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z~+~· Twentieth-Century

Literature Conference 20 0

February :24-26

Keynote Speakers Edwidge Danticat Robert von Hallberg

Special Guests Gabriele Eckart Gilda Holst Cristanne Miller ". Tom Sleig~




dare to be great

2000 Twentieth-Century Literature Conference

Sponsored by

The University of Louisville President: John W. Shumaker Provost: Carol Z. Garrison

College of Arts and S.:ien.:es Acting Dean: Shirley C. Willihnganz

Graduate Programs Vice-President for Research: Nancy C. Martin Dean of the Graduate School: Ronald M. Atlas

Department of Classi.:al and Modern Languages Chair: Wendy E. Pfeffer

Department of English Ch,u: Debra S. Journet

Offi.:e of Minority Servtees

Ralph Fitzpatrick, Assistant to the President

English Graduate Organization President: Michael Neal Luncheon Chair: Douglas Schutte

Kentu.:kiana Metroversity Executive Director: Jack Will

The Conference Committee gratefully acknowledges the cooperation and assistance of the following: David Miles and Dennis Smith, Information Technology; Marcia Reed, Facilities Management; Barbara Munsey, Custodial Services; Hannelore Rader, Delinda Buie and the staff ofW. F. Ekstrom Library; Jake Bell, Wallace's campus bookstore; members of Mortarboard, Pi Delta Phi and Sigma Delta Pi honorary societies; the French, Spanish and Classics Clubs; staff and student assistants in the Department of Classical and .


Modem Languages and in the Department of English; and all University personnel who go

beyond the call to ensure the success of the Conference.

General Plan of Activities 2000

Thursday. February 24

Eastern Standard Time

Rellatntlon. Bingham Humanities Bldg, Rm 300

9:00 - 4:00 pm

Openlnl Presentation, Bingham Humanities, Rm 100

Cristanne Miller, Pomona College I

11 :00 - 12:00 pm

Sectional Meetings A ~tlonal Meetings B

1:15 - 2:45 pm 3:00 - 4:30 pm

Keynote Presentation I (critical), Strickler Hall 101 Robert von Hallberg, University of Chicago

4:45 - 5:45 pm

Welcome Reception, Masterson's Restaurant

Creative readings in Spanish, Ekstrom Library Auditorium

6:00 - 7:15 pm 7:30 pm

Friday. February 25

Registration, Bingham Humanities Bldg, Room 300

8:00 - 4:00 pm

Sectional Meetings C Sectional Meetings D

9:00 - 10:30 am 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Pre-arranged group luncheons

12:15 - 1:15 pm

Sectional Meetings E Sectional Meetings F

1:30 - 3:00 pm 3:15 - 4:45 pm

Keynote Presentation II (creative), Strickler Hall 101 Edwidge Danticat, fiction writer

5:00 - 6:00 pm

Conference Dinner, Seelbach Hilton Hotel Reception (cash bar; all conferees welcome) Dinner (reservation required)

6:30 pm 7:30 pm

Saturday, February 26

Registration, Bingham Humanities Bldg, Room 300

8:30 - 10:45 am

Sectional Meetings G Sectional Meetings H

9:00 - 10:30 am 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Lunch break; boxed lunches may be pre-ordered.

Sectional Meetings I

1:30 - 3:00 pm

Special Guest Reading, Bingham Humanities Bldg, Rm 100 Tom Sleigh, 'poet, Dartmouth College

3:15 pm

Featured speakers in Language area sections, 3: J 5 pm, Friday, 2125

Spanish: Gilda Holst Molestina; Pomificla Universidad Catolica de Guayaquil (Ekstrom Library Auditorium) German: Gabriele Eckart, Southeast Missouri State University (Humanities 221)

Registration Information Twentieth-Century Literature Conference Thursday, Friday, Saturday - February 24 -26, 2000

The Conference will be held on the main (Belknap) campus of the University of Louisville, Third and Eastern Parkway, Louisville, Kentucky (from Interstate 65 via Exit 133). The Louisville area is on Eastern Standard Time.

The Seelbach Hilton, 500 Fourth Avenue (at Muhammed Ali) has been designated as the Conference hotel (tel. 800-333-3399; 502-585-3200). The hotel provides an airport shuttle. The Conference will provide bus transportation between the Seelbach and the University at regular intervals. Consult the back pages of the printed program for hotel-campus-hotel bus schedule.

Registration is required of all participants listed in the program. Registration packets and badges will be available in Room 300, Bingham Humanities Building.

On-site registration fees are as follows:

Presenter or Presenter-chair $90

Graduate Student Presenter or Presenter- Chair $65

Non-presenting Chair $40 Guest (per day) $10

UofL and Metroversity participants attend at no charge, but are asked to sign in. Members of the public may attend the special guest presentations at no charge.

A courtesy coat check will be provided in Room 328, Bingham Humanities. Refreshments will be served in the registration area on Thursday from 9:30 - 3 :00, on Friday 8: 15 - 3 :00, and on Saturday from 8: 15 - 1 :00. A message board for the use of conference participants will be located outside Room 300. Please check the board regularly for notice of last-minute program changes.

Sectional meetings will be held in the classfooms of Bingham Humanities Building. Creative presentations will be given in Ekstrom Library. Special Guest presentations have been scheduled in nearby auditoriums. Details'as to date, time and place are printed with each program listing.

All meeting rooms are accessible to the handicapped.

Book vendors will display publications for sale on the second floor of the Bingham Humanities Building. A selection of books will also be offered for sale at plenary sessions.

See the back pages of the printed program for an index of chairs and presenters, a basic map of the campus, a transportation schedule, a list of dining facilities (both on and off-campus), Library and Campus Store hours. Flyers announcing Louisville-area events and attractions will be available in the registration area. The Louisville Convention and Visitors Bureau (tel: 800-626-5646) can provide information on local cultural events, entertainment, and lodging:

A conference evaluation form is included in your packet. Please complete it before leaving. You may deposit the form in the box in Bingham Humanities 300 or 332 (our office), or at the Ekstrom Library reference desk. Your comments will help us plan for next year.

Corrections and addenda to the program will be enclosed in conference folders and/or posted on the notice board. Please check daily for last-minute changes.

For further conference information, call (502) 852-6686, FAX (502) 852-8885, or e-mail: sjbergO

Keynote Speakers

Edwidge Danticat

Friday, February 25,5:00 pm, Middleton Auditorium, Strickler /01

Edwidge Danticat is a winner of the American Book Award, the TransAfrica Foundation Younger Writers' Award, and a Pushcart Prize. She is the author of two highly praised novels, Breath, Eyes, Memory (1994), and The Farming of Bones (1998), and an equally lauded collection of short stories, Krik? Krak! (1995). Herwork has appeared in such diverse magazines as The New Yorker, Granta, Essence, Harper's Bazaar, and Bomb. She has been cited by both The New Yorker and Granta as one of America's Best Young Novelists, and has won a prestigious Lila WailacelReader's Digest Writers' Award.

Born in Haiti in 1969, Danticat, like the protagonist in Breath, Eyes, Memory, left her birthplace at the age of twelve for New York. to be reunited with her parents. She has since earned a degree in French Literature from Barnard College, and an MFA from Brown University.

Critical acclaim followed the publication of her first novel, and has grown louder with each subsequent work. Breath, Eyes, Memory was a selection of Oprah's Book Club, and Krik? Krakl was a finalist for the National Book Award. Author Paule Marshall has said of Danticat and her work, "A silenced Haiti has once again found its literary voice."

Robert von Hallberg

Thursday, February 24,4:45 pm, Middleton Auditorium, Strickler 101

Professor of English, Genoan, and Comparative Literature at the University of Chicago. Robert von Hallberg is the author of Charles Olson: The Scholar's Art (1978), American Poetry and Culture, 1945-1980 (1985), and Poetry, Politics, and Intellectuals (1996), vol. 8 in The Cambridge History of American Literature. He has edited two genoinal essay collections, Canons (1984) and Politics and Poetic Value (1987), along with the interviews gathered in Literary Intellectuals and the Dissolution of the State: Professionalism and Conformity in the GDR (1996). He is also editor of Modernism/Modernity and of the Phoenix Poets Series. A recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities and a Guggenheim Fellowship, he has taught at Stanford University, the University ofWUrzburg, and at the University of Munich as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow. He is currently writing a study of contemporary African American poetry as a Franke Fellow at the University of Chicago.

Special Guest Presenters

Gabriele Eckart

Friday, February 25,3:15 pm, Bingham Humanities 221 (in German)

A graduate of Humboldt University in Berlin, and the University of Minnesota (Ph.D.), Gabriele Eckart has published several scholarly works, as well as collections of poetry and short fiction. Her books include:

Sprachtraumota in den Texten Wolfgang Hilbigs (1996), Seidelstein (1986), Sturzacker (1985) and Per Anhalter (Hitchhiking), translated into English by Wayne Kvam (1992). Upon the publication of her documentary, So sehe ick die Sache, Protokolle aus der DDR (1984), a collection of interviews with workers, Eckart was compelled to leave East Genoany. At the Conference she will read from Der Gute Fremde Blick. Dr. Eckart is currently Professor of Genoan at Southeast Missouri State University and is busy working on several new poems.

Gilda Holst Molestina

Friday, February 25, 3:15 pm., Ekstrom Library Auditorium (in Spanish)

Cristanne Miller

Thursday, February 24, 11:00 am, Hassold Auditorium, Bingham Humanities 100

W. M. Keck Distinguished Service Professor and Professor of English at Pomona College, Cristanne Miller is the author of Emily Dickinson: A Poet's Grammar (1987) and Marianne Moore: Questions of Authority (1995), and co-author of Comic Power in Emily Dickinson (1993). She has also co-edited Selected Letters of Marianne Moore (1997), The Women and Language Debate: A Sourcebook (1994), and the influential essay collection Feminist Measures: Soundings in Poetry and Theory (1994), as well as two further works on Dickinson. Her awards include three Alexander von Humboldt Fellowships for work at the Free University of Berlin, a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, and an Exxon Education Foundation Fellowship at the Newberry Library; she is also a two-time recipient of Pomona's Wig Distinguished Professor Award for Teaching. Prof. Miller is currently at work on Women Shaping Modernism: Gender, Nation, Poetry, a study of the roles that female poets and artists played in international modernist movements.

Born and educated in Guayaquil, Gilda Holst Molestina is one of the most talented writers in Ecuador today. She has published two collections of short stories, Mas sin nombre que nunca (Casa de la cultura del

Guayas, 1989) and Turba de signos (Abrapalabra, 1995). Critics have noted her treatment of feminist issues and her exploration of the writing process. Her stories depict the marginalization of women who oppose the traditional patriarchy and who dare to appropriate the male discursive system (M. Victoria Garcia Serrano). Her use of self-referential narrators is a most appropriate means of portraying a world where different levels of reality co-exist; the Writer attempts to subvert those realities in order to "make the reader aware of the innate" fictitious nature of texts" (Manuel F. Medina). Gilda Holst teaches Literature and Communications at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Guayaquil.

Thomas Sleigh

Saturday, February 26" 3: 15 pm, Hassold Auditorium, Bingham Humanities 100

Poet, dramatist and translator, Tom Sleigh is the author of four books of poetry: After One (1983), Waking (1990), The Chain (1996) and The Dreamhouse (1999). Among his many awards are the Poetry Society of America's 1999 Shelley Memorial Award and a Lila WaliacelReader's Digest Individual Writer's Award. He has also received grants from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center, where he is currently a Writing Committee member. His work has been widely published and anthologized, most recently in The Norton Introduction to Poetry, 'J'h Ed. His translation of Euripides' The Return of Herakles is forthcoming from Oxford University Press. His play, Ahab's Wife, was featured in the Jim Henson Foundation's 1998 International Festival of Puppet Theater. A Professor at Dartmouth College, Tom Sleigh is currently teaching in the Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins University. He lives in Cambridge, MA and New York City, with the artist Ellen Driscoll.

Daily Schedule of Meetings and Events


Registration, 9:00 - 4:00 pm

Kindly check in and pick up your conference packet.

In the packet, you will find a print-out of recent revisions. Please check daily for last-minute postings.

Bingham Humanities Building, Room 300

OPENING PRESENTATION Thursday, 11:00 am - noon

Hassold Auditorium, Bingham Humanities 100

Cristanne Miller, Pomona College

"The Colors of 'Spiritual Necessity': Marianne Moore, Else Lasker-Schueler, and Gender in Modernist Avant-Gardes"

Introduced by David R. Anderson, Department of English, University of Louisville

ImportaDt IDformatioD

All presentation rooms are accessible to the handicapped.

All sections of Critical Papers are scheduled in Bingham Humanities Building Sections of creative readings are scheduled in W. F. Ekstrom Library

Special guest speakers are scheduled in Humanities or in nearby buildings The pages of this program were printed on recycled paper.

The following abbreviations are used in the schedule:

ELA = Ekstrom Library Auditorium, lower level

BPR = Bingham Poetry Room, Ekstrom Library, main floor (used only for creative section on Friday at 3:15 pm)


Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm

A-I Toni Morrison:.Beloved and Paradb~

Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm Chair: Eliza M. Youog, lefferson Community College

HOllOI' McKitrick Wallace, Vanderbilt University

"'Talk More, Make Sense out of the Stories': Death aDd the Formation of Comm,mal Narratives in Beloved"

Rob Davidson, Purdue University

"Racial Stock aDd I-Rocks: Communal Historiography in Toni Morrison's Paradise"

Kristine Yohe, Northern Kentucky University

"'Come Prepared or Not at All': The Matrix of Geography and Migration in Toni Morrison's Paradise"

Room: 101

A-l Constructing Identities: Exploring the Works of .Tun Grimsley and Dorothy Allison (panel)

Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm Room: 103

Chair: Katrina M. Powell, University of Louisville

Ed MaddeD, University of South Carolina

"Dream Boy. lim Grimsley's Gothic Gospel"

Nathan G. Tipton, University of Memphis

"Singing in the Comeback Choir: the Gospel Truth(s) of Dorothy Allison's Bastard Out of Carolina

and lim Grimsley's Dream Boy" .

Susan Gbiaciuc, University of Louisville

"Tests within Texts: Re-Reading Outsider Culture in Dorothy Allison's Bastard Out of Carolina"

Katrina M. Powell, University of~ ,

"Motherhood as Performanc:e: Maternal Representation in Dorothy Allison's Two or Three Things I Know for Sure"

A-3 Rethinking the Lyric Self in Poetry and Theory Thursday,1:15 - 2:45 pm

Chair: Dan Guillory, Millikin University

Curt Rode, University of Tennessee

"Lyric as Epistemological Critique: The Poetry of Robert Hass"

Robert Grotjobn, Mary Baldwin College

"'Formal Intelligence' Meets the 'Etbnopoetic': Arthur Sze's 'The Redsbifting Web'"

Tim Strode, Rutgers University

"Thomas Hardy's Elegiac Verse and Recent Continental Philosophy: Toward a Postmodem Poetics of Hospitality"

Room: 121



Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm

A-4 Obdurate Modernists: Stein, Zukofsky, Riding ThW'Sday, 1: IS - 2:45 pm

Chair: Leslie Millar, Louisville, Kentucky

Logan Esdale, State University of New York, Buffalo

''No Beginning to an End: Epistolarity and Stein's Stanzas in Meditation"

Robert L. Zamsky, State University of New York, Buffalo

"Gertrude Stein, Louis Zukofsky, and the Object of Poetry"

Thomas Fisher, State University of New York, Buffalo

"Laura Riding: Poetry Against Itself'

Room: 114

A-5 Ideologies of Poetic Form

ThW'Sday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm Chair: Joseph Harrington, University of Kansas

Gillian Huang-Tiller, University of Notre Dame

"(Re)figuring the Sonnet Body, (Re)figuring the Modernist Form: 'Postmodemity' in Edna St. Vincent Millay's 'Ungrafted' Meta-sonnets"

Room: 117

Tyrone Williams, Xavier University

"Attempting Departure: The New Black Gay Poetry"

David Kellogg, Duke University

"Naked Poetry Revisited: Open Form from Innovation to the Self"

A-6 Pan-Africanist Poetics and Politics

ThW'Sday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm Room: 119

Chair: Beth Willey, University of Louisville

Jennifer Wright, Indiana University - Purdue University

"Poetry's 'power to Name: Re-visioning History in Lucille Clifton"

James Kelly, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

"Towards a Nation Language: Pan-Afticanist Ideology in the Poetry of Langston Hughes's The Weary Blues and Nicolas GuilIen'sMotivos de son"

Lisa B. Day, Alice Lloyd CoUege

"In Search of Our Mothers' Fields: Feminine Legacy in Rita Dove's Mother Love"

A-7 Feast or Famine: The American Literary Diet

Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm Room: 202

Chair: Kerri Horine, University of Louisville

Robin Silbergleid, Indiana University .

