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Pediatric Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome

Kevin D. McBryde, MD, David B. Kershaw, MD, and William E. Smoyer, MD

he term “nephrotic syndrome” describes the clini- Once effective treatment for the nephrotic syndrome
T cal state characterized by the presence of protein-
uria, hypoalbuminemia, and edema. Although
was available, it became apparent that not all patients
responded to therapy. Before proceeding, the defini-
other clinicopathologic findings coexist with these 3, tions involved in describing the response to therapy
they remain the central findings in nephrotic syndrome. must be delineated. Nephrotic syndrome requires the
Both edema and proteinuria have been known clinically presence of edema, hypoalbuminemia less than 2.5
for nearly 2000 years. Richard Bright first demonstrated g/dL, and proteinuria greater than 40 mg/m2/h (or a
that edema and proteinuria were dependent on changes protein/creatinine ratio of greater than 200 mg/mmol
in the kidney in 1827, and for the next 80 years, nephrot- or 2.0 mg/dL/mg/dL).3,4 Remission denotes a reduction
ic syndrome was known as “Bright’s disease.”1 In 1905 of the proteinuria to less than 4 mg/m2/h or a urinary
Friedrich von Muller further delineated kidney diseases albumin dipstick of 0 or trace for 3 consecutive days.3,4
into “nephritis” and “nephrosis,” and finally in 1929 A relapse occurs with the recurrence of proteinuria of
Henry Christian included the phrase “nephrotic syn- greater than or equal to 40 mg/m2/h or a urinary albu-
drome” in his writings.1 min dipstick of 2+ or greater.3,4 Those patients who go
Whereas the name “nephrotic syndrome” took mil- into remission with steroid therapy alone are called
lennia to emerge, its clinical course had been known steroid responsive, whereas those patients in whom
for some time. Although many patients died of their remission is not achieved after 8 weeks of steroid ther-
disease, many physicians knew that edema might be apy are labeled steroid resistant.3,4 This review will
cured or even remit spontaneously.1 In the 18th and examine those patients with steroid-resistant nephrotic
19th centuries, treatments for nephrotic syndrome syndrome (SRNS) and what evidence is available to
included mercury-containing compounds, as well as aid in the management of these patients. One discrep-
the induction of malaria or measles.1 The mortality ancy in the literature is the lack of a consistent defini-
rate for children with nephrotic syndrome in this pre- tion of steroid resistance. Some authors define steroid
corticosteroid period was 67%.2 Then, in 1939 and resistance as a failure to go into remission either (1)
again in 1944, with the introduction of sulfonamides after 4 weeks of enteral prednisone at a dose of 60
and penicillin, respectively, patients with nephrotic mg/m2/d; (2) after 4 weeks of the same dose of pred-
syndrome survived longer, and the mortality rate nisone plus 3 intravenous doses of methylprednisolone
declined to 42% and then 35%, respectively.2 After the 1000 mg/1.73 m2/dose5; or (3) after 4 weeks of pred-
introduction of these antibiotics, the first reports of the nisone for 4 weeks at the same dose followed by an
clinical courses of patients with nephrotic syndrome additional 4 weeks of alternate-day prednisone at a
began to appear. Finally, in the 1950s, adrenocorti- dose of 40 mg/m2/dose.6 Patients with SRNS are at
cotropic hormone and cortisone became available and risk for extrarenal complications of nephrotic syn-
were used to treat nephrotic syndrome. The use of cor- drome, as well as the progression of their kidney dis-
ticosteroids in children with nephrotic syndrome ease to either chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) or end-
resulted in a dramatic resolution of proteinuria, and stage renal disease (ESRD).
the mortality rate decreased to around 9%.2
Curr Probl Pediatr 2001;31:275-307. The prevalence of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in
Copyright © 2001 by Mosby, Inc.
0045-9380/2001/35.00 + 0 53/1/119800 children is approximately 16 cases per 100,000 chil-
doi:10.1067/mps.2001.119800 dren,3,7 with an annual incidence of 2 to 7 new cases per

280 Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001

100,000 children.3,7-9 This prevalence translates to African American patients who underwent biopsy for
approximately 1 in 6000 children who have develop- their nephrotic syndrome were diagnosed with FSGS
ment of the nephrotic syndrome. The ratio of males to compared with just 16.7% of white patients.8
females with nephrotic syndrome is approximately 2:1 Most children diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome will
in young children, but this male predilection disappears have a steroid-responsive form. The ISKDC found that
in teenagers and adults.3,7 Sex-related differences also 78.1% of children diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome
exist according to the histologic diagnosis. In the will respond to an initial course of prednisone adminis-
International Study of Kidney Disease in Children tered for 8 weeks.6 Of those patients who responded to
(ISKDC) report, 39.9% of children with minimal- prednisone therapy in the ISKDC study, 91.8% of them
change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) were female, had MCNS and 8.2% had another histopathologic
compared with 30.6% of children with focal segmental lesion.6 Within the respective histopathologic categories,
glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and 64.1% of those with 93.1% of those with MCNS were steroid responsive,
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN).10 whereas only 29.7% of those with FSGS and 6.9% of
Age impacts on the diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome, those with MPGN responded to an initial course of pred-
because two thirds to four fifths of pediatric patients are nisone.6 The risks for those who have development of
less than 6 years of age.3,7 The underlying histologic SRNS are significant. In a report on the outcomes of 75
diagnosis affects the age at presentation of nephrotic pediatric patients with FSGS who were followed up for
syndrome. Of children diagnosed with nephrotic syn- nearly 5 years, 37% had persistent proteinuria, 23% pro-
drome, 79.6% of those with MCNS are less than 6 years gressed to CRI, and 21% had development of ESRD.13
of age, whereas 50.0% of those with FSGS are less than Clearly, for the 10% of pediatric patients with SRNS, the
6 years of age.10 By comparison, only 2.6% of children risk of development of CRI or ESRD exceeds 40% in
subsequently found to have MPGN are less than 6 years just 5 years from the time of diagnosis. Although the
of age at the time of diagnosis.10 The median ages at the overall incidence of nephrotic syndrome has remained
time of presentation in children according to their rather constant, reports over the last 20 years have iden-
histopathologic lesion is 3 years of age for MCNS, 6 tified an increasing incidence of FSGS and a decreasing
years of age for FSGS, and 10 years of age for incidence of MCNS.8,12 Thus an increasing proportion
MPGN.10 Thus the probability of having FSGS or of children diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome has
MPGN as the underlying cause of nephrotic syndrome FSGS with its underlying tendency to be steroid resist-
increases with increasing age, whereas the risk of hav- ant. The remainder of this review will focus on SRNS.
ing MCNS is inversely related to the age at presentation
with nephrotic syndrome.10,11
Nephrotic syndrome affects persons of all races and Laboratory Evaluation
ethnic backgrounds. In a recent retrospective review of The laboratory evaluation of the pediatric patient with
pediatric patients in Houston, Texas, who were diagnosed SRNS begins with an examination of the urine for pro-
with nephrotic syndrome, 49% were white, 20% were tein and of the serum for hypoalbuminemia. Other lab-
African American, and 24% were Hispanic.12 This distri- oratory abnormalities occur commonly in nephrotic
bution of patients closely resembled the ethnic composi- syndrome and contribute to the morbidity and mortality
tion of the surrounding community.12 Ethnicity also rates of SRNS. As will be discussed later, the percuta-
appears to have an effect on the risk for the various neous native kidney biopsy is the most useful laborato-
histopathologic diagnoses. For biopsy-confirmed and ry study available for the diagnosis of the particular
presumptive diagnoses, 53% of white patients and 73% histopathologic lesion causing the nephrotic syndrome.
of Hispanic patients had MCNS, but only 36% of African
American patients had MCNS.12 In contrast, only 18% of
white patients and 11% of Hispanic patients diagnosed The routine urinalysis in the patient with nephrotic
with nephrotic syndrome were diagnosed with FSGS, syndrome demonstrates the presence of significant or
compared with 47% of African American patients.12 This massive proteinuria, the primary abnormality. Although
racial predisposition of African American patients to have SRNS may have a variable degree of proteinuria, its
FSGS as the cause of their primary nephrotic syndrome presence is required for the diagnosis of nephrotic syn-
has been confirmed in other areas of the United States as drome. The extent of the proteinuria may be measured
well. In the metropolitan Kansas City area, 44.0% of quantitatively, as well as qualitatively.

Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001 281

Quantitation of the proteinuria is most accurately Hypoalbuminemia
accomplished by obtaining a 24-hour urine collection. In nephrotic syndrome, both total protein and albumin
For a 24-hour urine collection, proteinuria ≥40 are decreased in the serum. Hypoalbuminemia results
mg/m2/h or >50 mg/kg/24 h defines nephrotic syn- from the inability of the liver to increase its synthesis of
drome proteinuria according to the ISKDC.3,14 In the albumin to offset the albuminuria.18 The liver increases
pediatric population, however, this poses certain logis- albumin synthesis 4-fold via increased transcription of
tical and practical difficulties. Therefore a spot urine messenger RNA, and the absolute rate of albumin catab-
sample often is obtained, and a urine protein/creatinine olism decreases throughout the body. However, the frac-
ratio is calculated. On a first-morning spot urine sam- tion of the plasma pool of albumin catabolized per unit
ple, a urine protein/creatinine ratio of greater than 200 of time increases as a result of the response of the renal
mg/mmol or 2.0 [(mg/dL)/(mg/dL)] indicates nephrot- tubular epithelium to the albuminuria.18 As a result, the
ic-range proteinuria.3 Semiquantitative measurement excretion and catabolism of the albumin exceeds the
of proteinuria can be accomplished with a urinary liver’s ability to maintain normal plasma albumin levels
albumin dipstick, with remission indicated with a 0 or and the intravascular oncotic pressure.
trace (≅15 mg/dL) measurement and a relapse indicat-
ed by a 2+ (≅100 mg/dL) to 3+ (≅300 mg/dL) or
Other Plasma Proteins
greater measurement.3 Numerous other plasma proteins appear in the urine as
In addition to quantitative urinary protein loss, pro- a result of the decreased permselectivity in SRNS.
teinuria represents variably abnormal selective perme- Immunoglobulins and components of the complement
ability (permselectivity) of the glomerular filtration bar- pathway are lost in the urine in nephrotic syndrome and
rier (GFB). The typical proteins lost in the urine are the may give rise to infectious complications. Antithrombotic
intermediate-sized proteins with a molecular weight proteins are of similar size to albumin and are lost in the
(Mw) of approximately 40 to 200 kDa. The permselec- urine, resulting in low plasma levels. In contrast, many of
tivity of the GFB is variable depending on the underly- the prothrombotic proteins are too large to traverse the
ing disorder responsible for the SRNS. In MCNS the GFB, and thus their levels increase in the plasma. These
proteinuria is highly selective and comprised predomi- hemostatic alterations, when combined with volume
nantly of albumin.3,7,15 The fractional clearances of depletion, contribute to the development of the thrombot-
albumin (Mw of 66 kDa), transferrin (Mw of 77 kDa), ic complications seen in nephrotic syndrome. Anemia in
and immunoglobulin G (IgG) (Mw of 166 kDa) have patients with nephrotic syndrome may be a complication
been shown to be greater in patients with nephrotic syn- of erythropoietin and transferrin excretion in the urine,
drome with FSGS than in those with MCNS who have resulting in an erythropoietin- or iron-deficient state.
heavy proteinuria.15 Finally, several hormone binding-proteins are excreted in
In addition to proteinuria, the urinalysis in pediatric the urine, although disturbances of these endocrinologic
patients with SRNS may demonstrate hematuria. pathways are not apparent clinically.
However, the degree of hematuria varies depending on
the underlying histopathologic diagnosis. With first
Serum Creatinine
morning timed urine samples, the ISKDC reported that The serum creatinine in the patient with nephrotic
hematuria of greater than 100,000 red blood cells/m2/h syndrome may be low, normal, or elevated. A low
occurred in 22.7% of those children with MCNS, 48.4% serum creatinine reflects hyperfiltration at the
of those with FSGS, and 58.8% of those with MPGN.10 glomerulus. In the ISKDC report, between one third
Pediatric patients with diffuse mesangial hypercellulari- and one half of children diagnosed with idiopathic
ty have the highest reported incidence (89%) of micro- nephrotic syndrome had a serum creatinine greater
scopic hematuria.16 Overall, the incidence of micro- than the 98th percentile for their age.10 The ISKDC
scopic hematuria was found to be 32% in a large reported that 32.5% of patients with MCNS, 40.6% of
retrospective review.12 patients with FSGS, and 50.0% of patients with
Other abnormalities seen in the urine of patients with MPGN had an elevated serum creatinine.10
SRNS include the findings of hyaline casts and fat-
laden tubular epithelial cells.17 The fat-laden tubular
epithelial cells appear as the classic “Maltese cross” Hyperlipidemia commonly occurs in patients with
under polarized light.1,17 nephrotic syndrome and results from a combination of

