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g>[TM] The Mafia: PK'ing, razing cities, and slaying raid bosses since 1997</str
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ract #204 : March 4th, 2010&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
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IceCrown Progress! </span>
<br />
<span class="postbody">
<p>Since our recent roster change we have downsized to running two 10man&#8217;s
weekly and are eagerly planning our return to 25man raiding. Tonight we down
ed Putricide for the first time since changing to 10man as well as tonight we we
re able to make a corpse of Dreamwalker for a guild first! Grats guys!<br />
<a href='
10-10/' rel='attachment wp-att-205' title='Putricide 3-10-10'><img src='http://w'
alt='Putricide 3-10-10' /></a></p>
<p><a href='
er-3-10-10/' rel='attachment wp-att-206' title='Dreamwalker 3-10-10'><img src='h
nail.jpg' alt='Dreamwalker 3-10-10' /></a></p>
<p><a href='
hwhisper/' rel='attachment wp-att-207' title='Lady Deathwhisper'><img src='http:
umbnail.jpg' alt='Lady Deathwhisper' /></a></p>
<p><a href='
oat/' rel='attachment wp-att-208' title='I m on a boat'><img src='http://www.thema
' alt='I m on a boat' /></a></p>
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ract #203 : October 19th, 2009&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
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TM/WoW - practice makes perfect!
<br />
<span class="postbody">
<p>General10 and Yogg10 are down! 10man is full clear aside from the optional bo
ss Algalon!<br />
General25 is down now as well!</p>
<p>Outstanding work guys. We are already about halfway done with the hardmodes
/keyquests to summon Algalon10.</p>
<p>1 boss left from full clearing all normal mode WOTLK content! Just in time
too- The Icecrown Citadel, Arthas, and T10 are close!</p>
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ract #201 : October 13th, 2009&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
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TM/WoW - Mimiron Demolished! </span>
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<span class="postbody">
<p>After spending a few weeks in the new content we ventured back into Ulduar th
is week with progression on our mind. TOC25 is full clear and that put our sig
hts on Mimiron. We were able to down him after just two attempts. Congrats
<p><a href='
' title='mimiron down'><img src='
s/2009/10/mimiron.thumbnail.jpg' alt='mimiron down' /></a></p>
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ract #200 : October 6th, 2009&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
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TM/WoW - ToC25 Full clear! Anub&#8217;Rekan down!
<br />
<span class="postbody">
<p><a href='
pg' title='Anub down'><img src='
/2009/10/anubrekan.thumbnail.jpg' alt='Anub down' /></a></p>
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<td class="postmdl">
ract #198 : September 23rd, 2009&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
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<div class="pi-article"></div>
TM/WoW - Twin Valkyr&#8217;s, Twin Corpse&#8217;s!
<br />
<span class="postbody">
<p>Tonight we downed the Faction Champions 1 shot with only 2 people dying!!! C
C was executed very well. Everyone followed instructions right on queue. Gr
eat job guys!!!</p>
<p>Morale was up after the Faction Champs kill and everyone was eager to try out
the Twin Valkyr&#8217;s again. People seemed to pick up the strat very quic
kly and 2 attempts later Twin Valk&#8217;s down!!!!! Outstanding work 2 new
bosses in 2 days!!!!</p>
<p><a href='
n.jpg' title='Twin Valkyr s'><img src='
loads/2009/09/twinvalkdown.thumbnail.jpg' alt='Twin Valkyr s' /></a></p>
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<td class="postmdl">
ract #195 : September 23rd, 2009&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
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TM/WoW - Onyxia Returns!! </span>