''Narrative Skeletons: Representations of Anorexia in Adolescent Fiction"

Elizabeth C. Bames, Vanderbilt University

"Crossing the Line: Transgressive Feeding as a Revisionist Fairy-Tale Element in Post-WWII American Literature"

DaryUAnderson, Lexington, Kentucky

"The Gourmet Detective"


Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm

A-8 Fleeing in Postwar American Fiction (panel) Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm

Chair: JetJKamicky, Pamsylvania State University

Marco Abel, Pennsylvania State University

"Speedily Traveling the Rhizome: Kerouac's On The Road as an Aesthetic Mapping of the American Political Landscape"

Megan Brown, Pamsylvania State University

"'If the life you lead is not the one you dreamed about, then flee': Rick Moody and Autobiography"

JeffKamicky, Pamsylvania State University

"Kinds of Waiting in Infinite Jest; or, Falling into a 'self consciously dumb stasis'"

Room: 112


Regarding Religion: Contemporary Literature and Spirituality (panel) Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm

Chair: Brian Fagel, University of Cbicago

John A. McClure, Rutgers University

"Containing the Religious: The Uses of Brian McHale's Postmodemist Fiction"

Freel Pfeil, Trinity College

"Gravity's Dharma: Pynchon and Nonduality"

Brian Fagel, University of Chicago

"God is the Machine: Technology as Spirituality in William Gibson's Cyberspace Trilogy"

Room: 221


Esdusion and Indusion in lOth-Cenpary Culture Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm

Chair: Susan Griffin, University of Louisville

Heongyun Rho, State University of New York, Buffalo "Alienation ofIntellectua1s in Saul Bellow's Later Novels"

Seymour W. Pustilnik, New Yolk City Technical College

"Single Nation, Sun, and Leaves: The Utopian Worlds of Jack Pusti1nik, lB. Singer, and Toni Morrison"

Carole Schuyler, AublD'D University

"Robert Oppenheimer's 'Trinity': Unity of Knowledge for Humanists vs. Scientists"

Room: 219

A-II Masculinity in Pynchon and Updike

Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm Room: 223

Chair: John M. Kraft\, Miami University, Hamilton

Jeffiey C. Osborne, University of Kentucky

"The Rocket's Eye(s): Toward an Understanding of Rocket State Masculinity in Gravity's Rainbow"

Avis Hewitt, Grand Valley State University

"'My Father on the Verge of Disgrace': Masculinist Constructions in the Short Fiction of John Updike"


John Young, University ofMicbigan "Oedipa Maa.s in Esquire"


Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm

A-12 Carbon I Silicon I Intelligence: Gibson, Powers, Sterling, and CorneD Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm

Chair: Michael Jobmann, University of Louisville

Janine Tobeck, University of Wisconsin

"Discretion and the Case of Johnny Mnemonic"

Jeffiey S. Baker, California State University, Northridge

'''Humachination': Affirming Human Technologicalization in William Gibson's Mona Lisa Overdrive, and Richard Powers's The Gold Bug Variations"

Joel Bettridge, State University of New York at Buffalo "Exiling the Flesh"

Room: 215

A-13 As Barbara Cartland Would Put It, "I Love You Madly": Reimplementing the Romance in Contemporary Literature and Film (panel)

Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm Room: 211

Chair: Ann Marie Adams, Morehead State University

Sarah R. Morrison, Morehead State University

"The Historical Notes and the Romance Plot in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale"

Heath A. Diehl, Bowling Green State University

"He Loves Me, She Loves Me Not: Reading the Romance in Stephen McCauley's The Object o/My Affection"

Ann Marie Adams, Morehead State University

"Love Among the Ruins: Reeling in the Romance in Michael Ondaatje's The English Patient"

A-14 Texts in German: Women, Home, and the Holocaust Thursday, 1:15 -2:45 pm

Chair: David Domine, University of Louisville

Rebecca Scherr, University of Minnesota

"'Death and the Maiden': Absence and Voice in Charlotte Salomon's Life? or Theatre?"

Birgit Maier-Katkin, Florida State University

"Clio, Melpomene, and the Nazi Past"

Claude P. Desmarais, University of Toronto

"Like a Turtle on Its Back: Homes as Holocaust Dilemma in Veza Canetti's The Turtles"

A-IS Latin American Narrative Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm

Chair: Regina Roebuck, University of Louisville

Oscar Lepeley, University of Toledo

"Figuras del discurso narrativo en'Todos los fuegos el fuego' de Julio Cortazar"

Juan Ignacio Calduch Mansilla, University of Illinois, Chicago

"Post-postmodernidad y narrativa latinoamericana contemporanea: Arullisis de McOndo"

Clara E. Sotelo, Bethune-Cookman College

"Mujer y testimonio en America Latina"





Room: 108

Room: 217


Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm

A-16 Peninsular Poetry Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm

Chair: Mary Makris, University of Louisville

Carmela Ferrad8ns, DIinois Wesleyan University

"j,Las artes gemelas? Poesia y publicidad en la Espaila contempor8nea"

Ruth Katz Crispin, University of the Sciences, Philadelphia

. "The Poet and the Absent Beloved of Pedro Salinas's Love Trilogy"

Judith Stallings-Ward, Norwich University

"La influencia cubista de luan Gris en la poesia ultraista de Gerardo Diego"

Room: 106

A-17 Authon Reading Poetry and Fiction Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 pm

Chair: Marie-Noelle C. Long, Louisville, Kentucky

Hoa T. Ngo, University ofMissowi, Columbia

The Prodigal Fist (fiction)

Mary 10 T. Marcellus, Kansas State University La Salva Vita (fiction)

leffWorley, University of Kentucky Poetry

W.K. Buckley, Indiana University Northwest PoetJy

Room: ELA


Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm

B-1 Native American Forms and Figures has been moved to E-6

B-2 Ronald Johnson and Others (panel)

Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm Chair: Eric Murphy Selingez-, DePaul University

Mark Scroggins, Florida. Atlantic University

"Ronald Johnson, Louis Zukofsky, and the Architecture of the Long Poem"

Eric Murphy Selinger, DePaul University

'''0 hoher Baum in Ohr!': L. Frank Baum, The Wizard of Oz, and Ronald Johnson's Arlt'

Peter O'Leary, Loyola University, Chicago

"Ronald Johnson: A Report on the Manuscripts, Unpublished Works, and Forthcoming Material"

Room: 101

B-3 The Natural Object in Twentieth-Century American Poetry (panel) Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm

Chair: Jon Smith, Mississippi State University

Eleanor Beny, Independent Scholar

"From the Illusion of Presentation to the Objectification of the Poem: The Contribution of Prosody"

Jon Smith, Mississippi State University

'''A Poem Should Not Mean, But Be I But Only God Can Make a Tree': Two Bad Poems and the New Criticism's Cultural Anxiety about (Literary) Production"

Ann Hostetler, Goshen College

"The Impossibility of Drawing from Life: The Natural Object as Adequate Symbol in Jane Kenyon's Constance"

Room: 108

B-4 Marilyn Hacker and the Sonnet Sequence (panel) Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm

Chair: William Aames, Furman University

Lamie Moskow, Furman University

"A Space Named 'We'"

Jessica Roberts, Furman University

"Rethinking Death's Visage: Marilyn Hacker and William Shakespeare"

William Aarnes, Furman University

"Revised and Revising: 'Still Alive' in Marilyn Hacker's 'Cancer Winter'''

Room: 106


Thursday, 3:00 • 4:30 pm

8-5 Feminist (and Other) Issues in Native American FICtion Thursday, 3:00·4:30 pm

Chair: Julie Stuckey Barden, Purdue University

Kathryn West, 8ellannine College

"Triangles of Desire in Erdrich's Tracks and Dorris's A Yellow Raft in Blue Water"

Carrie L. Sheffield, Lafayette, Indiana

"Dancing in the Snow: Reconstrudions of Christianity in Leslie Mannon Silko's Gardens In the Dunes"

Emily D. WlCktor, St, Cloud State University

"Positionality: Reevaluating Leslie Marmon Silko's Storyteller"

Room: 114

B-6 Postmodern Inheritances: Byatt, Wintenon, Swift, Irving, Powen Thursday, 3:00·4:30 pm

Chair: Beth Boehm, University of Louisville

Tim Gauthier, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

"Seeking HistoJy in the Non-Place of Language: A.S. Byatt'sMorpho Eugenia"

Wendy L. Weber, University of North Carolina, Greensboro

"New Wine in Old Wineskins: Jeanette Winterson's Revision of the Gospel in Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit"

Kelly A Marsh, Mississippi State University

"Reviving the Plot and Inheriting Ideology: The Inheri~ Plot in the Contemporary Novel"

Room: 117

8-7 "Where Are You Going, ,Where Hive You Been?": The Spiritual Quest in American Fiction

Thursday, 3:~. 4:30 pm Room: 219

Chair: George Kilcourse, 8ellannine College

David W. Ullrich, Birmingham-Southern College

A Reading of Joyce Carol Oates's 'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?'"

Brian Keener, New Yark City Technical College

"Updike's Human Comedy: Comic Morality in the Rabbit Tetralogy'!

Donald R. Anderson, Marist College

"The Rabbit Chronicles and the Classroom of the Shrinking Century"

B-3 Questioning Immigrant Jewisb Nostalgia Thursday, 3:00 • 4:30 pm

Chair: Mary Jane Cherry, University of Louisville

Room: 221

Joshua L. Charlson, Northwestern University

"Jewish Gothic: Ethnicity, Modernism, and the Gothic in Henry Roth's Call It Sleep"

Amelia S. Holberg, University of California, Berkeley

"Women of Valor: Contemporary Female Artists Reconsider the Shtetl"

Merle Bachman, State University of New York, Albany

"Anzia Y ezierska and the Female Grotesque"



Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm

8-9 Joyce's UlySlt!S: Dialedical Divagations Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm

Chair: John Harty, Louisville, Kentucky

Holly Middleton, University ofTeonessee

"Isn't It Idyllic? Converting 'Impoverished' to 'Pastoral' in Wandering Rocks"

Nancy M. Grace, College of Wooster

"The Style of 'Ithaca': Through the Word to the Image; or, How James Joyce Uses Scientific Discourse to Create Subjective Consciousness"

Elizabeth M. Kadlec, Case Western Reserve University

''Narrative Dialectic, Memory and Longing: The 'me and oh me now' of Molly Bloom's Monologue in Ulysses"

Room: 223

8-10 The VISible Queer: Representing Homosexuality in Contemporary Film and Media

Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm Room: 209

Chair: Thomas B. Byers, University of Louisville

Rebecca S. Wood, Indiana University

"Crossing the Cultural Divide: Specular Desire in Marlon Riggs's Tongues Untied' j

Ann M. CiasuUo, University of Kentucky

"Selling the Lesbian Body: Cultural Representations of Lesbianism in the 19905"

Kristen L. Rees, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

"Deconstruction of Gender Identity in John Waters's Multiple Maniacs and Desperate Living"

8-11 Postmodem Fairy Tales Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm

Chair: Theresa Miller, University of Louisville

D.K. Peterson, Wayne State University

"Beyond the Disney Version: The Postmodem Fairy Tale"

Anita Moss, University of North Carolina, Charlotte "Francesca Lia Block's Postmodern Dangerous Angels"

Rolf Samuels, Viterbo College

"'The Misery of the Ever After': Resisting Resolution in Robert Coover's Briar Rose"

Room: 202

8-12 Film and the Presence of the Feminine: Little Girls, Geisha Girls, and the Blair Witch (panel)

Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm Room: 207

Chair: Joseph S. Walker, Auburn University

Joseph S. Walker, Auburn University

"Mom and the Blair Witch: Narrative, FoOD, and the Feminine"

Mary O'Shea, Indiana University

"Daddy's Little (Rich) Girls: Growing Up Female in Reagan's America"

Lori Hitchcock, Indiana University

"Alternative Realities: Language, Performance, and the 'Hidden Transcript' in The Teahouse of the August Moon and Sayonara"


Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm

B-13 Etudes romanesques: Mauriac, Malraux et Camus

Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm Room: 211

Chair: Marilyn Schuler, Emerita, University of Louisville

Edward 1. Gallagher, Wheaton College

"Mauriac's Therese Desqueyrora, a Twentieth-Centwy Madame Bovary. Influence with No Apparent Anxiety"

Florenc:e Coussin Deininger, Bates CoUege

"Images de la matemite daDs I' oeuvre romanesque d'Andre Malraux"

Vinc:eDt Gregoire, Deny CoUege

"Meursault est-il vraiment 'condamne pan:e qu'il De joue pas Ie jeu'?"



The German Novel

Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm Chair: Alan Leidner, University of Louisville

Josh Kavaloski, University of Virginia

"Imagining Time to Come: Future and Subjectivity in Franz Kafka's Das SchlojJ"

Jocelyn HoUand, Johns Hopkins University

''Narcotic Narratives: Autobiography, Biography, and the Detective Story in Peter Rosei's Wer war

Edgar Allan?"' , '.,

, .

Susanue Hill, Ohio University

"Death by Silence: Christoph Hein's 'Fremder Freund' in the Light ofLacanian Speech Theory"

Gary Schmidt, Washington UniversiW St Louis.

"Can the Homosexual Be an Antifascist? Alfred AndeR:h's Dle'Rote and Winterspelt"

Room: 121


.j '''1

B-lS Latin American Poetry Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm Chair: Bonnie Reynolds, Hanover CoUege

Carlos Raul Narvaez, Rutgers University

"Del cuademo de Bit8cora a EI poema de Robot de Leopoldo Marechal: Navegar en la inmovilidad"

Juan W. Bahk, The Citadel

Room: 215

"Los aspectos rdigiosoS en Los Heraldos Negros" Emilio Irigoyen, University of Pittsburgh

"Texto, perspectiva, montaje: Vanguardias y experiencias de la linea en la era del fordisomo"

Armando Armengol, University of Texas, El Paso

"Tarumba: El comodin pronominal de Jaime Sabines"



Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm

B-16 Spanish Fiction

Thursday,3:00-4:30pm Room: 217

Chair: Aris Cedefto, University of Louisville

Elizabeth Small, Georgia Southern University

"Science Fiction in Spain: The Significance of a Minor Genre"

JOO A. KroU, University of Minnesota

"Becoming within the Frame: Projections of Authorship in Cristina Fernandez Cubas's La noche de Jezabel"

Sandra L. Kingery, Lycoming CoUege

"Silencing Subversion in Ana Maria Moix's 'Dedicatoria'tI

Eduardo A. Molina, University of Louisville

"Comunidades literarias en la Internet: EI impacto de cibemarraciones en la formaci6n de lazos virtuales"

B-17 Authors Reading Poetry and Fiction Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm

Chair: Leila WeUs, University of Louisville

Katherine Tsiopos- Wills, University of Louisville Honeymaking and other poems

Lucrecia Guerrero, Wright State University Cloud-shadow (ficton)

Kirsten E. Ogden, Pierce College-Oxnard Co~ege Easter (fiction)

William Bridges, Franklin College Ash Limbs (poetry)

Room: ELA

CRITICAL KEYNOTE ADDRESS Thursday, 4:45 - 5:45 pm

Middleton Auditorium, Strickler Hall 101

Robert von Hallberg, University of Chicago

"Poetry and Political Expression: The Case of Amiri Baraka"

Introduced by Alan C. Golding, Department of English, University of Louisville

WELCOME RECEPTION Thursday, 6:00 - 7: 15 pm

Admission by conference badge/identification.