282 Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001

increased hepatic synthesis and impaired catabolism. dysregulated maturation of HDL that occurs in the
Long-term elevated serum lipids and cholesterol are of nephrotic syndrome.
concern because they may be risk factors for cardio-
vascular disease later in life. The characteristic lipid
abnormalities seen in the nephrotic syndrome include Pathophysiology
elevated very low–density lipoproteins (VLDL), low- The basic functional defect in nephrotic syndrome is
density lipoproteins (LDL), lipoprotein a [Lp(a)], cho- an increased permselectivity of the GFB to molecules
lesterol, and triglycerides, as well as normal or that ordinarily would not be filtered. Numerous factors
decreased serum levels of high-density lipoproteins affect the filtration of a molecule, such as the proper-
(HDL).7,18-20 The concern, though unproven, is that ties of the molecules themselves, the properties of the
the dyslipidemia associated with the nephrotic syn- filtration barrier, and hemodynamic factors. The prop-
drome promotes accelerated atherosclerosis and erties of the molecules themselves include the size and
increases cardiovascular risk in patients with persistent the charge of the molecules. Molecules greater than
nephrotic syndrome. approximately 40 Å in diameter or with a molecular
VLDL levels increase as a result of decreased clear- weight of greater than 200 kDa normally cannot tra-
ance by lipoprotein lipase (LPL).18,20 LPL activity may verse the GFB.18,22 In addition to the size effect, the
be reduced because of a depletion of endothelium- charge of a molecule affects its transport across the
expressed LPL, defects in LPL’s adherence to vascular GFB. The GFB has a negative charge imparted to it by
endothelium, or to inadequate availability of apolipopro- a heparan sulfate proteoglycan that retards the trans-
tein C-II.18 Simultaneously, there is increased hepatic port of negatively charged molecules across the GFB
conversion of VLDL to LDL, resulting in further eleva- while facilitating the passage of positively charged
tion of serum LDL levels. The stimulus for increased molecules.22 Experimental data have shown that clear-
VLDL conversion to LDL may be either the decreased ances of neutral or positively charged molecules are
serum oncotic pressure or the hypoalbuminemia result- greater than for negatively charged molecules of com-
ing from the nephrotic syndrome. Lp(a) also increases, parable size. However, a recent study failed to demon-
but as a direct result of increased hepatic synthesis strate any difference between the charge selectivity of
alone.18 Lp(a) is known to be powerfully atherosclerotic proteinuria in either MCNS or FSGS.23 Finally, the
in genetically inherited syndromes of elevated Lp(a).18 blood flow to the kidneys affects the filtration by the
Although the total serum cholesterol is increased as a glomeruli. Both convection and diffusion are responsi-
result of elevations of the various subtypes of choles- ble for the clearance of intermediate size molecules,
terol, the triglycerides may be variably increased. The although convection is responsible for the clearance of
severity of both the hypercholesterolemia and hyper- both small and large molecules.22 As the glomerular
triglyceridemia has been shown to be inversely related to filtration rate increases, clearance resulting from diffu-
the serum albumin levels.17 sion decreases whereas clearance caused by convec-
Finally, there is delayed maturation of the HDL to the tion and solute drag increases. As a result, clearance of
more efficient HDL2 isoform, resulting in decreased many molecules increases with the increased blood
apolipoprotein C-II delivery and increased VLDL lev- flow and glomerular filtration rate. The exact mecha-
els.18 As a result, more of the HDL3 isoform is produced, nisms of alterations in the permselectivity of the GFB
which favors reverse cholesterol transport and athero- or in the intrarenal hemodynamics remain unknown
sclerosis.18 The dysregulation of HDL metabolism may for either MCNS or FSGS, although there are theories
result in decreased inhibition of glomerular albumin per- for each.
meability factors found in the serum of patients with
FSGS.21 Apolipoproteins E2 and E4, high-molecular
Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome
weight J and L, and a fragment of apolipoprotein A-IV The pathogenesis of MCNS remains elusive. MCNS
are all components of HDL and have recently been is believed to result from abnormalities of both the
shown to inhibit the activity of glomerular albumin per- humoral and cell-mediated immune system. Decreased
meability factors in the serum of patients with FSGS.21 serum IgG and elevated serum immunoglobulin M
Thus components of the HDLs may protect the glomeru- (IgM) are found in MCNS,3,7 although there is no evi-
lus from progressive renal injury in patients with FSGS, dence of immune-complex mediated injury to the kid-
but they may be inadequately synthesized because of the neys. However, in experimental models, antibodies

Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001 283

against components of the glomerular basement mem- present similarly to primary FSGS, and thus they should
brane or against the podocytes can induce foot process be carefully excluded before making the diagnosis of
effacement and proteinuria.24 Some patients with Hodg- primary FSGS. The hypothesized causes of primary
kin’s disease and some other malignancies can have FSGS will be considered here.
development of MCNS, again suggesting a role for the The underlying mechanisms of FSGS fall into 4 main
immune system in the cause of MCNS. Finally, there categories: humoral factors, hemodynamic factors,
is an increased incidence of atopic illnesses in children podocyte injury, and genetic predisposition. Humoral
with MCNS.3 mechanisms are suggested by the findings of IgM and C3
Cell-mediated mechanisms also are hypothesized to deposits in biopsy samples, as well as the decrease in pro-
play a role in the development of MCNS. The pharma- teinuria with therapy by use of immunosuppressants or
cologic agents used to treat MCNS, including glucocor- plasmapheresis.24,25 Additionally, an “FSGS factor” has
ticoids, alkylating agents, and cyclosporine, are all been isolated from the serum of patients with FSGS that
inhibitors of T lymphocytes. In addition, several lym- can induce proteinuria when injected into rats.26
phokines have been isolated that induce proteinuria Hemodynamic factors that may contribute to the develop-
when administered to healthy rats.24 Soluble immune ment of FSGS include glomerular hypertension and
response suppressor (SIRS) is a lymphokine produced increased transmural pressure gradients.27 Although no
by T lymphocytes that appears to suppress T-cell response direct evidence demonstrates that mechanical forces are
to antigens, as well as B-cell production of immunoglob- directly damaging to podocytes, animal models of hyper-
ulins.3 SIRS can be recovered from the urine of patients tension-induced FSGS support this hypothesis.27
with steroid-responsive nephrotic syndrome, although it Increased transmural pressure gradients caused by
is absent in the urine of patients with SRNS. However, glomerular capillary hypertension may increase the
SIRS is not believed to play a direct role in altering the mechanical stress placed on the podocyte foot process-
permselectivity of the GFB. Its exact role in SRNS is glomerular basement membrane connection. This, in turn,
unknown. Additionally, vascular permeability factor may cause a failure of adhesion of the podocyte and may
may induce increased permeability of the GFB.3 Finally, result in detachment of the podocyte.27 Podocyte injury
both interleukin-2 and interleukin-2–soluble receptor are increasingly has been considered a possible cause of the
elevated in untreated MCNS and decrease in response to FSGS lesion. Toxic, immunologic, or inflammatory medi-
medical therapy with corticosteroids, alkylating agents, ators may cause direct injury to the podocyte, thereby
or cyclosporine.3,24 How these various abnormalities of leading to effacement and partial detachment of the
the humoral- and cell-mediated immune response con- podocyte foot process from the GFB. As the podocytes
tribute to the development of MCNS is still uncertain. undergo detachment, the glomerular basement membrane
Both SRNS and steroid-responsive nephrotic syn- is left exposed to the opposing parietal epithelial cells of
drome are associated with specific major histocompat- Bowman’s capsule and can form synechiae.27 Plasma pro-
ibility complex (MHC) markers. Certain MHC-class I teins begin to accumulate in the subendothelial region,
antigens appear to be more frequent in children with resulting in the characteristic hyalinosis found in the seg-
SRNS, specifically HLA-B12.24,25 Among the MHC- mental sclerosis of FSGS. Additionally, at the site of
class II antigens, DR7+ appears to confer a markedly attachment of the parietal epithelial cells to the exposed
increased risk for SRNS as well. Other MHC-class I glomerular basement membrane, a potential space arises
and II antigens are more frequent in children with and fills with ultrafiltrate resulting in a periglomerular
MCNS, although these appear to be associated with space.27 These adhesions have a tendency to grow as a
steroid responsiveness. result of ongoing accumulation of plasma proteins, as well
as the relative inability of podocytes to replicate postnatal-
FSGS ly and the resultant inability to replace damaged or
FSGS may be either a primary or secondary disorder. detached podocytes. Eventually, this process leads to seg-
Secondary causes include reflux nephropathy, renal dys- mental sclerosis and can progress to global sclerosis.
plasia, morbid obesity, sickle cell disease, hereditary
nephropathies, human immunovirus–associated nephrop-
athy, and heroin-associated nephropathy. However, in Histopathology
the pediatric population, these are relatively uncommon Primary SRNS may be due to a variety of glomeru-
causes. These secondary causes for the FSGS lesion lonephropathies (Table 1) including MCNS, FSGS,

284 Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001

FIG 1. Histopathology of glomeruli in patients with nephrotic syndrome resulting from MCNS and FSGS. A, Normal-
appearing glomerulus by light microscopy, with normal capillary lumina and basement membranes, and without evi-
dence of sclerosis or a synechia. This is the appearance of a glomerulus in minimal-change nephrotic syndrome. B,
Electron micrograph of a patient with minimal change nephrotic syndrome demonstrates marked effacement of the
podocyte foot processes (Ep), a normal glomerular basement membrane (Bm), and the fenestrated capillary endothe-
lium (En). Insert demonstrates the normal appearance of the podocyte foot processes overlying the glomerular base-
ment membrane and the capillary endothelium. C, Light microscograph of a glomerulus from a patient with focal seg-
mental glomerulosclerosis demonstrates the segmental nature of the lesion (arrow). Notice the synechia at the location
of the sclerotic lesion, adhering the glomerular tuft to the epithelium of Bowman’s capsule. (Photomicrographs cour-
tesy of Dr. Kent J. Johnson, Department of Pathology, University of Michigan.)

