation 359
diagnosis of 604 rise time of 316
doublet and triplet in 359 sampling of 216
electromyography in 603 temporal instability of 359
fasciculation potentials in 355 waveform variability of 311
focal 610 Motor unit territory 297t, 910g
motor evoked potentials in 569 Motorcycle sounds 344
multiple discharges in 359 Movement artifact 50, 910g
repetitive stimulation in 263 during prolonged stimulation 270
in Ryuku Islands of Japan 606 Movement disorders 821
single-fiber electromyography (SFEMG) in 397 motor evoked potentials in 571
slow 602 Movement-induced artifact 51, 258, 259t
Motor neurons Movement-related cortical potentials 567
recurrent activation of 440 MSD (mean sorted difference) 910g
Motor point 910g MUAP (motor unit action potential) 314, 910g, 940g
Motor response 910g Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis
Motor system myotonia associated with 822
anatomic levels of 308, 308f Multielectrode 43, 910g
Motor unit 296, 910g Multifidus muscle 378
activation threshold of 30 Multifocal conduction block 665
anatomy of 296 Multifocal motor neuropathy 199, 200f, 665
animal experiments of 298 motor evoked potentials in 572
irregular firing of 300, 362 Multilead electrode 910g
number of functioning 215 Multiple channel recording 46
phasic 299 Multiple discharges 359, 911g
physiologic characteristics of 298 Multiple myeloma
recruitment of 362 neuropathy associated with 657
size of 291t, 299 Multiple sclerosis 427f, 614
subunit of 347 4-aminopyridine for 81, 82
territory of 297, 297t blink reflex in 418t, 421t, 424, 428f, 430
tonic 299 decremental response in 265
twitch characteristics of 299 differential diagnosis of 4f
types of 299 effect of hyperthermia in 426
Motor unit action potential (MUAP) 314, 910g, facial myokymia in 832
940g. See also Motor unit potential facial palsy in 832
Motor unit fraction 910g fatigue in 329
Motor unit count 215 motor evoked potentials (MEP) in 554, 568,
Motor unit number estimates (MUNE) 215 569f, 570f
compound muscle action potential 215 myokymia in 355f, 832
methods of 216 myokymic discharges in 355f
972 Index

Multiple sclerosis (continued) iliopsoas 18t

refractory periods in 224 inferior gemellus 18t
repetitive stimulation in 265 inferior oblique 5t
somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) in 532 inferior rectus 5t
transcranial electrical stimulation in 554 infraspinatus 12, 16t
transcranial magnetic stimulation in 568, 569f, innervated by cervical plexus 5t
570f innervated by cranial nerves 5t
Multiplet 911g intercostal 10
MUNIN 56 internal (medial) rectus 5t, 375f
MUP (motor unit potential) 911g. See also Motor interosseous 15, 19t
unit potential laryngeal 5t, 372
Muscle(s) 5t, 16t, 17t, 18t, 19t, 630t, 640t. See lateral rectus 5t, 375f
also individual muscles latissimus dorsi 16t
abdominal 10, 377 levator palpebrae 5t
abdominal rectus 378 levator scapulae 12, 16t
abductor digiti minimi 15, 17t, 19t, 25, 144 longissimus dorsi 378
abductor hallucis 19t, 25, 160, 167 lower limb 18t, 19t
abductor pollicis brevis 15, 17t, 132 lumbrical 15, 17t
abductor pollicis longus 14, 17t masseter 5t, 182f
adductor brevis 18t medial rectus 5t
adductor longus 18t multifidus 378
adductor magnus 18t neck 371
adductor pollicis 17t nonlimb 370
anconeus 13, 16t, 261 nuchal 372
biceps brachii 16t, 153, 261 obturator externus 18t, 22
biceps femoris 18t, 19t, 24 obturator internus 18t, 22
brachialis 13, 16t, 160 ocular 5t, 375
brachioradialis 14, 16t opponens digiti minimi 15, 17t
coracobrachialis 13, 16t opponens pollicis 15, 17t
deltoid 13, 16t, 261 orbicularis oculi 5t, 261, 409
diaphragm 5t, 151, 372 orbicularis oris 5t, 261
digastric 5t palmaris longus 15, 17t
dorsal interosseous 17t paraspinal 10, 378
extensor carpi radialis brevis 14 16t paraurethral 370
extensor carpi radialis longus 14, 16t pectineus 18t, 22
extensor carpi ulnaris 14, 16t pectoralis major 16t
extensor digiti minimi 14, 16t pectoralis minor 16t
extensor digitorum brevis 19t, 25, 161 pelvic girdle 18t
extensor digitorum communis 148 peroneus brevis 19t, 25
extensor digitorum longus 19t, 25 peroneus longus 19t, 25
extensor hallucis longus 19t, 25 peroneus tertius 19t, 25
extensor indicis 16t, 148 pharyngeal 7, 372
extensor pollicis brevis 14, 16t piriformis 18t
extensor pollicis longus 14, 16t plarysma 5t
external oblique 377 popliteus 19t
external (lateral) rectus 5t, 375f pronator quadratus 15, 17t
extraocular 5t, 373 pronator teres 15, 17t
facial 371 pterygoid 5t 7
flexor carpi radialis 15, 17t quadratus femoris 18t
flexor carpi ulnaris 15, 17t quadratus plantae 19t
flexor digiti minimi 15, 17t, 19t, 25 quadriceps femoris 22, 262
flexor digitorum brevis 19t, 25 rectus femoris 18t, 22, 167
flexor digitorum longus 19t, 24 rhomboid major 12, 16t
flexor digitorum profundus 15, 17t rhomboid minor 12, 16t
flexor digitorum sublimis 17t sartorius 18t, 22
flexor digitorum superflcialis 15 scalenus anticus 636
flexor hallucis brevis 19t, 25 semimembranosus 18t
flexor hallucis longus 19t, 24 semitendinosus 18t, 24
flexor pollicis brevis 15, 17t serratus anterior 16t
flexor pollicis longus 15, 17t shoulder girdle 16t, 630t
frontalis 5t skeletal 287
gastrocnemius 19t slow 292
gluteus maximus 18t soleus 19t, 24, 473f
gluteus medius 18t sphincter 379
gluteus minimus 18t spinal 378
gracilis 18t sternocleidomastoid 5t, 8, 9f, 372
hypothenar 15, 261 stylohyoid 5t
Index 973

superior oblique 5t Muscle spindles 294, 294f

superior rectus 5t afferent nerves of 295
supinator 14 anatomy of 294
supraspinatus 12, 16t dynamic response of 295, 295f
temporalis 5t, 7 efferent nerves of 69
tensor fascia lata 18t function of 295
teres major 16t fusimotor effects of 296
teres minor 13, 16t sensory endings of 295
tibialis anterior 19t, 24, 167, 262 in somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) 519
tibialis posterior 19t, 24 static responses of 295
tongue 5t, 372 unloading of 481
trapezius 5t, 8, 9f, 261, 372 Muscle stretch reflex 911g
triceps 13, 16t Muscle temperature 110, 259, 394
truncal 377 us. skin temperature 110
upper limb 16t, 17t Muscle weakness
vastus 18t possible sites of lesions as cause of 4f, 308
volar interosseous 17t Muscular atrophy 353
Muscle action potentials 244, 270f, 911g fibrillation potential in 350
Muscle afferents 520 progressive 353
Muscle anatomy 288 Muscular dystrophy 350, 351, 352, 779, 783.
Muscle biopsy See also Dystrophy
after needle examination 800 differential diagnosis 4f, 308f
Muscle conductivity 288 Muscular pain-fasciculation syndrome 355f, 836
Muscle contraction 290, 293 Musculocutaneous nerve 13, 16t, 25, 717
delayed relaxation after 796 anatomic course of 13
mechanisms of 290 injuries of 717
pattern of twitch caused by 183 muscles innervated by 16t, 153
Muscle cramp 911g nerve conduction study of 153
Muscle disease 779 normal values for 155t
Muscle excitability 288 Musshenbroek 888
Muscle fiber 288 Mutual inductance 868
action potentials 244, 911g Myasthenia gravis 245, 259, 263, 754, 785, 801
anatomy of 288 blocking in 281
conduction velocity 289, 911g in children 593
contractile properties of 289 clinical features of 755, 762t
denervated 340f congenital 761
density of 314 decremental responses in 260f, 757
distribution of 297 differential diagnosis of 4f, 756
electrical properties of 308f, 310 double-step test 280
excitability of 288 drug-associated 766
extrafusal 294 edrophonium test for 282
fast twitch 292 electrical abnormality in 757
histochemical reactions of 291 electrophysiological tests for 281, 757
innervation of 293, 297, 314 end-plate abnormalities in 242f
intrafusal 294, 294f. See also Muscle spindle etiologic consideration in 754
mechanical characteristics of 294 experimental autoimmune 246
single 347 experimental model of 246
slow twitch 291 fibrillation potential in 361
types of 291, 291t immunologic changes in 754
Muscle fiber action potential 911g Jitter in 281
Muscle fiber conduction velocity 911g morphologic changes in 242f
Muscle fiber contracture 291 motor unit potentials in 281, 361
Muscle force 324 muscle action potentials in 269f
measurement of 326, 328f myositis associated with 801
rate coding in 300 neonatal 761
during silent period 479f, 480f ocular 282, 375
us. electrical activity 324, 327f pathophysiology of 754
Muscle membrane 240 postsynaptic defect in 245
conductivity of 288 posttetanic exhaustion in 272, 757
electrical properties of 308f, 310 posttetanic potentiation in 271, 757
Muscle nerves quantum size in 252f
classification of 69 recovery curves in 250f
Muscle phosphofructokinase deficiency 791, 792, regional curare test for 280
836 repetitive stimulation in 251f, 757
contracture associated with 836 single-fiber electromyography (SFEMG) in 399, 758
Muscle phosphorylase deficiency 791, 836 single motor unit potential sampling in 216
Muscle potentials 94 stapedius reflex in 282
974 Index

