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t .

CHJ4.'PTB._:l. XX,XIJf


_,oharap 18 0'

, '


" It will' be seen ,that in the preparation of a horc

,laDet"Joy pos·tions will be fi.ed in the'ir respectif.c-lon i, Theyar, 1h«e aDd tbey wUl cOlltiu'lle tf' be 6,:led." Bu 'is ~D SlOp, Ie Q-t'plalletary movements., Pl~QCtts take v , · pe,riods rDI .. eving f,!om one , si. n to,loQthaI. · ·Such me ,'$ ,IV_' tiae to the ti-ul~ti ,11 ofradj~u\Ve dislBt w ichl 0 Ii IIi.,. on the iD~~Q,,1 ',an.. pred.u(tI

'Dhyi~al c.l'laD.esin his character aDd disps"don. 'Oalc_

'm ': It be m, de Dot Gnly is r.ep,d to tb ' · Dasas 'and :

tulia. at ·:n, partie ".1." ,period but also due cODsid ' should be bestowed 0 .", ""ults of Uan'sits C1, Goehara mCII\S' of: ,laue.ts.' Gocba,' a.~bles 'Us t(), pre 'jet tb'" ",

of tbe current period. I ,

" . In px:eciieti',11 QOQhata resu,lts; tile MooQ' and ~he

cOBstellatieD play' a,pro.min,IP',t part, Mark Ule < ,'osid

.tb~' M~Dat the ~jDJ~.of bir~h. , ,T.h~ s.I~, in .rhieb. tbe MOOD " placed, IS calle~. the Jaoma Rasi.

The 'TN!J.naiting of the Sun in the J2RasJs1rom R.

'Mo(J~.- When the Sun traverse_tbroulh the Basi, oeeu the Moon, ,be person s\1fJ"ers from loss of walth, 10 prestige, sickness and will have many ebstaeles and' ah travels, W'en, be transits ill tbe 2nd house, there will b

. I

of wealtb" be will suffer deceit, be w~U have fu.ll of fin

woaies~ In the ltd bouse, there will be ad,vent or m

- f ,

bappineS~, ,relief from· diseases, recogni:ti0D from sup




, ,

hOBODrs and eOiur.,e. In. the 4fh iloose, there wUI be'diM's-s I, c,onstant attacks from, oppo,~cnts, DO peace of mlad, Pteslur. frem eredltera, and .r~()w and mis~rl'. ,'The' SUR tr'aDsid,. the Stb wi.11. cause mental agi..ta.tioD,' ;ll-b,ealtl1,· embar-:~a,ssmc:Dt .

• - - I

and acidents. The Sun in the, 6th ~ivs dse to ,rel,ease .".Qm, '

scrrows, wo,rriesnd troubles .. destruction of eaemies ..... 1I.» "

~ I I "!!_j.. r

p,ac:e ()r,mind.T~e Su'~ transitinl tb 7tJi,' produces' w,ati ...

seme 'IraveUiuI, colj'e and anal trouble.,,' bu'. ili,tioll _",sie);n¢.ss. _ In.'ii' Sell, Sua's PJ'o,gre5s, Ih~es rise ,to qUE'" '~- ~·flL rJiiends, diseases, fljgh bldoCJ pressure, r()yal and otic "


di~··leasurec'., " T'hc, ·S'uo·s ·ttansl' in the '·t,h bous·e: weill eau e -,0 "

'Ihe "a,ti'9c' daqpr.j ~btIlDiImti.,~. depeDde8ey,~ disap,oinUD ,Dt , .

t .

ad: s· 'pa~at'ieti .. , ' One will aecompfisl, his fJeSire' ,·al.1d· : pl,D','.