MPGN, membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN), dif- The percutaneous kidney biopsy evaluation includes
fuse mesangial proliferation, and proliferative glomeru- light, immunofluorescent, and electron microscopy.
lonephritis. Of these, more than 75% of cases of Each of these tests has characteristic findings in
nephrotic syndrome in children are due to either MCNS MCNS. By light microscopic study, the glomeruli
or FSGS.8,10,12,22 However, MCNS and FSGS may not appear normal and demonstrate minimal abnormalities
represent distinct entities. Numerous reports document (Fig 1, A). The glomerular capillaries are widely patent,
patients with SRNS whose initial kidney biopsy speci- and the glomerular basement membrane appears nor-
mens demonstrated MCNS and subsequently had a fol- mal. There may be a slight increase in mesangial matrix
low-up biopsy specimen that showed FSGS. This has or hypercellularity, but there is no evidence of capillary
led to the conclusion that MCNS and FSGS may repre- collapse or sclerosis. Globally sclerosed glomeruli may
sent a continuum of the same process. The causes of be present in children and may be normal, depending
MPGN, MGN, diffuse mesangial proliferation, and on the percentage of the total number of sampled
proliferative glomerulonephritis will not be discussed glomeruli. The tubules may demonstrate degenerative
here, because most cases of SRNS are due to MCNS or and regenerative changes of acute tubular necrosis, par-
FSGS. The following discussion of the pathology in ticularly when the nephrotic syndrome is associated
SRNS will be primarily focused on these 2 diagnoses. with acute renal insufficiency. The interstitium shows
edema, and the blood vessels appear normal.
MCNS Immunofluorescent microscopy in MCNS generally
MCNS characteristically demonstrates little histopatho- shows no evidence of immunoglobulin deposition in
logic abnormality, as would be expected given its name. the glomeruli. However, the mesangium may stain

Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001 285

TABLE 1. Incidence of various histopathologic lesions in primary idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in children
White et al22 ISKDC10 Srivastava et al8 Bonilla-Felix et al12
Histologic lesion No. % No. % No. % No. %
Minimal change nephrotic syndrome 111 76.5 398 76.4 78 52.7 84* 55.3
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis 39 7.5 14 9.5 5 3.3
Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis 12 8.3 36 6.9 34 23.0 33 21.7
Proliferative glomerulonephritis 20 13.8 12 2.3 18 12.2
Pure diffuse mesangial proliferation 12 2.3 26 17.1
Focal and global glomerulosclerosis 9 1.7 1 0.7
Membranous glomerulonephropathy 2 1.4 8 1.5 3 1.9
Chronic glomerulonephritis 3 0.6
Unclassified 4 0.8 2 1.3
Immunoglobulin A nephropathy 2 1.3
Total 145 100.0 521 100.0 148 100.0 152 100.0
*Thirty-seven (24.3%) patients with biopsy-confirmed MCNS and 47 (30.9%) patients with presumptive MCNS.

weakly positive for immunoglobulins or even comple- from hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the podocytes,24
ment (C3). Finally, electron microscopic study demon- as well as increased mean glomerular volume com-
strates the only consistent abnormalities on the biopsy pared with MCNS.30 Mesangial hypercellularity has
specimens of patients with MCNS (Fig 1, B). By elec- been reported and tends to occur more diffusely
tron microscopic study, the visceral epithelial cells throughout the kidney. Hyalinosis in FSGS appears as
(podocytes) show effacement of their foot processes,24 a glassy and periodic acid-Schiff reaction positive
which is usually extensive. Podocyte hypertrophy, (magenta-colored) material localized to the inner
microvillus transformation, and the presence of vac- aspect of the glomerular capillary loop.24 The renal
uoles containing lipids and proteins may accompany tubules may show focal atrophy and depletion, where-
foot process effacement.24 The glomerular basement as the interstitium may demonstrate fibrosis. The pres-
membrane appears normal in composition, as well as ence of interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, and tubu-
thickness. lar loss correlates with declining renal function.24
Finally, the blood vessels also may show hyalinosis of
FSGS their arteriolar walls. Immunofluorescent microscopic
The histologic diagnosis of FSGS requires the study in FSGS often demonstrates both IgM and C3
demonstration of a portion of scarring occurring in deposits in areas of segmental sclerosis of the
only some of the glomeruli, most commonly in the glomerulus.24 The arterioles with hyaline changes fre-
juxtaglomerular region (Fig 1, C).28 Thus the lesion is quently demonstrate the IgM and C3 deposits as well.
both focal (involving only some of the glomeruli) and On electron microscopic study, FSGS specimens
segmental (involving only a portion of the glomerular appear normal with the exception of podocyte foot
tuft) in its distribution. The focal nature of this entity process effacement associated with focal areas of foot
may explain why it may not be seen on initial kidney process detachment from the glomerular basement
biopsy specimens that are interpreted as MCNS, only membrane.24
to be diagnosed as FSGS on subsequent biopsy speci-
mens. The sclerosis is the consequence of an adhesion
between the glomerular filtration barrier and the pari- Treatment
etal epithelium of Bowman’s capsule. Given its Optimal treatment of SRNS has been hampered by a
propensity for glomerular scarring, it is not surprising lack of prospective, controlled trials. Additionally,
that FSGS is responsible for 11.5% of children with many of the patients begin empiric therapy for their
ESRD awaiting kidney transplantation.29 nephrotic syndrome before a histopathologic diagnosis
By light microscopic study the uninvolved areas of is established, and thus pretreatment may impact their
the glomeruli appear to be normal in FSGS. In con- subsequent response to therapy. Much of the current
trast, the involved areas demonstrate segmental literature contains anecdotal or uncontrolled trials of
glomerular sclerosis. Other findings often observed in therapy, limiting the generalizability of the results to
FSGS include glomerular hypercellularity resulting pediatric patients diagnosed with SRNS. A recent sur-

286 Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001

vey highlights the lack of consensus by pediatric loop diuretics, specifically furosemide. Loop diuretics
nephrologists with regard to the best treatment for act by inhibiting the sodium-potassium-2 chloride trans-
FSGS. This survey of pediatric nephrologists’ treat- porter located in the thick ascending limb of Henle. Loop
ment practices of FSGS reported their subjective diuretics are highly protein bound, thus preventing their
grading of their use of various agents as “often” or clearance via glomerular filtration even in situations of
“sometimes” versus “seldom” or “never.”31 Angio- hypoalbuminemia.32 The protein-binding of furosemide
tensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have allows it to be delivered to the vasculature of the proxi-
gained nearly universal acceptance in the treatment of mal tubule, where it subsequently is secreted into the
FSGS, being used either “often” or “sometimes” by tubular lumen.32 From within the tubular lumen,
92.1% of pediatric nephrologists.31 There appears to furosemide reaches its site of action.
be a dramatic trend toward the use of cyclosporine to In nephrotic syndrome, resistance to furosemide activ-
treat FSGS, because 73.9% of respondents prescribe ity may be encountered clinically. Tubular resistance is
it.31 For the cytotoxic agents, 60.1% of respondents due to a combination of factors. Hypoalbuminemia may
report using oral cyclophosphamide compared with result in decreased delivery of protein-bound furosemide
24.6% who prescribe chlorambucil, although only to the proximal tubules for secretion into the tubular
44.3% use combination intravenous steroids plus oral lumen.32 Additionally, hypoalbuminemia increases
cytotoxic agents to treat FSGS.31 The use of corticos- furosemide’s volume of distribution due to diffusion of
teroids to treat FSGS demonstrates the belief that free drug into the interstitial compartment.32 Finally, pro-
FSGS is a steroid-resistant disease. Only 50.3% of teinuria results in intraluminal binding of secreted
those surveyed report using oral prednisone for greater furosemide, resulting in a diminished amount of
than 3 months, and 52.3% of those using intravenous unbound active drug to reach its site of action.32
steroids do so without adding a cytotoxic agent.31 Strategies to overcome the tubular resistance to
Finally, only 30.7% of pediatric nephrologists use furosemide in the nephrotic syndrome include increased
lipid-lowering agents to treat the dyslipidemia associ- doses, coadministration of furosemide with albumin, or
ated with refractory nephrotic syndrome.31 coadministration of furosemide with a distal tubular
diuretic. Increasing the dose of furosemide to 2 to 3
Supportive Measures times the normal dose may overcome its decreased
The general medical care of the child with SRNS is delivery to the proximal tubules, thus allowing adequate
very important. Careful history taking should focus on tubular secretion.32 Caution is necessary because high
symptoms of pulmonary edema or congestive heart fail- doses with concurrent renal insufficiency will increase
ure resulting from volume overload, vomiting or diar- the risk of furosemide toxicity.32,33 Next, the coadminis-
rhea that may affect absorption of enteral medications, tration of furosemide with albumin has been shown to
abdominal pain caused by spontaneous bacterial peri- increase both the natriuretic and diuretic response.33,34
tonitis, or oliguria suggestive of acute kidney failure. A The mechanism of action of the combined therapy is
thorough physical examination should be performed believed to be a combination of increased intravascular
looking for signs of pulmonary edema, pleural effusions, volume caused by increased oncotic pressure and
congestive heart failure, peritonitis, and edema sugges- increased delivery of protein-bound furosemide to the
tive of a thrombotic event, erosions of edematous skin, proximal tubules.33 Finally, administration of
and hypertension. Attention should be paid to the main- furosemide with either metolazone or a thiazide diuretic
tenance of adequate intravascular volume, and volume may increase the natriuretic and diuretic effect by
depletion should be corrected. Once the general care of inhibiting distal tubular sodium resorption.32,35
the patient has been addressed, attention may be turned Aggressive diuretic therapy should be avoided because it
to the specific therapies for the underlying SRNS. can contribute to intravascular volume depletion and has
been identified as an independent risk factor for throm-
Diuretics boembolic complications in nephrotic syndrome.36
Diuretic therapy should be used judiciously in cases of
severe edema after intravascular volume depletion has
been excluded. In the patient with volume overload with Corticosteroids have been the mainstay of therapy for
oliguria, diuretics may induce a diuresis and reestablish nephrotic syndrome for nearly 50 years. The ISKDC
urine output. The most commonly used diuretics are the first recommended that the treatment of the nephrotic

Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001 287

TABLE 2. Dosing schedule for protocol of Mendoza and Tune with high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone
Week IVMP Dose* Schedule No. of doses Prednisone Alkylating agent
1-2 30 mg/kg/dose 3 times per week 6 None None
3-10 30 mg/kg/dose Weekly 8 2 mg/kg/dose† CYP or CHL‡
11-18 30 mg/kg/dose Every 2 weeks 4 ±Taper None
19-50 30 mg/kg/dose Every 4 weeks 8 Slow taper None
51-82 30 mg/kg/dose Every 8 weeks 4 Slow taper None
CYP, Cyclophosphamide; CHL, chlorambucil.
*Maximum methylprednisolone dose 1000 mg.
†Maximum prednisone dose 60 mg every other day.
‡Cyclophosphamide 2 to 2.5 mg/kg/dose (maximum 100 mg) for 8 to 12 weeks; chlorambucil 0.15-0.20 mg/kg/dose (maximum for 8 to 12 weeks).

syndrome begin with prednisone 60 mg/m2/d (or 2 attain a complete remission with corticosteroids, and
mg/kg/d to a maximum of 80 mg/d) in divided doses for that the mean and median times to remission were 3
4 weeks.6 The dose decreased to 40 mg/m2/d (or 1.5 months. All of the responders to corticosteroid therapy
mg/kg/d to a maximum of 60 mg/d) for 4 weeks on 3 had responded by 6 months.44 Thus more aggressive
consecutive days out of 7 for the next 4 weeks.6 The treatment of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome with a
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pädiatrische Nephrologie then longer initial course of corticosteroids (12 to 16
demonstrated that an alternate-day dosing schedule for weeks) may improve the steroid-responsiveness of
the second 4 weeks was more efficacious than the those patients with FSGS and thus decrease the popu-
ISKDC original regimen.37 As a result, the alternate-day lation of patients labeled as having SRNS.
dosing schedule has become the standard of care for the
treatment of nephrotic syndrome with corticosteroids.
Alkylating Agents
Failure to achieve a remission on completion of this reg- The alkylating agents cyclophosphamide and chlo-
imen defines “steroid resistance.” rambucil have been used to treat both steroid-dependent
Recent studies have challenged the appropriateness nephrotic syndrome and now SRNS. Early results from
of this dosing regimen for corticosteroids in the treat- the ISKDC and anecdotal reports indicated that neither
ment of nephrotic syndrome. The Arbeitsgemeinschaft cyclophosphamide nor chlorambucil improved the out-
für Pädiatrische Nephrologie conducted a randomized, come of patients with SRNS.45,46 Approximately 25% of
prospective study to compare the efficacy of “short- both the steroid-alone and the steroid-plus-cyclophos-
term” prednisone therapy (same initial dose as the phamide groups had a complete remission, but the
ISKDC recommendations until proteinuria was nega- steroid-plus-cyclophosphamide group had more treat-
tive for 3 consecutive days and then reduce the pred- ment failures than those receiving just steroids.46 In con-
nisone dose according to the ISKDC regimen) versus trast, a group in Canada found that cyclophosphamide
the standard regimen advocated by the ISKDC. The resulted in either a partial or complete remission in 48%
“short-term” therapy resulted in 50% fewer complete of study patients with SRNS.47 They also found that the
remission at 2 years of follow-up and a 50% reduction risk of CRI or ESRD decreased in patients whose SRNS
in the mean duration of clinical remissions compared was cyclophosphamide sensitive. A study from
with the standard therapy.38 Since then, other studies LeBonheur Children’s Medical Center in Memphis,
have concluded that the initial treatment for idiopathic Tenn, found that those patients with SRNS who relapsed
nephrotic syndrome should be a longer duration of cor- after a second course of cyclophosphamide became
ticosteroids lasting 12 to 16 weeks.39-43 These studies steroid sensitive again.48
found that the longer duration of corticosteroid treat- A promising treatment for SRNS is the use of intra-
ment for the initial episode results in higher remission venous pulse cyclophosphamide infusions for 6 months.
rates and in longer duration of remissions compared In a prospective, randomized, and controlled trial com-
with the standard regimen.39-43 Although these studies paring alternate-day oral steroids plus either oral or intra-
were conducted primarily in patients whose conditions venous cyclophosphamide, it was found that 100% of
responded to steroid treatment, they have impacted on those patient in the SRNS group with MCNS who
the treatment of the pediatric patients with SRNS. Pei received intravenous cyclophosphamide went into remis-
et al,44 in a retrospective study of patients with FSGS, sion.49 Although 40% of these responders relapsed with
found that 44% of pediatric patients with FSGS could their nephrotic syndrome, all of them reverted to being