Myasthenic syndrome 259, 273f, 762t. See also us. lower motor neuron lesions 340f
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome us. upper motor neuron lesions 341f
clinical features of 759 Myoglobinuria 791, 792
compound muscle action potentials in 760 Myokymia 832, 911g
defective release of acetylcholine in 247 facial 832
differential diagnosis of 4f Myokymic discharges 355f, 667, 911g, 938g
edrophonium test for 760 in Guillain-Barre syndrome 355f
electrophysiological tests for 760 in multiple sclerosis 355f
electrical abnormalities in 242 in radiation plexopathy 635
end-plate abnormalities in 242f us. fasciculation potentials 352
etiologic considerations for 758 Myopathic disorder 359. See also Myopathy
familial congenital 248 Myopathic motor unit potentials 911g
morphologic changes in 242f Myopathic recruitment 911g
motor unit potential in 361 Myopathy 400, 779
pathophysiology of 247 centronuclear 788
posttetanic exhaustion in 271f congenital 787
posttetanic facilitation in 271f cystoplasmic body 789
posttetanic potentiation in 271f endocrine 796
quantum size in 252f firing rates in 300
repetitive stimulation in 252f, 271f, 272f, 273f, hereditary distal 785
761 hypokalemic 828
single-fiber electromyography (SFEMG) in 400 metabolic 790
small-cell bronchogenic carcinoma in 758 motor unit potential in 361
Mycobacterium leprae 667 myotubular 788
Myelin 66f, 75f, 77 nemaline 788
us. axon 66f, 77 ocular 375
Myelin sheath 66f, 75f progressive distal 785
degeneration of 75f proximal myotonic 275, 826
Myelin thickness 69 thyroid 796
Myelinated fibers 64 Myophosphorylase deficiency 791
diameter of 64 Myosin-actin cross-bridges 290
intemodal distance of 64 Myosin filaments 288f, 290
saltatory conduction in 67f, 68 Myositis 401, 797. See also Polymyositis
size frequency histogram of 71f classification of 797
vs. Schwann cells 66f electromyography in 341f
Myelinopathy 670 inclusion body 801
Myelography infectious agents in 801
in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 603 inflammatory 797
paraspinal fibrillation after 350 motor unit potentials in 361
Myelomatous polyneuropathies 656 single-fiber electromyography (SFEMG) in 401
Myelopathies 353, 571, 615, 616 Myotonia 344, 822, 828, 911g
arteriovenous malformations and 615 decremental response in 275
fasciculation potential in 353 differential diagnosis of 4f
HTLV (human T-cell lymphotrophic electromyography in 342f
virus)-I-associated (HAM) 615 of goats 344, 823
konzo 615 low chloride conductance in 345
with monomelic amyotrophy 616 pathophysiology of 344
motor evoked potentials for 571 percussion 822
with subacute combined degeneration 615 in periodic paralysis 829
with traumatic quadriplegia 616 postactivation 822
with tropical spastic paralysis (TSP) 615 repetitive stimulation in 275
Mylohyoid nerve 171 in reticulohistiocytosis 822
Myoclonic discharges variety of disorders associated with 343, 822
and jerk-locked averaging 567 Myotonia congenita 342, 343, 825
Myoclonic epilepsy, ragged red fiber (MERRF) electromyography in 825
syndrome 567 Myotonia dystrophica 343, 824. See also Myotonic
Myoclonus 837 dystrophy
Myoedema Myotonic discharge 342, 790, 911g, 935g
of hypothyroidism 796, 911g and abnormality of chloride conductance 345
Myofibers 289. See also Muscle fibers in acid maltase deficiency 790
Myofibrils 245, 288f, 289 acoustic characteristics of 344
Myofilaments 288f, 289 dive bomber sounds of 344
Myogenic lesions 275 in goats 344, 823
as a cause of weakness 4t, 308, 308f in hyperkalemic periodic paralysis 343, 829
recruitment pattern in 341f, 364f motorcycle sounds of 344
repetitive stimulation in 275 in myotubular myopathy 789
typical electromyography of 341f pathophysiology of 344
Index 975

positive us. negative 345f accessory 5t, 7, 8f, 171, 715

us. insertional positive waves 342 accessory deep peroneal 191
Myotonic dystrophy 359, 824 antebrachial cutaneous 717
clinical features of 824 anterior interosseous 14f, 15, 17t, 719
congenital 824 anterior thoracic 16t
doublet or triplet in 359 anterior tibial 24
electromyography in 824 autonomic 69
myotonic discharge in 345f axillary 13, 13f, 16t, 180, 716
Myotonic phenomena 824 cervical plexus 5t
Myotonic potential 912g common peroneal 19t, 23f 24f, 25, 162f, 730
Myotubes cranial 5t, 6, 171
fetal 788 cranial accessory 5t, 8f
Myotubular myopathy 350, 788 cutaneous 69
fibrillation potential in 350 deep peroneal 19t
Myxedema 352 deep temporal 171
dorsal cutaneous 161
dorsal nerve of penis 171
N dorsal scapular 12, 16t, 716
NI, NII,NIII of median somatosensory evoked facial 5t, 6f, 180, 410, 424, 713
potential (SEP) 504, 520f, 521f femoral 18t, 20, 168, 169t, 727
N9, N10, N II . N13, N14, N17, N18, N19, and N20 of genitofemoral 20, 727
median nerve somatosensory evoked glossopharyngeal 5t
potential (SEP) 504f, 505t, 510 hypoglossal 5t, 172
Na+ (sodium)-K+ (potassium) pump 29, 29f iliohypogastric 20
Nanofarad 866 ilioinguinal 20, 727
NAP (nerve action potential) 912g. See also nerve inferior gluteal 18t, 23, 729
action potential infraorbital 414
Nascent motor unit potential 912g intercostal 156
NCS (nerve conduction study) 912g. See also nerve lateral cutaneous 13, 156f, 170f
conduction study lateral femoral cutaneous 20, 169, 170f, 727
NCV (nerve conduction velocity) 912g. See also lateral plantar 19t, 159f, 161f
nerve conduction velocity lateral popliteal 25
Near constant frequency trains 912g lingual 171
Near-field potential 36, 499, 912g long thoracic 16t, 715
vs. far-field potential 504, 511 medial femoral cutaneous 170
Near nerve recording 106 medial plantar 19t, 25, 159f, 161f
Near-threshold method medial popliteal 24
for motor unit number estimates 218 median 14, 14f, 16, 17t, 96f, 131, 132, 135t,
Neck muscles 371 141f, 183, 184f, 185f, 45lt, 504, 719
Necrotizing angiopathy 659 musculocutaneous 13, 16t, 25, 153, 717
Needle electrodes 41, 105, 912g mylohyoid 171
bipolar concentric 41f, 42 obturator 18t, 21f, 22, 23f, 728
coaxial 41f oculomotor 5t
disposable 40 pectoral 16t
exposed tip of 41 pelvic girdle 727
monopolar 41f, 42 peroneal 23f 24f, 160, 161t, 162f, 191f, 192, 730
for recording nerve action potential 95 phrenic 5t, 9f, 12, 152t, 715
single-fiber 41f, 43, 118 plantar 24, 24f, 160
standard concentric 41f, 42 posterior femoral cutaneous 170
sterilization of 40, 50 posterior interosseous 13f, 14,16t
types of 41f posterior tibial 24
Needle insulation pudenda! 171, 516
testing of 41 radial 13, 13f, 16t, 148, 149f 150f, 717
Negative accommodation 229 sacral plexus 18t
Negative afterpotential 33 saphenous 22, 169, 169f, 170t, 728
Negative slow wave 567 sciatic 18t, 21f, 24, 24f, 167, 729
Nemaline myopathy 788 spinal 8, 9f
Neomyocin toxicity 248 spinal accessory 5t, 8f, 9f, 715
myasthenia gravis associated with 766 subscapular 16t
posttetatanic exhaustion in 252 superficial peroneal 19t, 162, 162f, 163f
presynaptic abnormalities in 248 superior gluteal 18t, 23, 24f, 729
Neonatal myasthenia gravis 761 suprascapular 12, 16t, 715
Neostigmine (Prostigmin) 756 sural 25, 162, 165f, 192, 732
Nernst equation 28 thenar 15, 131
Nerve(s) 5t, 16t, 17t, 18t, 19t, 630t, 640t. thoracodorsal 16t
See also individual nerves tibial 19t, 24, 24f, 157, 160t, 192, 511, 511f,
abducens 5t 512t, 730
976 Index

