Sie sind auf Seite 1von 69



D cviacions £reiun (he Straigh,t Pa.tth did not appea_'l' in the Ummot until thc peeple left Ilh,e ~'c~do~ of Allaah and the: ITIlel_~od _ ol.osy, c;1~ll'ly I!lCpaulldw by oW' ptous: ;pi"CdcCCSSO.B; ii'cpl:u:mg ir fol:' m:ln- mad,'!!: ideolfigi~. This w,metimesOO9iSiSfOO, of ,Greek philo~ophy (U well 3J) It:_he ignomlu dO'iia'tiOl1' or mruI~ iD.tcllea:~ Thill "hanged 'the :r,e.ligion IOf Allaah, W lluch an exeene mat the Ummt1h spllirm:n:d ilrno greups, eadi, of rh~ dCloI'dlopil1g its own me'[hc:;do~ogy~ ,,;vay. leadCIl""S and. :fQUowers.

hl ,every period of weilmcss ilJiml dev1:u:io:Jil. A:llaah Has m:is.ed s;eho!a!l's who correct and, IDUS !p~pjle (be creed of M/rio ..s'rIrl!l1tb lunl:jaltlllll'ah. They ~gUilr:d ir lind refute those who QiP~e i~. This is .. 0, 'e>:'en~odil.)' i!.nd shall be Md.1 [he Dilly or Judgemelu, iwf;a.'Allnnh.

A ,gK'llt nlLmbClI.' ,of scholars of AM4iF.$umm).1 h..,w 3ytihoRd 1111:1111 bOQb" cL~ifying me earreer creed, which lis ,obligaw!)' for aery Muslim ['Q believe, One S:LLch book ~$ '!he: Qne in the l'C"aderl ~uu'ld.s. enddcdi 'AqudaWJ-SAltif As'hailbttl~Had"tb, by Shayklm.l-hla<lm l'ml1a~l~ Aboo 'Ull:im:lan Isnu~'ed ibn "AbdurUaitmaa~ ru;.S~iibooiiicc. He .IIIJentionoo [.he llIllJ"Of[llJllall of rcmming [(I [he' creed whkh ehe !lCilol:us ef I[he Umrnab'l're!'e united w,JXi'U.

lris hoped that Il:his book prov,e:;, benefieialto the reader, enabling him eo becoene l1t!'onger upon me fOllndilitloru of Ihi,s Deen.

Masjid lbrm Mymeeytlh

BiI'ixton Mosqlll,e Esl31nic ce011:Jl'e

1 Grn:II:arn Rood. Briu 11,. London S ~9' 7PH. Unil.ed Kingdom tel I f,u (44) 02007 }2" 40\18





By TIM Gred'~ lmaam


: I

:Aqeedatus-·Salaf As'h'aabul- Hadeetb



Ahoo 'UdUl'l!~Mm Ismaa'eel ihn 'AbdurR a hntaa;n as-Saabconee (3'13-449A1lj

"dit·d Andl C.hecked by Sha)'kb B~dl'- ibn i-\bdulla'lh al-Badr


@Corynghl ]'999 by Jlt<!'Sjid IbIM! T<1Jf1!e9'<1h ALL ,R]GHTS RESERVIED

illi riShl$ trJKnw), No pQr! 'i fhi;, p~i;J!OO!1'(l1l hlo'l)' b~ p~m!d Ill' drlJ' J(J'nlltJ<1fP~ st",1'!Il<I jill ,<I!!.\' f<!'Hj~''<l1 ~I>i'm or ml\!l',l,mruooi!l (l,tl)'.fo'flil Q'f by <ill)' m<1<lru:. .:J,Cc!lI'tmi.", ·n;ttl<:'iltll'lhhll. pl:mti!lIDWina" ,m;cfJ'I!i@ "'l'mhem~'5li' !!'I,nhmll rlw '~Xr]riW; J~'liPfmmlif il;,r, ropyr:Wlll Q1l1i1'lta~


The Ai.Uhor's 1l1tr041.1ction

An.;ffi Reason'Vhy n.'~s, Book v\~s Wrl,tten"" ..... ,'

CHAPTEr~' 2:

Th,e Creed OrT~(!;

~opl~ Of HadC(lrh, Regarding; T~e A:tWib1i11te~ Of A[lUJl. + + +' + + ,3


'Thdr Stauce Re~J1illng The ,Attributes., .' .... 6

~Ii"tOH Mosque Isi<'!mi,e CuJu!rnl Ce!l1;re I. (;re~llIinThl Road, I3rix~{)II, l.ond.orl, SW9 71'H; Uni~ed I<:'ingdklll1l.

CH,A.PTER 4- 'fI,te (tur'aal')

I s The Speech Of AUaahAill:ld It Is Not Cre.rt:Qd. , .•. 0, ,9


AJ]ilan Isa~'I'l1i1 Over ,f-l:is Thr-one. . . . .' , .J6


The;i. Belief Concerning The Nuzool

( The ,Descendiug ). Of Al~<l1I~ And. His Coming ... " ° .18


The Position Of Wh.e Sr:l/l' ( Regarding These Narr.t.llO!n:'). . . . . . .4 5



The ~1J!jJl'"rect~ion AJtet, .. " ... 5'4


The Good Alld Tbe Evjt . , .... n

C~I A I' TIE, R '9

l!sh~Sb!fi'l\'l'oh {The h1ll:ercessi.on ) ..•••• ,.56


'file J1a!!'hee-' (IiI ( 'fhe \/ViU } or }\]ba]l "" . . . .8.1


The 1'lauil And Tille &wlh.c,r ( fhe ~~Jru A!~d The rthre[' ) .•... , .58.

C.~IAP']'.E it 20

The Outeome Of The $~,i'I,~es Is Ull.kno,,"vl1, ....•• 8J


The Be.lie\ccrs Will See 11ld,· Lord! h~ The Herll: .. :ft~r., 0 •••• ,6,0


The Ruling lll}o~l One \~o Died. Upon Beljef Or Unbdief~ " .... 84

C I-[A l' 'f E. R L2

ECJ!l<Illn ~ n ra,rad~se And Hell

f\.nd 'fh2tiC They A.J,e Bodl Created, - , ...• 62

C H A ~) T sa 2.2.

These G]\i'f"n TIle Glad Tidings Of (jail/MIll ) rJitr,m!jse •... , , . .85

CH.APTEl~ 13 IU-Ec!n'~t1n ,I,nd~tdes

Spe(l('h And Ac~:i!On. h Increases A_Hd Di!.~CI-ellM~S, 0 ••• , .,63


The Be'st Of The C()mp,wJio~s t\nd T]leil' K1liJtirtfoh~ < 0 •••• 87


We D!(I Not C/l[l A Muslim An ll!]:beli~ve.r Dm~ 'IDh His Sins. " .... 67

C 1-1 APT E R 24

The Pra)'e'r B!;J:lincl'U1!ct:, .[{igllleQm, Altd The

rnrmHQf.<li, And The Pedoirmhlg ofjilu:urr/ W:ith Them., ..... 9 J

CHA PTE R IS l'h~ Iba~itllgReg>l~'(H~g

Someone Who Aball.dQI.l:S: "h.e f'rllyer ~ ntel1t:i.cmi1iUy. . . . ,. . .70

C[dIAPTEl't 25

Th~]r lP€J5i~:io~]With RJ;'.g,lrds lb

'Jl!l.(! Bispmk Between 11le COIilllJi<i!I:!Li()Jls •.• , •••• 9£


l1li.e Cl'e(!(tio~ Of The Si~v~s'Actiorl'S, 71

C H A'[)TE R. 26-

You W~U Not EnterP<lri'ld~sg ByiQur Deeds Alone 9,6


;.\ll G~id~fiLT Is, FI"OIU .I\]l<ll<lh. . • • • . .73

CHAr~rE.H, 27

AJI, Created Things Hare /'uu\ppoimed Term .. , .. , .98


Th('WII'Thi.~I,,~ring" Oflfil: De",ih" , D 1


Magie And Sorcery. .. " , .. i 04

chapter I


The M.armers Of Ti::I1~ ~QP]c Of H.adU'l,h .... , ... , . J 06


The SigJl~ OfAl11 !Jl"'B~d'(lfl 109




C HAP T .E R 32

TIU! Signs 0 f/lbl !rS-Sullna!l. , " , , . . H 4


Thr 'c Copies Of'The Original ~·\,Ilif!fllJscriptl:l. .. . . . . .. ,1 20

J A]] pra~~ b fol" Allaah, Lord of the '\,ororh:ll~ l'md . success is for t~ie MunCl,eef~. The praise ,of AlliI,fIOlh be upon M'llhm::nrruu:l and ~pOri bis Fam·fly and nobl<:l Companicns,

G LOS SA R Y 0 f TERM S, .. ,. , .124

2' To proceed: \l'VhiJie .pas Lng througi1 the lands of A..lmo~ in llltJa,d,.5taan a;_nd Jeelaafl 011 my 'Nay to tho House of IUlaa]l, and to vl!sitthe gra'll:e of His Prop~let l'!,1IliJibo'l,ml:lllad ~ <M.~) ,IIi,s. Fm'l!11]Y and mJble COI-np~t:llons. some of my brothers illljlli(,iiir/ asked me tooompil,~ for them chapters about the ~lilUd,al~lentil]l) of this ReJigion~ whlch those who passed a,lli,l3Y

] .h would :h.ll'\l'C ll!."t:il more "ppmp(riate (or (he author to !til"!: ;;aid, ~To ,;j,it thl!II['J.fjJd ·OIf FJl\~ Prop:lu~I •...•. " ,ile~1i'lll:;;e onlyiJlls ~~ pl"nnis.~ilblc :l~ n;;.I,',udl'i \~sitin'lg ~l'Ird !leU il:'llJel:li!ing to ,ojs'it the g:rn\1'(: .. lbJ'lI:. ReJer to 1ihe '1lOo!k <1rI-&d.l 'ala .aJl..IiI.:h.oou·cc· m1 ISllhllba.lfJ Z~'daMh Khair ol~&riJJ'!.'llj (J;r-Z!Jiooruh drll~· haT!'i! ~h . .Jnd ~b ... booik oJ-jdllllah .'1I-BMhi'f.fl Z"'~'<I"f m-

• Mi-lqaabir, bOIl! wriu'f!'"Il. by ]blll -flrhn:iiYY.1h.

TRAN U\TOR5 N01'E ....... !M ~ Smmah do n<)t blindl,)' ~ti 1. to all}' i!!. persoll Q(lic,r' 1!hlll:l that of the I'fop'het ( _. )., Redler O\mil !fwnhtlj are not t~)II!i'iiCded 10 il_ny ene PC-I"SQ'1fl l'lJIt raother to lh~ ~",.:Iy ~>fthe Sol\f So,-whmt ,One errs, ·t:h.\t error is !lOl f~hc!ly justitlcdl nor i~ h: "Illscd as ;) h"si$ ror disow!>i.lg him.. ~II <;:feMkt.1l <Iff' fi!lnMe D."irrill!g th" I';nplt" t

C~) .

from .llllJOUg:;,r the scholars and th~ Sal~f (j,\;-Sa,aJ'ihcen adhered 1:0, elllll~d the people tOM' alii times, 'IIl'hkhtltey forb,u:lt! the beHC'I'e;t"~, the tnuMul ones ,mdi tl'le./l4urla,/!!'lm frol:l:i an that con:triiltlictecl and n\.~iH!ed them i'lncl ltpOIl \N'~~kh ( the sdilQlm:s } sho~~l:d fiUcgi.'1i1.:-e to its followers. and t;:i] mlty W i~ 's rejl!X~·h:)i'S. They labe lil(~(lllll those ~\;hQ opposed '~b~ir creed as un bcl.icl'C'fS1I;lld illllO'l'<'ltnrs" 1 They Ci'lrl] c::d fQr thcn~M!~Ve!l and fOi' those who tiht'j' caned (to their '(J~l'l!dQh ). its hle~~ings, f1lvol,ll'Silnd. _goOdtles8. They passed 0]1 to theenes ~\i11O !Hlo\,\:~ them the rewards of th¢~l:" 'w!J,-edah. They (fllO~)m·ilgcd~b.em In dh1gto it, g'!:~~d~"<I. (he wor.~~1ippel:'S to .it .;md ~:r~ill:recl them ';)U towsrds it,

chapter 2

S'O I n'lJi'I(le lsnkbffQroh to AI~<lfllh, Th.e Nlos1:FHgh. and ~~lw'er~o!:dod in thh ~!'Cil.t~$.e w,hat I have been rohl~ to candS{;]y widl the illtl;pe that those wilh U!IMlerstll.ndillg and ~I:l;.~ight ~nig]H bel]~nt by lr, h Is AlI .• J,1I11 WHlQ ill"~iI_]i)'!t~:i> « m:lIlk~;; true ) th;: hope and n'iI<ryI He gc[~eroulJllj' bestm\\.' '[Ipon us hl,es:>ing~ hI an:Q:rdllmc~ ~o whal is tight. the truth, gUidallL'e ;md !.I.p.!'i_§hnnessuponthecorrect ;:!I:~.i tn.tthru~.p~dl by HI is 1<1VOUI' imd llk:!]e'!lQlencc.



:1 With A]~ml]l :Iies aUslu(~<''es~.lnd(;e(i th(; h-'npre ofl:1(1( those \~Ilo adhere to ~h.e ~lr'(j\an and S~II'I{I(Jb -rn~y AJll.M!lbprr,l)t~'!;t: those of t"~Tn, \'1,;110 ~~ Olli",.: l1~l(~ ~"<I\I'C ll1,e;rc), on those "\Ih.O have ~~<I'!ilied aw~)\ Th~}' heilr wtt;l'le~s t() the Uil]l)r of Al!la<lh. T,he Mf.lst Hi~l, and to the nM~SS<l;ge 'iilnd prophedlO(l,d of tile Ml.':5S(:nger (~). ThcyknD'w' their ~Jo:rd, The MOM NUghty <lI::Id The Mos,t Miljle.'j,tilC.~1mugh those wh ich I-Ie l'l<lililJl,ent]OI:ICd i~] His revellltioflwJi:lkh He has sent d:!n\i~~, or which Ni:s Messenger a:tles1:e<1 to 11'1 the a:udu:::ntlc dh.w.ciMrb which have b~e[lrel.lte(~ by t~~e p:rec.i~ :Iud 'lr~~,rwCl'rt;hy OI}('S. from hi~li'I,

They ~ffil'm 1!141<!it AUaih, "fbe M05t M~je!.it'ic, hlls<lffirmcru for H lmself ill His BQ(JkQl~ through the tongue of His Messe~~et. (~). 111ey do not: l)e1ieve in COll,1J.p<lri:ng His Attr.ibutes "'i,.th. thoseof Hl$ ':;i~Mi,Qn" TI~(ly ~~lIy: lie cwetttedlAa~knn \"'.i.1:l1. His: Hands just <IS Fie, The One ff~~ of i.._]l dea~ cte:ncles,. Ine:ntlOIll>:

1 l'~t-\N5LATORS NOTE. - ~rhi~ i;s i1 ~n"r.d $ti1tcn~~~t. Oil\~"~'H ()!PIX>'!<'~ '!hc ''''1, .. ,.,(:1 Wily i~ .;",jy ~.l~:>"j~.,<lI .~1Ii im'O'·lLro:r ,;m~Vor ~"l uul:>elie1o'l.'r <In{::r·~ll'lisr.vi_ng ,,:uti"!§l!r! n~!~~Il:l,,~ dOWIil brill"" ~"':[!1j and 5"""",l" '~Ild ~;':IXI~mx""i "])!J!l ~l'I':i <'liwrg",.i~;;;,j h.~ the ",.;hr)I~I' s,


.r - "" .. .", .fo.'. '''''' W"-,, /'." ·-:; l d.'.~ .. .-..:.~.-".~· ~.' "".u:,.5 .. ' J 'l! .. ~

. "'. _ '-I.;;.... N - ,"' •• . ,_

~ . ..J.......I'L..~, - ~0' '"_-' _ .' ..... n p' ._.

~- -:;.;~ - .~. "!' '_" -~ f>.

He said: 0 :Eblee.s whal pnn<eDted you f1:'<l,m prostr,a'tin.g before thatwMch I have cl:"~ated""ith My Two Hands.!

They do not change the mC1IIflitlg from its pia ,by 'lying His 'Rm i1-lailcl~ mean I'~i:; two ~ollnril:s QI' His two p()we~' lik the t(~lll'i:g of the ,M:II'lazilah and the}wlH19"ah, may Albllh de~trDt ehem, They do not a..-;k, nortbink as to how they mily!be. They do not liken th em to the halilc1s of the creation I ike til Musl'uhabiJi(J,h do, ma)' AIl!a<lh hutnUi.!\,tc them,

1\:I]<la11; The MO$t High, has plJ'nt~ct>d:/tlll us-Surlll",h from alll(l\buy'(dis~ tortkm ). id'I,M~'el1 (.comparison) and lakye:l!f ,dding how '; H has blessed them with IalOwler]g and understanding so that ·they ~m'la:y tra,,·methe paths of T<mIJl~'«I and ram~iiMh ( elev3.fjng AJ1(lh <lind exa~~i:llg Him above def(.'1(1i:$ ,and delkiende5 ). They hav abandoned "n derect~\i(' 'tat,(!I:neUl" ,1IJldi oomp ... 11'i$QI:].. Theylolle!.w \",4Thfl~ Abah, The. Most Mighty and The l\~kiSI Mttje:stic. has ~aid:

Thell:'e is nothing like HEm and He is the Aill Hear-

" . . Tl., A II) S' . _ " ·4

Ing., '" ue ru0eI.l1Ig.


But Hils T,o,ro Hands are O'utspcread. He spends as He pleases.;

The Hand. is mel!lt~011ed ill the authenti . Qn(l'lMlirelh or th~Messellgcr of .l\Daa'JI, l(~) , ]ik", ill the deb~ltc Moosa had] with Aad!lm:~

'!}111adh cl"!!e(l,wd you w/Jll Ws1-l'amJ (Jmi tile Qua!!l" r(osll'awd


~o fO!!


J 3_,.

c tta pt er


-4 1'1u~ People of .H<1di1illh also .. 1M)' about an o£' dlei,l: to-nil:>:; Attributes \\ihkh \V"n: Tel' 'al:'d, ''''v!led:u:r: mentioned in d'lI;! Q_u!,'(I(I/'I or mentioned in tilt' auth ntic ullll(1d'lmth tcg.udling the He,lrlll1g, the Se :·ing, the E }'e~' , the F~u.'e" tb~ Knowledge, the Str,engt:h" the PuWl~l; the Glory, the GreMness, the Will, the Inrem, die Spee 1-1, the WON;!., bdng Pleased; bdl'll:! Displ,e(!~ d. Life, ~o b Watchlul" 1'0 be H.1pp)r, to t.1ugh m:u~ others that these Attr~ibUit'{';s are tn.f)'l (;I(~tilpil;reclwjth the JlttriiJUltcs of ell!;' t'.'(!~tiOIlJ.

O~'lJ the cont"rll:r',' dley limit them: Ives to w,iult An<lll.]l, ~Ibc ?\I~n~t I J igh" 3<1ld anel 'to 'ill'h!lt His Nk'lls!"n;ger, ~) said without. 'ldding ,mym~l:lg to them, saying how tbe), are, lib;~il1g them, distorting and (,Changing their me,U)ing;> o~"!lI<lIk1ng ny alterations, raking til 'Ill out oftlhcomutexl in which. the 'AI-ahs ulld~li'stoQdth~~!:rul. !l!itt.lching to them faL~e il1~t'i1.:m;:tations, They take them (lJI their aplll.m:nt rnca:nings, 111ey' entrust it'S understllndIDI1,a to Alia, h. Theil\j,~os:t High, ~nd thev afBrm that none kI1OlM; its, ~a ;nreel except AI1Mh,? iu t a Allaahhrn-s inform (Ius about du) e who

7 l~Ili.J\NSLATOI\s NO'!,: •. - I ... ~ali~ "-' S'101I>OQU!l ;;~F ill a rtlW ~n;;~~~ ·l~h."" ._'"'tm:t~ ~~~ l<iituwl;:dg!.' \ I"U. Df.he s!Jirr.llllfllaah 110' "'tll"lilli. The l:1l(.m;lcdg'·pfS:{ul1I is ~ftwo type ..


And dtDlse who OIJr,e l1rmly grounded _in knowledge say: 'We belliev'!3 in ,aU dl,a~ is fr"om our Lord; andnoae r,eceh"c admonit1ofl. ~xcept the :m,en of ul1de:rs'ta!]di'[iJg. ~

s 1I'h, • verses oft!he Q!Jf '(11111' and the .:i~ldilentic and clear narrations o , the Messen.ger, (Qi), \"'~'1!IC.h n:liCi·~t~on these A1tribmcs <lind others are SQ. IIMIUefOWl that til }' will ICl'Igt\lell the book < nd It W()u[d be even In ore so by mCICI,uonu1g the COII'IIS:et1S,US or the scholars and the (J'(J"imn:w,h of this

a) I(n.;.',,,I .. ...1g:.; or llile I~,t.~nillgs:

b) Kn.:;w)«d:g;; of dll' ""Wi'"

So ~,i. !; ··Olt;111 .. g'_'nl'l"~J. bur he illielldl' II. . sen,]lld t 'pe. 'I1ti~ is tl:l .. · nMrlhfnl'b 1}lf'lhe 's<'Jlaj. and whal 'I ''<1il1l1 Y(OIJ t'<;, lilidti1f,;t;m,~ 1' ... >1'11 hi.!: OOI1~,\lNt ~1'111 'Lb,· VI~1.01!! b[J.jk .. 1'11;(:' A1'!for-,tJdah ~Jrl! those ,,~;~, cntr" st hath 1}1>~' of K'tuwl,"dgc 1<1 Alla.ah. The "-.:,1>'1:" h ""03 't'r" 11) ( ~bg,\.- ) i;; 1ll!iO 1l11d';I"l!IQOU in I'''') ,i:i,ifL'reIl~; \\";ty~,

,a) ' Ibut AlIaah knnlVII :ir.~ Ill,I",fed ( 'IQP ), And rhose iirmly grotif;lded in kmx~wlOOge .•. ", So R'g~rtlillg ~h .. S~QI - Oi1.l}' ll.lllI..lh l\;l1m,'" theirtrue u>~b"'-'" and the So:tI.y i'iIiak~, i~fi,-.;!it111 in 'Iholt 'Sl>\l(". ('lIlt; m.ubwrJ""ii Lri .,!, ttl i.ndOlld< the kno,wlledgt' of 1.1 ... me.l'lling,s I" ,this context which i~ f.1lse ),

10,) 'None. !btU Alba.h knows lts tlll'14,£<'1 "'1m dl(>SC ii:rr.nly ,groilll!1!dlCd :ilJJ knowl. ed~ .. !. This 'l~ .1:1 refenm ~ II ' d"m; i!!:!1lJ" ",hI h the masses are not cli.'al' ,i!I_'OUI and !,)1lI'ly '1hr.: .'il:'hoUar.s know JI1<I c"pl~'I1I il. In 1M" rc;;'t;lli(lll~ '!~1(" S!j~1 du nOI enter, SN" MUlJh"J ,,,,1 fsIFJJ'am '.,J" _,,'jl "I '111'[attd' hy 'Uthm.'~III'in, 1\!c.· Hasan,


religion 011 t:h aU!~hel:nildt)l' ofthe narratio ns. Most of the riarr<iJti!J'IlSll!1e collected WlrI nil)' book al-IJJfwaf ,;\,ith their authentic IlSCitJoeed. Our methodologyi:n this book. wa ro nt{!k it concise, 10 a. baremiaanum witl10ut ilri.nging too mom)" narradons and to melltio~ their authentic 'tlamu>ed dedarfo:d ",0, by carriers of ~he reports and 1J)'lhe: ClDlltlpilers of the krrge

au:th.cnt.k lll(lJanaad. -


chapter 4




6 The Peop~e of /-iadee,IJl testwiy and believe that the Q!rr'.:!(n! is the Speech of A11~"h amuJ what is in Hi,s .B{Jok, Hi.s ToMk, His Reo> Iation and wlllia,t _Ie sent dOWB,is not created, Wh;oeve:r s::Iy:st.hat the Q_ur'alili is Cl"ea'Ji!OO and belieees rhat, thl:.i) according to dill': Alll uf-l1cld'!f!lill1c: is .an Illibeli.eve.·. TIle Q_llr'aon, \"hiclh is the Speech of AUaa1iland His I"e\ la-· ti."on. is 'livh4lit Jibreel descended ",\-i1.11 andrei .. rued to the.:~\,f'cssct1Jgcr, ~),' wldcb is the 'ArabkQ_IJT'<la.n for' the people who ])oss.e·s understanding, a Message contailling good news <ll:JJtI warnings. $S AUi1Iah 1l)'S:

Indeed, this .is a.revelation ftom The Lord orThe World::;;, Whi.<:h. the trusm'orthy .gl'-&',oh ( Angel [ibreel )< br>CH.l:g,ht do,,"7!! u.pon youI:' besrt so that you


I t (the Qat' (lall ) ]5. \\~1J;n the t\ll'~5elig~r l~), c!)[Ive)Tecl 1.0 his Umll1uh, <IS; he: vV<lS orderedto do:

0' Mes:senf:1tcr:~oom'cy what is Selllt: down to you from. your Lord,! II

So. "",hi,,!: heu;lie(l tc) con\'~J was du: Sp(l~d~ of his Lord, The' MOist Mighty Bmili The 2vto:>t ,,,"'Iaj~sik. asis slto",vn ][!i, Iris.(~)' sa-_'ll'iu:g:

h ~s ,,v:h a t ls II,lIeIl1l!)I'iiieclll~ the h~nB; I'f;)cih~d with~I~~' tongues and wdttetl in the books, 11(,) matter how it till"}, be by tit!;;' reciter, wri:Uel'!J by the "Vf~td il.ndlll~CI1I'lO~lst!J by the llnel~~odsel~ whether lr 1ll<!i)1 be in a recited form, 01" wl,;jtJten,wbJ.ed~,eritl. tht; hooks of dlle Muslims 0'· even the '\'lIitim~g bosrds of dldr ch~ldn~n,. a~n of it ts th!:e Speech of Ai~i13lli,. The Mo~t;; not ere .. ted. One who hlSi~J;S'that itis cl~"fI~ed then he ls an ~]nbelil!!\,(:;i-in AII.1I;lIl1, l'.htl Aili. IY)\">"Crf[IL

I.:li Ikb~·(lloy J.~~M[.1'(1J1I~II00h" '<ill I"" "'~10 $1Ii<.l': The PNlph,;I, ( ~ j,. ,,,,];;, v -...,; ... <1 i!b(>!l.t 111(· ~1.Q"ii~l'l) ,r,hlw Quuis~, ro he :<;1 ~d~

~I~ [_I!~N iJi} m1l\~' !!ihI1 (m~ Nth: jjM la hl~ f"'fJp.k, ;Jj (I~~ Q!!~rj/llrtilie' IIJ1LT,"Ilfi'J nl<!Jrum mnv~~rw ,h., 'Eom:h '!l my Jj,rd_ ,.

