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Worilld S,cientlf:i!


P'rii'ndplles and ,AppUI[IDt:iIDlml'§1


W~U! SC1cntific PlUbI3,s'h,illgC'O", 'PIe. Ltd. :5~6h T~k Lillk. SiQga~. 5%c2!Z4

U!~ oJji,{ft: 8iji~ 20:2;, ~06OM~i(i S~~. IIU'VCt ed~¢. N. 01~,:1 UK f!!J'iP,: :HS~Uo:o S~l. CQvtnl ~cnl. ,UOOI)II, WC2'B '9f-JE

Bri~ Ubnl;ryCata:~8"i'n·PubU'tlrtwn D.'Ib,

A~O!g.lle ~!id (QJ: ttlis boo'k j$, a~l:lble rr:'l:lm ~beBriti$hLi'bKllfj!'.

F.Lf$tpt:ib'~5hed ltK"Jl RC:P.rilltool 2004

RAPID PROTQ'fY:rJiNG,: PBfNClPLES.:\ND'AiPP,L1CA 11:0:NS, 2ad: EdUion CflPll'rlght, 0' 2003 hy World S'cimlific P,l:[b,lisbill'l!l Co. Pte. LId,

A,Il,rJ8;h~'.f ,1'1fI:r~fl't4~ Hlis ~, 'ilf ,pttn:s: lih~u.lJt; m~~' ;M-~W' np.~ in ~yjorml 0' b)' ~!tI-Yiflteaw. ,dtctt'tmi(; ,or meo;:-1ldt:i,r,cl~ ill(:Wdi"'ildl~'I'llfflo,p~:il!.g,~~c~t-JJiI'R ar,tmy,inja,r;rn,at:io,n: :f1nj:Qg~' Md ~rf-l~'lJl ~r:rtem"~»II' mO:lilln or tobt'ill-'tMll'd~ 'i!,'/11r41j" 'il!ri'tt.:,",f.mi~loi{m:front! lllepjJDJ~!rJjzr,

far pho~~,)',ing Qr rpat~l':bJI~1i 'this!jI{I!,ume!.pl~ f3)1' a 'oop)'lng fet.1;~htQitgb the C"op'Yrig!M Ck~ C¢;ntce,.', I~c.. :2:12: R,~~, DaniYm., MAo 011,.23., USA. 1!Ji lhis c;lSi!: ~,'S~QfI, h1 vh(blf~p,r l5 liotrequired,ffam 'Ibe pllliI"fisber"

:[8 ON 9'B I~,23:rkUl· ~

lS,BN 9:81' ·;EHI&120·11 ~ptIk)

Copyriphted materia'



Ahout the A.ufhoH

1~'O;Ii'·'Ir\fi..!I·u·-:""·~·;; i"" . ~nlLl!;ull.l. ,",II<{:)MI



















'B'. '"]'-J"

.' ;rUl iuUl,g

Copyrighled material

2 .. 1








3 .. 2



CMET~$ sond Obj'ect UUr,a;vio]et-Lamr Pdn:rel' (SOUP)

Te;iJin Selti's S(lU:forJn. Sys~eml

3 .. ·l)

':t '7'

~J., .. ,.:'




.3 ,. ]I)]






4.] ClJ]bic'FecbWlll~,og~e.'ii~ L~nW]i!l~lalie.d O:bfec~ Ma!Ou:[actturin~I.La,~)

4.3 Kira"sPaper LanrlnUllion Technology (PLT),

4.4 3D Systems' Mu:~ti-JetModeling System (ldJM) 4.5 S().~idscaJpe~s Jvhlrlt'dMaker and. P'atf,enlNbt8It:er

4J5, "0 eijinIYm:md1ua~:!I?; Siicing Solid Mnnufncnndng (SSM)~ .Me~t~d ·.E~tRJdomll .M,ode,]liDlg (MBM) and. .lifum-f"'uncililonal RP.M System 8 (M-RPM)

133 .139' 145

4 .. 1 CAhl~LElM'8 CL :100


Copyr1ghled materia'

4..8 4.9

EIUlex. Coqm.r,adOn'8 OffsetPaDM (coS,

'[be Shape Depwdtio.nlVEoou:faoturinglPr,ooess.

LS9' Ui2

'R,e"~e;reuces Ptob~elirffi

l6S .no

:5 .. 2 5.3

EOS;~'s EOSINT Syst:e~[ns

Z COr:pG;ftltiOO"S Th_ree-Diwe,nsionamprimlting (3DP)

184 193,

5 .. 4

5,'5 5.:6 5.7 .5.8.

SoUgen!'iS Direct Shell .Productlon ('asting. (DSPC) Fraunhofer's Multlphase Jet Soll!di:ficatlorn (MIS) Aeram's EI.ecrtron Beam Mem:ng (EHM)

Ae;(lmet ()o!pOfa~ion!'s LasfollJl]]j 'f-ecinol.ogl

204 au 214 '2m?

5;9 5.l0

12,2- 22'4


EXlfluJe Hone?s. 'Prome~:alT).1 3D Printing, Process References


2,2.'7 2,31 234



,fi3 Consequences. of Buildin.g a. "idid] and J~IvaJh:l Tesse'J ~ aterlModl.ell

6.4 STL Fil@Re;p,a,i.r 245

65, ,DlibeJ1"Thnl::l·II;,fo!,)N ')'3

:6.6 :New~I .P.ropo!8ed'S 2:76

6.7 S·tandard Ebr Re~pre~sendng Layemd. .M;Wulf'acIJUring

.objects 288

Refere:A.ces 289


Copyrighled materia

CHaplet j' 7,] '7.' '2'

~- " ,.

7.3 '14 1.5 "],6,

7.'1 7,8


,A,ppliations aDd ~p:les,""Ma~~dal Re1:aticnudlip Finisbing Processes Ap,pU~atiQns,ln])esjgn

,kppiicationsio Enginearing, A:nalYIlis anA :P.I,oommg Applicati.o.ns In M,bUf'a,citurlng'nnd Tooli:ng:

Aerospace ,Imdjus,t'ry Automo1iv:e lf1d~\lStty .Biomedical l:ndiUslty Jewe:l~ Iflldu,stry

295 :29'S; 297 298 299 30B 11'9 324 32:7' 3.~5

'1.],0 7.J.1

Coin :1'ndus1ry 11dllewa:re Induf:li:ry Referen~l;ls :PrOblOOlS

Chaple,r 8, Evaluati.l1I: aDd. B'ea.ebma'rkiing: 8 ... :1 UshJg Bur;ealLl, Services

8.:2, S~[uMng Up, ,~. Serviee ,

8,.3 T-echnkaJ,8y',a~~ado:n Through. BCfichmaddng' 8.4 I~dl!lstrial Growth

8,5 Fuaher DCl',e!];op.wC;t3t: Tl'ends Refe,mmces

3.36 338 34'~ 346

349' 34·9 350 365 3~ 384 38:C)




C"D' 'RO'M' 'U' GU 'I~ -

I~,):,: I, I, . lisel' . "Blu,£:



Copyrighled materia'

'F' "O""RE" ,c' W':"O"R-"D'"

,-~,~ ',' _,', " .~~-~. ", .. ", . ,'..:....:.', . -,"_' ".'

When I heard Caua Chee Ka~ .• Leong Kah Pal, and. Lim [!hllli Si,ng were planning anew edition of this book, U: put a smile on my face. The reason is than. the [,apid p,rot.o1yping (RP) indl:lstryb~ in desperate need of up-to-date and comprehens,lve educaUOlilal prodl!!lCJ(cs., AgOO'WbOg number of colleges and universiries areaddi_ng COU_ISe work and, project·s on RP~,bu( mddIlg the experience a geed Ul1Ie for smdents canbe a ,cb_iiUltloge w~thCJl1I' qp.a.Uty Ie'x.tboollrsood cour:sewo:dL Rap,id Pro,tlJ'typlrng: ,P,nncfpies and' Applicati01lS not .cmlyaimr8 to siEuisfythJs; need" it: delivers,

The boo,k ls,fiUed witb practical informa1:~om that. even. experieneed u~[5wi~~find ithe~p.rul. The chapters in:c~l!Idc detailed deseriptiens of the available RfproC)cesse;s,. giving r-eaders ~ ex;.ceUenJt OiV,C1n'JCW .of what's a\!aUaibJre The phQ~iog;raphs" i~lus,tmtjion~~ and ~''CI-b· .1 ... .,·"'" .. 1. - t ...... (''''''. ... """~~A"'" v;"'" ""-11Iv .'·n~ '-'~;;n' jJ·"·.ld' I '~t·r'"·l,ol~ltfIDm"a;"'d

I,_a _' Wil! ,~,t]!tlI\,e· l.h.,~."3'W """"U~~;o'!'~'~I~'" ,.,',l;oiJ!~.aJ LI~,. g.:rr',~-~W.'IL e, m-", .. _ ~'. lA, 't:1 ,I,;" ,~, ... ,, __ ~.!_~

References and. the end of each ,c'hapte:rbe:~p readers e[X.pandtheir unde~rs:t.anding -of tbe topics [lcre;sented"

The ,chapter on datu fo:rm~}ltsprovldes d.etailtba~ new mdadl!!!auced. users aUke wn~ appreciate, n dives into related. formats.. such as lGES and SLCJ but it:s in-depth CQ'Verage 'Of the STLflle: format. in.cJludin,g its Umzrations. probl.c;rns,. and 19iolul:km8.; makes this chapter shi.ue.

The~boQk's 8le(cUOl1lS omRP applic3!tions expiiain wh:ya_od bow (Ulaniza!tj~()D;S Me p1Uttin.,gRP to work Examplest'dlngu :U'om bl1'jlding ffi.,giIt-roady metal ,cas(ln,gs,a,t BeU Helicopter to' producing a. btl;IDaJD sk1!1U~t) aid in brain sur:gery a.t: Keio Hoi ve.rsity Hospitall 1111 J apan.. The, new in.fomliUio:rn 0[11 expands the rea.der"s unde;-rstallding: of how ,or-:gan.izations afall types are ap'P':lying dljs po~!e:d[d ~'Ccbno]:o,gjy'

Copyr'ghtcd rneleria'

The. d~ptb, all.d breadmpms-elM,ed in this book :make it c:rysml clear that Cllu"lo Leone and Lim have a stiOlil1iJf un.dersia:l'uHng· o:fRP

----.'-, '-_, '_~I = 0.1 L _,-'. " .'_." '_.' '_, _~~. ._i'r_r' __ __':_'.~. :., '.:.... "_

'I:c1lmolo,gi!eB Dlnd, appUeatiOJll8 .. Th,e infuflIllolicm h~ w.riUe:E1, un. ~pre8eDlte.d :in an ga~y~tu-fon.o'W' fo.rmat. and the boo:t"s acooRJpanyhl,g CD is: icing on tbe cake"

This 'book sic" in. ,8 ~.peej,a:. p,broe on my bookheU. If you don't have lit, get it. Thank you, Pror'f'",~SO:FS Cb:1tJ a~Leon:g aId Lhn" for. piroduciDg such an outstanding book. and fer allowing me 'In :s'h:a:rem,y thou,gbts, on it

Ten-y WoblelS Pre"~ident Wohle,fS Assoelases, Inc.

Copyriphted materia


'PI . BU.·"e· .. E' r, ~ _ ~~n.,,_ .. _

The focus, on :producti\!'ily bas; been 'One af me mail) ceneerns of industriC8 worldwlde~ since the eady 19908;,. To increase pruducti vity, indl1S'11Y bas anern:pled u)appiy more ,comr:ru!terl~ed. automation 1m. manufocuuing. .Amongst ~he 13te~t ~ed;I!F!I.(dngies to tulke 'llile ind!ulstryb)' smnn ls RaVlra .P.'rototypf,lg T:ecn'tu)lo:gies" o:tnerw,i:se also known as Svlid .F.reef(),rm .pabri(;;(ltion, ,Deidctop lvl'lJ'fUIJam,rlng or Ul)~e.r ,M011U!lU;$urlll'g Te,c,/I.tJ'ologJe:s.,

The rc"'lohfniouary change; in, factory prodiUctiontechmq!u~SWl(jmnm" a,g;emeA't. fOqU]fC-S a direct involvemers of o(}m:puter~cont[lcdl,ed s.,s~c:ms in, the entire .fuoduction process, every o_per:aUon In Ult.s faOlQry, from p.mdu.ct de,s:.lgftl!.tol!naDufacturi!ll:~hto assemibly ilJlldproo:uct.IIJspecirfon .. is mnrnitoreda~d oontroUed, by collillputers. CA:D/CA.M ,OF' ComputerAided De:s:ign aDd M,mlufacturi nig. has em~(ged $.irnce ~b~ 196ms 1:0 suppo.rt product de;si~g;rn, Urntiltbe mid-19811s~it. lb~s oev~fbeen e·asy

~.", JI"'~'~~A a' 'p;n·\.I"""'a· I 'pr"~t""t'unr> ·m. -..:I' ... ~ ·d'e-lf'pHA .:L.. .......... ;'~i .. ·e~!n ... ..,Ao-·f-;· .C~-N·.~··C~-I o····r

1,,\;11' UI.~.,-iI!l'Y'~-" _' L_~'~ -'Ja1 ... -",_ll L~'" '\J,iY"',;,iF.''W" 1,1,uu.~JI,!" ',-~,~'.Jli~''I!Ii 'UJ~_~ ,¥,~_~~~I, ' ... J~,..p; "'~' ",,~:_~, '--

Computer Nume,ncal ComtfQUed .Ma.chine Tools. Ri:lipi.d£lg 'Tecbnologie~s, plluvide thart bridge :f:rol)ii .PI:OOU(;lt, Ict)t:lt."eptu~lz:.atiQJJ :tQI productreaUzaltiOJlia a :rea_sonably fast .man_ne['!,~im.out !the :J)uss, fif N'C ~progjmmnUn;g. j ig.'i and .fbaure.s.

With this c;xl':iHngpro'mise.d1e, industry i3Jod ac:ad.e:mia ha ye inJ{re,ma,~ 'tlo:naUy estabU~be:d researeh eeaters fur Rapid. Prototyping I·RP). wUh the 6bjectlvc-sof wor.kilg ill dais leading cdg~ tecbnolcO,gy~ as we'll as of ,educating; and traini:ng more (mgjll.ecrs bl lhe. fj:eld oif RP. An approprialc textbook. is [he.refnrereqllllirod as· me basj;s, Cor the de~cdopme:llt ofn ,cullJiciul'U1m irnRP. 'The p:lilrpo~e, of this book is to provide aniatroduction totbe fundamem,ta] pr~8.ciples and appUcadon areas in :R.P:. The book

Copyr'ghted materia'

traces the devellOpmem:l of RP in the afC:f!la. of Advanoed 'Manufaetu:ring


Tec.luuling;rcs. ani! ,cx:plainls the Iprimci:plcs U!llOO~1:,)ii:iIlg leach of [he RP f,echuiques. nalso cQ~,ered Ute RP prooessCcs"thelf :6:pet:ifiC'atilons and their 20012 ·e~l1tRa,'ed priees, lntbls :secondedl1tion~ Itwel\t~more [new RP technIques are !introd!uced~ bringin;g tbe mtal uumoorto 30 R:P' liec:hni.qllle"l:..Th.e book would [lot. be (.'()mplete w.HhOlll!~ ,emph.3:8idng the i.mportun;ce O1l RP ;~ppUcatkm:s in Huwurhctllrimg and otherl_udustriees. Ju add:ldnn ,to :imdlllli,tda:l 'examp~es :pro\i'ld~d £0.£ the vlemdor~an endm chapteiF is devated lO application areas ..

One ley tooluS_lion in this book is (be: use of ;mu]U'mcdbl 10 enhance unde:rs':and~mg 'of m.e: ~eCJliIUque... Ia the .Qoou.mpanying eQmpac~:di8e ~CD). animation ils used to. de,moms,trruu tbewoddng -prim:::-.iplc"s of 'maJor .R.P :t~lin:dques SUCtbas. S;Ie.reOmb6,grapby~ SoU.d. Ground Curbli~ Lamj;nated Orn~ect :UtmJuJa.aturi:ng" Pased DC,posiliom. M'odeI in:g,. Sc;~eoUve -L' ·ns f SC"·"lct~rJn'c .. '~i~dl ~~~: ~-D'Y- ens:;·,c--~I ·;rr··-]I-ct';·_,·c.,

__ ,_er '_. In j'e=,"_._g an _ ~ lUcTee . _ J m_ =._Icma_ "' J fling.

In uddhicn.dlebook t1'()C~'seSi on, some 'of li.e 'very l~portanl .trssueci~ .[acing, Rapid Fromt:ypi:n,gtoday, amd th~s~: :indude" bu~ are no;l limited ~o;

U ), The prohle·Juswith the ,(le facto STL fcorm:at..

(2) The; .r;3:li1ge 'o:f' appli CD!I:i.o.ltS for tooling .and OllaAllIfacturi,ng. ililCc~uding biomedIcal. engincCDn\I:.

13) The be.llchmarliin,g methodology ULI se.leol11Og anappmp.riate RP' ~ed1Dl,que.

The .maltetja~ in d'illsboo:k hasbeen u8cd andrevised several times fo.lf' pm£eS!d.lDnal[ C--OElr;Se'.~ C-Ol1ldUcled! for twtn aeademis and .il'1dlUstry 311ld:ie4:1cc·S since [991.. Certain InlateriaJ s were bome ;QU,\: of researeh eondneted ]:n~lle ~Sdboo~. of Mechanical andP.roou~th~)n IElgl:lil.emog iln: tbeNiJnY,30g Tre<filtnO,h:J.,g:lcal Urd"'Jiersh.J~ Stng,apGm. To be. 'Used. m.o.m cflectiv,er:yfuf gm.dU!a~e or HJital year (:se:uiot' year) uillde~raduate stN.oe,nts Jn .MoohillliicaJ 3!1ITI.dProouction. Bnglinoorhlg: or M~a['!J:ll.f-a.cturing

c._·" 'I:..:I 1.. L.~ .• .] dl~..,J ..~. - -~~ ~k- .. '0

cuglli1eenns~ ''ll..:' ;e1l1I'S,IJI:a!ve been inc it!!· 00 :in lnl:S, 'l:e,I.tJ~· ~ v',e,fS10l\1,.. ,Po.!

l!I.'_li:~eJ~ity 'p,rlofeS~tu,saJmd ,ath:e;.r tertiru:y';levdlecturers~ ithe suibjcect Raipid



Copyriphted materia'

PI1ototypi:ng can be combined easity with other" ~:opi'cs; s-~cb as: CAD~ (;A.fA. "Fool, cIreebno.~og:le,s and [ndus,tri.alDe~s~i,g,n.

Chua C. K.

Ass ""'~ 'lI:~"" ·p.·.'1' .... feasor

_.i]I.-.~:I'A"'~ L' LJ.V.!l.· ..... ;~-~jo-·".

Lim C. S.

Asseclete Poof::e-SSOf

S'choo~ ofMe1cbamica1ood .~ducti:(m .. ~ng;~n.eering N 3ny,ang: 'fecit! fJQ.~og~ical UJIiVefSi~Sir .50 Nanyan,g Avenue SLn.g;apore 639'198

Copyriphted materia'

Fb:st]:y. we: would Uk:e: to' thank God fb,rgtalilti:rng us Hisstrl3'A,ItlrI. {hmugnou:t dllC writing of '~his book, Scccon.dl,. we are: grMcfllll, 'li~ our spou:res~Wcndy~ SOl Lin and Eugeni.a~ ,and our t~UdroD~ 'Oherne" Cleme~:n~ Ca\rcU Chua and Leong QhmYu. for thelrputtcnce~S:lUppnfl[: and lenccOu:rogf'.ment~llfou,g,h(Jut ;the; y,ear .it tonk 1[0 Domple1.e thiiS ibook.

We wis:hliO U:u:Ulk Pro.f-e-'.\iso.r Yue, Chee~ YboA,~Dean~ School (Jf Mecbani1caland Productioo EHg.ineeiing(MP,B)~ :Nl'anYruJ8: 1iechncdogi'" cal UIil.i'vers,ilty (NTU). Sing,apore for Jtdsu,nwa~eri[Jg SUp'pOl~ of tllis project We would alse like to ,acknowledge 'dle 'valua'ble :SUPP(lR ~from the admini~8[mti!(~(l of NTU. :i'nadditi.on" wewould Uke~lQ thank OI!U current and. fonner smdenls cOhan. Li,ck. KhOf~ 'O]umg: Foot neD~ Chow .Lal .Ma:y..Foo Hui Ping. Kwok~ew .Heng., AnjgeUme Uro M'eli ~Li1Jg;~ ·p.arU'i"g-Wpn, )1 "1"" T""'IjiIO ·FIIo· 'H~ I'W'''' To··hc Choon '~· ... n · ...... 4 W'p.n.!I?".'e;~ v ..........

. . ,1.1_ It .. , '" _. ~I::..~, _" ,J_g.1j' LI,~_I~I ,1":1 .... ' '_ I •. '" IQ'!II L.1l ' .. L k . __ I!.JLV'U .. _~I .n~:IJ..IIJ 4iI:liil!U. _.'." ,",,~ ,ftr_u-_ I, 11"\;,~,ljil~

our c,oUeague :Mr Lee Kiam Ga:W.for theirYI11Ima1ble:conlriburlonsmtne mldtilfl.edla eo which. demons:tral'f'cs some mojor RP' u:clmiques.We wow:l.d aliso l:ike 10 'express sincere appredadon to special. lli(j!Sistanls Deborah Ci.eM.MeJo:g ILin. and. Ale~ 'Jam. 'Kok Wai fOf th.ei:~ !he~p and effort In. the CMr{HlllRting ,and geningilt pubU~h.ed on U:me~,

Much otthe research WQrK vihidl have been pubUsb.ed 'm varleus j'Qumals 311ld DOW .j,noorpo:ralted iato some dbapfers io. th,C!; book can. be ~uuib"ed t~1 ,oUt :ft)nn~r sltudent:s~, 'TbngMei~ ,Mjcbeal .Ko~, S:imoll Cheong. Wmiam Ng ... Chl.iil'!\g Lee Lee" Lim Bee Hwa~Cbua Gbhn SiO:IiI;g~ Ito Kian Seng1 Chow KiR Yeunl' Wong YeQiW KO[!,g1 Altbe.aCbJUa1 'le~ Cbol'l\g:. Frank Lin Sin Ching~ Tan l,':ew :Kwang~ ChiaJngWei Mlm,g, .An.g' K!e,r Ser. Ng Chee Chin and .Mel Ng Boon Keong. and c~neagoes PRJf~sso.t Roben, .oay, Mr Lee Han, ,Boo:rJ~J Dr DuZh ao:h:llI:laJllld Dr Oheah Cbi Mun.


'Ire' '~,''''~, '0' '.~]'dc' ,~1i, .. ." 1',1' .... m ~0~""'~ d" ,0',. ~r-,,~ ~,f'W':"d.,.;t a",np' ~·a"""'J' ... ~t .... , ~~:"r' 1'ie'"~,'i H', 'OlO", U, ' W""V .-Iii.,.., !lu ",~~, ... ·n, "Uf "'l"-, •• ,JaJ, ,it',.~" ...... ,I, lIlI,vU "' .. ,~",1I., ,l~', .1.,,1

'Wohlers for m:i:s: foreword andgrantin;g Ole: l~rmi:ssion to use :111:5 executive summary of 'tlt~e 'Wo1i1l,er~sre'pon:~ Dr Mlng: Leu, of the Univ~rsUyo:,f Ml9,sauri,-ltolla~ USA, Dr Amba D BbaU'? Nadond lnstitute of Standards ,and, Ll'ecltno,l.ogy" 03!jilier:sbtl:~~ ~MD~ USAt Dr :PhiUp COMe and Dr OOOlterlt, In:S.tillJtre for M:irc,£UmmliUfaetllnng~, Ruston. L,A~, USA~ and :Prn,fmtz ~nz ,of S:ttrnfuro, U'n~,~e:rsity. USA. fDr the~r3JSSi8mncei.

Th~,ael'''''''''''wl~~'C:,;mll-nc-'1l wnuhl 'n ... t L."':;~,n:m,nlnH~. w'thn:r.tft"lhn:~io1i1'i1g-,,'

= __ ~ .. _""'Uv ~e~,g ~",fL _ _ _ ~.y_ U!; ev, --f"-..... ,_. __ =_u .~~- ... =_.:!!LH,c

tbe co:rn!tdbution of tbe ~~oll.,w;ifilg. compani;es~ .lD.the: order in whkb they a~ppc • .io d~.e~b:!(jIk.for sl) i:nfo01Utittion about Ihe,Erprodw ct:s::

(I) 3D S:y:s tems 1111£,~ US.A

(2,). cn (4) (.5) (6 (7] (8) (9)

Cubltal ,Lld.~bmel


CM.ET" Inc; Japan Autostrade Co. Ltd,~, Japanl 'F:e.~jilll Sejki Co. IUd.~ Japan Meikio CO.L~d" Japan

'C'" :~I:b·'· ; ... ' '~k .. lh~,n'I,oc p~ ..... il' Inc 'U",S,'A· ,

. - UI. .~,~, J.'t:!'--,tl,~,~V'~. ~.el~~~" .. ,'Iiio?"!"~1 ._::_.' .' - ,

Stmtasy Inc., USA

(0) ~Kint COIljp. ~Ltd.. Japoo I 11 Sondsc~pe Inc .. !, USA

fl3) (141) (l.S) ('US) (1,1) 118) (1'9)

,Beij:m18 YiJnh~ua Rapid P.ralolypeiS :MaJdng, and. tec.bnology Co. LLd.1, C:ttma


!B(]jil'l-""X .C· .~·o'rp'·· "lU' 'SA.

·_~_.l~I;~,L' __ """' _ '!i'~1 . '_I. ~

BOS Gm'b.M~ Gc~rman;y Z Corp' .. , USA

IO'C'n~'O-C'lI'icl' AI". ~ ..... , Un~S>~.A

. _' r ~k ~_'I;. ,~~ .gJ~!t~, ,.'. , .. R·

8'QHg~n Iac., USIA.

F:ra:tl:nbof"er .. GecS~Ur~c:baft!' Ge.mlaJDY·

t.l?llI_I'''',. A':c ,-:-"" An. C<w.e'~':;ill ... ~u J ' ,_JalII, .. ~, ~ " _ u-""",~

,2l) Aeromet, ,Carp .. ! USA. (22) Gene-ens, (IlllIlH~ (Je.rmny

Copyriphted materia'

(23) Theries Jne., USA

(24) Extrude Hone Corp .. ; USA

La.~I. bl1t Jlotl.easl"we also wish~:o express our thanks 3Inci.apo.JJog;ie:s. ~o dl1e.m~, otilC'Ui 130t' mentioned above fur th.eir corcurlblll1inns. 'to tnesucceJS of the boo:k.Wemotllid ap.preciaro 10::u[' IconUIIlents and soggeslion!it on dids, second edition boot.

Cbua C .. Ie .. . A:.s:sotiate:Pro.fessor

Leeng K F.

Assooiate r:r;ofe~!loJf

L" C" S

.·lm. c, s,

Copyriphted materia'

A'B' '·'0' •.. ~UITI ". ~T··-HE· . ,- A' "U'·.;-Tj;H~'O·.- .n,(:l'

_ _ : ". _ '.... _ ,_- ~ .,'". , , _"~ I" , ,I"\JI:]I

'CHIJA KaJi:s an Assod~lite Pliotle"-SS{l,rand O:u!::Hearl of~bJe S}fs:temJ and ~EJn:,ginee£iDS: Mmutgement Dlvislo:mat me :School of :Mlec.banical and PIoduction Enginee-ring,~Nanyang 'Tecibnolo,glcal,y, Smgapoll'e:. Dr Chua has: extensil'il,e tetlcibin;g t'nd cO.Rsuhing ex;perience in Ra,pid .Pmlot),pi'V.lg; (RP) Ill.eluding belogtheadvlstlf to RP bur-ealfl :stm:t:-:ups,,8'is fe8ea:reb ineeresrs inelude the' develepment of new tcc~hll:i'(lnes for RP' as weUas melr appJicaltioDsin industry'. He wag the t:ey.n,ore r~peaker fotconIereD;ces· etll '~"1:reriJ(rS of ,R;P" and bas sat 10El sCN,eml, pro'gm-m'me cemmlnees fur i.Drtcmationall RP conferences. Dr Chua S[~SOI'l! the Editori:d Ad'Vi:soryB:oaro ,of Ra:pidPro,tDtypl,ilog Journal, .M:CB Pre-ss, UK .. He is the aillithor ·0;[ (liver 140 publicati.-on<s~ iiDcludin\gbooks!, lbook CI1'3pt(\'ors" Intemationatjonmab and cJUt'llfemll.oe prooewings and has one patent i~11i Mis name,

'Or Chuil can be c--outacted. by emailal :r[l~kcbua.@Dlu,.edu~s~ otvm.i't his webpage at http://'ww'W.llit.u.ed:u .. sgIM:PBIDlv.i51i,():lslsys't~mslf',nC'ILiUy/ OhuaCbeeKai.btm.

