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Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to dig with a hoe, to dig something,

0. girl

0. steal
1. (cf ichtaca) steal

0. kindness
1. (cf icniuhtli, icnotl) kindness

0. friend
1. (cf icnelia, icnotl) friend

0. orphan, poor
1. (cf icnelia, icniuhtli) orphan, poor
2. (cf icnelia, icniuhtli) orphan, poor

0. seat
1. (cf icpa) seat
2. (cf icpa) seat

0. foot
1. (cf icza) foot
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. (cf icza) foot

0. warble, clamor, murmur

0. fight

0. scrape

0. hurry, harrass, sickness
1. (cf icica, mociuia) hurry, harrass, sickness
2. (cf icica, mociuia) hurry, harrass, sickness

0. separate

0. write

0. wrap, tie, wind

0. smell

0. weave

0. damage, sin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. say
1. (cf itaui, tlatoca) say
2. (cf itaui, tlatoca) say

0. sew

0. hide, protect

1. (cf inaya) hide, protect

2. (cf inaya) hide, protect

0. stink, smell

0. noise, rustle
1. (cf izauaca) noise, rustle
2. (cf izauaca) noise, rustle

0. say

0. merit

0. mental, spirit, breath
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. tie

0. carry, govern
1. (cf tlatquitl) carry, govern
2. (cf tlatquitl) carry, govern

0. see
1. (cf itta{2}, ithua) see
2. (cf itta{2}, ithua) see

0. grow

0. bake, roast

0. fill up

0. grandchild

0. pay, satisfy

0. revive, rear, sprout

0. a sprout
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. fingernail

0. fingernail

0. the tendon of one's foot
I possesion

0. caus08, keep final -V
FC - > jc-61096

0. caus09, drop final -V
FC - > jc-61096

0. one's wing

0. caus06, -ahui; -oa
FC - > jc-61096

0. caus07, drop final -V
FC - > jc-61096

0. place

0. one's cheek

0. one's beard
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. place

0. at some place, time, point
1. place of
2. at some place, time, point
3. place of
4. at some place, time, point
5. place of

0. one's female companion (said only of a woman)

0. one's consent

0. place

0. one's customary sleeping place, bed

0. one's lap

0. one's companion, one's countryman

0. one's relative
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. ( ie possessor or owner ) = of someone, of something

0. one's grandmother (a synonym for cihtli)

0. caus10
FC - > jc-61096
1. to apply verb
FC - > jc-61096
2. to apply [ verb ]
-huia jc-030797

0. something of one's own, one's personal possession

0. caus06, -ihui; -oa
FC - > jc-61096

0. one's responsibility

0. caus03
FC - > jc-61096

0. caus04
FC - > jc-61096

0. one's elbow

0. one's right-hand side

0. the crown (of a tree)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. to use or apply or to produce verb
FC - > jc-61096
1. to use or apply or to produce [ verb ]
-oa jc-030797

0. on

0. one's enemy

0. hill-place

0. become the verb
FC - > jc-61096
1. become [ verb ]
-ti jc-030797

0. caus02
FC - > jc-61096
1. supply the verb
FC - > jc-61096
2. supply [ verb ]
-tia jc-030797

0. place near an abundance of

0. one's molar tooth
I possession

0. one's will, desire
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. one's waist

0. the crop of fruit (of a tree)

0. the flowers (of a plant or tree)

0. blooming (of flowers)

0. place

0. one's homeland, birthplace

0. verb "-ness"
FC - > jc-61096
1. -ness
-yo:tl jc-030797

0. one's personal possession, property

54 o:anyeyah
0. y'all were
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

55 tiya:zqueh
0. we will go
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

56 o:tiyahqueh
0. we went
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

57 ya:z
0. she will go
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

58 hua:lla:z
0. she will come
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

59 tihuia:n
0. let's go
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

60 tihua:lla:z
0. you will come
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

61 tiya:z
0. you will go
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

62 o:hua:lhuiya
0. he was coming
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

63 tiyez
0. you will be
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

64 o:tihua:lhuiyah
0. we were coming
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

Ac azo
0. perhaps

0. atl-calli, water-house ( canoe )

0. acatl-pol, reed-thick

0. acatl, reed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. first [primero (C) Cf98r] Yacatto as a variant See
Acachto, Acachtopa
Particle-| Kart p1

0. acatl-xochitl, reed-flower

Agentive -ni jc-022897

0. ( 1486-1503 ) was the eighth King of Mexicas, a cruel
despot His fame as tyrant made the word ahuizote a
synonymous of disagreeable and bothersome When he died,
Moctezuma Xocoyotzin took his place

0. atl-xochitl, water-flower

Anderson, Arthur JO
JC-05-07-97 Skeletal Bibliography
1. and Charles E Dibble ( translators ) Florentine Codex [

2. Historia general de las cosas de Nueva Espana ] Santa Fe

3. New Mexico: the School of American Research and the

University of Utah

4. 1950-61

Andrews, J Richard
0. Introduction to Classical Nahuatl Austin
JC-05-07-97 Skeletal Bibliography
1. Texas: University of Texas Press

2. 1975
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. is the word - rather than ahtlapalli atlatl is a
weapon/tool - is an example of what was intended (Clavijero)

0. atl-totonil, water-heated

0. dog-fly, a hovering fly

Calea zacatechichi
0. it is an herb and is called ahuapatli, or chichicxihuitl
(" bitter-herb ") in Nahuatl Bernard Ortiz de Montellano

0. camohtli, sweet-potato, potato : sweet potato

Campbell, R Joe
0. A Morphological Dictionary of Classical Nahuatl Madison
JC-05-07-97 Skeletal Bibliography
1. Wisconsin: The Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies

2. Ltd

3. 1985

Canger, Una
0. Five Studies Inspired by Nahuatl Verbs in -oa ( Travaux du
Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague 19 ) Copenhagen: Reitzel
JC-05-07-97 Skeletal Bibliography
1. 1980

Carochi, Horacio
0. [ d 1662 ] Arte de la lengua mexicana con la declaracion de
los adverbios della Mexico: Juan Ruiz
JC-05-07-97 Skeletal Bibliography
1. [ Lilly Library ]
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. night butterfly, "moth"

0. emerald
FC - > jc-61096

0. chapulin, grasshopper

0. kind of snake
FC - > jc-61096

0. cihuatl, woman

0. cuenta [siglo 18]: A los dos a~os de estar en Ixtacalco y a
los 21 de haber ido cautivos a Colhuacan pasaron finalmente
al lugar de la laguna donde debi'an edificar su ciudad
Hallaron en e'l un nopal, o a'rbol de tierra, nacido en una
piedra y sobre e'l una a'guila Por esta circunstancia
dieron a aquel lugar y despue's a la ciudad el nombre de
Tenochtitlan Dicen todos o casi todos los historiadores de
Me'xico, que esa era la se~al que les habi'a dado su
ora'culo para la fundacio'n de la ciudad; sobre lo cual
refieren otras cosas preternaturales que omito porque son
fabulosas o a lo menos inciertas [Traduccio'n de F P
Va'zquez, edicio'n anotada de Mariano Cuevas, Ed Porrua
Hnos, 1974]

0. coatl, snake

0. coatl, snake

0. In Axollohua noyehuatl initoca Quauhcohuatl imomextin in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

yaque tlatemoto ino ipan quizato in Acatitlan mani in

Tenochtli ihicpac moquetzticac in Quauhtli itzintlan mani
initapazol inipepech ixquich in nepapantlazo ihuitl in
tlauhquechol in xiultotol inixquich in quetzalli Auh niman
hualla in cetlacatl initoca Quauhcohuatl, niman ye
tlanonotza quimilhuia, inotiquitlato in atl yuque in
matlatayotl Auh ca ompa oquillaquique inaxollohua Auh
inoquillaquique in axollohua nimanic hualmocuep in
Quauhcohuatl in yuhquimilhuico inic nihuan Ompa omic in
Axollohua ca oquillaquique inompa inotiquittaque
Acanepantla in mani Tenochtli ihicpac icac in Quauhtli,
ihuan initapazol itzintlan mani inipehpech zamoh
nepapantlazoihuitl ihuan in atl yuquin matlallayotl in
oncan oquillaquique in Axollohuan Ino ontlanonotz in
Quauhcohuatl zanimoztlayoc in quizato in Axollohua, niman
ye quimilhuia ini icnihuan caoniquitlato in tlalloc ca
onech notzcaquitohua, caocicio in nopiltzin in
Huitzilopochtli ca nican ichan yez cayehuatl ontlazotiz
inic tinemizque in Tlalticpac catonehuan Auh inoquimon
nonotzque niman ic yaque intlachicto inoquitlato in
Tenochtli inoquittaque, niman ye tlachpana initzintla in
tenochtli oncan contallique in tlalmomoxtli, in xomihmitl
mhahauiltito in ompa quinamicque in Colhuacan tlacateccatl,
niman quihualhuicaque zan yoyoltia inihitic contlallique
inintlalmomoz quiyollotique in tlacateccatl initoca
Chichilquahuitl Colhuacan tlacateccatl Inipan xihuitl
inquitlallique in tlalmomoz ome tecpatl xihuitl [Version'n
Alfredo Chavero, Editorial Innovacio'n, 1980; basada sobre
Pe~afiel, 1902]

0. colotl, scorpion

0. cuahuitl-nahuac, tree-near

0. ecatl, wind

0. epatl, skunk
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Garibay K, Angel Maria

0. Llave del Nahuatl
JC-05-07-97 Skeletal Bibliography
1. Coleccion de Trozos Clasicos con Gramatica y Vocabulario

2. para utilidad de los Principiantes Mexico City

3. 1940

4. 1961

Horcasitas, Fernando
0. De Porfirio Diaz a Zapata Memoria nahuatl de Milpa Alta
Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas Serie de Historia
Moderna y Contemporanea 8 Mexico City: 1968
JC-05-07-97 Skeletal Bibliography
1. 1974

0. huehue ( teotl ), old ( god )

0. willow-base-resident, huexotl = willow

0. at the willow's-base

0. huei-atl, big-water

0. In the Na:hua's religion, people used to make penitence
pricking their ears, arms, legs, nose and tongue till blood
came out To do this, they used thorns of biznaga,
huitznahuac and of maguey, metl These objects of sacrifice
were consecrated and deified, and called huitznahuac, and
to personalize the biznaga as a deity, the suffix atl was
added, and so the deity Huitznahuatl was established
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. Mesoamerica

0. smell
FC - > jc-61096

0. dance
FC - > jc-61096

0. iztac-cihuatl, white-woman

0. xalli-ixtli, sand-face

0. xocotl, sour, fruit

Karttunen, Frances
0. An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl Austin
JC-05-07-97 Skeletal Bibliography
1. Texas: Univ of Texas Press

2. 1983

Launey, Michel
0. Introduction a la langue et a la litterature azteques I:
grammaire Paris: L'Harmattan
JC-05-07-97 Skeletal Bibliography
1. 1978

0. If < optative mode of speech > I could but make mine

0. to give
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096

0. for a certain type of dance does not come from Mactlatli (
ten ) but rather from the Indigenous nation that had
Toluca, Estado de Mexico as its capital This oto-mangean
language speaking nation was called by the Mexihca "
Matlatzinca "from MAATLATL " net or sling " + TZIN "
reverential ending or at the base of " + CA " people of "
These people had a different and vigorous culture and they
were formidable enemies of the Mexihca

0. mazatl, deer

0. metl-xictli, maguey cactus-navel

0. michin-hua-can, fish-haver-place

0. flying insect; a mosquito

0. gnat; literally "small mosquito"

0. elbow, ell
FC - > jc-61096

Molina, Alonso de
0. Aqui comiena' un vocabulario en la lengua castellana y
mexicana Mexico: [ Lilly Library ] Arte de la lengua
mexicana y castellana Mexico: Pedro Ocharte
JC-05-07-97 Skeletal Bibliography
1. [ Lilly Library ] Vocabulario en lengua castellana y
mexicana Mexico

2. Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana ( Facsimile ed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. Vol IV

4. Coleccion de Incunables Americanos Madrid

5. Arte de la lengua mexicana y castellana ( Facsimile ed )

6. Vol IV

7. Coleccion de Incunables Americanos Madrid: Ediciones

Cultura Hispanica

8. 1945

0. empty wisdom had I

0. I was happy

Oc nellin
0. truly

0. ocotl, pine-tree

0. ocotl, pine tree

0. cloth
FC -> jc-72895

0. popoca-tepetl, smoke-hill

0. broke
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096

0. behead
FC - > jc-61096

Rami'rez-| Co'dice Rami'rez

0. dice [siglo 16]: Hecha esta pla'tica del sacerdote,
humilla'ndose todos, haciendo gracias a su Dios, divididos
por diversas partes entraron por la espesura de la laguna,
y buscando por una parte y por otra, tornaron a encontrar
con la fuente que el dia antes habian visto y vieron que el
agua que antes salia muy clara y linda, aquel dia manaba
muy bermeja casi como sangre, la cual se dividia en dos
arroyos, y en la divisio'n del segundo arroyo salia el agua
tan azul y espesa, que era cosa de espanto, y aunque ellos
repararon en que aquello no carecia de misterio, no dejaron
de pasar adelante a buscal el prono'stico del tunal y el
a'guila, y andando en su demanda, al fin dieron con el
lugar del tunal, encima del cual estaba y en las u~as
teni'a un pa'jarao muy galano de plumas muy preciadas y
resplandescientes Ellos como la vieron, humilla'ronse,
hacie'ndoles reverencia como a cosa divina, y el a'guila
como los vio', se les humillo' bajando la cabeza a todas
partes donde ellos estaban, los cuales viendo que se les
humillaba el a'guila y que ya habian visto lo que deseaban,
comenzaron a llorar y hacer grandes extremos, ceremonias y
visages con muchos movimientos en se~al de alegri'a y
contento, y en hacimiento de gracias deci'an, "?do'nde
merecimos tanto bien? ?Quie'n nos hizo dignos de tanta
gracia, excelencia y grandeza?" [1987, Editorial Porrua

Sahagun, Bernardino de
0. Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva Espana Edited by AM
JC-05-07-97 Skeletal Bibliography
1. 4 vols Mexico City: Porrua

2. 1956

0. inic ce capitulo, intechpa tlatoa, in oc cenca tlapanahuia
teteoh: in quinmoteotiaya, ihuan in quintlamaniliaya, in ye
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

huecauh, 2 inic ome capitulo, itechpa tlatoa in teotl in

itoca painal: in quimoteotiaya, ihuan in quitlamaniliaya ye
huecauh, 3 inic ei, capitulo, itechpa tlatoa in teotl, in
itoca tezcatlipoca: in quimoteotiaya, ihuan in
quitlamaniliaya, ye huecauh, 4 auh in icuac, in ye
ilhuiquixtililoya, in ye imiquiztequippa: in yehuantin
titici, in ixiptla catca teteo inna, quitlaocolpopoloaya,
amo huel chocaya, 5 ompa concahua, in tocititlan:
cuauhtlapechco contlaliaya in iehuayo, 6 auh in otlathuic,
conititzopinia, in omacatl conmictia:, 7 auh intla aca
oittoc, in cenca mimati tlaaltilli, in cuicamatini, in
yolizmatqui, in ixe, in iyollo: quiquixtiaya in pipilti,
ipan tlacaquetzaya:, 8 auh no ce tlacatl, ipan quixehuaya,
tlacotli, in quimictiaya cexiuhtica:, 9 ca tetepexihuia,
tequechmecania, teatlahuia, temictia;, 10 ca zan tehuanti,
in titlaca, totlatlacoltica, totlahuelilocayotica,
ticmictia in tanima, mictlan tictlaza, 11 ixpan tlamanaya,
ixpan tlamictiaya, inic amo ipan huechoaz in icualan, in
itlahuel, 12 oquintlaneltoquitique: ca cequintin
cihuateteo impan quinmatia: auh in ipampa i,
quimilhuiquixtiliaya, ihuan imixpan tlamanaya, ihuan
tlamictiaya, 13 auh in ixquichtin hi, quilhuiquixtiliaya,
cecexihuitl, ixpan tlamanaya, ixpan tlamictiaya, 14
quilhuiquixtiliaya in anamacaque, ihuan atlaca: ihuan ixpan
tlamanaya, ihuan tlamictiaya:, 15 in yehuantin in in
nahuianime, quinmoteotitiaque in amotahuan, in amocolhuan:
ihuan imixpan tlamictiaya, imixpan tlamanaya, 16 ihuan
iixpan tlamictiloya, tlamanaloya, ixpan netotiloya, 17
nextlahualoya, in nohuian tepeticpac, ihuan
neteteuhtiloya,, 18 inic chicuaceccan: ompa quihuicaya
cocotl icpac, no itoca yetihuia cocotl:, 19 auh inic
mitoaya cuahuitl ehua: oncan necia, oncan onixnecia, in
izquintin huahuanozque temalacac:, 20 iccen
quinchichihuaya, iccen quinmacaya, iccen quitqui, inic ipan
intequiuh huetziz, inic quintlatlatizque, inic ihiyotl
quizaz inic huahuanozque, 21 ihuan oltica
quinhuahuanchichihua, 22 amo yehuanti quinmictiaya in
maleque, zan tequitl quimoncahuaya, zan tequitl temac
quimoncahuaya, quincuatemotzoltzitzquitihui, incuatla
quimantihui, imicpac quimantihui, 23 niman ye ic cecenyaca
quimonteca in techcac, 24 ipotoniloca omochiuh in tlamani,
inic amo ompa omic yaopan, in anoce oc miquitiuh,
quixtlahuatiuh, 25 niman ic pehua in tlahuahuano, 26 auh
in oacico tlatzintla, in tlalchi, in tlaltitech: niman
quiyahualoa in temalacatl, 27 auh inic onoque, inic
tecpantoque, ene teyacantica, ye no cuele teyacantica,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

tlayacatitica, in yohuallahua: yehica ca itequiuh,

ineixcahuil catca, in tlamictiz, in tetlatlatiz, imac
polihuaz, imac xamanizqueh in ixquich cuauhtecatl:, 28
quiyahualoa in temalacatl, 29 icpac cantiuh in tlamani, in
male, inic quihuica temalacac:, 30 in ye iuhqui, niman
contlecahuia in temalacaticpac: auh in oconquetzque
temalacac, ce tlacatl cuitlachtli ipan quiza, 31 auh in
tlamani, in oconcahuato imal temalacac: niman ye ic huitz,
oncan hualmoquetza in icaya, mihtotiticac, ixquichcapa
ontlachixticac, in imal conitzicac:, 32 auh niman ic
quicuitihuetzi, cah antiquiza, ca quetztimayahui, cah
quetztiteca, itenco in temalacatl:, 33 oncan
quihualtequilia, in tlamictique, 34 auh in ye iuhqui, in
ontlanque huahuanti, niman ic mitotia, quiyahualoa in
temalacatl, 35 zan iuh tlantihui in huiuh tetlatlatique:,
36 conaquetztiteca in techcac: niman ye ic queltetequi,
conanilia in iyollo, no coniahuilia in tonatiuh:, 37 ihuan
intehteuh acatica quicuappachoa, 38 auh in cihua zan
tlattic in mani, in inteteuh coomemahuia, 39 quihualana in
tlamacazque, motocayotia, tlatlacanahualti, quititilinia,
caana, queltetequi:, 40 auh in icuac in onaxihuac in
tlenamacac, ihuan oc cequintin tletlenamacaque, niman ye ic
quitlatia in amatl, ihuan copalteteo, ihuan olteteo:, 41
auh in oacic yoalnepantla in icuac xelihui yoalli: mec
pehua in micoa, 42 auh in icuac quimeltetequi, in ce
onpeti iyechiquiuh, conanilia in iyollo, contlalitihui
comic, tlatexohuilli motocayotia, mixcomitl, nauhcampa in
tlaolxahualli:, 43 auh in icuac mochihua yoalnepantla,
inic micoa: in ixquichtin tlatlattaque, in tlatlachia,
mochi imiiztauhiaxochiuh, inmac tetentinemi, 44
quihualtemohuia in ixquich nextlahualli, in tetehuitl:
ihuan ichtilmatli tlacuilolli, ihuan itoca ayahuixo: ihuan
in chalchihuitl, ihuan quetzalli, ihuan copalli,
tlatlacatlachia:, 45 niman ye ic mopipiloa, moolpia in
tetehuitl, in cuauhtitech in itech cuenmantli:, 46 auh in
oquixoaloco, in hualquixohuac, in oncan quiyahuatenpan, in
iquiyahuayoc cuenmantli: niman ic concui in tlemaitl, oncan
conmamana nauhtetl tetehuitl:, 47 auh oncan miquia, oncan
itequiuh huetzia oncan teomiquia in huixtocihuatl, in
inteouh iztatlaca, iztachiuhque, 48 auh in otlathuic, in
icuac ye huel ilhuitl, mec mochichihua in tlamacazque, in
tlamictizque:, 49 auh in oquintlecahuique tlalocan, mec
temictilo in mamalti:, 50 auh in tlamicti, za ic icac,
omach ic moquetz, 51 auh in tlenamacac, in tlamictiz, huel
mocencahua, mochichihua, 52 quiquechtequi, 53 auh in ye
iuhqui in ontzonquiz, in teuctlatolli: niman ic
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

quincuexcochhuihuitequi, in itemicticahuan, in itecuacahuan

in motezomatzin:, 54 auh in icuac ye mictilo, ic
necuitihuecho, ic mocuitihuetzi in tlacaquini, in huel
monotzani:, 55 auh in ye iuhqui, in onmicoac: niman ic
tlatzomoni neacomanalo, 56 teotlacpa in quihuihuitla
totolti, ihuan in chichime, no teotlacpa in quinchichinoa,
57 tlapalehuia in cuacuacuilti, no yehuantin tlapalehuia,
in tetlepantlazque, 58 auh in icuac oacico painal: niman
ye ic tleco in tlacacouhcan, in oncan tlacotizque,
mamaltzitzinti:, 59 in ohualtemoc, in otlaltitechacico:
niman ye ic conana: in tlacacouhcan, ompa quitlecahuia in
huehuetque, 60 in oquimonmicti in nahuixtin, mec immac
quinhualcahua in tletlenamacaque, inic quinmictizque, in oc
cequintin mamalti:, 61 auh in icuac in, niman ic pehua in
tetlepantlaxo, oncan in teccalco:, 62 quincuicatitihui 63
mec hualmoquetza in tequipaneque, in temictiani: 64 auh
in ontlacotique, in ommicque, niman ic quinhualtemohuia:,
65 auh in oquimonquechcotonque, in intlac: niman ye
quihuica in incacalpolco:, 66 tel ic neyeyecoloya, ic
nemamachtiloya:, 67 yehuatl in tlamatzincatl, miequintin
mochichihuaya, itlaaltilhuan:, 68 yehuan quimaltiaya in
tlachicque, ihuan in teuctlachique:, 69 iniquein, miquia
yehuatl in mixcoatl, ihuan inamic cihuatl, itoca: yehuatl
icue, zan omextin, 70 zan moch ihui in quinhuihuica,
cecenme tlaaltilti, 71 auh inic iuh quintlecaoya, i,
quilmach ic quinmazapoloa, quintlaehecalhuia in mamaza, in
iuh miqui:, 72 auh in ommicoac, mec tlaxitini, huihuiloa,
73 auh in oacic tlachiconahuiti, oncan moteoaltiaya in
tlatlaltilti, anozo xochimicque:, 74 in oquihualhuicaque:
niman ye ic quimatzelhuia, oncan in icxitlan
huitzilobochtli, ihuan oncan quinmamaca in imamatlatqui, in
imamanechichihual in ipan miquizque, 75 niman ye ic huihui
in inchachan tealtique, 76 ompa quinxixitinia,
quintlatlalilia in intlatqui, 77 auh in oacic, oncan
tlamacuilti: niman oncan compehualtia in mozahuaya
tealtique, ihuan in calpolhuehuetque: tlacatlacuaya, ihuan
maltiaya in yoalnepantla:, 78 auh in cihuatl tealtiz, zan
oncan in iatenco ommaltia:, 79 coanecuiloa in tlaaltilti,
ihuan in tealtique, ihuan in teanque ihuan in tetemohuique,
ihuan im panhuaque, ihuan in teixamique cihua:, 80 in
ompanhuetzito: mec quihualiahualoa in techcatl, 81 oncan
quimonmictia nahuintin; ome amapan, ome huappatzan:, 82
iuhquin ic tlatlacuiloa imezzo, 83 no oncan
ontlamictitiquiza, zan iciuhca:, 84 auh in oacito atoyac,
itocayocan izquitlan: no oncan ontlamictitiquiza, 85 niman
ye ic quihualtemooya in teteuhpoalli: ce tlacatl in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

quihualtemohuia, 86 in oconiauh mec conmayahui in ipan

teteppoalli, mec tlatla:, 87 mec quinxixitinia, oncan
mocencaltilia, huel quinpipia:, 88 auh in oncentlanque
miqui in ye iuhqui: auh in ixquichtin tlatoque, in
teteuctin in cenca mahuiztililoni, ye ic mani, za
quichixtimani, 89 auh in onacic, in teotlachco in painal,
niman ye ixpan micoa:, 90 auh in onmicoac, niman ye ic
onpehua, in tlayahualoz painal:, 91 auh no ihuan in icpac,
oncan mamanca tetl yahualtic, cenca huehuei, quitocayotiaya
techcatl, in ipan tlamictiaya: inic quinmahuiztiliaya
inteohuan:, 92 in tezcacalco: oncan micoaya, oncan miquia
in mamalti: zan tepan yetiuh, amo cexiuhtica, 93 no oncan
micoaya, oncan miquia in mamalti:, 94 auh zan yohuan in
micohuaya, 95 in teccizcalco: no oncan micoaya, oncan
miquia in mamalti: zan no yohualtica, zan no tepan yetiuh,
zan molnamiquia, 96 auh in mochihuaya in quizcaltiaya
matlacpohualtica omeitica: ipan in cemilhuitonalli omacatl,
97 in macuilcipactli iteopan: oncan micoaya: oncan miquia
mamalti: zan yohualtica, 98 in chicomecatl iteopan: zan
quenman in oncan micoaya, ihuan yohualtica:, 99 in
tezcatlachco: no oncan micoaya, oncan miquia in ixiptla
huitznahuatl: zan quenman, amo mochipa:, 100 auh
matlacpoaltica omeitica in ommicoaya, 101 in tlamatzinco:
oncan miquia in mitoaya, in intoca catca tlamatzinca, in
tlaaltiti: ihcuac in quecholli, itlamian cexiuhtica, 102
in cuauhxicalco: oncan hualtemoya in teteuhpoalli, auh za
huallatzacuiaya in xiuhcoatl hualtemoya:, 103 in
mixcoateopan: oncan mazapolihuaya:, 104 in huei
tzompantli: no oncan micohuaya, cenca miequin in oncan
miquia mamalti, cemilhuitl, amo yohuan:, 105 in iopico:
oncan micohualoya: in onca, cenca miyequintin miquia in
mamalti:, 106 in iopico calmecac: oncan micohuaya, oncan
miquia cenca miec in malli: zan no yohualtica, ipan in
tlacaxipehualiztli: no cexiuhtica, oncan icalmecac in
yohuallahuan, 107 in iopico tzompantli: onca quizoya in
intzontecon mamalti: auh yehuantin in quinhuahuanaya ipan
tlacaxipehualiztli:, 108 in macuilmalinal iteopan, ihuan
in topantlacaqui iteopan: oncan quincuicatiaya, ihuan oncan
quintonaltiaya in yehuantin macuilmalinal, ihuan
topantlacaqui:, 109 auh in quintonaltiaya matlacpoaltica,
omeitica:, 110 in aticpac: onca quintonaltiaya in
cihuateteo: ihcuac in quilhuia chicomecohuatonalli, 111 in
atlauhco: oncan quintonaltiaya, in atlauhco, cihuateootl:,
112 in temalacatl: oncan tlahuahuanoya, in oncan
quinhuahuanaya, cenca miequintin in mamalti:, 113 auh inic
tlahuahuanoya, huel ixquich tlacatl hualhuia in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cematonahuac in huallamictiaya, in oncan temalacac:, 114

auh oncan intequippan catca in cuetlachtli, ontequetzaya in
temalacac, 115 auh in ihcuac in ilhuiuh quizaya in
macuiltotec oncan micoaya: oncan miquia mamalti in
tlacochcalco cuauhquiyahuac:,116 in tolnahuac, oncan
micohuaya:,117 in atempan, oncan quintecpichoaya in
tlacateteuhti:, 118 in tezcacohuac tlacochcalco: oncan
micoaya, zan quemman, ihcuac in cenca miyec malli:, 119 in
acatl iiacapan huei calpolli, oncan quicenquixtiaya in
tlatlaloque:, 120 tlamictiliztli, &c, 121 inic mochihuaya
tlamictiliztli, inic miquia malli ihuan tlacotli in mitoaya
teomiqui, 122 inic contlecahuiaya ixpan diablo, zan
caantihui imatitech, 123 auh in tehuelteca motocayotiaya,
yehuatl contecaya in ipan techcatl, 124
tlatlatlacualiliztli, 125 inic mochihuaya
tlatlatlacualiliztli, in ihcuac oconeltecque in tlacotli
anozo malli, niman quicuia in iezzo caxtica ihuan ahzo
amatl contlazaya in caxic quichichinaltiaya in eztli, 126
auh in tlahuahuanque inchimal inmaccuauh yeticac inic
tlahuahuanaya iuhquin quicali mali anozo tlacotli, 127 in
moloncoteohua, zan no yehatl itequiuh catca, ipan tlatoaya,
in amatl in copalli, in olli, in tlilli, in ixquich itech
monequia in yehuatl in ihcuac miquia, auh in tlilli ic
mozaya, in chiconahuecatl, 128 oncan ixpan mochihuaya
nehzoliztli, in tlacoquixtiliztli, in tlamanaliztli, in
tlacotonaliztli, 129 zan ticmictia in tonan, in
tlahueliloc in ye otztli:, 130 auh in ye iuhqui, in
centzonhuitznahua in oquicentlalique in intlatol, in
oquicemitoque iza quimictizque in innan, yehica ca
otlapinauhti, za cenca mochicahuaya, 131 iuhqui in quizaya
in iyollo, in coyolxauhqui, cenca quinyolehuaya,
quinyollococoltiaya in ioquichtihua, in macuele miqui in
innan, 132 auh in ye iuhqui in yequene oquicemitoque, in
ocentetix in intlatol, inic quimictizque, inic
quitlatlatizque in innan, niman ye ic hui, 133 ihuan
moxococualiaya, quichihuaya xocotamalli; ihuan tlatonilli,
anozo itzcuintli quimictiaya quicuaya, ihuan tlahuanaya,
134 auh manozo cuele xinechmotlatlatili,
xinechonmocxipachiloi, 135 manozo cuele xinechtlatlati:,
136 auh in tolteca, in imacehualhuan, cenca mimatia, 137
cenca huel mimatia, 138 xinechmicti, xinechtlatlati, ma
nimiqui, 139 auh in ye iuhqui niman ye ic quinhualtoca in
tolteca in inyaohuan, in momatque ca oncan quimictizque in
tohuenio, in iuhqui oconnahualcahuato, quimiquizcahuato,
140 zacoquexixquichtin tiquinmictizque, 141 auh in
otequiyauh, zatepan hualtemoc ilhuicacpa centetl huei
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

techcatl ompa in chapoltepecuitlapilco in huetzico, 142

niman ye ic yauh in ompa ca techcatl, 143 niman
quintlachichihuiliaya in amatlamatque, in huehuetque in
machiceque catca:, 144 in ahzo huahuano, ahzo tlepantlaxo,
ahzo tlaxichhuilo, ahzo teoconhuilo, anozo cacalihua, anozo
ocopotonilo, mochintin hui in tonatiuh ichan, 145 auh in
nepantla tonatiuh, miquia, mictiloya, in mamalti:, 146 auh
inic quinmictiaya, quitlatataquia, 147 auh in aquin amo
ipan mimatia, in atle ipan quittaya: zan quitlahuelia in
itonal: ca iuh mitoa: in ihcuac aquin cuicani, anozo aca
toltecatl, tlachichiuhqui: intla ye onca quicuani, ye onca
inecuiltonol: auh ye conpopoa, iixco, iicpac, ye quimana,
contepopoaltia, iz ic moquetza, iz ic moquixtia, ic
teiixco, 148 auh yece inic huel quicnopilhuiz imahcehual,
inic huel quittaz tlahmachtli, cenca tlamacehuaya,
mozahuaya, mizoya in ihcuac moquetzaya ce xochitl tonalli:,
149 auh miec in huentli, in nextlahualli inic
quimahuiztiliaya, 150 ahzo cana altiloz, tlaaltilmiquiz:,
151 ihuan mitoaya teomiquiz, 152 teehuillotlatia,
tetlatlatoquilia, 153 in aca ohuel quichiuh, in ye nappa
huilo ichan, mitoa: ocontlaquixtili, 154 auh in quenman
temac huetzi, temac aqui, temac maquia, axihua,
cuitihuecho, 155 zan yohuan in mictiloya, in huallathui ye
tlacuitlapozahua, atlan quimonmamayahui, 156 nononcua
motlatalhuia, ayac huel inhuan tlatoa, ayac huel inpal
onmocencamahuia: intlacamo oztomecatl, intlacamo hueca
matini: ihuan intlacamo cenca mocuiltonoa, intlacamo
ontlaaaqui ichan, intlacamo tecoani, intlacamo tealtiani,
intlacamo cahcatzcatoc, nahnatzcatoc ichan cacaxtli:
intlacamo poctecontica, ayotectica atlihua ichan etx, 157
ipan netotocholo, nemamalihua, inic quitlamatilizque,
quipalehuizque, inic yehuan huel quitlamaltizque, 158 ipal
yez, quitlamahuizalhuiz in toteucyo: ahzo tecoaz, tealtiz,
159 ahzo huahuanaloz, huahuanoz, aco cahcalihuaz, ahzo
cuatlecueponiloz, ahzo tlepan tlaxoz, 160 anozo cana
teomiquiz, tlaaltilmiquiz altiloz:, 161 auh zatepan
tlaaltilmiqui, 162 oncan tzomoccalaqui, 163 tel in
tlatoca, im pilpan, im pillohuan, tecpilpan, in anozo cana
netlacamachoyan, necuiltonoloya, tlatlamepan, im pochtla,
in pochtecapan, toltecayopan, cecentetl inic netquihuaya,
inic tlamania, inic tlamanca, 164 ic quinextia,
quinezcayotia, ca tlamatiuh in yaoc, amo nenquizaz:, 165
ahzo acame inmac huetzitiuh, quimictizque:, 166 auh intla
yaoc matini teta, yehuatl concahuaya: ompa contocaya in
yaonepantla, 167 quilmach: yaoc matini yez intla hueiyaz,
168 in ihcuac in ahzo oquitlaxin inamic, intla impan
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

ocalac, quitoa: quintlazolmictia, 169 in ma iuh

cihuatihua, cuix huel malacatl, cuix huel tzotzopaztli: ca
anommati in nixco, in nocpac, auh ca ahuel cententli,
cencamatl nicquixtia, in ihiyotl, in tlatolli:, 170 ic
caxtolli oce capitulo, oncan mitoa: inic tlananquiliaya, oc
ce huehue teuctlato, in huel quimatia tlatolli, inic
quitlananquililiaya altepetl: ihuan inic quitlazocamatia in
teuctlatolli, ihuan inic quinextiaya in quenin mochihuaz,
neltiz: in ixquich in oquito in oquiteneuh tlatoani, 171
macihui in huehueixtihui techcauhtihui, cuix inma, cuix
imicxi techcacahuilitiaque:, 172 macihui in huehueixtihui
techcauhtihui, cuix inma, imicxi, quicauhtiaque, 173 ach
anozo nen mochihua tipaqui timomati, in ticmotequimaca in
paquiztli: ca ye timomictia, ca timohuitilia:, 174 ma
titlamicti, ma titlatleten, 175 ma icuexanco, ma itepotzco
xicmotlalilican in amantecatl, in toltecatzintli, in
ticitzintli:, 176 ah manozo xicmochihuilia in
motequiquitzin, in monahuatiltzin, inic amitoltecahuan, in
amiamantecahuan toteucyo, inic amitlanahuatiloan, 177 ca
onohuac, ca yeloac, ca tlaxcuahuatoc in itoltecahuan
toteucyo, in ixeque, in nacaceque:, 178 auh mazo
namantecatl, cuix nehuatl itlan naquiz in ichimal, in
itehuehuel, in nochpochtzin, in noxocoyouh, in nican
onmehuiltitica: in ica anmonentlamachitia:, 179 auh in
yolizmatqui toltecatl, amantecatl, in ticitl: intla
oquittac omic piltzintli, intlacayocmo molinia: auh intla
oc ye ihiyotoc cihuatzintli niman onmayahui in iixpampa in
cihuatzintli, itztli quicalaquia:, 180 iuh quilhuiaya in
ca mochi tetolini, tecoco, in ipan mochihuaz tlalticpac:
auh ca yaoc momiquiliz, anoce teomiquiz:, 181 anozo
quitoa, oquichtiz, cuauhtiz, ocelotiz, tiacauhtiz, imac
maniz in cuauhxicalli, in cuauhpiaztli, cuauhpetlapan,
ocelopetlapan yez, catlitiz, quitlamacaz in tonatiuh, in
tlalteuctli:, 182 niman connotza in toltecatl, in imac
tlacatihuani in ticitl, 183 auh inic tlahuanqui otemicti,
oc ichicomatl: yehica ca ayocmo quima in temicti, 184
itech hualquiza in tlepapalotl: in momatia acazomo temicti
in tletl:, 185 ihcuac mitoa: intla aca cenca techtolinia,
anozo, techmictiznequi, amo ma tiihuahuan, zan tecniuh: ic
onmonanquilia can machpa tihuitze, 186 ca in
teixcuelittaliztli, aquen techiuh: zan in apizmiquiliztli
temicti, ic micoa, 187 aca quittaz tozazaniltzin,
tlacanenca atemitl: tocpac toconana, toztipan ticualteca:
oncan toconmictia, 188 tlacaztalmicoa, malmicoa, 189 in
ihcuac ye tlapoyahua, iuhquin comalli, hueipol: huel
tehuilacachtic, malacachtic:, 190 ic conixhuihuitequito in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

tochin, in yehuatl teucciztecatl, ic conixpopoloque, ic

conixomictique:, 191 niman ic yeh itequiuh onmochiuh, in
hecatl, ye quinmictia in teteo:, 192 ye huel ompa canato,
inic conmictique, 193 quinemitia, quipopolactia,
quihuihuilana: icpac cantinemi, quititilicza, 194 oncan
quimonana in intahuan, in innahuan, 195 auh za tzohualli,
inic quixiptlayoti, in ipan quipouh: tlaolpahuaxtli ipan
quitlatlali, inic quitecualti, 196 ihuan ixquich tlamantli
miquiztli oncan quitzontequia ahzo aca quimecanizque, anozo
aca quitetepachozque, anozo aca cuauhtica miquiz
quihuihuitequizque, 197 ayac huel tepanahuia, ayac huel
tetlan quiza, zan niman oncan quinmictia, quinhuihuitequi,
in aquin tlaixneloznequi: tetlan quizaznequi, 198 inic
yehuantin quimictia, quimecania in tlatlacoani, anozo
teixpan quitetepachoa, anozo quitetequi, 199 auh in ihcuac
ontepehuato, oyaoquizato cenca paqui, in quexquich malli
ocanato, inic mochintin ixpan huitzilopochtli quinmictiaya,
inic inca ilhuiquixtiaya, 200 in tlamacehualiztli, in
yoaltica in acxoyatlaliliztli izazocampa acxoyatlalitiuh in
tepeticpac, in ompa onmicoya yoalnepantla, 201 conchiaya
in ahzo itla ic quintemoz tlatoani, ahzo itla ic tlatlaniz,
ahzo itla quitta in ompa izquican omoxtlauha in tepeticpac,
ihuan atlan, ihuan in ompa hueca caca momoztli, iceceyohual
ic tlamacehua, 202 in ihcuac in oacic campa tepetitech
tlamatiuh niman ic oncan moxtlahua, 203 auh i ye ihcuac
miquiz malli in yehuatl tlamani niman ye ic quimaca im
moteuczoma in tlahuiztli quetzalcomitl inic ipan tlamictiz,
204 amo huel itech pohuia zan ipan tlamictia ipan mitotia,
205 auh i yehuatl malli niman ic quihuica in ompa miquiz
temalacac icpac cantiuh contlehcahuia, in oncan
quihuahuanazqueh malli imac concahua itoca cuitlachhuehue,
206 auh niman conmaca in iocotzonteuh nauhtetl inic
quimomotlaz tlahuahuanqui, 207 auh i yehuantin in
tehuahuanaya in tletlenamacaqz in tlamacazqz, 208 niman ic
coniahua in ompa hualquiza tonatiuh, 209 auh in oconiti
cuitlachhuehue niman ye ic yauh in tlamicti inic
quihuahuanaz, 210 quinihcuac huel quimictia in ohuelhuetz,
211 auh intlacamo oquichtli intlacamo tiacauh zan niman
onmoteca in oncan temalacac amo ontlaehecohua, 212 auh i
ye iuhqui ommicohuac niman ye ic mihtotia in tlahuahuanque
in otemictique in yehuantin tlamacazque in ipan mihtotia
cecentetl in tzontecomatl intlan caana, 213 auh in ye
ixquich in omocemacico tlatoque, in quipachoa altepetl
niman ye ic ompehua, inic tlahuahuanoz temalacac:, 214 auh
in ihcuac tlahuahuano oncan ic mocehualhuitoque, 215 auh
intlaca can huel mitzpopoloz, mitztlatlatiz, in tlacatl,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

toteucyo: ma hualtimalihui, in ahcococ in apoyec, in

iztaayotzintli, in totopochtzintli, in xalpinoltzintli, in
tlaolpahuaxtzintli:, 216 in aquin otlatlaco quimictia:
quitlatlatia, in oncan cuauhcali, ihuan in zazo campa: ahzo
huel ichan in ompa conmictiaya, contlatlatiaya, 217 auh
intla ompa aca cihuatl oquitecac: iciuhca ica mocentlaliaya
quitzauctihuia, quitlahtlatia, quimictia, 218 ca ye
moyollotzin pachihui, ca otlaltitech nonacico, acan
onechtlati in toteucyo, 219 auh in ihcuac ontetlalhuito:
in ontenotzato, niman ye iciuhca amaxotla, quichihua in
inextlahual: in itech pohui in tletl, ihuan iyacateuctli,
220 ca acan onechtlati in tloque, nahuaque:, 221 ahzo
nican nechmopopolhuiz nechmotlatlatiliz, in tloque
nahuaque, moztlatiz huiptlatiz:, 222 in za
iztlacatiliztica, tetentlapiquiliztica,
tetlanahualchichihuiliztica: in quintlatzontequiliaya
nahualoztomeca intiachcahuan, inic quinmictiaya, in atle
intlatlacol: zan nexicoliztica inic inca mozcaltiaya in
cuachichicti, in otomi, in yaotachcahuan:, 223 in amo
cenca mihmati ic mitotia in ipatiuh cenquimilli
onmatlactli, 224 intla ome caltiz, ontetl zolin in
quimictia auh intla ei, intla nahui caltiz izquitetl zolin
quimictia:, 225 auh in ihcuac yoalnepantla: in ye tlapitza
mizoc, in mozauhqui, tlamacazqui: niman iciuhca quintlalia
tlecuilixcuac, in oncan onoc petlatl, 226 za tlayohuayan
in quincualtia tzoalli, neuctitlan conaquitiuh:, 227 in
ontlecoc niman ye ic hualtemo in teteopohualli, 228 auh in
oconiauh niman ipan quiteca in teteppoalli oncan mani:, 229
auh in yehuantin tlamictizque: ye quinchie,
omocencauhcaque, inxixicol conmaquia ; ihuan apanecayotl
contlalia in imicpac, ihuan amatlaxolocholli, ihuan
motenchichiloa tlauhtica, yehuatl in quitoaya teotlahuitl,
230 inic temictia teeltetequi ixcuaehuatica yehuatl in
tecpatl huellatentilli, 231 in oimac onacic in miquiz:
niman ye ic ipan conteca in techcatl, quinauhcahuia in
quitilinia:, 232 intlacayac ipanti in ihcuac tealtiz, zan
quicohuachihuaya, quicohuahuicaya, quicohuaotlatoctiaya in
amanteca: inic quicoaya ce tlacotli in quimictizque, 233
auh intla aca amantecatl, huipantic tealtiz: zan niman
yehuatl conana, caltia, in ixiptla coyotl inahual, 234
intla quihueichihua itealtiliz, ahzo quezqui quimonana,
quinmictia in imixiptlahuan, izquintin inteohuan ahzo ome,
ahzo ei quimictia, 235 inic motecaya centlapal incalma in
pochteca, no centlapal incalma in amanteca, yehica achi
monenehuilitihuia, inic mocuiltonoaya, inic tealtiaya, 236
tlainaya tlaixpachoa, teichtacamictia, tetlacuicuilia, 237
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

in cualli iyolloco cihuatl, tlatecoa, tlamachchiuhqui

toltecatl, yecahua, yectlacuale, 238 in tlahueliloc
oquichtli tenahualpoloani, tetlanahualtequiliani,
tecacalaquini tlaoyo, teahuilmictiani texiccahuani,
mauhcazonequini, 239 tlamauhcachihua toltecati tlatlalia,
tlahimati, tlayocoya tlahuipana, tlapopotia, tlananamictia,
240 tlatlaliani tlatoltecatlaliani, 241 in cualli
teocuitlahua momahimati, tlaixtlaxiliani, tlaixieyecoani
tlachipahuani, 242 in cualli tlatecqui:
tlatoltecatlaliani, 243 tlaimatini tlatoltecaicuiloani,
tlazaloani, 244 tlatoltecatlalia, tlatoltecaicuiloa, 245
tlanematcachihua, tlatlahmachia, cuauhtlacuiloa,
tlacuicuiloa, tlaixpetlahua, tlahuelteca tlaxotla,
tlatlalpia, tlacuauhyotia, tlacallotia, 246 momaimati,
huel maye, hacic tolla, 247 oztocalxima, tetlacuiloa,
tlatlacui, tlaamantecatlalia, tlatoltecatlalia
tlatlamachia, tlatlahmachtontoquia, tlaqueninmachtlalia,
calquetza, callacuiloa, tlacalicuiloa tlamachiotia,
mocalimati, callamati, tlatlalana tlatetoca caltetzonteca,
tlanacaztia tlacalnacaztia, tlazaloa, tlapantlaza,
tlacaltentia, tlaanauhtia tlaamayotia, tlatlecallotia,
tlapochquiyahuayotia, tlazoquicualtia, tlaeltzacua, 248 in
tlacuilo, tlilli, tlapalli, tlilatl, ialhuil, 249
tlapouhqui, teixcuepani, teca mocayahuani, teixpoloa,
tlaohuitilia, tlauhuicanaquia, tlamictia, tepoloa,
tlalpoloa, tlanahualpoloa, 250 in tlahueliloc ticitl: ic
tlaqueloani, itlaquelh quichihuani tepahmihctiani,
tepaixhuitiani, tlaohuitiliani, teohuitiliani,
tlatlanalhuyani, tetlanalhuiani, 251 tepamictia,
tlaohuitilia, tepixhuia, texochihuia, 252 tecocoliani,
tepoloani, tecocollaliliani, tepan mihzoni, tepahmictiani
tepahitiani, teehuillotlatiani, 253 in tlatzonqui,
tlatlaliani, tlaimatini: tlatecqui, tlatequini tlatzomani,
254 in cualli tlatzonqui: mimati mozcalia
tlamauhcachihuani, momaimati, matoltecatl, ixe, yollo
moyolpoani moyolnonotzani, tlacenmatini, tlacemanani, 255
tecocoliani, tetoliniani, temictiani, motepachihuiani:
moteyehiecoltiani, 256 tehuitequi, tetopehua, temictia,
tenezcacahua, 257 tlaquetzqui, ahuile camanale
tentlamache, tentoltecatl, camatoltecatl, 258 mitotia,
tlatzotzona, cuica chocholoa, 259 motepachihuia,
tetlallahuia, tenahualana, teochia, tehuitequi,
tecuatepitzinia, tecuatlahtlilhuia, tepoyomictia,
tetlanahualtequilia, tenahualpoloa, 260 in cualli
zoquichiuhqui: tlaliximati, tlaliztlacoani, moyolnonotzani,
tlanemiliani, tlatlaliani, tlahtlama toltecatl, 261
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

momaimati, 262 in cualli tlamachchiuhqui: ca mimati,

tlatlapalpoani, tlatlilaniani, tlapoyahuani,
tlananamictiani, tlapopotiani, 263 in amo cualli
tlamachchiuhqui: amozcalia, xolopitli, aoompa, atlachia,
amo maimati, poxacuatl, nextecuili, 264 mayamanqui,
momaimati, matoltecatl, 265 in cualli tlatzonqui:
toltecatl, matoltecatl, momaimati, moyolnonotzani,
tlayolpoani, 266 tlayeyecole, tlaztlacole, piale, machice
nonotzale, 267 tepaitia, tepamictia, tetlanalhuia,
teohuitilia tlaohuitilia, tlacocolizcuitia, tlamictia, 268
in ahuiyani, ca cihuatlahueliloc, inacayo ic mahuiltiani,
nacanamacac, nanacanamacac, ichpochtlahueliloc,
ilamatlahueliloc, tlahuanqui, xocomicqui, tequixocomicqui,
tequitlahuanqui, yellelacic, tlacamicqui, xochimicqui,
tlaaltilli, teomicqui, teopoliuhqui, miccatzintli, 269
tlaaltilnemi, moxochimiccanenequi, aquetztinemi,
tlaxocotinemi mihuintitinemi momixihuitinemi,
monanacahuitinemi, 270 camatoltecatl, tentoltecatl, 271
in ayatl quinamaca tlaatcaiquittli, atic, tlahuitzcuitl,
tlahuitzcayahualli, ipanocatilahuac, tlapacholli,
tlanematcahuilli, mimati ayatl, ce ichtli, iztac ayatl,
xochayatl, xochiayatl, ayatohtontli, ayatotomactli,
ayatepaxitli, yayatoc, caciltic, cahcacili, cacaciltic,
tzitzinatl, 272 camatoli, tentoltecatl tentlama, 273
mimatia tolteca: mitoa amanteca catca, hihuizaloque:, 274
in omotitlania tlahuiztli, in mahuiztic, quichihuaya,
quizaloaya in ihhuitl, huel amanteca tlaliaya, huel
quitoltecahuiaya:, 275 atle quinequi, zan coatl, zan
papalotl in anquimacazque: in ixpan anquimictizque, 276
auh inique in, in huel miec in quiximati, xihuitl,
tlanelhuatl in ichicahualiz in ihiyo, in patli, in micoani,
in cuahuaconi, in huecauhtica temicti:, 277 inic quimictia
cocoxqui, manozo huehue, quil ic quitlaocolia, quil ipampa
in amo motoliniz tlalticpac: ihuan inic amo
quintlaocoltiz:, 278 oc cenca ic yequene motocayotia
matlatzinca: in ihcuac tlacatl, macehualli quihuenchihuaya,
im ixpan quimictiaya diablo yixiptla: amo itla inic
quimictiaya, zan quimatlapatzcaya:, 279 in ihcuac
tlacamictiaya, zan quimecapatzcaya in macehualtzintli, 280
auh in yehuan i, cihua huellamachchiuhque, huel
mocpaimati:, 281 huel mimati in ipan cuicatl, huel
motlaquimati, in ipan netotiliztli:, 282 auh mimati in
intlacual, ompa huitz (in quilhuia) tlapictli, nacatamalli,
283 auh in cihua, huel huehueintin tlamachiuhque,
mocpaimati, tolteca, huel mozcaliani: ca nel nozo
anahuaca, anahuacacihua xochitlalpaneca, 284 in cihua in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

oquichti amo motlacualimatia, 285 coatl, tototl, tochi, im

yixpan quimictiaya, 286 amo tlacamictiaya: in inmalhuan,
zan quinnemitiaya: iuhquinma intlacahuan catca, 287 auh
in mozcalia tlaminqui, in ce quitlaxilia, acatl, intla
oquimacuic: niman concui, in cuahuacazhuatl, in
cuauhxihuatlapalli:, 288 in oixhuic za quinmictia ihuan in
ichcame, 289 auh intla oitech acico zan ic
quimachititiquiza, 290 in quixpalotiquiza, iixpan
quiztiquiza, 291 ihuan niman ic concocoxamania, 292 auh
in ohuallaque: niman ye ic catli, in iezzo:, 293 inic maci
quimichin: mizton, gaton quinmictia: momonhuia,
motlapehuia: moquimichpahuia, 294 ic mitoa yohualcuauhtli,
acan cenca neci: auh yohualtica in tlacuacua, in
tlahuitequi, 295 quinhuitequi, quinmictia in mamaza, in
tecuanime, 296 inic quinmictia, quimixtlatzinia, ica in
yaztlacapal: ihuan niman quimixtelolo chopinia, 297 in
cocoa cenca tomahuaque, huel quinmictia: ihuan huel
quinmictia, in zazo tleique patlantinemi, ehecaticpac:, 298
auh intla centetl huel caci: zan niman ielpan,
quimotzoltzitzquia: niman quiquechcoyonia, 299 auh in
ihcuac ce mictilo in manel huel omic ce, in oc ce tetoca,
techoponitiuh, 300 oncan conana quimictia, 301 inic
tlamictia: ceppa ittoc zacatla, otenco yehuatica in coyotl;
omach ixtomahuac, opani quitlatlali in ixtelo, 302 ic huel
conmictia:, 303 inic mitoa tetzmolcohuatl in aquin, anozo
in tlein itech motecuia, niman aoc huel quicahua;
ixquichica in quimictiz, ihuan cenca chicahuac, cenca
ichtic, 304 in cohuatl teiztlacminani, tecua,
teiztlachuia, tetencualachuia, temictia, tequechmateloa,
tetech motecuia:, 305 in aca quitoaya cuix teticmati in
tiyoyoliton: ma zazo quen nipolihuiz, conmictia, 306
tlamotlaloni, tlatlacalhuazuiloni, tlamaloni, tlamictiloni,
307 tetlati, temicti, 308 auh in aquin acuicuiyachin
quitoloa yehuatl coni in amolli ic miqui in iitic onoc
acuicuiyachi, 309 temictia, 310 niteichtacamictique
quitocatinemi in icxiohtli, 311 cualnezqui, huel ipan
cualli, tlanematcahuilli tlanematcachihualli,
tlatoltecatlalilli, tlatoltecachihualli, tetonal, 312
toltecacalli, tlatoltecahuilli, tlatoltecatlalilli, 313
moyehuatocani, moyehuatiliani, tlapopoloani,
tlaximmictiani, 314 tlaximmictia, tlapopoloa, moyehuatoca,
moyehuatilia, 315 niman ie ic texixilihua, temictilo,
tehuihuiteco, 316 In ie inman, in otlainmantic inic
temictizque in espa±oles: niman ie ic hualquiza, 317 auh
in ie iuhqui, niman ie ic calaqui in teoithualco in
temictizque:, 318 in intequiuh in temictique zan
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

tlacxipanhuia imeehuachimal, cequi intotopchimal, ihuan

intetepozmacuauh:, 319 auh in ontemictico, niman ie ic
callacqn hualmotzatzauctihuetzque, 320 auh niman ye ic
quimicahuatztihui, quimololhuitihui, intech icatihui in
mexica, quimaantihui in tlaxcalteca ihuan in espa±oles
mictihui:, 321 monenepanotoque, zan monetechmictique,
mihiomictique:, 322 ye oncan ixpoliuhque tiacahuan in
xaxamacaque, in mexica in micoac:, 323 zan tequitl
ontemictitiquizque in tlaliztacapan iiztacalla:, 324 nec
quihuallecahuia in tlequiquiztli contecaco temalacatitlan:,
325 auh in tlequiquiztli oncan quicauhtiquizque in
temalacatitlan:, 326 auh cenca quitemoaya, inic
quimictizque, in ahzo quitepozmihuizque, in anozo
quitlequiquizhuizque, 327 auh in oc cequintin amo
quinmictique, zan ihuian acalco quimontemohuique, 328 auh
in mayehuatzin: niman ie ic tlamictia, 329 huel nohuian
tepan ixque in mamalti, 330 cecenyaca onyatimani in
momozco, in oncan tlamictilo, 331 auh in ontlamictiloc,
nec quincuacuauhzo in intzontecon in espa±oles:

Simeon, Remi
0. Dictionnaire de la Langue Nahuatl Paris
JC-05-07-97 Skeletal Bibliography
1. ( reprinted

2. Graz: Akademische Drucku Verlagsanstalt

3. 1963 )

Sullivan, Thelma
0. Compendio de Gramatica Nahuatl Mexico City: UNAM
JC-05-07-97 Skeletal Bibliography

0. tecolotl, owl

0. teotl-cuitlatl, god-excrement

0. teotl-tlalli, sacred-earth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. tepoztli, iron or metal

0. relate en su bien conocido principio de la Cro'nica
Mexicana [1598]: La venida que hicieron, tiempos, y a~os
que estuvieron en llegar a este Nuevo Mundo, adelante se
dira' Y asi' ellos propios persuadiendo a los naturales
por la estrechura en que estaban, determino' y les hablo'
su Dios, en quien ellos adoraban Huitzilopochtli,
Quetzalcoatl, Tlalocateutl, y otros como se ira'n tratando
La venida de estos Mexicanos muy antiguos, de la parte que
ellos vinieron, tierra y casa antigua llamada hoy dia
Chicomoztoc que es casa de siete cuevas cavernosas Segundo
nombre llaman Aztlan, que es decir asiento de la Garza, (o
abundancia de ellas) Tenian en las Lagunas, y su tierra
Aztlan un Cu', y en ella el templo de Huitzilopochtli,
Idolo, Dios de ellos, en su mano una flor blanca, en la
propia rama del grandor de una rosa de Castilla, de mas de
una vara en largo, que llaman ellos Aztaxochitl, de suave
olor Antiguamente ellos se jactaban llamar Aztlantlaca
Otros les llamaron Aztecas Mexitin, que este nombre de
Mexitin quiere decir Mexicano: como mas claro decir al
lugar manantial de la uba, asi' Mexi, como si del Maguey
saliera manantial, y por eso son ellos ahora llamados
Mexicanos, como antiguamente se nombraban Mexica,
Chichimeca, Mexicanos, Serranos, Monta~eses; y ahora por el
apellido de esta tierra, y Ciudad de Me'xico Tenuchtitlan,
el tiempo que a ella llegaron viniendo huyendo desbaratados
de los naturales indios de Culhuacan su vecino, que ahora
es a dos leguas de la Ciudad de Me'xico, persuadidos del
Demonio Huitzilopochtli, llegaron a la dicha Ciudad, que es
ahora Me'xico Tenuchtitlan, porque el dia que llegaron a
esta Laguna Mexicana, en medio de ella estaba, y tenia un
sitio de tierra, y en e'l una pe~a, y encima de ella un
gran Tunal, y en la hora que llegaron con sus balzas de
ca~a, o corrido, hallaron en el sitio la oja, piedra, y
Tunal, y al pie' de e'l un hormiguero, y estaba encima del
tunal una a'guila comiendo y despedazando una Culebra, y
asi' tomaron el Apellido, Armas y Divisa, el Tunal y
Aguila, que es Tenuchca o Tenuchtitlan, que hoy se nombra
asi'; y al tiempo que llegaron a esta Ciudad habian andado
y caminado muchas tierras, montes, lagunas, y rios
[Versio'n anotada por Manuel Orozco y Berra, 4a Edicio'n,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1987, Editorial Porrua Hnos]


0. to hide
FC - > jc-61096

0. tototl, bird

0. toz, cough

0. tochtli, rabbit

0. depose
FC - > jc-61096

0. sand fly; a type of mosquito

0. dragonfly

0. jacal-fly; a type of mosquito

0. green fly

0. firefly

0. xochitl-milli, flower-field
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to govern
FC - > jc-61096

0. to go, trip
FC - > jc-61096

0. fly

0. tzacual, closed

0. adv, negacio'n, usado en comp por amo, no; indica
privacio'n, escasez, ausencia, o sirve para expresar la
duda, lo contrario de una cosa o de una accio'n - qualli,
bueno; aqualli, malo; tlacatl, humano, generoso;
atlacatl, inhumano; ni-ueliti, puedo; aniueliti, no
puedo; cuix t-iaz ?, ?ira's ?; cuix at-iaz ? ?no ira's
?; ayehuatl tlatlacoa in itzcohuatl ?, ? no es
itzcohuatl quien prevarica ?; amixco mocpac ton-mati ( par
), eres idiota; lit no adviertes nada delante o arriba de
ti en forma interrogativa, a negacio'n equivale a menudo a
una afirmacio'n - cuix atiquittaz ?, ?no lo vera's tu' ?,
es decir, lo vera's, es seguro
sim p 3

0. s, usado en comp por atl, agua; acalli ( atl-calli ),
barco, embarcacio'n; atotonilli ( atl-totonilli ), agua
caliente; amiquini {atlmiquini ), muerto de sed; axixa (
atl-xixa ), orinar, verter agua; atzaqua ( atl-tzaqua ),
detener el agua; etc
sim p 3

0. vocal reduplicativa, sirve para indicar los v
frecuentativos, sus derivados y otras palabras - aay,
hacer a menudo, varias veces; aamapoa, leer mucho;
aauilnemi, vivir en libertinaje; aauilnemiliztli, vida
de placer, lujuria; aauatla, encinar; etc
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

sim p 3

0. especie de interj que se une a los nombres y a los verbos -
atl a, xic-caqui a ( olm ), agua ! eh !, escucha ! eh !
sim p 3

0. A:c to be present See A:c
preterit as present verb; pret-| Kart p1

0. to be soaked [se empapa (Z), (3)Zp49,139,181] The literal
sense of this is 'to water-enter' Z has the reflex of AH
instead of A:-tl, but the sense is of A:-tl, and Z has AH
for A:-tl elsewhere See Aqu(i)
-| Kart p1

0. A:quihqueh (one) who; who? [quien? o cual?] (M) This is
the preterit agentive form derived from the existential
verb A: It contrasts in vowel length with AC, the preterit
form of Aqu(i) 'to enter' See A:, Acah, A:quin
-| Kart p1

0. reed [can~a (M)]
Noun-| Kart p1

0. small yellow or blue bird with gray on the back, [pajaro
chico, amarillo o azul con gris sobre la espalda] (T) (3)
Tp170,243 See A:ca:hual-li, To:to:-tl
Noun-| Kart p1

0. a type of grasshopper, locust, [otro genero de langostas
(M), (I) Tp169] See A:ca-tl, Chacha-tl
-| Kart p1

0. reed basket, [canasto hecho de can~as (M), jicara para
tortillas (X) (3)Xp25] The initial vowel is not marked
long in the attestation See A:ca-tl, Chiquihu(i)-tl
-| Kart p1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. chocolate beater; chocolate; smoking tube

0. boat [navio, barca, canoa, etc (M)] The literal sense of
this is 'water-house' See A:-tl, Cal-li
Noun-| Kart p1

0. to dive; to submerge something [se bucea (de bucear), se
mete en el agua (Z), meter algo debajo del agua, o hundirlo
(M) (2)(Zp21,167)] See A:-tl, Calaqu(i)
vrefl-| vt-| Kart p1

0. grooved, furrowed

0. boat
1. canoe

2. canoe

3. boat
4. canoe

5. canoe
FC - > jc-61096
6. (cf atl{1}, calli) boat
7. (cf atl{1}, calli) boat

0. at the canal; over the canal

0. canal; canals

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. boatmakers

0. grooved; furrowed

1. grooved; furrowed
2. grooved; furrowed

3. grooved; furrowed
4. grooved; furrowed

5. grooved; furrowed

0. by boat, in boats

0. prow of a ship

1. prow of a ship
FC - > jc-61096
2. prow of a ship
FC - > jc-61096

0. Acamapichtli See A:ca-tl, Ma:pi:ch-tli
Personal Name-| Kart p1

0. crayfish; crab [langostino (Z) (2)Zp25,139 The attestation
on Zp139 has an uncharacteristic final H as does Aca:loah
Noun-| Kart p1

0. medicinal plant with radish like leaves [planta medicinal
semejante en las hojas al ra'bano (I) Rp57 The initial
vowel is not marked long in the attestation See A:ca-tl,
Noun-| Kart p1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. reed mat [petate de zacate (Z) (I) Zp139 Z fails to mark

the initial vowel long See A:ca-tl, Pech-tli
Noun-| Kart p1

0. reed mat [acapetate, petate de carrizo (T) (I) Tp70 See
A:ca-tl, Petl(a)-tl
Noun-| Kart p1

0. See A:ca-tl, Tequ(i)
-| Kart p1

0. they set it, they placed it as the tip on the reed, which
is called the arrow in iyacac quiquetza, quitlalia in
acatl, in mitoa mitl: (b10 f10 p173), the first reed, the
arrow, which he shoots, the ocelot just catches with its
paws; it shatters it with its teeth in ce quitlaxilia
acatl, in mitl, zan quimacui, in ocelotl: quitlanxaxamania,
(b11 f1 p2), its name comes from acatl [ reed ], that is
"arrow" because when it flies, it is as if one shot an
arrow in itoca itech quiza in acatl: quitoznequi mitl:
ipampa inic patlani, iuhquin tlamina: (b11 f10 p95), its
name comes from acatl [reed], that is arrow, because when
it flies, it is as if one shot an arrow, in itoca itech
quiza in acatl: quitoznequi mitl: ipampa inic patlani,
iuhquin tlamina: (b11 f10 p95), behold what they did: they
went catching [game], they went catching rabbits, spearing
rabbits, snaring rabbits in nets, shooting rabbits with
reed arrows, hunting rabbits with balls; they went catching
quail with snares; they went catching game with snares,
catching game with a throw-net, izca in quichihua:
ahantinemi, tochantinemi, tochtzopinitinemi,
tlatochmatlahuitinemi, tlatochacahuitinemi,
tlatochtapayolhuitinemi, zoltzonhuitinemi,
tlatzonhuitinemi, tlatlapachihuazoitinemi,
tlatlazalhuitinemi, mazamintinemi, mazamatlahuitinemi,
tlatlahpehualhuitinemi, tlatlachictinemi, tlahuantinemi,
tlatlapehuitinemi, oncan nenquiztinemi: (b10 f11 p179), the
first reed, the arrow, which he shoots, the ocelot just
catches with its paws; it shatters it with its teeth in ce
quitlaxilia acatl, in mitl, zan quimacui, in ocelotl:
quitlanxaxamania, (b11 f1 p2), in iyacac quiquetza,
quitlalia in acatl, in mitoa mitl: (b10 f10 p173) they set
it, they placed it as the tip on the reed, which is called
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

the arrow the first reed, the arrow, which he shoots, the
ocelot just catches with its paws; it shatters it with its
teeth in ce quitlaxilia acatl, in mitl, zan quimacui, in
ocelotl: quitlanxaxamania, (b11 f1 p2), its name comes from
acatl [ reed ], that is "arrow" because when it flies, it
is as if one shot an arrow in itoca itech quiza in acatl:
quitoznequi mitl: ipampa inic patlani, iuhquin tlamina:
(b11 f10 p95), its name comes from acatl [ reed ], that is
" arrow ," because when it flies, it is as if one shot an
arrow, in itoca itech quiza in acatl: quitoznequi mitl:
ipampa inic patlani, iuhquin tlamina: (b11 f10 p95), behold
what they did: they went catching [ game ], they went
catching rabbits, spearing rabbits, snaring rabbits in
nets, shooting rabbits with reed-arrows, hunting rabbits
with balls; they went catching quail with snares; they went
catching game with snares, catching game with a throw-net,
catching game, izca in quichihua: ahantinemi, tochantinemi,
tochtzopinitinemi, tlatochmatlahuitinemi,
tlatochacahuitinemi, tlatochtapayolhuitinemi,
zoltzonhuitinemi, tlatzonhuitinemi,
tlatlapachihuazoitinemi, tlatlazalhuitinemi, mazamintinemi,
mazamatlahuitinemi, tlatlahpehualhuitinemi,
tlatlachictinemi, tlahuantinemi, tlatlapehuitinemi, oncan
nenquiztinemi: (b10 f11 p179), the first reed, the arrow,
which he shoots, the ocelot just catches with its paws; it
shatters it with its teeth in ce quitlaxilia acatl, in
mitl, zan quimacui, in ocelotl: quitlanxaxamania, (b11 f1
1. reed
2. reed

3. reed

4. they set it, they placed it as the tip on the reed, which
is called the arrow in iyacac quiquetza, quitlalia in
acatl, in mitoa mitl: (b10 f10 p173), the first reed, the
arrow, which he shoots, the ocelot just catches with its
paws; it shatters it with its teeth in ce quitlaxilia
acatl, in mitl, zan quimacui, in ocelotl: quitlanxaxamania,
(b11 f1 p2), its name comes from acatl [ reed ], that is
"arrow" because when it flies, it is as if one shot an
arrow in itoca itech quiza in acatl: quitoznequi mitl:
ipampa inic patlani, iuhquin tlamina: (b11 f10 p95), its
name comes from acatl [reed], that is arrow, because when
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it flies, it is as if one shot an arrow, in itoca itech

quiza in acatl: quitoznequi mitl: ipampa inic patlani,
iuhquin tlamina: (b11 f10 p95), behold what they did: they
went catching [game], they went catching rabbits, spearing
rabbits, snaring rabbits in nets, shooting rabbits with
reed arrows, hunting rabbits with balls; they went catching
quail with snares; they went catching game with snares,
catching game with a throw-net, izca in quichihua:
ahantinemi, tochantinemi, tochtzopinitinemi,
tlatochmatlahuitinemi, tlatochacahuitinemi,
tlatochtapayolhuitinemi, zoltzonhuitinemi,
tlatzonhuitinemi, tlatlapachihuazoitinemi,
tlatlazalhuitinemi, mazamintinemi, mazamatlahuitinemi,
tlatlahpehualhuitinemi, tlatlachictinemi, tlahuantinemi,
tlatlapehuitinemi, oncan nenquiztinemi: (b10 f11 p179), the
first reed, the arrow, which he shoots, the ocelot just
catches with its paws; it shatters it with its teeth in ce
quitlaxilia acatl, in mitl, zan quimacui, in ocelotl:
quitlanxaxamania, (b11 f1 p2), in iyacac quiquetza,
quitlalia in acatl, in mitoa mitl: (b10 f10 p173) they set
it, they placed it as the tip on the reed, which is called
the arrow the first reed, the arrow, which he shoots, the
ocelot just catches with its paws; it shatters it with its
teeth in ce quitlaxilia acatl, in mitl, zan quimacui, in
ocelotl: quitlanxaxamania, (b11 f1 p2), its name comes from
acatl [ reed ], that is "arrow" because when it flies, it
is as if one shot an arrow in itoca itech quiza in acatl:
quitoznequi mitl: ipampa inic patlani, iuhquin tlamina:
(b11 f10 p95), its name comes from acatl [ reed ], that is
" arrow ," because when it flies, it is as if one shot an
arrow, in itoca itech quiza in acatl: quitoznequi mitl:
ipampa inic patlani, iuhquin tlamina: (b11 f10 p95), behold
what they did: they went catching [ game ], they went
catching rabbits, spearing rabbits, snaring rabbits in
nets, shooting rabbits with reed-arrows, hunting rabbits
with balls; they went catching quail with snares; they went
catching game with snares, catching game with a throw-net,
catching game, izca in quichihua: ahantinemi, tochantinemi,
tochtzopinitinemi, tlatochmatlahuitinemi,
tlatochacahuitinemi, tlatochtapayolhuitinemi,
zoltzonhuitinemi, tlatzonhuitinemi,
tlatlapachihuazoitinemi, tlatlazalhuitinemi, mazamintinemi,
mazamatlahuitinemi, tlatlahpehualhuitinemi,
tlatlachictinemi, tlahuantinemi, tlatlapehuitinemi, oncan
nenquiztinemi: (b10 f11 p179), the first reed, the arrow,
which he shoots, the ocelot just catches with its paws; it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

shatters it with its teeth in ce quitlaxilia acatl, in

mitl, zan quimacui, in ocelotl: quitlanxaxamania, (b11 f1
5. reed
6. reed

0. watering trough [alberca (M), pileta para tomar agua los
animales (X) (3) Xp25 X fails to mark the initial vowel
long See A:-tl, Cax(i)-tl
Noun-| Kart p1

0. water basin

1. water basin
FC - > jc-61096

0. icicles, ice in trees [hielo en a'rbol (Z) (2)Zp67,141 See
A:-tl, Cec-tli
Noun-| Kart p2

0. swamp [cie'naga (Z) (3) Zp28,139] See A:cha:hu(i)-tl, -tlah
Noun-| Kart p2

0. elder brother; leader of youths [primoge'nito, hermano
mayor de alguien, el jefe de alguien (S) This seems to
vowel-length discrepancy See A:ch-tli, Ta:chca:uh,
Noun-| Kart p2

0. chief
1. master
2. principal

3. chief, master, principal
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. downpour [aguacero (X) (I)Xp25] See A:-tl, Chica:hu(a)
Intr Verb-| Kart p2

0. nettle [ortiga (X)(I)Xp25] See A:tzi:tzica:z-tli
p: -tin~-meh Noun-| Kart p2

0. ochre

0. water snake

1. water snake
FC - > jc-61096

0. large earthen water jar

1. large earthen water jar

FC - > jc-61096

0. one who drains water
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. one who drains water
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. one who drains water
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who drains water
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. avocado
1. avocado, aguacate

2. avocado, aguacate

3. avocado
4. avocado, aguacate
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. thorn, espina

0. he is unhappy

0. oar

1. oar
FC - > jc-61096

0. one who is merry

0. she becomes a harlot

0. carnal and debauched person
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. carnal and debauched person
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. carnal and debauched person
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. carnal and debauched person
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. aunt

0. take pleasure

0. content, happy
FC - > jc-61096

a:huiya caa:huiltiz
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he will amuse him

a:huiya nea:huiltilo
0. there is merry-making

0. prostitute
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. prostitute
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. prostitute
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. prostitute
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. door of a rampart or wall of a city
JC-05-07-97 Patientive Nouns no1

0. town
1. town

2. town
3. town

4. town
FC - > jc-61096
5. (cf atl{1}, tepetl) town
6. (cf atl{1}, tepetl) town
7. town
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
8. town
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
9. city
JC-05-07-97 Noun StemsList A
10. town

11. ciudad
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

12. pueblo

0. founder of a town
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. founder of a town
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. founder of a town
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. founder of a town
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. ahzo cana altiloz
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. tlaaltilmiquiz: perchance somewhere he would be
ceremonially bathed; he would die in sacrifice as a bathed
victim Quizas en algun lugar el sera ban~ado ceremonial; el
moreria en un sacrificio como una victima ban~ada

0. bathe
FC - > jc-61096

a:ltia-| nea:ltiliztli
0. act of bathing

0. bathing
FC - > jc-61096

0. hunt

0. cone-shaped
FC - > jc-61096
1. cone-shaped paper cap
Noun jc-030797
2. cone-shaped
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
3. cone-shaped
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

a:macalli nimitza:macaltia
0. (cone-shaped, I put a paper cap on you paper cap)

0. bookbinder
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. bookbinder
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. bookbinder
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. bookbinder
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. store for books or paper
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. store for books or paper
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. store for books or paper
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. store for books or paper
JC-05-07-97 -yan Locative Nouns

0. artisan

0. paper
1. paper

2. paper
3. paper

4. paper
FC - > jc-61096

0. public place where scribes write
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. public place where scribes write
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns

2. public place where scribes write
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. irrigated land

1. irrigated land
FC - > jc-61096

0. library, or place where books are kept
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. library
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. or place where books are kept
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. library

4. or place where books are kept

0. library where books are kept
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. library where books are kept
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. library where books are kept
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. book
1. book

2. book
3. book

4. book
FC - > jc-61096

0. grab, draw
1. (cf acana,cuexantli) grab, draw
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. (cf acana,cuexantli) grab, draw

0. apart
FC - > jc-61096
1. grab
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A
2. seize

0. st set apart, or a person who is led

0. it is grabbed
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it is grabbed
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it is grabbed
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it is grabbed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it is grabbed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it is grabbed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it is grabbed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. place where they pour water or urinate
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. place where they pour water or urinate
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. place where they pour water or urinate
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all grab them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all grab them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. liquor made with honey and water

1. liquor made with honey and water

FC - > jc-61096

0. water conduit

1. water conduit
FC - > jc-61096

0. diarrhea
FC - > jc-61096

a:pi:tza-| nea:pi:tzaliztli
0. diarrhea

0. hunger
FC - > jc-61096

a:pi:zmiqui-| a:pi:zmiquiliztli
0. hunger

0. act of hunger
FC - > jc-61096
1. hunger
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. hunger
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
3. hunger
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
4. hunger
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
5. hunger
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
6. hunger
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
7. hunger
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. hunger

0. diarrhea
FC - > jc-61096

a:pitza ca:pitzaltiz
0. it will give him diarrhea

0. water vapor

1. water vapor
FC - > jc-61096

0. Quien salio del agujero ? Aquin oqui:z den coyoctli ? Who
came out off the hole ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. Quien va a salir de tu casa man~ana ? Aquin hualqui:zaz
mochan cualcan ? Who is going to come out of your house
tomorrow ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. Quien estaba comiendo zacate ? Aquin oquicuahtoya zacatl ?
Who was eating grass ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
3. Quien se fue a esconder dentro de una cueva ? Aquin
omotla:tito ihtec ce tlallancal ? Who went to hide inside
a cave ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
4. Quien no sabia que la culebra estaba adentro ? Aquin amo
oquimatia cox tlahtec ocatca in coatl ? Who did not know
that the snake was inside ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
5. Quien entro a tu casa no mas porque si ? Aquin ocalac
mochan zan ihcon ? Where does one enter just for the heck
of it ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
6. A quien educaron correctamente ? Aquin
oquiyecquizcaltihqueh ? Who was educated well ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
7. Quien llego junto a la cueva ? Aquin oahcito in tlallancal
? Who arrived near the cave ?
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

8. Quien saludo cuando llego ? Aquin otetlahpaloh ihcuac
oahcito ? Who greeted when he arrived ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
9. Quien va a llegar a tu casa ? Aquin ahciz mochan ? Who is
going to arrive at your house ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
10. A quien va a saludar el conejito ? Aquin quitlahpaloz in
totochtzin ? Who is the little rabbit going to greet ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
11. A quien vas a saludar man~ana ? Aquin tictlahpaloz moztla
? Who are you going to greet tomorrow ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
12. Quien te a saludar man~ana ? Aquin mitztlahpaloz moztla ?
Who are you going to greet tomorrow ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
13. Quien le dijo a cueva " como amaneciste " ? Aquin oquilih
quen otixton in tlallancal ? Who greet the cave with
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
14. " How did you wake this morning ?"
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
15. Quien le contesto al conejito ? Aquin oquinanquilih in
totochtzin ? Who asnwered the little rabbit ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
16. A quien viniste a saludar ? Aquin otictlahpaloco ? Who
did you come to greet ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
17. Quien te va a saludar ? Aquin mitztlahpaloz ? Who is
going to greet you ?
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
18. in aquin ipan tlacatia cenca cualittoya

19. he who was then born was very well regarded

0. water conduit
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. water conduit
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. water conduit
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. full of water
Adj Form jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. full of water
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. full of water
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. gourd for drinking water

1. gourd for drinking water

FC - > jc-61096

0. bank of a river

1. bank of a river
FC - > jc-61096

0. door of a rampart or city wall
FC - > jc-61096

0. it melts
FC - > jc-61096
1. it melts
Verbing jc-030797
2. it melts
-ti jc-030797
3. it melts
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. it melts
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. it melts
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. it melts
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

0. water

1. water
FC - > jc-61096
2. water
Noun jc-030797
3. water
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. water
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

a:tl (water)a:tiya
0. it melts

a:tl a:qui:xtia
0. he presses out water
FC - > jc-61096

0. sailor

1. sailor
FC - > jc-61096

0. ravine

0. to drink
FC - > jc-61096

a:tli quima:tlitia
0. he has them drink

0. there is drinking

1. people drink
FC - > jc-61096
2. there is drinking
Imp Verb jc-022897
3. there is drinking
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
4. there is drinking
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
5. there is drinking
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. there is drinking
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. there is drinking; everyone drinks

0. drink was provided

0. atole, gruel

0. pump for draining something
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. pump for draining something
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. pump for draining something
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. water spider

1. water spider
FC - > jc-61096

0. plug for stopping the flow of water
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. plug for stopping the flow of water
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. plug for stopping the flow of water
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. pipitzca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
2. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana

3. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

4. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

5. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

6. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

7. auh inin paconi

8. pitzaloni

9. atililoni

10. atiani

11. and this is that which can be washed

12. can be cast

13. can be liquefied; that which melts Y esto es lo que se

puede lavar

0. possession

0. possession, property mi:lli field (planted)

1. possession
FC - > jc-61096
2. possession, property
FC - > jc-61096
3. possession
Noun jc-030797
4. possession
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
5. possession
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

a:xca:itl (possession)nite:a:xca:tia
0. I give possession of it to so

0. sufferer from jaundice
Agentive -ni jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. sufferer from jaundice

JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. sufferer from jaundice
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. sufferer from jaundice
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. whirlpool

1. whirlpool
FC - > jc-61096

0. ointment

0. latrine

1. latrine
FC - > jc-61096

0. chamberpot

1. chamberpot
FC - > jc-61096

0. bladder

1. bladder
FC - > jc-61096

0. do

0. thin blanket

0. they use rattles
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they use rattles

Verbing jc-030797
2. they use rattles
-oa jc-030797
3. they use rattles
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. they use rattles
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. they use rattles
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )
6. they use rattles
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )

0. rattle
1. ratlle
FC - > jc-61096
2. rattle
Noun jc-030797
3. rattle
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )
4. rattle
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )

a:yacachtli (rattle)a:yacachoah
0. they use rattles

0. drizzle

0. they will be done
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they will be done
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they will be done
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. they will be done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they will be done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they will be done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. they will be done

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. breathe out

0. turtle

0. armadillo < a:yo:tl [ turtle ] - to:chtli/to:chin [ rabbit
] turtle-rabbit A:yo:to:chtli In English and in Spanish,
the translation is "armadillo" The word, in Spanish, means
"armored little one" There are several species: lesser
armadillo ( pichi, in Spanish ): Zaevyus Pichiy - hairy
armadillo ( peludo ): Chaetohractus - and giant armadillo (
armadillo-gigante ) - among others There are armadillos in
Mexico - Central America - and the south of the United
States - and they live mainly in the tropical forests
Their meal was very well appreciated by ancient Mexicans I
ate its chicken like meal once in the state of Veracruz -
and I am sure that it is much better than chicken In fact -
is one of the most delicious meals I have ever tasted

0. ant

0. interj que expresa queja, dolor ( olm )
sim p 3

0. grooved, furrowed
FC -> jc-72895
1. grooved, furrowed
FC jc-031297

0. p oaacan, frec de acana - nitla o nic- aventar, limpiar
con cuidado, a menudo, una cosa
sim p 3
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. reed
FC -> jc-72895
1. reed
FC jc-031297

0. s campo de carrizos ralos r a, acatla
sim p 3

0. p oaachcuic - nite- murmurar de alsuien, acusar, dar
falsos informes
sim p 3

0. p oaachtic nite- estar al servicio de alguien, ser su
paje, su criado r aachtli
sim p 3

0. page

0. frec de achtli servidor, fa'mulo paje, criado; por ext
jorobado en comp teaach, paje, servidor de alguien;
teaach tilmatli, traje, librea de paje, de lacayo, etc
sim p 3

0. p oaacic, frec de aci - n ( por ni )alcanzar, tocar,
profundizar en algo, llegar a saber una cosa enteramente,
completamente, tenerla, poseerla; frecuentar a alguien
de distincio'n, vivir familiarmente, i'ntimamente con
e'l; notech aaci, ser alcanzado, ser herido; lit [ tal
cosa ] me toca, me pica o me hiere
sim p 3

0. s v el que ahonda en un tema o que llega a saber algo
perfectamente; que frecuenta a personas de calidad o vive
familiarmente con ellas r aaci
sim p 3

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. p oaacitiuetz - nite- arrojarse, caer sobre alguien

violentamente; te-aacitiuetzi, ataca a la gente con
co'lera, es un loco furioso r aaci, uetzi
sim p 3

0. adjv irritado, furioso, que ha perdido la razo'n, que
esta' fuera de si'; naacqui ( por ni-aacqui ), divagar,
estar sin razo'n, estar furioso, fuera de si' r aaqui (
? )
sim p 3

0. sv trote de peato'n, marcha ra'pida, paso de carrera r
sim p 3

0. p oaactia - n ( por ni )- trotar, ir corriendo, andar
aprisa r aaci
sim p 3

0. cf aauia aay p oaax, frec de ay - nitla- hacer una cosa
varias veces, a menudo, frecuentemente aayouia o ahayouia
p oaayoui, etc, frec de ayouia - nitia- calentar,
recalentar alguna cosa con el aliento
sim p 3
1. he is unhappy
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is unhappy <ah1-a:huiya>
<ah1-a:huiya> FC - > jc-61096
3. he is unhappy <ah1-a:huiya>
FC - > jc-61096
4. he is unhappy
FC jc-031297

0. one who is merry
FC -> jc-72895
1. one who is merry
FC jc-031297

0. she becomes a harlot
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. she becomes a harlot <dupl-a:huiya-ni1-v01>

<dupl-a:huiya-ni1-v01> FC - > jc-61096
2. she becomes a harlot
FC jc-031297

0. p oaalti, frec de altia - nin ( por nino )- lavarse,
ban~arse nite- lavar, ban~ar a alguien
sim p 3

0. p oaaman, frec de amana - nino- preocuparse, acongojarse
mucho nite- causar pena a alguien, atormentarlo
sim p 3

0. p oaamapouh, frec de amapoa - n ( por ni )- leer mucho a
sim p 3

0. cf ac
sim p 3

0. frec de ameyalla manantial de agua, fuente
sim p 3

0. frec de ameyallo que mana, que fluye
sim p 3

0. p oaan, frec de ami - n ( por ni ) cazar en diversos
lugares, cazar con frecuencia
sim p 3

0. sv cazador en diversos lugares r aami
sim p 4

0. p oaantinen - n ( por ni ) caminar cazando r aami, nemi
sim p 4

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. p oaamoxito, frec de amoxitoa - n ( por ni )- leer

mucho, a menudo
sim p 4

0. p oaamoxpouh, frec de amoxpoa - n ( por ni )- leer mucho
a menudo
sim p 4

0. s larga mecha de cabellos que los indios dejaban a las
jovencitas so'lo a un lado de la cabeza cf atzotzocolli
sim p 4

0. p oaan, frec de ana - nin ( por nino )- divertirse
pasearse, explayarse, gozar, recostarse; otit-aanque (
por otito-aanque ), nos tomamos de las manos, nos cogimos
las manos para danzar o para hacer otra cosa; mo-aana (
por mo-aana ), se extiende, se estira, es flexible,
ela'stico < cosa correosa como ulli > nitla o nic- tomar
una cosa; itlan o itzalan nitla-aana, escoger una cosa
entre otras, extraerla
sim p 4

0. p oaapopotic, frec de apopoti - n ( por ni )- bucear
sim p 4

0. p oaaquetz, frec de aquetza - n ( por ni )- levantar y
bajar la cabeza frecuentemente como un loco
sim p 4

0. p oaac, frec de aqui - n ( por ni )- alegrarse, estar muy
sim p 4

0. p oaac - n ( por ni- ) hacer una cosa imperfectamente,
cometer faltas, errores r a priv, aqui
sim p 4

0. p oaaqui, frec de aquia - nitla o nic- meter una cosa
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

varias veces, hundirla, esconderla; chilli nic-aaquia,

transplantar chile en s f ima, icxi, itlan c-aaquia, no
hace ningu'n caso de sus padres o de los suyos - lit
esconde sus manos, sus pies sus dientes < el que no hace
caso de sus deudos por estar e'l rico >
sim p 4

0. s v tonteri'a, ignorancia, torpeza r aaqui
sim p 4

0. p oaaten, frec de atemi - n ( por ni )- estar pa'lido,
deshecho, hinchado
sim p 4

0. adjv pa'lido, deshecho, hinchado r aatemi
sim p 4

0. p oaatili frec de atilia - nin ( por nino )- estirarse,
extenderse; m-aatilia ( por mo-aatilia ), se extiende,
se estira, es flexible, ela'stico
sim p 4

0. uno den los jefes del eje'rcito de quinatzin ( bet )
sim p 4

0. frec de aatlapallo frondoso, que tiene hojas sim p 4

0. there is drinking, everyone drinks
1. there is drinking; everyone drinks
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is drinking, everyone drinks
3. there is drinking, everyone drinks
4. there is drinking, everyone drinks <dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2>
<dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is drinking; everyone drinks
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. drink was provided
1. drink was provided
FC -> jc-72895
2. drink was provided
3. drink was provided
4. drink was provided <dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2-ya3>
<dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. drink was provided
FC jc-031297

0. frec de auaquauhtla encinar
sim p 4

0. frec de auatla encinar
sim p 4

0. p oaauix, etc, frec de auia - n ( por ni )- alegrarse,
gozar, vanagloriarse, alabarse; teca o tepan n-aauia,
alegrarse de los males de otro, con respecto a alguien se
escribe tambie'n aahuia ( par ) rev aauiltia ( olm )
sim p 4

0. p oaauiali, etc - nin ( por nino )- relamerse, saborear r
sim p 4

0. cf aauializtli
sim p 4

0. adv con alegri'a, placer, ju'bilo; teca ahauializtica,
rie'ndose de alguien, con burla, con mofa r aauializtli,
sim p 4
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. adv con consejos melosos pe'rfidos ( olm ) r
aauializtlamachializtli, ca
sim p 4

0. s consejo meloso, pe'rfido r aauializtli, tlamachializtli
sim p 4

0. sv alegri'a, gozo, gloria, vanidad - teca o tepan
ahauializtli, burla con la posp pan - aauializpan, en la
alegri'a con alegri'a r aauia
sim p 4

0. adj y sv alegre, gozoso, contento, jovial, amigo del
deleite, de los placeres, cortesana r aauia
sim p 4

0. p oaauictlaz frec de auictlaza - nite- repeler, rechazar a
alguien con violencia
sim p 4

0. p oaauili, etc, frec de auilia - nite- retozar,
acariciar, hacer cosquillas a alguien
sim p 4

0. p oaauilmauhtia, etc - nite- hacer gestos o visajes para
asustar a alguien r aauilia mauhtia
sim p 4

0. sv desenfreno lujuria r aauilnemi
sim p 4

0. p oaauilnen etc - n ( por ni )- vivir entre los placeres la
alegri'a, el desenfreno, la lujuria r aauilia, nemi
sim p 4

0. s lugar de recreo, de placer, atractivo r aauia, pan
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

sim p 4

0. p oaauilti, etc, frec de auiltia - nin ( por nino )-
pasearse, recrearse, divertirse, pasar el tiempo
agradablemente; m-aauiltia, se divierte, se explaya,
lleva una vida alegre; se usa principalmente al hablar de
una cortesana nite- dar alegri'a, proporcionar placer a
sim p 5

0. s extremos de las alas que semejan cuchillos < cuchillas de
las alas de las aves > r aaztli, uitztli
sim p 5

0. adv alegremente agradablemente r aauia, ca
sim p 5

0. sv acto por el cual se llega a conocer una cosa
perfectamente r aaci
sim p 5

0. p oaaxix, frec de axixa - nin ( por nino )- orinar,
ensuciarse de miedo nite-- ensuciar a alguien
sim p 5

0. frec de axixtli inmundicias
sim p 5

0. adj sucio, cubierto de inmundicia r aaxixtli
sim p 5

0. s ala r aaci ( ? )
sim p 5

0. dim de aaztli ala pequen~a
sim p 5
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. one, who, anyone; someone; whoever; which; whom

1. one, who
FC -> jc-72895
2. someone
FC -> jc-72895
3. who; anyone; someone; whoever; which; whom
FC -> jc-72895
4. one, who, anyone; someone; whoever; which; whom

5. one, who, anyone; someone; whoever; which; whom

6. one, who; someone; whoever; which <a:c1>

<a:c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. one, who
FC jc-031297
8. someone
FC jc-031297
9. who; anyone; someone; whoever; which; whom
FC jc-031297

ac nel?
0. cf ac?

0. pron interrogativo # quie'n ?, # cua'l ?; ac axcaua ?
o aqui axca ? o ac tlatquihua ? o aqui tlatqui ?, #
quie'n es el duen~o ?; ac oc mitz-paleuiz ?, # quie'n te
ayudara' pues ?; aquin in ? ( par ), # quie'n es e'ste
?; aquin on ? ( par ), # quie'n es aque'l ?; aaui
yuhqui o ?, # quie'n es como aque'l ? a rnenudo va unido
a los pron personales nehuatl, tehuatl, yehuatl, etc -
ac tehuatl ?, # quie'n eres ?; ac tehuantin ? ( car ),
# quie'nes somos ?; ac amehuatin ?, # quie'nes sois ?;
ac ye ?, ac yehuatl ?, aquehuatl o aqueuatl ?, # cua'l
[ de ellos ] ? o # quie'n es aque'l ?; ac ye in oc cenca
qualli ?, # cua'l de ellos es el mejor ?; ac ye in oc
cenca tic tlazotla ?, # quie'n te gusta ma's ?, # cua'l
prefieres ?; ac yehuatl i ?, # quie'n es e'ste ? ac nel
?, # quie'n, pues ?; ac nel yaz ?, # entonces quie'n
ira' ? pl aquique ? - aquique yehuantin ?, # quie'nes son
aque'llos ?; amaquique ( por an-aquique ) o bien
interponiendo el pron an, acamique ? ( car ), #
quie'nes sois ?, # cua'les de vosotros ? o # alguno de
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

vosotros ?; actique ? ( car ), # quie'nes somos ?;

aquique onech temoque ? ( par ) # quie'nes son aquellos
que me han buscado ? precedido de in, este pron deja de
ser interrogativo - in aquin nech-notza ( par ) aquel que
me llama; in aquique ( olm ), aquellos que
sim p 5

0. se usa con los pron pers ni, ti, an, para decir ser o
estar - in aya n-ac, antes de que yo existiera; y con a
priv para significar estar ausente - anac, estoy ausente;
atac, esta's ausente; ayac, esta' ausente; ataque,
estamos ausentes; aamaque, esta'is ausentes; ayaque,
esta'n ausentes
sim p 5

0. alguien ( someone )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. alguien ( someone )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. adj alguno, alguna; pl acame so'lo se aplica a las
personas ( par ) - azo aca amehuatin o azo aca ceme in
amehuatin qu-ittazque in tlein taltetepan mo-chihuaz ( par
) tal vez alguno de vosotros vera' lo que le suceda a
nuestro pai's
sim p 5
3. some, someone; anyone; one; whoever; another; he who
FC -> jc-72895
4. some, someone; anyone; one; whoever; another; he who;

5. some, someone; anyone; one; whoever; another; he who;


6. alguien ( someone )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. some, someone; anyone; one; whoever; another; he who
FC jc-031297

0. some, someone; one; anyone; he who <a:c1-ah2>
<a:c1-ah2> FC - > jc-61096

0. some, someone; one; anyone; he who; whoever; another
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<a:c1-ah2> FC - > jc-61096

0. a type of lizard that bites [un animal que muerde --
parecido a la largatija (Z) (I) Zp 139 Z provides a picture
which appears to be of a gila monster The final H is
uncharacteristic of native Nahuatl but is common to
vowel-final laonwords
Noun-| Kart p1

0. s somormujo ave anfibia parecida al cuervo r atl, eacalotl
sim p 5

0. sv el que bebe en el hueco de la mano r acacampaxoa
sim p 5

0. p oacacampaxo - n ( por ni )- beber agua en el hueco de
la mano r atl, camatl paxoa ( ? )
sim p 5

0. sv el que bebe en el hueco de la mano r acacampaxoa
sim p 5

0. sv accio'n de beber en el hueco de la mano r acacampaxoa
sim p 5

0. ( por acach-chapulin ) s especie de langosta r acachatl,
sim p 5

0. kind of grasshopper
1. s especie de langosta
sim p 5
2. kind of grasshopper

3. kind of grasshopper
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. kind of grasshopper

5. kind of grasshopper
FC - > jc-61096

0. Western Grebe

1. western grebe
FC -> jc-72895
2. Western Grebe

3. Western Grebe

4. western grebe
FC jc-031297

0. luga'r cercano a la ciuda'd de me'xico, do'nde, segu'n
sahagu'n, corte's habri'a tenido una entrevista con el rey
quauhtemotzin y los nobles mexicanos r acatl, chinamitl,
sim p 6

0. s canasta de can~a r acatl chiquiuitl
sim p 6

0. first, at first

1. adv ante to'do, primero cf acatto, acattopa r achto

sim p 6
2. first, at first
FC -> jc-72895
3. first, at first

4. first, at first

5. first, [primero, o primeramente (M)] See Acatto, Acattopa,

-| Kart p1
6. first, at first
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. adv ante to'do, primero cf acatto, acattopa r achto

sim p 6
1. first; [primero, o primeramente (M)] See Acattopa, Achto
-| Kart p1

0. to be the first to do something, [soy el primero que hago
algo (C for first pers sg)] See Achtopa, -Huia:
-| Kart p1

0. uno de los veinte jefes aztecas que fundaro'n tenochtitlan
( clav )
sim p 6

acacitzin ( francisco' de sandoval )

0. soberano de ltzcahuacan ( chim )
sim p 6

0. s especie de plantas para'sitas que crecen sobre
determinados a'rboles
sim p 6

0. acaconi
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. unworthy of mention by name; despreciado asta por nombre

0. chocolate beater; smoking tube
FC -> jc-72895
1. chocolate beater; chocolate; smoking tube <a:catl-cuahuitl>
<a:catl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
2. chocolate beater; smoking tube
FC jc-031297

0. s trampa de carrizo para atrapar peces r acatl, cuextli (
? )
sim p 6

0. s especie de rana r acatl, cueyatl
sim p 6
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. s especie de rana r acatl, cueyatl
sim p 6

0. cf acacueyatl
sim p 6

0. alguien ( someone )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. someone, [alguno (M)] See A:c
-| Kart p1
2. alguien ( someone )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. s nudo de can~a r acatl, ixtli

0. p oacaixuac, vn cubrirse de can~as, hablando de un campo
r acatl, ixua
sim p 6

0. p oacalacan - n ( por ni ) - sacar del agua un barco r
acalli, acana
sim p 6

0. p oacalaqui - nin ( por nino ) - embarcarse nite-
embarcar a alguien r acalli, aquia
sim p 6

0. p oacalaqui - nitla- sumergir, hundir, meter una cosa en
el agua r atl, calaquia
sim p 6

0. shield-boatmen
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. shield-boatmen
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. shield-boatmen
FC jc-031297

0. shield-boat

1. shield-boat
FC -> jc-72895
2. shield-boat

3. shield-boat

4. shield-boat <a:calli-chi:malli>
<a:calli-chi:malli> FC - > jc-61096
5. shield-boat
FC jc-031297

0. in shield-boats, with the use of shield-boats
FC jc-031297

0. in a boat; in the boat

1. cf acalli
sim p 6
2. in a boat; in the boat
FC -> jc-72895
3. in a boat; in the boat

4. in a boat; in the boat

5. in a boat; in the boat <a:calli-co1>

<a:calli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. in a boat; in the boat
FC jc-031297

0. sv piloto que permanece en la popa del navi'o r acalli,
cuexcochtia ( ? )
sim p 6
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. s popa, parte trasera de un barco r acalli, cuexcochtli
sim p 6

0. boat owner
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. boat owners
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. boat owners
<a:calli-eh1-queh>-| jc-10896
1. boat owners
FC jc-031297
2. boat owners
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. p oacalhui - nin ( por nino ) - navegar para distraerse;
nitla- transportar algo por barco r acalli
sim p 6

0. it becomes grooved; it becomes furrowed

1. it becomes grooved; it becomes furrowed

FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes grooved; it becomes furrowed

3. it becomes grooved; it becomes furrowed

4. it becomes grooved; it becomes furrowed <a:calli-v03a>

<a:calli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes grooved; it becomes furrowed <a:calli-v03a>
<a:calli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
6. it becomes grooved; it becomes furrowed
FC jc-031297

0. instr gobernalle, timo'n; lit lo que sirve para gobernar
el barco r acalli, mati
sim p 6
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. grooved, furrowed

1. grooved, furrowed
FC -> jc-72895
2. grooved, furrowed

3. grooved, furrowed

4. grooved, furrowed <a:calli-v03a-prt1-c2>

<a:calli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. grooved, furrowed
FC jc-031297

0. s sentina; lit hedor, inmundicias del barco r acalli,
sim p 6

0. sv piloto; lit el que dirige el barco, el que vela por
e'l - acallachiani in teachcauh, primer piloto, piloto
principal r acalli, tlachiani o tlachixqui
sim p 6

0. s primer piloto r acallachixqui, teachcauh
sim p 6

0. sv piloto; lit el que dirige el barco, el que vela por
e'l - acallachiani in teachcauh, primer piloto, piloto
principal r acalli, tlachiani o tlachixqui
sim p 6

0. cf acallachiani
sim p 6

0. p oacallaluaccaquixti - n ( por ni ) - poner un barco en
el dique seco r acalli, tlaluacqui, quixtia
sim p 7

0. sv el que saca del agua un barco r acallaluaccaquixtia
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

sim p 7

0. sv marino, marinero; lit el que cuida el barco cf
acalmocuitlaui r acalli, cuitlaui
sim p 7

0. prov, cap izancanac; poblacio'n, hoy acala, situada al
so de me'xico ( o y b )
sim p 7

0. s remero, grumete, marinero r acalli, tlanelo
sim p 7

0. sv flete, precio de alquiler de un barco, gastos de
pasaje r acallaneuia
sim p 7

0. sv flete, precio de alquiler de un barco, gastos de
pasaje r acallaneuia
sim p 7

0. sv fletante r acallaneuia
sim p 7

0. p oacallaneui - n ( por ni ) o nin ( por nino ) -
fletar, cargar un barco r acalli, tlaneuia
sim p 7

0. sv naufragio; lit rotura del barco r acallapani
sim p 7

0. p oacallapan - n ( por ni ) - sufrir un naufragio;
destrozarse, romperse, hablando de un barco; nopan
oacallapan, o sin comp otlapan in acalli, sobre mi [ para
desgracia mia ] se destrozo' el barco r acalli, tlapani
sim p 7
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. sv flete r acalli, tlaxtlauilli
sim p 7

0. sv flete, precio de alquiler de un barco r acalli,
sim p 7

0. s sentina; lit inmundicias del barco r acalli,
sim p 6

0. p oacallaz - n ( por ni ) o nitla- botar un barco r
acalli, tlaza
sim p 6

0. boat, canoe

1. boat, canoe
FC -> jc-72895
2. boat, canoe

3. boat, canoe

4. boat, canoe <a:calli>

<a:calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. boat, canoe
FC jc-031297

0. s barco, barca, chalupa, embarcacio'n; lit casa de
agua; uey acalli, gran embarcacio'n acompan~ado de
cualquiera de los te'rminos siguientes - cemmantiuitz,
centettiuitz, pepexocatiuitz, quitzacutiuitz o
tepeuhtiuitz significa flota en comp nacal ( por no-acal
), mi barco con las posp co, pan - acalco, en, sobre el
barco; acalco teachcauh, tiachcauh o tiacauh, capita'n
de barco; acalco teichtacamicti, teichtacamictia o
teichtacamictiani, corsario, pirata; acalco nino-tlalia
o nite-tlalia, embarcarse o embarcar a aiguien; acalpan,
sobre el barco; acalpan necaliliztli o tlayecoliztli,
batalla naval r atl, calli
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

sim p 7

0. s costado del barco r acaili maitl
sim p 7

0. sv marino, marinero; lit el que se ocupa del barco r
acalli, cuitlauia
sim p 7

0. sv marino, marinero; lit el que se ocupa del barco r
acalli, cuitlauia
sim p 7

0. sv marino, marinero; lit el que se ocupa del barco r
acalli, cuitlauia
sim p 7

0. cornerless house
FC -> jc-72895
1. cornerless house <ah1-calli-nacaztli-yo:tl1>
<ah1-calli-nacaztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
2. cornerless house
FC jc-031297

0. sv piloto, marino que maneja el gobernalle, que dirige el
barco r acalnemachilia
sim p 7

0. p oacalnemachili - n ( por ni ) - dirigir, conducir un
barco, ser su piloto r acalli, nemachilia
sim p 7

0. sv piloto, marino que maneja el gobernalle, que dirige el
barco r acalnemachilia
sim p 7

0. p oacalo - nitla- acanalar, grabar madera u otra cosa
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

sim p 7

0. at the canal; over the canal
FC -> jc-72895
1. at the canal; over the canal <a:calli-ohtli-co1>
<a:calli-ohtli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
2. at the canal; over the canal
FC jc-031297

0. canal; canals
FC -> jc-72895
1. canal; canals <a:calli-ohtli>
<a:calli-ohtli> FC - > jc-61096
2. canal; canals
FC jc-031297

0. cf acalli
sim p 7

0. p oacalpapanoc - n ( por ni ) -navegar para distraerse,
por recreo r acalli, pano
sim p 7

0. p oacalpatioti - n ( por ni ) - fletar un barco r acalli,
sim p 7

0. s precio, costo del pasaje en un barco r acalli, patiotl
sim p 7

0. poblacio'n situada al s de xochimilco ( bet )
sim p 7

0. s vela de barco r acalli, quachpanitl
sim p 7

0. s ma'stil; lit madera de las velas del barco r
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

acalquachpantli, quauitl
sim p 7

0. s vela de barco r acalli, quachpantli
sim p 7

0. s ma'stil de barco r acalli, quauhyollotl ( ? )
sim p 7

0. boatmakers
FC -> jc-72895
1. boatmakers <a:calli-quetza-prt1-queh>
<a:calli-quetza-prt1-queh> FC - > jc-61096
2. boatmakers
FC jc-031297

0. sv puerto de mar; lit iugar por donde entran y salen los
barcos r acalli, quixoayan
sim p 7

0. sv puerto de mar; lit iugar por donde entran y salen los
barcos r acalli, quixoayan
sim p 7

0. p oacalquixti - n ( por ni ) - poner un barco en el dique
seco r acalli, quixtia
sim p 7

0. s puerto, lugar de embarque, estacio'n de navi'os r
acalli teca
sim p 7

0. p oacalten - nitla- cargar un barco, equiparlo r acalli,
sim p 7

0. dim de acalli barquito, chalupa, canoa, barca pequen~a
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

sim p 7

0. p acalteten - n ( por ni ) o nitla- lastrar un barco r
acaltetl, tema
sim p 7

0. s serpiente venenosa; especie de lagartija ( clav )
sim p 7

0. poisonous snake
1. s serpiente venenosa; especie de lagartija ( clav )
sim p 7
2. poisonous snake

0. s acompan~ado a menudo de tlatilincateconi lastre del
barco r acalli, tetl
sim p 7

0. adj v acanaiado ahuecado r acaloa
sim p 7
1. grooved; furrowed
FC -> jc-72895
2. grooved; furrowed <a:calli-tic>
<a:calli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
3. grooved
Adj Form jc-022897
4. grooved; furrowed
FC jc-031297
5. grooved
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
6. slotted
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
7. slitted

8. channeled

9. crimped

10. gouged
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

11. guttered

12. notched

13. creased

14. corrugated

15. grooved

0. adv con o sobre un barco; acaltica n-aci, navegar hasta
el fin pasar la vida sobre el mar - acaltica nemiliztli o
panoliztli, navegacio'n - lit vida o viaje sobre el mar;
acaltica nemini, navegante, marino; acaltica panoni,
pasajero r acalli, ca
sim p 7
1. by boat, in boats
FC -> jc-72895
2. by boat, in boats <a:calli-ti1-ca2>
<a:calli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
3. by boat; by means of a boat; in boats; by boats; by means
of boats
FC jc-031297

0. dim de acalli navi'o pequen~o barca, chalupa, cualquier
objeto en forma de barca, como en copalacaltontli, naveta
para el incienso

0. p oacalueltecac - n ( por ni )- guiar el barco con el
timo'n r acalli, uelteca

0. sv el que dirige la nave con el timo'n, piloto que maneja
el timo'n r acaluelteca

0. sv el que dirige la nave con el timo'n, piloto que maneja
el timo'n r acaluelteca
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. instr timo'n; lit lo que sirve para dirigir el barco r

0. at the prow of a boat
FC jc-031297

0. s proa, frente, punta del barco r acalli, yacatl
sim p 6

0. rod

1. rod
FC - > jc-61096

0. ( por acamapichtzin ) el viejo - rey de colhuacan ( chim )
|| el joven - primer rey de me'xico ( chim, clav ) r

0. ( por acamapichtzin ) el viejo - rey de colhuacan ( chim )
|| el joven - primer rey de me'xico ( chim, clav ) r

0. s can~a, vara r acatl, mapilli

0. ( por acamapichtzin ) el viejo - rey de colhuacan ( chim )
|| el joven - primer rey de me'xico ( chim, clav ) r

0. algunos ( someone; some people )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. someone [ pl ]; some people

FC jc-031297

0. adv en ninguna parte, en ningu'n lugar - acampa n-iaz, no
ire' a ninguna parte r acan, pa

1. from nowhere; nowhere

FC -> jc-72895
2. from nowhere; nowhere <ah1-ca:n-pa1>
<ah1-ca:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
3. from nowhere; nowhere
FC jc-031297

0. adv en ningu'n lugar, en parte alguna; acan niqu-itta,
acan nic-nepanoa ( car ), no lo veo en parte alguna, no
voy nunca con e'l seguido de ma, acan sirve para negar de
manera absoluta - acan iuhqui nic-caqui, acan ma onic-cac
in iuhqui intlachihual in tlatoque ( car ), en ninguna
parte he oi'do tales cosas, no, en ninguna parte he oi'do
que los grandes hicieran tales cosas r a priv, can

1. nowhere
FC -> jc-72895
2. nowhere <ah1-ca:n>
<ah1-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
3. nowhere
FC jc-031297

acan ma
0. cf acan

0. run aground
1. p oacan - m ( por mo )- encallar, ponerse en seco,
hablando de un barco - nitla o nic- colocar en lo seco,
sacar una cosa del agua; ventear limpiar el grano etc -
nic-acana in acalli, pongo el barco en el dique seco cf
acalacana r atl, ana

2. run aground
3. (cf ana{1}) run aground
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. (cf ana{1}) run aground

0. reed ear plug

1. reed ear plug

FC -> jc-72895
2. reed ear plug

3. reed ear plug

4. reed ear plug <a:catl-nacochtli>

<a:catl-nacochtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. reed ear plug
FC jc-031297

0. nowhere
FC jc-031297

0. perhaps not

1. perhaps not
FC -> jc-72895
2. perhaps not

3. perhaps not

4. perhaps not
FC jc-031297

0. p oacantoca - nin ( por nino )- estar acostado, extendido
r acana ( ? ), onoc

0. pueblo cercano a quauhnahuac ( bet )

0. s tejido de can~as balsa, barco, barca r acatl, pepechtli
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. cf ocopetlayoccan

0. reed mat

1. s estera de junco, petate r acatl, petlatl

2. reed mat

3. reed mat

4. reed mat
FC - > jc-61096

0. cf ocopetlayoccan

0. hijo de nezahualpilli ( clav )

0. s lugar donde crecen los carrizos r acapitzactli, tla

0. s junco especie de carrizo r acatl, pitzactli

0. poblacio'n situada a orillas del oce'ano paci'fico ( clav

0. small reed basket

1. small reed basket

FC -> jc-72895
2. small reed basket

3. small reed basket
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. small reed basket <a:catl-ta:nahtli>

<a:catl-ta:nahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. small reed basket
FC jc-031297

0. adj inquieto, preocupado, desconcertado

0. s gancho, anzuelo en comp yacatepuzo, su anzuelo;
topilli yacatepuzo ic michmalo, anzuelo para coger
pescados r acatl, tepuztli

0. p oacatix, vn crecer, echar tallo, hablando del maiz r

0. cylindrical; reed-like

1. adj y sv que crece; en sf jefe, gobernante ( olm ) r


2. cylindrical; reed-like
FC -> jc-72895
3. cylindrical; reed-like

4. cylindrical; reed-like

5. cylindrical; reed-like <a:catl-tic>

<a:catl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. reed-like <a:catl-tic>
<a:catl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. cylindrical; reed-like
FC jc-031297

0. arrow; dart; reed

1. s can~a cal nombre de an~o y de di'a - ic omacatl xihuitl,

an~o dos can~a; auh za no ipan inin omoteneuh ce acatl
xihuitl in mo-miquillico in tenochtzin ( chim ), en este
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

an~o llamado uno can~a ( 1363 ) murio' tenochtzin;

matlactli omei acatl ilhuitl, decimotercer di'a del mes,
di'a trece can~a r atl, ca ( ? ? )

2. arrow; dart; reed

FC -> jc-72895
3. arrow; dart; reed

4. reed

5. arrow; dart; reed

6. reed

7. arrow; dart; reed <a:catl>

<a:catl> FC - > jc-61096
8. reed
FC - > jc-61096
9. reed, cane
FC - > jc-61096
10. arrow; dart; reed
FC jc-031297

0. s campo de can~as r acatl, tla

0. poblacio'n situada al so de chalco ( clav ) r acatl, tlan

0. s tubo r acatl, tlatectli

0. s tordo, zorzal

0. adv en principio, primero - ma acattopa, nopiltzine,
xictlapo-polhui in motecocolicauh, auh zatepan o quin
zatepan timo-yolcuitiz ( par ), primero, hijo mi'o,
perdona a tu enemigo, despue's te confesara's cf yacatto
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. adv en principio, primero - ma acattopa, nopiltzine,
xictlapo-polhui in motecocolicauh, auh zatepan o quin
zatepan timo-yolcuitiz ( par ), primero, hijo mi'o,
perdona a tu enemigo, despue's te confesara's cf yacatto

1. first [primero (C) Cf98r] Yacatto as a variant See

Particle-| Kart p1

0. among the reeds, among the canes

1. among the reeds, among the canes

FC -> jc-72895
2. among the reeds, among the canes

3. among the reeds, among the canes

4. among the reeds, among the canes

FC jc-031297

0. s nitidez, limpieza pureza r a priv, catzaualiztli

0. poblado al se de tepeyacac ( clav )

0. lugar cercano al lago de tetzcuco, llamado tambie'n
mexicaltzinco ( clav )

0. s lugar lleno de maleza r acaualli, tla

0. s maleza seca, tierra baldi'a, campo en barbecho r a
priv, caua ( ? ? )

0. s depo'sito, pila de agua r atl, caxitl
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. green cane; green reed

1. green cane; green reed

FC -> jc-72895
2. green cane; green reed

3. green cane; green reed

4. green cane; green reed

FC jc-031297

0. dim de acaxitl gamella, depo'sito pequen~o

0. s can~a planta aroma'tica que se colocaba en las tumbas (
clav ); tal vez tallo del tabaco r acatl, yetl
sim p 6

0. p oacayoac vn cubrirse de can~as; acayoa in milli, el
campo se adorna, se cubre de can~as r acatl
sim p 6

0. s lo concerniente al canal de la uretra, de la verga, o
la propia verga en - comp tacayo ( por to-acayo ),
nuestra uretra, la uretra en general, el miembro viril;
cihuatl iacayo, vulva, vagina; lit de la mujer su canal
sim p 6

0. p oacayyechichin - n ( por ni ) - chupar plantas
aroma'ticas r acayetl, chichina
sim p 6

0. sv succio'n accio'n de chupar plantas aroma'ticas r
sim p 6

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. sv succionador de plantas aroma'ticas r acayyechichina

sim p 6

0. sv succionador de plantas aroma'ticas r acayyechichina
sim p 6

0. s can~a planta aroma'tica que se colocaba en las tumbas (
clav ); tal vez tallo del tabaco r acatl, yetl
sim p 6

0. sv aguador, el que transporta agua por oficio r azazaca
sim p 5

0. s junco, carrizo, especie de can~a r acatl, zacatl
sim p 5

0. s lugar plantado de juncos, de can~as r acazacatl, tla
sim p 5

0. s grama r acatl, zacauitztli
sim p 5

0. ( por aca-azo-ayac o azoayac ) adj tal vez nadie,
ninguno - nino matia acazayac, azayac nech-palehuiz yo
pense' que tal vez nadie me ayudari'a - azayac in
momiquizpan mitz-palehuiz ( par ), quiza' nadie te ayude
en el momento de tu muerte
sim p 5

0. perhaps

1. perhaps
FC -> jc-72895
2. perhaps

3. perhaps

4. perhaps
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. adv puede ser que no formado por aca-zo-amo o por
ac-azo-amo; invirtiendo te'rminos se obtiene azocamo, que
tiene el mismo significado - acazomo o azocamo neltiliztli
in tlein ot-ilhuiloc ( car ) puede ser que no sea la
verdad lo que se te ha dicho; acazomo ye o yehuatl, puede
que no sea e'i; acazomo iuh o iuhqui, puede ser malo,
sin duda' no es correcto; ma xinechmotla-popolhuili, in
acazomo yuhqui inic oniqui-cuilo ( car ), perdo'name,
puede ser que lo haya escrilo mal cf amo
sim p 6
1. perhaps not
FC jc-031297

0. adv, formado de aca-zo-yeamo o de ac-azo-ye-amo tal vez
todavi'a no
sim p 6

0. ear

0. tasteless

1. adj desagradable que tiene mal sabor r amo, cecec ( ? ? )

2. tasteless
FC -> jc-72895
3. tasteless

4. tasteless

5. tasteless
FC jc-031297

0. s mala hierba r amo, centli

0. p oaceceyoac, etc, vn cubrirse de malas hierbas,
hablando de un campo abandonado r acecentli, etc
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. p oacelan - nite- quitar las liendres a alguien r acelin,

0. s liendre en comp tacel o tacil ( por to-acel, etc )
nuestras liendres, las liendres en general; con la posp
tlan - aceltitlan o aciltitlan, lugar donde se meten las
liendres, en medio de las liendres

0. nit
1. s liendre en comp tacel o tacil ( por to-acel, etc )
nuestras liendres, las liendres en general; con la posp
tlan - aceltitlan o aciltitlan, lugar donde se meten las
liendres, en medio de las liendres

2. nit

0. full of nits

1. adj que tiene liendres, lleno de liendres r acelli o acilli

2. full of nits
FC -> jc-72895
3. full of nits

4. full of nits

5. full of nits <acelli-yo:tl1>

<acelli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. full of nits
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes full of nits

1. it becomes full of nits

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. it becomes full of nits

3. it becomes full of nits

4. it becomes full of nits <acelli-yo:tl1-v09>

<acelli-yo:tl1-v09> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes full of nits
FC jc-031297

0. adv no es un lugar de descanso - acemellecan aiuianyocan in
tlalticpac ( car ), no hay ni descanso ni placer sobre la
tierra r a priv, cemelle, can

0. possibly, one doesn't know [part que ordinariamente indica
duda y a veces equivale a una negacio'n (S) Cf125v gives
Achah as a variant Zp139 gives Acha~A:cha: as variants
dubitative particle-| Kart p2
1. a little bit, rather
FC jc-031297

0. part que ordinariamente indica duda y aveces equivale a una
negacio'n - ach aquin, no se' quien es; ach aye ( car ),
quiza' todavi'a no; ach can, campa o canin ( car ), no
se' do'nde; ach za ye nelli ?, # es posible ?, # es
verdad ?; ach za ye nelli yehuatl inin yecxayaque in y
yectlachielice catca ?, # es posible que e'sta sea la
persona que era tan bella, tan fresca ?; ach iuh o
iahqui, casi asi, ma's o menos de esta manera - ach
iuhqui itloc quiza, parecerse, parecer semejantes,
hablando de dos objetos; ach quemman, no se sabe a que'
hora; ach quemman oc ceppa ti-tlaquaz ? ach quemman, azo
tel nepantla in tonatiuh ( car ), # a que' hora comera's
de nuevo ? no lo se', sin duda a mediodia cf mach

ach campa
0. cf ach

0. swamp [charco, cie'naga (Z) (3) Zp28,139
Noun-| Kart p2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. s langosta grande, cangrejo de mar r atl, chacalin ( ? )

0. s langosta grande, cangrejo de mar r atl, chacalin ( ? )

0. See Ach, Ahnel
-| Kart p2

0. s ave acua'tica r atl, chalalatli ( ? )

0. s piedra preciosa r achalchiuitl, tetl

0. s piedra preciosa r atl, chalchiuitl

0. adv a menudo, frecuentemente - in iquac itla tic-tlazotla,
achca o achtzan ompa tontlachia in canin ca in tlein
tic-tlazotla ( car ), cuando queremos una cosa, a menudo
miramos hacia donde se halla lo que queremos; za o huel
achca, etc, muy a menudo; huel achtzan quimo-pohuiliaya
in itlapalolocatzin tlatocacihuapilli ( car ), recitaba
muy a menudo la salutacio'n a la virgen [ el ave mari'a ]
cf atzan

1. often [a menudo, frecuentemente (C)]

Particle-| Kart p2

0. one knows not where [no se' do'nde (S) See Ach, -Ca:n, -Pa
Particle-| Kart p2

0. one knows not where [no se' do'nde (S) See Ach, Ca:nin
Partiticle-| Kart p2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. p oachcauhma - nite- estimar, considerar mucho a alguien,
ponerlo por encima de uno mismo r achcauhtli, mati

0. p oachcauhti - nite- conducir, dirigir, mandar gente r

0. p oachcauhtitia - nite- ponerse por encima de los dema's <
aventajarse en algo > r achcautia

0. s gran sacerdote, decano de los sacerdotes, juez
principal, supremo, comisario, jefe, primoge'nito;
cosa principal, superior, excelente, etc - tachcauhtli (
por ti-achcauhtli ), eres principal pl achcacauhtin ( olm
) en comp teachcauh o tlachcauh, primoge'nito, hermano
mayor de alguien, el jefe de alguien; uel teachcauh,
cosa principal, la mayor, la ma's considerable; acalco
teachcauh, capita'n de barco r achtli ( ? ) o achto

1. s ( clav ) oficial de la milicia pl achcautin; estos

oficiales formaban el primer orden militar, al frente del
cual se hallaban los quachictin

2. nombre de un jefe chichimeca ( clav )

0. s gran sacerdote, decano de los sacerdotes, juez
principal, supremo, comisario, jefe, primoge'nito;
cosa principal, superior, excelente, etc - tachcauhtli (
por ti-achcauhtli ), eres principal pl achcacauhtin ( olm
) en comp teachcauh o tlachcauh, primoge'nito, hermano
mayor de alguien, el jefe de alguien; uel teachcauh,
cosa principal, la mayor, la ma's considerable; acalco
teachcauh, capita'n de barco r achtli ( ? ) o achto

0. adv a menudo, frecuentemente, continuamente, sin cesar :
achica ni-tlaqua, comer a menudo a veces significa
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

bastante lejos : achica onantica, esta' bastante lejos,

hav un largo trecho de aqui' a ese lugar precedido de za,
zan o huel, este adv indica el superlativo : za achica
in ti-tlaqua, comes sin cesar, muy a menudo,
extraordinariamente; achichican tlanauatia, imperioso,
que manda, ordena mucho; oc cuel achica, pronto, dentro
de un instante

1. Often [a menudo, o frecuentemente (M) This is commonly

written with only a single CH Of six attestations in C,
one has a marked long vowel in the second syllable
Particle-| Kart p2

0. great-grandfather, ancestor [bisabuelo (M for achtontli,
which is is apposition with Achco:l-li in B
(4)Bf6v,7r,8r,IIV, (3) Xp32] All the attestations are
possessed plurals with reduplication of the Co:l element:
Cohco:l Two attestations have the first element with a
specifically marked short vowel, two with a specifically
marked long vowel In the paired form Achto:n-tli, Bf6v,
the vowel of the first element is specifically marked short
This is inconsistent with the first element of
A:chca:uh-tli 'elder brother,' which is without exception
marked long, but it agrees with Achto 'first' X appears to
have reanalyzed the plural as a singular and dropped Ach
See Co:l-li
Noun-| Kart p2

0. a few; a little; a little bit; a while; rather; somewhat; a
little while; a little time; almost; about; slightly;
rather; a little; a little bit; slightly; somewhat

1. adv poco, algo bastante casi : achi centlacol, un poco

menos de la mitad; ca achi ohui in tinech-tequiuhtia,
yece ca nic-chiuaz ( car ), me encargas una cosa un poco
difi'cil, pero la hare'; achi muchintin, casi todos;
achi ye, un poco ma's : achi ye iuhqui, poco ma's poco
menos, ma's o menos, alrededor de; achi ye iuhqui
macuilpa, aproximadamente cinco veces; zan achi, algo,
un poco; achi yuhqui, casi asi', es parecido; achi
yxaquich, casi tanto, ma's o menos, poco ma's o menos,
alrededor de; achi quin, no se', no se sabe cua'ndo oc
ye achi u oc achic achi, un poco ma's, todavi'a un poco;
achi miecpa in nocon-itta noteiccauh, auh in yehuatl zan
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

quemmanian in nechhual-itta, bastante a menudo he ido a

ver a mi hermano, pero e'l ha venido rara vez a verme;
achi quezquipa in ye n-atonahui, alguna vez he tenido
fiebre achi u oc achi, adv de comparacio'n : achi
tiqualli in amo nehuatl, eres mejor que yo; oc achi
qualli on in amo yehuatl in, esto es mejor que aquello;
in mopiltzin oc achi tlatquihua in amo tehuatl, tu hijo es
ma's rico que tu' con huel, este adv indica el ma's alto
grado de comparacio'n : huel oc achi tiyolcocole in amo
ye ce tequani ( car ), eres mucho ma's cruel que un animal

2. a few; a little; a little bit; a while; rather; somewhat; a

little while; a little time; almost; about; slightly
FC -> jc-72895
3. rather; a little; a little bit; slightly; somewhat
FC -> jc-72895
4. a few; a little; a little bit; a while; rather; somewhat; a
little while; a little time; almost; about; slightly;
rather; a little; a little bit; slightly; somewhat

5. a few; a little; a little bit; a while; rather; somewhat; a

little while; a little time; almost; about; slightly;
rather; a little; a little bit; slightly; somewhat

6. a little bit <achi>

<achi> FC - > jc-61096
7. a bit [un poco, o poca cosa, o en alguna manera (M) This
appears to be an element in constructions where it has the
cotrary sense of 'a lot, more, very much, ' as in Achipa
'always,' Achicual-li 'better' See the note with Achi:c
In some, but not all, constructions this has a final
glottal stop, Achih See Achihtetzin, Achihto:n, Achihtzin
Particle-| Kart p2
8. a few; a little; a little bit; a while; rather; somewhat; a
little while; a little time; almost; about; slightly
FC jc-031297
9. rather; a little; a little bit; slightly; somewhat
FC jc-031297

achi ixquich
0. cf achi

achi quin
0. cf achi
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

achi yuhqui
0. cf achi

0. 1) just a short time [un poco de tiempo (C) C marks the
vowel of the second syllable long in both this and the
comparative particle Achi:c R marks it long only in the
comparative particle and says they are distinct See Achi
2) particle used in making camparisons [hay differencia
entre una persona, o cosa, y otra (C) This comparitive
Achi:c may be related in some way to the contradictory
'more' sense of Achi See Achi, I:c
Particle-| Kart p2

0. monte de la mizteca ( clav )

0. adv que sirve para indicar la diferencia que hay entre las
personas o las cosas : achic in tehuatl ca otite-micti,
ca tic-tzaqua in motlatlacol, auh in nehuatl aic manel zan
ce pinacatl onic-micti ( par ), por lo que a ti respecta,
eres un homicida expi'as tu crimen, pero yo no he matado
jama's ni siquiera un insecto; tle ipampa in amo
motlatlacol? achic intla tixpopoyotl ( car ) #co'mo que no
es culpa tuya? !!ni que estuvieras ciego!

1. adv de tiempo hace poco no hace mucho, pronto dentro de

poco etc, oc ximo-machtitinemi, oc achic xiqu-ihiyohui,
oc tipiltontli, ac quin ye ticaxtolxiuhtica, sigue
estudiando, ten todavi'a un poco de paciencia, eres joven
todavi'a apenas acabas de cumplir quince an~os; oc cuel
achic, pronto dentro de un momento; oc cuel achic itech
nino-tzonehuiz, dentro de un momentito me vengare' de e'l
cf achitonca achitzinca y quin achic

0. a little bit

1. adv a menudo, frecuentemente, continuamente, sin cesar :

achica ni-tlaqua, comer a menudo a veces significa
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

bastante lejos : achica onantica, esta' bastante lejos,

hav un largo trecho de aqui' a ese lugar precedido de za,
zan o huel, este adv indica el superlativo : za achica
in ti-tlaqua, comes sin cesar, muy a menudo,
extraordinariamente; achichican tlanauatia, imperioso,
que manda, ordena mucho; oc cuel achica, pronto, dentro
de un instante

2. a little bit
FC -> jc-72895
3. a little bit

4. a little bit

5. See Achchica
-| Kart p2
6. a little bit
FC jc-031297

achicatzin huitznahuatl ( don juan garci'a )

0. decimonono hijo del rey axayacatl ( chim )

0. adj de'bil, sin fuerza, hablando de los miembros del
cuerpo r a priv chicauac

0. s debilidad endeblez r a priv, chicaualiztli

0. s manantial, fuente con la posp pan : achichiacpan, en
la fuente o incluso la fuente r atl, chichia ( ? )

0. s manantial fuente r atl, chichia ( ? )

0. adv a menudo, frecuentemente, continuamente, sin cesar :
achica ni-tlaqua, comer a menudo a veces significa
bastante lejos : achica onantica, esta' bastante lejos,
hav un largo trecho de aqui' a ese lugar precedido de za,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

zan o huel, este adv indica el superlativo : za achica

in ti-tlaqua, comes sin cesar, muy a menudo,
extraordinariamente; achichican tlanauatia, imperioso,
que manda, ordena mucho; oc cuel achica, pronto, dentro
de un instante

0. a little bitter

1. a little bitter
FC -> jc-72895
2. a little bitter

3. a little bitter

4. a little bitter
FC jc-031297

0. gibbous duckweed

1. gibbous duckweed
FC -> jc-72895
2. gibbous duckweed

3. gibbous duckweed

4. gibbous duckweed
FC jc-031297

0. poblado de la campin~a que provei'a de cacao al reino de
acolhuacan ( clav )

0. it sucks liquid

1. it sucks liquid
FC -> jc-72895
2. it sucks liquid

3. it sucks liquid

4. it sucks liquid
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. sucker of liquid

1. sucker of liquid
FC -> jc-72895
2. sucker of liquid

3. sucker of liquid

4. sucker of liquid
FC jc-031297

0. s gancho de madera para sacar agua del pozo r atl,

0. better [mejor (C)] See Achi, cual-li
Adjective-| Kart p2

0. a bit [un poco, un poquito (M)] See Achi
Adjective-| Kart p2

0. a bit [un poco (M)] See Achi
Adjective-| Kart p2

0. there is preparing of drink

1. there is preparing of drink

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is preparing of drink

3. there is preparing of drink

4. there is preparing of drink

FC jc-031297

0. she will prepare drink
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. she will prepare drink

FC -> jc-72895
2. she will prepare drink

3. she will prepare drink

4. she will prepare drink

FC jc-031297

0. s hierba comestible que crece en el agua r atl, chili,

achin ( ? )
0. adv bien : achin cayepa, achin campa o achin canin,
donde es debido, alli' donde se precisa que, por donde es
deibido r ach, in

0. estado conquistado por moteuhzoma ii ( clav )

0. s agua clara, pura li'mpida ( olm ) r atl, chipaua

0. p oachipanquetz : nin ( por nino )- engrandecerse,
elevarse r achi, ipan, quetza

0. adv dim de achi muy poco, casi nada

0. tiny bit

1. tiny bit
FC -> jc-72895
2. tiny bit

3. tiny bit
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. tiny bit
FC jc-031297

0. adv dim de achi un poco, muy poco bien poca cosa, algo :
in ye achitzin omo-zcali in noconeton, za niman
onicno-maquili in nahuitzin ( par ), desde que mi hijo
hubo engordado un poco lo confie' a mi ti'a, ye achitzin
mohuelmati in cocoxzui ( par ), el enfermo se encuentra
un poco mejor cf quentel

0. a little

1. adv dim de achi algo, bien poca cosa; zan achiton, en

muy pequen~a cantidad

2. a little
FC -> jc-72895
3. a little

4. a little

5. a little; a little bit

FC jc-031297

0. capita'n chichimeca en tiempos de xolotl ( clav )

0. uno de los jefes aztecas que fundaron tenochtitlan ( clav
) || rey de colhuacan

0. a little; a little bit; to some extent; rather; small;

1. adv dim de achi algo, bien poca cosa; zan achiton, en

muy pequen~a cantidad

2. a little; a little bit; to some extent; rather; small;

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. a little; a little bit; to some extent; rather; small;


4. a little; a little bit; to some extent; rather; small;


5. a little bit; to some extent; a little; rather; somewhat

<achi-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. a little; a little bit; to some extent; rather; small;
FC jc-031297

0. adv un momento, un instante : zan achitonca o cenca zan
achitonca, muy poco tiempo, dentro de muy poco tiempo;
ca amo huel taxca in tlalticpac axcaitl, ca zan achitonca,
ca zan cuel achic ti-pieltilo ( car ), los bienes de
este mundo no nos pertenecen, no los guardamos ma's que un
instante; ye cuel achitonca in oni-hualla ( car ), hace
un buen rato que he llegado; oc u oc cuel achitonca, en
seguida en un momento; oc achitonca tihualmo-cuepaz (
par ), regresara's dentro de un instante cf achic r achi,

0. adv un momento, un instante : zan achitonca o cenca zan
achitonca, muy poco tiempo, dentro de muy poco tiempo;
ca amo huel taxca in tlalticpac axcaitl, ca zan achitonca,
ca zan cuel achic ti-pieltilo ( car ), los bienes de
este mundo no nos pertenecen, no los guardamos m a's que un
instante; ye cuel achitonca in oni-hualla ( car ), hace
un buen rato que he llegado; oc u oc cuel achitonca, en
seguida en un momento; oc achitonca tihualmo-cuepaz (
par ), regresara's dentro de un instante cf achic r achi,

0. exceedingly tiny

1. exceedingly tiny
FC -> jc-72895
2. exceedingly tiny
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. exceedingly tiny

4. exceedingly tiny
FC jc-031297

0. a little bit

1. a little bit
FC -> jc-72895
2. a little bit

3. a little bit

4. a little bit <achi-tzin>

<achi-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. a little bit
FC jc-031297

0. poquito ( a little bit )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. adv dim de achi un poco, muy poco bien poca cosa, algo :
in ye achitzin omo-zcali in noconeton, za niman
onicno-maquili in nahuitzin ( par ), desde que mi hijo
hubo engordado un poco lo confie' a mi ti'a, ye achitzin
mohuelmati in cocoxzui ( par ), el enfermo se encuentra
un poco mejor cf quentel

2. cf achitetzin

3. a little; a little bit; rather; somewhat; a trifle

FC -> jc-72895
4. a little; a little bit; rather; somewhat; a trifle

5. a little; a little bit; rather; somewhat; a trifle

6. a little, a little bit; rather; somewhat; a trifle

<achi-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. poquito ( a little bit )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. a little; a little bit; rather; somewhat; a trifle
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. adv un momento, un instante : zan achitzinca, muy poco

tiempo; quin on-acico, auh ye cuel tinechm-ihualia, ma
za oc achitzinca iz nonye ( car ), acabo de llegar apenas
y ya me despachas de'jame quedar un instante cf achic r
achi, cauitl

0. adv un momento, un instante : zan achitzinca, muy poco
tiempo; quin on-acico, auh ye cuel tinechm-ihualia, ma
za oc achitzinca iz nonye ( car ), acabo de llegar apenas
y ya me despachas de'jame quedar un instante cf achic r
achi, cauitl

0. few, a little bit

1. few, a little bit

FC -> jc-72895
2. few, a little bit

3. few, a little bit

4. few, a little bit

FC jc-031297

0. p oachiuh : nitla- hacer algo ili'cito, que no esta'
permitido r a priv, chiua

1. p achiuh : n ( por ni )- preparar el cacao una bebida r

atl, chiua

0. sv accio'n ili'cita r achiua

0. adj v ili'cito, que no esta' permitido, que no debe
hacerse r achiua

0. s mala accio'n, algo malo, etc : in piltontli in iquac
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

quemmanian achiuhcayotl o aiuhcayotl conailia in nantli,

in tatli, cuix amo tlatzacuiltilo? ( car ), cuando un
nin~o pequen~o hace algo malo con respecto a su padre o a
su madre, #no es castigado? r achiua

0. s ocre en bruto r achiyotl, tetl

0. p oachiyoteui : nitla- mezclar el ocre con otros colores
r achiyotetl

achiyotl o achiotl
0. s ( clav ) bija, fruto empleado en el ten~ido <achiote >

0. p oachiyoui : nitla- ten~ir un cosa de ocre r achiyotl

0. s crano, pepita, semilla en comp iachyo ( del desusado
achyotl ), su semilla, la semilla del fruto tambie'n
significa hermano mayor, superior, servidor en comp nach
( por no-ach ), mi hermano mayor : teach, el servidor
de alguien cf achtcauhtli r achto

1. seed
2. (cf achto) seed
3. (cf achto) seed

0. antes ( before )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. primero ( first )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. antes ( first; before )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. adv y adj antes, primeramente, delante, primero,
primera, etc : achto o achtopa n-iauh, ir delante,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

adelantarse, prevenir, avanzar; achto nociauh, mi

primera mujer; achtopa tlacaxinachtin, el primer hombre y
la primera mujer; lit primera semilla de los hombres;
achto neteochiualiztli, la primera hora; oc ye achto o
achtopa, en seguida, ante todo

4. first; ahead of time; earlier; first time; forthwith; to

start with
FC -> jc-72895
5. first; ahead of time; earlier; first time; forthwith; to
start with

6. first; ahead of time; earlier; first time; forthwith; to

start with

7. first <achto>
<achto> FC - > jc-61096
8. antes ( before )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. primero ( first )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
10. antes ( first; before )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
11. first; ahead of time; earlier; first time; forthwith; to
start with
FC jc-031297
12. achto ce tetlahpaloa
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
13. huan tla ce cualnanquiliah ce calaqui
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
14. huan tlamo ce cualnanquiliah amo ce calaqui ( sino que )
primero se saluda y si le contestan
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
15. entra

16. y si no le contestan

17. no se entra One must

18. first

19. greet and if greeted back enter

20. and if not answered

21. do not enter
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

22. Que hace uno primero ? Tlen ce quichihua achto ? What does
one do first ?

23. cuac oahcito inahuac in tlallancal

24. achto otetlahpaloh Cuando llego' a la cueva lo ( primero )

que hizo fue saludar When he go to the cave the first thing
he did was greet

0. sv ( per ) profeta r achto itoa

0. dim de achtli bisabuelo en comp teachton, el antepasado de

0. primero ( first )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. adv y adj antes, primeramente, delante, primero,
primera, etc : achto o achtopa n-iauh, ir delante,
adelantarse, prevenir, avanzar; achto nociauh, mi
primera mujer; achtopa tlacaxinachtin, el primer hombre y
la primera mujer; lit primera semilla de los hombres;
achto neteochiualiztli, la primera hora; oc ye achto o
achtopa, en seguida, ante todo

2. cf achto

3. at first; first; at once; beforehand; first time

FC -> jc-72895
4. at first; first; at once; beforehand; first time

5. at first; first; at once; beforehand; first time

6. at first; first; first time; beforehand; at once <achto-pa2>

<achto-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
7. first; first time <achto-pa2>
<achto-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
8. primero ( first )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
9. at first; first; at once; beforehand; first time
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. p oachtopahui, etc : nin ( por nino )- precipitarse,
apresurarse, adelantarse nitla- ser el primero en hacer
una cosa ( par ) r achtopa

0. p oachtopaito : nitla- predecir, profetizar r achtopa,

0. p oachtopahui, etc : nin ( por nino )- precipitarse,
apresurarse, adelantarse nitla- ser el primero en hacer
una cosa ( par ) r achtopa

0. anteriormente ( before )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. antes ( before )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. adv y adj antes, primeramente, delante, primero,
primera, etc : achto o achtopa n-iauh, ir delante,
adelantarse, prevenir, avanzar; achto nociauh, mi
primera mujer; achtopa tlacaxinachtin, el primer hombre y
la primera mujer; lit primera semilla de los hombres;
achto neteochiualiztli, la primera hora; oc ye achto o
achtopa, en seguida, ante todo

3. cf achto

4. anteriormente ( before )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
5. antes ( before )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. adv a menudo, frecuentemente - in iquac itla tic-tlazotla,
achca o achtzan ompa tontlachia in canin ca in tlein
tic-tlazotla ( car ), cuando queremos una cosa, a menudo
miramos hacia donde se halla lo que queremos; za o huel
achca, etc, muy a menudo; huel achtzan quimo-pohuiliaya
in itlapalolocatzin tlatocacihuapilli ( car ), recitaba
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

muy a menudo la salutacio'n a la virgen [ el ave mari'a ]

cf atzan

1. cf atzan

0. pr atzan adv a menudo, frecuentemente - in iquac itla
tic-tlazotla, achca o achtzan ompa tontlachia in canin ca
in tlein tic-tlazotla ( car ), cuando queremos una cosa,
a menudo miramos hacia donde se halla lo que queremos; za
o huel achca, etc, muy a menudo; huel achtzan
quimo-pohuiliaya in itlapalolocatzin tlatocacihuapilli (
car ), recitaba muy a menudo la salutacio'n a la virgen [
el ave mari'a ] cf atzan

0. ya no puede ( he no longer can )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. it arrives; it reaches

1. it arrives; it reaches
FC -> jc-72895
2. it arrives; it reaches

3. it arrives; it reaches

4. it arrives; it reaches <ahci>

<ahci> FC - > jc-61096
5. he arrives; it arrives; it reaches
FC jc-031297
6. they arrive
FC jc-031297

0. p oacic : nin ( por nino )- concentrarse; noyollo m-aci,
pensar, reflexionar, considerar : reconocer una cosa,
asegurarse de ella n o non- alcanzar con la mano, llegar a
un lugar, lograr algo, vivir, pasar sus di'as etc tetech
o itech n-aci, tengo relaciones con una mujer; notech
aci, ella tiene relaciones conmigo; itech n-aci in
tlaltecutli, muero; con la neg atetech n-aci, huir,
escapar de alguien; acaltica n-aci, navegar hasta el fin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

de la vida : tepan n-aci, sorprender a alguien; teuan

n-aci, seguir a alguien hasta el fin : amotech aciz in
amotlatlauil, tendre'is vuestro salario; lit vuestro
salario os llegara'; inelhuayocan n-aci averiguar
completamente, examinar a fondo un asunto ( cf nelhuayotl
); noyollo itech aci, sentir vivamente, estar conmovido
por algo : teitec o teitic aci, esto penetra
profundamente, llega hasta las entran~as; uel aci, venir
muy a propo'sito : nouian aci in iauiaca o in iuelica,
el olor se extiende por todo; ye non-aci, acercarse a un
lugar, haciendo camino; ye on-aci, el te'rmino ha
concluido, ya llego'; ye itech non-aci, acercarse a
algo; ipan n-aci, tener e'xito, tener felicidad; con la
neg anon-aci, no lograr una cosa, no llegar al fin,
vivir en la necesidad, en la miseria etc nite o nonte-
alcanzar a alguien que huye, ponerse a la par, tomar,
hacer prisionero en comp nitlaquataci ( por nitlaquati-aci
), venir, acercarse para comer rev axiltla o axitia ( olm
) pas e impers axihua ( par ) o aciua, axoa ( olm )

0. it arrived

1. it arrived
FC -> jc-72895
2. it arrived

3. it arrived

4. it arrived <ahci-ya3>
<ahci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it arrived <ahci-ya3>
<ahci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it arrived
FC jc-031297

0. sv lugar al que se llega, meta, te'rmino en comp nacian (
por no-acian ), mi te'rmino, mi fin; onacico in nacian,
estoy en el fin, mi fin ha llegado r aci

0. adj v cabal, perfecto, lleno de cualidades r aci
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. p oacicacac : nitla- comprender, alcanzar el significado
perfecto de una cosa, un negocio, etc r aci, caqui

0. p oacicaittac : nitla o nic- comprender, saber
perfectamente una cosa, verla claramente, entenderla a
fondo r aci, itta

0. p oacacicama : n ( por ni ), nitla o nic- saber,
comprender perfectamente una cosa r aci, mati

0. p oacicatemo : nitla o nic- buscar algo con mucho cuidado
r aci, temoa

0. s mala hierba r amo, centli

1. cf acecentli

0. p oaceceyoac, etc, vn cubrirse de malas hierbas,
hablando de un campo abandonado r acecentli, etc

1. cf aceceyoa

0. he came to arrive; it came to arrive; they came to arrive;
they came to reach

1. he came to arrive; it came to arrive; they came to arrive;

they came to reach
FC -> jc-72895
2. he came to arrive; it came to arrive; they came to arrive;
they came to reach

3. he came to arrive; it came to arrive; they came to arrive;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

they came to reach

4. he came to arrive; it came to arrive; they came to arrive;

they came to reach <ahci-dir1b>
<ahci-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
5. he came to arrive; they came to arrive; they came to reach
<ahci-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
6. he came to arrive; they came to arrive; they came to reach
<ahci-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
7. he came to arrive; it came to arrive; they came to arrive;
they came to reach
FC jc-031297

0. s liendre en comp tacel o tacil ( por to-acel, etc )
nuestras liendres, las liendres en general; con la posp
tlan - aceltitlan o aciltitlan, lugar donde se meten las
liendres, en medio de las liendres

0. s liendre en comp tacel o tacil ( por to-acel, etc )
nuestras liendres, las liendres en general; con la posp
tlan - aceltitlan o aciltitlan, lugar donde se meten las
liendres, en medio de las liendres

1. cf acelin

0. full of nits

1. adj que tiene liendres, lleno de liendres r acelli o acilli

2. cf acello

3. full of nits
FC -> jc-72895
4. full of nits

5. full of nits

6. full of nits
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. cf acelin

0. sv el que logra, perfecciona, alcanza, se acerca;
tetlatqui acini asolador expoliador en la guerra, el que
roba los bienes de otro; atetech acini, taciturno,
esquivo que rehu'ye a la gente a veces va unido a la part
on : ye itech onacini, el que se acerca a un lugar r aci

0. they arrived
FC jc-031297

0. they come to arrive
FC jc-031297

0. p oaciticatca : m ( por mo )- ser perfecto, logrado;
m-acitica o mo-cemacitica yehuatlin, eso es perfecto
logrado cf acitzinotica r aci, ca

0. they came hastening to arrive
FC jc-031297

0. p oacitinen : anon- vivir, estar en la miseria, la
pobreza r aci, nemi

0. p oacitiuetz : nite- alcanzar ra'pidamente a alguien que
camina, caer sobre el enemigo etc; regan~ar, enojarse
con alguien nitla- cazar; coger, arrebatar vivamente,
violentamente una cosa r aci, uetzi

0. p oacitia : m ( por mo )- irse acercando; noyollo
m-acitiuh, asegurarse de algo, ir entendiendo un asunto;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

lit mi espi'ritu se va acercando; ye non ( por ni-on )-

acercarse a un lugar r aci

1. it goes reaching
FC jc-031297

0. s gota de roci'o, perla de agua < aljo'far > r atl,

0. s gota de roci'o, perla de agua < aljo'far > r atl,

0. p oacitlan : nic- querer que se aproxime algo; notech
nic-acitlani, permito, quiero que eso ocurra, me advenga
cf axitlani r aci, tlani

0. he went to arrive, he went to reach

1. he went to arrive, he went to reach

FC -> jc-72895
2. he went to arrive, he went to reach

3. he went to arrive, he went to reach

4. he went to arrive, he went to reach <ahci-dir2b>

<ahci-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
5. he went to arrive; he went to reach; they went to arrive
FC jc-031297

0. p oacitzinoticatca, rev de acitica : m ( por mo )- ser
perfecto, logrado; in totecuiyo m-acitzinotica o
mo-cemacitzinotica inic tlamatini, nuestro sen~or es muy
sabio; lit perfecto en tanto que sabio

0. pas e impers de aci
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. va a llegar ( it will arrive )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. llegara' ( it will arrive )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. va a llegar ( it will arrive )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. llegara' ( it will arrive )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. they will arrive, they will reach

1. they will arrive, they will reach

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will arrive, they will reach

3. they will arrive, they will reach

4. they will arrive, they will reach <ahci-z-plur01>

<ahci-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will arrive, they will reach
FC jc-031297

0. ya no ( no longer )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. above; up high
FC -> jc-72895
2. high, up above
FC -> jc-72895
3. up, above, high
FC -> jc-72895
4. above, up high; high; up above <ahco>
<ahco> FC - > jc-61096
5. ya no ( no longer )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
6. above; up high
FC jc-031297
7. high, up above
FC jc-031297
8. up, above, high
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. adv en lo alto, en la cima : aco n-icac estar en lo

alto, en la cima; aco nitla-tlalia poner una cosa en lo
ma's alto, encima; algunas veces significa techumbre,
cumbre : aco calli, el techo de la casa

aco calli
0. cf aco

0. cf aqui

0. s paz, calma; azomalli, acoallantli, atlauelli ipan
n-iaznequi ( olm ), no quiero llevar la discordia donde
hay paz r a priv, coallantli ( ? )

0. s anguila, serpiente de agua r atl, coatl

0. s especie de ave acua'tica r acoatl ( ? ), tototl

0. lack of sleep, sleeplessness

1. s vela, insomnio, ausencia de suen~o : acochiztli

nicno-chiualtia, velar, pasar la noche; lit hacerse,
acostumbrarse a la vigilia r a priv, cochiztli

2. lack of sleep, sleeplessness

FC -> jc-72895
3. lack of sleep, sleeplessness

4. lack of sleep, sleeplessness

5. lack of sleep, sleeplessness

FC jc-031297

0. p oacocholo : n ( por ni ) o non- saltar en el aire,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

saltar de alegri'a r aco, choloa

0. high jumper

0. high jumper
FC -> jc-72895
1. high jumper <ahco-choloa:-ni1>
<ahco-choloa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
2. high jumper <ahco-choloa:-ni1>
<ahco-choloa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
3. high jumper
FC jc-031297

0. shrimp

1. s pequen~a langosta, langosti'n, cangrejo < camaro'n

pequen~o >

2. shrimp
FC -> jc-72895
3. shrimp

4. shrimp

5. shrimp
FC jc-031297

0. shrimp

1. s pequen~a langosta, langosti'n, cangrejo < camaro'n

pequen~o >

2. shrimp
FC -> jc-72895
3. shrimp

4. shrimp

5. shrimp
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. incapable of burning

1. incapable of burning
FC -> jc-72895
2. incapable of burning

3. incapable of burning

4. incapable of burning
FC jc-031297

0. s tipo de hierba que crece junto a los manantiales y

0. lugar situado en la ribera meridional del lago de me'xico (
clav ), donde los aztecas perrnanecieron durante
diecisiete an~os ( bet )

0. s mansedumbre, dulzura r a priv cocolecayotl

0. s delicadeza de temperamento r a priv,

0. s canal, acueducto r atl, cocopilhuaztli

0. with gourd tubes

1. with gourd tubes

FC -> jc-72895
2. with gourd tubes

3. with gourd tubes
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. with gourd tubes

FC jc-031297

0. s planta parecida al hinojo; instrumento para extraer ei
jugo del agave r atl, cocotli

0. s plantas para'sitas que crecen en los a'rboles

0. s brebaje, pocio'n utilizada para acelerar el parto cf
zacalic r acococo ( ? ), zazalic


0. p oacocu u oacoc ( olm ) : nin ( por nino )- levantarse,
alzarse, enarcarse, echarse a volar, tomar el vuelo,
etc; m-acocui, crece, aumenta, brota, hablando de una
corriente de agua nitla o nic- elevar una cosa; nic-acocui
in uentli ixpantzinco in dios, presentar una ofrenda a
dios, eleva'ndola en el aire r aco, cui

0. uno de los jefes aztecas que fundaron tenochtitlan ( clav )

0. light, not heavy

1. light, not heavy

FC -> jc-72895
2. light, not heavy

3. light, not heavy

4. light, not heavy <ahco-huetzi-prt1-c2>

<ahco-huetzi-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. light, not heavy <ahco-huetzi-prt1-c2>
<ahco-huetzi-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. light, not heavy <ahco-huetzi-prt1-c2>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ahco-huetzi-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096

7. light, not heavy
FC jc-031297

0. upwards

1. cf acouic

2. adv arriba, en el aire - acouic nic-tlachia mirar hacia

arriba; cf acopa r aco uic

3. upwards
FC -> jc-72895
4. upwards

5. upwards

6. upwards <ahco-hui:c>
<ahco-hui:c> FC - > jc-61096
7. upwards
FC jc-031297

acohuic tlalchihuic itto

0. he is venerated

1. he is venerated
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is venerated
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is venerated

4. he is venerated

5. he is venerated <ahco-hui:c tlalli-chi1-hui:c itta-lo:1>

<ahco-hui:c tlalli-chi1-hui:c itta-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is venerated <ahco-hui:c tlalli-chi1-hui:c itta-lo:1>
<ahco-hui:c tlalli-chi1-hui:c itta-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is venerated <ahco-hui:c tlalli-chi1-hui:c itta-lo:1>
<ahco-hui:c tlalli-chi1-hui:c itta-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
8. he is venerated <ahco-hui:c tlalli-chi1-hui:c itta-lo:1>
<ahco-hui:c tlalli-chi1-hui:c itta-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
9. he is venerated <ahco-hui:c tlalli-chi1-hui:c itta-lo:1>
<ahco-hui:c tlalli-chi1-hui:c itta-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
10. he is venerated
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. s pa'jaro de plumas rojas llamado < comendador > por lo;
espan~oles ( clav ) r acolli, chichi

0. s omo'plato en comp tacolchimal ( por to-acolchimal ),
nuestro omo'plato, el omo'plato en general r acolli,

0. lugar donde los chichimecas permanecieron durante cincuenta
y dos an~os ( 1262-1314 ) ( clav )

0. p oacoleuh : nitla- levantar el brazo amenazar r acolli,

0. p oacoleuili : nitetla- amenazar a alguien, levantar el
brazo para golpear r acoleua

0. pobladores llegados al ana'huac hacia fines del siglo xii,
que se establecieron en tetzcuco ( clav )

0. estado de ana'huac, cap tetzcuco ( clav ) r atl, colhuacan

0. jefe acolhua que se establecio' en azcapuzalco, en tiempos
de xolotl ( clav )

0. having white wing-bends

1. having white wing-bends

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. having white wing-bends

3. having white wing-bends

4. having white wing-bends

FC jc-031297

0. shoulder

1. s hombro, mu'sculo, por ext brazo en comp iacol, su

hombro; tacol ( por to-acol ), nuestro hombro, el hombro
en general; centlacol tacol, lo gordo del brazo; lit la
mitad del brazo con la posp pan - tacolpan ( por to-acolpan
), sobre las espaldas

2. shoulder
FC -> jc-72895
3. shoulder

4. shoulder

5. shoulder <ahcolli>
<ahcolli> FC - > jc-61096
6. shoulder
FC jc-031297

0. poblado del norte de tetzcuco ( olm, clav )

0. poblado del norte de tetzcuco ( olm, clav )

0. s habitante de acolman; pl acolmeca ( olm )

0. sen~or de coatlichan ( clav ) cf nezahualcoyotl

0. s biceps del brazo en comp tacolnacayo ( por to-acolnacayo
), nuestro biceps del brazo, lo gordo del brazo en
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

general r acolli, nacayotl

0. hijo de huitzilihuitl y de ayauhcihuatl ( clav )

0. s hombro, mu'sculo en comp tacolteuh ( por to-acolteuh ),
nuestro hombro, nuestros mu'sculos, el hombro, los
mu'sculos en general r acolli, tetl

0. s vello de la espalda en comp tacoltzonyo ( por
to-acoltzonyo ), pelos de la espalda r acolli, tzontli

0. s vello de la espalda en comp tacoltzonyo ( por
to-acoltzonyo ), pelos de la espalda r acolli, tzontli

0. it raises up, it is disturbed

1. p oacoman - nin ( por nino )- turbarse, agitarse;

m-acomana, [ el mar, la multitud ] esta' agitada, se
conmueve, etc nite- sublevar, alborotar a los dema's
nitla- desordenar, destruir una cosa; tla-acomana in
tlatoani ( olm ), el gobernador arruina el pai's impers
neacomanalo, hay revuelta, se insurreccionan, la
multitud se subleva, se alborota, etc r aco, mana

2. it raises up, it is disturbed

FC -> jc-72895
3. it raises up, it is disturbed

4. it raises up, it is disturbed

5. it raises up, it is disturbed <ahco-mani-caus09>

<ahco-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. it raises up, it is disturbed <ahco-mani-caus09>
<ahco-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
7. it raises up, it is disturbed <ahco-mani-caus09>
<ahco-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. it raises up, it is disturbed

FC jc-031297

0. s olla vasija para agua r atl, comitl

0. he seeks it

1. he seeks it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he seeks it

3. he seeks it

4. he seeks it
FC jc-031297

0. adv en alto, de lo alto - acopa itztiuh tzontli, cabellos
en desorden, que vuelan; in tlein amo etic, in iuhqui
tletl, acouic itztiuh, acopa tlamatiuh, aquello que (
como el fuego ) no pesa, se eleva en el aire; no
confundir con uiccopa, copauic, hacia, contra - zan
iuhquin cochitleualli temictli - ipan tic-matizque in iz
tlalticpac ic pacoa, in totech monequi ye acouic
ilhuicaccopahuic tocon-itztiltiazque in totlaelehuiliz (
car ), debemos considerar como suen~os los placeres de
este mundo y elevar nuestros deseos al cielo acopa va a
menudo u unido a un verbo; cf las palabras siguiente r
aco, pa

1. upward
FC -> jc-72895
2. upward <ahco-pa1>
<ahco-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
3. upward <ahco-pa1>
<ahco-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
4. upward
FC jc-031297

0. p oacopaittac - nite- mirar a alguien que esta' en alto
nitla- mirar una cosa que esta' en el aire r acopa, itta
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. p oacopatlachix - n ( por ni )- mirar a lo alto r acopa,

0. p oacopin - nitla- abrir, cavar un canal, una acequia r
atl, copina

0. p oacoquechlli - nitetla- encarecer una cosa a alguien,
vender demasiado caro, elevar el precio r acoquetza

0. p oacoquetz - m ( por mo )- elevarse, alzarse,
levantarse, hablando de un objeto, de las olas del mar,
etc; m-acoquetza in patiotl, el precio se eleva, aumenta
nitla- elevar, aumentar la tarea, el quehacer,
encarecer, aumentar el precio de una cosa r aco, quetza

0. p oacquetztia - m ( por mo )- ir creciendo, aumentar,
elevarse r acoquetza

0. p oacoquixti - nite- encumbrar, engrandecer a alguien
nitla- levantar, llevar una cosa en alto r aco, quixtia

0. p oacoquixtili - ninote o nicno- encumbrar a alguien,
sacarlo de la oscuridad; oquim-acoquixtili in tlatoani,
el gobernador lo ha encumbrado, engrandecido r acoquixtia

0. p oacoquiz - n ( por ni )- subir, elevarse en dignidad,
crecer; ganar, obtener un provecho; in azcan nic-caqui
in n-acoquizaya ( olm ), ahora comprendo que estoy
medrando nite- encumbrar a alguien ( olm ) r aco, quiza
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. sv elevacio'n, ganancia, provecho, ventaja, etc r

0. adj y sv elevado, situado en altura; aquel que ha logrado
ganancias, provecho r acoquiza

0. p oacotlachix - n ( por ni )- mirar hacia arriba r aco,

0. p oacotlaz - nin ( por nino )- consolarse, rehacerse,
volver a tomar a'nimo nite- consolar, animar a alguien,
darle valor r aco, tlaza

0. sv consuelo; teyollo acouechiliztli, contemplacio'n cf
acouetziliztli r acouetzi

0. p oacouetz - n ( por ni )- tranquilizarse, consolarse;
acouetzi in noyollo, contemplo; lit mi corazo'n esta' en
paz; iyollo acouetzi, esta' en contemplacio'n, su
corazo'n esta' en calma, tranquilo r aco, uetzi

0. sv consolacio'n, calma; teyollo acuetziliztli
contemplacio'n r acouetzi

0. adj v ligero, lisera, que no fatiga; consolado r acouetzi

0. adv arriba, en el aire - acouic nic-tlachia mirar hacia
arriba; cf acopa r aco uic
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. sv elevacio'n : teyollo acoyaliztli, contemplacio'n r

0. sv el que se eleva : iyollo acoyani, el contemplativo;
lit el que eleva su corazo'n, su espiritu r acoyauh

0. p oacoya : n ( por ni )- mirar a lo alto, levantar la
mirada, contemplar; acoyauh in noyollo, mi corazo'n va a
lo alto, contemplo, considero las cosas desde arriva r
aco, yauh

0. s canal, alban~al, cloaca r atl, coyoctli

0. s alga, varec < ova que nace en el agua > r atl, icpatl

0. sv el que se mete, entra, penetra; tetlan acqui
entrometido, que trata de seducir a una mujer r aqui

0. p oacti - nitla- introducir, interponer una cosa nitetla-
incorporar a alguien, hacer que se le reciba, que se le
admita en una sociedad r aqui

0. p oacticatca u oacticaya - n ( por ni )- estar metido,
hundido en alguna parte notech tla-actica, debo algo;
itech tla-actica es deudor r aqui ca o icac

0. p oacticatca u oacticaya - n ( por ni )- estar metido,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

hundido en alguna parte notech tla-actica, debo algo;

itech tla-actica es deudor r aqui ca o icac

0. p oactimotecac, vn extenderse, divulgarse; tepan
actimoteca extenderse por todas partes, al hablar de un
rumor, de una noticia, etc; nouian tepan actimoteca in
iteyotzin dios, la gloria de dios se extiende por todas
partes; oc actimoteca in nitic tener la conciencia
tranquila < tener sosegada la conciencia > r actia, teca

0. p oactinen - n ( por ni )- ir cubierto, hundido;
iztacatitlan actinemi, esta' vestido de blanco, esta'
hundido en lo blanco r aqui, nemi

0. p oactitlaz - nitla o nic- hundir, apretar, hollar la
tierra r actia tlaza

0. sv bienes disminuidos, perdidos, destruidos, robados r

0. p oactuetz - n ( por ni )- caer inopinadamente en un
agujero, un hoyo poco aparente; derrumbarse, asentarse,
al hablar de una construccio'n; actiuetzi in tlapoalli,
la cuenta esta' mal hecha r aqui, uetzi

0. sv cai'da, derrumbe, hundimiento r actiuetzi

0. p oactia - n ( por ni )- inmiscuirse, penetrar; tetlan
n-actiuh, me inmiscuyo en un asunto, me infiltro entre la
gente r aqui
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. p oactoca - n ( por ni )- estar metido, hundido en alguna
parte notech tla-actoc, soy deudor de algo; itech
tla-actoc, e'l es deudor r aqui onoc

0. water eagle

0. it blisters; it boils up

1. it blisters; it boils up
FC -> jc-72895
2. it blisters; it boils up

3. it blisters; it boils up

4. it blisters <a:tl1-dupl-cuala:ni-ca7>
<a:tl1-dupl-cuala:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. it blisters <a:tl1-dupl-cuala:ni-ca7>
<a:tl1-dupl-cuala:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. it blisters; it boils up <a:tl1-cuala:ni-ca7>
<a:tl1-cuala:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
7. it blisters; it boils up <a:tl1-cuala:ni-ca7>
<a:tl1-cuala:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
8. it blisters; it boils up
FC jc-031297

0. blisters quickly form

1. blisters quickly form

FC -> jc-72895
2. blisters quickly form

3. blisters quickly form

4. blisters quickly form

FC jc-031297

0. beater, chocolate stirring stick; spoon for stirring cacao;
stirring stick
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. beater, chocolate stirring stick; spoon for stirring cacao;

stirring stick
FC -> jc-72895
2. beater, chocolate stirring stick; spoon for stirring cacao;
stirring stick

3. beater, chocolate stirring stick; spoon for stirring cacao;

stirring stick

4. spoon for stirring cacao; stirring stick <a:tl1-cuahuitl>

<a:tl1-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. spoon for stirring cacao; stirring stick <a:tl1-cuahuitl>
<a:tl1-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. beater, chocolate stirring stick; spoon for stirring cacao;
stirring stick
FC jc-031297

0. bad; evil
FC -> jc-72895
1. bad; evil <ah1-cualli>
<ah1-cualli> FC - > jc-61096
2. bad; evil <ah1-cualli>
<ah1-cualli> FC - > jc-61096
3. bad; evil
FC jc-031297

0. inedible
FC jc-031297

0. water eagle
FC -> jc-72895
1. water eagle <water eagle>
<water eagle> FC - > jc-61096
2. water eagle
FC jc-031297

0. s sanguijuela

0. adj ondulante, hinchado por las olas r acuecueyotl
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. p oacuecueyoti - m ( por mo )- estar agitada, hacer olas,
hablando del agua r acuecueyotl

0. frec de acueyotl ola, onda, oleaje

1. nombre de la diosa de la lluvia cf chalchiuhcueye

0. water skirt

1. water skirt
FC -> jc-72895
2. water skirt

3. water skirt

4. water skirt <a:tl1-cue:itl>

<a:tl1-cue:itl> FC - > jc-61096
5. water skirt <a:tl1-cue:itl>
<a:tl1-cue:itl> FC - > jc-61096
6. water skirt
FC jc-031297

0. adj ondulante, hinchado, cubierto de olas r acueyotl

0. crocodile
FC -> jc-72895
1. crocodile
FC jc-031297

0. s gran lagarto acua'tico r atl, cuetzpalin ( ? )

0. crocodile
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. s ola, oleaje, marea; el propio mar ( olm ) - uey
acueyotl, gran ola con la posp pan - acueyopan en la ola;
cecem acueyopan, de ola en ola r atl cueitl

0. s ola, oleaje, marea; el propio mar ( olm ) - uey
acueyotl, gran ola con la posp pan - acueyopan en la ola;
cecem acueyopan, de ola en ola r atl cueitl

0. s agujero, precipicio, pozo, etc r a priv, cuezcomatl

0. p oacuezcomaui - nin ( por nino )- caer en un agujero, en
un pozo, etc r acuezcomatl

0. s langosti'n, pequen~a langosta, camaro'n de mar r atl,
cuicilin ( ? )

0. cliff swallow

1. cliff swallow
FC -> jc-72895
2. cliff swallow

3. cliff swallow

4. cliff swallow
FC jc-031297

0. leech

1. leech
FC -> jc-72895
2. leech

3. leech
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. leech
FC jc-031297

0. leech
FC -> jc-72895
1. leech
FC jc-031297

0. s canal, alban~al, cloaca r atl, coyoctli

0. kind of plant
1. s planta cuyas hojas eran utilizadas por los sacerdotes
para recoger la sangre que se sacaban por penitencia ( clav

2. kind of plant

3. kind of plant
4. kind of plant

5. kind of plant
FC - > jc-61096

0. s especie de pa'jaro r acxoyatl, tototl

0. adv no poco, mucho; esta expresio'n parece ser una forma
suavizada de la palabra atzan, mucho, a menudo - aczan
nino-mati, apreciarse mucho, estar orgulloso de si'
mismo; azan itla ipan ticmatiz, no lo apreciara's por
poca cosa r a priv, zan

adivinaro ( xic- )
0. adivina ( guess it ( command ) )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. cf atlacahualco
sim p 6

0. s viento de lluvia, viento del mar - uei aehecatl, gran
viento del mar r atl, eecatl

0. s viento de lluvia, viento del mar - uei aehecatl, gran
viento del mar r atl, eecatl

0. s inconveniente, dificultad r a priv, eleuiliztli

0. s odre, utensilio, vasija para transportar el agua r atl,
euatl, comitl

0. he is unhappy

0. she becomes a harlot

0. very grooved, very furrowed

1. very grooved, very furrowed

FC -> jc-72895
2. very grooved, very furrowed

3. very grooved, very furrowed

4. very grooved, very furrowed

FC jc-031297

0. very grooved, very furrowed
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. very grooved, very furrowed <a:tl1-calli-tic>

<a:tl1-calli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
2. very grooved, very furrowed
FC jc-031297

0. he tumbles into a pit

1. he tumbles into a pit

FC -> jc-72895
2. he tumbles into a pit

3. he tumbles into a pit

4. he tumbles into a pit <dupl-aqui-ti1-huetzi aux03>

<dupl-aqui-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. he tumbles into a pit <dupl-aqui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<dupl-aqui-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
6. he tumbles into a pit <dupl-aqui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<dupl-aqui-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
7. he tumbles into a pit <dupl-aqui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<dupl-aqui-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
8. he tumbles into a pit
FC jc-031297

0. fragrant, pleasing; infragrant

1. fragrant, pleasing; infragrant

FC -> jc-72895
2. fragrant, pleasing; infragrant

3. fragrant, pleasing; infragrant

4. fragrant, pleasing; infragrant

FC jc-031297

0. he lives dissolutely

1. he lives dissolutely
FC -> jc-72895
2. he lives dissolutely

3. he lives dissolutely
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he lives dissolutely <dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi>

<dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he lives dissolutely <dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi>
<dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he lives dissolutely <dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi>
<dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
7. he lives dissolutely <dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi>
<dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
8. he lives dissolutely <dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi>
<dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
9. he lives dissolutely <dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi>
<dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
10. he lives dissolutely
FC jc-031297

0. she is always full of vice

1. she is always full of vice

FC -> jc-72895
2. she is always full of vice

3. she is always full of vice

4. she is always full of vice

<dupl-a:huiya-delya-tzontli-calli-v05a> FC - > jc-61096
5. she is always full of vice
<dupl-a:huiya-delya-tzontli-calli-v05a> FC - > jc-61096
6. she is always full of vice
<dupl-a:huiya-delya-tzontli-calli-v05a> FC - > jc-61096
7. she is always full of vice
<dupl-a:huiya-delya-tzontli-calli-v05a> FC - > jc-61096
8. she is always full of vice
FC jc-031297

0. s larga mecha de cabellos que los indios dejaban a las
jovencitas so'lo a un lado de la cabeza cf atzotzocolli
sim p 4

0. in much water
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. in much water
FC -> jc-72895
2. in much water

3. in much water

4. in much water <dupl-a:tl1-tlan>

<dupl-a:tl1-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
5. in much water <dupl-a:tl1-tlan>
<dupl-a:tl1-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
6. in much water <dupl-a:tl1-tlan>
<dupl-a:tl1-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
7. in much water <dupl-a:tl1-tlan>
<dupl-a:tl1-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
8. in much water
FC jc-031297

0. there is drinking, people drink chocolate

1. there is drinking, people drink chocolate

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is drinking, people drink chocolate

3. there is drinking, people drink chocolate

4. there is drinking, people drink chocolate

<dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is drinking, people drink chocolate
<dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is drinking, people drink chocolate
<dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is drinking, people drink chocolate
<dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
8. there is drinking, people drink chocolate
<dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
9. there is drinking, people drink chocolate
<dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
10. everyone drinks, people drink, there is drinking; people
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

drink chocolate
FC jc-031297

0. sv alegri'a, gozo, gloria, vanidad - teca o tepan
ahauializtli, burla con la posp pan - aauializpan, en la
alegri'a con alegri'a r aauia
sim p 4

0. p oaauix, etc, frec de auia - n ( por ni )- alegrarse,
gozar, vanagloriarse, alabarse; teca o tepan n-aauia,
alegrarse de los males de otro, con respecto a alguien se
escribe tambie'n aahuia ( par ) rev aauiltia ( olm )
sim p 4

0. p oaauiali, etc - nin ( por nino )- relamerse, saborear r
sim p 4

0. cf aauializtli
sim p 4

0. adv con alegri'a, placer, ju'bilo; teca ahauializtica,
rie'ndose de alguien, con burla, con mofa r aauializtli,
sim p 4

0. adj y sv alegre, gozoso, contento, jovial, amigo del
deleite, de los placeres, cortesana r aauia
sim p 4

0. p oaauili, etc, frec de auilia - nite- retozar,
acariciar, hacer cosquillas a alguien
sim p 4

0. p oaauilmauhtia, etc - nite- hacer gestos o visajes para
asustar a alguien r aauilia mauhtia
sim p 4
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. p oaauilnen etc - n ( por ni )- vivir entre los placeres la
alegri'a, el desenfreno, la lujuria r aauilia, nemi
sim p 4

0. sv desenfreno lujuria r aauilnemi
sim p 4

0. s lugar de recreo, de placer, atractivo r aauia, pan
sim p 4

0. p oaauilti, etc, frec de auiltia - nin ( por nino )-
pasearse, recrearse, divertirse, pasar el tiempo
agradablemente; m-aauiltia, se divierte, se explaya,
lleva una vida alegre; se usa principalmente al hablar de
una cortesana nite- dar alegri'a, proporcionar placer a
sim p 5

0. adv alegremente agradablemente r aauia, ca
sim p 5

0. en general, para las palabras que empiezan en ah, cf a,

0. cornerless house

0. from nowhere; nowhere

0. nowhere

1. nowhere
FC -> jc-72895
2. nowhere
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. nowhere

4. nowhere

5. nowhere

6. nowhere <ah1-ca:n>
<ah1-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. nowhere <ah1-ca:n>
<ah1-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. nowhere
FC jc-031297

0. llega ( he arrives )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. llega ( it arrives )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. llegan ( they arrive )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. reach
4. reach
5. hear
FC - > jc-61096
6. there is arriving
FC - > jc-61096
7. to arrive
FC - > jc-61096
8. (cf maci) reach
9. (cf maci) reach
10. llega ( he arrives )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
11. llega ( it arrives )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
12. llegan ( they arrive )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
13. arrive
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems
14. arrive
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems
15. he/she sleeps
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

ahci-| caqui tlaahcica:cactli

0. st well understood

0. todavi'a no ( not yet )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. quemah
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. que ihcuac ce quiyequizcaltiah

3. aic ce calaqui zan ihcon ihtec ce calli Sabi'a

4. si'

5. que cuando uno tiene buena educacio'n

6. nunca se mete uno sin ma's ni ma's en una casa

7. He knew

8. yes

9. that when one has education

10. one never enters a house without asking for permission

11. Donde entra uno no mas porque si ? Canin aic ce calaqui

zan ihcon ? Where does one enter just for the heck of it ?

ahcic ( o- )
0. llego' ( he arrived )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

ahcic ( oc- )
0. lo encontro' ( he found him; he came upon him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

ahcic ( oquim- )
0. los encontro' ( he found them; he got them )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he reaches it

0. they sleep
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

ahcihcacahqueh ( otic- )
0. lo entendimos ( we understood it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. he takes so, he makes so arrive

ahcito ( o- )
0. llego'; fue a llegar ( he arrived )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. llego'; fue a llegar ( he arrived; he went to arrive )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. llego'; fue a llegar ( he arrived )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. llego'; fue a llegar ( he arrived; he went to arrive )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. va a llegar; se va a acercar ( it will arrive; it will
approach )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. Quien va a llegar a tu casa ? Aquin ahciz mochan ? Who is
going to arrive at your house ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. van a llegar ( they will arrive )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. above; up high, high, up above, up, above, high

1. upward
FC -> jc-72895
2. above; up high, high, up above, up, above, high
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. above, up high; high; up above

4. above; up high, high, up above, up, above, high

5. above, up high; high; up above

6. upward <ahco>
<ahco> FC - > jc-61096
7. upward
FC jc-031297

0. light, not heavy

1. light, not heavy

FC -> jc-72895
2. light, not heavy

3. light, not heavy

4. light, not heavy <ahco-huetzi-prt1-c2>

<ahco-huetzi-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. light, not heavy <ahco-huetzi-prt1-c2>
<ahco-huetzi-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. light, not heavy <ahco-huetzi-prt1-c2>
<ahco-huetzi-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. light, not heavy
FC jc-031297

0. shoulder bone

1. shoulder bone
FC - > jc-61096

0. shoulder
1. shoulder

2. shoulder
3. shoulder

4. shoulder
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096
5. shoulder
FC - > jc-61096
6. shoulder
FC - > jc-61096

0. shoulder

0. hair on the shoulder

1. hair on the shoulder

FC - > jc-61096

0. hair on the shoulder
FC - > jc-61096

0. one who has no jar
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. upward

0. in aihuani
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. in acualoni

2. the undrinkable

3. the inedible

4. no tomable

5. lo que no se puede comer

0. bad; evil

1. bad, evil
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. bad; evil

3. bad, evil

4. bad; evil

5. bad, evil

6. bad, evil <ah1-cualli>

<ah1-cualli> FC - > jc-61096
7. bad, evil <ah1-cualli>
<ah1-cualli> FC - > jc-61096
8. bad, evil
FC jc-031297

0. scold
1. scold
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

0. it sprinkles, it rains lightly
FC jc-031297

0. it was drizzling
FC jc-031297

0. dew

0. thorn

1. thorn
FC -> jc-72895
2. thorn

3. thorn

4. thorn <ahhuatl>
<ahhuatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. thorn
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. thorn/to get stuck with a thorn, ahuate, ahuatar

0. thorny place

1. thorny place
FC -> jc-72895
2. thorny place

3. thorny place

4. thorny place <ahhuatl-tlah2>

<ahhuatl-tlah2> FC - > jc-61096
5. thorny place
FC jc-031297

0. spiny, thorny

1. spiny, thorny
FC -> jc-72895
2. spiny, thorny

3. spiny, thorny
FC jc-031297

0. vagabond
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. vagabond
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. vagabond
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. vagabond
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. fragrant, pleasant
FC - > jc-61096

0. to be fragrant
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. he causes st to be fragrant

0. huitecoz
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. tzotzonaloz

2. ahuic chololtiloz

3. he would be struck and beaten; he would be pursued from

one place to another

0. fragrant
Adj Form jc-022897
1. fragrant
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. aromatic
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. odoriferous

4. perfumed

5. redolent

6. sweet-scented

7. fragrant

0. fearless of death
FC jc-031297

0. no ( no; not )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. no, not
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. in yeh amo oquimatia

JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. cox ompa tlahtec yocatca ce coatl; E'l no sabi'a que ahi'
dentro ya estaba una culebra He did not know that inside
there was already a snake
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. Quien no sabia que la culebra estaba adentro ? Aquin amo
oquimatia cox tlahtec ocatca in coatl ? Who did not know
that the snake was inside ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
3. Que hace uno si no le responden ? Tlen ce quichihua in tla
amo ce cualnanquiliah ? What does one do if not responded ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
4. Que hiciste cuando no te conteste ? Tlen oticchih ihcuac
amo onimitznanquilih ? What did you do when not answered ?
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
5. no ihuan in ihcuac otztli cihuatl
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
6. in ihcuac cualo tonatiuh

7. anozo metztli: amo huel quittaya

8. likewise

9. when a woman was with child during an eclipse of the sun or


10. she might might not look at it

11. in cualo in zan xoxouhqui ihuan in amo huel iuccic


12. teapitzalti those which are often uncooked

13. and not well cooked

14. cause one to vomit

15. to have diarrhea

0. soap (plant)
1. soap-plant
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. soap plant
Noun jc-030797
3. soap plant
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
4. soap plant
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

ahmo:lli (soap plant) ninahmo:lhuia

0. I wash myself with soap

0. he does not deflate himself

1. he does not deflate himself

FC -> jc-72895
2. he does not deflate himself

3. he does not deflate himself

4. he does not deflate himself

FC jc-031297

0. he is not discreet

1. he is not discreet
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is not discreet

3. he is not discreet

4. he is not discreet <ah1-p54-izcalia:>

<ah1-p54-izcalia:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is not discreet <ah1-p54-izcalia:>
<ah1-p54-izcalia:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is not discreet
FC jc-031297

0. perhaps

1. perhaps
FC -> jc-72895
2. perhaps
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. perhaps

4. perhaps <ah1-no:-zo2-eh3>
<ah1-no:-zo2-eh3> FC - > jc-61096
5. perhaps <ah1-no:-zo2-eh3>
<ah1-no:-zo2-eh3> FC - > jc-61096
6. perhaps <ah1-no:-zo2-eh3>
<ah1-no:-zo2-eh3> FC - > jc-61096
7. perhaps <ah1-no:-zo2-eh3>
<ah1-no:-zo2-eh3> FC - > jc-61096
8. perhaps <ah1-no:-zo2-eh3>
<ah1-no:-zo2-eh3> FC - > jc-61096
9. perhaps <ah1-no:-zo2-eh3>
<ah1-no:-zo2-eh3> FC - > jc-61096
10. perhaps
FC jc-031297

0. o ( or )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. dress

0. bowl

0. that which does not rot

1. that which does not rot

FC -> jc-72895
2. that which does not rot

3. that which does not rot

4. that which does not rot <ah1-pala:ni-ni1>

<ah1-pala:ni-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. that which does not rot <ah1-pala:ni-ni1>
<ah1-pala:ni-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. that which does not rot <ah1-pala:ni-ni1>
<ah1-pala:ni-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. that which does not rot <ah1-pala:ni-ni1>
<ah1-pala:ni-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. that which does not rot

FC jc-031297

0. never

1. never
FC -> jc-72895
2. never

3. never

4. never
FC jc-031297

0. they will not eat it

1. they will not eat it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will not eat it

3. they will not eat it

4. they will not eat it

FC jc-031297

0. los que ( the ones who )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. aquellos que; los que ( those who )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. los que ( those who )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. los que ( the ones who )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
4. aquellos que; los que ( those who )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
5. los que ( those who )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. they will not drink it

1. they will not drink it

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they will not drink it

3. they will not drink it

4. they will not drink it

FC jc-031297

0. it trembles

1. it trembles
FC -> jc-72895
2. it trembles

3. it trembles

4. it trembles
FC jc-031297

0. that which does not powder, that which does not become dust

1. that which does not powder, that which does not become dust
FC -> jc-72895
2. that which does not powder, that which does not become dust

3. that which does not powder, that which does not become dust

4. that which does not powder, that which does not become dust
FC jc-031297

0. we will not live

1. we will not live

FC -> jc-72895
2. we will not live

3. we will not live

4. we will not live

FC jc-031297

0. one who will not drink wine
Agentive -ni jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. one who will not drink wine

JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. one who will not drink wine
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who will not drink wine
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. wing
1. wing
FC -> jc-72895
2. wing

3. wing
4. wing

5. wing <ahtlapalli>
<ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. wing
FC jc-031297

0. seems to have ( from an English or Spanish viewpoint ) a
"double" reference of 'wing' and 'leaf' From a Nahua
viewpoint, these may be very much the same thing But the
merging of ahtlapalli with Spanish palo 'stick, board,
cudgel' and the idiom dar de palos 'to beat, thrash' is the
result of Nahuatl/Spanish language contact Nahuas of the
initial contact period would not have understood ahtlapalli
to have anything to do with wood or hitting That idea
would come up much later from people who knew both
languages (and, I would hazard, were Spanish-dominant
bilinguals ), ahtlapalli aztlacapalli, in itech ca, in
yacolpan onoc; tzinitzcan; wings: those on the wing-bend
are called tzinitzcan [lesser coverts] (b11 f6 p55),
ahaztli ic mocemitoa in ahtlapalli, in patlanihuani;
ahaztli is the general term for the wing, the organ for
flying (b11 f6 p55), in itech ca tlactli: ahtlapalli,
aztlacapalli: on the body are the wings (b11 f6 p56), in
itech ca aztlacapalli: ahtlapalli, ahcolli, ahcoltetl;
totolin yiacolteuh, on it are the wings, the shoulder, the
shoulder joint; the shoulder joint of a turkey (b11 f6
p56), ahahuitztli: in huel yiacahuitzauh ca ahtlapalli:
ahauitztli is the very tip of the wing (b11 f6 p56)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. strap for darts

0. worthless, of no value

1. worthless, of no value
FC -> jc-72895
2. worthless, of no value

3. worthless, of no value

4. worthless, of no value
FC jc-031297

0. nada ( nothing )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. nothing
FC -> jc-72895
2. nothing

3. nothing

4. nada ( nothing )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
5. nothing
FC jc-031297

ahtle ipan tlachia

0. he belittles

1. he belittles
FC -> jc-72895
2. he belittles

3. he belittles

4. he belittles
FC jc-031297

0. nothing
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096
1. nothing
Noun jc-030797
2. nothing
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
3. nothing
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

ahtleh (nothing)nahtlehti
0. I become nothing

ahua tepehua
0. inhabitant of a city

1. inhabitant of a city
FC -> jc-72895
2. inhabitant of a city
FC -> jc-72895
3. inhabitant of a city
<a:tl1-huah tepe:tl-huah>-| jc-10896
4. inhabitant of a city
<a:tl1-huah tepe:tl-huah>-| jc-10896
5. inhabitant of a city

6. inhabitant of a city

7. inhabitant of a city <a:tl1-huah p52-pe:hua>

<a:tl1-huah p52-pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
8. inhabitant of a city <a:tl1-huah p52-pe:hua>
<a:tl1-huah p52-pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
9. inhabitant of a city <a:tl1-huah p52-pe:hua>
<a:tl1-huah p52-pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
10. inhabitant of a city <a:tl1-huah p52-pe:hua>
<a:tl1-huah p52-pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
11. inhabitant of a city
<a:tl1-huah tepe:tl-huah>-| jc-10896
12. inhabitant of a city
FC jc-031297

0. s aceite exraido del aguacate r ahuacatl, azeite

0. s aceite extrai'do del aguacate r ahuacatl, chiauallotl
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

sim p 16

0. s aguacatal r ahuacatl, milli
sim p 16

0. s guiso, comida de aguacates r ahuacatl, mulli
sim p 16

0. avocado

1. s especie de drupa llamada aguacate, fruto del a'rbol del

mismo nombre; testi'culo
sim p 16
2. avocado
FC -> jc-72895
3. avocado

4. avocado

5. avocado
FC - > jc-61096
6. avocado <a:huacatl>
<a:huacatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. avocado
FC jc-031297

0. guacamole (avocado-sauce), guacamole

0. dewy

1. dewy
FC -> jc-72895
2. dewy

3. dewy

4. dewy <ahhuachtli-yo:tl1>
<ahhuachtli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. dewy <ahhuachtli-yo:tl1>
<ahhuachtli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. dewy
FC jc-031297

0. dew cape

1. dew cape
FC -> jc-72895
2. dew cape

3. dew cape

4. dew cape <ahhuachtli-que:mi-l2>

<ahhuachtli-que:mi-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. dew cape <ahhuachtli-que:mi-l2>
<ahhuachtli-que:mi-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. dew cape <ahhuachtli-que:mi-l2>
<ahhuachtli-que:mi-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. dew cape
FC jc-031297

0. len~a de encino ( oak wood )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. oak log; oak tree
FC -> jc-72895
2. oak log; oak tree

3. oak log; oak tree

4. oak log; oak tree <a:huatl-cuahuitl>

<a:huatl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. oak log; oak tree <a:huatl-cuahuitl>
<a:huatl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. len~a de encino ( oak wood )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. oak log; oak tree
FC jc-031297

0. acorn

1. acorn
FC -> jc-72895
2. acorn
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. acorn

4. acorn
FC jc-031297

0. water owners
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

ahuaque tepehuaque
0. inhabitants of the city
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. lugar cercano a quauhnahuac ( bet )
sim p 16

0. acorn; oak; oak tree; thorn

1. acorn; oak; oak tree; thorn

FC -> jc-72895
2. acorn; oak; oak tree; thorn

3. acorn; oak; oak tree; thorn

4. acorn; oak; oak tree <a:huatl>

<a:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. oak, thorn
FC - > jc-61096
6. acorn; oak; oak tree; thorn
FC jc-031297

0. acorn

1. acorn
FC -> jc-72895
2. acorn

3. acorn

4. acorn
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. on dried mud

1. on dried mud
FC -> jc-72895
2. on dried mud

3. on dried mud

4. on dried mud
FC jc-031297

0. water fly egg

1. s caviar ( clav ) los mexicanos haci'an y hacen todavi'a

gran consumo de ello < ahuautle > cf axayacatl
sim p 16
2. water fly egg
FC -> jc-72895
3. water fly egg

4. water fly egg

5. water fly egg <a:tl1-hua:uhtli>

<a:tl1-hua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. water fly egg <a:tl1-hua:uhtli>
<a:tl1-hua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. water fly egg <a:tl1-hua:uhtli>
<a:tl1-hua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
8. water fly egg
FC jc-031297

0. turkey, guajolote

0. ( don-carlos ) hijo bastardo de nezahualpilli, que
corte's instalo' en tetzcuco despue's de la muerte de
tecocoltzin ( aub )
sim p 16

0. tamal de haba ( lima bean tamal )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. bristly, spiny, thorny, prickly

1. bristly, spiny, thorny

FC -> jc-72895
2. prickly; spiny; thorny
FC -> jc-72895
3. bristly, spiny, thorny, prickly

4. bristly, spiny, thorny, prickly

5. prickly, spiny; thorny <poss-ahhuatl2-yo:tl1>

<poss-ahhuatl2-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. prickly <ahhuatl-yo:tl1>
<ahhuatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. prickly <ahhuatl-yo:tl1>
<ahhuatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
8. bristly, spiny, thorny
FC jc-031297
9. prickly; spiny; thorny
FC jc-031297

0. thorny place

1. thorny place
FC -> jc-72895
2. thorny place

3. thorny place

4. thorny place <ahhuatl-yo:tl1-ca:n>

<ahhuatl-yo:tl1-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. thorny place <ahhuatl-yo:tl1-ca:n>
<ahhuatl-yo:tl1-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. thorny place <ahhuatl-yo:tl1-ca:n>
<ahhuatl-yo:tl1-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. thorny place
FC jc-031297

0. coarse-spined

1. coarse-spined
FC -> jc-72895
2. coarse-spined
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. coarse-spined

4. coarse-spined <ahhuatl-yo:tl1-chama:hua-c1>
<ahhuatl-yo:tl1-chama:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. coarse-spined <ahhuatl-yo:tl1-chama:hua-c1>
<ahhuatl-yo:tl1-chama:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. coarse-spined <ahhuatl-yo:tl1-chama:hua-c1>
<ahhuatl-yo:tl1-chama:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. coarse-spined <ahhuatl-yo:tl1-chama:hua-c1>
<ahhuatl-yo:tl1-chama:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. coarse-spined
FC jc-031297

0. it form thorns, it produces thorns; it forms thorns

1. it form thorns, it produces thorns; it forms thorns

FC -> jc-72895
2. it form thorns, it produces thorns; it forms thorns

3. it form thorns, it produces thorns; it forms thorns

4. it forms thorns; it form thorns; it produces thorns

<ahhuatl-yo:tl1-v09> FC - > jc-61096
5. it forms thorns; it form thorns; it produces thorns
<ahhuatl-yo:tl1-v09> FC - > jc-61096
6. it forms thorns; it form thorns; it produces thorns
<ahhuatl-yo:tl1-v09> FC - > jc-61096
7. it form thorns, it produces thorns; it forms thorns
FC jc-031297

0. thick-spined

1. thick-spined
FC -> jc-72895
2. thick-spined

3. thick-spined

4. thick-spined <ahhuatl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1>
<ahhuatl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. thick-spined <ahhuatl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1>
<ahhuatl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. thick-spined <ahhuatl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1>
<ahhuatl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. thick-spined <ahhuatl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1>
<ahhuatl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. thick-spined
FC jc-031297

0. oak leaf

1. oak leaf
FC -> jc-72895
2. oak leaf

3. oak leaf

4. oak leaf
FC jc-031297

0. cypress tree

1. cypress tree
FC -> jc-72895
2. cypress tree

3. cypress tree

4. cypress tree
FC jc-031297

0. he cannot
1. he cannot
FC -> jc-72895
2. he cannot
3. he cannot
4. he cannot <ah1-huel1>
<ah1-huel1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he cannot <ah1-huel1>
<ah1-huel1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. he cannot
FC jc-031297

0. not of pleasing odor; of no fragrance

1. not of pleasing odor; of no fragrance

FC -> jc-72895
2. not of pleasing odor; of no fragrance

3. not of pleasing odor; of no fragrance

4. not of pleasing odor; of no fragrance

FC jc-031297

0. they cannot walk

1. they cannot walk

FC -> jc-72895
2. they cannot walk

3. they cannot walk

4. they cannot walk

FC jc-031297

0. uno de los veinte jefes que fundaron tenochtitlan ( clav )
sim p 16

0. s serpiente ( clav )
sim p 16

0. he is content; he is contented

1. he is content; he is contented
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is content; he is contented

3. he is content; he is contented

4. he is contented; he is content <a:huiya>

<a:huiya> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he is content; he is contented
FC jc-031297

0. fragrant, perfumed; pleasing; odoriferous; savory

1. fragrant, perfumed; pleasing; odoriferous; savory

FC -> jc-72895
2. fragrant, perfumed; pleasing; odoriferous; savory

3. fragrant, perfumed; pleasing; odoriferous; savory

4. fragrant, pleasing; perfumed; odoriferous; savory

<a:huiya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. fragrant, pleasing; perfumed; odoriferous; savory
<a:huiya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. fragrant, perfumed; pleasing; odoriferous; savory
FC jc-031297

0. harlots

1. harlots
FC -> jc-72895
2. harlots

3. harlots

4. harlots <a:huiya-ni1-plur03>
<a:huiya-ni1-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
5. harlots <a:huiya-ni1-plur03>
<a:huiya-ni1-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
6. harlots <a:huiya-ni1-plur03>
<a:huiya-ni1-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
7. harlots
FC jc-031297

0. back and forth; directionless, to and fro; from one side to
the other; back and forth; to and fro, back and forth;
without direction; directionless

1. cf chalchiuhcueye
sim p 16
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. back and forth

FC -> jc-72895
3. directionless, to and fro; from one side to the other; back
and forth
FC -> jc-72895
4. to and fro, back and forth; without direction; directionless
FC -> jc-72895
5. back and forth; directionless, to and fro; from one side to
the other; back and forth; to and fro, back and forth;
without direction; directionless

6. back and forth; directionless, to and fro; from one side to

the other; back and forth; to and fro, back and forth;
without direction; directionless

7. directionless, to and fro; back and forth; without

direction <ah1-hui:c>
<ah1-hui:c> FC - > jc-61096
8. back and forth
FC jc-031297
9. directionless; from side to side; to and fro; from one side
to the other; back and forth
FC jc-031297
10. to and fro, back and forth; here and there; with no
direction; without direction; directionless
FC jc-031297

ahuic yauh
0. she wanders here and there

1. she wanders here and there

FC -> jc-72895
2. she wanders here and there
FC -> jc-72895
3. she wanders here and there

4. she wanders here and there

5. she wanders here and there <ah1-hui:c yauh1>

<ah1-hui:c yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. she wanders here and there <ah1-hui:c yauh1>
<ah1-hui:c yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. she wanders here and there
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. back and forth

1. back and forth

FC -> jc-72895
2. back and forth

3. back and forth

4. back and forth

FC jc-031297

0. boating pole, oar; paddle

1. boating pole, oar; paddle

FC -> jc-72895
2. boating pole, oar; paddle

3. boating pole, oar; paddle

4. boating pole, oar; paddle <a:tl1-huictli>

<a:tl1-huictli> FC - > jc-61096
5. boating pole, oar; paddle <a:tl1-huictli>
<a:tl1-huictli> FC - > jc-61096
6. oar
FC - > jc-61096
7. oar
FC - > jc-61096
8. boating pole, oar; paddle
FC jc-031297

0. pleasure girls

1. pleasure girls
FC -> jc-72895
2. pleasure girls

3. pleasure girls

4. pleasure girls <a:huiya-ni1-plur03>

<a:huiya-ni1-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
5. pleasure girls <a:huiya-ni1-plur03>
<a:huiya-ni1-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
6. pleasure girls <a:huiya-ni1-plur03>
<a:huiya-ni1-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. pleasure girls
FC jc-031297

0. s gusano de los pantanos ( clav )
sim p 16

0. pleasure song; song of debauchery; song of vice

1. pleasure song; song of debauchery; song of vice

FC -> jc-72895
2. pleasure song; song of debauchery; song of vice

3. pleasure song; song of debauchery; song of vice

4. pleasure song; song of debauchery; song of vice

<a:huiya-delya-l1-cui:ca-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. pleasure song; song of debauchery; song of vice
<a:huiya-delya-l1-cui:ca-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. pleasure song; song of debauchery; song of vice
<a:huiya-delya-l1-cui:ca-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. pleasure song; song of debauchery; song of vice
<a:huiya-delya-l1-cui:ca-l2> FC - > jc-61096
8. pleasure song; song of debauchery; song of vice
FC jc-031297

0. ahuilhuehue, ahuilhuehueti teopilhuehueti a luxurious old
man, he is decrepit, senile <a:huiya-delya-l1-hue:hueh-v01a
(b10 f1 c1 p5), 2 ahuilquiza, ahuilhuehueti, teopilti
xohxoloti, tlacamiccati he is reviled; he becomes
decrepit, senile, feeble, perverted
<a:huiya-delya-l1-hue:hueh-v01a (b10 f2 c11 p37)
1. ahuilhuehue, ahuilhuehueti teopilhuehueti a luxurious old
man, he is decrepit, senile
<a:huiya-delya-l1-hue:hueh-v01a> (b10 f1 c1 p5) JC-7/23/96
2. ahuilquiza, ahuilhuehueti, teopilti xohxoloti, tlacamiccati
he is reviled; he becomes decrepit, senile, feeble,
<a:huiya-delya-l1-hue:hueh-v01a> (b10 f2 c11 p37) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. in iuhqui ic quicuallittaya huehuetque, huehuentoton,
huehuenpipil, tlahelhuehuetqueh, ahuilhuehuetque, aoc
quimati huehuetque, nextecuiluehuetque,
totompotlahuehuetque: in onemico mixtecomac, tlayohua, inic
omoztlacahuitinenca, omotlapololtitiaque, omixcueptiaque,
omixtetzappolotiaque so the old men sought to make it
good--the little, shriveled, old men, wicked and vile,
decrepit, stupid, and foolish, who came to live in
obscurity and darkness, in practising deceit, and losing
their reason, living in error, crazed by omens
<a:huiya-delya-l1-hue:hueh-v01a-prt1-plur14 (b4 f12 c39
1. in iuhqui ic quicuallittaya huehuetque, huehuentoton,
huehuenpipil, tlahelhuehuetqueh, ahuilhuehuetque, aoc
quimati huehuetque, nextecuiluehuetque,
totompotlahuehuetque: in onemico mixtecomac, tlayohua, inic
omoztlacahuitinenca, omotlapololtitiaque, omixcueptiaque,
omixtetzappolotiaque so the old men sought to make it
good--the little, shriveled, old men, wicked and vile,
decrepit, stupid, and foolish, who came to live in
obscurity and darkness, in practising deceit, and losing
their reason, living in error, crazed by omens
<a:huiya-delya-l1-hue:hueh-v01a-prt1-plur14> (b4 f12 c39 p129) JC-7/23/96 JC-

0. poblacio'n - " en el agua agradable " ( clav ) los
espan~oles lo convirtieron en orizaba r auia, apan
sim p 16

0. he speaks vainly

1. he speaks vainly
FC -> jc-72895
2. he speaks vainly

3. he speaks vainly

4. he speaks vainly
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. jest; laughter; lewd; play

1. jest; laughter; lewd; play

FC -> jc-72895
2. jest; laughter; lewd; play

3. jest; laughter; lewd; play

4. jest; laughter; lewd; play <a:huiya-delya-l1>

<a:huiya-delya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. jest; laughter; lewd; play <a:huiya-delya-l1>
<a:huiya-delya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. jest; laughter; lewd; play
FC jc-031297

0. he is given to pleasure; she is given to carnal pleasure

1. he is given to pleasure
FC -> jc-72895
2. she is given to carnal pleasure
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is given to pleasure; she is given to carnal pleasure

4. he is given to pleasure; she is given to carnal pleasure

5. she is given to carnal pleasure <a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi>

<a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
6. she is given to carnal pleasure <a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi>
<a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
7. she is given to carnal pleasure <a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi>
<a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
8. she is given to carnal pleasure <a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi>
<a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
9. he is given to pleasure
FC jc-031297
10. she is given to carnal pleasure
FC jc-031297

0. carnal life; incontinence; debauchery; lustful and
debauched living

1. carnal life; incontinence; debauchery;

FC -> jc-72895
2. carnal life; incontinence; debauchery; lustful and
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

debauched living

3. carnal life; incontinence; debauchery; lustful and

debauched living

4. carnal life; lustful and debauched living

<a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. carnal life; lustful and debauched living
<a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. carnal life; lustful and debauched living
<a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. carnal life; lustful and debauched living
<a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
8. carnal life; incontinence; debauchery; lustful and
debauched living
FC jc-031297

0. debauched living; debauchery; evil life

1. debauched living; debauchery; evil life

FC -> jc-72895
2. debauched living; debauchery; evil life

3. debauched living; debauchery; evil life

4. debauchery, evil life; debauched living

<a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. debauchery, evil life; debauched living
<a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. debauchery, evil life; debauched living
<a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. debauchery, evil life; debauched living

8. debauched living; debauchery; evil life

FC jc-031297

0. lust and debauchery
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. lust and debauchery

FC -> jc-72895
2. lust and debauchery

3. lust and debauchery

4. lust and debauchery <a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi-liz-yo:tl1>

<a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. lust and debauchery <a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi-liz-yo:tl1>
<a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. lust and debauchery <a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi-liz-yo:tl1>
<a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. lust and debauchery <a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi-liz-yo:tl1>
<a:huiya-delya-l1-nemi-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
8. lust and debauchery
FC jc-031297

0. carnal woman
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. she disgraces herself

1. she disgraces herself

FC -> jc-72895
2. she disgraces herself

3. she disgraces herself

4. she disgraces herself <a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za>

<a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za> FC - > jc-61096
5. she disgraces herself <a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za>
<a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za> FC - > jc-61096
6. she disgraces herself <a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za>
<a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za> FC - > jc-61096
7. she disgraces herself
FC jc-031297

0. in ompa ahuiltilo tonatiuh in oyohuilo there the sun is
gladdened, is cried out to <a:huiya-delya-l1-v03a-lo:1 (b6
f3 c8 p38)
1. in ompa ahuiltilo tonatiuh in oyohuilo there the sun is
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

gladdened, is cried out to

<a:huiya-delya-l1-v03a-lo:1> (b6 f3 c8 p38) JC-7/23/96 JC-7/23/96

0. juguetones ( playful ( pl ) )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. aunt

1. aunt
FC - > jc-61096

0. amphibious quadruped
1. s ( clav ) cuadru'pedo anfibio propio de tierras ca'lidas
sim p 16
2. octavo rey de me'xico ( chim )
sim p 16
3. amphibious quadruped

0. very pleasing, exceedingly pleasing

1. very pleasing, exceedingly pleasing

FC -> jc-72895
2. very pleasing, exceedingly pleasing

3. very pleasing, exceedingly pleasing

4. very pleasing, exceedingly pleasing

FC jc-031297

0. of pleasing odor; pleasing

1. of pleasing odor; pleasing

FC -> jc-72895
2. of pleasing odor; pleasing

3. of pleasing odor; pleasing

4. of pleasing odor; pleasing <a:huiya-prt1-tic>

<a:huiya-prt1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. of pleasing odor; pleasing <a:huiya-prt1-tic>

<a:huiya-prt1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. of pleasing odor; pleasing
FC jc-031297

0. rejoice

0. fragrant; good smelling; good-tasting; pleasing; savory

1. fragrant; good smelling; good-tasting; pleasing; savory

FC -> jc-72895
2. fragrant; good smelling; good-tasting; pleasing; savory

3. fragrant; good smelling; good-tasting; pleasing; savory

4. fragrant; good smelling; good-tasting; savory <a:huiya-c1>

<a:huiya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. fragrant; good smelling; good-tasting; savory <a:huiya-c1>
<a:huiya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. pleasing <ahhuia:ya-c1>
<ahhuia:ya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. fragrant; good smelling; good-tasting; pleasing; savory
FC jc-031297

0. sweet smelling

1. sweet smelling
FC -> jc-72895
2. sweet smelling

3. sweet smelling

4. sweet smelling <a:huiya-l1-tic>

<a:huiya-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. sweet smelling <a:huiya-l1-tic>
<a:huiya-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. sweet smelling <a:huiya-l1-tic>
<a:huiya-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. sweet smelling
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. prostitute
FC - > jc-61096
1. prostitute
Noun jc-030797
2. harlot
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3
3. prostitute
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
4. prostitute
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

ahuiyani (prostitute) tahuiyanitiz

0. you will become aprostitute

0. and here, and behold

1. and here, and behold

FC -> jc-72895
2. and here, and behold

3. and here, and behold

4. and here, and behold <auh-iz>

<auh-iz> FC - > jc-61096
5. and here, and behold <auh-iz>
<auh-iz> FC - > jc-61096
6. and here, and behold
FC jc-031297

0. " Hay un animal en esta tierra que vive en el agua, nunca
o<i>do, el cual se llama ahuitzotl, es tamanio como un
perrillo, tiene el pelo muy lezne y pequenio Puede
considerarse una especie de nutria Habita este animal en
los profundos manantiales de las aguas; y si alguna persona
llega a la orilla del agua donde <e>l habita, luego le
arrebata con la mano de la cola y le mete debajo del agua y
le lleva al profundo Y el que fue metido debajo del agua
all<i> muere" Sahagun portraits something like a
mythological animal, with a handin its tail ( tlacamaitl )
It is suposed that the ahuizote uses that hand to hold its
human victims, in order to drown them under the deep spring
waters, where it lives Because of this belief, ahuizote
means curse, bad augury
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. atl, agua [ water ]; huitz-yotl, espinoso [ thorny ]: " el
espinoso-del-agua " )

0. people arrive
FC - > jc-61096
1. people arrive
Imp Verb jc-022897
2. it is grabbed or reached
Passive Verb jc-022897
3. people arrive
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
4. people arrive
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
5. it is grabbed or reached
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
6. it is grabbed or reached
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
7. it is grabbed or reached
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
8. it is grabbed or reached
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
9. people arrive
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
10. people arrive
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
11. it is grabbed or reached
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
12. it is grabbed or reached
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. bad

1. bad
FC -> jc-72895
2. bad

3. bad

4. bad
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. either, perhaps; or; perchance; maybe; about; lest; mayhap;
neither; nor; possibly; whether, about

1. about, perhaps
FC -> jc-72895
2. either, perhaps; or; perchance; maybe; about; lest; mayhap;
neither; nor; possibly; whether
FC -> jc-72895
3. either, perhaps; or; perchance; maybe; about; lest; mayhap;
neither; nor; possibly; whether, about

4. either, perhaps; or; perchance; maybe; about; lest; mayhap;

neither; nor; possibly; whether, about

5. about, perhaps; either; or; perchance; maybe; nor; whether;

possibly; neither; lest; mayhap <ah1-zo2>
<ah1-zo2> FC - > jc-61096
6. either, perhaps; or; perchance; whether <ah1-zo2>
<ah1-zo2> FC - > jc-61096
7. perhaps <perhaps ah1-zo2>
<perhaps ah1-zo2> FC - > jc-61096
8. about, perhaps
FC jc-031297
9. either, perhaps; or; perchance; maybe; about; lest; mayhap;
neither; nor; possibly; whether
FC jc-031297
10. ahzo cana altiloz
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
11. tlaaltilmiquiz: perchance somewhere he would be
ceremonially bathed; he would die in sacrifice as a bathed
victim Quizas en algun lugar el sera ban~ado ceremonial;
el moreria en un sacrificio como una victima ban~ada

0. perhaps, perchance
1. perhaps; perchance
FC -> jc-72895
2. perhaps, perchance
3. perhaps, perchance
4. perhaps, perchance <ah1-zo2-oc>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ah1-zo2-oc> FC - > jc-61096

5. perhaps, perchance <ah1-zo2-oc>
<ah1-zo2-oc> FC - > jc-61096
6. perhaps; perchance
FC jc-031297

0. she does it

1. she does it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she does it

3. she does it

4. she does it <a:yi>

<a:yi> FC - > jc-61096
5. she does it
FC jc-031297

0. nunca ( never )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. nunca ( never )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. nunca ( never )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. never
FC -> jc-72895
4. no-one
5. never

6. never

7. never <ah1-i:c1>
<ah1-i:c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. never <ah1-i:c2>
<ah1-i:c2> FC - > jc-61096
9. no-one
10. nunca ( never )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
11. nunca ( never )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
12. nunca ( never )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

13. never
FC jc-031297

0. adv, si'nc de amo ica jama's, nunca - aic oni-tlauan,
nunca me he embriagado loc adv aic caui, siempre, sin
cesar, perpetuamente; aic cemelle, sin paz, jama's con
tranquilidad; aic cenca, rara vez - aic cenca mo-chiua,
eso ocurre rara vez; aic ma quemman o aic quemman, nunca,
jama's; aic quen, aic quem mo-chiua, esto no vari'a,
es inmutable inalterable, eterno
sim p 17

0. he does not sleep [i, nothing is his sleep]

1. he does not sleep [ ie, nothing is his sleep ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. he does not sleep [i, nothing is his sleep]

3. he does not sleep [i, nothing is his sleep]

4. he does not sleep [ ie, nothing is his sleep ]

FC jc-031297

0. undrinkable
FC jc-031297
1. in aihuani
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
2. in acualoni

3. the undrinkable

4. the inedible

5. no tomable

6. lo que no se puede comer

0. p oaili - nitetla- trabajar para alguien; frec
nitletlatla-; tetlatla-ailia, trabaja para los dema's,
es un cargador rev de ay
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

sim p 18

0. s especie de planta ( ? ) en sf itzmolini in ailitl (
olm ), es rico, tiene lo necesario; lit la planta crece
r atl ( ? ), ilitl
sim p 18

0. adv con actividad, activamente, con empen~o,
laboriosamente; atle ailiztica, con ociosidad, sin prisa
para nada r ailiztli, ca
sim p 18

0. sv actividad, accio'n, ocupacio'n, trabajo; atle
ailiztli, ocio, holganza r ay
sim p 18

0. s disminudo'n, descenso del agua; uei ailotiliztli,
reflujo del mar r atl, iloti
sim p 18

0. rev de ay
sim p 18

0. adj v activo, trabajador; muchi o much uel aini,
perfecto, completo, el que todo lo hace bien r ay
sim p 18

0. their uncouthness

1. their uncouthness
FC -> jc-72895
2. their uncouthness

3. their uncouthness

4. their uncouthness
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. s golfo agua interior r atl, itetl

sim p 19

0. patio

0. in the water, in the lake; in water; in the midst of the
1. in the water, in the lake; in water; in the midst of the
FC -> jc-72895
2. in the water, in the lake; in water; in the midst of the
3. in the water, in the lake; in water; in the midst of the
4. in the water, in the lake; in water; in the midst of the
water <a:tl1-ihtitl-co2>
<a:tl1-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in the water, in the lake; in water; in the midst of the
water <a:tl1-ihtitl-co2>
<a:tl1-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in the water, in the lake; in water; in the midst of the
water <a:tl1-ihtitl-co2>
<a:tl1-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
7. in the water, in the lake; in water; in the midst of the
FC jc-031297

0. not his food

1. not his food

FC -> jc-72895
2. not his food

3. not his food

4. not his food

FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he has no food [ie nothing is his food]

1. he has no food [ ie, nothing is his food ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. he has no food [ie nothing is his food]

3. he has no food [ie nothing is his food]

4. he has no food [ ie, nothing is his food ]

FC jc-031297

0. unspeakable, not fit to be said
1. unspeakable, not fit to be said
FC -> jc-72895
2. unspeakable, not fit to be said
3. unspeakable, not fit to be said
4. unspeakable, not fit to be said <ah1-ihtoa:-lo:1-ni1>
<ah1-ihtoa:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. unspeakable, not fit to be said <ah1-ihtoa:-lo:1-ni1>
<ah1-ihtoa:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. unspeakable, not fit to be said <ah1-ihtoa:-lo:1-ni1>
<ah1-ihtoa:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. unspeakable, not fit to be said
FC jc-031297

0. os prey (1/4s"pr, -pr3) n, pl os preys 1 A fish-eating hawk
(Pandion haliaetus) having plumage that is dark on the back
and white below Also called fish hawk 2 A plume formerly
used to trim women's hats [Middle English osprai, from
Anglo-Norman osp

1. osprey
FC -> jc-72895
2. os prey (1/4s"pr, -pr3) n, pl os preys 1 A fish-eating hawk
(Pandion haliaetus) having plumage that is dark on the back
and white below Also called fish hawk 2 A plume formerly
used to trim women's hats [Middle English osprai, from
Anglo-Norman osp

3. os prey (1/4s"pr, -pr3) n, pl os preys 1 A fish-eating hawk

(Pandion haliaetus) having plumage that is dark on the back
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

and white below Also called fish hawk 2 A plume formerly

used to trim women's hats [Middle English osprai, from
Anglo-Norman osp

4. osprey
FC jc-031297

0. otter: ot ter (1/4t"r) n, pl otter or ot ters 1 Any of
various aquatic, carnivorous mammals of the genus Lutra and
allied genera, related to the minks and weasels and having
webbed feet and dense, dark brown fur 2 The fur of this

1. otter
FC -> jc-72895
2. otter: ot ter (1/4t"r) n, pl otter or ot ters 1 Any of
various aquatic, carnivorous mammals of the genus Lutra and
allied genera, related to the minks and weasels and having
webbed feet and dense, dark brown fur 2 The fur of this

3. otter: ot ter (1/4t"r) n, pl otter or ot ters 1 Any of

various aquatic, carnivorous mammals of the genus Lutra and
allied genera, related to the minks and weasels and having
webbed feet and dense, dark brown fur 2 The fur of this

4. otter <a:tl1-itzcuintli>
<a:tl1-itzcuintli> FC - > jc-61096
5. otter <a:tl1-itzcuintli>
<a:tl1-itzcuintli> FC - > jc-61096
6. otter
FC jc-031297

0. poorly fired [re pottery]

1. poorly fired [ re pottery ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. poorly fired [re pottery]

3. poorly fired [re pottery]

4. poorly fired [ re pottery ] <ah1-iucci-c1>

<ah1-iucci-c1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. poorly fired [ re pottery ] <ah1-iucci-c1>

<ah1-iucci-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. poorly fired [ re pottery ] <ah1-iucci-c1>
<ah1-iucci-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. poorly fired [ re pottery ]
FC jc-031297

0. s mala accio'n, algo malo, etc : in piltontli in iquac
quemmanian achiuhcayotl o aiuhcayotl conailia in nantli,
in tatli, cuix amo tlatzacuiltilo? ( car ), cuando un
nin~o pequen~o hace algo malo con respecto a su padre o a
su madre, #no es castigado? r achiua

0. insupportability, irresistibility; unbearability

1. insupportability, irresistibility; unbearability

FC -> jc-72895
2. insupportability, irresistibility; unbearability

3. insupportability, irresistibility; unbearability

4. insupportability, irresistibility; unbearability

<ah1-i:xtli-na:miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. insupportability, irresistibility; unbearability
<ah1-i:xtli-na:miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. insupportability, irresistibility; unbearability
<ah1-i:xtli-na:miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. insupportability, irresistibility; unbearability
<ah1-i:xtli-na:miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
8. insupportability, irresistibility; unbearability
FC jc-031297

0. unbearability, dazzling

1. unbearability, dazzling
FC -> jc-72895
2. unbearability, dazzling
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. unbearability, dazzling

4. unbearability, dazzling <ah1-i:xtli-na:miqui-liz>

<ah1-i:xtli-na:miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. unbearability, dazzling <ah1-i:xtli-na:miqui-liz>
<ah1-i:xtli-na:miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. unbearability, dazzling <ah1-i:xtli-na:miqui-liz>
<ah1-i:xtli-na:miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. unbearability, dazzling <ah1-i:xtli-na:miqui-liz>
<ah1-i:xtli-na:miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
8. unbearability, dazzling
FC jc-031297

0. anoint

0. slippery
Adj Form jc-022897
1. slippery
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. oily
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. smooth

4. greasy

5. slimy

6. soapy

7. waxy

8. glabrous

9. slippery

0. very slippery: slip per y (sl1p"-r) adj slip per i er, slip
per i est 1 Causing or tending to cause sliding or
slipping: a slippery sidewalk 2 Tending to slip, as from
one's grasp: a slippery bar of soap 3 Not trustworthy;
elusive or tricky
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. very slippery
FC -> jc-72895
2. very slippery: slip per y (sl1p"-r) adj slip per i er, slip
per i est 1 Causing or tending to cause sliding or
slipping: a slippery sidewalk 2 Tending to slip, as from
one's grasp: a slippery bar of soap 3 Not trustworthy;
elusive or tricky

3. very slippery: slip per y (sl1p"-r) adj slip per i er, slip
per i est 1 Causing or tending to cause sliding or
slipping: a slippery sidewalk 2 Tending to slip, as from
one's grasp: a slippery bar of soap 3 Not trustworthy;
elusive or tricky

4. very slippery
FC jc-031297

0. smooth: smooth (sm>th) adj smooth er, smooth est 1 Having a
surface free from irregularities, roughness, or
projections; even See Synonyms at level 2 Having a fine
texture: a smooth fabric 3 Having an even consistency: a
smooth pudding 4 Having

1. smooth, slick
FC -> jc-72895
2. smooth: smooth (sm>th) adj smooth er, smooth est 1 Having a
surface free from irregularities, roughness, or
projections; even See Synonyms at level 2 Having a fine
texture: a smooth fabric 3 Having an even consistency: a
smooth pudding 4 Having

3. smooth: smooth (sm>th) adj smooth er, smooth est 1 Having a

surface free from irregularities, roughness, or
projections; even See Synonyms at level 2 Having a fine
texture: a smooth fabric 3 Having an even consistency: a
smooth pudding 4 Having

4. smooth, slick <ala:hua-tic>

<ala:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. slippery
Adj Form jc-022897
6. smooth, slick
FC jc-031297
7. slippery
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. slick
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
9. oily

10. smooth

11. greasy

12. slimy

13. soapy

14. waxy

15. glabrous

16. slippery

0. mucus: mu cus (my>"ks) n The viscous, slippery substance
that consists chiefly of mucin, water, cells, and inorganic
salts and is secreted as a protective lubricant coating by
cells and glands of the mucous membranes; phlegm: phlegm
(fl†m) n 1 Thick,

1. mucus; phlegm; humor; slick; slimy; slippery; smooth;

FC -> jc-72895
2. mucus: mu cus (my>"ks) n The viscous, slippery substance
that consists chiefly of mucin, water, cells, and inorganic
salts and is secreted as a protective lubricant coating by
cells and glands of the mucous membranes; phlegm: phlegm
(fl†m) n 1 Thick,

3. mucus; phlegm; humor; slick; slimy; slippery; smooth;

4. mucus: mu cus (my>"ks) n The viscous, slippery substance
that consists chiefly of mucin, water, cells, and inorganic
salts and is secreted as a protective lubricant coating by
cells and glands of the mucous membranes; phlegm: phlegm
(fl†m) n 1 Thick,

5. mucus; phlegm; humor; slick; slimy; slippery; smooth;

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. mucus; phlegm; humor; slick; slimy; slippery; smooth;
viscous <ala:hua-c1>
<ala:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. mucus; phlegm; humor; slick; slimy; slippery; smooth;
viscous <ala:hua-c1>
<ala:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. mucus; phlegm; humor; slick; slimy; slippery; smooth;
FC jc-031297

0. smooth reed mat

1. smooth reed mat

FC -> jc-72895
2. smooth reed mat

3. smooth reed mat

4. smooth reed mat

FC jc-031297

0. sleek; smooth
1. sleek; smooth
FC -> jc-72895
2. sleek; smooth
3. sleek; smooth
4. sleek; smooth <ala:hua-tic>
<ala:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. sleek; smooth
FC jc-031297

0. cold water

1. cold water
FC -> jc-72895
2. cold water

3. cold water
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. cold water
FC jc-031297

alcecec tzitzicaztli
0. castigation, punishment

1. castigation, punishment
FC -> jc-72895
2. castigation, punishment

3. castigation, punishment

4. castigation, punishment
FC jc-031297

0. bitter water

1. bitter water
FC -> jc-72895
2. bitter water

3. bitter water

4. bitter water
FC jc-031297

0. community land

1. community land
FC - > jc-61096
2. community land
FC - > jc-61096
3. community land
FC - > jc-61096

0. town

1. town
FC - > jc-61096

0. townsperson
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. townsperson
FC - > jc-61096

0. government house
1. government house
FC -> jc-72895
2. government house
3. government house
4. government house <a:tl1-tepe:tl-calli>
<a:tl1-tepe:tl-calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. government house <a:tl1-tepe:tl-calli>
<a:tl1-tepe:tl-calli> FC - > jc-61096
6. government house
FC jc-031297

0. cities
FC jc-031297

0. inhabitants of a city; townsmen; inhabitants of a town

1. inhabitants of a city; townsmen; inhabitants of a town

FC -> jc-72895
2. inhabitants of a city; townsmen; inhabitants of a town,
<a:tl1-tepe:tl-huah-queh>-| jc-10896
3. inhabitants of a city; townsmen; inhabitants of a town,
<a:tl1-tepe:tl-huah-queh>-| jc-10896
4. inhabitants of a city; townsmen; inhabitants of a town

5. inhabitants of a city; townsmen; inhabitants of a town

6. inhabitants of a city; townsmen; inhabitants of a town

<a:tl1-tepe:tl-huah-queh> FC - > jc-61096
7. inhabitants of a city; townsmen; inhabitants of a town
<a:tl1-tepe:tl-huah-queh> FC - > jc-61096
8. inhabitants of a city; townsmen; inhabitants of a town
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<a:tl1-tepe:tl-huah-queh> FC - > jc-61096

9. inhabitants of a city; townsmen; inhabitants of a town
<a:tl1-tepe:tl-huah-queh> FC - > jc-61096
10. inhabitants of a city; townsmen; inhabitants of a town
<a:tl1-tepe:tl-huah-queh> FC - > jc-61096
11. inhabitants of a city; townsmen; inhabitants of a town,
<a:tl1-tepe:tl-huah-queh>-| jc-10896
12. inhabitants of a city; townsmen; inhabitants of a town
FC jc-031297
13. inhabitants of a city
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. hamlet, town

1. hamlet, town
FC -> jc-72895
2. hamlet, town

3. hamlet, town

4. hamlet, town
FC jc-031297

0. pueblos ( towns )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. cities
FC -> jc-72895
2. cities

3. cities

4. cities <a:tl1-tepe:tl-plur03>
<a:tl1-tepe:tl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
5. cities <a:tl1-tepe:tl-plur03>
<a:tl1-tepe:tl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
6. pueblos ( towns )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. cities
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they are city dwellers

1. they are city dwellers

FC -> jc-72895
2. they are city dwellers

3. they are city dwellers

4. they are city dwellers

FC jc-031297

0. the guarding of the city

1. the guarding of the city

FC -> jc-72895
2. the guarding of the city

3. the guarding of the city

4. the guarding of the city

FC jc-031297

0. pueblo ( town )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. city; state; town; settlement; village
FC -> jc-72895
2. city; state; town; settlement; village

3. city; state; town; settlement; village

4. city <a:tl1-tepe:tl>
<a:tl1-tepe:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. city <a:tl1-tepe:tl>
<a:tl1-tepe:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. city; state; town; settlement; village <a:ltepe:tl>
<a:ltepe:tl> FC - > jc-61096
7. pueblo ( town )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
8. city; state; town; settlement; village
FC jc-031297

0. community lands
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. community lands
FC - > jc-61096
2. community lands
FC - > jc-61096

0. community lands
FC - > jc-61096

altepetzin ( to- )
0. nuestro pueblo ( our town )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

altepeuh ( to- )
0. nuestro pueblo ( our town )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. bookstore; cone-shpaed paper cap

1. bookstore
FC - > jc-61096
2. bookstore
FC - > jc-61096
3. cone-shaped paper cap
FC - > jc-61096
4. cone-shaped paper cap
FC - > jc-61096

0. y'all's towns
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's towns
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's town
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's town
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. paper

1. paper
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. things that have paper wings
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. quimamatlapaltia, amatl, amaamatlapaleque: they gave them
paper wings," they were of paper; they each had paper wings
(b2 f1 p44)

0. your [ pl ] water jars
FC jc-031297

0. nadie ( no one; nobody )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. nadie ( no one )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. nadie ( no one; nobody )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. nadie ( no one )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. nadie ( no one; nobody )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. having a paper headdress

1. having a paper headdress

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a paper headdress

3. having a paper headdress

4. having a paper headdress <a:matl-calli-eh1>

<a:matl-calli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a paper headdress
FC jc-031297

0. one who has a paper crown or headdress
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. paper crown

1. paper crown
FC -> jc-72895
2. paper crown

3. paper crown

4. paper crown
FC jc-031297

0. mulberry
FC jc-031297

0. your [pl] great-grandfathers

1. your [ pl ] great-grandfathers
FC -> jc-72895
2. your [pl] great-grandfathers

3. your [pl] great-grandfathers

4. your [ pl ] great-grandfathers
FC jc-031297

0. you [ pl ] will arrive
FC jc-031297

0. having paper pendants

1. having paper pendants

FC -> jc-72895
2. having paper pendants

3. having paper pendants

4. having paper pendants

FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. you ( pl ) sleep
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

0. you [pl] will do

1. you [ pl ] will do
FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] will do

3. you [pl] will do

4. you [ pl ] will do
FC jc-031297

0. having a whirlpool design
FC jc-031297

0. paper pattern

1. paper pattern
FC -> jc-72895
2. paper pattern

3. paper pattern

4. paper pattern
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's paper
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's paper
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. one who has a paper breechclout
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. papeles ( papers )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. in a river

1. in a river
FC -> jc-72895
2. in a river

3. in a river

4. in a river
FC jc-031297

0. paper cutters

1. paper cutters
FC -> jc-72895
2. paper cutters

3. paper cutters

4. paper cutters
FC jc-031297

0. paper streamer

1. paper streamer
FC -> jc-72895
2. paper streamer

3. paper streamer

4. paper streamer
FC jc-031297

0. paper-like

1. paper-like
FC -> jc-72895
2. paper-like

3. paper-like

4. paper-like <a:matl-tic>
<a:matl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. paper-like <a:matl-tic>
<a:matl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. paper-like; papery
FC jc-031297

0. with paper, by means of paper

1. with paper, by means of paper

FC -> jc-72895
2. with paper, by means of paper

3. with paper, by means of paper

4. with paper, by means of paper

FC jc-031297

0. papel ( paper )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. papel ( paper )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. paper; book
FC -> jc-72895
3. paper; book

4. paper; book

5. paper
FC - > jc-61096
6. paper
FC - > jc-61096
7. paper; book <a:matl>
<a:matl> FC - > jc-61096
8. papel ( paper )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
9. papel ( paper )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. paper; book
FC jc-031297

0. bark paper (used for paintings), amate

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. paper designers; those skilled with paper

1. paper designers; those skilled with paper

FC -> jc-72895
2. paper designers; those skilled with paper

3. paper designers; those skilled with paper

4. paper designers; those skilled with paper

FC jc-031297

0. amatlapal cocoltic mocuauhnenequi, the wings are curved,
resembling an eagle's (b11 f5 p42)
1. wing
FC -> jc-72895
2. wing

3. amatlapal cocoltic mocuauhnenequi, the wings are curved,

resembling an eagle's (b11 f5 p42)
4. wing

5. wing
FC jc-031297

0. amatlapalalactic, chiencuicuiltic, zolcuicuiltic,
tetzictontli: the wings are spotted like chia, like quail,
smooth (b11 f5 p48)

0. zan ye no yeh in acatzanatl, yece cequi, tozcachichiltic,
yelchichiltic, amatlapalchihchichiltic, tzintetenpan
chichiltic, cequi elcoztic, elcozauhqui: acoliztac it is
the same as the acatzanatl, though some have a chili-red
throat, breast, wings, rump some are yellow-breasted, very
yellow-breasted, with white wing-bends (b11 f6 p50)
1. having chili-red wings
FC -> jc-72895
2. having chili-red wings
3. zan ye no yeh in acatzanatl, yece cequi, tozcachichiltic,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

yelchichiltic, amatlapalchihchichiltic, tzintetenpan

chichiltic, cequi elcoztic, elcozauhqui: acoliztac it is
the same as the acatzanatl, though some have a chili-red
throat, breast, wings, rump some are yellow-breasted, very
yellow-breasted, with white wing-bends (b11 f6 p50)
4. having chili-red wings
5. having chili-red wings
<a:matl-ahtlapalli-dupl-dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having chili-red wings
<a:matl-ahtlapalli-dupl-dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having chili-red wings
<a:matl-ahtlapalli-dupl-dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. having chili-red wings
<a:matl-ahtlapalli-dupl-dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. having chili-red wings
<a:matl-ahtlapalli-dupl-dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
10. having chili-red wings
FC jc-031297

0. tenuitztic, tencoztic, xococoztic, cuachichiquile,
amatlapale, cuitlapile, its bill is pointed, yellow; its
legs yellow it has a crest, wings, a tail (b11 f2 p18),
amatlapale, ahaze, etic: amo patlanini, it has wings; it is
heavy, not a flyer (b11 f6 p53), in zazo tlein michi,
mimiltic, patlachtic, cuitlapile, cuitlapilmaxaltic,
amatlapale: tapalcayo, xonehuayo, xincayo; all kinds of
fish are cylindrical, wide, tailed, with a forked tail;
finned; covered with tile-shaped scales, scaled, scaly (b11
f6 p58), cuitlapile, amatlapale: michtzontecomatl in
itzontecon it has a tail, fins; its head is the head of a
fish (b11 f6 p58), in iuhqui papalotl, amatlapale; in
iatlapal huel iuhquin papalotl iiatlapal: like a butterfly,
it has wings; its fins are like butterfly wings (b11 f6
p59), mamae, ihicxe, izte; ihuan amatlapale, cuitlapile:
it has arms, it has feet, it has nails; and it has wings,
it has tail (b11 f7 p67), nextontli, patlachtontli,
amatlapale: it is a little ashen, small and flat, winged
(b11 f9 p89), ololtic, ololtontli, xococoztic, amatlapale,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it is round, small and round, yellow-legged, winged (b11

f10 p93), amatlapale, mamae, teminani, moneuctiani, it has
wings, it has arms; it is a stinger of people; it is a
producer of honey (b11 f10 p94), tomio, iuhquin pochquio,
amatlapale, it is fuzzy, like fat; winged (b11 f10 p94),
chichale, tencualaque, hatlapale, amatlapale, mamae ihicxe:
it has spittle, it has saliva; it has wings, arms, legs
(b11 f10 p95), mamae, ihicxe, amatlapale, tapalcayo: it
has arms, legs, wings, a shell (b11 f10 p100), mamae,
ihicxe, amatlapale, it has arms, legs, wings (b11 f10
p101), in zazo tlein zayoli: amatlapale, yacatzone, mamae,
iicxe, whatever the kind of fly, it has wings, antennae,
arms, legs (b11 f10 p101), amatlapale, xoxouhqui; it has
leaves [which are] green (b11 f19 p196), izhuayo,
amatlapale, yollo, achio, it is leafed; it has leaves, a
center, seeds (b11 f20 p201), amatlapale: it has leaves
(b11 f20 p209), mamae, amatlapale, it has branches, leaves
(b11 f21 p216), mamae, amatlapale, mamaxaltic, it has
branches, leaves, forked branches (b11 f21 p217), papaloyo,
amatlapale, it has butterfly-like leaves; it has leaves
(b11 f27 p286)
1. finned, having fins; leafed; having leaves; winged; having
FC -> jc-72895
2. finned, having fins; leafed; having leaves; winged; having

3. tenuitztic, tencoztic, xococoztic, cuachichiquile,

amatlapale, cuitlapile, its bill is pointed, yellow; its
legs yellow it has a crest, wings, a tail (b11 f2 p18),
amatlapale, ahaze, etic: amo patlanini, it has wings; it is
heavy, not a flyer (b11 f6 p53), in zazo tlein michi,
mimiltic, patlachtic, cuitlapile, cuitlapilmaxaltic,
amatlapale: tapalcayo, xonehuayo, xincayo; all kinds of
fish are cylindrical, wide, tailed, with a forked tail;
finned; covered with tile-shaped scales, scaled, scaly (b11
f6 p58), cuitlapile, amatlapale: michtzontecomatl in
itzontecon it has a tail, fins; its head is the head of a
fish (b11 f6 p58), in iuhqui papalotl, amatlapale; in
iatlapal huel iuhquin papalotl iiatlapal: like a butterfly,
it has wings; its fins are like butterfly wings (b11 f6
p59), mamae, ihicxe, izte; ihuan amatlapale, cuitlapile:
it has arms, it has feet, it has nails; and it has wings,
it has tail (b11 f7 p67), nextontli, patlachtontli,
amatlapale: it is a little ashen, small and flat, winged
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

(b11 f9 p89), ololtic, ololtontli, xococoztic, amatlapale,

it is round, small and round, yellow-legged, winged (b11
f10 p93), amatlapale, mamae, teminani, moneuctiani, it has
wings, it has arms; it is a stinger of people; it is a
producer of honey (b11 f10 p94), tomio, iuhquin pochquio,
amatlapale, it is fuzzy, like fat; winged (b11 f10 p94),
chichale, tencualaque, hatlapale, amatlapale, mamae ihicxe:
it has spittle, it has saliva; it has wings, arms, legs
(b11 f10 p95), mamae, ihicxe, amatlapale, tapalcayo: it
has arms, legs, wings, a shell (b11 f10 p100), mamae,
ihicxe, amatlapale, it has arms, legs, wings (b11 f10
p101), in zazo tlein zayoli: amatlapale, yacatzone, mamae,
iicxe, whatever the kind of fly, it has wings, antennae,
arms, legs (b11 f10 p101), amatlapale, xoxouhqui; it has
leaves [which are] green (b11 f19 p196), izhuayo,
amatlapale, yollo, achio, it is leafed; it has leaves, a
center, seeds (b11 f20 p201), amatlapale: it has leaves
(b11 f20 p209), mamae, amatlapale, it has branches, leaves
(b11 f21 p216), mamae, amatlapale, mamaxaltic, it has
branches, leaves, forked branches (b11 f21 p217), papaloyo,
amatlapale, it has butterfly-like leaves; it has leaves
(b11 f27 p286)
4. finned, having fins; leafed; having leaves; winged; having

5. finned, having fins; leafed; having leaves; winged; having

wings <a:matl-ahtlapalli-eh1>
<a:matl-ahtlapalli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. finned, having fins; leafed; having leaves; winged; having
wings <a:matl-ahtlapalli-eh1>
<a:matl-ahtlapalli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. finned, having fins; leafed; having leaves; winged; having
FC jc-031297

0. one that has wings
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. ini motenehua totomichin, huel michi, achi amatlapalhuiac,
this so-called totomichin is a real fish, with fins a
little long (b11 f6 p58)
1. long-finned, having long fins
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. long-finned, having long fins

3. ini motenehua totomichin, huel michi, achi amatlapalhuiac,

this so-called totomichin is a real fish, with fins a
little long (b11 f6 p58)
4. long-finned, having long fins

5. long-finned, having long fins

FC jc-031297

0. amatlapalhuihuiltecqui, iztacatica: its wings are mingled
white [and black] (b11 f5 p45), eliztac, amatlapaliztac,
amatlapalhuihuiltecqui, the breast is white, the wings
white mingled with red (b11 f6 p52)
1. having wings mingled with red
FC -> jc-72895
2. having wings mingled with red

3. amatlapalhuihuiltecqui, iztacatica: its wings are mingled

white [and black] (b11 f5 p45), eliztac, amatlapaliztac,
amatlapalhuihuiltecqui, the breast is white, the wings
white mingled with red (b11 f6 p52)
4. having wings mingled with red

5. having wings mingled with red

FC jc-031297

0. cuatecontic, cuitlapiltetepontic: amatlapaliahualtic, it is
round-headed, stubby-tailed, round-winged (b11 f5 p46)

0. eliztac, amatlapaliztac, amatlapalhuihuiltecqui, the breast
is white, the wings white mingled with red (b11 f6 p52)
1. having white wings
FC -> jc-72895
2. having white wings

3. eliztac, amatlapaliztac, amatlapalhuihuiltecqui, the breast
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

is white, the wings white mingled with red (b11 f6 p52)

4. having white wings

5. having white wings

FC jc-031297

0. ixhua: mozcaltia, mana, mohuapahua, izcalloa, momatia,
momamatia, moquillotia, amatlapaloa, [ a tree ] sprouts,
grows, enlarges, develops, forms terminal growth, forms
branches, forms branches in different places, forms
foliage, leaves (b11 f11 p107)
1. it forms leaves
FC -> jc-72895
2. it forms leaves

3. ixhua: mozcaltia, mana, mohuapahua, izcalloa, momatia,

momamatia, moquillotia, amatlapaloa, [ a tree ] sprouts,
grows, enlarges, develops, forms terminal growth, forms
branches, forms branches in different places, forms
foliage, leaves (b11 f11 p107)
4. it forms leaves

5. it forms leaves
FC jc-031297

0. amatlapalpatlactotonti, xoxoctic, cuahuiztoton,
melactotonti: the small, broad leaves are green, pointed on
the ends, long (b11 f17 p173), amatlapalpatlactotonti,
melactotonti, cuahuitztoton, the leaves are small and
broad, small and straight, pointed at the ends (b11 f17
1. small, broad leaves
FC -> jc-72895
2. small, broad leaves

3. amatlapalpatlactotonti, xoxoctic, cuahuiztoton,

melactotonti: the small, broad leaves are green, pointed on
the ends, long (b11 f17 p173), amatlapalpatlactotonti,
melactotonti, cuahuitztoton, the leaves are small and
broad, small and straight, pointed at the ends (b11 f17
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. small, broad leaves

5. small, broad leaves

FC jc-031297

0. amatlapalpatlahuac, ahuazoapatlahuac: in iamatlapal in
iixco texotic in itepotzco cuitlanextic, ticehuac cocoyac,
coayeltic, the leaves are wide, the leaves are broad, blue
on their upper surfaces, ashen, white on their back
surfaces, like the cocoyatic [and] coayelli herbs (b11 f11
p110), amatlapalpatlahuac, the leaf is broad (b11 f14 p138)
1. broad-leafed, wide-leafed, having broad leaves; having wide
FC -> jc-72895
2. broad-leafed, wide-leafed, having broad leaves; having wide

3. amatlapalpatlahuac, ahuazoapatlahuac: in iamatlapal in

iixco texotic in itepotzco cuitlanextic, ticehuac cocoyac,
coayeltic, the leaves are wide, the leaves are broad, blue
on their upper surfaces, ashen, white on their back
surfaces, like the cocoyatic [and] coayelli herbs (b11 f11
p110), amatlapalpatlahuac, the leaf is broad (b11 f14 p138)
4. broad-leafed, wide-leafed, having broad leaves; having wide

5. broad-leafed, wide-leafed, having broad leaves; having wide

FC jc-031297

0. small and slender leaves

1. small and slender leaves

FC -> jc-72895
2. small and slender leaves

3. small and slender leaves

4. small and slender leaves

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. amatlapalpitzatoton chichiltic, the leaves are small and
slender, chili-red (b11 f15 152)

0. strainer

1. strainer
FC -> jc-72895
2. strainer

3. strainer

4. strainer
FC jc-031297

0. paper adornment; paper array; paper goods; paper vestment

1. paper adornment; paper array; paper goods; paper vestment

FC -> jc-72895
2. paper adornment; paper array; paper goods; paper vestment

3. paper adornment; paper array; paper goods; paper vestment

4. paper array; paper goods; paper adornment; paper vestment

<a:matl-p51-itqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. paper array; paper goods; paper adornment; paper vestment
<a:matl-p51-itqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. paper array; paper goods; paper adornment; paper vestment
<a:matl-p51-itqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. paper adornment; paper array; paper goods; paper vestment
FC jc-031297

0. documento ( document )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. paper, paltry paper
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. paper, paltry paper

FC -> jc-72895
2. paper, paltry paper

3. paper, paltry paper

4. paper, paltry paper <a:matl-tzin>

<a:matl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. paper, paltry paper <a:matl-tzin>
<a:matl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. paper, paltry paper
FC jc-031297

0. callipaper helmet (cone)

0. paper helmet (cone)

1. paper helmet ( cone )

FC - > jc-61096
2. paper helmet ( cone )
FC - > jc-61096
3. paper helmet ( cone )
FC - > jc-61096

0. scrap of paper

1. scrap of paper
FC -> jc-72895
2. scrap of paper

3. scrap of paper

4. scrap of paper
FC jc-031297

0. your [ pl ] water
FC jc-031297

0. your [pl] possession, your [pl] property; your [pl] array
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. your [ pl ] possession, your [ pl ] property; your [ pl ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. your [pl] possession, your [pl] property; your [pl] array

3. your [pl] possession, your [pl] property; your [pl] array

4. your [ pl ] possession, your [ pl ] property; your [ pl ]

FC jc-031297

0. your [ h, pl ] property, your [ h, pl ] possession
FC jc-031297

0. he cuts paper into strips
FC jc-031297

0. paper is cut

1. paper is cut
FC -> jc-72895
2. paper is cut

3. paper is cut

4. paper is cut
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's rattle
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's rattle
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's rattles
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's rattles
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. she will bathe y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. she will bathe y'all

JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she grabs it from y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he leaves y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he leaves y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they leave it for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he will refuse it to you [pl]

1. he will refuse it to you [ pl ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will refuse it to you [pl]

3. he will refuse it to you [pl]

4. he will refuse it to you [ pl ]

FC jc-031297

0. she hears y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she hears y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he will hear from y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they will hear y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will hear y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they will receive it from y'all

JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they wait for y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they wait for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she will wait for y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she will wait for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she weeps for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they buy it from y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they will put y'all to sleep
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will put y'all to sleep
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he will eat it on you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he angers y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he angers y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she gets y'all up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she gets y'all up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they will get y'all up

VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will get y'all up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she laughs at y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they make y'all laugh
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they make y'all laugh
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he will request it from y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. she will dance with y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she will dance with y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he will forget y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he will forget y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they tell it to y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they tell it to y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he carries it for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they will see y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will see y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they pay it to y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. it misled you [pl]

1. it misled you [ pl ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. it misled you [pl]

3. it misled you [pl]

4. it misled you [ pl ]
FC jc-031297

0. he will carry it for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he frightens y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he frightens y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she will frighten y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she will frighten y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he requires it of you

1. he requires it of you
FC -> jc-72895
2. he requires it of you

3. he requires it of you

4. he requires it of you
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he [ h ] will cry out to you [ pl ]

FC jc-031297

0. they will order y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they will find ya'll
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will find ya'll
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. it make y'all happy
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. it make y'all happy
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he stands it up for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they cut it for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he will inform y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he will inform y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. it will make you stare
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. it will make you stare
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I animate y'all
FC - > jc-61096

0. she will point st out to y'all
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. she will point st out to y'all

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he will teach us
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. he will teach us
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it deluded you [pl]

1. it deluded you [ pl ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. it deluded you [pl]

3. it deluded you [pl]

4. it deluded you [ pl ]
FC jc-031297

0. they follow y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they follow y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she will shout at y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they will carry it for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. you [ pl ]
FC jc-031297

0. you (pl)
1. you (pl)
FC -> jc-72895
2. you (pl)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. you (pl)
4. you (pl) <p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02>
<p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. you (pl) <p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02>
<p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. you (pl) <p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02>
<p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
7. you (pl) <p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02>
<p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
8. you ( pl )
FC jc-031297

0. you (pl); you [pl]
1. you (pl); you [ pl ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. you (pl); you [pl]
3. you (pl); you [pl]
4. you (pl); you [pl] <p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02>
<p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. you (pl); you [pl] <p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02>
<p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. you (pl); you [pl] <p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02>
<p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
7. you (pl); you [pl] <p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02>
<p22-eh3-hua:tl-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
8. you ( pl ); you [ pl ]
FC jc-031297

0. your [ pl ] breast, your [ pl ] chest
FC jc-031297

0. in a spring

1. in a spring
FC -> jc-72895
2. in a spring

3. in a spring
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. in a spring
FC jc-031297

0. spring
1. spring
FC -> jc-72895
2. spring
3. spring
4. spring <a:tl1-me:ya-l1>
<a:tl1-me:ya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. spring <a:tl1-me:ya-l1>
<a:tl1-me:ya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. spring
FC jc-031297

0. y'all will come to laugh
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. all die of thirst, there is thirst
1. all die of thirst, there is thirst
FC -> jc-72895
2. all die of thirst, there is thirst
3. all die of thirst, there is thirst
4. all die of thirst, there is thirst <a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. all die of thirst, there is thirst <a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
6. all die of thirst, there is thirst <a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
7. all die of thirst, there is thirst
FC jc-031297

0. place of thirst
1. place of thirst
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. place of thirst
3. place of thirst
4. place of thirst <a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. place of thirst <a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. place of thirst <a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. place of thirst <a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. place of thirst <a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
9. place of thirst <a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
10. place of thirst
FC jc-031297

0. place of death from thirst
1. place of death from thirst
FC -> jc-72895
2. place of death from thirst
3. place of death from thirst
4. place of death from thirst <a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. place of death from thirst <a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. place of death from thirst <a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. place of death from thirst <a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. place of death from thirst <a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
9. place of death from thirst <a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<a:tl1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
10. place of death from thirst
FC jc-031297

0. your (pl) spirit
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. your (pl) spirit

FC -> jc-72895
2. your (pl) spirit

3. your (pl) spirit

4. your (pl) spirit <poss-ihi:yo:tl-tzin>

<poss-ihi:yo:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your (pl) spirit <poss-ihi:yo:tl-tzin>
<poss-ihi:yo:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your ( pl ) spirit
FC jc-031297

0. there will be hunting

1. there will be hunting

FC -> jc-72895
2. there will be hunting

3. there will be hunting

4. there will be hunting

FC jc-031297

0. you (pl) are seen

1. you (pl) are seen

FC -> jc-72895
2. you (pl) are seen

3. you (pl) are seen

4. you ( pl ) are seen

FC jc-031297

0. you are old women
1. you are old women
FC -> jc-72895
2. you are old women
3. you are old women
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. you are old women <p22-ilamatl-tla:catl-plur06>

<p22-ilamatl-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
5. you are old women <p22-ilamatl-tla:catl-plur06>
<p22-ilamatl-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
6. you are old women
FC jc-031297

0. you are old women

1. you are old women

FC -> jc-72895
2. you are old women

3. you are old women

4. you are old women

FC jc-031297

0. your (pl) old-womanliness

1. your (pl) old-womanliness

FC -> jc-72895
2. your (pl) old-womanliness

3. your (pl) old-womanliness

4. your ( pl ) old-womanliness
FC jc-031297

0. you [pl] are heavenly noblemen

1. you [ pl ] are heavenly noblemen

FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] are heavenly noblemen

3. you [pl] are heavenly noblemen

4. you [ pl ] are heavenly noblemen

FC jc-031297

0. white fish
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. white fish
FC -> jc-72895
2. white fish

3. white fish

4. white fish <amilotl-plur03>

<amilotl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
5. white fish
FC jc-031297

0. eggs of the white fish, white fish egg

1. white fish egg

FC -> jc-72895
2. eggs of the white fish, white fish egg

3. eggs of the white fish, white fish egg

4. eggs of the white fish

FC - > jc-61096
5. white fish egg <amilotl-tetl1>
<amilotl-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. white fish egg
FC jc-031297

0. white fish
1. white fish
FC -> jc-72895
2. white fish
3. white fish
4. white fish
5. white fish <amilotl>
<amilotl> FC - > jc-61096
6. whitefish
FC - > jc-61096
7. white fish
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. diarrhea

1. diarrhea
FC -> jc-72895
2. diarrhea

3. diarrhea

4. diarrhea
FC jc-031297

0. thirst
1. thirst
FC -> jc-72895
2. thirst
3. thirst
4. thirst <a:tl1-miqui-liz>
<a:tl1-miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. thirst <a:tl1-miqui-liz>
<a:tl1-miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. thirst
FC jc-031297

0. within you (pl)
1. within you (pl)
FC -> jc-72895
2. within you (pl)
3. within you (pl)
4. within you (pl) <poss-ihtitl-co2>
<poss-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. within you (pl) <poss-ihtitl-co2>
<poss-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. within you ( pl )
FC jc-031297

0. nada ( nothing )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. before you (pl), in front of you (pl)

1. before you (pl), in front of you (pl)

FC -> jc-72895
2. before you (pl), in front of you (pl)

3. before you (pl), in front of you (pl)

4. before you (pl), in front of you (pl) <poss-i:xtli-pan>

<poss-i:xtli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. before you (pl), in front of you (pl) <poss-i:xtli-pan>
<poss-i:xtli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. before you ( pl ), in front of you ( pl )
FC jc-031297

0. before you (pl), in front of you (pl), in your (pl) presence
1. before you (pl), in front of you (pl); in your (pl) presence
FC -> jc-72895
2. before you (pl), in front of you (pl), in your (pl) presence
3. before you (pl), in front of you (pl), in your (pl) presence
4. before you (pl), in front of you (pl), in your (pl)
presence <poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1>
<poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. before you (pl), in front of you (pl), in your (pl)
presence <poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1>
<poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. before you (pl), in front of you (pl), in your (pl)
presence <poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1>
<poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. before you (pl), in front of you (pl), in your (pl)
presence <poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1>
<poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
8. before you ( pl ), in front of you ( pl ); in your ( pl )
FC jc-031297

0. all of you
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. y'all came to die
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. nada ( nothing )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. no ( no )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. no ( no; not )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. no ( no )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. no ( no; not )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

ammo cualli
0. malo ( bad )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. tampoco ( neither )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. no ( no; not )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. no ( no; not )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. no, not
FC -> jc-72895
3. no, not

4. no, not

5. no, not <ah1-mo:>

<ah1-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
6. no, not <ah1-mo:>
<ah1-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
7. no ( no; not )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
8. no ( no; not )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
9. no, not
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

amo quichihuilia
0. no le hace ( it doesn't matter )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

amo tlaca
0. inhuman
FC jc-031297

amo tle inecoca

0. it is useless, it is valueless
<ah1-mo: tleh
1. it is useless, it is valueless
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is useless, it is valueless
FC -> jc-72895
3. it is useless, it is valueless
<ah1-mo: tleh
4. it is useless, it is valueless
<ah1-mo: tleh
5. it is useless, it is valueless <ah1-mo: tleh
<ah1-mo: tleh poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is useless, it is valueless <ah1-mo: tleh
<ah1-mo: tleh poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is useless, it is valueless <ah1-mo:
<ah1-mo: tleh-poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
8. it is useless, it is valueless <ah1-mo: tleh
<ah1-mo: tleh poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
9. it is useless, it is valueless <ah1-mo: tleh
<ah1-mo: tleh poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
10. it is useless, it is valueless <ah1-mo: tleh
<ah1-mo: tleh poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
11. it is useless, it is valueless <ah1-mo:
<ah1-mo: tleh-poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
12. it is useless, it is valueless
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. nadie ( no one; nobody )

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. y'all's shoe
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's shoe
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's shoes
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's shoes
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's house
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's house
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's entrance, act of entering
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. y'all's entrance
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. act of entering
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. y'all's entrance
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. act of entering

5. y'all's entrance

6. act of entering

0. y'all's houses
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's houses
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's bowl
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. y'all's bowl
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. y'all's bowl
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's bowls
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's bowls
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your [ pl ] house, your [ pl ] home
FC jc-031297

0. your (pl) home
1. your (pl) home
FC -> jc-72895
2. your (pl) home
3. your (pl) home
4. your (pl) home <poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1>
<poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. your (pl) home <poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1>
<poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. your (pl) home <poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1>
<poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. your ( pl ) home
FC jc-031297

0. tin
1. tin
FC -> jc-72895
2. tin
3. tin
4. tin
5. tin <amochitl>
<amochitl> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. tin
FC - > jc-61096
7. tin
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's weeping
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. y'all's weeping
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. y'all's weeping
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. y'all's weeping
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your (pl) weeping
1. your (pl) weeping
FC -> jc-72895
2. your (pl) weeping
3. your (pl) weeping
4. your (pl) weeping <poss-cho:ca-liz>
<poss-cho:ca-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. your ( pl ) weeping
FC jc-031297

0. your [ pl ] daughters
FC jc-031297

0. your daughter [ h ]
FC jc-031297

0. your [pl] grandmothers

1. your [ pl ] grandmothers
FC -> jc-72895
2. your [pl] grandmothers

3. your [pl] grandmothers
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. your [ pl ] grandmothers
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's star
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's star
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's stars
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's stars
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's grandfather
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's grandfather
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's grandfathers
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's grandfathers
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's act of sleeping
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. y'all's act of sleeping
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. y'all's act of sleeping
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. y'all's act of sleeping
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your (pl) grandfathers; your (pl) forefathers; your (pl)
grandparents; your grandfathers
1. your [ pl ] grandfathers; your [ pl ] forefathers; your [
pl ] grandparents
FC -> jc-72895
2. your (pl) grandfathers; your (pl) forefathers; your (pl)
grandparents; your grandfathers
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. your (pl) grandfathers; your (pl) forefathers; your (pl)
grandparents; your grandfathers
4. your (pl) grandfathers; your (pl) forefathers; your (pl)
grandparents; your grandfathers <poss-co:lli-plur04>
<poss-co:lli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. your [ pl ] grandfathers; your [ pl ] forefathers; your [
pl ] grandparents
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's children
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's children
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's child
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's child
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. malo; mal ( bad; evil )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. y'all's skirt
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's skirt
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's skirts
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's skirts
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your [pl] feet
1. your [ pl ] feet
FC -> jc-72895
2. your [pl] feet
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. your [pl] feet

4. your [pl] feet <poss-icxitl>
<poss-icxitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. your [ pl ] feet
FC jc-031297

0. your [pl] heavy rope

1. your [ pl ] heavy rope

FC -> jc-72895
2. your [pl] heavy rope

3. your [pl] heavy rope

4. your [ pl ] heavy rope

FC jc-031297

0. your [ pl ] desert
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's hand
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's hand
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. cuix oc ce amehuan amocnopiltiz, amomacehualtiz in petlatl
in icpalli, in tlatconi in tlamamaloni, perchance yet one
of you will gain as desert, will gain as merit, the realm,
the governed <poss-mahce:hua-l1-v01a-z (b6 f7 c17 p87)
1. cuix oc ce amehuan amocnopiltiz, amomacehualtiz in petlatl
in icpalli, in tlatconi in tlamamaloni, perchance yet one
of you will gain as desert, will gain as merit, the realm,
the governed
<poss-mahce:hua-l1-v01a-z> (b6 f7 c17 p87) JC-7/23/96 JC-7/23/96

0. y'all's finger
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's finger
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. y'all's fingers
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's fingers
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's hands
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's hands
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. in your time
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's field
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's field
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's fields
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's fields
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's cats
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's cats
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. y'all's cats
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's son-in-law
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's son-in-law
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. y'all's son-in-law
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. y'all's mother
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's mother
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's mothers
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's mothers
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's ear
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's ear
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's ears
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's ears
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your [pl] mothers
1. your [ pl ] mothers
FC -> jc-72895
2. your [pl] mothers
3. your [pl] mothers
4. your [pl] mothers <poss-na:ntli-plur04>
<poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. your [pl] mothers <poss-na:ntli-plur04>
<poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. your [ pl ] mothers
FC jc-031297

0. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness

1. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness

FC -> jc-72895
2. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness

4. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness

<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
8. your ( pl ) motherhood, your ( pl ) motherliness
FC jc-031297

0. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
FC -> jc-72895
1. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
2. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
3. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
4. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your ( pl ) motherhood, your ( pl ) motherliness
FC jc-031297

0. your [ pl ] gift
FC jc-031297

0. your [pl] life, your [pl] way of life

1. your [ pl ] life, your [ pl ] way of life

FC -> jc-72895
2. your [pl] life, your [pl] way of life
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. your [pl] life, your [pl] way of life

4. your [pl] life, your [pl] way of life <poss-nemi-liz>

<poss-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. your [pl] life, your [pl] way of life <poss-nemi-liz>
<poss-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. your [ pl ] life, your [ pl ] way of life
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's act of running
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. y'all's act of running
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. y'all's act of running
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. y'all's act of running
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. neither; nor

1. neither; nor
FC -> jc-72895
2. neither; nor

3. neither; nor

4. neither, nor <ah1-mo:-no:>

<ah1-mo:-no:> FC - > jc-61096
5. neither, nor <ah1-mo:-no:>
<ah1-mo:-no:> FC - > jc-61096
6. neither, nor <ah1-mo:-no:>
<ah1-mo:-no:> FC - > jc-61096
7. neither, nor <ah1-mo:-no:>
<ah1-mo:-no:> FC - > jc-61096
8. neither; nor
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's happiness, act of rejoicing
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. y'all's happiness
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. act of rejoicing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. y'all's happiness
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. act of rejoicing

5. y'all's happiness

6. act of rejoicing

0. y'all's son
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's son
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's sons
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's sons
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your [pl] son, your [pl] child

1. your [ pl ] son, your [ pl ] child

FC -> jc-72895
2. your [pl] son, your [pl] child

3. your [pl] son, your [pl] child

4. your [pl] son, your [pl] child <poss-pilli-tzin>

<poss-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your [pl] son, your [pl] child <poss-pilli-tzin>
<poss-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your [ pl ] son, your [ pl ] child
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's act of leaving, exiting
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. y'all's act of leaving
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. exiting
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. y'all's act of leaving
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. exiting

5. y'all's act of leaving

6. exiting

0. you men

1. you men
FC -> jc-72895
2. you men

3. you men

4. you men
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's father
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's father
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's fathers
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's fathers
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your (pl) fathers; your [pl] fathers
1. your [ pl ] fathers
FC -> jc-72895
2. your (pl) fathers; your [pl] fathers
3. your (pl) fathers; your [pl] fathers
4. your (pl) fathers; your [pl] fathers <poss-tahtli-plur04>
<poss-tahtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. your [ pl ] fathers
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your (pl) fatherhood, your (pl) fatherliness

FC -> jc-72895
1. your (pl) fatherhood, your (pl) fatherliness
<poss-tahtli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
2. your (pl) fatherhood, your (pl) fatherliness
<poss-tahtli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
3. your (pl) fatherhood, your (pl) fatherliness
<poss-tahtli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
4. your ( pl ) fatherhood, your ( pl ) fatherliness
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's youths ( your sons )
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's youths ( your sons )
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. y'all's youths ( your sons )
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. to you [ pl ], towards you [ pl ]
FC jc-031297

0. your [ pl ] greeting [ gift ], your [ pl ] means of greeting
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's gods
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's gods
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's god
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's god
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your [ pl ] hill
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your [pl] task; your [pl] goal; your [pl] function
1. your [ pl ] goal, your [ pl ] function; your [ pl ] task
FC -> jc-72895
2. your [pl] task; your [pl] goal; your [pl] function
3. your [pl] task; your [pl] goal; your [pl] function
4. your [pl] task; your [pl] goal; your [pl] function
<poss-tequitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. your [ pl ] goal, your [ pl ] function; your [ pl ] task
FC jc-031297

0. your [ pl ] means of approaching people
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's act of deposing
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. y'all's act of deposing
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. y'all's act of deposing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. y'all's act of deposing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your [pl] deed, your [pl] work

1. your [ pl ] deed, your [ pl ] work

FC -> jc-72895
2. your [pl] deed, your [pl] work

3. your [pl] deed, your [pl] work

4. your [ pl ] deed, your [ pl ] work

FC jc-031297

0. y'all's uncles
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's uncles
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your (pl) compassion

1. your (pl) compassion

FC -> jc-72895
2. your (pl) compassion

3. your (pl) compassion

4. your (pl) compassion <poss-tlao:coya-delya-l1>

<poss-tlao:coya-delya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. your (pl) compassion <poss-tlao:coya-delya-l1>
<poss-tlao:coya-delya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. your ( pl ) compassion
FC jc-031297

0. your (pl) strength

1. your (pl) strength

FC -> jc-72895
2. your (pl) strength

3. your (pl) strength

4. your (pl) strength <poss-tlahpalli>

<poss-tlahpalli> FC - > jc-61096
5. your ( pl ) strength; your [ pl ] strength
FC jc-031297

0. your [pl] words, your [pl] exhortations; your [H] words
1. your [ h ] words; your [ pl ] words; your [ pl ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. your [pl] words, your [pl] exhortations; your [H] words
3. your [pl] words, your [pl] exhortations; your [H] words
4. your [pl] words, your [pl] exhortations; your [H] words
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your [pl] words, your [pl] exhortations; your [H] words
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096

6. your [ h ] words; your [ pl ] words; your [ pl ]
FC jc-031297

0. your [pl] possession, your [pl] property; your [pl] array

1. your [ pl ] possession, your [ pl ] property; your [ pl ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. your [pl] possession, your [pl] property; your [pl] array

3. your [pl] possession, your [pl] property; your [pl] array

4. your [ pl ] possession, your [ pl ] property; your [ pl ]

FC jc-031297

0. your [ h, pl ] property, your [ h, pl ] possession
FC jc-031297

0. your [pl] heads

1. your [ pl ] heads
FC -> jc-72895
2. your [pl] heads

3. your [pl] heads

4. your [pl] heads <poss-tzontli-tecomatl>

<poss-tzontli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. your [pl] heads <poss-tzontli-tecomatl>
<poss-tzontli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. your [ pl ] heads
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's rag
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's rag
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. y'all's rags
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's rags
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

amox ( to- )
0. nuestro libro ( our book )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. in the house of paintings

0. bookstore

1. bookstore
FC - > jc-61096
2. bookstore
FC - > jc-61096

0. booker owner
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. owner of a book
1. owner of a book
FC -> jc-72895
2. owner of a book
3. owner of a book
4. owner of a book <a:moxtli-huah>
<a:moxtli-huah> FC - > jc-61096
5. owner of a book
FC jc-031297

amoxhua, amoxe
0. one who owns books
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. book owners
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. y'all's seed
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's seed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's sack
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. bag
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. y'all's sack

3. bag

0. y'all's sacks
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. bags
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. y'all's sacks

3. bags

0. y'all's flower
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's flower
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all's flowers
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. y'all's flowers
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. library
JC-05-07-97 -yan Locative Nouns
1. place where books are kept

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. margin of a book

1. margin of a book
FC - > jc-61096
2. margin of a book
FC - > jc-61096

0. book
1. book
FC -> jc-72895
2. book
3. book
4. book
FC - > jc-61096
5. book
FC - > jc-61096
6. book <a:moxtli>
<a:moxtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. book
FC jc-031297

0. title of a book

1. title of a book
FC - > jc-61096
2. title of a book
FC - > jc-61096

0. y'all's trip
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. y'all's trip
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. y'all's trip
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. y'all's trip
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your [ pl ] enemies; your [ pl ] foes
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your [pl] hearts
1. your [ pl ] hearts
FC -> jc-72895
2. your [pl] hearts
3. your [pl] hearts
4. your [pl] hearts <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. your [pl] hearts <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. your [ pl ] hearts
FC jc-031297

0. your [pl] heart; your [pl] hearts

1. your [ pl ] heart; your [ pl ] hearts

FC -> jc-72895
2. your [pl] heart; your [pl] hearts

3. your [pl] heart; your [pl] hearts

4. your [pl] heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin>

<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your [pl] heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your [pl] heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. your [ pl ] heart; your [ pl ] hearts
FC jc-031297

0. water flies

1. water flies
FC -> jc-72895
2. water flies

3. water flies

4. water flies <a:tl1-mo:yo:tl-plur03>

<a:tl1-mo:yo:tl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. water flies <a:tl1-mo:yo:tl-plur03>

<a:tl1-mo:yo:tl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
6. water flies <a:tl1-mo:yo:tl-plur03>
<a:tl1-mo:yo:tl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
7. water flies
FC jc-031297