After the reception, shuttle buses will pick up conferees at the restaurant for return to the Seelbach.

Masterson's Restaurant, 1830 S. Third St. (3M & Cardinal, NW comer of campus)

8-18 Obras cr&tivas (evening creative session with readings in Spanish) Thursday, 7:30 - 8:30 pm

Chair: Rhonda Buchanan, University of Louisville

Cecilia Urbina, Instituto de Collura Superior

La imaglnacion de Roger Donal (fragmento de novela)

Liliana Miraglia, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Un close-up prolongado (ficci6n)

Luisa E. Flores, University of Louisville

Solie con un trozo de mar al final de la calle (ficcion)

Room; ELA



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Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

C-l Ous and Race in American Fiction: Lay My Burden Down

Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am .Room: 121

Chair. Naocy J. Peterson, Purdue University

Michelle M. Tokarczyk, Goucher College

"What is Working-Class Womt:D.'S Writing Today? Examining the Autobiographical Fiction of Dorothy Allison, Sandra Cisneros, and Maxine Hoog Kingston"

Joyce Marie Flemin& Harold Washington College

"SmaWng Glass Slippers and Glass Ceilings: Carrying the Noisy Message of Anzia Yezierska into the

Twenty-First Centwy" •

Mary Murphy, UniversitY of Southern Mississippi

"The Black Gatsby: The Racial and Class Challenges of Nella Larson's Quicksand"

C-l Repetition Poetry, Poetry and Repetition, Repetition Problem? (panel) Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am ,

Chair: Kathrine Vames, University of Delaware

Katbrine Vames, University of Delaware

"Refrain Yourself: Villanelles, Sestinas and the Confessional Era"

Annie Finch, Miami University

"Teasdale, Teasdale: Repetition and the Sentimental Strategy"

Room: 103

C-3 Contemporary Theory and Experimental Poetics Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Chair: Panayiotis Bosnakis, University of Missouri

Kevin McNeilly, University of British Columbia

"'friend I to any I word': Lacy Scores Raworth Pace Blanchot"

Barrett Watten, Wayne State University

"Ziz.ekian Modernism"

Philip Metres, Indiana University

II Bad History as Mnemonic: Beyond Baudrillard's Gulf War"

Room: 221

C-4 This section has been cancelled. The paper "Yeats, Orality ... "has been moved to H-4.


Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

C-5 Cultural Codes and Critique Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Chair: Jeanne Dubino, Plymouth State College

JUDe Chung, University of California, Los Angeles

"Hemy James at Work: The Golden Bowl, the Rise of Modem Mental Labor, and the Aestheticization

ofProductiOll" J'

Room: 202

Patricia A. Gatt, Southern Dlinois University

"Passage Denied: The Gap Between India and England"

Jeanette McVicker, State University of New York, Fredonia "Woolf's London Scene Essays As Critique of Institutional power-

C-6 Narrative Strategies: James, Murdoch, Beckett Friday, 9:00 -10;30 am

Chair: M8lY Catherine F1aonery, University of Louisville

Andre Furlani, Concordia University

"Beyond Aporia: Plato aDd James's The Sacred Fount"

Jack Stewart, University of British Columbia

"MetafiCtion, Mdadrama, and the God-Game in Murdoch's The Unicorn"

Kevin R. Swafford, James Madison University

"Colossal Fiascoes and Kindred Grotesques: The Politics of Realism in Beckett's Murphy"

Room: 219

C-7 History and War in Modern British.NietiOD

Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am Room: 217

Chair: Andrew Kunka, Purdue University

Alison M. Lee, University ofWestem Ontario

"'Womanly woman' or 'unsexed virago''! Representing the Militant Body in Gertrude Colmore's Suffragette Sally"

Lynne J. WaIhout, University of Notre Dame

"Between Literature and History, Professionalism and Amateurism: The Historical Fictions of ' Marjorie

Bowen'" .

Andrew J. Kunka, Purdue University

"May Sinclair's The Romantic: Shell Shock, Prowar Feminism, and the First World War"

C-8 William Faulkner: Voices and Visions of the South Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Chair: Gary Richards, University of New Orleans

William D. Harris, Valdosta State University

"Shallow Earth, Bitter Earth: Go Down, Moses and Faulkner's Holistic Vision"

Jill LeRoy-Frazier, Morehead State University

"Reading Multiple Souths in William Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom!"

Room: 215


Friday. 9:00 - 10:30 am

C-9 The Section "HoUywood: Where Past Meets Present" has been cancelled

C-I0 Fictions of Memory: AutolFabuiation Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Chair: Kimberly S. Burton, University of Louisville

Anita J. Turpin, Roanoke College

"The Pull of Place in the Writing of Denise Giardina and Bobbie Ann Mason"

Susan Ingram, University of Alberta

"The Matrix of Binjamin Wilkorminski's Memories"

Katherine V. Wills, University of Louisville

"Ambrosia and Abuse: Patricia Storace's Dinner With Persephone"

Room: 101

C-ll Questions in Film Theory and History

Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am Room: 209

Chair: Edward Zimmerman, Canisius College

Kelly Garneau, Northeastern University

"Robots, Memory Machines, and the Cinematic Self in Fritz Lang's Metropolis and C.L. Moore's 'No WomanBom'"

Marilyn Moss, California State University, Los Angeles "'Every word was once a poem': George Stevens' Visual Verse"

Larry Landrum, Michigan State University

"Beyond the Time-Image: Cinema Mutability in the Late 20th Century"

c-u International Postmodern Fiction and Questions ofMorality/Organization: Hoban, and Pynchon

Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am Room: 223

Chair: Karen Hadley, University of Louisville

Christopher Luebbe, Hillsdale College

'''Getting Onwith (It)': Riddley Walker as a Model of Ideological Articulation"

Victoria N. Alexander, City University of New York

''Narrative Telos and Complexity Science"


Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

C-13 Eutern Europe Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Chair: Susan Lidgate Mace, University of California, Berkeley

Richard JaclaIon, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga

"Poetry aDd Answerability: Some Recent Examples from Eastern and Central Europe"

Judith A. Dompkowski, Caoisius College

"Images of Women in the Art ofBnmo Schulz: A Double Exposure"

Malgorzata Gabrys, Ohio State University

"Szymborska's Poetry: Universal?"

Room: 119

C-14 A Question of Gender: Beauvoir, Cardinal, Duras

Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am Chair: Rose Mills, University of Louisville

Louise Renee, University of Manitoba

"The Geudering of Melancholia in Beauvoir's Fictional Works"

Daria Roche, Indiana University, Bloomington

"Linguistic Weapons and Corporeal Vulnerability: Language and the Female Body in Marie Cardinal's Autrement dJt"

Room: 108

Martha Walker, Mill}' Baldwin College

"The Fine Lines of Marguerite Duras's Le Square"

C-lS Literature and F"aIm of Former Eastpermany Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Chair: Gabriele Weinberger, Lenoir-Rhyne College

Hans J. Grobmann, University of Colorado

"Reconsidering Writers oftbe Fonner East Germany: Erwin Stritbnatter and the Continuation of Narrative Techniques ofModemity"

Room: 106


William Walker, Bradley University

"The Formative Role of Women in the Fictional Works of Hermann Kant"

Timothy B. Malchow, University of Minnesota

"The Various Faces of Jakob the Liar. The Original DEF A Film and Its Hollywood Remake"

C-16 Hispanic: Drama Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Chair: Julie Winkler, University of Louisville

Mariola Perez de la Cruz, Western Michigan University

"EI ejercito en la Iiteratura como protesta contra la dictadura franquista"

Carolyn J. Harris, Western Michigan University

"Teatro, metateatro y el estudio de la identidad en Un maldito beso de Concha,Romero"'

Scott A. Sanborn, Indiana University

"La intertextualidad barroca en Muerte sin fin de Jose Gorostiza"

Jon Rossini, Duke University ,

"Piiiero's Players: Criminal Masculinity and the Performance of Respect"

Room: 114


Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

C-17 Central American Literature Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Chair: Nury Nuila, University of Kentucky

Eva E. Rayas-Ibm, Adams State CoUege

"'La isla a mediodia' y Aura en Dupltcaciones de Jaramillo Levi"

Thomas Boerigter, Indiana University

"Emesto Cardenal's Clmtico Cosmico: From Eteriorismo to Mysticism"

Teresa R. Phillips, UnivctrSity of Kentucky

"In Pursuit of Pleasure: Female Sexuality within Eunice Odio's 'Posesi6n en el sueno'"

C-18 Authon Reading Poetry ami Fiction Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Chair: Sydney N. Giovenco, Northwestern CoUege

May Hall, University of Missouri

Love is an Artichoke in Bloom (fiction)

Tim Skeen, Prestonsburg Community CoUege The Unmet Needs (poetry selections)

Kyle David Torke, Elon CoUege

Still Time (Poetry)

Steven Wexlrr, University of Louisville

"School," a chapter from This is Allan Benkle (fiction)

Room: 117

Room: ELA

Important Information

All presentation rooms are accessible to the handicapped.

All sections of Critical Papers are scheduled in Bingham Humanities Building Sections of creative readings are scheduled in W. F. Ekstrom Library

Special guest speakers are scheduled in Humanities or in nearby buildings The pages of this program were printed on recycled paper.

The following abbreviations are used in the schedule:

ELA = Ekstrom Library Auditorium, lower level

BPR = Bingham Poetry Room, Ekstrom Library, main floor (used only for creative section on Friday at 3:15 _p_m)


Friday, 10:45 - 12: 15 pm

0-1 "The Nation on its Groaning Bed": Twentieth-Century Complexities of Race Friday, 10:45 - 12: 15 pm

Chair: Ann Elizabeth Willey, University of Louisville

Kim Magowan, University of California, Berkeley

"'What's happening here, a DeW birth of a nation?': Ralph Ellison, Thomas Dixon, and Writing Rape"

Bl'8IIDOIl CosteUo, Univel'Sity of Tennessee, Knoxville

'''Something Betwixt and Between': (Post)Colooial RKial Identities in Walker Percy's The Last Gentleman"

Room: 219

Julie A. Cary, UniveI'Sity of Kentucky

"'The Nation on its Groaning Bcd': RKial Construction andIofthe Nation in Ralph Ellison's Juneteenth"

0-2 L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E's Legacy: New Directions in Experimental Poetics (panel) Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Susan VandeIbor& University of South Carolina

Brian Reed, Stanford University

"Horror of Horrors: On Beyond Language Poetry?"

Susan Vanderborg, University of South Carolina

"'In MCDlOI)' of My Theories': Rod Smith's L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E out of the Waste Land"

Michael Golston, Stanford University

"'Implications for a lyric notational yet flesh': Myung Mi Kim's Chronicles of Alienation"

Ming-Qian Ma, University ofNevada,,.Las Vegas

"After Word, After Image: Disimaginatioo and the Disappearance of Images in Deanna Ferguson's Poetry"

Room: 221

0-3 Reconfipriag Cultural Constructs in the Poetry of Mia. Loy (panel) Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Justin Jakovac, Duquesne University

William R. Hooton Ill, Duquesne University "Romance, Ideology, and the Poetry ofMina Loy"

Lamie McMillan, Duquesne University "Rethinking Religion in Mina Loy's Early Poetry"

Anna 1. Wukich, Duquesne University

"Reflections of the Gutter: Sex, Money, and Value in the Poetry ofMina Loy"

Room: 215


Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

D-4 Iris Murdoch and the Camivalesque (panel) Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Barbara Stevens Heusel, Northwest Missomi State University

Barbara Stevens Heusel, Northwest Missouri State University

"Three-ring Extravaganzas: The Camivalesquc in Carter's Nights at the Circus and Murdoch's The Philosopher's Pupil"

Darlene D. Mettler, Wesleyan CoUege

"Murdoch's Roman Holiday: Camivalesque Imagery in The Italian Girl"

Cheryl K. Bovc, Ball State University

"Camivalesque Iconography in Murdoch's Henry and Cato: The Central Panel from Max Beckmann's Departure"

Room: 202

0-5 Deconstructed Selves, Postmodemist Narratives

Friday, 10:45 - 12: 15 pm Room: 205

Chair: John G. Cawelti, University of Kentucky

Mark W. Bourdeau, Suffolk County Community CoUege

"The Phallic Triangle: A Lacanian Reading of Conrad's The Secret Agent"

Silvio Gaggi, University of South Florida

"Messy Revelations: Skins, Lines, and Other Vulnerable Boundaries in Visual and Verbal Works"

Yasmine Badir, University ofDlinois, Urbana-Champaign

"Crash, or the New Depthlessness of the Text"

r (

D-6 Judaism, Apoealypse, Israeli Literature: Yehoshua, Grossman, Michaels

Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm Chair: S. Matthew Biberman, University of Louisville

Susan Scaff, San Jose State University

"Apocalypse in Yeboshua's A Journey to the End of the Millennium: A Comparison with the Book of Daniel"

Room: 217

Elliott Rabin, University of Louisville

"See Under: Love: The Uses of Literary Genealogy in Magical Realism"

Dana Shiller, Washington and Jefferson CoUege

"The Water Stain on the Map: Fugitive Pieces and the Irretrievable Past"


Friday, 10:45 - 12: 15 pm

0-7 Romance and Reproduction

Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm Chair: Susan Popham, University of Louisville

Jessica Baldanzi, Indiana University, Bloomington

"Learning to Reproduce a Post-American Nation: Alsaloml Absalom! and Geek Love"

Stephanie Lewis Thompson, University of Teonessee, Knoxville

"A Peyton Place of Vipers: Post-War Freudianism and Grace Metalious's Representation of the Mother"

Michelle Loris, Sacred Heart University

"The Problem of Romantic Love in Toni Morrison's Jazz"

Laura Dawkins, Murray State University

"HeI'Mammy's Daughter: Maternal Dispossession in Charles W. Chesnutt's 'Her Virginia Mammy'"

Room: 211

D-8 Feminist Epistemologies of Life Beyond Binaries (panel)

Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm Room: 101

Chair: Diane L. Maldonado, Community College of Allegheny County

Diane L. Maldonado, Community College of Allegheny County

"LiterIII)' Liberation of the Virgin: Chicana Writers Reconstructing the Sexuality of Guadalupe"

Danette DiMarco, Slippery Rock University

"'where the past I lets go of and becomes the future': Synaetic Memory in Atwood's Morning in the Burned House"

Nancy A. Barta-Smith, Slippery RockJ1niversity

"Bringing the Affective Background Forward: Angela Carter's Recovery of Experience as Experience in Nights at the Circus"

0-9 Psychology and the Fantastic

Friday, 10:45 -12:15 pm Room: 103

Chair: Tamara Y~, University of Louisville

Amy Nolan, Michigan State University

"An 'Unspeakable' Quest: Unearthing the Comic and Grotesque in William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying"

Geneva Cobb Moore, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater

"Possessing the Secret of Joy: Alice Walker and Archetypal Symbolism"

Katherine J. Weese, Hampden-Sydney College

"Theories of the Fantastic and Feminist Narrative Theory: An Intersection"


Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

0-10 Intersections of Feminism and Postcolonial Theory Friday, 10:45 - 12: 15 pm

Chair: Nicholas Sloboda, University ofWiscoosin, Superior

Jim Hannan, University of Chicago

"Something Erupting Violently: Pauline Melville's Demonic History from Within"