'd'd .. tteees5,wUl attend OR ,allldnds '01 DDae~taloBgs whee thct ': ••. ,.,'* ,],;01. 'Is the J l~lb, tile 'p'assage of' t, -';C7" SU'D W ~

, .

c " ' ,J' on a. " rs ,uboDoar,. beattll, wealth,and success. ',,' II

Ih, Sun, " -,brouan the' 12t_ '_ausB, there .,itJ tie ,setro"

'crabo.'", a, _ituation which causes' loss toevel.\\Y.thin-,

quarrels BAd .ill-heal t, . ' :

. ,

'l~ must' be Doted tbat when passin ,fhrough 'th.'fir, -, 10

delre," 'o,r a sigri: Mars ana the SUD' produce l'esults. ,Of the diff.rcnt pta,Dcns, the(]och~ra results of the slaw movi '. plaMts, Illpiter and Batul'll, are eld to 6e the most p0wer(ut 1'"o,e trio-Dlli.,1 't'esu,lt.s may'~ be _,seert'ained ft,o'm S,lIcurD,' the

yearly!', ffects Irom Jupiter, tb(" DloDtblyra-sults 'fram other

planeU' aD,d the'dail, Inffuences from the MOOD. '

- '.e shall first enumerate tile likely results t'hatare supposed, to aeerue 08 account of tra'D~tB of the different planets in the, ditfeRn~~t sisn 8 from tbe" Moon and thea , desenibe' the special rulesgovernlng Gochara. When the Moon transits the sign ;

- ....

occupietl by her at tbe time of birth 0f a person, the native will

get excellent food. bid and clothes, Wbeathe MOOD' P sses through tbe ,2nd house, loss of respect and o.f ~,' oDey' and

. ~






, I



respectively. To be more explicit witli refCreuco to ,tlie SUD,

if be traDsit' the ,II tli.. the Vedhasthan,a (ostrQcliDlt paint) will be the 5th; if, be transits the 3rd, the Veda8thana will be

, _.

the 9th ; jf he tranl~ts tae lOtli; the Vedhasthana will be tho

12th. Suppose the SUD is fIt the 11 th ; aceordiAg'to Geebara, the n salts will be honogr and .health, wealth and success.'. These goo,d effects are produced only when the 5th fa House 1/>fVedha) ,is not simultarleouslY transited by, any other planet excepting Satum ; converselx" If the Sun is tB tbe St~ in the,

'course oj 00:chara, no evil wJlfbe,prodoced provided the Hth

is being tra~sitea at the 'same time by any' othee planet" excepting Saturn. Similarly the Vedhasthana;s mutt ,be, con ... sidered ror all the planets and then the results pre~ieted.

The fallowing arc the Yedllan"-tl;J for the dilfcrent planets, The figures in the n,o,miDator~jndicate the signs counted. from

t;L. 'k' th "'6 . b .,. th L hi h h

neeir ~ .', ~YJ.oo'n W' en, passmg ~. rough W.IC' to respective

planets produce 80ed results" Deaominator figures :indica te Vedlu111kas. Take for instance Mars. The"neminator figure 3 indicates that Mars traO$itia! the 3td' gives rise to geod eq'eet~ ~~:rl1e denominator H,gure I~, just below 3, is the'Vedha point. ,~A1ty planet transiting this Vedha pJnt. when Mar, i In the 3r6", depriye~,Mars from causing good effec:ts. It must

, '

be noted that no Veaha occurs between the SUD and Saturn,

and the Mooll and ,Merc\1r~. 'fbe denominator figure I,ivcn below &;adl Dominator figure is theVetfhanka (point of

obstru.~tioll) for it. '

. ' 1.1~,3·~.l()'- 6

SUD: "5-9-'4-12

'1~ 1 ~ 6~11-.-·10 ..... ,3

Moon:· -

2-S~12-- '8~ 4~~9

3-11~6, ~

Mar's .:'

1'2- S'~9'

2-4,~6~ 8----10~11

,teury: S 1

.'-r3,-91""._-( 7-12


Gochllrapllala or :Results o,r' Trlalsits




, f '

obstacles intbe wI!' o£s\lcces,s, ar, , to, be, wedicted.. 'In the

, ._, . • I - L I ' • ~ ". . ,~,

3r.d 'ii-puse., tbe n.ativ:e' gets 'GIQtb:es, 'p easure l'r'ODl' WI,::" ,an~

fin ance ; in the 4th, he becomes mentally uneasy; in t~e StB~ , 8ufius Crom humility, ill .. bQaltn" pain of. mind' and other, obsiacles '; iti the 6th, tRloys wealth, neal_tli~ c'omfo,lt, redemption from enemies; 7ttl bouse, eonveyanees, IQOa fooclaftd


