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Shaft Shear Stress Calculations

Shaft 1 (Diameter=30mm)
• Material: Steel, Yield Strength (Sy)= 530 MPa, Ultimate Strength= 625MPa, Shear Stress =186
• Max Stress
o Loading is comprised of three components
 Moment-Based on cantilevered distance from bearing and radial load exerted on
shaft from the joint (2.1 N-m)
 Force- Based on axial load exerted on shaft from joint (156.12 N)
 Torque- Exerted by the stall torque of the motor, through a gear ratio of 2:1 (9.64
o Stress Calculation-
 σ max = [(8M + Fd ) 2 + 48T 2 ]1/ 2 =102 MPa
 τ max = [(8M + Fd ) 2 + 64T 2 ]1/ 2 = 58.4 MPa
Πd 3

o Factors of Safety-
 n= = 3.9
σ max
 n= = 3.4
2τ max
Shaft = Ø 30mm
Shear Stress of steel= 186MPa = 18.96Kg/mm2

Stress on Shaft due to the contact of wheel

Point contact of wheel is Line contact point be 2mm width

length of wheel contact = width of wheel contact = 60mm

Total Area of contact = 60x2=120mm2

Shear Stress (τavg)= Favg /Area

Favg = (τavg)x Area = 18.96Kg/mm2 x 120mm2 = 2275.2 Kg (on each wheel)

Taking Safe Load = L(safe) = Favg / Factors of Safety = = 670Kg on each wheel

For 4 wheel 670x4 = 2680kg

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