LEONG Kah!Fal is an A.Ssocim'eP:rtlf'essOl' ,at the School of CM~-t:.'a''':·:'''u'-l 'a' nd ·0....,...1'11 .... '[ ~.,..,. Eneine "".,' ... "g' 'N 3!n\j1a:ng.~ Tr-chn .... ~Clo'i cal]

.'._ .. li.4r.LII 1,~11:11Ij;,,~ -, _!. ,'.' '["~J1lKJ~. ·~U,I,~ L~.I,I,~i=~' .,'¥_=!!!111_· '!! l!J ~J~~,.1'I _ __!9,' .~ "" _ "._.:J __ II0J!~_ 1E:i~}'- _J",

Univern;11Y,. Singapo:Fci .. He "is the Programme Director for Itbe Master of' Science Course "in SlJart Predaer Design and was the Founding Directo:r' ,of' the Design RJesearob Cenil:re all the Ulli'vers:it)t He graduated. fromilie National UrdversUy o.f Sin&apnre and S:~tI!l.fon1. Uo_i'vC'r5~!ty for his und~rgmduate; and pcstgraduate degrees, fe.specti.v'dy .. He is active:lly involved :im local de-si_gD.~ mam:lJfactlUfiQgmd standan:Jiswork. H.e has ·cbmredseveraloommi.uee:s in die Sing;apore JncStiitu:t~ of Strutdlard.-iS and

Copyriphted materia'

In,dus;ttia'll Rescarelhand, Proouctivity St'aDdan:ls ,Board. :rore;i.Yirn,g 'Meri:t

''''''II'~ r-D'l·':stl·'~,n".ri""b~~I"·.~"'IIi~~ 4C"iAr'I:--J·" ",,,,,",t;· • .t>,~ ~,~ ~ n,cltl ''''~d' ItviI'7'.'

AIL'.IU· _" ~,_ !ll.,~U.I;~ t(,UJ. ·.e'1"~~. ~I LI,'Irw- ,Il 0 '~~I!!, '~' .• ~.~~ "u~ ,ilH"";7~ gl~I,. ,"Z'I-i/ L. ~

respeoti~e]y. He has ,C(dlhored over ,60 publfcO!tiolts,. incb..1:ci1in,g,book'S., IbOO" c:h-'lers.i',;'I'·~om:iiJfO'-L] ',()i.!J; ,~-ls-:.'Al ,,"O~~~' '~": _

__ _ :f'!o,,_,_Up, __ ,_!, ~ n J:'l~ L nil!, J--- DUl_-t an... OO,I].lcnmoeS.

:Dr UO'Ii,g:cao be cuntactcd. by email at mtk:ncll'ng@ntu.,, or Yls:it b~s, webpage at hUp':llww'W.,J]Ul,.edu.5g1M!P,ElDi:"'islr(~lslmeehaLl)olli,c-s, &d,es.ign/F'lct),ltylLeungi{(},bPa'I".htm,.

'LI}lf CilLO Shlg is an. Assocliue Professor a1: the School of MecniUlifal and. :ProdrrrctionEnginee:rin~:~ Nan.yang Tecnao:logica'lUnJ,verslty. S1111lgapore,. He 1s co:ncuffel1!Hy the Deputy Director of the un]v',erslty's Biomedical,ring ,R.esearob Centre,. Dr' Lim received bis 'BEAg (Hnns)a:nd PhD' from l,:oll,ghoorol!Jgifu. ll'.l1ih~ersilly lu 1992alild 1995,. respecri\i!cly.H'e ob,lruned toe Natliunal, S'c;ief!l~e &: Techn~o)ogy Boam, (NSTB,) Po:std.octDwl Fe,n~w.shi:pandd:u~ Tan. Chin TU!nn.FeUo\V,sbip' to serve at Ole NTUandDuk-eUni:\'tYt rf-speaf'irveIy.. He reeeived sev1e,ral. award5, fur b:is 'Work including the Japanes;e OhQ'mloor of Commeree & :1:lI1dlIl~!tifY (Sil1lg,apare ,Foundation) 'EdiucaUo.n Award. Dr Lim serves ii, several pf01fessbJ.aall aJJI.d :ad: .... ":isnry 'commhtee.s" He bas served ,aSl a. 'c(ms:uUaDi~lo ~e"ii'~em~ .i.ntelililat:i!onal ;andloca:l companles. Dr Lim is the author eff ,(J.'Ier' ,40 journal and ,canlfereuce ]!lulbUctldons~ one book cJbapteT.:;IJtld has two pate:~t;s; 10 hi~ ~naRl.e,.

Dr' LbiOO] cao. OOOOtlntncled by .emaillatmdlsUllr@m;( 'O;[',I,ll)t bis,webpa,ge: ;at hup~tlwW'W.rtI:U;l,.ledll.~gtM;P:RIDI,v,i'S:ionslS'yst:emLsIf'aotrai'l.yl U.wCltnSjltlJg.hbn.

Copyriphted materia' J


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- Three~D1meDsional.

.~. cDtNe,..n~menJSioma.J PriJltieg;

~ Acr:yiollitriJe B tJ't'ruj i.~ne. St,y:r:e:ne; - Aces biij;ection MohlJing

- B,aUi~Urc P:an.icl.eManufa-cwring

:;;:. ComplJter~Aid!ed De-'Silgft

- Compll:[er~Aided Eng~meef.ilDg

~ COmipl!JIEcr;...Ai.ded! Manufac;u.lring ~ CbemicallsEionded Cel3!Blics,

~ CornpactDlsc

- Compu.~ie~r~.rliltegra~ied .M:amllfm:turlullg ...... Common Layel' hl'te.n'ace:

.- Crnudinate M:easmri Ilg WIa.c-htne ~ Compu~gr NumedGa~ Control.

~ CODBlnJ,C"llv0 SoUd 'G:eome:tq

.... Compu(!erized Tomo'~plJ:y

.- D.iIIDctMetal. Deposition

.~ Direct MeLa~ Laser Sintmil'l,B. _. DigItal: Si,gliUd Processor

.... D!I.r-0ct Sbe]~ Pmdu:c~lu.n C'a.$t'i:ng .... Electron Beam M~eHing;

~ .Eleetric· Discha:rg,c .M:achiml!lJg - Fused DePOS.ldOIl :Modeli£lg .- .Pint!te SliClllem[ Ana!lys~is ·~Fj:n;[lte EJ1eme,m:r Method

OIJobat P!(Jsidanirng .sy:swJ'u -Hew:leil!t~Pac;kard Gropm.c,s La:n_,g;u:age

Copyr'ghtcd rneleria'


[~"'Jl:, ,: I


;;::; .Iuilt i a. Gmpbi"cs ,Exchange S:pecification .... Local .Are-a, Network

~; Liqldd Crystal D:isplay

Layer' Excnang,e ASCII Format:

'_' ,! ~:l!.~ ·'C, ..... ,i(.u!nl- .D-c ... ·i·:-.' • .d, oIl!. = L.ilgm .ID,Ull. ..~g __ uu ....

- Laser E.ngineered Ne,t Sbaping;

:: Layer M_mruf'4Ctunng: Tecbuologies ~ Lamina.ted Object Manufac:turing ; Multi .. FODCtiouaJRP:M:

= Melltcd Extms'~on M.ooeUng, .... Muld~Jet M~odel'ing, System

- ,Mllti:pbase Jet SolidIfIcatton ~Ma.I:netic' Resonance lmagwg

Nati,ooa] and Spa.ce Administmtl0n .~ NuH:'Ul'''';'''''] C·· 'ontiP'I"TiJ

__ ";~J!"-':I,.iIi",,-g I ,._-, I:!IJ';dII

~ P:et'iGo:d Co,:mpub:r'

~ Printed 'Ci:rcu:itBoaRll

~ Personal Digi"tal Assistant

~ Paper :Lw:mination 'TechNology :; Ra-p~d ftet',ze, ,Protot)~.i~g

~. Rapid, fmtntypiDg

- :Rapid Prololypin,g; lnlerface

.~. Rapid .Pm'i:otypi'l1g and l\Ilafli!llfac,fiuring .... Rapid :Prototypi.n,g; Syslem .• ·

~ Rapid Pmtotypin,g Tecbnotogie.;,;. ~ RapidSoUdJfication Precess

~ Selective Adhesive .Mld Hot Press - Solid Creation Syslem.

~ Solid ,'reeform Fabrication

~ Solid 'fwe:fionn M'anufac~uriing ..,. ,solid Grouod Curing

- ,StereoL1tho.gra,p:hy Apparatus ,-, StereoL~Jmo'gmph,y Cbn'kl,wr _, Selective; Laser Slntering;


Copyr'ghled materia



" ,

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'S~'11:;C· • ""g ... S'O·~·'d··"I\'.t, '·"~l'l·i"a'·· ·C·. hl~~ir:'O'

... 'L~1i ,;I,iiII!Ij",. .. ' _ .1_1, .' LI~;I,HiI1IlIiicIIl~.1 .. ',UII! .IlIJiII"l:i

~ Soljd Ol:?je~t Ultraviolet-Laser 'Printing ~ 8tetreoLIthugraphy File

,~ U~travlolet

Copyr"ghted materia'


The cnmpetil'i.QD. in Ulewortd~atket tor n]_a'll~fat',wre~ 'proouct~ has .inteDsitIed I.rellle:lJdO'usly Ia reeent years. It bas become jnlpol'itan~~. if net vb:al~foF newp.FodlJots 10 reaehtlre market as eady as pl5s:.i:bl,c;~ before the co:mpetitorn I J]. To bring, proollcl~~O lbc mafket.s;wi~n.y~ many of the processes lflVO~v~d .in the de-siigD~~est~ manufacture ,ami maiket of thellrodllct:s, have been squeezed, bonn in teems of time and material re;-~lJilUCe5. The efficient, use o,{ such valuable resoureescalls fur new toels amd,appF(}acmes in dealinl wUbthi;!;m,!, aodLlany of these tools and approaches have evolved. They. are mahdy lecJnilQLI,Qgy~dri:ven~ usually 'i nvo,l.v:ingibe oompl!Jter., ~i~ mainly :Q result' ,of' the rnp!td deve~opment und ad.vanccment in such rechnolcgles overtheIast few decades,

In proouct deveJopme,nl: [2]1' tim.ep.ress.ure bas beea .31. ma:jiQ[ ruetor in detetllmiu,iliig. the direction of the d~\lel~,opme:nl i.d Stl«:~ss to'f mew metnodol,ogles, and tecbn.olog;i.e:s, fOif' onh.c;ingJ Us per:tbr:;m,ilil.oe". These also have a dlfeC( imr¥lot enthe aa;Cj-old. ·p .• ,r.acctice ofnrot;ot~pim}" i~ 1Ih~

Lt"'''I~ l:;"" ,t'" 'J", J. I~

,p.l!Odllc;t dew~o.pmemprocess. 'This book Willi, lnwodu:ceand e:xaminc,. im

a. clearand detwled.way. one such de:velopm,ent! .na:mely~. tnaJt o,f Rapid . . Pro~Qtyplng (RP).

'1'1._.11 I'·

I ,~,Jl,. J

A prototype. is ,a:Rimp~)nant'andviml part of tbe p!illdI!IlOI: de,'Veltopment process, Inany design. pracd.cei, thewmrl ·{p-OO[CllypeH' is iIJ~~ DG,f far

'~'m; '"r~~ "~l"D'"" ~!.i"d'""IL'e'd· ·e·"'~~""e'l''' ''''''1'1-1 :I:-~'~"1"''''':~~''''dl in 'I'1j1I '0].','-,.,

IlVI.!"!<='. ~I!Ii.o!1 Il,ltl .~,~'" U:I_AIi) I~U., '_ .. ii]',!lI,O'IiI, ',I,Iii]; ",11_._ .~, .!I!U,l'VJT',,",, __ , _"_,l!!ljiil ~ ._~_J.J ,,",,,vl.'Hr.

dicticm!ariies~ it is defined as :a filO~Ul!,e.g. the .ox_ford AdvalncedJ Leamet~s Dictionary of Current Engli8b 1~3] defhllles iras (see F~.g; l. 0:

Copyr'ghtcd rneleria'

A prrottJty{1'fJ ~~ tlU! fll:!it (ff o.rig.inld eJ(ollJpie ,oJ ;liiQ!f1'Ielhi"8 #J'ar Iim:s. ~el! or will be c,op~~d ,Vf' II dcvc.l(]pt,d;~ ,ll,iiS 10 ,model or pr~,limi:Mr,)l:P:C"J'iom e ... g.; A,p,t'(}NJifJ'fJe ;N.upenmJ'tc aircra_ft.

H0Wlever~ ill",lt of len means moretball Just am ,artefact.. Jthas o€t:enooen.l!Ised, as Q,YCJlb" e.g, prototype an c'mgioe design ('Of engblrerin.g, e;~.ah:JIIltiQnl~ or as an ru:lJecti\i'le~. e.g; bu:i!d ap,roto.llypepritl1(~ cLreuit' board (fCB).. TOI be g~:w.e.ra1 e:noughto be .able 10 eever all aspects of the meaoif!jg oif me woroprotot,pe: :fbr use: in desiga, It. is very loosely defined here as:

A,l; apP',r;nxilnation of a pro.d'u€,' (or s}tJtem) ,t)ri'IsC(),,~pOlJmMS in jorm for tid'efinite .its i,.nplenrenJfJti,{11J.

This 'very general den ",it.a.n departs from the nSl!Ilnl .. accepted concept ()if the proOOt,ype being phys:ilcal.. It c.o~e[S a[[ .k:Jinds of prototypes used in the p.._roduc[ de~e)l~pme:n:t 'llfQCesS" in.c~uding: object'S Hk!.c matb.ematical models, pecncU sketches~, foam models, and of eotlrse th~ fu:notIonal phy,sicalappro:d'llatl:on. 'of tb.ep.rodtux. prot<nyp[ng is theprceess .of reaUzing: thesepmtntypes. Here~ tlle process cau[F"d.nge from just an exCt':'Utlon ora. comcfuterprogram wlfhe acruwl buUdhl,g of afu'llctionall prototype.

1..1.2, 'Types. ofPrototy,es

The ge':ner-a1 deD.nllJlon Qf the' protDtype '1lltmns. tluee aspects Qif in~e:resl'S,:

fl.} the .imp,lc;ment'af_i:o.mof the p'rotot,pe~, :fmrn mhe enUr:e product (or syslelQl)' itself to itsS'liJ.b-a:ssembll.e~s: and eompoaenrs,

(2) the form of the POO~()(:Y:Pet from a vjrtuall :prmotype to a. ;physlicaJ pmto~y,pe~ and

Copyriphted materia'

(3)tne degree of the approximation of t~h:e prou:nype:;from a VGry roughrepresemadcam ,all exactrepU.cad.Qn ofthe prOOLlCt..

De !implementatlon aspect of the prototype covers Ute range; of prototypillg the co.mple~e prooiUcn (or system.) topmlot:ypin,gparl of" or at sub-,as:s.elmb~y OF a ,oomponent of theprodu,ct The complete prot:otypet as, Us name ~s,uggeslts~, medelsmest, if not al], thecharac:terisncs of th.e product lit: is us;uaUy imp1em,c:nted full-scale as wen its bcingfu:~,ty fu[)ct_i¢ln~L One example of such prototype, is cne that ~8 g~ven to a group' of ,carefidlY$e}ecredpeople with specia;J Inlterest. Q1n~Jl ,c~J]~ed a focus group", to ex:anul1I.fW1ldidemlfy ()u~standing,prool,ems ~oofore tbe pruduct Is commJneti to lUi final design. On the other haRd.. there are P'lototypesfba( are needed to study ormvesdgase ~pecia1p.rQ1i)Ie:AlS assoeieted with one: compoaent, sub .. assemblies (If simpl., a pi3.!tti.c:lJdar coneept of the product maJtreq,lJIlres dose anemion, An example of such tlpmtotype; is 8. test p:liltfhrm ~hal is used tonne. the cOlnfbnab~.e rest ang~c~. of an office dl a~.r thalt. will reduce the risk of spiO!alirnjurie-saftC'Jj sitting on such a ,cllak. Most offhetime, slllb-a.5:se'mblic-s ,and componems are; tested in cicmjuncUonwlr.h some kind ()if te-s'l Of e;xperi:m.en:ta::lpl,alfQ~ ..

The~ second asp eet o:f the farm of Ithe p .. rotc r .. ·.··.' Co '~ ... 'I_.,-;- :',;f.c-, '.' ~i ••.. Ie, .1."

.' ·1 .'. ." .. - . '.. .... c_o.ype ~es 1.t'l"O aCOOIi![l

bow the· protO:typeis bei.llg; imple~ment~d.. On. ORe ,end~viirt!Uul protmype~ tbatlle:fe~rs toprotot:ypes that are nontan\gibl.e;. usuanyrep're8e:n~:ed in some form other than physical, e; .. g. Illathew_3!Uc"alm.odel of a. conh:om systt~tll [4J.. Sueh prototypes an! usually stiUdi.edand ana]yz.ed.. The collcltl~d.ol1l;s, drawn are purt:ly ba'sed upon Ithe assumed priru; or scielrce that has been understoodlllp t'O tbalt poinrin '~;j me, .Allex:ample is tho; \ of a:irlll~)w OYler an aircraft wing to a;s,c,enain lift and drag rm the w~flIg during SDpef,5(U~jC .nigbt ... SllIc,b prototype, :lSo,(tell used' when either t'bephysical prototype is too larg:e and tb,erefllr.emkestoQ long~o bl:d~.d" ocjhe building, of such a.prO[61ype b~· ,eJ!;.penslve. The maim drawback of fnes.ekiril.ds o:f prototypes is that lbe~ mig based O~. current understanding and thus th.ey wiU not be able topredlc[ .any unexpected phenamenen. .11' is 'Very :poor or totally UJnsuri~taJlle fur sol.v.lng. unanticipated p.mblems.. The p:h:,Ysk,al model, on the other hand~ ~5 the tangible menifestation of lhe. pmdLU,Cl.. usually

Copyr'ghted rneleria'

buUtf'O:lf l~t:i!Og~ aId ,experimJ!1uation. Ex11mples of :such :pr:o:tOly~s imc)udc ti. MKk.-IP of a Ciell~ular 'letep:h,one Umt fO(lk's ,and~eells veJ;Y :lliUch, l~lk_e bi feaJ :p.rOOJ'ICI~ tmt,w:idlnm: ltsl~tendedfU_lle'io~:rs,. S:~eh a

Protolv~mJlt'! :00 used n,'~lIJr~iV,:C for .aeslbed.c and human faetors

.JJr'''II'!' ,r}' lr" riI


The tbtlw"a5]>e;'Clt ,co,versthe degree ()if 3p,p:mxju13tion orre,p,rese:Jl:mmi,\1elne:ss of Illile:protot,pe. On one b_and~ 'tlite mooel can be a vezy wllgb RiP:re,sen[atioml of the intended "roduct~, lite a (:'Oam lmode~'j, used pri1rllariJlly to slud,y tb e. general £GnD and eny,e1:opI"",1 dimensions of Ihe product iA its :inUiia1 iSltage 'of de~e~:opment. Some r-Ol!1gh pootntypes ma,), lit V,I 1'-' :'kn;:~'nFfi,- ,I,; rod [,et b'y't -- ~ Ie sed~I}I test' and studv (ii){l e enOf.L ,lEl_C . lOil, 11 _l!IC. U lllfC ilI .. _ _-- "A ,. " - - _ • -- .i

tctta]11l prnbb!w:s of th.eprodtlCfl dC;yelopm~nt •. An ,eluimplJe of tlds ,I;S, the bu:iMi[1!;g of ,c:nd.leJ~ with differen:tma'erialtJi),fild tJte Digbt i'clircldng" j)(lund for a c~seU'e dOOl~ 00 'the iQ:ther banid.. theprot:otype can be an exact f;uiU seale le,:tactreplieallion ,of the :prod,l.el Ithat 'RlooBls everyas,pa:tisl of [he prod,uct! a.g., the ,[e-produC'~iO:riI, pro~otypettuu: ~~s 'I;S6d nOl only 'IQ sadd, IC[JSlu'mer needs eVial.uadon but also add:ress:llng :fnanufacturring; ,1,5'S/llIeS, and eeneems. Such. "exact" ~prototypc-,s are e:.~peclaU:y ,Importam tow:ard_\S, [he c:rnd,,-s:rag:e oftll.eproduct dervelop.mcm p,rocess.

figlum 1.'2 ShOIWS the 'Y~liIiolil:S, kinds e.fprolnt'ypes :p~.aced Over tbe Stet: ,il.'ilpeOUl, of lthepro~a~ype., Each o!f ,ttl e three axes ,--- - c-:c,""c:trs c .- -, ~<l',-- .~: ",t' . ~r:"ti~ -.:' ~I_-;,.-·In,f\-n';- f 1~1r", ~~t'Ol'U~. NOlB tlmt' tlld~

represents ene ~,pec QL ue UY~CD.!:"'..:lU. o~ ~UYt'·~"""-- }f''"'- _. _

mustrntion i~ lot meg;t t~1 ' afil ex;,at" sc~de to describe a ,ro:toty,pe~ ibU1I serves 10 d'e:RloJilstcuelba:n pr:ot()t:ypeCi.~ ,carM be diescr:i'Jbed alomg: these 1:tlJJme' asplcts:.

Rap;i.d ,pro~O~YP.iilll t"iicaUy falls hl the mo,ge of .3. :phys,ical prototype"!. u~'nan"aLm 'fauldy accurate and. CaD be im,plemmtcd GO 3. camp:meru level, or alt a. sys,:e;m I,e~et This Is shewn as the Vt)]ume. sfnlown in f.ig;llIre 1.2. The, versat:iUty' and tl:Wge of' different p;mtolype:s~ [~om,co.mp1e'le s~f's~ems ~ui l1ItlHvidi'a_d cOH1JPOJilents~ that, can be pwdJuc;e;d by RP at V.myllilg d.q;;f¢esof appr1)xi!lna:ticj,[l,ilt: an im:ponan!t 10011 for P£;Q[UI.yptmg, ~I), the pRKIuCt dev,elopmenl prGCeSS. Addingthem~jor ad'V3!11'(3,ge of speed 1n delivery. il has beeome an .important. C0rn1:po11.ent ill: the p,ri()lotyp:i~g arse nal notto he i.gnored.,

Copyriphted materia'

Figure 1.2,; Ty~s of pml.otypeS dJe~s:c'.r,iood alienfig ~e three <lis:pects oifimprneme:llltltioll, farm :ilIlld :i.lip,mx~miltiomi

1.1.3 RoJes 6fCbePl'Oiolypes

The lIol,es th,at:pro~:ot:ype,!!i, pbllY 1.[1, ~he pmdllUc~ deV',elopn}ll.~:Ii1(pro·cess are s~vend, They :illchmde the ·~QIIJi)wil1g.~

U) Experimentation. and meaming

(2), t:esrin,gand p!ooofing,

(3) CO.Ill1I.wuB.icati:onand internc~ion (4) S:ymhe-sIs and in~egr,adon

(5)! Scheduling and markers

COP"fJlighted materia

thinki11Jg~l pIMning~. cixpcrimenting, mild teaming precesses whIlst des;ig.n .. ing. tne, product. Ql1estian~s and daubts .re,gmdlhlg: eenain lssues ui d)e des'igocan. be addftssed by buiil:di"g and! studyin.g jhe :pro~orype.FOf example,~ in desjiigningtb.e app.ropr.ia1fe~ eloows:support of an. o:ffice: en ab;~ tie'veml.pb)'sJca.ll pro~otJPes of suell eUl(liW$u.pptln's, can bebl[1:iU t'O learn aIbQut.£heUf~I""l' of tb.e, c]lbow 8111PPO:ft 'wben .. pe:rfo.rmil1l,g. I.ypiica] la~kSi on the offi.ce chair:.

Prototype:s; c:aJI also :be~ used for te5ti:ngand. proofing of ideas and concepts 'ooladrng to the developmentaf' th'e;proollcLFof example. in tbe early design. 'Of. fu]dtng re.adi:ag ,g18ssecS, fur fhe eldedy~ oonoepts amd ideas of :foMJiII\g .I.neclb,anism can be ·te+sted by hu.iMing :r~lilgh phy:s[ca] pro1otY(?e.S totest aad .p:rov;elb,ese ideas to see ,iftbe;r'work as inlie:nded ...

The prototype a!1~.o serv''e!Stll,e. pUq>OS$ vf co;mmurni'cadng :ruforJuati on and demcmstrattn~ idea6~ not jiustwl'thlnfbc~ p·roduct developrnenr team, but ~atso ~o ma:FtI,a:gemenit and cUent: l(whctheri:lil~~b.ouse oreatemal), Nothing is eleare Ii' for 'C;X,p,I3J13Ition or cmnm:UJnilca~i,oT:l of an idea 'than a ~p.hys.ica1 protorypewheredu; inteaded audience tm~e fhe~uU ecx:perience of the Yl:sUJaland tactile feel of the product. A threeJ~di'mensjQnal, reiJ['~'Cm:U:ati,o.[(J lis often .mom supc,rio.r lliJJlll that: of 3, twu~dinlernsional st.Jet!Ch of the p.rOdlWt. For ,elUl!III:pl,e:. u. jp:hys~calpoo~D1.,yp of a ceUular :pbon,e am. be presented. to ca:refiLIUy selecrool cusmmers, OUSfo.mers can handlle lind experiment with dle pnoueand give; f:eooba;c:l(to the development team QiI]} tIDe features o:f and imu~~racd(}ns with the phoue:~, dl.uspro"itding: valuable intormad,on :for the {ea.rn to Improve its des.ilgm .•

Ap:mtot,ypeC'8ll aliso be used to ~synrlthesize the entlreproduct concept by l:uing:in.g Ihe various cOlll'pon~ntsands;L1Ib~as,semblies~~oge;t:beJ to ensure tJhattbcy win work 'togetber.ThiswiU grcail1y .help in '~fue lnt;egnllon o;f :~he:produeland surface ~, :problems, tbm ate related to Plll'~tt;ng: 'ttne .pmdUl:t t~gether~ Ane(~am:ple Isa eomplete or ,o,,:nnp:rehe:ll1'sive flJfU,.-:tlo,Dal protmype ofpersonal d~.gita] :Ils:sistant (PDA)..When PlJtt~ng Ibc prutotype ~ogtictiert an. :aspeots of the dvsign!imclncl:iJQg maruJ.fiu:turilllg :alld Bssembly issues, wm ba:ve to be ad\1re-ssed~ thus emaolin81 Ol.e di:ff'c;r1!l1it functional members of th.e-prOf.hlot developm~lt team Co unders:tarnd the variouspr(t'bleurs mN;otiaJ~oo wttb"puttiog the product.!'~

Copyriphted materia'

:Protot:yprng also serves to help In the 5cbedlUUog of fhe lP,mdU('Jl' deve:~opme,nlproeessalL1,d ~~"i, 'U~uaUy 'Used as markem fortbe end 01' :s!tt;rt of the' various phases of the dc\"elo,pmemt effon.Each ,pm~m,'s:Ln:dly marks a cUF:FiIple:t:ion 0:,£ a partkulM developmem phase, andwUh pmper plhIl1nililg,~ the dc;vclopmern .scfuedu,le ean be, ,enforced" TypicuUy ill ,[liJ,aJiilY co.mprude;s" file coatinuation of a deve~!Opmelil.t!pmje:Ct: oft,eo h.tns:es om tIle success of the pro~()ty~s;~o pro1vide impetus to man age~me-m to fOirgeahead w'~th it

n: should be noted that ill many comJil~flJecs. prototypes dO'lIo:t t[ecessary serve all tJhese,mb:c$ c G[!clltly,~ but tb1~Y are; 'cenainly 3 nece.s:si:tyin ao:yprodLH .. i!, developm.entPrQJ~ct.