7 m heard our Sl:il<tykh <'IJ-Haakim Aho!) ~hd.llllm1!'il 3.~.-Ha.lIfidh, rM~m!<1hl.llJ0;7<lh, ~y that he lll;;ind the Imaam Ahoo\~laleetiHasslllJil1 ibn MuihaWl'lmad say tb!ltt ~"e ~,:!J.'!;lu1:1 the lmal'lw Abo'~] Bilkr Muhammad ibn IsJ'l:3i1!Q ~bn Khnzafmah :SOli}'"

"'The Qll,f·(f.a'Il' is the Speech of Allaah, audit ils !lot cre<lted_vVlhoe""CI: say" ~haf the QUI '''(If'l' is creaeed then he is an lll~be]ic"er ImlJ AU"ioah, The Arul. Po,werful. H~!ltest.~mony is 11UJ't .1ccept-edj he is not to he \Ji:sited\.vlherl sick, no,t prayed over ''''~:ilcn he dies not is he to be buried in a M!~slil"!rl

I ]'_". I. _I . . - '!rl I ,'"l!.. I _ i_,' - t ." _L ",12

gr.1J ... ey~nll. :";I'e i.S 1l.:s.l:te~, W :r-epent.. ~M~ c oesn t, '!l!el.'! us I]!CC""I$ S rm.:K..

8 As for the pl:'Ol"n.ttllciaticm I)f d~1;; ,Q_ur'Q'a.r1, the Sli'Ia.ykh Ahoo B<!.kr l$~'ee]ee ai-Jmi'jaanec,.mheM!tlllUllo:1f~h, ~icl in h~iS tre1!itis.e which he oomp.moo ['or~c peo'p]t: or J~,dnili'll:

.off someone !.n.s.ists: th.u 11is pmJu"l~ld;'l'tiol"i of the Q_ur::Ua!J' 'is created" ["'h!l1dfung by tllli.s., the ~Ir ~(J<:II'l,thelll ~]e~lil$ said that d]e Qyr ',umi:;; ere<ited."n

$I Ibn Mah~l(:(! <It:iabaree hasni~'nttol]~d in. hi;s bCH1k fJf- 'ltkJamI. \,\I]]]dil he wrote for thepeul)l(' or tllis counts y, that the m(1(lliliab of AM us-·s,uilI'NHl wCill J.r:Nnoo'lili ]!\ to !layt:hnl d~e Qtlf'aan lsthe Speedl' of A1I;)'1I111,. T~.~ One firee of all didl.dc:ndes" a~dHi1l' r1;-vdM~Oll\vhkh He has se~:li~ dQ\\u; His. proMbitio[lsamll'onUlland:!. ,f]"'\': not created, One who "'~ys that they fire 'Crre<!ired i~tll) Ulmdiel.'G'r ln Albah, The A~!I :Pr)\."'erf~lL

Also the QlJr';I](J1'] '1llil.n: we n.lemmflll(! 'in Olllf hearts, t~dte with Q\,W'tOI.1gtl£S il!1lnJ~ 'wriit<e inour b(>obis dIe Speech thM Allaah, TIM;: .i\~lost. Nli.gllit;r and TI.e MOIlI: M<l,j<:stic, :;P(~~C "v'.it:h. One .. ";ho s.'\)'S lJ]le Qpr:(tQI)\,vlrh nlypmourl;lciat:iolfl i:;C'!'e<J/~ed OF mil): pr01l'llll,1Jdatioll Q [the ~if (J(JfJ'iscr<;l3Ted" is .1Ii1 igtiOl-a:nt mjsgu~ded~mb~i]~-v.::~~ in Albah" l"lw All Powerful.

" , ] only mentioned thl chapter '''¥<1 -dy as I,t 0 curs In Ibnl'\lI'<lbd~ '~, book" because of my appJ:'Q~ I ofwbat be wrote, rot· headopted the !"vay ofth~ Sal€!f" the pe:oplll:! of Hadl!l!rh in what he mentloned in spit of his in,d:epth kmlowledgc of 'ilm ~J-'~aJ(J(im and his many works In; ~u;Jid his, high posit jon and excellence .l1'mO[lgst the fwple O,f'jl'll 111-.iWlamu,

11 1 was ~nfoi-med bv .l\boo 'A~)dulla3h al-Haafidh, mlu:CtIUlhnJI,w}i, '\/i']'10


sald: I read the. \'II'!-iti~1g of boo '';\mr ,:11-: It1s~ml,~_ arid heard boo

U dlma. 11 Sa "eed ibn A"hknab as- . ail h. say: I asked Ishaaq ibn R" '{i'ha'liv'iI:ih

hl'l aaboor about thewords ('l'r the Qur'aml. He 'aid:

", 0 one should argu e "bOlltd'li sissue the Qur '(I(lll is the Speech OfUM.h and it is J[Iot ereeted, '

11 AllcR)' Ja'f<lrlvluhilll1ilmad ibll,J<I'F,eel" lItF la:b,uce. m/u:~{li(JhutA4ii~, mentioned. in his hlmk aJ-l'~i(laad. which he wrote speeillcallj OIl chis issue aying:

!!As fOlf til _ words of the lav - wl'len n:adiug the Qy,'"m:J, [ do not know of anv statement liom til, ' Companlons or their students ' xeent I;~om

J . I~~

sUii.l;body ,,,,bose statem ut is, iI <cure and lsJndispenseble, i~ rollo'\'1'ing it