Barbara Stedman, Ball State University

"Life Sentences: Imprisonment and Madness in Arab Women's Fiction"

Me1anee D. Grondahl, California State University, Chico

"Immigration as Identity Transformation: The Emergence and Repression of Multiple Selves in Immigrant Women"

Room: 108

0-11 Film and Gender (Trouble)'

Friday, 10:45 - 12: 15 pm Chair: Warren Rosenberg, Wabash College

Colleen M. Tremonte, Michigan State University

"'Get thee to a nunn'ryl': Religious Ordering and Imperial Otheriog in Black Narcissus"

Laurie MacDiarmid, Grand Valley State University

"The Big Sleep and Its Nasty Girls"

Jubal McDonald-Tiner, Xavier University

"The 'Berth' of Heterosexuality: Roger O. Thomhill's Journey from Homosexuality to Heterosexuality in Alfred Hitdlocock's North by Northwest"

Room: 207

0-12 African Literature (panel) Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Albert Wertheim, Indiana University

Roy Kay, Macalester College

"The Globalization of English: Some Examples from African Literatures"

Suk-Koo Rhee, Yonsei University

"Buehi Emecheta and the Question ofPost-Coloniality"

Maureen Eke, Central Michigan University

"(Re)locating Identity: The Self and Home in African Women's Writing"

Kim Koza, Central College of Iowa

"The Africa of Two Western Women Writers: Barbara Kingsolver and Margaret Laurence"

Room: 223

0-13 Makine, Akhmadulina, Kundera Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Edward Zimmerman, Canisius College

Christine A. Rydel, Grand Valley State University

"Through Babushka's Eyes: Akhmadulina and Makine Discover the World"

Carrie Wood, University of Michigan

"Cultural Nostalgia in the Novels of Milan Kundera"

Susan Lynne Beckwith, Wayne State University

''Vor(text)ual Time: The Agency of Being-in- Time in Kundera"

Room: 106


Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

0-14 Tests in Germ .. : Questions ondeotity I Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Syd Norton, University of Southern Indiana

Sylvia Stevens, University of Missowi, Kansas City

"The Container Metaphor in Yoko Tawada's 'Das Fremde aus der Dose,' and Christine NostIinger's Konrad oder das Kind aus der Konservendose"

Room: 117

Gundolf ~ University ofMiDnesota

"The Questionable Ideutity ofKemal Kayaokaya"

Rasma Lazda, Baylor University

"Nation and Identity in the Writings of the German Author Zafer Sen~ak"

0-1S Language and Reality in Bofmannsthal and Schnitzler Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Jennifer Marshall, Centre College

Sharon M. Bailey, peunsylvania State University

"The Parables of Hugo von Hofuuumsthal's Etn Brief"

Jason F. Blake, University of Toronto

"The Search for Bewegungsworte: The Problem of Language in Hugo von Hofinannsthal's Essays"

Frank M. SdUcketanz, Northwestern State University, Natchitoches

"The Appearance ofRcality and the Reality of Appearance: Sein and Schein as They Relate to Love in Arth1U'Schnitzler's Traumnovelle" 1

Room: 112

0-16 Roland Bartha

Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: John Greene, University' of Louisville

Brian Tucker, Indiana University

"The Riddle as R.edudi0ll, Explained and Observed in Barthes's S/Z"

Christian Martin, Stonebill College

"Roland Bartbes ou l'engagement en question"

Jeongwon Joe, co-autbor, University ofNcvada, Reno

"The Otherness of Music: How Music Redeemed Roland Barthes's 'Death of the Author'"

S. HOOD Song, co-author. University of Chicago

"The Otherness of Music: How Music Redeemed Roland Barthes's 'Death of the Author'''

Room: 119


Friday, 10:45 - 12: 15 pm

0-17 Fiction autobiograpbique des femmes: Sarraute, Rochefort, Conde Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Leslie Roberts, University of Southern Indiana

Ruth E. Nybakken, Ohio University

"Voices and Echoes in Nathalie Sarraute's Enfance"

Helene M. Julien, Colgate University

"Christiane Rochefort: vic de femme, emture feminine"

Sarah E. Barbour, Wake Forest University

"MaIyse Conde and Her Readers inMot, Tituba, sorciere ... noire de Salem"

Room: 123

0-18 Italian I: Feminine Interpretations of Narrative and Poetic Arts Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Stelio Cro, University of Louisville

Georgina Torello, University ofPittsburgb "Piera Oppezzo e la scrittura dell'impossibiliti"

Mario Aste, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

"Wertmuller's Blood Feud: Comedy, Politics and History Sicilian Style"

Charles Klopp, Ohio State University

"'Ut pictura ... 1': The Narrative Art of Maris a Volpi"

Room: 209

0-19 Toward the Image oftbe Real: The Poetry of Reina Maria Rodriguez (panel)

Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm Chair: Kristin A. Dykstra, State University of New York, Buffalo

Nancy Gates Madsen, University of Wisconsin, Madison

"The Many Meanings of Silence: Reina Maria Rodriguez and the Poetics of the Personal and the

Political" '

Roberto Tejada, State University of New York., Buffalo "In Relation: The Poetics and Politics of Cuba's 'Gen-80'"

Room: 121

Kristin A. Dykstra, State University of New York, Buffalo

"After the Azotea: Translations of Recent Work by Reina Maria Rodriguez"

0-20 US Latino Literature

Friday, 10:45 -12:15 pm Room: 114

Chair: Lisa Wagner, University of Louisville

Brenda Watts, University of Oregon

"Mythical Revolutions in Works by Twentieth-Century Chicana Writers"

Kimberly A. Nance, Dlinois State University

"If English is Spanish then Spanish is ... : Literary Cballenges of Representing Bilingual Speech Production and Reception in Esmeralda Santiago's America's Dream"

Mark DeStephano, Saint Peter's College

"Homoeroticism, AIDS, and the Quest for Identity in Latino Literature: Mapping Frontiers in Personal, National, and Ethical Borderlands"


Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

0-21 Authon Reading Poetry and Fiction Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Joseph Survant, Western Kentucky University

Christina Pugh, Harvard University and Emerson CoUege Poetry

Faye Moskowitz, George Washington University Squl"el Nutldn (fiction)

Bruce Bennett, WeDs CoUege


1. David Stevens, Seton Hall University

The Death o/the Short Story and Other Micro-Fictions

Room: ELA

P~ARRANGEDLUNCBEONS Friday, 12:15 - 1:15 pm

(a) Participants in the French Literature sections are invited to lunch together. At 12: 15, please assemble at the door behind the elevator, first floor, Bingham Humanities Building. The group will walk to a nearby restaurant Individuals will order from the menu and pay on-site.


The Creative Writen' Luncheon ~ilI be held at the University Club on campus. A reservation is necessary. .


EGO, our English grad student organization, will offer an informal lunch buffet to all visiting graduate students. There is no charge, but one must reserve. Open area, outside room 100, Bingham Humanities Building. Admission by Conference badge.


I ~




Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

E-l ~Thinking Race: The Problem of Whiteness (Chesnutt, Ferber, Baldwin) Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Thomas Blues, University of Kentucky

Angelo D. Robinson, University of Massachusetts

"Race, Place, and Space: Re-making Whiteness in Post-Reconstruction America"

Deborah K. Chappel, Arkansas State University

"Images ofOthemess in the Narratives of Edna Ferber"

Martin Japtok, West Virginia State College

"James Baldwin's 'The Man Child' and the Problem of 'Whiteness'"

Room: 202

E-2 Discourses of Healiog and Community Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: K. Laurie Vickroy, Bradley University

Thomas Cassidy, South Carolina State University "Trauma and Healing: The Novels of Gayl Jones"

Roger Platizky, Austin College

"A Different Kind of AIDS Quilt: Jamaica Kincaid's My Brother"

Tara Pauliny, Ohio State University

''Noises of Interruption: Other Myths, Histories, and Sexualities in Michelle Cliff's Abeng"

Room: 119

E-3 Isomorphic Dynamical Systems in Contemporary Scientific Models and Postmodem Poetry (panel)

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Mary Margaret Sloan, Mills College

Cole Swensen, University of Denver

"Poetic Geometries: Rosmarie Waldrop, Susan Howe, Anne-Marie Albiach"

Andrew Joron, University of California, Santa Cruz

"Quasiaystals and the Language of Paradox: Non-Localized Structure in Clark Coolidge's The Crystal Text"

Mary Margaret Sloan, Mills College

"Non-Linear Systems in Contemporary Avant-Garde Poetics"

Room: 221


Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

E-4 No Account of Gibberish: Normative Language and the Subversive Strategies of Gertrude Stein (panel)

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Chair: Lisa Haefele, University of California, Irvine

Lisa Haefele, University of California, Irvine

I"Re Letter and Read Her': Opening the Box ofDe:finition in Steinls Tender Buttons"

Andrew Schopp, University of Tennessee, Martin

"Why Homei' Barron is Not Gay: Problematic Side Effects of Queering Southern Literature"

Brian Loftus, Georgia Institute of Technology

"'But Was I 17': Intertextuality and the Multiplication ofIdentity in Everybody's Autobiography"

Michael J. Powers, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

"Kinds of Kin: Mary Maxwortbing, Mabel Linker, and the Ideologies of the Nineteenth-Century Family in Gertrude Stein's The Making of Americans"

Room: 219

E-5 Virginia Woolf: From the Oresteia to Oedipus

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Room: 223

Chair: Dee Goertz, Hanover College .

Anne E. Fernald, Purdue University

"There is a Strange Power in Womanhood: Gender and Nation in Virginia Woolfs Writing on Ancient Greece"

Yael S. Feldman, New York University

"Oedipal Tyrannies: The Virginia Woolf-Freud Connection Reconsidered"

Michael Lackey, University of St, Th6mas

"God and Sadism: Freud and Woolf on Religious Identification"

E-6 Native American Forms and Figures: Awiakta. SiIko, AIleD, Momaday, VlZeIlor

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Room: 215

Chair: Roseanne Camacho, University of Louisville

Michael Neal, University of Louisville

"Metaphoric RepresentatiOns of Native American Narrativity"

David Erben, University of Toledo

" the Legacy of the Past: N. Scott Momaday's The Way to Rainy Mountain and The Ancient Child"

Susan Lidgate Mace, University of California, Berkeley

"Trickster Spates and Culture Spates: Vizenor's Innovations in Native American Drama"


I~ I

'I ,I




Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

E-7 Mary McCarthy: "Lady with the Switchblade" Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Jeny Lee Findley, University of Louisville

Tammy Horn, University of West Alabama

"Once Upon a Modernist Time: Fairy Tales in Mary McCarthy's Memories of a Catholic Girlhood'

Karen Burge, Wichita State University

"The Corrective Impulse: Surviving an Attack by the 'Lady with the Switchblade'"

Room: 217

Kirsti Larkin Havens, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

"Red Sofas and Socialists: The Intersection of Gender, Politics, and the Domestic in Mary McCarthy's The Group"

E-8 South Asian Literature: Canons and Diasporas Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Rashmi Ramachandran, University of Louisville

Daisy Rockwell, Loyola University, Chicago

"Indian Language Literatures in Canons of World' Literature"

William Kupinse, Vanderbilt University

"The Indian Subject of Colonial Hygiene: Coolie and All About H. Hatterr"

Keat Murray, Lehigh University

"The Narrator ofRomesh Gunesekera's Reef 'Painting a Dream'"

Iackie Buxton, York University .

"Salman Rushdie Writes Thomas Pynchon: Midnight's Children as Paranoid National Narrative"

Room: 101

E-9 Questions of Theory: Zizek and Hegel, Percy and Baudrillard, Justice and Postmodemism

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Room: 121

Chair: Laura Bartlett Snyder, University of Louisville

Timothy C. Huson, Belleville Area College

"Film and Subject: Slavoj Zizek's Transformation of Hegelian Metaphysics"

Thomas F. Haddox, Vanderbilt University

"The Attractions of Catastrophe: Walker Percy, Jean Baudrillard, and the State of Southern Literature"

Michele Druon, California State University, Fullerton

"Tbe Search for Iustice in the Representation of the Other: A Paradox in Cultural Criticism"

E-10 The section originally entitled "Tropological Postcoloniality" has been merged with E-8


Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm




E-ll Biography and Theories of the Self

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Room: 114

Chair: Charles Berryman, University of Southern California

Michael Hardin, Bloomsbmg University

"Andy Warhol's 'A'; or, Is the Death of the Author a Queer Thing?"

Anthony J. O'Kee1Je, Bellarmine College

"The Self in the Other's Portrait: Autobiographical Displamnent in Kamenetz's Terra Infirma and Roth's Patrimony"

Robert Sember, Columbia University, School of Public Health "Elements of Infection: David Wojnarowicz on Body and Soul"

E-ll Male Homosociality in Southern Literature and Culture (panel)
Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Room: 211
Chair: Andrew Schopp, University of Tennessee, Martin
Gary Richards, University of New Orleans
"Vile Names and Cow Peas: Male Homosociality in Jonah ~ Gourd Vine"
Joseph L. Coulombe, University of Tennessee, Martin
"The Fragility of Male Power in Zora Neale HW'Ston and Ralph Ellison"
Eliza Russi Lowen McGra'!, Vanderbilt University
"Authenticity and Homosociality in the Novels of Harry Crews"
E-13 Nabokov
Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Room: 103 I·
Chair: Charles Nicol, Indiana State University, Terre Haute
Kyle David Torke. Elon College
"Girl, Child, Prostitute. Woman: Keats and Nabokov in Pursuit of the Ideal"
Nikita Nankov, Indiana University, Bloomington
"'Fancy unto fancy': Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita and Edgar Allan Poe"
Louis P. Simon, Boise State University
"A Man's World: Confronting Male Desire in Nabokov and Kubrick"
E-14 Drama and Historical Biography in German
Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Room: 109
Chair: Susanne A. Hill, Ohio University David W. Price, Keene State College

"The Political Economy of Saaifice in Diirrenmatt's Der Besuch der alten Dame"

Bianca Rosenthal, Cal Poly State University

"Science, History, Establishment: Galileo Galilei and 1. Robert Oppenheimer" •

George B. von del' Lippe, Saint Anselm College

"The Short and Spectacular Life of Jan Bockelson, 'King of the Anabaptists': A Case Study of Historical Biography as Reflected in Twentieth-Century German Literature"


Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

E-15 Tens in German: Questions ofldentity II Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Andreas Michel, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Joseph Metz, University of Utah

"Exhuming RiIke's Orphic Body: Gender, Nation, and Poetic Voice in 'HetiJ'en-Griber'''

Angelica Fenner, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

"Traversing the Cultural Politics of Migration in Xavier Koller's Journey ofllope"

Jennifer L. Creech, University of Minnesota

"Masochism-Shaped by Gender. An Analysis ofElfiiede Jelinek's Die Klavierspielerin"

Room: 123

E-16 Subversive Narrative, Narrative Subversion: Genet, Blancho~ Capecia Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Armand E. Singer, West Virginia University

William H. Clamwro, Emporia State University "Genet's Aesthetic Picaresque: The Thiefs Joumal"

Mary Carla Criner, Louisiana State University "(Re)Citation in Mamice Blanchot's La Folie du jour'

Sybil S. Jackson, Southern University A &. M College

"Mayotte or not Mayotte? The Autobiographical First Pcrsoo Narrative as a Tool for Subversion in Je Suis Martiniquaise"

Room: 112

E-17 Litterature frucophone africaine

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Chair: Gisele Loriot-Raymer, Northern Kentucky University

Victoria A. Lodewick, Duke University

"Insiders/Outsiders: Exile and Ethnography in Roger Dorsinville's Kimby and Un homme en trois morceaux"

Room: 117

Jean Ouedraogo, Shepherd College

" A gicllette facile, g8cl1eur et demi: Ie militantisme litteraire Ii I'assaut du militarisme autoritaire"