The pmtot,y,pes created with 'Rapid 'Pro~otyp:i:[]g: tec1:m.ologi.,e.8 wU] serve :mOfs:t if no~ altefthese roles. Being accruta1t:e; phys:~c:u protIJtypes [bat: can be built whh speed, m,uD), of tbeserQle,s: can be iaccoulj:dlshe,d! ,quic:kJ.yand eft:ecti 'Vlel.y'~andti()gle'tb~ru>·ithQthetpJ!oduc'tivity tools!c,g. (':AD.,repea.~:eldlywiUl pteeisien,

'The dC\i!i(~~:opment of Rapid Prototypiingl s C lfi.~~ytlled kn wi;til t;be deve10pment of appUc3i,tions of compu~ers iM the: indus:try .. The dooU:n:lllIg (.ool: of !I.i.QI,mputers.. C';,cSIJ}CiChlUy ofpcrsonal. a:nd. :mifjJ.~o(}mputer.s. hu~ tha:ng,~d the way a factory wotk __ The increase in the use of 'CiOm,pl!IlciF,S.

b assenned ~i"'''' 'a: d V'1lIfl"'.,.·if'] .... ' .. J- t- 'J.I"I 'Ui~'<'I'n'V '0- '0-' ']- n- '-'l!'iIi,.t"'·rC,~ .. ",'II, ... ted ">' ..... ' ... ., '~n ... ~i~,4;i"i'g',

J~I .~.~'"ilH:II~~i-_ IJ.I,I"ir.i :.. .'Q_"'_"J"'-""U!i.J~\!J" .. ~:Ii!..., ~_Jlg.11I11,.1 '.' .. ,j.~·Ii!.!LI~\' ll,,~lu~,,~·. Q.I'~~' .iI. .. )'!Ii;>I~U~'.'lI,_~,_J

Computer-Aided De~iign ~CAD)" CQmpllU~f-.Aid~d MunllfaClturing (CAM) and Com:puter N umerieal C'omifiol CNC) .machlmf: t{lt)l~:s..lm panjeu~ar~. tbe emergence of RP sy~nems could :UtH have ibeen,po5s:iblie w'.i~lbQu:t. dl,e exlseenee of CAD. Ht'!w,e~ve:r~ filum cM'e,[ul cNmuinati:ons oftbe! 11:lU.m,e.FOlllS RP sys~iems. ine~ds~,ellce t:od;j[y~ .~lcun be easily d.educedthtu ,oth,e.r lbaIl. CAD~ many otbe>r technologies andadvaneements in otl.1er nellds such as maJnU!fac~mri.ti1.gsy:s:[em:s andmaterials have alsobeen ,cmci,al If] 'the de:veinpment .of RP system;!;,. Table l.llmces me de\l1clo,pmcint, of rdC"il8nn 'i,cdJliU)~ogi.cs. rda'ed 1:0 R:Pfrom the e:slin]i.1.~cd dab~ of inceptioll.

Copyriphted materia'

I ~

F:rl;~~ r!i!t~rnCi'li~!l: Grnphi~ .sl!'~(~!.n. Ceam:Y\(Col1sinn, oJ CompL!ltil!'I+...AhJed ~i~~}[6]

1.2 .. 1 'IhreePbases of Development Leadiogto ~Ra;pid PrototYIP~ng,

Prolotypitl.g· ormooc] making In the tFddi~lonal sense .ils an age~'ld l(i:tact:ice. Tbe in:fJei!t:io:n, {Jifbavtlilg a: pJly.~i(;{J;l IP,rotntype is to realize Ute COit:locpt1uaUZil!fI!o.n, !!.llfa de-~rjlgn. Tbufi. a,p.FO'tntype is IlJ:s:UI~I.:YllOlFojredl befC)JleJ the' sind of IIIe f:uinpJ.lGdLpClign Q:ftie :p:rod]lct. "The:f~bri~li():n 'Of pmlotJpe'~ i~e;x.pedme:nted; - m'alltedal rec[\1.{'wal~ c~unilllg8. mould;s~ j:oinin,g wf:th adbesive..;; etc, and with l1Wn}~ matedal types ~ atuminlu.m, zinc, ure(hanes~ wC:I!Jd~ 'e~jC,

Pi ... :)t(.J.t''Un~n.C!' p[f'l""': ... ",.,e~ tl'''''''~''''' 1JIo['Or-"" ~ib~ n '[!'I1k ·'t,.I,-, e ·" ohases of

~JII!..~,. il;:"r~IL"J~ J_-.J~~!!Ii;,r"il'.~- II.U,·~·1r.! ;S"'}lI~ .•. 1IIo!! II._J,JIJ,,,,,u'l,?iltIJ 11;I:ih!liir.'!!ir ~,.I;hA .. _,,-,,,~ v

de''I(,elopme~n~t;b6 ·£a..~tnwo (Jlf which nu;~re lomerg\id 0011J in the [a~~ ':ZeD ,rcars [7l. LiJt!c tliJc ImodeTin.g' plioceS!il ItO. CdIDp',lluergmpldcsl KS,1. tnc pm~~typll:g of physical} m,oo.elrs, isgoowinlgthrough il:s ~bi:OO! pha'~e. P3!f'dUeliS 'between 'the Ci0mplllJl:ermodeiUug pl1i~e~a~d :p-~t)t[otyp~",g process caotle dm.wn 3:8 seen ~In Tab.Le 1:.2. Thetheee phases are dem;db~d as :ruE~ows,.

Pro(!o~)rpi:liJ~ had ibegan as eady as b\lmnn~ begaato de~elop tools :to hel:plbcun .liv(J'.H:gwe,~er~ p:rtltntypitmg asappUed teprodu ct$in wbat is

Copyr'ghted materia'

.• 'FWs1~: :2,'D' Wilmramtl I. S't3:i1cd i~lmiJl.,I.I960s

" Pew li~~1!l 011 djsp:liI}' I,nay boe;~ .. e~fto~~. p;llb omi a. PCB

.. pJao\ltew ofn mccfian:ieaj eomponcrU.

I. ""Na~iIlw;'" ~r,a.f£in.g llechni.~l,le

., '])adiltiiJnal. IPlitlCI'Ce £O.f l~:U:l_ri~,

" ~Protn.~)ipinl' ·as, ,3, skin~ ~ntls ilS,; '. Ilrodi:lIon:.1~ .and mnucal

'. 'ba.5('):di Qnnl;1;reri~l,t~f ,,ru'IHMJi~

Imt'ly I


til Seoond JPbas.e~ 31)'Cune land S:u:rfaee M;odtJin,g

.' Mi(H9170s

I •

I ..


In,ereBlft1,g ~(JnlP~.Il:t(~~:}1 I I.

Ri~t~n.g nIDrCinr(i(l.fma:l'i:un 'I<

<lOOl!lt :p~ili¢ iIlh3p!!i.S~~~ and I.~ta!da(!e




Seoondl'Pl1ase: ·Soft, 'MV-Irtwd Proto~)'pjng,


Incruill;~i~g cQnlp.~~::liHy

Virtual pmlm.)ifC ~~ M ~\'t.~<::~~., ~i:m!il!lliltl:d:andleSled, 'Y!;Lth e~ac,t, me~ham~~~.d :;:md otb~.r p.m~Iili~

.' ,Edgc~ •. SU:rfowCiS ad .MI~, me l!mined ,. .Bcneilt of a IbaJdprcl1!n'~'iC m;ad~ in a V(lI1}~ sl!()f:'t ~:uft!ru;QQnd~ifJf;lC is il~!i !1100!l !Strongpoi:n:! (LreUe8ifin ,CAl) I1l~ijnlg)

Hru'Jd pru~utJ~ 'G:~Jl aih): be t1~d ('fir ~ilmitcd te.oslill,£

I • ~Phase= ,SlltId :r\'.fodeling " .&my 1980s

hlgcdlc:1t t:o fOIim a '~10'h~h'c 'W~cwl~~ I C~mp~t~rG~1) dtn"rulilllll lh~ i!)~id~ I ol'an IQbjccl .6:0m. .~. OlUs,ie1~. Pefibap~.,mf(; impmiiaotl}l, It c'oo ' III til"'.K1e :,U:R);~S the: mbj .. ':e~, WIld R~~ulily I fiJildall i:nioo~blg ~url:ao~.~ >lind ledges

1-. DIAl P~:~lmlnd P:rotot)'PiDg •·.19~

Plrnl~Jt'i~ c.aa :J!IM,~ .a.~Slst ~n ~~ . ~~n!U'thClIu:rin.~; ,elf the proolilcts

eonsidered to be the first phase of pro~Dlype development began several. ceameiea ago. In this earl Y' phase, prototypes typi caUy are' ~IlQtve;ry sophii.stica'temand. faiu:i(';ation. of prototype.;;;: rakeson laiV~omg;eaooult: Four ·w~ks .. d~pending onth~ ~e,veJ ,of]~xh~y m~dreflre~ntattvene-ss, 1:91,. Theteeltrnt,q,ues. used. in making these! prototype,s, tend 10 be cmft-ba_~d and are usuaHy lex,tren].e~y labor hUiens.h~e.

Copyriphted materia'

l.2 .. 3 SecftDd P.hase: lSoft or 'ProtstypiUI

As aPfJ,~icatl;tln (lif CAD/ more widespread, the e'ady 1'9808 ~a,w tile e;YQ]llUon of the second phase of J)£(~tOl:yping ._ Soft or Virtual l?rol.'€)"ypin,:g. v:snua]protQcyping: takes (ll~, a :~ew meaning as more computer soots beeemeasailable _, comput!er models coo .nolw be stressed, tested, aIully,zedand, if tlley pb!ysic:a], p.rotmypes., For e-xam.plet analysis of seess and straIn esn lbeaccumteJy predj,c~l~d on me plUduct because of the ab:IUlY to 8peei,y exactmateria] arui,butes and properilies.With such tools on the; comptltef~several Itefa:tJ10Il~ or de.iitig,ns can be easily 'Can1ed OIU~y cbamgimg me pamrneteI:8 of: file oom.puter mooel:s.

Also., prodl1cts and as such protGl(y,pes '~end, to 'oocome,rel:ad:ve:l,y more oO'lDmplex -. ,a:OOI1l!t (,wi,ce the ,comple,;dty as befote [9'J. Correspondi.n:gly.~ the time required to maike mepbysical rooo(let tends to increase: 'tr-emendous]J~oaooUit:mjj~ of 16 weeks as buil.ding ofpbysic:al .p.rot:()types b), stl]] dependent onc.raft;ba~edm.ethods, I~nough irnroou:C1ion ,ofbe't:le'f p.rec;islon macki_[)e=-s n~e CNC maCh]lfits :bel!ps ..

Even wUh '1!ltI.e ad,ent ,ofR,a;pid Prototyping in the tblrd ph$e, there isstill s,tr<mg 8uppon )for virtual]' .P,rot~typiing;., Lee [:1 OJ qu.e,s, thal fu~re are sltiU PiJl~\i'lojdable llflilUadons w.hh :mpld promt:yp!hl:g. These indude m8t0Iial,]imi:mti.o.n:s (' because of elx:pe[1~se or through the use of ma:tel'.~al;s, dllssimlll:ar 10 that ofthe in:tendedpart.J!, the .inab:lUty to perform ,end]'ecSswi;baf~U scenarios and d:Hl Ji.k;,eliJloocl lbat little or no:ncli:able daita. can from the rapid. pro~(nype topen"tm:1l fitdte, d(Mm~tnt anuly'Sis (rEA). SpecUicaOy m. tilei1l!,p.plicat'iiOD. of kioemadcJd.ynamlc .analy$is~. he described aprogramwhicncoo. assign pbysiC'.i1 propertjes of .many different 'materials - such as steel, ice, plastlc, day or any C'I!il:stOffi.wallerial imaginable and perform kinema.dcs and :mution analysis as if awo[kingprototype e:x];SJt:ed. De8piu~ !Such :s,treng,w of'Yirli.ualpro~iOty~p.b:ilg;. tn.eret:s one Ln:hefenl, weamess; (ha:l sutli. pru~otypes eannot be te~sted for phenomena. that. is not an.ticiJpated oracecueted fer in tbecmnpu~er p.mgram . .A:ssuch there~s m.ol g;uara!ltee thai!' tih.e viiftualprot.otypeils reaJly problem free.

Copyriphted materia'

1.2.4 LI.It'ird. :Pbase: Rap!id Pto:totypimg.

Rapid P.oototypiog of physical parts, or otherw'i:seknown as 8o'Ud free'ulDl fabrication or desktop manufacturing or la:yer Il!lMufacturing t:eebnology~ represems tbe thirdphase m the e;vtii:lJtlQo Qfp, .. The l_Dventio.1l1 of tili,s series ofr.ap.iid p,rotot)'i,ping ,me'~b(.ldo:tlO:g:Jesig de-scribed as a ··w.atec1i'8hed ecvcnrt' I(] I] be(auseof the tmmen cfotils time; savlngs~. e-special1y for co.mpJicarted models Tholilg;h [be :part!-i Omdlvlduo1 componeats) are ,rcl,ative;,ly three tJimes as comp~exas :pml's made bll~10s,the, time to make :S'ICJh a pan lOW a:~erages only Utr-eew,eeLks [9]. Since 1'988~ more tnniOtw:elly diffierenrt mphl protolJPing ·b!(;h:nJqueshnveemerged.

Co.mnm;Oll toall the ,:H:ffe:re,nl liet;l~nJ~queij, of RP is tbe basic a:pproac;h tbey ~ado;p1~! w.tli,ob can 00 deseribedas follows:

(:0 A model or component is mode~ed on. a Cam,pufe;f-Aided DesiguJ CO[f1iput/eT~Aided Mnn:uf'a£turing (CADJCA__M) sys~em. The raodel whlJc'.brcp:rcscnts the physIcal part: to be bLdU, :InUS( 'be represecllJted. as closed t'.iuri"aCics.which unambiglIloludy defiJJ€; nn e~clo-sed volume, This means that the data. must specify UiJ(!'in~i:dc;, otli(;ldde and boUlndaty of ['me model, 'this [e~ulrement will become redundanl .. ~f the m,ood.~ng technique used i~ SQ]:ld r:n.ooelj.n:s, Dis is b,virtlUc of .d\t,e. technique used. as a. v;al'ldroUd :m.OOtd w·m Ill1tomtnically be an C\HC ~Qsedv'Olulnc. 'This mq;u.irement: C'1iIcS!uresthult alill bo.FIz.on.tal CfOrSS· sections thait are e-'.'i~lu'la:l' t~RP ate clased. CDne~ ";0 C1e;~u:e the solid objec(.

(2) The oolid or :~mdac,emodel to. be built i's next 'CtlllI\!ened. in1JQ a fonnal diUbbed the ~'STL.t"~ (STem()L~'t!ho,gmphy) file (:oml1at: whi,ch odg,ilulJ~:es frnull 3D Syg'ems .. 'The: STL file fUmlait~ .approc!rlma~es~be ~sl'nfaCef' of tlbem.odel bYIKI]yg:ons., Higjtdy curv,ed surfaces UlU:Slt: em.p.IQ'Y man:y'pol.y·go:,n s, wbicll means that. STL files for 'cun~d pansean be very laQ;e:.Howe:ver. thereare some rapid :pootolypiog syste'1l:)_swnicllalso accept ·EOES ( OrUJphi'G-'S Excna.1l;gc; SpeeificaJlions) dalt3!"idedJ it is of tbe ceerect ·':t:1a.\i'or" ...

Copyr'ghtw rneleria'

(3) A onm.puterprogramanaly.ze;s, a STL filc~that defines the model 10 be .fabri~at'ednnd "slices" the mode1 in~o cross ~ti,~ns. Theo_ross sections ,are :SY,S:tf:m;aticaUy reCfea!ted(ihrough the soUd'ificaru,(ll1 of ehher liquids, or powders and me;u oO.mb:tneu to' .£0,0)1 a .3D model, .Anutbe.rpossjbiJli~y ]8 that d"l.e 'cross sections are a.hady tldn~ ~otid lamiloatioDS aod 1l1Je~et1:Jin Janlin:ati,o[l,!j;are g:lued~o.tej~:hf;F with adhe-sive-s to l'oon a. 30. model, Other 81nIJiar methods may also be employed l:<)I:rU!Ud the. mood.

Fundiamen.tany:, the; dev,elopm.ent of :R:P ,can. be seen in ~£olllir primlarI)' areas. The Ra,p:id PrfJtotyping Wheel In l::igJure l.3 dep.J.ds the~ ~olJr key aspects 01 Raprid .P,ootot:yping., They are;: :(D-pU!lt~. Methoo~ Mat'ertru and Applicatton's ..

Copyriphted materia'

Input: reifersto tie clectronic~]]fonna:tion req~U!ired to describe the, physical dbje~t: Wilh 3D data. There me two pmu,ibl,c- stinting points - a computer model :Of OJ, pihy~ical model. The ICiiJmlfu,{e1' tfiooel cre:at~d by a CAD' system can be either a surface :model ora~oUd model 0; the o,,'thA(i' 'r"11'~ 3,'D' d.' ata Tm 'I'D' the p' ~"\Je:'I'C""li1 'm",~,Jle'~ ;j:.....o"(' <lIt' ~III

,'\!r' .,,_',_,_~ J.!lIUI,:~U::l' ._',_- ' .. !U l,~,-.~,!-,' ,_i"1IIj,,.? :!Il'.J"~III::'.I. 1~,I,UU~!l.,;;II! .11 __ .',_ ,~;~ ,1.11._'

8traigbtforw~,. It requires daJta. aequisition th~( u, meUloo, ,kUOWIl as reverse en,gi,llcecrin,g,., In reverse e:ngincc:ring;j,ilI, wide range of 'eq[u,lpnlC,n!t can be used, such as CM1\1, (coordinate measuring maelnne) or ,a, laser d.ig~dzer. to capture data, points of~be ph.y.slk~al. mood. and "reconstruct'" it ina. CAl) sys~em. they are currentl,.:f mn.l'e than. 20 venders .forRP Sys:tCILll;lii,. the method employed l~y each vendercan bcgeRera~:I.;y' clsssified intothe foUo:w~n.g,: p.hoto-curing. cutting: andgluein,gljoinL~Rg.!. melting ,and oo'[idifyirnglfus:ingand joining/binding .. Phc)to.,;mcning can befunher divided into eetegeries of laser beml.l, double; laser beamsand masked lamp.

The. btUi,al ~tate of :rna)leri~l can eome In eilther' soUd. liqu~d orp()wde~' smite,. In SQ:Hd s:~ate. ileatn come ill various fomu; sueh 3,,<.j _peU!els. wille or laminates .. The current r-an:8,e materIals include my1oiJl .• wax" resins, metalsand ceramics.

:1 ~3.4 .Applircations

Mos~ of tbe ,RP parts are :flinishe.d or t:{Jl.ilc~ed upbefore Iht;yare used for theirin~egdloo appltearions, Applications ,tiUll be grouped i.nlo fn Design (2) Emg.~n.eering •. A11Ial:ysls. 3J]jd. Planr:d:ng nnd(3) "JaoUng: a'nd A w.Me .r-ange of industries can be:ne:fil( from. RP310d

Copyriphted materia'

dlese i[tcb~ldei~ but: are Dot limited to~ae'[Ospace;.a'U:t;owod'\!e~ biomedieal, consu,mer" electrical and ,el1octl1cmics,p,rodllcts,.

TOdat s am:om~l~ed.tooUess,~ p,attumics:s RP systems: ean direcUy p:ro([J!)ce fUrlC!tiQ:rna~ parts bll :~,rnaHproduction.;.Pans ,prod aced In this way usually have an ,aocmacy and sntface finish im:feriQf 10 those: made 'by,., How-e'ver, isumeadva:nced systtlOl:Sm able to p.rtJdU(;:e nearlooling ,qua:tity parts ~llat; are dose to or am the final :s:hu,pe. n,epmt5: proo1uced., wUh app,ro,pnlate 1",05;( prot'es£i!llg~,w,iU have uUltt':Fia~qua1iitie,saud prope;cti~es dose '~olbe :flna] pmduer, More fu:ndil'm,e;ntaJil,~ '~he lime 'to p«lduoe any part ,~ once the dc'Sig,D data, are a.vaHable ~ 'wUI be f'ast.and can be in ,ill ~ma~t'e;r of bo:urs:,

The beneflts o:fR:P s,:stem:s arel.mmetl!~e and can be catego.rized IiJlJt.o direct and. in(jir-ect beIlAu~tS.

1.4.1 nj~t ,Benefi:lls

The beneJlts,10 [he: oompany u8~ng 'RP s"sl:emLs are' .many. One wou]dbe the abnity to e-x~rifUetlt with physicaJ ()bjeetsof any cauilp, Iaa rel,aUvely' :s:bon: period oftime, It j:s~b8erv,ed n~at 'Ql',er the last 25 years" prod'rl;(;'ts ,roal~Ized. I~O the market: place ha~,ei:ncreMCd. in com,pleX:llY in sha,pe andJ. fum 1[9].. F:or instance. COiRlPMe the ,aesthetically beatt~ifu:1 car body of rodaywhh ttun of the H)7[)s. On a ,re:l'3!dv,e c(limp~exiJty seale of ~, to :1 .as seen in.Flg,UJre l.4, ltis noted thalt: froma base of :(in J970~ (bis re~l:a;ti\~e 'cnmplelity lmd.e.x hasInereased to about. :2 in 198,0 and elose to 3, inlhe 1'9S}(1~.M,ore~Dleresti:D,g]y and ir:t)ntcally~.the project: ,oompletion 't~lBe;sha\fe not bees drasti:ca1ly increased. b~iti~.d]ly •. fro:rJilJa base. of aoofrt 4 we-c.ks!I project cnmpl~eti:on time In 1'970. U inc:reasedlQ 16 weeks in l'980. Ho:wevecT:.whh ttense of CAD{CAM, and eNC techn{),logies~ project comph~:ti.o:p dme reduces t(:l 8: 'Weeks • .Bve~Il'luany~, RI? sy,stenlS allowed tbe~ project lmanage.r m fIl!nh,e.r ,cut the complet:ron lime to ;3. wettks ill 1995.

TO the :~ud.iY'id:ual in ~'be: O{!lUlpml!Y" tb.e: benefits can be varied and have dificiI'lcnl Impacts., 1:t dependsen the role j n which they play j n the

Copyriphted materia'

Rilliltil!'e Prnb1J~Ype ..... Co:mplexl~

D: I

!R~h't~""t ',",jed

. C'ompkti01il '11me!l;

f1ii.l.!~ ~m1IODls

1lI®n1lnent~ Ii;~

I de&i~ de.~i~ manufaoruriiing I

I <l5~.bty

IlOO!~'~ .. ' -t-F-. ~1'i-i'I' "-~-oo-. ;t-~io-Q.1"""i

I pall em. L .:s,


Spel:lia] ~

dM':~~t'! ]]inxJ!Uft'

Copyrighted materia

Icompany. The (inn Iprodu.cdon of anypmduct etl,culll;lla8ises a. wide spectrum uf aC!ti'Y:iltie~ .. Koc:nanand Cbua. U2] describe the .Impact ofRP lcch'nolngie,s, en the enUre spe(tm:fU ofprod'u;ct der'io',eh)pwent and process reaUz.a:tiion.. ID ,Figure 1.5,. the ,activities f'equiredfbr tuU prod.ucdonin til conventional model are depltteaalthetQP. At. the bottom of Figlure 1.5 is theRP' model. on ·lhe size ofproducti.on~ savings ODe ti,me: :Qnd. cost could range from 50% up to 90%1:

The preducr des.ig)l.ers can lneeease p~ , W'~t:h~jtde s!i:gDi~ :fiGam,eff'oot~, onlead 'time and cost More orga:nic~ sculptured shapes forfulilcdona1 or aesthetic .:r~om~ can beaccommodaloo.. They 'can oplimi2!e part design to meet C-IilS:l~o;me.r :rq:uirememltslj, with lit~le restrictions by mWlufaomrin.g. Inaddition, Ikey can redaee pans COIlRt b~~ cornbbring; f~a:tl:m in ~in_g~0"!piece parts dIal are previously made from several because of poor [,001 a.ccessibil!ityor the need '10 .mininl[z:e mac:hini flgJ, and wuste. With f'ewerpat1~~:~ Ume .spenit on. tiOJ~.ran()e analysls:~ selecting'fas:tein,e;ts'~ detailing; ~CiW holes and .a:l~~mbly dmwlll,S;s is greatly redliloedl.

There; will also, be; f~we:r cJOn:s:n~m.\1,ts. lo the form of pans des,]gn without: regard. to dhftang~l;es~partJng; or other such canstrainrs, Pan's wbkbcannot easily be set UlP' for machjning.! orhaveaeeusate, large ~bi.[J1 walls. or do not use :stoc:k shapes to Inirn~lldze machining and

·w"''''t·.... ...·",~I ... ,""l""'r 4-. ~ <"'il jji"l'e-.i~ T----:k ;v ..... 10· _ Tri']' ~i~m'--'--I~ '!''''rifi ":~""~a· ·1- ",.~~ ·o·pt-··[_:t'll~:iz,,,"

-e '." ~li~~"'" \r...,iIi.U,1 .U,U H l.J'Cl u- ~"'E!Jldll!l u\~ L, l., J "'-'ItiIi-_ _ .J.itl_. o!ltUo~. II ~~, .I:.I ...... ~~I ,I _ .'_ ~I~U, . -- -. ">_'~"'_!~ __ ¥

8t_reng~h1weiI8:ht ratios with.oU~[lcga:rd to the cost. of maclilsnimg)" .Fina.Uy~ they can .min:imize; time-eeneumiag diS:CIlSS1QI]1:S; and e\'alruadoJ!ls 'of mooUifaclUd:qpossibllitf,e",~"

TbellU:a~]]. sa.vln,gsm:e In costs. 'The _mullufcacmnng;eng_[neer can: minimize decSltg:n~ mc8!IilI'ufacturiulIg andV'e:~ifi:cati.Qll. of Itoollng .. He can R'aUze~ profits earlier o-n new pl'Odilldsl, sIDc-e6.x.ed costs a:rellowoI..Mc can. ~dso :reduceparts COUtU, and. tberefore, as,<jcmb~yj' pu,ocbasi:ng and h:rvernovy' expenses,

Copyriphted materia'

The manufaetnrer cQnroducetDe~aoorcon~cn't ormanuf'acturing~ since pnrt"s,pecHic sC!ti' lJpand programming: are ,eliImiina!l~d. maeilliJdbg/castin:g labcu' is reduoed. and, and. ass.em.bily axe c-rlc c, eonse - ilr-entl:vc;cnu;;c: ~d as welL Redudrrc: material was:t:e waste

asa COD8eq"L_",.I l'e __ i(,;1il__ ," _ _ __g ~___" __ ._~ __

dispoS!al 'costs", matena!, transportation eests, i.nve.ntQI} OOSl :fo( :raw .."t-J~'k'" ,a':'ld,·.' ~~,~";~~..1 'P'''''~I-"'' ('~>;lI,.:t.i'~A """]'U' "i" ''i'''''','~'U" ',""N'l'~1~,r~~.:~~,re"~):""" il! -Ulir.,. f~I' JI1~,ui~,I:I""'_~ :; YJI,I,,;,1i .,I,fll/QJ:Iii",15 VLU_ 'J ~-,. UJII~JlI!~ ",,",,3 "J'W'.,U;!I_.j~u.,!, ,_~b~,.", .,Jj"_'''i'''~J

reducing st(lr,al~ :reqtJ~mFn(mlts)1 can conlriblfne to low (~verhe:ad~"Le;s;fii, inventory 'is scraplJe,d because of destgn 'c;han~~S:,Qrdi8U!ppolli'ltllllg. sales,

In addition •. tbemanufncu:u~e:r cum isiInpUfy :purchilslng since uillit price is almos~, Independe11l1 of ql:1iUui~ty... IhemfQ"f'e. ITn~}' .Q~ mamy as are needed ,£,O[ the sho:rt..;tenn. need 'be oroererl", QU().tu1uo:ns ... 'W) Utile; among :suppl~eiS~. since rabtj,cal'j!~n is automati.;:'andsltandardi2led. One 'COOl plU'CJha~ Io:~e:g~n,er,a~ p!!lrpJ,semachinemtber ~hanJ :F'Oa:D.J :S~C1Q]1 purpose m;a~,biJne{'i. and thcre'are~reihJce c:aIl~ta1 'equi;pm.e,llt und marim.teaumce e~xpc~[)SC;S, need. fewer spe:da1lized (JpemtofS; and. :~e,-sstraElll:iDg ... A smaJ1e,r p:l1oo\u::donfacU:lll:Y win also result in Jess Ie;f[un in. scbedlldimg proouction. Furthermore. one C~Ul reduce jhe .inspection. Rfj~ct rate; sElice the numoor oil tigat tolernnCl$ r-eq,uired. when pn:rt!S, must tLna~e can. be l!edueed. One can uvoid des,ig1n misinJterpre:la!t;roBS "~ inst~ad~··'W!hat. you, de-sign .i,s wbat you get" )"quickly cllilla:nge ,des;igJll din~fls]o'ns~o de'a:l wH.h tirghte;.li' toierances and. achieve hi"ghe~[' part. wpcattlbil.itYI, s~'8ee 1:00.11 wear is eH:Iil1I:iimlit~ed.. LalSUY'1 (ID.e can :rC01!U:C: spare ,pans. :iJnvenlllories (produc,espa:re on demaad, even for obs.o~ete-prodLlcUll.