there is gtl~di\t;Jce .u~dll\'hn~e :-;takm_ent Irepresel:~ts that oftl1,(: early scliolars: He is .Ab-oc) ~b(lull<lah Ahmad ibn Haubal, l7r11u'elll(l'JlliJia.:Jll. Aboo msm<la'eel at~Til.· related 1:<1 rn ' tllil" he heard Aboo "Abdu]laah AJunad ibn H a nbal say:

~~~-'-"''''.'' • 'I



SOl grant him pl'otection so that he hears the WQ,;d,s ofAnaah.15

13 .Ibn J areer said: I: l1eal,d a grol.lip of my COl'llp<l[;liOt'i.~, 'who weee so 'ltumerQlIs,ihllt m am. lmable to rememher tlreir names, tbeyaU related rrom llDaam Ah.mad"rcuJip::dl(1(JJ:1I.1 ianhu, that he used to ay:

'~There Js no other statement w:id~ us ,~Ihidl is :per111issibletlc) S'O'Iy other dum that 'Of Irnaam Ahmad's. There is :110 Imaam 'Go:mparabl to him .. He is enough and Slim. t, nt and th~ Imaam to be fonm'!.,ed" (ollt'l!m,cliwllaah. -18

l S These were the' , FV words of Muh;)mmadi'll:m Jareer wb,i It be mentioned, til his treatise al-t"riqooa.

17 TMNSLA:rOl\s NOTf: - ~"'dl.u,,<1 by Wbduillallih ibl~ . hone! ill q~- ·'11"""" r l g 1 - 1.85 ] mel at~T."'tbw;,c il! 5q{l.0! us-Sun",,), r 30~Y~ 1. Th~iiill}'ing of tin: SiI!'!fi;; t1ut ~he Q.'iiit~U4ll whid~ is wrltten en paper, :mcllflflrisl!d in the hearts 11m] recited ~1p<JII the; tl)lIgues, ts the tmCiJ1roted Sp~-..:.-h "f Alii)3h_ lI-luw(';rer, dae to !he f;Let (h<lt 'the hllm~:!1 voice i1111dille mO\1eIlr'ii.'nt or ones 'I.;mgl;l. "'~ro.: o:ruated. :;;('t"OilS -( Sec chapter U, ), die ~nfi""l:lll"ors sald MIlhiguii!JtI.i;ly that. in)" "';"dt.]tio;>l1 Qf the QjJr '"all ~~ ~reil.rod. Thi< can Ic~~1 to the prc-Ifl.()U;; :I:Yi'iiig tbtJit the (h .. ,'<mn it;_,:lf' i~ creait.,;!. S;:; ih.: Khol:an. such as [n~~~.IJf~' Alulllild. warned

ag<li:~'1f !:hi£. ~"!:I!.'IrlttIl~,

J8 lRi\NS1.ATO!RS NOT,-'~ Ib 110 one hrol!lgh.tlJP Lhl,~ issue hefoI·e his t~I""" It is 'tho; w~y (I'r the Sal'!f:nQ! 'W $'li\ir;! som ,thing ~!ltil till':}' h"."C to dereltd':he 'i!'JooI"h or .. 11.1 OISSUIDloJi 3'11cl r-d"llile [Ill! IcIIr.<WiltQr;;,


.1 <6 Nbih<" ibn J areer; wheelIwi:.ulltwh, hasfe'!itter.l fOf'hinn~e]f In this ehapter, \,,,t.kb b ·wwo~e in his ~oo.k:,,,n tilu~ aecusations he was cha:rged wi!~ilnd hewasaccused of being ll""""y from the p,'ltll of t~e SUllll'ah 01.' was indined to- someJrmevarlons, 19

'W:n:h inl1;Oli'3:tiOl'~s:.'fb:.ey SQ1l:!gh,~ m~t~rs frornwhkhw-e \,ve..r~f'O.rbfucl{k~!l to go :rnt:o, from. amongst the matters or mi:sgukiarwce andblanrbC\¥ortlly st.:ltrements, ,e.speo:;:iallyth~ areas wMd:li Mne of t'he ,a.(l"iJ'llm(lh from the entered befoife.

\Vhat he has re]iU':edi fron.1 [mlllltml Ah!l!I""d. uJdp,dlaahlJ '!:in/w, that the '-"'":foiJ19yah arethe J(JhllJ~lJl(jil, is authentic frOllilhilTI. H~ t"ml}!5<.1ikl this because J ~ hijl 4'l1'H1 b ~~ mm,i}1ll,lim1S: saklt'learly tmmt ~le ~!r' <'Wli i:,; created .. Tho~ ,.",ho ~alk!:!d.;l b ou t tlle.lX~dtllt~om ( ben nl:. creaeed ) used it to gnd1l:1- <lily ilUy d't<ltr the <tl.i.r "Glm ls cre,;tte.d ~eclll!lse they !iear(!d J1M [!~SllIlOOIl <It that timeand were tlhll;~. prcC,"entle,d 1.~OI1l1 openl}1 d.~>claring tllileQtlf'(Jon W I}e cr,eate;~d"

SQ Im~m Aillml3Jd! S<:llld tl1<lt ~is statement Jn itself is am lnuovaticn ineu~Ibe.r:1~ upon the religious one, that be. should leave it~lld e\'cr)' ]l1noV<IIliOI),"~UC'<lt ·.thisinnovi'ltion :dlJ()~I~d riot be ~ittered norll)lY ot~er imloV<lit.!,()!_ns like it.

l·h.e .. they took~e$Ce s~eps and clothed tbei:r 1i>l'illt:ellten1i:s as they did IlOt. want to be seenas I:~(m] the gro1Hjp of~ahm, 'w~o are the devlls alllongS1: the ~;lJUJm<u)s and the), "\\'hh,per t.i"ll]l:lgs, to eachothezwhlle adorning 'l~lelr dellepti'l'e s~"l'emeti!::l, So they mentioned this .'ilaiiel,]lent, but ",,"hilt they l"eaUJ nleal~~ Wi.'l~ tha:t file Q}lt'di1I:1,. ",.\Iirh QUr words, ~s created. So ImOll1'lm Allm<l.d, cl'(,lh.tNJMh~I-JltJah., still ",Ued Chern <11::1ai1mtl')l'alJ,. [t: is 1'1.1:;;0 r·e.I~ted that he said;

F:.~strlict yOUlrSJelve;~ to what the SaJri :i,lid and what the (J'a "inJfflahwito fonaw them snyThat: the ~p"a~!n ls the S[pee.:.;-h orAlla'l~ aud ]t I:> not eressed, Do Hot exceed ~I])on th~,., exeept to cam the one "vito s,'Ii)'s it is 'C'.re.ll~ed .~~' unbd]ever_

18 AI-HMIkim Abo!) \'\bduU ... .ah al-Hnalidh infont'led me from his book. Qt-"[aQrikh which he compiled abo~~t Neesaaboor <'ll".ld it's schQhu~, whcl":I mm:.tffio~il'!lg the lI'fl'\fiH~ of the MllsHnw. 'l\~d:~~lh.ab jbn al-Muhaarak, rm1!J'aJft;wb~ '(1I;!/Ju, in it, that AbooHOlb: Ml~bam:mad .Ib~I'Ahd:ulla,llb alJaraahe~ ~W-M<'!rw~~eerelMed. from't:lhya ~b:n SaasO'I!(il,ill who related. from !:ills father \1\.bduJ- Kareem il,I~Yush];;[llee , ... ho ,said: W2l1~b Ibm ZlIlTI<iI 'h inf¢f1ued ~lim from \l\Je-e ru-Bmts<I<'lmee '''~o 5.1:id: 1 heard 'Ahdulla<l11 i.btiill"~b.<I<J1'a.k, .rolll$i3'1!l(Jhul1a(lh ::111)':

17 1\$ for what lv~.ul.aum1~ad 1~)n jareer related {mm rnm~ .... m AJunad, rahINJ1IullctraJ.I, thatlf one s:.1Yll \'h.M Il.'lyret·itatlo:n of ~he~.~r'(JI(l!1 iii not erelIkd, then he is <IIlilil'[Iov<lJtor. Vi/hat he meant was that dle Sql~ (l'S-S(la/Jne'm fmI1IIII11l:lus"SUl1twll' did [lot sl?l!aI a ~outthis :r.i'liU"dcu~;)r issue and no.! hi n.g necessitated them to do so.

<<"Otll;e whQ disbelie,res lH one letter of tillic Q!:lt '(1<.111 has d]sbelieved in all of i~, One who Siij'S: ~ do not believe III these words then he has comenltted diSbeHe:f. ,,~o

]" t\':idr time the statemesu .;1ibolIC the recitation \'V2IS origin .• lIt<;"t! hy the extreme fuQliish peoplewho d(!~\e(~ into tbls matter a.II.d: then came up

lQ TRANS L/!L']'O rs NOTE - i\1-AilljlU"W ~II)":; in asll-S.iWI'k~'(,Jh [ pg,{ S ]1 '~Mrty AIIl'!illl h.~-.;;nt~~· upon '~". Kn("': tlIuldl., s~yingo:l'the MUlSI'il1L1s whose h"llru hav" not r:Ik>'liawd fM1I1 th() tm~.h and 'lho~" whom wem guMecl ·to \,i~UI is .(urr.eCI, inth e p:llO! ~nd th.:

I~IM, is Ih<tt the QUI"OO .. is f:r ... cn I:h~ KnQI'!'ledge of A!h~h, The M';'~l Migh:~y ~nd Tiw Mt'ilst J.\iL*,J:ti.c. Th.e k:11IUw;~~dge. or An3~h i~ i'I<J!~ ("r.;.~to;.l A,lH:;il:"i .~~ Iligh ,'11>(., . .;; th~~. 1J·hi~ is .p:ro"~n by 'th.., Q..ur ~<I<iI". the :~"'''''''''. ih", ~I.<!tcln,,'~t>< of d,t; O'l:tilr~<!l'lin'~';.',<i tlll('>l .. schQhr'~ It i~ !tot denied, "";,<;.~" I");" nhh~' lJ<;iI'1IQ'1 fmmU,o,:)aih!,,!tJl;lh _I" d""~.,,w ,,'r lh" scb,.,lu'S tlii.:l Jw.'rnf>'~'{' ~N unliJ .. lie\I<"Ji'"S.

19 T.RANSI.ATORS NOTE -,,\,;; ]bl~ Jillr>;:<!r ''-'lI~ a<X!~IS"cl: Of"'1J}";lfig '~h~1 !n;r Rx·i1.nion or 'Ill.; 'Q:.U't 'a"" is n~alo)d.


IE .,)

bldi:eed yom' lord is Alll:a<l!h 'WIu). Created the h.eaM:ns and the earthiIil si~ days andth..en JSW!'!t!f(f over the Throne, llJIisp(ils.~ng the aJ:l'<lir. No OIl'€! ca]]uncf'oedc. except .afIJer his perm:iJilsion. Zl

chapter 5


-0 VB Rll HI S T [-] RON E

/'9 llill ui-f:rach:etl1 believe and testify that M.bab,T~e One free iTom 1'1.11 ·d!eficiendes aad "nlo:! Most I-Hgh,is abose ~hc seven heavens and OW"r [-!:is Throne, as in His saying, The I'\I[os1:Mighl)' and The Mf1St M,liest~('j lu Soor<:.lIul-Yoonl1:s:

Allaab is He, \\110 has t"'aiJs£i1 the heavcnswiithout priUars,. which may be seen, "[.hen He l~l'aw~a over the Tnrone.ll

Then He Is.!'CI'f1!oa o"eJ: the Th~rone., A.rRalunaaIl, so ask him,a,s He is AIKh(lbe;eJ"}~

21 TR,ANS]..ATORS NOT!~ - ll~o,; wotd ItWILw h,,~. gcroc[~l rm~-ilnillg ilrld ~sp!ldnc: l1\e'\ii~l1g. I~ hcoo!11es <p<;:cifi" wheu it ;;:;, rollow~'] j'!.ro (tol <'lfId 'Illoo (UPClrl .. over), Here it '111<'.,-;;,; to ",go Q'''." or to "riseup", See '?l.bdullllilh lli!l,Sllbt'Hlr • .&rh",1<Ii:ln "aJ"" :'irth ]s1<J:"""l '. \..a.kb has been tr illl.slil~£d il:lU} .E~i~is.n tit~."d <1$ The EW<l'J: MeocHllll~j:<i''''<I u,p,m the throne. (Jto:,fo;r to chapter 4 lnthe !rnmdOl.tion).



He ,il!~raugesthe iI~fair l'rom~ the heavens to the earth. Then it will go trip 1.10 H:im,n

.... ..- ,~ ... -;J. '~"t.~. . "" ,._.._ ...-..-

~J:""'" L~ _"L,t.a.~:,__ JA.a .-:'10,1 \;a'<I. "

- ._' ~./' n.;#' ~ _,,,,,," '".' ,~", .J

j;,o. _.. .. #//



II:: is Mliill,,;,bV"l110 bas created the heavens, and the ea.lrthand what is behveen. them, i:n SL"" days" Then He [,UalI1'aa over His Throne.1S,

Do you fed secure that He, "I,,:ho is above the heavens, ",rilU not cause the ea rtl1iro sink VlI'i:th, yO'tl. zs

And H.~!! :myi[lg:

20 AII,mh, Tbe One .h"ee from lIU delidendes, SiI)'S <Iboll1!th", cursed fil";),wn., t~hM he said tnHaamaam

Build line a t(li'!>"e~ so l~hat I may reach the litl,~its of the 11Icavc'l:ls;. so I ,:viU teach the God of MOOIS{)!. Indccdll thilllit: hi.IJntQ be aU,a,r}"



2 J He on]\I .~aicl this because he heaed Moosa, '(Jirwhis-sa./'wll), sav that.

; - :,I J

his Lord is above the heaven , as ),OL1 can See 'rom fir\~wn"s! ment:

"IndeedI think him to be a liar", inreference to M.oo:;a'5 statement:

That there i a God abO"'" the 1~i.':.iI"'l;;'n!i,

2 2 The, cholars of the Ummah and in particular ~he oa'imma.h !!'mn th~ ~{lJcd~ fCllleemaiwlfwUrrh, did not dil agile that AIl<l<lIn, The Mostlligb ~s over His Throne and the Throne is above the seven he,wens. Thev affirm. what AUaah, The Must [i!gh, ~1<1S afFh'med, and believein wllilal He, The Lord, The lose Majestic; h3S lnfermed uswith.

They state this I~ct m ex ... <:dy d1C' same manner as Allaah ha srared ahour ~li!ii <15('t'I1;810n, th(]F accept i~s appiuent meaning and ICa\' . th . krlOw]edge of its true 11attll:~ to AJI,a.,..11 and s<'Iy:

We believe ill al that i.s [ron] our Lord and none receive adllll()nition, exc~p't the men of understandmg.,lO

JUti~ as AII<l;llh, The' : ",aitt:d" infonns usabout these \,\·ho are firmly grounded in blOlvlt!dge who say this, SoHe is pleased with them alld praises them,

23 Aboo ltl-H;1!Jsanibn Ishaaq al-Madanee related to me from AI~milad ibn. al-Khldr Aboo ul-Hasan ash-Shaall'ee, who ~dated frnm Shilililllil"J(11 who r ·l;'l£ed from Ibn ,Makhla,d ibn Y!l~ced. al-Quhsataam:·(·> ' ..... 11.0 relat (1


fr~m §a''fal' Ma~Jl:)oon \-\;110 sakl; "Sorneone asked Maali]l ibn AJla~ about the verse:

'How is that b'CiWQa?' He replied:

'AJ-Istarnaa is known and how it is, is not known .. Ee'mar.lIl'ilJl it is obligawry and qlle~'tionitlgabollt it is an innovation, I do not P rceive you -xnp,t as a misguided one.'

-4 cAboo MlIl1<11ll1nad al.-MakMad, a~-' dl inform cl me from _~{)O BJllkr 'Ahdu1laab ibn M~Jh:lI:nI.THld ib u \>\IJ:!llim. al-lsfaraa'eenee lvhQ reFa-ted.fiFmnAbQo ~IJ-HIJ$sait1'l\ ibn al.-Ha:sa!ll who related frOl:nJl<l!~.amall ibn Shabeeb who related tiom.1vb.hdee ibn ja'f:1r ibn M. imeen ar-RaJlillee fr~mJa'r~r ibn 1\bdllllaah who aid: '~\ man emil 'to M. alik ibn nils to ask him aboin th> verse:

Ar-Itahmaonis over His Throne ,Istdi'va,a.

He . aid: 'I sa .. v him g t angr)~ unlike' nev Ii b fore, due t hi.ql,cstion and h - started to sweat and h ;:; 10\\ red down his head. The people waited for til "eply and when he ha.dregained hi,s liOnrtpu "ure he said':

'How ~t. ls, is not known, However, tlne htalll(l'ii i. known and Eema l/l' ill it is o:hligatory and (Iue tiol1ing about i.t is an lrmcvation, Indeed I f ar that you may be misguided'.


orbeD he ordered for him to be ,expeUI.ifrom th circle, d.11

25 My Gr. nd-.' Olithe'l·hoi) Haamid AI:unad ibn Ii maa'eel ill!fi:),rmed m fr(fll:) ~nJ Gl'eat Grand-fa.tbe'r .. sh-Shaheed and Aboo 'AlbduUa.'''Ih MuhiJ.111- mad ibn 'Arlee :ibn Hamdawalh <l -Sasboonee, who related f!.'mD Muhammad ibn A.hnl!ad ibn Aboo~"\'n ~11'!'- a::iil.\ ... 'ee~\"bo related rroll1

ala.mah ibn Shabt:,t:h, who :rdllted froll) j\llahd!ee ~bn J~'f,llr ar-Ramalee \''\I,llo.,'dated finn] J<llf'flr ibn "A!lu:luUll.ilh \'!,~1I0 s~~~d:"A ~:na[}ctlme to iVlmdik ibn Am. S Oiilcl askedabout th'\'crs(!:

'0 Ahoo ~\bdll]]a,ah. Ar-RQhDJQ~m :is over Hi.s Throne IS1:a~Q.Ho\~ is that Isr,aw,(]<1?~ H" said:

I'~ saw .Ma.1lik g, t u,ngl"y. unlike 1':1t;\ ell" before, due to tbis quesricn." (And hI;.' narrated the rest siu'lii:ulv .I~

. "

26 Someone asked Aboo 'J\Jee al-Hussaln tbn nl,-fadrn ll~-Bai,"]ee abeut the Is't<lI,!'llfJ and how All.1lrth is lsWH',1(l m''eli His T~~J"Qne? He replied:

U',I: do not know lillyth~rlg about the u:n~ n, on]y to the extent ,uf \~b;nhs been revealed to us. He ha~ tallght us, M<ljestk 'i' His name, that He ~s l,sfQllw)(I (PifCT Hi" Thrnn and H· hi!!i not informed us hot" .. the hWW(1{l is. f'

2 7 J\J-Ha,akimhoo'AhdO!lIllah a~" Ha<lfi.dh j'i1h~~!m(7hull(m.ll., i,nfol'med ui Ii-om A];KIO Bll:l.::!r Muhamrnad ibn Daawocdae-Zealud who lnformed ,li'Ol1:1J i\1~uhamJ:ln,)d ibn ~bcl1iJ:r-R.1bl:mllaJl OiS-SMtn e. ""bo lnformcd from 'Abdllllaab ibn Ahmild ibn Shllba'~Vilih ~~-N\.ilF\'I.'ill!n\ wbo relarcd dlat he

3 .~ Ir k~ also [,.:klli:~~~ 'un Ahoo, Nu'a!nTiL\ ,'l~Hu·~,~"~ I' 6: 3 2 5 - 3 2 611 frr'>l1Il <d~Q1!a~ J-\boo UI'I'I!I)"y"llal-Gh"laab"e I:"r..'!li S.';laI1~.Jjh ibn "hi'lbeeb with lilighdv lliffl,;r,cllt WO'I'I:;Iillg .and ir is Sl-1',pporttt'd throug,I'i S,d.,n~l!h fWIl~ Bika.'Iir ibn '~\hdllill~l~.h ~]!-QlIl'il'i;.';he: by I hn "'\Il<ln~Ibrni n tJl·1dm' .... .J l 1 ~ I 5 1 I,

l~ .II ,h~ .ll\su ~Iil~~,,(! by ,u:l-O.uril'lliC't:' tijj _~r-·R~ 'al'j rJi-Jf,i1m~"J'~ll I[ 'l0-1 I ;mll Ib:" '1l1- [laih:l4."C: in Ai-,-um(w 111;10',- !ffrl<lf r 2.: UI'!-·)06 I,


Ilard 7Ale~ ibn al-Hasan ibn Shaq '" q MlI:baarokS<!lY:

''V¢e kno,\r that 0\] I,' oJlid is above the seven heavens <lml is ifwlI'at:l over' His ThIl"on and His (;1;- atiou is separat frQiJilfl Him. \:\te do not s .. y <i the J41mi!JYoh sa}~ that He is ri:gltt here', .:'1m:!. he pototed 'to tile',·n

28 1 l'U!e.ard frol'll ,~-H<la:lci~n Aboo 'fI.b(lulb.~.h a]-[-[<In6dh'sbock, tilTOliItWkh, \'\fhkh h cmnpUed about: the P ople ofNeesaaboor and WD his book, A,~Q' rjfor ul'- Hoo!!er:h, tili,C li~e:;; (If ",,'i1licb we're 11t:W;1' written before" it said tlla! he heard Aboo Jaifar \lh.'lham:1l1aC ibn aalihIbn Haanee who heard from Aboo Bakr MuhOllmn'tilcl ibn Ishaaq ibn Kl,u7:J1:hlmh SilY:

IIOne, 'wh() does ~10C Ol.lJirrn. that Alla"~I, The Most 1'I!llgh~ •. :lnd 'fhe :Nlio~t Maje:il:l; ls over His Theon and above the seven h '.'i. ns, 't'll !l h is an\rer in bis lord, Hisblcocl is I"vvful. I [ shouM be <ls-kedl UI ~f:'IK'I:'I~ ~nd if 140 doe" not rh II hws neck should be struck E 1 then shoulel be ~r(l"Vtli ani! rulbhish dum:p so dHI.t d'lic MllsJims and thos wl1l!o have a tr~3ity ,,,"ith the ' Itls~ims \\,"Ouidnot b. han'll .d bv the oITen lve smeU of !lis decaryjng ~)od:y. H ils \l\JI'~.hb b. taken and no one from tffile MlLIsli Il::iS :inherits his wealth oil~ a ' lusUm never inhe:r:its from an unb liever .' , H

33 Re.lall.ld by r\bi:lullaah ihrl Jmna.;l in '1l',f~Srlmj,!jh r H,216,593 l.bufl·a·'~:lllnlDa~rimc,' inA r- RmI'J 'fj!Ol "J-1IJJim~'y'Jh I 67.162 11 and 1!1!-B."Ii:iilMI"· i.1iI iV- I<ID(I,J ,,~~,-SiIf<lfJ' [2:335:]. The ~£rmGid i" l:lm,,/n.

H fU~,~1 o g'1'tu~(~ br i11-li-h.\kiln bl1 al"ilhl·rfp~ '!!loom ul·iiad,~!h [p.:'!" II. f\Is.O rcbted by Ibn 'Qt!dlll: Il\'ih ill Id'/]""JI' Sy,j! "f- 'UI,,, II ] 12 1 ,]11(1 nlllfl "r.1imi)'YOlh duclal";:! it 5.11i<:"h in ,.1- itIr;a;:,'(IolJ 1I1-·N:;;rJ\llt:r~~W~j'h. 11m Kht!l.l;lIlml~ 1L];l)O ~id OIl; memloned by ,ltllh~Dbilllil~b~· ill 5iJ~lr

A'olaam IoIIl lIu1>1<1<1 [ 14:372 ]:

"lli<L)j one v~'h~ eonl1mn~ that 'by 'belicvil'ig in dl(: h~ ~t;~ of AUilJh J'[}d ru(' o1htJ(ldi.'~IJl of tit!.' M~Il~"Jr of AII",,,I1. (~ I. £,lnru,,;Hiig dwir n.;'!ttlrC to i\II.nIl IInJ :1 lis jI,.'1es~Oi':n!.1ft" i'lnd does. nat gel: irwoh't"d ~n 'a:ryuii;g ttl ilnt~rlPrc't <lI1Id ddn: too detl?' UIl, lh1~, m:ltttl1t; then he i II Mu:;;Jiilll. OJlC ""'~Ul does iitlt lLlif:lIlo 1I1T1rming wh<1l is i,ll, the ~r·.rurl.m~II.l;e SU.rrJt.1h il U!li



'it M,usJim d(}!~sllo! Jllhe:rir jmm an IJnbe·#c!rer and all ~mbdi~, dW$ [IQ,(inberitfm.m oj iltiJdjl.~, ..

29 Our Imaam Aboo ~Abdul.I<l3h Muhammad ibn Idrees esh-Shaall'ec, r<ItJi),£,l1aahlJ '.(Jtihllr! uses as a pmof in hls book (11- 'tobs(Wt1tj, in the issue about diu: freeing ,of the bdieyjng sleveand 'the atonement and that 0( freeing) the non bell !'I1i\ig slin is not acceptable as the ato~~emen(11. I't occurs in 'lite Hadcer.11 of MU~lI .. "'yyah ibn al-Hakam dmt, Iile intended to fl",ee t~l~ bl:1l,ck si)ave~gh'] all an at~J'll'eIWlellt ( for- sbpp;i I,)g her), SQ he <liked the ~vles. .... et1iger ofAl]aa.h" (~), abol.U ht"t:'~· ing freed. ' 0 the Messeng I" of Allaah (~); tested her by a:sking:"liVllo (1m n"], poili'lted to hnn and to th sky, that is, you are a Mess ngeli' ent by AIDlaah''i.,bo is abov du'~ $11' The !Vle 'cnger of f\llail.h;~). s.Jd: "Free her.Jof indeed she .is cl .&.lli!J'ef" ",

hinilll:, ikn<)wkd~ of it dhel~ he i,~ 11~Ii.gernt and A.!hl.illl is fn:c fl"tJi'll Ilim. Alb:ih has 1101 oll~:Lg<"lt,;:;d e'-CI.·Y Mll~Hm. to l!Ilo.:'mfll·i",; 'e>'CrythiI1f;l, em this subject, ~'[!)wl."1i:r. fJ!W w:hQ 1'0;j('CI::i Ihis ar l'l;'I' 1),'1\," blg knm .... looge '[h~n he ls on <:! iliJth uther '~h"!l '~~I1L1. of the (J~IMJ &I,jlo ,5.1.:1]iJh.'<!1l because he ga~'C ~,tiorit)r !~> M~il~tcl!l.ect O"l{"f the W:>::I, ·]"h(~11 hL~ tiff;'! ir is Lllpto A111I!~h ~.nd we seek rer~l,ge with AlJIa.,h [!'<lUIl !'liwg'.ij,;I'l!'1£e :mdi heresy.

35 Rel~ledl by al-Bulk.h~<ir<!'C r 6764 ]:, ,\:tllsllm r 161'111" Ahoo 0.3;)'\, od, I 2909 ]. 01.1- Tirlr!l"]h,,, "I[ 2204 ] and [bn l'objah II" 1.7 29.1,

:3 ) 1'11<11 is .:IJ. Ujjilj"j [ '5 :2.80 I,

31 llntH she is te.~tll;d .il>(l~tt her '~~elief III ;.\I!.lkIh •. ~oc;;)lidill,g. to !lAIn it i~ 'ml com;C't 't:o plr')llIOl~mX~ a slm']1 fl;; ,!!'Ill ull1h~11~l"""Ir' ~'\'<;ll, if slw W11$ Ilo't a ,M:(j~lul!r,

J 8 TIt(" n"a.,~t.h "f ;\II", '<ta",iyyah ibn al-Hakam i"l~ot wi !:It rh '.~C WOD'd~. but. with th~ ~~")Nl .ef J\biJQ Ht!f;}irah. rhi~ Ha,/~I'" i", rehted by Aboo Daawood [ n '4, J. r~~ Ull'i1<><! is Ja :L"if because tWQ of th" tr'lJl~!i!~i:l'ti.'r", ~:r.'" ';)1.:. ,,;; 1"1'1 entioacd by :Ibn I: l.lj;'f in ,,1- khdi"",,<:],. It is ,reBamd ,amh~lIIrLmll)' rom boo Ih!f.l!1·,;!h, b:,' :M.I.I~lim [ ,33 ] (md sec beo ~ .


]'0 The 1M" 'seng r of AIIlil;}h, ~). decler d, h r a IUlls/fm and iii b - ne'\re:r ".11 tl he afflnncd that her Lord is above dl heavens and sh, koAl,''\I' bel' Lord bv ~he Attl'ibute of ai- "Woo and His 1i;,mseendellc,,';

- .

'l:maaM asb-SbaaJl' -I;;) raiu!e'mafiullaah, used t~l is. ( lidd~,!h ) .1\::' ,;I proof and an !l~wn.e;nt; <lgi'\~I1Sl dlQ'ScwhQ distlg:r\"!,J to make permiss~b~~ the fre-C'ira.g of' an u!1:bdi!e\.ing slave as, (In atonement with the belief that Allaiih, The Qnehrermn all ddlde' above Ht creation < nd above the se en, he,w~:ml ov -r Hfs Throne like it isalso til - b ·II~ ·f of the Muslims of 11J1/LJ~SlI'niiQ.b iI'f'Oi-juDlClQ 'ali, t.h·ir predecessors and the sucee 'wfti. Since h • rahlNH!:{1iUtlltkl'h., does not rel te an <ll.llfhc[ltic b.alt'i!r'/D ami not believe in it,

.11 AI-Haakirn Aboo 'Ahd. .. d.laal1; roh"l11Jwlmllail, informed me 'that he he01nl. the ImO'ii'Ulii Aboo ,~..:w.ueed Hassa ... n ibn M,uIThanJm<ld '<'I;~~Fiqhee" who informed 'us lrorn lbraheem ibn .Ma.h mood, who related dlat 11f: heard ar-Rabee'a i.b~l u]aima,'u'lJ sa ,~h:l'Md ash.-,Sha..1'!!U' 'C, I'(JhtNlll'flhr.r}l(J'(Ih say:

"~lryo;u see m ,saying something and then sonu;:tM'I1g else is eQnllnn«ir from the Prophet (~). opposing tlil, t, ,tht'l:t kJ'1oW rll.1lt my jnteUig nee has ]d~ me, ,,~9

32 AI-t~.1IO\\khli1, mheemdhullt:l<Jh, sakh I heard Ahoo 3J-\hr.1~:C[,c:lI :la." 1I10li'!: 1iIil11l once: 1 related from az-Z1'[ar.li1i:l ,~ that ash- ha'l6' ee, mhwmClhuiloo/l. related a h'adecm OM' daly and SOmeone' asked: 0 Aboo ~bdulla<lb! Do )Iou $Jiiy ,th~ . amer He replied:

D3!tW(lod [ 1282-3283 I ) ,,'dl the wording: He ,l:& e d h",'!if: ~1·'I·lr<tft' ts Alfu"hr She .11:1· 5'\~ro}(j; ~\]lCI~l.: the Im,{'flvt'ns,' He askc-d~ "IUro <I'1iI~ .i?"' S~~c iii'l.~wCI'!,'(I:: "(~In "~' ~tE: NIt-:t.lcn,~ir'" ,o:r AII~Aiih,' HI: ;q~ii: "f<w h~~ for !rtJwJ Shf' i~ " lldl.~~,,·