Nerve(s) (continued] classification of 72

trigeminal 4, 5t, 6, 6f, 7, 413, 714 in neurapraxia 73. See also Neurapraxia
trochlear 5t in neurotmesis 77. See also Neurotmesis
ulnar 15, 17t, 135t, 141, 148, 183, 186f, 188, Nerve potentials 94, 912g
446f, 724 digital 107
vagus 5t, 7, 8f in-vitro recording of 25
Nerve action potential 912g mixed 104
compound 70f, 901g recording of 94
duration of 107, 389 Nerve roots 8. See also Roots
effect of fiber density on 72, 73 Nerve separation 77
events related to 243 Nerve stimulation 67, 92, 93, 178
generation of 30, 31f, 67, 244 anodal hyperpolarization after 67
in-vitro recording of 25, 70f bipolar 92
for motor unit number estimates 215 electrical 92
subliminal excitation of 67 in electrically sensitive patients 93
subthreshold stimulus of 30, 31f, 918g errors in 109, 206
suprathreshold activation of 67 monopolar 92
waveform of 72 in patients with cardiac pacemakers 93
Nerve anastomosis 77 supramaximal 93
Nerve biopsy 70. See also Sural nerve techniques of 93
Nerve block 73, 822 Nerve trunk action potential 912g
caused by tourniquet 75 Nerve tumors 633
Nerve conduction 67 Neumann E 889
in axonal degeneration 79 Neural form of leprosy 667
effect of age on 110f, 111 Neural sources of somatosensory evoked potential
effect of temperature on 109 (SEP) 504
measurement of 91 Neuralgic amyotrophy 635. See also Idiopathic
motor 98f. See also Motor nerve conduction brachial neuritis
physiology of 67 Neurapraxia 73, 99, 100, l00f, 101f, 102f,
in segmental demyelination 69 912g
sensory 104. See also Sensory nerve conduction fibrillation potentials in 75
technical errors in 179 nerve conduction during 104f
variability in 109, 206 pathophysiology of 73
during wallerian degeneration 75 us. axonotmesis 77, 104f
Nerve conduction study (NCS) 97, 912g us. neurotmesis 104f
in children 588, 589t Neurogenic extraocular palsy 374
principles of 91 Neuroma
Nerve conduction time 97 after neurotmesis 77
Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) 70, 98f, 104f, Neuromuscular depression 249
912g Neuromuscular facilitation 249
Nerve excitability assessment 219 Neuromuscular junction 240
of amplitude us. latency change 220, 222f, 223f, anatomy of 240, 308f
224 release of acetylcholine molecules at 248
by paired shock and collision technique 219, role of calcium ions at 244
220f-223f, 221t Neuromuscular transmission 248
of refractory period 219 acetylcholine molecules for 248
of subnormal period 224 assessment of 258
of supernormal period 224 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 604
during ischemia 226 calcium (Ca2+)-dependent 244
in Bell's palsy 70 defect of 250, 252f
Nerve fiber 69 disorders of 753
anatomy of 69 effect of paired stimuli on 248
classification of 69 recovery curve of excitability for 249
conduction velocity of 94 facilitation of 249
cutaneous sensory function of 118 neurosecretory potentiation in 249
density of 297t physiology of 244
electrical properties of 27 Neuromyotonia 356, 829, 912g
with enhanced excitability 248 electromyography in 829
transected 76 Neuromyotonic discharge 912g, 939g
types of 69t Neuropathic motor unit potential 913g
Nerve fiber action potential 912g Neuropathic recruitment 913g
Nerve fiber diameter 64, 69 Neuropathy 80, 652, 669. See also Polyneuropathy
Nerve graft 77 and specific types
autogenous 77 acrylamide 80, 670
sural 78 alcoholic 80, 654
Nerve injury 72 amyloid 656
in axonotmesis 75. See also Axonotmesis of autonomic nervous system 113
Index 977

axonal 83, 105f, 106f Noise 48, 913g

carclnomatous 80, 83 in amplifier 49
classification of 80 electrode 48
compression 73 end-plate 48, 312, 312f. See also End-plate
demyelinative 83, 198 noise
diabetic 80, 83, 112, 458, 652 Nomenclature of somatosensory evoked potential
differential diagnosis of 4f (SEP) 503
diphtheric 667 Nonlimb muscles 370
distal ulnar 197f Normal value(s) 53, 54
dying back phenomenon in 80 for blink reflex 416, 418t
electrophysiologic abnormalities of 80 for central latency 450t
familial amyloid 657 for central motor conduction time 565t, 567,
familial pressure-sensitive 633 568t
femoral 653 for children 589t
giant axonal 679 for common peroneal nerve 163t
hereditary 671 for deep peroneal nerve 163t
hereditary ataxic 675 for direct facial response 413t, 418t
hereditary motor and sensory 83, 424, 671, for F wave 450t, 454
672t for femoral nerve 169t
pressure palsy and 676 for fiber density 388t, 398t
hereditary sensory 424, 455, 678 for H reflex 474t
hypertrophic 83, 673 for jaw reflex 475t
infective 661 for jitter 393t, 398t
lead 670 for lateral cutaneous nerve 157t
lipoprotein 678 for macroelectromyography (macro-EMG) 397t
in malignant conditions 655 for masseter reflex 475t
metabolic 80, 668, 669 for medial cutaneous nerve 157t
monoclonal 656, 656t for median nerve 134t, 589t
motor evoked potentials in 572 for median somatosensory evoked potential (SEP)
motor unit potentials in 80 526t, 527t
multifocal motor 199, 200f, 572 for motor unit potentials 318t
myelomatous 657 for musculocutaneous nerve 155t
myokymia in 832 for peroneal nerve 160t, 163t
nutritional 669 for phrenic nerve 152t
paraneoplastic 656 for radial nerve 151t
paraproteinemia in 656 for saphenous nerve 170t
postinfective 661 for single-fiber studies 398t
sarcoid 658 for superficial peroneal nerve 164t
sensory 524 for sural nerve 166t
single-fiber electromyography (SFEMG) in for tibial nerve 160t, 589t
397 for tibial somatosensory evoked potential (SEP)
toxic 80, 669 529t
triorthocresyl phosphate 80, 670 for tonic vibration reflex 477
uremic 80, 97, 458, 655 for transcranial magnetic stimulation 565t, 567,
Neurosecretory potentiation 568t
in neuromuscular transmission 249 for trigeminal somtosensory evoked potential
Neurotmesis 77, 104f, 913g (SEP) 517t
nerve conduction in 104f for ulnar nerve 145t, 589t
pathophysiology of 77 Normative data 53. See also Normal values
us. axonotmesis 104f Normative database 54. See also Normal values
us. neurapraxia 104f Normative limits 54. See also Normal values
Neurotonia 829 Normokalemic periodic paralysis 829
Neurotoxic drugs Nuchal muscles 372
neuropathies associated with 670 Nuclear bag fiber
Neurotrophic influences of muscle spindles 294, 294f
from nerve upon muscle 293 Nuclear chain fiber
New Guinea of muscle spindles 294, 294f
Kuru in 611 Nutritional neuropathies 669
Nitrofurantoin toxicity Nystagmus
neuropathy associated with 670 optokinetic 282
Nitrous oxide toxicity
neuropathy associated with 670
Nobil, L 888
Node in a circuit 864 Oat cell carcinoma
Node of Ranvier 64, 65f, 66f neuropathy associated with 656
displacement of 74f Obturator externus muscle 18t, 22
in myelinated fibers 64, 67f Obturator internus muscle 18t, 22
978 Index

Obturator nerve 18t, 22 P9, Pu, P13, and P14, of median nerve
anatomic course of 21f somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) 504f,
lesions of 729 505, 505t, 506f, 507
muscles innervated by 18t, 22 P17, P24, and P31 of tibial nerve somatosensory
Ocular electromyography (EMG) 373 evoked potential (SEP) 511
Ocular movement P50 of movemnet-related potential 566f, 567
motor unit discharges in 374 Pacemaker 93
Ocular muscle 5t, 375 artifact from 47f
Ocular myasthenia gravis 282, 375 effect of nerve stimulation on 93
Ocular myopathy 375 electrically sensitive patient with 93
Oculocraniosomatic neuromuscular disease Pacemaker fibers
ragged red fibers in 794 in complex repetitive discharges 351
Oculomotor function Paging systems
Lancaster red-green test for 282 interference from 52
Oculomotor nerve Pain
muscles innervated by 5t fibers transmitting 65
Oculopharyngeal dystrophy Pain sensation 118
muscles innervated by 785 Pain-temperature sense 65
Oersted 888 for somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) 520
Ohm's law 72, 863 Paired discharges 359, 913g
OK sign Paired response 913g
for anterior interosseous nerve 719 Paired shock technique 262. See also Paired stimuli
Olivopontocerebellar atrophy Paired stimuli 94, 248, 913g
neuropathy associated with 676 for blink reflex 416f, 430, 433f
Onset frequency 913g for compound muscle action potential 219
Onset latency 913g effects of 248
Ophthalmoplegia 376, 785 interstimulus intervals of 250f
internuclear 376 for nerve excitability assessment 219, 220f-223f,
in Kearns-Sayres disease 794 221t
Opponens digiti minimi muscle 15, 17t for neuromuscular excitability assessment 248, 262
Opponens pollicis muscle 15, 17t recovery curves by 262
Optimal recording for refractory period 219
of signals 95 Palmar branch of the ulnar nerve 727
Optokinetic nystagmus 282 Palmar stimulation 143, 183
Orbicularis oculi muscle 5t, 261, 409 of median nerve 183
blink reflex recorded from 414, 415f of ulnar nerve 183
facial nerve conduction to 261 Palmaris longus muscle 15, 17t
Orbicularis oris muscle 5t, 261 Palsy
blink reflex recorded from 423f abducens 376
Order of activation 913g Erb-Duchenne 631
Organophosphate toxicity extraocular 374
neuropathy associated with 268, 670 facial 714
Orthodromic 913g gaze 376
Orthodromic impulse 109 juvenile progressive bulbar 609
blocking of 440 Klumpke 631
for sensory potentials 104, 109 progressive bulbar 600
us. antidromic impulse 94 tardy ulnar 182
Oscillation Pancoast's tumor 633
of amplifier 50f Parallel resistance 864
Oscillopsia Paralysis
myokymia associated with 832 periodic 381. See also Periodic paralysis
Oscilloscope Paramyotonia congenita 275, 343, 826
storage 46 Paraproteinemia
Osteochondromuscular dystrophy 830 neuropathies associated with 656
Osteolytic multiple myeloma 658 Parasite potential 913g
Osteoselerotic myeloma 657t, 658 Paraspinal muscles 10, 378
Outward ionic current 81 examination in radiculopathy 642
Ovarian atrophy Parathyroid disease 797
in myotonic dystrophy 824 Paraurethral muscle 370
Overamplification Parkinsonian syndrome 600
in signal recording 95 Parkinson's disease
Ovarian atrophy in myotonic dystrophy 824 blink reflex in 432
Parotid gland 6
Pass-band 873
Passive fluxes of ions 29f
PI, PII of median somatosensory evoked potentials Patient-lead leakage current 881
(SEP), 504 Patient safety documents 883
Index 979