0. water fly tortilla

1. water fly tortilla

FC -> jc-72895
2. water fly tortilla

3. water fly tortilla

4. water fly tortilla <a:tl1-mo:yo:tl-p51-ixca-l1>

<a:tl1-mo:yo:tl-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. water fly tortilla <a:tl1-mo:yo:tl-p51-ixca-l1>
<a:tl1-mo:yo:tl-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. water fly tortilla <a:tl1-mo:yo:tl-p51-ixca-l1>
<a:tl1-mo:yo:tl-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. water fly tortilla <a:tl1-mo:yo:tl-p51-ixca-l1>
<a:tl1-mo:yo:tl-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. water fly tortilla
FC jc-031297

0. he is untrained

1. he is untrained
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is untrained

3. he is untrained

4. he is untrained <ah1-p54-izcalia:>
<ah1-p54-izcalia:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is untrained <ah1-p54-izcalia:>
<ah1-p54-izcalia:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is untrained
FC jc-031297

0. one who is indiscreet
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. one who is indiscreet

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who is indiscreet

3. one who is indiscreet

4. one who is indiscreet <ah1-p54-izcalia:-ni1>

<ah1-p54-izcalia:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. one who is indiscreet <ah1-p54-izcalia:-ni1>
<ah1-p54-izcalia:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one who is indiscreet <ah1-p54-izcalia:-ni1>
<ah1-p54-izcalia:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. one who is indiscreet <ah1-p54-izcalia:-ni1>
<ah1-p54-izcalia:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. one who is indiscreet
FC jc-031297

0. y'all's act of fainting
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. y'all's act of fainting
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. y'all's act of fainting
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. y'all's act of fainting
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. fleshless

1. fleshless
FC -> jc-72895
2. fleshless

3. fleshless

4. fleshless <ah1-nacatl-yo:tl1>
<ah1-nacatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. fleshless <ah1-nacatl-yo:tl1>
<ah1-nacatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. fleshless <ah1-nacatl-yo:tl1>
<ah1-nacatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. fleshless
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. on the coast

1. on the coast
FC -> jc-72895
2. on the coast

3. on the coast

4. on the coast <a:tl1-na:hua-co2>

<a:tl1-na:hua-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. on the coast <a:tl1-na:hua-co2>
<a:tl1-na:hua-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. on the coast <a:tl1-na:hua-co2>
<a:tl1-na:hua-co2> FC - > jc-61096
7. on the coast <a:tl1-na:hua-co2>
<a:tl1-na:hua-co2> FC - > jc-61096
8. on the coast
FC jc-031297

0. rulers of anahuac

1. rulers of anahuac
FC -> jc-72895
2. rulers of anahuac

3. rulers of anahuac

4. rulers of anahuac <a:tl1-na:hua-;

<a:tl1-na:hua--> FC - > jc-61096
5. rulers of anahuac <a:tl1-na:hua-;
<a:tl1-na:hua--> FC - > jc-61096
6. rulers of anahuac <a:tl1-na:hua-;
<a:tl1-na:hua--> FC - > jc-61096
7. rulers of anahuac
FC jc-031297

0. one who whispers

1. one who whispers

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who whispers

3. one who whispers
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. one who whispers

FC jc-031297

0. they were chosen

1. they were chosen

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were chosen

3. they were chosen

4. they were chosen

FC jc-031297

0. water sellers
FC jc-031297
1. water sellers
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

anaya ( otic- )
0. lo toma'bamos ( we took it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. so, therefore, that being the case; accordingly

1. so, therefore, that being the case; accordingly

FC -> jc-72895
2. so, therefore, that being the case; accordingly

3. so, therefore, that being the case; accordingly

4. so, therefore, that being the case; accordingly <anca>

<anca> FC - > jc-61096
5. so, therefore, that being the case; accordingly
FC jc-031297

0. they will bathe y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will bathe y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. y'all will scold her

VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will scold her
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all came to enter
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. y'all are
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. y'all came to dwell
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. you are dwellers
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )
1. inhabitants

0. you [ pl ] are strong
FC jc-031297

0. you (pl) weep

0. y'all go to weep
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. you (pl) weep
FC -> jc-72895
1. you (pl) weep <p22-cho:ca>
<p22-cho:ca> FC - > jc-61096
2. you ( pl ) weep
FC jc-031297

0. y'all are invited to a feast
Passive Verb jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. y'all are invited to a feast

JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. y'all are invited to a feast
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. y'all are invited to a feast
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. y'all are invited to a feast
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. y'all are invited to a feast
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. y'all are invited to a feast
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. you ( pl ) sleep
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

0. you [pl] are children

1. you [ pl ] are children

FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] are children

3. you [pl] are children

4. you [ pl ] are children

FC jc-031297

0. you (pl) have become white-heades
1. you (pl) have become white-heades
FC -> jc-72895
2. you (pl) have become white-heades
3. you (pl) have become white-heades
4. you (pl) have become white-heades
<p22-cua:itl-iztatl-v01-delya-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
5. you (pl) have become white-heades
<p22-cua:itl-iztatl-v01-delya-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
6. you (pl) have become white-heades
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p22-cua:itl-iztatl-v01-delya-plur14> FC - > jc-61096

7. you ( pl ) have become white-headed
FC jc-031297

0. you [pl] become angry
1. you [ pl ] become angry
FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] become angry
3. you [pl] become angry
4. you [pl] become angry <p22-cuala:ni>
<p22-cuala:ni> FC - > jc-61096
5. you [ pl ] become angry
FC jc-031297

0. incomparable

1. incomparable
FC -> jc-72895
2. incomparable

3. incomparable

4. incomparable
FC jc-031297

0. he does not wish to live

1. he does not wish to live

FC -> jc-72895
2. he does not wish to live

3. he does not wish to live

4. he does not wish to live

FC jc-031297

0. wanderer
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. in the middle of the water; in the middle of the lake
FC jc-031297

0. y'all come
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. y'all will come
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. you (pl) came
1. you (pl) came
FC -> jc-72895
2. you (pl) came
3. you (pl) came
4. you (pl) came <p22-hua:l-yauh1-plur01>
<p22-hua:l-yauh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. you (pl) came <p22-hua:l-yauh1-plur01>
<p22-hua:l-yauh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. you (pl) came <p22-hua:l-yauh1-plur01>
<p22-hua:l-yauh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. you ( pl ) came
FC jc-031297

0. you are old men

1. you are old men

FC -> jc-72895
2. you are old men

3. you are old men

4. you are old men

FC jc-031297

0. y'all come
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. y'all go
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

aniliaya ( om- )
0. lo cogi'a; lo agarraba [ H ] ( he took; he grabbed [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. I am inexperienced; I do not see
1. i am inexperienced; i do not see
FC -> jc-72895
2. I am inexperienced; I do not see
3. I am inexperienced; I do not see
4. I am inexperienced; I do not see <ah1-p11-tlachiya>
<ah1-p11-tlachiya> FC - > jc-61096
5. i am inexperienced; i do not see
FC jc-031297

0. you [ pl ] are mexicans
FC jc-031297

0. you [ pl ] make fun, you [ pl ] deride, you [ pl ] make
FC jc-031297

0. all of you

1. all of you
FC -> jc-72895
2. all of you

3. all of you

4. all of you
FC jc-031297

0. you [pl] will consult with one another
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. you [ pl ] will consult with one another

FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] will consult with one another

3. you [pl] will consult with one another

4. you [ pl ] will consult with one another

FC jc-031297

0. you [ h, pl ] lament, you [ h, pl ] cry out
FC jc-031297

0. y'all make me do it
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. y'all make me do it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all bathe me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all bathe me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all grab it from me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all do it for me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all will buy it from me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all will anger me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will anger me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all will laugh at me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. y'all will make me laugh
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will make me laugh
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all will whip me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will whip me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all forget me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all forget me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all will tie me up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will tie me up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all carry it for me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all will carry it for me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all will frighten me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will frighten me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. you [pl] choose me, you point at me

1. you [ pl ] choose me, you point at me

FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] choose me, you point at me
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. you [pl] choose me, you point at me

4. you [ pl ] choose me, you point at me

FC jc-031297

0. y'all stand it up for me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all will inform me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will inform me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all will feed me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will feed me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all will shout at me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. you (pl) live

1. you (pl) live

FC -> jc-72895
2. you (pl) live

3. you (pl) live

4. you (pl) live <p22-nemi>

<p22-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
5. you (pl) live <p22-nemi>
<p22-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
6. you ( pl ) live
FC jc-031297

0. he is chosen; he is taken; he is seized; it is captured; it
is caught; it is removed; it is taken; neither; nor; not
either; not also; also not; or; they are caught, they are
captured; they are hunted; they are seized; they are taken
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he is chosen; he is taken; he is seized; it is captured; it

is caught; it is removed; it is taken; neither; nor; not
either; not also; also not; or
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are caught, they are captured; they are hunted; they
are seized; they are taken
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is chosen; he is taken; he is seized; it is captured; it
is caught; it is removed; it is taken; neither; nor; not
either; not also; also not; or; they are caught, they are
captured; they are hunted; they are seized; they are taken

4. he is chosen; he is taken; he is seized; it is captured; it

is caught; it is removed; it is taken; neither; nor; not
either; not also; also not; or; they are caught, they are
captured; they are hunted; they are seized; they are taken

5. he is taken; he is seized; he is chosen; it is taken; it is

removed; it is caught; it is captured; they are taken; they
are hunted; they are caught; they are seized; they are
captured <a:na1-lo:1>
<a:na1-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is taken; he is seized; he is chosen; it is taken; it is
removed; it is caught; it is captured; they are taken; they
are seized; they are caught <a:na1-lo:1>
<a:na1-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. neither, nor; not either; not also; also not <ah1-no:>
<ah1-no:> FC - > jc-61096
8. neither, nor; not either; not also; also not <ah1-no:>
<ah1-no:> FC - > jc-61096
9. neither, nor; not either; not also; also not; or <ah1-no:>
<ah1-no:> FC - > jc-61096
10. he is chosen; he is taken; he is seized; it is captured; it
is caught; it is removed; it is taken; neither; nor; not
either; not also; also not; or
FC jc-031297
11. they are caught, they are captured; they are hunted; they
are seized; they are taken
FC jc-031297
12. oncan ano
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
13. quitzoncui
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
14. then he was seized
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

15. and they cut hair from the crown of his head; entonces el
era tomoda

16. y le cortaban el pelo de la corona de la cabeza

17. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca

18. pipitzca

19. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana

20. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

21. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

22. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

23. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

0. nor anyone
1. nor anyone
FC -> jc-72895
2. nor anyone
3. nor anyone
4. nor anyone <ah1-no:-a:c1>
<ah1-no:-a:c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. nor anyone <ah1-no:-a:c1>
<ah1-no:-a:c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. nor anyone <ah1-no:-a:c1>
<ah1-no:-a:c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. nor anyone
FC jc-031297

0. or; or else; perhaps
1. or; or else; perhaps
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. or; or else; perhaps

3. or; or else; perhaps
4. or; or else; perhaps <ah1-no:-zo2-eh3>
<ah1-no:-zo2-eh3> FC - > jc-61096
5. or; or else; perhaps <ah1-no:-zo2-eh3>
<ah1-no:-zo2-eh3> FC - > jc-61096
6. or; or else; perhaps <ah1-no:-zo2-eh3>
<ah1-no:-zo2-eh3> FC - > jc-61096
7. or; or else; perhaps <ah1-no:-zo2-eh3>
<ah1-no:-zo2-eh3> FC - > jc-61096
8. or; or else; perhaps <ah1-no:-zo2-eh3>
<ah1-no:-zo2-eh3> FC - > jc-61096
9. or; or else; perhaps <ah1-no:-zo2-eh3>
<ah1-no:-zo2-eh3> FC - > jc-61096
10. or; or else; perhaps
FC jc-031297

0. they were seized, they were captured

1. they were seized, they were captured

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were seized, they were captured

3. they were seized, they were captured

4. they were seized, they were captured

FC jc-031297

0. o ( or )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. either, or; or else; o; or or; or perhaps; else; if
perhaps; perhaps; whether; perchance
FC -> jc-72895
2. either, or; or else; or or; or perhaps; else; if perhaps;
perhaps; whether; perchance
3. either, or; or else; or or; or perhaps; else; if perhaps;
perhaps; whether; perchance
4. either, or; or else; or or; or perhaps; else; if perhaps;
perhaps; whether; perchance <ah1-no:-zo2>
<ah1-no:-zo2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. either, or; or else; or or; or perhaps; else; if perhaps;

perhaps; whether; perchance <ah1-no:-zo2>
<ah1-no:-zo2> FC - > jc-61096
6. either, or; or else; or or; or perhaps; else; if perhaps;
perhaps; whether; perchance <ah1-no:-zo2>
<ah1-no:-zo2> FC - > jc-61096
7. either, or; or perhaps; perhaps; perchance; whether
<ah1-no:-zo2> FC - > jc-61096
8. o ( or )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. either, or; or else; o; or or; or perhaps; else; if
perhaps; perhaps; whether; perchance
FC jc-031297
10. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
11. pipitzca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
12. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana

13. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

14. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

15. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

16. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

17. no ihuan in ihcuac otztli cihuatl

18. in ihcuac cualo tonatiuh

19. anozo metztli: amo huel quittaya

20. likewise

21. when a woman was with child during an eclipse of the sun or

22. she might might not look at it

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. you [pl] are noblemen

1. you [ pl ] are noblemen

FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] are noblemen

3. you [pl] are noblemen

4. you [ pl ] are noblemen

FC jc-031297

0. you [pl] are babies

1. you [ pl ] are babies

FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] are babies

3. you [pl] are babies

4. you [ pl ] are babies

FC jc-031297

0. hunters

1. hunters
FC -> jc-72895
2. hunters

3. hunters

4. hunters
FC jc-031297
5. hunters
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. y'all will raise it, get him up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will raise it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
2. get him up

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. hunter; huntsman

1. hunter; huntsman
FC -> jc-72895
2. hunter; huntsman

3. hunter; huntsman

4. hunter; huntsman
FC jc-031297
5. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
6. pipitzca

7. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana

8. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

9. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

10. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

11. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

0. y'all hear it from her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all will hear it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will hear it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all will will do it for her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. you [pl] wait for him

1. you [ pl ] wait for him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] wait for him

3. you [pl] wait for him

4. you [pl] wait for him <p22-p33-chiya>

<p22-p33-chiya> FC - > jc-61096
5. you [ pl ] wait for him
FC jc-031297

0. you (pl) do it

1. you (pl) do it
FC -> jc-72895
2. you (pl) do it

3. you (pl) do it

4. you ( pl ) do it
FC jc-031297

0. you (pl) will do it

1. you (pl) will do it

FC -> jc-72895
2. you (pl) will do it

3. you (pl) will do it

4. you (pl) will do it <p22-p33-chi:hua-z-plur01>

<p22-p33-chi:hua-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. you ( pl ) will do it
FC jc-031297

0. y'all will buy it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will buy it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all eat it ( of him )
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. y'all eat it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all eat it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all return it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all return it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all go to return it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. y'all will grab it from her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all will grab it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will grab it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all drink it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all drink it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all say it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all say it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all laugh at her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all remember it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all remember it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all give it to her
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all give it to her
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all go to give it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. you [ pl ] will give it to him
FC jc-031297

0. you [pl] do not know it; you [pl] know it

1. you [ pl ] do not know it; you [ pl ] know it

FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] do not know it; you [pl] know it

3. you [pl] do not know it; you [pl] know it

4. you [pl] do not know it; you [pl] know it <p22-p33-mati>

<p22-p33-mati> FC - > jc-61096
5. you [ pl ] know it
FC jc-031297

0. y'all know it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all know it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all will kill him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will kill him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all frighten them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all frighten them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. you [ pl ] cry out to him
FC jc-031297

0. y'all hang them up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all hang them up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all destroy them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all destroy them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all will boil them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will boil them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all sell it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all sell it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all cut them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all cut them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all perforate them, put a hole in them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all perforate them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
2. put a hole in them

0. y'all stir it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all stir it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. you [pl] want it, you [pl] wish it

1. you [ pl ] want it, you [ pl ] wish it

FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] want it, you [pl] wish it

3. you [pl] want it, you [pl] wish it

4. you [ pl ] want it, you [ pl ] wish it

FC jc-031297

0. you [ pl ] will produce it, you [ pl ] will show it
FC jc-031297

0. y'all look for them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all look for them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all came to cut them
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. y'all will come to cut them
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. y'all will cut them up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will cut them up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all will feed them
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. y'all will feed them
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. y'all shave it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all shave it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all will keep it for him
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. you [ pl ] pretend it
FC jc-031297

0. you [pl] destroy it

1. you [ pl ] destroy it
FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] destroy it

3. you [pl] destroy it

4. you [ pl ] destroy it
FC jc-031297

0. y'all destroy it
FC - > jc-61096

0. y'all boil it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all boil it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. you [ pl ] call to ticitl
FC jc-031297

0. y'all grab something from her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all will listen to him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all buy something from him
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all will grab something from her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. you [pl] will seek his counsel
1. you [ pl ] will seek his counsel
FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] will seek his counsel
3. you [pl] will seek his counsel
4. you [pl] will seek his counsel
<p22-p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-te:moa:-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. you [pl] will seek his counsel
<p22-p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-te:moa:-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. you [pl] will seek his counsel
<p22-p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-te:moa:-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. you [ pl ] will seek his counsel
FC jc-031297

0. you ( pl ) will cast it, you ( pl ) will throw it
FC jc-031297

0. you [ pl ] called him, you [ pl ] named him
FC jc-031297

0. you (pl) see him; you [pl] see him

1. you (pl) see him; you [ pl ] see him

FC -> jc-72895
2. you (pl) see him; you [pl] see him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. you (pl) see him; you [pl] see him

4. you (pl) see him <p22-p33-itta>

<p22-p33-itta> FC - > jc-61096
5. you ( pl ) see him; you [ pl ] see him
FC jc-031297

0. y'all go to see it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. y'all will see her
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will see her
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all will shred it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will shred it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all will pound it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will pound it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all shave it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all shave it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all will drink it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will drink it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all will make us cry
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. y'all will make us cry
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. y'all go to dance with us
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. y'all leave us
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all leave us
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all leave it for us
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all hear us
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all hear us
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all buy it from us
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all will anger us
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all will anger us
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all whip us
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all whip us
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all request it of us
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all frighten us
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all frighten us
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. y'all order us
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all feed us
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all feed us
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all carry it for us
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all will be stoned
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. y'all will be stoned
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. y'all will be stoned
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. y'all will be stoned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. y'all will be stoned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. y'all will be stoned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. y'all will be stoned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. y'all become young
FC - > jc-61096
1. y'all become young
Verbing jc-030797
2. y'all become young
-ti jc-030797
3. y'all become young
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. y'all become young
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. y'all become young
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. y'all become young
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. you [pl] are youths

1. you [ pl ] are youths

FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] are youths

3. you [pl] are youths

4. you [ pl ] are youths

FC jc-031297

0. you [pl] work, you [pl] labor

1. you [ pl ] work, you [ pl ] labor

FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] work, you [pl] labor

3. you [pl] work, you [pl] labor

4. you [ pl ] work, you [ pl ] labor

FC jc-031297

0. you people
1. you people
FC -> jc-72895
2. you people
3. you people
4. you people <p22-tla:catl-plur06>
<p22-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
5. you people
FC jc-031297

0. you [ pl ] were born
FC -> jc-72895
1. you [pl] were born <p22-tla:catl-v01-prt1-plur01>
<p22-tla:catl-v01-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
2. you [pl] were born <p22-tla:catl-v01-prt1-plur01>
<p22-tla:catl-v01-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. you [ pl ] were born

FC jc-031297

0. you [pl] were born

0. you [pl] work, you [pl] labor

1. you [ pl ] work, you [ pl ] labor

FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] work, you [pl] labor

3. you [pl] work, you [pl] labor

4. you [ pl ] work, you [ pl ] labor

FC jc-031297

0. you (pl) feel compassion

1. you (pl) feel compassion

FC -> jc-72895
2. you (pl) feel compassion

3. you (pl) feel compassion

4. you ( pl ) feel compassion

FC jc-031297

0. you [ pl ] are powerful
FC jc-031297

0. you [pl] are our mothers

1. you [ pl ] are our mothers

FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] are our mothers

3. you [pl] are our mothers

4. you [ pl ] are our mothers

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. you [pl] are our sons

1. you [ pl ] are our sons

FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] are our sons

3. you [pl] are our sons

4. you [ pl ] are our sons

FC jc-031297

0. you [pl] are our fathers

1. you [ pl ] are our fathers

FC -> jc-72895
2. you [pl] are our fathers

3. you [pl] are our fathers

4. you [ pl ] are our fathers

FC jc-031297

0. you are our lords

1. you are our lords

FC -> jc-72895
2. you are our lords

3. you are our lords

4. you are our lords

FC jc-031297

0. you are our lords

1. you are our lords

FC -> jc-72895
2. you are our lords

3. you are our lords
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. you are our lords

FC jc-031297

0. y'all will go
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. y'all will be
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. no longer, no more; not yet
1. no longer, no more; not yet
FC -> jc-72895
2. no longer, no more; not yet
3. no longer, no more; not yet
4. no longer, no more <ah1-oc>
<ah1-oc> FC - > jc-61096
5. no longer, no more; not yet <ah1-oc>
<ah1-oc> FC - > jc-61096
6. no longer, no more; not yet
FC jc-031297

0. no one any longer
1. no one any longer
FC -> jc-72895
2. no one any longer
3. no one any longer
4. no one any longer <ah1-oc-a:c1>
<ah1-oc-a:c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. no one any longer <ah1-oc-a:c1>
<ah1-oc-a:c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. no one any longer <ah1-oc-a:c1>
<ah1-oc-a:c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. no one any longer
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. nowhere

1. nowhere
FC -> jc-72895
2. nowhere

3. nowhere

4. nowhere
FC jc-031297

0. no where; nowhere

1. no where; nowhere
FC -> jc-72895
2. no where; nowhere

3. no where; nowhere

4. no where; nowhere <ah1-oc-ca:n>

<ah1-oc-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. no where; nowhere <ah1-oc-ca:n>
<ah1-oc-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. nowhere <ah1-oc-ca:n>
<ah1-oc-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. no where; nowhere
FC jc-031297

0. no longer; no more; not anymore; nevermore

1. no longer; no more; not anymore; nevermore

FC -> jc-72895
2. no longer; no more; not anymore; nevermore

3. no longer; no more; not anymore; nevermore

4. no longer, no more; not anymore; nevermore <ah1-oc-mo:>

<ah1-oc-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
5. no longer, no more; not anymore; nevermore <ah1-oc-mo:>
<ah1-oc-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
6. no longer, no more; not anymore; nevermore <ah1-oc-mo:>
<ah1-oc-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
7. no longer; no more; not anymore; nevermore
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

aocmo ompa conitta

0. he despises him

1. he despises him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he despises him

3. he despises him

4. he despises him
FC jc-031297

0. no longer anything

1. no longer anything
FC -> jc-72895
2. no longer anything

3. no longer anything

4. no longer anything <ah1-oc-tleh>

<ah1-oc-tleh> FC - > jc-61096
5. no longer anything <ah1-oc-tleh>
<ah1-oc-tleh> FC - > jc-61096
6. no longer anything <ah1-oc-tleh>
<ah1-oc-tleh> FC - > jc-61096
7. no longer anything
FC jc-031297

0. yellow maguey wine

1. yellow maguey wine

FC -> jc-72895
2. yellow maguey wine

3. yellow maguey wine

4. yellow maguey wine <a:tl1-octli>

<a:tl1-octli> FC - > jc-61096
5. yellow maguey wine <a:tl1-octli>
<a:tl1-octli> FC - > jc-61096
6. yellow maguey wine
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. that which is not eaten by worms

1. that which is not eaten by worms

FC -> jc-72895
2. that which is not eaten by worms

3. that which is not eaten by worms

4. that which is not eaten by worms <ah1-ocuilin-cua:-lo:1-ni1>

<ah1-ocuilin-cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. that which is not eaten by worms <ah1-ocuilin-cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<ah1-ocuilin-cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. that which is not eaten by worms <ah1-ocuilin-cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<ah1-ocuilin-cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. that which is not eaten by worms <ah1-ocuilin-cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<ah1-ocuilin-cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. that which is not eaten by worms
FC jc-031297

0. he is ignorant of the road, he is not familiar with the road
1. he is ignorant of the road, he is not familiar
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is ignorant of the road, he is not familiar with the road
3. he is ignorant of the road, he is not familiar with the road
4. he is ignorant of the road, he is not familiar with the
road <ah1-ohtli-i:xtli--mati>
<ah1-ohtli-i:xtli--mati> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is ignorant of the road, he is not familiar with the
road <ah1-ohtli-i:xtli--mati>
<ah1-ohtli-i:xtli--mati> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is ignorant of the road, he is not familiar with the
road <ah1-ohtli-i:xtli--mati>
<ah1-ohtli-i:xtli--mati> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is ignorant of the road, he is not familiar with the road
FC jc-031297

0. well
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. not bony, boneless

1. not bony, boneless

FC -> jc-72895
2. not bony, boneless

3. not bony, boneless

4. not bony, boneless <ah1-omitl-yo:tl1>

<ah1-omitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. not bony, boneless <ah1-omitl-yo:tl1>
<ah1-omitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. not bony, boneless
FC jc-031297

0. incapable

1. incapable
FC -> jc-72895
2. incapable

3. incapable

4. incapable
FC jc-031297

0. no longer, nevermore

1. no longer, nevermore
FC -> jc-72895
2. no longer, nevermore

3. no longer, nevermore

4. no longer, nevermore <ah1-oc-i:c2>

<ah1-oc-i:c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. no longer, nevermore <ah1-oc-i:c2>
<ah1-oc-i:c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. no longer, nevermore <ah1-oc-i:c2>
<ah1-oc-i:c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. no longer, nevermore
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. in a watery cavern; in underwater caverns

1. in a watery cavern; in underwater caverns

FC -> jc-72895
2. in a watery cavern; in underwater caverns

3. in a watery cavern; in underwater caverns

4. in a watery cavern; in underwater caverns

FC jc-031297

0. watery cavern

1. watery cavern
FC -> jc-72895
2. watery cavern

3. watery cavern

4. watery cavern
FC jc-031297

0. body of water

1. body of water
FC -> jc-72895
2. body of water

3. body of water

4. body of water <a:tl1-pan>

<a:tl1-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. body of water <a:tl1-pan>
<a:tl1-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. body of water
FC jc-031297

0. water people, people who live on the water

1. water people, people who live on the water

FC -> jc-72895
2. water people, people who live on the water
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. water people, people who live on the water

4. water people, people who live on the water

FC jc-031297

0. basin; earthen basin; earthen tub; tub

1. basin; earthen basin; earthen tub; tub

FC -> jc-72895
2. basin; earthen basin; earthen tub; tub

3. basin; earthen basin; earthen tub; tub

4. basin
FC - > jc-61096
5. basin; earthen basin; earthen tub <ahpa:ztli>
<ahpa:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
6. vessel, basin
FC - > jc-61096
7. basin; earthen basin; earthen tub; tub
FC jc-031297

0. iron pyrites
FC -> jc-72895
1. iron pyrites
FC jc-031297

0. they guard the water

1. they guard the water

FC -> jc-72895
2. they guard the water

3. they guard the water

4. they guard the water <a:tl1-piya>

<a:tl1-piya> FC - > jc-61096
5. they guard the water <a:tl1-piya>
<a:tl1-piya> FC - > jc-61096
6. they guard the water
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. water jar

1. water jar
FC -> jc-72895
2. water jar

3. water jar

4. water jar <a:tl1-pi:loa-l1>

<a:tl1-pi:loa-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. water jar <a:tl1-pi:loa-l1>
<a:tl1-pi:loa-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. water jar
FC jc-031297

0. diarrhea

1. diarrhea
FC -> jc-72895
2. diarrhea

3. diarrhea

4. diarrhea
FC jc-031297

0. little bit of diarrhea

1. little bit of diarrhea

FC -> jc-72895
2. little bit of diarrhea

3. little bit of diarrhea

4. little bit of diarrhea <a:tl1-pi:tza-l1-to:n>

<a:tl1-pi:tza-l1-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. little bit of diarrhea <a:tl1-pi:tza-l1-to:n>
<a:tl1-pi:tza-l1-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. little bit of diarrhea <a:tl1-pi:tza-l1-to:n>
<a:tl1-pi:tza-l1-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. little bit of diarrhea
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. guardians of water
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. there is death from hunger, there is starvation

1. there is death from hunger, there is starvation

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is death from hunger, there is starvation

3. there is death from hunger, there is starvation

4. there is death from hunger, there is starvation

<a:pi:ztli-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is death from hunger, there is starvation
<a:pi:ztli-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is death from hunger, there is starvation
<a:pi:ztli-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is death from hunger, there is starvation
FC jc-031297

0. there was death from hunger, there was starvation

1. there was death from hunger, there was starvation

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was death from hunger, there was starvation

3. there was death from hunger, there was starvation

4. there was death from hunger, there was starvation

<a:pi:ztli-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was death from hunger, there was starvation
<a:pi:ztli-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was death from hunger, there was starvation
<a:pi:ztli-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was death from hunger, there was starvation
<a:pi:ztli-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. there was death from hunger, there was starvation

<a:pi:ztli-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
9. there was death from hunger, there was starvation
FC jc-031297

0. they died of hunger, they starved

1. they died of hunger, they starved

FC -> jc-72895
2. they died of hunger, they starved

3. they died of hunger, they starved

4. they died of hunger, they starved <a:pi:ztli-miqui-plur01>

<a:pi:ztli-miqui-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they died of hunger, they starved <a:pi:ztli-miqui-plur01>
<a:pi:ztli-miqui-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they died of hunger, they starved
FC jc-031297

0. starved, dying of hunger

1. starved, dying of hunger

FC -> jc-72895
2. starved, dying of hunger

3. starved, dying of hunger

4. starved, dying of hunger <a:pi:ztli-miqui-prt1-c2>

<a:pi:ztli-miqui-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. starved, dying of hunger <a:pi:ztli-miqui-prt1-c2>
<a:pi:ztli-miqui-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. starved, dying of hunger <a:pi:ztli-miqui-prt1-c2>
<a:pi:ztli-miqui-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. starved, dying of hunger
FC jc-031297

0. they hungered

1. they hungered
FC -> jc-72895
2. they hungered
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they hungered

4. they hungered <a:pi:ztli-miqui-ya3>

<a:pi:ztli-miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they hungered <a:pi:ztli-miqui-ya3>
<a:pi:ztli-miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they hungered <a:pi:ztli-miqui-ya3>
<a:pi:ztli-miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they hungered
FC jc-031297

0. hunger; starvation

1. hunger; starvation
FC -> jc-72895
2. hunger; starvation

3. hunger; starvation

4. hunger, starvation <a:pi:ztli-miqui-liz>

<a:pi:ztli-miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. hunger, starvation <a:pi:ztli-miqui-liz>
<a:pi:ztli-miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. hunger; starvation
FC jc-031297

0. they will be hungry
FC -> jc-72895
1. they will be hungry <a:pi:ztli-miqui-z-plur01>
<a:pi:ztli-miqui-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
2. they will be hungry <a:pi:ztli-miqui-z-plur01>
<a:pi:ztli-miqui-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
3. they will be hungry
FC jc-031297

0. place of hunger

1. place of hunger
FC -> jc-72895
2. place of hunger

3. place of hunger
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. place of hunger
FC jc-031297

0. hambre ( hunger )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. famine, hunger
FC -> jc-72895
2. famine, hunger

3. famine, hunger

4. famine, hunger <a:pi:ztli>

<a:pi:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. hambre ( hunger )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
6. famine, hunger
FC jc-031297

0. amber

1. amber
FC -> jc-72895
2. amber

3. amber

4. amber
FC jc-031297

0. amber ear plug
FC jc-031297

0. it boils, it bubbles

1. it boils, it bubbles
FC -> jc-72895
2. it boils, it bubbles

3. it boils, it bubbles

4. it boils, it bubbles
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. fit
1. (cf calaqui) fit
2. (cf calaqui) fit

0. in no way; in no manner

1. in no way; in no manner
FC -> jc-72895
2. in no way; in no manner

3. in no way; in no manner

4. in no way, in no manner <ah1-que:n>

<ah1-que:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. in no way; in no manner
FC jc-031297

0. never

1. never
FC -> jc-72895
2. never

3. never

4. never <ah1-que:mman>
<ah1-que:mman> FC - > jc-61096
5. never
FC jc-031297

0. he enters; he fits; he who; one who

1. pron interrogativo # quie'n ?, # cua'l ?; ac axcaua ? o

aqui axca ? o ac tlatquihua ? o aqui tlatqui ?, # quie'n
es el duen~o ?; ac oc mitz-paleuiz ?, # quie'n te
ayudara' pues ?; aquin in ? ( par ), # quie'n es e'ste
?; aquin on ? ( par ), # quie'n es aque'l ?; aaui
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

yuhqui o ?, # quie'n es como aque'l ? a rnenudo va unido

a los pron personales nehuatl, tehuatl, yehuatl, etc -
ac tehuatl ?, # quie'n eres ?; ac tehuantin ? ( car ),
# quie'nes somos ?; ac amehuatin ?, # quie'nes sois ?;
ac ye ?, ac yehuatl ?, aquehuatl o aqueuatl ?, # cua'l
[ de ellos ] ? o # quie'n es aque'l ?; ac ye in oc cenca
qualli ?, # cua'l de ellos es el mejor ?; ac ye in oc
cenca tic tlazotla ?, # quie'n te gusta ma's ?, # cua'l
prefieres ?; ac yehuatl i ?, # quie'n es e'ste ? ac nel
?, # quie'n, pues ?; ac nel yaz ?, # entonces quie'n
ira' ? pl aquique ? - aquique yehuantin ?, # quie'nes son
aque'llos ?; amaquique ( por an-aquique ) o bien
interponiendo el pron an, acamique ? ( car ), #
quie'nes sois ?, # cua'les de vosotros ? o # alguno de
vosotros ?; actique ? ( car ), # quie'nes somos ?;
aquique onech temoque ? ( par ) # quie'nes son aquellos
que me han buscado ? precedido de in, este pron deja de
ser interrogativo - in aquin nech-notza ( par ) aquel que
me llama; in aquique ( olm ), aquellos que
sim p 5
2. he enters; he fits; he who; one who
FC -> jc-72895
3. he enters; he fits; he who; one who

4. he enters; he fits; he who; one who

5. he fits <aqui>
<aqui> FC - > jc-61096
6. he who, one who <a:c1-in>
<a:c1-in> FC - > jc-61096
7. to put
FC - > jc-61096
8. he enters; he fits; he who; one who
FC jc-031297

aqui ( on- )
0. caben ( they fit )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. she entered

1. she entered
FC -> jc-72895
2. she entered
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. she entered

4. she entered <aqui-ya3>

<aqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. she entered
FC jc-031297

0. he put it in

0. they do not know it

1. they do not know it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they do not know it

3. they do not know it

4. they do not know it

FC jc-031297

0. water mouse

1. water mouse
FC -> jc-72895
2. water mouse

3. water mouse

4. water mouse
FC jc-031297

0. quien; el que ( who; whoever )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. quie'n ( who; whoever )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. he who; the one who; who; one who; anyone; one; someone;
whoever; one that; she who; whom
FC -> jc-72895
3. he who; the one who; who; one who; anyone; one; someone;
whoever; one that; she who; whom
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he who; the one who; who; one who; anyone; one; someone;
whoever; one that; she who; whom

5. he who, the one who; one who; whoever; anyone; who; someone
<a:c1-in> FC - > jc-61096
6. he who, who, the one who; one who; one; one that; she who;
someone; whoever; anyone; whom <a:c1-in>
<a:c1-in> FC - > jc-61096
7. quien; el que ( who; whoever )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
8. quie'n ( who; whoever )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
9. he who; the one who; who; one who; anyone; one; someone;
whoever; one that; she who; whom
FC jc-031297

aquin ?
0. pron interrogativo # quie'n ?, # cua'l ?; ac axcaua ? o
aqui axca ? o ac tlatquihua ? o aqui tlatqui ?, # quie'n
es el duen~o ?; ac oc mitz-paleuiz ?, # quie'n te
ayudara' pues ?; aquin in ? ( par ), # quie'n es e'ste
?; aquin on ? ( par ), # quie'n es aque'l ?; aaui
yuhqui o ?, # quie'n es como aque'l ? a rnenudo va unido
a los pron personales nehuatl, tehuatl, yehuatl, etc -
ac tehuatl ?, # quie'n eres ?; ac tehuantin ? ( car ),
# quie'nes somos ?; ac amehuatin ?, # quie'nes sois ?;
ac ye ?, ac yehuatl ?, aquehuatl o aqueuatl ?, # cua'l
[ de ellos ] ? o # quie'n es aque'l ?; ac ye in oc cenca
qualli ?, # cua'l de ellos es el mejor ?; ac ye in oc
cenca tic tlazotla ?, # quie'n te gusta ma's ?, # cua'l
prefieres ?; ac yehuatl i ?, # quie'n es e'ste ? ac nel
?, # quie'n, pues ?; ac nel yaz ?, # entonces quie'n
ira' ? pl aquique ? - aquique yehuantin ?, # quie'nes son
aque'llos ?; amaquique ( por an-aquique ) o bien
interponiendo el pron an, acamique ? ( car ), #
quie'nes sois ?, # cua'les de vosotros ? o # alguno de
vosotros ?; actique ? ( car ), # quie'nes somos ?;
aquique onech temoque ? ( par ) # quie'nes son aquellos
que me han buscado ? precedido de in, este pron deja de
ser interrogativo - in aquin nech-notza ( par ) aquel que
me llama; in aquique ( olm ), aquellos que
sim p 5

aquin oc ce
0. who else
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he does not want it, he does not wish it

1. he does not want it, he does not wish it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he does not want it, he does not wish it

3. he does not want it, he does not wish it

4. he does not want it, he does not wish it <ah1-p33-nequi>

<ah1-p33-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he does not want it, he does not wish it
FC jc-031297

0. those who; some; those; who (pl)

1. those who; some; those; who (pl)

FC -> jc-72895
2. those who; some; those; who (pl)

3. those who
4. those who; some; those; who (pl)

5. those who
6. those who <a:c1-???-qui1-plur01>
<a:c1-???-qui1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. those who <a:c1-???-qui1-plur01>
<a:c1-???-qui1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
8. those who; some; someone; those; who; who ( pl )
FC jc-031297

0. he puts it on

0. itlahuicecahuan mochihuazque in mitoa: inic aquitlazotla in
intzontecon, in imelchiquiuh, teca momotla, tehuic
mopetlatihui: they would become his standard-bearing
warriors, who, it was said, courted danger, hurled
themselves against the foe, and joined in the fray
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ah1-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b4 f9 c26 p89)

1. itlahuicecahuan mochihuazque in mitoa: inic aquitlazotla in
intzontecon, in imelchiquiuh, teca momotla, tehuic
mopetlatihui: they would become his standard-bearing
warriors, who, it was said, courted danger, hurled
themselves against the foe, and joined in the fray
<ah1-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a> (b4 f9 c26 p89) JC-7/23/96 JC-7/23/96

0. it will not endure it

1. it will not endure it

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will not endure it

3. it will not endure it

4. it will not endure it

FC jc-031297

0. they will not see it

1. they will not see it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will not see it

3. they will not see it

4. they will not see it

FC jc-031297

0. arado ( plow )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. perhaps
1. perhaps
FC -> jc-72895
2. perhaps
3. perhaps
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. perhaps <at>
<at> FC - > jc-61096
5. perhaps
FC jc-031297

0. in ihcuac atamalcualoya when water tamales were eaten
Cuando tamales vaporizados heran comidos
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1

0. ruddy duck
1. ruddy duck
FC -> jc-72895
2. ruddy duck
3. ruddy duck
4. ruddy duck <a:tl1-tapalcatl>
<a:tl1-tapalcatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. ruddy duck <a:tl1-tapalcatl>
<a:tl1-tapalcatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. ruddy duck <a:tl1-tapalcatl-yo:tl1>
<a:tl1-tapalcatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. ruddy duck
FC jc-031297

0. it dug for water

1. it dug for water

FC -> jc-72895
2. it dug for water

3. it dug for water

4. it dug for water

FC jc-031297

0. he had it coming

1. he had it coming
FC -> jc-72895
2. he had it coming
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he had it coming

4. he had it coming
FC jc-031297

0. louse

0. one who has lice ( atemitl = louse )

0. louse

1. louse
FC - > jc-61096

0. at the shore; coast; shore; water's edge; on the bank; on
the shore; on the coast; sea coast

1. at the shore; coast; shore; water's edge; on the bank; on

the shore; on the coast; sea coast
FC -> jc-72895
2. at the shore; coast; shore; water's edge; on the bank; on
the shore; on the coast; sea coast

3. at the shore; coast; shore; water's edge; on the bank; on

the shore; on the coast; sea coast

4. at the shore; on the coast; on the bank; on the shore; sea

coast; shore <a:tl1-te:ntli-co1>
<a:tl1-te:ntli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. at the shore; on the coast; on the bank; on the shore; sea
coast; shore <a:tl1-te:ntli-co1>
<a:tl1-te:ntli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. at the shore; on the coast; on the bank; on the shore; sea
coast; shore <a:tl1-te:ntli-co1>
<a:tl1-te:ntli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. at the shore; coast; shore; water's edge; on the bank; on
the shore; on the coast; sea coast
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. man of the river banks

1. man of the river banks

FC -> jc-72895
2. man of the river banks

3. man of the river banks

4. man of the river banks <a:tl1-te:ntli-huah>

<a:tl1-te:ntli-huah> FC - > jc-61096
5. man of the river banks <a:tl1-te:ntli-huah>
<a:tl1-te:ntli-huah> FC - > jc-61096
6. man of the river banks
FC jc-031297

0. those of the seashore
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. lousy

1. lousy
FC -> jc-72895
2. lousy

3. lousy

4. lousy <atemitl-yo:tl1>
<atemitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. lousy
FC jc-031297

0. ceaseless talker

1. ceaseless talker
FC -> jc-72895
2. ceaseless talker

3. ceaseless talker

4. ceaseless talker
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it becomes lousy

1. it becomes lousy
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes lousy

3. it becomes lousy

4. it becomes lousy <atemitl-yo:tl1-v09>

<atemitl-yo:tl1-v09> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes lousy <atemitl-yo:tl1-v09>
<atemitl-yo:tl1-v09> FC - > jc-61096
6. it becomes lousy <atemitl-yo:tl1-v09>
<atemitl-yo:tl1-v09> FC - > jc-61096
7. it becomes lousy
FC jc-031297

0. american bittern (bit tern1 (b1t"rn) n Any of several
wading birds of the genera Botaurus and Ixobrychus, having
mottled, brownish plumage and a deep, booming cry in the
male [Middle English bitour (with -n perhaps from heron)
from Old French butor, po

1. american bittern
FC -> jc-72895
2. american bittern (bit tern1 (b1t"rn) n Any of several
wading birds of the genera Botaurus and Ixobrychus, having
mottled, brownish plumage and a deep, booming cry in the
male [Middle English bitour (with -n perhaps from heron)
from Old French butor, po

3. american bittern (bit tern1 (b1t"rn) n Any of several

wading birds of the genera Botaurus and Ixobrychus, having
mottled, brownish plumage and a deep, booming cry in the
male [Middle English bitour (with -n perhaps from heron)
from Old French butor, po

4. american bittern
FC jc-031297

0. they pour water

1. they pour water
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they pour water

3. they pour water

4. they pour water <a:tl1-dupl-te:ca>

<a:tl1-dupl-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. they pour water <a:tl1-dupl-te:ca>
<a:tl1-dupl-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
6. they pour water <a:tl1-dupl-te:ca>
<a:tl1-dupl-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
7. they pour water
FC jc-031297

0. testicle

1. testicle
FC - > jc-61096

0. in craggy water; water in the crags(crag (kr²g) n A steeply
projecting mass of rock forming part of a rugged cliff or
headland [Middle English, from Welsh craig or Scottish
Gaelic creagh] --crag"ged (kr²g"1d) adj

1. in craggy water; water in the crags

FC -> jc-72895
2. in craggy water; water in the crags(crag (kr²g) n A steeply
projecting mass of rock forming part of a rugged cliff or
headland [Middle English, from Welsh craig or Scottish
Gaelic creagh] --crag"ged (kr²g"1d) adj

3. in craggy water; water in the crags(crag (kr²g) n A steeply

projecting mass of rock forming part of a rugged cliff or
headland [Middle English, from Welsh craig or Scottish
Gaelic creagh] --crag"ged (kr²g"1d) adj

4. water in the crags <a:tl1-texcalli2-co1>

<a:tl1-texcalli2-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. water in the crags <a:tl1-texcalli2-co1>
<a:tl1-texcalli2-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. water in the crags <a:tl1-texcalli2-co1>
<a:tl1-texcalli2-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. in craggy water; water in the crags
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. water cavern in the crags

1. water cavern in the crags

FC -> jc-72895
2. water cavern in the crags

3. water cavern in the crags

4. water cavern in the crags <a:tl1-texcalli2-o:zto:tl>

<a:tl1-texcalli2-o:zto:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. water cavern in the crags <a:tl1-texcalli2-o:zto:tl>
<a:tl1-texcalli2-o:zto:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. water cavern in the crags <a:tl1-texcalli2-o:zto:tl>
<a:tl1-texcalli2-o:zto:tl> FC - > jc-61096
7. water cavern in the crags
FC jc-031297

0. sack of the testicles

1. sack of the testicles

FC - > jc-61096
2. sack of the testicles
FC - > jc-61096

0. pool of water, or a water gauge

1. pool of water, or a water gauge

FC - > jc-61096
2. pool of water, or a water gauge
FC - > jc-61096
3. pond
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes loose; it is softened; it liquefies; it melts;
it loosens

1. it becomes loose; it is softened; it liquefies; it melts;

it loosens
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes loose; it is softened; it liquefies; it melts;
it loosens
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it becomes loose; it is softened; it liquefies; it melts;

it loosens

4. it becomes loose; it is softened <a:tl1-v01a-v01b>

<a:tl1-v01a-v01b> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes loose; it is softened <a:tl1-v01a-v01b>
<a:tl1-v01a-v01b> FC - > jc-61096
6. it becomes loose; it is softened; it liquefies; it melts;
it loosens <a:tl1-v01a-v01b>
<a:tl1-v01a-v01b> FC - > jc-61096
7. it liquefies, it melts; it loosens <a:tl1-v01>
<a:tl1-v01> FC - > jc-61096
8. it becomes loose; it is softened; it liquefies; it melts;
it loosens
FC jc-031297

0. something that melts

1. something that melts

FC -> jc-72895
2. something that melts

3. something that melts

4. something that melts <a:tl1-v01a-ni1>

<a:tl1-v01a-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. something that melts <a:tl1-v01a-ni1>
<a:tl1-v01a-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. something that melts
FC jc-031297
7. auh inin paconi
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
8. pitzaloni

9. atililoni

10. atiani

11. and this is that which can be washed

12. can be cast

13. can be liquefied; that which melts
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. loose; sparse; watery; dissolved in water; transparent;
liquefied; liquid; runny; soft; clear; relaxed;
loose-woven; sparce; aqueous, runny; loose; sparse; watery;
transparent; sparce; liquid; relaxed; clear; loose-woven;
liquefied; soft; dissolved in water

1. aqueous, runny
FC -> jc-72895
2. loose; sparse; watery; dissolved in water; transparent;
liquefied; liquid; runny; soft; clear; relaxed;
loose-woven; sparce
FC -> jc-72895
3. loose; sparse; watery; dissolved in water; transparent;
liquefied; liquid; runny; soft; clear; relaxed;
loose-woven; sparce; aqueous, runny; loose; sparse; watery;
transparent; sparce; liquid; relaxed; clear; loose-woven;
liquefied; soft; dissolved in water

4. loose; sparse; watery; dissolved in water; transparent;

liquefied; liquid; runny; soft; clear; relaxed;
loose-woven; sparce; aqueous, runny; loose; sparse; watery;
transparent; sparce; liquid; relaxed; clear; loose-woven;
liquefied; soft; dissolved in water

5. aqueous, runny; loose; sparse; watery; transparent; sparce;

liquid; relaxed; clear; loose-woven; liquefied; soft;
dissolved in water <a:tl1-tic>
<a:tl1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. watery, transparent; loose; relaxed; dissolved in water
<a:tl1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. runny, watery
Adj Form jc-022897
8. aqueous, runny
FC jc-031297
9. loose; sparse; watery; dissolved in water; transparent;
liquefied; liquid; runny; soft; clear; relaxed;
loose-woven; sparce
FC jc-031297
10. runny
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
11. watery
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
12. soggy
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

13. sodden

14. wet

15. drenched

16. soaked

17. runny

18. watery

0. with chocolate, by means of chocolate, by means of drink;
with drink; with water; by means of water

1. with chocolate, by means of chocolate, by means of drink;

with drink; with water; by means of water
FC -> jc-72895
2. with chocolate, by means of chocolate, by means of drink;
with drink; with water; by means of water

3. with chocolate, by means of chocolate, by means of drink;

with drink; with water; by means of water

4. with water, by means of water; with chocolate; by means of

chocolate; by means of drink; with drink <a:tl1-ti1-ca2>
<a:tl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with water, by means of water; with chocolate; by means of
chocolate; by means of drink; with drink <a:tl1-ti1-ca2>
<a:tl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. with chocolate, by means of chocolate, by means of drink;
with drink; with water; by means of water
FC jc-031297

0. something that can be liquefied

1. something that can be liquefied

FC -> jc-72895
2. something that can be liquefied

3. something that can be liquefied
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. something that can be liquefied <a:tl1-v01-caus04-lo:1-ni1>

<a:tl1-v01-caus04-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. something that can be liquefied <a:tl1-v01-caus04-lo:1-ni1>
<a:tl1-v01-caus04-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. something that can be liquefied <a:tl1-v01-caus04-lo:1-ni1>
<a:tl1-v01-caus04-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. something that can be liquefied
FC jc-031297
8. auh inin paconi
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
9. pitzaloni

10. atililoni

11. atiani

12. and this is that which can be washed

13. can be cast

14. can be liquefied; that which melts

0. you are untrained

1. you are untrained

FC -> jc-72895
2. you are untrained

3. you are untrained

4. you are untrained <ah1-p12-p54-izcalia:>

<ah1-p12-p54-izcalia:> FC - > jc-61096
5. you are untrained <ah1-p12-p54-izcalia:>
<ah1-p12-p54-izcalia:> FC - > jc-61096
6. you are untrained
FC jc-031297

0. we are nothing

1. we are nothing
FC -> jc-72895
2. we are nothing
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. we are nothing

4. we are nothing
FC jc-031297

0. to melt
FC - > jc-61096

atiya matilia
0. it melts

0. watered chalk
FC jc-031297

0. agua ( water )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. water; chocolate; drink; lake; river; sea
FC -> jc-72895
2. water; chocolate; drink; lake; river; sea

3. water; chocolate; drink; lake; river; sea

4. water, lake; sea; drink; river; chocolate <a:tl1>

<a:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. agua ( water )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. water; chocolate; drink; lake; river; sea
FC jc-031297

atl cecec tzitzicaztli

0. castigation, punishment; reprimands and corrections

1. castigation, punishment; reprimands and corrections

FC -> jc-72895
2. castigation, punishment; reprimands and corrections
FC -> jc-72895
3. castigation, punishment; reprimands and corrections

4. castigation, punishment; reprimands and corrections

5. punishment; castigation; reprimands and corrections <a:tl1

-- tzi:tzica:ztli>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<a:tl1 -- tzi:tzica:ztli> FC - > jc-61096

6. punishment; reprimands and corrections <a:tl1 --
<a:tl1 -- tzi:tzica:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
7. castigation, punishment; reprimands and corrections
FC jc-031297

atl tepetl
0. city

1. city
FC -> jc-72895
2. city
FC -> jc-72895
3. city

4. city

5. city <a:tl1 tepe:tl>

<a:tl1 tepe:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. city <a:tl1 tepe:tl>
<a:tl1 tepe:tl> FC - > jc-61096
7. city
FC jc-031297

atl tlacualli
0. sustenance

1. sustenance
FC -> jc-72895
2. sustenance
FC -> jc-72895
3. sustenance

4. sustenance

5. sustenance <a:tl1 p51-cua:-l1>

<a:tl1 p51-cua:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. sustenance <a:tl1 p51-cua:-l1>
<a:tl1 p51-cua:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. sustenance <a:tl1 p51-cua:-l1>
<a:tl1 p51-cua:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. sustenance
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. salamander (water-doll), ajolote


0. in the water
FC jc-031297

0. evil men; inhuman people, waterfolk; fisher folk

1. evil men; inhuman people

FC -> jc-72895
2. water folk; fisher folk
FC -> jc-72895
3. evil men; inhuman people, waterfolk; fisher folk

4. evil men; inhuman people, waterfolk; fisher folk

5. evil men; inhuman people <ah1-tla:catl-plur06>

<ah1-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
6. evil men; water folk <ah1-tla:catl-plur06>
<ah1-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
7. water folk; fisher folk <a:tl1-tla:catl-plur06>
<a:tl1-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
8. evil men; inhuman people
FC jc-031297
9. water folk; fisher folk
FC jc-031297

0. diabolical, inhuman; man of the water; monster; inhuman
person; savage; sailor; man of the water

1. diabolical, inhuman; man of the water; monster; inhuman

person; savage
FC -> jc-72895
2. diabolical, inhuman; man of the water; monster; inhuman
person; savage; sailor; man of the water

3. diabolical, inhuman; man of the water; monster; inhuman

person; savage; sailor; man of the water

4. diabolical, inhuman; man of the water; monster; inhuman

person; savage <ah1-tla:catl>
<ah1-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
5. diabolical, inhuman; monster; inhuman person; savage
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ah1-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
6. man of the water <a:tl1-tla:catl>
<a:tl1-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
7. sailor
FC - > jc-61096
8. diabolical, inhuman; man of the water; monster; inhuman
person; savage
FC jc-031297

0. he does not look, he is unobservant

1. he does not look, he is unobservant

FC -> jc-72895
2. he does not look, he is unobservant

3. he does not look, he is unobservant

4. he does not look, he is unobservant

FC jc-031297

0. en el ri'o; en la barranca ( at the river; in the ravine )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. slippery

1. slippery
FC -> jc-72895
2. slippery

3. slippery

4. slippery
FC jc-031297

0. they transport water, they get water

1. they transport water, they get water

FC -> jc-72895
2. they transport water, they get water

3. they transport water, they get water
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they transport water, they get water

FC jc-031297

0. she fetched water, she drew water

1. she fetched water, she drew water

FC -> jc-72895
2. she fetched water, she drew water

3. she fetched water, she drew water

4. she fetched water, she drew water

FC jc-031297

0. Tlapacatoqueh nochtin atlahco Esta'n lavando todas en la
barranca They are all washing by the cliff
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
1. Tlapacaticateh [ tlapacatcateh ] nochtin atlahco Esta'n
lavando todas en la barranca They are all washing by the
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. irrigated land

1. irrigated land
FC - > jc-61096
2. irrigated land
FC - > jc-61096

0. by the water; from the water; in the water; into the water;
in water; on the water; through the water

1. by the water; from the water; in the water; into the water;
in water; on the water; through the water
FC -> jc-72895
2. by the water; from the water; in the water; into the water;
in water; on the water; through the water

3. by the water; from the water; in the water; into the water;
in water; on the water; through the water
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. by the water; from the water; in the water; into the water;
in water; on the water; through the water <a:tl1-tlan>
<a:tl1-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
5. by the water; from the water; in the water; into the water;
in water; on the water; through the water <a:tl1-tlan>
<a:tl1-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
6. by the water
FC jc-031297
7. from the water; in the water; into the water; in water; on
the water; through the water
FC jc-031297

0. unbelief, lack of belief
FC jc-031297

0. nacayo, yollo, acazoayo, ahuazoayo, quillo, ixe, atlapale*,
it has wood, a center, leaves; leaves, foliage, knots,
leaves (b11 f11 p106), quillo, atlapale, tlacoyo, zacayo,
it has stems, leaves, stalks, grass blades (b11 f19 p194)
1. leafed, having leaves; winged; having wings
FC -> jc-72895
2. leafed, having leaves; winged; having wings

3. nacayo, yollo, acazoayo, ahuazoayo, quillo, ixe, atlapale*,

it has wood, a center, leaves; leaves, foliage, knots,
leaves (b11 f11 p106), quillo, atlapale, tlacoyo, zacayo,
it has stems, leaves, stalks, grass blades (b11 f19 p194)
4. leafed, having leaves; winged; having wings

5. leafed, having leaves; winged; having wings <ahtlapalli-eh1>

<ahtlapalli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. leafed, having leaves; winged; having wings
FC jc-031297

0. cuitlapille atlapalle he who possesses the tail, he who
possesses the wing (b6 f19 p245)

0. teteo innan, teteo inta, huehue teotl, nican huallatia in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, in macehualli: mother of the
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

gods, father of the gods, the old god, here hath come a man
of low estate (b1 f1 p24), ca iuh machiotica, in
tonalamapan: in oncan tictlapielia, in cuitlapilli,
atlapalli: for here it is depicted in the book of days,
which the common folk have caused to be guarded for thee
(b5 f1 p152), ca ye xaxamaca, ca ye ixpolihui im
macehualli, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli: already there is
havoc, already the common folk, the vassals, are destroyed
(b6 f1 p2), cententica, ac cencamatica nimitznotza,
nimitztzatzilia: in ica in ipampa, in cuitlapilli, in
atlapalli: in nentlacatl in aquimatinemi, in nennemi, in
nencochi, in nenmehua: in quinenquixtia in motlacatzin, in
moyohualtzin: in one word, or two, i call to thee, i cry
out to thee for--on behalf of--the vassals, the useless;
the ignorant; the vagabonds; those who sleep, who arise to
no purpose; those who waste thy day, thy night (b6 f1 p7),
mach oc hualmotlamachitia, anca za quen polihuiz: auh anca
za quen popololoz in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli: will he
still concern himself, considering that the vassals will
somehow perish and considering that they will somehow be
destroyed? (b6 f2 p22), a yeh motolinia in tlatquitl, in
tlamamalli, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli: ca inan, ca ita
quitemoa, ca inan ita quinequi, ca mopachollani: o, the
poor, the governed, who seek their mother, their father;
who require their mother, their father; who desire to be
governed (b6 f2 p23), auh iz in macehualli in cuitlapilli,
in atlapalli: ca ye ixpolihui ca tlaixcuatolpohpozahua,
tlatenzacuahua, tlaomizahui, tlacoloihui,
tlachichiquilihui: "and the common folk, the vassals, here
already perish; the eyelids are swollen; they become
drymouthed; they become bony, become twisted, become [as
if] scraped [thin]" (b6 f3 p35), za tlatenpitzahua,
tlaquechticehua in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli thin are the
lips, blanched are the throats of the vassals (b6 f3 p35),
cuix za aocmo, cuix za yaz, cuix za polihuiz in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli in macehualli: perhaps the
vassals, the common folk, will just go, will just perish?
(b6 f3 p36), auh inin tlacatle totecue: in axcan ca nelli
in tecoco, in ye conitta, in ye commati, in ye quitimaloa
in macehualli, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, in itconi, in
mamaloni in tlamamalli: ca ye huel ompa onquiza, "but this
[hunger], o master, o our lord: now, in truth, the common
folk, the vassals, the subjects, already witness,
experience, magnify suffering, for they are really
destitute; in truth, these same are destitute (b6 f3 p38),
macamo ica mahuiltizque in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cencuahuitl, in cenzacatl mantiuh, in cemixtlahuatl

tentimani may they not mock the vassals who travel all the
forest, all the grasslands, who fill all the desert (b6 f4
p39), huehueteotl in tlexicco, in xiuhtetzacualco maquitoc
in xiuhteuctli in teahaltia, in tepapaca: auh in
quicotonilia, in quicahuilia in ipolihuia in iacoquizaya in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli in macehualli and who will
pronounce for thy progenitor, the mother of the gods the
father of the gods, ueueteoto, who is set in the center of
the hearth, in the turquoise enclosure, xiuhtecutli, who
batheth the people, washeth the people, and who
determineth, who concedeth the destruction, the exaltation
of the vassals, of the common folk (b6 f4 p41), quen
nicchihuaz in tlatquitl, in tlamamalli, in cuitlapilli, in
atlapalli: in what manner shall i act for the governed, for
the vassals? (b6 f4 p42), auh in aoc nane, in aoc tate in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, and the vassals no longer
possess a mother, no longer possess a father (b6 f4 p47),
teh mocuitlapan, teh mocuexanco, teh momamalhuazco
quitlalia in toteucyo, in tlatquitl in tlamamalli, in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli in macehualli in monenequini, in
mozozomani: on thy back, on the lap, in thy arms our lord
placeth the governed, the vassals, the common folk, the
capricious, the peevish (b6 f4 p49), auh quexquich ipan
tlanamic in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, and how many vassals
have incurred punishment for it? (b6 f6 p72), tehhuatl
toconchoquiliz, toconixayopapachoz in cuitlapilli
atlapalli: thou wilt weep for the vassals; thou wilt stop
their tears (b6 f6 p76), te momac maniz in matlalatl, in
toxpalatl in ipapacoca, in iahaltiloca in cuitlapilli, in
atlapalli: in thy hands will rest the blue water, the
yellow water, the means of washing, of bathing, the vassals
(b6 f6 p76), cuix xaxamacaz, cuix ixpolihuiz in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, will perhaps the vassals be
dispersed? will they be destroyed? (b6 f7 p82), ye
quixayopapachotiez in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli: he will
stop the tears of the vassals (b6 f7 p84), imac quimanilia
in matlalatl, in toxpalatl, inic altilo in cuitlapilli, in
atlapalli, in his hand he placeth the blue water, the
yellow water with which the vassals are bathed (b6 f7 p88),
ahmo no ye motzotzotzoma ticcuiz, amo motech tictlaliz in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, in iaxcatzin, in itlatquitzin,
ca tlaquequeloliztli caci, nor art thou to take rags; thou
art not to place on thyself the goods, the property of the
vassals, for it achieveth ridicule (b6 f8 p100), auh
macihui in quinmocnoittili toteucyo, in achica, in cuel
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

achic petlapan, icpalpan oyeco: in ohuel contlatetequilico

in tloque, nahuaque: in ocahhaltico cuitlapilli, atlapalli
in oquixayopapachoco, in oquicotonaco in miquiztli: ca amo
ic oquen mochihuaco, "and although our lord showed them
mercy--when, for a while, for a brief time, they came to
occupy the realm, those who came ordering things well for
our lord of the near, of the nigh, who came bathing the
vassals, who came suppressing their tears, who came
determining sentences of death--this made no difference to
them (b6 f9 p106), quimotititlania, in atl, in tepetl, in
oquimottitili in ipetlatzin, in icpaltzin: in ye imac mani
in matlalatl, in toxpalatl, in ye quipapaca, in ye
cahaltia, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli in ye imac ca, in ye
icamac ca, in ye atl cecec, in tzitzicaztli, in petlacuac,
in icpalcuac oquimotlalili toteucyo, in oquimocnomachiti:
already he commandeth the city; he hath procured his realm;
already in his hands rest the blue water, the yellow water;
already he washeth, he batheth the vassals; already in his
hands, in his mouth is castigation; our lord hath placed
him in authority--him whom [our lord] hath humbled (b6 f9
p108), in oyeco petlapan, icpalpan: in oquipiaco
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, auh in ocuauhyacanaco, inn
oceloyacanaco: yehuantin in chocani, in tlaocoyani, in
mopilohuani, in mopechtecani, in toloani, in mocnomatinime:
in mitoa, huel ca iyollo, those who came to occupy the
rulership, those who came to oversee the vassals, those who
came to direct the eagle warriors, the ocelot warriors,
were the weepers, the sighers, those who humbled
themselves, those who inclined themselves, the bowers,
those who became meek, those called the secure, the
peaceful, the calm, the gentle (b6 f9 p110), in
amotlantzinco mocalaquia, in cencuahuitl, in cemixtlahuatl
mani, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, in icnocuauhtli, in
icnoocelotl, unto ye enter all who reside in the mountains,
on the deserts--the common people, the humble eagle
warriors, the humble ocelot warriors (b6 f11 p135),
quilhuia toteucyo, chalchiuhtli icue, chalchiuhtlatonac: ca
oyecoc in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, in macehualli: she
said to her: "our lady, chalchiuitl icue,
chalchiuhtlatonac, the tail feather, the wing feather, the
commoner hath arrived!" (b6 f14 p176), tehhuatl
timalacaihuaz, tehuatl tecauhyohuaz, ticehualloaz: motlan
mocalaquiz in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli thou art to be the
umbrage, thou art to be the shade, the shadow, beneath
which the vassals are to enter (b6 f15 p184), ahzo iixco,
icpac tlachiaz in atl, in tepetl: ahzo quicnopilhuiz in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cuitlapilli, in atlapalli: ah icehuallotzin, ah

yecauhyotzin itlan mocalaquiz perhaps the city will behold
his face; perhaps the common folk will deserve to enter
into his shade, into his shadow (b6 f15 p187), cuix
quicnopilhuiz, cuix quimacehuaz, in cuitlapilli, in
atlapalli: perhaps the vassals will deserve, will merit him
(b6 f15 p189), cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, the tail, the
wing (b6 f19 p244), tiqueticihuiz, ticcianmiquiz in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli: ca huei tlamamalli in
otoconmama, in huitlan tonac: thou wilt find heavy, thou
wilt find tiring the common folk, for great is the burden
which thou hast shouldered, which thou hast undertaken (b6
f20 p258), in ixquich tlamantli in ineteilhuil cuitlapilli
atlapalli macehualli: onca quicaquiliaya, oncan
quitlatzontequiliaya ; all the complaints of the lower
classes and common folk they there heard and judged (b8 f3
p41), in momoztlae imixpan moteilhuiaya, cuitlapilli
atlapalli macehualli, every day the common folk and vassals
laid complaints before them (b8 f3 p42), auh in tlatoani,
intla itla quinmachili in yehuantin teuctlatoque, ahzo zan
tlapic quihuecahua, in ineteilhuil cuitlapilli, atlapalli,
ahzo ye oxihuitl, anozo ye nauhxihuitl quinemitia in amo
huel quitzontequi, ahzo zan ipampa tlaxtlahuilli, anozo
huayolcayotl: niman quimilpia, cuauhcalco quintlalia,
quitzauctihui, and the ruler, if he knew anything ill of
these judges - perhaps that they needlessly delayed the
case of common folk, that they deliberated two years or
even four---[that] they could not pronounce judgment
because of either a bribe or kinship,---he then seized them
and jailed them in wooden cages, exacted the penalty, and
slew them, so that the judges might walk in dread (b8 f3
p42), in tlatoani oc cenca quimocuitlahuiaya in
tetlatzontequililiztli, quicaquia in ixquich in
ineteilhuil: ihuan in ichoquiz, in inentlamachiliz in
inetoliniliz in cuitlapilli, atlapalli in icnotlacatl, in
motolinia in macehualli: the ruler watched especially over
the trials; he heard all the accusations and the
complaints, the afflictions, and the misery of the common
folk, the orphans, the poor, and the vassals (b8 f3 p54),
ihuiyan yocoxca quicaquia, in ineteilhuil cuitlapilli,
atlapalli, sagely they heard the complaints of the common
folk (b8 f3 p55), macehualiztli, in papaquiliztli, inic
quimellacuahua, inic quinyollalia, in ixquichtin tlatoque,
ihuan pipilti, ihuan teteucti, ihuan tiacahuan: ihuan in
ixquich in cuitlapilli, atlapalli, in macehualli: the ruler
was greatly concerned with the dance, the rejoicing, in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

order to hearten and console all the peers, the lords, the
noblemen, the brave warriors, and all the common folk and
vassals (b8 f3 p55), in tlatoani in ihcuac quittaya,
quimatia ca cenca nentlamati in cuitlapilli, atlapalli
macehualli: niman tlanahuatiaya, inic ollamaloz, inic
teellacuahuaya, inic tepaquiltiaya tlatoani: the ruler,
when he beheld and knew that the common folk and vassals
were very fretful, then commanded that the ball game be
played, in order to animate the people and divert them (b8
f4 p58), in tlatoani quimocuitlahuiaya ipan tlatoaya in
tianquiztli, ihuan ixquich tlanamactli, impampa
cuitlapilli, atlapalli, macehualli, ihuan ixquich ahua,
tepehua in icnotlacatl, in motolinia, inic amo quequeloloz,
inic amo xixicoloz, inic ahmo ica necacayahualoz, inic ahmo
nexictiloz, the ruler took care of the directing of the
market place and all things sold, for the good of the
common folk, the vassals, and all dwellers in the city, the
poor, the unfortunate, so that [these] might not be abused,
nor suffer harm, nor be deceived nor disdained (b8 f4 p67),
motolinia in icnohuehue, in icnoilama in cuitlapilli, in
atlapalli in ayamo quimati in moquequetza, in mohuilana, in
cozoltentoc, in huapaltentoc, in ayamo quimomachitia:
unfortunate are the miserable old man, the miserable old
woman, the vassals, the one not yet of understanding, the
one who toddleth back and forth, who crawleth, who lieth
placed in the cradle, who lieth placed on the [cradle]
board, who yet knoweth nothing! (b12 f4 p56)
1. tree branch, which is a word that is used in many forms and
abstractions to mean: wooden, branch, hardwood tree,
corporal punishment (with a switch), and more It may/may
not be heard as "palo" as seen ion some dictionaries But
multiple uses for simple nouns are common I don't have
much doubt about "acatl" primarily referring to 'reed' and
"mitl" primarily referring to 'arrow' But it also seems to
be clear that "acatl" was used, by semantic extension, to
refer to 'arrow' as seen in the the Florentine Codex (Joe
2. wing
FC -> jc-72895
3. teteo innan, teteo inta, huehue teotl, nican huallatia in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, in macehualli: mother of the
gods, father of the gods, the old god, here hath come a man
of low estate (b1 f1 p24), ca iuh machiotica, in
tonalamapan: in oncan tictlapielia, in cuitlapilli,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

atlapalli: for here it is depicted in the book of days,

which the common folk have caused to be guarded for thee
(b5 f1 p152), ca ye xaxamaca, ca ye ixpolihui im
macehualli, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli: already there is
havoc, already the common folk, the vassals, are destroyed
(b6 f1 p2), cententica, ac cencamatica nimitznotza,
nimitztzatzilia: in ica in ipampa, in cuitlapilli, in
atlapalli: in nentlacatl in aquimatinemi, in nennemi, in
nencochi, in nenmehua: in quinenquixtia in motlacatzin, in
moyohualtzin: in one word, or two, i call to thee, i cry
out to thee for--on behalf of--the vassals, the useless;
the ignorant; the vagabonds; those who sleep, who arise to
no purpose; those who waste thy day, thy night (b6 f1 p7),
mach oc hualmotlamachitia, anca za quen polihuiz: auh anca
za quen popololoz in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli: will he
still concern himself, considering that the vassals will
somehow perish and considering that they will somehow be
destroyed? (b6 f2 p22), a yeh motolinia in tlatquitl, in
tlamamalli, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli: ca inan, ca ita
quitemoa, ca inan ita quinequi, ca mopachollani: o, the
poor, the governed, who seek their mother, their father;
who require their mother, their father; who desire to be
governed (b6 f2 p23), auh iz in macehualli in cuitlapilli,
in atlapalli: ca ye ixpolihui ca tlaixcuatolpohpozahua,
tlatenzacuahua, tlaomizahui, tlacoloihui,
tlachichiquilihui: "and the common folk, the vassals, here
already perish; the eyelids are swollen; they become
drymouthed; they become bony, become twisted, become [as
if] scraped [thin]" (b6 f3 p35), za tlatenpitzahua,
tlaquechticehua in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli thin are the
lips, blanched are the throats of the vassals (b6 f3 p35),
cuix za aocmo, cuix za yaz, cuix za polihuiz in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli in macehualli: perhaps the
vassals, the common folk, will just go, will just perish?
(b6 f3 p36), auh inin tlacatle totecue: in axcan ca nelli
in tecoco, in ye conitta, in ye commati, in ye quitimaloa
in macehualli, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, in itconi, in
mamaloni in tlamamalli: ca ye huel ompa onquiza, "but this
[hunger], o master, o our lord: now, in truth, the common
folk, the vassals, the subjects, already witness,
experience, magnify suffering, for they are really
destitute; in truth, these same are destitute (b6 f3 p38),
macamo ica mahuiltizque in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, in
cencuahuitl, in cenzacatl mantiuh, in cemixtlahuatl
tentimani may they not mock the vassals who travel all the
forest, all the grasslands, who fill all the desert (b6 f4
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

p39), huehueteotl in tlexicco, in xiuhtetzacualco maquitoc

in xiuhteuctli in teahaltia, in tepapaca: auh in
quicotonilia, in quicahuilia in ipolihuia in iacoquizaya in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli in macehualli and who will
pronounce for thy progenitor, the mother of the gods the
father of the gods, ueueteoto, who is set in the center of
the hearth, in the turquoise enclosure, xiuhtecutli, who
batheth the people, washeth the people, and who
determineth, who concedeth the destruction, the exaltation
of the vassals, of the common folk (b6 f4 p41), quen
nicchihuaz in tlatquitl, in tlamamalli, in cuitlapilli, in
atlapalli: in what manner shall i act for the governed, for
the vassals? (b6 f4 p42), auh in aoc nane, in aoc tate in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, and the vassals no longer
possess a mother, no longer possess a father (b6 f4 p47),
teh mocuitlapan, teh mocuexanco, teh momamalhuazco
quitlalia in toteucyo, in tlatquitl in tlamamalli, in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli in macehualli in monenequini, in
mozozomani: on thy back, on the lap, in thy arms our lord
placeth the governed, the vassals, the common folk, the
capricious, the peevish (b6 f4 p49), auh quexquich ipan
tlanamic in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, and how many vassals
have incurred punishment for it? (b6 f6 p72), tehhuatl
toconchoquiliz, toconixayopapachoz in cuitlapilli
atlapalli: thou wilt weep for the vassals; thou wilt stop
their tears (b6 f6 p76), te momac maniz in matlalatl, in
toxpalatl in ipapacoca, in iahaltiloca in cuitlapilli, in
atlapalli: in thy hands will rest the blue water, the
yellow water, the means of washing, of bathing, the vassals
(b6 f6 p76), cuix xaxamacaz, cuix ixpolihuiz in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, will perhaps the vassals be
dispersed? will they be destroyed? (b6 f7 p82), ye
quixayopapachotiez in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli: he will
stop the tears of the vassals (b6 f7 p84), imac quimanilia
in matlalatl, in toxpalatl, inic altilo in cuitlapilli, in
atlapalli, in his hand he placeth the blue water, the
yellow water with which the vassals are bathed (b6 f7 p88),
ahmo no ye motzotzotzoma ticcuiz, amo motech tictlaliz in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, in iaxcatzin, in itlatquitzin,
ca tlaquequeloliztli caci, nor art thou to take rags; thou
art not to place on thyself the goods, the property of the
vassals, for it achieveth ridicule (b6 f8 p100), auh
macihui in quinmocnoittili toteucyo, in achica, in cuel
achic petlapan, icpalpan oyeco: in ohuel contlatetequilico
in tloque, nahuaque: in ocahhaltico cuitlapilli, atlapalli
in oquixayopapachoco, in oquicotonaco in miquiztli: ca amo
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

ic oquen mochihuaco, "and although our lord showed them

mercy--when, for a while, for a brief time, they came to
occupy the realm, those who came ordering things well for
our lord of the near, of the nigh, who came bathing the
vassals, who came suppressing their tears, who came
determining sentences of death--this made no difference to
them (b6 f9 p106), quimotititlania, in atl, in tepetl, in
oquimottitili in ipetlatzin, in icpaltzin: in ye imac mani
in matlalatl, in toxpalatl, in ye quipapaca, in ye
cahaltia, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli in ye imac ca, in ye
icamac ca, in ye atl cecec, in tzitzicaztli, in petlacuac,
in icpalcuac oquimotlalili toteucyo, in oquimocnomachiti:
already he commandeth the city; he hath procured his realm;
already in his hands rest the blue water, the yellow water;
already he washeth, he batheth the vassals; already in his
hands, in his mouth is castigation; our lord hath placed
him in authority--him whom [our lord] hath humbled (b6 f9
p108), in oyeco petlapan, icpalpan: in oquipiaco
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, auh in ocuauhyacanaco, inn
oceloyacanaco: yehuantin in chocani, in tlaocoyani, in
mopilohuani, in mopechtecani, in toloani, in mocnomatinime:
in mitoa, huel ca iyollo, those who came to occupy the
rulership, those who came to oversee the vassals, those who
came to direct the eagle warriors, the ocelot warriors,
were the weepers, the sighers, those who humbled
themselves, those who inclined themselves, the bowers,
those who became meek, those called the secure, the
peaceful, the calm, the gentle (b6 f9 p110), in
amotlantzinco mocalaquia, in cencuahuitl, in cemixtlahuatl
mani, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, in icnocuauhtli, in
icnoocelotl, unto ye enter all who reside in the mountains,
on the deserts--the common people, the humble eagle
warriors, the humble ocelot warriors (b6 f11 p135),
quilhuia toteucyo, chalchiuhtli icue, chalchiuhtlatonac: ca
oyecoc in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, in macehualli: she
said to her: "our lady, chalchiuitl icue,
chalchiuhtlatonac, the tail feather, the wing feather, the
commoner hath arrived!" (b6 f14 p176), tehhuatl
timalacaihuaz, tehuatl tecauhyohuaz, ticehualloaz: motlan
mocalaquiz in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli thou art to be the
umbrage, thou art to be the shade, the shadow, beneath
which the vassals are to enter (b6 f15 p184), ahzo iixco,
icpac tlachiaz in atl, in tepetl: ahzo quicnopilhuiz in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli: ah icehuallotzin, ah
yecauhyotzin itlan mocalaquiz perhaps the city will behold
his face; perhaps the common folk will deserve to enter
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

into his shade, into his shadow (b6 f15 p187), cuix
quicnopilhuiz, cuix quimacehuaz, in cuitlapilli, in
atlapalli: perhaps the vassals will deserve, will merit him
(b6 f15 p189), cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, the tail, the
wing (b6 f19 p244), tiqueticihuiz, ticcianmiquiz in
cuitlapilli, in atlapalli: ca huei tlamamalli in
otoconmama, in huitlan tonac: thou wilt find heavy, thou
wilt find tiring the common folk, for great is the burden
which thou hast shouldered, which thou hast undertaken (b6
f20 p258), in ixquich tlamantli in ineteilhuil cuitlapilli
atlapalli macehualli: onca quicaquiliaya, oncan
quitlatzontequiliaya ; all the complaints of the lower
classes and common folk they there heard and judged (b8 f3
p41), in momoztlae imixpan moteilhuiaya, cuitlapilli
atlapalli macehualli, every day the common folk and vassals
laid complaints before them (b8 f3 p42), auh in tlatoani,
intla itla quinmachili in yehuantin teuctlatoque, ahzo zan
tlapic quihuecahua, in ineteilhuil cuitlapilli, atlapalli,
ahzo ye oxihuitl, anozo ye nauhxihuitl quinemitia in amo
huel quitzontequi, ahzo zan ipampa tlaxtlahuilli, anozo
huayolcayotl: niman quimilpia, cuauhcalco quintlalia,
quitzauctihui, and the ruler, if he knew anything ill of
these judges - perhaps that they needlessly delayed the
case of common folk, that they deliberated two years or
even four---[that] they could not pronounce judgment
because of either a bribe or kinship,---he then seized them
and jailed them in wooden cages, exacted the penalty, and
slew them, so that the judges might walk in dread (b8 f3
p42), in tlatoani oc cenca quimocuitlahuiaya in
tetlatzontequililiztli, quicaquia in ixquich in
ineteilhuil: ihuan in ichoquiz, in inentlamachiliz in
inetoliniliz in cuitlapilli, atlapalli in icnotlacatl, in
motolinia in macehualli: the ruler watched especially over
the trials; he heard all the accusations and the
complaints, the afflictions, and the misery of the common
folk, the orphans, the poor, and the vassals (b8 f3 p54),
ihuiyan yocoxca quicaquia, in ineteilhuil cuitlapilli,
atlapalli, sagely they heard the complaints of the common
folk (b8 f3 p55), macehualiztli, in papaquiliztli, inic
quimellacuahua, inic quinyollalia, in ixquichtin tlatoque,
ihuan pipilti, ihuan teteucti, ihuan tiacahuan: ihuan in
ixquich in cuitlapilli, atlapalli, in macehualli: the ruler
was greatly concerned with the dance, the rejoicing, in
order to hearten and console all the peers, the lords, the
noblemen, the brave warriors, and all the common folk and
vassals (b8 f3 p55), in tlatoani in ihcuac quittaya,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

quimatia ca cenca nentlamati in cuitlapilli, atlapalli

macehualli: niman tlanahuatiaya, inic ollamaloz, inic
teellacuahuaya, inic tepaquiltiaya tlatoani: the ruler,
when he beheld and knew that the common folk and vassals
were very fretful, then commanded that the ball game be
played, in order to animate the people and divert them (b8
f4 p58), in tlatoani quimocuitlahuiaya ipan tlatoaya in
tianquiztli, ihuan ixquich tlanamactli, impampa
cuitlapilli, atlapalli, macehualli, ihuan ixquich ahua,
tepehua in icnotlacatl, in motolinia, inic amo quequeloloz,
inic amo xixicoloz, inic ahmo ica necacayahualoz, inic ahmo
nexictiloz, the ruler took care of the directing of the
market place and all things sold, for the good of the
common folk, the vassals, and all dwellers in the city, the
poor, the unfortunate, so that [these] might not be abused,
nor suffer harm, nor be deceived nor disdained (b8 f4 p67),
motolinia in icnohuehue, in icnoilama in cuitlapilli, in
atlapalli in ayamo quimati in moquequetza, in mohuilana, in
cozoltentoc, in huapaltentoc, in ayamo quimomachitia:
unfortunate are the miserable old man, the miserable old
woman, the vassals, the one not yet of understanding, the
one who toddleth back and forth, who crawleth, who lieth
placed in the cradle, who lieth placed on the [cradle]
board, who yet knoweth nothing! (b12 f4 p56)
4. tree branch, which is a word that is used in many forms and
abstractions to mean: wooden, branch, hardwood tree,
corporal punishment (with a switch), and more It may/may
not be heard as "palo" as seen ion some dictionaries But
multiple uses for simple nouns are common I don't have
much doubt about "acatl" primarily referring to 'reed' and
"mitl" primarily referring to 'arrow' But it also seems to
be clear that "acatl" was used, by semantic extension, to
refer to 'arrow' as seen in the the Florentine Codex (Joe
5. wing <ahtlapalli>
<ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. wing
FC jc-031297

0. ic notzaloya in macehualti cuitlapiltin, atlapaltin thus
the commoners were called "tails, wings" (b6 f19 p244)
1. wings
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. wings

3. ic notzaloya in macehualti cuitlapiltin, atlapaltin thus

the commoners were called "tails, wings" (b6 f19 p244)
4. wings

5. wings
FC jc-031297

0. strap for darts

1. strap for darts

FC - > jc-61096

0. they draw water

1. they draw water

FC -> jc-72895
2. they draw water

3. they draw water

4. they draw water

FC jc-031297

0. goose (goose (g>s) n, pl geese (gs) 1a Any of various wild
or domesticated water birds of the family Anatidae, and
especially of the genera Anser and Branta,
characteristically having a shorter neck than that of a
swan and a shorter, more pointed bi

1. goose
FC -> jc-72895
2. goose (goose (g>s) n, pl geese (gs) 1a Any of various wild
or domesticated water birds of the family Anatidae, and
especially of the genera Anser and Branta,
characteristically having a shorter neck than that of a
swan and a shorter, more pointed bi

3. goose (goose (g>s) n, pl geese (gs) 1a Any of various wild

or domesticated water birds of the family Anatidae, and
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

especially of the genera Anser and Branta,

characteristically having a shorter neck than that of a
swan and a shorter, more pointed bi

4. goose
FC jc-031297

0. in a canyon; in an abyss; in a gorge

1. in a canyon; in an abyss; in a gorge

FC -> jc-72895
2. in a canyon; in an abyss; in a gorge

3. in a canyon; in an abyss; in a gorge

4. in a canyon; in an abyss; in a gorge <a:tlauhtli-co1>

<a:tlauhtli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. in a canyon; in an abyss; in a gorge <a:tlauhtli-co1>
<a:tlauhtli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. in a canyon; in an abyss; in a gorge
FC jc-031297

0. in a gorge

1. in a gorge
FC -> jc-72895
2. in a gorge

3. in a gorge

4. in a gorge
FC jc-031297

0. canyon, gorge, ravine

1. canyon, gorge, ravine

FC -> jc-72895
2. canyon, gorge, ravine

3. canyon, gorge, ravine

4. canyon, gorge, ravine <a:tlauhtli>

<a:tlauhtli> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. canyon, gorge, ravine

FC jc-031297

0. having gorges, having ravines

1. having gorges, having ravines

FC -> jc-72895
2. having gorges, having ravines

3. having gorges, having ravines

4. having gorges, having ravines

FC jc-031297

0. nothing

1. nothing
FC -> jc-72895
2. nothing

3. nothing

4. nothing <ah1-tleh>
<ah1-tleh> FC - > jc-61096
5. nothing <ah1-tleh>
<ah1-tleh> FC - > jc-61096
6. nothing
FC jc-031297

atle inecoca
0. it is useless, it is valueless; it is worthless

1. it is useless, it is valueless; it is worthless

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is useless, it is valueless; it is worthless
FC -> jc-72895
3. it is useless, it is valueless; it is worthless

4. it is worthless; it is useless; it is valueless

<ah1-tleh poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5>
5. it is useless, it is valueless; it is worthless

6. it is worthless; it is useless; it is valueless

<ah1-tleh poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. it is worthless; it is useless; it is valueless <ah1-tleh

<ah1-tleh poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
8. it is worthless; it is useless; it is valueless <ah1-tleh
<ah1-tleh poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
9. it is worthless; it is useless; it is valueless <ah1-tleh
<ah1-tleh poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
10. it is worthless; it is useless; it is valueless <ah1-tleh
<ah1-tleh poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
11. it is worthless; it is useless; it is valueless <ah1-tleh
<ah1-tleh poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
12. it is worthless; it is useless; it is valueless <ah1-tleh
<ah1-tleh poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
13. it is useless; it is valueless; it is worthless
FC jc-031297

atle ipan teitta

0. she respects no one

1. she respects no one

FC -> jc-72895
2. she respects no one

3. she respects no one

4. she respects no one

FC jc-031297

atle neneliuhqui
0. undefiled, pure, unmixed
FC jc-031297

0. nothing

1. nothing
FC -> jc-72895
2. nothing

3. nothing
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. nothing <ah1-tleh>
<ah1-tleh> FC - > jc-61096
5. nothing
FC jc-031297

0. nothing
FC -> jc-72895
1. nothing
FC jc-031297

0. he becomes nothing; it becomes nothing

1. he becomes nothing; it becomes nothing

FC -> jc-72895
2. he becomes nothing; it becomes nothing

3. he becomes nothing; it becomes nothing

4. he becomes nothing; it becomes nothing <ah1-tleh-v01a>

<ah1-tleh-v01a> FC - > jc-61096
5. he becomes nothing; it becomes nothing <ah1-tleh-v01a>
<ah1-tleh-v01a> FC - > jc-61096
6. he becomes nothing; it becomes nothing <ah1-tleh-v01a>
<ah1-tleh-v01a> FC - > jc-61096
7. he becomes nothing; it becomes nothing
FC jc-031297

0. it will fail, it will become nothing

1. it will fail, it will become nothing

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will fail, it will become nothing

3. it will fail, it will become nothing

4. it will fail, it will become nothing <ah1-tleh-v01a-z>

<ah1-tleh-v01a-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will fail, it will become nothing <ah1-tleh-v01a-z>
<ah1-tleh-v01a-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. it will fail, it will become nothing <ah1-tleh-v01a-z>
<ah1-tleh-v01a-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. it will fail, it will become nothing
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. nothing

1. nothing
FC -> jc-72895
2. nothing

3. nothing

4. nothing
FC jc-031297

0. he drinks (water); he drinks; it drinks water; it drinks;
it takes water; they drink
1. he drinks; he drinks ( water )
FC -> jc-72895
2. it drinks; it drinks water; it takes water
FC -> jc-72895
3. they drink
FC -> jc-72895
4. he drinks (water); he drinks; it drinks water; it drinks;
it takes water; they drink
5. he drinks (water); he drinks; it drinks water; it drinks;
it takes water; they drink
6. a drink
FC - > jc-61096
7. he drinks ( water ); he drinks; it drinks water; it drinks;
it takes water; they drink <a:tl1-i:>
<a:tl1-i:> FC - > jc-61096
8. he drinks ( water ); he drinks; it drinks water; it drinks;
they drink <a:tl1-i:>
<a:tl1-i:> FC - > jc-61096
9. there is drinking
FC - > jc-61096
10. he drinks; he drinks ( water )
FC jc-031297
11. it drinks; it drinks water; it takes water
FC jc-031297
12. they drink
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they drank; they drank water

1. they drank; they drank water

FC -> jc-72895
2. they drank; they drank water

3. they drank; they drank water

4. they drank; they drank water

FC jc-031297

0. it provides him drink

0. one drinks; there is drinking; people drink chocolate

1. one drinks; there is drinking; people drink chocolate

FC -> jc-72895
2. one drinks; there is drinking; people drink chocolate

3. one drinks; there is drinking; people drink chocolate

4. one drinks; there is drinking <a:tl1-i:1-lo:2>

<a:tl1-i:1-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
5. one drinks; there is drinking; people drink chocolate
<a:tl1-i:1-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
6. one drinks; there is drinking; people drink chocolate
<a:tl1-i:1-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is drinking, people drink chocolate <a:tl1-i:1-hua2>
<a:tl1-i:1-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
8. there is drinking, people drink chocolate <a:tl1-i:1-hua2>
<a:tl1-i:1-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
9. one drinks; there is drinking; people drink chocolate
FC jc-031297

0. drinking vessel

1. drinking vessel
FC -> jc-72895
2. drinking vessel
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. drinking vessel

4. drinking vessel <a:tl1-i:1-hua2-lo:-ni1>

<a:tl1-i:1-hua2-lo:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. drinking vessel <a:tl1-i:1-hua2-lo:-ni1>
<a:tl1-i:1-hua2-lo:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. drinking vessel <a:tl1-i:1-hua2-lo:-ni1>
<a:tl1-i:1-hua2-lo:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. drinking vessel <a:tl1-i:1-hua2-lo:-ni1>
<a:tl1-i:1-hua2-lo:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. drinking vessel <a:tl1-i:1-hua2-lo:-ni1>
<a:tl1-i:1-hua2-lo:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. drinking vessel
FC jc-031297

0. there was drinking, people drank

1. there was drinking, people drank

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was drinking, people drank

3. there was drinking, people drank

4. there was drinking, people drank

FC jc-031297

0. he will drink water

1. he will drink water

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will drink water

3. he will drink water

4. he will drink water <a:tl1-i:1-hua2-z>

<a:tl1-i:1-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will drink water <a:tl1-i:1-hua2-z>
<a:tl1-i:1-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will drink water <a:tl1-i:1-hua2-z>
<a:tl1-i:1-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will drink water <a:tl1-i:1-hua2-z>
<a:tl1-i:1-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
8. he will drink water
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. drinking

1. drinking
FC -> jc-72895
2. drinking

3. drinking

4. drinking <a:tl1-i:1-liz>
<a:tl1-i:1-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. drinking <a:tl1-i:1-liz>
<a:tl1-i:1-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. drinking
FC jc-031297

0. he will drink; he will drink water; he is to drink water;
it will drink water

1. he will drink; he will drink water; he is to drink water;

it will drink water
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will drink; he will drink water; he is to drink water;
it will drink water

3. he will drink; he will drink water; he is to drink water;

it will drink water

4. he will drink water, he is to drink water; he will drink;

it will drink water <a:tl1-i:1-z>
<a:tl1-i:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will drink water, he is to drink water; he will drink;
it will drink water <a:tl1-i:1-z>
<a:tl1-i:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will drink; he will drink water; he is to drink water;
it will drink water
FC jc-031297

0. pennyroyal

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. Nicnelohtoc in atol nic in nonantzin momocoa Estoy moviendo

el atole porque mi mama esta' enferma I am stirring the
atole because my mother is sick
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
1. Tleca pozontoc in atol ? Nic cemi tlatla ? Porque esta'
hirviendo el atole ? porque arde mucho ? Why is the atole
boiling ? Because it has a lot of heat ?
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
2. Tleca pozonticah in atol ? Nic cemi tlatla ? Porque esta'
hirviendo el atole ? porque arde mucho ? Why is the atole
boiling ? Because it is burning
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
3. Nicnelohticah in atol nic in nonantzin momocoa Estoy
moviendo el atole porque mi mama esta' enferma I am
stirring the atole because my mother is sick
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. it becomes soft

1. it becomes soft
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes soft

3. it becomes soft

4. it becomes soft
FC jc-031297

0. atole ( atole )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. atole; maize gruel
FC -> jc-72895
2. atole; maize gruel

3. atole; maize gruel

4. atole
FC - > jc-61096
5. atole; maize gruel <a:to:lli>
<a:to:lli> FC - > jc-61096
6. atole ( atole )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. atole; maize gruel
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. atole seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. atole sellers
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. mushy; soft

1. mushy; soft
FC -> jc-72895
2. mushy; soft

3. mushy; soft

4. mushy; soft <a:to:lli-tic>

<a:to:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. mushy; soft <a:to:lli-tic>
<a:to:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. soft
Adj Form jc-022897
7. mushy; soft
FC jc-031297
8. soft
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
9. malleable
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
10. pliant

11. moldable

12. pliable

13. yielding

14. impressible

15. mushy

16. pappy

17. plastic
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

18. smooth

19. delicate

20. fine

21. silky

22. satiny

23. velvety

24. fluffy

25. feathery

26. flocculent

27. gentle

28. tender

29. mild

30. kind

31. affectinate

32. kindly

33. genial

34. considerate

35. flexible

36. yielding

37. submissive

38. compliant

39. irresolute

40. undecided
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

41. impressionable

42. sensitive

43. affected

44. soft

0. he has a fever; he has fever

1. he has a fever; he has fever

FC -> jc-72895
2. he has a fever; he has fever

3. he has a fever; he has fever

4. he has a fever; he has fever

FC jc-031297

0. fever medicine

1. fever medicine
FC -> jc-72895
2. fever medicine

3. fever medicine

4. fever medicine
FC jc-031297

0. ruddy (rud dy (r3/4d") adj rud di er, rud di est 1a Having
a healthy, reddish color b Reddish; rosy)duck

1. ruddy duck
FC -> jc-72895
2. ruddy (rud dy (r3/4d") adj rud di er, rud di est 1a Having
a healthy, reddish color b Reddish; rosy)duck

3. ruddy (rud dy (r3/4d") adj rud di er, rud di est 1a Having

a healthy, reddish color b Reddish; rosy)duck

4. ruddy duck
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. pelican

1. pelican
FC -> jc-72895
2. pelican

3. pelican

4. pelican <a:tl1-to:tolin>
<a:tl1-to:tolin> FC - > jc-61096
5. pelican <a:tl1-to:tolin>
<a:tl1-to:tolin> FC - > jc-61096
6. pelican
FC jc-031297

0. american bittern(bit tern1 (b1t"rn) n Any of several wading
birds of the genera Botaurus and Ixobrychus, having
mottled, brownish plumage and a deep, booming cry in the
male [Middle English bitour (with -n perhaps from heron)
from Old French butor, pos

1. american bittern; american white pelican; pelican

FC -> jc-72895
2. american bittern(bit tern1 (b1t"rn) n Any of several wading
birds of the genera Botaurus and Ixobrychus, having
mottled, brownish plumage and a deep, booming cry in the
male [Middle English bitour (with -n perhaps from heron)
from Old French butor, pos

3. american bittern(bit tern1 (b1t"rn) n Any of several wading

birds of the genera Botaurus and Ixobrychus, having
mottled, brownish plumage and a deep, booming cry in the
male [Middle English bitour (with -n perhaps from heron)
from Old French butor, pos

4. American white pelican; American bittern; pelican

<a:tl1-to:tolin> FC - > jc-61096
5. American white pelican; American bittern; pelican
<a:tl1-to:tolin> FC - > jc-61096
6. american bittern; american white pelican; pelican
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. water bird

1. water bird
FC -> jc-72895
2. water bird

3. water bird

4. water bird
FC jc-031297

0. river

1. river
FC -> jc-72895
2. river

3. river

4. river
FC jc-031297

0. in a river; in the river; in the torrent

1. in a river; in the river; in the torrent

FC -> jc-72895
2. in a river; in the river; in the torrent

3. in a river; in the river; in the torrent

4. in a river; in the river; in the torrent

FC jc-031297

0. river pebble

1. river pebble
FC -> jc-72895
2. river pebble

3. river pebble
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. river pebble
FC jc-031297

0. current, torrent, river; stream

1. current, torrent, river; stream

FC -> jc-72895
2. current, torrent, river; stream

3. current, torrent, river; stream

4. current, torrent, river; stream

FC jc-031297

atoyatl tepexitl
0. danger

1. danger
FC -> jc-72895
2. danger
FC -> jc-72895
3. danger

4. danger
5. danger

6. danger
7. danger <tepexitl>
<tepexitl> FC - > jc-61096
8. danger
FC jc-031297

0. river sand

1. river sand
FC -> jc-72895
2. river sand

3. river sand

4. river sand
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. oyster

1. oyster
FC -> jc-72895
2. oyster

3. oyster

4. oyster
FC jc-031297

0. little oyster

1. little oyster
FC -> jc-72895
2. little oyster

3. little oyster

4. little oyster <atz?-calli-to:n>

<atz?-calli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. little oyster
FC jc-031297

0. water sprinkler

1. water sprinkler
FC -> jc-72895
2. water sprinkler

3. water sprinkler

4. water sprinkler
FC jc-031297

0. agua ( water )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. agua [ H ] ( water )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. agua ( water [ H ] )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

3. drink
FC -> jc-72895
4. drink

5. drink

6. drink <a:tl1-tzin>
<a:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. drink <a:tl1-tzin>
<a:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
8. agua ( water )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. agua [ H ] ( water )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. agua ( water [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
11. drink
FC jc-031297

0. northern phalarope(phal a rope (f²l"-r1/2p") n Any of
several small wading birds of the family Phalaropodidae,
resembling sandpipers but having lobed toes that enable
them to swim [French, from New Latin phalaropus : Greek
phalaris, coot (from phalaros,

1. northern phalarope
FC -> jc-72895
2. northern phalarope(phal a rope (f²l"-r1/2p") n Any of
several small wading birds of the family Phalaropodidae,
resembling sandpipers but having lobed toes that enable
them to swim [French, from New Latin phalaropus : Greek
phalaris, coot (from phalaros,

3. northern phalarope(phal a rope (f²l"-r1/2p") n Any of

several small wading birds of the family Phalaropodidae,
resembling sandpipers but having lobed toes that enable
them to swim [French, from New Latin phalaropus : Greek
phalaris, coot (from phalaros,

4. northern phalarope
FC jc-031297

0. agua sucia ( dirty water )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. insipid

1. insipid
FC -> jc-72895
2. insipid

3. insipid

4. insipid
FC jc-031297

0. s especie de drupa llamada aguacate, fruto del a'rbol del
mismo nombre; testi'culo
sim p 16

0. <tbd>

0. and; but

1. and; but
FC -> jc-72895
2. and; but

3. and; but

4. and; but
FC jc-031297

0. fine

1. fine
FC -> jc-72895
2. fine

3. fine

4. fine
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. p oaauitzocalac, frec de auitzocalaqui - n ( por ni )-
nadar buceando
sim p 5

0. s ( clav ) cuadru'pedo anfibio propio de tierras ca'lidas
sim p 16

0. kind of sand used to cut precious stones

1. kind of sand used to cut precious stones

FC - > jc-61096

0. ahora ( now )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. hoy ( now; today )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. ahora; hoy ( now; today )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. ahora ( now; today )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
4. ahora ( now )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. hoy ( now; today )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
6. ahora; hoy ( now; today )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. ahora ( now; today )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. water fly

1. water fly
FC -> jc-72895
2. water fly

3. water fly

4. water fly
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. possessor; possessor of goods; possessor of wealth

1. possessor; possessor of goods; possessor of wealth

FC -> jc-72895
2. possessor; possessor of goods; possessor of wealth

3. possessor; possessor of goods; possessor of wealth

4. possessor of wealth; possessor of goods; possessor

<a:xca:itl-huah> FC - > jc-61096
5. possessor; possessor of goods; possessor of wealth
FC jc-031297

0. rich people
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. possessions are procured

1. possessions are procured

FC -> jc-72895
2. possessions are procured

3. possessions are procured

4. possessions are procured

FC jc-031297

0. possession

1. possession
FC - > jc-61096

0. ahora ( now )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. ahora; actualmente ( now; nowadays )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. now; for the moment; present; presently; nowadays
FC -> jc-72895
3. today; now; nowadays
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. now; for the moment; present; presently; nowadays; today

5. now; for the moment; present; presently; nowadays; today

6. now; today <a:xca:n>

<a:xca:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. ahora ( now )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. ahora; actualmente ( now; nowadays )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. now; for the moment; present; presently; nowadays
FC jc-031297
10. today; now; nowadays
FC jc-031297

0. now

1. now
FC -> jc-72895
2. now

3. now

4. now
FC jc-031297

0. he is seized; he is captured; he is detained; it is caught;
it is captured; they are hunted; they are caught; they are
seized; they are detained

1. he is seized; he is captured; he is detained; it is caught;

it is captured; they are hunted; they are caught; they are
seized; they are detained
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is seized; he is captured; he is detained; it is caught;
it is captured; they are hunted; they are caught; they are
seized; they are detained

3. he is seized; he is captured; he is detained; it is caught;

it is captured; they are hunted; they are caught; they are
seized; they are detained

4. he is seized, he is detained; he is captured; it is caught;

it is captured; they are seized; they are detained; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

are hunted; they are caught <ahci-hua2>

<ahci-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is seized; he is captured; he is detained; it is caught;
it is captured; they are hunted; they are caught; they are
seized; they are detained
FC jc-031297

0. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. pipitzca

2. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana

3. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

4. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

5. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

6. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

0. he was seized, he was captured

1. he was seized, he was captured

FC -> jc-72895
2. he was seized, he was captured

3. he was seized, he was captured

4. he was seized, he was captured <ahci-hua2-prt2>

<ahci-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was seized, he was captured <ahci-hua2-prt2>
<ahci-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was seized, he was captured <ahci-hua2-prt2>
<ahci-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. he was seized, he was captured
FC jc-031297

0. he was seized, he was captured
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
1. he was seized, he was captured <ahci-hua2-ya3>
<ahci-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
2. he was seized, he was captured <ahci-hua2-ya3>
<ahci-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
3. he was seized, he was captured <ahci-hua2-ya3>
<ahci-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
4. he was seized, he was captured
FC jc-031297

0. he will be seized, he will be captured

1. he will be seized, he will be captured

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be seized, he will be captured

3. he will be seized, he will be captured

4. he will be seized, he will be captured <ahci-hua2-z>

<ahci-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will be seized, he will be captured <ahci-hua2-z>
<ahci-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will be seized, he will be captured <ahci-hua2-z>
<ahci-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will be seized, he will be captured
FC jc-031297

axitiaya ( om- )
0. llegaba [ H ] ( he [ H ] arrived )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. latrine

1. latrine
FC - > jc-61096
2. latrine
FC - > jc-61096
3. latrine
FC - > jc-61096

0. it cleanses the urine

1. it cleanses the urine
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it cleanses the urine

3. it cleanses the urine

4. it cleanses the urine <a:tl1-xi:xtli-chipa:hua>

<a:tl1-xi:xtli-chipa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it cleanses the urine <a:tl1-xi:xtli-chipa:hua>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli-chipa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. it cleanses the urine <a:tl1-xi:xtli-chipa:hua>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli-chipa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. it cleanses the urine
FC jc-031297

0. gall stones

1. gall stones
FC -> jc-72895
2. gall stones

3. gall stones

4. gall stones <a:tl1-xi:xtli-;

<a:tl1-xi:xtli--> FC - > jc-61096
5. gall stones <a:tl1-xi:xtli-;
<a:tl1-xi:xtli--> FC - > jc-61096
6. gall stones
FC jc-031297

0. chamberpot

1. chamberpot
FC - > jc-61096
2. chamberpot
FC - > jc-61096
3. chamberpot
FC - > jc-61096

0. he wishes to urinate

1. he wishes to urinate
FC -> jc-72895
2. he wishes to urinate
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he wishes to urinate

4. he wishes to urinate <a:tl1-xi:xtli-miqui>

<a:tl1-xi:xtli-miqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. he wishes to urinate <a:tl1-xi:xtli-miqui>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli-miqui> FC - > jc-61096
6. he wishes to urinate <a:tl1-xi:xtli-miqui>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli-miqui> FC - > jc-61096
7. he wishes to urinate
FC jc-031297

0. urine medicine

1. urine medicine
FC -> jc-72895
2. urine medicine

3. urine medicine

4. urine medicine <a:tl1-xi:xtli-pahtli>

<a:tl1-xi:xtli-pahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. urine medicine <a:tl1-xi:xtli-pahtli>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli-pahtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. urine medicine <a:tl1-xi:xtli-pahtli>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli-pahtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. urine medicine
FC jc-031297

0. bladder

1. bladder
FC -> jc-72895
2. bladder

3. bladder

4. bladder

5. bladder

6. bladder
FC - > jc-61096
7. bladder <a:tl1-xi:xtli-tecomatl>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<a:tl1-xi:xtli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096

8. bladder <a:tl1-xi:xtli-tecomatl>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
9. bladder <a:tl1-xi:xtli-tecomatl>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
10. bladder
FC jc-031297

0. bladder
FC - > jc-61096

0. he has a urinary obstruction

1. he has a urinary obstruction

FC -> jc-72895
2. he has a urinary obstruction

3. he has a urinary obstruction

4. he has a urinary obstruction <a:tl1-xi:xtli-tetza:hua>

<a:tl1-xi:xtli-tetza:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he has a urinary obstruction <a:tl1-xi:xtli-tetza:hua>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli-tetza:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. he has a urinary obstruction <a:tl1-xi:xtli-tetza:hua>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli-tetza:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. he has a urinary obstruction
FC jc-031297

0. urine-like

1. urine-like
FC -> jc-72895
2. urine-like

3. urine-like

4. urine-like <a:tl1-xi:xtli-tic>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. urine-like <a:tl1-xi:xtli-tic>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. urine-like <a:tl1-xi:xtli-tic>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. urine-like
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. with urine, by means of urine

1. with urine, by means of urine

FC -> jc-72895
2. with urine, by means of urine

3. with urine, by means of urine

4. with urine, by means of urine <a:tl1-xi:xtli-ti1-ca2>

<a:tl1-xi:xtli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with urine, by means of urine <a:tl1-xi:xtli-ti1-ca2>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. with urine, by means of urine <a:tl1-xi:xtli-ti1-ca2>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
7. with urine, by means of urine
FC jc-031297

0. urine

1. urine
FC -> jc-72895
2. urine

3. urine

4. urine
FC - > jc-61096
5. urine <a:tl1-xi:xtli>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. urine <a:tl1-xi:xtli>
<a:tl1-xi:xtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. urine
FC jc-031297

0. donkey

1. donkey
FC - > jc-61096
2. Nictohtontoc in axno nic yaz cuahtlan Estoy desatando el
burro porque va a ir al campo I am untying the donkey
because it is going to the field
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

3. Nictohtonticah in axno nic yaz cuahtlan Estoy desatando el
burro porque va ir al campo I am untying the donkey because
it is going to the field
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. young donkey

1. young donkey
FC - > jc-61096

0. In nocnih quicanhuihtoc in axnoh Mi hermano esta'
siguiendo al burro My brother is following the donkey
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
1. In nocnih quicanhuihticah in axnoh Mi hermano esta'
siguiendo al burro My brother is following the donkey
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. tonto ( stupid; dumb )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. axolotl

1. axolotl
FC -> jc-72895
2. axolotl

3. axolotl

4. axolotl <a:tl1-xo:lotl>
<a:tl1-xo:lotl> FC - > jc-61096
5. axolotl <a:tl1-xo:lotl>
<a:tl1-xo:lotl> FC - > jc-61096
6. axolotl
FC jc-031297

0. they speak like little blue herons

1. they speak like little blue herons

FC -> jc-72895
2. they speak like little blue herons
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they speak like little blue herons

4. they speak like little blue herons

FC jc-031297

0. p oax u oaxqui ( olm ) - n ( por ni )- hacer; muchi
uel ay, todo lo hace bien tle tay ? ( por ti-ay ), #
que' haces ?; atle ay, no hace nada, esta' ocioso, es
perezoso; ye n-ay, ejercitarse nitla- hacer alguna cosa
exteriormente; nitio nitla-ay, meditar, reflexionar,
obrar interiormente; frec nitlatla-ay hacer a menudo una
cosa algunas veces el pronombre tla o itla va separado del
verbo - itla n-ay, hago algo; in itla ay, el que hace
algo rev ailia, ailtia o aitia ( olm ) pas aihua ( par
sim p 16

0. si'nc de ayamo, adv todavi'a no - aya iz tiuitz ? o cenca
aya te ? # no esta's aqui' todavi'a ?; # no esta's de
regreso todavi'a ?; aya temo, es indigesto, no ha bajado
todavi'a; aya temoliztli, indigestio'n - aya cuel,
demasiado pronto, antes de tiempo < temprano >; aya
quemman, demasiado pronto, prematuro, temprano; aya
quimati, negro, extranjero, ignorante, menor, muy
joven, que no sabe nada todavia; aya quimatiliztli o aya
tlachializtli, inteligencia, memoria no desarrollada,
como la de los nin~os, de un ignorante, etc - aya tle,
nada todavi'a; aya tle quiqua, esta' en ayunas, o el que
esta' en ayunas, es decir, el que no ha comido nada
todavi'a; aya uel o ueli, no bien todavi'a, no
completamente; aya uel cexiuhtia cavallo conetl, potro
que todavi'a no tiene un an~o; in aya, antes que - in aya
n-ac, antes de que yo naciera; in aya titleme, antes de
que nosotros existie'ramos; in aya yaque, antes de que
ellos existieran
sim p 16

aya cuel
0. cf aya
sim p 17

aya tle
0. cf aya
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

sim p 17

aya uel
0. cf aya
sim p 17

0. nadie ( no one; nobody )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. adj ningu'n, ninguno, nadie, nada - ayac ceme, ninguno
de ellos; ayac tlacatl ninguna persona, no hay nadie,
esta' desierto, deshabitado; ayac oualla, nadie ha
venido no ha venido; ayac zan moyocuyaz, ninguno osara'
hacerlo; ayac ipan nite-mati, despreciar a alguien, no
estimarlo en nada ayac ixco tlachia, altivo, orgulloso,
presuntuoso; lit no ve a nadie delante de si'; no
considera a nadie ma's que a si mismo; ayac yuan o yuiui,
nadie, nada se le compara; ayac yuiui o ihuihui inic
chicahuac nadie lo iguala en fuerza; ayac ma, ninguno,
nada; ayac maca, ninguno que no - ayac maca mitz-iximati,
no hay nadie que no te conozca; in ayac, sin plur
ayaque, ninguno esta'n ausentes cf ac
sim p 16
2. no one, nobody
FC -> jc-72895
3. no one, nobody

4. no one, nobody

5. no one, nobody <ah1-a:c1>

<ah1-a:c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. no one, nobody <ah1-a:c1>
<ah1-a:c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. nadie ( no one; nobody )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. no one, nobody
FC jc-031297

0. p oayacachilhui - n ( por ni )- tocar el atabal ( par
); sirve como rev de ayacachoa
sim p 16

0. p oayacacho - n ( por ni )- tocar el atabal r ayacachtli
sim p 16
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. there is gourd rattling; there was gourd rattling

1. there is gourd rattling; there was gourd rattling

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is gourd rattling; there was gourd rattling

3. there is gourd rattling; there was gourd rattling

4. there is gourd rattling <a:yacachtli-v05a-lo:2>

<a:yacachtli-v05a-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was gourd rattling; there is gourd rattling
<a:yacachtli-v05a-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was gourd rattling; there is gourd rattling
<a:yacachtli-v05a-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is gourd rattling; there was gourd rattling
FC jc-031297

0. he goes rattling the rattles

1. he goes rattling the rattles

FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes rattling the rattles

3. he goes rattling the rattles

4. he goes rattling the rattles <a:yacachtli-v05a-ti1-nemi

<a:yacachtli-v05a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes rattling the rattles <a:yacachtli-v05a-ti1-nemi
<a:yacachtli-v05a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes rattling the rattles <a:yacachtli-v05a-ti1-nemi
<a:yacachtli-v05a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes rattling the rattles <a:yacachtli-v05a-ti1-nemi
<a:yacachtli-v05a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
8. he goes rattling the rattles
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they sat rattling gourd rattles; they sat rattling the

rattle boards; they sat rattling the gourd rattle

1. they sat rattling gourd rattles; they sat rattling the

rattle boards; they sat rattling the gourd rattle
FC -> jc-72895
2. they sat rattling gourd rattles; they sat rattling the
rattle boards; they sat rattling the gourd rattle

3. they sat rattling gourd rattles; they sat rattling the

rattle boards; they sat rattling the gourd rattle

4. they sat rattling the gourd rattle; they sat rattling the
rattle boards; they sat rattling gourd rattles
<a:yacachtli-v05a-prt1-toc-plur05> FC - > jc-61096
5. they sat rattling the gourd rattle; they sat rattling the
rattle boards; they sat rattling gourd rattles
<a:yacachtli-v05a-prt1-toc-plur05> FC - > jc-61096
6. they sat rattling the gourd rattle; they sat rattling the
rattle boards; they sat rattling gourd rattles
<a:yacachtli-v05a-prt1-toc-plur05> FC - > jc-61096
7. they sat rattling gourd rattles; they sat rattling the
rattle boards; they sat rattling the gourd rattle
FC jc-031297

0. the rattle boards were sown

1. the rattle boards were sown

FC -> jc-72895
2. the rattle boards were sown

3. the rattle boards were sown

4. the rattle boards were sown

FC jc-031297

0. p oayacachquetz - n ( por ni )- tocar el atabal r
ayacachtli, quetza
sim p 16

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they sat erecting gourd rattles

1. they sat erecting gourd rattles

FC -> jc-72895
2. they sat erecting gourd rattles

3. they sat erecting gourd rattles

4. they sat erecting gourd rattles

<a:yacachtli-quetza-toc-plur05> FC - > jc-61096
5. they sat erecting gourd rattles
<a:yacachtli-quetza-toc-plur05> FC - > jc-61096
6. they sat erecting gourd rattles
<a:yacachtli-quetza-toc-plur05> FC - > jc-61096
7. they sat erecting gourd rattles
FC jc-031297

0. gourd rattle; rattle

1. s atabal, maracas < sonajas hechas a manera de dormideras

>, instrumento musical compuesto de una vasija oval
agujereada con pequen~os orificios y llena de piedras
pequen~as sujeto el vaso al extremo de una varilla, era
utilizado en la danza ( clav )
sim p 16
2. gourd rattle; rattle
FC -> jc-72895
3. gourd rattle; rattle

4. gourd rattle; rattle

5. gourd rattle; rattle <a:yacachtli>

<a:yacachtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. gourd rattle; rattle
FC jc-031297
7. rattle
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
8. rattle
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
9. rattle
JC-05-07-97 Noun StemsList A
10. sonaja
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. banded-backed wren(wren (r†n) n 1 Any of various small
brownish songbirds of the family Troglodytidae, having
rounded wings, a slender bill, and a short, often erect
tail 2 Any of various similar unrelated songbirds [Middle
English wrenne, from Old E

1. banded-backed wren
FC -> jc-72895
2. banded-backed wren(wren (r†n) n 1 Any of various small
brownish songbirds of the family Troglodytidae, having
rounded wings, a slender bill, and a short, often erect
tail 2 Any of various similar unrelated songbirds [Middle
English wrenne, from Old E

3. banded-backed wren
4. banded-backed wren(wren (r†n) n 1 Any of various small
brownish songbirds of the family Troglodytidae, having
rounded wings, a slender bill, and a short, often erect
tail 2 Any of various similar unrelated songbirds [Middle
English wrenne, from Old E

5. banded-backed wren
6. banded-backed wren <a:yacachtli-to:to:tl>
<a:yacachtli-to:to:tl> FC - > jc-61096
7. banded-backed wren <a:yacachtli-to:to:tl>
<a:yacachtli-to:to:tl> FC - > jc-61096
8. banded-backed wren
FC jc-031297

0. adv en ninguna parte todavi'a, en ningu'n lugar - ayacan
quiza, e'l, o ella no va a ninguna parte, no sale;
ayacan nicnoittilia in tlatoani ( par ) no veo todavi'a
en ninguna parte ai gobernador r aya, can
sim p 16

0. cloud rattle board

1. cloud rattle board

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. cloud rattle board

3. cloud rattle board

4. cloud rattle board

FC jc-031297

0. adv au'n no un poco - ayachi quimati, trastornado,
desquiciado, insensato; ayachi quimatiliztli,
desquiciamiento, perturbacio'n, locura r aya, achi
sim p 16

0. s frijoles muy grandes, como habas
sim p 17

0. s soledad, lugar deshabitado - r ayac, tlacatl
sim p 17

0. haze, mist, cloud, film

1. haze, mist, cloud, film

FC -> jc-72895
2. haze, mist, cloud, film

3. haze, mist, cloud, film

4. haze, mist, cloud, film <a:yahui-l3>

<a:yahui-l3> FC - > jc-61096
5. haze, mist, cloud, film <a:yahui-l3>
<a:yahui-l3> FC - > jc-61096
6. haze, mist, cloud, film
FC jc-031297

0. adv nunca hasta ahora - ayaic ninococoa in ye ixquich
cahuitl ni-nemi, hasta ahora nunca he estado enfermo, en
toda mi vida cf intlacayaic r aya, aic
sim p 17

0. todavi'a no ( not yet )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. adv todavi'a no - ayamo temo, esto no ha bajado todavi'a,

hablando de la comida, esta' en el esto'mago; ayamo
temoliztli, indigestio'n loc adv ayamo cenca, au'n no
bien - ayamo cenca quen nocommati, au'n no lo siento, no
me doy cuenta de ello ayamo imman o ayamo oncan, no es
tiempo, no es el momento - ayamo imman in tit-euazque, ca
oc tlatlayouatoc, no es el momento de levantarse,
todavi'a es de noche; ayamo oncan in uiloaz, no es
todavi'a la hora de partir; ayamo niman, no de prisa, no
en seguida; ayamo uecauh, poco antes, no hace mucho;
ayamo uecauh in omixiuh in nonamic, ayacan quiza, ayamo
uel m-eua, oc noma uetztoc ( car ), no hace tanto que
mi mujer tuvo un hijo, no sale, no puede levantarse
todavi'a, esta' todavi'a en cama; ayamo uel o ueli, no
es posible todavi'a, no completamente - ayamo uel ni-pati,
oc noma nino-cocotinemi, no estoy completamente curado,
estoy enfermo todavi'a; in ayamo, antes que - in ayamo
mochiua, antes de que esto suceda; in ayamo yoaz, antes
que se haga de noche; in ayamo yuh pehua in cemanahuatl (
par ), antes de que empezara el mundo
sim p 17
2. not yet; before
FC -> jc-72895
3. not yet; before

4. not yet; before

5. not yet; before <ah1-ya2-mo:>

<ah1-ya2-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
6. not yet; before <ah1-ya2-mo:>
<ah1-ya2-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
7. not yet; before <ah1-ya2-mo:>
<ah1-ya2-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
8. todavi'a no ( not yet )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
9. not yet; before
FC jc-031297

0. sellers of coarse maguey fiber capes
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. s manta, vestimenta ruda, basta r ayatl, popolli ( ? )
sim p 17
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. p oayati - nin ( por nino )- ser sen~or, honrado,
estimado; lit tener, llevar una manta ( olm ) r ayatl
sim p 17

0. thin cape; thin blanket

1. s manta, vestidura, tela fina de algodo'n o de maguey, <

ayate >
sim p 17
2. thin cape
FC -> jc-72895
3. thin cape; thin blanket

4. thin cape; thin blanket

5. thin blanket
FC - > jc-61096
6. thin cape <a:ya:tl>
<a:ya:tl> FC - > jc-61096
7. thin cape
FC jc-031297

ayatle neneliuhqui
0. undefiled, pure, unmixed
FC jc-031297

0. coarse maguey fiber cape with nettles

1. coarse maguey fiber cape with nettles

FC -> jc-72895
2. coarse maguey fiber cape with nettles

3. coarse maguey fiber cape with nettles

4. coarse maguey fiber cape with nettles

<a:ya:tl-tzi:tzica:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. coarse maguey fiber cape with nettles
<a:ya:tl-tzi:tzica:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
6. coarse maguey fiber cape with nettles
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. cf chalchiuhcueye
sim p 17

0. at the mist house; in the mist house

1. at the mist house; in the mist house

FC -> jc-72895
2. at the mist house; in the mist house

3. at the mist house; in the mist house

4. at the mist house; in the mist house

FC jc-031297

0. mist house

1. s capilla, oratorio ( clav ) r ayauitl ( ? ), calli

sim p 17
2. mist house
FC -> jc-72895
3. mist house

4. mist house

5. mist house
FC jc-031297

0. mist grasshopper

1. mist grasshopper
FC -> jc-72895
2. mist grasshopper

3. mist grasshopper

4. mist grasshopper
FC jc-031297

0. mist rattle board

1. mist rattle board
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. mist rattle board

3. mist rattle board

4. mist rattle board

FC jc-031297

0. hija de tezozomoc, soberano de azcapuzalco; caso' con
huitzilihuitl, segundo rey de me'xico ( clav ) r
ayauitl, cihuatl
sim p 17

0. rainbow

1. s arcoi'ris r ayauitl, cozamalotl

sim p 17
2. rainbow
FC -> jc-72895
3. rainbow

4. rainbow

5. rainbow
FC jc-031297

0. s pinar r ayauhquauitl, tla
sim p 17

0. s pino, cedro blanco r ayauitl, quauitl
sim p 17

0. mist cape

1. mist cape
FC -> jc-72895
2. mist cape

3. mist cape

4. mist cape
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. misty

1. misty
FC -> jc-72895
2. misty

3. misty

4. misty <a:yahui-l3-tic>
<a:yahui-l3-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. misty <a:yahui-l3-tic>
<a:yahui-l3-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. misty
FC jc-031297

0. p oayauhtlmanca, vn caer la neblina, lloviznar r ayaui,
sim p 17

0. p oayauhyoti, vn lloviznar
sim p 17

0. p oayauhyotlticatca - m ( por mo )- lloviznar, estar
lloviznando r ayauhyotia, ca
sim p 17

0. p oayauh, vn lloviznar r atl
sim p 17

0. s niebla, bruma, llovizna, nube en sf mixtli, puctli,
ayauitl qui-molonaltico ( olm ), vino a instaurar una
nueva doctrina r ayaui
sim p 17

0. adv dificilmente, con fatiga, lentamente - ayaxcan
qui-chiua, es lento, tardi'o, esta' hecho lentamente;
ayaxcan nicno-nextilia in noneuhca ( car ), con fatiga
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

consigo mis alimentos; in iquac nechnananquilia in

nonamic, in nozo ayaxcan tlein qui-chiua,
nonno-tequipachotiuh, nicahua ( car ), cuando mi mujer
me contesta o hace alguna cosa con lentitud, me enojo, la
regan~o r aya, axcan
sim p 17

0. difficult; with difficulty; gradually; with effort

1. adv dificilmente, con fatiga, lentamente - ayaxcan

qui-chiua, es lento, tardi'o, esta' hecho lentamente;
ayaxcan nicno-nextilia in noneuhca ( car ), con fatiga
consigo mis alimentos; in iquac nechnananquilia in
nonamic, in nozo ayaxcan tlein qui-chiua,
nonno-tequipachotiuh, nicahua ( car ), cuando mi mujer
me contesta o hace alguna cosa con lentitud, me enojo, la
regan~o r aya, axcan
sim p 17
2. difficult; with difficulty; gradually; with effort
FC -> jc-72895
3. difficult; with difficulty; gradually; with effort

4. difficult; with difficulty; gradually; with effort

5. difficult; with difficulty; gradually; with effort

<ah1-a:xca:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. difficult; with difficulty; gradually; with effort
<ah1-a:xca:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. difficult; with difficulty; gradually; with effort
FC jc-031297

0. adj blando, lento; tayaxcanyo ( por ti-ayaxcanyo ),
eres lento, inactivo r ayaxcanyotl
sim p 17

0. adv con flojedad, apati'a, lentamente r ayaxcanyotl, ca
sim p 17

0. s lentitud, indolencia, flojedad r ayaxcan
sim p 17
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. adv dificilmente, con fatiga
sim p 17

0. no one

1. no one
FC -> jc-72895
2. no one

3. no one

4. no one
FC jc-031297

0. cf yaznequi
sim p 17

0. miserable cape, old worn cape; old maguey fiber cape

1. miserable cape, old worn cape; old maguey fiber cape

FC -> jc-72895
2. miserable cape, old worn cape; old maguey fiber cape

3. miserable cape, old worn cape; old maguey fiber cape

4. miserable cape, old worn cape; old maguey fiber cape

<a:ya:tl-zolli> FC - > jc-61096
5. miserable cape, old worn cape; old maguey fiber cape
<a:ya:tl-zolli> FC - > jc-61096
6. miserable cape, old worn cape; old maguey fiber cape
FC jc-031297

0. never

0. adv no hasta el presente ya no, todavi'a no, no ma's
pronto, no antes cf ach r a priv, ye
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

sim p 17

aye yecauhqui
0. cf yecauhqui
sim p 18

0. adv en un mal lugar, en un mal momento, en una e'poca
desfavorable, en un tiempo no propicio r a priv, yeccan
sim p 18

0. s planti'o de habas, de frijoles r ayecotli, cuemitl
sim p 18

0. large bean

0. sv cosa intolerable r a priv, yecoa
sim p 18

0. s planti'o de habas, de frijoles r ayecotli, milli
sim p 18

0. fat bean; fat black bean; fat red bean; large black bean

1. s frijoles muy grandes, como habas

sim p 17
2. cf ayacotli
sim p 18
3. fat bean; fat black bean; fat red bean; large black bean
FC -> jc-72895
4. fat bean; fat black bean; fat red bean; large black bean

5. fat bean; fat black bean; fat red bean; large black bean

6. fat bean; fat black bean; fat red bean; large black bean
FC jc-031297

0. s maldad, vicio, malicia r a priv, yectiliztli
sim p 18
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. p oayectlachiuh - n ( por ni )- obrar mal, cometer malas
acciones r ayectli, chiua
sim p 18

0. sv cosa mal hecha, accio'n contraria al bien r ayectlachiua
sim p 18

0. bad, evil; unrighteousness\

1. s mal, vicio, todo lo que es contrario al bien; ayectli

nic-chiua, causar dan~o cometer malas acciones r a priv,
sim p 18
2. bad, evil; unrighteousness
FC -> jc-72895
3. bad, evil; unrighteousness\

4. bad, evil; unrighteousness\

5. bad, evil; unrighteousness

FC jc-031297

0. adv con maldad, con falsedad r ayecyotl, casim p 18

0. s ofaldad, vicio, malicia r a priv, yectlisim p 18

0. adj negligente, perezoso; ayel nettaliztli, discordia,
desunio'n, enemistad, estado de personas que no pueden ni
verse; aymel motta, enemigos; ayel teitta o teittani,
misa'ntropo, enemigo de la gente; lit que no quiere
verlos; ayel teittaliztli, misantropi'a; ayel tenotza o
ayellatoa ( por ayel-tlatoa ), taciturno, que no habla
con nadie cf el
sim p 18

0. adj malo, malvado, perverso, que no escucha ( olm ) r
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

ayel, tlacaqui
sim p 18

0. cf ayel
sim p 18

0. todavi'a ( not yet; still not )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. adv todavi'a no - ayamo temo, esto no ha bajado todavi'a,
hablando de la comida, esta' en el esto'mago; ayamo
temoliztli, indigestio'n loc adv ayamo cenca, au'n no
bien - ayamo cenca quen nocommati, au'n no lo siento, no
me doy cuenta de ello ayamo imman o ayamo oncan, no es
tiempo, no es el momento - ayamo imman in tit-euazque, ca
oc tlatlayouatoc, no es el momento de levantarse,
todavi'a es de noche; ayamo oncan in uiloaz, no es
todavi'a la hora de partir; ayamo niman, no de prisa, no
en seguida; ayamo uecauh, poco antes, no hace mucho;
ayamo uecauh in omixiuh in nonamic, ayacan quiza, ayamo
uel m-eua, oc noma uetztoc ( car ), no hace tanto que
mi mujer tuvo un hijo, no sale, no puede levantarse
todavi'a, esta' todavi'a en cama; ayamo uel o ueli, no
es posible todavi'a, no completamente - ayamo uel ni-pati,
oc noma nino-cocotinemi, no estoy completamente curado,
estoy enfermo todavi'a; in ayamo, antes que - in ayamo
mochiua, antes de que esto suceda; in ayamo yoaz, antes
que se haga de noche; in ayamo yuh pehua in cemanahuatl (
par ), antes de que empezara el mundo
sim p 17
2. todavi'a ( not yet; still not )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. p oayequito - nite- hablar mal de otros r ayectli, itoa
sim p 18

0. light; not heavy

1. light; not heavy

FC -> jc-72895
2. light; not heavy

3. light; not heavy
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. light; not heavy

FC jc-031297

0. sv cosa insoportable, intolerable; ayeualiztli ipan
nic-mati, considerar una cosa como insoportable y muy
fatigosa r a priv, eua
sim p 18

ayitiz ( tim- )
0. usted lo hara' ( you [ H ] will do it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. cf ayel
sim p 18

0. those who

0. juicy; watery

1. adj acuoso, jugoso, que tiene zumo; enmendado,

corregido r ayotl
sim p 18
2. juicy; watery
FC -> jc-72895
3. juicy; watery

4. juicy; watery

5. juicy, watery <a:tl1-yo:tl1>

<a:tl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. juicy, watery <a:tl1-yo:tl1>
<a:tl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. juicy; watery; liquid
FC jc-031297

0. interj para llamar, !! hola !, !! eh !
sim p 18

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. gourd

0. p oayoac, etc, vn ( par ), mojarse, llenarse de agua
impers se bebe; por lo comu'n acompan~ado del impers
tlaqualloa, se come; ayoa tlaqualloa, dar un banquete de
bodas; lit se bebe, se come r atl
sim p 18

0. ( por s ayoach-chiauacayotl, etc ) s aceite de semillas,
de pepitas tambie'n se dice - *ayouachazeite r ayoachtli,
sim p 18

0. s semillas de calabaza r ayotl, achtli
sim p 18

0. p oayoti - nitla- mojar, embeber algo en el agua < aguar
algo > ( olm ) r ayoa
sim p 18

0. no-longer, longer: no longer

ayoc tle
0. cf ayoc
sim p 19

0. adj regan~ado, reprendido r ayo( ? )
sim p 18

0. adv ya no - ayoc ni-pinaua, ya no tener verg’enza; ayoc
axcan, con dificultad, con fatiga; ayocac, rev
ayocacatzintli, ya no esta' ahi', no se lo ve; ayoc
campa, ya de ningun lado, por ninguna parte; ayoc tle o
tlei, nada ma's, basta, no ma's, eso es todo, se
acabo'; ayoc tle monectoc, monequi, mo-temachia o
tlacotli tlatquitl, no falta nada, hay de todo en
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

sim p 18

0. s concha de tortuga r ayotl, cacallotl
sim p 18

0. no longer; not any more; no more; nevermore

1. adv ya no - ayocmo ommo-caqui, rebelde, desobediente,

insumiso, que no presta atencio'n; ayocmo nocon-caqui,
ser orgulloso, rebelde, arrogante, incorregible;
ayoctno uecauh, poco despue's, pronto; lit no hay que
esperar mucho tiempo cf aocmo
sim p 18
2. no longer; not any more; no more; nevermore
FC -> jc-72895
3. no longer; not any more; no more; nevermore

4. no longer; not any more; no more; nevermore

5. no longer, not any more; no more; nevermore <ah1-oc-mo:>

<ah1-oc-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
6. no longer, not any more; no more; nevermore <ah1-oc-mo:>
<ah1-oc-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
7. no longer, not any more; no more; nevermore <ah1-oc-mo:>
<ah1-oc-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
8. no longer; not any more; no more; nevermore
FC jc-031297

0. adj v inquieto, conmovido, agitado r a priv,
sim p 19

0. s fealdad, deformidad, rudeza r ayocoxqui, nexiliztli
sim p 19

0. s groseri'a, rudeza, violencia r a priv, yocoxcayotl
sim p 19

0. adj grosero, rudo, violento, cole'rico r a priv,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

sim p 19

0. watered wine

1. watered wine
FC -> jc-72895
2. watered wine

3. watered wine

4. watered wine <a:tl1-octli>

<a:tl1-octli> FC - > jc-61096
5. watered wine
FC jc-031297

0. gourd
1. squash

2. gourd
3. squash

4. squash
FC - > jc-61096
5. gourd
FC jc-031297

0. seller of gourd seeds or squash seeds

1. seller of gourd seeds or squash seeds

FC -> jc-72895
2. seller of gourd seeds or squash seeds

3. seller of gourd seeds or squash seeds

4. seller of gourd seeds or squash seeds

FC jc-031297
5. seller of gourd seeds
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. spoiled squash seed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. spoiled squash seed

FC -> jc-72895
2. spoiled squash seed

3. spoiled squash seed

4. spoiled squash seed

FC jc-031297

0. gourd seed; gourd seeds; squash seed

1. gourd seed; gourd seeds; squash seed

FC -> jc-72895
2. gourd seed; gourd seeds; squash seed

3. gourd seed; gourd seeds; squash seed

4. gourd seed; gourd seeds; squash seed

FC jc-031297

0. squash blossom

1. squash blossom
FC - > jc-61096

0. p oayoichic - nite- afeitar perfectamente a alguien,
afeitar bien r ( ? ), ichiqui
sim p 19

0. s pozo r atl, yollotl, uaztli ( ? )
sim p 19

0. adj ignorante, inha'bil, bruto, sin talento; ayollo
tlapaltiliztli, debilidad, cobardi'a, poltroneri'a,
inconstancia; ayollo tlapaltic, de'bil, sin corazo'n,
que no tiene valor r a priv, yollotl
sim p 19

0. s rudeza, groseri'a, torpeza r a priv, yollocayotl
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

sim p 19

0. s falta de valor r a priv, yollochicaualiztli
sim p 19

0. s golfo, ensenada, hundimiento, o en una bahi'a r atl,
yollotl, co
sim p 19

0. like a gourd vine

1. like a gourd vine

FC -> jc-72895
2. like a gourd vine

3. like a gourd vine

4. like a gourd vine

FC jc-031297

0. turtle

1. turtle
FC -> jc-72895
2. turtle

3. turtle

4. turtle
FC jc-031297

0. s aguamiel r ayotl, necutli
sim p 19

0. s color entre violeta y anaranjado r ayotl ( ? ), palli
sim p 19

0. s amatista piedra preciosa r ayopalli, teuilotl
sim p 19
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. ayopalti, it is made gourd-blossom color
<ayohtli-pa:3-l1-v01a (b11 f23 c8 p231)
1. ayopalti, it is made gourd-blossom color
<ayohtli-pa:3-l1-v01a> (b11 f23 c8 p231) JC-7/23/96 JC-7/23/96

0. violet-colored

1. violet-colored
FC -> jc-72895
2. violet-colored

3. violet-colored

4. violet-colored <ayohtli-pa:3-l1-tic>
<ayohtli-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. violet-colored <ayohtli-pa:3-l1-tic>
<ayohtli-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. violet-colored <ayohtli-pa:3-l1-tic>
<ayohtli-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. violet-colored <ayohtli-pa:3-l1-tic>
<ayohtli-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. violet-colored
FC jc-031297

0. adv no dos veces - ayoppa in tlacatioa o piltioa, no se
nace dos veces cf tlacati y piltia r a priv, oppa
sim p 19

0. ( por ayoc-ic ) cf aoquic
sim p 19
1. no longer you are here, not-here
2. no longer you are here, not-here

0. p oayoquixti - nitla- exprimir, extraer, hacer salir el
jugo, el agua, el caldo, etc r ayotl, quixtia
sim p 19
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. s concha de tortuga r ayotl, tapalcatl
sim p 19

0. uno de los jefes del eje'rcito de tlaxcala, aliado de
corte's ( clav )
sim p 19

0. gourd

1. s vaso hecho de calabaza, calabaza usada en medicina (

bet ) r ayotli, ( ? )
sim p 19
2. s tortuga de mar r ayotl, ( ? )
sim p 19
3. gourd
FC -> jc-72895
4. gourd

5. gourd

6. gourd
FC jc-031297

0. s calabaza, melo'n r ayotl, tetl
sim p 19
1. gourd
FC -> jc-72895
2. gourd <ayohtli-tetl1>
<ayohtli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
3. gourd <ayohtli-tetl1>
<ayohtli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
4. gourd
FC jc-031297

0. p oayoti, etc - nitla- mojar, empapar una cosa, llenarla
de agua r ayoa
sim p 19

0. llanuras y laguna cercanas a tepetulco ( bet )
sim p 19
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. turtle; turtle shell

1. s tortuga; jugo, zumo, caldo ( car ) en comp nayouh (

por no-ayouh ), mi tortuga r atl
sim p 19
2. gourd
FC -> jc-72895
3. turtle; turtle shell
FC -> jc-72895
4. turtle; turtle shell

5. turtle; turtle shell

6. gourd; turtle <a:yo:tl>

<a:yo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
7. gourd
FC jc-031297
8. turtle; turtle shell
FC jc-031297

0. poblacio'n que pagaba a me'xico un tributo de oro en polvo
( clav )
sim p 19

0. gourd tortilla

1. gourd tortilla
FC -> jc-72895
2. gourd tortilla

3. gourd tortilla

4. gourd tortilla <ayohtli-p51-ixca-l1>

<ayohtli-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. gourd tortilla <ayohtli-p51-ixca-l1>
<ayohtli-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. gourd tortilla
FC jc-031297

0. gourd
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. gourd
FC -> jc-72895
2. gourd

3. gourd

4. gourd <ayohtli>
<ayohtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. gourd
FC jc-031297

0. s calabaza; especie de melo'n ( b diaz ); chichic
ayotli ( bet ), calabaza amarga usada como remedio r atl
( ? )
sim p 19

0. cf aotli
sim p 19

0. p oayotocac - n ( por ni )- sembrar semillas de calabaza
impers ayotoco, se siembran pepitas de calabaza r ayotl,
sim p 19

0. armadillo

1. armadillo
FC -> jc-72895
2. armadillo

3. armadillo

4. armadillo <a:yo:tl-to:chtli>
<a:yo:tl-to:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. armadillo <a:yo:tl-to:chtli>
<a:yo:tl-to:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. armadillo
FC jc-031297

0. s cuadru'pedo; especie de lagarto cubierto de escamas (
clav ) r ayotli, tochtli
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

sim p 19
1. armadillo
FC -> jc-72895
2. armadillo <a:yo:tl-to:chtli>
<a:yo:tl-to:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
3. armadillo <a:yo:tl-to:chtli>
<a:yo:tl-to:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
4. armadillo
FC jc-031297

0. impers de ayotoca
sim p 19

0. dim de ayotli calabacita; ayotontli xoxouhcaqualoni,
especie de pepino que se puede comer crudo
sim p 19

0. s calabaza cortada antes de que este' madura que se hace
secar y se guarda para preparar guisos r ayotli, tzoyacatl
sim p 19

0. pueblo situado en la orilla sur del lago de chalco ( clav
sim p 19

0. p oayotzincuep - nin ( por nino )- dar volteretas,
girar, trepar < boltear o trepar al modo de espan~a > r
ayotl ( ? ), cuepa
sim p 19

0. cf quiyauhtzin
sim p 19

0. p oayoac, etc, vn ( par ), mojarse, llenarse de agua
impers se bebe; por lo comu'n acompan~ado del impers
tlaqualloa, se come; ayoa tlaqualloa, dar un banquete de
bodas; lit se bebe, se come r atl
sim p 18
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. ( por s ayoach-chiauacayotl, etc ) s aceite de semillas,
de pepitas tambie'n se dice - *ayouachazeite r ayoachtli,
sim p 18
1. cf ayoachiauacayoti
sim p 19

0. s semillas de calabaza r ayotl, achtli
sim p 18
1. cf ayoachtli
sim p 19

0. adv fa'cilmente, sin dificultad; ayoui mo-chiua, fa'cil,
que se hace sin trabajo, sin dificultad r a priv, youh
sim p 19

0. p oayoui - nitla- calentar avahar algo, respirar
sim p 19

0. adv fa'cilmente, sin dificultad; ayoui mo-chiua, fa'cil,
que se hace sin trabajo, sin dificultad r a priv, youh
sim p 19
1. cf ayoui
sim p 19

0. adjv suculento, jugoso r ayotl, xaxaua
sim p 19

0. s flor de calabaza r ayotl, xochitl
sim p 19

0. gourd blossom

1. s flor de calabaza r ayoxochitl, quilitl

sim p 19
2. gourd blossom
FC -> jc-72895
3. gourd blossom
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. gourd blossom

5. gourd blossom <ayohtli-xo:chitl-quilitl>

<ayohtli-xo:chitl-quilitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. gourd blossom <ayohtli-xo:chitl-quilitl>
<ayohtli-xo:chitl-quilitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. gourd blossom <ayohtli-xo:chitl-quilitl>
<ayohtli-xo:chitl-quilitl> FC - > jc-61096
8. gourd blossom; squash blossom
FC jc-031297

0. frec de ayo suculento, muy jugoso
sim p 19

0. adj v inquieto, conmovido, agitado r a priv,
sim p 19

0. s fealdad, deformidad, rudeza r ayocoxqui, nexiliztli
sim p 19

0. adj grosero, rudo, violento, cole'rico r a priv,
sim p 19

0. adj ignorante, inha'bil, bruto, sin talento; ayollo
tlapaltiliztli, debilidad, cobardi'a, poltroneri'a,
inconstancia; ayollo tlapaltic, de'bil, sin corazo'n,
que no tiene valor r a priv, yollotl
sim p 19

0. s color entre violeta y anaranjado r ayotl ( ? ), palli
sim p 19

0. s amatista piedra preciosa r ayopalli, teuilotl
sim p 19

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. p oayoti, etc - nitla- mojar, empapar una cosa, llenarla

de agua r ayoa
sim p 19

0. s tortuga; jugo, zumo, caldo ( car ) en comp nayouh (
por no-ayouh ), mi tortuga r atl
sim p 19

0. s flor de calabaza r ayotl, xochitl
sim p 19

0. p oazacac - n ( por ni )- ilevar agua r atl, zaca
sim p 5

0. sv aguador < azacan > r azaca
sim p 5

0. sv aguador < azacan > r azaca
sim p 5

0. s paja gruesa r a, zacatl
sim p 5

0. adv no poco, mucho; esta expresio'n parece ser una forma
suavizada de la palabra atzan, mucho, a menudo - aczan
nino-mati, apreciarse mucho, estar orgulloso de si'
mismo; azan itla ipan ticmatiz, no lo apreciara's por
poca cosa r a priv, zan

0. adv pues si' r amo, zaquema

0. s tipo de insecto acua'tico, arador r atl, zauatl

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. ( por aca-azo-ayac o azoayac ) adj tal vez nadie,

ninguno - nino matia acazayac, azayac nech-palehuiz yo
pense' que tal vez nadie me ayudari'a - azayac in
momiquizpan mitz-palehuiz ( par ), quiza' nadie te ayude
en el momento de tu muerte
sim p 5
1. cf acazayac
sim p 6

0. they carry water

1. p oazazacac, frec de azaca - n ( por ni )- llevar,

transportar mucha agua
sim p 5
2. they carry water
FC -> jc-72895
3. they carry water

4. they carry water

5. they carry water <a:tl1-dupl-zaca>

<a:tl1-dupl-zaca> FC - > jc-61096
6. they carry water <a:tl1-dupl-zaca>
<a:tl1-dupl-zaca> FC - > jc-61096
7. they carry water <a:tl1-dupl-zaca>
<a:tl1-dupl-zaca> FC - > jc-61096
8. they carry water
FC jc-031297

0. sv aguador, el que transporta agua por oficio r azazaca
sim p 5

0. adv puede ser - azazoquitla ( por azazo-oc-itla ),
quiza' ha'ya a'igo' ma's cf azo
sim p 6

0. ants

1. ants
FC -> jc-72895
2. ants
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. ants

4. ants <a:zcatl-plur03>
<a:zcatl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
5. ants
FC jc-031297

0. butterfly ant

1. butterfly ant
FC -> jc-72895
2. butterfly ant

3. butterfly ant

4. butterfly ant
FC jc-031297

0. flying ant

1. flying ant
FC -> jc-72895
2. flying ant

3. flying ant

4. flying ant
FC jc-031297

0. in an anthill

1. in an anthill
FC -> jc-72895
2. in an anthill

3. in an anthill

4. in an anthill
FC jc-031297

0. a small ant, asquel
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. ant
FC -> jc-72895
2. ant

3. a small ant, asquel

4. ant

5. ant
FC - > jc-61096
6. ant
FC - > jc-61096
7. ant <a:zcatl>
<a:zcatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. ant
FC jc-031297

0. anthill

1. anthill
FC - > jc-61096

0. adv probablemente, sin duda, tal vez : azo moztla
ni-pixcaz ( par ), sin duda man~ana cosechare'; azo
moztla ni-huallaz, anozo, quin huiptla ( car ), tal vez
venga yo man~ana o pasado man~ana; azo ueli, tal vez sea
posible : azo ca ueli, eso tal vez no sea posible; azo
amo, tal vez no; el mismo significado que acazomo o
azocamo : azo amo neltiliztli, eso tal vez no sea
verdad, quiza' no sea cierto; azo za o azo zan, pue'de
ser, sin duda : azo zan ic tiquimmocniuhti, sin duda
algo habra's hecho para tenerlos como amigos; azo zan te
otic-cuic, tal vez lo cogiste voluntariamente, lo
robaste; azo zan tic-mauizcauh, tal vez lo dejaras por
temor : azo zan nen, tal vez inu'tilmente, sin
provecho, sin razo'n; azo zan nouian quiza' en todas
partes, en todos lados; azo cana, tal vez en alguna
parte; azo ye cana iz, tal vez por aqui' ya cercano :
azo ye eana iz huitz tal vez este' ya cerca de aqui', es
decir, esta' tal vez ahi' llegando; azo yuh, aunque,
bien que : azo ma?, sin de cuix?, #es que? : azo ma
oticmo-machiti inic ye om-axitico in tlatoani? ( car ),
#has sabido co'mo ha llegado ya el gobernador?; tiqu-itoa
azo ma oc azcentlamantin, < entendi'amos que e'rades de
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

otra casta > ( car ); azo quema, puede que asi' sea; azo
quen, alrededor de, poco ma's o menos : azo quen
macuilpa amo onic-cac missa, alrededor de cinco veces no
he asistido a misa; azo quemmanian, quiza' alguna vez :
aza quemmanian oncan mocehuiquiuh, quiza' alguna vez venga
e'l a descansar aqui'

0. perhaps

1. perhaps
FC -> jc-72895
2. perhaps

3. perhaps

4. perhaps <ah1-zo2-oc>
<ah1-zo2-oc> FC - > jc-61096
5. perhaps <ah1-zo2-oc>
<ah1-zo2-oc> FC - > jc-61096
6. perhaps <ah1-zo2-oc>
<ah1-zo2-oc> FC - > jc-61096
7. perhaps
FC jc-031297

0. adv tal vez no : azocamo, nopiltzine, nezahualizpan
timo-zahua? ( par ), hijo mi'o, #quiza' no has ayunado
durante la cuaresma? cf acazomo

0. wilson snipe(Wilson's snipe n A common North American snipe
(Capella gallinago subsp delicata) [After Alexander Wilson
(1766-1813), Scottish-born American ornithologist])( snipe
(snºp) n 1, pl snipe or snipesa Any of various long-billed
shore bir

1. wilson snipe
FC -> jc-72895
2. wilson snipe(Wilson's snipe n A common North American snipe
(Capella gallinago subsp delicata) [After Alexander Wilson
(1766-1813), Scottish-born American ornithologist])( snipe
(snºp) n 1, pl snipe or snipesa Any of various long-billed
shore bir
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. wilson snipe(Wilson's snipe n A common North American snipe

(Capella gallinago subsp delicata) [After Alexander Wilson
(1766-1813), Scottish-born American ornithologist])( snipe
(snºp) n 1, pl snipe or snipesa Any of various long-billed
shore bir

4. Wilson snipe <a:tl1-zo:lin>

<a:tl1-zo:lin> FC - > jc-61096
5. Wilson snipe <a:tl1-zo:lin>
<a:tl1-zo:lin> FC - > jc-61096
6. wilson snipe
FC jc-031297

0. s ( olm ) paz, tranquilidad, calma r a priv, zomalli

0. exceedingly white; intensly white; very white

1. exceedingly white; intensly white; very white

FC -> jc-72895
2. exceedingly white; intensly white; very white

3. exceedingly white; intensly white; very white

4. exceedingly white; intensly white; very white

<a:ztatl-pil?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. exceedingly white; intensly white; very white
<a:ztatl-pil?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. exceedingly white; intensly white; very white
FC jc-031297

0. stork
1. heron; snowy egret
FC -> jc-72895
2. heron; snowy egret; stork

3. stork
4. heron; snowy egret; stork
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. heron; snowy egret <a:ztatl>

<a:ztatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. stork
FC - > jc-61096
7. heron; snowy egret
FC jc-031297

0. they speak like white herons bathed; it is washed burns the

1. they speak like white herons

FC -> jc-72895
2. they speak like white herons bathed; it is washed burns the

3. they speak like white herons bathed; it is washed burns the


4. they speak like white herons

FC jc-031297

0. one who has a heron-feather headdress
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. for a place to fill up with storks

1. for a place to fill up with storks

FC - > jc-61096

0. fruta ( fruit )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. no longer, no more; not yet; no one any longer; iron pyrites

0. esta' ( it is )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. hay ( there is )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. for; because
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is
FC -> jc-72895
4. it is; there is
FC -> jc-72895
5. they are
FC -> jc-72895
6. for; because; he is; it is; there is; because

7. for; because; he is; it is; there is; because

8. for, because <ca8>

<ca8> FC - > jc-61096
9. to be
FC - > jc-61096
10. esta' ( it is )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
11. hay ( there is )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
12. for; because; since
FC jc-031297
13. he is
FC jc-031297
14. it is; there is
FC jc-031297
15. they are
FC jc-031297

0. be
1. (cf tica) be
2. (cf tica) be

0. crow

0. wooden framework

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. leave

0. leave, wean, abandon, abstain
FC - > jc-61096
1. leave
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

ca:hua tlaca:uhtli
0. st which is left or abandoned
FC - > jc-61096

0. they will be weaned

0. they caused him to abandon it

0. st which is left or abandoned

0. abstain from it!

0. she bathes him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she bathes him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they will grab it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will grab it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. Donde comia zacate el conejito ? Canin oquicuaya zacatl in
totochtzin ? Where was the little rabbit eating grass ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. Donde estabas cuando viste que venia un aguacero ? Canin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

otiyeya ihcuac otiquittac ohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl ?

Where were you when you saw that a big rainfall was coming ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. Donde te escondes cuando te asustas ? Canin timotla:tia
ihcuac timomahtia ? Where do you hide when you are scared ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
3. Donde estaba la culebra ? Canin ocatca in coatl ? Where
was the snake ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
4. Donde entra uno no mas porque si ? Canin aic ce calaqui
zan ihcon ? Where does one enter just for the heck of it ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. it will give him diarrhea
FC - > jc-61096

0. he will amuse him
FC - > jc-61096

0. they bathe her; they bathe him

1. they bathe her; they bathe him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they bathe her; they bathe him

3. they bathe her

4. they bathe her; they bathe him

5. they bathe her

6. they bathe her <p33-a:ltia:>
<p33-a:ltia:> FC - > jc-61096
7. they bathe her; they bathe him
FC jc-031297

0. he will bathe him
FC -> jc-72895
1. he will bathe him <p33-a:ltia:-z>
<p33-a:ltia:-z> FC - > jc-61096
2. he will bathe him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they took it up, they seized it
FC -> jc-72895
1. they took it up, they seized it
FC jc-031297

0. they took it up, they seized it

0. they go grasping it

1. they go grasping it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go grasping it

3. they go grasping it

4. they go grasping it <ti1-nemi aux01>

<ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they go grasping it <ti1-nemi aux01>
<ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they go grasping it
FC jc-031297

0. they threw water on it
FC jc-031297

cac ( oqui- )
0. lo oyo' ( he heard it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. lo oyo' ( she heard it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. lo oyo' ( he heard it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. lo oyo' ( she heard it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

cac ( otinech- )
0. me oi'ste ( you heard me )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. inmimicon tetentiuh, cacacatzcatiuh in totomitl, cequi

chichiquilli, cequi tihpontli, cequi itzmitl each one's
quiver went filled, crowded with feathered arrows, some
with barbed points, some blunted, some obsidian-pointed
(b12 f3 p41)

0. cacao tree

1. cacao tree
FC -> jc-72895
2. cacao tree

3. cacao tree

4. cacao tree
FC jc-031297

0. owner of cacoa fields
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. cacoa sellers
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. bale of cacao

1. bale of cacao
FC -> jc-72895
2. bale of cacao

3. bale of cacao

4. bale of cacao
FC jc-031297

0. cacao bean

1. cacao bean
FC -> jc-72895
2. cacao bean
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. cacao bean

4. cacao bean <cacahuatl-tetl1>

<cacahuatl-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. cacao bean <cacahuatl-tetl1>
<cacahuatl-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. cacao bean
FC jc-031297

0. cocoa
1. cacao; cacao bean; chocolate
FC -> jc-72895
2. cacao; cacao bean; chocolate

3. cocoa
4. cacao; cacao bean; chocolate

5. cacao bean; cacao; chocolate <cacahuatl>

<cacahuatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. cocoa
FC - > jc-61096
7. cacao; cacao bean; chocolate
FC jc-031297

0. powdered cacao

1. powdered cacao
FC -> jc-72895
2. powdered cacao

3. powdered cacao

4. powdered cacao <cacahuatl-tla:lli>

<cacahuatl-tla:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. powdered cacao <cacahuatl-tla:lli>
<cacahuatl-tla:lli> FC - > jc-61096
6. powdered cacao
FC jc-031297

0. frothy chocolate flowers
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it crackles; it jingles; it rattles; it sounds

1. it crackles; it jingles; it rattles; it sounds

FC -> jc-72895
2. it crackles; it jingles; it rattles; it sounds

3. it crackles; it jingles; it rattles; it sounds

4. it crackles; it jingles; it rattles; it sounds

<dupl-cala:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. it crackles; it jingles; it rattles; it sounds
<dupl-cala:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. it crackles; it jingles; it rattles; it sounds
FC jc-031297

0. it rattled

1. it rattled
FC -> jc-72895
2. it rattled

3. it rattled

4. it rattled <dupl-cala:ni-ca7-ya3>
<dupl-cala:ni-ca7-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it rattled <dupl-cala:ni-ca7-ya3>
<dupl-cala:ni-ca7-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it rattled <dupl-cala:ni-ca7-ya3>
<dupl-cala:ni-ca7-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. it rattled
FC jc-031297

0. it slaps

1. it slaps
FC -> jc-72895
2. it slaps

3. it slaps
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it slaps
FC jc-031297

0. there is entering on the part of each one

1. there is entering on the part of each one

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is entering on the part of each one

3. there is entering on the part of each one

4. there is entering on the part of each one

<dupl-calaqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is entering on the part of each one
<dupl-calaqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is entering on the part of each one
<dupl-calaqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is entering on the part of each one
FC jc-031297

0. there was entering on the part of each one

1. there was entering on the part of each one

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was entering on the part of each one

3. there was entering on the part of each one

4. there was entering on the part of each one

<dupl-calaqui-prt1-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was entering on the part of each one
<dupl-calaqui-prt1-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was entering on the part of each one
<dupl-calaqui-prt1-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was entering on the part of each one
<dupl-calaqui-prt1-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
8. there was entering on the part of each one
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<dupl-calaqui-prt1-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
9. there was entering on the part of each one
FC jc-031297

0. they each entered; they entered; they got in
FC -> jc-72895
1. they entered, they got in; they each entered
<dupl-calaqui-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
2. they entered, they got in; they each entered
<dupl-calaqui-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
3. they each entered; they entered; they got in
FC jc-031297

0. they each entered; they entered; they got in

0. he enters repeatedly, he enters from house to house; he
repeatedly enters; he enters; they enter from house to house

1. he enters repeatedly, he enters from house to house; he

repeatedly enters; he enters; they enter from house to house
FC -> jc-72895
2. he enters repeatedly, he enters from house to house; he
repeatedly enters; he enters; they enter from house to house

3. he enters repeatedly, he enters from house to house; he

repeatedly enters; he enters; they enter from house to house

4. he enters repeatedly, he enters from house to house; he

repeatedly enters; he enters; they enter from house to
house <dupl-calaqui>
<dupl-calaqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. he enters repeatedly, he enters from house to house; he
repeatedly enters; he enters; they enter from house to
house <dupl-calaqui>
<dupl-calaqui> FC - > jc-61096
6. he enters repeatedly, he enters from house to house; he
repeatedly enters; he enters; they enter from house to house
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he entered from house to house
1. he entered from house to house
FC -> jc-72895
2. he entered from house to house
3. he entered from house to house
4. he entered from house to house <dupl-calaqui-ya3>
<dupl-calaqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he entered from house to house <dupl-calaqui-ya3>
<dupl-calaqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he entered from house to house <dupl-calaqui-ya3>
<dupl-calaqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he entered from house to house
FC jc-031297

0. they will enter repeatedly

1. they will enter repeatedly

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will enter repeatedly

3. they will enter repeatedly

4. they will enter repeatedly

FC jc-031297

0. it becomes hollow

1. it becomes hollow
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes hollow

3. it becomes hollow

4. it becomes hollow
FC jc-031297

0. various house settlements
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. shell

0. like "raven-stone"

1. like "raven-stone"
FC -> jc-72895
2. like "raven-stone"

3. like "raven-stone"

4. like "raven-stone" <ca:ca:lo:tl-tetl1-tic>

<ca:ca:lo:tl-tetl1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. like "raven-stone" <ca:ca:lo:tl-tetl1-tic>
<ca:ca:lo:tl-tetl1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. like "raven-stone" <ca:ca:lo:tl-tetl1-tic>
<ca:ca:lo:tl-tetl1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. like "raven-stone"
FC jc-031297

0. raven-stone; crow-egg

1. "raven-stone"; crow-egg
FC -> jc-72895
2. raven-stone; crow-egg

3. raven-stone; crow-egg

4. "raven-stone"; crow-egg <ca:ca:lo:tl-tetl1>

<ca:ca:lo:tl-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. "raven-stone"; crow-egg <ca:ca:lo:tl-tetl1>
<ca:ca:lo:tl-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. "raven-stone"; crow-egg
FC jc-031297

0. common raven; crow

1. common raven
FC -> jc-72895
2. common raven; crow

3. common raven; crow
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. common raven <ca:ca:lo:tl>

<ca:ca:lo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. crow
FC - > jc-61096
6. common raven
FC jc-031297

0. to each house

0. each of the majordomos, each of the house stewards; stewards

1. each of the majordomos, each of the house stewards; stewards

FC -> jc-72895
2. each of the majordomos, each of the house stewards; stewards

3. each of the majordomos, each of the house stewards; stewards

4. each of the majordomos, each of the house stewards;

stewards <dupl-calli-piya-prt1-plur14>
<dupl-calli-piya-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
5. each of the majordomos, each of the house stewards;
stewards <dupl-calli-piya-prt1-plur14>
<dupl-calli-piya-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
6. each of the majordomos, each of the house stewards;
stewards <dupl-calli-piya-prt1-plur14>
<dupl-calli-piya-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
7. each of the majordomos, each of the house stewards; stewards
FC jc-031297
8. stewards
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. auh in nohuian calpan, in techachan: ihuan in
tetelpochcalco, in **cacalpolco**, nohuiyan quiquetzaya,
matlacuauhpitzahuac, tzonyocuahuitl, itech quitlatlaliaya
amatetehuitl, oltica tlaolchipinilli, tlaolchachapatztli
and everywhere in the houses, in each home, and in each
young men's house, in each calpulco, everywhere they set up
long, thin poles, poles coming to a point, on each of which
they placed paper streamers with liquid rubber, spattered
with rubber, splashed with rubber
(b2 f1 p43) jc-030197
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. quinxoxochiotia in incinteohuan, in **cacalpolco**

quiquetza: they decked their maize gods with flowers; they
set them up in each calpulco
(b2 f2 p62) jc-030197
2. tlamanaya, tlacotonaya, cecenyaca in incalitic, in
imixcoyan in **cacalpolco**, in motenehua in teocalli, in
teocalco: each one made offerings and beheaded quail at his
personal [altar] in his house and in each of the tribal
quarters in the temples called teocalli
(b4 f4 p33) jc-030197
3. ic zatepan moyahua, tletletlalilo in nohuiyan cacalmecac,
**cacalpolco**: later, this was dispersed, and fires were
started everywhere in each priests' house and each tribal
(b7 f2 p29) jc-030197

0. small corn earns born from the main corn ear, the name of a

0. porous

1. porous
FC -> jc-72895
2. porous

3. porous

4. porous <dupl-cama:hua-tic>
<dupl-cama:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. porous <dupl-cama:hua-tic>
<dupl-cama:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. porous <dupl-cama:hua-tic>
<dupl-cama:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. porous
FC jc-031297

0. ducks

1. ducks
FC -> jc-72895
2. ducks
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. ducks

4. ducks <dupl-canauhtli-plur02 plur07>

<dupl-canauhtli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. ducks <dupl-canauhtli-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-canauhtli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. ducks
FC jc-031297

0. ducks
FC -> jc-72895
1. ducks <dupl-canauhtli-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-canauhtli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
2. ducks <dupl-canauhtli-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-canauhtli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
3. ducks
FC jc-031297

0. it whispers

1. it whispers
FC -> jc-72895
2. it whispers

3. it whispers

4. it whispers <dupl-capa:ni-ca7>
<dupl-capa:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. it whispers <dupl-capa:ni-ca7>
<dupl-capa:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. it whispers
FC jc-031297

0. <tbd>
1. black (b10 f6 p95a)
2. black
FC -> jc-72895
3. black

4. <tbd>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. black (b10 f6 p95a)

6. black

7. black
FC jc-031297

0. <tbd>
1. zazan tleino - cacatzactli temetzatica tlacuiloa what is
that which is black, writing with liquid lead? (b6 f19
2. black
FC -> jc-72895
3. <tbd>
4. zazan tleino - cacatzactli temetzatica tlacuiloa what is
that which is black, writing with liquid lead? (b6 f19
5. black
FC jc-031297

0. in ithualli huel temi, huel cacatzca, huel tzitzica, the
courtyard was well filled, it was well crowded, it was well
packed (b2 f6 p116)
1. it stretches (b10 f8 p131b)
2. it stretches
FC -> jc-72895
3. it stretches

4. in ithualli huel temi, huel cacatzca, huel tzitzica, the

courtyard was well filled, it was well crowded, it was well
packed (b2 f6 p116)
5. it stretches (b10 f8 p131b)
6. it stretches

7. it stretches
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. loose, sparcely woven
Adj Form jc-022897
1. loose
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. sparcely woven
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. free

4. released

5. unrestrained

6. unrestricted

7. unbound

8. unattached

9. unconfined

10. untied

11. unfettered

12. loose

13. sparcely woven

0. with carrying frame cords, by means of carrying frame cords

1. with carrying frame cords, by means of carrying frame cords

FC -> jc-72895
2. with carrying frame cords, by means of carrying frame cords

3. with carrying frame cords, by means of carrying frame cords

4. with carrying frame cords, by means of carrying frame cords

FC jc-031297

0. carrying frame
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. carrying frame
FC -> jc-72895
2. carrying frame
3. carrying frame
4. carrying frame <ca:ca:xtli>
<ca:ca:xtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. carrying frame
FC jc-031297

0. shred

0. barefoot
Adj Form jc-022897
1. barefoot
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. barefoot
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. one who has sandal soles
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. sole or form of a shoe

1. sole or form of a shoe

FC - > jc-61096
2. sole or form of a shoe
FC - > jc-61096

0. he arrives at it, he reaches it; he captures him; he
captures it; he catches him; he seizes him; he gains it; he
achieves it; he seizes it; he takes him; it achieves; it
hunts it; it reaches; it equals

1. he arrives at it, he reaches it; he captures him; he

captures it; he catches him; he seizes him; he gains it; he
achieves it; he seizes it; he takes him; it achieves; it
hunts it; it reaches; it equals
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they catch him, they capture him; they catch it; they seize
him; they detain him; they take it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he arrives at it, he reaches it; he captures him; he
captures it; he catches him; he seizes him; he gains it; he
achieves it; he seizes it; he takes him; it achieves; it
hunts it; it reaches; it equals

4. he arrives at it, he reaches it; he captures him; he

captures it; he catches him; he seizes him; he gains it; he
achieves it; he seizes it; he takes him; it achieves; it
hunts it; it reaches; it equals

5. he arrives at it, he reaches it; he catches him; he seizes

him; he captures him; he captures it; he gains it; he
achieves it; he seizes it; he takes him; it achieves; it
hunts it; it reaches; it equals; they seize him; they
detain him; they catch him; they capture him; they catch
it; they take it <p33-ahci>
<p33-ahci> FC - > jc-61096
6. he arrives at it, he reaches it; he captures him; he
captures it; he catches him; he seizes him; he gains it; he
achieves it; he seizes it; he takes him; it achieves; it
hunts it; it reaches; it equals
FC jc-031297
7. they catch him, they capture him; they catch it; they seize
him; they detain him; they take it
FC jc-031297

0. he captured him

1. he captured him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he captured him

3. he captured him

4. he captured him <p33-ahci-ya3>

<p33-ahci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he captured him <p33-ahci-ya3>
<p33-ahci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he captured him
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he took him, he captured him; he took it; he seized it

1. he took him, he captured him; he took it; he seized it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he took him, he captured him; he took it; he seized it

3. he took him, he captured him; he took it; he seized it

4. he took him, he captured him; he took it; he seized it

<p33-ahci-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he took him, he captured him; he took it; he seized it; it
reached it
FC jc-031297

0. it hunts it

1. it hunts it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it hunts it

3. it hunts it

4. it hunts it <p33-ahci-in>
<p33-ahci-in> FC - > jc-61096
5. it hunts it <p33-ahci-in>
<p33-ahci-in> FC - > jc-61096
6. it hunts it
FC jc-031297

0. they captured it; they caught it; they hunted it; they took

1. they captured it; they caught it; they hunted it; they took
FC -> jc-72895
2. they captured it; they caught it; they hunted it; they took

3. they captured it; they caught it; they hunted it; they took

4. they took it, they captured it; they hunted it

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-ahci-plur01> FC - > jc-61096

5. they captured it; they caught it; they hunted it; they took
FC jc-031297

0. he goes to take him, he goes to capture him

1. he goes to take him, he goes to capture him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes to take him, he goes to capture him

3. he goes to take him, he goes to capture him

4. he goes to take him, he goes to capture him

5. he goes to take him, he goes to capture him

6. he goes to take him, he goes to capture him <p33-ahci-dir2a>
<p33-ahci-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes to take him, he goes to capture him
FC jc-031297

0. he will capture it, he will catch it

1. he will capture it, he will catch it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will capture it, he will catch it

3. he will capture it, he will catch it

4. he will capture it, he will catch it <p33-ahci-z>

<p33-ahci-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will capture it, he will catch it
FC jc-031297

0. they try to catch it, they want to catch it

1. they try to catch it, they want to catch it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they try to catch it, they want to catch it

3. they try to catch it, they want to catch it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they try to catch it, they want to catch it

<p33-ahci-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. they try to catch it, they want to catch it
<p33-ahci-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. they try to catch it, they want to catch it
<p33-ahci-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
7. it wishes to catch it; they try to catch it; they want to
catch it
FC jc-031297

0. he sells sandals

1. he sells sandals
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sells sandals

3. he sells sandals

4. he sells sandals <cactli-namaca>

<cactli-namaca> FC - > jc-61096
5. he sells sandals <cactli-namaca>
<cactli-namaca> FC - > jc-61096
6. he sells sandals <cactli-namaca>
<cactli-namaca> FC - > jc-61096
7. he sells sandals
FC jc-031297

0. seller of sandals

1. seller of sandals
FC -> jc-72895
2. seller of sandals

3. seller of sandals

4. seller of sandals <cactli-namaca-qui2>

<cactli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
5. seller of sandals <cactli-namaca-qui2>
<cactli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
6. seller of sandals <cactli-namaca-qui2>
<cactli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. seller of sandals <cactli-namaca-qui2>

<cactli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
8. seller of sandals
FC jc-031297
9. sandal seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. sellers of sandals
FC -> jc-72895
1. sellers of sandals <cactli-namaca-plur01>
<cactli-namaca-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
2. sellers of sandals <cactli-namaca-plur01>
<cactli-namaca-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
3. sellers of sandals <cactli-namaca-plur01>
<cactli-namaca-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
4. sellers of sandals
FC jc-031297
5. sandal sellers
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. sellers of sandals

0. it is heard; they are heard
1. it is heard
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are heard
FC -> jc-72895
3. it is heard; they are heard
4. it is heard; they are heard
5. it is heard
Passive Verb jc-022897
6. it is heard
FC jc-031297
7. she is heeded; they are heard
FC jc-031297
8. it is heard
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
9. it is heard
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. it is heard
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
11. it is heard
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
12. it is heard
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
13. it is heard
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he brandishes it; she takes it up

1. he brandishes it; she takes it up

FC -> jc-72895
2. he brandishes it; she takes it up

3. he brandishes it; she takes it up

4. he brandishes it; she takes it up <p33-ahco-cui>

<p33-ahco-cui> FC - > jc-61096
5. he brandishes it; she takes it up <p33-ahco-cui>
<p33-ahco-cui> FC - > jc-61096
6. he brandishes it; she takes it up
FC jc-031297

0. she will lift it up

1. she will lift it up

FC -> jc-72895
2. she will lift it up

3. she will lift it up

4. she will lift it up <p33-ahco-cui-z>

<p33-ahco-cui-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. she will lift it up <p33-ahco-cui-z>
<p33-ahco-cui-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. she will lift it up; she will take it up
FC jc-031297

0. they are heard
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they are heard
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they are heard

JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. they are heard
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they are heard
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they are heard
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. they are heard
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he raises it as a threat

1. he raises it as a threat
FC -> jc-72895
2. he raises it as a threat

3. he raises it as a threat

4. he raises it as a threat
FC jc-031297

0. mexical shell flower

0. it was heard
1. it was heard
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was heard
3. it was heard
4. it was heard <caqui-lo:1-ya3>
<caqui-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was heard
FC jc-031297
6. quitoa in ihcuac in cacoya
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
7. quinextia miquiztli: cocoliztli
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
8. miquiztetzahuitl: they said that when it was heard
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. it signified death or sickness; it was an omen of death

10. inic chicuacentlamantli tetzahuitl

11. miyecpa cihuatl cacoya chocatiuh

12. tzatzitiuh

13. yoaltica

14. [ as ] the sixth omen

15. often was heard a woman

16. who went weeping and crying out at night

0. small sandal

1. small sandal
FC -> jc-72895
2. small sandal

3. small sandal

4. small sandal <cactli-tepi-to:n>

<cactli-tepi-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. small sandal <cactli-tepi-to:n>
<cactli-tepi-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. small sandal
FC jc-031297

0. it is still, it is quiet; there is silence

1. it is still, it is quiet; there is silence

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is still, it is quiet; there is silence

3. it is still, it is quiet; there is silence

4. it is still, it is quiet <cac-ti1-huetzi aux03>

<cac-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is still, it is quiet; there is silence <cac-ti1-huetzi
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cac-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096

6. it is still, it is quiet; there is silence <cac-ti1-huetzi
<cac-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is still, it is quiet; there is silence
FC jc-031297

0. it was still

1. it was still
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was still

3. it was still

4. it was still <cac-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03>

<cac-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was still <cac-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03>
<cac-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was still <cac-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03>
<cac-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
7. it was still
FC jc-031297

0. it was quiet, silence reigned

1. it was quiet, silence reigned

FC -> jc-72895
2. it was quiet, silence reigned

3. it was quiet, silence reigned

<cac-ti1-p54-mani-caus09-ya3 aux04>
4. it was quiet, silence reigned

5. it was quiet, silence reigned

<cac-ti1-p54-mani-caus09-ya3 aux04>
6. it was quiet, silence reigned <cac-ti1-p54-mani-caus09-ya3
<cac-ti1-p54-mani-caus09-ya3 aux04> FC - > jc-61096
7. it was quiet, silence reigned <cac-ti1-p54-mani-caus09-ya3
<cac-ti1-p54-mani-caus09-ya3 aux04> FC - > jc-61096
8. it was quiet, silence reigned <cac-ti1-p54-mani-caus09-ya3
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cac-ti1-p54-mani-caus09-ya3 aux04> FC - > jc-61096

9. it was quiet, silence reigned <cac-ti1-p54-mani-caus09-ya3
<cac-ti1-p54-mani-caus09-ya3 aux04> FC - > jc-61096
10. it was quiet, silence reigned
FC jc-031297

0. shoe, cacle
1. shoe
2. sandal
FC -> jc-72895
3. shoe, sandal

4. shoe, cacle
5. shoe
6. shoe, sandal

7. sandal
FC - > jc-61096
8. sandal <cactli>
<cactli> FC - > jc-61096
9. shoe
FC - > jc-61096
10. shoe, sandal
FC - > jc-61096
11. shoe, sandal
FC - > jc-61096
12. shoe, sandal )
Noun jc-030797
13. sandal
FC jc-031297
14. shoe
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
15. shoe
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
16. shoe
JC-05-07-97 Noun StemsList A
17. zapato
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
18. shoe
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

19. sandal

20. shoe

21. sandal

cactli (shoe-| sandal) quicactia

0. she puts a shoe on him

cactli-| copi:na tlacaccopi:ntli

0. person or horse that lost a shoe

0. shoemaker's dye
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. shoemaker's dye
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. shoemaker's dye
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. shoemaker's dye

1. shoemaker's dye
FC - > jc-61096
2. shoemaker's dye
FC - > jc-61096

0. it lies silent
FC jc-031297

0. barefoot
Adj Form jc-022897
1. barefoot
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. barefoot
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

cactoya ( oquin- )
0. los estaba oyendo ( he was listening to them )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. sandal maker
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. old sandal

1. old sandal
FC -> jc-72895
2. old sandal

3. old sandal

4. old sandal <cactli-zolli>

<cactli-zolli> FC - > jc-61096
5. old sandal <cactli-zolli>
<cactli-zolli> FC - > jc-61096
6. old sandal
FC jc-031297

0. sandal makers

1. sandal makers
FC -> jc-72895
2. sandal makers

3. sandal makers

4. sandal makers
FC jc-031297
5. sandal sewers
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. cada ( each )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. esta' ( it is )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. it is; there is
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is; there is
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it is; there is

4. esta' ( it is )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. it is; there is
FC jc-031297
6. she is
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

cah ( onimo- )
0. me quede'; me puse de acuerdo ( I agreed [ calque ] )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he will bathe him

1. he will bathe him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will bathe him

3. he will bathe him

4. he will bathe him

FC jc-031297

0. auh in inmicon iniomotlan pipilcatiuh, inciacacpa
quiquiztiuh, huel tetentiuh, cahcacatzcatiuh in mitl, in
tepozmitl, and their quivers went hung at their sides or
passed under their arms, each one well filled, crowded with
iron bolts (b12 f3 p40)

0. entertainer

1. entertainer
FC -> jc-72895
2. entertainer

3. entertainer

4. entertainer
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. jester

1. jester
FC -> jc-72895
2. jester

3. jester

4. jester
FC jc-031297

0. cahcatzca in cana huel mohueichihua, huel mohocza,
tzihtzica, cahcatzca, when somewhere there was great
congregating, there was indeed trampling, shoving, and
crowding (b4 f11 p119)
1. tie or pack tightly
2. cahcatzca in cana huel mohueichihua, huel mohocza,
tzihtzica, cahcatzca, when somewhere there was great
congregating, there was indeed trampling, shoving, and
crowding (b4 f11 p119)
3. tie or pack tightly

0. pal onmocencamahuia: intlacamo oztomecatl, intlacamo hueca
matini: ihuan intlacamo cenca mocuiltonoa, intlacamo
ontlaaaqui ichan, intlacamo tecoani, intlacamo tealtiani,
intlacamo cahcatzcatoc, nahnatzcatoc ichan cacaxtli:
intlacamo poctecontica, ayotectica atlihua ichan etx each
spoke for himself; none would talk to them or say a work in
their behalf, unless he were a vanguard merchant, one who
knew distant lands; unless he were very rich, dealt in
goods in his house, or were a buyer of slaves, a ceremonial
bather of captives to be sacrificed; unless in his house
were carrying frames stuffed and creaking; unless in his
house one drank from black jars, gourd vessels, etc (b4 f5

0. he reaches it, he catches it; it catches it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he reaches it, he catches it; it catches it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he reaches it, he catches it; it catches it

3. he reaches it, he catches it; it catches it

4. he reaches it, he catches it <p33-ahci>

<p33-ahci> FC - > jc-61096
5. he reaches it, he catches it; it catches it
FC jc-031297

0. they go to grab it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. she will grab it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she will grab it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they scold him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they scold him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they go to scold him
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

cahqueh ( omo- )
0. se quedaron; convinieron ( they agreed )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

cahqueh ( otic- )
0. lo oi'mos ( we heard it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. which?

0. time
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cahua ( qui- )
0. lo permite ( he permits it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

cahua ( xic- )
0. de'jalo ( leave it; drop it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

cahua ( ximo- )
0. que'date ( stay; remain )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. burn, hot

0. horse groom
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. horse groom
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. horse groom
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. horse groom
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

cahuah ( timo- )
0. nos quedamos; estamos de acuerdo ( we agree [ calque ] )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. nos quedamos; estamos de acuerdo ( we agree [ calque ] )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. horse

1. horse
FC - > jc-61096

0. halter

1. halter
FC - > jc-61096

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. horse's mane
FC - > jc-61096

0. horse's mane
FC - > jc-61096

0. horse's halter

1. horse's halter
FC - > jc-61096

0. horse's harness and trappings

1. horse's harness and trappings

FC - > jc-61096

0. she is left

1. she is left
FC -> jc-72895
2. she is left

3. she is left

4. she is left <ca:hua-lo:1>

<ca:hua-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. she is left <ca:hua-lo:1>
<ca:hua-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. she is left
FC jc-031297

0. it went to be left, it went to be delivered
FC jc-031297

0. he was abandoned; he was let go; he was released; they were
released; they were freed

1. he was abandoned; he was let go; he was released; they were

released; they were freed
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he was abandoned; he was let go; he was released; they were

released; they were freed

3. he was abandoned; he was let go; he was released; they were

released; they were freed

4. he was abandoned; he was let go; he was released; they were

released; they were freed <ca:hua-lo:1-ya3>
<ca:hua-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was abandoned; he was let go; he was released; they were
released; they were freed <ca:hua-lo:1-ya3>
<ca:hua-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was abandoned; he was let go; he was released; they were
released; they were freed
FC jc-031297

0. it will cease, it will stop

1. it will cease, it will stop

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will cease, it will stop

3. it will cease, it will stop

4. it will cease, it will stop

FC jc-031297

0. they will be weaned
FC - > jc-61096

0. caballos ( horses )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he scolded him, chided him; he berated him

1. he scolded him, chided him; he berated him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he scolded him, chided him; he berated him

3. he scolded him, chided him; he berated him

4. he scolded him, he berated him; chided him <p33-ahhua-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-ahhua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

5. he scolded him, chided him; he berated him
FC jc-031297

0. caballo ( horse )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

cahuili ( yomocen- )
0. lo termino' [ H ] ( he [ H ] finished it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he affronts him; he dishonors her; he dishonors him

1. he affronts him; he dishonors her; he dishonors him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he affronts him; he dishonors her; he dishonors him

3. he affronts him; he dishonors her; he dishonors him

4. he affronts him; he dishonors her; he dishonors him

<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. he affronts him; he dishonors her; he dishonors him
<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. he affronts him; he dishonors her; he dishonors him
<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
7. he affronts him; he dishonors her; he dishonors him
FC jc-031297

0. (may) he gladden him

1. ( may ) he gladden him

FC -> jc-72895
2. (may) he gladden him

3. (may) he gladden him

4. ( may ) he gladden him <p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-prt1>

<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. ( may ) he gladden him <p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-prt1>
<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. ( may ) he gladden him <p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-prt1>

<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. ( may ) he gladden him
FC jc-031297

0. she amuses him; they gladden him; they gladden it; they
harry(har ry (h²r") trv har ried, har ry ing, har ries 1 To
disturb or distress by or as if by repeated attacks; harass
See Synonyms at harass 2 To raid, as in war; sack or
pillage [Middle

1. she amuses him; they gladden him; they gladden it; they
harry him
FC -> jc-72895
2. she amuses him; they gladden him; they gladden it; they
harry(har ry (h²r") trv har ried, har ry ing, har ries 1 To
disturb or distress by or as if by repeated attacks; harass
See Synonyms at harass 2 To raid, as in war; sack or
pillage [Middle

3. she amuses him; they gladden him; they gladden it; they
harry(har ry (h²r") trv har ried, har ry ing, har ries 1 To
disturb or distress by or as if by repeated attacks; harass
See Synonyms at harass 2 To raid, as in war; sack or
pillage [Middle

4. she amuses him; they gladden it; they gladden him; they
harry him <p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a>
<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
5. she amuses him; they gladden it; they gladden him; they
harry him <p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a>
<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
6. she amuses him; they gladden it; they gladden him; they
harry him <p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a>
<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
7. she amuses him; they gladden him; they gladden it; they
harry him
FC jc-031297

0. they harried him

1. they harried him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they harried him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they harried him

4. they harried him <p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-ya3>

<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they harried him <p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-ya3>
<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they harried him <p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-ya3>
<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they harried him <p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-ya3>
<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they harried him
FC jc-031297

0. he will gladden him, he will amuse him

1. he will gladden him, he will amuse him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will gladden him, he will amuse him

3. he will gladden him, he will amuse him

4. he will gladden him, he will amuse him

<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will gladden him, he will amuse him
<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will gladden him, he will amuse him
<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will gladden him, he will amuse him
FC jc-031297

0. time

1. time
FC -> jc-72895
2. time

3. time

4. time <ca:huitl>
<ca:huitl> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. time
FC - > jc-61096
6. time
FC jc-031297

0. brief time; moment; bit of time

1. brief time; moment; bit of time

FC -> jc-72895
2. brief time; moment; bit of time

3. brief time; moment; bit of time

4. brief time; moment; bit of time <ca:huitl-to:n>

<ca:huitl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. brief time; moment; bit of time
FC jc-031297

0. time

1. time
FC -> jc-72895
2. time

3. time

4. time <ca:huitl-tzin>
<ca:huitl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. time <ca:huitl-tzin>
<ca:huitl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. time
FC jc-031297

0. he reaches it
FC - > jc-61096

0. householder ( calli = house )

0. clank
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. frog

0. he entered, he went in

1. he entered, he went in
FC -> jc-72895
2. he entered, he went in

3. he entered, he went in

4. he entered, he went in
FC jc-031297

calac ( o- )
0. entro' ( he entered )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. se entra ( people enter )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. people enter; there is entering
FC -> jc-72895
2. people enter; there is entering

3. people enter; there is entering

4. people enter; there is entering <calaqui-lo:2-hua2>

<calaqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. se entra ( people enter )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. people enter; there is entering
FC jc-031297

0. there was entering, people entered

1. there was entering, people entered

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was entering, people entered

3. there was entering, people entered
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. there was entering, people entered <calaqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3>

<calaqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was entering, people entered <calaqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<calaqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was entering, people entered <calaqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<calaqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was entering, people entered
FC jc-031297

0. entrance

1. entrance
FC -> jc-72895
2. entrance

3. entrance

4. entrance <calaqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<calaqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. entrance <calaqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<calaqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. entrance <calaqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<calaqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. entrance <calaqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<calaqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. entrance
FC jc-031297

0. uno entrara' ( one will enter )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. there will be entering, people will enter
FC -> jc-72895
2. there will be entering, people will enter

3. there will be entering, people will enter

4. there will be entering, people will enter

<calaqui-lo:2-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. there will be entering, people will enter
<calaqui-lo:2-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. there will be entering, people will enter
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<calaqui-lo:2-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096

7. uno entrara' ( one will enter )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. there will be entering, people will enter
FC jc-031297

0. people enter

1. people enter
FC - > jc-61096

0. everyone will enter
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. everyone will enter
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. everyone will enter
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. everyone will enter
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. everyone will enter
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they entered
1. they entered
FC -> jc-72895
2. they entered
3. they entered
4. they entered
FC jc-031297

0. one who has entered
Adj Form jc-022897
1. one who has entered
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. one who has entered
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it enters quickly, it penetrates quickly; it suddenly
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

enters; it suddenly dives in; they enter quickly; they

hasten to enter; they enter suddenly

1. it enters quickly, it penetrates quickly; it suddenly

enters; it suddenly dives in; they enter quickly; they
hasten to enter; they enter suddenly
FC -> jc-72895
2. it enters quickly, it penetrates quickly; it suddenly
enters; it suddenly dives in; they enter quickly; they
hasten to enter; they enter suddenly

3. it enters quickly, it penetrates quickly; it suddenly

enters; it suddenly dives in; they enter quickly; they
hasten to enter; they enter suddenly

4. it enters quickly, it penetrates quickly; it suddenly

enters; it suddenly dives in; they hasten to enter; they
enter suddenly; they enter quickly <calaqui-ti1-huetzi
<calaqui-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. it enters quickly, it penetrates quickly; it suddenly
enters; it suddenly dives in; they enter quickly; they
hasten to enter; they enter suddenly
FC jc-031297

0. they go along entering

1. they go along entering

FC -> jc-72895
2. they go along entering

3. they go along entering

4. they go along entering <calaqui-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>

<calaqui-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they go along entering <calaqui-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>
<calaqui-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they go along entering
FC jc-031297

0. they had gone entering, they had gone penetrating

1. they had gone entering, they had gone penetrating

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they had gone entering, they had gone penetrating

3. they had gone entering, they had gone penetrating

4. they had gone entering, they had gone penetrating

<calaqui-ti1-nemi-- aux01>
<calaqui-ti1-nemi-- aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they had gone entering, they had gone penetrating
<calaqui-ti1-nemi-- aux01>
<calaqui-ti1-nemi-- aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they had gone entering, they had gone penetrating
FC jc-031297

calahqueh ( oti- )
0. entramos ( we entered )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. helmet, hood

0. smooth, plaster

0. enter
1. (cf calli, aqui) enter
2. (cf calli, aqui) enter

0. entra ( he enters; he goes in )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. entran ( they enter )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. he enters; he goes in; he goes within
FC -> jc-72895
3. it enters; it goes in; it penetrates; it sets
FC -> jc-72895
4. she enters; they enter; they go in; they penetrate
FC -> jc-72895
5. he enters, he goes in; he goes within; it enters; it goes
in; it penetrates; it sets; she enters; they penetrate;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

they enter; they go in

6. he enters, he goes in; he goes within; it enters; it goes
in; it penetrates; it sets; she enters; they penetrate;
they enter; they go in
7. enter
FC - > jc-61096
8. there is entering
FC - > jc-61096
9. to enter
FC - > jc-61096
10. entra ( he enters; he goes in )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
11. entran ( they enter )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
12. he enters; he goes in; he goes within
FC jc-031297
13. it enters; it goes in; it penetrates; it sets
FC jc-031297
14. she enters; they enter; they go in; they penetrate
FC jc-031297
15. oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
16. quemah
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
17. que ihcuac ce quiyequizcaltiah
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
18. aic ce calaqui zan ihcon ihtec ce calli Sabi'a
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems
19. si'

20. que cuando uno tiene buena educacio'n

21. nunca se mete uno sin ma's ni ma's en una casa

22. He knew

23. yes

24. that when one has education

25. one never enters a house without asking for permission

26. Donde entra uno no mas porque si ? Canin aic ce calaqui

zan ihcon ? Where does one enter just for the heck of it ?
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

27. achto ce tetlahpaloa

28. huan tla ce cualnanquiliah ce calaqui

29. huan tlamo ce cualnanquiliah amo ce calaqui ( sino que )

primero se saluda y si le contestan

30. entra

31. y si no le contestan

32. no se entra One must

33. first

34. greet and if greeted back enter

35. and if not answered

36. do not enter

37. enter

calaqui mocacalaquiah
0. they successively enter

calaqui-| calaquiliztli
0. act of entering

0. he entered; it entered; it went in; they entered; they came
in; they penetrated

1. he entered; it entered; it went in; they entered; they came

in; they penetrated
FC -> jc-72895
2. he entered; it entered; it went in; they entered; they came
in; they penetrated

3. he entered; it entered; it went in; they entered; they came

in; they penetrated
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he entered; it entered; it went in; they entered; they came

in <calaqui-ya3>
<calaqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they entered, they penetrated <calaqui-caus08>
<calaqui-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. he entered; it entered; it went in; they entered; they came
in; they penetrated
FC jc-031297

calaquia ( mo- )
0. se mete ( it is put in )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

calaquia ( o- )
0. entraban ( they entered )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

calaquiaya ( oqui- )
0. lo meti'an ( they put it in )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. they came to enter

1. they came to enter

FC -> jc-72895
2. they came to enter

3. they came to enter

4. they came to enter <calaqui-dir1b>

<calaqui-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
5. they came to enter <calaqui-dir1b>
<calaqui-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
6. they came to enter
FC jc-031297

0. he enters, he returns

1. he enters, he returns
FC -> jc-72895
2. he enters, he returns

3. he enters, he returns
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he enters, he returns
FC jc-031297

0. act of entering
FC - > jc-61096
1. act of entering
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. act of entering
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. act of entering
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he was imprisoned

1. he was imprisoned
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was imprisoned

3. he was imprisoned

4. he was imprisoned <calaqui-lo:2-ya3>

<calaqui-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was imprisoned
FC jc-031297

0. he is accustomed to entering; one who enters; it is
accustomed to entering; they enter; they are accustomed to

1. he is accustomed to entering; one who enters; it is

accustomed to entering; they enter; they are accustomed to
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is accustomed to entering; one who enters; it is
accustomed to entering; they enter; they are accustomed to

3. he is accustomed to entering; one who enters; it is

accustomed to entering; they enter; they are accustomed to

4. he is accustomed to entering; one who enters; it is

accustomed to entering; they enter; they are accustomed to
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

enter <calaqui-ni1>
<calaqui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is accustomed to entering; one who enters; it is
accustomed to entering; they enter; they are accustomed to
enter <calaqui-ni1>
<calaqui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is accustomed to entering; one who enters; it is
accustomed to entering; they enter; they are accustomed to
FC jc-031297

0. they will come to enter
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. they go to enter
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. they went to enter

1. they went to enter

FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to enter

3. they went to enter

4. they went to enter <calaqui-dir2b>

<calaqui-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
5. they went to enter <calaqui-dir2b>
<calaqui-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
6. they went to enter
FC jc-031297

0. va a entrar ( he will enter )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. va a entrar ( he will enter )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. entrara' ( he will enter )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. he will enter; it will enter; it will go in
FC -> jc-72895
4. he will enter; it will enter; it will go in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he will enter; it will enter; it will go in

6. va a entrar ( he will enter )

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. va a entrar ( he will enter )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
8. entrara' ( he will enter )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. he will enter; it will enter; it will go in
FC jc-031297

calaquiz ( ni- )
0. voy a entrar ( I will enter )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he wants to enter, he tries to enter

1. he wants to enter, he tries to enter

FC -> jc-72895
2. he wants to enter, he tries to enter

3. he wants to enter, he tries to enter

4. he wants to enter, he tries to enter <calaqui-z-nequi>

<calaqui-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he wants to enter, he tries to enter <calaqui-z-nequi>
<calaqui-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he wants to enter, he tries to enter
FC jc-031297

0. they will enter; they will penetrate

1. they will enter; they will penetrate

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will enter; they will penetrate

3. they will enter; they will penetrate

4. they will enter; they will penetrate

FC jc-031297

0. frog
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. frog
FC - > jc-61096

0. on a roof

1. on a roof
FC -> jc-72895
2. on a roof

3. on a roof

4. on a roof
FC jc-031297

0. house beam
FC jc-031297

0. roof of a house

1. roof of a house
FC - > jc-61096
2. roof of a house
FC - > jc-61096

0. house soot
FC - > jc-61096
1. house soot
Noun jc-030797
2. house soot
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
3. house soot
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

calcue:chtli (house soot) quicalcue:chhuiahe

0. blackens it with soot

0. soot

1. soot
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. ones who have houses
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. owners of houses
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. casa ( house )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. casa ( house; home )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. house; home
FC -> jc-72895
3. casa ( house )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
4. casa ( house; home )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
5. house; home
FC jc-031297

0. become

0. home life

1. home life
FC -> jc-72895
2. home life

3. home life

4. home life <calli-nemi-liz>

<calli-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. home life <calli-nemi-liz>
<calli-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. home life
FC jc-031297

0. en la casa ( in the house )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. in the house; into the house; within the house; inside the
house; within; inside
FC -> jc-72895
2. in the house; into the house; within the house; inside the
house; within; inside

3. in the house; into the house; within the house; inside the
house; within; inside

4. in the house; into the house; within the house; inside the
house; within; inside <calli-ihtitl-co2>
<calli-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in the house; into the house; within the house; inside the
house; within; inside <calli-ihtitl-co2>
<calli-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. en la casa ( in the house )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. in the house; into the house; within the house; inside the
house; within; inside
FC jc-031297

0. house settlement
FC jc-031297

0. they entered
FC jc-031297

0. village, settlement
FC jc-031297

0. ground that is next to a house

1. ground that is next to a house

FC - > jc-61096

0. they enter, they come in

1. they enter, they come in

FC -> jc-72895
2. they enter, they come in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they enter, they come in

4. they enter, they come in

FC jc-031297

0. house
1. house, container
2. house; hut
FC -> jc-72895
3. house; home

4. house
5. house, container
6. house; home

7. house
FC - > jc-61096
8. house
FC - > jc-61096
9. house
FC - > jc-61096
10. house
FC - > jc-61096
11. house, home, covering
FC - > jc-61096
12. (cf acalli, calaqui, uacalli) house, container
13. (cf acalli, calaqui, uacalli) house, container
14. house
Noun jc-030797
15. house; hut
FC jc-031297
16. oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
17. quemah
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
18. que ihcuac ce quiyequizcaltiah
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
19. aic ce calaqui zan ihcon ihtec ce calli Sabi'a
JC-05-07-97 Noun StemsList A
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

20. si'
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
21. que cuando uno tiene buena educacio'n
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
22. nunca se mete uno sin ma's ni ma's en una casa

23. He knew

24. yes

25. that when one has education

26. one never enters a house without asking for permission

27. house

28. house

29. house

30. home

31. casa

32. house

33. house

calli (house) ninocaltia

0. I make a house for myself

calli-| mela:hua calmelactli

0. large long room or corridor

0. large long room or corridor
JC-05-07-97 Patientive Nouns no1

0. land that is next to the house

1. land that is next to the house

FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. land that is next to the house

FC - > jc-61096

0. autobu's ( bus )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. corner of a house

1. corner of a house
FC - > jc-61096
2. corner of a house
FC - > jc-61096

0. silk cocoon

1. silk cocoon
FC - > jc-61096
2. silk cocoon
FC - > jc-61096

0. road that goes to a house

1. road that goes to a house

FC - > jc-61096
2. road that goes to a house
FC - > jc-61096

0. in the houses

1. in the houses
FC -> jc-72895
2. in the houses

3. in the houses

4. in the houses <calli-pan>

<calli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. in the houses
FC jc-031297

calpan pilli
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. bastard child
FC jc-031297

0. stewardship

1. stewardship
FC -> jc-72895
2. stewardship

3. stewardship

4. stewardship
FC jc-031297

0. majordomos, house stewards; stewards
FC -> jc-72895
1. majordomos, house stewards; stewards
<calli-piya-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
2. majordomos, house stewards; stewards
FC jc-031297

0. majordomos, house stewards; stewards

0. majordomo, house steward; steward

1. majordomo, house steward; steward

FC -> jc-72895
2. majordomo, house steward; steward

3. majordomo, house steward; steward

4. majordomo, house steward; steward <calli-piya-prt1-qui1>

<calli-piya-prt1-qui1> FC - > jc-61096
5. majordomo, house steward; steward <calli-piya-prt1-qui1>
<calli-piya-prt1-qui1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one who manages a house, steward
Agentive -qui jc-022897
7. majordomo, house steward; steward
FC jc-031297
8. one who manages a house
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui

9. steward
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
10. one who manages a house
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
11. steward

12. one who manages a house

13. steward

0. cana in **calpolco** quiquetzaya: achto quitlamanilia,
somewhere in [a temple of] the calpulli they set it
upright; at the first they offered it an offering
(b1 f2 p43) jc-030197
1. nohuiyan nemi, izquican quiza acan quimocahuia, acan
quixcahua in calmecac, **calpolco**: he went everywhere; he
went every place; he omitted no place; nowhere did he
forget in the calmecacs, in the calpulcos
(b2 f1 p54) jc-030197
2. auh in onohuiyampaneh, in onohuiampa aacito, niman concahua
in tlahuiztli tecpa: auh in imal oncan quihualhuiquilia in
**calpolco**, in oncan oquitozahuique ceyohual: and when he
had gone everywhere, when he had gone to reach everywhere,
then he left the insignia at the palace, and he caused [the
body of] his captive to be taken to the calpulco where they
had passed the night in vigil for him
(b2 f1 p54) jc-030197
3. auh zan **calpolco**, in quintlatzotzoniliaya, and only in
the calpulcos were those who beat the drum for them
(b2 f3 p75) jc-030197
4. auh in oquiquequentique calcuac compiloa, **calpolco**, and
when they had covered them, they hung them from the roof of
the calpulco
(b2 f8 p133) jc-030197
5. ompa tlamattihui in **calpolco**, they went quietly to the
(b2 f8 p144) jc-030197
6. auh in oacito **calpolco**: niman ye ic mitotia, in
tlaaltilti, in ithualco: and when they had gone to reach
the calpulco, thereupon the bathed ones danced in the
(b2 f8 p144) jc-030197
7. auh in tetlauhtilli, quicalaquia in **calpolco**: and they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

put the gifts in the calpulco

(b2 f8 p144) jc-030197
8. auh in otemoco niman ye ic quinhuica in **calpolco**, and
when they came descending, thereupon they took them to the
(b2 f10 p163) jc-030197
9. auh inic ome, in tlacahuepan cuexcotzin, ompa in
mochihuaya, in tlacatia, itocayocan huitznahuac
**calpolco**: and the second one, tlacauepan cuexcotzin,
was made, took human form, there at a place called
uitznauac calpulco
(b2 f11 p175) jc-030197
10. in huitznahuac **calpolco**, oncan mochihuaya, oncan
tlacatia in iixiptla diablo, in itoca catca tlacahuepan
cuexcochtzin at uitznauac calpulco there was made at that
place, there took man's form, the image of the devil whose
name was tlacauepan cuexcotzin
(b2 f12 p192) jc-030197
11. hualnahuatia, in nantli inic amo quixiccahuaz in iconeuh,
ihuan inic amo tlaxiccahuaz, inic quicahuatiuh in popotl,
ihuan in copalli, anozo tlaxipehualli, in cecempoaltica in
ompa **calpolco** and this old priest commanded that the
mother not abandon her child because of lack of regard, and
that [the child] not leave off, because of lack of regard,
going to leave the brooms and the incense, or wood
shavings, every twenty days there at the calpulco
(b2 f14 p245) jc-030197
12. auh in ihcuac in ye mohuelitta in ye ichpochtli, za
monomahuiaya in calaquia, in **calpolco**: and when it was
seen to be proper, when already she was a maiden, purely of
her own will she went into the calpulco
(b2 f14 p245) jc-030197
13. in ye mochi intlatqui in teintoc, (in pixauhtoc In
**calpolco**) in teocalli, tlazotilmapan quicentecaya,
quicuecuentiliaya, verily, all their goods, which lay
strewn [and scattered in the tribal quarter] temples they
arranged in order and in rows upon precious capes
(b4 f5 p46) jc-030197
14. huitzcalli quipoaya, **calpolco** quicahuaya, in ichan
tlacatecolotl he was dedicated to the uitzcalco [or] they
left him to the tribal temple, the house of the devil
(b8 f3 p53) jc-030197
15. aocmo ompa calaqui in ichan tealti, za ompa quinhuica in
**calpolco**, no more did they enter the home of the one
who bathed slaves; rather, they took them there to the
calpulli temple
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

(b9 f5 p63) jc-030197

16. cequintin **calpolco** cacalacque ompa momaquixtique some
entered the calpulli [buildings]; there they escaped
(b12 f4 p56) jc-030197
17. auh in espan~oles, nohuian nemi in tlatemoa in
**calpolco**, and the spaniards went everywhere as they
searched in the calpulli [buildings]
(b12 f4 p56) jc-030197
18. quixacualotinenque in izquican **calpolco** in tlatemoque
they went taking to pieces all places in the calpulli
[buildings] as they searched
(b12 f4 p56) jc-030197

0. zan tlacatl, teopixqui **calpole**, cen molicpitl inic
huihuiyac, huel totomahuac, mimiltic only a priest, an
elder of the calpulli, [made it] --a cubit long, fat,
(b1 f2 p33) jc-030197

0. elder of the calpulli
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. elders of the calpulli
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. cayochicahuaz ilhuitinemi, quicuicatia in **calpoleque**,
icuicacahuan with the mist rattle-board they went
speaking; the elders of the calpulli, her singers, sang for
(b1 f1 p22) jc-030197
1. no ihuan quicuicatiaya, in ihuehueyohuan, in ilamayohuan,
**calpoleque** and also his old men, his old women, the
elders of the calpulli, made music for him
(b1 f2 p37) jc-030197
2. in icuac tla aca, petlachiuhqui quinequi ichan quitotiz,
quinepieltiz: ompa quihuicaya, in **calpoleque**, when one
of the mat-makers desired that there should be a dance at
his home, that he should entrust himself to the god, the
elders of the calpulli escorted [the representative of the
god] there
(b1 f2 p45) jc-030197
3. quicuicatia in huehuetque, **calpoleque**: quitlacotonilia
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

the old men, those in charge of the calpulli, sang for her;
they beheaded quail for her
(b2 f2 p65) jc-030197
4. cuicatlaza quincuicatlaxilitihui in **calpoleque**, in
calpolhuehuetque: they loosed the song; they went directing
them in their song -the chief men of the calpulli, the old
men of the calpulli
(b2 f4 p93) jc-030197
5. ye tlacuauhyohua in quiza: yehuantin in calpolhuehuetque,
in **calpoleque**, in oncan pohui: it was already far into
the night when the old men of the calpulli, the elders of
the calpulli, there where they belonged, departed
(b2 f6 p113) jc-030197
6. yehuan quichihuaya in itech pohuia **calpoleque**,
motenehua: tzommolca, oc cenca yehuan in quimoteotiaya
they who did it, whose office it was, were the men of the
calpulli temple known as tzonmolco, especially those who
worshipped [fire] as a god
(b2 f10 p168) jc-030197
7. niman ye ic motlalia in huehuetque **calpoleque**,
cuicanime, in ithualco in quincuicatiaya, thereupon the old
men, of the calpulli, the singers sat in the courtyard
while they sang for [the children]
(b2 f11 p170) jc-030197
8. auh zan ye no ihui in **calpoleque**, no ce xihuitl in
mozahua and just in the same way the men of the calpulli
also fasted a year
(b3 f1 p8) jc-030197
9. quicuicatiaya in **calpoleque**, ic tetlatlacualtia in
chane, tlatlacualo, aatlihua, in ichan: the old men of the
tribal district accompanied it with song; the [new]
householder served food to the people; there was feasting
and drinking in his home
(b4 f6 p56) jc-030197
10. elders of the calpulli
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. auh ye inmac in huehuentzitzin cuacuacuilti,
**calpolhuehuetque**: and they were in the hands of the old
men, the quaquacuilti, the old men of the calpulli
(b2 f1 p48) jc-030197
1. auh za yehuanti, in **calpolhuehuetque**, ompa pouhque
iopico, cuicatoque, ayacachotoque, ic ohuetzi cemilhuitl,
and only they, the old men of the calpulli at yopico, sat
singing, sat rattling their rattle boards until the day was
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

(b2 f2 p56) jc-030197
2. quicuicatitoque **calpolhuehuetque** the old men of the
calpulli gathered to sing for him
(b2 f2 p60) jc-030197
3. cuicatlaza quincuicatlaxilitihui in calpoleque, in
**calpolhuehuetque**: they loosed the song; they went
directing them in their song -the chief men of the
calpulli, the old men of the calpulli
(b2 f4 p93) jc-030197
4. ye tlacuauhyohua in quiza: yehuantin in
**calpolhuehuetque**, in calpoleque, in oncan pohui: it was
already far into the night when the old men of the
calpulli, the elders of the calpulli, there where they
belonged, departed
(b2 f6 p113) jc-030197
5. in **calpolhuehuetque**, conanaya atl: ompa in
huitzilobochco conanaya atl, ompan ca huitzilatl, oztoc,
the old men of the calpulli would get the water; they got
the water there at uitzilopochco; there indeed was [the
spring called] uitzilatl, in a cave
(b2 f8 p140) jc-030197
6. auh in oacic, oncan tlamacuilti: niman oncan compehualtia
in mozahuaya tealtique, ihuan in **calpolhuehuetque**:
tlacatlacuaya, ihuan maltiaya in yoalnepantla: and when the
fifth day arrived, then the bathers of [sacrificial
victims] began to fast there, and the old men of the
calpullis fasted and bathed themselves at midnight
(b2 f8 p142) jc-030197
7. auh in **calpolhuehuetque**, quintlatzotzonilia: auh
zanioque in cuica: and the old men of the calpulli kept
beating the drums for them; and only they sang
(b2 f8 p143) jc-030197
8. zatepan quincua in **calpolhuehuetque** later the old men
of the calpulli ate them
(b2 f10 p162) jc-030197
9. in **calpolhuehuetque**, quinhualantimani in pipiltotonti
tleco quimoniauhtimani: the old men of the calpulli were
spread about taking the small children; they were spread
about dedicating them over the fire
(b2 f10 p165) jc-030197
10. niman ic quicuania zan ic concuitimani, ic conicuanitimani,
intech pohui in **calpolhuehuetque**, quimoxexelhuia,
quimomamaca, quecizquican quimicuanilia, then the old men
of the temple district [of uitzilopochtli] removed,
continued to take and transport, divided, and distributed,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

what pertained to them they removed it to a number of places

(b4 f8 p78) jc-030197
11. ce xihuitl ontlaxillacalli in quicua no oncalpoltin in
**calpolhuehuetque** one year two tlaxilacallis ate it as
well as, in two calpullis, the old men of the calpulli
(b3 f1 p6) jc-030197
12. no, omolotl maco in **calpoloehuetque** in tlatilolca, also
two were given the old men of the tlatilulcan calpullis
(b3 f1 p6) jc-030197
13. old men of the calpulli
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. quichihua in **calpollali**, ihuan in chinamitl, in
chiauhtlalli, in teuhtlalli, anozo ximmilli ye in ipan
tequitia: he did it with calpulli land, the enclosed land,
the marshy land, the dusty land, or the planted land on
which he worked
(b3 f1 p9) jc-030197

0. oc cenca yehuanti quimahuiztiliaya in coateca, in coatlan
**calpolli** itech pohuia: especially the coateca, they who
belonged to the calpulli of coatlan, venerated [this feast
(b2 f2 p56) jc-030197
1. huitznahuac **calpolli** uitznauac calpulli
(b2 f12 p192) jc-030197
2. acatl iiacapan huei **calpolli** acatl yiacapan uey
(b2 f12 p193) jc-030197
3. in acatl iiacapan huei **calpolli**, oncan quicenquixtiaya
in tlatlaloque: acatl yiacapan uey calpulli: there they
gathered together [the sacrificial victims called] tlalocs
(b2 f12 p193) jc-030197
4. **calpolli** calpulli
(b2 f12 p193) jc-030197
5. in ye mochi caltotonti in tlayahualotoc, ihuan
quiyahualotoc teocalli: in mitoaya **calpolli**, all the
small houses which were around and which surrounded the
temples were called calpulli
(b2 f12 p193) jc-030197
6. in quihualitta ie tlatlan in ixquich teocalli, in
**calpolli**, in calmecatl, ihuan in ixquich mexico calli,
ihuan iuhquin ma ie cuel necalihua they beheld that already
all the temples, the calpulli [buildings], the calmecac
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

[buildings], all the houses in mexico were burning; and it

was as if already there was fighting
(b12 f2 p34) jc-030197

0. yehuan imixcoyan, incatian, in **calpolloc**, his was a
special place, a calpulli
(b1 f2 p45) jc-030197

0. house mouse

1. house mouse
FC -> jc-72895
2. house mouse

3. house mouse

4. house mouse
FC jc-031297

0. house mouse

1. house mouse
FC -> jc-72895
2. house mouse

3. house mouse

4. house mouse
FC jc-031297

0. by the house
FC jc-031297

0. pigsty

1. pigsty
FC -> jc-72895
2. pigsty

3. pigsty
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. pigsty <calli-tepi-pitzotl>
<calli-tepi-pitzotl> FC - > jc-61096
5. pigsty <calli-tepi-pitzotl>
<calli-tepi-pitzotl> FC - > jc-61096
6. pigsty
FC jc-031297

0. small house

1. small house
FC -> jc-72895
2. small house

3. small house

4. small house <calli-tepi-to:n>

<calli-tepi-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. small house <calli-tepi-to:n>
<calli-tepi-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. small house
FC jc-031297

0. to become a house
FC - > jc-61096

calti quicaltia
0. he builds a house for him

0. he bathes him; he bathes it; she bathes him; she bathes it;
they bathe her; they bathe him; they bathe it

1. he bathes him; he bathes it; she bathes him; she bathes it;
they bathe her; they bathe him; they bathe it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he bathes him; he bathes it; she bathes him; she bathes it;
they bathe her; they bathe him; they bathe it

3. he bathes him; he bathes it; she bathes him; she bathes it;
they bathe her; they bathe him; they bathe it

4. he bathes it; he bathes him; she bathes it; she bathes him;
they bathe him; they bathe her; they bathe it <p33-a:ltia:>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-a:ltia:> FC - > jc-61096

5. he bathes him; he bathes it; she bathes him; she bathes it;
they bathe her; they bathe him; they bathe it
FC jc-031297

0. he bathed him; she bathed her; she bathed him; they bathed
her; they bathed him; they washed him

1. he bathed him; she bathed her; she bathed him; they bathed
her; they bathed him; they washed him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he bathed him; she bathed her; she bathed him; they bathed
her; they bathed him; they washed him

3. he bathed him; she bathed her; she bathed him; they bathed
her; they bathed him; they washed him

4. he bathed him; she bathed her; she bathed him; they bathed
her; they bathed him; they washed him <p33-a:ltia:-ya3>
<p33-a:ltia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he bathed him; she bathed him; they bathed him; they washed
him <p33-a:ltia:-ya3>
<p33-a:ltia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he bathed him; she bathed her; she bathed him; they bathed
her; they bathed him; they washed him
FC jc-031297

0. he will bathe him

1. he will bathe him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will bathe him

3. he will bathe him

4. he will bathe him <p33-a:ltia:-z>

<p33-a:ltia:-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will bathe him
FC jc-031297

0. they will bathe him
FC -> jc-72895
1. they will bathe him <p33-a:ltia:-z-plur01>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-a:ltia:-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096

2. they will bathe him
FC jc-031297

0. they will bathe him

0. small house

1. small house
FC -> jc-72895
2. small house

3. small house

4. small house <calli-to:n>

<calli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. small house
FC jc-031297

0. round house

1. round house
FC -> jc-72895
2. round house

3. round house

4. round house
FC jc-031297

0. mouth
1. (cf cantli, campaxoa) mouth
2. (cf cantli, campaxoa) mouth

0. ripe
1. (cf camileua) ripe
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. (cf camileua) ripe

0. ripe
Adj Form jc-022897
1. ripe
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. complete
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. ready

4. finished

5. prepared

6. set

7. developed

8. consummate

9. perfect

10. full

11. ripe

0. grooved part of the lower jaw

1. grooved part of the lower jaw

FC -> jc-72895
2. grooved part of the lower jaw

3. grooved part of the lower jaw

4. grooved part of the lower jaw

FC jc-031297

0. jawbone

1. jawbone
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. jawbone

3. jawbone

4. jawbone
FC jc-031297

0. he opens his mouth
FC jc-031297

0. concave part of the lower jaw

1. concave part of the lower jaw

FC -> jc-72895
2. concave part of the lower jaw

3. concave part of the lower jaw

4. concave part of the lower jaw

FC jc-031297

0. esta' abriendo la boca ( he is opening his mouth )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. it lies open-mouthed

1. it lies open-mouthed
FC -> jc-72895
2. it lies open-mouthed

3. it lies open-mouthed

4. it lies open-mouthed
FC jc-031297

0. bitter to the taste

1. bitter to the taste

FC -> jc-72895
2. bitter to the taste
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. bitter to the taste

4. bitter to the taste

FC jc-031297

0. that which burns the mouth

1. that which burns the mouth

FC -> jc-72895
2. that which burns the mouth

3. that which burns the mouth

4. that which burns the mouth

FC jc-031297

0. wide-mouthed

1. wide-mouthed
FC -> jc-72895
2. wide-mouthed

3. wide-mouthed

4. wide-mouthed <camatl-coya:hua-c1>
<camatl-coya:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. wide-mouthed <camatl-coya:hua-c1>
<camatl-coya:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. wide-mouthed
FC jc-031297

0. tender, ripe
Adj Form jc-022897
1. tender
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. ripe
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. delicate

4. fragile

5. soft
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. supple

7. sensitive

8. delicate

9. sore

10. touchy

11. ready

12. complete

13. finished

14. prepared

15. set

16. developed

17. consummate

18. perfect

19. full

20. tender

21. ripe

0. something that has a mouth
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. tender

1. tender
FC -> jc-72895
2. tender

3. tender
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. tender <cama:hua-c1>
<cama:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. tender
FC jc-031297

0. pleasantry
1. joke, jest
FC - > jc-61096
2. joke, jest
Noun jc-030797
3. joke
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )
4. jest
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )
5. joke

6. jest

camana:lli (joke-| jest) nicamana:loa

0. I jest

0. one who is witty
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. jest, joke; scoffing

1. jest, joke; scoffing

FC -> jc-72895
2. jest, joke; scoffing

3. jest, joke; scoffing

4. jest, joke; scoffing

FC jc-031297

0. they wrap it in paper

1. they wrap it in paper
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they wrap it in paper

3. they wrap it in paper

4. they wrap it in paper

FC jc-031297

0. cheek
1. cheek
FC -> jc-72895
2. cheek
3. cheek
4. cheek <camatl-tetl1>
<camatl-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. cheek
FC jc-031297

0. mouth (cf cantli, campaxoa)

1. mouth ( cf cantli, campaxoa )

FC - > jc-61096

0. cheek fuzz

1. cheek fuzz
FC - > jc-61096

0. big-mouthed; having an open mouth
1. big-mouthed; having an open mouth
FC -> jc-72895
2. big-mouthed; having an open mouth
3. big-mouthed; having an open mouth
4. big-mouthed; having an open mouth
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. , ayac compoa, cenca iz moquixtia, huel ixcuahuitl,
yixcuauhti, acan ixmahui, nohnohuiya, aquen tlatta, atle
ipan tlatta, ahtlatlacatlatoa, tetencuauhti, tetennemi,
tenxaxacalpol, **camaxacalpol**, tlatolcampax,
tetenpatztlatoa, they were very presumptuous, immodest,
brazen, and impudent; meddlesome, troublesome, and
respecters of nothing; discourteous, evil-spoken, great
talkers, big-mouthed, great-mouthed, belittling and
depreciating others in their speech
(b4 f5 p50) jc-030197
1. in aquin ic motezcahuia, in ompa onmotta camatalapol,
ixcuatolmimilpol, tenxipaltotomacpol, **camaxacalpol**:
when someone uses such a mirror, from it is to be seen a
distorted mouth, swollen eyelids, thick lips, a large mouth
(b11 f22 p228) jc-030197

0. big-mouthed; having a wide mouth

1. big-mouthed; having a wide mouth

FC -> jc-72895
2. big-mouthed; having a wide mouth

3. big-mouthed; having a wide mouth

4. big-mouthed <camatl-xahcalli?-tic>
<camatl-xahcalli?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. big-mouthed; having a wide mouth
FC jc-031297

0. something that has cheek-bags
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. something that has a mouth
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. ripe
1. (cf camaua) ripe
2. (cf camaua) ripe
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. brown

1. brown
FC -> jc-72895
2. brown

3. brown

4. brown <camilli-?-tic>
<camilli-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. brown
FC jc-031297

0. brown

1. brown
FC -> jc-72895
2. brown

3. brown

4. brown
FC jc-031297

0. brown

1. brown
FC -> jc-72895
2. brown

3. brown

4. brown <camilli-tic>
<camilli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. brown
FC jc-031297

0. brown
FC -> jc-72895
1. brown <camilli-v01-plur01>
<camilli-v01-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. brown
FC jc-031297

0. brown

0. they thirst for it

1. they thirst for it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they thirst for it

3. they thirst for it

4. they thirst for it

FC jc-031297

0. soft, tender
Adj Form jc-022897
1. soft
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. tender
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. malleable

4. pliant

5. moldable

6. pliable

7. yielding

8. impressible

9. mushy

10. pappy

11. plastic

12. smooth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

13. delicate

14. fine

15. silky

16. satiny

17. velvety

18. fluffy

19. feathery

20. flocculent

21. gentle

22. tender

23. mild

24. kind

25. affectinate

26. kindly

27. genial

28. considerate

29. flexible

30. yielding

31. submissive

32. compliant

33. irresolute

34. undecided

35. impressionable
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

36. sensitive

37. affected

38. soft

39. tender

0. camote ( sweet potato )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. potato
2. potato
3. camote ( sweet potato )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. sweet potato, camote

0. dark purple
FC jc-031297

0. orange; purple

1. orange; purple
FC -> jc-72895
2. orange; purple

3. orange; purple

4. orange; purple <camohtli-pa:3-l1-tic>

<camohtli-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. orange; purple <camohtli-pa:3-l1-tic>
<camohtli-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. orange; purple <camohtli-pa:3-l1-tic>
<camohtli-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. orange; purple
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. sweet potato
FC jc-031297

0. somewhere; anywhere; to a place; to where; whence; from
where; where; in the direction; in what place; wherever;

1. in a place, anywhere
FC -> jc-72895
2. somewhere; anywhere; to a place; to where; whence; from
where; where; in the direction; in what place; wherever;
FC -> jc-72895
3. somewhere; anywhere; to a place; to where; whence; from
where; where; in the direction; in what place; wherever;

4. somewhere; anywhere; to a place; to where; whence; from

where; where; in the direction; in what place; wherever;

5. in a place, anywhere; somewhere; to a place; to where;

whence; from where; where; wherever; whither; in what
place; in the direction <ca:n-pa1>
<ca:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
6. in a place, anywhere; somewhere; to a place; to where;
whence; from where; where; wherever; whither; in what
place; in the direction <ca:n-pa1>
<ca:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
7. in a place, anywhere
FC jc-031297
8. somewhere; anywhere; to a place; to where; whence; from
where; where; in the direction; in what place; wherever;
FC jc-031297

0. where

1. where
FC -> jc-72895
2. where

3. where
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. where <ca:n-pa1-;
<ca:n-pa1--> FC - > jc-61096
5. where <ca:n-pa1-;
<ca:n-pa1--> FC - > jc-61096
6. where
FC jc-031297

0. (cf camatl) bite

0. bite

0. donde ( where )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. donde; adonde ( where )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. donde ( where )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. cf ach

4. somewhere
FC -> jc-72895
5. where
FC -> jc-72895
6. somewhere; where
7. somewhere; where
8. somewhere; where <ca:n>
<ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
9. donde ( where )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
10. donde; adonde ( where )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
11. donde ( where )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
12. somewhere
FC jc-031297
13. where
FC jc-031297
14. De donde vas a salir man~ana ? Can tihualqui:zaz cualcan ?
From where are you going to come out tomorrow ?
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. she takes it; somewhere; anywhere; elsewhere; in a place;
in places; some place; some places; where; wherever; they
catch it; they raise it; they take it; they receive it;
they seize it

1. he captures him; he catches her; he seizes her; he catches

it; he seizes it; he grasps it; he hunts it; he posts him;
he places him; he seizes him; he grabs it; he takes it; he
takes her; he takes him; he accepts it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it catches him; it seizes it; it takes it
FC -> jc-72895
3. she takes it; somewhere; anywhere; elsewhere; in a place;
in places; some place; some places; where; wherever; they
catch it; they raise it ( eg; song ); they take it; they
receive it; they seize it
FC -> jc-72895
4. whereabouts; wherever
FC -> jc-72895
5. she takes it; somewhere; anywhere; elsewhere; in a place;
in places; some place; some places; where; wherever; they
catch it; they raise it; they take it; they receive it;
they seize it

6. she takes it; somewhere; anywhere; elsewhere; in a place;

in places; some place; some places; where; wherever; they
catch it; they raise it; they take it; they receive it;
they seize it

7. he hunts it; he takes her; he takes it; he catches it; he

accepts it; it catches him; it seizes it; she takes it;
they catch it <p33-a:na1>
<p33-a:na1> FC - > jc-61096
8. somewhere, in places; some places; wherever; elsewhere;
where; anywhere; some place; in a place; whereabouts
<ca:n-ah2> FC - > jc-61096
9. somewhere, wherever; in a place; whereabouts <ca:n-ah2>
<ca:n-ah2> FC - > jc-61096
10. he captures him; he catches her; he seizes her; he catches
it; he seizes it; he grasps it; he hunts it; he posts him;
he places him; he seizes him; he grabs it; he takes it; he
takes her; he takes him; he accepts it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
11. it catches him; it seizes it; it takes it
FC jc-031297
12. she takes it; somewhere; anywhere; elsewhere; in a place;
in places; some place; some places; where; wherever; they
catch it; they raise it ( eg; song ); they take it; they
receive it; they seize it
FC jc-031297
13. whereabouts; wherever
FC jc-031297

0. thin

cana:hua tlacana:uhtli
0. st which is trimmed and made thin
FC - > jc-61096

0. thin
Adj Form jc-022897
1. thin
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. slender
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. slim

4. lean

5. skinny

6. gaunt

7. lank

8. scrawny

9. emaciated

10. thin

0. st which is trimmed and made thin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they came to capture him; they came to take her

1. they came to capture him; they came to take her

FC -> jc-72895
2. they came to capture him; they came to take her

3. they came to capture him; they came to take her

4. they came to capture him; they came to take her

FC jc-031297

0. thin
Adj Form jc-022897
1. thin
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. slender
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. slim

4. lean

5. skinny

6. gaunt

7. lank

8. scrawny

9. emaciated

10. poor

11. sparse

12. scanty

13. meager

14. scarce

15. thin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. alguna parte; algu'n lugar ( whereever; any place )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. somewhere
FC -> jc-72895
2. somewhere

3. somewhere

4. somewhere <ca:n-ah2>
<ca:n-ah2> FC - > jc-61096
5. somewhere <ca:n-ah2>
<ca:n-ah2> FC - > jc-61096
6. alguna parte; algu'n lugar ( whereever; any place )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. somewhere
FC jc-031297
8. ahzo cana altiloz
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
9. tlaaltilmiquiz: perchance somewhere he would be
ceremonially bathed; he would die in sacrifice as a bathed
victim Quizas en algun lugar el sera ban~ado ceremonial; el
moreria en un sacrificio como una victima ban~ada

0. it thins

1. it thins
FC -> jc-72895
2. it thins

3. it thins

4. it thins
FC jc-031297

0. fine, thin

1. fine, thin
FC -> jc-72895
2. fine, thin

3. fine, thin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. fine, thin <cana:hua-c1>

<cana:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. fine, thin
FC jc-031297

0. temple

1. temple
FC -> jc-72895
2. temple

3. temple

4. temple <cana:hua-ca:n-tl>
<cana:hua-ca:n-tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. temple <cana:hua-ca:n-tl>
<cana:hua-ca:n-tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. temple
FC jc-031297

0. something which can be thinned

1. something which can be thinned

FC -> jc-72895
2. something which can be thinned

3. something which can be thinned

4. something which can be thinned <cana:hua-lo:1-ni1>

<cana:hua-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. something which can be thinned
FC jc-031297

0. somewhere

1. somewhere
FC -> jc-72895
2. somewhere

3. somewhere

4. somewhere <ca:n-ah2-pa1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ca:n-ah2-pa1> FC - > jc-61096

5. somewhere <ca:n-ah2-pa1>
<ca:n-ah2-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
6. from somewhere; somewhere
FC jc-031297

0. it goes to seize him, to catch him; it goes to takeit

1. it goes to seize him, to catch him; it goes to take it

FC -> jc-72895
2. it goes to seize him, to catch him; it goes to takeit

3. it goes to seize him, to catch him; it goes to takeit

4. it goes to seize him, to catch him; it goes to take it

<p33-a:na1-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it goes to seize him, to catch him; it goes to take it
<p33-a:na1-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
6. it goes to seize him, to catch him; it goes to take it
<p33-a:na1-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
7. it goes to seize him, to catch him; it goes to take it
FC jc-031297

0. she went to take it; they went to seize him

1. she went to take it; they went to seize him

FC -> jc-72895
2. she went to take it; they went to seize him

3. she went to take it; they went to seize him

4. she went to take it <p33-a:na1-dir2b>

<p33-a:na1-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
5. she went to take it <p33-a:na1-dir2b>
<p33-a:na1-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
6. she went to take it <p33-a:na1-dir2b>
<p33-a:na1-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
7. she went to take it; they went to seize him
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. small duck

1. small duck
FC - > jc-61096

0. duck feather

1. duck feather
FC -> jc-72895
2. duck feather

3. duck feather

4. duck feather <canauhtli-ihhuitl>

<canauhtli-ihhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. duck feather
FC jc-031297

0. wide bill of a duck

1. wide bill of a duck

FC -> jc-72895
2. wide bill of a duck

3. wide bill of a duck

4. wide bill of a duck <canauhtli-te:ntli-patla:hua-l2>

<canauhtli-te:ntli-patla:hua-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. wide bill of a duck <canauhtli-te:ntli-patla:hua-l2>
<canauhtli-te:ntli-patla:hua-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. wide bill of a duck <canauhtli-te:ntli-patla:hua-l2>
<canauhtli-te:ntli-patla:hua-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. wide bill of a duck
FC jc-031297

0. duck egg

1. duck egg
FC -> jc-72895
2. duck egg

3. duck egg
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. duck egg
FC - > jc-61096
5. duck egg
FC jc-031297

0. dried duck

1. dried duck
FC -> jc-72895
2. dried duck

3. dried duck

4. dried duck
FC jc-031297

0. duck stewed in a pot

1. duck stewed in a pot

FC -> jc-72895
2. duck stewed in a pot

3. duck stewed in a pot

4. duck stewed in a pot

FC jc-031297

0. they speak like ducks
FC -> jc-72895
1. they speak like ducks <canauhtli-p51-ihtoa:>
<canauhtli-p51-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
2. they speak like ducks
FC jc-031297

0. duck
1. duck; mallard
FC -> jc-72895
2. duck; mallard

3. duck
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. duck; mallard

5. duck
FC - > jc-61096
6. duck; mallard
FC jc-031297

0. duckling

1. duckling
FC -> jc-72895
2. duckling

3. duckling

4. duckling <canauhtli-tzin>
<canauhtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. duckling
FC jc-031297

0. he will seize it, he will grab it; he will take her; he
will take it; he will covet it

1. he will seize it, he will grab it; he will take her; he

will take it; he will covet it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will seize it, he will grab it; he will take her; he
will take it; he will covet it

3. he will seize it, he will grab it; he will take her; he

will take it; he will covet it

4. he will seize it, he will grab it; he will take her; he

will take it; he will covet it <p33-a:na1-z>
<p33-a:na1-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will seize it, he will grab it; he will take her; he
will take it; he will covet it
FC jc-031297

0. he tries to capture her, he wants to seize her; he tries to
capture it; he wants to seize it; he tries to catch it; he
wishes to take it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he tries to capture her, he wants to seize her; he tries to

capture it; he wants to seize it; he tries to catch it; he
wishes to take it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he tries to capture her, he wants to seize her; he tries to
capture it; he wants to seize it; he tries to catch it; he
wishes to take it

3. he tries to capture her, he wants to seize her; he tries to

capture it; he wants to seize it; he tries to catch it; he
wishes to take it

4. he tries to catch it; he tries to capture her; he wants to

seize her; he tries to capture it; he wants to seize it; he
wishes to take it <p33-a:na1-z-nequi>
<p33-a:na1-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he tries to catch it; he tries to capture her; he wants to
seize her; he tries to capture it; he wants to seize it; he
wishes to take it <p33-a:na1-z-nequi>
<p33-a:na1-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he tries to catch it; he tries to capture her; he wants to
seize her; he tries to capture it; he wants to seize it; he
wishes to take it <p33-a:na1-z-nequi>
<p33-a:na1-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
7. he tries to capture her, he wants to seize her; he tries to
capture it; he wants to seize it; he tries to catch it; he
wishes to take it
FC jc-031297

0. they will catch it; they will take him; they will take it;
they will seize it
FC -> jc-72895
1. they will catch it; they will take him; they will take it;
they will seize it
FC jc-031297

0. they will catch it; they will take him; they will take it;
they will seize it

0. candle

1. candle
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. candle

3. candle

0. candle sellers
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. por donde ( where; whereabouts )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. por donde ( whereabouts )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. por donde ( where; whereabouts )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. por donde ( whereabouts )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. De donde salio el conejito ? Canic oqui:z in totochtzin ?
Where did the little rabbit come from ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
5. Por donde iba buscando su comida ? Canic oyaya quitemotih
in itlacual ? Where was it looking for its food ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
6. Por donde se fue a esconder el conejito ? Canic
omotla:tito in totochtzin ? Where did the little rabbit go
to hide ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. he will take it from him, he will remove it from him

1. he will take it from him, he will remove it from him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will take it from him, he will remove it from him

3. he will take it from him, he will remove it from him

4. he will take it from him, he will remove it from him

<p33-a:na1-ben-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will take it from him, he will remove it from him
<p33-a:na1-ben-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will take it from him, he will remove it from him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. donde ( where )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. donde; adonde ( where )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. do'nde ( where )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. donde ( where )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
4. cf ach

5. somewhere; where; wherever

FC -> jc-72895
6. somewhere; where; wherever

7. somewhere; where; wherever

8. somewhere; where; wherever <ca:n-in>

<ca:n-in> FC - > jc-61096
9. somewhere; where; wherever <ca:n-in>
<ca:n-in> FC - > jc-61096
10. donde ( where )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
11. donde; adonde ( where )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
12. do'nde ( where )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
13. donde ( where )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
14. somewhere; where; wherever
FC jc-031297

0. where

1. where
FC -> jc-72895
2. where

3. where

4. where <ca:n-pa1>
<ca:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
5. where <ca:n-pa1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ca:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096

6. where
FC jc-031297

0. they took it

1. they took it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they took it

3. they took it

4. they took it
FC jc-031297

0. he goes taking it, he goes grasping it
FC jc-031297

0. cheek
1. cheek
FC -> jc-72895
2. cheek

3. cheek
4. cheek

5. (cf camatl) cheek

6. (cf camatl) cheek
7. cheek
FC jc-031297

0. crack, pop

capani ma:capactli
0. snap of the fingers
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it flooded it
FC jc-031297

0. they keep wetting him

1. they keep wetting him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they keep wetting him

3. they keep wetting him

4. they keep wetting him

FC jc-031297

0. it goes about eating american cherries
FC jc-031297

0. cherry; cherry tree
FC -> jc-72895
1. american cherry; cherry; cherry tree
FC jc-031297

0. cherry
1. cherry, american cherry
FC -> jc-72895
2. cherry, american cherry

3. cherry
4. cherry, american cherry

5. American cherry
FC - > jc-61096
6. cherry
FC - > jc-61096
7. american cherry; cherry
FC jc-031297

0. blackened
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Adj Form jc-022897

1. blackened
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. sooty
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. smudged

4. smeared

5. dirty

6. grimy

7. dingy

8. grubby

9. filthy

10. blackened

0. black

0. black

1. black
FC -> jc-72895
2. black

3. black

4. black
FC jc-031297

0. cherry tree

1. cherry tree
FC - > jc-61096

0. cherry wine
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. cherry wine
FC - > jc-61096
2. cherry wine
FC - > jc-61096

0. hear

0. ones who have shoes
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. those who have sandals
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. hear, understand
FC - > jc-61096
1. listen, understand
FC - > jc-61096
2. hear
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

caqui ( xic- )
0. o'yelo ( hear it; listen to it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

caqui quicaquitia
0. he informs him of it

caqui tlaahcica:cactli
0. st well understood
FC - > jc-61096

caqui-| tlacaquiliztli
0. act of hearing something, understanding

0. he puts it inside

1. he puts it inside
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he puts it inside

3. he puts it inside

4. he put it in
FC - > jc-61096
5. he puts it inside <p33-aqui-caus08>
<p33-aqui-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. he puts it inside <p33-aqui-caus08>
<p33-aqui-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. he inserts it; he puts it inside; it puts it in; it inserts
FC jc-031297

0. they inserted it

1. they inserted it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they inserted it

3. they inserted it
4. they inserted it

5. they inserted it
6. they inserted it <p33-aqui-caus08-ya3>
<p33-aqui-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they inserted it <p33-aqui-caus08-ya3>
<p33-aqui-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they inserted it
FC jc-031297

caquico ( otic- )
0. vinimos a oirlo ( we came to hear it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. it was made known

1. it was made known

FC -> jc-72895
2. it was made known
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it was made known

4. it was made known

FC jc-031297

0. cenca hueca caquizti, cenca temamauhti, it rang out for a
great distance; much did it frighten the people
<caqui-liz-v04b (b5 f1 c3 p157), 2 in iuh conitoa:
quilmach yehuatl, in caquizti, ielchiquiuh: iuhquin
ommonamiqui onmocacamapiqui, ommopipiqui, onchachacuani
thus they said it was thought that that which was heard was
his [split] chest framework when its halves met [like] a
mouth continually opening and closing, with a sucking sound
<caqui-liz-v04b (b5 f1 c3 p157), 3 ihuin in caquizti, in
choca in this wise it sounded when it hooted
<caqui-liz-v04b (b5 f1 c4 p161), 4 inic huel caquizti in
motolinia, in cenca tlaihiyohuia, in itzotzomatzin cenca
oizoliuh, cenca ye tzatzayani, so may it be understood of
one who is poor, who undergoes great trials, whose rags are
much worn, much tattered <caqui-liz-v04b (b6 f18 c41 p225),
5 ihcuac mitoa: in aca tenahualahua, tetlacaquitia, in amo
cenca quinextia tlatolli: tel achi caquizti: ic monanquilia
in tenahualahuani canin mach coyonacazco it is said at
this time: if one finds fault with someone, explains
something to someone, if he does not make his words very
clear, though he discloses a little, then the fault-finder
is answered: "where is coyonacazco?" <caqui-liz-v04b (b6
f19 c41 p234), 6 caquizti it resounds <caqui-liz-v04b
(b10 f6 c27 p106b), 7 oncan caquizti, in ihiyotl there,
[there is] sound, <caqui-liz-v04b (b10 f6 c27 p107b), 8
auh in tlapalpol: niman ye ic choca cenca tlapitzahua: auh
cenca caquizti, and the brute then howls, screams, and
sounds out loudly <caqui-liz-v04b (b11 f1 c1 p9), 9 inic
motocayotia atoncuepotli: inic tlatoa zan cen, in
hualcaquizti; xittoncueponi, cenca caquizti for this
reason is it called atoncuepotli: when it sings, it is
clearly heard to explode; it is very loud <caqui-liz-v04b
(b11 f4 c2 p33), 10 auh inic mitoa ateponaztli: inic
tlatoa, in hueca iuhquin teponaztli, ic caquizti and it is
called ateponaztli because it sounds from a distance like a
two-toned drum, so loud is it <caqui-liz-v04b (b11 f4 c2
p33), 11 inic caquizti itlatol: iuhquinma quitoa
tlathuicicitli: as it sounds its song, it is as if it says
tlatuicicitli <caqui-liz-v04b (b11 f5 c2 p47), 12 iuhquin
aca teponazoa ic caquizti it sounds as if someone beat the
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

two-toned drum <caqui-liz-v04b (b11 f6 c3 p57), 13 cenca

caquizti inic tlalticpac tlamati it is very notorious that
they act in a worldly way <caqui-liz-v04b (b11 f10 c5 p92),
14 nahuati, caquizti, tzilini, cualneci, it sounds clear,
it sounds well, it resounds; it is beautiful
<caqui-liz-v04b (b11 f11 c6 p111), 15 oc cenca yehuatl in
quiyolmicti in oquicac in quenin huetzi in innahuatil in
tlequiquiztli, iuhquin tlatlatzini ic caquizti in ihcuac
huetzi, especially did it cause him to faint away when he
heard how the gun, at [the spaniards'] command, discharged
[the shot]; how it resounded as if it thundered when it
went off <caqui-liz-v04b (b12 f2 c7 p19), yehuatl inic
xaxamacatiuh, inic tzitzilicatiuh, inic caquizti: these
[he wore] because they went jingling, because they went
ringing; so did they resound <caqui-liz-v04 (b2 f3 c24
p69), 2 in iuh caquizti huehuetl, zan no iuh
quichiuhtihui, as the ground drums sounded, just so they
went about doing <caqui-liz-v04 (b2 f6 c30 p117), 3 in
ihcuac nenemi cenca xaxamaca, hueca caquizti: when she
walked, loudly did it jingle; it was audible for a distance
<caqui-liz-v04 (b2 f9 c36 p154), 4 cuacualacatoc in cochi,
hueca caquizti, inic hicotoca, he lay there rumbling as he
slept, audible from afar as he snored <caqui-liz-v04 (b3 f3
c13 p36)
1. he discloses, he is heard; he is audible; he sounds; it is
audible; it sounds; it is heard; it is loud; it resounds;
it sounds out; it sounds well; it is heard clearly; it
makes a noise; it rings out
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is sound; they resound; they sound
FC -> jc-72895
3. he discloses, he is heard; he is audible; he sounds; it is
audible; it sounds; it is heard; it is loud; it resounds;
it sounds out; it sounds well; it is heard clearly; it
makes a noise; it rings out

4. cenca hueca caquizti, cenca temamauhti, it rang out for a

great distance; much did it frighten the people
<caqui-liz-v04b (b5 f1 c3 p157), 2 in iuh conitoa:
quilmach yehuatl, in caquizti, ielchiquiuh: iuhquin
ommonamiqui onmocacamapiqui, ommopipiqui, onchachacuani
thus they said it was thought that that which was heard was
his [split] chest framework when its halves met [like] a
mouth continually opening and closing, with a sucking sound
<caqui-liz-v04b (b5 f1 c3 p157), 3 ihuin in caquizti, in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

choca in this wise it sounded when it hooted

<caqui-liz-v04b (b5 f1 c4 p161), 4 inic huel caquizti in
motolinia, in cenca tlaihiyohuia, in itzotzomatzin cenca
oizoliuh, cenca ye tzatzayani, so may it be understood of
one who is poor, who undergoes great trials, whose rags are
much worn, much tattered <caqui-liz-v04b (b6 f18 c41 p225),
5 ihcuac mitoa: in aca tenahualahua, tetlacaquitia, in amo
cenca quinextia tlatolli: tel achi caquizti: ic monanquilia
in tenahualahuani canin mach coyonacazco it is said at
this time: if one finds fault with someone, explains
something to someone, if he does not make his words very
clear, though he discloses a little, then the fault-finder
is answered: "where is coyonacazco?" <caqui-liz-v04b (b6
f19 c41 p234), 6 caquizti it resounds <caqui-liz-v04b
(b10 f6 c27 p106b), 7 oncan caquizti, in ihiyotl there,
[there is] sound, <caqui-liz-v04b (b10 f6 c27 p107b), 8
auh in tlapalpol: niman ye ic choca cenca tlapitzahua: auh
cenca caquizti, and the brute then howls, screams, and
sounds out loudly <caqui-liz-v04b (b11 f1 c1 p9), 9 inic
motocayotia atoncuepotli: inic tlatoa zan cen, in
hualcaquizti; xittoncueponi, cenca caquizti for this
reason is it called atoncuepotli: when it sings, it is
clearly heard to explode; it is very loud <caqui-liz-v04b
(b11 f4 c2 p33), 10 auh inic mitoa ateponaztli: inic
tlatoa, in hueca iuhquin teponaztli, ic caquizti and it is
called ateponaztli because it sounds from a distance like a
two-toned drum, so loud is it <caqui-liz-v04b (b11 f4 c2
p33), 11 inic caquizti itlatol: iuhquinma quitoa
tlathuicicitli: as it sounds its song, it is as if it says
tlatuicicitli <caqui-liz-v04b (b11 f5 c2 p47), 12 iuhquin
aca teponazoa ic caquizti it sounds as if someone beat the
two-toned drum <caqui-liz-v04b (b11 f6 c3 p57), 13 cenca
caquizti inic tlalticpac tlamati it is very notorious that
they act in a worldly way <caqui-liz-v04b (b11 f10 c5 p92),
14 nahuati, caquizti, tzilini, cualneci, it sounds clear,
it sounds well, it resounds; it is beautiful
<caqui-liz-v04b (b11 f11 c6 p111), 15 oc cenca yehuatl in
quiyolmicti in oquicac in quenin huetzi in innahuatil in
tlequiquiztli, iuhquin tlatlatzini ic caquizti in ihcuac
huetzi, especially did it cause him to faint away when he
heard how the gun, at [the spaniards'] command, discharged
[the shot]; how it resounded as if it thundered when it
went off <caqui-liz-v04b (b12 f2 c7 p19), yehuatl inic
xaxamacatiuh, inic tzitzilicatiuh, inic caquizti: these
[he wore] because they went jingling, because they went
ringing; so did they resound <caqui-liz-v04 (b2 f3 c24
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

p69), 2 in iuh caquizti huehuetl, zan no iuh

quichiuhtihui, as the ground drums sounded, just so they
went about doing <caqui-liz-v04 (b2 f6 c30 p117), 3 in
ihcuac nenemi cenca xaxamaca, hueca caquizti: when she
walked, loudly did it jingle; it was audible for a distance
<caqui-liz-v04 (b2 f9 c36 p154), 4 cuacualacatoc in cochi,
hueca caquizti, inic hicotoca, he lay there rumbling as he
slept, audible from afar as he snored <caqui-liz-v04 (b3 f3
c13 p36)
5. he discloses, he is heard; he is audible; he sounds; it is
audible; it sounds; it is heard; it is loud; it resounds;
it sounds out; it sounds well; it is heard clearly; it
makes a noise; it rings out

6. he discloses, he is heard; he is audible; he sounds; it is

loud; it is heard; it is audible; it sounds; it resounds;
it sounds out; it sounds well; it is heard clearly; it
makes a noise; it rings out; there is sound; they resound;
they sound <caqui-liz-v04b>
<caqui-liz-v04b> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is heard clearly
FC - > jc-61096
8. yehuatl inic xaxamacatiuh, inic tzitzilicatiuh, inic
caquizti: these [he wore] because they went jingling,
because they went ringing; so did they resound
<caqui-liz-v04> (b2 f3 c24 p69) JC-7/23/96 JC-7/23/96
9. in iuh caquizti huehuetl, zan no iuh quichiuhtihui, as the
ground drums sounded, just so they went about doing
<caqui-liz-v04> (b2 f6 c30 p117) JC-7/23/96
10. in ihcuac nenemi cenca xaxamaca, hueca caquizti: when she
walked, loudly did it jingle; it was audible for a distance
<caqui-liz-v04> (b2 f9 c36 p154) JC-7/23/96
11. cuacualacatoc in cochi, hueca caquizti, inic hicotoca, he
lay there rumbling as he slept, audible from afar as he
<caqui-liz-v04> (b3 f3 c13 p36) JC-7/23/96
12. cenca hueca caquizti, cenca temamauhti, it rang out for a
great distance; much did it frighten the people
<caqui-liz-v04b> (b5 f1 c3 p157) JC-7/23/96
13. in iuh conitoa: quilmach yehuatl, in caquizti, ielchiquiuh:
iuhquin ommonamiqui onmocacamapiqui, ommopipiqui,
onchachacuani thus they said it was thought that that
which was heard was his [split] chest framework when its
halves met [like] a mouth continually opening and closing,
with a sucking sound
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<caqui-liz-v04b> (b5 f1 c3 p157) JC-7/23/96

14. ihuin in caquizti, in choca in this wise it sounded when
it hooted
<caqui-liz-v04b> (b5 f1 c4 p161) JC-7/23/96
15. inic huel caquizti in motolinia, in cenca tlaihiyohuia, in
itzotzomatzin cenca oizoliuh, cenca ye tzatzayani, so may
it be understood of one who is poor, who undergoes great
trials, whose rags are much worn, much tattered
<caqui-liz-v04b> (b6 f18 c41 p225) JC-7/23/96
16. ihcuac mitoa: in aca tenahualahua, tetlacaquitia, in amo
cenca quinextia tlatolli: tel achi caquizti: ic monanquilia
in tenahualahuani canin mach coyonacazco it is said at
this time: if one finds fault with someone, explains
something to someone, if he does not make his words very
clear, though he discloses a little, then the fault-finder
is answered: "where is coyonacazco?"
<caqui-liz-v04b> (b6 f19 c41 p234) JC-7/23/96
17. caquizti it resounds
<caqui-liz-v04b> (b10 f6 c27 p106b) JC-7/23/96
18. oncan caquizti, in ihiyotl there, [there is] sound,
<caqui-liz-v04b> (b10 f6 c27 p107b) JC-7/23/96
19. auh in tlapalpol: niman ye ic choca cenca tlapitzahua: auh
cenca caquizti, and the brute then howls, screams, and
sounds out loudly
<caqui-liz-v04b> (b11 f1 c1 p9) JC-7/23/96
20. inic motocayotia atoncuepotli: inic tlatoa zan cen, in
hualcaquizti; xittoncueponi, cenca caquizti for this
reason is it called atoncuepotli: when it sings, it is
clearly heard to explode; it is very loud
<caqui-liz-v04b> (b11 f4 c2 p33) JC-7/23/96
21. auh inic mitoa ateponaztli: inic tlatoa, in hueca iuhquin
teponaztli, ic caquizti and it is called ateponaztli
because it sounds from a distance like a two-toned drum, so
loud is it
<caqui-liz-v04b> (b11 f4 c2 p33) JC-7/23/96
22. inic caquizti itlatol: iuhquinma quitoa tlathuicicitli: as
it sounds its song, it is as if it says tlatuicicitli
<caqui-liz-v04b> (b11 f5 c2 p47) JC-7/23/96
23. iuhquin aca teponazoa ic caquizti it sounds as if someone
beat the two-toned drum
<caqui-liz-v04b> (b11 f6 c3 p57) JC-7/23/96
24. cenca caquizti inic tlalticpac tlamati it is very
notorious that they act in a worldly way
<caqui-liz-v04b> (b11 f10 c5 p92) JC-7/23/96
25. nahuati, caquizti, tzilini, cualneci, it sounds clear, it
sounds well, it resounds; it is beautiful
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<caqui-liz-v04b> (b11 f11 c6 p111) JC-7/23/96

26. oc cenca yehuatl in quiyolmicti in oquicac in quenin huetzi
in innahuatil in tlequiquiztli, iuhquin tlatlatzini ic
caquizti in ihcuac huetzi, especially did it cause him to
faint away when he heard how the gun, at [the spaniards']
command, discharged [the shot]; how it resounded as if it
thundered when it went off
<caqui-liz-v04b> (b12 f2 c7 p19) JC-7/23/96
27. he is heard clearly
Verbing jc-030797
28. he is heard clearly
-ti jc-030797
29. he discloses, he is heard; he is audible; he sounds; it is
audible; it sounds; it is heard; it is loud; it resounds;
it sounds out; it sounds well; it is heard clearly; it
makes a noise; it rings out
FC jc-031297
30. there is sound; they resound; they sound
FC jc-031297
31. he is heard clearly
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
32. he is heard clearly
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
33. he is heard clearly
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
34. he is heard clearly
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

0. ihcuac caquiztia, in ohuellallimictimotecac: in aocac
nahuati when it made itself heard, it was well into the
night, when none spoke aloud <caqui-liz-v04b-- (b5 f1 c3
p157), 2 in ontlamacehuato, in onacxoyatlalito
tlamacazque: in intlamacehuayan tepeticpac, in zazo campa
ye, onhuia, inic mocaquia, inic caquiztia, iuhquin aca,
tlaxeloa, cuauhxeloa: when the priests went forth to do
penances and to lay down fir branches at their places of
doing penance on mountain tops, wheresoever they all went,
then it was heard that it resounded like someone chopping
and splitting wood <caqui-liz-v04b-ya3 (b5 f1 c3 p157)
1. it sounded, it was audible
FC -> jc-72895
2. it sounded, it was audible

3. ihcuac caquiztia, in ohuellallimictimotecac: in aocac
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

nahuati when it made itself heard, it was well into the

night, when none spoke aloud <caqui-liz-v04b-- (b5 f1 c3
p157), 2 in ontlamacehuato, in onacxoyatlalito
tlamacazque: in intlamacehuayan tepeticpac, in zazo campa
ye, onhuia, inic mocaquia, inic caquiztia, iuhquin aca,
tlaxeloa, cuauhxeloa: when the priests went forth to do
penances and to lay down fir branches at their places of
doing penance on mountain tops, wheresoever they all went,
then it was heard that it resounded like someone chopping
and splitting wood <caqui-liz-v04b-ya3 (b5 f1 c3 p157)
4. it sounded, it was audible

5. it sounded, it was audible <caqui-liz-v04b-;

<caqui-liz-v04b--> FC - > jc-61096
6. it sounded, it was audible <caqui-liz-v04b-ya3>
<caqui-liz-v04b-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. ihcuac caquiztia, in ohuellallimictimotecac: in aocac
nahuati when it made itself heard, it was well into the
night, when none spoke aloud
<caqui-liz-v04b--> (b5 f1 c3 p157) JC-7/23/96
8. in ontlamacehuato, in onacxoyatlalito tlamacazque: in
intlamacehuayan tepeticpac, in zazo campa ye, onhuia, inic
mocaquia, inic caquiztia, iuhquin aca, tlaxeloa,
cuauhxeloa: when the priests went forth to do penances and
to lay down fir branches at their places of doing penance
on mountain tops, wheresoever they all went, then it was
heard that it resounded like someone chopping and splitting
<caqui-liz-v04b-ya3> (b5 f1 c3 p157) JC-7/23/96
9. it sounded, it was audible
FC jc-031297

0. it was heard
FC jc-031297

0. something that resounds

1. something that resounds

FC -> jc-72895
2. something that resounds

3. something that resounds
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. something that resounds

FC jc-031297

0. sound
FC - > jc-61096
1. sound
Noun jc-030797
2. sound
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
3. sound
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

caquiztli (sound) caquizti

0. he is heard clearly

0. he was; it was; she was; there was; they were

1. he was; it was; she was; there was; they were

FC -> jc-72895
2. he was; it was; she was; there was; they were

3. he was; it was; she was; there was; they were

4. he was; it was; she was; there was; they were <ca:1a-ca9>

<ca:1a-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was; it was; she was; there was; they were <ca:1a-ca9>
<ca:1a-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was; it was; she was; there was; they were
FC jc-031297

catca ( o- )
0. estaba ( he was )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. era ( he was )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. habi'a ( it was; there was )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. estaba ( he was )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. era ( he was )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. habi'a ( it was; there was )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

catca ( oti- )
0. estabas ( you were )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

catcah ( o- )
0. habi'a ( they were )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. eran ( they were )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. habi'a ( they were )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. eran ( they were )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. esta'n ( they are )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. they are
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are

3. they are

4. they are <ca:1a-plur05>

<ca:1a-plur05> FC - > jc-61096
5. esta'n ( they are )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. they are
FC jc-031297

0. hay ( there are )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. they are
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

cateh ( ti- )
0. estamos ( we are )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. person, being

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it drinks it; they drink it

1. it drinks it; they drink it

FC -> jc-72895
2. it drinks it; they drink it

3. it drinks it; they drink it

4. it drinks it; they drink it

FC jc-031297

0. it provides him drink
FC - > jc-61096

0. he will provide drink for him

1. he will provide drink for him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will provide drink for him

3. he will provide drink for him

4. he will provide drink for him

FC jc-031297

0. black, filth

0. dirty
Adj Form jc-022897
1. dirty
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. soiled
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. defiled

4. unsanitary

5. black

6. filthy
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. polluted

8. dungy

9. foul

10. dusty

11. base

12. ribald

13. disagreeable

14. contemptible

15. despicable

16. groveling

17. low

18. mean

19. scurvy

20. lewd

21. amoral

22. smutty

23. sordid

24. immoral

25. indecent

26. lascivious

27. dull

28. sullied

29. dirty
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. <tbd>
1. ololpol, catzacpol, yayacpol,it is round, dirty, dark (b11
f8 p72)
2. dirty
FC -> jc-72895
3. dirty

4. <tbd>
5. ololpol, catzacpol, yayacpol,it is round, dirty, dark (b11
f8 p72)
6. dirty

7. dirty
FC jc-031297

0. <tbd>
1. catzactic, pazoltic: it is dark, bushy (b11 f21 p211)
2. dark
FC -> jc-72895
3. dark

4. <tbd>
5. catzactic, pazoltic: it is dark, bushy (b11 f21 p211)
6. dark

7. dark <catza:hua-l2-tic>
<catza:hua-l2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. dirty, dirty-colored
Adj Form jc-022897
9. dark
FC jc-031297
10. dirty
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
11. dirty-colored
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

12. soiled

13. defiled

14. unsanitary

15. black

16. filthy

17. polluted

18. dungy

19. foul

20. dusty

21. befouling

22. besmirching

23. dirty

24. dirty-colored

0. <tbd>
1. ono huel catzactix, ohuel catzahuac: it was also very
dirty, very dirty (b12 f8 p123)
2. <tbd>
3. ono huel catzactix, ohuel catzahuac: it was also very
dirty, very dirty (b12 f8 p123)
4. dirty
FC jc-031297

0. <tbd>
1. tepiton, tliltontli, catzactontli, pochectontli: cualoni
it is small -- small and black, dark, smoky, edible (b11 f7
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

p61), tepiton cuacuahue, catzactontli: amo tecuani, amo

cueche: it is small, horned, blackish; not poisonous;
without rattles (b11 f8 p80)
2. <tbd>
3. tepiton, tliltontli, catzactontli, pochectontli: cualoni
it is small -- small and black, dark, smoky, edible (b11 f7
p61), tepiton cuacuahue, catzactontli: amo tecuani, amo
cueche: it is small, horned, blackish; not poisonous;
without rattles (b11 f8 p80)

0. in quinamaca in cualli textli quinamictia in tlaeltextli,
in papayaxtic, in tlaixtoxahualli, in tlapapayaxolli, in
tlacacampaxolli, in catzahuac, in yahuitl, in xoyauhqui, in
cuacua, the [ bad ] one who sells good flour adds to it the
poorly ground, the broken, that spilled on the surface, the
broken-up flour; the chewed up, the dirty, the dark, the
rancid, the infested ( b10 f4 p71 ) quinamaca molonqui
tlatzahualli, temimiltic, tatatictic, poxahtic, poxahuac,
poxactic, iztac, ihhuitl, tzinihhuitl, pilihhuitl,
alapachtli, catzahuac, camilhuiltic, tlalalacaihhuitl,
patoxihhuitl, pelonihhuitl, canacacauhihhuitl,
totolihhuitl, tliltic, iztac, coztic, chichiltic
cuappachtic, nochpalli she sells soft, spun [feathers];
long, even thread --trimmed, loose, loosely woven; white
feathers, tail feathers, chick feathers, back and breast
feathers, darkened ones, brown ones; goose feathers,
domestic duck feathers, peru duck feathers, wild duck
feathers, turkey feathers --black, white, yellow, bright
red, tawny, carmine colored (b10 f5 p92), catzahuac -
dirty-colored (b10 f6 p95a), dirty (b10 f6 p112a),
pazoltic, pazoltontli, papazoltic, tliltic, catzahuac,
cuitlapilxexeltic: pachtontli, nacazhuihuitztic,
tempitzaton: it has fleecy, straggly, woolly [ fur ]:
black, dark; arched tail; a rather squat build; pointed
ears; slender muzzle (b11 f2 p13), inin icuitlapil tliltic
catzahuac: the tail of this one is black, dark (b11 f2
p18), tliltic, catzahuac in ihhuiyo its feathers are
black, dark (b11 f3 p20), xotlitliltic, xopapatlactic,
catzahuac, tlilectic the feet are wide, black, dark,
blackish (b11 f3 p27), tliltic, catzahuac, cuachichiltic,
xothiticectic, it is black, dirty black, chili-red-headed,
chalky-legged (b11 f5 p42), cuauhtla chane, huel iuhquin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cuetzpali: tomahuac, huiac, cenmatzopaztli; xincayo

chamahuac, xincayo huapahuac, catzahuac, cuichehuac,
cuitlapilhuiac: it is a forest-dweller, just like a lizard:
thick, long --a cubit long, with coarse scales, with rough
scales; black, dark, long-tailed (b11 f7 p61), tliltic,
catzahuac, tapalcayo it is black, dirty-colored, with a
shell (b11 f7 p67), tomahuac, catzahuac, it is thick, black
(b11 f11 p110), catzahuac: it is dark (b11 f13 p133), in
ipan iehuayo, in ixincayo, catzahuac, yayactic, yayauhqui:
on its surface its bark, its scales are black, dark, dusky
(b11 f20 p201), catzahuac, tliltic, etic, eticpatic,
cuitlaxocotl, cuitlaxocopatic: it is dark, black, heavy,
very heavy, weighty, very weighty (b11 f23 p234),
catzahuac, camiltic, pehpepetlaca, cenca canahuac: it is
dark, brown, shiny, very thin (b11 f23 p235), catzahuac
tliltic, catzahuac, tamaltic, zoquitic, zoquinezqui, it is
black, dark, like a tamal, like mud, appearing like mud
(b11 f27 p281), omach catzahuac, it looked dirty (b12 f8
p123), omach no catzahuac: it also looked dirty (b12 f8
p123), ono huel catzactix, ohuel catzahuac: it was also
very dirty, very dirty (b12 f8 p123)
1. black; dark; dirty; dirty black; dirty-colored
FC -> jc-72895
2. black; dark; dirty; dirty black; dirty-colored

3. in quinamaca in cualli textli quinamictia in tlaeltextli,

in papayaxtic, in tlaixtoxahualli, in tlapapayaxolli, in
tlacacampaxolli, in catzahuac, in yahuitl, in xoyauhqui, in
cuacua, the [ bad ] one who sells good flour adds to it the
poorly ground, the broken, that spilled on the surface, the
broken-up flour; the chewed up, the dirty, the dark, the
rancid, the infested ( b10 f4 p71 ) quinamaca molonqui
tlatzahualli, temimiltic, tatatictic, poxahtic, poxahuac,
poxactic, iztac, ihhuitl, tzinihhuitl, pilihhuitl,
alapachtli, catzahuac, camilhuiltic, tlalalacaihhuitl,
patoxihhuitl, pelonihhuitl, canacacauhihhuitl,
totolihhuitl, tliltic, iztac, coztic, chichiltic
cuappachtic, nochpalli she sells soft, spun [feathers];
long, even thread --trimmed, loose, loosely woven; white
feathers, tail feathers, chick feathers, back and breast
feathers, darkened ones, brown ones; goose feathers,
domestic duck feathers, peru duck feathers, wild duck
feathers, turkey feathers --black, white, yellow, bright
red, tawny, carmine colored (b10 f5 p92), catzahuac -
dirty-colored (b10 f6 p95a), dirty (b10 f6 p112a),
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

pazoltic, pazoltontli, papazoltic, tliltic, catzahuac,

cuitlapilxexeltic: pachtontli, nacazhuihuitztic,
tempitzaton: it has fleecy, straggly, woolly [ fur ]:
black, dark; arched tail; a rather squat build; pointed
ears; slender muzzle (b11 f2 p13), inin icuitlapil tliltic
catzahuac: the tail of this one is black, dark (b11 f2
p18), tliltic, catzahuac in ihhuiyo its feathers are
black, dark (b11 f3 p20), xotlitliltic, xopapatlactic,
catzahuac, tlilectic the feet are wide, black, dark,
blackish (b11 f3 p27), tliltic, catzahuac, cuachichiltic,
xothiticectic, it is black, dirty black, chili-red-headed,
chalky-legged (b11 f5 p42), cuauhtla chane, huel iuhquin
cuetzpali: tomahuac, huiac, cenmatzopaztli; xincayo
chamahuac, xincayo huapahuac, catzahuac, cuichehuac,
cuitlapilhuiac: it is a forest-dweller, just like a lizard:
thick, long --a cubit long, with coarse scales, with rough
scales; black, dark, long-tailed (b11 f7 p61), tliltic,
catzahuac, tapalcayo it is black, dirty-colored, with a
shell (b11 f7 p67), tomahuac, catzahuac, it is thick, black
(b11 f11 p110), catzahuac: it is dark (b11 f13 p133), in
ipan iehuayo, in ixincayo, catzahuac, yayactic, yayauhqui:
on its surface its bark, its scales are black, dark, dusky
(b11 f20 p201), catzahuac, tliltic, etic, eticpatic,
cuitlaxocotl, cuitlaxocopatic: it is dark, black, heavy,
very heavy, weighty, very weighty (b11 f23 p234),
catzahuac, camiltic, pehpepetlaca, cenca canahuac: it is
dark, brown, shiny, very thin (b11 f23 p235), catzahuac
tliltic, catzahuac, tamaltic, zoquitic, zoquinezqui, it is
black, dark, like a tamal, like mud, appearing like mud
(b11 f27 p281), omach catzahuac, it looked dirty (b12 f8
p123), omach no catzahuac: it also looked dirty (b12 f8
p123), ono huel catzactix, ohuel catzahuac: it was also
very dirty, very dirty (b12 f8 p123)
4. black; dark; dirty; dirty black; dirty-colored

5. black; dark; dirty-colored; dirty black; dirty

<catza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. black; dark; dirty; dirty black; dirty-colored
FC jc-031297

0. in acan quitta, auh in amo quimahuiltia teuhtli, tlazolli,
in catzahuacayotl, in amo quiximati: inic tlazotin
quinnnequi, quintemoa, quinhualtzatzilia in teteo, those
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

who nowhere find and who rejoice not in vice, in filth,

those who know it not, are so precious that the gods
require them, seek them, call out to them (b6 f9 p114), ma
chico, tlanahuac quihuica, quiteca in catzahuacayotl, in
itechpa ticualcuic in monan, in mota: may she remove, may
she transfer the filthiness which thou hast taken from thy
mother, from they father! (b6 f14 p175)

0. quilhuia izca, in matlalatl, in toxpalatl: in quipaca, in
chipahua in toyollo, in catoctia in catzahualiztli: she
said to him: "here is the blue water, the yellow water,
which cleanseth our hearts, so that they be purified; which
washeth away our filthiness (b6 f16 p202)

0. auh in incal, in intlaquetzal, in incuezcon, in inxoc, in
ieixquich intlatqui, mochi catzelhuia: and their houses,
their square wooden beams, their food storage bins, their
cooking pots, and indeed all their goods, everything, they
sprinkled with water (b5 f3 p187)

0. auh in tlacualli eztica catzelhuique, queezhuique, and [
the emissaries ] had soaked the food in blood, they had
covered it with blood (b12 f2 p21)

0. auh in ixquich tlaxcaltecatl, in acolhuacatl, in chalcatl:
niman ye ic catzopa in acalotli: and every tlaxcallan,
acolhuacan, chalcan thereupon filled in the canal (b12 f7
p100), niman ye ic tlaatzopa, catzopa in atezcatl in itoca
tlaixcuipan thereupon they filled in a body of water; they
filled in a pond named tlaixcuipan (b12 f7 p115)

0. inic cempoalli on caxtolli omome capitulo: oncan mitoa in
quenin mexica in cohohuitiaya in quitlatlapoaya in atl in
yoaltica, in oncan catzopaya espan~oles in tlaca
thirty-seventh chapter, in which it is told how the
mexicans worked with continual difficulty as by night they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

uncovered the [ canal ] waters where by day the spaniards

had filled them in (b12 f7 p108), mochipa iuh quichiuhque
in oncan catzopaya in acalotli, in zan niman
quihualquixtiaya in tetl in cuahuitl &c always they did so
where [ the spaniards ] had filled in the canals when at
once they took out the rocks, the wood, etc (b12 f7 p108)

0. auh in toyaohuan, catzoptihuitze in acalotli and our foes
came filling in the canals (b12 f7 p108)

cauhtzinoaya ( omo- )
0. se quedaba [ H ] ( he [ H ] stayed )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. bowl

0. weak
FC - > jc-61096

0. st weakened

0. loose
1. (cf caxaua) loose
2. (cf caxaua) loose

0. loosened, badly tied
Adj Form jc-022897
1. loosened
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. badly tied
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. removed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. separated

5. detached

6. divided

7. severed

8. disjoined

9. loosened

10. badly tied

0. thin, loose
1. (cf axani) thin, loose
2. (cf axani) thin, loose

0. to relapse
FC - > jc-61096

0. he has a relapse

0. in a basin, in a bowl

1. in a basin, in a bowl
FC -> jc-72895
2. in a basin, in a bowl

3. in a basin, in a bowl

4. in a basin, in a bowl <caxitl-co2>

<caxitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in a basin, in a bowl <caxitl-co2>
<caxitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in a basin, in a bowl
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. destroy, burst, diminish
1. it is depressed, it becomes bowl-like
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is depressed, it becomes bowl-like

3. destroy, burst, diminish

4. it is depressed, it becomes bowl-like

5. it is depressed, it becomes bowl-like <caxitl-v03a>

<caxitl-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is depressed, it becomes bowl-like <caxitl-v03a>
<caxitl-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is depressed, it becomes bowl-like
FC jc-031297

0. basin, bowl; vessel; plate; platen

1. basin, bowl; vessel

FC -> jc-72895
2. basin, bowl; vessel; plate; platen

3. basin, bowl; vessel; plate; platen

4. bowl, vessel, basin

FC - > jc-61096
5. bowl
FC - > jc-61096
6. bowl; vessel <caxitl>
<caxitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. plate
FC - > jc-61096
8. plate
FC - > jc-61096
9. basin, bowl; vessel
FC jc-031297
10. bowl
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
11. bowl
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
12. bowl
JC-05-07-97 Noun StemsList A
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

13. cuenco

14. plato

0. bowl-like

1. bowl-like
FC -> jc-72895
2. bowl-like

3. bowl-like

4. bowl-like <caxitl-v03a-prt1-c2>
<caxitl-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. bowl-like <caxitl-v03a-prt1-c2>
<caxitl-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. bowl-like <caxitl-v03a-prt1-c2>
<caxitl-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. bowl-like
FC jc-031297

0. he expels it in the urine; he urinates it (i e; expels it
in the urine); he urinates it (ie; he urinates on it; she
urinates it (i e

1. he expels it in the urine; he urinates it ( ie; expels it

in the urine ); he urinates it ( ie; he urinates on it; she
urinates it )
FC -> jc-72895
2. he expels it in the urine; he urinates it (i e; expels it
in the urine); he urinates it (ie; he urinates on it; she
urinates it (i e

3. he expels it in the urine; he urinates it (i e; expels it

in the urine); he urinates it (ie; he urinates on it; she
urinates it (i e

4. he expels it in the urine; he urinates on it; he urinates

it ( ie expels it in the urine ); he urinates it ie she
urinates it <p33-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12>
<p33-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12> FC - > jc-61096
5. he expels it in the urine; he urinates on it; he urinates
it ( ie expels it in the urine ); he urinates it ie she
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

urinates it ie <p33-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12>
<p33-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12> FC - > jc-61096
6. he expels it in the urine; he urinates on it; he urinates
it ( ie expels it in the urine ); he urinates it ie she
urinates it <p33-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12>
<p33-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12> FC - > jc-61096
7. he expels it in the urine; he urinates it ( ie; expels it
in the urine ); he urinates it ( ie; he urinates on it; she
urinates it ( ie
FC jc-031297

0. he will urinate it (i e, expel it in the urine); she will
urinate it (ie

1. he will urinate it ( ie, expel it in the urine ); she will

urinate it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will urinate it (i e, expel it in the urine); she will
urinate it (ie

3. he will urinate it (i e, expel it in the urine); she will

urinate it (ie

4. he will urinate it ( ie expel it in the urine ); she will

urinate it <p33-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-z>
<p33-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will urinate it ( ie expel it in the urine ); she will
urinate it <p33-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-z>
<p33-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will urinate it ( ie expel it in the urine ); she will
urinate it <p33-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-z>
<p33-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will urinate it ( ie, expel it in the urine ); she will
urinate it ( ie
FC jc-031297

0. kitchen shelf
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. kitchen shelf
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. kitchen shelf
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. kitchen shelf
JC-05-07-97 -yan Locative Nouns
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. bowl-like; concave; bowl-shaped

1. bowl-like; concave; bowl-shaped

FC -> jc-72895
2. bowl-like; concave; bowl-shaped

3. bowl-like; concave; bowl-shaped

4. bowl-like; concave; bowl-shaped <caxitl-tic>

<caxitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. bowl-like; concave; bowl-shaped <caxitl-tic>
<caxitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. bowl-like; concave; bowl-shaped
FC jc-031297

0. en espan~ol ( in Spanish )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. quince ( fifteen )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. fifteen
FC -> jc-72895
2. fifteen

3. fifteen

4. fifteen <caxto:lli>
<caxto:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. quince ( fifteen )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. fifteen
FC jc-031297

0. sixteen

1. sixteen
FC -> jc-72895
2. sixteen

3. sixteen
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. sixteen <caxto:lli-om-ce:>
<caxto:lli-om-ce:> FC - > jc-61096
5. sixteen <caxto:lli-om-ce:>
<caxto:lli-om-ce:> FC - > jc-61096
6. sixteen <caxto:lli-om-ce:>
<caxto:lli-om-ce:> FC - > jc-61096
7. sixteen
FC jc-031297

0. nineteen

1. nineteen
FC -> jc-72895
2. nineteen

3. nineteen

4. nineteen
FC jc-031297

0. fifteen spans

1. fifteen spans
FC -> jc-72895
2. fifteen spans

3. fifteen spans

4. fifteen spans
FC jc-031297

0. fifteen

1. fifteen
FC -> jc-72895
2. fifteen

3. fifteen

4. fifteen
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. three hundred

1. three hundred
FC -> jc-72895
2. three hundred

3. three hundred

4. three hundred <caxto:lli-po:hua1-l1>

<caxto:lli-po:hua1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. three hundred <caxto:lli-po:hua1-l1>
<caxto:lli-po:hua1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. three hundred <caxto:lli-po:hua1-l1>
<caxto:lli-po:hua1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. three hundred
FC jc-031297

0. three hundred years

1. three hundred years

FC -> jc-72895
2. three hundred years

3. three hundred years

4. three hundred years

FC jc-031297

0. fifteen

1. fifteen
FC -> jc-72895
2. fifteen

3. fifteen

4. fifteen <caxto:lli-tetl2>
<caxto:lli-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
5. fifteen <caxto:lli-tetl2>
<caxto:lli-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
6. fifteen
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. fifteen
FC -> jc-72895
1. fifteen
FC jc-031297

0. fifteen years

1. fifteen years
FC -> jc-72895
2. fifteen years

3. fifteen years

4. fifteen years <caxto:lli-xihuitl>

<caxto:lli-xihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. fifteen years <caxto:lli-xihuitl>
<caxto:lli-xihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. fifteen years
FC jc-031297

0. deceive, fool

0. (may) no one, (may) nobody, for no one, for nobody

1. ( may ) no one, ( may ) nobody

FC -> jc-72895
2. for no one, for nobody
FC -> jc-72895
3. (may) no one, (may) nobody, for no one, for nobody

4. (may) no one, (may) nobody, for no one, for nobody

5. for no one, for nobody <ca8-ah1-a:c1>

<ca8-ah1-a:c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. for no one, for nobody <ca8-ah1-a:c1>
<ca8-ah1-a:c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. for no one, for nobody <ca8-ah1-a:c1>
<ca8-ah1-a:c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. ( may ) no one, ( may ) nobody
FC jc-031297
9. for no one, for nobody
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they sound the rattle-board for him

1. they sound the rattle-board for him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they sound the rattle-board for him

3. they sound the rattle-board for him

4. they sound the rattle-board for him

FC jc-031297

0. it rattles it

1. it rattles it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it rattles it

3. it rattles it

4. it rattles it <p33-a:yacachtli-v0??>
<p33-a:yacachtli-v0??> FC - > jc-61096
5. it rattles it
FC jc-031297

0. uno ( one )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. un; una ( one; a; an )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. un; uno; una ( one; a; an )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. un; una ( one; a; an )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. un; uno; una ( one; a; an )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. uno ( one; a; an )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
6. un; una ( one; a; an )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. un; uno; una ( one; a; an )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
8. un; una ( one; a; an )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. un; uno; una ( one; a; an )

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
10. one; a; an; single
FC -> jc-72895
11. one; a; an; single

12. one; a; an; single

13. one
FC - > jc-61096
14. one; a; an; single <ce:>
<ce:> FC - > jc-61096
15. uno ( one )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
16. un; una ( one; a; an )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
17. un; uno; una ( one; a; an )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
18. un; una ( one; a; an )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
19. un; uno; una ( one; a; an )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
20. uno ( one; a; an )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
21. un; una ( one; a; an )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
22. un; uno; una ( one; a; an )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
23. un; una ( one; a; an )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
24. un; uno; una ( one; a; an )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
25. one; a; an; single
FC jc-031297
26. one
Noun jc-030797
27. one; a; an; single
FC jc-031297
28. one
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
29. one
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

ce (one)cetiah
0. they unite, become one
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. In nozoah quihtzomilihtoc in icue ce ichpocaton Mi esposa
le esta' cosiendo su falda a una muchacha My wife is sewing
the girls' skirt
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
1. oquicuahtoya zacatl huan ihcuac oquimomacac cuentah
yohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. tlen oquichih ? Estaba comiendo pasto y cuando advirtio'
ya veni'a un buen aguacero It was eating grass and when it
noticed a big rainfall was coming
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
3. Donde estabas cuando viste que venia un aguacero ? Canin
otiyeya ihcuac otiquittac ohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl ?
Where were you when you saw that a big rainfall was coming ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
4. omotlatito ihtec ce tlallancal Se fue a esconder dentro de
una cueva It went to hide inside a cave
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
5. Quien se fue a esconder dentro de una cueva ? Aquin
omotla:tito ihtec ce tlallancal ? Who went to hide inside a
cave ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
6. in yeh amo oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
7. cox ompa tlahtec yocatca ce coatl; E'l no sabi'a que ahi'
dentro ya estaba una culebra He did not know that inside
there was already a snake
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
8. oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
9. quemah
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
10. que ihcuac ce quiyequizcaltiah
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
11. aic ce calaqui zan ihcon ihtec ce calli Sabi'a
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
12. si'
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
13. que cuando uno tiene buena educacio'n

14. nunca se mete uno sin ma's ni ma's en una casa

15. He knew
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

16. yes

17. that when one has education

18. one never enters a house without asking for permission

19. Donde entra uno no mas porque si ? Canin aic ce calaqui

zan ihcon ? Where does one enter just for the heck of it ?

