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Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Subject: Seffrey Daluner File Number: 7-MIV-26057-Section 2 li C c RR ARE RAS Raa RRA THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN BE REPRODUCED, HERA R PRR Re ees ee dye. 3 -ae ‘FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Daal srapez JEFFREY L. DABMER, white male, date gf birth May 2 1960, was interviewed by Suecial Agents oo ie on! ST 3 identified thenselves 2 Special Ag of The eral eau of Investigation (FBZ)- At the outset of the interview, BARKER was asked if he had any objection to being interviewed by the FBI for Behavioral science purposes, and for the purposes of Lav Enforcement learniny fren a serial killer. DAHMER stated that he had no objection fo being interviewed. DAHMER wat sdvised of his rights, and PAHMER declined te have an attorney present during the interview. The interview took place in the seqregatian of the Columbia Correctional Center in Portage, Wisconsin, DASMER advised that he first realised hie sexual axientation when he was 13 years old, realiaing that he was homosexual, DBHMER stated that this bothered him a little, hecause be wads different from other people. DAHER stated that he had 8 lonely childnead in that his only sibling was a brother which was six years younger than hie, and he never really had any lose personal friends, DAHKER was asked by the interviewing agent what his relationship was with hie parents, and DAHNER stated that his parents vere average, tut did not show much affection. DAHMER stated that when he was 13 and 14 be started fantasizing about ex vith a dead body, and ne then turned to heavy masturbation. DARMER was asked vhat he meant by heavy masturbation, and he stated that he vould masturbate three to four times a day. DAHMER stated that he also started dyinking heavily to try to suppress his fantasies, but that did not help. DAHUER stated that fe had A fascination with death and when be was around 14 he used te bring bome road kill, and then dissect it, because he liked to lock at the interne’ drgans. PAHMER stated that he got scxtally axoused when he would look at the internal organs. DAHMER stated that ha never had sex with any animals.

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