Peak latency 913g palsy 730

Pectineus muscle 18t stimulation sites for 160
Pectoral nerve 16t superficial 23f, 161
Pectoralis major muscle 16t Peroneal sign
Pectoralis minor muscle 16t of tetany 834
Pediatric population 586. See also Children us. Chvostek's sign 834
Pellagra 669 Peroneal somatosensory evoked potential (SEP)
Pelvic girdle 18t 513
mononeuropathy of 727 Peroneus brevis muscle 19t, 25
muscles of 18t Peroneus longus muscle 19t, 25
nerves of 727 Peroneus tertius muscle 19t, 25
Pelvic neoplasms Pharyngeal 7, 372
involving lumbosacral plexus 642 Phase cancellation 193, 194f, 195f, 196, 196f, 198
Penicillamine therapy Phase shift induced by filter 873
myasthenia gravis associated with 766 Phases 317, 871, 913g
Penis lagging 873
dorsal nerve of 171 leading 873
Percussion myotonia 822 of motor unit potential 317
Perhexiline maleate toxicity Phasic motor units
neuropathy associated with 670 us. tonic motor units 299
Periarteritis nodosa 80, 798 Phosphofructokinase deficiency 792, 836
Perimysium 288f, 289 Phosphorylase deficiency 791, 836
Perineurium 64, 65f, 66f Phosphorylase-limit-dextrin 791
in neurotmesis 77 Phrenic nerve 5t, 9f, 12
Periodic acid-shift (PAS) positive vacuoles 791 anatomic course of 9f
Periodic paralysis 275, 827, 828 muscles innervated by 5t
classification of 827 nerve conduction study of 151f
decremental response in 767 normal values for 152t
hyperkalemic 274f, 275, 829 palsy 715
hypokalemic 343, 827 somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) 519
motor unit potential in 361 stimulation of 151
myotonia associated with 829 Physical examination
normokalemic 829 in children 587
repetitive stimulation for 767 Pica
us. paramyotonia congenita 275, 343, 827 neuropathy associated with 671
Periorbital edema 798 Picket-fence
Peripheral facial paresis 714 interference pattern 362
Peripheral latencies of somatosensory evoked Picofarad 866
potentials (SEP) 524 Pinch sign 719
Peripheral nerve 63 of anterior interosseous syndrome 719
anatomy of 64 Piper, H 890
axonal transport in 65 Piriformis muscle 18t
fine structures of 64 Pituitary disease 797
lesions of 64 527 Plantar nerve 19t, 24, 24f, 160
physiology of 63 lateral 24, 24f, 160
Peripheral neuropathy 80, 397, 654, 657t, 832. medial 24, 24f, 160
See also Neuropathies; Polyneuropathies; muscles innervated by 19t, 24f
specific types somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) 519
Peripheral pathways of somatosensory evoked Plasma exchange 662
potential (SEP) 520 Plasma resistance
Peripheral sensory conduction 530 in relation to action potential 67
Pernicious anemia Plate motor ending
neuropathy associated with 669 of muscle spindle 294f, 295
Peroneal nerve 160, 160t, 161t us. trail motor ending 294f
accessory 25, 191f Platysma muscle 5t
anatomic course of 25 blink reflex in 414, 423f
at birth 588 Plexopathy 108
common 25, 160, 730 brachial 11, 632
conduction studies of 160t, 161t F wave in 459
deep 24f, 160 familial 635
F waves of 446f lumbosacral 636
latency of 160t, 161t radiation 635
motor unit number estimates for 218, 218t sensory nerve potential in 108
muscles innervated by 23f us. root avulsion 631
nerve conduction study of 161t Plexus
normal values for 163t, 164t brachial 10, 11f, 152. See also Brachial plexus
in children 589t cervical 10. See also Cervical plexus
980 Index

Plexus (continued) Pompe's disease 790

lumbar 20, 20f, 167. See also Lumbar plexus Popliteus muscle 19t
lumbosacral 21f, 167, 641. See also Porphyria 79
Lumbosacral plexus acute intermittent 80, 677
sacral 22, 168. See also Sacral plexus Porphobilinogen
Plumbism overproduction in porphyria 677
neuropathy associated with 671 Portable recording
Pneumonitis safety precautions in 882
dermatomyositis associated with 798 Position-vibration sense 65
Pneumothorax Positive afterpotential 33
with electromyography (EMG) 309 Positive current convention 865
Polarization 913g Positive sharp waves 75, 347, 913g, 934g
Poliomyelitis 359, 600, 612 in axonal degeneration 79
axonal degeneration in 79 insertional 342, 918g
C5 root synkinesis in 613 in neurapraxia 75
clinical features of 612 Positive staircase 270
differential diagnosis of 4f Positive wave 914g
doublet and triplets in 359 Positively charged wave front
electromyographic abnormalities in 612 of action potentials 33
fasciculation potentials in 359 Post polio syndrome 612
latent virus infection in 612 Postactivation depression 252, 914g
motor unit potentials in 359 Postactivation exhaustion 252, 914g
multiple discharges in 359 Postactivation facilitation 558, 560f, 914g
Poliomyelitis-like (Hopkin's) syndrome Postactivation myotonia 822
associated with asthma 613 Postactivation potentiation 252, 914g
Polyarteritis nodosa 80, 798 Postauricular reflex 482
axonal degeneration in 80 Posterior antibrachial cutaneous nerve 156
dermatomyositis associated with 798 Posterior cord of brachial plexus 11, 633
Polycythemia vera formation of 9f, 11f, 153, 633
neuropathy associated with 660 radial nerve sensory potential in lesions of 149
Polymyositis 343, 785, 790, 798. See also Myositis; stimulation of 153
specific types symptoms in lesions of 633
clinical features of 798 Posterior divisions 11, 20
complex repetitive discharge in 351 of brachial plexus 11
differential diagnosis of 4f of lumbar plexus 20
electromyographic abnormalities in 342f, 799 vs. anterior divisions 11, 20
fibrillation potentials in 350 Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve 170
motor unit potential in 364f Posterior interosseous nerve 14, 16t
muscle biopsy in 800 anatomic course of 13f
myasthenia gravis associated with 754 muscles innervated by 13f, 14, 16t
myotonic discharges in 343 Posterior interosseous syndrome 718
paraspinal muscle abnormalities in 378 Posterior rami
spontaneous discharges in 343f, 350 us. anterior rami 8
Polyneuropathy 424, 651. See also Neuropathy Posterior roots 8
specific types Posterior tibial muscle 24
alcoholic 80, 654 Posterior tibial nerve 24. See also Tibial nerve
axonal 105f, 106f Posterior triangle of neck 9f
axonal degeneration in 80 Postexercise facilitation 558, 560f
blink reflex in 424 Postganglionic root lesion 108. See also Root
chronic inflammatory demyelinative 418t lesion; Radicular lesion
conduction block in 80 Postinfective neuropathy 661
conduction velocity in 205 Postsynaptic abnormalities
demyelinating 83 of neuromuscular junction 245
diabetic 83, 97, 231, 458, 652 Postsynaptic membrane
F wave in 458 of neuromuscular junction 240, 241f
fasciculation potentials 355f Posttetanic exhaustion 252
hypertrophic 83, 673 in children 593
motor unit potentials in 359 in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome 271,
myelomatous 83 271f, 761
uremic 97, 458, 655 in myasthenia gravis 272, 272f, 757
Polypeptide aminoglycoside antibiotics vs. posttetanic potentiation 252, 270
myasthenia associated with 766 Posttetanic facilitation 558, 560f, 914g
Polyphasic action potential 35, 311, 913g Posttetanic potentiation 252, 270, 272f, 914g
Polyradiculoneuropathy 653. See also Radiculopathy in children 593
chronic relapsing 83 in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome 271,
myokymia in 832 271f, 272f, 761
Index 981