20. achto ce tetlahpaloa

21. huan tla ce cualnanquiliah ce calaqui

22. huan tlamo ce cualnanquiliah amo ce calaqui ( sino que )

primero se saluda y si le contestan

23. entra

24. y si no le contestan

25. no se entra One must

26. first

27. greet and if greeted back enter

28. and if not answered

29. do not enter

30. achto ce tetlahpaloa

31. huan tla ce cualnanquiliah ce calaqui

32. huan tlamo ce cualnanquiliah amo ce calaqui ( sino que )

primero se saluda y si le contestan

33. entra

34. y si no le contestan

35. no se entra One must

36. first

37. greet and if greeted back enter
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

38. and if not answered

39. do not enter

40. Que hace uno primero ? Tlen ce quichihua achto ? What does
one do first ?

41. Que hace uno si es que le contestan ? Tlen ce quichihua in

tla ce cualnanquiliah ? What does one do if asnwered ?

42. Que hace uno si no le responden ? Tlen ce quichihua in tla

amo ce cualnanquiliah ? What does one do if not responded ?

0. cool, subside
1. (cf cetl) cool, subside
2. (cf cetl) cool, subside

0. they get chilled
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they get chilled
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they get chilled
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. they get chilled
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they get chilled
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they get chilled
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. they get chilled
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. in aquin ipan tlacatia cenca cualittoya
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. he who was then born was very well regarded

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. in mitoaya
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. intla tlamiz

2. in cualo tonatiuh: centlayohuaz: it was thus said: " if the

eclipse of the sun is complete

3. it will be dark forever ! "

0. calmed, fallen in honor
Adj Form jc-022897
1. calmed
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. fallen in honor
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. peaceful

4. mild

5. placid

6. tranquil

7. quiet

8. pacific

9. still

10. unruffled

11. balmy

12. relaxed

13. serene

14. sedate

15. even-tempered

16. tranquil

17. composed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

18. moderate

19. easygoing

20. nonchalant

21. calmed

22. fallen in honor

0. juntos ( together )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. separate place
FC -> jc-72895
2. separate place

3. separate place

4. juntos ( together )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. separate place
FC jc-031297

0. cold; chill; fresh; cool

1. cold; chill; fresh; cool

FC -> jc-72895
2. cold; chill; fresh; cool

3. cold; chill; fresh; cool

4. cold; chill; fresh; cool

FC jc-031297

0. in various places; separately

1. in various places; separately

FC -> jc-72895
2. in various places; separately

3. in various places; separately
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. in various places; separately

FC jc-031297

0. it calms down

1. it calms down
FC -> jc-72895
2. it calms down

3. it calms down

4. it calms down
FC jc-031297

0. each one soft; verdant; green; very fresh

1. each one soft; verdant; green; very fresh

FC -> jc-72895
2. each one soft; verdant; green; very fresh

3. each one soft; verdant; green; very fresh

4. each one soft; verdant; green; very fresh

FC jc-031297

0. very tender

1. very tender
FC -> jc-72895
2. very tender

3. very tender

4. very tender
FC jc-031297

0. day by day
FC jc-031297

0. each twenty days
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. each twenty days

FC -> jc-72895
2. each twenty days

3. each twenty days

4. each twenty days

FC jc-031297

0. by twenties

1. by twenties
FC -> jc-72895
2. by twenties

3. by twenties

4. by twenties <dupl-ce:-po:hua1-l1>
<dupl-ce:-po:hua1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. by twenties <dupl-ce:-po:hua1-l1>
<dupl-ce:-po:hua1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. by twenties <dupl-ce:-po:hua1-l1>
<dupl-ce:-po:hua1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. by twenties <dupl-ce:-po:hua1-l1>
<dupl-ce:-po:hua1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. by twenties <dupl-ce:-po:hua1-l1>
<dupl-ce:-po:hua1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
9. by twenties
FC jc-031297

cecen tianquiztli
0. famoso en mala parte [ atlaqualitolli; motenyotiani; otepam
motecac; mitolotlani; cecemotli; ycayeyeloac] ( molina )
M162323, cecen tianquiztli, ni fama mala tener [amo qualli
notenyo nihtoloca; teca, tepan nino; nouian nihtolo;
cecemotli, ni; noca yeyelouac ] M162325, cecentianquiztli
ce-dupl-tiamiqui-liz One who has a bad reputation
everywhere El que en todas partes tiene ruyn fama cccb

0. each one; one by one
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. each one; one by one

FC -> jc-72895
2. each one; one by one

3. each one; one by one

4. each one; one by one

FC jc-031297

0. very cold

1. very cold
FC -> jc-72895
2. very cold

3. very cold

4. very cold
FC jc-031297

0. very cold
FC -> jc-72895
1. very cold
FC jc-031297

0. knuckle

1. knuckle
FC -> jc-72895
2. knuckle

3. knuckle

4. knuckle
FC jc-031297

0. velas ( candles )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. each year, yearly; once a year; during each year
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. each year, yearly; once a year; during each year

FC -> jc-72895
2. each year, yearly; once a year; during each year

3. each year, yearly; once a year; during each year

4. each year, yearly; once a year; during each year

<dupl-ce:-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. each year, yearly; once a year; during each year
<dupl-ce:-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. each year, yearly; once a year; during each year
<dupl-ce:-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
7. each year, yearly; once a year; during each year
<dupl-ce:-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
8. once a year, yearly; during each year
<dupl-ce:-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
9. each year, yearly; once a year; during each year
FC jc-031297

0. each one; one by one; one at a time

1. each one; one by one; one at a time

FC -> jc-72895
2. each one; one by one; one at a time

3. each one; one by one; one at a time

4. each one; one at a time <dupl-ce:-yacatl>

<dupl-ce:-yacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. each one; one at a time <dupl-ce:-yacatl>
<dupl-ce:-yacatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. each one; one at a time <dupl-ce:-yacatl>
<dupl-ce:-yacatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. each one; one at a time <dupl-ce:-yacatl>
<dupl-ce:-yacatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. each one; one by one; one at a time
FC jc-031297

0. each night; nightly
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. each night; nightly

FC -> jc-72895
2. each night; nightly

3. each night; nightly

4. each night; nightly; night by night

FC jc-031297

0. every night

1. every night
FC -> jc-72895
2. every night

3. every night

4. every night <dupl-ce:-yohua-l1>

<dupl-ce:-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. every night <dupl-ce:-yohua-l1>
<dupl-ce:-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. every night <dupl-ce:-yohua-l1>
<dupl-ce:-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. every night <dupl-ce:-yohua-l1>
<dupl-ce:-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. every night
FC jc-031297

0. they died of the cold

1. they died of the cold

FC -> jc-72895
2. they died of the cold

3. they died of the cold

4. they died of the cold

FC jc-031297

0. in some place, apart, elsewhere; separate

1. in some place, apart, elsewhere; separate
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. in some place, apart, elsewhere; separate

3. in some place, apart, elsewhere; separate

4. in some place, apart, elsewhere; separate

FC jc-031297

0. at one side; half

1. at one side; half

FC -> jc-72895
2. at one side; half

3. at one side; half

4. at one side, half <ce:-qui4-tlapal>

<ce:-qui4-tlapal> FC - > jc-61096
5. at one side, half <ce:-qui4-tlapal>
<ce:-qui4-tlapal> FC - > jc-61096
6. at one side, half <ce:-qui4-tlapal>
<ce:-qui4-tlapal> FC - > jc-61096
7. at one side; half
FC jc-031297

0. cada ( each )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. de casa en casa ( from house to house )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. snow

1. snow
FC -> jc-72895
2. snow

3. snow

4. snow
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. shadow

1. shadow
FC -> jc-72895
2. shadow

3. shadow

4. shadow
FC jc-031297

0. cehualloa, mocehuallotia, moyacauhyotia, tecehualhuia, it
shades; it gives shade, it gives shadow; it shades one
<ce:hui-caus09-l1-v05a (b11 f11 c6 p108)
1. cehualloa, mocehuallotia, moyacauhyotia, tecehualhuia, it
shades; it gives shade, it gives shadow; it shades one
<ce:hui-caus09-l1-v05a> (b11 f11 c6 p108) JC-7/23/96

0. it freezes, it gets cold (i e, weather)

1. it freezes, it gets cold ( ie, weather )

FC -> jc-72895
2. it freezes, it gets cold (i e, weather)

3. it freezes, it gets cold (i e, weather)

4. it freezes, it gets cold ( ie weather ) <ce:tl-huetzi>

<ce:tl-huetzi> FC - > jc-61096
5. it freezes, it gets cold ( ie weather ) <ce:tl-huetzi>
<ce:tl-huetzi> FC - > jc-61096
6. it freezes, it gets cold ( ie, weather )
FC jc-031297

0. it will freeze

1. it will freeze
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will freeze

3. it will freeze
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it will freeze <ce:tl-huetzi-z>

<ce:tl-huetzi-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will freeze <ce:tl-huetzi-z>
<ce:tl-huetzi-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. it will freeze
FC jc-031297

0. se apaga ( it goes out; it extinguishes )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. ( may ) it be placated, ( may ) it be calmed; ( may ) it go
out; ( may ) it be extinguished; ( may ) it rest; it
abates; it calms down; it becomes calm; it becomes quiet;
it goes out; it is extinguished; it is calmed
FC -> jc-72895
2. (may) it be placated, (may) it be calmed; (may) it go out;
(may) it be extinguished; (may) it rest; it abates; it
calms down; it becomes calm; it becomes quiet; it goes out;
it is extinguished; it is calmed

3. (may) it be placated, (may) it be calmed; (may) it go out;

(may) it be extinguished; (may) it rest; it abates; it
calms down; it becomes calm; it becomes quiet; it goes out;
it is extinguished; it is calmed

4. ( may ) it rest; ( may ) it be placated; ( may ) it be

calmed; ( may ) it go out; ( may ) it be extinguished; it
abates; it calms down; it becomes calm; it becomes quiet;
it goes out; it is extinguished; it is calmed <ce:tl-v03a>
<ce:tl-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
5. ( may ) it rest; ( may ) it be placated; ( may ) it be
calmed; ( may ) it go out; ( may ) it be extinguished; it
abates; it calms down; it becomes calm; it becomes quiet;
it goes out; it is extinguished; it is calmed <ce:tl-v03a>
<ce:tl-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
6. to relieve, to cool
FC - > jc-61096
7. se apaga ( it goes out; it extinguishes )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
8. ( may ) it be placated, ( may ) it be calmed; ( may ) it go
out; ( may ) it be extinguished; ( may ) it rest; it
abates; it calms down; it becomes calm; it becomes quiet;
it cools; it goes out; it is extinguished; it is calmed
FC jc-031297

cehui quicehuia
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it relieves it, it cools it

cehuia ( o- )
0. se apagaba ( it went out; it was going out )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. it will be extinguished, it will go out
FC jc-031297

0. it will abate; it will calm down; it will be calmed; it
will be placated; it will cool

1. it will abate; it will calm down; it will be calmed; it

will be placated; it will cool
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will abate; it will calm down; it will be calmed; it
will be placated; it will cool

3. it will abate; it will calm down; it will be calmed; it

will be placated; it will cool

4. it will abate, it will calm down; it will be calmed; it

will be placated <ce:tl-v03a-z>
<ce:tl-v03a-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will abate, it will calm down; it will be calmed; it
will be placated <ce:tl-v03a-z>
<ce:tl-v03a-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. it will abate; it will calm down; it will be calmed; it
will be placated; it will cool
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes tender; it buds

1. it becomes tender; it buds

FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes tender; it buds

3. it becomes tender; it buds

4. it buds <celli-v11-v01b>
<celli-v11-v01b> FC - > jc-61096
5. it buds <celli-v11-v01b>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<celli-v11-v01b> FC - > jc-61096

6. it buds <celli-v11-v01b>
<celli-v11-v01b> FC - > jc-61096
7. receive
FC - > jc-61096
8. it becomes tender; it buds
FC jc-031297

celia tlaceli:lli
0. st which is received

0. receive

0. delicate; fresh; green; tender; soft

1. delicate; fresh; green; tender; soft

FC -> jc-72895
2. delicate; fresh; green; tender; soft

3. delicate; fresh; green; tender; soft

4. fresh; tender <celli-v11-c1>

<celli-v11-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. fresh; tender <celli-v11-c1>
<celli-v11-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. fresh; tender <celli-v11-c1>
<celli-v11-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. delicate; fresh; green; tender; soft
FC jc-031297

0. fresh, sprout, refresh

0. very fresh and green; very tender

1. very fresh and green; very tender

FC -> jc-72895
2. very fresh and green; very tender

3. very fresh and green; very tender
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. very fresh and green; very tender

FC jc-031297

0. fresh; green

1. fresh; green
FC -> jc-72895
2. fresh; green

3. fresh; green

4. fresh <celli-tic>
<celli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. fresh <celli-tic>
<celli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. fresh; green
FC jc-031297

0. world
FC - > jc-61096

0. world

0. mucho ( much; a lot )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. muy ( very )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. mucho ( much; a lot )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. muy ( very )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. Tleca pozontoc in atol ? Nic cemi tlatla ? Porque esta'
hirviendo el atole ? porque arde mucho ? Why is the atole
boiling ? Because it has a lot of heat ?
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
5. Tleca pozonticah in atol ? Nic cemi tlatla ? Porque esta'
hirviendo el atole ? porque arde mucho ? Why is the atole
boiling ? Because it is burning
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. always; constantly; eternal; forever; eternally

1. always; constantly; eternal; forever; eternally

FC -> jc-72895
2. always; constantly; eternal; forever; eternally

3. always; constantly; eternal; forever; eternally

4. always; constantly; eternal; forever; eternally

FC jc-031297

0. he sleeps all day
1. he sleeps all day
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sleeps all day
3. he sleeps all day
4. he sleeps all day <ilhuitl;
<ilhuitl-> FC - > jc-61096
5. he sleeps all day
FC jc-031297

0. he will spend the day

1. he will spend the day

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will spend the day

3. he will spend the day

4. he will spend the day <ilhuitl;

<ilhuitl-> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will spend the day
FC jc-031297

0. di'a ( day; entire day )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. a whole day, all day; by day; during the day; for a day;
one day
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. a whole day, all day; by day; during the day; for a day;
one day

3. a whole day, all day; by day; during the day; for a day;
one day

4. a whole day, all day; by day; during the day; for a day;
one day <ilhuitl>
<ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. di'a ( day; entire day )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
6. a whole day, all day; by day; during the day; for a day;
one day
FC jc-031297

0. a little day, a brief day
FC jc-031297

0. use for counting paper and tortillas

0. completely white

1. completely white
FC -> jc-72895
2. completely white

3. completely white

4. completely white
FC jc-031297

0. it is made known

1. it is made known
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is made known

3. it is made known

4. it is made known
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cemmantihue ( qui- )
0. lo van arrojando ( they go scattering it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. a forearm [in length]

1. a forearm [ in length ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. a forearm [in length]

3. a forearm [in length]

4. a forearm [ in length ]
FC jc-031297

0. use for counting corn-cobs, and pine-cones

0. they dwell together

1. they dwell together

FC -> jc-72895
2. they dwell together

3. they dwell together

4. they dwell together

FC jc-031297

0. only boy, only male child

1. only boy, only male child

FC -> jc-72895
2. only boy, only male child

3. only boy, only male child

4. only boy, only male child <cem-oquichtli>

<cem-oquichtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. only boy, only male child <cem-oquichtli>
<cem-oquichtli> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. only boy, only male child

FC jc-031297

cempoal tianquiztli
0. ce-poa1-l1-tiamiqui-liz Fairs or markets which take place
every twenty days Ferias o mercados de veinte en
veinte-dias aka dca M2017-2-30

0. twenty days

1. twenty days
FC -> jc-72895
2. twenty days

3. twenty days

4. twenty days <ce:-po:hua1-l1-ilhuitl>

<ce:-po:hua1-l1-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. twenty days <ilhuitl;
<ilhuitl-> FC - > jc-61096
6. twenty days <ce:-po:hua1-l1-ilhuitl>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. twenty days <ce:-po:hua1-l1-ilhuitl>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
8. twenty days
FC jc-031297

0. twenty

1. twenty
FC -> jc-72895
2. twenty

3. twenty

4. twenty <ce:-po:hua1-l1>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. twenty <ce:-po:hua1-l1>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. twenty <ce:-po:hua1-l1>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. twenty
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. twenty fathoms

1. twenty fathoms
FC -> jc-72895
2. twenty fathoms

3. twenty fathoms

4. twenty fathoms <ce:-po:hua1-l1-ma:itl>

<ce:-po:hua1-l1-ma:itl> FC - > jc-61096
5. twenty fathoms <ce:-po:hua1-l1-ma:itl>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-ma:itl> FC - > jc-61096
6. twenty fathoms <ce:-po:hua1-l1-ma:itl>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-ma:itl> FC - > jc-61096
7. twenty fathoms <ce:-po:hua1-l1-ma:itl>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-ma:itl> FC - > jc-61096
8. twenty fathoms
FC jc-031297

0. twenty times

1. twenty times
FC -> jc-72895
2. twenty times

3. twenty times

4. twenty times <ce:-po:hua1-l1-pa2>

<ce:-po:hua1-l1-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
5. twenty times <ce:-po:hua1-l1-pa2>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
6. twenty times <ce:-po:hua1-l1-pa2>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
7. twenty times <ce:-po:hua1-l1-pa2>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
8. twenty times
FC jc-031297

0. twenties, scores
FC -> jc-72895
1. twenties, scores <ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2-plur03>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. twenties, scores <ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2-plur03>

<ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
3. twenties, scores <ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2-plur03>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
4. twenties, scores <ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2-plur03>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
5. twenties, scores
FC jc-031297

0. twenties, scores

0. twenty

1. twenty
FC -> jc-72895
2. twenty

3. twenty

4. twenty <ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
5. twenty <ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
6. twenty <ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
7. twenty <ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
8. twenty
FC jc-031297

0. twenty years

1. twenty years
FC -> jc-72895
2. twenty years

3. twenty years

4. twenty years <ce:-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1>

<ce:-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. twenty years <ce:-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. twenty years <ce:-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1>

<ce:-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. twenty years <ce:-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1>
<ce:-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1> FC - > jc-61096
8. twenty years
FC jc-031297

0. marigold

1. marigold
FC -> jc-72895
2. marigold

3. marigold

4. marigold
FC jc-031297

cempohualli omeyi
0. 23

cempohualli ommacuilli
0. 25

cempohualli omome
0. 22

cempohualli once
0. 21

cempohualli onchicnahui
0. 29

cempohualli onchicome
0. 27

cempohualli onchicuacen
0. 26
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cempohualli onchicueyi
0. 28

cempohualli onnahui
0. 24

0. pe'talos de cempoalxochitl ( marigold petals )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. muy ( very )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. muy; mucho ( very; much )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. exceedingly, very; extremely; great; greatly; much;
frequently; a lot
FC -> jc-72895
3. much; great; greatly; strongly
FC -> jc-72895
4. very; very quite; exceedingly; excessively; great; much;
greatly; pure; really; very much
FC -> jc-72895
5. very; very quite; exceedingly; excessively; great; much;
greatly; pure; really; very much

6. very; very quite; exceedingly; excessively; great; much;

greatly; pure; really; very much

7. muy ( very )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. muy; mucho ( very; much )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. exceedingly, very; extremely; great; greatly; much;
frequently; a lot
FC jc-031297
10. much; great; greatly; strongly; very
FC jc-031297
11. very; very quite; exceedingly; excessively; great; much;
greatly; pure; really; very much
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. siempre ( always )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. Tictlapohtoqueh in cencal nic ticquixtizqueh in tlaol
Estamos abriendo el granero porque vamos a sacar el maiz We
are opening the granary because we are going to take some
corn out
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. it all enters

1. it all enters
FC -> jc-72895
2. it all enters

3. it all enters

4. it all enters <cem-calaqui>

<cem-calaqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. it all enters
FC jc-031297

0. with one word, by means of a word

1. with one word, by means of a word

FC -> jc-72895
2. with one word, by means of a word

3. with one word, by means of a word

4. with one word, by means of a word

FC jc-031297

0. a word; one word

1. a word; one word

FC -> jc-72895
2. a word; one word

3. a word; one word

4. a word; one word
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. much; very

1. much; very
FC -> jc-72895
2. much; very

3. much; very

4. much; very
FC jc-031297

0. all the forest, the whole forest

1. all the forest, the whole forest

FC -> jc-72895
2. all the forest, the whole forest

3. all the forest, the whole forest

4. all the forest, the whole forest

FC jc-031297

0. there was a reunion

1. there was a reunion

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was a reunion

3. there was a reunion

4. there was a reunion

FC jc-031297

0. it spreads

1. it spreads
FC -> jc-72895
2. it spreads

3. it spreads
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it spreads <cem-mani>
<cem-mani> FC - > jc-61096
5. it spreads
FC jc-031297

0. they scattered

1. they scattered
FC -> jc-72895
2. they scattered

3. they scattered

4. they scattered
FC jc-031297

0. one finger [measure]

1. one finger [ measure ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. one finger [measure]

3. one finger [measure]

4. one finger [ measure ]

FC jc-031297

0. fathom

1. fathom
FC -> jc-72895
2. fathom

3. fathom

4. fathom
FC jc-031297

0. centavo ( cent )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. uno ( one )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. only child

1. only child
FC -> jc-72895
2. only child

3. only child

4. only child
FC jc-031297

0. twenty
FC jc-031297

0. with one word, by means of a word

1. with one word, by means of a word

FC -> jc-72895
2. with one word, by means of a word

3. with one word, by means of a word

4. with one word, by means of a word

FC jc-031297

0. one word

1. one word
FC -> jc-72895
2. one word

3. one word

4. one word
FC jc-031297

0. un; una ( one; a; an )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

1. un ( one; a; an )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. one; single; a; an
FC -> jc-72895
3. one; single; a; an

4. one; single; a; an

5. one; a; an <ce:-tetl2>
<ce:-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
6. one; a; an <ce:-tetl2>
<ce:-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
7. un; una ( one; a; an )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. un ( one; a; an )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. one; single; a; an
FC jc-031297

0. a carrier load

1. a carrier load
FC -> jc-72895
2. a carrier load

3. a carrier load

4. a carrier load
FC jc-031297

0. kinds

1. kinds
FC -> jc-72895
2. kinds

3. kinds

4. kinds <ce:-tlamantli-plur02>
<ce:-tlamantli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. kinds <ce:-tlamantli-plur02>
<ce:-tlamantli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. kinds
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. a kind; one kind; a way; a manner; one thing; a thing;
some; some kind

1. a kind; one kind; a way; a manner; one thing; a thing;

some; some kind
FC -> jc-72895
2. a kind; one kind; a way; a manner; one thing; a thing;
some; some kind

3. a kind; one kind; a way; a manner; one thing; a thing;

some; some kind

4. a kind; one thing; some; some kind <ce:-tlamantli>

<ce:-tlamantli> FC - > jc-61096
5. a kind; some; some kind <ce:-tlamantli>
<ce:-tlamantli> FC - > jc-61096
6. one thing <ce:-p51-mani-caus09-l2>
<ce:-p51-mani-caus09-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. one thing <ce:-p51-mani-caus09-l2>
<ce:-p51-mani-caus09-l2> FC - > jc-61096
8. a kind; one kind; a way; a manner; one thing; a thing;
some; some kind
FC jc-031297

0. on one side

1. on one side
FC -> jc-72895
2. on one side

3. on one side

4. on one side
FC jc-031297

0. it will be completely dark
FC jc-031297

0. pod, ear
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. dried ear of maize

FC -> jc-72895
2. dried ear of maize

3. pod, ear
4. dried ear of maize

5. dried ear of maize <centli>

<centli> FC - > jc-61096
6. pod
FC - > jc-61096
7. dried ear of maize
FC jc-031297

centli-| cintli
0. pod

0. centipede ( ce[n] = one; tzontli = hair, four hundred;
maitl = hand )

0. northern mockingbird

1. northern mockingbird
FC -> jc-72895
2. northern mockingbird

3. northern mockingbird

4. northern mockingbird <ce:-tzontli-p51-ihtoa:-l1-eh1>

<ce:-tzontli-p51-ihtoa:-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. northern mockingbird <ce:-tzontli-p51-ihtoa:-l1-eh1>
<ce:-tzontli-p51-ihtoa:-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. northern mockingbird <ce:-tzontli-p51-ihtoa:-l1-eh1>
<ce:-tzontli-p51-ihtoa:-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. northern mockingbird <ce:-tzontli-p51-ihtoa:-l1-eh1>
<ce:-tzontli-p51-ihtoa:-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
8. northern mockingbird
FC jc-031297
9. northern mockingbird
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. northern mockingbird
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. mocking bird, zenzontle
1. four hundred
FC -> jc-72895
2. four hundred

3. mocking bird, zenzontle

4. four hundred

5. four hundred; many

FC jc-031297
6. four hundred; many
FC jc-031297

0. four hundred rabbits

1. four hundred rabbits

FC -> jc-72895
2. four hundred rabbits

3. four hundred rabbits

4. four hundred rabbits

FC jc-031297
5. four hundred rabbits
FC jc-031297

0. all night

1. all night
FC -> jc-72895
2. all night

3. all night

4. all night <cem2-yohua-l1>

<cem2-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. all night <cem2-yohua-l1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cem2-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096

6. all night <cem2-yohua-l1>
<cem2-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. all night
FC jc-031297
8. all night
FC jc-031297

0. once, one time

1. once, one time

FC -> jc-72895
2. once, one time

3. once, one time

4. once, one time <ce:-pa2>

<ce:-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
5. once, one time
FC jc-031297
6. once, one time
FC jc-031297

0. it snows, there is snow
FC jc-031297

0. snow

1. snow
FC -> jc-72895
2. snow

3. snow

4. snow
FC jc-031297
5. snow
FC jc-031297

0. una vez ( one time; once )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. once; one time; first; first time
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. once; one time; first; first time

3. once; one time; first; first time

4. once; one time; first; first time <ce:-pa2>

<ce:-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
5. one time, once <ce:-pa2>
<ce:-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
6. una vez ( one time; once )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. once; one time; first; first time
FC jc-031297
8. once; one time; first; first time
FC jc-031297
9. ceppa ce totochtzin oquiz den icoyoc; Una vez un conejito
salio' de su agujero; Once a little rabbit came out of its
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. algunos ( some )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. algunos ( some of them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. algunos ( some; a few )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. unos; algunos ( some; a few )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. others; some; in part; one; part; some things
FC -> jc-72895
5. others; some; in part; one; part; some things

6. others; some; in part; one; part; some things

7. others; some; one; some things; in part; part <ce:-qui4>

<ce:-qui4> FC - > jc-61096
8. others; some; one; some things; in part; part <ce:-qui4>
<ce:-qui4> FC - > jc-61096
9. algunos ( some )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. algunos ( some of them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
11. algunos ( some; a few )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
12. unos; algunos ( some; a few )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

13. others; some; in part; one; part; some things
FC jc-031297
14. others; some; in part; one; part; some things
FC jc-031297

0. some

1. some
FC -> jc-72895
2. some

3. some

4. some <ce:-qui4-plur11>
<ce:-qui4-plur11> FC - > jc-61096
5. some <ce:-qui4-plur11>
<ce:-qui4-plur11> FC - > jc-61096
6. some
FC jc-031297
7. some
FC jc-031297

0. some
FC -> jc-72895
1. some <ce:-qui4-plur11-plur02>
<ce:-qui4-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
2. some <ce:-qui4-plur11-plur02>
<ce:-qui4-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
3. some
FC jc-031297
4. some
FC jc-031297

0. some; a number of; certain

1. some; a number of; certain

FC -> jc-72895
2. some; a number of; certain

3. some; a number of; certain

4. some; a number of; certain <ce:-qui4-plur11-plur02>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ce:-qui4-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096

5. some; a number of; certain <ce:-qui4-plur11-plur02>
<ce:-qui4-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. some; a number of; certain
FC jc-031297
7. some; a number of; certain
FC jc-031297

0. vela ( candle )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. they unite, become one
FC - > jc-61096
1. they unite, become one
Verbing jc-030797
2. they unite, become one
-ti jc-030797
3. they unite
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. become one
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. they unite
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. become one
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
7. they unite

8. become one

9. they unite

10. become one

0. from ice, by means of ice

1. from ice, by means of ice

FC -> jc-72895
2. from ice, by means of ice

3. from ice, by means of ice

4. from ice, by means of ice
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. from ice, by means of ice
FC jc-031297

0. ice
1. frost, ice
FC -> jc-72895
2. frost, ice

3. ice
4. frost, ice

5. frost, ice <ce:tl>

<ce:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. (cf ceui) ice
7. (cf ceui) ice
8. frost, ice
FC jc-031297
9. frost, ice
FC jc-031297

0. one [ h ]
FC jc-031297

0. it went out, it was extinguished
FC jc-031297

ceuh ( o- )
0. se apago' ( it went out; it extinguished )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. one year

1. one year
FC -> jc-72895
2. one year

3. one year
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. one year <ce:-xihuitl1>

<ce:-xihuitl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. one year <ce:-xihuitl1>
<ce:-xihuitl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one year
FC jc-031297
7. one year
FC jc-031297

0. one year
FC -> jc-72895
1. one year
FC jc-031297
2. one year
FC jc-031297

0. at the end of one year; each year; yearly; for a year; once
a year; every year

1. at the end of one year; each year; yearly; for a year; once
a year; every year
FC -> jc-72895
2. at the end of one year; each year; yearly; for a year; once
a year; every year

3. at the end of one year; each year; yearly; for a year; once
a year; every year

4. at the end of one year; each year; yearly; for a year; once
a year; every year <ce:-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2>
<ce:-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. at the end of one year; each year; yearly; for a year; once
a year; every year <ce:-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2>
<ce:-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. once a year, yearly; each year <ce:-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2>
<ce:-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
7. at the end of one year; each year; yearly; for a year; once
a year; every year
FC jc-031297
8. at the end of one year; each year; yearly; for a year; once
a year; every year
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. want

0. all night; at night; during the night; night; by night

1. all night; at night; during the night; night; by night

FC -> jc-72895
2. all night; at night; during the night; night; by night

3. all night; at night; during the night; night; by night

4. all night; at night; during the night; night; by night

<cem2-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. all night; at night; during the night; night; by night
<cem2-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. all night; at night; during the night; night; by night
<cem2-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. all night; at night; during the night; night; by night
FC jc-031297
8. all night; at night; during the night; night; by night
FC jc-031297

0. all night; during the night; at night

1. all night; during the night; at night

FC -> jc-72895
2. all night; during the night; at night

3. all night; during the night; at night

4. all night; during the night; at night <cem2-yohua-l1>

<cem2-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. all night; during the night; at night <cem2-yohua-l1>
<cem2-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. all night; during the night; at night <cem2-yohua-l1>
<cem2-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. all night; during the night; at night
FC jc-031297
8. all night; during the night; at night
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. grease

0. false

0. emerald


0. use for the first time

0. live
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems
1. dwell

0. house
1. home, house

2. house
3. home, house

4. home, house
FC - > jc-61096

0. shrimp

0. callous

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. callused

1. callused
FC -> jc-72895
2. callused

3. callused

4. callused
FC jc-031297
5. callused
FC jc-031297

0. calloused
FC jc-031297

0. rough; coarse; irregular

1. rough; coarse; irregular

FC -> jc-72895
2. rough; coarse; irregular

3. rough; coarse; irregular

4. rough; coarse; irregular

FC jc-031297
5. rough; coarse; irregular
FC jc-031297

0. rough object

0. dormouse
1. dormouse

2. dormouse
3. dormouse

4. dormouse
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it rattles

1. it rattles
FC -> jc-72895
2. it rattles

3. it rattles

4. it rattles <dupl-chala:ni-ca7>
<dupl-chala:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. it rattles <dupl-chala:ni-ca7>
<dupl-chala:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. it rattles <dupl-chala:ni-ca7>
<dupl-chala:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
7. it rattles
FC jc-031297
8. it rattles
FC jc-031297

0. it falls in large drops

1. it falls in large drops

FC -> jc-72895
2. it falls in large drops

3. it falls in large drops

4. it falls in large drops <dupl-chapa:ni-ca7>

<dupl-chapa:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. it falls in large drops <dupl-chapa:ni-ca7>
<dupl-chapa:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. it falls in large drops <dupl-chapa:ni-ca7>
<dupl-chapa:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
7. it falls in large drops
FC jc-031297
8. it falls in large drops
FC jc-031297

0. spreading

1. spreading
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. spreading

3. spreading

4. spreading
FC jc-031297
5. spreading
FC jc-031297

0. wet
1. (cf chapani) wet
2. (cf chapani) wet

0. ringworm

0. jealousy

1. jealousy
FC -> jc-72895
2. jealousy

3. jealousy

4. jealousy
FC jc-031297
5. jealousy
FC jc-031297

0. out of tune, quarrel

0. broken (vessel), out of tune (song)
Adj Form jc-022897
1. broken ( vessel )
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. out of tune ( song )
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. smashed

4. shattered

5. cracked

6. burst

7. damaged

8. split

9. collapsed

10. crushed

11. dismembered

12. broken ( vessel )

13. out of tune ( song )

0. kind of bird

0. to contend
FC - > jc-61096

chalani mochalaniah
0. they contend

0. chalcan rulers

1. chalcan rulers
FC -> jc-72895
2. chalcan rulers

3. chalcan rulers

4. chalcan rulers
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. chalcan rulers
FC jc-031297

0. precious green stone; green stone; emerald

1. precious green stone; green stone

FC -> jc-72895
2. precious green stone; green stone; emerald

3. precious green stone; green stone; emerald

4. precious green stone <cha:lchihuitl-tic>

<cha:lchihuitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. precious green stone; green stone <cha:lchihuitl>
<cha:lchihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. precious green stone; green stone
FC jc-031297
7. precious green stone; green stone
FC jc-031297

0. precious water, for feeding the gods, repaying debts owed
by humans since their creation, and maintaining the
stability of the universe

0. green stone serpent earplug
FC jc-031297

0. plaited green stone neck band
FC jc-031297

0. green stone necklace

1. green stone necklace

FC -> jc-72895
2. green stone necklace

3. green stone necklace

4. green stone necklace <cha:lchihuitl-co:zcatl>

<cha:lchihuitl-co:zcatl> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. green stone necklace <cha:lchihuitl-co:zcatl>

<cha:lchihuitl-co:zcatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. green stone necklace
FC jc-031297
7. green stone necklace
FC jc-031297

0. they have knowledge of green stones

1. they have knowledge of green stones

FC -> jc-72895
2. they have knowledge of green stones

3. they have knowledge of green stones

4. they have knowledge of green stones

FC jc-031297
5. they have knowledge of green stones
FC jc-031297

0. ones who have arm bands
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. seller of green stones
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. green stone jar

1. green stone jar

FC -> jc-72895
2. green stone jar

3. green stone jar

4. green stone jar <cha:lchihuitl-tecomatl>

<cha:lchihuitl-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. green stone jar <cha:lchihuitl-tecomatl>
<cha:lchihuitl-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. green stone jar
FC jc-031297
7. green stone jar
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. green stone band
FC jc-031297

0. green stone lip plug

1. green stone lip plug

FC -> jc-72895
2. green stone lip plug

3. green stone lip plug

4. green stone lip plug <cha:lchihuitl-te:ntli-tetl1>

<cha:lchihuitl-te:ntli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. green stone lip plug <cha:lchihuitl-te:ntli-tetl1>
<cha:lchihuitl-te:ntli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. green stone lip plug <cha:lchihuitl-te:ntli-tetl1>
<cha:lchihuitl-te:ntli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. green stone lip plug
FC jc-031297
8. green stone lip plug
FC jc-031297

0. blue honeycreeper (hon ey creep er (h3/4n"-kr"pr) n 1 Any
of various small, often brightly colored tropical American
birds of the family Coerebidae, having a curved bill
adapted for sucking nectar from flowers 2 Any of several
birds of the family Dre

1. blue honeycreeper
FC -> jc-72895
2. blue honeycreeper (hon ey creep er (h3/4n"-kr"pr) n 1 Any
of various small, often brightly colored tropical American
birds of the family Coerebidae, having a curved bill
adapted for sucking nectar from flowers 2 Any of several
birds of the family Dre

3. blue honeycreeper (hon ey creep er (h3/4n"-kr"pr) n 1 Any

of various small, often brightly colored tropical American
birds of the family Coerebidae, having a curved bill
adapted for sucking nectar from flowers 2 Any of several
birds of the family Dre
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. blue honeycreeper <cha:lchihuitl-to:to:tl>

<cha:lchihuitl-to:to:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. blue honeycreeper
FC jc-031297
6. blue honeycreeper
FC jc-031297

0. green stone jar

1. green stone jar

FC -> jc-72895
2. green stone jar

3. green stone jar

4. green stone jar <cha:lchihuitl-xi:calli>

<cha:lchihuitl-xi:calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. green stone jar <cha:lchihuitl-xi:calli>
<cha:lchihuitl-xi:calli> FC - > jc-61096
6. green stone jar
FC jc-031297
7. green stone jar
FC jc-031297

0. rough, damage

0. open

0. fatten, grow

0. flattery
FC - > jc-61096

chama:hua tlachahchama:uhtli
0. so flattered

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. chubby
Adj Form jc-022897
1. filled out
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. chubby
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. filled out

4. chubby

5. filled out

0. chubby, filled out
Adj Form jc-022897
1. chubby
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. filled out
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. tubby

4. plump

5. round

6. pudgy

7. fat

8. obese

9. stocky

10. hefty

11. chubby

12. filled out

0. it becomes coarse

1. it becomes coarse
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. it becomes coarse

3. it becomes coarse

4. it becomes coarse <chama:hua>

<chama:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes coarse
FC jc-031297
6. it becomes coarse
FC jc-031297

0. coarse; rough; dense; developed; filled out; fat; firm;
large; thick

1. coarse; rough; dense; developed; filled out; fat; firm;

large; thick
FC -> jc-72895
2. coarse; rough; dense; developed; filled out; fat; firm;
large; thick

3. coarse; rough; dense; developed; filled out; fat; firm;

large; thick

4. coarse; rough; dense; developed; filled out; fat; firm;

large; thick <chama:hua-c1>
<chama:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. coarse; rough; dense; developed; filled out; fat; firm;
large; thick <chama:hua-c1>
<chama:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. coarse; rough; dense; developed; filled out; fat; firm;
large; thick
FC jc-031297
7. coarse; rough; dense; developed; filled out; fat; firm;
large; thick
FC jc-031297

0. earring

chan ( i- )
0. su casa ( his house )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

chan ( no- )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. mi casa ( my home )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. it makes its home

1. it makes its home

FC -> jc-72895
2. it makes its home

3. it makes its home

4. it makes its home

FC jc-031297
5. it makes its home
FC jc-031297

0. dweller; householder

1. dweller; householder
FC -> jc-72895
2. householder
<cha:ntli-eh1>-| jc-10896
3. householder
<cha:ntli-eh1>-| jc-10896
4. dweller; householder

5. dweller; householder

6. dweller; householder <cha:ntli-eh1>

<cha:ntli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. householder <cha:ntli-eh1>
<cha:ntli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
8. householder <cha:ntli-eh1>
<cha:ntli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
9. householder
<cha:ntli-eh1>-| jc-10896
10. dweller; householder
FC jc-031297
11. dweller; householder
FC jc-031297

0. householder
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. dwellers
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )
1. inhabitants

0. dwellers; householders; inhabitants; members of the
FC -> jc-72895
1. dwellers; householders; inhabitants; members of the
<cha:ntli-eh1-queh>-| jc-10896
2. dwellers; householders; inhabitants; members of the
<cha:ntli-eh1-queh>-| jc-10896
3. dwellers; householders; inhabitants; members of the
household <cha:ntli-eh1-queh>
<cha:ntli-eh1-queh> FC - > jc-61096
4. dwellers; householders; inhabitants; members of the
household <cha:ntli-eh1-queh>
<cha:ntli-eh1-queh> FC - > jc-61096
5. dwellers; householders; inhabitants; members of the
household <cha:ntli-eh1-queh>
<cha:ntli-eh1-queh> FC - > jc-61096
6. dwellers; householders; inhabitants; members of the
household <cha:ntli-eh1-queh>
<cha:ntli-eh1-queh> FC - > jc-61096
7. inhabitants <cha:ntli-eh-queh1>
<cha:ntli-eh-queh1> FC - > jc-61096
8. inhabitants <cha:ntli-eh-queh1>
<cha:ntli-eh-queh1> FC - > jc-61096
9. dwellers; householders; inhabitants; members of the
<cha:ntli-eh1-queh>-| jc-10896
10. dwellers; householders; inhabitants; members of the
FC jc-031297
11. dwellers; householders; inhabitants; members of the
FC jc-031297
12. inhabitants
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. dwellers; householders; inhabitants; members of the


0. she finds lodging

1. she finds lodging

FC -> jc-72895
2. she finds lodging

3. she finds lodging

4. she finds lodging

FC jc-031297
5. she finds lodging
FC jc-031297

0. they are house dwellers
FC -> jc-72895
1. they are house dwellers
FC jc-031297
2. they are house dwellers
FC jc-031297

0. they are house dwellers

0. dwelling
FC - > jc-61096

chantia ( o- )
0. vivi'a; habitaba ( he lived; he was dwelling )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. vivi'an ( they lived )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. vivi'a; habitaba ( he lived; he was dwelling )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. vivi'an ( they lived )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

chantiah ( o- )
0. vivi'an ( they were living )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he dwells

chantlaca ( no- )
0. gente de mi pueblo ( my townspeople )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. house furniture

1. house furniture
FC - > jc-61096

0. home, chante

chantzinco ( mo- )
0. la casa de usted ( your [ H ] house )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. wet
1. (cf chaquani) wet
2. (cf chaquani) wet

chapa:ni tli:lchapactli
0. ink blot
FC - > jc-61096

0. soaked
Adj Form jc-022897
1. soaked
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. drenched
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. flooded

4. soggy
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. sodden

6. waterlogged

7. dripping

8. immersed

9. marinated

10. soaked

0. it droops

1. it droops
FC -> jc-72895
2. it droops

3. it droops

4. it droops <chapa:ni>
<chapa:ni> FC - > jc-61096
5. it droops
FC jc-031297
6. it droops
FC jc-031297

0. locust, grasshopper

1. locust, grasshopper
FC -> jc-72895
2. locust, grasshopper

3. locust, grasshopper

4. locust, grasshopper <chapolin>

<chapolin> FC - > jc-61096
5. locust, grasshopper
FC jc-031297
6. locust, grasshopper
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. grasshopper
1. locust, grasshopper
FC -> jc-72895
2. locust, grasshopper

3. grasshopper
4. locust, grasshopper

5. locust, grasshopper <chapolin>

<chapolin> FC - > jc-61096
6. locust, grasshopper
FC jc-031297
7. locust, grasshopper
FC jc-031297

0. like pitch, like bitumen(bi tu men (b1-t>"mn, -ty>"-, bº-)
n Any of various flammable mixtures of hydrocarbons and
other substances, occurring naturally or obtained by
distillation from coal or petroleum, that are a component
of asphalt and tar and are

1. like pitch, like bitumen

FC -> jc-72895
2. like pitch, like bitumen(bi tu men (b1-t>"mn, -ty>"-, bº-)
n Any of various flammable mixtures of hydrocarbons and
other substances, occurring naturally or obtained by
distillation from coal or petroleum, that are a component
of asphalt and tar and are

3. like pitch, like bitumen(bi tu men (b1-t>"mn, -ty>"-, bº-)

n Any of various flammable mixtures of hydrocarbons and
other substances, occurring naturally or obtained by
distillation from coal or petroleum, that are a component
of asphalt and tar and are

4. like pitch, like bitumen

FC jc-031297
5. like pitch, like bitumen
FC jc-031297

0. pitch, bitumen
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. pitch, bitumen
FC -> jc-72895
2. pitch, bitumen

3. pitch, bitumen

4. pitch, bitumen <chapopohtli>

<chapopohtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. pitch, bitumen
FC jc-031297
6. pitch, bitumen
FC jc-031297

0. scatter

0. scatter
FC - > jc-61096

chaya:hua tlachaya:uhtli
0. st scattered

0. to pour
FC - > jc-61096

chaya:hui tlachaya:hua
0. he pours something out

0. thorny gourd, chayote

0. owl

0. owl
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. make

0. arrange
FC - > jc-61096
1. make
FC - > jc-61096
2. make
FC - > jc-61096
3. to make
FC - > jc-61096
4. do
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A
5. make

chi:hua tlachi:hualli
0. st which is made or done

chi:hua-| tlachi:hualiztli
0. act of doing something; deed

chi:hua-| tlachihchi:hualiztli
0. act of arranging something

0. it is done
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it is done
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it is done
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it is done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it is done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it is done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it is done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it will be done
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it will be done
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it will be done
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it will be done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it will be done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it will be done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it will be done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. chile pepper
1. chile
FC - > jc-61096
2. chile
FC - > jc-61096
3. chile
Noun jc-030797
4. chile
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
5. chile
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

chi:lli (chile) ticchi:lhuiz

0. you will put chile in it

0. chile-water
Noun jc-030797
1. chile-water
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
2. chile-water
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
3. agua-chile

0. I put chile water in it (chile-water)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. shield
1. shield
2. shield
3. shield

0. chia
FC jc-031297
1. wait for
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

chia ( mo- )
0. se esperan ( they are awaited )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

chia ( nimitz- )
0. te espero ( I wait for you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

chia ( xic- )
0. espe'ralo ( wait for him; wait )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. espe'ralo ( wait for it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. espe'ralo ( wait for him; wait )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. espe'ralo ( wait for it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. very oily, very greasy
FC jc-031297

0. oily

1. oily
FC -> jc-72895
2. oily
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. oily

4. oily; greasy
FC jc-031297
5. oily; greasy
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes greasy; it becomes soggy; it exudes matter; it
gets greasy; it is greasy; it is fat; it is oily; it stains

1. it becomes greasy; it becomes soggy; it exudes matter; it

gets greasy; it is greasy; it is fat; it is oily; it stains
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes greasy; it becomes soggy; it exudes matter; it
gets greasy; it is greasy; it is fat; it is oily; it stains

3. it becomes greasy; it becomes soggy; it exudes matter; it

gets greasy; it is greasy; it is fat; it is oily; it stains

4. it becomes greasy; it becomes soggy; it exudes matter; it

gets greasy; it is greasy; it is fat; it is oily; it stains
<chiya:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes greasy; it becomes soggy; it exudes matter; it
gets greasy; it is greasy; it is fat; it is oily; it stains
FC jc-031297
6. it becomes greasy; it becomes soggy; it exudes matter; it
gets greasy; it is greasy; it is fat; it is oily; it stains
FC jc-031297

0. fatty, greasy; fat; oily

1. fatty, greasy; fat; oily

FC -> jc-72895
2. fatty, greasy; fat; oily

3. fatty, greasy; fat; oily

4. fatty, greasy; fat; oily <chiya:hua-c1>

<chiya:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. fatty, greasy; fat; oily <chiya:hua-c1>
<chiya:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. fatty, greasy; fat; oily
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. fatty, greasy; fat; oily
FC jc-031297

0. oily

1. oily
FC -> jc-72895
2. oily

3. oily

4. oily <chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1>
<chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. oily <chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1>
<chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. oily <chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1>
<chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. oily
FC jc-031297
8. oily
FC jc-031297

0. greasy

1. greasy
FC -> jc-72895
2. greasy

3. greasy

4. greasy <chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1>
<chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. greasy <chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1>
<chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. greasy
FC jc-031297
7. greasy
FC jc-031297

0. greasiness

1. greasiness
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. greasiness

3. greasiness

4. greasiness <chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1>
<chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. greasiness <chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1>
<chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. greasiness <chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1>
<chiya:hua-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. greasiness
FC jc-031297
8. greasiness
FC jc-031297

0. kind of snake
1. kind of snake

2. kind of snake
3. kind of snake

0. having serous fluids, greasy
FC jc-031297

0. humor, grease
FC jc-031297

0. chia
FC jc-031297

0. marchpane

1. marchpane
FC -> jc-72895
2. marchpane

3. marchpane
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. marchpane
FC jc-031297
5. marchpane
FC jc-031297

0. one who owns chia
FC jc-031297

0. chia owner
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. having chia
FC jc-031297

0. wrinkled chia
FC jc-031297

0. atole made with wrinkled chia
FC jc-031297

0. having wrinkled chia
FC jc-031297

0. marshy land

1. marshy land
FC -> jc-72895
2. marshy land

3. marshy land

4. marshy land
FC jc-031297
5. marshy land
FC jc-031297

chiaz ( nimitz- )
0. te esperare' ( I will wait for you )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

chiaz ( nimitzhual- )
0. te esperare' ( I will wait for you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. strong

0. to become strong
FC - > jc-61096

chica:hua tlachica:hualli
0. st which is strengthened

chica:hua tlachica:uhtli
0. st fortified

0. strong
Adj Form jc-022897
1. strong
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. powerful
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. mighty

4. Herculean

5. healthy

6. hearty

7. hardy

8. hale

9. brawny

10. muscular

11. capable
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

12. able

13. competent

14. efficient

15. potent

16. powerful

17. puissant

18. brave

19. bold

20. courageous

21. fearless

22. valiant

23. valorous

24. intrepid

25. firm

26. resistant

27. resistive

28. impenetrable

29. secure

30. impregnable

31. strong

0. very strong

1. very strong
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. very strong

3. very strong

4. very strong <chica:hua-?-pah4-tic>

<chica:hua-?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very strong <chica:hua-?-pah4-tic>
<chica:hua-?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very strong <chica:hua-pah4-tic>
<chica:hua-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very strong
FC jc-031297
8. very strong
FC jc-031297

0. strong, sturdy

1. strong, sturdy
FC -> jc-72895
2. strong, sturdy

3. strong, sturdy

4. strong, sturdy <chica:hua-tic>

<chica:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. strong, sturdy <chica:hua-tic>
<chica:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. strong, firm
Adj Form jc-022897
7. strong, sturdy
FC jc-031297
8. strong, sturdy
FC jc-031297
9. strong
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
10. firm
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
11. powerful

12. mighty

13. Herculean

14. healthy
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

15. heartly

16. hardy

17. hale

18. brawny

19. muscular

20. resolute

21. stalwart

22. solid

23. tough

24. tenacious

25. unfaltering

26. unwavering

27. vehement

28. stanch

29. strong

30. firm

0. fuerte ( strong )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he becomes strong, he becomes mature; it becomes firm; it
becomes mature; it becomes strong; it grows; they fill out;
they become mature; they are strong; they grow; they become
1. he becomes strong; he becomes mature; it becomes firm; it
becomes mature; it becomes strong; it grows
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they are strong; they become strong; they fill out; they
become mature; they grow
FC -> jc-72895
3. he becomes strong, he becomes mature; it becomes firm; it
becomes mature; it becomes strong; it grows; they fill out;
they become mature; they are strong; they grow; they become
4. he becomes strong, he becomes mature; it becomes firm; it
becomes mature; it becomes strong; it grows; they fill out;
they become mature; they are strong; they grow; they become
5. become strong
FC - > jc-61096
6. he becomes strong, he becomes mature; it becomes firm; it
becomes mature; it becomes strong; it grows; they fill out;
they become mature; they are strong; they grow; they become
strong <chica:hua>
<chica:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. he becomes strong; he becomes mature; it becomes firm; it
becomes mature; it becomes strong; it grows
FC jc-031297
8. they are strong; they become strong; they fill out; they
become mature; they grow
FC jc-031297
9. he becomes strong; he becomes mature; it becomes firm; it
becomes mature; it becomes strong; it grows
FC jc-031297
10. they are strong; they become strong; they fill out; they
become mature; they grow
FC jc-031297

chicahua-| techicahualiztli
0. act of strengthening or encouraging someone

0. firm; hardened; strong; solid; stiff; developed; resistant;
hard; sturdy; tough

1. firm; hardened; strong; solid; stiff; developed; resistant;

hard; sturdy; tough
FC -> jc-72895
2. firm; hardened; strong; solid; stiff; developed; resistant;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

hard; sturdy; tough

3. firm; hardened; strong; solid; stiff; developed; resistant;

hard; sturdy; tough

4. firm; hardened; strong; solid; stiff; resistant; hard;

developed; sturdy; tough <chica:hua-c1>
<chica:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. firm; hardened; strong; solid; stiff; resistant; hard;
developed; sturdy; tough <chica:hua-c1>
<chica:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. firm; hardened; strong; solid; stiff; developed; resistant;
hard; sturdy; tough
FC jc-031297
7. firm; hardened; strong; solid; stiff; developed; resistant;
hard; sturdy; tough
FC jc-031297

0. auh intla cenca otlamahuizoque ipampa cequinti
itlachihualhuan dios, cenca chicahuaque: quilnamiquizquia,
ca in inteyocoxcatzin dios, oc cenca chicahuacatzintli and
if they had wondered greatly because some of god's
creatures are strong, they should have remembered that god,
their creator, is even stronger (b1 f3 p56)

0. strong

1. strong
FC -> jc-72895
2. strong

3. strong

4. strong <chica:hua-;
<chica:hua--> FC - > jc-61096
5. strong <chica:hua-queh>
<chica:hua-queh> FC - > jc-61096
6. strong
FC jc-031297
7. strong
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. spiny plant
1. argemone
FC -> jc-72895
2. argemone

3. spiny plant
4. argemone

5. argemone <chicalotl>
<chicalotl> FC - > jc-61096
6. argemone
FC jc-031297
7. argemone
FC jc-031297

0. he spits

1. he spits
FC -> jc-72895
2. he spits

3. he spits

4. he spits
FC jc-031297
5. he spits
FC jc-031297

0. one who has saliva
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. perro ( dog )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. perror ( dog )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. perro ( dog )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. dog
FC -> jc-72895
4. dog
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. dog

6. dog
FC - > jc-61096
7. dog <chichi1>
<chichi1> FC - > jc-61096
8. perro ( dog )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
9. perror ( dog )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
10. perro ( dog )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
11. dog
FC jc-031297
12. dog
FC jc-031297

0. bitter; acid

1. bitter; acid
FC -> jc-72895
2. bitter; acid

3. bitter; acid

4. bitter, acid <chichiya-delya-c1>

<chichiya-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. bitter, acid <chichiya-delya-c1>
<chichiya-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. bitter; acid
FC jc-031297
7. bitter; acid
FC jc-031297

0. bitter, burning

1. bitter, burning
FC -> jc-72895
2. bitter, burning

3. bitter, burning

4. bitter, burning
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. bitter, burning
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes strong

1. it becomes strong
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes strong

3. it becomes strong

4. it becomes strong <dupl-chica:hua>

<dupl-chica:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes strong <dupl-chica:hua>
<dupl-chica:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. it becomes strong
FC jc-031297
7. it becomes strong
FC jc-031297

0. stain

0. bile(bile (bºl) n 1 A bitter, alkaline, brownish-yellow or
greenish-yellow fluid that is secreted by the liver, stored
in the gallbladder, and discharged into the duodenum and
aids in the emulsification, digestion, and absorption of
fats Also called ga

1. bile
FC -> jc-72895
2. bile(bile (bºl) n 1 A bitter, alkaline, brownish-yellow or
greenish-yellow fluid that is secreted by the liver, stored
in the gallbladder, and discharged into the duodenum and
aids in the emulsification, digestion, and absorption of
fats Also called ga

3. bile(bile (bºl) n 1 A bitter, alkaline, brownish-yellow or

greenish-yellow fluid that is secreted by the liver, stored
in the gallbladder, and discharged into the duodenum and
aids in the emulsification, digestion, and absorption of
fats Also called ga
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. bile <chichiya-delya-c1-a:tl1>
<chichiya-delya-c1-a:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. bile <chichiya-delya-c1-a:tl1>
<chichiya-delya-c1-a:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. bile <chichiya-delya-c1-a:tl1>
<chichiya-delya-c1-a:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. bile
FC jc-031297
8. bile
FC jc-031297

0. little bag

1. little bag
FC -> jc-72895
2. little bag

3. little bag

4. little bag
FC jc-031297
5. little bag
FC jc-031297

0. eight

1. eight
FC -> jc-72895
2. eight

3. eight

4. eight <dupl-chiuc-e:yi>
<dupl-chiuc-e:yi> FC - > jc-61096
5. eight <dupl-chiuc-e:yi>
<dupl-chiuc-e:yi> FC - > jc-61096
6. eight <dupl-chiuc-e:yi>
<dupl-chiuc-e:yi> FC - > jc-61096
7. eight <dupl-chiuc-e:yi>
<dupl-chiuc-e:yi> FC - > jc-61096
8. eight <dupl-chiuc-e:yi>
<dupl-chiuc-e:yi> FC - > jc-61096
9. eight
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. eight
FC jc-031297

0. dog's tail

1. dog's tail
FC -> jc-72895
2. dog's tail

3. dog's tail

4. dog's tail <chichi1-cuitlatl-pilli>

<chichi1-cuitlatl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
5. dog's tail <chichi1-cuitlatl-pilli>
<chichi1-cuitlatl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
6. dog's tail <chichi1-cuitlatl-pilli>
<chichi1-cuitlatl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
7. dog's tail <chichi1-cuitlatl-pilli>
<chichi1-cuitlatl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
8. dog's tail
FC jc-031297
9. dog's tail
FC jc-031297

0. she suckles (them)

1. she suckles ( them )

FC -> jc-72895
2. she suckles (them)

3. she suckles (them)

4. she suckles ( them )

FC jc-031297
5. she suckles ( them )
FC jc-031297

0. milk

1. milk
FC -> jc-72895
2. milk
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. milk

4. milk
FC jc-031297
5. milk
FC jc-031297

0. nursemaids

1. nursemaids
FC -> jc-72895
2. nursemaids

3. nursemaids

4. nursemaids
FC jc-031297
5. nursemaids
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes red, chili-red

1. it becomes red, chili-red

FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes red, chili-red

3. it becomes red, chili-red

4. it becomes red, chili-red <dupl-chi:lli-v03a>

<dupl-chi:lli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes red, chili-red <dupl-chi:lli-v03a>
<dupl-chi:lli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
6. it becomes red, chili-red <dupl-chi:lli-v03a>
<dupl-chi:lli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
7. it becomes red, chili-red <dupl-chi:lli-v03a>
<dupl-chi:lli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
8. it becomes red, chili-red
FC jc-031297
9. it becomes red, chili-red
FC jc-031297

0. very red, very chili-red
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. very red, very chili-red

FC -> jc-72895
2. very red, very chili-red

3. very red, very chili-red

4. very red, very chili-red <dupl-chi:lli-pah4-tic>

<dupl-chi:lli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very red, very chili-red <dupl-chi:lli-pah4-tic>
<dupl-chi:lli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very red, very chili-red <dupl-chi:lli-pah4-tic>
<dupl-chi:lli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very red, very chili-red <dupl-chi:lli-pah4-tic>
<dupl-chi:lli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. very red, very chili-red
FC jc-031297
9. very red, very chili-red
FC jc-031297

0. very chili-red, exceedingly chili-red

1. very chili-red, exceedingly chili-red

FC -> jc-72895
2. very chili-red, exceedingly chili-red

3. very chili-red, exceedingly chili-red

4. very chili-red, exceedingly chili-red

FC jc-031297
5. very chili-red, exceedingly chili-red
FC jc-031297

0. chili-red, red; vermillion

1. chili-red, red; vermillion

FC -> jc-72895
2. chili-red, red; vermillion

3. chili-red, red; vermillion

4. chili-red, red; vermillion <dupl-chi:lli-tic>

<dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. chili-red, red; vermillion <dupl-chi:lli-tic>
<dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. chili-red, red; vermillion <dupl-chi:lli-tic>

<dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. red; chili-red; vermillion <dupl-chi:lli-tic>
<dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. red
Adj Form jc-022897
9. chili-red, red; vermillion
FC jc-031297
10. chili-red, red; vermillion
FC jc-031297
11. red
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
12. colored
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
13. ruby

14. crimson

15. cherry

16. scarlet

17. carmine

18. sanguine

19. cerise

20. maroon

21. vermilion

22. red

0. perros ( dogs )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. dogs
FC -> jc-72895
2. dogs <chichi1-plur03>
<chichi1-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
3. perros ( dogs )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
4. dogs
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. dogs
FC jc-031297

0. perros ( dogs )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. dogs

2. dogs

3. perros ( dogs )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. pain
1. it burns, it smarts
FC jc-031297
2. it burns, it smarts
FC jc-031297

0. he is consumed by fire
FC - > jc-61096

0. dark
FC jc-031297

0. clean, pretty
Adj Form jc-022897
1. clean
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. pretty
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. unsoiled

4. stainless

5. unstained

6. washed

7. cleansed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. scrubbed

9. unpolluted

10. neat

11. pure

12. sweet

13. refined

14. clear

15. distilled

16. elutriated

17. unadulterated

18. purified

19. unmixed

20. clean

21. pretty

0. exceedingly bitter; very bitter

1. exceedingly bitter; very bitter

FC -> jc-72895
2. exceedingly bitter; very bitter

3. exceedingly bitter; very bitter

4. exceedingly bitter; very bitter

FC jc-031297
5. exceedingly bitter; very bitter
FC jc-031297

0. very bitter
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. very bitter
FC -> jc-72895
2. very bitter

3. very bitter

4. very bitter
FC jc-031297
5. very bitter
FC jc-031297

0. very bitter, exceedingly bitter

1. very bitter, exceedingly bitter

FC -> jc-72895
2. very bitter, exceedingly bitter

3. very bitter, exceedingly bitter

4. very bitter, exceedingly bitter

FC jc-031297
5. very bitter, exceedingly bitter
FC jc-031297

0. saliva; spittle

1. saliva; spittle
FC -> jc-72895
2. saliva; spittle

3. saliva; spittle

4. saliva
FC - > jc-61096
5. saliva; spittle
FC jc-031297
6. saliva; spittle
FC jc-031297

0. little dog

1. little dog
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. little dog

3. little dog

4. little dog; small dog

FC jc-031297
5. little dog; small dog
FC jc-031297

0. it became bitter

1. it became bitter
FC -> jc-72895
2. it became bitter

3. it became bitter

4. it became bitter
FC jc-031297
5. it became bitter
FC jc-031297

0. be bitter

0. bitter
FC - > jc-61096

0. he makes something bitter

0. barn owl
1. barn owl
FC -> jc-72895
2. barn owl
3. barn owl
4. barn owl <chi:chtli>
<chi:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. barn owl
FC jc-031297
6. barn owl
FC jc-031297

0. uneven

1. uneven
FC -> jc-72895
2. uneven

3. uneven

4. uneven
FC jc-031297
5. uneven
FC jc-031297

0. slander
FC - > jc-61096

0. slander

0. siete ( seven )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. seven
FC -> jc-72895
2. seven

3. seven

4. seven <chicua-o:me>
<chicua-o:me> FC - > jc-61096
5. seven <chicua-o:me>
<chicua-o:me> FC - > jc-61096
6. siete ( seven )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. seven
FC jc-031297
8. seven
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. seven at a time, by sevens

1. seven at a time, by sevens

FC -> jc-72895
2. seven at a time, by sevens

3. seven at a time, by sevens

4. seven at a time, by sevens

FC jc-031297
5. seven at a time, by sevens
FC jc-031297

0. seven days

1. seven days
FC -> jc-72895
2. seven days

3. seven days

4. seven days <chicua-o:me-ilhuitl>

<chicua-o:me-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. seven days <chicua-o:me-ilhuitl>
<chicua-o:me-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. seven days
FC jc-031297
7. seven days
FC jc-031297

0. nine

1. nine
FC -> jc-72895
2. nine

3. nine

4. nine <chicua-na:hui>
<chicua-na:hui> FC - > jc-61096
5. nine <chicua-na:hui>
<chicua-na:hui> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. nine <chicua-na:hui>
<chicua-na:hui> FC - > jc-61096
7. nine
FC jc-031297
8. nine
FC jc-031297

0. nine places of the dead

1. nine places of the dead

FC -> jc-72895
2. nine places of the dead

3. nine places of the dead

4. nine places of the dead

FC jc-031297
5. nine places of the dead
FC jc-031297

0. nine years

1. nine years
FC -> jc-72895
2. nine years

3. nine years

4. nine years
FC jc-031297
5. nine years
FC jc-031297

0. seven rain

1. seven rain
FC -> jc-72895
2. seven rain

3. seven rain

4. seven rain
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. seven rain
FC jc-031297

0. he is suspicious

1. he is suspicious
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is suspicious

3. he is suspicious

4. he is suspicious <chico-p51-mati>
<chico-p51-mati> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is suspicious <chico-p51-mati>
<chico-p51-mati> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is suspicious
FC jc-031297
7. he is suspicious
FC jc-031297

0. he will suspect

1. he will suspect
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will suspect

3. he will suspect

4. he will suspect <chico-p51-mati-z>

<chico-p51-mati-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will suspect <chico-p51-mati-z>
<chico-p51-mati-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will suspect
FC jc-031297
7. he will suspect
FC jc-031297

0. with malicious words, by means of malicious words

1. with malicious words, by means of malicious words

FC -> jc-72895
2. with malicious words, by means of malicious words
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. with malicious words, by means of malicious words

4. with malicious words, by means of malicious words

<chico-p51-ihtoa:-l1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with malicious words, by means of malicious words
<chico-p51-ihtoa:-l1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. with malicious words, by means of malicious words
<chico-p51-ihtoa:-l1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
7. with malicious words, by means of malicious words
FC jc-031297
8. with malicious words, by means of malicious words
FC jc-031297

0. inic chicuacentlamantli tetzahuitl
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. miyecpa cihuatl cacoya chocatiuh

2. tzatzitiuh

3. yoaltica

4. [ as ] the sixth omen

5. often was heard a woman

6. who went weeping and crying out at night

0. six

1. six
FC -> jc-72895
2. six

3. six

4. six <chicua-ce:>
<chicua-ce:> FC - > jc-61096
5. six <chicua-ce:>
<chicua-ce:> FC - > jc-61096
6. six
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. six
FC jc-031297

0. sixth place

1. sixth place
FC -> jc-72895
2. sixth place

3. sixth place

4. sixth place
FC jc-031297
5. sixth place
FC jc-031297

0. one hundred and twenty days

1. one hundred and twenty days

FC -> jc-72895
2. one hundred and twenty days

3. one hundred and twenty days

4. one hundred and twenty days

FC jc-031297
5. one hundred and twenty days
FC jc-031297

0. seis ( six )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. six
FC -> jc-72895
2. six

3. six

4. six <chicua-ce:>
<chicua-ce:> FC - > jc-61096
5. six <chicua-ce:>
<chicua-ce:> FC - > jc-61096
6. seis ( six )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

7. six
FC jc-031297
8. six
FC jc-031297

0. six

1. six
FC -> jc-72895
2. six

3. six

4. six <chicua-ce:-tetl2>
<chicua-ce:-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
5. six <chicua-ce:-tetl2>
<chicua-ce:-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
6. six <chicua-ce:-tetl2>
<chicua-ce:-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
7. six
FC jc-031297
8. six
FC jc-031297

chicuacentin ( ti- )
0. somos seis ( we are six; there are six of us )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. six

1. six
FC -> jc-72895
2. six

3. six

4. six
FC jc-031297
5. six
FC jc-031297

0. like a barn owl
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. like a barn owl

FC -> jc-72895
2. like a barn owl

3. like a barn owl

4. like a barn owl <chi:cuahtli-tic>

<chi:cuahtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. like a barn owl <chi:cuahtli-tic>
<chi:cuahtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. like a barn owl
FC jc-031297
7. like a barn owl
FC jc-031297

0. barn owl; screech owl
1. barn owl; screech owl
FC -> jc-72895
2. barn owl; screech owl
3. barn owl; screech owl
4. barn owl; screech owl <chi:cuahtli>
<chi:cuahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. barn owl; screech owl
FC jc-031297
6. barn owl; screech owl
FC jc-031297

0. ocho ( eight )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. eight
FC -> jc-72895
2. eight

3. eight

4. eight <chicua-e:yi>
<chicua-e:yi> FC - > jc-61096
5. eight <chiuc-e:yi>
<chiuc-e:yi> FC - > jc-61096
6. eight <chicua-e:yi>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<chicua-e:yi> FC - > jc-61096

7. eight <chicua-e:yi>
<chicua-e:yi> FC - > jc-61096
8. ocho ( eight )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. eight
FC jc-031297
10. eight
FC jc-031297

0. eight days

1. eight days
FC -> jc-72895
2. eight days

3. eight days

4. eight days <chicua-e:yi-ilhuitl>

<chicua-e:yi-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. eight days <chicua-e:yi-ilhuitl>
<chicua-e:yi-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. eight days <chicua-e:yi-ilhuitl>
<chicua-e:yi-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. eight days <chicua-e:yi-ilhuitl>
<chicua-e:yi-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
8. eight days
FC jc-031297
9. eight days
FC jc-031297

0. one hundred sixty years

1. one hundred sixty years

FC -> jc-72895
2. one hundred sixty years

3. one hundred sixty years

4. one hundred sixty years

FC jc-031297
5. one hundred sixty years
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. eight

1. eight
FC -> jc-72895
2. eight

3. eight

4. eight <chiuc-e:yi-tetl2>
<chiuc-e:yi-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
5. eight <chiuc-e:yi-tetl2>
<chiuc-e:yi-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
6. eight <chiuc-e:yi-tetl2>
<chiuc-e:yi-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
7. eight <chiuc-e:yi-tetl2>
<chiuc-e:yi-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
8. eight
FC jc-031297
9. eight
FC jc-031297

0. eight years

1. eight years
FC -> jc-72895
2. eight years

3. eight years

4. eight years
FC jc-031297
5. eight years
FC jc-031297

0. eight times
FC jc-031297

chicunauh tianquiztli
0. chicua-naui-tiamiqui-liz Market which is held every
nine-days Mercado o feria de nueve en nueve-dias aja dca
M2021-2-18, chicunauhtianquiztli feria de nueve en nueve
dias M163122
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he is expected, he is awaited

1. he is expected, he is awaited
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is expected, he is awaited

3. he is expected, he is awaited

4. he is expected, he is awaited
FC jc-031297
5. he is expected, he is awaited
FC jc-031297

0. owner of chia, one who owns chia
FC jc-031297

0. chia
1. chia
FC -> jc-72895
2. chia
3. chia
4. chia <chiam>
<chiam> FC - > jc-61096
5. chia
FC jc-031297
6. chia
FC jc-031297

0. owner of chia fields
FC jc-031297

0. chia seller
FC jc-031297
1. chia seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. wrinkled chia
FC jc-031297

0. owner of wrinkled chia
FC jc-031297

0. wrinkled chia
FC jc-031297

0. one who sells wrinkled chia
FC jc-031297

0. cacomizcles ( cacomiztles )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

chih ( oqui- )
0. lo hizo ( he did it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. to spit
1. these is spitting
FC - > jc-61096

0. spit

1. people spit
FC - > jc-61096

0. there will be spitting
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. there will be spitting
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. there will be spitting
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. there will be spitting
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. there will be spitting
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. mend

0. to dress, arrange
FC - > jc-61096

chihchi:hua-| nechihchi:hualiztli
0. act of arranging one's self and dressing

0. he misunderstands

1. he misunderstands
FC -> jc-72895
2. he misunderstands

3. he misunderstands

4. he misunderstands
FC jc-031297
5. he misunderstands
FC jc-031297

0. red, chili-red

1. red, chili-red
FC -> jc-72895
2. red, chili-red

3. red, chili-red

4. red, chili-red <dupl-chi:lli-tic>

<dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. red, chili-red <dupl-chi:lli-tic>
<dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. red, chili-red <dupl-chi:lli-tic>
<dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. red, chili-red
FC jc-031297
8. red, chili-red
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. saliva

0. nueve ( nine )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. it does it

1. it does it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it does it

3. it does it

4. it does it
FC jc-031297
5. they do
FC jc-031297
6. it does it
FC jc-031297
7. they do
FC jc-031297

chihua ( mo- )
0. se hace ( it is done )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. se hace ( it is done )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. se hace ( it is done; it is carried out )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. se hace ( it is made )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
4. se forman; se hacen ( they are formed )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
5. se hace ( it is done )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
6. se hace ( it is done )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. se hace ( it is done; it is carried out )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. se hace ( it is made )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. se forman; se hacen ( they are formed )

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

chihua ( qui- )
0. lo hace ( he does it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

chihua ( tic- )
0. lo haces ( you do it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. lo haces ( you do it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. lo haces ( you do it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. lo haces ( you do it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. in tlein chihualo
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. tehuan quichiuhtihuetzi in whatsoever is being done

2. he throws himself among the others to do it

0. it is done; they are done; they are practised

1. it is done; they are done; they are practised

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is done; they are done; they are practised

3. it is done; they are done; they are practised

4. it is done; they are done; they are practised <chi:hua-lo:1>

<chi:hua-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is done; they are done; they are practised <chi:hua-lo:1>
<chi:hua-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is done; they are done; they are practised
FC jc-031297
7. it is done; they are done; they are practised
FC jc-031297

0. it will be done
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it will be done
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be done

3. it will be done

4. it will be done <chi:hua-lo:1>

<chi:hua-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be done
FC jc-031297
6. it will be done
FC jc-031297

chihuatihueh ( tic- )
0. vamos a hacerlo ( we go to do it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

chihuato ( oqui- )
0. lo fueron a hacer ( they went to do it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

chihuaz ( mo- )
0. se hara' ( it will become; it will be made )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. ocurrira'; pasara' ( it will happen )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. pasara'; ocurrira' ( it will happen; it will occur )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. se hara' ( it will become; it will be made )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
4. ocurrira'; pasara' ( it will happen )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
5. pasara'; ocurrira' ( it will happen; it will occur )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

chihuaz ( qui- )
0. lo hara' ( he will do it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

chihuaz ( tic- )
0. lo hara's ( you will make it; you will do it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

chihuazqueh ( qui- )
0. lo van a hacer ( they will not do it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

chihuilia ( qui- )
0. se lo hacen ( they make it for it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

chihuiliaya ( oqui- )
0. se lo haci'an ( they made it for it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

chihuiliz ( nimitz- )
0. te lo hare' ( I will do it for you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. chile pepper water

1. chile pepper water

FC - > jc-61096

0. it is washed in chili water
FC jc-031297

0. mole de olla ( mole )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. they abstained from chili
FC jc-031297

0. cinnamon teal

1. cinnamon teal
FC -> jc-72895
2. cinnamon teal

3. cinnamon teal

4. cinnamon teal <chi:lli-canauhtli>

<chi:lli-canauhtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. cinnamon teal
FC jc-031297
6. cinnamon teal
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. chili-red
FC - > jc-61096

0. I make something chili-red

0. nepahuaxtlaoyo, in xoxouhcatlaoyo, in etlaoyo, papatztic,
in chillaoyo tlaxcalli nacatlaoyo, tlacuelpacholli,
tlamatzoalli, iztatlamatzoalli, chillamatzoalli,
chillailacatzolli, chililacatztli, tlamapictli,
nexxotlaxcalli, tlapactlaxcalli, the food seller sells
tortillas which [are] thick, thickish, thick overall,
extremely thick; he sells thin [ ones ] - thin-tortillas,
stretched-out-tortillas, disc-like, straight,with shelled
heans, cooked shelled beans, uncooked shelled beans; with
shelled beans mashed; chili with maize, tortillas with meat
and grains of maize, folded, doubled over, doubled over and
salted, doubled over with chili, wrapped with chili --
chili-wrapped, gathered in the hand; ashen tortillas,
washed tortillas (b10 f4 p70)

0. ichtli, in tlaoyo, in epahuaxtlaoyo, in xoxouhcatlaoyo, in
etlaoyo, papatztic, in chillaoyo tlaxcalli nacatlaoyo,
tlacuelpacholli, tlamatzoalli, iztatlamatzoalli,
chillamatzoalli, chillailacatzolli, chililacatztli,
tlamapictli, nexxotlaxcalli, tlapactlaxcalli, the food
seller sells tortillas which [are] thick, thickish, thick
overall, extremely thick; he sells thin [ones] - thin
tortillas, stretched-out tortillas, disc-like, straight,
with shelled heans, cooked shelled beans, uncooked shelled
beans; with shelled beans mashed; chili with maize,
tortillas with meat and grains of maize, folded, doubled
over, doubled over and salted, doubled over with chili,
wrapped with chili --chili-wrapped, gathered in the hand;
ashen tortillas, washed tortillas (b10 f4 p70)

0. chile pepper
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. chili, red pepper

FC jc-031297
2. chili, red pepper
FC jc-031297

0. chili pepper, chile

chilli chile
0. pepper

0. having chili, having red pepper
FC jc-031297

0. dish for chile pepper stew

1. dish for chile pepper stew

FC - > jc-61096

0. chili seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. very red

1. very red
FC -> jc-72895
2. very red

3. very red

4. very red <chi:lli-pah4-tic>

<chi:lli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very red <chi:lli-pah4-tic>
<chi:lli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very red <chi:lli-pah4-tic>
<chi:lli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very red
FC jc-031297
8. very red
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. red warbler(war bler (wôr"blr) n 1 Any of various small New
World songbirds of the family Parulidae, many of which have
brightly colored plumage or markings, as the redstart and
the chat Also called wood warbler 2 Any of various small,
often brownis

1. red warbler
FC -> jc-72895
2. red warbler(war bler (wôr"blr) n 1 Any of various small New
World songbirds of the family Parulidae, many of which have
brightly colored plumage or markings, as the redstart and
the chat Also called wood warbler 2 Any of various small,
often brownis

3. red warbler(war bler (wôr"blr) n 1 Any of various small New

World songbirds of the family Parulidae, many of which have
brightly colored plumage or markings, as the redstart and
the chat Also called wood warbler 2 Any of various small,
often brownis

4. red warbler
FC jc-031297
5. red warbler
FC jc-031297

0. red-feathered bird

1. red-feathered bird
FC - > jc-61096

0. little chile

1. little chile
FC -> jc-72895
2. little chile

3. little chile

4. little chile <chi:lli-tzin>

<chi:lli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. little chile <chi:lli-tzin>
<chi:lli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. little chile
FC jc-031297
7. little chile
FC jc-031297

0. he brandishes a shield
FC jc-031297

0. shield
1. shield
FC -> jc-72895
2. shield

3. shield
4. shield

5. shield
FC - > jc-61096
6. shield <chi:malli>
<chi:malli> FC - > jc-61096
7. shield
FC jc-031297
8. shield
FC jc-031297

0. with shields, by means of shields

1. with shields, by means of shields

FC -> jc-72895
2. with shields, by means of shields

3. with shields, by means of shields

4. with shields, by means of shields

FC jc-031297
5. with shields, by means of shields
FC jc-031297

0. little shield
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. little shield
FC -> jc-72895
2. little shield

3. little shield

4. little shield <chi:malli-to:n>

<chi:malli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. little shield <chi:malli-to:n>
<chi:malli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. little shield
FC jc-031297
7. little shield
FC jc-031297

0. shield flower

1. shield flower
FC -> jc-72895
2. shield flower

3. shield flower

4. shield flower <chi:malli-xo:chitl>

<chi:malli-xo:chitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. shield flower
FC jc-031297
6. shield flower
FC jc-031297

0. burn
1. to fire st
FC - > jc-61096

0. he is consumed by fire

0. burned
FC - > jc-61096
1. to burn
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

chinoa-| techichinoliztli
0. act of burning someone (ie, a heretic)

0. st which is burned

0. clean
1. clean
FC - > jc-61096
2. to clean
FC - > jc-61096

chipa:hua tlachipa:hualli
0. st which is cleansed, purified

chipa:hua tlachipa:uhtli
0. st purified or clean

0. clean
Adj Form jc-022897
1. pure
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. clean
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. pure

4. unsoiled

5. stainless

6. unstained

7. washed

8. cleansed

9. scrubbed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. unpolluted

11. neat

12. sweet

13. refined

14. clear

15. distilled

16. elutriated

17. unadulterated

18. purified

19. unmixed

20. tidy

21. orderly

22. innocent

23. chaste

24. wholesome

25. virtuous

26. undefined

27. unsullied

28. upright

29. moral

30. honorable

31. clean

32. pure
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. very clear

1. very clear
FC -> jc-72895
2. very clear

3. very clear

4. very clear <chipa:hua-cal-tic>

<chipa:hua-cal-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very clear <chipa:hua-cal-tic>
<chipa:hua-cal-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very clear
FC jc-031297
7. very clear
FC jc-031297

0. very clear

1. very clear
FC -> jc-72895
2. very clear

3. very clear

4. very clear <chipa:hua-cal-tic>

<chipa:hua-cal-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very clear <chipa:hua-cal-tic>
<chipa:hua-cal-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very clear
FC jc-031297
7. very clear
FC jc-031297

0. very clean

1. very clean
FC -> jc-72895
2. very clean

3. very clean
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. very clean <chipa:hua--pah4-tic>

<chipa:hua--pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very clean <chipa:hua--pah4-tic>
<chipa:hua--pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very clean
FC jc-031297
7. very clean
FC jc-031297

0. exceedingly clear; very clear

1. exceedingly clear; very clear

FC -> jc-72895
2. exceedingly clear; very clear

3. exceedingly clear; very clear

4. exceedingly clear; very clear <chipa:hua-pah4-tic>

<chipa:hua-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. exceedingly clear; very clear <chipa:hua-pah4-tic>
<chipa:hua-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. exceedingly clear; very clear <chipa:hua-pah4-tic>
<chipa:hua-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. exceedingly clear; very clear
FC jc-031297
8. exceedingly clear; very clear
FC jc-031297

0. clean; clear

1. clean; clear
FC -> jc-72895
2. clean; clear

3. clean; clear

4. clean; clear <chipa:hua-tic>

<chipa:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. clear <chipa:hua-l1-tic>
<chipa:hua-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. clear <chipa:hua-tic>
<chipa:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. clean; clear
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. clean; clear
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes clean; it becomes pure; it cleanses; it
purifies; it is purified

1. it becomes clean; it becomes pure; it cleanses; it

purifies; it is purified
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes clean; it becomes pure; it cleanses; it
purifies; it is purified

3. it becomes clean; it becomes pure; it cleanses; it

purifies; it is purified

4. it becomes pure; it becomes clean; it cleanses; it

purifies; it is purified <chipa:hua>
<chipa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes clean; it becomes pure; it cleanses; it
purifies; it is purified
FC jc-031297
6. it becomes clean; it becomes pure; it cleanses; it
purifies; it is purified
FC jc-031297

0. clean; pure; clear; limpid; delicate; fresh; refined

1. clean; pure; clear; limpid; delicate; fresh; refined

FC -> jc-72895
2. clean; pure; clear; limpid; delicate; fresh; refined

3. clean; pure; clear; limpid; delicate; fresh; refined

4. clean; pure; clear; limpid; delicate; fresh; refined

<chipa:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. clean; pure; clear; limpid; delicate; fresh; refined
<chipa:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. clean; pure; clear; limpid; delicate; fresh; refined
FC jc-031297
7. clean; pure; clear; limpid; delicate; fresh; refined
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. pure, clean

1. pure, clean
FC -> jc-72895
2. pure, clean

3. pure, clean

4. pure, clean <chipa:hua-;

<chipa:hua--> FC - > jc-61096
5. pure, clean
FC jc-031297
6. pure, clean
FC jc-031297

0. it appears clear

1. it appears clear
FC -> jc-72895
2. it appears clear

3. it appears clear

4. it appears clear <chipa:hua--ca??-ne:ci>

<chipa:hua--ca??-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
5. it appears clear <chipa:hua--ca??-ne:ci>
<chipa:hua--ca??-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
6. it appears clear <chipa:hua--ca??-ne:ci>
<chipa:hua--ca??-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
7. it appears clear
FC jc-031297
8. it appears clear
FC jc-031297

0. he lives in chastity

1. he lives in chastity
FC -> jc-72895
2. he lives in chastity

3. he lives in chastity

4. he lives in chastity <chipa:hua-ca??-nemi>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<chipa:hua-ca??-nemi> FC - > jc-61096

5. he lives in chastity <chipa:hua-ca??-nemi>
<chipa:hua-ca??-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he lives in chastity <chipa:hua-ca??-nemi>
<chipa:hua-ca??-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
7. he lives in chastity
FC jc-031297
8. he lives in chastity
FC jc-031297

0. one who has a chaste life
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. chaste

1. chaste
FC -> jc-72895
2. chaste
<chipa:hua--ca??-nemi-liz-eh1>-| jc-10896
3. chaste
<chipa:hua--ca??-nemi-liz-eh1>-| jc-10896
4. chaste

5. chaste

6. chaste <chipa:hua--ca??-nemi-liz-eh1>
<chipa:hua--ca??-nemi-liz-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. chaste <chipa:hua--ca??-nemi-liz-eh1>
<chipa:hua--ca??-nemi-liz-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
8. chaste <chipa:hua--ca??-nemi-liz-eh1>
<chipa:hua--ca??-nemi-liz-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
9. chaste <chipa:hua--ca??-nemi-liz-eh1>
<chipa:hua--ca??-nemi-liz-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
10. chaste <chipa:hua--ca??-nemi-liz-eh1>
<chipa:hua--ca??-nemi-liz-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
11. chaste
<chipa:hua--ca??-nemi-liz-eh1>-| jc-10896
12. chaste
FC jc-031297
13. chaste
FC jc-031297

0. one who has a chaste life
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. those who have a pure life
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. chastity, clean way of life; pure life; clean life

1. chastity, clean way of life; pure life; clean life

FC -> jc-72895
2. chastity, clean way of life; pure life; clean life

3. chastity, clean way of life; pure life; clean life

4. pure life, clean life <chipa:hua--nemi-liz>

<chipa:hua--nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. pure life, clean life <chipa:hua--nemi-liz>
<chipa:hua--nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. pure life, clean life <chipa:hua--nemi-liz>
<chipa:hua--nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. chastity, clean way of life; pure life; clean life
FC jc-031297
8. chastity, clean way of life; pure life; clean life
FC jc-031297

0. very clean

1. very clean
FC -> jc-72895
2. very clean

3. very clean

4. very clean <chipa:hua---tic>

<chipa:hua---tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very clean <chipa:hua---tic>
<chipa:hua---tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very clean
FC jc-031297
7. very clean
FC jc-031297

0. bad smelling
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. bad smelling
FC -> jc-72895
2. bad smelling

3. bad smelling

4. bad smelling
FC jc-031297
5. bad smelling
FC jc-031297

0. wound

0. drip

0. to drip
FC - > jc-61096

chipini quichipinia
0. he drips it

0. seashell necklace
FC jc-031297

0. basket

0. basket

1. basket
FC -> jc-72895
2. basket

3. basket

4. basket
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096
5. basket
FC - > jc-61096
6. basket
FC - > jc-61096
7. basket
FC - > jc-61096
8. basket <chiquihuitl>
<chiquihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
9. basket
FC jc-031297
10. basket
FC jc-031297

0. cicada

0. gossiper; ladder-backed woodpecker

1. gossiper; ladder-backed woodpecker

FC -> jc-72895
2. gossiper; ladder-backed woodpecker

3. gossiper; ladder-backed woodpecker

4. gossiper; ladder-backed woodpecker

FC jc-031297
5. gossiper; ladder-backed woodpecker
FC jc-031297

0. goldfinch, talebearer

0. makers of large baskets
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. seller of large baskets
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. testicle
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. testicle
FC -> jc-72895
2. testicle

3. testicle

4. testicle
FC jc-031297
5. testicle
FC jc-031297

0. it brings pleasure

1. it brings pleasure
FC -> jc-72895
2. it brings pleasure

3. it brings pleasure

4. it brings pleasure
FC jc-031297
5. it brings pleasure
FC jc-031297

0. hop, spring

0. twist, bend, fold

chiuh ( omo- )
0. paso' ( it happened )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. sucedio'; paso' ( it happened; it was done )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. paso' ( it happened )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. sucedio'; paso' ( it happened; it was done )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

chiuh ( yomo- )
0. ya se hizo ( it was already done )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

chiuhqueh ( yoqui- )
0. lo hicieron ( they made it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

chiuhtaya ( mo- )
0. se estaba haciendo ( it was being done )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. wait
1. (cf tlachia) wait
2. (cf tlachia) wait

0. to wait
FC - > jc-61096
1. wait for
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

chiya-| techichializtli
0. act of spying on someone

0. grease

0. greasy
Adj Form jc-022897
1. greasy
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. fatty
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. oily

4. smeared with grease

5. creamy

6. fat
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. slimy

8. dirty

9. filthy

10. greasy

0. weep (classa)
1. he weeps; he cries; it cries; it cries out; it hoots; it

2. weep (classa)
3. he weeps; he cries; it cries; it cries out; it hoots; it

4. to cry
FC - > jc-61096
5. to cry
FC - > jc-61096
6. to cry, weep
FC - > jc-61096
7. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
8. pipitzca
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems
9. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana

10. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

11. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

12. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

13. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

14. cry
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

15. weep

cho:ca-| cho:quiliztli
0. act of crying, weeping

0. he wept, he cried

0. one who weeps, one who cries; weeper

1. one who weeps

Agentive -ni jc-022897
2. one who weeps
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
3. one who weeps
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. one who weeps
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they wept, they cried

0. it makes one weep

0. he makes someone weep

0. it is weeping

0. he goes along weeping; he goes weeping

0. inic chicuacentlamantli tetzahuitl
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. miyecpa cihuatl cacoya chocatiuh

2. tzatzitiuh

3. yoaltica

4. [ as ] the sixth omen

5. often was heard a woman

6. who went weeping and crying out at night

0. he lies crying, he lies weeping

0. it hooted; it was wailing; it was weeping; it was crying;
she cried; she wept; they wept; they cried

0. there is weeping

1. there is weeping
FC - > jc-61096

0. there was crying
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. there was crying
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. there was crying
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. there was crying
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. there was crying
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. act of crying, weeping
FC - > jc-61096
1. act of crying, weeping
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. act of crying
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization

3. weeping
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. act of crying

5. weeping

0. he weeps, he cries; it cries; it cries out; it howls; it
hoots; she weeps; she cries; they weep; they cry
1. he weeps; he cries; it cries; it cries out; it hoots; it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she weeps, she cries; they cry; they weep
FC -> jc-72895
3. he weeps, he cries; it cries; it cries out; it howls; it
hoots; she weeps; she cries; they weep; they cry
4. he weeps, he cries; it cries; it cries out; it howls; it
hoots; she weeps; she cries; they weep; they cry
5. he weeps, he cries; it cries; it cries out; it howls; it
hoots; she weeps; she cries; they weep; they cry <cho:ca>
<cho:ca> FC - > jc-61096
6. he weeps; he cries; it cries; it cries out; it hoots; it
FC jc-031297
7. she weeps, she cries; they cry; they weep
FC jc-031297
8. he weeps; he cries; it cries; it cries out; it hoots; it
FC jc-031297
9. she weeps, she cries; they cry; they weep
FC jc-031297

0. he wept, he cried
1. he wept, he cried
FC -> jc-72895
2. he wept, he cried
3. he wept, he cried
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he wept, he cried <cho:ca-prt2>

<cho:ca-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he wept, he cried
FC jc-031297
6. he wept, he cried
FC jc-031297

0. one who weeps, one who cries; weeper
1. one who weeps, one who cries; weeper
FC -> jc-72895
2. one who weeps, one who cries; weeper
3. one who weeps, one who cries; weeper
4. one who weeps, one who cries; weeper <cho:ca-ni1>
<cho:ca-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. one who weeps, one who cries; weeper <cho:ca-ni1>
<cho:ca-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one who weeps, one who cries; weeper <cho:ca-ni1>
<cho:ca-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. one who weeps, one who cries; weeper
FC jc-031297
8. one who weeps, one who cries; weeper
FC jc-031297

0. they wept, they cried
FC -> jc-72895
1. they wept, they cried
FC jc-031297
2. they wept, they cried
FC jc-031297

0. it is weeping
1. it is weeping
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is weeping
3. it is weeping
4. it is weeping <cho:ca-tica2>
<cho:ca-tica2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it is weeping
FC jc-031297
6. it is weeping
FC jc-031297

0. he goes along weeping
<cho:ca-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. he goes along weeping; he goes weeping
FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes along weeping
<cho:ca-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. he goes along weeping
<cho:ca-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. he goes along weeping <cho:ca-ti1-nemi aux01>
<cho:ca-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes along weeping <cho:ca-ti1-nemi aux01>
<cho:ca-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes along weeping <cho:ca-ti1-nemi aux01>
<cho:ca-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes along weeping; he goes weeping
FC jc-031297
8. he goes along weeping; he goes weeping
FC jc-031297

0. she goes weeping
FC jc-031297

0. he lies crying, he lies weeping
1. he lies crying, he lies weeping
FC -> jc-72895
2. he lies crying, he lies weeping
3. he lies crying, he lies weeping
4. he lies crying, he lies weeping <cho:ca-toc>
<cho:ca-toc> FC - > jc-61096
5. he lies crying, he lies weeping
FC jc-031297
6. he lies crying, he lies weeping
FC jc-031297

chocatoya ( o- )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. lloraba ( he was crying )

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. it hooted; it was wailing; it was weeping; it was crying;
she cried; she wept; they wept; they cried
1. it hooted; it was wailing; it was weeping; it was crying;
she cried; she wept; they wept; they cried
FC -> jc-72895
2. it hooted; it was wailing; it was weeping; it was crying;
she cried; she wept; they wept; they cried
3. it hooted; it was wailing; it was weeping; it was crying;
she cried; she wept; they wept; they cried
4. it hooted; it was wailing; it was weeping; it was crying;
she cried; she wept; they wept; they cried <cho:ca-ya3>
<cho:ca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it hooted; it was wailing; it was weeping; it was crying;
they wept; they cried <cho:ca-ya3>
<cho:ca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it hooted; it was wailing; it was weeping; it was crying;
she cried; she wept; they wept; they cried
FC jc-031297
7. it hooted; it was wailing; it was weeping; it was crying;
she cried; she wept; they wept; they cried
FC jc-031297

0. they would weep
FC jc-031297

0. it weeps constantly

0. it weeps constantly
FC -> jc-72895
1. it weeps constantly <dupl-cho:ca>
<dupl-cho:ca> FC - > jc-61096
2. it weeps constantly <dupl-cho:ca>
<dupl-cho:ca> FC - > jc-61096
3. it weeps constantly
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it weeps constantly
FC jc-031297

0. he leaps about, he leaps repeatedly

1. he leaps about, he leaps repeatedly

FC -> jc-72895
2. he leaps about, he leaps repeatedly

3. he leaps about, he leaps repeatedly

4. he leaps about, he leaps repeatedly <dupl-choloa:>

<dupl-choloa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he leaps about, he leaps repeatedly <dupl-choloa:>
<dupl-choloa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he leaps about, he leaps repeatedly <dupl-choloa:>
<dupl-choloa:> FC - > jc-61096
7. he leaps about, he leaps repeatedly
FC jc-031297
8. he leaps about, he leaps repeatedly
FC jc-031297

0. it jumps constantly

1. it jumps constantly
FC -> jc-72895
2. it jumps constantly

3. it jumps constantly

4. it jumps constantly <dupl-choloa:>

<dupl-choloa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. it jumps constantly <dupl-choloa:>
<dupl-choloa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. it jumps constantly
FC jc-031297
7. it jumps constantly
FC jc-031297

0. they are leaping about
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. there is weeping

1. there is weeping
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is weeping

3. there is weeping

4. there is weeping <cho:ca-lo:2-hua2>

<cho:ca-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is weeping <cho:ca-lo:2-hua2>
<cho:ca-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is weeping
FC jc-031297
7. there is weeping
FC jc-031297

0. place of weeping
1. place of weeping
FC -> jc-72895
2. place of weeping
3. place of weeping
4. place of weeping <cho:ca-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<cho:ca-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. place of weeping <cho:ca-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<cho:ca-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. place of weeping <cho:ca-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<cho:ca-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. place of weeping <cho:ca-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<cho:ca-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. place of weeping <cho:ca-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<cho:ca-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. place of weeping
FC jc-031297
10. place of weeping
FC jc-031297

0. chocalate, xoco-l-atl ( sour-ed-water)

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. having dewclaws(dew claw (d>"klô", dy>"-) n A vestigial

digit or claw not reaching the ground and found on the feet
of certain mammals [Origin unknown, perhaps from alteration
of toe] --dew"clawed" adj)

1. having dewclaws
FC -> jc-72895
2. having dewclaws(dew claw (d>"klô", dy>"-) n A vestigial
digit or claw not reaching the ground and found on the feet
of certain mammals [Origin unknown, perhaps from alteration
of toe] --dew"clawed" adj)

3. having dewclaws(dew claw (d>"klô", dy>"-) n A vestigial

digit or claw not reaching the ground and found on the feet
of certain mammals [Origin unknown, perhaps from alteration
of toe] --dew"clawed" adj)

4. having dewclaws
FC jc-031297
5. having dewclaws
FC jc-031297

0. hoof

1. hoof
FC -> jc-72895
2. hoof

3. hoof

4. hoof
FC jc-031297
5. hoof
FC jc-031297

0. constant jumper

0. constant jumper
1. constant jumper
FC -> jc-72895
2. constant jumper
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. constant jumper
4. constant jumper <dupl-choloa:-ni1>
<dupl-choloa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. constant jumper <dupl-choloa:-ni1>
<dupl-choloa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. constant jumper <dupl-choloa:-ni1>
<dupl-choloa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. constant jumper
FC jc-031297
8. constant jumper
FC jc-031297

0. he will flee; it will leap; it will jump

0. he flees, he runs away; it flees; it leaps; they flee; they
1. he flees; he runs away; it flees; it leaps
FC -> jc-72895
2. they flee; they fluee
FC -> jc-72895
3. he flees, he runs away; it flees; it leaps; they flee; they
4. he flees, he runs away; it flees; it leaps; they flee; they
5. he flees, he runs away; it flees; it leaps; they flee; they
fluee <choloa:>
<choloa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he flees <choloa>
<choloa> FC - > jc-61096
7. to flee, run, jump
FC - > jc-61096
8. he flees; he runs away; it flees; it leaps
FC jc-031297
9. they flee; they fluee
FC jc-031297
10. he flees; he runs away; it flees; it leaps
FC jc-031297
11. they flee; they fluee
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
12. flee
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems
13. run away

0. flee (classc)

0. jumper

1. one who flees

Agentive -ni jc-022897
2. one who flees
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
3. one who flees
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. one who flees
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he will be pursued

0. they pass over it

0. jumper
1. jumper
FC -> jc-72895
2. jumper
3. jumper
4. jumper <choloa:-ni1>
<choloa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. jumper <choloa:-ni1>
<choloa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. jumper <choloa:-ni1>
<choloa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. jumper
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. jumper
FC jc-031297

0. it jumps

1. it jumps
FC -> jc-72895
2. it jumps

3. it jumps

4. it jumps
FC jc-031297
5. it jumps
FC jc-031297

0. to cause so to flee
FC - > jc-61096

chololtia-| techololtiliztli
0. act of putting someone to flight, chasing him

0. he will be pursued
FC - > jc-61096
1. huitecoz
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
2. tzotzonaloz

3. ahuic chololtiloz

4. he would be struck and beaten; he would be pursued from

one place to another

0. they fled

1. they fled
FC -> jc-72895
2. they fled
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they fled

4. they fled <choloa:-prt1-plur01>

<choloa:-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they fled
FC jc-031297
6. they fled
FC jc-031297

0. he springs up to run

1. he springs up to run
FC -> jc-72895
2. he springs up to run

3. he springs up to run

4. he springs up to run <choloa:-ti1-e:hua aux05>

<choloa:-ti1-e:hua aux05> FC - > jc-61096
5. he springs up to run <choloa:-ti1-e:hua aux05>
<choloa:-ti1-e:hua aux05> FC - > jc-61096
6. he springs up to run <choloa:-ti1-e:hua aux05>
<choloa:-ti1-e:hua aux05> FC - > jc-61096
7. he springs up to run
FC jc-031297
8. he springs up to run
FC jc-031297

0. he will flee; it will leap; it will jump
1. he will flee; it will leap; it will jump
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will flee; it will leap; it will jump
3. he will flee; it will leap; it will jump
4. he will flee; it will leap; it will jump <choloa:-z>
<choloa:-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will flee; it will leap; it will jump
FC jc-031297
6. he will flee; it will leap; it will jump
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. beautiful

1. beautiful
FC -> jc-72895
2. beautiful

3. beautiful

4. beautiful
FC jc-031297
5. beautiful
FC jc-031297

0. cricket

0. peck

0. fang

1. fang
FC -> jc-72895
2. fang

3. fang

4. fang
FC jc-031297
5. fang
FC jc-031297

0. they will be wept for
FC jc-031297

0. house of weeping

1. house of weeping
FC -> jc-72895
2. house of weeping
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. house of weeping

4. house of weeping <cho:ca-liz-calli>

<cho:ca-liz-calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. house of weeping
FC jc-031297
6. house of weeping
FC jc-031297

0. with weeping, weepingly

1. with weeping, weepingly

FC -> jc-72895
2. with weeping, weepingly

3. with weeping, weepingly

4. with weeping, weepingly

FC jc-031297
5. with weeping, weepingly
FC jc-031297

0. weeping; crying; lamentation

1. weeping; crying; lamentation

FC -> jc-72895
2. weeping; crying; lamentation

3. weeping; crying; lamentation

4. weeping; crying; lamentation <cho:ca-liz>

<cho:ca-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. weeping; crying; lamentation
FC jc-031297
6. weeping; crying; lamentation
FC jc-031297

choquiztli ixayotl
0. mourning

1. mourning
FC -> jc-72895
2. mourning
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. mourning

4. mourning
FC jc-031297
5. mourning
FC jc-031297

0. star

0. armpit-hair (b10 f7 p117a), 2 armpit hair (b10 f8 p137a)

0. tire

0. damp, wet

1. damp, wet
FC -> jc-72895
2. damp, wet

3. damp, wet

4. damp, wet <ciya:hua-c1>

<ciya:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. damp, wet
FC jc-031297
6. damp, wet
FC jc-031297

0. turkey hen

1. turkey hen
FC -> jc-72895
2. turkey hen

3. turkey hen

4. turkey hen
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. turkey hen
FC jc-031297

0. tired
FC - > jc-61096

ciahui-| ciahuiliztli
0. fatigue

0. greet

0. the act of tired, fatigue
FC - > jc-61096
1. fatigue
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. fatigue
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. fatigue
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. fatigue

1. fatigue
FC -> jc-72895
2. fatigue

3. fatigue

4. fatigue <ciahui1-liz>
<ciahui1-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. fatigue
FC jc-031297
6. fatigue
FC jc-031297

0. fatigue

1. fatigue
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. fatigue

3. fatigue

4. fatigue <ciahui1-miqui-liz>
<ciahui1-miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. fatigue <ciahui1-miqui-liz>
<ciahui1-miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. fatigue
FC jc-031297
7. fatigue
FC jc-031297

0. one who has young women
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. praise

0. starry, having stars

1. starry, having stars

FC -> jc-72895
2. starry, having stars

3. starry, having stars

4. starry, having stars <dupl-ci:tlalin-yo:tl1>

<dupl-ci:tlalin-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. starry, having stars <dupl-ci:tlalin-yo:tl1>
<dupl-ci:tlalin-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. starry, having stars <dupl-ci:tlalin-yo:tl1>
<dupl-ci:tlalin-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. starry, having stars <dupl-ci:tlalin-yo:tl1>
<dupl-ci:tlalin-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
8. starry, having stars
FC jc-031297
9. starry, having stars
FC jc-031297

0. stars
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. stars
FC -> jc-72895
2. stars

3. stars

4. stars <dupl-ci:tlalin-plur02 plur07>

<dupl-ci:tlalin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. stars <dupl-ci:tlalin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-ci:tlalin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. stars <dupl-ci:tlalin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-ci:tlalin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. stars
FC jc-031297
8. stars
FC jc-031297

0. stars

1. stars
FC -> jc-72895
2. stars

3. stars

4. stars <dupl-ci:tlalin-plur02 plur07>

<dupl-ci:tlalin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. stars <dupl-ci:tlalin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-ci:tlalin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. stars <dupl-ci:tlalin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-ci:tlalin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. stars
FC jc-031297
8. stars
FC jc-031297

0. thin, weak

0. waist

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he talks like a woman

1. he talks like a woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. he talks like a woman

3. he talks like a woman

4. he talks like a woman

FC jc-031297
5. he talks like a woman
FC jc-031297

0. hare

1. hare
FC -> jc-72895
2. hare

3. hare

4. hare <cihtli1>
<cihtli1> FC - > jc-61096
5. hare
FC jc-031297
6. hare
FC jc-031297

0. liebre ( hare )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. women

1. women
FC -> jc-72895
2. women

3. women

4. women <cihua:tl-plur06>
<cihua:tl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
5. women
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. women
FC jc-031297

0. to marry
FC - > jc-61096

cihua:huahtia-| necihua:huahtiliztli
0. a man's act of marriage

0. woman
1. (cf zouatl) woman
2. (cf zouatl) woman
3. inic chicuacentlamantli tetzahuitl
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
4. miyecpa cihuatl cacoya chocatiuh
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
5. tzatzitiuh

6. yoaltica

7. [ as ] the sixth omen

8. often was heard a woman

9. who went weeping and crying out at night

10. no ihuan in ihcuac otztli cihuatl

11. in ihcuac cualo tonatiuh

12. anozo metztli: amo huel quittaya

13. likewise

14. when a woman was with child during an eclipse of the sun or

15. she might might not look at it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. mare

1. mare
FC - > jc-61096

0. perra ( female dog )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. he sleeps with a woman

1. he sleeps with a woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. he sleeps with a woman

3. he sleeps with a woman

4. he sleeps with a woman <cihua:tl-cochi>

<cihua:tl-cochi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he sleeps with a woman <cihua:tl-cochi>
<cihua:tl-cochi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he sleeps with a woman
FC jc-031297
7. he sleeps with a woman
FC jc-031297

0. he lay with a woman; he lay with woman; he slept with a

1. he lay with a woman; he lay with woman; he slept with a

FC -> jc-72895
2. he lay with a woman; he lay with woman; he slept with a

3. he lay with a woman; he lay with woman; he slept with a


4. he lay with a woman; he lay with woman; he slept with a

woman <cihua:tl-cochi-ya3>
<cihua:tl-cochi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he lay with a woman; he lay with woman; he slept with a
woman <cihua:tl-cochi-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cihua:tl-cochi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

6. he lay with a woman; he lay with woman; he slept with a
woman <cihua:tl-cochi-ya3>
<cihua:tl-cochi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he lay with a woman; he lay with woman; he slept with a
FC jc-031297
8. he lay with a woman; he lay with woman; he slept with a
FC jc-031297

0. he will sleep with a woman

1. he will sleep with a woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will sleep with a woman

3. he will sleep with a woman

4. he will sleep with a woman <cihua:tl-cochi-z>

<cihua:tl-cochi-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will sleep with a woman <cihua:tl-cochi-z>
<cihua:tl-cochi-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will sleep with a woman
FC jc-031297
7. he will sleep with a woman
FC jc-031297

0. woman's ailment

1. woman's ailment
FC -> jc-72895
2. woman's ailment

3. woman's ailment

4. woman's ailment <cihua:tl-coco:ya-delya-l1>

<cihua:tl-coco:ya-delya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. woman's ailment <cihua:tl-coco:ya-delya-l1>
<cihua:tl-coco:ya-delya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. woman's ailment
FC jc-031297
7. woman's ailment
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. muchacha ( girl )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. muchacha; joven ( girl )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. muchacha ( girl )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. muchacha; joven ( girl )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. women's song

1. women's song
FC -> jc-72895
2. women's song

3. women's song

4. women's songs <cihua:tl;

<cihua:tl-> FC - > jc-61096
5. women's song
FC jc-031297
6. women's song
FC jc-031297

0. women

1. women
FC -> jc-72895
2. women

3. women

4. women
FC jc-031297
5. women
FC jc-031297

0. husband

1. husband
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. husband

3. husband

4. husband
FC jc-031297
5. husband
FC jc-031297

0. those who have wives
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. doe

1. doe
FC -> jc-72895
2. doe

3. doe

4. doe <cihua:tl-maza:tl>
<cihua:tl-maza:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. doe <cihua:tl-maza:tl>
<cihua:tl-maza:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. doe
FC jc-031297
7. doe
FC jc-031297

0. mujeres ( women )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. mujeres ( women )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. mujeres ( women )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. mujeres ( women )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. one who has a daughter-in-law

1. one who has a daughter-in-law

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. one who has a daughter-in-law

<cihua:tl-mo:ntli-eh1>-| jc-10896
3. one who has a daughter-in-law
<cihua:tl-mo:ntli-eh1>-| jc-10896
4. one who has a daughter-in-law

5. one who has a daughter-in-law

6. one who has a daughter-in-law <cihua:tl-mo:ntli-eh1>

<cihua:tl-mo:ntli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. one who has a daughter-in-law <cihua:tl-mo:ntli-eh1>
<cihua:tl-mo:ntli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
8. one who has a daughter-in-law <cihua:tl-mo:ntli-eh1>
<cihua:tl-mo:ntli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
9. one who has a daughter-in-law <cihua:tl-mo:ntli-eh1>
<cihua:tl-mo:ntli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
10. one who has a daughter-in-law
<cihua:tl-mo:ntli-eh1>-| jc-10896
11. one who has a daughter-in-law
FC jc-031297
12. one who has a daughter-in-law
FC jc-031297

0. one who has a daughter-in-law
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. daughter-in-law

1. daughter-in-law
FC - > jc-61096
2. daughter-in-law
FC jc-031297
3. daughter-in-law
FC jc-031297

0. one who is given to women

1. one who is given to women

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who is given to women

3. one who is given to women
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. one who is given to women

FC jc-031297
5. one who is given to women
FC jc-031297

0. he is given to women

1. he is given to women
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is given to women

3. he is given to women

4. he is given to women <cihua:tl-no:tza>

<cihua:tl-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is given to women <cihua:tl-no:tza>
<cihua:tl-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is given to women <cihua:tl-no:tza>
<cihua:tl-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is given to women
FC jc-031297
8. he is given to women
FC jc-031297

0. one who has a feminine mode of address
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

cihuanton ( no- )
0. mi nin~a; mi hija ( my daughter; my little girl )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. women's quarters

1. women's quarters
FC -> jc-72895
2. women's quarters

3. women's quarters

4. women's quarters <cihua:tl-pan>

<cihua:tl-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. women's quarters <cihua:tl-pan>
<cihua:tl-pan> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. women's quarters
FC jc-031297
7. women's quarters
FC jc-031297

0. girl's breast

1. girl's breast
FC -> jc-72895
2. girl's breast

3. girl's breast

4. girl's breast
FC jc-031297
5. girl's breast
FC jc-031297

0. sen~ora ( lady )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. doncella ( maiden; lady )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. sen~ora ( lady )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. doncella ( maiden; lady )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. o my lady; o noblewoman

1. o my lady; o noblewoman
FC -> jc-72895
2. o my lady; o noblewoman

3. o my lady; o noblewoman

4. o my lady <cihua:tl-pilli-e?>
<cihua:tl-pilli-e?> FC - > jc-61096
5. o my lady <cihua:tl-pilli-e?>
<cihua:tl-pilli-e?> FC - > jc-61096
6. o my lady; o noblewoman
FC jc-031297
7. o my lady; o noblewoman
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. noblewoman; vulva

1. noblewoman; vulva
FC -> jc-72895
2. noblewoman; vulva

3. noblewoman
4. noblewoman; vulva

5. noblewoman
6. noblewoman <cihua:tl-pilli>
<cihua:tl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
7. noblewoman <cihua:tl-pilli>
<cihua:tl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
8. noblewoman; vulva
FC jc-031297
9. noblewoman; vulva
FC jc-031297

0. young girls

1. young girls
FC -> jc-72895
2. young girls

3. young girls

4. young girls <cihua:tl-dupl-pilli plur10c>

<cihua:tl-dupl-pilli plur10c> FC - > jc-61096
5. young girls <cihua:tl-dupl-pilli plur10c>
<cihua:tl-dupl-pilli plur10c> FC - > jc-61096
6. young girls <cihua:tl-dupl-pilli plur10c>
<cihua:tl-dupl-pilli plur10c> FC - > jc-61096
7. young girls <cihua:tl-dupl-pilli plur10c>
<cihua:tl-dupl-pilli plur10c> FC - > jc-61096
8. young girls
FC jc-031297
9. young girls
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. she lives as a noblewoman, she becomes a noblewoman

1. she lives as a noblewoman, she becomes a noblewoman

FC -> jc-72895
2. she lives as a noblewoman, she becomes a noblewoman

3. she lives as a noblewoman, she becomes a noblewoman

4. she lives as a noblewoman, she becomes a noblewoman

FC jc-031297
5. she lives as a noblewoman, she becomes a noblewoman
FC jc-031297

0. baby girl; girl child; female child; girl; little girl;
noble girl; small girl

1. baby girl; girl child; female child; girl; little girl;

noble girl; small girl
FC -> jc-72895
2. baby girl; girl child; female child; girl; little girl;
noble girl; small girl

3. baby girl; girl child; female child; girl; little girl;

noble girl; small girl

4. baby girl; girl child; female child; girl; little girl;

noble girl; small girl <cihua:tl-pilli-to:n>
<cihua:tl-pilli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. baby girl; girl child; female child; girl; little girl;
noble girl; small girl <cihua:tl-pilli-to:n>
<cihua:tl-pilli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. baby girl; girl child; female child; girl; little girl;
noble girl; small girl <cihua:tl-pilli-to:n>
<cihua:tl-pilli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. baby girl; girl child; female child; girl; little girl;
noble girl; small girl
FC jc-031297
8. baby girl; girl child; female child; girl; little girl;
noble girl; small girl
FC jc-031297

0. o my beloved lady

1. o my beloved lady
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. o my beloved lady

3. o my beloved lady

4. o my beloved lady <cihua:tl-pilli-tzin;

<cihua:tl-pilli-tzin-> FC - > jc-61096
5. o my beloved lady <cihua:tl-pilli-tzin;
<cihua:tl-pilli-tzin-> FC - > jc-61096
6. o my beloved lady <cihua:tl-pilli-tzin;
<cihua:tl-pilli-tzin-> FC - > jc-61096
7. o my beloved lady
FC jc-031297
8. o my beloved lady
FC jc-031297

0. noblewoman

1. noblewoman
FC -> jc-72895
2. noblewoman

3. noblewoman

4. noblewoman <cihua:tl-pilli-tzin>
<cihua:tl-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. noblewoman <cihua:tl-pilli-tzin>
<cihua:tl-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. noblewoman <cihua:tl-pilli-tzin>
<cihua:tl-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. noblewoman
FC jc-031297
8. noblewoman
FC jc-031297

0. princesses

1. princesses
FC -> jc-72895
2. princesses

3. princesses

4. princesses <cihua:tl-dupl-pilli-plur02 plur10a>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cihua:tl-dupl-pilli-plur02 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096

5. princesses <cihua:tl-dupl-pilli-plur02 plur10a>
<cihua:tl-dupl-pilli-plur02 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
6. princesses <cihua:tl-dupl-pilli-plur02 plur10a>
<cihua:tl-dupl-pilli-plur02 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
7. princesses <cihua:tl-dupl-pilli-plur02 plur10a>
<cihua:tl-dupl-pilli-plur02 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
8. princesses
FC jc-031297
9. princesses
FC jc-031297

0. girls; small girls; young girls; young women

1. girls; small girls; young girls; young women

FC -> jc-72895
2. girls; small girls; young girls; young women

3. girls; small girls; young girls; young women

4. girls; young girls; young women

<cihua:tl-dupl-pilli-dupl-ton> FC - > jc-61096
5. girls; young girls; young women
<cihua:tl-dupl-pilli-dupl-ton> FC - > jc-61096
6. girls; young girls; young women
<cihua:tl-dupl-pilli-dupl-ton> FC - > jc-61096
7. girls; young girls; young women
<cihua:tl-dupl-pilli-dupl-ton> FC - > jc-61096
8. young girls; young women
<cihua:tl-dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur07 plur10b>
<cihua:tl-dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur07 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
9. girls; small girls; young girls; young women
FC jc-031297
10. girls; small girls; young girls; young women
FC jc-031297

0. goddess

1. goddess
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. goddess

3. goddess

4. goddess <cihua:tl-teo:tl>
<cihua:tl-teo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. goddess <cihua:tl-teo:tl>
<cihua:tl-teo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. goddess
FC jc-031297
7. goddess
FC jc-031297

0. goddesses

1. goddesses
FC -> jc-72895
2. goddesses

3. goddesses

4. goddesses <cihua:tl-dupl-teo:tl plur07>

<cihua:tl-dupl-teo:tl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. goddesses <cihua:tl-dupl-teo:tl plur07>
<cihua:tl-dupl-teo:tl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. goddesses <cihua:tl-dupl-teo:tl plur07>
<cihua:tl-dupl-teo:tl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. goddesses <cihua:tl-dupl-teo:tl plur07>
<cihua:tl-dupl-teo:tl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
8. goddesses; godesses
FC jc-031297
9. goddesses; godesses
FC jc-031297

0. godesses

1. godesses
FC -> jc-72895
2. godesses

3. godesses

4. godesses <cihua:tl-dupl-teo:tl>
<cihua:tl-dupl-teo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. godesses <cihua:tl-dupl-teo:tl>
<cihua:tl-dupl-teo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. godesses <cihua:tl-dupl-teo:tl>
<cihua:tl-dupl-teo:tl> FC - > jc-61096

0. noblewoman
FC jc-031297

0. matrons
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. feminine
Adj Form jc-022897
1. feminine
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. female
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. womanly

4. ladylike

5. womanlike

6. non-masculine

7. unmanly

8. feminine

0. elderly female matchmakers; women physicians

1. elderly female matchmakers; women physicians

FC -> jc-72895
2. elderly female matchmakers; women physicians

3. elderly female matchmakers; women physicians

4. elderly female matchmakers; women physicians

<cihua:tl-dupl-ti:citl-plur06 plur07>
<cihua:tl-dupl-ti:citl-plur06 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. elderly female matchmakers; women physicians
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cihua:tl-dupl-ti:citl-plur06 plur07>
<cihua:tl-dupl-ti:citl-plur06 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. elderly female matchmakers; women physicians
<cihua:tl-dupl-ti:citl-plur06 plur07>
<cihua:tl-dupl-ti:citl-plur06 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. elderly female matchmakers; women physicians
<cihua:tl-dupl-ti:citl-plur06 plur07>
<cihua:tl-dupl-ti:citl-plur06 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
8. elderly female matchmakers; women physicians
FC jc-031297
9. elderly female matchmakers; women physicians
FC jc-031297

0. mujer ( woman )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. bride, woman; female; hen; uterus; girl
FC -> jc-72895
2. bride, woman; female; hen; uterus; girl

3. bride, woman; female; hen; uterus; girl

4. bride, woman; female; hen; uterus; girl <cihua:tl>

<cihua:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. woman ( cf zohuatl )
FC - > jc-61096
6. woman, female
FC - > jc-61096
7. mujer ( woman )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. bride, woman; female; hen; uterus; girl
FC jc-031297
9. bride, woman; female; hen; uterus; girl
FC jc-031297

0. sea siren, mermaid

1. sea siren, mermaid

FC - > jc-61096
2. sea siren, mermaid
FC - > jc-61096
3. sea siren, mermaid
FC - > jc-61096

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. woman slave

1. woman slave
FC - > jc-61096

0. evil woman

1. evil woman
FC -> jc-72895
2. evil woman

3. evil woman

4. evil woman <cihua:tl-;

<cihua:tl--> FC - > jc-61096
5. evil woman
FC jc-031297
6. evil woman
FC jc-031297

0. whores

1. whores
FC -> jc-72895
2. whores

3. whores

4. whores
FC jc-031297
5. whores
FC jc-031297

0. offering priestesses

1. offering priestesses
FC -> jc-72895
2. offering priestesses

3. offering priestesses

4. offering priestesses
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. offering priestesses
FC jc-031297
6. priestesses
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. priestess
FC jc-031297

0. cihuatlapalihui: the robust woman (b10 f3 p51), in
cihuatlapalihui, yollococihuatl, chicahuac, huapahuac,
popoxtli, ichtic, ichpalala ichpalalatic, yollotlapalihui,
oquichiollo, tlaoquichhuiani, tlapaccaihiyohuiani the
robust woman, the middle-aged woman [is] strong, rugged,
energetic, wiry, very tough --exceedingly tough, animated,
vigorous; a willing worker, long-suffering (b10 f3 p51), in
cualli cihuatlapalihui: cualnemilice, mopiani, momalhuiani,
atzoyo, ateuhyo, atle itech quimaxitilillani, maquiztic,
chalchiuhtic, teoxiuhtic the good robust woman [is] pious,
chaste, careful of her honor; not unclean; unblemished; one
who is irreproachable -- like a bracelet, like a green
stone, like fine turquoise (b10 f3 p51), in tlahueliloc
cihuatlapalihui: teixco teicpac nemini, teixco nemini,
tehuiquehuani, the evil robust woman [is] belittling and
offensive to others -- belittling to others; disgusting
(b10 f3 p51)
1. robust woman
FC -> jc-72895
2. robust woman

3. cihuatlapalihui: the robust woman (b10 f3 p51), in

cihuatlapalihui, yollococihuatl, chicahuac, huapahuac,
popoxtli, ichtic, ichpalala ichpalalatic, yollotlapalihui,
oquichiollo, tlaoquichhuiani, tlapaccaihiyohuiani the
robust woman, the middle-aged woman [is] strong, rugged,
energetic, wiry, very tough --exceedingly tough, animated,
vigorous; a willing worker, long-suffering (b10 f3 p51), in
cualli cihuatlapalihui: cualnemilice, mopiani, momalhuiani,
atzoyo, ateuhyo, atle itech quimaxitilillani, maquiztic,
chalchiuhtic, teoxiuhtic the good robust woman [is] pious,
chaste, careful of her honor; not unclean; unblemished; one
who is irreproachable -- like a bracelet, like a green
stone, like fine turquoise (b10 f3 p51), in tlahueliloc
cihuatlapalihui: teixco teicpac nemini, teixco nemini,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

tehuiquehuani, the evil robust woman [is] belittling and

offensive to others -- belittling to others; disgusting
(b10 f3 p51)
4. robust woman

5. robust woman <cihua:tl-;

<cihua:tl--> FC - > jc-61096
6. robust woman
FC jc-031297
7. robust woman
FC jc-031297

0. one who has feminine speech
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. women's words

1. women's words
FC -> jc-72895
2. women's words

3. women's words

4. women's words <cihua:tl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>

<cihua:tl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. women's words <cihua:tl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<cihua:tl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. women's words <cihua:tl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<cihua:tl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. women's words
FC jc-031297
8. women's words
FC jc-031297

0. equipment of women, women's belongings; women's array

1. equipment of women, women's belongings; women's array

FC -> jc-72895
2. equipment of women, women's belongings; women's array

3. equipment of women, women's belongings; women's array
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. equipment of women, women's belongings; women's array

<cihua:tl-p51-itqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. equipment of women, women's belongings; women's array
<cihua:tl-p51-itqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. equipment of women, women's belongings; women's array
<cihua:tl-p51-itqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. equipment of women, women's belongings; women's array
FC jc-031297
8. equipment of women, women's belongings; women's array
FC jc-031297

0. sen~ora ( lady; woman )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. mujer ( woman )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. sen~ora ( lady; woman )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. mujer ( woman )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. turkey hen

1. turkey hen
FC -> jc-72895
2. turkey hen

3. turkey hen

4. turkey hen <cihua:tl-to:tolin>

<cihua:tl-to:tolin> FC - > jc-61096
5. turkey hen <cihua:tl-to:tolin>
<cihua:tl-to:tolin> FC - > jc-61096
6. turkey hen
FC jc-031297
7. turkey hen
FC jc-031297

0. turkey hen
1. turkey hen
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. turkey hen
3. hen

4. turkey hen
5. hen

6. hen
FC - > jc-61096
7. hen
FC - > jc-61096
8. turkey hen <cihua:tl-to:tolin>
<cihua:tl-to:tolin> FC - > jc-61096
9. turkey hen <cihua:tl-to:tolin>
<cihua:tl-to:tolin> FC - > jc-61096
10. turkey hen
FC jc-031297
11. turkey hen
FC jc-031297

0. girl, lady; woman

1. girl, lady; woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. girl, lady; woman

3. girl, lady; woman

4. girl, lady; woman <cihua:tl-tzin>

<cihua:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. woman, girl <cihua:tl-tzin>
<cihua:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. girl, lady; woman
FC jc-031297
7. girl, lady; woman
FC jc-031297

0. beloved women; honored women; women; young women
<cihua:tl-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a>
1. beloved women; honored women; women; young women
FC -> jc-72895
2. beloved women; honored women; women; young women
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cihua:tl-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a>
3. beloved women; honored women; women; young women
<cihua:tl-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a>
4. beloved women; honored women; women; young women
<cihua:tl-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a>
<cihua:tl-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
5. beloved women; honored women; women; young women
<cihua:tl-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a>
<cihua:tl-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
6. beloved women; honored women; women; young women
<cihua:tl-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a>
<cihua:tl-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
7. beloved women; honored women; women; young women
<cihua:tl-dupl-tzin-plur02-plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
8. beloved women; honored women; women; young women
FC jc-031297
9. beloved women; honored women; women; young women
FC jc-031297

0. snail

0. root
1. root

2. root
3. root

4. root
FC - > jc-61096

0. it goes about eating dried maize ears
FC jc-031297

0. little maize basket

1. little maize basket

FC -> jc-72895
2. little maize basket
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. little maize basket

4. little maize basket

FC jc-031297
5. little maize basket
FC jc-031297

0. ear of maize or corn

1. ear of maize or corn

FC -> jc-72895
2. ear of maize or corn

3. ear of maize or corn

4. ear of maize or corn

FC jc-031297
5. ear of maize or corn
FC jc-031297

0. dried ear of maize; dried ear of maize or corn; ear of maize

1. dried ear of maize; dried ear of maize or corn; ear of maize

FC -> jc-72895
2. dried ear of maize; dried ear of maize or corn; ear of maize

3. dried ear of maize; dried ear of maize or corn; ear of maize

4. dried ear of maize; ear of maize <centli>

<centli> FC - > jc-61096
5. pod
FC - > jc-61096
6. dried ear of maize; dried ear of maize or corn; ear of maize
FC jc-031297
7. dried ear of maize; dried ear of maize or corn; ear of maize
FC jc-031297

0. crocodile
FC jc-031297

0. crocodile
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. grandmothers
FC jc-031297

0. star
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. star
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. stars
JC-05-07-97 Noun StemsList A
3. estrellas

0. scorpion star

1. scorpion star
FC -> jc-72895
2. scorpion star

3. scorpion star

4. scorpion star <ci:tlalin-;

<ci:tlalin--> FC - > jc-61096
5. scorpion star
FC jc-031297
6. scorpion star
FC jc-031297

0. star-skirted, having a star skirt

1. star-skirted, having a star skirt

FC -> jc-72895
2. star-skirted, having a star skirt

3. star-skirted, having a star skirt

4. star-skirted, having a star skirt <ci:tlalin-cue:itl-eh1>

<ci:tlalin-cue:itl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. star-skirted, having a star skirt <ci:tlalin-cue:itl-eh1>
<ci:tlalin-cue:itl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. star-skirted, having a star skirt
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. star-skirted, having a star skirt
FC jc-031297

0. one who has star-skirt
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. painted like a star

1. painted like a star

FC -> jc-72895
2. painted like a star

3. painted like a star

4. painted like a star <ci:tlalin-;

<ci:tlalin--> FC - > jc-61096
5. painted like a star
FC jc-031297
6. painted like a star
FC jc-031297

0. star

1. star
FC -> jc-72895
2. star

3. star

4. star <ci:tlalin-co:a:tl>
<ci:tlalin-co:a:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. star <ci:tlalin-co:a:tl>
<ci:tlalin-co:a:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. star
FC jc-031297
7. star
FC jc-031297

0. star

1. star
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. star

3. star

4. star
FC - > jc-61096
5. star <ci:tlalin>
<ci:tlalin> FC - > jc-61096
6. star
FC jc-031297
7. star
FC jc-031297
8. Quitztoc quenin pepeyoni in citlalin Esta' viendo como
titila la estrella I am watching how the star twinkles
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
9. Quitzticah quenin pepeyoni in citlalin Esta' viendo como
titila la estrella He/she is looking at how the stars
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. star

1. star
FC -> jc-72895
2. star

3. star

4. star <ci:tlalin>
<ci:tlalin> FC - > jc-61096
5. star
FC jc-031297
6. star
FC jc-031297

0. spread with stars, covered with stars

1. spread with stars, covered with stars

FC -> jc-72895
2. spread with stars, covered with stars

3. spread with stars, covered with stars
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. spread with stars, covered with stars <ci:tlalin-yo:tl1>

<ci:tlalin-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. spread with stars, covered with stars
FC jc-031297
6. spread with stars, covered with stars
FC jc-031297

0. star gatherer, one who gathers stars

1. star gatherer, one who gathers stars

FC -> jc-72895
2. star gatherer, one who gathers stars

3. star gatherer, one who gathers stars

4. star gatherer, one who gathers stars

FC jc-031297
5. star gatherer, one who gathers stars
FC jc-031297

0. wounded by a shooting star

1. wounded by a shooting star

FC -> jc-72895
2. wounded by a shooting star

3. wounded by a shooting star

4. wounded by a shooting star <ci:tlalin-;

<ci:tlalin--> FC - > jc-61096
5. wounded by a shooting star
FC jc-031297
6. wounded by a shooting star
FC jc-031297

0. star arrow

1. star arrow
FC -> jc-72895
2. star arrow

3. star arrow
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. star arrow <ci:tlalin-mi:tl>

<ci:tlalin-mi:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. star arrow <ci:tlalin-mi:tl>
<ci:tlalin-mi:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. star arrow
FC jc-031297
7. star arrow
FC jc-031297

0. morning star, big star

1. morning star, big star

FC -> jc-72895
2. morning star, big star

3. morning star, big star

4. morning star, big star <ci:tlalin-po:l>

<ci:tlalin-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
5. morning star, big star <ci:tlalin-po:l>
<ci:tlalin-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
6. morning star, big star
FC jc-031297
7. morning star, big star
FC jc-031297

0. hare; jack rabbit

1. hare; jack rabbit

FC -> jc-72895
2. hare; jack rabbit

3. hare; jack rabbit

4. hare; jack rabbit <cihtli1>

<cihtli1> FC - > jc-61096
5. hare; jack rabbit
FC jc-031297
6. hare; jack rabbit
FC jc-031297

0. soak, dampen
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. armpit
1. armpit

2. armpit
3. armpit

4. armpit
FC - > jc-61096
5. armpit
FC - > jc-61096
6. armpit
Noun jc-030797
7. armpit
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
8. armpit
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

ciyacatl (armpit) nicciyacahuiz

0. I will carry it under my arm

0. mother

0. snake, twin, buddy, cuate
1. snake
2. snake

3. snake, twin, buddy, cuate

4. snake
5. snake

6. snake
FC - > jc-61096
7. in yeh amo oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. cox ompa tlahtec yocatca ce coatl; E'l no sabi'a que ahi'

dentro ya estaba una culebra He did not know that inside
there was already a snake
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
9. Donde estaba la culebra ? Canin ocatca in coatl ? Where
was the snake ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
10. Que le dijo la culebra al conejito ? Tlen oquilih in coatl
in totochtzin ? What did the snake say to the little rabbit

0. tube, turtledove

0. buy

0. tlaco:hualli st bought, purchase
FC - > jc-61096
1. to buy
FC - > jc-61096

0. iciuhca mochi cohualo in tlein quinamaca: soon all which
they sold was bought
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1

0. st bought, purchase

0. st bought

0. bend
1. (cf cueliui) bend
2. (cf cueliui) bend
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to twist
FC - > jc-61096

0. he twists something

0. curve, grandfather
1. grandfather

2. curve, grandfather
3. grandfather

4. grandfather
FC - > jc-61096
5. grandfather
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
6. grandfather
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
7. grandfather
JC-05-07-97 Noun StemsList A
8. abuelo

0. pot

0. pot, jar

1. pot, jar
FC - > jc-61096

0. calf of leg
1. calf (of leg)

2. calf of leg
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. calf (of leg)

4. calf ( of leg )
FC - > jc-61096

0. weasel

0. rainbow

0. jewel, bead
1. jewel
FC - > jc-61096
2. jewel
Noun jc-030797
3. jewel
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
4. jewel
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

co:zcatl (jewel)moco:zcatia
0. she adorns herself with gold and jewels

0. cradle

0. he has the gout; they have the gout

1. he has the gout; they have the gout

FC -> jc-72895
2. he has the gout; they have the gout

3. he has the gout; they have the gout

4. he has the gout; they have the gout <co:a:tl-ihcihui>

<co:a:tl-ihcihui> FC - > jc-61096
5. he has the gout; they have the gout <co:a:tl-ihcihui>
<co:a:tl-ihcihui> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. he has the gout; they have the gout

FC jc-031297
7. he has the gout; they have the gout
FC jc-031297

0. paralyzing

1. paralyzing
FC -> jc-72895
2. paralyzing

3. paralyzing

4. paralyzing
FC jc-031297
5. paralyzing
FC jc-031297

0. gout; numbness

1. gout; numbness
FC -> jc-72895
2. gout; numbness

3. gout; numbness

4. gout <co:a:tl-ihcihui-liz>
<co:a:tl-ihcihui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. gout <co:a:tl-ihcihui-liz>
<co:a:tl-ihcihui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. gout; numbness
FC jc-031297
7. gout; numbness
FC jc-031297

0. brambleberry

1. brambleberry
FC - > jc-61096
2. brambleberry
FC - > jc-61096
3. brambleberry
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. eel

1. eel
FC -> jc-72895
2. eel

3. eel

4. eel <co:a:tl-michin>
<co:a:tl-michin> FC - > jc-61096
5. eel
FC jc-031297
6. eel
FC jc-031297

0. eel

1. eel
FC - > jc-61096
2. eel
FC - > jc-61096

0. ear-dress-snake in the form of snake

0. cyst, snake egg

1. cyst
FC -> jc-72895
2. cyst, snake egg

3. snake egg

4. cyst, snake egg

5. snake egg

6. cyst <co:a:tl-tetl1>
<co:a:tl-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. cyst <co:a:tl-tetl1>
<co:a:tl-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. snake egg
FC - > jc-61096
9. snake egg
FC - > jc-61096
10. cyst
FC jc-031297
11. cyst
FC jc-031297

0. culebra ( snake; serpent )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. culebra; serpiente ( snake; serpent )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. culebra ( snake; serpent )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. snake, serpent
FC -> jc-72895
4. snake, serpent

5. snake, serpent

6. snake
FC - > jc-61096
7. snake
FC - > jc-61096
8. snake, serpent <co:a:tl>
<co:a:tl> FC - > jc-61096
9. snake, twin
FC - > jc-61096
10. culebra ( snake; serpent )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
11. culebra; serpiente ( snake; serpent )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
12. culebra ( snake; serpent )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
13. snake, serpent
FC jc-031297
14. snake, serpent
FC jc-031297

0. blackberry fruit

1. blackberry fruit
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. one who has fangs
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. canine teeth emerge

1. canine teeth emerge

FC -> jc-72895
2. canine teeth emerge

3. canine teeth emerge

4. canine teeth emerge

FC jc-031297
5. canine teeth emerge
FC jc-031297

0. blackberry bush or eyetooth

1. blackberry bush or eyetooth

FC - > jc-61096

0. blackberry fruit

1. blackberry fruit
FC - > jc-61096

0. blackberry fruit
FC - > jc-61096

0. small snake

1. small snake
FC -> jc-72895
2. small snake

3. small snake

4. small snake <co:a:tl-to:n>

<co:a:tl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. small snake <co:a:tl-to:n>

<co:a:tl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. small snake
FC jc-031297
7. small snake
FC jc-031297

0. something that has the head of a serpent
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

coaz ( qui- )
0. lo comprara' ( she will buy it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. sleep

0. his lips move from side to side; it yawns

1. his lips move from side to side; it yawns

FC -> jc-72895
2. his lips move from side to side; it yawns

3. his lips move from side to side; it yawns

4. his lips move from side to side; it yawns

FC jc-031297
5. his lips move from side to side; it yawns
FC jc-031297

0. it wakens sleepers

1. it wakens sleepers
FC -> jc-72895
2. it wakens sleepers

3. it wakens sleepers

4. it wakens sleepers
FC jc-031297
5. it wakens sleepers
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. se desmayan ( they faint )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

cochhuetziz ( ni- )
0. me quedare' dormida ( I will lie sleeping )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he sleeps; she sleeps; they sleep
1. he sleeps
FC -> jc-72895
2. it sleeps; she sleeps; they sleep
FC -> jc-72895
3. he sleeps; she sleeps; they sleep
4. he sleeps; she sleeps; they sleep
5. he sleeps; she sleeps; they sleep <cochi>
<cochi> FC - > jc-61096
6. sleep
FC - > jc-61096
7. to sleep
FC - > jc-61096
8. he sleeps
FC jc-031297
9. it sleeps
FC jc-031297
10. she sleeps; they sleep
FC jc-031297
11. he sleeps
FC jc-031297
12. it sleeps
FC jc-031297
13. she sleeps; they sleep
FC jc-031297
14. sleep
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems
15. go to sleep
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems
16. sleep
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems
17. he/she sleeps
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cochi ( ti- )
0. duermes; esta's dormida ( you sleep; you are asleep )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

cochi necochitiloh
0. they are put to sleep

cochi te:cochi:tia
0. he makes someone sleep

cochi-| cochiliztli
0. sleep, act of sleeping

0. he will be put to sleep
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. he will be put to sleep
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. he will be put to sleep
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. he will be put to sleep
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. he will be put to sleep
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. he will be put to sleep
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. he will be put to sleep
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they slept
FC jc-031297

0. duermen ( they sleep )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. they sleep
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

0. there is sleep, people; people sleep
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. something for sleeping [eg, clothing to sleep in]

1. something for sleeping [ eg, clothing to sleep in ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. something for sleeping [eg, clothing to sleep in]

3. something for sleeping [eg, clothing to sleep in]

4. something for sleeping [ eg, clothing to sleep in ]

FC jc-031297
5. something for sleeping [ eg, clothing to sleep in ]
FC jc-031297

0. place for sleeping
FC jc-031297

0. sleep, act of sleeping
FC - > jc-61096
1. sleep, act of sleeping
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. sleep
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
3. sleep
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
4. act of sleeping
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
5. sleep
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
6. sleep
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
7. sleep
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
8. act of sleeping

9. sleep

0. sleeper, one who sleeps
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. cause so to sleep
FC - > jc-61096

cochitia-| tecochitiliztli
0. act of putting someone to sleep or lodging someone

cochititoc ( omo- )
0. esta' durmiendo ( he is asleep )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

cochitiz ( mo- )
0. dormira' [ H ] ( she will sleep [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he will sleep

1. he will sleep
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will sleep

3. he will sleep

4. he will sleep <cochi-z>

<cochi-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will sleep
FC jc-031297
6. he will sleep
FC jc-031297

cochiz ( ni- )
0. dormire' ( I will sleep )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. vigilant

1. vigilant
FC -> jc-72895
2. vigilant

3. vigilant

4. vigilant <cochi-ihza-ni1>
<cochi-ihza-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. vigilant <cochi-ihza-ni1>
<cochi-ihza-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. vigilant <cochi-ihza-ni1>
<cochi-ihza-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. vigilant <cochi-ihza-ni1>
<cochi-ihza-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. vigilant
FC jc-031297
9. vigilant
FC jc-031297

0. van a dormir ( they will sleep )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. sleep

1. sleep
FC -> jc-72895
2. sleep

3. sleep

4. sleep <cochi-liz>
<cochi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. sleep; state of sleep; act of sleeping
FC jc-031297
6. sleep; state of sleep; act of sleeping
FC jc-031297

0. sleep-producing pulque; sleep-producing wine

1. sleep-producing pulque; sleep-producing wine

FC -> jc-72895
2. sleep-producing pulque; sleep-producing wine

3. sleep-producing pulque; sleep-producing wine

4. sleep-producing wine; sleep-producing pulque <cochi-octli>

<cochi-octli> FC - > jc-61096
5. sleep-producing wine; sleep-producing pulque <cochi-octli>
<cochi-octli> FC - > jc-61096
6. sleep-producing pulque; sleep-producing wine
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. sleep-producing pulque; sleep-producing wine

FC jc-031297

0. parrot

0. they slept

1. they slept
FC -> jc-72895
2. they slept

3. they slept

4. they slept <cochi-prt1-plur01>

<cochi-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they slept
FC jc-031297
6. they slept
FC jc-031297

cochtaz ( ni- )
0. dormire' ( I will be sleeping )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. lay so to sleep
FC - > jc-61096

cochte:ca tlacochte:ctli
0. so who is put to sleep

cochte:ca tlacohcochte:ctlia
0. woman who is seduced

0. lay so for sleep
FC - > jc-61096

cochteca-| tecocochtecaliztli
0. act of laying someone down sleep
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he is sleeping

1. he is sleeping
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is sleeping

3. he is sleeping

4. he is sleeping <cochi-prt1-tica2>
<cochi-prt1-tica2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is sleeping <cochi-prt1-tica2>
<cochi-prt1-tica2> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is sleeping
FC jc-031297
7. he is sleeping
FC jc-031297

0. he lies down to sleep

1. he lies down to sleep

FC -> jc-72895
2. he lies down to sleep

3. he lies down to sleep

4. he lies down to sleep

FC jc-031297
5. he lies down to sleep
FC jc-031297

0. to be put to sleep
FC - > jc-61096

0. so who is put to sleep by a spell

0. they talk in their sleep

1. they talk in their sleep

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they talk in their sleep

3. they talk in their sleep

4. they talk in their sleep <cochi-prt1-p33-ihtoa:>

<cochi-prt1-p33-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. they talk in their sleep
FC jc-031297
6. they talk in their sleep
FC jc-031297

0. tooth, arrow

0. anger, pain
1. (cf cocoya) anger, pain
2. (cf cocoya) anger, pain

0. serpents, snakes; twins

1. serpents, snakes; twins

FC -> jc-72895
2. serpents, snakes; twins

3. serpents, snakes; twins

4. serpents, snakes; twins <dupl-co:a:tl-plur06 plur07>

<dupl-co:a:tl-plur06 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. serpents, snakes; twins <dupl-co:a:tl-plur06 plur07>
<dupl-co:a:tl-plur06 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. serpents, snakes; twins <dupl-co:a:tl-plur06 plur07>
<dupl-co:a:tl-plur06 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. serpents, snakes; twins
FC jc-031297
8. serpents, snakes; twins
FC jc-031297

cocoa ( mo- )
0. se enferma ( he gets sick )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cocoa ( quin- )
0. les duele ( it hurts them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. hot, burning; it burns like pepper; misery; affliction;
pain; piquant; that which burns

1. afflicted; affliction; anguish; bitter; burning

FC -> jc-72895
2. hot, burning; it burns like pepper; misery; affliction;
pain; piquant; that which burns
FC -> jc-72895
3. hot, burning; it burns like pepper; misery; affliction;
pain; piquant; that which burns

4. hot, burning; it burns like pepper; misery; affliction;

pain; piquant; that which burns

5. affliction; afflicted; anguish; it burns like pepper;

misery; pain; that which burns <coco:ya-delya-c1>
<coco:ya-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. affliction; afflicted; anguish; it burns like pepper;
misery; pain; that which burns <coco:ya-delya-c1>
<coco:ya-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. afflicted; affliction; anguish; bitter; burning
FC jc-031297
8. hot, burning; it burns like pepper; misery; affliction;
pain; piquant; that which burns
FC jc-031297
9. afflicted; affliction; anguish; bitter; burning
FC jc-031297
10. hot, burning; it burns like pepper; misery; affliction;
pain; piquant; that which burns
FC jc-031297

0. possession
1. possession

2. possession
3. possession
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. possession
FC - > jc-61096

0. yehuan in zan tlacococahuia itahuan inanhuan in zan
icnotlaca, in za quitzacuia icnoyotl, atletzin in
polihuini, in tecentlaliloni, in tenechicoloni, ic zan
cococatzin, cococayotica, icnotlacayotica conaltia in
inconeuh, those whose fathers and mothers were poor, the
indigent, who were in misery, and had nothing to use, with
which to gather ogether and assemble people, only with
affliction, sickness, and misery bathed their child (b4 f11
p109), auh in zan macehualpan, in zan icnotlacapan,
millacapan, atlacapan, ye omito zan cococatzin, icnoyotica,
icnotlacayotica, in tetlacamacho, in tecoanotzalo, but
among those who were only commoners, among the poor folk,
among the workers of the fields and the water folk, it is
already told, only miserably, in poverty and want, were
receptions and invitations made (b4 f12 p124)

0. he sleeps

1. he sleeps
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sleeps

3. he sleeps

4. he sleeps <dupl-cochi>
<dupl-cochi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he sleeps <dupl-cochi>
<dupl-cochi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he sleeps <dupl-cochi>
<dupl-cochi> FC - > jc-61096
7. he sleeps
FC jc-031297
8. he sleeps
FC jc-031297

0. song of the sick

1. song of the sick

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. song of the sick

3. song of the sick

4. song of the sick

FC jc-031297
5. song of the sick
FC jc-031297

0. snakes; serpents
<dupl-co:a:tl-plur06 plur07>
1. snakes; serpents
FC -> jc-72895
2. snakes; serpents
<dupl-co:a:tl-plur06 plur07>
3. snakes; serpents
<dupl-co:a:tl-plur06 plur07>
4. snakes; serpents <dupl-co:a:tl-plur06 plur07>
<dupl-co:a:tl-plur06 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. snakes; serpents <dupl-co:a:tl-plur06 plur07>
<dupl-co:a:tl-plur06 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. snakes; serpents <dupl-co:a:tl-plur06 plur07>
<dupl-co:a:tl-plur06 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. snakes; serpents
FC jc-031297
8. snakes; serpents
FC jc-031297

0. they will be hated

1. they will be hated

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will be hated

3. they will be hated

4. they will be hated

FC jc-031297
5. they will be hated
FC jc-031297

0. it sickens
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it sickens
FC -> jc-72895
2. it sickens

3. it sickens

4. it sickens <coco:ya-delya-cui>
<coco:ya-delya-cui> FC - > jc-61096
5. it sickens <coco:ya-delya-cui>
<coco:ya-delya-cui> FC - > jc-61096
6. it becomes sick; it sickens
FC jc-031297
7. it becomes sick; it sickens
FC jc-031297

0. he will suffer, he will get sick

1. he will suffer, he will get sick

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will suffer, he will get sick

3. he will suffer, he will get sick

4. he will suffer, he will get sick

FC jc-031297
5. he will suffer, he will get sick
FC jc-031297

0. sickness

1. sickness
FC -> jc-72895
2. sickness

3. sickness

4. sickness <coco:ya-delya-liz>
<coco:ya-delya-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. sickness
FC jc-031297
6. sickness
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. enfermedad ( sickness )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. sickness; affliction; ailment; pestilence; plague
FC -> jc-72895
2. sickness; affliction; ailment; pestilence; plague

3. sickness; affliction; ailment; pestilence; plague

4. sickness, plague; pestilence; ailment; affliction

<coco:ya-delya-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. sickness
FC - > jc-61096
6. enfermedad ( sickness )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. sickness
-liz nom Jc-022897
8. sickness; affliction; ailment; pestilence; plague
FC jc-031297
9. sickness; affliction; ailment; pestilence; plague
FC jc-031297
10. quitoa in ihcuac in cacoya
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
11. quinextia miquiztli: cocoliztli
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
12. miquiztetzahuitl: they said that when it was heard
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
13. it signified death or sickness; it was an omen of death

14. sickness

15. sickness

0. ailment; infection; sickness; pain; illness

1. ailment; infection; sickness; pain; illness

FC -> jc-72895
2. ailment; infection; sickness; pain; illness

3. ailment; infection; sickness; pain; illness

4. ailment, sickness; infection; illness <coco:ya-delya-l1>

<coco:ya-delya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. ailment; infection <coco:ya-delya-l1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<coco:ya-delya-l1> FC - > jc-61096

6. ailment; infection; sickness; pain; illness
FC jc-031297
7. ailment; infection; sickness; pain; illness
FC jc-031297

0. curved; wavy

1. curved; wavy
FC -> jc-72895
2. curved; wavy

3. curved; wavy

4. curved; wavy
FC jc-031297
5. curved; wavy
FC jc-031297

0. it crackles
FC jc-031297

0. it splashes

1. it splashes
FC -> jc-72895
2. it splashes

3. it splashes

4. it splashes
FC jc-031297
5. it splashes
FC jc-031297

0. tempt

0. nin~os ( children )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. hijos ( children )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

2. nin~os ( children )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. hijos ( children )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. children; little babies

1. children; little babies

FC -> jc-72895
2. children; little babies

3. children; little babies

4. children; little babies

FC jc-031297
5. children; little babies
FC jc-031297

0. small children

1. small children
FC -> jc-72895
2. small children

3. small children

4. small children
FC jc-031297
5. small children
FC jc-031297

0. childishness, babyishness

1. childishness, babyishness
FC -> jc-72895
2. childishness, babyishness

3. childishness, babyishness

4. childishness, babyishness <dupl-cone:tl-yo:tl1>

<dupl-cone:tl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. childishness, babyishness <dupl-cone:tl-yo:tl1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<dupl-cone:tl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096

6. childishness, babyishness <dupl-cone:tl-yo:tl1>
<dupl-cone:tl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. childishness, babyishness <dupl-cone:tl-yo:tl1>
<dupl-cone:tl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
8. childishness, babyishness
FC jc-031297
9. childishness, babyishness
FC jc-031297

0. extremely hot, burning

1. extremely hot, burning

FC -> jc-72895
2. extremely hot, burning

3. extremely hot, burning

4. extremely hot, burning

FC jc-031297
5. extremely hot, burning
FC jc-031297

0. exceedingly burning

1. exceedingly burning
FC -> jc-72895
2. exceedingly burning

3. exceedingly burning

4. exceedingly burning
FC jc-031297
5. exceedingly burning
FC jc-031297

0. very burning

1. very burning
FC -> jc-72895
2. very burning

3. very burning
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. very burning
FC jc-031297
5. very burning
FC jc-031297

0. servants

1. servants
FC -> jc-72895
2. servants

3. servants

4. servants
FC jc-031297
5. servants
FC jc-031297

0. tubular
FC jc-031297

0. throat

1. throat
FC -> jc-72895
2. throat

3. throat

4. esophagus; throat
FC jc-031297
5. esophagus; throat
FC jc-031297

0. it breaks up; it falls to pieces; it is cut to pieces

1. it breaks up; it falls to pieces; it is cut to pieces

FC -> jc-72895
2. it breaks up; it falls to pieces; it is cut to pieces

3. it breaks up; it falls to pieces; it is cut to pieces
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it breaks up <dupl-coto:ni-ca7>
<dupl-coto:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. it breaks up <dupl-coto:ni-ca7>
<dupl-coto:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. it breaks up <dupl-coto:ni-ca7>
<dupl-coto:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
7. it breaks up <dupl-coto:ni-ca7>
<dupl-coto:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
8. it breaks up; it falls to pieces; it is cut to pieces
FC jc-031297
9. it breaks up; it falls to pieces; it is cut to pieces
FC jc-031297

0. broken, torn apart
Adj Form jc-022897
1. broken
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. torn apart
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. smashed

4. shattered

5. cracked

6. burst

7. damaged

8. split

9. collapsed

10. crushed

11. dismembered

12. broken

13. torn apart

0. little dove
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. little dove
FC -> jc-72895
2. little dove

3. little dove

4. little dove <co:cohtli-tzin>

<co:cohtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. little dove <co:cohtli-tzin>
<co:cohtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. little dove
FC jc-031297
7. little dove
FC jc-031297

0. they apply pine pitch to it

1. they apply pine pitch to it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they apply pine pitch to it

3. they apply pine pitch to it

4. they apply pine pitch to it <p33-ocotl-tzotl-v02>

<p33-ocotl-tzotl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
5. they apply pine pitch to it <p33-ocotl-tzotl-v02>
<p33-ocotl-tzotl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
6. they apply pine pitch to it
FC jc-031297
7. they apply pine pitch to it
FC jc-031297

0. ca monacayo ca no te, in ye: oc cenca yehuatl in
cocoxcatzintli, ca ixiptla in tloque ahuaque for thy body
is also as his, especially the sick one, for he is the
image of the lord of the near, of the nigh (b6 f3 p34), in
yolpoliuhqui, ca tlacamicqui, cocoxqui, cocoxcatzintli,
motolinia the deranged man is perverse, sick, sickly, poor
(b10 f2 p37)

0. enfermo; enferma ( de nin~o ); embarazada ( sick;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

pregnant )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. sick people; the sick
FC -> jc-72895
2. sick people; the sick

3. sick people; the sick

4. sick people, the sick <coco:ya-delya-prt1-queh>

<coco:ya-delya-prt1-queh> FC - > jc-61096
5. sick people, the sick <coco:ya-delya-prt1-queh>
<coco:ya-delya-prt1-queh> FC - > jc-61096
6. enfermo; enferma ( de nin~o ); embarazada ( sick;
pregnant )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. sick people; the sick
FC jc-031297
8. sick people; the sick
FC jc-031297
9. sick people
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. enfermo ( sick person )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. sick; sick person; patient
FC -> jc-72895
2. pheasant
3. sick; sick person; patient

4. sick; sick person; patient

5. sick; sick person; patient <coco:ya-prt1-qui1>

<coco:ya-prt1-qui1> FC - > jc-61096
6. sick; sick person; patient <coco:ya-prt1-c2>
<coco:ya-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. sick; sick person; patient <coco:ya-prt1-qui1>
<coco:ya-prt1-qui1> FC - > jc-61096
8. pheasant
9. enfermo ( sick person )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
10. sick
Adj Form jc-022897
11. sick; sick person; patient
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
12. sick; sick person; patient
FC jc-031297
13. sick
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
14. ill
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
15. ailing

16. unwell

17. infected

18. afflicted

19. diseased

20. suffering

21. down

22. feverish

23. sick

0. sick
1. (cf cocolli) sick
2. (cf cocolli) sick

0. it becomes pregnant

1. it becomes pregnant
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes pregnant

3. it becomes pregnant

4. it becomes pregnant <coco:ya>

<coco:ya> FC - > jc-61096
5. to be sick
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096
6. it becomes pregnant; it sickens; it becomes sick
FC jc-031297
7. it becomes pregnant; it sickens; it becomes sick
FC jc-031297

cocoya-| cocoliztli
0. sickness

0. sickening

1. sickening
FC -> jc-72895
2. sickening

3. sickening

4. sickening
FC jc-031297
5. sickening
FC jc-031297

0. wide

1. wide
FC -> jc-72895
2. wide

3. wide

4. wide
FC jc-031297
5. wide
FC jc-031297

0. distended (each one)

1. distended ( each one )

FC -> jc-72895
2. distended (each one)

3. distended (each one)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. distended ( each one ) <dupl-coya:hua-c1>

<dupl-coya:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. distended ( each one ) <dupl-coya:hua-c1>
<dupl-coya:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. distended ( each one ) <dupl-coya:hua-c1>
<dupl-coya:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. distended ( each one ) <dupl-coya:hua-c1>
<dupl-coya:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. distended ( each one )
FC jc-031297
9. distended ( each one )
FC jc-031297

0. subject to pregnancy

1. subject to pregnancy
FC -> jc-72895
2. subject to pregnancy

3. subject to pregnancy

4. subject to pregnancy <coco:ya-ni1>

<coco:ya-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. subject to pregnancy <coco:ya-ni1>
<coco:ya-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. subject to pregnancy <coco:ya-ni1>
<coco:ya-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. subject to pregnancy
FC jc-031297
8. subject to pregnancy
FC jc-031297

0. perforated, having holes; pierced
FC jc-031297

0. they keep opening

1. they keep opening

FC -> jc-72895
2. they keep opening

3. they keep opening
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they keep opening

FC jc-031297
5. they keep opening
FC jc-031297

0. zazan tleino, cocozacatzin mocuicuicatia what is that which
is a hollow straw singing? (b6 f19 p237)

0. full of holes

1. full of holes
FC -> jc-72895
2. full of holes

3. full of holes

4. full of holes <dupl-como:lli-tic>

<dupl-como:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. full of holes <dupl-como:lli-tic>
<dupl-como:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. full of holes <dupl-como:lli-tic>
<dupl-como:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. full of holes <dupl-como:lli-tic>
<dupl-como:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. full of holes
FC jc-031297
9. full of holes
FC jc-031297

0. to buy st
FC - > jc-61096

cohua ( mo- )
0. se compra ( it is bought )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

cohua ( qui- )
0. lo compran ( they buy it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

cohua-| tlacohualiztli
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. act of buying something

0. remedy for gout, cure for gout

1. remedy for gout, cure for gout

FC -> jc-72895
2. remedy for gout, cure for gout

3. remedy for gout, cure for gout

4. remedy for gout, cure for gout

FC jc-031297
5. remedy for gout, cure for gout
FC jc-031297

0. gout

1. gout
FC -> jc-72895
2. gout

3. gout

4. gout <co:a:tl-ihcihui-liz>
<co:a:tl-ihcihui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. gout <co:a:tl-ihcihui-liz>
<co:a:tl-ihcihui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. gout
FC jc-031297
7. gout
FC jc-031297

0. gout

1. gout
FC -> jc-72895
2. gout

3. gout

4. gout
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. gout
FC jc-031297

0. serpent mat

1. serpent mat
FC -> jc-72895
2. serpent mat

3. serpent mat

4. serpent mat <co:a:tl-petlatl>

<co:a:tl-petlatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. serpent mat <co:a:tl-petlatl>
<co:a:tl-petlatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. serpent mat
FC jc-031297
7. serpent mat
FC jc-031297

0. cyst

1. cyst
FC -> jc-72895
2. cyst

3. cyst

4. cyst <co:a:tl-tetl1>
<co:a:tl-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. cyst
FC jc-031297
6. cyst
FC jc-031297

0. serpent, snake
1. serpent, snake
FC -> jc-72895
2. serpent, snake
3. serpent, snake
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. serpent, snake <co:a:tl>

<co:a:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. serpent, snake
FC jc-031297
6. serpent, snake
FC jc-031297

0. something that has fangs
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. swallowing of serpents, snakes

1. swallowing of serpents, snakes

FC -> jc-72895
2. swallowing of serpents, snakes

3. swallowing of serpents, snakes

4. swallowing of serpents, snakes

FC jc-031297
5. swallowing of serpents, snakes
FC jc-031297

0. little serpent, little snake

1. little serpent, little snake

FC -> jc-72895
2. little serpent, little snake

3. little serpent, little snake

4. little serpent, little snake <co:a:tl-to:n>

<co:a:tl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. little serpent, little snake <co:a:tl-to:n>
<co:a:tl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. little serpent, little snake
FC jc-031297
7. little serpent, little snake
FC jc-031297

cohuaya ( otic- )
0. lo compra'bamos ( we bought it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. having snakes
1. having snakes
FC -> jc-72895
2. having snakes
3. having snakes
4. having snakes <co:a:tl-yo:tl1>
<co:a:tl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having snakes <co:a:tl-yo:tl1>
<co:a:tl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having snakes
FC jc-031297
7. having snakes
FC jc-031297

cohuaz ( mo- )
0. se va a comprar ( it will be bought )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. they regarded it as dangerous

1. they regarded it as dangerous

FC -> jc-72895
2. they regarded it as dangerous

3. they regarded it as dangerous

4. they regarded it as dangerous

FC jc-031297
5. they regarded it as dangerous
FC jc-031297

0. lizard

0. one that has a grandfather
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. quail

1. quail
FC -> jc-72895
2. quail

3. quail

4. quail
FC jc-031297
5. quail
FC jc-031297

0. he moved him

1. he moved him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he moved him

3. he moved him

4. he moved him
FC jc-031297
5. he moved him
FC jc-031297

0. he molests it, he moves it; it stirs it; it moves it; she
moves it; they move it

1. he molests it, he moves it; it stirs it; it moves it; she

moves it; they move it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he molests it, he moves it; it stirs it; it moves it; she
moves it; they move it

3. he molests it, he moves it; it stirs it; it moves it; she

moves it; they move it

4. he molests it, he moves it; it stirs it; it moves it; she

moves it; they move it
FC jc-031297
5. he molests it, he moves it; it stirs it; it moves it; she
moves it; they move it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they moved it

1. they moved it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they moved it

3. they moved it

4. they moved it
FC jc-031297
5. they moved it
FC jc-031297

0. he will move it
FC jc-031297

0. he wants to move it

1. he wants to move it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he wants to move it

3. he wants to move it

4. he wants to move it
FC jc-031297
5. he wants to move it
FC jc-031297

0. they will play ball against him

1. they will play ball against him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will play ball against him

3. they will play ball against him

4. they will play ball against him

FC jc-031297
5. they will play ball against him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it becomes curly

1. it becomes curly
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes curly

3. it becomes curly

4. it becomes curly
FC jc-031297
5. it becomes curly
FC jc-031297

0. they seat themselves around

1. they seat themselves around

FC -> jc-72895
2. they seat themselves around

3. they seat themselves around

4. they seat themselves around

FC jc-031297
5. they seat themselves around
FC jc-031297

0. zan tlazonemi: cololhuitinemi in mamaza: it appears only
rarely the [other] deer go gathered around it
<co:lihui-caus06-l1-v010-ti1-nemi aux01 (b11 f2 c1 p15)
1. 1 zan tlatolli cololotinemi, tlahtolli cololhuitinemi, he
was given only to talking; he went wrapped in discussion
<co:lli-v03a-caus06-l1-v10-ti1-nemi aux01 (b4 f3 c8 p30), 2
ihuan tlatolli cololhuitinemi, tetlatolehuia, ihuan
tlatolehuilo, huihuuilo, tenepantla quitlalitinemi in
xixtli, cuitlatl, in acualli: in iuhqui ye miyeccan
omoteneuh he lived given to talking; he would bear false
witness; accusations were made; there were outcries; among
others he lived in vice, corruption, and evil, as hath
already in many places been said
<co:lli-v03a-caus06-l1-v10-ti1-nemi aux01 (b4 f6 c15 p56)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. zan tlazonemi: cololhuitinemi in mamaza: it appears only

rarely the [other] deer go gathered around it
<co:lihui-caus06-l1-v010-ti1-nemi aux01 (b11 f2 c1 p15)
3. 1 zan tlatolli cololotinemi, tlahtolli cololhuitinemi, he
was given only to talking; he went wrapped in discussion
<co:lli-v03a-caus06-l1-v10-ti1-nemi aux01 (b4 f3 c8 p30), 2
ihuan tlatolli cololhuitinemi, tetlatolehuia, ihuan
tlatolehuilo, huihuuilo, tenepantla quitlalitinemi in
xixtli, cuitlatl, in acualli: in iuhqui ye miyeccan
omoteneuh he lived given to talking; he would bear false
witness; accusations were made; there were outcries; among
others he lived in vice, corruption, and evil, as hath
already in many places been said
<co:lli-v03a-caus06-l1-v10-ti1-nemi aux01 (b4 f6 c15 p56)
4. zan tlatolli cololotinemi, tlahtolli cololhuitinemi, he
was given only to talking; he went wrapped in discussion
<co:lli-v03a-caus06-l1-v10-ti1-nemi aux01> (b4 f3 c8 p30) JC-7/23/96
5. ihuan tlatolli cololhuitinemi, tetlatolehuia, ihuan
tlatolehuilo, huihuuilo, tenepantla quitlalitinemi in
xixtli, cuitlatl, in acualli: in iuhqui ye miyeccan
omoteneuh He lived given to talking; he would bear false
witness; accusations were made; there were outcries; among
others he lived in vice, corruption, and evil, as hath
already in many places been said
<co:lli-v03a-caus06-l1-v10-ti1-nemi aux01> (b4 f6 c15 p56) JC-7/23/96
6. zan tlazonemi: cololhuitinemi in mamaza: it appears only
rarely the [other] deer go gathered around it
<co:lihui-caus06-l1-v010-ti1-nemi aux01> (b11 f2 c1 p15) JC-7/23/96

0. it makes it into a ball; it moves it; they ball it
together; they pile it up

1. it makes it into a ball; it moves it; they ball it

together; they pile it up
FC -> jc-72895
2. it makes it into a ball; it moves it; they ball it
together; they pile it up

3. it makes it into a ball; it moves it; they ball it

together; they pile it up

4. he piles it up
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it makes it into a ball; it moves it; they ball it

together; they pile it up <p33-olo:lli-v03a-caus06>
<p33-olo:lli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. it makes it into a ball; it moves it; they ball it
together; they pile it up <p33-olo:lli-v03a-caus06>
<p33-olo:lli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. it makes it into a ball; it moves it; they ball it
together; they pile it up
FC jc-031297
8. it makes it into a ball; it moves it; they ball it
together; they pile it up
FC jc-031297

0. zan teuhtli, tlazolli, ic milacatzotinemi, teuhtli tlazolli
cololotinemi: he only wallowed in evil and he was covered
with filth <co:lli-v03a-caus06-l1-v05a-ti1-nemi aux01 (b4
f1 c2 p5)
1. zan teuhtli, tlazolli, ic milacatzotinemi, teuhtli tlazolli
cololotinemi: he only wallowed in evil and he was covered
with filth
<co:lli-v03a-caus06-l1-v05a-ti1-nemi aux01> (b4 f1 c2 p5) JC-7/23/96
2. zan teuhtli, tlazolli, ic milacatzotinemi, teuhtli tlazolli
cololotinemi: he only wallowed in evil and he was covered
with filth
<co:lli-v03a-caus06-l1-v05a-ti1-nemi aux01> (b4 f1 c2 p5) JC-7/23/96

0. on the frame

1. on the frame
FC -> jc-72895
2. on the frame

3. on the frame

4. on the frame
FC jc-031297
5. on the frame
FC jc-031297

0. scorpion

1. scorpion
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. scorpion

3. scorpion

4. scorpion
FC jc-031297
5. scorpion
FC jc-031297

0. carrying frame; frame; wooden framework

1. carrying frame; frame; wooden framework

FC -> jc-72895
2. carrying frame; frame; wooden framework

3. carrying frame; frame; wooden framework

4. carrying frame; frame; framework; wooden framework

FC jc-031297
5. carrying frame; frame; framework; wooden framework
FC jc-031297

0. curved

1. curved
FC -> jc-72895
2. curved

3. curved

4. curved <co:lli-tic>
<co:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. curved <co:lli-tic>
<co:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. curved
FC jc-031297
7. curved
FC jc-031297

0. grandfathers
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

coltzitzihuan ( to- )
0. nuestros abuelos [ H ] ( our grandparents [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. they paint it with rubber

1. they paint it with rubber

FC -> jc-72895
2. they paint it with rubber

3. they paint it with rubber

4. they paint it with rubber

FC jc-031297
5. they paint it with rubber
FC jc-031297

0. griddle

0. he makes griddles

1. he makes griddles
FC -> jc-72895
2. he makes griddles

3. he makes griddles

4. he makes griddles <coma:lli-chi:hua>

<coma:lli-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he makes griddles
FC jc-031297
6. he makes griddles
FC jc-031297

0. on the griddle

1. on the griddle
FC -> jc-72895
2. on the griddle

3. on the griddle
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. on the griddle <coma:lli-co1>

<coma:lli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. on the griddle <coma:lli-co1>
<coma:lli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. on the griddle
FC jc-031297
7. on the griddle
FC jc-031297

0. griddle maker
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. soot from a griddle

1. soot from a griddle

FC - > jc-61096

0. interior of the vessel

1. interior of the vessel

FC -> jc-72895
2. interior of the vessel

3. interior of the vessel

4. interior of the vessel <co:mitl-co2>

<co:mitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. interior of the vessel <co:mitl-co2>
<co:mitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. interior of the vessel
FC jc-031297
7. interior of the vessel
FC jc-031297

0. pot

1. pot, pan, jar, jug

FC - > jc-61096
2. pot
FC - > jc-61096
3. pot, jar
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
4. pot, jar
FC jc-031297

0. he offers it, he places it

1. he offers it, he places it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he offers it, he places it

3. he offers it, he places it

4. he offers it, he places it

FC jc-031297
5. he offers it, he places it
FC jc-031297

0. he pointed to it

1. he pointed to it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he pointed to it

3. he pointed to it

4. he pointed to it
FC jc-031297
5. he pointed to it
FC jc-031297

0. they took account of him

1. they took account of him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they took account of him

3. they took account of him

4. they took account of him <p33-o:n-mati-ya3>

<p33-o:n-mati-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they took account of him <p33-o:n-mati-ya3>
<p33-o:n-mati-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they took account of him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. they took account of him
FC jc-031297

0. hole, hollow, ravine

0. burn, excite, clatter

0. it becomes hollow

1. it becomes hollow
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes hollow

3. it becomes hollow

4. it becomes hollow <como:lli-v03a>

<como:lli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes hollow <como:lli-v03a>
<como:lli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
6. it becomes hollow
FC jc-031297
7. it becomes hollow
FC jc-031297

0. hollowed

1. hollowed
FC -> jc-72895
2. hollowed

3. hollowed

4. hollowed <como:lli-tic>
<como:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. hollowed <como:lli-tic>
<como:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. hollowed
FC jc-031297
7. hollowed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. to trouble
FC - > jc-61096

0. they trouble him

0. it shakes

1. it shakes
FC -> jc-72895
2. it shakes

3. it shakes

4. it shakes
FC jc-031297
5. it shakes
FC jc-031297

0. they washed it

1. they washed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they washed it

3. they washed it

4. they washed it
FC jc-031297
5. they washed it
FC jc-031297

0. they press it

1. they press it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they press it

3. they press it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they press it <p33-o:n-pachihui-caus06>

<p33-o:n-pachihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. they press it
FC jc-031297
6. they press it
FC jc-031297

0. they press it
FC - > jc-61096

0. it ate it, it consumed it

1. it ate it, it consumed it

FC -> jc-72895
2. it ate it, it consumed it

3. it ate it, it consumed it

4. it ate it, it consumed it

FC jc-031297
5. it ate it, it consumed it
FC jc-031297

0. it sucks it

1. it sucks it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it sucks it

3. it sucks it

4. it sucks it
FC jc-031297
5. it sucks it
FC jc-031297

0. he makes it good, he remedies it
FC jc-031297

0. he cured him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he cured him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he cured him

3. he cured him

4. he cured him
FC jc-031297
5. he cured him
FC jc-031297

0. they squeeze it out

1. they squeeze it out

FC -> jc-72895
2. they squeeze it out

3. they squeeze it out

4. they squeeze it out

FC jc-031297
5. they squeeze it out
FC jc-031297

0. he caused it to begin ( began it )
FC - > jc-61096

0. he begins it; they begin it

1. he begins it; they begin it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he begins it; they begin it

3. he begins it; they begin it

4. he begins it; they begin it <p33-on-pe:hua-caus01>

<p33-on-pe:hua-caus01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he begins it; they begin it <p33-on-pe:hua-caus01>
<p33-on-pe:hua-caus01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he begins it; they begin it
FC jc-031297
7. he begins it; they begin it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they loaded it in a boat
FC jc-031297

0. they seize him, they detain him

1. they seize him, they detain him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they seize him, they detain him

3. they seize him, they detain him

4. they seize him, they detain him <p33-o:n-ahci>

<p33-o:n-ahci> FC - > jc-61096
5. they seize him, they detain him
FC jc-031297
6. they seize him, they detain him
FC jc-031297

0. he will scold him, he will chide him

1. he will scold him, he will chide him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will scold him, he will chide him

3. he will scold him, he will chide him

4. he will scold him, he will chide him

FC jc-031297
5. he will scold him, he will chide him
FC jc-031297

0. they anoint it

1. they anoint it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they anoint it

3. they anoint it

4. they anoint it <p33-o:n-ala:hua>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-o:n-ala:hua> FC - > jc-61096

5. they anoint it
FC jc-031297
6. they anoint it
FC jc-031297

0. he grabs it, he seizes it; he takes her; he seizes her; he
takes it; they seize him; they grab him

1. he grabs it, he seizes it; he takes her; he seizes her; he

takes it; they seize him; they grab him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he grabs it, he seizes it; he takes her; he seizes her; he
takes it; they seize him; they grab him

3. he grabs it, he seizes it; he takes her; he seizes her; he

takes it; they seize him; they grab him

4. he captures it, he seizes it; he grabs it; he takes her; he

seizes her; he takes it; they seize him; they grab him
FC jc-031297
5. he captures it, he seizes it; he grabs it; he takes her; he
seizes her; he takes it; they seize him; they grab him
FC jc-031297

0. they took him

1. they took him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they took him

3. they took him

4. they took him <p33-o:n-a:na1-ya3>

<p33-o:n-a:na1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they took him
FC jc-031297
6. they took him
FC jc-031297

0. he seizes it from him; he takes it from her; it works on him

1. he seizes it from him; he takes it from her; it works on him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he seizes it from him; he takes it from her; it works on him

3. he seizes it from him; he takes it from her; it works on him

4. he seizes it from him <p33-o:n-a:na-ben>

<p33-o:n-a:na-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. he seizes it from him; he took it from her; it works on him
<p33-o:n-a:na-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. he took it from her; it works on him <p33-o:n-a:na1-ben>
<p33-o:n-a:na1-ben> FC - > jc-61096
7. he seizes it from him; he takes it from her; it works on him
FC jc-031297
8. he seizes it from him; he takes it from her; it works on him
FC jc-031297

0. they seized it

1. they seized it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they seized it

3. they seized it

4. they seized it
FC jc-031297
5. they seized it
FC jc-031297

0. he places it, he inserts it; he puts it on her; they fit it
on him; they put it on him

1. he places it, he inserts it; he puts it on her; they fit it

on him; they put it on him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he places it, he inserts it; he puts it on her; they fit it
on him; they put it on him

3. he puts it on her
4. he places it, he inserts it; he puts it on her; they fit it
on him; they put it on him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he puts it on her
6. he places it, he inserts it; he puts it on her; they put it
on him; they fit it on him <p33-aqui-caus08>
<p33-aqui-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. he puts it on her <p33-aqui-caus08-ya3>
<p33-aqui-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he inserts it; he places it; he puts it on her; they fit it
on him; they put it on him
FC jc-031297
9. he inserts it; he places it; he puts it on her; they fit it
on him; they put it on him
FC jc-031297

0. they fitted it, they inserted it

1. they fitted it, they inserted it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they fitted it, they inserted it

3. they fitted it, they inserted it

4. they fitted it, they inserted it <p33-aqui-caus08-ya3>

<p33-aqui-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they fitted it, they inserted it <p33-aqui-caus08-ya3>
<p33-aqui-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they fitted it, they inserted it
FC jc-031297
7. they fitted it, they inserted it
FC jc-031297

0. they insert it into him

1. they insert it into him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they insert it into him

3. they insert it into him

4. they insert it into him

FC jc-031297
5. they insert it into him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they put him into it
FC jc-031297

0. he leaves it; they leave her; they leave him; they escort
him; they leave it

1. he leaves it; they leave her; they leave him; they escort
him; they leave it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he leaves it; they leave her; they leave him; they escort
him; they leave it

3. he leaves it; they leave her; they leave him; they escort
him; they leave it

4. he leaves her; he leaves him; he delivers him; he leaves

it; it leaves it; it delivers it; they leave her; they
leave him; they escort him; they leave it; they deliver it
FC jc-031297
5. he leaves her; he leaves him; he delivers him; he leaves
it; it leaves it; it delivers it; they leave her; they
leave him; they escort him; they leave it; they deliver it
FC jc-031297

0. he left it; they left it
1. he left it; he delivered it; she left it; they left her;
they left him; they left it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he left it; they left it
3. he left it; they left it
4. he left it; they left it <p33-o:n-ca:hua-ya3>
<p33-o:n-ca:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he left it; he delivered it; she left it; they left her;
they left him; they left it
FC jc-031297
6. he left it; he delivered it; she left it; they left her;
they left him; they left it
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they will leave it

1. they will leave it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will leave it

3. they will leave it

4. they will leave it <p33-o:n-ca:hua-z-plur01>

<p33-o:n-ca:hua-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will leave it
FC jc-031297
6. they will leave it
FC jc-031297

0. he takes it in

1. he takes it in
FC -> jc-72895
2. he takes it in

3. he takes it in

4. he takes it in
FC jc-031297
5. he takes it in
FC jc-031297

0. they put it in

1. they put it in
FC -> jc-72895
2. they put it in

3. they put it in

4. they put it in
FC jc-031297
5. they put it in
FC jc-031297

0. he will let out a word
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. goose

1. goose
FC -> jc-72895
2. goose

3. goose

4. goose <co:mitl-canauhtli>
<co:mitl-canauhtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. goose
FC jc-031297
6. goose
FC jc-031297

0. he hears it

1. he hears it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he hears it

3. he hears it

4. he hears it
FC jc-031297
5. he hears it
FC jc-031297

0. they delivered it, they left it

1. they delivered it, they left it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they delivered it, they left it

3. they delivered it, they left it

4. they delivered it, they left it <p33-o:n-ca:hua-prt1-plur01>

<p33-o:n-ca:hua-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they delivered it, they left it
FC jc-031297
6. they delivered it, they left it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they go leaving it
FC jc-031297

0. they fatten it

1. they fatten it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they fatten it

3. they fatten it

4. they fatten it
FC jc-031297
5. they fatten it
FC jc-031297

0. he spreads it out; they scatter it
FC jc-031297

0. he spits at her

1. he spits at her
FC -> jc-72895
2. he spits at her

3. he spits at her

4. he spits at her
FC jc-031297
5. he spits at her
FC jc-031297

0. he does it

1. he does it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he does it

3. he does it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he does it
FC jc-031297
5. he does it
FC jc-031297

0. he applies it in drops, he drips it

1. he applies it in drops, he drips it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he applies it in drops, he drips it

3. he applies it in drops, he drips it

4. he applies it in drops, he drips it

FC jc-031297
5. he applies it in drops, he drips it
FC jc-031297

0. he drips it

1. he drips it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he drips it

3. he drips it

4. he drips it
FC jc-031297
5. he drips it
FC jc-031297

0. he will let it out
FC jc-031297

0. he made it

1. he made it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he made it

3. he made it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he made it <p33-o:n-chi:hua-prt1>
<p33-o:n-chi:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he made it
FC jc-031297
6. he made it
FC jc-031297

0. olla makers
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. they pass over it
FC - > jc-61096

0. he will weep for him

1. he will weep for him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will weep for him

3. he will weep for him

4. he will weep for him <p33-o:n-cho:ca-ben-z>

<p33-o:n-cho:ca-ben-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will weep for him <p33-o:n-cho:ca-ben-z>
<p33-o:n-cho:ca-ben-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will weep for him
FC jc-031297
7. he will weep for him
FC jc-031297

0. it breaks his neck
FC jc-031297

0. they put a necklace on him, they provided him with a
FC jc-031297

0. it eats it; they eat it

1. it eats it; they eat it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it eats it; they eat it

3. it eats it; they eat it

4. it eats it; they eat it <p33-o:n-cua:>

<p33-o:n-cua:> FC - > jc-61096
5. it eats it; they eat it
FC jc-031297
6. it eats it; they eat it
FC jc-031297

0. it eats it up
FC jc-031297

0. they tied it on his head
FC jc-031297

0. he will eat it, he is to eat it

1. he will eat it, he is to eat it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will eat it, he is to eat it

3. he will eat it, he is to eat it

4. he will eat it, he is to eat it <p33-o:n-cua:-z>

<p33-o:n-cua:-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will eat it, he is to eat it
FC jc-031297
6. he will eat it, he is to eat it
FC jc-031297

0. he acquires it, he takes it; he grabs it; he takes it up;
he seizes it

1. he acquires it, he takes it; he grabs it; he takes it up;

he seizes it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she takes it; they take it; they grasp it; they seize it;
they take iti
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he acquires it, he takes it; he grabs it; he takes it up;

he seizes it

4. he acquires it, he takes it; he grabs it; he takes it up;

he seizes it

5. he takes it; he takes it up; they take it; they grasp it

<p33-o:n-cui> FC - > jc-61096
6. he acquires it, he takes it; he grabs it; he takes it up;
he seizes it
FC jc-031297
7. she takes it; they take it; they grasp it; they seize it;
they take iti
FC jc-031297
8. he acquires it, he takes it; he grabs it; he takes it up;
he seizes it
FC jc-031297
9. she takes it; they take it; they grasp it; they seize it;
they take iti
FC jc-031297

0. he took it; they took it; they gathered it; they got it;
they plucked it; they secured it

1. he took it; they took it; they gathered it; they got it;
they plucked it; they secured it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he took it; they took it; they gathered it; they got it;
they plucked it; they secured it

3. he took it; they took it; they gathered it; they got it;
they plucked it; they secured it

4. he took it; they took it; they plucked it; they gathered
it; they secured it; they got it <p33-o:n-cui-ya3>
<p33-o:n-cui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he took it; they took it; they plucked it; they gathered
it; they secured it; they got it <p33-o:n-cui-ya3>
<p33-o:n-cui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he took it; they took it; they gathered it; they got it;
they plucked it; they secured it
FC jc-031297
7. he took it; they took it; they gathered it; they got it;
they plucked it; they secured it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he took it (repeatedly)

1. he took it ( repeatedly )
FC -> jc-72895
2. he took it (repeatedly)

3. he took it (repeatedly)

4. he took it ( repeatedly ) <p33-o:n-dupl-cui-ya3>

<p33-o:n-dupl-cui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he took it ( repeatedly ) <p33-o:n-dupl-cui-ya3>
<p33-o:n-dupl-cui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he took it ( repeatedly ) <p33-o:n-dupl-cui-ya3>
<p33-o:n-dupl-cui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he took it ( repeatedly )
FC jc-031297
8. he took it ( repeatedly )
FC jc-031297

0. they take it from him

1. they take it from him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they take it from him

3. they take it from him

4. they take it from him <p33-o:n-cui-ben>

<p33-o:n-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. they take it from him <p33-o:n-cui-ben>
<p33-o:n-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. they take it from him
FC jc-031297
7. they take it from him
FC jc-031297

0. she snatched it up, she seized it suddenly

1. she snatched it up, she seized it suddenly

FC -> jc-72895
2. she snatched it up, she seized it suddenly
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. she snatched it up, she seized it suddenly

4. he snatched it up, he seized it suddenly

<p33-o:n-cui-ti1-huetzi-prt1 aux03>
<p33-o:n-cui-ti1-huetzi-prt1 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. he snatched it up, he seized it suddenly
<p33-o:n-cui-ti1-huetzi-prt1 aux03>
<p33-o:n-cui-ti1-huetzi-prt1 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
6. he snatched it up, he seized it suddenly
<p33-o:n-cui-ti1-huetzi-prt1 aux03>
<p33-o:n-cui-ti1-huetzi-prt1 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
7. she snatched it up, she seized it suddenly
FC jc-031297
8. she snatched it up, she seized it suddenly
FC jc-031297

0. they go taking it

1. they go taking it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go taking it

3. they go taking it

4. they go taking it <p33-o:n-cui-;

<p33-o:n-cui--> FC - > jc-61096
5. they go taking it
FC jc-031297
6. they go taking it
FC jc-031297

0. they continue taking it

1. they continue taking it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they continue taking it

3. they continue taking it

4. they continue taking it <p33-o:n-cui-ti1-mani aux04>

<p33-o:n-cui-ti1-mani aux04> FC - > jc-61096
5. they continue taking it <p33-o:n-cui-ti1-mani aux04>
<p33-o:n-cui-ti1-mani aux04> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. they continue taking it

FC jc-031297
7. they continue taking it
FC jc-031297

0. they quickly snatch it

1. they quickly snatch it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they quickly snatch it

3. they quickly snatch it

4. they quickly snatch it <p33-o:n-cui-ti1-qui:za aux07>

<p33-o:n-cui-ti1-qui:za aux07> FC - > jc-61096
5. they quickly snatch it <p33-o:n-cui-ti1-qui:za aux07>
<p33-o:n-cui-ti1-qui:za aux07> FC - > jc-61096
6. they quickly snatch it <p33-o:n-cui-ti1-qui:za aux07>
<p33-o:n-cui-ti1-qui:za aux07> FC - > jc-61096
7. they quickly snatch it
FC jc-031297
8. they quickly snatch it
FC jc-031297

0. he went to grasp it, he went to take it
FC jc-031297

0. they will grasp it

1. they will grasp it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will grasp it

3. they will grasp it

4. they will grasp it

FC jc-031297
5. they will grasp it
FC jc-031297

0. she would take it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. she would take it

FC -> jc-72895
2. she would take it

3. she would take it

4. she would take it

FC jc-031297
5. she would take it
FC jc-031297

0. offspring
1. offspring, son, daughter

2. offspring
3. offspring, son, daughter

4. offspring, son, daughter

FC - > jc-61096
5. child
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
6. child
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
7. child
JC-05-07-97 Noun StemsList A

0. bebecito ( baby )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. child's breast
FC jc-031297

0. perritos ( pups )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. he will sigh for him

1. he will sigh for him

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he will sigh for him

3. he will sigh for him

4. he will sigh for him

FC jc-031297
5. he will sigh for him
FC jc-031297

0. nin~o ( child )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. nin~o ( child )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. muchacha ( girl )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. child, girl
FC -> jc-72895
4. child, girl

5. child, girl

6. baby, younging
FC - > jc-61096
7. child, girl <cone:tl>
<cone:tl> FC - > jc-61096
8. nin~o ( child )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
9. nin~o ( child )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. muchacha ( girl )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
11. child; girl
FC jc-031297
12. child; girl
FC jc-031297
13. Mictoc in conetl nic omonenec Esta' desmayado el muchacho
porque hizo berrinche The fainted because he had a fit
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
14. In conetl mitzihtlanilihtoc in tomin El muchacho te esta'
pidiendo el dinero The young man is asking you for the
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. nin~o ( baby )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

1. baby; child; girl; infant; small child
FC -> jc-72895
2. baby; child; girl; infant; small child

3. baby; child; girl; infant; small child

4. baby; child; girl; infant; small child <cone:tl-to:n>

<cone:tl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. baby; child; girl; infant; small child <cone:tl-to:n>
<cone:tl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. nin~o ( baby )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. baby; child; girl; infant; small child
FC jc-031297
8. baby; child; girl; infant; small child
FC jc-031297

0. child

1. child
FC -> jc-72895
2. child

3. child

4. child <cone:tl-tzin>
<cone:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. child <cone:tl-tzin>
<cone:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. child
FC jc-031297
7. child
FC jc-031297

0. baby; child; little girl; children; little child; small girl

1. baby; child; little girl; children; little child; small girl

FC -> jc-72895
2. baby; child; little girl; children; little child; small girl

3. baby; child; little girl; children; little child; small girl

4. baby; child; little girl; children; little child; small
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

girl <cone:tl-tzin>
<cone:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. baby; child; little girl; children; little child; small
girl <cone:tl-tzin>
<cone:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. baby; child; little girl; children; little child; small girl
FC jc-031297
7. baby; child; little girl; children; little child; small girl
FC jc-031297

coneuh ( no- )
0. mi hija ( my child )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. womb

1. womb
FC -> jc-72895
2. womb

3. womb

4. womb
FC jc-031297
5. womb
FC jc-031297

0. childishness, babyishness

1. childishness, babyishness
FC -> jc-72895
2. childishness, babyishness

3. childishness, babyishness

4. childishness, babyishness <cone:tl-yo:tl1>

<cone:tl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. childishness, babyishness
FC jc-031297
6. childishness, babyishness
FC jc-031297

0. they defer it, they delay it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096

0. they brought it

1. they brought it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they brought it

3. they brought it

4. they brought it
FC jc-031297
5. they brought it
FC jc-031297

0. they took him

1. they took him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they took him

3. they took him

4. they took him <p33-o:n-hui:ca-ya3>

<p33-o:n-hui:ca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they took him <p33-o:n-hui:ca-ya3>
<p33-o:n-hui:ca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they took him
FC jc-031297
7. they took him
FC jc-031297

0. they placed them in rows
FC jc-031297

0. he drinks it; she drinks it; they drink it; they drink if
1. ( may ) he drink it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he drinks it
FC -> jc-72895
3. she drinks it; they drink if; they drink it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
4. he drinks it; she drinks it; they drink it; they drink if
5. he drinks it; she drinks it; they drink it; they drink if
6. he drinks it; she drinks it; they drink it; they drink if
<p33-o:n-i:> FC - > jc-61096
7. he drinks it; they drink it <p33-o:n-i:1>
<p33-o:n-i:1> FC - > jc-61096
8. ( may ) he drink it
FC jc-031297
9. he drinks it
FC jc-031297
10. she drinks it; they drink if; they drink it
FC jc-031297
11. ( may ) he drink it
FC jc-031297
12. he drinks it
FC jc-031297
13. she drinks it; they drink if; they drink it
FC jc-031297

0. he has her drink it
FC - > jc-61096

0. they drank it

1. they drank it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they drank it

3. they drank it

4. they drank it
FC jc-031297
5. they drank it
FC jc-031297

0. he raises it as an offering

1. he raises it as an offering
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he raises it as an offering

3. he raises it as an offering

4. he raises it as an offering
FC jc-031297
5. he raises it as an offering
FC jc-031297

0. he drank it

1. he drank it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he drank it

3. he drank it

4. he drank it <p33-o:n-i:1-prt2>
<p33-o:n-i:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he drank it
FC jc-031297
6. he drank it
FC jc-031297

0. he scrapes it

1. he scrapes it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he scrapes it

3. he scrapes it

4. he scrapes it
FC jc-031297
5. he scrapes it
FC jc-031297

0. he secretly puts it in, he secretly takes it in

1. he secretly puts it in, he secretly takes it in

FC -> jc-72895
2. he secretly puts it in, he secretly takes it in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he secretly puts it in, he secretly takes it in

4. he secretly puts it in, he secretly takes it in

FC jc-031297
5. he secretly puts it in, he secretly takes it in
FC jc-031297

0. he removes it
FC jc-031297

0. she tramps on it, she steps on it

1. she tramps on it, she steps on it

FC -> jc-72895
2. she tramps on it, she steps on it

3. she tramps on it, she steps on it

4. she tramps on it, she steps on it

FC jc-031297
5. she tramps on it, she steps on it
FC jc-031297

0. they harm it
FC - > jc-61096

0. he sends him

1. he sends him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sends him

3. he sends him

4. he sends him
FC jc-031297
5. he sends him
FC jc-031297

0. he said it to him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he said it to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he said it to him

3. he said it to him

4. he said it to him <p33-o:n-ilhuia:-prt1>

<p33-o:n-ilhuia:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. niman **conilhui** in cuahuitl icac: ca ye tlatlacapan
yatihuitze then quauitl icac said to him: "already they
come along the slope"
(b3 f1 p3) jc-022297
6. niman ic **conilhui** in cuahuitl icac, ca yequene
hualpanhuetzi, yequene hualaci then quauitl icac said to
him: "at last they scale the heights here; at last they
arrive here
(b3 f1 p4) jc-022297
7. niman **conilhui** in tlacatecolotl, ca ye cualli, then
the demon said to him: "it is well"
(b3 f3 p36) jc-022297
8. he said it to him
FC jc-031297
9. he said it to him
FC jc-031297

0. **conilhuia** in tlamacazque otimitzacique tlamacazque, ca
otitlamimilo the offering priests said unto him: "we
offering priests have detained thee, for thou hast rolled
(b2 f3 p80) jc-022297
1. niman ye ic **conilhuia** in cuahuitl icac: ca ye
tzonpantitlan, thereupon quauitl icac said to him:
"already they are at tzompantitlan"
(b3 f1 p3) jc-022297
2. auh in ihcuac, quicaquia tzatzi: ihuan in mozticacalatza
niman conahua, **conilhuia** in toquich: ma xitlamattiuh
nocne, tixtecocoyocpol: and when they heard it screech and
rasp its claws, then the men chid it and said to it: "go
quietly, o knave, thou with the big eyes sunk deep!
(b5 f1 p163) jc-022297
3. auh in cihua **conilhuia**, inic cahua: ma
xitlamatpolotiuh, cuilonpol: and the women said to it, and
thus chid it: "vanish quietly, o sodomite!
(b5 f1 p163) jc-022297
4. **conilhuia** tlein quihualitoa moteuczoma nocne? he said
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

to him: "what doth moctezuma say, o rogue?

(b12 f4 p56) jc-022297

0. **conilhuia**, ca no tehuatl nocne, they answered him: "it
is also thou, o rogue
(b12 f4 p59) jc-022297
1. **conilhuia** Nicauhtzine, moyolicatzin: they said to him:
"o my beloved younger brother, fare thee well
(b12 f6 p96) jc-022297

0. ihuan in aquin ompa monetoltiaya, yehuatl **conilhuiaya**
in cihuacuacuilli iztac cihuatl, and any who made vows
there spoke to the ciuaquacuilli iztac ciuatl
(b2 f13 p211) jc-022297

0. ihcuac in aquin tepiquiz yehuatl yehuatl **conilhuiaya** in
quimixquetzaz, quinnahuatiz in cuicanime, inic quicatihui
in ichan in aquin tepiquiz, when anyone was to mold
figures [of the mountain gods], this [figure-molder] spoke
to [the epcoaquacuilli tepictoton], who chose, who summoned
the singers, so that they would go to sing in the home of
the one who was to mold [mountaingod] figures
(b2 f13 p212) jc-022297
1. **conilhuiaya** they said unto him:
(b2 f13 p216) jc-022297
2. in tlein quitohuaya centzonhuitznahua, niman
**conilhuiaya**, connonotzaya in huitzilobochtli that
which the centzonuitznaua said he then told, he informed
(b3 f1 p2) jc-022297
3. mochi tlacatl quinotza in macehualti: **conilhuiaya** in
cihua toteuctzin, ma oc ye nican timohuicatz: everyone of
the common folk called out to him; the women said to him:
"our lord, come here!"
(b9 f6 p70) jc-022297

0. they sip it

1. they sip it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they sip it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they sip it

4. they sip it
FC jc-031297
5. they sip it
FC jc-031297

0. they have him drink it

1. they have him drink it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they have him drink it

3. they have him drink it

4. they have him drink it <p33-o:n-i:1-caus02>

<p33-o:n-i:1-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. they have him drink it
FC jc-031297
6. they have him drink it
FC jc-031297

0. they had him drink it, they made him drink it

1. they had him drink it, they made him drink it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they had him drink it, they made him drink it

3. they had him drink it, they made him drink it

4. they had him drink it, they made him drink it

FC jc-031297
5. they had him drink it, they made him drink it
FC jc-031297

0. they will make him drink it

1. they will make him drink it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will make him drink it

3. they will make him drink it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they will make him drink it

FC jc-031297
5. they will make him drink it
FC jc-031297

0. she said it

1. she said it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she said it

3. she said it

4. he said it
FC jc-031297
5. she said it
FC jc-031297
6. he said it
FC jc-031297
7. she said it
FC jc-031297

0. he says it; she says it; they say it

1. he says it; she says it; they say it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he says it; she says it; they say it

3. he says it; she says it; they say it

4. they say it <p33-o:n-ihtoa:>

<p33-o:n-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he says it; she says it; they say it; they tell it
FC jc-031297
6. he says it; she says it; they say it; they tell it
FC jc-031297

0. they said it
FC jc-031297

0. they go saying it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they go saying it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go saying it

3. they go saying it

4. they go saying it <p33-o:n-ihtoa:-dir2a>

<p33-o:n-ihtoa:-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
5. they go saying it <p33-o:n-ihtoa:-dir2a>
<p33-o:n-ihtoa:-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
6. they go saying it <p33-o:n-ihtoa:-dir2a>
<p33-o:n-ihtoa:-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
7. they go saying it
FC jc-031297
8. they go saying it
FC jc-031297

0. they take it

1. they take it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they take it

3. they take it

4. they take it <p33-o:n-itqui>

<p33-o:n-itqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. he carries it; they take it
FC jc-031297
6. he carries it; they take it
FC jc-031297

0. he looks upon it; he sees her; he looks at her; he sees
them; he sees it; he sees him; they see it; they study it;
they see him
1. he looks upon it; he sees her; he looks at her; he sees
him; he sees it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they see him; they see it; they study it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he looks upon it; he sees her; he looks at her; he sees
them; he sees it; he sees him; they see it; they study it;
they see him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he looks upon it; he sees her; he looks at her; he sees
them; he sees it; he sees him; they see it; they study it;
they see him
5. he looks upon it; he sees her; he looks at her; he sees
them; he sees it; he sees him; they see it; they study it;
they see him <p33-o:n-itta>
<p33-o:n-itta> FC - > jc-61096
6. he looks upon it; he sees her; he looks at her; he sees
him; he sees it
FC jc-031297
7. they see him; they see it; they study it
FC jc-031297
8. he looks upon it; he sees her; he looks at her; he sees
him; he sees it
FC jc-031297
9. they see him; they see it; they study it
FC jc-031297

0. they saw it

1. they saw it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they saw it

3. they saw it

4. they saw it <p33-o:n-itta-plur01>

<p33-o:n-itta-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they saw it; they looked at it
FC jc-031297
6. they saw it; they looked at it
FC jc-031297

0. he saw it; they saw him; they saw it

1. he saw it; they saw him; they saw it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he saw it; they saw him; they saw it

3. he saw it; they saw him; they saw it

4. he saw it; they saw it; they saw him <p33-o:n-itta-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-o:n-itta-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

5. he saw it; they saw it; they saw him <p33-o:n-itta-ya3>
<p33-o:n-itta-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he saw it; they saw him; they saw it
FC jc-031297
7. he saw it; they saw him; they saw it
FC jc-031297

0. he will discover it, he will see it; he will experience it

1. he will discover it, he will see it; he will experience it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will discover it, he will see it; he will experience it

3. he will discover it, he will see it; he will experience it

4. he will see it; he will discover it; he will experience it

<p33-o:n-itta-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will discover it, he will see it; he will experience it
FC jc-031297
6. he will discover it, he will see it; he will experience it
FC jc-031297

0. achto conixtzauchuia, conixtzaucmato: first they put glue
on the surface; with their hands they covered the surface
with glue <p33-i:xtli-tzacua-l2-v05b (b9 f7 c21 p93), 2 in
ihcuac oonixhuac, oc ceppa conixtzauchuia, ic onixpeti, ic
onixtetzcahui, ic onixpetzihui in ichcatl, when the
surface had dried, once again they spread glue on the
surface, thereby making the surface of the cotton glossy,
shiny <p33-i:xtli-tzacua-l2-v05b (b9 f7 c21 p93)
1. achto conixtzauchuia, conixtzaucmato: first they put glue
on the surface; with their hands they covered the surface
with glue
<p33-i:xtli-tzacua-l2-v05b> (b9 f7 c21 p93) JC-7/23/96
2. in ihcuac oonixhuac, oc ceppa conixtzauchuia, ic onixpeti,
ic onixtetzcahui, ic onixpetzihui in ichcatl, when the
surface had dried, once again they spread glue on the
surface, thereby making the surface of the cotton glossy,
<p33-i:xtli-tzacua-l2-v05b> (b9 f7 c21 p93) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he raises it in dedication, he raises it in offering, he
offers it; she raises him in dedication; she raises him in
offering; she offers him; she raises it in dedication; she
raises it in offering; she offers it; they raise her in
dedication; they raise h

1. he raises it in dedication, he raises it in offering, he

offers it; she raises him in dedication; she raises him in
offering; she offers him; she raises it in dedication; she
raises it in offering; she offers it; they raise her in
dedication; they raise her in offering; they offer her;
they raise it in dedication; they raise it in offering;
they offer it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he raises it in dedication, he raises it in offering, he
offers it; she raises him in dedication; she raises him in
offering; she offers him; she raises it in dedication; she
raises it in offering; she offers it; they raise her in
dedication; they raise h

3. he raises it in dedication, he raises it in offering, he

offers it; she raises him in dedication; she raises him in
offering; she offers him; she raises it in dedication; she
raises it in offering; she offers it; they raise her in
dedication; they raise h

4. he raises it in dedication, he raises it in offering, he

offers it; she raises it in dedication; she raises it in
offering; she offers it; she raises him in dedication; she
raises him in offering; she offers him; they raise it in
dedication; they raise it in offering; they offer it; they
raise her in dedication; they raise her in offering; they
offer her <p33-o:n-iya:hua>
<p33-o:n-iya:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he raises it in dedication, he raises it in offering, he
offers it; she raises him in dedication; she raises him in
offering; she offers him; she raises it in dedication; she
raises it in offering; she offers it; they raise her in
dedication; they raise her in offering; they offer her;
they raise it in dedication; they raise it in offering;
they offer it
FC jc-031297
6. he raises it in dedication, he raises it in offering, he
offers it; she raises him in dedication; she raises him in
offering; she offers him; she raises it in dedication; she
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

raises it in offering; she offers it; they raise her in

dedication; they raise her in offering; they offer her;
they raise it in dedication; they raise it in offering;
they offer it
FC jc-031297

0. he will drink it, he is to drink it; she will drink it; she
is to drink it
1. he will drink it; he is to drink it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she will drink it, she is to drink it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he will drink it, he is to drink it; she will drink it; she
is to drink it
4. he will drink it, he is to drink it; she will drink it; she
is to drink it
5. he will drink it, he is to drink it; she will drink it; she
is to drink it <p33-o:n-i:1-z>
<p33-o:n-i:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will drink it; he is to drink it
FC jc-031297
7. she will drink it, she is to drink it
FC jc-031297
8. he will drink it; he is to drink it
FC jc-031297
9. she will drink it, she is to drink it
FC jc-031297

0. they will drink it, they are to drink it

1. they will drink it, they are to drink it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will drink it, they are to drink it

3. they will drink it, they are to drink it

4. they will drink it, they are to drink it

<p33-o:n-i:1-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will drink it, they are to drink it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. they will drink it, they are to drink it

FC jc-031297

0. he gives it to her, he offers it to her; he gives it to
him; he gives it to it; they give it to him
1. he gives it to her, he offers it to her; he gives it to
him; he gives it to it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they give it to him
FC -> jc-72895
3. he gives it to her, he offers it to her; he gives it to
him; he gives it to it; they give it to him
4. he gives it to her, he offers it to her; he gives it to
him; he gives it to it; they give it to him
5. he gives it to her, he offers it to her; he gives it to
him; he gives it to it; they give it to him <p33-o:n-maca>
<p33-o:n-maca> FC - > jc-61096
6. he gives it to her, he offers it to her; he gives it to
him; he gives it to it
FC jc-031297
7. they give it to him
FC jc-031297
8. he gives it to her, he offers it to her; he gives it to
him; he gives it to it
FC jc-031297
9. they give it to him
FC jc-031297

0. they gave it to him
1. they gave it to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they gave it to him
3. they gave it to him
4. they gave it to him <p33-o:n-maca-plur01>
<p33-o:n-maca-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they gave it to him
FC jc-031297
6. they gave it to him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he gave it to him

1. he gave it to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gave it to him

3. he gave it to him

4. he gave it to him <p33-o:n-maca-ya3>

<p33-o:n-maca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he gave it to him <p33-o:n-maca-ya3>
<p33-o:n-maca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he gave it to him
FC jc-031297
7. he gave it to him
FC jc-031297

0. they carry it on their backs

1. they carry it on their backs

FC -> jc-72895
2. they carry it on their backs

3. they carry it on their backs

4. they carry it on their backs <p33-o:n-ma:ma:>

<p33-o:n-ma:ma:> FC - > jc-61096
5. they carry it on their backs
FC jc-031297
6. they carry it on their backs
FC jc-031297

0. they lay it; they lay it down; they lay it out

1. they lay it; they lay it down; they lay it out

FC -> jc-72895
2. they lay it; they lay it down; they lay it out

3. they lay it down; they lay it

4. they lay it; they lay it down; they lay it out
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they lay it down; they lay it

6. they lay it down; they lay it <p33-o:n-mani-caus09>
<p33-o:n-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
7. they lay it; they lay it down; they lay it out
FC jc-031297
8. they lay it; they lay it down; they lay it out
FC jc-031297

0. they laid it on him
FC jc-031297

0. he puts it on; they put it on him
1. he puts it on; they put it on him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he puts it on; they put it on him
3. he puts it on; they put it on him
4. he puts it on; they put it on him <p33-o:n-p54-aqui-ya3>
<p33-o:n-p54-aqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he puts it on; they put it on him <p33-o:n-p54-aqui-ya3>
<p33-o:n-p54-aqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he puts it on; they put it on him
FC jc-031297
7. he puts it on; they put it on him
FC jc-031297

0. he put it on; he placed it on himself

1. he put it on; he placed it on himself

FC -> jc-72895
2. he put it on; he placed it on himself

3. he put it on; he placed it on himself

4. he put it on <p33-o:n-p54-aqui-caus08-ya3>
<p33-o:n-p54-aqui-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he put it on <p33-o:n-p54-aqui-caus08-ya3>
<p33-o:n-p54-aqui-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he put it on <p33-o:n-p54-aqui-caus08-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-o:n-p54-aqui-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

7. he put it on; he placed it on himself
FC jc-031297
8. he put it on; he placed it on himself
FC jc-031297

0. he feels it; it feels it

1. he feels it; it feels it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he feels it; it feels it

3. he feels it; it feels it

4. he feels it; it feels it <p33-o:n-mati>

<p33-o:n-mati> FC - > jc-61096
5. he feels it; it feels it
FC jc-031297
6. he feels it; it feels it
FC jc-031297

0. they will remember it

1. they will remember it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will remember it

3. they will remember it

4. they will remember it <p33-o:n-mati-z-plur01>

<p33-o:n-mati-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will remember it
FC jc-031297
6. they will remember it
FC jc-031297

0. he killed them

1. he killed them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he killed them

3. he killed them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he killed them <p33-o:n-miqui-caus02-prt1>

<p33-o:n-miqui-caus02-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he killed them
FC jc-031297
6. he killed them
FC jc-031297

0. they kill him, they slay him; they kill it

1. they kill him, they slay him; they kill it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they kill him, they slay him; they kill it

3. they kill him, they slay him; they kill it

4. they kill it; they kill him; they slay him

<p33-o:n-miqui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. they kill him, they slay him; they kill it
FC jc-031297
6. they kill him, they slay him; they kill it
FC jc-031297

0. he shoots it with an arrow
FC jc-031297

0. they abandoned it there

1. they abandoned it there

FC -> jc-72895
2. they abandoned it there

3. they abandoned it there

4. they abandoned it there

FC jc-031297
5. they abandoned it there
FC jc-031297

0. he [h] will do it, he [h] will bring it about
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he [ h ] will do it, he [ h ] will bring it about

FC -> jc-72895
2. he [h] will do it, he [h] will bring it about

3. he [h] will do it, he [h] will bring it about

4. he [ h ] will do it, he [ h ] will bring it about

FC jc-031297
5. he [ h ] will do it, he [ h ] will bring it about
FC jc-031297

0. it seats itself
FC jc-031297

0. he gives himself to it

1. he gives himself to it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gives himself to it

3. he gives himself to it

4. he gives himself to it
FC jc-031297
5. he gives himself to it
FC jc-031297

0. he will ordain it, he will determine it, he will will it

1. he will ordain it, he will determine it, he will will it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will ordain it, he will determine it, he will will it

3. he will ordain it, he will determine it, he will will it

4. he will ordain it, he will determine it, he will will it

FC jc-031297
5. he will ordain it, he will determine it, he will will it
FC jc-031297

0. he [ h ] will destroy him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he [h] passes it, he [h] moves it

1. he [ h ] passes it, he [ h ] moves it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he [h] passes it, he [h] moves it

3. he [h] passes it, he [h] moves it

4. he [ h ] passes it, he [ h ] moves it

FC jc-031297
5. he [ h ] passes it, he [ h ] moves it
FC jc-031297

0. he watches over it for him [ h ], he takes care of it for
him [ h ]
FC jc-031297

0. they cut his ears

1. they cut his ears

FC -> jc-72895
2. they cut his ears

3. they cut his ears

4. they cut his ears

FC jc-031297
5. they cut his ears
FC jc-031297

0. they went to meet him

1. they went to meet him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to meet him

3. they went to meet him

4. they went to meet him

FC jc-031297
5. they went to meet him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it places it together

1. it places it together
FC -> jc-72895
2. it places it together

3. it places it together

4. it places it together
FC jc-031297
5. it places it together
FC jc-031297

0. he will wish it, he will want it

1. he will wish it, he will want it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will wish it, he will want it

3. he will wish it, he will want it

4. he will wish it, he will want it

FC jc-031297
5. he will wish it, he will want it
FC jc-031297

0. they will want it, they will require it

1. they will want it, they will require it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will want it, they will require it

3. they will want it, they will require it

4. they will want it, they will require it

<p33-o:n-nequi-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will want it, they will require it
<p33-o:n-nequi-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they will want it, they will require it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. they will want it, they will require it
FC jc-031297

0. they summon him, they call out to him

1. they summon him, they call out to him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they summon him, they call out to him

3. they summon him, they call out to him

4. they summon him, they call out to him <p33-on-no:tza>

<p33-on-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
5. they summon him, they call out to him <p33-on-no:tza>
<p33-on-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
6. they summon him, they call out to him <p33-on-no:tza>
<p33-on-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
7. they summon him, they call out to him
FC jc-031297
8. they summon him, they call out to him
FC jc-031297

0. they called to him

1. they called to him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they called to him

3. they called to him

4. they called to him

FC jc-031297
5. they called to him
FC jc-031297

0. they apply pine resin to each one

1. they apply pine resin to each one

FC -> jc-72895
2. they apply pine resin to each one

3. they apply pine resin to each one
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they apply pine resin to each one

<p33-o:n-dupl-ocotl-tzotl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
5. they apply pine resin to each one
<p33-o:n-dupl-ocotl-tzotl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
6. they apply pine resin to each one
<p33-o:n-dupl-ocotl-tzotl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
7. they apply pine resin to each one
<p33-o:n-dupl-ocotl-tzotl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
8. they apply pine resin to each one
FC jc-031297
9. they apply pine resin to each one
FC jc-031297

0. he tasted it

1. he tasted it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he tasted it

3. he tasted it

4. he tasted it
FC jc-031297
5. he tasted it
FC jc-031297

0. she makes him taste it

1. she makes him taste it

FC -> jc-72895
2. she makes him taste it

3. she makes him taste it

4. she makes him taste it

FC - > jc-61096
5. she makes him taste it
FC jc-031297
6. she makes him taste it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they began it
FC jc-031297

0. it will shame him

1. it will shame him

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will shame him

3. it will shame him

4. it will shame him

FC jc-031297
5. it will shame him
FC jc-031297

0. he broke it

1. he broke it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he broke it

3. he broke it

4. he broke it
FC jc-031297
5. he broke it
FC jc-031297

0. they behead it

1. they behead it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they behead it

3. they behead it

4. he beheads it; he cuts off his head; they behead it

FC jc-031297
5. he beheads it; he cuts off his head; they behead it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he covers it; they clothe him; they clothe it; they cover it

1. he covers it; they clothe him; they clothe it; they cover it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he covers it; they clothe him; they clothe it; they cover it

3. he covers it; they clothe him; they clothe it; they cover it

4. they clothe him <p33-o:n-que:mi-l2-v04a>

<p33-o:n-que:mi-l2-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
5. they clothe him; they clothe it <p33-o:n-que:mi-l2-v04a>
<p33-o:n-que:mi-l2-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
6. they clothe him; they clothe it <p33-o:n-que:mi-l2-v04a>
<p33-o:n-que:mi-l2-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
7. they clothe it <p33-o:n-que:mi-l2-v04-caus08>
<p33-o:n-que:mi-l2-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
8. they clothe it <p33-o:n-que:mi-l2-v04-caus08>
<p33-o:n-que:mi-l2-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
9. he covers it; they clothe him; they clothe it; they cover it
FC jc-031297
10. he covers it; they clothe him; they clothe it; they cover it
FC jc-031297

0. he stands it up; she sets it up; she stands it up

1. he stands it up; she sets it up; she stands it up

FC -> jc-72895
2. he stands it up; she sets it up; she stands it up

3. he stands it up; she sets it up; she stands it up

4. she sets it up, she stands it up <p33-o:n-quetza>

<p33-o:n-quetza> FC - > jc-61096
5. he stands it up; she sets it up; she stands it up; they
stand it
FC jc-031297
6. he stands it up; she sets it up; she stands it up; they
stand it
FC jc-031297

0. they went to stand him up
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they went to stand him up

FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to stand him up

3. they went to stand him up

4. they went to stand him up

FC jc-031297
5. they went to stand him up
FC jc-031297

0. they set it up, they stood it up
FC jc-031297

0. he passes it, he moves it

1. he passes it, he moves it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he passes it, he moves it

3. he passes it, he moves it

4. he passes it, he moves it

FC jc-031297
5. he passes it, he moves it
FC jc-031297

0. he fills it, he pours it; he places it; he spreads it out;
she places him; she lays him down; she places it; they lay
her down; they stretch her out; they lay her out; they lay
him down; they stretch him out; they lay it down; they lay
it out; they place

1. he fills it, he pours it; he places it; he spreads it out;

she places him; she lays him down; she places it; they lay
her down; they stretch her out; they lay her out; they lay
him down; they stretch him out; they lay it down; they lay
it out; they place him; they place it; they pour it; they
spread him out; they spread it out
FC -> jc-72895
2. he fills it, he pours it; he places it; he spreads it out;
she places him; she lays him down; she places it; they lay
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

her down; they stretch her out; they lay her out; they lay
him down; they stretch him out; they lay it down; they lay
it out; they place

3. he fills it, he pours it; he places it; he spreads it out;

she places him; she lays him down; she places it; they lay
her down; they stretch her out; they lay her out; they lay
him down; they stretch him out; they lay it down; they lay
it out; they place

4. he fills it, he pours it; he places it; he spreads it out;

she places him; she lays him down; she places it; they lay
her down; they place him; they lay him down; they lay it
down; they place it; they pour it; they stretch him out;
they spread him out; they stretch her out; they lay her
out; they spread it out; they lay it out <p33-o:n-te:ca>
<p33-o:n-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. he fills it, he pours it; he places it; he spreads it out
FC jc-031297
6. she places him, she lays him down; she places it; they lay
her down; they stretch her out; they lay her out; they lay
him down; they stretch him out; they lay it down; they lay
it out; they place him; they place it; they pour it; they
spread him out; they spread it out
FC jc-031297
7. he fills it, he pours it; he places it; he spreads it out
FC jc-031297
8. she places him, she lays him down; she places it; they lay
her down; they stretch her out; they lay her out; they lay
him down; they stretch him out; they lay it down; they lay
it out; they place him; they place it; they pour it; they
spread him out; they spread it out
FC jc-031297

0. he laid him out; he laid it; she filled it

1. he laid him out; he laid it; she filled it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he laid him out; he laid it; she filled it

3. he laid him out; he laid it; she filled it

4. he laid it; he laid him out; she filled it

<p33-o:n-te:ca-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he laid him out; he laid it

FC jc-031297
6. she filled it
FC jc-031297
7. he laid him out; he laid it
FC jc-031297
8. she filled it
FC jc-031297

0. they came to extend it, they came to lay it out
FC jc-031297

0. they laid it down
FC jc-031297

0. he laid him out; she placed it

1. he laid him out; she placed it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he laid him out; she placed it

3. he laid him out; she placed it

4. he laid him out; she placed it <p33-o:n-te:ca-ya3>

<p33-o:n-te:ca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he laid him out; she placed it <p33-o:n-te:ca-ya3>
<p33-o:n-te:ca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he laid him out; she placed it
FC jc-031297
7. he laid him out; she placed it
FC jc-031297

0. they placed them in order
FC jc-031297

0. it places it

1. it places it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it places it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it places it

4. it places it <p33-o:n-te:mi-caus09>
<p33-o:n-te:mi-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. it places it <p33-o:n-te:mi-caus09>
<p33-o:n-te:mi-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. he casts it, he places it; it places it
FC jc-031297
7. he casts it, he places it; it places it
FC jc-031297

0. they place it for him
FC jc-031297

0. they placed it for him
FC jc-031297

0. he will let it escape his lips
FC jc-031297

0. he scatters it; they cast it; they scatter it; they cast
them; they scatter them; they spread it; they toss it

1. he scatters it; they cast it; they scatter it; they cast
them; they scatter them; they spread it; they toss it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he scatters it; they cast it; they scatter it; they cast
them; they scatter them; they spread it; they toss it

3. he scatters it; they cast it; they scatter it; they cast
them; they scatter them; they spread it; they toss it

4. he scatters it; they cast them; they scatter them; they

cast it; they scatter it; they spread it; they toss it
<p33-o:n-tepe:hui-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. he scatters it; they cast them; they scatter them; they
cast it; they scatter it; they spread it; they toss it
<p33-o:n-tepe:hui-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. he scatters it; they cast it; they scatter it; they cast
them; they scatter them; they spread it; they toss it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. he scatters it; they cast it; they scatter it; they cast
them; they scatter them; they spread it; they toss it
FC jc-031297

0. they cast it, they scattered it; they strewed it; they
threw them

1. they cast it, they scattered it; they strewed it; they
threw them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they cast it, they scattered it; they strewed it; they
threw them

3. they cast it, they scattered it; they strewed it

4. they cast it, they scattered it; they strewed it; they
threw them

5. they cast it, they scattered it; they strewed it

6. they cast it, they scattered it; they strewed it
<p33-o:n-tepe:hui-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they cast it, they scattered it; they strewed it
<p33-o:n-tepe:hui-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they cast it, they scattered it; they strewed it
<p33-o:n-tepe:hui-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. they cast it, they scattered it; they strewed it; they
threw them
FC jc-031297
10. they cast it, they scattered it; they strewed it; they
threw them
FC jc-031297

0. they heap it up; they pile it up

1. they heap it up; they pile it up

FC -> jc-72895
2. they heap it up; they pile it up

3. they heap it up; they pile it up
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they heap it up; they pile it up

FC jc-031297
5. they heap it up; they pile it up
FC jc-031297

0. they cut it; they did cut it

1. they cut it; they did cut it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they cut it; they did cut it

3. they cut it; they did cut it

4. they cut it, they did cut it <p33-o:n-tequi1-ya3>

<p33-o:n-tequi1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they cut it; they did cut it
FC jc-031297
6. they cut it; they did cut it
FC jc-031297

0. she pours it on him; they apply it to him; they cut it off
of her; they lay it out for him; they place it on him; they
spread it out for him

1. she pours it on him; they apply it to him; they cut it off

of her; they lay it out for him; they place it on him; they
spread it out for him
FC -> jc-72895
2. she pours it on him; they apply it to him; they cut it off
of her; they lay it out for him; they place it on him; they
spread it out for him

3. they cut it off of her

4. she pours it on him; they apply it to him; they cut it off
of her; they lay it out for him; they place it on him; they
spread it out for him

5. they cut it off of her

6. she pours it on him; they cut it off of her; they place it
on him; they apply it to him; they spread it out for him;
they lay it out for him <p33-o:n-te:ca-ben>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-o:n-te:ca-ben> FC - > jc-61096

7. she pours it on him; they place it on him; they apply it to
him; they spread it out for him; they lay it out for him
<p33-o:n-te:ca-ben> FC - > jc-61096
8. they cut it off of her <p33-o:n-tequi1-ben>
<p33-o:n-tequi1-ben> FC - > jc-61096
9. she pours it on him; they apply it to him; they cut it off
of her; they lay it out for him; they place it on him; they
spread it out for him
FC jc-031297
10. she pours it on him; they apply it to him; they cut it off
of her; they lay it out for him; they place it on him; they
spread it out for him
FC jc-031297

0. like a pot
FC jc-031297

0. he pulls it, draws on it
FC - > jc-61096

0. he lays it, he places it; he places them; she places it;
they place him; they place it; they put it in its place;
they set it in place; they set it; they put it

1. he lays it, he places it; he places them; she places it;

they place him; they place it; they put it in its place;
they set it in place; they set it; they put it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he lays it, he places it; he places them; she places it;
they place him; they place it; they put it in its place;
they set it in place; they set it; they put it

3. he lays it, he places it; he places them; she places it;

they place him; they place it; they put it in its place;
they set it in place; they set it; they put it

4. he places them; he places it; she places it; they place it;
they place him; they set it; they put it in its place; they
put it <p33-o:n-tla:lia>
<p33-o:n-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
5. he lays it, he places it; he places her; he places them;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

she places it; they place him; they place it; they put it
in its place; they set it in place; they set it; they put it
FC jc-031297
6. he lays it, he places it; he places her; he places them;
she places it; they place him; they place it; they put it
in its place; they set it in place; they set it; they put it
FC jc-031297

0. they placed it

1. they placed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they placed it

3. they placed it

4. they placed it <p33-o:n-tla:lia-ya3>

<p33-o:n-tla:lia-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they placed it <p33-o:n-tla:lia-ya3>
<p33-o:n-tla:lia-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they placed it
FC jc-031297
7. they placed it
FC jc-031297

0. she places it on him

1. she places it on him

FC -> jc-72895
2. she places it on him

3. she places it on him

4. she places it on him

FC jc-031297
5. she places it on him
FC jc-031297

0. they placed it on him
FC jc-031297

0. they buried it in the ground
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they greet her; they greet him

1. they greet her; they greet him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they greet her; they greet him

3. they greet her; they greet him

4. they greet her; they greet him

FC jc-031297
5. they greet her; they greet him
FC jc-031297

0. he lit it, he set fire to it

1. he lit it, he set fire to it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he lit it, he set fire to it

3. he lit it, he set fire to it

4. he lit it, he set fire to it

FC jc-031297
5. he lit it, he set fire to it
FC jc-031297

0. they burn it

1. they burn it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they burn it

3. they burn it

4. they burn it
FC jc-031297
5. they burn it
FC jc-031297

0. they did put it on him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they did put it on him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they did put it on him

3. they did put it on him

4. they did put it on him

FC jc-031297
5. they did put it on him
FC jc-031297

0. they pray to him, they implore him
FC jc-031297

0. they throw it on him

1. they throw it on him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they throw it on him

3. they throw it on him

4. they throw it on him <p33-o:n-p51-tla:za-ben>

<p33-o:n-p51-tla:za-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. they throw it on him <p33-o:n-p51-tla:za-ben>
<p33-o:n-p51-tla:za-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. they throw it on him
FC jc-031297
7. they throw it on him
FC jc-031297

0. they throw each one

1. they throw each one

FC -> jc-72895
2. they throw each one

3. they throw each one

4. they throw each one

FC jc-031297
5. they throw each one
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. she cast it, she threw it

1. she cast it, she threw it

FC -> jc-72895
2. she cast it, she threw it

3. she cast it, she threw it

4. she cast it, she threw it <p33-o:n-tla:za-prt1>

<p33-o:n-tla:za-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. she cast it, she threw it
FC jc-031297
6. she cast it, she threw it
FC jc-031297

0. he casts it, he throws it; they cast it down; they throw it
down; they cast it; they throw it

1. he casts it, he throws it; they cast it down; they throw it

down; they cast it; they throw it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he casts it, he throws it; they cast it down; they throw it
down; they cast it; they throw it

3. he casts it, he throws it; they cast it down; they throw it

down; they cast it; they throw it

4. he casts it, he throws it; they cast it down; they throw it

down; they throw it; they cast it <p33-o:n-tla:za>
<p33-o:n-tla:za> FC - > jc-61096
5. he casts it, he throws it; they cast him; they throw him;
they cast it down; they throw it down; they cast it; they
throw it; they pass it
FC jc-031297
6. he casts it, he throws it; they cast him; they throw him;
they cast it down; they throw it down; they cast it; they
throw it; they pass it
FC jc-031297

0. they threw it, they cast it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they threw it, they cast it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they threw it, they cast it

3. they threw it, they cast it

4. they threw it, they cast it <p33-o:n-tla:za-ya3>

<p33-o:n-tla:za-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they threw it, they cast it <p33-o:n-tla:za-ya3>
<p33-o:n-tla:za-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they threw it, they cast it
FC jc-031297
7. they threw it, they cast it
FC jc-031297

0. niman ic compehpetla, conmapehpetla, ic quinextia, inic
contlazotla piltontli forthwith they petted him and
stroked him with their hands, to show that they loved the
child <p33-o:n-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b4 f11 c35 p114)
1. they love him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they love him

3. niman ic compehpetla, conmapehpetla, ic quinextia, inic

contlazotla piltontli forthwith they petted him and
stroked him with their hands, to show that they loved the
child <p33-o:n-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b4 f11 c35 p114)
4. they love him

5. niman ic compehpetla, conmapehpetla, ic quinextia, inic

contlazotla piltontli forthwith they petted him and
stroked him with their hands, to show that they loved the
<p33-o:n-tlazoa-l2-v08a> (b4 f11 c35 p114) JC-7/23/96
6. they love him
FC jc-031297
7. they love him
FC jc-031297

0. they dispatched him, they sent him out
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they keep casting it
FC jc-031297

0. they set fire to it

1. they set fire to it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they set fire to it

3. they set fire to it

4. they set fire to it

FC jc-031297
5. they set fire to it
FC jc-031297

0. they set fire to it

1. they set fire to it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they set fire to it

3. they set fire to it

4. they set fire to it

FC jc-031297
5. they set fire to it
FC jc-031297

0. they set it on fire
FC - > jc-61096

0. soot from pots

1. soot from pots

FC - > jc-61096
2. soot from pots
FC - > jc-61096

0. it buries it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it buries it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it buries it

3. it buries it

4. it buries it
FC jc-031297
5. it buries it
FC jc-031297

0. he buried it; it followed him

1. he buried it; it followed him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he buried it; it followed him

3. he buried it; it followed him

4. it followed him <p33-o:n-toca2-ya3>

<p33-o:n-toca2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it followed him <p33-o:n-toca2-ya3>
<p33-o:n-toca2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he buried it; it followed him; they buried it
FC jc-031297
7. he buried it; it followed him; they buried it
FC jc-031297

0. they placed it on his back
FC jc-031297

0. they clad him in a sleeveless jacket, they put a sleeveless
jacket on him

1. they clad him in a sleeveless jacket, they put a sleeveless

jacket on him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they clad him in a sleeveless jacket, they put a sleeveless
jacket on him

3. they clad him in a sleeveless jacket, they put a sleeveless

jacket on him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they clad him in a sleeveless jacket, they put a sleeveless

jacket on him
FC jc-031297
5. they clad him in a sleeveless jacket, they put a sleeveless
jacket on him
FC jc-031297

0. they tied it to his back
FC jc-031297

0. he placed flower garlands on him

1. he placed flower garlands on him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he placed flower garlands on him

3. he placed flower garlands on him

4. he placed flower garlands on him

FC jc-031297
5. he placed flower garlands on him
FC jc-031297

0. they kicked it ( each one )
FC jc-031297

0. they stretch it out, they open it out

1. they stretch it out, they open it out

FC -> jc-72895
2. they stretch it out, they open it out

3. they stretch it out, they open it out

4. they stretch it out, they open it out

FC jc-031297
5. they stretch it out, they open it out
FC jc-031297

0. palate
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. incense gum
1. incense
FC -> jc-72895
2. incense

3. incense gum
4. incense

5. incense <copalli>
<copalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. incense
FC jc-031297
7. incense
FC jc-031297

0. they spread incense

1. they spread incense

FC -> jc-72895
2. they spread incense

3. they spread incense

4. they spread incense <copalli-te:mi-caus09>

<copalli-te:mi-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. they spread incense <copalli-te:mi-caus09>
<copalli-te:mi-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. they spread incense <copalli-te:mi-caus09>
<copalli-te:mi-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
7. they spread incense
FC jc-031297
8. they spread incense
FC jc-031297

0. incense, paltry incense

1. incense, paltry incense

FC -> jc-72895
2. incense, paltry incense
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. incense, paltry incense

4. incense, paltry incense <copalli-tzin>

<copalli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. incense, paltry incense <copalli-tzin>
<copalli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. incense, paltry incense
FC jc-031297
7. incense, paltry incense
FC jc-031297

0. coarse incense

1. coarse incense
FC -> jc-72895
2. coarse incense

3. coarse incense

4. coarse incense <copalli-xa:lli>

<copalli-xa:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. coarse incense <copalli-xa:lli>
<copalli-xa:lli> FC - > jc-61096
6. coarse incense
FC jc-031297
7. coarse incense
FC jc-031297

0. remove, mold

copi:na tlacaccopi:ntli
0. person or horse that lost a shoe
FC - > jc-61096

0. furrow

0. crown
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to copy, to remove
FC - > jc-61096

copina-| tlacopinaliztli
0. act of removing or copying something

0. firefly
1. firefly (cf icpitl)

2. firefly
3. firefly (cf icpitl)

4. firefly ( cf icpitl )
FC - > jc-61096
5. (cf icpitl) firefly
6. (cf icpitl) firefly

0. crown
FC - > jc-61096
1. crown
Noun jc-030797
2. crown
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
3. crown
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

corona (crown)quicoronatiah
0. they put a crown on him

0. croak, grunt
1. they croak
FC -> jc-72895
2. they croak

3. croak, grunt
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they croak

5. they croak
FC jc-031297
6. they croak
FC jc-031297

0. they continue croaking, they keep croaking

1. they continue croaking, they keep croaking

FC -> jc-72895
2. they continue croaking, they keep croaking

3. they continue croaking, they keep croaking

4. they continue croaking, they keep croaking

FC jc-031297
5. they continue croaking, they keep croaking
FC jc-031297

0. groaning

1. groaning
FC -> jc-72895
2. groaning

3. groaning

4. groaning
FC jc-031297
5. groaning
FC jc-031297

0. break

0. to cut
FC - > jc-61096
1. tu cut
FC - > jc-61096
2. cut
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

3. part

coto:na cotoctli
0. piece (eg, of bread)

coto:na tlacoto:ntli
0. st which is trimmed or cut off

0. to cut
FC - > jc-61096

coto:ni tlacoto:na
0. he cuts something

0. having a missing piece
Adj Form jc-022897
1. having a missing piece
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. having a missing piece
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. piece ( eg, of bread )
FC - > jc-61096
1. piece ( of bread )
JC-05-07-97 Patientive Nouns no1

0. it parts, it breaks; it snaps

1. it parts, it breaks; it snaps

FC -> jc-72895
2. it parts, it breaks; it snaps

3. it parts, it breaks; it snaps

4. it parts, it breaks; it snaps

FC jc-031297
5. it parts, it breaks; it snaps
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. squat, bend

0. he has calves (ie on his legs)

1. he has calves ( ie
on his legs )
2. he has calves (ie on his legs)

3. he has calves (ie on his legs)

4. he has calves ( ie on his legs )

FC jc-031297
5. he has calves ( ie on his legs )
FC jc-031297

0. one who has calves ( on his legs )
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. those who wear leather bands on their legs
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. band for the calf of the leg; leather leg band; skin of the
calf of the leg

1. band for the calf of the leg; leather leg band; skin of the
calf of the leg
FC -> jc-72895
2. band for the calf of the leg; leather leg band; skin of the
calf of the leg

3. band for the calf of the leg; leather leg band; skin of the
calf of the leg

4. band for the calf of the leg; leather leg band; skin of the
calf of the leg <co:tztli-e:huatl>
<co:tztli-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. band for the calf of the leg; leather leg band; skin of the
calf of the leg <co:tztli-e:huatl>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<co:tztli-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096

6. band for the calf of the leg; leather leg band; skin of the
calf of the leg <co:tztli-e:huatl>
<co:tztli-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. band for the calf of the leg; leather leg band; skin of the
calf of the leg
FC jc-031297
8. band for the calf of the leg; leather leg band; skin of the
calf of the leg
FC jc-031297

0. flesh of the calf of the leg

1. flesh of the calf of the leg

FC -> jc-72895
2. flesh of the calf of the leg

3. flesh of the calf of the leg

4. flesh of the calf of the leg <co:tztli-nacatl>

<co:tztli-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. flesh of the calf of the leg <co:tztli-nacatl>
<co:tztli-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. flesh of the calf of the leg <co:tztli-nacatl>
<co:tztli-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. flesh of the calf of the leg
FC jc-031297
8. flesh of the calf of the leg
FC jc-031297

0. calf of the leg

1. calf of the leg

FC -> jc-72895
2. calf of the leg

3. calf of the leg

4. calf of the leg <co:tztli-tetl1>

<co:tztli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. calf of the leg <co:tztli-tetl1>
<co:tztli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. calf of the leg
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. calf of the leg

FC jc-031297

0. it impregnates her

1. it impregnates her
FC -> jc-72895
2. it impregnates her

3. it impregnates her

4. it impregnates her
FC jc-031297
5. it impregnates her
FC jc-031297

0. nerves of the calf of the leg

1. nerves of the calf of the leg

FC - > jc-61096

0. calf of the leg

1. calf of the leg

FC -> jc-72895
2. calf of the leg

3. calf of the leg

4. calf
FC - > jc-61096
5. calf of the leg <co:tztli>
<co:tztli> FC - > jc-61096
6. calf of the leg
FC jc-031297
7. calf of the leg
FC jc-031297

0. having heavy calves of the legs
Adj Form jc-022897
1. having heavy calves of the legs
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. having heavy calves of the legs

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. quiza's; si ( perhaps; if )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. quiza's; si ( perhaps; if )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. quiza's; si ( perhaps; if )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. quiza's; si ( perhaps; if )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. in yeh amo oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
5. cox ompa tlahtec yocatca ce coatl; E'l no sabi'a que ahi'
dentro ya estaba una culebra He did not know that inside
there was already a snake
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
6. Quien no sabia que la culebra estaba adentro ? Aquin amo
oquimatia cox tlahtec ocatca in coatl ? Who did not know
that the snake was inside ?

0. shake, clean

0. pheasant

0. having pheasant ( feathers )
FC jc-031297

0. to pulverize, to powder, to grind
FC - > jc-61096

0. it is pulverized, powdered

0. powdered
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. powdered
FC -> jc-72895
2. powdered

3. powdered

4. powdered
FC jc-031297
5. powdered
FC jc-031297

0. he shells it

1. he shells it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he shells it

3. he shells it

4. he shells it
FC jc-031297
5. he shells it
FC jc-031297

0. widen

0. widen
FC - > jc-61096

0. wide (eg opening)
Adj Form jc-022897
1. wide ( eg opening )
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. broad
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. spacious

4. extensive

5. extended
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. wide ( eg opening )

0. st widened

0. broad, wide; enlarged; extensive; distended; open; roomy

1. broad, wide; enlarged; extensive; distended; open; roomy

FC -> jc-72895
2. broad, wide; enlarged; extensive; distended; open; roomy

3. broad, wide; enlarged; extensive; distended; open; roomy

4. broad, wide; enlarged; extensive; distended; roomy; open

<coya:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. broad, wide; enlarged; extensive; distended; room y; open
<coya:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. broad, wide; enlarged; extensive; distended; open; roomy
FC jc-031297
7. broad, wide; enlarged; extensive; distended; open; roomy
FC jc-031297

0. pig keeper
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. pig keeper
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. pig keeper
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. pig keeper
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. pig
1. peccary; pig
FC -> jc-72895
2. peccary; pig

3. peccary; pig
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. pig
5. peccary; pig

6. peccary; pig
7. peccary; pig <coyametl>
<coyametl> FC - > jc-61096
8. peccary; pig
FC jc-031297
9. peccary; pig
FC jc-031297

0. hole

0. make a hole
FC - > jc-61096

coyo:ni tlacoyoctli
0. hole

0. perforated, hole
Adj Form jc-022897
1. perforated
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. hole
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. split

4. cloven

5. parted

6. pierced

7. cleft

8. cavity

9. crater
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. void

11. gorge

12. hollow

13. shaft

14. opening

15. chasm

16. pit

17. cave

18. cavern

19. cove

20. burrow

21. den

22. tunnel

23. hovel

24. shelter

25. lair

26. perforated

27. hole

0. coyote

0. hole, or having a hole
Adj Form jc-022897
1. hole
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. or having a hole
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. cavity

4. crater

5. void

6. gorge

7. hollow

8. shaft

9. opening

10. chasm

11. pit

12. cave

13. cavern

14. cove

15. burrow

16. den

17. tunnel

18. hovel

19. shelter

20. lair

21. perforation

22. puncture

23. cleft

24. opening
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

25. slot

26. gash

27. split

28. tear

29. crack

30. hole

31. or having a hole

0. Quien salio del agujero ? Aquin oqui:z den coyoctli ? Who
came out off the hole ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. coyote skin

1. coyote skin
FC -> jc-72895
2. coyote skin

3. coyote skin

4. coyote skin <coyo:tl-e:huatl>

<coyo:tl-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. coyote skin <coyo:tl-e:huatl>
<coyo:tl-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. coyote skin <coyo:tl-e:huatl>
<coyo:tl-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. coyote skin
FC jc-031297
8. coyote skin
FC jc-031297

0. old-coyote

0. they cry out; they howl
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they cry out; they howl

FC -> jc-72895
2. they cry out; they howl

3. they cry out; they howl

4. they cry out, they howl <coyo:tl-v10>

<coyo:tl-v10> FC - > jc-61096
5. they cry out, they howl <coyo:tl-v10>
<coyo:tl-v10> FC - > jc-61096
6. they cry out; they howl
FC jc-031297
7. they cry out; they howl
FC jc-031297

0. they went howling

1. they went howling

FC -> jc-72895
2. they went howling

3. they went howling

4. they went howling <coyo:tl-v10-dir2a-ya3>

<coyo:tl-v10-dir2a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they went howling <coyo:tl-v10-dir2a-ya3>
<coyo:tl-v10-dir2a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they went howling <coyo:tl-v10-dir2a-ya3>
<coyo:tl-v10-dir2a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they went howling <coyo:tl-v10-dir2a-ya3>
<coyo:tl-v10-dir2a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they went howling <coyo:tl-v10-dir2a-ya3>
<coyo:tl-v10-dir2a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. they went howling
FC jc-031297
10. they went howling
FC jc-031297

0. coyote fur breechcloth

1. coyote fur breechcloth

FC -> jc-72895
2. coyote fur breechcloth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. coyote fur breechcloth

4. coyote fur breechcloth

FC jc-031297
5. coyote fur breechcloth
FC jc-031297

0. coyote fur cape

1. coyote fur cape

FC -> jc-72895
2. coyote fur cape

3. coyote fur cape

4. coyote fur cape

FC jc-031297
5. coyote fur cape
FC jc-031297

0. coyote-colored cotton

1. coyote-colored cotton
FC -> jc-72895
2. coyote-colored cotton

3. coyote-colored cotton

4. coyote-colored cotton
FC jc-031297
5. coyote-colored cotton
FC jc-031297

0. one who has bells
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. those who have bells
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. those who have bells
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. hook
1. bell
FC -> jc-72895
2. bell

3. hook
4. bell

5. bell <coyolli>
<coyolli> FC - > jc-61096
6. bell
FC jc-031297
7. bell
FC jc-031297

0. he makes awls

1. he makes awls
FC -> jc-72895
2. he makes awls

3. he makes awls

4. he makes awls <coyolli-mi:tl-chi:hua>

<coyolli-mi:tl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he makes awls <coyolli-mi:tl-chi:hua>
<coyolli-mi:tl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. he makes awls <coyolli-mi:tl-chi:hua>
<coyolli-mi:tl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. he makes awls
FC jc-031297
8. he makes awls
FC jc-031297

0. awl

1. awl
FC -> jc-72895
2. awl
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. awl

4. awl <coyolli-omitl>
<coyolli-omitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. awl <coyolli-omitl>
<coyolli-omitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. awl
FC jc-031297
7. awl
FC jc-031297

0. like the sound of a bell

1. like the sound of a bell

FC -> jc-72895
2. like the sound of a bell

3. like the sound of a bell

4. like the sound of a bell <coyolli-tic>

<coyolli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. like the sound of a bell <coyolli-tic>
<coyolli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. like the sound of a bell
FC jc-031297
7. like the sound of a bell
FC jc-031297

0. coyotes ( coyotes )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. they walk on all fours

1. they walk on all fours

FC -> jc-72895
2. they walk on all fours

3. they walk on all fours

4. they walk on all fours

FC jc-031297
5. they walk on all fours
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they open

1. they open
FC -> jc-72895
2. they open

3. they open

4. to drill, to perforate
FC - > jc-61096
5. they open
FC jc-031297
6. they open
FC jc-031297

0. perforate
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

coyonia ( mo- )
0. se agujera; se hace un agujero ( it is pierced; it is
perforated )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. se agujera; se hace un agujero ( it is pierced; perforated
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. I drill it, I perforate it

0. hollow; hollowed; perforated; bored through; having a hole

1. hollow; hollowed; perforated; bored through; having a hole

FC -> jc-72895
2. hollow; hollowed; perforated; bored through; having a hole

3. hollow; hollowed; perforated; bored through; having a hole

4. hollowed; hollow; perforated; having a hole; bored through

<coyo:ni-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. hollowed; hollow; perforated; having a hole; bored through

<coyo:ni-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. hollow; hollowed; perforated; bored though; having a hole;
cleft; bored through
FC jc-031297
7. hollow; hollowed; perforated; bored though; having a hole;
cleft; bored through
FC jc-031297

0. coyote ( coyote )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. coyote
FC -> jc-72895
2. coyote

3. coyote

4. coyote
FC - > jc-61096
5. coyote <coyo:tl>
<coyo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. coyote ( coyote )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. coyote
FC jc-031297
8. coyote
FC jc-031297

0. coyote

0. mucho ( much )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. they anoint him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they anoint him

3. they anoint him

4. mucho ( much )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. they anoint him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. they anoint him
FC jc-031297

0. weasel

1. weasel
FC -> jc-72895
2. weasel

3. weasel

4. weasel
FC jc-031297
5. weasel
FC jc-031297

0. it turns yellow

1. it turns yellow
FC -> jc-72895
2. it turns yellow

3. it turns yellow

4. it becomes yellow; it turns yellow

FC jc-031297
5. it becomes yellow; it turns yellow
FC jc-031297

0. weasel

1. weasel
FC -> jc-72895
2. weasel

3. weasel

4. weasel
FC jc-031297
5. weasel
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. weasel

1. weasel
FC -> jc-72895
2. weasel

3. weasel

4. weasel
FC jc-031297
5. weasel
FC jc-031297

0. yellow; blond

1. yellow; blond
FC -> jc-72895
2. yellow; blond

3. yellow; blond

4. yellow, blond <coztli-v0-c2>

<coztli-v0-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. yellow, blond <coztli-v0-c2>
<coztli-v0-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. yellow; blond
FC jc-031297
7. yellow; blond
FC jc-031297

0. vulture egg

1. vulture egg
FC -> jc-72895
2. vulture egg

3. vulture egg

4. vulture egg <co:zcatl-cua:uhtli-tetl1>

<co:zcatl-cua:uhtli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. vulture egg <co:zcatl-cua:uhtli-tetl1>
<co:zcatl-cua:uhtli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. vulture egg <co:zcatl-cua:uhtli-tetl1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<co:zcatl-cua:uhtli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096

7. vulture egg
FC jc-031297
8. vulture egg
FC jc-031297

0. king vulture; vulture

1. king vulture; vulture

FC -> jc-72895
2. king vulture; vulture

3. king vulture; vulture

4. king vulture; vulture <co:zcatl-cua:uhtli>

<co:zcatl-cua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. king vulture; vulture <co:zcatl-cua:uhtli>
<co:zcatl-cua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. king vulture; vulture
FC jc-031297
7. king vulture; vulture
FC jc-031297

0. to become a necklace
FC - > jc-61096

cozcati quicozcatiah
0. they give her a necklace

0. jewel, bead, necklace, neck band
1. jewel, bead, necklace; neck band
FC -> jc-72895
2. jewel, bead, necklace, neck band
3. jewel, bead, necklace, neck band
4. jewel
FC - > jc-61096
5. jewel, bead
FC - > jc-61096
6. jewel, bead, necklace, neck band <co:zcatl>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<co:zcatl> FC - > jc-61096

7. jewel, bead, necklace, neck band <co:ztli-tic>
<co:ztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. jewel, bead, necklace, neck band <co:ztli-tic>
<co:ztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. jewel, bead, necklace; neck band
FC jc-031297
10. jewel, bead, necklace; neck band
FC jc-031297

0. striped with yellow

1. striped with yellow

FC -> jc-72895
2. striped with yellow

3. striped with yellow

4. striped with yellow <coztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>

<coztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. striped with yellow <coztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>
<coztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. striped with yellow <coztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>
<coztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. striped with yellow <coztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>
<coztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
8. striped with yellow
FC jc-031297
9. striped with yellow
FC jc-031297

0. yellow tuna cactus fruit, yellow prickly pear
FC jc-031297

0. in a cradle; in the cradle

1. in a cradle; in the cradle

FC -> jc-72895
2. in a cradle; in the cradle

3. in a cradle; in the cradle

4. in a cradle; in the cradle <co:zolli-co1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<co:zolli-co1> FC - > jc-61096

5. in a cradle; in the cradle <co:zolli-co1>
<co:zolli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. in a cradle; in the cradle
FC jc-031297
7. in a cradle; in the cradle
FC jc-031297

0. cradle

1. cradle
FC -> jc-72895
2. cradle

3. cradle

4. cradle <co:zolli>
<co:zolli> FC - > jc-61096
5. cradle
FC jc-031297
6. cradle
FC jc-031297

0. very yellow

1. very yellow
FC -> jc-72895
2. very yellow

3. very yellow

4. very yellow <co:ztli-pah4-tic>

<co:ztli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very yellow <co:ztli-pah4-tic>
<co:ztli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very yellow <co:ztli-pah4-tic>
<co:ztli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very yellow
FC jc-031297
8. very yellow
FC jc-031297

0. very yellow
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. very yellow
FC -> jc-72895
2. very yellow
3. very yellow
4. very yellow
5. very yellow
6. very yellow <co:ztli-pah4-tic>
<co:ztli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very yellow <coztli-pah4-tic>
<coztli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. very yellow <co:ztli-pa4-tic>
<co:ztli-pa4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. very yellow <co:ztli-pah4-tic>
<co:ztli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
10. very yellow <co:ztli-pah4-tic>
<co:ztli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
11. very yellow
FC jc-031297
12. very yellow
FC jc-031297

0. very yellow

1. very yellow
FC -> jc-72895
2. very yellow

3. very yellow

4. very yellow <co:ztli-pil?-tic>

<co:ztli-pil?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very yellow <coztli-pil?-tic>
<coztli-pil?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very yellow <co:ztli-pil2-tic>
<co:ztli-pil2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very yellow <co:ztli-pil?-tic>
<co:ztli-pil?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. very yellow
FC jc-031297
9. very yellow
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. one who has a necklace
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. those who have necklaces
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. those who have necklaces
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. yellow

1. yellow
FC -> jc-72895
2. yellow

3. yellow

4. yellow <co:ztli-tic>
<co:ztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. yellow <coztli-tic>
<coztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. yellow <co:ztli-tic>
<co:ztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. yellow
Adj Form jc-022897
8. yellow
FC jc-031297
9. yellow
FC jc-031297
10. yellow
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
11. orange-yellow
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
12. saffron

13. tawny

14. tan

15. ivory-yellow
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

16. yellow

0. gold mine
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. gold mine
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. gold mine
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. dyed yellow
FC jc-031297

0. yellow falcon

1. yellow falcon
FC -> jc-72895
2. yellow falcon

3. yellow falcon

4. yellow falcon
FC jc-031297
5. yellow falcon
FC jc-031297

0. dark yellow

1. dark yellow
FC -> jc-72895
2. dark yellow

3. dark yellow

4. dark yellow
FC jc-031297
5. dark yellow
FC jc-031297

0. eat
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

cua ( nitla- )
0. como ( I eat )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

cua nenenepilcualtiliztli
0. injury to the tongue

cua quintlacualtia
0. he provides them food

cua-| tlacualiztli
0. act of eating something

cua-| tlaollinictlaolcualtia
0. I feed it grains of maize

0. eat, bite
1. eat, edible
FC - > jc-61096
2. to eat
FC - > jc-61096

0. head
1. (cf tlanquaitl) head
2. (cf tlanquaitl) head

0. blanket

0. head

1. head
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096

0. in aquin ipan tlacatia cenca cualittoya
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. he who was then born was very well regarded

0. quilia: quen otipanoc cualli tlatlallancaltzin ? quen
otixton ? Le dice: ? Co'mo lo has pasado
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. buena Cuevita
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. co'mo amaneciste ? He says: How are you fairing

3. good cave

4. how did you rise this morning ?

