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Physical activity is any body movement that works your muscles and uses more energy than

you use when you're resting. Walking, running, dancing, swimming, yoga, and gardening are examples

of physical activity. It also has many benefits on a lot of things you do with every day life from your

social life down to the way you are at work.

When we were little our exercise was known as “play” which you did with friends or other

people your age. When you exercise it is a good way to meet new people, examples going

to a gym, joining a sport or exercising for charity. These are some of the ways that you can meet

new people. Joining a team sport gives you great stories and helps you communicate more, team sports

include anything from bowling to rugby. Exercising for charity lets you meets hundred of people and

as your exercising not only are you meeting new people your also raising money for a cause. Adding a

social element to your everyday exercise will encourage you to push yourself that extra step, it also

keeps you motivated and on track.

Physical activity also effects your sleeping habits, Exercising can help you get a

better nights sleep. Which sleep also helps your mental health. Most people think sleep is luxury or a

little downtime. What people don't realize is that sleep improves your learning, memory and insight.

Sleep is brought on by chemicals released in your body. These chemicals are a by-product of your body

burning sugar for fuel during the day. The more sugar you burn (the more active you are) the more of

these chemicals are released, helping you sleep better and deeper. So when you get a good night sleep

it helps your brain function better.

Physical activity also benefits your academic performance. Studies show that students who take

breaks from their class work to be physically active during the school day are often better able to

concentrate on their school work and may do better on standardized tests. But in many schools physical

education and recess are cut to increase educational demands, also some people think that it's best to

cut physical activity so that they can spend more time drilling students with tests to improve test scores.
All this ties in with how physical activity can affect aerobically, weight control, muscular

enhancement, longevity and employment. Exercise effects just about everything thats goes on in your

life. From how you sleep to something as simple as how you act in a certain situation. Most people

don't know that exercise can effect just about anything and everything.

Which brings me to another point, today our society is overweight or obese. Being overweight

or obese can cause a lot of health issues, such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, coronary artery

disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, and kidney and gallbladder disorders. Our society is overweight

because today everything is almost handed to us. Fast food, lack of exercise and no motivation are my

three reasons for why we are overweight. Today fast food is dripping with grease, lack of exercise

because instead of playing outside and running around there to busy playing call of duty on xbox 360's

or play stations. We lack motivation because our friends will be playing on the xbox with us.

In my opinion I think that instead of playing something on an xbox, kids should go out and play

it outside like we use to do when we were little. I think all fast food places should serve healthy things

or less greasy stuff. As for motivation well, you cant get that unless society is willing to change first.

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