3:9' Al' 0,1 b~'lb:n ' bee I-b.l!ti rn M· R.loU'''c{, in .'ldoiLI(Jb ruJ:,.Sh~Ji'~ I p.6;, 93 J \'\,'ith ;). Sorbed. i.m .. aJ ..


•• Have you seen me in a :iynagogll' or a 'hur,eb.?! H. '\;C YOll S> 11 me wea,ring ill~-I.Qthes of the nnbdlie\'ers? How lS it that you ree me in the fjilisJjdof the il1uslr.l1lS. W \'\:e.:l.t" the clothes of the ll'lusiimJa.ud ~ face their Qihlah"W relate a 1,ltlttee.r!J Ircm t1:11t' Prophet andth an not s,l)" tbc . ame T~ll

13 Tille dillerel:lc'e between :l.hl tlS-StlJl1'wh and AM IJ/-Bid'ah is that n"henever they { AM ul-Bh:J'uh ) hear a. I 'pOort abean <'ill AUI":ibme of their Lord they r [ect it totally. nd do not or -lithe olppa,r 'nt: aitd then they start tointerpl'(~t wt intending to ch.3ng' it f:rom the o'~iginal '1lle~ni'1J,g and make void __ . \,vid.lthei:r <lind o:pinions 'lIll\ld'i~y know wnh truth <iIU] conviction tbar whatever the Messenger of Alliilall.{~_), sa} .then h: is [ust ils h said for be had th most knowledge ofhi.s Lord ,The Most Majcsti. tltan anyone else, and that he only spoke al!out Him wi~h the trnmtrh and :re\'e':IOlI~]on" AUaah. Tilt' Most tvlig:lrt)t <lind The Most Maiestk: S<lVS::

l· ,.I

Nor does he speak of his, OWI:iI. desiJrr~.~ti$ unly a, r;evelad.on. that

s, ,II _.- .r. . d ~.)

lSlnSpl1iC .•• -

3'4 .k-Zul,tree the lmaam ·of the au 'illimah, rrrd9'fJ/1.!l,ahu 'tmig,[1,,-'Olid as did lI1tOli'i)' other scholars:

411 Rdal('(1 in siluil:n wOl'Cl, 'I~' al-Bailri<lqiL'l' ill ill~,!.l(1n{](jqib I ! :·174, I.mel ,;\1),(10 N~\\lim III I:I1-UI9'1111 , 9: H.Mi I with 11 S,lhe.....n ~Hr.uOJ.


i':F-rQIIRAllaab can) 'til" M.e~ ag ,and it is upon th, l\1~e enger to ,wn.. y ~~. and it is UpOI1 W LIS to sublilili[ to h.',·n

35 ¥omlUS ibn 1\bdus-amad lbn Ma'qill! lated from his fadl 'r that alla, d ibn Dirban1 came upon '\:\"ahbibn Munn .. bblh and asked hinCJ about the A:~tl"ih:Uil)e. of .AUilah" Jhe il\,lost High. He said:

"Woe to, you 0], j'ad, for goiL1g in:110 this Iltlhir. Indeed I think you air' from tho' who are destroyed. "b r<id., U' . I1aah had not informed us ln His Book that He has a Haud, Eyes and a Face I ',\'Ol~ld not have siI;id [bat., so ~I" Allaah. ~~

After ,tha.t he did notliy.t:' long for he was kiU.,cd and cm·cified. ""


c h o p t er 6




36 The Peop,l,e of If(ilfeel'h <1mI'm, that The Lord, The Om:" free frmn all deficiencies and ~ he Most I-Ugh" descend eycrynight to the lowest heaven, without l'est~mh.litlg the desc ent of His creation, and a] ·0 withnut any comparison and Ilm,\Tit Ill,;)'), be .. vVe affi,nn ,,,,,hat the M,e~!'[ of AlIaah. v,~!~). affirmed <And w stop wherehe stopped_ W adher to the authentlc (1hcIQdeO:lil and take their ap'P<IIJ"{"l'lt me .. ni~lgs <I,nd leave their unci. rst,mding 'Of In - 1'1" true natlIr~ to Allaah.~!;

37 They also believe \t\;I'lJ.1lt An~Ah; /VUghtty bt· His name, re"lre.,led in His Book about Hioming ill'lddvent

Do they then "\i\'a,it for anythirill

other than th,at AJIlaah shouldcome to them in the shadows of,the clouds and t!he al1gels.~'(;

And your Lord comes ,..,rid. the angels rank upon rank,"?

38 I read in the trcanse of Shaykh Abo!) Bakr al-Ismaa'eel e to the pe:opl· of jeelaan, that Allaah, The On I~i'ee '110m all deft iencies, deseen.dis to ~he lowest heaven, 2IS is authentically reported fmm the M,essenger of AUaah,~) ." And Allaa,11 say':

Do t1:iH~}' then want fot' anything, other tha.n that Allaa.h should come tQt:hem in the' shadows ofthe douds and the

___ ) ~'.l ,iulge s,


j\_!'1XJ your Lord comes ,viith tile angels

'~l 1'".<lJnk. upon rank.'

meanings. A~nd no!)ne knows its htdden m.eaning~ but AlIaahan.d. tht'H;C' ,"' ftrnl1y grounded in kmo\illrJ.edg:c :say~ We be~:ii.eve in. aJil that is fli"OIl'il.onr Lord and nlo,n.clJlcceive Oilidmol1l.idon ,except the men of understaed-

'. .1


\A.k believe In all that hali CO~11Ie, without :;O<l)'ing how it is. However if He, The One lrec rro!'u aU deflcicncies, wiU.ctl, He 'could have explamed to 1,1$ how lIe descends, butwe s:top at those texts 'wlhkh AI~aah has made dear and do not delve' into the aUegol'lclli~, texU'i, ::IS, He has ordered us do so in ['Us &"lying:

39' Aboo Bah ibn Zabri),},a1.1 as.h-Shaybanet;,infofmcd LIS from Abo!') I~b.<'inlld .ibnash-Sh~'rqec, whQ heard From Ahmad as- Sulammee and Alma Da.a.wood al~Klilafaa~, who both heard frm'1 L<.haaq ihnlbr<lhee'i''Il. alH:iI~lee'l who said that the Ameer '\'\bdu~~a!lJhibn la.ahir;;l said to me:

'0. AbooYaqooh~The NeJdl!ei' you n.M'i'<Ite to me frorn ~he Mes~ seml,ger of Aillaall, ~); OUt 1:.0rJ .:k.mmr1s (HICry' Ilia/Ii io rile IOl!~t Hb'(mm, Ho\"v does He descelld?' FIe rep~I~c1:

"MllY Allah, strengthen the Ameer, D'O not StlY about tile '\"'''y ofTl'J.eLord lm\'Il"f ludeed Hedoes des(;!C'nd hut we do not ask ]U).W; M'!

40 A]Km Y'aqooblsllaag ibn Ibraheem al-'Adl, related ~o me' fm~]l l!I~ahboob ibn 'Abdl:H'-RahmiliUl al-Qaadee \.v'h,o related [rom Aboo Balh ihn Alm,)Jld ibn M .. hboob who rel .. ted fl'!)]l' Allm{ld ibnl~.1nla\;,ifilib. Also fronll 'Abdtur-RahrnMll i\1J1~i-\'takee who related frOii1 M.uh.'1lHllnad. ibn Salman], who askcd'i\bdurlaal1libl1 al-Mubaarak ahollt the de5cending in tih.e night, ~ll the rniddle of Sh:lJ 'baan. H eanswered:

It :is He who h.a,s, sent down the book to yoP" In it, are verses tlI<Jit are entirely dear. 'fheyare the foundatlons of the book. OtherSitlle not entirely dear. So as fol!' those hl .... thos-e hearts 'Is ill devlJatiolil. they follow th<l!t,,,'hk~h is not e11tirely clear. Therefore dc;:dr'ing flrfUl'I~ and iuh:iJdd,en

53 'fMNSL,\TDRS NOTE - H<: ",<:.' i'~e g{wcrIlor of Kh~mlSltaJ~ "'IIPQintJ..'(i hy ;'I~l!ilililirnloon. He ~Ii"d i 1'1 lilt \-.:;]~- 13 Oil.

:54 Als" related by .11·L-I/II~k'1,1'1'(· II 774 ~ •• 11.B'ilihlL{~C'C in ui-tl'mu<!' '"".; ~!J(,Ir,l1 11:375 - 316] <l.rld zdh-Dhahahee ill Af"H,wSdf tJl- '0100 I 1,4-216 I.



"Oh w 'ak one, in the night of the IniddWe of Sha'baani Be descends every night .•. ,

A man said: 011 Aboo 'Abd1lJr-ftilhI1l'laan. How does He' de he not leave tbat. ceti<linp]iu:e?' \l\bdullaah replied:

"He descendshow He 'wil]s.·"~;

41 In another r-'port .. ",1l:h th is story'; 'Abdulhahi'bn a:I-I\"ubaarak said to the '1]1<il\:

!'Wh,enevcr aluld(l'Cr.Ji . omes to-you frOll'll the Me~senger ofAII.a ... h, ~). subUI,it to ~t humbly."

42 rn heard al-Haakim j\'I>oo 'A:b(~L1I~afih, mintcm'YJI(Jh~, say lit' heiill.d from Aboo Za'kalfiyah Yahya ibnMubammad al-Anbaree, who heard f:nnB Ibrahcern ibn Abee Taalih, who heard from Ahm. d ~bi1 ' a'eed ibn Ibrahe em ibi'iI 'Abdulla!ah ar-Raeaat say: I ,,\~ S present in a meetii'igV"ith Prine 1\,hdilU<I",b ibn 't'liilhir and Ishaaq iibn Ibraahc In. Ibn Raahawaih wa ill -re that day. Someone asked him about the h(jJ~er'!J of AIIa.<I.h·s deSCC'l:uli,,"Ig. wlu:d\er it is S(j/ree:h? He replied:

Then some of the ofHcer of Prince 'AbdullMh said to hbn: ''0 Aboo Y;qoob, . r" you alleging that AIIaah d scends every night?' He replied:

'Ye. II


'I ha:\f affirrned th t H, is above.' (I lshaaq said to hlm:

And your Lord comes "ith the angels rank upon rank .. ,·,5b

60 Prince 1I:bdullaah said: '011 Aboo thi not regum-ding the Day ofJml:genu~nL?' Ish<lil(j said:

·'May Anail~l stren,gthen the princt'. The On wbo ,. ·OJn('$ on the D<ly of ]udgement,\!"lho an ctop Him fmm com.lng today?;,·1

43 Tlu:M(ladccrh .. hOUl tll D ~ccndill,gof ~nailh every night to th lowest He<i\ !"! are r,epQrt,agree4 upon to he authentic .. They ale taken fi[lom rl;l,e S(IJ~rNl\ of al-Bukhaaree and S,lneeh ruu!)1ll1n Irnm Maa~~k ibn A.nll.s;. [mnl az-Znhree, from<lI.~Agharr and Aboo S.f'Ilal1:lali, from, Aboo H!.i!mind::i.,

44 Aboo 'Alee Zaahir ibn Ahmad informed melirom. t\boo Ishaa'q lbrabeem wbn ' bdus-Samad, who reia't d fronl Aboo ;\1111. 'ab, who .1.' - bled from .M.a I i k .. "

- AI.~o Ahoo Bakribn Zilk<u:iyyah related fml'n Aboo Haarlm Makkee ihill 'AlbdailIt, who rela ted ii"OJ'll 'hll]iil~IHi1tld i btl Y."lhya \,\1110 read ovel: .aOlJ]·


- AlI~o Aboo Bakr ibn Za,kari: ah related to me fWI:n Ahoo ul-Qaasim 'Ubaidullaabibn Ibrahe m ]bn Baalowaih, who related fl'Otu Yal:lJ)',l ibn i'vluh,ii,inill'i.'ld, 'who related .£]1'011:1 ):'\h~'il lbn Yahr<t~ ",110 said; I read over Maalik from Il~n ShJh,HI,'b .1I7.-Z1i.duee, frorm Aboo 'Abdu:~,~11Iah "'~-Aghal"l' .!Ind AI:mo Salamah from .. Aboo !1urairah, rud(),al1aalm 'anllu. that the"enger of i\1I'1<lh, (~), Mid:

"Our [orrJ, The ~IQSt BlcHCrl (md T1rel~/o$t Hillh. D'C$cmdse'<eIJ' 11iOJil 10 fhe lowes!' /lit,'<1!'elI .:II' I',be lime wheu C1lhirfi tf rhe lIinht remain~, and HI! s(jy,,~'WboJ'OItver is ~,(Jllin,g ON Me, 1 will' QunY1!r hl,m. WhiJIsmll'tris ,ClS:1ulIl) iN'e.' 'wiU fJiwt to hi.liI1. WhOStH!n\'F .is see/duo My forDiv/mess, .1 ''''iI1j'Orllive him. ",'=;8

4S Thish"idc..:di has l'na:ny rontes t.o Aboo Hurairah.

-1=l:Om .1i]-Ait\Fl.iia'ee., {iroll:'! Yah)'a ibn Abet' Katheer; from Abllo alamah, 11.'01:11, AbOQ Hurairab. w

.- Ft-om \Ihzecd ibi1 Haaroon and others, fl'O:l1lfl the dc"immoh. fron1. MUihammad ibn'Anu. fmrn ,1\\100 Sa~'lInal\, from .Aboo Hl.tra~r-ah5,(J

58 ReI.1uxl by ;!1-BlIkharul'e' r I PIS, II •• "'·~ti.lilll r 75,8 1, Aboo Daawood I 131.:> JI. <\1- Tilrllll'l~JiIf!.("I." r 3745 1 C1ml.lhn MiLiljah [ ! ~66, I·

61 ({;:Jailed by lbn Rbttul-B.lI-1' illlll'·futllllc.oJ r 7:ll9 J.

~ From ;MaaID:ik,from. az~.z1Jhree" ftom Sa'eed ibn al-Mu ·ayyib. from Aboo . . I &1

Huf'iUrl'i'lJ. -

_ From 'tHnliidul,laah ~bll 'Umar from a'eed ibn _bee Sa'eed <11.Ma1blJree •. fl:'OIl"! Aboo Ilul'ail·,all. bl

_ From 'Abd\.ll- 'A~IL'lil ibn Aboo al-Musaa v vlr and Basheer ibn Srurmaan" froJl'lJ Aboe Haazirn, fron) Aboo Hurair..h.1I4

46 - -ronl, NaaW Ibn Jubalr ibn Mut'am, from his 'Father.6.>

47 ~ .FTOIlJ Co ioosa ibn. 'Uqbl?ih, from Ishaaq ibn Y'ahy.1" from 'Llbaldah ibn as~Sa<'imit"r,1>

48 - From 'AbdlJu~RahI1l1<1a]l ~bn Ka'b iblJ Maallk, frOlll Jaab~r ibn


49 - from 'Ubaidnnaahi'bn Ahee &aJii' from _Ice bin Ah e Taalib.!i~

54- This i.mmd is 1Jd'L·~l.'l;' al-MnoiOlllwil' is II. I:1'elik narraitJlr, S e Ibn Hajar"~aI-Tahdl'"",-b [ 6:981. I-k"\'~'~'r ill. has other ,aul:i1entD<: ,ehail1ls_ See point ,61.

65 R·b;Iit .. j hy Ahmad li 4: I l~d-Dllarl,lm('e r 1488 1, .a~-L\alakilll.'l'lC I[ 7 :>8-7 59 I afl,1 aI,.BlIih:fl<pz im cl-i\;mw<lII'oL< Sfffi'<lt (2:3n}. h'!dsild':w is "i.he..>h.

66 h.'a is!W",1 il~ m,u.l<j'flll' (~. nat .'ling nltrm.tQ1t I'll Ihe chain). 1~i-Ill.b,,'(1 hyal.Ao1iUL'l'l" [1>,,312 J.

68 Rela~ed by Ahmad 1968]. ad-Daarirsec [ IASSlarlll.ll-ulililk<i.a'o;e r 748.7491. 1I.'s isn.,qJ ia l-JUillll.


50 ~ From '. har ek, from AbQO Ishaaq, from Aboo uJ~Abwa, from 1\bd:l~~b""ih illn Mas'oocl,fl9

5 t -From. lu]lilmmadibn K.'<l!b; from Ficlaalah ibn: <Ubaid. rrom Aboo D.lIrdaa:11l

54 ._ From the Modt,en; of the Belie\neu~ ~i hah and Um:m Sal,n.~ab, IXld!,ral/aohll' 'Ilnhuma.7'

'}'Iilaal! desccIld's iWC.IJ' niyln m .r.lle IO\l'es~ luum:-n tn the. tin)c n1i'CU !l .third if me nighle tcm(Jil1s, mull He SO)!:!: 'Wnosoe-t:U'is cal1infJ Me, '1¥i'l Q,n;f!'l'erhim. Whosee-!'€l" is amiuoMe, I will yivl! him. lVb·('S'oe~<el' is J~e:ekin.8 My JornJvelI'f3'5,I ~viltJbrlJj'!le .him. J"

5 6 Due to this, til - 5.1i'!f used t.o fJirefel" the prayer ill the last part of the

69~~d!~tc.<I by Ahmacll[ 38.11.367.3.,42(18 ] .~i!lli a(·L1<lId.1a'eo:: r 757 ]. Thls fSf",,,J b i)\:I:f!{.j hll~ ~l h~!> <>tIU.'T $Uppoi'ii'~ng routes,

,~ Rl!lalal b~i Ihl! Hlhhaal1 [ 1006 1. mlm KhuZlimaii [ 4;163 I <lml AbQO YJ'laa r 3:07 J, ].


niJght over the first piut.

5'7 An these routes are recol'·ded,wHh thek a.aanee<! 'ill in 'Ial~ge coJlI!:nun known as .al·-lrili.aor.

58 This 'wording is fr()I.~ AboQ Salamah and .al-Agharr, froID t\boo Hurnirah.

59 In another na.rrat.iol1,. ¥a2)~ed. ihn Hasroon related from Muh!lI'lMlIlacl ibn 'An.~. f!"Om Ahoo Salamah, from Abeo Hurairah ..

- Also 3[-A .... 7""ni'ee· from Yabya ~bn Abee Katheer from Ahoo SaLa:rtl,:1iJh (Tom AbaCI Hurairah. Mdiya/lt:1a!w 'anIHl, fmlll. the Me:ssenger of A~lilah, ~)., wh.o S<lId.:

"1¥hi!1l ha!f if fliBh~ passe>: or (I rlljrd' temaim. IIJ/coli dl!srum1.~ !O lhe .Iol'l'l:£r: HecJ\f,m aod He s(Jj3'.: • Is there. ,a~yo'u! aslti~g Me. so , ~-an give ,ro .him? Is there ofV"Vne calli.rJ9 ,on M e, . .so J' ".::IIi! answer IJim? I~ t:h'ere .any- 8111e see1il18 My jory'ive.fJexs) so I can jo.t'[Jive hiR)?' Umil tbe break qfdawn, "7~

60 The narration 0.[ Sa'eed bin Marj.aanalt from Aboo H U!w"ailf.ah, ames with tbe additi.on:

14 Relll~ed. bv Muslim I 758 [,


•..• - . Tilen He :pflUJJ.s Hi£ H(1nJl~ amJ .1'(9 " <W~e wUllcI!dro On,!!" who isneithe:.r poo,,. .n·,or 'Urtjus,t.,""'li

6 J In tbe hadt."elh of Alho!} Haasim :fwnlboo HUI'.1ir.i1h" th, M, -enger ofAUiI.lh, ~)i' said:

'!'IJ!.fJah JCKwds 10 die i() I VCSI f-/.tlCfI'I;'11 <!fter rillt ,last lMr;j r1 tIle flight ,audc<lilos .fmc :rl:s ;rfle.rn ,tlJP'QRe askiR:8'Ma" 10 1 elm 9i~e to /)imr Is Ihereal'vrone seeJdr!8 MyJ&rgivo!In'c:ss. so, caflfotlJ;ve ,1I.illl.?· Ui.uil, r.hrm! i.~ llrJtl!.iny whim 11(1; lifo, .bIN it: km;rl'S' abouf ibis, escep: tile l1ufl)CiuS and jirmr;. TJl'(lf is tbe rime when [lac· auk crows" t/}e d!' bi'~~. tind illl! J08 b'(jrks. ".,(,>

62 Ahoo ),~tam>oor ibn Ham baad I\;bt d to In • frm:n '\[boo '~IIOC bmaa'cel <I. -.~J<ltu:, who rC]::ilted from Ahmad ibn~\,1"!lWO'Ta:r~.RUi1'l!Mdee.,u'Il!) related from 'i'\bdur-Razz<lcl, \~,'ho rd:3!t~(j [rOll'll M<I't:JlrlF, froln S1l!Ii:JIii. ibn

bee Saalih, fm:m his J:llhel' frum Aboo 1-[urOli'r.lh who s~hl The McsSt'i'lg~I' of AHaah, ~), s~id;

"HI/dab, The MQ~I Hillli, d!:"r,;ends !'IJ rlie Im~""s! HIUII~en <lfld ~'s: ,/ tun AI-Maalik, .1 Qm Al~ MaDill{ ( three times ),",",0' is ,(lsk-ina Me,. S(I' 1 can nive' t.o h'im? Who is caml19 Me, se I can anj:~¥er .him? WilD is sukioy My

7(; Rebted. h., a • .I.D<l..ll'.anull\,!(" ,- 19 J al''\~J'ur'''' I[ I) '>.".~ 1 T·'· ." .~-~,. C L .• I . I

• ., • ". -~, . ~"o II •. , , !JIM"". IS ""'""-'c',, t_tffiil" 11

other 'I',out ... ·s. '"


63 I heard ourteacher Aboo .MilIlIKlu:r· sa)' af,t'li re·latil'iig d~i nadeerh t1l1lXiugh dictado11,that omeon asked Aboo Haneef h aboutit, and he saidi:

He descend but we do not know how'

64 Some ohbem said: He descends 'in ;I. manner that befit" His LOI·dshlp;, but we do not know 110\\, m,t i. un~,i~. the w.ay inwhi.~h [--Ii reatlon descel'lidis, wlhich ls ap'I',,:rcnt andtakes a . ertain period of rhue ~ec-au.:s.e ~:i!ie!. 'lhe Most Might)' iJ.l~d'fhc Most Majcs,ti,e. i,s Exalt d il'!:aO\fe- havi.l1Ig ,.Url[)utes that are likt;> th, attribute. creation, ~us'l as He i eXilbcd a1Jove having <In ssence I.~k~ uhees:sclllce or the creation, O. HIS Degcctlding. Coming :1il11d }\soe[)t nrein a l:n.1lrlimC:r that bd1.!,;.'; His Att!rilm~es ,ali1d ther - D.S 1]0 cmnpari~lg d-i,em or sayi ng how tl1t:)1 are.

0.5 The lmaam Ah! 0 'HlIlkr MlIh,UllIl101lid ibn Ishil<ltl 'ibn K~h~lzail!'il!'i.h ll'dhecmt!lIG!h~s:.-"I}'s in l'lis Kjtcwl) m-TulI'llood \\.hich hecompiled and fl'o:m w~ere we h arcl that from one o:f its transmitters, Aboo Tilallil~:

CHAP"!"' R:; Melltionhlg ·th(' est~I:JH!'lh~~ narratlen wid. tI."le ;1I.lIthe.ntic aSOOlWt:d,. r lated by the scholar of the HjlMz and al·'lr. aq, l"eganH!lg the D - 'cendin,g of The Lord to th elowest H 01\ en c\ ry night! without de~cnbil!)g how the Descending is, but still affi,l1'mirilg it:

"\'\'e tetil)',. with It~1J corwtction, by de I.aring with our tougu',. and we ackJl0\1,~ed&rcwi1:ih all-~.-('tai1ilty what is mentioned in. t~l;;t· (j'llaQdl!ie~'h refu-rri;Il,g, eo tile Deseen sion, Wn,d'lDll~ de;scl!"~hi n.g how itmilJ)' be b~~~'au~e OUl' I~Ii'0iP:het, (~!@.t"). did not des 'ri[,e to us how the D'scending r our Crea~ lOt· is to t~l . Im\1 ·t I ['e'.lIven.He informed IJsrhl'lt FIe Descends Il1!1d


AU3<11:11,111 Most Mighty and The II.llostMaj,t:-Stic, cllitll"'Usted Hi- Proph, t, (~); l'fl:-iplaw:n<1U the requirem nts needed for th, tl!.!siw,m in ,1U his I'd igious matters,

.·0 w- b -Jievl' and aU.lnn what are in the e (J,II<J()'d'!f.fth rcg.JIl'cling :the Be-, scending and W'C do not unneoe sarily,tillk about the Descending hy de.\Icribing how ~t Illray he • .11& til Prophet, (~),. did DO:t ~'ly how til Ot$cendiflg ls . .,,19,

66 A.!-Ha1'lIkinl Aboo ~bcl~d~aa~ aJ-H<liaJ1dh inform,ecl me ~rom A:])ofJ. Muhammad <ts,"S(!lid.a'la<'lltl~; who related f:rom, 'Alee ibn al-Hussain ]bn a~-Juni!lidl WlllO relat d 11,'om Ahmad :ibn-",,,.Ith al-Misree, who related fn)m Ibn Wabb from J\'lakhramab ibn Bukair, from his fatl1er, raile~i'iulhulJaoh. . .. .

.... A]so al- H aaklrn, faneetTwlmUaali, infol'lned 'Wle from Ab 00 llIVAbb:il.1& Muha.1wm::lild ibn Ya"gooh, ""i1o l"t',la:c d from lI:u<ll1.eclu ibn aj-MuIDdhil,~, who related from Jbn Wahb, from~L,lk:hnmnll ibn Ellb~f, froln Ilms £11- dlT, who il'id: I heerd Muhammild ib~'i1IlJ-MilnkadaI' wl!:lo alleged tl1at he heard lliorm the ",vil:e of the lPtophet,.~) - Umm S,a]am,,"lh \1\ilflO said:

"'\A/h.ilt <I great: day i·t is, when t\I]uilh, The .Most r~Hgh,. descends ~o tltu' lowest Ht!<t\ ~Ji .. "


(;:7 \l\ajshah, rod~l(JlI'oaJ}U 'anhl1G related from the Proph t, (~i who ~id:

':1Jlo"/l, The ,uO'~! UtlJh, a~~Ctmd tn rbe middle cf lin 'be7(11] 1o rita /OWC'Sl ,beln-Cl1. duti~fJ ,the rdebt up ro tile last po[/' oj the janol,I'Jnd d~:. Fi,e J'l'Ce.~

J10m 11l('rc i'l111! ,amil' Il umber G., .I'heir (Ire hairs Oll rill!' bod)' c:f cr f:jOClt" from tile ~,ibrt oj Kaib. The i1Clm!ts f!! the p.iJ[Jrims w/lo nvill 80 10 Hajj ana ~hC' ~IJSlWW1J'C for I/'Ul,f)I''4t dl'il? wriuen. 'l\fo ,aile is .ll!-fi: e."''''pr dM lh~)' are jo.'fJfI"CJ1, t:.H-:ept.Jor til£' MumrLk, Ill' on" ",fit1' Uls I?/f.l' lmions. someone who is

,.~'r: - "" i . " {;, n~O

undlJ~:J 1.11 and one 1\'110 tins C1Ul]I~'J"r so!J!@f1o!.

68 Aboe Uahir .ibn Khl:tZilltll.1!h il:lfonned nl fJ'on~ nl.)' Grancl~Fa'tll'e" v"ho related from a'I-Has.1ifi 'ibn Muli~rnillna,d az-Za'farauee, wlu) related from Isluaa'cd, ibl1 ~I\Jc.cyilh, from Bi.sJl a ~nn ad.~D."stawaa,·,t' ,.,

- And Ibn Khuzairnahrelated to m fro'll) az-ZiI'folraal'lee who related from IIlbd~d]aahibn Bakr who related frolli, HjsbaaLllu,d-Dr<lsliliwaa'ee ....

- And Ibu KhlJ.z<l,h,n a h related '10 me from .:I:l..-Za·,faraal,ce, 'i/\.'ho related E'I"o:rn Yilzeed, ibn ~ b.aroon who heard from ad-.Dastav.:aa' - -" ..

- And Muhaml'flad ~bn ~bdullallbibn .Main'llol)n relatedto me &01'1'\ <1:1- Waiee<l. from i1'I~AwJ._.;'1,a"ee -all of them fnnll Y<Jihya ibn Abee K.atl~eef;, from. I-lil<lal. ihn Abee M . .fi~mool1ab, from, ~t;la ]l,u Yasaa, :from Rlfa,a"ah ilin 'Uraa~~<lh <I1-jUlmee ...

- AJlId Ibn Khu;.< .. aimah I' hlt·d .li"OLD Aboo Haashim .ziy;t~d ibn ,t\yyoob"

SO Also Rd.'Ih:<'1 by ;\hma,J [,!!,;':2 ~8 ]. ;t1-Tirm,idlJ€c I[ ';1 391. lbn M;;aj<th k ] )89] om.:! .~Ila'lliltha'tt [ 3:'1j~8 1_ Til", rsn.:mJ is Da'~f H~)\/I,~''l2r it h"" ()dl~l: ~~~PlPurt:ing routes to strengthen i~, Reler·1D ils.rlal ul-Ahood .... ,rfl Ir-S,Ih.-;;I",j, [ 3: I. 35-13'1, 1 1i!id llt.Il,:rJJ '.Nal J<JJl~I)'tIh [ rss 1_


who relate 1.lronl'hab<l hir ibn lsmaa' ,cl al=Halab e, frml1 a:l-i\:l,'\l:aa'ee, who rAnt)'N~ from Yahya ]])u .A1i:e Katheer, who fe~ared froill l-I]i~iI<iI~i ib~l Abeebjmi.ul.'I'h, rom 'A:taa, ibn YtlSMIf, who related fmllC! Rjl~,1I'ilh ibn 'Llraab a h al-J~!lin ,Vi~ho :;aid: th Me,'::>enge:r of AI](la.h,~); s id:

,u' ,J1'hcn I.ltI!f or a lhird .c!J' ,fi(l ni[Jhr IJass,/!S b)~ MI{1tllJ D~C(!fi,ds to !'be lm!,'i1S~ hem'!::/! cmd sav.s:';


(NO' Ollie asks D.lOU obQllt Ai)' servum:s rntm

Myself - Who is o.sldng Me, so I ,can give ,[0 him? 'RIlrill is ,ad/ias UP(J'fl Me, so I can (m;J1WJ: him,? Wlu,I;.s setking My 1fo,r;fli",el1e$.~,

• - 1 -. f. ',r "". ", itl .. 0· ,can J,OJ'gl.,e Dim"

The word~ng 0, the h(lcieel/} is, that of al-WaLeecL