5. ocualnanquilih in pitzocoatl: cualli

6. huel miec tlazohcamati

7. xipano totochtzin Contesto'le la malvada Culebra: --Bien

8. muchas gracias

9. pasa

10. buen Conejito; The mean spirited snake answered

11. " Fine

12. thank you

13. come in

14. good little rabbit; "

0. no ihuan in ihcuac otztli cihuatl
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. in ihcuac cualo tonatiuh
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. anozo metztli: amo huel quittaya

JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
3. likewise
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
4. when a woman was with child during an eclipse of the sun or
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
5. she might might not look at it

6. in mitoaya

7. intla tlamiz

8. in cualo tonatiuh: centlayohuaz: it was thus said: " if the

eclipse of the sun is complete

9. it will be dark forever ! "

10. metztli cualo eclipse of the moon

11. oncan miqui

12. in tlaminqui: oncan cualo there dies the hunter; there he

is eaten

13. in cualo in zan xoxouhqui ihuan in amo huel iuccic


14. teapitzalti those which are often uncooked

15. and not well cooked

16. cause one to vomit

17. to have diarrhea

0. wide at the top and narrow at the bottom
Adj Form jc-022897
1. wide at the top and narrow at the bottom
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. wide at the top and narrow at the bottom
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. eagle
1. eagle

2. eagle
3. eagle

4. eagle
FC - > jc-61096

0. drunk or insane
Adj Form jc-022897
1. drunk or insane
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. intoxicated
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. inebriated

4. sloshed

5. smashed

6. drunken

7. stoned

8. befuddled

9. psychotic

10. demented

11. deranged

12. lunatic

13. mad

14. schizophrenic

15. crazy

16. crazed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

17. maniacal

18. drunk or insane

0. cuando ( when )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. cuac oahcito inahuac in tlallancal
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. achto otetlahpaloh Cuando llego' a la cueva lo ( primero )
que hizo fue saludar When he go to the cave the first
thing he did was greet

0. the head becomes red, chili-red

1. the head becomes red, chili-red

FC -> jc-72895
2. the head becomes red, chili-red

3. the head becomes red, chili-red

4. the head becomes red, chili-red

FC jc-031297
5. the head becomes red, chili-red
FC jc-031297

0. having a chile-red head; having a red head

1. having a chile-red head; having a red head

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a chile-red head; having a red head

3. having a chile-red head; having a red head

4. having a chile-red head <cua:itl-dupl-chi:lli-tic>

<cua:itl-dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a red head <cuaitl-dupl-chi:lli-tic>
<cuaitl-dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a red head; having a chile-red head
<cuaitl-dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having a red head; having a chile-red head
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cuaitl-dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. having a red head; having a chile-red head
<cuaitl-dupl-chi:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. having a chile-red head; having a red head
FC jc-031297
10. having a chile-red head; having a red head
FC jc-031297

0. having blackish tips
FC jc-031297

0. seller of large cotton capes

1. seller of large cotton capes

FC -> jc-72895
2. seller of large cotton capes

3. seller of large cotton capes

4. seller of large cotton capes <cua:chtli-namaca-qui1>

<cua:chtli-namaca-qui1> FC - > jc-61096
5. seller of large cotton capes <cua:chtli-namaca-qui1>
<cua:chtli-namaca-qui1> FC - > jc-61096
6. seller of large cotton capes <cua:chtli-namaca-qui1>
<cua:chtli-namaca-qui1> FC - > jc-61096
7. seller of large cotton capes
FC jc-031297
8. seller of large cotton capes
FC jc-031297
9. seller of large cotton capes
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. spoiled large cotton cape, rotton large cotton cape

1. spoiled large cotton cape, rotton large cotton cape

FC -> jc-72895
2. spoiled large cotton cape, rotton large cotton cape

3. spoiled large cotton cape, rotton large cotton cape

4. spoiled large cotton cape, rotton large cotton cape
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cua:chtli-pala:ni-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. spoiled large cotton cape, rotton large cotton cape
<cua:chtli-pala:ni-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. spoiled large cotton cape, rotton large cotton cape
FC jc-031297
7. spoiled large cotton cape, rotton large cotton cape
FC jc-031297

0. spoiled large cotton cape, rotton large cotton cape
FC -> jc-72895
1. spoiled large cotton cape, rotton large cotton cape
<cua:chtli-pala:ni--> FC - > jc-61096
2. spoiled large cotton cape, rotton large cotton cape
<cua:chtli-pala:ni--> FC - > jc-61096
3. spoiled large cotton cape, rotton large cotton cape
FC jc-031297
4. spoiled large cotton cape, rotton large cotton cape
FC jc-031297

0. blanket; large cape; mantle

1. blanket; large cape; mantle

FC -> jc-72895
2. blanket; large cape; mantle

3. large cape, mantle

4. blanket; large cape; mantle

5. large cape, mantle

6. large cape, mantle <cua:chtli>
<cua:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. blanket; large cape; mantle
FC jc-031297
8. blanket; large cape; mantle
FC jc-031297

0. hooked at the top, curved at the top
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. canvas-back

1. canvas-back
FC -> jc-72895
2. canvas-back

3. canvas-back

4. canvas-back
FC jc-031297
5. canvas-back
FC jc-031297

0. they have antennae

1. they have antennae

FC -> jc-72895
2. they have antennae

3. they have antennae

4. they have antennae <cuaitl-cuahuitl-eh1>

<cuaitl-cuahuitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. they have antennae <cuaitl-cuahuitl-eh1>
<cuaitl-cuahuitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. they have antennae
FC jc-031297
7. they have antennae
FC jc-031297

0. antled, having antlers; antlered; bull; having thorns

1. antled, having antlers; antlered; bull; having thorns

FC -> jc-72895
2. bovine ( cuaitl = head; cuahuitl = wood ) [ one that has
head-woods ]
3. bovine ( cuaitl = head; cuahuitl = wood ) [ one that has
head-woods ]
4. antled, having antlers; antlered; bull; having thorns
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. antled, having antlers; antlered; bull; having thorns

6. antlered, having antlers; bull <cuaitl-cuahuitl-eh1>

<cuaitl-cuahuitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. antlered, having antlers; bull <cuaitl-cuahuitl-eh1>
<cuaitl-cuahuitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
8. bovine ( cuaitl = head; cuahuitl = wood ) [ one that has
head-woods ]
9. antled, having antlers; antlered; bull; having thorns
FC jc-031297
10. antled, having antlers; antlered; bull; having thorns
FC jc-031297

0. buey ( ox )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. something that has horns or antlers
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. woodcutter

1. woodcutter
FC -> jc-72895
2. woodcutter

3. woodcutter

4. woodcutter
FC jc-031297
5. woodcutter
FC jc-031297

0. animal's horn

1. animal's horn
FC - > jc-61096

0. it boils; it cooks; it churns up; it roars; it swirls; it

1. it boils; it cooks; it churns up; it roars; it swirls; it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it boils; it cooks; it churns up; it roars; it swirls; it

3. it boils; it cooks; it churns up; it roars; it swirls; it


4. it boils <dupl-cuala:ni-ca7>
<dupl-cuala:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. it boils; it cooks; it churns up; it roars; it swirls; it
thunders <cuala:ni-ca7>
<cuala:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. it boils; it cooks; it roars <dupl-cuala:ni-ca7>
<dupl-cuala:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
7. it boils; it cooks; it roars <dupl-cuala:ni-ca7>
<dupl-cuala:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
8. it boils; it cooks; it churns up; it roars; it swirls; it
FC jc-031297
9. it boils; it cooks; it churns up; it roars; it swirls; it
FC jc-031297

0. he lay there rumbling; he stretches out rumbling

1. he lay there rumbling; he stretches out rumbling

FC -> jc-72895
2. he lay there rumbling; he stretches out rumbling

3. he lay there rumbling; he stretches out rumbling

4. he lay there rumbling; he stretches out rumbling

<dupl-cuala:ni-ca7-toc> FC - > jc-61096
5. he lay there rumbling; he stretches out rumbling
<dupl-cuala:ni-ca7-toc> FC - > jc-61096
6. he lay there rumbling; he stretches out rumbling
<dupl-cuala:ni-ca7-toc> FC - > jc-61096
7. he lay there rumbling; he stretches out rumbling
<dupl-cuala:ni-ca7-toc> FC - > jc-61096
8. he lay there rumbling; he stretches out rumbling
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
9. he lay there rumbling; he stretches out rumbling
FC jc-031297

0. it will boil, it will cook

1. it will boil, it will cook

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will boil, it will cook

3. it will boil, it will cook

4. it will boil, it will cook <dupl-cuala:ni-ca7-z>

<dupl-cuala:ni-ca7-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will boil, it will cook <dupl-cuala:ni-ca7-z>
<dupl-cuala:ni-ca7-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. it will boil, it will cook <dupl-cuala:ni-ca7-z>
<dupl-cuala:ni-ca7-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. it will boil, it will cook <dupl-cuala:ni-ca7-z>
<dupl-cuala:ni-ca7-z> FC - > jc-61096
8. it will boil, it will cook
FC jc-031297
9. it will boil, it will cook
FC jc-031297

cuacualatza ( mo- )
0. se hierve ( it is boiled )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. good; wonderful

1. good; wonderful
FC -> jc-72895
2. good; wonderful

3. good; wonderful

4. good; wonderful <dupl-cualli>

<dupl-cualli> FC - > jc-61096
5. good; wonderful <dupl-cualli>
<dupl-cualli> FC - > jc-61096
6. good; wonderful <dupl-cualli>
<dupl-cualli> FC - > jc-61096
7. good; wonderful
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. good; wonderful
FC jc-031297

0. chewable

1. chewable
FC -> jc-72895
2. chewable

3. chewable

4. chewable <dupl-cua:-lo:1>
<dupl-cua:-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. chewable <dupl-cua:-lo:1>
<dupl-cua:-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. chewable <dupl-cua:-lo:1>
<dupl-cua:-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. chewable
FC jc-031297
8. chewable
FC jc-031297

0. chewable; edible

1. chewable; edible
FC -> jc-72895
2. chewable; edible

3. chewable; edible

4. chewable; edible <dupl-cua:-lo:1-ni1>

<dupl-cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. chewable; edible <dupl-cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<dupl-cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. chewable; edible <dupl-cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<dupl-cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. chewable; edible <dupl-cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<dupl-cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. chewable; edible <dupl-cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<dupl-cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. chewable; edible <dupl-cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<dupl-cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
10. chewable; edible
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
11. chewable; edible
FC jc-031297

0. beautiful

1. beautiful
FC -> jc-72895
2. beautiful

3. beautiful

4. beautiful
FC jc-031297
5. beautiful
FC jc-031297

0. good

1. good
FC -> jc-72895
2. good

3. good

4. good <dupl-cualli-tzin>
<dupl-cualli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. good <dupl-cualli-tzin>
<dupl-cualli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. good <dupl-cualli-tzin>
<dupl-cualli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. good
FC jc-031297
8. good
FC jc-031297

0. flesh of cattle, beef

1. flesh of cattle, beef

FC -> jc-72895
2. flesh of cattle, beef

3. flesh of cattle, beef
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. flesh of cattle, beef

FC jc-031297
5. flesh of cattle, beef
FC jc-031297

0. eagles; it has a pain in its side

1. eagles; it has a pain in its side

FC -> jc-72895
2. eagles; it has a pain in its side

3. eagles
<dupl-cua:uhtli-plur02 plur07>
4. eagles; it has a pain in its side

5. eagles
<dupl-cua:uhtli-plur02 plur07>
6. eagles <dupl-cua:uhtli-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-cua:uhtli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. eagles <dupl-cua:uhtli-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-cua:uhtli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
8. eagles <dupl-cua:uhtli-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-cua:uhtli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
9. eagles; it has a pain in its side
FC jc-031297
10. eagles; it has a pain in its side
FC jc-031297

0. arbolito ( little tree )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. something that has small horns or antennae
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. toros ( bulls )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. skin of the head
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cuah ( otla- )
0. comio' ( he ate )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. good ( good )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. good
FC -> jc-72895
2. good

3. good

4. good ( good )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. good
FC jc-031297
6. good
FC jc-031297

0. in temamauhti cocoliztli, in coahcihuiztli, in
cocototzahuiliztli, in huapahualiztli, cuahcuauhtiliztli,
fearful sickness, the gout, lameness, cramps, paralysis;
<dupl-cuahuitl-v01a-liz (b4 f12 c38 p128)
1. in temamauhti cocoliztli, in coahcihuiztli, in
cocototzahuiliztli, in huapahualiztli, cuahcuauhtiliztli,
fearful sickness, the gout, lameness, cramps, paralysis;
<dupl-cuahuitl-v01a-liz> (b4 f12 c38 p128) JC-7/23/96

0. he grows thin
FC jc-031297

0. he will grow thin
FC jc-031297

0. a'rboles ( trees )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. Cuacuauhtzin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cuahqueh ( otla- )
0. comieron ( they ate )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. bosque ( forest; woods )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. Nictohtontoc in axno nic yaz cuahtlan Estoy desatando el
burro porque va a ir al campo I am untying the donkey
because it is going to the field
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
1. Nictohtonticah in axno nic yaz cuahtlan Estoy desatando el
burro porque va ir al campo I am untying the donkey because
it is going to the field
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. tree, wood
1. (cf tlaquaua) tree, wood
2. (cf tlaquaua) tree, wood

0. pole

1. pole
FC -> jc-72895
2. pole

3. pole

4. pole
FC jc-031297
5. pole
FC jc-031297

0. oak leaf

1. oak leaf
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. oak leaf

3. oak leaf

4. oak leaf
FC jc-031297
5. oak leaf
FC jc-031297

0. coarse paper

1. coarse paper
FC -> jc-72895
2. coarse paper

3. coarse paper

4. coarse paper <cuahuitl-a:matl>

<cuahuitl-a:matl> FC - > jc-61096
5. coarse paper <cuahuitl-a:matl>
<cuahuitl-a:matl> FC - > jc-61096
6. coarse paper
FC jc-031297
7. coarse paper
FC jc-031297

0. on a board; on wood; on a cradle board

1. on a board; on wood; on a cradle board

FC -> jc-72895
2. on a board; on wood; on a cradle board

3. on a board; on wood; on a cradle board

4. on a board, on wood; on a cradle board <cuahuitl-co2>

<cuahuitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. on a board, on wood; on a cradle board <cuahuitl-co2>
<cuahuitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. on a board; on wood; on a cradle board
FC jc-031297
7. on a board; on wood; on a cradle board
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. ihuan cuahuilacatzoque in quipaquiltia miyec tlamantli and

[ there were those ] who rolled a log with their feet thus
bringing pleasure in many ways (b8 f2 p30)

0. wood
1. len~a ( firewood )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. a'rbol ( tree )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. a'rbol ( tree )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
4. a'rbol; tronco ( tree; trunk; wood; stick )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. a'rbol; madera; len~a ( tree; trunk; wood; stick )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
6. len~a ( tree; trunk; wood; stick )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. a'rbol; tronco ( tree; trunk; wood; stick )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
8. len~a; tronco; a'rbol ( tree; trunk; wood; stick )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
9. a'rbol; tronco ( tree; trunk; wood; stick )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
10. a'rbol ( tree; trunk; wood; stick )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
11. len~a ( wood; firewood )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
12. club, piece of wood; log; wood; pine stick; pole; shrub;
staff; stick; stave; tree; tree branch; forest; wooden stave
FC -> jc-72895
13. club, piece of wood; log; wood; pine stick; pole; shrub;
staff; stick; stave; tree; tree branch; forest; wooden stave

14. wood
15. club, piece of wood; log; wood; pine stick; pole; shrub;
staff; stick; stave; tree; tree branch; forest; wooden stave

16. club, piece of wood; log; wood; pine stick; pole; shrub;
staff; stick; stave <cuahuitl>
<cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
17. tree
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

18. tree, wood

FC - > jc-61096
19. tree, wood ( cf tlacuahua )
FC - > jc-61096
20. tree; tree branch; wood; forest; club; log; stave; wooden
stave <cuahuitl>
<cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
21. wood, tree
FC - > jc-61096
22. len~a ( firewood )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
23. a'rbol ( tree )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
24. a'rbol ( tree )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
25. a'rbol; tronco ( tree; trunk; wood; stick )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
26. a'rbol; madera; len~a ( tree; trunk; wood; stick )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
27. len~a ( tree; trunk; wood; stick )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
28. a'rbol; tronco ( tree; trunk; wood; stick )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
29. len~a; tronco; a'rbol ( tree; trunk; wood; stick )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
30. a'rbol; tronco ( tree; trunk; wood; stick )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
31. a'rbol ( tree; trunk; wood; stick )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
32. len~a ( wood; firewood )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
33. club, piece of wood; log; wood; pine stick; pole; shrub;
staff; stick; stave; tree; tree branch; forest; wooden stave
FC jc-031297
34. club, piece of wood; log; wood; pine stick; pole; shrub;
staff; stick; stave; tree; tree branch; forest; wooden stave
FC jc-031297
35. Nimitztetequilotoc in cuahuitl ompa tlacuitlapan Te estoy
cortando la len~a alla atras I am cutting your firewood
back there
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
36. In tocnih techhualzaquilihtoc in cuahuitl Nuestro hermano
nos esta' acarreando la len~a Our brother is carrying the
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cuahuitl cuauhxeloa
0. he splits wood
FC - > jc-61096

cuahuitl tetl
0. castigation, punishment

1. castigation, punishment
FC -> jc-72895
2. castigation, punishment
FC -> jc-72895
3. castigation, punishment

4. castigation, punishment

5. castigation, punishment <cuahuitl tetl1>

<cuahuitl tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. castigation, punishment <cuahuitl tetl1>
<cuahuitl tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. castigation, punishment
FC jc-031297
8. castigation, punishment
FC jc-031297

0. pointed on top; tapered

1. pointed on top; tapered

FC -> jc-72895
2. pointed on top; tapered

3. pointed on top; tapered

4. pointed on top; tapered

FC jc-031297
5. pointed on top; tapered
FC jc-031297

0. having a small pointed tip; pointed at the ends

1. having a small pointed tip; pointed at the ends

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a small pointed tip; pointed at the ends

3. having a small pointed tip; pointed at the ends
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. having a small pointed tip; pointed at the ends

FC jc-031297
5. having a small pointed tip; pointed at the ends
FC jc-031297

0. head (cf tlancuaitl)

1. head
FC - > jc-61096
2. head ( cf tlancuaitl )
FC - > jc-61096

0. white-headed

1. white-headed
FC -> jc-72895
2. white-headed

3. white-headed

4. white-headed <cua:itl-iztatl-v06-delya-c1>
<cua:itl-iztatl-v06-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. white-headed <cua:itl-iztatl-v06-delya-c1>
<cua:itl-iztatl-v06-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. white-headed <cua:itl-iztatl-v06-delya-c1>
<cua:itl-iztatl-v06-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. white-headed <cua:itl-iztatl-v06-delya-c1>
<cua:itl-iztatl-v06-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. white-headed
FC jc-031297
9. white-headed
FC jc-031297

0. white-headed

1. white-headed
FC -> jc-72895
2. white-headed

3. white-headed

4. white-headed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. white-headed
FC jc-031297

0. gray-headed; white-headed

1. gray-headed; white-headed
FC -> jc-72895
2. gray-headed; white-headed

3. gray-headed; white-headed

4. gray-headed; white-headed <cua:itl-iztatl-v01-delya-plur14>

<cua:itl-iztatl-v01-delya-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
5. gray-headed; white-headed <cua:itl-iztatl-v01-delya-plur14>
<cua:itl-iztatl-v01-delya-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
6. gray-headed; white-headed <cua:itl-iztatl-v01-delya-plur14>
<cua:itl-iztatl-v01-delya-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
7. gray-headed; white-headed
FC jc-031297
8. gray-headed; white-headed
FC jc-031297

0. anger

0. angry
Adj Form jc-022897
1. angry
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. incensed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. irate

4. enraged

5. mad

6. acrimonious

7. irritated

8. upset
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. furious

10. choleric

11. angry

0. to be angry

1. angry
FC - > jc-61096
2. get angry
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

cuala:ni te:cuala:niltia
0. he angers so

0. angry
Adj Form jc-022897
1. angry
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. incensed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. irate

4. enraged

5. mad

6. acrimonious

7. irritated

8. upset

9. furious

10. choleric

11. angry
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. saliva, poison
1. saliva

2. saliva, poison
3. saliva

4. saliva
FC - > jc-61096

0. one who has anger
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. he becomes angry; it becomes angry; it is angry; she
becomes angry; they are angry; they become angry

1. he becomes angry; it becomes angry; it is angry; she

becomes angry; they are angry; they become angry
FC -> jc-72895
2. he becomes angry; it becomes angry; it is angry; she
becomes angry; they are angry; they become angry

3. he becomes angry; it becomes angry; it is angry; she

becomes angry; they are angry; they become angry

4. he becomes angry; it becomes angry; it is angry; she

becomes angry; they are angry; they become angry
FC jc-031297
5. he becomes angry; it becomes angry; it is angry; she
becomes angry; they are angry; they become angry
FC jc-031297

0. they became angry
FC jc-031297
1. anger ( so )
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

cualania ( yotla- )
0. se disgustaban; se enojaban ( they were getting angry )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he will be angry, he will be wrathful
FC jc-031297

0. they became angry; they were wrathful

1. they became angry; they were wrathful

FC -> jc-72895
2. they became angry; they were wrathful

3. they became angry; they were wrathful

4. they became angry; they were wrathful <cuala:ni-prt1-plur01>

<cuala:ni-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they became angry; they were wrathful
FC jc-031297
6. they became angry; they were wrathful
FC jc-031297

0. hatred, anger

1. hatred, anger
FC -> jc-72895
2. hatred, anger

3. hatred, anger

4. hatred, anger <cuala:ni-l2>

<cuala:ni-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. hatred, anger
FC jc-031297
6. hatred, anger
FC jc-031297

0. man~ana en la man~ana ( tomorrow morning )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. favorable time; good place; good time; opportune time
FC -> jc-72895
2. favorable time; good place; good time; opportune time

3. favorable time; good place; good time; opportune time

4. favorable time; good time; opportune time; good place
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cualli-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. favorable time; good time; opportune time; good place
<cualli-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. man~ana en la man~ana ( tomorrow morning )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. favorable time; good place; good time; opportune time
FC jc-031297
8. favorable time; good place; good time; opportune time
FC jc-031297
9. De donde vas a salir man~ana ? Can tihualqui:zaz cualcan ?
From where are you going to come out tomorrow ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
10. Quien va a salir de tu casa man~ana ? Aquin hualqui:zaz
mochan cualcan ? Who is going to come out of your house
tomorrow ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. buena ( good )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. bueno; justo ( good )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. bueno; bien ( good; well )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. bueno; bien ( good; well )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
4. buena ( good )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
5. bueno; justo ( good )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
6. bueno; bien ( good; well )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. bueno; bien ( good; well )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. lo va a traer ( she will carry it; she will bring it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he was well regarded

1. he was well regarded

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he was well regarded

3. he was well regarded

4. he was well regarded <cualli-itta-lo:1-ya3>

<cualli-itta-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was well regarded <cualli-itta-lo:1-ya3>
<cualli-itta-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was well regarded <cualli-itta-lo:1-ya3>
<cualli-itta-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he was well regarded <cualli-itta-lo:1-ya3>
<cualli-itta-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he was well regarded
FC jc-031297
9. he was well regarded
FC jc-031297

0. buen ( good )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. bueno ( good )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. bueno ( good )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. bueno; bien ( good; well )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
4. bueno ( good; all right )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. good
6. good; beautiful; fair; handsome; favorable; fine; proper;
sound; well; pretty
FC -> jc-72895
7. good; beautiful; fair; handsome; favorable; fine; proper;
sound; well; pretty

8. good
9. good; beautiful; fair; handsome; favorable; fine; proper;
sound; well; pretty

10. good; fine; beautiful; proper; sound; fair; handsom e; well;

pretty <cualli>
<cualli> FC - > jc-61096
11. buen ( good )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

12. bueno ( good )

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
13. bueno ( good )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
14. bueno; bien ( good; well )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
15. bueno ( good; all right )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
16. good; beautiful; fair; handsome; favorable; fine; proper;
sound; well; pretty
FC jc-031297
17. good; beautiful; fair; handsome; favorable; fine; proper;
sound; well; pretty
FC jc-031297

cualli nitlacualnextia
0. I embellish something
FC - > jc-61096

0. achto ce tetlahpaloa
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. huan tla ce cualnanquiliah ce calaqui
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. huan tlamo ce cualnanquiliah amo ce calaqui ( sino que )
primero se saluda y si le contestan
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
3. entra

4. y si no le contestan

5. no se entra One must

6. first

7. greet and if greeted back enter

8. and if not answered

9. do not enter

10. Que hace uno si es que le contestan ? Tlen ce quichihua in

tla ce cualnanquiliah ? What does one do if asnwered ?

11. Que hace uno si no le responden ? Tlen ce quichihua in tla

amo ce cualnanquiliah ? What does one do if not responded ?
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it appears beautiful; it is beautiful; it is good looking;
it looks good

1. it appears beautiful; it is beautiful; it is good looking;

it looks good
FC -> jc-72895
2. it appears beautiful; it is beautiful; it is good looking;
it looks good

3. it appears beautiful; it is beautiful; it is good looking;

it looks good

4. it appears beautiful; it is good looking; it is beautiful;

it looks good <cualli-ne:ci>
<cualli-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
5. it appears beautiful; it is good looking; it is beautiful;
it looks good <cualli-ne:ci>
<cualli-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
6. it appears beautiful; it is good looking; it is beautiful;
it looks good <cualli-ne:ci>
<cualli-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
7. it appears beautiful; it is beautiful; it is good looking;
it looks good
FC jc-031297
8. it appears beautiful; it is beautiful; it is good looking;
it looks good
FC jc-031297

0. man of a saintly life ( cualli = good; nemi = live; liz =
act of )

0. pious

1. pious
FC -> jc-72895
2. pious
<cualli-nemi-liz-eh1>-| jc-10896
3. pious
<cualli-nemi-liz-eh1>-| jc-10896
4. pious
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. pious

6. pious <cualli-nemi-liz-eh1>
<cualli-nemi-liz-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. pious <cualli-nemi-liz-eh1>
<cualli-nemi-liz-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
8. pious <cualli-nemi-liz-eh1>
<cualli-nemi-liz-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
9. pious <cualli-nemi-liz-eh1>
<cualli-nemi-liz-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
10. pious <cualli-nemi-liz-eh1>
<cualli-nemi-liz-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
11. pious
<cualli-nemi-liz-eh1>-| jc-10896
12. pious
FC jc-031297
13. pious
FC jc-031297

0. good life

1. good life
FC -> jc-72895
2. good life

3. good life

4. good life <cualli-nemi-liz>

<cualli-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. good life <cualli-nemi-liz>
<cualli-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. good life <cualli-nemi-liz>
<cualli-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. good life
FC jc-031297
8. good life
FC jc-031297

0. attractive

1. attractive
FC -> jc-72895
2. attractive
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. attractive

4. attractive <cualli-ne:ci-;
<cualli-ne:ci--> FC - > jc-61096
5. attractive <cualli-ne:ci-;
<cualli-ne:ci--> FC - > jc-61096
6. attractive <cualli-ne:ci-;
<cualli-ne:ci--> FC - > jc-61096
7. attractive
FC jc-031297
8. attractive
FC jc-031297

0. beautiful; good looking; of good appearance; pleasing of
appearance; they are beautiful

1. beautiful; good looking; of good appearance; pleasing of

appearance; they are beautiful
FC -> jc-72895
2. beautiful; good looking; of good appearance; pleasing of
appearance; they are beautiful

3. beautiful; good looking; of good appearance; pleasing of

appearance; they are beautiful

4. beautiful; good looking; of good appearance; pleasing of

appearance; they are beautiful <cualli-ne:ci-prt1-c2>
<cualli-ne:ci-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. beautiful; good looking; of good appearance; pleasing of
appearance; they are beautiful <cualli-ne:ci-prt1-c2>
<cualli-ne:ci-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. beautiful; good looking; of good appearance; pleasing of
appearance; they are beautiful <cualli-ne:ci-prt1-c2>
<cualli-ne:ci-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. beautiful; of good appearance; pleasing of appearance; they
are beautiful <cualli-ne:ci-prt1-c2>
<cualli-ne:ci-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
8. good looking; of good appearance <cuallli-ne:ci-prt1-c2>
<cuallli-ne:ci-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
9. beautiful; good looking; of good appearance; pleasing of
appearance; they are beautiful
FC jc-031297
10. beautiful; good looking; of good appearance; pleasing of
appearance; they are beautiful
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he is eaten; it is eaten; they are eaten
1. he is eaten; it is eaten
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are eaten
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is eaten; it is eaten; they are eaten
4. he is eaten; it is eaten; they are eaten
5. he is eaten; it is eaten; they are eaten <cua:-lo:1>
<cua:-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is eaten; it is eaten; they are eaten <cua:-lo:1>
<cua:-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is eaten; it is eaten
FC jc-031297
8. they are eaten
FC jc-031297
9. he is eaten; it is eaten
FC jc-031297
10. they are eaten
FC jc-031297

0. cancer

1. cancer
FC -> jc-72895
2. cancer

3. cancer

4. cancer
FC jc-031297
5. cancer
FC jc-031297

0. edible; edible things; food; food-producing

1. edible; edible things; food; food-producing

FC -> jc-72895
2. something to be eaten; source of food; there is food
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
3. edible; edible things; food; food-producing

4. edible; edible things; food; food-producing; something to

be eaten; source of food; there is food
5. edible; edible things; food; food-producing

6. edible; edible things; food; food-producing; something to

be eaten; source of food; there is food
7. edible; edible things; food; food-producing; something to
be eaten; source of food; there is food <cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. edible; edible things; food; food-producing; something to
be eaten; source of food; there is food <cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. edible; edible things; food; something to be eaten; there
is food <cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
10. edible; edible things; food; something to be eaten; there
is food <cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
11. edible; edible things; food; food-producing
FC jc-031297
12. something to be eaten; source of food; there is food
FC jc-031297
13. edible; edible things; food; food-producing
FC jc-031297
14. something to be eaten; source of food; there is food
FC jc-031297

0. edible ones

1. edible ones
FC -> jc-72895
2. edible ones

3. edible ones

4. edible ones <cua:-lo:1-ni1-plur03>

<cua:-lo:1-ni1-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
5. edible ones <cua:-lo:1-ni1-plur03>
<cua:-lo:1-ni1-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
6. edible ones <cua:-lo:1-ni1-plur03>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cua:-lo:1-ni1-plur03> FC - > jc-61096

7. edible ones <cua:-lo:1-ni1-plur03>
<cua:-lo:1-ni1-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
8. edible ones
FC jc-031297
9. edible ones
FC jc-031297

0. it was eaten; they were eaten

1. it was eaten; they were eaten

FC -> jc-72895
2. it was eaten; they were eaten

3. it was eaten; they were eaten

4. it was eaten; they were eaten <cua:-lo:1-ya3>

<cua:-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was eaten; they were eaten <cua:-lo:1-ya3>
<cua:-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was eaten; they were eaten
FC jc-031297
7. it was eaten; they were eaten
FC jc-031297

0. it will be eaten

1. it will be eaten
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be eaten

3. it will be eaten

4. it will be eaten <cua:-lo:1-z>

<cua:-lo:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be eaten <cua:-lo:1-z>
<cua:-lo:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. it will be eaten
FC jc-031297
7. it will be eaten
FC jc-031297

0. tiny
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
1. tiny
FC jc-031297
2. tiny
FC jc-031297

0. tiny, minute

1. tiny, minute
FC -> jc-72895
2. tiny, minute

3. tiny, minute

4. tiny, minute
FC jc-031297
5. tiny, minute
FC jc-031297

0. (may) it become good; he becomes good; it became good; it
improves; it becomes good; it is improved

1. ( may ) it become good; he becomes good; it became good; it

improves; it becomes good; it is improved
FC -> jc-72895
2. (may) it become good; he becomes good; it became good; it
improves; it becomes good; it is improved

3. (may) it become good; he becomes good; it became good; it

improves; it becomes good; it is improved

4. ( may ) it become good; he becomes good; it became good; it

improves; it becomes good; it is improved <cualli-v01>
<cualli-v01> FC - > jc-61096
5. ( may ) it become good; he becomes good; it became good; it
improves; it becomes good; it is improved <cualli-v01>
<cualli-v01> FC - > jc-61096
6. to make good, to make pleasant, to make edible
FC - > jc-61096
7. ( may ) it become good; he becomes good; it became good; it
improves; it becomes good; it is improved
FC jc-031297
8. ( may ) it become good; he becomes good; it became good; it
improves; it becomes good; it is improved
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

cualtia quicualtilia
0. he cleanses it, he makes it good

0. buenos; buenas ( good )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. good
FC -> jc-72895
2. good

3. good

4. good <cualli-plur02>
<cualli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. buenos; buenas ( good )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
6. good
FC jc-031297
7. good
FC jc-031297

0. average size; small

1. average size; small

FC -> jc-72895
2. average size; small

3. average size; small

4. average size; small <cualli-to:n>

<cualli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. average size; small <cualli-to:n>
<cualli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. average size; small
FC jc-031297
7. average size; small
FC jc-031297

0. bella; bonita ( beautiful; pretty )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. bonita ( pretty )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

2. bonito ( pretty )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. bella; bonita ( beautiful; pretty )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
4. bonita ( pretty )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
5. bonito ( pretty )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. round at the top, having a top like a spindle whorl

1. round at the top, having a top like a spindle whorl

FC -> jc-72895
2. round at the top, having a top like a spindle whorl

3. round at the top, having a top like a spindle whorl

4. round at the top, having a top like a spindle whorl

FC jc-031297
5. round at the top, having a top like a spindle whorl
FC jc-031297

0. round on top, having a top like a small spindle whorl

1. round on top, having a top like a small spindle whorl

FC -> jc-72895
2. round on top, having a top like a small spindle whorl

3. round on top, having a top like a small spindle whorl

4. round on top, having a top like a small spindle whorl

FC jc-031297
5. round on top, having a top like a small spindle whorl
FC jc-031297

0. v-shaped

1. v-shaped
FC -> jc-72895
2. v-shaped

3. v-shaped
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. v-shaped
FC jc-031297
5. v-shaped
FC jc-031297

0. hairnet

1. hairnet
FC - > jc-61096
2. hairnet
FC - > jc-61096

0. man with a large head

1. man with a large head

FC - > jc-61096
2. man with a large head
FC - > jc-61096

0. having a large head
Adj Form jc-022897
1. having a large head
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. having a large head
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. jaguarundi
FC jc-031297

0. chickens

1. chickens
FC -> jc-72895
2. chickens

3. chickens

4. chickens <cua:itl-nacatl-plur03>
<cua:itl-nacatl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
5. chickens <cua:itl-nacatl-plur03>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cua:itl-nacatl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096

6. chickens <cua:itl-nacatl-plur03>
<cua:itl-nacatl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
7. chickens
FC jc-031297
8. chickens
FC jc-031297

0. flesh of the head; cock's comb

1. flesh of the head

FC -> jc-72895
2. flesh of the head; cock's comb

3. flesh of the head; cock's comb

4. cock's comb
FC - > jc-61096
5. cock's comb
FC - > jc-61096
6. flesh of the head <cua:itl-nacatl>
<cua:itl-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. flesh of the head <cua:itl-nacatl>
<cua:itl-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. flesh of the head <cua:itl-nacatl>
<cua:itl-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
9. flesh of the head
FC jc-031297
10. flesh of the head
FC jc-031297

0. piece of wood

1. piece of wood
FC -> jc-72895
2. piece of wood

3. piece of wood

4. piece of wood <cuahuitl-ma:itl>

<cuahuitl-ma:itl> FC - > jc-61096
5. piece of wood
FC jc-031297
6. piece of wood
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. tree crotch

1. tree crotch
FC -> jc-72895
2. tree crotch

3. tree crotch

4. tree crotch
FC jc-031297
5. tree crotch
FC jc-031297

0. with heavy ropes, by means of heavy ropes

1. with heavy ropes, by means of heavy ropes

FC -> jc-72895
2. with heavy ropes, by means of heavy ropes

3. with heavy ropes, by means of heavy ropes

4. with heavy ropes, by means of heavy ropes

FC jc-031297
5. with heavy ropes, by means of heavy ropes
FC jc-031297

0. a'rboles ( trees )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. jaguarundi
FC jc-031297

0. having a round top

1. having a round top

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a round top

3. having a round top
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. having a round top <cua:itl-olo:lli-tic>

<cua:itl-olo:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a round top <cua:itl-olo:lli-tic>
<cua:itl-olo:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a round top <cua:itl-olo:lli-tic>
<cua:itl-olo:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having a round top
FC jc-031297
8. having a round top
FC jc-031297

0. having a wide head

1. having a wide head

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a wide head

3. having a wide head

4. having a wide head

FC jc-031297
5. having a wide head
FC jc-031297

0. having disheveled hair

1. having disheveled hair

FC -> jc-72895
2. having disheveled hair

3. having disheveled hair

4. having disheveled hair

FC jc-031297
5. having disheveled hair
FC jc-031297

0. something pointed at the top
Adj Form jc-022897
1. something pointed at the top
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. something pointed at the top
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it becomes slender at the top

1. it becomes slender at the top

FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes slender at the top

3. it becomes slender at the top

4. it becomes slender at the top <cua:itl-pitza:hua>

<cua:itl-pitza:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes slender at the top <cua:itl-pitza:hua>
<cua:itl-pitza:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. it becomes slender at the top
FC jc-031297
7. it becomes slender at the top
FC jc-031297

0. slender at the tip; slender at the top; thin at the top

1. slender at the tip; slender at the top; thin at the top

FC -> jc-72895
2. slender at the tip; slender at the top; thin at the top

3. slender at the tip; slender at the top; thin at the top

4. slender at the tip; slender at the top; thin at the top

<cua:itl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. slender at the tip; slender at the top; thin at the top
<cua:itl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. slender at the tip; slender at the top; thin at the top
<cua:itl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. pointed at the head, narrow at the top; slender at the tip;
slender at the top; thin at the top
FC jc-031297
8. pointed at the head, narrow at the top; slender at the tip;
slender at the top; thin at the top
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he goes with tangled hair

1. he goes with tangled hair

FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes with tangled hair

3. he goes with tangled hair

4. he goes with tangled hair <cua:itl-dupl-polihui-ti1-nemi

<cua:itl-dupl-polihui-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes with tangled hair <cua:itl-dupl-polihui-ti1-nemi
<cua:itl-dupl-polihui-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes with tangled hair <cua:itl-dupl-polihui-ti1-nemi
<cua:itl-dupl-polihui-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes with tangled hair <cua:itl-dupl-polihui-ti1-nemi
<cua:itl-dupl-polihui-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
8. he goes with tangled hair <cua:itl-dupl-polihui-ti1-nemi
<cua:itl-dupl-polihui-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
9. he goes with tangled hair <cua:itl-dupl-polihui-ti1-nemi
<cua:itl-dupl-polihui-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
10. he goes with tangled hair
FC jc-031297
11. he goes with tangled hair
FC jc-031297

0. having twisted hair

1. having twisted hair

FC -> jc-72895
2. having twisted hair

3. having twisted hair

4. having twisted hair

FC jc-031297
5. having twisted hair
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. tangle-haired

1. tangle-haired
FC -> jc-72895
2. tangle-haired

3. tangle-haired

4. tangle-haired
FC jc-031297
5. tangle-haired
FC jc-031297

0. tawny dried ear of maize

1. tawny dried ear of maize

FC -> jc-72895
2. tawny dried ear of maize

3. tawny dried ear of maize

4. tawny dried ear of maize

FC jc-031297
5. tawny dried ear of maize
FC jc-031297

0. tawny-colored breechcloth

1. tawny-colored breechcloth
FC -> jc-72895
2. tawny-colored breechcloth

3. tawny-colored breechcloth

4. tawny-colored breechcloth
FC jc-031297
5. tawny-colored breechcloth
FC jc-031297

0. tawny

1. tawny
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. tawny

3. tawny

4. tawny <cuahuitl-pachtli-tic>
<cuahuitl-pachtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. tawny <cuahuitl-pachtli-tic>
<cuahuitl-pachtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. tawny <cuahuitl-pachtli-tic>
<cuahuitl-pachtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. tawny
FC jc-031297
8. tawny
FC jc-031297

0. tawny cape

1. tawny cape
FC -> jc-72895
2. tawny cape

3. tawny cape

4. tawny cape
FC jc-031297
5. tawny cape
FC jc-031297

0. tawny(taw ny (tô"n) n Color A light brown to brownish
orange [Middle English, from Anglo-Norman taune, variant of
Old French tane, from past participle of taner, to tan See
TAN1] --taw"ni ness n --taw"ny adj)

1. tawny
FC -> jc-72895
2. tawny(taw ny (tô"n) n Color A light brown to brownish
orange [Middle English, from Anglo-Norman taune, variant of
Old French tane, from past participle of taner, to tan See
TAN1] --taw"ni ness n --taw"ny adj)

3. tawny(taw ny (tô"n) n Color A light brown to brownish

orange [Middle English, from Anglo-Norman taune, variant of
Old French tane, from past participle of taner, to tan See
TAN1] --taw"ni ness n --taw"ny adj)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. tawny
FC jc-031297
5. tawny
FC jc-031297

0. squirrel cuckoo

1. squirrel cuckoo
FC -> jc-72895
2. squirrel cuckoo

3. squirrel cuckoo

4. squirrel cuckoo
FC jc-031297
5. squirrel cuckoo
FC jc-031297

0. tan dried ear of maize

1. tan dried ear of maize

FC -> jc-72895
2. tan dried ear of maize

3. tan dried ear of maize

4. tan dried ear of maize

FC jc-031297
5. tan dried ear of maize
FC jc-031297

0. hip

1. hip
FC -> jc-72895
2. hip

3. hip

4. hip
FC jc-031297
5. hip
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. tangle of shrubs
FC jc-031297

0. eagle mat

1. eagle mat
FC -> jc-72895
2. eagle mat

3. eagle mat

4. eagle mat
FC jc-031297
5. eagle mat
FC jc-031297

cuappetlatl ocelopetlatl
0. military establishment; realm

1. military establishment; realm

FC -> jc-72895
2. military establishment; realm

3. military establishment; realm

4. military establishment; realm

FC jc-031297
5. military establishment; realm
FC jc-031297

0. eagle cane, eagle drinking tube

1. eagle cane, eagle drinking tube

FC -> jc-72895
2. eagle cane, eagle drinking tube

3. eagle cane, eagle drinking tube

4. eagle cane, eagle drinking tube <cua:uhtli-piya:ztli>

<cua:uhtli-piya:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. eagle cane, eagle drinking tube <cua:uhtli-piya:ztli>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cua:uhtli-piya:ztli> FC - > jc-61096

6. eagle cane, eagle drinking tube
FC jc-031297
7. eagle cane, eagle drinking tube
FC jc-031297

0. harsh

1. harsh
FC -> jc-72895
2. harsh

3. harsh

4. harsh
FC jc-031297
5. harsh
FC jc-031297

0. harsh
FC -> jc-72895
1. harsh
FC jc-031297
2. harsh
FC jc-031297

0. having unkempt hair

1. having unkempt hair

FC -> jc-72895
2. having unkempt hair

3. having unkempt hair

4. having unkempt hair <cua:itl-tatapahtli-tic>

<cua:itl-tatapahtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having unkempt hair <cua:itl-tatapahtli-tic>
<cua:itl-tatapahtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having unkempt hair
FC jc-031297
7. having unkempt hair
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. having a very pot-like head

1. having a very pot-like head

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a very pot-like head

3. having a very pot-like head

4. having a very pot-like head <cuaitl-tecomatl-pol>

<cuaitl-tecomatl-pol> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a very pot-like head <cuaitl-tecomatl-pol>
<cuaitl-tecomatl-pol> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a very pot-like head
FC jc-031297
7. having a very pot-like head
FC jc-031297

0. having a large head; having a pot-like head
1. having a large head; having a pot-like head
FC -> jc-72895
2. having a large head; having a pot-like head
3. having a large head; having a pot-like head
4. having a large head <cua:itl-tecomatl-tic>
<cua:itl-tecomatl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a large head <cua:itl-tecomatl-tic>
<cua:itl-tecomatl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a large head; having a pot-like head
<cua:itl-tecomatl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having a pot-like head <cuaitl-tecomatl-tic>
<cuaitl-tecomatl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. having a large head; having a pot-like head; large-headed
FC jc-031297
9. having a large head; having a pot-like head; large-headed
FC jc-031297

0. large-headed, having a large head
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. having a large head

1. having a large head

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a large head

3. having a large head

4. having a large head <cuaitl-tetl1-namaztli-tic>

<cuaitl-tetl1-namaztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a large head <cuaitl-tetl1-namaztli-tic>
<cuaitl-tetl1-namaztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a large head <cuaitl-tetl1-namaztli-tic>
<cuaitl-tetl1-namaztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having a large head <cuaitl-tetl1-namaztli-tic>
<cuaitl-tetl1-namaztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. having a large head
FC jc-031297
9. having a large head
FC jc-031297

0. having a broad head; wide-headed; having a wide head

1. having a broad head; wide-headed; having a wide head

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a broad head; wide-headed; having a wide head

3. having a broad head; wide-headed; having a wide head

4. having a broad head; wide-headed; having a wide head

FC jc-031297
5. having a broad head; wide-headed; having a wide head
FC jc-031297

0. remedy for dandruff

1. remedy for dandruff

FC -> jc-72895
2. remedy for dandruff

3. remedy for dandruff

4. remedy for dandruff

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. remedy for dandruff

FC jc-031297

0. dandruff

1. dandruff
FC -> jc-72895
2. dandruff

3. dandruff

4. dandruff
FC jc-031297
5. dandruff
FC jc-031297

0. remedy for dandruff

1. remedy for dandruff

FC -> jc-72895
2. remedy for dandruff

3. remedy for dandruff

4. remedy for dandruff

FC jc-031297
5. remedy for dandruff
FC jc-031297

0. brains

1. brains
FC -> jc-72895
2. brains

3. brains

4. brains
FC jc-031297
5. brains
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. brain

1. brain
FC -> jc-72895
2. brain

3. brain

4. brain
FC jc-031297
5. brain
FC jc-031297

0. crown of the head

1. crown of the head

FC - > jc-61096
2. crown of the head
FC - > jc-61096

0. mirror-head; purple gallinule (gal li nule (g²l"-n>l",
-ny>l") n Any of various wading and swimming birds of the
family Rallidae, frequenting swampy regions and
characteristically having dark, iridescent plumage and a
red bill tipped with yellow [Latin

1. mirror-head; purple gallinule

FC -> jc-72895
2. mirror-head; purple gallinule (gal li nule (g²l"-n>l",
-ny>l") n Any of various wading and swimming birds of the
family Rallidae, frequenting swampy regions and
characteristically having dark, iridescent plumage and a
red bill tipped with yellow [Latin

3. mirror-head; purple gallinule (gal li nule (g²l"-n>l",

-ny>l") n Any of various wading and swimming birds of the
family Rallidae, frequenting swampy regions and
characteristically having dark, iridescent plumage and a
red bill tipped with yellow [Latin

4. mirror-head; purple gallinule <cua:itl-te:zcatl>

<cua:itl-te:zcatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. mirror-head; purple gallinule <cua:itl-te:zcatl>
<cua:itl-te:zcatl> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. mirror-head; purple gallinule

FC jc-031297
7. mirror-head; purple gallinule
FC jc-031297

0. foolish

1. foolish
FC -> jc-72895
2. foolish

3. foolish

4. foolish
FC jc-031297
5. foolish
FC jc-031297

0. having a round top

1. having a round top

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a round top

3. having a round top

4. having a round top <cua:itl-tolontli-tic>

<cua:itl-tolontli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a round top <cua:itl-tolontli-tic>
<cua:itl-tolontli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a round top <cua:itl-tolontli-tic>
<cua:itl-tolontli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having a round top
FC jc-031297
8. having a round top
FC jc-031297

0. flaring at the top, thick at the top; flaring toward the
top; thick-headed; having a thick head

1. flaring at the top, thick at the top; flaring toward the

top; thick-headed; having a thick head
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. flaring at the top, thick at the top; flaring toward the

top; thick-headed; having a thick head

3. flaring toward the top, thick at the top; flaring at the top
4. flaring at the top, thick at the top; flaring toward the
top; thick-headed; having a thick head

5. flaring toward the top, thick at the top; flaring at the top
6. flaring toward the top, thick at the top; flaring at the
top <cua:itl-toma:hua-c1>
<cua:itl-toma:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. flaring toward the top, thick at the top; flaring at the
top <cua:itl-toma:hua-c1>
<cua:itl-toma:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. flaring toward the top, thick at the top; flaring at the
top <cua:itl-toma:hua-c1>
<cua:itl-toma:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. flaring at the top, thick at the top; flaring toward the
top; thick-headed; having a thick head
FC jc-031297
10. flaring at the top, thick at the top; flaring toward the
top; thick-headed; having a thick head
FC jc-031297

0. having matted hair

1. having matted hair

FC -> jc-72895
2. having matted hair

3. having matted hair

4. having matted hair

FC jc-031297
5. having matted hair
FC jc-031297

0. having uncombed hair

1. having uncombed hair

FC -> jc-72895
2. having uncombed hair
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. having uncombed hair

4. having uncombed hair

FC jc-031297
5. having uncombed hair
FC jc-031297

0. skein (skein (sk3n) n 1a A length of thread or yarn wound
in a loose, elongated coil b Something suggesting the coil
of a skein; a complex tangle: a twisted skein of lies 2 A
flock of geese or similar birds in flight See Synonyms at
flock1 [Midd

1. skein
FC -> jc-72895
2. skein (skein (sk3n) n 1a A length of thread or yarn wound
in a loose, elongated coil b Something suggesting the coil
of a skein; a complex tangle: a twisted skein of lies 2 A
flock of geese or similar birds in flight See Synonyms at
flock1 [Midd

3. skein
4. skein (skein (sk3n) n 1a A length of thread or yarn wound
in a loose, elongated coil b Something suggesting the coil
of a skein; a complex tangle: a twisted skein of lies 2 A
flock of geese or similar birds in flight See Synonyms at
flock1 [Midd

5. skein
6. hair of the head
FC - > jc-61096
7. hair of the head
FC - > jc-61096
8. skein <cua:itl-tzontli>
<cua:itl-tzontli> FC - > jc-61096
9. skein <cua:itl-tzontli>
<cua:itl-tzontli> FC - > jc-61096
10. skein
FC jc-031297
11. skein
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. pole

1. pole
FC -> jc-72895
2. pole

3. pole

4. pole
FC jc-031297
5. pole
FC jc-031297

0. wooden vessel

1. wooden vessel
FC - > jc-61096
2. wooden vessel
FC - > jc-61096

0. tree ant

1. tree ant
FC -> jc-72895
2. tree ant

3. tree ant

4. tree ant
FC jc-031297
5. tree ant
FC jc-031297

0. wooden sandal

1. wooden sandal
FC - > jc-61096
2. wooden sandal
FC - > jc-61096

0. in a wooden cage; in jail; wooden jail; wooden cage
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. in a wooden cage; in jail; wooden jail; wooden cage

FC -> jc-72895
2. in a wooden cage; in jail; wooden jail; wooden cage

3. in a wooden cage; in jail; jail; wooden jail; wooden cage

4. in a wooden cage; in jail; wooden jail; wooden cage

5. in a wooden cage; in jail; jail; wooden jail; wooden cage

6. in a wooden cage; in jail; jail; wooden jail; wooden cage
<cuahuitl-calli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. in a wooden cage; in jail; jail; wooden jail; wooden cage
<cuahuitl-calli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
8. in a wooden cage; in jail; wooden jail; wooden cage
FC jc-031297
9. in a wooden cage; in jail; wooden jail; wooden cage
FC jc-031297

0. eagle house; warriors' house

1. eagle house; warriors' house

FC -> jc-72895
2. eagle house; warriors' house

3. eagle house; warriors' house

4. eagle house; warriors' house

FC jc-031297
5. eagle house; warriors' house
FC jc-031297

0. large wooden cage

1. large wooden cage

FC - > jc-61096

0. in a space between beams
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. American cherry
1. american cherry
FC -> jc-72895
2. American cherry
3. American cherry
4. American cherry <cuahuitl-capolin>
<cuahuitl-capolin> FC - > jc-61096
5. american cherry
FC jc-031297
6. american cherry
FC jc-031297

0. by means of a wooden vessel

1. by means of a wooden vessel

FC -> jc-72895
2. by means of a wooden vessel

3. by means of a wooden vessel

4. by means of a wooden vessel <cuahuitl-caxitl-ti1-ca2>

<cuahuitl-caxitl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. by means of a wooden vessel <cuahuitl-caxitl-ti1-ca2>
<cuahuitl-caxitl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. by means of a wooden vessel <cuahuitl-caxitl-ti1-ca2>
<cuahuitl-caxitl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
7. by means of a wooden vessel; with a wooden bowl; by means
of a wooden bowl
FC jc-031297
8. by means of a wooden vessel; with a wooden bowl; by means
of a wooden bowl
FC jc-031297

0. tender shoot of a tree

1. tender shoot of a tree

FC -> jc-72895
2. tender shoot of a tree

3. tender shoot of a tree
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. tender shoot of a tree

FC jc-031297
5. tender shoot of a tree
FC jc-031297

0. strong tree

1. strong tree
FC -> jc-72895
2. strong tree

3. strong tree

4. strong tree
FC jc-031297
5. strong tree
FC jc-031297

0. wooden shield

1. wooden shield
FC -> jc-72895
2. wooden shield

3. wooden shield

4. wooden shield <cuahuitl-chi:malli>

<cuahuitl-chi:malli> FC - > jc-61096
5. wooden shield <cuahuitl-chi:malli>
<cuahuitl-chi:malli> FC - > jc-61096
6. wooden shield
FC jc-031297
7. wooden shield
FC jc-031297

0. wooden basket

1. wooden basket
FC - > jc-61096
2. wooden basket
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. woodpecker

1. woodpecker
FC -> jc-72895
2. woodpecker

3. woodpecker

4. woodpecker
FC jc-031297
5. woodpecker
FC jc-031297

0. mature woman; valiant woman; brave woman

1. mature woman; valiant woman; brave woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. mature woman; valiant woman; brave woman

3. mature woman; valiant woman; brave woman

4. mature woman <cua:uhtli-cihua:tl>

<cua:uhtli-cihua:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. mature woman <cua:uhtli-cihua:tl>
<cua:uhtli-cihua:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. mature woman; valiant woman; brave woman
FC jc-031297
7. mature woman; valiant woman; brave woman
FC jc-031297

0. forest peccary

1. forest peccary
FC -> jc-72895
2. forest peccary

3. forest peccary

4. forest peccary <cuahuitl-coyametl>

<cuahuitl-coyametl> FC - > jc-61096
5. forest peccary <cuahuitl-coyametl>
<cuahuitl-coyametl> FC - > jc-61096
6. forest peccary
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. forest peccary
FC jc-031297

0. kind of thorn bush

1. kind of thorn bush

FC - > jc-61096
2. kind of thorn bush
FC - > jc-61096

0. tree cotton

1. tree cotton
FC -> jc-72895
2. tree cotton

3. tree cotton

4. tree cotton <cuahuitl-ichcatl>

<cuahuitl-ichcatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. tree cotton <cuahuitl-ichcatl>
<cuahuitl-ichcatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. tree cotton
FC jc-031297
7. tree cotton
FC jc-031297

0. eagle foot

1. eagle foot
FC -> jc-72895
2. eagle foot

3. eagle foot

4. eagle foot
FC jc-031297
5. eagle foot
FC jc-031297

0. eagle feather
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. eagle feather
FC -> jc-72895
2. eagle feather

3. eagle feather

4. eagle feather <cua:uhtli-ihhuitl>

<cua:uhtli-ihhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. eagle feather
FC jc-031297
6. eagle feather
FC jc-031297

0. eagle meat

1. eagle meat
FC -> jc-72895
2. eagle meat

3. eagle meat

4. eagle meat <cua:uhtli-nacatl>

<cua:uhtli-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. eagle meat <cua:uhtli-nacatl>
<cua:uhtli-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. eagle meat <cua:uhtli-nacatl>
<cua:uhtli-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. eagle meat
FC jc-031297
8. eagle meat
FC jc-031297

0. wood of the tree

1. wood of the tree

FC -> jc-72895
2. wood of the tree

3. wood of the tree

4. wood of the tree <cuahuitl-nacatl>

<cuahuitl-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. wood of the tree <cuahuitl-nacatl>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cuahuitl-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096

6. wood of the tree <cuahuitl-nacatl>
<cuahuitl-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. wood of the tree
FC jc-031297
8. wood of the tree
FC jc-031297

0. tree root

1. tree root
FC -> jc-72895
2. tree root

3. tree root

4. tree root <cuahuitl-nelhuatl>

<cuahuitl-nelhuatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. tree root <cuahuitl-nelhuatl>
<cuahuitl-nelhuatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. tree root <cuahuitl-nelhuatl>
<cuahuitl-nelhuatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. tree root
FC jc-031297
8. tree root
FC jc-031297

0. bee honey; wild bee honey; wild honey

1. bee honey; wild bee honey; wild honey

FC -> jc-72895
2. bee honey; wild bee honey; wild honey

3. bee honey; wild bee honey; wild honey

4. bee honey; wild bee honey; wild honey <cuahuitl-neuctli>

<cuahuitl-neuctli> FC - > jc-61096
5. bee honey; wild bee honey; wild honey <cuahuitl-neuctli>
<cuahuitl-neuctli> FC - > jc-61096
6. bee honey; wild bee honey; wild honey <cuahuitl-neuctli>
<cuahuitl-neuctli> FC - > jc-61096
7. bee honey; wild bee honey; wild honey
FC jc-031297
8. bee honey; wild bee honey; wild honey
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. tree worm

1. tree worm
FC -> jc-72895
2. tree worm

3. tree worm

4. tree worm <cuahuitl-ocuilin>

<cuahuitl-ocuilin> FC - > jc-61096
5. tree worm <cuahuitl-ocuilin>
<cuahuitl-ocuilin> FC - > jc-61096
6. tree worm
FC jc-031297
7. tree worm
FC jc-031297

0. worm which gnaws wood

1. worm which gnaws wood

FC - > jc-61096
2. worm which gnaws wood
FC - > jc-61096

0. tree worms

1. tree worms
FC -> jc-72895
2. tree worms

3. tree worms

4. tree worms <cuahuitl-ocuilin-plur02>

<cuahuitl-ocuilin-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. tree worms <cuahuitl-ocuilin-plur02>
<cuahuitl-ocuilin-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. tree worms
FC jc-031297
7. tree worms
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. sapling

1. sapling
FC -> jc-72895
2. sapling

3. sapling

4. sapling <cuahuitl-pilli>
<cuahuitl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
5. sapling <cuahuitl-pilli>
<cuahuitl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
6. sapling
FC jc-031297
7. sapling
FC jc-031297

0. palo ( pole )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. wooden grain bin

1. wooden grain bin

FC -> jc-72895
2. wooden grain bin

3. wooden grain bin

4. wooden grain bin

FC jc-031297
5. wooden grain bin
FC jc-031297

0. forest mouse

1. forest mouse
FC -> jc-72895
2. forest mouse

3. forest mouse

4. forest mouse
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. forest mouse
FC jc-031297

0. forest mouse
FC -> jc-72895
1. forest mouse
FC jc-031297
2. forest mouse
FC jc-031297

0. eagle gate

1. eagle gate
FC -> jc-72895
2. eagle gate

3. eagle gate

4. eagle gate
FC jc-031297
5. eagle gate
FC jc-031297

0. small wooden basket

1. small wooden basket

FC -> jc-72895
2. small wooden basket

3. small wooden basket

4. small wooden basket <cuahuitl-ta:nahtli>

<cuahuitl-ta:nahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. small wooden basket <cuahuitl-ta:nahtli>
<cuahuitl-ta:nahtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. small wooden basket
FC jc-031297
7. small wooden basket
FC jc-031297

0. o eagle warriors
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. o eagle warriors
FC -> jc-72895
2. o eagle warriors

3. o eagle warriors

4. o eagle warriors
FC jc-031297
5. o eagle warriors
FC jc-031297

0. one who makes wooden statues
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. one who makes wooden statues
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. one who makes wooden statues
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who makes wooden statues
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. tree squirrel

1. tree squirrel
FC -> jc-72895
2. tree squirrel

3. tree squirrel

4. tree squirrel
FC jc-031297
5. tree squirrel
FC jc-031297

0. cylinder of wood

1. cylinder of wood
FC -> jc-72895
2. cylinder of wood

3. cylinder of wood

4. cylinder of wood
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. cylinder of wood
FC jc-031297

0. !name=cuauhtemoc
1. !name=cuauhtemoc <!name=cuauhtemoc-tzin>
<!name=cuauhtemoc-tzin> FC - > jc-61096

0. at the edge of the forest

1. at the edge of the forest

FC -> jc-72895
2. at the edge of the forest

3. at the edge of the forest

4. at the edge of the forest <cuahuitl-te:ntli-co1>

<cuahuitl-te:ntli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. at the edge of the forest <cuahuitl-te:ntli-co1>
<cuahuitl-te:ntli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. at the edge of the forest <cuahuitl-te:ntli-co1>
<cuahuitl-te:ntli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. at the edge of the forest
FC jc-031297
8. at the edge of the forest
FC jc-031297

0. eagle's curved bill

1. eagle's curved bill

FC -> jc-72895
2. eagle's curved bill

3. eagle's curved bill

4. eagle's curved bill

FC jc-031297
5. eagle's curved bill
FC jc-031297

0. he falls down exhausted; he falls exhausted; she tumbles
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he falls down exhausted; he falls exhausted; she tumbles

FC -> jc-72895
2. he falls down exhausted; he falls exhausted; she tumbles

3. he falls down exhausted; he falls exhausted; she tumbles

4. he falls down exhausted; he falls exhausted; she tumbles

FC jc-031297
5. he falls down exhausted; he falls exhausted; she tumbles
FC jc-031297

0. he will collapse

1. he will collapse
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will collapse

3. he will collapse

4. he will collapse
FC jc-031297
5. he will collapse
FC jc-031297

0. small tree

1. small tree
FC -> jc-72895
2. small tree

3. small tree

4. small tree <cuahuitl-tepi-to:n>

<cuahuitl-tepi-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. small tree <cuahuitl-tepi-to:n>
<cuahuitl-tepi-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. small tree <cuahuitl-tepi-to:n>
<cuahuitl-tepi-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. small tree
FC jc-031297
8. small tree
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. hard tree; hard wood

1. hard tree; hard wood

FC -> jc-72895
2. hard tree; hard wood

3. hard tree; hard wood

4. hard tree; hard wood <cuahuitl-tetl1-pi:tztli>

<cuahuitl-tetl1-pi:tztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. hard tree; hard wood <cuahuitl-tetl1-pi:tztli>
<cuahuitl-tetl1-pi:tztli> FC - > jc-61096
6. hard tree; hard wood <cuahuitl-tetl1-pi:tztli>
<cuahuitl-tetl1-pi:tztli> FC - > jc-61096
7. hard tree; hard wood
FC jc-031297
8. hard tree; hard wood
FC jc-031297

0. having an eagle claw design

1. having an eagle claw design

FC -> jc-72895
2. having an eagle claw design

3. having an eagle claw design

4. having an eagle claw design

FC jc-031297
5. having an eagle claw design
FC jc-031297

0. firm tree

1. firm tree
FC -> jc-72895
2. firm tree

3. firm tree

4. firm tree <cuahuitl-tetl1>

<cuahuitl-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. firm tree <cuahuitl-tetl1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cuahuitl-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096

6. firm tree
FC jc-031297
7. firm tree
FC jc-031297

0. pestle of a mortar

1. pestle of a mortar
FC - > jc-61096

0. pestle of a mortar
FC - > jc-61096

0. sawdust

1. sawdust
FC -> jc-72895
2. sawdust

3. sawdust

4. sawdust <cuahuitl-teci-l1>
<cuahuitl-teci-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. sawdust <cuahuitl-teci-l1>
<cuahuitl-teci-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. sawdust <cuahuitl-teci-l1>
<cuahuitl-teci-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. sawdust
FC jc-031297
8. sawdust
FC jc-031297

0. tall; bigger; grown; high; large; long; mature; size;

1. tall; bigger; grown; high; large; long; mature; size;

FC -> jc-72895
2. tall; bigger; grown; high; large; long; mature; size;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. tall; bigger; grown; high; large; long; mature; size;


4. tall; large; bigger; high; long; towering; grown; size;

mature <cuahuitl-tic>
<cuahuitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. tall; large; high; long; towering <cuahuitl-tic>
<cuahuitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. tall; bigger; grown; high; large; long; mature; size;
FC jc-031297
7. tall; bigger; grown; high; large; long; mature; size;
FC jc-031297

0. with a club, by means of a club; with staves; with clubs;
be means of clubs; by means of clubs; with wooden staves;
by means of wooden staves

1. with a club, by means of a club; with staves; with clubs;

be means of clubs; by means of clubs; with wooden staves;
by means of wooden staves
FC -> jc-72895
2. with a club, by means of a club; with staves; with clubs;
be means of clubs; by means of clubs; with wooden staves;
by means of wooden staves

3. with a club, by means of a club; with wooden staves; by

means of wooden staves
4. with a club, by means of a club; with staves; with clubs;
be means of clubs; by means of clubs; with wooden staves;
by means of wooden staves

5. with a club, by means of a club; with wooden staves; by

means of wooden staves
6. with a club, by means of a club <cuahuitl-ti1-ca2>
<cuahuitl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
7. with a club, by means of a club; with wooden staves; by
means of wooden staves <cuahuitl-ti1-ca2>
<cuahuitl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
8. with a club, by means of a club; with staves; with clubs;
be means of clubs; by means of clubs; with wooden staves;
by means of wooden staves
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
9. with a club, by means of a club; with staves; with clubs;
be means of clubs; by means of clubs; with wooden staves;
by means of wooden staves
FC jc-031297

0. a little tall

1. a little tall
FC -> jc-72895
2. a little tall

3. a little tall

4. a little tall
FC jc-031297
5. a little tall
FC jc-031297

0. in the treetops; in tree-tops; in treetops

1. in the treetops; in tree-tops; in treetops

FC -> jc-72895
2. in the treetops; in tree-tops; in treetops

3. in the treetops; in tree-tops; in treetops

4. in the treetops; in tree-tops; in treetops

FC jc-031297
5. in the treetops; in tree-tops; in treetops
FC jc-031297

0. very thick

1. very thick
FC -> jc-72895
2. very thick

3. very thick

4. very thick
FC jc-031297
5. very thick
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. dense (eg cane fence)
Adj Form jc-022897
1. dense ( eg cane fence )
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. thick
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. solid

4. lush

5. impenetrable

6. dense ( eg cane fence )

0. on sticks

1. on sticks
FC -> jc-72895
2. on sticks

3. on sticks
4. on sticks

5. on sticks
6. on sticks <cuahuitl-ti1-tech1>
<cuahuitl-ti1-tech1> FC - > jc-61096
7. in a tree; in trees; on sticks
FC jc-031297
8. in a tree; in trees; on sticks
FC jc-031297

0. he will be an eagle warrior; he will become like a tree

1. he will be an eagle warrior; he will become like a tree

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be an eagle warrior; he will become like a tree

3. he will be an eagle warrior; he will become like a tree
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he will become like a tree <cuahuitl-v01-z>

<cuahuitl-v01-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will become like a tree <cuahuitl-v01-z>
<cuahuitl-v01-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will be an eagle warrior; he will become like a tree
FC jc-031297
7. he will be an eagle warrior; he will become like a tree
FC jc-031297

0. forest

1. forest
FC -> jc-72895
2. forest

3. forest

4. forest <cuahuitl-tlah2>
<cuahuitl-tlah2> FC - > jc-61096
5. forest <cuahuitl-tlah2>
<cuahuitl-tlah2> FC - > jc-61096
6. forest
FC jc-031297
7. forest
FC jc-031297

0. wild cacao

1. wild cacao
FC -> jc-72895
2. wild cacao

3. wild cacao

4. wild cacao <cuahuitl-tlah2-cacahuatl>

<cuahuitl-tlah2-cacahuatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. wild cacao <cuahuitl-tlah2-cacahuatl>
<cuahuitl-tlah2-cacahuatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. wild cacao
FC jc-031297
7. wild cacao
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. woodsman

1. woodsman
FC -> jc-72895
2. woodsman

3. woodsman

4. woodsman <cuahuitl-tla:catl>
<cuahuitl-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
5. woodsman <cuahuitl-tla:catl>
<cuahuitl-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
6. woodsman
FC jc-031297
7. woodsman
FC jc-031297

0. tree trunk

1. tree trunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. tree trunk

3. tree trunk

4. tree trunk
FC jc-031297
5. tree trunk
FC jc-031297

0. forest dweller or savage
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. forest dweller or savage
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. forest dweller or savage
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. forest dweller or savage
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. hammer for mashing flax
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. hammer for mashing flax
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns

2. hammer for mashing flax
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. forest deer

1. forest deer
FC -> jc-72895
2. forest deer

3. forest deer

4. forest deer <cuahuitl-tlah2-maza:tl>

<cuahuitl-tlah2-maza:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. forest deer <cuahuitl-tlah2-maza:tl>
<cuahuitl-tlah2-maza:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. forest deer <cuahuitl-tlah2-maza:tl>
<cuahuitl-tlah2-maza:tl> FC - > jc-61096
7. forest deer
FC jc-031297
8. forest deer
FC jc-031297

0. it lives in the forest

1. it lives in the forest

FC -> jc-72895
2. it lives in the forest

3. it lives in the forest

4. it lives in the forest <cuahuitl-tlah2-nemi>

<cuahuitl-tlah2-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
5. it lives in the forest <cuahuitl-tlah2-nemi>
<cuahuitl-tlah2-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
6. it lives in the forest <cuahuitl-tlah2-nemi>
<cuahuitl-tlah2-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
7. it lives in the forest <cuahuitl-tlah2-nemi>
<cuahuitl-tlah2-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
8. it lives in the forest
FC jc-031297
9. it lives in the forest
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. flute

1. flute
FC -> jc-72895
2. flute

3. flute

4. flute
FC jc-031297
5. flute
FC jc-031297

0. axe for cutting firewood
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. axe for cutting firewood
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. axe for cutting firewood
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. governors; military governors

1. governors; military governors

FC -> jc-72895
2. governors; military governors

3. governors; military governors

4. governors; military governors

<cua:uhtli-p51-ihtoa:-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
5. governors; military governors
<cua:uhtli-p51-ihtoa:-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
6. governors; military governors
FC jc-031297
7. governors; military governors
FC jc-031297

0. eagle gate

1. eagle gate
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. eagle gate

3. eagle gate

4. eagle gate
FC jc-031297
5. eagle gate
FC jc-031297

0. feller of trees
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. it climbs trees
FC jc-031297

0. tree-climber

1. tree-climber
FC -> jc-72895
2. tree-climber

3. tree-climber

4. tree-climber
FC jc-031297
5. tree-climber
FC jc-031297

0. eagle; eagle warrior; warrior

1. eagle; eagle warrior; warrior

FC -> jc-72895
2. eagle; eagle warrior; warrior

3. eagle; eagle warrior; warrior

4. eagle; eagle warrior; warrior <cua:uhtli>

<cua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. eagle; eagle warrior; warrior
FC jc-031297
6. eagle; eagle warrior; warrior
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. marsh hawk

1. marsh hawk
FC -> jc-72895
2. marsh hawk

3. marsh hawk

4. marsh hawk <cua:uhtli-tlohtli>

<cua:uhtli-tlohtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. marsh hawk
FC jc-031297
6. marsh hawk
FC jc-031297

0. tree-planter
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. small stick; stick; sliver of wood

1. small stick; stick; sliver of wood

FC -> jc-72895
2. small stick; stick; sliver of wood

3. small stick; stick; sliver of wood

4. small stick; stick; sliver of wood <cuahuitl-to:n>

<cuahuitl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. small stick; stick; sliver of wood <cuahuitl-to:n>
<cuahuitl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. small stick; stick; sliver of wood
FC jc-031297
7. small stick; stick; sliver of wood
FC jc-031297

0. little tree; sapling; tree

1. little tree; sapling; tree

FC -> jc-72895
2. little tree; sapling; tree
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. little tree; sapling; tree

4. little tree; sapling; tree <cuahuitl-tzin>

<cuahuitl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. little tree; sapling; tree <cuahuitl-tzin>
<cuahuitl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. little tree; sapling; tree
FC jc-031297
7. little tree; sapling; tree
FC jc-031297

0. thorn stick

1. thorn stick
FC -> jc-72895
2. thorn stick

3. thorn stick

4. thorn stick <cuahuitl-huitztli>

<cuahuitl-huitztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. thorn stick <cuahuitl-huitztli>
<cuahuitl-huitztli> FC - > jc-61096
6. thorn stick
FC jc-031297
7. thorn stick
FC jc-031297

0. ax

1. ax
FC -> jc-72895
2. ax

3. ax

4. ax
FC jc-031297
5. ax
FC jc-031297

0. neighborhood of carpenters
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Loc Noun jc-022897

1. neighborhood of carpenters
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. neighborhood of carpenters
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. neighborhood of carpenters
JC-05-07-97 -yan Locative Nouns

0. carpenter
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. carpenter
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. carpenter
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. carpenter
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. in the eagle vessel

1. in the eagle vessel

FC -> jc-72895
2. in the eagle vessel

3. in the eagle vessel

4. in the eagle vessel

FC jc-031297
5. in the eagle vessel
FC jc-031297

0. eagle vessel; wooden vessel

1. eagle vessel; wooden vessel

FC -> jc-72895
2. eagle vessel; wooden vessel

3. eagle vessel; wooden vessel

4. wooden vessel

5. eagle vessel
6. eagle vessel; wooden vessel
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. eagle vessel; wooden vessel

8. wooden vessel

9. eagle vessel
10. eagle vessel <cua:uhtli-xi:calli>
<cua:uhtli-xi:calli> FC - > jc-61096
11. eagle vessel; wooden vessel <cuahuitl-xi:calli>
<cuahuitl-xi:calli> FC - > jc-61096
12. eagle vessel; wooden vessel <cuahuitl-xi:calli>
<cuahuitl-xi:calli> FC - > jc-61096
13. wooden vessel
FC - > jc-61096
14. eagle vessel; wooden vessel
FC jc-031297
15. eagle vessel; wooden vessel
FC jc-031297

0. wooden vessel
FC - > jc-61096

0. auh in mozcalia tlaminqui, in ce quitlaxilia, acatl, intla
oquimacuic: niman concui, in cuahuacazhuatl, in
cuauhxihuatlapalli: but the skilled hunter, when he shoots
the first arrow, if [ the ocelot ] seizes it with its paws,
then takes an oak leaf [or] the petal of a tree flower (b11
f1 p3)

0. woodcarving

1. woodcarving
FC -> jc-72895
2. woodcarving

3. woodcarving

4. woodcarving <cuahuitl-xi:ma-ca:5-yo:tl1>
<cuahuitl-xi:ma-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. woodcarving <cuahuitl-xi:ma-ca:5-yo:tl1>
<cuahuitl-xi:ma-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. woodcarving <cuahuitl-xi:ma-ca:5-yo:tl1>
<cuahuitl-xi:ma-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. woodcarving <cuahuitl-xi:ma-ca:5-yo:tl1>
<cuahuitl-xi:ma-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
8. woodcarving
FC jc-031297
9. woodcarving
FC jc-031297

0. carpenters; woodcutters

1. carpenters; woodcutters
FC -> jc-72895
2. carpenters; woodcutters

3. carpenters; woodcutters

4. carpenters; woodcutters <cuahuitl-xi:ma-queh>

<cuahuitl-xi:ma-queh> FC - > jc-61096
5. carpenters; woodcutters <cuahuitl-xi:ma-queh>
<cuahuitl-xi:ma-queh> FC - > jc-61096
6. carpenters; woodcutters <cuahuitl-xi:ma-queh>
<cuahuitl-xi:ma-queh> FC - > jc-61096
7. carpenters; woodcutters
FC jc-031297
8. carpenters; woodcutters
FC jc-031297
9. carpinters
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. carpenter; woodcarver; woodcutter

1. carpenter; woodcarver; woodcutter

FC -> jc-72895
2. carpenter; woodcarver; woodcutter

3. carpenter; woodcarver; woodcutter

4. carpenter; woodcarver; woodcutter <cuahuitl-xi:ma-prt1-qui1>

<cuahuitl-xi:ma-prt1-qui1> FC - > jc-61096
5. carpenter; woodcarver; woodcutter <cuahuitl-xi:ma-prt1-qui1>
<cuahuitl-xi:ma-prt1-qui1> FC - > jc-61096
6. woodcarver; woodcutter; carpenter <cuahuitl-xi:ma-qui1>
<cuahuitl-xi:ma-qui1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. carpenter; woodcarver; woodcutter

FC jc-031297
8. carpenter; woodcarver; woodcutter
FC jc-031297
9. woodcutter
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. petal of a tree flower

1. petal of a tree flower

FC -> jc-72895
2. petal of a tree flower

3. petal of a tree flower

4. petal of a tree flower <cuahuitl-xihuitl-ahtlapalli>

<cuahuitl-xihuitl-ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
5. petal of a tree flower <cuahuitl-xihuitl-ahtlapalli>
<cuahuitl-xihuitl-ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. petal of a tree flower
FC jc-031297
7. petal of a tree flower
FC jc-031297

0. round tree

1. round tree
FC -> jc-72895
2. round tree

3. round tree

4. round tree <cuahuitl-yahualli>

<cuahuitl-yahualli> FC - > jc-61096
5. round tree
FC jc-031297
6. round tree
FC jc-031297

0. rounded tree

1. rounded tree
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. rounded tree

3. rounded tree

4. rounded tree <cuahuitl-yahualli-tic>

<cuahuitl-yahualli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. rounded tree <cuahuitl-yahualli-tic>
<cuahuitl-yahualli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. rounded tree
FC jc-031297
7. rounded tree
FC jc-031297

0. tall; wooded; having trees

1. tall; wooded; having trees

FC -> jc-72895
2. tall; wooded; having trees

3. tall; wooded; having trees

4. tall <cuahuitl-yo:tl1>
<cuahuitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. tall <cuahuitl-yo:tl1>
<cuahuitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. tall; wooded; having trees
FC jc-031297
7. tall; wooded; having trees
FC jc-031297

0. huahuaztic, cuauhyocatzahuac, it is dry, dark-stalked (b11
f21 p220)

0. en el monte ( )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. skull of the head

1. skull
FC -> jc-72895
2. skull of the head
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. skull of the head

4. skull of the head

FC - > jc-61096
5. skull of the head
FC - > jc-61096
6. skull <cua:itl-xi:calli>
<cua:itl-xi:calli> FC - > jc-61096
7. skull <cua:itl-xi:calli>
<cua:itl-xi:calli> FC - > jc-61096
8. skull
FC jc-031297
9. skull
FC jc-031297

0. bald pate (pate (p3t) n 1 The human head, especially the
top of the head: a bald pate 2 The intellect; one's brains
[Middle English] --pat"ed adj), bald head

1. bald pate, bald head

FC -> jc-72895
2. bald pate (pate (p3t) n 1 The human head, especially the
top of the head: a bald pate 2 The intellect; one's brains
[Middle English] --pat"ed adj), bald head

3. bald pate (pate (p3t) n 1 The human head, especially the

top of the head: a bald pate 2 The intellect; one's brains
[Middle English] --pat"ed adj), bald head

4. bald pate, bald head

FC jc-031297
5. bald pate, bald head
FC jc-031297

0. cuaitl-xiquipilli-tic

1. cuaitl-xiquipilli-tic
FC -> jc-72895
2. cuaitl-xiquipilli-tic

3. cuaitl-xiquipilli-tic

4. cuaitl-xiquipilli-tic
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. cuaitl-xiquipilli-tic
FC jc-031297

0. border

0. his head itches

1. his head itches

FC -> jc-72895
2. his head itches

3. his head itches

4. his head itches

FC jc-031297
5. his head itches
FC jc-031297

0. head abscess

1. head abscess
FC -> jc-72895
2. head abscess

3. head abscess

4. head abscess
FC jc-031297
5. head abscess
FC jc-031297

0. xolotl head

1. xolotl head
FC -> jc-72895
2. xolotl head

3. xolotl head

4. xolotl head <cua:itl-xo:lo:tl>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cua:itl-xo:lo:tl> FC - > jc-61096

5. xolotl head
FC jc-031297
6. xolotl head
FC jc-031297

cuaya ( oqui- )
0. lo comi'a ( he was eating it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

cuaya ( otla- )
0. comi'a ( he was eating )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. comi'a ( she ate )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. comi'a ( he was eating )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. comi'a ( she ate )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. having a round top

1. having a round top

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a round top

3. having a round top

4. having a round top

FC jc-031297
5. having a round top
FC jc-031297

0. small and round on the tips

1. small and round on the tips

FC -> jc-72895
2. small and round on the tips

3. small and round on the tips

4. small and round on the tips

FC jc-031297
5. small and round on the tips
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. something that has a top
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. crown of the head

1. crown of the head

FC - > jc-61096

cuaz ( nech- )
0. me comera' ( he will eat me )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

cuaz ( nimitz- )
0. te comere' ( I will eat you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. te voy a comer ( I will eat you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. te comere' ( I will eat you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. te voy a comer ( I will eat you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

cuaz ( qui- )
0. lo va a comer ( he will eat it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

cuaz ( tic- )
0. lo comera's ( you will eat it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

cuaz ( tinech- )
0. me comera's ( you will eat me )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. me vas a comer ( you will eat me )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. me comera's ( you will eat me )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. me vas a comer ( you will eat me )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

cuazque ( qui- )
0. lo comera'n ( they will eat it )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

cuazque ( tic- )
0. lo comeremos ( we will eat it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

cuazqueh ( tic- )
0. lo comeremos ( we will eat it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

cuazquia ( oqui- )
0. lo comeri'a ( he would eat him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

cuazquia ( oquin- )
0. los comeri'a ( he would eat them )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. skirt
1. (cf cuexantli) skirt
2. (cf cuexantli) skirt

0. grind, press, oscillate

0. something ground

0. skirt

1. skirt
FC - > jc-61096
2. skirt
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
3. skirt
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. skirt
JC-05-07-97 Noun StemsList A
5. falda
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. bend
1. (cf coliui) bend
2. (cf coliui) bend

0. damp

0. moist, damp
Adj Form jc-022897
1. moist
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. damp
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. moistened

4. dank

5. humid

6. wet

7. moist

8. damp

0. moist

1. moist
FC -> jc-72895
2. moist

3. moist

4. moist
FC jc-031297
5. moist
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. one who has a shell-covered skirt
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. sooted up
Adj Form jc-022897
1. sooted up
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. carbonized
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. smoked

4. ashed

5. creosoted

6. sooted up

0. something that has rattles
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. those who have rattles
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. those who have rattles
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. it becomes pulverized; it is porous

1. it becomes pulverized; it is porous

FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes pulverized; it is porous

3. it becomes pulverized; it is porous

4. it becomes pulverized; it is porous <cue:chtli-v03a>

<cue:chtli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes pulverized; it is porous <cue:chtli-v03a>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cue:chtli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096

6. it becomes pulverized; it is porous
FC jc-031297
7. it becomes pulverized; it is porous
FC jc-031297

0. fine-textured

1. fine-textured
FC -> jc-72895
2. fine-textured

3. fine-textured

4. fine-textured
FC jc-031297
5. fine-textured
FC jc-031297

0. of very fine texture; very fine-textured; very finely
ground up

1. of very fine texture; very fine-textured; very finely

ground up
FC -> jc-72895
2. of very fine texture; very fine-textured; very finely
ground up

3. of very fine texture; very fine-textured; very finely

ground up

4. of very fine texture; very finely ground up; very

fine-textured <cuechtli2-pah4-tic>
<cuechtli2-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. of very fine texture; very fine-textured
<cuechtli2-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very finely ground up <cue:chtli-pah4-tic>
<cue:chtli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very finely ground up <cue:chtli-pah4-tic>
<cue:chtli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. of very fine texture; very fine-textured; very finely
ground up
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. of very fine texture; very fine-textured; very finely

ground up
FC jc-031297

0. fine; fine-textured; finely ground up; pulverized; of fine
texture; porous; powdery

1. fine; fine-textured; finely ground up; pulverized; of fine

texture; porous; powdery
FC -> jc-72895
2. fine; fine-textured; finely ground up; pulverized; of fine
texture; porous; powdery

3. fine; fine-textured; finely ground up; pulverized; of fine

texture; porous; powdery

4. fine; fine-textured; finely ground up; pulverized; of fine

texture; porous; powdery <cue:chtli-tic>
<cue:chtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. fine; fine-textured; finely ground up; pulverized; of fine
texture; porous; powdery <cue:chtli-tic>
<cue:chtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. fine-textured; of fine texture <cuechtli2-tic>
<cuechtli2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. fine; fine-textured; finely ground up; pulverized; of fine
texture; porous; powdery
FC jc-031297
8. fine; fine-textured; finely ground up; pulverized; of fine
texture; porous; powdery
FC jc-031297

0. snail

0. he quakes, he quavers; it quavers

1. he quakes, he quavers; it quavers

FC -> jc-72895
2. he quakes, he quavers; it quavers

3. he quakes, he quavers; it quavers

4. he quakes, he quavers; it quavers
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. he quakes, he quavers; it quavers
FC jc-031297

0. it is very porous

1. it is very porous
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is very porous

3. it is very porous

4. it is very porous <dupl-cue:chtli-v03a>

<dupl-cue:chtli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is very porous <dupl-cue:chtli-v03a>
<dupl-cue:chtli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is very porous <dupl-cue:chtli-v03a>
<dupl-cue:chtli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is very porous <dupl-cue:chtli-v03a>
<dupl-cue:chtli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
8. it is very porous
FC jc-031297
9. it is very porous
FC jc-031297

0. finely ground up, pulverized

1. finely ground up, pulverized

FC -> jc-72895
2. finely ground up, pulverized

3. finely ground up, pulverized

4. finely ground up, pulverized <dupl-cue:chtli-v03a-prt1-c2>

<dupl-cue:chtli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. finely ground up, pulverized <dupl-cue:chtli-v03a-prt1-c2>
<dupl-cue:chtli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. finely ground up, pulverized <dupl-cue:chtli-v03a-prt1-c2>
<dupl-cue:chtli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. finely ground up, pulverized <dupl-cue:chtli-v03a-prt1-c2>
<dupl-cue:chtli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
8. finely ground up, pulverized <dupl-cue:chtli-v03a-prt1-c2>
<dupl-cue:chtli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
9. finely ground up, pulverized
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
10. finely ground up, pulverized
FC jc-031297

0. very finely ground up

1. very finely ground up

FC -> jc-72895
2. very finely ground up

3. very finely ground up

4. very finely ground up <dupl-cue:chtli-pah4-tic>

<dupl-cue:chtli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very finely ground up <dupl-cue:chtli-pah4-tic>
<dupl-cue:chtli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very finely ground up <dupl-cue:chtli-pah4-tic>
<dupl-cue:chtli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very finely ground up <dupl-cue:chtli-pah4-tic>
<dupl-cue:chtli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. very finely ground up <dupl-cue:chtli-pah4-tic>
<dupl-cue:chtli-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. very finely ground up
FC jc-031297
10. very finely ground up
FC jc-031297

0. finely ground up; powdery; very loose; very porous

1. finely ground up; powdery; very loose; very porous

FC -> jc-72895
2. finely ground up; powdery; very loose; very porous

3. finely ground up; powdery; very loose; very porous

4. finely ground up; powdery; very porous <dupl-cue:chtli-tic>

<dupl-cue:chtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. finely ground up; powdery; very porous <dupl-cue:chtli-tic>
<dupl-cue:chtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. finely ground up; powdery; very porous <dupl-cue:chtli-tic>
<dupl-cue:chtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. finely ground up; powdery; very porous <dupl-cue:chtli-tic>
<dupl-cue:chtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. finely ground up; powdery; very loose; very porous
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
9. finely ground up; powdery; very loose; very porous
FC jc-031297

0. briefly, quickly

1. briefly, quickly
FC -> jc-72895
2. briefly, quickly

3. briefly, quickly

4. briefly, quickly
FC jc-031297
5. briefly, quickly
FC jc-031297

0. winding

1. winding
FC -> jc-72895
2. winding

3. winding

4. winding
FC jc-031297
5. winding
FC jc-031297

0. boast

0. it blooms constantly; it blossoms constantly; blooms
constantly; it crackles; it pops; it shoots forth; it

1. it blooms constantly; it blossoms constantly; blooms

constantly; it crackles; it pops; it shoots forth; it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it blooms constantly; it blossoms constantly; blooms
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

constantly; it crackles; it pops; it shoots forth; it


3. it blooms constantly; it blossoms constantly; blooms

constantly; it crackles; it pops; it shoots forth; it

4. it blooms constantly; it blossoms constantly; blooms

constantly; it crackles; it pops; it shoots forth; it
sputters <dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. it blooms constantly; it blossoms constantly; blooms
constantly; it crackles; it pops; it shoots forth; it
sputters <dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. it blooms constantly; it blossoms constantly; blooms
constantly; it crackles; it pops; it shoots forth; it
sputters <dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
7. it blooms constantly; it crackles <dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
8. it blooms constantly; it blossoms constantly; blooms
constantly; it crackles; it pops; it shoots forth; it
FC jc-031297
9. it blooms constantly; it blossoms constantly; blooms
constantly; it crackles; it pops; it shoots forth; it
FC jc-031297

0. one which shoots forth

1. one which shoots forth

FC -> jc-72895
2. one which shoots forth

3. one which shoots forth

4. one which shoots forth <dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ni1>

<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. one which shoots forth <dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ni1>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one which shoots forth <dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ni1>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. one which shoots forth <dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ni1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ni1> FC - > jc-61096

8. one which shoots forth
FC jc-031297
9. one which shoots forth
FC jc-031297

0. it stands blooming; it stands constantly blossoming;

1. it stands blooming; it stands constantly blossoming;

FC -> jc-72895
2. it stands blooming; it stands constantly blossoming;

3. it stands blooming; it stands constantly blossoming;


4. it stands blooming; it stands constantly blossoming;

blooming <dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-icac>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-icac> FC - > jc-61096
5. it stands blooming; it stands constantly blossoming;
blooming <dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-icac>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-icac> FC - > jc-61096
6. it stands blooming; it stands constantly blossoming;
blooming <dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-icac>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-icac> FC - > jc-61096
7. it stands blooming; it stands constantly blossoming;
blooming <dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-icac>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-icac> FC - > jc-61096
8. it stands blooming; it stands constantly blossoming;
FC jc-031297
9. it stands blooming; it stands constantly blossoming;
FC jc-031297

0. it spreads blossoming constantly, blooming constantly

1. it spreads blossoming constantly, blooming constantly

FC -> jc-72895
2. it spreads blossoming constantly, blooming constantly

3. it spreads blossoming constantly, blooming constantly
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it spreads blossoming constantly, blooming constantly

<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-mani aux04>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-mani aux04> FC - > jc-61096
5. it spreads blossoming constantly, blooming constantly
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-mani aux04>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-mani aux04> FC - > jc-61096
6. it spreads blossoming constantly, blooming constantly
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-mani aux04>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-mani aux04> FC - > jc-61096
7. it spreads blossoming constantly, blooming constantly
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-mani aux04>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-mani aux04> FC - > jc-61096
8. it spreads blossoming constantly, blooming constantly
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-mani aux04>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-ti1-mani aux04> FC - > jc-61096
9. it spreads blossoming constantly, blooming constantly
FC jc-031297
10. it spreads blossoming constantly, blooming constantly
FC jc-031297

0. it lies blossoming constantly, blooming constantly; it
spreads constantly blossoming; blooming

1. it lies blossoming constantly, blooming constantly; it

spreads constantly blossoming; blooming
FC -> jc-72895
2. it lies blossoming constantly, blooming constantly; it
spreads constantly blossoming; blooming

3. it lies blossoming constantly, blooming constantly; it

spreads constantly blossoming; blooming

4. it lies blossoming constantly, blooming constantly; it

spreads constantly blossoming; blooming
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-toc> FC - > jc-61096
5. it lies blossoming constantly, blooming constantly; it
spreads constantly blossoming; blooming
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-toc> FC - > jc-61096
6. it lies blossoming constantly, blooming constantly; it
spreads constantly blossoming; blooming
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-toc> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. it lies blossoming constantly, blooming constantly; it

spreads constantly blossoming; blooming
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7-toc> FC - > jc-61096
8. it lies blossoming constantly, blooming constantly; it
spreads constantly blossoming; blooming
FC jc-031297
9. it lies blossoming constantly, blooming constantly; it
spreads constantly blossoming; blooming
FC jc-031297

0. it stands blossoming

1. it stands blossoming
FC -> jc-72895
2. it stands blossoming

3. it stands blossoming

4. it stands blossoming <dupl-cuepo:ni-prt1-ti1-icac>

<dupl-cuepo:ni-prt1-ti1-icac> FC - > jc-61096
5. it stands blossoming <dupl-cuepo:ni-prt1-ti1-icac>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-prt1-ti1-icac> FC - > jc-61096
6. it stands blossoming <dupl-cuepo:ni-prt1-ti1-icac>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-prt1-ti1-icac> FC - > jc-61096
7. it stands blossoming
FC jc-031297
8. it stands blossoming
FC jc-031297

0. it extends blossoming

1. it extends blossoming
FC -> jc-72895
2. it extends blossoming

3. it extends blossoming

4. it extends blossoming <dupl-cuepo:ni-ti1-mani aux04>

<dupl-cuepo:ni-ti1-mani aux04> FC - > jc-61096
5. it extends blossoming <dupl-cuepo:ni-ti1-mani aux04>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ti1-mani aux04> FC - > jc-61096
6. it extends blossoming <dupl-cuepo:ni-ti1-mani aux04>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-ti1-mani aux04> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. it extends blossoming <dupl-cuepo:ni-ti1-mani aux04>

<dupl-cuepo:ni-ti1-mani aux04> FC - > jc-61096
8. it extends blossoming
FC jc-031297
9. it extends blossoming
FC jc-031297

0. it spreads blossoming

1. it spreads blossoming
FC -> jc-72895
2. it spreads blossoming

3. it spreads blossoming
4. it spreads blossoming

5. it spreads blossoming
6. it spreads blossoming <dupl-cuepo:ni-prt1-toc>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-prt1-toc> FC - > jc-61096
7. it spreads blossoming <dupl-cuepo:ni-prt1-toc>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-prt1-toc> FC - > jc-61096
8. it spreads blossoming <dupl-cuepo:ni-prt1-toc>
<dupl-cuepo:ni-prt1-toc> FC - > jc-61096
9. it spreads blossoming
FC jc-031297
10. it spreads blossoming
FC jc-031297

0. they crackle

1. they crackle
FC -> jc-72895
2. they crackle

3. they crackle

4. they crackle
FC jc-031297
5. they crackle
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. hide-like

1. hide-like
FC -> jc-72895
2. hide-like

3. hide-like

4. hide-like <dupl-cuetlaxtli-tic>
<dupl-cuetlaxtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. hide-like <dupl-cuetlaxtli-tic>
<dupl-cuetlaxtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. hide-like <dupl-cuetlaxtli-tic>
<dupl-cuetlaxtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. hide-like <dupl-cuetlaxtli-tic>
<dupl-cuetlaxtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. hide-like
FC jc-031297
9. hide-like
FC jc-031297

0. itch, stir, disquiet

cuecuetzoaya ( omo- )
0. se retorci'a ( he was twisting )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

cuecuetzohtoc ( mo- )
0. se esta' retorciendo ( he is twisting )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. frogs

1. frogs
FC -> jc-72895
2. frogs

3. frogs

4. frogs
FC jc-031297
5. frogs
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they radiate, they spread out

1. they radiate, they spread out

FC -> jc-72895
2. they radiate, they spread out

3. they radiate, they spread out

4. they radiate, they spread out <dupl-cueyahua?>

<dupl-cueyahua?> FC - > jc-61096
5. they radiate, they spread out <dupl-cueyahua?>
<dupl-cueyahua?> FC - > jc-61096
6. they glisten; they radiate; they spread out
FC jc-031297
7. they glisten; they radiate; they spread out
FC jc-031297

0. it glistens

1. it glistens
FC -> jc-72895
2. it glistens

3. it glistens

4. it glistens <dupl-cueyo:ni-ca7>
<dupl-cueyo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. it glistens <dupl-cueyo:ni-ca7>
<dupl-cueyo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. it glistens <dupl-cueyo:ni-ca7>
<dupl-cueyo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
7. it glistens <dupl-cueyo:ni-ca7>
<dupl-cueyo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
8. it glistens
FC jc-031297
9. it glistens
FC jc-031297

0. skirt

1. skirt
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. skirt

3. skirt
4. skirt (cf cuexantli)

5. skirt

6. skirt
7. skirt (cf cuexantli)

8. skirt ( cf cuexantli )
FC - > jc-61096
9. skirt <cue:itl>
<cue:itl> FC - > jc-61096
10. skirt
FC jc-031297
11. skirt
FC jc-031297

0. briefly, quickly; soon; then
1. briefly; quickly
FC -> jc-72895
2. quickly; soon; briefly; then
FC -> jc-72895
3. briefly, quickly; soon; then
4. briefly, quickly; soon; then
5. briefly, quickly; soon; then <cue:l>
<cue:l> FC - > jc-61096
6. briefly; quickly
FC jc-031297
7. quickly; soon; briefly; then
FC jc-031297
8. briefly; quickly
FC jc-031297
9. quickly; soon; briefly; then
FC jc-031297

0. forthwith, again?; quickly; forthwill; then
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. forthwith; again?; quickly; forthwill; then

FC -> jc-72895
2. forthwith, again?; quickly; forthwill; then
3. forthwith; again?; quickly; forthwill; then

4. forthwith, again?; quickly; forthwill; then

5. forthwith; again?; quickly; forthwill; then

6. forthwith, again?; quickly; forthwill; then <cue:l-ye1>

<cue:l-ye1> FC - > jc-61096
7. forthwith, again?; quickly; forthwill; then <cue:l-ye1>
<cue:l-ye1> FC - > jc-61096
8. forthwith; again?; quickly; forthwill; then
FC jc-031297
9. forthwith; again?; quickly; forthwill; then
FC jc-031297

0. curved, doubled over

1. curved, doubled over

FC -> jc-72895
2. curved, doubled over

3. curved, doubled over

4. curved, doubled over

FC jc-031297
5. curved, doubled over
FC jc-031297

0. mound

0. agricultural land

1. agricultural land
FC -> jc-72895
2. agricultural land

3. agricultural land
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. agricultural land <cuemitl>

<cuemitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. mound
FC - > jc-61096
6. agricultural land
FC jc-031297
7. agricultural land
FC jc-031297

0. field worker
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. en el campo ( field )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. oquicuahtoya zacatl huan ihcuac oquimomacac cuentah
yohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. tlen oquichih ? Estaba comiendo pasto y cuando advirtio'
ya veni'a un buen aguacero It was eating grass and when it
noticed a big rainfall was coming

cuep ( oalmo- )
0. se volteo' ( he turned around )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. turn

0. return
FC - > jc-61096
1. to return
FC - > jc-61096
2. return
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

cuepa tlacuepalli
0. st which is turned upside down
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cuepa tlacueptli
0. st returned or turned

cuepa-| necuepaliztli

cuepaz ( nihualmo- )
0. volvere' ( I will return )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

cuepazquia ( otihualmo- )
0. habri'as regresado ( you would have returned )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. burst

0. burst, bloomed
Adj Form jc-022897
1. burst
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. bloomed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. explosion

4. blowout

5. blast

6. blowup

7. eruption

8. spurt

9. gust

10. rush

11. outpouring

12. torrent

13. burst
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

14. bloomed

0. it blossomed

1. it blossomed
FC -> jc-72895
2. it blossomed

3. it blossomed

4. it blossomed <cuepo:ni-prt1>
<cuepo:ni-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it blossomed
FC jc-031297
6. it blossomed
FC jc-031297

0. blossoming, opening

1. blossoming, opening
FC -> jc-72895
2. blossoming, opening

3. blossoming, opening

4. blossoming, opening <cuepo:ni-ca:5-yo:tl1>

<cuepo:ni-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. blossoming, opening <cuepo:ni-ca:5-yo:tl1>
<cuepo:ni-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. blossoming, opening
FC jc-031297
7. blossoming, opening
FC jc-031297

0. he blossoms; it blooms; it blossoms; it bursts; it flowers;
it opens; it burst open; it bursts forth; it bursts open;
it glows

1. he blossoms; it blooms; it blossoms; it bursts; it flowers;

it opens; it burst open; it bursts forth; it bursts open;
it glows
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they bloom, they blossom
FC -> jc-72895
3. he blossoms; it blooms; it blossoms; it bursts; it flowers;
it opens; it burst open; it bursts forth; it bursts open;
it glows

4. they bloom, they blossom

5. he blossoms; it blooms; it blossoms; it bursts; it flowers;

it opens; it burst open; it bursts forth; it bursts open;
it glows

6. they bloom, they blossom

7. it bursts forth <cuepo:ni>

<cuepo:ni> FC - > jc-61096
8. to bloom
FC - > jc-61096
9. he blossoms; it blooms; it blossoms; it bursts; it flowers;
it opens; it burst open; it bursts forth; it bursts open;
it glows
FC jc-031297
10. they bloom, they blossom
FC jc-031297
11. he blossoms; it blooms; it blossoms; it bursts; it flowers;
it opens; it burst open; it bursts forth; it bursts open;
it glows
FC jc-031297
12. they bloom, they blossom
FC jc-031297

cueponi quicueponaltiah
0. they make it bloom

0. bloomer; blossomer

1. bloomer; blossomer
FC -> jc-72895
2. bloomer; blossomer

3. bloomer; blossomer

4. bloomer; blossomer <cuepo:ni-ni1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cuepo:ni-ni1> FC - > jc-61096

5. bloomer; blossomer
FC jc-031297
6. bloomer; blossomer
FC jc-031297

0. it will blossom; it will flare up

1. it will blossom; it will flare up

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will blossom; it will flare up

3. it will blossom; it will flare up

4. it will blossom; it will flare up <cuepo:ni-z>

<cuepo:ni-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will blossom; it will flare up
FC jc-031297
6. it will blossom; it will flare up
FC jc-031297

0. blossomed; in blossom; blossomer

1. blossomed; in blossom; blossomer

FC -> jc-72895
2. blossomed; in blossom; blossomer

3. blossomed; in blossom; blossomer

4. blossomed, in blossom; blossomer <cuepo:ni-prt1-c2>

<cuepo:ni-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. blossomed; in blossom; blossomer
FC jc-031297
6. blossomed; in blossom; blossomer
FC jc-031297

0. it stands blossoming

1. it stands blossoming
FC -> jc-72895
2. it stands blossoming

3. it stands blossoming
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it stands blossoming <cuepo:ni-prt1-ti1-icac>

<cuepo:ni-prt1-ti1-icac> FC - > jc-61096
5. it stands blossoming
FC jc-031297
6. it stands blossoming
FC jc-031297

0. it lies blossoming, blooming; it spreads blossoming

1. it lies blossoming, blooming; it spreads blossoming

FC -> jc-72895
2. it lies blossoming, blooming; it spreads blossoming

3. it lies blossoming, blooming; it spreads blossoming

4. it lies blossoming, blooming; it spreads blossoming

<cuepo:ni-prt1-toc> FC - > jc-61096
5. it lies blossoming, blooming; it spreads blossoming
FC jc-031297
6. it lies blossoming, blooming; it spreads blossoming
FC jc-031297

cuepque ( yomo- )
0. ya volvieron ( they already returned )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. diminish, twist, shake

0. wolf
1. wolf
FC -> jc-72895
2. wolf

3. wolf
4. wolf

5. wolf
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. wolf
FC jc-031297

0. wither

0. faded ashen color

1. faded ashen color

FC -> jc-72895
2. faded ashen color

3. faded ashen color

4. faded ashen color

FC jc-031297
5. faded ashen color
FC jc-031297

0. it will burn, it will blaze
FC jc-031297

0. long-tailed

1. long-tailed
FC -> jc-72895
2. long-tailed

3. long-tailed

4. long-tailed
FC jc-031297
5. long-tailed
FC jc-031297

0. sandal made of cured leather

1. sandal made of cured leather

FC -> jc-72895
2. sandal made of cured leather
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. sandal made of cured leather

4. sandal made of cured leather <cuetlaxtli-cactli>

<cuetlaxtli-cactli> FC - > jc-61096
5. sandal made of cured leather <cuetlaxtli-cactli>
<cuetlaxtli-cactli> FC - > jc-61096
6. sandal made of cured leather
FC jc-031297
7. sandal made of cured leather
FC jc-031297

0. discourage

0. leather-like

1. leather-like
FC -> jc-72895
2. leather-like

3. leather-like

4. leather-like
FC jc-031297
5. leather-like
FC jc-031297

0. poinsettia

1. poinsettia
FC -> jc-72895
2. poinsettia

3. poinsettia

4. poinsettia <cuetlaxtli-xo:chitl>
<cuetlaxtli-xo:chitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. poinsettia <cuetlaxtli-xo:chitl>
<cuetlaxtli-xo:chitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. poinsettia
FC jc-031297
7. poinsettia
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. leathery

1. leathery
FC -> jc-72895
2. leathery

3. leathery

4. leathery <cuetlaxtli-tic>
<cuetlaxtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. leathery <cuetlaxtli-tic>
<cuetlaxtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. leathery
FC jc-031297
7. leathery
FC jc-031297

0. leather cape

1. leather cape
FC -> jc-72895
2. leather cape

3. leather cape

4. leather cape <cuetlaxtli-tilmahtli>

<cuetlaxtli-tilmahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. leather cape <cuetlaxtli-tilmahtli>
<cuetlaxtli-tilmahtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. leather cape
FC jc-031297
7. leather cape
FC jc-031297

0. tanned hide
1. cured leather; leather
FC -> jc-72895
2. cured leather; leather

3. tanned hide
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. cured leather; leather

5. cured leather; leather <cuetlaxtli>

<cuetlaxtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. cured leather; leather
FC jc-031297
7. cured leather; leather
FC jc-031297

0. little skirt

1. little skirt
FC -> jc-72895
2. little skirt

3. little skirt

4. little skirt <cue:itl-to:n>

<cue:itl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. little skirt <cue:itl-to:n>
<cue:itl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. little skirt
FC jc-031297
7. little skirt
FC jc-031297

0. eater of lizards

1. eater of lizards
FC -> jc-72895
2. eater of lizards

3. eater of lizards

4. eater of lizards <cuetzpalin-cua:-ni1>

<cuetzpalin-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. eater of lizards <cuetzpalin-cua:-ni1>
<cuetzpalin-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. eater of lizards <cuetzpalin-cua:-ni1>
<cuetzpalin-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. eater of lizards <cuetzpalin-cua:-ni1>
<cuetzpalin-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. eater of lizards
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. eater of lizards
FC jc-031297

0. lizard excrement

1. lizard excrement
FC -> jc-72895
2. lizard excrement

3. lizard excrement

4. lizard excrement <cuetzpalin-cuitlatl>

<cuetzpalin-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. lizard excrement
FC jc-031297
6. lizard excrement
FC jc-031297

0. lizard

1. lizard
FC -> jc-72895
2. lizard

3. lizard

4. lizard <cuetzpalin>
<cuetzpalin> FC - > jc-61096
5. lizard
FC jc-031297
6. lizard
FC jc-031297

0. lizard
1. lizard
FC -> jc-72895
2. lizard

3. lizard
4. lizard
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. lizard
FC - > jc-61096
6. lizard <cuetzpalin>
<cuetzpalin> FC - > jc-61096
7. lizard
FC jc-031297
8. lizard
Noun jc-030797
9. lizard
FC jc-031297
10. lizard
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
11. lizard
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

cuetzpalin (lizard) ticuetzpalti

0. you become a glutton

0. lizard

1. lizard
FC -> jc-72895
2. lizard

3. lizard

4. lizard <cuetzpalin>
<cuetzpalin> FC - > jc-61096
5. lizard
FC jc-031297
6. lizard
FC jc-031297

0. skirt
1. (cf cueitl, ana{1}) skirt
2. (cf cueitl, ana{1}) skirt

0. back of the neck
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. nape of the neck

FC -> jc-72895
2. nape of the neck

3. nape of the neck

4. back of the neck
5. nape of the neck

6. nape of the neck

7. nape of the neck <cuexcochtli>
<cuexcochtli> FC - > jc-61096
8. nape of the neck
FC jc-031297
9. nape of the neck
FC jc-031297

0. one who has an occipital tuft of hair
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. mat

0. frogs

1. frogs
FC -> jc-72895
2. frogs

3. frogs

4. frogs <cueyatl-plur03>
<cueyatl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
5. frogs
FC jc-031297
6. frogs
FC jc-031297

0. frog
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. frog
FC -> jc-72895
2. frog

3. frog
4. frog

5. frog
FC - > jc-61096
6. frog <cueyatl>
<cueyatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. frog
FC jc-031297
8. frog
FC jc-031297

cueye huipille
0. woman

1. woman
FC -> jc-72895
2. woman
<cue:itl-eh1 hui:pi:lli-eh1>-| jc-10896
3. woman
<cue:itl-eh1 hui:pi:lli-eh1>-| jc-10896
4. woman

5. woman

6. woman
<cue:itl-eh1 hui:pi:lli-eh1>-| jc-10896
7. woman
FC jc-031297
8. woman
FC jc-031297

cueye huipilleh
0. woman
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. one who has a skirt
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. those who have skirts

JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. those who wear skirts
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. seethe, blink, wave

0. those who have arara feather fans
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. flame-colored thing; scarlet-macaw feather; red-macaw
feather; scarlet macaw

1. flame-colored thing; scarlet-macaw feather; red-macaw

feather; scarlet macaw
FC -> jc-72895
2. flame-colored thing; scarlet-macaw feather; red-macaw
feather; scarlet macaw

3. flame-colored thing; scarlet-macaw feather; red-macaw

feather; scarlet macaw

4. flame-colored thing; scarlet-macaw feather; red-macaw

feather; scarlet macaw
FC jc-031297
5. flame-colored thing; scarlet-macaw feather; red-macaw
feather; scarlet macaw
FC jc-031297

0. granary

0. corn bin, grain bin; maize bin; cornbin, granary

1. corn bin, grain bin; maize bin; cornbin

FC -> jc-72895
2. corn bin, grain bin; maize bin; cornbin, granary
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. corn bin, grain bin; maize bin; cornbin, granary

4. granary
FC - > jc-61096
5. corn bin, grain bin; maize bin; cornbin
FC jc-031297
6. corn bin, grain bin; maize bin; cornbin
FC jc-031297

0. those who have corn bins
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. maize bin owners
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. with bins, by means of bins
FC jc-031297

0. take, grab
1. to grab
FC - > jc-61096
2. to take
FC - > jc-61096
3. (cf macuilli) take, grab
4. (cf macuilli) take, grab

cui contlecuitiah
0. they set it on fire

cui-| tlacuiliztli
0. act of grabbing something

0. to sing
1. there is singing
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. sentinel
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. sentinel
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. sentinel
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. singer
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. song composer
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. song composer
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. song composer
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. song composer
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. song
1. song

2. song
3. song

4. song
FC - > jc-61096
5. song
FC - > jc-61096
6. song
Noun jc-030797
7. song
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
8. song
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

cui:catl (song) tine:chcui:catia

0. you give music to me

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. one who begins the singing

Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. one who begins the singing
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. one who begins the singing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who begins the singing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. there is singing, people sing

1. people sing
FC - > jc-61096

0. there was singing
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. there was singing
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. there was singing
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. there was singing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. there was singing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. cricket
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. cricket
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. cricket
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. cricket
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. swallow

0. they are grabbed
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they are grabbed
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they are grabbed

JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. they are grabbed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they are grabbed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they are grabbed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. they are grabbed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he will be captured
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. he will be captured
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. he will be captured
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. he will be captured
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. he will be captured
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. he will be captured
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. he will be captured
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. kite, kind of bird

0. frog

1. frog
FC -> jc-72895
2. frog

3. frog

4. frog <cueyatl>
<cueyatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. frog
FC jc-031297
6. frog
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cuic ( oqui- )
0. lo cogio'; lo agarro' ( he grabbed it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he sings; it sings

1. he sings; it sings
FC -> jc-72895
2. they sing
FC -> jc-72895
3. there is singing
4. he sings; it sings

5. they sing

6. he sings; it sings; they sing

7. he sings; it sings

8. they sing

9. he sings; it sings; they sing

10. he sings; it sings; they sing <cui:ca>
<cui:ca> FC - > jc-61096
11. there is singing
12. he sings; it sings
FC jc-031297
13. they sing
FC jc-031297
14. he sings; it sings
FC jc-031297
15. they sing
FC jc-031297

0. songs

0. songbook
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. songbook
FC - > jc-61096

0. one who leads the singing

1. one who leads the singing

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who leads the singing

3. one who leads the singing

4. one who leads the singing

FC jc-031297
5. one who leads the singing
FC jc-031297

0. in the song house

1. in the song house

FC -> jc-72895
2. in the song house

3. in the song house

4. in the song house <cui:ca-l2-calli-co1>

<cui:ca-l2-calli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. in the song house <cui:ca-l2-calli-co1>
<cui:ca-l2-calli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. in the song house <cui:ca-l2-calli-co1>
<cui:ca-l2-calli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. in the song house
FC jc-031297
8. in the song house
FC jc-031297

0. song house

1. song house
FC -> jc-72895
2. song house

3. song house
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. song house <cui:ca-l2-calli>

<cui:ca-l2-calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. song house <cui:ca-l2-calli>
<cui:ca-l2-calli> FC - > jc-61096
6. song house
FC jc-031297
7. song house
FC jc-031297

0. house of song

1. house of song
FC -> jc-72895
2. house of song

3. house of song

4. house of song <cui:catl-calli>

<cui:catl-calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. house of song
FC jc-031297
6. house of song
FC jc-031297

0. singer who intones the chant

1. singer who intones the chant

FC -> jc-72895
2. singer who intones the chant

3. singer who intones the chant

4. singer who intones the chant <cui:ca-l2-ihtoa:-ni1>

<cui:ca-l2-ihtoa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. singer who intones the chant <cui:ca-l2-ihtoa:-ni1>
<cui:ca-l2-ihtoa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. singer who intones the chant <cui:ca-l2-ihtoa:-ni1>
<cui:ca-l2-ihtoa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. singer who intones the chant <cui:ca-l2-ihtoa:-ni1>
<cui:ca-l2-ihtoa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. singer who intones the chant <cui:ca-l2-ihtoa:-ni1>
<cui:ca-l2-ihtoa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. singer who intones the chant
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. singer who intones the chant

FC jc-031297

0. they provide song

1. they provide song

FC -> jc-72895
2. they provide song

3. they provide song

4. they provide song <cui:ca-l2-mani-caus09>

<cui:ca-l2-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. they provide song <cui:ca-l2-mani-caus09>
<cui:ca-l2-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. they provide song <cui:ca-l2-mani-caus09>
<cui:ca-l2-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
7. they provide song <cui:ca-l2-mani-caus09>
<cui:ca-l2-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
8. they provide song
FC jc-031297
9. they provide song
FC jc-031297

0. singer

1. singer
FC -> jc-72895
2. singer

3. singer

4. singer <cui:ca-l2-ni1>
<cui:ca-l2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. singer <cui:ca-l2-ni1>
<cui:ca-l2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. singer <cui:ca-l2-ni1>
<cui:ca-l2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. singer <cui:ca-l2-ni1>
<cui:ca-l2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. singer
FC jc-031297
9. singer
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. singer
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. singers; musicians

1. singers; musicians
FC -> jc-72895
2. singers; musicians

3. singers; musicians

4. singers; musicians <cui:ca-ni1-plur03>

<cui:ca-ni1-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
5. singers; musicians <cui:ca-ni1-plur03>
<cui:ca-ni1-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
6. singers; musicians <cui:ca-ni1-plur03>
<cui:ca-ni1-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
7. singers; musicians
FC jc-031297
8. singers; musicians
FC jc-031297

0. compositores ( composers )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. composer of songs; song composer

1. composer of songs; song composer

FC -> jc-72895
2. composer of songs; song composer

3. composer of songs; song composer

4. songwriter, composer <cui:ca-pi:qui-ni1>

<cui:ca-pi:qui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. songwriter, composer <cui:ca-pi:qui-ni1>
<cui:ca-pi:qui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. songwriter, composer <cui:ca-pi:qui-ni1>
<cui:ca-pi:qui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. songwriter, composer <cui:ca-pi:qui-ni1>
<cui:ca-pi:qui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. composer of songs; song composer
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. composer of songs; song composer

FC jc-031297

0. it becomes the song
FC - > jc-61096

cuicati mocuicuicatia
0. he sings

0. with songs

0. they go singing

1. they go singing
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go singing

3. they go singing

4. they go singing <cui:ca-dir2a>

<cui:ca-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
5. they go singing <cui:ca-dir2a>
<cui:ca-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
6. they go singing <cui:ca-dir2a>
<cui:ca-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
7. they go singing
FC jc-031297
8. they go singing
FC jc-031297

0. there is singing

1. there is singing
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is singing

3. there is singing

4. there is singing <cui:catl-v04b?-lo:2>

<cui:catl-v04b?-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. there is singing
FC jc-031297
6. there is singing
FC jc-031297

0. they go singing
FC jc-031297

0. lo pasean ( they go along taking him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he goes singing

1. he goes singing
FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes singing

3. he goes singing

4. he goes singing <cui:ca-dir2a>

<cui:ca-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes singing <cui:ca-dir2a>
<cui:ca-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes singing <cui:ca-dir2a>
<cui:ca-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes singing
FC jc-031297
8. he goes singing
FC jc-031297

0. song; music; singing

1. song; music; singing

FC -> jc-72895
2. song
3. song
4. song; music; singing

5. song; music; singing
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. song
FC - > jc-61096
7. song
FC - > jc-61096
8. song; singing; music <cui:ca-l2>
<cui:ca-l2> FC - > jc-61096
9. song; singing; music <cui:ca-l2>
<cui:ca-l2> FC - > jc-61096
10. song
11. song
12. song; music; singing
FC jc-031297
13. song; music; singing
FC jc-031297

0. torch for singing

1. torch for singing

FC -> jc-72895
2. torch for singing

3. torch for singing

4. torch for singing <cui:ca-l2-;

<cui:ca-l2--> FC - > jc-61096
5. torch for singing <cui:ca-l2-;
<cui:ca-l2--> FC - > jc-61096
6. torch for singing
FC jc-031297
7. torch for singing
FC jc-031297

0. songwriter

1. songwriter
FC -> jc-72895
2. songwriter

3. songwriter

4. songwriter <cui:ca-l2-tla:lia-ni1>
<cui:ca-l2-tla:lia-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. songwriter <cui:ca-l2-tla:lia-ni1>
<cui:ca-l2-tla:lia-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. songwriter <cui:ca-l2-tla:lia-ni1>
<cui:ca-l2-tla:lia-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. songwriter <cui:ca-l2-tla:lia-ni1>
<cui:ca-l2-tla:lia-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. songwriter <cui:ca-l2-tla:lia-ni1>
<cui:ca-l2-tla:lia-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. songwriter
FC jc-031297
10. songwriter
FC jc-031297

0. they loose the song

1. they loose the song

FC -> jc-72895
2. they loose the song

3. they loose the song

4. they loose the song <cui:ca-l2-tla:za>

<cui:ca-l2-tla:za> FC - > jc-61096
5. they loose the song <cui:ca-l2-tla:za>
<cui:ca-l2-tla:za> FC - > jc-61096
6. they loose the song <cui:ca-l2-tla:za>
<cui:ca-l2-tla:za> FC - > jc-61096
7. they loose the song
FC jc-031297
8. they loose the song
FC jc-031297

0. they sat singing

1. they sat singing

FC -> jc-72895
2. they sat singing

3. they sat singing

4. they sat singing

FC jc-031297
5. they sat singing
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he will sing

1. he will sing
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will sing

3. he will sing

4. he will sing
FC jc-031297
5. he will sing
FC jc-031297

0. blackish, sooty

1. blackish, sooty
FC -> jc-72895
2. blackish, sooty

3. blackish, sooty

4. blackish, sooty <cuichtli-e:hua-tic>

<cuichtli-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. blackish, sooty <cuichtli-e:hua-tic>
<cuichtli-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. blackish, sooty <cuichtli-e:hua-tic>
<cuichtli-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. sooty
Adj Form jc-022897
8. blackish, sooty
FC jc-031297
9. blackish, sooty
FC jc-031297
10. sooty
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
11. blackened
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
12. smudged

13. smeared

14. dirty
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

15. grimy

16. dingy

17. grubby

18. filthy

19. sooty

0. blackish, sooty; dark; dusky

1. blackish, sooty; dark; dusky

FC -> jc-72895
2. blackish, sooty; dark; dusky

3. blackish, sooty; dark; dusky

4. blackish, sooty; dark; dusky <cuichtli-e:hua-c1>

<cuichtli-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. blackish, sooty; dark; dusky <cuichtli-e:hua-c1>
<cuichtli-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. blackish, sooty; dark; dusky <cuichtli-e:hua-c1>
<cuichtli-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. blackish, sooty; dark; dusky
FC jc-031297
8. blackish, sooty; dark; dusky
FC jc-031297

0. soot
1. soot

2. soot
3. soot

4. soot
FC - > jc-61096

0. there is singing; people sing
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. there is singing; people sing

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is singing; people sing

3. there is singing; people sing

4. there is singing, people sing <cui:ca-lo:2>

<cui:ca-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is singing, people sing <cui:ca-lo:2>
<cui:ca-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is singing; people sing
FC jc-031297
7. there is singing; people sing
FC jc-031297

0. song

1. song
FC -> jc-72895
2. song

3. song

4. song
FC jc-031297
5. song
FC jc-031297

0. there was singing; people sang

1. there was singing; people sang

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was singing; people sang

3. there was singing; people sang

4. there was singing, people sang <cui:ca-lo:2-ya3>

<cui:ca-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was singing, people sang <cui:ca-lo:2-ya3>
<cui:ca-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was singing, people sang <cui:ca-lo:2-ya3>
<cui:ca-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was singing; people sang
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. there was singing; people sang

FC jc-031297

0. it sings constantly; they each sing; they sing
1. it sings constantly
FC -> jc-72895
2. they each sing; they sing
FC -> jc-72895
3. it sings constantly; they each sing; they sing
4. it sings constantly; they each sing; they sing
5. it sings constantly; they each sing; they sing <dupl-cui:ca>
<dupl-cui:ca> FC - > jc-61096
6. it sings constantly; they each sing; they sing <dupl-cui:ca>
<dupl-cui:ca> FC - > jc-61096
7. it sings constantly; they each sing; they sing <dupl-cui:ca>
<dupl-cui:ca> FC - > jc-61096
8. it sings constantly
FC jc-031297
9. they each sing; they sing
FC jc-031297
10. it sings constantly
FC jc-031297
11. they each sing; they sing
FC jc-031297

0. constant singer

1. constant singer
FC -> jc-72895
2. constant singer

3. constant singer

4. constant singer <dupl-cui:ca-ni1>

<dupl-cui:ca-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. constant singer <dupl-cui:ca-ni1>
<dupl-cui:ca-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. constant singer <dupl-cui:ca-ni1>
<dupl-cui:ca-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. constant singer <dupl-cui:ca-ni1>
<dupl-cui:ca-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. constant singer <dupl-cui:ca-ni1>

<dupl-cui:ca-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. constant singer
FC jc-031297
10. constant singer
FC jc-031297

0. there is singing in each place

1. there is singing in each place

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is singing in each place

3. there is singing in each place

4. there is singing in each place <dupl-cui:ca-lo:2>

<dupl-cui:ca-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is singing in each place <dupl-cui:ca-lo:2>
<dupl-cui:ca-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is singing in each place <dupl-cui:ca-lo:2>
<dupl-cui:ca-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is singing in each place <dupl-cui:ca-lo:2>
<dupl-cui:ca-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
8. there is singing in each place
FC jc-031297
9. there is singing in each place
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes varicolored

1. it becomes varicolored
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes varicolored

3. it becomes varicolored

4. it becomes varicolored
FC jc-031297
5. it becomes varicolored
FC jc-031297

0. quite varicolored
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. quite varicolored
FC -> jc-72895
2. quite varicolored

3. quite varicolored

4. quite varicolored
FC jc-031297
5. quite varicolored
FC jc-031297

0. spotted; varicolored

1. spotted; varicolored
FC -> jc-72895
2. spotted; varicolored

3. spotted; varicolored

4. spotted; varicolored
FC jc-031297
5. spotted; varicolored
FC jc-031297

0. barn swallow

1. barn swallow
FC -> jc-72895
2. barn swallow

3. barn swallow

4. swallow
FC - > jc-61096
5. barn swallow
FC jc-031297
6. barn swallow
FC jc-031297

0. it is taken

1. it is taken
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. it is taken

3. it is taken

4. it is taken <cui-hua1>
<cui-hua1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is taken
FC jc-031297
6. it is taken
FC jc-031297

0. anus

0. edge of the anus

1. edge of the anus

FC -> jc-72895
2. edge of the anus

3. edge of the anus

4. edge of the anus

FC jc-031297
5. edge of the anus
FC jc-031297

0. thin

1. thin
FC -> jc-72895
2. thin

3. thin

4. thin
FC jc-031297
5. thin
FC jc-031297

0. stick
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. sodomy

0. riches

0. one who has a song
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. singing

1. singing
FC -> jc-72895
2. singing

3. singing

4. singing <cui:ca-l2-liz>
<cui:ca-l2-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. singing <cui:ca-l2-liz>
<cui:ca-l2-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. singing
FC jc-031297
7. singing
FC jc-031297

cuitih ( qui- )
0. lo va a recoger ( he goes to grab it; pick it up )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he is quickly seized, he is quickly captured

1. he is quickly seized, he is quickly captured

FC -> jc-72895
2. he is quickly seized, he is quickly captured

3. he is quickly seized, he is quickly captured

4. he is quickly seized, he is quickly captured

<cui-ti1-huetzi-lo:1 aux03>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cui-ti1-huetzi-lo:1 aux03> FC - > jc-61096

5. he is quickly seized, he is quickly captured
<cui-ti1-huetzi-lo:1 aux03>
<cui-ti1-huetzi-lo:1 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is quickly seized, he is quickly captured
<cui-ti1-huetzi-lo:1 aux03>
<cui-ti1-huetzi-lo:1 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is quickly seized, he is quickly captured
<cui-ti1-huetzi-lo:1 aux03>
<cui-ti1-huetzi-lo:1 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
8. he is quickly seized, he is quickly captured
FC jc-031297
9. he is quickly seized, he is quickly captured
FC jc-031297

cuitihueh ( quin- )
0. van a agarrarlos ( they go to grab them )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. excrement, secretion, back

0. dung ant

1. dung ant
FC -> jc-72895
2. dung ant

3. dung ant

4. dung ant
FC jc-031297
5. dung ant
FC jc-031297

0. latrine

1. latrine
FC - > jc-61096
2. latrine
FC - > jc-61096

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. wolf skin

1. wolf skin
FC -> jc-72895
2. wolf skin

3. wolf skin

4. wolf skin
FC jc-031297
5. wolf skin
FC jc-031297

0. old bear

1. old bear
FC -> jc-72895
2. old bear

3. old bear

4. old bear <cuetla:chtli-hue:hueh>

<cuetla:chtli-hue:hueh> FC - > jc-61096
5. old bear <cuetla:chtli-hue:hueh>
<cuetla:chtli-hue:hueh> FC - > jc-61096
6. old bear <cuetla:chtli-hue:hueh>
<cuetla:chtli-hue:hueh> FC - > jc-61096
7. old bear
FC jc-031297
8. old bear
FC jc-031297

0. wolf-like

1. wolf-like
FC -> jc-72895
2. wolf-like

3. wolf-like

4. wolf-like <cuetlachtli-tic>
<cuetlachtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. wolf-like
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. wolf-like
FC jc-031297

0. bear; wolf

1. bear; wolf
FC -> jc-72895
2. bear; wolf

3. bear; wolf

4. bear <cuetla:chtli>
<cuetla:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. bear; wolf
FC jc-031297
6. bear; wolf
FC jc-031297

0. curve-billed thrasher

1. curve-billed thrasher
FC -> jc-72895
2. curve-billed thrasher

3. curve-billed thrasher

4. curve-billed thrasher
FC jc-031297
5. curve-billed thrasher
FC jc-031297

0. curve-billed thrasher
FC -> jc-72895
1. curve-billed thrasher
FC jc-031297
2. curve-billed thrasher
FC jc-031297

0. dry excrement

1. dry excrement
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. dry excrement

3. dry excrement

4. dry excrement
FC jc-031297
5. dry excrement
FC jc-031297

0. take care

0. stinking like excrement
FC jc-031297

0. slothful

1. slothful
FC -> jc-72895
2. slothful

3. slothful

4. slothful
FC jc-031297
5. slothful
FC jc-031297

0. faded ashen color

1. faded ashen color

FC -> jc-72895
2. faded ashen color

3. faded ashen color

4. faded ashen color <cuitlatl-nextli-e:hua-c1>

<cuitlatl-nextli-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. faded ashen color <cuitlatl-nextli-e:hua-c1>
<cuitlatl-nextli-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. faded ashen color <cuitlatl-nextli-e:hua-c1>
<cuitlatl-nextli-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. faded ashen color <cuitlatl-nextli-e:hua-c1>

<cuitlatl-nextli-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. faded ashen color <cuitlatl-nextli-e:hua-c1>
<cuitlatl-nextli-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. faded ashen color <cuitlatl-nextli-e:hua-c1>
<cuitlatl-nextli-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
10. faded ashen color <cuitlatl-nextli-e:hua-c1>
<cuitlatl-nextli-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
11. faded ashen color
FC jc-031297
12. faded ashen color
FC jc-031297

0. he goes wallowing in ordure(or dure (ôr"jr) n 1 Excrement;
dung 2 Something morally offensive; filth [Middle English,
from Old French, from ord, filthy, from Latin horridus,
frightful, from horrre, to shudder])

1. he goes wallowing in ordure

FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes wallowing in ordure(or dure (ôr"jr) n 1 Excrement;
dung 2 Something morally offensive; filth [Middle English,
from Old French, from ord, filthy, from Latin horridus,
frightful, from horrre, to shudder])

3. he goes wallowing in ordure(or dure (ôr"jr) n 1 Excrement;

dung 2 Something morally offensive; filth [Middle English,
from Old French, from ord, filthy, from Latin horridus,
frightful, from horrre, to shudder])

4. he goes wallowing in ordure <cuitlatl-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi

<cuitlatl-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes wallowing in ordure <cuitlatl-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi
<cuitlatl-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes wallowing in ordure <cuitlatl-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi
<cuitlatl-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes wallowing in ordure <cuitlatl-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi
<cuitlatl-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
8. he goes wallowing in ordure <cuitlatl-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi
<cuitlatl-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. he goes wallowing in ordure <cuitlatl-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi

<cuitlatl-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
10. he goes wallowing in ordure <cuitlatl-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi
<cuitlatl-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
11. he goes wallowing in ordure
FC jc-031297
12. he goes wallowing in ordure
FC jc-031297

0. filthy

1. filthy
FC -> jc-72895
2. filthy

3. filthy

4. filthy <cuitlatl-nextli-po:l>
<cuitlatl-nextli-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
5. filthy <cuitlatl-nextli-po:l>
<cuitlatl-nextli-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
6. filthy <cuitlatl-nextli-po:l>
<cuitlatl-nextli-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
7. filthy <cuitlatl-nextli-po:l>
<cuitlatl-nextli-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
8. filthy <cuitlatl-nextli-po:l>
<cuitlatl-nextli-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
9. filthy
FC jc-031297
10. filthy
FC jc-031297

0. ashen; ashen green; ash-colored; dark ashen; faded ashen
color; having an ashen back

1. ashen; ashen green; ash-colored; dark ashen; faded ashen

color; having an ashen back
FC -> jc-72895
2. ashen; ashen green; ash-colored; dark ashen; faded ashen
color; having an ashen back

3. faded ashen color
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. ashen; ashen green; ash-colored; dark ashen; faded ashen
color; having an ashen back

5. faded ashen color

6. ashen green; ashen; dark ashen; faded ashen color; having
an ashen back <cuitlatl-nextli-tic>
<cuitlatl-nextli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. ashen green; ashen; dark ashen; faded ashen color; having
an ashen back <cuitlatl-nextli-tic>
<cuitlatl-nextli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. ashen green; ashen; dark ashen; faded ashen color; having
an ashen back <cuitlatl-nextli-tic>
<cuitlatl-nextli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. ashen green; ashen; dark ashen; faded ashen color; having
an ashen back <cuitlatl-nextli-tic>
<cuitlatl-nextli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
10. faded ashen color <cuitlatl-nextli-tic>
<cuitlatl-nextli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
11. ashen; ashen green; ash-colored; dark ashen; faded ashen
color; having an ashen back
FC jc-031297
12. ashen; ashen green; ash-colored; dark ashen; faded ashen
color; having an ashen back
FC jc-031297

0. having a round back

1. having a round back

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a round back

3. having a round back

4. having a round back <cuitlatl-olo:lli>

<cuitlatl-olo:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a round back <cuitlatl-olo:lli>
<cuitlatl-olo:lli> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a round back <cuitlatl-olo:lli>
<cuitlatl-olo:lli> FC - > jc-61096
7. having a round back
FC jc-031297
8. having a round back
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. having a round back; having a rounded back

1. having a round back; having a rounded back

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a round back; having a rounded back

3. having a round back; having a rounded back

4. having a rounded back; having a round back

<cuitlatl-olo:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a rounded back; having a round back
<cuitlatl-olo:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a rounded back; having a round back
<cuitlatl-olo:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having a rounded back; having a round back
<cuitlatl-olo:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. having a round back; having a rounded back
FC jc-031297
9. having a round back; having a rounded back
FC jc-031297

0. flying dung beetle

0. low-backed; squat

1. low-backed; squat
FC -> jc-72895
2. low-backed; squat

3. low-backed; squat

4. low-backed; squat
FC jc-031297
5. low-backed; squat
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. indigestion

1. indigestion
FC -> jc-72895
2. indigestion

3. indigestion

4. indigestion <cuitlatl-pala:ni-liz>
<cuitlatl-pala:ni-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. indigestion <cuitlatl-pala:ni-liz>
<cuitlatl-pala:ni-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. indigestion <cuitlatl-pala:ni-liz>
<cuitlatl-pala:ni-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. indigestion
FC jc-031297
8. indigestion
FC jc-031297

0. on your back

1. on yjr back
FC -> jc-72895
2. on your back

3. on your back

4. on yjr back
FC jc-031297
5. on yjr back
FC jc-031297

0. testicle

1. testicle
FC -> jc-72895
2. testicle

3. testicle

4. testicle <cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-tetl1>
<cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. testicle <cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-tetl1>
<cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. testicle <cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-tetl1>
<cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. testicle <cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-tetl1>
<cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
8. testicle
FC jc-031297
9. testicle
FC jc-031297

0. testicle

1. testicle
FC -> jc-72895
2. testicle

3. testicle

4. testicle <cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-ayecohtli>
<cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-ayecohtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. testicle <cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-ayecohtli>
<cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-ayecohtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. testicle <cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-ayecohtli>
<cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-ayecohtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. testicle <cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-ayecohtli>
<cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-ayecohtli> FC - > jc-61096
8. testicle <cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-ayecohtli>
<cuitlatl-pan-a:tl1-ayecohtli> FC - > jc-61096
9. testicle
FC jc-031297
10. testicle
FC jc-031297

0. hunched shoulder

1. hunched shoulder
FC -> jc-72895
2. hunched shoulder

3. hunched shoulder

4. hunched shoulder
FC jc-031297
5. hunched shoulder
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. having a broad back; wide-bellied

1. having a broad back; wide-bellied

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a broad back; wide-bellied

3. having a broad back; wide-bellied

4. having a broad back; wide-bellied

FC jc-031297
5. having a broad back; wide-bellied
FC jc-031297

0. having a small back

1. having a small back

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a small back

3. having a small back

4. having a small back

FC jc-031297
5. having a small back
FC jc-031297

0. having a very small back

1. having a very small back

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a very small back

3. having a very small back

4. having a very small back

FC jc-031297
5. having a very small back
FC jc-031297

0. it wags its tail ( tail-rattle )
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it wags its tail

Verbing jc-030797
2. it wags its tail
-oa jc-030797
3. it wags its tail
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. it wags its tail
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. it wags its tail
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )
6. it wags its tail
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )

0. having a long, curved tail

1. having a long, curved tail

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a long, curved tail

3. having a long, curved tail

4. having a long, curved tail

FC jc-031297
5. having a long, curved tail
FC jc-031297

0. tailed, having a tail

1. tailed, having a tail

FC -> jc-72895
2. tailed, having a tail

3. tailed, having a tail

4. tailed, having a tail <cuitlatl-pilli-eh1>

<cuitlatl-pilli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. tailed, having a tail <cuitlatl-pilli-eh1>
<cuitlatl-pilli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. tailed, having a tail <cuitlatl-pilli-eh1>
<cuitlatl-pilli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. tailed, having a tail
FC jc-031297
8. tailed, having a tail
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. something that has a tail
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. long-tailed

1. long-tailed
FC -> jc-72895
2. long-tailed

3. long-tailed

4. long-tailed, having a long tail

FC jc-031297
5. long-tailed, having a long tail
FC jc-031297

0. having a somewhat long tail
FC jc-031297

0. having a long tail; long-tailed

1. having a long tail; long-tailed

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a long tail; long-tailed

3. having a long tail; long-tailed

4. having a long tail; long-tailed

<cuitlatl-pilli-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a long tail; long-tailed
<cuitlatl-pilli-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a long tail; long-tailed
<cuitlatl-pilli-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. having a long tail; long-tailed
<cuitlatl-pilli-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. having a long tail; long-tailed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<cuitlatl-pilli-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096

9. having a long tail; long-tailed
<cuitlatl-pilli-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
10. having a long tail; long-tailed
FC jc-031297
11. having a long tail; long-tailed
FC jc-031297

0. having a rather long tail

1. having a rather long tail

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a rather long tail

3. having a rather long tail

4. having a rather long tail

FC jc-031297
5. having a rather long tail
FC jc-031297

0. long-tailed

1. long-tailed
FC -> jc-72895
2. long-tailed

3. long-tailed

4. long-tailed
FC jc-031297
5. long-tailed
FC jc-031297

0. extending toward the tail

1. extending toward the tail

FC -> jc-72895
2. extending toward the tail

3. extending toward the tail
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. extending toward the tail

FC jc-031297
5. extending toward the tail
FC jc-031297

0. tail

1. tail
FC -> jc-72895
2. tail

3. tail

4. tail
FC - > jc-61096
5. tail <cuitlatl-pilli>
<cuitlatl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
6. tail <cuitlatl-pilli>
<cuitlatl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
7. tail <cuitlatl-pilli>
<cuitlatl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
8. tail
FC jc-031297
9. tail
FC jc-031297

cuitlapilli atlapalli
0. common folk; vassal

1. common folk; vassal

FC -> jc-72895
2. common folk; vassal
FC -> jc-72895
3. common folk; vassal

4. common folk; vassal

5. common folk; vassal <cuitlatl-pilli ahtlapalli>

<cuitlatl-pilli ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. common folk; vassal <cuitlatl-pilli ahtlapalli>
<cuitlatl-pilli ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
7. common folk; vassal <cuitlatl-pilli ahtlapalli>
<cuitlatl-pilli ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
8. common folk; vassal <cuitlatl-pilli ahtlapalli>
<cuitlatl-pilli ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. common folk; vassal

FC jc-031297
10. common folk; vassal
FC jc-031297

0. tail rattle
Noun jc-030797
1. tail-rattle
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )
2. tail-rattle
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )

cuitlapilli-a:yacachtli cuitlapila:yacachoa
0. it wags its tail(tail-rattle)

0. having a tangled tail
FC jc-031297

0. having a dark tail
FC jc-031297

0. dark-tailed, having a dark tail
FC jc-031297

0. having a somewhat dark tail
FC jc-031297

0. stub-tailed, having a stubby tail; stubby tail

1. stub-tailed, having a stubby tail; stubby tail

FC -> jc-72895
2. stub-tailed, having a stubby tail; stubby tail

3. stubby tail
4. stub-tailed, having a stubby tail; stubby tail

5. stubby tail
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. stubby tail <cuitlatl-pilli-;

<cuitlatl-pilli--> FC - > jc-61096
7. stubby tail <cuitlatl-pilli-;
<cuitlatl-pilli--> FC - > jc-61096
8. stubby tail <cuitlatl-pilli-;
<cuitlatl-pilli--> FC - > jc-61096
9. stub-tailed, having a stubby tail; stubby tail
FC jc-031297
10. stub-tailed, having a stubby tail; stubby tail
FC jc-031297

0. tails

1. tails
FC -> jc-72895
2. tails

3. tails

4. tails <cuitlatl-pilli-plur02>
<cuitlatl-pilli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. tails <cuitlatl-pilli-plur02>
<cuitlatl-pilli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. tails <cuitlatl-pilli-plur02>
<cuitlatl-pilli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
7. tails
FC jc-031297
8. tails
FC jc-031297

0. having a streaked tail

1. having a streaked tail

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a streaked tail

3. having a streaked tail

4. having a streaked tail

FC jc-031297
5. having a streaked tail
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. the tail is as if streaked

1. the tail is as if streaked

FC -> jc-72895
2. the tail is as if streaked

3. the tail is as if streaked

4. the tail is as if streaked

FC jc-031297
5. the tail is as if streaked
FC jc-031297

0. having a streaked tail

1. having a streaked tail

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a streaked tail

3. having a streaked tail

4. having a streaked tail

FC jc-031297
5. having a streaked tail
FC jc-031297

0. having a rounded tail

1. having a rounded tail

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a rounded tail

3. having a rounded tail

4. having a rounded tail <cuitlatl-pilli-yahualli-tic>

<cuitlatl-pilli-yahualli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a rounded tail <cuitlatl-pilli-yahualli-tic>
<cuitlatl-pilli-yahualli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a rounded tail <cuitlatl-pilli-yahualli-tic>
<cuitlatl-pilli-yahualli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having a rounded tail <cuitlatl-pilli-yahualli-tic>
<cuitlatl-pilli-yahualli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. having a rounded tail <cuitlatl-pilli-yahualli-tic>
<cuitlatl-pilli-yahualli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. having a rounded tail

FC jc-031297
10. having a rounded tail
FC jc-031297

0. mouldy excrement

1. mouldy excrement
FC -> jc-72895
2. mouldy excrement

3. mouldy excrement

4. mouldy excrement
FC jc-031297
5. mouldy excrement
FC jc-031297

0. stomach

1. stomach
FC -> jc-72895
2. stomach

3. stomach

4. stomach <cuitlatl-tecomatl>
<cuitlatl-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. stomach <cuitlatl-tecomatl>
<cuitlatl-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. stomach <cuitlatl-tecomatl>
<cuitlatl-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. stomach
FC jc-031297
8. stomach
FC jc-031297

0. dung beetle

1. dung beetle
FC -> jc-72895
2. dung beetle
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. dung beetle

4. dung beetle
FC jc-031297
5. dung beetle
FC jc-031297

0. purulent (pu ru lent (py<r"-lnt, py<r"y-) adj Containing,
discharging, or causing the production of pus: a purulent
infection [Middle English purulente, from Old French
purulent, from Latin p¿rulentus, from p¿s, p¿r-, pus See
pü- below] --pu"ru len

1. purulent excrement
FC -> jc-72895
2. purulent (pu ru lent (py<r"-lnt, py<r"y-) adj Containing,
discharging, or causing the production of pus: a purulent
infection [Middle English purulente, from Old French
purulent, from Latin p¿rulentus, from p¿s, p¿r-, pus See
pü- below] --pu"ru len

3. purulent (pu ru lent (py<r"-lnt, py<r"y-) adj Containing,

discharging, or causing the production of pus: a purulent
infection [Middle English purulente, from Old French
purulent, from Latin p¿rulentus, from p¿s, p¿r-, pus See
pü- below] --pu"ru len

4. purulent excrement
FC jc-031297
5. purulent excrement
FC jc-031297

0. hardened excrement

1. hardened excrement
FC -> jc-72895
2. hardened excrement

3. hardened excrement

4. hardened excrement
FC jc-031297
5. hardened excrement
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. silvery

1. silvery
FC -> jc-72895
2. silvery

3. silvery

4. silvery <cuitlatl-texohtli-tic>
<cuitlatl-texohtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. silvery <cuitlatl-texohtli-tic>
<cuitlatl-texohtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. silvery <cuitlatl-texohtli-tic>
<cuitlatl-texohtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. silvery <cuitlatl-texohtli-tic>
<cuitlatl-texohtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. silvery
FC jc-031297
9. silvery
FC jc-031297

0. purulent excrement

1. purulent excrement
FC -> jc-72895
2. purulent excrement

3. purulent excrement

4. purulent excrement
FC jc-031297
5. purulent excrement
FC jc-031297

0. in dung; in excrement

1. in dung; in excrement
FC -> jc-72895
2. in dung; in excrement

3. in dung; in excrement
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. in excrement <cuitlatl-ti1-tlan>
<cuitlatl-ti1-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
5. in excrement <cuitlatl-ti1-tlan>
<cuitlatl-ti1-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
6. in dung; in excrement
FC jc-031297
7. in dung; in excrement
FC jc-031297

0. corruption, excrement; dung; ordure

1. corruption, excrement; dung; ordure

FC -> jc-72895
2. corruption, excrement; dung; ordure

3. corruption, excrement; dung; ordure

4. excrement
FC - > jc-61096
5. excrement
FC - > jc-61096
6. excrement, secretion, back
FC - > jc-61096
7. excrement <cuitlatl>
<cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. excrement <cuitlatl>
<cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
9. corruption, excrement; dung; ordure
FC jc-031297
10. excrement
Noun jc-030797
11. corruption, excrement; dung; ordure
FC jc-031297
12. excrement
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
13. excrement
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

cuitlatl (excrement)niccuitlahuia
0. I fertilize it with manure

0. very careless
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. very careless
FC -> jc-72895
2. very careless

3. very careless

4. very careless
FC jc-031297
5. very careless
FC jc-031297

0. careless

1. careless
FC -> jc-72895
2. careless

3. careless

4. careless
FC jc-031297
5. careless
FC jc-031297

0. something that has entrails
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. entrails; intestine; intestines

1. entrails; intestine; intestines

FC -> jc-72895
2. entrails; intestine; intestines

3. entrails; intestine; intestines

4. intestines
FC - > jc-61096
5. intestines
FC - > jc-61096
6. entrails; intestine; intestines
FC jc-031297
7. entrails; intestine; intestines
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. green-backed

1. green-backed
FC -> jc-72895
2. green-backed

3. green-backed

4. green-backed <cuitlatl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<cuitlatl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. green-backed <cuitlatl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<cuitlatl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. green-backed <cuitlatl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<cuitlatl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. green-backed <cuitlatl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<cuitlatl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. green-backed <cuitlatl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<cuitlatl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. green-backed
FC jc-031297
10. green-backed
FC jc-031297

0. dirty, filthy

1. dirty, filthy
FC -> jc-72895
2. dirty, filthy

3. dirty, filthy

4. dirty, filthy
FC jc-031297
5. dirty, filthy
FC jc-031297

0. lazy
Adj Form jc-022897
1. lazy
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. indolent
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. inactive

4. idle

5. slothful

6. inert

7. shiftless

8. torpid

9. easygoing

10. slow-moving

11. lazy

0. perchance, perhaps

1. perchance, perhaps
FC -> jc-72895
2. perchance, perhaps

3. perchance, perhaps

4. perhaps, perchance <cuix>

<cuix> FC - > jc-61096
5. perhaps, perchance <cuix>
<cuix> FC - > jc-61096
6. perchance, perhaps
FC jc-031297
7. perchance, perhaps
FC jc-031297

0. plover

1. plover
FC -> jc-72895
2. plover

3. plover
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. plover
FC jc-031297
5. plover
FC jc-031297

0. hawk feather

1. hawk feather
FC -> jc-72895
2. hawk feather

3. hawk feather

4. hawk feather
FC jc-031297
5. hawk feather
FC jc-031297

0. frog

1. frog
FC -> jc-72895
2. frog

3. frog
4. frog

5. frog
6. frog <cueyatl>
<cueyatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. frog
FC jc-031297
8. frog
FC jc-031297

cuiz ( qui- )
0. lo va a agarrar ( he will grab it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. de los ( from )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. del ( from the ( contraction ) )

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. de los ( from )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. del ( from the ( contraction ) )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. ceppa ce totochtzin oquiz den icoyoc; Una vez un conejito
salio' de su agujero; Once a little rabbit came out of its
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
5. Quien salio del agujero ? Aquin oqui:z den coyoctli ? Who
came out off the hole ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. !sp=god; !sp=o god
1. !sp=god; !sp=o god <!sp=dios-e2>
<!sp=dios-e2> FC - > jc-61096
2. !sp=god; !sp=o god <!sp=dios-e2>
<!sp=dios-e2> FC - > jc-61096

0. cool and gentle breeze
JC-05-07-97 Patientive Nouns no1

0. wind
1. wind
FC - > jc-61096

e:catl-| peya:huie:capeyactli
0. cool and gentle breeze

0. raise

0. lift
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A
1. raise
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. one who dries skins
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. one who dries skins
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. one who dries skins
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who dries skins
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. tambourine player
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. tambourine player
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. tambourine player
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. tambourine player
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. hide-selling shop
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. hide-selling shop
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. hide-selling shop
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. hide-selling shop
JC-05-07-97 -yan Locative Nouns

0. bagpipe player
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. bagpipe player
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. bagpipe player
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. bagpipe player
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. skin, peeling
1. skin
FC - > jc-61096
2. skin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Noun jc-030797
3. skin
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
4. skin
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

e:huatl (skin)que:huahuia
0. he covers it with leather

0. bellows
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. bellows
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. bellows
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. tambourine player
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. tambourine player
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. tambourine player
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. tambourine player
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. wish

0. cultivate

0. sorrow, disgust
1. (cf elli) sorrow, disgust
2. (cf elli) sorrow, disgust

0. liver
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. liver

2. liver
3. liver

4. liver
FC - > jc-61096
5. liver
FC - > jc-61096
6. (cf elleloa) liver
7. (cf elleloa) liver
8. liver
Noun jc-030797
9. liver
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
10. liver
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

e:lli (liver) te:ltiz

0. you will become careful, diligent

0. ear of corn

0. full of food, surfeited
Adj Form jc-022897
1. full of food
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. surfeited
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. cloyed

4. jaded

5. sated

6. glutted

7. numbed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. impassive

9. nonchalant

10. wanton

11. degenerate

12. full of food

13. surfeited

0. three boats

1. three boats
FC -> jc-72895
2. three boats

3. three boats

4. three boats
FC jc-031297
5. three boats
FC jc-031297

0. fan

1. fan
FC -> jc-72895
2. fan

3. fan

4. fan
FC jc-031297
5. fan
FC jc-031297

0. it sucks in air

1. it sucks in air
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it sucks in air

3. it sucks in air

4. it sucks in air <e:catl-;

<e:catl--> FC - > jc-61096
5. it sucks in air <e:catl-;
<e:catl--> FC - > jc-61096
6. it sucks in air
FC jc-031297
7. it sucks in air
FC jc-031297

0. ladder
FC jc-031297

0. shade

0. it hardens in the air

1. it hardens in the air

FC -> jc-72895
2. it hardens in the air

3. it hardens in the air

4. it hardens in the air <ecatl-tetza:hua>

<ecatl-tetza:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it hardens in the air <ecatl-tetza:hua>
<ecatl-tetza:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. it hardens in the air <ecatl-tetza:hua>
<ecatl-tetza:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. it hardens in the air
FC jc-031297
8. it hardens in the air
FC jc-031297

0. wind

1. wind
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. wind

3. wind

4. wind
FC - > jc-61096
5. wind <e:catl>
<e:catl> FC - > jc-61096
6. wind <e:catl>
<e:catl> FC - > jc-61096
7. wind
FC jc-031297
8. wind
FC jc-031297

0. windbag
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. hooded merganser(mer gan ser (mr-g²n"sr) n Any of various
fish-eating diving ducks of the genus Mergus or related
genera, having a slim, hooked bill Also called sheldrake
[New Latin : Latin mergus, diver (from mergere, to plunge)
+ Latin 3nser, goose

1. hooded merganser
FC -> jc-72895
2. hooded merganser(mer gan ser (mr-g²n"sr) n Any of various
fish-eating diving ducks of the genus Mergus or related
genera, having a slim, hooked bill Also called sheldrake
[New Latin : Latin mergus, diver (from mergere, to plunge)
+ Latin 3nser, goose

3. hooded merganser(mer gan ser (mr-g²n"sr) n Any of various

fish-eating diving ducks of the genus Mergus or related
genera, having a slim, hooked bill Also called sheldrake
[New Latin : Latin mergus, diver (from mergere, to plunge)
+ Latin 3nser, goose

4. hooded merganser
FC jc-031297
5. hooded merganser
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. airy

1. airy
FC -> jc-72895
2. airy

3. airy

4. airy
FC jc-031297
5. airy
FC jc-031297

0. red bean

1. red bean
FC -> jc-72895
2. red bean

3. red bean

4. red bean
FC jc-031297
5. red bean
FC jc-031297

0. yellow bean ball

1. yellow bean ball

FC -> jc-72895
2. yellow bean ball

3. yellow bean ball

4. yellow bean ball

FC jc-031297
5. yellow bean ball
FC jc-031297

0. yellow bean

1. yellow bean
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. yellow bean

3. yellow bean

4. yellow bean
FC jc-031297
5. yellow bean
FC jc-031297

0. mottled bean

1. mottled bean
FC -> jc-72895
2. mottled bean

3. mottled bean

4. mottled bean
FC jc-031297
5. mottled bean
FC jc-031297

0. wind

1. wind
FC -> jc-72895
2. wind

3. wind
4. wind

5. wind
6. wind <dupl-e:catl>
<dupl-e:catl> FC - > jc-61096
7. wind <dupl-e:catl>
<dupl-e:catl> FC - > jc-61096
8. wind <dupl-e:catl>
<dupl-e:catl> FC - > jc-61096
9. wind <dupl-e:catl>
<dupl-e:catl> FC - > jc-61096
10. wind
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
11. wind
FC jc-031297

0. very bloody
FC jc-031297

0. three

1. three
FC -> jc-72895
2. three

3. three

4. three
FC jc-031297
5. three
FC jc-031297

0. in three places

1. in three places
FC -> jc-72895
2. in three places

3. in three places

4. in three places
FC jc-031297
5. in three places
FC jc-031297

0. those who have fans
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. owners of fans
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. wind
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to arrive
FC - > jc-61096

0. to return

0. he makes someone arrive

0. there is wind

1. there is wind
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is wind

3. there is wind

4. there is wind
FC jc-031297
5. there is wind
FC jc-031297

0. wind; air

1. wind; air
FC -> jc-72895
2. wind; air

3. wind
4. wind; air

5. wind
6. wind; air <dupl-e:catl>
<dupl-e:catl> FC - > jc-61096
7. wind; air <dupl-e:catl>
<dupl-e:catl> FC - > jc-61096
8. wind; air <dupl-e:catl>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<dupl-e:catl> FC - > jc-61096

9. wind; air <dupl-e:catl>
<dupl-e:catl> FC - > jc-61096
10. wind; air
FC jc-031297
11. wind; air
FC jc-031297

0. windy place

1. windy place
FC -> jc-72895
2. windy place

3. windy place

4. windy place
FC jc-031297
5. windy place
FC jc-031297

0. o wind

1. o wind
FC -> jc-72895
2. o wind

3. o wind

4. o wind <dupl-e:catl-e2>
<dupl-e:catl-e2> FC - > jc-61096
5. o wind <dupl-e:catl-e2>
<dupl-e:catl-e2> FC - > jc-61096
6. o wind <dupl-e:catl-e2>
<dupl-e:catl-e2> FC - > jc-61096
7. o wind <dupl-e:catl-e2>
<dupl-e:catl-e2> FC - > jc-61096
8. o wind <dupl-e:catl-e2>
<dupl-e:catl-e2> FC - > jc-61096
9. o wind <dupl-e:catl-e2>
<dupl-e:catl-e2> FC - > jc-61096
10. o wind
FC jc-031297
11. o wind
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. striped blood-red

1. striped blood-red
FC -> jc-72895
2. striped blood-red

3. striped blood-red

4. striped blood-red <dupl-eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>

<dupl-eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. striped blood-red <dupl-eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>
<dupl-eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. striped blood-red <dupl-eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>
<dupl-eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. striped blood-red <dupl-eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>
<dupl-eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
8. striped blood-red <dupl-eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>
<dupl-eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
9. striped blood-red <dupl-eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>
<dupl-eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
10. striped blood-red <dupl-eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>
<dupl-eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
11. striped blood-red
FC jc-031297
12. striped blood-red
FC jc-031297

0. bean owner

1. bean owner
FC -> jc-72895
2. bean owner

3. bean owner

4. bean owner
FC jc-031297
5. bean owner
FC jc-031297

0. bean-owner
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<etl-huah>-| jc-10896
1. myself
2. bean-owner
<etl-huah>-| jc-10896
3. myself

ehua ( xim- )
0. leva'ntate ( get up )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. it rose

1. it rose
FC -> jc-72895
2. it rose

3. it rose

4. it rose <e:hua-prt2>
<e:hua-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it rose <e:hua-prt2>
<e:hua-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. it rose
FC jc-031297
7. it rose
FC jc-031297

0. raw hide shoe

1. rawhide shoe
FC - > jc-61096
2. rawhide shoe
FC - > jc-61096

ehuacan ( xinech- )
0. leva'ntenme ( raise me; get me up [ pl ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. leather shield

1. leather shield
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. leather shield

3. leather shield

4. leather shield <e:huatl-chi:malli>

<e:huatl-chi:malli> FC - > jc-61096
5. leather shield <e:huatl-chi:malli>
<e:huatl-chi:malli> FC - > jc-61096
6. leather shield <e:huatl-chi:malli>
<e:huatl-chi:malli> FC - > jc-61096
7. leather shield
FC jc-031297
8. leather shield
FC jc-031297

0. bean owner

1. bean owner
FC -> jc-72895
2. bean-owner
<etl-huah>-| jc-10896
3. bean-owner
<etl-huah>-| jc-10896
4. bean owner

5. bean owner

6. bean-owner
<etl-huah>-| jc-10896
7. bean owner
FC jc-031297
8. bean owner
FC jc-031297

0. tambourine

1. tambourine
FC - > jc-61096

0. there is departure, people depart
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. small leather basket

1. small leather basket

FC -> jc-72895
2. small leather basket

3. small leather basket

4. small leather basket <e:huatl-ta:nahtli>

<e:huatl-ta:nahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. small leather basket <e:huatl-ta:nahtli>
<e:huatl-ta:nahtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. small leather basket <e:huatl-ta:nahtli>
<e:huatl-ta:nahtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. small leather basket
FC jc-031297
8. small leather basket
FC jc-031297

0. sitting
FC jc-031297

0. are heard

0. leather garment

1. leather garment
FC - > jc-61096
2. leather garment
FC - > jc-61096

0. shirt; skin

1. shirt; skin
FC -> jc-72895
2. shirt; skin

3. shirt; skin

4. skin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096
5. skin
FC - > jc-61096
6. skin, peeling
FC - > jc-61096
7. skin <e:huatl>
<e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. skin <e:huatl>
<e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
9. shirt; skin
FC jc-031297
10. shirt; skin
FC jc-031297

0. leather bag

1. leather bag
FC - > jc-61096
2. leather bag
FC - > jc-61096

0. having a skin; having bark

1. barked, having bark

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a skin; having bark
FC -> jc-72895
3. having a skin; having bark

4. having a skin; having bark

5. barked, having bark <e:huatl-yo:tl1>

<e:huatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. barked, having bark <e:huatl-yo:tl1>
<e:huatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. barked, having bark <e:huatl-yo:tl1>
<e:huatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
8. barked, having bark
FC jc-031297
9. having a skin; having bark
FC jc-031297
10. barked, having bark
FC jc-031297
11. having a skin; having bark
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. thin-skinned

1. thin-skinned
FC -> jc-72895
2. thin-skinned

3. thin-skinned

4. thin-skinned <e:huatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1>
<e:huatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. thin-skinned <e:huatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1>
<e:huatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. thin-skinned <e:huatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1>
<e:huatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. thin-skinned <e:huatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1>
<e:huatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. thin-skinned
FC jc-031297
9. thin-skinned
FC jc-031297

0. thick hulled; thick-barked; thick-skinned

1. thick hulled; thick-barked; thick-skinned

FC -> jc-72895
2. thick hulled; thick-barked; thick-skinned

3. thick hulled; thick-barked; thick-skinned

4. thick-barked; thick-skinned; thick hulled

<e:huatl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. thick-barked; thick-skinned; thick hulled
<e:huatl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. thick-barked; thick-skinned; thick hulled
<e:huatl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. thick-barked; thick-skinned; thick hulled
<e:huatl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. thick-barked; thick-skinned; thick hulled
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<e:huatl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. thick hulled; thick-barked; thick-skinned
FC jc-031297
10. thick hulled; thick-barked; thick-skinned
FC jc-031297

ehuaz ( nin- )
0. me levantare' ( I will get up )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. three

1. three
FC -> jc-72895
2. three

3. three

4. three <e:yi>
<e:yi> FC - > jc-61096
5. three <e:yi>
<e:yi> FC - > jc-61096
6. three
FC jc-031297
7. three
FC jc-031297

0. three days

1. three days
FC -> jc-72895
2. three days

3. three days

4. three days <e:yi-ilhuitl>

<e:yi-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. three days <e:yi-ilhuitl>
<e:yi-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. three days <e:yi-ilhuitl>
<e:yi-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. three days
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. three days
FC jc-031297

0. three

1. three
FC -> jc-72895
2. three

3. three
4. three

5. three
6. three <e:yi-plur11-plur02>
<e:yi-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
7. three <e:yi-plur11-plur02>
<e:yi-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
8. three
FC jc-031297
9. three
FC jc-031297

0. three

1. three
FC -> jc-72895
2. three

3. three

4. three <e:yi-ix?-plur02>
<e:yi-ix?-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. three <e:yi-ix?-plur02>
<e:yi-ix?-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. three
FC jc-031297
7. three
FC jc-031297

0. sternal groove
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. sternal groove
FC -> jc-72895
2. sternal groove

3. sternal groove

4. sternal groove
FC jc-031297
5. sternal groove
FC jc-031297

0. having a chili-red breast
FC jc-031297

0. ribcage

1. ribcage
FC - > jc-61096

0. he sighs

1. he sighs
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sighs

3. he sighs

4. he sighs
FC jc-031297
5. he sighs
FC jc-031297

0. she signed

1. she signed
FC -> jc-72895
2. she signed

3. she signed

4. she signed
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. she signed
FC jc-031297

0. sigh

1. sigh
FC -> jc-72895
2. sigh

3. sigh

4. sigh
FC jc-031297
5. sigh
FC jc-031297

0. one who sighs

1. one who sighs

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who sighs

3. one who sighs

4. one who sighs

FC jc-031297
5. one who sighs
FC jc-031297

0. sigh

1. sigh
FC -> jc-72895
2. sigh

3. sigh

4. sigh
FC jc-031297
5. sigh
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. very yellow-breasted

1. very yellow-breasted
FC -> jc-72895
2. very yellow-breasted

3. very yellow-breasted

4. very yellow-breasted
FC jc-031297
5. very yellow-breasted
FC jc-031297

0. yellow-breasted; yellow-bellied

1. yellow-breasted; yellow-bellied
FC -> jc-72895
2. yellow-breasted; yellow-bellied

3. yellow-breasted; yellow-bellied

4. yellow-breasted; yellow-bellied <e:lli-coztli-tic>

<e:lli-coztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. yellow-breasted; yellow-bellied <e:lli-coztli-tic>
<e:lli-coztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. yellow-breasted; yellow-bellied <e:lli-coztli-tic>
<e:lli-coztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. yellow-breasted; yellow-bellied
FC jc-031297
8. yellow-breasted; yellow-bellied
FC jc-031297

0. desirable

1. desirable
FC -> jc-72895
2. desirable

3. desirable

4. desirable <e:le:huia:-liz-yo:tl1>
<e:le:huia:-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. desirable <e:le:huia:-liz-yo:tl1>
<e:le:huia:-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. desirable
FC jc-031297
7. desirable
FC jc-031297

0. desire

1. desire
FC -> jc-72895
2. desire

3. desire

4. desire
FC jc-031297
5. desire
FC jc-031297

0. white-breasted; white-bellied

1. white-breasted; white-bellied
FC -> jc-72895
2. white-breasted; white-bellied

3. white-breasted; white-bellied

4. white-breasted, white-bellied <e:lli-iztatl-v06-delya-c1>

<e:lli-iztatl-v06-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. white-breasted, white-bellied <e:lli-iztatl-v06-delya-c1>
<e:lli-iztatl-v06-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. white-breasted, white-bellied <e:lli-iztatl-v06-delya-c1>
<e:lli-iztatl-v06-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. white-breasted, white-bellied <e:lli-iztatl-v06-delya-c1>
<e:lli-iztatl-v06-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. white-breasted, white-bellied <e:lli-iztatl-v06-delya-c1>
<e:lli-iztatl-v06-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. white-breasted; white-bellied
FC jc-031297
10. white-breasted; white-bellied
FC jc-031297

0. liver
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. liver
FC - > jc-61096

0. flesh of the chest

1. flesh of the chest

FC -> jc-72895
2. flesh of the chest

3. flesh of the chest

4. flesh of the chest

FC jc-031297
5. flesh of the chest
FC jc-031297

0. it goes about eating green maize ears
FC jc-031297

0. elotes ( ears of tender corn )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. tamal de elote ( tender corn tamalli )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. sweet-corn, elote
1. ear of green maize; green ear of maize; green ear of maize
or corn; green ear of corn; green maize ear; green maizie
FC -> jc-72895
2. ear of green maize; green ear of maize; green ear of maize
or corn; green ear of corn; green maize ear; green maize

3. sweet-corn, elote
4. ear of green maize; green ear of maize; green ear of maize
or corn; green ear of corn; green maize ear; green maize

5. ear of green maize; green maize ear; green ear of maize

<e:lo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. ear of green maize; green maize ear; green ear of maize

<e:lo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
7. ear of green maize; green ear of maize; green ear of maize
or corn; green ear of corn; green maize ear; green maizie
FC jc-031297
8. ear of green maize; green ear of maize; green ear of maize
or corn; green ear of corn; green maize ear; green maizie
FC jc-031297

0. ear-of-corn, elote

0. green maize tortilla

1. green maize tortilla

FC -> jc-72895
2. green maize tortilla

3. green maize tortilla

4. green maize tortilla <e:lo:tl-p51-ixca-l1>

<e:lo:tl-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. green maize tortilla <e:lo:tl-p51-ixca-l1>
<e:lo:tl-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. green maize tortilla <e:lo:tl-p51-ixca-l1>
<e:lo:tl-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. green maize tortilla
FC jc-031297
8. green maize tortilla
FC jc-031297

0. blue grosbeak(gros beak (gr1/2s"bk") n Any of various
finches of the family Fringillidae of Europe and America,
having a thick, conical bill [Partial translation of French
grosbec : gros, thick, large (from Old French; see GROSS) +
bec, beak])

1. blue grosbeak
FC -> jc-72895
2. blue grosbeak(gros beak (gr1/2s"bk") n Any of various
finches of the family Fringillidae of Europe and America,
having a thick, conical bill [Partial translation of French
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

grosbec : gros, thick, large (from Old French; see GROSS) +

bec, beak])

3. blue grosbeak(gros beak (gr1/2s"bk") n Any of various

finches of the family Fringillidae of Europe and America,
having a thick, conical bill [Partial translation of French
grosbec : gros, thick, large (from Old French; see GROSS) +
bec, beak])

4. blue grosbeak
FC jc-031297
5. blue grosbeak
FC jc-031297

0. maize stalk, corn stalk; maize straw; corn straw

1. maize stalk, corn stalk; maize straw; corn straw

FC -> jc-72895
2. maize stalk, corn stalk; maize straw; corn straw

3. maize stalk, corn stalk; maize straw; corn straw

4. maize stalk, corn stalk; maize straw; corn straw

FC jc-031297
5. maize stalk, corn stalk; maize straw; corn straw
FC jc-031297

0. on the breast
FC jc-031297

0. having a smoky yellow belly

1. having a smoky yellow belly

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a smoky yellow belly

3. having a smoky yellow belly

4. having a smoky yellow belly <e:lli-po:ctli-coztli-tic>

<e:lli-po:ctli-coztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a smoky yellow belly <e:lli-po:ctli-coztli-tic>
<e:lli-po:ctli-coztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a smoky yellow belly <e:lli-po:ctli-coztli-tic>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<e:lli-po:ctli-coztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096

7. having a smoky yellow belly <e:lli-po:ctli-coztli-tic>
<e:lli-po:ctli-coztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. having a smoky yellow belly
FC jc-031297
9. having a smoky yellow belly
FC jc-031297

0. liver

1. liver
FC -> jc-72895
2. liver

3. liver

4. liver
FC jc-031297
5. liver
FC jc-031297

0. sternum

1. sternum
FC -> jc-72895
2. sternum

3. sternum

4. sternum
FC jc-031297
5. sternum
FC jc-031297

0. shoulder blade

1. shoulder blade
FC - > jc-61096

0. three arms spans

1. three arms spans
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. three arms spans

3. three arms spans

4. three arms spans

FC jc-031297
5. three arms spans
FC jc-031297

0. bean seller

1. bean seller
FC -> jc-72895
2. bean seller

3. bean seller

4. bean seller
FC jc-031297
5. bean seller
FC jc-031297
6. bean seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. spoiled bean, rotten bean

1. spoiled bean, rotten bean

FC -> jc-72895
2. spoiled bean, rotten bean

3. spoiled bean, rotten bean

4. spoiled bean, rotten bean

FC jc-031297
5. spoiled bean, rotten bean
FC jc-031297

0. skunk
1. skunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. skunk
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. skunk
4. skunk

5. skunk
6. skunk

7. skunk
8. skunk

9. skunk
FC - > jc-61096
10. skunk <epatl>
<epatl> FC - > jc-61096
11. skunk <epatl>
<epatl> FC - > jc-61096
12. skunk
FC jc-031297
13. skunk
FC jc-031297

0. sixty years

1. sixty years
FC -> jc-72895
2. sixty years

3. sixty years

4. sixty years
FC jc-031297
5. sixty years
FC jc-031297

0. oyster shell
1. oyster; pearl
FC -> jc-72895
2. oyster; pearl

3. pearl
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. oyster shell
5. oyster; pearl

6. pearl
7. pearl <eptli>
<eptli> FC - > jc-61096
8. pearl <eptli>
<eptli> FC - > jc-61096
9. oyster; pearl
FC jc-031297
10. oyster; pearl
FC jc-031297

0. pearl

1. pearl
FC -> jc-72895
2. pearl

3. pearl

4. pearl
FC jc-031297
5. pearl
FC jc-031297

0. tamal de frijol ( bean tamalli )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. three

1. three
FC -> jc-72895
2. three

3. three

4. three <e:yi-tetl2>
<e:yi-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
5. three <e:yi-tetl2>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<e:yi-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096

6. three <e:yi-tetl2>
<e:yi-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
7. three
FC jc-031297
8. three
FC jc-031297

0. heavy, burdensome

1. heavy, burdensome
FC -> jc-72895
2. heavy, burdensome

3. heavy, burdensome

4. heavy, burdensome <etl-tic>

<etl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. heavy, burdensome <etl-tic>
<etl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. heavy, burdensome <etl-tic>
<etl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. heavy
Adj Form jc-022897
8. heavy, burdensome
FC jc-031297
9. heavy, burdensome
FC jc-031297
10. heavy
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
11. ponderous
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
12. massive

13. fleshy

14. hefty

15. stout

16. weighty

17. huge

18. portly
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

19. cumbrous

20. heavy

0. very heavy

1. very heavy
FC -> jc-72895
2. very heavy

3. very heavy

4. very heavy <etl-?-pah4-tic>

<etl-?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very heavy <etl-?-pah4-tic>
<etl-?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very heavy <etl-?-pah4-tic>
<etl-?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very heavy <etl-?-pah4-tic>
<etl-?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. very heavy
FC jc-031297
9. very heavy
FC jc-031297

0. heavy
1. (cf etl) heavy
2. (cf etl) heavy

0. bean
1. bean
FC -> jc-72895
2. bean

3. bean
4. bean
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. bean <etl>
<etl> FC - > jc-61096
6. bean <etl>
<etl> FC - > jc-61096
7. (cf etia) bean
8. (cf etia) bean
9. bean
FC jc-031297
10. bean
FC jc-031297

0. there will be planting of beans

1. there will be planting of beans

FC -> jc-72895
2. there will be planting of beans

3. there will be planting of beans

4. there will be planting of beans

FC jc-031297
5. there will be planting of beans
FC jc-031297

0. there will be planting of beans

1. there will be planting of beans

FC -> jc-72895
2. there will be planting of beans

3. there will be planting of beans

4. there will be planting of beans

FC jc-031297
5. there will be planting of beans
FC jc-031297

0. stew
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. sneeze

euhtzinoaya ( om- )
0. se levantaba [ H ] ( he got up; he was getting up [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

excampa nacace
0. triangular

1. triangular
FC -> jc-72895
2. triangular
FC -> jc-72895
3. triangular

4. triangular

5. triangular
FC jc-031297
6. triangular
FC jc-031297

0. three parts; three places

1. three parts; three places

FC -> jc-72895
2. three parts; three places

3. three parts; three places

4. three parts; three places

5. three parts; three places

6. three parts; three places <e:yi-ca:n>
<e:yi-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. three parts; three places <e:yi-ca:n>
<e:yi-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. three parts; three places <e:yi-ca:n>
<e:yi-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
9. three parts; three places
FC jc-031297
10. three parts; three places
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. three years

1. three years
FC -> jc-72895
2. three years

3. three years

4. three years <e:yi-xihuitl>

<e:yi-xihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. three years <e:yi-xihuitl>
<e:yi-xihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. three years <e:yi-xihuitl>
<e:yi-xihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. three years
FC jc-031297
8. three years
FC jc-031297

0. green bean; string bean

1. green bean; string bean

FC -> jc-72895
2. green bean; string bean

3. green bean; string bean

4. green bean; string bean

FC jc-031297
5. green bean; string bean
FC jc-031297

0. string beans

1. string beans
FC -> jc-72895
2. string beans

3. string beans

4. string beans <etl-xo:tl2>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<etl-xo:tl2> FC - > jc-61096

5. string beans <etl-xo:tl2>
<etl-xo:tl2> FC - > jc-61096
6. string beans <etl-xo:tl2>
<etl-xo:tl2> FC - > jc-61096
7. string beans
FC jc-031297
8. string beans
FC jc-031297

0. it forms a bean

1. it forms a bean
FC -> jc-72895
2. it forms a bean

3. it forms a bean

4. it forms a bean
FC jc-031297
5. it forms a bean
FC jc-031297

0. three times; thrice

1. three times; thrice

FC -> jc-72895
2. three times; thrice

3. three times; thrice

4. three times, thrice <e:yi-pa2>

<e:yi-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
5. three times, thrice <e:yi-pa2>
<e:yi-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
6. three times, thrice <e:yi-pa2>
<e:yi-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
7. three times; thrice
FC jc-031297
8. three times; thrice
FC jc-031297

0. bloody urine
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. bloody urine
FC -> jc-72895
2. bloody urine

3. bloody urine
4. bloody urine

5. bloody urine
6. bloody urine <eztli-a:tl1-xi:xtli>
<eztli-a:tl1-xi:xtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. bloody urine <eztli-a:tl1-xi:xtli>
<eztli-a:tl1-xi:xtli> FC - > jc-61096
8. bloody urine <eztli-a:tl1-xi:xtli>
<eztli-a:tl1-xi:xtli> FC - > jc-61096
9. bloody urine <eztli-a:tl1-xi:xtli>
<eztli-a:tl1-xi:xtli> FC - > jc-61096
10. bloody urine
FC jc-031297
11. bloody urine
FC jc-031297

0. blood vessel

1. blood vessel
FC -> jc-72895
2. blood vessel

3. blood vessel

4. blood vessel <eztli-co:cohtli>

<eztli-co:cohtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. blood vessel <eztli-co:cohtli>
<eztli-co:cohtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. blood vessel <eztli-co:cohtli>
<eztli-co:cohtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. blood vessel
FC jc-031297
8. blood vessel
FC jc-031297

0. dried, hardened blood
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. dried, hardened blood

FC -> jc-72895
2. dried, hardened blood

3. dried, hardened blood

4. dried, hardened blood <eztli--hua:qui>

<eztli--hua:qui> FC - > jc-61096
5. dried, hardened blood <eztli--hua:qui>
<eztli--hua:qui> FC - > jc-61096
6. dried, hardened blood <eztli--hua:qui>
<eztli--hua:qui> FC - > jc-61096
7. dried, hardened blood <eztli--hua:qui>
<eztli--hua:qui> FC - > jc-61096
8. dried, hardened blood
FC jc-031297
9. dried, hardened blood
FC jc-031297

0. mingled with blood

1. mingled with blood

FC -> jc-72895
2. mingled with blood

3. mingled with blood

4. mingled with blood <eztli-;

<eztli--> FC - > jc-61096
5. mingled with blood <eztli-;
<eztli--> FC - > jc-61096
6. blood-flecked, spotted with blood; mingled with blood
FC jc-031297
7. blood-flecked, spotted with blood; mingled with blood
FC jc-031297

0. striped blood-red

1. striped blood-red
FC -> jc-72895
2. striped blood-red

3. striped blood-red
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. striped blood-red <eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>

<eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. striped blood-red <eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>
<eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. striped blood-red <eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>
<eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. striped blood-red <eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>
<eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
8. striped blood-red <eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2>
<eztli-huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
9. striped blood-red
FC jc-031297
10. striped blood-red
FC jc-031297

0. dried blood

1. dried blood
FC -> jc-72895
2. dried blood

3. dried blood
4. dried blood

5. dried blood
6. dried blood <eztli-hua:qui>
<eztli-hua:qui> FC - > jc-61096
7. dried blood <eztli-hua:qui>
<eztli-hua:qui> FC - > jc-61096
8. dried blood <eztli-hua:qui>
<eztli-hua:qui> FC - > jc-61096
9. dried blood <eztli-hua:qui>
<eztli-hua:qui> FC - > jc-61096
10. dried blood
FC jc-031297
11. dried blood
FC jc-031297

0. bloody

1. bloody
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. bloody

3. bloody

4. bloody <eztli-yo:tl1>
<eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. bloody <eztli-yo:tl1>
<eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. bloody <eztli-yo:tl1>
<eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. bloody
FC jc-031297
8. bloody
FC jc-031297

0. bloody

1. bloody
FC -> jc-72895
2. bloody

3. bloody

4. bloody <eztli-yo:tl1>
<eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. bloody <eztli-yo:tl1>
<eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. bloody <eztli-yo:tl1>
<eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. bloody
FC jc-031297
8. bloody
FC jc-031297

0. blood banner

1. blood banner
FC -> jc-72895
2. blood banner

3. blood banner

4. blood banner <eztli-;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<eztli--> FC - > jc-61096

5. blood banner <eztli-;
<eztli--> FC - > jc-61096
6. blood banner
FC jc-031297
7. blood banner
FC jc-031297

0. red reed mat

1. red reed mat

FC -> jc-72895
2. red reed mat

3. red reed mat

4. red reed mat

FC jc-031297
5. red reed mat
FC jc-031297

0. her blood flows

1. her blood flows

FC -> jc-72895
2. her blood flows

3. her blood flows

4. her blood flows <eztli-qui:za>

<eztli-qui:za> FC - > jc-61096
5. her blood flows <eztli-qui:za>
<eztli-qui:za> FC - > jc-61096
6. her blood flows <eztli-qui:za>
<eztli-qui:za> FC - > jc-61096
7. her blood flows
FC jc-031297
8. her blood flows
FC jc-031297

0. blood-flint, blood-stone

1. blood-flint, blood-stone
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. blood-flint, blood-stone

3. blood-flint, blood-stone

4. blood-flint, blood-stone <eztli-tecpatl>

<eztli-tecpatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. blood-flint, blood-stone <eztli-tecpatl>
<eztli-tecpatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. blood-flint, blood-stone <eztli-tecpatl>
<eztli-tecpatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. blood-flint, blood-stone
FC jc-031297
8. blood-flint, blood-stone
FC jc-031297

0. bloody pus

1. bloody pus
FC -> jc-72895
2. bloody pus

3. bloody pus
4. bloody pus

5. bloody pus
6. bloody pus <eztli-;
<eztli--> FC - > jc-61096
7. bloody pus <eztli-;
<eztli--> FC - > jc-61096
8. bloody pus
FC jc-031297
9. bloody pus
FC jc-031297

0. full of blood

1. full of blood
FC -> jc-72895
2. full of blood

3. full of blood
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. full of blood <eztli-te:mi-c2>

<eztli-te:mi-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. full of blood <eztli-te:mi-c2>
<eztli-te:mi-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. full of blood <eztli-te:mi-c2>
<eztli-te:mi-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. full of blood <eztli-te:mi-c2>
<eztli-te:mi-c2> FC - > jc-61096
8. full of blood
FC jc-031297
9. full of blood
FC jc-031297

0. bloodstone

1. bloodstone
FC -> jc-72895
2. bloodstone

3. bloodstone

4. bloodstone <eztli-tetl1>
<eztli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. bloodstone <eztli-tetl1>
<eztli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. bloodstone <eztli-tetl1>
<eztli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. bloodstone
FC jc-031297
8. bloodstone
FC jc-031297

0. blood colored; blood-colored

1. blood colored; blood-colored

FC -> jc-72895
2. blood colored; blood-colored

3. blood colored; blood-colored

4. blood-colored; blood colored <eztli-tic>

<eztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. blood-colored; blood colored <eztli-tic>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<eztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096

6. blood-colored; blood colored <eztli-tic>
<eztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. blood colored; blood-colored
FC jc-031297
8. blood colored; blood-colored
FC jc-031297

0. with blood

1. with blood
FC -> jc-72895
2. with blood

3. with blood

4. with blood <eztli-ti1-ca2>

<eztli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with blood <eztli-ti1-ca2>
<eztli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. with blood <eztli-ti1-ca2>
<eztli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
7. with blood
FC jc-031297
8. with blood
FC jc-031297

0. blood
1. blood
FC -> jc-72895
2. blood

3. blood
4. blood

5. blood
FC - > jc-61096
6. blood <eztli>
<eztli> FC - > jc-61096
7. blood <eztli>
<eztli> FC - > jc-61096
8. blood
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
9. blood
Noun jc-030797
10. blood
FC jc-031297
11. blood
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
12. blood
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

eztli (blood) timezhuia

0. you get yourself bloody

eztli tlapalli
0. nobility

1. nobility
FC -> jc-72895
2. nobility
FC -> jc-72895
3. nobility

4. nobility

5. nobility <eztli p51-pa:3-l1>

<eztli p51-pa:3-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. nobility <eztli p51-pa:3-l1>
<eztli p51-pa:3-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. nobility <eztli p51-pa:3-l1>
<eztli p51-pa:3-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. nobility <eztli p51-pa:3-l1>
<eztli p51-pa:3-l1> FC - > jc-61096
9. nobility
FC jc-031297
10. nobility
FC jc-031297

0. bloody, stained with blood; having blood

1. bloody, stained with blood; having blood

FC -> jc-72895
2. bloody, stained with blood; having blood

3. bloody, stained with blood; having blood
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. bloody, stained with blood; having blood <eztli-yo:tl1>

<eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. bloody, stained with blood; having blood <eztli-yo:tl1>
<eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. bloody, stained with blood; having blood <eztli-yo:tl1>
<eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. bloody, stained with blood; having blood
FC jc-031297
8. bloody, stained with blood; having blood
FC jc-031297

0. Spaniard (meant sandal-to prick)

0. galletas ( cookies )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. there is drinking; people drink

1. there is drinking; people drink

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is drinking; people drink

3. there is drinking
4. there is drinking; people drink

5. there is drinking
6. there is drinking <dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2>
<dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is drinking <dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2>
<dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
8. there is drinking <dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2>
<dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
9. there is drinking <dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2>
<dupl-a:tl1-i:1-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
10. there is drinking; people drink
FC jc-031297
11. there is drinking; people drink
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. fresh fish

1. fresh fish
FC -> jc-72895
2. fresh fish

3. fresh fish

4. fresh fish
FC jc-031297
5. fresh fish
FC jc-031297

0. no, not

1. no, not
FC -> jc-72895
2. no, not

3. no, not

4. no, not <ah1-mo:>

<ah1-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
5. no, not <ah1-mo:>
<ah1-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
6. no, not
FC jc-031297
7. no, not
FC jc-031297

0. mamaye, hatlapale: it has legs, it has wings (b11 f7 p64),
mamaye, hatlapale, huaczoltic: it has legs, it has wings;
it is dry (b11 f7 p64), chichale, tencualaque, hatlapale,
amatlapale, mamae ihicxe: it has spittle, it has saliva; it
has wings, arms, legs (b11 f10 p95)

0. nothing

1. nothing
FC -> jc-72895
2. nothing
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. nothing

4. nothing <ah1-tleh>
<ah1-tleh> FC - > jc-61096
5. nothing <ah1-tleh>
<ah1-tleh> FC - > jc-61096
6. nothing
FC jc-031297
7. nothing
FC jc-031297

0. niman ic quihualixti, in tlapanecatl hecatzin, otomitl,
inca ommomotlac: -- then the tlapanecatl ecatzin, an otomi
[warrior], coped with them he threw himself at them (b12 f7

0. heavy

1. heavy
FC -> jc-72895
2. heavy

3. heavy

4. heavy <etl-tic>
<etl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. heavy <etl-tic>
<etl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. heavy <etl-tic>
<etl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. heavy
FC jc-031297
8. heavy
FC jc-031297

0. this

1. this
FC -> jc-72895
2. this
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. this

4. this
FC jc-031297
5. this
FC jc-031297

0. he snores

1. he snores
FC -> jc-72895
2. he snores

3. he snores

4. he snores
FC jc-031297
5. he snores
FC jc-031297

0. they each carry out the feast

1. they each carry out the feast

FC -> jc-72895
2. they each carry out the feast

3. they each carry out the feast

4. they each carry out the feast <dupl-ilhuitl-chi:hua>

<dupl-ilhuitl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. they each carry out the feast <dupl-ilhuitl-chi:hua>
<dupl-ilhuitl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. they each carry out the feast <dupl-ilhuitl-chi:hua>
<dupl-ilhuitl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. they each carry out the feast <dupl-ilhuitl-chi:hua>
<dupl-ilhuitl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
8. they each carry out the feast
FC jc-031297
9. they each carry out the feast
FC jc-031297

0. they each celebrate the feast
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they each celebrate the feast

FC -> jc-72895
2. they each celebrate the feast
3. they each celebrate the feast
4. they each celebrate the feast <dupl-ilhuitl-p54-mati>
<dupl-ilhuitl-p54-mati> FC - > jc-61096
5. they each celebrate the feast <dupl-ilhuitl-p54-mati>
<dupl-ilhuitl-p54-mati> FC - > jc-61096
6. they each celebrate the feast <dupl-ilhuitl-p54-mati>
<dupl-ilhuitl-p54-mati> FC - > jc-61096
7. they each celebrate the feast <dupl-ilhuitl-p54-mati>
<dupl-ilhuitl-p54-mati> FC - > jc-61096
8. they each celebrate the feast
FC jc-031297
9. they each celebrate the feast
FC jc-031297

0. tlahuizteca, tlahuiztlatoa hitacateca, hitacatzatzi,
hitacatlatoa, he distributes, he supervises the arms; he
distributes, commands, supervises the provisioning (b10 f2

0. in itapalcayo: omitl iztac, iztacpatic, tetzcaltic,
tetzcalpatic, ilacatztic: hitiilacatztic, hitiilacatziuhqui
its shell is a white bone --very white; smooth --very
smooth; spiral --spiral within, as if spiral within (b11 f7

0. in itapalcayo: omitl iztac, iztacpatic, tetzcaltic,
tetzcalpatic, ilacatztic: hitiilacatztic, hitiilacatziuhqui
its shell is a white bone -- very white; smooth -- very
smooth; spiral -- spiral within, as if spiral within (b11
f7 p60)

0. something

1. something
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. something

3. something

4. something <itlah>
<itlah> FC - > jc-61096
5. something
FC jc-031297
6. something
FC jc-031297

0. stinking

1. stinking
FC -> jc-72895
2. stinking

3. stinking

4. stinking <ihya:ya-delya-c1>
<ihya:ya-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. stinking <ihya:ya-delya-c1>
<ihya:ya-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. stinking
FC jc-031297
7. stinking
FC jc-031297

0. hora ( hour; o'clock )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. hora ( hours )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. horno ( oven )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. go
1. (cf yauh, dir{1}, dir{2}) go
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. (cf yauh, dir{1}, dir{2}) go

0. dry
Adj Form jc-022897
1. dry
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. arid
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. stale

4. sear

5. waterless

6. parched

7. barren

8. dry

0. arrive here
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

0. they come
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. they will come
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. she comes
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. Quien va a salir de tu casa man~ana ? Aquin hualqui:zaz
mochan cualcan ? Who is going to come out of your house
tomorrow ? Who is going to come out of your house tomorrow ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. oquicuahtoya zacatl huan ihcuac oquimomacac cuentah
yohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. tlen oquichih ? Estaba comiendo pasto y cuando advirtio'
ya veni'a un buen aguacero It was eating grass and when it
noticed a big rainfall was coming
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. achto ce tetlahpaloa
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
3. huan tla ce cualnanquiliah ce calaqui

4. huan tlamo ce cualnanquiliah amo ce calaqui ( sino que )

primero se saluda y si le contestan

5. entra

6. y si no le contestan

7. no se entra One must

8. first

9. greet and if greeted back enter

10. and if not answered

11. do not enter

12. quen otiquilnamic huan otihuallah otinechtlahpaloco ?

13. xihuiqui ? co'mo es que te acordaste de venir a saludarme

? ! en ! How is it that you remembered to come and greet ?

0. dry
1. (cf uatza) dry
2. (cf uatza) dry

0. dry
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. (cf uaqui) dry

2. (cf uaqui) dry

0. container, instrument

0. it dried

1. it dried
FC -> jc-72895
2. it dried

3. it dried

4. it dried <hua:qui-prt1>
<hua:qui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it dried <hua:qui-prt1>
<hua:qui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it dried
FC jc-031297
7. it dried
FC jc-031297

0. rheumatism
1. it becomes concave; it becomes hollowed
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes concave; it becomes hollowed

3. rheumatism
4. it becomes concave; it becomes hollowed

5. it becomes concave; it becomes hollowed <huacalli-v03a>

<huacalli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
6. it becomes concave; it becomes hollowed <huacalli-v03a>
<huacalli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
7. it becomes concave; it becomes hollowed <huacalli-v03a>
<huacalli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
8. to hollow
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. it becomes concave; it becomes hollowed

FC jc-031297
10. it becomes concave; it becomes hollowed
FC jc-031297

0. it is hollowed

0. hollowed; having gorges

1. hollowed; having gorges

FC -> jc-72895
2. hollowed; having gorges

3. hollowed; having gorges

4. hollowed <huacalli-v03a-prt1-c2>
<huacalli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. hollowed; having gorges <huacalli-v03a-prt1-c2>
<huacalli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. hollowed; having gorges <huacalli-v03a-prt1-c2>
<huacalli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. hollowed; having gorges <huacalli-v03a-prt1-c2>
<huacalli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
8. hollowed; having gorges
FC jc-031297
9. hollowed; having gorges
FC jc-031297

0. basket
1. (cf calli) basket
2. (cf calli) basket

0. concave; having ravines; having concavities; hollowed

1. concave; having ravines; having concavities; hollowed

FC -> jc-72895
2. concave; having ravines; having concavities; hollowed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. concave; having ravines; having concavities; hollowed

4. concave; having ravines; having concavities; hollowed

<huacalli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. concave; having ravines; having concavities; hollowed
<huacalli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. concave; hollowed <huacalli-tic>
<huacalli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. concave; having ravines; having concavities; hollowed
FC jc-031297
8. concave; having ravines; having concavities; hollowed
FC jc-031297

0. dry cough

1. dry cough
FC -> jc-72895
2. dry cough

3. dry cough

4. dry cough
FC jc-031297
5. dry cough
FC jc-031297

0. dried; dry

1. dried; dry
FC -> jc-72895
2. dried; dry

3. dried; dry

4. dried; dry <hua:qui-c2>

<hua:qui-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. dried; dry <hua:qui-c2>
<hua:qui-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. dry <hua:qui-c2>
<hua:qui-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. dried; dry
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. dried; dry
FC jc-031297

0. amaranth seed owner
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. dry place

1. dry place
FC -> jc-72895
2. dry place

3. dry place

4. dry place
FC jc-031297
5. dry place
FC jc-031297

0. they growl

1. they growl
FC -> jc-72895
2. they growl

3. they growl

4. they growl <dupl-hualani-ca7>

<dupl-hualani-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. they growl <dupl-hualani-ca7>
<dupl-hualani-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. they growl <dupl-hualani-ca7>
<dupl-hualani-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
7. they growl <dupl-hualani-ca7>
<dupl-hualani-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
8. they growl
FC jc-031297
9. they growl
FC jc-031297

0. bark, gurgle
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. bark

0. design, draw, tan hides

0. striped
FC - > jc-61096

0. st which is marked, striped

0. striped

1. striped
FC -> jc-72895
2. striped

3. striped

4. striped <huahuana-prt1-c2>
<huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. striped <huahuana-prt1-c2>
<huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. striped <huahuana-prt1-c2>
<huahuana-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. striped
FC jc-031297
8. striped
FC jc-031297

0. striped ones

1. striped ones
FC -> jc-72895
2. striped ones

3. striped ones
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. striped ones <huahuana-l2-plur02>

<huahuana-l2-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. striped ones <huahuana-l2-plur02>
<huahuana-l2-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. striped ones <huahuana-l2-plur02>
<huahuana-l2-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
7. striped ones
FC jc-031297
8. striped ones
FC jc-031297

huala ( yo- )
0. ya vino ( he already came; arrived )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he arrives; he arrives here; it arrives; it reaches; they
arrive; they reach

1. he arrives; he arrives here; it arrives; it reaches; they

arrive; they reach
FC -> jc-72895
2. he arrives; he arrives here; it arrives; it reaches; they
arrive; they reach

3. he arrives; he arrives here; it arrives; it reaches; they

arrive; they reach

4. he arrives here; he arrives; it arrives; it reaches; they

arrive; they reach <hua:l-ahci>
<hua:l-ahci> FC - > jc-61096
5. he arrives here; he arrives; it arrives; it reaches; they
arrive; they reach <hua:l-ahci>
<hua:l-ahci> FC - > jc-61096
6. they arrive <hua:l-ahci>
<hua:l-ahci> FC - > jc-61096
7. he arrives; he arrives here; it arrives; it reaches; they
arrive; they reach
FC jc-031297
8. he arrives; he arrives here; it arrives; it reaches; they
arrive; they reach
FC jc-031297

0. it reached, it arrived; they arrived
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it reached, it arrived; they arrived

FC -> jc-72895
2. it reached, it arrived; they arrived

3. it reached, it arrived; they arrived

4. it reached, it arrived; they arrived <hua:l-ahci-ya3>

<hua:l-ahci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it reached, it arrived; they arrived <hua:l-ahci-ya3>
<hua:l-ahci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it reached, it arrived; they arrived <hua:l-ahci-ya3>
<hua:l-ahci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. it reached, it arrived; they arrived
FC jc-031297
8. it reached, it arrived; they arrived
FC jc-031297

0. they arrived [ here ]
FC jc-031297

0. burn

0. it will break out

1. it will break out

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will break out

3. it will break out

4. it will break out

FC jc-031297
5. it will break out
FC jc-031297

0. he entered; it entered

1. he entered; it entered
FC -> jc-72895
2. he entered; it entered
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he entered; it entered

4. he entered; it entered <hua:l-calaqui-prt1>

<hua:l-calaqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he entered; it entered <hua:l-calaqui-prt1>
<hua:l-calaqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he entered; it entered
FC jc-031297
7. he entered; it entered
FC jc-031297

0. they entered

1. they entered
FC -> jc-72895
2. they entered

3. they entered

4. they entered <hua:l-calaqui-prt1-plur01>

<hua:l-calaqui-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they entered <hua:l-calaqui-prt1-plur01>
<hua:l-calaqui-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they entered
FC jc-031297
7. they entered
FC jc-031297

0. they entered swiftly

1. they entered swiftly

FC -> jc-72895
2. they entered swiftly

3. they entered swiftly

4. they entered swiftly <hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03>

<hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. they entered swiftly <hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03>
<hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
6. they entered swiftly <hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03>
<hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
7. they entered swiftly <hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03>
<hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. they entered swiftly <hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03>

<hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-ya3 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
9. they entered swiftly
FC jc-031297
10. they entered swiftly
FC jc-031297

0. they quickly entered

1. they quickly entered

FC -> jc-72895
2. they quickly entered

3. they quickly entered

4. they quickly entered <hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-prt1-plur01

<hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-prt1-plur01 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. they quickly entered <hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-prt1-plur01
<hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-prt1-plur01 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
6. they quickly entered <hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-prt1-plur01
<hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-prt1-plur01 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
7. they quickly entered <hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-prt1-plur01
<hua:l-calaqui-ti1-huetzi-prt1-plur01 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
8. they quickly entered
FC jc-031297
9. they quickly entered
FC jc-031297

0. they enter; they enter here

1. they enter; they enter here

FC -> jc-72895
2. they enter; they enter here

3. they enter; they enter here

4. they enter here; they enter <hua:l-calaqui>

<hua:l-calaqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. they enter here; they enter <hua:l-calaqui>
<hua:l-calaqui> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. they enter; they enter here

FC jc-031297
7. they enter; they enter here
FC jc-031297

0. he entered; they entered

1. he entered; they entered

FC -> jc-72895
2. he entered; they entered

3. he entered; they entered

4. he entered; they entered <hua:l-calaqui-ya3>

<hua:l-calaqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he entered; they entered <hua:l-calaqui-ya3>
<hua:l-calaqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he entered; they entered
FC jc-031297
7. he entered; they entered
FC jc-031297

0. they will enter

1. they will enter

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will enter

3. they will enter

4. they will enter <hua:l-calaqui-z-plur01>

<hua:l-calaqui-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will enter <hua:l-calaqui-z-plur01>
<hua:l-calaqui-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they will enter
FC jc-031297
7. they will enter
FC jc-031297

0. it is clearly heard

1. it is clearly heard
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. it is clearly heard

3. it is clearly heard

4. it is clearly heard
FC jc-031297
5. it is clearly heard
FC jc-031297

0. it quickly fell to the ground
FC jc-031297

0. it bursts forth
1. it bursts forth
FC -> jc-72895
2. it bursts forth
3. it bursts forth
4. it bursts forth <hua:l-cuepo:ni>
<hua:l-cuepo:ni> FC - > jc-61096
5. it bursts forth <hua:l-cuepo:ni>
<hua:l-cuepo:ni> FC - > jc-61096
6. it bursts forth <hua:l-cuepo:ni>
<hua:l-cuepo:ni> FC - > jc-61096
7. it bursts forth
FC jc-031297
8. it bursts forth
FC jc-031297

0. they departed

1. they departed
FC -> jc-72895
2. they departed

3. they departed

4. they departed
FC jc-031297
5. they departed
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he fell

1. he fell
FC -> jc-72895
2. he fell

3. he fell

4. he fell <hua:l-huetzi-prt1>
<hua:l-huetzi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he fell <hua:l-huetzi-prt1>
<hua:l-huetzi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he fell <hua:l-huetzi-prt1>
<hua:l-huetzi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he fell
FC jc-031297
8. he fell
FC jc-031297

0. it falls; it falls out; it tumbles down; it falls down;
they fall

1. it falls; it falls out; it tumbles down; it falls down;

they fall
FC -> jc-72895
2. it falls; it falls out; it tumbles down; it falls down;
they fall

3. it falls; it falls out; it tumbles down; it falls down;

they fall

4. it falls <hua:l-huetzi>
<hua:l-huetzi> FC - > jc-61096
5. it falls; it tumbles down; it falls down; they fall
<hua:l-huetzi> FC - > jc-61096
6. it falls; it tumbles down; it falls down; they fall
<hua:l-huetzi> FC - > jc-61096
7. it falls; it falls out; it tumbles down; it falls down;
they fall
FC jc-031297
8. it falls; it falls out; it tumbles down; it falls down;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

they fall
FC jc-031297

0. he will fall
FC jc-031297

0. they come

1. they come
FC -> jc-72895
2. they come

3. they come

4. they come <hua:l-yauh2>

<hua:l-yauh2> FC - > jc-61096
5. they come <hua:l-yauh2>
<hua:l-yauh2> FC - > jc-61096
6. they come; they go
FC jc-031297
7. they come; they go
FC jc-031297

0. they were brought

1. they were brought

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were brought

3. they were brought

4. they were brought

FC jc-031297
5. they were brought
FC jc-031297

0. people go back; there is going back

1. people go back; there is going back

FC -> jc-72895
2. people go back; there is going back
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. people go back; there is going back

4. people go back; there is going back <hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2>

<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. people go back; there is going back <hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2>
<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
6. people go back; there is going back <hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2>
<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
7. people go back; there is going back <hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2>
<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
8. people go back; there is departing; there is going
FC jc-031297
9. people go back; there is departing; there is going
FC jc-031297

0. there will be coming, people will come

1. there will be coming, people will come

FC -> jc-72895
2. there will be coming, people will come

3. there will be coming, people will come

4. there will be coming, people will come

<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. there will be coming, people will come
<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. there will be coming, people will come
<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. there will be coming, people will come
<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
8. there will be coming, people will come
<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
9. there will be coming, people will come
<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
10. there will be coming, people will come
FC jc-031297
11. there will be coming, people will come
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. there is departing, there is going
FC jc-031297

0. there was coming, people came

1. there was coming, people came

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was coming, people came

3. there was coming, people came

4. there was coming, people came <hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3>

<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was coming, people came <hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was coming, people came <hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was coming, people came <hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. there was coming, people came <hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. there was coming, people came <hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<hua:l-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
10. there was coming, people came
FC jc-031297
11. there was coming, people came
FC jc-031297

hualicazque ( tic- )
0. lo vamos a traer ( we will bring it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

hualicazquia ( onic- )
0. lo habri'a trai'do ( I would have brought him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. they quickly restored their strength
FC jc-031297

0. he awakes
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he awakes
FC -> jc-72895
2. he awakes

3. he awakes

4. he awakes <hua:l-ihza>
<hua:l-ihza> FC - > jc-61096
5. he awakes <hua:l-ihza>
<hua:l-ihza> FC - > jc-61096
6. he awakes <hua:l-ihza>
<hua:l-ihza> FC - > jc-61096
7. he awakes
FC jc-031297
8. he awakes
FC jc-031297

0. it is seen

1. it is seen
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is seen

3. it is seen

4. it is seen <hua:l-itta-lo:1>
<hua:l-itta-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is seen <hua:l-itta-lo:1>
<hua:l-itta-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is seen <hua:l-itta-lo:1>
<hua:l-itta-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is seen <hua:l-itta-lo:1>
<hua:l-itta-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
8. it is seen
FC jc-031297
9. it is seen
FC jc-031297

0. it sprouts

1. it sprouts
FC -> jc-72895
2. it sprouts
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it sprouts

4. it sprouts <hua:l-ixhua>
<hua:l-ixhua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it sprouts <hua:l-ixhua>
<hua:l-ixhua> FC - > jc-61096
6. it sprouts
FC jc-031297
7. it sprouts
FC jc-031297

0. it came

1. it came
FC -> jc-72895
2. it came

3. it came

4. it came <hua:l-yauh1>
<hua:l-yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it came <hua:l-yauh1>
<hua:l-yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it came <hua:l-yauh1>
<hua:l-yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he comes; it came; it comes
FC jc-031297
8. he comes; it came; it comes
FC jc-031297

0. he was born

1. he was born
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was born

3. he was born

4. he was born
FC jc-031297
5. he was born
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they arrive
FC jc-031297

0. they turned back

1. they turned back

FC -> jc-72895
2. they turned back

3. they turned back

4. they turned back

FC jc-031297
5. they turned back
FC jc-031297

0. they went directly
FC jc-031297

0. it ends, it is ended

1. it ends, it is ended
FC -> jc-72895
2. it ends, it is ended

3. it ends, it is ended

4. it ends, it is ended <hua:l-tlami>

<hua:l-tlami> FC - > jc-61096
5. it ends, it is ended <hua:l-tlami>
<hua:l-tlami> FC - > jc-61096
6. it ends, it is ended <hua:l-tlami>
<hua:l-tlami> FC - > jc-61096
7. it ends, it is ended
FC jc-031297
8. it ends, it is ended
FC jc-031297

0. he gave a command, he commanded
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they came; they arrived; they came back

1. they came; they arrived; they came back

FC -> jc-72895
2. they came; they arrived; they came back

3. they came; they arrived; they came back

4. they came, they came back; they arrived <hua:l-yauh1-plur01>

<hua:l-yauh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they came, they came back; they arrived <hua:l-yauh1-plur01>
<hua:l-yauh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they came, they came back; they arrived <hua:l-yauh1-plur01>
<hua:l-yauh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they came; they arrived; they came back
FC jc-031297
8. they came; they arrived; they came back
FC jc-031297

0. it dawns; day breaks

1. dawn comes
FC -> jc-72895
2. it dawns; day breaks
FC -> jc-72895
3. it dawns; day breaks

4. dawn comes

5. dawn comes; it dawns; day breaks

6. it dawns; day breaks

7. dawn comes

8. dawn comes; it dawns; day breaks

9. dawn comes; it dawns; day breaks <hua:l-tlathui>
<hua:l-tlathui> FC - > jc-61096
10. dawn comes; it dawns; day breaks <hua:l-tlathui>
<hua:l-tlathui> FC - > jc-61096
11. dawn comes; it dawns; day breaks <hua:l-tlathui>
<hua:l-tlathui> FC - > jc-61096
12. dawn comes
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

13. it dawns; day breaks

FC jc-031297
14. dawn comes
FC jc-031297
15. it dawns; day breaks
FC jc-031297

0. dawn came

1. dawn came
FC -> jc-72895
2. dawn came

3. dawn came

4. dawn came <hua:l-tlathui-prt2>

<hua:l-tlathui-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. dawn came <hua:l-tlathui-prt2>
<hua:l-tlathui-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. dawn came <hua:l-tlathui-prt2>
<hua:l-tlathui-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. dawn came
FC jc-031297
8. dawn came
FC jc-031297

0. dawn comes

1. dawn comes
FC -> jc-72895
2. dawn comes

3. dawn comes

4. dawn comes <hua:l-tlathui>

<hua:l-tlathui> FC - > jc-61096
5. dawn comes <hua:l-tlathui>
<hua:l-tlathui> FC - > jc-61096
6. dawn comes <hua:l-tlathui>
<hua:l-tlathui> FC - > jc-61096
7. dawn comes
FC jc-031297
8. dawn comes
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it will dawn, it is about to dawn, day is about to break

1. it will dawn, it is about to dawn, day is about to break

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will dawn, it is about to dawn, day is about to break

3. it will dawn, it is about to dawn, day is about to break

4. it will dawn, it is about to dawn, day is about to break

<hua:l-tlathui-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will dawn, it is about to dawn, day is about to break
<hua:l-tlathui-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. it will dawn, it is about to dawn, day is about to break
<hua:l-tlathui-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. it will dawn, dawn will break; it is about to dawn; day is
about to break
FC jc-031297
8. it will dawn, dawn will break; it is about to dawn; day is
about to break
FC jc-031297

0. he speaks

1. he speaks
FC -> jc-72895
2. he speaks

3. he speaks

4. he speaks <hua:l-p51-ihtoa:>
<hua:l-p51-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he speaks <hua:l-p51-ihtoa:>
<hua:l-p51-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he speaks <hua:l-p51-ihtoa:>
<hua:l-p51-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
7. he speaks
FC jc-031297
8. he speaks
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it came; it comes

1. it came; it comes
FC -> jc-72895
2. it came; it comes

3. it came; it comes

4. it came; it comes <hua:l-yauh1>

<hua:l-yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it came; it comes <hua:l-yauh1>
<hua:l-yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it came; it comes <hua:l-yauh1>
<hua:l-yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it came; it comes; it goes forth
FC jc-031297
8. it came; it comes; it goes forth
FC jc-031297

0. they make a circle

1. they make a circle

FC -> jc-72895
2. they make a circle

3. they make a circle

4. they make a circle

FC jc-031297
5. they make a circle
FC jc-031297

0. he will come; he will return; it will come

1. he will come; he will return; it will come

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will come; he will return; it will come

3. he will come; he will return; it will come

4. he will come <hua:l-yauh1-z>

<hua:l-yauh1-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will come <hua:l-yauh1-z>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<hua:l-yauh1-z> FC - > jc-61096

6. he will come <hua:l-yauh1-z>
<hua:l-yauh1-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will come; he will return; it will come
FC jc-031297
8. he will come; he will return; it will come
FC jc-031297

0. it threatens, it wants to come

1. it threatens, it wants to come

FC -> jc-72895
2. it threatens, it wants to come

3. it threatens, it wants to come

4. it threatens, it wants to come <hua:l-yauh1-z-nequi>

<hua:l-yauh1-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. it threatens, it wants to come <hua:l-yauh1-z-nequi>
<hua:l-yauh1-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. it threatens, it wants to come <hua:l-yauh1-z-nequi>
<hua:l-yauh1-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
7. it threatens, it wants to come <hua:l-yauh1-z-nequi>
<hua:l-yauh1-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
8. it threatens, it wants to come <hua:l-yauh1-z-nequi>
<hua:l-yauh1-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
9. it threatens, it wants to come
FC jc-031297
10. it threatens, it wants to come
FC jc-031297

0. they will come
FC jc-031297

0. he arises, he gets up

1. he arises, he gets up
FC -> jc-72895
2. he arises, he gets up

3. he arises, he gets up

4. he arises, he gets up
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. he arises, he gets up
FC jc-031297

0. they hasten along
FC jc-031297

0. he rose up
FC jc-031297

0. it exudes, it flows out
FC -> jc-72895
1. it exudes, it flows out <hua:l-me:ya>
<hua:l-me:ya> FC - > jc-61096
2. it exudes, it flows out <hua:l-me:ya>
<hua:l-me:ya> FC - > jc-61096
3. it exudes, it flows out
FC jc-031297
4. it exudes, it flows out
FC jc-031297

0. it will flow out, it will come out

1. it will flow out, it will come out

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will flow out, it will come out

3. it will flow out, it will come out

4. it will flow out, it will come out

FC jc-031297
5. it will flow out, it will come out
FC jc-031297

0. auh intla aca oquimahuac, iuh mitoaya, yehuatl ica
hualmilacatzoa, conmomamaltia, ic mohuitequi in huictli, in
mecapalli, and if any chid them, so it was said, thereby he
brought upon and burdened and visited upon himself misery
and affliction (b4 f4 p35)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he came forth to dance; they danced

1. he came forth to dance; they danced

FC -> jc-72895
2. he came forth to dance; they danced

3. he came forth to dance; they danced

4. he came forth to dance; they danced

<hua:l-p54-ihto:tia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he came forth to dance; they danced
<hua:l-p54-ihto:tia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he came forth to dance; they danced
<hua:l-p54-ihto:tia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he came forth to dance; they danced
<hua:l-p54-ihto:tia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he came forth to dance; they danced
FC jc-031297
9. he came forth to dance; they danced
FC jc-031297

0. he goes dancing

1. he goes dancing
FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes dancing

3. he goes dancing

4. he goes dancing <hua:l-p54-ihto:tia:-dir2a>

<hua:l-p54-ihto:tia:-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes dancing <hua:l-p54-ihto:tia:-dir2a>
<hua:l-p54-ihto:tia:-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes dancing <hua:l-p54-ihto:tia:-dir2a>
<hua:l-p54-ihto:tia:-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes dancing
FC jc-031297
8. he goes dancing
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he turns back; they turn around; they turn back; they return

1. he turns back; they turn around; they turn back; they return
FC -> jc-72895
2. he turns back; they turn around; they turn back; they return

3. he turns back; they turn around; they turn back; they return

4. he turns back; they turn back; they return; they turn

around <hua:l-p54-cuepa>
<hua:l-p54-cuepa> FC - > jc-61096
5. he turns back; they turn back; they return; they turn
around <hua:l-p54-cuepa>
<hua:l-p54-cuepa> FC - > jc-61096
6. he turns back; they turn back; they return; they turn
around <hua:l-p54-cuepa>
<hua:l-p54-cuepa> FC - > jc-61096
7. he turns back; they turn around; they turn back; they return
FC jc-031297
8. he turns back; they turn around; they turn back; they return
FC jc-031297

0. he went to return
FC jc-031297

0. he will return

1. he will return
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will return

3. he will return

4. he will return
FC jc-031297
5. he will return
FC jc-031297

0. they returned; they turned back
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they remained

1. they remained
FC -> jc-72895
2. they remained

3. they remained

4. they remained <hua:l-p54-mani-caus09-ya3>

<hua:l-p54-mani-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they remained <hua:l-p54-mani-caus09-ya3>
<hua:l-p54-mani-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they remained <hua:l-p54-mani-caus09-ya3>
<hua:l-p54-mani-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they remained <hua:l-p54-mani-caus09-ya3>
<hua:l-p54-mani-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they remained <hua:l-p54-mani-caus09-ya3>
<hua:l-p54-mani-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. they remained
FC jc-031297
10. they remained
FC jc-031297

0. she appears

1. she appears
FC -> jc-72895
2. she appears

3. she appears

4. she appears
FC jc-031297
5. she appears
FC jc-031297

0. it sets in

1. it sets in
FC -> jc-72895
2. it sets in

3. it sets in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it sets in
FC jc-031297
5. it sets in
FC jc-031297

0. it came forth
FC jc-031297

0. it extends itself; it stretches out

1. it extends itself; it stretches out

FC -> jc-72895
2. it extends itself; it stretches out

3. it extends itself; it stretches out

4. it extends itself; it stretches out <hua:l-p54-te:ca>

<hua:l-p54-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. it extends itself; it stretches out <hua:l-p54-te:ca>
<hua:l-p54-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
6. it extends itself; it stretches out <hua:l-p54-te:ca>
<hua:l-p54-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
7. it extends itself; it stretches out
FC jc-031297
8. it extends itself; it stretches out
FC jc-031297

0. they threw themselves, they cast themselves
FC jc-031297

0. she sits down; they sit down

1. she sits down; they sit down

FC -> jc-72895
2. she sits down; they sit down

3. she sits down; they sit down

4. she sits down; they sit down <hua:l-p54-tla:lia>

<hua:l-p54-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
5. she sits down; they sit down <hua:l-p54-tla:lia>
<hua:l-p54-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. she sits down; they sit down <hua:l-p54-tla:lia>

<hua:l-p54-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
7. she sits down; they sit down
FC jc-031297
8. she sits down; they sit down
FC jc-031297

0. they run

1. they run
FC -> jc-72895
2. they run

3. they run

4. they flee; they run

FC jc-031297
5. they flee; they run
FC jc-031297

0. it gushes out

1. it gushes out
FC -> jc-72895
2. it gushes out

3. it gushes out

4. it gushes out <hua:l-p54-toxa:hua>

<hua:l-p54-toxa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it gushes out <hua:l-p54-toxa:hua>
<hua:l-p54-toxa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. it gushes out
FC jc-031297
7. it gushes out
FC jc-031297

0. it lies excreting

1. it lies excreting
FC -> jc-72895
2. it lies excreting
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it lies excreting

4. it lies excreting
FC jc-031297
5. it lies excreting
FC jc-031297

0. he looks to one side

1. he looks to one side

FC -> jc-72895
2. he looks to one side

3. he looks to one side

4. he looks to one side <hua:l-nacaztli-tlachiya>

<hua:l-nacaztli-tlachiya> FC - > jc-61096
5. he looks to one side <hua:l-nacaztli-tlachiya>
<hua:l-nacaztli-tlachiya> FC - > jc-61096
6. he looks to one side <hua:l-nacaztli-tlachiya>
<hua:l-nacaztli-tlachiya> FC - > jc-61096
7. he looks to one side <hua:l-nacaztli-tlachiya>
<hua:l-nacaztli-tlachiya> FC - > jc-61096
8. he looks to one side
FC jc-031297
9. he looks to one side
FC jc-031297

0. ihuan ilhuiloc
( b12 f2 p25 ) JC-05-08-97 FC Sentences
1. ixpantiloc

2. machtiloc

3. nonotzaloc

4. caquitiloc

5. iyollo itlan tlaliloc in moteuczoma: ce cihuatl nican

titlaca in quinhualhuicac

6. in ** hualnahuatlatotia ** : and it was told

7. declared
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. shown

9. announced

10. made known to moctezuma

11. it was fixed in his heart

12. that a woman from among us people here brought them here;
she interpreted for them

0. auh in iequene huitze
( b12 f2 p27 ) JC-05-08-97 FC Sentences
1. in ie huitze

2. in ie ohualmolinique: ce tlacatl

3. cempoaltecatl

4. itoca tlacochcalcatl

5. no achto canaco; in ihcuac quittato tlalli

6. in altepetl

7. no ** hualnahuatlatotia **

8. quinhualoquechilitia

9. quinhualotlaxilitia

10. quinhuallaixtlatitia

11. quinhualyacan

12. quinhualyacantia and when at last [ the spaniards ] came

13. when already they came

14. when already they moved along

15. a man of cempoalla called a tlacochcalcatl
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

16. whom they had also first come to capture when they had gone
to see the land [ and ] the city

17. also interpreted for them

18. established the road for them

19. eliminated [ wrong ] roads for them

20. showed them the way

21. guided them along

22. was their guide along the way

0. there is urination

1. there is urination
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is urination

3. there is urination

4. there is urination
FC jc-031297
5. there is urination
FC jc-031297

0. it appears; it issues; it shows; it shows through; they

1. it appears; it issues; it shows; it shows through; they

FC -> jc-72895
2. it appears; it issues; it shows; it shows through; they

3. it appears; it issues; it shows; it shows through; they


4. it appears; it shows; it shows through; it issues; they

appear <hua:l-ne:ci>
<hua:l-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it appears; it shows; it shows through; it issues; they

appear <hua:l-ne:ci>
<hua:l-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
6. it appears; it shows; it shows through; it issues; they
appear <hua:l-ne:ci>
<hua:l-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
7. it appears; it shows; it shows through; it issues; they
appear <hua:l-ne:ci>
<hua:l-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
8. it appears; it issues; it shows; it shows through; they
FC jc-031297
9. it appears; it issues; it shows; it shows through; they
FC jc-031297

0. people return, there is returning

1. people return, there is returning

FC -> jc-72895
2. people return, there is returning

3. people return, there is returning

4. people return, there is returning <hua:l-p53-cuepa-lo:2>

<hua:l-p53-cuepa-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
5. people return, there is returning <hua:l-p53-cuepa-lo:2>
<hua:l-p53-cuepa-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
6. people return, there is returning <hua:l-p53-cuepa-lo:2>
<hua:l-p53-cuepa-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
7. people return, there is returning
FC jc-031297
8. people return, there is returning
FC jc-031297

0. there is setting out; there is stopping

1. there is setting out; there is stopping

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is setting out; there is stopping

3. there is setting out; there is stopping

4. there is setting out; there is stopping
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. there is setting out; there is stopping
FC jc-031297

0. it appears

1. it appears
FC -> jc-72895
2. it appears

3. it appears

4. it appears <hua:l-dupl-ne:ci>
<hua:l-dupl-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
5. it appears <hua:l-dupl-ne:ci>
<hua:l-dupl-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
6. it appears <hua:l-dupl-ne:ci>
<hua:l-dupl-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
7. it appears <hua:l-dupl-ne:ci>
<hua:l-dupl-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
8. it appears <hua:l-dupl-ne:ci>
<hua:l-dupl-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
9. it appears <hua:l-dupl-ne:ci>
<hua:l-dupl-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
10. it appears
FC jc-031297
11. it appears
FC jc-031297

0. they traveled
FC jc-031297

0. there is flight, there is running

1. there is flight, there is running

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is flight, there is running

3. there is flight, there is running

4. there is flight, there is running

FC jc-031297
5. there is flight, there is running
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it is poured out

1. it is poured out
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is poured out

3. it is poured out

4. it is poured out
FC jc-031297
5. it is poured out
FC jc-031297

0. he acquits himself as a man

1. he acquits himself as a man

FC -> jc-72895
2. he acquits himself as a man

3. he acquits himself as a man

4. he acquits himself as a man <hua:l-oquichtli-e:hua>

<hua:l-oquichtli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he acquits himself as a man <hua:l-oquichtli-e:hua>
<hua:l-oquichtli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. he acquits himself as a man <hua:l-oquichtli-e:hua>
<hua:l-oquichtli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. he acquits himself as a man
FC jc-031297
8. he acquits himself as a man
FC jc-031297

0. they traveled a road
FC jc-031297

0. he begins; he starts forth; he departs; he sets forth; he
starts; it begins; it starts forth; they start forth; they
started; they set forth

1. he begins; he starts forth; he departs; he sets forth; he
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

starts; it begins; it starts forth; they start forth; they

started; they set forth
FC -> jc-72895
2. he begins; he starts forth; he departs; he sets forth; he
starts; it begins; it starts forth; they start forth; they
started; they set forth

3. he begins; he starts forth; he departs; he sets forth; he

starts; it begins; it starts forth; they start forth; they
started; they set forth

4. he begins; he starts forth; he departs; he sets forth; he

starts; it begins; it starts forth; they started; they set
forth; they start forth <hua:l-pe:hua>
<hua:l-pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he begins; he starts forth; he departs; he sets forth; he
starts; it begins; it starts forth; they start forth
<hua:l-pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. he begins; he starts forth; he departs; he sets forth; he
starts; it begins; it starts forth; they started; they set
forth; they start forth <hua:l-pe:hua>
<hua:l-pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. he begins; he starts forth; he departs; he sets forth; he
starts; it begins; it starts forth; they start forth; they
started; they set forth
FC jc-031297
8. he begins; he starts forth; he departs; he sets forth; he
starts; it begins; it starts forth; they start forth; they
started; they set forth
FC jc-031297

0. it begins
FC jc-031297

0. they started forth

1. they started forth

FC -> jc-72895
2. they started forth

3. they started forth

4. they set forth, they began, they started; they started forth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. they set forth, they began, they started; they started forth
FC jc-031297

0. he was shamed

1. he was shamed
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was shamed

3. he was shamed

4. he was shamed
FC jc-031297
5. he was shamed
FC jc-031297

0. they swell up

1. they swell up
FC -> jc-72895
2. they swell up

3. they swell up

4. they swell up <hua:l-pozo:ni>

<hua:l-pozo:ni> FC - > jc-61096
5. they swell up <hua:l-pozo:ni>
<hua:l-pozo:ni> FC - > jc-61096
6. they swell up
FC jc-031297
7. they swell up
FC jc-031297

0. there is emerging; there is going forth
FC jc-031297

0. there was coming forth
FC jc-031297

0. it came up, it rose
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it came up, it rose

FC -> jc-72895
2. it came up, it rose

3. it came up, it rose

4. it came up, it rose <hua:l-qui:za-prt1>

<hua:l-qui:za-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it came up, it rose <hua:l-qui:za-prt1>
<hua:l-qui:za-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it came up, it rose <hua:l-qui:za-prt1>
<hua:l-qui:za-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it came up, it rose
FC jc-031297
8. it came up, it rose
FC jc-031297

0. he comes forth; he comes up; he departs; he goes out; he
emerges; he goes forth; he rises; it came up; it comes
forth; it comes out; it comes up; it rises; it emerges; it
issues; it rises (e g; sun); she comes forth; they come
forth; they come out; they e

1. he comes forth; he comes up; he departs; he goes out; he

emerges; he goes forth; he rises; it came up; it comes
forth; it comes out; it comes up; it rises; it emerges; it
issues; it rises ( eg; sun ); she comes forth; they come
forth; they come out; they emerge; they go forth; they go
FC -> jc-72895
2. he comes forth; he comes up; he departs; he goes out; he
emerges; he goes forth; he rises; it came up; it comes
forth; it comes out; it comes up; it rises; it emerges; it
issues; it rises (e g; sun); she comes forth; they come
forth; they come out; they e

3. he comes forth; he comes up; he departs; he goes out; he

emerges; he goes forth; he rises; it came up; it comes
forth; it comes out; it comes up; it rises; it emerges; it
issues; it rises (e g; sun); she comes forth; they come
forth; they come out; they e

4. he comes forth; he departs; he goes out; he emerges; he

goes forth; he rises; it came up; it comes up; it comes
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

forth; it rises; it comes out; it emerges; it issues; it

rises ( eg; sun ); she comes forth; they come out; they
come forth; they go forth; they emerge; they go out
<hua:l-qui:za> FC - > jc-61096
5. he comes up; he comes forth; he departs; he goes out; he
emerges; he goes forth; he rises; it came up; it comes up;
it comes forth; it rises; it comes out; it emerges; it
issues; it rises ( eg; sun ); she comes forth; they come
out; they come forth; they go forth; they emerge; they go
out <hua:l-qui:za>
<hua:l-qui:za> FC - > jc-61096
6. he comes up; he comes forth; he departs; he goes out; he
emerges; he goes forth; he rises; it came up; it comes up;
it comes forth; it rises; it comes out; it emerges; it
issues; it rises ( eg; sun ); she comes forth; they come
out; they come forth; they go forth; they emerge; they go
out <hua:l-qui:za>
<hua:l-qui:za> FC - > jc-61096
7. he comes forth; he comes up; he departs; he goes out; he
emerges; he goes forth; he rises; it came up; it comes
forth; it comes out; it comes up; it rises; it emerges; it
issues; it rises ( eg; sun ); she comes forth; they come
forth; they come out; they emerge; they go forth; they go
FC jc-031297
8. he comes forth; he comes up; he departs; he goes out; he
emerges; he goes forth; he rises; it came up; it comes
forth; it comes out; it comes up; it rises; it emerges; it
issues; it rises ( eg; sun ); she comes forth; they come
forth; they come out; they emerge; they go forth; they go
FC jc-031297

0. he came out, he emerged; he rose; it rose (ie; sun); it
came out; they came forth; they went forth

1. he came out, he emerged; he rose; it rose ( ie; sun); it

came out; they came forth; they went forth
FC -> jc-72895
2. he came out, he emerged; he rose; it rose (ie; sun); it
came out; they came forth; they went forth

3. he came out, he emerged; he rose; it rose (ie; sun); it

came out; they came forth; they went forth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he came out, he emerged; he rose; it rose ( ie sun ); it

came out; they came forth; they went forth
<hua:l-qui:za-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he came out, he emerged; he rose; it rose ( ie sun ); it
came out; they came forth; they went forth
<hua:l-qui:za-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he came out, he emerged; he rose; it rose ( ie sun ); it
came out <hua:l-qui:za-ya3>
<hua:l-qui:za-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he came out, he emerged; he rose; it rose ( ie sun ); it
came out; they came forth; they went forth
<hua:l-qui:za-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he came out, he emerged; he rose; it rose ( ie; sun ); it
came out; they came forth; they went forth
FC jc-031297
9. he came out, he emerged; he rose; it rose ( ie; sun ); it
came out; they came forth; they went forth
FC jc-031297

0. it will come forth; it will rise [ie; sun]; it will come
out; it will emerge; it is about to emerge

1. it will come forth; it will rise [ ie; sun ]; it will come

out; it will emerge; it is about to emerge
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will come forth; it will rise [ie; sun]; it will come
out; it will emerge; it is about to emerge

3. it will come forth; it will rise [ie; sun]; it will come

out; it will emerge; it is about to emerge

4. it will come forth, it will rise [ ie sun ]; it will

emerge; it will come out; it is about to emerge
<hua:l-qui:za-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will come forth, it will rise [ ie sun ]; it will
emerge; it will come out; it is about to emerge
<hua:l-qui:za-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. it will come forth, it will rise [ ie sun ]; it will
emerge; it will come out; it is about to emerge
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<hua:l-qui:za-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. it will come forth; it will rise [ ie; sun ]; it will come
out; it will emerge; it is about to emerge
FC jc-031297
8. it will come forth; it will rise [ ie; sun ]; it will come
out; it will emerge; it is about to emerge
FC jc-031297

0. they came forth; they went forth; they will come forth

1. they came forth; they went forth; they will come forth
FC -> jc-72895
2. they came forth; they went forth; they will come forth

3. they came forth; they went forth; they will come forth

4. they will come forth; they came forth; they went forth
<hua:l-qui:za-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will come forth; they came forth; they went forth
<hua:l-qui:za-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they will come forth; they came forth; they went forth
<hua:l-qui:za-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they came forth; they went forth; they will come forth
FC jc-031297
8. they came forth; they went forth; they will come forth
FC jc-031297

0. he is going forth

1. he is going forth
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is going forth

3. he is going forth

4. he is going forth <hua:l-qui:za-tica2>

<hua:l-qui:za-tica2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is going forth <hua:l-qui:za-tica2>
<hua:l-qui:za-tica2> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is going forth <hua:l-qui:za-tica2>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<hua:l-qui:za-tica2> FC - > jc-61096

7. he is going forth <hua:l-qui:za-tica2>
<hua:l-qui:za-tica2> FC - > jc-61096
8. he is going forth
FC jc-031297
9. he is going forth
FC jc-031297

0. they will leave quickly

1. they will leave quickly

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will leave quickly

3. they will leave quickly

4. they will leave quickly <hua:l-qui:za-;

<hua:l-qui:za--> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will leave quickly <hua:l-qui:za-;
<hua:l-qui:za--> FC - > jc-61096
6. they will leave quickly <hua:l-qui:za-;
<hua:l-qui:za--> FC - > jc-61096
7. they will leave quickly
FC jc-031297
8. they will leave quickly
FC jc-031297

0. he brings them forth
FC jc-031297

0. it came down, it descended; they climb down; they descend;
they come down

1. it came down, it descended; they climb down; they descend;

they come down
FC -> jc-72895
2. it came down, it descended; they climb down; they descend;
they come down

3. they climb down, they descend; they come down

4. it came down, it descended; they climb down; they descend;
they come down
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they climb down, they descend; they come down

6. it came down, it descended; they climb down; they descend;
they come down <hua:l-temo:>
<hua:l-temo:> FC - > jc-61096
7. it came down, it descended; they climb down; they descend;
they come down <hua:l-temo:>
<hua:l-temo:> FC - > jc-61096
8. they climb down, they descend; they come down <hua:l-temo:>
<hua:l-temo:> FC - > jc-61096
9. it came down, it descended; they climb down; they descend;
they come down
FC jc-031297
10. it came down, it descended; they climb down; they descend;
they come down
FC jc-031297

0. they came down, they descended; they descend

1. they came down, they descended; they descend

FC -> jc-72895
2. they came down, they descended; they descend

3. they came down, they descended; they descend

4. they descend <hua:l-temo:-ya3>

<hua:l-temo:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they descend <hua:l-temo:-ya3>
<hua:l-temo:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they descend <hua:l-temo:-ya3>
<hua:l-temo:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they descend <hua:l-temo:-ya3>
<hua:l-temo:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they came down, they descended; they descend
FC jc-031297
9. they came down, they descended; they descend
FC jc-031297

0. it decended

1. it decended
FC -> jc-72895
2. it decended
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it decended

4. it decended
FC jc-031297
5. it decended
FC jc-031297

0. they descended

1. they descended
FC -> jc-72895
2. they descended

3. they descended

4. they descended <hua:l-temo:-ya3>

<hua:l-temo:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they descended <hua:l-temo:-ya3>
<hua:l-temo:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they descended <hua:l-temo:-ya3>
<hua:l-temo:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they descended <hua:l-temo:-ya3>
<hua:l-temo:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they descended
FC jc-031297
9. they descended
FC jc-031297

0. they will descend

1. they will descend

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will descend

3. they will descend

4. they will come down, they will descend

FC jc-031297
5. they will come down, they will descend
FC jc-031297

0. they sit there nodding
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they shout out

1. they shout out

FC -> jc-72895
2. they shout out

3. they shout out

4. they shout out <hua:l-tzahtzi>

<hua:l-tzahtzi> FC - > jc-61096
5. they shout out <hua:l-tzahtzi>
<hua:l-tzahtzi> FC - > jc-61096
6. they shout out <hua:l-tzahtzi>
<hua:l-tzahtzi> FC - > jc-61096
7. they shout out
FC jc-031297
8. they shout out
FC jc-031297

0. it lies crying out

1. it lies crying out

FC -> jc-72895
2. it lies crying out

3. it lies crying out

4. it lies crying out <hua:l-tzahtzi-toc>

<hua:l-tzahtzi-toc> FC - > jc-61096
5. it lies crying out <hua:l-tzahtzi-toc>
<hua:l-tzahtzi-toc> FC - > jc-61096
6. it lies crying out <hua:l-tzahtzi-toc>
<hua:l-tzahtzi-toc> FC - > jc-61096
7. it lies crying out <hua:l-tzahtzi-toc>
<hua:l-tzahtzi-toc> FC - > jc-61096
8. it lies crying out
FC jc-031297
9. it lies crying out
FC jc-031297

0. they scatter seeds
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096

0. they entered during war

1. they entered during war

FC -> jc-72895
2. they entered during war

3. they entered during war

4. they entered during war <hua:l-ya:o:tl-calaqui-ya3>

<hua:l-ya:o:tl-calaqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they entered during war <hua:l-ya:o:tl-calaqui-ya3>
<hua:l-ya:o:tl-calaqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they entered during war <hua:l-ya:o:tl-calaqui-ya3>
<hua:l-ya:o:tl-calaqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they entered during war <hua:l-ya:o:tl-calaqui-ya3>
<hua:l-ya:o:tl-calaqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they entered during war
FC jc-031297
9. they entered during war
FC jc-031297

0. they entered by night
FC jc-031297

0. y ( and )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. y ( and )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. y ( and )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. y ( and )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. stiff, strong
1. (cf uapalli) stiff, strong
2. (cf uapalli) stiff, strong
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. support
FC - > jc-61096

huapa:hua tlahuapa:uhtli
0. st which is supported or strengthened

0. stiff
Adj Form jc-022897
1. firm
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. stiff
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. firm

4. inflexible

5. firm

6. rigid

7. solid

8. unbending

9. unyielding

10. unbendable

11. incompliant

12. tense

13. taut

14. tight

15. stiff

16. firm

0. firm, stiff; hard; rough
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. firm, stiff; hard; rough

FC -> jc-72895
2. firm, stiff; hard; rough

3. firm, stiff; hard; rough

4. firm, stiff; hard; rough <huapa:hua-l2-tic>

<huapa:hua-l2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. firm, stiff; hard; rough <huapa:hua-l2-tic>
<huapa:hua-l2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. firm, stiff; hard; rough <huapa:hua-l2-tic>
<huapa:hua-l2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. firm, stiff; hard; rough <huapa:hua-l2-tic>
<huapa:hua-l2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. hard, firm
Adj Form jc-022897
9. firm, stiff; hard; rough
FC jc-031297
10. firm, stiff; hard; rough
FC jc-031297
11. hard
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
12. firm
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
13. solid

14. adamantive

15. compact

16. firm

17. flinty

18. impenetrable

19. inflexible

20. resistant

21. resisting

22. difficult

23. arduous
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

24. berdensome

25. exhausting

26. fatiguing

27. laborious

28. onerous

29. toilsome

30. wearisome

31. complicated

32. complex

33. effortful

34. formidable

35. intricate

36. perplexing

37. tough

38. severe

39. adamant

40. austere

41. callous

42. cruel

43. exacting

44. harsh

45. hard

46. firm
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it hardens; it is rough

1. it hardens; it is rough
FC -> jc-72895
2. it hardens; it is rough

3. it hardens; it is rough

4. it hardens; it is rough <huapa:hua>

<huapa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it hardens; it is rough <huapa:hua>
<huapa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. it hardens; it is rough
FC jc-031297
7. it hardens; it is rough
FC jc-031297

0. firm; stiff; hard; stern; hardy; rough; coarse; rugged;
rigid; sturdy

1. firm; stiff; hard; stern; hardy; rough; coarse; rugged;

rigid; sturdy
FC -> jc-72895
2. firm; stiff; hard; stern; hardy; rough; coarse; rugged;
rigid; sturdy

3. firm; stiff; hard; stern; hardy; rough; coarse; rugged;

rigid; sturdy

4. firm; stiff; hard; stern; hardy; rough; coarse; rugged;

rigid; sturdy <huapa:hua-c1>
<huapa:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. firm; stiff; hard; stern; hardy; rough; coarse; rugged;
rigid; sturdy <huapa:hua-c1>
<huapa:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. firm; stiff; hard; stern; hardy; rough; coarse; rugged;
rigid; sturdy <huapa:hua-c1>
<huapa:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. firm; stiff; hard; stern; hardy; rough; coarse; rugged;
rigid; sturdy
FC jc-031297
8. firm; stiff; hard; stern; hardy; rough; coarse; rugged;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

rigid; sturdy
FC jc-031297

0. stiffness

1. stiffness
FC -> jc-72895
2. stiffness

3. stiffness

4. stiffness <huapa:hua-liz>
<huapa:hua-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. stiffness <huapa:hua-liz>
<huapa:hua-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. stiffness
FC jc-031297
7. stiffness
FC jc-031297

0. they are raises

1. they are raises

FC -> jc-72895
2. they are raises

3. they are raises

4. they are raises <huapa:hua-lo:1>

<huapa:hua-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. they are raises <huapa:hua-lo:1>
<huapa:hua-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. they are raises <huapa:hua-lo:1>
<huapa:hua-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. they are raises
FC jc-031297
8. they are raises
FC jc-031297

0. rearing

1. rearing
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. rearing

3. rearing

4. rearing
FC jc-031297
5. rearing
FC jc-031297

0. house or hut made of boards

1. house or hut made of boards

FC - > jc-61096
2. house or hut made of boards
FC - > jc-61096

0. support
1. base; beam; board; plank
FC -> jc-72895
2. base; beam; board; plank

3. support
4. base; beam; board; plank

5. base; beam; board; plank <huapalli>

<huapalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. base; beam; board; plank <huapalli>
<huapalli> FC - > jc-61096
7. (cf uapaua) support
8. (cf uapaua) support
9. base; beam; board; plank
FC jc-031297
10. base; beam; board; plank
FC jc-031297

0. on the board

1. on the board
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. on the board

3. on the board

4. on the board <huapalli-pan>

<huapalli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. on the board <huapalli-pan>
<huapalli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. on the board <huapalli-pan>
<huapalli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
7. on the board
FC jc-031297
8. on the board
FC jc-031297

0. suitable for being cut into beams

1. suitable for being cut into beams

FC -> jc-72895
2. suitable for being cut into beams

3. suitable for being cut into beams

4. suitable for being cut into beams

FC jc-031297
5. suitable for being cut into beams
FC jc-031297

0. like a wooden beam
FC -> jc-72895
1. like a wooden beam <huapalli>
<huapalli> FC - > jc-61096
2. like a wooden beam <huapalli>
<huapalli> FC - > jc-61096
3. like a wooden beam
FC jc-031297
4. like a wooden beam
FC jc-031297

0. thick beam; thick board

1. thick beam; thick board

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. thick beam; thick board

3. thick beam; thick board

4. thick beam; thick board <huapalli-tila:hua-c1>

<huapalli-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. thick beam; thick board <huapalli-tila:hua-c1>
<huapalli-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. thick beam; thick board <huapalli-tila:hua-c1>
<huapalli-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. thick board <huapalli-tila:hua-c1>
<huapalli-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. thick beam; thick board
FC jc-031297
9. thick beam; thick board
FC jc-031297

0. thin board

1. thin board
FC -> jc-72895
2. thin board

3. thin board

4. thin board <huapalli-to:n>

<huapalli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. thin board <huapalli-to:n>
<huapalli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. thin board <huapalli-to:n>
<huapalli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. thin board
FC jc-031297
8. thin board
FC jc-031297

0. plank house

1. plank house
FC -> jc-72895
2. plank house

3. plank house
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. plank house <huapalli-xah?-calli>

<huapalli-xah?-calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. plank house <huapalli-xah?-calli>
<huapalli-xah?-calli> FC - > jc-61096
6. plank house
FC jc-031297
7. plank house
FC jc-031297

0. dry; it becomes lean; it dries; it becomes thin; it dries
off; it dries up; it withers; it hardens; they dry

1. dry; it becomes lean; it dries; it becomes thin; it dries

off; it dries up; it withers; it hardens; they dry
FC -> jc-72895
2. dry; it becomes lean; it dries; it becomes thin; it dries
off; it dries up; it withers; it hardens; they dry

3. dry; it becomes lean; it dries; it becomes thin; it dries

off; it dries up; it withers; it hardens; they dry

4. dry; it becomes lean; it dries; it becomes thin; it dries

up; it dries off; it hardens; they dry <hua:qui>
<hua:qui> FC - > jc-61096
5. dry; it becomes lean; it dries; it becomes thin; it dries
up; it dries off; it hardens; they dry <hua:qui>
<hua:qui> FC - > jc-61096
6. dry; it becomes lean; it dries; it becomes thin; it dries
off; it dries up; it withers; it hardens; they dry
FC jc-031297
7. dry; it becomes lean; it dries; it becomes thin; it dries
off; it dries up; it withers; it hardens; they dry
FC jc-031297

huaqui tla:lhua:ctli
0. island or dry land
FC - > jc-61096

0. en la man~ana ( morning )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. amaranth seed seller
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. amaranth seed seller

FC -> jc-72895
2. amaranth seed seller

3. amaranth seed seller

4. amaranth seed seller <hua:uhtli-namaca-qui2>

<hua:uhtli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
5. amaranth seed seller <hua:uhtli-namaca-qui2>
<hua:uhtli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
6. amaranth seed seller <hua:uhtli-namaca-qui2>
<hua:uhtli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
7. amaranth seed seller <hua:uhtli-namaca-qui2>
<hua:uhtli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
8. amaranth seed seller <hua:uhtli-namaca-qui2>
<hua:uhtli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
9. amaranth seed seller
FC jc-031297
10. amaranth seed seller
FC jc-031297
11. amaranth seed seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. spoiled amaranth seed

1. spoiled amaranth seed

FC -> jc-72895
2. spoiled amaranth seed

3. spoiled amaranth seed

4. spoiled amaranth seed <hua:uhtli-;

<hua:uhtli--> FC - > jc-61096
5. spoiled amaranth seed <hua:uhtli-;
<hua:uhtli--> FC - > jc-61096
6. spoiled amaranth seed
FC jc-031297
7. spoiled amaranth seed
FC jc-031297

0. amaranth seed will be cast

1. amaranth seed will be cast

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. amaranth seed will be cast

3. amaranth seed will be cast

4. amaranth seed will be cast <hua:uhtli-;

<hua:uhtli--> FC - > jc-61096
5. amaranth seed will be cast <hua:uhtli-;
<hua:uhtli--> FC - > jc-61096
6. amaranth seed will be cast
FC jc-031297
7. amaranth seed will be cast
FC jc-031297

0. amaranth green

1. amaranth green
FC -> jc-72895
2. amaranth green

3. amaranth green
4. amaranth green

5. amaranth green
6. amaranth green <hua:uhtli-quilitl>
<hua:uhtli-quilitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. amaranth green <hua:uhtli-quilitl>
<hua:uhtli-quilitl> FC - > jc-61096
8. amaranth green <hua:uhtli-quilitl>
<hua:uhtli-quilitl> FC - > jc-61096
9. amaranth green
FC jc-031297
10. amaranth green
FC jc-031297

0. tamal stuffed with greens

1. tamal stuffed with greens

FC -> jc-72895
2. tamal stuffed with greens

3. tamal stuffed with greens
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. tamal stuffed with greens <hua:uhtli-quilitl-tamalli>

<hua:uhtli-quilitl-tamalli> FC - > jc-61096
5. tamal stuffed with greens <hua:uhtli-quilitl-tamalli>
<hua:uhtli-quilitl-tamalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. tamal stuffed with greens <hua:uhtli-quilitl-tamalli>
<hua:uhtli-quilitl-tamalli> FC - > jc-61096
7. tamal stuffed with greens <hua:uhtli-quilitl-tamalli>
<hua:uhtli-quilitl-tamalli> FC - > jc-61096
8. tamal stuffed with greens
FC jc-031297
9. tamal stuffed with greens
FC jc-031297

0. amaranth
1. amaranth; amaranth seed
FC -> jc-72895
2. amaranth; amaranth seed

3. amaranth seed; amaranth

4. amaranth
5. amaranth; amaranth seed

6. amaranth seed; amaranth

7. amaranth seed; amaranth <hua:uhtli>
<hua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
8. amaranth seed; amaranth <hua:uhtli>
<hua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
9. amaranth; amaranth seed
FC jc-031297
10. amaranth; amaranth seed
FC jc-031297

0. amaranth head; head of amaranth

1. amaranth head; head of amaranth

FC -> jc-72895
2. amaranth head; head of amaranth

3. amaranth head; head of amaranth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. amaranth head; head of amaranth <hua:uhtli-tzontli>

<hua:uhtli-tzontli> FC - > jc-61096
5. amaranth head; head of amaranth <hua:uhtli-tzontli>
<hua:uhtli-tzontli> FC - > jc-61096
6. amaranth head; head of amaranth <hua:uhtli-tzontli>
<hua:uhtli-tzontli> FC - > jc-61096
7. amaranth head; head of amaranth
FC jc-031297
8. amaranth head; head of amaranth
FC jc-031297

0. guaje Leucaena-esculenta ( a tree )

0. kinship

1. kinship
FC -> jc-72895
2. kinship

3. kinship

4. kinship
FC jc-031297
5. kinship
FC jc-031297

0. scratch, scrape

0. drum maker
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. drum maker
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. drum maker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. drum maker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. drum
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. drum player
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. drum player
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. drum player
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. drum player
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. one who plays a drum
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. one who plays a drum
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. one who plays a drum
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who plays a drum
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. to make large
FC - > jc-61096

hue:iya quihue:iliah
0. they enlarge it

0. ocualnanquilih in pitzocoatl: cualli
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. huel miec tlazohcamati
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
2. xipano totochtzin Contesto'le la malvada Culebra: --Bien
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
3. muchas gracias
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
4. pasa

5. buen Conejito; The mean spirited snake answered

6. " Fine

7. thank you
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. come in

9. good little rabbit; "

10. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca

11. pipitzca

12. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana

13. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

14. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

15. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

16. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

17. no ihuan in ihcuac otztli cihuatl

18. in ihcuac cualo tonatiuh

19. anozo metztli: amo huel quittaya

20. likewise

21. when a woman was with child during an eclipse of the sun or

22. she might might not look at it

23. in cualo in zan xoxouhqui ihuan in amo huel iuccic


24. teapitzalti those which are often uncooked

25. and not well cooked

26. cause one to vomit

27. to have diarrhea
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. older sister

0. long
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
1. lengthy
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. extensive

3. prolonged

4. drawn-out

5. extended

6. attenuated

7. dragging

8. protracted

9. long

0. far; far away; at a distance; distant; from a distance;
deep; profound; extensive; high

1. far; far away; at a distance; distant; from a distance;

deep; profound; extensive; high
FC -> jc-72895
2. far; far away; at a distance; distant; from a distance;
deep; profound; extensive; high

3. far; far away; at a distance; distant; from a distance;

deep; profound; extensive; high

4. far away <huehca>

<huehca> FC - > jc-61096
5. far; far away; at a distance; distant; from a distance;
deep; profound; extensive; high
FC jc-031297
6. far; far away; at a distance; distant; from a distance;
deep; profound; extensive; high
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

hueca yauh
0. it lengthens

1. it lengthens
FC -> jc-72895
2. it lengthens
FC -> jc-72895
3. it lengthens

4. it lengthens

5. it lengthens <huehca yauh1>

<huehca yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it lengthens
FC jc-031297
7. it lengthens
FC jc-031297

0. it ages
FC jc-031297

0. they tarried (tar ry1 (t²r") v tar ried, tar ry ing, tar
ries --intr 1 To delay or be late in going, coming, or
doing See Synonyms at stay1 2 To wait 3 To remain or stay
temporarily, as in a place; sojourn --tr Archaic 1 To wait
for; await

1. they tarried, they delayed

FC -> jc-72895
2. they tarried (tar ry1 (t²r") v tar ried, tar ry ing, tar
ries --intr 1 To delay or be late in going, coming, or
doing See Synonyms at stay1 2 To wait 3 To remain or stay
temporarily, as in a place; sojourn --tr Archaic 1 To wait
for; await

3. they tarried (tar ry1 (t²r") v tar ried, tar ry ing, tar
ries --intr 1 To delay or be late in going, coming, or
doing See Synonyms at stay1 2 To wait 3 To remain or stay
temporarily, as in a place; sojourn --tr Archaic 1 To wait
for; await

4. they tarried, they delayed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. they tarried, they delayed
FC jc-031297

0. he will grow old, he will linger

1. he will grow old, he will linger

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will grow old, he will linger

3. he will grow old, he will linger

4. he will age; he will grow old; he will linger

FC jc-031297
5. he will age; he will grow old; he will linger
FC jc-031297

0. high; tall
1. high
FC -> jc-72895
2. tall
FC -> jc-72895
3. high; tall
4. high; tall
5. high; tall <huehca-pan>
<huehca-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. high; tall <huehca-pan>
<huehca-pan> FC - > jc-61096
7. high
FC jc-031297
8. tall
FC jc-031297
9. high
FC jc-031297
10. tall
FC jc-031297

0. (may) it grow, (may) it increase; it increases; it grows

1. ( may) it grow, ( may) it increase; it increases; it grows
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. (may) it grow, (may) it increase; it increases; it grows

3. (may) it grow, (may) it increase; it increases; it grows

4. ( may ) it grow, ( may ) it increase; it increases; it

grows <huehca-pan-v03a>
<huehca-pan-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
5. ( may ) it grow, ( may ) it increase; it increases; it
grows <huehca-pan-v03a>
<huehca-pan-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
6. ( may ) it grow, ( may ) it increase; it increases; it
grows <huehca-pan-v03a>
<huehca-pan-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
7. ( may ) it grow, ( may ) it increase; it increases; it grows
FC jc-031297
8. ( may ) it grow, ( may ) it increase; it increases; it grows
FC jc-031297

0. deep; depth

1. deep; depth
FC -> jc-72895
2. deep; depth

3. deep; depth

4. deep; depth
FC jc-031297
5. deep; depth
FC jc-031297

0. times of old, remote times

1. times of old, remote times

FC -> jc-72895
2. times of old, remote times

3. times of old, remote times

4. times of old, remote times <huehca:hua-prt1>

<huehca:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. times of old, remote times
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. times of old, remote times

FC jc-031297

0. there is fleeing
FC - > jc-61096
1. everyone falls down
Imp Verb jc-022897
2. everyone falls down
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
3. everyone falls down
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
4. everyone falls down
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
5. everyone falls down
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. lejos ( far )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. lejos ( far away )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. lejos ( far away )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. far away; afar
FC -> jc-72895
4. far away; afar

5. far away; afar

6. far away, afar <huehca>

<huehca> FC - > jc-61096
7. lejos ( far )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. lejos ( far away )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
9. lejos ( far away )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. far away; afar
FC jc-031297
11. far away; afar
FC jc-031297

0. delay, retain
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. (cf ueca, uei) delay, retain

2. (cf ueca, uei) delay, retain

0. to delay
FC - > jc-61096

huehcahua-| nehuehcahualiztli
0. delay, act of delaying

0. place to grow old in

1. place to grow old in

FC -> jc-72895
2. place to grow old in

3. place to grow old in

4. place to grow old in

FC jc-031297
5. place to grow old in
FC jc-031297

0. to defer, to delay
FC - > jc-61096

0. they defer it, they delay it

0. one who smiles
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. one who smiles
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. one who smiles
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who smiles
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. adultos ( adults )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. grande ( great; large )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. adultos ( adults )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. grande ( great; large )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. brother- or sister-in-law

0. antiguos ( old )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. antiguo ( old; ancient )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. old man; aged man; old men; old; aged; ole
FC -> jc-72895
3. old man; aged man; old men; old; aged; ole

4. old man; aged man; old men; old; aged; ole

5. old man; aged man; old men; old; aged; ole

6. old man; aged man; old men; old; aged; ole

7. old man; aged man; old men; old; aged; ole <hue:hueh>
<hue:hueh> FC - > jc-61096
8. old man; aged man; old men; old; aged; ole <hue:hueh>
<hue:hueh> FC - > jc-61096
9. antiguos ( old )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. antiguo ( old; ancient )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
11. old; old male; old man; aged man; old men; aged; ole
FC jc-031297
12. old; old male; old man; aged man; old men; aged; ole
FC jc-031297

0. far apart

1. far apart
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. far apart

3. far apart

4. far apart <dupl-huehca>

<dupl-huehca> FC - > jc-61096
5. far apart <dupl-huehca>
<dupl-huehca> FC - > jc-61096
6. far apart <dupl-huehca>
<dupl-huehca> FC - > jc-61096
7. far apart
FC jc-031297
8. far apart
FC jc-031297

0. old tree

1. old tree
FC -> jc-72895
2. old tree

3. old tree
4. old tree

5. old tree
6. old tree <hue:hueh-cuahuitl>
<hue:hueh-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. old tree <hue:hueh-cuahuitl>
<hue:hueh-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
8. old tree <hue:hueh-cuahuitl>
<hue:hueh-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
9. old tree
FC jc-031297
10. old tree
FC jc-031297

0. old man
FC - > jc-61096
1. old man
Noun jc-030797
2. old man
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. old man
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

huehueh (old man) nihuehuehtiz

0. I will become an old man

0. big; great; large; grown; long

1. big; great; large; grown; long

FC -> jc-72895
2. big; great; large; grown; long

3. big; great; large; grown; long

4. big; great; large; grown; long <dupl-hue:i>

<dupl-hue:i> FC - > jc-61096
5. big; great; large; grown; long <dupl-hue:i>
<dupl-hue:i> FC - > jc-61096
6. big; great; large; grown; long <dupl-hue:i>
<dupl-hue:i> FC - > jc-61096
7. big; great; large; grown; long
FC jc-031297
8. big; great; large; grown; long
FC jc-031297

0. great; large

1. great; large
FC -> jc-72895
2. great; large

3. great; large

4. great; large <hue:hueh-plur11-plur02>

<hue:hueh-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. great; large <hue:hueh-plur11-plur02>
<hue:hueh-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. great; large
FC jc-031297
7. great; large
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. aged; great; grown people; important; large; old; old

people; old ones

1. aged; great; grown people; important; large; old; old

people; old ones
FC -> jc-72895
2. aged; great; grown people; important; large; old; old
people; old ones

3. aged; great; grown people; important; large; old; old

people; old ones

4. aged; large; great; old <dupl-hue:i-plur11-plur02>

<dupl-hue:i-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. aged; large; great; old <dupl-hue:i-plur11-plur02>
<dupl-hue:i-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. aged; large; great; old <dupl-hue:i-plur11-plur02>
<dupl-hue:i-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
7. great; grown people; important; large; old people; old ones
<hue:hueh-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
8. great; grown people; important; large; old people; old ones
<hue:hueh-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
9. aged; great; grown people; important; large; old; old
people; old ones
FC jc-031297
10. aged; great; grown people; important; large; old; old
people; old ones
FC jc-031297

0. very large

1. very large
FC -> jc-72895
2. very large

3. very large

4. very large <dupl-hue:i-dupl-po:l>

<dupl-hue:i-dupl-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
5. very large <dupl-hue:i-dupl-po:l>
<dupl-hue:i-dupl-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
6. very large <dupl-hue:i-dupl-po:l>
<dupl-hue:i-dupl-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. very large <dupl-hue:i-dupl-po:l>

<dupl-hue:i-dupl-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
8. very large
FC jc-031297
9. very large
FC jc-031297

0. grown people, mature people; old people

1. grown people, mature people; old people

FC -> jc-72895
2. grown people, mature people; old people

3. grown people, mature people; old people

4. grown people, mature people; old people

<dupl-hue:i-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
5. grown people, mature people; old people
<dupl-hue:i-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
6. grown people, mature people; old people
<dupl-hue:i-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
7. grown people, mature people; old people
<dupl-hue:i-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
8. grown people, mature people; old people
FC jc-031297
9. grown people, mature people; old people
FC jc-031297

0. always tasty; of pleasing odor

1. always tasty; of pleasing odor

FC -> jc-72895
2. always tasty; of pleasing odor

3. always tasty; of pleasing odor

4. always tasty; of pleasing odor

FC jc-031297
5. always tasty; of pleasing odor
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

huehuelton ( ni- )
0. yo soy grandecito ( I am big )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. antigua cultura mexicana ( ancient Mexican culture )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. there is death for the old men

1. there is death for the old men

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is death for the old men

3. there is death for the old men

4. there is death for the old men <hue:hueh-miqui-lo:2-hua2>

<hue:hueh-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is death for the old men <hue:hueh-miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<hue:hueh-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is death for the old men <hue:hueh-miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<hue:hueh-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is death for the old men <hue:hueh-miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<hue:hueh-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
8. there is death for the old men <hue:hueh-miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<hue:hueh-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
9. there is death for the old men <hue:hueh-miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<hue:hueh-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
10. there is death for the old men
FC jc-031297
11. there is death for the old men
FC jc-031297

0. little old man

1. little old man

FC -> jc-72895
2. little old man

3. little old man

4. little old man <hue:hueh-to:n>

<hue:hueh-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. little old man <hue:hueh-to:n>

<hue:hueh-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. little old man <hue:hueh-to:n>
<hue:hueh-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. little old man
FC jc-031297
8. little old man
FC jc-031297

0. old man; revered old man

1. old man; revered old man

FC -> jc-72895
2. old man; revered old man

3. old man; revered old man

4. old man; revered old man <hue:hueh-tzin>

<hue:hueh-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. old man; revered old man <hue:hueh-tzin>
<hue:hueh-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. old man; revered old man <hue:hueh-tzin>
<hue:hueh-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. old man; revered old man
FC jc-031297
8. old man; revered old man
FC jc-031297

0. esteemed old men; old men

1. esteemed old men; old men

FC -> jc-72895
2. esteemed old men; old men

3. esteemed old men; old men

4. esteemed old men <hue:hueh-plur10a>

<hue:hueh-plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
5. esteemed old men <hue:hueh-plur10a>
<hue:hueh-plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
6. esteemed old men; old men
FC jc-031297
7. esteemed old men; old men
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he grows old; they become old men

1. he grows old; they become old men

FC -> jc-72895
2. he grows old; they become old men

3. he grows old; they become old men

4. he grows old; they become old men <hue:hueh-v01a>

<hue:hueh-v01a> FC - > jc-61096
5. he grows old; they become old men <hue:hueh-v01a>
<hue:hueh-v01a> FC - > jc-61096
6. he grows old; they become old men <hue:hueh-v01a>
<hue:hueh-v01a> FC - > jc-61096
7. he grows old
FC jc-031297
8. they become old men
FC jc-031297
9. he grows old
FC jc-031297
10. they become old men
FC jc-031297

0. someone became an old man
FC jc-031297

0. he will become an old man; he will grow old
1. he will become an old man; he will grow old
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will become an old man; he will grow old
3. he will become an old man; he will grow old
4. he will become an old man <huehue-v01-z>
<huehue-v01-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will become an old man <hue:hueh-v01-z>
<hue:hueh-v01-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will become an old man; he will grow old
<hue:hueh-v01a-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will become an old man; he will grow old
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<hue:hueh-v01a-z> FC - > jc-61096
8. he will become an old man; he will grow old
FC jc-031297
9. he will become an old man; he will grow old
FC jc-031297

0. drum; ground drum; upright cylindrical drum; skin drum

1. drum; ground drum; upright cylindrical drum; skin drum

FC -> jc-72895
2. drum; ground drum; upright cylindrical drum; skin drum

3. drum; ground drum; upright cylindrical drum; skin drum

4. drum; ground drum; upright cylindrical drum; skin drum

<hue:hue:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. drum; ground drum; upright cylindrical drum; skin drum
<hue:hue:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. drum; ground drum; upright cylindrical drum; skin drum
FC jc-031297
7. drum; ground drum; upright cylindrical drum; skin drum
FC jc-031297

0. old people, ancient people

1. old people, ancient people

FC -> jc-72895
2. old people, ancient people

3. old people, ancient people

4. old people, ancient people <hue:hueh-tla:catl-plur06>

<hue:hueh-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
5. old people, ancient people <hue:hueh-tla:catl-plur06>
<hue:hueh-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
6. old people; ancient people
FC jc-031297
7. old people; ancient people
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. old man; aged man

1. old man; aged man

FC -> jc-72895
2. old man; aged man

3. old man; aged man

4. old man, aged man <hue:hueh-tla:catl>

<hue:hueh-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
5. old man, aged man <hue:hueh-tla:catl>
<hue:hueh-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
6. old man; aged man
FC jc-031297
7. old man; aged man
FC jc-031297

0. counsel of the elders; words of the old men

1. counsel of the elders; words of the old men

FC -> jc-72895
2. counsel of the elders; words of the old men

3. counsel of the elders; words of the old men

4. counsel of the elders; words of the old men

<hue:hueh-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. counsel of the elders; words of the old men
<hue:hueh-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. counsel of the elders; words of the old men
<hue:hueh-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. counsel of the elders; words of the old men
FC jc-031297
8. counsel of the elders; words of the old men
FC jc-031297

0. old men; ancients; old people

1. ancient ones; ancients

FC -> jc-72895
2. old men; ancients; old people
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
3. old men; ancients; old people

4. ancient ones; ancients; old men; old people

5. old men; ancients; old people

6. ancient ones; ancients; old men; old people

7. ancient ones; ancients; old men; old people
<hue:hueh-v01a-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
8. ancient ones; ancients; old men; old people
<hue:hueh-v01a-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
9. ancient ones; ancients
FC jc-031297
10. old men; ancients; old people
FC jc-031297
11. ancient ones; ancients
FC jc-031297
12. old men; ancients; old people
FC jc-031297
13. old men
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. old men

1. old men
FC -> jc-72895
2. old men

3. old men

4. old men <hue:hueh-v01a-prt1-plur14>

<hue:hueh-v01a-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
5. old men <hue:hueh-v01a-prt1-plur14>
<hue:hueh-v01a-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
6. old men
FC jc-031297
7. old men
FC jc-031297

0. it laughs; it laughs heartily
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it laughs; it laughs heartily

FC -> jc-72895
2. it laughs; it laughs heartily

3. it laughs; it laughs heartily

4. it laughs; it laughs heartily <dupl-huetzca>

<dupl-huetzca> FC - > jc-61096
5. it laughs; it laughs heartily <dupl-huetzca>
<dupl-huetzca> FC - > jc-61096
6. it laughs; it laughs heartily
FC jc-031297
7. it laughs; it laughs heartily
FC jc-031297

0. drum beater

1. drum beater
FC -> jc-72895
2. drum beater

3. drum beater

4. drum beater
FC jc-031297
5. drum beater
FC jc-031297

0. ground drum beater, one who beats a ground drum

1. ground drum beater, one who beats a ground drum

FC -> jc-72895
2. ground drum beater, one who beats a ground drum

3. ground drum beater, one who beats a ground drum

4. ground drum beater, one who beats a ground drum

FC jc-031297
5. ground drum beater, one who beats a ground drum
FC jc-031297

0. there is drum beating
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. there is drum beating

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is drum beating

3. there is drum beating

4. there is drum beating

FC jc-031297
5. there is drum beating
FC jc-031297

0. they each one fell
FC jc-031297

0. cast down, cast about; it is strewn about

1. cast down, cast about; it is strewn about

FC -> jc-72895
2. cast down, cast about; it is strewn about

3. cast down, cast about; it is strewn about

4. cast down, cast about; they are strewn about

<dupl-huetzi-prt1-toc> FC - > jc-61096
5. cast down, cast about; they are strewn about
<dupl-huetzi-prt1-toc> FC - > jc-61096
6. cast down, cast about; they are strewn about
<dupl-huetzi-prt1-toc> FC - > jc-61096
7. cast down, cast about; it is strewn about
FC jc-031297
8. cast down, cast about; it is strewn about
FC jc-031297

0. each one long; long

1. each one long; long

FC -> jc-72895
2. each one long; long
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. each one long; long

4. each one long; long <dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>

<dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. each one long; long <dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. each one long; long <dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. each one long; long <dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. each one long; long <dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. each one long; long
FC jc-031297
10. each one long; long
FC jc-031297

0. grandes ( great )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. grande ( big )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. big; great; large; important; greatly; expansive; main;
principal; grown; massive; old; long; major; mature
FC -> jc-72895
2. size
FC -> jc-72895
3. big; great; large; important; greatly; expansive; main;
principal; grown; massive; old; long; major; mature

4. big; great; large; important; greatly; expansive; main;

principal; grown; massive; old; long; major; mature

5. big; great; greatly; large; important; old; grown;

principal; main; massive; expansive; long; major <hue:i>
<hue:i> FC - > jc-61096
6. large <hue:i-po:l>
<hue:i-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
7. mature; size <hue:i>
<hue:i> FC - > jc-61096
8. grande ( big )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
9. big; great; large; important; greatly; expansive; main;
principal; grown; massive; old; long; major; mature
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
10. size
FC jc-031297
11. big; great; large; important; greatly; expansive; main;
principal; grown; massive; old; long; major; mature
FC jc-031297
12. size
FC jc-031297
13. oquicuahtoya zacatl huan ihcuac oquimomacac cuentah
yohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
14. tlen oquichih ? Estaba comiendo pasto y cuando advirtio'
ya veni'a un buen aguacero It was eating grass and when it
noticed a big rainfall was coming
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
15. Donde estabas cuando viste que venia un aguacero ? Canin
otiyeya ihcuac otiquittac ohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl ?
Where were you when you saw that a big rainfall was coming ?

huei atenco
0. ocean shore, seashore

1. ocean shore, seashore

FC -> jc-72895
2. ocean shore, seashore
FC -> jc-72895
3. ocean shore, seashore

4. ocean shore, seashore

5. ocean shore, seashore

FC jc-031297
6. ocean shore, seashore
FC jc-031297

huei atl
0. lagoon; sea

1. lagoon; sea
FC -> jc-72895
2. lagoon; sea
FC -> jc-72895
3. lagoon; sea

4. lagoon; sea
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. lagoon; sea <hue:i a:tl1>

<hue:i a:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. lagoon; sea <hue:i a:tl1>
<hue:i a:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. lagoon; sea
FC jc-031297
8. lagoon; sea
FC jc-031297

huei mapilli
0. thumb

1. thumb
FC -> jc-72895
2. thumb
FC -> jc-72895
3. thumb

4. thumb
<hue:i ma:itl-pilli>
5. thumb

6. thumb
<hue:i ma:itl-pilli>
7. thumb <hue:i ma:itl-pilli>
<hue:i ma:itl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
8. thumb <hue:i ma:itl-pilli>
<hue:i ma:itl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
9. thumb <hue:i ma:itl-pilli>
<hue:i ma:itl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
10. thumb
FC jc-031297
11. thumb
FC jc-031297

