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Matthew 12:36 KJVR But I say unto you, That every like yours all over the place! Did everyone just go and
idle word that men shall speak, they shall give get a car like yours the same day you did? No. What
account .... happen is your awareness of what was always there is
This morning before getting out of my car at work I was
reading the book, “Our Invisible Supply, How to Your words carry so much weight!
Obtain”, by Frances L. Warner. In chapter 14 she tells of
a story about her and a little girl walking in a field. As Proverbs 18:21 KJVR Death and life are in the
they walked Mrs. Warner notice that the little girl had power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat
collected a hand full of 4 leaf clovers. Mrs. Warner the fruit thereof.
without thinking said, “I never find 4 leaf clovers”.
Words are nothing more that verbal thoughts. The bible
She then began to realize that the reason that she had not says that we believe therefore we speak. We speak what
been finding any 4 leaf clovers was because she had we believe and the more we speak the more we believe.
been careless in her words concerning the issue.
Our words send sub-conscious instructions that have
Our conscious mind sends messages to our sub- the power to cause thought to take on physical form.
conscious which is the controller, yet slave to our Mrs. Warner’s thoughts cause the positive affirmation
beliefs. Why? The sub-conscious mind is totally that she made to manifest her desire. This is what is
obedient to every positively stated affirmation. meant by, “calling things that be not as though they
Mrs. Warner positively affirmed, “I never fined 4 leaf
clovers”. This is considered a positive statement because Each of us has the God given power to speak forth life or
that is what she really believed. However, the moment death into our reality. The decision is yours. We have to
that she begin to understand what she was doing and learn to love and respect the power of our spoken words.
reversed her affirmation to, “I can find 4 leaf clovers” by
the end of the day she too had a handful of 4 leave God’s divinity 101 (godlikness) started for us in Genesis
clovers. chapter 1. This is best recorded in Heb. 11:3

There is a part of the brain call the THE RETICULAR Hebrews 11:3 KJVR Through faith we understand
ACTIVATOR. It is a section of the brain that never that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so
sleeps and stays on alert. The reticular activator is your that things which are seen were not made of things
first line of defense against being overwhelmed by too which do appear.
much stimuli. The reticular activator decides what will
get into your awareness (what you will become God used his words to verbalize his thoughts. The
conscious of), and what will not. Its basic function is to thoughts that he spoke, because he believed in His own
make you notice some things and ignore other things. (if Godness, manifested out of thin air.
you noticed everything, you’d be too distracted to
function.) There are trillions of bits of info that the mind We are to have that same kind of faith, without which
could lock on to at any given moment. The results would we cannot please God, which formed things that are seen
literally fry the mind! (manifest) out of things that do not appear (thoughts).

Our words have the power to control the operation of our Trust God to show you how to flow in your manifesting
reticular activator. When Mrs. Warner affirmed that she power and start finding the 4 leaf clovers in your life
never finds 4 leaf clovers she was sub-consciously today.
telling it to cause the eyes to ignore every 4 leaf clover. If you need Spiritual Help and Clarity in your life
The moment that she changed her affirmation and said contact:
that she could find 4 leaf clovers, she was sending a new
instruction to the reticular activator. So the eyes and
Bishop M.
mind now are set to see what was there all along. Christopher Wilson,
A perfect example of this is when you go and buy a new Sr
car. What happens? You start seeing people with cars
Written By
Sage Malchiah Magdiel
One declaring God is Lord and King

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