288 Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001

steroid responders. A second prospective, randomized (9.4%) had mild proteinuria, 2 (6.3%) had moderate
controlled study in South Africa compared intravenous proteinuria, and 6 (18.8%) continued to have nephrot-
cyclophosphamide and oral prednisone with prednisone ic syndrome. Of the 11 patients who did not have com-
alone in patients with SRNS and with FSGS.50 These plete remission, 3 (27.3%) had persistent proteinuria
authors found that 60% of patients in the primary but normal renal function, 5 (45.4%) had CRI, and 3
steroid-resistant group and 100% of patients in the sec- (27.3%) progressed to ESRD.54 Side effects of this
ondary steroid-resistant group experienced either a com- high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone therapy
plete or partial remission.50 They, too, found that with included cataracts (22%), impaired growth (17%),
relapse, many of the patients with SRNS became steroid hypertension (17%), leukopenia (19%), and gastroin-
sensitive.50 testinal distress (common).52,54
Chlorambucil also has been found to increase the Although others have attempted to duplicate these
complete or partial remissions in patients with SRNS results, they have not been achieved because of differ-
caused by either FSGS or MPGN.51 Chlorambucil has ences in study design. However, several studies have
been successfully used to treat patients with both supported the response to intravenous methylpred-
steroid resistance and cyclophosphamide resistance, nisolone results found by Mendoza and Tune, with
resulting in an 80% remission rate and a 40% relapse remission rates ranging from 53% to 82%, with simi-
rate.51 Thus the alkylating agents should not be sum- lar side effects described previously.57-61 A study from
marily disregarded in the treatment of SRNS because South Africa compared a 16-month regimen of intra-
they may have a significant impact on the remission venous methylprednisolone, oral cyclophosphamide,
rate, as well as reestablishing steroid responsiveness. and oral prednisone, with a short course of intravenous
methylprednisolone for 3 consecutive days followed
Combination Therapy by 6 monthly doses of intravenous cyclophosphamide,
Recently, much attention has been directed to the as well as administration of prednisone every other
treatment of steroid-resistant FSGS with pulses of day.62 They found that 86% of those treated with the
intravenous methylprednisolone used with alternate- protocol used by Mendoza and Tune had either a com-
day enteral prednisone, cyclosporine, or an alkylating plete or partial remission, compared with 60% of those
agent. These studies of combination regimens have, at treated with shorter course of therapy.62 However, the
the core of the regimen, intravenous pulses of high shorter protocol cost one sixth that of the longer proto-
doses of methylprednisolone. French pediatric col, and it required 75% fewer hospital visits.62
nephrologists define steroid resistance as a failure to Overall, the use of pulse intravenous methylpred-
achieve remission after 4 weeks of oral prednisone (60 nisolone offers the highest reported remission rate in
mg/m2/d in divided doses), followed by 3 intravenous the treatment of SRNS caused by FSGS.
methylprednisolone doses (1000 mg/1.73 m2/dose) on
alternating days.5 The most successful combination
regimen reported for the treatment of SRNS resulting Because the causes of FSGS and MCNS are believed
from FSGS comes from Mendoza et al52,53 and Tune et to be immunologically mediated, cyclosporine repre-
al.54-56 They used an 18-month long course of treat- sents a logical medical therapy for SRNS. Cyclosporine
ment with intravenous methylprednisolone at a dose of causes immunosuppression primarily of the T lympho-
30 mg/kg/dose administered every other day (3 days cytes through its inhibition of the production of inter-
per week) for 2 weeks.52-56 The frequency of doses leukin-2 and other lymphokines.63 However, there are
then decreases to weekly for 8 weeks, every 2 weeks few well-designed trials to evaluate its efficacy in treat-
for 8 weeks, monthly for 8 months, and then every ing SRNS. Instead, its effectiveness in treating SRNS
other month for 6 months (Table 2).52-56 At the time of has been extracted from numerous retrospective and
initiation of the weekly doses of intravenous methyl- uncontrolled studies. The cumulative data from these
prednisolone, the patients begin alternate-day oral studies suggest an improvement in outcome of pediatric
prednisone administration (2 mg/kg/dose to a maxi- patients with SRNS treated with cyclosporine.
mum dose of 60 mg).52-56 With this regimen, Mendoza Several uncontrolled, mostly retrospective, studies
et al52,53 and Tune et al54-56 reported that after an aver- have evaluated the efficacy of cyclosporine therapy for
age follow-up of 6.33 years for 32 patients with SRNS the pediatric patients with SRNS (Table 3). Most of
caused by FSGS, 21 (65.6%) were in remission, 3 these studies have had less than 20 subjects, although

Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001 289

TABLE 3. Uncontrolled trials of cyclosporine for the treatment of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
No. of Complete Partial No
patients with remission remission response CRF ESRD Follow-
Authors Disorder Treatment SRNS No./% No./% No./% No./% No./% up (y)
Melocoton et al64 FSGS (n = 6), CSA, Pred 10 1/10 1/10 8/80 NR/NR 2/20 NR
MCNS (n = 4)
Niaudet et al65 MCNS (n = 19), CSA, Pred 31 14/42.5 3/9.7 14/45.2 0/0 1/3.2 NR
FSGS (n = 12)
Niaudet et al66 MCNS (n = 45), CSA, Pred 65 27/41.5 4/6.2 34/52.3 5/7.7 13/20 3.2
FSGS (n = 20)
Hymes et al67 MCNS (n = 7), CSA, Pred 18 9/50.0 5/27.8 4/22.2 2/11.1 2/11.1 NR
FSGS (n = 4),
MHC (n = 7)
Ingulli et al68 FSGS (n = 21) CSA, Pred 21 12/57.1 1/4.7 NR/NR 6/28.6 5/23.8 8.5
Gregory et al69 FSGS (n = 3), CSA, Pred 15 13/86.7 2/13.3 NR/NR NR/NR NR/NR NR/NR
MCNS (n = 3),
IgM (n = 9)
Garcia et al70 MCNS (n = 2), CSA, Pred 19 5/26.3 5/26.3 9/47.4 0/0 0/0 1.1
FSGS (n = 17)
Hino et al71 MCNS (n = 4), CSA, Pred 11 7/63.6 1/9.1 3/27.3 0/0 0/0 6.5
FSGS (n = 7)
Singh et al72 MCNS (n = 6), CSA 83 54/65.1 9/10.8 20/24.1 NR/NR 20/24.1 NR
FSGS (n = 42),
IgM (n = 17),
MPGN (n = 8),
SLE (n = 5),
HIV (n = 4),
MGN (n = 1)
Seikaly et al73 MCNS (n = 3) CSA, Pred 3 2/66.7 1/33.3 0/0 0/0 0/0 3.4
Total 276 144/52.1 32/11.6 92/33.3
SLE, Lupus nephritis; HIV, HIV nephropathy; CSA, cyclosporine; Pred, prednisone; NR, not reported.

one monitored 83 patients. The complete response to al75 reported that 4 (40%) of 10 pediatric patients ran-
therapy ranged from 10% to 86.7%.64-73 The mean domized to receive cyclosporine experienced a com-
percentage of complete responders from these studies plete remission, and another 2 (20%) had partial remis-
is 52.1%, with an additional 11.6% of patients having sion.75 Those treated with cyclosporine also
a partial remission. The complete failure to respond to experienced a decrease in their cholesterol and an
cyclosporine ranged from 0% to 80%, with a mean of increase in their serum albumin and total proteins.75
33.3%. The definitions of complete, partial, and no Overall, it appears that nearly 60% of patients with
response varied among studies, as did the duration of SRNS can be successfully treated with cyclosporine
follow-up and the documentation of progression of therapy and achieve either a complete remission or at
renal disease in the study participants. Therefore it is least a partial remission. However, cyclosporine thera-
difficult to draw firm conclusions from these results. py is not a benign treatment. Minor side effects include
Two randomized, placebo-controlled, prospective hypertrichosis, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and gin-
trials have evaluated the efficacy of cyclosporine in the gival hyperplasia. More serious side effects include
treatment of SRNS. Lieberman and Tejani74 random- hypertension, hyperkalemia, and usually reversible
ized 25 pediatric patients with biopsy-proven FSGS to acute renal insufficiency. In addition, cyclosporine is a
receive monotherapy with either cyclosporine or place- known nephrotoxin, and it has been associated with
bo for their glomerulonephritis. Of the 12 patients ran- progressive interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy not
domized to receive cyclosporine, 4 (33.3%) experi- resulting from the evolution of FSGS.71,73 Serum cre-
enced a complete remission, and 8 (66.7%) had a atinine, particularly in children, does not adequately
partial response.74 This is in contrast to the control reflect the degree of interstitial fibrosis and tubular
subjects, of whom only 2 (17%) had partial responses atrophy that occurs during cyclosporine therapy.71-73,76
and none had a complete response.74 In a second open, A final concern regarding the use of cyclosporine in
prospective, randomized controlled study, Ponticelli et the treatment of SRNS is that relapse is very common

290 Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001

after patients discontinue taking the cyclosporine. tubular injury, as well as decrease the degree of protein-
Although not all of the studies published data on uria associated with persistent SRNS.
relapse rates, those that did indicated a range of 10.0% Several uncontrolled trials of hydroxymethylglu-
to 85.7% (mean of 41.9%) of patients with SRNS who taryl-CoA reductase inhibitors in children with
had a relapse on the discontinuation of cyclosporine. nephrotic syndrome have demonstrated significant
decreases in serum total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol,
ACE Inhibitors and triglycerides,81 as well as a decrease in total
ACE inhibitors decrease proteinuria, presumably as a lipids.83 Unfortunately, none of these studies has
result of a combination of effects, including the reduc- shown a decrease in proteinuria or any change in the
tion of intraglomerular capillary pressure by dilating the rate of progression of the decline in renal function.
efferent arteriole and by modifying glomerular permse- Whereas treated patients experienced a significant
lectivity.77 Several uncontrolled, prospective studies decline in lipid and cholesterol levels from baseline,
have evaluated the effects of ACE inhibitors on protein- the levels remained above normal in most patients.
uria in SRNS in children. All of these studies demon- Lack of significant improvement in proteinuria or renal
strated a nearly 50% reduction in urinary protein excre- function with medical therapy alone may result from
tion from baseline after the children were treated with an inability to normalize the serum values of total cho-
an ACE inhibitor.77-80 Unfortunately, in spite of the lesterol, LDL-cholesterol, or triglycerides.
marked decrease in proteinuria, many of these patients LDL-apheresis therapy has been used to aggressive-
continued to have a 24-hour urinary protein excretion in ly correct the hyperlipidemia associated with persistent
excess of 1 g/d.78,80 Delucchi et al79 also described that nephrotic syndrome. A retrospective preliminary study
with the decrease in proteinuria following treatment demonstrated rapid amelioration of proteinuria with a
with an ACE inhibitor in the nephrotic patient, the qual- concomitant increase in serum protein levels and an
ity of the proteinuria changes from a nonselective pro- improvement in renal function in 5 of 8 patients
teinuria to a selective-albuminuria.79 (62.5%) treated with LDL-apheresis therapy.82 In a
In addition to their antiproteinuric effects, ACE subsequent, prospective, uncontrolled trial of LDL-
inhibitors can decrease serum lipid levels out of propor- apheresis therapy on 17 patients with FSGS, 12 of 17
tion to the improved serum albumin and the decreased (70.5%) patients experienced either complete [8 of 12
proteinuria.77,80 Some of these studies also reported that (66.7%)] or partial [4 of 12 (33.3%)] remissions.82
monotherapy with ACE inhibitors normalized the serum Those patients responding to LDL-apheresis also
total cholesterol level.78,80 experienced a significant decrease in their total serum
Although these steroid-resistant patients with SRNS cholesterol and proteinuria, as well as an increase in
experienced a decline in their proteinuria, as well as a their serum albumin.82 However, no changes in serum
decline in their hyperlipidemia, no consistent finding creatinine after therapy were observed. The average
was identified with regard to the effect of ACE duration of therapy necessary for improvement in pro-
inhibitors on serum albumin nor creatinine clearance.78 teinuria was 14.7 days, with patients undergoing LDL-
Because both of the proteinuric and hyperlipidemic apheresis 2 times a week for 3 weeks, followed by
mechanisms are hypothesized to contribute to glomeru- weekly treatments for an additional 6 weeks.82
lar damage in nephrotic syndrome, their clinical
improvement may explain the renoprotective character-
Mycophenolate Mofetil
istics of ACE inhibitors. As such, ACE inhibitors appear Mycophenolate mofetil and mizoribine are new
to be of benefit in the treatment of SRNS resulting from immunosuppressant medications that prevent the de
their renoprotective effects. novo purine synthesis pathway by inhibiting the
enzyme inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase. As a
Treatment of Hyperlipidemia result, these agents preferentially inhibit both T- and
Hyperlipidemia is a well-known consequence of the B-lymphocyte proliferation. Other cells are protected
nephrotic syndrome. Hyperlipidemia may contribute to from these effects by their use of the purine salvage
the permeability of the GFB, to the development of pro- pathway.83,84 They also interfere with activated lym-
teinuria, and to the progression of glomerulosclerosis phocyte adhesion to endothelial cells by inhibiting gly-
and tubulointerstitial fibrosis.81-83 Therefore treatment of cosylation of adhesion molecules.84,85 Recently,
hyperlipidemia may potentially reduce glomerular and mycophenolate and mizoribine have been reported to

Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001 291

decrease proteinuria in adults with membranous exchange therapies, and several of them continued to
nephropathy by 50%86 and to decrease the relapse rate receive ACE inhibitors, as well as cyclosporine, anti-
in children with frequently relapsing nephrotic syn- hypertensive, and antihyperlipidemia medications.
drome.87 Mycophenolate has undergone an uncon- Two of the initial responders underwent plasma
trolled prospective study in 8 selected adults with immunoadsorption therapy with significant reductions
SRNS or frequent relapsing nephrotic syndrome.84 The of their proteinuria.91 These authors concluded that the
glomerular diseases included MGN (n = 3 patients), responses to plasma exchange and plasma immunoad-
MCNS (n = 2), lupus nephritis (n = 2), and FSGS (n = sorption therapies support the theory of a glomerular
1). They found that mycophenolate therapy resulted in permeability factor circulating in patients with FSGS,
significant reductions in proteinuria and stabilization of and that these therapies improve proteinuria by remov-
the serum creatinine.84 Mycophenolate also had a ing these factors.91
steroid-sparing effect allowing steroid withdrawal in all
of the patients except those with lupus nephritis.84
Vitamin E
Two small prospective, uncontrolled trials of myco- Vitamin E is a naturally occurring antioxidant that
phenolate in steroid-resistant FSGS have been report- may protect against kidney damage caused by reactive
ed. In the first report, 10 adolescent and adult patients oxygen molecules. A single prospective, uncontrolled
with FSGS and nephrotic-range proteinuria underwent study of the effects of vitamin E on proteinuria in pedi-
6 months of treatment with prednisone, an ACE atric patients with FSGS found a 58% reduction in pro-
inhibitor, and mycophenolate. Four patients were teinuria in 10 of 11 participants (90.9%), although the
excluded from the analysis resulting from medical follow-up mean urine protein/creatinine ratio remained
noncompliance. There was no significant improvement markedly abnormal at 4.1.92 However, the duration of
in either their 24-hour proteinuria or serum creatinine treatment was only 2.9 months, which may have been
in the remaining 6 patients.88 In a second report, 11 too short to demonstrate any further reduction in pro-
adult patients with FSGS and nephrotic-range protein- teinuria.92 Antioxidant therapy with vitamin E may
uria were treated with either an ACE inhibitor or an reduce the proteinuria associated with FSGS and retard
angiotensin-receptor antagonist plus mycophenolate the progression of glomerular and tubulointerstitial
for a mean of 28 weeks. Although there was a statisti- damage attributed to persistent proteinuria.
cally significant decrease in proteinuria after treatment
with mycophenolate, the actual decrease was from 6.8
g/24 h to 5.7 g/24 h, a difference that was not clinical- Tacrolimus has been used in the treatment of SRNS,
ly important.89 No patient went into complete remis- as well as in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome that
sion. At this time, mycophenolate does not appear to develops after kidney transplantation. Two uncon-
decrease proteinuria to a clinically significant degree trolled trials and a case report of tacrolimus have
in patients with SRNS resulting from FSGS. demonstrated that it successfully decreased protein-
uria.93-95 Seven pediatric and adult patients with SRNS
Plasma Exchange and Immunoadsorption received tacrolimus monotherapy. All 7 patients had
Although the pathogenesis of SRNS and FSGS significant decreases in proteinuria, although only 3
remains elusive, it has been postulated that a circulat- (42.8%) patients, including 2 children with FSGS,
ing factor may be responsible for increased glomerular demonstrated sustained improvement of their protein-
permeability to albumin.21,90,91 Because of this possi- uria to subnephrotic ranges.93 Discontinuation of the
bility, plasma exchange has been used in the treatment tacrolimus by 2 patients resulted in prompt relapse of
of SRNS caused by FSGS in both primary disease and their proteinuria to the nephrotic range, with remission
in recurrent disease in renal allografts. again achieved with reinstitution of tacrolimus thera-
In a retrospective study, 7 pediatric patients with pri- py.93 The most common side effect of tacrolimus ther-
mary steroid- and cyclosporine-resistant FSGS under- apy was a decrease in the calculated creatinine clear-
went plasma exchange therapy for their nephrotic syn- ance that improved when the tacrolimus was decreased
drome. Two of the 7 patients (28.6%) went into or discontinued. A case report in an adult patient with
complete remission, and 2 (28.6%) more experienced SRNS described remission of cyclosporine-resistant
partial remission.91 All of the patients received intra- and SRNS with a combined regimen of corticosteroids
venous methylprednisolone during their plasma and tacrolimus.94

292 Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001

Tacrolimus therapy for the treatment of nephrotic syn- with SRNS (10%) had sustained remission of their
drome developing in 17 patients who had undergone proteinuria. Three patients (15%) received a renal
transplantation has been reported. Of these patients, 9 transplant, and 15 patients (75%) died.97
had development of nephrotic syndrome caused by In contrast to these studies that found no significant
glomerulopathies not resulting from chronic allograft effect of azathioprine on proteinuria in SRNS, Cade et
nephropathy. Six patients (66.6%) had a decrease of al98 reported that 13 of 31 (41.9%) of adolescents and
50% or greater in their proteinuria with the conversion adults with SRNS treated with azathioprine for 4 years
from cyclosporine to tacrolimus, although only 2 achieved complete remission after 1 to 3 years of ther-
(22.2%) patients’ 24-hour urine calculations of protein- apy. Three of the 13 (23.1%) patients were younger
uria were less than 1000 mg.95 Only one of the 3 pedi- than 21 years of age, and 2 of the 3 (66.7%) main-
atric patients had a significant decrease in proteinuria.95 tained complete remission after azathioprine treat-
Tacrolimus is a potent immunosuppressive agent that ment.98 These results have not been reproduced and
inhibits calcineurin and thus interleukin-2 production. are significantly out of agreement with the prior stud-
Its mechanism of action in treating SRNS is unclear. ies of azathioprine’s efficacy. No additional prospec-
Potential mechanisms for the antiproteinuric effects of tive, double-blind controlled studies with azathioprine
tacrolimus include the inhibition of T-cell lymphokine have been conducted to better define its role in the
production, the improvement in the permselectivity of treatment of SRNS.
the glomerular basement membrane, a correction of an
underlying immunologic defect, or a reduction of the
Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
glomerular filtration rate.93 Whatever the mechanism Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
of action of tacrolimus is, it appears to offer improve- including indomethacin, ibuprofen, diclofenac, flur-
ment in the proteinuria of at least some patients with biprofen, and meclofenamate, have been used to
SRNS. decrease the proteinuria associated with the nephrotic
syndrome.99 NSAIDs decrease proteinuria out of pro-
Azathioprine portion to the decrease in glomerular filtration rate, thus
Azathioprine has long been regarded as having no they appear to have some additional effect on the
benefit in the treatment of SRNS. The ISKDC con- GFB.99,100 Proposed mechanisms of action include inhi-
ducted a prospective, double-blind, clinical trial to bition of prostaglandin synthesis resulting in afferent
compare azathioprine plus corticosteroids with corti- arteriolar vasoconstriction and a decrease in the
costeroids alone for the treatment of the nephrotic syn- glomerular filtration rate,98 restoration of the permse-
drome. Of 197 children enrolled, 31 (15.7%) were lectivity of the glomerular filtration barrier,99 and atten-
found to be steroid resistant.96 Of these 31 patients, 16 uation of the inflammatory reaction.100 The exact mech-
were randomized to receive azathioprine, and 15 were anism responsible for the decrease in proteinuria
randomized to placebo.96 Four (25.0%) of those remains unknown.
receiving azathioprine experienced a decrease in their The use of NSAIDs, however, entails certain risks.
proteinuria (2 had complete remission [12.5%], and 2 Kidney failure, both reversible100 and irreversible,101
had decreased proteinuria).96 In contrast, 2 of 15 has been the most severe complication of NSAID ther-
(13.3%) of those treated with placebo had complete apy. However, one group noted that the risk of kidney
remission, with an additional 2 who had development failure or failure to achieve remission was increased in
of decreased proteinuria.96 They also found that 12 of those patients with diminished renal function at the
the 127 (9.4%) biopsy-confirmed diagnoses were time of initiation of NSAID therapy.100 They recom-
FSGS and that 10 of the patients (83.3%) were steroid mended that only patients with greater than 50% renal
resistant.96 These authors concluded that azathioprine function should be considered for NSAID therapy.
offered no improvement in outcome compared with Other complications of NSAID therapy for nephrotic
placebo in the treatment of SRNS.96 syndrome include inducing a positive sodium balance
In another prospective, uncontrolled study in pedi- and exacerbating edema formation, interstitial nephri-
atric patients with nephrotic syndrome, 20 (55.6%) of tis, and worsening of proteinuria.100 Additionally,
36 patients had SRNS.97 After combined treatment treatment failures are commonly reported for pediatric
with azathioprine and prednisone, 11 patients (55%) patients,99 making them less than suitable candidates
had a decrease in their proteinuria.97 Only 2 of those for NSAID therapy.

Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001 293

Vincristine al105 first described remission of nephrotic syndrome in
Vincristine generally has been believed to be ineffec- a patient with MCNS who was treated with pefloxacin
tive in the treatment of SRNS. Vincristine is a plant alka- for a bacterial infection. Two other patients with
loid that blocks mitosis and metaphase arrest by binding nephrotic syndrome, one with MCNS and the other with
to the microtubular protein tubulin.102 It has been evalu- FSGS, received pefloxacin with a similar response.105
ated in the treatment of SRNS in retrospective, uncon- As a result of these observations, these authors recom-
trolled studies. In one such study, 2 of 7 pediatric patients mended pefloxacin as a first-line therapy for nephrotic
(28.6%) had a complete and sustained remission of their syndrome resulting from MCNS and FSGS.105
nephrotic syndrome after 8 weeks of treatment with daily Since this initial report, other investigators have
prednisone and weekly vincristine (1.5 mg/m2/dose).103 questioned these results while raising concerns about
Five patients (71.4%) had no response to this regimen.103 the safety of pefloxacin. No improvement was found
In a second uncontrolled study, 2 of 8 patients (25%) when pefloxacin was used to treat both MCNS and
experienced remission of their nephrotic syndrome after FSGS SRNS in pediatric and adult patients.106-108
treatment with weekly vincristine monotherapy.102 One Adverse events associated with the pefloxacin therapy
of these 2 responders experienced several relapses during included arthralgias with joint effusions, intracranial
follow-up, although each episode responded to reinitia- hypertension, nausea, and acute kidney failure.106,107
tion of vincristine therapy.102 These authors found that Most recently, pefloxacin was studied in a rat model of
those patients who did not respond to vincristine had idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, adriamycin-induced
moderate-to-severe renal impairment at the time of ther- nephrotic syndrome.109 All of the rats developed
apy, whereas the responders had normal renal func- nephrotic syndrome after administration of doxoru-
tion.102 Thus they hypothesized that renal insufficiency bicin (Adriamycin). Pefloxacin-treated rats had a sta-
at the initiation of therapy explained the failure to tistically significant decrease in their proteinuria by
respond to vincristine.102 day 7, but a sustained remission of their proteinuria
was not achieved.109
Mercaptopurine The mechanism of action of pefloxacin is unclear.
Mercaptopurine is a potent antimetabolite that inter- Pefloxacin has been reported to increase production of
feres with the immune system by blocking purine metab- interleukin-2 mRNA,105,107,109,110 to decrease inter-
olism. As a result of its immunosuppressive effects, it has leukin-2 receptor concentration,105,109 and to decrease
been used to treat adults with SRNS. We found no stud- interleukin-1 production or release.110 Another mecha-
ies in the pediatric population with mercaptopurine used nism of action may be similar to the fluoroquinolone
to treat SRNS. In a prospective uncontrolled trial, 10 flosequinan, which is a direct vasodilator, thereby
adults with SRNS caused by a variety of underlying dis- reducing glomerular hypertension and proteinuria.110
orders were administered 14 courses of mercaptopurine No controlled trials have been performed with
therapy. One patient (10%) had complete remission but pefloxacin in human subjects to treat SRNS caused by
soon relapsed on withdrawal of the mercaptopurine.104 either MCNS or FSGS. The anecdotal reports present a
Four patients (40%) experienced partial remission, with mixed picture of success and a relatively high incidence
a significant decrease in their proteinuria associated with of side effects. As a result, pefloxacin is not recom-
an increase in serum albumin and a resolution of mended as a first-line therapy for SRNS.
edema.104 Unfortunately, 13 of the 14 (92.8%) courses of
mercaptopurine were complicated by leukopenia, and a
significant number of the patients experienced some Levamisole is an antihelminthic agent that has been
degree of anemia (n = 7), thrombocytopenia (n = 5), found to have immunostimulatory properties. Several
mucosal lesions (n = 5), gastrointestinal symptoms (n = small studies have demonstrated significant antipro-
3), and rashes (n = 1).104 Owing to its high incidence of teinuric effects, as well as steroid-sparing effects in
toxicity, mercaptopurine has not undergone any further frequently relapsing and steroid-responsive nephrotic
study in the treatment of SRNS. syndrome.111-116 Two small uncontrolled trials of le-
vamisole in the treatment of SRNS failed to achieve
Pefloxacin remission in a single patient.115,116 Side effects of le-
Pefloxacin, a fluoroquinolone, has been reported to vamisole include flulike symptoms, an erythematous
successfully decrease proteinuria in SRNS. Pruna et rash, vomiting, neurologic symptoms, and agranulocy-

294 Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001

tosis. Thus, although levamisole may have a role in the spite of therapy, a very large majority of African
treatment of relapses of nephrotic syndrome in patients American children with FSGS will progress to ESRD.
with either steroid-dependent or frequently relapsing
nephrotic syndrome, it does not appear to have a role
in the treatment of SRNS. Complications
Complications of SRNS may be a direct conse-
quence of the disease process itself or the result of
Long-term Follow-up treatment of the underlying process. The most com-
As noted earlier, the outcome of children diagnosed mon complications of nephrotic syndrome include
with SRNS is worse than for those who have a steroid- edema, infections, thromboembolic events, malnutri-
responsive nephrotic syndrome. Most patients with SRNS tion, anemia, endocrine abnormalities, acute renal fail-
have FSGS as their histopathologic condition, and, as ure, hypertension, and impaired growth.
noted previously, the incidence of FSGS has been increas-
ing over the past 20 years. Therefore the following data
presented on the outcome of long-term renal function is Edema formation in nephrotic syndrome may in-
taken from the follow-up of patients with FSGS. volve 2 major mechanisms. The classical “underfill”
The Southwest Pediatric Nephrology Study Group hypothesis states that the massive proteinuria results in
prospectively monitored 75 pediatric patients with hypoalbuminemia and subsequently decreases the
FSGS, most of whom were treated with cortico- intravascular oncotic pressure. As a result of decreased
steroids. After a mean follow-up of 57 months, 21% of intravascular oncotic pressure, fluid moves into the
these patients had development of ESRD, with anoth- interstitial compartment and causes intravascular vol-
er 23% having a decreased glomerular filtration rate by ume depletion. The intravascular hypovolemia signals
calculation using the Schwartz equation.13 An addi- the kidneys through the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
tional 37% of this group of patients had persistent pro- system, which results in tubular retention of both salt
teinuria, and only 11% went into remission.13 A and water.18-20,121,122 This theory may be particularly
Canadian study found similar results in a retrospective appropriate for patients with MCNS and normal renal
review of 38 children with FSGS. In this study, 34% function.19,121,122
had development of ESRD, 11% had development of Alternatively, the “overfill” hypothesis states that
CRF, and 13% continued to have proteinuria or mildly avid retention of both sodium and water by the renal
elevated serum creatinine.117 In this review, 42% tubules occurs, resulting in increased intravascular vol-
achieved remission after a mean of 12.5 years of fol- ume. The increased intravascular hydrostatic pressure
low-up.117 Cumulatively, a review of 12 studies of favors the movement of fluid into the interstitium.
FSGS in 378 children with a mean follow-up of 5.8 Recently, measurements of intravascular blood volume
years collected over 20 years revealed that 71% had no in patients with nephrotic syndrome have found that
response, 3% had a partial response, and 25% had a many are volume expanded.19 As hypoalbuminemia
complete remission in response to initial therapies with develops, both the intravascular and interstitial com-
corticosteroids as outlined by the ISKDC protocol.118 partments experience a decline in their respective
Two studies have examined the influence of race on oncotic pressures, resulting in a constant transcapillary
the prognosis in FSGS. FSGS is more common in oncotic pressure.18,19 As the fluid accumulates in the
African American patients, and these studies demon- interstitium, its hydrostatic pressure increases as a
strated that 32% to 45% of African American or result of the relative noncompliance of this compart-
Hispanic patients had FSGS on kidney biopsy, com- ment.19 The increased interstitial hydrostatic pressure
pared with only 20% to 22% of white patients.119,120 should favor the reabsorption of edema. Lymphatic
Ingulli et al119 found that 78% of their African flow also has been shown to increase up to 90-fold
American and Hispanic population with FSGS pro- above normal, allowing further rapid reabsorption of
gressed to ESRD compared with only 33% of white the interstitial fluid.18 If hypoalbuminemia were the
patients.119 Sorof et al120 found an even worse progno- only factor responsible for the formation of edema,
sis for African American children with FSGS, because then these compensatory mechanisms would be
they had a 5-year actuarial renal survival rate of only expected to promote the clearance of the edema.
8% as opposed to 31% for white patients.120 Thus, in However, the renal tubules appear to develop resist-

Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001 295

ance to atrial natriuretic peptides, resulting in an inabil- ications used to treat nephrotic syndrome are believed
ity to excrete sodium and water.18-20,121 The tubular to increase the patient’s risk of infectious complica-
resistance to atrial natriuretic peptides, combined with a tions, particularly with viruses such as varicella. As a
decreased glomerular filtration rate, filtration fraction, result, live-virus vaccines should not be administered
and glomerular capillary ultrafiltration coefficient, until the patient is receiving <2 mg/kg/day (or <20
results in expansion of the plasma volume with concur- mg/day) on a daily or alternate-day schedule.123a In
rent increased intravascular hydrostatic pressure.19 The those patients receiving >2 mg/kg/day (or >20 mg/day)
increased intravascular hydrostatic pressure overcomes on a daily or alternate-day schedule, live-virus vacci-
the increasing interstitial hydrostatic pressure, resulting nations should be avoided until 2 to 4 weeks after the
in the net movement of fluid into the interstitial com- discontinuation of corticosteroids.123a
partment. The expanded plasma volume also suppresses
the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
Thromboembolic Events
These two theories should not be thought of as mutu- Although thromboembolic complications occur less
ally exclusive. Given the variety of primary and sec- commonly in pediatric than in adult patients with
ondary disorders that can cause nephrotic syndrome, it nephrotic syndrome, they still constitute a serious and
is reasonable to assume that different mechanisms of potentially life-threatening complication. The overall
edema formation may predominate in a particular case. incidence of thromboembolic events in children with
nephrotic syndrome has been reported to be 3.3%, with
Infections a range of 2%36 to 28%.124 This is in sharp contrast
Infections represent one of the most serious complica- from adults who have a nearly 20% to 50% risk of
tions of nephrotic syndrome. In the past, infections were thromboembolic events after the exclusion of renal
the leading cause of morbidity and death in patients with vein thromboses.19,20 In children with nephrotic syn-
nephrotic syndrome. Before 1948, as many as 75.1% of drome, nearly 20% of the thromboembolic events are
children with nephrotic syndrome had development of a arterial in nature, and the risk of a thromboembolic
serious infection, with a mortality rate of 59.6% (range event in a patient with SRNS is twice that of a patient
26.3% to 82.1%).123 Infection continues to be a problem with steroid-responsive nephrotic syndrome.36 The
in patients with nephrotic syndrome, with 70% of the most commonly involved vessels are the deep veins of
deaths associated with nephrotic syndrome caused by the legs, followed by the inferior vena cava, with other
infections, and 50% of these being peritonitis.17 reported episodes of vascular thrombosis occurring in
Peritonitis should be suspected in those patients with the renal veins, superior vena cava, the mesenteric
complaints of abdominal pain, tenderness, fever, and artery, hepatic veins, and middle cerebral arter-
leukocytosis.7 Edematous skin may become a potential ies.19,36,124 A study in 16 children with steroid-respon-
site of cellulitis when skin breakdown occurs as a result sive MCNS by use of ventilation/perfusion scans
of the decreased tissue perfusion.19 found a 28% incidence of changes consistent with a
Increased susceptibility to infections is related to the pulmonary embolus, with 38% showing residual changes
proteinuria of nephrotic syndrome and possibly is due and 35% with normal findings.125
to the immunosuppressive medications used to treat it. Multiple abnormalities in the coagulation pathway
One mechanism for increased susceptibility is the arise as a consequence of nephrotic syndrome. These
hypogammaglobulinemia in nephrotic syndrome changes put the patients at risk for thromboembolic
caused by IgG being lost in the urine.7,18,19 In addition, events (Table 4). Procoagulant serum proteins, including
patients with nephrotic syndrome have diminished factors I, II, V, VII, VIII, X, and XIII, are increased as a
opsonization of bacteria as a result of decreased serum result of increased hepatic synthesis.7,17,20,124 Decreased
levels of factors B (C3 proactivator) and D necessary serum levels of the anticoagulant proteins, specifically
for the alternative complement pathway.7,19 This antithrombin III, is a direct result of proteinuria.7,18-20
results in a particular susceptibility of patients with Antithrombin III levels are lowest when the serum albu-
nephrotic syndrome to infections by Streptococcus min level is less than 2.0 g/dL. Theoretically, low-dose
pneumoniae. Although patients with nephrotic syn- aspirin therapy should compensate for the low
drome should receive the pneumococcal vaccine, up to antithrombin III levels, although controlled trials of
50% of children will have inadequate titers 1 year after aspirin therapy in nephrotic syndrome have not been
vaccination.7,19 Finally, the immunosuppressive med- performed. Paradoxically, the anticoagulant proteins S