in myasthenia gravis 271, 757 Progressive distal myopathy 785

us. posttetanlc exhaustion 252, 270 Progressive muscular atrophy 600, 605
Posture change Progressive ophthalmoplegia 609, 785
as a factor of heart rate 114 Progressive post polio syndrome 612
Potassium (K+) ions 28, 29f, 30 Progressive spinal muscular atrophy 353, 605
in hyperkalemic periodic paralysis 829 fasciculation potentials in 353
in hypokalemic periodic paralysis 827 Prolonged end-plate potential
transmembrane potential of 28 in congenital myasthenia gravis 763
Potassium channels 32 Prolonged insertion activity 914g
Potassium conductance 30 Pronator quadratus muscle 15, 17t
Potassium depletion Pronator teres muscle 15, 17t
as a cause of periodic paralysis 827 Pronator teres syndrome 720
Potassium equilibrium potentials 28, 30 Propagating impulse 36
Potentials 67, 914g Propagation
digital nerve 107, 109 of action potential 35f, 67
end-plate (EPP) 243, 313. See also End-plate Propagation velocity 385, 914g
potential of action potential 385
equilibrium 28. See also Equilibrium of muscle fiber 288
potential of nerve fiber 94
far-field 36. See also Far-field potentials Proprioceptive sensation 65
miniature end-plate (MEPP) 243. See also Prostigmin (neostigmine) test 756
Miniature end-plate potential fibrillation potentials induced by 347
mixed nerve 94, 04 in myasthenia gravis 756
motor unit 318t. See also Motor unit potential Proximal conduction velocities 109
muscle 94 F-wave conduction for 448
near-field 36, 499, 912g Proximal latency 914g
nerve 94. See also Nerve potentials Proximal myotonic myopathy 275, 826
orthodromic sensory 109 Pseudobulbar palsy
sensory 104. See also Sensory potential blink reflex in 431
somatosensory evoked (SEP) 496. See also in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 602
Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) Pseudofacilitation 249, 914g
transmembrane 67. See also Transmembrane of neuromuscular transmission 249
potential us. facilitation 249
voluntary 481 Pseudointernuclear ophthalmoplegia 756
Potentiation 914g Pseudomeningoceles 632
posttetanic 252, 270. See also Posttetanic Pseudomyotonia 342, 830
potentlation us. complex repetitive discharge 351
Power Pseudomyotonic discharge 914g
electrical 863 Pseudopolyphasic action potential 914g
Power line Pterygoid muscle 5t, 7
interference 44 Pudendal nerve 171, 516
Preamplifier 43 Pudendal reflex 482
for averaging technique 95 Pudendal nerve somatosensory evoked potential
input impedance in 44 (SEP) 482, 516
Preconus 20 us. tibial nerve SEP 518f
Preganglionic root avulsion 108, 136. See also Pudendoanal reflex 482
Root avulsion quadratus femoris muscle 18t
vs. postganglionic root lesion 108 Pyramidal tract
Premotion positivity motor evoked potentials 555
of movement-related potential 566f, 567
Premotor cortical potential 566f, 567, 837
Pressure-sensitive hereditary neuropathy 676
Presynaptic defects Quadratus plantar muscle 19t
of neuromuscular junction 247 Quadriceps femoris 18t, 22, 262
Presynaptic membrane femoral nerve study with 23f
of neuromuscular junction 240, 241f Quantitative measurements
Primary annulospiral sensory endings of motor unit potentials 317
of muscle spindle 295, 296t Quantum content 244, 252f
Primary hereditary periodic paralysis 828 of acetylcholine 242
Primary lateral sclerosis 605 effect of mobilization store on 243
Primary synaptic cleft microelectronic recording of 244
of neuromuscular junction 240 in myasthenia gravis 252f
Primary systemic amyloidosis 658 in myasthenic syndrome 252f
Proebster, R 890 Quantum size 252f
Progressive bulbar palsy 600, 605 microelectrode recording of 244
juvenile 609 of miniature end-plate potentials (MEPP) 252f
982 Index

R1, R2 waves 914g early or increased 341f, 361f, 363, 364f

R1 of blink reflex 414, 416f, 423f, 425f, 428f, late or reduced 340f, 360f, 362
429 normal 321f, 323f
analysis of 429, 430, 431f physiology of 320
in children 591, 592t Recruitment frequency 322, 915g
in infants 419f, 420f Recruitment interval 915g
normal values for 418t Recruitment pattern 320, 323f, 324f, 915g
R2 of blink reflex 414 in dermatomyositis 364f
analysis of 429, 430, 431f in hysterical weakness 362, 363f
in children 591, 592t in lower motor neuron disorders 340f, 360f,
normal values for 418t 362
R/D ratio of blink reflex 415, 430 in myogenic disorders 341f, 361f, 364f
normal values for 416 in radial nerve palsy 358f, 362f
Rabies 668 in upper motor neuron disorders 341f
Radial nerve 13, 13f, 16t, 148 Rectification 326, 875
anatomic course of 13f Rectifiers 326
conduction study of 148f, 149f, 150f Rectus femoris muscle 18t, 22, 168
handcuff compression of 718 femoral nerve study with 167
injury to 718 Recurrent activation. See also F wave
mononeuropathies 717 of motor neuron 440
muscles innervated by 13f, 17t Recurrent myoglobinuria 791
normal values for 151t Reduced acetylcholine (ACh) release 762
Radial nerve palsy 358f Reduced insertion activity 915g. See also
interference pattern in 362f Insertional activity
motor unit potentials in 358f Reduced interference pattern 915g. See also
Radiation plexopathy 635 Interference pattern
Radicular lesions 378. See also Radiculopathies Reduced recruitment 340f, 360f, 362. See also
identification of 378 Recruitment
of lower limb 638 Redundant ground 885. See also Ground
of upper limb 629 Reference, 54
Radiculopathies 10, 638 Reference electrode 915g. See also Grid 2
clinical features of 629 (G2)
complex repetitive discharge in 352 Referential montage 36, 499
doublets and triplets in 359 Reflex 915g. See also under specific types
fibrillation potentials in 349, 631 abdominal 482
F wave in 459, 642 anal sphincter 482
H reflex in 637, 642 blink 7, 409
motor evoked potentials for 572 bulbocavernosus 482
multiple discharges in 359 comeomandibular 483
paraspinal examination in 642 flexor 482
spontaneous activity in 10 H 357
us. peripheral lesions 637 long-latency 481
Radio frequency interference 51, 52 masseter 7, 474, 475t, 477f
Rami postauricular 482
anterior 8 pudendal 482
posterior 8 stapedius 282
of spinal nerve 8 stretch 294
Rate coding T (tendon) 357
for muscle force 300, 324 tonic vibration 477
Rate-dependent conduction block 82 Reflexive activation
Raynaud's phenomenon of the motor neuron 440
in dermatomyositis 798 Refractory period 219, 915g
Reactance 871 absolute 898g
Recording apparatus 39, 385 assessment of 219
Recording electrode 914g. See also Electrode clinical value of 224
Recording system in multiple sclerosis 224
errors in 179 nerve excitability during 219
Recordings 46 paired stimuli for 219
multiple channel 46 physiologic basis for 220
portable 882 relative 915g+
Recovery curve 470 sodium (Na ) conductance during 30
of amplitude 220, 222f, 223f Refsum disease 675
of conduction velocity 97 Regeneration 265
of H reflex 469f, 470 aberrant 371f, 372. 422. 423f
of latency 220, 222f, 223f of axons 76
of neuromuscular excitability 249 Regeneration motor unit potential 915g
Recruitment 320, 323f, 324f, 362, 915g, 941g Regional curare test 280
Index 983

Reinnervation 359 Rogowiez, N 890

aberrant 77. See also Aberrant regeneration Root avulsion 108, 632, 641
of motor unit 359 cervical 136, 632
Relative refractory period 219, 915g histamine test for 632
Remak, R 889 lumbosacral 642
Remyelination 69, 81 preganglionic 108, 136
conduction characteristics of 69 vs. plexopathy 632
functional recovery from 81 Root lesion 108, 638. See also Radicular lesion;
Renal failure Radiculopathies
neuropathy associated with 655 postganglionic 108
Renshaw cells 440 Root-mean-square 871
Renshaw inhibition 440, 468, 479, 834 Root stimulation 153
Repair of the decrement 915g for brachial plexus latency 154t
Repetitive discharge 224, 445f, 915g of C8-T1 root 153, 154f
of compound muscle action potential 265, 267f, of L5 167, 167f
268f of L4-S1 root 167, 167f
of single motor axon 445f for lumbosacral plexus latency 168t
us. axon reflex 445f us. transcranial magnetic stimulation 565
Repetitive nerve stimulation 263, 915g, 928g Roots 8
932g anatomic course of 8
commonly used nerves for 260 anterior 8
at fast rate 248, 269 avulsion of 108, 632
in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome 269, C6 149
761 C7 136
in McArdle's syndrome 275 C8 147
in myasthenia gravis 251f, 757 cervical 136, 629. See also Cervical roots
in myotonta 275 disease of 628
in normals 266 dorsal l0f
in periodic paralysis 767 L4 167
at slow rates 263 L5 167
Repolarization 32, 36, 915g lumbosacral 636. See also Lumbosacral roots
of membrane 28 posterior 8
vs. depolarization 31 S1 167
Reproducibility stimulation of 154t, 167
of conduction abnormalities 206, 207f, 208f Tl 147
Residual latency 915g thoracic 629
Resistance 44, 863 ventral l0f
equivalent 865 Roussy-Levy syndrome 673
Resistors 864 Rupture 639, 718, 632
in parallel 864 of cervical disk 632
in series 865 of extensor tendons 718
Resting membrane potential 916g. See also of lumbar disk 639
Equilibrium potential Ryuku Islands of Japan
Restless legs syndrome 832, 839 motor neuron disease in 606
myokymia in 832
myotonia in 822 S1 root stimulation 167, 167f
Reticulum Sacral plexus 18t, 22, 168
sarcoplasmic 244 anatomic course of 22
Rett syndrome F wave in lesions of 460f
motor evoked potentials in 571 formation of 22f
Rheobase 225, 916g lesions of 640
Rheumatoid arthritis 721 root stimulation for 167f
carpal tunnel syndrome in 721 Sacral radiculopathy 168. See also
myasthenia gravis in 754 Radiculopathies
Rhomboid major muscle 12, 16t Safety factor
Rhomboid minor muscle 12, 16t of transmission 81
Rickettsial disease 668 Safety precaution
Riley-Day syndrome 678 for electrical hazard 879
Ring electrodes 95 Saltatory conduction
in sensory nerve conduction 107 in myelinated fibers 67f, 68
Rise time 35, 316, 916g Sanderson, B 889
of action potential 35f Saphenous nerve 22, 169, 728
of motor unit potential 316 anatomic courses 22
Risus sardonicus nerve conduction study of 169f
in tetanus 834 normal values for 170t
Rod-shaped bodies 788 somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) 519
984 Index