0. turkey (big-doll/page), guajolote

0. large; big; quite large; very large

1. large; big; quite large; very large

FC -> jc-72895
2. large; big; quite large; very large
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. large; big; quite large; very large

4. large, big; quite large; very large <hue:i-po:l>

<hue:i-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
5. large, big; quite large; very large <hue:i-po:l>
<hue:i-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
6. large; big; quite large; very large
FC jc-031297
7. large; big; quite large; very large
FC jc-031297

0. big; big and coarse; huge; large; very large

1. big; big and coarse; huge; large; very large

FC -> jc-72895
2. big; big and coarse; huge; large; very large

3. big; big and coarse; huge; large; very large

4. big; big and coarse; huge; large; very large

FC jc-031297
5. big; big and coarse; huge; large; very large
FC jc-031297

0. a little large; a little long; rather large

1. a little large; a little long; rather large

FC -> jc-72895
2. a little large; a little long; rather large

3. a little large; a little long; rather large

4. a little long; a little large; rather large <hue:i-to:n>

<hue:i-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. a little long; a little large; rather large <hue:i-to:n>
<hue:i-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. a little large; a little long; rather large
FC jc-031297
7. a little large; a little long; rather large
FC jc-031297

0. he becomes large; it becomes large; it grows big; it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

quickens; it grows; they become large

1. he becomes large; it becomes large; it grows big; it

quickens; it grows; they become large
FC -> jc-72895
2. he becomes large; it becomes large; it grows big; it
quickens; it grows; they become large

3. he becomes large; it becomes large; it grows big; it

quickens; it grows; they become large
4. he becomes large; it becomes large; it grows big; it
quickens; it grows; they become large

5. he becomes large; it becomes large; it grows big; it

quickens; it grows; they become large
6. he becomes large; it becomes large; it grows big; it
quickens; it grows; they become large <hue:i-v06>
<hue:i-v06> FC - > jc-61096
7. he becomes large; it becomes large; it grows big; it
quickens; it grows; they become large <hue:i-v06>
<hue:i-v06> FC - > jc-61096
8. he becomes large; he grows; it becomes large; it grows big;
it quickens; it grows; they become large
FC jc-031297
9. he becomes large; he grows; it becomes large; it grows big;
it quickens; it grows; they become large
FC jc-031297

0. he will grow

1. he will grow
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will grow

3. he will grow

4. he will grow <hue:i-v06-z>

<hue:i-v06-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will grow <hue:i-v06-z>
<hue:i-v06-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will grow
FC jc-031297
7. he will grow
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. muy ( very )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. indeed, really
FC -> jc-72895
2. quite, very; really
FC -> jc-72895
3. very; great; much; really; completely; well
FC -> jc-72895
4. very; great; much; really; completely; well

5. very; great; much; really; completely; well

6. muy ( very )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. indeed, fully; really
FC jc-031297
8. just, only
FC jc-031297
9. much, very
FC jc-031297
10. quite, very; really
FC jc-031297
11. very; completely; extremely; fully; quite; well; great;
much; really; successfully
FC jc-031297
12. indeed, fully; really
FC jc-031297
13. just, only
FC jc-031297
14. much, very
FC jc-031297
15. quite, very; really
FC jc-031297
16. very; completely; extremely; fully; quite; well; great;
much; really; successfully
FC jc-031297

0. delicious; fragrant; good smelling; good-tasting; of
pleasant odor; of pleasing odor; pleasing; savory; good
tasting; sweet; tasty; xavory

1. delicious; fragrant; good smelling; good-tasting; of
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

pleasant odor; of pleasing odor; pleasing; savory; good

tasting; sweet; tasty; xavory
FC -> jc-72895
2. delicious; fragrant; good smelling; good-tasting; of
pleasant odor; of pleasing odor; pleasing; savory; good
tasting; sweet; tasty; xavory

3. delicious; fragrant; good smelling; good-tasting; of

pleasant odor; of pleasing odor; pleasing; savory; good
tasting; sweet; tasty; xavory

4. delicious; fragrant; good smelling; good-tasting; of

pleasant odor; of pleasing odor; pleasing; savory; good
tasting; sweet; tasty; xavory
FC jc-031297
5. delicious; fragrant; good smelling; good-tasting; of
pleasant odor; of pleasing odor; pleasing; savory; good
tasting; sweet; tasty; xavory
FC jc-031297

0. savory; they are savory

1. savory; they are savory

FC -> jc-72895
2. savory; they are savory

3. savory; they are savory

4. savory; they are savory

FC jc-031297
5. savory; they are savory
FC jc-031297

huelit ( o- )
0. pudo ( he could; he was able )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. it will be able
FC jc-031297

0. he is liked, he is spoken well of

1. he is liked, he is spoken well of
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he is liked, he is spoken well of

3. he is liked, he is spoken well of

4. he is liked, he is spoken well of

FC jc-031297
5. he is liked, he is spoken well of
FC jc-031297

0. es probable ( it is probable; it is possible )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. he lives in bliss, in peace

1. he lives in bliss, in peace

FC -> jc-72895
2. he lives in bliss, in peace

3. he lives in bliss, in peace

4. he lives in bliss, in peace

FC jc-031297
5. he lives in bliss, in peace
FC jc-031297

0. they are obedient

1. they are obedient

FC -> jc-72895
2. they are obedient

3. they are obedient

4. they are obedient

FC jc-031297
5. they are obedient
FC jc-031297

0. it eats like a human being

1. it eats like a human being
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it eats like a human being

3. it eats like a human being

4. it eats like a human being

FC jc-031297
5. it eats like a human being
FC jc-031297

0. it sees well; it watches carefully; they look well; they
look carefully

1. it sees well; it watches carefully; they look well; they

look carefully
FC -> jc-72895
2. it sees well; it watches carefully; they look well; they
look carefully

3. it sees well; it watches carefully; they look well; they

look carefully

4. it sees well; it watches carefully <huel-tlachiya>

<huel-tlachiya> FC - > jc-61096
5. it sees well; it watches carefully <huel-tlachiya>
<huel-tlachiya> FC - > jc-61096
6. it sees well; it watches carefully; they look well; they
look carefully
FC jc-031297
7. it sees well; it watches carefully; they look well; they
look carefully
FC jc-031297

0. she will eat well, she is to eat well

1. she will eat well, she is to eat well

FC -> jc-72895
2. she will eat well, she is to eat well

3. she will eat well, she is to eat well

4. she will eat well, she is to eat well

FC jc-031297
5. she will eat well, she is to eat well
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they had good knowledge

1. they had good knowledge

FC -> jc-72895
2. they had good knowledge

3. they had good knowledge

4. they had good knowledge

FC jc-031297
5. they had good knowledge
FC jc-031297

0. one who is very learned

1. one who is very learned

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who is very learned

3. one who is very learned

4. one who is very learned <huel1-p51-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ni1>

<huel1-p51-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. one who is very learned <huel1-p51-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ni1>
<huel1-p51-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one who is very learned <huel1-p51-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ni1>
<huel1-p51-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. one who is very learned <huel1-p51-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ni1>
<huel1-p51-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. one who is very learned <huel1-p51-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ni1>
<huel1-p51-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. one who is very learned <huel1-p51-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ni1>
<huel1-p51-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
10. one who is very learned
FC jc-031297
11. one who is very learned
FC jc-031297

0. huellamahuizolli, huellazotli, it is a very marvelous
thing, a really precious thing <huel-p51-mahui-liz-v0-l1
(b11 f22 c8 p227)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. huellamahuizolli, huellazotli, it is a very marvelous
thing, a really precious thing <huel-p51-mahui-liz-v0-l1
(b11 f22 c8 p227)
2. huel tlatlamachtlalilli, huellatoltecahuilli, in
itlateomatian catca, in inteopixcauh catca, in itoca
quetzalcoatl, huellamahuizolli catca it was built with
consummate care, majestically designed; it was the place of
worship of their priest, whose name was quetzalcoatl; it
was quite marvelous <huel1-p51-mahui-liz-v03-caus06-l1 (b10
f10 c29 p166), 2 mochintin quimolini, quinquetz: macihuin
huel chan onoca, macihuin huellamahuizolli in teocalli, in
tecpancalli onoca tolla: he caused all to move, to depart,
even though they were settled there, even though very
marvelous were the temples, the palaces situated at tula
<huel1-p51-mahui-liz-v03-caus06-l1 (b10 f10 c29 p170)
3. huel tlatlamachtlalilli, huellatoltecahuilli, in
itlateomatian catca, in inteopixcauh catca, in itoca
quetzalcoatl, huellamahuizolli catca it was built with
consummate care, majestically designed; it was the place of
worship of their priest, whose name was quetzalcoatl; it
was quite marvelous <huel1-p51-mahui-liz-v03-caus06-l1 (b10
f10 c29 p166), 2 mochintin quimolini, quinquetz: macihuin
huel chan onoca, macihuin huellamahuizolli in teocalli, in
tecpancalli onoca tolla: he caused all to move, to depart,
even though they were settled there, even though very
marvelous were the temples, the palaces situated at tula
<huel1-p51-mahui-liz-v03-caus06-l1 (b10 f10 c29 p170)
4. huellamahuizolli, huellazotli, it is a very marvelous
thing, a really precious thing <huel-p51-mahui-liz-v0-l1
(b11 f22 c8 p227)
5. huellamahuizolli, huellazotli, it is a very marvelous
thing, a really precious thing <huel-p51-mahui-liz-v0-l1
(b11 f22 c8 p227)
6. huel tlatlamachtlalilli, huellatoltecahuilli, in
itlateomatian catca, in inteopixcauh catca, in itoca
quetzalcoatl, huellamahuizolli catca it was built with
consummate care, majestically designed; it was the place of
worship of their priest, whose name was quetzalcoatl; it
was quite marvelous <huel1-p51-mahui-liz-v03-caus06-l1 (b10
f10 c29 p166), 2 mochintin quimolini, quinquetz: macihuin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

huel chan onoca, macihuin huellamahuizolli in teocalli, in

tecpancalli onoca tolla: he caused all to move, to depart,
even though they were settled there, even though very
marvelous were the temples, the palaces situated at tula
<huel1-p51-mahui-liz-v03-caus06-l1 (b10 f10 c29 p170)
7. huel tlatlamachtlalilli, huellatoltecahuilli, in
itlateomatian catca, in inteopixcauh catca, in itoca
quetzalcoatl, huellamahuizolli catca it was built with
consummate care, majestically designed; it was the place of
worship of their priest, whose name was quetzalcoatl; it
was quite marvelous <huel1-p51-mahui-liz-v03-caus06-l1 (b10
f10 c29 p166), 2 mochintin quimolini, quinquetz: macihuin
huel chan onoca, macihuin huellamahuizolli in teocalli, in
tecpancalli onoca tolla: he caused all to move, to depart,
even though they were settled there, even though very
marvelous were the temples, the palaces situated at tula
<huel1-p51-mahui-liz-v03-caus06-l1 (b10 f10 c29 p170)
8. huel tlatlamachtlalilli, huellatoltecahuilli, in
itlateomatian catca, in inteopixcauh catca, in itoca
quetzalcoatl, huellamahuizolli catca it was built with
consummate care, majestically designed; it was the place of
worship of their priest, whose name was quetzalcoatl; it
was quite marvelous
<huel1-p51-mahui-liz-v03-caus06-l1> (b10 f10 c29 p166) JC-7/23/96
9. mochintin quimolini, quinquetz: macihuin huel chan onoca,
macihuin huellamahuizolli in teocalli, in tecpancalli onoca
tolla: he caused all to move, to depart, even though they
were settled there, even though very marvelous were the
temples, the palaces situated at tula
<huel1-p51-mahui-liz-v03-caus06-l1> (b10 f10 c29 p170) JC-7/23/96
10. huellamahuizolli, huellazotli, it is a very marvelous
thing, a really precious thing
<huel-p51-mahui-liz-v0-l1> (b11 f22 c8 p227) JC-7/23/96
11. huellamahuizolli, huellazotli, it is a very marvelous
thing, a really precious thing
<huel-p51-mahui-liz-v0-l1> (b11 f22 c8 p227) JC-7/23/96
12. huel tlatlamachtlalilli, huellatoltecahuilli, in
itlateomatian catca, in inteopixcauh catca, in itoca
quetzalcoatl, huellamahuizolli catca it was built with
consummate care, majestically designed; it was the place of
worship of their priest, whose name was quetzalcoatl; it
was quite marvelous
<huel1-p51-mahui-liz-v03-caus06-l1> (b10 f10 c29 p166) JC-7/23/96
13. mochintin quimolini, quinquetz: macihuin huel chan onoca,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

macihuin huellamahuizolli in teocalli, in tecpancalli onoca

tolla: he caused all to move, to depart, even though they
were settled there, even though very marvelous were the
temples, the palaces situated at tula
<huel1-p51-mahui-liz-v03-caus06-l1> (b10 f10 c29 p170) JC-7/23/96

0. they are satisfied

1. they are satisfied

FC -> jc-72895
2. they are satisfied

3. they are satisfied

4. they are satisfied

FC jc-031297
5. they are satisfied
FC jc-031297

0. it explodes

1. it explodes
FC -> jc-72895
2. it explodes

3. it explodes

4. it explodes <huel-tlatz-cuepo:ni>
<huel-tlatz-cuepo:ni> FC - > jc-61096
5. it explodes <huel-tlatz-cuepo:ni>
<huel-tlatz-cuepo:ni> FC - > jc-61096
6. it explodes
FC jc-031297
7. it explodes
FC jc-031297

0. very precious

1. very precious
FC -> jc-72895
2. very precious

3. very precious
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. very precious
FC jc-031297
5. very precious
FC jc-031297

0. knock down

0. very tasty

1. very tasty
FC -> jc-72895
2. very tasty

3. very tasty

4. very tasty
FC jc-031297
5. very tasty
FC jc-031297

0. very good-tasting; very tasty

1. very good-tasting; very tasty

FC -> jc-72895
2. very good-tasting; very tasty

3. very good-tasting; very tasty

4. very tasty <hue:li-pah4-tic>

<hue:li-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very tasty <hue:li-pah4-tic>
<hue:li-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very good-tasting; very tasty
FC jc-031297
7. very good-tasting; very tasty
FC jc-031297

0. good-tasting; tasty

1. good-tasting; tasty
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. good-tasting; tasty

3. good-tasting; tasty

4. good-tasting; tasty
FC jc-031297
5. good-tasting; tasty
FC jc-031297

huemmana ( mo- )
0. se pone ( como ofrenda ) ( it is placed ( as an offering ) )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. the making of offerings

1. the making of offerings

FC -> jc-72895
2. the making of offerings

3. the making of offerings

4. the making of offerings <huentli-chi:hua-liz>

<huentli-chi:hua-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. the making of offerings <huentli-chi:hua-liz>
<huentli-chi:hua-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. the making of offerings
FC jc-031297
7. the making of offerings
FC jc-031297

0. offering
1. gift; offering
FC -> jc-72895
2. gift; offering

3. offering
4. gift; offering

5. gift; offering <huentli>

<huentli> FC - > jc-61096
6. gift; offering
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. gift; offering
FC jc-031297

0. heavy rope

1. heavy rope
FC -> jc-72895
2. heavy rope

3. heavy rope

4. heavy rope
FC jc-031297
5. heavy rope
FC jc-031297

0. one who has a sister-in-law
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. he fell; it ended; it fell
1. he fell
FC -> jc-72895
2. it ended; it fell
FC -> jc-72895
3. he fell; it ended; it fell
4. he fell; it ended; it fell
5. he fell; it ended; it fell <huetzi-prt1>
<huetzi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he fell
FC jc-031297
7. it ended; it fell
FC jc-031297
8. he fell
FC jc-031297
9. it ended; it fell
FC jc-031297

0. fall
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. laugh
1. laughter
FC - > jc-61096
2. there is laughter
FC - > jc-61096
3. to laugh
FC - > jc-61096
4. laugh
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

huetzca o:titlahuetzquitih
0. you caused laughter

huetzca te:huezcatia
0. he causes so to laugh

huetzca tehuetzquitia
0. he makes people laugh

0. one who laughs
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. one who laughs
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. one who laughs
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who laughs
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. auh izcate, in inhuicalhuan mochiuhque, in
pochtecatlatoque: in ontlaliloque petlapan, icpalpan,
cuauhpoyahualtzin, nentlamatitzin, huetzcatocatzin,
zanatzin, huei ozomatzin and behold, the principal
merchants who became the companions of [the governors],
those vested with authority, were quauhpoyaualtzin,
nentlamatitzin, vetzcatocatzin, anatzin, [and] vei oomatzin
(b9 f1 p3), yehuanti teyacantioya in oztomeca:
tlaixquetzaya in pochtecatlatoque, cuappoyahualtzin,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

nentlamatitzin, huetzcatocatzin, zanatzin, huei ozomatzin:

the vanguard merchants went in the lead, appointed by the
principal merchants quappoyaualtzin, nentlamatitzin,
uetzcatocatzin, anatzin, [and] uei oomatzin (b9 f2 p24),
zan oc eintin in quincaquitia, cuappoyahualtzin,
huetzcatocatzin, zanatzin, first he notified three [of
them]: quappoyaualtzin, uetzcatocatzin, [and] canatzin (b9
f5 p55)

0. there is laughter, people laugh

1. people laugh
FC - > jc-61096

0. people will laugh
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. people will laugh
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. people will laugh
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. people will laugh
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. people will laugh
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he falls; he falls down; it descends; it drops; it falls;
it drops out; it ends; it fires; it goes off; it goes; it
goes away; it is expelled; it sheds off; it fires (e g;
gun); it discharges; it strikes [ie; gun]; she settles

1. he falls; he falls down; it descends; it drops; it falls;

it drops out; it ends; it fires; it goes off; it goes; it
goes away; it is expelled; it sheds off; it fires ( eg; gun
); it discharges; it strikes [ ie; gun ]; she settles
FC -> jc-72895
2. they fall
FC -> jc-72895
3. he falls; he falls down; it descends; it drops; it falls;
it drops out; it ends; it fires; it goes off; it goes; it
goes away; it is expelled; it sheds off; it fires (e g;
gun); it discharges; it strikes [ie; gun]; she settles
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he falls; he falls down; it descends; it drops; it falls;

it drops out; it ends; it fires; it goes off; it goes; it
goes away; it is expelled; it sheds off; it fires (e g;
gun); it discharges; it strikes [ie; gun]; she settles

5. he falls down; he falls; it descends; it drops; it falls;

it goes away; it fires; it goes off; it drops out; it ends;
it goes; it is expelled; it sheds off; it fires ( eg; gun
); it discharges; it strikes [ ie gun ]; she settles; they
fall <huetzi>
<huetzi> FC - > jc-61096
6. to flee
FC - > jc-61096
7. he falls; he falls down; it descends; it drops; it falls;
it drops out; it ends; it fires; it goes off; it goes; it
goes away; it is expelled; it sheds off; it fires ( eg; gun
); it discharges; it strikes [ ie; gun ]; she settles
FC jc-031297
8. they fall
FC jc-031297
9. he falls; he falls down; it descends; it drops; it falls;
it drops out; it ends; it fires; it goes off; it goes; it
goes away; it is expelled; it sheds off; it fires ( eg; gun
); it discharges; it strikes [ ie; gun ]; she settles
FC jc-031297
10. they fall
FC jc-031297
11. fall
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

0. he fell; it fell

1. he fell; it fell
FC -> jc-72895
2. he fell; it fell

3. he fell; it fell

4. he fell; it fell <huetzi-ya3>

<huetzi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he fell; it fell <huetzi-ya3>
<huetzi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he fell; it fell
FC jc-031297
7. he fell; it fell
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he came to fall; it came to fall

1. he came to fall; it came to fall

FC -> jc-72895
2. he came to fall; it came to fall

3. he came to fall; it came to fall

4. he came to fall; it came to fall <huetzi-dir1b>

<huetzi-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
5. he came to fall; it came to fall <huetzi-dir1b>
<huetzi-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
6. he came to fall; it came to fall <huetzi-dir1b>
<huetzi-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
7. he came to fall; it came to fall
FC jc-031297
8. he came to fall; it came to fall
FC jc-031297

0. he goes to fall

1. he goes to fall
FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes to fall

3. he goes to fall

4. he goes to fall <huetzi-dir2a>

<huetzi-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes to fall <huetzi-dir2a>
<huetzi-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes to fall <huetzi-dir2a>
<huetzi-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes to fall
FC jc-031297
8. he goes to fall
FC jc-031297

0. he went to fall; it went to fall

1. he went to fall; it went to fall
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he went to fall; it went to fall

3. he went to fall; it went to fall

4. he went to fall; it went to fall <huetzi-dir2b>

<huetzi-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
5. he went to fall; it went to fall <huetzi-dir2b>
<huetzi-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
6. he went to fall; it went to fall <huetzi-dir2b>
<huetzi-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
7. he went to fall; it went to fall
FC jc-031297
8. he went to fall; it went to fall
FC jc-031297

huetzito ( o- )
0. fue a caer ( it fell [ it went to fall ] )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. caera' ( it will fall )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. he will fall; it will descend; it will fall; it will end;
it will go
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will fall; it will descend; it will fall; it will end;
it will go

3. he will fall; it will descend; it will fall; it will end;

it will go

4. he will fall; it will fall; it will descend; it will end;

it will go <huetzi-z>
<huetzi-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. caera' ( it will fall )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. he will fall; it will descend; it will fall; it will end;
it will go
FC jc-031297
7. he will fall; it will descend; it will fall; it will end;
it will go
FC jc-031297

0. they will fall
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they will fall
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will fall
3. they will fall
4. they will fall <huetzi-z-plur01>
<huetzi-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will fall
FC jc-031297
6. they will fall
FC jc-031297

0. fallen
Adj Form jc-022897
1. fallen
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. discontinued
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. abandoned

4. forsaken

5. released

6. expelled

7. ostracized

8. dropped

9. diminished

10. toppled

11. fallen

0. make so laugh

1. people are made to laugh

FC - > jc-61096
2. there is occasion for mirth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Imp Verb jc-022897

3. there is occasion for mirth
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
4. there is occasion for mirth
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
5. there is occasion for mirth
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. there is occasion for mirth
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. make so laugh
FC - > jc-61096

0. there is occasion for mirth

1. there is occasion for mirth

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is occasion for mirth

3. there is occasion for mirth

4. there is occasion for mirth

FC jc-031297
5. there is occasion for mirth
FC jc-031297

0. make ( so ) laugh
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

0. laughter; smile; laugh

1. laughter; smile; laugh

FC -> jc-72895
2. laughter; smile; laugh

3. laughter; smile; laugh

4. laughter; smile; laugh <huetzca-liz>

<huetzca-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. laughter; smile; laugh
FC jc-031297
6. laughter; smile; laugh
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it quickly settled

1. it quickly settled
FC -> jc-72895
2. it quickly settled

3. it quickly settled

4. it quickly settled
FC jc-031297
5. it quickly settled
FC jc-031297

0. cast down, cast away; he is lying down; he was lying down;
it is spread out; it lies fallen; stretched out; lying down

1. cast down, cast away; he is lying down; he was lying down;

it is spread out; it lies fallen; stretched out; lying down
FC -> jc-72895
2. cast down, cast away; he is lying down; he was lying down;
it is spread out; it lies fallen; stretched out; lying down

3. cast down, cast away; he is lying down; he was lying down;

it is spread out; it lies fallen; stretched out; lying down

4. cast down, cast away; he is lying down; he was lying down;

it is spread out; it lies fallen; stretched out; lying down
<huetzi-prt1-toc> FC - > jc-61096
5. cast down, cast away; he is lying down; he was lying down;
it lies fallen; stretched out; lying down <huetzi-prt1-toc>
<huetzi-prt1-toc> FC - > jc-61096
6. cast down, cast away; he is lying down; he was lying down;
it is lying down; it is spread out; it lies fallen;
stretched out; lying down
FC jc-031297
7. cast down, cast away; he is lying down; he was lying down;
it is lying down; it is spread out; it lies fallen;
stretched out; lying down
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. one who has co-parents-in-law

1. one who has co-parents-in-law

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who has co-parents-in-law

3. one who has co-parents-in-law

4. one who has co-parents-in-law

FC jc-031297
5. one who has co-parents-in-law
FC jc-031297

0. one who has co-parents-in-law

1. one who has co-parents-in-law

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who has co-parents-in-law

3. one who has co-parents-in-law

4. one who has co-parents-in-law

FC jc-031297
5. one who has co-parents-in-law
FC jc-031297

0. parent-in-law

0. willow

0. black-crowned night heron

1. black-crowned night heron

FC -> jc-72895
2. black-crowned night heron

3. black-crowned night heron

4. black-crowned night heron

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. black-crowned night heron

FC jc-031297

0. turkey cocks
FC jc-031297

0. turkey cock; turkey-cock

1. turkey cock; turkey-cock

FC -> jc-72895
2. turkey cock; turkey-cock

3. turkey cock; turkey-cock

4. turkey cock; turkey-cock <hue:i-xo:lo:tl>

<hue:i-xo:lo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. turkey cock; turkey-cock <hue:i-xo:lo:tl>
<hue:i-xo:lo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. turkey cock; turkey-cock
FC jc-031297
7. turkey cock; turkey-cock
FC jc-031297

0. willow

1. willow
FC -> jc-72895
2. willow

3. willow

4. willow <huexo:tl>
<huexo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. willow
FC jc-031297
6. willow
FC jc-031297

0. gran ( great )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. grande ( great )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. gran ( great )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. grande ( great )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. (may) it grow, (may) it increase

1. ( may ) it grow, ( may ) it increase

FC -> jc-72895
2. it enlarges; it grows; it grows large; it is big; it
increases; it lengthens
FC -> jc-72895
3. (may) it grow, (may) it increase

4. it enlarges; it grows; it grows large; it is big; it

increases; it lengthens

5. (may) it grow, (may) it increase

6. it enlarges; it grows; it grows large; it is big; it

increases; it lengthens

7. ( may ) it grow, ( may ) it increase; it enlarges; it

grows; it grows large; it is big; it increases; it
lengthens <hue:i-v06>
<hue:i-v06> FC - > jc-61096
8. ( may ) it grow, ( may ) it increase; it enlarges; it
grows; it grows large; it is big; it increases; it
lengthens <hue:i-v06>
<hue:i-v06> FC - > jc-61096
9. ( may ) it grow, ( may ) it increase
FC jc-031297
10. it enlarges; it grows; it grows large; it is big; it
increases; it lengthens
FC jc-031297
11. ( may ) it grow, ( may ) it increase
FC jc-031297
12. it enlarges; it grows; it grows large; it is big; it
increases; it lengthens
FC jc-031297

0. big; high; long; tall

1. big; high; long; tall
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. big; high; long; tall

3. big; high; long; tall

4. big; high; long; tall <hue:i-v06-c1>

<hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. big; high; long; tall <hue:i-v06-c1>
<hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. big; high; long; tall <hue:i-v06-c1>
<hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. big; high; long; tall
FC jc-031297
8. big; high; long; tall
FC jc-031297

0. small and long

1. small and long

FC -> jc-72895
2. small and long

3. small and long

4. small and long

FC jc-031297
5. small and long
FC jc-031297

0. it grows long; it lengthens; it grows

1. it grows long; it lengthens; it grows

FC -> jc-72895
2. it grows long; it lengthens; it grows

3. it grows long; it lengthens; it grows

4. it grows long; it lengthens; it grows <hue:i-v06-c1-v06>

<hue:i-v06-c1-v06> FC - > jc-61096
5. it grows long; it lengthens; it grows <hue:i-v06-c1-v06>
<hue:i-v06-c1-v06> FC - > jc-61096
6. it grows long; it lengthens; it grows <hue:i-v06-c1-v06>
<hue:i-v06-c1-v06> FC - > jc-61096
7. it grows long; it lengthens; it grows
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. it grows long; it lengthens; it grows
FC jc-031297

0. lagoon

1. lagoon
FC -> jc-72895
2. lagoon

3. lagoon

4. lagoon
FC jc-031297
5. lagoon
FC jc-031297

0. va a crecer ( he is going to grow )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. kangaroo rat

1. kangaroo rat
FC -> jc-72895
2. kangaroo rat

3. kangaroo rat

4. kangaroo rat
FC jc-031297
5. kangaroo rat
FC jc-031297

0. sister-in-law

0. they go; they depart; they migrate

1. they go; they depart; they migrate

FC -> jc-72895
2. they go; they depart; they migrate
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they go; they depart; they migrate

4. they go; they depart; they migrate

FC jc-031297
5. they go; they depart; they migrate
FC jc-031297

0. carry
1. <TBD>
FC - > jc-61096
2. to carry
FC - > jc-61096

0. they make him take it with him

0. st carried to another place, fetched

0. jug

0. dove

0. go

1. there is going
FC - > jc-61096

0. people went
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. people went
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. people went
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. people went
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

4. people went
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. arrange in order
1. (cf tecpana) arrange in order
2. (cf tecpana) arrange in order

0. blouse

0. they will be beaten
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they will be beaten
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they will be beaten
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. they will be beaten
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they will be beaten
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they will be beaten
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. they will be beaten
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. hit, beat

0. to beat
FC - > jc-61096

hui:tequi tlahui:tectli
0. st which is beaten

0. bend
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. come
1. he comes
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. they come
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. hummingbird

0. high; long; tall

1. high; long; tall

FC -> jc-72895
2. high; long; tall

3. high; long; tall

4. high; long; tall <hue:i-v06-c1>

<hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. high; long; tall <hue:i-v06-c1>
<hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. high; long; tall <hue:i-v06-c1>
<hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. high; long; tall
FC jc-031297
8. high; long; tall
FC jc-031297

0. a little long; small and long

1. a little long; small and long

FC -> jc-72895
2. a little long; small and long

3. a little long; small and long

4. a little long; small and long
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. a little long; small and long
FC jc-031297

0. very long

1. very long
FC -> jc-72895
2. very long

3. very long

4. very long
FC jc-031297
5. very long
FC jc-031297

0. rather long; small and long

1. rather long; small and long

FC -> jc-72895
2. rather long; small and long

3. rather long; small and long

4. rather long; small and long <hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-to:n>

<hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. rather long; small and long <hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-to:n>
<hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. rather long; small and long <hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-to:n>
<hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. rather long; small and long <hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-to:n>
<hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. rather long; small and long
FC jc-031297
9. rather long; small and long
FC jc-031297

0. it lengthens, it becomes long

1. it lengthens, it becomes long

FC -> jc-72895
2. it lengthens, it becomes long
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it lengthens, it becomes long

4. it lengthens, it becomes long

FC jc-031297
5. it lengthens, it becomes long
FC jc-031297

huica ( qui- )
0. llevan ( they carry her )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

huicac ( oc- )
0. lo llevo' ( he took it; he carried it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

huicaya ( oqui- )
0. lo llevaba ( she took it; she carried it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. se cuece ( it cooks )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. hurry

0. he is carried off; she is taken; she is borne; she is
carried; they are brought; they are taken

1. he is carried off; she is taken; she is borne; she is

carried; they are brought; they are taken
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is carried off; she is taken; she is borne; she is
carried; they are brought; they are taken

3. he is carried off; she is taken; she is borne; she is

carried; they are brought; they are taken

4. he is carried off; she is taken; she is borne; she is

carried; they are taken; they are brought <hui:ca-lo:1>
<hui:ca-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is carried off; she is taken; she is borne; she is
carried; they are taken <hui:ca-lo:1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<hui:ca-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096

6. he is carried off; she is taken; she is borne; she is
carried; they are brought; they are taken
FC jc-031297
7. he is carried off; she is taken; she is borne; she is
carried; they are brought; they are taken
FC jc-031297

0. she was taken away, she was carried off

1. she was taken away, she was carried off

FC -> jc-72895
2. she was taken away, she was carried off

3. she was taken away, she was carried off

4. she was taken away, she was carried off

FC jc-031297
5. she was taken away, she was carried off
FC jc-031297

0. climb

0. he will be carried off

1. he will be carried off

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be carried off

3. he will be carried off

4. he will be carried off <hui:ca-lo:1-z>

<hui:ca-lo:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will be carried off <hui:ca-lo:1-z>
<hui:ca-lo:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will be carried off
FC jc-031297
7. he will be carried off
FC jc-031297

0. hoe
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. digging stick; hoe
FC -> jc-72895
2. digging stick; hoe

3. hoe
4. digging stick; hoe

5. digging stick, hoe <huictli>

<huictli> FC - > jc-61096
6. digging stick; hoe
FC jc-031297
7. digging stick; hoe
FC jc-031297

0. they go

1. they go
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go

3. they go

4. they go <yauh2-plur06>
<yauh2-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
5. they go
FC jc-031297
6. they go
FC jc-031297
7. they go
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. they each go; they disperse; they individually go

1. they each go; they disperse; they individually go

FC -> jc-72895
2. they each go; they disperse; they individually go

3. they each go; they disperse; they individually go

4. they each go; they disperse; they individually go

<dupl-yauh2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they each go; they disperse; they individually go

<dupl-yauh2> FC - > jc-61096
6. they each go; they disperse; they individually go
FC jc-031297
7. they each go; they disperse; they individually go
FC jc-031297

0. each one long; long

1. each one long; long

FC -> jc-72895
2. each one long; long

3. each one long; long

4. each one long; long <dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>

<dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. each one long; long <dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. each one long; long <dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. each one long; long <dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. each one long; long <dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. each one long; long
FC jc-031297
10. each one long; long
FC jc-031297

0. a little long

1. a little long
FC -> jc-72895
2. a little long

3. a little long

4. a little long
FC jc-031297
5. a little long
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. rather long

1. rather long
FC -> jc-72895
2. rather long

3. rather long

4. rather long <dupl-hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-dupl-to:n-plur02

plur07 plur10b>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur07 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
5. rather long <dupl-hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-dupl-to:n-plur02
plur07 plur10b>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur07 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
6. rather long <dupl-hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-dupl-to:n-plur02
plur07 plur10b>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur07 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
7. rather long <dupl-hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-dupl-to:n-plur02
plur07 plur10b>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur07 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
8. rather long <dupl-hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-dupl-to:n-plur02
plur07 plur10b>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur07 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
9. rather long <dupl-hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-dupl-to:n-plur02
plur07 plur10b>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-delya-ca:5-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur07 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
10. rather long
FC jc-031297
11. rather long
FC jc-031297

0. creeper

1. creeper
FC -> jc-72895
2. creeper

3. creeper

4. creeper <dupl-huila:na-prt1-c2>
<dupl-huila:na-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. creeper <dupl-huila:na-prt1-c2>
<dupl-huila:na-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. creeper <dupl-huila:na-prt1-c2>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<dupl-huila:na-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096

7. creeper
FC jc-031297
8. creeper
FC jc-031297

0. it is dragging

1. it is dragging
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is dragging

3. it is dragging

4. it is dragging
FC jc-031297
5. it is dragging
FC jc-031297

0. there is departing on the part of each one; there is
dispersing; there is dispersing on the part of each one;
there is going on the part of each one; they disperse

1. there is departing on the part of each one; there is

dispersing; there is dispersing on the part of each one;
there is going on the part of each one; they disperse
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is departing on the part of each one; there is
dispersing; there is dispersing on the part of each one;
there is going on the part of each one; they disperse

3. there is departing on the part of each one; there is

dispersing; there is dispersing on the part of each one;
there is going on the part of each one; they disperse

4. there is going on the part of each one; there is departing

on the part of each one; there is dispersing on the part of
each one; there is dispersing; they disperse
<dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is going on the part of each one; there is departing
on the part of each one; there is dispersing on the part of
each one; there is dispersing; they disperse
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096

6. there is going on the part of each one; there is departing
on the part of each one; there is dispersing on the part of
each one; there is dispersing; they disperse
<dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is going on the part of each one; there is departing
on the part of each one; there is dispersing on the part of
each one; there is dispersing; they disperse
<dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
8. there is departing on the part of each one; there is
dispersing; there is dispersing on the part of each one;
there is going on the part of each one; they disperse
FC jc-031297
9. there is departing on the part of each one; there is
dispersing; there is dispersing on the part of each one;
there is going on the part of each one; they disperse
FC jc-031297

0. there was going on the part of each one

1. there was going on the part of each one

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was going on the part of each one

3. there was going on the part of each one

4. there was going on the part of each one

<dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was going on the part of each one
<dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was going on the part of each one
<dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was going on the part of each one
<dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
8. there was going on the part of each one
<dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
9. there was going on the part of each one
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096

10. there was going on the part of each one
FC jc-031297
11. there was going on the part of each one
FC jc-031297

0. there is departing on the part of each one; there is going
of various people

1. there is departing on the part of each one; there is going

of various people
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is departing on the part of each one; there is going
of various people

3. there is departing on the part of each one; there is going

of various people

4. there is departing on the part of each one; there is going

of various people <dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2>
<dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is departing on the part of each one; there is going
of various people <dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2>
<dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is departing on the part of each one; there is going
of various people <dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2>
<dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is departing on the part of each one; there is going
of various people <dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2>
<dupl-yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
8. there is departing on the part of each one; there is going
of various people
FC jc-031297
9. there is departing on the part of each one; there is going
of various people
FC jc-031297

0. tremble
1. (cf uiuixoa) tremble
2. (cf uiuixoa) tremble
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he is beaten

1. he is beaten
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is beaten

3. he is beaten

4. he is beaten <dupl-hui:tequi-lo:1>
<dupl-hui:tequi-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is beaten <dupl-hui:tequi-lo:1>
<dupl-hui:tequi-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is beaten <dupl-hui:tequi-lo:1>
<dupl-hui:tequi-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is beaten <dupl-hui:tequi-lo:1>
<dupl-hui:tequi-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
8. he is beaten
FC jc-031297
9. he is beaten
FC jc-031297

0. pluck

0. thorny
1. thorny <dupl-huitztli-yo:tl1>
<dupl-huitztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
2. thorny <dupl-huitztli-yo:tl1>
<dupl-huitztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
3. thorny <dupl-huitztli-yo:tl1>
<dupl-huitztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096

0. each one pointed; jagged; pointed; spiny; thorny

1. each one pointed; jagged; pointed; spiny; thorny

FC -> jc-72895
2. each one pointed; jagged; pointed; spiny; thorny

3. jagged, pointed
4. each one pointed; jagged; pointed; spiny; thorny
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. jagged, pointed
6. each one pointed; jagged; pointed; spiny; thorny
<dupl-huitztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. each one pointed; jagged; pointed; spiny; thorny
<dupl-huitztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. each one pointed; jagged; pointed; spiny; thorny
<dupl-huitztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. jagged, pointed <dupl-huitztli-tic>
<dupl-huitztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
10. each one pointed; jagged; pointed; spiny; thorny
FC jc-031297
11. each one pointed; jagged; pointed; spiny; thorny
FC jc-031297

0. spiny; thorny

1. spiny; thorny
FC -> jc-72895
2. spiny; thorny

3. spiny; thorny

4. spiny <dupl-huitztli-yo:tl1>
<dupl-huitztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. spiny <dupl-huitztli-yo:tl1>
<dupl-huitztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. spiny <dupl-huitztli-yo:tl1>
<dupl-huitztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. spiny; thorny
FC jc-031297
8. spiny; thorny
FC jc-031297

0. shake
1. (cf uiuioca) shake
2. (cf uiuioca) shake
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. long

1. long
FC -> jc-72895
2. long

3. long

4. long <dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. long <dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. long <dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. long <dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. long <dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. long
FC jc-031297
10. long
FC jc-031297

0. he quivers, he trembles; it trembles

1. he quivers, he trembles; it trembles

FC -> jc-72895
2. he quivers, he trembles; it trembles

3. he quivers, he trembles; it trembles

4. he quivers, he trembles; it trembles <dupl-huiyo:ni-ca7>

<dupl-huiyo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. he quivers, he trembles; it trembles <dupl-huiyo:ni-ca7>
<dupl-huiyo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. he quivers, he trembles; it trembles <dupl-huiyo:ni-ca7>
<dupl-huiyo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
7. he quivers, he trembles; it trembles <dupl-huiyo:ni-ca7>
<dupl-huiyo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
8. it trembles <huihuiyoca>
<huihuiyoca> FC - > jc-61096
9. he quivers, he trembles; it trembles
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. he quivers, he trembles; it trembles

FC jc-031297

0. esta' temblando ( he is trembling )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. it trembles
FC jc-031297

0. drag

0. curl
1. (cf ilacatziui, malacatl) curl
2. (cf ilacatziui, malacatl) curl

huilaloya ( o- )
0. iban ( they went )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. cripples

1. cripples
FC -> jc-72895
2. cripples

3. cripples

4. cripples
FC jc-031297
5. cripples
FC jc-031297

0. it lies dragging; it lies stretched out; it lies reaching
outward; it lies strung out; she lies outstretched

1. it lies dragging; it lies stretched out; it lies reaching
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

outward; it lies strung out; she lies outstretched

FC -> jc-72895
2. it lies dragging; it lies stretched out; it lies reaching
outward; it lies strung out; she lies outstretched

3. it lies dragging; it lies stretched out; it lies reaching

outward; it lies strung out; she lies outstretched

4. it lies dragging; it lies stretched out; it lies reaching

outward; it lies strung out; she lies outstretched
FC jc-031297
5. it lies dragging; it lies stretched out; it lies reaching
outward; it lies strung out; she lies outstretched
FC jc-031297

0. van ( they go )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. everyone goes; one goes; people go; there is going; there
is departing
FC -> jc-72895
2. everyone goes; one goes; people go; there is going; there
is departing

3. everyone goes; one goes; people go; there is going; there

is departing

4. everyone goes; people go; there is going; there is

departing <yauh2-lo:2-hua2>
<yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. everyone goes; people go; there is going; there is
departing <yauh2-lo:2-hua2>
<yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
6. people go, there is going <yauh2-lo:2-hua2>
<yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
7. people go, there is going <yauh2-lo:2-hua2>
<yauh2-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
8. van ( they go )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. everyone goes; one goes; people go; there is going; there
is departing
FC jc-031297
10. everyone goes; one goes; people go; there is going; there
is departing
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. people come, there is coming

1. people come, there is coming

FC -> jc-72895
2. people come, there is coming

3. people come, there is coming

4. people come, there is coming <yauh2-lo:2-hua2-tz>

<yauh2-lo:2-hua2-tz> FC - > jc-61096
5. people come, there is coming <yauh2-lo:2-hua2-tz>
<yauh2-lo:2-hua2-tz> FC - > jc-61096
6. people come, there is coming <yauh2-lo:2-hua2-tz>
<yauh2-lo:2-hua2-tz> FC - > jc-61096
7. people come, there is coming <yauh2-lo:2-hua2-tz>
<yauh2-lo:2-hua2-tz> FC - > jc-61096
8. people come, there is coming <yauh2-lo:2-hua2-tz>
<yauh2-lo:2-hua2-tz> FC - > jc-61096
9. people come, there is coming
FC jc-031297
10. people come, there is coming
FC jc-031297

0. one went, people went

1. one went, people went

FC -> jc-72895
2. one went, people went

3. one went, people went

4. one went, people went

FC jc-031297
5. one went, people went
FC jc-031297

0. one will go, people will go
FC jc-031297

0. pigeonhouse

1. pigeonhouse
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096

0. young pigeon

1. young pigeon
FC - > jc-61096
2. young pigeon
FC - > jc-61096

0. people go, there is going

1. people go, there is going

FC -> jc-72895
2. people go, there is going

3. people go, there is going

4. people go, there is going <yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3>

<yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. people go, there is going <yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. people go, there is going <yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. people go, there is going <yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. people go, there is going <yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<yauh2-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. people go, there is going
FC jc-031297
10. people go, there is going
FC jc-031297

0. dove; mourning dove

1. dove; mourning dove

FC -> jc-72895
2. dove; mourning dove

3. dove; mourning dove

4. dove
FC - > jc-61096
5. dove; mourning dove <hui:lo:tl>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<hui:lo:tl> FC - > jc-61096

6. dove; mourning dove
FC jc-031297
7. dove; mourning dove
FC jc-031297

0. draw, trace

0. those who have shifts
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. owners of a shift
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. one who owns a shift
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. indigenous shift, blouse, huipil
1. blouse; blouse ( of indigenous women ); shift
FC -> jc-72895
2. blouse; blouse (of indigenous women); shift

3. blouse (of indigenous women), shift; blouse

4. indigenous shift, blouse, huipil
5. blouse; blouse (of indigenous women); shift

6. blouse (of indigenous women), shift; blouse

7. blouse ( of indigenous women ), shift; blouse <hui:pi:lli>
<hui:pi:lli> FC - > jc-61096
8. blouse, shift
FC - > jc-61096
9. blouse; blouse ( of indigenous women ); shift
FC jc-031297
10. blouse; blouse ( of indigenous women ); shift
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. the day after tomorrow

1. the day after tomorrow

FC -> jc-72895
2. the day after tomorrow

3. the day after tomorrow

4. the day after tomorrow

FC jc-031297
5. the day after tomorrow
FC jc-031297

0. every third day

1. every third day

FC -> jc-72895
2. every third day

3. every third day

4. every third day <hui:ptla-tica>

<hui:ptla-tica> FC - > jc-61096
5. every third day
FC jc-031297
6. every third day
FC jc-031297

huiqui ( xi- )
0. ven ( come )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

huiquili ( xinechin- )
0. lle'vamelos ( take them to me )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

huiquiliz ( nic- )
0. se lo llevare' ( I will carry it to him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he is struck by lightning; they are struck; they are struck
by a thunderbolt; they are struck by lightning
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he is struck by lightning; they are struck; they are struck

by a thunderbolt; they are struck by lightning
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is struck by lightning; they are struck; they are struck
by a thunderbolt; they are struck by lightning

3. he is struck by lightning; they are struck; they are struck

by a thunderbolt; they are struck by lightning

4. he is struck by lightning; they are struck by a

thunderbolt; they are struck by lightning; they are struck
<hui:tequi-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. they are struck by a thunderbolt; they are struck by
lightning; they are struck <hui:tequi-lo:1>
<hui:tequi-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is struck by lightning; they are struck; they are struck
by a thunderbolt; they are struck by lightning
FC jc-031297
7. he is struck by lightning; they are struck; they are struck
by a thunderbolt; they are struck by lightning
FC jc-031297

0. it was struck; it was struck by lightning

1. it was struck; it was struck by lightning

FC -> jc-72895
2. it was struck; it was struck by lightning

3. it was struck; it was struck by lightning

4. it was struck by lightning; it was struck

<hui:tequi-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was struck by lightning; it was struck
<hui:tequi-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was struck; it was struck by lightning
FC jc-031297
7. it was struck; it was struck by lightning
FC jc-031297

0. he was struck by lightning
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he was struck by lightning

FC -> jc-72895
2. he was struck by lightning

3. he was struck by lightning

4. he was struck by lightning <hui:tequi-lo:1-ya3>

<hui:tequi-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was struck by lightning <hui:tequi-lo:1-ya3>
<hui:tequi-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was struck by lightning <hui:tequi-lo:1-ya3>
<hui:tequi-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he was struck by lightning
FC jc-031297
8. he was struck by lightning
FC jc-031297

0. huitecoz
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. tzotzonaloz

2. ahuic chololtiloz

3. he would be struck and beaten; he would be pursued from

one place to another

0. very long

1. very long
FC -> jc-72895
2. very long

3. very long

4. very long
FC jc-031297
5. very long
FC jc-031297

0. very long
FC -> jc-72895
1. very long
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
2. very long
FC jc-031297

0. tear, destroy
FC - > jc-61096

0. st torn down, destroyed

0. burst, break
1. it crumbles; it falls
FC -> jc-72895
2. it crumbles; it falls

3. burst, break
4. it crumbles; it falls

5. it crumbles; it falls <huitomi>

<huitomi> FC - > jc-61096
6. (cf tomi) burst, break
7. (cf tomi) burst, break
8. it crumbles; it falls
FC jc-031297
9. it crumbles; it falls
FC jc-031297

0. viene ( he comes )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. viene ( it comes )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. he comes
FC -> jc-72895
3. it comes; it falls ( ie; day ); it follows
FC -> jc-72895
4. she comes
FC -> jc-72895
5. comes
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. he comes; it comes; it falls (ie; day); it follows; she
7. he comes; it comes; it falls (ie; day); it follows; she
8. he comes; it comes; it falls ( ie day ); it follows; she
comes <hui:tz>
<hui:tz> FC - > jc-61096
9. comes
10. viene ( he comes )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
11. viene ( it comes )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
12. he comes
FC jc-031297
13. it comes; it falls ( ie; day ); it follows
FC jc-031297
14. she comes
FC jc-031297
15. he comes
FC jc-031297
16. it comes; it falls ( ie; day ); it follows
FC jc-031297
17. she comes
FC jc-031297

huitz ( ti- )
0. vendra's ( you will come )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. thorny tree

1. thorny tree
FC - > jc-61096
2. thorny tree
FC - > jc-61096

0. vienen ( they come )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. they come; they come back
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they come; they come back

3. they come; they come back

4. they come; they come back <hui:tz-plur05>

<hui:tz-plur05> FC - > jc-61096
5. vienen ( they come )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. they come; they come back
FC jc-031297
7. they come; they come back
FC jc-031297

0. southern seashore

1. southern seashore
FC -> jc-72895
2. southern seashore

3. southern seashore

4. southern seashore
FC jc-031297
5. southern seashore
FC jc-031297

0. hummingbird

1. hummingbird
FC -> jc-72895
2. hummingbird

3. hummingbird

4. hummingbird
FC jc-031297
5. hummingbird
FC jc-031297

0. hummingbird

1. hummingbird
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. hummingbird

3. hummingbird

4. hummingbird
FC jc-031297
5. hummingbird
FC jc-031297

0. opal

1. opal
FC -> jc-72895
2. opal

3. opal

4. opal
FC jc-031297
5. opal
FC jc-031297

0. hummingbirds

1. hummingbirds
FC -> jc-72895
2. hummingbirds

3. hummingbirds

4. hummingbirds
FC jc-031297
5. hummingbirds
FC jc-031297

0. hummingbird

1. hummingbird
FC -> jc-72895
2. hummingbird

3. hummingbird
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. hummingbird
FC jc-031297
5. hummingbird
FC jc-031297

0. he makes needles

1. he makes needles
FC -> jc-72895
2. he makes needles

3. he makes needles

4. he makes needles
FC jc-031297
5. he makes needles
FC jc-031297

0. needle seller

1. needle seller
FC -> jc-72895
2. needle seller

3. needle seller

4. needle seller <namaca-qui2>

<namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
5. needle seller <namaca-qui2>
<namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
6. needle seller <namaca-qui2>
<namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
7. needle seller
FC jc-031297
8. needle seller
FC jc-031297

0. needle

1. needle
FC -> jc-72895
2. needle
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. needle

4. needle
FC jc-031297
5. needle
FC jc-031297

0. needle for sewing

1. needle for sewing

FC - > jc-61096
2. needle for sewing
FC - > jc-61096

0. cardoon, an edible plant, thistle

1. thistle
FC -> jc-72895
2. cardoon, an edible plant, thistle

3. cardoon, an edible plant, thistle

4. cardoon, an edible plant

FC - > jc-61096
5. cardoon, an edible plant
FC - > jc-61096
6. thistle <huitztli-quilitl>
<huitztli-quilitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. thistle
FC jc-031297
8. thistle
FC jc-031297

0. artichoke

1. artichoke
FC - > jc-61096
2. artichoke
FC - > jc-61096
3. artichoke
FC - > jc-61096

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they cut maguey spines

1. they cut maguey spines

FC -> jc-72895
2. they cut maguey spines

3. they cut maguey spines

4. they cut maguey spines

FC jc-031297
5. they cut maguey spines
FC jc-031297

0. the cutting of maguey spines

1. the cutting of maguey spines

FC -> jc-72895
2. the cutting of maguey spines

3. the cutting of maguey spines

4. the cutting of maguey spines <huitztli-tequi1-liz>

<huitztli-tequi1-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. the cutting of maguey spines <huitztli-tequi1-liz>
<huitztli-tequi1-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. the cutting of maguey spines
FC jc-031297
7. the cutting of maguey spines
FC jc-031297

0. pointed; sharp

1. pointed; sharp
FC -> jc-72895
2. pointed; sharp

3. pointed; sharp

4. pointed, sharp <huitztli-tic>

<huitztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. sharp pointed
Adj Form jc-022897
6. pointed; sharp
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. pointed; sharp
FC jc-031297
8. sharp-pointed
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
9. spike
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
10. barb

11. prickle

12. thorn

13. briar

14. quill

15. bramble

16. sticker

17. thistle

18. sharp pointed

0. with a maguey thorn, by means of a maguey thorn; with a
thorn; by means of a thorn; with maguey spines; using
maguey spines

1. with a maguey thorn, by means of a maguey thorn; with a

thorn; by means of a thorn; with maguey spines; using
maguey spines
FC -> jc-72895
2. with a maguey thorn, by means of a maguey thorn; with a
thorn; by means of a thorn; with maguey spines; using
maguey spines

3. with a maguey thorn, by means of a maguey thorn; with a

thorn; by means of a thorn; with maguey spines; using
maguey spines

4. with a thorn, by means of a thorn <huitztli-ti1-ca2>

<huitztli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with a thorn, by means of a thorn; with maguey spines;
using maguey spines <huitztli-ti1-ca2>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<huitztli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096

6. with a maguey thorn, by means of a maguey thorn; with a
thorn; by means of a thorn; with maguey spines; using
maguey spines
FC jc-031297
7. with a maguey thorn, by means of a maguey thorn; with a
thorn; by means of a thorn; with maguey spines; using
maguey spines
FC jc-031297

0. thorn
1. maguey spine, thorn; maguey thorn; spine
FC -> jc-72895
2. maguey spine, thorn; maguey thorn; spine

3. thorn
4. maguey spine, thorn; maguey thorn; spine

5. thorn
FC - > jc-61096
6. thorn
FC - > jc-61096
7. thorn <huitztli>
<huitztli> FC - > jc-61096
8. maguey spine, thorn; maguey thorn; spine
FC jc-031297
9. thorn
Noun jc-030797
10. maguey spine, thorn; maguey thorn; spine
FC jc-031297
11. thorn
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
12. thorn
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

huitztli (thorn)nimitzhuitzhuiz
0. I will stick you with a thorn

0. sharp and pointed; small and pointed

1. sharp and pointed; small and pointed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. sharp and pointed; small and pointed

3. sharp and pointed; small and pointed

4. sharp and pointed; small and pointed

5. sharp and pointed; small and pointed

6. sharp and pointed; small and pointed <huitztli-to:n>
<huitztli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. sharp and pointed; small and pointed
FC jc-031297
8. sharp and pointed; small and pointed
FC jc-031297

0. spiny, thorny

1. spiny, thorny
FC -> jc-72895
2. spiny, thorny

3. spiny, thorny

4. spiny, thorny <huitztli-yo:tl1>

<huitztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. spiny, thorny
FC jc-031297
6. spiny, thorny
FC jc-031297

0. they went

1. they went
FC -> jc-72895
2. they went

3. they went

4. they went <yauh2-ya3>

<yauh2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they went <yauh2-ya3>
<yauh2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they went
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. they went
FC jc-031297

0. <tbd>

0. long humans; we men

1. long
FC -> jc-72895
2. long humans; we men

3. long
4. long humans; we men

5. long
6. long <hue:i-v06-c1>
<hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. long <hue:i-v06-c1>
<hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. long <hue:i-v06-c1>
<hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. long
FC jc-031297
10. long
FC jc-031297

0. to drink
FC - > jc-61096

0. drink

0. his reed
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his reed* tictzotzonacan *let's pound it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his aunts
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his aunts
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. her town
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her town
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. her possession
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her possession
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his bowl
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his bowl
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. his bowl
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his paper
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his paper
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his rattle
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his rattle
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his rattles
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his rattles
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. her shoe
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns

1. her shoe
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his shoes
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her shoes
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
2. his shoes
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. her shoes
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. her house
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her house
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. her houses
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her houses
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his ducks
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his ducks
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. her bowl
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her bowl
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. her bowl
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. her bowls
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her bowls
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. Vas a llegar a la casa de mi abuelito ? Tahciz ichan in
nocohcoltzin ? Are you going to arrive at my grandfather's
house ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. thread
1. (cf ichcatl) thread
2. (cf ichcatl) thread

0. his star
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his star
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. iciuhca mochi cohualo in tlein quinamaca: soon all which
they sold was bought
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1

0. his grandfather
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his grandfather
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. her grandfathers
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her grandfathers
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. greed

0. her children
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her children
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. her child
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her child
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he has her drink it

0. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. pipitzca

2. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana

3. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

4. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

5. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

6. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

0. thread

0. his eagle
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his eagle
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. his eagle
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his wood
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his tree
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1

2. his wood
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. his tree

4. his wood

5. his tree

0. her skirt
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her skirt
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. her skirts
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her skirts
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it is drunk
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it is drunk
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it is drunk
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it is drunk
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it is drunk
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it is drunk
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it is drunk
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. no ihuan in ihcuac otztli cihuatl
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. in ihcuac cualo tonatiuh
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
2. anozo metztli: amo huel quittaya

3. likewise
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. when a woman was with child during an eclipse of the sun or


5. she might might not look at it

6. in cualo in zan xoxouhqui ihuan in amo huel iuccic


7. teapitzalti those which are often uncooked

8. and not well cooked

9. cause one to vomit

10. to have diarrhea

0. it will be drunk
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it will be drunk
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it will be drunk
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it will be drunk
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it will be drunk
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it will be drunk
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it will be drunk
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. her thorn
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her thorn
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. her thorn
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. service-tree
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to return

0. his hand
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his hand
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their towns
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their towns
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their town
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their town
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. respect, fear

0. his finger
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his finger
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his fingers
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his fingers
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his forearm
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his forearm
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their rattle
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns

1. their rattle
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his field
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his field
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his fields
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his fields
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. pipitzca

2. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana

3. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

4. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

5. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

6. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

0. their hand
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their hand
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their finger
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their finger
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their fingers
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their fingers
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their hands
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their hands
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their field
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their field
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their fields
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their fields
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his son-in-law
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his son-in-law* nonacaz*my ear
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. his son-in-law* te:poloa:ni*conqueror
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their son
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their son
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their sons
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their sons
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their books
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their books
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his mother
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his mother
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. his mother
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. his mother
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. her mothers
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her mothers
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. hide, protect
1. (cf iyana) hide, protect
2. (cf iyana) hide, protect

0. his ear
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his ear
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his ears
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her ears
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
2. his ears
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. his ears
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. her ears
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their shoe
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their shoe
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their shoes
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their shoes
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their house
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their house
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their houses
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their houses
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their bowl
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their bowl
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their bowls
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their bowls
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their star
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their star
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their stars
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. their stars
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their grandfather
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their grandfather
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their grandfathers
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their grandfathers
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their children
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their children
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their child
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their child
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their skirt
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their skirt
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their skirts
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their skirts
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. nictlahpaloz in nin tlatlallancaltzin Le dire' un saludo a
la buena cuevita I will greet the good cave
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. auh inin paconi
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
2. pitzaloni
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. atililoni

4. atiani

5. and this is that which can be washed

6. can be cast

7. can be liquefied; that which melts

0. their mother
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their mother
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their mothers
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their mothers
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their ear
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their ear
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their ears
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their ears
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. pipitzca

2. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana

3. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

4. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

5. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

6. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

0. their father
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their father
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their fathers
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their fathers
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their lip
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their lip
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. their lip
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their gods
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their gods
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their god
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their god
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their rabbit
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their rabbit
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their rag
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their rag
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their hair
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their hair
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their rag
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their rag
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their rags
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their rags
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their bag
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their bag
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their bags
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their bags
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their flower
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. their flower
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their flowers
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. their flowers
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. in aquin ipan tlacatia cenca cualittoya
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. he who was then born was very well regarded

0. his father
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his father
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. his father
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his brothers-in-law
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his brothers-in-law
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his flea
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his flea
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. his flea
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his back
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his back
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his torso
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his body
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. his torso

3. his body
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. her tooth
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. her tooth
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his buttocks
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his buttocks
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. obsidian, cold
1. (cf tlanitztli) obsidian, cold
2. (cf tlanitztli) obsidian, cold

0. long faced
Adj Form jc-022897
1. long faced
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. long faced
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. one who laughs
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. one who laughs
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. one who laughs
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who laughs
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. drip

0. his bag
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his bag
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his bags
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his bags
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his flowers
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his flowers
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. thin faced
Adj Form jc-022897
1. thin faced
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. thin faced
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. eyelid

1. eyelid
FC - > jc-61096

0. eye(ball)

1. eye-ball
FC - > jc-61096

0. face
1. face, eye, surface

2. face
3. face, eye, surface

4. eye, face, front

FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. eye, face, front

FC - > jc-61096
6. face, eye, surface
FC - > jc-61096

i:xtli-| patza:hua tlai:xpatza:uhtli

0. person whose eye is put out

i:xtli-| poya:huatlai:xpoya:uhtli
0. so dazzled or deceived

0. dark faced
Adj Form jc-022897
1. dark faced
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. dark faced
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. to surprise or frighten someone

0. toasted corn

0. his towns
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his towns
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his town
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. his town
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his hunger
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. his hunger
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. his hunger
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. his hunger
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. its water, its juice
FC jc-031297

0. in his boat
FC jc-031297

0. his reed stalk

1. his reed stalk

FC -> jc-72895
2. his reed stalk

3. his reed stalk

4. his reed stalk

FC jc-031297
5. his reed stalk
FC jc-031297

0. his older brother

1. his older brother

FC -> jc-72895
2. his older brother

3. his older brother

4. his older brother

FC jc-031297
5. his older brother
FC jc-031297

0. his upper arms

1. his upper arms

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. his upper arms

3. his upper arms

4. his upper arms

FC jc-031297
5. his upper arms
FC jc-031297

0. on his shoulder
FC jc-031297

0. tips of the wing-bends

1. tips of the wing-bends

FC -> jc-72895
2. tips of the wing-bends

3. tips of the wing-bends

4. tips of the wing-bends <poss-ahcolli-yacatl-co2>

<poss-ahcolli-yacatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. tips of the wing-bends <poss-ahcolli-yacatl-co2>
<poss-ahcolli-yacatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. tips of the wing-bends <poss-ahcolli-yacatl-co2>
<poss-ahcolli-yacatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
7. tips of the wing-bends
FC jc-031297
8. tips of the wing-bends
FC jc-031297

0. his exaltation

1. his exaltation
FC -> jc-72895
2. his exaltation

3. his exaltation

4. his exaltation
FC jc-031297
5. his exaltation
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his fir branch
FC jc-031297

0. its wing tips

1. its wing tips

FC -> jc-72895
2. its wing tips

3. its wing tips

4. its wing tips

FC jc-031297
5. its wing tips
FC jc-031297

0. its wings

1. its wings
FC -> jc-72895
2. its wings

3. its wings

4. its wings
FC jc-031297
5. its wings
FC jc-031297

0. its thorns

1. its thorns
FC -> jc-72895
2. its thorns

3. its thorns

4. its thorns
FC jc-031297
5. its thorns
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his aunt

1. his aunt
FC -> jc-72895
2. his aunt

3. his aunt

4. his aunt
FC jc-031297
5. his aunt
FC jc-031297

0. her aunts

1. her aunts
FC -> jc-72895
2. her aunts

3. her aunts

4. her aunts
FC jc-031297
5. her aunts
FC jc-031297

0. his city

1. his city
FC -> jc-72895
2. his city

3. his city

4. his city <poss-a:ltepe:tl-uh>

<poss-a:ltepe:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. his city <poss-a:ltepe:tl-uh>
<poss-a:ltepe:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. his city
FC jc-031297
7. his city
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. her paper crown; his paper headdress

1. her paper crown; his paper headdress

FC -> jc-72895
2. her paper crown; his paper headdress

3. her paper crown; his paper headdress

4. her paper crown; his paper headdress <poss-a:matl-calli>

<poss-a:matl-calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. her paper crown; his paper headdress
FC jc-031297
6. her paper crown; his paper headdress
FC jc-031297

0. his paper breech clout
FC jc-031297

0. his paper stole
FC jc-031297

0. in itzontecon, ihuan in icuitlapan, ihuan in iatlapal,
anozo iamatlapal, ihuan in icuitlapil: texotic,
cuappachtic, in iitic, ihuan in iacol: its head, and its
back, and its wings, and its tail are light blue; its belly
and its wing-bend tawny (b11 f3 p22), in icuitlapan, in
iahaz, in iamatlapal cenquiztica nextic: zan icuac in
iahaz, cenca tliltic: its back, its wings are completely
ashen, except that the wing-bends are very black (b11 f4
p32), auh in ye mochi iamatlapal nextic: but otherwise its
wings are all ashen (b11 f4 p34), in icuitlapil zan no
tlilpopoyauhqui, zan tepiton: in iamatlapal tliltic, iztac
in tlani onoc: its tail is also dark ashen, quite small;
its wings black; white [ feathers ] lie underneath (b11 f4
p37), in iamatlapal, cuitlatexotic: in iahaz tliltic, in
iahahuitz no tliltic: its wings are silvery, its flight
feathers black, its wing tips also black (b11 f4 p38), in
iamatlapal, cuitlatexoti: in iahaz xoxohuia, pepetzca,
cuacuatlilihui: its wings are silvery; its flight feathers
green, glistening, black at the ends (b11 f4 p38), in
iamatlapal, in iahaz, in iahahuitz nextic: coztic in icxi,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

xomatzale, huihuiac in izti: its wings, its wing tips are

ashen; its feet yellow, with claws -- long claws (b11 f4
p39), in iquechcuauhyo, in icuitlapan, in icuitlapil, in
iamatlapal, in iahaz, in iahahuitz tliltic: down the back
of its neck, on its back, its tail, wings, wing tips, it is
black (b11 f5 p39), in ihcuac impan mocacanauhtiuh totome
macihui in impan mocacanahua amo ic quinhuitequi in
iamatlapal: zan iztitica quinmotzoloznequi when it goes
flying over birds, even when it flies above them, it does
not strike them with wings; it only tries to seize them
with its talons (b11 f5 p43), no itoca huappapalotl: in
iamatlapal huauhtli, in manozo iquillo: in ihcuac ye
chicahua, in ye iucci huauhtli iiatlapal: amaranth leaves
or foliage are also called uappapalotl when the amaranth
leaves already become mature, ripe (b11 f10 p95),
amatlapalpatlahuac, ahuazoapatlahuac: in iamatlapal in
iixco texotic in itepotzco cuitlanextic, ticehuac cocoyac,
coayeltic, the leaves are wide, the leaves are broad, blue
on their upper surfaces, ashen, white on their back
surfaces, like the cocoyatic [and] coayelli herbs (b11 f11
p110), in itzinteyo, in iamatlapal in ixinachyo, mochi
mocenteci, its roots, leaves, seeds are all ground together
(b11 f14 p148), in iamatlapal zan huetzi its leaves are
useless (b11 f14 p148), in iamatlapal patlactotonti, zan
moomemana, achiton huihuiacatotonti: its leaves are small
and wide; they are just in two parts, a little bit long
(b11 f14 p148), amo maye in iamatlapal: zan niman itech
quiza in icuauhyo maxoxoctic it has no branches; its leaves
only come out from its green trunk (b11 f14 p149), moteci
in iamatlapal, ihuan in icuauhyo moteci: its leaves and its
wood are ground (b11 f14 p149), in iamatlapal,
yayahualtotonti, xoxoctic, its leaves are small, round,
green (b11 f14 p150), in iamatlapal ic mopa in
pipiltotonti: in ahzo cuatotomoni, in anozo mapitza,
motlehuia, its leaves cure the little children who have
sores on the head, or diarrhea, [ or ] fever (b11 f15
p150), in iamatlapal amo monequi: its leaves are useless
(b11 f15 p151), in iamatlapal iuhquin miltomatl zan achi
manextic its leaves are like those of the small tomato; the
branches are somewhat ashen (b11 f15 p151), zan niman
tlaltitech in mamatlapaltia, huihuiac patlactotonti,
xoxoctic: iuhqui in iamatlapal caxtillan omixochitl, the
leaves form right next to the ground; they are long, broad,
green like the leaves of the spanish omixochitl (b11 f15
p151), in iamatlapal, iuhqui in ahuehuetl ixiuhyo, zan
tepitoton: its leaves are like the leaves of the ahuehuetl,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

only small (b11 f15 p152), cuayahualtoton: in iamatlapal,

in ixochio, iuhquin chien: its leaves are rounded on the
tips; its blossoms are like those of chia (b11 f15 p153),
achi tomio: in iamatlapal xoxoctic, yahualtotonti,
cuahuitztoton, its leaves are somewhat hairy, green, small
and round, pointed on the tips (b11 f15 p153), miec in
momana, iuhquin tlacotl ic momana, xoxoctic: zan
quitotocatiuh in iamatlapal, all appears like the stalk,
which appears green; its leaves extend from it (b11 f15
p154), zan niman tlaltitech in pehua in iamatlapal, its
leaves begin right at the ground (b11 f15 p155), zan icel
moquetza in iamatlapal its leaves are set on only singly
(b11 f15 p155), mihnecui in ixochio, amo ahuiac in
iamatlapal, its blossoms can be smelt; its leaves are
odorless (b11 f15 p156), achi ixchichiltic, tlacotic, achi
huiac in iamatlapal, tzimpitzatoton, cuapatlahuac, zan
huehueca in mani, somewhat chili-red on the surface, it is
stalky; its leaves are somewhat long, narrow at the bottom,
wide at the top, spaced far apart (b11 f15 p156), xihuitl
achi mohuilana, zan no ach iuhqui in iamatlapal: the herb
creeps somewhat, about the same [as the ayotli] (b11 f15
p156), yahualtotonti in iamatlapal: its leaves are small
and round (b11 f15 p156), iuhquin cuacuauhzotica in
iamatlapal: iuhquin texos ic catqui, it is as if each one
of its leaves spread out at the top; they are like very
small tiles (b11 f15 p156), chichiltic in icuauhyototon: in
iamatlapal xoxoctic, achi ixnextic: its small stalks are
red; its leaves green, somewhat ashen (b11 f15 p157), ahmo
monequi in iamatlapal its leaves are useless (b11 f15
p157), in iamatlapal huel iuhqui in huei mizquitl its
leaves are just like those of the uei mizquitl (b11 f15
p157), iuhqui in higos in iamatlapal ic catqui: zan ye
tepitoton, xoxoctic, tentzitziquiltic, cuahuitztoton: its
leaves are like those of the fig tree -small, green,
serrated along the edge, small and pointed on the ends (b11
f15 p157), achichichic in iamatlapal its leaves are a
little bitter (b11 f15 p157), mocenteci in iamatlapal in
inelhuayo its leaves are ground up together with its root
(b11 f15 p157), in iamatlapal, tlacotic, huiac, its leaves
are stalky, long (b11 f15 p159), in iamatlapal
yahualtotonti, tzitziquiltotonti, achi ixchichiltic, zan
huetzi its leaves are small and round, serrated, somewhat
chili-red on the surface; they are useless (b11 f15 p159),
in iamatlapal, xoxoctic, xipetztic: its leaves are green,
slick (b11 f15 p160), in iamatlapal xoxoctic,
papatlactotonti, achi tilactotonti its leaves are green
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

small and wide, somewhat thick (b11 f16 p160), in

iamatlapal xoxoctic, cuetlaxtic cuayahualton, its leaves
are green, leathery, small and rounded on the ends (b11 f16
p161), in iamatlapal imemeyallo, ihuan yiacacelica iuhqui
in chichihualayotl itech quiza, the sap, which comes from
its leaves and its tender tips, is like milk (b11 f16
p161), huel iuhquin tzanalquilitl in iamatlapal, amo cenca
huiac, zan tepitoton, matzatzayan, xoxoctic: its leaves are
just like those of the tza[ya]nalquilitl, not very long,
just small, serrated, green (b11 f16 p162), zan niman no
tlaltitech ixhuatica in iamatlapal: its leaves sprout out
right next to the earth (b11 f16 p162), ixchichiltic in
iamatlapal, ihuan in icuauhyo, its leaves and its stalk are
chili-red on the surface (b11 f16 p163), iuhqui in
tlapalhuauhtli ixochio in iamatlapal yahualtotonti,
cuahuitztoton, tentzitziquiltic: its blossoms and its
leaves are like those of the tlapalhuauhtli, small and
round, pointed at the end, serrated along the edges (b11
f16 p163), zan nahui in ixiuhyo, in iamatlapal
huitztotonti, tentzitziquiltic, cencah xoxoctic, its
foliage, its leaves, consist of only four; they are small
and pointed, serrated on the edges, very green (b11 f16
p163), chachacuachtic in iamatlapal iuhqui in ixiuhyo
cuahuitl arvarcoques: its leaves are rough like the foliage
of the apricot tree (b11 f16 p164), xoxoctic in iamatlapal,
yahualtotonti, amo tilahuac, no achi ixtomio
tentzitziquiltic:its leaves are green, small and round, not
thick; also they are somewhat hairy, serrated] on the edges
(b11 f16 p166), xoxoctic in iamatlapal, zan mapitzatoton,
in ixochio iztac, tepitoton, camopalpoyahuac: its leaves
are green, the branches small and slender, its flowers
white, small dark-purple (b11 f16 p168), xoxoctic, huel
cemiztitl inic huihuiac in iamatlapal tentzitziquiltic, its
leaves are green, as much as a span long, serrated on the
edges (b11 f16 p168), tepiton in iamatlapal, papatlahuac,
huehuei: im pani xoxoctic, auh in tlani ixtenextic, ihuan
tomio: its leaves are small, broad, long, green on the
surface but ashen underneath, and hairy (b11 f16 p168), no
xoxoctic in iamatlapal its leaves are also green (b11 f17
p169), in ixiuhyo, tzitzinpitzaton in iamatlapal, ei
quiztica, its leaves are small and slender at the base;
they form in threes (b11 f17 p171), xoxoctic, miec in
momana in iamatlapal, huapactic, iuhqui in caxtillan acatl
its green leaves are many, solid, like the reeds of castile
(b11 f17 p171), in iamatlapal, ihuan in ixinachyo
mocenteci, its leaves and its seeds are ground together
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

(b11 f17 p172), moteci, achi moneloa in iamatlapal it is

ground up; a few of its leaves are mixed in (b11 f17 p173),
huehueca mamani in iamatlapal: patlachtotonti, its leaves
are far apart, broad and small (b11 f17 p173), in icuauhyo
iuhqui in ihixe, no oncan mamantiuh in iamatlapal, its
stems are as if jointed; from these also go its leaves (b11
f17 p174), moteci in iamatlapal, ihuan in ixochio its
leaves and flowers are ground up (b11 f17 p174), in ihcuac
in, amo moteciz in iamatlapal: tzoyoniz, ihuan in ixochio,
at this time it is not to be ground; its leaves and its
blossoms are to be cooked (b11 f17 p175), in iamatlapal
xoxoctic, melactotonti, patlactotonti: its leaves are
green, small and straight, a little wide (b11 f17 p175), ye
excan quiztica in iamatlapal pitzactotonti, cuahuitztoton:
its leaves come in threes; they are small and slender,
pointed at the ends (b11 f17 p176), xoxoctic: in iamatlapal
occan excan xeliuhtica, Its leaves are green; they are
divided in two [or] three places (b11 f17 p176), achi huel
cemiztitl inic huihuiac, inic patlactotonti iuhquin
iamatlapal trigo: they are about a span long, as small and
slender as blades of wheat (b11 f17 p176), in iamatlapal
xoxoctic, melactotonti, patlactotonti, cuahuitztoton: its
leaves are green, long, small and wide, pointed at the end
(b11 f17 p177), mocoxonia, amo mopalticateci, moneloa in
cuauhyayahual ixiuhyo yehuatl in iamatlapal, ihuan ixochio
[its leaves ] are ground up dry, not wet, mixed with the
foliage of the quauhyayaual: that is, with its leaves and
its blossoms (b11 f17 p178), miec in momana, in iamatlapal,
its leaves spread out profusely (b11 f18 p178), in ixochio
iztacatontli; in iquillo huel iuhqui in iamatlapal
iztaquilitl, its blossoms are small and white; its foliage
is just like the leaves of the iztac quilitl (b11 f18
p181), in iamatlapal maticehuac, matenextic, tomio, achi
ixpochinqui: its leaf is chalky, ashen, hairy, somewhat
fibrous on the surface (b11 f18 p182), xoxoctic: in
itlacoyo, tlacuahuac: in iamatlapal, iuhqui in
huauhquilitl, tentzitziquiltic, papatlahuac:it is green,
its stalk is tough, its leaves are like those of the
uauhquilitl, serrated on the edges, wide (b11 f18 p182),
niman quihuihuicatiuh in iamatlapal, iuhquinma huitl, itlan
yeyetiuh, iztac: ixochio pouhtoc, then its leaves go
carrying with them ---as if they were feathers which went
among them - its white blossoms which lie there as part of
them (b11 f18 p183), in iamatlapal, patlahuac: iuhquin
excan xeliuhtica, iuhquin ezoquilitl in ixiuhyo: its leaf
is broad, divided as if in three parts like the foliage of
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

the oquilitl (b11 f18 p184), momaxallotia: in iamatlapal

pitzahuacapatlactotonti, melactotonti: its leaves are long,
small and wide, straight (b11 f18 p184), xoxoctic: in
iamatlapal, its leaves are green (b11 f18 p185), in
iamatlapal, excan xeliuhtica, its leaf is divided into
three parts (b11 f18 p185), in iamatlapal xoxoctic,
xipetztic, melactotonti, patlactotonti: its leaves are
green, smooth, small and straight, a little wide (b11 f18
p186), in icuauhyo ixe, oncan momantiuh in iamatlapal: zan
mixnamictiuh, nenecoc mamantiuh, its stems have knots where
its leaves go out; they just go meeting, they extend in
opposite directions (b11 f18 p186), tlatlahuic in
iamatlapal, in iquillo its leaves, its stalks are ruddy
(b11 f19 p196), in iamatlapal in iquillo tlalichtic,
tlacuahuac, tlacuactic, tlacuacpatic its leaves, its
shoots are fibrous, tough, firm, very firm (b11 f19 p196),
in iamatlapal tomio, iuhquin topoza: its leaves are fuzzy
like those of the topoan (b11 f20 p201)
1. its blades; its leaf; its leaves; its wings
FC -> jc-72895
2. its blades; its leaf; its leaves; its wings

3. in itzontecon, ihuan in icuitlapan, ihuan in iatlapal,

anozo iamatlapal, ihuan in icuitlapil: texotic,
cuappachtic, in iitic, ihuan in iacol: its head, and its
back, and its wings, and its tail are light blue; its belly
and its wing-bend tawny (b11 f3 p22), in icuitlapan, in
iahaz, in iamatlapal cenquiztica nextic: zan icuac in
iahaz, cenca tliltic: its back, its wings are completely
ashen, except that the wing-bends are very black (b11 f4
p32), auh in ye mochi iamatlapal nextic: but otherwise its
wings are all ashen (b11 f4 p34), in icuitlapil zan no
tlilpopoyauhqui, zan tepiton: in iamatlapal tliltic, iztac
in tlani onoc: its tail is also dark ashen, quite small;
its wings black; white [ feathers ] lie underneath (b11 f4
p37), in iamatlapal, cuitlatexotic: in iahaz tliltic, in
iahahuitz no tliltic: its wings are silvery, its flight
feathers black, its wing tips also black (b11 f4 p38), in
iamatlapal, cuitlatexoti: in iahaz xoxohuia, pepetzca,
cuacuatlilihui: its wings are silvery; its flight feathers
green, glistening, black at the ends (b11 f4 p38), in
iamatlapal, in iahaz, in iahahuitz nextic: coztic in icxi,
xomatzale, huihuiac in izti: its wings, its wing tips are
ashen; its feet yellow, with claws -- long claws (b11 f4
p39), in iquechcuauhyo, in icuitlapan, in icuitlapil, in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

iamatlapal, in iahaz, in iahahuitz tliltic: down the back

of its neck, on its back, its tail, wings, wing tips, it is
black (b11 f5 p39), in ihcuac impan mocacanauhtiuh totome
macihui in impan mocacanahua amo ic quinhuitequi in
iamatlapal: zan iztitica quinmotzoloznequi when it goes
flying over birds, even when it flies above them, it does
not strike them with wings; it only tries to seize them
with its talons (b11 f5 p43), no itoca huappapalotl: in
iamatlapal huauhtli, in manozo iquillo: in ihcuac ye
chicahua, in ye iucci huauhtli iiatlapal: amaranth leaves
or foliage are also called uappapalotl when the amaranth
leaves already become mature, ripe (b11 f10 p95),
amatlapalpatlahuac, ahuazoapatlahuac: in iamatlapal in
iixco texotic in itepotzco cuitlanextic, ticehuac cocoyac,
coayeltic, the leaves are wide, the leaves are broad, blue
on their upper surfaces, ashen, white on their back
surfaces, like the cocoyatic [and] coayelli herbs (b11 f11
p110), in itzinteyo, in iamatlapal in ixinachyo, mochi
mocenteci, its roots, leaves, seeds are all ground together
(b11 f14 p148), in iamatlapal zan huetzi its leaves are
useless (b11 f14 p148), in iamatlapal patlactotonti, zan
moomemana, achiton huihuiacatotonti: its leaves are small
and wide; they are just in two parts, a little bit long
(b11 f14 p148), amo maye in iamatlapal: zan niman itech
quiza in icuauhyo maxoxoctic it has no branches; its leaves
only come out from its green trunk (b11 f14 p149), moteci
in iamatlapal, ihuan in icuauhyo moteci: its leaves and its
wood are ground (b11 f14 p149), in iamatlapal,
yayahualtotonti, xoxoctic, its leaves are small, round,
green (b11 f14 p150), in iamatlapal ic mopa in
pipiltotonti: in ahzo cuatotomoni, in anozo mapitza,
motlehuia, its leaves cure the little children who have
sores on the head, or diarrhea, [ or ] fever (b11 f15
p150), in iamatlapal amo monequi: its leaves are useless
(b11 f15 p151), in iamatlapal iuhquin miltomatl zan achi
manextic its leaves are like those of the small tomato; the
branches are somewhat ashen (b11 f15 p151), zan niman
tlaltitech in mamatlapaltia, huihuiac patlactotonti,
xoxoctic: iuhqui in iamatlapal caxtillan omixochitl, the
leaves form right next to the ground; they are long, broad,
green like the leaves of the spanish omixochitl (b11 f15
p151), in iamatlapal, iuhqui in ahuehuetl ixiuhyo, zan
tepitoton: its leaves are like the leaves of the ahuehuetl,
only small (b11 f15 p152), cuayahualtoton: in iamatlapal,
in ixochio, iuhquin chien: its leaves are rounded on the
tips; its blossoms are like those of chia (b11 f15 p153),
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

achi tomio: in iamatlapal xoxoctic, yahualtotonti,

cuahuitztoton, its leaves are somewhat hairy, green, small
and round, pointed on the tips (b11 f15 p153), miec in
momana, iuhquin tlacotl ic momana, xoxoctic: zan
quitotocatiuh in iamatlapal, all appears like the stalk,
which appears green; its leaves extend from it (b11 f15
p154), zan niman tlaltitech in pehua in iamatlapal, its
leaves begin right at the ground (b11 f15 p155), zan icel
moquetza in iamatlapal its leaves are set on only singly
(b11 f15 p155), mihnecui in ixochio, amo ahuiac in
iamatlapal, its blossoms can be smelt; its leaves are
odorless (b11 f15 p156), achi ixchichiltic, tlacotic, achi
huiac in iamatlapal, tzimpitzatoton, cuapatlahuac, zan
huehueca in mani, somewhat chili-red on the surface, it is
stalky; its leaves are somewhat long, narrow at the bottom,
wide at the top, spaced far apart (b11 f15 p156), xihuitl
achi mohuilana, zan no ach iuhqui in iamatlapal: the herb
creeps somewhat, about the same [as the ayotli] (b11 f15
p156), yahualtotonti in iamatlapal: its leaves are small
and round (b11 f15 p156), iuhquin cuacuauhzotica in
iamatlapal: iuhquin texos ic catqui, it is as if each one
of its leaves spread out at the top; they are like very
small tiles (b11 f15 p156), chichiltic in icuauhyototon: in
iamatlapal xoxoctic, achi ixnextic: its small stalks are
red; its leaves green, somewhat ashen (b11 f15 p157), ahmo
monequi in iamatlapal its leaves are useless (b11 f15
p157), in iamatlapal huel iuhqui in huei mizquitl its
leaves are just like those of the uei mizquitl (b11 f15
p157), iuhqui in higos in iamatlapal ic catqui: zan ye
tepitoton, xoxoctic, tentzitziquiltic, cuahuitztoton: its
leaves are like those of the fig tree -small, green,
serrated along the edge, small and pointed on the ends (b11
f15 p157), achichichic in iamatlapal its leaves are a
little bitter (b11 f15 p157), mocenteci in iamatlapal in
inelhuayo its leaves are ground up together with its root
(b11 f15 p157), in iamatlapal, tlacotic, huiac, its leaves
are stalky, long (b11 f15 p159), in iamatlapal
yahualtotonti, tzitziquiltotonti, achi ixchichiltic, zan
huetzi its leaves are small and round, serrated, somewhat
chili-red on the surface; they are useless (b11 f15 p159),
in iamatlapal, xoxoctic, xipetztic: its leaves are green,
slick (b11 f15 p160), in iamatlapal xoxoctic,
papatlactotonti, achi tilactotonti its leaves are green
small and wide, somewhat thick (b11 f16 p160), in
iamatlapal xoxoctic, cuetlaxtic cuayahualton, its leaves
are green, leathery, small and rounded on the ends (b11 f16
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

p161), in iamatlapal imemeyallo, ihuan yiacacelica iuhqui

in chichihualayotl itech quiza, the sap, which comes from
its leaves and its tender tips, is like milk (b11 f16
p161), huel iuhquin tzanalquilitl in iamatlapal, amo cenca
huiac, zan tepitoton, matzatzayan, xoxoctic: its leaves are
just like those of the tza[ya]nalquilitl, not very long,
just small, serrated, green (b11 f16 p162), zan niman no
tlaltitech ixhuatica in iamatlapal: its leaves sprout out
right next to the earth (b11 f16 p162), ixchichiltic in
iamatlapal, ihuan in icuauhyo, its leaves and its stalk are
chili-red on the surface (b11 f16 p163), iuhqui in
tlapalhuauhtli ixochio in iamatlapal yahualtotonti,
cuahuitztoton, tentzitziquiltic: its blossoms and its
leaves are like those of the tlapalhuauhtli, small and
round, pointed at the end, serrated along the edges (b11
f16 p163), zan nahui in ixiuhyo, in iamatlapal
huitztotonti, tentzitziquiltic, cencah xoxoctic, its
foliage, its leaves, consist of only four; they are small
and pointed, serrated on the edges, very green (b11 f16
p163), chachacuachtic in iamatlapal iuhqui in ixiuhyo
cuahuitl arvarcoques: its leaves are rough like the foliage
of the apricot tree (b11 f16 p164), xoxoctic in iamatlapal,
yahualtotonti, amo tilahuac, no achi ixtomio
tentzitziquiltic:its leaves are green, small and round, not
thick; also they are somewhat hairy, serrated] on the edges
(b11 f16 p166), xoxoctic in iamatlapal, zan mapitzatoton,
in ixochio iztac, tepitoton, camopalpoyahuac: its leaves
are green, the branches small and slender, its flowers
white, small dark-purple (b11 f16 p168), xoxoctic, huel
cemiztitl inic huihuiac in iamatlapal tentzitziquiltic, its
leaves are green, as much as a span long, serrated on the
edges (b11 f16 p168), tepiton in iamatlapal, papatlahuac,
huehuei: im pani xoxoctic, auh in tlani ixtenextic, ihuan
tomio: its leaves are small, broad, long, green on the
surface but ashen underneath, and hairy (b11 f16 p168), no
xoxoctic in iamatlapal its leaves are also green (b11 f17
p169), in ixiuhyo, tzitzinpitzaton in iamatlapal, ei
quiztica, its leaves are small and slender at the base;
they form in threes (b11 f17 p171), xoxoctic, miec in
momana in iamatlapal, huapactic, iuhqui in caxtillan acatl
its green leaves are many, solid, like the reeds of castile
(b11 f17 p171), in iamatlapal, ihuan in ixinachyo
mocenteci, its leaves and its seeds are ground together
(b11 f17 p172), moteci, achi moneloa in iamatlapal it is
ground up; a few of its leaves are mixed in (b11 f17 p173),
huehueca mamani in iamatlapal: patlachtotonti, its leaves
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

are far apart, broad and small (b11 f17 p173), in icuauhyo
iuhqui in ihixe, no oncan mamantiuh in iamatlapal, its
stems are as if jointed; from these also go its leaves (b11
f17 p174), moteci in iamatlapal, ihuan in ixochio its
leaves and flowers are ground up (b11 f17 p174), in ihcuac
in, amo moteciz in iamatlapal: tzoyoniz, ihuan in ixochio,
at this time it is not to be ground; its leaves and its
blossoms are to be cooked (b11 f17 p175), in iamatlapal
xoxoctic, melactotonti, patlactotonti: its leaves are
green, small and straight, a little wide (b11 f17 p175), ye
excan quiztica in iamatlapal pitzactotonti, cuahuitztoton:
its leaves come in threes; they are small and slender,
pointed at the ends (b11 f17 p176), xoxoctic: in iamatlapal
occan excan xeliuhtica, Its leaves are green; they are
divided in two [or] three places (b11 f17 p176), achi huel
cemiztitl inic huihuiac, inic patlactotonti iuhquin
iamatlapal trigo: they are about a span long, as small and
slender as blades of wheat (b11 f17 p176), in iamatlapal
xoxoctic, melactotonti, patlactotonti, cuahuitztoton: its
leaves are green, long, small and wide, pointed at the end
(b11 f17 p177), mocoxonia, amo mopalticateci, moneloa in
cuauhyayahual ixiuhyo yehuatl in iamatlapal, ihuan ixochio
[its leaves ] are ground up dry, not wet, mixed with the
foliage of the quauhyayaual: that is, with its leaves and
its blossoms (b11 f17 p178), miec in momana, in iamatlapal,
its leaves spread out profusely (b11 f18 p178), in ixochio
iztacatontli; in iquillo huel iuhqui in iamatlapal
iztaquilitl, its blossoms are small and white; its foliage
is just like the leaves of the iztac quilitl (b11 f18
p181), in iamatlapal maticehuac, matenextic, tomio, achi
ixpochinqui: its leaf is chalky, ashen, hairy, somewhat
fibrous on the surface (b11 f18 p182), xoxoctic: in
itlacoyo, tlacuahuac: in iamatlapal, iuhqui in
huauhquilitl, tentzitziquiltic, papatlahuac:it is green,
its stalk is tough, its leaves are like those of the
uauhquilitl, serrated on the edges, wide (b11 f18 p182),
niman quihuihuicatiuh in iamatlapal, iuhquinma huitl, itlan
yeyetiuh, iztac: ixochio pouhtoc, then its leaves go
carrying with them ---as if they were feathers which went
among them - its white blossoms which lie there as part of
them (b11 f18 p183), in iamatlapal, patlahuac: iuhquin
excan xeliuhtica, iuhquin ezoquilitl in ixiuhyo: its leaf
is broad, divided as if in three parts like the foliage of
the oquilitl (b11 f18 p184), momaxallotia: in iamatlapal
pitzahuacapatlactotonti, melactotonti: its leaves are long,
small and wide, straight (b11 f18 p184), xoxoctic: in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

iamatlapal, its leaves are green (b11 f18 p185), in

iamatlapal, excan xeliuhtica, its leaf is divided into
three parts (b11 f18 p185), in iamatlapal xoxoctic,
xipetztic, melactotonti, patlactotonti: its leaves are
green, smooth, small and straight, a little wide (b11 f18
p186), in icuauhyo ixe, oncan momantiuh in iamatlapal: zan
mixnamictiuh, nenecoc mamantiuh, its stems have knots where
its leaves go out; they just go meeting, they extend in
opposite directions (b11 f18 p186), tlatlahuic in
iamatlapal, in iquillo its leaves, its stalks are ruddy
(b11 f19 p196), in iamatlapal in iquillo tlalichtic,
tlacuahuac, tlacuactic, tlacuacpatic its leaves, its
shoots are fibrous, tough, firm, very firm (b11 f19 p196),
in iamatlapal tomio, iuhquin topoza: its leaves are fuzzy
like those of the topoan (b11 f20 p201)
4. its blades; its leaf; its leaves; its wings

5. its blades; its leaves; its leaf; its wings

<poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. its blades; its leaves; its leaf; its wings
<poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
7. its blades; its leaf; its leaves; its wings
FC jc-031297
8. its blades; its leaf; its leaves; its wings
FC jc-031297

0. in iamatlapalton, xoxoctic, iuhqui in iztaquilitl,
mimiltotonti, its little leaves are green, small, round
like those of the iztaquilitl (b11 f14 p149), zan chicuacen
in iamatlapalton, xoxoctic, patlactotonti: its leaves are
only six; they are green, small and] wide (b11 f16 p161)
1. its little leaves
FC -> jc-72895
2. its little leaves

3. its little leaves

4. in iamatlapalton, xoxoctic, iuhqui in iztaquilitl,
mimiltotonti, its little leaves are green, small, round
like those of the iztaquilitl (b11 f14 p149), zan chicuacen
in iamatlapalton, xoxoctic, patlactotonti: its leaves are
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

only six; they are green, small and] wide (b11 f16 p161)
5. its little leaves

6. its little leaves

7. its little leaves <poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-to:n>
<poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. its little leaves <poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-to:n>
<poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
9. its little leaves <poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-to:n>
<poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
10. its little leaves
FC jc-031297
11. its little leaves
FC jc-031297

0. cequi excan cequi occan: nahui, macuilli in
iamatlapaltoton, some of its small leaves are in threes,
some in twos, fours [or] fives (b11 f15 p159), xoxoctic in
iamatlapaltoton, its small leaves are green (b11 f16 p167),
iuhquin tzincuauhyocatotonti, eeimani, in iamatlapaltoton
in iicpac: it is as if its little leaves form in threes on
top of its little stems (b11 f16 p167)
1. its little leaves
FC -> jc-72895
2. its little leaves

3. cequi excan cequi occan: nahui, macuilli in

iamatlapaltoton, some of its small leaves are in threes,
some in twos, fours [or] fives (b11 f15 p159), xoxoctic in
iamatlapaltoton, its small leaves are green (b11 f16 p167),
iuhquin tzincuauhyocatotonti, eeimani, in iamatlapaltoton
in iicpac: it is as if its little leaves form in threes on
top of its little stems (b11 f16 p167)
4. its little leaves

5. its little leaves <poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-dupl-to:n plur07>

<poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-dupl-to:n plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. its little leaves <poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-dupl-to:n plur07>
<poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-dupl-to:n plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. its little leaves <poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-dupl-to:n plur07>
<poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-dupl-to:n plur07> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. its little leaves <poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-dupl-to:n plur07>

<poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-dupl-to:n plur07> FC - > jc-61096
9. its little leaves <poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-dupl-to:n plur07>
<poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-dupl-to:n plur07> FC - > jc-61096
10. its little leaves
FC jc-031297
11. its little leaves
FC jc-031297

0. his paper adornment; his paper raiment; his paper vestment;
his paper vestments; paper vestments

1. his paper adornment; his paper raiment; his paper vestment;

his paper vestments; paper vestments
FC -> jc-72895
2. his paper adornment; his paper raiment; his paper vestment;
his paper vestments; paper vestments

3. his paper adornment; his paper raiment; his paper vestment;

his paper vestments; paper vestments

4. his paper raiment; his paper vestments; paper vestments

<poss-a:matl-p51-itqui-l1!> FC - > jc-61096
5. his paper raiment; his paper vestments; paper vestments
<poss-a:matl-p51-itqui-l1!> FC - > jc-61096
6. his paper vestments <poss-a:matl-p51-itqui-l2>
<poss-a:matl-p51-itqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. his paper adornment; his paper raiment; his paper vestment;
his paper vestments; paper vestments
FC jc-031297
8. his paper adornment; his paper raiment; his paper vestment;
his paper vestments; paper vestments
FC jc-031297

0. his paper hair
FC jc-031297

0. his book, his almanac

1. his book, his almanac

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. his book, his almanac

3. his book, his almanac

4. his book, his almanac

FC jc-031297
5. his book, his almanac
FC jc-031297

0. her soul; his soul

1. her soul; his soul

FC -> jc-72895
2. her soul; his soul

3. her soul; his soul

4. her soul; his soul

FC jc-031297
5. her soul; his soul
FC jc-031297

0. his diarrhea

1. his diarrhea
FC -> jc-72895
2. his diarrhea

3. his diarrhea

4. his diarrhea
FC jc-031297
5. his diarrhea
FC jc-031297

0. her water's edge

1. her water's edge

FC -> jc-72895
2. her water's edge

3. her water's edge
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. her water's edge

FC jc-031297
5. her water's edge
FC jc-031297

0. in itzontecon; ihuan in ielpan, in iitipan, ihuan in
icuitlapil, ihuan in iiahaz, in iatlapal: iztalehuac,
tlaztalehualtic, iztalectic, pinehuac its head--as well as
on its breast, on its belly--and its tail, and its wings
are pale, pink, whitish, light-colored (b11 f3 p20), in
itzontecon: ihuan in icuitlapil quiltic, ihuan in iatlapal:
in tonalli quitztinemi, no quiltic achi yiauhtic its head
and tail are herb-green, and its wings, on the outer
surfaces, are also herb-green, somewhat dark green (b11 f3
p21), in iielpan ayopaltic, in icuitlapan huel xoxoctic,
texocaltic, ticehua in iatlapal, ihuan in icuitlapil:
chictlapanqui, centlapal xoxoctic, texotic; centlapal
tliltic, chictlapanqui its breast is purple, its back a
really light blue, a very light blue, its wings pale, and
its tail mixed, part blue-green, part black (b11 f3 p21),
in itzontecon, ihuan in icuitlapan, ihuan in iatlapal,
anozo iamatlapal, ihuan in icuitlapil: texotic,
cuappachtic, in iitic, ihuan in iacol: its head, and its
back, and its wings, and its tail are light blue; its belly
and its wing-bend tawny (b11 f3 p22), auh in iatlapal ihuan
in icuitlapil, cuappachtic auh tliltic, iztac ic
huihuiltecqui and its wings and its tail are tawny and
black mingles with white (b11 f3 p22), tlacehuiltic in
iatlapal, ihuan in iten, its wings and its bill are of dull
colors (b11 f3 p22), izcatqui in ipilihhuiyo: quiltic,
yiauhtic, yiapaltic, in icuitlapan, ihuan in iquechtlan,
ihuan in icuitlapil, ihuan in iatlapal these are its chick
feathers--herb-green, dark, dark green on its back, and
about its neck, and its tail, and its wings (b11 f3 p22),
auh in icuitlapil: ihuan in iatlapal matlatlauhqui: and its
tail and its wings are ruddy (b11 f3 p22), in icuitlapan
yiauhtic: in icuitlapil, ihuan in iatlapal: tlatlactic,
tlatlauhqui, iuccic, huel quizqui: its back is dark; its
tail, its wing [feathers] are ruddy, reddish, a
well-textured, even color (b11 f3 p23), in iihhuiyo: itoca
xollotl, pilihhuitl: in icuitlapil, ihuan in iatlapal,
matlatlauhqui: its feathers named xollotl, the small
feathers of its tail [and] its wing, are ruddy (b11 f3
p23), in icuitlapan, in iatlapal, in icuitlapil:
yiappaltic, miyappalnenequi: its back, wings, tail are dark
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

green, seemingly dark green (b11 f3 p24), xihuapaltic in

icuitlapil: ihuan in iatlapal its tail and wings are
leaf-colored (b11 f3 p24), xoxoctic in ielpan, ihuan in
iatlapal, ihuan in icuitlapil: moquetzalnenequi its breast
is green its wings and its tail [feathers] resemble quetzal
feathers (b11 f3 p24), in iatlapal amo huehuei: in yahaz,
in yahahuitz: ahmo: huihuiac its wings are not very large;
its wing feathers are not very long (b11 f3 p29), in
icuitlapan: in ihaaz, in iatlapal: zan mochi nextic,
ixcuichectic: iuhquin canauhtli ihhuiyo its back, its
wings are all ashen, blackish, like duck feathers (b11 f3
p31), in ielpan, in icuitlapan, in icuitlapil, in iahaz, in
iatlapal, mochi poccoztic: zan achi inic tliltic its
breast, its back, its tail, its wings are all dark yellow,
slightly blackened; (b11 f4 p33), zan tepiton in iahaz, in
iatlapal: in pani onoc tliltic, auh in tlani onoc huel
iztac: in iacolpa nenecoc tliltic, in quimotlatlalili
quite small are its wings; the upper surfaces are black,
and the under surfaces quite white; its wingbends have
black placed on both surfaces (b11 f4 p34), in itzontecon
cuappachtic, in iatlapal, in ielpan in icuitlapan, in
icuitlapil mochi cuappachtic: zanio in ixillan, iztac
ixcuichectic: its head is tawny; its wings, breast, back,
tail are all tawny; only its belly is white [and] blackish
(b11 f4 p36), in iatlapal cuitlatexotic, amo huiac: in
iahaz pepetzca, in icuac iztac: in iahahuitz tliltic, its
wings are silvery, not long; its wings glisten; the ends
are white, the wing tips black (b11 f4 p36), in iatlapal:
itoca ahaztli, ihuan hapalli, ihuan mamaztli: [ those on ]
its wings are called ahaztli, and apalli, and mamaztli (b11
f5 p39), in itzontecon, in icuitlapan, in iatlapal, in
icuitlapil, iztacahuihuiltecqui, motlohtlohuitec: its head,
back, wings, tail are [black] mingled with white, in wavy
lines (b11 f5 p45), in icuitlapan, in iatlapal, in
icuitlapil: nexehuac, zolcuicuiltic; ihuan in itzontecon
its back, wings, tail are ashen, blotched like a quail, as
well as its head (b11 f5 p47), nohuian chichiltic in
inacayo, in ihhuiyo auh in iatlapal: ihuan in icuitlapil,
nexehuac, huellapalquizqui, huel iuccic, its body, its
feathers are an over-all chili-red, but its wings, its tail
are ashen, well colored, well textured (b11 f5 p47),
iztacacuicuiltic in ielpan, in iatlapal mihtoa
chiencuicuiltic, its breast is spotted with white; its
wings are called chia-spotted (b11 f5 p49), ahahuitztli: in
ihuel iyacac ehua in iatlapal, primaries: these appear at
the very tip of its wing (b11 f6 p55), ahahuitztli, ihuan
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

itoca in nacatl, in huel yiacahuitzauhca in iatlapal the

ahauitztli -- and they are [also] called nacatl --are the
very pointed tips of the wings (b11 f6 p55), oc cenca no
yehuatl quitoznequi, in iatlapal in huiac, especially does
this also mean the wing when extended (b11 f6 p55), auh in
icuitlapil, in iatlapal, in ixincayo, zan ye ye in michi,
but its tail, its fins, its scales are the same as those of
a fish (b11 f6 p58), inic mitoa huitzitzilmichi achi
huihuiac in iatlapal, in ipatlania, in itlanelohuaya it is
named uitzitzilmichin, because its fins, its swimmers, its
rowers, are somewhat long (b11 f6 p58), in iuhqui papalotl,
amatlapale; in iatlapal huel iuhquin papalotl iiatlapal:
like a butterfly, it has wings; its fins are like butterfly
wings (b11 f6 p59), ontlamantli in iatlapal, cecni pani ca
tapalcatic, in tlani ca yamanqui; of two kinds are its
wings: the part above is like sherds; below, it is soft
(b11 f9 p89), achi xoxotla in iatlapal, its wings glow a
little (b11 f10 p93), ic cuicuiltic in iatlapal thus its
wings are varicolored (b11 f10 p95), inic mitoa
zolacachapoli, zolcuicuiltic in iatlapal: it is named
olacachapolin because its wings are painted like a quail's
(b11 f10 p97), xipetztic, xixipetztic in iatlapal, in
ixiuhyo, in iquillo, tzotzotlaca, quiltic in iehuayo: it is
smooth, smooth overall; its leaves, foliage, verdure gleam;
its bark is herb-green (b11 f11 p111), in iatlapal
ixyayahualtic, yahualtic: its leaves are each rounded on
the surface: round (b11 f12 p116), ahuacacuahuitl:
ixcamiltic in iatlapal, in iquillo: the leaves, the foliage
of the avocado tree are brown (b11 f12 p118), in iatlapal
mizquitl, quiltic, memelactic, pipitzahuac, tzatzayanqui,
chachayactic, the leaves of the mesquite tree are
herb-green, straight, slender, serrated, spreading (b11 f12
p120), in iquillo in iatlapal, in itlaaquillo, tomahuac,
chamahuac tolontic, tohtolontic, huehuei, papatztic,
xixitzayanqui, ayo its foliage, its leaves, its fruit are
broad, thick, fat, ball-like; each one ball-like, large,
pulpy, breakable into small pieces, watery (b11 f12 p121),
in ixiuhyo in iatlapal, ixtlapalcamiltic, ixtlapalyayactic:
its foliage, its leaves, are brown-colored on the surface,
dark-colored on the surface (b11 f12 p122), mahuihuiac, in
iatlapal huihuiac the branches are long; its leaves are
long (b11 f12 p123), in iatlapal nextic, nexehuac, its leaf
is like ashes, ashen (b11 f12 p124), zan cualton,
yayahualtic: in iatlapal xoxoctic, it is of average size,
round, green-leafed (b11 f13 p130), memecatic, in ixiuhyo,
in iatlapal, yayahualtic its foliage is cord-like; its
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

leaves are round (b11 f20 p199), in iatlapal, in ipapaloyo:

quilpalli, its leaves, its butterfly-shaped leaves, are
herb-green (b11 f20 p199), in iatlapal memelactic,
memelahuac, ixtzotzotlaca, ixtzotzotlani its leaves are
straight, slender, smooth, shiny (b11 f20 p201), in
iatlapal, ihuan in ixochio, ihuani: atl ipan, cacahuatl
ipan, cecec, itztic; its leaves and its blossoms are
potable in water, in cold, chilled chocolate (b11 f20
p202), in iatlapal, in iquillo, memelactic, tomio, totomio,
teteztic, tecuacua, Its leaves, its foliage, are long and
straight, fuzzy, fuzzy over all, white, rough (b11 f20
p203), in iatlapal totomio ahuayo: in icueponca
tlapalcamilyayactic: inic mitoa, huitztecolxochitl, its
leaves are hairy, thorny; its blossoms are dark brown, for
which reason they are called uitztecolxochitl (b11 f20
p203), quillo papatlahuac in iatlapal iuhquin, ayozona,
tetzcaltic, yamanqui, tlatlalhuayo, the foliage is broad;
its leaves are like those of the ayoonan -- very smooth,
soft, nerve-like (b11 f20 p209), in iatlapal mohuilanani,
mohuicomani, moyacatlazani: its leaf is a creeper, a
climber, an extender of shoots (b11 f20 p209), cenca
patlahuac in iatlapal: its leaves are very wide (b11 f20
p209), xoxoctic in iatlapal: texoti in icueponca, its
leaves are green; its blossom is blue (b11 f21 p211), in
iatlapal in iquillo memelactic, memelahuac, its leaves, its
foliage, are straight, long (b11 f21 p212), tlacotontli: in
iatlapal, in ixiuhyo zan quezqui, it is a small stalk of
[few] leaves, of little foliage (b11 f21 p212)
1. its fins; its leaf; its leaves; its wing; its wings
FC -> jc-72895
2. its fins; its leaf; its leaves; its wing; its wings

3. in itzontecon; ihuan in ielpan, in iitipan, ihuan in

icuitlapil, ihuan in iiahaz, in iatlapal: iztalehuac,
tlaztalehualtic, iztalectic, pinehuac its head--as well as
on its breast, on its belly--and its tail, and its wings
are pale, pink, whitish, light-colored (b11 f3 p20), in
itzontecon: ihuan in icuitlapil quiltic, ihuan in iatlapal:
in tonalli quitztinemi, no quiltic achi yiauhtic its head
and tail are herb-green, and its wings, on the outer
surfaces, are also herb-green, somewhat dark green (b11 f3
p21), in iielpan ayopaltic, in icuitlapan huel xoxoctic,
texocaltic, ticehua in iatlapal, ihuan in icuitlapil:
chictlapanqui, centlapal xoxoctic, texotic; centlapal
tliltic, chictlapanqui its breast is purple, its back a
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

really light blue, a very light blue, its wings pale, and
its tail mixed, part blue-green, part black (b11 f3 p21),
in itzontecon, ihuan in icuitlapan, ihuan in iatlapal,
anozo iamatlapal, ihuan in icuitlapil: texotic,
cuappachtic, in iitic, ihuan in iacol: its head, and its
back, and its wings, and its tail are light blue; its belly
and its wing-bend tawny (b11 f3 p22), auh in iatlapal ihuan
in icuitlapil, cuappachtic auh tliltic, iztac ic
huihuiltecqui and its wings and its tail are tawny and
black mingles with white (b11 f3 p22), tlacehuiltic in
iatlapal, ihuan in iten, its wings and its bill are of dull
colors (b11 f3 p22), izcatqui in ipilihhuiyo: quiltic,
yiauhtic, yiapaltic, in icuitlapan, ihuan in iquechtlan,
ihuan in icuitlapil, ihuan in iatlapal these are its chick
feathers--herb-green, dark, dark green on its back, and
about its neck, and its tail, and its wings (b11 f3 p22),
auh in icuitlapil: ihuan in iatlapal matlatlauhqui: and its
tail and its wings are ruddy (b11 f3 p22), in icuitlapan
yiauhtic: in icuitlapil, ihuan in iatlapal: tlatlactic,
tlatlauhqui, iuccic, huel quizqui: its back is dark; its
tail, its wing [feathers] are ruddy, reddish, a
well-textured, even color (b11 f3 p23), in iihhuiyo: itoca
xollotl, pilihhuitl: in icuitlapil, ihuan in iatlapal,
matlatlauhqui: its feathers named xollotl, the small
feathers of its tail [and] its wing, are ruddy (b11 f3
p23), in icuitlapan, in iatlapal, in icuitlapil:
yiappaltic, miyappalnenequi: its back, wings, tail are dark
green, seemingly dark green (b11 f3 p24), xihuapaltic in
icuitlapil: ihuan in iatlapal its tail and wings are
leaf-colored (b11 f3 p24), xoxoctic in ielpan, ihuan in
iatlapal, ihuan in icuitlapil: moquetzalnenequi its breast
is green its wings and its tail [feathers] resemble quetzal
feathers (b11 f3 p24), in iatlapal amo huehuei: in yahaz,
in yahahuitz: ahmo: huihuiac its wings are not very large;
its wing feathers are not very long (b11 f3 p29), in
icuitlapan: in ihaaz, in iatlapal: zan mochi nextic,
ixcuichectic: iuhquin canauhtli ihhuiyo its back, its
wings are all ashen, blackish, like duck feathers (b11 f3
p31), in ielpan, in icuitlapan, in icuitlapil, in iahaz, in
iatlapal, mochi poccoztic: zan achi inic tliltic its
breast, its back, its tail, its wings are all dark yellow,
slightly blackened; (b11 f4 p33), zan tepiton in iahaz, in
iatlapal: in pani onoc tliltic, auh in tlani onoc huel
iztac: in iacolpa nenecoc tliltic, in quimotlatlalili
quite small are its wings; the upper surfaces are black,
and the under surfaces quite white; its wingbends have
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

black placed on both surfaces (b11 f4 p34), in itzontecon

cuappachtic, in iatlapal, in ielpan in icuitlapan, in
icuitlapil mochi cuappachtic: zanio in ixillan, iztac
ixcuichectic: its head is tawny; its wings, breast, back,
tail are all tawny; only its belly is white [and] blackish
(b11 f4 p36), in iatlapal cuitlatexotic, amo huiac: in
iahaz pepetzca, in icuac iztac: in iahahuitz tliltic, its
wings are silvery, not long; its wings glisten; the ends
are white, the wing tips black (b11 f4 p36), in iatlapal:
itoca ahaztli, ihuan hapalli, ihuan mamaztli: [ those on ]
its wings are called ahaztli, and apalli, and mamaztli (b11
f5 p39), in itzontecon, in icuitlapan, in iatlapal, in
icuitlapil, iztacahuihuiltecqui, motlohtlohuitec: its head,
back, wings, tail are [black] mingled with white, in wavy
lines (b11 f5 p45), in icuitlapan, in iatlapal, in
icuitlapil: nexehuac, zolcuicuiltic; ihuan in itzontecon
its back, wings, tail are ashen, blotched like a quail, as
well as its head (b11 f5 p47), nohuian chichiltic in
inacayo, in ihhuiyo auh in iatlapal: ihuan in icuitlapil,
nexehuac, huellapalquizqui, huel iuccic, its body, its
feathers are an over-all chili-red, but its wings, its tail
are ashen, well colored, well textured (b11 f5 p47),
iztacacuicuiltic in ielpan, in iatlapal mihtoa
chiencuicuiltic, its breast is spotted with white; its
wings are called chia-spotted (b11 f5 p49), ahahuitztli: in
ihuel iyacac ehua in iatlapal, primaries: these appear at
the very tip of its wing (b11 f6 p55), ahahuitztli, ihuan
itoca in nacatl, in huel yiacahuitzauhca in iatlapal the
ahauitztli -- and they are [also] called nacatl --are the
very pointed tips of the wings (b11 f6 p55), oc cenca no
yehuatl quitoznequi, in iatlapal in huiac, especially does
this also mean the wing when extended (b11 f6 p55), auh in
icuitlapil, in iatlapal, in ixincayo, zan ye ye in michi,
but its tail, its fins, its scales are the same as those of
a fish (b11 f6 p58), inic mitoa huitzitzilmichi achi
huihuiac in iatlapal, in ipatlania, in itlanelohuaya it is
named uitzitzilmichin, because its fins, its swimmers, its
rowers, are somewhat long (b11 f6 p58), in iuhqui papalotl,
amatlapale; in iatlapal huel iuhquin papalotl iiatlapal:
like a butterfly, it has wings; its fins are like butterfly
wings (b11 f6 p59), ontlamantli in iatlapal, cecni pani ca
tapalcatic, in tlani ca yamanqui; of two kinds are its
wings: the part above is like sherds; below, it is soft
(b11 f9 p89), achi xoxotla in iatlapal, its wings glow a
little (b11 f10 p93), ic cuicuiltic in iatlapal thus its
wings are varicolored (b11 f10 p95), inic mitoa
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

zolacachapoli, zolcuicuiltic in iatlapal: it is named

olacachapolin because its wings are painted like a quail's
(b11 f10 p97), xipetztic, xixipetztic in iatlapal, in
ixiuhyo, in iquillo, tzotzotlaca, quiltic in iehuayo: it is
smooth, smooth overall; its leaves, foliage, verdure gleam;
its bark is herb-green (b11 f11 p111), in iatlapal
ixyayahualtic, yahualtic: its leaves are each rounded on
the surface: round (b11 f12 p116), ahuacacuahuitl:
ixcamiltic in iatlapal, in iquillo: the leaves, the foliage
of the avocado tree are brown (b11 f12 p118), in iatlapal
mizquitl, quiltic, memelactic, pipitzahuac, tzatzayanqui,
chachayactic, the leaves of the mesquite tree are
herb-green, straight, slender, serrated, spreading (b11 f12
p120), in iquillo in iatlapal, in itlaaquillo, tomahuac,
chamahuac tolontic, tohtolontic, huehuei, papatztic,
xixitzayanqui, ayo its foliage, its leaves, its fruit are
broad, thick, fat, ball-like; each one ball-like, large,
pulpy, breakable into small pieces, watery (b11 f12 p121),
in ixiuhyo in iatlapal, ixtlapalcamiltic, ixtlapalyayactic:
its foliage, its leaves, are brown-colored on the surface,
dark-colored on the surface (b11 f12 p122), mahuihuiac, in
iatlapal huihuiac the branches are long; its leaves are
long (b11 f12 p123), in iatlapal nextic, nexehuac, its leaf
is like ashes, ashen (b11 f12 p124), zan cualton,
yayahualtic: in iatlapal xoxoctic, it is of average size,
round, green-leafed (b11 f13 p130), memecatic, in ixiuhyo,
in iatlapal, yayahualtic its foliage is cord-like; its
leaves are round (b11 f20 p199), in iatlapal, in ipapaloyo:
quilpalli, its leaves, its butterfly-shaped leaves, are
herb-green (b11 f20 p199), in iatlapal memelactic,
memelahuac, ixtzotzotlaca, ixtzotzotlani its leaves are
straight, slender, smooth, shiny (b11 f20 p201), in
iatlapal, ihuan in ixochio, ihuani: atl ipan, cacahuatl
ipan, cecec, itztic; its leaves and its blossoms are
potable in water, in cold, chilled chocolate (b11 f20
p202), in iatlapal, in iquillo, memelactic, tomio, totomio,
teteztic, tecuacua, Its leaves, its foliage, are long and
straight, fuzzy, fuzzy over all, white, rough (b11 f20
p203), in iatlapal totomio ahuayo: in icueponca
tlapalcamilyayactic: inic mitoa, huitztecolxochitl, its
leaves are hairy, thorny; its blossoms are dark brown, for
which reason they are called uitztecolxochitl (b11 f20
p203), quillo papatlahuac in iatlapal iuhquin, ayozona,
tetzcaltic, yamanqui, tlatlalhuayo, the foliage is broad;
its leaves are like those of the ayoonan -- very smooth,
soft, nerve-like (b11 f20 p209), in iatlapal mohuilanani,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

mohuicomani, moyacatlazani: its leaf is a creeper, a

climber, an extender of shoots (b11 f20 p209), cenca
patlahuac in iatlapal: its leaves are very wide (b11 f20
p209), xoxoctic in iatlapal: texoti in icueponca, its
leaves are green; its blossom is blue (b11 f21 p211), in
iatlapal in iquillo memelactic, memelahuac, its leaves, its
foliage, are straight, long (b11 f21 p212), tlacotontli: in
iatlapal, in ixiuhyo zan quezqui, it is a small stalk of
[few] leaves, of little foliage (b11 f21 p212)
4. its fins; its leaf; its leaves; its wing; its wings

5. its fins; its leaf; its leaves; its wings; its wing
<poss-ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. its fins; its leaf; its leaves; its wing; its wings
FC jc-031297
7. its fins; its leaf; its leaves; its wing; its wings
FC jc-031297

0. pitzahuac, memecatic ixpitzahuac in iatlapalio: its leaves
are slender, cord-like, small (b11 f13 p127)
1. its leafiness, its leaves
FC -> jc-72895
2. its leafiness, its leaves

3. pitzahuac, memecatic ixpitzahuac in iatlapalio: its leaves

are slender, cord-like, small (b11 f13 p127)
4. its leafiness, its leaves

5. its leafiness, its leaves <poss-ahtlapalli-yo:tl1>

<poss-ahtlapalli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its leafiness, its leaves <poss-ahtlapalli-yo:tl1>
<poss-ahtlapalli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. its leafiness, its leaves
FC jc-031297
8. its leafiness, its leaves
FC jc-031297

0. achi itloc in xicalpapalotl, ipampa mocuicuilo, iuhquin
chien tzitzicuicatoc in nohuian inacayo itech, ihuan in
iatlapalpan mocuicuiloa, mochiancuicuiloa it is somewhat
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

similar to the xicalpapalotl, because it is painted as if

sprinkled with chia, flecked everywhere on its body; and
its wings are painted, painted with a chia design (b11 f10
1. on its wings
FC -> jc-72895
2. on its wings

3. achi itloc in xicalpapalotl, ipampa mocuicuilo, iuhquin

chien tzitzicuicatoc in nohuian inacayo itech, ihuan in
iatlapalpan mocuicuiloa, mochiancuicuiloa it is somewhat
similar to the xicalpapalotl, because it is painted as if
sprinkled with chia, flecked everywhere on its body; and
its wings are painted, painted with a chia design (b11 f10
4. on its wings

5. on its wings <poss-ahtlapalli-pan>

<poss-ahtlapalli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. on its wings <poss-ahtlapalli-pan>
<poss-ahtlapalli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
7. on its wings
FC jc-031297
8. on its wings
FC jc-031297

0. in iatlapaltitech onoc: inic centlamantli, in huel iiacol
yacac ixhua: itoca tzicoliuhqui: on its wing, one kind
which grows at the very point of the wing-bend is called
tzicoliuhqui (b11 f2 p20), in icpac onoc ihhuitl, ihuan in
iquechtlan, ihuan in iatlapaltitech, in yacol ipan, ihuan
in icuitlapan, itoca: cuauhtapalcatl, on its head, and
neck, and on its wings, on its wing-bends, and on its back
lie feathers called quauhtapalcatl (b11 f5 p39)
1. on its wing; on its wings
FC -> jc-72895
2. on its wing; on its wings

3. in iatlapaltitech onoc: inic centlamantli, in huel iiacol

yacac ixhua: itoca tzicoliuhqui: on its wing, one kind
which grows at the very point of the wing-bend is called
tzicoliuhqui (b11 f2 p20), in icpac onoc ihhuitl, ihuan in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

iquechtlan, ihuan in iatlapaltitech, in yacol ipan, ihuan

in icuitlapan, itoca: cuauhtapalcatl, on its head, and
neck, and on its wings, on its wing-bends, and on its back
lie feathers called quauhtapalcatl (b11 f5 p39)
4. on its wing; on its wings

5. on its wings <poss-ahtlapalli-ti1-tech1>

<poss-ahtlapalli-ti1-tech1> FC - > jc-61096
6. on its wings <poss-ahtlapalli-ti1-tech1>
<poss-ahtlapalli-ti1-tech1> FC - > jc-61096
7. on its wing; on its wings
FC jc-031297
8. on its wing; on its wings
FC jc-031297

0. her vagina

1. her vagina
FC -> jc-72895
2. her vagina

3. her vagina

4. her vagina
FC jc-031297
5. her vagina
FC jc-031297

0. his water

1. his water
FC -> jc-72895
2. his water

3. his water

4. his water
FC jc-031297
5. his water
FC jc-031297

0. his drink
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his drink
FC -> jc-72895
2. his drink

3. his drink

4. his drink <poss-a:tl1-uh>

<poss-a:tl1-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. her drink; his drink
FC jc-031297
6. her drink; his drink
FC jc-031297

0. su propiedad ( his property )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. her belongings; her possession; his belongings; his goods;
his possession; his property; its possession; their
FC -> jc-72895
2. her belongings; her possession; his belongings; his goods;
his possession; his property; its possession; their

3. her belongings; her possession; his belongings; his goods;

his possession; his property; its possession; their

4. her belongings; her possession; his belongings; his goods;

his property; his possession; their belongings
<poss-a:xca:itl> FC - > jc-61096
5. su propiedad ( his property )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. her belongings; her possession; his belongings; his goods;
his possession; his property; its possession; their
FC jc-031297
7. her belongings; her possession; his belongings; his goods;
his possession; his property; its possession; their
FC jc-031297

0. in tlazotli tocaitl in teotl, in zan huel iceltzin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

iaxcatzin in dios, inic oquintocayotique in teixiptla in

tetl, in cuahuitl the precious name of god, which belongeth
only to god, they thus gave as name to the representation
in stone, in wood (b1 f3 p59), ca itlatoltzin in toteucyo,
ca tetlaocolilli, ca teicnoittaliztli: ca iaxcatzin, ca
itlatquitzin in toteucyo, ca itechcopa huitz: for it is the
word of our lord; for mercy, compassion, is the property,
the possession, of our lord; it cometh from him (b6 f7
p89), amo no ye motzotzotzoma ticcuiz, amo motech tictlaliz
in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, in iaxcatzin, in
itlatquitzin, ca tlaquequeloliztli caci, nor art thou to
take rags; thou art not to place on thyself the goods, the
property of the vassals, for it achieveth ridicule (b6 f8
p100), auh izca oc centetl: ma oc xoconmomalhuili, in
iaxcatzin in toteucyo, and behold still another thing: be a
guardian of the treasure of our lord (b6 f12 p142), cuix
tocnopiltiz tomacehualtiz, cuix nelli in, in tictemiqui, in
ticcochitlehua in iaxcatzin, in itlachihualtzin, in
yoliliztli: in quimomacahuiliznequi in toteucyo: perhaps we
shall obtain, perhaps we shall merit, perhaps we shall
realize that of which we dream, that which we see in
dreams, his possession, his creation, the life which our
lord wisheth to present (b6 f12 p145), ahuiz nelle axcan,
ca omecahui, ca otlalticpacquizaco, in iaxcatzin, in
itlachihualtzin toteucyo: and behold, verily now, the
property, the creation of our lord hath arrived, hath come
to emerge on earth (b6 f14 p179), auh nican
amechonmocnopilhuilia in piltontli, in conetontli, in
ichpochtontli: auh in telpochtontli, oc amomatiantzinco in
mecahuia, in tlalticpac quiza in iaxcatzin, in
itlachihualtzin toteucyo, in cozcatl, in quetzalli: and
here the girl, the maiden, and the youth bring blessings to
you; yet in our time the property, the creation of our lord
arriveth; it appeareth on earth-- the precious necklace,
the precious feather (b6 f15 p180), xicualmotlatlauhtili:
in ipampa: in otlaocox, in otlacauhqui in iyollotzin
toteucyo: in oquimomacahuili in iaxcatzin, in
itlachihualtzin in piltzintli greet him, because our lord
hath shown him mercy, hath inclined his heart, hath given
him his property, his creation, the baby (b6 f15 p189), ye
quitoa ca izcatqui, in onechmotlaocolili in toteucyo, in
tlalticpaque, in tloque nahuaque: in icococauh in iaxcatzin
in itlatquitzin: he spoke thus: "behold, our lord, master
of the earth, protector of all, hath shown me mercy [with]
his property, his possessions, his goods (b9 f3 p33), auh
izcatqui in ipatiuh in atlauhtli, in tepetl, in ixtlahuatl:
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

ma cana ontlapolo, ma cana temac contlaz, in iaxcatzin, in

itlatquitzin, in tlacatl toteucyo and behold here the
reward of the gorges, the mountains, the deserts; let not
the property, the goods of the master our lord be somewhere
destroyed; let it not escape (b9 f4 p52)
1. his (h) possession; his (h) property; his (h) treasure
FC -> jc-72895
2. his (h) possession; his (h) property; his (h) treasure

3. in tlazotli tocaitl in teotl, in zan huel iceltzin

iaxcatzin in dios, inic oquintocayotique in teixiptla in
tetl, in cuahuitl the precious name of god, which belongeth
only to god, they thus gave as name to the representation
in stone, in wood (b1 f3 p59), ca itlatoltzin in toteucyo,
ca tetlaocolilli, ca teicnoittaliztli: ca iaxcatzin, ca
itlatquitzin in toteucyo, ca itechcopa huitz: for it is the
word of our lord; for mercy, compassion, is the property,
the possession, of our lord; it cometh from him (b6 f7
p89), amo no ye motzotzotzoma ticcuiz, amo motech tictlaliz
in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli, in iaxcatzin, in
itlatquitzin, ca tlaquequeloliztli caci, nor art thou to
take rags; thou art not to place on thyself the goods, the
property of the vassals, for it achieveth ridicule (b6 f8
p100), auh izca oc centetl: ma oc xoconmomalhuili, in
iaxcatzin in toteucyo, and behold still another thing: be a
guardian of the treasure of our lord (b6 f12 p142), cuix
tocnopiltiz tomacehualtiz, cuix nelli in, in tictemiqui, in
ticcochitlehua in iaxcatzin, in itlachihualtzin, in
yoliliztli: in quimomacahuiliznequi in toteucyo: perhaps we
shall obtain, perhaps we shall merit, perhaps we shall
realize that of which we dream, that which we see in
dreams, his possession, his creation, the life which our
lord wisheth to present (b6 f12 p145), ahuiz nelle axcan,
ca omecahui, ca otlalticpacquizaco, in iaxcatzin, in
itlachihualtzin toteucyo: and behold, verily now, the
property, the creation of our lord hath arrived, hath come
to emerge on earth (b6 f14 p179), auh nican
amechonmocnopilhuilia in piltontli, in conetontli, in
ichpochtontli: auh in telpochtontli, oc amomatiantzinco in
mecahuia, in tlalticpac quiza in iaxcatzin, in
itlachihualtzin toteucyo, in cozcatl, in quetzalli: and
here the girl, the maiden, and the youth bring blessings to
you; yet in our time the property, the creation of our lord
arriveth; it appeareth on earth-- the precious necklace,
the precious feather (b6 f15 p180), xicualmotlatlauhtili:
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

in ipampa: in otlaocox, in otlacauhqui in iyollotzin

toteucyo: in oquimomacahuili in iaxcatzin, in
itlachihualtzin in piltzintli greet him, because our lord
hath shown him mercy, hath inclined his heart, hath given
him his property, his creation, the baby (b6 f15 p189), ye
quitoa ca izcatqui, in onechmotlaocolili in toteucyo, in
tlalticpaque, in tloque nahuaque: in icococauh in iaxcatzin
in itlatquitzin: he spoke thus: "behold, our lord, master
of the earth, protector of all, hath shown me mercy [with]
his property, his possessions, his goods (b9 f3 p33), auh
izcatqui in ipatiuh in atlauhtli, in tepetl, in ixtlahuatl:
ma cana ontlapolo, ma cana temac contlaz, in iaxcatzin, in
itlatquitzin, in tlacatl toteucyo and behold here the
reward of the gorges, the mountains, the deserts; let not
the property, the goods of the master our lord be somewhere
destroyed; let it not escape (b9 f4 p52)
4. his (h) possession; his (h) property; his (h) treasure

5. his ( H ) possession, his (H) property; his (H) treasure

<poss-a:xca:itl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. his (H) possession, his (H) property; his (H) treasure
<poss-a:xca:itl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. his ( h ) possession; his ( h ) treasure; his ( h ) property
FC jc-031297
8. his ( h ) possession; his ( h ) treasure; his ( h ) property
FC jc-031297

0. his urine

1. his urine
FC -> jc-72895
2. his urine

3. his urine

4. his urine <poss-a:tl1-xi:xtli>

<poss-a:tl1-xi:xtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his urine <poss-a:tl1-xi:xtli>
<poss-a:tl1-xi:xtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. his urine
FC jc-031297
7. his urine
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. his gourd rattle

1. his gourd rattle

FC -> jc-72895
2. his gourd rattle

3. his gourd rattle

4. his gourd rattle

FC jc-031297
5. his gourd rattle
FC jc-031297

0. his mist jacket

1. his mist jacket

FC -> jc-72895
2. his mist jacket

3. his mist jacket

4. his mist jacket

FC jc-031297
5. his mist jacket
FC jc-031297

0. its broth; its juice; its liquid; its water

1. her water
FC -> jc-72895
2. its broth; its juice; its liquid; its water
FC -> jc-72895
3. its broth; its juice; its liquid; its water

4. its broth; its juice; its liquid; its water

5. her water; its juice; its water <poss-a:tl1-yo:tl1>

<poss-a:tl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its water, its juice <poss-a:tl1-yo:tl1>
<poss-a:tl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. her water
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. its broth; its juice; its liquid; its water
FC jc-031297
9. her water
FC jc-031297
10. its broth; its juice; its liquid; its water
FC jc-031297

0. its seeds

1. its seeds
FC -> jc-72895
2. its seeds

3. its seeds

4. its seeds
FC jc-031297
5. its seeds
FC jc-031297

0. por ( along )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. por ( along; through )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. por ( along; towards; through )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. be means of, with it; by it; by means of it
FC -> jc-72895
4. hence
FC -> jc-72895
5. in order that; in order to
FC -> jc-72895
6. purpose, reason; so that; so; thus; thereby; as a result;
therefore; because of it; because of this; for this reason;
in this way; hence
FC -> jc-72895
7. whereof, whereby, therefore; with it; by means of it; with
this; thus
FC -> jc-72895
8. still
9. purpose, reason; so that; so; thus; thereby; as a result;
therefore; because of it; because of this; for this reason;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

in this way; hence

10. whereof, whereby, therefore; with it; by means of it; with

this; thus

11. purpose, reason; so that; so; thus; thereby; as a result;

therefore; because of it; because of this; for this reason;
in this way; hence

12. whereof, whereby, therefore; with it; by means of it; with

this; thus

13. still
14. por ( along )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
15. por ( along; through )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
16. por ( along; towards; through )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
17. be means of, with it; by it; by means of it; by the use of
FC jc-031297
18. hence; therefore
FC jc-031297
19. in order that; in order to
FC jc-031297
20. purpose, reason; so that; so; thus; thereby; as a result;
therefore; because of it; because of this; for this reason;
in this way; hence
FC jc-031297
21. whereof, whereby, therefore; with it; because of it; by
means of it; with this; thus
FC jc-031297
22. be means of, with it; by it; by means of it; by the use of
FC jc-031297
23. hence; therefore
FC jc-031297
24. in order that; in order to
FC jc-031297
25. purpose, reason; so that; so; thus; thereby; as a result;
therefore; because of it; because of this; for this reason;
in this way; hence
FC jc-031297
26. whereof, whereby, therefore; with it; because of it; by
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

means of it; with this; thus

FC jc-031297
27. oyaya quitemotih in itlacual ic zacamanal se iba en busca
de su comida por el llano It would leave in search for its
food through the field
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
28. Que iba buscando por el llano ? Tlen oyaya quitemotih ic
zacamanal ? What was it looking for through the field ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. para que ( in order that )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. para e'l ( in order to )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. para; con e'l ( in order to )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. para ( in order to )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
4. para ( in order to )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
5. por e'l ( through it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
6. con e'l ( with him )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. con e'l ( with it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
8. con e'l ( with it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
9. con e'l ( with it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. because of him, about him
FC -> jc-72895
11. sometime; with it; over it; with its use
FC -> jc-72895
12. because of him, about him; with it; with its use
13. because of him, about him; with it; with its use
14. because of him, about him; with it; with its use <poss-ca2>
<poss-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
15. sometime <i:c2-ah2>
<i:c2-ah2> FC - > jc-61096
16. sometime; with it; over it <i:c2-ah2>
<i:c2-ah2> FC - > jc-61096
17. with it, over it <i:ca2-ah2>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<i:ca2-ah2> FC - > jc-61096

18. para que ( in order that )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
19. para e'l ( in order to )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
20. para; con e'l ( in order to )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
21. para ( in order to )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
22. para ( in order to )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
23. por e'l ( through it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
24. con e'l ( with him )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
25. con e'l ( with it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
26. con e'l ( with it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
27. con e'l ( with it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
28. because of him, about him
FC jc-031297
29. sometime; with it; by means of it; over it; with its use
FC jc-031297
30. because of him, about him
FC jc-031297
31. sometime; with it; by means of it; over it; with its use
FC jc-031297

ica ( xiquinhual- )
0. tra'elos ( bring them )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he stands; her sandals; his sandal; his sandals; it stands;
it is; she stands

1. he stands; her sandals; his sandal; his sandals; it stands;

it is; she stands
FC -> jc-72895
2. he stands; her sandals; his sandal; his sandals; it stands;
it is; she stands

3. he stands; it stands; it is; she stands

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he stands; her sandals; his sandal; his sandals; it stands;

it is; she stands

5. he stands; it stands; it is; she stands

6. he stands; it stands; it is; she stands <ihca-prt2>
<ihca-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. it stands, it is <poss-ca2>
<poss-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
8. he stands; her sandals; his sandal; his sandals; it stands;
it is; she stands
FC jc-031297
9. he stands; her sandals; his sandal; his sandals; it stands;
it is; she stands
FC jc-031297

0. he stood; it stood; it was; they stood
1. he stood
FC -> jc-72895
2. it stood; it was
FC -> jc-72895
3. they stood
FC -> jc-72895
4. he stood; it stood; it was; they stood
5. he stood; it stood; it was; they stood
6. he stood; it stood; it was; they stood <ihca-ca9>
<ihca-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
7. he stood; it stood; it was; they stood <ihca-ca9>
<ihca-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
8. he stood
FC jc-031297
9. it stood; it was
FC jc-031297
10. they stood
FC jc-031297
11. he stood
FC jc-031297
12. it stood; it was
FC jc-031297
13. they stood
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his chocolate

1. his chocolate
FC -> jc-72895
2. his chocolate

3. his chocolate

4. his chocolate
FC jc-031297
5. his chocolate
FC jc-031297

0. its various entering places

1. its various entering places

FC -> jc-72895
2. its various entering places

3. its various entering places

4. its various entering places <poss-dupl-calaqui-ya:n>

<poss-dupl-calaqui-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. its various entering places <poss-dupl-calaqui-ya:n>
<poss-dupl-calaqui-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. its various entering places
FC jc-031297
7. its various entering places
FC jc-031297

0. his joke

1. his joke
FC -> jc-72895
2. his joke

3. his joke

4. his joke <poss-dupl-camana:lli>

<poss-dupl-camana:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his joke <poss-dupl-camana:lli>
<poss-dupl-camana:lli> FC - > jc-61096
6. his joke
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. his joke
FC jc-031297

0. its berries

1. its berries
FC -> jc-72895
2. its berries

3. its berries

4. its berries <poss-dupl-capolin-yo:tl1>

<poss-dupl-capolin-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its berries <poss-dupl-capolin-yo:tl1>
<poss-dupl-capolin-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its berries
FC jc-031297
7. its berries
FC jc-031297

0. his shoes
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1

0. su cafe' ( his coffee [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. it twitters

1. it twitters
FC -> jc-72895
2. resound
3. it twitters

4. it twitters

5. it twitters <ihcahuaca>
<ihcahuaca> FC - > jc-61096
6. resound
7. it twitters
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. it twitters
FC jc-031297

0. her house; his house; its hive; its nest
1. her house; his house
FC -> jc-72895
2. its hive; its nest
FC -> jc-72895
3. her house; his house; its hive; its nest
4. her house; his house; its hive; its nest
5. her house; his house
FC jc-031297
6. its hive; its nest
FC jc-031297
7. her house; his house
FC jc-031297
8. its hive; its nest
FC jc-031297

0. its place of entrance
1. its place of entrance
FC -> jc-72895
2. its place of entrance
3. its place of entrance
4. its place of entrance
FC jc-031297
5. its place of entrance
FC jc-031297

0. its place of setting, its place of entering

1. its place of setting, its place of entering

FC -> jc-72895
2. its place of setting, its place of entering

3. its place of setting, its place of entering
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. its place of setting, its place of entering

<poss-calaqui-ya:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its place of setting, its place of entering
<poss-calaqui-ya:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
6. in the west, its setting place [ ie, sun ]; its place of
setting; its place of entering
FC jc-031297
7. in the west, its setting place [ ie, sun ]; its place of
setting; its place of entering
FC jc-031297

0. his place of entry; its place of setting; its place of

1. his place of entry; its place of setting; its place of

FC -> jc-72895
2. his place of entry; its place of setting; its place of

3. his place of entry; its place of setting; its place of


4. his place of entry; its place of setting; its place of

entering <poss-calaqui-ya:n>
<poss-calaqui-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. his place of entry; its place of setting; its place of
FC jc-031297
6. his place of entry; its place of setting; its place of
FC jc-031297

0. hombres del occidente ( western men )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. its place of setting, its place of entering

1. its place of setting, its place of entering

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. its place of setting, its place of entering

3. its place of setting, its place of entering

4. its place of setting, its place of entering

<poss-calaqui-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. its place of setting, its place of entering
FC jc-031297
6. its place of setting, its place of entering
FC jc-031297

0. in his house; within his home

1. in his house; within his home

FC -> jc-72895
2. in his house; within his home

3. in his house; within his home

4. in his house; within his home <poss-calli-ihtitl-co2>

<poss-calli-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in his house; within his home <poss-calli-ihtitl-co2>
<poss-calli-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in his house; within his home
FC jc-031297
7. in his house; within his home
FC jc-031297

0. its setting

1. its setting
FC -> jc-72895
2. its setting

3. its setting

4. its setting <poss-calli-yo:tl1>

<poss-calli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its setting
FC jc-031297
6. its setting
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his treasury storehouse

1. his treasury storehouse

FC -> jc-72895
2. his treasury storehouse

3. his treasury storehouse

4. his treasury storehouse

FC jc-031297
5. his treasury storehouse
FC jc-031297

0. auh quiquechilique iteocal, **icalpol**, quitocayotique
amantlan and they raised his temple for him; they named his
calpulli amantlan
(b9 f6 p83) jc-030197

0. auh in **icalpolco** in ompa pialoya ixiptla, and the
representative [of the god] was guarded there in the temple
of the calpulli
(b1 f2 p46) jc-030197
1. auh ceyohual quitozahuia in imal, in oncan **icalpolco**:
and all night one held a vigil for his captive there in his
(b2 f1 p46) jc-030197
2. auh in nican mexico, in icuac toxcatl: motlalia
motlacatlalia, in huitzilopochtli: oncan in huitznahuac,
teocalco, **icalpolco**: and here in mexico, at the time of
toxcatl, there was made, there was made in human form, [a
figure of] uitzilopochtli here at the temple of uitznauac,
in its calpulco
(b2 f3 p71) jc-030197
3. niman ye ic texcalcehuilo, texcalcehuia in huehuetque in
oncan iteopan, in **icalpolco** milintoc thereupon there
was cooling off at the oven; the old men cooled off at the
oven there at the temple, the calpulco, of milintoc
(b2 f10 p162) jc-030197
4. quitoca ichan **icalpolco** they buried [the pot] in the
home, in the calpulli [of the dead one]
(b3 f3 p45) jc-030197
5. no tlatonaltiaya, tlamanaya, in ichan, in **icalpolco**:
they also observed the day sign and made offerings in his
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

dwelling place in his tribal temple

(b4 f4 p33) jc-030197
6. ompa concahuaya in iteopan, in **icalpolco** omacatl,
quitlenamaquilitiuh: he left it there at his temple in the
tribal district of omacatl, and went offering it incense
(b4 f6 p56) jc-030197
7. in ye iuhqui in oquicencauhque ehuillotl, in ihcuac ye
choquililoz oyaomic, oc cemilhuitica, in yehuillo
**icalpolco**, when this was done, when they had adorned
the statue, when the one dead in battle had been wept, one
more day his statue spent in his tribal district [temple]
(b4 f7 p67) jc-030197
8. inic mitoa: quitonaltiaya, cenca quimahuiztiliaya, in oncan
iteopan **icalpolco** in itocayocan catca tlacatecco, thus
it is said they made offerings and paid great honor [to
uitzilopochtli] there at his temple, in his tribal
district, at the place whose name was tlacatecco
(b4 f8 p75) jc-030197
9. yehuan quixiptlatiaya quitlaliaya icoloyo in iteopan, in
**icalpolco** these formed her image; they set in place the
frame-work [for her image] at her temple, in her tribal
(b4 f10 p96) jc-030197

0. auh in zan oc motolinia: in ayamo cenca miec iiaxca,
itlatqui, zan oc **icalpoltia** in quinnotza pochteca,
oztomeca but he who was still poor, of not yet very many
possessions, goods, summoned only the merchants, the
vanguard merchants, of his calpulli
(b9 f2 p14) jc-030197

0. his mouth; in his mouth; in its mouth; its mouth

1. his mouth; in his mouth; in its mouth; its mouth

FC -> jc-72895
2. his mouth; in his mouth; in its mouth; its mouth

3. his mouth; in his mouth; in its mouth; its mouth

4. his mouth; in his mouth; in its mouth; its mouth

<poss-camatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. his mouth; in his mouth; in its mouth; its mouth
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. his mouth; in his mouth; in its mouth; its mouth

FC jc-031297

0. its jaws

1. its jaws
FC -> jc-72895
2. its jaws

3. its jaws

4. its jaws
FC jc-031297
5. its jaws
FC jc-031297

0. by his mouth, from his mouth; his mouth

1. by his mouth, from his mouth; his mouth

FC -> jc-72895
2. by his mouth, from his mouth; his mouth

3. by his mouth, from his mouth; his mouth

4. by his mouth, from his mouth; his mouth

<poss-camatl-co2-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
5. by his mouth, from his mouth; from its mouth; his mouth
FC jc-031297
6. by his mouth, from his mouth; from its mouth; his mouth
FC jc-031297

0. behind him; behind his back; behind it

1. behind him; behind his back; behind it

FC -> jc-72895
2. behind him; behind his back; behind it

3. behind him; behind it

4. behind him; behind his back; behind it

5. behind him; behind it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. behind him; behind it <poss-i:can-pa1>
<poss-i:can-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
7. behind him; behind it <poss-i:can-pa1>
<poss-i:can-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
8. behind him; behind his back; behind it
FC jc-031297
9. behind him; behind his back; behind it
FC jc-031297

0. como; dado que ( since; because )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. his temples; on his temples

1. his temples; on his temples

FC -> jc-72895
2. his temples; on his temples

3. his temples; on his temples

4. his temples <poss-cana:hua-ca:n>

<poss-cana:hua-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. his temples; on his temples
FC jc-031297
6. his temples; on his temples
FC jc-031297

0. his duck

1. his duck
FC -> jc-72895
2. his duck

3. his duck

4. his duck
FC jc-031297
5. his duck
FC jc-031297

0. his ducks
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1

0. its berries

1. its berries
FC -> jc-72895
2. its berries

3. its berries

4. its berries <poss-capolin-yo:tl1>

<poss-capolin-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its berries
FC jc-031297
6. its berries
FC jc-031297

0. tle itliltica, tle icatzahuaca, tle iacuallo itech
yetihuitz in piltzintli, in nantli in tatli: with what
blotch, what filth, what evil of the mother, of the father
doth the baby come laden? (b6 f14 p175), ma xicmicuanilili
in itliltica, in icatzahuaca, in iacuallo, in inan, in ita
remove the blotch, the filth, the evil of his mother, of
his father! (b6 f14 p175)

0. traduccio'n al espan~ol ( Spanish translation )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. younger brother

0. finally, once and for all; for the last time

1. finally, once and for all; for the last time

FC -> jc-72895
2. finally, once and for all; for the last time

3. finally, once and for all; for the last time

4. finally, once and for all; for the last time
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. finally, once and for all; for the last time
FC jc-031297

0. each one

1. each one
FC -> jc-72895
2. each one

3. each one

4. each one
FC jc-031297
5. each one
FC jc-031297

0. each one

1. each one
FC -> jc-72895
2. each one

3. each one

4. each one
FC jc-031297
5. each one
FC jc-031297

0. alone, by himself; by itself; he alone; singly; only;
plain; unaccompanied; she alone
1. alone, by himself; by itself; he alone; singly
FC -> jc-72895
2. only, alone; plain; unaccompanied; she alone; singly; by
FC -> jc-72895
3. alone, by himself; by itself; he alone; singly; only;
plain; unaccompanied; she alone
4. alone, by himself; by itself; he alone; singly; only;
plain; unaccompanied; she alone
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. alone, by himself; by itself; he alone; singly; only;
plain; unaccompanied; she alone <poss-ce:l>
<poss-ce:l> FC - > jc-61096
6. alone, by himself; by itself; he alone; singly
FC jc-031297
7. only, alone; plain; unaccompanied; she alone; singly; by
FC jc-031297
8. alone, by himself; by itself; he alone; singly
FC jc-031297
9. only, alone; plain; unaccompanied; she alone; singly; by
FC jc-031297

0. his tenderness, his freshness

1. his tenderness, his freshness

FC -> jc-72895
2. his tenderness, his freshness

3. his tenderness, his freshness

4. his tenderness, his freshness

FC jc-031297
5. his tenderness, his freshness
FC jc-031297

0. he alone; only he; he himself

1. he alone; only he; he himself

FC -> jc-72895
2. he alone; only he; he himself

3. he alone; only he; he himself

4. he alone; only he; he himself <poss-ce:l-tzin>

<poss-ce:l-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. he alone; only he; he himself <poss-ce:l-tzin>
<poss-ce:l-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. he alone; only he; he himself
FC jc-031297
7. he alone; only he; he himself
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. all day
1. all day
FC -> jc-72895
2. all day
3. all day
4. all day <ilhuitl;
<ilhuitl-> FC - > jc-61096
5. all day
FC jc-031297
6. all day
FC jc-031297

0. their complete function

1. their complete function

FC -> jc-72895
2. their complete function

3. their complete function

4. their complete function <poss-cem-tequitl-uh>

<poss-cem-tequitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. their complete function <poss-cem-tequitl-uh>
<poss-cem-tequitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. their complete function
FC jc-031297
7. their complete function
FC jc-031297

0. roast

0. Se esconde tu hermano en su casa cuando se asusta ?
Motla:tia in mocnih icha:n ihcuac momahtia ? Does your
brother hide in his house when he is scared ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his green stone serpent-shaped earplugs

FC jc-031297

0. maguey fiber paper

1. maguey fiber paper

FC -> jc-72895
2. maguey fiber paper

3. maguey fiber paper

4. maguey fiber paper

FC jc-031297
5. maguey fiber paper
FC jc-031297

0. su casa ( her house )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. su casa ( her house )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. su casa ( his house )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. her home; her abode; her house; his dwelling place; his
home; his house; his houses; home; its dwelling; its
dwelling place; its home; its habitat; its hive; its
burrow; its nest; its house; their dwelling place; their
home; their homes; their house
FC -> jc-72895
4. her home; her abode; her house; his dwelling place; his
home; his house; his houses; home; its dwelling; its
dwelling place; its home; its habitat; its hive; its
burrow; its nest; its house; their dwelling place; their
home; their homes; their house

5. her home; her abode; her house; his dwelling place; his
home; his house; his houses; home; its dwelling; its
dwelling place; its home; its habitat; its hive; its
burrow; its nest; its house; their dwelling place; their
home; their homes; their house

6. her home; her house; his house; his home; his houses; home;
its dwelling; its home; its dwelling place; its house; its
hive; its nest; its habitat; its burrow; their house; their
dwelling place <poss-cha:ntli>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-cha:ntli> FC - > jc-61096

7. su casa ( her house )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
8. su casa ( her house )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. su casa ( his house )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
10. her home; her abode; her house; his dwelling place; his
home; his house; his houses; home; its dwelling; its
dwelling place; its home; its habitat; its hive; its
burrow; its nest; its house; their dwelling place; their
home; their house
FC jc-031297
11. her home; her abode; her house; his dwelling place; his
home; his house; his houses; home; its dwelling; its
dwelling place; its home; its habitat; its hive; its
burrow; its nest; its house; their dwelling place; their
home; their house
FC jc-031297

0. his home; his house

1. his home; his house

FC -> jc-72895
2. his home; his house

3. his home; his house

4. his home; his house <poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1>

<poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his home; his house <poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1>
<poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his home; his house <poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1>
<poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. his home; his house
FC jc-031297
8. his home; his house
FC jc-031297

0. coarse maguey fiber cape

1. coarse maguey fiber cape

FC -> jc-72895
2. coarse maguey fiber cape
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. coarse maguey fiber cape

4. coarse maguey fiber cape <i:chtli-a:ya:tl>

<i:chtli-a:ya:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. coarse maguey fiber cape <i:chtli-a:ya:tl>
<i:chtli-a:ya:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. coarse maguey fiber cape
FC jc-031297
7. coarse maguey fiber cape
FC jc-031297

0. lamb

1. lamb
FC - > jc-61096
2. lamb
FC - > jc-61096

0. sandal made of maguey fiber

1. sandal made of maguey fiber

FC -> jc-72895
2. sandal made of maguey fiber

3. sandal made of maguey fiber

4. sandal made of maguey fiber <i:chtli-cactli>

<i:chtli-cactli> FC - > jc-61096
5. sandal made of maguey fiber
FC jc-031297
6. sandal made of maguey fiber
FC jc-031297

0. sheep dung, sheep excrement

1. sheep dung, sheep excrement

FC -> jc-72895
2. sheep dung, sheep excrement

3. sheep dung, sheep excrement

4. sheep dung, sheep excrement <ichcatl-cuitlatl>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ichcatl-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096

5. sheep dung, sheep excrement <ichcatl-cuitlatl>
<ichcatl-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. sheep dung, sheep excrement <ichcatl-cuitlatl>
<ichcatl-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. sheep dung, sheep excrement
FC jc-031297
8. sheep dung, sheep excrement
FC jc-031297

0. cotton waste

1. cotton waste
FC -> jc-72895
2. cotton waste

3. cotton waste

4. cotton waste <ichcatl-cuitlatl-yo:tl1>

<ichcatl-cuitlatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. cotton waste <ichcatl-cuitlatl-yo:tl1>
<ichcatl-cuitlatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. cotton waste <ichcatl-cuitlatl-yo:tl1>
<ichcatl-cuitlatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. cotton waste
FC jc-031297
8. cotton waste
FC jc-031297

0. padded armor for battle

1. padded armor for battle

FC - > jc-61096
2. padded armor for battle
FC - > jc-61096

0. sheep (pl); sheep [pl]

1. sheep (pl); sheep [ pl ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. sheep (pl); sheep [pl]

3. sheep (pl); sheep [pl]
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. sheep (pl); sheep [pl] <ichcatl-plur03>

<ichcatl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
5. sheep ( pl ); sheep [ pl ]
FC jc-031297
6. sheep ( pl ); sheep [ pl ]
FC jc-031297

0. ovejas ( sheep [ pl ] )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. owner of a cotton field
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. cotton seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. pastor; cuidador de reban~os ( shepherd )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. shepherd
Agentive -qui jc-022897
2. shepherd
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
3. shepherd
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. shepherd
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. like flecks of cotton
FC jc-031297

0. one who makes wool blankets
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. one who makes wool blankets
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. one who makes wool blankets
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who makes wool blankets
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. cotton, wool
1. cotton
FC -> jc-72895
2. cotton, wool (cf ichtli)

3. cotton, wool
4. cotton, wool (cf ichtli)

5. cotton
FC - > jc-61096
6. cotton, wool ( cf ichtli)
FC - > jc-61096
7. cotton <ichcatl>
<ichcatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. sheep, cotton
FC - > jc-61096
9. (cf ichtli) cotton, wool
10. (cf ichtli) cotton, wool
11. cotton
FC jc-031297
12. cotton
FC jc-031297

0. reinforcement of cotton, reinforced cotton

1. reinforcement of cotton, reinforced cotton

FC -> jc-72895
2. reinforcement of cotton, reinforced cotton

3. reinforcement of cotton, reinforced cotton

4. reinforcement of cotton, reinforced cotton

<ichcatl-p51-huapa:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. reinforcement of cotton, reinforced cotton
<ichcatl-p51-huapa:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. reinforcement of cotton, reinforced cotton
<ichcatl-p51-huapa:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. reinforcement of cotton, reinforced cotton

<ichcatl-p51-huapa:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. reinforcement of cotton, reinforced cotton
FC jc-031297
9. reinforcement of cotton, reinforced cotton
FC jc-031297

0. like carded cotton
FC jc-031297

0. carded cotton

1. carded cotton
FC -> jc-72895
2. carded cotton

3. carded cotton

4. carded cotton <ichcatl-p51-pochi:na-l2>

<ichcatl-p51-pochi:na-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. carded cotton <ichcatl-p51-pochi:na-l2>
<ichcatl-p51-pochi:na-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. carded cotton <ichcatl-p51-pochi:na-l2>
<ichcatl-p51-pochi:na-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. carded cotton
FC jc-031297
8. carded cotton
FC jc-031297

0. small piece of cotton

1. small piece of cotton

FC -> jc-72895
2. small piece of cotton

3. small piece of cotton

4. small piece of cotton

FC jc-031297
5. small piece of cotton
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. her cotton

1. her cotton
FC -> jc-72895
2. her cotton

3. her cotton

4. her cotton <poss-ichcatl-uh>

<poss-ichcatl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. her cotton
FC jc-031297
6. her cotton
FC jc-031297

0. one who owns maguey fiber
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. its power, its strength

1. its power, its strength

FC -> jc-72895
2. its power, its strength

3. its power, its strength

4. its power, its strength

FC jc-031297
5. its power, its strength
FC jc-031297

0. its strength

1. its strength
FC -> jc-72895
2. its strength

3. its strength

4. its strength <poss-chica:hua-liz-yo:tl1>

<poss-chica:hua-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its strength
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. its strength
FC jc-031297

0. his rattle stick

1. his rattle stick

FC -> jc-72895
2. his rattle stick

3. his rattle stick

4. his rattle stick

FC jc-031297
5. his rattle stick
FC jc-031297

0. her breast

1. her breast
FC -> jc-72895
2. her breast

3. her breast

4. her breast
FC jc-031297
5. her breast
FC jc-031297

0. her milk

1. her milk
FC -> jc-72895
2. her milk

3. her milk

4. her milk
FC jc-031297
5. her milk
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. with its saliva, by means of its saliva

1. with its saliva, by means of its saliva

FC -> jc-72895
2. with its saliva, by means of its saliva

3. with its saliva, by means of its saliva

4. with its saliva, by means of its saliva

FC jc-031297
5. with its saliva, by means of its saliva
FC jc-031297

0. her shield; his shield; its shield

1. her shield; his shield; its shield

FC -> jc-72895
2. her shield; his shield; its shield

3. her shield; his shield; its shield

4. her shield; his shield; its shield <poss-chi:malli>

<poss-chi:malli> FC - > jc-61096
5. her shield; his shield; its shield
FC jc-031297
6. her shield; his shield; its shield
FC jc-031297

0. stringy

1. stringy
FC -> jc-72895
2. stringy

3. stringy

4. stringy <i:chtli-yo:tl1>
<i:chtli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. stringy <i:chtli-yo:tl1>
<i:chtli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. stringy
FC jc-031297
7. stringy
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. its rubbing

1. its rubbing
FC -> jc-72895
2. its rubbing

3. its rubbing

4. its rubbing
FC jc-031297
5. its rubbing
FC jc-031297

0. maguey fiber breechcloth

1. maguey fiber breechcloth

FC -> jc-72895
2. maguey fiber breechcloth

3. maguey fiber breechcloth

4. maguey fiber breechcloth

FC jc-031297
5. maguey fiber breechcloth
FC jc-031297

0. its dewclaws (dew claw (d>"klô", dy>"-) n A vestigial digit
or claw not reaching the ground and found on the feet of
certain mammals [Origin unknown, perhaps from alteration of
toe] --dew"clawed" adj)

1. its dewclaws
FC -> jc-72895
2. its dewclaws (dew claw (d>"klô", dy>"-) n A vestigial digit
or claw not reaching the ground and found on the feet of
certain mammals [Origin unknown, perhaps from alteration of
toe] --dew"clawed" adj)

3. its dewclaws (dew claw (d>"klô", dy>"-) n A vestigial digit

or claw not reaching the ground and found on the feet of
certain mammals [Origin unknown, perhaps from alteration of
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

toe] --dew"clawed" adj)

4. its dewclaws
FC jc-031297
5. its dewclaws
FC jc-031297

0. his weeping

1. his weeping
FC -> jc-72895
2. his weeping

3. his weeping

4. his weeping
FC jc-031297
5. his weeping
FC jc-031297

0. his word of sorrow

1. his word of sorrow

FC -> jc-72895
2. his word of sorrow

3. his word of sorrow

4. his word of sorrow

FC jc-031297
5. his word of sorrow
FC jc-031297

0. wide road
FC - > jc-61096

0. wide road

0. muchacha ( girl )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. muchacha ( girl; maiden )

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. muchacha ( girl )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. muchacha ( girl; maiden )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

ichpocatl ( n- )
0. muchacha ( girl )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. In nozoah quihtzomilihtoc in icue ce ichpocaton Mi esposa
le esta' cosiendo su falda a una muchacha My wife is sewing
the girls' skirt
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. young women

1. young women
FC -> jc-72895
2. young women

3. young women

4. young women
FC jc-031297
5. young women
FC jc-031297

0. his daughter

1. his daughter
FC -> jc-72895
2. his daughter

3. his daughter
4. his daughter

5. his daughter
6. his daughter <poss-ichpo:chtli>
<poss-ichpo:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. his daughter
FC jc-031297
8. his daughter
FC jc-031297

0. parents of a maiden
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. relatives of the girl

1. relatives of the girl

FC -> jc-72895
2. parents of the maiden; relatives of the girl
<ichpo:chtli-eh1-plur14>-| jc-10896
3. parents of the maiden; relatives of the girl
<ichpo:chtli-eh1-plur14>-| jc-10896
4. relatives of the girl

5. relatives of the girl

6. relatives of the girl <ichpo:chtli-eh1-plur14>

<ichpo:chtli-eh1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
7. relatives of the girl <ichpo:chtli-eh1-plur14>
<ichpo:chtli-eh1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
8. relatives of the girl <ichpo:chtli-eh1-plur14>
<ichpo:chtli-eh1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
9. parents of the maiden; relatives of the girl
<ichpo:chtli-eh1-plur14>-| jc-10896
10. parents of the maiden; relatives of the girl
FC jc-031297
11. parents of the maiden; relatives of the girl
FC jc-031297
12. parents of a maiden
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. evil young woman

1. evil young woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. evil young woman

3. evil young woman
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. evil young woman

FC jc-031297
5. evil young woman
FC jc-031297

0. daughter; girl; maiden; virgin

1. daughter; girl; maiden; virgin

FC -> jc-72895
2. daughter; girl; maiden; virgin

3. daughter; girl; maiden; virgin

4. daughter; girl; maiden; virgin <ichpo:chtli>

<ichpo:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. girl
FC - > jc-61096
6. daughter; girl; maiden; virgin
FC jc-031297
7. daughter; girl; maiden; virgin
FC jc-031297

0. baby girl; girl; maiden

1. baby girl; girl; maiden

FC -> jc-72895
2. baby girl; girl; maiden

3. baby girl; girl; maiden

4. baby girl; girl; maiden <ichpo:chtli-to:n>

<ichpo:chtli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. baby girl; girl; maiden <ichpo:chtli-to:n>
<ichpo:chtli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. baby girl; girl; maiden
FC jc-031297
7. baby girl; girl; maiden
FC jc-031297

0. turkey pullet, young turkey hen

1. turkey pullet, young turkey hen

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. turkey pullet, young turkey hen

3. turkey pullet, young turkey hen

4. turkey pullet, young turkey hen <ichpo:chtli-to:tolin>

<ichpo:chtli-to:tolin> FC - > jc-61096
5. turkey pullet, young turkey hen <ichpo:chtli-to:tolin>
<ichpo:chtli-to:tolin> FC - > jc-61096
6. turkey pullet, young turkey hen
FC jc-031297
7. turkey pullet, young turkey hen
FC jc-031297

0. young turkey hen, pullet which is beginning to lay eggs

1. young turkey hen

FC -> jc-72895
2. young turkey hen, pullet which is beginning to lay eggs

3. young turkey hen, pullet which is beginning to lay eggs

4. pullet which is beginning to lay eggs

FC - > jc-61096
5. young turkey hen <ichpo:chtli-to:tolin>
<ichpo:chtli-to:tolin> FC - > jc-61096
6. young turkey hen <ichpo:chtli-to:tolin>
<ichpo:chtli-to:tolin> FC - > jc-61096
7. young turkey hen
FC jc-031297
8. young turkey hen
FC jc-031297

0. pullet which is beginning to lay eggs
FC - > jc-61096

0. maiden

1. maiden
FC -> jc-72895
2. maiden

3. maiden
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. maiden <ichpo:chtli-tzin>
<ichpo:chtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. maiden <ichpo:chtli-tzin>
<ichpo:chtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. maiden
FC jc-031297
7. maiden
FC jc-031297

0. unmarried girls

1. unmarried girls
FC -> jc-72895
2. unmarried girls

3. unmarried girls

4. unmarried girls <dupl-ichpo:chtli-dupl-pilli plur07 plur10c>

<dupl-ichpo:chtli-dupl-pilli plur07 plur10c> FC - > jc-61096
5. unmarried girls <dupl-ichpo:chtli-dupl-pilli plur07 plur10c>
<dupl-ichpo:chtli-dupl-pilli plur07 plur10c> FC - > jc-61096
6. unmarried girls <dupl-ichpo:chtli-dupl-pilli plur07 plur10c>
<dupl-ichpo:chtli-dupl-pilli plur07 plur10c> FC - > jc-61096
7. unmarried girls <dupl-ichpo:chtli-dupl-pilli plur07 plur10c>
<dupl-ichpo:chtli-dupl-pilli plur07 plur10c> FC - > jc-61096
8. unmarried girls
FC jc-031297
9. unmarried girls
FC jc-031297

0. maidens; young women

1. maidens; young women

FC -> jc-72895
2. maidens; young women

3. maidens; young women

4. maidens <dupl-ichpo:chtli-plur02 plur07>

<dupl-ichpo:chtli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. maidens <dupl-ichpo:chtli-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-ichpo:chtli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. maidens <dupl-ichpo:chtli-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-ichpo:chtli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. maidens; young girls; young women

FC jc-031297
8. maidens; young girls; young women
FC jc-031297

0. maidens

1. maidens
FC -> jc-72895
2. maidens

3. maidens

4. maidens
FC jc-031297
5. maidens
FC jc-031297

0. secret; secretly

1. secret; secretly
FC -> jc-72895
2. secret; secretly

3. secret; secretly

4. secret; secretly <ichtaca>

<ichtaca> FC - > jc-61096
5. secret; secretly
FC jc-031297
6. secret; secretly
FC jc-031297

0. they entered secretly

1. they entered secretly

FC -> jc-72895
2. they entered secretly

3. they entered secretly

4. they entered secretly <ichtaca-calaqui-ya3>

<ichtaca-calaqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they entered secretly

FC jc-031297
6. they entered secretly
FC jc-031297

0. secret child
FC jc-031297

0. one who spies
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. one who spies
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. one who spies
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who spies
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. secretary
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. secretary
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. secretary
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. secretary
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. secretary
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. secretary
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. secretary
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. secretary
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. secret

1. secret
FC -> jc-72895
2. secret
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. secret

4. secret
FC jc-031297
5. secret
FC jc-031297

0. auh in aquique oc nen xonexcaya, tlamatzoaya,
motlamacehuiaya, in ichtacatzin conmacaya in
tlacualtzintli: intla oittoque, intla oittaloque, niman
oncan quinmictia, oncan quintlatlatia, and if any in vain
should inform, should warn [them], should gain [their]
favor who secretly might give them a little food, if they
were seen, if they were espied, right there they slew them;
there they did away with them (b12 f4 p58)

0. he stole

1. he stole
FC -> jc-72895
2. he stole

3. he stole

4. he stole <ichtequi-prt1>
<ichtequi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he stole
FC jc-031297
6. he stole
FC jc-031297

0. thieves

1. thieves
FC -> jc-72895
2. thieves

3. thieves

4. thieves
FC jc-031297
5. thieves
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. thieves
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. ladrones ( thieves )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. thief
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. thief, one who steals
FC jc-031297
2. thief, one who steals
FC jc-031297
3. thief
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
4. thief
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3
5. thief
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
6. thief
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. st stolen
FC - > jc-61096
1. st stolen
JC-05-07-97 Patientive Nouns no1

0. he steals; it steals

1. he steals; it steals
FC -> jc-72895
2. he steals; it steals

3. he steals; it steals

4. he steals; it steals <ichtequi>

<ichtequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. to steal
FC - > jc-61096
6. he steals; it steals
FC jc-031297
7. he steals; it steals
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

ichtequiah ( oquin- )
0. los robaban ( they were stealing them )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. st stolen

0. theft

1. theft
FC -> jc-72895
2. theft

3. theft

4. theft <ichtequi-liz>
<ichtequi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. robbery; theft
FC jc-031297
6. robbery; theft
FC jc-031297

0. thief, one who steals
FC jc-031297

ichtequitihueh ( quin- )
0. los van a robar ( they will go to steal them )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he will steal

1. he will steal
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will steal

3. he will steal

4. he will steal
FC jc-031297
5. he will steal
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they will steal, they will commit a robbery

1. they will steal, they will commit a robbery

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will steal, they will commit a robbery

3. they will steal, they will commit a robbery

4. they will rob, they will steal; they will commit a robbery
FC jc-031297
5. they will rob, they will steal; they will commit a robbery
FC jc-031297

0. fibrous; wiry

1. fibrous; wiry
FC -> jc-72895
2. fibrous; wiry

3. fibrous; wiry

4. fibrous; wiry <i:chtli-tic>

<i:chtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. fibrous; wiry <i:chtli-tic>
<i:chtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. fibrous; wiry
FC jc-031297
7. fibrous; wiry
FC jc-031297

0. with maguey fiber thread; with maguey thread; by means of
maguey thread

1. with maguey fiber thread; with maguey thread; by means of

maguey thread
FC -> jc-72895
2. with maguey fiber thread; with maguey thread; by means of
maguey thread

3. with maguey fiber thread; with maguey thread; by means of

maguey thread
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. with maguey fiber thread; with maguey thread; by means of

maguey thread <i:chtli>
<i:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. with maguey thread, by means of maguey thread
<i:chtli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. with maguey fiber thread; with maguey thread; by means of
maguey thread
FC jc-031297
7. with maguey fiber thread; with maguey thread; by means of
maguey thread
FC jc-031297

0. maguey fiber cape

1. maguey fiber cape

FC -> jc-72895
2. maguey fiber cape

3. maguey fiber cape

4. maguey fiber cape <i:chtli-tilmahtli>

<i:chtli-tilmahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. maguey fiber cape <i:chtli-tilmahtli>
<i:chtli-tilmahtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. maguey fiber cape
FC jc-031297
7. maguey fiber cape
FC jc-031297

0. maguey fiber

1. maguey fiber
FC -> jc-72895
2. maguey fiber

3. maguey fiber

4. maguey fiber <i:chtli>

<i:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. maguey fiber
FC jc-031297
6. maguey fiber
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. in icuac iahahuitz, tliltic; iztac in iciacatzon, in icxi
coztic: papatlactotonti the tips of its wings are black;
its axilla white; its legs yellow, small and wide (b11 f4
p35), in iciacatzon ihhuiyo, iztacahuihuiltecqui, nextic:
in icxi nextic, zan achi inic ixchichiltic,
papatlactotonti: the feathers of its underwings are mingled
white and ashen; its legs ashen tending to chili-red,
small, and wide (b11 f4 p35)

0. place of fatigue

1. place of fatigue
FC -> jc-72895
2. place of fatigue

3. place of fatigue

4. place of fatigue
FC jc-031297
5. place of fatigue
FC jc-031297

0. her fatigue
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. her fatigue
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. her fatigue
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. her fatigue
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. her fatigue; his fatigue

1. her fatigue; his fatigue

FC -> jc-72895
2. her fatigue; his fatigue

3. her fatigue; his fatigue
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. her fatigue <poss-ciahui1-liz>

<poss-ciahui1-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. her fatigue; his fatigue
FC jc-031297
6. her fatigue; his fatigue
FC jc-031297

0. that which pants

1. that which pants

FC -> jc-72895
2. that which pants

3. that which pants

4. that which pants <ihci:ca-ni1>

<ihci:ca-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. that which pants <ihci:ca-ni1>
<ihci:ca-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. that which pants <ihci:ca-ni1>
<ihci:ca-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. that which pants
FC jc-031297
8. that which pants
FC jc-031297

0. his women

1. his women
FC -> jc-72895
2. his women

3. his women

4. his women <poss-cihua:tl-plur04>

<poss-cihua:tl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. his women
FC jc-031297
6. his women
FC jc-031297

0. su esposa [ H ] ( his wife )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. her daughter-in-law

1. her daughter-in-law
FC -> jc-72895
2. her daughter-in-law

3. her daughter-in-law

4. her daughter-in-law <poss-cihua:tl-mo:ntli>

<poss-cihua:tl-mo:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
5. her daughter-in-law
FC jc-031297
6. her daughter-in-law
FC jc-031297

0. her equipment of women, her woman's belongings; her womanly

1. her equipment of women, her woman's belongings; her womanly

FC -> jc-72895
2. her equipment of women, her woman's belongings; her womanly

3. her equipment of women, her woman's belongings; her womanly


4. her equipment of women, her woman's belongings

<poss-cihua:tl-p51-itqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. her equipment of women, her woman's belongings
<poss-cihua:tl-p51-itqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. her equipment of women, her woman's belongings; her womanly
belongings <poss-cihua:tl-p51-itqui-l2>
<poss-cihua:tl-p51-itqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. her womanly belongings <poss-cihua:tl-tlatquitl>
<poss-cihua:tl-tlatquitl> FC - > jc-61096
8. her equipment of women, her woman's belongings; her womanly
FC jc-031297
9. her equipment of women, her woman's belongings; her womanly
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. his wife

1. his wife
FC -> jc-72895
2. his wife

3. his wife

4. his wife <poss-cihua:tl-uh>

<poss-cihua:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. his wife <poss-cihua:tl-uh>
<poss-cihua:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. his wife
FC jc-031297
7. his wife
FC jc-031297

0. her female navel

1. her female navel

FC -> jc-72895
2. her female navel

3. her female navel

4. her female navel <poss-cihua:tl-xictli>

<poss-cihua:tl-xictli> FC - > jc-61096
5. her female navel
FC jc-031297
6. her female navel
FC jc-031297

0. her uterus; her vagina; her womb

1. her uterus; her vagina; her womb

FC -> jc-72895
2. her uterus; her vagina; her womb

3. her uterus; her vagina; her womb

4. her uterus; her vagina; her womb <poss-cihua:tl-yo:tl1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-cihua:tl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096

5. her uterus; her vagina; her womb
FC jc-031297
6. her uterus; her vagina; her womb
FC jc-031297

0. the act of panting

1. the act of panting

FC -> jc-72895
2. the act of panting

3. the act of panting

4. the act of panting

FC jc-031297
5. the act of panting
FC jc-031297

0. his beloved grandmother

1. his beloved grandmother

FC -> jc-72895
2. his beloved grandmother

3. his beloved grandmother

4. his beloved grandmother

FC jc-031297
5. his beloved grandmother
FC jc-031297

0. hurriedly, quickly; quick; at once; immediately; in haste;
promptly; soon; speedily; suddenly; swift; swiftly

1. hurriedly, quickly; quick; at once; immediately; in haste;

promptly; soon; speedily; suddenly; swift; swiftly
FC -> jc-72895
2. hurriedly, quickly; quick; at once; immediately; in haste;
promptly; soon; speedily; suddenly; swift; swiftly

3. hurriedly, quickly; quick; at once; immediately; in haste;

promptly; soon; speedily; suddenly; swift; swiftly
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. hurriedly, quickly; in haste; speedily; quick; suddenly;

swiftly; prompt; at once; promptly; soon; immediately;
swift <ihcihui-ca:6>
<ihcihui-ca:6> FC - > jc-61096
5. hurriedly, quickly; in haste; speedily; quick; suddenly;
swiftly; prompt; at once; promptly; soon; immediately;
swift <ihcihui-ca:6>
<ihcihui-ca:6> FC - > jc-61096
6. hurriedly, quickly; quick; at once; immediately; in haste;
promptly; soon; speedily; suddenly; swift; swiftly
FC jc-031297
7. hurriedly, quickly; quick; at once; immediately; in haste;
promptly; soon; speedily; suddenly; swift; swiftly
FC jc-031297

0. impetuous person

1. impetuous person
FC -> jc-72895
2. impetuous person

3. impetuous person

4. impetuous person
FC jc-031297
5. impetuous person
FC jc-031297

0. sus hermanas ( his sisters )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. withdrawal of friends
1. withdrawal of friends
FC -> jc-72895
2. withdrawal of friends
3. withdrawal of friends
4. withdrawal of friends <icni:uhtli-moya:hui-l2>
<icni:uhtli-moya:hui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. withdrawal of friends <icni:uhtli-moya:hui-l2>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<icni:uhtli-moya:hui-l2> FC - > jc-61096

6. withdrawal of friends <icni:uhtli-moya:hui-l2>
<icni:uhtli-moya:hui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. withdrawal of friends
FC jc-031297
8. withdrawal of friends
FC jc-031297

0. his friend

1. his friend
FC -> jc-72895
2. his friend

3. his friend

4. his friend <poss-icni:uhtli>

<poss-icni:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his friend
FC jc-031297
6. his friend
FC jc-031297

0. orphan
FC - > jc-61096
1. orphan
Noun jc-030797
2. orphan
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
3. orphan
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

icno:pilli (orphan) icno:piltiz

0. he will become an orphan

0. he will become an orphan
FC - > jc-61096
1. he will become an orphan
Verbing jc-030797
2. he will become an orphan
-ti jc-030797
3. he will become an orphan
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

4. he will become an orphan
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. he will become an orphan
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. he will become an orphan
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

0. a nican nellehuatl, nelle axcan, in nican in
icnotlalehualco, in icnoacatzacualco in
ocozcatlatlapanilia, moquetzaltemilia in tlacatl toteucyo
in teyocoyani: ah in tlacatl, in quetzalcoatl: here the
truth is that verily now, here in the humble mound of dirt,
in the humble reed enclosure, the master, our lord the
creator, the master, quetzalcoatl, flaketh off a precious
necklace, placeth a precious feather (b6 f15 p181)

0. ma xihualmoquixtitiuh, ma xicualmomachiti in
icnoacatzacualli, in tlachcuitetelli: ca nimitznochialia in
mocnocha, in mocnochialoca: come passing by here; know the
humble reed enclosure, the mound of earth, for i await thee
at thy humble home, at they humble waiting place (b6 f4 p43)

0. humble house

1. humble house
FC -> jc-72895
2. humble house

3. humble house

4. humble house <icno:tl-calli>

<icno:tl-calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. humble house
FC jc-031297
6. humble house
FC jc-031297

0. humble eagle warrior; poor eagle warrior
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. humble eagle warrior; poor eagle warrior

FC -> jc-72895
2. humble eagle warrior; poor eagle warrior

3. humble eagle warrior; poor eagle warrior

4. humble eagle warrior; poor eagle warrior <icno:tl-cua:uhtli>

<icno:tl-cua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. humble eagle warrior; poor eagle warrior <icno:tl-cua:uhtli>
<icno:tl-cua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. humble eagle warrior; poor eagle warrior
FC jc-031297
7. humble eagle warrior; poor eagle warrior
FC jc-031297

0. hiyo tlacatle toteucyoe: tloquee, nahuaquee,
icnohuacatzintle: ahuiz nelle axcan, manozo omelleltzin
quiz: "alas, o master, o our lord, o lord of the near, of
the nigh, o compassionate one: verily, now may thy rage
have passed (b6 f1 p3)

0. miserable old man; poor old man; poor old men

1. miserable old man; poor old man; poor old men

FC -> jc-72895
2. miserable old man; poor old man; poor old men

3. miserable old man; poor old man; poor old men

4. miserable old man; poor old man; poor old men

<icno:tl-hue:hueh> FC - > jc-61096
5. miserable old man; poor old man; poor old men
<icno:tl-hue:hueh> FC - > jc-61096
6. miserable old man; poor old man; poor old men
FC jc-031297
7. miserable old man; poor old man; poor old men
FC jc-031297

0. poor old men
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. poor old men

FC -> jc-72895
2. poor old men

3. poor old men

4. poor old men <icno:tl-hue:hueh-v01a-prt1-plur14>

<icno:tl-hue:hueh-v01a-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
5. poor old men <icno:tl-hue:hueh-v01a-prt1-plur14>
<icno:tl-hue:hueh-v01a-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
6. poor old men <icno:tl-hue:hueh-v01a-prt1-plur14>
<icno:tl-hue:hueh-v01a-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
7. poor old men
FC jc-031297
8. poor old men
FC jc-031297
9. poor old men
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. misery of a man's old age
FC jc-031297

0. miserable old woman; poor old woman; poor old women

1. miserable old woman; poor old woman; poor old women

FC -> jc-72895
2. miserable old woman; poor old woman; poor old women

3. miserable old woman; poor old woman; poor old women

4. miserable old woman; poor old woman; poor old women

5. miserable old woman; poor old woman; poor old women

6. miserable old woman; poor old woman; poor old women
<icno:tl-ilamatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. miserable old woman; poor old woman; poor old women
<icno:tl-ilamatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. miserable old woman; poor old woman; poor old women
FC jc-031297
9. miserable old woman; poor old woman; poor old women
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. poor old women
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. misery of old women

1. misery of old women

FC -> jc-72895
2. misery of old women

3. misery of old women

4. misery of old women <icno:tl-ilamatl-yo:tl1>

<icno:tl-ilamatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. misery of old women <icno:tl-ilamatl-yo:tl1>
<icno:tl-ilamatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. misery of a woman's old age; misery of old women
FC jc-031297
7. misery of a woman's old age; misery of old women
FC jc-031297

0. humble life

1. humble life
FC -> jc-72895
2. humble life

3. humble life

4. humble life <icno:tl-nemi-liz>

<icno:tl-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. humble life <icno:tl-nemi-liz>
<icno:tl-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. humble life <icno:tl-nemi-liz>
<icno:tl-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. humble life
FC jc-031297
8. humble life
FC jc-031297

0. auh ca icnooacatzintli, in tlacatl, in toteucyo: "and the
master, our lord, is a merciful one (b6 f9 p103)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. humble ocelot warrior; poor ocelot warrior

1. humble ocelot warrior; poor ocelot warrior

FC -> jc-72895
2. humble ocelot warrior; poor ocelot warrior

3. humble ocelot warrior; poor ocelot warrior

4. humble ocelot warrior; poor ocelot warrior

FC jc-031297
5. humble ocelot warrior; poor ocelot warrior
FC jc-031297

0. orphan

1. orphan
FC -> jc-72895
2. orphan

3. orphan

4. orphan <icno:tl-pilli-tzin>
<icno:tl-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. orphan <icno:tl-pilli-tzin>
<icno:tl-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. orphan <icno:tl-pilli-tzin>
<icno:tl-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. orphan
FC jc-031297
8. orphan
FC jc-031297

0. poor sons, poor children

1. poor sons, poor children

FC -> jc-72895
2. poor sons, poor children

3. poor sons, poor children

4. poor sons, poor children
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. poor sons, poor children
FC jc-031297

0. <tbd>

0. needy people; poor people

1. needy people; poor people

FC -> jc-72895
2. needy people; poor people

3. needy people; poor people

4. needy people; poor people <icno:tl-tla:catl-plur06>

<icno:tl-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
5. needy people; poor people <icno:tl-tla:catl-plur06>
<icno:tl-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
6. needy people; poor people
FC jc-031297
7. needy people; poor people
FC jc-031297

0. gente pobre ( poor people )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. humble person; indigent person; miserable; miserable man;
miserable person; needy person; poor man; orphan; poor

1. humble person; indigent person; miserable; miserable man;

miserable person; needy person; poor man; orphan; poor
FC -> jc-72895
2. humble person; indigent person; miserable; miserable man;
miserable person; needy person; poor man; orphan; poor

3. humble person; indigent person; miserable; miserable man;

miserable person; needy person; poor man; orphan; poor
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. humble person; indigent person; miserable person; miserable

man; miserable; needy person; poor man; orphan; poor person
<icno:tl-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
5. humble person; indigent person; miserable person; miserable
man; miserable; needy person; poor man; orphan; poor person
<icno:tl-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
6. orphan or needy person
FC - > jc-61096
7. orphan or needy person
FC - > jc-61096
8. humble person; indigent person; miserable; miserable man;
miserable person; needy person; poor man; orphan; poor
FC jc-031297
9. humble person; indigent person; miserable; miserable man;
miserable person; needy person; poor man; orphan; poor
FC jc-031297

0. auh in manel motolinia, in manel icnotlacatl, in manel
quicentzacui icnotlacatzintli, inantzin, itatzin, intla ye
huel quichihua, in innemiliz, in innahuatil, tlamacazque
yehuatl ano, yehuatl quetzalcoatl tocayotilo, and though he
were poor, though he were in need, though his father, his
mother were the poorest of the poor, if he well carried out
the way of life, the precepts of the priests, this one was
taken, this one was given the name of quetzalcoatl (b3 f4
1. very poor person
FC -> jc-72895
2. very poor person

3. auh in manel motolinia, in manel icnotlacatl, in manel

quicentzacui icnotlacatzintli, inantzin, itatzin, intla ye
huel quichihua, in innemiliz, in innahuatil, tlamacazque
yehuatl ano, yehuatl quetzalcoatl tocayotilo, and though he
were poor, though he were in need, though his father, his
mother were the poorest of the poor, if he well carried out
the way of life, the precepts of the priests, this one was
taken, this one was given the name of quetzalcoatl (b3 f4
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. very poor person

5. very poor person <icno:tl-tla:catl-tzin>

<icno:tl-tla:catl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. very poor person <icno:tl-tla:catl-tzin>
<icno:tl-tla:catl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. very poor person <icno:tl-tla:catl-tzin>
<icno:tl-tla:catl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
8. very poor person
FC jc-031297
9. very poor person
FC jc-031297

0. misery; orphanhood

1. misery; orphanhood
FC -> jc-72895
2. misery; orphanhood

3. misery; orphanhood

4. misery; orphanhood <icno:tl-tla:catl-yo:tl1>

<icno:tl-tla:catl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. misery; orphanhood <icno:tl-tla:catl-yo:tl1>
<icno:tl-tla:catl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. misery; orphanhood
FC jc-031297
7. misery; orphanhood
FC jc-031297

0. kind
FC jc-031297

0. you will be compassionate
FC jc-031297

0. mischance, misery; poverty; misery misery; misfortune
1. mischance, misery; misery misery; poverty; misfortune
FC -> jc-72895
2. mischance, misery; poverty; misery misery; misfortune
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. mischance, misery; poverty; misery misery; misfortune
4. mischance, misery; poverty; misery misery; misfortune
<icno:tl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. mischance, misery; misery misery; poverty; misfortune
FC jc-031297
6. mischance, misery; misery misery; poverty; misfortune
FC jc-031297

0. its fangs

1. its fangs
FC -> jc-72895
2. its fangs

3. its fangs

4. its fangs
FC jc-031297
5. its fangs
FC jc-031297

0. his serpent staff
FC jc-031297

0. his little snake, his little serpent

1. his little snake, his little serpent

FC -> jc-72895
2. his little snake, his little serpent

3. his little snake, his little serpent

4. his little snake, his little serpent

FC jc-031297
5. his little snake, his little serpent
FC jc-031297

0. her sleeping place
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. her sleeping place

FC -> jc-72895
2. her sleeping place

3. her sleeping place

4. her sleeping place <poss-cochi-ya:n>

<poss-cochi-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. her sleeping place <poss-cochi-ya:n>
<poss-cochi-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. her sleeping place
FC jc-031297
7. her sleeping place
FC jc-031297

0. her sleeping place

1. her sleeping place

FC -> jc-72895
2. her sleeping place

3. her sleeping place

4. her sleeping place <poss-cochi-ya:n>

<poss-cochi-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. her sleeping place <poss-cochi-ya:n>
<poss-cochi-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. her sleeping place
FC jc-031297
7. her sleeping place
FC jc-031297

0. his sleep

1. his sleep
FC -> jc-72895
2. his sleep

3. his sleep

4. his sleep <poss-cochi-liz>

<poss-cochi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. his sleep
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. his sleep
FC jc-031297

0. his ailment

1. his ailment
FC -> jc-72895
2. his ailment

3. his ailment

4. his ailment
FC jc-031297
5. his ailment
FC jc-031297

0. its ailments, its sicknesses

1. its ailments, its sicknesses

FC -> jc-72895
2. its ailments, its sicknesses

3. its ailments, its sicknesses

4. its ailments, its sicknesses <poss-coco:ya-delya-liz-yo:tl1>

<poss-coco:ya-delya-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its ailments, its sicknesses <poss-coco:ya-delya-liz-yo:tl1>
<poss-coco:ya-delya-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its ailments, its sicknesses
FC jc-031297
7. its ailments, its sicknesses
FC jc-031297

0. su hijito ( her child; her baby )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. its throat

1. its throat
FC -> jc-72895
2. its throat
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. its throat

4. its throat
FC jc-031297
5. its throat
FC jc-031297

0. his snakebite

1. his snakebite
FC -> jc-72895
2. his snakebite

3. his snakebite

4. his snakebite <poss-co:a:tl-cua:-lo:1-ca:5-uh>

<poss-co:a:tl-cua:-lo:1-ca:5-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. his snakebite <poss-co:a:tl-cua:-lo:1-ca:5-uh>
<poss-co:a:tl-cua:-lo:1-ca:5-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. his snakebite <poss-co:a:tl-cua:-lo:1-ca:5-uh>
<poss-co:a:tl-cua:-lo:1-ca:5-uh> FC - > jc-61096
7. his snakebite <poss-co:a:tl-cua:-lo:1-ca:5-uh>
<poss-co:a:tl-cua:-lo:1-ca:5-uh> FC - > jc-61096
8. his snakebite
FC jc-031297
9. his snakebite
FC jc-031297

0. his guests, his invited ones

1. his guests, his invited ones

FC -> jc-72895
2. his guests, his invited ones

3. his guests, his invited ones

4. his guests, his invited ones <poss-co:a:tl-plur04>

<poss-co:a:tl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. his guests, his invited ones
FC jc-031297
6. his guests, his invited ones
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his grandfather

1. his grandfather
FC -> jc-72895
2. his grandfather

3. his grandfather

4. his grandfather
FC jc-031297
5. his grandfather
FC jc-031297

0. his beloved grandfather

1. his beloved grandfather

FC -> jc-72895
2. his beloved grandfather

3. his beloved grandfather

4. his beloved grandfather

FC jc-031297
5. his beloved grandfather
FC jc-031297

0. his dear child

1. his dear child

FC -> jc-72895
2. his dear child

3. his dear child

4. his dear child

FC jc-031297
5. his dear child
FC jc-031297

0. her child; her son; his child

1. her child; her son; his child

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. her child; her son; his child

3. her child; her son; his child

4. her child; her son; his child <poss-cone:tl-uh>

<poss-cone:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. her child; her son; his child <poss-cone:tl-uh>
<poss-cone:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. her child; her son; his child
FC jc-031297
7. her child; her son; his child
FC jc-031297

0. his incense

1. his incense
FC -> jc-72895
2. his incense

3. his incense

4. his incense <poss-copalli>

<poss-copalli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his incense
FC jc-031297
6. his incense
FC jc-031297

0. snore

0. snoring

1. snoring
FC -> jc-72895
2. snoring

3. snoring

4. snoring
FC jc-031297
5. snoring
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. ceppa ce totochtzin oquiz den icoyoc; Una vez un conejito
salio' de su agujero; Once a little rabbit came out of its
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. topilneccayo techmaitiliz: amechonmotomililiquiuh in
icozcatzin, in iquetzaltzin he will deal with us [because
of] our desire for the child; he will unclasp from you his
precious necklace, his precious feather (b6 f15 p182)

0. his jewel

1. his jewel
FC -> jc-72895
2. his jewel

3. his jewel

4. his jewel; his ornament

FC jc-031297
5. his jewel; his ornament
FC jc-031297

0. encima de e'l ( on top of it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. at the top of it; on top of it
FC -> jc-72895
2. at the top of it; on top of it

3. at the top of it; on top of it

4. at the top of it; on top of it <poss-icpa-co2>

<poss-icpa-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. at the top of it; on top of it <poss-icpa-co2>
<poss-icpa-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. encima de e'l ( on top of it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. at the top of it; on top of it; upon; on top of
FC jc-031297
8. at the top of it; on top of it; upon; on top of
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. his wreath of flowers
FC jc-031297

0. his seat

1. his seat
FC -> jc-72895
2. his seat

3. his seat

4. his seat
FC jc-031297
5. his seat
FC jc-031297

0. he will have a seat

1. he will have a seat

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will have a seat

3. he will have a seat

4. he will have a seat

FC jc-031297
5. he will have a seat
FC jc-031297

0. ball of thread

1. ball of thread
FC - > jc-61096
2. ball of thread
FC - > jc-61096

0. thread

1. thread
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. thread

3. thread

4. thread
FC - > jc-61096
5. thread
FC jc-031297
6. thread
FC jc-031297

0. cord bag; cotton bag
FC jc-031297

0. ma tlacahua in moyollotzin, ma xicmonequilti ma achitzin,
ma tepitzin, ma icpiticatzintli nicnopilti, nomacehualti in
mocotzin, in motlahuiltzin, in motezcatzin: inic temicteuh,
cochitleuhteuh achica cemilhuitl, may thou incline thy
heart; require that i deserve, that i merit a little, a
bit, a firefly-flash of thy torch, thy light, thy mirror,
in order that, as if in dreams, as if seeing in dreams, [i
endure] for a while, a day (b6 f4 p45)

0. firefly
1. firefly
FC -> jc-72895
2. firefly (cf copitl)

3. firefly
4. firefly (cf copitl)

5. firefly ( cf copitl)
FC - > jc-61096
6. firefly <icpitl>
<icpitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. (cf copitl) firefly
8. (cf copitl) firefly
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. firefly
FC jc-031297
10. firefly
FC jc-031297

0. kestrel
1. kestrel

2. kestrel
3. kestrel

4. kestrel
FC - > jc-61096

0. cuando ( when )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. cuando ( when )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. cuando; una vez que ( when )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. cuando ( when )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
4. at its head; at the end
FC -> jc-72895
5. its tip; on his head; on its head; on its top; on the end
of it; to its top
FC -> jc-72895
6. when; as; at that time; at the time of; at this time; the
time of; then; thereupon; this time
FC -> jc-72895
7. when; as; at that time; at the time of; at this time; the
time of; then; thereupon; this time, at its head; at the
end; its tip; on his head; on its top; at its head; to its

8. when; as; at that time; at the time of; at this time; the
time of; then; thereupon; this time, at its head; at the
end; its tip; on his head; on its top; at its head; to its

9. at its head; at the end; its tip; on his head; on its top;
to its top <poss-cua:itl>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-cua:itl> FC - > jc-61096

10. at the end; its tip; on his head; on its top
<poss-cua:itl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
11. cuando ( when )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
12. cuando ( when )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
13. cuando; una vez que ( when )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
14. cuando ( when )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
15. at its head; at the end
FC jc-031297
16. its tip; on his head; on its head; on its top; on the end
of it; to its top
FC jc-031297
17. when; as; at that time; at the time of; at this time; the
time of; then; thereupon; this time
FC jc-031297
18. at its head; at the end
FC jc-031297
19. its tip; on his head; on its head; on its top; on the end
of it; to its top
FC jc-031297
20. when; as; at that time; at the time of; at this time; the
time of; then; thereupon; this time
FC jc-031297

0. its crest

1. its crest
FC -> jc-72895
2. its crest

3. its crest

4. its crest
FC jc-031297
5. its crest
FC jc-031297

0. his horns; its antlers
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his horns; its antlers

FC -> jc-72895
2. his horns; its antlers

3. his horns; its antlers

4. his horns; its antlers <poss-cua:itl-cuahuitl>

<poss-cua:itl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his horns; its antlers <poss-cua:itl-cuahuitl>
<poss-cua:itl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. his horns; its antlers
FC jc-031297
7. his horns; its antlers
FC jc-031297

0. su hacha ( axe )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. its head feathers

1. its head feathers

FC -> jc-72895
2. its head feathers

3. its head feathers

4. its head feathers <poss-cuaitl-ihhuitl-yo:tl1>

<poss-cuaitl-ihhuitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its head feathers <poss-cuaitl-ihhuitl-yo:tl1>
<poss-cuaitl-ihhuitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its head feathers
FC jc-031297
7. its head feathers
FC jc-031297

0. his anger

1. his anger
FC -> jc-72895
2. his anger

3. his anger
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. his anger <poss-cuala:ni-l2>

<poss-cuala:ni-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. his anger <poss-cuala:ni-l2>
<poss-cuala:ni-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. his anger
FC jc-031297
7. his anger
FC jc-031297

0. auh ca topan quihualmihualia, in icualtiliz, in iyectiliz
ahuiyaca in motetlazotlalitzin: and thou sendest over us
the goodness, the grace, the softness of thy love
<poss-cualli-v01-liz (b1 f4 cAp p66)
1. auh ca topan quihualmihualia, in icualtiliz, in iyectiliz
ahuiyaca in motetlazotlalitzin: and thou sendest over us
the goodness, the grace, the softness of thy love
<poss-cualli-v01-liz> (b1 f4 cAp p66) JC-7/23/96

0. crown of his head; on the crown of his head; the crown of
his head

1. crown of his head; on the crown of his head; the crown of

his head
FC -> jc-72895
2. crown of his head; on the crown of his head; the crown of
his head

3. crown of his head; on the crown of his head; the crown of

his head

4. crown of his head <poss-cua:itl-poss-pan-tlah2>

<poss-cua:itl-poss-pan-tlah2> FC - > jc-61096
5. crown of his head; on the crown of his head; the crown of
his head <poss-cua:itl-poss-pan-tlah2>
<poss-cua:itl-poss-pan-tlah2> FC - > jc-61096
6. crown of his head; on the crown of his head; the crown of
his head <poss-cua:itl-poss-pan-tlah2>
<poss-cua:itl-poss-pan-tlah2> FC - > jc-61096
7. on the crown of his head; the crown of his head
<poss-cua:itl-nepan-tlah2> FC - > jc-61096
8. on the crown of his head; the crown of his head
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-cua:itl-nepan-tlah2> FC - > jc-61096

9. crown of his head; on the crown of his head; the crown of
his head
FC jc-031297
10. crown of his head; on the crown of his head; the crown of
his head
FC jc-031297

0. his club, his piece of wood; his stick

1. his club, his piece of wood; his stick

FC -> jc-72895
2. his club, his piece of wood; his stick

3. his club, his piece of wood; his stick

4. his club, his piece of wood; his stick <poss-cuahuitl>

<poss-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his club, his piece of wood; his stick
FC jc-031297
6. his club, his piece of wood; his stick
FC jc-031297

icuauh iteuh
0. his punishment, his castigation

1. his punishment, his castigation

FC -> jc-72895
2. his punishment, his castigation
FC -> jc-72895
3. his punishment, his castigation

4. his punishment, his castigation

5. his punishment, his castigation <poss-cuahuitl

<poss-cuahuitl poss-tetl1-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. his punishment, his castigation <poss-cuahuitl
<poss-cuahuitl poss-tetl1-uh> FC - > jc-61096
7. his punishment, his castigation
FC jc-031297
8. his punishment, his castigation
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. sus ramas ( its branches )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. its handle; its stalk; its stalks; its stem; its vine; its

1. its handle; its stalk; its stalks; its stem; its vine; its
FC -> jc-72895
2. its handle; its stalk; its stalks; its stem; its vine; its

3. its handle; its stalk; its stalks; its stem; its vine; its

4. its handle; its stem <poss-cuahuitl-yo:tl1>

<poss-cuahuitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its handle; its stem; its stalk; its stalks; its vine; its
vines <poss-cuahuitl-yo:tl1>
<poss-cuahuitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its handle; its stalk; its stalks; its stem; its vine; its
FC jc-031297
7. its handle; its stalk; its stalks; its stem; its vine; its
FC jc-031297

0. its skull

1. its skull
FC -> jc-72895
2. its skull

3. its skull

4. its skull
FC jc-031297
5. its skull
FC jc-031297

0. su parte superior ( its upper part )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. her skirt; her skirts

1. her skirt; her skirts

FC -> jc-72895
2. her skirt; her skirts

3. her skirt; her skirts

4. her skirt; her skirts <poss-cue:itl>

<poss-cue:itl> FC - > jc-61096
5. her skirt; her skirts
FC jc-031297
6. her skirt; her skirts
FC jc-031297

0. In nozoah quihtzomilihtoc in icue ce ichpocaton Mi esposa
le esta' cosiendo su falda a una muchacha My wife is sewing
the girls' skirt
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. its rattle; its rattles

1. its rattle; its rattles

FC -> jc-72895
2. its rattle; its rattles

3. its rattle; its rattles

4. its rattle; its rattles <poss-cuechtli>

<poss-cuechtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. its rattle; its rattles
FC jc-031297
6. its rattle; its rattles
FC jc-031297

0. its reply

1. its reply
FC -> jc-72895
2. its reply
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. its reply

4. its reply
FC jc-031297
5. its reply
FC jc-031297

0. its blossom; its blossoming; its opening

1. its blossom; its blossoming; its opening

FC -> jc-72895
2. its blossom; its blossoming; its opening

3. its blossom; its blossoming; its opening

4. its blossom <poss-cuepo:ni-prt1-ca9>

<poss-cuepo:ni-prt1-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
5. its blossoming, its opening; its blossom
<poss-cuepo:ni-prt1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
6. its blossoming, its opening; its blossom
<poss-cuepo:ni-prt1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
7. its blossom; its blossoming; its opening
FC jc-031297
8. its blossom; its blossoming; its opening
FC jc-031297

0. her little skirt

1. her little skirt

FC -> jc-72895
2. her little skirt

3. her little skirt

4. her little skirt <poss-cue:itl-to:n>

<poss-cue:itl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. her little skirt <poss-cue:itl-to:n>
<poss-cue:itl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. her little skirt
FC jc-031297
7. her little skirt
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. in her lap

1. in her lap
FC -> jc-72895
2. in her lap

3. in her lap

4. in her lap <poss-cuexa:ntli-co1>

<poss-cuexa:ntli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. in her lap <poss-cuexa:ntli-co1>
<poss-cuexa:ntli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. in her lap
FC jc-031297
7. in her lap
FC jc-031297

0. her grain bin

1. her grain bin

FC -> jc-72895
2. her grain bin

3. her grain bin

4. her grain bin <poss-cuezcomatl>

<poss-cuezcomatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. her grain bin
FC jc-031297
6. her grain bin
FC jc-031297

0. her song; his song

1. her song; his song

FC -> jc-72895
2. her song; his song

3. her song; his song

4. her song; his song
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. her song; his song

6. her song; his song <poss-cui:ca-l2>
<poss-cui:ca-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. her song; his song <poss-cui:ca-l2>
<poss-cui:ca-l2> FC - > jc-61096
8. his song <poss-cui:ca-l3>
<poss-cui:ca-l3> FC - > jc-61096
9. her song; his song
FC jc-031297
10. her song; his song
FC jc-031297

0. his songs

1. his songs
FC -> jc-72895
2. his songs

3. his songs

4. his songs
FC jc-031297
5. his songs
FC jc-031297

0. his excrement; his offal; its excrement

1. his excrement; his offal; its excrement

FC -> jc-72895
2. his excrement; his offal; its excrement

3. his excrement; his offal; its excrement

4. his excrement; his offal; its excrement

5. his excrement; his offal; its excrement

6. his excrement; his offal; its excrement <poss-cuitlatl>
<poss-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. his excrement; his offal; its excrement <poss-cuitlatl>
<poss-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. his excrement; his offal; its excrement
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. his excrement; his offal; its excrement

FC jc-031297

0. from his rectum; his rectum; in his rectum; in the rectum;
on its back

1. from his rectum; his rectum; in his rectum; in the rectum;

on its back
FC -> jc-72895
2. from his rectum; his rectum; in his rectum; in the rectum;
on its back

3. from his rectum; his rectum; in his rectum; in the rectum;

on its back

4. his rectum; in his rectum; in the rectum; on its back

<poss-cuitlatl-pan-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his rectum; in his rectum; in the rectum; on its back
<poss-cuitlatl-pan-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his rectum; in his rectum; in the rectum; on its back
<poss-cuitlatl-pan-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
7. his rectum; in his rectum; in the rectum; on its back
<poss-cuitlatl-pan-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
8. from behind him; from his rectum; his rectum; in his
rectum; in the rectum; into his rectum; on its back
FC jc-031297
9. from behind him; from his rectum; his rectum; in his
rectum; in the rectum; into his rectum; on its back
FC jc-031297

0. atra's de e'l ( behind it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. debajo de e'l ( under; underneath )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. its under surface; on her back; on his back; on its back;
on their back
FC -> jc-72895
3. its under surface; on her back; on his back; on its back;
on their back
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. its under surface; on her back; on his back; on its back;

on their back

5. its under surface; on her back; on his back; on its back;

on their back <poss-cuitlatl-pan>
<poss-cuitlatl-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. its under surface; on her back; on his back; on its back;
on their back <poss-cuitlatl-pan>
<poss-cuitlatl-pan> FC - > jc-61096
7. its under surface; on her back; on his back; on its back;
on their back <poss-cuitlatl-pan>
<poss-cuitlatl-pan> FC - > jc-61096
8. atra's de e'l ( behind it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
9. debajo de e'l ( under; underneath )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
10. its under surface; on her back; on his back; on his
backside; on its back; on their back
FC jc-031297
11. its under surface; on her back; on his back; on his
backside; on its back; on their back
FC jc-031297

0. from his anus

1. from his anus

FC -> jc-72895
2. from his anus

3. from his anus

4. from his anus <poss-cuitlatl-pan-pa1>

<poss-cuitlatl-pan-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
5. from his anus <poss-cuitlatl-pan-pa1>
<poss-cuitlatl-pan-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
6. from his anus <poss-cuitlatl-pan-pa1>
<poss-cuitlatl-pan-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
7. from his anus <poss-cuitlatl-pan-pa1>
<poss-cuitlatl-pan-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
8. from his anus; into his rectum
FC jc-031297
9. from his anus; into his rectum
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his tail; its tail

1. his tail; its tail

FC -> jc-72895
2. his tail; its tail

3. his tail; its tail

4. his tail; its tail <poss-cuitlatl-pilli>

<poss-cuitlatl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his tail; its tail <poss-cuitlatl-pilli>
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
6. his tail; its tail <poss-cuitlatl-pilli>
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
7. his tail; its tail
FC jc-031297
8. his tail; its tail
FC jc-031297

icuitlapil iiatlapal
0. his common people

1. his common people

FC -> jc-72895
2. his common people

3. his common people

4. his common people

FC jc-031297
5. his common people
FC jc-031297

0. at its tail; at its tail end; in its tail

1. at its tail; at its tail end; in its tail

FC -> jc-72895
2. at its tail; at its tail end; in its tail

3. at its tail; at its tail end; in its tail

4. at its tail end; at its tail; in its tail

<poss-cuitlatl-pilli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. at its tail end; at its tail; in its tail
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-cuitlatl-pilli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. at its tail end; at its tail; in its tail
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. at its tail end; at its tail; in its tail
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
8. at its tail; at its tail end; in its tail
FC jc-031297
9. at its tail; at its tail end; in its tail
FC jc-031297

0. on its tail

1. on its tail
FC -> jc-72895
2. on its tail

3. on its tail

4. on its tail
FC jc-031297
5. on its tail
FC jc-031297

0. the point of its tail

1. the point of its tail

FC -> jc-72895
2. the point of its tail

3. the point of its tail

4. the point of its tail <poss-cuitlatl-pilli-yacatl>

<poss-cuitlatl-pilli-yacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. the point of its tail <poss-cuitlatl-pilli-yacatl>
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli-yacatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. the point of its tail <poss-cuitlatl-pilli-yacatl>
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli-yacatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. the point of its tail <poss-cuitlatl-pilli-yacatl>
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli-yacatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. the point of its tail
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. the point of its tail

FC jc-031297

0. its spine, its backbone

1. its spine, its backbone

FC -> jc-72895
2. its spine, its backbone

3. its spine, its backbone

4. its spine, its backbone

FC jc-031297
5. its spine, its backbone
FC jc-031297

0. his intestine; his intestines; its entrails; its intestines

1. his intestine; his intestines; its entrails; its intestines

FC -> jc-72895
2. his intestine; his intestines; its entrails; its intestines

3. his intestine; his intestines; its entrails; its intestines

4. his intestine; his intestines; its entrails; its intestines

FC jc-031297
5. his intestine; his intestines; its entrails; its intestines
FC jc-031297

0. something that has legs
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1
1. feet

0. his feet; his foot; his legs; his leg; its feet; its foot;
its legs
1. her feet; his feet; his foot; his leg; his legs
FC -> jc-72895
2. its feet; its legs; its foot
FC -> jc-72895
3. his feet; his foot; his legs; his leg; its feet; its foot;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

its legs
4. his feet; his foot; his legs; his leg; its feet; its foot;
its legs
5. his feet; his foot; his legs; his leg; its feet; its foot;
its legs <poss-icxitl>
<poss-icxitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. her feet; his feet; his foot; his leg; his legs
FC jc-031297
7. its feet; its legs; its foot
FC jc-031297
8. her feet; his feet; his foot; his leg; his legs
FC jc-031297
9. its feet; its legs; its foot
FC jc-031297

0. on her feet; on his feet; on its feet
FC -> jc-72895
1. on her feet; on his feet; on its feet <poss-icxitl-co2>
<poss-icxitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
2. on her feet; on his feet; on its feet <poss-icxitl-co2>
<poss-icxitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
3. on her feet; on his feet; on his foot; on his leg; on its
FC jc-031297
4. on her feet; on his feet; on his foot; on his leg; on its
FC jc-031297

0. foot ailment; leg swelling; leg infection

1. foot ailment; leg swelling; leg infection

FC -> jc-72895
2. foot ailment; leg swelling; leg infection

3. foot ailment; leg swelling; leg infection

4. foot ailment <icxitl-coco:ya-l1>

<icxitl-coco:ya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. foot ailment <icxitl-coco:ya-l1>
<icxitl-coco:ya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. foot ailment; leg swelling; leg infection
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. foot ailment; leg swelling; leg infection

FC jc-031297

0. foot jingle, shells for the ankles
FC jc-031297

0. having yellow legs

1. having yellow legs

FC -> jc-72895
2. having yellow legs

3. having yellow legs

4. having yellow legs <icxitl-coztli-tic>

<icxitl-coztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having yellow legs <icxitl-coztli-tic>
<icxitl-coztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having yellow legs
FC jc-031297
7. having yellow legs
FC jc-031297

0. the leg becomes very long, the leg lengthens

1. the leg becomes very long, the leg lengthens

FC -> jc-72895
2. the leg becomes very long, the leg lengthens

3. the leg becomes very long, the leg lengthens

4. the leg becomes very long, the leg lengthens

<icxitl-hue:i-v06-c1-v06> FC - > jc-61096
5. the leg becomes very long, the leg lengthens
<icxitl-hue:i-v06-c1-v06> FC - > jc-61096
6. the leg becomes very long, the leg lengthens
<icxitl-hue:i-v06-c1-v06> FC - > jc-61096
7. the leg becomes very long, the leg lengthens
<icxitl-hue:i-v06-c1-v06> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. the leg becomes very long, the leg lengthens

FC jc-031297
9. the leg becomes very long, the leg lengthens
FC jc-031297

0. his feet will be numbed

1. his feet will be numbed

FC -> jc-72895
2. his feet will be numbed

3. his feet will be numbed

4. his feet will be numbed <icxitl-dupl-miqui-z>

<icxitl-dupl-miqui-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. his feet will be numbed <icxitl-dupl-miqui-z>
<icxitl-dupl-miqui-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. his feet will be numbed <icxitl-dupl-miqui-z>
<icxitl-dupl-miqui-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. his feet will be numbed <icxitl-dupl-miqui-z>
<icxitl-dupl-miqui-z> FC - > jc-61096
8. his feet will be numbed
FC jc-031297
9. his feet will be numbed
FC jc-031297

0. pedestrian
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. pedestrian
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. pedestrian
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. pedestrian
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. footpath

1. path
FC -> jc-72895
2. footpath

3. footpath
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. footpath
FC - > jc-61096
5. footpath
FC - > jc-61096
6. path <icxitl-ohtli>
<icxitl-ohtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. path <icxitl-ohtli>
<icxitl-ohtli> FC - > jc-61096
8. path
FC jc-031297
9. path
FC jc-031297

0. on foot
FC jc-031297

0. foot, leg, (cf icza)

1. foot
FC -> jc-72895
2. foot, leg, (cf icza)

3. foot, leg, (cf icza)

4. foot ( cf icza )
FC - > jc-61096
5. foot, leg
FC - > jc-61096
6. foot
FC jc-031297
7. foot
FC jc-031297

icxitl quimicximimictia
0. he paralyzes their feet
FC - > jc-61096

0. at the foot of it

1. at the foot of it
FC -> jc-72895
2. at the foot of it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. at the foot of it

4. at the foot of it
FC jc-031297
5. at the foot of it
FC jc-031297

0. a sus pies [ H ] ( at his feet [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. her [ h ] foot
FC jc-031297

0. it is stepped on
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it is stepped on
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it is stepped on
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it is stepped on
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it is stepped on
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it is stepped on
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it is stepped on
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. scorn

0. step on
1. (cf icxitl) step on
2. (cf icxitl) step on

0. it is stepped on
Passive Verb jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it is stepped on
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it is stepped on
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it is stepped on
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it is stepped on
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it is stepped on
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it is stepped on
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. shiny palm leaf fiber cape

1. shiny palm leaf fiber cape

FC -> jc-72895
2. shiny palm leaf fiber cape

3. shiny palm leaf fiber cape

4. shiny palm leaf fiber cape

FC jc-031297
5. shiny palm leaf fiber cape
FC jc-031297

0. her skin; his skin; its bark; its hide; its skin

1. her skin; his skin; its bark; its hide; its skin
FC -> jc-72895
2. her skin; his skin; its bark; its hide; its skin

3. her skin; his skin; its bark; its hide; its skin

4. her skin; his skin; its bark; its hide; its skin
<poss-e:huatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. her skin; his skin; its bark; its hide; its skin
<poss-e:huatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. her skin; his skin; its bark; its hide; its skin
FC jc-031297
7. her skin; his skin; its bark; its hide; its skin
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his chest

1. his chest
FC -> jc-72895
2. his chest

3. his chest

4. his chest <poss-e:lli-chiquihuitl>

<poss-e:lli-chiquihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his chest <poss-e:lli-chiquihuitl>
<poss-e:lli-chiquihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. his chest <poss-e:lli-chiquihuitl>
<poss-e:lli-chiquihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. his chest
FC jc-031297
8. his chest
FC jc-031297

0. its belly, its breast; on its breast

1. its belly, its breast; on its breast

FC -> jc-72895
2. its belly, its breast; on its breast

3. its belly, its breast; on its breast

4. its belly, its breast; on its breast <poss-e:lli-pan>

<poss-e:lli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. its belly, its breast; on its breast <poss-e:lli-pan>
<poss-e:lli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. its belly, its breast; on its breast <poss-e:lli-pan>
<poss-e:lli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
7. its belly, its breast; on his chest; on his breast; on its
belly; on its chest; on its breast
FC jc-031297
8. its belly, its breast; on his chest; on his breast; on its
belly; on its chest; on its breast
FC jc-031297

0. its chest
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. its chest
FC -> jc-72895
2. its chest

3. its chest

4. its chest <poss?-e:lli-pan-e:hua>

<poss?-e:lli-pan-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. its chest <poss?-e:lli-pan-e:hua>
<poss?-e:lli-pan-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. its chest <poss?-e:lli-pan-e:hua>
<poss?-e:lli-pan-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. its chest <poss?-e:lli-pan-e:hua>
<poss?-e:lli-pan-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
8. its chest <poss?-e:lli-pan-e:hua>
<poss?-e:lli-pan-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
9. its chest
FC jc-031297
10. its chest
FC jc-031297

0. its bean; its pod

1. its bean; its pod

FC -> jc-72895
2. its bean; its pod

3. its bean; its pod

4. its bean; its pod

FC jc-031297
5. its bean; its pod
FC jc-031297

0. its bean

1. its bean
FC -> jc-72895
2. its bean

3. its bean

4. its bean
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. its bean
FC jc-031297

0. its blood vessel
FC jc-031297

0. his blood
1. his blood
FC -> jc-72895
2. his blood
3. his blood
4. his blood <poss-eztli-yo:tl1>
<poss-eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his blood <poss-eztli-yo:tl1>
<poss-eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his blood <poss-eztli-yo:tl1>
<poss-eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. his blood
FC jc-031297
8. his blood
FC jc-031297

0. his blood; its blood; their blood

1. his blood; its blood; their blood

FC -> jc-72895
2. his blood; its blood; their blood

3. his blood; its blood; their blood

4. his blood; its blood; their blood <poss-eztli-yo:tl1>

<poss-eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his blood; its blood; their blood <poss-eztli-yo:tl1>
<poss-eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his blood; its blood; their blood <poss-eztli-yo:tl1>
<poss-eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. his blood; its blood; their blood
FC jc-031297
8. his blood; its blood; their blood
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. stand

0. it stands, it is

1. it stands, it is
FC -> jc-72895
2. it stands, it is

3. it stands, it is

4. it stands, it is
FC jc-031297
5. it stands, it is
FC jc-031297

0. pant, puff
1. (cf iciui, mociuia) pant, puff
2. (cf iciui, mociuia) pant, puff

0. he is out of breath, he pants; it pants

1. he is out of breath, he pants; it pants

FC -> jc-72895
2. he is out of breath, he pants; it pants

3. he is out of breath, he pants; it pants

4. he is out of breath, he pants; it pants <ihci:ca>

<ihci:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is out of breath, he pants; it pants
FC jc-031297
6. he is out of breath, he pants; it pants
FC jc-031297

0. temprano ( early )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. temprano ( early in the morning )

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. temprano ( early )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. temprano ( early in the morning )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. to tame, to domesticate
FC - > jc-61096

ihcihui nictlacahcihuitia
0. I tame it, I domesticate it

0. asi'; de esa manera ( thus; that way )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. quemah
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
3. que ihcuac ce quiyequizcaltiah
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
4. aic ce calaqui zan ihcon ihtec ce calli Sabi'a

5. si'

6. que cuando uno tiene buena educacio'n

7. nunca se mete uno sin ma's ni ma's en una casa

8. He knew

9. yes

10. that when one has education

11. one never enters a house without asking for permission

12. Donde entra uno no mas porque si ? Canin aic ce calaqui

zan ihcon ?

13. Quien entro a tu casa no mas porque si ? Aquin ocalac

mochan zan ihcon ? Where does one enter just for the heck
of it ?
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. close one's eyes

0. noise
1. it crackles
FC -> jc-72895
2. it crackles

3. noise
4. it crackles

5. it crackles
FC jc-031297
6. it crackles
FC jc-031297

0. in ihcuac atamalcualoya when water tamales were eaten
Cuando tamales vaporizados heran comidos
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
2. pipitzca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
3. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
4. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
5. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they
hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

6. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

7. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

8. quitoa in ihcuac in cacoya

9. quinextia miquiztli: cocoliztli
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. miquiztetzahuitl: they said that when it was heard

11. it signified death or sickness; it was an omen of death

12. no ihuan in ihcuac otztli cihuatl

13. in ihcuac cualo tonatiuh

14. anozo metztli: amo huel quittaya

15. likewise

16. when a woman was with child during an eclipse of the sun or

17. she might might not look at it

18. no ihuan in ihcuac otztli cihuatl

19. in ihcuac cualo tonatiuh

20. anozo metztli: amo huel quittaya

21. likewise

22. when a woman was with child during an eclipse of the sun or

23. she might might not look at it

0. cuando ( when )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. cuando ( when )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. at that time; at the time; at this time; then; when; when
when; as; while; at a time; at some time; at once; during;
forthwith; in that time; thereupon; whenever
FC -> jc-72895
3. at that time; at the time; at this time; then; when; when
when; as; while; at a time; at some time; at once; during;
forthwith; in that time; thereupon; whenever

4. at that time; at the time; at this time; then; when; when
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

when; as; while; at a time; at some time; at once; during;

forthwith; in that time; thereupon; whenever

5. when; while; then; at the time; at this time <ihcua:c>

<ihcua:c> FC - > jc-61096
6. cuando ( when )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. cuando ( when )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. at that time; at the time; at this time; then; when; when
when; as; while; at a time; at some time; at once; during;
forthwith; in that time; thereupon; whenever
FC jc-031297
9. at that time; at the time; at this time; then; when; when
when; as; while; at a time; at some time; at once; during;
forthwith; in that time; thereupon; whenever
FC jc-031297
10. oquicuahtoya zacatl huan ihcuac oquimomacac cuentah
yohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
11. tlen oquichih ? Estaba comiendo pasto y cuando advirtio'
ya veni'a un buen aguacero It was eating grass and when it
noticed a big rainfall was coming
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
12. ? Que' fue lo que hizo ? Que venia cuando estaba comiendo
zacate ? Tlen ohuallaya ihcuac oquicuahtoya zacatl ? What
was coming when it was eating grass ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
13. Donde estabas cuando viste que venia un aguacero ? Canin
otiyeya ihcuac otiquittac ohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl ?
Where were you when you saw that a big rainfall was coming ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
14. Donde te escondes cuando te asustas ? Canin timotla:tia
ihcuac timomahtia ? Where do you hide when you are scared ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
15. Se esconde tu hermano en su casa cuando se asusta ?
Motla:tia in mocnih icha:n ihcuac momahtia ? Does your
brother hide in his house when he is scared ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
16. oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
17. quemah
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
18. que ihcuac ce quiyequizcaltiah
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
19. aic ce calaqui zan ihcon ihtec ce calli Sabi'a
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

20. si'
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
21. que cuando uno tiene buena educacio'n

22. nunca se mete uno sin ma's ni ma's en una casa

23. He knew

24. yes

25. that when one has education

26. one never enters a house without asking for permission

27. Que hiciste cuando no te conteste ? Tlen oticchih ihcuac

amo onimitznanquilih ? What did you do when not answered ?

28. Que vas a hacer cuando te conteste ? Tlen ticchihuaz

ihcuac nimitznanquiliz ? What did you do when not answered ?

29. Que hizo cuando llego ? Tlen oquichih ihcuac oahcito ?

What did he do when he arrived ?

30. Quien saludo cuando llego ? Aquin otetlahpaloh ihcuac

oahcito ? Who greeted when he arrived ?

31. Me vas a saludar cuando llegues ? Tinechtlahpaloz ihcuac

tihualahciz ? Are you going to greet me when you arrive ?

ihcuanih ( oqu- )
0. lo aparto'; lo quito' ( he removed it; he took it away )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. to write
FC - > jc-61096
1. write
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

0. st written

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. y ( and )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. house of feathers

1. house of feathers
FC -> jc-72895
2. house of feathers

3. house of feathers

4. house of feathers
FC jc-031297
5. house of feathers
FC jc-031297

0. one who has a headdress of feathers
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. feather seller

1. feather seller
FC -> jc-72895
2. feather seller

3. feather seller

4. feather seller <ihhuitl-namaca-qui2>

<ihhuitl-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
5. feather seller <ihhuitl-namaca-qui2>
<ihhuitl-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
6. feather seller <ihhuitl-namaca-qui2>
<ihhuitl-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
7. feather seller <ihhuitl-namaca-qui2>
<ihhuitl-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
8. feather seller
FC jc-031297
9. feather seller
FC jc-031297
10. feather seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. feather down butterfly

1. feather down butterfly

FC -> jc-72895
2. feather down butterfly

3. feather down butterfly

4. feather down butterfly

FC jc-031297
5. feather down butterfly
FC jc-031297

0. ball of feathers

1. ball of feathers
FC -> jc-72895
2. ball of feathers

3. ball of feathers

4. ball of feathers
FC jc-031297
5. ball of feathers
FC jc-031297

0. feather-like

1. feather-like
FC -> jc-72895
2. feather-like

3. feather-like

4. feather-like <ihhuitl-tic>
<ihhuitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. feather-like
FC jc-031297
6. feather-like
FC jc-031297

0. with feathers; by means of feathers; feathered; using
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. with feathers; by means of feathers; feathered; using

FC -> jc-72895
2. with feathers; by means of feathers; feathered; using

3. with feathers; by means of feathers; feathered; using


4. with feathers, by means of feathers, feathered

<ihhuitl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with feathers, by means of feathers, feathered; using
feathers <ihhuitl-ti1-ca2>
<ihhuitl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. with feathers; by means of feathers; feathered; using
FC jc-031297
7. with feathers; by means of feathers; feathered; using
FC jc-031297

0. heavy feathered

1. heavy feathered
FC -> jc-72895
2. heavy feathered

3. heavy feathered

4. heavy feathered <ihhuitl-tila:hua-c1>

<ihhuitl-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. heavy feathered <ihhuitl-tila:hua-c1>
<ihhuitl-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. heavy feathered <ihhuitl-tila:hua-c1>
<ihhuitl-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. heavy feathered
FC jc-031297
8. heavy feathered
FC jc-031297

0. feather cape
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. feather cape
FC -> jc-72895
2. feather cape

3. feather cape

4. feather cape <ihhuitl-tilmahtli>

<ihhuitl-tilmahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. feather cape <ihhuitl-tilmahtli>
<ihhuitl-tilmahtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. feather cape
FC jc-031297
7. feather cape
FC jc-031297

0. feather
1. feather
FC -> jc-72895
2. feather

3. feather
4. feather

5. feather <ihhuitl>
<ihhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. feather
FC - > jc-61096
7. feather
FC jc-031297
8. feather
FC jc-031297

0. feather work; feather creation

1. feather work; feather creation

FC -> jc-72895
2. feather work; feather creation

3. feather work; feather creation

4. feather work <ihhuitl-p53-chi:hua-l1>

<ihhuitl-p53-chi:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. feather work <ihhuitl-p53-chi:hua-l1>

<ihhuitl-p53-chi:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. feather work <ihhuitl-p53-chi:hua-l1>
<ihhuitl-p53-chi:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. feather work; feather creation
FC jc-031297
8. feather work; feather creation
FC jc-031297

0. feather mosaic, feather design

1. feather mosaic, feather design

FC -> jc-72895
2. feather mosaic, feather design

3. feather mosaic, feather design

4. feather mosaic, feather design; feather painting

FC jc-031297
5. feather mosaic, feather design; feather painting
FC jc-031297

0. feathered staff

1. feathered staff
FC -> jc-72895
2. feathered staff

3. feathered staff

4. feathered staff <poss-ihhuitl-to:pi:lli>

<poss-ihhuitl-to:pi:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. feathered staff <poss-ihhuitl-to:pi:lli>
<poss-ihhuitl-to:pi:lli> FC - > jc-61096
6. feathered staff
FC jc-031297
7. feathered staff
FC jc-031297

0. she spins feathers

1. she spins feathers

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. she spins feathers

3. she spins feathers

4. she spins feathers <ihhuitl-;

<ihhuitl--> FC - > jc-61096
5. she spins feathers
FC jc-031297
6. she spins feathers
FC jc-031297

0. his feather headdress; his feathered headdress

1. his feather headdress; his feathered headdress

FC -> jc-72895
2. his feather headdress; his feathered headdress

3. his feather headdress

4. his feather headdress; his feathered headdress

5. his feather headdress

6. his feather headdress <poss-ihhuitl-tzontli-calli>
<poss-ihhuitl-tzontli-calli> FC - > jc-61096
7. his feather headdress <poss-ihhuitl-tzontli-calli>
<poss-ihhuitl-tzontli-calli> FC - > jc-61096
8. his feather headdress; his feathered headdress
FC jc-031297
9. his feather headdress; his feathered headdress
FC jc-031297

0. one who has a crown of feathers
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. feather headdress

1. feather headdress
FC -> jc-72895
2. feather headdress

3. feather headdress
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. feather headdress

5. feather headdress
6. feather headdress <ihhuitl-tzontli-calli>
<ihhuitl-tzontli-calli> FC - > jc-61096
7. feather headdress <ihhuitl-tzontli-calli>
<ihhuitl-tzontli-calli> FC - > jc-61096
8. feather headdress
FC jc-031297
9. feather headdress
FC jc-031297

0. feathered, having feathers; its feathers; plumage;

1. feathered, having feathers; its feathers; plumage;

FC -> jc-72895
2. feathered, having feathers; its feathers; plumage;

3. feathered, having feathers; its feathers; plumage;


4. its feathers; plumage; featheriness <ihhuitl-yo:tl1>

<ihhuitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. feathered, having feathers; his featheriness; its feathers;
plumage; featheriness
FC jc-031297
6. feathered, having feathers; his featheriness; its feathers;
plumage; featheriness
FC jc-031297

0. having thick feathers; heavy feathered

1. having thick feathers; heavy feathered

FC -> jc-72895
2. having thick feathers; heavy feathered

3. having thick feathers; heavy feathered

4. having thick feathers; heavy feathered

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ihhuitl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096

5. having thick feathers; heavy feathered
<ihhuitl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having thick feathers; heavy feathered
<ihhuitl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. having thick feathers; heavy feathered
<ihhuitl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. having thick feathers; heavy feathered
FC jc-031297
9. having thick feathers; heavy feathered
FC jc-031297

0. feather gluing

1. feather gluing
FC -> jc-72895
2. feather gluing

3. feather gluing

4. feather gluing <ihhuitl--liz>

<ihhuitl--liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. feather gluing
FC jc-031297
6. feather gluing
FC jc-031297

0. hate

0. breath

0. fibrous
FC jc-031297

0. he will steal
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he will steal
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will steal

3. he will steal

4. he will steal
FC jc-031297
5. he will steal
FC jc-031297

0. it has feet

1. it has feet
FC -> jc-72895
2. it has feet

3. it has feet

4. it has feet <dupl-icxitl-eh1>

<dupl-icxitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it has feet <dupl-icxitl-eh1>
<dupl-icxitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it has feet <dupl-icxitl-eh1>
<dupl-icxitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it has feet
FC jc-031297
8. it has feet
FC jc-031297

0. something that has legs
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1
1. feet

0. she is inconsiderate

1. she is inconsiderate
FC -> jc-72895
2. she is inconsiderate

3. she is inconsiderate
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. she is inconsiderate
FC jc-031297
5. she is inconsiderate
FC jc-031297

0. they restored their strength
FC jc-031297

0. something that has joints
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. having eyes

1. having eyes
FC -> jc-72895
2. having eyes

3. having eyes

4. having eyes
FC jc-031297
5. having eyes
FC jc-031297

0. his breath, his spirit

1. his breath, his spirit

FC -> jc-72895
2. his breath, his spirit

3. his breath, his spirit

4. his breath, his spirit <poss-ihi:yo:tl>

<poss-ihi:yo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his breath, his spirit; its essence
FC jc-031297
6. his breath, his spirit; its essence
FC jc-031297

0. it perspires
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it perspires
FC -> jc-72895
2. it perspires

3. it perspires

4. it perspires
FC jc-031297
5. it perspires
FC jc-031297

0. with its breath, by means of his breath

1. with its breath, by means of his breath

FC -> jc-72895
2. with its breath, by means of his breath

3. with its breath, by means of his breath

4. with its breath, by means of his breath <ihi:yo:tl-ti1-ca2>

<ihi:yo:tl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with its breath, by means of his breath
FC jc-031297
6. with its breath, by means of his breath
FC jc-031297

0. breath; spirit

1. breath; spirit
FC -> jc-72895
2. breath; spirit

3. breath; spirit

4. breath; spirit <ihi:yo:tl>

<ihi:yo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. breath; spirit
FC jc-031297
6. breath; spirit
FC jc-031297

0. his breath, his spirit
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his breath, his spirit

FC -> jc-72895
2. his breath, his spirit

3. his breath, his spirit

4. his breath, his spirit <poss-ihi:yo:tl-tzin>

<poss-ihi:yo:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. his breath, his spirit <poss-ihi:yo:tl-tzin>
<poss-ihi:yo:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. his breath, his spirit
FC jc-031297
7. his breath, his spirit
FC jc-031297

0. light green

1. light green
FC -> jc-72895
2. light green

3. light green

4. light green
FC jc-031297
5. light green
FC jc-031297

0. he lies constantly; he tells lies; it is a liar; liar

1. he lies constantly; he tells lies; it is a liar; liar

FC -> jc-72895
2. he lies constantly; he tells lies; it is a liar; liar

3. he lies constantly; he tells lies; it is a liar; liar

4. he lies constantly; it is a liar; liar <dupl-iztlacatl-v01>

<dupl-iztlacatl-v01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he lies constantly; it is a liar; liar <dupl-iztlacatl-v01>
<dupl-iztlacatl-v01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he lies constantly; it is a liar; liar <dupl-iztlacatl-v01>
<dupl-iztlacatl-v01> FC - > jc-61096
7. he lies constantly; it is a liar; liar <dupl-iztlacatl-v01>
<dupl-iztlacatl-v01> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. he lies constantly; he tells lies; it is a liar; liar

FC jc-031297
9. he lies constantly; he tells lies; it is a liar; liar
FC jc-031297

0. they will tell lies

1. they will tell lies

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will tell lies

3. they will tell lies

4. they will tell lies <dupl-iztlacatl-v01-z-plur01>

<dupl-iztlacatl-v01-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will tell lies <dupl-iztlacatl-v01-z-plur01>
<dupl-iztlacatl-v01-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they will tell lies <dupl-iztlacatl-v01-z-plur01>
<dupl-iztlacatl-v01-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they will tell lies <dupl-iztlacatl-v01-z-plur01>
<dupl-iztlacatl-v01-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
8. they will tell lies
FC jc-031297
9. they will tell lies
FC jc-031297

ihnecui niquihnecuiltia
0. I cause him to smell it

0. vapor

0. asi' ( thus )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. asi' ( thus; like this )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. asi' ( thus; like this )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. asi' ( thus; like this )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. asi' ( thus; like this )

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. weaving

1. weaving
FC -> jc-72895
2. weaving

3. weaving

4. weaving
FC jc-031297
5. weaving
FC jc-031297

0. she will weave

1. she will weave

FC -> jc-72895
2. she will weave

3. she will weave

4. she will weave

FC jc-031297
5. she will weave
FC jc-031297

0. food for the road

0. food for road
FC - > jc-61096
1. food for road
Noun jc-030797
2. food for road
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
3. food for road
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

ihtacatl (food for road)tine:chihtacatia
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. you give me food for the road

0. famous
1. (cf itoa) famous
2. (cf itoa) famous

0. omotlatito ihtec ce tlallancal Se fue a esconder dentro de
una cueva It went to hide inside a cave
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. Quien se fue a esconder dentro de una cueva ? Aquin
omotla:tito ihtec ce tlallancal ? Who went to hide inside a
cave ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
3. quemah

4. que ihcuac ce quiyequizcaltiah

5. aic ce calaqui zan ihcon ihtec ce calli Sabi'a

6. si'

7. que cuando uno tiene buena educacio'n

8. nunca se mete uno sin ma's ni ma's en una casa

9. He knew

10. yes

11. that when one has education

12. one never enters a house without asking for permission

0. something that has a belly
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. <ihtitl> belly
1. stomach
FC - > jc-61096

ihtetl-| ihtitl
0. stomach

0. adentro de e'l ( inside it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. dentro de e'l ( inside it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. inside it
FC -> jc-72895
3. inside it

4. inside it

5. adentro de e'l ( inside it )

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. dentro de e'l ( inside it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. inside it
FC jc-031297
8. inside it
FC jc-031297

0. it is hollow inside

1. it is hollow inside
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is hollow inside

3. it is hollow inside
4. it is hollow inside

5. it is hollow inside
6. it is hollow inside <ihtitl-coyo:ni>
<ihtitl-coyo:ni> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is hollow inside
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. it is hollow inside
FC jc-031297

0. hollow
FC jc-031297

0. the abdomen drags
FC jc-031297

0. belly
1. belly
FC -> jc-72895
2. belly

3. belly
4. belly

5. stomach
FC - > jc-61096
6. belly
FC jc-031297
7. belly
FC jc-031297

0. flabbiness of the stomach
FC jc-031297

0. to harm
FC - > jc-61096

ihtlacahui-| yolli moyolihtlacoa

0. he is offended

0. they harm it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it became corrupted

1. it became corrupted
FC -> jc-72895
2. it became corrupted

3. it became corrupted

4. it became corrupted
FC jc-031297
5. it became corrupted
FC jc-031297

0. ask

0. it is requested
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it is requested
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it is requested
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it is requested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it is requested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it is requested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it is requested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it will be requested
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it will be requested
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it will be requested
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it will be requested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it will be requested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it will be requested
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

6. it will be requested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it is requested
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it is requested
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it is requested
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it is requested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it is requested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it is requested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it is requested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it will be requested
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it will be requested
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it will be requested
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it will be requested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it will be requested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it will be requested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it will be requested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. dance

ihtoa ( tiqu- )
0. lo dices ( you say it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

ihtoaya ( om- )
0. se deci'a ( it was said )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

ihtoaya ( oqu- )
0. lo deci'a ( he was saying it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

ihtoayah ( oqu- )
0. lo deci'an ( they were saying it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

ihtoh ( oqu- )
0. lo dijo ( he said it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

ihtohqueh ( oqu- )
0. lo dijeron ( they said it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. dance [ with ] ( so )
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

ihtotia-| nehtotiliztli
0. dance, act of dancing

ihtoz ( niqu- )
0. lo dire' ( I will say it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. snort

0. resemble, seem

0. it is drunk

1. it is drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is drunk

3. it is drunk
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it is drunk <i:1-hua1>
<i:1-hua1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is drunk
FC jc-031297
6. it is drunk
FC jc-031297

0. send

0. drink

1. drink
FC -> jc-72895
2. drink

3. drink

4. drink <i:1-hua1-lo:1-ni1>
<i:1-hua1-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. drink <i:1-hua1-lo:1-ni1>
<i:1-hua1-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. drink <i:1-hua1-lo:1-ni1>
<i:1-hua1-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. drink <i:1-hua1-lo:1-ni1>
<i:1-hua1-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. drink <i:1-hua1-lo:1-ni1>
<i:1-hua1-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. drink <i:1-hua1-lo:1-ni1>
<i:1-hua1-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
10. drink
FC jc-031297
11. drink
FC jc-031297

0. y ( and )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. y ( and )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. and; also; with him
FC -> jc-72895
3. with it, and
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
4. and; also; with him

5. with it, and

6. and; also; with him

7. with it, and

8. y ( and )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
9. y ( and )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. and; also; with him; with it; with them
FC jc-031297
11. them; with it; and
FC jc-031297
12. and; also; with him; with it; with them
FC jc-031297
13. them; with it; and
FC jc-031297

0. and

0. drink; drinkable; potable; something to be drunk; there is

1. drink; drinkable; potable; something to be drunk; there is

FC -> jc-72895
2. drink; drinkable; potable; something to be drunk; there is

3. drink; drinkable; potable; something to be drunk; there is


4. drink; drinkable; potable; something to be drunk; there is

drink <i:1-hua1-ni1>
<i:1-hua1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. drink; drinkable; potable; something to be drunk; there is
drink <i:1-hua1-ni1>
<i:1-hua1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. drink; drinkable; potable; something to be drunk; there is
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

drink <i:1-hua1-ni1>
<i:1-hua1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. drink; drinkable; potable; something to be drunk; there is
drink <i:1-hua1-ni1>
<i:1-hua1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. drink; drinkable; potable; there is drink <i:1-hua1-ni1>
<i:1-hua1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. something to be drunk <i:-hua1-ni1>
<i:-hua1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
10. drink; drinkable; potable; something to be drunk; there is
FC jc-031297
11. drink; drinkable; potable; something to be drunk; there is
FC jc-031297

0. his kin, his relatives; his kinsmen; their kin; their

1. his kin, his relatives; his kinsmen; their kin; their

FC -> jc-72895
2. his kin, his relatives; his kinsmen; their kin; their

3. his kin, his relatives; his kinsmen; their kin; their


4. his kin, his relatives; his kinsmen; their kin; their

FC jc-031297
5. his kin, his relatives; his kinsmen; their kin; their
FC jc-031297
6. his kinsmen
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. her kinsman

1. her kinsman
FC -> jc-72895
2. her kinsman

3. her kinsman
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. her kinsman
FC jc-031297
5. her kinsman
FC jc-031297

0. its amaranth seeds

1. its amaranth seeds

FC -> jc-72895
2. its amaranth seeds

3. its amaranth seeds

4. its amaranth seeds

FC jc-031297
5. its amaranth seeds
FC jc-031297

0. her kinsmen

1. her kinsmen
FC -> jc-72895
2. her kinsmen

3. her kinsmen

4. her kinsmen
FC jc-031297
5. her kinsmen
FC jc-031297

0. his old men

1. his old men

FC -> jc-72895
2. his old men

3. his old men

4. his old men

FC jc-031297
5. his old men
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. his drum
FC jc-031297

0. his old men

1. his old men

FC -> jc-72895
2. his old men

3. his old men

4. his old men <poss-hue:hueh-yo:tl1-plur04>

<poss-hue:hueh-yo:tl1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. his old men <poss-hue:hueh-yo:tl1-plur04>
<poss-hue:hueh-yo:tl1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. his old men
FC jc-031297
7. his old men
FC jc-031297

0. his large breechcloth

1. his large breechcloth

FC -> jc-72895
2. his large breechcloth

3. his large breechcloth

4. his large breechcloth <poss-hue:i-ma:xtlatl>

<poss-hue:i-ma:xtlatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his large breechcloth <poss-hue:i-ma:xtlatl>
<poss-hue:i-ma:xtlatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. his large breechcloth
FC jc-031297
7. his large breechcloth
FC jc-031297

0. its scent, its odor

1. its scent, its odor
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. its scent, its odor

3. its scent, its odor

4. its scent, its odor

FC jc-031297
5. its scent, its odor
FC jc-031297

0. his pleasure

1. his pleasure
FC -> jc-72895
2. his pleasure

3. his pleasure

4. his pleasure
FC jc-031297
5. his pleasure
FC jc-031297

0. his older sister

1. his older sister

FC -> jc-72895
2. his older sister

3. his older sister

4. his older sister

FC jc-031297
5. his older sister
FC jc-031297

0. his offering

1. his offering
FC -> jc-72895
2. his offering

3. his offering
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. his offering <poss-huentli>

<poss-huentli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his offering
FC jc-031297
6. his offering
FC jc-031297

0. his place of reclining; its place of falling

1. his place of reclining; its place of falling

FC -> jc-72895
2. his place of reclining; its place of falling

3. its place of falling

4. his place of reclining; its place of falling

5. its place of falling

6. its place of falling <poss-huetzi-ya:n>
<poss-huetzi-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. his place of reclining; its place of falling
FC jc-031297
8. his place of reclining; its place of falling
FC jc-031297

0. his great festival

1. his great festival

FC -> jc-72895
2. his great festival

3. his great festival

4. his great festival <ilhuitl-uh>

<ilhuitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. his great festival <ilhuitl-uh>
<ilhuitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. his great festival
FC jc-031297
7. his great festival
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it is similar; like; as

1. it is similar; like; as
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is similar; like; as

3. it is similar; like; as

4. like, as <ihui-prt1>
<ihui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is similar; it is thus; it is so; like; as
FC jc-031297
6. it is similar; it is thus; it is so; like; as
FC jc-031297

0. meekly, peacefully; peace; peaceful; in peace; in
tranquility; quietly; silently; slowly; calmly;
cautiously;little by little; gently; carefully; gradually;
tranquilly; softly

1. at his leisure, without haste; calm; calmly; in peace;

peacefully; carefully; cautiously; gently; quietly;
gradually; little by little; in tranquility
FC -> jc-72895
2. meekly, peacefully; peace; peaceful; in peace; in
tranquility; quietly; silently; slowly; calmly; cautiously;
little by little; gently; carefully; gradually; tranquilly;
FC -> jc-72895
3. unobtrusively; without haste; slowly
FC -> jc-72895
4. meekly, peacefully; peace; peaceful; in peace; in
tranquility; quietly; silently; slowly; calmly;
cautiously;little by little; gently; carefully; gradually;
tranquilly; softly

5. meekly, peacefully; peace; peaceful; in peace; in

tranquility; quietly; silently; slowly; calmly;
cautiously;little by little; gently; carefully; gradually;
tranquilly; softly

6. at his leisure, without haste; calm; calmly; peacefully; in

peace; carefully; cautiously; gently; quietly; gradually;
little by little; in tranquility; meekly; peaceful; peace;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

silently; slowly; tranquilly; softly; unobtrusively

<i:huiya:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. at his leisure, without haste; calm; calmly; in peace;
peacefully; carefully; cautiously; gently; quietly;
gradually; little by little; in tranquility
FC jc-031297
8. meekly, peacefully; peace; peaceful; in peace; in
tranquility; quietly; silently; slowly; calmly; cautiously;
little by little; gently; carefully; gradually; tranquilly;
FC jc-031297
9. unobtrusively; without haste; slowly
FC jc-031297
10. at his leisure, without haste; calm; calmly; in peace;
peacefully; carefully; cautiously; gently; quietly;
gradually; little by little; in tranquility
FC jc-031297
11. meekly, peacefully; peace; peaceful; in peace; in
tranquility; quietly; silently; slowly; calmly; cautiously;
little by little; gently; carefully; gradually; tranquilly;
FC jc-031297
12. unobtrusively; without haste; slowly
FC jc-031297

0. those who are peaceful

1. those who are peaceful

FC -> jc-72895
2. those who are peaceful

3. those who are peaceful

4. those who are peaceful <i:huiya:n-yo:tl1-;

<i:huiya:n-yo:tl1--> FC - > jc-61096
5. those who are peaceful <i:huiya:n-yo:tl1-;
<i:huiya:n-yo:tl1--> FC - > jc-61096
6. those who are peaceful
FC jc-031297
7. those who are peaceful
FC jc-031297

0. meekly, peacefully
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. meekly, peacefully
FC -> jc-72895
2. meekly, peacefully

3. meekly, peacefully

4. meekly, peacefully <i:huiya:n-tzin>

<i:huiya:n-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. meekly, peacefully <i:huiya:n-tzin>
<i:huiya:n-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. meekly, peacefully
FC jc-031297
7. meekly, peacefully
FC jc-031297

0. to him, toward him; toward it; towards it

1. to him, toward him; toward it; towards it

FC -> jc-72895
2. to him, toward him; toward it; towards it

3. to him, toward him; toward it; towards it

4. to him, toward him; toward it; towards it

FC jc-031297
5. to him, toward him; toward it; towards it
FC jc-031297

0. with it, accompanying it

1. with it, accompanying it

FC -> jc-72895
2. with it, accompanying it

3. with it, accompanying it

4. with it, accompanying it <poss-hui:ca-l1>

<poss-hui:ca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. with it, accompanying it <poss-hui:ca-l1>
<poss-hui:ca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. with it, accompanying it
FC jc-031297
7. with it, accompanying it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. near it; to him; toward him; to them; toward them; toward
her; toward it; to it

1. near it; to him; toward him; to them; toward them; toward

her; toward it; to it
FC -> jc-72895
2. near it; to him; toward him; to them; toward them; toward
her; toward it; to it

3. near it; to him; toward him; to them; toward them; toward

her; toward it; to it

4. to him, toward him; to them; toward them; toward her;

toward it; to it <poss-hui:c-pa1>
<poss-hui:c-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
5. near it; to him; toward him; to them; toward them; toward
her; toward it; to it
FC jc-031297
6. near it; to him; toward him; to them; toward them; toward
her; toward it; to it
FC jc-031297

0. thus

1. thus
FC -> jc-72895
2. thus

3. thus

4. thus <ihui;
<ihui-> FC - > jc-61096
5. thus; so
FC jc-031297
6. thus; so
FC jc-031297

0. drunk
1. he gets drunk
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. she gets drunk; they become intoxicated; they get drunk

FC -> jc-72895
3. she gets drunk; they become intoxicated; they get drunk

4. he gets drunk

5. drunk
6. she gets drunk; they become intoxicated; they get drunk

7. he gets drunk

8. she gets drunk <ihuinti>

<ihuinti> FC - > jc-61096
9. they become intoxicated, they get drunk <i:huinti>
<i:huinti> FC - > jc-61096
10. he gets drunk
FC jc-031297
11. she gets drunk; they become intoxicated; they get drunk
FC jc-031297
12. he gets drunk
FC jc-031297
13. she gets drunk; they become intoxicated; they get drunk
FC jc-031297

0. they became besotted, they got drunk

1. they became besotted, they got drunk

FC -> jc-72895
2. they became besotted, they got drunk

3. they became besotted, they got drunk

4. they became besotted, they got drunk <i:huinti-ya3>

<i:huinti-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they became besotted, they got drunk <i:huinti-ya3>
<i:huinti-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they became besotted, they got drunk
FC jc-031297
7. they became besotted, they got drunk
FC jc-031297

0. drunk, intoxicated; he became drunk; he became intoxicated;
he got drunk
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. drunk, intoxicated; he became drunk; he became intoxicated;

he got drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. drunk, intoxicated; he became drunk; he became intoxicated;
he got drunk

3. drunk, intoxicated; he became intoxicated; he got drunk

4. drunk, intoxicated; he became drunk; he became intoxicated;
he got drunk

5. drunk, intoxicated; he became intoxicated; he got drunk

6. drunk, intoxicated; he became intoxicated; he got drunk
<i:huinti-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he became intoxicated, he got drunk <i:huinti-tic>
<i:huinti-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. drunk, intoxicated; he became drunk; he became intoxicated;
he got drunk
FC jc-031297
9. drunk, intoxicated; he became drunk; he became intoxicated;
he got drunk
FC jc-031297

0. drunkenness

1. drunkenness
FC -> jc-72895
2. drunkenness

3. drunkenness

4. drunkenness <i:huinti-liz>
<i:huinti-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. drunkenness <ihuinti-liz>
<ihuinti-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. drunkenness
FC jc-031297
7. drunkenness
FC jc-031297

0. she goes about drunk
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. she goes about drunk

FC -> jc-72895
2. she goes about drunk

3. she goes about drunk

4. she goes about drunk <ihuinti-ti1-nemi aux01>

<ihuinti-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. she goes about drunk <ihuinti-ti1-nemi aux01>
<ihuinti-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. she goes about drunk <ihuinti-ti1-nemi aux01>
<ihuinti-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. she goes about drunk
FC jc-031297
8. she goes about drunk
FC jc-031297

0. drinker, drunkard

1. drinker, drunkard
FC -> jc-72895
2. drinker, drunkard

3. drinker, drunkard

4. drinker, drunkard <i:huinti-l2>

<i:huinti-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. drinker, drunkard <i:huinti-l2>
<i:huinti-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. drinker, drunkard
FC jc-031297
7. drinker, drunkard
FC jc-031297

0. drunkenness

1. drunkenness
FC -> jc-72895
2. drunkenness

3. drunkenness

4. drunkenness <ihuinti-liz>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ihuinti-liz> FC - > jc-61096

5. drunkenness
FC jc-031297
6. drunkenness
FC jc-031297

0. her shift; her blouse; her shifts

1. her shift; her blouse; her shifts

FC -> jc-72895
2. her shift; her blouse; her shifts

3. her shift; her blouse; her shifts

4. her shift, her blouse <poss-hui:pi:lli>

<poss-hui:pi:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. her shift; her blouse; her shifts
FC jc-031297
6. her shift; her blouse; her shifts
FC jc-031297

0. her little blouse

1. her little blouse

FC -> jc-72895
2. her little blouse

3. her little blouse

4. her little blouse <poss-hui:pi:lli-to:n>

<poss-hui:pi:lli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. her little blouse
FC jc-031297
6. her little blouse
FC jc-031297

0. striped with feathers

1. striped with feathers

FC -> jc-72895
2. striped with feathers

3. striped with feathers
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. striped with feathers

FC jc-031297
5. striped with feathers
FC jc-031297

0. her thorns; his maguey spine; his maguey spines; his thorns

1. her thorns; his maguey spine; his maguey spines; his thorns
FC -> jc-72895
2. her thorns; his maguey spine; his maguey spines; his thorns

3. her thorns; his maguey spine; his maguey spines; his thorns

4. his maguey spine <poss-huitztli>

<poss-huitztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. her thorns; his maguey spine; his thorn; his maguey spines;
his thorns
FC jc-031297
6. her thorns; his maguey spine; his thorn; his maguey spines;
his thorns
FC jc-031297

0. his hummingbird disguise
FC jc-031297

0. its thorns

1. its thorns
FC -> jc-72895
2. its thorns

3. its thorns

4. its thorns <poss-huitztli-yo:tl1>

<poss-huitztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its thorns
FC jc-031297
6. its thorns
FC jc-031297

0. al sur ( to the south )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. calmly; peacefully; peaceful; slowly

1. calmly; peacefully; peaceful; slowly

FC -> jc-72895
2. calmly; peacefully; peaceful; slowly

3. calmly; peacefully; peaceful; slowly

4. calmly; peacefully; peaceful <i:huiya:n>

<i:huiya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. calmly; peacefully; peaceful; slowly
FC jc-031297
6. calmly; peacefully; peaceful; slowly
FC jc-031297

0. stick, pierce

0. hide
FC - > jc-61096

ihya:na tlaihya:ntli
0. st hidden

0. aromatic; stinking

1. aromatic; stinking
FC -> jc-72895
2. aromatic; stinking

3. aromatic; stinking

4. stinking <ihya:ya-delya-c1>
<ihya:ya-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. stinking <ihya:ya-delya-c1>
<ihya:ya-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. aromatic; evil-smelling; having a foul odor; scented;
stinking; foul smelling; having a bad smell
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. aromatic; evil-smelling; having a foul odor; scented;

stinking; foul smelling; having a bad smell
FC jc-031297

0. its scent; its smell; its cent
FC jc-031297

0. extremely foul smelling

1. extremely foul smelling

FC -> jc-72895
2. extremely foul smelling

3. extremely foul smelling

4. extremely foul smelling

FC jc-031297
5. extremely foul smelling
FC jc-031297

0. it stinks

1. it stinks
FC -> jc-72895
2. it stinks

3. it stinks

4. it stinks
FC jc-031297
5. it stinks
FC jc-031297

0. wake
1. to wake
FC - > jc-61096

0. he woke them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. va a despertar ( he will wake up )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. vomit

0. old, mistreated
1. (cf zolli) old, mistreated
2. (cf zolli) old, mistreated

0. to dishonor
FC - > jc-61096

ihzolihui timihzoloa
0. you dishonor yourself

0. vomit
FC - > jc-61096

ihzotla teihzotlaltia
0. it makes people vomit

0. in nonotzaleque: quitquitinemi, in iehuayo; yehuatl, in
ixcuacehua, ihuan in ielpanehua, ihuan in icuitlapil, iyac,
ihuan iizti, ihuan in iyollo, ihuan in icoatlan, ihuan
iiacatzol: the conjurers went about carrying its hide --
the hide of its forehead and of its chest, and its tail,
its nose, and its claws, and its heart, and its fangs, and
its snout (b11 f1 p3)

0. his aunt

1. his aunt
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. his aunt

3. his aunt

4. his aunt
FC jc-031297
5. his aunt
FC jc-031297

0. his derisive name

1. his derisive name

FC -> jc-72895
2. his derisive name

3. his derisive name

4. his derisive name

FC jc-031297
5. his derisive name
FC jc-031297

0. his beloved aunt

1. his beloved aunt

FC -> jc-72895
2. his beloved aunt

3. his beloved aunt

4. his beloved aunt

FC jc-031297
5. his beloved aunt
FC jc-031297

0. its scent

1. its scent
FC -> jc-72895
2. its scent

3. its scent
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. its scent <poss-a:huiya-ca:5>

<poss-a:huiya-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
5. its scent <poss-a:huiya-ca:5>
<poss-a:huiya-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
6. its scent
FC jc-031297
7. its scent
FC jc-031297

0. its paper breechcloth

1. its paper breechcloth

FC -> jc-72895
2. its paper breechcloth

3. its paper breechcloth

4. its paper breechcloth

FC jc-031297
5. its paper breechcloth
FC jc-031297

0. yehhuatl in tlohtli iiamatlapal, nenecoc in iacolpan
coniilpilia, amatl inic tlatzinquimilolli these were paper
prairie falcon wings; he bound on each shoulder the paper
which was wrapped about the base[of the wings (b9 f5 p60),
ohomemani in iiamatlapal, its wings are twofold (b11 f10
p94), in itlanioc itapalcayo ompa ca in huel iiamatlapal,
in ipatlania: underneath its shell, from there are its
wings, its place of flight (b11 f10 p100), auh in
iiamatlapal yiapaltic, mapitzatoton, matzatzayanqui: and
its leaves are dark; the branches are slender, serrated
(b11 f14 p148), tlacotic, xoxoctic iuhquin eloquilitl
iiamatlapal, it is stalky, green; its leaves are like those
of the eloquilitl (b11 f15 p150), iuhquin ahuehuetl
iiamatlapal, pitzatoton its leaves are like those of the
aueuetl, small and slender (b11 f16 p163), zan huehueca in
mamani iiamatlapal, yahualtotonti, tzitziquiltic the leaves
stretch far; they are small and round, serrated (b11 f16
p164), iiamatlapal: tene, tetehtec: its leaves have a sharp
edge; they are hard (b11 f17 p171), yiehuatl iiamatlapal in
nopalli: moxipehua, moteci: the leaves of this nopal are
peeled, ground up (b11 f18 p180), in ixochio huei, coztic;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

zan iuhqui in tezontic, ahtle iiamatlapal: Its flowers are

large, yellow, [rough] like volcanic rock, without petals
(b11 f18 p183), xoxoctic: im pani iiamatlapal, its leaves
are green on top (b11 f18 p185)
1. its leaves; its petals; its wings
FC -> jc-72895
2. its leaves; its petals; its wings

3. yehhuatl in tlohtli iiamatlapal, nenecoc in iacolpan

coniilpilia, amatl inic tlatzinquimilolli these were paper
prairie falcon wings; he bound on each shoulder the paper
which was wrapped about the base[of the wings (b9 f5 p60),
ohomemani in iiamatlapal, its wings are twofold (b11 f10
p94), in itlanioc itapalcayo ompa ca in huel iiamatlapal,
in ipatlania: underneath its shell, from there are its
wings, its place of flight (b11 f10 p100), auh in
iiamatlapal yiapaltic, mapitzatoton, matzatzayanqui: and
its leaves are dark; the branches are slender, serrated
(b11 f14 p148), tlacotic, xoxoctic iuhquin eloquilitl
iiamatlapal, it is stalky, green; its leaves are like those
of the eloquilitl (b11 f15 p150), iuhquin ahuehuetl
iiamatlapal, pitzatoton its leaves are like those of the
aueuetl, small and slender (b11 f16 p163), zan huehueca in
mamani iiamatlapal, yahualtotonti, tzitziquiltic the leaves
stretch far; they are small and round, serrated (b11 f16
p164), iiamatlapal: tene, tetehtec: its leaves have a sharp
edge; they are hard (b11 f17 p171), yiehuatl iiamatlapal in
nopalli: moxipehua, moteci: the leaves of this nopal are
peeled, ground up (b11 f18 p180), in ixochio huei, coztic;
zan iuhqui in tezontic, ahtle iiamatlapal: Its flowers are
large, yellow, [rough] like volcanic rock, without petals
(b11 f18 p183), xoxoctic: im pani iiamatlapal, its leaves
are green on top (b11 f18 p185)
4. its leaves; its petals; its wings

5. its leaves; its petals; its wings <poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli>

<poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. its leaves; its petals; its wings <poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli>
<poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
7. its leaves; its petals; its wings
FC jc-031297
8. its leaves; its petals; its wings
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. iiamatlapalto, xoxoctic, papalactotonti iuhqui in nican
tepazouh its small leaves are green, small and wide; they
are as inoch serrated as those of our native epac/otl (b11
f16 p162)
1. its little leaves
FC -> jc-72895
2. its little leaves

3. iiamatlapalto, xoxoctic, papalactotonti iuhqui in nican

tepazouh its small leaves are green, small and wide; they
are as inoch serrated as those of our native epac/otl (b11
f16 p162)
4. its little leaves

5. its little leaves <poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-to:n>

<poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. its little leaves <poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-to:n>
<poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. its little leaves <poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-to:n>
<poss-a:matl-ahtlapalli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. its little leaves
FC jc-031297
9. its little leaves
FC jc-031297

0. cuix itla ipan mochihuaz in icuitlapil, in iiatlapal
perhaps something evil will befall his common people (b2
f13 p216), in cequintin ic quipatia onmotema: in oncan
coyonqui in toloa iiatlapal, ihuan moneloa ocotzotl, pani
ic mopotonia in toloa: some effect a cure in this wise: if
there is an opening, [ powdered ] toloa leaves and pine
resin, mixed, are applied; a poultice of the toloa is
placed on top (b10 f9 p152), auh in tlani ca iiatlapal:
ihuan in ye mochi itlac, texotic, xiuhtic, texocaltic,
teoxiuhtic: and the under part of its wings and all its
body are light blue, turquoise, very light blue, the color
of fine turquoise (b11 f3 p21), in iuhqui papalotl,
amatlapale; in iatlapal huel iuhquin papalotl iiatlapal:
like a butterfly, it has wings; its fins are like butterfly
wings (b11 f6 p59), zan cualton, chichiltic inic
cuicuiltic, iiatlapal: it is of average size; its wings are
painted chili-red (b11 f10 p95), no itoca huappapalotl: in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

iamatlapal huauhtli, in manozo iquillo: in ihcuac ye

chicahua, in ye iucci huauhtli iiatlapal: amaranth leaves
or foliage are also called uappapalotl when the amaranth
leaves already become mature, ripe (b11 f10 p95), auh in
tlani iiatlapal, ihuan in inacayo tlatlahuic but the under
part of its wings and its body are ruddy (b11 f10 p97), zan
cualton, nextontli: tlatlahuic, in tlani iiatlapal it is
of average size, a little ashen, ruddy on the under part of
its wings (b11 f10 p97)
1. his wing; its leaves; its wings
FC -> jc-72895
2. his wing; its leaves; its wings

3. its leaves; its wings

4. cuix itla ipan mochihuaz in icuitlapil, in iiatlapal
perhaps something evil will befall his common people (b2
f13 p216), in cequintin ic quipatia onmotema: in oncan
coyonqui in toloa iiatlapal, ihuan moneloa ocotzotl, pani
ic mopotonia in toloa: some effect a cure in this wise: if
there is an opening, [ powdered ] toloa leaves and pine
resin, mixed, are applied; a poultice of the toloa is
placed on top (b10 f9 p152), auh in tlani ca iiatlapal:
ihuan in ye mochi itlac, texotic, xiuhtic, texocaltic,
teoxiuhtic: and the under part of its wings and all its
body are light blue, turquoise, very light blue, the color
of fine turquoise (b11 f3 p21), in iuhqui papalotl,
amatlapale; in iatlapal huel iuhquin papalotl iiatlapal:
like a butterfly, it has wings; its fins are like butterfly
wings (b11 f6 p59), zan cualton, chichiltic inic
cuicuiltic, iiatlapal: it is of average size; its wings are
painted chili-red (b11 f10 p95), no itoca huappapalotl: in
iamatlapal huauhtli, in manozo iquillo: in ihcuac ye
chicahua, in ye iucci huauhtli iiatlapal: amaranth leaves
or foliage are also called uappapalotl when the amaranth
leaves already become mature, ripe (b11 f10 p95), auh in
tlani iiatlapal, ihuan in inacayo tlatlahuic but the under
part of its wings and its body are ruddy (b11 f10 p97), zan
cualton, nextontli: tlatlahuic, in tlani iiatlapal it is
of average size, a little ashen, ruddy on the under part of
its wings (b11 f10 p97)
5. his wing; its leaves; its wings

6. its leaves; its wings
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. its leaves; its wings <poss-ahtlapalli>
<poss-ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
8. his wing; its leaves; its wings
FC jc-031297
9. his wing; its leaves; its wings
FC jc-031297

0. his water

1. his water
FC -> jc-72895
2. his water

3. his water

4. his water <poss-a:tl1-uh>

<poss-a:tl1-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. his water <poss-a:tl1-uh>
<poss-a:tl1-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. his water
FC jc-031297
7. his water
FC jc-031297

0. her property; her realm; his possession; his property

1. her property; her realm; his possession; his property

FC -> jc-72895
2. her property; her realm; his possession; his property

3. her property; her realm; his possession; his property

4. her property; her realm; his property; his possession

<poss-a:xca:itl> FC - > jc-61096
5. her property; her realm; his possession; his property
FC jc-031297
6. her property; her realm; his possession; his property
FC jc-031297

0. quitoa, ca izcatqui onechmomaquili in toteucyo:
itlachihualtzin iiaxcatzin he said: "behold, our lord hath
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

given me of his noble creations, his noble possessions (b9

f3 p30)
1. his (h) possession, his (h) property
FC -> jc-72895
2. his (H) possession, his (H) property
3. quitoa, ca izcatqui onechmomaquili in toteucyo:
itlachihualtzin iiaxcatzin he said: "behold, our lord hath
given me of his noble creations, his noble possessions (b9
f3 p30)
4. his (H) possession, his (H) property
5. his (H) possession, his (H) property <poss-a:xca:itl-tzin>
<poss-a:xca:itl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. his ( h ) possession, his ( h ) property
FC jc-031297
7. his ( h ) possession, his ( h ) property
FC jc-031297

0. her urine

1. her urine
FC -> jc-72895
2. her urine

3. her urine

4. her urine <poss-a:tl1-xi:xtli>

<poss-a:tl1-xi:xtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. her urine <poss-a:tl1-xi:xtli>
<poss-a:tl1-xi:xtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. her urine
FC jc-031297
7. her urine
FC jc-031297