<br />
<span class="postbody">
<p>20 levels and a few years later&#8230;. Mafia downs the old drake again!
<p>Blizzard has released a 10 and 25man Onyxia raid this week. Tuesday patch
day always causes crashwolf to act crazy and yesterday was no exception. We
made the best we could of the disconnects and lag and on our first attempt we g
ot Ony into phase3. We had a quick training for GTFO of the deep breath area
&#8217;s for the new people. On our second attempt phases 2 and 3 were much sm
oother and years after the original first kill Onyxia again hit the floor!!!</p>
<p>What great fun to kill Ony again with a full raid!!! Congrats Mafia on anot
her new boss corpse!!</p>
<p>After our 25man kill we formed a 10man group and killed her there as well.
It&#8217;s safe to say Ony is back on farm!</p>
<p><a href='
' title='Onyxia Down!'><img src='
s/2009/09/onydown.thumbnail.jpg' alt='Onyxia Down!' /></a></p>
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<td class="postmdl">
ract #194 : September 21st, 2009&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
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TM/WoW - Trials of the Crusade! </span>

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<span class="postbody">
<p>The trials of the crusade 5/10/25man instances were long awaited but alas the
y are upon us! The Mafia has killed the Northrend beasts, Lord J, and the Fact
ion Champions inside of TOC25. We have not spent any time on the Twin Valkyr&#
8217;s in 25man however our 10man group has full cleared every week since all of
the bosses have been out. Grats for all the guild-firsts in the last few week
s! We have also downed the new 25VOA boss each week since his release. </p>
<p>Screenshots are being sized for posting.</p>
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<td class="postmdl">
ract #192 : July 14th, 2009&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
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TM/WoW - Thorim at last! </span>
<br />
<span class="postbody">
<p>We have been working on perfecting our Thorim strat for a few weeks now. The
encounter itself is quite simple yet even after 1shotting all prior bosses we c
ontinued to have problems week after week on Thorim. It seems we have finall
y figured out the correct ratio necessary between our inside/outside group&#8217
;s. I speak for all Mafian&#8217;s when I say that I am glad we are past that
encounter. Thorim facerolling is over!!! Huge grats Mafia, <strong>THORIM IS
<p><a href='
jpg' title='Thorim25 down! 7-14-09'><img src='
ontent/uploads/2009/07/thorimdown.thumbnail.jpg' alt='Thorim25 down! 7-14-09' />
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<td class="postmdl">
ract #189 : June 15th, 2009&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
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TM/WoW downs Hodir and Freya! </span>
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<span class="postbody">
<p>Last night we had a 10man Ulduar group kill Hodir, Freya, and Thorim for the
first time. The anticipation of what today would bring was heavy on everyone
&#8217;s minds. Our 25man team set our sights on Hodir and once again Mafia pr
evails! We moved to Freya next and hastily cleared the remaining trash inside
her room. Having killed the mini-bosses last Wednesday we had more time to f
ocus on the actual boss encounter. A few attempts and streamlining our add-st
rats is all that was necessary. Freya is down!</p>
<p><a href='
jpg' title='Hodir Down!'><img src='
ads/2009/06/hodir-down.thumbnail.jpg' alt='Hodir Down!' /></a></p>
<p><a href='
jpg' title='Freya Down!'><img src='
ads/2009/06/freya-down.thumbnail.jpg' alt='Freya Down!' /></a></p>
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<td class="postmdl">
ract #185 : June 5th, 2009&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
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TM/WoW - Kolo, Auriaya, Ignis, Iron Council - [CORPSE]x4

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<span class="postbody">
<p>Triumph after Triumph! 4 new boss encounters tackled! We currently have 7
bosses down in Ulduar and we are working on Hodir and Thorim! 25man Tier8 drop
s are at our fingertips! Congrats Mafia!<br />
<a href='
g' title='Auriaya Down!'><img src='
ads/2009/06/auriayadown.thumbnail.jpg' alt='Auriaya Down!' /></a><br />
<a href=''
title='Ignis Down!'><img src='
2009/06/ignisdown.thumbnail.jpg' alt='Ignis Down!' /></a><br />
<a href='
g' title='Iron Council down!'><img src='
/uploads/2009/06/councildown.thumbnail.jpg' alt='Iron Council down!' /></a></p>
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