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Saratogapoet Mary Lou Taylor recently completed a 10-day artist residency program at Montalvo Arts Center. .It's a great environment to
be creative in,,
said Taylor, who is finishing two projects she started there.

Saratogapoetreturnsto her l4ontalvoroots

The Saratoga poet, who first there over the years, says she was another that she conceivedof and
Taylor compleles heardof the classat Montalvowhen honored to be asked to participate beganwhilethere.
shesawan ad in the SaratogaNews in the artist residency program.
artist residency i n t h e l a l e 1 9 7 0 sr .e c e n r l y T i n i s h e d "It was beautiful up there, and I
The first project, a 75-page
manuscript,is a book of original
a 10-dayartistresidencyat the cen- got a whole lot out of it," she said. poems called Finite Infinity. It will
By SnaNNoN BuRrpy ter. "Montalvo hasbeenvery good "Now ideas are coming to me all be her secondbook of original po-
to me. and it's a greatenvironment the time, and I think a lot of it was ems published.The other project
Jt's been more than 30 years to be creative in," she said. "It's having that opportunity to go to is a 2S-pagechapbook-a pocket-
I sinceMary Lou Taylortook her l i k ec o m i n gf u l l c i r c l eM
. y c a r e e irn Montalvo." sizedbooklet-with original poems
Ifirst poetrv classat Montalvo poetry startedthere." Though her residency ended in basedon her travelsthrouehAsia.
Arts Center. Sincethen, her love of Taylor,who alsoservedbn Mon- January, Taylor is busy finishing "l just love writing.I write sev-
wordshas taken her far, but it has talvo'sboardof trusteesfor several two projects-one that she started
alsobroughther backto her roots. years and has had many readings working on while at Montalvo and Poet,page 30


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