0. his house of tears

1. his house of tears

FC -> jc-72895
2. his house of tears
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. his house of tears

4. his house of tears <dupl-poss-a:tl1-yo:tl1-calli>

<dupl-poss-a:tl1-yo:tl1-calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his house of tears <dupl-poss-a:tl1-yo:tl1-calli>
<dupl-poss-a:tl1-yo:tl1-calli> FC - > jc-61096
6. his house of tears <dupl-poss-a:tl1-yo:tl1-calli>
<dupl-poss-a:tl1-yo:tl1-calli> FC - > jc-61096
7. his house of tears <dupl-poss-a:tl1-yo:tl1-calli>
<dupl-poss-a:tl1-yo:tl1-calli> FC - > jc-61096
8. his house of tears
FC jc-031297
9. his house of tears
FC jc-031297

0. maiden

1. maiden
FC -> jc-72895
2. maiden

3. maiden

4. maiden <ichpo:chtli-to:n>
<ichpo:chtli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. maiden <ichpo:chtli-to:n>
<ichpo:chtli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. maiden
FC jc-031297
7. maiden
FC jc-031297

0. its companions

1. its companions
FC -> jc-72895
2. its companions

3. its companions

4. its companions <poss-icni:uhtli-plur04>

<poss-icni:uhtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. its companions
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. its companions
FC jc-031297

0. his friend

1. his friend
FC -> jc-72895
2. his friend

3. his friend

4. his friend
FC jc-031297
5. his friend
FC jc-031297

0. on top of it
FC jc-031297

0. his foot; his leg; its foot

1. his foot; his leg; its foot

FC -> jc-72895
2. his foot; his leg; its foot

3. his foot; his leg; its foot

4. his foot; his leg; its foot <poss-icxitl>

<poss-icxitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his foot; his leg; its feet; its foot
FC jc-031297
6. his foot; his leg; its feet; its foot
FC jc-031297

0. on her legs

1. on her legs
FC -> jc-72895
2. on her legs

3. on her legs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. on her legs <poss-icxitl-co2>

<poss-icxitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. on her legs <poss-icxitl-co2>
<poss-icxitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. on her legs
FC jc-031297
7. on her legs
FC jc-031297

0. her skin; its skin; its hide

1. her skin; its skin; its hide

FC -> jc-72895
2. her skin; its skin; its hide

3. her skin; its skin; its hide

4. her skin; its skin; its hide <poss-e:huatl-yo:tl1>

<poss-e:huatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. her skin; its skin; its hide <poss-e:huatl-yo:tl1>
<poss-e:huatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. her skin; its skin; its hide
FC jc-031297
7. her skin; its skin; its hide
FC jc-031297

0. his chest, his breast

1. his chest, his breast

FC -> jc-72895
2. his chest, his breast

3. his chest, his breast

4. his chest, his breast <poss-e:lli-pan>

<poss-e:lli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. his chest, his breast <poss-e:lli-pan>
<poss-e:lli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. his chest, his breast <poss-e:lli-pan>
<poss-e:lli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
7. his chest, his breast
FC jc-031297
8. his chest, his breast
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his blood; its blood

1. his blood; its blood

FC -> jc-72895
2. his blood; its blood

3. his blood; its blood

4. his blood <poss-eztli-yo:tl1>

<poss-eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his blood; its blood <poss-eztli-yo:tl1>
<poss-eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his blood; its blood <poss-eztli-yo:tl1>
<poss-eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. his blood; its blood
FC jc-031297
8. his blood; its blood
FC jc-031297

0. its feathers

1. its feathers
FC -> jc-72895
2. its feathers

3. its feathers
4. its feathers

5. its feathers
6. its feathers <poss-ihhuitl-yo:tl1>
<poss-ihhuitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. its feathers
FC jc-031297
8. its feathers
FC jc-031297

0. it remains looking

1. it remains looking
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. it remains looking

3. it remains looking

4. it remains looking
FC jc-031297
5. it remains looking
FC jc-031297

0. his desert, his merit
FC jc-031297

0. his feast day

1. his feast day

FC -> jc-72895
2. his feast day

3. his feast day

4. his feast day

FC jc-031297
5. his feast day
FC jc-031297

0. her road, her way; its road; its way

1. her road, her way; its road; its way

FC -> jc-72895
2. her road, her way; its road; its way

3. its road, its way

4. her road, her way; its road; its way

5. its road, its way

6. her road, her way; its road; its way <poss-ohtli-uh>
<poss-ohtli-uh> FC - > jc-61096
7. its road, its way <poss-ohtli-uh2>
<poss-ohtli-uh2> FC - > jc-61096
8. her road, her way; its road; its way
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. her road, her way; its road; its way

FC jc-031297

0. its way, its path

1. its way, its path

FC -> jc-72895
2. its way, its path

3. its way, its path

4. its way, its path <poss-ohtli-uh>

<poss-ohtli-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. its way, its path <poss-ohtli-uh>
<poss-ohtli-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. its way, its path
FC jc-031297
7. its way, its path
FC jc-031297

0. his bones; its bones; its feathers

1. his bones; its bones; its feathers

FC -> jc-72895
2. his bones; its bones; its feathers

3. his bones; its bones; its feathers

4. his bones; its bones <poss-omitl-yo:tl1>

<poss-omitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his bones; its bones; its feathers <poss-omitl-yo:tl1>
<poss-omitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his bones; its bones; its feathers
FC jc-031297
7. his bones; its bones; its feathers
FC jc-031297

0. his courtyard; in his courtyard

1. his courtyard; in his courtyard

FC -> jc-72895
2. his courtyard; in his courtyard
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. his courtyard
4. his courtyard; in his courtyard

5. his courtyard
6. his courtyard <poss-ithualli-co1>
<poss-ithualli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. his courtyard <poss-ithualli-co1>
<poss-ithualli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
8. his courtyard; in his courtyard
FC jc-031297
9. his courtyard; in his courtyard
FC jc-031297

0. her abdomen; her abdomen [ie; her labor pains]; her womb;
its abdomen; its belly; its insides

1. her abdomen; her abdomen [ ie; her labor pains ]; her womb;
its abdomen; its belly; its insides
FC -> jc-72895
2. her abdomen; her abdomen [ie; her labor pains]; her womb;
its abdomen; its belly; its insides

3. her abdomen [ie, her labor pains]; her abdomen; her womb;
its abdomen; its insides
4. her abdomen; her abdomen [ie; her labor pains]; her womb;
its abdomen; its belly; its insides

5. her abdomen [ie, her labor pains]; her abdomen; her womb;
its abdomen; its insides
6. her abdomen [ ie her labor pains ]; her abdomen; her womb;
its abdomen; its insides <poss-ihtitl>
<poss-ihtitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. her abdomen; her abdomen [ ie; her labor pains ]; her womb;
his abdomen; its abdomen; its belly; its insides
FC jc-031297
8. her abdomen; her abdomen [ ie; her labor pains ]; her womb;
his abdomen; its abdomen; its belly; its insides
FC jc-031297

0. between them; his stomach; in him; in his stomach; in it;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

inside it; in the center of it; in the middle of it; in the

middle; in the midst of it; in the midst of them; in their
midst; inside him; within him; its center; its interior;
its intestines; on it

1. between them; his stomach; in him; in his stomach; in it;

inside it; in the center of it; in the middle of it; in the
middle; in the midst of it; in the midst of them; in their
midst; inside him; within him; its center; its interior;
its intestines; on its belly; within her; within it
FC -> jc-72895
2. between them; his stomach; in him; in his stomach; in it;
inside it; in the center of it; in the middle of it; in the
middle; in the midst of it; in the midst of them; in their
midst; inside him; within him; its center; its interior;
its intestines; on it

3. between them; his stomach; in him; in his stomach; in it;

inside it; in the center of it; in the middle of it; in the
middle; in the midst of it; in the midst of them; in their
midst; inside him; within him; its center; its interior;
its intestines; on it

4. between them; his stomach; in him; in his stomach; in it;

inside it; in the midst of them; in the middle; in their
midst; in the midst of it; in the center of it; in the
middle of it; inside him; within him; its center; its
interior; its intestines; on its belly; within it; within
her <poss-ihtitl-co2>
<poss-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. between them; his stomach; in him; in his stomach; in it;
inside it; in the midst of them; in the middle; in their
midst; in the midst of it; in the center of it; in the
middle of it; inside him; within him; its center; its
interior; its intestines; on its belly; within it; within
her <poss-ihtitl-co2>
<poss-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. between them; his stomach; in him; in his stomach; in it;
inside it; in the center of it; in the middle of it; in the
middle; in the midst of it; in the midst of them; in their
midst; inside him; within him; its center; its interior;
its intestines; on its belly
FC jc-031297
7. within her; within him; within it
FC jc-031297
8. between them; his stomach; in him; in his stomach; in it;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

inside it; in the center of it; in the middle of it; in the

middle; in the midst of it; in the midst of them; in their
midst; inside him; within him; its center; its interior;
its intestines; on its belly
FC jc-031297
9. within her; within him; within it
FC jc-031297

0. hollow, having a hole
FC jc-031297

0. her abdomen

1. her abdomen
FC -> jc-72895
2. her abdomen

3. her abdomen

4. her abdomen <poss-ihtitl-tzin>

<poss-ihtitl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. her abdomen <poss-ihtitl-tzin>
<poss-ihtitl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. her abdomen
FC jc-031297
7. her abdomen
FC jc-031297

0. his uncle

1. his uncle
FC -> jc-72895
2. his uncle

3. his uncle

4. his uncle
FC jc-031297
5. his uncle
FC jc-031297

0. one who has obsidian ear plugs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. active

1. active
FC -> jc-72895
2. active

3. active

4. active
FC jc-031297
5. active
FC jc-031297

0. its justice

1. its justice
FC -> jc-72895
2. its justice

3. its justice

4. its justice
FC jc-031297
5. its justice
FC jc-031297

0. her eye; his eye; its eye

1. her eye; his eye

FC -> jc-72895
2. its eye
FC -> jc-72895
3. her eye; his eye; its eye

4. her eye; his eye; its eye

5. her eye; his eye <poss-i:xtli>

<poss-i:xtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. its eye <poss-i:xtli>
<poss-i:xtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. her eye; his eye
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. its eye
FC jc-031297
9. her eye; his eye
FC jc-031297
10. its eye
FC jc-031297

iix inacaz
0. her mediator

1. her mediator
FC -> jc-72895
2. her mediator
FC -> jc-72895
3. her mediator

4. her mediator

5. her mediator <poss-i:xtli poss-nacaztli>

<poss-i:xtli poss-nacaztli> FC - > jc-61096
6. her mediator
FC jc-031297
7. her mediator
FC jc-031297

0. its tears

1. its tears
FC -> jc-72895
2. its tears

3. its tears

4. its tears <poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1>

<poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its tears <poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1>
<poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its tears
FC jc-031297
7. its tears
FC jc-031297

0. in front of him, before him; in his face; at his face; on
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

his face; on its surface

1. in front of him, before him; in his face; at his face; on

his face; on its surface
FC -> jc-72895
2. in front of him, before him; in his face; at his face; on
his face; on its surface

3. in front of him, before him; in his face; at his face; on

his face; on its surface

4. in front of him, before him; in his face; on his face

<poss-i:xtli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. in front of him, before him; in his face; on his face
<poss-i:xtli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. in front of him, before him; in his face; at his face; on
his face; on its surface
FC jc-031297
7. in front of him, before him; in his face; at his face; on
his face; on its surface
FC jc-031297

0. something that has knots or joints
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. its sprouting place

1. its sprouting place

FC -> jc-72895
2. its sprouting place

3. its sprouting place

4. its sprouting place

FC jc-031297
5. its sprouting place
FC jc-031297

0. its sprouting place
FC -> jc-72895
1. its sprouting place
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
2. its sprouting place
FC jc-031297

0. his image; his impersonator

1. his image; his impersonator

FC -> jc-72895
2. his image; his impersonator

3. his image; his impersonator

4. his image; his impersonator <poss-i:xi:ptlatl>

<poss-i:xi:ptlatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his image; his impersonator
FC jc-031297
6. his image; his impersonator
FC jc-031297

0. before her, in front of her; in her presence; before him;
in front of him; in his presence

1. before her, in front of her; in her presence; before him;

in front of him; in his presence
FC -> jc-72895
2. before her, in front of her; in her presence; before him;
in front of him; in his presence

3. before her, in front of her; in her presence; before him;

in front of him; in his presence

4. before him, in front of him; before her; in front of her;

in her presence; in his presence <poss-i:xtli-pan>
<poss-i:xtli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. before him, in front of him; before her; in front of her;
in her presence; in his presence <poss-i:xtli-pan>
<poss-i:xtli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. before her, in front of her; in her presence; before him;
in front of him; in his presence; on his eyes
FC jc-031297
7. before her, in front of her; in her presence; before him;
in front of him; in his presence; on his eyes
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. before him, in front of him; in his presence

1. before him, in front of him; in his presence

FC -> jc-72895
2. before him, in front of him; in his presence

3. before him, in front of him; in his presence

4. before him, in front of him; in his presence

<poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. before him, in front of him; in his presence
<poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. before him, in front of him; in his presence
<poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. before him, in front of him; in his presence
<poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
8. before him, in front of him; in his presence
FC jc-031297
9. before him, in front of him; in his presence
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes white; it whitens; it gladdens

1. it becomes white; it whitens; it gladdens

FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes white; it whitens; it gladdens

3. it becomes white; it whitens; it gladdens

4. it becomes white; it brightens; it whitens; it gladdens

FC jc-031297
5. it becomes white; it brightens; it whitens; it gladdens
FC jc-031297

0. his fingernail, its claw; its claws; its nails

1. his fingernail, its claw; its claws; its nails

FC -> jc-72895
2. his fingernail, its claw; its claws; its nails
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. his fingernail, its claw; its claws; its nails

4. his fingernail, its claw; its claws <poss-iztitl>

<poss-iztitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his fingernail, its claw; its claws; its nails
FC jc-031297
6. his fingernail, its claw; its claws; its nails
FC jc-031297

0. his fingernails
FC jc-031297

0. his lie

1. his lie
FC -> jc-72895
2. his lie

3. his lie

4. his lie
FC jc-031297
5. his lie
FC jc-031297

0. twist
1. (cf uilaca, malacatl) twist
2. (cf uilaca, malacatl) twist

0. in incue cequi yollo, cequi totolitipetlayo, cequi
cacamoliuhqui, cequi ilacatziuhqui, anozo tlatzcallotl,
cequi zan petztic, some of their skirts had [designs of]
hearts; some had a mat design like birds' gizzards; some
were ornamented like coverlets; some had designs like
spirals or like leaves; some were of plain, fine weave (b2
f5 p99), ihuan ihhuitica tetecomayo tilmatli, ihuan
mahuiztic maxtlatl, tlamachyo in iyac, huel yacahuiac in
imaxtlayacayo: ihuan tlamachcueitl, tlamachhuipilli, ihuan
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

chicuematl tilmatli, ilacatziuhqui, ihuan cacahuatl and

also in their time appeared costly capes--the wonderful red
ones, with the wind jewel design; and white duck feather
capes; and capes with cup-shaped designs in feathers; and
wonderful breech clouts with embroidered ends--with long
ends at the extremities of the breech clouts; and
embroidered skirts [and] shifts; and capes eight fathoms
long, of twisted weave; and chocolate (b9 f1 p2), yehuatl
in amanepaniuhqui, ihuan nochpallaxochio chicuezotl, ihuan
huitztecollaxochio, ihuan tlalpiltilmatli, ihuan
tlatzcallotl, ilacatziuhqui, ihuan canahuaca onmatl, these
were capes with plaited paper ornaments and with
carmine-colored flowers, made with eight blotches of blood,
and with orange flowers; and netted capes; and capes with
whorl designs; capes with spiral designs; and long, narrow
ones, two fathoms long (b9 f4 p47), in quimotlauhtiaya
cueitl: yehuatl in yollo, ihuan tlatzcallotl,
ilacatziuhqui: ihuan huipilli yehuatl in potoncapipilcac,
texicalicuiliuhqui, ihuan ixcuauhcallo huipilli,
tenmalinqui they received as gifts skirts: the one with
the heart design, and with whorl [or] spiral designs; and
shifts: the one with the downy feather pendants, [or] the
one painted like stone vases, and the shift with the design
of an eagle head in a setting, with a border of twisted
cords (b9 f4 p47), cuauhtilactic, cuauhtilacpatic,
cacalachtic, ichtilmacacalachtli, axicyo,
ixtecuicuiliuhqui, totolihtipetlayo, ixtepitoton,
ilacatziuhqui ichtilmatli, mecayo tlatlapanqui cacallo,
tlilaanqui, tlilpapatlahuac, itichicoyo, ocelotilmatli,
ichpetztli, quetzalichpetztli: [it is] of tight weave, very
tight; like a pottery rattle [in sound], a maguey fiber
cape which sounds like a pottery rattle; [ornamented] with
the whirlpool design, as if with eyes painted; with the
turkey having the mat-designed interior; with the small
face; the maguey fiber cape of twisted weave; the one with
broken cords, with husks outlined in black --in wide black
lines, with the interior diagonal design; the cape with the
ocelot design; the shiny maguey fiber one --shiny maguey
fiber of fine grade (b10 f4 p73), quiquiti, in itichicoyo
in yollo, in totolitipetlayo, in cacamoliuhqui, in
ilacatziuhqui, in neniuhqui, in nemiquitqui, in
ichpetztli, in ichtilmatli, in ce ichtli, in ayatl, in
nopalayatl, in zanitli: they wove the diagonal central
motive, the turkey with mat-designed interior, the violet
colored, the cape of twisted weave, the good-for-nothing,
the useless weave, the glossy maguey weave; the maguey
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

fiber cape, the one of single maguey threads, the netlike

cape, the netlike nopal cape, the netlike shift (b10 f11
p180), ilacatziuhqui ilacatziuhqui (b11 f14 p149), in
ixochio, mimiltic, mimiliuhqui, tlailacatzoltic,
tlaillacatzolli, ilacatziuhqui, its blossom is cylindrical,
like a cylinder; spiraling, a spiral, like a spiral (b11
f20 p207)
1. like a spiral; twisted
FC jc-031297
2. like a spiral; twisted
FC jc-031297

0. ilacatzpil, melactontli, melahuacatontli, tlatlacpil,
cuichehuac: it is small and twisted, small and slender,
small and straight; a little vermilion; lark (b11 f23 p241)

0. quinamaca, in itzcozcatl, in tehuilotl, tlapaltehuilotl, in
apoconalli, in tezcapoctli, in tlapitzalli, in acatic, in
ololtic, in ilacatztic, castillan cozcatl,
momatlalitznenequi, motehuilonenequi, iztac, coztic,
quiltic, xoxocti, xoxouhqui, quiltic, tlatlauhqui,
tliltic, texotic, matlaltic, mohuitic, tlaztalehualtic, he
sells necklaces of [worked] obsidian, of rock crystal, of
amethyst, of amber, of black mirror-stone, of cast gold
--cylindrical, round, twisted; necklaces of castile [which]
resemble emeralds, rock crystal --white, yellow, herb
green, green --green, herb green, ruddy, black, sky blue,
azure, blue, rose colored, cochineal, verdigris color,
brown (b10 f5 p87), in itapalcayo: omitl iztac, iztacpatic,
tetzcaltic, tetzcalpatic, ilacatztic: hitiilacatztic,
hitiilacatziuhqui its shell is a white bone --very white;
smooth --very smooth; spiral --spiral within, as if spiral
within (b11 f7 p60), ilacatztic, mahuizauhqui, it is
spiraled, marvelous (b11 f23 p230), piciltontli, huel
iuhqui inica tecciztli in ilacatztic, it is tiny, just like
the spiral seashell (b11 f23 p231)
1. spiraled
FC -> jc-72895
2. spiraled

3. quinamaca, in itzcozcatl, in tehuilotl, tlapaltehuilotl, in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

apoconalli, in tezcapoctli, in tlapitzalli, in acatic, in

ololtic, in ilacatztic, castillan cozcatl,
momatlalitznenequi, motehuilonenequi, iztac, coztic,
quiltic, xoxocti, xoxouhqui, quiltic, tlatlauhqui,
tliltic, texotic, matlaltic, mohuitic, tlaztalehualtic, he
sells necklaces of [worked] obsidian, of rock crystal, of
amethyst, of amber, of black mirror-stone, of cast gold
--cylindrical, round, twisted; necklaces of castile [which]
resemble emeralds, rock crystal --white, yellow, herb
green, green --green, herb green, ruddy, black, sky blue,
azure, blue, rose colored, cochineal, verdigris color,
brown (b10 f5 p87), in itapalcayo: omitl iztac, iztacpatic,
tetzcaltic, tetzcalpatic, ilacatztic: hitiilacatztic,
hitiilacatziuhqui its shell is a white bone --very white;
smooth --very smooth; spiral --spiral within, as if spiral
within (b11 f7 p60), ilacatztic, mahuizauhqui, it is
spiraled, marvelous (b11 f23 p230), piciltontli, huel
iuhqui inica tecciztli in ilacatztic, it is tiny, just like
the spiral seashell (b11 f23 p231)
4. spiraled

5. spiraled
FC jc-031297
6. spiraled
FC jc-031297

0. old woman; old women

1. old woman; old women

FC -> jc-72895
2. old woman; old women

3. old woman; old women

4. old women; old woman <ilamatl>

<ilamatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. old female; old woman; old women
FC jc-031297
6. old female; old woman; old women
FC jc-031297

0. there is death for the old women
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. there is death for the old women

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is death for the old women

3. there is death for the old women

4. there is death for the old women

FC jc-031297
5. there is death for the old women
FC jc-031297

0. life of an old woman

1. life of an old woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. life of an old woman

3. life of an old woman

4. life of an old woman

FC jc-031297
5. life of an old woman
FC jc-031297

0. old women

1. old women
FC -> jc-72895
2. old women

3. old women

4. old women
FC jc-031297
5. old women
FC jc-031297

0. poor old woman

1. poor old woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. poor old woman
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. poor old woman

4. poor old woman <ilamatl-po:l>

<ilamatl-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
5. poor old woman <ilamatl-po:l>
<ilamatl-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
6. poor old woman
FC jc-031297
7. poor old woman
FC jc-031297

0. they become old women

1. they become old women

FC -> jc-72895
2. they become old women

3. they become old women

4. they become old women <ilamatl-v01a>

<ilamatl-v01a> FC - > jc-61096
5. they become old women
FC jc-031297
6. they become old women
FC jc-031297

0. she will become an old woman

1. she will become an old woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. she will become an old woman

3. she will become an old woman

4. she will become an old woman <ilamatl-v01a-z>

<ilamatl-v01a-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. she will become an old woman <ilamatl-v01-z>
<ilamatl-v01-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. she will become an old woman <ilamatl-v01a-z>
<ilamatl-v01a-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. she will become an old woman
FC jc-031297
8. she will become an old woman
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. old woman
1. old woman

2. old woman
3. old woman

4. old woman
FC - > jc-61096
5. old woman
FC - > jc-61096
6. old woman
Noun jc-030797
7. old woman
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
8. old woman
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

ilamatl (old woman) nilamati

0. I become an old woman

0. old women

1. old women
FC -> jc-72895
2. old women

3. old women

4. old women <ilamatl-tla:catl-plur06>

<ilamatl-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
5. old women <ilamatl-tla:catl-plur06>
<ilamatl-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
6. old women
FC jc-031297
7. old women
FC jc-031297

0. noble old woman; old woman
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. noble old woman; old woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. noble old woman; old woman

3. noble old woman; old woman

4. noble old woman; old woman <ilamatl-tla:catl>

<ilamatl-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
5. noble old woman; old woman <ilamatl-tla:catl>
<ilamatl-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
6. noble old woman; old woman
FC jc-031297
7. noble old woman; old woman
FC jc-031297

0. evil old woman

1. evil old woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. evil old woman

3. evil old woman

4. evil old woman

FC jc-031297
5. evil old woman
FC jc-031297

0. little old woman

1. little old woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. little old woman

3. little old woman

4. little old woman

FC jc-031297
5. little old woman
FC jc-031297

0. little old woman
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. little old woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. little old woman

3. little old woman

4. little old woman <ilamatl-to:n>

<ilamatl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. little old woman <ilamatl-to:n>
<ilamatl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. little old lady; little old woman
FC jc-031297
7. little old lady; little old woman
FC jc-031297

0. old turkey hen

1. old turkey hen

FC -> jc-72895
2. old turkey hen

3. old turkey hen

4. old turkey hen

FC jc-031297
5. old turkey hen
FC jc-031297

0. old women

1. old women
FC -> jc-72895
2. old women

3. old women

4. old women <ilamatl-dupl-to:n plur10b>

<ilamatl-dupl-to:n plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
5. old women <ilamatl-dupl-to:n plur10b>
<ilamatl-dupl-to:n plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
6. old women <ilamatl-dupl-to:n plur10b>
<ilamatl-dupl-to:n plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
7. old women <ilamatl-dupl-to:n plur10b>
<ilamatl-dupl-to:n plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. old women
FC jc-031297
9. old women
FC jc-031297

0. old women

1. old women
FC -> jc-72895
2. old women

3. old women

4. old women <ilamatl-v01a-prt1-plur14>

<ilamatl-v01a-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
5. old women <ilamatl-v01a-prt1-plur14>
<ilamatl-v01a-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
6. old women
FC jc-031297
7. old women
FC jc-031297
8. old women
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. little old woman; old woman; respected old woman

1. little old woman; old woman; respected old woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. little old woman; old woman; respected old woman

3. little old woman; old woman

4. little old woman; old woman; respected old woman

5. little old woman; old woman

6. little old woman; old woman <ilamatl-tzin>
<ilamatl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. little old woman; old woman <ilamatl-tzin>
<ilamatl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
8. little old woman; old woman; respected old woman
FC jc-031297
9. little old woman; old woman; respected old woman
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. esteemed old women; old women

1. esteemed old women; old women

FC -> jc-72895
2. esteemed old women; old women

3. esteemed old women; old women

4. esteemed old women; old women <ilamatl-dupl-plur10a plur07>

<ilamatl-dupl-plur10a plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. esteemed old women; old women <ilamatl-dupl-plur10a plur07>
<ilamatl-dupl-plur10a plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. esteemed old women; old women <ilamatl-dupl-plur10a plur07>
<ilamatl-dupl-plur10a plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. esteemed old women; old women
FC jc-031297
8. esteemed old women; old women
FC jc-031297

0. her old women

1. her old women

FC -> jc-72895
2. her old women

3. her old women

4. her old women <poss-ilamatl-yo:tl1-plur04>

<poss-ilamatl-yo:tl1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. her old women <poss-ilamatl-yo:tl1-plur04>
<poss-ilamatl-yo:tl1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. her old women
FC jc-031297
7. her old women
FC jc-031297

0. his old women
FC -> jc-72895
1. his old women
FC jc-031297
2. his old women
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. ilantli=old woman, cueitl=skirt, old-woman's skirt, but
Ilancueitl was the first wife of iztacmixcoatl They had
the following children: Xelhua, Tenoch, Ulmecatl,
Mixtecatl, Xicalancatl and Otomitl It is said that she was
also the goddess Cihuacoatl

0. he will be drowned

1. he will be drowned
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be drowned

3. he will be drowned

4. he will be drowned; he will drown

FC jc-031297
5. he will be drowned; he will drown
FC jc-031297

0. to forget
FC - > jc-61096
1. forget
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

ilca:hua-| nelca:hualiztli
0. act of forgetting something

0. increase

0. tell ( so )
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

0. in the ocean; in the sea

1. in the ocean; in the sea

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. in the ocean; in the sea

3. in the sea, in the ocean

4. in the ocean; in the sea

5. in the sea, in the ocean

6. in the sea, in the ocean <ilhuicatl-a:tl1-pan>
<ilhuicatl-a:tl1-pan> FC - > jc-61096
7. in the sea, in the ocean <ilhuicatl-a:tl1-pan>
<ilhuicatl-a:tl1-pan> FC - > jc-61096
8. in the sea, in the ocean <ilhuicatl-a:tl1-pan>
<ilhuicatl-a:tl1-pan> FC - > jc-61096
9. in the ocean; in the sea
FC jc-031297
10. in the ocean; in the sea
FC jc-031297

0. ocean shore, seashore; seacoast

1. ocean shore, seashore; seacoast

FC -> jc-72895
2. ocean shore, seashore; seacoast

3. ocean shore, seashore; seacoast

4. ocean shore, seashore; seacoast

FC jc-031297
5. ocean shore, seashore; seacoast
FC jc-031297

0. ocean; sea

1. ocean; sea
FC -> jc-72895
2. ocean; sea

3. ocean; sea

4. ocean; sea <ilhuicatl-a:tl1>

<ilhuicatl-a:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. ocean; sea <ilhuicatl-a:tl1>
<ilhuicatl-a:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. ocean; sea
FC jc-031297
7. ocean; sea
FC jc-031297

0. ocean sand

1. ocean sand
FC -> jc-72895
2. ocean sand

3. ocean sand

4. ocean sand
FC jc-031297
5. ocean sand
FC jc-031297

0. in the ocean sand

1. in the ocean sand

FC -> jc-72895
2. in the ocean sand

3. in the ocean sand

4. in the ocean sand

FC jc-031297
5. in the ocean sand
FC jc-031297

0. heaven; in heaven; in the sky
1. heaven
FC -> jc-72895
2. in heaven; in the sky
FC -> jc-72895
3. heaven; in heaven; in the sky
4. heaven; in heaven; in the sky
5. heaven; in heaven; in the sky <ilhuicatl-co2>
<ilhuicatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. heaven; in heaven; in the sky <ilhuicatl-co2>

<ilhuicatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
7. heaven
FC jc-031297
8. in heaven; in the sky
FC jc-031297
9. heaven
FC jc-031297
10. in heaven; in the sky
FC jc-031297

0. celestial women

1. celestial women
FC -> jc-72895
2. celestial women

3. celestial women

4. celestial women <ilhuicatl-cihua:tl-plur06>

<ilhuicatl-cihua:tl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
5. celestial women <ilhuicatl-cihua:tl-plur06>
<ilhuicatl-cihua:tl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
6. celestial women
FC jc-031297
7. celestial women
FC jc-031297

0. celestial woman, heavenly woman; woman of the heavens

1. celestial woman, heavenly woman; woman of the heavens

FC -> jc-72895
2. celestial woman, heavenly woman; woman of the heavens

3. celestial woman, heavenly woman; woman of the heavens

4. celestial woman, heavenly woman; woman of the heavens

<ilhuicatl-cihua:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. celestial woman, heavenly woman; woman of the heavens
<ilhuicatl-cihua:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. celestial woman, heavenly woman; woman of the heavens
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. celestial woman, heavenly woman; woman of the heavens

FC jc-031297

0. lord of the heavens, owner of the heavens
<ilhuicatl-huah>-| jc-10896
1. lord of the heavens, owner of the heavens
FC jc-031297
2. lord of the heavens, owner of the heavens
FC jc-031297

0. god of the heavens

1. god of the heavens

FC -> jc-72895
2. god of the heavens

3. god of the heavens

4. god of the heavens

FC jc-031297
5. god of the heavens
FC jc-031297

0. in the heavens

1. in the heavens
FC -> jc-72895
2. in the heavens

3. in the heavens

4. in the heavens
FC jc-031297
5. in the heavens
FC jc-031297

0. heavens
1. heaven; heavens; in heaven
FC -> jc-72895
2. heaven; heavens; in heaven
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. heavens
4. heaven; heavens; in heaven

5. heavens
FC - > jc-61096
6. heavens; heaven; in heaven <ilhuicatl>
<ilhuicatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. heaven; heavens; celestial part; in heaven
FC jc-031297
8. heaven; heavens; celestial part; in heaven
FC jc-031297

0. a feast is held

1. a feast is held
FC -> jc-72895
2. a feast is held

3. a feast is held

4. a feast is held <ilhuitl-chi:hua-lo:2>

<ilhuitl-chi:hua-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
5. a feast is held <ilhuitl-chi:hua-lo:2>
<ilhuitl-chi:hua-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
6. a feast is held <ilhuitl-chi:hua-lo:2>
<ilhuitl-chi:hua-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
7. a feast is held
FC jc-031297
8. a feast is held
FC jc-031297

0. his desert, his merit; his fate
FC jc-031297

0. one who has merit
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1
1. who receives something

0. those who have merit
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. desert, merit; fortune; favor; gift; recompense
FC jc-031297

0. he is addressed; it is said to him; it is said; it is told

1. he is addressed; it is said to him; it is said; it is told

FC -> jc-72895
2. he is addressed; it is said to him; it is said; it is told

3. he is addressed; it is said to him; it is said; it is told

4. he is addressed; it is said; it is told; it is said to him

<ilhuia:-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. in tlapouhqui, in iixpan tlalilo, tlapilchihualli: zan
niman acan quitoa, in tlein ixpan tlalilo, in tlein
**ilhuilo**: the soothsayer before whom sins were laid
nowhere spoke of what had been placed before him, of what
had been said
(b1 f1 p27) jc-022297
6. he is addressed; it is said to him; it is said; it is told
FC jc-031297
7. he is addressed; it is said to him; it is said; it is told
FC jc-031297

0. ipampa ca amo yeh in **ilhuilo**, in nonotzalo, for what
was said, what was confided, was not to him
(b1 f1 p27) jc-022297
1. ca tloque, ca nahuaque, in maco, in **ilhuilo**, in
tlapilchihualli: ca amo yeh motta, im macehualli for the
sins were given--they were told--to him of the near, the
nigh, whom mortal man might not see
(b1 f1 p27) jc-022297
2. intla tlatocaconetl, intla tlatocapilli, intla tlazopilli:
intla zan nozo tecpilli, **ilhuilo** intla oquichtli
tlatlapaloa: if it was a child of a ruler, the son of a
ruler, the son of a nobleman, as well as of an ordinary
nobleman, who was addressed, if it was a male [child], one
gave the greeting;
(b6 f15 p183) jc-022297
3. **ilhuilo** nopiltze, telpochtle: ca nican tlacahua in
iyollotzin toteucyo, in tloque, nahuaque, in ipalnemoa: he
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

was told: "o my nobleman, o youth, here our lord, the lord
of the near, of the nigh, he by whom we live, hath inclined
his heart
(b6 f16 p195) jc-022297
4. no itechpa mitoa: in aquin quititlani, ahzo itla quicuiz,
anozo tenotzaz, oppa, expa in **ilhuilo**, za nel amo
quicaqui: also it is said of one who is sent on an errand,
perhaps to get something, perhaps to call someone; twice,
thrice is he addressed, but really he does not hear it
(b6 f19 p234) jc-022297
5. ic **ilhuilo** canin mach coyonacazco hence it is said to
him: "where is coyonacazco?"
(b6 f19 p234) jc-022297
6. ic ellacuahualo, **ilhuilo** inin tlatolli amo ixtlapal,
amo nacacic tinechhualitztiaz: ca mohuicpa oninoquixti
thereupon he is animated; he is told this saying: "thou
will not regard me asquint, askance; for i have done my
duty to thee"
(b6 f19 p242) jc-022297

0. it was said

1. it was said
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was said

3. it was said

4. ic ipan mito, anozo **ilhuiloc**, in aquin cenca tlacua,

anozo iciuhca quipoloa in iaxca, in itlatqui, zan
timotompoloa thus of one or to one who ate much or who
quickly consumed his possessions, his goods, it was said:
"thou destroyest thyself just like an otomi"
(b10 f11 p180) jc-022297
5. ihuan **ilhuiloc**, ixpantiloc, machtiloc, nonotzaloc,
caquitiloc, iyollo itlan tlaliloc in moteuczoma: ce cihuatl
nican titlaca in quinhualhuicac, in hualnahuatlatotia: and
it was told, declared, shown, announced, made known to
moctezuma, it was fixed in his heart, that a woman from
among us people here brought them here; she interpreted for
(b12 f2 p25) jc-022297
6. it was said
FC jc-031297
7. it was said
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they were told

1. they were told

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were told

3. they were told

4. nohuian **ilhuiloque**, ac amehua, everywhere they were

told: "who are the uncouth people?
(b10 f12 p196) jc-022297
5. they were told
FC jc-031297
6. they were told
FC jc-031297

0. he was told; he was advised; it was said; it was said to
her; she was told; it was said to him; they were told

1. he was told; he was advised; it was said; it was said to

her; she was told; it was said to him; they were told
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was told; he was advised; it was said; it was said to
her; she was told; it was said to him; they were told

3. he was told; he was advised; it was said; it was said to

her; she was told; it was said to him; they were told

4. he was told; he was advised; it was said; it was said to

her; she was told; it was said to him; they were told
<ilhuia:-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was told; he was advised; it was said; it was said to
her; she was told; it was said to him; they were told
<ilhuia:-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was told; he was advised; it was said; it was said to
her; she was told; it was said to him; they were told
<ilhuia:-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. auh no ihuan ihcuac mochihuaya in juramento in ihcuac aca
tlein quiteilhuiaya, inic quineltiliaya, **ilhuiloya** and
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

also when an oath was taken, when someone made a statement

to one, in order that he verify it, he was told:
(b2 f14 p219) jc-022297
8. **ilhuiloya**, tloquee, nahuaqueye, ipalnemoanie,
titlacahuane; xinechmotlaocolili, ma xinechmomaquili, in
notechmonequi in nonenca, in nochicahuaca, in motzopelica,
in mahuiaca it was said to him: "o lord of the near, of
the nigh, o [thou] through whom there is living, o
titlacauan, pity me; give me what i require as my
sustenance, my strength, of thy sweetness, thy fragrance
(b3 f1 p11) jc-022297
9. **ilhuiloya** inin tlatolli otictetezo in chalchihuitl,
oticoazo in quetzalli this saying is told him: "thou has
roughened the green stone, thou hast rent the precious
(b6 f19 p241) jc-022297
10. **ilhuiloya** intla itla ticchihuaz, ca titotocoz, ca
techinantitlan, ca tequiyahuac timonemititiuh: he was
advised: "if thou dost something [evil], thou wilt be
driven forth, thou wilt be made to wander in others'
enclosures, in the entrances of others' houses
(b6 f19 p243) jc-022297
11. ic ayoya, **ilhuiloya** achi itzoncal tictlalilia, anozo:
iuhquin tzonpachpol, cuitlanexpol ticnemitia in motatzin,
anozo mocoltzin thus he was chidden, he was told: "thou
hast practically put his wig on him" or "thou has caused
thy beloved father, or thy beloved grandfather, to live as
if disheveled, filthy"
(b6 f19 p243) jc-022297
12. ca no iuh **ilhuiloya**, ic ahualoya: in aquin
cahuilquixtia in itatzin, inantzin: anozo in itlatocauh, in
itepachocauh: likewise was told, was chidden one who
affronted his beloved father, his beloved mother, or his
ruler, his protector
(b6 f19 p243) jc-022297
13. inin tlatolli, **ilhuiloya**: in aquin ixpan moteilhuiaya
tlatoani, anozo in aquin itlan nemi tlatoani: this saying
was said of one who accused one before the ruler, or of one
who lived with the ruler
(b6 f19 p243) jc-022297
14. **ilhuiloya** in aquin moteilhuiaya ixpan tlatoani, anozo
itlan nemi: this is said to him who accused one before, or
who lived with, the ruler
(b6 f19 p243) jc-022297
15. nican **ilhuiloya** macamo ic ximopoa, macamo ic xatlamati:
ca zan tipipiyolti, ca zan tixicoti here they were told:
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

"brag not therefor; be not proud therefor, for thou merely

becomest a wild bee, for thou merely becomest a bee
(b6 f19 p247) jc-022297
16. **ilhuiloya** ximocahua, ximimati: he was told: "cease! be
(b6 f19 p247) jc-022297
17. ihuan **ilhuiloya**: timocatzahua, timizoloa, tiquitlacoa
in monemiliz, in motlatol and he was told: "thou dirtiest
thyself, thou dishonorest thyself; thou harmest thy life,
thy speech"
(b6 f19 p247) jc-022297
18. auh in ihcuac ontenonotz: niman **ilhuiloya** in
tenonotzani, inic icnelilmachhuia, in ihcuac ontenonotz
and when he admonished one, then it was said of the
admonisher, in order that he be thanked when he had
admonished one:
(b6 f20 p248) jc-022297
19. in ihcuac onnonotzaloque, **ilhuiloya** otonmotlamachti,
otonmocuiltono in timacehualli: when they had been
admonished, they were told: "thou hast rejoiced, thou hast
become wealthy, thou who art a common person"
(b6 f20 p249) jc-022297
20. anozo ticitl, in zan imac ommiqui, in ihcuac
quipatiznequia: **ilhuiloya** otontlaxami, otontlapoztec
or of a midwife, when she would cure [the child], if it
just died in her care, it was said: "thou hast shattered
it; thou hast broken it"
(b6 f20 p249) jc-022297
21. quitoznequi: in aquin amo itlatol quitoaya, ahzo
huehuetlatolli, pillatolli: auh zan macehualli in
quimotlatoltia, **ilhuiloya** cuix motlatol, cuix mocuic in
tiquitoa: it means the one who spoke words not his own --
perhaps the words of the old men, the words of the
noblemen; but a mere commoner, if he took it upon himself
to talk: "are these perchance thy words, thy song, which
thou utterest?
(b6 f20 p250) jc-022297
22. ic **ilhuiloya** in iztlacatini macamo iztlactli,
tencualactli iixiquito, in ixpan tlatoani: hence the liar
was told: "do not repeat drivel, slaver, before the ruler
(b6 f20 p251) jc-022297
23. ihuan **ilhuiloya** in tlatoani macamo xicmocaquiti
tlatoanie, in iztlactli, in tencualactli: and the ruler
was told: "do not listen, o ruler, to the drivel, the slaver
(b6 f20 p251) jc-022297
24. **ilhuiloya**, in aquin nonotzalo ma xoconcui in tlatolli,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

in huel patlahuac, in huel xopalehuac; in iuhqui quetzalli:

he who was admonished was told: "grasp the discourse, the
very broad, the deep green, like a precious feather
(b6 f20 p252) jc-022297
25. **ilhuiloya** tlein mach oticcua, he was told: "why hast
thou eaten it?" (b6 f20 p253) 29 **ilhuiloya** tlein tai,
he was told: "what dost thou?"
(b6 f20 p253) jc-022297
26. ic **ilhuiloya** in aquin otitochtiac, otimazatiac, hence
such a son was told: "thou hast made thyself into a rabbit;
thou hast made thyself into a deer
(b6 f20 p253) jc-022297
27. **ilhuiloya** oc xocontlamahuizalhui in toteucyo: he was
told: "show yet honor to our lord"
(b6 f20 p253) jc-022297
28. ic **ilhuiloya** ca nontlatzihuitiuh, ca nonciahuitiuh,
ompolihuitiuh in itleyotzin, in imahuizyotzin hence he was
told: "[if] i proceed lazily, [if] i go tired [or my work,
our lord's] glory, his renown, will go to disappear"
(b6 f20 p254) jc-022297
29. **ilhuiloya** macamo ximotequipachotzino, he was told: "be
not anguished"
(b6 f20 p254) jc-022297
30. ic nononotzaloya: **ilhuiloya** inic annemizque: zan
ihuian, zan yocoxca in tetloc, in tenahuac: amo
anmopouhtinemizque, amo amatlamattinemizque: they were
admonished thus; they were told: "in order that you live
gently, humbly by others, near others, you are not to live
in arrogance, not to live in pride
(b6 f20 p255) jc-022297
31. **ilhuiloya** nelli mach amo monan, mota mitznonotz, amo
mitzizcali in quenin tinemiz, he was told: "truly, did not
thy mother, thy father admonish thee, train thee how thou
are to live?
(b6 f20 p255) jc-022297
32. **ilhuiloya**, tlacahualtiloya xiccahua in titelpochtontli,
in tichpochtontli, he was told, he was reprimanded: "leave
it alone; thou art a boy, thou art a girl"
(b6 f20 p257) jc-022297
33. **ilhuiloya** in axcan otoconcuic, otoconan in huellazotli
tlatolli: ihuan otontlalililoc in chamahuac, in
tetziliuhqui, otontlalililoc mecatl in moquechtlan he was
told: "now though hast taken, thou hast grasped, the most
precious discourse, and upon thee hath been placed that
which is thick, that which is twisted; about thy neck there
hath been placed a rope"
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

(b6 f20 p257) jc-022297

34. ic **ilhuiloya** in aquin quichihuaya tlatlacolli,
atetlanemiliztli, in iztlacatiliztli ca omotech mochiuh, in
acualli, in ayectli: in iuhqui zacacualli, in iuhqui
pollocotli, iztlacatiliztli thus it was said of him who
committed a fault, an ill-advised act, [who told] a lie:
"on thee hath come evil, unrighteousness; like straw, like
chaff, it is a lie"
(b6 f20 p257) jc-022297
35. in aquin zan quixcaoya quimotequitia iztlacatiliztli:
**ilhuiloya** pollocotli, zacacualli motlacual, to him who
was given only to -- who occupied himself with -- lies, it
was told: "chaff, straw, are thy food"
(b6 f20 p257) jc-022297
36. inin tlatolli, **ilhuiloya** in aquin tlein amo cualli
oquichiuh: ahzo oichtec, ahzo otetlaxin: this saying was
said of him who did that which is evil; perhaps he had
stolen or committed adultery
(b6 f20 p257) jc-022297
37. ic **ilhuiloya** oitlan tonac, otoconmama in tlacaquimilli,
in tlacacacaxtli, thus was he told: "thou hast undertaken
to shoulder a bundle of people, a carrying frame load of
(b6 f20 p258) jc-022297
38. mitoaya, **ilhuiloya** inic tlacahualtiloya xiccahua in
motlatol: it was said -- he was told, that he might be
restrained: "cease thy words"
(b6 f20 p259) jc-022297
39. anoco in tlein tlatlacolli: ahzo tetlaximaliztli, anozo
ichtequiliztli: ic nonotzaloya in aquin quichihuaya:
**ilhuiloya** inin tlatlacolli camo monequi in ticchihuaz:
ca ic timizoloa ic timocatzahua, or of that which was a
fault -- perhaps adultery or theft -- he who did it thus
was admonished, was told: "it is not necessary for thee to
commit this fault, for by it thou dost ruin thyself, dirty
(b6 f20 p259) jc-022297
40. no ihuan ic tlatlauhtiloya, in aquin tlatoani:
**ilhuiloya** oc iopochco, oc itzcac timoquetza in
tlatoani: and also thus was supplicated whoever [acted in
behalf of] the ruler; he was told: "thou yet standest on
the left, in the obsidian sandals of the ruler"
(b6 f20 p259) jc-022297
41. in aquin iuh quichihuaya, in: **ilhuiloya** tle ipampa in
za canin tinenemi: in ayoccan timonextia, he who thus did
was told: "why dost thou just wander anywhere, no more
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

showing thyself anywhere?"

(b6 f20 p260) jc-022297
42. he was told; he was advised; it was said; it was said to
her; she was told; it was said to him; it was said to them;
they were told
FC jc-031297
43. he was told; he was advised; it was said; it was said to
her; she was told; it was said to him; it was said to them;
they were told
FC jc-031297

0. **ilhuiloya** macamo itzonic, icuahuic xicquetza in
tlatoani, anozo motatzin, anozo in petlatl, in icpalli he
was told: "stand not the ruler, or thy beloved father, or
authority on his hair, on his head"
(b6 f19 p243) jc-022297
1. **ilhuiloya** ximimati: ca oncan nehuihuixtoc in
tzonhuaztli, in tlaxapochtli in ixpan petlatl, icpalli:
quitoznequi: in ixpan tlatoani he was told: "take care,
for the snare, the trap lie quivering before authority,"
that is, in the presence of the ruler
(b6 f19 p243) jc-022297
2. **ilhuiloya** ximimati: ca tetlatzacuiltiani in tlatoani,
ihuan tetlaocoliani he was told: "take care, for the ruler
is a castigator, as well as merciful"
(b6 f19 p243) jc-022297
3. **ilhuiloya** cuix cualli inic titlatocati, anozo
timocuiltonoa, anozo in tlein ticcua: he was told: "is the
rulership thou has gained, or the abundance thou hast
acquired, or that which thou eatest, honorable?
(b6 f19 p243) jc-022297
4. **ilhuiloya** xiyauh, xictlalcahui in altepetl: ca
atzopelic, ca aahuiyac ipan ticmati in altepetl: he was
told: "go; leave the city, for the city considereth thee
insipid, infragrant"
(b6 f19 p245) jc-022297
5. anozo aca tlatoani **ilhuiloya** amo titzopelic, amo
tahuiac ipan timacho or some ruler was told: "thou art
regarded as insipid, infragrant"
(b6 f19 p245) jc-022297
6. ic **ilhuiloya** in amo tle ipan quitta tlatoani mach
iuhqui aahuayo ipan ticmati tlatoani, anozo petlatl
icpalli: therefore it was said to one who held a ruler not
in esteem: "is it as if thou thinkest the ruler or
authority to be thornless?"
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

(b6 f19 p245) jc-022297

7. **ilhuiloya** in titlantli mazo nel ihui in amo huel
yehuatl ohualla tlatoani: ca in tehuatl otihualla, ca tix,
ca tinacaz, ca titlacaccauh in tlatoani, ca titlachixcauh
the messenger was told: "although the very ruler could not
come, it is thou who comest, thou who art the eye, the ear,
the listener for the ruler, thou who art his spy"
(b6 f19 p246) jc-022297
8. ic **ilhuiloya** cenca mixtilia, cenca momahuiztilia hence
it was said: "he esteemeth himself greatly; he honoreth
himself exceedingly"
(b6 f19 p248) jc-022297

0. his feast day was celebrated

1. his feast day was celebrated

FC -> jc-72895
2. his feast day was celebrated

3. his feast day was celebrated

4. his feast day was celebrated

FC jc-031297
5. his feast day was celebrated
FC jc-031297

0. di'a ( day )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. festividad ( festivity )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. day
3. day, feast day; feast; his desert; his merit
FC -> jc-72895
4. day, feast day; feast; his desert; his merit

5. day
6. day, feast day; feast; his desert; his merit

7. day, feast day; feast; his desert; his merit <ilhuitl>

<ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
8. day
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. di'a ( day )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. festividad ( festivity )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
11. day, feast day; feast; his desert; his merit
FC jc-031297
12. day, feast day; feast; his desert; his merit
FC jc-031297

0. a feast day is celebrated; the feast is celebrated

1. a feast day is celebrated; the feast is celebrated

FC -> jc-72895
2. a feast day is celebrated; the feast is celebrated

3. a feast day is celebrated; the feast is celebrated

4. a feast day is celebrated; the feast is celebrated <ilhuitl;

<ilhuitl-> FC - > jc-61096
5. a feast day is celebrated; the feast is celebrated
FC jc-031297
6. a feast day is celebrated; the feast is celebrated
FC jc-031297

0. he considers it a feast day

1. he considers it a feast day

FC -> jc-72895
2. he considers it a feast day

3. he considers it a feast day

4. he considers it a feast day <ilhuitl--mati>

<ilhuitl--mati> FC - > jc-61096
5. he considers it a feast day
FC jc-031297
6. he considers it a feast day
FC jc-031297

0. fiesta ( festival )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. her feast day; his feast; his feast day

1. her feast day; his feast; his feast day

FC -> jc-72895
2. her feast day; his feast; his feast day

3. her feast day; his feast; his feast day

4. her feast day; his feast; his feast day <poss-ilhuitl-uh>

<poss-ilhuitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. her feast day; his feast; his feast day <poss-ilhuitl-uh>
<poss-ilhuitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. her feast day; his feast; his feast day
FC jc-031297
7. her feast day; his feast; his feast day
FC jc-031297

0. his feast day came
FC jc-031297

iliaya ( oniqu- )
0. yo se lo deci'a ( I was saying to him; telling him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

iliaya ( yonimitz- )
0. ya te deci'a ( I was already saying to you; telling you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

ilih ( oqu- )
0. le dijo; se lo dijo ( he said to him; he told him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. le dijo ( he said to him; he told him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. le dijo; se lo dijo ( he said to him; he told him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. le dijo ( he said to him; he told him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

ilih ( yonimitz- )
0. ya te dije ( I said to you; I told you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

ilihca ( yoquim- )
0. ya les habi'a dicho ( he had already told them; he had
already said to them )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. without reason; thoughtlessly

1. without reason; thoughtlessly

FC -> jc-72895
2. without reason; thoughtlessly

3. without reason; thoughtlessly

4. without reason; thoughtlessly <i:lihuiz>

<i:lihuiz> FC - > jc-61096
5. without reason; thoughtlessly
FC jc-031297
6. without reason; thoughtlessly
FC jc-031297

0. inconsiderate person

1. inconsiderate person
FC -> jc-72895
2. inconsiderate person

3. inconsiderate person

4. inconsiderate person <i:lihuiz-tla:catl>

<i:lihuiz-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
5. inconsiderate person <i:lihuiz-tla:catl>
<i:lihuiz-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
6. inconsiderate person
FC jc-031297
7. inconsiderate person
FC jc-031297

0. idle word

1. idle word
FC -> jc-72895
2. idle word

3. idle word

4. idle word
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. idle word
FC jc-031297

0. unconsidered discussion

1. unconsidered discussion
FC -> jc-72895
2. unconsidered discussion

3. unconsidered discussion

4. unconsidered discussion <i:lihuiz-p54-ihtoa:-l1>

<i:lihuiz-p54-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. unconsidered discussion <i:lihuiz-p54-ihtoa:-l1>
<i:lihuiz-p54-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. unconsidered discussion <i:lihuiz-p54-ihtoa:-l1>
<i:lihuiz-p54-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. unconsidered discussion
FC jc-031297
8. unconsidered discussion
FC jc-031297

0. he was told

1. he was told
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was told

3. he was told

4. it was said to him, he was told

FC jc-031297
5. it was said to him, he was told
FC jc-031297

0. ash tree

1. ash tree
FC -> jc-72895
2. ash tree

3. ash tree
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. ash tree
FC jc-031297
5. ash tree
FC jc-031297

0. service-tree

1. service-tree
FC - > jc-61096

iliz ( nimitz- )
0. te lo voy a decir ( I will say it to you; I will tell you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. te lo voy a decir ( I will say it to you; I will tell you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. little old woman

1. little old woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. little old woman

3. little old woman

4. little old woman <ilamatl-to:n>

<ilamatl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. little old woman
FC jc-031297
6. little old woman
FC jc-031297

0. to remember
FC - > jc-61096

0. st which is remembered

ilnamic ( oqu- )
0. lo recordo' ( he remembered it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. find
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

0. return, reduce

0. it abates, it retreats

1. it abates, it retreats
FC -> jc-72895
2. it abates, it retreats

3. it abates, it retreats

4. it abates, it retreats <iloti>

<iloti> FC - > jc-61096
5. it abates, it retreats
FC jc-031297
6. it abates, it retreats
FC jc-031297

0. to tie
FC - > jc-61096
1. tie
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

ilpia-| teilpiliztli
0. act of tying someone up

0. they were bound, they were tied up
FC jc-031297

0. sip
FC - > jc-61096

iltequi tlaltectli
0. sip, st which is sipped
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his arms; his arm; his hand; his hands; its front foot [ie;
of an animal]; its feet; its fore legs; its fore-legs; its
1. her arms; her hands; his arm; his arms; his hand; its front
foot [ ie; of an animal ]; his hands
FC -> jc-72895
2. its branches; its feet; its fore legs; its fore-legs; its
FC -> jc-72895
3. his arms; his arm; his hand; his hands; its front foot [ie;
of an animal]; its feet; its fore legs; its fore-legs; its
4. his arms; his arm; his hand; his hands; its front foot [ie;
of an animal]; its feet; its fore legs; its fore-legs; its
5. his arms; his arm; his hand; his hands; its front foot [ ie
of an animal ]; its feet; its fore legs; its fore-legs;
its hand <poss-ma:itl>
<poss-ma:itl> FC - > jc-61096
6. her arms; her hands; his arm; his arms; his hand; its front
foot [ ie; of an animal ]; his hands
FC jc-031297
7. its branches; its feet; its fore legs; its fore-legs; its
hand; its hands; its forefeet
FC jc-031297
8. her arms; her hands; his arm; his arms; his hand; its front
foot [ ie; of an animal ]; his hands
FC jc-031297
9. its branches; its feet; its fore legs; its fore-legs; its
hand; its hands; its forefeet
FC jc-031297

0. their paper breechcloths

1. their paper breechcloths

FC -> jc-72895
2. their paper breechcloths

3. their paper breechcloths

4. their paper breechcloths
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. their paper breechcloths
FC jc-031297

0. their paper stoles

1. their paper stoles

FC -> jc-72895
2. their paper stoles

3. their paper stoles

4. their paper stoles

FC jc-031297
5. their paper stoles
FC jc-031297

0. at his hand; by his hand; in her hand; in her hands; in her
charge; in her care; in his hand; in his hands; in his
care; in its hands; in its grasp; in their hands; on her
arms; on his arm; on his arms; on his hands; on his hand;
on its hands; with his h
1. at his hand; at his hands
FC -> jc-72895
2. by his hand
FC -> jc-72895
3. in her hand; in her hands; in her care; in her charge; in
his care; in his hands; in his hand; in its grasp; in its
hands; in their hands
FC -> jc-72895
4. on her arms; on his arm; on his arms; on his hand; on his
hands; on its hands
FC -> jc-72895
5. with his hands
FC -> jc-72895
6. at his hand; by his hand; in her hand; in her hands; in her
charge; in her care; in his hand; in his hands; in his
care; in its hands; in its grasp; in their hands; on her
arms; on his arm; on his arms; on his hands; on his hand;
on its hands; with his h
7. at his hand; by his hand; in her hand; in her hands; in her
charge; in her care; in his hand; in his hands; in his
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

care; in its hands; in its grasp; in their hands; on her

arms; on his arm; on his arms; on his hands; on his hand;
on its hands; with his h
8. at his hand; by his hand; in her hand; in her hands; in her
charge; in her care; in his hand; in his hands; in his
care; in its hands; in its grasp; in their hands; on her
arms; on his arm; on his arms; on his hands; on his hand;
on its hands; with his hands <poss-ma:itl-co2>
<poss-ma:itl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
9. at his hand; by his hand; in her hand; in her hands; in her
charge; in her care; in his hand; in his hands; in his
care; in its hands; in its grasp; in their hands; on her
arms; on his arm; on his arms; on his hands; on his hand;
on its hands; with his hands <poss-ma:itl-co2>
<poss-ma:itl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
10. at his hand; at his hands
FC jc-031297
11. by his hand
FC jc-031297
12. in her hand; in her hands; in her care; in her charge; in
his care; in his hands; in his hand; in its grasp; in its
hands; in their hands
FC jc-031297
13. on her arms; on his arm; on his arms; on his hand; on his
hands; on its hands
FC jc-031297
14. with his hands
FC jc-031297
15. at his hand; at his hands
FC jc-031297
16. by his hand
FC jc-031297
17. in her hand; in her hands; in her care; in her charge; in
his care; in his hands; in his hand; in its grasp; in its
hands; in their hands
FC jc-031297
18. on her arms; on his arm; on his arms; on his hand; on his
hands; on its hands
FC jc-031297
19. with his hands
FC jc-031297

0. their boat; their boats
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. their boat; their boats

FC -> jc-72895
2. their boat; their boats

3. their boat; their boats

4. their boat; their boats <poss-a:calli>

<poss-a:calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their boat; their boats
FC jc-031297
6. their boat; their boats
FC jc-031297

0. their shield-boat
FC jc-031297

0. to their boat, in their boat

1. to their boat, in their boat

FC -> jc-72895
2. to their boat, in their boat

3. to their boat, in their boat

4. to their boat, in their boat <poss-a:calli-co1>

<poss-a:calli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. to their boat, in their boat <poss-a:calli-co1>
<poss-a:calli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. to their boat, in their boat
FC jc-031297
7. to their boat, in their boat
FC jc-031297

0. in the prow of their boat

1. in the prow of their boat

FC -> jc-72895
2. in the prow of their boat

3. in the prow of their boat

4. in the prow of their boat

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. in the prow of their boat

FC jc-031297

0. he is feared; it is feared; it is dreaded; they are feared

1. he is feared; it is feared; it is dreaded; they are feared

FC -> jc-72895
2. he is feared; it is feared; it is dreaded; they are feared

3. he is feared; it is feared; they are feared

4. he is feared; it is feared; it is dreaded; they are feared

5. he is feared; it is feared; they are feared

6. he is feared; it is feared; it is dreaded; they are feared
<i:macaci-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is feared; it is feared; they are feared <i:macaci-lo:1>
<i:macaci-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
8. he is feared; it is feared; it is dreaded; they are feared
FC jc-031297
9. he is feared; it is feared; it is dreaded; they are feared
FC jc-031297

0. it is respected

1. it is respected
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is respected

3. it is respected

4. it is respected <i:macaci-lo:1-hua1>
<i:macaci-lo:1-hua1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is respected <i:macaci-lo:1-hua1>
<i:macaci-lo:1-hua1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is respected
FC jc-031297
7. it is respected
FC jc-031297

0. he was feared, he was dreaded; she was feared; they were
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

dreaded; they were feared

1. he was feared, he was dreaded; she was feared; they were

dreaded; they were feared
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was feared, he was dreaded; she was feared; they were
dreaded; they were feared

3. he was feared, he was dreaded; she was feared; they were

dreaded; they were feared

4. he was feared, he was dreaded; she was feared; they were

dreaded; they were feared <i:macaci-lo:1-ya3>
<i:macaci-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was feared, he was dreaded; she was feared; they were
dreaded; they were feared <i:macaci-lo:1-ya3>
<i:macaci-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. she was feared; they were dreaded; they were feared
<i:macaci-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he was feared, he was dreaded; she was feared; they were
dreaded; they were feared
FC jc-031297
8. he was feared, he was dreaded; she was feared; they were
dreaded; they were feared
FC jc-031297

0. respected; revered

1. respected; revered
FC -> jc-72895
2. respected; revered

3. respected; revered

4. respected; revered <i:macaci-l2>

<i:macaci-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. respected; revered <i:macaci-l2>
<i:macaci-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. respected; revered
FC jc-031297
7. respected; revered
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club

1. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club

FC -> jc-72895
2. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club

3. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club

4. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club

<poss-ma:itl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club
<poss-ma:itl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club
FC jc-031297
7. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club
FC jc-031297

0. his vassals

1. his vassals
FC -> jc-72895
2. his vassals

3. his vassals

4. his vassals
FC jc-031297
5. his vassals
FC jc-031297

0. his common folk, his vassals; his desert; his merit; his
man; his servant; his people; his reward

1. his common folk, his vassals; his desert; his merit; his
man; his servant; his people; his reward
FC -> jc-72895
2. his common folk, his vassals; his desert; his merit; his
man; his servant; his people; his reward

3. his common folk, his vassals; his man; his servant; his
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. his common folk, his vassals; his desert; his merit; his
man; his servant; his people; his reward

5. his common folk, his vassals; his man; his servant; his
6. his common folk, his vassals; his man; his servant; his
people <poss-ma:ce:hualli>
<poss-ma:ce:hualli> FC - > jc-61096
7. his desert, his merit <poss-mahce:hua-l1>
<poss-mahce:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. his merit <poss-mahce:hua-l1>
<poss-mahce:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
9. his common folk, his vassals; his desert; his merit; his
man; his servant; his people; his reward
FC jc-031297
10. his common folk, his vassals; his desert; his merit; his
man; his servant; his people; his reward
FC jc-031297

0. his people, his vassals

1. his people, his vassals

FC -> jc-72895
2. his people, his vassals

3. his people, his vassals

4. his people, his vassals <poss-ma:ce:hualli-plur04>

<poss-ma:ce:hualli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. his common people; his people; his vassals
FC jc-031297
6. his common people; his people; his vassals
FC jc-031297

0. their leader

1. their leader
FC -> jc-72895
2. their leader

3. their leader

4. their leader
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. their leader
FC jc-031297

0. on their shoulders; on their upper arms

1. on their shoulders; on their upper arms

FC -> jc-72895
2. on their shoulders; on their upper arms

3. on their shoulders; on their upper arms

4. on their upper arms; on their shoulders <poss-ahcolli-pan>

<poss-ahcolli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. on their upper arms; on their shoulders <poss-ahcolli-pan>
<poss-ahcolli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. on their shoulders; on their upper arms
FC jc-031297
7. on their shoulders; on their upper arms
FC jc-031297

0. from his hands; from his clutches

1. from his hands; from his clutches

FC -> jc-72895
2. from his hands; from his clutches

3. from his hands; from his clutches

4. from his hands; from his clutches

FC jc-031297
5. from his hands; from his clutches
FC jc-031297

0. her forearm
FC jc-031297

0. in his hands

1. in his hands
FC -> jc-72895
2. in his hands
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. in his hands

4. in his hands <poss-ma:itl-co2-tzin-co2>

<poss-ma:itl-co2-tzin-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in his hands <poss-ma:itl-co2-tzin-co2>
<poss-ma:itl-co2-tzin-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in his hands <poss-ma:itl-co2-tzin-co2>
<poss-ma:itl-co2-tzin-co2> FC - > jc-61096
7. in his hands
FC jc-031297
8. in his hands
FC jc-031297

0. their evil life

1. their evil life

FC -> jc-72895
2. their evil life

3. their evil life

4. their evil life <poss-ah1-cualli-nemi-liz>

<poss-ah1-cualli-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. their evil life <poss-ah1-cualli-nemi-liz>
<poss-ah1-cualli-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. their evil life <poss-ah1-cualli-nemi-liz>
<poss-ah1-cualli-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. their evil life <poss-ah1-cualli-nemi-liz>
<poss-ah1-cualli-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
8. their evil life
FC jc-031297
9. their evil life
FC jc-031297

0. izcatqui in imitlacauhca, in imacualtiliz in otomi behold
the defects, the faults of the otomi
<poss-ah1-cualli-v01-liz (b10 f11 c29 p178)
1. izcatqui in imitlacauhca, in imacualtiliz in otomi behold
the defects, the faults of the otomi
<poss-ah1-cualli-v01-liz> (b10 f11 c29 p178) JC-7/23/96

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club; its sword; their

obsidian-bladed clubs

1. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club; its sword; their

obsidian-bladed clubs
FC -> jc-72895
2. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club; its sword; their
obsidian-bladed clubs

3. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club; its sword; their

obsidian-bladed clubs

4. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club; its sword; their

obsidian-bladed clubs <poss-ma:itl-cuahuitl>
<poss-ma:itl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club; its sword; their
obsidian-bladed clubs <poss-ma:itl-cuahuitl>
<poss-ma:itl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club; its sword; their
obsidian-bladed clubs
FC jc-031297
7. his obsidian-bladed club; his war club; its sword; their
obsidian-bladed clubs
FC jc-031297

0. his fir branch; their fir branch
FC jc-031297

0. his merit

1. his merit
FC -> jc-72895
2. his merit

3. his merit

4. his merit <poss-mahce:hua-l1>

<poss-mahce:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his merit <poss-mahce:hua-l1>
<poss-mahce:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his merit
FC jc-031297
7. his merit
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their thorn

1. their thorn
FC -> jc-72895
2. their thorn

3. their thorn

4. their thorn <poss-ahhuatl-yo:tl1>

<poss-ahhuatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their thorn
FC jc-031297
6. their thorn
FC jc-031297

0. their aunts
FC jc-031297

0. her awe; his fear; his glory

1. her awe; his fear; his glory

FC -> jc-72895
2. her awe; his fear; his glory

3. her awe; his fear; his glory

4. her awe; his fear; his glory <poss-mahui-liz>

<poss-mahui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. her awe; his fear; his glory
FC jc-031297
6. her awe; his fear; his glory
FC jc-031297

0. his honor; his renown

1. his honor; his renown

FC -> jc-72895
2. his honor; his renown

3. his honor; his renown
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. his honor <poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1>

<poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his honor <poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1>
<poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his honor; his renown
FC jc-031297
7. his honor; his renown
FC jc-031297

0. his place of honor

1. his place of honor

FC -> jc-72895
2. his place of honor

3. his place of honor

4. his place of honor <poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-ca:n>

<poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. his place of honor <poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-ca:n>
<poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. his place of honor <poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-ca:n>
<poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. his place of honor
FC jc-031297
8. his place of honor
FC jc-031297

0. his captive; its catch

1. his captive; its catch

FC -> jc-72895
2. his captive; its catch

3. his captive; its catch

4. his captive; its catch <poss-ma:1-l1>

<poss-ma:1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his captive; its catch <poss-ma:1-l1>
<poss-ma:1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his captive; its catch
FC jc-031297
7. his captive; its catch
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. her spindle; her spindle whorl

1. her spindle; her spindle whorl

FC -> jc-72895
2. her spindle; her spindle whorl

3. her spindle; her spindle whorl

4. her spindle; her spindle whorl

FC jc-031297
5. her spindle; her spindle whorl
FC jc-031297

0. their cities; their city

1. their cities; their city

FC -> jc-72895
2. their cities; their city

3. their cities; their city

4. their city; their cities <poss-a:ltepe:tl-uh>

<poss-a:ltepe:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. their city; their cities <poss-a:ltepe:tl-uh>
<poss-a:ltepe:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. their cities; their city
FC jc-031297
7. their cities; their city
FC jc-031297

0. its branches

1. its branches
FC -> jc-72895
2. its branches

3. its branches

4. its branches
FC jc-031297
5. its branches
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their paper breechclouts

1. their paper breechclouts

FC -> jc-72895
2. their paper breechclouts

3. their paper breechclouts

4. their paper breechclouts

FC jc-031297
5. their paper breechclouts
FC jc-031297

0. their paper should-sash

1. their paper should-sash

FC -> jc-72895
2. their paper should-sash

3. their paper should-sash

4. their paper should-sash

FC jc-031297
5. their paper should-sash
FC jc-031297

0. their paper adornment; their paper adornments

1. their paper adornment; their paper adornments

FC -> jc-72895
2. their paper adornment; their paper adornments

3. their paper adornment; their paper adornments

4. their paper adornment; their paper adornments

FC jc-031297
5. their paper adornment; their paper adornments
FC jc-031297

0. their paper clothing; their paper vestments
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. their paper clothing; their paper vestments

FC -> jc-72895
2. their paper clothing; their paper vestments

3. their paper clothing; their paper vestments

4. their paper clothing; their paper vestments

FC jc-031297
5. their paper clothing; their paper vestments
FC jc-031297

0. their paper adornment; their paper array; their paper
vestment; their paper vestments

1. their paper adornment; their paper array; their paper

vestment; their paper vestments
FC -> jc-72895
2. their paper adornment; their paper array; their paper
vestment; their paper vestments

3. their paper adornment; their paper array; their paper

vestment; their paper vestments

4. their paper array; their paper vestment; their paper

vestments; their paper adornment <poss-a:matl-p51-itqui>
<poss-a:matl-p51-itqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. their paper array; their paper vestment; their paper
vestments; their paper adornment <poss-a:matl-p51-itqui>
<poss-a:matl-p51-itqui> FC - > jc-61096
6. their paper adornment; their paper array; their paper
vestment; their paper vestments
FC jc-031297
7. their paper adornment; their paper array; their paper
vestment; their paper vestments
FC jc-031297

0. their paper wigs

1. their paper wigs

FC -> jc-72895
2. their paper wigs

3. their paper wigs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. their paper wigs

FC jc-031297
5. their paper wigs
FC jc-031297

0. their soul

1. their soul
FC -> jc-72895
2. their soul

3. their soul

4. their soul
FC jc-031297
5. their soul
FC jc-031297

0. her finger; his finger

1. her finger; his finger

FC -> jc-72895
2. her finger; his finger

3. her finger; his finger

4. her finger; his finger <poss-ma:itl-pilli>

<poss-ma:itl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
5. her finger; his finger <poss-ma:itl-pilli>
<poss-ma:itl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
6. her finger; his finger
FC jc-031297
7. her finger; his finger
FC jc-031297

0. between his fingers

1. between his fingers

FC -> jc-72895
2. between his fingers

3. between his fingers
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. between his fingers

FC jc-031297
5. between his fingers
FC jc-031297

0. on his wrist

1. on his wrist
FC -> jc-72895
2. on his wrist

3. on his wrist

4. on his wrist
FC jc-031297
5. on his wrist
FC jc-031297

0. on its branches

1. on its branches
FC -> jc-72895
2. on its branches

3. on its branches

4. on its branches <poss-ma:itl-ti1-tlan>

<poss-ma:itl-ti1-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
5. on its branches
FC jc-031297
6. on its branches
FC jc-031297

0. his net

1. his net
FC -> jc-72895
2. his net

3. his net

4. his net
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. his net
FC jc-031297

0. their drinking place

1. their drinking place

FC -> jc-72895
2. their drinking place

3. their drinking place

4. their drinking place

FC jc-031297
5. their drinking place
FC jc-031297

0. their drinking place

1. their drinking place

FC -> jc-72895
2. their drinking place

3. their drinking place

4. their drinking place

FC jc-031297
5. their drinking place
FC jc-031297

0. its branch

1. its branch
FC -> jc-72895
2. its branch

3. its branch

4. its branch
FC jc-031297
5. its branch
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his forearm

1. his forearm
FC -> jc-72895
2. his forearm

3. his forearm

4. his forearm <poss-ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli>

<poss-ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his forearm <poss-ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli>
<poss-ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
6. his forearm
FC jc-031297
7. his forearm
FC jc-031297

0. their water

1. their water
FC -> jc-72895
2. their water

3. their water

4. their water <poss-a:tl1-uh>

<poss-a:tl1-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. their water <poss-a:tl1-uh>
<poss-a:tl1-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. their water
FC jc-031297
7. their water
FC jc-031297

imauh intepeuh
0. their city
FC jc-031297

0. their possession; their property; their privilege

1. their possession; their property; their privilege

FC -> jc-72895
2. their possession; their property; their privilege
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. their possession; their property; their privilege

4. their property; their privilege; their possession

<poss-a:xca:itl> FC - > jc-61096
5. their possession; their property; their privilege
FC jc-031297
6. their possession; their property; their privilege
FC jc-031297

0. ma zan yehuatl quimanilica, quimohuitequilican in ye
innemactzin, in ipan yol, in ipan tlacat in ompa pouhqui
tlaloca: in imaxcatzin in innemactzin: may they take, may
they strike [with lightning] only those whose gift it was
to have lived, to have been born at the time of those who
belong there in tlalocan, those whose possession, whose
gift it is (b6 f4 p39)

0. his small breechcloth

1. his small breechcloth

FC -> jc-72895
2. his small breechcloth

3. his small breechcloth

4. his small breechcloth

FC jc-031297
5. his small breechcloth
FC jc-031297

0. pubic hair
1. his breech clout; his breechcloth; his breechclout
FC -> jc-72895
2. his breech clout; his breechcloth; his breechclout

3. pubic hair
4. his breech clout; his breechcloth; his breechclout

5. his breech clout; his breechcloth; his breechclout
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. his breech clout; his breechcloth; his breechclout
FC jc-031297

0. their gourd rattle; their gourd rattles

1. their gourd rattle; their gourd rattles

FC -> jc-72895
2. their gourd rattle; their gourd rattles

3. their gourd rattle; their gourd rattles

4. their gourd rattles <poss-a:yacachtli>

<poss-a:yacachtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their gourd rattle; their gourd rattles
FC jc-031297
6. their gourd rattle; their gourd rattles
FC jc-031297

0. their miserable cape, their old worn cape

1. their miserable cape, their old worn cape

FC -> jc-72895
2. their miserable cape, their old worn cape

3. their miserable cape, their old worn cape

4. their miserable cape, their old worn cape

<poss-a:ya:tl-zolli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their miserable cape, their old worn cape
<poss-a:ya:tl-zolli> FC - > jc-61096
6. their miserable cape, their old worn cape
FC jc-031297
7. their miserable cape, their old worn cape
FC jc-031297

0. their milk

1. their milk
FC -> jc-72895
2. their milk
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. their milk

4. their milk
FC jc-031297
5. their milk
FC jc-031297

0. their turtle shell

1. their turtle shell

FC -> jc-72895
2. their turtle shell

3. their turtle shell

4. their turtle shell

FC jc-031297
5. their turtle shell
FC jc-031297

0. in his bonds, in his ropes

1. in his bonds, in his ropes

FC -> jc-72895
2. in his bonds, in his ropes

3. in his bonds, in his ropes

4. in his bonds, in his ropes

FC jc-031297
5. in his bonds, in his ropes
FC jc-031297

0. her divided cord

1. her divided cord

FC -> jc-72895
2. her divided cord

3. her divided cord

4. her divided cord
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. her divided cord
FC jc-031297

0. its vine

1. its vine
FC -> jc-72895
2. its vine

3. its vine

4. its vine <poss-mecatl-yo:tl1>

<poss-mecatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its vine
FC jc-031297
6. its vine
FC jc-031297

0. their skin

1. their skin
FC -> jc-72895
2. their skin

3. their skin

4. their skin <poss-e:huatl-yo:tl1>

<poss-e:huatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their skin <poss-e:huatl-yo:tl1>
<poss-e:huatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their skin
FC jc-031297
7. their skin
FC jc-031297

0. their chest; their chests; their breasts

1. their chest; their chests; their breasts

FC -> jc-72895
2. their chest; their chests; their breasts

3. their chest; their chests; their breasts
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. their chests, their breasts; their chest

<poss-e:lli-chiquihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. their chests, their breasts; their chest
<poss-e:lli-chiquihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. their chests, their breasts; their chest
<poss-e:lli-chiquihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. their breast, their chest; their chests; their breasts
FC jc-031297
8. their breast, their chest; their chests; their breasts
FC jc-031297

0. their sighing

1. their sighing
FC -> jc-72895
2. their sighing

3. their sighing

4. their sighing
FC jc-031297
5. their sighing
FC jc-031297

0. its vine

1. its vine
FC -> jc-72895
2. its vine

3. its vine

4. its vine <poss-dupl-mecatl-yo:tl1>

<poss-dupl-mecatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its vine <poss-dupl-mecatl-yo:tl1>
<poss-dupl-mecatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its vine <poss-dupl-mecatl-yo:tl1>
<poss-dupl-mecatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. its vine
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. its vine
FC jc-031297

0. its gizzard

1. its gizzard
FC -> jc-72895
2. its gizzard

3. its gizzard

4. its gizzard
FC jc-031297
5. its gizzard
FC jc-031297

0. its exudation; its sap

1. its exudation; its sap

FC -> jc-72895
2. its exudation; its sap

3. its exudation; its sap

4. its sap <poss-dupl-me:ya-l1-yo:tl1>

<poss-dupl-me:ya-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its sap <poss-dupl-me:ya-l1-yo:tl1>
<poss-dupl-me:ya-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its sap <poss-dupl-me:ya-l1-yo:tl1>
<poss-dupl-me:ya-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. its sap <poss-dupl-me:ya-l1-yo:tl1>
<poss-dupl-me:ya-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
8. its sap <poss-dupl-me:ya-l1-yo:tl1>
<poss-dupl-me:ya-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
9. its exudation; its sap
FC jc-031297
10. its exudation; its sap
FC jc-031297

0. her thigh; his thigh; his thighs; its legs

1. her thigh; his thigh; his thighs; its legs

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. her thigh; his thigh; his thighs; its legs

3. his thighs; his thigh

4. her thigh; his thigh; his thighs; its legs

5. his thighs; his thigh

6. his thighs; his thigh <poss-metztli2>
<poss-metztli2> FC - > jc-61096
7. her thigh; his thigh; his thighs; its legs
FC jc-031297
8. her thigh; his thigh; his thighs; its legs
FC jc-031297

0. on his thigh

1. on his thigh
FC -> jc-72895
2. on his thigh

3. on his thigh

4. on his thigh <poss-metztli2-pan>

<poss-metztli2-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. on his thigh <poss-metztli2-pan>
<poss-metztli2-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. on his thigh
FC jc-031297
7. on his thigh
FC jc-031297

0. their blood
FC jc-031297

0. their blood

1. their blood
FC -> jc-72895
2. their blood

3. their blood
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. their blood <poss-eztli-yo:tl1>

<poss-eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their blood <poss-eztli-yo:tl1>
<poss-eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their blood <poss-eztli-yo:tl1>
<poss-eztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. their blood
FC jc-031297
8. their blood
FC jc-031297

0. with their blood, using their blood

1. with their blood, using their blood

FC -> jc-72895
2. with their blood, using their blood

3. with their blood, using their blood

4. with their blood, using their blood

FC jc-031297
5. with their blood, using their blood
FC jc-031297

0. su hombro ( their shoulder )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. sus alas ( their wings )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. behind them

1. behind them
FC -> jc-72895
2. behind them

3. behind them

4. behind them <poss-i:can-pa1>

<poss-i:can-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
5. behind them <poss-i:can-pa1>
<poss-i:can-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. behind them
FC jc-031297
7. behind them
FC jc-031297

0. their cotton armor
FC jc-031297

0. its fish

1. its fish
FC -> jc-72895
2. its fish

3. its fish

4. its fish
FC jc-031297
5. its fish
FC jc-031297

0. their daughter; their maiden

1. their daughter; their maiden

FC -> jc-72895
2. their daughter; their maiden

3. their daughter; their maiden

4. their maiden; their daughter <poss-ichpo:chtli>

<poss-ichpo:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their daughter; their maiden
FC jc-031297
6. their daughter; their maiden
FC jc-031297

0. their daughters; their maidens

1. their daughters; their maidens

FC -> jc-72895
2. their daughters; their maidens
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. their daughters; their maidens

4. their daughters; their maidens <poss-ichpo:chtli-plur04>

<poss-ichpo:chtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their daughters; their maidens
FC jc-031297
6. their daughters; their maidens
FC jc-031297

0. their stolen goods

1. their stolen goods

FC -> jc-72895
2. their stolen goods

3. their stolen goods

4. their stolen goods

FC jc-031297
5. their stolen goods
FC jc-031297

0. their maguey fiber cape
FC jc-031297

0. their companions

1. their companions
FC -> jc-72895
2. their companions

3. their companions

4. their companions
FC jc-031297
5. their companions
FC jc-031297

0. their friend

1. their friend
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. their friend

3. their friend

4. their friend <poss-icni:uhtli>

<poss-icni:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their friend
FC jc-031297
6. their friend
FC jc-031297

0. their misery
FC jc-031297

0. encima de ellos ( on top of them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. on top of them, on their heads
FC -> jc-72895
2. on top of them, on their heads

3. on top of them, on their heads

4. on top of them, on their heads <poss-icpa-co2>

<poss-icpa-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. on top of them, on their heads <poss-icpa-co2>
<poss-icpa-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. encima de ellos ( on top of them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. on top of them, on their heads
FC jc-031297
8. on top of them, on their heads
FC jc-031297

0. their feet

1. their feet
FC -> jc-72895
2. their feet

3. their feet

4. their feet <poss-icxitl-co2>

<poss-icxitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. their feet <poss-icxitl>

<poss-icxitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. their feet
FC jc-031297
7. their feet
FC jc-031297

0. on their ankles; on their feet

1. on their ankles; on their feet

FC -> jc-72895
2. on their ankles; on their feet

3. on their ankles; on their feet

4. on their feet; on their ankles <poss-icxitl-co2>

<poss-icxitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. on their feet; on their ankles <poss-icxitl-co2>
<poss-icxitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. on their ankles; on their feet
FC jc-031297
7. on their ankles; on their feet
FC jc-031297

0. their maguey

1. their maguey
FC -> jc-72895
2. their maguey

3. their maguey

4. their maguey
FC jc-031297
5. their maguey
FC jc-031297

0. encima de ellos ( on top of them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. their spirit
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their influence
FC jc-031297

imihiyo intlatol
0. their orations

1. their orations
FC -> jc-72895
2. their orations

3. their orations

4. their orations
FC jc-031297
5. their orations
FC jc-031297

0. his maize field, his corn field

1. his maize field, his corn field

FC -> jc-72895
2. his maize field, his corn field

3. his maize field, his corn field

4. his maize field, his corn field

FC jc-031297
5. his maize field, his corn field
FC jc-031297

0. their desert, their merit
FC jc-031297

0. their feast day

1. their feast day

FC -> jc-72895
2. their feast day

3. their feast day
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. their feast day <poss-ilhuitl-uh>

<poss-ilhuitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. their feast day
FC jc-031297
6. their feast day
FC jc-031297

imimiyahuayo moquetza
0. he has a stitch in his side

1. he has a stitch in his side

FC -> jc-72895
2. he has a stitch in his side
FC -> jc-72895
3. he has a stitch in his side

4. he has a stitch in his side

5. he has a stitch in his side

FC jc-031297
6. he has a stitch in his side
FC jc-031297

0. su camino ( their road )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. su camino ( their road; their way )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. su camino ( their road )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. su camino ( their road; their way )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. su camino ( their road )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. her death; his death; its death; its misery

1. her death; his death; its death; its misery

FC -> jc-72895
2. her death; his death; its death; its misery

3. her death; his death; its death; its misery
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. her death; his death; its death; its misery <poss-miqui-liz>

<poss-miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. her death; his death; its death; its misery
FC jc-031297
6. her death; his death; its death; its misery
FC jc-031297

0. her time of death; his time to die

1. her time of death; his time to die

FC -> jc-72895
2. her time of death; his time to die

3. her time of death; his time to die

4. her time of death; his time to die <poss-miqui-liz-pan>

<poss-miqui-liz-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. her time of death; his time to die
FC jc-031297
6. her time of death; his time to die
FC jc-031297

0. his companion in death

1. his companion in death

FC -> jc-72895
2. his companion in death

3. his companion in death

4. his companion in death

FC jc-031297
5. his companion in death
FC jc-031297

0. his tribute of death

1. his tribute of death

FC -> jc-72895
2. his tribute of death

3. his tribute of death

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. his tribute of death

5. his tribute of death

6. his tribute of death <poss-miqui-liz-tequitl-pan>
<poss-miqui-liz-tequitl-pan> FC - > jc-61096
7. his tribute of death <poss-miqui-liz-tequitl-pan>
<poss-miqui-liz-tequitl-pan> FC - > jc-61096
8. his tribute of death
FC jc-031297
9. his tribute of death
FC jc-031297

0. his burden of death
FC -> jc-72895
1. his burden of death <poss-miqui-liz-tequitl-uh>
<poss-miqui-liz-tequitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
2. his burden of death <poss-miqui-liz-tequitl-uh>
<poss-miqui-liz-tequitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
3. his burden of death
FC jc-031297
4. his burden of death
FC jc-031297

0. in their courtyard; in their courtyards

1. in their courtyard; in their courtyards

FC -> jc-72895
2. in their courtyard; in their courtyards

3. in their courtyards
4. in their courtyard; in their courtyards

5. in their courtyards
6. in their courtyards <poss-ithualli-co1>
<poss-ithualli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. in their courtyards <poss-ithualli-co1>
<poss-ithualli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
8. in their courtyard; in their courtyards
FC jc-031297
9. in their courtyard; in their courtyards
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. inside them; within them

1. inside them; within them

FC -> jc-72895
2. inside them; within them

3. inside them; within them

4. inside them; within them <poss-ihtitl-co2>

<poss-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. inside them; within them <poss-ihtitl-co2>
<poss-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. inside them; within them
FC jc-031297
7. inside them; within them
FC jc-031297

0. their defect, their fault; their faulc

1. their defect, their fault; their faulc

FC -> jc-72895
2. their defect, their fault; their faulc

3. their defect, their fault; their faulc

4. their defect, their fault; their faulc

FC jc-031297
5. their defect, their fault; their faulc
FC jc-031297

0. their refreshment

1. their refreshment
FC -> jc-72895
2. their refreshment

3. their refreshment

4. their refreshment <poss-ihtacatl>

<poss-ihtacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. their refreshment
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. their refreshment
FC jc-031297

0. their dogs

1. their dogs
FC -> jc-72895
2. their dogs

3. their dogs

4. their dogs
FC jc-031297
5. their dogs
FC jc-031297

0. his arrow; its star

1. his arrow; its star

FC -> jc-72895
2. his arrow; its star

3. his arrow; its star

4. his arrow; its star <poss-mi:tl-uh>

<poss-mi:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. his arrow; its star <poss-mi:tl-uh>
<poss-mi:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. his arrow; its star
FC jc-031297
7. his arrow; its star
FC jc-031297

0. inic cempoalli on chicuei capitulo: itechpa tlatoa, in oc
cequi inyeliz, in imiuhcatiliz cihua in ipan tlacatia in
machiotl twenty-eighth chapter, which telleth still more
of the nature and condition of women born on this sign
<poss-ihui-ca:5-v01-liz (b4 f9 c28 p94)
1. their condition; their inherent qualities
FC -> jc-72895
2. their condition; their inherent qualities
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. inic cempoalli on chicuei capitulo: itechpa tlatoa, in oc

cequi inyeliz, in imiuhcatiliz cihua in ipan tlacatia in
machiotl twenty-eighth chapter, which telleth still more
of the nature and condition of women born on this sign
<poss-ihui-ca:5-v01-liz (b4 f9 c28 p94)
4. their condition; their inherent qualities

5. their condition <poss-ihui-ca:5-v01-liz>

<poss-ihui-ca:5-v01-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. their condition <poss-ihui-ca:5-v01-liz>
<poss-ihui-ca:5-v01-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. their condition <poss-ihui-ca:5-v01-liz>
<poss-ihui-ca:5-v01-liz> FC - > jc-61096
8. inic cempoalli on chicuei capitulo: itechpa tlatoa, in oc
cequi inyeliz, in imiuhcatiliz cihua in ipan tlacatia in
machiotl twenty-eighth chapter, which telleth still more
of the nature and condition of women born on this sign
<poss-ihui-ca:5-v01-liz> (b4 f9 c28 p94) JC-7/23/96
9. their condition; their inherent qualities
FC jc-031297
10. their condition; their inherent qualities
FC jc-031297

0. their eyes; their face

1. their eyes; their face

FC -> jc-72895
2. their eyes; their face

3. their eyes; their face

4. their eyes <poss-i:xtli>

<poss-i:xtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their eyes; their face
FC jc-031297
6. their eyes; their face
FC jc-031297

0. their tears

1. their tears
FC -> jc-72895
2. their tears
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. their tears

4. their tears <poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1>

<poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their tears <poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1>
<poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their tears
FC jc-031297
7. their tears
FC jc-031297

0. in their eyes; in their faces

1. in their eyes; in their faces

FC -> jc-72895
2. in their eyes; in their faces

3. in their eyes; in their faces

4. in their eyes <poss-i:xtli-co1>

<poss-i:xtli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. in their eyes <poss-i:xtli-co1>
<poss-i:xtli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. in their eyes; in their faces
FC jc-031297
7. in their eyes; in their faces
FC jc-031297

0. their foreheads

1. their foreheads
FC -> jc-72895
2. their foreheads

3. their foreheads

4. their foreheads
FC jc-031297
5. their foreheads
FC jc-031297

0. their foreheads
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. their foreheads
FC -> jc-72895
2. their foreheads

3. their foreheads

4. their foreheads
FC jc-031297
5. their foreheads
FC jc-031297

0. his grandchildren; their grandchildren

1. his grandchildren; their grandchildren

FC -> jc-72895
2. his grandchildren; their grandchildren

3. his grandchildren; their grandchildren

4. his grandchildren; their grandchildren

FC jc-031297
5. his grandchildren; their grandchildren
FC jc-031297

0. their images; their representation

1. their images; their representation

FC -> jc-72895
2. their images; their representation

3. their images; their representation

4. their representation; their images <poss-i:xi:ptlatl>

<poss-i:xi:ptlatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. their images; their representation
FC jc-031297
6. their images; their representation
FC jc-031297

0. their images; their representations; their likenesses;
their impersonators
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. their images; their representations; their likenesses;

their impersonators
FC -> jc-72895
2. their images; their representations; their likenesses;
their impersonators

3. their images; their representations; their likenesses;

their impersonators

4. their images; their impersonators; their representations;

their likenesses <poss-i:xi:ptlatl-plur04>
<poss-i:xi:ptlatl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their images; their representations; their likenesses;
their impersonators
FC jc-031297
6. their images; their representations; their likenesses;
their impersonators
FC jc-031297

0. delante de ellos ( in from of them [ meant in front of you;
or transcription error ] )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. before them, in front of them; in their presence; their
presence; in their time
FC -> jc-72895
2. before them, in front of them; in their presence; their
presence; in their time

3. before them, in front of them; in their presence; their

presence; in their time

4. before them, in front of them; in their presence; their

presence; in their time <poss-i:xtli-pan>
<poss-i:xtli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. before them, in front of them; in their presence; their
presence; in their time <poss-i:xtli-pan>
<poss-i:xtli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. delante de ellos ( in from of them [ meant in front of you;
7. before them, in front of them; in their presence; their
presence; in their time
FC jc-031297
8. before them, in front of them; in their presence; their
presence; in their time
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. frente a ellos ( before them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. ic huel neci ca cenca huei, in imixpopoyotiliz: thus it
clearly appeareth that their blindness was very great
<poss-i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-v01-liz (b1 f5 cAp p72)
1. ic huel neci ca cenca huei, in imixpopoyotiliz: thus it
clearly appeareth that their blindness was very great
<poss-i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-v01-liz> (b1 f5 cAp p72) JC-7/23/96

0. their eyes

1. their eyes
FC -> jc-72895
2. their eyes

3. their eyes

4. their eyes
FC jc-031297
5. their eyes
FC jc-031297

0. their saliva

1. their saliva
FC -> jc-72895
2. their saliva

3. their saliva

4. their saliva
FC jc-031297
5. their saliva
FC jc-031297

0. their false gods
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. their false gods

FC -> jc-72895
2. their false gods

3. their false gods

4. their false gods <poss-iztlacatl-teo:tl-plur04>

<poss-iztlacatl-teo:tl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their false gods <poss-iztlacatl-teo:tl-plur04>
<poss-iztlacatl-teo:tl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. their false gods
FC jc-031297
7. their false gods
FC jc-031297

0. their false word, their lying word

1. their false word, their lying word

FC -> jc-72895
2. their false word, their lying word

3. their false word, their lying word

4. their false word, their lying word

<poss-iztlacatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their false word, their lying word
<poss-iztlacatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their false word, their lying word
<poss-iztlacatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. their false word, their lying word
FC jc-031297
8. their false word, their lying word
FC jc-031297

0. in their hands; on their hands; on their wrists

1. in their hands; on their hands; on their wrists

FC -> jc-72895
2. in their hands; on their hands; on their wrists

3. in their hands; on their hands; on their wrists
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. in their hands; on their hands; on their wrists

<poss-ma:itl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in their hands; on their hands; on their wrists
<poss-ma:itl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in their hands; on their hands; on their wrists
FC jc-031297
7. in their hands; on their hands; on their wrists
FC jc-031297

0. their omen, their sign

1. their omen, their sign

FC -> jc-72895
2. their omen, their sign

3. their omen, their sign

4. their omen, their sign

FC jc-031297
5. their omen, their sign
FC jc-031297

0. their captives

1. their captives
FC -> jc-72895
2. their captives

3. their captives

4. their captives <poss-ma:1-l1-plur04>

<poss-ma:1-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their captives <poss-ma:1-l1-plur04>
<poss-ma:1-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. their captives
FC jc-031297
7. their captives
FC jc-031297

0. although
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. although
FC -> jc-72895
2. although

3. although

4. although <in-mah3-nelli>
<in-mah3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096
5. although <in-mah3-nelli>
<in-mah3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096
6. although <in-mah3-nelli>
<in-mah3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096
7. although <in-mah3-nelli>
<in-mah3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096
8. although
FC jc-031297
9. although
FC jc-031297

0. luego ( then )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. their death

1. their death
FC -> jc-72895
2. their death

3. their death
4. their death

5. their death
6. their death <poss-miqui-liz>
<poss-miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. their death
FC jc-031297
8. their death
FC jc-031297

0. their wine
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. their wine
FC -> jc-72895
2. their wine

3. their wine

4. their wine <poss-octli>

<poss-octli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their wine
FC jc-031297
6. their wine
FC jc-031297

0. its breeding place

1. its breeding place

FC -> jc-72895
2. its breeding place

3. its breeding place

4. its breeding place <poss-p54-chi:hua-ya:n>

<poss-p54-chi:hua-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. its breeding place <poss-p54-chi:hua-ya:n>
<poss-p54-chi:hua-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. its breeding place
FC jc-031297
7. its breeding place
FC jc-031297

0. its growing place

1. its growing place

FC -> jc-72895
2. its growing place

3. its growing place

4. its growing place <poss-p54-chi:hua-ya:n>

<poss-p54-chi:hua-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. its growing place <poss-p54-chi:hua-ya:n>
<poss-p54-chi:hua-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. its growing place
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. its growing place
FC jc-031297

0. its growing place

1. its growing place

FC -> jc-72895
2. its growing place

3. its growing place

4. its growing place

5. its growing place

6. its growing place <poss-p54-chi:hua-ya:n>
<poss-p54-chi:hua-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. its growing place
FC jc-031297
8. its growing place
FC jc-031297

0. his sauce

1. his sauce
FC -> jc-72895
2. his sauce

3. his sauce

4. his sauce
FC jc-031297
5. his sauce
FC jc-031297

0. his bones

1. his bones
FC -> jc-72895
2. his bones

3. his bones
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. his bones <poss-omitl-yo:tl1>

<poss-omitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his bones <poss-omitl-yo:tl1>
<poss-omitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his bones; their bone( s )
FC jc-031297
7. his bones; their bone( s )
FC jc-031297

0. his mother-in-law

1. his mother-in-law
FC -> jc-72895
2. his mother-in-law

3. his mother-in-law

4. his mother-in-law <poss-mo:ntli-na:ntli>

<poss-mo:ntli-na:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his mother-in-law <poss-mo:ntli-na:ntli>
<poss-mo:ntli-na:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
6. his mother-in-law <poss-mo:ntli-na:ntli>
<poss-mo:ntli-na:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
7. his mother-in-law
FC jc-031297
8. his mother-in-law
FC jc-031297

0. intla otlaihuintic, oncan quimopopoaltia, quimeehualtia, ic
mixmotlatoque, in innecuiltonol, in intlayecoliz, in
imoquichtiliz, oc cenca yehuatl: in canin icac imicxi,
when they became drunk, then they vaunted, boasted, and
blustered over their wealth, their achievements, their
valor, and especially wheresoever they had set foot;
<poss-oquichtli-v0-liz (b4 f5 c12 p47)
1. their valor
FC -> jc-72895
2. their valor

3. intla otlaihuintic, oncan quimopopoaltia, quimeehualtia, ic

mixmotlatoque, in innecuiltonol, in intlayecoliz, in
imoquichtiliz, oc cenca yehuatl: in canin icac imicxi,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

when they became drunk, then they vaunted, boasted, and

blustered over their wealth, their achievements, their
valor, and especially wheresoever they had set foot;
<poss-oquichtli-v0-liz (b4 f5 c12 p47)
4. their valor

5. their valor <poss-oquichtli-v0-liz>

<poss-oquichtli-v0-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. their valor <poss-oquichtli-v0-liz>
<poss-oquichtli-v0-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. intla otlaihuintic, oncan quimopopoaltia, quimeehualtia, ic
mixmotlatoque, in innecuiltonol, in intlayecoliz, in
imoquichtiliz, oc cenca yehuatl: in canin icac imicxi,
when they became drunk, then they vaunted, boasted, and
blustered over their wealth, their achievements, their
valor, and especially wheresoever they had set foot;
<poss-oquichtli-v0-liz> (b4 f5 c12 p47) JC-7/23/96
8. their valor
FC jc-031297
9. their valor
FC jc-031297

0. al di'a siguiente ( on the following day )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. on the morrow, on the next day; the following day

1. on the morrow, on the next day; the following day

FC -> jc-72895
2. on the morrow, on the next day; the following day

3. on the morrow, on the next day; the following day

4. on the next day; the following day; on the morrow

<poss-mo:ztla-yo:tl1-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. on the next day; the following day; on the morrow
<poss-mo:ztla-yo:tl1-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. on the next day; the following day; on the morrow
<poss-mo:ztla-yo:tl1-co2> FC - > jc-61096
7. on the next day; the following day; on the morrow
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-mo:ztla-yo:tl1-co2> FC - > jc-61096
8. on the morrow, on the next day; the following day
FC jc-031297
9. on the morrow, on the next day; the following day
FC jc-031297

0. en ellos ( on them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. on them; among them; at them
FC -> jc-72895
2. on them; among them; at them

3. on them; among them; at them

4. en ellos ( on them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
5. on them; among them; at them
FC jc-031297
6. on them; among them; at them
FC jc-031297

0. for their sake

1. for their sake

FC -> jc-72895
2. for their sake

3. for their sake

4. for their sake

FC jc-031297
5. for their sake
FC jc-031297

0. their reward
FC jc-031297

0. their charge, their care

1. their charge, their care

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. their charge, their care

3. their charge, their care

4. their charge, their care <poss-piya-l1>

<poss-piya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their charge, their care <poss-piya-l1>
<poss-piya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their charge, their care
FC jc-031297
7. their charge, their care
FC jc-031297

0. its young; their children; their sons

1. its young; their children; their sons

FC -> jc-72895
2. its young; their children; their sons

3. its young; their children; their sons

4. its young; their sons; their children <poss-pilli-plur04>

<poss-pilli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. its young; their children; their sons
FC jc-031297
6. its young; their children; their sons
FC jc-031297

0. their babies
FC jc-031297

0. su porqueri'a ( their filthy thing )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. el; la ( the )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. this
FC jc-031297
2. this
FC jc-031297

in ichpoch
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his daughter

1. his daughter
FC -> jc-72895
2. his daughter
FC -> jc-72895
3. his daughter

4. his daughter
5. his daughter

6. his daughter
7. his daughter <poss-ichpo:chtli>
<poss-ichpo:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
8. his daughter
FC jc-031297
9. his daughter
FC jc-031297

in ilhuiuh
0. his feast day

1. his feast day

FC -> jc-72895
2. his feast day
FC -> jc-72895
3. his feast day

4. his feast day

5. his feast day <ilhuitl;

<ilhuitl-> FC - > jc-61096
6. his feast day
FC jc-031297
7. his feast day
FC jc-031297

in ima
0. its fore feet

1. its fore feet

FC -> jc-72895
2. its fore feet
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. its fore feet

4. its fore feet

5. its fore feet

FC jc-031297
6. its fore feet
FC jc-031297

0. its flesh

1. its flesh
FC -> jc-72895
2. its flesh

3. its flesh

4. its flesh
FC jc-031297
5. its flesh
FC jc-031297

0. his flesh

1. his flesh
FC -> jc-72895
2. his flesh

3. his flesh

4. his flesh
FC jc-031297
5. his flesh
FC jc-031297

0. en su lado ( on its side )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. her body; her flesh; her substance; his body; his flesh;
his form; its body; its flesh; its wood; their body

1. her body; her flesh; her substance; his body; his flesh;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

his form; its body; its flesh; its wood; their body
FC -> jc-72895
2. her body; her flesh; her substance; his body; his flesh;
his form; its body; its flesh; its wood; their body

3. her body; her flesh; her substance; his body; his flesh;
his form; its body; its flesh; its wood; their body

4. her body; her flesh; her substance; his body; his flesh;
his form; its body; its flesh; its wood; their body
<poss-nacatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. her body; her flesh; her substance; his body; his flesh;
his form; its body; its flesh; its wood; their body
<poss-nacatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. her body; his body; his flesh <poss-nacatl-yo:tl1>
<poss-nacatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. her body; her flesh; her substance; his body; his flesh;
his form; its body; its flesh; its wood; their body
FC jc-031297
8. her body; her flesh; her substance; his body; his flesh;
his form; its body; its flesh; its wood; their body
FC jc-031297

0. on the body

1. on the body
FC -> jc-72895
2. on the body

3. on the body

4. on the body
FC jc-031297
5. on the body
FC jc-031297

0. his body

1. his body
FC -> jc-72895
2. his body
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. his body

4. his body <poss-nacatl-yo:tl1-tzin>

<poss-nacatl-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. his body <poss-nacatl-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-nacatl-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. his body <poss-nacatl-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-nacatl-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. his body
FC jc-031297
8. his body
FC jc-031297

0. her ear, her hearer; his ear

1. her ear, her hearer; his ear

FC -> jc-72895
2. its ear; its ears
FC -> jc-72895
3. her ear, her hearer; his ear

4. its ear; its ears

5. her ear, her hearer; his ear

6. its ear; its ears

7. her ear, her hearer; his ear

FC jc-031297
8. its ear; its ears
FC jc-031297
9. her ear, her hearer; his ear
FC jc-031297
10. its ear; its ears
FC jc-031297

0. in his ear; on his ear

1. in his ear; on his ear

FC -> jc-72895
2. in his ear; on his ear

3. in his ear; on his ear
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. in his ear; on his ear <poss-nacaztli-co1>

<poss-nacaztli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. in his ear; on his ear <poss-nacaztli-co1>
<poss-nacaztli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. in his ear; on his ear
FC jc-031297
7. in his ear; on his ear
FC jc-031297

0. its ears

1. its ears
FC -> jc-72895
2. its ears

3. its ears

4. its ears <poss-nacaztli-plur04>

<poss-nacaztli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. its ears <poss-nacaztli-plur04>
<poss-nacaztli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. its ears
FC jc-031297
7. its ears
FC jc-031297

0. from his ear

1. from his ear

FC -> jc-72895
2. from his ear

3. from his ear

4. from his ear <poss-nacaztli-ti1-tech1>

<poss-nacaztli-ti1-tech1> FC - > jc-61096
5. from his ear <poss-nacaztli-ti1-tech1>
<poss-nacaztli-ti1-tech1> FC - > jc-61096
6. from his ear
FC jc-031297
7. from his ear
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. on its outskirts [e g, of a town]

1. on its outskirts [ eg, of a town ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. on its outskirts [e g, of a town]

3. on its outskirts [e g, of a town]

4. on its outskirts [ eg, of a town ] <poss-nacaztli-tlan>

<poss-nacaztli-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
5. on its outskirts [ eg, of a town ] <poss-nacaztli-tlan>
<poss-nacaztli-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
6. on its outskirts [ eg, of a town ]
FC jc-031297
7. on its outskirts [ eg, of a town ]
FC jc-031297

0. his ear plug
FC jc-031297

0. con e'l; cerca de e'l ( at him; to him; near him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. cerca de e'l ( near it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. con e'l ( to him; at him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. con e'l ( with him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. near it; in the vicinity of it
FC -> jc-72895
5. near it; in the vicinity of it

6. near it; in the vicinity of it

7. con e'l; cerca de e'l ( at him; to him; near him )

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
8. cerca de e'l ( near it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
9. con e'l ( to him; at him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
10. con e'l ( with him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
11. near it; in the vicinity of it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

12. near it; in the vicinity of it

FC jc-031297
13. cuac oahcito inahuac in tlallancal
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
14. achto otetlahpaloh Cuando llego' a la cueva lo ( primero )
que hizo fue saludar When he go to the cave the first thing
he did was greet
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
15. Junto a que llego ? Tlen inahuac oahcito ? Next to what
did he arrive ?

0. his disguise; his magic form

1. his disguise; his magic form

FC -> jc-72895
2. his disguise; his magic form

3. his disguise; his magic form

4. his disguise; his magic form

FC jc-031297
5. his disguise; his magic form
FC jc-031297

0. her helpmate; her husband; her mate; his consort; his
equal; his match; his remedy; his spouse; her spouse; his

1. her helpmate; her husband; her mate; his consort; his

equal; his match; his remedy; his spouse; her spouse; his
FC -> jc-72895
2. its mate; its remedy
FC -> jc-72895
3. her helpmate; her husband; her mate; his consort; his
equal; his match; his remedy; his spouse; her spouse; his

4. its remedy
5. her helpmate; her husband; her mate; his consort; his
equal; his match; his remedy; his spouse; her spouse; his
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. its remedy
7. her helpmate; her husband; her mate; his consort; his
equal; his match; his remedy; his spouse; her spouse; his
wife; its mate; its remedy <poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2>
<poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2> FC - > jc-61096
8. her helpmate; her husband; her mate; his consort; his
equal; his match; his remedy; his spouse; her spouse; his
wife; its mate; its remedy <poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2>
<poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2> FC - > jc-61096
9. her helpmate; her husband; her mate; his consort; his
equal; his match; his remedy; his spouse; her spouse; his
wife; its mate; its remedy <poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2>
<poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2> FC - > jc-61096
10. its remedy <poss-na:miqui-prt1=0-l2>
<poss-na:miqui-prt1=0-l2> FC - > jc-61096
11. her helpmate; her husband; her mate; his consort; his
equal; his match; his remedy; his spouse; her spouse; his
FC jc-031297
12. its mate; its remedy
FC jc-031297
13. her helpmate; her husband; her mate; his consort; his
equal; his match; his remedy; his spouse; her spouse; his
FC jc-031297
14. its mate; its remedy
FC jc-031297

0. their wives

1. their wives
FC -> jc-72895
2. their wives

3. their wives

4. their wives <poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2-plur04>

<poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their wives <poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2-plur04>
<poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. their wives <poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2-plur04>
<poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
7. their wives
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. their wives
FC jc-031297

0. her mother; his mother; its mother; their mother
1. her mother; his mother
FC -> jc-72895
2. its mother; their mother
FC -> jc-72895
3. her mother; his mother; its mother; their mother
4. her mother; his mother; its mother; their mother
5. her mother; his mother; its mother; their mother
<poss-na:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
6. her mother; his mother; its mother; their mother
<poss-na:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
7. her mother; his mother
FC jc-031297
8. its mother; their mother
FC jc-031297
9. her mother; his mother
FC jc-031297
10. its mother; their mother
FC jc-031297

0. its remedy, its cure

1. its remedy, its cure

FC -> jc-72895
2. its remedy, its cure

3. its remedy, its cure

4. its remedy, its cure <poss-dupl-na:miqui-prt1-l2>

<poss-dupl-na:miqui-prt1-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. its remedy, its cure <poss-dupl-na:miqui-prt1-l2>
<poss-dupl-na:miqui-prt1-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. its remedy, its cure <poss-dupl-na:miqui-prt1-l2>
<poss-dupl-na:miqui-prt1-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. its remedy, its cure <poss-dupl-na:miqui-prt1-l2>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-dupl-na:miqui-prt1-l2> FC - > jc-61096

8. its remedy, its cure
FC jc-031297
9. its remedy, its cure
FC jc-031297

0. her mothers; its mothers; their mothers

1. her mothers; its mothers; their mothers

FC -> jc-72895
2. her mothers; its mothers; their mothers

3. her mothers; its mothers; their mothers

4. her mothers; its mothers; their mothers

<poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. her mothers; its mothers; their mothers
<poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. her mothers; its mothers; their mothers
FC jc-031297
7. her mothers; its mothers; their mothers
FC jc-031297

0. his beloved mother; his mother; its afterbirth; its mother

1. his beloved mother; his mother; its afterbirth; its mother

FC -> jc-72895
2. his beloved mother; his mother; its afterbirth; its mother

3. his beloved mother; his mother; its afterbirth; its mother

4. his beloved mother; his mother; its afterbirth; its mother

<poss-na:ntli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. his beloved mother; his mother; its afterbirth; its mother
<poss-na:ntli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. his beloved mother; his mother; its afterbirth; its mother
FC jc-031297
7. his beloved mother; his mother; its afterbirth; its mother
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. auh in oquimonquechcotonque, in intlac: niman ye quihuica
in **incacalpolco**: and when they had cut their heads off,
their bodies they then took to the various calpulcos
[whence the victims had been sent]
(b2 f8 p133) jc-030197
1. aocmo ompa huico in ompa opieloya, za ompa quinhuihuica in
**incacalpolco**, no longer were they taken where they had
been guarded; they only took them to their various calpulcos
(b2 f8 p138) jc-030197
2. auh in ye iuhqui in oquimonchichiuhque, in
oquimoncencauhque, niman ic quinhuihuica in
**incacalpolco**, and when this was done, when they had
adorned them, when they had prepared them, then [the
bathers, who owned the slaves] took them each to the
various calpulcos
(b2 f8 p142) jc-030197
3. auh in otemoco tlalchi, in otlaltitech acico, mec
hualmotlatlaloa in **incacalpolco**: and when they had come
climbing down to the ground, when they had come to reach
the ground, then they each ran to the various calpulcos
(b2 f8 p144) jc-030197
4. auh in otemoco tlalchi, niman ye ic huihui, momoyahua, ompa
huihui in inchachan, in **incacalpolco**, in ompa pipielo
and when they had come to descend to the ground, thereupon
they each went, they dispersed; they went, each, to their
homes, to their several calpulcos, where [the gods'
raiment] was guarded
(b2 f9 p156) jc-030197
5. auh in cequintin zan **incacalpolco** in tlamanaya but
some laid them as offerings only in their calpulcos
(b2 f10 p160) jc-030197
6. no ompa achto quitquitiquiza, quitlamelahualtitihuetzi in
inteopan, in incalmecac, in **incacalpolco**: also there
they first carried and brought it direct to their temples,
their priests' houses, and each of their tribal temples
(b7 f2 p30) jc-030197

0. their carrying frame

1. their carrying frame

FC -> jc-72895
2. their carrying frame

3. their carrying frame
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. their carrying frame

FC jc-031297
5. their carrying frame
FC jc-031297

0. their house, their houses

1. their house, their houses

FC -> jc-72895
2. their house, their houses

3. their house, their houses

4. their house, their houses

FC jc-031297
5. their house, their houses
FC jc-031297

0. in yehuantin, i, amanteca in **incalpol**, in incalmecauh:
zan monetechanaya onteixtin manca in incalpol pochteca: the
calpulli temple [and] the priestshouse of these inhabitants
of amantlan extended by, were paired together with, the
calpulli temple of the merchants
(b9 f7 p88) jc-030197
1. in yehuantin, i, amanteca in incalpol, in incalmecauh: zan
monetechanaya onteixtin manca in **incalpol** pochteca: the
calpulli temple [and] the priestshouse of these inhabitants
of amantlan extended by, were paired together with, the
calpulli temple of the merchants
(b9 f7 p88) jc-030197

0. ompa quinhuica in **incalpolco**, in ompa omotlatlalili,
omito, omonetolti male: they took them there to their
calpulco, where the taker of the captive had made his
undertaking, had said his say, had made his vow
(b2 f1 p49) jc-030197
1. niman ye ic tlatlachpana in **incalpolco** thereupon they
each swept their calpulcos
(b2 f2 p60) jc-030197
2. oncan onehua **incalpolco** from these they departed to
their calpulcos
(b2 f8 p142) jc-030197
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. ca chicomen manca in **incalpolco**, inic quinmanaya

inixiptlahuan amanteca: for seven were arranged in their
calpulli when the inhabitants of amantlan arranged their
(b9 f6 p83) jc-030197
4. auh in ihcuac, i, in ixquichtin in huehueyohuan, amanteca:
mochintin oncan cenquiza in **incalpolco**, oncan
quincuicatia quintozzahuiya in quezquinti miquizque,
teixiptlahuan, and when this happened, all the old men of
amantlan, every one, gathered there in their calpulli
temple; there they provided song, they held vigil for all
who were to die as likenesses [of the gods]
(b9 f7 p87) jc-030197
5. yehica in ixquichtin cihua, in amanteca cihua, mochintin
oncan cenquizaya in **incalpolco** in inteopan oncan
tlanahuaya: wherefore all the women, the women of amantlan,
every one, assembled there in the temple of their calpulli;
there they danced with interlocked arms
(b9 f7 p88) jc-030197

0. in their mouth

1. in their mouth
FC -> jc-72895
2. in their mouth

3. in their mouth

4. in their mouth <poss-camatl-co2>

<poss-camatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in their mouth
FC jc-031297
6. in their mouth
FC jc-031297

0. the bad odor of their mouths

1. the bad odor of their mouths

FC -> jc-72895
2. the bad odor of their mouths

3. the bad odor of their mouths

4. the bad odor of their mouths
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. the bad odor of their mouths
FC jc-031297

0. where

1. where
FC -> jc-72895
2. where

3. where

4. where
FC jc-031297
5. where
FC jc-031297

0. on their temples; their temples

1. on their temples; their temples

FC -> jc-72895
2. on their temples; their temples

3. on their temples; their temples

4. their temples <poss-cana:hua-ca:n>

<poss-cana:hua-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. on their temples; their temples
FC jc-031297
6. on their temples; their temples
FC jc-031297

0. their tenderness

1. their tenderness
FC -> jc-72895
2. their tenderness

3. their tenderness

4. their tenderness
FC jc-031297
5. their tenderness
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. their common responsibility
FC jc-031297

0. their homes; their houses; their various homes

1. their homes; their houses; their various homes

FC -> jc-72895
2. their homes; their houses; their various homes

3. their homes; their houses; their various homes

4. their houses, their homes; their various homes

<poss-dupl-cha:ntli plur07>
<poss-dupl-cha:ntli plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. their houses, their homes; their various homes
<poss-dupl-cha:ntli plur07>
<poss-dupl-cha:ntli plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. their houses, their homes; their various homes
<poss-dupl-cha:ntli plur07>
<poss-dupl-cha:ntli plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. their homes; their houses; their various homes
FC jc-031297
8. their homes; their houses; their various homes
FC jc-031297

0. their home; their habitat; their house; their territory;
their homes; their houses; their land

1. their home; their habitat; their house; their territory;

their homes; their houses; their land
FC -> jc-72895
2. their home; their habitat; their house; their territory;
their homes; their houses; their land

3. their home; their habitat; their house; their territory;

their homes; their houses; their land

4. their home; their land; their homes; their house; their

habitat; their territory; their houses <poss-cha:ntli>
<poss-cha:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their home; their habitat; their house; their territory;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

their homes; their houses; their land

FC jc-031297
6. their home; their habitat; their house; their territory;
their homes; their houses; their land
FC jc-031297

0. their home

1. their home
FC -> jc-72895
2. their home

3. their home

4. their home <poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1>

<poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their home <poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1>
<poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their home <poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1>
<poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. their home
FC jc-031297
8. their home
FC jc-031297

0. their milk

1. their milk
FC -> jc-72895
2. their milk

3. their milk

4. their milk
FC jc-031297
5. their milk
FC jc-031297

0. their shields
1. their shields; their shields ( each one )
FC -> jc-72895
2. their shields; their shields (each one)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. their shields
4. their shields; their shields (each one)

5. their shields ( each one ); their shields

<poss-dupl-chi:malli plur07>
<poss-dupl-chi:malli plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. their shields ( each one ); their shields
<poss-dupl-chi:malli plur07>
<poss-dupl-chi:malli plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. their shields ( each one ); their shields
<poss-dupl-chi:malli plur07>
<poss-dupl-chi:malli plur07> FC - > jc-61096
8. their shields; their shields ( each one )
FC jc-031297
9. their shields; their shields ( each one )
FC jc-031297

0. their shield; their shields

1. their shield; their shields

FC -> jc-72895
2. their shield; their shields

3. their shield; their shields

4. their shield; their shields <poss-chi:malli>

<poss-chi:malli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their shield; their shields
FC jc-031297
6. their shield; their shields
FC jc-031297

0. their pure life, their clean life

1. their pure life, their clean life

FC -> jc-72895
2. their pure life, their clean life

3. their pure life, their clean life

4. their pure life, their clean life

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. their pure life, their clean life

FC jc-031297

0. their tears; their weeping

1. their tears; their weeping

FC -> jc-72895
2. their tears; their weeping

3. their tears; their weeping

4. their weeping <poss-cho:ca-liz>

<poss-cho:ca-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. their tears; their weeping
FC jc-031297
6. their tears; their weeping
FC jc-031297

0. their cries, their weeping words; their words of grief

1. their cries, their weeping words; their words of grief

FC -> jc-72895
2. their cries, their weeping words; their words of grief

3. their words of grief; their cries; their weeping words

4. their cries, their weeping words; their words of grief

5. their words of grief; their cries; their weeping words

6. their words of grief; their cries; their weeping words
<poss-cho:ca-liz-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. their words of grief; their cries; their weeping words
<poss-cho:ca-liz-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. their words of grief; their cries; their weeping words
<poss-cho:ca-liz-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
9. their cries, their weeping words; their words of grief
FC jc-031297
10. their cries, their weeping words; their words of grief
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their weeping

1. their weeping
FC -> jc-72895
2. their weeping

3. their weeping

4. their weeping <poss-cho:ca-liz-yo:tl1>

<poss-cho:ca-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their weeping <poss-cho:ca-liz-yo:tl1>
<poss-cho:ca-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their weeping
FC jc-031297
7. their weeping
FC jc-031297

0. their wives; their women

1. their wives; their women

FC -> jc-72895
2. their wives; their women

3. their wives; their women

4. their wives; their women <poss-cihua:tl-plur04>

<poss-cihua:tl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their wives; their women
FC jc-031297
6. their wives; their women
FC jc-031297

0. their hens; their women
1. their hens; their women
FC -> jc-72895
2. their hens; their women
3. their hens; their women
4. their hens; their women <poss-cihua:tl-plur04>
<poss-cihua:tl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their hens; their women
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. their hens; their women
FC jc-031297

0. their grandmothers

1. their grandmothers
FC -> jc-72895
2. their grandmothers

3. their grandmothers

4. their grandmothers <poss-cihtli2-plur04>

<poss-cihtli2-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their grandmothers
FC jc-031297
6. their grandmothers
FC jc-031297

0. their womanly belongings; their womanly array

1. their womanly belongings; their womanly array

FC -> jc-72895
2. their womanly belongings; their womanly array

3. their womanly belongings; their womanly array

4. their womanly belongings; their womanly array

FC jc-031297
5. their womanly belongings; their womanly array
FC jc-031297

0. their vulva

1. their vulva
FC -> jc-72895
2. their vulva

3. their vulva

4. their vulva <poss-cihua:tl-yo:tl1>

<poss-cihua:tl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their vulva
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. their vulva
FC jc-031297

0. their maize gods

1. their maize gods

FC -> jc-72895
2. their maize gods

3. their maize gods

4. their maize gods <poss-centli-teo:tl-plur04>

<poss-centli-teo:tl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their maize gods <poss-centli-teo:tl-plur04>
<poss-centli-teo:tl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. their maize gods
FC jc-031297
7. their maize gods
FC jc-031297

0. their sickness

1. their sickness
FC -> jc-72895
2. their sickness

3. their sickness

4. their sickness <poss-coco:ya-delya-liz>

<poss-coco:ya-delya-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. their sickness
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
6. their sickness
FC jc-031297
7. their sickness
FC jc-031297
8. their sickness
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
9. their sickness
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
10. their sickness
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their sick people

1. their sick people

FC -> jc-72895
2. their sick people

3. their sick people

4. their sick people

FC jc-031297
5. their sick people
FC jc-031297

0. their grandfathers

1. their grandfathers
FC -> jc-72895
2. their grandfathers

3. their grandfathers
4. their grandfathers

5. their grandfathers
6. their grandfathers <poss-co:lli-plur04>
<poss-co:lli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
7. their grandfathers
FC jc-031297
8. their grandfathers
FC jc-031297

0. their child

1. their child
FC -> jc-72895
2. their child

3. their child

4. their child
FC jc-031297
5. their child
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. on their heels
FC jc-031297

0. their large capes, their mantles

1. their large capes, their mantles

FC -> jc-72895
2. their large capes, their mantles

3. their large capes, their mantles

4. their large capes, their mantles

FC jc-031297
5. their large capes, their mantles
FC jc-031297

0. auh in tlatoani, quintocayotia iteohuan in tlamacazque:
ipampa in incualtiliz, in inchipahuacanemiliz and the
ruler nameth them the priests of his gods because of their
goodness, their clean life <poss-cualli-v01a-liz (b6 f9 c21
p114), 2 in incualtiliz their virtues
<poss-cualli-v01-liz (b10 f11 c29 p183)
1. auh in tlatoani, quintocayotia iteohuan in tlamacazque:
ipampa in incualtiliz, in inchipahuacanemiliz and the
ruler nameth them the priests of his gods because of their
goodness, their clean life
<poss-cualli-v01a-liz> (b6 f9 c21 p114) JC-7/23/96
2. in incualtiliz their virtues
<poss-cualli-v01-liz> (b10 f11 c29 p183) JC-7/23/96
3. their goodness
FC jc-031297
4. their goodness
FC jc-031297

0. their stave

1. their stave
FC -> jc-72895
2. their stave
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. their stave

4. their stave
FC jc-031297
5. their stave
FC jc-031297

0. their skirts

1. their skirts
FC -> jc-72895
2. their skirts

3. their skirts
4. their skirts

5. their skirts
6. their skirts <poss-cue:itl>
<poss-cue:itl> FC - > jc-61096
7. their skirts
FC jc-031297
8. their skirts
FC jc-031297

0. in their skirts

1. in their skirts
FC -> jc-72895
2. in their skirts

3. in their skirts

4. in their skirts
FC jc-031297
5. in their skirts
FC jc-031297

0. their song

1. their song
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. their song

3. their song

4. their song <poss-cui:ca-l2>

<poss-cui:ca-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. their song <poss-cui:ca-l2>
<poss-cui:ca-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. their song
FC jc-031297
7. their song
FC jc-031297

0. their tail feathers

1. their tail feathers

FC -> jc-72895
2. their tail feathers

3. their tail feathers

4. their tail feathers

FC jc-031297
5. their tail feathers
FC jc-031297

0. their entrails; their intestines

1. their entrails; their intestines

FC -> jc-72895
2. their entrails; their intestines

3. their entrails; their intestines

4. their entrails; their intestines

FC jc-031297
5. their entrails; their intestines
FC jc-031297

0. her bathing, her act of bathing
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. her bathing
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1

2. her act of bathing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. her bathing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. her act of bathing

5. her bathing

6. her act of bathing

0. his bathing

1. his bathing
FC -> jc-72895
2. his bathing

3. his bathing

4. his bathing <poss-p53-a:ltia:-liz>

<poss-p53-a:ltia:-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. his bathing
FC jc-031297
6. his bathing
FC jc-031297

0. her adornment; her array; his adornment; his array; his
ornamentation; his finery; their adornment

1. her adornment; her array; his adornment; his array; his

ornamentation; his finery; their adornment
FC -> jc-72895
2. her adornment; her array; his adornment; his array; his
ornamentation; his finery; their adornment

3. his adornment
4. her adornment; her array; his adornment; his array; his
ornamentation; his finery; their adornment

5. his adornment
6. her array; her adornment; his array; his adornment; his
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

ornamentation; his finery; their adornment

<poss-p53-dupl-chi:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. her array; her adornment; his array; his adornment; his
ornamentation; his finery; their adornment
<poss-p53-dupl-chi:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. her array; her adornment; his array; his adornment; his
ornamentation; his finery; their adornment
<poss-p53-dupl-chi:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
9. his adornment <poss-p53-dupl-chi:hua-l1>
<poss-p53-dupl-chi:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
10. her adornment; her array; his adornment; his array; his
ornamentation; his finery; their adornment
FC jc-031297
11. her adornment; her array; his adornment; his array; his
ornamentation; his finery; their adornment
FC jc-031297

0. her ornamentation

1. her ornamentation
FC -> jc-72895
2. her ornamentation

3. her ornamentation

4. her ornamentation <poss-p53-chi:hua-l1>

<poss-p53-chi:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. her ornamentation <poss-p53-chi:hua-l1>
<poss-p53-chi:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. her ornamentation
FC jc-031297
7. her ornamentation
FC jc-031297

0. his words of humility

1. his words of humility

FC -> jc-72895
2. his words of humility

3. his words of humility
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. his words of humility

FC jc-031297
5. his words of humility
FC jc-031297

0. her need, need of her; his need; need of him; its need; its
use; need of it

1. her need, need of her; his need; need of him; its need; its
use; need of it
FC -> jc-72895
2. her need, need of her; his need; need of him; its need; its
use; need of it

3. her need, need of her; his need; need of him; its need; its
use; need of it

4. her need, need of her; his need; need of him; its need; its
use; need of it <poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5>
<poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
5. her need, need of her; his need; need of him; its need; its
use; need of it <poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5>
<poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
6. her need, need of her; his need; need of him; its need; its
use; need of it <poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5>
<poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
7. her need, need of her; his need; need of him; its need; its
use; need of it <poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5>
<poss-nequi-lo:1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
8. her need, need of her; his need; need of him; its need; its
use; need of it
FC jc-031297
9. her need, need of her; his need; need of him; its need; its
use; need of it
FC jc-031297

0. its maguey syrup drinking place
FC jc-031297

0. his guise; his reappearance; his transformation

1. his guise; his reappearance; his transformation
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. his guise; his reappearance; his transformation

3. his guise; his reappearance; his transformation

4. his guise; his reappearance; his transformation

<poss-p53-cuepa-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. her return
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
6. his guise; his reappearance; his transformation
FC jc-031297
7. his guise; his reappearance; his transformation
FC jc-031297
8. her return
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
9. her return
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
10. her return
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. her act of dancing
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. her act of dancing
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. her act of dancing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. her act of dancing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. miss, error

0. her delay
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. her delay
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. her delay
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. her delay
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his private thing

FC jc-031297

0. in teotl, zan huel iceltzin ineixcahuilaxcatzin, in dios in
teyocoyani, in ipalnemoani the [name] god is exclusive to
him himself, god the creator through whom there is life (b1
f4 p69)

0. its proper name
FC jc-031297

0. his root, his origin; its root; its roots

1. his root, his origin; its root; its roots

FC -> jc-72895
2. his root, his origin; its root; its roots

3. his root, his origin; its root; its roots

4. his root, his origin; its root; its roots

<poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his root, his origin; its root; its roots
<poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its root; its roots <poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1>
<poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. his root, his origin; its root; its roots
FC jc-031297
8. his root, his origin; its root; its roots
FC jc-031297

0. next to its root

1. next to its root

FC -> jc-72895
2. next to its root

3. next to its root

4. next to its root
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. next to its root

6. next to its root <poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-;
<poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1--> FC - > jc-61096
7. next to its root <poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-;
<poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1--> FC - > jc-61096
8. next to its root <poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-;
<poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1--> FC - > jc-61096
9. next to its root
FC jc-031297
10. next to its root
FC jc-031297

0. its small root

1. its small root

FC -> jc-72895
2. its small root

3. its small root

4. its small root <poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-to:n>

<poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. its small root <poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-to:n>
<poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. its small root <poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-to:n>
<poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. its small root <poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-to:n>
<poss-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. its small root
FC jc-031297
9. its small root
FC jc-031297

0. his gift; his privilege

1. his gift; his privilege

FC -> jc-72895
2. his gift; his privilege

3. his gift; his privilege

4. his privilege <poss-p53-maca-l2=0>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-p53-maca-l2=0> FC - > jc-61096

5. his privilege <poss-p53-maca-l2=0>
<poss-p53-maca-l2=0> FC - > jc-61096
6. his gift; his privilege
FC jc-031297
7. his gift; his privilege
FC jc-031297

0. his excrement

1. his excrement
FC -> jc-72895
2. his excrement

3. his excrement

4. his excrement
FC jc-031297
5. his excrement
FC jc-031297

0. his dread, his fear

1. his dread, his fear

FC -> jc-72895
2. his dread, his fear

3. his dread, his fear

4. his dread, his fear

FC jc-031297
5. his dread, his fear
FC jc-031297

0. her dwelling place

1. her dwelling place

FC -> jc-72895
2. her dwelling place

3. her dwelling place

4. her dwelling place
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. her dwelling place
FC jc-031297

0. his abode; its dwelling place

1. his abode; its dwelling place

FC -> jc-72895
2. his abode; its dwelling place

3. his abode; its dwelling place

4. his abode; its dwelling place

FC jc-031297
5. his abode; its dwelling place
FC jc-031297

0. su vida ( his life )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. her life; his life; his ways; its life; its manner of life
FC -> jc-72895
2. her life; his life; his ways; its life; its manner of life

3. her life; his life; his ways; its life; its manner of life

4. her life; his life; his ways; its life; its manner of life
<poss-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. her life; his life; his ways; its life; its manner of life
<poss-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. su vida ( his life )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. her life; his life; his ways; its life; its manner of life
FC jc-031297
8. her life; his life; his ways; its life; its manner of life
FC jc-031297

0. his abode, his dwelling place

1. his abode, his dwelling place

FC -> jc-72895
2. his abode, his dwelling place
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. his abode, his dwelling place

4. his abode, his dwelling place

FC jc-031297
5. his abode, his dwelling place
FC jc-031297

0. her marriage

1. her marriage
FC -> jc-72895
2. her marriage

3. her marriage

4. her marriage <poss-p53-namiqui- -liz>

<poss-p53-namiqui- -liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. her marriage <poss-p53-namiqui- -liz>
<poss-p53-namiqui- -liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. her marriage
FC jc-031297
7. her marriage
FC jc-031297

0. his tongue; its tongue

1. his tongue; its tongue

FC -> jc-72895
2. his tongue; its tongue

3. his tongue; its tongue

4. his tongue; its tongue <poss-nenetl-pilli>

<poss-nenetl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his tongue; its tongue <poss-nenetl-pilli>
<poss-nenetl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
6. his tongue; its tongue <poss-nenetl-pilli>
<poss-nenetl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
7. his tongue; its tongue
FC jc-031297
8. his tongue; its tongue
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. on his tongue

1. on his tongue
FC -> jc-72895
2. on his tongue

3. on his tongue

4. on his tongue
FC jc-031297
5. on his tongue
FC jc-031297

0. su pulquito [ H ] ( his pulque )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. his apparition, his appearance

1. his apparition, his appearance

FC -> jc-72895
2. his apparition, his appearance

3. his apparition, his appearance

4. his apparition, his appearance

FC jc-031297
5. his apparition, his appearance
FC jc-031297

0. its dwelling; its dwelling place

1. its dwelling; its dwelling place

FC -> jc-72895
2. its dwelling; its dwelling place

3. its dwelling; its dwelling place

4. its dwelling; its dwelling place

FC jc-031297
5. its dwelling; its dwelling place
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. her marriage
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. her marriage
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. her marriage
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. her marriage
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. in the middle of it

1. in the middle of it
FC -> jc-72895
2. in the middle of it

3. in the middle of it

4. in the middle of it; in the midst of it

FC jc-031297
5. in the middle of it; in the midst of it
FC jc-031297

0. his act of self-destruction
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. his act of self-destruction
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. his act of self-destruction
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. his act of self-destruction
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his act of burping
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. his act of burping
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. his act of burping
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. his act of burping
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his act of scratching himself
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897

1. his act of scratching himself
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. his act of scratching himself
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. his act of scratching himself
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

inete( n )huitequiliz
0. his shout
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
1. his shout
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. his shout
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his shout
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897

0. his accusation; their complaint

1. his accusation; their complaint

FC -> jc-72895
2. his accusation; their complaint

3. his accusation; their complaint

4. his accusation; their complaint

FC jc-031297
5. his accusation; their complaint
FC jc-031297

0. his effort

1. his effort
FC -> jc-72895
2. his effort

3. his effort

4. his effort
FC jc-031297
5. his effort
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. his resting place

1. his resting place

FC -> jc-72895
2. his resting place

3. his resting place

4. his resting place

FC jc-031297
5. his resting place
FC jc-031297

0. ihuan huel mochihuaz in inetlayecoltiliz, and well would he
gain his livelihood
<poss-p53-p51-ye:cahui-caus06-l1-v04-caus08-liz (b4 f6 c15
1. ihuan huel mochihuaz in inetlayecoltiliz, and well would he
gain his livelihood
<poss-p53-p51-ye:cahui-caus06-l1-v04-caus08-liz> (b4 f6 c15 p56) JC-7/23/96

0. his poverty, his misery

1. his poverty, his misery

FC -> jc-72895
2. his poverty, his misery

3. his poverty, his misery

4. his poverty, his misery <poss-p53-toli:nia:-liz>

<poss-p53-toli:nia:-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. his poverty, his misery
FC jc-031297
6. his poverty, his misery
FC jc-031297

0. its honey; its sweetness

1. its honey; its sweetness
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. its honey; its sweetness

3. its honey; its sweetness

4. its sweetness <poss-neuctli>

<poss-neuctli> FC - > jc-61096
5. its sweetness <poss-neuctli>
<poss-neuctli> FC - > jc-61096
6. its honey; its sweetness
FC jc-031297
7. its honey; its sweetness
FC jc-031297

0. its sap

1. its sap
FC -> jc-72895
2. its sap

3. its sap

4. its sap
FC jc-031297
5. its sap
FC jc-031297

0. his act of shaving
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. his act of shaving
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. his act of shaving
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. his act of shaving
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. ihcuac mitoa, in aca za inexiuhtlatilco, za tlatzaccan it
is said when one is in his final desperation, finally at
the end (b6 f19 p242)
1. ihcuac mitoa, in aca za inexiuhtlatilco, za tlatzaccan it
is said when one is in his final desperation, finally at
the end (b6 f19 p242)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. ihcuac mitoa, in aca za inexiuhtlatilco, za tlatzaccan it
is said when one is in his final desperation, finally at
the end (b6 f19 p242)
3. ihcuac mitoa, in aca za inexiuhtlatilco, za tlatzaccan it
is said when one is in his final desperation, finally at
the end (b6 f19 p242)

0. his fireside

1. his fireside
FC -> jc-72895
2. his fireside

3. his fireside

4. his fireside
FC jc-031297
5. his fireside
FC jc-031297

0. his meditation
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. his meditation
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. his meditation
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. his meditation
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his consolation

1. his consolation
FC -> jc-72895
2. his consolation

3. his consolation

4. his consolation <poss-p53-yo:lli-tla:lia-liz>

<poss-p53-yo:lli-tla:lia-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. his consolation <poss-p53-yo:lli-tla:lia-liz>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-p53-yo:lli-tla:lia-liz> FC - > jc-61096

6. his consolation
FC jc-031297
7. his consolation
FC jc-031297

0. her fast

1. her fast
FC -> jc-72895
2. her fast

3. her fast

4. her fast <poss-p53-zahua-liz>

<poss-p53-zahua-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. her fast; his fasting; their fasting
FC jc-031297
6. her fast; his fasting; their fasting
FC jc-031297

0. its meaning; its omen; its sign; its trace

1. its meaning; its omen; its sign; its trace

FC -> jc-72895
2. its meaning; its omen; its sign; its trace

3. its meaning; its omen; its sign; its trace

4. its meaning; its trace; its sign <poss-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5>

<poss-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
5. its meaning; its trace; its sign <poss-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5>
<poss-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
6. its meaning; its trace; its sign <poss-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5>
<poss-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
7. its meaning; its omen; its sign; its trace
FC jc-031297
8. its meaning; its omen; its sign; its trace
FC jc-031297

0. poss-hua:n1; with them

1. poss-hua:n1; with them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. poss-hua:n1; with them

3. poss-hua:n1; with them

4. with them <poss-hua:n1>

<poss-hua:n1> FC - > jc-61096
5. with them <poss-hua:n1>
<poss-hua:n1> FC - > jc-61096
6. poss-hua:n1; with them
FC jc-031297
7. poss-hua:n1; with them
FC jc-031297

0. their old men

1. their old men

FC -> jc-72895
2. their old men

3. their old men

4. their old men

FC jc-031297
5. their old men
FC jc-031297

0. their older sister

1. their older sister

FC -> jc-72895
2. their older sister

3. their older sister

4. their older sister

FC jc-031297
5. their older sister
FC jc-031297

0. their gift; their gifts

1. their gift; their gifts
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. their gift; their gifts

3. their gift; their gifts

4. their gift; their gifts <poss-huentli>

<poss-huentli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their gift; their gifts
FC jc-031297
6. their gift; their gifts
FC jc-031297

0. toward them

1. toward them
FC -> jc-72895
2. toward them

3. toward them

4. toward them
FC jc-031297
5. toward them
FC jc-031297

0. their blouses, their shifts

1. their blouses, their shifts

FC -> jc-72895
2. their blouses, their shifts

3. their blouses, their shifts

4. their shifts; their blouses <poss-hui:pi:lli>

<poss-hui:pi:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their blouses, their shifts
FC jc-031297
6. their blouses, their shifts
FC jc-031297

0. their maguey spines; their thorn; their spine

1. their maguey spines; their thorn; their spine
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. their maguey spines; their thorn; their spine

3. their maguey spines; their thorn; their spine

4. their maguey spines; their thorn; their spine

FC jc-031297
5. their maguey spines; their thorn; their spine
FC jc-031297

0. their spine, their thorn

1. their spine, their thorn

FC -> jc-72895
2. their spine, their thorn

3. their spine, their thorn

4. their spine, their thorn

5. their spine, their thorn

6. their spine, their thorn <poss-huitztli-yo:tl1>
<poss-huitztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. their spine, their thorn
FC jc-031297
8. their spine, their thorn
FC jc-031297

0. their thorn
FC jc-031297

0. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. pipitzca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
2. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana

3. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

4. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

6. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

7. inic chicuacentlamantli tetzahuitl

8. miyecpa cihuatl cacoya chocatiuh

9. tzatzitiuh

10. yoaltica

11. [ as ] the sixth omen

12. often was heard a woman

13. who went weeping and crying out at night

0. for this reason; in order that; in order to; such; thus; in
this way
1. for this reason; in order that; in order to
FC -> jc-72895
2. such; thus; for this reason; in this way
FC -> jc-72895
3. for this reason; in order that; in order to; such; thus; in
this way
4. for this reason; in order that; in order to; such; thus; in
this way
5. for this reason; in order that; in order to; such; thus; in
this way <in-i:c1>
<in-i:c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. in order that <in-i:c1>
<in-i:c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. by means of it; for this reason; since; in order that; in
order to; in such a way; thus
FC jc-031297
8. such; therefore; for this reason; thus; in this way; so
FC jc-031297
9. by means of it; for this reason; since; in order that; in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

order to; in such a way; thus

FC jc-031297
10. such; therefore; for this reason; thus; in this way; so
FC jc-031297

0. their friends

1. their friends
FC -> jc-72895
2. their friends

3. their friends

4. their friends
FC jc-031297
5. their friends
FC jc-031297

0. his blood

1. his blood
FC -> jc-72895
2. his blood

3. his blood

4. his blood
FC jc-031297
5. his blood
FC jc-031297

0. his kinsmen

1. his kinsmen
FC -> jc-72895
2. his kinsmen

3. his kinsmen

4. his kinsmen
FC jc-031297
5. his kinsmen
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. estos ( these )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. este; esta ( this )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. este ( this )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. esta ( this )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. este ( this )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
4. this ( this )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
5. esta ( this )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
6. este; esta ( this )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. esto ( this )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. este ( this )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. esto ( this )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. este ( this )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
11. esto ( this )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
12. nowhere; this
FC -> jc-72895
13. nowhere; this

14. nowhere; this

15. este; esta ( this )

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
16. este ( this )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
17. esta ( this )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
18. este ( this )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
19. this ( this )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

20. esta ( this )

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
21. este; esta ( this )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
22. esto ( this )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
23. este ( this )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
24. esto ( this )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
25. este ( this )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
26. esto ( this )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
27. nowhere; this
FC jc-031297
28. nowhere; this
FC jc-031297

0. estos; estas ( these )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. estos ( these )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. estos; estas ( these )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. estos ( these )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. este ( this )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. este [ H ] ( this [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. e'ste [ H ] ( this one; the latter )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. este ( this )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
4. este [ H ] ( this [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
5. e'ste [ H ] ( this one; the latter )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. these
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. these
FC -> jc-72895
2. these

3. these

4. these
FC jc-031297
5. these
FC jc-031297

0. their images, their representations

1. their images, their representations

FC -> jc-72895
2. their images, their representations

3. their images, their representations

4. their images, their representations

<poss-i:xi:ptlatl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their images, their representations
FC jc-031297
6. their images, their representations
FC jc-031297

0. before them, in front of them

1. before them, in front of them

FC -> jc-72895
2. before them, in front of them

3. before them, in front of them

4. before them, in front of them

FC jc-031297
5. before them, in front of them
FC jc-031297

0. his heart

1. his heart
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. his heart

3. his heart

4. his heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1>

<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his heart
FC jc-031297
7. his heart
FC jc-031297

0. their arms; their forelegs; their hands

1. their arms; their forelegs; their hands

FC -> jc-72895
2. their arms; their forelegs; their hands

3. their arms; their forelegs; their hands

4. their arms; their forelegs; their hands

FC jc-031297
5. their arms; their forelegs; their hands
FC jc-031297

0. in their arms; in their hands; on their arms

1. in their arms; in their hands; on their arms

FC -> jc-72895
2. in their arms; in their hands; on their arms

3. in their arms; in their hands; on their arms

4. in their arms; in their hands <poss-ma:itl-co2>

<poss-ma:itl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in their arms; in their hands <poss-ma:itl-co2>
<poss-ma:itl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in their arms; in their hands; on their arms
FC jc-031297
7. in their arms; in their hands; on their arms
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their desert, their merit
FC jc-031297

0. their sword; their swords

1. their sword; their swords

FC -> jc-72895
2. their sword; their swords

3. their sword; their swords

4. their sword; their swords <poss-ma:itl-cuahuitl>

<poss-ma:itl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. their sword; their swords
FC jc-031297
6. their sword; their swords
FC jc-031297

0. time of their fright

1. time of their fright

FC -> jc-72895
2. time of their fright

3. time of their fright

4. time of their fright

FC jc-031297
5. time of their fright
FC jc-031297

0. their honor

1. their honor
FC -> jc-72895
2. their honor

3. their honor

4. their honor <poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1>

<poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their honor <poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096

6. their honor
FC jc-031297
7. their honor
FC jc-031297

0. their captives

1. their captives
FC -> jc-72895
2. their captives

3. their captives

4. their captives <poss-ma:1-l1-plur04>

<poss-ma:1-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their captives <poss-ma:1-l1-plur04>
<poss-ma:1-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. their captives
FC jc-031297
7. their captives
FC jc-031297

0. their captives

1. their captives
FC -> jc-72895
2. their captives

3. their captives

4. their captives <poss-ma:1-l1-plur04>

<poss-ma:1-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their captives <poss-ma:1-l1-plur04>
<poss-ma:1-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. their captives
FC jc-031297
7. their captives
FC jc-031297

0. their obsidian-bladed swords

1. their obsidian-bladed swords
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. their obsidian-bladed swords

3. their obsidian-bladed swords

4. their obsidian-bladed swords

FC jc-031297
5. their obsidian-bladed swords
FC jc-031297

0. their swords
1. their swords ( each one )
FC -> jc-72895
2. their swords (each one)

3. their swords
4. their swords (each one)

5. their swords ( each one ) <poss-dupl-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07>

<poss-dupl-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. their swords ( each one ) <poss-dupl-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07>
<poss-dupl-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. their swords ( each one ) <poss-dupl-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07>
<poss-dupl-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
8. their swords ( each one ) <poss-dupl-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07>
<poss-dupl-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
9. their swords ( each one )
FC jc-031297
10. their swords ( each one )
FC jc-031297

0. although, even though; even

1. although, even though; even

FC -> jc-72895
2. although, even though; even

3. although, even though; even

4. although, even though; even <in-mah3-nelli>

<in-mah3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096
5. although, even though; even <in-mah3-nelli>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<in-mah3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096

6. although, even though; even <in-mah3-nelli>
<in-mah3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096
7. although, even though; even <in-mah3-nelli>
<in-mah3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096
8. although, even though; even
FC jc-031297
9. although, even though; even
FC jc-031297

0. their fingers

1. their fingers
FC -> jc-72895
2. their fingers

3. their fingers

4. their fingers
FC jc-031297
5. their fingers
FC jc-031297

0. their wrists

1. their wrists
FC -> jc-72895
2. their wrists

3. their wrists

4. their wrists
FC jc-031297
5. their wrists
FC jc-031297

0. on their forearms

1. on their forearms
FC -> jc-72895
2. on their forearms

3. on their forearms
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. on their forearms <poss-ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli-pan>

<poss-ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. on their forearms <poss-ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli-pan>
<poss-ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. on their forearms <poss-ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli-pan>
<poss-ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
7. on their forearms
FC jc-031297
8. on their forearms
FC jc-031297

0. their breechcloths

1. their breechcloths
FC -> jc-72895
2. their breechcloths

3. their breechcloths

4. their breechcloths
FC jc-031297
5. their breechcloths
FC jc-031297

0. their paramours, their concubines

1. their paramours, their concubines

FC -> jc-72895
2. their paramours, their concubines

3. their paramours, their concubines

4. their paramours, their concubines

FC jc-031297
5. their paramours, their concubines
FC jc-031297

0. their rope breechcloths

1. their rope breechcloths

FC -> jc-72895
2. their rope breechcloths
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. their rope breechcloths

4. their rope breechcloths

FC jc-031297
5. their rope breechcloths
FC jc-031297

0. their maguey

1. their maguey
FC -> jc-72895
2. their maguey

3. their maguey

4. their maguey <poss-metl-uh>

<poss-metl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. their maguey <poss-metl-uh>
<poss-metl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. their maguey
FC jc-031297
7. their maguey
FC jc-031297

0. their field

1. their field
FC -> jc-72895
2. their field

3. their field

4. their field
FC jc-031297
5. their field
FC jc-031297

0. their death

1. their death
FC -> jc-72895
2. their death
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. their death

4. their death <poss-miqui-liz>

<poss-miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. their death
FC jc-031297
6. their death
FC jc-031297

0. their mother

1. their mother
FC -> jc-72895
2. their mother

3. their mother

4. their mother <poss-na:ntli>

<poss-na:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their mother <poss-na:ntli>
<poss-na:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
6. their mother
FC jc-031297
7. their mother
FC jc-031297

0. their books
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1

0. their staff of life
1. its flesh; their bodies; their body; their flesh; their
staff of life
FC -> jc-72895
2. their staff of life
3. its flesh; their bodies; their body; their flesh; their
staff of life

4. their staff of life

5. its flesh; their bodies; their body; their flesh; their
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

staff of life

6. its flesh; their body; their staff of life; their bodies;

their flesh <poss-nacatl-yo:tl1>
<poss-nacatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. its flesh; their body; their staff of life; their bodies;
their flesh <poss-nacatl-yo:tl1>
<poss-nacatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
8. their staff of life <poss-nacatl-yo:tl1>
<poss-nacatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
9. its flesh; their bodies; their body; their flesh; their
staff of life
FC jc-031297
10. its flesh; their bodies; their body; their flesh; their
staff of life
FC jc-031297

0. their ears

1. their ears
FC -> jc-72895
2. their ears

3. their ears

4. their ears
FC jc-031297
5. their ears
FC jc-031297

0. their mothers; their older women

1. their mothers; their older women

FC -> jc-72895
2. their mothers; their older women

3. their mothers; their older women

4. their mothers; their older women <poss-na:ntli-plur04>

<poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their mothers; their older women <poss-na:ntli-plur04>
<poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. their mothers; their older women
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. their mothers; their older women

FC jc-031297

0. their commandment, their law; their precept

1. their commandment, their law; their precept

FC -> jc-72895
2. their commandment, their law; their precept

3. their commandment, their law; their precept

4. their commandment, their law; their duty; their precept

FC jc-031297
5. their commandment, their law; their duty; their precept
FC jc-031297

0. their mates; their spouses; their husbands

1. their mates; their spouses; their husbands

FC -> jc-72895
2. their mates; their spouses; their husbands

3. their mates; their spouses; their husbands

4. their mates; their spouses; their husbands

FC jc-031297
5. their mates; their spouses; their husbands
FC jc-031297

0. their mother

1. their mother
FC -> jc-72895
2. their mother

3. their mother

4. their mother <poss-na:ntli>

<poss-na:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their mother <poss-na:ntli>
<poss-na:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
6. their mother
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. their mother
FC jc-031297

0. their mothers

1. their mothers
FC -> jc-72895
2. their mothers

3. their mothers
4. their mothers

5. their mothers
6. their mothers <poss-na:ntli-plur04>
<poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
7. their mothers <poss-na:ntli-plur04>
<poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
8. their mothers
FC jc-031297
9. their mothers
FC jc-031297

0. their bathing
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. their bathing
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. their bathing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. their bathing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their bathing place

1. their bathing place

FC -> jc-72895
2. their bathing place

3. their bathing place

4. their bathing place

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. their bathing place

FC jc-031297

0. their bathing

1. their bathing
FC -> jc-72895
2. their bathing

3. their bathing

4. their bathing
FC jc-031297
5. their bathing
FC jc-031297

0. their adornment

1. their adornment
FC -> jc-72895
2. their adornment

3. their adornment

4. their adornment
FC jc-031297
5. their adornment
FC jc-031297

0. their return

1. their return
FC -> jc-72895
2. their return

3. their return

4. their return <poss-p53-cuepa-l1>

<poss-p53-cuepa-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their return <poss-p53-cuepa-l1>
<poss-p53-cuepa-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their return
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. their return
FC jc-031297

0. their wealth; their riches

1. their wealth; their riches

FC -> jc-72895
2. their wealth; their riches

3. their wealth; their riches

4. their wealth; their riches <poss-p53-cuilto:noa:-l1>

<poss-p53-cuilto:noa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their wealth; their riches <poss-p53-cuilto:noa:-l1>
<poss-p53-cuilto:noa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their wealth; their riches
FC jc-031297
7. their wealth; their riches
FC jc-031297

0. their upbringing; their education

1. their upbringing; their education

FC -> jc-72895
2. their upbringing; their education

3. their upbringing; their education

4. their upbringing, their education <poss-p53-huapa:hua-liz>

<poss-p53-huapa:hua-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. their upbringing, their education <poss-p53-huapa:hua-liz>
<poss-p53-huapa:hua-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. their upbringing; their education
FC jc-031297
7. their upbringing; their education
FC jc-031297

0. their privilege

1. their privilege
FC -> jc-72895
2. their privilege
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. their privilege

4. their personal charge; their privilege

FC jc-031297
5. their personal charge; their privilege
FC jc-031297

0. their dwelling place
FC jc-031297

0. their life; their manner of life; their way of life

1. their life; their manner of life; their way of life

FC -> jc-72895
2. their life; their manner of life; their way of life

3. their life; their manner of life; their way of life

4. their life, their way of life; their manner of life

<poss-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. their life, their way of life; their manner of life
<poss-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. their life; their manner of life; their way of life
FC jc-031297
7. their life; their manner of life; their way of life
FC jc-031297

0. on both sides

1. on both sides
FC -> jc-72895
2. on both sides

3. on both sides

4. on both sides
FC jc-031297
5. on both sides
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their tongues

1. their tongues
FC -> jc-72895
2. their tongues

3. their tongues

4. their tongues
FC jc-031297
5. their tongues
FC jc-031297

0. their council; their tradition

1. their council; their tradition

FC -> jc-72895
2. their council; their tradition

3. their council; their tradition

4. their tradition; their council <poss-p53-dupl-no:tza-l1>

<poss-p53-dupl-no:tza-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their tradition; their council <poss-p53-dupl-no:tza-l1>
<poss-p53-dupl-no:tza-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their tradition; their council <poss-p53-dupl-no:tza-l1>
<poss-p53-dupl-no:tza-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. their tradition; their council <poss-p53-dupl-no:tza-l1>
<poss-p53-dupl-no:tza-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. their tradition; their council <poss-p53-dupl-no:tza-l1>
<poss-p53-dupl-no:tza-l1> FC - > jc-61096
9. their council; their tradition
FC jc-031297
10. their council; their tradition
FC jc-031297

0. in the midst of them
FC jc-031297

0. their leftovers
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. in zan cenmanqui in innecuiltonol, in innetlamachtil,

eternal is their abundance, their joy
<poss-p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1 (b6 f1 c3 p13)
1. in zan cenmanqui in innecuiltonol, in innetlamachtil,
eternal is their abundance, their joy
<poss-p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1> (b6 f1 c3 p13) JC-7/23/96

0. their confusion; their folly; their delusion

1. their confusion; their folly; their delusion

FC -> jc-72895
2. their confusion; their folly; their delusion

3. their confusion; their folly; their delusion

4. their folly <poss-no-p51-polihui-caus06-liz>

<poss-no-p51-polihui-caus06-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. their folly <poss-no-p51-polihui-caus06-liz>
<poss-no-p51-polihui-caus06-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. their folly; their delusion
<poss-p53-p51-polihui-caus06-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. their confusion; their folly; their delusion
FC jc-031297
8. their confusion; their folly; their delusion
FC jc-031297

0. their place of confusion

1. their place of confusion

FC -> jc-72895
2. their place of confusion

3. their place of confusion

4. their place of confusion

FC jc-031297
5. their place of confusion
FC jc-031297

0. auh in pochteca cenca quimatatacaya, in ipampa in
innetlayecoltiliz and the merchants expected much of it,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

because of their way of livelihood

<poss-p53-p51-ye:cahui-caus06-l1-v04-caus08-liz (b4 f6 c16
1. auh in pochteca cenca quimatatacaya, in ipampa in
innetlayecoltiliz and the merchants expected much of it,
because of their way of livelihood
<poss-p53-p51-ye:cahui-caus06-l1-v04-caus08-liz> (b4 f6 c16 p57) JC-7/23/96

0. their gratitude
FC jc-031297

0. their burial place
FC jc-031297

0. their vow

1. their vow
FC -> jc-72895
2. their vow

3. their vow

4. their vow <poss-p53-ihtoa:-l1>

<poss-p53-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their vow <poss-p53-ihtoa:-l1>
<poss-p53-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their vow
FC jc-031297
7. their vow
FC jc-031297

0. their poverty, their misery, their distress; their

1. their poverty, their misery, their distress; their

FC -> jc-72895
2. their poverty, their misery, their distress; their

3. their poverty, their misery, their distress; their
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


4. their poverty, their misery, their distress; their

affliction <poss-p53-toli:nia:-liz>
<poss-p53-toli:nia:-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. their poverty, their misery, their distress; their
FC jc-031297
6. their poverty, their misery, their distress; their
FC jc-031297

0. their breakfast

1. their breakfast
FC -> jc-72895
2. their breakfast

3. their breakfast

4. their breakfast
FC jc-031297
5. their breakfast
FC jc-031297

0. their hair style, their haircut; their hair-dress

1. their hair style, their haircut; their hair-dress

FC -> jc-72895
2. their hair style, their haircut; their hair-dress

3. their hair style, their haircut; their hair-dress

4. their hair style, their haircut; their hair-dress

FC jc-031297
5. their hair style, their haircut; their hair-dress
FC jc-031297

0. their fasting

1. their fasting
FC -> jc-72895
2. their fasting
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. their fasting

4. their fasting <poss-p53-zahua-liz>

<poss-p53-zahua-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. their fasting
FC jc-031297
6. their fasting
FC jc-031297

0. their prudence; their rearing

1. their prudence; their rearing

FC -> jc-72895
2. their prudence; their rearing

3. their prudence; their rearing

4. their prudence; their rearing

FC jc-031297
5. their prudence; their rearing
FC jc-031297

0. their rearing

1. their rearing
FC -> jc-72895
2. their rearing

3. their rearing

4. their rearing
FC jc-031297
5. their rearing
FC jc-031297

0. herself, on her own

1. herself, on her own

FC -> jc-72895
2. herself, on her own

3. herself, on her own
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. herself, on her own <poss-nohmah>

<poss-nohmah> FC - > jc-61096
5. herself, on her own <poss-nohmah>
<poss-nohmah> FC - > jc-61096
6. herself, on her own; of his own free will
FC jc-031297
7. herself, on her own; of his own free will
FC jc-031297

0. eso ( that )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. ese; esa ( that )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. ese ( that )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. eso ( that )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
4. ese; esa ( that )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
5. ese ( that )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. on them

1. on them
FC -> jc-72895
2. on them

3. on them

4. on them
FC jc-031297
5. on them
FC jc-031297

0. their happiness, their joy
FC jc-031297

0. their happiness

1. their happiness
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. their happiness

3. their happiness

4. their happiness <poss-pa:qui-liz>

<poss-pa:qui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. their happiness
FC jc-031297
6. their happiness
FC jc-031297

0. their potions

1. their potions
FC -> jc-72895
2. their potions

3. their potions

4. their potions
FC jc-031297
5. their potions
FC jc-031297

0. their mat; their reed mat

1. their mat; their reed mat

FC -> jc-72895
2. their mat; their reed mat

3. their mat; their reed mat

4. their mat <poss-petlatl>

<poss-petlatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. their mat; their reed mat
FC jc-031297
6. their mat; their reed mat
FC jc-031297

0. their reed chest

1. their reed chest
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. their reed chest

3. their reed chest

4. their reed chest <poss-petlatl-calli>

<poss-petlatl-calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their reed chest
FC jc-031297
6. their reed chest
FC jc-031297

0. their charge, their storage

1. their charge, their storage

FC -> jc-72895
2. their charge, their storage

3. their charge, their storage

4. their charge, their storage <poss-piya-l1>

<poss-piya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their charge, their storage <poss-piya-l1>
<poss-piya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their charge, their storage
FC jc-031297
7. their charge, their storage
FC jc-031297

0. its young; their children; their sons; their young; their
young ones; their babies

1. its young; their children; their sons; their young; their

young ones; their babies
FC -> jc-72895
2. its young; their children; their sons; their young; their
young ones; their babies

3. its young; their children; their sons; their young; their

young ones; their babies

4. its young; their young ones; their sons; their young; their
babies; their children <poss-pilli-plur04>
<poss-pilli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. its young; their children; their sons; their young; their

young ones; their babies
FC jc-031297
6. its young; their children; their sons; their young; their
young ones; their babies
FC jc-031297

0. their lord

1. their lord
FC -> jc-72895
2. their lord

3. their lord

4. their lord <poss-pilli-yo:tl1>

<poss-pilli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their lord
FC jc-031297
6. their lord
FC jc-031297

0. their son, their child

1. their son, their child

FC -> jc-72895
2. their son, their child

3. their son, their child

4. their son, their child

FC jc-031297
5. their son, their child
FC jc-031297

0. their neck

1. their neck
FC -> jc-72895
2. their neck

3. their neck
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. their neck <poss-quechtli>

<poss-quechtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their neck
FC jc-031297
6. their neck
FC jc-031297

0. on their neck

1. on their neck
FC -> jc-72895
2. on their neck

3. on their neck

4. on their neck <poss-quechtli-tlan>

<poss-quechtli-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
5. on their neck <poss-quechtli-tlan>
<poss-quechtli-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
6. on their neck
FC jc-031297
7. on their neck
FC jc-031297

0. their bundle

1. their bundle
FC -> jc-72895
2. their bundle

3. their bundle

4. their bundle
FC jc-031297
5. their bundle
FC jc-031297

0. their father

1. their father
FC -> jc-72895
2. their father
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. their father

4. their father <poss-tahtli>

<poss-tahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their father
FC jc-031297
6. their father
FC jc-031297

0. their fathers

1. their fathers
FC -> jc-72895
2. their fathers

3. their fathers

4. their fathers <poss-tahtli-plur04>

<poss-tahtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their fathers
FC jc-031297
6. their fathers
FC jc-031297

0. their fathers

1. their fathers
FC -> jc-72895
2. their fathers

3. their fathers

4. their fathers <poss-tahtli-plur04>

<poss-tahtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their fathers
FC jc-031297
6. their fathers
FC jc-031297

0. their little reed baskets

1. their little reed baskets

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. their little reed baskets

3. their little reed baskets

4. their little reed baskets

FC jc-031297
5. their little reed baskets
FC jc-031297

0. ic quitotonilia, ic quipopochhuia, amo zaniyo oncan in huei
teopan, zan no ihuan intechachan, **intecacalpolco**, thus
they warmed him, thus they incensed him not only there at
the great temple but also furthermore in each one's home,
in each one's calpulco
(b2 f3 p74) jc-030197

intech quiza
0. it takes effect on them
FC jc-031297

0. their act of chasing someone
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. their act of chasing someone
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. their act of chasing someone
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. their act of chasing someone
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. sobre ellos ( about them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. their act of tying someone up
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. their act of tying someone up
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. their act of tying someone up
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. their act of tying someone up
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their young man, their youth; their son

1. their young man, their youth; their son

FC -> jc-72895
2. their young man, their youth; their son

3. their young man, their youth; their son

4. their youth, their son <poss-te:lpo:chtli>

<poss-te:lpo:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their young man, their youth; their son
FC jc-031297
6. their young man, their youth; their son
FC jc-031297

0. their youths

1. their youths
FC -> jc-72895
2. their youths

3. their youths

4. their youths <poss-te:lpo:chtli-plur04>

<poss-te:lpo:chtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their youths
FC jc-031297
6. their youths
FC jc-031297

0. their act of teaching someone
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. their act of teaching someone
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. their act of teaching someone
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. their act of teaching someone
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. someone's captive

1. someone's captive
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. someone's captive

3. someone's captive

4. someone's captive
FC jc-031297
5. someone's captive
FC jc-031297

0. their act of shooting someone with an arrow
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. their act of shooting someone with an arrow
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. their act of shooting someone with an arrow
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. their act of shooting someone with an arrow
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their commandment
FC jc-031297

0. their greeting [ gift ], their means of greeting
FC jc-031297

0. their mothers; their walls

1. their mothers; their walls

FC -> jc-72895
2. their mothers; their walls

3. their mothers; their walls

4. their mothers <in-poss-na:ntli-plur04>

<in-poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their mothers <in-poss-na:ntli-plur04>
<in-poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. their mothers <in-poss-na:ntli-plur04>
<in-poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
7. their mothers; their walls
FC jc-031297
8. their mothers; their walls
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. on their lips

1. on their lips
FC -> jc-72895
2. on their lips

3. on their lips

4. on their lips <poss-te:ntli-co1>

<poss-te:ntli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. on their lips <poss-te:ntli-co1>
<poss-te:ntli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. on their lips
FC jc-031297
7. on their lips
FC jc-031297

0. their discourse

1. their discourse
FC -> jc-72895
2. their discourse

3. their discourse

4. their discourse <poss-p52-dupl-no:tza-liz>

<poss-p52-dupl-no:tza-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. their discourse <poss-p52-dupl-no:tza-liz>
<poss-p52-dupl-no:tza-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. their discourse <poss-p52-dupl-no:tza-liz>
<poss-p52-dupl-no:tza-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. their discourse <poss-p52-dupl-no:tza-liz>
<poss-p52-dupl-no:tza-liz> FC - > jc-61096
8. their discourse
FC jc-031297
9. their discourse
FC jc-031297

0. their lip plugs

1. their lip plugs

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. their lip plugs

3. their lip plugs

4. their lip plugs <poss-te:ntli-tetl1-uh>

<poss-te:ntli-tetl1-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. their lip plugs <poss-te:ntli-tetl1-uh>
<poss-te:ntli-tetl1-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. their lip plugs <poss-te:ntli-tetl1-uh>
<poss-te:ntli-tetl1-uh> FC - > jc-61096
7. their lip plugs
FC jc-031297
8. their lip plugs
FC jc-031297

0. their beards

1. their beards
FC -> jc-72895
2. their beards

3. their beards

4. their beards <poss-te:ntli-tzontli>

<poss-te:ntli-tzontli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their beards <poss-te:ntli-tzontli>
<poss-te:ntli-tzontli> FC - > jc-61096
6. their beards
FC jc-031297
7. their beards
FC jc-031297

inteoauh intlachinol
0. their war

1. their war
FC -> jc-72895
2. their war
FC -> jc-72895
3. their war

4. their war

5. their war
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. their war
FC jc-031297

0. their temples

1. their temples
FC -> jc-72895
2. their temples

3. their temples

4. their temples <poss-teo:tl-calli>

<poss-teo:tl-calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their temples
FC jc-031297
6. their temples
FC jc-031297

0. their gods

1. their gods
FC -> jc-72895
2. their gods

3. their gods

4. their gods <poss-teo:tl-plur04>

<poss-teo:tl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their gods
FC jc-031297
6. their gods
FC jc-031297

0. their gods

1. their gods
FC -> jc-72895
2. their gods

3. their gods

4. their gods <poss-teo:tl-plur04>

<poss-teo:tl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. their gods
FC jc-031297
6. their gods
FC jc-031297

0. their temple
1. their temple
FC -> jc-72895
2. their temple
3. their temple
4. their temple <poss-teo:tl-pan>
<poss-teo:tl-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. their temple <poss-teo:tl-pan>
<poss-teo:tl-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. their temple
FC jc-031297
7. their temple
FC jc-031297

0. their priest
FC jc-031297

0. their godly obligation, their godly responsibility

1. their godly obligation, their godly responsibility

FC -> jc-72895
2. their godly obligation, their godly responsibility

3. their godly obligation, their godly responsibility

4. their godly obligation, their godly responsibility

<poss-teo:tl-tequitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. their godly obligation, their godly responsibility
<poss-teo:tl-tequitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. their godly obligation, their godly responsibility
FC jc-031297
7. their godly obligation, their godly responsibility
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their god; their deity; their goddess

1. their god; their deity; their goddess

FC -> jc-72895
2. their god; their deity; their goddess

3. their god; their deity; their goddess

4. their god; their goddess <poss-teo:tl-uh>

<poss-teo:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. their god; their goddess; their deity <poss-teo:tl-uh>
<poss-teo:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. their god; their deity; their goddess
FC jc-031297
7. their god; their deity; their goddess
FC jc-031297

0. their hill; their mountain

1. their hill; their mountain

FC -> jc-72895
2. their hill; their mountain

3. their hill; their mountain

4. their hill; their mountain <poss-tepe:tl-uh>

<poss-tepe:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. their hill; their mountain <poss-tepe:tl-uh>
<poss-tepe:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. their hill; their mountain
FC jc-031297
7. their hill; their mountain
FC jc-031297

0. the princes

0. their helmet

1. their helmet
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. their helmet

3. their helmet

4. their helmet
FC jc-031297
5. their helmet
FC jc-031297

0. their iron sword

1. their iron sword

FC -> jc-72895
2. their iron sword

3. their iron sword

4. their iron sword <poss-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl>

<poss-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. their iron sword <poss-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl>
<poss-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. their iron sword
FC jc-031297
7. their iron sword
FC jc-031297

0. their iron lance

1. their iron lance

FC -> jc-72895
2. their iron lance

3. their iron lance

4. their iron lance

FC jc-031297
5. their iron lance
FC jc-031297

0. their act of beheading someone
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. their act of beheading someone
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. their act of beheading someone

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. their act of beheading someone
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their burden; their cares; their charge; their duty; their
function; their task; their labor; their office; their
preoccupation; their responsibility; their work

1. their burden; their cares; their charge; their duty; their

function; their task; their labor; their office; their
preoccupation; their responsibility; their work
FC -> jc-72895
2. their burden; their cares; their charge; their duty; their
function; their task; their labor; their office; their
preoccupation; their responsibility; their work

3. their burden; their cares; their charge; their duty; their

function; their task; their labor; their office; their
preoccupation; their responsibility; their work

4. their duty; their task; their function; their labor; their

work; their preoccupation; their cares; their office; their
charge; their responsibility; their burden <poss-tequitl-uh>
<poss-tequitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. their task; their work; their office; their charge; their
responsibility <poss-tequitl-uh>
<poss-tequitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. their burden; their cares; their charge; their duty; their
function; their task; their labor; their office; their
preoccupation; their responsibility; their work
FC jc-031297
7. their burden; their cares; their charge; their duty; their
function; their task; their labor; their office; their
preoccupation; their responsibility; their work
FC jc-031297

intequiuh huetzi
0. they lay down their cares

1. they lay down their cares

FC -> jc-72895
2. they lay down their cares
FC -> jc-72895
3. they lay down their cares
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they lay down their cares

5. they lay down their cares <poss-tequitl-uh huetzi>

<poss-tequitl-uh huetzi> FC - > jc-61096
6. they lay down their cares <poss-tequitl-uh huetzi>
<poss-tequitl-uh huetzi> FC - > jc-61096
7. they lay down their cares
FC jc-031297
8. they lay down their cares
FC jc-031297

0. their fathers

1. their fathers
FC -> jc-72895
2. their fathers

3. their fathers

4. their fathers <in-poss-tahtli-plur04>

<in-poss-tahtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their fathers <in-poss-tahtli-plur04>
<in-poss-tahtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. their fathers
FC jc-031297
7. their fathers
FC jc-031297

0. their temples

1. their temples
FC -> jc-72895
2. their temples

3. their temples

4. their temples
FC jc-031297
5. their temples
FC jc-031297

0. their iron swords
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. their iron sword
FC -> jc-72895
2. their iron sword

3. their iron swords

4. their iron sword

5. their iron sword <poss-dupl-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07>

<poss-dupl-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. their iron sword <poss-dupl-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07>
<poss-dupl-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. their iron sword <poss-dupl-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07>
<poss-dupl-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
8. their iron sword <poss-dupl-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07>
<poss-dupl-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
9. their iron sword <poss-dupl-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07>
<poss-dupl-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
10. their iron sword
FC jc-031297
11. their iron sword
FC jc-031297

0. their greetings

1. their greetings
FC -> jc-72895
2. their greetings

3. their greetings

4. their greetings
FC jc-031297
5. their greetings
FC jc-031297

0. quitzotzona inic quinextilia in intetlazotlaliz they
caressed him with their hands to make their love known to
him <poss-p52-tlazoa-l2-v08a-liz (b12 f3 c16 p45)
1. quitzotzona inic quinextilia in intetlazotlaliz they
caressed him with their hands to make their love known to
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-p52-tlazoa-l2-v08a-liz> (b12 f3 c16 p45) JC-7/23/96

2. quitzotzona inic quinextilia in intetlazotlaliz they
caressed him with their hands to make their love known to
<poss-p52-tlazoa-l2-v08a-liz> (b12 f3 c16 p45) JC-7/23/96
3. their love
FC jc-031297
4. their love
FC jc-031297

0. their omen, their evil omen, their portent

1. their omen, their evil omen, their portent

FC -> jc-72895
2. their omen, their evil omen, their portent

3. their omen, their evil omen, their portent

4. their omen, their evil omen, their portent

<poss-te:tza:huitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. their omen, their evil omen, their portent
FC jc-031297
6. their omen, their evil omen, their portent
FC jc-031297

0. their act of governing
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. their act of governing
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. their act of governing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. their act of governing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their leader

1. their leader
FC -> jc-72895
2. their leader

3. their leader
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. their leader
FC jc-031297
5. their leader
FC jc-031297

0. inic quimiximachilizquia in inteouh, in intlatocauh, in
inteyocoxcatzin dios, thus they should have recognized
their gods, their lords as the creatures of god (b1 f3
p56), auh inin amo ic quimoteotizquia: ca zan ic
quilnamiquizquia, ca oc cenca tlapanahuia, inic cenca
tlanextia, pepetlaca, teyollalia, tepapaquiltia, in
inteyocoxcatzin dios: and these should not be thus
worshipped, because it should only be remembered that he
who is most powerful, in giving light, illumination,
comfort, joy, is god, their creator; (b1 f3 p56), b auh
intla cenca otlamahuizoque ipampa cequinti itlachihualhuan
dios, cenca chicahuaque: quilnamiquizquia, ca in
inteyocoxcatzin dios, oc cenca chicahuacatzintli b and if
they had wondered greatly because some of god's creatures
are strong, they should have remembered that god, their
creator, is even stronger (b1 f3 p56)

0. their capes

1. their capes
FC -> jc-72895
2. their capes

3. their capes

4. their capes
FC jc-031297
5. their capes
FC jc-031297

0. their little capes

1. their little capes

FC -> jc-72895
2. their little capes

3. their little capes
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. their little capes

FC jc-031297
5. their little capes
FC jc-031297

0. si ( if )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. if; if if; whether
FC -> jc-72895
2. if; if if; whether

3. if; if if; whether

4. if <in-tla:3>
<in-tla:3> FC - > jc-61096
5. if; if if; whether <in-tla:3>
<in-tla:3> FC - > jc-61096
6. si ( if )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. if; if if; whether
FC jc-031297
8. if; if if; whether
FC jc-031297
9. in mitoaya
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
10. intla tlamiz

11. in cualo tonatiuh: centlayohuaz: it was thus said: " if the

eclipse of the sun is complete

12. it will be dark forever ! "

intla cana
0. if somewhere

1. if somewhere
FC -> jc-72895
2. if somewhere
FC -> jc-72895
3. if somewhere

4. if somewhere
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. if somewhere
FC jc-031297
6. if somewhere
FC jc-031297

0. their bodies; their body

1. their bodies; their body

FC -> jc-72895
2. their bodies; their body

3. their bodies; their body

4. their bodies; their body

FC jc-031297
5. their bodies; their body
FC jc-031297

0. if not

1. if not
FC -> jc-72895
2. if not

3. if not

4. if not <in-tla:3-ca4>
<in-tla:3-ca4> FC - > jc-61096
5. if not <in-tla:3-ca4>
<in-tla:3-ca4> FC - > jc-61096
6. if not <in-tla:3-ca4>
<in-tla:3-ca4> FC - > jc-61096
7. if not
FC jc-031297
8. if not
FC jc-031297

0. their tribute; their tribute payment

1. their tribute; their tribute payment

FC -> jc-72895
2. their tribute; their tribute payment
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. their tribute; their tribute payment

4. their tribute; their tribute payment

FC jc-031297
5. their tribute; their tribute payment
FC jc-031297

0. if not; otherwise; unless

1. if not; otherwise; unless

FC -> jc-72895
2. if not; otherwise; unless

3. if not; otherwise; unless

4. if not; unless; otherwise <in-tla:3-ca4-mo:>

<in-tla:3-ca4-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
5. if not; unless; otherwise <in-tla:3-ca4-mo:>
<in-tla:3-ca4-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
6. if not; unless; otherwise <in-tla:3-ca4-mo:>
<in-tla:3-ca4-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
7. if not; unless; otherwise <in-tla:3-ca4-mo:>
<in-tla:3-ca4-mo:> FC - > jc-61096
8. if not; otherwise; unless
FC jc-031297
9. if not; otherwise; unless
FC jc-031297

0. their understanding

1. their understanding
FC -> jc-72895
2. their understanding

3. their understanding

4. their act of hearing

-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
5. their understanding
FC jc-031297
6. their understanding
FC jc-031297
7. their act of hearing
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. their act of hearing

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
9. their act of hearing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. if nothing
FC jc-031297

0. if no more, if no longer

1. if no more, if no longer
FC -> jc-72895
2. if no more, if no longer

3. if no more, if no longer

4. if no more, if no longer
FC jc-031297
5. if no more, if no longer
FC jc-031297

0. their appearance

1. their appearance
FC -> jc-72895
2. their appearance

3. their appearance

4. their appearance
FC jc-031297
5. their appearance
FC jc-031297

0. their work

1. their work
FC -> jc-72895
2. their work

3. their work
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. their work
FC jc-031297
5. their work
FC jc-031297

0. their appearance

1. their appearance
FC -> jc-72895
2. their appearance

3. their appearance

4. their appearance <poss-tlachiya-liz>

<poss-tlachiya-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. their appearance
FC jc-031297
6. their appearance
FC jc-031297

0. their act, their deed; their work; their product

1. their act, their deed; their work; their product

FC -> jc-72895
2. their act, their deed; their work; their product

3. their act, their deed; their work

4. their act, their deed; their work; their product

5. their act, their deed; their work

6. their act, their deed; their work <poss-p54-chi:hua-l1>
<poss-p54-chi:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. their act, their deed; their work <poss-p54-chi:hua-l1>
<poss-p54-chi:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. their act, their deed; their creation; their work; their
FC jc-031297
9. their act, their deed; their creation; their work; their
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their sweeping
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. their sweeping
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. their sweeping
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. their sweeping
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. their twigs

1. their twigs
FC -> jc-72895
2. their twigs

3. their twigs

4. their twigs <poss-tlaco:tl-uh>

<poss-tlaco:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. their twigs <poss-tlaco:tl-uh>
<poss-tlaco:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. their twigs
FC jc-031297
7. their twigs
FC jc-031297

0. their eating place

0. their food
1. their food
FC -> jc-72895
2. their food
3. their food
4. their food <poss-p51-cua:-l1>
<poss-p51-cua:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their food <poss-p51-cua:-l1>
<poss-p51-cua:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their food
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. their food
FC jc-031297

0. their eating place
FC -> jc-72895
1. their eating place
FC jc-031297
2. their eating place
FC jc-031297

0. their uncles
FC jc-031297

0. their drinking vessel

1. their drinking vessel

FC -> jc-72895
2. their drinking vessel

3. their drinking vessel

4. their drinking vessel <poss-tla:hua:na-ya1>

<poss-tla:hua:na-ya1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their drinking vessel <poss-tla:hua:na-ya1>
<poss-tla:hua:na-ya1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their drinking vessel
FC jc-031297
7. their drinking vessel
FC jc-031297

0. their drinking vessel

1. their drinking vessel

FC -> jc-72895
2. their drinking vessel

3. their drinking vessel

4. their drinking vessel

FC jc-031297
5. their drinking vessel
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their bow; their bows; their crossbow

1. their bow; their bows; their crossbow

FC -> jc-72895
2. their bow; their bows; their crossbow

3. their bow; their bows; their crossbow

4. their bow; their bows; their crossbow

FC jc-031297
5. their bow; their bows; their crossbow
FC jc-031297

0. their lands

1. their lands
FC -> jc-72895
2. their lands

3. their lands

4. their lands
FC jc-031297
5. their lands
FC jc-031297

0. their nerves

1. their nerves
FC -> jc-72895
2. their nerves

3. their nerves

4. their nerves <poss-tlalhuatl-yo:tl1>

<poss-tlalhuatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their nerves
FC jc-031297
6. their nerves
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. their land

1. their land
FC -> jc-72895
2. their land

3. their land

4. their land <poss-tla:lli-pan>

<poss-tla:lli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. their land <poss-tla:lli-pan>
<poss-tla:lli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. their land
FC jc-031297
7. their land
FC jc-031297

0. their priests
FC jc-031297

0. their penitence
FC jc-031297

0. among them; with them; beneath them

1. among them; with them; beneath them

FC -> jc-72895
2. their teeth; with them; among them
FC -> jc-72895
3. among them; with them; beneath them

4. among them; with them; beneath them

5. among them; with them; beneath them <poss-tlan>

<poss-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
6. their teeth <poss-tlantli>
<poss-tlantli> FC - > jc-61096
7. among them; with them; beneath them
FC jc-031297
8. their teeth; with them; among them
FC jc-031297
9. among them; with them; beneath them
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. their teeth; with them; among them

FC jc-031297

intlan oncalacque
0. they submitted to them
FC jc-031297

0. their knees

1. their knees
FC -> jc-72895
2. their knees

3. their knees

4. their knees
FC jc-031297
5. their knees
FC jc-031297

0. on their knees

1. on their knees
FC -> jc-72895
2. on their knees

3. on their knees

4. on their knees
FC jc-031297
5. on their knees
FC jc-031297

0. if; though; although

1. if; though; although

FC -> jc-72895
2. if; though; although

3. if; though; although

4. if; though; although <in-tla:3-nelli>

<in-tla:3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. if; though; although <in-tla:3-nelli>

<in-tla:3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096
6. if; though; although <in-tla:3-nelli>
<in-tla:3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096
7. if; though; although <in-tla:3-nelli>
<in-tla:3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096
8. although, even if; if; though
FC jc-031297
9. although, even if; if; though
FC jc-031297

0. their discovery

1. their discovery
FC -> jc-72895
2. their discovery

3. their discovery

4. their discovery
FC jc-031297
5. their discovery
FC jc-031297

0. on their shins

1. on their shins
FC -> jc-72895
2. on their shins

3. on their shins

4. on their shins
FC jc-031297
5. on their shins
FC jc-031297

0. the bad odor of their teeth

1. the bad odor of their teeth

FC -> jc-72895
2. the bad odor of their teeth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. the bad odor of their teeth

4. the bad odor of their teeth

FC jc-031297
5. the bad odor of their teeth
FC jc-031297

0. or perhaps

1. or perhaps
FC -> jc-72895
2. or perhaps

3. or perhaps

4. or perhaps
FC jc-031297
5. or perhaps
FC jc-031297

0. their sorrow, their compassion

1. their sorrow, their compassion

FC -> jc-72895
2. their sorrow, their compassion

3. their sorrow, their compassion

4. their sorrow; their compassion

FC jc-031297
5. their sorrow; their compassion
FC jc-031297

0. their dried grains of maize

1. their dried grains of maize

FC -> jc-72895
2. their dried grains of maize

3. their dried grains of maize

4. their dried grains of maize <poss-p51-o:ya-delya-l1>

<poss-p51-o:ya-delya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. their dried grains of maize <poss-p51-o:ya-delya-l1>

<poss-p51-o:ya-delya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their dried grains of maize
FC jc-031297
7. their dried grains of maize
FC jc-031297

0. their color, their red
FC jc-031297

0. their lightning stick

1. their lightning stick

FC -> jc-72895
2. their lightning stick

3. their lightning stick

4. their lightning stick

FC jc-031297
5. their lightning stick
FC jc-031297

0. their sin

1. their sin
FC -> jc-72895
2. their sin

3. their sin

4. their sin
FC jc-031297
5. their sin
FC jc-031297

0. their reckoning, their count

1. their reckoning, their count

FC -> jc-72895
2. their reckoning, their count
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. their reckoning, their count

4. their number; their reckoning; their count

FC jc-031297
5. their number; their reckoning; their count
FC jc-031297

0. their clothes; their clothing

1. their clothes; their clothing

FC -> jc-72895
2. their clothes; their clothing

3. their clothes; their clothing

4. their clothes; their clothing

FC jc-031297
5. their clothes; their clothing
FC jc-031297

0. their equipment

1. their equipment
FC -> jc-72895
2. their equipment

3. their equipment

4. their equipment
FC jc-031297
5. their equipment
FC jc-031297

0. their idolatry

1. their idolatry
FC -> jc-72895
2. their idolatry

3. their idolatry

4. their idolatry <poss-p51-teo:tl-toca2-liz>

<poss-p51-teo:tl-toca2-liz> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. their idolatry <poss-p51-teo:tl-toca2-liz>

<poss-p51-teo:tl-toca2-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. their idolatry
FC jc-031297
7. their idolatry
FC jc-031297

0. their sin

1. their sin
FC -> jc-72895
2. their sin

3. their sin

4. their sin <poss-p51-ihtlacahui-caus06-l1>

<poss-p51-ihtlacahui-caus06-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their sin
FC jc-031297
6. their sin
FC jc-031297

0. their offering places

1. their offering places

FC -> jc-72895
2. their offering places

3. their offering places

4. their offering places

FC jc-031297
5. their offering places
FC jc-031297

0. their prayer
FC jc-031297

0. their ruler

1. their ruler
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. their ruler

3. their ruler

4. their ruler <poss-tlahtoca:-uh>

<poss-tlahtoca:-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. their ruler <poss-tlahtoca:-uh>
<poss-tlahtoca:-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. their ruler
FC jc-031297
7. their ruler
FC jc-031297

0. their speech; their words; their account; their
consideration; their counsel; their determination; their
discourse; their discourses; their exhortations; their
language; their opinions; their pronouncements; their say;
their tongue; their utterance

1. their speech; their words; their account; their

consideration; their counsel; their determination; their
discourse; their discourses; their exhortations; their
language; their opinions; their pronouncements; their say;
their tongue; their utterance
FC -> jc-72895
2. their speech; their words; their account; their
consideration; their counsel; their determination; their
discourse; their discourses; their exhortations; their
language; their opinions; their pronouncements; their say;
their tongue; their utterance

3. their speech; their words; their account; their

consideration; their counsel; their determination; their
discourse; their discourses; their exhortations; their
language; their opinions; their pronouncements; their say;
their tongue; their utterance

4. their words, their consideration; their opinions; their

determination; their language <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their words, their say; their utterance; their
consideration; their tongue; their speech; their
pronouncements; their opinions; their orations; their
exhortations; their account; their discourses; their
determination; their language; their counsel; their
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

discourse <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their speech; their words; their account; their
consideration; their counsel; their determination; their
discourse; their discourses; their exhortations; their
language; their opinions; their pronouncements; their say;
their tongue; their utterance
FC jc-031297
7. their speech; their words; their account; their
consideration; their counsel; their determination; their
discourse; their discourses; their exhortations; their
language; their opinions; their pronouncements; their say;
their tongue; their utterance
FC jc-031297

0. their history
1. their history; their words
FC -> jc-72895
2. their history
3. their history; their words

4. their history
5. their history; their words

6. their history <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1>

<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. their history; their words <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1>
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
8. their history; their words <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1>
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
9. their history; their words
FC jc-031297
10. their history; their words
FC jc-031297

0. in their language

1. in their language
FC -> jc-72895
2. in their language
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. in their language

4. in their language
FC jc-031297
5. in their language
FC jc-031297

0. their words

1. their words
FC -> jc-72895
2. their words

3. their words

4. their words <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-tzin>

<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. their words <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-tzin>
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. their words
FC jc-031297
7. their words
FC jc-031297

0. their array; their equipment; their garment; their goods;
their possessions; their property

1. their array; their equipment; their garment; their goods;

their possessions; their property
FC -> jc-72895
2. their array; their equipment; their garment; their goods;
their possessions; their property

3. their array; their equipment; their garment; their goods;

their possessions; their property

4. their array; their goods; their garment; their property;

their equipment <poss-p51-itqui>
<poss-p51-itqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. their array; their equipment; their garment; their goods;
their possessions; their property
FC jc-031297
6. their array; their equipment; their garment; their goods;
their possessions; their property
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. their noble goods

1. their noble goods

FC -> jc-72895
2. their noble goods

3. their noble goods

4. their noble goods

FC jc-031297
5. their noble goods
FC jc-031297

0. their product

1. their product
FC -> jc-72895
2. their product

3. their product

4. their product
FC jc-031297
5. their product
FC jc-031297

0. their incense ladle; their incense ladles

1. their incense ladle; their incense ladles

FC -> jc-72895
2. their incense ladle; their incense ladles

3. their incense ladle; their incense ladles

4. their incense ladles; their incense ladle

<poss-tletl-ma:itl> FC - > jc-61096
5. their incense ladles; their incense ladle
<poss-tletl-ma:itl> FC - > jc-61096
6. their incense ladle; their incense ladles
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. their incense ladle; their incense ladles
FC jc-031297

0. their black
FC jc-031297

0. con ellos ( with them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. su nombre ( their name )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. their name; their names
FC -> jc-72895
2. their name; their names

3. their name; their names

4. their names; their name <poss-to:ca:itl>

<poss-to:ca:itl> FC - > jc-61096
5. su nombre ( their name )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. their name; their names
FC jc-031297
7. their name; their names
FC jc-031297

0. their bowing of their heads
FC jc-031297

0. their fur

1. their fur
FC -> jc-72895
2. their fur

3. their fur

4. their fur
FC jc-031297
5. their fur
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. maize, corn

1. maize, corn
FC -> jc-72895
2. maize, corn

3. maize, corn

4. maize, corn
FC jc-031297
5. maize, corn
FC jc-031297

0. their day, their day-sign; their lot; their fate

1. their day, their day-sign; their lot; their fate

FC -> jc-72895
2. their day, their day-sign; their lot; their fate

3. their day, their day-sign; their lot; their fate

4. their lot, their fate; their day; their day-sign

<poss-to:na-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their lot, their fate; their day; their day-sign
<poss-to:na-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their day, their day-sign; their lot; their fate
FC jc-031297
7. their day, their day-sign; their lot; their fate
FC jc-031297

0. their book of days

1. their book of days

FC -> jc-72895
2. their book of days

3. their book of days

4. their book of days
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. their book of days
FC jc-031297

0. their coffer

1. their coffer
FC -> jc-72895
2. their coffer

3. their coffer

4. their coffer
FC jc-031297
5. their coffer
FC jc-031297

intop inpetlacal
0. their secrets

1. their secrets
FC -> jc-72895
2. their secrets

3. their secrets

4. their secrets
FC jc-031297
5. their secrets
FC jc-031297

0. their lance

1. their lance
FC -> jc-72895
2. their lance

3. their lance

4. their lance <poss-to:pi:lli>

<poss-to:pi:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their lance
FC jc-031297
6. their lance
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. his voice; their voice

1. his voice; their voice

FC -> jc-72895
2. his voice; their voice

3. his voice; their voice

4. his voice; their voice <poss-tozcatl>

<poss-tozcatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his voice; their voice
FC jc-031297
6. his voice; their voice
FC jc-031297

0. entre ellos ( between them )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. among them
FC -> jc-72895
2. among them

3. among them

4. entre ellos ( between them )

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
5. among them
FC jc-031297
6. among them
FC jc-031297

0. between them

1. between them
FC -> jc-72895
2. between them

3. between them

4. between them
FC jc-031297
5. between them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. their nettles

1. their nettles
FC -> jc-72895
2. their nettles

3. their nettles

4. their nettles
FC jc-031297
5. their nettles
FC jc-031297

0. their hair

1. their hair
FC -> jc-72895
2. their hair

3. their hair

4. their hair <poss-tzontli>

<poss-tzontli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their hair
FC jc-031297
6. their hair
FC jc-031297

0. their hair braids

1. their hair braids

FC -> jc-72895
2. their hair braids

3. their hair braids

4. their hair braids

FC jc-031297
5. their hair braids
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. su cabeza ( their head )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. their head; their heads; their hear
FC -> jc-72895
2. their head; their hear; their heads
3. their head; their hear; their heads
4. their head; their hear; their heads <poss-tzontli-tecomatl>
<poss-tzontli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. their head; their hear; their heads <poss-tzontli-tecomatl>
<poss-tzontli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. su cabeza ( their head )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. their head; their heads; their hear
FC jc-031297
8. their head; their heads; their hear
FC jc-031297

0. their rags, their tatters

1. their rags, their tatters

FC -> jc-72895
2. their rags, their tatters

3. their rags, their tatters

4. their rags, their tatters <poss-tzohtzomahtli>

<poss-tzohtzomahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their rags, their tatters
FC jc-031297
6. their rags, their tatters
FC jc-031297

0. their face; their faces

1. their face; their faces

FC -> jc-72895
2. their face; their faces

3. their face; their faces

4. their face; their faces <poss-xa:yacatl>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-xa:yacatl> FC - > jc-61096

5. their face; their faces
FC jc-031297
6. their face; their faces
FC jc-031297

0. in their bosoms

1. in their bosoms
FC -> jc-72895
2. in their bosoms

3. in their bosoms

4. in their bosoms <poss-xilla:ntli>

<poss-xilla:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
5. in their bosoms
FC jc-031297
6. in their bosoms
FC jc-031297

0. in their bosom

1. in their bosom
FC -> jc-72895
2. in their bosom

3. in their bosom

4. in their bosom
FC jc-031297
5. in their bosom
FC jc-031297

0. zaniyo imaamatzon inpopoquetzal conmamantimani ihuan
inxiuhtlanex contlalitimani: only their paper headdresses
with billowing quetzal feathers did they arrange, and they
set their radiating turquoise ornaments in place (b9 f7 p85)
1. zaniyo imaamatzon inpopoquetzal conmamantimani ihuan
inxiuhtlanex contlalitimani: only their paper headdresses
with billowing quetzal feathers did they arrange, and they
set their radiating turquoise ornaments in place (b9 f7 p85)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. zaniyo imaamatzon inpopoquetzal conmamantimani ihuan
inxiuhtlanex contlalitimani: only their paper headdresses
with billowing quetzal feathers did they arrange, and they
set their radiating turquoise ornaments in place (b9 f7 p85)
3. zaniyo imaamatzon inpopoquetzal conmamantimani ihuan
inxiuhtlanex contlalitimani: only their paper headdresses
with billowing quetzal feathers did they arrange, and they
set their radiating turquoise ornaments in place (b9 f7 p85)

0. their gourds

1. their gourds
FC -> jc-72895
2. their gourds

3. their gourds

4. their gourds <poss-dupl-xi:calli>

<poss-dupl-xi:calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. their gourds <poss-dupl-xi:calli>
<poss-dupl-xi:calli> FC - > jc-61096
6. their gourds <poss-dupl-xi:calli>
<poss-dupl-xi:calli> FC - > jc-61096
7. their gourds
FC jc-031297
8. their gourds
FC jc-031297

0. their ankles

1. their ankles
FC -> jc-72895
2. their ankles

3. their ankles

4. their ankles
FC jc-031297
5. their ankles
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. in their nose, in their nostrils

1. in their nose, in their nostrils

FC -> jc-72895
2. in their nose, in their nostrils

3. in their nose, in their nostrils

4. in their nose, in their nostrils <poss-yacatl-co2>

<poss-yacatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in their nose, in their nostrils <poss-yacatl-co2>
<poss-yacatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in their nose, in their nostrils
FC jc-031297
7. in their nose, in their nostrils
FC jc-031297

0. their adversaries, their enemies, their foes

1. their adversaries, their enemies, their foes

FC -> jc-72895
2. their adversaries, their enemies, their foes

3. their adversaries, their enemies, their foes

4. their adversaries, their enemies, their foes

<poss-ya:o:tl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their adversaries, their enemies; their foes
FC jc-031297
6. their adversaries, their enemies; their foes
FC jc-031297

0. their battle dress

1. their battle dress

FC -> jc-72895
2. their battle dress

3. their battle dress

4. their battle dress <poss-ya:o:tl-tlatquitl>

<poss-ya:o:tl-tlatquitl> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. their battle dress <poss-ya:o:tl-tlatquitl>

<poss-ya:o:tl-tlatquitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. their battle dress; their battle gear; their battle
FC jc-031297
7. their battle dress; their battle gear; their battle
FC jc-031297

0. their mode of behavior, their being; their nature

1. their mode of behavior, their being; their nature

FC -> jc-72895
2. their mode of behavior, their being; their nature

3. their nature
4. their mode of behavior, their being; their nature

5. their nature
6. their nature <poss-ca:1b-liz>
<poss-ca:1b-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. their mode of behavior, their being; their nature
FC jc-031297
8. their mode of behavior, their being; their nature
FC jc-031297

0. on their seat
FC jc-031297

0. their heart; their heart[s]; their hearts

1. their heart; their heart[ s ]; their hearts

FC -> jc-72895
2. their heart; their heart[s]; their hearts

3. their heart; their heart[s]; their hearts

4. their heart; their hearts; their heart[s]

<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their heart; their hearts; their heart[s]
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their heart; their heart[ s ]; their hearts
FC jc-031297
7. their heart; their heart[ s ]; their hearts
FC jc-031297

0. from their heart

1. from their heart

FC -> jc-72895
2. from their heart

3. from their heart

4. from their heart

FC jc-031297
5. from their heart
FC jc-031297

0. their straw beds

1. their straw beds

FC -> jc-72895
2. their straw beds

3. their straw beds

4. their straw beds

FC jc-031297
5. their straw beds
FC jc-031297

0. his pulque, his wine

1. his pulque, his wine

FC -> jc-72895
2. his pulque, his wine

3. his pulque, his wine

4. his pulque, his wine

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. his pulque, his wine

FC jc-031297

0. his wine face

1. his wine face

FC -> jc-72895
2. his wine face

3. his wine face

4. his wine face <poss-octli-xa:yacatl>

<poss-octli-xa:yacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his wine face
FC jc-031297
6. his wine face
FC jc-031297

0. su camino ( his road; his path )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. its trail, its path; its road

1. its trail, its path; its road

FC -> jc-72895
2. its trail, its path; its road

3. its trail, its path; its road

4. its trail, its path; its road <poss-ohtli-uh>

<poss-ohtli-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. its trail, its path; its road
FC jc-031297
6. its trail, its path; its road
FC jc-031297

0. his little danger

1. his little danger

FC -> jc-72895
2. his little danger
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. his little danger

4. his little danger

FC jc-031297
5. his little danger
FC jc-031297

0. his bones; its bones

1. his bones; its bones

FC -> jc-72895
2. his bones; its bones

3. his bones; its bones

4. his bones; its bones <poss-omitl-yo:tl1>

<poss-omitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his bones; its bones <poss-omitl-yo:tl1>
<poss-omitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his bones; its bones
FC jc-031297
7. his bones; its bones
FC jc-031297

0. his bones

1. his bones
FC -> jc-72895
2. his bones

3. his bones

4. his bones
FC jc-031297
5. his bones
FC jc-031297

0. her wifely place

1. her wifely place

FC -> jc-72895
2. her wifely place
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. her wifely place

4. her wifely place

FC jc-031297
5. her wifely place
FC jc-031297

0. her bridegroom, her man; her husband

1. her bridegroom, her man; her husband

FC -> jc-72895
2. her bridegroom, her man; her husband

3. her bridegroom, her man; her husband

4. her husband <poss-oquichtli-uh>

<poss-oquichtli-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. her bridegroom, her man; her husband
FC jc-031297
6. her bridegroom, her man; her husband
FC jc-031297

0. her older brothers

1. her older brothers

FC -> jc-72895
2. her older brothers

3. her older brothers

4. her older brothers

FC jc-031297
5. her older brothers
FC jc-031297

0. his trail rations, his means of living on the road
FC jc-031297

0. its mine, its cave

1. its mine, its cave

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. its mine, its cave

3. its mine, its cave

4. its mine, its cave

FC jc-031297
5. its mine, its cave
FC jc-031297

0. his joy, his happiness

1. his joy, his happiness

FC -> jc-72895
2. his joy, his happiness

3. his joy, his happiness

4. his joy, his happiness

FC jc-031297
5. his joy, his happiness
FC jc-031297

0. its life of peace

1. its life of peace

FC -> jc-72895
2. its life of peace

3. its life of peace

4. its life of peace

FC jc-031297
5. its life of peace
FC jc-031297

0. his remedy; his cure; its cure

1. his remedy; his cure; its cure

FC -> jc-72895
2. his remedy; his cure; its cure

3. his remedy; his cure; its cure
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. his remedy, his cure; its cure <poss-pahtli-yo:tl1>

<poss-pahtli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his remedy; his cure; its cure; its remedy
FC jc-031297
6. his remedy; his cure; its cure; its remedy
FC jc-031297

0. by his grace, with his help; thanks to him; through him
1. because of him, with his help; by him; by his grace; thanks
to him; through him
FC -> jc-72895
2. with its help
FC -> jc-72895
3. by his grace, with his help; thanks to him; through him
4. by his grace, with his help; thanks to him; through him
5. by his grace, with his help; thanks to him; through him
<poss-pal> FC - > jc-61096
6. because of him, with his help; by him; by his grace; thanks
to him; through him
FC jc-031297
7. with its help
FC jc-031297
8. because of him, with his help; by him; by his grace; thanks
to him; through him
FC jc-031297
9. with its help
FC jc-031297

0. its rottenness

1. its rottenness
FC -> jc-72895
2. its rottenness

3. its rottenness

4. its rottenness
FC jc-031297
5. its rottenness
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. the Giver-of-Life

0. by his grace

1. by his grace
FC -> jc-72895
2. by his grace

3. by his grace

4. by his grace <poss-pal-tzin-co1>

<poss-pal-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. by his grace <poss-pal-tzin-co1>
<poss-pal-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. by his grace <poss-pal-tzin-co1>
<poss-pal-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. by his grace; through him; by his grace [ h ]
FC jc-031297
8. by his grace; through him; by his grace [ h ]
FC jc-031297

0. por e'l; por eso ( because of it; therefore )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. porque; por e'l ( because of it; therefore )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. because; because of him; on his account; because of it; by
reason of it; by this reason; devoted to it; for; for it;
for that reason; for this reason; in order to; since;
therefore; wherefore; because of this; because of; for the
sake of; its reason; for the reason; for the sake of him;
for this because; hence; in connection with; in order that
FC -> jc-72895
3. on account of it; on behalf of him; on this account;
because of this; so; therefore; thus; wherefore
FC -> jc-72895
4. because; because of him; on his account; because of it; by
reason of it; by this reason; devoted to it; for; for it;
for that reason; for this reason; in order to; since;
therefore; wherefore; because of this; because of; for the
sake of; its reason; for
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. because; because of him; on his account; because of it; by

reason of it; by this reason; devoted to it; for; for it;
for that reason; for this reason; in order to; since;
therefore; wherefore; because of this; because of; for the
sake of; its reason; for

6. because, for; its reason; because of it; since; in

connection with; therefore; wherefore <poss-pampa>
<poss-pampa> FC - > jc-61096
7. por e'l; por eso ( because of it; therefore )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
8. porque; por e'l ( because of it; therefore )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
9. because; because of him; on his account; because of it; by
reason of it; by this reason; devoted to it; for; for it;
for that reason; for this reason; in order to; since;
therefore; wherefore; because of this; because of; for the
sake of; its reason; for the reason; for the sake of him;
for this because; hence; in connection with; in order that
FC jc-031297
10. on account of it; on behalf of him; on this account;
because of this; so; therefore; thus; wherefore
FC jc-031297
11. because; because of him; on his account; because of it; by
reason of it; by this reason; devoted to it; for; for it;
for that reason; for this reason; in order to; since;
therefore; wherefore; because of this; because of; for the
sake of; its reason; for the reason; for the sake of him;
for this because; hence; in connection with; in order that
FC jc-031297
12. on account of it; on behalf of him; on this account;
because of this; so; therefore; thus; wherefore
FC jc-031297

0. because of it; therefore

1. because of it; therefore

FC -> jc-72895
2. because of it; therefore

3. because of it; therefore

4. because of it; therefore <poss-pampa-;

<poss-pampa- -> FC - > jc-61096
5. therefore <poss-pampa-in>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-pampa-in> FC - > jc-61096

6. because of it; therefore
FC jc-031297
7. because of it; therefore
FC jc-031297

0. en e'l ( in it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. en e'l ( in it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. en e'l ( in it; on it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. en e'l; en ella ( in it; on it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
4. en e'l ( in it; on it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
5. en e'l ( on him )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. en e'l; encima de e'l ( on him; on it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. en e'l ( on him; on it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
8. en e'l ( on it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. sobre e'l ( on it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. en e'l; sobre e'l ( on it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
11. en e'l ( on it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
12. in it; on it
FC -> jc-72895
13. of him, about him; on her; on him; upon him; on it; in it
FC -> jc-72895
14. she looks; with it; on it
FC -> jc-72895
15. of him, about him; on her; on him; upon him; on it; in it

16. of him, about him; on her; on him; upon him; on it; in it

17. in it <poss-pan>
<poss-pan> FC - > jc-61096
18. en e'l ( in it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
19. en e'l ( in it )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

20. en e'l ( in it; on it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
21. en e'l; en ella ( in it; on it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
22. en e'l ( in it; on it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
23. en e'l ( on him )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
24. en e'l; encima de e'l ( on him; on it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
25. en e'l ( on him; on it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
26. en e'l ( on it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
27. sobre e'l ( on it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
28. en e'l; sobre e'l ( on it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
29. en e'l ( on it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
30. in it; on it
FC jc-031297
31. of him, about him; on her; on him; upon him; on it; in it;
into it; over it
FC jc-031297
32. she looks; with it; on it
FC jc-031297
33. in it; on it
FC jc-031297
34. of him, about him; on her; on him; upon him; on it; in it;
into it; over it
FC jc-031297
35. she looks; with it; on it
FC jc-031297

ipan mixeuh
0. he represented him

1. he represented him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he represented him
FC -> jc-72895
3. he represented him

4. he represented him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he represented him
FC jc-031297
6. he represented him
FC jc-031297

ipan moquixti
0. he appeared in the form of him; he took the form of him

1. he appeared in the form of him; he took the form of him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he appeared in the form of him; he took the form of him
FC -> jc-72895
3. he appeared in the form of him; he took the form of him

4. he appeared in the form of him; he took the form of him

5. he appeared in the form of him; he took the form of him

<poss-pan p54-qui:za-caus02-prt1>
<poss-pan p54-qui:za-caus02-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he appeared in the form of him; he took the form of him
<poss-pan p54-qui:za-caus02-prt1>
<poss-pan p54-qui:za-caus02-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he appeared in the form of him; he took the form of him
FC jc-031297
8. he appeared in the form of him; he took the form of him
FC jc-031297

ipan moquixtiaya
0. he turns himself into it

1. he turns himself into it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he turns himself into it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he turns himself into it

4. he turns himself into it

5. he turns himself into it <poss-pan p54-qui:za-caus02-ya3>

<poss-pan p54-qui:za-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he turns himself into it <poss-pan p54-qui:za-caus02-ya3>
<poss-pan p54-qui:za-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he turns himself into it <poss-pan p54-qui:za-caus02-ya3>
<poss-pan p54-qui:za-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he turns himself into it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
9. he turns himself into it
FC jc-031297

ipan oquizque
0. they contended with him; they set upon him

1. they contended with him; they set upon him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they contended with him; they set upon him

3. they contended with him; they set upon him

4. they contended with him; they set upon him

FC jc-031297
5. they contended with him; they set upon him
FC jc-031297

ipan quiza
0. he comes upon it
FC jc-031297

ipan tlatoa
0. he pleads his cause

1. he pleads his cause

FC -> jc-72895
2. he pleads his cause
FC -> jc-72895
3. he pleads his cause

4. he pleads his cause

5. he pleads his cause <poss-pan p51-ihtoa:>

<poss-pan p51-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he pleads his cause <poss-pan p51-ihtoa:>
<poss-pan p51-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
7. he pleads his cause
FC jc-031297
8. he pleads his cause
FC jc-031297

ipan tlatoaya
0. they sponsored him

1. they sponsored him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they sponsored him
FC -> jc-72895
3. they sponsored him

4. they sponsored him

5. they sponsored him <poss-pan p51-ihtoa:-ya3>

<poss-pan p51-ihtoa:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they sponsored him <poss-pan p51-ihtoa:-ya3>
<poss-pan p51-ihtoa:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they sponsored him <poss-pan p51-ihtoa:-ya3>
<poss-pan p51-ihtoa:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they sponsored him
FC jc-031297
9. they sponsored him
FC jc-031297

0. thick all over

1. thick all over

FC -> jc-72895
2. thick all over

3. thick all over

4. thick all over

FC jc-031297
5. thick all over
FC jc-031297

0. because; because of it; its reason; on account of it; for
it; therefore; hence

1. because; because of it; its reason; on account of it; for

it; therefore; hence
FC -> jc-72895
2. because; because of it; its reason; on account of it; for
it; therefore; hence

3. because; because of it; its reason; on account of it; for

it; therefore; hence

4. because; because of it; its reason; on account of it; for
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it; therefore; hence

FC jc-031297
5. because; because of it; its reason; on account of it; for
it; therefore; hence
FC jc-031297

0. because of it; for that reason; thus

1. because of it; for that reason; thus

FC -> jc-72895
2. because of it; for that reason; thus

3. because of it; for that reason; thus

4. for that reason, thus <poss-pampa-;

<poss-pampa- -> FC - > jc-61096
5. because of it; for that reason; thus
FC jc-031297
6. because of it; for that reason; thus
FC jc-031297

0. its cure, its remedy

1. its cure, its remedy

FC -> jc-72895
2. its cure, its remedy

3. its cure, its remedy

4. its cure, its remedy

FC jc-031297
5. its cure, its remedy
FC jc-031297

0. su valor ( his value )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. su precio ( its price )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. his price; its price
FC -> jc-72895
3. his price; its price

4. his price; its price
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. his price; its price <poss-patiuhtli>

<poss-patiuhtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. su valor ( his value )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. su precio ( its price )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
8. his price; its price; its value; its worth
FC jc-031297
9. his price; its price; its value; its worth
FC jc-031297

0. its cure; its remedy; its treatment

1. its cure; its remedy; its treatment

FC -> jc-72895
2. its cure; its remedy; its treatment

3. its cure; its remedy; its treatment

4. its cure; its remedy; its treatment <poss-pahtli-yo:tl1>

<poss-pahtli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its remedy, its cure; its treatment <poss-pahtli-yo:tl1>
<poss-pahtli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its cure; its remedy; its treatment
FC jc-031297
7. its cure; its remedy; its treatment
FC jc-031297

0. his origin

1. his origin
FC -> jc-72895
2. his origin

3. his origin

4. his origin <poss-pehua- -liz>

<poss-pehua- -liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. his origin
FC jc-031297
6. his origin
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. its basis, its foundation; its bed
FC jc-031297

0. his reed mat

1. his reed mat

FC -> jc-72895
2. his reed mat

3. his reed mat

4. his mat; his reed mat

FC jc-031297
5. his mat; his reed mat
FC jc-031297

0. his reed chest

1. his reed chest

FC -> jc-72895
2. his reed chest

3. his reed chest

4. his reed chest <poss-petlatl-calli-tzin>

<poss-petlatl-calli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. his reed chest <poss-petlatl-calli-tzin>
<poss-petlatl-calli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. his reed chest
FC jc-031297
7. his reed chest
FC jc-031297

0. on his reed mat

1. on his reed mat

FC -> jc-72895
2. on his reed mat

3. on his reed mat

4. on his reed mat
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. on his reed mat
FC jc-031297

ipetlapan icpalpan
0. in his realm

1. in his realm
FC -> jc-72895
2. in his realm

3. in his realm

4. in his realm
FC jc-031297
5. in his realm
FC jc-031297

0. his reed mat

1. his reed mat

FC -> jc-72895
2. his reed mat

3. his reed mat

4. his reed mat

FC jc-031297
5. his reed mat
FC jc-031297

0. her charge, her care

1. her charge, her care

FC -> jc-72895
2. her charge, her care

3. her charge, her care

4. her charge, her care <poss-piya-l1>

<poss-piya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. her charge, her care <poss-piya-l1>
<poss-piya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. her charge, her care
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. her charge, her care
FC jc-031297

0. the keeping of it

1. the keeping of it
FC -> jc-72895
2. the keeping of it

3. the keeping of it

4. the keeping of it
FC jc-031297
5. the keeping of it
FC jc-031297

0. its channel

1. its channel
FC -> jc-72895
2. its channel

3. its channel

4. its channel <poss-piya:ztli-yo:tl1>

<poss-piya:ztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its channel <poss-piya:ztli-yo:tl1>
<poss-piya:ztli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its channel
FC jc-031297
7. its channel
FC jc-031297

0. his charge

1. his charge
FC -> jc-72895
2. his charge

3. his charge

4. his charge <poss-piya-l1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-piya-l1> FC - > jc-61096

5. his charge <poss-piya-l1>
<poss-piya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his charge
FC jc-031297
7. his charge
FC jc-031297

0. her older sisters

1. her older sisters

FC -> jc-72895
2. her older sisters

3. her older sisters

4. her older sisters <poss-pihtli-plur04>

<poss-pihtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. her older sisters
FC jc-031297
6. her older sisters
FC jc-031297

0. his princely home
FC jc-031297

0. her poults, her young; his children; his noblemen; his
sons; its young

1. her poults, her young; his children; his noblemen; his

sons; its young
FC -> jc-72895
2. her poults, her young; his children; his noblemen; his
sons; its young

3. her poults, her young; his children; his noblemen; his

sons; its young

4. her poults, her young; his children; his noblemen; his

sons; its young <poss-pilli-plur04>
<poss-pilli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. her poults, her young; his children; his noblemen; his
sons; its young
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. her poults, her young; his children; his noblemen; his
sons; its young
FC jc-031297

0. his princely name
FC jc-031297

0. his child; his dear son; his son

1. his child; his dear son; his son

FC -> jc-72895
2. his child; his dear son; his son

3. his child; his dear son; his son

4. his child; his son <poss-pilli-tzin>

<poss-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. his child; his son <poss-pilli-tzin>
<poss-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. his child; his dear son; his son
FC jc-031297
7. his child; his dear son; his son
FC jc-031297

0. his shame

1. his shame
FC -> jc-72895
2. his shame

3. his shame

4. his shame <poss-pi:na:hua-liz>

<poss-pi:na:hua-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. his shame
FC jc-031297
6. his shame
FC jc-031297

0. its vapor
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. its vapor
FC -> jc-72895
2. its vapor

3. its vapor

4. its vapor
FC jc-031297
5. its vapor
FC jc-031297

0. its smoke
FC jc-031297

0. his destruction

1. his destruction
FC -> jc-72895
2. his destruction

3. his destruction

4. his destruction
FC jc-031297
5. his destruction
FC jc-031297

0. his ruin

1. his ruin
FC -> jc-72895
2. his ruin

3. his ruin

4. his ruin
FC jc-031297
5. his ruin
FC jc-031297

0. his foam sandals
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. its foam

1. its foam
FC -> jc-72895
2. its foam

3. its foam

4. its foam
FC jc-031297
5. its foam
FC jc-031297

0. his neck; its neck

1. his neck; its neck

FC -> jc-72895
2. his neck; its neck

3. his neck; its neck

4. his neck; its neck <poss-quechtli>

<poss-quechtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his neck; its neck
FC jc-031297
6. his neck; its neck
FC jc-031297

0. on its shoulder, from its shoulder

1. on its shoulder, from its shoulder

FC -> jc-72895
2. on its shoulder, from its shoulder

3. on its shoulder, from its shoulder

4. on its shoulder, from its shoulder <poss-quechtli-pan>

<poss-quechtli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. on its shoulder, from its shoulder
FC jc-031297
6. on its shoulder, from its shoulder
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. from its neck; in his throat; on his neck; to his neck; on
his shoulders; on its neck; about its throat; to its neck;
on its shoulder

1. from its neck; in his throat; on his neck; to his neck; on

his shoulders; on its neck; about its throat; to its neck;
on its shoulder
FC -> jc-72895
2. from its neck; in his throat; on his neck; to his neck; on
his shoulders; on its neck; about its throat; to its neck;
on its shoulder

3. from its neck; in his throat; on his neck; to his neck; on

his shoulders; on its neck; about its throat; to its neck;
on its shoulder

4. from its neck; in his throat; on his shoulders; on his

neck; to his neck; on its neck; about its throat; on its
shoulder; to its neck <poss-quechtli-tlan>
<poss-quechtli-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
5. from its neck; in his throat; on his shoulders; on his
neck; to his neck; on its neck; about its throat; on its
shoulder; to its neck <poss-quechtli-tlan>
<poss-quechtli-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
6. from its neck; in his throat; on his neck; to his neck; on
his shoulders; on its neck; about its throat; to its neck;
on its shoulder
FC jc-031297
7. from its neck; in his throat; on his neck; to his neck; on
his shoulders; on its neck; about its throat; to its neck;
on its shoulder
FC jc-031297

0. asi' ( thus )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

iquiliaya ( om- )
0. llevaba [ H ] ( he carried [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. its foliage; its leaves; its shoots; its stalk; its stalks
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. its foliage; its leaves; its shoots; its stalk; its stalks
FC -> jc-72895
2. its foliage; its leaves; its shoots; its stalk; its stalks

3. its foliage; its leaves; its shoots; its stalk; its stalks

4. its foliage; its leaves; its shoots; its stalk; its stalks
<poss-quilitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its foliage; its shoots; its stalk; its stalks
<poss-quilitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its foliage; its leaves; its stalk; its stalks
FC jc-031297
7. its foliage; its leaves; its stalk; its stalks
FC jc-031297

0. when

1. when
FC -> jc-72895
2. when

3. when

4. when <i:c2-in>
<i:c2-in> FC - > jc-61096
5. when
FC jc-031297
6. when
FC jc-031297

0. its stem

1. its stem
FC -> jc-72895
2. its stem

3. its stem

4. its stem <poss-quiyotl-yo:tl1>

<poss-quiyotl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its stem <poss-quiyotl-yo:tl1>
<poss-quiyotl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. its stem
FC jc-031297
7. its stem
FC jc-031297

0. its place of egress, it place of going out

1. its place of egress, it place of going out

FC -> jc-72895
2. its place of egress, it place of going out

3. its place of egress, it place of going out

4. its place of egress, it place of going out

<poss-qui:za-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. its place of egress, it place of going out
FC jc-031297
6. its place of egress, it place of going out
FC jc-031297

0. its place of egress, its leaving place

1. its place of egress, its leaving place

FC -> jc-72895
2. its place of egress, its leaving place

3. its place of egress, its leaving place

4. its place of egress, its leaving place

FC jc-031297
5. its place of egress, its leaving place
FC jc-031297

0. in the east, its rising place [ ie, sun ]
FC jc-031297

0. her father; his father; its father
1. her father; his father
FC -> jc-72895
2. its father
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
3. her father; his father; its father
4. her father; his father; its father
5. her father; his father; its father <poss-tahtli>
<poss-tahtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. her father; his father
FC jc-031297
7. its father
FC jc-031297
8. her father; his father
FC jc-031297
9. its father
FC jc-031297

0. a ticmopaccaihiyohuiltiz in ticmocualtiz in
itacacuahuaccatzintli, in totopochtzintli, in izquitzintli:
thou art to suffer patiently when thou art to eat the
dried provisions, the toasted tortillas, the parched maize
(b6 f11 p133)

0. bundle, itacate, carried-lunch
1. comida; itacate ( food; provisions for the road )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. su comida; su itacate ( her food )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. food for the road

4. bundle, itacate, carried-lunch

5. food for the road

6. food for the road

FC - > jc-61096
7. comida; itacate ( food; provisions for the road )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
8. su comida; su itacate ( her food )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
9. travel ration, food for the road
FC jc-031297
10. travel ration, food for the road
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. its fathers

1. its fathers
FC -> jc-72895
2. its fathers

3. its fathers

4. its fathers <poss-tahtli-plur04>

<poss-tahtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. its fathers
FC jc-031297
6. its fathers
FC jc-031297

0. her fathers; his elders; his parents

1. her fathers; his elders; his parents

FC -> jc-72895
2. her fathers; his elders; his parents

3. her fathers; his elders; his parents

4. her fathers; his elders; his parents <poss-tahtli-plur04>

<poss-tahtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. her fathers; his elders; his parents
FC jc-031297
6. her fathers; his elders; his parents
FC jc-031297

0. her basket

1. her basket
FC -> jc-72895
2. her basket

3. her basket

4. her basket <poss-ta:nahtli>

<poss-ta:nahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. her basket
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. her basket
FC jc-031297

0. his house of seashells

1. his house of seashells

FC -> jc-72895
2. his house of seashells

3. his house of seashells

4. his house of seashells <poss-tapachtli-calli>

<poss-tapachtli-calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his house of seashells
FC jc-031297
6. his house of seashells
FC jc-031297

0. its shell; its sherd

1. its shell; its sherd

FC -> jc-72895
2. its shell; its sherd

3. its shell; its sherd

4. its shell; its sherd <poss-tapalcatl-yo:tl1>

<poss-tapalcatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its shell; its sherd
FC jc-031297
6. its shell; its sherd
FC jc-031297

0. its nest

1. its nest
FC -> jc-72895
2. its nest

3. its nest

4. its nest <poss-tapahzolli>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-tapahzolli> FC - > jc-61096

5. its nest
FC jc-031297
6. its nest
FC jc-031297

0. his rags, his tatters

1. his rags, his tatters

FC -> jc-72895
2. his rags, his tatters

3. his rags, his tatters

4. his rags, his tatters

FC jc-031297
5. his rags, his tatters
FC jc-031297

0. her father; his beloved father; his father

1. her father; his beloved father; his father

FC -> jc-72895
2. her father; his beloved father; his father

3. her father; his beloved father; his father

4. her father; his beloved father; his father

<poss-tahtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. her father; his beloved father; his father
FC jc-031297
6. her father; his beloved father; his father
FC jc-031297

0. it will be carried
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it will be carried
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it will be carried
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it will be carried
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it will be carried
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it will be carried
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it will be carried
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. sobre e'l ( about him )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. en e'l; sobre e'l ( at it; on it; in it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. en e'l ( at it; on it; in it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. junto a ( next to )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
4. junto a e'l ( next to it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
5. from it; with it; in it; into it; on him; on it
FC -> jc-72895
6. to him; to it; up to it; with him
FC -> jc-72895
7. from it; with it; in it; into it; on him; on it

8. from it; with it; in it; into it; on him; on it

9. sobre e'l ( about him )

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
10. en e'l; sobre e'l ( at it; on it; in it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
11. en e'l ( at it; on it; in it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
12. junto a ( next to )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
13. junto a e'l ( next to it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
14. around it, in contact with it; from it; adjacent to it;
with it; in it; into it
FC jc-031297
15. on him; on it
FC jc-031297
16. to her; to him; to it; up to it; with him
FC jc-031297
17. around it, in contact with it; from it; adjacent to it;
with it; in it; into it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

18. on him; on it
FC jc-031297
19. to her; to him; to it; up to it; with him
FC jc-031297

itech aci
0. he lies with her
FC jc-031297

itech onaci
0. he lays hold of it

1. he lays hold of it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he lays hold of it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he lays hold of it

4. he lays hold of it

5. he lays hold of it <poss-tech1 o:n-ahci>

<poss-tech1 o:n-ahci> FC - > jc-61096
6. he lays hold of it
FC jc-031297
7. he lays hold of it
FC jc-031297

itech oquiz
0. it affected him

1. it affected him
FC -> jc-72895
2. it affected him

3. it affected him

4. it affected him
FC jc-031297
5. it affected him
FC jc-031297

itech quiza
0. it derives from it
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his governor
FC jc-031297

0. sobre e'l ( about it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. about him; about it
FC -> jc-72895
2. about him; about it

3. about him; about it

4. about him; about it <poss-tech1-pa1>

<poss-tech1-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
5. sobre e'l ( about it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. about him; about it
FC jc-031297
7. about him; about it
FC jc-031297

0. su amo; su duen~o ( his master )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. his lordly name
FC jc-031297

0. his flint knife

1. his flint knife

FC -> jc-72895
2. his flint knife

3. his flint knife

4. his flint knife <poss-tecpatl-yo:tl1>

<poss-tecpatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his flint knife <poss-tecpatl-yo:tl1>
<poss-tecpatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his flint knife
FC jc-031297
7. his flint knife
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. its mouth, its means of devouring people
FC jc-031297

0. his lords
FC jc-031297

0. his golden shell earplugs
FC jc-031297

0. its eggs

1. its eggs
FC -> jc-72895
2. its eggs

3. its eggs

4. its eggs <poss-tetl1-plur04>

<poss-tetl1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. its eggs
FC jc-031297
6. its eggs
FC jc-031297

0. his companion

1. his companion
FC -> jc-72895
2. his companion

3. his companion

4. his companion
FC jc-031297
5. his companion
FC jc-031297

0. his younger brothers
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his younger brothers

FC -> jc-72895
2. his younger brothers

3. his younger brothers

4. his younger brothers

FC jc-031297
5. his younger brothers
FC jc-031297

0. his younger brother

1. his younger brother

FC -> jc-72895
2. his younger brother

3. his younger brother

4. his younger brother

FC jc-031297
5. his younger brother
FC jc-031297

0. his youth

1. his youth
FC -> jc-72895
2. his youth

3. his youth

4. his youth <poss-te:lpo:chtli>

<poss-te:lpo:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his youth
FC jc-031297
6. his youth
FC jc-031297

0. su conferencia ( his lecture )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his act of saving someone

-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. his act of saving someone
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. his act of saving someone
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. his act of saving someone
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his executioners
FC jc-031297

0. her descent
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. her descent
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. her descent
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. her descent
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his way of coming down, his path of coming down

1. his way of coming down, his path of coming down

FC -> jc-72895
2. his way of coming down, his path of coming down

3. his way of coming down, his path of coming down

4. his way of coming down, his path of coming down

FC jc-031297
5. his way of coming down, his path of coming down
FC jc-031297

0. his lip pendant

1. his lip pendant

FC -> jc-72895
2. his lip pendant

3. his lip pendant
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. his lip pendant

FC jc-031297
5. his lip pendant
FC jc-031297

0. his lips

1. his lips
FC -> jc-72895
2. it bill; its bill; beak; its beak; its edge; its border;
its edges; its lips; its muzzle
FC -> jc-72895
3. his lips

4. it bill; its bill; beak; its beak; its edge; its border;
its edges; its lips; its muzzle

5. his lips; its bill; its beak; beak; its edge; its edges;
its lips; its muzzle
6. his lips

7. it bill; its bill; beak; its beak; its edge; its border;
its edges; its lips; its muzzle

8. his lips; its bill; its beak; beak; its edge; its edges;
its lips; its muzzle
9. his lips; its bill; its beak; beak; its edge; its edges;
its lips; its muzzle <poss-te:ntli>
<poss-te:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
10. his lips
FC jc-031297
11. it bill; its bill; beak; its beak; its edge; its border;
its edges; its lips; its muzzle
FC jc-031297
12. his lips
FC jc-031297
13. it bill; its bill; beak; its beak; its edge; its border;
its edges; its lips; its muzzle
FC jc-031297

0. a la orilla de e'l ( on the edge of it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. at its edge; on his lips; on the edge

FC -> jc-72895
2. at its edge; on his lips; on the edge

3. at its edge; on his lips; on the edge

4. at its edge; on his lips; on the edge <poss-te:ntli-co1>

<poss-te:ntli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. at its edge; on his lips; on the edge <poss-te:ntli-co1>
<poss-te:ntli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. a la orilla de e'l ( on the edge of it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. at its edge; in his lip; on her lips; on his lips; on its
edge; on its border; on its rim
FC jc-031297
8. at its edge; in his lip; on her lips; on his lips; on its
edge; on its border; on its rim
FC jc-031297

0. his lie; his venom; its poison

1. his lie; his venom; its poison

FC -> jc-72895
2. his lie; his venom; its poison

3. his venom; its poison

4. his lie; his venom; its poison

5. his venom; its poison

6. his venom; its poison <poss-te:ntli-cualactli>
<poss-te:ntli-cualactli> FC - > jc-61096
7. his venom; its poison <poss-te:ntli-cualactli>
<poss-te:ntli-cualactli> FC - > jc-61096
8. his lie; his venom; its poison
FC jc-031297
9. his lie; his venom; its poison
FC jc-031297

0. its lips

1. its lips
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. its lips

3. its lips

4. its lips <poss-te:ntli-plur04>

<poss-te:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. its lips
FC jc-031297
6. its lips
FC jc-031297

0. its pointed bill

1. its pointed bill

FC -> jc-72895
2. its pointed bill

3. its pointed bill

4. its pointed bill <poss-te:ntli-huitztli>

<poss-te:ntli-huitztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. its pointed bill
FC jc-031297
6. its pointed bill
FC jc-031297

0. its warning
FC jc-031297

0. at its edge

1. at its edge
FC -> jc-72895
2. at its edge

3. at its edge

4. at its edge
FC jc-031297
5. at its edge
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. its wide bill

1. its wide bill

FC -> jc-72895
2. its wide bill

3. its wide bill

4. its wide bill <poss-te:ntli-patla:hua-l2>

<poss-te:ntli-patla:hua-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. its wide bill <poss-te:ntli-patla:hua-l2>
<poss-te:ntli-patla:hua-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. its wide bill
FC jc-031297
7. its wide bill
FC jc-031297

0. its gnawed leavings

1. its gnawed leavings

FC -> jc-72895
2. its gnawed leavings

3. its gnawed leavings

4. its gnawed leavings

FC jc-031297
5. its gnawed leavings
FC jc-031297

0. his lip
FC jc-031297

0. his beard

1. his beard
FC -> jc-72895
2. his beard

3. his beard

4. his beard <poss-te:ntli-tzontli>

<poss-te:ntli-tzontli> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. his beard <poss-te:ntli-tzontli>

<poss-te:ntli-tzontli> FC - > jc-61096
6. his beard
FC jc-031297
7. his beard
FC jc-031297

0. his lip

1. his lip
FC -> jc-72895
2. his lip

3. his lip

4. his lip
FC jc-031297
5. his lip
FC jc-031297

0. his temple

1. his temple
FC -> jc-72895
2. his temple

3. his temple

4. his temple <poss-teo:tl-calli>

<poss-teo:tl-calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his temple
FC jc-031297
6. his temple
FC jc-031297

0. his golden house; his house of gold

1. his golden house; his house of gold

FC -> jc-72895
2. his golden house; his house of gold

3. his golden house; his house of gold
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. his golden house; his house of gold

<poss-teo:tl-cuitlatl-calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his golden house; his house of gold
<poss-teo:tl-cuitlatl-calli> FC - > jc-61096
6. his golden house; his house of gold
<poss-teo:tl-cuitlatl-calli> FC - > jc-61096
7. his golden house; his house of gold
FC jc-031297
8. his golden house; his house of gold
FC jc-031297

0. her golden ear plug
FC jc-031297

0. its golden banner

1. its golden banner

FC -> jc-72895
2. its golden banner

3. its golden banner

4. its golden banner

FC jc-031297
5. its golden banner
FC jc-031297

0. her golden butterfly nose pendant
FC jc-031297

0. his gods
FC jc-031297

0. his divine command
FC jc-031297

0. her temple; his temple
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. her temple; his temple

FC -> jc-72895
2. her temple; his temple

3. her temple; his temple

4. her temple; his temple <poss-teo:tl-pan>

<poss-teo:tl-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. her temple; his temple <poss-teo:tl-pan>
<poss-teo:tl-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. her temple; his temple
FC jc-031297
7. her temple; his temple
FC jc-031297

0. ca amo monequi opa motenehuaz, in iteotocatzin, in ipan
huei, in ipan in cenca monequi: it is not required that his
holy name be called upon twice, for the reason that it is
great; it is greatly required (b1 f3 p60)

0. his god

1. his god
FC -> jc-72895
2. his god

3. his god

4. his god <poss-teo:tl-uh>

<poss-teo:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. his god
FC jc-031297
6. his god
FC jc-031297

0. his reed box
FC jc-031297

0. his hill, his mountain
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his hill, his mountain

FC -> jc-72895
2. his hill, his mountain

3. his hill, his mountain

4. his hill, his mountain

FC jc-031297
5. his hill, his mountain
FC jc-031297

0. his guardian

1. his guardian
FC -> jc-72895
2. his guardian

3. his guardian

4. his guardian
FC jc-031297
5. his guardian
FC jc-031297

0. his time to destroy people

1. his time to destroy people

FC -> jc-72895
2. his time to destroy people

3. his time to destroy people

4. his time to destroy people

FC jc-031297
5. his time to destroy people
FC jc-031297

0. his iron sword

1. his iron sword

FC -> jc-72895
2. his iron sword
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. his iron sword

4. his iron sword <poss-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl>

<poss-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his iron sword <poss-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl>
<poss-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. his iron sword <poss-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl>
<poss-tepoztli-ma:itl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. his iron sword
FC jc-031297
8. his iron sword
FC jc-031297

0. su hacha ( his ax )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

itepoztlatetectli ( n- )
0. su hacha ( his ax )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. his act of beheading someone
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. his act of beheading someone
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. his act of beheading someone
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. his act of beheading someone
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his office, his function

1. his office, his function

FC -> jc-72895
2. his office, his function

3. his office, his function

4. his office, his function

FC jc-031297
5. his office, his function
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his responsibility, his task

FC jc-031297

0. her duty; her fate; her task; her works; his charge; his
function; his responsibility; his destiny; his domain; his
task; his mission; his work; his office; function; his
duty; his works; its function; its labor; its work; its
task; their acts; their func

1. her duty; her fate; her task; her works; his charge; his
function; his responsibility; his destiny; his domain; his
task; his mission; his work; his office; function; his
duty; his works; its function; its labor; its work; its
task; their acts; their function; their office; their task;
their work
FC -> jc-72895
2. her duty; her fate; her task; her works; his charge; his
function; his responsibility; his destiny; his domain; his
task; his mission; his work; his office; function; his
duty; his works; its function; its labor; its work; its
task; their acts; their func

3. her duty; her fate; her task; her works; his charge; his
function; his responsibility; his destiny; his domain; his
task; his mission; his work; his office; function; his
duty; his works; its function; its labor; its work; its
task; their acts; their func

4. her duty; her fate; her task; her works; his charge; his
function; his responsibility; his domain; his task; his
destiny; his mission; his work; his office; his duty;
function; his works; its function; its labor; its work; its
task; their office; their task; their work; their acts;
their function <poss-tequitl-uh>
<poss-tequitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. his charge, his function; his responsibility; his office;
its labor; its work <poss-tequitl-uh>
<poss-tequitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. her duty; her fate; her task; her works; his charge; his
function; his responsibility; his destiny; his domain; his
task; his mission; his work; his office; function; his
duty; his works; its function; its labor; its work; its
task; their acts; their function; their office; their task;
their work
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. her duty; her fate; her task; her works; his charge; his
function; his responsibility; his destiny; his domain; his
task; his mission; his work; his office; function; his
duty; his works; its function; its labor; its work; its
task; their acts; their function; their office; their task;
their work
FC jc-031297

0. his mercy, his sorrow for someone
FC jc-031297

0. his omen, his evil omen, his portent
FC -> jc-72895
1. his omen, his evil omen, his portent <poss-te:tza:huitl>
<poss-te:tza:huitl> FC - > jc-61096
2. his omen, his evil omen, his portent
FC jc-031297
3. his omen, his evil omen, his portent
FC jc-031297

0. his stone; his rock; its egg; its eggs

1. his stone; his rock; its egg; its eggs

FC -> jc-72895
2. his stone; his rock; its egg; its eggs

3. his stone; his rock; its egg; its eggs

4. his stone, his rock; its eggs; its egg <poss-tetl1-uh>

<poss-tetl1-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. his stone; its eggs; its egg <poss-tetl1-uh>
<poss-tetl1-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. his stone; his rock; its egg; its eggs
FC jc-031297
7. his stone; his rock; its egg; its eggs
FC jc-031297

0. his slender lip pendant

1. his slender lip pendant

FC -> jc-72895
2. his slender lip pendant
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. his slender lip pendant

4. his slender lip pendant

FC jc-031297
5. his slender lip pendant
FC jc-031297

0. his lip pendant

1. his lip pendant

FC -> jc-72895
2. his lip pendant

3. his lip pendant

4. his lip pendant

FC jc-031297
5. his lip pendant
FC jc-031297

0. see
1. (cf itta{1}, itta{2}) see
2. (cf itta{1}, itta{2}) see

0. the courtyard it prepared
FC jc-031297

0. courtyard; in the courtyard

1. courtyard; in the courtyard

FC -> jc-72895
2. courtyard; in the courtyard

3. courtyard; in the courtyard

4. courtyard; in the courtyard <ithualli-co1>

<ithualli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. courtyard; in the courtyard <ithualli-co1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ithualli-co1> FC - > jc-61096

6. courtyard; in the courtyard
FC jc-031297
7. courtyard; in the courtyard
FC jc-031297

0. courtyard
FC jc-031297

0. in the middle of the courtyard

1. in the middle of the courtyard

FC -> jc-72895
2. in the middle of the courtyard

3. in the middle of the courtyard

4. in the middle of the courtyard <ithualli-nepan-tlah2>

<ithualli-nepan-tlah2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in the middle of the courtyard <ithualli-nepan-tlah2>
<ithualli-nepan-tlah2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in the middle of the courtyard <ithualli-nepan-tlah2>
<ithualli-nepan-tlah2> FC - > jc-61096
7. in the middle of the courtyard <ithualli-nepan-tlah2>
<ithualli-nepan-tlah2> FC - > jc-61096
8. in the middle of the courtyard
FC jc-031297
9. in the middle of the courtyard
FC jc-031297

0. his older brother

1. his older brother

FC -> jc-72895
2. his older brother

3. his older brother

4. his older brother

FC jc-031297
5. his older brother
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. her wares

1. her wares
FC -> jc-72895
2. her wares

3. her wares

4. her wares
FC jc-031297
5. her wares
FC jc-031297

0. her market place

1. her market place

FC -> jc-72895
2. her market place

3. her market place

4. her market place

FC jc-031297
5. her market place
FC jc-031297

itiaya ( om- )
0. tomaba [ H ] ( he drank [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. in him, inside him; within him; in it; inside it; in the
midst of it; in midst of it; within it; during it; among
it; into it; inside her; in her womb; its womb; its
interior; within her; in her
1. in him, inside him; within him; in it; during it; in midst
of it; in the midst of it; inside it; into it; within it;
among it; inside her; in her womb; its womb; its interior
FC -> jc-72895
2. within her, in her; within him; within it; in it
FC -> jc-72895
3. in him, inside him; within him; in it; inside it; in the
midst of it; in midst of it; within it; during it; among
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it; into it; inside her; in her womb; its womb; its
interior; within her; in her
4. in him, inside him; within him; in it; inside it; in the
midst of it; in midst of it; within it; during it; among
it; into it; inside her; in her womb; its womb; its
interior; within her; in her
5. in him, inside him; within him; in it; inside it; in the
midst of it; in midst of it; within it; during it; among
it; into it; inside her; in her womb; its womb; its
interior; within her; in her <ihtitl-co2>
<ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in him, inside him; within him; in it; inside it; in the
midst of it; in midst of it; within it; during it; among
it; into it; inside her; in her womb; its womb; its
interior; within her; in her <ihtitl-co2>
<ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
7. in it, within it <ihtitl-co1>
<ihtitl-co1> FC - > jc-61096
8. in him, inside him; within him; in it; during it; in midst
of it; in the midst of it; inside it; into it; within it;
among it; inside her; in her womb; its womb; its interior
FC jc-031297
9. within her, in her; within him; within it; in it
FC jc-031297
10. in him, inside him; within him; in it; during it; in midst
of it; in the midst of it; inside it; into it; within it;
among it; inside her; in her womb; its womb; its interior
FC jc-031297
11. within her, in her; within him; within it; in it
FC jc-031297

0. that which burns within

1. that which burns within

FC -> jc-72895
2. that which burns within

3. that which burns within

4. that which burns within

FC jc-031297
5. that which burns within
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. hollow

1. hollow
FC -> jc-72895
2. hollow

3. hollow

4. hollow <ihtitl-coyo:ni-prt1-c2>
<ihtitl-coyo:ni-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. hollow <ihtitl-coyo:ni-prt1-c2>
<ihtitl-coyo:ni-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. hollow <ihtitl-coyo:ni-prt1-c2>
<ihtitl-coyo:ni-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. hollow
FC jc-031297
8. hollow
FC jc-031297

0. from within him

1. from within him

FC -> jc-72895
2. from within him

3. from within him

4. from within him

FC jc-031297
5. from within him
FC jc-031297

0. skin of the abdomen
FC jc-031297

0. his cape; their cape

1. his cape; their cape

FC -> jc-72895
2. his cape; their cape
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. his cape; their cape

4. his cape; their cape <poss-tilmahtli>

<poss-tilmahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his cape; their cape
FC jc-031297
6. his cape; their cape
FC jc-031297

0. pithy; pithy on the inside; pithy within

1. pithy; pithy on the inside; pithy within

FC -> jc-72895
2. pithy; pithy on the inside; pithy within

3. pithy; pithy on the inside; pithy within

4. pithy within; pithy on the inside; pithy

<ihtitl-pochi:na-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. pithy within; pithy on the inside; pithy
<ihtitl-pochi:na-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. pithy within; pithy on the inside; pithy
<ihtitl-pochi:na-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. pithy; pithy on the inside; pithy within
FC jc-031297
8. pithy; pithy on the inside; pithy within
FC jc-031297

0. his stomach is swollen

1. his stomach is swollen

FC -> jc-72895
2. his stomach is swollen

3. his stomach is swollen

4. his stomach is swollen <ihtitl-poza:hua>

<ihtitl-poza:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. his stomach is swollen <ihtitl-poza:hua>
<ihtitl-poza:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. his abdomen swells up; his stomach swells; his stomach
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

swells up
FC jc-031297
7. the abdomen swells
FC jc-031297
8. his abdomen swells up; his stomach swells; his stomach
swells up
FC jc-031297
9. the abdomen swells
FC jc-031297

0. swelling of the abdomen
FC jc-031297

0. his stomach will swell
FC jc-031297

ititiaya ( otech- )
0. nos ensen~aban ( they taught us )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. his messengers
FC jc-031297

0. green-bellied

1. green-bellied
FC -> jc-72895
2. green-bellied

3. green-bellied

4. green-bellied <ihtitl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<ihtitl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. green-bellied <ihtitl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<ihtitl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. green-bellied <ihtitl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<ihtitl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. green-bellied <ihtitl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<ihtitl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. green-bellied
FC jc-031297
9. green-bellied
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. her chalk

1. her chalk
FC -> jc-72895
2. her chalk

3. her chalk

4. her chalk
FC jc-031297
5. her chalk
FC jc-031297

0. his chalkiness
FC jc-031297

0. algo ( something )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. his uncle
FC -> jc-72895
2. some, something; anything; some part; any; somewhat; thing
FC -> jc-72895
3. some, something; anything; some part; any; somewhat; thing

4. some, something; anything; some part; any; somewhat; thing

5. something; some <itlah>

<itlah> FC - > jc-61096
6. algo ( something )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. his uncle
FC jc-031297
8. some, something; anything; some part; any; somewhat; thing
FC jc-031297
9. his uncle
FC jc-031297
10. some, something; anything; some part; any; somewhat; thing
FC jc-031297

0. his bathed sacrificial victims; his bathed slaves
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his bathed sacrificial victims; his bathed slaves

FC -> jc-72895
2. his bathed sacrificial victims; his bathed slaves

3. his bathed sacrificial victims; his bathed slaves

4. his bathed sacrificial victims; his bathed slaves

<poss-p51-a:ltia:-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. his bathed sacrificial victims; his bathed slaves
<poss-p51-a:ltia:-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. his bathed sacrificial victims; his bathed slaves
FC jc-031297
7. his bathed sacrificial victims; his bathed slaves
FC jc-031297

0. its fruit
FC jc-031297

0. his body; his upper body; his torso; its body; torso; its
trunk; its trunk [ie; of a tree]

1. her body
FC -> jc-72895
2. his body; his upper body; his torso; its body; torso; its
trunk; its trunk [ ie; of a tree ]
FC -> jc-72895
3. his body; his upper body; his torso; its body; torso; its
trunk; its trunk [ie; of a tree]

4. his body; his upper body; his torso; its body; torso; its
trunk; its trunk [ie; of a tree]

5. her body
FC jc-031297
6. his body; his upper body; his torso; its body; torso; its
trunk; its trunk [ ie; of a tree ]
FC jc-031297
7. her body
FC jc-031297
8. his body; his upper body; his torso; its body; torso; its
trunk; its trunk [ ie; of a tree ]
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. her hearer

1. her hearer
FC -> jc-72895
2. her hearer

3. her hearer

4. her hearer
FC jc-031297
5. her hearer
FC jc-031297

0. its breeding place

1. its breeding place

FC -> jc-72895
2. its breeding place

3. its breeding place

4. its breeding place

FC jc-031297
5. its breeding place
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes damaged; it is harmed; it is damaged; it spoils;
it suffers harm

1. it becomes damaged; it is harmed; it is damaged; it spoils;

it suffers harm
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes damaged; it is harmed; it is damaged; it spoils;
it suffers harm

3. it becomes damaged; it is harmed; it is damaged; it spoils;

it suffers harm

4. it becomes damaged; it is harmed; it is damaged; it spoils;

it suffers harm
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it becomes damaged; it is harmed; it is damaged; it spoils;

it suffers harm
FC jc-031297

0. his failure

1. his failure
FC -> jc-72895
2. his failure

3. his failure

4. his failure <ihtlacahui-z>

<ihtlacahui-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. his failure
FC jc-031297
6. his failure
FC jc-031297

0. on its body

1. on its body
FC -> jc-72895
2. on its body

3. on its body

4. on its body
FC jc-031297
5. on its body
FC jc-031297

0. its breeding place

1. its breeding place

FC -> jc-72895
2. its breeding place

3. its breeding place

4. its breeding place

FC jc-031297
5. its breeding place
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. su lugar de nacimiento ( his birthplace )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. its breeding place
FC -> jc-72895
2. its breeding place

3. its breeding place

4. su lugar de nacimiento ( his birthplace )

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
5. its breeding place
FC jc-031297
6. its breeding place
FC jc-031297

0. in zan tlahueliloti, tlahuelilocati, in zan ahye otli
quitoca, atle onquiza, zan inehuian mopopoloa, motelchihua,
mixpopoyomictia, mihiecoa, conmixcahualtia conmocahuilia,
quimitlacalhuia, in imahcehual yezquia, in itonal, in
inemac, quiteuhyotia, quitlazollotia, quitlazolmictia in
itlacatiliz: if he became bad and perverse and followed
not the way of righteousness, succeeded in nothing, and
entirely by his own acts brought himself to ruin, despised
himself, brought harm to himself, failed, lost through his
own neglect, gave up, and endangered that which might be
his good fortune,--his reward, and his lot: then he
tarnished, polluted, and ruined with debauchery his
birthright <poss-tla:catl-v01a-liz (b4 f1 c1 p2), 2 iuhqui
ipan tlacat, iuhqui itlacatiliz: on such a day was he
born; thus was his birthright <poss-tla:catl-v01a-liz (b4
f1 c2 p5), 3 ic mitoaya, ca niman iuh quiz, iuhqui
iyoliliz, iuhqui itlacatiliz, iuhqui itonal, thus was it
stated: "just so is her nature; so is her life; so her
birthright; and so her day sign <poss-tla:catl-v01a-liz (b4
f1 c2 p6), 4 mitoa ic quichicoquixtia, quicualtilia, in
itlacatiliz, it was said that thus in part they reversed
and made good his birth <poss-tla:catl-v01-liz (b4 f10 c30
p100), 5 intlacayemo aci yohualli xelihui: oc nepa
cemilhuitl ipan pohui, in ipan otlacat: oc nepa tonalli
itech pouhqui in itlacatiliz: if the division of the night
had not already arrived, it belonged in this day in which
it was born; to this day sign was assigned its birth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-tla:catl-v01-liz (b6 f16 c36 p197), 6 auh in

itlacatiliz: itech motta in icuech, in ce xihuitl centetl
quiza; and its birth date is noted from its rattles; each
year, one erupts <poss-tla:catl-v01-liz (b11 f8 c5 p76)
1. his birth, his birthright; its birth; its birth date
FC -> jc-72895
2. his birth, his birthright; its birth; its birth date

3. in zan tlahueliloti, tlahuelilocati, in zan ahye otli

quitoca, atle onquiza, zan inehuian mopopoloa, motelchihua,
mixpopoyomictia, mihiecoa, conmixcahualtia conmocahuilia,
quimitlacalhuia, in imahcehual yezquia, in itonal, in
inemac, quiteuhyotia, quitlazollotia, quitlazolmictia in
itlacatiliz: if he became bad and perverse and followed
not the way of righteousness, succeeded in nothing, and
entirely by his own acts brought himself to ruin, despised
himself, brought harm to himself, failed, lost through his
own neglect, gave up, and endangered that which might be
his good fortune,--his reward, and his lot: then he
tarnished, polluted, and ruined with debauchery his
birthright <poss-tla:catl-v01a-liz (b4 f1 c1 p2), 2 iuhqui
ipan tlacat, iuhqui itlacatiliz: on such a day was he
born; thus was his birthright <poss-tla:catl-v01a-liz (b4
f1 c2 p5), 3 ic mitoaya, ca niman iuh quiz, iuhqui
iyoliliz, iuhqui itlacatiliz, iuhqui itonal, thus was it
stated: "just so is her nature; so is her life; so her
birthright; and so her day sign <poss-tla:catl-v01a-liz (b4
f1 c2 p6), 4 mitoa ic quichicoquixtia, quicualtilia, in
itlacatiliz, it was said that thus in part they reversed
and made good his birth <poss-tla:catl-v01-liz (b4 f10 c30
p100), 5 intlacayemo aci yohualli xelihui: oc nepa
cemilhuitl ipan pohui, in ipan otlacat: oc nepa tonalli
itech pouhqui in itlacatiliz: if the division of the night
had not already arrived, it belonged in this day in which
it was born; to this day sign was assigned its birth
<poss-tla:catl-v01-liz (b6 f16 c36 p197), 6 auh in
itlacatiliz: itech motta in icuech, in ce xihuitl centetl
quiza; and its birth date is noted from its rattles; each
year, one erupts <poss-tla:catl-v01-liz (b11 f8 c5 p76)
4. his birth, his birthright; its birth; its birth date

5. his birth, his birthright; its birth; its birth date

<poss-tla:catl-v01-liz> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. his birth, his birthright; its birth; its birth date

<poss-tla:catl-v01-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. in zan tlahueliloti, tlahuelilocati, in zan ahye otli
quitoca, atle onquiza, zan inehuian mopopoloa, motelchihua,
mixpopoyomictia, mihiecoa, conmixcahualtia conmocahuilia,
quimitlacalhuia, in imahcehual yezquia, in itonal, in
inemac, quiteuhyotia, quitlazollotia, quitlazolmictia in
itlacatiliz: if he became bad and perverse and followed
not the way of righteousness, succeeded in nothing, and
entirely by his own acts brought himself to ruin, despised
himself, brought harm to himself, failed, lost through his
own neglect, gave up, and endangered that which might be
his good fortune,--his reward, and his lot: then he
tarnished, polluted, and ruined with debauchery his
<poss-tla:catl-v01a-liz> (b4 f1 c1 p2) JC-7/23/96
8. iuhqui ipan tlacat, iuhqui itlacatiliz: on such a day was
he born; thus was his birthright
<poss-tla:catl-v01a-liz> (b4 f1 c2 p5) JC-7/23/96
9. ic mitoaya, ca niman iuh quiz, iuhqui iyoliliz, iuhqui
itlacatiliz, iuhqui itonal, thus was it stated: "just so
is her nature; so is her life; so her birthright; and so
her day sign
<poss-tla:catl-v01a-liz> (b4 f1 c2 p6) JC-7/23/96
10. mitoa ic quichicoquixtia, quicualtilia, in itlacatiliz, it
was said that thus in part they reversed and made good his
<poss-tla:catl-v01-liz> (b4 f10 c30 p100) JC-7/23/96
11. intlacayemo aci yohualli xelihui: oc nepa cemilhuitl ipan
pohui, in ipan otlacat: oc nepa tonalli itech pouhqui in
itlacatiliz: if the division of the night had not already
arrived, it belonged in this day in which it was born; to
this day sign was assigned its birth
<poss-tla:catl-v01-liz> (b6 f16 c36 p197) JC-7/23/96
12. auh in itlacatiliz: itech motta in icuech, in ce xihuitl
centetl quiza; and its birth date is noted from its
rattles; each year, one erupts
<poss-tla:catl-v01-liz> (b11 f8 c5 p76) JC-7/23/96
13. his birth, his birthright; its birth; its birth date
FC jc-031297
14. his birth, his birthright; its birth; its birth date
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes corrupted, it goes becoming corrupted
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. blemished

1. blemished
FC -> jc-72895
2. blemished

3. blemished

4. blemished
FC jc-031297
5. blemished
FC jc-031297

0. its down, its feathers

1. its down, its feathers

FC -> jc-72895
2. its down, its feathers

3. its down, its feathers

4. its down, its feathers

FC jc-031297
5. its down, its feathers
FC jc-031297

0. its appearance; its vision; its eyesight

1. its appearance; its vision; its eyesight

FC -> jc-72895
2. its appearance; its vision; its eyesight

3. its appearance; its vision; its eyesight

4. its appearance; its vision; its eyesight <poss-tlachiya-liz>

<poss-tlachiya-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. its appearance; its vision; its eyesight
FC jc-031297
6. its appearance; its vision; its eyesight
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his appearance, his countenance; its appearance
1. his appearance; his countenance; its appearance
FC -> jc-72895
2. his appearance, his countenance; its appearance
3. his appearance, his countenance; its appearance
4. his appearance, his countenance; its appearance
<poss-tlachiya-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. his appearance; his countenance; its appearance
FC jc-031297
6. his appearance; his countenance; its appearance
FC jc-031297

0. his deed; his doing; its power; its doing
1. his deed; his doing
FC -> jc-72895
2. its power, its doing
FC -> jc-72895
3. his deed; his doing; its power; its doing
4. his deed; his doing; its power; its doing
5. his deed; his doing; its power; its doing
<poss-p54-chi:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his deed; his doing; its power; its doing
<poss-p54-chi:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. his creation; his deed; his doing
FC jc-031297
8. its power, its doing
FC jc-031297
9. his creation; his deed; his doing
FC jc-031297
10. its power, its doing
FC jc-031297

0. his creations; his creatures
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his creations; his creatures

FC -> jc-72895
2. his creations; his creatures

3. his creations; his creatures

4. his creations; his creatures <poss-p54-chi:hua-l1-plur04>

<poss-p54-chi:hua-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. his creations; his creatures <poss-p54-chi:hua-l1-plur04>
<poss-p54-chi:hua-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. his creations; his creatures
FC jc-031297
7. his creations; his creatures
FC jc-031297

0. his (h) creation; his creation

1. his ( h) creation; his creation

FC -> jc-72895
2. his (h) creation; his creation

3. his (h) creation; his creation

4. his (H) creation; his creation <poss-p54-chi:hua-l1-tzin>

<poss-p54-chi:hua-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. his (H) creation; his creation <poss-p54-chi:hua-l1-tzin>
<poss-p54-chi:hua-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. his (H) creation; his creation <poss-p54-chi:hua-l1-tzin>
<poss-p54-chi:hua-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. his ( h ) creation; his creation
FC jc-031297
8. his ( h ) creation; his creation
FC jc-031297

0. his fire-flowers

1. his fire-flowers
FC -> jc-72895
2. his fire-flowers

3. his fire-flowers

4. his fire-flowers
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. his fire-flowers
FC jc-031297

0. his guests, his invited ones

1. his guests, his invited ones

FC -> jc-72895
2. his guests, his invited ones

3. his guests, his invited ones

4. his guests, his invited ones

<poss-p51-co:a:tl-no:tza-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. his guests, his invited ones
<poss-p51-co:a:tl-no:tza-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. his guests, his invited ones
<poss-p51-co:a:tl-no:tza-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
7. his guests, his invited ones
<poss-p51-co:a:tl-no:tza-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
8. his guests, his invited ones
FC jc-031297
9. his guests, his invited ones
FC jc-031297

0. its stalk; its stem; its stalks; its stems

1. its stalk; its stem; its stalks; its stems

FC -> jc-72895
2. its stalk; its stem; its stalks; its stems

3. its stalk; its stem; its stalks; its stems

4. its stalk, its stem; its stalks; its stems

<poss-tlacotl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its stalk; its stem; its stalks; its stems
FC jc-031297
6. its stalk; its stem; its stalks; its stems
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. su parte alta ( its top part )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. her food; his food; its food; their food
1. her food; his food
FC -> jc-72895
2. its food; their food
FC -> jc-72895
3. her food; his food; its food; their food
4. her food; his food; its food; their food
5. her food; his food; its food; their food <poss-p51-cua:-l1>
<poss-p51-cua:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. her food; his food; its food; their food <poss-p51-cua:-l1>
<poss-p51-cua:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. her food; his food
FC jc-031297
8. its food; their food
FC jc-031297
9. her food; his food
FC jc-031297
10. its food; their food
FC jc-031297
11. oyaya quitemotih in itlacual ic zacamanal se iba en busca
de su comida por el llano It would leave in search for its
food through the field
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
12. Por donde iba buscando su comida ? Canic oyaya quitemotih
in itlacual ? Where was it looking for its food ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. its foods

1. its foods
FC -> jc-72895
2. its foods

3. its foods

4. its foods <poss-p51-cua:-l1-plur04>

<poss-p51-cua:-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. its foods <poss-p51-cua:-l1-plur04>

<poss-p51-cua:-l1-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. its foods
FC jc-031297
7. its foods
FC jc-031297

0. their food

1. their food
FC -> jc-72895
2. their food

3. their food

4. their food <poss-p51-cua:-l1-tzin>

<poss-p51-cua:-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. their food <poss-p51-cua:-l1-tzin>
<poss-p51-cua:-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. their food <poss-p51-cua:-l1-tzin>
<poss-p51-cua:-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. their food
FC jc-031297
8. their food
FC jc-031297

0. his writing

1. his writing
FC -> jc-72895
2. his writing

3. his writing

4. his writing
FC jc-031297
5. his writing
FC jc-031297

0. his walking staff

1. his walking staff

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. his walking staff

3. his walking staff

4. his walking staff <poss-p51-icza-ya1>

<poss-p51-icza-ya1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his walking staff <poss-p51-icza-ya1>
<poss-p51-icza-ya1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his walking staff
FC jc-031297
7. his walking staff
FC jc-031297

0. algo ( something )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. its song

1. its song
FC -> jc-72895
2. its song

3. its song

4. its song
FC jc-031297
5. its song
FC jc-031297

0. her uncles

1. her uncles
FC -> jc-72895
2. her uncles

3. her uncles

4. her uncles
FC jc-031297
5. her uncles
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his drunkenness

1. his drunkenness
FC -> jc-72895
2. his drunkenness

3. his drunkenness

4. his drunkenness <poss-tla:hua:na-ca:5-yo:tl1>

<poss-tla:hua:na-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his drunkenness <poss-tla:hua:na-ca:5-yo:tl1>
<poss-tla:hua:na-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his drunkenness
FC jc-031297
7. his drunkenness
FC jc-031297

0. its companions

1. its companions
FC -> jc-72895
2. its companions

3. its companions

4. its companions
FC jc-031297
5. its companions
FC jc-031297

0. his bow

1. his bow
FC -> jc-72895
2. his bow

3. his bow

4. his bow
FC jc-031297
5. his bow
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his insignia

1. his insignia
FC -> jc-72895
2. his insignia

3. his insignia

4. his insignia
FC jc-031297
5. his insignia
FC jc-031297

0. his land

1. his land
FC -> jc-72895
2. his land

3. his land

4. his land
FC jc-031297
5. his land
FC jc-031297

0. his nerves

1. his nerves
FC -> jc-72895
2. his nerves

3. his nerves

4. his nerves <poss-tlalhuatl-yo:tl1>

<poss-tlalhuatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his nerves
FC jc-031297
6. his nerves
FC jc-031297

0. its land
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. its land
FC -> jc-72895
2. its land

3. its land

4. its land
FC jc-031297
5. its land
FC jc-031297

0. his earthly name

1. his earthly name

FC -> jc-72895
2. his earthly name

3. his earthly name

4. his earthly name

FC jc-031297
5. his earthly name
FC jc-031297

0. its sting
FC jc-031297

0. debajo de e'l ( under; underneath )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. by it; next to it
FC -> jc-72895
2. his tooth; its teeth; near him
FC -> jc-72895
3. his tooth; its teeth; near him; by it; next to it

4. his tooth; its teeth; near him; by it; next to it

5. by it, next to it; near him <poss-tlan>

<poss-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
6. its teeth <poss-tlantli>
<poss-tlantli> FC - > jc-61096
7. debajo de e'l ( under; underneath )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. by it; next to it
FC jc-031297
9. his tooth; its teeth
FC jc-031297
10. near him; near it
FC jc-031297
11. by it; next to it
FC jc-031297
12. his tooth; its teeth
FC jc-031297
13. near him; near it
FC jc-031297

itlan onoque
0. they are in charge of him

1. they are in charge of him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they are in charge of him

3. they are in charge of him

4. they are in charge of him

FC jc-031297
5. they are in charge of him
FC jc-031297

0. in his teeth

1. in his teeth
FC -> jc-72895
2. in his teeth

3. in his teeth

4. in his teeth <poss-tlantli-co1>

<poss-tlantli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. in his teeth <poss-tlantli-co1>
<poss-tlantli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. in his teeth
FC jc-031297
7. in his teeth
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. its molars

1. its molars
FC -> jc-72895
2. its molars

3. its molars

4. its molars
FC jc-031297
5. its molars
FC jc-031297

0. its rowers

1. its rowers
FC -> jc-72895
2. its rowers

3. its rowers

4. its rowers
FC jc-031297
5. its rowers
FC jc-031297

0. his act of stirring
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. his act of stirring
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. his act of stirring
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. his act of stirring
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. its light

1. its light
FC -> jc-72895
2. its light

3. its light
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. its light <poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2>

<poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. its light <poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2>
<poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. its light <poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2>
<poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. its light <poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2>
<poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2> FC - > jc-61096
8. its light
FC jc-031297
9. its light
FC jc-031297

0. his invention; his discovery

1. his invention; his discovery

FC -> jc-72895
2. his invention; his discovery

3. his invention; his discovery

4. his invention, his discovery <poss-p51-ne:ci-caus02-l1>

<poss-p51-ne:ci-caus02-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his invention, his discovery <poss-p51-ne:ci-caus02-l1>
<poss-p51-ne:ci-caus02-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his invention, his discovery <poss-p51-ne:ci-caus02-l1>
<poss-p51-ne:ci-caus02-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. his invention; his discovery
FC jc-031297
8. his invention; his discovery
FC jc-031297

0. his brilliance
FC jc-031297

0. its small light

1. its small light

FC -> jc-72895
2. its small light

3. its small light
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. its small light <poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2-to:n>

<poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. its small light <poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2-to:n>
<poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. its small light <poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2-to:n>
<poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. its small light <poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2-to:n>
<poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. its small light <poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2-to:n>
<poss-tla6-ne:ci-l2-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
9. its small light
FC jc-031297
10. its small light
FC jc-031297

