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Registered No. HSR-49/2006-2008. Price: Re. 0-75 Pais. wag Gos oe [eSa599 THE ANDHRA PRADESH GAZETTE PART-I_ EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTIIORITY Np. 618] HYDERABAD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2007. NOTIFICATIONS BY GOVERNMENT LABOUR, EMPLOYMENT, TRAINING & FA (AR ED . REVISION OF MINIMUM RATES OF WAGES INTHE EMPLOYMENT IN“PRIVATE MOTOR TRANSPORT" IN PART-I OF THE SCHEBULE OF MINIMUM WAGES ACT, 1948 - FINAL NOTIFICATION. TORIES 1)- PARTMENT {0.0; Ms. No, 90. Labour Emplepinent, Fruining & Factories (LAB), 26th September 2007 J ELAL OT) TION 4n exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 3 and sub-section (2) af Section 5 af the ‘Minimum Wapes Act, 1948 (Central Act I of 1948) and of all other powers hereunto cabling and after having Sorsulied vith the Stare Minimum Wages Advisory Board the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby revises the minimum rates of wages whieh shall consist of basic wage as specified in cohmur (3) of the Schedule appended to this notification as payable to cach category of empioyces specified in the éarresponding entry in cahmnn (2) thereof and employed in the employment in "Privare Motor ‘Ivansport" included in Purt-d of the Schedule af the Minimura Wages Act, 1948 in the State nf Andhra Pradesh as the sume having been proviousty published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette No, 709, Part-I, Extraordinary. dated 2th Novemher, 2008 vide G.O. RtNo. 2447, Labour, Employment. Training and Factorias (Lab.t1) Department, dated 17th November, 2006 as required by cimsse (b) of sub-section (1) of Section 5 of the said Act. 2 The minimum rates of wages sa fixed shall come into force wilh effect from the date of publication ofthis, botification in Lhe Andhra Pradesh Gazette fil G. 824, 2 ANDHRA PRADESH GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY [pant SCHEDUL NAME OF THE S$CHRDULLD EMPLOYMENT PRIVATE MOTOR TRANSPORT 31 Name of the Category Basic wage No. fixed. ay Q (3) Rs. 1. . ‘Transport Ineharge/Manager 537.00 2. Heavy Vebicle Driver 5138.08 3. Mechanic 4722.00 4. Medium Vehicle Driver ASZO.O 3. AccountantClork/Typist 4302.00 6 Light Vebicle Driver 4102.00 7. Computer Operster 3884.00 8 Cleaner 3370.00 COST OF LIVING ALLOWANCE : The minimarn bavic cases of wages fixed ure linked to the Consumer Price Index Numbers for the Industrial workers at 525 poims (Base Year 1982 — L00-scties). The Commissiouer of Labour shall notify the Cost of 1 iving, Allowance for every six months ie., 1st April und 1st October. For this purpose, the average rise in the State. Industrial Workers Consumer Price Index Nambers for half year ending December und June respectively shall be: taken into aceount. For every rise of one point over and above 525 points, and increase of Rs. 6.40 {Rupees sks and poise forty only) per point per month shall be paid as deamss allowance to all the categories covered in the Scheduled employment, NOTE :. 1. tfany eategnries employed in this employment are left out they should mat be paid less than the rinjmum rates of wages fixed in the eulegory of the workers, being the samc and similar category of work int this employment, 2. Where piece rate workers are employed, the remuneration paid to oach of them lara cormal working day shall nat fe less than the minimu wage fixed fora general worker being similar work calculaied an the basis of 8 howrs & day. 3. ‘To arrive ot adaily rate, the montbily rate shall be divided by 26, which includes the resl day wages. 4. Where the natura of work Is the came, na discriminaiiou on the payment of wrinimum rates of wages should be mide in respeet of male and ferrale workers, 5. Where any category of cmplnyee is actually in rectipt of higher rate of wages than those specified above shall continue to be paid suck ¢'~h-y wages, 6 The wazesareexclusive of Ee * that may be paid to the workers by the nature of their employment, which takes them from their residenws . sexe paymenl over and above the minimum wages, BHANWARLAL, Principal Secretary to Government October 26, 2007 ] ANDHRA PRADMSI! GAZ rE EXTRAORDINARY a 1948, 885 dare digo emhSrD 1S etiodia “SonBes Ererts darera’é d2dsyg aciybods Shs Sdmo Oy dite - bd Bsos. [ae 20.08 Fo 90, age ackeosgs Oyo, Dgyde Morge-ITL 28 Spvedk, 20071] 5 _Se8 1948, BS Tgero Sho (19K8EF nbs Hogs digo) Js Derik: (ax acne, OM Sarit (NS ad-Terre our eggs ebberrads, wothty ber Shed wy odd moewes ASH OURD TH i difire ded! eaten fa 4 2008 Shak, WOE MAG Gh Cates “MaRS @cked (OM Moet etefysersiabes dardoe! Spgs adhyse aig) Sopot 1948, ued Stare Sige 18 yo days eo S mgeen Suntas Boer Gemwro” adhyred NeahaGS aclywers Bhoddth (ES Kha? MEFHGNS Beiore Gove Bados" eek aod Séeew sh% Ggrh aothiiroorr ‘etoxgaach, Bip cheb SgoS*A A Satay (1)H Ai Dero, (@) vouust SOS Ohore 2008 Seca 178 hne oop, ekoseys, ages, dygiben (rOg-1I) ow wOb Ae. 2447 26. Gy 2006 sonte 205 Jhire wooed heen Bo. 708, edge H0d8, 16 aroet oid pebbuddihanae. 2, Gs Didone RinodS SO Eitoo Big ci guuse veSEET nemet Beboods BEsuab eibead"s San eis gkandén Greets Game”. Bis atts fo tb njemso.5 Boxy minenasa a @y (ay dn, 1 Gomer akiopldtext 5,857.00 ah are pai 5,138.00 a Sheth 4,782.06 4, Silko BLUSE 4,820.00 5 ePodosnitiyeragg 4,802.00 6 £6 Bed Cie , 4,102.00 7. seigyhdh ewdoth 8 3,80 8 Akt 9.970,00

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