Outside the de'ldgn andproolJcdol1l depal'bllelllnl~. i:ndjrec£ ooJieflrs ean also be denv,edl. MarkJet:~liIg as well as the ,cns~:omeJnl ~fiU :a,~:so benefit from the !!ll~li~'t~Q!nQr RP technQIo~ie-s,.

To the marker, irpresents new eapahilltles and oppormun,lue&. II can greatly redl!!l!C--:e Hm~lto"market~ resulting in (1) rednced riskas fhere is no need to P,]!ojOC[ customer needs and ularket d,oarmh:::8 :sev6rdJ years 11]101 me{uttlre,~ (2) proou,cts ~VblCh.fi1 1(::~·~lo,rutJt 1[lJ~~ds :m.uch :n~,OR:

Copyriphted materia'

cIO,S(l'Iy:~ (,3,) l')l!OOllct5 o.f£cringthe p~ice/pe~r:fontlance I()Ctho laj:e-sl tech:n.6IogYt. (4) :new' poodl!l.c~~s\g t~s't-mMik~tfd ·eoono.mi.caUy ..

,M:a:rketidg Icanaloo Ich.g~p.rod:lC~i.on. tn mm;, demand, possiibly in real dme andwlth Uttle lm:pact: on ,m311tlfac~uring" OlU~; can in.ereasetlle di:ve:mity ofp.m~ll!Ict o:fferi.ngs. and pursue m;,uttet l~Edhc~ (~llUl1mny~oo sma.n to justify due tDIOOUn.gC08t (hlc,lu(Hng custom and is.eml"cllstomp.roc:!lu.Gtion)... One cam eml~]!ye;xpand distdln.u:iorn ood quiiddy c.nil:ef fnf"fiI,IIiI, :m'arkers.

'The (.';OJlJsume:cr call bury products whic-b meet: more doseliyi:m:li'yjduaiJ needsand wam.ts;.Fii:fStlY.~nlere is, 3.muCbviicrer di'\!e~rshyof offerings to choose from. Sccond~y~ one; em. billY ,{and e~e'lJI loo.ntribulte1:o the deM~dln 00 ,affordable :prodDCt·S.trl1i~t-to-aroer~FIiJ:r1'1ulrmom!. the ICilns.llIfi1I1Cr caD buyproo,uets af lower p.rioes.. sincethe manuf:'actU'(ers! :savings will be l~ncSsed on.

The .n.u:runoor oJ~~rms used b~ me; 'f.}ngi.neeJingc.omrrmniticcS atuun.d It;bcwodd iL~ alanniR~g~r litu"ge\'Pe~fbap$~ 'lbi;s is: dl[j~ Rltll~ newness af me technology.. n ce,l1alnJy d.005 not heJpl as already there areso .mallY buzz 'W,ordlS:l:J~d loday_Wo.rldwlde~ the, most CO:m1l'lHon]y used term is P"'pi,d.' ·~~·""'I\J\'·n·I~~p ''jA- ... I~"!!'n:- ,,,,il,., :lin-' a', .. ·~·t:- ... [,,~IU· If-~"'~'fi·.to- f-T ~.iIt).~.", ~.t''''"'·''n;,.:j ~Ig~ ~.'LI, , LF·.IJ'U~-\;I, ',I' ,r' _li.C .• ' ,l .. lb"J I:'W, . -,U, ,1,;]1, +IL ' ~ tl~[1ii!l ,&Itw'J ~.I~!I!~'_,JJ~J '. v-. .. ' .~ ,~,.~ .!I,~~ '''~r·'~U:

creation of aphys1lc3.11 model. However~p.rotQtyp.~n.g~s s!ow'ly gn::nN'log, ltn ~incllude ate'as, Soo[(l" Rap~d Prof,0'tJ'ffJI'j:g. Ttmlin;g and Mal1u\~' f1(J(~tll:ti~Jg {RPJ'M} SllQUJd be, used tD' ill~JiUde\ nle U(Jmza~'iono:f tne; lpr:o;totype as a. master pattern for ~no.Ung and lIll3QufacUl1'ing ..

Some of Uu,.e less ,eoDlnmnJy used t1mllS Include .Diuel ell D .U{ltlllfi:lc:"ur:iJl.g~ ,Desktt~p' .Manlfft,u:,urililg mulln.:stalu .MtJ"J:uJac, The ralional,c behind these 'eons are also speed and ease, 1bougbno~ e:xatdy' direct or in stInd CAD' Orie#ted .M'a,·' is .anotA.ertenn and poo\iide:s. .anin;sign,t info tbe issue of o.rientation." often a. key f:actor :rnnuencin:g~ the fJllI:t,put: ora prototypemwle by 'RP methods like SLA ..

Another g;roup of terms emphas;ize,,$ om dle unique characf:erislic of RP ,_- lll'ue;r b1.!' ]avcraddido:n as oppcsedto tmd~li--:l"I-~m-lauf-'-ctu_c'n'

-= --,1 - - -.; ---,,J-- - -"-'-:1"', --- ,'., ,L o. a .. n. , .3 rIg

.meth.ods such a_s,nmchhdng: whiehis ma:teliiall1'CiElilOlval fm.Rl a bl,oek. This group include-os lA"Vier MamJfac1l41in:8" ,Maten;al .D'e:po.sft MtJ1Ul'~ f_actu,ring, MOJe.riaJ ,}fl. ,Mcrnu/u'Cturlug Md .Male#aZ },ncres:s ,M/anufaclu1'ing.

There is yet anomer group whIcb chooses to focus on '~he words

''' •. ' , -I'd, In 'dl •• c. - £. c ·t~ (i' ,. J' F---C'l:. ,', M' ." .i'_' -.' .,...:1 8'1' •. ~.

so, 1 an " ',~_ree..JIorm- .:J01~ W." ,,.,eft) onn :aIUfd,(lcmr:~ng a:uuQ.Ut

Free-fo,.r"" Fabrica:ttOll .. , Salid is used beC'a!uire"1J:r~l~e !the injti;al stalte- :ma.y be Iiquld, po,wder" indivia-!!lalpeH:!Us or laminaieoS~ ~h,c: end :rcSIiilIl: is a,

- '_' '""

solid1, 3D objeot~, wbUe free/an1.z, stresses on the ability ofRP ~o buUd

complex sbapes with Uttle (~ol1istr.runt on its form,



While mere are many way,s in which one can ,c~assffy me numerous .RP :syste:ms :111 me market, one: t):f the better ways is t,) dass:ifyRP :s,y~te'nlS broruJJyby the h:lilia1 form, 01( H:5,mareria~~ i.e.,[tte material fhalt the pro:tot.ype' 0:1' part: is baHt w:~th. .Inthis: manEl~r, al,1 ,Rt? systems ,calli be e~Uy c'a;teg(lriz~d into (I) liquld-based (.2) iol:i.d~bar.~d. and (3~· powdeFbased.


L .ilV.L

Liquid-based RP systems havethe ini.tia~~ (tum. of Us :mnterial in U.q:1l1d state, Through a.process eemmonly known as curi'ng;ttne: :liquid is; converted into me solid stCllte.. The following RP systems fan into tlds; c'ate~g:QQ';

(I )3'0 Systems' Srere(}l~thogtap:by APPar"d1tU8 (SLA.) (2) Ctlbl.tar~, Solid GIiCfllUld Curing (SOC) (3)So.AY~S SoHd ereadon System (SCS)

(4) CMBT;iS So,~id Objecf, Ultravio~eit~.Lasef Print'e41 I(SOUP) (5) AI!Uostmde"s, E-Dans

(6) Seild"s SQUform Sys~em

Copyriphted materia'

(7) (8) (9)

(10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)

Meiko ':5, .R.apid .P.liototy:p.ingSystem fur the Jewelry In.du$try Denken 's S'LP


Foeke]e IN. SC:h.warze~s LMS Light Scu1lptiIlig


Rapid Pl)t6ze:

Two Laser Beams Mi(folu:bdccation

As is iUustRlied ,~m the RPWeeel jln P.igure 1 ,.3~. three methodsare JID6tiiblc under ·the ~·.Photo~icur;;1I'g ~~ method, The lcu;er beam m.ethod ismost 'W!idelry used and lnc;1ude all the above RP sys~ems with the excepnon 'of (2), (ll ).. (13) and (14). Cubital. C~nD'idLigbt ScU!lntino' .(fll' usa .~L..", I1la'f:k4d;' lHnt" ........ 'tjb·0~ ~'b~'l~A""'A ""'r .1''''''' ~.--' .t.~ :C'.~"

.. ~.r J ."00:) i", ! 1 .. _ ..... "L~' .·c .. ~.··,.o;el_.' ·.~"'~Y .~'u,""I~., v~ •... ) _.,l ... , ~ILI, ... ",~1Q .·U ... if!l.T v.f\'-Q'ln

method is :5.[11'1 nor: c,ommercialilled.. Rapid Freeze, (13) involves the! fr,eezin,g of "Wate;r dropl.etsand. deposit tlll a. manner mm::n 11k.eF.DfM to ,creal'e the .pro~otype. Eacb of the8e!Rj) sy:nems wm be described ~tn. moredetail In Chaple;r :3 .

. Ex.ce:pt rOppoWd~F! ooHdi~ba8ed RP sy:slemis aremeant to encompass aU forms of material irtl. the :so:l:i.d state, In this O(}[Jt:e:xt. the sJI,)Ud form. can ,include the. shape in the ftu.m 0-.£ a wire, a roll, lruulnal;cs and 'peUets. The foU()w.jng RP s.y~t'e!m$ fall lnito thi~ d~finlti(\ln:

(:I) Cubk 'I'ecb:m,6I.ogb!s·' Laminaled Ob~ec~: :Manufac~uring (LOM) (2) Sn~lttli~:y:s~F't;I~d" ~po~:~tiQD M'od~ (POM)

(3) ~gIra eOfJH'.mtio[1]~~~1 Paper Lami.u3nIO[l 'Fe,cbl.l0Iogy (PCT) ,4) 30 S.y~tems:· Muld-.Jet .Mooei.ilng System. [!\1'lrM)

(5) SoUdscape~)s Mooe~Makejr and PaUemMastt1f

(6) B'eiji:ng; "'iin~bua;:s S1i.(':i[i)g: So~idMJan,u:f"ilctJU[h.g (SSM)~. Mel~-ed ExtJmsion 'Modll~ing (MEM)and MultJi.":Fuuct!cma.l RPM Sys~ems, eM-RPM)

Copyriphted materia'

(8)El1lnel CorpomdQn~s Offset Pabbern

R,efierring: to the IP Wheel in Fig,ute t3~two methods are possible lor solid-based RP systems, ItP' :systems (O~ (3).~ (4), and (9) belong lome C'''li,ing ,Qnd(}Jueirzgl1:oi:n;i'ng :metbod~ while file .M"elti1'!;g

.... ~ .. ~. S··.'c;~~d-:~.~·.:·,·,"·.:,._ .. r:ClIu;~c:-.:-·-m: e:t~od,l!L~d RP' s~.:s.te:ms {2).' ,~~p~ ~6~, (7~ aHU Ol,~tlJ'lngfr _smg , __ u_ .._ -II _ ~ _ \. '\._ J'. l h J

i\!nd. (8). 1bevaDlYlIls RP ~y,s:t~tIl$,win be described in more detaU in Cbapte,r 4.

1.6 .. 3 Powder-Based

In a strictsense, ~powd.e.r is by-and-large in tbe snlid state, HO'IW'lev'eI~ it is :IRltellfiona1~:y created. 1.0;; a ca~egury outs~de;the soUd-b&~edRP sys;te4:Uf) tome'all :powder in ,g~a~n~like form.The foUowing:RP s,ystC,_s 'fan into this definition::

(n 3D Sys~:ems's Selective: Laser Si.nlfering (SLS) (2) EOS"s EOsrNT Systenu;

(3) Z Corp(n:at~ol.~s 'l11[loo-Dbne;nsLonaIPrindng (30P) (4) Opto.mec~s Laser E'ngineered Nell Sba:p:hlg; (LENS) (5) 8o~l.gen·s,[)irect 8hellPr:oUuctlon. 'Castl.Elg (nsPC) (6) Fraunhofer's :M'uhiplI3se Jet SoLidi:fication (MJS) (7) Acram's E1:eclF.on Beam .M.e~.ting, (EBl"'l)

(8) A,e~onle~t: Corpomtion~:s 'l.asf-OrJn 'T~;hlll.(}llog;y

(9) PreciJ;.~o:n OptIcal Man.u[llCluring)~s DiJ~ct .Meta.l .Deposition


(10) Geneds' "l{P Syst.e:flls (OS,)

( 11) 'Iherics IllC~.t:s Theriform Technology

(12) &mtde HOlle's Pmmet.ap~t 3D PrinHng Process

An the above RP systems employ the JoiJdnglBrrrrai'rlg .method. The: :method of jQ,i[lling/bindi~g. dJtJers forthe above systiemsin that some e:mploya.~aser whUe othersuse a. bil1lder/g!li1e to achiev,e tbejoirnins effect. Simi.l,ady" the abov'eRP Sy5Ib!11lSwiII. be deseribed in more detail iII Chapter 5.

Copyriphted materia'


_' _~_ =-_" __ ."'..._,.,IlrO

I.n Wbee]wrigbt~ S.c. Md. Clar:k~ K .. B.t ,Re'lolutio.niein:g Product De ..

Ji'elop:melttt Quun,um Leaps in .Speed. E'fficienC}\ {HW Qualfty.~ The Free P,reSS't New York, ~. 992.

[2~ Ulrich" K.T. and CE,pplnger~ S.D.1' Product ,D'esign: ,(1,lu1 nel~e,lop~ menl, 2nd edi;iigA~ 'McOraw Hill. Bosten, 2000 ..

[3] Homby,~ A.S:. andWe'!Ilmoier~ g,. eSditor), O:'4tJm Advanced Learners D.ic,tiona.ry 0/ Cl~rre'~t Er~:8,,6tb edition, Oxford Unive.rsj,t,' :Pre'5:S~ OxJom. 2000.

[4] Y:~, Cam{)'utet Con:tr(J,1 tJlManuju:ctutin:g SYf/e.n,iSJ,. McGru.w HU1~ Sin.gapo:rr"t 1,983 ..

[5]1 Hecbt~J·." 'rh~ Laser Ouid'eJ),()Qk".2nd eilitiQll,~McGrawHm~ New York~ 1992.

[611 raraman~ K." CAD/CA.M: ,Me'eting Today~ .P'rodUClil1i,ty Cll(1Uengc',j Compl:uer3ind Arutomo:~ed Srs~:ems: ABsociilticut of SME. MicJtig;m. 1982,.

1[7'~1 Chua, IC.,K •• "Three ... dimenslo:nal rapid 'prototJping ooctmologJ:eoS and,kiey development areas," ICom,puting ,and Centro,' Bt,l!ginfultlu:g Jo,u:maI5(4) (1994.): 200",,;200.

1[8;] Chua" C.K... ~iS()Ud, modeliElg -. A 8tate,~of-tbe~ru1r$pmt~'~ ,Man:l'-

fu'cturing ,Equipnu:nt ,Net'~s (Septemoor l£)',87):; .33-34 ..

I[n" •... '~ ~! ... -t·' ... ]ln;l .. ·lk· J' U.H'· "'W' ". ;t1"';I~y'~,~, m l~fI'''~fnm' .toO·t·wpe· ··'!:ro· p,lf-p~nl.' ·del'~Dn''''~

':iI,1 L~Y,lI~'¥_.~. J: '_ ~.,"_:!!' - ,,~~ L Jl.Y '. _. "UUUi:~/ L~ ••• 1 '-"J,1Ij,t.1-:,t""d' "!L"V'. 'J. ,.n, ' I."J',UI __ , r ,1.L,.,."I',r-:.;)i -.- .;5, ... ,0 ,,'-rl,t-,;

use :r,apldprocotyping[o f~l]adva;rntage~!~ Socl:ety ,of ,Mmlllfiu::'tur~ i'"g Engbleers 'Technical Paper (HJ9l): MS91.-475.

[J OJ Le,e',.G.~ ~'VjnuaJl pwtotypin_g om peftlonaJ computers," Mechanical .E1,rginel!.ril1:g 1171(1) (199.5): 70-73.

[I, l )·SoUd,[ree~fonn ~maou.faclu_rlng ~P·()ssibli~deJ.i and restrictions," C()1111).l~:ters inlndnst,ry~ 20 (1l'992): 1 3J....J4D..

H2) :K;ochan. D'. Ind .cbt.Hl. C.X .• ·j;State ... of-;.;thtHlJ1: and future tr-ends Em advoooed rapid. :pro1Qt~ping and manufacturing.,'~ In:te.rna:t,ional Jm.lma:l' of lq;JiJnna:l'lio:n: 'lec/molO,ZY :t (2) :( 1995l~ 1.'73-184.

Copyriphted materia'

1 .. ,. How would. ),((1, de:6ne. pm~ol.ype Inthe contexr of modern ,pmdiUct. dev~f.0pme,nr?

2...Wbat. are the: th:ree aspec -_'tS 'ofifitUe'r51t: fn de~ci,h"nCi a-rol.o.{'tf~.?

F""''''' _ ----- - L~ - .P~- ---.lIt-"",

Describe them clearly.

3.Whil~~ are rhe maio toles aad t)unc~tions fo:rprototypes"] '8'¢Iw do you UlJlnk :lIapjd prQIQrypings~t)j;s;fje$tbeseroles'?

4 De~ribethehls:tt)rica~ d.eve.l!tlpment: Oir Rapid. Poot!ol,)!pilli1g: 3JllId related. tocbno:i.Q,gJ, •.

S;.What are the t:h:reep~Hl!5JeS o.f p[iotcnypin,g:7 'Co.n~IJ'.ut~ng Ibe"sew:irtn those ·of' geo:m~tr~c .wotM:] in1g~ what stmj,ladUe-s ean be drawn"

0.. DesIPl1c tbe increase ~~Il reil.ative oOlll,ple'ldlty oithe stul!pe,Wld fo.n:n oif ~roduct'S .. p'~roi:ect, times mas. beenkepl relad\f!eJ~v :snll.ner; Wh~?'

!If ,~'J_, ,J' ,'"

1... Wbat. ooethef'lUiI.damcnt:a]s of Rapid ProtDlyplllg<1

,ftWb:a~ is 'Ibe RafJidP If),t:o.typ.inS Wheel ?DescrIbeits four primary aspeets. Is 'lheW'hee.l a ~itatk represelltultion ,~f wnill: IflIRnpid iP:rolut;~ping; today? Why?'

:9. Descdbe the advantag{!;8 of Rapid Protnlyping 1n teJmS, o:f it'S benenCiiaD,es ~such as tile product: des,tgn.ers.~ to~il engineer; mar-k:deers :atld '",,'Un's;lnleJ~S:~~

lO.Many terms have been tied ~o mean .!Rapid rro~ol,ypin~", Discuss, three s,ucb terms and eiXpla:.w why tlley have been lu~ed m, p~ace of Ra~'idP:r,atQtypll'.

t 1 'PIi.,!' .... n '"d n.. .,' (.'" , iI.' '1'" ".:11 .1:.... ()

~ I , ~:'!a::me tnree ""'~~ __ ~iot'OtypliJ]g . .;j,yst~n}s t~~~u are ."lqUI!Y~!J4s;e~."

~. 2, How can ~he Hqui ell form be ool'vt'Jted ~.CQ 'tibesooJiCl fUnD ,a-5, lin th.ese n,qJJid-bucd .Rapld Pmtmyp.i:Rg S)StalOs"

l3, ~m'orrn of can Rapld P.l!OllT)l;yping S¥S~l:ms, be da:s;l!dflied. as solid-based? Nam,e three sueh systems ..

l4,Wbtisthe method use-d In powdef~basedRap!id Prot:OI.:fP1D.1 .systems?

Copyr'ghtcd rneleria'

Chapter 2



TIl- "",tp"'<rn~'~'IjII:iO. fund 3' ' ..... 1 e' "'~""I] f"'lbn'·'c'a,~:]·or" precesses [II "]-1' ''''i!' .."b,,,,,u""I' ~,·',n.".

·1Iio!"';1,''''' irI:L,,",,, 'l,b,,,,,"",,,,, L J~ •• r , 1,1,11,_ .. I,U"QL I ~.Ui", 1, L ' ... ' is,- I, - U.! ,: "~~~ _I01i!...· , I. ~I ;!IIIIIII!Io_ I~"J' !;JI.1,iu "',1;1, Ii

Figure 2.1. They arc; Sllb'rQict.iv'c, }\atiftivt! ,aJftI,dF'Ofnratll'ttJ prooe,,~~~.,

In tile subtr,ac1livep;roce5s, one startsw',itb a single; IMock of'~old 1TII.l3lerii,wl I,arg,er Uum the final size of the desired o:bjoc't and materila), its mnlcfv,ooundI tbe des:l!red shape is reached,

In e()nrtrast~, an. add:~t:l\'c process is the exaet reverse in that tbe e't1J;d p.roduct ~i_smucbhllrger tllaru, [be JuateriiaJ when it: started., Am arena] is man_ipu_liated so tlllU, successive porthl.J)s (lif .itoumbln.e~() fonnthe deJilired. object.

lasdy~. the€ process I.S, one where mechanleal furces or restriefing forms ,area.ppUed on a material so as to ("(Inn it~]1I[~)t the desired shape.

There are. m'f'I'I'Un'v ,-"Tlo'I ~~.,.!ti ,j£'(~lr" "' ...... " "'f·' these &.:1'· ... .4a·""'''''Il'(''''1 £ .... 1...-.:: ~ •. ,.t ........ , '= _ ~, .. 1~1~ ,~_- = ~_,~~J_'J ~r!l"!t,@!:~~h'l,l.'~~~~~1 .~J ~!~ ~:g'lir.~iU ~-i, I IILI'II,~., -. ,1,U,II.lIIY UJI,IIWI, .1. tiJj, ,~·'QU\If.I,Cp! .. l~,uJ

PJrooeS1~S,. :Su:tJlructi'V1e rQbric:at~:on pmcessec$ 'include, JLI~.O~t: ~lJrllU<i of lu:acbLoln,g precesses ~. CNC Of orherwise. 'These [I,c:l,udermUjng.. tumln.g,. dd]U_n\g,~. 'p:[alulin:g!,sau.fing~ g'rnnd.tJlg.~ .eD~I~ laser cuning. walt-er--



Copyr'ghted materia'

je~ ,cuUing and. the :~~kes,. M'O;$.tfQml:S. o:f :rt31:ddpoototypi.n.g .pnlCie8i5es. :such as 's:~[,eo:~i.fbogr,ftP,]lY IOd S.e~iett~:ve Laser Sin.·terl:n.g; :f~U in~o Il.e farbri:catiion prfiJ{less~s res:t:eg{lry..Bx.mnples IOf f()m:ta:ti:\!~ fabric3!dooprooessss m,e:Be;Fld~ng;. ~nrglmg;. ,e:.~eclfom;agl1iedc formhl;g and plastic: :~njectiorn m.olding. The'Se~mchn~e: bending of sheet mla~erials and moldJiJlJg ofm.oUem. or curable Uqlllids. The lexamp~,e~s;lj.v!en He' nOI: ,exha:Ii1I.~Uve but iJ]J.dicaJti v,c of the rMl!~e ,of p.roc~:sse:s,.

Kybrl:d machines combil:[l:g t.WO ItU[J]] :[abricatiioDl :processes ,are ;dso possi:ble .. F:o;r e:ta;m,p~e. in'IO,~.Iessjve pre5swomng~ itis common ,to, see 3, hybrId 0:1' 1rlllbtmc:ti,ve (~:S, :in bll_Wnlg IOF 'p1J!nch'~!~g) and :fnrmati.~e· (as 1m bendin~ and fOlcJ:rd,ng) pmeesses"

Al. dl.lscnbed in Sec'uoiEl. 1. .31, all RP 'liCe'bmq,ufS ;ad(lI,PJt tbe same basic :a]llpro13.cil. As sueh alII JitP' sy;stenn:s, genemUlly have a. simil,ar sert of piroc~S, cbalrL :Shu:lll ageneralized pmcess chain is Sh,OiWJ)J :10 Fi.gurre; 2.2, [3J .. Thc'.r:e are ,il totlll~ Qiffi·,,·e s~ep:li jn the; chmn and th~-se iUre 3D,


CSL,\. SLS.FDlM. ,c:h~)

lillooeiling1, data IClOIl ve:rsllon aodtr..als:mi&5;lOn~ cibi:,!kingandprcpari:n\g~ buHd:~ng .and.postproce-ss,ing. DepelHUng on t1fu.e quality [of dlemodel and. part~ in S~eps:3 and :5 re8pecti¥e.I.)I~ the process :Maybei UerRtcd URtU a. satisfactory model or 'part i:$ achieved.

:H.~ 1.··Wi --'\!.'-. ]!'~.. [' ~~..r't·I:'-·c~ [:1 __ n ;-:r~, ----_ -;s,-~-~-ss llannin. il'lS .,.o,eeEt IKe Outp;oc[dlunJJaLo~ procesge'_,proc:t! __ p~_~~ ~_

important before: theRP commences. I"np,rooe8~p;.~annlll!;g.. me S!fep,s, of tile RP', chain are. listed, 'The first Sb1P is 3.0 @,eometdc modeling: .. In tids ins,tance~ th.erequire:ment would be a.wurkst3Jtjon am.d :8. <CAD .modeling, system... The; 'various faC[OtsWld. pammetffrs, wEdell infltumce ·the performanoe- IQ:feacb opetationar-e ·examined and decided upon. flor e,xamp,le1, if a SLA is used to bl,lild th~pMt.the orientadon of the part is an important factorw'h:lcb woutd~ am.on:gst oiller' tbing~., inf1uenc:~m_eqml!Uty of m.e partand the: speed of t1he: proce,ss. Needle-ss to s:a:y~ an operation sheer used in lhi,s, m3lDrtlerreq[lIi:ms: ,PfO,pii!'f documcntathln. and guid.e~ble-s... Qood docomentaJtl!oo. ~uch as Q. :pmress I.Qgboo:k~. nn~)W,S ftn~re 'exarminat:io:n and ev,ohmtiQm.~ and subsequent impro1yements can be imp:temen~edtQ process. p~mlining. The by,!.! s~eps afe discussed In the Foltowi:n,g; sections.

Advanced 3,D CAD .rclloc.ielling is a. geaeralpretequishe in RP processes and, lIlsually' Is the most tl.lJle~c()nSUmiDg part, of the entire proeess chaia, n is,m.osn hll:po,rtanttnat sncll 3D ,grometric models em be sbared by IDe entire design learn for :ma'EllY O:IJferent; purpose.s~ sueh as ioterieoo~~ studies~ stress analy:se.s"FEMat1alysi:s~. detan and drnfiin.g~. planning: fn['mmrufacturing~ including NCp,(lClI!:r,iifmnunl".etc~.

~M·-·""'v [e. ~A·D· .tC·A.·",O!·\,..,~. ·Iil'·,..··!,a:.···, ... a 'lO· {"·"'·m"'Ir;"'a·~m ... ;JIn:~"'r '[:""'I;t\l' _1,_"IL..U!I,iI.j "',- ',- __ ,,"!_-. , ~.J.'~'~Il.n~." LJo~ ,1j,1!U~'I!j,.: ,_I .~J.,,_, e,J"'iU',J,:.~._A·J,~·_JIJ IJ~"_U\l"-,,,lr""'= ~""":~,'dIJ_.';i

W,~Ul these s,pe;c..ialp1i!l:rpose' moau][c;s.

There m two [o.(t.mmon misconceptions amongst new users of R.P.