0. on the calf of his lef
FC jc-031297

0. his sorrow

1. his sorrow
FC -> jc-72895
2. his sorrow

3. his sorrow

4. his sorrow
FC jc-031297
5. his sorrow
FC jc-031297

0. his word of sorrow, his word of pity

1. his word of sorrow, his word of pity

FC -> jc-72895
2. his word of sorrow, his word of pity

3. his word of sorrow, his word of pity

4. his word of sorrow, his word of pity

FC jc-031297
5. his word of sorrow, his word of pity
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his subjects

1. his subjects
FC -> jc-72895
2. his subjects

3. his subjects

4. his subjects
FC jc-031297
5. his subjects
FC jc-031297

0. ihuan mochi neltiz, mochi onyehuatiz, in tlein maailia,
atle nenquizaz, in iciahuiz, in itlapalihuiz, atle
nenhuetziz, and all would be realized and come to pass
that was undertaken; nothing would fail; of her fatigue and
effort, nothing would be in vain <poss-tlahpalli-v03a-liz
(b4 f1 c1 p2), 2 itlapalihuiz zan nen huetzi in
itlapalihuiz unfortunate were his efforts
<poss-tlahpalli-v03a-liz (b4 f1 c2 p8), 3 nelli mach in
ixquich cahana, in imolicpi, itetepon, itlancua ic
moquequetza, zan atleti, zan nen huetzi in iciahuiz, in
itlapalihuiz indeed, in all the things which he undertook,
though he went on elbow, shank, and knee, vain and
fruitless were his efforts and fatigue
<poss-tlahpalli-v0-liz (b4 f2 c6 p17), 4 amo nenhuetzi,
amo ahuetzi, in itlapalihuiz, not vain nor futile was his
work <poss-tlahpalli-v03a-liz (b4 f12 c38 p125)
1. her effort; his effort; his work; his strength
FC -> jc-72895
2. her effort; his effort; his work; his strength

3. ihuan mochi neltiz, mochi onyehuatiz, in tlein maailia,

atle nenquizaz, in iciahuiz, in itlapalihuiz, atle
nenhuetziz, and all would be realized and come to pass
that was undertaken; nothing would fail; of her fatigue and
effort, nothing would be in vain <poss-tlahpalli-v03a-liz
(b4 f1 c1 p2), 2 itlapalihuiz zan nen huetzi in
itlapalihuiz unfortunate were his efforts
<poss-tlahpalli-v03a-liz (b4 f1 c2 p8), 3 nelli mach in
ixquich cahana, in imolicpi, itetepon, itlancua ic
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

moquequetza, zan atleti, zan nen huetzi in iciahuiz, in

itlapalihuiz indeed, in all the things which he undertook,
though he went on elbow, shank, and knee, vain and
fruitless were his efforts and fatigue
<poss-tlahpalli-v0-liz (b4 f2 c6 p17), 4 amo nenhuetzi,
amo ahuetzi, in itlapalihuiz, not vain nor futile was his
work <poss-tlahpalli-v03a-liz (b4 f12 c38 p125)
4. nelli mach in oontla itlapalihuiz, in truth he consumed
his strength <poss-tlahpalli-v03a-liz (b6 f1 c3 p12)
5. her effort; his effort; his work; his strength

6. her effort; his effort; his work; his strength

<poss-tlahpalli-v03a-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. her effort; his effort; his work; his strength
<poss-tlahpalli-v03a-liz> FC - > jc-61096
8. his effort <poss-tlahpalli-v0-liz>
<poss-tlahpalli-v0-liz> FC - > jc-61096
9. nelli mach in oontla itlapalihuiz, in truth he consumed
his strength
<poss-tlahpalli-v03a-liz> (b6 f1 c3 p12) JC-7/23/96
10. ihuan mochi neltiz, mochi onyehuatiz, in tlein maailia,
atle nenquizaz, in iciahuiz, in itlapalihuiz, atle
nenhuetziz, and all would be realized and come to pass
that was undertaken; nothing would fail; of her fatigue and
effort, nothing would be in vain
<poss-tlahpalli-v03a-liz> (b4 f1 c1 p2) JC-7/23/96
11. zan nen huetzi in itlapalihuiz unfortunate were his efforts
<poss-tlahpalli-v03a-liz> (b4 f1 c2 p8) JC-7/23/96
12. amo nenhuetzi, amo ahuetzi, in itlapalihuiz, not vain nor
futile was his work
<poss-tlahpalli-v03a-liz> (b4 f12 c38 p125) JC-7/23/96
13. her effort; his effort; his work; his strength
FC jc-031297
14. her effort; his effort; his work; his strength
FC jc-031297

0. in inecocol, in iciahuiz, in aitlaaxcanhuil, in
itlapalihuiztica quitta through his pains and fatigue,
without struggle, he achieved his effort
<poss-tlahpalli-v03a-liz-ti1-ca2 (b4 f3 c6 p21)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. in inecocol, in iciahuiz, in aitlaaxcanhuil, in

itlapalihuiztica quitta through his pains and fatigue,
without struggle, he achieved his effort
<poss-tlahpalli-v03a-liz-ti1-ca2> (b4 f3 c6 p21) JC-7/23/96

0. its color

1. its color
FC -> jc-72895
2. its color

3. its color

4. its color <poss-p51-pa:3-l1-yo:tl1>

<poss-p51-pa:3-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its color <poss-p51-pa:3-l1-yo:tl1>
<poss-p51-pa:3-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its color <poss-p51-pa:3-l1-yo:tl1>
<poss-p51-pa:3-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. its color
FC jc-031297
8. its color
FC jc-031297

0. his [ h ] strength
FC jc-031297

0. his overseeing

1. his overseeing
FC -> jc-72895
2. his overseeing

3. his overseeing

4. his overseeing
FC jc-031297
5. his overseeing
FC jc-031297

0. his sin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his sin
FC -> jc-72895
2. his sin

3. his sin

4. his sin
FC jc-031297
5. his sin
FC jc-031297

0. his clothing; his covering; his vestments; its
accouterments; its dress

1. his clothing; his covering; his vestments; its

accouterments; its dress
FC -> jc-72895
2. his clothing; his covering; his vestments; its
accouterments; its dress

3. his clothing; his covering; his vestments; its

accouterments; its dress

4. his clothing; his covering; his vestments; its

accouterments; its dress
FC jc-031297
5. his clothing; his covering; his vestments; its
accouterments; its dress
FC jc-031297

0. its actions, its deeds

1. its actions, its deeds

FC -> jc-72895
2. its actions, its deeds

3. its actions, its deeds

4. its actions, its deeds

FC jc-031297
5. its actions, its deeds
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his sin, his fault; its error; its harm; its damage

1. his sin, his fault; its error; its harm; its damage
FC -> jc-72895
2. his sin, his fault; its error; its harm; its damage

3. his sin, his fault; its error; its harm; its damage

4. his sin, his fault; its error; its harm; its damage
<poss-p51-ihtlacahui-caus06-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his sin, his fault; its error; its harm; its damage
FC jc-031297
6. his sin, his fault; its error; its harm; its damage
FC jc-031297

0. its harm

1. its harm
FC -> jc-72895
2. its harm

3. its harm

4. its harm <poss-p51-ihtlacahui-caus06-l1-;

<poss-p51-ihtlacahui-caus06-l1--> FC - > jc-61096
5. its harm <poss-p51-ihtlacahui-caus06-l1-;
<poss-p51-ihtlacahui-caus06-l1--> FC - > jc-61096
6. its harm
FC jc-031297
7. its harm
FC jc-031297

0. agujerito ( little hole )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. its separate accounts

1. its separate accounts

FC -> jc-72895
2. its separate accounts

3. its separate accounts
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. its separate accounts <poss-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1>

<poss-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its separate accounts <poss-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1>
<poss-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its separate accounts <poss-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1>
<poss-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. its separate accounts <poss-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1>
<poss-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
8. its separate accounts <poss-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1>
<poss-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
9. its separate accounts
FC jc-031297
10. its separate accounts
FC jc-031297

0. his office of ruler, his function as ruler

1. his office of ruler, his function as ruler

FC -> jc-72895
2. his office of ruler, his function as ruler

3. his office of ruler, his function as ruler

4. his office of ruler, his function as ruler <poss-

<poss- -tequitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. his office of ruler, his function as ruler
FC jc-031297
6. his office of ruler, his function as ruler
FC jc-031297

0. his regal title
FC jc-031297

0. her language; her speech; his command; his word; his
message; his speech; his statement; his words; his
conversation; his information; his opinion; his discourse

1. her language; her speech; his command; his word; his

message; his speech; his statement; his words; his
conversation; his information; his opinion; his discourse
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. its song; its voice; its words

FC -> jc-72895
3. her language; her speech; his command; his word; his
message; his speech; his statement; his words; his
conversation; his information; his opinion; his discourse

4. her language; her speech; his command; his word; his

message; his speech; his statement; his words; his
conversation; his information; his opinion; his discourse

5. her language; her speech; his command; his word; his

message; his speech; his statement; his words; his
conversation; his opinion; his information; his discourse;
its song; its voice; its words <poss-p33-ihtoa:-l1>
<poss-p33-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his speech; his words; his information <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. her language; her speech; his command; his word; his
message; his speech; his statement; his words; his
conversation; his information; his opinion; his discourse
FC jc-031297
8. its song; its voice; its words
FC jc-031297
9. her language; her speech; his command; his word; his
message; his speech; his statement; his words; his
conversation; his information; his opinion; his discourse
FC jc-031297
10. its song; its voice; its words
FC jc-031297

0. his gullet

1. his gullet
FC -> jc-72895
2. his gullet

3. his gullet

4. his gullet <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-hua:ztli>

<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-hua:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his gullet <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-hua:ztli>
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-hua:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
6. his gullet <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-hua:ztli>
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-hua:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
7. his gullet <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-hua:ztli>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-hua:ztli> FC - > jc-61096

8. his gullet
FC jc-031297
9. his gullet
FC jc-031297

0. its account; its discussion; its discourse

1. its account; its discussion; its discourse

FC -> jc-72895
2. its account; its discussion; its discourse

3. its account; its discussion; its discourse

4. its account; its discussion; its discourse

<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its account; its discussion; its discourse
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its account; its discussion; its discourse
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. its account; its discussion; its discourse
FC jc-031297
8. its account; its discussion; its discourse
FC jc-031297

0. his word; his words

1. his word; his words

FC -> jc-72895
2. his word; his words

3. his word; his words

4. his word; his words <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-tzin>

<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. his word; his words <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-tzin>
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. his word; his words
FC jc-031297
7. his word; his words
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. a little something

1. a little something
FC -> jc-72895
2. a little something

3. a little something

4. a little something
FC jc-031297
5. a little something
FC jc-031297

0. her array; her domain; her goods; his adornment; his array;
his belongs; his possessions; his clothing; his raiment;
his goods; his property; his vestment; his wealth; its
adornment; its array; its property

1. her array; her domain; her goods; his adornment; his array;
his belongs; his possessions; his clothing; his raiment;
his goods; his property; his vestment; his wealth; its
adornment; its array; its property
FC -> jc-72895
2. her array; her domain; her goods; his adornment; his array;
his belongs; his possessions; his clothing; his raiment;
his goods; his property; his vestment; his wealth; its
adornment; its array; its property

3. her array; her domain; her goods; his adornment; his array;
his belongs; his possessions; his clothing; his raiment;
his goods; his property; his vestment; his wealth; its
adornment; its array; its property

4. her array; her domain; her goods; his array; his goods; his
property; its property <poss-p51-itqui>
<poss-p51-itqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. his property <poss-p51-itqui-l2>
<poss-p51-itqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. her array; her domain; her goods; his adornment; his array;
his belongs; his possessions; his clothing; his raiment;
his goods; his property; his vestment; his wealth; its
adornment; its array; its property
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. her array; her domain; her goods; his adornment; his array;
his belongs; his possessions; his clothing; his raiment;
his goods; his property; his vestment; his wealth; its
adornment; its array; its property
FC jc-031297

0. his (H) property, his (H) goods; his clothing
1. his (h) property; his (h) goods; his clothing
FC -> jc-72895
2. his (H) property, his (H) goods; his clothing
3. his (H) property, his (H) goods; his clothing
4. his (H) property, his (H) goods <poss-p51-itqui-l1-tzin>
<poss-p51-itqui-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. his (H) property, his (H) goods; his clothing
<poss-p51-itqui-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. his (H) property, his (H) goods; his clothing
<poss-p51-itqui-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. his (H) property; his clothing <poss-p51-itqui-l2-tzin>
<poss-p51-itqui-l2-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
8. his ( h ) property; his ( h ) goods; his clothing
FC jc-031297
9. his ( h ) property; his ( h ) goods; his clothing
FC jc-031297

0. his beloved uncle; some little thing

1. his beloved uncle; some little thing

FC -> jc-72895
2. his beloved uncle; some little thing

3. his beloved uncle; some little thing

4. his beloved uncle; some little thing <itlah-tzin>

<itlah-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. his beloved uncle; some little thing <itlah-tzin>
<itlah-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. his beloved uncle; some little thing
FC jc-031297
7. his beloved uncle; some little thing
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. his innovation; his invention

1. his innovation; his invention

FC -> jc-72895
2. his innovation; his invention

3. his innovation; his invention

4. his innovation; his invention

FC jc-031297
5. his innovation; his invention
FC jc-031297

0. their bolts, their pegs

1. their bolts, their pegs

FC -> jc-72895
2. their bolts, their pegs

3. their bolts, their pegs

4. their bolts, their pegs

FC jc-031297
5. their bolts, their pegs
FC jc-031297

0. manozoc ixquich tlacatle, totecue, tlazopille,
tlazotitlacatle: manozoc centetl, ma oc itlayecol: ma oc
"may this yet be all, o master, o our lord, o precious
nobleman, o precious person; may it [have reached] its end"
<poss-p51-ye:ctli-v03b-caus06-l1 (b6 f1 c1 p4)
1. manozoc ixquich tlacatle, totecue, tlazopille,
tlazotitlacatle: manozoc centetl, ma oc itlayecol: ma oc
"may this yet be all, o master, o our lord, o precious
nobleman, o precious person; may it [have reached] its end"
<poss-p51-ye:ctli-v03b-caus06-l1> (b6 f1 c1 p4) JC-7/23/96

0. his esteem
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his esteem
FC -> jc-72895
2. his esteem

3. his esteem

4. his esteem <poss-tlazoa-l2>

<poss-tlazoa-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. his esteem <poss-tlazoa-l2>
<poss-tlazoa-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. his esteem
FC jc-031297
7. his esteem
FC jc-031297

0. his beloved son

1. his beloved son

FC -> jc-72895
2. his beloved son

3. his beloved son

4. his beloved son <poss-tlazoa:-l2-pilli-tzin>

<poss-tlazoa:-l2-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. his beloved son <poss-tlazoa:-l2-pilli-tzin>
<poss-tlazoa:-l2-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. his beloved son <poss-tlazoa:-l2-pilli-tzin>
<poss-tlazoa:-l2-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. his beloved son <poss-tlazoa:-l2-pilli-tzin>
<poss-tlazoa:-l2-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
8. his beloved son
FC jc-031297
9. his beloved son
FC jc-031297

0. his fire drill

1. his fire drill

FC -> jc-72895
2. his fire drill

3. his fire drill
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. his fire drill

FC jc-031297
5. his fire drill
FC jc-031297

0. his hearth

1. his hearth
FC -> jc-72895
2. his hearth

3. his hearth

4. his hearth
FC jc-031297
5. his hearth
FC jc-031297

0. his incense ladle

1. his incense ladle

FC -> jc-72895
2. his incense ladle

3. his incense ladle

4. his incense ladle <poss-tletl-ma:itl>

<poss-tletl-ma:itl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his incense ladle <poss-tletl-ma:itl>
<poss-tletl-ma:itl> FC - > jc-61096
6. his incense ladle
FC jc-031297
7. his incense ladle
FC jc-031297

0. his fire; its rump gland

1. his fire; its rump gland

FC -> jc-72895
2. his fire; its rump gland

3. his fire; its rump gland
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. his fire; its rump gland <poss-tletl-uh>

<poss-tletl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. his fire; its rump gland <poss-tletl-uh>
<poss-tletl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. his fire; its rump gland
FC jc-031297
7. his fire; its rump gland
FC jc-031297

0. su hombligo de fuego ( its "fire navel" )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. su hombligo de fuego ( its fire navel )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. su hombligo de fuego ( its "fire navel" )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. su hombligo de fuego ( its fire navel )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. his glory

1. his glory
FC -> jc-72895
2. his glory

3. his glory

4. his glory <poss-tletl-yo:tl1>

<poss-tletl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his glory <poss-tletl-yo:tl1>
<poss-tletl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his glory
FC jc-031297
7. his glory
FC jc-031297

0. his black water

1. his black water

FC -> jc-72895
2. his black water

3. his black water
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. his black water <poss-tli:lli-a:tl1>

<poss-tli:lli-a:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his black water <poss-tli:lli-a:tl1>
<poss-tli:lli-a:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his black water
FC jc-031297
7. his black water
FC jc-031297

0. su nombre ( its name )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. su nombre ( its name )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. her name; his name; its name; it is called; so-called
FC -> jc-72895
3. her name; his name; its name; it is called; so-called

4. her name; his name; its name; it is called; so-called

5. her name; his name; its name; so-called <poss-to:ca:itl>

<poss-to:ca:itl> FC - > jc-61096
6. su nombre ( its name )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. su nombre ( its name )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. her name; his name; its name; it is called; so-called
FC jc-031297
9. her name; his name; its name; it is called; so-called
FC jc-031297

0. su nombre ( her name )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. su nombre ( its name )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. su nombre ( her name )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. su nombre ( its name )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. in aquique miecpa quitenehua itocatzin, tlatlacoa: those
who often call upon his holy name commit a sin (b1 f3 p60),
in zan tlapicqui tenehua in itocatzin tlatlacoa, he who
falsely calleth upon his holy name committeth a sin (b1 f3
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

p60), no ihuan in cenca tlaelittaloni, in tlateotocanime:

in itocatzin dios ipalnemoani, intech oquitlalique, in
oquichti, in cihua: in miquini, in palanini, in amo cualli
innemiliz, in amo cualli inyollo also were the idolaters
much to be abhorred [because] they placed the name of god,
through whom there is life, upon men, upon women, who were
mortals, whose lives were evil, whose hearts were evil (b1
f4 p69)
1. su nombre [ H ] ( her name [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. su nombre [ H ] ( his name [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. his holy name; his name
FC -> jc-72895
4. his holy name; his name

5. in aquique miecpa quitenehua itocatzin, tlatlacoa: those

who often call upon his holy name commit a sin (b1 f3 p60),
in zan tlapicqui tenehua in itocatzin tlatlacoa, he who
falsely calleth upon his holy name committeth a sin (b1 f3
p60), no ihuan in cenca tlaelittaloni, in tlateotocanime:
in itocatzin dios ipalnemoani, intech oquitlalique, in
oquichti, in cihua: in miquini, in palanini, in amo cualli
innemiliz, in amo cualli inyollo also were the idolaters
much to be abhorred [because] they placed the name of god,
through whom there is life, upon men, upon women, who were
mortals, whose lives were evil, whose hearts were evil (b1
f4 p69)
6. his holy name; his name

7. his holy name; his name <poss-to:ca:itl-tzin>

<poss-to:ca:itl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
8. his holy name; his name <poss-to:ca:itl-tzin>
<poss-to:ca:itl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
9. su nombre [ H ] ( her name [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
10. su nombre [ H ] ( his name [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
11. his holy name; his name
FC jc-031297
12. his holy name; his name
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his rabbit

1. his rabbit
FC -> jc-72895
2. his rabbit

3. his rabbit

4. his rabbit <poss-to:chtli>

<poss-to:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his rabbit
FC jc-031297
6. his rabbit
FC jc-031297

0. its fur
FC jc-031297

0. he is called; his praised; it is determined; it is said;
they are told of

1. he is called; his praised; it is determined; it is said;

they are told of
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is called; his praised; it is determined; it is said;
they are told of

3. he is called; his praised; it is determined; it is said;

they are told of

4. he is called; his praised; it is said; it is determined;

they are told of <ihtoa:-lo:1>
<ihtoa:-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is called; his praised; it is said; it is determined;
they are told of <ihtoa:-lo:1>
<ihtoa:-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is called; his praised; it is determined; it is said
FC jc-031297
7. they are told of
FC jc-031297
8. he is called; his praised; it is determined; it is said
FC jc-031297
9. they are told of
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it was declared, it was said; it was determined; it was

1. it was declared, it was said; it was determined; it was

FC -> jc-72895
2. it was declared, it was said; it was determined; it was

3. it was declared, it was said; it was determined; it was


4. it was said; it was declared; it was ordained; it was

determined <ihtoa:-lo:1-prt2>
<ihtoa:-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was said; it was declared; it was ordained; it was
determined <ihtoa:-lo:1-prt2>
<ihtoa:-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was declared, it was said; it was determined; it was
FC jc-031297
7. it was declared, it was said; it was determined; it was
FC jc-031297

0. his bowing of his head
FC jc-031297

0. it will be said

1. it will be said
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be said

3. it will be said

4. it will be said <ihtoa:-lo:1-z>

<ihtoa:-lo:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be said <ihtoa:-lo:1-z>
<ihtoa:-lo:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. it will be said
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. it will be said
FC jc-031297

0. its bristles; its fur; its fuzz; its hair

1. its bristles; its fur; its fuzz; its hair

FC -> jc-72895
2. its bristles; its fur; its fuzz; its hair

3. its bristles; its fur; its fuzz; its hair

4. its bristles; its fur; its fuzz; its hair

<poss-tomitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its bristles; its fur; its fuzz; its hair
FC jc-031297
6. its bristles; its fur; its fuzz; its hair
FC jc-031297

0. her day sign; his day sign; his fate; his fortune; his lot;
his privilege; his prerogative; its day sign; its fate; its

1. her day sign; his day sign; his fate; his fortune; his lot;
his privilege; his prerogative; its day sign; its fate; its
FC -> jc-72895
2. their privilege
FC -> jc-72895
3. her day sign; his day sign; his fate; his fortune; his lot;
his privilege; his prerogative; its day sign; its fate; its

4. her day sign; his day sign; his fate; his fortune; his lot;
his privilege; his prerogative; its day sign; its fate; its

5. her day sign; his day sign; his fate; his fortune; his lot;
his privilege; his prerogative; its day sign; its fate; its
heat; their privilege <poss-to:na-l1>
<poss-to:na-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his day sign; his fate; his fortune; his lot; his
privilege; his prerogative; its fate; its heat; their
privilege <poss-to:na-l1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-to:na-l1> FC - > jc-61096

7. her day sign; his day sign; his fate; his fortune; his lot;
his privilege; his prerogative; its day sign; its fate; its
FC jc-031297
8. their privilege
FC jc-031297
9. her day sign; his day sign; his fate; his fortune; his lot;
his privilege; his prerogative; its day sign; its fate; its
FC jc-031297
10. their privilege
FC jc-031297

0. his heat; its fortune

1. his heat; its fortune

FC -> jc-72895
2. his heat; its fortune

3. his heat; its fortune

4. his heat <poss-to:na-l1-yo:tl1>

<poss-to:na-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his heat <poss-to:na-l1-yo:tl1>
<poss-to:na-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his heat <poss-to:na-l1-yo:tl1>
<poss-to:na-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. his heat; its fortune
FC jc-031297
8. his heat; its fortune
FC jc-031297

0. sus rayos luminosos ( his luminous rays )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. his sun

1. his sun
FC -> jc-72895
2. his sun

3. his sun
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. his sun
FC jc-031297
5. his sun
FC jc-031297

0. his cane, his staff

1. his cane, his staff

FC -> jc-72895
2. his cane, his staff

3. his cane, his staff

4. his cane, his staff <poss-to:pi:lli>

<poss-to:pi:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his cane, his staff
FC jc-031297
6. his cane, his staff
FC jc-031297

0. his coffer

1. his coffer
FC -> jc-72895
2. his coffer

3. his coffer

4. his coffer <poss-to:ptli-tzin>

<poss-to:ptli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. his coffer <poss-to:ptli-tzin>
<poss-to:ptli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. his coffer
FC jc-031297
7. his coffer
FC jc-031297

itoptzin ipetlacaltzin
0. his mysteries

1. his mysteries
FC -> jc-72895
2. his mysteries
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. his mysteries

4. his mysteries
FC jc-031297
5. his mysteries
FC jc-031297

0. his bird

1. his bird
FC -> jc-72895
2. his bird

3. his bird

4. his bird <poss-to:to:tl-uh>

<poss-to:to:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. his bird <poss-to:to:tl-uh>
<poss-to:to:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. his bird; his virile member
FC jc-031297
7. his bird; his virile member
FC jc-031297

0. its throat

1. its throat
FC -> jc-72895
2. its throat

3. its throat

4. its throat
FC jc-031297
5. its throat
FC jc-031297

0. in its throat; on his throat; on its throat

1. in its throat; on his throat; on its throat

FC -> jc-72895
2. in its throat; on his throat; on its throat
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. in its throat; on his throat; on its throat

4. in its throat; on his throat; on its throat

<poss-tozcatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in its throat; on his throat; on its throat
<poss-tozcatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in its throat; its throat; on his throat; on its throat
FC jc-031297
7. in its throat; its throat; on his throat; on its throat
FC jc-031297

0. on its throat

1. on its throat
FC -> jc-72895
2. on its throat

3. on its throat

4. on its throat <poss-tozcatl-tlan>

<poss-tozcatl-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
5. on its throat <poss-tozcatl-tlan>
<poss-tozcatl-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
6. on its throat
FC jc-031297
7. on its throat
FC jc-031297

0. his voice; its voice

1. his voice; its voice

FC -> jc-72895
2. his voice; its voice

3. his voice; its voice

4. his voice; its voice <poss-tozcatl>

<poss-tozcatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his voice; its voice
FC jc-031297
6. his voice; its voice
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. to see
FC - > jc-61096

itta ( niquim- )
0. los veo ( I see them )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

itta ( niquin- )
0. los veo ( I see them )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

itta ( xiqu- )
0. mi'ralo ( look at it; see it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. see
1. (cf itta{1}, ithua) see
2. (cf itta{1}, ithua) see

ittac ( oniquin- )
0. los vi ( I saw them )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

ittac ( oqu- )
0. lo vio ( he saw it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

ittac ( yotiqu- )
0. ya lo viste ( you already saw it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. it is seen, it is visible

1. it is seen, it is visible
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is seen, it is visible

3. it is seen, it is visible
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it is seen
Passive Verb jc-022897
5. it is seen, it is visible
FC jc-031297
6. it is seen, it is visible
FC jc-031297
7. it is seen
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
8. it is seen
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
9. it is seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
10. it is seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
11. it is seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
12. it is seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. visible

1. visible
FC -> jc-72895
2. visible

3. visible

4. visible
FC jc-031297
5. visible
FC jc-031297

0. they were seen

1. they were seen

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were seen

3. they were seen

4. they were seen

FC jc-031297
5. they were seen
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it was seen

1. it was seen
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was seen

3. it was seen

4. it was seen <itta-lo:1-ya3>

<itta-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was seen <itta-lo:1-ya3>
<itta-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was seen
FC jc-031297
7. it was seen
FC jc-031297

0. I show it to you, I make you see it

ittaz ( niqu- )
0. lo vere' ( I will see it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

ittaz ( tiqu- )
0. lo vera's ( you will see it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

ittazqueh ( tiqu- )
0. lo veremos ( we will see it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. show
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

0. having a wrinkled stomach
FC jc-031297

0. he is seen; he is looked at; it is seen; it was seen; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

are seen; they are encountered

1. he is seen; he is looked at; it is seen; it was seen
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are seen; they are encountered
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is seen; he is looked at; it is seen; it was seen; they
are seen; they are encountered
4. he is seen; he is looked at; it is seen; it was seen; they
are seen; they are encountered
5. he is seen; he is looked at; it is seen; it was seen; they
are seen; they are encountered <itta-lo:1>
<itta-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is seen; they are seen; they are encountered <itta-lo:1>
<itta-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is seen
Passive Verb jc-022897
8. he is seen; he is looked at; it is seen; it was seen
FC jc-031297
9. they are seen; they are encountered
FC jc-031297
10. he is seen; he is looked at; it is seen; it was seen
FC jc-031297
11. they are seen; they are encountered
FC jc-031297
12. it is seen
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
13. it is seen
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
14. it is seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
15. it is seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
16. it is seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
17. it is seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they were seen
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they were seen
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they were seen
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs

3. they were seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they were seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they were seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. they were seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he was seen; it was seen

1. he was seen; it was seen

FC -> jc-72895
2. he was seen; it was seen

3. he was seen; it was seen

4. he was seen; it was seen <itta-lo:1-prt2>

<itta-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was seen; it was seen <itta-lo:1-prt2>
<itta-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was seen; it was seen
FC jc-031297
7. he was seen; it was seen
FC jc-031297

0. they were seen

1. they were seen

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were seen

3. they were seen

4. they were seen <itta-lo:1-plur01>

<itta-lo:1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were seen <itta-lo:1-plur01>
<itta-lo:1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were seen
FC jc-031297
7. they were seen
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it was seen; it looked; they were seen; they were discovered
1. it was seen; it looked; they were discovered; they were seen
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was seen; it looked; they were seen; they were discovered
3. it was seen; it looked; they were seen; they were discovered
4. it was seen; it looked; they were seen; they were
discovered <itta-lo:1-ya3>
<itta-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was seen; it looked; they were seen; they were
discovered <itta-lo:1-ya3>
<itta-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was seen; it looked; they were seen; they were
discovered <itta-lo:1-ya3>
<itta-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. it was seen; it looked; they were discovered; they were seen
FC jc-031297
8. it was seen; it looked; they were discovered; they were seen
FC jc-031297

0. he will be seen; it was seen; it will be seen

1. he will be seen; it was seen; it will be seen

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be seen; it was seen; it will be seen

3. he will be seen; it was seen; it will be seen

4. he will be seen; it was seen; it will be seen <itta-lo:1-z>

<itta-lo:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will be seen; it was seen; it will be seen <itta-lo:1-z>
<itta-lo:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will be seen; it was seen; it will be seen
FC jc-031297
7. he will be seen; it was seen; it will be seen
FC jc-031297

0. they will be seen

1. they will be seen

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they will be seen

3. they will be seen

4. they will be seen <itta-lo:1-z-plur01>

<itta-lo:1-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will be seen <itta-lo:1-z-plur01>
<itta-lo:1-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they will be seen
FC jc-031297
7. they will be seen
FC jc-031297

0. her spinning bowl

1. her spinning bowl

FC -> jc-72895
2. her spinning bowl

3. her spinning bowl

4. her spinning bowl

FC jc-031297
5. her spinning bowl
FC jc-031297

0. his sapote leaf seat
FC jc-031297

0. his cry, his shout

1. his cry, his shout

FC -> jc-72895
2. his cry, his shout

3. his cry, his shout

4. his cry, his shout <poss-tzahtzi-liz>

<poss-tzahtzi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. his cry, his shout; its howl
FC jc-031297
6. his cry, his shout; its howl
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. obsidian sandal

1. obsidian sandal
FC -> jc-72895
2. obsidian sandal

3. obsidian sandal

4. obsidian sandal <poss-i:tztli-cactli>

<poss-i:tztli-cactli> FC - > jc-61096
5. obsidian sandal <poss-i:tztli-cactli>
<poss-i:tztli-cactli> FC - > jc-61096
6. obsidian sandal
FC jc-031297
7. obsidian sandal
FC jc-031297

0. obsidian sandal

1. obsidian sandal
FC -> jc-72895
2. obsidian sandal

3. obsidian sandal

4. obsidian sandal <i:tztli-cactli>

<i:tztli-cactli> FC - > jc-61096
5. obsidian sandal <i:tztli-cactli>
<i:tztli-cactli> FC - > jc-61096
6. obsidian sandal
FC jc-031297
7. obsidian sandal
FC jc-031297

0. side

0. exceedingly cold

1. exceedingly cold
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. exceedingly cold

3. exceedingly cold

4. exceedingly cold <i:tztli-cal-pah4-tic>

<i:tztli-cal-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. exceedingly cold <i:tztli-cal-pah4-tic>
<i:tztli-cal-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. exceedingly cold <i:tztli-cal-pah4-tic>
<i:tztli-cal-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. exceedingly cold
FC jc-031297
8. exceedingly cold
FC jc-031297

0. very cold

1. very cold
FC -> jc-72895
2. very cold

3. very cold

4. very cold <i:tztli-cal-tic>

<i:tztli-cal-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very cold <i:tztli-cal-tic>
<i:tztli-cal-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very cold
FC jc-031297
7. very cold
FC jc-031297

0. extremely cold; very cold

1. extremely cold; very cold

FC -> jc-72895
2. extremely cold; very cold

3. extremely cold; very cold

4. extremely cold; very cold <i:tztli-ca?-pah4-tic>

<i:tztli-ca?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. extremely cold; very cold <i:tztli-ca?-pah4-tic>
<i:tztli-ca?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. extremely cold; very cold <i:tztli-ca?-pah4-tic>

<i:tztli-ca?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. extremely cold; very cold
FC jc-031297
8. extremely cold; very cold
FC jc-031297

0. obsidian necklace

1. obsidian necklace
FC -> jc-72895
2. obsidian necklace

3. obsidian necklace

4. obsidian necklace <i:tztli-;

<i:tztli--> FC - > jc-61096
5. obsidian necklace
FC jc-031297
6. obsidian necklace
FC jc-031297

0. golden eagle; obsidian eagle

1. golden eagle; obsidian eagle

FC -> jc-72895
2. golden eagle; obsidian eagle

3. golden eagle; obsidian eagle

4. golden eagle <i:tztli-cuauhtli>

<i:tztli-cuauhtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. golden eagle; obsidian eagle <i:tztli-cua:uhtli>
<i:tztli-cua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. golden eagle; obsidian eagle <i:tztli-cua:uhtli>
<i:tztli-cua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. golden eagle; obsidian eagle
FC jc-031297
8. golden eagle; obsidian eagle
FC jc-031297

0. his dog
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his dog
FC -> jc-72895
2. his dog

3. his dog

4. his dog <poss-itzcuintli>

<poss-itzcuintli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his dog
FC jc-031297
6. his dog
FC jc-031297

0. ringtail

1. ringtail
FC -> jc-72895
2. ringtail

3. ringtail

4. ringtail
FC jc-031297
5. ringtail
FC jc-031297

0. one who owns a dog
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. owners of dogs
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. dog owners
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. his dogs

1. his dogs
FC -> jc-72895
2. his dogs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. his dogs

4. his dogs <poss-itzcuintli-plur04>

<poss-itzcuintli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. his dogs
FC jc-031297
6. his dogs
FC jc-031297

0. dog meat

1. dog meat
FC -> jc-72895
2. dog meat

3. dog meat

4. dog meat <itzcuintli-nacatl>

<itzcuintli-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. dog meat <itzcuintli-nacatl>
<itzcuintli-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. dog meat <itzcuintli-nacatl>
<itzcuintli-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. dog meat
FC jc-031297
8. dog meat
FC jc-031297

0. dog breeding

1. dog breeding
FC -> jc-72895
2. dog breeding

3. dog breeding

4. dog breeding <itzcuintli-nemi-caus02-liz>

<itzcuintli-nemi-caus02-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. dog breeding <itzcuintli-nemi-caus02-liz>
<itzcuintli-nemi-caus02-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. dog breeding <itzcuintli-nemi-caus02-liz>
<itzcuintli-nemi-caus02-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. dog breeding
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. dog breeding
FC jc-031297

0. penis of a dog

1. penis of a dog
FC -> jc-72895
2. penis of a dog

3. penis of a dog

4. penis of a dog <itzcuintli-tepolli>

<itzcuintli-tepolli> FC - > jc-61096
5. penis of a dog <itzcuintli-tepolli>
<itzcuintli-tepolli> FC - > jc-61096
6. penis of a dog
FC jc-031297
7. penis of a dog
FC jc-031297

0. dogs

1. dogs
FC -> jc-72895
2. dogs

3. dogs

4. dogs <itzcuintli-plur02>
<itzcuintli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. dogs
FC jc-031297
6. dogs
FC jc-031297

0. dog
1. dog
FC -> jc-72895
2. dog
3. dog
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. dog
5. dog <itzcuintli>
<itzcuintli> FC - > jc-61096
6. dog
FC jc-031297
7. dog
FC jc-031297

itzcuintli itzcuinmictia
0. he kills dogs
FC - > jc-61096

itzcuintli oitzcuinnemiti
0. he bred dogs
FC - > jc-61096

0. its origin

1. its origin
FC -> jc-72895
2. its origin

3. its origin

4. its origin <poss-tzi:ntli>

<poss-tzi:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
5. its origin
FC jc-031297
6. its origin
FC jc-031297

0. in his anus

1. in his anus
FC -> jc-72895
2. in his anus

3. in his anus

4. in his anus <poss-tzi:ntli-co1>

<poss-tzi:ntli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. in his anus <poss-tzi:ntli-co1>
<poss-tzi:ntli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. in his anus
FC jc-031297
7. in his anus
FC jc-031297

0. his buttocks; its haunches

1. his buttocks; its haunches

FC -> jc-72895
2. his buttocks; its haunches

3. his buttocks; its haunches

4. its haunches <poss-tzi:ntli-tamalli>

<poss-tzi:ntli-tamalli> FC - > jc-61096
5. its haunches <poss-tzi:ntli-tamalli>
<poss-tzi:ntli-tamalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. his buttocks; its haunches
FC jc-031297
7. his buttocks; its haunches
FC jc-031297

0. its roots

1. its roots
FC -> jc-72895
2. its roots

3. its roots

4. its roots <poss-tzintli-tetl1-yo:tl1>

<poss-tzintli-tetl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its roots <poss-tzintli-tetl1-yo:tl1>
<poss-tzintli-tetl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its roots
FC jc-031297
7. its roots
FC jc-031297

0. ihuin in quimatia, in itzintiliz, in ipehualiz, thus did
they believe of his beginning, his origin
<poss-tzintli-v0?? -liz (b3 f1 c1 p1)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his beginning
FC -> jc-72895
2. his beginning

3. ihuin in quimatia, in itzintiliz, in ipehualiz, thus did

they believe of his beginning, his origin
<poss-tzintli-v0?? -liz (b3 f1 c1 p1)
4. his beginning

5. his beginning <poss-tzintli-v0?? -liz>

<poss-tzintli-v0?? -liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. ihuin in quimatia, in itzintiliz, in ipehualiz, thus did
they believe of his beginning, his origin
<poss-tzintli-v0?? -liz> (b3 f1 c1 p1) JC-7/23/96
7. his beginning
FC jc-031297
8. his beginning
FC jc-031297

0. debajo de e'l ( beneath it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. debajo de e'l ( under it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. at its foot, at its base; at the base of it; at the bottom
of it; its abdomen
FC -> jc-72895
2. at its foot, at its base; at the base of it; at the bottom
of it; its abdomen

3. at its foot, at its base; at the base of it; at the bottom

of it; its abdomen

4. at its foot, at its base; at the bottom of it; its abdomen

<poss-tzi:ntli-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
5. at its foot, at its base; at the bottom of it; its abdomen
<poss-tzi:ntli-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
6. debajo de e'l ( under it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. at its foot, at its base; at the base of it; at the bottom
of it; at the foot of it; at the end of it; at the start of
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it; its base; its lower part; its root; on its abdomen; on
its bottom; on its tail
FC jc-031297
8. at its foot, at its base; at the base of it; at the bottom
of it; at the foot of it; at the end of it; at the start of
it; its base; its lower part; its root; on its abdomen; on
its bottom; on its tail
FC jc-031297

0. its thick base

1. its thick base

FC -> jc-72895
2. its thick base

3. its thick base

4. its thick base

FC jc-031297
5. its thick base
FC jc-031297

0. his cape of nettles
FC jc-031297

0. purslane

1. purslane
FC -> jc-72895
2. purslane

3. purslane

4. purslane
FC jc-031297
5. purslane
FC jc-031297

0. obsidian-pointed arrow

1. obsidian-pointed arrow
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. obsidian-pointed arrow

3. obsidian-pointed arrow

4. obsidian-pointed arrow
FC jc-031297
5. obsidian-pointed arrow
FC jc-031297

0. obsidian ear plug
FC jc-031297

0. obsidian seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. her hair; his hair; its hair; its maize silk; its corn
silk; its spikelet; its top (ie; amaranth leaves)
1. her hair; his hair
FC -> jc-72895
2. its hair; its maize silk; its corn silk; its spikelet; its
top ( ie; amaranth leaves )
FC -> jc-72895
3. her hair; his hair; its hair; its maize silk; its corn
silk; its spikelet; its top (ie; amaranth leaves)
4. her hair; his hair; its hair; its maize silk; its corn
silk; its spikelet; its top (ie; amaranth leaves)
5. her hair; his hair; its hair; its maize silk; its corn
silk; its spikelet; its top ( ie amaranth leaves )
<poss-tzontli> FC - > jc-61096
6. her hair; his hair
FC jc-031297
7. its hair; its maize silk; its corn silk; its spikelet; its
top ( ie; amaranth leaves )
FC jc-031297
8. her hair; his hair
FC jc-031297
9. its hair; its maize silk; its corn silk; its spikelet; its
top ( ie; amaranth leaves )
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his headdress; his wig

1. his headdress; his wig

FC -> jc-72895
2. his headdress; his wig

3. his headdress; his wig

4. his headdress; his wig <poss-tzontli-calli>

<poss-tzontli-calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his headdress; his wig
FC jc-031297
6. his headdress; his wig
FC jc-031297

0. his snare

1. his snare
FC -> jc-72895
2. his snare

3. his snare

4. his snare <poss-tzontli-hua:ztli>

<poss-tzontli-hua:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his snare <poss-tzontli-hua:ztli>
<poss-tzontli-hua:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
6. his snare <poss-tzontli-hua:ztli>
<poss-tzontli-hua:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
7. his snare
FC jc-031297
8. his snare
FC jc-031297

0. her mantle of hair

1. her mantle of hair

FC -> jc-72895
2. her mantle of hair

3. her mantle of hair
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. her mantle of hair

FC jc-031297
5. her mantle of hair
FC jc-031297

0. his head

1. his head
FC -> jc-72895
2. his head

3. his head

4. his head <poss-tzontli-tecomatl>

<poss-tzontli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his head <poss-tzontli-tecomatl>
<poss-tzontli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. his head
FC jc-031297
7. his head
FC jc-031297

0. her head; his head; its head

1. her head; his head; its head

FC -> jc-72895
2. her head; his head; its head

3. her head; his head; its head

4. her head; his head; its head <poss-tzontli-tecomatl>

<poss-tzontli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. her head; his head; its head <poss-tzontli-tecomatl>
<poss-tzontli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. her head; his head; its head
FC jc-031297
7. her head; his head; its head
FC jc-031297

itzontecon [ nitzontecon ]
0. su cabeza ( his head )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his head

1. his head
FC -> jc-72895
2. his head

3. his head

4. his head <poss-tzontli-tecomatl>

<poss-tzontli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. his head <poss-tzontli-tecomatl>
<poss-tzontli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. his head
FC jc-031297
7. his head
FC jc-031297

0. his rags; his tatters

1. his rags; his tatters

FC -> jc-72895
2. his rags; his tatters

3. his rags; his tatters

4. his rags; his tatters

FC jc-031297
5. his rags; his tatters
FC jc-031297

0. his rags, his tatters
1. his rags; his tatters
FC -> jc-72895
2. his rags, his tatters
3. his rags, his tatters
4. his rags, his tatters <poss-tzohtzomahtli-tzin>
<poss-tzohtzomahtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. his rags, his tatters <poss-tzohtzomahtli-tzin>
<poss-tzohtzomahtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. his rags; his tatters
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. his rags; his tatters

FC jc-031297

0. her weaving stick

1. her weaving stick

FC -> jc-72895
2. her weaving stick

3. her weaving stick

4. her weaving stick <poss-tzo:tzopa:ztli>

<poss-tzo:tzopa:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. her weaving stick
FC jc-031297
6. her weaving stick
FC jc-031297

0. obsidian medicine

1. obsidian medicine
FC -> jc-72895
2. obsidian medicine

3. obsidian medicine

4. obsidian medicine <i:tztli-;

<i:tztli--> FC - > jc-61096
5. obsidian medicine
FC jc-031297
6. obsidian medicine
FC jc-031297

0. obsidian chip

1. obsidian chip
FC -> jc-72895
2. obsidian chip

3. obsidian chip

4. obsidian chip <i:tztli-tapalcatl>

<i:tztli-tapalcatl> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. obsidian chip <i:tztli-tapalcatl>

<i:tztli-tapalcatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. obsidian chip
FC jc-031297
7. obsidian chip
FC jc-031297

0. unworked obsidian

1. unworked obsidian
FC -> jc-72895
2. unworked obsidian

3. unworked obsidian

4. unworked obsidian <i:tztli-tetl1>

<i:tztli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. unworked obsidian <itztli-tetl1>
<itztli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. unworked obsidian <i:tztli-tetl1>
<i:tztli-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. unworked obsidian
FC jc-031297
8. unworked obsidian
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes cold
FC jc-031297

0. cold; cool; cooling

1. cold; cool; cooling

FC -> jc-72895
2. cold; cool; cooling

3. cold; cool; cooling

4. cold; cool; cooling <i:tztli-tic>

<i:tztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. cold; cool; cooling <i:tztli-tic>
<i:tztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. cold; cool; cooling
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. cold; cool; cooling

FC jc-031297

0. ihuan in aquin totonqui, ihuan itztiliztli, quinamiqui:
inic cuacuauhti in telpan; in itic totlalhuayo: in iuhqui
commapiqui toyollo ihuan in toxillan hualpehua: ommiz, and
one who encounters fever and chills, so that there is pain
in the sides, in the chest, in the nerves, as if the heart
were seized, beginning in the sides --[this one] is to
drink it <i:tztli-v01-liz (b11 f17 c7 p175)
1. ihuan in aquin totonqui, ihuan itztiliztli, quinamiqui:
inic cuacuauhti in telpan; in itic totlalhuayo: in iuhqui
commapiqui toyollo ihuan in toxillan hualpehua: ommiz, and
one who encounters fever and chills, so that there is pain
in the sides, in the chest, in the nerves, as if the heart
were seized, beginning in the sides --[this one] is to
drink it
<i:tztli-v01-liz> (b11 f17 c7 p175) JC-7/23/96

0. it sits facing it

1. it sits facing it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it sits facing it

3. it sits facing it

4. it sits facing it
FC jc-031297
5. it sits facing it
FC jc-031297

0. obsidian; obsidian blade; obsidian knife

1. obsidian; obsidian blade; obsidian knife

FC -> jc-72895
2. obsidian; obsidian blade; obsidian knife

3. obsidian; obsidian blade; obsidian knife

4. obsidian blade; obsidian; obsidian knife <i:tztli>

<i:tztli> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. obsidian; obsidian blade; obsidian knife

FC jc-031297
6. obsidian; obsidian blade; obsidian knife
FC jc-031297

0. one who carries an obsidian staff
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. cook, ripen
1. it cooks; it ripens
FC -> jc-72895
2. it cooks; it ripens

3. cook, ripen
4. it cooks; it ripens

5. it ripens <iucci>
<iucci> FC - > jc-61096
6. it cooks; it ripens
FC jc-031297
7. it cooks; it ripens
FC jc-031297

0. cooked; fired [re pottery]; it cooked; well-formed?;

1. cooked; fired [ re pottery ]; it cooked; well-formed?;

FC -> jc-72895
2. cooked; fired [re pottery]; it cooked; well-formed?;

3. cooked; fired [re pottery]; it cooked; well-formed?;


4. cooked; fired [ re pottery ]; it cooked; well-formed?;

well-textured <iucci-c1>
<iucci-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. cooked; fired [ re pottery ]; it cooked; well-formed?;
well-textured <iucci-c1>
<iucci-c1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. ripened, cooked
Adj Form jc-022897
7. cooked; fired [ re pottery ]; it cooked; well-formed?;
FC jc-031297
8. cooked; fired [ re pottery ]; it cooked; well-formed?;
FC jc-031297
9. in cualo in zan xoxouhqui ihuan in amo huel iuccic
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
10. teapitzalti those which are often uncooked
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
11. and not well cooked
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
12. cause one to vomit

13. to have diarrhea

14. ripened

15. cooked

16. developed

17. grown

18. adult

19. full-fledged

20. full-grown

21. matured

22. completed

23. aged

24. mellowed

25. boiled

26. stewed

27. parboiled
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

28. steeped

29. steamed

30. sodden

31. ripened

32. cooked

0. younger sibling

0. as, like; thus; as if; so; like this; in this way; likewise
1. as, like; thus
FC -> jc-72895
2. like, as if
FC -> jc-72895
3. so, thus, like this; in this way; likewise
FC -> jc-72895
4. as, like; thus; as if; so; like this; in this way; likewise
5. as, like; thus; as if; so; like this; in this way; likewise
6. as, like; thus; as if; so; like this; in this way; likewise
<ihui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. as, like; so; thus
FC jc-031297
8. he does it; like; as; as if
FC jc-031297
9. so, thus; like this; how; in this way; like; likewise; such
FC jc-031297
10. as, like; so; thus
FC jc-031297
11. he does it; like; as; as if
FC jc-031297
12. so, thus; like this; how; in this way; like; likewise; such
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. at such a time

1. at such a time
FC -> jc-72895
2. at such a time

3. at such a time

4. at such a time
FC jc-031297
5. at such a time
FC jc-031297

0. auh yece iuhcatzintli, yece ixquichtzin: ic nictlatlauhtia
in tlacatl, in toteucyo: and furthermore, in like manner,
this is all with which i pray to the master, our lord (b6
f5 p54)

0. asi' ( thus; like this )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. as if; as; like; likewise; similar to; so; similar
FC -> jc-72895
2. similar; such; such as; thus; in the same way; same; so
FC -> jc-72895
3. as if; as; like; so; similar to; likewise; similar; such
as; such; thus; in the same way; same
4. as if; as; like; so; similar to; likewise; similar; such
as; such; thus; in the same way; same
5. as if; as; like; so; similar to; likewise; similar; such
as; such; thus; in the same way; same <ihui-prt1-c2>
<ihui-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. as if; like; as; such as; thus <ihui-prt1-c2>
<ihui-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. asi' ( thus; like this )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. as if; as; like; like as; thus; so; such; likewise; similar
to; similar
FC jc-031297
9. similar; such; such as; thus; in the same way; like; so;
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. as if; as; like; like as; thus; so; such; likewise; similar
to; similar
FC jc-031297
11. similar; such; such as; thus; in the same way; like; so;
FC jc-031297

0. as if; like; as

1. as if; like; as
FC -> jc-72895
2. as if; like; as

3. as if; like; as

4. as if; like; as
FC jc-031297
5. as if; like; as
FC jc-031297

0. as if, like; so; as; just as; similar to; so that; similar;
thus; in this way
1. as if; like; so; as; just as; similar to; so that
FC -> jc-72895
2. similar; thus; as if; in this way
FC -> jc-72895
3. as if, like; so; as; just as; similar to; so that; similar;
thus; in this way
4. as if, like; so; as; just as; similar to; so that; similar;
thus; in this way
5. as if, like; so; as; just as; similar to; so that; similar;
thus; in this way <ihui-c2-in>
<ihui-c2-in> FC - > jc-61096
6. as if, like; so; as; just as; similar to; so that; similar;
thus; in this way <ihui-c2-in>
<ihui-c2-in> FC - > jc-61096
7. as if; like; so; as; similar; thus; in this way
<ihui-prt1-c2-in> FC - > jc-61096
8. as if; like; so; as; just as; as though; how; rather;
similar to; so that; thus
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
9. similar; thus; as if; in this way; so
FC jc-031297
10. as if; like; so; as; just as; as though; how; rather;
similar to; so that; thus
FC jc-031297
11. similar; thus; as if; in this way; so
FC jc-031297

0. as if; like; as

1. as if; like; as
FC -> jc-72895
2. as if; like; as

3. as if; like; as
4. as if; like; as

5. as if; like; as
6. as if; like; as <ihui-c2-in-mah>
<ihui-c2-in-mah> FC - > jc-61096
7. as if; like; as <ihui-c2-in-mah>
<ihui-c2-in-mah> FC - > jc-61096
8. as if; like; as <ihui-c2-in-mah>
<ihui-c2-in-mah> FC - > jc-61096
9. like, as <ihui-c2-n-mah>
<ihui-c2-n-mah> FC - > jc-61096
10. like, as <ihui-c2-n-mah>
<ihui-c2-n-mah> FC - > jc-61096
11. as if; like; as
FC jc-031297
12. as if; like; as
FC jc-031297

0. his face

1. his face
FC -> jc-72895
2. his face

3. his face
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. his face
FC jc-031297
5. his face
FC jc-031297

ix quicui
0. he sobers up

1. he sobers up
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sobers up
FC -> jc-72895
3. he sobers up

4. he sobers up

5. he sobers up <p33-cui>
<p33-cui> FC - > jc-61096
6. he sobers up
FC jc-031297
7. he sobers up
FC jc-031297

0. prudent person ( ixtli = eye, face )

0. su carita [ H ] ( her face [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. su cara ( her face )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. her face; his face; his mask
FC -> jc-72895
2. her face; his face; his mask

3. her face; his face; his mask

4. her face; his face; his mask <poss-xa:yacatl>

<poss-xa:yacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. su cara ( her face )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
6. her face; his face; his mask; its face
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. her face; his face; his mask; its face

FC jc-031297

0. his tears

1. his tears
FC -> jc-72895
2. his tears

3. his tears

4. his tears <poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1>

<poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his tears <poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1>
<poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his tears
FC jc-031297
7. his tears
FC jc-031297

0. house of tears

1. house of tears
FC -> jc-72895
2. house of tears

3. house of tears

4. house of tears <i:xtli-a:tl1-calli>

<i:xtli-a:tl1-calli> FC - > jc-61096
5. house of tears <i:xtli-a:tl1-calli>
<i:xtli-a:tl1-calli> FC - > jc-61096
6. house of tears
FC jc-031297
7. house of tears
FC jc-031297

0. with tears

1. with tears
FC -> jc-72895
2. with tears
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. with tears

4. with tears <i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1-ti1-ca2>

<i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with tears <i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1-ti1-ca2>
<i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. with tears <i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1-ti1-ca2>
<i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
7. with tears
FC jc-031297
8. with tears
FC jc-031297

0. tear

1. tear
FC -> jc-72895
2. tear

3. tear

4. tear <i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1>
<i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. tear <i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1>
<i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. tear
FC jc-031297
7. tear
FC jc-031297

0. tearful words

1. tearful words
FC -> jc-72895
2. tearful words

3. tearful words

4. tearful words <i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1--p51-ihtoa:-l1>

<i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1--p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. tearful words <i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1--p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1--p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. tearful words <i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1--p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1--p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. tearful words <i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1--p51-ihtoa:-l1>

<i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1--p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. tearful words <i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1--p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1--p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
9. tearful words
FC jc-031297
10. tearful words
FC jc-031297

0. cenca malhuiloya, ipampa cenca tlacuauh oncan tetech
quinehuaya, tennecuilohuaya, tempatziohuaya,
ixnecuiliooaya, ixcatziohuaya, yacanecuiloaya etx they were
carefully watched, because at this time they might be
violently possessed, their lips twisted and withered, their
eyes crossed and cloudy their noses crooked, etc (b4 f10

0. firm

1. firm
FC -> jc-72895
2. firm

3. firm

4. firm
FC jc-031297
5. firm
FC jc-031297

0. brave

1. brave
FC -> jc-72895
2. brave

3. brave
4. brave

5. brave
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. brave <i:xtli-chica:hua-c1>
<i:xtli-chica:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. brave <i:xtli-chica:hua-c1>
<i:xtli-chica:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. brave
FC jc-031297
9. brave
FC jc-031297

0. his face becomes red

1. his face becomes red

FC -> jc-72895
2. his face becomes red

3. his face becomes red

4. his face becomes red

FC jc-031297
5. his face becomes red
FC jc-031297

0. red-faced

1. red-faced
FC -> jc-72895
2. red-faced

3. red-faced

4. red-faced
FC jc-031297
5. red-faced
FC jc-031297

0. cataract

1. cataract
FC -> jc-72895
2. cataract

3. cataract
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. cataract
FC jc-031297
5. cataract
FC jc-031297

0. having a star design painted on his face

1. having a star design painted on his face

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a star design painted on his face

3. having a star design painted on his face

4. having a star design painted on his face

FC jc-031297
5. having a star design painted on his face
FC jc-031297

0. film over the eye

1. film over the eye

FC -> jc-72895
2. film over the eye

3. film over the eye

4. film over the eye

FC jc-031297
5. film over the eye
FC jc-031297

0. in his eye; in his face; in his presence; in its face; in
its presence; on her face; on his face; on its surface; on
the surface of; on the surface; present
1. in his eye; in his face; in his presence; in its face; in
its presence
FC -> jc-72895
2. on her face; on his face; on its surface; on the surface;
on the surface of
FC -> jc-72895
3. present
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. in his eye; in his face; in his presence; in its face; in

its presence; on her face; on his face; on its surface; on
the surface of; on the surface; present
5. in his eye; in his face; in his presence; in its face; in
its presence; on her face; on his face; on its surface; on
the surface of; on the surface; present
6. in his eye; in his face; in his presence; in its face; in
its presence; on her face; on his face; on its surface; on
the surface of; on the surface; present <i:xtli-co1>
<i:xtli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. in his eye; in his face; in his presence; in its face; in
its presence; on her face; on his face; on its surface; on
the surface of; on the surface; present <i:xtli-co1>
<i:xtli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
8. before him, in his presence
FC jc-031297
9. in his eye; in his face; before his face; in his presence;
in its face; in its presence
FC jc-031297
10. on her face; on his face; on its surface; on the face of
it; on the surface; on the surface of
FC jc-031297
11. present
FC jc-031297
12. before him, in his presence
FC jc-031297
13. in his eye; in his face; before his face; in his presence;
in its face; in its presence
FC jc-031297
14. on her face; on his face; on its surface; on the face of
it; on the surface; on the surface of
FC jc-031297
15. present
FC jc-031297

0. revolting; sad-faced

1. revolting; sad-faced
FC -> jc-72895
2. revolting; sad-faced

3. revolting; sad-faced
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. revolting; sad-faced
FC jc-031297
5. revolting; sad-faced
FC jc-031297

0. eye ailment; eye pain; sickness of the eyes

1. eye ailment; eye pain; sickness of the eyes

FC -> jc-72895
2. eye ailment; eye pain; sickness of the eyes

3. eye ailment; eye pain; sickness of the eyes

4. eye ailment; eye pain; sickness of the eyes

<i:xtli-coco:ya-delya-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. eye ailment; eye pain; sickness of the eyes
<i:xtli-coco:ya-delya-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. eye ailment; eye pain; sickness of the eyes
FC jc-031297
7. eye ailment; eye pain; sickness of the eyes
FC jc-031297

0. sick in the eyes
Adj Form jc-022897
1. sick in the eyes
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. sick in the eyes
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it can be baked on a griddle

1. it can be baked on a griddle

FC -> jc-72895
2. it can be baked on a griddle

3. it can be baked on a griddle

4. it can be baked on a griddle

FC jc-031297
5. it can be baked on a griddle
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. from the front

1. from the front

FC -> jc-72895
2. from the front

3. from the front

4. from the front

FC jc-031297
5. from the front
FC jc-031297

0. yellow

1. yellow
FC -> jc-72895
2. yellow

3. yellow

4. yellow <i:xtli-coztli-tic>
<i:xtli-coztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. yellow <i:xtli-coztli-tic>
<i:xtli-coztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. yellow
FC jc-031297
7. yellow
FC jc-031297

0. its forehead

1. its forehead
FC -> jc-72895
2. its forehead

3. its forehead

4. its forehead
FC jc-031297
5. its forehead
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. forehead

1. forehead
FC - > jc-61096
2. forehead
FC - > jc-61096

0. eyebrow

1. eyebrow
FC -> jc-72895
2. eyebrow

3. eyebrow

4. eyebrow
FC jc-031297
5. eyebrow
FC jc-031297

0. tawny; tawny on the surface

1. tawny; tawny on the surface

FC -> jc-72895
2. tawny; tawny on the surface

3. tawny; tawny on the surface

4. tawny on the surface <i:xtli-cuahuitl-pachtli-tic>

<i:xtli-cuahuitl-pachtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. tawny on the surface; tawny <i:xtli-cuahuitl-pachtli-tic>
<i:xtli-cuahuitl-pachtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. tawny on the surface; tawny <i:xtli-cuahuitl-pachtli-tic>
<i:xtli-cuahuitl-pachtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. tawny on the surface; tawny <i:xtli-cuahuitl-pachtli-tic>
<i:xtli-cuahuitl-pachtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. tawny; tawny on the surface
FC jc-031297
9. tawny; tawny on the surface
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. skin of the face

FC jc-031297

0. his eyelids burn

1. his eyelids burn

FC -> jc-72895
2. his eyelids burn

3. his eyelids burn

4. his eyelids burn

FC jc-031297
5. his eyelids burn
FC jc-031297

0. on the eyelids

1. on the eyelids
FC -> jc-72895
2. on the eyelids

3. on the eyelids

4. on the eyelids
FC jc-031297
5. on the eyelids
FC jc-031297

0. hair on the forehead

1. hair on the forehead

FC - > jc-61096
2. hair on the forehead
FC - > jc-61096

0. hair on the forehead
FC - > jc-61096

0. blind of an eye
Adj Form jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. blind of an eye
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. sightless
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. blind

4. unseeing

5. eyeless

6. blind of an eye

0. rheum of the eyes

1. rheum of the eyes

FC -> jc-72895
2. rheum of the eyes

3. rheum of the eyes

4. rheum of the eyes <i:xtli-cuitlatl>

<i:xtli-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. rheum of the eyes
FC jc-031297
6. rheum of the eyes
FC jc-031297

ixe nacaceh
0. one who is prudent
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1
1. who is observant

0. his eyes ache

1. his eyes ache

FC -> jc-72895
2. his eyes ache

3. his eyes ache

4. his eyes ache

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. his eyes ache

FC jc-031297

0. something that has an eye
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

ixeque nacaceque
0. those who are prudent
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

ixequeh nacacehqueh
0. those who are prudent
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. sprout
1. it erupts, it sprouts; it forms
FC -> jc-72895
2. they sprout
FC -> jc-72895
3. it erupts, it sprouts; it forms; they sprout
4. sprout
5. it erupts, it sprouts; it forms; they sprout
6. it erupts, it sprouts; it forms; they sprout <ixhua>
<ixhua> FC - > jc-61096
7. sprout
FC - > jc-61096
8. it erupts, it sprouts; it forms
FC jc-031297
9. they sprout
FC jc-031297
10. it erupts, it sprouts; it forms
FC jc-031297
11. they sprout
FC jc-031297

ixhua quixhualtia
0. he causes it to sprout

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. its eyes
1. its eyes
FC -> jc-72895
2. its eyes
3. its eyes
4. its eyes <poss-i:xtli-plur04>
<poss-i:xtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. its eyes
FC jc-031297
6. its eyes
FC jc-031297

0. it will grow, it will sprout

1. it will grow, it will sprout

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will grow, it will sprout

3. it will grow, it will sprout

4. it will grow, it will sprout

FC jc-031297
5. it will grow, it will sprout
FC jc-031297

0. one who has grandchildren

1. one who has grandchildren

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who has grandchildren

3. one who has grandchildren

4. one who has grandchildren

FC jc-031297
5. one who has grandchildren
FC jc-031297

0. his grandsons
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his grandsons
FC -> jc-72895
2. his grandsons

3. his grandsons

4. his grandsons <poss-ixhui:uhtli-plur04>

<poss-ixhui:uhtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. his grandsons
FC jc-031297
6. his grandsons
FC jc-031297

0. grandchild

1. grandchild
FC -> jc-72895
2. grandchild

3. grandchild

4. grandchild <ixhui:uhtli>
<ixhui:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. grandchild
FC jc-031297
6. grandchild
FC jc-031297

0. su hombligo ( its navel )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. her umbilical cord; his umbilical cord
FC -> jc-72895
2. her umbilical cord; his umbilical cord

3. her umbilical cord; his umbilical cord

4. her umbilical cord; his umbilical cord <poss-xi:ctli>

<poss-xi:ctli> FC - > jc-61096
5. su hombligo ( its navel )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. her umbilical cord; his umbilical cord
FC jc-031297
7. her umbilical cord; his umbilical cord
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. his umbilical cord offering

1. his umbilical cord offering

FC -> jc-72895
2. his umbilical cord offering

3. his umbilical cord offering

4. his umbilical cord offering

FC jc-031297
5. his umbilical cord offering
FC jc-031297

0. his sleeveless jacket

1. his sleeveless jacket

FC -> jc-72895
2. his sleeveless jacket

3. his sleeveless jacket

4. his sleeveless jacket <poss-xicolli>

<poss-xicolli> FC - > jc-61096
5. his sleeveless jacket
FC jc-031297
6. his sleeveless jacket
FC jc-031297

0. her bosom; its belly

1. her bosom; its belly

FC -> jc-72895
2. her bosom; its belly

3. its belly
4. her bosom; its belly

5. its belly
6. its belly <poss-xilla:ntli>
<poss-xilla:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. her bosom; its belly

FC jc-031297
8. her bosom; its belly
FC jc-031297

0. its silk (ie, cornsilk)

1. its silk ( ie, cornsilk )

FC -> jc-72895
2. its silk (ie, cornsilk)

3. its silk (ie, cornsilk)

4. its silk ( ie cornsilk ) <poss-xilotl-yo:tl1>

<poss-xilotl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its silk ( ie, cornsilk )
FC jc-031297
6. its silk ( ie, cornsilk )
FC jc-031297

0. ca intla tlaca intla onca inyollo, intla onca
intlacaquiliz: in itlachihualhuan dios, intech canazquia,
intech quicuizquia, in iximachocatzin dios; for if men in
their hearts, in their understanding, knew god's creations,
from them they would have derived, they would have grasped,
their knowledge of god (b1 f3 p56)

0. its seed

1. his semen
FC -> jc-72895
2. its seed
FC -> jc-72895
3. its seed

4. his semen

5. its seed

6. his semen

7. his semen
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. its seed
FC jc-031297
9. his semen
FC jc-031297
10. its seed
FC jc-031297

0. its seed

1. its seed
FC -> jc-72895
2. its seed

3. its seed

4. its seed <poss-xina:chtli-yo:tl1>

<poss-xina:chtli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its seed
FC jc-031297
6. its seed
FC jc-031297

0. its seed
1. its seed
FC -> jc-72895
2. its seed
3. its seed
4. its seed <poss-xina:chtli-yo:tl1>
<poss-xina:chtli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its seed <poss-xina:chtli-yo:tl1>
<poss-xina:chtli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its seed
FC jc-031297
7. its seed
FC jc-031297

0. its seed

1. its seed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. its seed

3. its seed

4. its seed <poss-xina:chtli-yo:tl1>

<poss-xina:chtli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its seed <poss-xinachtli-yo:tl1>
<poss-xinachtli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its seed
FC jc-031297
7. its seed
FC jc-031297

0. its scales, its bark; its scaliness

1. its scales, its bark; its scaliness

FC -> jc-72895
2. its scales, its bark; its scaliness

3. its scales, its bark; its scaliness

4. its scales <poss-xi:ma-ca:5-yo:tl1>

<poss-xi:ma-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its scales <poss-xi:ma-ca:5-yo:tl1>
<poss-xi:ma-ca:5-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its scales, its bark; its scaliness
FC jc-031297
7. its scales, its bark; its scaliness
FC jc-031297

0. scum

1. scum
FC -> jc-72895
2. scum

3. scum

4. scum
FC jc-031297
5. scum
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. its bark

1. its bark
FC -> jc-72895
2. its bark

3. its bark

4. its bark <poss-xipehua-l1-yo:tl1>

<poss-xipehua-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its bark <poss-xipehua-l1-yo:tl1>
<poss-xipehua-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its bark
FC jc-031297
7. its bark
FC jc-031297

0. her image, her representation; her impersonator; her
likeness; her representative; his envoy; his
representative; his figure; his representation; his image;
his impersonator; his likeness; his proxy; its image; its
impersonator; its likeness; its represen
1. her image; her representation; her impersonator; her
likeness; her representative; his envoy; his
representative; his figure; his representation; his image;
his impersonator; his likeness; his proxy
FC -> jc-72895
2. its image; its impersonator; its likeness; its
representation; its representative
FC -> jc-72895
3. her image, her representation; her impersonator; her
likeness; her representative; his envoy; his
representative; his figure; his representation; his image;
his impersonator; his likeness; his proxy; its image; its
impersonator; its likeness; its represen
4. her image, her representation; her impersonator; her
likeness; her representative; his envoy; his
representative; his figure; his representation; his image;
his impersonator; his likeness; his proxy; its image; its
impersonator; its likeness; its represen
5. her image, her representation; her impersonator; her
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

likeness; her representative; his envoy; his

representative; his figure; his representation; his image;
his impersonator; his likeness; his proxy; its image; its
impersonator; its likeness; its representation; its
representative <poss-i:xi:ptlatl>
<poss-i:xi:ptlatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. her image; her representation; her impersonator; her
likeness; her representative; his envoy; his
representative; his figure; his representation; his image;
his impersonator; his likeness; his proxy
FC jc-031297
7. its image; its impersonator; its likeness; its
representation; its representative
FC jc-031297
8. her image; her representation; her impersonator; her
likeness; her representative; his envoy; his
representative; his figure; his representation; his image;
his impersonator; his likeness; his proxy
FC jc-031297
9. its image; its impersonator; its likeness; its
representation; its representative
FC jc-031297

0. his impersonators

1. his impersonators
FC -> jc-72895
2. his impersonators

3. his impersonators

4. his impersonators <poss-i:xi:ptlatl-plur04>

<poss-i:xi:ptlatl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. his impersonators
FC jc-031297
6. his impersonators
FC jc-031297

0. its representation

1. its representation
FC -> jc-72895
2. its representation
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. its representation

4. its representation <poss-i:xi:ptlatl-in>

<poss-i:xi:ptlatl-in> FC - > jc-61096
5. its representation <poss-i:xi:ptlatl-in>
<poss-i:xi:ptlatl-in> FC - > jc-61096
6. its representation
FC jc-031297
7. its representation
FC jc-031297

0. he represents, he impersonates

1. he represents, he impersonates
FC -> jc-72895
2. he represents, he impersonates

3. he represents, he impersonates

4. he represents, he impersonates <poss-i:xi:ptlatl-;

<poss-i:xi:ptlatl--> FC - > jc-61096
5. he represents, he impersonates
FC jc-031297
6. he represents, he impersonates
FC jc-031297

0. representative
1. representative

2. representative
3. representative

4. representative
FC - > jc-61096

0. his vicar, his representative

1. his vicar, his representative

FC -> jc-72895
2. his vicar, his representative
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. his vicar, his representative

4. his vicar, his representative <poss-i:xi:ptlatl-tzin>

<poss-i:xi:ptlatl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. his vicar, his representative <poss-i:xi:ptlatl-tzin>
<poss-i:xi:ptlatl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. his vicar, his representative
FC jc-031297
7. his vicar, his representative
FC jc-031297

0. their deputies
FC jc-031297

0. his pouch, his bag, his sack

1. his pouch, his bag, his sack

FC -> jc-72895
2. his pouch, his bag, his sack

3. his pouch, his bag, his sack

4. his pouch, his bag, his sack

FC jc-031297
5. his pouch, his bag, his sack
FC jc-031297

0. in its pouch

1. in its pouch
FC -> jc-72895
2. in its pouch

3. in its pouch

4. in its pouch
FC jc-031297
5. in its pouch
FC jc-031297

0. he was respected
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he was respected
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was respected

3. he was respected

4. he was respected <i:xtli-itta-lo:1-prt2>

<i:xtli-itta-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was respected <i:xtli-itta-lo:1-prt2>
<i:xtli-itta-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was respected <i:xtli-itta-lo:1-prt2>
<i:xtli-itta-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. he was respected
FC jc-031297
8. he was respected
FC jc-031297

0. auh in cinteotl, no toquichtin in ipan mixehuaya
ixiuhxayac, ihuan ixiuhtlanex, ihuan iayauhxicol texotli,
iuhquin tlalpilli, ihuan iecacozqui: and also cinteotl was
represented as a man, with his turquoise [mosaic] mask and
his turquoise rays, and his mist jacket of [light] blue, as
if netted, and his wind jewel necklace (b9 f6 p80), niman
ye ixiuhtlanex contlaliticac ihuitopil: ihuan ichimal,
itzitzil ihuan ipozolcac then he had placed on his
radiating ornament of turquoise, his feathered staff, and
his shield, his rattles, and his foam sandals (b9 f6 p84),
no quetzalcomitl in quimama ixiuhtlanex, ihuitopil,
ichimal, itzitzil, ipozolcac: also he bore upon his back
the olla with quetzal feather; [he had] his radiating
ornament of turquoise, his feathered staff, his shield, his
rattles, his foam sandals (b9 f6 p84)
1. auh in cinteotl, no toquichtin in ipan mixehuaya
ixiuhxayac, ihuan ixiuhtlanex, ihuan iayauhxicol texotli,
iuhquin tlalpilli, ihuan iecacozqui: and also cinteotl was
represented as a man, with his turquoise [mosaic] mask and
his turquoise rays, and his mist jacket of [light] blue, as
if netted, and his wind jewel necklace (b9 f6 p80), niman
ye ixiuhtlanex contlaliticac ihuitopil: ihuan ichimal,
itzitzil ihuan ipozolcac then he had placed on his
radiating ornament of turquoise, his feathered staff, and
his shield, his rattles, and his foam sandals (b9 f6 p84),
no quetzalcomitl in quimama ixiuhtlanex, ihuitopil,
ichimal, itzitzil, ipozolcac: also he bore upon his back
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

the olla with quetzal feather; [he had] his radiating

ornament of turquoise, his feathered staff, his shield, his
rattles, his foam sandals (b9 f6 p84)
2. auh in cinteotl, no toquichtin in ipan mixehuaya
ixiuhxayac, ihuan ixiuhtlanex, ihuan iayauhxicol texotli,
iuhquin tlalpilli, ihuan iecacozqui: and also cinteotl was
represented as a man, with his turquoise [mosaic] mask and
his turquoise rays, and his mist jacket of [light] blue, as
if netted, and his wind jewel necklace (b9 f6 p80), niman
ye ixiuhtlanex contlaliticac ihuitopil: ihuan ichimal,
itzitzil ihuan ipozolcac then he had placed on his
radiating ornament of turquoise, his feathered staff, and
his shield, his rattles, and his foam sandals (b9 f6 p84),
no quetzalcomitl in quimama ixiuhtlanex, ihuitopil,
ichimal, itzitzil, ipozolcac: also he bore upon his back
the olla with quetzal feather; [he had] his radiating
ornament of turquoise, his feathered staff, his shield, his
rattles, his foam sandals (b9 f6 p84)
3. auh in cinteotl, no toquichtin in ipan mixehuaya
ixiuhxayac, ihuan ixiuhtlanex, ihuan iayauhxicol texotli,
iuhquin tlalpilli, ihuan iecacozqui: and also cinteotl was
represented as a man, with his turquoise [mosaic] mask and
his turquoise rays, and his mist jacket of [light] blue, as
if netted, and his wind jewel necklace (b9 f6 p80), niman
ye ixiuhtlanex contlaliticac ihuitopil: ihuan ichimal,
itzitzil ihuan ipozolcac then he had placed on his
radiating ornament of turquoise, his feathered staff, and
his shield, his rattles, and his foam sandals (b9 f6 p84),
no quetzalcomitl in quimama ixiuhtlanex, ihuitopil,
ichimal, itzitzil, ipozolcac: also he bore upon his back
the olla with quetzal feather; [he had] his radiating
ornament of turquoise, his feathered staff, his shield, his
rattles, his foam sandals (b9 f6 p84)

0. its leaves; its foliage
1. its foliage; its leaves; its petals
FC -> jc-72895
2. its leaves; its foliage
3. its foliage; its leaves; its petals
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. its leaves; its foliage

5. its foliage; its leaves; its petals

6. its foliage, its leaves <poss-xihuitl-yo:tl1>

<poss-xihuitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. its leaves, its petals; its foliage <poss-xihuitl1-yo:tl1>
<poss-xihuitl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
8. its leaves; its foliage <poss-xihuitl-yo:tl1>
<poss-xihuitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
9. its foliage; its leaves; its petals
FC jc-031297
10. its foliage; its leaves; its petals
FC jc-031297

0. shuttle

1. shuttle
FC -> jc-72895
2. shuttle

3. shuttle

4. shuttle
FC jc-031297
5. shuttle
FC jc-031297

0. ixmahuizyohua face has honor <i:xtli-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v09
(b10 f6 c27 p112b)

0. it is blinded, it is dazzled

1. it is blinded, it is dazzled
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is blinded, it is dazzled

3. it is blinded, it is dazzled

4. it is blinded, it is dazzled
FC jc-031297
5. it is blinded, it is dazzled
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. sun-blindness

1. sun-blindness
FC -> jc-72895
2. sun-blindness

3. sun-blindness

4. sun-blindness <i:xtli-dupl-miqui-liz>
<i:xtli-dupl-miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. sun-blindness <i:xtli-dupl-miqui-liz>
<i:xtli-dupl-miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. sun-blindness <i:xtli-dupl-miqui-liz>
<i:xtli-dupl-miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. sun-blindness <i:xtli-dupl-miqui-liz>
<i:xtli-dupl-miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
8. sun-blindness
FC jc-031297
9. sun-blindness
FC jc-031297

0. something which is blinded

1. something which is blinded

FC -> jc-72895
2. something which is blinded

3. something which is blinded

4. something which is blinded

FC jc-031297
5. something which is blinded
FC jc-031297

0. flesh of the face

1. flesh of the face

FC -> jc-72895
2. flesh of the face

3. flesh of the face
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. flesh of the face <i:xtli-nacatl>

<i:xtli-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. flesh of the face <i:xtli-nacatl>
<i:xtli-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. flesh of the face <i:xtli-nacatl>
<i:xtli-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. flesh of the face
FC jc-031297
8. flesh of the face
FC jc-031297

0. insufferability, irresistibility

1. insufferability, irresistibility
FC -> jc-72895
2. insufferability, irresistibility

3. insufferability, irresistibility

4. insufferability, irresistibility
FC jc-031297
5. insufferability, irresistibility
FC jc-031297

0. it is verified, it is evident

1. it is verified, it is evident
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is verified, it is evident

3. it is verified, it is evident

4. it is verified, it is evident <i:xtli-ne:ci>

<i:xtli-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is verified, it is evident <i:xtli-ne:ci>
<i:xtli-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is verified, it is evident <i:xtli-ne:ci>
<i:xtli-ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is verified, it is evident
FC jc-031297
8. it is verified, it is evident
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. ash-face

1. ash-face
FC -> jc-72895
2. ash-face

3. ash-face

4. ash-face <i:xtli-nextli>
<i:xtli-nextli> FC - > jc-61096
5. ash-face <i:xtli-nextli>
<i:xtli-nextli> FC - > jc-61096
6. ash-face <i:xtli-nextli>
<i:xtli-nextli> FC - > jc-61096
7. ash-face
FC jc-031297
8. ash-face
FC jc-031297

0. ashen

1. ashen
FC -> jc-72895
2. ashen

3. ashen
4. ashen

5. ashen
6. ashen <i:xtli-nextli-tic>
<i:xtli-nextli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. ashen <i:xtli-nextli-tic>
<i:xtli-nextli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. ashen <i:xtli-nextli-tic>
<i:xtli-nextli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. ashen
FC jc-031297
10. ashen
FC jc-031297

0. its fruit
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. its fruit

1. its fruit
FC -> jc-72895
2. its fruit

3. its fruit

4. its fruit <poss-xo:chitl-cualli-yo:tl1>

<poss-xo:chitl-cualli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its fruit <poss-xo:chitl-cualli-yo:tl1>
<poss-xo:chitl-cualli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its fruit <poss-xo:chitl-cualli-yo:tl1>
<poss-xo:chitl-cualli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. its fruit
FC jc-031297
8. its fruit
FC jc-031297

0. its blossom; its blossoms; its fat; its flower

1. its blossom; its blossoms; its fat; its flower

FC -> jc-72895
2. its blossom; its blossoms; its fat; its flower

3. its blossom; its blossoms; its fat; its flower

4. its blossom; its blossoms; its flower <poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1>

<poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its blossom; its blossoms; its flower; its fat
<poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its blossom; its blossoms; its fat; its flower
FC jc-031297
7. its blossom; its blossoms; its fat; its flower
FC jc-031297

0. its little blossoms

1. its little blossoms

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. its little blossoms

3. its little blossoms

4. its little blossoms <poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-dupl-to:n>

<poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-dupl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. its little blossoms <poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-dupl-to:n>
<poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-dupl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. its little blossoms <poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-dupl-to:n>
<poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-dupl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. its little blossoms <poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-dupl-to:n>
<poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-dupl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. its little blossoms <poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-dupl-to:n>
<poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-dupl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
9. its little blossoms
FC jc-031297
10. its little blossoms
FC jc-031297

0. flower

1. flower
FC -> jc-72895
2. flower

3. flower

4. flower
FC jc-031297
5. flower
FC jc-031297

0. its blossom

1. its blossom
FC -> jc-72895
2. its blossom

3. its blossom

4. its blossom <poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1>

<poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its blossom <poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1>
<poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. its blossom
FC jc-031297
7. its blossom
FC jc-031297

0. its blossom

1. its blossom
FC -> jc-72895
2. its blossom

3. its blossom

4. its blossom <poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1>

<poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its blossom <poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1>
<poss-xo:chitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its blossom
FC jc-031297
7. its blossom
FC jc-031297

0. their pages

1. their pages
FC -> jc-72895
2. their pages

3. their pages

4. their pages <poss-xo:lo:tl-plur04>

<poss-xo:lo:tl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. their pages
FC jc-031297
6. their pages
FC jc-031297

0. his page

1. his page
FC -> jc-72895
2. his page
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. his page

4. his page <poss-xo:lo:tl-uh>

<poss-xo:lo:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. his page <poss-xo:lo:tl-uh>
<poss-xo:lo:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. his page
FC jc-031297
7. his page
FC jc-031297

0. drunken face

1. drunken face
FC -> jc-72895
2. drunken face

3. drunken face

4. drunken face
FC jc-031297
5. drunken face
FC jc-031297

0. its ankle joints
FC jc-031297

ixotiliaya ( oquim- )
0. lo cuidaba [ H ] ( she [ H ] took care of it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

ixotilique ( onechm- )
0. me cuidaron ( they took care of me )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

ixotiz ( tinech- )
0. me cuidara's ( you will take care of me )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. its bloom

1. its bloom
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. its bloom

3. its bloom

4. its bloom
FC jc-031297
5. its bloom
FC jc-031297

0. face festers; it festers on the surface

1. face festers; it festers on the surface

FC -> jc-72895
2. face festers; it festers on the surface

3. face festers; it festers on the surface

4. face festers; it festers on the surface

FC jc-031297
5. face festers; it festers on the surface
FC jc-031297

0. from his presence

1. from his presence

FC -> jc-72895
2. from his presence

3. from his presence

4. from his presence

FC jc-031297
5. from his presence
FC jc-031297

0. delante de e'l ( in front of him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. before her, in front of her; before him; in front of him;
in his presence; before it; in front of it; before them; in
front of them
FC -> jc-72895
2. before her, in front of her; before him; in front of him;
in his presence; before it; in front of it; before them; in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

front of them

3. before her, in front of her; before him; in front of him;

in his presence; before it; in front of it; before them; in
front of them

4. before her, in front of her; before him; in front of him;

before them; in front of them; in his presence; before it;
in front of it <poss-i:xtli-pan>
<poss-i:xtli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. before her, in front of her; before him; in front of him;
before them; in front of them; in his presence; before it;
in front of it <poss-i:xtli-pan>
<poss-i:xtli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. delante de e'l ( in front of him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. before her, in front of her; before him; in front of him;
in his presence; before it; in front of it; before them; in
front of them
FC jc-031297
8. before her, in front of her; before him; in front of him;
in his presence; before it; in front of it; before them; in
front of them
FC jc-031297

0. before him, in front of him; in his presence

1. before him, in front of him; in his presence

FC -> jc-72895
2. before him, in front of him; in his presence

3. before him, in front of him; in his presence

4. before him, in front of him; in his presence

<poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. before him, in front of him; in his presence
<poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. before him, in front of him; in his presence
<poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. before him, in front of him; in his presence
<poss-i:xtli-pan-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. before him, in front of him; in his presence

FC jc-031297
9. before him, in front of him; in his presence
FC jc-031297

0. eye medicine

1. eye medicine
FC -> jc-72895
2. eye medicine

3. eye medicine

4. eye medicine <i:xtli-pahtli>

<i:xtli-pahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. eye medicine <i:xtli-pahtli>
<i:xtli-pahtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. eye medicine
FC jc-031297
7. eye medicine
FC jc-031297

0. blind in an eye
Adj Form jc-022897
1. blind in an eye
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. blind in an eye
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. having a wide face

1. having a wide face

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a wide face

3. having a wide face

4. having a wide face <i:xtli-pech?-tic>

<i:xtli-pech?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. broad of face, having a broad face; having a wide face
FC jc-031297
6. broad of face, having a broad face; having a wide face
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. of uncovered face
Adj Form jc-022897
1. of uncovered face
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. of uncovered face
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. bashful
Adj Form jc-022897
1. bashful
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. shy
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. timid

4. embarrassed

5. abashed

6. timorous

7. sheepish

8. diffident

9. reserved

10. modest

11. bashful

0. slender

1. slender
FC -> jc-72895
2. slender

3. slender

4. slender <i:xtli-dupl-pitza:hua-c1>
<i:xtli-dupl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. slender <i:xtli-dupl-pitza:hua-c1>
<i:xtli-dupl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. slender <i:xtli-dupl-pitza:hua-c1>
<i:xtli-dupl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. slender <i:xtli-dupl-pitza:hua-c1>
<i:xtli-dupl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. slender <i:xtli-dupl-pitza:hua-c1>
<i:xtli-dupl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. slender
FC jc-031297
10. slender
FC jc-031297

0. small

1. small
FC -> jc-72895
2. small

3. small

4. small <i:xtli-pitza:hua-c1>
<i:xtli-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. small <i:xtli-pitza:hua-c1>
<i:xtli-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. small
FC jc-031297
7. small
FC jc-031297

0. blind of an eye
Adj Form jc-022897
1. blind of an eye
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. sightless
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. blind

4. unseeing

5. eyeless

6. blind of an eye
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. blind

1. blind
FC -> jc-72895
2. blind

3. blind

4. blind <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tic>
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. blind <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tic>
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. blind <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tic>
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. blind <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tic>
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. blind
FC jc-031297
9. blind
FC jc-031297

0. it is destroyed; it perishes; they are destroyed; they

1. it is destroyed; it perishes; they are destroyed; they

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is destroyed; it perishes; they are destroyed; they

3. it is destroyed; it perishes; they are destroyed; they


4. it is destroyed <i:xtli-polihui>
<i:xtli-polihui> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is destroyed <i:xtli-polihui>
<i:xtli-polihui> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is destroyed; it perishes; they are destroyed; they
FC jc-031297
7. it is destroyed; it perishes; they are destroyed; they
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he perished
FC jc-031297

0. blind people

1. blind people
FC -> jc-72895
2. blind people

3. blind people

4. blind people <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-plur03>

<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
5. blind people <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-plur03>
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
6. blind people <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-plur03>
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
7. blind people <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-plur03>
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
8. blind people
FC jc-031297
9. blind people
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes blind

1. it becomes blind
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes blind

3. it becomes blind

4. he becomes blind; it becomes blind

FC jc-031297
5. he becomes blind; it becomes blind
FC jc-031297

0. no ihuan oncan neztica, in ca miec tlamantli,
netlapololtiliztli, netoliniliztli, ixpopoyotiliztli, ipan
ohuetzque in tlateotocanime likewise here are revealed
many of the confusions, miseries, blindnesses into which
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

the idolaters fell <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-v01-liz (b1 f4 cAp

p63), 2 inin ca huei netlapololtiliztli, huei
ixpopoyotiliztli, in amotech quicauhtiaque, in amocolhuan:
this was a great confusion, a great blindness which your
forefathers left to you <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-v01-liz (b1 f5
cAp p74), 3 ixcuepoctli: ixpopoyotiliztli
ixtezcaihcihuiztli, ixtotolicihuiztli, ixmimiquiliztli,
ixpopoyotlachializtli squint eyes, blindness, blindness
from cataracts, sun-blindness, blinded vision
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-v01-liz (b10 f8 c28 p144)
1. no ihuan oncan neztica, in ca miec tlamantli,
netlapololtiliztli, netoliniliztli, ixpopoyotiliztli, ipan
ohuetzque in tlateotocanime likewise here are revealed
many of the confusions, miseries, blindnesses into which
the idolaters fell
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-v01-liz> (b1 f4 cAp p63) JC-7/23/96
2. inin ca huei netlapololtiliztli, huei ixpopoyotiliztli, in
amotech quicauhtiaque, in amocolhuan: this was a great
confusion, a great blindness which your forefathers left to
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-v01-liz> (b1 f5 cAp p74) JC-7/23/96
3. ixcuepoctli: ixpopoyotiliztli ixtezcaihcihuiztli,
ixtotolicihuiztli, ixmimiquiliztli, ixpopoyotlachializtli
squint eyes, blindness, blindness from cataracts,
sun-blindness, blinded vision
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-v01-liz> (b10 f8 c28 p144) JC-7/23/96

0. blindness
FC -> jc-72895
1. blindness <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl>
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl> FC - > jc-61096
2. blindness <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl>
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl> FC - > jc-61096
3. blindness <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl>
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl> FC - > jc-61096
4. blindness <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl>
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl> FC - > jc-61096
5. blindness
FC jc-031297
6. blindness
FC jc-031297

0. blinded vision
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. blinded vision
FC -> jc-72895
2. blinded vision

3. blinded vision

4. blinded vision <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tlachiya-liz>

<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tlachiya-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. blinded vision <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tlachiya-liz>
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tlachiya-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. blinded vision <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tlachiya-liz>
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tlachiya-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. blinded vision <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tlachiya-liz>
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tlachiya-liz> FC - > jc-61096
8. blinded vision <i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tlachiya-liz>
<i:xtli-dupl-poyotl-tlachiya-liz> FC - > jc-61096
9. blinded vision
FC jc-031297
10. blinded vision
FC jc-031297

0. his eyes are inflamed, swollen

1. his eyes are inflamed, swollen

FC -> jc-72895
2. his eyes are inflamed, swollen

3. his eyes are inflamed, swollen

4. his eyes are inflamed, swollen

FC jc-031297
5. his eyes are inflamed, swollen
FC jc-031297

0. eyelid

1. eyelid
FC -> jc-72895
2. eyelid

3. eyelid

4. eyelid
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. eyelid
FC jc-031297

0. his eyelid

1. his eyelid
FC -> jc-72895
2. his eyelid

3. his eyelid

4. his eyelid
FC jc-031297
5. his eyelid
FC jc-031297

0. all; all which; as much; enough; everything; full amount;
some; whatsoever; as much as; a full amount; every

1. all; all which; as much; enough; everything; full amount;

some; whatsoever; as much as; a full amount; every
FC -> jc-72895
2. all; all which; as much; enough; everything; full amount;
some; whatsoever; as much as; a full amount; every

3. all; all which; as much; enough; everything; full amount;

some; whatsoever; as much as; a full amount; every

4. all; a full amount; all which; as much; enough; everything;

full amount; some; whatsoever; as much as; every
FC jc-031297
5. all; a full amount; all which; as much; enough; everything;
full amount; some; whatsoever; as much as; every
FC jc-031297

0. all

1. all
FC -> jc-72895
2. all

3. all
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. all <i:xquich-plur02>
<i:xquich-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. all
FC jc-031297
6. all
FC jc-031297

0. all; everyone

1. all; everyone
FC -> jc-72895
2. all; everyone

3. all; everyone

4. all <i:xquich-plur02>
<i:xquich-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. all; everyone <ixquich-plur02>
<ixquich-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. all; a full number; everyone
FC jc-031297
7. all; a full number; everyone
FC jc-031297

0. all
FC jc-031297

0. all

1. all
FC -> jc-72895
2. all

3. all

4. all <ixquich-tzin>
<ixquich-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. all <ixquich-tzin>
<ixquich-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. all
FC jc-031297
7. all
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. a little bit

1. a little bit
FC -> jc-72895
2. a little bit

3. a little bit

4. a little bit; all

FC jc-031297
5. a little bit; all
FC jc-031297

0. crab lice; lice around the eyes

1. crab lice; lice around the eyes

FC -> jc-72895
2. crab lice; lice around the eyes

3. crab lice; lice around the eyes

4. crab lice; lice around the eyes

FC jc-031297
5. crab lice; lice around the eyes
FC jc-031297

0. its eyes

1. its eyes
FC -> jc-72895
2. its eyes

3. its eyes

4. its eyes
FC jc-031297
5. its eyes
FC jc-031297

0. his eyes are torn out
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his eyes are torn out

FC -> jc-72895
2. his eyes are torn out

3. his eyes are torn out

4. his eyes are torn out

FC jc-031297
5. his eyes are torn out
FC jc-031297

0. eye

1. eye
FC -> jc-72895
2. eye

3. eye

4. eye
FC jc-031297
5. eye
FC jc-031297

0. eye

1. eye
FC -> jc-72895
2. eye

3. eye

4. eye
FC jc-031297
5. eye
FC jc-031297

0. having eyes like spindle whorls

1. having eyes like spindle whorls

FC -> jc-72895
2. having eyes like spindle whorls
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. having eyes like spindle whorls

4. having eyes like spindle whorls; round of face; having a

round face
FC jc-031297
5. having eyes like spindle whorls; round of face; having a
round face
FC jc-031297

0. his face becomes pale

1. his face becomes pale

FC -> jc-72895
2. his face becomes pale

3. his face becomes pale

4. his face becomes pale <i:xtli-tetl1-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi

<i:xtli-tetl1-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. his face becomes pale <i:xtli-tetl1-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi
<i:xtli-tetl1-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. his face becomes pale <i:xtli-tetl1-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi
<i:xtli-tetl1-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. his face becomes pale <i:xtli-tetl1-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi
<i:xtli-tetl1-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
8. his face becomes pale <i:xtli-tetl1-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi
<i:xtli-tetl1-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
9. his face becomes pale <i:xtli-tetl1-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi
<i:xtli-tetl1-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
10. his face becomes pale <i:xtli-tetl1-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi
<i:xtli-tetl1-nextli-v03a-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
11. his face becomes pale
FC jc-031297
12. his face becomes pale
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. pale

1. pale
FC -> jc-72895
2. pale

3. pale

4. pale
FC jc-031297
5. pale
FC jc-031297

0. his eyelids droop

1. his eyelids droop

FC -> jc-72895
2. his eyelids droop

3. his eyelids droop

4. his eyelids droop <i:xtli-te:ntli-mimilli-v03a>

<i:xtli-te:ntli-mimilli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
5. his eyelids droop <i:xtli-te:ntli-mimilli-v03a>
<i:xtli-te:ntli-mimilli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
6. his eyelids droop <i:xtli-te:ntli-mimilli-v03a>
<i:xtli-te:ntli-mimilli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
7. his eyelids droop <i:xtli-te:ntli-mimilli-v03a>
<i:xtli-te:ntli-mimilli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
8. his eyelids droop
FC jc-031297
9. his eyelids droop
FC jc-031297

0. one who has dark edges on his eyes
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. glazing of the eyes

1. glazing of the eyes

FC -> jc-72895
2. glazing of the eyes
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. glazing of the eyes

4. glazing of the eyes

FC jc-031297
5. glazing of the eyes
FC jc-031297

0. blindness, glazing of the eyes

1. blindness, glazing of the eyes

FC -> jc-72895
2. blindness, glazing of the eyes

3. blindness, glazing of the eyes

4. blindness, glazing of the eyes

FC jc-031297
5. blindness, glazing of the eyes
FC jc-031297

0. spectacles

1. spectacles
FC - > jc-61096
2. spectacles
FC - > jc-61096

0. to knot
FC - > jc-61096

0. it forms knots

0. plain

0. to pay
FC - > jc-61096

ixtla:hui tlaxtla:hua
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he pays something

0. on the desert; on the plain

1. on the desert; on the plain

FC -> jc-72895
2. on the desert; on the plain

3. on the desert; on the plain

4. on the desert; on the plain <ixtla:huatl-ca:n>

<ixtla:huatl-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. on the desert; on the plain <ixtla:huatl-ca:n>
<ixtla:huatl-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. on a plain; on the desert; on the plain
FC jc-031297
7. on a plain; on the desert; on the plain
FC jc-031297

0. llano ( plain )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. desert; plain
FC -> jc-72895
2. desert; plain

3. desert; plain
4. desert; plain

5. desert; plain
6. desert; plain <ixtla:huatl>
<ixtla:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. plain
FC - > jc-61096
8. llano ( plain )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
9. desert; plain
FC jc-031297
10. desert; plain
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they are experienced

1. they are experienced

FC -> jc-72895
2. they are experienced

3. they are experienced

4. they are experienced <i:xtli-p51-mati>

<i:xtli-p51-mati> FC - > jc-61096
5. they are experienced <i:xtli-p51-mati>
<i:xtli-p51-mati> FC - > jc-61096
6. they are experienced
FC jc-031297
7. they are experienced
FC jc-031297

0. across, crosswise
FC jc-031297

0. itech quiza in itoca tlacuahuac, ihuan tlapalli: ipampa ca
cenca cualli chicahuac, ixtlapaltic, ixtlapalihui huel
chichiltic, huel eztic; iuhquin xoxouhqui eztli, its name
comes from tlaquauac [dry] and tlapalli [color], because it
is very good, firm, vivid --a vivid color; a real
chili-red, very much like blood, like fresh blood
<i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a (b11 f23 c11 p238), 2 inic
motocayotia tlapalnextli; amo ixtlapalihui, amo eztic, zan
nexehuac, nexectic, ticehuac it is named tlapalnextli
because it is uncolored; it is not like blood, but is ash
colored, ashen, chalky <i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a (b11 f23
c11 p240), 3 cenca ixtlapalihui, ixchicactic, cualli,
cualnezqui, celic, it is very sound, firm, good, of good
appearance, fresh green <i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a (b11 f23
c11 p240), 4 ixtlapalihui, ixtlapaltic: it colors
solidly; it is solid-colored <i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a (b11
f23 c11 p240), 5 ixtlapalihui, it colors the face
<i:xtli-p52-pa:3-l1-v03a (b11 f25 c12 p258)
1. daring; it is sound
FC -> jc-72895
2. daring; it is sound

3. itech quiza in itoca tlacuahuac, ihuan tlapalli: ipampa ca
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cenca cualli chicahuac, ixtlapaltic, ixtlapalihui huel

chichiltic, huel eztic; iuhquin xoxouhqui eztli, its name
comes from tlaquauac [dry] and tlapalli [color], because it
is very good, firm, vivid --a vivid color; a real
chili-red, very much like blood, like fresh blood
<i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a (b11 f23 c11 p238), 2 inic
motocayotia tlapalnextli; amo ixtlapalihui, amo eztic, zan
nexehuac, nexectic, ticehuac it is named tlapalnextli
because it is uncolored; it is not like blood, but is ash
colored, ashen, chalky <i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a (b11 f23
c11 p240), 3 cenca ixtlapalihui, ixchicactic, cualli,
cualnezqui, celic, it is very sound, firm, good, of good
appearance, fresh green <i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a (b11 f23
c11 p240), 4 ixtlapalihui, ixtlapaltic: it colors
solidly; it is solid-colored <i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a (b11
f23 c11 p240), 5 ixtlapalihui, it colors the face
<i:xtli-p52-pa:3-l1-v03a (b11 f25 c12 p258)
4. daring; it is sound

5. daring <i:xtli-tlahpalli-v03a>
<i:xtli-tlahpalli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
6. daring; it is sound <i:xtli-tlahpalli-v03a>
<i:xtli-tlahpalli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
7. daring; it is sound <i:xtli-tlahpalli-v03a>
<i:xtli-tlahpalli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
8. it is sound <i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a>
<i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
9. it is sound <i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a>
<i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
10. itech quiza in itoca tlacuahuac, ihuan tlapalli: ipampa ca
cenca cualli chicahuac, ixtlapaltic, ixtlapalihui huel
chichiltic, huel eztic; iuhquin xoxouhqui eztli, its name
comes from tlaquauac [dry] and tlapalli [color], because it
is very good, firm, vivid --a vivid color; a real
chili-red, very much like blood, like fresh blood
<i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a> (b11 f23 c11 p238) JC-7/23/96
11. inic motocayotia tlapalnextli; amo ixtlapalihui, amo eztic,
zan nexehuac, nexectic, ticehuac it is named tlapalnextli
because it is uncolored; it is not like blood, but is ash
colored, ashen, chalky
<i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a> (b11 f23 c11 p240) JC-7/23/96
12. cenca ixtlapalihui, ixchicactic, cualli, cualnezqui, celic,
it is very sound, firm, good, of good appearance, fresh
<i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a> (b11 f23 c11 p240) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

13. ixtlapalihui, ixtlapaltic: it colors solidly; it is

<i:xtli-p51-pa:3-l1-v03a> (b11 f23 c11 p240) JC-7/23/96
14. ixtlapalihui, it colors the face
<i:xtli-p52-pa:3-l1-v03a> (b11 f25 c12 p258) JC-7/23/96
15. daring; it is sound
FC jc-031297
16. daring; it is sound
FC jc-031297

0. short cut

1. short cut
FC -> jc-72895
2. short cut

3. short cut

4. short cut
FC jc-031297
5. short cut
FC jc-031297

0. red or ruddy on the surface
FC jc-031297

0. having eyes like live coals; having flaming red eyes

1. having eyes like live coals; having flaming red eyes

FC -> jc-72895
2. having eyes like live coals; having flaming red eyes

3. having eyes like live coals; having flaming red eyes

4. having eyes like live coals <ix-dupl-tletl-xochitl-tic>

<ix-dupl-tletl-xochitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having eyes like live coals <ix-dupl-tletl-xochitl-tic>
<ix-dupl-tletl-xochitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having eyes like live coals <ix-dupl-tletl-xochitl-tic>
<ix-dupl-tletl-xochitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having eyes like live coals <ix-dupl-tletl-xochitl-tic>
<ix-dupl-tletl-xochitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. having eyes like live coals <ix-dupl-tletl-xochitl-tic>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ix-dupl-tletl-xochitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096

9. having eyes like live coals; having flaming red eyes
FC jc-031297
10. having eyes like live coals; having flaming red eyes
FC jc-031297

0. valiant

1. valiant
FC -> jc-72895
2. valiant

3. valiant

4. valiant <i:xtli-tletl-yo:tl1>
<i:xtli-tletl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. valiant <i:xtli-tletl-yo:tl1>
<i:xtli-tletl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. valiant
FC jc-031297
7. valiant
FC jc-031297

0. eye; face

1. eye; face
FC -> jc-72895
2. eye; face

3. eye; face

4. eye; face <i:xtli>

<i:xtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. face, eye
FC - > jc-61096
6. eye; face
FC jc-031297
7. eye; face
FC jc-031297

ixtli nacaztli
0. mediator; prudent person

1. mediator; prudent person
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. mediator; prudent person
FC -> jc-72895
3. mediator; prudent person

4. mediator; prudent person

5. mediator; prudent person <i:xtli nacaztli>

<i:xtli nacaztli> FC - > jc-61096
6. mediator; prudent person
FC jc-031297
7. mediator; prudent person
FC jc-031297

0. face blackens

1. face blackens
FC -> jc-72895
2. face blackens

3. face blackens

4. face blackens
FC jc-031297
5. face blackens
FC jc-031297

0. dark

1. dark
FC -> jc-72895
2. dark

3. dark

4. dark <i:xtli-tli:lli-tic>
<i:xtli-tli:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. dark <i:xtli-tli:lli-tic>
<i:xtli-tli:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. black on the surface; dark
FC jc-031297
7. black on the surface; dark
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. ixtliltic=dark in the face, ixtli=face, tliltic= black,

0. cataract

1. cataract
FC -> jc-72895
2. cataract

3. cataract

4. cataract
FC jc-031297
5. cataract
FC jc-031297

0. watchful

1. watchful
FC -> jc-72895
2. watchful

3. watchful

4. watchful <i:xtli-to:zoa:-ni1>
<i:xtli-to:zoa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. watchful <i:xtli-to:zoa:-ni1>
<i:xtli-to:zoa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. watchful <i:xtli-to:zoa:-ni1>
<i:xtli-to:zoa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. watchful <i:xtli-to:zoa:-ni1>
<i:xtli-to:zoa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. watchful
FC jc-031297
9. watchful
FC jc-031297

0. heavy perspiration of the face

1. heavy perspiration of the face

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. heavy perspiration of the face

3. heavy perspiration of the face

4. heavy perspiration of the face <i:xtli-tzotl-dupl-cuitlatl>

<i:xtli-tzotl-dupl-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. heavy perspiration of the face <i:xtli-tzotl-dupl-cuitlatl>
<i:xtli-tzotl-dupl-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. heavy perspiration of the face <i:xtli-tzotl-dupl-cuitlatl>
<i:xtli-tzotl-dupl-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. heavy perspiration of the face <i:xtli-tzotl-dupl-cuitlatl>
<i:xtli-tzotl-dupl-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. heavy perspiration of the face
FC jc-031297
9. heavy perspiration of the face
FC jc-031297

0. perspiration of the face

1. perspiration of the face

FC -> jc-72895
2. perspiration of the face

3. perspiration of the face

4. perspiration of the face <i:xtli-tzotl-cuitlatl>

<i:xtli-tzotl-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. perspiration of the face <i:xtli-tzotl-cuitlatl>
<i:xtli-tzotl-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. perspiration of the face
FC jc-031297
7. perspiration of the face
FC jc-031297

0. greenish

1. greenish
FC -> jc-72895
2. greenish

3. greenish

4. greenish <i:xtli-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<i:xtli-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. greenish <i:xtli-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<i:xtli-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. greenish <i:xtli-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<i:xtli-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. greenish <i:xtli-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<i:xtli-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. greenish
FC jc-031297
9. greenish
FC jc-031297

0. mottled green

1. mottled green
FC -> jc-72895
2. mottled green

3. mottled green

4. mottled green
FC jc-031297
5. mottled green
FC jc-031297

0. round-faced, having a round face
FC jc-031297

0. round; rounded on the surface

1. round; rounded on the surface

FC -> jc-72895
2. round; rounded on the surface

3. round; rounded on the surface

4. round; rounded on the surface

FC jc-031297
5. round; rounded on the surface
FC jc-031297

0. his warcry
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his warcry
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. his warcry
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. his warcry
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. his nose; its nose; stinking
<ihya:ya-delya-c1> <poss-yacatl>
1. his nose; its nose
FC -> jc-72895
2. stinking
FC -> jc-72895
3. his nose; its nose; stinking
<ihya:ya-delya-c1> <poss-yacatl>
4. his nose; its nose; stinking
<ihya:ya-delya-c1> <poss-yacatl>
5. his nose; its nose <poss-yacatl>
<poss-yacatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. stinking <ihya:ya-delya-c1>
<ihya:ya-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. stinking <ihya:ya-delya-c1>
<ihya:ya-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. his nose; its nose; its tip; its end
FC jc-031297
9. stinking
FC jc-031297
10. his nose; its nose; its tip; its end
FC jc-031297
11. stinking
FC jc-031297

0. his nose; its scent; its odor
<poss-ihyaya-delya-ca:5> <poss-yacatl>
1. his nose; its scent; its odor
FC -> jc-72895
2. his nose; its scent; its odor
<poss-ihyaya-delya-ca:5> <poss-yacatl>
3. its scent, its odor
4. his nose; its scent; its odor
<poss-ihyaya-delya-ca:5> <poss-yacatl>
5. its scent, its odor
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. his nose <poss-yacatl>

<poss-yacatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. its scent, its odor <poss-ihyaya-delya-ca:5>
<poss-ihyaya-delya-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
8. its scent, its odor <poss-ihyaya-delya-ca:5>
<poss-ihyaya-delya-ca:5> FC - > jc-61096
9. his nose; its scent; its odor
FC jc-031297
10. his nose; its scent; its odor
FC jc-031297

0. at the tip; in first position; in his nose; at his nose; in
his nostril; in the lead; on its tip; on its point; on its
end; at its end
1. at the tip
FC -> jc-72895
2. in first position; in his nose; at his nose; in his
nostril; in the lead; on its tip; on its end; at its end;
on its point
FC -> jc-72895
3. at the tip; in first position; in his nose; at his nose; in
his nostril; in the lead; on its tip; on its point; on its
end; at its end
4. at the tip; in first position; in his nose; at his nose; in
his nostril; in the lead; on its tip; on its point; on its
end; at its end
5. at the tip; in first position; in his nose; at his nose; in
his nostril; in the lead; on its tip; on its point; on its
end; at its end <poss-yacatl-co2>
<poss-yacatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. at the tip; in first position; in his nose; at his nose; in
his nostril; in the lead; on its tip; on its point; on its
end; at its end <poss-yacatl-co2>
<poss-yacatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
7. at the tip
FC jc-031297
8. in first position; in his nose; at his nose; in his
nostril; in the lead; on its tip; on its end; at its end;
on its point
FC jc-031297
9. at the tip
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. in first position; in his nose; at his nose; in his

nostril; in the lead; on its tip; on its end; at its end;
on its point
FC jc-031297

0. tender shoots

1. tender shoots
FC -> jc-72895
2. tender shoots

3. tender shoots

4. tender shoots
FC jc-031297
5. tender shoots
FC jc-031297

0. its erectile process [of a turkey]; its nose mucus
1. its erectile process [ of a turkey ]; its nose mucus
FC -> jc-72895
2. its erectile process [of a turkey]; its nose mucus
3. its erectile process [of a turkey]; its nose mucus
4. its erectile process [ of a turkey ]; its nose mucus
<poss-yacatl-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. its erectile process [ of a turkey ]; its nose mucus
<poss-yacatl-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. its erectile process [ of a turkey ]; its nose mucus
<poss-yacatl-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. its erectile process [ of a turkey ]; its nose mucus
FC jc-031297
8. its erectile process [ of a turkey ]; its nose mucus
FC jc-031297

0. its snout

1. its snout
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. its snout

3. its snout

4. its snout
FC jc-031297
5. its snout
FC jc-031297

0. in yolqui: iyacatzon the nose-hair of living persons (b10
f6 p104a)

0. its tip

1. its tip
FC -> jc-72895
2. its tip

3. its tip

4. its tip
FC jc-031297
5. its tip
FC jc-031297

0. in first place, in first position

1. in first place, in first position

FC -> jc-72895
2. in first place, in first position

3. in first place, in first position

4. in first place, in first position

FC jc-031297
5. in first place, in first position
FC jc-031297

0. on his shoulder
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. on his shoulder
FC -> jc-72895
2. on his shoulder

3. on his shoulder

4. on his shoulder
FC jc-031297
5. on his shoulder
FC jc-031297

0. offer
1. (cf iya) offer
2. (cf iya) offer

0. his enemies
1. his enemies
FC -> jc-72895
2. his enemies
3. his enemies
4. his enemies <poss-ya:o:tl-plur04>
<poss-ya:o:tl-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. his enemies; his foes
FC jc-031297
6. his enemies; his foes
FC jc-031297

0. dark green

1. dark green
FC -> jc-72895
2. dark green

3. dark green

4. dark green
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. dark green
FC jc-031297

0. mist rattle board

1. mist rattle board

FC -> jc-72895
2. mist rattle board

3. mist rattle board

4. mist rattle board

FC jc-031297
5. mist rattle board
FC jc-031297

0. it stinks

1. it stinks
FC -> jc-72895
2. it stinks

3. it stinks

4. it stinks
FC jc-031297
5. it stinks
FC jc-031297

0. it has an aroma, it smells

1. it has an aroma, it smells

FC -> jc-72895
2. it has an aroma, it smells

3. it has an aroma, it smells

4. it has an aroma, it smells

FC jc-031297
5. it has an aroma, it smells
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. its wing

1. its wing
FC -> jc-72895
2. its wing

3. its wing

4. its wing
FC jc-031297
5. its wing
FC jc-031297

0. tobacco bowl
1. tobacco bowl
FC -> jc-72895
2. tobacco bowl
3. tobacco bowl
4. tobacco bowl <iyetl-caxitl>
<iyetl-caxitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. tobacco bowl <iyetl-caxitl>
<iyetl-caxitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. tobacco bowl
FC jc-031297
7. tobacco bowl
FC jc-031297

0. his bean field

1. his bean field

FC -> jc-72895
2. his bean field

3. his bean field

4. his bean field

FC jc-031297
5. his bean field
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. solicitous

1. solicitous
FC -> jc-72895
2. solicitous

3. solicitous

4. solicitous
FC jc-031297
5. solicitous
FC jc-031297

0. diligent

1. diligent
FC -> jc-72895
2. diligent

3. diligent

4. diligent
FC jc-031297
5. diligent
FC jc-031297

0. his bearing; his being; his way of life; his character; its
essence; its habits; its manner of life; its nature; its
characteristics; their being; their nature
1. his bearing; his being; his way of life; his character; its
essence; its habits; its manner of life; its nature; its
characteristics; their being; their nature
FC -> jc-72895
2. his bearing; his being; his way of life; his character; its
essence; its habits; its manner of life; its nature; its
characteristics; their being; their nature
3. his bearing; his being; his way of life; his character; its
essence; its habits; its manner of life; its nature; its
characteristics; their being; their nature
4. his bearing; his being; his way of life; his character; its
essence; its habits; its manner of life; its nature; its
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

characteristics; their being; their nature <poss-ca:1b-liz>

<poss-ca:1b-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. his bearing; his being; his way of life; his character; its
essence; its habits; its manner of life; its nature; its
characteristics; their being; their nature
FC jc-031297
6. his bearing; his being; his way of life; his character; its
essence; its habits; its manner of life; its nature; its
characteristics; their being; their nature
FC jc-031297

0. with tobacco, by means of tobacco
1. with tobacco, by means of tobacco
FC -> jc-72895
2. with tobacco, by means of tobacco
3. with tobacco, by means of tobacco
4. with tobacco, by means of tobacco <iyetl-ti1-ca2>
<iyetl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with tobacco, by means of tobacco <iyetl-ti1-ca2>
<iyetl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. with tobacco, by means of tobacco
FC jc-031297
7. with tobacco, by means of tobacco
FC jc-031297

0. tobacco; tube of tobacco
1. tobacco; tube of tobacco
FC -> jc-72895
2. tobacco; tube of tobacco
3. tobacco; tube of tobacco
4. tobacco; tube of tobacco <iyetl>
<iyetl> FC - > jc-61096
5. tobacco; tube of tobacco
FC jc-031297
6. tobacco; tube of tobacco
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. flatulence, to break wind

0. tobacco flower
1. tobacco flower
FC -> jc-72895
2. tobacco flower
3. tobacco flower
4. tobacco flower <iyetl-xo:chitl>
<iyetl-xo:chitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. tobacco flower
FC jc-031297
6. tobacco flower
FC jc-031297

0. delante de ella ( in front of her )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. only
1. only
FC -> jc-72895
2. only
3. only
4. only <iyoh>
<iyoh> FC - > jc-61096
5. only
FC jc-031297
6. only
FC jc-031297

0. its life

0. apart, alone, aside; by himself; separately; each by
itself; in private
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. apart, alone, aside; by himself; separately; each by

itself; in private
FC -> jc-72895
2. apart, alone, aside; by himself; separately; each by
itself; in private

3. apart, alone, aside; by himself; separately; each by

itself; in private

4. apart, alone, aside; by himself; separately; each by

itself; in private
FC jc-031297
5. apart, alone, aside; by himself; separately; each by
itself; in private
FC jc-031297

0. its breeding place

1. its breeding place

FC -> jc-72895
2. its breeding place

3. its breeding place

4. its breeding place

FC jc-031297
5. its breeding place
FC jc-031297

0. deliberately, slowly

1. deliberately, slowly
FC -> jc-72895
2. deliberately, slowly

3. deliberately, slowly

4. cautiously, slowly; deliberately

FC jc-031297
5. cautiously, slowly; deliberately
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. its life
FC -> jc-72895
1. its life
FC jc-031297
2. its life
FC jc-031297

0. his offense

1. his offense
FC -> jc-72895
2. his offense

3. his offense

4. his offense
FC jc-031297
5. his offense
FC jc-031297

0. inic huel iximachoz, in tlateotoquiliztli, in ca cenca
tetlapololti: huel mictlan tetlaz, huel huei
iyolitlacolocatzin in dios, in toteyocoxcatzin,
totemaquixticatzin thus it will be known that idolatry
bringeth confusion to men; it will cast them into the land
of the dead; it is a great sin against god, our creator,
our redeemer (b1 f3 p62)

0. her heart; his heart; his mind; its; its center; its core;
its interior; its heart; its pith; its inside; their heart;
their hearts
1. her heart; his heart; his mind; its; its center; its heart;
its interior; its core; its pith; its inside
FC -> jc-72895
2. their heart; their hearts
FC -> jc-72895
3. her heart; his heart; his mind; its; its center; its core;
its interior; its heart; its pith; its inside; their heart;
their hearts
4. her heart; his heart; his mind; its; its center; its core;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

its interior; its heart; its pith; its inside; their heart;
their hearts
5. her heart; his heart; his mind; its; its center; its core;
its interior; its heart; its pith; its inside; their heart;
their hearts <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. her heart; his heart; his mind; its; its center; its core;
its interior; its heart; its pith; its inside; their heart;
their hearts <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. their hearts <poss-yo:llo:tl>
<poss-yo:llo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
8. her heart; his heart; his mind; its; its center; its heart;
its interior; its core; its pith; its inside
FC jc-031297
9. their heart; their hearts
FC jc-031297
10. her heart; his heart; his mind; its; its center; its heart;
its interior; its core; its pith; its inside
FC jc-031297
11. their heart; their hearts
FC jc-031297

0. in its center; its central part; its interior

1. in its center; its central part; its interior

FC -> jc-72895
2. in its center; its central part; its interior

3. in its center; its central part; its interior

4. in its center; its central part; its interior

FC jc-031297
5. in its center; its central part; its interior
FC jc-031297

0. in his chest; in his heart
1. in his chest; in his heart
FC -> jc-72895
2. in his chest; in his heart
3. in his chest; in his heart
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. in his chest; in his heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-pan>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. in his chest; in his heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-pan>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. in his chest; in his heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-pan>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-pan> FC - > jc-61096
7. in his chest; in his heart
FC jc-031297
8. in his chest; in his heart
FC jc-031297

0. her heart; his heart
1. her heart; his heart
FC -> jc-72895
2. her heart; his heart
3. her heart; his heart
4. her heart; his heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. her heart; his heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. her heart; his heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. her heart; his [ h ]; his [ h ] heart; his heart; his heart
FC jc-031297
8. her heart; his [ h ]; his [ h ] heart; his heart; his heart
FC jc-031297

0. its center
1. its center
FC -> jc-72895
2. its center
3. its center
4. its center <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-yo:tl1?>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-yo:tl1?> FC - > jc-61096
5. its center <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-yo:tl1?>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-yo:tl1?> FC - > jc-61096

6. its center
FC jc-031297
7. its center
FC jc-031297

0. su corazo'n ( her heart )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. the only time
FC jc-031297

0. his exploit, his manliness

1. his exploit, his manliness

FC -> jc-72895
2. his exploit, his manliness

3. his exploit, his manliness

4. his exploit, his manliness

FC jc-031297
5. his exploit, his manliness
FC jc-031297

0. cold

1. cold
FC -> jc-72895
2. cold

3. cold

4. cold
FC jc-031297
5. cold
FC jc-031297

0. it whitens, it becomes white

1. it whitens, it becomes white
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it whitens, it becomes white

3. it whitens, it becomes white

4. it whitens, it becomes white

FC jc-031297
5. it whitens, it becomes white
FC jc-031297

0. here
1. here
FC -> jc-72895
2. here
3. here
4. here <iz>
<iz> FC - > jc-61096
5. here
FC jc-031297
6. here
FC jc-031297

0. his straw bed

1. his straw bed

FC -> jc-72895
2. his straw bed

3. his straw bed

4. his straw bed

FC jc-031297
5. his straw bed
FC jc-031297

0. his grass ball
FC jc-031297

0. noise, hoarse
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. (cf izanaca) noise, hoarse
2. (cf izanaca) noise, hoarse

0. he was hoarse

1. he was hoarse
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was hoarse

3. he was hoarse

4. he was hoarse
FC jc-031297
5. he was hoarse
FC jc-031297

0. hoarseness
Adj Form jc-022897
1. hoarseness
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. grating
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. gruff

4. harsh

5. ragged

6. husky

7. rough

8. rasping

9. throaty

10. raucous

11. hoarseness
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. hoarseness

1. hoarseness
FC -> jc-72895
2. hoarseness

3. hoarseness

4. hoarseness
FC jc-031297
5. hoarseness
FC jc-031297

0. surprise, fright

0. its fable, its story
1. its fable, its story
FC -> jc-72895
2. its fable, its story
3. its fable, its story
4. its fable, its story <poss-zazani:lli-yo:tl1>
<poss-zazani:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. its fable, its story <poss-zazani:lli-yo:tl1>
<poss-zazani:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. its fable, its story
FC jc-031297
7. its fable, its story
FC jc-031297

0. behold it, here it is; behold
1. behold it, here it is; behold
FC -> jc-72895
2. behold it, here it is; behold
3. behold it, here it is; behold
4. behold, here it is <iz-ca:1a>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<iz-ca:1a> FC - > jc-61096

5. behold, here it is <iz-ca:1a>
<iz-ca:1a> FC - > jc-61096
6. behold it, here it is; behold
FC jc-031297
7. behold it, here it is; behold
FC jc-031297

0. father

0. bringup, mature
FC - > jc-61096

izcalia mozcaltia
0. he is brought up, matured, educated

0. his rearing

1. his rearing
FC -> jc-72895
2. his rearing

3. his rearing

4. his rearing
FC jc-031297
5. his rearing
FC jc-031297

0. they will be nourished
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they will be nourished
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they will be nourished
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. they will be nourished
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they will be nourished
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they will be nourished
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

6. they will be nourished
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it is nourished

1. it is nourished
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is nourished

3. it is nourished

4. it is nourished
FC jc-031297
5. it is nourished
FC jc-031297

0. he will be reared

1. he will be reared
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be reared

3. he will be reared

4. he will be reared
FC jc-031297
5. he will be reared
FC jc-031297

0. behold, here it is
1. behold, here it is
FC -> jc-72895
2. behold, here it is
3. behold, here it is
4. behold, here it is <iz-ca:1a-;
<iz-ca:1a--> FC - > jc-61096
5. behold, here it is <iz-ca:1a-;
<iz-ca:1a--> FC - > jc-61096
6. behold, here it is
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. behold, here it is
FC jc-031297

0. behold them, here they are

1. behold them, here they are

FC -> jc-72895
2. behold them, here they are

3. behold them, here they are

4. behold them, here they are

FC jc-031297
5. behold them, here they are
FC jc-031297

0. up-bringing

1. up-bringing
FC -> jc-72895
2. up-bringing

3. up-bringing

4. up-bringing
FC jc-031297
5. up-bringing
FC jc-031297

0. behold, here she is; here it is; behold it; note it
1. behold it, here it is; behold; here she is; note it
FC -> jc-72895
2. behold, here she is; here it is; behold it; note it
3. behold, here she is; here it is; behold it; note it
4. behold, here she is; here it is; behold it; note it
<iz-ca:1a-qui5> FC - > jc-61096
5. behold, here she is; here it is; behold it; note it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<iz-ca:1a-qui5> FC - > jc-61096

6. behold, here she is; here it is; behold it; note it
<iz-ca:1a-qui5> FC - > jc-61096
7. behold it, here it is; behold; here she is; note it
FC jc-031297
8. behold it, here it is; behold; here she is; note it
FC jc-031297

0. child, kid (meant dog), escuincle

0. with maize husks, by means of maize husks
1. with maize husks, by means of maize husks
FC -> jc-72895
2. with maize husks, by means of maize husks
3. with maize husks, by means of maize husks
4. with maize husks, by means of maize husks <izhuatl-tica>
<izhuatl-tica> FC - > jc-61096
5. with maize husks, by means of maize husks <izhuatl-tica>
<izhuatl-tica> FC - > jc-61096
6. with maize husks, by means of maize husks
FC jc-031297
7. with maize husks, by means of maize husks
FC jc-031297

0. leaf
1. leaf

2. leaf
3. leaf

4. leaf
FC - > jc-61096

0. su esposa; su mujer ( his wife )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it is rumbling

1. it is rumbling
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is rumbling

3. it is rumbling

4. it is rumbling
FC jc-031297
5. it is rumbling
FC jc-031297

izque ( qu- )
0. lo bebera'n ( they will drink it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

izque ( tiqu- )
0. lo beberemos ( we will drink it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. all days; every day
1. all days; every day
FC -> jc-72895
2. all days; every day
3. all days; every day
4. all days; every day <i:zqui-ilhuitl>
<i:zqui-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. all days; every day <i:zqui-ilhuitl>
<i:zqui-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. all days; every day
FC jc-031297
7. all days; every day
FC jc-031297

0. all of them
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. toasted corn

1. toasted corn
FC - > jc-61096

0. all kinds; every kind; many things; various things; as many
1. all kinds; every kind; many things; various things; as many
FC -> jc-72895
2. all kinds; every kind; many things; various things; as many
3. all kinds; every kind; many things; various things; as many
4. all kinds <i:zqui-p51-mani-caus09-l2>
<i:zqui-p51-mani-caus09-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. all kinds <i:zqui-p51-mani-caus09-l2>
<i:zqui-p51-mani-caus09-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. all kinds; every kind <i:zqui-p51-mani-caus09-l2>
<i:zqui-p51-mani-caus09-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. every kind <i:zqui-tlamantli>
<i:zqui-tlamantli> FC - > jc-61096
8. all kinds; every kind; many things; various things; as many
FC jc-031297
9. all kinds; every kind; many things; various things; as many
FC jc-031297

0. popcorn flower tree
1. popcorn flower tree
FC -> jc-72895
2. popcorn flower tree
3. popcorn flower tree
4. popcorn flower tree <i:zquitl-xo:chitl-cuahuitl>
<i:zquitl-xo:chitl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. popcorn flower tree <i:zquitl-xo:chitl-cuahuitl>
<i:zquitl-xo:chitl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. popcorn flower tree <i:zquitl-xo:chitl-cuahuitl>

<i:zquitl-xo:chitl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. popcorn flower tree
FC jc-031297
8. popcorn flower tree
FC jc-031297

0. popcorn flower
1. popcorn flower
FC -> jc-72895
2. popcorn flower
3. popcorn flower
4. popcorn flower <i:zquitl-xo:chitl-tic>
<i:zquitl-xo:chitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. popcorn flower <i:zquitl-xo:chitl-tic>
<i:zquitl-xo:chitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. popcorn flower <i:zquitl-xo:chitl-tic>
<i:zquitl-xo:chitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. popcorn flower
FC jc-031297
8. popcorn flower
FC jc-031297

0. popcorn flower
1. popcorn flower
FC -> jc-72895
2. popcorn flower
3. popcorn flower
4. popcorn flower <i:zquitl-xo:chitl>
<i:zquitl-xo:chitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. popcorn flower <i:zquitl-xo:chitl>
<i:zquitl-xo:chitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. popcorn flower
FC jc-031297
7. popcorn flower
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. toasted maize flowers


0. broom

0. white
1. white
FC -> jc-72895
2. white
3. white
4. white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. white
FC jc-031297
8. white
FC jc-031297

0. mottled with white; spotted with white

1. mottled with white; spotted with white

FC -> jc-72895
2. mottled with white; spotted with white

3. mottled with white; spotted with white

4. mottled with white; spotted with white

FC jc-031297
5. mottled with white; spotted with white
FC jc-031297

0. thin bar of salt
1. thin bar of salt
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. thin bar of salt

3. thin bar of salt
4. thin bar of salt <iztatl-cana:hua-prt1-l2>
<iztatl-cana:hua-prt1-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. thin bar of salt <iztatl-cana:hua-prt1-l2>
<iztatl-cana:hua-prt1-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. thin bar of salt
FC jc-031297
7. thin bar of salt
FC jc-031297

0. very white

1. very white
FC -> jc-72895
2. very white

3. very white

4. very white
FC jc-031297
5. very white
FC jc-031297

0. one who has white sandals
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. mujer blanca ( white woman )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. saltworks, or place where salt is made
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. saltworks
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. or place where salt is made
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. saltworks
JC-05-07-97 -yan Locative Nouns
4. or place where salt is made
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. saltworks

6. or place where salt is made

0. salt maker
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. salt maker
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. salt maker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. salt maker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. salt makers
1. salt makers
FC -> jc-72895
2. salt makers
3. salt makers
4. salt makers <iztatl-chi:hua-prt1-plur14>
<iztatl-chi:hua-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
5. salt makers <iztatl-chi:hua-prt1-plur14>
<iztatl-chi:hua-prt1-plur14> FC - > jc-61096
6. salt makers
FC jc-031297
7. salt makers
FC jc-031297

0. salt producer
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. salt jar
FC jc-031297

0. very white
1. very white
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. very white
3. very white
4. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. very white; extremely white
FC jc-031297
10. very white; extremely white
FC jc-031297

0. iztacpaltic, aztapiltic, very white-exceedingly white
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pa:3-l1-tic (b11 f24 c11 p245)
1. very white
FC -> jc-72895
2. very white
3. iztacpaltic, aztapiltic, very white-exceedingly white
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pa:3-l1-tic (b11 f24 c11 p245)
4. very white
5. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pa:3-l1-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pa:3-l1-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pa:3-l1-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pa:3-l1-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pa:3-l1-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
10. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pa:3-l1-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
11. iztacpaltic, aztapiltic, very white-exceedingly white
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pa:3-l1-tic> (b11 f24 c11 p245) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

12. very white

FC jc-031297
13. very white
FC jc-031297

0. very white
1. very white
FC -> jc-72895
2. very white
3. very white
4. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. very white <iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-c1-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. very white
FC jc-031297
10. very white
FC jc-031297

0. ihhuipah, in quipa ticectic, cuitlanextic iztalectic,
cuichectic, pochehuac he dyes feathers; he dyes those
which are faded, dirty, yellow, darkened, smoked
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua-tic (b10 f4 c16 p61), 2
texatl, nextamalatl, iztalectic, xixittomoni, [inferior
chocolate has] maize flour and water; lime water,; [it is]
pale; the [froth] bubbles burst
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua-prt1-l2-tic (b10 f5 c26 p93), 3
in itzontecon; ihuan in ielpan, in iitipan, ihuan in
icuitlapil, ihuan in iiahaz, in iatlapal: iztalehuac,
tlaztalehualtic, iztalectic, pinehuac its head--as well as
on its breast, on its belly--and its tail, and its wings
are pale, pink, whitish, light-colored
<iztatl-v06-l1-ehua-tic (b11 f3 c2 p20)
1. pale; yellow
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. pale; yellow
3. ihhuipah, in quipa ticectic, cuitlanextic iztalectic,
cuichectic, pochehuac he dyes feathers; he dyes those
which are faded, dirty, yellow, darkened, smoked
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua-tic (b10 f4 c16 p61), 2
texatl, nextamalatl, iztalectic, xixittomoni, [inferior
chocolate has] maize flour and water; lime water,; [it is]
pale; the [froth] bubbles burst
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua-prt1-l2-tic (b10 f5 c26 p93), 3
in itzontecon; ihuan in ielpan, in iitipan, ihuan in
icuitlapil, ihuan in iiahaz, in iatlapal: iztalehuac,
tlaztalehualtic, iztalectic, pinehuac its head--as well as
on its breast, on its belly--and its tail, and its wings
are pale, pink, whitish, light-colored
<iztatl-v06-l1-ehua-tic (b11 f3 c2 p20)
4. pale; yellow
5. pale <iztatl-v06-l1-ehua-tic>
<iztatl-v06-l1-ehua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. pale <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-prt1-l2-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-prt1-l2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. pale <iztatl-v06-l1-ehua-tic>
<iztatl-v06-l1-ehua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. pale; yellow <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. pale; yellow <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
10. pale; yellow <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
11. pale; yellow <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
12. pale; yellow <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
13. pale; yellow <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-tic>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
14. ihhuipah, in quipa ticectic, cuitlanextic iztalectic,
cuichectic, pochehuac he dyes feathers; he dyes those
which are faded, dirty, yellow, darkened, smoked
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua-tic> (b10 f4 c16 p61) JC-7/23/96
15. texatl, nextamalatl, iztalectic, xixittomoni, [inferior
chocolate has] maize flour and water; lime water,; [it is]
pale; the [froth] bubbles burst
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua-prt1-l2-tic> (b10 f5 c26 p93) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

16. in itzontecon; ihuan in ielpan, in iitipan, ihuan in

icuitlapil, ihuan in iiahaz, in iatlapal: iztalehuac,
tlaztalehualtic, iztalectic, pinehuac its head--as well as
on its breast, on its belly--and its tail, and its wings
are pale, pink, whitish, light-colored
<iztatl-v06-l1-ehua-tic> (b11 f3 c2 p20) JC-7/23/96
17. pale; yellow
FC jc-031297
18. pale; yellow
FC jc-031297

0. iztalehua it becomes pale <iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua
(b10 f6 c27 p96b), 2 iztalehua it becomes pale
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua (b10 f6 c27 p97a), 3 iztalehua
it becomes pale <iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua (b10 f6 c27
p107a), 4 iztalehua it becomes pale
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua (b10 f6 c27 p112a), 5
iztalehua tlaztalehualti, chichilihui, iucci [its plumage]
becomes pale, pink, chili-red, well textured
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua (b11 f3 c2 p20)
1. it becomes pale
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes pale
3. iztalehua it becomes pale <iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua
(b10 f6 c27 p96b), 2 iztalehua it becomes pale
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua (b10 f6 c27 p97a), 3 iztalehua
it becomes pale <iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua (b10 f6 c27
p107a), 4 iztalehua it becomes pale
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua (b10 f6 c27 p112a), 5
iztalehua tlaztalehualti, chichilihui, iucci [its plumage]
becomes pale, pink, chili-red, well textured
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua (b11 f3 c2 p20)
4. it becomes pale
5. it becomes pale <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. it becomes pale <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. it becomes pale <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
8. it becomes pale <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. it becomes pale <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua>

<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
10. iztalehua it becomes pale
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua> (b10 f6 c27 p96b) JC-7/23/96
11. iztalehua it becomes pale
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua> (b10 f6 c27 p97a) JC-7/23/96
12. iztalehua it becomes pale
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua> (b10 f6 c27 p107a) JC-7/23/96
13. iztalehua it becomes pale
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua> (b10 f6 c27 p112a) JC-7/23/96
14. iztalehua tlaztalehualti, chichilihui, iucci [its plumage]
becomes pale, pink, chili-red, well textured
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua> (b11 f3 c2 p20) JC-7/23/96
15. it becomes pale
FC jc-031297
16. it becomes pale
FC jc-031297

0. iztalehuac pale <iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua-c1 (b10 f6
c27 p97a), 2 iztalehuac pale
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua-c1 (b10 f6 c27 p106b), 3
iztalehuac pale <iztatl-v01b-l1-e:hua-c1 (b10 f7 c27
p116a), 4 in itzontecon; ihuan in ielpan, in iitipan,
ihuan in icuitlapil, ihuan in iiahaz, in iatlapal:
iztalehuac, tlaztalehualtic, iztalectic, pinehuac its
head--as well as on its breast, on its belly--and its tail,
and its wings are pale, pink, whitish, light-colored
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f3 c2 p20), 5 cequi nextic,
cequi iztalehuac, cequi xoxouhqui: nepapan in colotl, some
are ashen, some whitish, some green; there are various
scorpions <iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f9 c5 p87), 6 cequi
tlatlauhqui, cequi huel iztaque, cequi iztalehuac: some
are ruddy, some very white, some pale
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f10 c5 p92), 7 cequi
cozyayactic, cequi tlatlactic, cequi iztalehuac, cequi
yayauhqui: some are dark yellow, some ruddy, some pale,
some dark <iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f10 c5 p92), 8 amo
huel iztac, zan iztalehuac, zan pinehuac inic coztic they
are not really white, only as whitish, only as pale as they
are yellow <iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f10 c5 p95), 9 amo
tel huel texotic, zan achi iztalehuac, zan pinehuac, zan
camahuac: inic xoxoctic, but it is not really a blue; it
is just so rather pale, just so pallid, just so yellow as
to be livid <iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f10 c5 p95), 10
tomahuac, iztalehuac, achi xoxoctic, cuacuacuahue, they are
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

thick, pale, a little green; they have antennae

<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f10 c5 p99), 11 in
itlaaquillo iztalehuac, cozyayactic, texio, tetexio, xallo:
its fruit is pale, dark yellow, fine-textured, very
fine-textured, grainy <iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f12 c6
p119), 11 in ixochio, iztalehuac: its blossom is pale
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f16 c7 p163), 12
iztalehuac it is pale <iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f20 c7
p200), 13 teteztic, tezonauhqui, tezontic, coztic,
iztalehuac: it is white, roughened, rough, yellow, pale
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f21 c7 p214), 14 ipampa
motocayotia iztac apozonalli, ca amo cenca coztic, zan achi
iztalehuac, zan pinehuac, zan camahuac in itlapallo it is
named white amber because its color is not very yellow; it
is just a little pale, just pale, just yellow
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f22 c8 p225), 15 amo cenca
iztac, zan iztalehuac, it is not very white; only whitish
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f24 c12 p254), 16 in
iztalehuac, cequi achi ixchichiltic, cequi ixiztac, it is
whitish; some is a little chili-red on the surface, some
white on the surface <iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f25 c12
p263), 17 iztalehuac, poxahuac, it is whitish, porous
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f25 c12 p265), 18
iztalehuac, ticehuac, zonectic, ahcohuetzqui, ayetic,
quiquiztic, it is whitish, chalky, spongy, light; not
heavy; honeycombed <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f25
c12 p266), 19 tliltic, tecoltic, tlilpatic, ayopaltic,
cuicuiltic, huahuanqui, zolcuicuiltic, iztac, iztalehuac,
pinehuac it is black, like charcoal; very black,
gourd-colored, varicolored, striped, colored like the
quail, white, whitish, pale <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1
(b11 f27 c13 p284), 20 xochitic neuctic, iztalehuac,
nexcococ, acecec, tzincuauhyo, ayo, mecayo, ayozonayo, it
is flower-like, sweet, pale, tasting of ashes, tasteless,
stemmed, juicy, stringy, prickly
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f27 c13 p288)
1. pale; whitish; chalky
FC -> jc-72895
2. pale; whitish; chalky
3. iztalehuac pale <iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua-c1 (b10 f6
c27 p97a), 2 iztalehuac pale
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua-c1 (b10 f6 c27 p106b), 3
iztalehuac pale <iztatl-v01b-l1-e:hua-c1 (b10 f7 c27
p116a), 4 in itzontecon; ihuan in ielpan, in iitipan,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

ihuan in icuitlapil, ihuan in iiahaz, in iatlapal:

iztalehuac, tlaztalehualtic, iztalectic, pinehuac its
head--as well as on its breast, on its belly--and its tail,
and its wings are pale, pink, whitish, light-colored
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f3 c2 p20), 5 cequi nextic,
cequi iztalehuac, cequi xoxouhqui: nepapan in colotl, some
are ashen, some whitish, some green; there are various
scorpions <iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f9 c5 p87), 6 cequi
tlatlauhqui, cequi huel iztaque, cequi iztalehuac: some
are ruddy, some very white, some pale
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f10 c5 p92), 7 cequi
cozyayactic, cequi tlatlactic, cequi iztalehuac, cequi
yayauhqui: some are dark yellow, some ruddy, some pale,
some dark <iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f10 c5 p92), 8 amo
huel iztac, zan iztalehuac, zan pinehuac inic coztic they
are not really white, only as whitish, only as pale as they
are yellow <iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f10 c5 p95), 9 amo
tel huel texotic, zan achi iztalehuac, zan pinehuac, zan
camahuac: inic xoxoctic, but it is not really a blue; it
is just so rather pale, just so pallid, just so yellow as
to be livid <iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f10 c5 p95), 10
tomahuac, iztalehuac, achi xoxoctic, cuacuacuahue, they are
thick, pale, a little green; they have antennae
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f10 c5 p99), 11 in
itlaaquillo iztalehuac, cozyayactic, texio, tetexio, xallo:
its fruit is pale, dark yellow, fine-textured, very
fine-textured, grainy <iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f12 c6
p119), 11 in ixochio, iztalehuac: its blossom is pale
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f16 c7 p163), 12
iztalehuac it is pale <iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f20 c7
p200), 13 teteztic, tezonauhqui, tezontic, coztic,
iztalehuac: it is white, roughened, rough, yellow, pale
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f21 c7 p214), 14 ipampa
motocayotia iztac apozonalli, ca amo cenca coztic, zan achi
iztalehuac, zan pinehuac, zan camahuac in itlapallo it is
named white amber because its color is not very yellow; it
is just a little pale, just pale, just yellow
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f22 c8 p225), 15 amo cenca
iztac, zan iztalehuac, it is not very white; only whitish
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f24 c12 p254), 16 in
iztalehuac, cequi achi ixchichiltic, cequi ixiztac, it is
whitish; some is a little chili-red on the surface, some
white on the surface <iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f25 c12
p263), 17 iztalehuac, poxahuac, it is whitish, porous
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f25 c12 p265), 18
iztalehuac, ticehuac, zonectic, ahcohuetzqui, ayetic,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

quiquiztic, it is whitish, chalky, spongy, light; not

heavy; honeycombed <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f25
c12 p266), 19 tliltic, tecoltic, tlilpatic, ayopaltic,
cuicuiltic, huahuanqui, zolcuicuiltic, iztac, iztalehuac,
pinehuac it is black, like charcoal; very black,
gourd-colored, varicolored, striped, colored like the
quail, white, whitish, pale <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1
(b11 f27 c13 p284), 20 xochitic neuctic, iztalehuac,
nexcococ, acecec, tzincuauhyo, ayo, mecayo, ayozonayo, it
is flower-like, sweet, pale, tasting of ashes, tasteless,
stemmed, juicy, stringy, prickly
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1 (b11 f27 c13 p288)
4. pale; whitish; chalky
5. pale; whitish; chalky <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. pale; whitish; chalky <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. pale; whitish; chalky <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. pale; whitish; chalky <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. pale; whitish; chalky <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
10. pale; whitish; chalky <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1>
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
11. iztalehuac pale
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua-c1> (b10 f6 c27 p97a) JC-7/23/96
12. iztalehuac pale
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua-c1> (b10 f6 c27 p106b) JC-7/23/96
13. iztalehuac pale
<iztatl-v01b-l1-e:hua-c1> (b10 f7 c27 p116a) JC-7/23/96
14. in itzontecon; ihuan in ielpan, in iitipan, ihuan in
icuitlapil, ihuan in iiahaz, in iatlapal: iztalehuac,
tlaztalehualtic, iztalectic, pinehuac its head--as well as
on its breast, on its belly--and its tail, and its wings
are pale, pink, whitish, light-colored
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f3 c2 p20) JC-7/23/96
15. cequi nextic, cequi iztalehuac, cequi xoxouhqui: nepapan in
colotl, some are ashen, some whitish, some green; there
are various scorpions
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f9 c5 p87) JC-7/23/96
16. cequi tlatlauhqui, cequi huel iztaque, cequi iztalehuac:
some are ruddy, some very white, some pale
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f10 c5 p92) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

17. cequi cozyayactic, cequi tlatlactic, cequi iztalehuac,

cequi yayauhqui: some are dark yellow, some ruddy, some
pale, some dark
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f10 c5 p92) JC-7/23/96
18. amo huel iztac, zan iztalehuac, zan pinehuac inic coztic
they are not really white, only as whitish, only as pale as
they are yellow
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f10 c5 p95) JC-7/23/96
19. amo tel huel texotic, zan achi iztalehuac, zan pinehuac,
zan camahuac: inic xoxoctic, but it is not really a blue;
it is just so rather pale, just so pallid, just so yellow
as to be livid
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f10 c5 p95) JC-7/23/96
20. tomahuac, iztalehuac, achi xoxoctic, cuacuacuahue, they are
thick, pale, a little green; they have antennae
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f10 c5 p99) JC-7/23/96
21. in itlaaquillo iztalehuac, cozyayactic, texio, tetexio,
xallo: its fruit is pale, dark yellow, fine-textured, very
fine-textured, grainy
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f12 c6 p119) JC-7/23/96
22. in ixochio, iztalehuac: its blossom is pale
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f16 c7 p163) JC-7/23/96
23. iztalehuac it is pale
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f20 c7 p200) JC-7/23/96
24. teteztic, tezonauhqui, tezontic, coztic, iztalehuac: it is
white, roughened, rough, yellow, pale
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f21 c7 p214) JC-7/23/96
25. ipampa motocayotia iztac apozonalli, ca amo cenca coztic,
zan achi iztalehuac, zan pinehuac, zan camahuac in
itlapallo it is named white amber because its color is not
very yellow; it is just a little pale, just pale, just
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f22 c8 p225) JC-7/23/96
26. amo cenca iztac, zan iztalehuac, it is not very white; only
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f24 c12 p254) JC-7/23/96
27. in iztalehuac, cequi achi ixchichiltic, cequi ixiztac, it
is whitish; some is a little chili-red on the surface, some
white on the surface
<iztatl-v06-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f25 c12 p263) JC-7/23/96
28. iztalehuac, poxahuac, it is whitish, porous
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f25 c12 p265) JC-7/23/96
29. iztalehuac, ticehuac, zonectic, ahcohuetzqui, ayetic,
quiquiztic, it is whitish, chalky, spongy, light; not
heavy; honeycombed
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f25 c12 p266) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

30. tliltic, tecoltic, tlilpatic, ayopaltic, cuicuiltic,

huahuanqui, zolcuicuiltic, iztac, iztalehuac, pinehuac it
is black, like charcoal; very black, gourd-colored,
varicolored, striped, colored like the quail, white,
whitish, pale
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f27 c13 p284) JC-7/23/96
31. xochitic neuctic, iztalehuac, nexcococ, acecec,
tzincuauhyo, ayo, mecayo, ayozonayo, it is flower-like,
sweet, pale, tasting of ashes, tasteless, stemmed, juicy,
stringy, prickly
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua-c1> (b11 f27 c13 p288) JC-7/23/96
32. pale; whitish; chalky
FC jc-031297
33. pale; whitish; chalky
FC jc-031297

0. cequi tliltique, cequi iztalehuaque, cequi achi
tlatlauhque, some are black, some pale, some a little
ruddy <iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua--plur01 (b11 f9 c5 p90)
1. cequi tliltique, cequi iztalehuaque, cequi achi
tlatlauhque, some are black, some pale, some a little ruddy
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1-e:hua--plur01> (b11 f9 c5 p90) JC-7/23/96

0. auh intla nemi zan mococotinemi, yayatinemi, tehtentinemi,
tohtolcatinemi, tlahtlaztinemi, pinehuatinemi,
xoxohuixtinemi, iztalehuatinemi etx and if he lived he
would live only in suffering; he would wander about, or
spend his time in bed, or go about constantly and
continuously coughing, pallid, green-faced, white with
cold, etc <iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua-ti1-nemi aux01 (b4
f7 c20 p71)
1. auh intla nemi zan mococotinemi, yayatinemi, tehtentinemi,
tohtolcatinemi, tlahtlaztinemi, pinehuatinemi,
xoxohuixtinemi, iztalehuatinemi etx and if he lived he
would live only in suffering; he would wander about, or
spend his time in bed, or go about constantly and
continuously coughing, pallid, green-faced, white with
cold, etc
<iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-e:hua-ti1-nemi aux01> (b4 f7 c20 p71) JC-7/23/96

0. seller of salt
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. salt seller
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. salt seller
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. salt seller
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. salt seller
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. salt merchants

1. salt merchants
FC -> jc-72895
2. salt merchants

3. salt merchants

4. salt merchants
FC jc-031297
5. salt merchants
FC jc-031297

0. white wine
1. white wine
FC -> jc-72895
2. white wine
3. white wine
4. white wine <iztatl-octli>
<iztatl-octli> FC - > jc-61096
5. white wine
FC jc-031297
6. white wine
FC jc-031297

0. salt bed

1. salt bed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. salt bed

3. salt bed

4. salt bed
FC jc-031297
5. salt bed
FC jc-031297

0. iztaque iuhquin iztac ocuilton: they are white, like white
worms <iztatl-v06-delya-l1--plur01 (b11 f9 c5 p90)
1. iztaque iuhquin iztac ocuilton: they are white, like white
<iztatl-v06-delya-l1--plur01> (b11 f9 c5 p90) JC-7/23/96

0. white bean

1. white bean
FC -> jc-72895
2. white bean

3. white bean

4. white bean
FC jc-031297
5. white bean
FC jc-031297

0. saltworks or place where they remove salt
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. saltworks or place where they remove salt
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. saltworks or place where they remove salt
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. salt cake
1. salt cake
FC -> jc-72895
2. salt cake
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. salt cake
4. salt cake <iztatl-tapalcatl>
<iztatl-tapalcatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. salt cake
FC jc-031297
6. salt cake
FC jc-031297

0. guardian of silver tableservice
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. guardian of silver tableservice
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. guardian of silver tableservice
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. guardian of silver tableservice
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. cake of salt

1. cake of salt
FC - > jc-61096
2. cake of salt
FC - > jc-61096

0. with salt, using salt
1. with salt, using salt
FC -> jc-72895
2. with salt, using salt
3. with salt, using salt
4. with salt, using salt <iztatl-ti1-ca2>
<iztatl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with salt, using salt <iztatl-ti1-ca2>
<iztatl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. with salt, using salt
FC jc-031297
7. with salt, using salt
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. salt
1. salt
FC -> jc-72895
2. salt
3. salt
4. salt
5. salt
FC - > jc-61096
6. salt
FC - > jc-61096
7. salt
FC - > jc-61096
8. salt <iztatl>
<iztatl> FC - > jc-61096
9. salt
FC jc-031297
10. salt
Noun jc-030797
11. salt
FC jc-031297
12. salt
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
13. salt
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

iztatl (salt) niquiztahuia

0. I put salt in it

0. salt people
1. salt people
FC -> jc-72895
2. salt people
3. salt people
4. salt people <iztatl-tla:catl-plur06>
<iztatl-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
5. salt people <iztatl-tla:ca-plur06>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<iztatl-tla:ca-plur06> FC - > jc-61096

6. salt people <iztatl-tla:catl-plur06>
<iztatl-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
7. salt people
FC jc-031297
8. salt people
FC jc-031297

0. salt maker

1. salt maker
FC - > jc-61096
2. salt maker
FC - > jc-61096

0. salty soil; salty earth
1. salty earth, salty soil
FC -> jc-72895
2. salty soil; salty earth
3. salty soil; salty earth
4. salty soil; salty earth <iztatl-tla:lli>
<iztatl-tla:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. salty soil; salty earth <iztatl-tla:lli>
<iztatl-tla:lli> FC - > jc-61096
6. salty earth, salty soil
FC jc-031297
7. salty earth, salty soil
FC jc-031297

0. salt

1. salt
FC -> jc-72895
2. salt

3. salt

4. salt
FC jc-031297
5. salt
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. coarse salt; grain of salt
1. coarse salt; grain of salt
FC -> jc-72895
2. coarse salt; grain of salt
3. coarse salt; grain of salt
4. grain of salt
FC - > jc-61096
5. grain of salt
FC - > jc-61096
6. grain of salt <iztatl-xa:lli>
<iztatl-xa:lli> FC - > jc-61096
7. grain of salt <iztatl-xa:lli>
<iztatl-xa:lli> FC - > jc-61096
8. coarse salt; grain of salt
FC jc-031297
9. coarse salt; grain of salt
FC jc-031297

0. he becomes white; it becomes white
1. he becomes white; it becomes white
FC -> jc-72895
2. he becomes white; it becomes white
3. he becomes white; it becomes white
4. he becomes white; it becomes white <iztatl-v06>
<iztatl-v06> FC - > jc-61096
5. he becomes white; it becomes white <iztatl-v06>
<iztatl-v06> FC - > jc-61096
6. it becomes white <iztatl-v01b>
<iztatl-v01b> FC - > jc-61096
7. he becomes white; it becomes white
FC jc-031297
8. he becomes white; it becomes white
FC jc-031297

0. salt[ness]; salty; salted
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. salt[ ness ]; salty; salted
FC -> jc-72895
2. salt[ness]; salty; salted
3. salt[ness]; salty; salted
4. salt[ness]; salty; salted <iztatl-yo:tl1>
<iztatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. salt[ness]; salty; salted <iztatl-yo:tl1>
<iztatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. salt[ ness ]; salted; having salt; salty
FC jc-031297
7. salt[ ness ]; salted; having salt; salty
FC jc-031297

0. for the food to have too much salt

1. for the food to have too much salt

FC - > jc-61096

0. briny
1. briny
FC -> jc-72895
2. briny
3. briny
4. briny <iztatl-yo:tl1-tic>
<iztatl-yo:tl1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. briny <iztatl-yo:tl1-tic>
<iztatl-yo:tl1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. briny <iztatl-yo:tl1-tic>
<iztatl-yo:tl1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. briny
FC jc-031297
8. briny
FC jc-031297

0. brine, salty water
1. brine, salty water
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. brine, salty water
3. brine, salty water
4. brine, salty water <iztatl-yo:tl1>
<iztatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. brine, salty water <iztatl-yo:tl1>
<iztatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. brine, salty water
FC jc-031297
7. brine, salty water
FC jc-031297

0. clawed, having claws; having nails
FC -> jc-72895
1. clawed, having claws; having nails <iztitl-eh1>
<iztitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
2. clawed, having claws; having nails
FC jc-031297
3. clawed, having claws; having nails
FC jc-031297

0. something that has nails or claws
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. long nailed
Adj Form jc-022897
1. long nailed
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. long nailed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. nail ( finger or toe )
FC - > jc-61096

iztetl-| iztitlnail
0. (finger or toe)

0. his claw, his talon; its claws; its nails; its hooves
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his claw, his talon
FC -> jc-72895
2. its claws; its nails; its hooves
FC -> jc-72895
3. his claw, his talon; its claws; its nails; its hooves
4. his claw, his talon; its claws; its nails; its hooves
5. his claw, his talon; its claws; its nails; its hooves
<poss-iztitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. his claw, his talon
FC jc-031297
7. its claws; its nails; its hooves
FC jc-031297
8. his claw, his talon
FC jc-031297
9. its claws; its nails; its hooves
FC jc-031297

0. having curved claws
1. having curved claws
FC -> jc-72895
2. having curved claws
3. having curved claws
4. having curved claws <iztitl-dupl-co:lli-tic>
<iztitl-dupl-co:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having curved claws <iztitl-dupl-co:lli-tic>
<iztitl-dupl-co:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having curved claws <iztitl-dupl-co:lli-tic>
<iztitl-dupl-co:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having curved claws <iztitl-dupl-co:lli-tic>
<iztitl-dupl-co:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. curved of claw, having curved claws
FC jc-031297
9. curved of claw, having curved claws
FC jc-031297

0. his finger nails are torn out
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. his finger nails are torn out

FC -> jc-72895
2. his finger nails are torn out

3. his finger nails are torn out

4. his finger nails are torn out

FC jc-031297
5. his finger nails are torn out
FC jc-031297

0. having curved claws

1. having curved claws

FC -> jc-72895
2. having curved claws

3. having curved claws

4. having curved claws

FC jc-031297
5. having curved claws
FC jc-031297

0. hook-clawed, having hooked claws
FC jc-031297

0. having long claws; having long nails

1. having long claws; having long nails

FC -> jc-72895
2. having long claws; having long nails

3. having long claws; having long nails

4. having long claws; having long nails

FC jc-031297
5. having long claws; having long nails
FC jc-031297

0. having sharp claws
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. having sharp claws

FC -> jc-72895
2. having sharp claws
3. having sharp claws
4. having sharp claws <iztitl-?-dupl-huitztli-tic>
<iztitl-?-dupl-huitztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having sharp claws <iztitl-?-dupl-huitztli-tic>
<iztitl-?-dupl-huitztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having sharp claws <iztitl-?-dupl-huitztli-tic>
<iztitl-?-dupl-huitztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having sharp claws <iztitl-?-dupl-huitztli-tic>
<iztitl-?-dupl-huitztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. having sharp claws
FC jc-031297
9. having sharp claws
FC jc-031297

0. long-clawed, having long claws
FC jc-031297

0. claws emerge
1. claws emerge
FC -> jc-72895
2. claws emerge
3. claws emerge
4. claws emerge <iztitl-qui:za>
<iztitl-qui:za> FC - > jc-61096
5. claws emerge <iztitl-qui:za>
<iztitl-qui:za> FC - > jc-61096
6. claws emerge
FC jc-031297
7. claws emerge
FC jc-031297

0. nail, fingernail, toenail
1. nail, fingernail; toenail
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. nail, fingernail, toenail

3. nail, fingernail, toenail
4. nail ( finger or toe )
FC - > jc-61096
5. nail, fingernail, toenail <iztitl>
<iztitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. nail, fingernail; toenail
FC jc-031297
7. nail, fingernail; toenail
FC jc-031297

0. his finger nails are removed

1. his finger nails are removed

FC -> jc-72895
2. his finger nails are removed

3. his finger nails are removed

4. his finger nails are removed

FC jc-031297
5. his finger nails are removed
FC jc-031297

0. O fingernail
1. o fingernail
FC -> jc-72895
2. O fingernail
3. O fingernail
4. O fingernail <iztitl-e2>
<iztitl-e2> FC - > jc-61096
5. O fingernail <iztitl-e2>
<iztitl-e2> FC - > jc-61096
6. O fingernail <iztitl-e2>
<iztitl-e2> FC - > jc-61096
7. o fingernail
FC jc-031297
8. o fingernail
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. small fingernail

1. small fingernail
FC -> jc-72895
2. small fingernail

3. small fingernail

4. small fingernail
FC jc-031297
5. small fingernail
FC jc-031297

0. its venom

1. its venom
FC -> jc-72895
2. its venom

3. its venom

4. its venom
FC jc-031297
5. its venom
FC jc-031297

0. false gods
<iztlacatl-dupl-teo:tl plur07>
1. false gods
FC -> jc-72895
2. false gods
<iztlacatl-dupl-teo:tl plur07>
3. false gods
<iztlacatl-dupl-teo:tl plur07>
4. false gods <iztlacatl-dupl-teo:tl plur07>
<iztlacatl-dupl-teo:tl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. false gods <iztlacatl-dupl-teo:tl plur07>
<iztlacatl-dupl-teo:tl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. false gods <iztlacatl-dupl-teo:tl plur07>
<iztlacatl-dupl-teo:tl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. false gods <iztlacatl-dupl-teo:tl plur07>
<iztlacatl-dupl-teo:tl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. false gods
FC jc-031297
9. false gods
FC jc-031297

0. he lies
1. he lies
FC -> jc-72895
2. he lies
3. he lies
4. he lies <iztlacatl-v04b>
<iztlacatl-v04b> FC - > jc-61096
5. he lies <iztlacatl-v04b>
<iztlacatl-v04b> FC - > jc-61096
6. he lies
FC jc-031297
7. he lies
FC jc-031297

0. in za iztlacatiliztica, tetentlapiquiliztica,
tetlanahualchichihuiliztica: in quintlatzontequiliaya
nahualoztomeca intiachcahuan, inic quinmictiaya, in atle
intlatlacol: zan nexicoliztica inic inca mozcaltiaya in
cuachichicti, in otomi, in yaotachcahuan: then the
chieftains, in envy, falsely, by means of false testimony,
with imagined deeds, condemned the disguised merchants, in
order to slay the innocent, so that by means of [their
goods] the shorn ones, the otomi warriors, the war leaders,
might be sustained <iztlacatl-v04b-liz-ti1-ca2 (b9 f3 c6
1. in za iztlacatiliztica, tetentlapiquiliztica,
tetlanahualchichihuiliztica: in quintlatzontequiliaya
nahualoztomeca intiachcahuan, inic quinmictiaya, in atle
intlatlacol: zan nexicoliztica inic inca mozcaltiaya in
cuachichicti, in otomi, in yaotachcahuan: then the
chieftains, in envy, falsely, by means of false testimony,
with imagined deeds, condemned the disguised merchants, in
order to slay the innocent, so that by means of [their
goods] the shorn ones, the otomi warriors, the war leaders,
might be sustained
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<iztlacatl-v04b-liz-ti1-ca2> (b9 f3 c6 p32) JC-7/23/96

0. inic huellachiazque in tlayohuayan nemi, in mixcueptinemi,
in tlateotocanime, quitocatinemi imiztlacatlatol in diablo,
in huel ita in iztlacatiliztli by it those who live in
darkness will be able to see -- those who have lost the
way, idolaters who live following the lying words of the
devil, who is indeed the father of lies <iztlacatl-v04-liz
(b1 f4 cAp p63)
1. iuh quitoaya: ca yehuatl quitemaca in iztlacatiliztli,
itech quicui: in aquin ihiztlacati thus did they speak:
"it giveth one lies; it is like unto one who lieth"
<iztlacatl-v01-liz (b5 f3 c16a p188), 2 inin tlatolli,
itechpa mitoaya: in ihcuac aca moteilhuiaya iixpan
tlatoani: intla zan iztlacatiliztli, ic ixpan
oneteilhuiloc: auh zatepan, ic pinauhtilo in tlatoani:
this saying was said of one when one laid a complaint
before the ruler, if it was only a falsehood with which the
accusation was made and later the ruler was thereby
embarrassed <iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20 c43 p251), 3 inin
tlatolli, yehuatl quitoznequi in iztlacatiliztli, in amo
neltiliztli: this saying means falsehood, untruth
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20 c43 p251), 4 itechpa mitoaya
in aquin tlatoani, anozo pilli, in zan mochi huel
quineltoca, anozo quicaqui in iztlacatiliztli: it was said
of him who was ruler or nobleman, who could always believe
or listen to falsehood <iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20 c43
p251), 5 tleica in ticcui: in ticana iztlacatiliztli why
dost thou take -- dost thou grasp -- the falsehood?
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20 c43 p251), 6 quitoznequi: in
tlein amo cualli, amo yectli, iztlacatiliztli: it means
that which is not good, not righteous; a lie
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20 c43 p257), 6 ic ilhuiloya in
aquin quichihuaya tlatlacolli, atetlanemiliztli, in
iztlacatiliztli ca omotech mochiuh, in acualli, in ayectli:
in iuhqui zacacualli, in iuhqui pollocotli, iztlacatiliztli
thus it was said of him who committed a fault, an
ill-advised act, [who told] a lie: "on thee hath come evil,
unrighteousness; like straw, like chaff, it is a lie"
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20 c43 p257), 7 ic ilhuiloya in
aquin quichihuaya tlatlacolli, atetlanemiliztli, in
iztlacatiliztli ca omotech mochiuh, in acualli, in ayectli:
in iuhqui zacacualli, in iuhqui pollocotli, iztlacatiliztli
thus it was said of him who committed a fault, an
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

ill-advised act, [who told] a lie: "on thee hath come evil,
unrighteousness; like straw, like chaff, it is a lie"
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20 c43 p257), 8 in aquin zan
quixcaoya quimotequitia iztlacatiliztli: ilhuiloya
pollocotli, zacacualli motlacual, to him who was given
only to -- who occupied himself with -- lies, it was told:
"chaff, straw, are thy food" <iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20
c43 p257)
2. lie; falsehood
FC -> jc-72895
3. lie
4. inic huellachiazque in tlayohuayan nemi, in mixcueptinemi,
in tlateotocanime, quitocatinemi imiztlacatlatol in diablo,
in huel ita in iztlacatiliztli by it those who live in
darkness will be able to see -- those who have lost the
way, idolaters who live following the lying words of the
devil, who is indeed the father of lies <iztlacatl-v04-liz
(b1 f4 cAp p63)
5. iuh quitoaya: ca yehuatl quitemaca in iztlacatiliztli,
itech quicui: in aquin ihiztlacati thus did they speak:
"it giveth one lies; it is like unto one who lieth"
<iztlacatl-v01-liz (b5 f3 c16a p188), 2 inin tlatolli,
itechpa mitoaya: in ihcuac aca moteilhuiaya iixpan
tlatoani: intla zan iztlacatiliztli, ic ixpan
oneteilhuiloc: auh zatepan, ic pinauhtilo in tlatoani:
this saying was said of one when one laid a complaint
before the ruler, if it was only a falsehood with which the
accusation was made and later the ruler was thereby
embarrassed <iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20 c43 p251), 3 inin
tlatolli, yehuatl quitoznequi in iztlacatiliztli, in amo
neltiliztli: this saying means falsehood, untruth
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20 c43 p251), 4 itechpa mitoaya
in aquin tlatoani, anozo pilli, in zan mochi huel
quineltoca, anozo quicaqui in iztlacatiliztli: it was said
of him who was ruler or nobleman, who could always believe
or listen to falsehood <iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20 c43
p251), 5 tleica in ticcui: in ticana iztlacatiliztli why
dost thou take -- dost thou grasp -- the falsehood?
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20 c43 p251), 6 quitoznequi: in
tlein amo cualli, amo yectli, iztlacatiliztli: it means
that which is not good, not righteous; a lie
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20 c43 p257), 6 ic ilhuiloya in
aquin quichihuaya tlatlacolli, atetlanemiliztli, in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

iztlacatiliztli ca omotech mochiuh, in acualli, in ayectli:

in iuhqui zacacualli, in iuhqui pollocotli, iztlacatiliztli
thus it was said of him who committed a fault, an
ill-advised act, [who told] a lie: "on thee hath come evil,
unrighteousness; like straw, like chaff, it is a lie"
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20 c43 p257), 7 ic ilhuiloya in
aquin quichihuaya tlatlacolli, atetlanemiliztli, in
iztlacatiliztli ca omotech mochiuh, in acualli, in ayectli:
in iuhqui zacacualli, in iuhqui pollocotli, iztlacatiliztli
thus it was said of him who committed a fault, an
ill-advised act, [who told] a lie: "on thee hath come evil,
unrighteousness; like straw, like chaff, it is a lie"
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20 c43 p257), 8 in aquin zan
quixcaoya quimotequitia iztlacatiliztli: ilhuiloya
pollocotli, zacacualli motlacual, to him who was given
only to -- who occupied himself with -- lies, it was told:
"chaff, straw, are thy food" <iztlacatl-v04b-liz (b6 f20
c43 p257)
6. lie
7. lie <iztlacatl-v01-liz>
<iztlacatl-v01-liz> FC - > jc-61096
8. lie; falsehood <iztlacatl-v01-liz>
<iztlacatl-v01-liz> FC - > jc-61096
9. lie; falsehood <iztlacatl-v04b-liz>
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz> FC - > jc-61096
10. inic huellachiazque in tlayohuayan nemi, in mixcueptinemi,
in tlateotocanime, quitocatinemi imiztlacatlatol in diablo,
in huel ita in iztlacatiliztli by it those who live in
darkness will be able to see --those who have lost the way,
idolaters who live following the lying words of the devil,
who is indeed the father of lies
<iztlacatl-v04-liz> (b1 f4 cAp p63) JC-7/23/96
11. iuh quitoaya: ca yehuatl quitemaca in iztlacatiliztli,
itech quicui: in aquin ihiztlacati thus did they speak:
"it giveth one lies; it is like unto one who lieth"
<iztlacatl-v01-liz> (b5 f3 c16a p188) JC-7/23/96
12. inin tlatolli, itechpa mitoaya: in ihcuac aca moteilhuiaya
iixpan tlatoani: intla zan iztlacatiliztli, ic ixpan
oneteilhuiloc: auh zatepan, ic pinauhtilo in tlatoani:
this saying was said of one when one laid a complaint
before the ruler, if it was only a falsehood with which the
accusation was made and later the ruler was thereby
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz> (b6 f20 c43 p251) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

13. itechpa mitoaya in aquin tlatoani, anozo pilli, in zan

mochi huel quineltoca, anozo quicaqui in iztlacatiliztli:
it was said of him who was ruler or nobleman, who could
always believe or listen to falsehood
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz> (b6 f20 c43 p251) JC-7/23/96
14. tleica in ticcui: in ticana iztlacatiliztli why dost thou
take -- dost thou grasp -- the falsehood?
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz> (b6 f20 c43 p251) JC-7/23/96
15. quitoznequi: in tlein amo cualli, amo yectli,
iztlacatiliztli: it means that which is not good, not
righteous; a lie
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz> (b6 f20 c43 p257) JC-7/23/96
16. ic ilhuiloya in aquin quichihuaya tlatlacolli,
atetlanemiliztli, in iztlacatiliztli ca omotech mochiuh, in
acualli, in ayectli: in iuhqui zacacualli, in iuhqui
pollocotli, iztlacatiliztli thus it was said of him who
committed a fault, an ill-advised act, [who told] a lie:
"on thee hath come evil, unrighteousness; like straw, like
chaff, it is a lie"
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz> (b6 f20 c43 p257) JC-7/23/96
17. ic ilhuiloya in aquin quichihuaya tlatlacolli,
atetlanemiliztli, in iztlacatiliztli ca omotech mochiuh, in
acualli, in ayectli: in iuhqui zacacualli, in iuhqui
pollocotli, iztlacatiliztli thus it was said of him who
committed a fault, an ill-advised act, [who told] a lie:
"on thee hath come evil, unrighteousness; like straw, like
chaff, it is a lie"
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz> (b6 f20 c43 p257) JC-7/23/96
18. in aquin zan quixcaoya quimotequitia iztlacatiliztli:
ilhuiloya pollocotli, zacacualli motlacual, to him who was
given only to -- who occupied himself with -- lies, it was
told: "chaff, straw, are thy food"
<iztlacatl-v04b-liz> (b6 f20 c43 p257) JC-7/23/96
19. lie; falsehood
FC jc-031297
20. lie; falsehood
FC jc-031297

0. liar
1. liar
FC -> jc-72895
2. liar
3. liar
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. liar <iztlacatl-v04b-ni1>
<iztlacatl-v04b-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. liar <iztlacatl-v04b-ni1>
<iztlacatl-v04b-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. liar <iztlacatl-v04b-ni1>
<iztlacatl-v04b-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. liar <iztlacatl-v04b-ni1>
<iztlacatl-v04b-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. liar
FC jc-031297
9. liar
FC jc-031297

0. they will lie
FC - > jc-61096
1. they will lie
Verbing jc-030797
2. they will lie
-ti jc-030797
3. they will lie
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. they will lie
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. they will lie
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. they will lie
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

0. lie
1. lie (cf iztlactli)

2. lie
3. lie (cf iztlactli)

4. lie
FC - > jc-61096
5. lie
FC - > jc-61096
6. lie ( cf iztlactli )
FC - > jc-61096
7. (cf iztlactli) lie
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. (cf iztlactli) lie
9. lie
Noun jc-030797
10. lie
Noun jc-030797
11. lie
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
12. lie
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
13. lie
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
14. lie
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

iztlacatl (lie) iztlacatizqueh

0. they will lie

iztlacatl (lie) tine:chiztlacahuia

0. you lie to me

iztlacatl teiztlacmemeyaltia
0. it makes one salivate
FC - > jc-61096

0. deceitful word, lie; falsehood
1. deceitful word, lie; falsehood
FC -> jc-72895
2. deceitful word, lie; falsehood
3. deceitful word, lie; falsehood
4. deceitful word, lie; falsehood <iztlacatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<iztlacatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. deceitful word, lie; falsehood <iztlacatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<iztlacatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. deceitful word, lie; falsehood <iztlacatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<iztlacatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. deceitful word, lie; falsehood
FC jc-031297
8. deceitful word, lie; falsehood
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. falsehood
1. falsehood
FC -> jc-72895
2. falsehood
3. falsehood
4. falsehood <iztlacatl-yo:tl1>
<iztlacatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. falsehood
FC jc-031297
6. falsehood
FC jc-031297

0. by means of licking

1. by means of licking
FC -> jc-72895
2. by means of licking

3. by means of licking

4. by means of licking
FC jc-031297
5. by means of licking
FC jc-031297

0. saliva, poison, lie
1. falsehood, lie
FC -> jc-72895
2. falsehood, lie, saliva, poison
3. saliva, poison, lie
4. falsehood, lie, saliva, poison
5. falsehood, lie <iztlactli>
<iztlactli> FC - > jc-61096
6. saliva, poison
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096
7. (cf i ztlacatl) saliva, poison, lie
8. (cf i ztlacatl) saliva, poison, lie
9. falsehood, lie
FC jc-031297
10. saliva, poison
Noun jc-030797
11. falsehood, lie
FC jc-031297
12. saliva
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
13. poison
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
14. saliva

15. poison

0. venomous
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1


lacatzoa ( qui- )
0. lo rodea ( he wraps it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. cerdos; puercos ( pigs )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. litro ( liter )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. litros ( liters )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

lustful and debauched living

0. FC; jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

luz ( ni- )
0. soy Luz ( I am Luz )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. que ( let; have him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. let, may
FC -> jc-72895
2. let, may

3. let, may

4. to hunt
FC - > jc-61096
5. que( let; have him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
6. let, may
FC jc-031297
7. let, may
FC jc-031297

ma-| tlamaliztli
0. act of hunting or capturing something

0. hand
1. (cf macochoa, maquiztli, macuilli) hand
2. (cf macochoa, maquiztli, macuilli) hand

0. capture

0. snap of the fingers
JC-05-07-97 Patientive Nouns no1

0. vassal, commoner
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. contagious

0. hand, arm

1. hand
FC - > jc-61096
2. hand, arm
FC - > jc-61096
3. hand
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
4. hand
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

ma:itl moma:qui:xtiqueh
0. they escaped
FC - > jc-61096

ma:itl-| capanima:capactli
0. snap of the fingers

0. your towns
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your towns
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your town
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your town
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. to carry
FC - > jc-61096

ma:ma quima:ma:ltiah
0. they let him carry it on his back

0. carry
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. to carry
FC - > jc-61096
2. (cf meme) carry
3. (cf meme) carry

0. there was carrying on their backs

0. bashful

0. defend

0. to call
FC - > jc-61096

ma:no:tza tlama:no:tztli
0. so who is beckoned

0. bracelet
1. (cf maitl) bracelet
2. (cf maitl) bracelet

0. net

0. dark green

0. in a net
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. push
FC - > jc-61096

ma:tope:hua tlama:tope:uhtli
0. st which is pushed with one's hand

0. to divorce
FC - > jc-61096

ma:tzaya:na-| nema:tzaya:naliztli
0. divorce

0. loincloth
1. (cf maxaliui, maxactli) loincloth
2. (cf maxaliui, maxactli) loincloth

0. throw
FC - > jc-61096

ma:ya:hua tlama:ya:uhtli
0. st which is thrown

0. your rattle
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your rattle
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. your rattle
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. shove
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. she becomes a harlot
1. she becomes a harlot
FC -> jc-72895
2. she becomes a harlot
3. she becomes a harlot
4. she becomes a harlot <p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a>
<p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
5. she becomes a harlot <p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a>
<p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
6. she becomes a harlot <p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a>
<p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
7. she becomes a harlot <p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a>
<p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
8. she becomes a harlot <p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a>
<p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
9. she becomes a harlot
FC jc-031297
10. she becomes a harlot
FC jc-031297

0. they bathe
1. they bathe
FC -> jc-72895
2. they bathe
3. they bathe
4. they bathe <p54-a:ltia:>
<p54-a:ltia:> FC - > jc-61096
5. they bathe
FC jc-031297
6. they bathe
FC jc-031297

0. give
1. let not, may not
FC -> jc-72895
2. let not, may not
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. give
4. let not, may not
5. let not, may not <ma:2-ca4>
<ma:2-ca4> FC - > jc-61096
6. let not, may not <ma:2-ca4>
<ma:2-ca4> FC - > jc-61096
7. let not, may not
FC jc-031297
8. let not, may not
FC jc-031297
9. give
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

maca ( mote- )
0. se le da a la gente ( it is given to people )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

maca ( quin- )
0. se lo dan ( they give it to them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

maca ( quite- )
0. se lo da [ a alguien ] ( he gives it [ to people ] )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. they embarked
FC jc-031297

0. boats go striking each other
FC jc-031297

0. they hurl themselves into their boats
1. they hurl themselves into their boats
FC -> jc-72895
2. they hurl themselves into their boats
3. they hurl themselves into their boats
4. they hurl themselves into their boats
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-a:calli-hui:tequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. they hurl themselves into their boats
<p54-a:calli-hui:tequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. boats strike each other; they hurl themselves into their
FC jc-031297
7. boats strike each other; they hurl themselves into their
FC jc-031297

0. he causes so to give st to so

0. quitoa nopiltzintzine nican catqui macatzin: he said: "my
beloved noble, here is thy cane of tobacco" (b9 f3 p34)

macayah ( oquite- )
0. daban ( comida ) ( they were giving it to someone )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

macaz ( qui- )
0. lo dara' ( he will give it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

macaz ( quite- )
0. se lo dara' [ de comer ] ( he will give [ food ] to people )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

macazque ( tic- )
0. se lo daremos ( we will give it to her )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. war club

1. war club
FC -> jc-72895
2. war club

3. war club
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. war club
FC jc-031297
5. war club
FC jc-031297

0. en mexicano ( in Nahuatl; in peasant speech )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. those who have merit
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

macehuallahtol ( to- )
0. nuestra lengua ( our language )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. hablantes de nahuatl ( Nahuatl speakers )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. common folk; common man; commoner; vassal; man of low
estate; lowly person; man; people
1. common folk; common man; man of low estate; commoner;
vassal; lowly person; man; people
FC -> jc-72895
2. common folk; common man; commoner; vassal; man of low
estate; lowly person; man; people
3. common folk; common man; commoner; vassal; man of low
estate; lowly person; man; people
4. common folk; common man; commoner; vassal; man of low
estate; lowly person; man; people <ma:ce:hualli>
<ma:ce:hualli> FC - > jc-61096
5. common folk; common man; man of low estate; commoner;
vassal; desert; merit; lowly person; man; people
FC jc-031297
6. common folk; common man; man of low estate; commoner;
vassal; desert; merit; lowly person; man; people
FC jc-031297

0. among common folk
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. among common folk
FC -> jc-72895
2. among common folk
3. among common folk
4. among common folk <ma:ce:hualli-pan>
<ma:ce:hualli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. among common folk <ma:ce:hualli-pan>
<ma:ce:hualli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. among common folk
FC jc-031297
7. among common folk
FC jc-031297

0. common folk; common people; commoners
1. common folk; common people; commoners
FC -> jc-72895
2. she acts like a commoner
FC -> jc-72895
3. common folk; common people; commoners
4. common folk; common people; commoners
5. common folk; common people; commoners <ma:ce:hualli-plur02>
<ma:ce:hualli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. common folk; common people; commoners
FC jc-031297
7. she acts like a commoner
FC jc-031297
8. common folk; common people; commoners
FC jc-031297
9. she acts like a commoner
FC jc-031297

0. common folk
1. common folk
FC -> jc-72895
2. common folk
3. common folk
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. common folk <ma:ce:hualli-plur02>
<ma:ce:hualli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. common folk
FC jc-031297
6. common folk
FC jc-031297

0. poor commoner
1. poor commoner
FC -> jc-72895
2. poor commoner
3. poor commoner
4. poor commoner <ma:ce:hualli-tzin>
<ma:ce:hualli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. poor commoner <ma:ce:hualli-tzin>
<ma:ce:hualli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. poor commoner
FC jc-031297
7. poor commoner
FC jc-031297

0. common folk
<ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin plur07 plur10a>
1. common folk
FC -> jc-72895
2. common folk
<ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin plur07 plur10a>
3. common folk
<ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin plur07 plur10a>
4. common folk <ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin plur07 plur10a>
<ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin plur07 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
5. common folk <ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin plur07 plur10a>
<ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin plur07 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
6. common folk <ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin plur07 plur10a>
<ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin plur07 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
7. common folk <ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin plur07 plur10a>
<ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin plur07 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
8. common folk
FC jc-031297
9. common folk
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. auh manozo ihuian, yocoxca intech onaciz in tiacahuan in
yaomicque, in tepilhuan: in quitziccuacuatzin, in
maceuhcatzin, in tlacahuepantzin, in ixtlilcuechahuac, in
hihuitl temoc in chahuacuetzin: auh in ye mochintin, in ye
ixquichtin, in cuauhti in ocelo, in ilhuicatl itic, in ompa
cahuiltia in tona and may they in peace, in repose, arrive
among the valiant warriors, those who died in war, the
noblemen, quitzicquaquatzin, maceuhcatzin, tlacauepantzin,
ixtlilcuechauac, ihuitl temoc, [and] chahuacuetzin; and
all, all the several eagle warriors, the ocelot warriors
who are in the heavens where they gladden the sun, the
turquoise prince, the valiant warrior, the one who died in
war--they cry out to him there (b6 f1 p13)

0. weave

0. especially

1. especially
FC -> jc-72895
2. especially

3. especially

4. especially
FC jc-031297
5. especially
FC jc-031297

0. those who have experience
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. example; insignia; mark; model; pattern; sign; standard
1. example; insignia; mark; model; pattern; sign; standard
FC -> jc-72895
2. example; insignia; mark; model; pattern; sign; standard
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. example; insignia; mark; model; pattern; sign; standard
4. example; insignia; mark; model; pattern; sign; standard
<machiyo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. example; insignia; mark; model; pattern; sign; standard
FC jc-031297
6. example; insignia; mark; model; pattern; sign; standard
FC jc-031297

0. figure of speech; metaphor
1. figure of speech; metaphor
FC -> jc-72895
2. figure of speech; metaphor
3. figure of speech; metaphor
4. figure of speech; metaphor <machiyo:tl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<machiyo:tl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. figure of speech; metaphor <machiyo:tl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<machiyo:tl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. figure of speech; metaphor <machiyo:tl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<machiyo:tl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. figure of speech; metaphor
FC jc-031297
8. figure of speech; metaphor
FC jc-031297

machitia ( timo- )
0. usted sabe ( you [ H ] know )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. sign, brand
1. (cf mati) sign, brand
2. (cf mati) sign, brand

0. it is known
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it is known
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is known

3. it is known

4. it is known
Passive Verb jc-022897
5. it is known; it is noted
FC jc-031297
6. it is known; it is noted
FC jc-031297
7. it is known
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
8. it is known
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
9. it is known
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
10. it is known
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
11. it is known
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
12. it is known
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he will be taught
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. he will be taught
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. he will be taught
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. he will be taught
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. he will be taught
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. he will be taught
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. he will be taught
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. to teach
FC - > jc-61096

machtia-| temachtiliztli
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. act of teaching someone

0. teachable
1. teachable
FC -> jc-72895
2. teachable
3. teachable
4. teachable <mati-caus02-lo:1-ni1>
<mati-caus02-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. teachable <mati-caus02-lo:1-ni1>
<mati-caus02-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. teachable
FC jc-031297
7. teachable
FC jc-031297

machtiz ( no- )
0. voy a estudiar ( I will study )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. nephew

0. it is caught; it is captured
1. it is captured; it is caught
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is caught; it is captured
3. it is caught; it is captured
4. it is caught; it is captured <p54-ahci>
<p54-ahci> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is captured; it is caught; it is hunted
FC jc-031297
6. it is captured; it is caught; it is hunted
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. although
1. although
FC -> jc-72895
2. although
3. although
4. although <mah3-zo2-ihui>
<mah3-zo2-ihui> FC - > jc-61096
5. although <mah3-zo2-ihui>
<mah3-zo2-ihui> FC - > jc-61096
6. although <mah3-zo2-ihui>
<mah3-zo2-ihui> FC - > jc-61096
7. although
FC jc-031297
8. although
FC jc-031297

0. although
1. although
FC -> jc-72895
2. although
3. although
4. although <mah3-zo2-ihui-in>
<mah3-zo2-ihui-in> FC - > jc-61096
5. although <mah3-zo2-ihui-in>
<mah3-zo2-ihui-in> FC - > jc-61096
6. although <mah3-zo2-ihui-in>
<mah3-zo2-ihui-in> FC - > jc-61096
7. although <mah3-zo2-ihui-n>
<mah3-zo2-ihui-n> FC - > jc-61096
8. although <mah3-zo2-ihui-n>
<mah3-zo2-ihui-n> FC - > jc-61096
9. although <mah3-zo2-ihui-in>
<mah3-zo2-ihui-in> FC - > jc-61096
10. although
FC jc-031297
11. although
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. pure; whole

1. pure; whole
FC -> jc-72895
2. pure; whole

3. pure; whole

4. pure; whole
FC jc-031297
5. pure; whole
FC jc-031297

0. it is given; they are given
1. it is given
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are given
FC -> jc-72895
3. it is given; they are given
4. it is given; they are given
5. it is given; they are given <maca-lo:1>
<maca-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is given
Passive Verb jc-022897
7. it is given
FC jc-031297
8. they are given
FC jc-031297
9. it is given
FC jc-031297
10. they are given
FC jc-031297
11. it is given
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
12. it is given
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
13. it is given
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
14. it is given
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
15. it is given
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

16. it is given
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they will be given
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they will be given
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they will be given
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. they will be given
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
4. they will be given
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
5. they will be given
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
6. they will be given
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
7. they will be given
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
8. they will be given
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
9. they will be given
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
10. they will be given
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
11. they will be given
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. embrace
1. (cf maitl, malcochoa) embrace
2. (cf maitl, malcochoa) embrace

0. lame of a hand
Adj Form jc-022897
1. lame of a hand
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. lame of a hand
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it is raised up

1. it is raised up
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is raised up

3. it is raised up

4. it is raised up
FC jc-031297
5. it is raised up
FC jc-031297

0. it rose upward
FC jc-031297

0. it sits up

1. it sits up
FC -> jc-72895
2. it sits up

3. it sits up

4. it rises up; it sits up

FC jc-031297
5. it rises up; it sits up
FC jc-031297

0. it was given
1. it was given; they were given
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was given
3. it was given
4. it was given <maca-lo:1-ya3>
<maca-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was given; they were given <maca-lo:1-ya3>
<maca-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was given; they were given <maca-lo:1-ya3>
<maca-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. it was given; they were given

FC jc-031297
8. it was given; they were given
FC jc-031297

0. yellow-leafed, having a yellow leaf

1. yellow-leafed, having a yellow leaf

FC -> jc-72895
2. yellow-leafed, having a yellow leaf

3. yellow-leafed, having a yellow leaf

4. yellow-leafed, having a yellow leaf

FC jc-031297
5. yellow-leafed, having a yellow leaf
FC jc-031297

0. having wide pads

1. having wide pads

FC -> jc-72895
2. having wide pads

3. having wide pads

4. having wide pads

FC jc-031297
5. having wide pads
FC jc-031297

0. flesh of the palm of the hand

1. flesh of the palm of the hand

FC -> jc-72895
2. flesh of the palm of the hand

3. flesh of the palm of the hand

4. flesh of the palm of the hand

FC jc-031297
5. flesh of the palm of the hand
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. having very wide pads
1. having very wide pads
FC -> jc-72895
2. having very wide pads
3. having very wide pads
4. having very wide pads <maitl-icpa-?-dupl-patlahua-tic>
<maitl-icpa-?-dupl-patlahua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having very wide pads <maitl-icpa-?-dupl-patlahua-tic>
<maitl-icpa-?-dupl-patlahua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having very wide pads
FC - > jc-61096
7. having very wide pads <maitl-icpa-?-dupl-patlahua-tic>
<maitl-icpa-?-dupl-patlahua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. having very wide pads <maitl-icpa-?-dupl-patlahua-tic>
<maitl-icpa-?-dupl-patlahua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. having very wide pads
FC jc-031297
10. having very wide pads
FC jc-031297

0. war club
1. war club
FC -> jc-72895
2. war club
3. war club
4. war club <ma:itl-cuahuitl>
<ma:itl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. war club; wooden sword
FC jc-031297
6. war club; wooden sword
FC jc-031297

0. "bracelet snake"
1. "bracelet snake"
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. "bracelet snake"
3. "bracelet snake"
4. "bracelet snake" <ma:itl-cuextli-co:a:tl>
<ma:itl-cuextli-co:a:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. "bracelet snake" <ma:itl-cuextli-co:a:tl>
<ma:itl-cuextli-co:a:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. "bracelet snake" <ma:itl-cuextli-co:a:tl>
<ma:itl-cuextli-co:a:tl> FC - > jc-61096
7. "bracelet snake"
FC jc-031297
8. "bracelet snake"
FC jc-031297

0. those who have arm bands
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. those who have arm bands
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. bracelet tortilla
1. bracelet tortilla
FC -> jc-72895
2. bracelet tortilla
3. bracelet tortilla
4. bracelet tortilla <ma:itl-cuextli-p51-ixca-l1>
<ma:itl-cuextli-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. bracelet tortilla <ma:itl-cuextli-p51-ixca-l1>
<ma:itl-cuextli-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. bracelet tortilla <ma:itl-cuextli-p51-ixca-l1>
<ma:itl-cuextli-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. bracelet tortilla <ma:itl-cuextli-p51-ixca-l1>
<ma:itl-cuextli-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. bracelet tortilla
FC jc-031297
9. bracelet tortilla
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. bracelet
1. bracelet
FC -> jc-72895
2. bracelet
3. bracelet
4. bracelet <ma:itl-cuextli>
<ma:itl-cuextli> FC - > jc-61096
5. bracelet <ma:itl-cuextli>
<ma:itl-cuextli> FC - > jc-61096
6. bracelet
FC jc-031297
7. bracelet
FC jc-031297

0. cinco ( five )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. five
FC -> jc-72895
2. five
3. five
4. five <ma:cui:lli>
<ma:cui:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. cinco ( five )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
6. five
FC jc-031297
7. five
FC jc-031297

macuil matlac
0. a few; a little bit
<ma:cui:lli mahtlactli>
1. a few; a little bit
FC -> jc-72895
2. a few; a little bit
FC -> jc-72895
3. a few; a little bit
<ma:cui:lli mahtlactli>
4. a few; a little bit
<ma:cui:lli mahtlactli>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. a few; a little bit <ma:cui:lli mahtlactli>

<ma:cui:lli mahtlactli> FC - > jc-61096
6. a few; a little bit <ma:cui:lli mahtlactli>
<ma:cui:lli mahtlactli> FC - > jc-61096
7. a few; a little bit
FC jc-031297
8. a few; a little bit
FC jc-031297

0. five places
1. five places
FC -> jc-72895
2. five places
3. five places
4. five places <ma:cui:lli-ca:n>
<ma:cui:lli-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. five places <ma:cui:lli-ca:n>
<ma:cui:lli-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. five places
FC jc-031297
7. five places
FC jc-031297

0. five bowls

1. five bowls
FC -> jc-72895
2. five bowls

3. five bowls

4. five bowls
FC jc-031297
5. five bowls
FC jc-031297

0. cinco ( five )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. five days
1. five days
FC -> jc-72895
2. five days
3. five days
4. five days <ma:cui:lli-ilhuitl>
<ma:cui:lli-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. five days <ma:cui:lli-ilhuitl>
<ma:cui:lli-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. five days
FC jc-031297
7. five days
FC jc-031297

0. five
1. five
FC -> jc-72895
2. five
3. five
4. five <ma:cui:lli>
<ma:cui:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. five
FC jc-031297
6. five
FC jc-031297

0. macuilli=five, malinalli=broom, grass day-5-grass,
twelfth-day of the 20-day month-tepeilhuitl There was a
temple in Mexico called Macuilmalinaliteopan, and there
were two statues there: one to macuilmanilalli and one to

0. five fathoms

1. five fathoms
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. five fathoms

3. five fathoms

4. five fathoms
FC jc-031297
5. five fathoms
FC jc-031297

0. five times
1. five times
FC -> jc-72895
2. five times
3. five times
4. five times <ma:cui:lli>
<ma:cui:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. five times <ma:cui:lli-pa2>
<ma:cui:lli-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
6. five times
FC jc-031297
7. five times
FC jc-031297

0. five pesos

1. five pesos
FC -> jc-72895
2. five pesos

3. five pesos

4. five pesos
FC jc-031297
5. five pesos
FC jc-031297

0. one hundred years

1. one hundred years

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. one hundred years

3. one hundred years

4. one hundred years

FC jc-031297
5. one hundred years
FC jc-031297

0. five
1. five
FC -> jc-72895
2. five
3. five
4. five <ma:cui:lli-tetl2>
<ma:cui:lli-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
5. five <ma:cui:lli-tetl2>
<ma:cui:lli-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
6. five
FC jc-031297
7. five
FC jc-031297

0. feria de cinco en cinco dias M163121, macuiltianquiztli
macuilli-tiamiqui-liz Fair or market which is held every
five-days Feria, o mercado de cinco en cinco-dias aka dca

0. five
1. five
FC -> jc-72895
2. five
3. five
4. five <ma:cui:lli-plur02>
<ma:cui:lli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. five
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. five
FC jc-031297

0. five

1. five
FC -> jc-72895
2. five

3. five

4. five
FC jc-031297
5. five
FC jc-031297

0. two thousand
1. two thousand
FC -> jc-72895
2. two thousand
3. two thousand
4. two thousand <ma:cui:lli-;
<ma:cui:lli--> FC - > jc-61096
5. two thousand
FC jc-031297
6. two thousand
FC jc-031297

0. five flower
FC jc-031297

0. five nights
1. five nights
FC -> jc-72895
2. five nights
3. five nights
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. five nights <ma:cui:lli-yohua-l1>
<ma:cui:lli-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. five nights <ma:cui:lli-yohua-l1>
<ma:cui:lli-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. five nights <ma:cui:lli-yohua-l1>
<ma:cui:lli-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. five nights
FC jc-031297
8. five nights
FC jc-031297

0. your fir branch

1. your fir branch

FC -> jc-72895
2. your fir branch

3. your fir branch

4. your fir branch

FC jc-031297
5. your fir branch
FC jc-031297

magayan ( qui- )
0. le pegaban ( they were hitting her )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. she is given to amusement

1. she is given to amusement

FC -> jc-72895
2. she is given to amusement

3. she is given to amusement

4. she is given to amusement <p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a>

<p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
5. she is given to amusement <p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a>
<p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
6. she is given to amusement <p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a>
<p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
7. she is given to amusement <p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096

8. she is given to amusement <p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a>
<p54-dupl-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
9. she is given to amusement
FC jc-031297
10. she is given to amusement
FC jc-031297

0. they bathe

1. they bathe
FC -> jc-72895
2. they bathe

3. they bathe
4. they bathe

5. they bathe
6. they bathe <p54-dupl-a:ltia:>
<p54-dupl-a:ltia:> FC - > jc-61096
7. they bathe <p54-dupl-a:ltia:>
<p54-dupl-a:ltia:> FC - > jc-61096
8. they bathe <p54-dupl-a:ltia:>
<p54-dupl-a:ltia:> FC - > jc-61096
9. they bathe
FC jc-031297
10. they bathe
FC jc-031297

0. they were bathing
1. they were bathing
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were bathing
3. they were bathing
4. they were bathing <p54-dupl-a:ltia:-ya3>
<p54-dupl-a:ltia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were bathing <p54-dupl-a:ltia:-ya3>
<p54-dupl-a:ltia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were bathing <p54-dupl-a:ltia:-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-dupl-a:ltia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

7. they were bathing <p54-dupl-a:ltia:-ya3>
<p54-dupl-a:ltia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they were bathing
FC jc-031297
9. they were bathing
FC jc-031297

0. it stretches

1. it stretches
FC -> jc-72895
2. it stretches

3. it stretches

4. it stretches
FC jc-031297
5. it stretches
FC jc-031297

0. deserve, obtain

0. spoils, deserved
FC - > jc-61096

mahce:hua tlamahce:uhtli
0. spoils, or st which is deserved

0. desert, merit; gift; recompense
FC jc-031297

0. whole, complete
1. (cf mo, aci) whole, complete
2. (cf mo, aci) whole, complete
3. it is hunted
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
4. it is hunted
FC jc-031297

0. it leaps up

1. it leaps up
FC -> jc-72895
2. it leaps up

3. it leaps up

4. it leaps up
FC jc-031297
5. it leaps up
FC jc-031297

0. it has hands
1. it has hands
FC -> jc-72895
2. it has hands
3. it has hands
4. it has hands <dupl-maitl-eh1>
<dupl-maitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it has hands <dupl-maitl-eh1>
<dupl-maitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it has hands <dupl-maitl-eh1>
<dupl-maitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it has hands
FC jc-031297
8. it has hands
FC jc-031297

0. something that has hands
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1
1. arms

2. or branches
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

mahmana ( qui- )
0. lo esparce ( he sprinkles it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. very fearful, very cowardly
FC jc-031297

0. finger

1. finger
FC - > jc-61096
2. finger
FC - > jc-61096
3. finger
FC - > jc-61096
4. finger
FC - > jc-61096
5. finger
Noun jc-030797
6. finger
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
7. finger
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
8. finger
JC-05-07-97 Noun StemsList A
9. dedo
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
10. finger
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
11. finger

mahpilli (finger) tine:chmahpilhuia

0. you point at me

mahtih ( omo- )
0. se asusto' ( he got frightened )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. se asusto' ( she got frightened )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. se asusto' ( he got frightened )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. se asusto' ( she got frightened )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. esta' asustado ( he is frightened )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

mahtizquia ( otimo- )
0. te espantari'as; te asustari'as ( you would get frightened
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. in the net; ten

0. forearm
1. forearm
FC -> jc-72895
2. forearm
3. forearm
4. forearm <ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli>
<ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. forearm <ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli>
<ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
6. forearm
FC jc-031297
7. forearm
FC jc-031297

0. fear, awe

0. long hand
1. long hand
FC -> jc-72895
2. long hand
3. long hand
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. long hand <ma:itl-hue:i-v06-c1>

<ma:itl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. long hand <ma:itl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<ma:itl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. long hand <ma:itl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<ma:itl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. long hand
FC jc-031297
8. long hand
FC jc-031297

0. fright
FC - > jc-61096

mahui momauhtih
0. she became frightened

0. having long branches; having long leaves

1. having long branches; having long leaves

FC -> jc-72895
2. having long branches; having long leaves

3. having long branches; having long leaves

4. having long branches; having long leaves

FC jc-031297
5. having long branches; having long leaves
FC jc-031297

0. long hands
1. long hands
FC -> jc-72895
2. long hands
3. long hands
4. long hands <ma:itl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<ma:itl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. long hands <ma:itl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<ma:itl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. long hands <ma:itl-hue:i-v06-c1>

<ma:itl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. long hands
FC jc-031297
8. long hands
FC jc-031297

0. she is dissolute

1. she is dissolute
FC -> jc-72895
2. she is dissolute

3. she is dissolute

4. she is dissolute
FC jc-031297
5. she is dissolute
FC jc-031297

0. he dishonors himself; he demeans himself; she dishonors
herself; she degrades herself
1. he dishonors himself; he demeans himself
FC -> jc-72895
2. she degrades herself, she dishonors herself
FC -> jc-72895
3. he dishonors himself; he demeans himself; she dishonors
herself; she degrades herself
4. he dishonors himself; he demeans himself; she dishonors
herself; she degrades herself
5. he dishonors himself; he demeans himself; she dishonors
herself; she degrades herself
<p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. he dishonors himself; he demeans himself; she dishonors
herself; she degrades herself
<p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
7. he dishonors himself; he demeans himself; she dishonors
herself; she degrades herself
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096

8. he dishonors himself; he demeans himself
FC jc-031297
9. she degrades herself, she dishonors herself
FC jc-031297
10. he dishonors himself; he demeans himself
FC jc-031297
11. she degrades herself, she dishonors herself
FC jc-031297

0. one who dishonors herself
1. one who dishonors herself
FC -> jc-72895
2. one who dishonors herself
3. one who dishonors herself
4. one who dishonors herself
<p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za-caus02-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. one who dishonors herself
<p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za-caus02-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one who dishonors herself
<p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za-caus02-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. one who dishonors herself
<p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za-caus02-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. one who dishonors herself
<p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-qui:za-caus02-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. one who dishonors herself
FC jc-031297
10. one who dishonors herself
FC jc-031297

0. juegan ( they play )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. it plays
FC -> jc-72895
2. it plays
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it plays
4. it plays <p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04-caus08>
<p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. it plays <p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04-caus08>
<p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. it plays <p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04-caus08>
<p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. it plays <p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04-caus08>
<p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
8. juegan ( they play )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. it plays
FC jc-031297
10. it plays
FC jc-031297

0. he will be gladdened, he will enjoy himself
FC jc-031297

0. jugara'n ( they will play )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. they will enjoy themselves
FC jc-031297
2. they will enjoy themselves
FC jc-031297

0. fearful

1. fearful
FC -> jc-72895
2. fearful

3. fearful

4. fearful
FC jc-031297
5. fearful
FC jc-031297

0. cenca mahuizauhqui in machiotlatolli in metaphoras: highly
admirable are the figures of speech, the metaphors
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b6 f1 c1 p1), 2 cenca

mahuizauhqui in tlatolli, miec in oncan neztoc in ye
huecauh netlapololtiliztli catca highly admirable are the
discourses; there, many of the follies of ancient times are
apparent <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b6 f3 c8 p35), 3 cenca
mahuizauhqui inin tlatolli, ihuan cenca ohohui in
machiotlatolli: cenca cuacualli in tenonotzaliztlatolli
these words are very admirable and the metaphors are very
difficult; the sermon is very good <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2
(b6 f4 c10 p47), 5 yece inin tlatolli, amo cenca
mahuizauhqui, in iuh achto omito however, these words are
not so admirable as the ones first told
<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b6 f5 c11 p57), 6 miec in
mahuizauhqui tlatolli, ihuan in machiotlatolli, ihuan in
cecencamatl tlatolli many are the marvelous discourses,
and the figures of speech, and the different words of the
discourse <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b6 f9 c20 p105), 7
chalchiuhtic, texocaltic, mahuiztic, mahuizauhqui,
elehuilizio, nenequiztli, nequiztli, nehneconi, neconi,
neneconi it is like a green stone, very blue, wonderful,
admirable, desirable, constantly required, required; ever
useful, useful, ever useful <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b11
f20 c7 p208), 8 huelic, ahuiac, tlazotli, mahuiztic,
mahuizauhqui, it is of pleasing odor, fragrant--a precious
thing, wonderful, marvelous <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b11
f21 c7 p210), 9 ilacatztic, mahuizauhqui, it is
spiraled, marvelous <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b11 f23 c8
p230), 10 mahuiztic, mahuizauhqui, teicolti, tetlanecti,
elehuiliztli it is wonderful, marvelous, coveted,
desirable--a coveted thing <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b11 f27
c13 p280)
1. admirable; marvelous; wonderful
FC -> jc-72895
2. admirable; marvelous; wonderful
3. cenca mahuizauhqui in machiotlatolli in metaphoras: highly
admirable are the figures of speech, the metaphors
<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b6 f1 c1 p1), 2 cenca
mahuizauhqui in tlatolli, miec in oncan neztoc in ye
huecauh netlapololtiliztli catca highly admirable are the
discourses; there, many of the follies of ancient times are
apparent <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b6 f3 c8 p35), 3 cenca
mahuizauhqui inin tlatolli, ihuan cenca ohohui in
machiotlatolli: cenca cuacualli in tenonotzaliztlatolli
these words are very admirable and the metaphors are very
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

difficult; the sermon is very good <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2

(b6 f4 c10 p47), 5 yece inin tlatolli, amo cenca
mahuizauhqui, in iuh achto omito however, these words are
not so admirable as the ones first told
<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b6 f5 c11 p57), 6 miec in
mahuizauhqui tlatolli, ihuan in machiotlatolli, ihuan in
cecencamatl tlatolli many are the marvelous discourses,
and the figures of speech, and the different words of the
discourse <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b6 f9 c20 p105), 7
chalchiuhtic, texocaltic, mahuiztic, mahuizauhqui,
elehuilizio, nenequiztli, nequiztli, nehneconi, neconi,
neneconi it is like a green stone, very blue, wonderful,
admirable, desirable, constantly required, required; ever
useful, useful, ever useful <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b11
f20 c7 p208), 8 huelic, ahuiac, tlazotli, mahuiztic,
mahuizauhqui, it is of pleasing odor, fragrant--a precious
thing, wonderful, marvelous <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b11
f21 c7 p210), 9 ilacatztic, mahuizauhqui, it is
spiraled, marvelous <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b11 f23 c8
p230), 10 mahuiztic, mahuizauhqui, teicolti, tetlanecti,
elehuiliztli it is wonderful, marvelous, coveted,
desirable--a coveted thing <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2 (b11 f27
c13 p280)
4. admirable; marvelous; wonderful
5. admirable; marvelous; wonderful <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2>
<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. admirable; marvelous; wonderful <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2>
<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. admirable; marvelous; wonderful <mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2>
<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
8. cenca mahuizauhqui in machiotlatolli in metaphoras: highly
admirable are the figures of speech, the metaphors
<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2> (b6 f1 c1 p1) JC-7/23/96
9. cenca mahuizauhqui in tlatolli, miec in oncan neztoc in ye
huecauh netlapololtiliztli catca highly admirable are the
discourses; there, many of the follies of ancient times are
<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2> (b6 f3 c8 p35) JC-7/23/96
10. cenca mahuizauhqui inin tlatolli, ihuan cenca ohohui in
machiotlatolli: cenca cuacualli in tenonotzaliztlatolli
these words are very admirable and the metaphors are very
difficult; the sermon is very good
<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2> (b6 f4 c10 p47) JC-7/23/96
11. yece inin tlatolli, amo cenca mahuizauhqui, in iuh achto
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

omito however, these words are not so admirable as the

ones first told
<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2> (b6 f5 c11 p57) JC-7/23/96
12. miec in mahuizauhqui tlatolli, ihuan in machiotlatolli,
ihuan in cecencamatl tlatolli many are the marvelous
discourses, and the figures of speech, and the different
words of the discourse
<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2> (b6 f9 c20 p105) JC-7/23/96
13. chalchiuhtic, texocaltic, mahuiztic, mahuizauhqui,
elehuilizio, nenequiztli, nequiztli, nehneconi, neconi,
neneconi it is like a green stone, very blue, wonderful,
admirable, desirable, constantly required, required; ever
useful, useful, ever useful
<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2> (b11 f20 c7 p208) JC-7/23/96
14. huelic, ahuiac, tlazotli, mahuiztic, mahuizauhqui, it is
of pleasing odor, fragrant--a precious thing, wonderful,
<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2> (b11 f21 c7 p210) JC-7/23/96
15. ilacatztic, mahuizauhqui, it is spiraled, marvelous
<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2> (b11 f23 c8 p230) JC-7/23/96
16. mahuiztic, mahuizauhqui, teicolti, tetlanecti, elehuiliztli
it is wonderful, marvelous, coveted, desirable--a coveted
<mahui-liz-v03b-prt1-c2> (b11 f27 c13 p280) JC-7/23/96
17. admirable; marvelous; wonderful
FC jc-031297
18. admirable; marvelous; wonderful
FC jc-031297

0. there was fear, there was terror
1. there was fear, there was terror
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was fear, there was terror
3. there was fear, there was terror
4. there was fear, there was terror <mahui-liz-cui-hua2-prt2>
<mahui-liz-cui-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was fear, there was terror <mahui-liz-cui-hua2-prt2>
<mahui-liz-cui-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was fear, there was terror <mahui-liz-cui-hua2-prt2>
<mahui-liz-cui-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was fear, there was terror <mahui-liz-cui-hua2-prt2>
<mahui-liz-cui-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. there was fear, there was terror

FC jc-031297
9. there was fear, there was terror
FC jc-031297

0. they were frightened
1. they were frightened
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were frightened
3. they were frightened
4. they were frightened <mahui-liz-cui-plur01>
<mahui-liz-cui-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were frightened <mahui-liz-cui-plur01>
<mahui-liz-cui-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were frightened
FC jc-031297
7. they were frightened
FC jc-031297

0. wonderful, marvelous

1. wonderful, marvelous
FC -> jc-72895
2. wonderful, marvelous

3. wonderful, marvelous

4. wonderful, marvelous
FC jc-031297
5. wonderful, marvelous
FC jc-031297

0. ihuan in iayo in ihcuac iucci achi coniltequi in tlatoque,
ic yolchicahua, ic no mahuizoa and the rulers consume a
little of its broth, when it is cooked, in order to become
courageous, as well as to gain honor <mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v09
(b11 f19 c7 p190)
1. ihuan in iayo in ihcuac iucci achi coniltequi in tlatoque,
ic yolchicahua, ic no mahuizoa and the rulers consume a
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

little of its broth, when it is cooked, in order to become

courageous, as well as to gain honor
<mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v09> (b11 f19 c7 p190) JC-7/23/96

0. auh in yaoc, in yaopan, oquichtiz, tiacauhtiz,
momahuizzotiz panhuetziz, mahuizoaz, moteniotiz, and in
war, in time of battle, he would become a brave warrior and
a chieftain; he would attain renown, honor, glory, and fame
<mahui-liz-v03b-caus06?-z (b4 f6 c16 p57)
1. auh in yaoc, in yaopan, oquichtiz, tiacauhtiz,
momahuizzotiz panhuetziz, mahuizoaz, moteniotiz, and in
war, in time of battle, he would become a brave warrior and
a chieftain; he would attain renown, honor, glory, and fame
<mahui-liz-v03b-caus06?-z> (b4 f6 c16 p57) JC-7/23/96

0. teixhuiuh, mahuiztic, mahuizoloni the noble grandchild
[is] wonderful, worthy of admiration
<mahui-liz-v03-caus06-lo:1-ni1 (b10 f1 c5 p19)
1. worthy of admiration
FC -> jc-72895
2. worthy of admiration
3. teixhuiuh, mahuiztic, mahuizoloni the noble grandchild
[is] wonderful, worthy of admiration
<mahui-liz-v03-caus06-lo:1-ni1 (b10 f1 c5 p19)
4. worthy of admiration
5. worthy of admiration <mahui-liz-v03-caus06-lo:1-ni1>
<mahui-liz-v03-caus06-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. worthy of admiration <mahui-liz-v03-caus06-lo:1-ni1>
<mahui-liz-v03-caus06-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. worthy of admiration <mahui-liz-v03-caus06-lo:1-ni1>
<mahui-liz-v03-caus06-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. worthy of admiration <mahui-liz-v03-caus06-lo:1-ni1>
<mahui-liz-v03-caus06-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. worthy of admiration <mahui-liz-v03-caus06-lo:1-ni1>
<mahui-liz-v03-caus06-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
10. teixhuiuh, mahuiztic, mahuizoloni the noble grandchild
[is] wonderful, worthy of admiration
<mahui-liz-v03-caus06-lo:1-ni1> (b10 f1 c5 p19) JC-7/23/96
11. worthy of admiration
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
12. worthy of admiration
FC jc-031297

0. cenca mahuizoticatca, cenca pepetlaca iuhquin cuecueyoca,
cenca mihiyotia: it was very awesome; much did it gleam;
it was as if it shone; it cast much brilliance
<mahui-liz-v03b-caus06-prt1-ti1-ca:1b-ca9 (b2 f10 c37 p158)
1. it was awesome
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was awesome
3. cenca mahuizoticatca, cenca pepetlaca iuhquin cuecueyoca,
cenca mihiyotia: it was very awesome; much did it gleam;
it was as if it shone; it cast much brilliance
<mahui-liz-v03b-caus06-prt1-ti1-ca:1b-ca9 (b2 f10 c37 p158)
4. it was awesome
5. it was awesome <mahui-liz-v03b-caus06-prt1-ti1-ca:1b-ca9>
<mahui-liz-v03b-caus06-prt1-ti1-ca:1b-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was awesome <mahui-liz-v03b-caus06-prt1-ti1-ca:1b-ca9>
<mahui-liz-v03b-caus06-prt1-ti1-ca:1b-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
7. it was awesome <mahui-liz-v03b-caus06-prt1-ti1-ca:1b-ca9>
<mahui-liz-v03b-caus06-prt1-ti1-ca:1b-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
8. cenca mahuizoticatca, cenca pepetlaca iuhquin cuecueyoca,
cenca mihiyotia: it was very awesome; much did it gleam;
it was as if it shone; it cast much brilliance
<mahui-liz-v03b-caus06-prt1-ti1-ca:1b-ca9> (b2 f10 c37 p158) JC-7/23/96
9. it was awesome
FC jc-031297
10. it was awesome
FC jc-031297

0. they go in glory, they go in honor

1. they go in glory, they go in honor

FC -> jc-72895
2. they go in glory, they go in honor

3. they go in glory, they go in honor

4. they go in glory, they go in honor
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. they go in glory, they go in honor
FC jc-031297

0. honor
1. honor
FC -> jc-72895
2. honor
3. honor
4. honor <mahui-liz-yo:tl1>
<mahui-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. honor
FC jc-031297
6. honor
FC jc-031297

0. awesome place
1. awesome place
FC -> jc-72895
2. awesome place
3. awesome place
4. awesome place <mahui-liz-pan>
<mahui-liz-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. awesome place <mahui-liz-pan>
<mahui-liz-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. awesome place
FC jc-031297
7. awesome place
FC jc-031297

0. inin tlatolli, itechpa mitoa: in aquin cenca mahuizti,
anozo mocuiltonoa, this saying is said of him who is
highly esteemed or who is prosperous <mahui-liz-v01 (b6 f20
c43 p251), 2 mahuizti mahuizyoa, mahuizti, tlazoti,
tlazotlalo, patiyoa it is honored, esteemed; it is
precious, beloved by all, valuable <mahui-liz-v01 (b11 f22
c8 p222)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. amo iixco, icpac titlachiaz, amo ticcecemittaz in mahuizti:
oc cenca ye in cihuatl, oc cenca yequene yehuatl in
tecihuauh: ca mitoa, teixtlaxima in aquin quicecemitta,
ixco tlatlachia in tecihuauh: auh ca cequi oncan oactiaque,
oquitzauctiaque thou art not to peer into the face, at the
head of--not to stare at--the esteemed one; especially a
woman; much less at someone wife, for it is said he who
stareth at, who peereth into the face of another wife, with
his eyes committeth adultery, and that some they there
imprisoned, punished <mahui-liz-v01a (b6 f10 c22 p122), 2
mahuizti one is esteemed <mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v01a (b10 f6
c27 p112b)
2. auh inic hualpehua i, oc itoca tlamacazto, niman ye
tlamacazqui, niman ic tlenamacac, ye mahuizti, i, and when
one started out, he was still called a novice priest, then
an offering priest, then a fire priest--already respected
was this one <mahui-liz-v04 (b3 f4 cap9 p70)
3. inin tlatolli, itechpa mitoa: in aquin cenca mahuizti,
anozo mocuiltonoa, this saying is said of him who is
highly esteemed or who is prosperous <mahui-liz-v01 (b6 f20
c43 p251), 2 mahuizti mahuizyoa, mahuizti, tlazoti,
tlazotlalo, patiyoa it is honored, esteemed; it is
precious, beloved by all, valuable <mahui-liz-v01 (b11 f22
c8 p222)
4. amo iixco, icpac titlachiaz, amo ticcecemittaz in mahuizti:
oc cenca ye in cihuatl, oc cenca yequene yehuatl in
tecihuauh: ca mitoa, teixtlaxima in aquin quicecemitta,
ixco tlatlachia in tecihuauh: auh ca cequi oncan oactiaque,
oquitzauctiaque thou art not to peer into the face, at the
head of--not to stare at--the esteemed one; especially a
woman; much less at someone wife, for it is said he who
stareth at, who peereth into the face of another wife, with
his eyes committeth adultery, and that some they there
imprisoned, punished <mahui-liz-v01a (b6 f10 c22 p122), 2
mahuizti one is esteemed <mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v01a (b10 f6
c27 p112b)
5. auh inic hualpehua i, oc itoca tlamacazto, niman ye
tlamacazqui, niman ic tlenamacac, ye mahuizti, i, and when
one started out, he was still called a novice priest, then
an offering priest, then a fire priest--already respected
was this one <mahui-liz-v04 (b3 f4 cap9 p70)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. honor, glory
FC - > jc-61096
7. inin tlatolli, itechpa mitoa: in aquin cenca mahuizti,
anozo mocuiltonoa, this saying is said of him who is
highly esteemed or who is prosperous
<mahui-liz-v01> (b6 f20 c43 p251) JC-7/23/96
8. mahuizyoa, mahuizti, tlazoti, tlazotlalo, patiyoa it is
honored, esteemed; it is precious, beloved by all, valuable
<mahui-liz-v01> (b11 f22 c8 p222) JC-7/23/96
9. amo iixco, icpac titlachiaz, amo ticcecemittaz in mahuizti:
oc cenca ye in cihuatl, oc cenca yequene yehuatl in
tecihuauh: ca mitoa, teixtlaxima in aquin quicecemitta,
ixco tlatlachia in tecihuauh: auh ca cequi oncan oactiaque,
oquitzauctiaque thou art not to peer into the face, at the
head of--not to stare at--the esteemed one; especially a
woman; much less at someone wife, for it is said he who
stareth at, who peereth into the face of another wife, with
his eyes committeth adultery, and that some they there
imprisoned, punished
<mahui-liz-v01a> (b6 f10 c22 p122) JC-7/23/96
10. mahuizti one is esteemed
<mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v01a> (b10 f6 c27 p112b) JC-7/23/96
11. auh inic hualpehua i, oc itoca tlamacazto, niman ye
tlamacazqui, niman ic tlenamacac, ye mahuizti, i, and when
one started out, he was still called a novice priest, then
an offering priest, then a fire priest--already respected
was this one
<mahui-liz-v04> (b3 f4 cap9 p70) JC-7/23/96

0. they were esteemed
1. they were esteemed
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were esteemed
3. they were esteemed
4. they were esteemed <mahui-liz-v04-ya3>
<mahui-liz-v04-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were esteemed <mahui-liz-v04-ya3>
<mahui-liz-v04-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were esteemed
FC jc-031297
7. they were esteemed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. wonderful, marvelous, estimable; esteemed; of good quality;
1. wonderful, marvelous; estimable; esteemed; noble; of good
FC -> jc-72895
2. wonderful, marvelous, estimable; esteemed; of good quality;
3. wonderful, marvelous, estimable; esteemed; of good quality;
4. wonderful, marvelous, estimable; esteemed; of good quality;
noble <mahui-liz-tic>
<mahui-liz-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. wonderful, marvelous, estimable; esteemed; of good quality;
noble <mahui-liz-tic>
<mahui-liz-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. wonderful, marvelous; esteemed; estimable; noble; of good
FC jc-031297
7. wonderful, marvelous; esteemed; estimable; noble; of good
FC jc-031297

0. wonderful, very marvelous
1. wonderful, very marvelous
FC -> jc-72895
2. wonderful, very marvelous
3. wonderful, very marvelous
4. wonderful, very marvelous <mahui-prt1-liz-;
<mahui-prt1-liz--> FC - > jc-61096
5. wonderful, very marvelous
FC jc-031297
6. wonderful, very marvelous
FC jc-031297

0. mujer maravillosa ( marvelous woman )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. gran sen~or ( great man )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. mahuiztihuani venerable <mahui-liz-v01a-hua2-ni1 (b10 f6
c27 p99a)
1. venerable
FC -> jc-72895
2. venerable
3. mahuiztihuani venerable <mahui-liz-v01a-hua2-ni1 (b10 f6
c27 p99a)
4. venerable
5. venerable <mahui-liz-v01a-hua2-ni1>
<mahui-liz-v01a-hua2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. venerable <mahui-liz-v01a-hua2-ni1>
<mahui-liz-v01a-hua2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. venerable <mahui-liz-v01a-hua2-ni1>
<mahui-liz-v01a-hua2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. venerable <mahui-liz-v01a-hua2-ni1>
<mahui-liz-v01a-hua2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. venerable <mahui-liz-v01a-hua2-ni1>
<mahui-liz-v01a-hua2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
10. venerable <mahui-liz-v01a-hua2-ni1>
<mahui-liz-v01a-hua2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
11. mahuiztihuani venerable
<mahui-liz-v01a-hua2-ni1> (b10 f6 c27 p99a) JC-7/23/96
12. venerable
FC jc-031297
13. venerable
FC jc-031297

0. auh in ihcuac cualli: ihcuac intla aca cenca
mahuiztililoni, motlamachtiani, in mochipa quipia in
netlamachtilli in necuiltonolli: manozo in tlatocayotl in
nican tlalticpac: mitoaya oacic in imiyahuayocan, in
ixiloyocan: cenca mahuiztililo yectenehualo: and as for
the time when it is good: at a time if someone is very
estimable, wealthy - who always watches his wealth, his
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

riches, or his rulership here on earth, it was said: "he

hath reached his season of the green maize ear, of his
maize tassel; he is much esteemed, he is praised"
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1 (b6 f19 c41 p235)
1. he is honored
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is honored

3. auh in ihcuac cualli: ihcuac intla aca cenca

mahuiztililoni, motlamachtiani, in mochipa quipia in
netlamachtilli in necuiltonolli: manozo in tlatocayotl in
nican tlalticpac: mitoaya oacic in imiyahuayocan, in
ixiloyocan: cenca mahuiztililo yectenehualo: and as for
the time when it is good: at a time if someone is very
estimable, wealthy - who always watches his wealth, his
riches, or his rulership here on earth, it was said: "he
hath reached his season of the green maize ear, of his
maize tassel; he is much esteemed, he is praised"
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1 (b6 f19 c41 p235)
4. he is honored

5. auh in ihcuac cualli: ihcuac intla aca cenca

mahuiztililoni, motlamachtiani, in mochipa quipia in
netlamachtilli in necuiltonolli: manozo in tlatocayotl in
nican tlalticpac: mitoaya oacic in imiyahuayocan, in
ixiloyocan: cenca mahuiztililo yectenehualo: and as for
the time when it is good: at a time if someone is very
estimable, wealthy----who always watches his wealth, his
riches, or his rulership here on earth, it was said: "he
hath reached his season of the green maize ear, of his
maize tassel; he is much esteemed, he is praised"
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1> (b6 f19 c41 p235) JC-7/23/96
6. he is honored
FC jc-031297
7. he is honored
FC jc-031297

0. auh in quinnanamictia, in inmatitech quimantihui, zan
yehuantin in mahuiztililoni in teachcahuan, ihuan in
telpochtequihuaque, ihuan in cuacuachicti, in otomi, ihuan
in pipilti: and they went joining with, went taking by the
hands those worthy of honor, the masters of the youths, and
the young seasoned warriors, and the shorn ones, the otomi,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

and the noblemen <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b2 f5 c27

p98), 2 auh in teachcahuan, in teachcauh, tlayacatia, in
mahuiztililoni, zan ichtaca in quinnahuatia cihua, amo
teixpan, and as for the masters of the youths: the master
of youths of front rank, worthy of honors, asked for the
women only in secret, not before others
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b2 f5 c27 p102), 3 auh in
oncentlanque miqui in ye iuhqui: auh in ixquichtin
tlatoque, in teteuctin in cenca mahuiztililoni, ye ic mani,
za quichixtimani and when they had completely ended the
slaying, when it was so, [then] all the rulers, the lords,
those much to be revered, then already were spread about;
they just stood about waiting
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1 (b2 f10 c37 p164), 4
achtopa yehuantin in mahuiztililoni, in teteuctin, in
achcacauhtin, in tequihuaque, ihuan in tlapaliuhcayaca,
ihuan in zan huel tlapalihui: in mach huel yehuan, ye
intech ompohui: niman yehuantin in tiachcahuan, in
telpochtlatoque: niman yehuantin in ixquichtin in
tehuayolque, in itechcopa oquichtli, ihuan itechcopa
cihuatl first those who were illustrious, the lords, the
captains, the seasoned warriors, and those who guided the
groom, and the moderately matured youths, those same among
whom [the groom] belonged, and then those who were the
masters of the youths, the rulers of the youths; then those
who were all the kinsmen of the man and of the woman
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b6 f11 c23 p129), 5 auh
in ye iuhqui in omocencauh in ixquich monenequi: niman
mocentlalia in ixquichtin tehuayolque in huehuetque, in
ilamatque in mahuiztililoni: and when this was done, when
all which was necessary had been prepared, then all the kin
folk, the old men, the old women, the illustrious were
assembled <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b6 f16 c37
p201), 6 itechpa mitoa: in amo pinahuani, in amo
temamatini: in huel iatihuetzi imixpan in mahuiztililoni
this is said of a shameless one, of a brazen one--one who
in truth rushes into the presence of the illustrious
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b6 f18 c41 p221), 7
ihcuac mitoa: intla aca tlatoani, anozo aca mahuiztililoni
nicnotlatlauhtilia, itla ipampa, inic nechpalehuiz: auh zah
ye ic cualani, zan itlahuelpan nonhuetzi: ahzo ye ompa no
nechahua, it is said at this time: if i were asking for
something of some ruler or someone worthy of honor because
thereby he would help me, but he only was angered by it, i
fell into his fury, or he also chid me there;
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b6 f18 c41 p225), 8 auh
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

in ihcuac cualli: ihcuac intla aca cenca mahuiztililoni,

motlamachtiani, in mochipa quipia in netlamachtilli in
necuiltonolli: manozo in tlatocayotl in nican tlalticpac:
mitoaya oacic in imiyahuayocan, in ixiloyocan: cenca
mahuiztililo yectenehualo: and as for the time when it is
good: at a time if someone is very estimable,
wealthy----who always watches his wealth, his riches, or
his rulership here on earth, it was said: "he hath reached
his season of the green maize ear, of his maize tassel; he
is much esteemed, he is praised"
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1 (b6 f19 c41 p235), 9 ipan
mitoaya in aca tlatoani, anozo pilli, cenca mahuiztililoni:
[uitzio, auayo] was said of some ruler, or of a nobleman,
of one worthy of great honor
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1 (b6 f19 c43 p245), 10 in
cualli tlazopilli, mahuiztililoni, tlazotlaloni, pialoni,
tlamahuiztiliani, the good esteemed noble [is]
illustrious, lovable, cherishable, respectable
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1 (b10 f1 c4 p16), 11 in
cualli tocihuateucyo, ixtilli, ixtililoni, mahuiztililoni,
teyo, mahuizyo, icnoyo, icnotlamatini, the good noblewoman
is venerable, respectable, illustrious, famed, esteemed,
kind, contrite <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1 (b10 f3 c13
p45), 12 in teixhuiuh, ca pilli, tecpilli, tlazopilli,
tlazotli, tlazotzintli, tlazotlaloni, malhuiloni,
mahuiztililoni, mauhcaittoni, mahuiztli, cualli yectli:
timalli ixtilli, moxtic, the noblewoman is a noble, a noble
ruler, an esteemed noble --esteemed, lovely, worthy of
being loved, worthy of preferred treatment, worthy of
veneration, deserving of honor, enjoying glory; good,
modest, respected, self-respecting
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1 (b10 f3 c13 p50), 13
tlazoti, mahuiztic, mahuiztililoni, mahuizmacho: they are
cherished, wonderful, meriting wonder, considered wonderful
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b11 f21 c7 p214), 14
tlazotli, mahuiztic, patio, pialoni, tlatiloni, neconi,
elehuiloni, mahuizoloni, auh mahuiztililoni, it is
precious, esteemed, valuable; it is worthy of being
cherished; it merits storing; it is desirable, worthy of
envy; it merits esteem and is praiseworthy
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b11 f22 c8 p222)
1. d ic cenca huel neztica, notlazopilhuane, in quenin cenca
tlazotlaloni, cenca mahuiztililoni in toteucyo dios: d thus
it is very plain, my dear children, how much worthy of
love, [how] much worthy of honor is our lord god
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<mahui-liz-v0?-ben? -ni1 (b1 f4 cAp p67)

2. meriting wonder; worthy of honor; estimable; illustrious;
of reverence; praiseworthy
FC -> jc-72895
3. meriting wonder; worthy of honor; estimable; of reverence;
illustrious; praiseworthy
4. auh in quinnanamictia, in inmatitech quimantihui, zan
yehuantin in mahuiztililoni in teachcahuan, ihuan in
telpochtequihuaque, ihuan in cuacuachicti, in otomi, ihuan
in pipilti: and they went joining with, went taking by the
hands those worthy of honor, the masters of the youths, and
the young seasoned warriors, and the shorn ones, the otomi,
and the noblemen <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b2 f5 c27
p98), 2 auh in teachcahuan, in teachcauh, tlayacatia, in
mahuiztililoni, zan ichtaca in quinnahuatia cihua, amo
teixpan, and as for the masters of the youths: the master
of youths of front rank, worthy of honors, asked for the
women only in secret, not before others
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b2 f5 c27 p102), 3 auh in
oncentlanque miqui in ye iuhqui: auh in ixquichtin
tlatoque, in teteuctin in cenca mahuiztililoni, ye ic mani,
za quichixtimani and when they had completely ended the
slaying, when it was so, [then] all the rulers, the lords,
those much to be revered, then already were spread about;
they just stood about waiting
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1 (b2 f10 c37 p164), 4
achtopa yehuantin in mahuiztililoni, in teteuctin, in
achcacauhtin, in tequihuaque, ihuan in tlapaliuhcayaca,
ihuan in zan huel tlapalihui: in mach huel yehuan, ye
intech ompohui: niman yehuantin in tiachcahuan, in
telpochtlatoque: niman yehuantin in ixquichtin in
tehuayolque, in itechcopa oquichtli, ihuan itechcopa
cihuatl first those who were illustrious, the lords, the
captains, the seasoned warriors, and those who guided the
groom, and the moderately matured youths, those same among
whom [the groom] belonged, and then those who were the
masters of the youths, the rulers of the youths; then those
who were all the kinsmen of the man and of the woman
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b6 f11 c23 p129), 5 auh
in ye iuhqui in omocencauh in ixquich monenequi: niman
mocentlalia in ixquichtin tehuayolque in huehuetque, in
ilamatque in mahuiztililoni: and when this was done, when
all which was necessary had been prepared, then all the kin
folk, the old men, the old women, the illustrious were
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

assembled <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b6 f16 c37

p201), 6 itechpa mitoa: in amo pinahuani, in amo
temamatini: in huel iatihuetzi imixpan in mahuiztililoni
this is said of a shameless one, of a brazen one--one who
in truth rushes into the presence of the illustrious
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b6 f18 c41 p221), 7
ihcuac mitoa: intla aca tlatoani, anozo aca mahuiztililoni
nicnotlatlauhtilia, itla ipampa, inic nechpalehuiz: auh zah
ye ic cualani, zan itlahuelpan nonhuetzi: ahzo ye ompa no
nechahua, it is said at this time: if i were asking for
something of some ruler or someone worthy of honor because
thereby he would help me, but he only was angered by it, i
fell into his fury, or he also chid me there;
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b6 f18 c41 p225), 8 auh
in ihcuac cualli: ihcuac intla aca cenca mahuiztililoni,
motlamachtiani, in mochipa quipia in netlamachtilli in
necuiltonolli: manozo in tlatocayotl in nican tlalticpac:
mitoaya oacic in imiyahuayocan, in ixiloyocan: cenca
mahuiztililo yectenehualo: and as for the time when it is
good: at a time if someone is very estimable,
wealthy----who always watches his wealth, his riches, or
his rulership here on earth, it was said: "he hath reached
his season of the green maize ear, of his maize tassel; he
is much esteemed, he is praised"
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1 (b6 f19 c41 p235), 9 ipan
mitoaya in aca tlatoani, anozo pilli, cenca mahuiztililoni:
[uitzio, auayo] was said of some ruler, or of a nobleman,
of one worthy of great honor
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1 (b6 f19 c43 p245), 10 in
cualli tlazopilli, mahuiztililoni, tlazotlaloni, pialoni,
tlamahuiztiliani, the good esteemed noble [is]
illustrious, lovable, cherishable, respectable
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1 (b10 f1 c4 p16), 11 in
cualli tocihuateucyo, ixtilli, ixtililoni, mahuiztililoni,
teyo, mahuizyo, icnoyo, icnotlamatini, the good noblewoman
is venerable, respectable, illustrious, famed, esteemed,
kind, contrite <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1 (b10 f3 c13
p45), 12 in teixhuiuh, ca pilli, tecpilli, tlazopilli,
tlazotli, tlazotzintli, tlazotlaloni, malhuiloni,
mahuiztililoni, mauhcaittoni, mahuiztli, cualli yectli:
timalli ixtilli, moxtic, the noblewoman is a noble, a noble
ruler, an esteemed noble --esteemed, lovely, worthy of
being loved, worthy of preferred treatment, worthy of
veneration, deserving of honor, enjoying glory; good,
modest, respected, self-respecting
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1 (b10 f3 c13 p50), 13
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

tlazoti, mahuiztic, mahuiztililoni, mahuizmacho: they are

cherished, wonderful, meriting wonder, considered wonderful
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b11 f21 c7 p214), 14
tlazotli, mahuiztic, patio, pialoni, tlatiloni, neconi,
elehuiloni, mahuizoloni, auh mahuiztililoni, it is
precious, esteemed, valuable; it is worthy of being
cherished; it merits storing; it is desirable, worthy of
envy; it merits esteem and is praiseworthy
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1 (b11 f22 c8 p222)
5. d ic cenca huel neztica, notlazopilhuane, in quenin cenca
tlazotlaloni, cenca mahuiztililoni in toteucyo dios: d thus
it is very plain, my dear children, how much worthy of
love, [how] much worthy of honor is our lord god
<mahui-liz-v0?-ben? -ni1 (b1 f4 cAp p67)
6. meriting wonder; worthy of honor; estimable; of reverence;
illustrious; praiseworthy
7. meriting wonder; worthy of honor; estimable; of reverence;
illustrious; praiseworthy <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1>
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. meriting wonder; worthy of honor; estimable; of reverence;
illustrious; praiseworthy <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1>
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. meriting wonder; worthy of honor; illustrious; praiseworthy
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
10. meriting wonder; worthy of honor; of reverence;
illustrious; praiseworthy <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1>
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
11. meriting wonder; worthy of honor; of reverence;
illustrious; praiseworthy <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1>
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
12. worthy of honor, estimable; of reverence; illustrious
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
13. auh in quinnanamictia, in inmatitech quimantihui, zan
yehuantin in mahuiztililoni in teachcahuan, ihuan in
telpochtequihuaque, ihuan in cuacuachicti, in otomi, ihuan
in pipilti: and they went joining with, went taking by the
hands those worthy of honor, the masters of the youths, and
the young seasoned warriors, and the shorn ones, the otomi,
and the noblemen
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1> (b2 f5 c27 p98) JC-7/23/96
14. auh in teachcahuan, in teachcauh, tlayacatia, in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

mahuiztililoni, zan ichtaca in quinnahuatia cihua, amo

teixpan, and as for the masters of the youths: the master
of youths of front rank, worthy of honors, asked for the
women only in secret, not before others
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1> (b2 f5 c27 p102) JC-7/23/96
15. auh in oncentlanque miqui in ye iuhqui: auh in ixquichtin
tlatoque, in teteuctin in cenca mahuiztililoni, ye ic mani,
za quichixtimani and when they had completely ended the
slaying, when it was so, [then] all the rulers, the lords,
those much to be revered, then already were spread about;
they just stood about waiting
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1> (b2 f10 c37 p164) JC-7/23/96
16. achtopa yehuantin in mahuiztililoni, in teteuctin, in
achcacauhtin, in tequihuaque, ihuan in tlapaliuhcayaca,
ihuan in zan huel tlapalihui: in mach huel yehuan, ye
intech ompohui: niman yehuantin in tiachcahuan, in
telpochtlatoque: niman yehuantin in ixquichtin in
tehuayolque, in itechcopa oquichtli, ihuan itechcopa
cihuatl first those who were illustrious, the lords, the
captains, the seasoned warriors, and those who guided the
groom, and the moderately matured youths, those same among
whom [the groom] belonged, and then those who were the
masters of the youths, the rulers of the youths; then those
who were all the kinsmen of the man and of the woman
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1> (b6 f11 c23 p129) JC-7/23/96
17. auh in ye iuhqui in omocencauh in ixquich monenequi: niman
mocentlalia in ixquichtin tehuayolque in huehuetque, in
ilamatque in mahuiztililoni: and when this was done, when
all which was necessary had been prepared, then all the kin
folk, the old men, the old women, the illustrious were
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1> (b6 f16 c37 p201) JC-7/23/96
18. itechpa mitoa: in amo pinahuani, in amo temamatini: in huel
iatihuetzi imixpan in mahuiztililoni this is said of a
shameless one, of a brazen one--one who in truth rushes
into the presence of the illustrious
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1> (b6 f18 c41 p221) JC-7/23/96
19. ihcuac mitoa: intla aca tlatoani, anozo aca mahuiztililoni
nicnotlatlauhtilia, itla ipampa, inic nechpalehuiz: auh zah
ye ic cualani, zan itlahuelpan nonhuetzi: ahzo ye ompa no
nechahua, it is said at this time: if i were asking for
something of some ruler or someone worthy of honor because
thereby he would help me, but he only was angered by it, i
fell into his fury, or he also chid me there;
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1> (b6 f18 c41 p225) JC-7/23/96
20. auh in ihcuac cualli: ihcuac intla aca cenca
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

mahuiztililoni, motlamachtiani, in mochipa quipia in

netlamachtilli in necuiltonolli: manozo in tlatocayotl in
nican tlalticpac: mitoaya oacic in imiyahuayocan, in
ixiloyocan: cenca mahuiztililo yectenehualo: and as for
the time when it is good: at a time if someone is very
estimable, wealthy----who always watches his wealth, his
riches, or his rulership here on earth, it was said: "he
hath reached his season of the green maize ear, of his
maize tassel; he is much esteemed, he is praised"
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1> (b6 f19 c41 p235) JC-7/23/96
21. ipan mitoaya in aca tlatoani, anozo pilli, cenca
mahuiztililoni: [uitzio, auayo] was said of some ruler, or
of a nobleman, of one worthy of great honor
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1> (b6 f19 c43 p245) JC-7/23/96
22. in cualli tlazopilli, mahuiztililoni, tlazotlaloni,
pialoni, tlamahuiztiliani, the good esteemed noble [is]
illustrious, lovable, cherishable, respectable
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1> (b10 f1 c4 p16) JC-7/23/96
23. in cualli tocihuateucyo, ixtilli, ixtililoni,
mahuiztililoni, teyo, mahuizyo, icnoyo, icnotlamatini, the
good noblewoman is venerable, respectable, illustrious,
famed, esteemed, kind, contrite
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1> (b10 f3 c13 p45) JC-7/23/96
24. in teixhuiuh, ca pilli, tecpilli, tlazopilli, tlazotli,
tlazotzintli, tlazotlaloni, malhuiloni, mahuiztililoni,
mauhcaittoni, mahuiztli, cualli yectli: timalli ixtilli,
moxtic, the noblewoman is a noble, a noble ruler, an
esteemed noble --esteemed, lovely, worthy of being loved,
worthy of preferred treatment, worthy of veneration,
deserving of honor, enjoying glory; good, modest,
respected, self-respecting
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:1-ni1> (b10 f3 c13 p50) JC-7/23/96
25. tlazoti, mahuiztic, mahuiztililoni, mahuizmacho: they are
cherished, wonderful, meriting wonder, considered wonderful
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1> (b11 f21 c7 p214) JC-7/23/96
26. tlazotli, mahuiztic, patio, pialoni, tlatiloni, neconi,
elehuiloni, mahuizoloni, auh mahuiztililoni, it is
precious, esteemed, valuable; it is worthy of being
cherished; it merits storing; it is desirable, worthy of
envy; it merits esteem and is praiseworthy
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ni1> (b11 f22 c8 p222) JC-7/23/96
27. d ic cenca huel neztica, notlazopilhuane, in quenin cenca
tlazotlaloni, cenca mahuiztililoni in toteucyo dios: d thus
it is very plain, my dear children, how much worthy of
love, [how] much worthy of honor is our lord god
<mahui-liz-v0?-ben? -ni1> (b1 f4 cAp p67) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

28. meriting wonder; worthy of honor; estimable; illustrious;

of reverence; praiseworthy
FC jc-031297
29. meriting wonder; worthy of honor; estimable; illustrious;
of reverence; praiseworthy
FC jc-031297

0. inic cenca mahuiztililoya, oc cenca quichocaya,
quiteopoaya, quelcicihuia: huel mopechtecaya, mocnomatia,
mocnotecaya the more they were honored, the more they
wept, suffered affliction, sighed; they became most humble,
most meek, most contrite <mahui-liz-v04b-ben-lo:-ya3 (b6 f9
c20 p107), 2 inin tlatolli, mitoaya: itechpa in yaoyotl:
yehica in pipilti amo huel tenehualoya, mahuiztililoya:
intlacamo yaoc yani, intlacamo oquichtli, intlacamo
tiacauh, intlacamo tlamani: this saying was said of
warfare, because the noblemen could not be praised -- [one
could not be] honored if he were not one who went to war,
if he were not a brave man, if he were not a brave warrior,
if he were not a taker of captives
<mahui-liz-v04b-ben-lo:-ya3 (b6 f20 c43 p256), 3 zan no
iuhqui in macehualli: ca zan cuauhyotica, oceloyotica in
pahuetzia, in mahuiztililoya, in tenehualoya: likewise the
commoner: only with eagles, with ocelots did he succeed,
was he honored, praised <mahui-liz-v04b-ben-lo:-ya3 (b6 f20
c43 p256)
1. ic cenca mahuiztililoya in izquitecatl, thus was
izquitecatl greatly revered <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ya3
(b4 f2 c5 p17)
2. he was honored; he was revered; respected; she was
esteemed; they were honored
FC -> jc-72895
3. he was revered, respected; he was honored; she was
esteemed; they were honored
4. inic cenca mahuiztililoya, oc cenca quichocaya,
quiteopoaya, quelcicihuia: huel mopechtecaya, mocnomatia,
mocnotecaya the more they were honored, the more they
wept, suffered affliction, sighed; they became most humble,
most meek, most contrite <mahui-liz-v04b-ben-lo:-ya3 (b6 f9
c20 p107), 2 inin tlatolli, mitoaya: itechpa in yaoyotl:
yehica in pipilti amo huel tenehualoya, mahuiztililoya:
intlacamo yaoc yani, intlacamo oquichtli, intlacamo
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

tiacauh, intlacamo tlamani: this saying was said of

warfare, because the noblemen could not be praised -- [one
could not be] honored if he were not one who went to war,
if he were not a brave man, if he were not a brave warrior,
if he were not a taker of captives
<mahui-liz-v04b-ben-lo:-ya3 (b6 f20 c43 p256), 3 zan no
iuhqui in macehualli: ca zan cuauhyotica, oceloyotica in
pahuetzia, in mahuiztililoya, in tenehualoya: likewise the
commoner: only with eagles, with ocelots did he succeed,
was he honored, praised <mahui-liz-v04b-ben-lo:-ya3 (b6 f20
c43 p256)
5. ic cenca mahuiztililoya in izquitecatl, thus was
izquitecatl greatly revered <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ya3
(b4 f2 c5 p17)
6. he was revered, respected; he was honored; she was
esteemed; they were honored
7. he was honored; she was esteemed; they were honored
<mahui-liz-v04b-ben-lo:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he was honored; she was esteemed; they were honored
<mahui-liz-v04b-ben-lo:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. he was honored; she was esteemed; they were honored
<mahui-liz-v04b-ben-lo:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
10. he was revered, respected <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ya3>
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
11. he was revered, respected <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ya3>
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
12. he was revered, respected; he was honored; she was
esteemed; they were honored <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ya3>
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
13. he was revered, respected; he was honored; she was
esteemed; they were honored <mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ya3>
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
14. ic cenca mahuiztililoya in izquitecatl, thus was
izquitecatl greatly revered
<mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-lo:2-ya3> (b4 f2 c5 p17) JC-7/23/96
15. inic cenca mahuiztililoya, oc cenca quichocaya,
quiteopoaya, quelcicihuia: huel mopechtecaya, mocnomatia,
mocnotecaya the more they were honored, the more they
wept, suffered affliction, sighed; they became most humble,
most meek, most contrite
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<mahui-liz-v04b-ben-lo:-ya3> (b6 f9 c20 p107) JC-7/23/96

16. inin tlatolli, mitoaya: itechpa in yaoyotl: yehica in
pipilti amo huel tenehualoya, mahuiztililoya: intlacamo
yaoc yani, intlacamo oquichtli, intlacamo tiacauh,
intlacamo tlamani: this saying was said of warfare,
because the noblemen could not be praised -- [one could not
be] honored if he were not one who went to war, if he were
not a brave man, if he were not a brave warrior, if he were
not a taker of captives
<mahui-liz-v04b-ben-lo:-ya3> (b6 f20 c43 p256) JC-7/23/96
17. zan no iuhqui in macehualli: ca zan cuauhyotica,
oceloyotica in pahuetzia, in mahuiztililoya, in
tenehualoya: likewise the commoner: only with eagles, with
ocelots did he succeed, was he honored, praised
<mahui-liz-v04b-ben-lo:-ya3> (b6 f20 c43 p256) JC-7/23/96
18. he was honored; he was revered; respected; it was honored;
she was esteemed; they were honored
FC jc-031297
19. he was honored; he was revered; respected; it was honored;
she was esteemed; they were honored
FC jc-031297

0. he will be honored

1. he will be honored
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be honored

3. he will be honored

4. he will be honored
FC jc-031297
5. he will be honored
FC jc-031297

0. he honors himself

0. they honored him

0. auh ca itech otitotzotzonato, in tonatiuh, in metztli, in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

cicitlalti, ihuan oc cequi tlachihualti: ipampa ca

mahuiztique, huellazoti, cenca teyollalique, huel
tetlamachtique: but we have taken him to be the sun, the
moon, the stars, and still other creations, because they
are wonderful, highly valued; they give men great comfort,
they enrich men <mahui-prt1-liz-v01a-queh (b1 f3 cAp p56),
2 inin tlatolli: intechpa mitoaya, in cenca mahuiztique,
in cenca huehueintin: in aic oittoque, in aic oiximachoque,
ano can ittoya in ye huecauh this saying was said of the
highly esteemed, the very great; of those never before seen
of those never before known, nor anywhere seen in times of
yore <mahui-liz-v01a-plur14 (b6 f19 c43 p244), 3 anozo aca
cenca mahuiztique, cenca mocuiltonoani or [it was said of]
the highly esteemed, the very rich <mahui-liz-v01a-plur14
(b6 f19 c43 p244), 4 quimontlalito in intlan in tlatoque,
in pipilti: in oncan tecpantoque, in mahuiztique, in
yaotachcacahuan: in ayac in huihui he went to place them
among the lords [and] nobles, those who were arranged there
according to rank, the honored ones, his war leaders, the
unsurpassed <mahui-prt1-liz-v01a-queh (b9 f1 c2 p5), 5
inic nahui capitulo, oncan motenehua: in intequiuh, in
inyeliz ihuan in inmahuizyo, in mahuiztique tlaca fourth
chapter, in which are mentioned the works, the nature, and
the honors of the nobles <mahui-liz-v01a-plur01 (b10 f1 c4
p15), 6 inic macuilli capitulo oncan motenehua in
mahuiztique tepilhuan fifth chapter here are mentioned the
honored nobles <mahui-liz-v01a-plur14 (b10 f1 c5 p19)
1. auh ca itech otitotzotzonato, in tonatiuh, in metztli, in
cicitlalti, ihuan oc cequi tlachihualti: ipampa ca
mahuiztique, huellazoti, cenca teyollalique, huel
tetlamachtique: but we have taken him to be the sun, the
moon, the stars, and still other creations, because they
are wonderful, highly valued; they give men great comfort,
they enrich men
<mahui-prt1-liz-v01a-queh> (b1 f3 cAp p56) JC-7/23/96
2. inin tlatolli: intechpa mitoaya, in cenca mahuiztique, in
cenca huehueintin: in aic oittoque, in aic oiximachoque,
ano can ittoya in ye huecauh this saying was said of the
highly esteemed, the very great; of those never before seen
of those never before known, nor anywhere seen in times of
<mahui-liz-v01a-plur14> (b6 f19 c43 p244) JC-7/23/96
3. anozo aca cenca mahuiztique, cenca mocuiltonoani or [it was
said of] the highly esteemed, the very rich
<mahui-liz-v01a-plur14> (b6 f19 c43 p244) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. quimontlalito in intlan in tlatoque, in pipilti: in oncan

tecpantoque, in mahuiztique, in yaotachcacahuan: in ayac in
huihui he went to place them among the lords [and] nobles,
those who were arranged there according to rank, the
honored ones, his war leaders, the unsurpassed
<mahui-prt1-liz-v01a-queh> (b9 f1 c2 p5) JC-7/23/96
5. inic nahui capitulo, oncan motenehua: in intequiuh, in
inyeliz ihuan in inmahuizyo, in mahuiztique tlaca fourth
chapter, in which are mentioned the works, the nature, and
the honors of the nobles
<mahui-liz-v01a-plur01> (b10 f1 c4 p15) JC-7/23/96
6. inic macuilli capitulo oncan motenehua in mahuiztique
tepilhuan fifth chapter here are mentioned the honored
<mahui-liz-v01a-plur14> (b10 f1 c5 p19) JC-7/23/96

0. maravillosos ( marvelous )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. auh intla macehualli ipan tlacatia, oquichtiz, tiacauhtiz,
mahuiztiz, panhuetziz, motleyotiz, and if a commoner were
then born, he would be a brave warrior--a valiant chief,
esteemed, honored, and great <mahui-liz-v01a-z (b4 f1 c1 p2)
1. he will be esteemed
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be esteemed
3. auh intla macehualli ipan tlacatia, oquichtiz, tiacauhtiz,
mahuiztiz, panhuetziz, motleyotiz, and if a commoner were
then born, he would be a brave warrior--a valiant chief,
esteemed, honored, and great <mahui-liz-v01a-z (b4 f1 c1 p2)
4. he will be esteemed
5. he will be esteemed <mahui-liz-v01a-z>
<mahui-liz-v01a-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will be esteemed <v01-z>
<v01-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will be esteemed <mahui-liz-v01a-z>
<mahui-liz-v01a-z> FC - > jc-61096
8. auh intla macehualli ipan tlacatia, oquichtiz, tiacauhtiz,
mahuiztiz, panhuetziz, motleyotiz, and if a commoner were
then born, he would be a brave warrior--a valiant chief,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

esteemed, honored, and great

<mahui-liz-v01a-z> (b4 f1 c1 p2) JC-7/23/96
9. he will be esteemed
FC jc-031297
10. he will be esteemed
FC jc-031297

0. fear; awe; fright; glory; honor; solemnity; wonder
1. fear; awe; fright; glory; honor; solemnity; wonder
FC -> jc-72895
2. fear; awe; fright; glory; honor; solemnity; wonder
3. fear; awe; fright; glory; honor; solemnity; wonder
4. awe, respect
FC - > jc-61096
5. fear; awe; fright; glory; honor; solemnity; wonder
<mahui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. fear; awe; fright; glory; honor; solemnity; wonder
FC jc-031297
7. awe, respect
Noun jc-030797
8. fear; awe; fright; glory; honor; solemnity; wonder
FC jc-031297
9. awe
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
10. respect
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
11. awe

12. respect

0. honored, esteemed; wonderful; marvelous
1. honored; esteemed
FC -> jc-72895
2. wonderful, marvelous
FC -> jc-72895
3. honored, esteemed; wonderful; marvelous
4. honored, esteemed; wonderful; marvelous
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. honored, esteemed; wonderful; marvelous <mahui-liz-yo:tl1>
<mahui-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. honored, esteemed; wonderful; marvelous <mahui-liz-yo:tl1>
<mahui-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. honored; esteemed
FC jc-031297
8. wonderful, marvelous
FC jc-031297
9. honored; esteemed
FC jc-031297
10. wonderful, marvelous
FC jc-031297

0. mahuizyoa, mahuizti, tlazoti, tlazotlalo, patiyoa it is
honored, esteemed; it is precious, beloved by all, valuable
<mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v09 (b11 f22 c8 p222), 2
motlapalpoyahua, meezcuicuiloa, mahuizyoa, tlazoneci
tlazopialo it is rose-colored, blood-speckled, esteemed,
rare; it is guarded as precious <mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v09 (b11
f22 c8 p224), 3 tlazoti mahuizyoa, mahuiztililo they are
precious, esteemed, venerated <mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v09 (b11
f22 c8 p225)
1. mahuizyoa, mahuizti, tlazoti, tlazotlalo, patiyoa it is
honored, esteemed; it is precious, beloved by all, valuable
<mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v09> (b11 f22 c8 p222) JC-7/23/96
2. motlapalpoyahua, meezcuicuiloa, mahuizyoa, tlazoneci
tlazopialo it is rose-colored, blood-speckled, esteemed,
rare; it is guarded as precious
<mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v09> (b11 f22 c8 p224) JC-7/23/96
3. tlazoti mahuizyoa, mahuiztililo they are precious,
esteemed, venerated
<mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v09> (b11 f22 c8 p225) JC-7/23/96

0. his renown is destroyed, his renown perishes

1. his renown is destroyed, his renown perishes

FC -> jc-72895
2. his renown is destroyed, his renown perishes

3. his renown is destroyed, his renown perishes

4. his renown is destroyed, his renown perishes
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. his renown is destroyed, his renown perishes
FC jc-031297

0. honor
1. honor
FC -> jc-72895
2. honor
3. honor
4. honor <mahui-liz-yo:tl1>
<mahui-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. honor <mahui-liz-yo:tl1>
<mahui-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. honor
FC jc-031297
7. honor
FC jc-031297

0. honored
1. honored
FC -> jc-72895
2. honored
3. honored
4. honored <mahui-liz-yo:tl1>
<mahui-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. honored <mahui-liz-yo:tl1>
<mahui-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. honored
FC jc-031297
7. honored
FC jc-031297

0. splendid shield
1. splendid shield
FC -> jc-72895
2. splendid shield
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. splendid shield
4. splendid shield <poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-chi:malli>
<poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-chi:malli> FC - > jc-61096
5. splendid shield <poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-chi:malli>
<poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-chi:malli> FC - > jc-61096
6. splendid shield <poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-chi:malli>
<poss-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-chi:malli> FC - > jc-61096
7. splendid shield
FC jc-031297
8. splendid shield
FC jc-031297

0. it happens
1. it happens
FC -> jc-72895
2. it happens
3. it happens
4. it happens <p54-a:yi-caus02>
<p54-a:yi-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. it happens
FC jc-031297
6. it happens
FC jc-031297

0. hand
1. arm; hand
FC -> jc-72895
2. arm; hand

3. arm; hand; hand (cf macochoa, maquiztli, macuilli)

4. hand
5. arm; hand

6. arm; hand; hand (cf macochoa, maquiztli, macuilli)

7. arm; hand <ma:itl>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ma:itl> FC - > jc-61096

8. hand
FC - > jc-61096
9. hand
FC - > jc-61096
10. hand ( cf macochoa, maquiztli, macuilli )
FC - > jc-61096
11. arm; hand
FC jc-031297
12. arm; hand
FC jc-031297

0. he becomes round; it becomes like a spindle whorl; it
becomes round

1. he becomes round; it becomes like a spindle whorl; it

becomes round
FC -> jc-72895
2. he becomes round; it becomes like a spindle whorl; it
becomes round

3. he becomes round; it becomes like a spindle whorl; it

becomes round

4. he becomes round; it becomes like a spindle whorl; it

becomes round
FC jc-031297
5. he becomes round; it becomes like a spindle whorl; it
becomes round
FC jc-031297

0. round, like a spindle whorl; shaped like a spindle whorl

1. round, like a spindle whorl; shaped like a spindle whorl

FC -> jc-72895
2. round, like a spindle whorl; shaped like a spindle whorl

3. round, like a spindle whorl; shaped like a spindle whorl

4. round, like a spindle whorl; shaped like a spindle whorl

FC jc-031297
5. round, like a spindle whorl; shaped like a spindle whorl
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he goes becoming round
FC jc-031297

0. he goes becoming round

1. he goes becoming round

FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes becoming round

3. he goes becoming round

0. circular, round, like a spindle whorl; shaped like a
spindle whorl

1. circular, round, like a spindle whorl; shaped like a

spindle whorl
FC -> jc-72895
2. circular, round, like a spindle whorl; shaped like a
spindle whorl

3. circular, round, like a spindle whorl; shaped like a

spindle whorl

4. circular, round, like a spindle whorl; shaped like a

spindle whorl
FC jc-031297
5. circular, round, like a spindle whorl; shaped like a
spindle whorl
FC jc-031297

0. small spindle whorl

1. small spindle whorl

FC -> jc-72895
2. small spindle whorl

3. small spindle whorl

4. small spindle whorl

FC jc-031297
5. small spindle whorl
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. winch, malacate
1. spindle
2. spindle; spindle whorl; spinning whorl
FC -> jc-72895
3. spindle; spindle whorl; spinning whorl
4. winch, malacate
5. spindle
6. spindle; spindle whorl; spinning whorl
7. spindle ( cf malina, ilacatzihui, huilaca )
FC - > jc-61096
8. spindle; spindle whorl; spinning whorl <malacatl>
<malacatl> FC - > jc-61096
9. (cf malina, ilacatziui, uilaca) spindle
10. (cf malina, ilacatziui, uilaca) spindle
11. spindle; spindle whorl; spinning whorl
FC jc-031297
12. spindle; spindle whorl; spinning whorl
FC jc-031297

0. embrace
1. (cf macochoa) embrace
2. (cf macochoa) embrace

0. captor; one who owns a captive
1. captor; one who owns a captive
FC -> jc-72895
2. captor; one who owns a captive
3. captor; one who owns a captive
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. captor; one who owns a captive <ma:1-l1-eh1>
<ma:1-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. captor; one who owns a captive <ma:1-l1-eh1>
<ma:1-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. captor; one who owns a captive <ma:1-l1-eh1>
<ma:1-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. captor; one who owns a captive <ma:1-l1-eh1>
<ma:1-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
8. captor; one who owns a captive
FC jc-031297
9. captor; one who owns a captive
FC jc-031297

0. captor; one who owns a captive
<ma:1-l1-eh1>-| jc-10896

0. one who has a captive
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. those who have captives
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. owners of captives
1. owners of captives; slave owners
FC -> jc-72895
2. owners of captives; slave owners
<ma:1-l1-eh1-plur01>-| jc-10896
3. owners of captives; slave owners
<ma:1-l1-eh1-plur01>-| jc-10896
4. owners of captives
5. owners of captives
6. owners of captives <ma:1-l1-eh1-plur01>
<ma:1-l1-eh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. owners of captives <ma:1-l1-eh1-plur01>
<ma:1-l1-eh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
8. owners of captives <ma:1-l1-eh1-plur01>
<ma:1-l1-eh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
9. owners of captives <ma:1-l1-eh1-plur01>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ma:1-l1-eh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096

10. owners of captives; slave owners
<ma:1-l1-eh1-plur01>-| jc-10896
11. owners of captives; slave owners
FC jc-031297
12. owners of captives; slave owners
FC jc-031297
13. takers of captives
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. care, protect

0. slave
1. slave
FC -> jc-72895
2. slave
3. slave
4. slave <ma:1-l1>
<ma:1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. slave <ma:1-l1>
<ma:1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. slave
FC jc-031297
7. slave
FC jc-031297

0. twist
1. (cf malacatl) twist
2. (cf malacatl) twist

0. twist
FC - > jc-61096

mali:na tlamali:ntli
0. st twisted
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. twisted
Adj Form jc-022897
1. twisted
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. winding
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. bent

4. contorted

5. convolute

6. twined

7. vermicular

8. vermiculated

9. wound

10. wrenched

11. twisted

0. captive; loot; booty
1. captive; loot; booty
FC -> jc-72895
2. captive; loot; booty
3. captive; loot; booty
4. captive
FC - > jc-61096
5. captive <ma1-l1>
<ma1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. captive; loot; booty <ma:1-l1>
<ma:1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. captive; loot; booty <ma:1-l1>
<ma:1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. captive; loot; booty
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
9. captive
Noun jc-030797
10. captive; loot; booty
FC jc-031297
11. captive
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
12. captive
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

malli (captive) nimaltiz

0. I will become a captive

0. there was dying of captives
1. there was dying of captives
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was dying of captives
3. there was dying of captives
4. there was dying of captives <ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was dying of captives <ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was dying of captives <ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was dying of captives <ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
8. there was dying of captives <ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
9. there was dying of captives <ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
10. there was dying of captives
FC jc-031297
11. there was dying of captives
FC jc-031297

0. there was slaying of captives
1. there was slaying of captives
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was slaying of captives
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. there was slaying of captives
4. there was slaying of captives <ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was slaying of captives <ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was slaying of captives <ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was slaying of captives <ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. there was slaying of captives <ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. there was slaying of captives <ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
10. there was slaying of captives <ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<ma:1-l1-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
11. there was slaying of captives
FC jc-031297
12. there was slaying of captives
FC jc-031297

0. your city

1. your city
FC -> jc-72895
2. your city

3. your city

4. your city
FC jc-031297
5. your city
FC jc-031297

0. tribute captives
1. tribute captives
FC -> jc-72895
2. tribute captives
3. tribute captives
4. tribute captives <ma1-l1-tequitl-plur03>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ma1-l1-tequitl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096

5. tribute captives <ma1-l1-tequitl-plur03>
<ma1-l1-tequitl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
6. tribute captives <ma1-l1-tequitl-plur03>
<ma1-l1-tequitl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
7. tribute captives
FC jc-031297
8. tribute captives
FC jc-031297

0. he bathes; he is bathed; it bathes itself; it is washed; it
is bathed; she is bathed; they bathe
1. he bathes; he is bathed; it bathes itself; it is bathed; it
is washed
FC -> jc-72895
2. she bathes; she is bathed; they bathe
FC -> jc-72895
3. he bathes; he is bathed; it bathes itself; it is washed; it
is bathed; she is bathed; they bathe
4. he bathes; he is bathed; it bathes itself; it is washed; it
is bathed; she is bathed; they bathe
5. he bathes; he is bathed; it bathes itself; it is washed; it
is bathed; she is bathed; they bathe <p54-a:ltia:>
<p54-a:ltia:> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is washed; they bathe <p54-a:ltia:-ya3>
<p54-a:ltia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he bathes; he is bathed; it bathes itself; it is bathed; it
is washed
FC jc-031297
8. she bathes; she is bathed; they bathe
FC jc-031297
9. he bathes; he is bathed; it bathes itself; it is bathed; it
is washed
FC jc-031297
10. she bathes; she is bathed; they bathe
FC jc-031297

0. one who bathes herself

1. one who bathes herself

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. one who bathes herself

3. one who bathes herself

4. one who bathes herself

FC jc-031297
5. one who bathes herself
FC jc-031297
6. bather
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. he bathed; he was bathed; she was bathed; they bathed; they
were bathed
1. he bathed; he was bathed; she was bathed; they bathed; they
were bathed
FC -> jc-72895
2. he bathed; he was bathed; she was bathed; they bathed; they
were bathed
3. he bathed; he was bathed; she was bathed; they bathed; they
were bathed
4. he bathed; he was bathed; she was bathed; they bathed; they
were bathed <p54-a:ltia:-ya3>
<p54-a:ltia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he bathed; he was bathed; she was bathed; they bathed; they
were bathed <p54-a:ltia:-ya3>
<p54-a:ltia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he bathed; he was bathed; she was bathed; they bathed; they
were bathed
FC jc-031297
7. he bathed; he was bathed; she was bathed; they bathed; they
were bathed
FC jc-031297

0. he will be bathed; he will bathe; he is to bathe; she will
bathe; she is to bathe
1. he will bathe; he is to bathe; he will be bathed; it will
be bathed
FC -> jc-72895
2. she will bathe, she is to bathe; she will be bathed
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he will be bathed; he will bathe; he is to bathe; she will

bathe; she is to bathe
4. he will be bathed; he will bathe; he is to bathe; she will
bathe; she is to bathe
5. he will be bathed; he will bathe; he is to bathe; she will
bathe; she is to bathe <p54-a:ltia:-z>
<p54-a:ltia:-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will bathe; he is to bathe; he will be bathed; it will
be bathed
FC jc-031297
7. she will bathe, she is to bathe; she will be bathed
FC jc-031297
8. he will bathe; he is to bathe; he will be bathed; it will
be bathed
FC jc-031297
9. she will bathe, she is to bathe; she will be bathed
FC jc-031297