69 I saj\ "r~)_elii the ahaadc;crh were <luth!.'Ylkated, reg'illU'diilg the' Descent of lIaah, fml1il th Me, SCllg r of Allaah. ~). hI IM:-SUllI',1ol!t!Jen af::' firmed and accepted 'these ,(tliao.riectil, They ()fnnneJ 'the Desc iilt upon 1!v.hat the Mess:enger of AUaah.t~) sald without t~le DesC'emlit)g\,"i~h that of a created being. Tht::y do not ~ry to discover hlow it mav he SblC th re is no W<1iV gf dQing ... · ,that"

~ - ~

The), know 1:'t.'<IIli:ae im(} bdievenffil . .iI'I: the .A.ttributes of AII.!Iah, The On fre - from <1.11 deficieneies and Th - Most High. 'alU'lot be {'omp.lred ,,,iith the artributes of the creatiou, [u t !.ik I lis ssence cannot be comp, red with the essenc - of the creaticn of AllaatJ, Exalted is All.1a~, Big,h. ebove what the Jl/tls!wbbilwh and the jl!lu~,m#,;h sa: and inay AJI~1ah curse them,

70 :I read fr·om AhQO 'Ahdllll a ah ibn Ahoo Ha£~. al-Bukhaaree, \\;hy was the ShayU of BlIkJaaal'M ln his time without a doubt. His f.'1t.h,er, Abo!

III .'\100 reLit .... ,] hy Ibn M..lJjall r 1366, ~ iln.d. tbn Khu7Jli Ifnilhin ""'rr;l>l'i> Ijil'~ TtI .. /,,~ i[ t; J .~ 1- 314 I. r]l~ I 'Ilw.rd is Salle-ell'.


Half's. '1.'111).5, from th enior compOlnion of ~uhammad ibn a~-Ha 'Ii!:! ash-, Shayba, nee. Aboo ~l)(I'l1~I a ah s,\'li~d: I heard ~I\bdulla~lhjhn 'tlthmaan-he is 'Abclalln ,the Shaykh of l\"~anva~ fwm Muhammad as~· haybaan·\;' who s'iliid: Hammaad 11:"111 AbQQ llaneefah said: I: s~.i.d to somepeople:

"l-Ia'ol~ you seen the sayi n,g of AUaa'h:

AJi];d youI':" Lord CQlntsv.ith thIe angels rank upon. ra:nk,·,8l

They S<lid: 'A, forfh~ <l!i'lg ,Is"t'll :'I~ th ... y Cul'J'H' in rows, A:s!or The lord,

, 'I

Tn Mast H'i:g,h, then 11')(1 .ed" we do not know wha:t il5 ITI'e<lnt her nor 0

we know how he Comes.' . 0 he' said to them:

II,W,_ do not imposeon IOU to know how Fie 'Olines butw impose on ],OU to believ - that He om ,0. \~r:J!iat ill yuur vlew about one who denies ~1I "1 ] '. ..,. 11' I ~.. ~

IjI1a1t tne ilngc s come m 1i''O~1\1S(1 y rep~~e(~;

"It is the same if SOll':lc~)ody denies the Coni'li[~g o:n~~e Lord, The 01;,10' &'e- from all deflciencles.Jndeed he isan i:lnb sliever lind a liar:"

7.1 Aboo 'AbdlUllanh ibn Abet' Hal's al-Bukbaaree also s<licl in hisbook; Ibrn[~e ern fbn .. l-Ash'ath,t]; lheard ... 1-F1U.d(Uy~ tbn 'I) aad :iil)':


"If one of th~ ]oh'ffl!x>rahay to YOIl, <indeed w do not 'believe ina Lord that Descends from l"lis pt.1C!'!, you sbolllcl reply to, them 1l)1 s<l)'ing:: I Ibelie\,'cin it Lord that do ~ as lie will ,,,,:B


chapter 7



'11 Yazeed ,Ibllll=laroon related wn a m·~tiing a IwJecti1 of Ismaa'ee] ibn. Abee Kh..ialicl, from, Qais ibn Abce .H<I'\lrzim" :f1r'1l)W'i. Ja~er lbu\>\bdullaah. dl3lt the Nh':Sl~euge'r 'of PJla."h. ~), raid:

"JtMJ,'~ )"IlU will sccYGur I-m'd" like JOu :;Ire r.he jill mootl .•• ~

SOl) l1!laJ.'l! ill th(: m~eting said to bim:: '0 Aboo K~I<I<'ilid. wihat is dle meaning of this J)(JlJeet1~ ?; ,- Ie in :reply ga'l angry and said:

aHo"I' weat is your reseTllbL:,u1ce to SHb,eegh and haw w,eat is your need for that which was don ~ to hiIn. Woe be to vnu, and who knows ho v v it


will, bd' For " .. ,h.o is it pe'rm~!i:sibI ~ toO tran.sgress this statement \l\,~lich the badeeth came , .. ith of to speak: about it rroO'lJJ one's own d ires, unless i:t be the one wbo ddku.l:es himself and Jx.1.itti.eshis r -ligilon. Whenever you hear a nadMlh from t!h M,esscnger of A1laah, (~), f:ollow it arid do llQ,ti:nnov.lte in it . Indeed if you {oUo"v itand do not dispute about it. you

will be .5i'11ved. If not VQU willbe destroved.'

. ,

7 J The story of Saheegh \vhidl Y;r~eed ibn. Haaroon .referred to when he solid:

"HO\i\: gre a t IS your resemblanceto 5<1beegb and how gre<l!t is yourI' need (0" ~bi)!t. whi .. eh ","as doue 1.0 him .. "

Lt ~!! related hy YahyaiiJn Sa"eed from Sa 'eed ibn al-Mqs<l),)rnb: 'fhatSabeegll at:r.'meeTnee caUlle to the chief of th~ Belk\l·ers., 'th:na.r ~bn al-KI~att.t<I;b. rod~1(1il(wlm'(mhtl, and s<lid:' 0 Chief of the Beiievel.'s.,.tell me about the verse:

He replkd: "It is the '¥lind~~, and! If I had not heard the Mes~'Cnger of Allaoi!h, (~). say so, IWQuld not I .. we said lt." SO'Ibeeght said:

And they bear the heavy weight or wa.tcr',,·86


.And those ...,.ho distribute by ,comm.and.,8?

Here:p[~ed: "UIT'Ican5 the angel:!>, alndH' [ had not l'leal'd d1:c .Mes<5e{l~g{'rof AJ]aaJ~. ~). s.'y so, .1. 'WOuld not have s<l!kiit." Sabeegh said:

He re~Jied: "I t ]l'le<1J!1S the ships, ~nd [f] had not heanl the Me:;s;engel' of AJJ<lrlh, ~, say so, ~ woulcl not I-.m>e said lr."

Then 'Ul11ar orrlered the man to he whipped one hundred tin~es. Then he ,'Vas confined to a mom, Wh~n he h"ld l"ecQvcl'ed. he \I\"as called for and be W<lS wl~jpred agllill0nre hundred,6:l1l1es lLlntll he vl.!asC'a':r~ed. away on:l}, sar.klle, 11lCI:l'Um<lr Wliutre ~o Aboo NtoOSiil al-Ash'aree Mllting tltae h~~ ( ~.e. S ... bccgh ) '¥<IS to be prevented frmn attending ~~l,e meetil1g,~ of the people. ThM l"elllained the case, uuul Sabeeghc<lITI.e to Allot) and s", .. ore that there W<lS not anythlng i~ ~li.lUno"v from wh<!itw{ls ~Il him


~'efO!re. :So Aboo Moos3J wrose to 'UltlO)I", ,\N~l(l then replied: .I tlhillk that he has indeed spoken the truth so let ]1irn sit with the p opJ~.I59!

74 H,.mll1aa.dibn Zaid rda~ed from Qaean itm Ka'b, vd~oheard a nl.1m f r om the tribe oPAj!], who was file uncle oHbn Zu,r'ab, wherelated frorm hili fi'lther,\,vho said:

&91\(ti~,h,d by a]:a~=Alilir [ J9,)]. IbnKath~r i 11 his foffs''f?'' [ ,; 390] i'lI1J [1m [,-1 aji1lr in .. 1- Iroobah [ 2: 19'9' l AI-Aill~r~ ~}'S iii! <Tch.Slur"""'<l1; [p.l,! ]!" "'fbe man wi\~~\'hipped b~'I:o!Ilt51.) he used ,;0, seck the hl~lIT]ll'(ltait]!On of l~H:: lmdellf verses of the QIor ' .. ,]n ,(the .mmru.n.r,!D.lh ) and he lliSt~d. m,n;;;,. ili uuwlf with klj(jo'lv~ccl,g~ wi"kh was not b"ncfici:l~.

It is He 'who ~a$ seru dm"'ll the Boolk eo you. '[Ill lt, <It'c verses thil.1 are e:nliirdy de:a.!:', The}' <tf<: the fO"u~(~"'tio'l:!.s (lfthe !book 't(lI-J~f!,jI,ck"''''¢('l h OHler,~ are 11"'~ ent!iI'\C~y dea~ ( dJ-,I.t"'<lshW,jb;h",,~' ] .. So as fOir those inwhose heads is a de:v,ijl,ti.o~ they lio~l~l~'I' that '!.vlIikh is, ~UJt Ck"aif;, "fh.ere.fbK~ de~:ir~ngfitlJall aad Jts m(llani[tg~. No OinG knows w!:s hlddllD mC;'.fl'ij~gs but .. h.

The Prophet, (~.). ~iliid:

"I !'iJeri }VU .. ee IhQSt! ",Jw folio •• ' ",h<ll If <II1ilJOiI'iC.J jr<>m il. rbltll 1m ... ", dwr IJwJ":~ ON Ihos~ ",hom MI,ran ji"rnoo, .~, b,:"",,.,, '!t 1b!.'t!'Ii ."


"~I S'<I\'l;1 S<lbeegh ibn <ll-;ls:~ il) Bassah, he was gOil'tgllrOlHld ~]ke ,1 dlseased .cO:U:lrI.e!J. Hewenld attend drdes, whenever l:1e sat ~n <I circle wi,tb people who (J!.idu't knlWV ~ilinJ they wou]d recci\'eawatni~gfr·om ~mocJ~e)tdrclej due~o the strict orders of the chi.eF of the 13e1.ic"iicrrs.oo

75 Hammaad ibll Znidrelated from Ym~eed Aboo H<l:tttiITI, frmn Sl.i]~imllaWl ibn Yils<l;);r, who satci::

"A mall fi:OI1Dl ~~l.e trlhe of Tsmeemwbo was known as Sabeegh. caIne to 91~Mad.:;enah and he hail books l-vith h]l1]. He then sbrted. to about me m!ll(JMCla/;i.hah verses of tbe Qur'{I(;IIl'. This I,eached 'Um~u; \,.,.110 ~hen :;ent (br him and got ,read:y iii rope lfu<om fa] 1111 tree fibre "W'hel.lI heent'ered ~PQn hi)l~. he sat (10". .... [1,. th.ert:upon. he Mked:

TIHll.l he reached for hiB1 <lnd started to wll~p him\,\'.'rutlh the rope Ulll]~ he W<lS wounded and blood began to tF.iC'kl~, down bill, t:ice. So he said:

l'Enough, 0 Chief 'Of the believel'S, [ swear by AUll.lIh, the ideas, whIch I had! m tny I~ead h<lve no\\' 1111 g:cme.,\l1

716, Aboo 'Albdur"R.1Jlmi'lMnN!ultllu:lm:ld ihll. al-l-Ii.lssaltl 'ibn .MOOl\iilasSa]a:I.'liICe, lnformed 11L~'e frol''n1Mllh~!nn~a,d ibn Mahmood al-FZlqhee ;.1- Mali'wnooc, who related from Muhamrnad :ilbn 'Unw3ir ar~Ra1l:l)Ele,who

91 Related bv ad .• DMI.1:IlU"e I .146]. aJ-A..liu~ l P'/ ~. 1 and i1iI • .L1allak,u"<.'C I I I ~ ~ 1 ~ 11.iL<;" fIll!}"" ~~. IlfY'lNlfm"'


r' t a ted fmm Aboo Z'lka~':in'ilh '(all) a :ib'lll A}')"oohllI~"'Ulaaf ilt-T.ljecbcc" \\{lO related from YOOl"ll!.!,s ibn 'Ahdiul-' AlIla, who related J~om Ashab lbn '~I\hdul-·Az,et'z. who r, lated that he heard lmaam 'tnalik av:


.- ,8 'W''U'C. of bUlO\',ati,ons, .,

Someone aliked: "0 AhoCl .. i\bdllillaah, what do you mean by that?' H· said:

·'TII!' inuovators are those W']'0 speak a,bout Alla."lh's Names, f\ttl:ibUil<eS, . p ch -and His Power. thoy do IIlOt remain silent about thatwhich the Companioas and the:iI' students were 8!]en~ about."

77 Aboo U1J-[-[l,ilssal,n Ahmad ibn MuJHmmll<IKliblfl 'Llrnar irl-Zaahid Zi~Khaffa.'!f informed me fl'om Aboo Na'eem l!\bdul-M.'ilUk ibn Nluhammad ibn 'Adee a,]~!Faq1il'-'e,\,j,Jho related Fmil1!'1 ar-Rabee' ibn Sulaimaar; who heard Imaam ash-' h,a a fl'ec" mtw;emalmIJ'aai1, &1y~

'\1\ sl .• w. I,n', ·ti:ng hi' Lord lNirh all the sins except "hifk; Is morelov d to me" than to meet Hlm with som thing frOlll his own deslr ss, ,~!

78 AboD Taillttr infolil:l1cd me frml'll - boo 'Ann.' el-Heyaree whn related fl:(}m Aboo a1-A7J1J;lr, who related from Ql;ltl'<)iis.lh, who reliilll,. -d Irom S\I~Ia<lll £,orn Ja'far lbn Burqaan' who s,aid:' man ash."d 'Llmar ibn 'Abcltll~·Az.eez. about .omctbing regarding the d sires, He said:

'Y\dhe'Fe to the I"e]jgion or the oehillel who is at it mWl1Scry leveland the bedouin and then .i_gl10re e\re,·ytMug e]sl.'.',,·9!

91 Also n;:bu'ci b~' Ahuo Nu'i1nllll 1 ,t): 112 1 ilii~i ~].Baihaq"''' r HI;206 ~. If" j",<ii1d is :5.!11'''·J.,

9 ~TI~."\I"i$LATORS NO"TE - i\l.o n!I~,to.:(Ib-~-!lm s..'d Ir .'1:3.74 I. II "s,r.,,,wa,1 i~ I-Io:m"', 1'1'-" means that an" must ignore an ih ~ab' i,llk of ih e iIU10\'alors ,.lL.d k~cp to th~ reHgiol1 of dw eh lld, ;Ii' n I i,~ 'I~ the imr', 1lJJ!(! thO' bee !(lui I~ '\i+nu 0111,; IU1Q\\" hts 1 'rd.


7'9 A'boo \'-\bdulbah al-I nandh infon:n.d m -. froli'l1 ~\lluhanlll"luld ibn Yil7oeW, \\,~,IO 1'lC:a!!i'd from Ai->oo)'ah},a il]~B<I;a.-),))', \'\ +U] heard from al ~" Abba 's ibn Hfllut.ah, who h, .11" I [1'Oln Ahmad ibn Ahee al-Hawa.lree,. "11i1O h ·,u·d !/Om. Sufya,m ~bn <1]- 'UyuiI'"lO)h, who sa:idi::

"As for e:,'er)hing whi.d,. AI~a(lh ha described Himsdf with ~ml His book, then its exp~anation is its recitadon, and kc p,ing sil 'n.t abour it. ,,9-4

8'0 Aboo ul-Hus:>.lin al~Khal"fa:lf infoFil'te'd me flr(H~ Aboo al- "bbaas Muhaml'nOld ilm l~hMq, as~:Sa~"Mjl; ",.1::10 relat'ed f"oll'll lsmaa 'eel ibn Abee ~d-Hamith,. wborelated fr·orn J]-Hiaithiillll ibn Kiliula r iJah. who heard from al":\:Valeeclibl'l ilvlusHm. who said: 'I asked <l~,-Aw;, .. aa'ee, SUf)f;)'1I1l <I,nd Maalik ibn Anas about th· lila.meedl d scr~bing tlit(;; Attrihutes. ofAIIMb, ,\'Irld rii'l€ seeimTIg ofHhn in the hereafter; The)' ail : aid,

8 I Some of the S(lJ~.s"1:id::

"The adwmoel:nent oflsJ.:wm], 110t stead"" excenc oC')\ r 11 .afe andsubmit-

;i' ,F

dllg brid:g~.·;

82 Aboo T.1allili,1i' ibn Khuz~'in,I'j;1lhinrorn1cd me fronl hi Graml,.Fl'itbcr tl.e h-na<llfll, who related frUl~1 Ahmad ibn ilsr,wl1o related from Aboo

94 Aho related b~' <11- B,ail, UII!" • i ii, <ll~ 'h~<IL'" r 296 '1 and ill (Il.AMIm,. nl1l!1 Stffiu!r 1 2:; }07 11 and ibn 1.~1ai.]r said ,11 , .. JIll 1I/-&I(I.r!,· Il ~:40'71 it' ~ lGJ'1tlmjl i~ S<llrnrh.

TMN. ,LATQRS NOTE - J\i!-t~lIIing of " ... i:t"n:di:Jili<}Il 'is its t:"'I,llInat~~1'" i.c. Ine~n'l!1~~ ,3. ~mdel'·tood in the hmg}I::Igc. ~H 11.(' moment one prOnQUllces it, In- \1r>d"l:~lJj~,Js Ii. As for " ... ke.epi:ng silelilt ,~bmn.iC' i.t, .. abmn 'ttl" 'lm~~111"~',. as nl i~ ·rrf:un [he IUIl!!>CCI1 which

hil.\l(! 11101 h ',·n. i;l ermed ur

95 AIJiQ rtlllh,'(t 11,\' ':1-i\.ljUJCCC I p. 3H l, ;'il-It'lih::tqt'~· i 3:1 l all(i ~i'i dl·.~$ffl'(foI 1I'<iI S!ffllUl [,2:377 1" If~ ]s'I<I'IlJ is 110 <II"


¥,],'qoob al-Hunaynee wlho related from Katheer ibn Y\bdull<lah [I!Mmml1ce, frol1C1 his from his grilnd-fathcf; who said: "the Messenger of A~lil<lh, (~), said:

"/.fI(Jeed rhis l\I.IJi:8iG'Il ,/1¢gcm as somelhi.Jle .rtn:mgt: ,and 11 1!1'i'l1 Ti,lWm SUfI'fI[Jii, as n sttr,rreJ. SI;) Troha fc

r.. J. ' -.-. . '.'in

Jor tIe Slra~w:rs.

83 Alboo ~bduUa .. h al-·Hm,'!fidh iuformed me from Aboo 1lI~-:Hasml atKaaeizee, who heard from 'Alee ibll \'I\bd\~I,·'Azeez, who, hea.rd fmm Al100 'Ubaid a.I-Q"as~m ihn Sal.I!MIlfi who said:

"T~le follower ohhe Smma.'l is like tllile holder of it burning p~ece of coal, lind h~ is in 11i)' view 1::oda;; much better dialll the (}ne'l~lho strikes by the sword in the path of AI&ilh. ,,'97

84 AI,-~.1Imfl;sh related! :firom Abeo Oldfu-Dhuhaa' from Ma,sITI0'l who said; 'Once I visited ~I\bdl.lnaah ibn Mas'aod and he &,iid:

"'0 peoplel .1 f <In)' one of YOLl hots krJO'I~'ledge, then let him speak, One W~lO' does not, let bin!'l. s.;r~ AUaah knOl" ~ best. For Indeed, it Is firom km10wl.edge to .<1)1' thatwhen one does not kncm\ AllaaJh. The I\·~ost Mighty .1Imi, The Most r.llajestic; said to His Pwphet {~):

. "." .'~".,;" t » ·G· ... ,-c..;--"".. '''''''l L '., .,~._'",~J:. .... ",:,... tl-~"'" .... )J

.. '. . ,"6~··· ' .• ' , i.:'

___ ,,_C' ~ .. :;_f':"~~ 0', , -~

. - .,.


Say, ID do Iliotask you for a,D), wage, D.Oit' am I frornrbe MiJr€J'kallif~el1 ( tho e \1'.,1\0

pret~ndl and forge )0.9>1>

96 ,x,.,r,dl'IB-S!,ad, 38:86 -<,d I~' :d-Bukh~;rIX!e [8:~1 1.547,572 J,b,'lus'lim r4:11 55 .. .H 5:]' I <MIld. ,~t, .. TiI·ll1iidjll;c [ 325 <i 1·




85 Ute People of Rdigion. ;and Sunna.1i bellevein the resurrection afller death, onthe Dilly ofJl1d1getn'~·nt. M!~ii.lIh. Tile One k-e :fm,nl a,11 deflciencies, and His Messenge:r. (~); als,ointi:H:med us aboutth· terrors of thet D<I ! of lrutb. andt:he: ,d'iffcriI'rit conditions of the slaves and all the neatitO!l concerning aU that t~l y will se and experi nc - on that dl',eadful day" ~ike r ceivwng their boob in their right Oil' left hanels. answeri.l:l,g (lues" tions and all other I:ypes of shocksand confusions '\,vhich hilV been for ~ told for that great day ilnd ( whar they will iee andexpert ence ) • tthat rrightful stal1ding like: the Si~)m, iltf:CCzaJ!~99 the optl!ll!ill!g of the records which contain c:¥C!1l an atoms '''''0I1:h of good and more.

99 TRJ\ NSLJ.\'ro:RS NOTE ~ TllK b'dd,f,~ over Hen. O)nd ih.. Seeles. R"gal\diF'g die ~~!)J1l',o;. Allaah M)tS:


As for him ","'use balance .. orin betHla,,:}'. he ",,<ill live, a. p.](.\aS31:1.t life. But. as (;01'" him wh.o:>e balance ,,,i~1 be 1igbt. he \viil1 have his hmntJ In a pjt: (HeU).

The I',roph e t. (~ ) ,. :..dd:

..... ~fh"'n lhe 1uidn-; ,,·ml;,; 1,1id Ob~'f Iid/ IJnd imilln;<'55iQn lL'ill b.: lll/ll'i~ ..... "


chapter 9

jl S H -- S nt F 11, 11 ')~fl


86 The People ofRe]i~on and Swmah believe in the wn~ercessiO~l oCtile Messenger" ~). for tho sinners amongstilhl uf-T(Jwhe~rJ and those \\\,'110 l1omll1!.iuedlnaj,o.l" sins.a8 i~ is a:[~tlllC'l1lti:ctl~ly repol"t,ed f:rol'JI the MCSSl, l'iLg C'I: of A1laab, (~).

87 AbQO Sa"'ee(] ibn Ham,do011 infol·llIl,Cd 111.e from Aboo H<m.n:lidibl~ (lsh,-Sh."uqee, who related from AJ'\mad ibn Yoosuf as-Salamee, who re]a~ed fro'lu ''Abdiur-RilZ'l(I,q- '1.\\'110 heard. from !Vb'nlJar from l1ul<lhit~ from, Antls, who reported the: Prophet, (s~gj). as s,aylng:

'''jl~, imeOO?l'sion IS}Q1 dro:se w:llo ('(lI'JiJ111JWild UlGJor sins from my UJtHl1tJ.h, .1100

88 AJbO{) Muhaflll.lUld a]-M~lIkh]adee,rmed me from Aboo'lJ~ "AlbbaJ(ls <lS-Sh:diaj" \\,,110 rda:teil from QUL1ib:a1l ibl'it Sa!' eed, \",1\:0 r elated frQ'll'l! ~bduli"Azeez ibn Muhtlmmad ad-Ormm.\"irardee, fworn ~.~f'ib[l Abee YU:nr ...

100 ,'\100 ~1i1l-ed b, a,i~TitrniJhre [ 2565,,2566 ]. 'he b,a,-ie..""1/l is sahull due t,o \f:ILh!.',f ~upporullg :Il<lrr:uim\!i.


..... AI 0 from Aboo laaMr ibn Khuzaim,ah, 'iivho heard from his GrandPat:heT ~be [11Ii'Ii'I.l,1:Ji Muhammad lbn I:s~l<la.q ihnKhtLZOlintllh, who 'I'dated f:i'"O!n 'l\l.ce mbn Hair" Fronl. I rnaa'eel ibn ja'f'aJr; frQiJll ~'\:n:ll'ibn beel'\mr~ fmm Sa'eed ibn Ab e :: a'eed 3J1-l\'b.qbun~ " from l\boo Hurairah, j:oo'~'(iJ.I{ulfw '(jonl'm! .. ,i.h:o SOlid: ''0 Mes~nger of AHOIah! 'VI1ho ""lJU be die nl~st fa'rulnate of the P . ople who ",;·m have your Inte-rc~'ssi.on on the Day of Resurrertlen 7' He replied:

'-'1 dwu:8h.r [ilm flO o'lie 'UlQI.lid ask ljie a,bout this h'IJdecrhjJmc'\iCC'I:l/')'lliJ. berdtl~.I MWjOIJr kceINe; .. !S

for le'tJrllilllJ !'ile ,aha,actec·fll. Tile fl'U;!:\:f .fo'rlUllme one ro aaio 111)' h~U'l"'cesston Oil r.he D(1)' ,'1 /{e_.s"mreC!tOD, j;s rhe om! whQ s'!. ... s, Them,l i.. riO, de~ i'!JlI,ror~1!.l' if lvorship e,'l(;CPl Il/laa,h. sHlccm~1rom h,s hC'(IIrL " 10 I

HI] Aho !'<:i"I,~·d lw H:m !drm~Jlinlmh I 1:6991 ,lnd, by ;l1.[~Ulkh~ .. wc."{' I 99, 6510 ]. For mm'~'cl''''l.lils 01"1 ,tl~;,s ~('hapler refer tn .: llil}kh MU(j,bl'1 'i.lo,u :1 .].ulee' - book fJ5hSIl.i_l(m ~[Jh.




89 They hi!!~je"e ln tlhe IJ<1n-dml and the: K4i\'tJlcJt. Al8:o in ~1Je ent'e"ri.i"Ig of it group of lIhJ ur- Tanl-heedil1to Paradise wlthoutaccount. T-rnt,erewiII also be agrOl~p Irom them wlro will ha\I"e an ensyn~clon~ng. , ithout <lily harm hefa~ling dl.em, or an) puuishment overtaking them. A. b'r0UP from them \",1110 had sinned. will enter the Fire. then thev ,,,'~JI b ~ freed and led

- ~ - - -- ,j - -

om of it and joined upwith their brothers who preceded them in enter-

• m'>_ I' 101

~ng ~~Olra'u c.

They ( Le, JlM .Hadeel.h ) know ,,,,.ruth certainty and truth da.ilt the S~nlft.1 ~'r.Ollil amongst theA.lll lI! Tcnvhc.cJ wil not remain in the Fire t'tCI"JDaUy. 1l11d

102 TRAN 'U\TORS NOTE - The :\c]CSfiCRg<lI' of All.aah, (.~ I' , SOlid:

"At!r /)1)01' m~ .'m nwmh to cross, lis "<af..:ot is !l'h,jlllr !.lI.i!D mflfllllld irs $m~Jl i lilt.;!" liMn Il'l!lik. hs drillkifl-l}' ,1JIJ> <Jill lij,..;; ril' st.<lr;;· in tile )'.1<)'. Dllt .. 1N:> driJi".') fWili .II j,dll "'~~W I,e sh'ir.s9' ao~'ifl. ~


INiU not be left there for,ever; IO~ As for theunbehe vers, 'they shall abide in H U forever and neve' .. come out Qf It nor shall they ver he repr1eved. Allaah wiU never leave in the Fire <inyone, ,\,.110 was disobedient from AM fil-Eer.n~(m .



90 Alll us-Smlfldh bdieve .;I1~dtestiJ}1 that the Beli~ers \!iiiJ~1 see their Lord, The .l'VlostBlssed and Tile .MostHigh •. on the Day of Judgem:en:t with. ~heir 'ye-l5. They will look at: Hi!m. as it is reported inthe authentk' (lh(J[]{leerh from the Messenger of AIDLOlab, (~). He said:

:1 0$ R~~:1o~ecl ~w Ib!! KJ1~IZ<li;m~h in K'ij·oot> ul" imJI(~'<i [ I :400··4l.1 11. See alse OII~DtLk1a<1lilr;,]e [ 5541. i:'liluslim, [ :liB] and AbcJ{)' D.awoor..l. r 4729~. nlC Prnphct·, (~.) • ..aid:

"U"htjj l:h",,:-:up!e ~Jhr<_"JHC erm:'l" lbruJlrt, ,111"",1,. rh~ .11t>fl' .i~J:iHh9' d.rd rbe A:(wr Ml1j".<lk. n'i115<!.1'; 'Do pii' ~lli~IJJiJ:r a·lJythiog .l'X(l"4 .r.l!'II.1 .1 may fJ~·f;e 'y{JrJ~' 111'0' iIQ1J $(jp 11(1 ! 'I) loti .!W.I&rltfo~~tMJ .oo.r pi 11m not .en.!erciJ ur .bl/,O J1bmdi~ .. ,411 s(J'~ t.!,< from rfw firel So .Hf "11J rli!m.:" • ih~ g,.,...,11 (llld IJ~ r wiJ1.IlOl: 1.'111: k£n fJ''''m !J!~'I'h'ne nw.n: ire/Ulii.,] 10 Ih.·m, lh~r~ 11~JrlJl9 .111 Ihc,ir: Low .. rlle lMI! .W,i1ll~V ~rW rh~ m,m )~t(JJo~lk ",


( seein~.'s ) not between tffitat w.b~ch i s seen i!1C!'lch case. 10 .. The a:hw:rowtb of the vision. are rda.t.ed in the book (JJ-lmi~~(Jr with all the maG 1'1 eeJ .

](D6 l.e, The simil",rily between seeing the full moon Olill.d !l;<:eilug AU"-'<1h !~.IM, lh.t~ soo.illg, ~1I0t ootw~-etiI the (\DI!I mO("1ll ;'InC! AU<iah. This fine po~nt ts <II ·rerut.ation 011 those ·!'\r!:JQ claim rum AhlIIS'lIlll'ld{1 h~re ha\\"C m1!de a ·t:'QmpJ:Ii~,)n b'l\\fCCn AlI~I, and Hi., {:'Je.ation ( i .. e. the jJ'ulli moen ).


chapter 12.




:9.1 (t!~1 Uj'-Sw~.t)(Jh t~ml(y and believe t]lillt 1~il!ffldi,M:' and Hell. are both created. They will remain ,eten~aUy and the peop~,{' ofPamdisew~~i neeer leave tt, Also the Inh.ahi.t}ll~t8 of Hdl, whowere created fOl: :it,wiU u~Vt:~" come out of' ~t. Death will be !!lilCI.·.iAced 0!1I die W<l~~ 1bet\vi,:.'C'r:I Paradise <lnil Hen, then a 'C',flm win be made tbat daly:

'''_, .. 0 P'l.'()f~I'e e:llbtadiiil:. dJI!T¥! is eleIll,j~'1 anfl,W' de<Jth. 0 pUjpJe qf l'leJJ. rllerer!i el~'.i!'lli91 (lnd no dr!f.llli_ ..

l-llili~ ilswhill L~ reported <IllItllentic<)]ly fromt:he Mcs.s:en~t" of Allaah" ,,~).iIO~


chapter 13

ilL ~,E.EMA,ilN


92 From the m.adJrlwb ·of chePt:~ple of i:Y(.!d~th ~sd;~at .Eel.!l~(m ~s <I st<l~ellM~ITht,!lll <lCHO~l <lnd, a tbing w:hidl one is certaiu of "in thl' beOlrtmt inereases \l\'~~h ob~d!]ence and decreases ''''iih dis.obedilenlG"e.

93 MI.di~mni~.J).d ~bl'iJ. ~,l\lee ibn al-Hasan ibn Sh.lIqee(1 said, he ~~kedl 1'!:bdlrui,lllah Abmildihn Hanba], F<liHl'Clmdlaah. .1J!bol,~t liCniiiGlli and l.\,4)aJtit mMns by i'::JJCI;~~s~ngand delCl~t'ls;ing. He .Silkl.: Aboo ul-li'-'5o'tl.1I! ihn Moo~(I. :d-,ANI1I!eeb. related ,to me frol1:l 1-]al1l1nl,fI!l ~bn S1ll<Jin'lah, IrOllJfl Aboo Ja.~fur arn-KJhM:unee, fn:nn his father, fmm his gl.lnd,.lafher 'Ulnair lbn ~i.1)Ib""(lib'j ,,,,ho, s1i.k[~

"Whe:n\·\'l..~ rememeer AJlo'IJlh I glol'if.y Him lMJd :p:r~ise H lm thati.s "rhen it increases and wben OUt· minds are ,occfJI'piecl Or are tleglectl"Ul~nd when


94 Aboo al-Hasan ibn Aboo lshaaq ,a~-.M1!)_7..1l._kee illron:ne(~me H·om hi:t:l father,wh,o. related from. Abo{)\'\_mr ""l~-Fley[l:n~e., ", .. ho related flr'om lVllI!!hammed ibn Ya.h:y~ Oldh~Dh1!ilee and! Muhammad ibn Idrees <I]~M .. .kkee <11:1<1 ibl1 SI .• ~daadal=Tirlmidhce, who related from <I1·-I~!JI]l<Ijdee, who. related :Fi-P'1n Yahyaihll, SU]Oli~m, ''''']10 said:

II .lsked a group of scboli.'lrsl1ho~~ c(!'marul 3iiJd t11ey <I~~ saiil .it is sp~d1 <lind action.

I asked al- Mlitharma. ibn as-S<lM,<tiah <llld h~ :>aid: "It is speed and actioa. "

1 asked Muhammad lhn M~lsl]n'lJ lIt·-T."'la·if~~ il!1.di he silkl: "It IS ilpeed':i and action .. ,.

J a:s~edl NaaH' !.brl ·Un.~<lr· .. l-jumaliee arid I~e said: .. It: ]s speech and action"

ros i-\il~o i'd:Jil.-.:1 by !Ll-ihj~,j\C<:, [ p. ~ 11-! !.2 I, Ibn Ah~ Shanbll!n. i:n hi~ aJ'"JI1"I<f,1!llUg [ 1 ~.:! l ] i'lnd i~~ al~&md(Jn [ 1.4 J


9S Aboo 'U!]')O'If <l1-[:.l]_a'\f~liee inforrned me fmm.Muh\]Ult"llad ib!'!! Y~h:"'<1

~ '!'

and i!\'tybarllln~acl .ibDi ldrees, who l')(J!t.hre.Ia.~ed frOHTh al-Humaidee, who

saJid: I. heard Sld}'<I.'U1ibl1' UYiilinah SilY:

Thel~ his brother Ibralseem ibl1·tlrainalta,~~ed: '0 AboQ Mnh~~ytf)l)"'cl! Are you ro1lyiing it decreases?" He rep]ie.d;

96 A]~W1lIccd llm Muslim said] t~la:r he he<ud that ill~A",~cz.1aee, Mail.ILk <lild Sa 'ecd tbl':l 1\bdl~~-' A?.eez would d~SQC\I'i.'D tho~ who s<1J\d "( Erunfum is) <I"nrTillatim'l without action" al:Jid they !:>il)': wJ1ILer'e is no .l:' with(l~~t fl.etiOl'l ",I UI

A pCI'Son '1vho ~ncl:eal'le5 in obedienee and good ness, then he ru:rd'lei!." increases his; ElillIm~n. O!::te·'who obeys S't)!':ne:ti.!1IJ1CS., cmmnlts .. Ia,:gc amount of ..s~ns •. is pn::~o(_"C'npled ",tid 1.,eglt..'Ctfl~1 then his .Eema.on''I.·iLl he dt:l1de:n:t.

97 [Ile\\'ltd al-Haakim Aboo l'\bclu~rMll a I-H.:!afidh, frOl'll A,b{)(~· B!i:kil" Muh<nm::m:~d lbn Ahm<ld ibn Ba.'1~av\'aih al=jal]aab, ,,,,,110 heard [mlll 1\1100 Ba~r M1[lhllmmt'lJi llm Ishaaq ibl~ Khll,w"limii'l~l, \l!Jllo heard fmlu Allmad ,ibn. Sa' eed <11"'" Rnballtee, \1",1.110 s.aici: ~Aibdu[l<'l.d.i1ibtl Ta.llhi r s.1\id to m~:

"0 Ahmild~ lndeed you despise dl:est:p~'()p~e .0\:11; of ig,rlLoranec whereas I despise them QUit 0 f knowledge: H~·g.tJly, they do not believe thilit tlt~ ls to be obc)'~tillll.llld. secondly. lti1C}' believe tllat&li~rum .IMS no le,'(']s, by Ajl!laITh, ] do not deem. Itpermissible to slIY 'My iiemr.1cnis lik(' th3J~ of lahyaa ~bn 'iT<lhya. 01' that of Ahm1ld'li Hanbal's' aud they Sill' : 'our Eemat1n ls like that of Jihra<L'cd. ilnd Mekaa'eel, ,,,

98 I heard al.~I~[a;'lki.m ]i(l'!11 AboQ j~'farM~lha'mll'lad iIml S<lal.ih ]\In



Haenee, who heard from Aboo Bakr tVI!.!lb'lmmad. ibn Shu'aib, who h eard fror:ll b:ha.llq ibn lbeaheem al-Handhalee ( ill:-Ril.fl,whaw.dh ).. ,\",1110 said:

Ibn ,,,]-,l'\llubMmk, ,all'l to ali'~Rayy and (Hit' of'rh _ worshippers stood up" it 'lVill!)tlirQ\.Ight 11,,,, foll.owed the \,1,,11' of tht> K.hrJw/JeQrij. He said m Ibn alMUD .. rak: '0. Ahoo ~<\bdm'-Raiunil<ll'l! What do you say about someone who cnenmlts 'lIdulter)~ steals and drink::; akohol? He said:

'00 Aihoo 'Abdlllulf- Rallli11<l.'Hlj upon old age you have become a Mm;il'M? He J: pli \d:.

"'00 not call U'- Jl1lJrjj·(j'b. The }If/!Jrii(lil, say, ",]1 of our good de ds are accepted alld all of our sins are forgiven. If 1 knew dUl,t my deeds Were accepted, [ 'would ~la\"c~cstiRI that Lam going to Pi;lJl'adise."

There herelated from Ibn .hawdhah, fro,rn Muhammad lbn [ubaadah, frmll 'alam.a:ll ibn Khaleel, f!'Om Hazeel ihn ha:rhaked) who said: Umar i bnal- Ki:lanaa b, r(ldi}'~1/1{Jr;J/l U 'Gulla, said:

"If the Ecmmm of Al100 1B(I]qw~ to be \i\:e'ig:hed" it would be

,• III 'I l r .n.· E -·1." III

the Eema In I) . <I, II t ll' peop" 0 tn sartn,

99 I heard Aboo Bakr Mull. nmlild ibn \<\bduUa\ib ibn lv1.uhll.nmnad ihl~ ZakolI'i) 'all ash-Shaybaan ee, li·om Yahya ih.n M.1l]is~)or a,l-Q{ wlllo heard fmlll Muharnmad ibn h.hallq ibn Khuzahuab who h ard fmm alI-lh,l~sain ibn llarb" the brother of Ahmad ibn Harb az .. Zaahffid~wh,o said:

"~~esti,~\' that d1;C religion of AJam.ild ilbn. Haeh which he fo~lo'liVs ~llyS that Eemaan coutaius speech ando,(:tion,. whicl1 irn reases and lecreases."


chapter 14


\ DO. OT



100 AM IJ-s-SmuJ(jh believe that if a Bdi'ever commits sins, how€;\ ~r ",.}u0'I11 Qr l.lI"ge they may be, h!e does not be orne an unbelle er, Wfhe leaves this world wi,dltmt making any rept'I,1tance i'rton, them tliiild be dies U~)Qj~ kll~hi!ed and lkMoas. then hi.saffair is ellt~re]y up to AlJa.Jl., The Most Might}. and U .. e ,~Ilost Majestic. If He \'\I'iHS; He may ifotgJ"c him and enter bil'nfl into Paradlse O'1'l! the Day r Judge:ment, safe and sound without bl;;"~ng afH lceed by the fi re a I'Id witih{!I,Jt t being punished io:r ~l ispe rp tratlon of the sms,

He willI be birDught on the [)ay of JlJdg~:t)lcnt "vit~l his sins and misde(."~ds.,. If AUaah \,;iI1:s., l;'~'e wi~~ punisb him, for a period in th ... J~it" • lf 1.1e punishes him, he \\i]!1 not hO\\I~,'cr remain in th hin~' fOl'("'\~r, but he willevenaial~)' be fl~ eed and taken out from it, to the placeof tranquillity arid content,

l_"n! Our 51.,wkJ\ the f'llnwm Ahoo 'T."l\,vl:b SaM ibn .Nhlh"nuna.das,-

v I _ . _I~;;- - , ; J

Sa "lookee •. raheelJUl.b,,/Jaail, 5.11<1:

"111 sinning believer, even if b . is punished by the fire, he wiU not be ~h_r()w:n in dl.ere: the sam way as Ul,e unbeliever is tllill:O\'I;l1 'in the fire. He


will not remain there the' same \'\'a)' as the unbeliever will remaln there nor will be be wretched and li.':l'il5e'ttlb](~ the same way the ulll)e~ic ... -er 11i wr ,tched and nl,i:;.erahle."

102 11"1i8 means that dl.'e \.lmIhelieve!w~~ll',e dragged to the Fire 0111 his f~c~, he "'I!ill be d~I'\{;;\~'['I in there chai,lled"and du;,:n IU.lng upside dov\,'n, sh<l.Ckilled hy haVing hi!; hands tied w his ueck .. vith strOl~g and b.r.avy chains. However, dIe Si.l::Ibl ing bel lever, If heis affilicted by the Fire. he willenter it like aeriminal enters a pJ'ison]:n thiswol'l.d on his f'1:e~. 110tt upside down nor thm'lvn i~'l. "nl'e me<!Il'ing of his statement:

·' ... he \11"J]1 not, be thrown III there the same wa'I' as dle 1!.mibdievel is


thrnvl'n i['JJth.e f'ire,., ..• ," means that tint' ll~rIlJeliever \',1~] have iilMhis body

burned and every time his skin is roasted through ~t "viII he replaced with another; so tha.t he Inay 'taste (he pml~shrrfl!etHilgaln, as Allaah i:nform$, us ill ~Hii Rook

[ndeed, those c~ho have' d:isb.e]i!eved 1[(1. our- .s~ignsj we shan burn them, in a fire. We shaUch,an:ge thett sldns [or other skins, so that they mayl'ast.e the pu.nishm e:1l1t aga!i:n. ~ ~ ~


As for the believers they win not have theil· faces scorched hy the fire, and theil" hlnbs vd:liich diey used for $tljood\'\llillIl not be bumed. For A~JlIah

• c 'I_~ tI· ~. .f.:b • . IL LU

bas, fodlic uCI1 '. :ii.e H~ li'rOm l(.ju'rmng tuem-

U)3 His saying: ., ... he Vi~,1l110t 5tilY in the Fire Uke the unbellever w01[I,](L".,.;'.,. means 'th,rtth e unbel ie ... ~rwm retna~Il i.1'I it forr~\ierllnd never cnrae out Qf it. A]~a{lh willnever leave <luy s!irmhlg lJo::.lieverin t:h,eFlre forever.

Hi!:1 S()yi!lg: "" ... he\;\~ll not be il:llUcti;;d!like the unhel ]e'!'er'''me~:n.:s that tl1'le ~nM:.lie";1f basno hope of the Mercy of Allaah .n~d no QPPO~llity fot rcpliie\!e fro!'trl~he punishment. As for the believer he willnever be cut olf ['rum tbe hope of the Mer-cy of AJ1<lal!JJ,

The fil't.(J1 Ol,1t'(;:nll.1C for aU the believers is Paradise, <IS tl1eywel"~ created for' it and it was clr',eiJ!ted fOI: them, as a Mert7 ;<Inda B]esslllg f~om rulllah,

11.3 The l"l'<:lph!:t, (,~ l. :>aid:

ii/kwh IklsjOrb;ddl)1l lIN! Jk~ rQ ..,.<if Up' tho fmres '!f $lJjooJ_ '"


h 1.5.',

c ·.apter



i 04 The Peop~e ofJ-i.mieq.rh d.ilfer in their opinions about a Musllm who abandons the pl'ayel' intentionally. .Imaa:m AI~mad"'l1d a group ofschol1iI'S, from th "'alryl 14 say that he bas become an Umlbdie\ "1" ind they pla ce him outside tht' fo:ld of hl~aal1l, due to what is authentically r ported f1'Om the Prophet, (~), who ll<1lid;

"&illlttl!lI a slave alld Shirk is l'btl aban{i(mif!{} if the p!ti)"<'r. for one who llU5 a/xmclomxl it, has COIIUll'ilred .Ktdi: ", ! 15

I.I.~ !lllmg·t them, Ishaaq ibn Raahawaih, 111m il-MLlb"' Il}l,.he·'!n "UI- "k'l\lI<t';:("" 011-1 Iailkim 'ibn 'UyaiHah; An'oob ilm 1I8,-Sakbt. Y<k'll:le~" l\boo n"kr iLn J\i:n."C . haibilh. illid ,h 10 Khaithllm,~h Zuhllir j,hn 1-I'lI'b. From i1;non.gsi Ih~ ComllOl.l1lioDis 'UmOlJrihn alKhaua . ab, Mu'lIadll ibili j<lI><lI, lbn Mas ood, Ibn, ]i1ibir and i\bOfJ .Dania""

1150 ,I.hi t.l·aJi!"e!~ h;Ul eome in. 1~.lriUU~ .fQrm~, the flllQS! <l!.Jd'!"'lllit' bcing: "i!!~!'I>I"''C<i d rod" Ul,id SliM; (J,r;;! KI~fo is ~lb<1ruJl.mjn8 ~'hc 1"'9''''1: ..

Rc]al,ed by M'!i!'.odim I[ 1:881, ,at~Timlidiwt' r 2:76<1-67 1, Aboo Dawood r 4678 ]lI.l!dllm M""j1!h [ 1078],


105 Ash- ·ha .. fi'eeand his c-omp<iilnions, as '\1\1el] as a gwoup from t~l_ scholaif - of the ' alaj" _ a~dI that:

"One does not beOO11n:C an unbeliever so, long as he believe that it is oMwg-atory but he is kiJWe:d. jllllst as the'1te is kill .. d."

They interpret. eh had'ee,il"tO mean ; \;Vlhoever abandons the prayem: by del:l)ijng it! [ust as whell All.aah, The One .Free from <Ill defidencies, informs us about 'toosuf, !altJyiils salamI'!:

Indeed I ba've abandoned a. rel'i:g;iop of the people, as they do not beheve Ln Allaa.b and they are disbelievers in the Hereafter, I i 6

I m,t' ~'.lIS never imrolved l'I:li the' of the people. However; he .abat.'ldoned them liJy dellying' them. I n

, .

c I: apt e r 1,6



J 06 And from the sayings of AM-tij'~SUli~j~h iv(!,ljaR'l[J,(j 'ah ihoLl!tthe dlccdi> ofthe s]aves, is dlat they are created by Allm]l! The MOiSt High. They do not hase .11Il)' dOUibt In. \1ha.t. Thl~)' do notreg.u-d <'Il~yone who rejects <uld '~e~testh\s statement ( belit'f) as ~e~ng from the people of gu~danoe arid religion oftruth;' IS

1 18 See ~Cfl~am;Tfl. <'II-ntlkh<tiirce \t:reMi!se Kh~ ii.if'tml 01/- './kJ~J M;ld the J~Or!l <1/- 'A'I"-ed.,b er- 'fi.r/j{.I~H~ryu.hlp.4 30 .. 4 39). Allm':h gays



.1 07 TIle ~ople of 1-1 tJdeetJI\vl t~\~-5S that AI 1,1I<1h , TI]e .MOSit H igh,. give~ gU!~dm[lJce towards .B is Religion 10 vd::lom He wills nnd He rni,~lides. 'iI\,;hO~l'l! He\'lti~ls awaJ from t-Hf> re]igion. Thel'e is no argu!J!le:n~ fo,r the one who i.s Iuis('uided ])1'\' A]]01Iiab <lind .. he: has no excuse,

Lil:) ...

.? •........ /"". ""\'~.'''' ... - ..... /. "' ...... -./ .• - .• "' .. ". •. .' .•.. , -. -.1 ,...t'-=:.~h,

I~I --"~'~'.~rl

Sa!y,witllli AUaah is the .FU:lde:ctp,roof ape[ aJ1rgument.. lfElc had" wiU.ed, He wo!.dd n<l/v.e gu.Mcd yO'Il aU. I ~ 9

r' ~.' r .... '~ ._...~ ...... ~' .. .r ... - '~ ... ~I._'.: '."" J.J-..,'~ .. -. "'''' .. '~r'~ ~' .... ""'.' ~.'''.' .. ':'. "-.~ ~' ...

'I -,'o...,J ~.~ ,

~~JI,.II.I~' .' t..!P'"'>~


And if We had willed, We wmdd have given ,every per:f!Qn guidance., :Ou't the Won! oflinlth ilf;om .Me' ~s, to flll Hell, "vith dil!c J.n.~al1d Mankjnd all together', J lu

Indeed J have created many for H(::1I1 from amonS,st theJbm. and Hllma,ns.n·H

,10 0 Be The 'lIe lircC'lrorn .. I~I ddlidellci. " Created th, creanon \,\1'l1lOUt htl\ring need ('01" them, He made them krtu n'vo gn:mps" one for jlll'-fJa'tmrn ( ~.c. Pa.l"1'ld,i,~ .. ) out of His {aNUm" and the ot:h 'I' lor H,",~I(')ut of 1 Ii:; Wusti,c; . He hall Imide from then n some misguk[, >d an I 5.01111(: ru.ghltly gUided,joylill or miserable, SOIl:](". <1I1,ne near to His Mercy !Il;,i] some f~H'.

He 'c:auuot be 'questiol1led for what :He does bu.t th,cy ,,,'UI. be questioned. U ~1

! 21 Sr,Mrlrl<11-A'!'lfooj 7: 179


Indeed the rCrcatiOItl. and the (:OIDmandmcnt is Hls. Blessed be AlUa,ah, Lo:rd. 'Of the World ,. tz ~

109 Aboo Muhammad 3,1-1 ussein ibn Ahmad a.1,-.'Vlakhllldee ash-

· .. h~baamee, m/lee.,.lu:Jl~tdlmdi. i,nlonned l')J1e' fiul'lll AbQOOl]-';\bha,lIS ll.lh:lha,mmad iim Ishaaq as-Saaa], who r elated fmm, YOQiSuf ibn Moos:a, \-vho he .. rd from Jar<:'{'r~ from ,ill =r : 'amah, frQ!')J1 .zil~d lbn \No1hb, from ~bdllll<la!h ibn ]\It, 's-ooJ, \'1,1110 said: Tilt' Messe[lge'l" of AI.Ia<'l~" ~)" <lll!d. be spoke the truth and hls word wa;s b ·]i("\.·d. said:

"JncJwd you drll C'1'i>'t1w1l?J' beirlf! C(jJI~Cl!!(l i.n ,fhl! I!ronlb cj)'PUT morh!lr_forfQrf)' day. in ,lie form tif d drop. Tilim U bt!cOlliIl!S tl pi&C tf ((;!r1fjet!J'lcd bhwd ,effier (1 ~imj/ar period. TiICII it beconllcs a lump'!I flesh c!fier tI siflli/dr p.(:l'icd. Tbl!fI Alkl.;:d} :rends to

il (.Ill '~1t8e1. Wit/1fttil' rilins:s.: .His pm!.1sion; h,,~ deal., Il i pe'r11,d r1' 1!foolld whether he wili be 'Wl'cldled or t~JwiUl. lIJ Hiu,i in T·VI~(.I-I'c Hond iI(l[~ l:i~1 scm:l is, ,me '?fym.l' HIm do rhedeeJ's ,f!f lho.m' who u'in DO tv lhrodisc, ~'{J rimr tbere wi1l be an9' ~ (ulJif k~niNm 1Ii;~1 and il. Tilen wlutr i~ dl!:cft1ed for Mm will ')Vi.!li'Qm~ him, ,0 ,/Wi' he will do th" deecl .. c{:hose lI·ilo yo' i:o Hell. JlJju ,OM ([you .vjJ] tlo rh.: ,rJ:eeJ!Jej those w!w U'i.IJ ll" to .i Id!, SQ ,rl-~m rhc!1: 1\'111 be Ollt!" a (ubir belil'(!eJl him and' rr,


Theil' whm j decrocd or him IIjJi (wcrcome 1l'1',111; .othm lie will do ,['he duJ~ 0 Ihf'_! C who 80 to lhraJise ana tlIlJ$ ,~mc,r j~, "I N

, 10 Aboo Muhamnli.ld al-M,akMadee, irlfOrl:ll,ed me fl~om AbQO al'Abbll.(1!s' ,~s-Sir<l,1'Ij" who related fmnJ hh,il<'lq ibn [bra}l ·1l!I.1'll-l·J"lJrldh,;l~ee -Ibn Raahawaih.who h erd frorn 'Abd~s-Sallflad lhn 1-\bdul-';V.lAllll', who relatedfrom Hammaadfbn Salam,ah",,\;bQ related f r om Hlshaam lbn 'l.Wrwah from his f.1'ltherj·,·om " alshah that the ,M,e·"·· ng I" of ;\]1"01h, ~) sal I, :

"IridlMiJ (J man docs l1ut d-r.'Cds C!f :he people' rd" lbr.wijil1, bm if i.s YI'lfll,refl ill' the !Mol: dUJi, Ilr! is:

,J(or!l the pe..iJl1'ie l' r/ll.l Nell Wll'il'l1 ~hfiJ lilllC (f dl:(lrh OO'mc.'I' for hoim. lie' rJiClUlJe.i: !1m" doe); l'hf! dew'S '?l tl~c peo/,II: if nelL So l!ficr ili:. d~;':lfh he cIHe6 HeR 1.ndeecl'll lIian does the d!!ed5 if,rlle people f!f HdJ, bllt il is lI'1'iHe'.H in the lwok' thor Ill! isJiQ11J WI; pe.o'pJe tif Wht'tl til' lime rf death comes j01 ,bim he chan(Jc:"1 and riaes rhe difXds f!f tbe pool,le 1·f!amdlse. So ~I!:,r hrs .deadl' he e.mefS"" IH

1.2 .... , Also l:el:J:~ed by il~·Buklu.':II\iCe [ 65941, Muslinl [ ~l"Qadr - dlJ 11 J1TIf~ .!!:boo IJJilWOfld ![ 4,708 ]I.

12~ AI!>{, n:1"'kJ by Ahmad [6: 107.10 ].It'·Siffl<llO"d i>;,·ah""h. Um I'lair decl!aJ1es. il Sl1h"c-h ill P,uh Ul-Bnllfi'l! f ~ 1:'1791.


chapter 18


11 ! IlhJ.-,uS-SuDllah testilY and believe 'th.a,t the good and the evil. the benefit and tllie harm, ~:he pleasantand the bi.~~1i!r,. ,,]] harpel:li by tbe Dec ree <lml PO'I.¥er of }\Ilaah. There is no retur 11, or eS<:'a~e and no one can d sist from them both, Except dlat which Allaah has written will befaD that per '01]" If the 1:'C.'ltiOrl strived to ben fj,t the pelon \ ... ith something whi h Allaeh has not "\"l~tten. fOJ" him. then they will not be able to do M). If they slTI' .d to harm hi III 'with somf'thingnO't Decreed by Allaah fm' ~lil!n, th:'1' \\;',111 M'I' have the ability to do so. This is what is reported fm.m. 'AlbdLdlolnb ibn ~Abb.~1S •. mdi;;!(JJiaolm dnh~ul'id. 126

l ,12 }.Ulaa,h" The Most Mighty and! The Most Majestk. 1I0lYS;

",/ill"",,. r!wi jf,ull !h~ Um'm~ uh.:;{ w lxmifJ.1 }'QU ujrn ro:m<!I.furlO' rnl!)' wil/llOl W lllJl .. to do, i!, !",l!i!!~ ,,'Ill<f<l'h .1101$ ];'1'1,1/"''' ~I fIN )"UU. ~r Ihg illl Sfn,'I.'ll,.:> hUla. J<'li wilh !IO"t-gfhina, !~' "111nm b~ <JbJ~ !'<l do .;!'.!!,,'~.~ AHa!!'1 hru wl\ln~lI il for J'(I.II •• ,

IMiII~';':! !:oy <It-"[,iHIlIu(lh.(;~ [ 2MS J. The' 151'l.;lail l ... 5.Jhreh. Aliolferer 10 :Ihn Raii'ii>'$ da~~i J".<1I1IJ' 111- 'Woom ,,·..J-l·li~Irl' II),! H JI ."lnd lbn 1I1-Qayyi1ill's hff'oo ~J. ';11",,01 fo r the issu 'of AII.1ah', Deer, ".


And U~· AII1aah touches you 'With hazm, n(1l o.n.c· can :ltemove it: e-xce~pt He" and :if He iin:tends good for Y01l1. DO one can EC'ptd His favour. In'

1 } 3 .f~m·I1,' the nladilh"b and the path of Jlill u~~SumlGh is their saying, that the good {)!lei 'e'lfl] is fl"OII1.1 AJiaah,. and hy His Decree. Anything which by it.sdf ent ... lls <1!ll.y form of defect QI' defllcie!kri~ not {alm~xecl } .)scrfuhe,d l'O ,"11111<111, so one does not say: "0 Creator of thl" ape, pig ;lind the dung beetle, eve~ tllOl~g[1 no creation cXlsts hl:lt the tt')rd created it," There appe.lI"s aboutthss, a statement 6f th~ Mes:scn~r of AUil<lill,.~.), i,rl the .suppHc<lti.orl 5aidll.t the heg~nnitlJg oft~~f: praret":

Its !neaning. and Allaah knows best, is: Evil is not attributed ( annexed ) to You by itself and out of intent, sc one does not when c<l!~~il1g C)l:ut to You, say: "0 creator of ~"iil or 0 ord):lilflt.'r of evll even tllough He is the creator and. Qrdll.lns 0.1' thel~l both (i.e. good and evIl ). "fllilis is Wily "I. Khidril'~Cr]be.~ the lnrention o~· damag]ng the ship to :himst:IJ, I"IS AJ]ail,h lrlfo:rm:; 'U~:

1.28 R"ial.oo l,>· ,\lu;5Hm i 7f I I. Oin.-Nis.\a',:.! i 862 ). Ah'JO D~,}wood r 76 ~ ] and. ;]~;"·i[II1I,1h .. -e I 3662 l-


As fOil' the smp it belonged to poor people working sea. I in:t:endelll. t.o darmage it.1!(1

Butwh.en he ( i.e ~hid, ) mentions good 11 ess, rlghtt'.ott'l,JleSS alild :merc)" he ascribed the intention to A~.~.aah,. l'he: Mo~! Mighty and The Most Jlvlajes:tk:

;/ -._ /' ... # ~ ... ". "," ,'''~,' .... ' 1.t .. ' . '.~ , .. , "'.~.' ~.' '" '~:/.'" :~',',

.JW 11.:1 \i.G.~.~,~"\ ,~,L ~

01'''''' - ,01:;;..1' ~

!!.y ,... / ~ - - '"CJ\''''

~- II!! ~" ..• , ... !t-, II· ,. ~'. u", ~ .," t;,.~" .~' "" ... ,""

1:) r.J.-! ~ , ~ ,.,. ~ ~ .,;.~_.: ~ . .1l

;;.- ~'~

YOI"U' Lord Intended tha.t they reach their a,s,e of fuJi strength and take out the:ll1' rreasure ,3.$ a. Mcrq from vOllrlord.I!!D

J' ~, ,- ,~

I ~


And when J am in, it is He whocures me.ul

He ( i.e. Jbrabeem) anrlbueedthe sJCl-n,es5, to himselfbut the C11II"el!o .h~s Lord even 'iholl,gb it ,;''<'15 all from AJ1aah The Most Miglltyancl The Most Majestic.


ch a pt e r 19


1/4 .. Um fr:(lil'll. the m~dl-Jl!1b or itM-us- SUlUw,h wal]aDl(1(J' all istbat A]]OIOI.h, The Nlost Mig~t}· and Th a Most ; I. [estic, intended all the action of HI s ,slaves, the good ,uld(he bad to or '~:r. No one bdi"-",''es,, except 'wi,~h His "V.m,md IlO one disbeli-"es,-~o'ptwith His Will If He had "<Vi.ll d He' could heve made all of lvL"l!,--kind into one nation,

