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Good Afternoon,


ENTIRE STATES as well as MAJOR MARKETS are selling out FASTI!!!!!!

I'm writing to inquire as to your interest in a new marketing channel our comp.any is opening for firm, specializing in Personal Injury, Medical
Malpractice, Wrongful Death & Nursing Home Abu,e or Neglect.

A brief bad,ground on us -online ,ince early 2006, www.FuneraIHome •. wmistheworld·.large.tdirectory for funeral home., currently ranked as
the #1 indu,try ,,,,,,uree by Google. Approximately 200,000 familie. u", u, each month as they seek funeral home service, and pre-planning

Becau,e of intere,t from both visiting familie, ,eeking additional information on Medical Malpracti{e, l'e'50nallnjury, Wrongfull>eath & Nursing
Home Abu", or Neglect and firms ,eeking to market to our audience, we have recently made the deci,ion to open acce" to our vi,itors directly
through our 'ile. Ourvi,itors are either using u, actively seeking a funeral home because of a recent loss or as a pre-planning resource. In addition,
those having recently experienced a loss may likely need legal advice regarding the above staled. We will be showcasing one qualified firm per city
(and ,urrounding cities served) directly on our site via a prominent banner as visitors enter specific geographic 'earch areas. Du" to our s"/ tlo" 01
O1I/y CJ .1"9/" firm I" nn:h <JNJ<}raphic orHl, _ CJ"t/dpot~ spot. to~ Imt>d qu/ck/y. Bn.ous~ 01 th~ 0 ....twh"/ml"9 ~mol/ r"sport~ _ rfi~/ , p//!(Js~
mak.. our II..... a /jtf/~ Hlsi~r by calling"", dlrfiUy at th~ tal/1m numlH.'r pra~/d<>d ~/ow and sp"ndlng 5 m/nut~ In Ir01lt 01 a comput"r so I can
.how you our Program. It i' very inexpen,ive to adverti'e with u, and your ROI can be tremendou,. When you call, plea,e note that we are on
Ea,te rn St.lndard TIme.

Best regards,

Jerry Poole I VPof .......

U40 Woolbricht Rd .•203
!loynl"n _ Fl33426
1.800.208.2580 EIrt. 312 FuneralHomes_
F. 561.330.2533

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