FIrst" unlike NC prQgrnmmJng,~R_P req~ires3. closedvohune of the mooe:]" whether the bask elemems areSmfilC1!S 01 ~o~id8. This confus·]oo arises because nevi users are u8oall.y ;i1L-quain·ted w-ilh the usc: of NC programming: where it single surface ·or ,evelll a. Une ,e]em_el]~: can :00' an NC ae',metU. Seoond" new '[users also usU!aU, assume what ,~oust!1! .is u;,'hm l'OU·. "- ... e.t.lbese twomis:corncep.·, dOllS of"i;enl lead to uadee-

,_ '_-_. ;0

Copyriphted materia'

specifying paramete:rs to lhc Rf' systeKJs •.. rosu~t~ng ~i:n. poor pedOntlim!Ce and :n.O'I.optimui.l!1!tinUlilio..n afthe;syst~m. BxamplecSof consideratkms tha:t .bar:ve 'to me :ilnn a:ct:nuut iIn(}ude ()rie;rU:at~on o:f p~~ rteed for SUppooSl difficult~~m~btd]d pan structure! gucha.s m:in waUs~ smaU sl(lts or holes arnd.oIVeman1siog 'e'~m$n.ts..Th&refore~~ RP users maY!'! to learn and-gain e:tpcnienoefrom "!tJliking om. tie 8ySt~;m.. ne; pwl:dem iis lLI~uaUy :tli1nre Ic~tl'mpi.e{j(.llia:B one can iirn~gine because O\tere ,aremallY dUierentR'P mat:JmHe".~ wnlCD bave difterent .requiTe:l1lent5. :iiind capabU~ it·res.. f,'or e:-x.antp:Je,. whi]le :0. ,SLA req~lJ.trcs su.ppo:n:s,. SOC Idoo.~. nOl!)ilmJ. SOC w~r·ks mo~n: eeon omjeaUy if manypMitS are: nested tog~therand p.foces:.sed SiUll11taneoll's,ly (see Ohapter 3, Secdens .3 .laud 3 .. 2).

The soUd or surf:acemooel to be builti s nexl ccnverted :into a.Fom:m~. dw11bed the; Stt. file: ~fbrmat~ 'Thjs·{omJat Orighla:te;s, ·from 30 Sy·st-em_5 wmc'h :plollee-B, Ilbe STeIeoLUnngropllys:rs,tem" The STL file. format: .app:r-Qx:~m alles '{be! sudaoes olfUle model u(!;ing ti'ytriangh~'$L Highly CI!l.NOO ~n,lrfape.~ nUls~e:u3p.toy many' more trlangles, which mean. tbact STLf1:~e;s, fnr clu'ved pans can 00 ~e;ry I arg;e,. The S,TLfi~e format wtu be dIJSCIll'!'jescd, ill detaill in. Qba1p!er ,6.

Almost •. if not aU"ma:jo:r CAD/CAM,vicndnrs supp[y dIe CAD-STL in~;erface. Since 1990. almost .aUmajo.r CAD/CA'MveMdo;f8. have dev'E:!llopedl :and iR~tag,rated It.bi8 jrlltetface ill:to thdr :systems ...

'ntlS C:~Iil¥~rs:i.Qm. st:c!lP.·' isrr.roibably ·the 8~mn[e:$t Qnd shortest of ~Ih@

J. ,IJ:..!'· l!!' r;-'

entille proceScs, ¢habL :Ho,we"er~. for a llligh,ly co,m:plex model cou:p:~ed 00 ,ex.l£i8mcly law :pedoTmOJrtl,eewoi,l!t'lita.tioD orre. the Q(mr-.;er:dOD coo luke se:~era.1hGun:L OmerwjiBe,. ti,c, CUJlve:rs:lon ~o STL .rue sbould t~e lomil.". se\rre.rn'lt miNutes. Where nece;s:SaI:Y~ snp,nn~ .Me also 'CIOll\~eli1oo to a se,par:'d~e STLiiUe!. Support~ can ,alf~maHlyely be created. er modified i~lllbc 1le,x,I: :st~p by tbird pmty~ftware ·wibldll.aUows ,,/lcrifitatioD. iaiiild II::m:d:it1:cali,ons. afmDdel~ .and supports ..

Tile tmniS1EI!s.t()n8~epi s also 'fairly 8tmigb.tfo~ardJ.lihe 'purpose (lIt dds· ~tep,i;s, totmns:[ertbe STLfiles whidh ree,doe Ln the \v·a~k.nailion[o the RP sysle.m"s cmIlpu~e,-r~ It is: typic-JiI ithllt the workstadon ad :lheRP :sy:Stern are sJtiltlat!ld, inn di:lereru locaHons. The w(Ut'sl:ation~ belng:) a

Copyriphted materia'

dC'Slgn mol, is lypk-;a;Uy located in 3. des'ig:,rt o· 'The R.P 8Jstem. OF) theotbcr baad, lisa p,roces:s .or ptoo;uc,tion. imaeclii ne, and is tl~s:uaUy located. on the shopfloor. Dat;a ttans.mi.ssiarn. via aglie-ed data fuma:t:s :sl;Jcb ~$ ST1.- ~r IGES m~ybe! ,cani.ed out dloough ·ilI. djskeu~, em~jl 1(e:J.eotrorn.ic maill) orl.AN (loc:al area netwcrk), N(>vaUdait'io:m of tbe qua;~:~ty of tbe STLfj~es is carried out at tbls :Sltage. ..

c }.n-~I~"C-~K· ··.lNG'·." ND:· p., .:Dp:Qj,.D. ···N· <.:6·,:-

. _~~ = ... ,B__ _ .. aE.iIJ,tI..A.I

The cQniJ:putc;r term, 8tlrbage 1'11: ,gariJo;g,e o:rd, is a~so appUcabile ~oRP. Mauv :linn 11Jime. users are,[rustroted at trn:I'!i s<tep' to. diooa~@r tbat liIc!ilf

.. .-

STL files are fa:un.y •. However, mD.fe ,oftel!lthan. n,o~t it is due 10 bolh the

errors, of CW models .ancl. the DonrODuslmes<s; of ~he CAD-STL

. - --

~intedace.. U:[i}f't>l1;uoa,tely. today:s CAD models -.. ,wBu.!J1e qluuity are deperu.icRI 011 'the CAD Sy8~:e:m:s:. human o:pe-<T.\1·tnrs am£! pDS'tpI'OCc,,1.Sses ~ are .s(UI Mfl.ictedwith a wide spectrum ofp,robl.ems,~ in.duding the genc,rsltilon of nnw9in.t.ed :~djileU .. p;unc~.ures[I .• e, holes, ,gJaps~ cmcks~ ,e4t': .• .). These' nr{)btems. if no(. recrified" will result in tbefretil.ucllilt fa~llum or

r: a "":I

appUcaUODS dowustre'ilJll. TheseprODlemsaxe d:i~ciUs:8ed in deJlail in Ibefirst, fcew SOCdOiJllS ef Cbap[eT 6.

At prese:rnl~ the ,CAD model errors ;ar-€ oofrool.ed 1J~hl:nl~u:n, opcrat:oI'5

'''·'':~·I· st ... d . b' '."".' '~"""' .. ··~c·· ·1·la· 111"1'. ", . .,..,.:1'''.'-':[' ·tw' .. · .. e >(' •• ". ~ """"'. ~M~I ~G'- '[-r,",,,, '''nJt)···~",,·.-.;o

;g9,~JI'. ~.:~ _' '-"J" ;-,)I",."...,-,.L. JJlliL-"r.U dU J.J _". ;QU", ~:U-"_,U, iCiiril! .'.'. o~'_ •• II.~~ g, OY, ,'L'''''~:-Ij'WJo

develo,ed by Matenalise~ N. V.~ Belgium [4J. This Ipn)oe.Q8, of' :manual repm_rh: \1erytedious and time CO;llsNwirng: ,eE,pec~iall~)! It_( one cnn~i:de[8 lhe g_reat number 0.£ g,eom~U1c entities (e.g,. tdaIJ_g,Il]ar fQt.~t:s:). tbait are encountered 1I1 a. CAn, model, ''[be I:ypesof eOOrB and its posslble

-I ." d" . . d ·C' h' 6

so._uhons are utscusseo Ul I.·, n apter .•.

Once Ow sn .fi~e,:s, are '\rerilliled to be ,enOI[;.ffee~ tbe; RP sy'&tem's computer ,analyzes the Sl'L fi.lle.s tha~ de~11n.etlle wodel to. be tabricared and s~:ioe>s 111'0 m.ooe.1 inm ,cross-.sec~"ini~,..The (~;ros&-~Uo:n:s are S;YS'If:JJ1i11ti~ally reC«'lOilled itltrou.g,hdle sOlidificati0DI of Jliquids or bjnrltng of powders, or fru8,ing '0f solids, [0 forma :3D' model,

~n a SLAt l'or el.ample~ each output :fite Is .sliced into c.m~s"set:;ti!m]1i:~ belweenO.12 mm (,)~o O.:SOmm (waxinuun)iIII d:ti.dr[J.ess. (lenemUy. the model] is s.liced~:Il'Q' the thinnest. laye;r (~p,P,m,liwaJtt.dly 0.12 mm) as theyhavc, to be very accurate. The sl,r,!:ppon;s can be crealed

Copyriphted materia'

u~ing coarser se-tit1ings<. Ani:A:'t:etnal cross b~tcb SUllct~Jr:(';·L~ g;e._u~ir~ted betwe.elJ1lthe i:nner'll'nd the· outer sl(Id:ace 'boundmie~s; of the 'part. Th:is< :se,11'YIl':S t~)I hold up Ot.ewllUs tmdeotmp' Uquid thatls :Iat:er 8o1i:difi,oo wltb the presence of UV Ugbt.

P,re,paring building parameters fer positioning and stepwise :mmm .. f'a.cturing in the tigbt of many avaHablepossibiUties can be ,difficult, if mOl: ac.oompaniecl by pmpe,r docmm.e:rntati.on. 'Thesepos;stibiliticos llildude detc'mtEIUtH.on of d1e. geometrical. obj~cm~the buildin,g ori.entaHon, spatial ,as5Qrtmen:t:s~~gemen.t w.ilh <other pan~Si. neoessarysupport struetnres and sHc.e paeamerers, n~r abo include 'the dejtennination of technological. parameters sm:~h M, cure deptb~ laser :p<rw(!rand other pbysical.para:metefs as :In the ease of S,LA .. IJt meaoslthat user-friendty SloftwareFol ease of use mel ham:Uing~, user suppon: in. terms of user

rn- annals ,).II)' .. ,"] ""g- 0"'" '01",".,1'''''<1'1' donli ne O[-a;n'r;"'!a]-- '!';I::1II .. , 'w,m, Ir-,,: V"',ru b"" C] Ii1lf-tl~

.1:;& .. i ~:I! U_.,u-,u,'.' ,Jw; ,jJ'UU1Ii!l ".U,IIU, __ ,"-,,,,,-u le!-,I-'L~,~I_II!'~_.--. IlUU~ ,,_,~~d_~, ~~ ",~ .... ,l Lli.h.r_l,~'" .1.

to users uf (heRP system ..

Many vendors are 'conttnuaUy wo:rilci:Ag ~o improve t1i1e:i,f Sy5t~.iiEl:S; in

'Ii,.' Ell f P- P- ,. -..;I' ""A:

b-~lS aspet,r .• ~'Qr ~r<Bn'iip~e. a. ~ lware:.~(Jrtnmn .,-fOg"ram •. was l;ntl.'OOIClC~

by 301 S"ste,F;JlS [51] t.O< rcducethe time SpelU on setting, parunle'temfiof


I 1,. X- Y!imnk.

Copyriphted materia'

the SLA prOCC-5's. Before; tbis :sot1tw,are~s ititroduced"iParamete,F;s (such as, the locatl~c!flin 'the 250 mm. X~ 250 wm.oox, and the, "m;ola:s cure d~f:lth~) bad t()be ~t n1!at1uQ:Uy., This w~s "ery tedi~us for U\e~ maybe IUP' ~o J.2par:am.e;te;r.~ to be :te:yed in" These .parame~ers are esl:iowt,Eil if!l, T-aible 2.1.

Howe¥er~ the job is new made simpler w:~tll the introdltl.ctio,n ()if aef«ult:valuc,s: th at can be alter~rl to other ~pecitlc valu,es. Th.ese:vrducs c:an be easIly z:ietri'eved for use in other models, Tillis softwatre also aUows tbe user 'to arien,tameand R:1Q:ve tbe ~mooe! s.ucn tbat Ule wlhQle model is in the posiUye ax.hs" ,region (tbe; SLA uses Oltly :p!ls~;dve! ul!lUloors ,fO'r c.alcuh.tUons). "T.tUtlS the origj;na~ CAn. desi;gnlllod'el. can also be, iln'~,lleg:a:l]Yt?!regi!On:s 'When cO.[J.verting tJo ST.L ,Format

For mast RJ> :sy,ste:D1J; .• tihis S~l~p ~:s tinUy ullltomated., Thus .• :~Jt is (Jj!r~al for operators to :~e:a:ve; tn,e~ m~cb'iDe onto b~ild ,I pan Q\{ The bldlding p~ss ma.ytaOOB ~p &:0 ~e¥eral I\Q,Ul'SIO buUd d~~ndlp:! ,onl

- ."" ' '_' ,

tbe size ,and nmnber' of :p~nt~requllft~d. Thetu.lm!Decf 01f idenf:i:calpB!ft~

that can be bl!lih: is subjcectllll the ovc:raU build size cUllilstminctl by dre bui~dvoJumf; of tae RP'sy}stem.

Thee finaltask in tb.e proc~ss chaluJs ~hepos:~pf{)Ce:S'sing: taSk. A'~tbjs sta,I1!~~ g~.n,eornUy$(fm.e manu,al.o:pe:liatlons ,areneoessary. ,As a result~, the dRug'e,r' of d:~nnagling apart is paRic:ular~y m.igh, Thc,rerore~,[he operator for tbifS, ]ast prooe~8 '!impl bas a high FesPOD__8;lbmf<Y fur Ibe SlJ.CCe\1!"sSfitd luoc1ess reaHzadon.. The necessary poS!t!processln:gta'sks~o:r some :~jOif R'P'sysl!e,ms are !bOWD in Table 1 .. 2,

'Ihe c~leaning ~askret:'ers to the rem(fva~ of exce~s~ parts wi\J,ich. may ha~e .r-e~illmn.ed. on ~bc part. Thu,s. for SLA. parls"tbis :refers l:O' eJl:)C~-1;~S '-:8'-, ',~<dr~, e''i1'~a- sd 'CCc ~,'~.~ ~Slilcl[-,-c- b·lI"md h'-.Ie; .eli a 'P,....cls re,_lD !reS!Lulg lD _.J.uI_ppe_punU.lIn ~,u as a . U~__OL 0.. _ Lci~JU~ D~

we]il as tb,e rt'!1Jl(llVa.] of SIJ:PlXl1U. Similarl.~, .{lor S.lS pms., the excess powder has w be rem.ov,edl.U.kewl:se for lDM.plee:6s of exeess wood'Hk.e blocks of pillij>ef which actedas SlIIpports haveto be removed,

Copyriphted materia'

PMt,.~'ng 1i!a.!§k.,

." ./ .~
x I '/' ~I .It
r/ I, ." ~I '" r t, ClelWLng

1ISLS-, Stil~d'!!~' L:!L~ Slrm~iiIl~ :~\5LA-St~f1t~,s~~S A'~;tl,u_j ,l.FJi]lM - .fi'lrsc:d iDc,pusMi:on M,LdC~(n:~ e~tOM. - Tl.l1;)c~d, {1lJj~e;1 ~M~ili£actilfii'i,g

A~, !iln'oW.llI in Table 2.2.tille. S:l.A,proceduros rreq.lIlirelhebi,gIile5't

111"'111.",,' • cf" .', ;s.f"',~. ',;-'~'~i!ii-'I -,'~ 'f""sl:1i IM,'·':.·=' t,~'-;, ~ ... ,,~·t_·~·'f(lr s·-,F~'fr.. r MO', llJumuc[ 0 P'O-,-liJptOOe .. !SlJUg UKI'L. ., tlre lmpO,~","n _t,Y!, ,I'__ _ ~U:h:lf ~e __ D,.

speclfle jreco;mmendati'ot1lsfQrpos:tJlrooeS'8~g 'tas:k;s have ttl be pFepru:ed, e\.~_pee.iaU1 roE' c[ca.drng of SLA was ~re:po:n:edthat accumcy :is,

.,...,.11"'1+"..1 tnthe .~-- ''I: st-tre .. t'm~'lI'It· proc - ess [£']1 (:o'~; ~tt:c·'a· 11IIu Daf: (~mil ... ...." to '(t.".

Llj'!\.l.lCIIJU,,,UJ ILu I. ~ 1~"IoII'a;J-" J ~iUL'.,!\.;'.Lll" i:-"-" -,"-""'~~.' ,u", '" rili.y,..,; :IJJ.IJ -.,' UtLt~ A~ •• J U " IJI~I,n ~.-' .IW

'8weJ]ling af SlA,·ib'liU 'pans wHo the use of clen;J]!ing sol~~,ents. .Part's,m-c typk~aJly ,cl:ea:nool with solvem :tn remove iJ!Inrea;c~:ed pboto5enslti,~e ~reilin~ ,De~nd~nl upom Ititn;:;~'bU!nd stykt'3!nd the 'ex~en~: of cl'Os.slin_kimg in Ole!l1~ d~e part ean. be di~torntoo, durrinig d~e: cleanlngpeoeess. This, ,~l['eot:

W'3:S Paid'i:r.ul:nd, !pwlilouncedw.:iltn tnewQoo opelil"ibuUdl ;st'y~~s "and a,g!rcssive soh!!t}nis. W,itil. Ule ·~buiJd.~t,y~,e::fl'~~ approaching a solltdl. 'flU nnd more So.~"!li~lu~r:ecS;istan:t ma:r,erial;s" damage W'itn the de:a:ning SQl~'leln camt oomlplmized.Wilbne:wer cl,ea:nimg( sohilleutcSt :t~ke; TPM ~tJriproPJi~MJle 1tlycoi.~ nt.ollomethylelfict) intto(ltlced by .3D Sy.s~ems~paJfi damage due to the de13Jilin,g~o~,\1en,n cam be redueed Of even ,eliminuled [6].

iP'OF. fea80fil'i wht~cbwiUoo discussed in Chapter 3~ SLA piU1~ me 'b!iJlI~[ 'Willi pool~ts of~iqiJid ~mtbe.dded wilhin tne part. The~refQte,~ postCUD'll'Ig js r-equ:ir~d. An other THJ!fl!iqruid RP mdbo(:ls do not 1nI.l1decT~O Uti:s task,

Finh_;.bri1n,g re:(-efS to :5;e:CQuda!y :~-roces:!feg, S'u:C'h. :o's. sanding :umd pilil1Lti.D;~ used ~pd:marit:y[o impJiU)V,e[ille slllrfaef finl:;'l]ll or ae.'3~hedcappear-un[ie o.f

Copyriphted materia'

the part J1 a]l~m~ncludc1S adt1i.tional :m:ac:h[nilng prooe~"lsesSiu:C:h as (bilUng" tapp~ngnndmUUmg loadd neceS8at:y feemres to tile p'.;U1lS.


III Bums~ M., Research Notes, Rapid .P.'m,tOt}Y'llIJ'g llepolfl'4(3), (1994): 3-6 ..

1f .. 12.,'.~ Bum~M' '.' ' .. AI'I··nl'lJ·b~1 F.a·'L.r..;; e» nl1"""" .~ Prendee ~'a.rl TN··~I"'w Jers ... "

11 !"!I'! I =,JI __ ' __ ~~I = ..,;tl J'lL-I:_(:'I1_'_-( __ :~'U~'~ ' __ (.1'_' _ ..... ~_,,:Il.·I',!!ILii;~ L£'" .Jt.I'\.. ,I. ",IJ,"_I,""._.J .n~ .~I~ .~J L~.lj"i.;: -'- :_,I_.,l\~.J''ij


(.3:1 Kochan, D, and. Cfuua. C.K.! ~'Solid froo[nrm. manufacU!ui:mg .~ Assf:SSmenlS ,,p,[(}vements ~t the ,enrirepmces8 'chain,~' Pn}C'eetdi~nt)~ ("F the l~,rt:ef'll'(J'[t(;mal Dedi·"at:'-d CQn'~~"-,.r:·c;,~ ".~'. R.~rt"'d

.- _. - -0;" .'1.- ~L........ .. - !!,: _e. .- .~,e e ce IInr, . Qir"

PmftJII:ypiJJ,8 for the .A.u1om()lti'1elndnsrr:ie:s~ :ISATA94.Aachen. Gennany •. 31 Ocif~o4 Nmr 94.

[4.·.~. M·-·t'n-'·.'C;~· . .,.- N V M'- - - ], 0'1 ··M·· :-It'--·c-J·~d" ·UI·." ... · M·.· ...•. ',nlnl~""'.:"'· •.

I ... .;.811i.""'n~hhjie~. .~ " ••.•. ~ ! I.~ ,agu::ii ';', •. ' .1, ... r , ,ai,,,CliHli, 1~ ' .. ' >!!Wf .... UIUI dLI

M':ateraUse So:tlware Depmme:FJt, Kapeldreef 601.~ 8-3001 Heverlee, Be:~gtum.. 1'994.

[51 3D, Syste.Olis, ,S:LA User .Il.,eJe,rence' Ji{71rU~ai ..

(6) Peiffef~, R,"W. ~ "'The laser sl:e.fe:oUfm.ogra.phy' pf:tK1!.BS - Pbato:sens;idYe materials and a(icuracy~·" P'FCu::e,eilings of tJJ~tI First Inlc,ma'1iuI.ltl,l User Congr€!i!Jon .solid FreeJorm .Mamrfaclu:ril.,;g~. GemMJ.~ l,S-Jet Oe[ 1993.


1.WhaJt: are ;{tIe d:rree types of automal;ed.fubMcato,[S·'? De..~r:ille 'litem and give two. (!:x,, each ..

2~ Baeh {,Ule; of the "f:nl,~owitilg manutacturrin:g;prooe.sse.slmethoos in T~'Dle 2.3001,0',n.g~; to D.Ue of the: three, basile' types ,offabl:'.~catQrn. ·nek f,/Jilmder Ule eolamn if ylol!lthink. :i~tbelo.D.g;S tn that cate~gory,. If .~ICf~ thmk thar h: Isa tr:lb.dd maenlne. vcu mac' fc,1" k']1 '-'1 I" ~ .• - ~I,!o~:. :'C::'

....... _ ··Y ··_····.01-· ._--.'1 .ct_"" ~." ~ HI mure I( OIle


Copyriphted materia'




I :Io!' :a'lf",""1i'"' ro,",f~"

I "]i,, Iu<M'!!L ""'i:f"JI":~



3: "0'" _ - ---"i<. .... lk.., v.:VC ,-'t'-:--c I':n','lv",IlI,-,'l',\ili,'''',"A,I'I, ,ii'i",<1i_'" ""'~:ne:n:·1i ,e-R'D 'P'f'fir"POlS "',,~i..,'_;c,",,-r.n~, ,','

c, • ,·.~sc;n,,"", !.JUe 11. e ,S Jii-pS . _... ...u "'.,.,. ge~ __ w", _C ,;" ...... ""'~_ ... ,~"I!iiIiI~

'Whicb steps, do :rou think are~[ilrely to be :Itera!~ed?

4 After 3Dgcom,e:tric :rnooeHn,g., a user can either make apart 'througb NCp~ogoommi !1JgO( through ,rapid pCOIOlypiDlg. 'What are the, ba:.ogic: difi'-erellcc'S,M{;Wte:e{fl Me pr1Jgrammilng and. RP in terms of tbe CAD



5 .STLfiles UlIc;pr,6b),ematic" Is this ,3 fait sla1e;we:tlJt to make? Discuss.,

6. ~P,repari_i]!!'itr buildio,g ap,pears robe faidy sophisticated" ln the case of a, SLA" wh,atare some of ('be 'considiemfiionls and :p:a![IXowters InvnlVll!d?

1. Dbtl.Qguish ,cleaning:! 'PO, !tturi__ng and fini~hj n;g 'whkb ,arefue vuri:Qu'~: t-asks of postplooessLtlIg. Name: two RP p1'OOesse:s: that: do not r-eq'uLHl: po~(tcurinlg.alld. one thalt doesftotreq,uire d,eanin_g.

:8, $:t:ep iB ~fflJl!: entIre eliltdn ls, 10. your optnlon~, :the s.bodest? Most tooiotls? Most,arutum.ated? :Support: :your cm,ok;@;.

Copyriphted materia'

'Chapter 3

LIQ'U" 'ID' . 'B' 'A'S' 'R'D 'D,. 'p' 'ID' I' , 'p'" 'H' "0' 'T"O' i'J'f.'(1'PI"'N-""G-'

, ,'__ : ,," __'c" .. '~ ,:_~ ,'--"-,-" ~~' ,_. I, ,I: - L- 1,,_ ,1,,_1,>. " _:_ "~L.J ~I, ,I J"' :". I' _~I'-·t


M:o~t~iqUtd .. based rapid Plrotol)fpinl@, s;ys1tems build part'S in a var ,of JJbot~u:rabl,e ]iquidr:-esin~ an Or!!;aniiC resin dIal eures (fJi .sOlidifies, u:ttder the ,effec't of e:xp<lsure ~o laser fa{naticm, u'sllaUyin tile UV ,ru1!1g~. The l_a~er ClJllleS the ,fet.'ih1l. near (he suriac-e. Conning a 'hardened :laye'T., Viben ,3 ![ayerof' the part is formed,1 t i~~~)iwered by nAl (!:I~vatiofi. co:n_ool system In allowthe nelrll ayer I(rf fe.Sinh') 'be s:imilarl;y f(:lnn~d overh, Thi:s cenrJtinues: motU d:u'!, Clodre :pan: is eo:mple;te(i", The v,ar-can lben be, drained and tile p-"art' removed ~forf1udber proeessiag, if ReceSS:!Ii~,",. 'Thero are

J .I ....... r ~'J

vmaduns~o thi;s, technique by me\'urious vendurs n_nd tbey are

dep;-ndent on the type ofligJJJ.t OI '~asef. ,method of sc-annin.g or e.:~posure, t.ype ,of Uquid.resill,. type of e'leva;Uon and 0IU1)C3.1 sys:t;e.m. used.

'2 '11;, ~ .. ~

~ '1 'I

.;I!. ,~,:,


3D Sys~em~ was founded In. 1986 byinr,rellifOl OharlesW., HU~ll aDd e,utreplieneur RaiynlQud S.. Freed. Amongst aU di:te cORImefCi3~ RP' ,sYSJtems, lhe SieJi'eoliJbography .Appamtus~ ,0;[ ,s,LA® aSllt is co~mll1on[y' caned.~ is the :pioneerwl'lll its fi~i: eOl1lun.mial systeJu llll.ame~ed In .1.9!8'8, .. mt. has been aW1lfded ~More ~kan 40 United. Slalcs patents. and 20. i.ll'te;nJadoDol patent·s. wlth.addit_tonal p.atemtsfil'ed. or pending .inter~ nat~onany. JD SYfste:ms Inc. is ClU'letl.tI'y beodqurtered in 268.UI A:veDi.ue Hall,. Valencil.!.CA '91355~ IJSA.