Sarcoid neuropathy 659 Sense 65. See also Sensations

Sarcoidosis 802 Sensory action potential 94, 195f
myositis in 802 Sensory delay 916g
neuropathy in 659 Sensory endings
Sarcolemma 288 of muscle spindles 295, 296t
Sarcomere 290 primary annulospiral 295, 296t
Sarcoplasmic calcium (Ca++) 244 secondary flower spray 295, 296t
Sarcoplasmic reticulum 244, 836 Sensory evoked potential 104. See also Sensory
Sarlandiere C 888 nerve action potential (SNAP)
Sartorius muscle 18t 22 Sensory latency 109, 916g
Satellite potential 916g, 941g Sensory motor neuropathy 671
Saturday night palsy 717. See also Radial nerve Sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) 104, 194f,
palsy 916g
Scalenus anticus syndrome 636 amplitude of 107
Scalp motor evoked potentials 555 antidromic 94
Scanning electromyography (EMG) 394, 916g duration of 107
Scapular winging 715 latency of 109
Scapulohumeral spinal muscular atrophy 609 orthodromic 104
Scapuloperoneal spinal muscular atrophy 609 recording of 107
Schaffer, H 891 waveform of 107
Schiff, M 890 Sensory nerve conduction studies (SNCS) 104
Schmidt-Lantermann cleft 65f of lateral cutaneous nerve 153, 156f
Schwann cell 64 of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve 169, 170f
in myelinated fibers 64, 66f of median nerve 135f, 136f, 138f
nucleus of 65f of radial nerve 149f, 150f
in segmental demyelination 80 of saphenous nerve 169f
in unmyelinated fibers 64 of superficial peroneal nerve 165f
Schwartz-Jampel syndrome 352, 831 of sural nerve 165f
complex repetitive discharges in 352 techniques for 104
Sciatic nerve 18t, 24, 729 of ulnar nerve 138f, 143t, 144f
anatomic course of 21f Sensory nerve conduction velocity (SNCV) 916g
conduction studies of 167, 167f Sensory neuropathy 524
lesions of 729 subacute 656
muscles innervated by 18t, 19t, 24f Sensory peak latency 916g
section of 167 Sensory potential 916g. See also Sensory nerve
Scleroderma action potential
myokymia in 832 Sensory receptor endings 295
Scorpion toxin Sensory response 916g
demyelination caused by 81 SEP (somatosensory evoked potential) 916g. See
Scrapielike encephalopathy 611 also somatosensory evoked potentials
Scrub tick 765 Separation of nerve 77. See also Seddon's
paralysis associated with 765 classification; Neurotmesis
neuropathy associated with 668 Sequential logic 877
Seashell sounds Series resistance 865
of end-plate noise 312, 916g Serrated action potential 317, 916g
Secondary clefts Serratus anterior muscle 16t
of neuromuscular junction 240, 241f SFEMG (single fiber electromyography) 365f, 384
Secondary periodic paralysis 828 916g. See also Single-fiber electromyography
Secondary flower spray sensory endings Sharp waves
of muscle spindles 295, 296t from amplifier noise 51f
Seddon's classification 72. See also specific types Shea, PA 891
axonotmesis in 75 Sherrington, CS 891
of nerve injury 72 Shielding
neurapraxia in 73 of electrode cables 44
neurotmesis in 77 Shock artifacts 94, 916g. See also Stimulus
Segmental demyelination 80. See also artifact
Demyelination Short interstimulus intervals 262
Seizure disorder Short-latency somatosensory evoked potential
transcranial electrical stimulation in 556 (SSEP) 524, 916g, 921g-923g
transcranial magnetic stimulation in 561 Short spinal muscle 378
Semiconductor 863 Shoulder girdle 16t
Semimembranosus muscle 18t muscles of 16t, 630t
Semitendinosus muscle 18t, 24 nerves of 10, 11f, 715
Sensations 65 Shy-Drager syndrome 660
positional 65 Signal-to-noise ratio 44, 95
proprioceptive 65 Signals 95
temperature 65 display of 96
touch 65 frequency response of 45
Index 985

overamplification of 95 Sodium conductance 30

recording of 95 effect of subthreshold stimulus on 226
storage of 96 inactivation of 31
unwanted 95 in intrinsic membrane 30
Silent period (SP) 479, 917g Sodium equilibrium potential 31
cortical (C) response during 478 Sodium inactivation 31
cutaneous 479 Sodium (Na+)-potassium (Ka+) pump 29, 29f
long latency response during 478 in demyelination 82
masseter 477f Soleus muscle 19t, 24
muscle force during 479f, 480f H reflex from 467, 473f
physiologic mechanisms of 479 Solid angle approximation 34, 34f
in tetanus 834 for analysis of waveform 35
V1 and V2 during 481 for transmembrane potential 67
Sine wave 871 Soma-dendrite (SD) membrane 440
Single-fiber electromyography (SFEMG) 384, 917g, Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) 496, 917g
942g averaging procedures for 498
amplifier setting for 385 bilateral stimulation for 496
in Duchenne dystrophy 400 calcaneal nerve 519
electrode characteristics for 41f, 43 from cervical dermatomes 519
in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome 761 in children 594
leading off surface for 385 clinical application of 525, 528
in motor neuron disease 397 clinical limitation of 535
in myasthenia gravis 399, 758 clinical value of 535
in myasthenic syndrome 400 conduction time for 524
in myositis 401 femoral cutaneous nerve 519
in neuropathy 397 femoral nerve 517
normal values for 388, 393t, 398t intercostal nerve 519
recording apparatus for 385 jerk-locked 837
Single-fiber needle electrode 41f, 43, 118, from lumbosacral dermatomes 519
917g maturational process of 588
Single-fiber potential 385 median nerve 504, 525, 525f, 526f, 526t, 527t.
Single motor unit potential 216. See also Motor See also Median nerve somatosensory
unit potential evoked potential (SEP)
Single unit pattern 917g in multiple sclerosis 532
Sink of current flow 32 muscle spindles as an input for 519
Size principle pathways of 520
in recruitment of motor units 299 peroneal nerve 511, 513
Sjogren's syndrome 659, 798 phrenic nerve 519
dermatositis in 798 plantar nerve 519
Skeletal muscle 287, 288f pudendal nerve 516, 519f, 529
Skin temperature 110 recording of 496
us. muscle temperature 110, 259 saphenous nerve 519
Sleep selective gating in 522
blink reflex during 430 short-latency 917g, 921g, 922g
Slow conducting nerve fibers 192, 194f, 524 spinal 917g
blocking of 203 stimulation for 496
vs. fast conducting nerve fibers 192 as a test of brainstem lesions 530
Slow conducting sensory fibers 194f as a test of central lesions 530
Slow muscle 292 as a test of peripheral lesions 527
Slow (S) muscle fiber 291t, 292 tibial nerve 511, 512f, 513f, 514f, 519f, 528f,
Slow oxidative (SO) muscle fiber 291t, 292 529t. See also Tibial nerve somatosensory
Slow rates of stimulation evoked potential (SEP)
for neuromuscular transmission 248, 263 trigeminal nerve 515, 517f
Slow twitch muscle fibers 292, 374 ulnar nerve 513
Slowly progressive motor neuron disease 602. unilateral stimulation for 496
See also Motor neuron disease Sonographic imaging 330
Small cell bronchogenic carcinoma Source of current flow 32
myasthenic syndrome in 758 Spasm 821
Small fiber type diabetic neuropathy 653 hemifacial 371f, 832
Small nerve terminals Spatial relationship of motor unit 315
in congenital myasthenic syndrome 762 Sphincter muscle 315
Snake poisoning Sphincter tone 380. See also Anal sphincter
of neuromuscular transmission 270 Spider stings 668
SNAP (sensory nerve action potential) 104, 917g. Spike-triggered averaging
See also Sensory nerve action potential for motor unit number estimate 216, 217
Sodium (Na+) ions 29, 29f Spikes 48, 312f, 313, 313f, 917g
transmembrane potential of 28 end-plate 48, 312f, 313, 313f
Sodium channel 32. See also Sodium conductance Spina bifida 613
986 Index

