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Abdominal Examination Checklist

 Introduce
 Verbal consent
 Wash hands
 Pain?

 Observe from the end of the bed

 Hands Clubbing, leukonychia, koiloychia

Dupuytren’s contracture, palmar erythema, pale creases

 Face Jaundice, anaemia, corneal arcus, Kayser-Fleischer rings,

Angular stomatitis, aphthous ulcers, thrush, mucous membrane
hydration, tongue – atrophic/white/dry, hepatic foetor

 Neck Virchow’s node

 Chest Gynaecomastia, excoriation marks, distended veins, spider naevi

 Expose Shape, size, skin lesions, scars, stomas, distended veins

Abdomen Lift head - ?hernias

 Palpate Palpate regions light then deep

Groins for hernias and lymphadenopathy
External genitalia for torsion and masses

 Percuss Liver, spleen, bladder

Shifting dullness

 Auscultate Liver, aorta, iliacs for bruits

LIF for bowel sounds

 Extras DRE
Urine dip including ßHCG in females of reproductive age
Observaion chart

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