K. Martial Frindethi6, University of Maryland

"Griotism: Theory of Francophones"

E-18 Italian II: Interpretations orthe Real and Surreal Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Don Spinelli, Wayne State University

Ctistina PerissinoUo, University of Dlinois, Urbana-Champaign

"Gladania, Tristalia, and Sompazzo: Utopia and Dystopia in Stefano Benoi's Imagiruuy Geography"

Panayiota Mini, University ofWisc:onsin, Madison

"An Italian Director Works for an American Studio: Michelangelo Antonioni's Blow Up"

Valerio C. F~, University of Colorado

"Translating the Babel of Horror: Primo Levi's Catharsis through Language in the Holocaust Memory Se questa e un uomo"

Paolo Giordano, Loyola University, Chicago

"D paese della cuccagna, ovvero laMerica di Nanetto Pipetta"

Room: 209


Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

E-19 Argentine Literature

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Room: 106

Qlair: Susan Carvalho, University of Kentucky

Marina Guntsche, Ball State University

"Alfredo Bufano: Contradic:ciones y angustias de un poeta provinciano"

Kimberly Chabot Davis, University of Virginia

"Sentimental Postmodernism and the Politics of Affect in Puig's Kiss of the Spider Woman"

Louise A Detwiler, Buder University

"What is a Pseudo- Testimonial Novel? ~t Developments in 20th-Century Spanish American Literature"

E-20 Contemporary Mmcan Novel Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Dianna Niebyslski, University of Kentucky

Leon Bodevin, Murray State University

"Arrancame la vida y la refonnulacion generica del mito de Edipo"

Tanya Nicole Weimer, Bowling Green State University "Cross-Dressing While She Sleeps"

Mark A. Hemindez, Bowling Green State University

"The Disintegration of Community in Luis Humberto Crosthwaite's EI gran pretender"

Room: 108


Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

E-ll Autbon Radinl Poetry and Fiction Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Millard Dunn, Indiana University Southeast

Victoria Ferrara-Loris, Fairfield, Connecticut Banana Rinse (fiction)

Kenneth Chamlee, Brevard College Poetry

Karen Lee Boren, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Collison (fiction)

Debra Levy, Indiana Institute of Technology Museum Pieces and Other Shorts (fiction)

Room: ELA

A Celebration Of Women in the Visual Arts February 18 -Mareh 10,2000

University of Louisville

Belknap Campus: Schneider Hall (Located directly west of the Humanities Building) Belknap and Covi Galleries - Free and open to the public

Gallery hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday - Friday.

Represented in the showing are the works of seven dynamic women, all of whom reside in Kentucky. These women have been vitally important to the art world. They have been or are educators, gallery owners, award winners, etc., but above all they are simply excellent artists.

Each of the seven presents a different area of concentration in the exhibition.

The artists and their corresponding mediums are:

Jane Burch Cochran, Fibers Mary Ann Currier, Drawing Anita Douthat, Photography Ewing Fahey, Sculpture Sarah Frederick, Cermamics Nicole Hand, Printmaking Ann Tower, Painting

F-1 Narratives oflnftuence in Twentieth-Century Poetry Friday, 3:15 -4:45 pm

Chair: Edward Haworth Hoeppner, Oakland University

Chris Buttram, Sam Houston State University

"Did Bergson Really Influence Eliot? A Closer Look"

Terry Whalen, Saint MIllY's University, Halifax

"Philip Larkin, George Moore, and Twentieth-Century Naturalism"

Norman Finkelstein, Xavier University

"Stevens, Schwemer, and 'The The'"

Room: 119


Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm

F-l Defining Race Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm Chair: William Hamilton, Jefferson Community College

Joseph Helminski, Wayne State University

"James Baldwin's 'Stranger in the Village': Race, Conversion, and Travel Writing"

Tim Libretti, Northeastern Dlinois University

"The Critique and Queering of the African American Literary Tradition in Randall Kenan's A Visitation of Spirits"

William Conlogue, MlU)'Wood University

"Standing Against Industrial Agriculture: Ernest Gaines's A. Gathering 0/ Old Men"

Room: 121

F-3 Directions in Poetics and Theory at tJae Millennium Friday, 3: 15 - 4:45 pm

Chair: Gordon Tapper, Centre College

Mike Barrett, Moberly Area Comm~ty College "Poetry and the Rhetoric ofHyper-Fonn"

Stephen D. Fox, Gallaudet University

"Edwin Morgan: Science, Computers, and Poetry"

JullaA. Walker, UniversityofDlinois

"Why Performance? Why Now? Textuality and the Rearticulatioo of Human Presence"

Room: 114

F-4 Genre, Body, Identity: Andenon, Crane, West, Orwell, Dick, Stephenson, Gibson, and Acker

Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm Room: 108

Chair: Stephanie Smith, University of Florida

Laura L. Behling, Gustavus Adolphus College

"'the problem of disposing of his hands and feet': The Literal Deconstruction of the Body in Modem American Literature"

May Hall, University of Missouri

"From MeDlOI}' to Matrix: The Transformation of Body in Technological Narrative"


Rekba Rosha, Brandeis University

"Re-presenting Violence: The Use of hooy in Kathy Acker's My Mother: Demonology"


Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm

F-5 Virginia Woolf's To tile Lighthouse: Semiotics and Sacrifice Friday, 3: 15 - 4:45 pm

Chair. Sally Jaeobsea, Northern Kentucky University

Unnila Seshagiri, University of Dlinois

"Orienting Virginia Woolf: The Racial Poetics of To the Lighthouse"

J. Gregory Brister, St John's University

"'Feminine Sentences': Virginia Woolf's Transthetic Discourse"

Thomas 1. Cousineau, Washington College

"To the Lighthouse: Lily Briscoe and the Brotherhood of Man"

Room: 219

F -6 Ingestion and Introspection in the American Novel

Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm Room: 101

Chair: Mary Rosner, University of Louisville

Kathleen Flanagan, Longwood College

"Cultural Hybridity: The Philippines and the United States in Jessica Hagedorn's Dogeaters"

Giovanna Blocato, University of Venice, Italy

"Preying on the Host: Cannibalism in Marianne Wiggins's John Dollar"

R. Made Hall, University of Louisville

"Valerie Martin's Mary Reilly. Serving Stevenson Hand and Foot"

F-7 Alternative Spaces, Other Times: Contemporary Prose in the Mountains, at the River, on the Road

Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm Room: 215

Chair. Daniel Manheim, Centre College

Jeffiey Mathes McCarthy, Westminster College .

'''Because it's there': Place, Mountaineers and the Literary Landscape"

Herbert Keith Wicker, University of Southern Indiana

"Fly-fishing as Male Paradise in American Literature: From Bloody Battle to Meditative Stream"

Erik R. M~n, Wayne State University

'''Go Dean Go!': The Liberating Temporality of On The Roads Dean Moriarty"

F-8 End Games: Don DeLillo and Carole Muo Friday, 3: 15 - 4:45 pm

Chair: Karen Hadley, University of Louisville

John C. Kelly, University ofWestem Ontario

"The Fetishization of the Psyche in Don DeLillo's Underworld"

Patti White, Ball State University

''Nuclear War and Blizzard Football: Escalation in DeLillo's End Zone"

Karen Lee Boren, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

"Partners in Crime: Realistic andAnti-realistic Strategies in Carole Maso's The Art Lover"

Room: 205

F-I0 ICmg StrIII: The Politics of Black Masculinity (panel) Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm

Chair: Judith Root: Indiana University

Beth McCoy, State University of New York. Geneseo "Peritics, Politext, Politricks: Chuck Stone's King Strut"

Judith Root: Indiana University

"Strutting the Stuff: The (De)Viccs of Politics"

Emily Crandall, Indiana University

"The Evolution of Revolutionaries: Simulations of Mafia MasculiDity and Power in Thug Gangsta Life"

Room: 209


Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm

F-9 Science Fiction: Cyborg, Gender, Utopia

Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm Room: 202

Chair: Jill leRoy-Frazier, Morehead State University and Ashland Community College

Mary Thompson, Bowling Green State University

"'Change for the Mac.bines': Cyborg Writing aod the Fictions of Gibson, Cadigan, and Piercy"

Nancy Jesser, Ohio State University

"Essentially Different: The Raced and Sexed Body in Octavia Butler's Dawn and Kindred'

Jason M. Dew, Indiana University, Pennsylvania

"To 'Jump the Fractal': A Marxist Evaluation of the Utopic Vision in Kathleen Ann Goonan's The Bones of Time"

F-12 The Short Story Sequence

Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm Chair: Robert H. Miller, University of Louisville

Hany F. Newburn, Southern Dlinois University, Carbondale

"Hemingway's Sense of Scope in In Our Time: The Importance of Community in the Short Story Sequence"

Layne Neeper, Morehead State University

"'The road we are lost on': Denis Johnson's Jesus' Son and the Problem of Caring"-

Margaret E. Johnson, Idaho State University

"John Barth's Apocalyptic Form"

Room: 217

F-11 Literature as History, History as Lit,rrature

Friday, 3:15 -4:45 pm Room: 103

Chair: Joan D'Antooi, University of Louisville

Daniel W. Lehman, Ashland University

"Looking Down on the Steerage: The Writer and Subject in John Reed's Metropoluan Narratives"

Kathryn Hume, Penn State University

"Fantasy and the 'History Effect' in William Kennedy's Fiction"

Kendrick Matthew Kelley, Purdue University

"'This point we call history': DeLillo, Powers, and Vernacular Photography"


Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm

F-13 Faulkner and •••

Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm Room: 211

Chair: Dennis Moore, Florida State University

Peter Ramos, State University of New York, Buffalo

''Unspeakable History Revealed from the Grave: The Function of Ghosts in Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom/ and Morrison's Beloved'

Rebecca McNeer, Ohio University, Southern Campus

"Joe and Jimmie are Twins: Comparative Aspects of William Faulkner's Light in August and Thomas

Keneally's The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith" .

Kyle D. Edwards, Vanderbilt University

"Learning Racial Deference in William Faulkner's Intruder in the Dust (1948) and Richard Wright's 'The Ethics of Living Jim Crow' (1943)"

F-14 American Theater: Major Authors, Major Plays

Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm Room: 117

Chair: Patricia Young, Western Illinois University

Jeffrey B. Loomis, Northwest Missouri State University

"Four Characters in Search of a Company: Williams, Pirandello, and the Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Manuscripts"

Deborah R. Geis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

"Millennial Loman: Three Contemporary Re-visions of Death of a Salesman"

Lee Papa, Ball State University

"Gendered Subversion: Re-Radicalizing Death of a Salesman"

F-15 Traumatisme et narration: Le Clezio, Emaux, Bataille Friday, 3: 15 - 4:45 pm

Chair: Danielle Day, University of Louisville

Kathleen W. Smith, Kalamazoo College

"Trauma and Postcoloniality in the Writing of J.M.G. Le Clezio"

Claire-Lise Tondeur, Arlington, Virginia

"Desint"egration identitaire, Verfallsroman et <<sayptotherapie»"

Jonathan Boulter, University of Western Ontario

"The Negative Way of Trauma: Georges Bataille's Story of the Eye"

Room: 106

F-16 La recherche de I'identite: Gide, Sartre, Derrida Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm

Chair: Josette Kearns, University of Louisville

Zuleika Eve-Marie Younoszai, Independent Scholar "L'oeuvre et la structure psychique d'un auteur"

Sylvie Vanbaelen, Butler University

"La Nausee de Jean-Paul Same: une experience panique"

Julianne Newmark, Wayne State University

"The Blood-Lust of Jealousy: The Jealousy of Blood"

Room: 223

F-17 Special German Presentation Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm

Chair: Gesa Zinn, University of Louisville

Gabriele Eckhart, Southeast Missouri State University Lesung ODd Diskussion

Room: 221


Friday, 3: 15 - 4:45 pm

F -18 Special Hispanic Presentation Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 pm

Chair: Manuel F. Medina, University of Louisville

Gilda Holst, Universidad Catblica, Guayaquil, Ecuador Turba de signos (ficcion)

Room: ELA

F-19 Authors Reading Poetry and Fiction (in Bingham Poetry Room, 1st floor, Ekstrom Library)

Friday, 3: 15 - 4:45 pm Room: BPR

Chair: William Bridges, Franklin College

Joe Survant, Western Kentucky University

Anne & A./phew (poetry)

Alice Friman, University of Indianapolis

Apollo CO.mes to Floyds Knobs, Indiana (poetry)

1. Spencer Edmunds, Canterbury School

The Cooling Shelf(fiction)

Elizabeth Welt Trahan, Independent Sctlolar

Walking with Ghosts: A. Jewish Childhood in Wartime Vienna (fiction)


Middleton Auditorium. Strickler Hall 101

Edwidge Danticat

A reading from her works

Introduced by Paul F. Griner, Department of English, University of Louisville


Reception, cash bar (all conferees welcome), 6:30 -7:30 pm Dinner, by reservation only, 7:30 pm

Seelbach Hilton Hotel



Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

G-l Harlem Renaissance Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Chair: David Anderson, University of Louisville

Mary H. Sims, Ball State University

"The Harlem Reoaissauce: Restrained but Unguarded Artistic Freedom"

Mary lane Schenck, University of Tampa

"Jessie Fauset and the Politics of Fulfilhnent"

Randall S. Wilhelm. University of Tennessee, Knoxville "William H. lohnson and Harlem Renaissance Aesthetics"

Room: 121

G-2 Edith Wharton

Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 am Chair: Brigitte LaPresto, Pikeville College

William Morgan, Brandeis University

"Charitable Actions: Rethinking Regionalism and Humanitarianism in Edith Wharton's Summer"

Andrea Stiefvater, University of Cincinnati

"Sexuality, Creativity, and Edith Wharton: 'Beatrice Palmato' and The House o/Mirth"

Melissa Chastain, Duquesne University

"The Language within the Language: A Victorian's Response to The Age of'lnnocence"

Room: 119

G-3 Evolution, Silence and Death in Faulkner (panel) Saturday, 9:00 -10:30 am


Chair: Diana York Blain, University of North Texas

Dana Medora, University of Manitoba

"Covered in fur too': Absalom, Absalom! and Evolutionary Theory"

Aimee Berger, University of North Texas

"SpKC and Silence: Dwelling in Faulkner's Architecture"

Diana Blaine, University of North Texas

"Memento Mommy: The Dead Female Body in As I Lay Dying"

Room: 114

G-4 Early Modernist Narrative: Hardy, Lawrence, West, Conrad, and Waugh Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Chair: Feresbteh Zangenebpour, Goteborg University

Jill Franks, Austin Peay State University

"'Elemental Forces': The Leap to Modernism from Hardy to Lawrence"

Erich Hertz, University of Notre Dame

"'Bodies Like His Do Not Kill Bodies Like Hers': Rebecca West's Vorticist Aesthetic"

Elizabeth Macleod Walls, Texas Christian University

"Female Desertion and National Corruption in the Modern Novel"

Room: 101


Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

G-5 The Poetics of Mortality and Loss

Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 am Chair: Will Clemens, University of Cincinnati

Use Schrynemakers, Fordham University

"Poems by Thomas Hardy, William Butler Yeats, and Robert Frost: Describing Mortality in Bird

Imagery" .