, fiDan~ial equillbriu;m, Tb~ M.ool1 transiting the 8t& prQduc, 'S

misery, ill"',hnlth and fear 'rom unexpected sources ; 'in t"he'9tb fl'Qmberselr, pain 0,' mind,' cliest pain,fltigu' of, body and

" ,

.' the like arecaused, When tb. MooJl passes tbroagb the 10th

bou~, success will attend ia nery sphere of activity; in tile


11 ~h house, rhe pl~son wiJ I enjoy p~ospetit,y, will lot Iwealtll

and aew "rie,nds ; ,wilen the M(U)B transits through tbe 12th

! I II I

sian.,' b~ snffers fllam' a;aeidclftaaud inj aries. :'

It ',Ola, he remarked in passinl that ludesl: (jechara j

~ I . I

cbmbined with' A;sHtakavaral, results cannot be"rcdict:ed wi

B:p~reciable '"courseY. 'SBPIt:l~ the M,soo ':is tf-enSiling, th siSp occupied by h~r at birth. ·Tbe Mo.oll p'r0duce~ ""nefici .'.

results provided the benefit: dots there areabove 4. 'If' th ' "


, alie b)elow 4, then the MOOD oan1liot eertainly dQ as much 100

as is .scribed tD her. ,Phine s ptroduce good;,bad or i~-differ , results diuinS tbeir transits .t aDiY ,P'tticulal7 lJ10tnell,t, ,

, '

aeeordanee w,itb.. tbcnumbet of 'b,enenc,_ '(tats which the ,alan

, J I r:

c)btain in their tes,c.ctivD Alibtaka'vargas (,,,e my, l:ie>,Qk ;4,htak

varia SJ''SI,e~ ,off e."tlicdon for,' mQ~' details regardf

Asbtakavarga). " '

, ' Alain, .'. na~t to cQnsidcn,; ,what is' called Vedha flbstrocting Coreli Of, point<) when delineating f:esu~lts BOCO, , to Gocbara. Ihe '$:uo. r.,r lnsancc, transiting the Illb,


·10th ana 6th signs from the radical ,MOOfl is sup,oJed "0

, ~

-gOO4 res.u.lts. .1'ho ~mooth 'IiBwin,g of such good ,caul'

- -. , -

b~ Qbsttuc\edif: there are &1;1.' othef, plaaets tlimtiUao

tr~lltiting, the Sth, 9tB,41)l afti l~tb siln,. f[Q,m ,.tti

I I •

, I


, I


2---1',- 9- 5-7' Jupitr: ~~'___,_~-~,12~' 8-10----3

1-2 ..... 3- .,-,,5.-·8- 9~,11~12 V'DUS, : ---'7-1-10-9'-:'5'---11.- 6,~ 3


Saturn: 12-- ~-9

Let us illustrat be abo wit· the ·oUowinlxampl· Th· Sun is iu th - l_b itb" btndu« whicb is .. . d.

ql:h .~ pIn t t.r.ansits tbe 5th. Hence he is free fl'o1ll V an 8~VS rise to tbe full gOG effect of Gochara :imUa


tb . -. effect . are computed tor the oth - f planets.

- - - -

~ No. o AS' ·11 _,a-

\ . ~ ,~.

!'Ionst's ,~ I/Ie sig," 'Wlrga

transiting Bindus

1.1 '4

'Vetillos caused, if BII,,,

',~_---"""""'- _

l lthis good .. ; 'DO Ved

O'fZcur's .



] I tb is. g,Dod; but t

-position of -Mara in

lit" •

8' Ii.:., ,L.. • •

tu nas given rise to and hence bad,. ·

. I r •

- Mars in. 'the' 8111 is, bad,

I .


. I th i . good, ;, but Sat: .

in the 12'~h has caused tb \i'edba and hence bad.

