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V Introduction

V Modular Structure & Integrations

V CMS Academic Structure
V CMS Self Service
V High Level Business Processes
V It is based on web-centric design known as Pure
Internet Architecture.
V Manages centralized system of academia business
processes and data
Self Service
V It is basic building of CMS.
V Here we define very primitive entities to constitute the
structure of academia.
V Let finds out more here.
V `ecruitment and Admission
V Student `ecords
V Gradebook
V Student Financial
V Financial Aid
V Self Service
V CMS presents tree like structural navigation.
V Pages/Tabs are basic units, these are grouped in a
Component logically and Physically.
V Components further are grouped in a menu logically
but physically they appear not under single menu.
V Physically components grouped in Folder as they
V Lets find out more here.

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