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KOSHY FROM PAGE 12 Sess lonscowa Miet. expe: ere trom Gly fr ernatinal woot, Hs easy fo tera Ment, eure and weather shock articalary wih the lekeaectedeimate Be Eopacae Koy&i odtcaley ecna Ns flow seats nthsstate Tfnally si," med something obep ater" Koy sa rom that pint on, be would invite people to Rg soariment and cook meal fr them, "rec, they wosldengae in ncssons and coi each iach. compatg, Her, Koay found guryoe ia hs fe, pursuing bi gol of helping otvers the best he eould and attemot ingle ngs ten io dothe came Een rt cme bere inthe al of 208 dist tno anyone x the Bet two meth” ssid Vin Four gradanteeectial engl ering major. "Bat fer started altending the Thursday tanchoos bel by Dr Kochy Barta to eet more poole The Thursday hncheons areronby Kosh, Be dagcite Deri McKeoen and his wi Taree Ercy Thasday at oon, rer 10 fens sty interoatona, gather a the Spee att chapels eta fee nc ad aera its urate ur jut coming to wt fe foo Koy sl If they want od, they roid pst boy soe om th cate {Aa Feola costo these hincheons beats they areloonstr frends Mec hat stodents can come to lace sailed wocime i revarding, shy si reane I eliminates te loneliness many experience witin thelr frst fow months at thou Kou’ openness othe sent body IGhighiy respect iroughout the univer Tai his fsiinony at Christian ssid Shreyas Athvale a graduate stant in The llge of Ars and Scenes "elves Oy | falbstat isthe hing ike } tap esti mentors | stems tae to Koy on datistin ‘outnional ove | “He covte lot his time tor peeve doesn't even know,” said Kang Yu, a graduate ‘student. “Especially for those of us who came ‘rom a different country, Dr. Koshy helps us —w el DR. T.E. KOSHY, Syracuse University’s Evangelical chdplain, is leaving Nov. 22 for Pakistan to assist vietime of the recent earthquakes in the region, feel like a family ‘Koshy said he fels it isynecessary to take faction whenever there Is the opportunity to help someone "Too often, people wat for bad things to happen so they can have a reason fo go out and help others." Koshy said. "You can destroy or bulla. You may as well build

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