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Dua’ of Hadhrat Anas bin Malik

Radhi Allahu ‘anhu

This is a very famous and powerful Dua taught by the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu
‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim to Sayyidinaa Anas Radhi Allahu ‘anhu for seeking the protection
of Allahu ta ‘ala. Whoever will recite this dua in the morning; no oppressor will be able to
harm him or her. This dua is recited eleven [11] times or seven [7] times daily after
Salaatul Fajr. If this dua is not recited seven times than three [3] times. If not even that,
than AT LEAST ONCE. In times of crisis it should be recited 20 or 30 times. People should
get together and finish it 1000 times. Children as well as all adults should memorize this

Bismillahi Khayril Asmaaa-i, Bismillahil lathi laa ya dhurru ma ‘asmihi shayoon fil ardhi wa
laa fis samaa-i wa Huwas Samee’ul ‘Aleem.

Bismillahi ‘alaa nafsi wa deeni. Bismillahi ‘alaa Ahli wa maali. Bismillahi ‘alaa kulli shayin
a’tawneehi Rabbi,

Allahu Akbaru, Allahu Akbaru, Allahu Akbar.

A’uthu Billahi mimmaa akhaafu wa ahdharu. Allahu Rabbi, laa usharikubihi shayan, ‘azza
jaa-ruka wa jalla thanaaa-uka wa taqaddast asmaaa-uka, wa laa ilaha ghayruk.

A’uthu bika min sharri kulli jabbaarin ‘aneed[in] wa shaytawnim mareed[iw] wa min
sharri qadhaaa-es soo-e, wa min sharri kulli daaabbatin. Anta aakhidhoom bimaasiyatihaa,
Inna Rabbi ‘alaa siraatim mustaqeem.

Note: This transliteration should not be viewed at as a suitable substitute for reading the
dua’ from the Arabic. It is only a tool for those who may have difficulty reading the original
Arabic. Please consult a Qari in your area to hear to the correct recitation.

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