9th is good: no Ve .

caused ; hence geed. Position-in the 1 sf is ge ~ Veab,a caused as S·ars ill the 8th .and hence b

Saturn in the 1.2t,11 is ba 'tIle bindus are 3, and

· exeeec in ,JV' bad;

Mereu y's positien i t~ lib b-.I" mi ·iS8ted.t to 10m ··.~c· t -·D't! $ il





• Ii'.,


Mars. Mercur.y , ~.~

8 I I

• • •


. S·



I •



, --

• III' I

" 12



, i

f l-


_-'------ ....... ~~/-.-----_......~~~


,Goc:b."_pbala or Re ulof Transit,:s

.. From th." abave, it is se~ntbat oaly ~ujter and the ,·u~ are good while the oth rs J,ave been Inclined to produce evil,

H nee the worst ev~t, viz., death, be(eJI the native, especially because, Saturn is, In th .J, t,h and Mars in the 8th.





, 1

, M00:n kabUl

Sat; ., Sat. I V au. ' Ketu


, I

_____ ... ~~---_'!f I iJii!!!!!!!!iiI - ~._,.' : ~ ....... _ __.._. - ._~_



,I: S!UD i ·

~erc. i ~About the end of

"Moon 'the second we k of

. I 'r

--- i .March 1937

_____._..._.._ i

I 1




Sun Mere.


p,lan:elary' P,Osili.ons



Ketu Mars I

I (

, _,.- - - - - - - '-1

Gochara results should be judged by reference to Vedha ..

sthaQ.l]ls (ob~tructing points). Th"e present-day astrologers seldom consider these mmute details with the result that 010St of the predictions made by them are being falsified, thus bringing the fair name of astrology into utter disgrace. In the delineation Qf Gochara (transit) results, there does not

. .

appear to be a uniform method ill the whole of 'India. Some

rest content ~ith descnibing results on the strength of the motions of Mars, Satun ana Jupiter, irrespective of the p _ rt played by the prevailing Dasa (period) and Bhuk ti (subpcnodr There is no denying the fact that the birth horosco . e

,Iy . ffeets Gochara results. Astrological pi edictions can , n he influe cs f birth chart areIe~d nd shtakavarga, together with Vedha


, -

. .

\Vb en Mar, ~. Ib.-eulb tbe 'sign oceupiea b ·

at ·f · ... · time of biTth 0 f a persOD, 1,10 will s;uft'er RQm t · in lb., 2nd house from tlie Meoll, displeas,ure of lun'

t!r ~ 'I*. .. 11.1 ... I ... . • . ... Ad· . ·

IU:UCflng JfoCl: 1 quarro S'~I II'o·m eaelDl,es a~ " 'lslrac - I I


~at~ecl. There will be. fear from tl1ie~-' es and, tile, body will


-. - . - ... . .. ,.,. -." , "

albeted ,wlth: 1110US and Windy eom.,JalDts. Mars trallsltln ..

t.he l:r:.a gives rise to gain of objects" pleasure, from children, lOod Jlealth,accessto :ciches and Dew clothes .. In tho 4th sign I , · .arl produces evil results such as .fever , digestive trouhles,

'-) .Jli ~. L ,~;.I' t / r' hE· -II

-'o:OOu uJs:cll'fle~s a,il. ~~pravl. -.y 0 C:. araeter .nemlres WI

, ,iuqease, (r,esli diseases will m_ke their appearance and mental p _. ce will b· c0Qlpletely abseat when Mar~ passes through the a'tl1 house. In- the 6th hoUse, reUefftom troubles, worries ana HI ... health should be 'predicted: he leads en jndepe~dent

'.Ife, obtains riches and becomes gretty cheerful .. ' Wben

t~a s~t~ns the 7'11 .. the native quarrels wIth wife or husbana, ' eye troubles, stemaeb-aehe, in4igestion. ete., are also likely, to be! felt. Mars traDsit~ng in tbe8tli. produces._ :qu_ite un-

o fa'Dtit.atile. effects, 8.11£» as discliarging of blood, loss of

weal:th" disgrace and mental worry. The same results are Ipaled at the 'time or bis passiU8 through the' 9tb. In

, -

;1]:1- • b a.- b) 1 k ~-H" III .' ..

,.,glul~J0DJ :1< e sUuJlc'teCQi . es e,:xtre~.Ie y wea • ' Is tranSlfLog

tb, lOth_ and the I1thproduc s quite, favourable results.

