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VDSi INGILIZCE YABANC! DIL SINAV! 7 | | \ CONTENTS PREPOSITIONS and PHRASAL VERBS PAGE 1- PREPOSITIONS WITH TIME EXPRESSIONS ..... 1-1 AT, ON, IN . : 1-2 OTHER PREPOSITIONS USED WITH TIME EXPRESSIONS 2. PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE .. 3- PREPOSITION COMBINATIONS .. 3-1 NOUN + PREPOSITION .. 3-2 PREPOSITION + NOUN «0... 3-3 PREPOSITION + NOUN + PREPOSITION ... 3-4 ADJECTIVE + PREPOSITION 3-5 VERB + PREPOSITION 3-6 VERB + OBJECT + PREPOSITION 3-7 VERB + NOUN + PREPOSITION 4- PHRASAL VERBS e 4-1 PHRASAL VERBS WITH * 4-2 PHRASAL VERBS WITH 4-3 PHRASAL VERBS WITH " 4-4 PHRASAL VERBS WITH "' 4-5 PHRASAL VERBS WITH " : 4-6 PHRASAL VERBS WITH "IN" AND "INTO"... 4-7 PHRASAL VERBS WITH OTHER PARTICLES .. 4-8 THREE - WORD VERBS .. EXAMPLES FROM OYS/YDS . APPENDIX 1 APPENDIX 2 APPENDIX 3 .. PREPOSITIONS and PHRASAL VERBS : PREPOSITIONS ingilizce'de “preposition” cok geniy kapsaml bir sézcik grubudur. Cimle igindeki baslica iglevi, cimlenin diger Ogeleri arasinda, ézellikle de isimler arasinda baglant: kurmaktr. Bit preposition’ dan sonra noun, pronoun, gerund ve noun clause gelebilir. Preposition’ dan sonra gelen isimler yalin haldedir: te James, on the table, with my parents, ete. Pronoun ise object Pronoun biciminde kullanihr: to him, on it, with them, etc. She is going to the cinema with the children, (prep. + noun) ‘They are very kind to us. (prep. + pronoun) He is quite interested in reading. (prep. + gerund) don't approve of what you did. (prep + noun clause) 1- PREPOSITIONS WITH TIME EXPRESSIONS 1-1 AT, ON, IN a) aT Saatlerle at kullanihr, Our classes start at 9 and finish at 12. Yesterday, I left. work at 6 o'clock sharp, ‘What time kullanimaz. ile sorulan sorularda ve bu sorulera verilen lasa yamtlarda at geneliikle - At what time does the mecting start ? - At 9 o'clock in the morning. - What time does the meeting start ? - Go'elock in the morning.

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