296 Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001

TABLE 4. Factors responsible for thromboembolic events in nephrotic syndrome
Proposed mechanisms Altered substance Comments
Increased procoagulant proteins7,17,20,124 Factors I, II, V, VII, VIII, X, and XIII increased Increased because of increased hepatic
Decreased anticoagulant proteins7,18-20 Antithrombin III decreased Greatest when serum albumin < 2.0 g/dL
Protein S & C increased, though functionally Increased protein S and C binding pro-
deficient teins further decrease free levels
Altered platelet function7,17,19,20,124 Normal or increased platelet number Increased aggregation in response to colla-
Increased platelet reactivity gen, ADP, thrombin, arachidonic acid, and
epinephrine believed to be due to
increased thromboxane production
Hyperviscosity17,19,36 Volume depletion Caused by volume depletion as a result of
Hyperfibrinogenemia diuretics, and hyperfibrinogenemia

and C levels are increased in the serum in spite of their some patients with nephrotic syndrome, erythropoietin
urinary loss. However, these anticoagulants are func- is lost in the urine,18,127 resulting in low plasma levels.
tionally deficient because binding proteins for both pro- During a relapse of nephrotic syndrome, erythropoi-
tein S and protein C are increased as a result of etin is markedly reduced in both plasma level and plas-
increased hepatic synthesis and are not lost in the urine ma half-life associated with an increase in urinary
because of their large molecular weights.18,19 As a result, excretion and clearance.127 These factors combine to
the free levels of these proteins are decreased.18,19 create an erythropoietin-deficient anemia that is best
Platelets are dysfunctional in nephrotic syndrome and treated with achieving remission of the nephrotic syn-
are often increased in number. Increased platelet hyper- drome.127
aggregability in response to collagen, adenosine diphos- In addition to erythropoietin deficiency, patients with
phate, thrombin, arachidonic acid, and epineph- nephrotic syndrome lose transferrin into the urine.18,127
rine7,17,19,20,124 appears to be due to increased platelet Transferrin is a glycoprotein of intermediate size that
synthesis of thromboxane in response to the hypoalbu- is synthesized predominantly by the liver, which is
minemia.7 Finally, the risks of thromboembolism in responsible for transporting ferric iron atoms to ery-
nephrotic syndrome are increased by hyperviscosity of throid precursors. In a relapse of the nephrotic syn-
the blood caused by hyperfibrinogenemia, as well as drome, it is lost through the nephrotic glomeruli.127
intravascular volume depletion resulting from inappro- Because transferrin binds 2 ferric iron atoms, urinary
priate use of diuretics.17,19,36 excretion of transferrin also results in iron deficiency.
Thus patients with nephrotic syndrome can have devel-
Malnutrition opment of iron deficiency anemia that can be treated
Because of proteinuria and increased protein catabo- by both achieving remission of the nephrotic syndrome
lism, children with the nephrotic syndrome are in a and replacing the iron stores. A theoretical complica-
state of negative nitrogen balance when they relapse. tion of transferrinuria involves iron dissociation in the
Although increasing dietary protein transiently in- proximal tubular lumen. Free iron can generate free
creases the serum total proteins, it also increases albu- radicals in the tubular lumen and thus contribute to
minuria and albumin catabolism.18 Protein restriction, renal injury. Via this pathway, transferrinuria may lead
however, does not allow the patient with nephrotic syn- to further tubulointerstitial injury and promote pro-
drome to reach either a neutral or positive nitrogen bal- gression of the renal disease.127
ance. Therefore protein intake of approximately 130%
to 140% of the recommended daily allowance for
Endocrine Abnormalities
stature has been recommended.126 Many intermediate-sized binding proteins are lost in
the urine during relapses of nephrotic syndrome. As a
Anemia result, metabolism of certain hormonal and mineral
Nephrotic syndrome affects hematopoiesis by affect- pathways may be disturbed.
ing serum levels of erythropoietin and transferrin. Of the hormonal disturbances seen in the nephrotic
Erythropoietin is a glycoprotein of intermediate mo- syndrome, the most obvious is the disturbance of the
lecular weight that is synthesized by the kidneys. In calcium and vitamin D axis. Hypocalcemia has long

Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001 297

been attributed to the hypoalbuminemia of the Acute Kidney Failure
nephrotic syndrome. However, the hypocalcemia Acute kidney failure may complicate the manage-
may represent a disturbance of vitamin D metabo- ment of the patient with nephrotic syndrome. Many of
lism in a subset of patients with nephrotic syndrome the patients in whom acute kidney failure develops are
who demonstrate hypocalcemia out of proportion to diagnosed with anasarca, massive proteinuria, and
the hypoalbuminemia. Vitamin D–binding protein, oliguria.7,19 It is commonly believed that the cause of
which is an intermediate-sized protein, is easily fil- acute kidney failure is hypovolemia or overdiuresis,
tered by nephrotic glomeruli.19 The 25-hydroxy- leading to diminished renal perfusion and acute tubu-
cholecalciferol [25-(OH)D3] circulates complexed lar necrosis.17 However, some patients with nephrotic
with vitamin D–binding protein and thus appears in syndrome have a low fractional excretion of sodium,
the urine as well.19 In addition to the urinary loss of which does not support volume depletion as the cause
25-(OH)D3 associated with vitamin D–binding pro- of acute renal failure in these patients.7 It has been pos-
tein, serum levels of total 1,25-dihydroxycholecal- tulated that acute kidney failure is the result of inter-
ciferol [1,25-(OH)D3] are decreased in some patients stitial edema, which may be visible on percutaneous
with nephrotic syndrome.7,17,19 The clinical impor- biopsy specimens in the absence of acute tubular
tance of the diminished levels of 1,25-(OH)D3 necrosis.7,19 Often, these patients have recovery of
remains uncertain because few patients have devel- their renal function after diuresis induced by either
opment of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Thus the aggressive diuretic therapy or hemodialysis.7,19
replacement of vitamin D is only recommended for
those patients with persistent hypocalcemia, evi-
dence of secondary hyperparathyroidism, or those in Significant hypertension increasingly is being recog-
whom CRF develops.19 nized as a complication of nephrotic syndrome.
In addition to urinary loss of vitamin D–binding pro- Although hypertension has been considered to be a
tein, nephrotic syndrome also results in urinary losses of side effect of corticosteroid therapy, approximately
both thyroxin-binding globulin and corticosteroid-bind- 20% of children with nephrotic syndrome continue to
ing globulin.7,19 In spite of urinary losses of these two have hypertension in spite of being in clinical remis-
binding proteins, symptomatic hypothyroidism and sion.19 The cause of hypertension may be related to
hypocortisolism are not seen. Although some patients impaired sodium hemostasis, resulting in sodium
with nephrotic syndrome will have low total T4 and T3 retention and hypervolemia as outlined previously in
levels, free T4 and thyroid-stimulating hormone levels the discussion regarding edema formation. An addi-
are normal, and thus the patients are considered to have tional cause may be urinary loss of an antihypertensive
normally functioning thyroid glands.7,19 Similarly, agent, such as nitric oxide that circulates bound to
patients with nephrotic syndrome have decreased total albumin, as a possible mechanism.19 Regardless of the
serum 17-hydroxycorticosteroids, although the percent- cause, sustained hypertension should be treated, with
age of unbound cortisol is increased and thus the either the ACE inhibitors or diuretics being the pre-
patients do not have hypocortisolemia.19 ferred long-term agents of choice.126
Both zinc and copper deficiencies occur in relapsing
patients with nephrotic syndrome. Urinary loss of
Impaired Growth
ceruloplasmin in nephrotic syndrome results in low Impaired body growth of children with nephrotic
levels of blood copper, as well as decreased red blood syndrome has long been assumed to be due to a com-
cell copper levels.19 Zinc levels also are diminished in bination of corticosteroid therapy, persistent protein-
patients with nephrotic syndrome because zinc nor- uria and malnutrition, and chronic renal insufficiency.
mally is bound to serum albumin. As a result of albu- Although corticosteroids antagonize the effects of
minuria associated with the nephrotic syndrome, endogenous growth hormone,7 studies have shown that
reports have demonstrated a decrease in blood zinc and with remission of nephrotic syndrome, partial catch-up
an increase in urine zinc levels, respectively.19 The growth occurs.128,129 Prepubertal children have better
associated zinc deficiency may have a role in the final heights than children treated with corticosteroids
growth retardation, ineffective immune responses, and during puberty.128 Prepubertal children without renal
delayed wound healing that have been described in insufficiency experience a decrease in their height veloc-
pediatric patients with nephrotic syndrome.19 ity during relapses and treatments with corticosteroids,

298 Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001

TABLE 5. Known heritable forms of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
Disease Histopathologic study Inheritance pattern Gene locus Gene product
CNF Minimal Change Autosomal Recessive 19q13.1 Nephrin (NPHS1)
Familial FSGS Focal Segmental Autosomal Recessive 1q25-31 Podocin (NPHS2)
Familial FSGS Focal Segmental Autosomal Dominant 19q13 Alpha-actinin 4 (ACTN4)
Familial FSGS Focal Segmental Autosomal Dominant 11q21-q22 Unknown
Denys-Drash syndrome Diffuse Mesangial Sporadic 11p13, exons 8 & 9 Wilms tumor gene (WT1)
Frasier syndrome Focal and Segmental Unknown 11p13, intron 9 Wilms tumor gene (WT1)

followed by partial catch-up growth after discontinua- Order Mennonites in Pennsylvania, who have an
tion of the steroids during puberty.128 It has been unusually high incidence of 1:500 live births.131 The
reported that the mean serum albumin concentrations natural course of CNF is that it progresses rapidly to
correlated with the improvement in height.128 Finally, ESRD, and death by the second year of life used to be
those patients with development of ESRD have the the inevitable outcome. Now, bilateral nephrectomy,
greatest impairment of their final height.128 Thus, the optimal nutrition, renal replacement therapy, and kid-
final height in children with nephrotic syndrome may ney transplantation are life-saving.
be determined by the cumulative dose of cortico- Recently, the gene responsible for CNF has been
steroids, the administration of corticosteroids during localized to chromosome 19q13.1.130 The gene,
the prepubertal versus the pubertal period, the preser- NPHS1, codes for the 1241–amino acid protein
vation of renal function, and the degree of hypoalbu- nephrin, a member of the immunoglobulin superfami-
minemia. ly.130 Nephrin has been localized in the kidneys to the
podocytes, specifically in the slit diaphragms.132,133
Nephrin’s function remains elusive, although recent in
Genetic Forms of SRNS situ staining for nephrin mRNA and the gene product
Although most cases of nephrotic syndrome are spo- shows diminution in animal models of MGN,134 as
radic, familial cases have been reported. Recent well as in human beings with MCNS, FSGS, and
advances in genetics and molecular biology have identi- MGN.135 In a murine model, those homozygous for
fied the genes responsible for several heritable forms of inactivated NPHS1 had development of a congenital
SRNS. Histologically, these inherited forms of nephrot- nephrotic syndrome and died within 24 hours of birth
ic syndrome demonstrate either MCNS, FSGS, or dif- with massive proteinuria.136 These data suggest a piv-
fuse mesangial sclerosis. These recently identified genes otal role for the podocyte, as well as the slit
and their respective gene products have shed light on the diaphragm, in the development of nephrotic syndrome.
roles of the podocyte and the glomerular filtration barri-
er in the development of nephrotic syndrome (Table 5).
Autosomal Recessive SRNS (NPHS2)
A familial SRNS has been described that is charac-
Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome of the Finnish terized by an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern.
Type (NPHS1) These patients also are characterized by steroid resis-
Congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish Type tance, onset between the ages of 3 months and 5 years,
(CNF) is a steroid-resistant form of nephrotic syn- absence of extrarenal disorders, and either MCNS or
drome characterized by massive proteinuria, hypoalbu- FSGS on the biopsy specimen.137
minemia, and edema that develop shortly after birth. With the genetic technique of positional cloning, the
CNF is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder gene responsible for autosomal recessive SRNS has
with an incidence of 1:10,000 live births in Finland.130 been identified as NPHS2 and has been localized to
CNF occurs in other ethnic groups, although at a chromosome 1q25-q31.137 NPHS2 codes for a
markedly lower incidence, with the exception of Old 383–amino acid protein named podocin.137 Podocin is

Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001 299

expressed by podocytes and appears to be an integral Drash syndrome is elevated, as is the risk for bilateral
membrane protein of unknown function.137 Mutations tumors.140 Finally, nephrotic syndrome commonly
in NPHS2 may be responsible for sporadic cases of develops in the first year of life and histopathologically
steroid-resistant FSGS in children. is characterized by diffuse mesangial sclerosis.140,141
Denys-Drash syndrome now is known to result from
Autosomal Dominant SRNS (Alpha-actinin-4) mutations in the Wilms’ tumor suppressor gene
A second form of familial SRNS with an autosomal WT1.140-145 WT1 localizes to chromosome 11p13 and is
dominant inheritance pattern has been reported. These encoded for by 10 exons, resulting in messenger RNA
patients are characterized by an onset in adulthood, pro- subject to alternative splicing.142,146 The final gene
teinuria, progressive renal insufficiency, and focal seg- product is a complex protein containing 4 zinc finger
mental glomerulosclerosis on histopathologic study.138 motifs, suggesting a role as a transcription factor.142 The
The identified candidate gene, ACTN4, had been affected region responsible for Denys-Drash syndrome
localized to chromosome 19q13, the same region as the lies in exon 9. Missense mutations within exon 9
gene NPHS1.138 ACTN4 codes for alpha-actinin-4, an account for the majority of WT1 mutations identified in
actin-binding and cross-linking protein, found in the Denys-Drash syndrome.143 These mutations interrupt
podocyte.138 Alpha-actinin-4 is believed to be involved the DNA binding capacity of WT1 in vitro by affecting
in maintaining podocyte foot process architecture the amino acids responsible for the stability of the DNA
through its presumed interactions with numerous binding capacity of the zinc fingers.140 WT1 expression
cytoskeletal, cell-surface, and signaling molecules.138 occurs within the developing kidneys in utero, eventual-
ly localizing to the podocytes.143 Thus mutations within
Autosomal Dominant Focal Segmental exon 9 of WT1 produce this form of nephropathy,
Glomerulosclerosis although the mechanism remains unknown.
A second gene locus for autosomal dominant FSGS
has been identified in a large kindred from New
Frasier Syndrome
Zealand. Affected individuals were diagnosed in the Frasier syndrome is characterized also by male
third to fourth decades of life with proteinuria. In those pseudohermaphroditism and nephropathy, although
patients who progressed to ESRD, the average time Wilms’ tumors do not develop in affected children.
between initial presentation and the development of Instead, affected children often have development of
ESRD was 10 years.139 gonadoblastomas.140,141,147 In children affected by
Using linkage analysis, the gene responsible for this Frasier syndrome, the onset of kidney disease is usual-
familial form of autosomal dominant FSGS was local- ly during the second decade, and the progression to
ized to chromosome 11q21-q22.139 The affected gene end-stage kidney failure is more gradual when com-
is currently unknown, although several candidate pared with those children with Denys-Drash syn-
genes for metalloproteinases, the interleukin-10 recep- drome. In Frasier syndrome, the renal histopathologic
tor, and apoptosis genes 1 and 2 are known to lie in this condition is FSGS.140,141,147 In a recent study of non-
region.139 Of particular interest from this report is that familial primary SRNS, only 1 of 37 patients was
a second, large kindred of patients from North found to have the genetic abnormality associated with
Carolina with autosomal dominant FSGS was segre- Frasier syndrome.147 This suggests that undetected
gated with neither this gene locus nor ACTN4.139 Frasier syndrome is unlikely to cause the development
of FSGS.
Denys-Drash Syndrome Frasier syndrome also is associated with mutations
An additional form of childhood SRNS occurs in in the WT1 gene, but mutations specifically occur in
Denys-Drash syndrome. Denys-Drash syndrome con- intron 9.140,141,144,145 Mutations in the splice-site in
sists of the triad of male pseudohermaphroditism, the intron 9 result in either the presence or absence of
development of Wilms’ tumor, and nephrotic syn- three amino acids, lysine-threonine-serine (KTS),
drome.140,141 Affected children may have a wide variety between zinc fingers numbers 3 and 4. Mutations
of genital abnormalities, ranging from normal genitalia result in the loss of the splice-site and thus decrease the
in patients with 46 XX to ambiguous genitalia or production of KTS-positive transcripts, whereas the
pseudohermaphroditism in patients with 46 XY.140 The wild-type allele continues to produce both KTS-posi-
incidence of Wilms’ tumor in children with Denys- tive and -negative transcripts.142 The altered ratio of

300 Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001

TABLE 6. Recurrence rates of FSGS in renal allografts, and risk of allograft loss because of recurrence
Recurrence Recurrence
No. of patients/ Patients Grafts Immunosuppression Grafts lost to FSGS
Authors/Year no. of grafts No./% No./% regimen No./%
Striegel et al148 24/37 12/50% 16/43% P/Aza/ALG; P/Aza/CSA; 14/88%
Senggutuvan et al149 16/27 (children) 8/50% 10/37% P/Aza; P/CSA; P/Aza/CSA 6/60%
27/32 (adolescents & adults) 3/11% 3/9% P/Aza; P/CSA; P/Aza/CSA 3/100%
Ingulli et al150 28/42 6/21% 6/15% P/Aza; P/CSA 4/67%
Tejani et al151 127/132 26/20% 27/20% Not reported 10/37%
Wühl et al152 39/48 (included ages 4 to 12/31% 14/29% P/Aza/ATG or OKT3; Not reported
25 years old) P/Aza/CSA/ATG or OKT3
Dall’Amico et al153 29/32 15/52% 18/56% P/CSA; P/CSA/Aza; 10/56%
Butani et al154 20/27 8/40% 8/30% Not reported 3/38%
Kim et al155 22/22 9/41% 9/41% P/CSA; P/CSA/Aza 2/22%
P, Prednisone; Aza, azathioprine; ALG, antilymphocyte globulin; CSA, cyclosporine; ATG, antithymocyte globulin; OKT3, orthoclone; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil.

KTS-positive to KTS-negative transcripts appears to optimal treatment for it. The most commonly reported
play a role in the regulation of transcription142,147 and risk factors for recurrence of FSGS in the allograft
in the development of Frasier syndrome. In patients include the following: (1) a young age at the original
with Frasier syndrome, the ratio of KTS-positive to onset of nephrotic syndrome; (2) a short time between
KTS-negative isoforms is reversed from the normal onset of the original disease and development of
2:1 to 1:2.140,147 Because the WT1 gene product that is ESRD; (3) mesangial proliferation on the original
produced is normal structurally, the manifestations of biopsy specimen; and (4) recurrence of FSGS in a
Frasier syndrome result from the altered ratio of KTS- prior allograft. However, these risk factors are not con-
positive to KTS-negative isoforms.140 As in Denys- sistent from study to study. Several studies have
Drash syndrome, the exact mechanism in the develop- demonstrated that the risk of recurrence of FSGS in
ment of nephrotic syndrome from the altered ratio of allografts is greater in children with an older age of
KTS-positive and KTS-negative isoforms is not onset (between 6 to 10 years) of their primary dis-
known. ease.149,152,153,156 However, other studies have con-
cluded that the risk of recurrence is greater in those
children with an age of onset of FSGS of less than 6
Recurrence of Nephrotic Syndrome years of age.149 The data regarding duration of disease
After Transplantation before the development of ESRD similarly shows
In those patients who progress to ESRD, kidney trans- mixed results. The majority of retrospective reviews
plantation is the desired renal replacement modality. have demonstrated the increased risk for recurrence of
Unfortunately, several of the glomerulonephritides may FSGS in patients with a short duration of disease from
recur in the allograft, thus presenting with the develop- presentation until the development of ESRD.148,151-
ment of proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome. In many 153,155,156 However, a large retrospective study of pedi-

cases, the recurrence of proteinuria or nephrotic syn- atric patients with FSGS failed to predict recurrence of
drome is often steroid resistant. Thus treatment of the disease on the basis of time to ESRD.149 The presence
recurrence presents a dilemma for the clinician. of mesangial proliferation on the original biopsy sam-
FSGS can recur in the allograft, presenting with ple has been shown to increase the risk of recurrence
either proteinuria or the nephrotic syndrome. Although of FSGS in the renal allograft.148,149 However, other
the pathogenesis of FSGS remains unknown, the recur- studies have not confirmed this finding.151,155 Finally,
rent proteinuria may be related to a circulating perme- subsequent allografts after loss of a previous graft to
ability factor.90 The reported risk of recurrence of FSGS have an increased risk of FSGS recur-
FSGS in the renal allograft ranges from 15% to 56%, rence.148,149,152,153
with graft loss occurring in 37% to 88% of cases Additional risk factors for recurrence of FSGS in the
(Table 6). Numerous reviews have sought to identify renal allograft have been described. Acute renal failure
risk factors for recurrence of FSGS, as well as the and acute tubular necrosis, combined with recurrence

Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001 301

of FSGS, have been shown to increase the risk of los- of the proteinuria took a mean of 24 ± 17 sessions last-
ing the allograft.148,157 The impact of a living donor ing a mean of 150 ± 88 days to accomplish.161
allograft compared with cadaveric donor allograft on Recurrence of proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome not
FSGS recurrence has been evaluated. Several studies resulting from acute cellular rejection also has been report-
have shown recurrence rates for FSGS of 50% to 67% ed in patients who underwent transplantation for CNF.
in living donor allografts compared with 19% to 25% Treatment protocols have used increased prednisone and
in cadaveric donor allografts.151,154 This has led some cyclosporine doses, as well as switching from azathioprine
pediatric nephrologists to recommend not performing to cyclophosphamide.162 In 1993 a Finnish group report-
living donor transplantation in patients with FSGS. A ed on 29 kidney transplantations performed in 28 patients
single study found that hereditary FSGS does not with CNF and found a recurrence risk of nephrotic syn-
recur, as opposed to an increased risk of recurrence in drome in 7 grafts (24%) in 6 (21%) patients.163 Overall
the patients with sporadic disease.158 Unfortunately, response to therapy was poor, with only 2 patients (33%)
this study occurred before the various genetic forms of going into complete remission, 1 patient (16%) going into
SRNS were identified, and thus the authors were not partial remission, and 4 grafts (57%) being lost.163 This
able to identify the recurrence risk associated with group found little response to intravenous methylpred-
each of the individual genetic defects. nisolone and oral cyclophosphamide.163 Finally, the North
Race also has been identified as a risk factor for the American Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study
development of recurrent FSGS in renal allografts. reviewed 132 transplant recipients whose ESRD was due
The recurrence risk for FSGS is 10% in African to CNF. They found 43 graft failures (33%) in this popu-
American transplant recipients,151,154 compared with lation, which was statistically greater than the graft failure
20% in white and Hispanic patients.151 Recently, a rate (24%) for the patients with other primary kidney dis-
study of the recurrence of FSGS in a homogeneous eases.164 Proportional hazards regression analyses
Korean population revealed a rate of 41%,155 which is revealed that risk factors for graft loss included a cadaver-
twice the recurrence risk in either white or Hispanic ic source of the allograft and a recipient age less than 2
patients.154 years of age.164 The leading cause of graft failure in the
Treatment of recurrent FSGS has not undergone con- recipients with congenital nephrotic syndrome was vascu-
trolled trials and is based on the belief that there may lar thrombosis, occurring in 8.3% of patients with con-
be a circulating permeability factor that causes the genital nephrotic syndrome compared with 2.9% of other
recurrence of proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome in recipients.164 Unfortunately, the North American Pediatric
allografts. Cochat et al159 described the use of plasma- Renal Transplant Cooperative Study addressed graft sur-
pheresis followed by treatment with intravenous vival but did not evaluate the recurrence of nephrotic syn-
immunoglobulins, methylprednisolone, and the substi- drome nor its response to therapy.
tution of cyclophosphamide for azathioprine immuno-
suppression to treat the recurrence of FSGS in 3
patients. Plasmapheresis was begun with 10 sessions Conclusions
over 2 weeks, with no more than 2 days in between Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome is a relatively
sessions, followed by 1 session per week for 2 uncommon kidney disease in children, comprising
months.159 Azathioprine was discontinued, and each approximately 20% of children diagnosed with nephrot-
patient began to receive cyclophosphamide at a dose of ic syndrome. Of these, most will have FSGS on biopsy,
2 mg/kg/d for 2 months.159 All 3 patients experienced with a slightly smaller number having MCNS. Although
improvement in their serum creatinine, as well as res- numerous treatment regimens have been used, approxi-
olution of their proteinuria.159 Other nonrandomized mately 70% of children with FSGS are nonresponsive to
uncontrolled studies have applied variations of this corticosteroids, and no other treatment regimen has been
protocol, such as adding methylprednisolone,160 dis- found that adequately treats SRNS and FSGS. Because
continuing mycophenolate mofetil and beginning of the lack of effective treatment and the poor prognosis
cyclophosphamide,153 or increasing the dosage and the with progression to CRI and ESRD, SRNS represents a
target trough levels of cyclosporine.150 These studies significant therapeutic dilemma for pediatricians and
demonstrated clinical improvement in the proteinuria, pediatric nephrologists.
as well as recovery of renal function in most patients. SRNS caused by FSGS represents a heterogeneous
However, one retrospective study found that resolution group of disorders, and this diversity may explain its

302 Curr Probl Pediatr, October 2001

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