.IA, 'c ',~' a-J b I· d' S '1111' d' h'·

~mO'B,Dts u,Q,C - Wil ' se rea usee, access WI', alten -', on. IS

- .

ya,nrUleS. ~usille'ss will imptove., In the 12th house; however

he' will aU.frer from. various expenses, trouble's, diseases of tbe eye, pinpricks from 'an angry wife, from'Dilious complaint

-~ !Ii . . :II

, ad ~8rIOUS, otber worrle s. - .

'When MeVUlJ1, passes through the sign: occupied .. hy oth· MOQD at the lime ofbirtb. of a per· on, such person will suffe . ',IDS~ or wealth cau'sed by the advice of wicked men, !iy tale be- ers, by 'ilnprisonmeot and quarrels.- He will,. · besid ·.·~,a_rceabl- intelligence wheD in his jour.De~ Wh.

1 '


I' I ~I

Gocb r_ph-Ia, or ae _ol" of Tr -"Iits



~er~ury. pas,se~ the 2nd ~OUI. the person .. ill sulli r

d .... lS.,If.·· ac· I but. a,l.nll SUCc···s· an .. II_' w ··sltb· W·-·· hen b passe

. '. . I . .'. , • • I , . a 'ses

thro~&h til. 3rd house, tbe sUbject will 'get' friends, \fiJI be

a~raJd?f ~0u&les\ from the. kiD.. andflQm his Ii. will qUit hIS place. du .· .. to hIS WIcked d eds. Whon~rcur,

~as~s t?r~ugh the 4tlt house, the person's kinsmen and famIly wllllncrease ~d there _ will be much gain; In the 5th bous,. the person will quar;reI with Ilis wife and sons and -ill

DOt. etlJ~Ytbe.'*lmpa~y or an~&ceJle~t wife; in tbe (jtb house, \ , re person Wdlb~ .llt~d by all .. and will gain renown, . in the

.. th ho~sc, the person s . appearance becomes less bright and

tho~e wIll be quarrels. . ,When Mercury passes throuau the 8th ho,~se,. the person will get sons, success, clothe, and wealth and will. become J:,1appy and powerful. When he passes through t~ ~t~~.nse ._. fr~, tb~ Mopn" the person will meet with o~~!D:lii~~or~ .I!ltbe 1 Qlb house, the person' So enemle . With--nu~~~,the perseD wiI~ let wealth, will enjoy. th~c~mpany 0 Ius wlf~ and wi]J b. dressed in the flannel, Whe+Merc~1 passes through tbe 11 fh hOllle from 'he MOOD. the person "dl let wealth, comfort, seas, ,!omeD, fr.icnds and cODveya?ceand will be bappy and will receive gDod inteUi .. 'DC.; 10 t~e 12th, the person will suffer disarace from hi encmlcs,_. wlllsulfer ~lom diseases ~tJ.d Will Dot enjo)' the

cel2:1pany of a good WIfe'. I

. .. When. I Jup!,e,' thr,ough , the sign o~cupied by the ~oon at tile time of birth ofa persOll, such persoll will' lose bl. w - "It .. and 1- telli_ - nee, will quit his place and will suffer frem~. .. ...• '. Is. Wh D Jupber paISe. through tbe 2nd

h~1SS ~romb the p. [Son .DQ cn.mic .. and

~IlJ. COJ,01. w· . - .... men, When jupiter passes. through

~e. 3t~ huuse fro?, t . MOO_D. the periOD will quit his pJaeo

a.D,d,IIII'l Im-ct._ with ob ··.Ie' ia ·b·a··s w--o, .. ·r-·k-I,.. W··i.··h~- .. ·D- "J .. <u.·--:-,·'.t--·:.'

, . . . .... ...'. . -' -. -'- -'-' .. -,-pI'.

passel tbtou;p the th bouse from the MeoD, tile penon will


· ,

, .

" I


tuBer' from tfouble:s Caused b, hi. ltinsDlCn, wi~,1 bec~~ patiOtlt aud resilned ana will lteliglit in n(JtblDg~ WtieD Jujut.. ~ passes ttiroulll tbe Stb ,.' ouserrom' the MDOD, tlle porson \till get servants, prosp' rity,sons, elepbaDt,~,. hO,u$es', buJ1o~ks.