Samuel Fisher Dodson, Tarleton State University

"Acknowledging the 'Coimedela Crime': John Berryman's Elegiac Songs to Delmore Schwartz"

Jo Angela Edwins, University ofTennessec

"A Voice Sent Unbroken Across Snow": Mourning and Healing in Tess Gallagher's Moon Crossing Bridge and Donald Hall's Without"

Room: 108

G-6 The Material Tat: Spicer and Grenier

Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 am Room: 202

Chair: Alan Golding, U~versity of Louisville

Graham Foust, State University of New York, Buffalo

"Resisting Print: Jack Spicer's 'Lecturature'"

Michael Rozendal, State University of New Yark, Buffalo

"Old Nature, Virtual Habitation: Emersonian Tradition vs. Virtual Distribution in Robert Grenier's Visual Poetry"

Timothy Shaner, State University of New Yark, Buffalo ''New World Scrawl: Robert Grenier's Poetics of Materiality"


G-7 Les fiDes en crise Saturday, 9:00 -10:30 am

Chair: Mary Jo Netherton, Morehead State University

Herve Allet, Vanderbilt University

"The Return of the Little Red Riding Hood in Post World War n French Fiction"

Margot Miller, University of Maryland

"Being-in-Relationship is a Sheltering Space: The Root Metaphor for the Search for Identity in Paule Constant's Novels of Girls and Women"

Room: 112

G-8 The section "Politics into Image ••• " has been merged with H-ll.













Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

G-9 .Revising the Gothic Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 am Chair: To be 8DI1OUIlCed

Saundra Liggins, University of California, San Diego

Fire and Rom~: Pauline Hopkins and the African-American Gothic

Kate Johnson, University of Toronto

"Heartbreak Hotel: Gayness and Gothic in Truman Capote's First Novel"

Room: 219

G-IO From Modern to Postmodern: (De)Constructed Subjects Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Chair: Buzz R_ Pounds, University of Louisville

Mark Grzeskowiak, University of Toronto

"Revisiting the Sedlmayr Controversy: A Historical Contribution to the Theory of Modernism"

Kecia Driver McBride, Ball State University

"'Baby's on Fire': Cultural Mystification in Todd Haynes's Velvet Goldmine"

Trudy Lewis, University of Missouri, Columbia

"You've Got (F)e-mail: The E-pistolary and the Flesh"

Room: 221

G-ll Etudes culturelles

Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 am Chair: Anne Greenfeld, University of Louisville

Katarina Melit, Queen's University, Kingston

La Denonciation de L 'Histoire dans Le Livre du rire et de I'oubli de Milan Kundera"

Brian John Arganbright, New York University

"The News Fictionalized: 'Fait-divers' and the Aesthetic of Crime inLe Canard Sauvage (1903)"

Scott W. Carpenter, New York University

"Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism in the Works of Valery Larbaud"

Room: 215

G-12 Literature in German: Representations of Masculine Indentities Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Chair: Harald Hobusch, University Of Kentucky

Stephanie E. Libbon, Ohio State University

"Images of Distorted Masculinity in Frank wedekind's Lulu-Plays"

Katja Fullard, University of St Thomas

"The Male in the Swamp: Gender Images in Karen Duve's Regenroman"

Barbara Drescher, University of Minnesota

"The Literary Representations of Masculinities by Irmgard Keun, Dinah Nelken, and Ruth Landshoff- Yorck"

Room: 103


Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

G-13 Caribbean Literature Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Chair: Jose Ball6n, Ohio Wesleyan University

Miguel Gonzalez Abellis, Washburn University "En la ciudad triste: Paris en la ohra de Zoe Valdes"

Alicia Zavala Galvan, Independent Scholar

"From Voyeur to Participant: Sor Juana InCs de la Cruz and Carilda Oliver Labra"

Irma M. L6pez, Western Michigan University

"Mayra Montero y los placeres malditos"

G-14 Latin American Historical Novel Saturday, 9:00 -10:30 am

Chair: Michael Waag, Murray State University

M. Begoiia Caballero-Garcia, Western Michigan University

"La Isla de Robinson como ejemplo de la Nueva Novela Hist6rica"

Joaquin Rodriguez Suro, College of Charleston

"Carlos Fuentes y la visi6n bist6rica en Terra Nostra"

Antonio M. Isea, Western Michigan University

"Para seguir el vagavagar de Denzil Romero: un cuestionamiento de la empresa escritural dieciochesca en oecideate"

G-15 Autbon Reading Poetry and Fiction f/ Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 am

Chair: Liliana Ursu, University of Bucharest (Visiting Professor, University of Louisville)

Marilyn KaIIet, University of Tennessee

No Makeup (poetry)

Sharon Kubasak, Baldwin-Wallace College

Voyeur Deja Vu (poetry)

Kim Bridgford, Fairfield University The Plagiarist (fiction

Andrea L. Rohland, Universite de Montreal All That Ends (fiction)

Room: 217

Room: 223

Room: ELA


Saturday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

8-1 The Politics of Drama I Dramatic Politics Saturday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Katherine V. Wills, University of Louisville

Hope O. Egbagba, University of Lagos

"Athol Fugard and the Aesthetics of Post-Apartheid Drama"

Shawn-Marie Garrett, Barnard College

"The Play of History in Suzan-Lori Parks's Theater"

Frances L. Helphinstine, Morehead State University

"Margaret Edson's W;t-ty Staging of Publishing AND Perishing In the Academy"

8-2 The Borders of the Tut(s): Issues in Experimental Women's Poetry Saturday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Robert Grotjohn, Mauy Baldwin College

James McCorkle, Keuka College

"Topographies: The Play ofSilenc:e and Space in Kathleen Fraser's 'Etruscan Pages'"

Jennifer Stimson, University of Louisville

"'But Language is Restless': A Comparison of Two Editions ofLyn Hejinian'sMy Life"

Lisa Samuels, Eastern Michigan University

"The Logopoetics of Lyn Hejinian's 'Reason'"

8-3 VersioDl of Landscape in American Poetry Saturday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: James Welch, Louisville, Kentucky

Andrew W. Ehrmann, Purdue University "Lorine Niedecker and the Pastoral Mode"

Reid Cottingham, University of Chicago

"Poisoning the Pastoral: Thomas McGrath's Letter to an Imaginary Friend'

8-4 Nation, History, and Orality in Williams and Yeats Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 pm

Chair: Thomas C. Ware, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga

Linda Lee Cox, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

"The Uses and Abuses of Narrative History in Paterson"

Jeff Westover, Boston College

"Public Forgetting and Poetic Remembering in the Work of William Carlos Williams"

Paul Robichaud, University of Toronto

"Yeats, Orality, and Words for Music Perhaps"

Room: 101

Room: 121

Room: 119

Room: 221

H-6 Theoretical Approaches to Faulkner and Miller

Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 pm Chair: Anthony O'Keeffe, Bellarmine College

Alex Vemon, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill "Narration and Miscegenation in Absalom, Absalom!"

William S. Webster, South Georgia College

"Deleuze and Guattari on the American Frontier: Faulkner's As I Lay Dying and Miller's Tropic of Cancer as 2Oth-Centwy 'Frontier' Literature"

Nancy Fox, Stephen F. Austin State University

"The Language of the Unconscious"

Room: 202


Saturday. 10:45 - 12:15 pm

H-S Modernist Fragmentations: lID, Radclyfl'e Hall, Djona Barnes, and Mina Loy Saturday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Suzette Henke. University of Louisville

Kella Svetich, University of California, Davis

"Protean Pleasures: HO's Palimpsest and Jrigaray's Multiple Specu1arization"

Tisha Turk, University of Wisconsin, Madison

"Invert, Girl, Butch and Femme: Recognizing Roles in The Well of Loneliness and Nightwood'

Amanda Stansell, University of Wisconsin, Madison

"'Dressing the unknowable in the garments of the known': Performance Art in Djuna Barnes's Nightwood and Mina Loy's Inset'

Room: 215

H-7 War Stories

Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 pm Chair: Annette Allen, Salem College

Thorpe Butler, Texas Southern University

"David Jones's In Parenthesis: The New Millennium as Armageddon"

Donna Coates. University of Calgal)'

"Damn( ed) Yankees: The American Invasion of Australia in Women's Fictions of the Second World War"


Room: 211

H-8 Canadian Womea Writers

Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 pm Chair: Mal)' L. Cassidy, South Carolina State University

Rita Saylors, Texas Southern University

"Margaret Atwood's Alias Grace: A Postcoloaial Critique of Power in Nineteenth-CenturY Canada"

Jennifer Liethen Kunka, Purdee University

"'They don't like not knowing': Narratives of Survival and Recovery in Atwood's Alias Grace"

Austin Wilson, Millsaps College


"Lives, Loves, and Open Secrets: The Maximalism of Alice Munro's Stories"

Room: 114


saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 pm

H-9 Harold Pinter: His Most Recent Work Saturday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Steven H. Gale, Kentucky State University

Craig Owens, Indiana University

"Pinteresque (Hyper)rea1ization"

Jessica Prinz, Ohio State University

"My Most Precious Companion: Pinter's Ashes to Ashes"

Francis Gillen, University of Tampa

"Sharing the Emptiness: Harold Pinter's Celebration"

Room: 217

H-I0' Don DeLillo and Postmodem Media Culture (panel)

Saturday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm Chair: Joseph Conte, State University of New York, Buffalo

Glen Scott Allen, Towson University

"Senseless Acts ofVioleoce: Don DeLillo and the Mad Text of Terror"

William Robert, University of California, Santa Barbara

"'Explain Me to Myself': Displacement and Self-Media(iza)tion in Underworld and Valparaiso"

Anthony Miller, Venice, California

"Decoding DeLillo's Decades ofDietrologia: An Underworld Alphabet"

JeffKarnicky, Pennsylvania State University

"Wallpaper Mao: Don DeLillo, Andy Warhol, and Seriality"

Room: 219

H-11 Politics into Image and Print, 1914-1946

Saturday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm Chair: Susan Ryan, University of Louisville

Kristin L. Matthews, University of Wisconsin, Madison

"The War Abroad, or War on a Broad: Politics of Representation in WWI America"

Maureen Woodard Dana, California State University, Sacramento

"Race and Ethnicity in Tess Slesinger's Depression-Era Short Fiction"

Paul Compton, University of Regina

"Appropriation of the Subject in Walker Evans's and James Agee's Let Us Now Praise Famous Men"

Joel Kuszai, Grossmont College

"Printer-Poet PrisonZines: The Publishing Culture of the Civilian Public Service Camps in the Western United States, 1942-1946"

Room: 117

H-12 Religion et litterature: Cioran, Jouve, Duras Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 pm

Chair: Nathalie Cornelius, Transylvania University

Thomas Stokes, Wabash College

"E. M. Cioran's Via NegatiVa"

Alice A. Parker, University of Alabama "The 'God' Question in Marguerite Duras"

Room: 103

H-14 Peninsular Novel

Saturday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm Chair: Leon Bodevin, Murray State University

Terri Carney, Butler University

"A Spanish Novelist Changes With the Times But Doesn't Sell Out: Luis Goytisolo and the Case of Complicitous Critique"

Allyson Lima, University of Oregon

"Framing the 'Sackroom': A Spatial Approach to Carmen Martin Gaite's Novel, EI cuarto de atras"

Maria Sergia Guiral Steen, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

"Del primer nada! al de Lucia Etxebarria: Trayectoria de la chica rara"

Room: 106


Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 pm

H-13 German Literature: Postmodernity and the Novel Saturday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Gany Fourman, Columbus State Community CoUege

Frederick A. Lubich, Old Dominion University

"Thomas Mann's Felix Krull: Confidence Man of the Belle Epoch-and Poster Boy ofPostmodernity"

Victor E. Taylor, Yark College of Pennsylvania

"History Beside Itself: Christoph Ransmayr and the Postmodem Novel"

Room: 108

James P. Martin, Georgetown University

"Postmodem Literary Representation and Historical Metafiction in Christoph Ransmayr's Morbus Kitohara"


H-15 Transitions and Intertest: Borges and Others

Saturday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Tim Ambroise, Indiana University Southeast

Christopher S. Carter, Univ~ity of Louisville

"The Rhetorical Bricolage of Jorge Luis Borges"

Kurt Bullock, Ball State University

"Spatial Boundaries of Narrative Theory: Opening the 'Cage' within Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Short Fiction"

Room: 223

V. Daniel Rogers, Wabash CoUege

"Miguel Donoso Pareja's Workshop: Designing Readership in Contemporary Ecuadorian Literature"


Saturday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

H-16 Authors Reading Poetry and Fiction Saturday, 10:45 - 12:15 pm

Chair: Kim Lockwood Johnson, University of Louisville

Peter R. Malik, Alcorn State University

The Praying Spot (fiction)

Elizabeth Smith-Myer, University of Notre Dame Driving through rain on the way to water (fiction)

Robert Miltner, Kent State University Stark Campus &om Long After the Answer (poetry)

Stephen Ratcliffe, Mills CoUege

froJ.ll "Reading (Cage) Silence"

Room: ELA


Pre-ordered box lunches may be picked up in Bingham Humanities 300 anytime after 12 noon.

First Call for Papers

The 29111 annual Twentieth-Century Literature Conference February 1l-14, 1001

Submission deadline: September 15, 2000·

Proposals (abstracts) for critical papers on any topic pertaining to literature published since 1900 will be considered.

Creative submissions (poetry or short fiction) are also encouraged.

For details, or to be put on our mailing list, contact:

Harriette Seiler, Conference Director Classical & Modem Languages University of Louisville Louisville, KY 40292

Tel: 502-852-6686; FAX: 502-852-8885


Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

1-1 Poetics and/olGender Saturday, 1 :30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Merle Bachman, State University of New York, Albany

Rebecca Carpenter, Western Maryland College

"At What Price Stoicism? Wilfted Owen and the Social Construction of Masculinity"

1. I. Goodman, State University of New York, Albany

"The Body-Politic: Sex 'Disen-gendered in the Poetry of Olson and Rukeyser"

Linda Russo, State University of New York, Buffalo

"Unbeaking the Ego: Women Poets not 'or but In the 'New American' Vein"

Room: 202

1-2 Revisioning Religious Poetry Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Jeffrey Skinner, University of Louisville

Daniel Morris, Purdue University

"Vision and Revision in Louise Gluck: 'All Hallows' as Kabbalistic Speculation"

Christina Pugh, Harvard University and Emerson College

"God as Interlocutor: Poetic Sequence in Gluck and Phillips"

Jeannine Thyreen, Duquesne University

"Contemporary American Women's Religious Poetry: Writing the Body and Revisioning Eros"

Room: 121

1-3 'Interior VIeWS': The Special Challenges of Rendering James on Film (Panel)

Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm I

Chair: Mike Land, University of Missouri, Columbia

Mike Land, University of Missouri, Columbia

"The Mind Through Body Bared: Rendering The Wings of the Dove on Film"

Chella Courington, Huntingdon College

"'Her imagination was remarkably active': Jane Campion (Re)Fashions Isabel Archer"

Jamie Lawrence, University of Missouri, Columbia

"Houses ofFictiOD: Metonymy, Desire and Gender in the Film Adaptation of James's 'The Aspern Papers'"

Room: 207

1-4 The American Dream: Dreiser, Adams, and Dos Pusos

Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Room: 223

Chair: Cotten Seiler, University of Kansas

Sandra Sprows, Suffolk County Community College

"To Be Real: The Identity Gap and the American Dream in Sister Carrie and The Education of Henry Adams"

Nils Samuels, Louisiana State University

"The Absence of Shame in Oreiser's An American Tragedy"

Sean Scanlan, University of Iowa

''Narrative Structure and Architecture in Dos Passos's Manhattan Transfer"


Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

1-5 Homes and Gardens: From Genesis to Darwin

Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Chair: Amy S. England, University of Louisville

Beth Kemper, Campbellsville University

"A Place in the House, A Place in the Canon: Ivy Compton-Burnett and the Politics of Place"

Jacqueline Norwood Wilkotz, Towson University

"Some Versions of Eve's Pastoral: Comedy and Vision in Twentieth-Century English Women's Fiction"

Thomas Dilworth, University of Windsor, Ontario

"Darwinian Evolution and Literary Form in Katherine Mansfield's 'Bliss'"

Room: 221

1-6 Recent British Drama Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Kellie Bean, Marshall University

Daniel Jernigan, Purdue University

"Theatrical Collusion with Multinational Capitalism in Caryl Churchill's Serious Money"

Anthony C. Bleach, Lehigh University

"McDonagh, McPherson and Irish Multiculturalism"

Douglas A. Pearson, Jr., University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire "Fits and Misfits in the Television Drama of Dennis Potter"

Room: 215

1-7 British Empire and the Pageant of History (panel)

Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Chair: Karin E. Westman, College of Charleston

Kurt M. Koenigsberger, Vanderbilt University

"Mrs. Brown at Wembley: Virginia WooIt: the Empire Exhibition of 1924, and the Ruins of Realism"

Juniper Ellis, Loyola College in Mmyland

"A Genealogy of the Future: History in Keri Hulme's The Bone People"

Karin E. Westman, College of Charleston

"'History in Live Performance': Revising History's Script in Roy's The God of Small Things"

James Campbell, University of Central Florida

"Occidentalism: Julian Barnes and Postcolonial England"

Room: 217

1-8 Contamination (panel) Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Patrick O'Donnell, Michigan State University

Patrick O'Donnell, Michigan State University

"The Hysteria of Contamination"

Ellen McCallum, Michigan State University

"The Airborne Toxic Event Horizon"

Dennis W. Allen, West Virginia University "Homosexuality as Contamination in Gods and Monsters"

Room: 219


Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

1-9 Negotiating Female Space?

Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm Chair: Helen M. Mugambi, California State University, Fullerton

Melanie B. HoUaday, Vanderbilt University

"A Woman's Home is Her Castle: Patriarchal Domesticity in Shirley Jackson's We Have Always Lived in the Castle"

Room: 101

Shirley A. Stave, Northwestern State University

"'Signifyin' on the Good Book: Gloria Naylor's Bailey's Cafe"

Heather Levy, Binghamton University

"The Bluest I: Strategies of Resistance"

1-10 ~Reading Modernity's Men: Faullmer, Heminpay, Lawrence Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Charles Hatten, BeUarmine CoUege

Kate Cochran, University of Mississippi "Faulkner's Male Mourners: Talismans and Loss"

A. Janice Sumner Kenefick, Hillsborough Community CoUege

"Breaking, Disrupting, and Destabilizing: Reading Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls as Feminine"

John Haegert, University of Evansville

"Divided Loyalties, Broken Dreams: The Marriage Plot in Sons and Lovers"

Room: 108


1-11 The PlK Problem: Extavating the Future of Postmodemism (panel)

Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Philip Nel, CoUege of Charleston

Philip Nel, CoUege of Charleston

"Some of Us Had Been Threatening Our Friend Postmodernism: Donald Barthelme and the Historical Avant-Garde"

Room: 114

Anthony Masullo, Vanderbilt University

"'The Private Burning': History, Memory, and Trauma in E. L. Doctorow's The Book of Daniel"

Jeremy Green, University of Colorado

"Second-Generation Postmodemism: Social Crisis and Literary Form" (treats Powers and Dara)

1-12 Perspectives on Frenth Poetry Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Frank Jacobus, Davidson CoUege

Zivile Gimbutas, Victor Valley CoUege

"The Riddle and the Poem in Francis Ponge's Oeuvre"

Suzanne Black, Georgia Institute of Technology

"Grounding Visual Culture: Commensurability and Tradition in Ponge's The Meadow Factory"

Kirsten Halling, Southern Arkansas University

"Poetic Translation and Cross-Cultural Interpretation: Revisiting Uon-Gontran Damas' Graffiti"

Room: 119


Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

1-13 Germ ... Poetry Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: David R. Hume, Emeritus, University of Louisville

Bobdan Bochao, Indiana University Southeast

"The Discourse of Openness in Paul Celan's Poetry"

Frederick A. Lubicb, Old Dominion University

Berlin-Babylon 2000: Die Ballade von der gefallene« und 'Wiederauferstandenen Stadt

(original creative work) .

Room: 103

1-14 Authon Reading Poetry and Fiction Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 pm

Chair: Victor E. Taylor, York CoUege of Pennsylvania

Amy Flewy, Washbmn University

Consolation and other poems

Derek T. Frost, Bethesda, Maryland

He Went to Nigeria to Do Some Consulting (fiction)

Lori Horvitz, University of North Carolina, Asheville Theories of Color (fiction)

Fred Johnson, Ball State University The Stinkeye Rhymes

Room: ELA

SPECIAL GUEST READING Saturday, 3: 15 pm

Hassold Auditorium, Bingham Humanities Building 100

Tom Sleigh, poet, Dartmouth College A reading from his works

Introduced by S. Matthew Biberman, Department of English, University of LouisviJIe

Kindly complete the evaluation form and deposit in box in Room 300, or at book sales table. You may also mail the form back to us.

Aames, William B-4 Guillory, Dan A-3 Nuila, Nmy C-17
Adams, Ann Marie A-13 Hadley, Karen C-12 O'Donnell, Patrick 1-8
Allen, Annett H-7 Hadley, Karen F-8 O'KeeJJe, Anthony H-6
Ambroise, Tim H-IS Haefele, Lisa E-4 Peterson, Nancy J. C-I
Anderson, David G-I Hamilton, William F-I Popham. Susan 0-7
Bachman, Merle I-I Harrington, Joseph A-S Pounds, Buzz R. G-IO
Ball6n, Jose G-13 Harty,John B-9 Powell, Katrina A-2
Barden, Julie Stuckey B-S Hatten, Charles 1-10 Ramachandran, Rashmi E-8
Bean, KeUie 1-6 Henke, Suzette H-S Reynolds. Bonnie B-IS
Benyman, Charles E-II Heusel, Barbara 0-4 Richards, Gary c-s
Biberman, S. Matthew 0-6 Hill, Susanne E-14 Roberts, Leslie 0-17
G-3 F-2 , A-IS
Blaine, Diane Hoeppner. Edward Roebuck, Regina
Blues, Thomas E-I Horine, Keni A-7 Root: Judith F-IO
Bodevin, Leon H .. 14 Hmne, David R.. 1-13 Rosenberg, Warren 0-11
Boehm, Beth B-6 Hobusch, Harald G-12 Rosner, Mary F-6
Bosoakis, Paoayiotis C-3 Jacobsen, Sally F-S Ryan, Susan H-II .
Bridges, William F-19 Jacobus, Frank 1-12 Schopp, Andrew E-12
Buchanan, Rhonda B-18 Jakovac,Justin 0-3 Schuler, Marilyn B-13
Burton, Kimberly c-io Johmann, Michael A-12 Seiler. Cotten 1-4
Byers, Thomas B. B-1O Johnson, Kim Lockwood H-16 Selinger, Eric Mwphy B-2
Camacho. Roseanne V. E-6 Kamicky, Jeff A-8 Singer. Armand E. E-16
Cancelled Section, C-4 Keams, Josette F-16 Skinner. JefIiey 1-2
Carvalho. Susan E-19 Kilcourse, George B-7 Sloan, Mary Margaret E-3
Cassidy, Mary L. H-8 Kraftl,JohnM A-II Sloboda, Nicholas 0-10
Cawelti, John G. 0-5 Kunka, Andrew C-7 Smith. Jon B-3
Cedei'l.o. Aris 8-16 ~,Brigitte G-2 Smith. Stephanie F-4
Cheny, Mary Jane B-8 Land, Mike 1-3 Snyder, Laura Bartlett E-9
Clemens, Will G-S LeRoy-Frazier, Jill F-9 Spinelli, Don E-18
Conte, Joseph H-IO Leidner, Alan B-14 Survant, Joseph 0-21
Cornelius, Nathalie H-12 Long, Marie-Noelle C. A-17 Tapper, Gordon F-3
Cro, Stelio 0-18 Lariat-Raymer. Gisele E-17 Taylor, Victor E. 1-14
D'Antoni, Joan F-II Mace, Susan Lidgate C-13 To be announced G-9
Day. Danielle F-IS Makris. Mary A-16 Ursu, Liliana G-IS
Domine. David A-14 Maldonado, Diane L. 0-8 Vanderberg, Susan 0-2
Dubino, Jeanne CoS Manheim. Daniel F-7 Varnes. Kathrine C-2
Dunn. Millard E-21 Marshall, Jennifer 0-15 Vickroy. K. Lamie E-2
Dykstra. Kristin 0-19 Medina, Manuel F. F-18 Waag, Michael G-14
England. Amy S. 1-5 Mergwith H-II, G-8 Wagner. Lisa 0-20
Fagel, Brian A-9 Michel, Andreas E-IS Walker, Joseph S. B-12
Findley, Jeny Lee E-7 Millar, Leslie A-4 Ware. Thomas C. H-4
Flannery, Mary Catherine C-6 Miller. Robert R F-12 Weinberger, Gabriele C-1S
Fourmen, Gany H-13 Miller, Theresa B-Il Welch, James H-3
Gale, Steven R H-9 Mills. Rose C-14 Wells, Leila B-17
Giovenco. Sydney N. C-IS Moore, Dennis F-13 Wertheim, Albert 0-12
GoeJ1z,Dee E-S Mugambi, Helen M 1-9 Westman, Karin E. 1-7
Golding, Alan G-6 Net, Philip I-II Willey, Ann Elizabeth A-6
Greene, John 0-16 Netherton, Mary Jo G-7 Willey. Ann Elizabeth 0-1
Greenfeld, Anne G-ll Nicol, Charles E-13 WiI1S. Katherine V. H-I
Griffin, Susan A-IO Niebylski, Dianna E-20 Winkler, Julie C-16
Grotjohn, Robert H-2 Norton, Syd 0-14 Yohannes, Tamara 0-9 INDEX - CHAIRS

Y ouag, Eliza M

Y ouag, Patricia Zangenehpour, Feresbteb Zimmerman, Edward Zimmerman. Edward Zinn. Gesa

A-I F-14

G-4 C-II 0-13 F-17


Near Campus (within walking distance)

Masterson's Restaurant 636-2511 Third & Cardinal Blvd (north of campus) Oiningroom Tues - Sat

11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Bar & Grill Tues-Sat

11:00 am - 10:00 pm

Caf~ Bristol 634-2723 Speed Art Museum Reservations suggested

Tues - Sat 11:00 am - 2:30 pm

China Inn (Cardinal Shopping Center) 2100 South Fourth Street 636-2020

Mon-Fri Sat

11:00 am - 10:00 pm 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm

City Cafe (Cardinal Shopping Center) 1907 South Fourth Street 635-0222

Mon-Fri Sat

8:00 am - 7:00 pm 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Fast Food Restaurants

Papa lohn's Pizza 636-1112

Taco Bell, Denny's, McDonald's


On Campus (Student Activities Center)

Cafeteria (secoud floor of SAC Buil~~

The Upper Crust Deli The Grill


Papa lohn's Pizza Mon-Fri

Friday • Sat & Sun

10:30 am - 2:30 pm 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm 7:30 am - 2:30 pm Closed

wYndows (table service, second floor, SAC Bldg) Breakfast

Mon-Fri 7:00am - 9:00am
Mon-Fri ll:00am - 1:30pm
Mon-Thurs 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Friday 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Sat & Sun 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Sat & Sun 11:00 am - 2:00pm The Market Caf~ (located off the SAC dining room on the 2l1li floor of the SAC building)


Mon -Fri

10 :30 am - 2:30 pm

Food Court (ground floor of SAC Building) UndeChen's

Mon-Thurs Friday

10:00 am - 8:00 pm 10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Man - Thurs 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Friday 9:00 ~ - 5:00 pm

Stop Gap - (Convenience Store)

Man - Thur 7:30 am - 11:00 pm

Friday 7:30 am - 7:00 pm

Sat & Sun Noon - 6:00 pm

Mitzi's (basement of Miller Technology Building)

Man -Fri 7:30 am - 3:00 pm

Cafe Ritazza (full service coffee bar, located in the lobby of Ekstrom Library)

Man - Thurs 8:00 am -7:00 pm

Friday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm


Aarnes, William B-4 Butler, Thorpe H-7 Eckhart, Gabriele F-17
Abel,Marco A-8 Buttram, Chris F-2 Edmunds. J. Spencer F-19
AbeUAs. Miguel Oonz8Iez 0-13 Buxton, Jackie E-8 Edwards, Kyle D. F-13
Adams. Ann Marie A-13 Caballero-Oarcfa, M Begofta 0-14 Edwins, Jo Angela 0-5
Alexander, Victoria N. C-12 Campbell, James 1-7 Eghagba, Hope o. H-I
Allen. Dennis W. 1-8 Carney, Terri H-14 Ehrmann, Andrew W. H-3
Allen. Olen Scott H-IO Carpenter, Rebecca I-I Eke, Maureen 0-12
AIIet, Herve 0-7 Carpenter, Scott W. 0-11 Ellis, Juniper 1-7
Anderson, Daryll A-7 Carter, Christopher S. H-15 Erben, David E-6
Anderson, Donald R B-7 Cary, Julie A 0-1 EsdaIe, Logan A-4
Arganbright, Brian John 0-11 Cassidy, Thomas E-2 F agel, Brian A-9
Armengol,Armando B-15 Chamlee, Kenneth E-21 Feldman, Yael S. E-5
Aste,Mario D-18 Chappel, Deborah K. E-I Fenner, Angelica E-15
Bachman Merle .B-8 Charlson, Joshua L. B-8 Fenne, Valerio C. E-18
Badir, Yasmine D-5 Chastain, Melissa 0-2 Fernald, Anne E. E-5
Bahk, Juan W. B-15 Chung, June C-5 Ferrad8ns, Carmela A-16
Bailey, Sharon M D-15 CiasuUo, Ann M B-IO Ferrara-Loris, Victoria E-21
Baker, Jeffi'ey S. A-12 ClamUlTO, William H E-16 Finch, Annie C-2
Baldanzi, Jessica D-7 Coates, Donna H-7 Finkelstein, Norman F-2
Barbour, Sarah E. D-17 Cochran, Kate 1-10 Fisher, Thomas A-4
Barnes, Elizabeth C. A-7 Compton, Paul H-ll Flanagan, Kathleen F-6
Barrett, Mike F-3 Coniogue, William F-I Fleming, Joyce Marie C-I
Barta-Smith, Nancy A D-8 Costello, Brannon D-I Fleury, Amy 1-14
Beckwith, Susan Lynne D-13 Cottingham, Reid H-3 Flores, Luisa E. B-18
Behling, Laura L. F-4 Coulombe, Joseph L. E-12 Foust, Graham 0-6
Bennett, Bruce D-21 Courington, Chella 1-3 Fox. Nancy 0-6
Berger, Aimee 0-3 Cousineau. Thomas J. F-5 Fox. Stephen D. F-3
Berty, Eleanor B-3 Cox. Linda Lee H-4 Franks, Jill 0-4
Bettridge, Joel A-12 Crandall, Emily F-IO Friman, Alice F-19
Black, Suzanne 1-12 Creech, Jennifer L. E-15 Frindethie, K. Martial E-17
Blaine, Diana 0-3 Criner, Mary Carla E-16 Frost, Derek T. 1-14
Blake, Jason F. D-15 Crispin, Ruth Katz A-16 Fullard, Katja G-12
Bleach, Anthony C. 1-6 Dana, Mameen Woodard H-Il Furlani, Andre C-6
Blocato, Giovanna F-6 Davidson, Rob A-I Gabtys, Malgorzata C-13
Bochan, Bohdan 1-13 Davis, Kimberly Chabot E-19 Gaggi. Silvio 0-5
Bodevin, Leon E-20 Dawkins, Laura D-7 Gallagher, Edward J. B-13
Boerigter, Thomas C-17 Day,LisaB. A-6 Galvan, Alicia Zavala G-13
DeStephano, Marlc D-20 Garneau, Kelly e-n
Boren, Karen Lee F-8 Deininger, Florence Coussin B-13 Garrett, Shawn-Marie H-I
Boren, Karen Lee E-21 Desmarais, Claude P. A-14 Gauthier, Tim B-6
Boulter, Jonathan F-15 Detwiler, Louise A E-19 Geis, Deborah R. F-14
Bourdeau. Marlc W. D-5 Dew,JasonM F-9 Ghiaciue, Susan A-2
Bove, Cheryl K. 0-4 DiMarco, Danette D-8 Gillen, Francis H-9
Bridges, William B-17 Diehl, Heath A A-13 Gimbutas, Zivile 1-12
Bridgford, Kim 0-15 Dilworth, Thomas 1-5 Giordano, Paolo E-18
Brister, J. Gregory F-5 Dodson, Samuel Fisher 0-5 Golston, Michael 0-2
Brown, Megan A-8 Dompkowski, Judith A C-13 Goodinan, J. L I-I
Buckley, W.K. A-17 Drescher, Barbara G-12 Goll, Patricia A C-5
Bullock, Kurt H-15 Druon, Michele E-9 Grace, Nancy M B-9
Burge, Karen E-7 Dykstra, Kristin A D-19 GramI, Gundolf D-14 INDEX· PRESENTERS