~ .~ . .;: ~ _.,., \ .... : .... ~'.'>.'.J< .. ' '.' ?."ti. '.' .... "'..- ..... -.:,

~.. .' -~-,.J I'Ju-o,",A ,li,

~ I ~ ,- ~

If your Lord had.WiiUed all those on th,c earth would have 'believed. n H

If He wanted thatno one should b <lisQb, lient to Him, then. HI;: \' ould not I~ave created Jble~s" th disbeH,ef or the unbelievers, tbet.;C'ln~rI of the believers, the "POSt:1SY ofdl!e .lpostates, the' I'dwlleed of the A'lmmhidecn-


the obedlen ~ of the ob -d ... nt and the disobedience of th disob dlent, AJI of it is from His De 'r ee and Power, \~ i.1,1 and hn ent, W he ne f r !'!"Om all deficiencies" T~' Most Hi,glr., H" Intend d, \ViII eland D 'creed <11]] those things. He is dtsplea ed with ki!fr a:~d disobedience

~ , ,- . ~

:;, '"" J.. / .. ' "'. ~' $l3". ,",.", ::>'-==, .' "'. ~', ,.<:J!.-,', . "'" ~ .~ .. I ' '" . \..-.. i

~:.:I..~ - O1): -, ,I"

If yO!!!! disbelieve, then indeed, Allaah is i'Q no need of · ... ou, He

"'"' --' -

is not Pleased '!-nth Kufr ( disbe~

lief) :from Hlis slaves. Uynu are, grateful then He is Pleased vvith you. In


c h Q pte t 20



I J 5 The Peofle oHI(jdu,'~ believe 31i1d testil)1 that the end ofthe sJ.1lI',,"e is 'I':lflkJ;Q\,\'rI. No 001111:: knows what his end shall I)e. They ( Pe:QP'le ofH(idl!~th ) do ~lO:t ~}fI:;s judgen1€,!llt on it sped fie person that he wlll he feom th people of Para.di e or fi-()m tit people of HeU. because that ~s SQme~bi'llg whkhis bMden from them. They do 'not know in ,";hich state <Ii person will die, whether itis I,iIpon llamn or unlJdie'r, so diu to this f(lct they say:

1134 TIVi.NSI:.ATOHS NQoT~ - Tile I'u:ophet, I ~}, said:


cb a p t er 21



116 l\ud. t1heF'eop]e o~·H{jde~lhw:ltl'IJe.~~ for the one V!;'~H) dies lIp~}!~ lsia,(Jrfl that his end \\-rn~1 be Paradtse even if th~i!J' f'a~e was written byA],la.1lh t~lal: they 'Wi,~~ be p~UlllS~lOO with the Fire for it period, as a result of (heir S~Il~ ",.'i1ich they. ,oomn')!'iU~cl and did Ll0t rel)cn~ :lroJn" Tbev'!,.vm eventuall ...

.. oJ J

enter Paradise ~nd no (me from amor~,gst the ,MusJil'I1S w:mrel,nai,K) in Hell

ewr nallv., This is a Ploeat blessl np' a[u1 fa,'oil!!" from, A]]<iJall. If one d ies tl])o:n

J ·0' JC! .

lm.hel~le( and Alb.lh':;, ]'1rottdio~,'l is lfOllght frol111 tMs., he ",,]II be t:hn;>w]]

,r ."

hMiO r}j,!: F~re illiTI!lIllJt' ,,~ii ~ I1JOt be saved fmmit" jlnd be ",dll st1lY there



e b a p t e r 22


I J 7 As for thos(' witnessed L'O b,1 tbe Me.s:se'll,gc'f{)f AlI<l.<l!h. ~), n:om am{m.gst hi." Compank)~lSwho will en~el' Paradise, md eed the l\~nph~ of /;-1{ldw!b test~'~' towl.1at he ~i!lld, he)ie'ldngv\Jmt tih,e Messengel",.~),~ n"!e!'1!ticH'lcd.<I!nd promised for then':!. fOI"incleed the Propbet, (~). did notwitness for them POlII'fU:I,', t''Xcep~ {I ftc-v knowi ng it for 8Ul:'e. J\] bl<lh" The Most. High, hadinlol."med His Messenger, (~). ufrhe matters of th.t' unseen, <IS Ull,lCh as He had 'wished, Th1S 'is evident ~.n. Hls, The .MOiS.t l\il~ghlyllnd The Most Mil.!(~:stic·s saying:

He is the all IUIQwe,r~ oftheuJIlisecn. He reveals Ule unseen to no o:neex,ceptwboim He is pleased ,,:vitl] :from


amongst His Mcssemgers. us

118 The M,esse:n.ger.of AJJail.ITh~ ~), gil"!.'! good tidiIWgs ·of P.lmdise to ten of his COl1ilp<Jnions and. they are:

'AboD .Bakrl ·'UIIl1,a:r, 'UdlJl::n<l.u:I., 'lI\]ee, Talhah, Az.-Zubah:. Yltbch.l.r-Raliurnil31l ~btl ~"i.f •. a'd, Sa', -cd and Ahoo 'U:baidolh a~-J<m:aah" I }(;

AI1;tS ibn Maal~k said:

"When he ,( Thaabi:t ) used to pass b_ us, we used to .say: lndeed he ls fmm the p eople of .Pal'1ldi~'e.·" 137

~. 36 "['Ii..:}, ~ppcnillJ the Hi-JJ~rh· of .. lI'eed!b'l Z.~id. l<.dllled ·by ,\~nn:lll [ I ()J 2: j. ,I\i;.oo Daaweud [ 4648·-1·650 I. illu.Ti.rmidlll'<' [4012.4014] <l1l,llIm .i\i\ihlljah I 133, j]4 ], 'nu' Hmlel!'ill i .. 5<,1"".,JI.


c h G' P' t er 23


J 20 TiI1.e' People of Nade.eii'l tesn~· and believe that the best ofthe COJ~,1,!·panions of she ~Iles ·('nger of,Alla.'lh,,(~)., are Aboo .Bah, th~I1'Ulllarl then 'Udlma~m .• then~ee. They are the rightly gu~ded ,l(liulr;ifallh" whom llie fliophtt. (~), had mentloned regarding their successership. He said, in what is reported by Sa'eed whn. Jan.baaH [rom Sateellah:

"'The Klrilaq/'iJh ~ljll r:emainformirl)' )10015 '!iier m~. "

Then Sa:ft enah said:

'Take 1'1.1,00 Bakr's Khi.itlC!foh (01: 1 .. ,.'0 }'e;l.I~s, 'Umar's fOir lim .• 'Ut:ht1)a .. iu's forl\,{t.!\'c and ~ee' far Sb.:::YIJ.

13S Relatoo by AhllIl.ld r 5.;220.2,2.1. I • .i\boo' D'II;]WOo<j ( ,!646,46471,ol!.Tii:'l1~jdhe" [ 21'10 I "nd ca~-All);'l~IlCC in Sr.!.;l,,! ,,/.-.1hfl~<"I.h is-S"k"fl.aiJ I[ 4519 J, II'~ m.-,rmI is U<l5<"'"


121' Tb People' ,of Uadeclb are in agl' eemenc about the Kilil<l..y(Jh of Aboo B~k_r, T,(KI~f'!:rJl{l{JhlJ <Gflh(i. after the ,de.ld, of tl1{'lvtes:senget IX Allaah. ~),

1N~dl the hoice find the, ul.l agrl;;Cl1il"tU of th ornpanlon for him,

J 22 The Me's('ng r of A[I::l,1'lll (~)., WQuI} speal 0 Ab (I B,akr in such a manner by which h would show to th . companions that ~le ( f\hll Bakr ) had t~le most right to the Kh,ii(}(9ah iJ.f~er himThis is why die)' agreed on him and became unit-d. '0 they ben Cited by hi, position and they were elevated in their ranks and ~hey gained gl,ory> due to l!Jim.

! 23 Then the K_bilm!fillJ of' U mar ibn I\J - Khaitaab, Jf(J<l9'OUUo:i/UI' ",mil'Y, hy the appointment of Ib'll Bakr; rod~r(JlIa(llm 'dlllm, and ~he ilgl"eem~l~t of a~l, the Companions, Ilaalr, The One fi't'c 'forn <,I] deficiencies, used his position eo brillg glory to M(lcIIlI<l,nd 'to make it glfcat <IS: Hi;" b:lJd p'ITIn,'1- lsed,

/24 Th n ~he Kbil{l~fqh of 'Llthmaan md,~"(/JAU1hu '(m/Ju, by theconsensus ofthe JIM nsh- t,QOUllJ and i111. the ompanions, and hy their~ml~clfltmenr with hirn. $00 that the posi,Uon came 1:11 hirn.

125 ·r!nKM.ldc1iJ1l of '\o\l·e, m.rIiY(lJlI)(Jhu '{mho, througb the pledge of aHegiarl,'C' of the Compantons wheu they realiz d anel saw that the one who had thernost li"igbtmlf of .!Iii the reatlon ,1lidw<l, more entitled to dl.~ Khl/rJ[!fi!ll at th.'ll timewas '\)\'Ii, they did not permit any discbedlence or oppo ition to the Kfulaifalj"

116 0 those four wee the Klml'!foall ar [(o!lClslli&'eH through .... 41Om, AI. .].:'Ii:lh aided Hi 'relJjgion, subdu .r! and overcame the apostates. made Is-

i 39 A;;. occurs i Ul lh.., UrlJ,!;1lh of Hm,l~ ur~h, related b.\· .\-T.lya,lli t'!' I <13 S ~ IIntl f\hm.1d. 1. ,:273 I· £I',s J!ji<lcrd iJS ll.oon'.

]<l.1Lm "troll,g by their sta~,ldili.g. r .. i. ed In their time 'the signposts of tnn:~, ill.lIJuinated by their bnlltance, their ligbt iilnd Inl) again t the darkne 'SS and made true 'Iia their KbUar!fah, Hi promise "I:~lid~ He :11,;1,& previously mentione 1 ill Hi." The Most Mighty and The .~o t M;ajie.,tic's <lymg:

Allaah has promised for those who believe atllOllg you. aJD.d do. righteous deeds, He v "ill e'et'tain]y give them stlccessor'slIip 011 the c2i.r1th, as He granted, it to, those before them. And He ""ill grant tthell1the authority to. practise their reUgion, "-'hkh He h,a.s ehosenfor th.em. And llewi~l sU:fiely give in exc:llange a s<life secnrit'y a.~ter their fear, i40

Muhammad Is the Messenger ofAIIlaah. Those \"ho are with him, are severe against the unbelievers and merciful .ulilong thenH;e.Ve~_. Yo'u ee ehem bO\"'1'illg: and pliostr,atin,g, desiring the Bounty of AJ1a.i1h and His Good Pleasure, Their mar:lits are on their faces from the traces of their prostrations.


Tbi Is tliH!ir descriptioa in the l'"nvroJ,. Th.eir decription iu the lujed b like a seed "vhkh, sends forth its shoot and then becon"lC::O strong_ It then_ becomes thick and. stand" straight on its tem, d,elighting the sowers, so tl:mt He may enra,gclbhe dfsbelievers v itb thenJ. AlIaa.hha,s promised thQse among Jmt .... 1'bJo beUc,\'e and do dgliJteo'Us. deeds forgih!ClleSS and a mightyr,e'\'Ii'ard" 1~1

127 OI':lC who loves them. follow. (hem" pnli}':s. for them, ackn wl dge' their rights and :b10WS their excellence, will indeed he su ce. fut And the OI'1e who hates thern, • buse them .ll'ld anrlbute to trnern {hat which the Rall'(l{!fidh and the KlWIIVr.1f:ij do - n'l<lly lUlaah UI:S(, them - then be i . ruined and de tro)' ·d.IH

J 28 he [vt 'senger uf 1I""I.l. ~). s. ld:

.. "" ic r~._ • . ..D~'~

uo rim .:!bUS;: "!I' UJJ1~Pdfl itl'll'S,

142 TR>\N tATOlt! NOTE - k; (or tJlwa'i['lir of till" P'_(j"'O'!JMhl1h. their 'i!.'W5; <Ii till" C<>rnpanio:ll$ art' wd ~ km)'w.ll. Tlley!;.'<IlIJ .III fIr them unbcl Lt'_'Cr5, "x-lXjH iI Ii..,,~ Tht'i.t h,·Ii.·r~ .1r~ ~ljj() well kn •• wn, So: e<11rn I·:,h.n,,,,: Z~Ju'el:'~, wh I'J'l1njjllu,",. book OIbolD I, lhl:f1'I, ( II ,L~ aVIli1..:lbll: in ·I'igli;/h).

1'\1; fOJ til!: the KJ,<lI'ihU1j. thc): rc;t"ch.:d the KMlrJ'!foll !.f ·Ulhll1l.:lJ,I~ am:! 'I1\JCl·. Thl..: illso d",dllretl 'lll",ny of the or the' 'mnpMliol!!s. lInbclic, -r .... r,e_~ulting in lI1I~ll!'!y h,mle- kvw('eH \henl .lIld ~I\c Companions ~lr the Prophet, ( ~~ )..

143 -lIltl\NSI..ATORS NOTE - j~lat{'d h~' o.i-Bukha.II'-."C I %13 I. /vhl~hrn, I 2HO 1. Ah • .o Daawood I ·165 J ,unl ilt-Tinni<ll;",." ["'143 I,

I.t is nJ,no.;.1 in ill-BukJlMr1:C' i %S!i I ,!ltd i\bQO D<lilwnvd. ~ 4621> IlII"'; Ibn 'U"lilr said ..:j;

"\\'e tllS~d_ to ~\" w.II'ilst the ,iMes8eliig "r of AlI;II'}h, (~ ). 'vas amollg;;t !.Is: The bi~~t f P"'lipk !!ftcr the ~i(esSll;:iI:Ig"r or Ailolah is Ah(lu :Balb, then 'Urm:r, dum 'Udmli'lc(li'i" Til'

W'r0'!l1il('~ wOllld h'ar of th.l!t ,~.nd. It,)l critidl>e k," -

Se ~ AIl<l<) Daawood'~ Sultan « English) :i'lll ,fitg,,!:J. U,J·:S"iulJm-Ih [ 4,610=464) ]. Iror rUdhf'f

.il<lH.ltions {In tl~ill topk~. -





129 The People ofH!tdte~h :lTlloIDd that the prayel:s of a/-j(lmu'(;,iI, the two Eids and ilJny other prayer, can b· performed beh~l\d eVe;'ry Muslim bl'llaam irre.spcctive (lfwhether heis ,rigbteous of in:LmOII",,].,M

"[ was Ih .. "",hen al-Hajjaotj 1h.1(1 !mIJIl-'!!i:1<kd <I:Z<"Z\lb.1bc <it M~Jkli,lb. Ibn 'Um.1r\'I'<l51)te!!Cnt <'lIst) .md his hous Willi b~,twc(:1l the two .lflJl1:I1'·, So ":{]!1,eli'lli~es he wOIII.J'l?n)f wilth .11- H~;j~aj 1IiIDd sQm~'ti!I'U~S \.nt[, "~J-Z\,r,"

H~ttlh~jr;\h. tl'u}b".Jl'ildtii.llu' "(mJnl. rd<1.l..-;d lhQt ~heF'[ophc!>{ ~ ), sa1l'!l~:

-:nIc:rewr1l' ron~e 1l,)mb~ 111I!! m'l!' Ilt'ljoJl(1(1" Tl!." fi'j;,fun(i: (jIJJ will fJ'4lrfi,!J~mll".v ';Ufl"jj, 7J,.n'· !l'1I1 b~ <ll!!o!!.9If ,thf.m IlI~J!I. ,>iIO willlwl';! !b,,' hC(j~ if d.>;1/S <mol ill~ !N~:;~f if.llullJrLn,- " I'ludhair.,h, Mkcd '\;!;'h,l'! ~h~[1 I do 0 IVI.ess~lDgt'r oif A[JMll, i(l reach that I' He f p]ie~~ '"It.r.r Ghm!.JI.~ h~1l and Il~J rh~ ",It" .,im if h..:,ji;'Hs p!<Ur IJ",,"* <r/j,r w~,:s pOUl" "'wfl'/r, -n"'ll ~rili h«Jf ,mJ oh~ ."


Theya]su WlOld d'tat]Jh(f(Ju against the ,di:sbelic\" er is valid with them • even if theyare oppressors. and tvrants, Tiley a~~ee to make supplleations for them, asking to redi~f their sitU!1l.liol)., to be given rmifeeq and to ,- 5't<lb~~:sh justice among t their subjects. Tiley do not deem permisslble I~eb Ilion against the leaders by th ~ sword even iJ' they are unjust • nd tyrannical. Tbey S<I)' that. tihe ex~reI1Jlists. ( g,I'OUP )< shou'ld be £ought until dley return eo the ol]edielw€: of d:le just ff)'.lOaI1L HS


ch a p t er 25





130 "nl'ePt'lOple of Hadcerh hold that one must refeain ( from di:SCUJS's.iIJg ) dle dispute IJ c'l'"" n the Compani.otlf> of IrbeMesseuger ofAllaah, ~~). 'the tOllgl:.i~S must be pu.rged from ll'lenttoning anydiLrig v ..ihich el' th ~ attribUitiol"i of$Jhortool'lllings and dd~d:e:nd,es to thH~m.:L46 Thiey (Tile Pco-, p~~~ of Hadcl!.rll ), hold one shouM seek Allaah" Mel:C)i for ,,11 ofthem and have Won: and cl feud each and everyone .of th m. They also hold thatone :-;bQ~ldeX<llt the status of the Prophet's VI irvC'S, md~'ali(J(JflU '(mh !JID, supplicate I.i:n· th.em, reognise thelrexcejlence and admowled,ge that ,th,ey 1U~e the Motlll:'rs of th . Believers.


ell <P tel' 26


J 3 i The ~op]e of f/adeerh believe and testifY that no one isentitled to Paradise, even ~fhehad pelrfo",.ned good deeds and his worship .. vas the most sincere, 0" his obedience W<I"" tlhpur t obedi ne and hisway was a pleasil1g one, unless .AJI,aah favours him, thereby ,granting it to him, throUlgh Hiis Blesshlgs and Graciousness, Since the good deeds.whlch the peerson perfornil.ed \"'11.5 not madeeasy for him except bv the: facilitation of A]l!Jah; Mighty is His _ • me. So i.f He had not facilitan d ~t fo .• · him, the pel'..~OI:J would not have bet' 11 able to m:,'Co'll1p~i:!lh thl deed and (shnilarl" } if Iii . did not gUide him to it he would never have accompltshed it out of his own effort andexhortatism. AlhItilh, The MIO t M~ght.y and The l\110:>c MaJil'.'~j(' s~ys:

" .... ~ .... ' ..... 63/.> -" .. ;J..·.;. ... / .. P ........ ~,/ •. ·. / ..... ::""

. ..• \.\_., .j" - ... .\

;'..0 ' .. ,\_._,·')11, -.4lI

U'.-r,- ~ J ...,;{_J_ .. .;'


Had it not been fo:l' the Grace of AUaah and. His Mercy u.pon you, not one of you would ha .... e been pUl'iJ:i,ed. However, Allllilb purines whom He WiUs,.!4f>

And He .said inlhl'm~ng us about the people of Paradise:

And they say aU praise is fOol' AIIbah, Who has guided usto this. Never could we na,ve found Guida,nee were it not that AUaah had Guided us. 147


C' h Q' P ,t e r 27


132 'the People of N(lilccln believe and te:sti~f tbtlt Alla(lh." Th Most Mighty and Tile Most Majstk', bas appoinl.1! d ,<I term for each reation and mat no soul. shall d]e wiltho1iJt the permission of Albah. andat tbe appointed time, VVh never the appoint red term has e~pir' di for a mall> then there i nothIng exo ptdeath awaiting him. and there Is 110 escape from it. AlIa"!'l Tb~IVI:ig]uy and Majestic say,.,:

And ev!ery nation ha~ alli app oi.uted term .. Wbe:Ill theif' term is reached, they ,can'tlot delay lit nor can they advance it (forevel'1 an ho'ulr). I4S


And no pers.on can ever dje, excel~tby file peii:mission of AU"ah and at an appo inted !renn., I <III

J J'3 And they te tHy that on \'11110 dies oris killed, til en indeed his tim has expired.

Say. even if you nadre,lnainerlm1!!l youI"' homes, those for w.hom

" -

€leath \'V.a,s decreed, woo ldharve

gOone forth. to thelr place of deat.h.1SQ

'~'.~' ;,J ~ ')."~~.'.' .. ' . "'. ,/. -""'.,'

,'. !" R \- ,,"

. , :.)J.J~ .. -, ~

; r.!!_


W:herever you may be, death win eveetake yo III ; even if yo,u are in a fortress hlgh Up,l;; I



i 34 The Beo'p]e 6f Har:lruih: belIeve: that AllMh! 'The One free from all deflclenctes, Created the devils 'with the characteristic of "Atisperl)'I.g to maaktnd and they hlt,end their dmVlifaU; 50 they lie in wait for th m,

Indeed ehe dev:ils do ~nspiJ:re thew friends to disputeMth you <lind if you obey them, thea

~ .

indeed you will become ail

polytheist. 1.,2

I S2. SOOr;dl:al-iltl',wm: 6: 121

.135 Allaah empowers them ( d, . deviills ) over whomsoever He .,vi hes and = l~ protects whomsoever He Wishes fromth ir plots and d ceptlons. All<ltln The Most Mi2:hty <lnd Maj astic says.:

And befool those wbonl! you can amongst them, "vitb yo,ur Yoke. Make. an assault on. them. with. your cavalry and your infa:nt.ry. Share with fh.erll their ""veaJth and thetr children. Make promis,es to them .. But the devil promfses t]othin.g but deceit. Indeed My slaves, you do 13;01.' have any authority O'\fc::r them. YOUf Lord is, suffident for you a:lthfl a Guardian.I.B


.". .' . - ."''''

>.' r.' .-;; """'. ..~. • ..... :" </. ~.> t. i. l' I.r ';".'1

,~o:\~. - .~jj .. \,l.,,",;.d': \ r~ Lo.-l'l

~ - - ~, ~. p

Indeed, he has DO power over those who believe and those who put their trust. only in. their lord. His power

co -- h' . 154 is only over those who follow . 1m.


c hap' t e r 29


J J 6< The PMpie of fI(lJeeth t~tiry that in thi' world there exists magi" arid nJagicians, b1Jt tl1~ (""al:':lfiot fuliHn <li1)yOrn:~, except the pe.rmission of AI.Ia.lh. A11aiib The Most Mi~ly and The Mosi.: Maj~stk &a~rs:

They eould nottll'lllS harm. ,anYOD,e exce,pt by the p@l'IDJ.ssi<rn of All~a.h., 1.5,

,117 \i\ hQev(.'f bewitches, practices magic and believes that h can cause harm. or benel1t without the permiseion of AUaa:!l, n,e Most HIgh, h has indeed disbene\ d in Allaah.

J J 8' If he -( the :lUngidan ) R; charactedaed by \'vh~t wiII mak h~m (\1111 il'!lto i'[!.IbeJ].er~ he Is a$keil to repent. If he does not repent then his neck is


~tmck( Le, kiHcd ".

If he is ,d.laH:\C't~!I·,~db)' whatis D.ot unbelief or has meuuoned ,c~ohicb was not uoderseeed then he is prohibited fl'oOO p~actising it agai~. [f he: returns he is punjsh.~d.

} 19 If he matnteies that magk j not u'[ilavvful and belleves it to b pe'f'l~:ilssjlble; then it is obligatory to kin him ... Th~s is beeause he has made permissible a tIling which aHih,e Mu dims have agreed to' be ullla,wfuJ.


c b. apt e I 30


140 The Peopl of 1=f(l.I'eelh Jl<lVe l;n, d UI11".wful aUint:ox_i. adng ddnh made fmm grapes, raisins, dates, hOW'le)~ barley and .mytbing else Vdlich in:,!}, caese intoxication. TIH~:y 31·<;- aJI unla.wful. ,."ihe.tller it ]s a sl'l1Iill[ or ~OlJ:ge glla:nth}'. They keep <1/,,,'ay irom them and establish the PllJll]sh.n"l~n,t for it.··1>

14 .1 TI:H:ryr h<'Ji toperfor.I1'li 'tile preseribed praye:n and tlJlcy esta hJ:is.h them in their earlier tim.~s.1iI:ti8 is better than delaying thern ee

~ 5·6 The Prophet, (.~ l. s\ihi;

';E.-e.ry jfc,mdrom i'1' I!Cjll~ <in'll (;'l'ry WI'not Is Iml<Il~foJ. I'

Rclilted by MU<iliim [2001 .. , illll.d AbQc) Deawood r 3679].

He; {~),solid:

"!! .,fo, inrmCEI\W>' lir ... , im' <I lit.;k r:fJ.r J1 tin·hl'1~1 ."

Rd,i:!;)d bYJ'\Jboo D:~~wood [36ftl J. nm .!lt1~~jill1 [3392-3.394,] <il)' I 1943 J. The i,snaaJ'~ S<1h""/I.


. . I' brain h . .. ~ i . --;]' 15,1

late t time. Til y P rsevere In til to 0 tam t ie pn:llU]S( re\'\-·{'Ims .•

. 142 They make it ohJigat·oryto reeit Swraul/-Fuoahah bebind! thl;;! Imailm. ~.5-11

143 They obligate thef· j:"f e-cti ng of the luku' and the Sl'jood. They pel'fl!ct the rukrl and ;SI.IJGOO by obSl::n~iJ.lg ca~mness~thtl1"ising from nlku > and d:l!~ .standing erect and wIliie being b'.!ID«(uil Also the ri$]ng from siJjood and the sittll'iig betweenthe two S!ljo-od, obs@:rvi,llg t:,a]mness andbf':ing tranquil as it i fromarnongst the piUan of pr.ayer ",.hieh C<lI'U1ot be accepted ",,'ithout it: .

. 144 Ihe-y adv:ise each other to obser e the pray~l" at night. to ke p ties v,rit!h relations ",jlMI;;: ~a'.i~lg differences, to spread greetillgs"tQ feed and he kind to the 'poor, dl\ • ~eedy and the orphans. Th }r gil' lmp{''I'tancetQ the. lIffil:i:rn of dl.e MUlSI'il~s. T~1ey are rnoderate in. their ,eati~'iig> drimkiug. doth~ng. (marriage and spemding . Thl1 enjoin the good and fQrhtd the -,Iil and they 1~;};stell to do an good d'eds.Tbey b"llregu.ard themselves ~gfil1S:[ the ev]] cm1.~e.(lu enees of lust and desire. They and ad .. ise the pcoplewidil the truth and '''' pati nee. Th~y love' and hate for IsJf1<JIJI. "ID'hey me agahlst C1is:pu~i!i!g ahcmt AU<'lW and faUiJ."JJg into OOllt1'Otl~t"Sy about Him, Thf;;!}, keep aW<I)' trom JlhI-u!-11i.d··"h' and th people of 'l1i:sgu]d,uu:e,. d.e 'it!:$; and ignorao·-.

157 Ibn Ma~'oodililkcd the Pi'l1pluli (~): '\iVMeh .action is me most loved by Alb;lih1' lie l"(,;,p1'1.--4:

.. 1tt_!y~,.al its .l!<uJ1er '!l!!" .... "

ISS 11~~ Prol>h.c,\, (~) ~illd~

"Thel~ ;, illl pm)W!f for IJ~ ml~ ![OO drm 1]".[ ".-.rh~ Sooro!I.'/-fuuli/;, .'


145 The.y follow the Propher, (~). and his, COtlIIFIIj0l1S.

,146 They fol'low the S(jlif wf-S(Ja,li/lC/ill fron~ dIe aa'immal~ oftl1e Religion and. the Sdl013:1:$ of the Musl iIl1S. libt:y stick to wh.."It they adhered to in the clear truth of lh ir religioll.