'gold, w;omen, elottl' s, gems and 'good q' "'. allties. , Wbct1 JLJPlt~1'

passes through the 6 II House from lb. M,OOD, , 'be pers~n ,w~ll be So Dluch aftUeted at he,&rt that be will take no del1lti't In the ,agreeable faces oC beautiful wotDen.~ in tbe nntsicof t,Ji~

, peacock and tll~' cuckoo aud iJl,hollS6'S mil, ,I pleasant lijytbe frolic of c}tild.en playlllilike tbe YODllg of tbe deer" W~ .}1 :

" 'J,uPi"ter ,p .. asses . t.iif'O.,~.g .. 1i" .~,'h,',e" '~,I)ji.\._~0use,. from, the MO:~,n, :fb~. persou WIll enJoy good bed, ,the company of an exceneJl~

wom.n, wealth~ good, ~eals. flowers, eonveyanceanQ tl1e'~ik' , and be will. flje 0f IOi()d speech and iutelUgence. ~llen ~U'Pl~t pass,e&tbrougb tbe Itll'house ~ro~ Ihe Moon, .tie pcr&~~ .. ~.lI

sufftr .from _imprisonment. diseases, ~_eavy _lIef, tbo- fatlp'

of Journey and sed,allS' inDess~ When Jupit~ passes t~~o~gl1 the 9,th'h,euse from the MOOD, the._per80D will bee,eme effiCIent

at work and inftuentia1811G be will get sons; success in work, wealth an'l .gain, When Jupiter passes thFOUgh' the, 10fh

'"housl from the 'Moon, the person' 'will quit his plaee and, suffer loss of health and wealth, When J\lpit~r passes tbtoP_lll the ,11 th house, thepersoD wU~ return to his country and will recover bis-health ana weahb. When', Jupiter passes through

'the .. 12th ho se; the person will suffer his riturn

jou~Dey. ' . .' .

When JI enus passes tllrou$h the sign o,ccupie<l: by t~c

Moon at- the time o Ii, tiicth or '. person, such a person WIll e~joy exscHent perfume&"ftowct's,el,O'tbes,. b.ouses~. bed, MI'Ala and VI ' men. ' When Wenns ,asses thrapgb the 2110 house .froJD

the Mobn:, the person will get tans., wea1tb,"gr~'n an~ ptese~ts " f!rQ:m the king'; 'will hav,c a" prosperous famlly, ,wl~l eQJo,y

, flo'wets 'an4 pais and will be of blipt, .pPetlraD~c·. W~en .- ,Venus 'paSJeS' through _ tbe lrd house from the- ,0 Moon, the


r .


Gocbaraphala br Re· ults 'of Transits

p~rSOQ l"ilJ become inftueDtial, .. wealthy and rcspectabl_ and w'ill get cllotbes. HIS enemies WJII, meet with 'ruin. wlt·V.,JlUS pass s througb toe 4th house, the pe,mon will get friends and will become greatly powerful. When Venus pasaes througb till St' house, the person will be happy, will get

, Idnsm m, SODS, wealth and hinds' ana will not sull'er defeat by Ine enemy. When JY,eD'Us passes through the 6tb house from the M,odn" , tlie person will suffer. disgrace. will be . aftlicte¢ with cUs:ellses and will tie exposed' to danger, When Venuspasses~Hrough the 7th hoqse, tbe person will :suffei j"aur~es thrOlujH WlOmen" When '~nus passes fllrougb the 8th Ileuse f.rom the Moon, the' persoa wiU get houses, articles of

,lac~'~T and beaUfifuJ wom~Il.,> Whe~ 'Venus pas,s~s' threugb

, tbe 9t~ Dou~e from tJ.:re MOOD, the person wIll buco~_"

:Yittuoll_s, 'happy and wealtby and he will get plenty 'of elothes,

, Wben. VeuUl. 'passes thrQugh the 10th house from the MOOD.

" (be p~rs6n' 'will' sulrer disgrace and will also suffer quarrels.