Copyriphted materia'

3,.1~ Products,

3,.1~2~1, .Med:e,l!s'tu"d ,s,e"ifi~tlti(J',ru

3D Sys~ems pmduCicsa. wiide~:mge ofmac'hiJ1ies, toca~er to 'Vlriouspan

E'l' ...... ~." .. -ii' t'Lm' .'Plt-p' '-U' Ii, 'T'iI:. .... _ ""'''1'''' ''''''I"''''''''a'~ 'm_.JI",,~ 1>' '''''\!:ai1~b, }I"" ·i"" ... 'IIII',,~,i"""!J' .:11. .... .,p,

ii."I_ ~v~ IQJJI.U 1'111- '--'~,elt~ _: '_ I-.,!, ,( ~11,~~II'!L.iI UJj,11I;,;I I~ 'If !!Jir."'\IU . I. • ,l1U;l!i,,;Illli,3 ILl ._ _ III .iU. '-,I',",,\~I 1~,11111!ii;l,1 !l,;!!jU'IL.1!iI,~ ~Ju.u~

in It!h~ series .of' SLA 250130A.. SLA 150150. SLA;~2501.50RR. SLA3500~, S;t.A .5000" SLA 100) mndVi,p!fSi2. 'Th,e S,LA, 2,S011.30A is all, econ.omilcai and versatUe S,LA !s,'~;ali1;e;r :s:y:Ste:lfl ilbWl.: uses a, H,e:UlII,m Cat!lntium. (He-Cd) l,uer:.The S:LA 2S0/50 is, a, superehar;g)ed syslem 'w,ilth a liIigh,er 'po,w,e~ed IHef.~m,t,e;r.c'm:31iIg,eablle "3~S antl a;pml,y:r rocol~er' syst:e~m~woo'reti the S,LA

'j!:"i'li"Ii/,iI';:'/'IiU'O"AIAI",:,- ~ , -'1 -'II '~', .. , h'I," -", ,- s,;-:aD,- s. ,'f'!4i"I1, laser fo- 'ki.o _.[l., .. reso~u~ ,

_ ... U.;J\UU1\, aULD I, Spet:lill J,ea,'IUJl, C (l :Ill. m__ ~ __ ,~_ __ _ _ r W~il~ 11 __ ~

,ap~l.i!catiion. All, S:LA, 25;0 type systems ha,~e .a,maxmluJn blJ!lild ,eov,elope of 250 x 2:S'!l x 250 mm oodJ '[Fe: a He-'Cd laser.fiot bi,lfme:r' build 'cn\t'cl,opest 'tm,e SLA. .3.500, S:LA.SIOOtJ'Md SLA 7000 are .1,'I.aUab~e., 'TlhtSie dx,e;e machines Ill!se a ,djf[etelU ~uer from the SLA 250 (so'1lid-staJ~e Nd;YV'04 ).1b,e; SLA.l000 (:see ,P:lgUR ,3, .. l) l.slbe ![(lll' of the series .. ncan bund ptib, !Up ItDlfotu'umaes, faster dum. 'the' SLA 5000 wi:w the cap9ci:~y of bu]~[UlJl;. Ul~'m1J;c.rblyre:rs!,aye'li'tilru"ckmess 0.025, mm} for I1iner surfaoe :fini~h. lu :faster speedi:s '~Iargel.y due to its dual ,spot .~:Me,r~s

abni~y .. nlis .means '~hata sma~~er beam spot. is used for the border for aocl!lracy!. whereas dlG: biggerbe:am spot IS used for iDt~mal: crossba~C" for speed. 3D S:ystems' new Vipersi2 StA sys,t,enl is thelir fU'S( solld imagiu£ system to combine :st:andJanJ and. ~h~.g.b~:re.')olra.lljiiQ!npm1 i[J~be same ~)ifstem. Tille ·Vipe.r~i2 :sys~e[}:l Iers y~u choose ootWoo,l1 sttandatd rc.sotutlcm., for tne best balance of builld. speed and]. part oocsohuiorl" il1ndbigh ~m'ID;~uti(1jn (HRmode) for ultrn.~e~aUed S'lDaUp~rts and fe,at~ures. AU these arc made 'poISS i~ble bya. ,carefully lntegr,llted dJlgitnl slgnalprrQCe~sor (DSP), centrelled high speed sc,anuin\g :S;Y8te:m with u. sidg];e~~. sOiI:I.d~~ta,~e ~aser Uun delivers aJ. c.on..stant HJO m W of availab1le powe,r U1JoughouC its 1.500-htlluJ w,arnnrt:y u.r"€:.. The: Vlfl0f ~i2 8ys~'em build~ ~p'arts; wiith asmooth surface filltsh, excellenr ,d~ui.t.y~ hil~1b aocl[J'racy"a:nd l1:do,. S:lraigh~.\flert,icru\\'aU!s.. b~s, idea:~ for .~. rn.yriad oifsoUd ima.gjin;g ~ppl.i.C'3:tion!S,. from rap~d. modelin,g; :M:ld proto.typin,g 10 :i:mjeCition molding-and luvestm£iut c·tlS:ti!ng, Spe;citlcations of [tilJe.o;.e mac:tdnesnre summarized in Tnb],es 3.1 (a) and 3J(b).

The Zephy.r~! system \vlldch was lutrodu:ced. in .I. 996 aS3 p.lroduCI ,enlliliUieUlent to ilS :po.pullur SLA-2$O n] is now used ill ian the SLA sys~ems 'with nile e~ce:pU.a~. o:f SLA 2501:~OA. The: 7~ph,rTM s,y~ten,l ellmmates the need 'fOf the t~diliQn,al "de-.ep dip'~ in which a .pan: .ii~ dUiIlk!ed Into(b;c; .l'C·Si8 vatafter eaeh ~ayc,r and dl!.e~n:. :r-aised to witb:iin one la.v'er·'~s deipth. o:f dl(;.,~o~ <lil tbe vat, Wi,ln the; deen d;jl1. awt~r blade

~ _ ,1:"" Jr .t'" I~,psacros,sthe surface of the vat to re:mo~le excess resin before scauoirng the next la.yer. The Zepb.yrlffi! sy$~;em has .!J.V'aCUUlll b:lade·fhat picks up f:e.~ln from Ul¢ side 'OfUIC: \f·at. ami. a[ilpJ.i.~~ a th:bl la.yer of resin as n:~weep~ across the part This speeds IUp the build process by red!uciognim.e required between ~aye5 and grea:Uy 're,d~c~ :problclns involv1OO when '!laUdIng partswith lJJ .. appecll\~o]umes .

. AU these machines use one-component, ph010"Gu~ab~e Uqllllidl resins as: d:u: IDate,oal.for buildiag .. There are several grades of resins ,rr"'wluble and Ole; u'sagels dependent: OR the la~C'r on. the mac:b~t1eaAd tbe mec;ban~C'al requi.rl1tncfit: of the part. S~cif1!c delai~s of the IC,O"~C;~ type of resins '1,0 be used. ~ .aN.aU!ab~e fmm.them.!iI;nufa~tlllfG't, 1ibe {).ther main. c,ons.lilmnble used OJl these machines h~ rhe cleu.nlng .so~tve1.nt; wbic.b L requlred to clean thepart (lit [[n.y rns:idunl resin after the bLohlingo:ti the pan' is tCumpleted on the .machine.

-::::i lei
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I~ ,i!!lli

Copyr'ghled rnaleria


- i


Copyriphled materia

3~13..2 AaPfI.nlllgecs lund;' D.f8adpantag65 'The: main ad:v:;mtag:cs of usirn;g SLA are:


!R,'mmiJ' l'U: il30ck upe.redi()IJ, ... 'lite: S!LA can be used aOCaUDU{)Usty and unatt~nded rouod the !l;l~l~"

Geod user ,s.uppor/;, The ,c;omputeriz:edp:rooess, serves as a. good u:s~r S·UIPport .

. 8,uil'd llatUl.H'6.f. The dUie:fe;n£ SLA mac' haViel:rnUd, volume",';. ran,g:Jcng from.!;;maU to large to SUlt the needs: (lil dnler-e~L1Jl, users. Good ,aC!c~~TaC}l: The giLA has g,OO<I. ::.wcuracy an.d can. tliJ'U8 :00 used for .manya;p.plic3:tioD, areas.

Suljue.ejil1bh'. The SLA 'can 'Obtain one o:f the. best surfaee fmlshes anu)ll~,stRP' tecbno.Tlog;ies.

Wide ~(:lt,18,e (jllna:ut.r.ia'l~+ 'I1'lere: jis a w.ide .f"d'n,ge Oil' ma~eri,afs;.~ foo.llll gcm::ral .:.pnrposematell'.i:al:s, t·~) :s:pecialty materials fur specific .ap:pJ:i!C3tioBS.

The:' · .... i"~ ... .1:~." .. d· '\!" ...... t' .. De· ~ n(' ··~, .. ji, ... Q! 'S--l~A'· · ... i .. .,.·

, ,lolauI,1!,,11 U\II!I_;~.'Hil',.'l_lo.lil, ~c:' _",_I IU.J U~I,LilC' :~,,~-_~- 1.:;u.I\,;i'.





O} Req,'iiros ~~PPfJrI ~I;nlcturn!i" Stmcuu1es nUll: have oVerh.lUlg:s ,and und_erc,uls mU8~ have supports itbal:are ,decSig,ned and fabricafeU to.g;ether withtbe main stmCIU(e'.

,(· .... "' .. ·.·.).·.1 R·an""cii-y 11I·.n':fii'-n ..... cessl .. O :n,'I"'!!.~"p. r,'""""""'''':''i'0 includes remoea 'I o' 'f-

.'" !I;~l"!I!!f-II;:L ,F~.JrI"'_'II!J-.f""-"'-U .,._'._' _'I~IO'il ;[,"IU.=,_, _ .. U"\r!!liliHC,]I'iJlILI:IC' ,:I,U;\iiI'.lu., ~ .. ,-,", '" r _",_ '. '-.1 I

sU!pporisamd lnll:w:al1lt.ed, mat'adaI8~ whi.chi is tedious,. '[1.1116- , andean d.a;mage~thc; .moocl

(3), R,,zqUf,f;ft;5' PO;ft'-curinf1.P~t-cc'urimg: ~a.y be needed ,to C1!Jrc~ tnc ,dbjc'Ct ,oompletelyand easure !the hl!~egdty oCtile Slnl CllJlr-e;.

3D System~!l,' stereolltbo!rupb;y pr-oce,ssi creates w:ree,-cijl1nenSioD_aJI ,plalitl,c olj)je(t's(llrec.~y {Hun CAD d.:aro.The prooess begins w.itbl11evat fined with tbe _p.'kOIO.,jJlu:alill,e ~i:~Ulid ~re.sLin and the e~,ev:atott;able 5e'l Jus:r~ below the surfaee of the liquid re:s;[J[l (see F.igl!JJle 3 .. 2). The ope{li,ato.rloads a II::I~cesdllmc,Ils.rollld ,CAO saHd, :fil]e into. tn,e ~yISJ'eItii.i .a , Smpports, are de:,,~i8"ed 'tQstn"bUi~e .lhepnn d'nrilljg; .. Tbe tratn~la!~mr' ,oonrv~:ns: the CADI da:J'a. mtn a STL 'Ole. Theeontrol unit slioestbe mooel and

Copyriphted materia'

l;lse~ - ;>I~



~ ~ \ I, ,






"-l!lnl!'il. .... ~':I .. '~.,." "', ~, ... ..;,""" ni~ '''''ro'; C'"" """'""['~""!1fI '" frem ,01 1'IIi"!J.::;' "'<ro, It'll, 5~'-1ll- '-m- l,n,_OO- - c.~ t'.,..,

'.;)!".t"~t"'U"~ltIJ IlhIJll1,11I;,JI' u; 'II!t."""IJ,II,~ u,~, ~,_, _~~ '~~·~~·~'YLIJ! • .:JJ j ,·"·,1:.1,1, . ,~v.,£J I,!y, U'i'''' '''':ll', \U .• ' ._ ~, I .. ,V

0.0120 in) thjct. Iue comput,er-co.[Jjtr[!lI~.ed optj(:',al ~CaJUl~ng, s,ystem then di!tecu and focuses the laser beam so that it solidifi~s a. h:VOdime;ns,i'(!jJtal 'COO8Fi-~tj,on ,cQ[[,espondin,g to the slice On. the surface oftne ,p:hlno-c·I:):ra.b~e Uquid resin to a ()ep:lb greater tban o'ne lay~r tll.i,etne~ss. The eleva,tor table then d.OO.piS eaough te cover itlJe so,lJJd polymer with another layer of the Uq,l!Iid. .resl.n. A [ev\elj~g wi,e[ Of vacuum blade (for recOra:t:~ng :s:yst:em) m,OIV(lS across the slJl:rfat~s; to recoaJtthe ue:xt '~a:yer of resin 101. the surfa(i~.The lase" [ben draws jhe next ~,ayel'~Thjs '"lTloceg;s. ('lontinues buildIng [h.e ,an from

bottom ""P- .'I''f'.~·~ 't't~ "\1"~Am ...... 'm··· filllo!!!o·~'" d'""n;;;,""t T1L:oi>; '!!'no"',""" .~~. the '1;jI 'r>1'1"""~1 Uv, U _ j - ..... , :"1 ~,I,I,~I_~, !LJ.I,~ ;3,J' ~~'';;''''l., __ ~"YI,_ - ,t"'~~"'~~1 Il\I___jl",-" LI~·g.w,~~ . .l~~ Ir,M,~ .liiJJ !L_,._ .11,1; .lI,A ~"-"u'

'Gtrt (I,f thl."l valm ,~nl.d c'lea,l].ed ,of exeess polymer-.

The :m:ain .c;omponeru:s; i()if me: SLA systelna:re a control ,(l!Ompl;lItlel\ s. 'C1Gmtm~ panel, a laser, an optical system. and a process cba.m!ber. 'The wo,r,k:s~:atjol. son.walie used. by the SLA sysllem~, tnow.1JlJ as 3D l.i:ghtye'llf leix,ploil.s the fnll power oftll.eWindows NT opera~ing sytlltemj, and de~iveiF;s' far dcherfulil.ctfol1aHty thaJm:J~ the UNIX-oaSJed M,ae.slll(} softwar,e .. Mae;stro imcJludes ihe£o.uow~ng, so;~tware modu~es 1[2]:

(n 3d'1MWif:l'" ,M'odr,(ie. This module canbe accessed to COmD,f]u. the in~e3rity Mdllor' provide :~ilnlited repalrto st:e:oooli.tho;ia;~lhy (BTL)

Copyrlphted materia

file.sbefolt' part b:lnd~liig, witb,out ha.viJlg~Q ~;[;urn to' d:u:, o.ri.gina]. CAD software. Gaps between triool~lc7s~, ()f'i;edapping o:rred~T1dmu: triangles aadlnconeet norrod. direotions, are some examples of the; :flaws tbat can be identified, and corrected (see, ebapner 6h

(2) :We'H,:Df MOdule.Thjs nllOdiUfe can display the s:n. files am.d.slice file (Sll) l:n g,raptdcaI fonn. The v.lewing, fuuc,tian is used fur "f'lslllaJ: inspectiouand for :thie orienb:tion of jhese files 00 as tD· opti:mal buUdiJng,.

(3) MER,GE" ,Modulc'.. B,YlJlsingM_:_ERGB.. several 8lJ fll,€s. elliP be merged huoa, group whidl ,can. be used. mgedller ,infuoc:ure process,.

{4)1 ~jf,a~Moaul'e. 'nus mod ule is a 'powedul :softwafie tool Lbat atl~oma,t~cany gEmerates SUp'po!fit structures for tbep3!rt flies. Support si:ructU]l!e8are an integ1fal.PaJrt to SUt~-e.~s:flld part bLJ:i~dilll~t as tme1y belp to, anchor pm18 to fhe pla:tiiunl when the Platt: IS free nl)~tiQg or 'the'Fe; is ~n ,oc'leftumg.

(5) .Part MatUlge:rT!!.1 Module. 'This soflw:are module is the first stage of preparing a pM: for buMding.. It 1!l.tiUzes, a. :siprerulsbeel :fmmat: bUt) wh:tdb, dU;I STLfile :lsloil(J:ed and set-up wh:til thea,p,propri.ate bui.ld. and .~oa{: styleparamct.ers ..

(6)1 Slice™iMOdute"Th.i:s is the seoond stage of prcparing a. pan: for building., It eon V'e:!tsthe .gpr~adskeet .infnrmaUon.from the Pare .M'a1M:gc'r'JM module to a ,modtd of 'f_bree-djme:n!ti()na!~coosssect'ions or .layer,s,.

(7) COln~elJen.tMadu,le'. This is tlhetbird and. last srage ofpreparlnga part for bJ.lnd:~ng.. Thtl:sis the module whrich creates the:final build files, used by &e SLA.

[I ) Parts are built fmma photlFCurableliquid resin mat cures when exposed toa laser beam (bas:i,callYt underg:oillig the pl1.o1o:po1ymerization process) whichscmls across the surface; o,ft!lie resin,

(2) The b~ndi,nlg is dane hayer by laJer~ eadh la,yer'OOins scanned byrne optIcal!i:ng :sys:~em a'iud.c<'lGilrolled. by .an elevatiQn. mechanism wbicb. [o,weFS at the oompledon ,of' each layer.

Copyriphted materia'

These two,prinJ~;:jplc~5Iw:i'lll be briefly discussed in tni,s sC('t:io.n ih>lay the:faundatioJl to the undeil!,5tMding of RP 'Proces:se~s.,Tbe'Y He mosdy ,applie:able to me ]l.q:[dd-ba~edRP systems described in Oris ebapleJ~ Th:!:sfirsl:princIp1J8 deals, mostly with pholO .. eurable nqlidresjil1s~ whicb are esserntiaUyphompolymers. and the pho[opolymeTizadon precess, The ~sccondp.ri.ndph.~ deals mainly with CA]]) data, tbe laser.. aed the contro]1 of the (!!ptjJca~ scanning sys:t(C:.m as, wen 3S thc elClvatiml mechanism.

There are man.y types. of~iqiUldphoto'l)o'lymers tlUtt CM ibesoUdi:fi,etj ~y exposure to e,!ectro-JllagnetieradiaUoll. inclttdin,g w,ave~!engths 'In the gamma ,rays,. X~ray8. UV and v.isiblefa[]ge;~ or electron~,beaBl (S'B) (4~ 5]., Thevast maj:ori,ty of ,phot:opollymers used b~ the .commerc;i,aJ RP syst~ms,~ inc111:tdirl.g 3D SystCfITtS:' SLPt.. machines aeecerable in tme: UV mng,e,. UV ~cu'fable, pno[opolymcfs are: resins 'vildcb are formnlnted ftem p~~t!Olmiuat(Lrs and reactive liql!lidm.Qnomer~,. There are a large variety ofthem and some ']OlJav eontatn fii~"e~' ........ ~ other .r.~-:;-<1"I',·~I~, .... :lI~·,fi:·-,cc" •. ~:

_ ~ . ~ __ _ . .. _ ""_ .!;!!,~ _ ,'~, _ --J . - _.~,~~!'u ""J,,~_U .,~,~ AU'll! OJ {I", ...,ue,I!I.IIC iilil lud)'ul .1,eJ:'SJ d)

meet :specified ,che,mica~ and requiremems [6]. The p.[oce-s's, through which [lihotoJ,IDlymers are cured. is refeeed m as jbe phoecpolymedzationproce.<;", ..

"I' 1- <'II " L~i!!I_~'~~.~


Loosely defined, polymerizalion is the process (llf HukJng smaH molecules (!know.ll, as monom.ers) toto. chaio:-~ike Jqer molecules (tnnw,nas, poIY~lle;rn)., Whet'll tbe ,c,hal[i,,-Uke polyw.e:r:sm Utiked :flllrt!.hertQ' ,onei another. a CTQSS~nn~.ed poly~ner' is said to 00 formed. Pho::topolym;eiri~ zatlon lspoly.merrizaUonirniHated by a pluJtocbe-mical plmc~gs wbere~by the staWfl;gpoillt is usual~y lllc mduetion of eme,rgy from the .radtaUon sour'C-e [7l. of 'p~hJ)~opnJlYI\neFS, is n.o.rmally an. ener:g,elically faV'()r.ah~e o:r exothetmie reacti,ozl", However, in ,m(Mit cases, tbe :f'ormullaJ,uQWl of n pb.!Otopol.ymer' canoosltabilli~ed t:orem.ain unreacted at ambi,~[n t'emper,ature. A (1ilullygtis r:equin~d for ·,z:ooUon. t() It;$,l'!;.

Copyriphted materia'

place .9JI, .3 IFeasolJable rate. Thisca.ta.lyst' is ll'suaUy a 'free nl( . .u.c·a~ may be getu.~lralted e:Uner tn.crmaHy or photoohemi'caUy. The souree of a. pb.otnChentl.c;any genei£,llt:edmdical is.a phot'Oinitiato.r. wbich react! with 00 ,acti,nic pllotDn. to produce lbe radicals that catalyze thepo~ymerizanonpwc-ess.

The Iree-radical plilotQPol!ymerization process is. :sche:maticaUy presented in ~Figu£e'3.3 1[8]I,Ph.o~olniUatormo1ecu]es~ Pi .. whi.cb are mix,edwim the M~ M't:: e~po.sed(:o aUV source <of aotinic plm~ons, wUh en.elgy of bv. The ptmto:i.nilia[ors: ,absorb some ·of llhe photons alilrl are in a'II excited state" Some; of mecSeare: OOn\:rened into. reaculfle iniUa:£or molecules.P..a:fterlillndergolog: se.vendl rumple,,; ciberntcaI energy' mm'Sibrmation steps, 'Thesemoleculesnhenreact with a monomer nm]:ecule to form a. pollym.e,rimti,O\Il .illi,ti~Jiting molec'[de~ PM:., This is the ,chain .i!D Iti,atio;n. s.tcp.. Once acjt~~ated1' additionalflilon,Qlller mole,cul~ ,go em to .r-euct .im the ehain pmpag'atiml step" 'fo:nning lOfJIg.e.r molecules, P.M·M:M,- Ynd~a chaini:nhjbjHQtl p:r;ooe"ss: tennjn~t't'~$ tJhe poI,.meri_zatiol!lr:ca.O'tii(m .. TIle longer the: reactlon is ·~w'stmned:. Ute ltlgb.~t' wln.belnel mQlecular we,lgh~ of t:here;su:lting' polyme-r. Also, if the monomer moleeules have three or more reacti V{~ chemical grollJp!j~ ~b.eresJtl)lb1igp';] wUl! be cms:s,.:Unked~ andthis win generate an ItlrSo.~uiblc..,ontinuous netwa.rk of molecules,

·D· .~ . ... ... . -b - hI

. un:ngpo,~.ym.en:zatlon~I:tI.s jmpo~l tl_-~a:,tLe pol_yme;rs ;ue,

S!uffi:crclltly 'c.ross~linked so that me poIJme£lz~~d mo1c(lill.l~s. do nat rc.-· d:~lSsn~_ve bacJ{:' ti.e liquid menemess, The pho~opolyme-rlzed" mQ~eC'$ mus~. also, po;s:ses;ssl!tfficient stre:n,glth 'tn remain s1Hf'tlllralJy soumdwh:Ue; ·the cured resin is subjected tro variousfor-ces; d!tuimg; recoating,

'W.Ii1Ue :f:ree-:mdkal.p:tmtopol.Ylueril1llI·lo.ll. is well-establlshed and yidds polYIfiIB:ffi f]liili[ are aC'FYI.3!t:e--bafsed-~Ul,eFc~;s :a:nother newer t'ebemisuy:l' knowltl as ,cationic ~pbotfJPol.~i'me;rizatioH. t9~.U relies Q:n cati.Q[iJic j_njti,a!to:[S,~ lJ~!ii!aUy' i.odimium 'or ~u'tf'tJn]um :~aU1SI.r;() sbl!ft, polYflll.~rizalti('ja. C.:o:mm£rc:iall~f a.vaI]able e:adonlc mono1mers include epoxies, the most veu.ati·~e of C'3!t;ional1iy polyme_rizable, mOElome,,;s~ fmd vlnyletb:ers. Cat'i'l)HSC resias are ;att:r;ac:tJ_v"e: as prototype ma:~erialsa:s 'the~y havebe:u~r pbysical ud , properties, However the' process bi.ghe;F expesure Ume or a h~gh.Of pewerIaser,

Copyriphted materia'

I :Pho lGinit1iallDf, P:1,'& mon()mer~ M I




, POO1IIJ,iini:t~alllr e~cttaUo:rn ,3lIild f~ :mdicaE cPi~~ ~ ,gener;ali(ln,

I Pi- MPi M M,

,h\~ M M P~.

.. iP! p~. MM'M


MP~il M, M ,M,


, ,


I ,I



p~ M, y

Pi M

M Pj

:P:i iP1IM

M .MM )of P,j M M

M M ,Pi' M M


"1M. Pi M

1M M ,,.....iPr

'~ ,-'p:[ jiM, •• ' '~·11

'["I :' ," ' - , ,~'n

M ,._,- MP~-M.


M I ... P~=M=P'II'C'CM-M

M-M,l~ /p;u

-c- "\- ", ,",,'

P,'. IP, ' M " U -~~

L ;1 I· J iJ .. ',I J .l!~.I, L:L~.IJ

-M' 'it.. loA:. p" il."'/

,: ' ,L!'<I,=-",,~'fJ,"""'" .' iI"~"',1

M p~~ M-,M ~1

Aim,osl, aU RP systems use '~~yering technology in; tlu~:creadJln 'of' pro1mype :pms, (see Chapter 2). The basicprinciple is, the llvBI]aMlll:Y .oF

Copyriphted materia'

oonl,pu~e-.[ roftw',~ to sli~e R CAD .Ifl;ooe:l iot:o la.Je~f:s aadreprodeee i:t inan Uoutpuf~' devi.ce like a laser sClnning sy~t~m. The layf)rthick_Ju~'-ss . . tl.:l b ......] . . ....' I' '''II . .4! IS, cOl1ltm~ .Cu :'J a pre Clsmn e ;e:V.a:tU]D :mtlC;~ia:n~I~!im". u W_t~L cO:tre,,-;PODi:J

dir:eot~.y (0 the: slice d:li.c'.lrn,c-ss of the computer model. and the. ClUted tbtckne88 of tbcI!Gsin.1be IlmJdogaspect of the RPI s-ys~em. te.fu18, ~o be me curing 1f:tickn.cs.s r'dther than tb.e resolution of the e:le~vat1on 'M.ecbanism.

Thein~pon,alll; -compoucnt: of the, lnlihl~.igprQces;s is tbe laser and it's, ,opHca), seanmng sy:stcim.. The :k!cy to the strenls,th. of rhe SLA. is ii'S nbU •. ty t'O rap!idJy direct:f:ocused :~lldiad(lrn of 3_ppropdale 'pow8r and wavelellg:th onm the surface- of th.e Uquidlpno,€opoly,mer ~resin~ fO.m1ing pattems of so~idUled phetopolymer accordh~g to the cross-seetional .lata g(Hi~Je:rdted by me; computer run. In the SLA. a lager beam with a specified pow'6r and wa.v8[eength. is sent through a.beamexpandillig tel'e5(cO.flC to flltthe opt:ka~a~rtnre of a. pair o.f cmssaxis, galyanome,~c:r driven, beam scanni:rng miaots. The,scrol1il1 the SCaEl;ll~mg, ~:y:s'tcm of the SLA. .. The, !be'alfi comes to n focus on the: ~Irflru.;e of a liquidpbQt,opoJy:mer., (~nrill\g a predetenni:ned de'pm, 'of the after a .controUed dme qf exnosure (~nverse]" InmlTWiIilionalto the laser sCaJ1nj(l" speed),

,r-- ;J Lr ,r._,; c;. Lt:"~

The! so:~idi_ficatioD of the liquhires:~n dapends '()ntbe e:1'.I€IJ.Y perunlt area (or "ex~posl!JR:"') deposhed during) tbe motion of the focused spot on th.e surface o.r tbe pho~(JIpal,ymer.. 'Tlrtero is ,3lhr-es.hoJd exposure tbat . . must be e:xoeededror the phQtopolymerln isoUdi.fy.

Towai,n:to1u ,~ocli.I:racy and t'-OiJI:Sil,s; during PMt building usingthe S ~ .. A., the cure depm a:nd ·the: Clured,lID~ widtb must: be ,contm~led. .As such, aCCll!ra~te expoS:l!I:re and 'focused spot: :slze become essentiat.

PIl! in.fluence penormancie and (ullct1ona1ity ·o:fthe. .pans fu:elhephysicaJ aBd chemical properties of Ute res;in~ lhe speed and l't!'soluthl'D of tbe OIJ;nical system. [be power, wav,c_l!ell,gth and type of dle laser used, dJi.e spot size orthelase,r~th.e recoalinig sy.stem,andtlte post-c-uringJu·ioce,s,s.