147 They hat·ah who h;lV innovated ,~n ther ligionwhi!lt is, not [rom It. They do not love them {lI- b fdend them. Th!~ do not listen to' them or slt \t1ith them. They do not d~sFmt.eabQut 'the l"ligion ,'rid:} then] or debate \\\'ith them, They guard theirears from hear:ing their false talk, which If it pacSSed tile ears and settled ~1'lI th€: ]It!<lrl;s. it would bring about harm. and d<lIlgemus fll]s~d()'ubts. ConCenlllrig ebis, j\J]ou b reveale.~~:

And if you see the :peop.fe eng:aged in vain ta!lk about Onl" sign,s, then tu.rn away 'roul them" uoli1 th.~ytJlIrn tu a diif& feresrt theme. I ~9

TRA.N!SUTORS NOTE - S~Y' a.~h-S:llilwb~IK~e' e':'r:]pbnai3oll or(Ms verse in hi~ t'1'ffi'.r, f'l'un 1.11 Qpd~r.


31 chapter



148 Th signs of AIlI u.f~JJid'(lb ar~ not htcldlen but a,reapparent. Theil" most appaJi'··~1t :ign and trair is tit ir mtenseeumlty :and hateed for the carriers ~fthe ahCi.ddeerh of the Prophet, ~). Th~y look dewn at them and tile), name ehem H ashnril!Yf1b, Johalah. Dh;:J(Jnki.JYllh and Musiuhabihah 'be. aose of thAr different belief s the afladl.!ct:h of the M. "senger of A1I<l1.<llt, ~); t]la~. lt does not contain knoIlIN!]eilge.<Ind that kJlIiOCw].edge i~t.ha;t wh.~ch the shdytaangives. themas a. r'stdt of their corrupt minds, the whisperings of their dark ne d breasts, the Ini:sgh'ing UOtiOlCIS of til. ell' hearts ,MIllie'll lIre devoid ·of <Illy good ,1I!I1.d 'fll.e:ir speech and m.v2l1.i.d proofs. III fi.lctrlley <Ire notb~lfIg mor than unt 'nable and f"d~ dou11't's.

",[bey <'lire the ones who A~laOJih hilS cursed. So He billS milde them deaf and Minded iu tbetr vision. HI"


~d wnom.soe've:r AIlaah gra.ees~ nooe can hQn,pur. In-, dle'ed AUa,ah does wllat He '''v!

149 Al-HMhl~n Abot) ~bclnl.la1Ih a]-Hail.IJdh,b:11formed tine f]'-om Aboo 'A~ee a1~HU!s:s.;l!i!llbn ~ee al-HaaJ.'[dh, whoh,eard fl"o]u ja'far Ibn Abu."I1Iad ibn S~I);\l,ru\ al_"\~fail;.,;itee.\, ... ho hea"d frOIThl ,AllTill<id ibn Si 11ailua]-Qa:tila:n. \'\Iho said: -

''']l~ere is lloi.rmo'Va;il:l)I' in,(he world excep~ that he h<ltes the People of Ha4ctM:h. WI'lenever 11 m an innovates, the sweetness of the (J!Uld~rh is: removed fro,lt'll his heart, " 16.2:

J SO Al!~I~I<lakiI1':1 i::r'ifOflneclme frOll!l Ahoo i11-H~ls8ajn MuIlamma,d ibl;1 Ahmadal-Handhalee, ,,.iho heard .fr,om Aboo[mlllfli<t'e,eI Muhamm:tlc! fb['lI ~sma~ 'eel at- Tinnklhee" who said: .1 <1illd ,A1~,mad ll:,m a[-HaaaI1 1J,t-Tin~dlIi1©e were \,\ljjth the: lmaam of the Rdig:ion Aiboo ru,duH<l<lh Ahmad ibn I-[al':ubal whenAhmad Ibn al-l'-l~Jll sajd to him.: '0 Alboo AbdlJlllaaih! They men" tloued to Ibn Abet: Qul:ailllh, i!':l Makbh, about the People of fi(jdftetn.'

So he ( ]h_[) A~ee Qntailah ) replied: 'T.he ~ople of Had~th are a bad people." A.hll1ild ibn Hanbal stood ll(P and shook the dust of[ his dotbes

162Relaood in (1~-iliJa'+h r p.4 ] ~n(~ al~ rd",iJed by al-B:lgln.d<i~_dlWirl SJ,""if ,il.,hooblli. I'f~rh [p, J l \,~.i1 <i SaJul>dJ iGll"ad_

! 5 J A]~Haakim AbM ~bdlllb:1!h ir.fonn~d. me (',mn A.bDO N~5:r Allffi<'ld ibtil Sahl ~],- faqbe~ in Buld1ailra. who heard Aboo N Mtr ibn Salaam alF.<Iqhee say.:

"There is floth~ng, more difficult upon the heretics and more ],~.t:ed. t.o dl.emthan the HstelThi[lg <lnd t.rmThsm~t1!:il"!g of ah(J(I,d~81,h. with their d~&ltleed.'"wl

I' 5' 2 ~ heard Sol}} he he~:rd -the Sharykh Aboo Billkr Ahm.a.d ihn lsbaaqibn Ayyoob a]-Fa:'l!!i(:e s (I), wbilsv hew a s de hating witha IlIlan;

"Such <l pe:r~Q:n related! tome ... " (i,e. he related II. fl",deerb to the manI.

The man replied: 'u"'I),vet}.is rel~Urig bUSill1,ess,UJp to where will you relate fr'Qm,' So the Shaykh 1X':'s[po:ncled by ~1'lying;

"St1l,Ucl .a unhelie .... 'eu" k is 110t <IHowed fo:r you to enser my horne after th~u1S, "

"1 have never said this. to anyone befot:e h~m. ~nt to en~el'my house, except him." 16~


J 531 heard A:boo Man!>oOT Muhammad ibn ''AbdllIIMh ~bn Hamshaad the scholar att-Zaahid. J;r)hJIMlu,diaan, i>.'ly thath ... heard AJb,oo al-Qaasim ja'far ibn Ahmad al-Muqree ar-Raazee sa", that ~t was read over 1\bdw"-' Abee Ha.atim ar-Raazee and Lwas 1iste,ning, th'-lt be heard his father the lmaam of his country boo Haatim"lmad ibn ldrees al-Haudhalee ar-Raazee sa)':

"The traits of Alii ul-1HJ'ah are tl~at they battle with the people of narrations. A tl<!llt ofth· Zallaadiqa_h is thar ilieYMme th _, people of'narrations as flashwi)'Yoh.intending !by [hat therd,egaUon of the l1ar:ratimlS. A trait of the 'Q;U14fQrall is that th,ey name 11M iJS-SuJWQh as MujabbiJ'G'b, A tr<l~t of the Jahnl!Jytlbis, that they name ,1111 us-Sutinah as .Musluhabi!J.ah. A trait of tbe1!.awaildhaij is that tl:'le)' name the People ,of fladeet/l ~UJ: Na(jbiw.h or Naasibal1, " 16(.

J 5,4 h is an from party piri.t, as there is no narn fOIr Alll 1I$~Sl;!llnah except d1e. ll<JmeAld ~l-Hdde¢th (The People off:l:adil.e".rh ).

155 1.!!Ie.' that the Aill uJ~BId>ah" by attllching these names to AM usStmn.CJh, are the behavlol:l'r of tile unbelie",t,s,. mayAllaah curse. tJll<:111,lIirlio were ffese.ntiu the time of 11Ie l'vlessel1ger of AlIa<lb, ~). Tb Y sought to harass him by caUing him narnes. eorai of them w~.u]d saythathe is a :magician. Some would S!lJ a scoseerer, Som .would Sff,)'1I. poet Some would say a madman, a ehanlilel'; a fabl"ic:a:tor or a lial~" The Prophet, ~), was Iar and Iree from, those abuses, He was lue.relY a Messeng:r. Mm;tap:ha. and a Prophet, (~),

! 66, .1 bn Albee lCJaat(1l1 i!ls:o metlti<;llL i! in his UwaJ L1~-Slmll<l'h Wit' fri",..,tM ·uJ-DMn [p. 21- n ]; ill- ta";lal<"",'!; r 2.:179] ~n.d, :Mllh-Dhah~b.;:~ in Mu/;bz(ls;rai·'Uloom [256 J. The imflod is s:ah~h,


See lila,,,",, they can make similitudes for you. So they have gone astr~y and! they ",,,moat be ,ab~e '1lO fwd the ( straiight ) :path,lf>'

156' the innovaters, nlay AIJaah de'St:ro), them, seek to aHack <lind try to cause contt,over~1' over tho. carriers and '[ran. 'il'litteJ1l ·ofhis ahaadeeth, those ,,,ho seek to follow him ant] seekgu'idance ,thrQugh his S!1:[lliali. The)' are known as the People of Haaeelh. They ]<IbeUed: them as i"Iamm)y"h, MlJsh$habiilGh,.l\Clabir.on, Naasibah orJabariJyah. The People ofHciCle~rh are fur ( protected ) from these labds being f~'ee pLlre and. dean fWllIt:hen1L.

They are not anything, other than tile people of the complete Stmu(I!l; the approved. ... \Yay; the Ie .... el, path illite! the decisive proofs, AlI,aah, The M.frst fvlajesti,c:, has given them the [m~ to adhering to :E-']'jsBook~ 1:-Hs Revelation and I-Us,' Mess.a,ge, they faUn .. \' the Meiii~enger of AU<l~h, ~), through his narrations .i n l,\I,bicbhe ora er - c~ ""'.i:th good fo:r his U lillll'al1, by Wily of speech and actions, and La whiCh he kept them from e ... ri1. He ( Alleah ) bdped them 1:0 foIIO\·'I' ~lis ~), Secl'llh andachieve guidance by attachillg themselves to hls SUllna.h. He mad the' ones wJho adhere to :it hi.s closest alli s.

He ( Allaah )opened their hearts to love him and the aa'immah of Hls Sharee·ah and the scholars of the Ummah. One who loves a people, then he will be withthem on the Dav of R~fHn'rection, as the Messengel' of

l\1bab, (qt)" saId:

168 Related al-Bukhaaree [61,68 .11,. ~\I{llI~lltn [lMO 1. A!boo Daa.\\,ond [ s 1271 and :ItTii'midililCe [2505-25071,


chapter 32



157 One ofth,e sigms of Abl u1-SmUlali Is thelrlove for the {ltI"i.mrnuh of the S~mmlil, th schoJOlIr, its, frlends and a]l~es. T]ley show mllity to the' ieaders of Bld"ali, who are calling to Hell ,and le-acling ~t8 foHQwers to' d~e p]ace oHaillllre. lndeed .I\]]:.1Ial:1I, The On free f1'Oll11 all deficiencies, has adorm-"d] tlheo hearts {l!'t1hT u~~-S~l.Illah aed ,en,]igh.tenecl them. by iustil]ing.a [O\I',e for ti.~e shoJ~lis .<1", a f • .l\;our from Him, The Most Maj snc,

I -8 Al-Haakim Abao ~bduHi'l,ilh al-Haefldh, m.ayAlla<!h house him and ~IS in Paradlse to'[;eth .. er, inronn~dlllle :Ilrom Muharruua,d Hnl IbrnbeeIJI':l ibn a]-FilicU aJ.-Muzakk, - ~ l' who Ir(d. 'ted h:om Ahmad ibn Salamah I who related that Aboo Rrljaa Qy.t\l,ibah jbn Sil:",eeCiread to us fr,om his bookaJEc..m{laf~" ( It was vvr-ltren at the end of til.. book):

'!lfyou obseree a man loving, Sufy<lan at-l1uf\c\'"J,'" e (d.i6I ),' Maali:k bln Anas ( d .179 ), 'l]-A',vza~',e.e ( d, 157 ), Shu 'bah( d. 160 ), Ibl1 a]-<ll:'ak (d.1Sl ), Aboo,d-Ahwas ( d. [79). Sh<lrcek (,d .. 177 )Wlkee; ( d .. 197. Yah)'l!Jilliln Sa'eed (d .. J45) a:lld~bdi,.1i"~R:abmaaI11bt'i Mahdee( d.J.98) then know that he is from AM Us~SI.lJlfiah."


«\N'it'b m.y own writing I added to 1:11· list: 'iah:ra ~bitl! Yahya ( <1.:2 2: 6 ), M'ulmd ipn Hanbal (d,J.4[ ), and Ishaaq :ibnRaaluvl'alb. >( d.BS).. When we had compl ted this Wist, the People of Neesaaboor looked at us and they said tlt.,l thosepeople dlsiLk'e l'ah~ ibn Yahya. So 'we said: '0 Aboo RajM.!' What about Yabyaibn Yahya?,He replied; ~ li.iJghtem;i:s man and ali. l:maam of the ,Ml.islims.· E::;IUloiqj ibn Raahn'llvaih ls 01111 bn'Clam end Ahmad tim Ha.l)baJ ~s th. - gre;)Jtes.t of those 1 ha"\' ~ named ..

159 Ialso attach "0 this list the foRo .. ving,,,;h:ich Qutaibah, rnh-eemauuiJtJail, has mentioned. For whoever loves them lsa cempaalon of the SUll!'i(ih. They are the. chclars of h,(;!d~tJi who are lmltated and wi.ih their gu~dance people are rightly guided. From their ,g;Ot1P and pa.rty are o~ber~ !i'lr[l.o_,a:re counted amongst them and thesewhose narrations are followed, YOll .. \rj,1j f'll"u:1 another group, more than ~'III:ilat bes j use been mennoned. They are:

!Vi'-uilMl'lnltld ibn Idrees i\sh~Sbaall'e,e ( d . .204 ) aDd Sa."elo!d ibn jl.l.bll~r ( cl.9S), al,-Zu],re (d.!24). ash-Sha'be.e (d.JOJ) at-Taimee· (c1l43 ) .!fhose after them are:

'aitl~ ibn Sa'd al-Misree (d.175 ),al-Aw·t.aa'ee ( d .. 157 ); :a"th-Tha\i\r'f·e

d. 161 ), Sufya~n lbn "Uy:aina.h (i1,198) •. Hammed fbn Salamab (d.167 ), Harnmadi ibn Zald ( d.l.79 ),' YOOllltl!l ibn 'Ubald ( d .. 139 ), AyyoQb asSakh:tiyaafiee ( d.131, Ib~1 ~wn ( d. 150 ) and thoseafser them like:

Y.'l7.::eed ibn Haaroon .al":'W'asitee ( d.206 ), 'Ahdm;.RaZZ<'lq ibn .. Hammaan1 (d .. zu ), jareer ibn ~bdu~~:rl'aJ.n- dad!-Dubee ( clI .• lgS ) and those. llfter them like;

MiI..lha:m:mad ibn Yahya ad-Dbnlee ( (L25S, l. Muhammad ibn Ismaa'eel (ll-Bukbaa~e ( d.256 ), Musl.~ln ibn al-I Ia~iaaj al-Qusheyree (d.2::61 ), boo .Dawoodas-Sijji:s1J:a.m,ee ,( d.27S ), Aboo ZUI"ah ar .. Raaz.e (d.264 ) •. Abr:to Haad:ro ~r:..Ra< < (1.2''1'1 ), Ibn Abee Ha~tiL11L ( .d.32.8 )1 NI.1I.Iharnmad ibn Muslim\<i.ra.ll ( d.270 ), ~1[l1JlluliJnad !ibn }\starn 1I:t-


Toosee d.242 )., Aboo Sa'eed 'Udul1aan ibn Sa'eed ad-Daarimee (d.280

I Muhammad ibn lshaaq ib.ll Khuzahnah ( d.311 ) who "as caned til Imaam of the of the scholars. In :my li.fetlm.e he is indeed the lmOCffl of the scholars in his era and time, Aboo Va',gooh Ishaaq ibn Ismaa'eel al-Bustee ( d.303 ) and! al-Hasanibn S!lfyilxm an-Nesawee ( d • .303 ).

My Forefathers frolll Abo 0 sa' eed YabYiI iibn Mansoor az-Zaal'lilid al-Harw .f ( d.2.92 ). ~dee ibn Hamdawaih as-Saaboonee and histwo sons, the two swords of 'lite S~IUlab Ahoo ~bdu]]aa,b as-Saaboonee and Aboo 'AbdurRahmaau as-Saabecnee and many other Q'a'ilJ~mah who adhered 'to the StJl1:Jlah" supporting It, c-aUing to ~t and fo]]o\~l'iing it

J 60 The total sum of ,.,.iha:t has been established in th~s book is the Creed of all of them. None of them opposed each other ll"i. this. On the contra~J they were aU united upon it <lind there is nothillg estab~]shed from any of them Ehat they approved of whid'li opposed it.

161 They were agreed upon subdUillng Ahl-U'l-.Bid 'all by debasing them, d gl<1!ding them~k.· "ping tbelYl afa,r, being dlstant.Irom them, neeer accomp<lu;ing, them. Qr I.i:v:ing with them, and upon. seeking 3r nearness, to AUaa'b, The l\'lost Mighty and The Most Majestic, bya,'I'oid:ing and abaudotting them ..

J 626), the blessk'g5 of Alaab,~ The Most Might), and The M.ost Majestic, Lam foUowing thetr n!u"I"<Itio~;s ~killg e11HghteJIDIJent byth{!U" lights. I advise my broth rs and Comp1l.nions that they do not be' f<l.r flimn. th,eir rays, and do not foUow anytlungotheli than their saying;;.. Do not get hlvolvecl in ,these newl, mv mtedmattel:s from the bid'all \,v;hich have spread between the MlJtsUmsand all. other evil matters \~;hj,ch have appeared. If one of these tnno1l'ati,or.s -app~.a:red OI,) thetongties 'of ,on of them ill the time of those aa'immQI]; they would ha,v\': abandoned them, accused them of heresy and lies and developed hatred for them.

. r 63 Do n.ot be misled my brothers, may AI.llI<lh pre:!ier,'e you, by -the


'b . £,,1.1 ,,1' B.; -"ah their: ize andthe number of their QIJ·oups. In-

uu~n .:ers 1], 111· ... -.(J' .•.• • '. - e,-

deed th large groups of fa]sehood and a. few In number from the people of the truth is 00(; of the sigps of the Day of judgement,.as the Messenger

of AlLllah, ~), said:

ee i'tuled O1K tf thesi{Jns if dHI~aSt l'u:J.uroomjna doser" is W~ ,r:/.lmi/.l:jsbil¥} <if kl1olvled8e aild' die ~p,W1dij]O # jg.llOrance ... 169'

f~" He: fi'i'!:l~"';).

_1jJ'..) ,,~.r

166 He, ~), said:

1,69 It b ret;l!1::ed r,om An~~ from ~be fJ:,opbci, (~): ,. 'lim,fIlI!! ill.: J'lJIU oj ,rhe hm hum .iJ rh~ ./ifriJJS lip i!f k.llo,clrJgl!t;l.rn/ ,rile: tlpptt11dHIX '?! iYI1O'ran« .

'1 II. I n '-'- [ 8 1 5577 6808] Mlu~lin~l [ 2611 l, at- Ti,::midlhee [2315 ] and.

l'te. [ttJa( t'j' ('i~, UK.nllirree .. , -' '. ., .'.. .' ,

]bfl la~j:;lh [ 4045 ].

I! ·'1 B ',,1L . . [1876] ML1lSlillll [ 141 ] a.<'!d ]bn Ma:aj!llh [ Hill

R,(!b~c(_ I~)y :I - u ...... ,aaroe:e " • - .


]i 1 Relate<l'by Mmlint [148 J, a't-Ticrmidhce [ 23 f] 1 .


toda)~acthlg on it, bemg flu'li'l on it and calling to it, his. reward would be more th~:n the 'One who did d:ris. in tihe beg.inning of hlaawt <1$ the Mes:senw..T .. of A11aah (&W.1.~") said:

b~m. ~'~ ~

Tihe]' the Conllpal1i.O'ns asked: IFifty oftbem?" He replied:

;'Rmher ~fO'IJ,"ln

J 68 H~. ~), statoo cba't abo1llto~)e\'1r'bo acts acx;oruifig to the SUnl:wh when the Ummah gets cO~'Tupted.

J 69 I fQlIUld if! a book written h}f :my grandfathel~ Aboo ~bcluJJaah MlLlha:ll.1mad ibn 'Arlee iibn H1!Jmi.lJ(law<'l~h as-Saaboonee, l'(Ahcttn~(ihr11Ja(}h"it said he heard from Aboo aID-'Ab-bass ,a]-H~san :ibn, ufyaan an-Na, awee, WhOre)'l'ood fl'Ol'iIl <lI1-'A!bb~tts ibn Sabeeh, who related £rOI'll 'AbdUll-Jabb<lill" ibn laahir; who r lated from Ma'mar .bn Raashid, wh,1') related from Ibn Shihaab 1l!qZnhree. who said:

I·ShJ(~.)ril'lg of tile 5!ni11lah ls better than p~'rrOl'm~llg V!loil'Ship fOor 'two hundred years."

170 Aboo Bah Muhammad ibllJ 'l\.bdullaa.h ib~lM:uh<lI1amadib:n Zakariyyal1 aclt-Shaybflalleeinformecl me fmJtil Aboo aJ-'i\bbails MI]I~amnilacl j]yn ~bdllr-Rt'lI:nna~n ad~Daghoo'lt; ; who heard from MlIh\lmm.lld ibn Haatim al-MlJdJlfan:~e. who heard frOHTh 'Amr ibn Muha:nlmad who

In Related by t\hoo DMW<iQd [4341 ], aI_~T~mlidl!tc, (30581, !:1m lYL~~jih [4015 J :md at-Tabal'aal'll;' a:l-K.!I]"'~r [ li:289ll:e~ i !!!rod is Sah(",-h with thl.: wordill.g;

"./ndrud '~'l: ~ fi1,rionNr on: "J ."'me.. n~~ m/IMli¥"'tt ill 11w~ riJ'!1~ "'111 ~ U:~ !hllll "J,kh J'OO lin Ilj;{>n ~11d' 1111iY 111/1 if'" riN: M<vrd if jJJry I!/jr..'IJ. ".


sll~d:boo MllI'aa\'\~}'yah ad-Dareerrelated a storv to] Iaaroon ul·-RatSheed. ",iherelD be mentioned the /wdae~h of Aboe HllrniI".lh: ., Aadmll' (md JUoosa disp/JwJ. u'll So 1\Lee ibn la'far said; "How is ~ttbatthey disputed?'! Vilhat was bt:frwe:el1 them?; Iiaamon jumped up and said:

'~bl;ldee,~h is narrated to yon fromthe Prophet, ~) • and you turn away and <lisk,lu)\Iv?"

&11. '1 '1 ' b . _11 l7,1·

He kept on saying that unti us anger <'la~-u.

J' 7 .1 1-h1$ ls the wocy \l. p rson must glori'ryr the narrations or the: Me;~se[lgCIi of ,A11aah'l ~), a'oopt~l1g them ,:v1th submission, a~,pmval and bi~, r iinit. A1I.)l()ne \>.410 treads a p<ltih than ~b.e one Haareon UJ:-= Rashed trod should be opposed strongly: l\, .U1 authentic hadeet/lwhi h one: hears and quesdons H hy saying '~'ITHJw>j in a reieetive n"1!an~lel'*. is distancing oneself fr·om the hdc1ee.~h mK~ not accepting it. It is .,anobUgalion: to accept aU that is repcrted flx;rn the Messenger (If A!UaZ9!iJJ, ~).

in I hOt!)€: tbat. A~laa.h. The Olle f]jee f,ooln all deflc:i,etJldes, has included u;s<Imong t those whollsten to advi e and foUO\v it's bestltlppermost po:rt and! adhere to ~~e Religi,ol.'li dUlJlng d'lc fel·io:d of the:h" life in tclris ~"odd with til, Q_&'(](111 ami Stl.l1llab. I hop' that He keeps IlS a' ~y frO'ill'1 our: misgUljd~~ whims,l,n =s= Opi[1]OnS and from a humj~iatlng ca]a.mlty. by Hi,i> Blessings and . Bounties.

173 Related by Ahmad [ 2.: 398 ], at.Tnm,idhee [ 2 ! 34 1 and Ibn Ab:c· ~\Milll [ 140 J The ,frml~lh Ius Ii ;Mti~h !;;fl@d.










OF ORIGI.A l\ftANU c a i r r





AyaGi / pi. Aa)lQ{1t - A Sigtl oJ AIDlaah; a nU]11her of His words occurring togetbe'l" in the Q_ul"aall.

Allln/-Bid'all - The People Ofil1ll0v<ltions.

AhliJ'.I'-S!1f.1l'l'G'1l - The People of Stmnal~. Thosewho follow the Prophetj ( ). and his Companions in aU matters.

itl~hi-S(ll(Jalll - May AJJaah protect and preserve him.

tlmeeF ~ Aleadel" or a prmee,

.8id'ail - ~nno,vadolt~ anything introduced into the rellg,k>n '''Ihkh is not part o:fh,


Emnaan - Corre t Islamic faith comprisingbHef in U1Je heart, saying, with the tongue and tile actions oftb.e ~im:b-·.

'Ed .~ A ,Muslim festi'J.l.

J-l()J~e~h ! pl. Aha,aaee.!.h - .A narretiun c:o[lcem~l1g the ueeerances of tbe Prophet, big actions or an a'ttribu~e of his.

l-lc!ftdhaiw.lldah -MilliY AUa:1lih prOtect him,

Hujj- Th,e piilgri.magc.

lkhlu(l5 - Sincerity:

Imaas: I pl Jlo'))umtl'll' ..... 'Leader; leader ~n pr.-ayer kno"vled:ge of l.J~'(ltii or 'of <i state .

lsnaad I pl. Asaalleed - The chain of narration ofa hCIde,eID.


qur'aan to be creeted,

Kiuml(J(Jtij - "f.I,oS'e'i/\r'ho rebelled against \'\lee and dedal-ed I.lim to be all unbell(lver . llieya]so tal] tOl'ebcllionllgail~st the M1!Jsl~m rulees and tibey &111' Mtts.litl1l5Who ooI1(unitl'n:<ljor slnsare doomed to thefldlfire forever.

JII!'adM:wb ~, A positlorr, op]llion 01l~. vvayof ~ scbolar or a group of :scbQ~:ars,

jJ~'lI'{jui(Jb - Those 'WI~Cl d)e~l:y exlseence 0[' the l'ell]]~{ of t~.e Attrnnm~es of .Mlla<lh.

Alfupbb.Lrah I JabariJY(lh ~ Ti1osel"bo 5<1)' man h .. s 1)0 f:rec,-wil and 1S fo,roeci !by A]],l;lIb to doactlons.


Mu·lolI2'.:ilab ~ They negated the A:ttr:i1b~ltes of A11.l1>11':i tlndthedecl:a.lL,~di the' Q!a'n to be created,

Natlsilmll / Nanv.UtJ.ll ~ 'JihOlSe"~illi:!o hJI:v~ hatred 'tJ)v~f3:Lils ~ee jbn Abee Tall]ilh and hls fa'nil)~

QJdarj}yah -- Tbose who denie4 theQt1tlr ( pre-decree " of Allaah. They sa.v that man creareshis (l\'!.fO actions wl1kh arE outside theWI]~ am:!


!PQwer of AUaab.

&diyoJ/(]ohu '~nh!l I 'AlihQ(l' I }tnh~i.lU1 - l\lmy AUaah be pleased \!vlitlb Il~nv hew I they.

Rtlllfaf!ftdba'1l - Extreme Shee'(jh.~\ho datmed bvefor ~aee and the house- 1101.d. of the fmpbet .. However dlJey ClU'Se the C(nll])llniorls ;md tine wives .of 'me Pwphe~" They ~isQ s. ... y dle~ilf'adn is ]ncQmple~e.

S!Jf~ $aJqfoe., }\~-S(}iqfos-Sa(Jliheen ~. Prt;ldeoes!!on~d~e ~ady ,MUi:d.i.ros of th.e firs:t three g:l'n!~r(ltiQns.



ShCl'ree 'an -AJI.aa:b.'scl:ivine law.

ShirR - To associate partners "vith Allaab ..

Soorah - A chapter of the'aon:.

SujocJ - 'the prostration in the prn:-yer.

SYlitic.!h ~ ill l.tsbro<Jid.(:st sense the: enrire Religion. which the Prophet, ~ camewith, It .IS also :indude~ thooo matron; whk::._b the Prophet established hy his sayings, actmollS and tacst spproval.

Tall/heed ...., Main,taining the oneness of A:IJaah in His Lordship Worship,. Names at:ldAttr~butes.

Tooba-A. tree IDn Paradise.

'Uloo - The highness of Allaah and Him being ebeve the heavens"

Ummah ~ The Muslim nation.

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