Wbe~ Yenus passes through the 11t& house from the Moon. h person wiU get weal tli o r his friends and wnl .also et perfumes and eIoth,ts!, When Vcnuspasses througb the 12th _ ~ _, person will get very few clothes.

QUI'" passes througb the sign oecapied by the Mi e " his birth" sue .perscn wiU suffer ftom , will quit his kinsmen, will 'suffer. from


1m • . 'uri I Will travel to .r.oreljgn lands and

livi'll suffer rniserles, loss 0" w,e,a,ltb

and " . lso from-the fatigues of foot journey

andf ' Whl_ Saturn 'passes through the 2,nd

.ho s ' oon, the' person win suffer from loss or

beau; y . ort, will' become weak and wll] get, wealth I


from 0 . but will not enjoy this : we~dlh long. When ·

'Saturn p ,5 t rough the 3rd house ftODi',}~~e MOOD;, the P.r.SOD will . t w, alth, servants, articles "o'~ ttDjoy~eDt •


H '.' d'- P- oA,t ( t· A'·.."I . , ,18,'U": re\Uc,lv,e'_~,s,,,o Q, " "




camels, buffaloes, elephants, asses and horses. He will

.beeome infiu,ential, happy, free fr~m diseases a~d willbecom " . -peat!y powerful .and will defeat his enemies in fight. Whea, Saturn p'-asse~, the 4th house frem the MOOD, the

• I

pet son, will be separated from bis frie.n·d .. s, w'ea)th, and wife

.and eve "" uspeeting evil in everything, will never feel happy.

When Saturn passes through the Stb house from the !\iSDD, the person win be separa ted froDJ his son. and wealtJ;i-:-IP.d will suffer from quarrels. When Saturn passes throllg1i ~h.· 6th bouse (rom the Moon, the ,Cfson will he freed .flom ~il enemies and diseases and w·n enjQ;J tbe company' ot women, When Saturn passes through the 7th or 8th bob se from tbf Moan, the person win be separated from his wife and SODS,

, will travel on foot in a pitiable conditj,;ul!' When he paSIOI th-rough tb,e !tb bouse, " the per~nwiU have a11 that has been stated for Saturn pas$in,g through the, 8tlt house and will,

. I . I

besides, suffer from hat-reo. chest .pain, im;prisonme,ilt, and in

consequence will not ppopetly observe the daily duties. When


Saturn passes through the 19th house" ~be person will get

work and wHI suffer loss of wealth, l~arDiD& and fame, Wh~n Saturn passes through the Ll th house from the MeoD,' the person wiU. become cruel and will get women alkil, wealth.. Wben Saturn passes, through the 12th house from tbe MOOD, t:fie persoR will suffer from mucb ,def. Rahu transitlug, the

~ 12th house produces results simila.. to these of Saturn, and K~tu, to those 0'( M,ars.




Practical Haro cop ," s


Por real progress' in any science. theory and practice must keep pace with each other. I have tin !lOW treated of all the

1.1 . '" . I - I -

IDlPortant theoretical principles Involved in th, study of

astrology and shafl now close the book with a Jiw practical

horoscopes illustrating such theote,t;cal postulates, ' " ,

Th~ '- allowing horoscop~s will greatly, hcp the student If he c,arefully analyses them in .the light of tb short remarks whic·h. I hav given for each hOJostope illustrated. In the sel ecuon of' horoseopes, I have beefl care~l to see that they

. are taken from different classes of people-kings, ' r.'d, nts

orphans those that lost bei,t mothers and' fatbers earlt thos • t at .had more than ,ODe maI'rias" debaucbeesJ phi]o~Ql'hers l' fact people e' all tempe~aments and dispositlioDs' whicJi · ve quite interesting and, helpful in the II ht of



, , place alld tiJJl,_ 0.·· birth .ven for each horos,cepe

c and tb reader ean find out th exact \ , t by himself: if he so desires. a her , I

, ..0, Itio ··8 0 Diy i~' R:asi (sign). I lite

o hoocopes ro~ the bDelitof' my

. ~ le, '~orD on 29t& July 1883. 2 p. . .••



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