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‫חדר נייעס‬

‫ערב שבת פרשת ויחי‬ ‫ ניו יארק‬,‫יאנקערס‬ ‫ וואך יב‬,‫דריטער יארגאנג‬

‫ מורה רחל‬- ‫קינדערגארטן‬


Dear Parents,
B”h we had a great week filled with learning and many special activities.
Asara B’teves:
This week our class learned about Nevuchadnetzar’s soldiers surrounding the walls of Yerushalayim on
Asarah B’teves. We built Yerushalayim and it’s walls out of blocks so the children can visualize where the walls and
entrances were. We even saw pictures of what the walls of Yerushalayim look like now. We learned that this was
the beginning of the Churban Bayis Rishon and it was set as a fast day. We also made our own pictures of
Yerushalayim with soldiers surrounding it.
In connection with Asarah B’teves, the boys learned the Niggun of Prozos Teishev Yerushalayim. We
discussed that when Moshiach comes Yerushalayim will not need walls since there will be no more enemies.
Our class was so excited to learn the last Parsha in Chumash B’reishis. We learned that Yaakov bentched
Menashe and Efrayim and switched his hands putting his right hand on Efrayim because Efrayim with have special
descendants. For their Parsha Portfolios the boys made Menashe and Efrayim with Yaakov Avinu’s hands that can
move! The boys really enjoyed learning about the different Brachos that the Shevatim received from their father
Yaakov Avinu. They took interest in the different animals the Shevatim are compared to and why.
This week our class learned the Nekudah of Choylum. The boys are becoming more fluent in the different
Nekudos that we have already learned.
Since we saw our first snow at Cheder this week, our class learned the four seasons in Yiddish; Vinter,
Friling, Zumer, Harvest. We made a seasons chart for our class with different pictures for each of the seasons.
Chassidishe Yehadus:
This week our class started learning about the Miteler Rebbe. We learned that the Miteler Rebbe’s father
the Alter Rebbe went to the Maggid for a Bracha for a son. The Maggid told him he will have a son and he should
name the son after him. On Tes Kislev the Miteler Rebbe was born and named Dovber. The boys added a Miteler
Rebbe page to their scrapbooks.
This week we also added the 9th Possuk of the 12 Possukim. We learned the possuk of Yogati. We discussed
true effort and success.

Wishing you a wonderful Shabbos!

Morah Rochel

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