Spinal accessory nerve 5t, 8f, 9f in polymyositis 350

anatomic course of 8f types of 346
injury of 715 waveforms of 343f
muscles innervated by 5t, 8f, 9f Spread of stimulating current 180
Spinal cord SSEP (short-latency somatosensory evoked
myokymia in lesions of 353 potential) 524, 916g, 921g-923g
somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) as a test Staircase phenomenon 917g
of 530 Standard concentric needle 41f
transcranial magnetic stimulation as a test of Stapedius reflex 282
563 Static response
Spinal cord conduction 524 of muscle spindles 295, 295f
Spinal cord lesions Stationary peaks
blink reflex in 426 from a moving source 501. See also Far-field
Spinal cord monitoring 533 potentials
Spinal cord motor evoked potentials 554 Statistical analysis 54
Spinal cord tumor Statistical estimate
and syrinx 614 of motor unit number 216, 217, 218t
Spinal evoked potentials 535f, 917g Statistics 53
after tibial nerve stimulation 514f, 515f Steady state
segmental 199, 201f, 202f of equilibrium 29f
Spinal form Steam autoclaving 40
of Charot-Marie-Tooth disease 671 Sterilization procedure 40. See also Electrode
Spinal muscles 378 sterilization
Spinal muscular atrophy 352, 606, 785 as a cause of needle artifacts 50
arthrogryposis multiplex congenita 610 Sternocleidomastoid muscle 5t, 8, 9f, 372
bulbo 610 Stiff-man syndrome 346, 834
classification of 607t clinical features in 834
complex repetitive discharge in 352 continuous muscle fiber activity in 356
fascioscapulohumeral 609 electromyography in 835
features of 607t us. chronic tetanus 835
focal amyotrophy 610 Stigmatic electrode 917g
infantile 594, 595, 606. See also Infantile spinal Stimulating current
muscular atrophy spread of 180
juvenile 608. See also Juvenile spinal muscular Stimulating electrode 917g
atrophy Stimulating system
progressive 353, 606 errors in 179
proximal 607t Stimulation 92
scapuloperoneal 609 across the carpal ligament 137
X-linked recessive bulbospinal (Kennedy disease) anodal 67, 183
610 artifact 94. See also Stimulus artifact
Spinal nerve 8, l0f axillary 180
anterior rami of 8, l0f bipolar 92
cervical 10 cathodal 67
dorsal root of l0f distal us. proximal 109
lumbar 16 duration of 93
lumbosacral 636 electrical 92
posterior rami of 8, l0f fast rate of 248, 269
ventral roots of l0f intensity of 93
Spinal nucleus magnetic 117
of trigeminal nerve 7 monopolar 92
Spinal potentials 513, 516, 516f, 533 palmar 143, 183
Spinal stenosis 642 repetitive 263. See also Repetitive stimulation
Spinal stimulation 533 slow rate of 263
Spindles 294, 295. See also Muscle spindles subcutaneous 92
Spinocerebellar atrophy of unwanted nerve 180
motor evoked potentials for 571 Stimulator 52, 92
Spinocerebellar degeneration 676. See also constant current 53, 93
Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia constant voltage 53, 92
Spondylosis 603 electrical 92
cervical 603, 631 magnetic coil 53
vs. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 603 types of 92
Spontaneous single muscle fiber activity 346, Stimulus 93, 917g
917g duration of 93
clinical significance of 349 intensity of 93
after laminectomy 639 maximal 93
after myelography 350 paired 94, 248, 430
origin of 346 submaximal 93
Index 987

supramaximal 93 Suprascapular nerve 12, 16t, 716

threshold 93 injury of 716
Stimulus artifact 94, 918g muscles innervated by 12, 16t
control of 94 Supraspinatus muscle 14, 16t
effect of ground electrode on 94 Suprathreshold activation 67
after subcutaneous stimulation 92 Suprathreshold stimuli 31f
after surface stimulation 94 Sural nerve 25, 162
origin of 94 anatomic course of 25
reduction of 94 anomaly of 192
suppression circuits of 94 conduction study of 165f
Stimulus isolation 52 fascicular biopsy of 71, 72f
Stop-band in-vitro recording from 70
vs. pass-band 873 mononeuropathy of 732
Storage of recorded signals 96 morphometric assessment of 70
Storage oscilloscope 46 normal values for 166t
Stork leg 674 somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) 529
Strength-duration curve 224, 225f, 226f, 918g Surface electrodes 41, 95, 918g
Strength-duration time constant 225 Swan-neck
Stretch reflex 294, 911g in myotonic dystrophy 823
Stretch-sensitive receptors 294. See also Muscle Sweat glands
spindles sympathetic skin response and 115, 117
Stroke Sympathetic skin response 115
blink reflex in 430 Synaptic cleft 240
motor evoked potentials for 571 Synaptic gutter 240
Sturgeon 890 Synaptic vesicles 243
Stylohyoid muscle 5t Synchronized fibrillation 918g
Stylomastoid foramen 6, 6f Syndrome. See also individual syndromes
Subacute combined degeneration 531 anterior interosseous compression 719
myelopathy caused by 615 anterior tarsal tunnel 731
somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) in Bassen-Kornzweig 678
531 carpal tunnel 14f, 15, 720
Subcutaneous needle stimulation 92 cauda equina 20
Subliminal excitation 30, 67 cervical rib 636
Submaximal stimulus 93, 918g congenital myasthenic 247, 267f, 763
Subneural clefts of neuromuscular junction 241f cubital tunnel 144
Subnormal period of excitability 33 Cushing's 797
Subscapular nerve 16t Duane's 376, 376f
Subthreshold stimulus 31f, 227, 918g Ehlers-Danlos 633
accommodation with 228 entrapment 75, 713
graded response by 31f familial congenital myasthenic 248, 763
refractory period associated with 228 fascioscapulohumeral 784
latent addition after 227 Fisher's 424
Subunit of motor unit 347 Guillain-Barre 83, 661
Sudomotor function 114 Hopkin's 613
sympathetic skin response for 115 Homer's 633
Summation 226, 246 interdigital nerve 732
in end-plate potentials (EPP) 249 Kiloh-Nevin 719
us. accommodation 226 Lambert-Eaton myasthenic 758
vs. latent addition 226 lateral medullary 427, 429f
Super-normal period limb-girdle 784
of excitability 33, 69 locked-in 431, 431f
Superficial peroneal nerve 19t, 23f, 162 McArdle's 275, 791
anatomic course of 23f Mobius 376, 377f
muscles innervated by 19t, 23f muscular pain-fasciculation 836
nerve conduction study of 165f myasthenic 259
normal values for 164t paratrigeminal 420
Superficial radial neuropathy 718 poliomyelitis like 613
Superior gluteal nerve 18t, 23 posterior interosseous 718
anatomic course of 23 progressive muscle spasm 836
lesions of 729 pronator teres 720
muscles innervated by 18t, 24f restless leg 832
Superior oblique muscle 5t Riley-Day 678
Superior rectus muscle 5t Roussy-Levy 673
Supinator muscle 14, 16t scalenus anticus 636
Supraclavicular fossa 11 Schwartz-Jampel 352, 831
Supramaximal stimulus 93, 918g Sjogren's 798
Supraorbital nerve 413, 4l5f stiff-man 346, 834
988 Index

Syndrome. (continued] Temporal instability

tarsal tunnel 24f, 731 of motor unit potentials 359
thoracic outlet 633, 636 Temporalis muscle 5t, 7
Wallenberg's 427 Tendon 718
Synklnesis 77, 834 organ of Golgi 296
arm-diaphragm 635 rupture of 718
blink reflex in 422, 423f Tennis elbow 717
in facial movement 414, 422 Tensilon (edrophonium) test 756
in hemifacial spasm 371f, 423f, 833 fibrillation potentials induced by 347
in inspiratory muscles 613 in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome 760
in neurotmesis 77 in myasthenia gravis 756
us. involuntary movement 363 Tensilon tonography 282
Syringobulbia 429f, 614 Tensor fascia latae 18t
blink reflex in 429f Teres major muscle 16t
Syringomyelia 353, 613 Teres minor muscle 12, 16t
blink reflex in 614 Terminal latency 96f, 918g
clinical features of 613 Terminal latency index 98
electromyography in 614 Test response 219
fasciculation potential in 353 amplitude of 220, 221f, 222f
somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) in 531 conduction velocity of 223f, 224
Syringomyositis 310 latency of 223f, 224
Systemic infections Test stimulus 918g
myokymia in 832 Testicular atrophy
Systemic lupus erythematosus 633 in myotonic dystrophy 824
brachial plexus lesion in 633 Tetanic contraction 918g
myasthenia gravis in 754 uses of 270
Tetanus 359, 834, 918g
chronic 834
F waves in 455f
T reflex 467 us. stiff-man syndrome 835
masseteric 474. See also Jaw reflex Tetany 353, 834, 918g
T wave 918g, 927g cramp in 834
Tactile sensation 118 fasciculation potentials in 353
Taenia solium Tetraphasic action potential 918g
myositis caused by 801 Tetraphasic waveform
Tangier disease 678 in sensory nerve conduction 107
Tap on glabella 415, 417f, 418t Thalidomide toxicity
Tape recorder 46 neuropathy associated with 670
Tardy ulnar palsy 182, 197f, 724 Thenar eminence 15, 261
axillary stimulation in 182, 182f muscles of 17t
clinical features of 445, 724 Thenar nerve 15
conduction abnormalities in 725 stimulation of 131, 135f
Target fibers Thermal sensation 118
in central core disease 788 Thermography 119
Tarsal tunnel syndrome 24f, 731 Thiamine deficiency 80, 669
anterior 731 dying back phenomenon in 80
Tay-Sachs disease 601 Thick filaments 245
Teased fiber preparation 71 Thin filaments 245
Telangiectasia 798 Thomsen's disease 825
Temperature 394 Thoracic outlet 12
in demyelination pathophysiology 81 Thoracic outlet syndrome 633, 636
effect on conduction velocity 109, 394 Thoracic radiculopathy 632
effect on fibrillation potential 347 Thoracic roots 629
effect on jitter 394 Thoracodorsal nerve 16t
effect on movement-induced artifact 51, 259 Threadlike structures 789
effect on neuromuscular transmission 259 Threshold 918g
intramuscular recording of 110, 259 Threshold electrotonus 228
recording of skin 110 measurement of 229, 230f
of wasted limbs 80 us. electrotonus 227
Temperature sense Threshold stimulus 93, 918g
fibers transmitting 65, 118 Threshold tracking 224
Temporal dispersion 69, 99, 103f, 192, 193f, 196, applications of 230
198, 523, 918g for latent addition and accommodation 226, 227f
in blink reflex 425f for strength-duration curve 224, 225f, 226f
in demyelination 69 for strength-duration time constant 225
physiologic 99, 192, 193f, 194f Thrombocytopenia
pathologic 196, 197f electromyography (EMG) in patients with 309
Index 989