3-il,I!i!'. _ ~lI:,~

" 'Ii' 4,·'

.t1,.'p.p .. , _,e8d0D:S

,_., I

The Sl.A t€'CJtiJ:rJology providecs mla:[fl1Jrnc~mre1"S with cost jlls,tifiab1le methoo_s for reducing lime to DJrutke;tt~owerlng ,Pl1oo11Cl develop.ment

Copyriphted materia'

costs, gllining g;rea!b!~f control of tne;i:r dec.l),i,gn. proce~s and improv.iMg; p:rodI!JC1: design.. The rang>e of app,licii)itiofiS .ificJl:lde~

U) :Mode;~s, for 'cu[l.ce:pt:uali.zaHon, and presen~alion ..

t .. 12;)·.' p~~';nt'VT'Io!'Isfiar' .d. ""''';,0" "' .... "ill~~S;·I.,· v ... n·ifj"I ... ·""tc'Lo··n ..... ,1 'f·liI"""',.;~"" .. ,.11 ."'~·.·"O

~_ '_' ~'V)U_"; ~~., _1._., ._~.:jI~~; .. ·~'!1 IIY"@_~J''''_ J'i"]l\~J "~" ,1...,-,gJ-.· ". " . I auU ., I ,llil~::,Jn,~u-:I.~.~_I, 1~' ... ~S~li1jLe;~

(3)P,a:rts, for prototype tooling and low \"olu:P1e prodlucfi:QI 'loo].tAg, (4!)Parle:ms ~'Or'invesltmen( Ca:stillg.,. sandc~8~inlg :liUld mo1din\g.

(5) Tools '~or6xture and. tDol~IiIg decSi,gn, andproductton: ~ooUng ..

So.f1wrue developed to slJI:'.porr tbese apPUCll:do.lU;, :i:ncl~de Qui!c;tkCastT.M'l'a 80nware loolwltdch .. I:S used 1:0 the lll!.:f,es;tm(uu~ c;Q!sting ind~lJl:stf)'. Qu:j~ck:Cas:( enables .h~gill1yacit urate reslinpatt:ems '[haf. are specU1.clllly used 38 anl expendable patt.e;m to form a. cc(F,u_m1ic mold tn be crea~ed,The, expen.dab:~e pauernis subs'gql!len:Ely burnt. ont. 1ih.!! 8u:mdm-dproce~.qs uses 00 expe;m:Jah~c wax pattern which must be east in a.~oot. QI:lickCasl: eliminatesme need for lil.clooUag used tD 'make the ,expendable paU-em_s., QwckCast. produces 'prutswbicn Dave: a lhard dJ!in (JtI~er shell land eontaina honeycomb Uke 81mcture inside, a:U.owing:~he, paUe:m. to eollapse wben bi!a!tecllns~ead uf ,expanding:, W.rMCD cwo:u:lld tJac.k tbe shell,

3.l,,6~1 .Pord' Uses .Stereldith.Qgmpny·lfJ Cast Proto.type Toolin.R (11]

Wilh a s:ing]e proj'ec~:triumpbj,F(url hasbegoEtOJ. new e.m of " .mru:l;urr'aQturl:rng;~ ~ UPll~Jing QuickCas~ u~chnologytQ tile development of bOU1~lrol:ot:'pe and, liI.lti]!UicE~.OI1. [ooling. SIlI'CB innovation demansl:ra!tc-s, tbe: pate.lllial to save manu f~cturi:n:gindlllstrie~ mUUO,Rs ill loo] costs ..

1.~·g.-::.'.oll'lJc~rv .• · '",!,:~.gil'!I:;'1"'I~.~'" most ,cr;it·',i!':"'~·~'ii"D.c···''''''d·~~'',~' W··.··h.···e· .. , 'n~~~iiF":~:'" -'1 .-,~.-,~·.~I~ U~",,~.L ~ "'; ¥!' Rm .rw. U ri:! , .• , ...... ;;:! ,. .. I, I.",),'" u;l hIOi, ...... Ji .... u,... , __ ._ u' 1t',L-~.K.h.C!l40n. I RI ~::s,

ofa reaf wi.pel' motor rOGv~r' fQ{th~ 199'4 .Explorer were needed for ,csfingtse;reraltoo.l~iIJg rd:[~ma,thi',e~SWieJ'0 tl_x:plore~l. 1'raditinlt!al. meU:100:s, wotild ba.vepfQ1v.tded. the mol jn jhree months, Fom. used 'QuiakCnst in 11'8 first app,]lic,adon of rapld tooUngby tnV~!lt.ment: ca~tio,gs[~e(il:eoIitno,g,r.apby moldhalves .: ~() create ~be bald tm:d ..

Copyriphted materia'

They :ft_rst bu:Ut a. SL mode;t o:f tbe 'oo'¥er~ fit: ill. over th,e; wi.per mo'or ~o verify d~ig,~. in.t:e:grity,.Md :fO'und a c1:eamnoo problem, The plastic part was: :modified b'll hand, the fit wasre-ve rifted .• and. (he CAD mootl~. was adjusm~t .ProRdOl.DBS·ION ~oftwareW'las; thc:nl!lsed~o create ··:negatl.:ovct~ mol:d ha~ve,gfrom the same CAD data. Sbrint: factors were 3!pp·Ued to compensate for' the SL resin, A2 stee:~~and.po;

The SLA 2S[) Qlllick:Cast.pail1enJN resulted in at core and IC~I\(·t~.: . s -I~' C I',~V;-:~'~'-~~-~" castin A' v.~.,.~ V"~uwl. '''''''g-e otthe east metal's

ca._I. y pal.r :rn._es,me.n .. "''U..1o~ In .n,~ . ., .. e ... ,~>. Il.U __ ~ __ "l _" _

c:barncteristicsfacilhated cbanges~n. a seeond set ofproducdon i,oonNg.~ le.g:."mc~!LiIsial1 of ejector boles, ad addition of ,cooUng lines. 'The turnaround Hmefuf the second set of tooling was ,only fourweets~ ~ ud t~.. ni" ·,t, .c~ r "!¥iIo.,. ~ c'k'·C. -~, •. ~f rr.!-o;.'''''1 ~ .... or' ·.u·","""'''' h,··S' '·'5',"000" •.• " pe r t.....,.·1 set .ail"'; ... 11. ..... ".,V's,~ .~:O ~ ~ ... lt~ .. ·g.S'~, .I~OU .. ~,.iI.~, .... ~ Y~.I'~..J'-' ' I, .~ _,,,,,,,,,,'~ .'" ~ ~.

·-I-':-.--C ":cd' I, .,,-. ~k~ ~3,·.3i. ~~ ~uotedfm' machinlno ... a slnsletool, FnrdwalS

COHtpare' _ "Q Iy~e .,p. ' .. V'!J'V q L Q _ _ __ g_ . __ . . __ . . ..

able to. scan ,d!Dlmbmty and walerflow~e.s.ting 18 m,om.ths ahead, of schediUl~ wUb cost'S reduced bi)' 4$%oo.d time of more than 40%achll,e\"ed •

. 3~1.,6.2 BlDr:k' & D8cler lSaJl*1S a rear ~1 lJsin.r Stt~.i1Jih'og,.a,hy to Proto",e theil'

Imp~o:v,'ed Shea,."rlShnilJ 'TrimJmerPow,er 'fool

D~slgnenat .Black & Decker had Oldy 100 days to trams:form an idea tOf an. impI6ved sheamrlsbrnb trimmer power tOO:J~:lto fUn.otioningpmtot.ype tbat. could be .ill.troduced. at ,an importan.t trade,

, ~ ,~",_ "7rL: - .-[: .-;c-.: " C.- -::_ - ~,;-:- .1- wh,:', ~~, w C -,r-'~,dl "'"ViOan. '1- d ·th· •. e·· . ;- 'm! nanv' s

S:uO~, .iII.UC: Iilewpowe.r 'LOO~,_.uII:,~l __ OUll -r-'--O- O---.Jt'---.r.j

Vc,rsaPak outdoorpow1er toolproduCI!'IU~" un.dergo design, prmJfilmg:~ bIi1UdiIiilS', as:s:em.bly andtestimg~ of at least 30 cop~e:s. of the; product: in that ti:me frame, PaUing t:o deiiivl}t fonctioni~g prototype's, would putBl aclc & Decker back one year :11), introdnc;ing tbe;pt;Odillot. ~(li the mar-k.e1t:place.

The hew concept wou~d offer ,3, more ergo,n,aml.c:a.lly d~s.i.g;med S:hemeJ/iSkmbttimmer. This; model would a:1I~o be S1trerun,Uned. in .appearanc~. ''!be new desjgn 'Was also ':0 lneorperate, in the rdllgie body of Ute trimme,r!, an ,easy~ac.cesslba:ttecrypop-O:Bt.

Copyriphted materia'

Black & _Decikcr tumedto Mas·s. l~lilgineewd f[)e"s,iY1loc .• 'Of Turonto~ Ont:ario~ where 'engi:r:J.e:e~r"Sused stereoli thngrnpby' CSL}.. Sl witth dlC comple.xity of the design feamres and WM tn:c" O!£lly Qptinn tb~~ Mass had. tn d.esign. and build .30pmlot,pes of tllc,proci(lct i~1l the IO!). daytltme frame .. A number of CAD and SL il\f;f"dti!(ul1~ w,e[,ecrea~ed. 00' Idcn:tl:(y the 1)estlocation fOflbe p~uemed ba![terr :POP-OUIt deslgDl. The! SL masters .alsopmuoodprototypes on w:bic:h ·~ro petfonn :£aih:u:e .anaJ.ysis of the :injet:cHon-mal diFll, prnces:s,.The first 30 caslureUlane parts rece~iv,ed ,pajnt:and ~ogo htbds" and were assc'1'nbl,cd tng/ctner w.i.lfll mechanical compommtstQ make them. fLiBcdoning 'pUwettools ..

SLgiv'eS Black &; Doc,k;er me .aibili:ty tlK

( I" Prese1l.t: newproducts before actual prod~crtiQn be:gim~.

(2) M:oot deliy,e,ry times wh:tuyut ,compromlS:11lIg qun.lilY .Wld functioo.a:!lJ~:y' •. (3) Iterate and verify the designs, before,t!ung. 10 the 'product (4) QulcklytBSit n.ew proouc~ ideas wl:th~un.cfionillig; ,PlrotDtypeS,

(5) E:valmneinw¥ldual componeuts ~orfi'l during producr assembl.y.

M;a:..~1! Engineered. De-sign Ine., wo:rkiing frompmduIJt feature spet;iQcations. preU:mlnary dra W"IJ1g~s and a hand-crafted modelprovided by Black & Decker. began by boild!inga 3D CAD :1l1,odelX:~a:y ~Lu.nognlphy di.~j.til.ed. the siurfaoe ,g~Q.metry of ·the, hmldl .. cmfl~d model ltD crea:lea CAD :sunia,oe m()del. wbicb wa\'j, c~tnblllcd w.i~blpm(h]ct' spooific:ations to create a. number of 3,0 CAD, medels.

A deslgn, team lil;:ninduded. tool:ma"ker:s.t molders and m~ate.[ill:Jl sup.pliers,critiqjuedaU CAD' models. Approved des:lgn features were

.. ",...1 •. - 'L. •• CAD- HI

lnaorplmtw!llnOCO me :pnmary_~~~~Le.

A SLA 500 bulh a master of p:rodIE t oomponents, from tme appm''I"d CA~nfile .. F.rom (he"Se maslet1iI~Mass ~:echniciaIl8 created reusabl,e rn:Iihber (RTV) .molds" froro which .M;ass ultima~e]:y~ac<uum~moldeod c:tlough uN~thane, plastic components: to bui.ld II Opro~oty]>e'$.

The: ll1ddal 30 prototypes wer,e pronted,. tabe]ed wf,th h}gos and assembled tos,emer witb me(JhanicaJJ components. 'The now ... tlincUoning :prololyp:cS werelested,~packag~d. 3!1ld:idli.ppeiJ before (be ·IOO,.day deadline; and in time :for the trade sbow'.

The and functi0ni:n~ prototype; pmducl:S, (see Figure .3.4)

"'<"'.40".--:, ::'.'~ .c-"" .. ·., t' the nade ... ;~,o·'u·- samedn -:_('j;-:' ,'1' ''i''''~m: nber of ,",,,,~I·e- s ... ~oiJ;~_

n",m 3. !:I ... e ... ~ _. u.~ ~Uli ..... .,u', n. O.""II.~. ,u".~. "" .1.iU, .• l..M;._ "'_ 'iJylL VJl~"o;.ll".

Copyriphted materia'

BInet '& Decker lcould :EI,lOive dle 'IOiW .' uooessfu~ produc~ WIUDI full pmductin.n.

,3.t,j.3 B,os, Sdll:tS FilP'I' 'ftf~t'k~' U~i~lfJ Slle,r~lo,ljlll,(Jrgtapll:!l Ope,,.

Dwi/i,i(J,fIQl Bard Toe,li",r

Bose Corpom,tiorn., 'World Ieader in audio, ~omptl:rnelltg and ~ys~ems located in fmminghamJ :MassmcblUse~~s! aeeded appeaBDce pm,s I~nr two d;~:m=rlentear Spe31CFgrii:!tiIS., ml:e being U)~mm, (41ill1l) hll dlame®er ilm!d the o,t~e:r 716 rom (3, :i:r.d~:n, di,anlete:r~ :ftlfil(;lumJ rlOiad,~s.til,g, on ,lIm o.~d:s;mob~~e }\lUJ1oora, Needing :mD'F€!' m3j) ,~FI, SLpro~otypet g'os,1t :1I,prmae:h.ed Drew Santin", (}f\\~:tiier n,' Surtin B~!fdli!ee~g,!, ~d~q[B,~'s~@Jd a short run o:fpmdJuctionp~,~m. end,-UlsB mEl~ied;mJ. wlb:ich. Included. 'I;J,lIlnfurg, 'texbre and mldUIP:le 'colors ~'olm,arell,tne csr i~~erior color O,pdOIilS,. 'The cMcb?' Parts :11IJ.eeded 110 be deUveredin exacdyfour weeks. ,s,Rl1l'twm de~:e.nnined thal[: b'adi,ti:oniul. hard too:~~:rnG w,Olrtld takic l1~l~C weeks, to com[J:~et0 duc,to each part's; contoured d6s,~gmt compuurrud curvature plm:~n,g; line~ and COlJ;~p:le~ deta.i l,.Bec3iu5e (]:( its .abjli1;y In p.l£oduce a 't:t:x:t:tued. ,s,(uiaoe ·ftnjish" U:sgrellmer[~:mperamre: control o:.f dl.e tool, au, ~'t!S, d~:mb~,Uty~() ,IUanJlli~~e a min of ~t: ~eas~: 500 pIRS,. S,mn:~llru.rI~d Ittl, 'Ih.e S1!Ja:~~' :,ro~m,s, of fap.~.dtmJ;.~j)jJg, fot: sutloe-ssfol, deUv,e;~ of'tl1,ese U,me':se;ns,!d\fe; pIttS'"

Atler ,reJCe~'v~:rng: ~heme,mmsfe'l"' from g'rJse. S a;uin set tc.", "HJ.Il',k buHdio,gtnema.ster:p'mpaUerm lOll. ~n. SLA 2S0 usi:og CrB.ATOOL St.. 5 110 :res:iDl. AnerPle S'L :(JIm: was ,cO'm:ple:[ed~nd~be"r~mp~$ion$ w,ere made of il1\1.e p!m1:t1I~,bilg~nenble sllieone ruibber~. ,CFleaWI:J:g a 1C:!lfieand. ca,vilJ meld; Smdn.d.1:enl :lrellllOived me SL pan and seat the rubber mold ImpresslQnstoa~,r.u:a~ foundmy whe re ceramic: ma~ri,al.\'v.a!, poured over ',- C . ~ ,. e'i '. ::_'s'·~· -c. !,-re;~ 'to, 0 ~-tnll,~'c:ml[!ia:tte = 8. Oncefne, eemmi,e 11IDd1

ea,cu Ul1pret:s:tOD., c:~ ~a m~. c_~_llm ~ p __ ~!t."-~~ _ ~ m_. ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~_ ~~~_ ~

cured, the nJ,bber 'was wUl1J(ill'a'~m. inserts were fhel1lcast: from ithe cemmi:cpan _IJla:nems",fi.njshed and moun;~ed,~() ,roo,uc~ a, :filil~d 3ssemblyloot Whlul1l da:ysof the tool's co,mple~o.m da~e. s:.ti,DJ q'LdckIJ)' :S.Doit ovr,er 500pnrts in ,a, '~m~~lf o,f colors, ~and nlJJs;tE.mpon~dy, hl ith,e real p!ooductlon materia].!. .ASS IPlns~i!c.

These prodUCMO.n. tjludity paris (see 3, .. ,5) were deU\f'I!'red. '1.01 Bose exacUyi10ur weeks after tbe day theJ plac1oo, the order. Dl'e .p~alSdc parts were mounted into several of '[he em, and sucoessfttUy color matehed as. weB as mud- Itested Fo1" des~g;rn.. ft!mct~oIil" and dUlra,b,m~y.. By using Ute Shaw prooess, Santin :sha'\!edl :fiv,Bweeks, offdl!t 'boo,Ulg: cycle· •. al.i'mI.e sa.v:ings; ,of over 50%, "Even witha:l opeo~c]l,~d!.:f!:~e and !e\f~ry sinl~e '1l18ml.-hour diedmc,alfd to nl~:s.p.mje(t:.we SdU.WOilID~d :rH},'tt:i,a ve been all1:eto meet our ,dJea<!Uwne. using tr,ad~tl~)nat moUn:II'~! sSiys S,auUm,

Co yr ghrod rna nrla

3D Sys;t'ems" [eseareh focus :~;s o:nml;prrtJying;pfiOOe-85 and de:vc€loiP~Dg new matelia1s~ .amd appnca,tion~e~peciaUy r.31pld too:J:~:ng.

3D S'~t~mB MA, Ciba.-,Ge:igy .Ltd. ·atre in a joi~t .[e"searciaand deve-· lopment program, IQcmti.n:naUywl(U'king on :neJwresi'rllswliJ:icb have beuer mechanica~. p'mpemes~. 3lie :faster and I~asier ·10 proce:ss.and are ab(e U) With:stWld htghlu ·~emperQiU~lIe;s [l2:.1.

One of ~e other most importM~ . areas of research is tooUn,g,.

Le., the realization o:f protol.ype molds and uIOtiJnla~ely pmduction llooUmg IDserts rr :1"3]. 30 S:yst'emStls, ilOVoh,1loo im I. 5~ Icoo, l[ooling) paili1:nerslllTtpswit b 'vmlolls i.[uh,,a~!cmm:eru ag.en~ ctes, Metibods s:w:djicd~.~ecs~cd or be-ing ev,aluated in:dwde tbo~e used fer son and. hard tooling.Wilh tbe purchase of .3:0 :K.:ehmlli:n Se:ptClnlbe~r ]. 996~ 3,0. rSy:Ste.llJs n(HN :b;a,s a.R1e~am_s; :€UiI[ tllserslttgo [m.D113. CAO ~modelt toa. St mast~r to .K.ezlumicoJe-s .and cacyide,sl ,capab1.e of :prodllong:

.• , 'r-" ··~·I···'· t' ·IA d- ~.. "dl "f'c

ltD excess 10: one IRU~I[Oml(1JJec;_]OH D10lui.l!e pans lila wl_e range (tl.

eng;inee.ring; tm.e'fm.oplasdcs :SUGh. as poryp,mpyle[1le:~ QJlon,AIlS~ polydhy':11ene,and p<l~ytaJ1oonate.

3 •. 2 1c.IJB,rr:AL~Sj SOL~m 'GR.OVNU CURING (SGC,), .:tl.l OempaRf

The Solid . .around Cuctng 'SOC), .sy~tem is ,produced by CubUal, "Ud., and i'I's ,adrl'I;1!SS is. CubItall Ltd" 1,3 Rasadna ,st., :P~O.B. 237.5" lndusfJi:d ~11~ Nodb ~iRaanga ·43650 :[:S~ell Out'Side: Is:m,el.~ e~lCIbital Americalru;:: .. is :!ocit,lcdat 1307.P' ABen Ddve LIiroy~,M] 48J()8,3.~ USA. and. OubUali GmbH~ all. ·Rilll;strasse 132~5:5543Bad-1Kr~mr;nach~, (le.ama:AY.. Oubltal Ltd.;g opemuolls be-gMin I 98"1 as a.s.-pin .. off ,rrom Scllte:x Corporation andoo;mnleroiatl sales~gan in. 1991.

Copyriphted materia'

3 .. 2~2, PnKi;u.cts

C~biUtJ.·~ pT(l(jluct~ include the SoHder4600 and S!I)ltder 5600, 'The SoHder4(iOO is Cubital's en.try level 'W-ee-dlmens:ioBsl model .making :system based on Solid Ground Clring... "The Solider S600~, Cubital's .sophi:sUcated higb-end. :sy:s:~em,.p.rov:ides aWld~'r r.angeand opti(ms fur the variedl1looel~.lilg demands of Sond Ground Ouring.. ·Thlb:.te l2

snm- marizes ·t!h~Sf'liF"-·'ln-,ct'·"C-Fi oi.: th ~,~.,. C.-, --, -~'h'~-- =~_~~_arL",,'£i_~·~~'t' ... Chlcal0n~ __ . __ e t'o'l'O mac .. Jne..s.

B.evator ¥enic~ moornOlli,(lO (nmll)

.Minimum Feature ~hre (I!:W)

Wct-i; 'VoluffiC"

Xf'l' (~1L1l1I X film. x mm),



MiRfiiJlllllm ~ay~ ~hid:~es~ (!!1}_m)

OA {[_Mlri~'l)[!tal, "X~f:} 101, [,5 ("~nicn~, .. Z)

'0.4 (h(U;1~onta1_." X;_f;I, 0.15 (!>1rmi~ill •. Z)

S,i~ (If unit. xrz {m >;: mx :Ill:

500 x 3S() X :500

t.s x 4.2x. 2.9

380-415 V~c. j, ph~. :50 kYl

.380"""4 t5 V}jc. 3 pbaw.


Copyriphted materia'

Cubital's sys'tem, uses se;y,etal kindsofreshu;,. inc~ltdhlg Hqutdro§'IH. and. tured ,resin as :materia[~,to create pan:s~water :ml:uble 'Wax as suP.pon: .material and iooograpbic solid ~onel: forcre~uJj_ng an ero..sable image l(Jf d'te: 'C,f:Qss"'\~cthJnJ {Ul, aglass mask.

.]- " ," 2~'



TI:le Solider system has t'ne fOUOWIIlg ad.'oranta,ges::

tp P _ lit _._ 'Tb "r... '~I '""I

\.-J .~,'{;I"ll~.itt; pnu::I}&Sm:g •. .ne process lB ua_s~ on l_n_s;toot~ SlWUlml1eons,

ouring O'f a wllo~e cross .. ~ecd,cdlailll3!yef'area (£atheF Ulupo:int·:by .. p<lrioJt cllnring)., .11 bas a high speed 'Urrougbputtlilat is abCJut eight '[iDles ,fa~ter' tnan its competitors" Us producti,oolCOlds can be, 25'% to, 5()% II"'wer~ n is a ~iwealnd cost sa:viO,an:roce:ss.

L~ Lrr'

(2;) Se,il~~1:1p:p(lrt.i't1lg,", u is[y~ fist" and sl(lilp£e; 1,.0 'U~. It has a

soUd m(!de.Ung e'D!I\l,imnmer.nwitlil llnl~miLt~ lJcometry. The soj:id wu. supports the pan. in aU dlmensi crlt.~ andl1he-ref'OOO .a swppon: stmcturets not :requiredl.

(3) Fault to,lerlJnCe.. It has 1000 limIt lol.eram,ces. Removeble l'r.ays .:a'illow j,oDchagii:mlg duri:ng ,3). nlll) aJod k".yers are erasable,

U'lJ.i~u'e' ."a!n . t!lm,o/n,l~., 'The '~art til a1: '~.e S(l~tider S'\!istlemnrOOUcc!),

"'1'1 r'! ~. l"'."'" _r-' L~' .I! .....

i~ ro:Uat}le. iltocet.,"c,. swrm.y" mae:hi.tlablc, ,8J_nd ean be 'lllec,mttnicaIU,y fifliISh~d,

CADwR.P soPwtl:,.re. OubUal's RP sonwar~!, .Data Front: End (.o,F:!E)~ precesses soUd model CADfUe:s before th.ey are tr;a;U[SftMl"ed ~:C!J the CubiJars lrnal~hj'nes. The UFE,liS ,am illl'emCl'J,ve and userfri.en dl,ysoftwaJre:.

Min.imum s;~'r:ink'a:ge 'f;jJ'f{:t. This iii, dille 10 the ful~ curing, of eveFJ lay1err,

High: ,s'trI4cturrJl xtrert,gl/~(Jnd .st(JbU'it)~. Thi~ is dll.etQ the' cu.ring: ~Jn:oceS:5t:bat m.inimlzes the develo.pme.nt of :intemal: stresses in. the Sm:mCl~nre. Aso. re~:ut~, they are nlJUohl,ess b.rillit1e.,

Na Irll'a,(l.n/;V'UfJ ,ode.'ll'S ar« geJJ1ftm:ted: The mcsin.staysin 3 liquid state 1:0.[' a. '~~ry shan dme~ andtl1e uncured Uq,uid is wiped o.fl hnn(Jedi,iltely. ThUs, safety j:s oonsidem!b~y higher.


Copyriphted materia'

The Solider s:~~ste'nl has '~be foUowi[J,g disadvant~ges;

(U Requires large p.hy:sicaispac,e. The size of toe s),'stem i!iIllUcb larg:erlhan" other sys, with a. sLmUar build 'v(Ii)ume :s;ize.

(2) Wax g,e,ts stuck i:n COT:tUl'l'S ,and tle'VfC(l";f. [t; is difficult. tu, remove wax from pmtsw,idl. in~_ricate geumeuy.. Th.usl~!io.m.e WU. maybe ',teft,be,bjind.

(3) Mas/eo .1,H€JlierifJl' produt:.ed. The mlU~ng precess oreal~s sbavin,gs, wbieb have moo cleaned from .. ,

(4) NOi:s.'f. The $ system generates a hdg:b. level of noise us compaood. to other systems.

The;d"s, Solid Oroumd C'urJingp.roce;ss, Lnclud~~ d'rree; ' steps: data propmtio,A..masKgonc:ration. andm,ooel makimg [14]..

3,.2.3 •. :) ,DataPnparatloIJ

JEll dlis :6.1i8il stc:p. the: ,CAD medel of 'the jiob to be prot(iltype~. is. prepared. and ~It;e:' cmss-seetiens are a",,·,,~o1o·-r$t-~.d- ,d-'.'l·f!';'<li,ilJl\1""i'~ ~'r"~iSJf,~~Ad'- ~D ~jlt.:o

I ' ,IIJI,_ '-'.iI, VL !i:J' ,~~',...., _IV."_'.Iii!1 !W_ 'W ,~"'\ILI.,...\, U. ,.\il1 ' ... ~)IJ!I:ullJI1,!'!I', Q_IUI;UJ IL!,t"_":_~..!L.'LI.\i!~.J.I/""'~ _. !lk_. IUJlw

-,<;1'11-. DC~If\""'''!!iot''''F T: 'lit"" c :~l'W' ··."I~,"',· .,'I,", ... A ,C. '. _-;'_U·'t:~IIi"""'~ ".~" ,8, C' 'I'~ -r:1","f' 'D~,'qt? rD' ara '~:I'."Ii.,.:t· ,un:~SI!il. ~ ... u ... , •. tiII.,v~.. "u .... ,Sii,l~,~ M'.~' "".,t:U~ . Ul.~ol, is ,,0 IU ... ~, . -.,r.".~ '!i,;" IiU~, ,1'".1,.f,I,U.

Bnd) $itlftwm~ i!i3 mOli,f-ba~ed specia]~pllrpose: CAD ,appli.c·aJtlJon.pack~ a,~e ~h3llt 'proc.esse.s solid. :mooel CAD files prioJtto sending fht11l1 to Cubital system. lDfB can. search and 'C'O'lI,ect in i(be CAO fiJe.s and render flje;s on-screen for visua1[zatioll pUq>Oses. DFE: ucoe~[s CAl) files inthe STL fo:rnnl~ and (Hbe;ftv[delv' u~edrurma.ts,

r ' .

.After dnJtn are received, tbemaskp~atei\s: cli1lmged througb an O{bnagt}w:ise';ionQg;rapbic (see l~em t, Figure 3..)0)., Th.echilQ1led image is. then devcl:ope<il wi fheleetrostatic tnnCJT:.

Copyriphted materia'

A mi;n, ~fil I'~ is~ ,plied 00 ,I nat workp ,CC;C'.

The, :imalll m !he: l'iI,)'m' b producEd, IIIsj:Q1 t:v:-ner gg,!t glil8il pl.~. to ~miI~ ,II plultJlIi'Wt.

