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1.1. What Is JavaScript?

JavaScript is the subject of a fair bit of misinformation and confusion. Before

proceeding any further, it is important to debunk two common and persistent myth
s about the language.
1.1.1. JavaScript Is Not Java
One of the most common misconceptions about JavaScript is that it is a simplifie
d version of Java, the programming language from Sun Microsystems. Other than an
incomplete syntactic resemblance and the fact that both Java and JavaScript can
provide executable content in web browsers, the two languages are entirely unre
lated. The similarity of names is purely a marketing ploy by Netscape and Sun (t
he language was originally called LiveScript; its name was changed to JavaScript
at the last minute). However, JavaScript can, in fact, script Java (see Chapter
s 12 and 23).
1.1.2. JavaScript Is Not Simple
Because JavaScript is interpreted instead of compiled, it is often considered a
scripting language instead of a true programming language. The implication is th
at scripting languages are simpler and that they are programming languages for n
onprogrammers. The fact that JavaScript is loosely typed does make it somewhat m
ore forgiving for unsophisticated programmers. And many web designers have been
able to use JavaScript for limited, cookbook-style programming tasks.
Beneath its thin veneer of simplicity, however, JavaScript is a full-featured pr
ogramming language, as complex as any and more complex than some. Programmers wh
o attempt to use JavaScript for nontrivial tasks often find the process frustrat
ing if they do not have a solid understanding of the language. This book documen
ts JavaScript comprehensively so that you can develop a sophisticated understand
ing. If you are used to cookbook-style JavaScript tutorials, you may be surprise
d at the depth and detail of the chapters ahead.

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