Green, Jeremy 1-11 Johnson, Kate 0-9 Luebbe, Christopher C-12
Grohmann, Hans 1. C-IS Johnson, Margaret E. F-12 L6pez, Irma M 0-13
Grondahl, Melanee O. 0-10 Joron, Andrew E-3 M.a. Ming-Qian 0-2
Grotjohn, Robert A-3 Julien, Helene M 0-17 MacDiarmid, Lamie 0-11
Grzeskowiak, Mark 0-10 Kadlec, Elizabeth M. B-9 Mace, Susan Lidgate E-6
Gregoire, Vincent 8-13 Kallet, Marilyn 0-15 Madden, Ed A-2
Guerrero, Lucrecia B-17 Kamicky, Jeff A-8 Madsen, Nancy oates 0-19
Guntsche, Marina E-19 Kamicky, Jeff H-IO • Magowan, Kim 0-1
Haddox, Thomas F. E-9 KavaJoski, Josh B-14 Maier-Katkin, Birgit A-14
Haefele, Lisa E-4 Kay, Roy 0-12 Malchow, Timothy B. C-IS
Haegert, John 1-10 Keener, Brian B-7 Maldonado, Diane L. 0-8
Hall, May F-4 Kelley, Kendriclc Matthew F-ll Malik, Peter R H-16
Hall, May C-18 Kellogg, David A-S Mansilla, Juan Ignacio A-IS
Hall, R Mark F-6 Kelly, James A-6 Marcellus, Mary Jo T. A-t7
Halling, Kirsten 1-12 Kelly, John C. F-8 Marsh, Kelly A B-6
Haonan,Jim 0-10 Kemper, Beth 1-5 Martin, Christian 0-16
Hardin. Michael E-ll Keoeficlc, A Janice Sumner 1-10 Martin, James P. H-13
Harris, Carolyn 1. C-16 Kingery, Sandra L .. 8-16 Masullo, Anthony 1-11
Harris, William O. C-8 Klopp, Charles 0-18 Matthews, Kristin L. H-ll
Havens, Kirsti Larlcin E-7 Koenigsberger, Kurt M 1-7 McBride, Kecia Driver 0-10
Helminski, Joseph F-I Koza,Kim 0-12 McCallum, Ellen 1-8
Helphinstine, Frances L. H-I Kroll, Juli A B-16 McCarthy, Jeffrey Mathes F-7
Hernandez, Mark A E-20 Kubasalc, Sharon 0-15 McClure. John A A-9
Hertz, Erich 0-4 Kunka, Andrew J. C-7 McCorkle, James H-2
Heusel, Barbara Stevens- 0-4 Kunka, Jennifer Liethen H-8 McCoy, Beth F-IO
Hewitt, Avis A-II Kupinse, William E-8 McDonald-Tiner, JubaJ 0-11
Hill, Susanne B-14 Kuszai, Joel H-ll McGraw, Eliza Russi Lowen E-12
Hitchcock, Lori B-12 Lackey, Michael E-S McMillan, Lamie 0-3
Holberg, Amelia S. B-8 Land, Mike 1-3 McNeer, Rebecca F-13
Holladay, Melanie B. 1-9 Landrum, Lany e-n McNeilly, Kevin C-3
Holland, Jocelyn B-14 Lawrence, Jamie 1-3 McVicker, Jeanette C-S
Holst, Gilda F-18 Lazda, Rasma 0-14 Medoro, Dana 0-3
Hooton III, William R 0-3 leRoy-Frazier, Jill C-8 Melic, Katarina 0-11
Hom, Tammy E-7 Lee, Alison M C-7 Metres, Philip C-3
Horvitz, Lori 1-14 Lehman, Daniel W. F-ll Mettler, Darlene D. 0-4
Hostetler, Ann 8-3 Lepeley, Oscar A-IS Metz, Joseph E-IS
Huang-Tiller, Gillian A-S Levy,Debra E-21 Middleton, Holly B-9
Hume, Kathryn F-ll Levy, Heathec 1-9 Miller, Anthony H-IO
Huson, Timothy C. E-9 Lewis, Trudy 0-10 Miller, Margot 0-7
Ingram, Susan C-IO Libbon, Stephanie E. 0-12 Miltner, Robert H-16
Irigoyen, Emilio B-IS Libretti, Tim F-I Mini, Panayiota E-18
Liggins, Saundra 0-9 Miraglia, Liliana B-18
Isea, Antonio M 0-14 Lima, AUyson H-14 Molina, Eduardo A B-16
Jackson, Richard C-13 Lippe, George B. von der E-14 Moore, Geneva Cobb 0-9
Jackson, Sybil S. E-16 Lodewick, Victoria A E-17 Morgan, William 0-2
Japtolc, Martin E-I Loftus, Brian E-4 Morris, Daniel 1-2
Jernigan, Daniel 1-6 Loomis, Jeffrey B. F-14 Morrison, Sarah R. A-13
Jesser, Nancy F-9 Loris, Michelle 0-7 Mortenson, Erik R F-7
Joe, co-author, Jeongwon 0-16 Lubich, Frederick A H-13 Moskow, Lamie B-4
Johnson, Fred 1-14 Lubich, Fredericlc A 1-13 Moskowitz, Faye 0-21 INDEX - PRESENTERS

Moss. Anita A-ll Robert. William H-IO Stansell. Amanda H-5
Moss. Marilyn C-ll Roberts. Jessica B-4 Stave. Shirley A. 1-9
Murphy. Mary C-I Robichaud. Paul H-4 Stedman. Barbara 0-10
Murray, Keat E-S Robinson, Angelo D. E-I Steen, Marla Sergia Guiral H-14
Nance, Kimberly A. 0-20 Roche, Daria C-14 Stevens. J. David 0-21
Nankov, Nikita E-l3 Rockwell, Daisy E-8 Stevens. Sylvia 0-14
Narvaez, Carlos Raul B-IS Rode,Curt A-3 Stewart, Jack C-6
Neal, Michael E-6 Rogers, V. Daniel H-IS Stiefvater, Andrea 0-2
Neeper, Layne F-12 Robland, Andrea L. ~ Stimson, Jennifer H-2
Nel, Philip 1-11 Root: Judith F-IO Stokes, Thomas H-12
Newburn, Hany F. F-12 Rosenthal. Bianca E-14 Strode, Tim A-3
Newmark, Julianne F-16 Rosh&. Rekha F-4 Suro, Joaquin Rodriguez 0-14
Ngo,HoaT. A-17 Rossini, Jon C-16 Survant, Joe F-19
Nolan. Amy 0-9 Rozeodal, Michael 0-6 Svetich, Kella H-S
Nybakken, Ruth E. 0-17 Russo, Linda I-I Swafford, Kevin R. C-6
O'Donnell. Patrick I-S Rydel, Christine A. 0-13 Swensen, Cole E-3
OKeeffe. Anthony I. E-ll Samuels, Lisa H-2 Taylor. Victor E. H-13
O'leary, Peter B-2 Samuels, Nils 1-4 Tejada, Roberto 0-19
O'Shea, Mary B-12 Samuels, Rolf B-ll Thompson, Mary F-9
Ogden. Kirsten E. B-17 'Sanborn, Scott A. C-16 Thompson, Stephanie Lewis 0-7
Osborne, Jeffrey C. A-ll Saylors. Rita H-S Tbyreen, Jeannine 1-2
Ouedraogo, Jean E-17 Scaft: Susan 0-6 Tipton, Nathan O. A-2
Owens. Craig H-9 Scanlan. Sean 1-4 Tobeck, Janine A-12
Papa, Lee F-14 Schenck, Mary Jane 0-1 Tokarczyk, Michelle M. C-I
Parker, Alice A. H-12 Scherr. ¥ebec:ca A-14 Tondeur. Claire-Lise F-IS
Pauliny, Tara E-2 Schicketanz, Frank M. 0-15 Torello, Georgina 0-18
Pearson, Jr., Douglas A. 1-6 Schmidt, Gary B-14 Torke, Kyle David C-18
Perissinotto, Cristina E-18 Schopp. Andrew E-12 Torke, Kyle David E-13
Peterson, OK B-ll SchIynemalcers.Dse 0-5 Trahan. Elizabeth Welt F-19
Pfeil. Fred A-9 Schuyler, Carole A-to Tremonte, Colleen M. 0-11
Phillips, Teresa R. C-17 Scroggins. Mark B-2 Tsiopos-WiUs, Katherine B-17
Platizky. Roger E-2 Selinger. Eric Murphy B-2 Tucker. Brian 0-16
Powell. Katrina M. A-2 Sember. Robert E-ll Turk. Tisha H-S
Powers, Michael J. E-4 Seshagiri. Urmila F-5 Turpin. Anita I. C-IO
Price. David W. E-14 Shaner. Timothy 0-6 Ullrich. David W. B-7
Prinz, Jessica H-9 Sheffield, Carrie L. B-5 Urbina, Cecilia B-18
Pugh. Christina 0-21 Shiller. Dana 0-6 Vanbaelen, Sylvie F-16
Pugh. Christina 1-2 Silbergleid, Robin A-7 Vanderborg. Susan 0-2
Pust:ilnik, Seymour W. A-1O Simon, Louis P. E-13 Varnes, Kathrine C-2
perez de la Cruz, Mariola C-16 Sims.MaryR 0-1 Vernon, Alex H-6
Rabin. Elliott 0-6 Skeen, Tim C-IS Walhout, Lynne 1. C-7
Ramos. Peter F-13 Sloan, Mary Margaret E-3 Walker, Joseph S. B-12
Ratcliffe. Stephen H-16 Small. Elizabeth B-16 Walker. Julia A. F-3
Rayas-Ihm, Eva E. C-17 Smith, Jon B-3 Walker. Martha C-14
Reed, Brian 0-2 Smith, Kathleen W. F-IS Walker. William C-IS
Rees, Kristen L. B-IO Smith-Myer. Elizabeth H-16 Wallace. Honor McKitrick A-I
Renee, Louise C-14 Song. co-author. S. Hoon 0-16 Walls, Elizabeth Macleod 0-4
Rhee, Suk-Koo 0-12 Sotelo, Clara E. A-IS Watten, Barrett C-3
Rho, Heongyun A-IO Sprows, Sandra 1-4 Watts, Brenda 0-20
Richards. Gary E-12 Stallings-Ward, Judith A-16 Weber, Wendy L. B-6 · INDEX - PRESENTERS

Webster, William S. H-6

Weese, Katherine J. 0-9

Weimer, Tanya Nicole E-20

West, KatIuyn B-S

Westman. Karin E. 1-7

Westover, Jeff H-4

Wexler, Steven C-18

Whalen, Teny F-2

White. Patti F-8

Wicker. Herbert Keith F-7

Wicktor, Emily O. B-S

Wilhelm. Randall S. 0-1

WilkoIz, Jacqueline Norwood 1-5

Williams. Tyrone A-S

Wills. Katherine V. C-IO

Wilson. Austin B-8

Wood. Carrie 0-13

Wood. Rebecca S. B-IO

Worley. Jeff A-17

Wright. Jennifer A-6

Wukich, Anna J. 0-3

Y ohe, Kristine A-I

YOWlg. John A-II

YOWlosZai. luleika Eve-Marie F -16 Zamsky, Robert L. A-4

First Call for Papers

The 29* annual

," Twentieth-Century Literature Conference

t Febl'lUU')' 11-14, 1001

Submission deadline: September 15,2000

Proposals ( abstracts) for critical papers on any topic pertaining to literature published since 1900 will be considered.

Creative submissions (poetry or short fiction) are also encouraged.

For details, or to be put on our mailing list, contact:

Harriette Seiler, Conference Director Classical & Modem Languages University of Louisville Louisville, KY 40292

Tel: 502-852-6686; FAX: 502-852-8885

Shuttle Bus Schedule 2000 Eastern Standard Time

The Conference will provide (yellow school) bus service between the hotel and campus. The buses will run on a circuit: hotel-campus-hotel. The bell captain at the Seelbach will have a copy of this schedule.

Bus stops: Seelbach Hilton Hotel, main (front) entrance Uoo.. campus, North Visitors' Center

Please note: Times listed are DEPARTURE times from the stated bus stop.

Buses marked * * will not stop at the Visitors' Center: instead. they will pick up conferees after the opening reception at Masterson's Restaurant, for return to the Seelbach Hotel.

Tbunday, 2124 Friday, 2/25 Saturday, 2/26

Seelbach UotL Seelbach UotL Seelbach UotL
Cfro - 9:30--:>
7:20 7:50 ('f:2o 7:50~
9: 10:00 7:45 8:15 7:50 8:20
10:00 10:30 8:20 8:50 8:20 8:50
10:30 11:00 8:45 9:15 8:50 9:20
11:00 11:30 9:20 9:50 9:20 9:50
11:30 12:00 9:45 10:15 9:50 10:20
10:20 10:50 10:20 10:50
12:00 12:30 10:45 11:15 10:50 11:20
12:30 1:00 11:20 11:50
1:00 1:30 11:45 12:15 1:00 1:30
2:00 2:30 2:00 2:30
3:00 3:30 12:20 12:50 3:00 3:30
3:40 4:10 12:45 1:15 4:00 4:35
4:00 4:30 1:20 1:50
4:40 5:10 1:45 2:15
5:00 5:30 2:20 2:50
5:40 6:10 2:45 3:15
6:00 6:30 3:20 3:50
6:40 ** 7:10 3:45 4:15
7:00 ** 7:30 4:20 4:50
4:45 5:15
5:20 6:05
5:45 6:15 Twentieth-Century Literature Conference 2000 Committee Members

S. Matthew Bibennan, English Thomas B. Byers, English Roseanne V. Camacho William Cunningham, Languages Jeny L. Findley, English Mary Catherine Flannery, English Alan Golding, English Anne Greenfeld, Languages Susan. M. Griffin, English

Paul F. Griner, English Karen C. Hadley, English Suzette M. Henke, English Debra S. Joumet, English

Augustus A. Mastri, Languages Manuel F. Medina, Languages Wendy E. Pfeffer, Languages

Susan M. Ryan, English - Sydney Schultze, Languages Jeffrey Skinner, English Julia Winkler, Languages Gesa Zion, Languages

Othen who provided much-appreciated assistance Rhonda L. Buchanan, Languages

Robert H. Miller, English

A. Elizabeth Willey, English

Sylvia M. Berger, Conference Assistant Harriette M. Seiler, Conference Director

Belknap Campus


39 Bingham Humanities Building 47 William F. Ekstrom Library 56 Strickler Hall

34 Student Activities Center (c1ocktower) 16 Information Technology

South Computing Center, Copy Center ~8 Speed Museum

I Conference bus stop, Visitor Center North (near #58)


Additional Parking Cardinal Stadium

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