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The Proposal of Refurbishing MONEY

My GURU said, “Love is Unconditional”. I wonder if it has become a Utopian idea.

At a time when WPI has been revamped (by changing base year to 2004-05, including around 400 new
items & dropping 200 items) to reflect the real situation better, I am convinced it is time for economists
to follow suit in case of MONEY.

Of course no economist hitherto has delineated the ambit of MONEY; a quintessence of the intelligence
of the breed.

As an aspiring economist I understand Money is a medium of exchange and, realized that for all practical
purposes it is true. My understanding(I believe you and I are in tacit agreement) of the term was of
course limited to saying it included only tangibles but the erudition that it is more comprehensive(in
view of most people) has dawned in me only now.

It actually includes intangible assets also; the prime one being: LOVE & EMPATHY- the crux of human-
being’s life (I am afraid you would think- Truism!!! Yaar)

I would not try validating the point; I guess one has one’s own untold (numerous and not said),
adducible events at various levels, phases and spheres for same.

Being an exponent of the idea Unconditional Love I would be more than glad if one can counter and
refute the amendment proposed in the understanding of the definition of MONEY. If you think it(the
amendment) is incredulous recall random events in past where one was compassionate, sympathetic or
angry (or any feeling for that matter)and wonder if the same was the commensurate degree to which
one would emanate that feeling if the recipient were richer or poorer. If the answer is a resounding YES,
I agree you have rebutted the ominous proposal.

I wish you All the best, dear.

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