Thyroid myopathy 796 recruitment order for 557, 559f

Thyroiditis F wave calculations for 566
myasthenia gravis in 754 facilitation of 558, 560f
Thyrotoxlcosis inhibition of 558
myokymia in 796, 832 kindling as a risk of 562
Thyrotropin-releasing syndrome (TRH) 600 for motor evoked potentials 554
Tibial nerve 19t, 24, 160 normal values for 565, 565t, 568t
anatomic course of 24 orientation of coil for 558f
conduction study of 157, 158f, 160t, 161t for peripheral nerve studies 562
H reflex via 468f, 469f practical considerations for 561
latency of 160t, 161t for root stimulation 565
lesions of 731 safety considerations for 561
motor unit number estimates for 218, 218t Transcutaneous stimulator
muscles innervated by 19t, 24f interference from 48f
normal values for 160t Transection of nerve fiber 76
stimulation of 160 Transformer 870
Tibial nerve somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) Transistor 875
511, 511f bipolar 875
height relationships for 527, 529f, 530f field-effect 876
normal values for 529t Transmembrane potential 28, 67. See also Action
neural sources of 512t, 513f, 514f potentials
us. pudendal nerve SEP 518f for chloride (C1-) ion 28
Tibialis anterior muscle 19t, 24, 167, 261 dipole of 34
peroneal nerve study with 167 effect of extracellular fluid on 28
Tibialis posterior muscle 19t, 24 effect of ionic concentration on 28
Tick bites 668, 765 intracellular recording of 390f
Tick paralysis for potassium (K+) ion 28
electrophysiologic study in 765 for sodium (Na+) ion 28
Time base 95 solid angle approximation for 34, 34f, 35f
Time constant 866 Transplantation
Toe-to-digit transplantation 78 muscle 293
Tongue 5t 372 toe-to-digit 78
examination of 372 Trapezius muscle 5t, 8, 9f, 172, 261, 372
Tonic motor unit 299 anatomy of 261
Tonic vibration reflex (TVR) 477 effect of accessory nerve palsy on 372, 716
abnormal response of 477 recording from 172, 261
clinical application of 478 Traumatic quadiplegia 616
normal response for 477, 478f Tremor 364, 838
Tonography 282 Triad of sacroplasmic reticulum 244, 245f
Topographic analysis Triceps muscle 13, 16t
of median nerve somatosensory evoked potential Triceps stretch reflex 717
(SEP) 508f Trichinella spiralis 801
Torticollis 373f, 839 Trichinosis
electromyography in 373f fibrillation potentials in 350
Tourniquet paralysis 73 myositis in 801
Toxic myopathies 796. See also specific types Trigeminal nerve 6, 6f, 413
Toxic neuropathies 80, 669. See also specific types anatomic course of 7
Trail motor endings 295 conduction velocity 70
of muscle spindle 294f divisions of 6f
us. plate motor ending 294f gasserian ganglion of 7
Train of positive sharp waves 75, 347, 918g lesions of 420, 421t
Train of stimuli 265, 918g main sensory nucleus of 7
Transcallosal inhibition 561 mesencephalic nucleus of 7
Transcranial electrical stimulation. See also Motor muscles innervated by 5t
evoked potentials (MEPS) neuropathy of 714
in clinical studies 556 stimulation of 413
limitations of 556 Trigeminal neuralgia 420
for motor evoked potentials 554 blink reflex in 420, 421t
Transcranial magnetic stimulation Trigeminal nerve somatosensory evoked potential
central conduction time 565, 565t (SEP) 515, 517f
clinical applications 567 normal values for 517t
coil design for 556 Triorthocresyl phosphate toxicity
for deep structure studies 563 neuropathy associated with 80, 670
discharges elicited by 557 Triphasic action potential 35, 919g
effect of anesthesia on 556 Triphasic waveform 32f, 33, 35, 35f
fast central pathways for 557, 557f in sensory nerve conduction 107
multiple firing of 557, 560f Triple discharge 919g
990 Index
Triplet 359, 919g segmental stimulation of 197f
Trismus 834 sensory fiber conduction of 138f, 143f, 144f, 146
Trochlear nerve stimulation at multiple points of 186f
muscles Innervated by 5t stimulation of 144
Tropical spastic paralysis (TSP) 615 stimulation sites of 186f
Tropomyosin 290, 290f Ulnar nerve somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP)
Troponin 290, 290f 513
Trousseau's sign Ultrasound 330
us. Chvostek's sign 835 Unifocal stimulation
Truncal musculature of motor cortex 555
examination of 377 Unipolar needle electrode 919g
Trunks of brachial plexus 11, 153. See also Unloading
individual trunks of muscle spindles 481
lower 11, 147, 153 Unmyelinated nerve fibers 64
middle 11, 136, 149 conduction characteristics of 65
upper 11, 136, 149, 153 diameter of 65
Trypanosomiasis 668 role of Schwann cells on 64 66f
Tuberculoid form of leprosy 667 Unwanted nerve stimulation 180
Tubular aggregates Upper limb 13, 131
in cramp fasciculation syndrome 836 muscles of 16t, 17t, 630t
Tubule 244 nerves of 16t, 17t, 131, 630t
longitudinal 244, 245f Upper motor neuron lesion 308f
transverse 244, 245f as a cause of weakness 308f
Turn(s) 317, 324, 325f, 919g recruitment pattern of motor units in 363
of motor unit potential 317 stretch reflex in diseases of 4f
ratio of 324 typical electromyography (EMG) in 341f
Twitch characteristic us. lower motor neuron lesions 340f
of motor unit 299 us. myogenic lesions 341f
Twitch interpolation technique 328 Upper trunk of brachial plexus 11, 633
Twitch speed 291t formation of 9f, 11f, 633
Twitch tension 291t sensory potential in lesions of 136, 149, 153
Type II glycogenosis 343, 790 stimulation of 153, 154f
Type III glycogenosis 790 symptoms in lesions of 633
Type V glycogenosis 791 Uremic neuropathy 80, 97, 655, 658
Type VII glycogenosis 792 clinical features of 655
Type I hereditary motor sensory neuropathy electrophystologic findings in 458, 655
(HMSN) 79, 657, 671, 672t Utilization time 919g
Type II hereditary motor sensory neuropathy
(HMSN) 79, 674, 672t
Type III hereditary motor sensory neuropathy
(HMSN) 675, 672t Vagus nerve 5t, 7
Type IV hereditary motor sensory neuropathy muscles innervated by 5t
(HMSN) 675 us. accessory nerve 8f
Type V hereditary motor sensory neuropathy Valium (diazepam) 835
(HMSN) 675 effect on blink reflex 431, 431f
Type I muscle fiber 291, 291t, 292f effect on stiff-man syndrome 835
predominance 788 Valsalva ratio 114
Type II A muscle fiber 291, 291t Variability 109, 314, 314f
Type II B muscle fiber 291t in motor unit potentials 314, 314f
in nerve conduction measurement 109, 206
Vastus intermedius 18t, 22
Vastus lateralis 18t, 22
Ulnar nerve 15, 17t, 141 Vastus medialis 18t
anastomotic branch of 188 Velocity 65, 108. See also Conduction velocity
anatomic course of 12f Ventral roots l0f
at birth 588 VEPs (visual evoked potentials) 533, 919g, 923g
conduction study of 141, 143t, 144f VERs (visual evoked responses) 533, 919g, 923g
cubital tunnel and 144, 724 Vertical deflection plates 46
dorsal sensory branch of 143t, 144f, 148 Vesicles
F wave in 446f, 451t synaptic 243
mononeuropathy of 725 Vibration amplitude 329
motor fiber conduction 141 143f, 144f Vibratory sensation 118
motor unit number estimates for 218, 218t Vincristine toxicity
muscles innervated by 17t neuropathy associated with 670
normal values for 135t, 145t Vinyl chloride
in children 589t neuropathy associated with 670
palmar stimulation of 183 Visual displays 45
range of conduction velocity for 203t Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) 533, 919g, 923g
Index 991

Visual evoked responses (VERs) 533, 919g, 923g Waning discharge 919g
Vitamin B12 deficiency Watkins, AL 891
neuropathy associated with 669 Watt 863
Volar interosseous muscle 17t Wave 919g
Volitional activity 919g Waveform 34, 919g
Volta, A 887 analysis of 201
Voltage 862, 919g diphasic 35
constant 864 of compound action potentials 35, 72
us. constant current 92 effect of volume conduction on 33, 35f, 500f,
Voltage divider 865 502
Voltage source 865 of sensory nerve action potentials 107
Voltanic pile 888 of spontaneous potentials 347, 348f
Volume-conducted field 36 triphasic 35, 35f
Volume-conducted potential 34, 499, 500f Waxing and waning pattern 344
Volume conduction 33, 502, 919g Weakness
clinical implications of 33, 502 differential diagnosis of 4f, 342f
current density in 34, 502f Weddel, G 891
current flow in 34, 501f Weiss, G 890
effect of 33, 500f, 502 Werdnig-Hoffman disease 606, 790
solid angle approximation of 34, 34f in children 594, 595
Volume conductor 35f, 36, 503 vs. Pompe's disease 790
dipoles in 34 Winging of scapula 716
wave fronts in 34, 34f Wood tick (Dermacentor andersoni)
Voluntary activity 919g paralysis associated with 716
Voluntary potential 481 Wrinkling tissue paper sound
of fibrillation potentials 347

Wagman, IH 892
Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia 656t, 657, 659 X-linked recessive bulbospinal atrophy (Kennedy
Wallenberg's syndrome disease) 610
blink reflex in 421t, 427, 430
Waller, A 889
Wallerian degeneration 75
in axonotmesis 76 Z lines of muscle 288f, 290
nerve conduction during 75 Ziemssen, H 889

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