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The Easiest Way To Recycle Styrofoam A.K.A.

Plastic #6

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Plastic #6 ( ) on the recycling logo of the plastic container in question is also known as Styrofoam. A
lot of recyclers tell you that this SHOULDN’T be recycled. They are wrong. A program on The Discovery
Channel called Beyond 2000™ had an episode about a company in any oriental country using waste #6 plastic
to make prosthetics for amputees.

The way to recycle this plastic is to shred it and mix it with some chemical that you can buy in a hardware
store or discount store. This chemical is acetone or finger nail polish remover. The finger nail polish remover
that doesn’t contain acetone works to.

What this does is to soften the plastic in to a paste or liquid, depending on how much chemical you use. You
pour this into a mold and then wait for it to dry. When dry break the mold apart and voila. You have the part
that you want.

This #6 plastic and acetone-like chemical mixture also acts like super glue and holds better. The paste can be
used as caulking. If you look at the chemicals used on the super glue label, the chemicals in it resemble
acetone and Styrofoam.

Now you can recycle Styrofoam at home or anyway store the waste Styrofoam in a more manageable shape.

Written By: Shawn L. Gabriel Written Date: 23 December 2k8

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