.A tu::W' resin ~ i 'lappU~, on !ibe ""ud;~~

1lt~ Wiif:kplec;e ~m,ve!lls uodeE,II lp!1Jwqfg] Looz,ihidlfiail IJJV ~am.JI' for rIIIII, cudli,g uf 1!iI.i! 11ii}lCr;

1.1Iu:phoi:omIIsk l!l pl~~ IiOO-'iE: lbc wtllkpieeCI :md 1'KlUI, am ,alilgned und:« II, ;:;QlUi~1:i'.d UV !alp.

The layer. is mlilei!l: tg' ~hl~ r! ~, ,:lOO a ,~-"~ '11i~l~i,bJi.

1'ho lTV Ui,~Pl i~ h1mcdi nil If"' a, fl!lWi ~'l. ,Pan ef 11M resin ~ I~ h;mlUedl ::tC;~! ~Q [!be ~~ •

n'!e 'ulIW..ilidlifi..d r¢Si[tti ii5

£~ lme

Melled 'Mil i:sopm;d, Ilotl} I!b&i ~a~ilitS ,('reated! mm, tll\t11~1mIL

[m 'Ilis step]!] a 'tbim lo:y,er of 'p:hnwpo,1ymu min :~s, ,spread 0:0 'the wot.k surface (see item. 2,~ Figu,re 3.6). "The phote mas.k.from tbe' mask, gen.e,r,atlOf ;Ls p,la,ced in c:lnse :pmJdmi1y above 'lil e. workpiece, and a'~igiJiled

Copyr'ghtcd materia

unders collimated UVI,amp (item 3) .. The UV lightL'S, turned on. fora few seconds (hem 4)·. 'The part of exposed to tn,e: UV ~igbtUlr:() t!hepbQto mask is hardened. Nate that: tbe la.) laid down. :for lexposU[~!ID the lamp' are ,ac:tuaUy t!Wcker tbanthe desifed.

't:I;..'~.r':I:".'1"""""'" 'Th" Ii j:' ;.. to 'a~'~ ..... u"o·.. t- he :fic-'~'~ 'm'" '~It~ ... tJ p .. .".,. ... ~..... Th:CC: ,- - -- -,

.LI,~ ... ,l\1I''"''''!l''., , . 1.0:1 1.000V ' U!U¥r ,1,'.Il '!'W', .Iuw ~. _ _l_.~.~.n.~ i_-i!!'''''''''''''il!~'., ,",.'e u_n~

8ond~:fied resin is tme,m o()U~cted from the wl(u:lq,.i,ece jte:m S)",1ihis i:~ do:~u!:b:Y V'{lCUUm suction, .FoU.owimg,ibat, meU~d wax is spread.uto the ~aJvIUe.~ ,created ;afte:r collectin:g til:le!; liquid :res:~n (item 6). [Omlsequ,e[Jtly~ tlle; 'N,U. inl the ,cavjtj,e;.s .IS cooled ~:opfiOd)ucea,whol:f, isoltd :layer .. PlnaUYt rhe lay,eris ,mined to. its ,exact:trucmecSSt pJoouc'mga,Dat soUd surface ready,\,) reeeive the next layer (ItemJ 1)"

In the: sac .5-60(l,.an ,additionaJ s,~ep '(i:tem 8) is provided fur final cudng of flit :~:a:yer when!bylbe wor.kpi.ece: U'avtds under a,pow1edld I,angi't.m.d:im,al UV lamp, The cycle repeatsi'tself 'lttull ~be ~fi_D_a'1. lay,er il~ comp.letcd,.

The main cemponents of the Solider syste.m. are (.secfi.g1lJfe 3.1);

(I) Data Pront End [DF'EJ workc;mdon.

(.2) :Mod.e~1 Preducrion M,acbiue (MP.M) .. It includes:

O)Proce~ss engine~

(ii) Operaltor's eonsok, (iii) Vacuum .G)er.te.rato.r~

(3) Allitomatic :Dew.axin~gMachine (optionaIJ).


Model P'muuo ,Nbchine '~M~U ~

·Va(.;"Uum l_ lo,pern~~r'~ Ii

Ge<n~'mk!r Process: Engjne I I Co:nso~c l1

, I ' • ~

L_.~,_._. ,,_._, .. _ -,_.,_,_ ir-li, _, __ .. _,_,_.~,.~,~~.~~~~.~~ .. ~~~.~II

r- _._,-,_,_ -- -,.,


i S!iNii:m 1:1 :FJ1!!ti.! fhn~l End

: Dcwmng I I

-I jtu' .i..~ ,'. II'c!~. II

I - - .

I Op:Li€lnall I:

I. __ ._~,_, __ ,_._,_.

Copyr'ghted materia'

3 .. 2 .. 4, Priudpl.@

CubUaJ!'sRPlechnolog-y creates higtdy pby~slica]1 models di.rectly fwm ,oo~pute:ri7Jed, t!l:ul:e.-dimenslo:nal d~ta, :61e'S., Pmtsof a;n:y gc,ot1ie!trie

''''",'''''nll,e''':I~~V 'f'fil~ 11:._, 'rn~d··'I",,,: .... A ~"'~I··~;h"'."lt "'00' ,11" ,d·I~""'~ ii'ir·· mi·· ""11~",, bv ·C' ··Irl~~:t ... ~ ~'''''

~u~~ •. I.F,1J ~~.J',J ~H~I,. IJIG Llr'~"!I;J, .UIIr'·c:::\A;· nl·iI:._.u!U" 11; .... ,_,"_~~1 _~Jv~ U.j 1!·,II!.J.I.llYi:!! '-'.,J!" , ~~,ilJIIJi,p-:IJr.:':!

~R,'~P·'·' l:ech,~AII.n.D'. '~.'''''''

= _. __ ,_, ._"~V"'~~I~"'_

'[be :I:nQC~~ is; based on lhefbUowing principles:

(I) Parts are, bl,Ul,iU, Ja.yer by liily~:rJ f~Glrn a U,qui(lphp~I(),polyme,rre.~in that soUd.i:fies 'whenexpos~ iO, UVU,g,ht:.The 'photopolymedzRUon process is similar to thalt. desedbed in Seeti,on .3.'~.4~ ,e:xcep~ lhn~ 'Ihe :irrruUaltion source 1:9 a collimated UV la:mlp aad the ~ima!ge of rh,c; :Iaye,t ,~:s generated 1}cy masted iUumJna1tlon lnste:ad of op;tica]. :scaflining, of a laser beam" The mask is created from the CAD data lnput .and. "printed" on atraasparent substrate (tnema..~ pr:la.te) by .:mno:nimpact ionograp:hk precess, a. :proooss si;mjJar to' the, Xerofraphy p~eSiS used lnphottlcQpters and laser , '. ,., ~'~",C", I[··~ . .t':·~, 'TIl:": i,· iaee is fe ., ',~"" de,'.s,ltincbilacikl''Inwde,ra prllJl,ern ,~,I.Jl~ .. ~e un~g ~S l,iY _·~P{L~~g ~ ~~ r- ~ •..

t.O[ler wni,cll adhere-s tothe ~l1hS:traJ:e ,,tad.tany. 'Thi.s Is used to 'Eh:eunifo,r.tll i~31J:DliJlalti,o'Jl of tbe: U~V ~amp,. A~ler expasure", thee]ectlOi$lutlc toner is :[lemoved[Ju:m, the ~ulbBtra'e for reuse and the pattern :~or 'fl1.e next l.ayeris tdml11arl.y '··pri.rnted~·' onthe :sub~:tratc;.

(') M,:1f ,~I~' 1i'I~'l;1i- ',~,c' bei~rooess -od and'!3rtdlel bl1 pmup,illg"

':;,1 ~ .. IlL ,I,() ,e ,~~,...... • ..5 ,Ill.ay JL - ~ ~~~tL .. - -~ .. ~ r· -. ~. . .~ J 'c~·. . .

them into battches eRRS) usilng Cubitai's :proprieJtaty software. (:nBach la:ycer of a multJ:p1:e ],a:ye:r run contains cross-sectional slices of

one orma~y parts, Th..eretore., a1i1 ~S;nces. in one ]ayer are (iI'f:ated: si;munaneoosly~ ,La.yersan! crea~'ed. thieker dum. desired, 'Th~Is; is, 1'0 aUo'w the IIlJ,e,r '~O be miin,ed precisely to its exaclfhJcbess,. tli:u[J;s gil/.log, Qver,aU control of'fhe venjl:'M aocUifacy. This :step abo}s a,roug! surface '0:[ eared pbO'~oPQI"yme:r~ .assi~ti[jg

,.- ,Iii.. ~ ;,;'; ~; 'I' r~' ,~:~, ~ 'ij'i - doH' 11 .... v,-..t'.... ·~t·.·· ·Tb; .'... ne "t, 'I av,~irhithen bu; It

au.LJe~lon. il),. lU.e .U,e .... ,.. .IA.1 e.. ~ . ..,. ,~.. .. ,,,"' =~",_, ~._,,"'I ' .. ~ ..... ~'.~ . , .....

hnm.ed1ate:1y ,OIl!. the tup of ;me created layle:r~

(4) The process :i;s s:elf~s'upportlngood ,doe~~ not require theaddiden 'Of extema't suppon structures ito emergjing pans sincecontinll1o[ls structural 80ppmt for the: parts is pmivilded by the usc of wax, acting 383. solid c~Il!l'pport

Copyriphted materia'

30;2.5 AppUeations

'The .a,pli,cat~urn5 of elll.b~t,lJlrs, sys~em can be divideti :into four areas: (:~) O,elJifi!nd applICations. eonce,ptuud design preseotat~on~ proofin,g. engineering t:estingt E'n'tegratio[JI and fitting, funcdonal analysis. exhibitions and p're-producll'on sales, m.aik,c;t research" and inter-professional comsnunication.

(2 TaoUll'8' tJJ'Zd cast'il"g appli'c.cufoJ1:s. Invesnnent casting, samd casting, and,mpid~ ~ool._;frree mUl!lfacmrmg of 'plastic' parts,

(3) Mo,~d ,a~'!ll l:c}()U,n~8'. Si~:icon rubber tooling, 'e:Po.xy toollng, metw~(}ol~~ng" .acrylic tooU:ngr and p'las~er :mo:ld casling.

(4)1 M,edical ,im:agin:g. Diagl1osti,c~ :SUrgiCial.- ope.radon and reconstruelion :p.immngand custom :pmstllJcsiis· design.

3,.2.6 Examples

3,.2.6.1 Cu.b,ftnl ,ProtfJty,illll' .Mac.'IIi'~e B'pUiJ's Jeep in ,2'4 ,Bot"'" TOIJedo Mooe:~ and Dle Inc, (TMD of Toledo, Ohio •. bas used Cubital's SoUder ,5600 rapid Pliloitotyp,:ing system .• :0 produce three design iteratiOll ,of a ~,oy jeep (Fi.guE:\e 3,.:8) mt:b:ree~ day_ [J.6] .. The plastlc push Itoy is about 3,0 em I. 2 Iiong 23, em 9 in) wide and 23 em 'gin,) :high ..

Figure :"-8:: The; au·:\. hi~, Cil!l!h~taI prototype: o.ftbe ~oyjecp bc~ide jibe: ifinld II:estpmto~.yp~ 'i;Ml fifflr.n it in !;IrethM~ ~~p'rodl!l!ctwOillS {Courtesy CUlbi:tal A:me;_ncwtJlC.,

Co Y ght ~ rn ri~

U:s;hl.~ the C:ubit:aJ So,'Ud.e1'5600~ TMD was able Ito produce each desigfl. Uemdon In 13houm of :macblnedme..By using' the Cubital front-eBd. S'OFWlafe, the pans; w,eN "nested" wltldn. a worklng volume i(ull, lOc.m (4 :~n.)' deep,. within tbe Solidu~s WOE,tiD,! area 50 em. x 35 em (20 in by 14 in). Inia:;]] file ,cflft:kingancJ! 'Po5:t-prodJuc~ion. wax reml)'\',al aeceuntsdforthe rest 0" me :24 heurs,

l.2, .. fi~2 Ne'K' Cu'1JitQI~lllSeil' .Soll'cast Pmcess OIlers 1,,',expe1Js,lvIJ

Meta,' .PT'O"f},tyP,IlS ,iD '7\v,oW.e,e:k"

S!(:ititne;ide;r PrototyplJng, OmbH crea~ed a,metalpm~otype (see FIi.glllu'e 1.9') ~G.ri:nv~~,'tmel!lt cast directly from, CAD :fU.e~s:bll twawee;b, wIth SCilli:Cas.t 1[17]. Startim~w:Ufua 'CADfli.l,e. Scnn.eider coo, deliver ,a. metal 'P.[ofJ~lJ[ype In tw.ow,eeks~whereassi.mi:I,at' processes with other .rapid! p.rotuty,.ing metbods Ul!!:e fourto six 'weeks aod ·co:nvenli()ima~ meihcds based OITII. CNC protol(ypi:n,g cU~MemO to 16, weeks .. In general~, Schneider's P[o~oty,e-s caD De as mlll.ell as, 50% dleap~lf dum Ith.oseprodJuDedby o~her methods.

Fj.!J!!!~ 3.'9:: 'QJbi[OJII pro[(]l'l)'pl!!'l, .. ad me'~al pl)l[I~mypes. c:ren~cd from them. (G!!1url~~y CUDi,lal, Ame_rica, in~.)

3~:2,.ti\.3, C:Il.bitoJ Sa'N~' ,~'"e' Day ,_ ,In ,F(J,dj, ,Ab,onl SU Wee,l;J ,Fa,,. pu,,",'D'eIl1l1,lfJ1Jf,rs and teclIEilicians ln tbe prOO:uctliOD. 'Bngineerlnl de;p1tutme:OJt of Sin~er" ,I resem,l1.ood de\fielilJpm.e:rnt f[[min 'Toollcl1iebn" Non~a:y,. made. an, ,acciUr3[e1, fun ~(;';alie pbt~tic model o:ftbe .ilupeUer {Pigooo 3.1 (0. '~hich measures about 2210 n)_rn:~IIiI, dinmgter and 501 mm hi,Sh~ ~S[n,1 IUh,e'ijr :S~)ilider:"tlOO [m:8]., T,his; ltlltld.e:1 w,a~I!J,~ed [0 crea$e: ,;s:tme'Di[ clsdOI :pattemtbat 'was used '(0' ,cast :~1. protolypew:mpe;lJ]er in n~~t:al :P;rollm, tbe dl,ne 'the: ,~n~,i:rne~rs im S,hltleifgo,tUi~ CAD :file-s tmthe;y had the iIIIVfStlnenit casting pa~t.em 'Was three: 'W~., - ;ajbo~t .~. IthW the time 11 'I~ou:~d, CN(~ :t'O(I;~s.

Jio2~ 7' Research.a:nd :De'v,eiop'ID,ellJ,t

Cubital is, dO~11Ig[es~;arch l(]ill fas,[e:Ii"f.lF!{)teS,s;~rnl:I' higher per.fbm:uul<:~~ h:igber resol!!lti'()111 graphics" smoother and more aeeursre ,rendla:ri:[Jg'rS 1:1iId sh:a.ditllgs."

F'oUoi\\V;ing 'tile: inc;r'C:M:w.l11g; demand for RP padS with :~Iill:plfoived, m:tet:hmillcal chm.~te~ri'!'l.dcs,~ also :[0([' dii:rec~: lU~illlati:o.ll of 'RP Platts in iElyecsJtWJen~ casi.n,lood mpid,~iQOU:Ag processes I elllbjta~is de\le]op:iJng an

,exl:ensi!C:m 1:0 Ihe SolidOround Curin! precess loot win be upgradable on standard SoUder Systems.. 'The :Extended ProcC8S w.n~ enable; pmdIlicti:on of pms, made; of c!nhooced Ute:mloset~thermoplastie

d 'n' '... 1 .. ·c 'I· • "Ii. dl" . ., 'k"iI"

on ' R1.etadl,C; :matetl,:lUS~ ~illgm~:l:f:aDJt~Jy lncrcasnl,g: hie eno u~er,s - a!i.muy

10 select meebooriJcallllroperties sui,tabl,e for s~cific applications. Of prOOll'CJti\(lR p,t'QCes:ses;,. ·Particul~]Yt. parts made of ,castab:~.e! wax, can be used diirooUy [or :investm,ent Ic;asdng~and parts produced of r-,.~etal Sp.f;a;yed Zinc Icunbe: U8ed' dtrecny for plastic injection :rnolding.

OlJb~~~rs SOUd~F sy'Stem~ have :00c(~ sold w'Q::ddwld:e :in. North AQ:l~n.c;a. A:sia and, ,Europe.

3', 3,·.'.' ~,D·. '.' 1'-·:liEe C' -.,,, ,c"O'L'ID'1 • ...... 'D.n .!~'I·O·' :,..:, ..,rViC-TI,,'D'M' ' (.·'S-IC'''-S')\.'.

. I.-~ .~' '-~~J.lI _.J... ~I 0',,1~, .. __:__, ... ' ~ft.e:_'- I_, 4,~.:__"-~.'1'1 a ,),.0 1_~,I1i_I',,:," ,,-::.",-_. ~,-)

The ,Solid. ICreatio.n. .systeM, (SCS) ktml been jWflll:y· developed by Sony CorpomtiOD!~ lSR Corporatlona\lld D-MEC CO:'llonllt1ion. The soiftware and :hatidware have been created by ,s,O.IY Corpomtl(m~ tbe UV curable recsi:n by J5 R (.J~pttn Sy.lthedc 'Rl1Ibber) Corporation and dIe and appHlcd t~chnO:I:(}g;y b.~' D-.MBC Corporation. U-f,'IBC wa~ c:~uabll:sh0d 0:028, Feb, ~,990.The address oftbe ,coru:pan}, :~s. JSR Huildi[J,g~ 2~11~24 nuJtiji,.C,h!i:u'~'ku. TokylQ 104.,0045~ lap,n:t

Based 011 the pIind:()l:e of laser cured us,.lmg ~aycrrml!mlfac\o, t:1Jl'ingt D-~,:M:BCiis the firsr eumpali1ly to .offer H, 1/2 meter cubic tank size; and wilth <s:call'lln:in,g speed. of up t:05m1~.

]h ICOOptlJiaUornwitfi. ISH wrn.icJh. ;developed fhen~sbi I!ISl00 hi ,tfu:e ~1.!'~tern.the S()]ld. Crei!JfJt(lf was well rece:ive-d~]'lJa~qrn. ,e~slp.ocia:UU'

I~- ~' ,tr..,_ "" ,J

;anitO:fi,~s;t au'tD makers; andeleceonies .iln.dustri:e-s .•

Copyriphted material

j"' . ..---- -- -II

: I

::. I

, _. .


'Gulv,omlO~e~ef ~.r sys:liem {deFocus ..,.iili sw~ imd s[taighl~~ingru:n.c~if;'lQJ

,l!IlUO IldijustlllrleflO

I[)LlS~i[J.8 (;~n1'I!I) ,3dj'lJ!Sil:ltiVellil[)

XI" !ii,wee, speed '([J~sec)

'\!Ilod( Y'Qil!liJlmc:, XI"Z (rnmx flIIIlmIlX mHO

JOOx;JOO >1:300

6(0)( 500 x 500'

IIIIXI'~ 100 x ,:500,

6IJO )(,500, X 5001

4:5, (':-Xchwge-l111I!~)

265, ~ex,c;-mw~(:~b~cl!

840 ~e-..lcboogealde:),

2.6:5 (eAimimle~b~c)

'size !Of~fLiit. XU (111~1 X~~~~ID~:X 111M)

II·jt2:SX 1 ,100 x LS\90

,W650:tw!; MOO x U~lO

23401 x 1700 )(3140

UiiSO' xru 400 x ~,821il

,A.C 100 V III]' AI.

3J~2~1 MOde:l$tulid .S,eciftc:atiom

D-.M·BC's ~prod[lct:s i.o<;h.u.1e four models: .s~lHd C!£,eator SCS-1OOO.SD (see: .Figom 1.11), SC$~lOOO~ SCS-3000and SCS-SOOO. the specili·· ,cations of these machines :lU'e sum.marlzed til the Tabl'e .3 .. 3,.

33 .• l .. 2AdvllBMges tlndDisdd~al1.ges Solid Crea.tarnas the foHowing: strength~!

('~.) .lArge bu,fld val'ume. The ttmk size is :~qe and. large prototypes (($pet:.bllly luge can tle· produced.

(2) A£cUI:ole'. Hr_gn :accuracy (0.04 IJUtllrepeatabiUty) model .ma.y 'be c roduccfd.

p------ --

Solid Creator has the foUowing: weaknesses:

,( I ) Requtres support Slrl1c./~l:re$. Skuclure;s mat have Cl'v,emangs: and. undmcuts nrust have St:l.ppart-s, Itbal(too de:sig;llcd and ifal1ricatco t08etb.e~r wllh tl1e ma~fJ ~kUcttrr.c.

(2) R.equ:iM·p{):S!t~proee'ssirtJJ.. .P<Clst:,plocess,ing; imcl1udes .re:lJluva1of :supports and other IUlI:wanted DJllterlalf:i:. whiCb istediol!ls,. '~:lm.e., consumIng aad.can damage the :mooel

(3) R.e,qui:res IJ.OSJ~Cl'lrilJ:g •.. Post-cu:rin\8 may be neededto cure the ,object. comp:h~!te]., and ensure t~t, in~egri~y lof 'lhe.stnJ.cture.

S~JUd Cre~{\or creates ·the; tlb_ooe-diroen:5:ioJUll model by lnsercudng pclyme,r .Iarycir· by layer:. Its process co.mprisesn-v1!'; steps,: generating the C.AD m.ooe:t~ sti,cj.llg: the: CAD model amI tmnsfe.rnmlg; dat~SC'.rnn·~ng,the resin sudace~ low'ilring the elevator, completien of dlepto~(Jt)!]}e and :po&t"'proces'Sitmg.

FIrst, Q. CAD :EliI.ode:l.!mmaUy a so~jd :mooel~ is, created in .3 cemme,fc.lal CAD S),8:tc,mJ• Jik.c CADDS5. eATIA or ProiEtl,ginoor. T.1rrI.reed~m.ensianal CAD data. of the p'att fro:mtne CAD s:ystem are converted :tiO the rs:licedcro~s-s~otiion~l data which the SCs. will use, to. ,crealtng the: solid. Thisi~tbe sIie:iqg pfoce.s:s. Edit1jng may be necesstl1l if tbe sUtyiJ.lg

Copyriphted materia'

galvanometer mIrror preCltm:.m fOf the gal'"am('lmJ:term:~rro-r machiliil,e~~ taser spot diameter, ,~I.h~~.lng tllickne.~s Wldre-slnpropertl!e~s.

The applicaUon areas of the SOUP 8ys:~em:s Include the CfJUowing:.

,(.I.) C'onccfJflint:ldc1s for deaign vc{,,!ll'isuaUzO!tiofl and. eom .. meroialpre-seD!uni.onpurptl'5cs ..

(:n Wi:uting models for formfilting, and. simple funclioDa~l te-sts,.

(3) :Master models and 'p,Ulenl:S, for silicen mo:.I.ding;j. lC! ment casdng:~, and :SU_ndC8_s(j Il,S.

(4) As filJlsbed parts,

(.5) M,edk:al! purposes. Crea.ting close loexac~ pbysi.c~d models 'of ,a, patienfs anatomyfmm er and l\.1"RI sc:ans s-

(() Three .. dimellsl.orull. st'CreoUthogmptfy cnpy of existi:ng p;rodluct.

'2'41 ~

,.;1", ,~,U'

Research and Development:

CMET focuses its :r1:'sear~band deveJopntent una new .re,ooUirng sysu~m, The t!~w~',oa;cirn~sys:t.~m can m~e the Z laye:rw'Uhhilgb accuracy e\1en tbougba SOlan Z slice pitch (0,05 mm) is, 1J$~d" A~ the unwn-upprocess .of 'tbe z'~able ~;s, not [Pf'OOiU:C.tli\',e:,. the~·no-'scan'·' time call be sbnn:ened by more than 50~ ..Mare wUI be added into CM:ET"s software _. SOUPwarc. CM]fi is also c-O'nducting the following c;{peii.ments for irl!1ipFov~f1g accuracy~

(I) Inve, on mhuion.5h~pbelweJen process p.nmet,em andcurl distcnt~orn: this experiment is dom~: by ,cnalilgl:ng; laser power, !Scan speed, and fi.xing other parameters Ukc Z layer pitch and beam ,di;met'er.,

(2,). brv,e-sdgatio.n, en ,eff'eclts of sean panem~, dlb~ (!{xpedment aims to C(m1pMe bflil.dJi:l:g:results between u~ifilgUid not usingsearnKfwg ~p~~;~e,ms.

(3) CompMr.' resdng of ressns' prepenles on. dlston:h)J),.

Copyriphted materia'

3,~5 TEIJIN' rSEIKI",8 SO,LIFORM, S,YrSTKM 3·~5~1 rCompany

"Teijirn. Send CLl. :Ltd '. rIlFigi:naUy .~ol!!l,nd.ed, in, 1'944. is a d~\!e.I",sUled imdus:trial Il-echnology ell101:pnJly su.ppodiQg l_Dd S.LiIPP~Y.WDg ,0 wide (lif ii~drustrial (;ogpJII.e;m:Es. lts ,sQlifuOD sY.!lJt~.m. ls based, ,iln a.e S'OMOS r(So:~~d, Mode:lm,g ,sy,sm.m) laser iC'[n:mng:prooe~s de;\~el()ped by .Du :Po,mt lmagiJmg ,s),stgms. The ,company aoquired, exelnsive AsiiWl rights, tOr [he eqlldplme:rntaspecm, rof rtti!S,~ecbnolo,g,ln l'95Hurwderhs S!oUdlnl,aging:

Deplrtme:f:n~ with .in~tiB~ ,mu:w:ne :sJLlip,ped.~1iI,:~:g92., ,Si:rn.ce: :lorn!, T-eij:m, Se:~1d has RH!'F'g:ed,w'jtb CMET' Ine, lU:mder one umibreUa .. The C:ME-'F~s, compral1l.Y· ,addmss is :KamaJ~a 'Dukimum Bl1iJdhlrg;, 5,-'~5-:8,~ KaJma:ta~ Oihta~k1:.l. Tol;fO~," .. OOS2." ,b;pa:m,

''tedj::in g'e:iili Co. lId. p'~ooll'l:e'~s it,!Yomain, (250' WlI.d .:5'00 :se4rie~s,) of Ilille Sulifofilll sys~em. The S{li~ironu 25'0 seriesmac'IhI~11e is SbO:WliiI, in Fia:um 3.1.4-

L = _ '. ' ~

Copyr ght ma erla

1 SO'L .•.. I.IFO .. _.".· .... ~. RM.I SOL ... I .... f1.0~ .. RM .1 SOL .. ;(.-r .. ::no .•... ·,RM SOL .. - .. 1F1 .. ·()'R.l\\t





; Malldm:U!m~arnlI1l1m8:, , spC'Il!d l(mi:S)'


Beam dIameter

I - .-.

Fix.ed: 0.2 om;'!

Vari:aJblc; O.l-O.,Smm I(op,~ion)

Fi.~oo: O.2mm "Yari~ble~ O .. 2-IOI,g·mm (Op,tiOll)

:M:iU .• bUiiId ~\I'~lQpc, ,X:Y';l'(,ttinl :x: :tn.m X !il1lm),

; Mln!!uum ~iid l~ye!1 ,~m_m)



1 VOl(


I PoW-w' ~l]ppJy

• Si,!c of tlnjt~ Xl'Z

, (mm xmm x trim)

The s:pec:ificadoms of the machines are summarised in Tahic; :l.5 .. TIuJc:

. -···lcl,~ :-.,-'-::118 "1- c. sd "bce 1(> ']:''':-0-- . I ;-,--,·'mMil· SiO ••• -MOS"titOln-,·· l::rnes;

ma.(ena!I,_ 1iJSe_ ._'1 .,O"hl __ rm acre pn, y _._'~ _ _ _ pc. _._pD_)!' •. ,_l',

supplied by :Dill :PODl Md. TSR re~sins. its own dev,eJ:oped resin,

The So:lifom1 s,y'stem. has s:ev,e:ral 't~clm.Q]¢lg_ica.ladv,arn:a,~es::

,(1) FIJst al1ldaccm~a:te scamdng.ltsm a:_idm13 m seannlng speed, of 24 mls is faster than all o:mef RP systems. Its ·BlOCTUf'at'e scan system is ccmtroUedby digital encoder seJVomotor tech_oiques ..

Copyriphted rnmeria'

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