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Name ___________ Date ______ Number___

Be a Fox Third Grade

Homework Star!

Thi s Week ’s S tar Sp eci al s:

Be an Editing Star! Capitalization and punctuation
are important! Pay attention to
capitalizing names and dates.
Think about the end marks you
Edit these sentences.
1. mulan, is that really you
2. your homework is due on September 24, 2010
3. how is this possible
4. what a brave girl you are

Copy corrected sentences on the lines below.

Be a Spelling Star!
Sorting helps us remember
spelling. Sort your spelling words
into the appropriate column (not
all words will be used).

pond luck drop lot

rub does drum sock
hunt crop shut won

Short o Short u

Understanding homonyms helps our reading and

writing make sense.
• Illustrate each homonym in the boxes below.
• Write a sentence that shows you know how to use
the homonyms correctly.

night knight

%Extra Mile With a Smile: Illustrate your sentence!

Be a Thinking Star!

If this word is the answer:

Prime meridian
Write the What might the question be?
question h ere:

Now try thi s: Pu t an X th e word th at d oesn ’t

belon g with th e o th er wo rds. Write you r
reason wh y in the bo x nex t to the word s.





Use the following words to create an analogy.

Prime Meridian
Equator The ___________is to ________ as
___________ is to ____________ .
Be V ocab ulary Star!
A strong vocabul ary hel ps us b eco me better
writers, read ers, an d thinkers.

Write the the definition letter next

to the matching word.

______ hemisphere a. Greece and Rome are on this sea.

______ penisula b. Land that is surrounded on three
sides by water is called a ….
______ erosion c. half the globe
______ Mediterranean d. Weathering or “wearing down” of
soil and rock

Use two of the vocabulary words in a sentence that

makes sense. Your sentence should show that you
know what the words mean. Illustrate your sentence
in the picture box below.

Be a Read ing Star!

Good readers infer. W hen
we in fer, we use clues to
figure out wh at the author
is trying to tell us.
Complete the attache d
pages: pp. 26-27

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