0. they will bathe
FC -> jc-72895
1. they will bathe <p54-a:ltia:-z-plur01>
<p54-a:ltia:-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
2. they will bathe
FC jc-031297
3. they will bathe
FC jc-031297

mama ( mo- )
0. se carga ( she is carried )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

mama ( qui- )
0. la carga ( he carries her ( on his back ) )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. it is made into paper
1. it is made into paper
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is made into paper
3. it is made into paper
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it is made into paper <p54-a:matl-chi:hua>
<p54-a:matl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is made into paper
FC jc-031297
6. it is made into paper
FC jc-031297

0. boast, flatter

0. your paper skirt

1. your paper skirt

FC -> jc-72895
2. your paper skirt

3. your paper skirt

4. your paper skirt

FC jc-031297
5. your paper skirt
FC jc-031297

0. having branches
1. having branches
FC -> jc-72895
2. having branches
3. having branches
4. having branches <dupl-maitl-eh1>
<dupl-maitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having branches <dupl-maitl-eh1>
<dupl-maitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having branches <dupl-maitl-eh1>
<dupl-maitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. having branches
FC jc-031297
8. having branches
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. something that has hands
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1
1. arms

2. or branches

0. he is covered with paper

1. he is covered with paper

FC -> jc-72895
2. he is covered with paper

3. he is covered with paper

4. he is covered with paper

FC jc-031297
5. he is covered with paper
FC jc-031297

0. introduce, pierce

0. round, like a spindle whorl

1. round, like a spindle whorl

FC -> jc-72895
2. round, like a spindle whorl

3. round, like a spindle whorl

4. round, like a spindle whorl

FC jc-031297
5. round, like a spindle whorl
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes like round, it becomes like spindle whorls

1. it becomes like round, it becomes like spindle whorls

FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes like round, it becomes like spindle whorls
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it becomes like round, it becomes like spindle whorls

4. it becomes like round, it becomes like spindle whorls

FC jc-031297
5. it becomes like round, it becomes like spindle whorls
FC jc-031297

0. arched, curled, round; like a spindle whorl

1. arched, curled, round; like a spindle whorl

FC -> jc-72895
2. arched, curled, round; like a spindle whorl

3. arched, curled, round; like a spindle whorl

4. arched, curled, round; like a spindle whorl

FC jc-031297
5. arched, curled, round; like a spindle whorl
FC jc-031297

0. fire drill ( constellation )
FC jc-031297

0. captives
<dupl-ma1-l1-plur02 plur07>
1. captives
FC -> jc-72895
2. captives
<dupl-ma1-l1-plur02 plur07>
3. captives
<dupl-ma1-l1-plur02 plur07>
4. captives <dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. captives <dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. captives <dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. captives <dupl-ma1-l1-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-ma1-l1-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
8. captives <dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
9. captives
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
10. captives
FC jc-031297

0. captives
1. captives
FC -> jc-72895
2. captives
3. captives
4. captives <dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02>
<dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. captives <dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02>
<dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. captives <dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02>
<dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
7. captives <dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02>
<dupl-ma:1-l1-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
8. captives
FC jc-031297
9. captives
FC jc-031297

0. captives

1. captives
FC -> jc-72895
2. captives

3. captives

4. captives
FC jc-031297
5. captives
FC jc-031297

0. she becomes disturbed
1. she becomes disturbed
FC -> jc-72895
2. she becomes disturbed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. she becomes disturbed
4. she becomes disturbed <p54-ah1-mani-caus09>
<p54-ah1-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. she becomes disturbed <p54-ah1-mani-caus09>
<p54-ah1-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. she becomes disturbed <p54-ah1-mani-caus09>
<p54-ah1-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
7. she becomes disturbed
FC jc-031297
8. she becomes disturbed
FC jc-031297

0. fingered, having fingers

1. fingered, having fingers

FC -> jc-72895
2. fingered, having fingers

3. fingered, having fingers

4. fingered, having fingers

FC jc-031297
5. fingered, having fingers
FC jc-031297

0. something that has fingers
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. dark green

1. dark green
FC -> jc-72895
2. dark green

3. dark green

4. dark green
FC jc-031297
5. dark green
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it forms leaves; it produces leaves

1. it forms leaves; it produces leaves

FC -> jc-72895
2. it forms leaves; it produces leaves

3. it forms leaves; it produces leaves

4. it forms leaves; it produces leaves

FC jc-031297
5. it forms leaves; it produces leaves
FC jc-031297

0. your paper
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your paper
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it has branches
1. it has branches
FC -> jc-72895
2. it has branches
3. it has branches
4. it has branches <dupl-maitl-eh1>
<dupl-maitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it has branches <dupl-maitl-eh1>
<dupl-maitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it has branches <dupl-maitl-eh1>
<dupl-maitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it has branches
FC jc-031297
8. it has branches
FC jc-031297

0. deer; deer (pl); deer [pl]

1. deer; deer (pl); deer [ pl ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. deer; deer (pl); deer [pl]
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. deer; deer (pl); deer [pl]

4. deer; deer ( pl ); deer [ pl ]

FC jc-031297
5. deer; deer ( pl ); deer [ pl ]
FC jc-031297

0. it extends its hand
1. it extends its hand
FC -> jc-72895
2. it extends its hand
3. it extends its hand
4. it extends its hand <dupl-ma:itl-zo:hua>
<dupl-ma:itl-zo:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it extends its hand <dupl-ma:itl-zo:hua>
<dupl-ma:itl-zo:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. it extends its hand <dupl-ma:itl-zo:hua>
<dupl-ma:itl-zo:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. it extends its hand <dupl-ma:itl-zo:hua>
<dupl-ma:itl-zo:hua> FC - > jc-61096
8. it extends its hand
FC jc-031297
9. it extends its hand
FC jc-031297

0. quill

0. lame of the hands
Adj Form jc-022897
1. lame of the hands
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. lame of the hands
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he has diarrhea; they have diarrhea
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he uses soap; it is spread on; it is washed
1. he uses soap; it is spread on; it is washed; they wash
their heads
FC -> jc-72895
2. he uses soap; it is spread on; it is washed
3. he uses soap; it is spread on; it is washed
4. he uses soap; it is spread on; it is washed
<p54-ahmo:lli-v02> FC - > jc-61096
5. he uses soap; it is spread on; it is washed
<p54-ahmo:lli-v02> FC - > jc-61096
6. he uses soap; it is spread on; it is washed; they wash
their heads
FC jc-031297
7. he uses soap; it is spread on; it is washed; they wash
their heads
FC jc-031297

0. they soaped themselves
1. they soaped themselves
FC -> jc-72895
2. they soaped themselves
3. they soaped themselves
4. they soaped themselves <p54-ahmo:lli-v02-ya3>
<p54-ahmo:lli-v02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they soaped themselves <p54-ahmo:lli-v02-ya3>
<p54-ahmo:lli-v02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they soaped themselves <p54-ahmo:lli-v02-ya3>
<p54-ahmo:lli-v02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they soaped themselves
FC jc-031297
8. they soaped themselves
FC jc-031297

0. they soaped themselves
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they soaped themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they soaped themselves
3. they soaped themselves
4. they soaped themselves <p54-ahmo:lli-v02>
<p54-ahmo:lli-v02> FC - > jc-61096
5. they soaped themselves <p54-ahmo:lli-v02>
<p54-ahmo:lli-v02> FC - > jc-61096
6. they soaped themselves
FC jc-031297
7. they soaped themselves
FC jc-031297

0. extend, be located
1. (cf tlamantli) extend, be located
2. (cf tlamantli) extend, be located

0. it increases in size
1. it increases in size; it is taken; it lengthens
FC -> jc-72895
2. it increases in size
3. it increases in size
4. it increases in size <mani-caus09>
<mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. it increases in size <mani-caus09>
<mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. it increases in size; it is taken; it lengthens
FC jc-031297
7. it increases in size; it is taken; it lengthens
FC jc-031297

mana ( mo- )
0. se pone ( it is placed )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. se pone ( it is put )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. se pone ( it is placed )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. se pone ( it is put )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. diarrhea, defecate

0. it will develop
1. it will develop
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will develop
3. it will develop
4. it will develop <p54-ana2-z>
<p54-ana2-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will develop
FC jc-031297
6. it will develop
FC jc-031297

0. they will develop
1. they will develop
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will develop
3. they will develop
4. they will develop <p54-a:na1-z-plur01>
<p54-a:na1-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will develop
FC jc-031297
6. they will develop
FC jc-031297

0. although, even though, even; nevertheless; even if; no
1. although; even though; even; even if; nevertheless; no
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. no matter, even though
FC -> jc-72895
3. although, even though, even; nevertheless; even if; no
4. although, even though, even; nevertheless; even if; no
5. although, even though, even <ma:3 nelli>
<ma:3 nelli> FC - > jc-61096
6. although, even though, even <mah3-nelli>
<mah3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096
7. although, even though, even <mah3-nelli>
<mah3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096
8. although, even though, even <mah3-nelli>
<mah3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096
9. although, even though, even; nevertheless; even if; no
matter <ma3-nelli>
<ma3-nelli> FC - > jc-61096
10. although; even though; even; even if; nevertheless; no
FC jc-031297
11. no matter, even though
FC jc-031297
12. although; even though; even; even if; nevertheless; no
FC jc-031297
13. no matter, even though
FC jc-031297

0. although he will take captives

1. although he will take captives

FC -> jc-72895
2. although he will take captives

3. although he will take captives

4. although he will take captives

FC jc-031297
5. although he will take captives
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. animals; four-footed; they walk on four feet
1. animals; four-footed; they walk on four feet
FC -> jc-72895
2. animals; four-footed; they walk on four feet
3. animals; four-footed; they walk on four feet
4. animals; four-footed <ma:itl-dupl-nemi>
<ma:itl-dupl-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
5. animals; four-footed <ma:itl-dupl-nemi>
<ma:itl-dupl-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
6. animals; four-footed <ma:itl-dupl-nemi>
<ma:itl-dupl-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
7. animals; four-footed <ma:itl-dupl-nemi>
<ma:itl-dupl-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
8. animals; four-footed <ma:itl-dupl-nemi>
<ma:itl-dupl-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
9. animals; four-footed; they walk on four feet
FC jc-031297
10. animals; four-footed; they walk on four feet
FC jc-031297

0. four-footed animals

1. four-footed animals
FC -> jc-72895
2. four-footed animals

3. four-footed animals

4. four-footed animals
FC jc-031297
5. four-footed animals
FC jc-031297

0. four-legged animal
FC jc-031297

0. it extends, it spreads out; it is; it lies; it prevails; it
rests; they spread out; they are; they stand; they lie;
they are spread out; they remain
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it extends, it is; it spreads out; it lies; it prevails; it
rests; they are spread out; they are; they stand; they lie;
they spread out; they remain
FC -> jc-72895
2. it extends, it spreads out; it is; it lies; it prevails; it
rests; they spread out; they are; they stand; they lie;
they are spread out; they remain
3. it extends, it spreads out; it is; it lies; it prevails; it
rests; they spread out; they are; they stand; they lie;
they are spread out; they remain
4. it extends, it spreads out; it is; it lies; it prevails; it
rests; they spread out; they are; they stand; they lie;
they are spread out; they remain <mani>
<mani> FC - > jc-61096
5. to put, to spread
FC - > jc-61096
6. it extends, it is; it spreads out; it lies; it prevails; it
rests; it stretches; it lies flat; they are spread out;
they are; they stand; they lie; they spread out; they remain
FC jc-031297
7. it extends, it is; it spreads out; it lies; it prevails; it
rests; it stretches; it lies flat; they are spread out;
they are; they stand; they lie; they spread out; they remain
FC jc-031297

0. he puts it

0. it will rest; it will lie
1. it will rest; it will lie
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will rest; it will lie
3. it will rest; it will lie
4. it will rest; it will lie <mani-z>
<mani-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will rest; it will lie
FC jc-031297
6. it will rest; it will lie
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. or; or else; but; perhaps
1. or; or else; but; perhaps
FC -> jc-72895
2. or; or else; but; perhaps
3. or; or else; but; perhaps
4. or; or else; but; perhaps <ma:2-no:-zo2>
<ma:2-no:-zo2> FC - > jc-61096
5. or; or else; but; perhaps <ma:2-no:-zo2>
<ma:2-no:-zo2> FC - > jc-61096
6. or; or else; but; perhaps <ma:2-no:-zo2>
<ma:2-no:-zo2> FC - > jc-61096
7. or; or else; but; perhaps <ma:2-no:-zo2>
<ma:2-no:-zo2> FC - > jc-61096
8. or; or else; but; perhaps
FC jc-031297
9. or; or else; but; perhaps
FC jc-031297

0. it goes resting
1. it goes resting
FC -> jc-72895
2. it goes resting
3. it goes resting
4. it goes resting <mani-prt1-dir2a>
<mani-prt1-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it goes resting <mani-prt1-dir2a>
<mani-prt1-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
6. it goes resting <mani-prt1-dir2a>
<mani-prt1-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
7. it goes resting; it lies
FC jc-031297
8. it goes resting; it lies
FC jc-031297

0. raccoon
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. raccoon
FC -> jc-72895
2. raccoon

3. raccoon

4. raccoon
FC jc-031297
5. raccoon
FC jc-031297

0. finger
1. finger
FC -> jc-72895
2. finger
3. finger
4. finger <ma:itl-pilli>
<ma:itl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
5. finger <ma:itl-pilli>
<ma:itl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
6. finger
FC jc-031297
7. finger
FC jc-031297

0. flesh of the finger
1. flesh of the finger
FC -> jc-72895
2. flesh of the finger
3. flesh of the finger
4. flesh of the finger <ma:itl-pilli-nacatl>
<ma:itl-pilli-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. flesh of the finger <ma:itl-pilli-nacatl>
<ma:itl-pilli-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. flesh of the finger
FC jc-031297
7. flesh of the finger
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they pointed with their fingers

1. they pointed with their fingers

FC -> jc-72895
2. they pointed with their fingers

3. they pointed with their fingers

4. they pointed with their fingers

FC jc-031297
5. they pointed with their fingers
FC jc-031297

0. fat-fingered, having fat fingers

1. fat-fingered, having fat fingers

FC -> jc-72895
2. fat-fingered, having fat fingers

3. fat-fingered, having fat fingers

4. fat-fingered, having fat fingers

FC jc-031297
5. fat-fingered, having fat fingers
FC jc-031297

0. lamed finger

1. lamed finger
FC -> jc-72895
2. lamed finger

3. lamed finger

4. lamed finger
FC jc-031297
5. lamed finger
FC jc-031297

0. little finger
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. little finger
FC -> jc-72895
2. little finger

3. little finger

4. little finger
FC jc-031297
5. little finger
FC jc-031297

0. having slender leaves; having slender branches
1. having slender branches; having slender leaves
FC -> jc-72895
2. having slender leaves; having slender branches
3. having slender leaves; having slender branches
4. having slender leaves; having slender branches
<ma:itl-dupl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having slender leaves; having slender branches
<ma:itl-dupl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having slender leaves; having slender branches
<ma:itl-dupl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. having slender leaves; having slender branches
<ma:itl-dupl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. having slender leaves; having slender branches
<ma:itl-dupl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. having slender branches; having slender leaves
FC jc-031297
10. having slender branches; having slender leaves
FC jc-031297

0. mapipitzoa, ihuan cuico: there was whistling with fingers
placed in the mouth, and there was singing
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b2 f1 c21 p52), 2 in icuac
ce contlaza tleco, mapipitzoa: when they cast one into the
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

fire, [the dancer] whistled repeatedly through his fingers

<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b2 f7 c31 p129), 3 auh inic
tlatoa pipitzca, iuhquin mapipitzoa: and when it spoke, it
squealed, as if one whistled through one fingers
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b5 f1 c6 p165), 4 achtopa
mapipitzoa first all whistled through their fingers
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b9 f3 c8 p37), 6
mapipitzoani, mapipitzoa a shrill whistler, it whistles
shrilly <ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b11 f2 c1 p10), 7
mapipitzoa it whistles shrilly
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b11 f2 c1 p11), 8 auh inic
tlatoa cenca tzatzi, chachalaca: in quenman iuhquin
mapipitzoa: ihuan iuhquinma, miequintin totome ic tlatoa:
and when it sings, it cries out much, it warbles, sometimes
like whistling with the fingers; and it sings as if there
were many birds <ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b11 f6 c2
p52), 9 auh in ihcuac mapipitzoa quil pactica: but when
it whistled, they said it was happy
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b11 f6 c2 p52), 10 auh
quitoaya in nenenque in anozo pochteca mapipitzoa ahzo itla
tomacehualtiz and the travelers or merchants said, "it
whistles perhaps something will be our reward"
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b11 f6 c2 p52)
1. he whistles; it whistles
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is whistling; they whistle
FC -> jc-72895
3. he whistles; it whistles; there is whistling; they whistle
4. mapipitzoa, ihuan cuico: there was whistling with fingers
placed in the mouth, and there was singing
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b2 f1 c21 p52), 2 in icuac
ce contlaza tleco, mapipitzoa: when they cast one into the
fire, [the dancer] whistled repeatedly through his fingers
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b2 f7 c31 p129), 3 auh inic
tlatoa pipitzca, iuhquin mapipitzoa: and when it spoke, it
squealed, as if one whistled through one fingers
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b5 f1 c6 p165), 4 achtopa
mapipitzoa first all whistled through their fingers
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b9 f3 c8 p37), 6
mapipitzoani, mapipitzoa a shrill whistler, it whistles
shrilly <ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b11 f2 c1 p10), 7
mapipitzoa it whistles shrilly
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b11 f2 c1 p11), 8 auh inic
tlatoa cenca tzatzi, chachalaca: in quenman iuhquin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

mapipitzoa: ihuan iuhquinma, miequintin totome ic tlatoa:

and when it sings, it cries out much, it warbles, sometimes
like whistling with the fingers; and it sings as if there
were many birds <ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b11 f6 c2
p52), 9 auh in ihcuac mapipitzoa quil pactica: but when
it whistled, they said it was happy
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b11 f6 c2 p52), 10 auh
quitoaya in nenenque in anozo pochteca mapipitzoa ahzo itla
tomacehualtiz and the travelers or merchants said, "it
whistles perhaps something will be our reward"
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a (b11 f6 c2 p52)
5. he whistles; it whistles; there is whistling; they whistle
6. he whistles; it whistles; there is whistling; they whistle
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a> FC - > jc-61096
7. he whistles; it whistles; there is whistling; they whistle
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a> FC - > jc-61096
8. he whistles; it whistles; there is whistling; they whistle
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a> FC - > jc-61096
9. he whistles; it whistles; there is whistling; they whistle
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a> FC - > jc-61096
10. he whistles; it whistles; there is whistling; they whistle
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a> FC - > jc-61096
11. he whistles; it whistles; there is whistling; they whistle
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a> FC - > jc-61096
12. mapipitzoa, ihuan cuico: there was whistling with fingers
placed in the mouth, and there was singing
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a> (b2 f1 c21 p52) JC-7/23/96
13. in icuac ce contlaza tleco, mapipitzoa: when they cast one
into the fire, [the dancer] whistled repeatedly through his
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a> (b2 f7 c31 p129) JC-7/23/96
14. auh inic tlatoa pipitzca, iuhquin mapipitzoa: and when it
spoke, it squealed, as if one whistled through one fingers
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a> (b5 f1 c6 p165) JC-7/23/96
15. achtopa mapipitzoa first all whistled through their fingers
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a> (b9 f3 c8 p37) JC-7/23/96
16. mapipitzoani, mapipitzoa a shrill whistler, it whistles
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a> (b11 f2 c1 p10) JC-7/23/96

17. mapipitzoa it whistles shrilly
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a> (b11 f2 c1 p11) JC-7/23/96
18. auh inic tlatoa cenca tzatzi, chachalaca: in quenman
iuhquin mapipitzoa: ihuan iuhquinma, miequintin totome ic
tlatoa: and when it sings, it cries out much, it warbles,
sometimes like whistling with the fingers; and it sings as
if there were many birds
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a> (b11 f6 c2 p52) JC-7/23/96
19. auh in ihcuac mapipitzoa quil pactica: but when it
whistled, they said it was happy
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a> (b11 f6 c2 p52) JC-7/23/96
20. auh quitoaya in nenenque in anozo pochteca mapipitzoa ahzo
itla tomacehualtiz and the travelers or merchants said,
"it whistles perhaps something will be our reward"
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a> (b11 f6 c2 p52) JC-7/23/96
21. he whistles; it whistles
FC jc-031297
22. there is whistling; they whistle
FC jc-031297
23. he whistles; it whistles
FC jc-031297
24. there is whistling; they whistle
FC jc-031297

0. tlatemachiaya, netlauhtiltica, in ixquich cuicani,
mahcehualcuicani, in cuicatlaliani, in cuicapiquini: auh in
tlatzotzonqui, in huehuetzonqui, teponazo, teponazoani
cuicaito, cuicaanqui, cuicatlazqui, ihuan in mapipitzoani:
he singled out, by meas of gifts, all the singers, the
singers from the common folk, the song-writers, the
composers, the beaters of drums--the ground drums, the
two-toned drums; two-toned drum players, those who started
the singing, those who led, those who gave the pitch, and
those who whistled with their fingers;
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1 (b4 f3 c7 p26), 2
mapipitzoani, mapipitzoa a shrill whistler, it whistles
shrilly <ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1 (b11 f2 c1 p10),
3 auh in itlatlachihual motenpapahuiani, mapipitzoani:
tehuic momamamanani, and as to its actions: it is a
shouter, a shrill whistler, making gestures toward one
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1 (b11 f2 c1 p14)
1. shrill whistler; whistler
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. shrill whistler; whistler

3. tlatemachiaya, netlauhtiltica, in ixquich cuicani,
mahcehualcuicani, in cuicatlaliani, in cuicapiquini: auh in
tlatzotzonqui, in huehuetzonqui, teponazo, teponazoani
cuicaito, cuicaanqui, cuicatlazqui, ihuan in mapipitzoani:
he singled out, by meas of gifts, all the singers, the
singers from the common folk, the song-writers, the
composers, the beaters of drums--the ground drums, the
two-toned drums; two-toned drum players, those who started
the singing, those who led, those who gave the pitch, and
those who whistled with their fingers;
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1 (b4 f3 c7 p26), 2
mapipitzoani, mapipitzoa a shrill whistler, it whistles
shrilly <ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1 (b11 f2 c1 p10),
3 auh in itlatlachihual motenpapahuiani, mapipitzoani:
tehuic momamamanani, and as to its actions: it is a
shouter, a shrill whistler, making gestures toward one
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1 (b11 f2 c1 p14)
4. shrill whistler; whistler
5. shrill whistler; whistler <ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1>
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. shrill whistler; whistler <ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1>
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. shrill whistler; whistler <ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1>
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. shrill whistler; whistler <ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1>
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. shrill whistler; whistler <ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1>
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
10. shrill whistler; whistler <ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1>
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
11. shrill whistler; whistler <ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1>
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
12. shrill whistler; whistler <ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1>
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
13. tlatemachiaya, netlauhtiltica, in ixquich cuicani,
mahcehualcuicani, in cuicatlaliani, in cuicapiquini: auh in
tlatzotzonqui, in huehuetzonqui, teponazo, teponazoani
cuicaito, cuicaanqui, cuicatlazqui, ihuan in mapipitzoani:
he singled out, by meas of gifts, all the singers, the
singers from the common folk, the song-writers, the
composers, the beaters of drums--the ground drums, the
two-toned drums; two-toned drum players, those who started
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

the singing, those who led, those who gave the pitch, and
those who whistled with their fingers;
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1> (b4 f3 c7 p26) JC-7/23/96
14. mapipitzoani, mapipitzoa a shrill whistler, it whistles
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1> (b11 f2 c1 p10) JC-7/23/96
15. auh in itlatlachihual motenpapahuiani, mapipitzoani: tehuic
momamamanani, and as to its actions: it is a shouter, a
shrill whistler, making gestures toward one
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-ni1> (b11 f2 c1 p14) JC-7/23/96
16. shrill whistler; whistler
FC jc-031297
17. shrill whistler; whistler
FC jc-031297

0. in oquicac in tecoanotzani niman ye helcihcihui, ontlalcua,
mochintin in ixquichtin cihua, oncan onoque ihuan in
icalnahuactlaca, in quicaquia, mapipitzoliztli, when the
host heard it, then all [and] each of the women residing
there, and his neighbors, who heard the whistling through
the fingers, sighed, kissed the earth,
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l20-v05a-liz (b9 f3 c8 p37)
1. in oquicac in tecoanotzani niman ye helcihcihui, ontlalcua,
mochintin in ixquichtin cihua, oncan onoque ihuan in
icalnahuactlaca, in quicaquia, mapipitzoliztli, when the
host heard it, then all [and] each of the women residing
there, and his neighbors, who heard the whistling through
the fingers, sighed, kissed the earth,
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-liz (b9 f3 c8 p37)
2. in oquicac in tecoanotzani niman ye helcihcihui, ontlalcua,
mochintin in ixquichtin cihua, oncan onoque ihuan in
icalnahuactlaca, in quicaquia, mapipitzoliztli, when the
host heard it, then all [and] each of the women residing
there, and his neighbors, who heard the whistling through
the fingers, sighed, kissed the earth,
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l20-v05a-liz (b9 f3 c8 p37)
3. in oquicac in tecoanotzani niman ye helcihcihui, ontlalcua,
mochintin in ixquichtin cihua, oncan onoque ihuan in
icalnahuactlaca, in quicaquia, mapipitzoliztli, when the
host heard it, then all [and] each of the women residing
there, and his neighbors, who heard the whistling through
the fingers, sighed, kissed the earth,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-liz (b9 f3 c8 p37)

4. in oquicac in tecoanotzani niman ye helcihcihui, ontlalcua,
mochintin in ixquichtin cihua, oncan onoque ihuan in
icalnahuactlaca, in quicaquia, mapipitzoliztli, when the
host heard it, then all [and] each of the women residing
there, and his neighbors, who heard the whistling through
the fingers, sighed, kissed the earth,
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=3D0-v05a-liz> (b9 f3 c8 p37) JC-7/23/96
5. in oquicac in tecoanotzani niman ye helcihcihui, ontlalcua,
mochintin in ixquichtin cihua, oncan onoque ihuan in
icalnahuactlaca, in quicaquia, mapipitzoliztli, when the
host heard it, then all [and] each of the women residing
there, and his neighbors, who heard the whistling through
the fingers, sighed, kissed the earth,
<ma:itl-dupl-pi:tza-l2=0-v05a-liz> (b9 f3 c8 p37) JC-7/23/96

0. he has diarrhea
1. he has diarrhea
FC -> jc-72895
2. he has diarrhea
3. he has diarrhea
4. he has diarrhea <p54-a:tl1-pi:tza>
<p54-a:tl1-pi:tza> FC - > jc-61096
5. he has diarrhea <p54-a:tl1-pi:tza>
<p54-a:tl1-pi:tza> FC - > jc-61096
6. he has diarrhea
FC jc-031297
7. they have diarrhea
FC jc-031297
8. he has diarrhea
FC jc-031297
9. they have diarrhea
FC jc-031297

0. having slender leaves
1. having slender leaves
FC -> jc-72895
2. having slender leaves
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. having slender leaves

4. having slender leaves <ma:itl-pitza:hua-c1>
<ma:itl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having slender leaves <ma:itl-pitza:hua-c1>
<ma:itl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having slender leaves <ma:itl-pitza:hua-c1>
<ma:itl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. having slender leaves
FC jc-031297
8. having slender leaves
FC jc-031297

0. he has bloody diarrhea
FC jc-031297

0. lack a hand or hands
Adj Form jc-022897
1. lack a hand or hands
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. lack a hand or hands
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. to free so
FC - > jc-61096

maqui:xtia-| temaqui:xtiliztli
0. act of freeing someone

0. it is transplanted; it is put; they are planted
1. it is put; it is transplanted; they are planted
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is transplanted; it is put; they are planted
3. it is transplanted; it is put; they are planted
4. it is transplanted; it is put; they are planted
<p54-aqui-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is transplanted; it is put; they are planted
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-aqui-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is put; it is transplanted; she places herself; they are
FC jc-031297
7. it is put; it is transplanted; she places herself; they are
FC jc-031297

0. water is extracted
1. water is extracted
FC -> jc-72895
2. water is extracted
3. water is extracted
4. water is extracted <p54-a:tl1-qui:za-caus02>
<p54-a:tl1-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. water is extracted <p54-a:tl1-qui:za-caus02>
<p54-a:tl1-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. water is extracted
FC jc-031297
7. water is extracted
FC jc-031297

0. he escaped
FC jc-031297

0. they escape
1. they escape
FC -> jc-72895
2. they escape
3. they escape
4. they escape <ma:itl-qui:za>
<ma:itl-qui:za> FC - > jc-61096
5. they escape <ma:itl-qui:za>
<ma:itl-qui:za> FC - > jc-61096
6. they escape
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. they escape
FC jc-031297

0. bracelet
1. bracelet
FC -> jc-72895
2. bracelet
3. bracelet
4. bracelet <ma:qui:ztli>
<ma:qui:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. bracelet
FC jc-031297
6. bracelet
FC jc-031297

mat ( omo- )
0. se acostumbro' ( it was know; it was the custom )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. know
1. (cf machiyotl, tlamachtli) know
2. (cf machiyotl, tlamachtli) know

0. tranquil person

1. tranquil person
FC -> jc-72895
2. tranquil person

3. tranquil person

4. tranquil person
FC jc-031297
5. tranquil person
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. wrist band, bracelet

1. wrist band, bracelet
FC -> jc-72895
2. wrist band, bracelet
3. wrist band, bracelet
4. bracelet
FC - > jc-61096
5. bracelet
FC - > jc-61096
6. bracelet
FC - > jc-61096
7. wrist band, bracelet <ma:itl-tetl1-mecatl>
<ma:itl-tetl1-mecatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. wrist band, bracelet <ma:itl-tetl1-mecatl>
<ma:itl-tetl1-mecatl> FC - > jc-61096
9. wrist band, bracelet <ma:itl-tetl1-mecatl>
<ma:itl-tetl1-mecatl> FC - > jc-61096
10. arm band; wrist band; bracelet
FC jc-031297
11. arm band; wrist band; bracelet
FC jc-031297

0. those who have arm bands
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. ashen
FC jc-031297

0. quie'n sabe? ( who knows? )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. to know
FC - > jc-61096
2. quie'n sabe? ( who knows? )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

mati ( mo- )
0. se sabe ( it is known )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

mati ( qui- )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. lo sabe ( he knows it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

mati ( tic- )
0. lo sabes ( you know it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

matia ( mo- )
0. acostumbraban ( they were accustomed )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

matia ( nic- )
0. lo sabi'a ( I knew it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

matia ( oqui- )
0. lo sabi'a ( he knew it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

matiah ( oqui- )
0. lo sabi'an ( they knew it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

matiah ( tic- )
0. lo sabi'amos ( we knew it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

matih ( qui- )
0. lo saben ( they know it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. having thick branches
1. having thick branches
FC -> jc-72895
2. having thick branches
3. having thick branches
4. having thick branches <ma:itl-tila:hua-c1>
<ma:itl-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having thick branches <ma:itl-tila:hua-c1>
<ma:itl-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having thick branches <ma:itl-tila:hua-c1>
<ma:itl-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. having thick branches

FC jc-031297
8. having thick branches
FC jc-031297

0. one who has wisdom
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. it melts
FC - > jc-61096

0. I teach it (eg, animal)

0. he notifies so of st

0. having thick branches
1. having thick branches
FC -> jc-72895
2. having thick branches
3. having thick branches
4. having thick branches <ma:itl-dupl-tila:hua-c1>
<ma:itl-dupl-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having thick branches <ma:itl-dupl-tila:hua-c1>
<ma:itl-dupl-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having thick branches <ma:itl-dupl-tila:hua-c1>
<ma:itl-dupl-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. having thick branches <ma:itl-dupl-tila:hua-c1>
<ma:itl-dupl-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. having thick branches <ma:itl-dupl-tila:hua-c1>
<ma:itl-dupl-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. having thick branches
FC jc-031297
10. having thick branches
FC jc-031297

matizquia ( onic- )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. yo lo habri'a sabido ( I would have known )

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. in a net
1. in a net; in the net
FC -> jc-72895
2. ten
FC -> jc-72895
3. in a net
4. in a net
5. in a net <ma:tlatl-co2>
<ma:tlatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in a net <matlatl-co2>
<matlatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
7. in the net; ten <mahtlactli>
<mahtlactli> FC - > jc-61096
8. in a net; in the net
FC jc-031297
9. ten
FC jc-031297
10. in a net; in the net
FC jc-031297
11. ten
FC jc-031297

0. ten spans

1. ten spans
FC -> jc-72895
2. ten spans

3. ten spans

4. ten spans
FC jc-031297
5. ten spans
FC jc-031297

0. ten fathoms
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. ten fathoms
FC -> jc-72895
2. ten fathoms
3. ten fathoms
4. ten fathoms <mahtlactli-ma:itl>
<mahtlactli-ma:itl> FC - > jc-61096
5. ten fathoms <mahtlactli-ma:itl>
<mahtlactli-ma:itl> FC - > jc-61096
6. ten fathoms
FC jc-031297
7. ten fathoms
FC jc-031297

0. from the net

1. from the net

FC -> jc-72895
2. from the net

3. from the net

4. from the net

FC jc-031297
5. from the net
FC jc-031297

0. ten times
1. ten times
FC -> jc-72895
2. ten times
3. ten times
4. ten times <mahtlactli-pa2>
<mahtlactli-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
5. ten times <mahtlactli-pa2>
<mahtlactli-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
6. ten times
FC jc-031297
7. ten times
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. two hundred
FC jc-031297

0. ten

1. ten
FC -> jc-72895
2. ten

3. ten

4. ten
FC jc-031297
5. ten
FC jc-031297

0. ten
1. ten
FC -> jc-72895
2. ten
3. ten
4. ten <mahtlactli-tetl2>
<mahtlactli-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
5. ten <mahtlactli-om-tetl2>
<mahtlactli-om-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
6. ten <mahtlactli-tetl2>
<mahtlactli-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
7. ten
FC jc-031297
8. ten
FC jc-031297

0. ten
1. ten
FC -> jc-72895
2. ten
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. ten
4. ten <mahtlactli-plur02>
<mahtlactli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. ten
FC jc-031297
6. ten
FC jc-031297

0. diez ( ten )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. ten
FC -> jc-72895
2. ten
3. ten
4. ten <mahtlactli>
<mahtlactli> FC - > jc-61096
5. diez ( ten )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
6. ten
FC jc-031297
7. ten
FC jc-031297

0. eleven
1. eleven
FC -> jc-72895
2. eleven
3. eleven
4. eleven <mahtlactli-om-ce:>
<mahtlactli-om-ce:> FC - > jc-61096
5. eleven <mahtlactli-om-ce:>
<mahtlactli-om-ce:> FC - > jc-61096
6. eleven <mahtlactli-om-ce:>
<mahtlactli-om-ce:> FC - > jc-61096
7. eleven
FC jc-031297
8. eleven
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. thirteen
1. thirteen
FC -> jc-72895
2. thirteen
3. thirteen
4. thirteen <mahtlactli-om-e:yi>
<mahtlactli-om-e:yi> FC - > jc-61096
5. thirteen <mahtlactli-om-e:yi>
<mahtlactli-om-e:yi> FC - > jc-61096
6. thirteen <mahtlactli-om-e:yi>
<mahtlactli-om-e:yi> FC - > jc-61096
7. thirteen <mahtlactli-om-e:yi>
<mahtlactli-om-e:yi> FC - > jc-61096
8. thirteen
FC jc-031297
9. thirteen
FC jc-031297

0. twelve
1. twelve
FC -> jc-72895
2. twelve
3. twelve
4. twelve <mahtlactli-om-o:me>
<mahtlactli-om-o:me> FC - > jc-61096
5. twelve <mahtlactli-om-o:me>
<mahtlactli-om-o:me> FC - > jc-61096
6. twelve <mahtlactli-om-o:me>
<mahtlactli-om-o:me> FC - > jc-61096
7. twelve
FC jc-031297
8. twelve
FC jc-031297

0. four thousand
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. four thousand
FC -> jc-72895
2. four thousand

3. four thousand

4. four thousand
FC jc-031297
5. four thousand
FC jc-031297

0. ten years
1. ten years
FC -> jc-72895
2. ten years
3. ten years
4. ten years <mahtlactli-xihuitl>
<mahtlactli-xihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. ten years <mahtlactli-xihuitl>
<mahtlactli-xihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. ten years <mahtlactli-xihuitl1>
<mahtlactli-xihuitl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. ten years
FC jc-031297
8. ten years
FC jc-031297

0. blue water
1. blue water
FC -> jc-72895
2. blue water
3. blue water
4. blue water <ma:tla:lin-a:tl1>
<ma:tla:lin-a:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. blue water <ma:tla:lin-a:tl1>
<ma:tla:lin-a:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. blue water
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. blue water
FC jc-031297

0. blue pulque
1. blue pulque
FC -> jc-72895
2. blue pulque
3. blue pulque
4. blue pulque <ma:tla:lin-octli>
<ma:tla:lin-octli> FC - > jc-61096
5. blue pulque <ma:tla:lin-octli>
<ma:tla:lin-octli> FC - > jc-61096
6. blue pulque
FC jc-031297
7. blue pulque
FC jc-031297

0. dark green
1. dark green
FC -> jc-72895
2. dark green
3. dark green
4. dark green <ma:tla:lin-tic>
<ma:tla:lin-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. dark green <ma:tla:lin-tic>
<ma:tla:lin-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. dark green
FC jc-031297
7. dark green
FC jc-031297

0. they paddle with their hands
FC jc-031297

0. he will throw himself into the water
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he will throw himself into the water

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will throw himself into the water

3. he will throw himself into the water

4. he will throw himself into the water

FC jc-031297
5. he will throw himself into the water
FC jc-031297

0. your wing
1. your wing
FC -> jc-72895
2. your wing
3. your wing
4. your wing <poss-ahtlapalli>
<poss-ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
5. your wing
FC jc-031297
6. your wing
FC jc-031297

0. ten days
1. ten days
FC -> jc-72895
2. ten days
3. ten days
4. ten days <ilhuitl;
<ilhuitl-> FC - > jc-61096
5. ten days <mahtlactli-ilhuitl>
<mahtlactli-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. ten days
FC jc-031297
7. ten days
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. net

1. net
FC -> jc-72895
2. net

3. net
4. net

5. net
6. net
FC - > jc-61096
7. net
FC - > jc-61096
8. net <ma:tlatl>
<ma:tlatl> FC - > jc-61096
9. net
FC jc-031297
10. net
FC jc-031297

0. having red branches
FC jc-031297

0. bag made of net

1. bag made of net

FC - > jc-61096

0. bag made of net
FC - > jc-61096

0. net-like

1. net-like
FC -> jc-72895
2. net-like

3. net-like
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. net-like
FC jc-031297
5. net-like
FC jc-031297

0. those who have arquebuses
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. arquebusier

1. arquebusier
FC -> jc-72895
2. arquebusier

3. arquebusier

4. arquebusier
FC jc-031297
5. arquebusier
FC jc-031297

0. arquebus
FC -> jc-72895
1. arquebus
FC jc-031297
2. arquebus
FC jc-031297

0. your time of drinking
1. your time of drinking
FC -> jc-72895
2. your time of drinking
3. your time of drinking
4. your time of drinking <poss-a:tl1-ya:n>
<poss-a:tl1-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. your time of drinking <poss-a:tl1-ya:n>
<poss-a:tl1-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. your time of drinking
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. your time of drinking

FC jc-031297

0. touchable

1. touchable
FC -> jc-72895
2. touchable

3. touchable

4. touchable
FC jc-031297
5. touchable
FC jc-031297

0. having thick paws
1. having thick paws
FC -> jc-72895
2. having thick paws
3. having thick paws
4. having thick paws <maitl-dupl-tomahuac-tic>
<maitl-dupl-tomahuac-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having thick paws <maitl-dupl-tomahuac-tic>
<maitl-dupl-tomahuac-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having thick paws <maitl-dupl-tomahuac-tic>
<maitl-dupl-tomahuac-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having thick paws <maitl-dupl-tomahuac-tic>
<maitl-dupl-tomahuac-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. having thick paws
FC jc-031297
9. having thick paws
FC jc-031297

0. having gopher-like paws
1. having gopher-like paws
FC -> jc-72895
2. having gopher-like paws
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. having gopher-like paws

4. having gopher-like paws <maitl-dupl-tozan-tic>
<maitl-dupl-tozan-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having gopher-like paws <maitl-dupl-tozan-tic>
<maitl-dupl-tozan-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having gopher-like paws <maitl-dupl-tozan-tic>
<maitl-dupl-tozan-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having gopher-like paws <maitl-dupl-tozan-tic>
<maitl-dupl-tozan-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. having gopher-like paws
FC jc-031297
9. having gopher-like paws
FC jc-031297

0. he will throw himself into the river

1. he will throw himself into the river

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will throw himself into the river

3. he will throw himself into the river

4. he will throw himself into the river

FC jc-031297
5. he will throw himself into the river
FC jc-031297

matqueh ( otic- )
0. lo supimos ( we found it out )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. pineapple

0. serrated
FC jc-031297

0. ring

1. ring
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. ring

3. ring

4. ring
FC jc-031297
5. ring
FC jc-031297

0. it opens, it splits
FC jc-031297

0. your [H] water; your water
1. your [ h ] water; your water
FC -> jc-72895
2. your [H] water; your water
3. your [H] water; your water
4. your [H] water; your water <poss-a:tl1-tzin>
<poss-a:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your [H] water; your water <poss-a:tl1-tzin>
<poss-a:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your [ h ] water; your water
FC jc-031297
7. your [ h ] water; your water
FC jc-031297

matzin motepetzin
0. your [H] city
<poss-a:tl1-tzin poss-tepe:tl-tzin>
1. your [ h ] city
FC -> jc-72895
2. your [ h ] city
FC -> jc-72895
3. your [H] city
<poss-a:tl1-tzin poss-tepe:tl-tzin>
4. your [H] city
<poss-a:tl1-tzin poss-tepe:tl-tzin>
5. your [H] city <poss-a:tl1-tzin poss-tepe:tl-tzin>
<poss-a:tl1-tzin poss-tepe:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your [H] city <poss-a:tl1-tzin poss-tepe:tl-tzin>
<poss-a:tl1-tzin poss-tepe:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. your [H] city <poss-a:tl1-tzin poss-tepe:tl-tzin>

<poss-a:tl1-tzin poss-tepe:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
8. your [ h ] city
FC jc-031297
9. your [ h ] city
FC jc-031297

0. having serrated branches
FC jc-031297

0. soft, folded

0. wrist band

1. wrist band
FC -> jc-72895
2. wrist band

3. wrist band

4. wrist band
FC jc-031297
5. wrist band
FC jc-031297

0. forearm; lower arm bone
1. forearm; lower arm bone
FC -> jc-72895
2. forearm; lower arm bone
3. forearm; lower arm bone
4. forearm
FC - > jc-61096
5. forearm; lower arm bone <ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli>
<ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
6. forearm; lower arm bone <ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli>
<ma:itl-tzo:tzopa:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
7. forearm; lower arm bone
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. forearm; lower arm bone

FC jc-031297

0. your water
FC jc-031297

mauh motepeuh
0. your city
FC jc-031297

0. fearful
1. fearful
FC -> jc-72895
2. fearful
3. fearful
4. fearful <mahui-prt1-ca:6>
<mahui-prt1-ca:6> FC - > jc-61096
5. fearful <mahui-prt1-ca:6>
<mahui-prt1-ca:6> FC - > jc-61096
6. fearful
FC jc-031297
7. fearful
FC jc-031297

0. it is looked at with fear; it is regarded with dread; it is
seen with fear

1. it is looked at with fear; it is regarded with dread; it is

seen with fear
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is looked at with fear; it is regarded with dread; it is
seen with fear

3. it is looked at with fear; it is regarded with dread; it is

seen with fear

4. it is looked at with fear; it is regarded with dread; it is

seen with fear
FC jc-031297
5. it is looked at with fear; it is regarded with dread; it is
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

seen with fear

FC jc-031297

0. venerable, fearful

1. venerable, fearful
FC -> jc-72895
2. venerable, fearful

3. venerable, fearful

4. venerable, fearful
FC jc-031297
5. venerable, fearful
FC jc-031297

0. she was held in awe; they were looked upon with fear; they
were regarded with fear; they were held in awe
1. she was held in awe; they were held in awe; they were
looked upon with fear; they were regarded with fear
FC -> jc-72895
2. she was held in awe; they were looked upon with fear; they
were regarded with fear; they were held in awe
3. she was held in awe; they were looked upon with fear; they
were regarded with fear; they were held in awe
4. she was held in awe; they were looked upon with fear; they
were regarded with fear; they were held in awe
<mahui-prt1-ca:6-itta-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. she was held in awe; they were looked upon with fear; they
were regarded with fear; they were held in awe
<mahui-prt1-ca:6-itta-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. she was held in awe; they were looked upon with fear; they
were regarded with fear; they were held in awe
<mahui-prt1-ca:6-itta-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. she was held in awe; they were looked upon with fear; they
were regarded with fear; they were held in awe
<mahui-prt1-ca:6-itta-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. she was held in awe; they were looked upon with fear; they
were regarded with fear; they were held in awe
<mahui-prt1-ca:6-itta-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. she was held in awe; they were held in awe; they were
looked upon with fear; they were regarded with fear
FC jc-031297
10. she was held in awe; they were held in awe; they were
looked upon with fear; they were regarded with fear
FC jc-031297

0. coward

1. coward
FC -> jc-72895
2. coward

3. coward

4. coward; fearful person; cowardly person

FC jc-031297
5. coward; fearful person; cowardly person
FC jc-031297

0. frightened
1. frightened
FC -> jc-72895
2. frightened
3. frightened
4. frightened <mauhi-prt1-c2>
<mauhi-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. frightened <mauhi-prt1-c2>
<mauhi-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. fearful, cowardly; frightened; respectful
FC jc-031297
7. fearful, cowardly; frightened; respectful
FC jc-031297

0. frighten
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. fork
1. (cf maxaliui, maxtlatl) fork
2. (cf maxaliui, maxtlatl) fork

0. split, eager
1. (cf maxactli, maxtlatl) split, eager
2. (cf maxactli, maxtlatl) split, eager

0. split, eager
1. (cf maxactli, maxtlatl) split, eager
2. (cf maxactli, maxtlatl) split, eager

0. divided, split
1. divided, split
FC -> jc-72895
2. divided, split
3. divided, split
4. divided, split <maxalli-tic>
<maxalli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. divided, split <maxalli-tic>
<maxalli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. divided, split
FC jc-031297
7. divided, split
FC jc-031297

0. toteucyoe ca maxcatzin, in cenquizqui in huei in
huelitiliztli: auh ca timohuelitilia, in niman
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

tiquinmopolhuiz, in tlatlacoani, in icuac

mitzmoyolitlacalhuia: o lord, thine is perfect, great
might, and thou hast the might at once to destroy sinners
when they offend thee (b1 f3 p61), in at oncuecuenotiz, in
at onatlamatiz, in at iixco, icpac quehuaz, quimanaz, in
maxcatzin, in mocococatzin: if perhaps they should become
arrogant, if perhaps they should become presumptuous, if
perhaps they should become offensive--should keep for
themselves thy property, thy possessions; (b6 f1 p8), ma oc
xoconminecuiltili in maxcatzin, in mocococatzin, in
motechcopatzinco huitz: in tzopelic, in ahuiac, in
totonqui, in iamanqui, in motzmolinca in mocelica: in yehua
in icnotlacatl in n ca ye ixquich cahuitzintli
1. may thou yet let this humble person, n, smell thy property,
thy treasure, which falleth from thee, that which is sweet,
fragrant, the necessities of life, thy freshness, thy
tenderness: for already, for some time, the common folk go
sighing unto thee, go in affliction (b6 f1 p9), in
maxcatzin, in ocococatzin, in motzmolinca, in mocelica in
motzopelica in mahuiaca: in achica in cuel achic in
quitemiqui, in quicochitlehua in teucyotl, in tlatocayotl,
in petlatl, in icpall thy property, thy possession, thy
freshness, thy tenderness, thy sweetness, thy fragrance
which for a short time, for a little while, he dreameth
of--he seeth in dreams--the rulership, the government, the
realm, thy honor, thy glory--these give him perverseness,
pride, trouble, make him crazed, make him besotted, make
him drunk (b6 f2 p25), ca huic ontlapolo in maxcatzin, in
mocococatzin in otoconminecuiltili, in oitentlan, in
oitentlan toconmoquixtilili for because of thy property,
thy possessions, which thou hast let him smell, which thou
hast caused to pass before his face, before his lips,
reason hath been lost (b6 f2 p26), ca maxcatzin, ca
motlatquitzin, ca motechtzinco pouhqui: he is thy
possession, thy property; he is dedicated to thee (b6 f16
p203), ca tel amo ticmotlanehuilia, ca maxcatzin,
motolinia: thou dost not mistake her for the poor thing is
thy property (b6 f17 p210), ma ihuian xiccualmanili in
mocococauh in maxcatzin: ahzo itla oac
nimitznoyolitlacalhui may thou in peace accept thy
property, thy possessions; perchance in some small thing I
have offended thee" (b9 f1 p11)
FC -> jc-72895
2. your possession; your property
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. your property; your possession

4. toteucyoe ca maxcatzin, in cenquizqui in huei in
huelitiliztli: auh ca timohuelitilia, in niman
tiquinmopolhuiz, in tlatlacoani, in icuac
mitzmoyolitlacalhuia: o lord, thine is perfect, great
might, and thou hast the might at once to destroy sinners
when they offend thee (b1 f3 p61), in at oncuecuenotiz, in
at onatlamatiz, in at iixco, icpac quehuaz, quimanaz, in
maxcatzin, in mocococatzin: if perhaps they should become
arrogant, if perhaps they should become presumptuous, if
perhaps they should become offensive--should keep for
themselves thy property, thy possessions; (b6 f1 p8), ma oc
xoconminecuiltili in maxcatzin, in mocococatzin, in
motechcopatzinco huitz: in tzopelic, in ahuiac, in
totonqui, in iamanqui, in motzmolinca in mocelica: in yehua
in icnotlacatl in n ca ye ixquich cahuitzintli
5. may thou yet let this humble person, n, smell thy property,
thy treasure, which falleth from thee, that which is sweet,
fragrant, the necessities of life, thy freshness, thy
tenderness: for already, for some time, the common folk go
sighing unto thee, go in affliction (b6 f1 p9), in
maxcatzin, in ocococatzin, in motzmolinca, in mocelica in
motzopelica in mahuiaca: in achica in cuel achic in
quitemiqui, in quicochitlehua in teucyotl, in tlatocayotl,
in petlatl, in icpall thy property, thy possession, thy
freshness, thy tenderness, thy sweetness, thy fragrance
which for a short time, for a little while, he dreameth
of--he seeth in dreams--the rulership, the government, the
realm, thy honor, thy glory--these give him perverseness,
pride, trouble, make him crazed, make him besotted, make
him drunk (b6 f2 p25), ca huic ontlapolo in maxcatzin, in
mocococatzin in otoconminecuiltili, in oitentlan, in
oitentlan toconmoquixtilili for because of thy property,
thy possessions, which thou hast let him smell, which thou
hast caused to pass before his face, before his lips,
reason hath been lost (b6 f2 p26), ca maxcatzin, ca
motlatquitzin, ca motechtzinco pouhqui: he is thy
possession, thy property; he is dedicated to thee (b6 f16
p203), ca tel amo ticmotlanehuilia, ca maxcatzin,
motolinia: thou dost not mistake her for the poor thing is
thy property (b6 f17 p210), ma ihuian xiccualmanili in
mocococauh in maxcatzin: ahzo itla oac
nimitznoyolitlacalhui may thou in peace accept thy
property, thy possessions; perchance in some small thing I
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

have offended thee" (b9 f1 p11)

<poss-a:xca:itl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your property; your possession
<poss-a:xca:itl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. your property; your possession <poss-a:xca:itl-tzin>
FC jc-031297
8. your property; your possession <poss-a:xca:itl-tzin>
FC jc-031297
9. your possession; your property

10. your possession; your property

0. it spreads

1. it spreads
FC -> jc-72895
2. it spreads

3. it spreads

4. it spreads
FC jc-031297
5. it spreads
FC jc-031297

0. axin is provided, axin is applied
1. axin is provided, axin is applied
FC -> jc-72895
2. axin is provided, axin is applied
3. axin is provided, axin is applied
4. axin is provided, axin is applied <p54-a:xin-v02>
<p54-a:xin-v02> FC - > jc-61096
5. axin is provided, axin is applied
FC jc-031297
6. axin is provided, axin is applied
FC jc-031297

0. Nictzoyonilihtoc in quilitl in nochpoch nic amo maxilia Le
estoy friendo los quelites a mi hija porque no le da tiempo
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

I am frying my daughter's vegetables because she does not

have time
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. he defecates; it is urinated (ie; expelled in the urine);
it is expelled in the urine); it urinates; one urinates;
they urinate
1. he defecates; it is urinated ( ie; expelled in the urine );
it is expelled in the urine; it urinates; one urinates;
they urinate
FC -> jc-72895
2. he defecates; it is urinated (ie; expelled in the urine);
it is expelled in the urine); it urinates; one urinates;
they urinate
3. he defecates; it is urinated (ie; expelled in the urine);
it is expelled in the urine); it urinates; one urinates;
they urinate
4. he defecates; it is urinated ( ie expelled in the urine );
it is expelled in the urine; it urinates; one urinates;
they urinate <p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12>
<p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12> FC - > jc-61096
5. he defecates; it is urinated ( ie expelled in the urine );
it is expelled in the urine; it urinates; one urinates;
they urinate <p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12>
<p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12> FC - > jc-61096
6. he defecates; it is urinated ( ie expelled in the urine );
it is expelled in the urine; it urinates; one urinates;
they urinate <p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12>
<p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12> FC - > jc-61096
7. he defecates; it is urinated ( ie; expelled in the urine );
it is expelled in the urine ); it urinates; one urinates;
they urinate
FC jc-031297
8. he defecates; it is urinated ( ie; expelled in the urine );
it is expelled in the urine ); it urinates; one urinates;
they urinate
FC jc-031297

0. he urinated
1. he urinated
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he urinated
3. he urinated
4. he urinated <p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-ya3>
<p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he urinated <p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-ya3>
<p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he urinated <p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-ya3>
<p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he urinated <p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-ya3>
<p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he urinated
FC jc-031297
9. he urinated
FC jc-031297

0. he will urinate
1. he will urinate
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will urinate
3. he will urinate
4. he will urinate <p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-z>
<p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will urinate <p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-z>
<p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will urinate <p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-z>
<p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will urinate
FC jc-031297
8. he will urinate
FC jc-031297

0. green-branched
1. green-branched
FC -> jc-72895
2. green-branched
3. green-branched
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. green-branched <ma:itl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<ma:itl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. green-branched <ma:itl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<ma:itl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. green-branched <ma:itl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<ma:itl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. green-branched <ma:itl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic>
<ma:itl-dupl-xo:tl2-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. green-branched
FC jc-031297
9. green-branched
FC jc-031297

0. breechcloth; breech clout; breechclout
1. breech clout; breechcloth; breechclout
FC -> jc-72895
2. breechcloth; breech clout; breechclout
3. breechcloth; breech clout; breechclout
4. breechcloth; breech clout; breechclout <ma:xtlatl>
<ma:xtlatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. loincloth ( cf maxalihui, maxactli )
FC - > jc-61096
6. breech clout; breechcloth; breechclout
FC jc-031297
7. breech clout; breechcloth; breechclout
FC jc-031297

0. old, worn breechcloth
1. old, worn breechcloth
FC -> jc-72895
2. old, worn breechcloth
3. old, worn breechcloth
4. old, worn breechcloth <ma:xtlatl--tzin>
<ma:xtlatl--tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. old, worn breechcloth <ma:xtlatl--tzin>
<ma:xtlatl--tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. old, worn breechcloth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. old, worn breechcloth
FC jc-031297

0. those who have breech clouts
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. those who have breech clouts
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. O, < wish mode >

0. hunger

0. be hungry
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

0. everyone is hungry
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. everyone is hungry
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. everyone is hungry
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. everyone is hungry
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. everyone is hungry
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. one who is hungry
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. one who is hungry
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. one who is hungry
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who is hungry
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your rattle
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your rattle
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your rattles
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your rattles
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. one who hurls, overthrower
FC jc-031297

0. tiene hambre ( he is hungry )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. it is hungry
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is hungry
3. it is hungry
4. it is hungry <maya:na>
<maya:na> FC - > jc-61096
5. to be hungry
FC - > jc-61096
6. tiene hambre ( he is hungry )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. it is hungry
FC jc-031297
8. it is hungry
FC jc-031297

mayana ( yo- )
0. ya tiene hambre ( she is already hungry )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. ear plug made of black beetles
1. ear plug made of black beetles
FC -> jc-72895
2. ear plug made of black beetles
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. ear plug made of black beetles
4. ear plug made of black beetles <mayatl-nacochtli>
<mayatl-nacochtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. ear plug made of black beetles
FC jc-031297
6. ear plug made of black beetles
FC jc-031297

0. from hunger, through hunger
1. from hunger, through hunger
FC -> jc-72895
2. from hunger, through hunger
3. from hunger, through hunger
4. from hunger, through hunger <maya:na-liz-ti1-ca2>
<maya:na-liz-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. from hunger, through hunger <maya:na-liz-ti1-ca2>
<maya:na-liz-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. from hunger, through hunger
FC jc-031297
7. from hunger, through hunger
FC jc-031297

0. famine
1. famine
FC -> jc-72895
2. famine
3. famine
4. famine <maya:na-liz>
<maya:na-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. famine
FC jc-031297
6. famine
FC jc-031297

0. there is hunger
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. there is hunger
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is hunger
3. there is hunger
4. there is hunger
FC - > jc-61096
5. there is hunger <maya:na-lo:2>
<maya:na-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is hunger <maya:na-lo:2>
<maya:na-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is hunger
FC jc-031297
8. there is hunger
FC jc-031297

0. there will be famine, people will be hungry

1. there will be famine, people will be hungry

FC -> jc-72895
2. there will be famine, people will be hungry

3. there will be famine, people will be hungry

4. there will be famine, people will be hungry

FC jc-031297
5. there will be famine, people will be hungry
FC jc-031297

0. there was famine; they were hungry
1. there was famine; they were hungry
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was famine; they were hungry
3. there was famine; they were hungry
4. there was famine; they were hungry <maya:na-ya3>
<maya:na-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was famine; they were hungry
FC jc-031297
6. there was famine; they were hungry
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. beetle
1. beetle

2. beetle
3. beetle

4. beetle
FC - > jc-61096

0. beetle, mayate

0. something that has hands
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1
1. arms

2. or branches

0. leather glove

1. leather glove
FC -> jc-72895
2. leather glove

3. leather glove

4. leather glove; skin of our hand

FC jc-031297
5. leather glove; skin of our hand
FC jc-031297

0. it produces gourd blossoms

1. it produces gourd blossoms

FC -> jc-72895
2. it produces gourd blossoms
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it produces gourd blossoms

4. it produces gourd blossoms

FC jc-031297
5. it produces gourd blossoms
FC jc-031297

0. colt tamer
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. colt tamer
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. colt tamer
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. colt tamer
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. deer, wild animal

0. manger
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. manger
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. manger
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. stable

1. stable
FC - > jc-61096
2. stable
FC - > jc-61096

0. deer fat

1. deer fat
FC -> jc-72895
2. deer fat

3. deer fat
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. deer fat
FC jc-031297
5. deer fat
FC jc-031297

0. fawn
1. fawn
FC -> jc-72895
2. fawn
3. fawn
4. fawn
FC - > jc-61096
5. fawn
FC - > jc-61096
6. fawn <maza:tl-cone:tl>
<maza:tl-cone:tl> FC - > jc-61096
7. fawn <maza:tl-cone:tl>
<maza:tl-cone:tl> FC - > jc-61096
8. fawn
FC jc-031297
9. fawn
FC jc-031297

0. deerskin

1. deerskin
FC -> jc-72895
2. deerskin

3. deerskin

4. deerskin
FC jc-031297
5. deerskin
FC jc-031297

0. venison
1. venison
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. venison
3. venison
4. venison <maza:tl-nacatl>
<maza:tl-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. venison <maza:tl-nacatl>
<maza:tl-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. venison <maza:tl-nacatl>
<maza:tl-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. venison
FC jc-031297
8. venison
FC jc-031297

0. he will become a deer
1. he will become a deer
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will become a deer
3. he will become a deer
4. he will become a deer <maza:tl-v01-z>
<maza:tl-v01-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will become a deer <maza:tl-v01-z>
<maza:tl-v01-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will become a deer
FC jc-031297
7. he will become a deer
FC jc-031297

0. deer, wild animal
1. deer
FC -> jc-72895
2. deer, wild animal
3. deer, wild animal
4. deer
FC - > jc-61096
5. deer
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096
6. deer, wild animal
FC - > jc-61096
7. deer, wild beast
FC - > jc-61096
8. deer <maza:tl>
<maza:tl> FC - > jc-61096
9. deer
FC jc-031297
10. deer
Noun jc-030797
11. deer
FC jc-031297
12. deer
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
13. deer
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

mazatl (deer) timazati

0. you become a beast

0. place of the deer
1. place of the deer
FC -> jc-72895
2. place of the deer
3. place of the deer
4. place of the deer <maza:tl-tlah2>
<maza:tl-tlah2> FC - > jc-61096
5. place of the deer <maza:tl-tlah2>
<maza:tl-tlah2> FC - > jc-61096
6. place of the deer
FC jc-031297
7. place of the deer
FC jc-031297

0. deer fodder, horse fodder; fodder for the deer

1. deer fodder, horse fodder; fodder for the deer

FC -> jc-72895
2. deer fodder, horse fodder; fodder for the deer
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. deer fodder, horse fodder; fodder for the deer

4. deer fodder, horse fodder; fodder for the deer

FC jc-031297
5. deer fodder, horse fodder; fodder for the deer
FC jc-031297

0. plum sauce
FC jc-031297

0. plum
FC jc-031297

0. it forms itself an anthill

1. it forms itself an anthill

FC -> jc-72895
2. it forms itself an anthill

3. it forms itself an anthill

4. it forms itself an anthill

FC jc-031297
5. it forms itself an anthill
FC jc-031297

0. he rages over drink, he gets angry about drink

1. he rages over drink, he gets angry about drink

FC -> jc-72895
2. he rages over drink, he gets angry about drink

3. he rages over drink, he gets angry about drink

4. he rages over drink, he gets angry about drink

FC jc-031297
5. he rages over drink, he gets angry about drink
FC jc-031297

0. bare-chested
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Adj Form jc-022897

1. bare-chested
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. bare-chested
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. no ihuan in ihcuac otztli cihuatl
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. in ihcuac cualo tonatiuh
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
2. anozo metztli: amo huel quittaya

3. likewise

4. when a woman was with child during an eclipse of the sun or


5. she might might not look at it

6. metztli cualo eclipse of the moon

me:tztli cualo
0. the moon gets eclipsed
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. the moon gets eclipsed
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. the moon gets eclipsed
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. the moon gets eclipsed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. the moon gets eclipsed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. the moon gets eclipsed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. the moon gets eclipsed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. moon

0. flow
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it flows, it exudes
1. it flows, it exudes
FC -> jc-72895
2. it flows, it exudes
3. it flows, it exudes
4. it flows, it exudes <me:ya>
<me:ya> FC - > jc-61096
5. it flows, it exudes
FC jc-031297
6. it flows, it exudes
FC jc-031297

0. then
1. then
FC -> jc-72895
2. then
3. then
4. then <mec>
<mec> FC - > jc-61096
5. then
FC jc-031297
6. then
FC jc-031297

0. rope maker
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. rope maker
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. rope maker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. rope maker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. guitar player
Agentive -ni jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. guitar player
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. guitar player
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. guitar player
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. one who plays a guitar
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. one who plays a guitar
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. one who plays a guitar
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who plays a guitar
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. guitar
1. guitar
FC -> jc-72895
2. guitar
3. guitar
4. guitar
FC - > jc-61096
5. guitar <mecatl-hue:hue:tl>
<mecatl-hue:hue:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. guitar <mecatl-hue:hue:tl>
<mecatl-hue:hue:tl> FC - > jc-61096
7. guitar <mecatl-hue:hue:tl>
<mecatl-hue:hue:tl> FC - > jc-61096
8. guitar
FC jc-031297
9. guitar
FC jc-031297

0. cord maker
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. cord maker
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. cord maker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. cord maker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. cord maker
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. cord maker
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. cord maker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. cord maker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. divided cord

1. divided cord
FC -> jc-72895
2. divided cord

3. divided cord

4. divided cord
FC jc-031297
5. divided cord
FC jc-031297

0. like a slender cord
1. like a slender cord
FC -> jc-72895
2. like a slender cord
3. like a slender cord
4. like a slender cord <mecatl-pitza:hua-c1>
<mecatl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. like a slender cord <mecatl-pitza:hua-c1>
<mecatl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. like a slender cord
FC jc-031297
7. like a slender cord
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. cord-like
1. cord-like; stringy
FC -> jc-72895
2. cord-like
3. cord-like
4. cord-like <mecatl-tic>
<mecatl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. cord-like; stringy <mecatl-tic>
<mecatl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. cord-like; stringy
FC jc-031297
7. cord-like; stringy
FC jc-031297

0. with a cord, by means of a cord; with a rope; by means of a
rope; with cord; by means of cord; with cords; by means of
cords; with ropes; by means of ropes

1. with a cord, by means of a cord; with a rope; by means of a

rope; with cord; by means of cord; with cords; by means of
cords; with ropes; by means of ropes
FC -> jc-72895
2. with a cord, by means of a cord; with a rope; by means of a
rope; with cord; by means of cord; with cords; by means of
cords; with ropes; by means of ropes

3. with a cord, by means of a cord; with a rope; by means of a

rope; with cord; by means of cord; with cords; by means of
cords; with ropes; by means of ropes

4. with a cord, by means of a cord; with a rope; by means of a

rope; with cord; by means of cord; with cords; by means of
cords; with ropes; by means of ropes
FC jc-031297
5. with a cord, by means of a cord; with a rope; by means of a
rope; with cord; by means of cord; with cords; by means of
cords; with ropes; by means of ropes
FC jc-031297

0. on the rope
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. on the rope
FC -> jc-72895
2. on the rope
3. on the rope
4. on the rope <mecatl-ti1-tech1>
<mecatl-ti1-tech1> FC - > jc-61096
5. on the rope
FC jc-031297
6. on the rope
FC jc-031297

0. rope
1. cord; rope; thong
FC -> jc-72895
2. cord; rope; thong
3. rope
4. cord; rope; thong
5. cord; rope; thong <mecatl>
<mecatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. rope
FC - > jc-61096
7. rope
FC - > jc-61096
8. rope, cord
FC - > jc-61096
9. string
FC - > jc-61096
10. cord; rope; thong
FC jc-031297
11. rope, cord
Noun jc-030797
12. cord; rope; thong
FC jc-031297
13. rope
JC-05-07-97 -yo:tl ( -ness )
14. cord
JC-05-07-97 -yo:tl ( -ness )
15. rope
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

16. cord

0. rope, mecate

mecatl (rope-| cord) nicmecayo:tia

0. I tie it, put cords on it

0. stringy
1. stringy
FC -> jc-72895
2. stringy
3. stringy
4. stringy <mecatl-yo:tl1>
<mecatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. stringy
FC jc-031297
6. stringy
FC jc-031297

0. they took their pleasure

1. they took their pleasure

FC -> jc-72895
2. they took their pleasure

3. they took their pleasure

4. they took their pleasure

FC jc-031297
5. they took their pleasure
FC jc-031297

0. <tbd>
1. quilmach quimotenantiz, ic mehecatzacuiliz in itzehecayan,
amo cenca motoliniz it was said that they would make
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

themselves an enclosure [with these things]; thus they

would crouch protected from the obsidian-bladed winds; not
much would they suffer (b3 f3 p43)
2. <tbd>
3. quilmach quimotenantiz, ic mehecatzacuiliz in itzehecayan,
amo cenca motoliniz it was said that they would make
themselves an enclosure [with these things]; thus they
would crouch protected from the obsidian-bladed winds; not
much would they suffer (b3 f3 p43)

0. it flows
1. it flows
FC -> jc-72895
2. it flows
3. it flows
4. it flows <dupl-me:ya>
<dupl-me:ya> FC - > jc-61096
5. it flows <dupl-me:ya>
<dupl-me:ya> FC - > jc-61096
6. it flows <dupl-me:ya>
<dupl-me:ya> FC - > jc-61096
7. it flows
FC jc-031297
8. it flows
FC jc-031297

0. it is raised

1. it is raised
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is raised

3. it is raised

4. it is raised
FC jc-031297
5. it is raised
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it sits up

1. it sits up
FC -> jc-72895
2. it sits up

3. it sits up

4. it sits up
FC jc-031297
5. it sits up
FC jc-031297

0. maguey spine
1. maguey spine
FC -> jc-72895
2. maguey spine
3. maguey spine
4. maguey spine <metl-huitztli>
<metl-huitztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. maguey spine
FC jc-031297
6. maguey spine
FC jc-031297

0. straighten

0. straight
FC - > jc-61096
1. straight, explained
FC - > jc-61096
2. to straighten
FC - > jc-61096

mela:hua calmelactli
0. large long room or corridor
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

mela:hua-| tlamela:hualiztli
0. act of straightening something

0. I make it straight

0. st explained or straightened out

0. very long

1. very long
FC -> jc-72895
2. very long

3. very long
4. very long

5. very long
6. very long <mela:hua-pah4-tic>
<mela:hua-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very long <mela:hua-pah4-tic>
<mela:hua-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. very long <mela:hua-pah4-tic>
<mela:hua-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. very long
FC jc-031297
10. very long
FC jc-031297

0. rather long

1. rather long
FC -> jc-72895
2. rather long

3. rather long
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. rather long
FC jc-031297
5. rather long
FC jc-031297

0. long; long and straight; straight

1. long; long and straight; straight

FC -> jc-72895
2. long; long and straight; straight

3. long; long and straight; straight

4. long <mela:hua-tic>
<mela:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. long; long and straight <mela:hua-tic>
<mela:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. straight <melahua-tic>
<melahua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. straight
Adj Form jc-022897
8. long; long and straight; straight
FC jc-031297
9. long; long and straight; straight
FC jc-031297
10. straight
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
11. direct
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
12. uninterrupted

13. continous

14. through

15. right

16. correct

17. accurate

18. right

19. orderly
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

20. rectilinear

21. horizontal

22. vertical

23. erect

24. even

25. level

26. plumb

27. straight

0. small and long
1. small and long
FC -> jc-72895
2. small and long
3. small and long
4. small and long <mela:hua-l2-to:n>
<mela:hua-l2-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. small and long <mela:hua-l2-to:n>
<mela:hua-l2-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. small and long <mela:hua-l2-to:n>
<mela:hua-l2-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. small and long
FC jc-031297
8. small and long
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes long; it is straight
1. it becomes long; it is straight
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes long; it is straight
3. it becomes long; it is straight
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it becomes long; it is straight <mela:hua>

<mela:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes long; it is straight
FC jc-031297
6. it becomes long; it is straight
FC jc-031297

0. verdad ( true )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. verdad ( true )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. verdad ( true; straight )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. verdad ( true; truth )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. verdad ( truth )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. correct; correctly; justly; exact; true; exactly;
truthfully; just; legitimate; long; straight; right; truth;
righteous; righteously; direct; tall
FC -> jc-72895
6. correctly; correct; justly; exact; true; exactly;
truthfully; just; legitimate; long; straight; righteous;
righteously; right; truth; direct; tall
7. correctly; correct; justly; exact; true; exactly;
truthfully; just; legitimate; long; straight; righteous;
righteously; right; truth; direct; tall
8. correctly; correct; justly; exact; true; exactly;
truthfully; just; legitimate; long; straight; righteous;
righteously; right; truth; direct; tall <mela:hua-c1>
<mela:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. correctly; correct; justly; exact; true; exactly;
truthfully; just; legitimate; long; straight; righteous;
righteously; right; truth; direct; tall <mela:hua-c1>
<mela:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
10. verdad ( true )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
11. verdad ( true )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
12. verdad ( true; straight )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
13. verdad ( true; truth )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

14. verdad ( truth )

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
15. correct; correctly; justly; exact; true; exactly;
truthfully; just; legitimate; long; straight; right; truth;
righteous; righteously; direct; tall
FC jc-031297
16. correct; correctly; justly; exact; true; exactly;
truthfully; just; legitimate; long; straight; right; truth;
righteous; righteously; direct; tall
FC jc-031297

0. fair person
1. fair person
FC -> jc-72895
2. fair person
3. fair person
4. fair person <mela:hua-;
<mela:hua--> FC - > jc-61096
5. fair person
FC jc-031297
6. fair person
FC jc-031297

0. straight talker
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. it quickly straightens itself
<mela:hua-ti1-huetzi aux03>
1. it quickly straightens itself
FC -> jc-72895
2. it quickly straightens itself
<mela:hua-ti1-huetzi aux03>
3. it quickly straightens itself
<mela:hua-ti1-huetzi aux03>
4. it quickly straightens itself <mela:hua-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<mela:hua-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. it quickly straightens itself <mela:hua-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<mela:hua-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
6. it quickly straightens itself
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. it quickly straightens itself

FC jc-031297

0. your [ h ] breast, your [ h ] chest
FC jc-031297

0. your sighing

1. your sighing
FC -> jc-72895
2. your sighing

3. your sighing

4. your sighing
FC jc-031297
5. your sighing
FC jc-031297

0. they go about sighing
<ti1-nemi aux01>
1. they go about sighing
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go about sighing
<ti1-nemi aux01>
3. they go about sighing
<ti1-nemi aux01>
4. they go about sighing <ti1-nemi aux01>
<ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they go about sighing <ti1-nemi aux01>
<ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they go about sighing
FC jc-031297
7. they go about sighing
FC jc-031297

0. they trouble themselves
1. they trouble themselves
FC -> jc-72895
2. they trouble themselves
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they trouble themselves

4. they trouble themselves <p54-e:lli-tlacua:hua>
<p54-e:lli-tlacua:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. they trouble themselves <p54-e:lli-tlacua:hua>
<p54-e:lli-tlacua:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. they trouble themselves <p54-e:lli-tlacua:hua>
<p54-e:lli-tlacua:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. they trouble themselves
FC jc-031297
8. they trouble themselves
FC jc-031297

0. he was amused

1. he was amused
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was amused

3. he was amused

4. he was amused
FC jc-031297
5. he was amused
FC jc-031297

0. carry
1. (cf mama) carry
2. (cf mama) carry

0. it binds

1. it binds
FC -> jc-72895
2. it binds

3. it binds

4. it binds
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it binds
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes cord-like; it forms vines

1. it becomes cord-like; it forms vines

FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes cord-like; it forms vines

3. it becomes cord-like; it forms vines

4. it becomes cord-like; it forms vines

FC jc-031297
5. it becomes cord-like; it forms vines
FC jc-031297

0. cord-like; rope-like
1. cord-like; rope-like
FC -> jc-72895
2. cord-like; rope-like
3. cord-like; rope-like
4. cord-like; rope-like <dupl-mecatl-tic>
<dupl-mecatl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. cord-like; rope-like <dupl-mecatl-tic>
<dupl-mecatl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. cord-like; rope-like <dupl-mecatl-tic>
<dupl-mecatl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. cord-like; rope-like <dupl-mecatl-tic>
<dupl-mecatl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. cord-like; rope-like
FC jc-031297
9. cord-like; rope-like
FC jc-031297

0. slender; straight
1. slender; straight
FC -> jc-72895
2. slender; straight
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. slender; straight
4. slender; straight <dupl-mela:hua-tic>
<dupl-mela:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. slender; straight <dupl-mela:hua-tic>
<dupl-mela:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. slender; straight <dupl-mela:hua-tic>
<dupl-mela:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. slender; straight <dupl-mela:hua-tic>
<dupl-mela:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. straight <dupl-mela:hua-l2-tic>
<dupl-mela:hua-l2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. cord-like; slender; straight
FC jc-031297
10. cord-like; slender; straight
FC jc-031297

0. straight
1. straight
FC -> jc-72895
2. straight
3. straight
4. straight <dupl-mela:hua-c1>
<dupl-mela:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. straight <dupl-mela:hua-c1>
<dupl-mela:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. straight <dupl-mela:hua-c1>
<dupl-mela:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. straight <dupl-mela:hua-c1>
<dupl-mela:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. straight
FC jc-031297
9. straight
FC jc-031297

0. borregueros ( shepherds )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. maguey root
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. raw maguey cactus nectar

1. raw maguey cactus nectar

FC - > jc-61096
2. raw maguey cactus nectar
FC - > jc-61096

0. hemorrhoids; piles

1. hemorrhoids; piles
FC -> jc-72895
2. hemorrhoids; piles

3. hemorrhoids; piles

4. hemorrhoids; piles
FC jc-031297
5. hemorrhoids; piles
FC jc-031297

0. maguey cactus worm

1. maguey cactus worm

FC - > jc-61096

0. on the maguey
1. on a maguey leaf; on the maguey
FC -> jc-72895
2. on the maguey
3. on the maguey
4. on the maguey <metl-pan>
<metl-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. on the maguey <metl-pan>
<metl-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. on a maguey leaf; on the maguey
FC jc-031297
7. on a maguey leaf; on the maguey
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

mepiliz ( mo- )
0. va a cuidar borregos [ H ] ( she [ H ] will herd sheep )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. va a cuidar borregos [ H ] ( she [ H ] will herd sheep )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. limpiara' los magueyes ( he will clean the magueyes; he
will weed the magueyes [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. planter of maguey plants
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. among maguey plants

1. among maguey plants

FC -> jc-72895
2. among maguey plants

3. among maguey plants

4. among maguey plants

FC jc-031297
5. among maguey plants
FC jc-031297

0. century cactus
1. maguey; maguey leaf
FC -> jc-72895
2. maguey
3. century cactus
4. maguey
5. maguey
FC - > jc-61096
6. maguey
FC - > jc-61096
7. maguey <metl>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<metl> FC - > jc-61096

8. maguey; maguey leaf
FC jc-031297
9. maguey; maguey leaf
FC jc-031297

0. metate

0. it becomes mano-like
1. it becomes mano-like
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes mano-like
3. it becomes mano-like
4. it becomes mano-like <metlatl-pilli-v03a>
<metlatl-pilli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes mano-like <metlatl-pilli-v03a>
<metlatl-pilli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
6. it becomes mano-like <metlatl-pilli-v03a>
<metlatl-pilli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
7. it becomes mano-like
FC jc-031297
8. it becomes mano-like
FC jc-031297

0. mano, grinder for the metate
1. mano
FC -> jc-72895
2. mano, grinder for the metate
3. mano, grinder for the metate
4. grinder for the metate
FC - > jc-61096
5. mano <metlatl-pilli>
<metlatl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
6. mano <metlatl-pilli>
<metlatl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
7. mano
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. mano
FC jc-031297

0. metate grinder (metate-child)

0. like the mano of the metate; mano-shaped
1. like the mano of the metate; mano-shaped
FC -> jc-72895
2. like the mano of the metate; mano-shaped
3. like the mano of the metate; mano-shaped
4. like the mano of the metate <metlatl-pilli-tic>
<metlatl-pilli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. like the mano of the metate; mano-shaped <metlatl-pilli-tic>
<metlatl-pilli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. like the mano of the metate; mano-shaped <metlatl-pilli-tic>
<metlatl-pilli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. like the mano of the metate; mano-shaped
FC jc-031297
8. like the mano of the metate; mano-shaped
FC jc-031297

0. metate

1. metate
FC - > jc-61096
2. metate
FC - > jc-61096

0. beans are sown

1. beans are sown

FC -> jc-72895
2. beans are sown

3. beans are sown

4. beans are sown
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. beans are sown
FC jc-031297

0. moth

0. for clothestobecomemoth-eaten

1. for clothes to become moth-eaten

FC - > jc-61096

0. small maguey

1. small maguey
FC -> jc-72895
2. small maguey

3. small maguey

4. small maguey
FC jc-031297
5. small maguey
FC jc-031297

0. magueyitos ( little magueyes )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. borregos ( sheep )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. magueyitos ( little magueyes )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. borregos ( sheep )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. blue-winged teal
1. blue-winged teal
FC -> jc-72895
2. blue-winged teal
3. blue-winged teal
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. blue-winged teal <me:tztli-canauhtli>
<me:tztli-canauhtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. blue-winged teal
FC jc-031297
6. blue-winged teal
FC jc-031297

0. mica
1. mica
FC -> jc-72895
2. mica
3. mica
4. mica <me:tztli1-cuitlatl>
<me:tztli1-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. mica <me:tztli1-cuitlatl>
<me:tztli1-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. mica <me:tztli-cuitlatl>
<me:tztli-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. mica <me:tztli1-cuitlatl>
<me:tztli1-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. mica
FC jc-031297
9. mica
FC jc-031297

0. skin of the thigh
FC jc-031297

0. flesh of the thigh
1. flesh of the thigh
FC -> jc-72895
2. flesh of the thigh
3. flesh of the thigh
4. flesh of the thigh <metztli-nacatl>
<metztli-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. flesh of the thigh
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. flesh of the thigh
FC jc-031297

0. in maguey pith
1. in maguey pith
FC -> jc-72895
2. in maguey pith
3. in maguey pith
4. in maguey pith <metl-tzontli-co1>
<metl-tzontli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. in maguey pith <metl-tzontli-co1>
<metl-tzontli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. in maguey pith <metl-tzontli-co1>
<metl-tzontli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. in maguey pith
FC jc-031297
8. in maguey pith
FC jc-031297

0. maguey worm
1. maguey worm
FC -> jc-72895
2. maguey worm
3. maguey worm
4. maguey worm <metl-tzontli-ocuilin>
<metl-tzontli-ocuilin> FC - > jc-61096
5. maguey worm <metl-tzontli-ocuilin>
<metl-tzontli-ocuilin> FC - > jc-61096
6. maguey worm <metl-tzontli-ocuilin>
<metl-tzontli-ocuilin> FC - > jc-61096
7. maguey worm
FC jc-031297
8. maguey worm
FC jc-031297

metzontequixtiliz ( mo- )
0. va a sacar troncos de maguey ( he will remove maguey stalks
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. hairs of the leg

1. hairs of the leg

FC - > jc-61096

0. on the thigh
1. on the thigh
FC -> jc-72895
2. on the thigh
3. on the thigh
4. on the thigh <me:tztli-pan>
<me:tztli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. on the thigh
FC jc-031297
6. on the thigh
FC jc-031297

0. little moon
1. little moon
FC -> jc-72895
2. little moon
3. little moon
4. little moon <me:tztli-;
<me:tztli--> FC - > jc-61096
5. little moon
FC jc-031297
6. little moon
FC jc-031297

0. estaba [ H ] ( he was [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. hay [ H ] ( there is [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. estaba [ H ] ( he was [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. hay [ H ] ( there is [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. esta'n ( they are )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. nerves of leg

1. nerves of leg
FC - > jc-61096

0. mes ( month )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. month; moon
FC -> jc-72895
2. moon
3. moon
4. month; moon <me:tztli>
<me:tztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. moon <me:tztli1>
<me:tztli1> FC - > jc-61096
6. mes ( month )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. month; moon
FC jc-031297
8. month; moon
FC jc-031297

metztli cualo
0. eclipse of the moon
<me:tztli1 cua:-lo:1>
1. eclipse of the moon
FC -> jc-72895
2. eclipse of the moon
FC -> jc-72895
3. eclipse of the moon
<me:tztli1 cua:-lo:1>
4. eclipse of the moon
<me:tztli1 cua:-lo:1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. eclipse of the moon <me:tztli1 cua:-lo:1>

<me:tztli1 cua:-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. eclipse of the moon <me:tztli1 cua:-lo:1>
<me:tztli1 cua:-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. eclipse of the moon <me:tztli1 cua:-lo:1>
<me:tztli1 cua:-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
8. eclipse of the moon
FC jc-031297
9. eclipse of the moon
FC jc-031297

0. leg, thigh

0. esta' [ H ] ( he is [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. there is moonlight
1. there is moonlight
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is moonlight
3. there is moonlight
4. there is moonlight <me:tztli1-to:na>
<me:tztli1-to:na> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is moonlight <me:tztli1-to:na>
<me:tztli1-to:na> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is moonlight
FC jc-031297
7. there is moonlight
FC jc-031297

0. they arose, they got up
FC jc-031297

0. out of bed
Adj Form jc-022897
1. out of bed
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. out of bed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he is risen
1. he is risen
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is risen
3. he is risen
4. he is risen <p54-e:hua-prt1-toc>
<p54-e:hua-prt1-toc> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is risen <p54-e:hua-prt1-toc>
<p54-e:hua-prt1-toc> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is risen
FC jc-031297
7. he is risen
FC jc-031297

0. o mexicans
FC jc-031297

0. auh ceppa mochiuh in yehuantin xochmilca, cuitlahuaca
mizquica, colhuaque, mexicatzincatl, itztapalapanecatl,
huallaihuaque, and once it came to pass that the people of
xochimilco, of cuitlauac, of mizquic, of colhuacan, of
mexicaltzinco, of itztapalapan sent messengers (b12 f6 p93)

0. Nauhteuctli mitoa In itztapalapan, mexicatzinco, colhuacan,
vitzilobochco: they were known as the four lords --of
itztapalapan, of mexicatzinco, of colhuacan, of
uitzilopochco (b12 f3 p35)

0. common-cress
1. lepidium
FC -> jc-72895
2. lepidium
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. common-cress
4. lepidium
5. lepidium <mexixin>
<mexixin> FC - > jc-61096
6. lepidium
FC jc-031297
7. lepidium
FC jc-031297

0. it produces a bean

1. it produces a bean
FC -> jc-72895
2. it produces a bean

3. it produces a bean

4. it produces a bean
FC jc-031297
5. it produces a bean
FC jc-031297

0. it exudes, it flows
1. it exudes; it flows
FC -> jc-72895
2. it exudes, it flows
3. it exudes, it flows
4. it exudes, it flows <me:ya>
<me:ya> FC - > jc-61096
5. to flow
FC - > jc-61096
6. it exudes; it flows
FC jc-031297
7. it exudes; it flows
FC jc-031297

meya-| iztlacatl teiztlacmemeyaltia

0. it makes one salivate
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they produce semen

0. it will flow
1. it will flow; it will come
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will flow
3. it will flow
4. it will flow <me:ya-z>
<me:ya-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will flow; it will come
FC jc-031297
6. it will flow; it will come
FC jc-031297

0. heart of the century cactus

1. heart of the century cactus

FC - > jc-61096
2. heart of the century cactus
FC - > jc-61096

0. it is drunk; they are drunk
1. it is drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are drunk
FC -> jc-72895
3. it is drunk; they are drunk
4. it is drunk; they are drunk
5. it is drunk <p54-i:1>
<p54-i:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is drunk; they are drunk <p54-i:>
<p54-i:> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is drunk
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. they are drunk
FC jc-031297
9. it is drunk
FC jc-031297
10. they are drunk
FC jc-031297

0. one who makes arrows
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. one who makes arrows
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. one who makes arrows
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who makes arrows
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. field worker
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. field worker
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. field worker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. field worker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. field
1. field ( planted )
FC - > jc-61096
2. field
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
3. field
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. field
JC-05-07-97 Noun StemsList A
5. campo

0. like an arrow
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. with arrows, by means of arrows

0. arrow

0. give birth

0. to midwife
FC - > jc-61096

0. one who delivers babies

0. it was drunk
1. it was drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was drunk
3. it was drunk
4. it was drunk <p54-i:1-ya3>
<p54-i:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was drunk
FC jc-031297
6. it was drunk
FC jc-031297

0. mucho; muchos ( many; much )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. much ( many; much )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. mucho; muchos ( many; much )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. much ( many; much )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

miactin ( ti- )
0. somos muchos ( we are many )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. somos muchos ( we are many; there are many of us )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. somos muchos ( we are many )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. somos muchos ( we are many; there are many of us )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. new ear of corn

1. new ear of corn

FC - > jc-61096

0. muchos ( many; much )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he died; she died
1. he died
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was drunk
FC -> jc-72895
3. she died
FC -> jc-72895
4. he died; she died
5. he died; she died
6. he died; she died <miqui-prt1>
<miqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he died
FC jc-031297
8. it was drunk
FC jc-031297
9. she died
FC jc-031297
10. he died
FC jc-031297
11. it was drunk
FC jc-031297
12. she died
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. behind you

1. behind you
FC -> jc-72895
2. behind you

3. behind you

4. behind you
FC jc-031297
5. behind you
FC jc-031297

0. tenitzintli miccatzintli, [he is] stupid, torpid (b10 f2
p25), in amo cualli zoquichiuhqui, xolopitli, nextecuili,
miccatzintli the bad potter [is] silly, stupid, torpid (b10
f3 p42), namacac, ichpochtlahueliloc, ilamatlahueliloc,
tlahuanqui, xocomicqui, tequixocomicqui, tequitlahuanqui,
yellelacic, tlacamicqui, xochimicqui, tlaaltilli,
teomicqui, teopoliuhqui, miccatzintli, the carnal woman is
an evil woman who finds pleasure in her body; who sells her
body --repeatedly sells her body; an evil young woman [or]
an evil old woman, besotted, drunk --very drunk, much
besotted; dejected, perverse; [like] a sacrificial victim,
a bathed slave, a captive; full of affliction, mortal (b10
f3 p55)

0. niman imac contequilia, in itlema, no miccatzontecomayo,
inic tlacuilolli, amacuitlapile they placed in his hand
his incense ladle, also painted with the skulls of the
dead, and with paper pendants [on the handle] (b8 f4 p62)

0. your younger brother

1. your younger brother

FC -> jc-72895
2. your younger brother
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. your younger brother

4. your younger brother

FC jc-031297
5. your younger brother
FC jc-031297

0. it is roasted

1. it is roasted
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is roasted

3. it is roasted

4. it is roasted
FC jc-031297
5. it is roasted
FC jc-031297

0. fishtank

1. fishtank
FC - > jc-61096
2. fishtank
FC - > jc-61096
3. fishtank
FC - > jc-61096

0. baby fish
1. baby fish
FC -> jc-72895
2. baby fish
3. baby fish
4. baby fish <michin-cone:tl>
<michin-cone:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. baby fish <michin-cone:tl>
<michin-cone:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. baby fish
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. baby fish
FC jc-031297

0. fisheater
1. fisheater
FC -> jc-72895
2. fisheater
3. fisheater
4. fisheater <michin-cua:-ni1>
<michin-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. fisheater <michin-cua:-ni1>
<michin-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. fisheater <michin-cua:-ni1>
<michin-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. fisheater <michin-cua:-ni1>
<michin-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. fisheater
FC jc-031297
9. fisheater
FC jc-031297

0. dried fish
1. dried fish
FC -> jc-72895
2. dried fish
3. dried fish
4. dried fish <michin-hua:qui-prt1-c2>
<michin-hua:qui-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. dried fish <michin-hua:qui-prt1-c2>
<michin-hua:qui-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. dried fish <michin-hua:qui-prt1-c2>
<michin-hua:qui-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. dried fish <michin-hua:qui-prt1-c2>
<michin-hua:qui-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
8. dried fish
FC jc-031297
9. dried fish
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. fish
1. fish
FC -> jc-72895
2. fish
3. fish
4. fish <michin>
<michin> FC - > jc-61096
5. fish
FC jc-031297
6. fish
FC jc-031297

0. fish amaranth
1. fish amaranth
FC -> jc-72895
2. fish amaranth
3. fish amaranth
4. fish amaranth <michin-hua:uhtli>
<michin-hua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. fish amaranth <michin-hua:uhtli>
<michin-hua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. fish amaranth <michin-hua:uhtli>
<michin-hua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. fish amaranth
FC jc-031297
8. fish amaranth
FC jc-031297

0. dough made of fish amaranth seed; fish amaranth dough
1. dough made of fish amaranth seed; fish amaranth dough
FC -> jc-72895
2. dough made of fish amaranth seed; fish amaranth dough
3. dough made of fish amaranth seed; fish amaranth dough
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. dough made of fish amaranth seed; fish amaranth dough

<michin-hua:uhtli-tzoalli> FC - > jc-61096
5. dough made of fish amaranth seed; fish amaranth dough
<michin-hua:uhtli-tzoalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. dough made of fish amaranth seed; fish amaranth dough
<michin-hua:uhtli-tzoalli> FC - > jc-61096
7. dough made of fish amaranth seed; fish amaranth dough
<michin-hua:uhtli-tzoalli> FC - > jc-61096
8. dough made of fish amaranth seed; fish amaranth dough
FC jc-031297
9. dough made of fish amaranth seed; fish amaranth dough
FC jc-031297

0. fish
1. fish
FC -> jc-72895
2. fish
3. fish
4. fish
5. fish
FC - > jc-61096
6. fish
FC - > jc-61096
7. fish <michin>
<michin> FC - > jc-61096
8. fish
FC jc-031297
9. fish
FC jc-031297

0. having fish
1. having fish
FC -> jc-72895
2. having fish
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. having fish
4. having fish <michin-yo:tl1>
<michin-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having fish <michin-yo:tl1>
<michin-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having fish
FC jc-031297
7. having fish
FC jc-031297

0. it is scraped; it is scratched
1. it is scraped; it is scratched
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is scraped; it is scratched
3. it is scraped; it is scratched
4. it is scraped <p54-ihchiqui>
<p54-ihchiqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is scraped; it is scratched
FC jc-031297
6. it is scraped; it is scratched
FC jc-031297

0. fisherman
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. fisherman
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. fisherman
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. fisherman
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. fish seller
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. fish seller
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. fish seller
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. fish seller
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. place where fish are sold
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. place where fish are sold
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. place where fish are sold
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. place where fish are sold
JC-05-07-97 -yan Locative Nouns

0. fish bone

1. fish bone
FC - > jc-61096
2. fish bone
FC - > jc-61096

0. fishhook
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. fishhook
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. fishhook
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. hara'n algo secretamente ( they will do something secretly )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. fish egg
FC - > jc-61096

0. egg

0. fish head
1. fish head
FC -> jc-72895
2. fish head
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. fish head
4. fish head <michin-tzontli-tecomatl>
<michin-tzontli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. fish head <michin-tzontli-tecomatl>
<michin-tzontli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. fish head <michin-tzontli-tecomatl>
<michin-tzontli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. fish head
FC jc-031297
8. fish head
FC jc-031297

0. he dashes, he runs hurriedly

1. he dashes, he runs hurriedly

FC -> jc-72895
2. he dashes, he runs hurriedly

3. he dashes, he runs hurriedly

4. he dashes, he runs hurriedly

FC jc-031297
5. he dashes, he runs hurriedly
FC jc-031297

0. people die

1. people die
FC - > jc-61096

0. one dies, people die; there is dying; there is death
1. one dies, people die; there is death; there is dying
FC -> jc-72895
2. one dies, people die; there is dying; there is death
3. one dies, people die; there is dying; there is death
4. one dies, people die <miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. one dies, people die <miqui-lo:2-hua2>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. one dies, people die; there is dying; there is death

<miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
7. one dies, people die; there is dying; there is death
<miqui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
8. one dies, people die; there is death; there is dying
FC jc-031297
9. one dies, people die; there is death; there is dying
FC jc-031297

0. people died; there was death; there was dying

1. people died; there was death; there was dying

FC -> jc-72895
2. people died; there was death; there was dying

3. people died; there was death; there was dying

4. people died; there was death; there was dying

5. people died; there was death; there was dying

6. people died; there was death; there was dying
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. people died; there was death; there was dying
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
8. people died; there was death; there was dying
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
9. people died; there was death; there was dying
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
10. people died; there was death; there was dying
FC jc-031297
11. people died; there was death; there was dying
FC jc-031297

0. dead; deadly; fatal
1. dead; deadly; fatal
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. dead; deadly; fatal

3. dead; deadly; fatal
4. dead; deadly; fatal <miqui-lo:2-hua2-ni1>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. dead; deadly; fatal <miqui-lo:2-hua2-ni1>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. dead; deadly; fatal <miqui-lo:2-hua2-ni1>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. dead; deadly; fatal <miqui-lo:2-hua2-ni1>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. dead; deadly; fatal <miqui-lo:2-hua2-ni1>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. dead; deadly; fatal <miqui-lo:2-hua2-ni1>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
10. dead; deadly; fatal
FC jc-031297
11. dead; deadly; fatal
FC jc-031297

0. there was dying, there were deaths; there was death
1. there was dying; there was death; there were deaths
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was dying, there were deaths; there was death
3. there was dying, there were deaths; there was death
4. there was dying, there were deaths; there was death
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was dying, there were deaths; there was death
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was dying, there were deaths; there was death
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was dying, there were deaths; there was death
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. there was dying, there were deaths; there was death
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. there was dying; there was death; there were deaths
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
10. there was dying; there was death; there were deaths
FC jc-031297

0. there will be death; there will be dying
1. there will be death; there will be dying
FC -> jc-72895
2. there will be death; there will be dying
3. there will be death; there will be dying
4. there will be death; there will be dying <miqui-lo:2-hua2-z>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. there will be death; there will be dying <miqui-lo:2-hua2-z>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. there will be death; there will be dying <miqui-lo:2-hua2-z>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. there will be death; there will be dying <miqui-lo:2-hua2-z>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-z> FC - > jc-61096
8. there will be death; there will be dying
FC jc-031297
9. there will be death; there will be dying
FC jc-031297

micoazquiani ( o- )
0. se moriri'an ( they would die )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. fatal

1. fatal
FC -> jc-72895
2. fatal

3. fatal

4. fatal
FC jc-031297
5. fatal
FC jc-031297

0. place of death; deathly place
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. deathly place; place of death
FC -> jc-72895
2. place of death; deathly place
3. place of death; deathly place
4. place of death <miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. place of death <miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. place of death <miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. place of death <miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. place of death <miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n>
<miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
9. deathly place; place of death
FC jc-031297
10. deathly place; place of death
FC jc-031297

0. quiver for arrows

1. quiver for arrows

FC - > jc-61096
2. quiver for arrows
FC - > jc-61096

0. they died
1. they died
FC -> jc-72895
2. they died
3. they died
4. they died <miqui-prt1-plur01>
<miqui-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they died
FC jc-031297
6. they died
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. dead; corpse; dull
1. dead; corpse; dull
FC -> jc-72895
2. dead; corpse; dull
3. dead; corpse; dull
4. dead <miqui-prt1-c2>
<miqui-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. dead; corpse; dull <miqui-c2>
<miqui-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. dead
Adj Form jc-022897
7. dead; corpse; dull
FC jc-031297
8. dead; corpse; dull
FC jc-031297
9. dead
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
10. deceased
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
11. late

12. expired

13. asleep

14. stillborn

15. defunct

16. exanimate

17. departed

18. extinct

19. dead

0. he will die

1. he will die
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will die

3. he will die

4. he will die
FC jc-031297
5. he will die
FC jc-031297

0. to kill so
FC - > jc-61096
1. kill
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

mictia-| temictiliztli
0. act of killing someone

mictiah ( qui- )
0. lo matan ( they kill him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

mictihtoc ( nech- )
0. me esta' matando ( it is killing me )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

mictihtoya ( omitz- )
0. te estaba matando ( it was killing you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he dies suddenly
<miqui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
1. he dies suddenly
FC -> jc-72895
2. he dies suddenly
<miqui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
3. he dies suddenly
<miqui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
4. he dies suddenly <miqui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<miqui-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. he dies suddenly <miqui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<miqui-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
6. he dies suddenly
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. he dies suddenly
FC jc-031297

0. he will fall to his death
FC jc-031297

0. they are slain, they are killed
1. they are killed, they are slain
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are slain, they are killed
3. they are slain, they are killed
4. he is killed
FC - > jc-61096
5. they are killed, they are slain <miqui-caus02-lo:1>
<miqui-caus02-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. they are slain, they are killed <miqui-caus02-lo:1>
<miqui-caus02-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. they are killed, they are slain
FC jc-031297
8. they are killed, they are slain
FC jc-031297

0. they were killed, they were slain
1. they were killed, they were slain
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were killed, they were slain
3. they were killed, they were slain
4. they were killed, they were slain <miqui-caus02-lo:1-ya3>
<miqui-caus02-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were killed, they were slain <miqui-caus02-lo:1-ya3>
<miqui-caus02-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were killed, they were slain
FC jc-031297
7. they were killed, they were slain
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he will be killed, he will be put to death
1. he will be killed, he will be put to death
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be killed, he will be put to death
3. he will be killed, he will be put to death
4. he will be killed, he will be put to death
<miqui-caus02-lo:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will be killed, he will be put to death
<miqui-caus02-lo:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will be killed, he will be put to death
FC jc-031297
7. he will be killed, he will be put to death
FC jc-031297

mictiz ( tech- )
0. nos matara' ( he will kill us )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

mictizqueh ( qui- )
0. lo van a matar ( they will kill him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

mictizqueh ( tech- )
0. nos matara'n ( they will kill us )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. place of death

1. place of death
FC -> jc-72895
2. place of death

3. place of death

4. place of death
FC jc-031297
5. place of death
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. north; to the north
1. north; to the north
FC -> jc-72895
2. north; to the north
3. north; to the north
4. north; to the north <miqui-prt1-tlan-pa1>
<miqui-prt1-tlan-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
5. north; to the north <miqui-prt1-tlan-pa1>
<miqui-prt1-tlan-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
6. north; to the north <miqui-prt1-tlan-pa1>
<miqui-prt1-tlan-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
7. north; to the north
FC jc-031297
8. north; to the north
FC jc-031297

0. land of the dead; place of the dead; place of death
1. land of the dead
FC -> jc-72895
2. place of death; place of the dead
FC -> jc-72895
3. land of the dead; place of the dead; place of death
4. land of the dead; place of the dead; place of death
5. land of the dead; place of the dead; place of death
<miqui-prt1-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
6. land of the dead; place of the dead; place of death
<miqui-prt1-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
7. land of the dead
FC jc-031297
8. place of death; place of the dead
FC jc-031297
9. land of the dead
FC jc-031297
10. place of death; place of the dead
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to the north
1. to the north
FC -> jc-72895
2. to the north
3. to the north
4. to the north <miqui-prt1-tlan-pa1>
<miqui-prt1-tlan-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
5. to the north <miqui-prt1-tlan-pa1>
<miqui-prt1-tlan-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
6. to the north <miqui-prt1-tlan-pa1>
<miqui-prt1-tlan-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
7. to the north
FC jc-031297
8. to the north
FC jc-031297

0. it lies dead
1. it lies dead
FC -> jc-72895
2. it lies dead
3. it lies dead
4. it lies dead <miqui-toc>
<miqui-toc> FC - > jc-61096
5. it lies dead <miqui-toc>
<miqui-toc> FC - > jc-61096
6. it lies dead
FC jc-031297
7. it lies dead
FC jc-031297
8. Mictoc in conetl nic omonenec Esta' desmayado el muchacho
porque hizo berrinche The fainted because he had a fit
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. it is bound
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it is painted

1. it is painted
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is painted

3. it is painted

4. it is painted
FC jc-031297
5. it is painted
FC jc-031297

0. muchos ( many )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. muchos; mucho ( many; much )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. mucho ( much )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. many; much; all
FC -> jc-72895
4. many; much
5. many; much
6. many; much <miac>
<miac> FC - > jc-61096
7. muchos ( many )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
8. muchos; mucho ( many; much )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. mucho ( much )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. many; much; all
FC jc-031297
11. many; much; all
FC jc-031297
12. ocualnanquilih in pitzocoatl: cualli
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
13. huel miec tlazohcamati

14. xipano totochtzin Contesto'le la malvada Culebra: --Bien

15. muchas gracias
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

16. pasa

17. buen Conejito; The mean spirited snake answered

18. " Fine

19. thank you

20. come in

21. good little rabbit; "

0. often, frequently

1. often, frequently
FC -> jc-72895
2. often, frequently

3. often, frequently

4. often, frequently
FC jc-031297
5. often, frequently
FC jc-031297

0. muchos lugares ( many places )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. many places; many; much
FC -> jc-72895
2. many places; many; much

3. many places; many; much

4. many places; many; much

5. many places; many; much

6. many places; many; much <miac-ca:n>
<miac-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. muchos lugares ( many places )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. many places; many; much
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. many places; many; much

FC jc-031297

0. many times, often; frequent
1. many times, often; frequent
FC -> jc-72895
2. many times, often; frequent
3. many times, often; frequent
4. many times, often <miac-pa2>
<miac-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
5. many times, often; frequent <miac-pa2>
<miac-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
6. many times, often; frequent
FC jc-031297
7. many times, often; frequent
FC jc-031297

0. many
1. many
FC -> jc-72895
2. many
3. many
4. many <miac-plur02>
<miac-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. many
FC jc-031297
6. many
FC jc-031297

0. they multiplied, they increased in numbers
1. they multiplied, they increased in numbers
FC -> jc-72895
2. they multiplied, they increased in numbers
3. they multiplied, they increased in numbers
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they multiplied, they increased in numbers <miac-v06>

<miac-v06> FC - > jc-61096
5. they multiplied, they increased in numbers <miac-v06>
<miac-v06> FC - > jc-61096
6. they multiplied, they increased in numbers
FC jc-031297
7. they multiplied, they increased in numbers
FC jc-031297

0. many
1. many
FC -> jc-72895
2. many
3. many
4. many <miac-plur11>
<miac-plur11> FC - > jc-61096
5. many
FC jc-031297
6. many
FC jc-031297

0. many
1. many
FC -> jc-72895
2. many
3. many
4. many <miac-plur11-plur02>
<miac-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. many
FC jc-031297
6. many
FC jc-031297

0. many
1. many
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. many
3. many
4. many <miac-plur11-plur02>
<miac-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. many
FC jc-031297
6. many
FC jc-031297

0. it breaks wind; it looses an odor

1. it breaks wind; it looses an odor

FC -> jc-72895
2. it breaks wind; it looses an odor

3. it breaks wind; it looses an odor

4. it breaks wind; it looses an odor

FC jc-031297
5. it breaks wind; it looses an odor
FC jc-031297

0. it is drunk
1. it is drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is drunk
3. it is drunk
4. it is drunk <p54-i:>
<p54-i:> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is drunk
FC jc-031297
6. it is drunk
FC jc-031297

0. nin~os muertos ( dead children )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. di'a de muertos ( day of the dead )

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. difunto ( dead person )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. muertos ( dead people )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. it coils

1. it coils
FC -> jc-72895
2. it coils

3. it coils

4. it coils
FC jc-031297
5. it coils
FC jc-031297

0. your spirit
1. your spirit
FC -> jc-72895
2. your spirit
3. your spirit
4. your spirit <poss-ihi:yo:tl>
<poss-ihi:yo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. your breath; your spirit
FC jc-031297
6. your breath; your spirit
FC jc-031297

0. he suffers
1. he suffers
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he suffers
3. he suffers
4. he suffers <p54-ihi:yo:tl-v02>
<p54-ihi:yo:tl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
5. he suffers <p54-ihi:yo:tl-v02>
<p54-ihi:yo:tl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
6. he suffers
FC jc-031297
7. he suffers
FC jc-031297

0. it emanates splendor
1. it emanates splendor
FC -> jc-72895
2. it emanates splendor
3. it emanates splendor
4. it emanates splendor <p54-ihi:yo:tl-v04-caus08>
<p54-ihi:yo:tl-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. it emanates splendor <p54-ihi:yo:tl-v04-caus08>
<p54-ihi:yo:tl-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. it emanates splendor <p54-ihi:yo:tl-v04-caus08>
<p54-ihi:yo:tl-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. it emanates splendor
FC jc-031297
8. it emanates splendor
FC jc-031297

0. your spirit
1. your spirit
FC -> jc-72895
2. your spirit
3. your spirit
4. your spirit <poss-ihi:yo:tl-tzin>
<poss-ihi:yo:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your spirit <poss-ihi:yo:tl-tzin>
<poss-ihi:yo:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. your spirit
FC jc-031297
7. your spirit
FC jc-031297

0. he is cautious, he is prudent; it is prudent

1. he is cautious, he is prudent; it is prudent

FC -> jc-72895
2. he is cautious, he is prudent; it is prudent

3. he is cautious, he is prudent; it is prudent

4. he is cautious, he is prudent; it is cunning; it is astute;

it is prudent
FC jc-031297
5. he is cautious, he is prudent; it is cunning; it is astute;
it is prudent
FC jc-031297

0. one who is prudent
1. one who is prudent
FC -> jc-72895
2. one who is prudent
3. one who is prudent
4. one who is prudent <p54-ih2-mati-ni1>
<p54-ih2-mati-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. one who is prudent <p54-ih2-mati-ni1>
<p54-ih2-mati-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one who is prudent <p54-ih2-mati-ni1>
<p54-ih2-mati-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. one who is prudent <p54-ih2-mati-ni1>
<p54-ih2-mati-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. one who is prudent
FC jc-031297
9. one who is prudent
FC jc-031297

0. it is smelled
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it is smelled
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is smelled

3. it is smelled

4. it is smelled
FC jc-031297
5. it is smelled
FC jc-031297

0. se dice ( it is said )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. in mitoaya
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. intla tlamiz

2. in cualo tonatiuh: centlayohuaz: it was thus said: " if the

eclipse of the sun is complete

3. it will be dark forever ! "

0. it was called

1. it was called
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was called

3. it was called

4. it was called
FC jc-031297
5. it was called
FC jc-031297

0. se llama ( it is called )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. se dice ( it is said )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. se llama ( it is called )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

3. se dice ( it is said )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. he dances

1. he dances
FC -> jc-72895
2. he dances

3. he dances

4. he dances; they dance

FC jc-031297
5. he dances; they dance
FC jc-031297

0. they danced

1. they danced
FC -> jc-72895
2. they danced

3. they danced

4. they danced
FC jc-031297
5. they danced
FC jc-031297

0. they go dancing
<ti1-nemi aux01>
1. they go dancing
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go dancing
<ti1-nemi aux01>
3. they go dancing
<ti1-nemi aux01>
4. they go dancing <ti1-nemi aux01>
<ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they go dancing <ti1-nemi aux01>
<ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they go dancing
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. they go dancing
FC jc-031297

0. they will dance
1. they will dance
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will dance
3. they will dance
4. they will dance <p54-ihto:tia:-z-plur01>
<p54-ihto:tia:-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will dance
FC jc-031297
6. they will dance
FC jc-031297

0. he becomes drunk
1. he becomes drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. he becomes drunk
3. he becomes drunk
4. he becomes drunk <p54-ihuinti-caus08>
<p54-ihuinti-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. he becomes drunk <p54-ihuinti-caus08>
<p54-ihuinti-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. he becomes drunk
FC jc-031297
7. he becomes drunk
FC jc-031297

0. drunkard
1. drunkard
FC -> jc-72895
2. drunkard
3. drunkard
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. drunkard <p52-ihuinti-caus08-ni1>
<p52-ihuinti-caus08-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. drunkard <p52-ihuinti-caus08-ni1>
<p52-ihuinti-caus08-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. drunkard <p52-ihuinti-caus08-ni1>
<p52-ihuinti-caus08-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. drunkard <p52-ihuinti-caus08-ni1>
<p52-ihuinti-caus08-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. drunkard
FC jc-031297
9. drunkard
FC jc-031297
10. drunkard
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. he goes about drunk
<p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. he goes about drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes about drunk
<p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. he goes about drunk
<p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. he goes about drunk <p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi-aux01>
<p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi-aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes about drunk <p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes about drunk <p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes about drunk <p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
8. he goes about drunk
FC jc-031297
9. he goes about drunk
FC jc-031297

0. she goes about drunk
<p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. she goes about drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. she goes about drunk
<p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. she goes about drunk
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. she goes about drunk
<p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi-aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. she goes about drunk <p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi
<p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. she goes about drunk <p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi
<p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. she goes about drunk <p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi
<p54-ihuinti-caus08-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
8. she goes about drunk
FC jc-031297
9. she goes about drunk
FC jc-031297

0. inic quitolinia, melcima, icopac milacatzoa in atl:
meltepotlamia in icuac tlacua: thus he afflicted him: he
choked on his food, he choked on his drink, the food stuck
in his throat when he ate (b1 f2 p33), auh in omozozoc,
xochitl, mec momamalina, milacatzoa, huel huihuiac
huihuitlatztic, totomahuac, huel tomactic and when the
flowers had been strung together, then they were twisted,
they were wound [in garlands] -each indeed long, each very
long, each thick, indeed thick (b2 f6 p107), teuhtla
milacatzoa he circles in dust (b2 f14 p222)

0. in cualli cuachi micalini milacatzoani, momiccatlazani
tlacemoliniani, teochpahuazhuiani the good shorn one [is] a
skirmisher, an aggressor, who hurls himself to his death; a
vanquisher, a sweeper away [of the foe] (b10 f2 p23)

0. zan teuhtli, tlazolli, ic milacatzotinemi, teuhtli tlazolli
cololotinemi: he only wallowed in evil and he was covered
with filth (b4 f1 p5), teuhtica tlazoltica milacatzotinemi,
she lives in vice (b10 f3 p55)

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. auh acazo tle tolhuil tomacehual, aco teuhtli, tlazolli, ic

milacatzotinemiz in tlalticpac, "but perhaps it is our
desert, our merit that he will live plunged in vice and
filth; on earth" (b3 f4 p53)

0. chile pepper that grows in the fields

1. chile pepper that grows in the fields

FC - > jc-61096

0. field worker
1. field worker
FC -> jc-72895
2. field worker
3. field worker
4. field worker <mi:lli-chi:hua-prt1-qui1>
<mi:lli-chi:hua-prt1-qui1> FC - > jc-61096
5. field worker <mi:lli-chi:hua-prt1-qui1>
<mi:lli-chi:hua-prt1-qui1> FC - > jc-61096
6. field worker <mi:lli-chi:hua-prt1-qui1>
<mi:lli-chi:hua-prt1-qui1> FC - > jc-61096
7. field worker
FC jc-031297
8. field worker
FC jc-031297

0. one who owns a field or garden
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. those who own fields
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. owners of fields
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. field people
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. field people
FC -> jc-72895
2. field people
3. field people
4. field people <mi:lli-tla:catl-plur06>
<mi:lli-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
5. field people <mi:lli-tla:catl-plur06>
<mi:lli-tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
6. field people
FC jc-031297
7. field people
FC jc-031297

0. worker or peasant

1. worker or peasant
FC - > jc-61096
2. field hand
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. ixquich tlacatl cenquizaya, in motolinia in mexica, ihuan
in millacatzitzinti, everyone came together -the poor of
mexico and those who tilled the fields (b2 f5 p95)

0. maize field

1. maize field
FC -> jc-72895
2. maize field

3. maize field

4. field
FC - > jc-61096
5. field
FC - > jc-61096
6. maize field
FC jc-031297
7. maize field
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. cornfield, milpa
1. in the field
FC -> jc-72895
2. in the field
3. cornfield, milpa
4. in the field
5. in the field <mi:lli-pan>
<mi:lli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. in the field <mi:lli-pan>
<mi:lli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
7. in the field; maize field; cornfield
FC jc-031297
8. in the field; maize field; cornfield
FC jc-031297

0. campesino ( fieldworker )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. maize plot

1. maize plot
FC -> jc-72895
2. maize plot

3. maize plot

4. maize plot
FC jc-031297
5. maize plot
FC jc-031297

0. it is feared, it is dreaded
1. it is feared, it is dreaded
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is feared, it is dreaded
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it is feared, it is dreaded
4. it is feared, it is dreaded <p54-i:macaci>
<p54-i:macaci> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is feared, it is dreaded
FC jc-031297
6. it is feared, it is dreaded
FC jc-031297

0. he was feared, he was dreaded; they were afraid
1. he was feared, he was dreaded; they were afraid
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was feared, he was dreaded; they were afraid
3. he was feared, he was dreaded; they were afraid
4. he was feared, he was dreaded; they were afraid
<p54-i:macaci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were afraid <p54-i:macaci-ya3>
<p54-i:macaci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was feared, he was dreaded; they were afraid
FC jc-031297
7. he was feared, he was dreaded; they were afraid
FC jc-031297

0. fine skirt

1. fine skirt
FC -> jc-72895
2. fine skirt

3. fine skirt

4. fine skirt
FC jc-031297
5. fine skirt
FC jc-031297

0. he lives in modesty
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he lives in modesty
FC -> jc-72895
2. he lives in modesty
3. he lives in modesty
4. he lives in modesty <p54-ih2-mati-prt1--nami>
<p54-ih2-mati-prt1--nami> FC - > jc-61096
5. he lives in modesty <p54-ih2-mati-prt1--nami>
<p54-ih2-mati-prt1--nami> FC - > jc-61096
6. he lives in modesty <p54-ih2-mati-prt1--nami>
<p54-ih2-mati-prt1--nami> FC - > jc-61096
7. he lives in modesty <p54-ih2-mati-prt1--nami>
<p54-ih2-mati-prt1--nami> FC - > jc-61096
8. he lives in modesty
FC jc-031297
9. he lives in modesty
FC jc-031297

0. he is prudent; intelligent
1. he is prudent; intelligent
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are clever
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is prudent; intelligent
4. he is prudent; intelligent
5. he is prudent; intelligent <p54-ih2-mati>
<p54-ih2-mati> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is prudent; intelligent <p54-ih2-mati>
<p54-ih2-mati> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is prudent; intelligent; it is astute; it is clever
FC jc-031297
8. they are clever
FC jc-031297
9. he is prudent; intelligent; it is astute; it is clever
FC jc-031297
10. they are clever
FC jc-031297

0. they are skilled
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they are skilled

FC -> jc-72895
2. they are skilled
3. they are skilled
4. they are skilled <p54-ih2-mati-ya3>
<p54-ih2-mati-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they are skilled <p54-ih2-mati-ya3>
<p54-ih2-mati-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they are skilled <p54-ih2-mati-ya3>
<p54-ih2-mati-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they are skilled
FC jc-031297
8. they are skilled
FC jc-031297

0. prudent
1. prudent
FC -> jc-72895
2. prudent
3. prudent
4. prudent <p54-ih2-mati-ni1>
<p54-ih2-mati-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. prudent <p54-ih2-mati-ni1>
<p54-ih2-mati-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. prudent <p54-ih2-mati-ni1>
<p54-ih2-mati-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. prudent <p54-ih2-mati-ni1>
<p54-ih2-mati-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. prudent
FC jc-031297
9. prudent
FC jc-031297

0. proper
1. proper
FC -> jc-72895
2. proper
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. proper
4. proper <p54-ih2-mati-prt1-c2>
<p54-ih2-mati-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. proper <p54-ih2-mati-prt1-c2>
<p54-ih2-mati-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. proper <p54-ih2-mati-prt1-c2>
<p54-ih2-mati-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. proper
FC jc-031297
8. proper
FC jc-031297

0. circumspect

1. circumspect
FC -> jc-72895
2. circumspect

3. circumspect

4. circumspect
FC jc-031297
5. circumspect
FC jc-031297

0. fish (pl); fish [pl]; fish
<dupl-michin-plur02 plur07>
1. fish; fish ( pl); fish [ pl ]; fishes
FC -> jc-72895
2. fish (pl); fish [pl]; fish
<dupl-michin-plur02 plur07>
3. fish (pl); fish [pl]; fish
<dupl-michin-plur02 plur07>
4. fish (pl); fish [pl]; fish <dupl-michin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-michin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. fish (pl); fish [pl]; fish <dupl-michin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-michin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. fish (pl); fish [pl]; fish <dupl-michin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-michin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. fish; fish ( pl ); fish [ pl ]; fishes
FC jc-031297
8. fish; fish ( pl ); fish [ pl ]; fishes
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. fish, fishes
<dupl-michin-plur02 plur07>
1. fish [ pl ]; fish; fishes
FC -> jc-72895
2. fish, fishes
<dupl-michin-plur02 plur07>
3. fish, fishes
<dupl-michin-plur02 plur07>
4. fish, fishes <dupl-michin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-michin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. fish, fishes <dupl-michin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-michin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. fish, fishes <dupl-michin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-michin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. fish [ pl ]; fish; fishes
FC jc-031297
8. fish [ pl ]; fish; fishes
FC jc-031297

0. the dead, dead people
1. dead people; the dead
FC -> jc-72895
2. the dead, dead people
3. the dead, dead people
4. the dead, dead people <dupl-miqui-prt1-plur01>
<dupl-miqui-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. the dead, dead people <dupl-miqui-prt1-plur01>
<dupl-miqui-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. the dead, dead people <dupl-miqui-prt1-plur01>
<dupl-miqui-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. dead people; the dead
FC jc-031297
8. dead people; the dead
FC jc-031297

0. they were slain, they were killed
1. they were slain, they were killed
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they were slain, they were killed

3. they were slain, they were killed
4. they were slain, they were killed
<dupl-miqui-caus02-lo:1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were slain, they were killed
<dupl-miqui-caus02-lo:1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were slain, they were killed
<dupl-miqui-caus02-lo:1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they were slain, they were killed
<dupl-miqui-caus02-lo:1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
8. they were slain, they were killed
FC jc-031297
9. they were slain, they were killed
FC jc-031297

0. finados; muertos ( dead people; deceased ones )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. difuntos ( dead people )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. swell, wallow, column

0. it becomes cylindrical; it enlarges; they become
cylindrical; they enlarge
1. it becomes cylindrical; it enlarges; they become
cylindrical; they enlarge
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes cylindrical; it enlarges; they become
cylindrical; they enlarge
3. it becomes cylindrical; it enlarges; they become
cylindrical; they enlarge
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it becomes cylindrical; it enlarges; they become

cylindrical; they enlarge <mimilli-v03a>
<mimilli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes cylindrical; it enlarges; they become
cylindrical; they enlarge <mimilli-v03a>
<mimilli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
6. to roll
FC - > jc-61096
7. it becomes cylindrical; it enlarges; they become
cylindrical; they enlarge
FC jc-031297
8. it becomes cylindrical; it enlarges; they become
cylindrical; they enlarge
FC jc-031297

mimilihui momimiloa
0. it is rolled

0. cylindrical; rounded
1. cylindrical; rounded
FC -> jc-72895
2. cylindrical; rounded
3. cylindrical; rounded
4. cylindrical; rounded <mimilli-v03a-prt1-c2>
<mimilli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. cylindrical; rounded <mimilli-v03a-prt1-c2>
<mimilli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. cylindrical; rounded <mimilli-v03a-prt1-c2>
<mimilli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. cylindrical; rounded
FC jc-031297
8. cylindrical; rounded
FC jc-031297

0. cylinder, column

0. small and cylindrical
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. cylindrical; rounded; round; shaped like cylinders; thick
1. cylindrical; rounded; round; shaped like cylinders; thick
FC -> jc-72895
2. cylindrical; rounded; round; shaped like cylinders; thick
3. cylindrical; rounded; round; shaped like cylinders; thick
4. cylindrical; rounded; round; shaped like cylinders; thick
<mimilli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. cylindrical; rounded; round; shaped like cylinders; thick
<mimilli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. cylindrical; rounded; round; shaped like cylinders; thick
FC jc-031297
7. cylindrical; rounded; round; shaped like cylinders; thick
FC jc-031297

0. rounded
1. rounded
FC -> jc-72895
2. rounded
3. rounded
4. rounded <mimilli-to:n>
<mimilli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. rounded <mimilli-to:n>
<mimilli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. rounded; small and cylindrical; small and round
FC jc-031297
7. rounded; small and cylindrical; small and round
FC jc-031297

0. small and cylindrical
1. small and cylindrical
FC -> jc-72895
2. small and cylindrical
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. small and cylindrical

4. small and cylindrical <mimilli-dupl-to:n>
<mimilli-dupl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. small and cylindrical <mimilli-dupl-to:n>
<mimilli-dupl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. small and cylindrical <mimilli-dupl-to:n>
<mimilli-dupl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. small and cylindrical <mimilli-dupl-to:n>
<mimilli-dupl-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. small and cylindrical
FC jc-031297
9. small and cylindrical
FC jc-031297

0. they die

1. they die
FC -> jc-72895
2. they die

3. they die

4. they die
FC jc-031297
5. they die
FC jc-031297

0. shoot an arrow
FC - > jc-61096

mina-| teminaliztli
0. act of shooting someone with an arrow

0. he is shot with an arrow, he is pierced by an arrow

1. he is shot with an arrow, he is pierced by an arrow

FC -> jc-72895
2. he is shot with an arrow, he is pierced by an arrow

3. he is shot with an arrow, he is pierced by an arrow
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he is shot with an arrow, he is pierced by an arrow

FC jc-031297
5. he is shot with an arrow, he is pierced by an arrow
FC jc-031297

0. he hid, he took refuge

1. he hid, he took refuge

FC -> jc-72895
2. he hid, he took refuge

3. he hid, he took refuge

4. he hid, he took refuge

FC jc-031297
5. he hid, he took refuge
FC jc-031297

0. he will hide, he will take refuge

1. he will hide, he will take refuge

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will hide, he will take refuge

3. he will hide, he will take refuge

4. he will hide, he will take refuge

FC jc-031297
5. he will hide, he will take refuge
FC jc-031297

0. it is inhaled; it is smelled; it smells

1. it is inhaled; it is smelled; it smells

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is inhaled; it is smelled; it smells

3. it is inhaled; it is smelled; it smells

4. it is inhaled; it is smelled; it smells

FC jc-031297
5. it is inhaled; it is smelled; it smells
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it is sniffed, it is smelled

1. it is sniffed, it is smelled
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is sniffed, it is smelled

3. it is sniffed, it is smelled

4. it is sniffed, it is smelled
FC jc-031297
5. it is sniffed, it is smelled
FC jc-031297

0. grandchild

0. it hisses

1. it hisses
FC -> jc-72895
2. it hisses

3. it hisses

4. it hisses
FC jc-031297
5. it hisses
FC jc-031297

0. one that hisses

1. one that hisses

FC -> jc-72895
2. one that hisses

3. one that hisses

4. one that hisses

FC jc-031297
5. one that hisses
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. die

0. it dies; they die
1. he dies; it dies
FC -> jc-72895
2. she dies; they die; they die it
FC -> jc-72895
3. it dies; they die
4. it dies; they die
5. death
FC - > jc-61096
6. it dies; they die <miqui>
<miqui> FC - > jc-61096
7. to die
FC - > jc-61096
8. to die
FC - > jc-61096
9. to kill
FC - > jc-61096
10. he dies; it dies
FC jc-031297
11. she dies; they die; they die it
FC jc-031297
12. he dies; it dies
FC jc-031297
13. she dies; they die; they die it
FC jc-031297
14. oncan miqui
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
15. in tlaminqui: oncan cualo there dies the hunter; there he
is eaten
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems
16. die

miqui ( ni- )
0. me muero ( I die )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

miqui mictilo
0. he is killed

miqui quimictia
0. he kills him

miqui-| icxitl quimicximimictia

0. he paralyzes their feet

miqui-| itzcuintli itzcuinmictia

0. he kills dogs

miqui-| miquiliztli
0. death, act of dying

miqui-| miquiztli
0. death, act of dying

miqui-| xo:chitl nitexochimictia

0. I injure someone with flowers

0. he died; they died
1. he died; she died; they died; they diedi
FC -> jc-72895
2. he died; they died
3. he died; they died
4. he died; she died; they died; they diedi <miqui-ya3>
<miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he died; they died <miqui-ya3>
<miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he died; she died; they died; they diedi
FC jc-031297
7. he died; she died; they died; they diedi
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. smelling of death
1. smelling of death
FC -> jc-72895
2. smelling of death
3. smelling of death
4. smelling of death <miqui-liz-ihya:ya-delya-c1>
<miqui-liz-ihya:ya-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. smelling of death <miqui-liz-ihya:ya-delya-c1>
<miqui-liz-ihya:ya-delya-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. smelling of death
FC jc-031297
7. smelling of death
FC jc-031297

0. smelling much of death
1. smelling much of death
FC -> jc-72895
2. smelling much of death
3. smelling much of death
4. smelling much of death <miqui-liz-ihya:ya-delya-l1-tic>
<miqui-liz-ihya:ya-delya-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. smelling much of death <miqui-liz-ihya:ya-delya-l1-tic>
<miqui-liz-ihya:ya-delya-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. smelling much of death <miqui-liz-ihya:ya-delya-l1-tic>
<miqui-liz-ihya:ya-delya-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. smelling much of death
FC jc-031297
8. smelling much of death
FC jc-031297

0. death; mortality
1. death; mortality
FC -> jc-72895
2. death; mortality
3. death; mortality
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. death, act of dying
FC - > jc-61096
5. death; mortality <miqui-liz>
<miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. death, act of dying
-liz nom Jc-022897
7. death; mortality
FC jc-031297
8. death; mortality
FC jc-031297
9. death
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
10. act of dying
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
11. death

12. act of dying

0. worthy of death
1. worthy of death
FC -> jc-72895
2. worthy of death
3. worthy of death
4. worthy of death <miqui-ni1>
<miqui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. worthy of death <miqui-ni1>
<miqui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. worthy of death <miqui-ni1>
<miqui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. worthy of death
FC jc-031297
8. worthy of death
FC jc-031297

0. they will come to die
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. he goes to die
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. he goes to die, he would die; it goes to die
1. he goes to die, he would die; it goes to die
FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes to die, he would die; it goes to die
3. he goes to die, he would die; it goes to die
4. he goes to die, he would die; it goes to die <miqui-dir2a>
<miqui-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes to die, he would die; it goes to die <miqui-dir2a>
<miqui-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes to die, he would die; it goes to die <miqui-dir2a>
<miqui-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes to die, he would die; it goes to die
FC jc-031297
8. he goes to die, he would die; it goes to die
FC jc-031297

0. he went to die, he met his death

1. he went to die, he met his death

FC -> jc-72895
2. he went to die, he met his death

3. he went to die, he met his death

4. he went to die, he met his death

FC jc-031297
5. he went to die, he met his death
FC jc-031297

0. they died
1. they died
FC -> jc-72895
2. they died
3. they died
4. they died <miqui-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

5. they died <miqui-ya3>
<miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they died
FC jc-031297
7. they died
FC jc-031297

0. he will die; it will die; she will die
1. he will die
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will die
FC -> jc-72895
3. she will die
FC -> jc-72895
4. he will die; it will die; she will die
5. he will die; it will die; she will die
6. he will die; it will die; she will die <miqui-z>
<miqui-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will die
FC jc-031297
8. it will die
FC jc-031297
9. she will die
FC jc-031297
10. he will die
FC jc-031297
11. it will die
FC jc-031297
12. she will die
FC jc-031297

0. deathly stench

1. deathly stench
FC -> jc-72895
2. deathly stench

3. deathly stench

4. deathly stench
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. deathly stench
FC jc-031297

0. those who fear death
1. those who fear death
FC -> jc-72895
2. those who fear death
3. those who fear death
4. those who fear death <miqui-liz-;
<miqui-liz--> FC - > jc-61096
5. those who fear death
FC jc-031297
6. those who fear death
FC jc-031297

0. he is about to drown; he is to die; he is about to die; he
wants to die; they wish for death
1. he is about to die; he is about to drown; he is to die; he
wants to die; they wish for death
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is about to drown; he is to die; he is about to die; he
wants to die; they wish for death
3. he is about to drown; he is to die; he is about to die; he
wants to die; they wish for death
4. he is about to drown; he is to die; he is about to die; he
wants to die; they wish for death <miqui-z-nequi>
<miqui-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is about to drown; he is to die; he is about to die; he
wants to die; they wish for death <miqui-z-nequi>
<miqui-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is about to drown; he is to die; he is about to die; he
wants to die; they wish for death <miqui-z-nequi>
<miqui-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is about to die; he is about to drown; he is to die; he
wants to die; they wish for death
FC jc-031297
8. he is about to die; he is about to drown; he is to die; he
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

wants to die; they wish for death

FC jc-031297

0. cure for death
1. cure for death
FC -> jc-72895
2. cure for death
3. cure for death
4. cure for death <miqui-liz-pahtli>
<miqui-liz-pahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. cure for death <miqui-liz-pahtli>
<miqui-liz-pahtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. cure for death
FC jc-031297
7. cure for death
FC jc-031297

0. they will die
1. they will die
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will die
3. they will die
4. they will die <miqui-z-plur01>
<miqui-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will die
FC jc-031297
6. they will die
FC jc-031297

0. he would have died
1. he would die, he might have died; he would have died
FC -> jc-72895
2. he would have died
3. he would have died
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he would have died <miqui-;

<miqui--> FC - > jc-61096
5. he would die, he might have died; he would have died
FC jc-031297
6. he would die, he might have died; he would have died
FC jc-031297

0. omen of death
1. omen of death
FC -> jc-72895
2. omen of death
3. omen of death
4. omen of death <miqui-liz-te:tza:huitl>
<miqui-liz-te:tza:huitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. omen of death <miqui-liz-te:tza:huitl>
<miqui-liz-te:tza:huitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. omen of death
FC jc-031297
7. omen of death
FC jc-031297
8. quitoa in ihcuac in cacoya
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
9. quinextia miquiztli: cocoliztli

10. miquiztetzahuitl: they said that when it was heard

11. it signified death or sickness; it was an omen of death

0. death
1. death
FC -> jc-72895
2. death
3. death
4. act of dying
FC - > jc-61096
5. death <miqui-liz>
<miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. death, act of dying

-liz nom Jc-022897
7. death
FC jc-031297
8. death
FC jc-031297
9. quitoa in ihcuac in cacoya
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
10. quinextia miquiztli: cocoliztli
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
11. miquiztetzahuitl: they said that when it was heard
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
12. it signified death or sickness; it was an omen of death

13. death

14. act of dying

15. death

16. act of dying

0. within you; like an arrow; within you
1. like an arrow; within you
FC -> jc-72895
2. within you; like an arrow; within you
3. within you; like an arrow; within you
4. like an arrow <mi:tl-tic>
<mi:tl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. within you <poss-ihtitl-co2>
<poss-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. within you <poss-ihtitl-co2>
<poss-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
7. like an arrow; within you
FC jc-031297
8. like an arrow; within you
FC jc-031297

0. with arrows, by means of arrows
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. with arrows, by means of arrows

FC jc-031297
2. with arrows, by means of arrows
FC jc-031297

0. it scratches its abdomen
FC jc-031297

0. dart; spear; arrow
1. arrow; bolt; dart; spear
FC -> jc-72895
2. dart; spear; arrow
3. dart; spear; arrow
4. arrow
FC - > jc-61096
5. arrow, spear
FC - > jc-61096
6. arrow
FC - > jc-61096
7. arrow; bolt; dart <mi:tl>
<mi:tl> FC - > jc-61096
8. dart; spear; arrow <mi:tl>
<mi:tl> FC - > jc-61096
9. arrow; bolt; dart; spear
FC jc-031297
10. arrow; bolt; dart; spear
FC jc-031297

mitl chimalli
0. war
<mi:tl chi:malli>
1. war
FC -> jc-72895
2. war
FC -> jc-72895
3. war
<mi:tl chi:malli>
4. war
<mi:tl chi:malli>
5. war <mi:tl chi:malli>
<mi:tl chi:malli> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. war <mi:tl chi:malli>

<mi:tl chi:malli> FC - > jc-61096
7. war
FC jc-031297
8. war
FC jc-031297

0. she will be requested, she will be asked for

1. she will be requested, she will be asked for

FC -> jc-72895
2. she will be requested, she will be asked for

3. she will be requested, she will be asked for

4. she will be requested, she will be asked for

FC jc-031297
5. she will be requested, she will be asked for
FC jc-031297

0. he was called; it was said; it was mentioned; it was
called; it was declared; it was told
1. he was called
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was called; it was declared; it was said; it was
mentioned; it was told
FC -> jc-72895
3. he was called; it was said; it was mentioned; it was
called; it was declared; it was told
4. he was called; it was said; it was mentioned; it was
called; it was declared; it was told
5. he was called; it was said; it was mentioned; it was
called; it was declared; it was told <p54-ihtoa:-prt1>
<p54-ihtoa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was called
FC jc-031297
7. it was called; it was declared; it was said; it was
mentioned; it was told
FC jc-031297
8. he was called
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. it was called; it was declared; it was said; it was

mentioned; it was told
FC jc-031297

0. he dances; she dances; they dance

0. dancer

0. se dice; se llama ( it is called )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. se llaman ( they are called )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. he is called; he is entitled; he is said; it are told; it
is asked; it is called; so-called; it is described; it is
discussed; it is mentioned; it is related; it is said; it
is told; one refers to it; she is called; they are called;
they are known as; they are mentioned; they are told; they
are said
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is called; it is said; it is told; it is called; it is
asked; it is mentioned; it is described; they are called;
they are mentioned
4. he is called; it is said; it is told; it is called; it is
asked; it is mentioned; it is described; they are called;
they are mentioned
5. he is called; it is said; it is told; it is called; it is
asked; it is mentioned; it is described; they are called;
they are mentioned <p54-ihtoa:>
<p54-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. se dice; se llama ( it is called )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. se llaman ( they are called )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
8. he is called; he is entitled; he is said; it is asked; it
is called; so-called; it is described; it is discussed; it
is mentioned; it is related; it is said; it is told; one
refers to it; she is called; they are called; they are
known as; they are mentioned; they are told; they are said
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. he is called; he is entitled; he is said; it is asked; it

is called; so-called; it is described; it is discussed; it
is mentioned; it is related; it is said; it is told; one
refers to it; she is called; they are called; they are
known as; they are mentioned; they are told; they are said
FC jc-031297

0. he pledged; he was called; it used to be said; it used to
be called; it was said; it was claimed; it was called; it
was named; it was said=; it was stated; they were called
1. he pledged; he was called; it used to be called; it used to
be said; it was called; it was named; it was said; it was
claimed; it was stated; it was said; they were called
FC -> jc-72895
2. he pledged; he was called; it used to be said; it used to
be called; it was said; it was claimed; it was called; it
was named; it was said=; it was stated; they were called
3. he pledged; he was called; it used to be said; it used to
be called; it was said; it was claimed; it was called; it
was named; it was said=; it was stated; they were called
4. he pledged; he was called; it used to be said; it used to
be called; it was said; it was claimed; it was called; it
was named; it was said=; it was stated; they were called
<p54-ihtoa:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was called; it was said <p54-ihtoa:-ya3>
<p54-ihtoa:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he pledged; he was called; it used to be called; it used to
be said; it was called; it was named; it was said; it was
claimed; it was stated; it was said=D; they were called
FC jc-031297
7. he pledged; he was called; it used to be called; it used to
be said; it was called; it was named; it was said; it was
claimed; it was stated; it was said=D; they were called
FC jc-031297

0. it was called; it was said; they were called
1. it was called; it was said; they were called
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was called; it was said; they were called
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it was called; it was said; they were called
4. it was called; it was said; they were called
<p54-ihtoa:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was called; it was said; they were called
<p54-ihtoa:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was called; it was said; they were called
FC jc-031297
7. it was called; it was said; they were called
FC jc-031297

0. your [ h ] sweat
FC jc-031297

0. they sweat

1. they sweat
FC -> jc-72895
2. they sweat

3. they sweat

4. they sweat
FC jc-031297
5. they sweat
FC jc-031297

0. they were called

1. they were called

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were called

3. they were called

4. they were called

FC jc-031297
5. they were called
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he dances
FC -> jc-72895
1. she dances; they dance
FC -> jc-72895
2. he dances; she dances; they dance <p54-ihto:tia:>
<p54-ihto:tia:> FC - > jc-61096
3. he dances
FC jc-031297
4. she dances; they dance
FC jc-031297
5. he dances
FC jc-031297
6. she dances; they dance
FC jc-031297

0. dancer
FC -> jc-72895
1. dancer <p54-ihto:tia:-ni1>
<p54-ihto:tia:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
2. dancer <p54-ihto:tia:-ni1>
<p54-ihto:tia:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
3. dancer <p54-ihto:tia:-ni1>
<p54-ihto:tia:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
4. dancer
FC jc-031297
5. dancer
FC jc-031297

0. he danced; she danced; they danced
1. he danced; she danced; they danced
FC -> jc-72895
2. he danced; she danced; they danced
3. he danced; she danced; they danced
4. he danced; she danced; they danced <p54-ihto:tia:-ya3>
<p54-ihto:tia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he danced; they danced <p54-ihto:tia:-ni1>
<p54-ihto:tia:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he danced; they danced <p54-ihto:tia:-ni1>
<p54-ihto:tia:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he danced; they danced <p54-ihto:tia:-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-ihto:tia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

8. she danced <p54-ihto:tia:-ya>
<p54-ihto:tia:-ya> FC - > jc-61096
9. he danced; she danced; they danced
FC jc-031297
10. he danced; she danced; they danced
FC jc-031297

0. it is being said; it is said; it is called; it is being
1. it is being said; it is said; it is called; it is being
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is being said; it is said; it is called; it is being
3. it is being said; it is said; it is called; it is being
4. it is being said; it is said; it is called; it is being
called <p54-ihtoa:-prt1-tica2>
<p54-ihtoa:-prt1-tica2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is being said; it is said; it is called; it is being
called <p54-ihtoa:-prt1-tica2>
<p54-ihtoa:-prt1-tica2> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is being said; it is said; it is called; it is being
FC jc-031297
7. it is being said; it is said; it is called; it is being
FC jc-031297

0. they go dancing
1. they go dancing
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go dancing
3. they go dancing
4. they go dancing <p54-ihto:tia:-dir2a>
<p54-ihto:tia:-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
5. they go dancing <p54-ihto:tia:-dir2a>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-ihto:tia:-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096

6. they go dancing <p54-ihto:tia:-dir2a>
<p54-ihto:tia:-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
7. they go dancing
FC jc-031297
8. they go dancing
FC jc-031297

0. he came dancing

1. he came dancing
FC -> jc-72895
2. he came dancing

3. he came dancing

4. he came dancing
FC jc-031297
5. he came dancing
FC jc-031297

0. they come dancing
<p54-ihto:tia:-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06>
1. they come dancing
FC -> jc-72895
2. they come dancing
<p54-ihto:tia:-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06>
3. they come dancing
<p54-ihto:tia:-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06>
4. they come dancing <p54-ihto:tia:-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05
<p54-ihto:tia:-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06> FC - > jc-61096
5. they come dancing <p54-ihto:tia:-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05
<p54-ihto:tia:-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06> FC - > jc-61096
6. they come dancing <p54-ihto:tia:-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05
<p54-ihto:tia:-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06> FC - > jc-61096
7. they come dancing
FC jc-031297
8. they come dancing
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they continue dancing

<p54-ihto:tia:-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. they continue dancing
FC -> jc-72895
2. they continue dancing
<p54-ihto:tia:-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. they continue dancing
<p54-ihto:tia:-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. they continue dancing <p54-ihto:tia:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p54-ihto:tia:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they continue dancing <p54-ihto:tia:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p54-ihto:tia:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they continue dancing <p54-ihto:tia:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p54-ihto:tia:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes dancing; they continue dancing; they go dancing
FC jc-031297
8. he goes dancing; they continue dancing; they go dancing
FC jc-031297

0. he goes dancing
1. he goes dancing
FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes dancing
3. he goes dancing
4. he goes dancing <p54-ihto:tia:-dir2a>
<p54-ihto:tia:-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes dancing; they go dancing
FC jc-031297
6. he goes dancing; they go dancing
FC jc-031297

0. they will dance
1. they will dance
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will dance
3. they will dance
4. they will dance <p54-ihto:tia:-z-plur01>
<p54-ihto:tia:-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they will dance

FC jc-031297
6. they will dance
FC jc-031297

0. little arrows
<mi:tl-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
1. little arrows
FC -> jc-72895
2. little arrows
<mi:tl-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
3. little arrows
<mi:tl-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
4. little arrows <mi:tl-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
<mi:tl-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
5. little arrows <mi:tl-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
<mi:tl-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
6. little arrows <mi:tl-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
<mi:tl-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
7. little arrows <mi:tl-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
<mi:tl-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
8. little arrows; small arrows
FC jc-031297
9. little arrows; small arrows
FC jc-031297

0. it will be said; it will be told
1. it will be said; it will be told
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be said; it will be told
3. it will be said; it will be told
4. it will be said; it will be told <p54-ihtoa:-z>
<p54-ihtoa:-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be said; it will be told; it will be related
FC jc-031297
6. it will be said; it will be told; it will be related
FC jc-031297

0. it would be said, it should be pronounced
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it would be said, it should be pronounced

FC -> jc-72895
2. it would be said, it should be pronounced
3. it would be said, it should be pronounced
4. it would be said, it should be pronounced <p54-ihtoa:-z-;
<p54-ihtoa:-z--> FC - > jc-61096
5. it would be said, it should be pronounced
FC jc-031297
6. it would be said, it should be pronounced
FC jc-031297

0. she bathes you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she bathes you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they will scold you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will scold you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he is pricked with an obsidian point

1. he is pricked with an obsidian point

FC -> jc-72895
2. he is pricked with an obsidian point

3. he is pricked with an obsidian point

4. he is pricked with an obsidian point

FC jc-031297
5. he is pricked with an obsidian point
FC jc-031297

0. he [ h ] gives it to you
FC jc-031297

0. he goes to take you, he goes to seize you
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he goes to take you, he goes to seize you

FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes to take you, he goes to seize you

3. he goes to take you, he goes to seize you

4. he goes to take you, he goes to seize you

FC jc-031297
5. he goes to take you, he goes to seize you
FC jc-031297

0. they will take you, they will seize you
1. they will take you, they will seize you
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will take you, they will seize you
3. they will take you, they will seize you
4. they will take you, they will seize you <p32-a:na1-z-plur01>
<p32-a:na1-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will take you, they will seize you
FC jc-031297
6. they will take you, they will seize you
FC jc-031297

0. they will leave you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will leave you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she hears you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she hears you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she will hear it from you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he will hear you
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he will hear you

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will hear you

3. he will hear you

4. he will hear you

FC jc-031297
5. he will hear you
FC jc-031297

0. they will hear you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will hear you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they will wait for you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will wait for you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he made you

1. he made you
FC -> jc-72895
2. he made you

3. he made you

4. he made you
FC jc-031297
5. he made you
FC jc-031297

0. they go to wait for you
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. it weeps for you, it cries for you

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. she weeps for you

JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. it weeps for you, it cries for you
FC -> jc-72895
1. it weeps for you, it cries for you
FC jc-031297
2. it weeps for you, it cries for you
FC jc-031297

0. they will put you to sleep
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will put you to sleep
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he will eat it ( of you )
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they anger you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they anger you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he will get you up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he will get you up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. it sighs for you

1. it sighs for you

FC -> jc-72895
2. it sighs for you

3. it sighs for you

4. it sighs for you

FC jc-031297
5. it sighs for you
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. she will make you laugh
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. she will make you laugh
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. she will laugh at you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. she will make you laugh
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. she will make you laugh
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. she will make you laugh
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she will make you laugh
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he will follow you

1. he will follow you

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will follow you

3. he will follow you

4. he will follow you

FC jc-031297
5. he will follow you
FC jc-031297

0. In conetl mitzihtlanilihtoc in tomin El muchacho te esta'
pidiendo el dinero The young man is asking you for the money
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. they forget you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they forget you
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. in aocac moca, in ayac cententli, cencamatl, mitzmaca,
**mitzilhuia**: there is no longer anyone here in thy
behalf; no one giveth thee, addresseth thee a word or two
(b6 f7 p80) jc-022297
1. he tells it to you
VRNo1 jc-022897
2. he tells it to you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he carries it for you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he sees you
1. he sees you
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sees you
3. he sees you
4. he sees you <p32-itta>
<p32-itta> FC - > jc-61096
5. he sees you
FC jc-031297
6. he sees you
FC jc-031297

0. she will see you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she will see you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they know you
1. they know you
FC -> jc-72895
2. they know you
3. they know you
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they know you <p32-i:xtli-mati>
<p32-i:xtli-mati> FC - > jc-61096
5. they know you <p32-i:xtli-mati>
<p32-i:xtli-mati> FC - > jc-61096
6. they know you
FC jc-031297
7. they know you
FC jc-031297

0. he trained you

1. he trained you
FC -> jc-72895
2. he trained you

3. he trained you

4. he trained you
FC jc-031297
5. he trained you
FC jc-031297

0. he will carry it for you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he gives it to you
1. he gives it to you
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gives it to you
3. he gives it to you
4. he gives it to you <p32-maca>
<p32-maca> FC - > jc-61096
5. he gives it to you
FC jc-031297
6. he gives it to you
FC jc-031297

0. he endowed you, he gave it to you
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he endowed you, he gave it to you
FC -> jc-72895
2. he endowed you, he gave it to you
3. he endowed you, he gave it to you
4. he endowed you, he gave it to you <p32-maca-prt2>
<p32-maca-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he endowed you, he gave it to you
FC jc-031297
6. he endowed you, he gave it to you
FC jc-031297

0. he indicates you

1. he indicates you
FC -> jc-72895
2. he indicates you

3. he indicates you

4. he indicates you
FC jc-031297
5. he indicates you
FC jc-031297

0. he pointed his finger at you

1. he pointed his finger at you

FC -> jc-72895
2. he pointed his finger at you

3. he pointed his finger at you

4. he pointed his finger at you

FC jc-031297
5. he pointed his finger at you
FC jc-031297

0. he points his finger at you

1. he points his finger at you
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he points his finger at you

3. he points his finger at you

4. he points his finger at you

FC jc-031297
5. he points his finger at you
FC jc-031297

0. he will select you, he will point his finger at you

1. he will select you, he will point his finger at you

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will select you, he will point his finger at you

3. he will select you, he will point his finger at you

4. he will select you, he will point his finger at you

FC jc-031297
5. he will select you, he will point his finger at you
FC jc-031297

0. he [h] does it to you, he [h] causes you

1. he [ h ] does it to you, he [ h ] causes you

FC -> jc-72895
2. he [h] does it to you, he [h] causes you

3. he [h] does it to you, he [h] causes you

4. he [ h ] does it to you, he [ h ] causes you

FC jc-031297
5. he [ h ] does it to you, he [ h ] causes you
FC jc-031297

0. he will reverse your word

1. he will reverse your word

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will reverse your word

3. he will reverse your word
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he will reverse your word

FC jc-031297
5. he will reverse your word
FC jc-031297

0. they offend you

1. they offend you

FC -> jc-72895
2. they offend you

3. they offend you

4. they offend you

FC jc-031297
5. they offend you
FC jc-031297

0. they find you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they find you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he will make you believe it
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. he will make you believe it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. ca oc tatzintli, ca oc ticonetzintli, oc tipiltzintli: in
mitzitoque, in mitznetoltique, in ihuic mitzitoque in
toteucyo, in tloque, nahuaque, in itech tipohuizqui in
cualtin, yectin in ihueltihuatzitzinhuan toteucyo, in
chipahuaque, in ichpopochtin, in chalchiuhtin, in maquiztin
in teoxiuhtin, in quetzalti: verily thou wert still a
tender little thing, yet a girl, yet a baby when they
declared thee, promised thee, dedicated thee unto our lord,
the lord of the near, of the nigh, that thou shouldst
belong with the good, fine older sisters of our lord, the
beautiful, the virgins, those like precious green stones,
like bracelets, like precious turquoises, like precious
feathers <p32-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-prt1-plur01 (b6 f17
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

c40 p216)
1. ca oc tatzintli, ca oc ticonetzintli, oc tipiltzintli: in
mitzitoque, in mitznetoltique, in ihuic mitzitoque in
toteucyo, in tloque, nahuaque, in itech tipohuizqui in
cualtin, yectin in ihueltihuatzitzinhuan toteucyo, in
chipahuaque, in ichpopochtin, in chalchiuhtin, in maquiztin
in teoxiuhtin, in quetzalti: verily thou wert still a
tender little thing, yet a girl, yet a baby when they
declared thee, promised thee, dedicated thee unto our lord,
the lord of the near, of the nigh, that thou shouldst
belong with the good, fine older sisters of our lord, the
beautiful, the virgins, those like precious green stones,
like bracelets, like precious turquoises, like precious
<p32-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-prt1-plur01> (b6 f17 c40 p216) JC-7/23/96

0. he will call you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he will call you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he admonished you
1. he admonished you
FC -> jc-72895
2. he admonished you
3. he admonished you
4. he admonished you <p32-dupl-no:tza-prt1>
<p32-dupl-no:tza-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he admonished you <p32-dupl-no:tza-prt1>
<p32-dupl-no:tza-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he admonished you <p32-dupl-no:tza-prt1>
<p32-dupl-no:tza-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he admonished you <p32-dupl-no:tza-prt1>
<p32-dupl-no:tza-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
8. he admonished you
FC jc-031297
9. he admonished you
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he calls out to you

1. he calls out to you
FC -> jc-72895
2. he calls out to you
3. he calls out to you
4. he calls out to you <p32-no:tza>
<p32-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
5. he calls out to you <p32-no:tza>
<p32-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
6. he calls out to you
FC jc-031297
7. he calls out to you
FC jc-031297

0. it is sewn; it is sutured

1. it is sewn; it is sutured
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is sewn; it is sutured

3. it is sewn; it is sutured

4. it is sewn; it is sutured
FC jc-031297
5. it is sewn; it is sutured
FC jc-031297

0. one who has a crown of arrowshafts
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. he raises you in dedication, he raises you in offering, he
offers you

1. he raises you in dedication, he raises you in offering, he

offers you
FC -> jc-72895
2. he raises you in dedication, he raises you in offering, he
offers you

3. he raises you in dedication, he raises you in offering, he
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

offers you

4. he raises you in dedication, he raises you in offering, he

offers you
FC jc-031297
5. he raises you in dedication, he raises you in offering, he
offers you
FC jc-031297

0. it will make you happy
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. it will make you happy
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he stands it up for you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he will remove you

1. he will remove you

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will remove you

3. he will remove you

4. he will remove you

FC jc-031297
5. he will remove you
FC jc-031297

0. they made you father

1. they made you father

FC -> jc-72895
2. they made you father

3. they made you father

4. they made you father

FC jc-031297
5. they made you father
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he will address you as a man
1. he will address you as a man
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will address you as a man
3. he will address you as a man
4. he will address you as a man <p32-tla:catl-no:tza-z>
<p32-tla:catl-no:tza-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will address you as a man <p32-tla:catl-no:tza-z>
<p32-tla:catl-no:tza-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will address you as a man <p32-tla:catl-no:tza-z>
<p32-tla:catl-no:tza-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will address you as a man
FC jc-031297
8. he will address you as a man
FC jc-031297

0. she will inform you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she will inform you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she makes you stare
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. he makes you stare
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
2. he makes you stare
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. she makes you stare
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he feeds you
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. he makes you eat st
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. he feeds you

3. he makes you eat st
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. Quien te a saludar man~ana ? Aquin mitztlahpaloz moztla ?
Who are you going to greet tomorrow ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. Quien te va a saludar ? Aquin mitztlahpaloz ? Who is going
to greet you ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. he plants you

1. he plants you
FC -> jc-72895
2. he plants you

3. he plants you

4. he plants you
FC jc-031297
5. he plants you
FC jc-031297

0. he buries you

1. he buries you
FC -> jc-72895
2. he buries you

3. he buries you

4. he follows you
VRNo1 jc-022897
5. he buries you
FC jc-031297
6. he buries you
FC jc-031297
7. he follows you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they will make you swallow it
FC - > jc-61096

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. she will shout at you

JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he created you

1. he created you
FC -> jc-72895
2. he created you

3. he created you

4. he created you
FC jc-031297
5. he created you
FC jc-031297

0. he washes his face; his face is washed; it washes its face

1. he washes his face; his face is washed; it washes its face

FC -> jc-72895
2. he washes his face; his face is washed; it washes its face

3. he washes his face; his face is washed; it washes its face

4. he washes his face; his face is washed; it washes its face

FC jc-031297
5. he washes his face; his face is washed; it washes its face
FC jc-031297

0. mist
FC jc-031297

0. he looses tears
FC jc-031297

0. your tear

1. your tear
FC -> jc-72895
2. your tear
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. your tear

4. your [ h ] tears
FC jc-031297
5. your [ h ] tears
FC jc-031297

0. he is involved; it is involved; they are concerned; they
are involved; they pay heed; it is their doing

1. he is involved; it is involved; they are concerned; they

are involved; they pay heed; it is their doing
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is involved; it is involved; they are concerned; they
are involved; they pay heed; it is their doing

3. he is involved; it is involved; they are concerned; they

are involved; they pay heed; it is their doing

4. he is involved; it is involved; they are concerned; they

are involved; they pay heed; it is their doing
FC jc-031297
5. he is involved; it is involved; they are concerned; they
are involved; they pay heed; it is their doing
FC jc-031297

0. they were concerned, they were involved

1. they were concerned, they were involved

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were concerned, they were involved

3. they were concerned, they were involved

4. they were concerned, they were involved

FC jc-031297
5. they were concerned, they were involved
FC jc-031297

0. his face was painted with the star design

1. his face was painted with the star design

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. his face was painted with the star design

3. his face was painted with the star design

4. his face was painted with the star design

FC jc-031297
5. his face was painted with the star design
FC jc-031297

0. before you, in your presence
1. before you, in your presence; in your face
FC -> jc-72895
2. before you, in your presence
3. before you, in your presence
4. before you, in your presence <poss-i:xtli-co1>
<poss-i:xtli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. before you, in your presence <poss-i:xtli-co1>
<poss-i:xtli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. before you, in your presence; in your face
FC jc-031297
7. before you, in your presence; in your face
FC jc-031297

0. crab-hawk

1. crab-hawk
FC -> jc-72895
2. crab-hawk

3. crab-hawk

4. crab-hawk
FC jc-031297
5. crab-hawk
FC jc-031297

0. cloud vessel

1. cloud vessel
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. cloud vessel

3. cloud vessel

4. cloud vessel
FC jc-031297
5. cloud vessel
FC jc-031297

0. your [ h ] forehead
FC jc-031297

0. he falls on his face

1. he falls on his face

FC -> jc-72895
2. he falls on his face

3. he falls on his face

4. he falls on his face

FC jc-031297
5. he falls on his face
FC jc-031297

0. she gives birth
FC jc-031297

0. she will give birth
1. she will give birth
FC -> jc-72895
2. she will give birth
3. she will give birth
4. she will give birth <mi:xihui-z>
<mi:xihui-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. she will give birth
FC jc-031297
6. she will give birth
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. she is about to give birth; she wishes to give birth
1. she is about to give birth; she wishes to give birth
FC -> jc-72895
2. she is about to give birth; she wishes to give birth
3. she is about to give birth; she wishes to give birth
4. she is about to give birth; she wishes to give birth
<mi:xihui-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. she is about to give birth; she wishes to give birth
<mi:xihui-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. she is about to give birth; she wishes to give birth
<mi:xihui-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
7. she is about to give birth; she wishes to give birth
FC jc-031297
8. she is about to give birth; she wishes to give birth
FC jc-031297

0. b toteucyoe, in miximachocatzin, ca huel tetlanextili, huel
temaquixti: b o our lord, the knowledge of thee hath been
well revealed; it hath saved men (b1 f3 p62)

0. quiver for arrows

1. quiver for arrows

FC - > jc-61096
2. quiver for arrows
FC - > jc-61096

0. jimsonweed; datura stramonium

1. jimsonweed; datura stramonium

FC -> jc-72895
2. jimsonweed; datura stramonium

3. jimsonweed; datura stramonium
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. jimsonweed; datura stramonium

FC jc-031297
5. jimsonweed; datura stramonium
FC jc-031297

0. women who were recently delivered
1. women who were recently delivered
FC -> jc-72895
2. women who were recently delivered
3. women who were recently delivered
4. women who were recently delivered <mi:xihui-prt1-c2-plur01>
<mi:xihui-prt1-c2-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. women who were recently delivered <mi:xihui-prt1-c2-plur01>
<mi:xihui-prt1-c2-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. women who were recently delivered
FC jc-031297
7. women who were recently delivered
FC jc-031297

0. parturienta ( woman who has just given birth )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. newly delivered woman; newly-delivered woman
FC -> jc-72895
2. newly-delivered woman; newly delivered woman
3. newly-delivered woman; newly delivered woman
4. newly-delivered woman; newly delivered woman
<mi:xihui-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. newly-delivered woman; newly delivered woman
<mi:xihui-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. parturienta ( woman who has just given birth )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. newly delivered woman; newly-delivered woman
FC jc-031297
8. newly delivered woman; newly-delivered woman
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they disputed among themselves, they contended with each

1. they disputed among themselves, they contended with each

FC -> jc-72895
2. they disputed among themselves, they contended with each

3. they disputed among themselves, they contended with each


4. they disputed among themselves, they contended with each

FC jc-031297
5. they disputed among themselves, they contended with each
FC jc-031297

0. they meet face to face
FC jc-031297

0. before you, in front of you; in your presence
1. before you, in front of you; in your presence
FC -> jc-72895
2. before you, in front of you; in your presence
3. before you, in front of you; in your presence
4. before you, in front of you; in your presence
<poss-i:xtli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. before you, in front of you; in your presence
<poss-i:xtli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. before you, in front of you; in your presence
FC jc-031297
7. before you, in front of you; in your presence
FC jc-031297

0. before you [h], in your [h] presence; before you; in front
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

of you; in your presence; in your sight

1. before you [ h ], in your [ h ] presence; before you; in
front of you; in your presence; in your sight
FC -> jc-72895
2. before you [h], in your [h] presence; before you; in front
of you; in your presence; in your sight
3. before you [h], in your [h] presence; before you; in front
of you; in your presence; in your sight
4. before you, in front of you; in your presence; in your
sight <poss-i:xtli-tzin-co1>
<poss-i:xtli-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. before you, in front of you; in your presence; in your
sight <poss-i:xtli-tzin-co1>
<poss-i:xtli-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. before you, in front of you; in your presence; in your
sight <poss-i:xtli-tzin-co1>
<poss-i:xtli-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. before you [ h ], in your [ h ] presence; before you; in
front of you; in your presence; in your sight
FC jc-031297
8. before you [ h ], in your [ h ] presence; before you; in
front of you; in your presence; in your sight
FC jc-031297

0. se escoge ( it is chosen )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. it closes its eyes

1. it closes its eyes

FC -> jc-72895
2. it closes its eyes

3. it closes its eyes

4. it closes its eyes

FC jc-031297
5. it closes its eyes
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they disguised themselves

1. they disguised themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they disguised themselves

3. they disguised themselves

4. they disguised themselves

FC jc-031297
5. they disguised themselves
FC jc-031297

0. they go along disguising themselves
FC jc-031297

0. it fills with clouds

1. it fills with clouds

FC -> jc-72895
2. it fills with clouds

3. it fills with clouds

4. it fills with clouds

FC jc-031297
5. it fills with clouds
FC jc-031297

0. it forms knots
FC - > jc-61096

0. se aprieta ( it is pressed )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. before your face, in your presence

1. before your face, in your presence

FC -> jc-72895
2. before your face, in your presence
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. before your face, in your presence

4. before your face, in your presence

FC jc-031297
5. before your face, in your presence
FC jc-031297

0. her face is covered with rouge

1. her face is covered with rouge

FC -> jc-72895
2. her face is covered with rouge

3. her face is covered with rouge

4. her face is covered with rouge

FC jc-031297
5. her face is covered with rouge
FC jc-031297

0. faces were covered with brown

1. faces were covered with brown

FC -> jc-72895
2. faces were covered with brown

3. faces were covered with brown

4. faces were covered with brown

FC jc-031297
5. faces were covered with brown
FC jc-031297

0. he has inflamed eyes

1. he has inflamed eyes

FC -> jc-72895
2. he has inflamed eyes

3. he has inflamed eyes

4. he has inflamed eyes

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he has inflamed eyes

FC jc-031297

0. cloud
1. cloud
FC -> jc-72895
2. cloud
3. cloud
4. cloud
5. cloud <mixtli>
<mixtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. cloud
FC jc-031297
7. cloud
FC jc-031297

0. he falls on his face

1. he falls on his face

FC -> jc-72895
2. he falls on his face

3. he falls on his face

4. he falls on his face

FC jc-031297
5. he falls on his face
FC jc-031297

0. it fills with clouds, it is overcast

1. it fills with clouds, it is overcast

FC -> jc-72895
2. it fills with clouds, it is overcast

3. it fills with clouds, it is overcast

4. it fills with clouds, it is overcast

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it fills with clouds, it is overcast

FC jc-031297

0. new ear of corn

0. many; much

1. many; much
FC -> jc-72895
2. many; much

3. many; much

4. many; much
FC jc-031297
5. many; much
FC jc-031297

0. many places
1. many places
FC -> jc-72895
2. many places
3. many places
4. many places <miac-ca:n>
<miac-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. many places
FC jc-031297
6. many places
FC jc-031297

0. many times, often
1. many times; often
FC -> jc-72895
2. many times, often
3. many times, often
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. many times, often <miac-pa2>

<miac-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
5. many times; often
FC jc-031297
6. many times; often
FC jc-031297
7. inic chicuacentlamantli tetzahuitl
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
8. miyecpa cihuatl cacoya chocatiuh

9. tzatzitiuh

10. yoaltica

11. [ as ] the sixth omen

12. often was heard a woman

13. who went weeping and crying out at night

0. many

1. many
FC -> jc-72895
2. many

3. many

4. many
FC jc-031297
5. many
FC jc-031297

0. it will be drunk; it is to be drunk
1. it will be drunk; it is to be drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be drunk; it is to be drunk
3. it will be drunk; it is to be drunk
4. it will be drunk; it is to be drunk <p54-i:1-z>
<p54-i:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it will be drunk; it is to be drunk

FC jc-031297
6. it will be drunk; it is to be drunk
FC jc-031297

0. she is apprehensive
1. she is apprehensive
FC -> jc-72895
2. she is apprehensive
3. she is apprehensive
4. she is apprehensive <p54-i:zahuia>
<p54-i:zahuia> FC - > jc-61096
5. she is apprehensive
FC jc-031297
6. she is apprehensive
FC jc-031297

0. one who is full of anxiety, one who is fearful

1. one who is full of anxiety, one who is fearful

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who is full of anxiety, one who is fearful

3. one who is full of anxiety, one who is fearful

4. one who is full of anxiety, one who is fearful

FC jc-031297
5. one who is full of anxiety, one who is fearful
FC jc-031297

0. he made a star design on his face

1. he made a star design on his face

FC -> jc-72895
2. he made a star design on his face

3. he made a star design on his face

4. he made a star design on his face

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he made a star design on his face

FC jc-031297

0. puma skin
1. puma skin
FC -> jc-72895
2. puma skin
3. puma skin
4. puma skin <miztli-e:huatl>
<miztli-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. puma skin
FC jc-031297
6. puma skin
FC jc-031297

0. one who bleeds himself

1. one who bleeds himself

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who bleeds himself

3. one who bleeds himself

4. one who bleeds himself

FC jc-031297
5. one who bleeds himself
FC jc-031297

0. he vomits
1. he vomits
FC -> jc-72895
2. he vomits
3. he vomits
4. he vomits <p54-ihzo:tla>
<p54-ihzo:tla> FC - > jc-61096
5. he vomits
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. he vomits
FC jc-031297

0. he will vomit; it will be vomited up
1. he will vomit; it will be vomited up
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will vomit; it will be vomited up
3. he will vomit; it will be vomited up
4. he will vomit; it will be vomited up <p54-ihzo:tla-z>
<p54-ihzo:tla-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will vomit; it will be vomited up
FC jc-031297
6. he will vomit; it will be vomited up
FC jc-031297

0. mesquite tree
1. mesquite tree; mesquite wood
FC -> jc-72895
2. mesquite tree
3. mesquite tree
4. mesquite tree <mizquitl-cuahuitl>
<mizquitl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. mesquite tree <mizquitl-cuahuitl>
<mizquitl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. mesquite tree; mesquite wood
FC jc-031297
7. mesquite tree; mesquite wood
FC jc-031297

0. one who has mesquite symbols
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. mezquite
1. mesquite
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. mesquite; mesquite tree

FC -> jc-72895
3. mesquite; mesquite tree
4. mezquite
5. mesquite
6. mesquite; mesquite tree
7. mesquite
FC - > jc-61096
8. mesquite; mesquite tree <mizquitl>
<mizquitl> FC - > jc-61096
9. mesquite; mesquite tree
FC jc-031297
10. mesquite; mesquite tree
FC jc-031297

0. lion, cat
1. mountain lion
FC -> jc-72895
2. mountain lion
3. lion, cat
4. mountain lion
5. cat
FC - > jc-61096
6. mountain lion <miztli>
<miztli> FC - > jc-61096
7. mountain lion
FC jc-031297
8. mountain lion
FC jc-031297

0. cat
1. cat
FC -> jc-72895
2. cat
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. cat
4. cat <miztli-to:n>
<miztli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. cat <miztli-to:n>
<miztli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. cat
FC jc-031297
7. cat
FC jc-031297

0. we take a bath
FC - > jc-61096

0. fall into a river
FC - > jc-61096

0. we are remaining
FC - > jc-61096

0. there is hearing each other
FC - > jc-61096

0. we are return
FC - > jc-61096

0. there is singing
FC - > jc-61096

0. dance
FC - > jc-61096

0. vomiting
FC - > jc-61096

0. to care
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. a tree or vine to sprout branches

1. for a tree or vine to sprout branches

FC - > jc-61096

0. jostling
FC - > jc-61096

0. stand-up
FC - > jc-61096

0. fall from a crag
FC - > jc-61096

0. to lay eggs
FC - > jc-61096

0. lay eggs

0. sit-down
FC - > jc-61096

0. to shave
FC - > jc-61096

0. fasting
FC - > jc-61096

0. iciuhca mochi cohualo in tlein quinamaca: soon all which
they sold was bought
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1

0. tearful songs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096

0. soften

0. son-in-law

0. throw, bump

0. chipmunk

0. mosquito

0. A quien vas a saludar man~ana ? Aquin tictlahpaloz moztla
? Who are you going to greet tomorrow ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. Quien te a saludar man~ana ? Aquin mitztlahpaloz moztla ?
Who are you going to greet tomorrow ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. stir up, tear
1. (cf molli{2}) stir up, tear
2. (cf molli{2}) stir up, tear

0. for you, towards you; for your sake; full of; covered with
1. covered with
FC -> jc-72895
2. for you, towards you; for your sake; full of; covered with
FC -> jc-72895
3. for you, towards you; for your sake; full of; covered with
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. for you, towards you; for your sake; full of; covered with
5. covered with; full of <moca>
<moca> FC - > jc-61096
6. covered with; full of <moca>
<moca> FC - > jc-61096
7. for your sake; for you; towards you <poss-ca2>
<poss-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
8. covered with
FC jc-031297
9. for you, towards you; for your sake; full of; covered with
FC jc-031297
10. covered with
FC jc-031297
11. for you, towards you; for your sake; full of; covered with
FC jc-031297

moca mahuiltiz
0. he will mock you
FC jc-031297

0. your shoe
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your shoe
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. your shoe
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. your shoe
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they successively enter
FC - > jc-61096

0. her cheeks are colored

1. her cheeks are colored

FC -> jc-72895
2. her cheeks are colored

3. her cheeks are colored

4. her cheeks are colored
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. her cheeks are colored
FC jc-031297

0. in oncan onmana tlahuiztli, ic maapana, ic
moxixillancuitlalpia, ic motetehuilpia, ic mocacatzilpia:
here were the insignia; [the frames] were then each tied,
each bound around the stomach [with cotton bands], tied
tightly, tied firmly (b2 f4 p94)

0. auh in omocuicuitlalpi, niman ye ic mohuipana, tlalpan
molpitiuh, mocacatzilpitiuh menelhuatica metzonmecatica
and when they had bound them at their midpoints, thereupon
they were arranged in order; on the ground they went bound,
they went tightly bound with maguey roots, with maguey
fibers (b2 f3 p79)

0. he wears sandals, he provides himself with sandals

1. he wears sandals, he provides himself with sandals

FC -> jc-72895
2. he wears sandals, he provides himself with sandals

3. he wears sandals, he provides himself with sandals

4. he wears sandals, he provides himself with sandals

FC jc-031297
5. he wears sandals, he provides himself with sandals
FC jc-031297

0. he ceases; he fails to; he holds back; he restrains
himself; he remains; he is spared; it ceases; it stops; it
is left; it is omitted; it remains; it stays; they stop;
they remain
1. he ceases; he fails to; he holds back; he restrains
himself; he remains; he is spared; it ceases; it stops; it
is left; it is omitted; it remains; it stays; they remain;
they stop
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he ceases; he fails to; he holds back; he restrains

himself; he remains; he is spared; it ceases; it stops; it
is left; it is omitted; it remains; it stays; they stop;
they remain
3. he ceases; he fails to; he holds back; he restrains
himself; he remains; he is spared; it ceases; it stops; it
is left; it is omitted; it remains; it stays; they stop;
they remain
4. he ceases; he fails to; he holds back; he restrains
himself; he remains; he is spared; it ceases; it stops; it
is left; it is omitted; it remains; it stays; they stop;
they remain <p54-ca:hua>
<p54-ca:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he ceases; he fails to; he holds back; he restrains
himself; he remains; he is spared; it ceases; it stops; it
is left; it is omitted; it remains; it stays; they remain;
they stop
FC jc-031297
6. he ceases; he fails to; he holds back; he restrains
himself; he remains; he is spared; it ceases; it stops; it
is left; it is omitted; it remains; it stays; they remain;
they stop
FC jc-031297

0. he failed to; it ceased; they remained
1. he failed to; it ceased; it remained; they remained
FC -> jc-72895
2. he failed to; it ceased; they remained
3. he failed to; it ceased; they remained
4. he failed to; it ceased; they remained <p54-ca:hua-ya3>
<p54-ca:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he failed to; it ceased; they remained <p54-ca:hua-ya3>
<p54-ca:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he failed to; it ceased; it remained; they remained
FC jc-031297
7. he failed to; it ceased; it remained; they remained
FC jc-031297

0. it will remain; it will be left
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it will be left, it is to be left; it will remain
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will remain; it will be left
3. it will remain; it will be left
4. it will remain; it will be left <p54-ca:hua-z>
<p54-ca:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be left, it is to be left; it will remain
FC jc-031297
6. it will be left, it is to be left; it will remain
FC jc-031297

0. they enter
1. they enter
FC -> jc-72895
2. they enter
3. they enter
4. they enter <p54-calaqui-caus08>
<p54-calaqui-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. they enter
FC jc-031297
6. they enter
FC jc-031297

0. in your house
1. in your house
FC -> jc-72895
2. in your house
3. in your house
4. in your house <poss-calli-ihtitl-co2>
<poss-calli-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in your house <poss-calli-ihtitl-co2>
<poss-calli-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in your house
FC jc-031297
7. in your house
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it makes itself a nest

1. it makes itself a nest

FC -> jc-72895
2. it makes itself a nest

3. it makes itself a nest

4. it makes itself a nest

FC jc-031297
5. it makes itself a nest
FC jc-031297

0. he made himself a house

1. he made himself a house

FC -> jc-72895
2. he made himself a house

3. he made himself a house

4. he made himself a house

FC jc-031297
5. he made himself a house
FC jc-031297

0. he opens his mouth wide
1. he opens his mouth wide
FC -> jc-72895
2. he opens his mouth wide
3. he opens his mouth wide
4. he opens his mouth wide <p54-camatl-tzaya:ni-caus09>
<p54-camatl-tzaya:ni-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. he opens his mouth wide
FC jc-031297
6. he opens his mouth wide
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it is flattened, it is thinned
FC jc-031297

0. he is heard, he is heeded; it is heard; it is known; it is
understood; it understood; they are heard; they sound
1. he is heard, he is heeded; it is heard; it is known; it is
understood; it understood; they are heard; they sound
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is heard, he is heeded; it is heard; it is known; it is
understood; it understood; they are heard; they sound
3. he is heard, he is heeded; it is heard; it is known; it is
understood; it understood; they are heard; they sound
4. he is heard, he is heeded; it is heard; it is known; it is
understood; it understood; they are heard; they sound
FC jc-031297
5. he is heard, he is heeded; it is heard; it is known; it is
understood; it understood; they are heard; they sound
FC jc-031297

0. it will be heard
1. it will be heard
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be heard
3. it will be heard
4. it will be heard
FC jc-031297
5. it will be heard
FC jc-031297

0. ahzo ocententli tiquilochi, ahzo cencamatl ticcamapacho,
otictolo in miyaca, in mopalanca in motliltica, in in
mocatzahuaca, in temamauhti in iyac, in palanqui: in
onmoloni, in ommachizti, in onyaya in mictlan, in ilhuicac:
perhaps thou hast retracted or thou hast suppressed, thou
hast swallowed thy stench, thy rottenness, thy blackness,
thy filth; ugly, stinking, rotten, it is diffused, it is
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

known, it goeth into the land of the dead, into the heavens
(b6 f3 p31)

0. he remained
1. he remained
FC -> jc-72895
2. he remained
3. he remained
4. he remained <p54-ca:hua-prt1>
<p54-ca:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he remained
FC jc-031297
6. he remained
FC jc-031297

0. he has a relapse
FC - > jc-61096

0. he deceives; he deceives himself; he mocks; he makes sport;
he ridicules; it deceives; it mocks; she deceives; she mocks
1. he deceives; he deceives himself; he mocks; he makes sport;
he ridicules; it deceives; it mocks
FC -> jc-72895
2. she deceives; she mocks; they deceive; they mock
FC -> jc-72895
3. he deceives; he deceives himself; he mocks; he m akes sport;
he ridicules; it deceives; it mocks; she deceives; she mocks
4. he deceives; he deceives himself; he mocks; he makes sport;
he ridicules; it deceives; it mocks; she deceives; she mocks
5. he deceives; he deceives himself; he mocks; he makes sport;
he ridicules; it deceives; it mocks; she deceives; she
mocks <p54-caya:hua>
<p54-caya:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. he deceives; he deceives himself; he mocks; he makes sport;
he ridicules; it deceives; it mocks
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. she deceives; she mocks; they deceive; they mock

FC jc-031297
8. he deceives; he deceives himself; he mocks; he makes sport;
he ridicules; it deceives; it mocks
FC jc-031297
9. she deceives; she mocks; they deceive; they mock
FC jc-031297

0. one who mocks, mocker, one who deceives
1. one who mocks, mocker, one who deceives
FC -> jc-72895
2. one who mocks, mocker, one who deceives
3. one who mocks, mocker, one who deceives
4. one who mocks, mocker, one who deceives <p54-caya:hua-ni1>
<p54-caya:hua-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. one who mocks, mocker, one who deceives <p54-caya:hua-ni1>
<p54-caya:hua-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one who mocks, mocker, one who deceives <p54-caya:hua-ni1>
<p54-caya:hua-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. deceiver, one who deceives; one who mocks; mocker
FC jc-031297
8. deceiver, one who deceives; one who mocks; mocker
FC jc-031297

0. he mocked himself
FC jc-031297

0. he gets sick

1. he gets sick
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gets sick

3. he gets sick

4. he gets sick
FC jc-031297
5. he gets sick
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they attire themselves, they arrange themselves
FC jc-031297

0. he will not rest

1. he will not rest

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will not rest

3. he will not rest

4. he will not rest

FC jc-031297
5. he will not rest
FC jc-031297

0. you alone, by yourself

1. you alone, by yourself

FC -> jc-72895
2. you alone, by yourself

3. you alone, by yourself

4. you alone, by yourself

FC jc-031297
5. you alone, by yourself
FC jc-031297

0. your tenderness

1. your tenderness
FC -> jc-72895
2. your tenderness

3. your tenderness

4. your tenderness
FC jc-031297
5. your tenderness
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it is variously like an ocelot
FC jc-031297

0. one who boasts of being an ocelot warrior

1. one who boasts of being an ocelot warrior

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who boasts of being an ocelot warrior

3. one who boasts of being an ocelot warrior

4. one who boasts of being an ocelot warrior

FC jc-031297
5. one who boasts of being an ocelot warrior
FC jc-031297

0. you alone, only you
1. you alone, only you
FC -> jc-72895
2. you alone, only you
3. you alone, only you
4. you alone, only you <poss-ce:l-tzin>
<poss-ce:l-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. you alone, only you <poss-ce:l-tzin>
<poss-ce:l-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. you alone, only you
FC jc-031297
7. you alone, only you
FC jc-031297

0. they fasted twenty days
1. they fasted twenty days
FC -> jc-72895
2. they fasted twenty days
3. they fasted twenty days
4. they fasted twenty days
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-ce:-po:hua1-l1-zahua-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they fasted twenty days
<p54-ce:-po:hua1-l1-zahua-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they fasted twenty days
<p54-ce:-po:hua1-l1-zahua-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they fasted twenty days
<p54-ce:-po:hua1-l1-zahua-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
8. they fasted twenty days
FC jc-031297
9. they fasted twenty days
FC jc-031297

0. he adorns himself, he arrays himself; he is arrayed; he is
adorned; he makes ready; he prepares himself; he prepares;
it is finished; it is prepared; it is perfected; it is
finished off; it is cleaned; it prepares itself; it
arranges itself; they array th
1. he adorns himself, he arrays himself; he is arrayed; he is
adorned; he makes ready; he prepares himself; he prepares;
it is cleaned; it is prepared; it is finished; it is
finished off; it is perfected; it prepares itself; it
arranges itself; they are adorned; they are arrayed; they
are dressed; they array themselves; they ornament
themselves; they prepare themselves
FC -> jc-72895
2. he adorns himself, he arrays himself; he is arrayed; he is
adorned; he makes ready; he prepares himself; he prepares;
it is finished; it is prepared; it is perfected; it is
finished off; it is cleaned; it prepares itself; it
arranges itself; they array th
3. he adorns himself, he arrays himself; he is arrayed; he is
adorned; he makes ready; he prepares himself; he prepares;
it is finished; it is prepared; it is perfected; it is
finished off; it is cleaned; it prepares itself; it
arranges itself; they array th
4. he adorns himself, he arrays himself; he is arrayed; he is
adorned; he makes ready; he prepares himself; he prepares;
it is finished; it is prepared; it is perfected; it is
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

finished off; it is cleaned; it prepares itself; it

arranges itself; they array themselves; they ornament
themselves; they prepare themselves; they are adorned; they
are arrayed; they are dressed <p54-cem-ca:hua>
<p54-cem-ca:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he adorns himself, he arrays himself; he is arrayed; he is
adorned; he makes ready; he prepares himself; he prepares;
it is finished; it is prepared; it is perfected; it is
finished off; it is cleaned; it prepares itself; it
arranges itself; they array themselves; they ornament
themselves; they prepare themselves; they are adorned; they
are arrayed; they are dressed <p54-cem-ca:hua>
<p54-cem-ca:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. he adorns himself, he arrays himself; he attires himself;
he is arrayed; he is adorned; he makes ready; he prepares
himself; he prepares; it is cleaned; it is prepared; it is
finished; it is finished off; it is perfected; it prepares
itself; it arranges itself; they are adorned; they are
arrayed; they are dressed; they array themselves; they
ornament themselves; they prepare themselves
FC jc-031297
7. he adorns himself, he arrays himself; he attires himself;
he is arrayed; he is adorned; he makes ready; he prepares
himself; he prepares; it is cleaned; it is prepared; it is
finished; it is finished off; it is perfected; it prepares
itself; it arranges itself; they are adorned; they are
arrayed; they are dressed; they array themselves; they
ornament themselves; they prepare themselves
FC jc-031297

0. it was arranged; they arrayed themselves
1. he adorned himself; it was arranged; they arrayed themselves
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was arranged; they arrayed themselves
3. it was arranged; they arrayed themselves
4. he adorned himself; it was arranged; they arrayed
themselves <p54-cem-ca:hua-ya3>
<p54-cem-ca:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he adorned himself; it was arranged; they arrayed
themselves <p54-cem-ca:hua-ya3>
<p54-cem-ca:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was arranged; they arrayed themselves
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-cem-ca:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he adorned himself; it was arranged; they arrayed themselves
FC jc-031297
8. he adorned himself; it was arranged; they arrayed themselves
FC jc-031297

0. he will be supplied, he will be prepared
1. he will be supplied, he will be prepared
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be supplied, he will be prepared
3. he will be supplied, he will be prepared
4. he will be supplied, he will be prepared <p54-cem-ca:hua-z>
<p54-cem-ca:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will be supplied, he will be prepared <p54-cem-ca:hua-z>
<p54-cem-ca:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will be supplied, he will be prepared
FC jc-031297
7. he will be supplied, he will be prepared
FC jc-031297

0. it cares for itself; it is well kept
1. it cares for itself; it is well kept
FC -> jc-72895
2. it cares for itself; it is well kept
3. it cares for itself; it is well kept
4. it cares for itself; it is well kept <p54-cem-mati>
<p54-cem-mati> FC - > jc-61096
5. it cares for itself; it is well kept <p54-cem-mati>
<p54-cem-mati> FC - > jc-61096
6. it cares for itself; it is well kept
FC jc-031297
7. it cares for itself; it is well kept
FC jc-031297

0. he is proud
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he is proud
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is proud

3. he is proud

4. he is proud
FC jc-031297
5. he is proud
FC jc-031297

0. it is mixed together; it is all mixed together; they are
mixed all together; well mixed
1. it is all mixed together; it is mixed together; they are
mixed all together; well mixed
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is mixed together; it is all mixed together; they are
mixed all together; well mixed
3. it is mixed together; it is all mixed together; they are
mixed all together; well mixed
4. it is mixed together; it is all mixed together; they are
mixed all together; well mixed <p54-cem-nelihui-caus06>
<p54-cem-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is mixed together; it is all mixed together; they are
mixed all together; well mixed <p54-cem-nelihui-caus06>
<p54-cem-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is mixed together; it is all mixed together; they are
mixed all together; well mixed <p54-cem-nelihui-caus06>
<p54-cem-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is all mixed together; it is mixed together; they are
mixed all together; well mixed
FC jc-031297
8. it is all mixed together; it is mixed together; they are
mixed all together; well mixed
FC jc-031297

0. it is chosen; they assemble

1. it is chosen; they assemble

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is chosen; they assemble
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it is chosen; they assemble

4. it is chosen; they assemble

FC jc-031297
5. it is chosen; they assemble
FC jc-031297

0. they congregated, they assembled
1. they assembled, they came together; they congregated
FC -> jc-72895
2. they congregated, they assembled
3. they congregated, they assembled
4. they congregated, they assembled <p54-cem-qui:za-caus02-ya3>
<p54-cem-qui:za-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they congregated, they assembled <p54-cem-qui:za-caus02-ya3>
<p54-cem-qui:za-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they assembled, they came together; they congregated
FC jc-031297
7. they assembled, they came together; they congregated
FC jc-031297

0. it is ground up; they are ground together
1. it is ground up; it is ground up together; they are ground
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is ground up; they are ground together
3. it is ground up; they are ground together
4. it is ground up; they are ground together <p54-cem-teci>
<p54-cem-teci> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is ground up; they are ground together <p54-cem-teci>
<p54-cem-teci> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is ground up; it is ground up together; they are ground
FC jc-031297
7. it is ground up; it is ground up together; they are ground
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he sits firmly; they assemble; they gather together
1. he sits firmly; they assemble; they gather together
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sits firmly; they assemble; they gather together
3. he sits firmly; they assemble; they gather together
4. he sits firmly; they assemble; they gather together
<p54-cem-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
5. he sits firmly; they assemble; they gather together
<p54-cem-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
6. he sits firmly; it is heaped together; they assemble; they
gather together
FC jc-031297
7. he sits firmly; it is heaped together; they assemble; they
gather together
FC jc-031297

0. they gathered together; they gathered; they congregated
FC jc-031297

0. they gathered together
FC jc-031297

0. it is heated thoroughly, it is heated completly

1. it is heated thoroughly, it is heated completly

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is heated thoroughly, it is heated completly

3. it is heated thoroughly, it is heated completly

4. it is heated thoroughly, it is heated completly

FC jc-031297
5. it is heated thoroughly, it is heated completly
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. todo ( all )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. all; everything
FC -> jc-72895
2. all; everything
3. all; everything
4. all <mochi>
<mochi> FC - > jc-61096
5. all <mochi>
<mochi> FC - > jc-61096
6. todo ( all )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. all; everything
FC jc-031297
8. all; everything
FC jc-031297

0. Quien va a salir de tu casa man~ana ? Aquin hualqui:zaz
mochan cualcan ? Who is going to come out of your house
tomorrow ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. Quien entro a tu casa no mas porque si ? Aquin ocalac
mochan zan ihcon ? Where does one enter just for the heck
of it ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. Quien va a llegar a tu casa ? Aquin ahciz mochan ? Who is
going to arrive at your house ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. they contend
FC - > jc-61096

0. your home; your house
1. your home; your house
FC -> jc-72895
2. your home; your house
3. your home; your house
4. your home; your house <poss-cha:ntli>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-cha:ntli> FC - > jc-61096

5. your home; your house
FC jc-031297
6. your home; your house
FC jc-031297

0. it nests, it makes a home for itself; they nest
1. it nests, it makes a home for itself; they nest
FC -> jc-72895
2. it nests, it makes a home for itself; they nest
3. it nests, it makes a home for itself; they nest
4. he dwells
FC - > jc-61096
5. it nests, it makes a home for itself
<p54-cha:ntli-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. it nests, it makes a home for itself; they nest
<p54-cha:ntli-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. it nests, it makes a home for itself; they nest
<p54-cha:ntli-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
8. it dwells, it provides itself with a home; it nests; it
makes a home for itself; they nest
FC jc-031297
9. it dwells, it provides itself with a home; it nests; it
makes a home for itself; they nest
FC jc-031297

0. your home
1. your home
FC -> jc-72895
2. your home
3. your home
4. your home <poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1>
<poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. your home <poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1>
<poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. your home <poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1>

<poss-cha:ntli-tzin-co1> FC - > jc-61096
7. your home
FC jc-031297
8. your home
FC jc-031297

0. all

1. all
FC -> jc-72895
2. all

3. all

4. all
FC jc-031297
5. all
FC jc-031297

0. todo ( all )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. todo ( everything )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. all; completely; entirely; every; everything; many; very
FC -> jc-72895
3. all; completely; entirely; every; everything; many; very
4. all; completely; entirely; every; everything; many; very
5. all; everything <mochi>
<mochi> FC - > jc-61096
6. all; everything <mochi>
<mochi> FC - > jc-61096
7. todo ( all )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. todo ( everything )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. all; completely; entirely; every; everything; many; very
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. all; completely; entirely; every; everything; many; very

FC jc-031297

0. they animate themselves, they dare; they exert themselves
FC jc-031297

0. your power

1. your power
FC -> jc-72895
2. your power

3. your power

4. your power
FC jc-031297
5. your power
FC jc-031297

0. they exerted themselves
FC jc-031297

0. they exerted themselves
FC jc-031297

0. each one animates himself
FC jc-031297

0. he adorns himself; he arrays himself; he decks himself; he
is arrayed; he is adorned; he ornamented himself; it
prepares itself; they array themselves; they ornament
themselves; they are adorned; they are arrayed; they are
bedight; they are dressed
1. he adorns himself; he arrays himself; he decks himself; he
is adorned; he is arrayed; he ornamented himself; it
prepares itself; they are adorned; they are arrayed; they
are bedight; they are dressed; they array themselves; they
ornament themselves
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he adorns himself; he arrays himself; he decks himself; he
is arrayed; he is adorned; he ornamented himself; it
prepares itself; they array themselves; they ornament
themselves; they are adorned; they are arrayed; they are
bedight; they are dressed
3. he adorns himself; he arrays himself; he decks himself; he
is arrayed; he is adorned; he ornamented himself; it
prepares itself; they array themselves; they ornament
themselves; they are adorned; they are arrayed; they are
bedight; they are dressed
4. he adorns himself; he arrays himself; he decks himself; he
is arrayed; he is adorned; he ornamented himself; it
prepares itself; they array themselves; they ornament
themselves; they are adorned; they are arrayed; they are
bedight; they are dressed <p54-dupl-chi:hua>
<p54-dupl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he adorns himself; he arrays himself; he decks himself; he
is arrayed; he is adorned; he ornamented himself; it
prepares itself; they array themselves; they ornament
themselves; they are adorned; they are arrayed; they are
bedight; they are dressed <p54-dupl-chi:hua>
<p54-dupl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. he adorns himself; he arrays himself; he decks himself; he
is adorned; he is arrayed; he ornamented himself; it is
arranged one by one; it is prepared; it prepares itself;
they are adorned; they are arrayed; they are bedight; they
are dressed; they array themselves; they ornament themselves
FC jc-031297
7. he adorns himself; he arrays himself; he decks himself; he
is adorned; he is arrayed; he ornamented himself; it is
arranged one by one; it is prepared; it prepares itself;
they are adorned; they are arrayed; they are bedight; they
are dressed; they array themselves; they ornament themselves
FC jc-031297

0. he was adorned; he was arrayed; they adorned themselves;
they were ornamented; they were bedecked; they were arrayed
1. he arrayed himself; he was adorned; he was arrayed; she was
arrayed; they adorned themselves; they were adorned; they
were arrayed; they were bedecked; they were ornamented
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he was adorned; he was arrayed; they adorned themselves;

they were ornamented; they were bedecked; they were arrayed
3. he was adorned; he was arrayed; they adorned themselves;
they were ornamented; they were bedecked; they were arrayed
4. he was adorned; he was arrayed; they adorned themselves;
they were ornamented; they were adorned; they were
bedecked; they were arrayed <p54-dupl-chi:hua-ya3>
<p54-dupl-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was adorned; he was arrayed; they adorned themselves;
they were ornamented; they were adorned; they were
bedecked; they were arrayed <p54-dupl-chi:hua-ya3>
<p54-dupl-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was adorned; he was arrayed; they adorned themselves;
they were ornamented; they were adorned; they were
bedecked; they were arrayed <p54-dupl-chi:hua-ya3>
<p54-dupl-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he was adorned; he was arrayed; they adorned themselves;
they were ornamented; they were bedecked; they were arrayed
<p54-dupl-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he arrayed himself; he was adorned; he was arrayed; she was
arrayed; they adorned themselves; they arrayed themselves;
they were adorned; they were arrayed; they were bedecked;
they were ornamented
FC jc-031297
9. he arrayed himself; he was adorned; he was arrayed; she was
arrayed; they adorned themselves; they arrayed themselves;
they were adorned; they were arrayed; they were bedecked;
they were ornamented
FC jc-031297

0. he will be adorned, he will be arrayed
1. he will be adorned, he will be arrayed
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be adorned, he will be arrayed
3. he will be adorned, he will be arrayed
4. he will be adorned, he will be arrayed <p54-dupl-chi:hua-z>
<p54-dupl-chi:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will be adorned, he will be arrayed <p54-dupl-chi:hua-z>
<p54-dupl-chi:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. he will be adorned, he will be arrayed <p54-dupl-chi:hua-z>

<p54-dupl-chi:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will be adorned, he will be arrayed
FC jc-031297
8. he will be adorned, he will be arrayed
FC jc-031297

0. he is sucked; it is sucked

1. he is sucked; it is sucked
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is sucked; it is sucked

3. he is sucked; it is sucked

4. he is sucked; it is sucked
FC jc-031297
5. he is sucked; it is sucked
FC jc-031297

0. he will be scorched; he will singe himself

1. he will be scorched; he will singe himself

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be scorched; he will singe himself

3. he will be scorched; he will singe himself

4. he will be scorched; he will singe himself

FC jc-031297
5. he will be scorched; he will singe himself
FC jc-031297

0. it is planed
FC jc-031297

0. it was adorned, it adorned itself
FC jc-031297

0. they arrayed themselves
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he becomes; it becomes; it grows; it happens; it is done;
it is made; it is formed; it is produced; it is brought
about; they are made; they become
1. he becomes; it becomes; it serves as; it forms; it befalls;
it happens; it appears; it breeds; it occurs; it comes to
pass; it grows; it is produced; it is done; it is made; it
comes; it is brought about; it is practised; it is formed;
it is grown; it is prepared; it seems like ; it served as
FC -> jc-72895
2. she becomes; they are made; they become; they develop; they
form; they grow; they are produced
FC -> jc-72895
3. he becomes; it becomes; it grows; it happens; it is done;
it is made; it is formed; it is produced; it is brought
about; they are made; they become
4. he becomes; it becomes; it grows; it happens; it is done;
it is made; it is formed; it is produced; it is brought
about; they are made; they become
5. he becomes; it becomes; it grows; it happens; it is done;
it is made; it is formed; it is produced; it is brought
about; they are made; they become <p54-chi:hua>
<p54-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. he becomes; it becomes; it serves as; it forms; it befalls;
it happens; it appears; it breeds; it occurs; it comes to
pass; it grows; it is produced; it happened; it came to
pass; it is done; it is made; it comes; it is brought
about; it is practised; it is prepared; it is formed; it is
grown; it is worked; it served as; it was made
FC jc-031297
7. she becomes; they are made; they become; they develop; they
form; they grow; they are produced
FC jc-031297
8. he becomes; it becomes; it serves as; it forms; it befalls;
it happens; it appears; it breeds; it occurs; it comes to
pass; it grows; it is produced; it happened; it came to
pass; it is done; it is made; it comes; it is brought
about; it is practised; it is prepared; it is formed; it is
grown; it is worked; it served as; it was made
FC jc-031297
9. she becomes; they are made; they become; they develop; they
form; they grow; they are produced
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it happens, it comes to pass
1. it happens, it comes to pass
FC -> jc-72895
2. it happens, it comes to pass
3. it happens, it comes to pass
4. it happens, it comes to pass <p54-chi:hua-ni1>
<p54-chi:hua-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it happens, it comes to pass
FC jc-031297
6. it happens, it comes to pass
FC jc-031297

0. it became; it grew; it was made
1. he adorned himself; he became; it became; it befell; it
happened; it came to pass; it grew; it was celebrated; it
was observed; it was done; it was performed; it was made;
it was prepared; she became; they became; they took the
form of; they grew; they happened; they were done; they
were celebrated; they were observed; they were undertaken;
they were made
FC -> jc-72895
2. it became; it grew; it was made
3. it became; it grew; it was made
4. he adorned himself; he became; it became; it befell; it
happened; it came to pass; it grew; it was done; it was
performed; it was made; it was celebrated; it was observed;
it was prepared; she became; they happened; they were done;
they grew; they were made; they became; they were
celebrated; they were observed; they took the form of; they
were undertaken <p54-chi:hua-ya3>
<p54-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it became; it grew; it was made <p54-chi:hua-ya3>
<p54-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he adorned himself; he became; it became; it was made; it
befell; it happened; it came to pass; it grew; it took
place; it was celebrated; it was observed; it was done; it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

was performed; it was prepared; it was waged; she became;

they became; they took the form of; they grew; they
happened; they were done; they were celebrated; they were
observed; they were undertaken; they were formed; they were
made; they were prepared
FC jc-031297
7. he adorned himself; he became; it became; it was made; it
befell; it happened; it came to pass; it grew; it took
place; it was celebrated; it was observed; it was done; it
was performed; it was prepared; it was waged; she became;
they became; they took the form of; they grew; they
happened; they were done; they were celebrated; they were
observed; they were undertaken; they were formed; they were
made; they were prepared
FC jc-031297

0. he will become; it befalls; it happens; it will be done; it
will befall; it will happen; it is to be done; it will come
to pass; it will become; it will be made
1. he will become; it befalls; it happens; it will be done; it
is to be done; it will happen; it will be made; it will be
observed; it will become; it will befall; it will come to
pass; it will form; it will turn out; it will take place
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will become; it befalls; it happens; it will be done; it
will befall; it will happen; it is to be done; it will come
to pass; it will become; it will be made
3. he will become; it befalls; it happens; it will be done; it
will befall; it will happen; it is to be done; it will come
to pass; it will become; it will be made
4. he will become; it befalls; it happens; it will be done; it
will befall; it will happen; it is to be done; it will come
to pass; it will become; it will be made <p54-chi:hua-z>
<p54-chi:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will become; it befalls; it happens; it will be done; it
is to be done; it will happen; it will be made; it will be
observed; it will become; it will befall; it will come to
pass; it will form; it will turn out; it will take place
FC jc-031297
6. he will become; it befalls; it happens; it will be done; it
is to be done; it will happen; it will be made; it will be
observed; it will become; it will befall; it will come to
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

pass; it will form; it will turn out; it will take place

FC jc-031297

0. they will do it to themselves, it will happen to them; they
will become
1. they will become; they will do it to themselves; it will
happen to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will do it to themselves, it will happen to them; they
will become
3. they will do it to themselves, it will happen to them; they
will become
4. they will do it to themselves, it will happen to them; they
will become <p54-chi:hua-z-plur01>
<p54-chi:hua-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will become; they will do it to themselves; it will
happen to them
FC jc-031297
6. they will become; they will do it to themselves; it will
happen to them
FC jc-031297

0. it would befall, it would happen

1. it would befall, it would happen

FC -> jc-72895
2. it would befall, it would happen

3. it would befall, it would happen

4. it would befall, it would happen

FC jc-031297
5. it would befall, it would happen
FC jc-031297

0. it is blotched with red, chili-red

1. it is blotched with red, chili-red

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is blotched with red, chili-red
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it is blotched with red, chili-red

4. it is blotched with red, chili-red

FC jc-031297
5. it is blotched with red, chili-red
FC jc-031297

0. your shield
1. your shield
FC -> jc-72895
2. your shield
3. your shield
4. your shield <poss-chi:malli>
<poss-chi:malli> FC - > jc-61096
5. your shield
FC jc-031297
6. your shield
FC jc-031297

0. shields are struck together
1. shields are struck together
FC -> jc-72895
2. shields are struck together
3. shields are struck together
4. shields are struck together <p54-chi:malli-hui:tequi>
<p54-chi:malli-hui:tequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. shields are struck together <p54-chi:malli-hui:tequi>
<p54-chi:malli-hui:tequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. shields are struck together
FC jc-031297
7. shields are struck together
FC jc-031297

0. it forms a shield

1. it forms a shield
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it forms a shield

3. it forms a shield

4. it forms a shield
FC jc-031297
5. it forms a shield
FC jc-031297

0. it is fended off with a shield
FC jc-031297

0. all; all of them; everyone
1. all; all of them; everyone
FC -> jc-72895
2. all; all of them; everyone
3. all; all of them; everyone
4. all; all of them; everyone <mochi-plur11-plur02>
<mochi-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. all; all of them; everyone <mochi-plur11-plur02>
<mochi-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. all; all of them; everyone
FC jc-031297
7. all; all of them; everyone
FC jc-031297

0. todos ( all )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. todos ( all of them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. all; all ( pl); all of them; each of them; everybody;
FC -> jc-72895
3. all; all (pl); all of them; each of them; everybody;

4. all; all (pl); all of them; everyone; each of them;

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. all; all (pl); all of them; each of them; everybody;


6. all; all (pl); all of them; everyone; each of them;

7. all; all (pl); all of them; everyone; each of them;
everybody <mochi-plur11-plur02>
<mochi-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
8. all; all (pl); all of them; everyone; each of them;
everybody <mochi-plur11-plur02>
<mochi-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
9. todos ( all )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. todos ( all of them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
11. all; all ( pl ); all of them; each of them; everybody;
FC jc-031297
12. all; all ( pl ); all of them; each of them; everybody;
FC jc-031297

mochintin ( ti- )
0. todos nosotros ( all of us )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. siempre ( always )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. always; all the time; constantly; continually; frequently;
FC -> jc-72895
2. always, all the time; continually; often; constantly;
3. always, all the time; continually; often; constantly;
4. always, all the time; continually; often; constantly;
frequently <mochi-pa2>
<mochi-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
5. always, all the time; continually; often; constantly;
frequently <mochi-pa2>
<mochi-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
6. always <mochi-pa2>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<mochi-pa2> FC - > jc-61096

7. siempre ( always )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. always; all the time; constantly; continually; frequently;
FC jc-031297
9. always; all the time; constantly; continually; frequently;
FC jc-031297

0. always
FC -> jc-72895
1. always
FC jc-031297
2. always
FC jc-031297

0. it drips

1. it drips
FC -> jc-72895
2. it drips

3. it drips
4. it drips

5. it drips
6. it drips <p54-chipi:ni-caus08>
<p54-chipi:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. it drips <p54-chipi:ni-caus08>
<p54-chipi:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
8. it drips
FC jc-031297
9. it drips
FC jc-031297

0. all people, everyone
1. all people, everyone
FC -> jc-72895
2. all people, everyone
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. all people, everyone
4. all people, everyone <mochi-tla:catl>
<mochi-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
5. all people, everyone <mochi-tla:catl>
<mochi-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
6. all people, everyone <mochi-tla:catl>
<mochi-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
7. all people, everyone
FC jc-031297
8. all people, everyone
FC jc-031297

0. he became; it became; it happened; it was done; it came to
pass; it occurred; it took place; it was waged; it was
made; it was formed;

1. he became; it became; it happened; it came to pass; it

occurred; it was done; it took place; it was formed; it was
made; it was waged
FC -> jc-72895
2. they became
FC -> jc-72895
3. he became; it became; it happened; it was done; it came to
pass; it occurred; it took place; it was waged; it was
made; it was formed;

4. he became; it became; it happened; it was done; it came to

pass; it occurred; it took place; it was waged; it was
made; it was formed;

5. he became; it became; it happened; it was done; it came to

pass; it occurred; it took place; it was waged; it was
made; it was formed; they became <p54-chi:hua-prt1>
<p54-chi:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he became; it became; it happened; it came to pass; it
finished; it occurred; it took place; it was done; it was
accomplished; it was formed; it was made; it was waged
FC jc-031297
7. they became
FC jc-031297
8. he became; it became; it happened; it came to pass; it
finished; it occurred; it took place; it was done; it was
accomplished; it was formed; it was made; it was waged
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
9. they became
FC jc-031297

0. it happened to them

1. it happened to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. it happened to them

3. it happened to them

4. it happened to them
FC jc-031297
5. it happened to them
FC jc-031297

0. they come converted ( into it )
FC jc-031297

0. they pecked at each other

1. they pecked at each other

FC -> jc-72895
2. they pecked at each other

3. they pecked at each other

4. they pecked at each other

FC jc-031297
5. they pecked at each other
FC jc-031297

0. she wept for herself
1. she wept for herself
FC -> jc-72895
2. she wept for herself
3. she wept for herself
4. she wept for herself <p54-cho:ca-ben-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-cho:ca-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

5. she wept for herself <p54-cho:ca-ben-ya3>
<p54-cho:ca-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. she wept for herself <p54-cho:ca-ben-ya3>
<p54-cho:ca-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. she wept for herself
FC jc-031297
8. she wept for herself
FC jc-031297

0. your act of weeping, your tears
FC jc-031297

0. your weeping; your tears
1. your tears; your weeping
FC -> jc-72895
2. your weeping; your tears
3. your weeping; your tears
4. your weeping; your tears <poss-cho:ca-liz>
<poss-cho:ca-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. your tears; your weeping
FC jc-031297
6. your tears; your weeping
FC jc-031297

0. they seem to weep

1. they seem to weep

FC -> jc-72895
2. they seem to weep

3. they seem to weep

4. they seem to weep

FC jc-031297
5. they seem to weep
FC jc-031297

0. it was swept
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it was swept
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was swept

3. it was swept

4. it was swept
FC jc-031297
5. it was swept
FC jc-031297

0. tu hija ( your daughter )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. all
1. all; all (pl)
FC -> jc-72895
2. all
3. all
4. all <mochi-plur02>
<mochi-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. all <mochi-plur02>
<mochi-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. all; all ( pl ); all of them
FC jc-031297
7. all; all ( pl ); all of them
FC jc-031297

0. he is affected by the wine

1. he is affected by the wine

FC -> jc-72895
2. he is affected by the wine

3. he is affected by the wine

4. he is affected by the wine

FC jc-031297
5. he is affected by the wine
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he feels weak
FC jc-031297

0. he becomes weak
FC jc-031297

0. she provides herself with young women

1. she provides herself with young women

FC -> jc-72895
2. she provides herself with young women

3. she provides herself with young women

4. she provides herself with young women

FC jc-031297
5. she provides herself with young women
FC jc-031297

0. they dance in the fashion of women

1. they dance in the fashion of women

FC -> jc-72895
2. they dance in the fashion of women

3. they dance in the fashion of women

4. they dance in the fashion of women

FC jc-031297
5. they dance in the fashion of women
FC jc-031297

0. he takes the part of a woman, he acts like a woman

1. he takes the part of a woman, he acts like a woman

FC -> jc-72895
2. he takes the part of a woman, he acts like a woman

3. he takes the part of a woman, he acts like a woman
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he takes the part of a woman, he acts like a woman

FC jc-031297
5. he takes the part of a woman, he acts like a woman
FC jc-031297

0. they begin to roast

1. they begin to roast

FC -> jc-72895
2. they begin to roast

3. they begin to roast

4. they begin to roast

FC jc-031297
5. they begin to roast
FC jc-031297

0. mad, frantic, restless

1. mad, frantic, restless

FC - > jc-61096

0. he brings good to himself

1. he brings good to himself

FC -> jc-72895
2. he brings good to himself

3. he brings good to himself

4. he brings good to himself

FC jc-031297
5. he brings good to himself
FC jc-031297

0. they are thankful

1. they are thankful

FC -> jc-72895
2. they are thankful
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they are thankful

4. they are thankful

FC jc-031297
5. they are thankful
FC jc-031297

0. one who is appreciative
FC jc-031297

0. Se esconde tu hermano en su casa cuando se asusta ?
Motla:tia in mocnih icha:n ihcuac momahtia ? Does your
brother hide in his house when he is scared ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. your friends
1. your friends
FC -> jc-72895
2. your friends
3. your friends
4. your friends <poss-icni:uhtli-plur04>
<poss-icni:uhtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. your friends
FC jc-031297
6. your friends
FC jc-031297

0. your friends
1. your friends
FC -> jc-72895
2. your friends
3. your friends
4. your friends <poss-icni:uhtli-plur04>
<poss-icni:uhtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. your friends
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. your friends
FC jc-031297

0. your friends
1. your friends
FC -> jc-72895
2. your friends
3. your friends
4. your friends <poss-icni:uhtli>
<poss-icni:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. your friends
FC jc-031297
6. your friends
FC jc-031297

0. your poor house

1. your poor house

FC -> jc-72895
2. your poor house

3. your poor house

4. your poor house

FC jc-031297
5. your poor house
FC jc-031297

0. one who is humble
FC jc-031297

0. he humbles himself
1. he humbles himself
FC -> jc-72895
2. he humbles himself
3. he humbles himself
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he humbles himself <p54-icno:tl-te:ca>
<p54-icno:tl-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. he humbles himself <p54-icno:tl-te:ca>
<p54-icno:tl-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
6. he humbles himself
FC jc-031297
7. he humbles himself
FC jc-031297

0. gracious
FC jc-031297

0. she adorns herself with gold and jewels
FC - > jc-61096
1. she adorns herself with gold and jewels
Verbing jc-030797
2. she adorns herself with gold and jewels
-tia jc-030797
3. she adorns herself with gold and jewels
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. she adorns herself with gold and jewels
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. she adorns herself with gold and jewels
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
6. she adorns herself with gold and jewels
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

0. he [ h ] sleeps
FC jc-031297

0. he lies down to sleep
1. he lies down to sleep
FC -> jc-72895
2. he lies down to sleep
3. he lies down to sleep
4. he lies down to sleep <p54-cochi-te:ca>
<p54-cochi-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. he lies down to sleep <p54-cochi-te:ca>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-cochi-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096

6. he lies down to sleep
FC jc-031297
7. he lies down to sleep
FC jc-031297

0. he becomes sick; it hurts; it has an ailment; it is sick;
it sickens; she is sick; they become sick
1. he becomes sick; it hurts; it has an ailment; it is sick;
it sickens; she is sick; they become sick
FC -> jc-72895
2. he becomes sick; it hurts; it has an ailment; it is sick;
it sickens; she is sick; they become sick
3. he becomes sick; it hurts; it has an ailment; it is sick;
it sickens; she is sick; they become sick
4. it is sick; it sickens; they become sick <p54-coco:ya>
<p54-coco:ya> FC - > jc-61096
5. he becomes sick; he gets sick; he is sick; it hurts; it has
an ailment; it is ailing; it is sick; it sickens; she is
sick; they become sick
FC jc-031297
6. he becomes sick; he gets sick; he is sick; it hurts; it has
an ailment; it is ailing; it is sick; it sickens; she is
sick; they become sick
FC jc-031297

0. he became sick
FC jc-031297

0. in at oncuecuenotiz, in at onatlamatiz, in at iixco, icpac
quehuaz, quimanaz, in maxcatzin, in mocococatzin: if
perhaps they should become arrogant, if perhaps they should
become presumptuous, if perhaps they should become
offensive--should keep for themselves thy property, thy
possessions; (b6 f1 p8), ma oc xoconminecuiltili in
maxcatzin, in mocococatzin, in motechcopatzinco huitz: in
tzopelic, in ahuiac, in totonqui, in iamanqui, in
motzmolinca in mocelica: in yehua in icnotlacatl in n ca ye
ixquich cahuitzintli, i, in mohuicpatz may thou yet let
this humble person, n, smell thy property, thy treasure,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

which falleth from thee, that which is sweet, fragrant, the

necessities of life, thy freshness, thy tenderness: for
already, for some time, the common folk go sighing unto
thee, go in affliction (b6 f1 p9), in maxcatzin, in
mocococatzin, in motzmolinca, in mocelica in motzopelica in
mahuiaca: in achica in cuel achic in quitemiqui, in
quicochitlehua in teucyotl, in tlatocayotl, in petlatl, in
icpalli, in momahuizyo
1. thy property, thy possession, thy freshness, thy
tenderness, thy sweetness, thy fragrance which for a short
time, for a little while, he dreameth of--he seeth in
dreams--the rulership, the government, the realm, thy
honor, thy glory--these give him perverseness, pride,
trouble, make him crazed, make him besotted, make him drunk
(b6 f2 p25), ca huic ontlapolo in maxcatzin, in
mocococatzin in otoconminecuiltili, in oitentlan, in
oitentlan toconmoquixtilili for because of thy property,
thy possessions, which thou hast let him smell, which thou
hast caused to pass before his face, before his lips,
reason hath been lost (b6 f2 p26)
FC -> jc-72895
2. your possession

3. your possession
4. in at oncuecuenotiz, in at onatlamatiz, in at iixco, icpac
quehuaz, quimanaz, in maxcatzin, in mocococatzin: if
perhaps they should become arrogant, if perhaps they should
become presumptuous, if perhaps they should become
offensive--should keep for themselves thy property, thy
possessions; (b6 f1 p8), ma oc xoconminecuiltili in
maxcatzin, in mocococatzin, in motechcopatzinco huitz: in
tzopelic, in ahuiac, in totonqui, in iamanqui, in
motzmolinca in mocelica: in yehua in icnotlacatl in n ca ye
ixquich cahuitzintli, i, in mohuicpatz may thou yet let
this humble person, n, smell thy property, thy treasure,
which falleth from thee, that which is sweet, fragrant, the
necessities of life, thy freshness, thy tenderness: for
already, for some time, the common folk go sighing unto
thee, go in affliction (b6 f1 p9), in maxcatzin, in
mocococatzin, in motzmolinca, in mocelica in motzopelica in
mahuiaca: in achica in cuel achic in quitemiqui, in
quicochitlehua in teucyotl, in tlatocayotl, in petlatl, in
icpalli, in momahuizyo
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. thy property, thy possession, thy freshness, thy

tenderness, thy sweetness, thy fragrance which for a short
time, for a little while, he dreameth of--he seeth in
dreams--the rulership, the government, the realm, thy
honor, thy glory--these give him perverseness, pride,
trouble, make him crazed, make him besotted, make him drunk
(b6 f2 p25), ca huic ontlapolo in maxcatzin, in
mocococatzin in otoconminecuiltili, in oitentlan, in
oitentlan toconmoquixtilili for because of thy property,
thy possessions, which thou hast let him smell, which thou
hast caused to pass before his face, before his lips,
reason hath been lost (b6 f2 p26)
FC jc-031297
6. your possession
FC jc-031297
7. your possession

8. your possession

0. he dances the serpent dance

1. he dances the serpent dance

FC -> jc-72895
2. he dances the serpent dance

3. he dances the serpent dance

4. he dances the serpent dance

FC jc-031297
5. he dances the serpent dance
FC jc-031297

0. it is bought

1. it is bought
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is bought

3. it is bought
4. it is bought

5. it is bought
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. it is bought <p54-co:hua>
<p54-co:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is bought
FC jc-031297
8. it is bought
FC jc-031297

0. it was bought
1. it was bought
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was bought
3. it was bought
4. it was bought <p54-co:hua-ya3>
<p54-co:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was bought <p54-co:hua-ya3>
<p54-co:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was bought
FC jc-031297
7. it was bought
FC jc-031297

0. your grandfathers
FC jc-031297

0. it twists
FC jc-031297

0. your grandfather [h]

1. your grandfather [ h ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. your grandfather [h]

3. your grandfather [h]

4. your grandfather [ h ]
FC jc-031297
5. your grandfather [ h ]
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it is cast; it is molded
1. it is cast; it is molded
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is cast; it is molded
3. it is cast; it is molded
4. it is cast; it is molded <p54-copi:na>
<p54-copi:na> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is cast; it is molded
FC jc-031297
6. it is cast; it is molded
FC jc-031297

0. it will be cast
1. it will be cast
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be cast
3. it will be cast
4. it will be cast <p54-copi:na-z>
<p54-copi:na-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be cast
FC jc-031297
6. it will be cast
FC jc-031297

0. it is cut

1. it is cut
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is cut

3. it is cut

4. it is cut
FC jc-031297
5. it is cut
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he sits on his shins

1. he sits on his shins

FC -> jc-72895
2. he sits on his shins

3. he sits on his shins

4. he sits on his shins

FC jc-031297
5. he sits on his shins
FC jc-031297

0. they sat down, they squatted

1. they sat down, they squatted

FC -> jc-72895
2. they sat down, they squatted

3. they sat down, they squatted

4. they sat down, they squatted

FC jc-031297
5. they sat down, they squatted
FC jc-031297

0. pine resin is applied
1. pine resin is applied
FC -> jc-72895
2. pine resin is applied
3. pine resin is applied
4. pine resin is applied <p54-ocotl-tzotl-v02>
<p54-ocotl-tzotl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
5. pine resin is applied <p54-ocotl-tzotl-v02>
<p54-ocotl-tzotl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
6. pine resin is applied <p54-ocotl-tzotl-v02>
<p54-ocotl-tzotl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
7. pine resin is applied
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. pine resin is applied
FC jc-031297

0. it is mixed with pine resin
FC jc-031297

0. it forms a resin
1. it forms a resin
FC -> jc-72895
2. it forms a resin
3. it forms a resin
4. it forms a resin
FC - > jc-61096
5. it forms a resin <p54-ocotl-tzotl-v04-caus08>
<p54-ocotl-tzotl-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. it forms a resin <p54-ocotl-tzotl-v04-caus08>
<p54-ocotl-tzotl-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. it forms a resin <p54-ocotl-tzotl-v04-caus08>
<p54-ocotl-tzotl-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
8. it forms a resin <p54-ocotl-tzotl-v04-caus08>
<p54-ocotl-tzotl-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
9. it forms a resin
FC jc-031297
10. it forms a resin
FC jc-031297

0. it is pulverized

1. it is pulverized
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is pulverized

3. it is pulverized

4. it is pulverized, powdered
FC - > jc-61096
5. it is pulverized
FC jc-031297
6. it is pulverized
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. your seat

1. your seat
FC -> jc-72895
2. your seat

3. your seat

4. your seat
FC jc-031297
5. your seat
FC jc-031297

0. it is eaten; it is chewed
1. it is chewed; it is eaten
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are eaten
FC -> jc-72895
3. it is eaten; it is chewed
4. it is eaten; it is chewed
5. it is eaten; it is chewed <p54-cua:>
<p54-cua:> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is chewed; it is eaten
FC jc-031297
7. they are eaten
FC jc-031297
8. it is chewed; it is eaten
FC jc-031297
9. they are eaten
FC jc-031297

0. it is eaten; it is chewed
1. it is chewed; it is eaten
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is eaten; it is chewed
3. it is eaten; it is chewed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it is eaten; it is chewed <p54-dupl-cua:>
<p54-dupl-cua:> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is eaten; it is chewed <p54-dupl-cua:>
<p54-dupl-cua:> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is eaten; it is chewed <p54-dupl-cua:>
<p54-dupl-cua:> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is chewed; it is eaten
FC jc-031297
8. it is chewed; it is eaten
FC jc-031297

0. he constantly shakes his head

1. he constantly shakes his head

FC -> jc-72895
2. he constantly shakes his head

3. he constantly shakes his head

4. he constantly shakes his head

FC jc-031297
5. he constantly shakes his head
FC jc-031297

0. it is boiled
1. it is boiled
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is boiled
3. it is boiled
4. it is boiled <p54-dupl-cuala:ni tza>
<p54-dupl-cuala:ni tza> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is boiled <p54-dupl-cuala:ni tza>
<p54-dupl-cuala:ni tza> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is boiled <p54-dupl-cuala:ni tza>
<p54-dupl-cuala:ni tza> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is boiled <p54-dupl-cuala:ni-tza>
<p54-dupl-cuala:ni-tza> FC - > jc-61096
8. it is boiled
FC jc-031297
9. it is boiled
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it was chewed

1. it was chewed
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was chewed

3. it was chewed

4. it was chewed
FC jc-031297
5. it was chewed
FC jc-031297

0. your anger

1. your anger
FC -> jc-72895
2. your anger

3. your anger

4. your anger
FC jc-031297
5. your anger
FC jc-031297

0. your anger
1. your [ h ] anger; your [ h ] wrath
FC -> jc-72895
2. your anger
3. your anger
4. your anger <poss-cuala:ni-l2-tzin>
<poss-cuala:ni-l2-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your anger <poss-cuala:ni-l2-tzin>
<poss-cuala:ni-l2-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your anger <poss-cuala:ni-l2-tzin>
<poss-cuala:ni-l2-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. your [ h ] anger; your [ h ] wrath
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. your [ h ] anger; your [ h ] wrath
FC jc-031297

0. the ends are joined
1. the ends are joined
FC -> jc-72895
2. the ends are joined
3. the ends are joined
4. the ends are joined <p54-cuaitl-na:miqui-;
<p54-cuaitl-na:miqui--> FC - > jc-61096
5. the ends are joined <p54-cuaitl-na:miqui-;
<p54-cuaitl-na:miqui--> FC - > jc-61096
6. the ends are joined <p54-cuaitl-na:miqui-;
<p54-cuaitl-na:miqui--> FC - > jc-61096
7. the ends are joined
FC jc-031297
8. the ends are joined
FC jc-031297

0. he arranges his hair

1. he arranges his hair

FC -> jc-72895
2. he arranges his hair

3. he arranges his hair

4. he arranges his hair

FC jc-031297
5. he arranges his hair
FC jc-031297

0. he is wounded in the head

1. he is wounded in the head

FC -> jc-72895
2. he is wounded in the head

3. he is wounded in the head
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he is wounded in the head

FC jc-031297
5. he is wounded in the head
FC jc-031297

0. he was of disordered hair

1. he was of disordered hair

FC -> jc-72895
2. he was of disordered hair

3. he was of disordered hair

4. he was of disordered hair

FC jc-031297
5. he was of disordered hair
FC jc-031297

0. his head throbs
FC jc-031297

0. your club
1. your club
FC -> jc-72895
2. your club
3. your club
4. your club <poss-cuahuitl>
<poss-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. your club
FC jc-031297
6. your club
FC jc-031297

0. one who boasts of being an eagle warrior

1. one who boasts of being an eagle warrior

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who boasts of being an eagle warrior
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. one who boasts of being an eagle warrior

4. one who boasts of being an eagle warrior

FC jc-031297
5. one who boasts of being an eagle warrior
FC jc-031297

0. it was eaten
1. it was eaten
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was eaten
3. it was eaten
4. it was eaten <p54-cua:-ya3>
<p54-cua:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was eaten <p54-cua:-ya3>
<p54-cua:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was eaten
FC jc-031297
7. it was eaten
FC jc-031297

0. it is cut like a ring-shaped carrying pad, it is cut round

1. it is cut like a ring-shaped carrying pad, it is cut round

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is cut like a ring-shaped carrying pad, it is cut round

3. it is cut like a ring-shaped carrying pad, it is cut round

4. it is cut like a ring-shaped carrying pad, it is cut round

FC jc-031297
5. it is cut like a ring-shaped carrying pad, it is cut round
FC jc-031297

0. he will eat himself; it will be eaten; it is to be eaten
1. he will eat himself; it will be eaten; it is to be eaten
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will eat himself; it will be eaten; it is to be eaten
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he will eat himself; it will be eaten; it is to be eaten
4. he will eat himself; it will be eaten; it is to be eaten
<p54-cua:-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will eat himself; it will be eaten; it is to be eaten
FC jc-031297
6. he will eat himself; it will be eaten; it is to be eaten
FC jc-031297

0. it is pulverized

1. it is pulverized
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is pulverized

3. it is pulverized

4. it is pulverized
FC jc-031297
5. it is pulverized
FC jc-031297

0. they arrange themselves in rows
FC jc-031297

0. they turn about
1. they turn about
FC -> jc-72895
2. they turn about
3. they turn about
4. they turn about <p54-dupl-cuepa>
<p54-dupl-cuepa> FC - > jc-61096
5. they turn about <p54-dupl-cuepa>
<p54-dupl-cuepa> FC - > jc-61096
6. they turn about <p54-dupl-cuepa>
<p54-dupl-cuepa> FC - > jc-61096
7. they turn about
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. they turn about

FC jc-031297

0. he falters
FC jc-031297

0. he becomes; he turns; it becomes; it turns into; they become
1. he becomes; he turns; it becomes; it turns into; they become
FC -> jc-72895
2. he becomes; he turns; it becomes; it turns into; they become
3. he becomes; he turns; it becomes; it turns into; they become
4. he becomes; he turns; it becomes; it turns into; they
become <p54-cuepa>
<p54-cuepa> FC - > jc-61096
5. he becomes; he turns; it becomes; it turns into; it
changes; it is returned; they become
FC jc-031297
6. he becomes; he turns; it becomes; it turns into; it
changes; it is returned; they become
FC jc-031297

0. one who transforms himself
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. they were turned into
1. they became; they were turned into
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were turned into
3. they were turned into
4. they were turned into <p54-cuepa-ya3>
<p54-cuepa-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were turned into <p54-cuepa-ya3>
<p54-cuepa-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they became; they were turned into
FC jc-031297
7. they became; they were turned into
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it will become

1. it will become
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will become

3. it will become

4. it will become
FC jc-031297
5. it will become
FC jc-031297

0. they quickly turned
FC jc-031297

0. they dress themselves in skirts
1. they dress themselves in skirts
FC -> jc-72895
2. they dress themselves in skirts
3. they dress themselves in skirts
4. they dress themselves in skirts <p54-cue:itl-v04a>
<p54-cue:itl-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
5. they dress themselves in skirts
FC jc-031297
6. they dress themselves in skirts
FC jc-031297

0. they wore a skirt, they provided themselves with a skirt

1. they wore a skirt, they provided themselves with a skirt

FC -> jc-72895
2. they wore a skirt, they provided themselves with a skirt

3. they wore a skirt, they provided themselves with a skirt

4. they wore a skirt, they provided themselves with a skirt
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. they wore a skirt, they provided themselves with a skirt
FC jc-031297

0. it breaks into waves

1. it breaks into waves

FC -> jc-72895
2. it breaks into waves

3. it breaks into waves

4. it breaks into waves

FC jc-031297
5. it breaks into waves
FC jc-031297

0. your song
1. your song
FC -> jc-72895
2. your song
3. your song
4. your song
5. your song <poss-cui:ca-l2>
<poss-cui:ca-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. your song <poss-cui:ca-l2>
<poss-cui:ca-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. your song
8. your song
FC jc-031297
9. your song
FC jc-031297

0. it is sculptured
1. it is sculptured
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is sculptured
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it is sculptured
4. it is sculptured <p54-dupl-cui>
<p54-dupl-cui> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is sculptured <p54-dupl-cui>
<p54-dupl-cui> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is sculptured <p54-dupl-cui>
<p54-dupl-cui> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is sculptured
FC jc-031297
8. it is sculptured
FC jc-031297

0. he sings
FC - > jc-61096

0. varicolored
1. varicolored
FC -> jc-72895
2. varicolored
3. varicolored
4. varicolored <p54-dupl-ihcuiloa:-prt1>
<p54-dupl-ihcuiloa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. varicolored <p54-dupl-ihcuiloa:-prt1>
<p54-dupl-ihcuiloa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. varicolored <p54-dupl-ihcuiloa:-prt1>
<p54-dupl-ihcuiloa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is variously colored; varicolored
FC jc-031297
8. it is variously colored; varicolored
FC jc-031297

0. it is variously colored
FC jc-031297

0. reserved person

1. reserved person
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. reserved person

3. reserved person

4. reserved person
FC jc-031297
5. reserved person
FC jc-031297

0. painted

1. painted
FC -> jc-72895
2. painted

3. painted

4. painted
FC jc-031297
5. painted
FC jc-031297

0. rich man; he became rich
1. rich man; he became rich
FC -> jc-72895
2. rich man; he became rich
3. rich man; he became rich
4. rich man; he became rich <p54-cuilto:noa:-prt1>
<p54-cuilto:noa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. rich man; he became rich
FC jc-031297
6. rich man; he became rich
FC jc-031297

0. he acquires abundance, he becomes prosperous; he becomes
rich; he enjoys; he is rich; he is wealthy; he is
prosperous; she is rich; she is wealthy; they are rich;
they rejoice; they prosper
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he acquires abundance, he becomes prosperous; he becomes

rich; he enjoys; he is rich; he is wealthy; he is prosperous
FC -> jc-72895
2. she is rich, she is wealthy; they are rich; they prosper;
they rejoice
FC -> jc-72895
3. he acquires abundance, he becomes prosperous; he becomes
rich; he enjoys; he is rich; he is wealthy; he is
prosperous; she is rich; she is wealthy; they are rich;
they rejoice; they prosper
4. he acquires abundance, he becomes prosperous; he becomes
rich; he enjoys; he is rich; he is wealthy; he is
prosperous; she is rich; she is wealthy; they are rich;
they rejoice; they prosper
5. he acquires abundance, he becomes prosperous; he becomes
rich; he enjoys; he is rich; he is wealthy; he is
prosperous; she is rich; she is wealthy; they are rich;
they rejoice; they prosper <p54-cuilto:noa:>
<p54-cuilto:noa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he acquires abundance, he becomes prosperous; he becomes
rich; he enjoys; he is rich; he is wealthy; he is prosperous
FC jc-031297
7. she is rich, she is wealthy; they are rich; they prosper;
they rejoice
FC jc-031297
8. he acquires abundance, he becomes prosperous; he becomes
rich; he enjoys; he is rich; he is wealthy; he is prosperous
FC jc-031297
9. she is rich, she is wealthy; they are rich; they prosper;
they rejoice
FC jc-031297

0. prosperous person; rich person
1. prosperous person; rich person
FC -> jc-72895
2. prosperous person; rich person
3. prosperous person; rich person
4. prosperous person; rich person <p54-cuilto:noa:-ni1>
<p54-cuilto:noa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. prosperous person; rich person <p54-cuilto:noa:-ni1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-cuilto:noa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096

6. prosperous person; rich person <p54-cuilto:noa:-ni1>
<p54-cuilto:noa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. prosperous person; rich person
FC jc-031297
8. prosperous person; rich person
FC jc-031297

0. she prospered
1. she prospered
FC -> jc-72895
2. she prospered
3. she prospered
4. she prospered <p54-cuilto:noa:-ya3>
<p54-cuilto:noa:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. she prospered <p54-cuilto:noa:-ya3>
<p54-cuilto:noa:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. she prospered
FC jc-031297
7. she prospered
FC jc-031297

0. he pretends to be rich

1. he pretends to be rich
FC -> jc-72895
2. he pretends to be rich

3. he pretends to be rich

4. he pretends to be rich
FC jc-031297
5. he pretends to be rich
FC jc-031297

0. he will be rich; he will become rich; he will prosper; he
will be wealthy; rich; he will have wealth; she will
prosper; she will be rich; she will become rich
1. he will be rich; he will be wealthy; rich; he will become
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

rich; he will have wealth; he will prosper

FC -> jc-72895
2. she will be rich; she will become rich; she will prosper
FC -> jc-72895
3. he will be rich; he will become rich; he will prosper; he
will be wealthy; rich; he will have wealth; she will
prosper; she will be rich; she will become rich
4. he will be rich; he will become rich; he will prosper; he
will be wealthy; rich; he will have wealth; she will
prosper; she will be rich; she will become rich
5. he will be rich; he will become rich; he will prosper; he
will be wealthy; rich; he will have wealth; she will
prosper; she will be rich; she will become rich
<p54-cuilto:noa:-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will be rich; he will be wealthy; rich; he will become
rich; he will have wealth; he will prosper
FC jc-031297
7. she will be rich; she will become rich; she will prosper
FC jc-031297
8. he will be rich; he will be wealthy; rich; he will become
rich; he will have wealth; he will prosper
FC jc-031297
9. she will be rich; she will become rich; she will prosper
FC jc-031297

0. they will rejoice
1. they will rejoice
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will rejoice
3. they will rejoice
4. they will rejoice <p54-cuilto:noa:-z-plur01>
<p54-cuilto:noa:-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will rejoice
FC jc-031297
6. they will rejoice
FC jc-031297

0. it resembles a wolf
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it is tied at the back
FC jc-031297

0. your tail
1. your tail
FC -> jc-72895
2. your tail
3. your tail
4. your tail <poss-cuitlatl-pilli>
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
5. your tail <poss-cuitlatl-pilli>
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
6. your tail <poss-cuitlatl-pilli>
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
7. your tail
FC jc-031297
8. your tail
FC jc-031297

mocuitlapil matlapal
0. your vassals
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli poss-ahtlapalli>
1. your vassals
FC -> jc-72895
2. your vassals
FC -> jc-72895
3. your vassals
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli poss-ahtlapalli>
4. your vassals
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli poss-ahtlapalli>
5. your vassals <poss-cuitlatl-pilli poss-ahtlapalli>
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli poss-ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. your vassals <poss-cuitlatl-pilli poss-ahtlapalli>
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli poss-ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
7. your vassals <poss-cuitlatl-pilli poss-ahtlapalli>
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli poss-ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
8. your vassals <poss-cuitlatl-pilli poss-ahtlapalli>
<poss-cuitlatl-pilli poss-ahtlapalli> FC - > jc-61096
9. your vassals
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
10. your vassals
FC jc-031297

0. your stomach
FC jc-031297

0. your foot
1. your foot
FC -> jc-72895
2. your foot
3. your foot
4. your foot <poss-icxitl>
<poss-icxitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. your feet; your foot
FC jc-031297
6. your feet; your foot
FC jc-031297

0. he breaks his foot; he breaks his leg
1. he breaks his foot; he breaks his leg
FC -> jc-72895
2. he breaks his foot; he breaks his leg
3. he breaks his foot; he breaks his leg
4. he breaks his foot; he breaks his leg <p54-icxitl-poztequi>
<p54-icxitl-poztequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he breaks his foot; he breaks his leg <p54-icxitl-poztequi>
<p54-icxitl-poztequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he breaks his foot; he breaks his leg
FC jc-031297
7. he breaks his foot; he breaks his leg
FC jc-031297

0. runner, one who runs

1. runner, one who runs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. runner, one who runs

3. runner, one who runs

4. runner, one who runs

FC jc-031297
5. runner, one who runs
FC jc-031297

0. it is examined
FC jc-031297

0. your foot
1. your foot
FC -> jc-72895
2. your foot
3. your foot
4. your foot <poss-icxitl-tzin>
<poss-icxitl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your foot <poss-icxitl-tzin>
<poss-icxitl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your [ h ]; your foot
FC jc-031297
7. your [ h ]; your foot
FC jc-031297

0. trouble, bother
1. (cf icica, iciui) trouble, bother
2. (cf icica, iciui) trouble, bother

0. it is spotted as with rubber

1. it is spotted as with rubber

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is spotted as with rubber
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it is spotted as with rubber

4. it is spotted as with rubber

FC jc-031297
5. it is spotted as with rubber
FC jc-031297

0. he brags

1. he brags
FC -> jc-72895
2. he brags

3. he brags

4. he brags
FC jc-031297
5. he brags
FC jc-031297

0. he looks at himself

1. he looks at himself
FC -> jc-72895
2. he looks at himself

3. he looks at himself

4. he looks at himself; they look at each other

FC jc-031297
5. he looks at himself; they look at each other
FC jc-031297

0. it is hollowed
FC - > jc-61096
1. it is hollowed
FC jc-031297
2. it is hollowed
FC jc-031297

0. it is hollowed in several places
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it develops
1. it develops
FC -> jc-72895
2. it develops
3. it develops
4. it develops <p54-huapa:hua>
<p54-huapa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it develops <p54-huapa:hua>
<p54-huapa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. it develops
FC jc-031297
7. it develops
FC jc-031297

0. it is dried

1. it is dried
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is dried

3. it is dried

4. it is dried
FC jc-031297
5. it is dried
FC jc-031297

0. it feel comfortable
FC jc-031297

0. to you, toward you
FC jc-031297

0. ca ye mohuicatz in tlacatl, ma ixquich now already the lord
cometh! enough! (b2 f9 p146)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he [ h ] comes
FC -> jc-72895
2. he [h] comes

3. ca ye mohuicatz in tlacatl, ma ixquich now already the lord

cometh! enough! (b2 f9 p146)
4. he [h] comes

5. he [ h ] comes
FC jc-031297
6. he [ h ] comes
FC jc-031297

0. it constantly creeps; it creeps; it keeps creeping

1. it constantly creeps; it creeps; it keeps creeping

FC -> jc-72895
2. it constantly creeps; it creeps; it keeps creeping

3. it constantly creeps; it creeps; it keeps creeping

4. it constantly creeps; it creeps; it keeps creeping

FC jc-031297
5. it constantly creeps; it creeps; it keeps creeping
FC jc-031297

0. creeper
1. creeper
FC -> jc-72895
2. creeper
3. creeper
4. creeper <p54-dupl-huila:na-ni1>
<p54-dupl-huila:na-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. creeper <p54-dupl-huila:na-ni1>
<p54-dupl-huila:na-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. creeper <p54-dupl-huila:na-ni1>
<p54-dupl-huila:na-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. creeper <p54-dupl-huila:na-ni1>
<p54-dupl-huila:na-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. creeper <p54-dupl-huila:na-ni1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-dupl-huila:na-ni1> FC - > jc-61096

9. creeper
FC jc-031297
10. creeper
FC jc-031297

0. they are struck repeatedly
1. they are struck repeatedly
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are struck repeatedly
3. they are struck repeatedly
4. they are struck repeatedly <p54-dupl-hui:tequi>
<p54-dupl-hui:tequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. they are struck repeatedly <p54-dupl-hui:tequi>
<p54-dupl-hui:tequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. they are struck repeatedly <p54-dupl-hui:tequi>
<p54-dupl-hui:tequi> FC - > jc-61096
7. they are struck repeatedly
FC jc-031297
8. they are struck repeatedly
FC jc-031297

0. it stirs
1. it stirs
FC -> jc-72895
2. it stirs
3. it stirs
4. it stirs <p54-huihuixoa:>
<p54-huihuixoa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. it stirs
FC jc-031297
6. it stirs
FC jc-031297

0. he crawls; it creeps; it drags itself
1. he crawls; it crawls; it creeps; it drags itself; it is
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they crawl
FC -> jc-72895
3. he crawls; it creeps; it drags itself
4. he crawls; it creeps; it drags itself
5. he crawls; it creeps; it drags itself <p54-huila:na>
<p54-huila:na> FC - > jc-61096
6. he crawls; it crawls; it creeps; it drags itself; it is
FC jc-031297
7. they crawl
FC jc-031297
8. he crawls; it crawls; it creeps; it drags itself; it is
FC jc-031297
9. they crawl
FC jc-031297

0. creeper
1. creeper
FC -> jc-72895
2. creeper
3. creeper
4. creeper <p54-huila:na-ni1>
<p54-huila:na-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. creeper <p54-huila:na-ni1>
<p54-huila:na-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. creeper <p54-huila:na-ni1>
<p54-huila:na-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. creeper
FC jc-031297
8. creeper
FC jc-031297

0. it creeps
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they are set in order

1. they are set in order
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are set in order
3. they are set in order
4. they are set in order <p54-hui:pa:na>
<p54-hui:pa:na> FC - > jc-61096
5. they are set in order
FC jc-031297
6. they are set in order
FC jc-031297

0. they dress themselves in blouses
1. they dress themselves in blouses
FC -> jc-72895
2. they dress themselves in blouses
3. they dress themselves in blouses
4. they dress themselves in blouses <p54-hui:pi:lli-v04a>
<p54-hui:pi:lli-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
5. they dress themselves in blouses
FC jc-031297
6. they dress themselves in blouses
FC jc-031297

0. it is beaten; she is beaten; she is whipped; they beat each
other; they strike each other
1. it is beaten; she is beaten; she is whipped; they beat each
other; they strike each other
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is beaten; she is beaten; she is whipped; they beat each
other; they strike each other
3. it is beaten; she is beaten; she is whipped; they beat each
other; they strike each other
4. it is beaten; she is beaten; she is whipped; they beat each
other; they strike each other <p54-hui:tequi>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-hui:tequi> FC - > jc-61096

5. it is beaten; she is beaten; she is whipped; they beat each
other; they strike each other
FC jc-031297
6. it is beaten; she is beaten; she is whipped; they beat each
other; they strike each other
FC jc-031297

0. your thorn

1. your thorn
FC -> jc-72895
2. your thorn

3. your thorn

4. your thorn
FC jc-031297
5. your thorn
FC jc-031297

0. they insert maguey spines in themselves

1. they insert maguey spines in themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they insert maguey spines in themselves

3. they insert maguey spines in themselves

4. they insert maguey spines in themselves

FC jc-031297
5. they insert maguey spines in themselves
FC jc-031297

0. they were made to forget
1. they were made to forget
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were made to forget
3. they were made to forget
4. they were made to forget <p54-illi-ca:hua-caus-lo:1-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-illi-ca:hua-caus-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

5. they were made to forget <p54-illi-ca:hua-caus-lo:1-ya3>
<p54-illi-ca:hua-caus-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were made to forget <p54-illi-ca:hua-caus-lo:1-ya3>
<p54-illi-ca:hua-caus-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they were made to forget <p54-illi-ca:hua-caus-lo:1-ya3>
<p54-illi-ca:hua-caus-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they were made to forget
FC jc-031297
9. they were made to forget
FC jc-031297

0. kitchen mortar, molcajete
1. sauce dish
FC -> jc-72895
2. sauce dish
3. kitchen mortar, molcajete
4. sauce dish
5. sauce dish <mo:lli-caxitl>
<mo:lli-caxitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. sauce dish <mo:lli-caxitl>
<mo:lli-caxitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. sauce dish
FC jc-031297
8. sauce dish
FC jc-031297

0. it is blotched; it is blotched as with rubber

1. it is blotched; it is blotched as with rubber

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is blotched; it is blotched as with rubber

3. it is blotched; it is blotched as with rubber

4. it is blotched; it is blotched as with rubber

FC jc-031297
5. it is blotched; it is blotched as with rubber
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your desert
1. your desert
FC -> jc-72895
2. your desert
3. your desert
4. your desert <poss-ilhuilli>
<poss-ilhuilli> FC - > jc-61096
5. your desert; your merit
FC jc-031297
6. your desert; your merit
FC jc-031297

0. mole ( mole )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. elbow, ell

1. elbow
FC -> jc-72895
2. elbow, ell

3. elbow, ell

4. elbow
FC jc-031297
5. elbow
FC jc-031297

0. elbow

0. it stirs

1. it stirs
FC -> jc-72895
2. it stirs

3. it stirs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it moves
FC - > jc-61096
5. it stirs
FC jc-031297
6. it stirs
FC jc-031297

0. they moved

1. they moved
FC -> jc-72895
2. they moved

3. they moved

4. they moved
FC jc-031297
5. they moved
FC jc-031297

0. sauce, mole
1. sauce
FC -> jc-72895
2. sauce
3. sauce, mole
4. sauce
5. sauce
FC - > jc-61096
6. sauce <mo:lli1>
<mo:lli1> FC - > jc-61096
7. sauce
FC jc-031297
8. sauce
FC jc-031297

0. moler, to grind
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it is recalled, it is remembered
1. it is recalled, it is remembered
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is recalled, it is remembered
3. it is recalled, it is remembered
4. it is recalled, it is remembered <p54-illi-na:miqui>
<p54-illi-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is recalled, it is remembered <p54-illi-na:miqui>
<p54-illi-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is recalled, it is remembered <p54-illi-na:miqui>
<p54-illi-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is recalled, it is remembered
FC jc-031297
8. it is recalled, it is remembered
FC jc-031297

0. seethe

0. it billows; it diffuses; it gushes; it wells up; it spreads
out; it swirls; it swirls up
1. it billows; it diffuses; it gushes; it wells up; it spreads
out; it swirls; it swirls up
FC -> jc-72895
2. they seethe; they swarm
FC -> jc-72895
3. it billows; it diffuses; it gushes; it wells up; it spreads
out; it swirls; it swirls up
4. it billows; it diffuses; it gushes; it wells up; it spreads
out; it swirls; it swirls up
5. it billows; it diffuses; it gushes; it wells up; it spreads
out; it swirls; it swirls up
FC jc-031297
6. they seethe; they swarm
FC jc-031297
7. it billows; it diffuses; it gushes; it wells up; it spreads
out; it swirls; it swirls up
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. they seethe; they swarm
FC jc-031297

0. that which swirls up
1. that which swirls up
FC -> jc-72895
2. that which swirls up
3. that which swirls up
4. that which swirls up <molo:ni-ni1>
<molo:ni-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. that which swirls up <molo:ni-ni1>
<molo:ni-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. that which swirls up
FC jc-031297
7. that which swirls up
FC jc-031297

0. pulverized; soft
1. pulverized; soft
FC -> jc-72895
2. pulverized; soft
3. pulverized; soft
4. pulverized; soft <molo:ni-prt1-c2>
<molo:ni-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. pulverized; soft <molo:ni-prt1-c2>
<molo:ni-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. pulverized; soft
FC jc-031297
7. pulverized; soft
FC jc-031297

0. it lies diffusing

1. it lies diffusing
FC -> jc-72895
2. it lies diffusing
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it lies diffusing

4. it lies diffusing
FC jc-031297
5. it lies diffusing
FC jc-031297

0. sparrow
1. house finch
FC -> jc-72895
2. house finch

3. sparrow
4. house finch

5. house finch
FC jc-031297
6. house finch
FC jc-031297

0. it is tied
1. it is tied
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is tied
3. it is tied
4. it is tied <p54-ilpia:>
<p54-ilpia:> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is tied
FC jc-031297
6. it is tied
FC jc-031297

0. it was tied
FC jc-031297

0. it was thought
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. in your hand
1. in your hand
FC -> jc-72895
2. in your hand
3. in your hand
4. in your hand <poss-ma:itl-co2>
<poss-ma:itl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in your hand <poss-ma:itl-co2>
<poss-ma:itl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in your hand
FC jc-031297
7. in your hand
FC jc-031297

0. it will be given; it is to be given

1. it will be given; it is to be given

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be given; it is to be given

3. it will be given; it is to be given

4. it is given; it will be given; it is to be given

FC jc-031297
5. it is given; it will be given; it is to be given
FC jc-031297

0. your merit

1. your merit
FC -> jc-72895
2. your merit

3. your merit

4. your desert, your merit

FC jc-031297
5. your desert, your merit
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. your servants
<poss-ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin-plur04 plur07 plur10a>
1. your servants
FC -> jc-72895
2. your servants
<poss-ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin-plur04 plur07 plur10a>
3. your servants
<poss-ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin-plur04 plur07 plur10a>
4. your servants <poss-ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin-plur04 plur07
<poss-ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin-plur04 plur07 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
5. your servants <poss-ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin-plur04 plur07
<poss-ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin-plur04 plur07 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
6. your servants <poss-ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin-plur04 plur07
<poss-ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin-plur04 plur07 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
7. your servants <poss-ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin-plur04 plur07
<poss-ma:ce:hualli-dupl-tzin-plur04 plur07 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
8. your servants
FC jc-031297
9. your servants
FC jc-031297

0. he is indoctrinated, he learns
FC jc-031297

0. Se esconde tu hermano en su casa cuando se asusta ?
Motla:tia in mocnih icha:n ihcuac momahtia ? Does your
brother hide in his house when he is scared ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. they are cared for with awe
1. they are cared for with awe
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are cared for with awe
3. they are cared for with awe
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they are cared for with awe <p54-mahui-liz-piya>
<p54-mahui-liz-piya> FC - > jc-61096
5. they are cared for with awe <p54-mahui-liz-piya>
<p54-mahui-liz-piya> FC - > jc-61096
6. they are cared for with awe
FC jc-031297
7. they are cared for with awe
FC jc-031297

0. mixtilia, momahuiztilia he esteemeth himself; he honoreth
himself <p54-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04 (b6 f19 c43 p248), 2 ic
ilhuiloya cenca mixtilia, cenca momahuiztilia hence it was
said: "he esteemeth himself greatly; he honoreth himself
exceedingly" <p54-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04 (b6 f19 c43 p248)
1. he honors himself
FC - > jc-61096
2. mixtilia, momahuiztilia he esteemeth himself; he honoreth
<p54-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04> (b6 f19 c43 p248) JC-7/23/96
3. ic ilhuiloya cenca mixtilia, cenca momahuiztilia hence it
was said: "he esteemeth himself greatly; he honoreth
himself exceedingly"
<p54-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04> (b6 f19 c43 p248) JC-7/23/96

0. your place of honor

1. your place of honor

FC -> jc-72895
2. your place of honor

3. your place of honor

4. your place of honor

FC jc-031297
5. your place of honor
FC jc-031297

0. he is honored
1. he is honored
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he is honored
3. he is honored
4. he is honored <p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08>
<p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is honored <p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08>
<p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is honored <p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08>
<p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is honored <p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08>
<p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
8. he is honored
FC jc-031297
9. he is honored
FC jc-031297

0. she achieves honor
1. she achieves honor
FC -> jc-72895
2. she achieves honor
3. she achieves honor
4. she achieves honor <p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3>
<p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. she achieves honor <p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3>
<p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. she achieves honor <p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3>
<p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. she achieves honor <p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3>
<p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. she achieves honor <p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3>
<p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. she achieves honor
FC jc-031297
10. she achieves honor
FC jc-031297

0. auh in yaoc, in yaopan, oquichtiz, tiacauhtiz,
momahuizzotiz panhuetziz, mahuizoaz, moteniotiz, and in
war, in time of battle, he would become a brave warrior and
a chieftain; he would attain renown, honor, glory, and fame
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-z (b4 f6 c16 p57)

1. auh in yaoc, in yaopan, oquichtiz, tiacauhtiz,
momahuizzotiz panhuetziz, mahuizoaz, moteniotiz, and in
war, in time of battle, he would become a brave warrior and
a chieftain; he would attain renown, honor, glory, and fame
<p54-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-z> (b4 f6 c16 p57) JC-7/23/96

0. your captive

1. your captive
FC -> jc-72895
2. your captive

3. your captive

4. your captive
FC jc-031297
5. your captive
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes round, it becomes like a spindle whorl

1. it becomes round, it becomes like a spindle whorl

FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes round, it becomes like a spindle whorl

3. it becomes round, it becomes like a spindle whorl

4. it becomes round, it becomes like a spindle whorl

FC jc-031297
5. it becomes round, it becomes like a spindle whorl
FC jc-031297

0. they keep turning around

1. they keep turning around

FC -> jc-72895
2. they keep turning around

3. they keep turning around

4. they keep turning around
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. they keep turning around
FC jc-031297

0. he sits embracing himself

1. he sits embracing himself

FC -> jc-72895
2. he sits embracing himself

3. he sits embracing himself

4. he sits embracing himself

FC jc-031297
5. he sits embracing himself
FC jc-031297

0. it is reserved

1. it is reserved
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is reserved

3. it is reserved

4. it is reserved
FC jc-031297
5. it is reserved
FC jc-031297

0. they go whirling

1. they go whirling
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go whirling

3. they go whirling

4. they go whirling
FC jc-031297
5. they go whirling
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it is drilled

1. it is drilled
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is drilled

3. it is drilled

4. it is drilled
FC jc-031297
5. it is drilled
FC jc-031297

0. they are twisted together

1. they are twisted together

FC -> jc-72895
2. they are twisted together

3. they are twisted together

4. they are twisted together

FC jc-031297
5. they are twisted together
FC jc-031297

0. it is accustomed to making gestures

1. it is accustomed to making gestures

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is accustomed to making gestures

3. it is accustomed to making gestures

4. it is accustomed to making gestures

FC jc-031297
5. it is accustomed to making gestures
FC jc-031297

0. it is arranged

1. it is arranged
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is arranged

3. it is arranged

4. it is arranged
FC jc-031297
5. it is arranged
FC jc-031297

0. he dances in a circle
<p54-dupl-mani?-caus09-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. he dances in a circle
FC -> jc-72895
2. he dances in a circle
<p54-dupl-mani?-caus09-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. he dances in a circle
<p54-dupl-mani?-caus09-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. he dances in a circle <p54-dupl-mani?-caus09-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p54-dupl-mani?-caus09-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he dances in a circle <p54-dupl-mani?-caus09-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p54-dupl-mani?-caus09-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he dances in a circle <p54-dupl-mani?-caus09-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p54-dupl-mani?-caus09-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. he dances in a circle <p54-dupl-mani?-caus09-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p54-dupl-mani?-caus09-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
8. he dances in a circle <p54-dupl-mani?-caus09-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p54-dupl-mani?-caus09-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
9. he dances in a circle
FC jc-031297
10. he dances in a circle
FC jc-031297

0. it forms branches in different places
FC jc-031297

0. it is rubbed

1. it is rubbed
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is rubbed

3. it is rubbed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it is rubbed
FC jc-031297
5. it is rubbed
FC jc-031297

0. he goes hurling himself along

1. he goes hurling himself along

FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes hurling himself along

3. he goes hurling himself along

4. he goes hurling himself along

FC jc-031297
5. he goes hurling himself along
FC jc-031297

0. it settles; they spread out
1. it is set out; it settles; they spread out
FC -> jc-72895
2. it settles; they spread out
3. it settles; they spread out
4. it settles; they spread out <p54-mani-caus09>
<p54-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. it settles; they spread out <p54-mani-caus09>
<p54-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is set out; it is spread; it spreads; it settles; they
spread out
FC jc-031297
7. it is set out; it is spread; it spreads; it settles; they
spread out
FC jc-031297

0. they excuse themselves, they defend themselves

1. they excuse themselves, they defend themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they excuse themselves, they defend themselves
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they excuse themselves, they defend themselves

4. he defecates; they excuse themselves; they defend themselves

FC jc-031297
5. he defecates; they excuse themselves; they defend themselves
FC jc-031297

0. they waited, they remained
FC jc-031297

0. they remained still
FC jc-031297

0. he breaks his hand
1. he breaks his hand
FC -> jc-72895
2. he breaks his hand
3. he breaks his hand
4. he breaks his hand <p54-ma:itl-poztequi>
<p54-ma:itl-poztequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he breaks his hand <p54-ma:itl-poztequi>
<p54-ma:itl-poztequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he breaks his hand
FC jc-031297
7. he breaks his hand
FC jc-031297

0. they free themselves, they escape

1. they free themselves, they escape

FC -> jc-72895
2. they free themselves, they escape

3. they free themselves, they escape

4. they free themselves, they escape

FC jc-031297
5. they free themselves, they escape
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he tries to escape
FC jc-031297

0. it resembles
1. it resembles; they think; they feel
FC -> jc-72895
2. it resembles
3. it resembles
4. it resembles <p54-mati>
<p54-mati> FC - > jc-61096
5. it resembles; they think; they feel
FC jc-031297
6. it resembles; they think; they feel
FC jc-031297

0. they were considered

1. they were considered

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were considered

3. they were considered

4. it forms branches; they were considered

FC jc-031297
5. it forms branches; they were considered
FC jc-031297

0. he is suspecting

1. he is suspecting
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is suspecting

3. he is suspecting

4. he is suspecting
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. he is suspecting
FC jc-031297

0. he wants to think

1. he wants to think
FC -> jc-72895
2. he wants to think

3. he wants to think

4. he wants to think
FC jc-031297
5. he wants to think
FC jc-031297

0. they thought
FC jc-031297

0. the branch is broken
1. the branch is broken
FC -> jc-72895
2. the branch is broken
3. the branch is broken
4. the branch is broken <p54-ma:itl-tzaya:ni-caus09>
<p54-ma:itl-tzaya:ni-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. the branch is broken <p54-ma:itl-tzaya:ni-caus09>
<p54-ma:itl-tzaya:ni-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. the branch is broken
FC jc-031297
7. the branch is broken
FC jc-031297

0. your hand
1. your hand
FC -> jc-72895
2. your hand
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. your hand
4. your hand <poss-ma:itl-tzin>
<poss-ma:itl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your hand <poss-ma:itl-tzin>
<poss-ma:itl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your [ h ] hand; your hand
FC jc-031297
7. your [ h ] hand; your hand
FC jc-031297

0. your forearm
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your forearm
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he flees in terror, he runs away fearfully; they run away

1. he flees in terror, he runs away fearfully; they run away

FC -> jc-72895
2. he flees in terror, he runs away fearfully; they run away

3. he flees in terror, he runs away fearfully; they run away


4. he flees in terror, he runs away fearfully; they run away

FC jc-031297
5. he flees in terror, he runs away fearfully; they run away
FC jc-031297

0. he gets frightened; he takes fright; he becomes frightened;
it is frightened
1. he gets frightened; he takes fright; he becomes frightened;
it is frightened
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gets frightened; he takes fright; he becomes frightened;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it is frightened
3. he gets frightened; he takes fright; he becomes frightened;
it is frightened
4. it is frightened <p54-mahui-caus02>
<p54-mahui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. he gets frightened; he takes fright; he becomes frightened;
it is frightened
FC jc-031297
6. he gets frightened; he takes fright; he becomes frightened;
it is frightened
FC jc-031297

0. coward; frightening; one who takes fright; fearful person
1. coward; frightening; one who takes fright; fearful person
FC -> jc-72895
2. coward; frightening; one who takes fright; fearful person
3. coward; frightening; one who takes fright; fearful person
4. coward; frightening; one who takes fright; fearful person
<p54-mahui-caus02-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. coward; frightening; one who takes fright; fearful person
<p54-mahui-caus02-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. coward; frightening; one who takes fright; fearful person
<p54-mahui-caus02-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. coward; frightening; one who is afraid; one who takes
fright; fearful person
FC jc-031297
8. coward; frightening; one who is afraid; one who takes
fright; fearful person
FC jc-031297

0. they were frightened, they were in terror
1. they were frightened, they were in terror
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were frightened, they were in terror
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they were frightened, they were in terror

4. they were frightened, they were in terror
<p54-mahui-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were frightened, they were in terror
<p54-mahui-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he became frightened; he was afraid; they were frightened;
they were in terror
FC jc-031297
7. he became frightened; he was afraid; they were frightened;
they were in terror
FC jc-031297

0. she became frightened
FC - > jc-61096

0. they were frightened
1. they were frightened
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were frightened
3. they were frightened
4. they were frightened <p54-mahui-caus02-prt1-plur01>
<p54-mahui-caus02-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were frightened
FC jc-031297
6. they were frightened
FC jc-031297

0. it is crumbled in the hands

1. it is crumbled in the hands

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is crumbled in the hands

3. it is crumbled in the hands

4. it is crumbled in the hands

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it is crumbled in the hands

FC jc-031297

0. they will be provided with breechcloths

1. they will be provided with breechcloths

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will be provided with breechcloths

3. they will be provided with breechcloths

4. they will be provided with breechcloths

FC jc-031297
5. they will be provided with breechcloths
FC jc-031297

0. your old breechcloth, your wretched breechcloth

1. your old breechcloth, your wretched breechcloth

FC -> jc-72895
2. your old breechcloth, your wretched breechcloth

3. your old breechcloth, your wretched breechcloth

4. your old breechcloth, your wretched breechcloth

FC jc-031297
5. your old breechcloth, your wretched breechcloth
FC jc-031297

0. he throws himself

1. he throws himself
FC -> jc-72895
2. he throws himself

3. he throws himself

4. he throws himself
FC jc-031297
5. he throws himself
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he will cast himself, he will throw himself

1. he will cast himself, he will throw himself

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will cast himself, he will throw himself

3. he will cast himself, he will throw himself

4. he will cast himself, he will throw himself

FC jc-031297
5. he will cast himself, he will throw himself
FC jc-031297

0. he hangs himself

1. he hangs himself
FC -> jc-72895
2. he hangs himself

3. he hangs himself

4. he hangs himself
FC jc-031297
5. he hangs himself
FC jc-031297

0. he had a paramour, he provided himself with a concubine

1. he had a paramour, he provided himself with a concubine

FC -> jc-72895
2. he had a paramour, he provided himself with a concubine

3. he had a paramour, he provided himself with a concubine

4. he had a paramour, he provided himself with a concubine

FC jc-031297
5. he had a paramour, he provided himself with a concubine
FC jc-031297

0. he lives in concubinage, he provides himself with a

1. he lives in concubinage, he provides himself with a
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he lives in concubinage, he provides himself with a

3. he lives in concubinage, he provides himself with a


4. he lives in concubinage, he provides himself with a

FC jc-031297
5. he lives in concubinage, he provides himself with a
FC jc-031297

0. one who has a paramour, one who has a concubine

1. one who has a paramour, one who has a concubine

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who has a paramour, one who has a concubine

3. one who has a paramour, one who has a concubine

4. one who has a paramour, one who has a concubine

FC jc-031297
5. one who has a paramour, one who has a concubine
FC jc-031297

0. he lives in concubinage

1. he lives in concubinage
FC -> jc-72895
2. he lives in concubinage

3. he lives in concubinage

4. he lives in concubinage
FC jc-031297
5. he lives in concubinage
FC jc-031297

0. one who lives in concubinage
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. one who lives in concubinage

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who lives in concubinage

3. one who lives in concubinage

4. one who lives in concubinage

FC jc-031297
5. one who lives in concubinage
FC jc-031297

0. it is declared

1. it is declared
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is declared

3. it is declared

4. it is declared
FC jc-031297
5. it is declared
FC jc-031297

0. he has a paramour, he provides himself with a concubine

1. he has a paramour, he provides himself with a concubine

FC -> jc-72895
2. he has a paramour, he provides himself with a concubine

3. he has a paramour, he provides himself with a concubine

4. he has a paramour, he provides himself with a concubine

FC jc-031297
5. he has a paramour, he provides himself with a concubine
FC jc-031297

0. she remains with legs outstretched

1. she remains with legs outstretched

FC -> jc-72895
2. she remains with legs outstretched
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. she remains with legs outstretched

4. she remains with legs outstretched

FC jc-031297
5. she remains with legs outstretched
FC jc-031297

0. she sits with legs outstretched
<p54-dupl-mela:hua-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia aux08>
1. she sits with legs outstretched
FC -> jc-72895
2. she sits with legs outstretched
<p54-dupl-mela:hua-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia aux08>
3. she sits with legs outstretched
<p54-dupl-mela:hua-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia aux08>
4. she sits with legs outstretched
<p54-dupl-mela:hua-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia aux08>
<p54-dupl-mela:hua-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia aux08> FC - > jc-61096
5. she sits with legs outstretched
<p54-dupl-mela:hua-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia aux08>
<p54-dupl-mela:hua-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia aux08> FC - > jc-61096
6. she sits with legs outstretched
<p54-dupl-mela:hua-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia aux08>
<p54-dupl-mela:hua-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia aux08> FC - > jc-61096
7. she sits with legs outstretched
<p54-dupl-mela:hua-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia aux08>
<p54-dupl-mela:hua-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia aux08> FC - > jc-61096
8. she sits with legs outstretched
<p54-dupl-mela:hua-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia aux08>
<p54-dupl-mela:hua-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia aux08> FC - > jc-61096
9. she sits with legs outstretched
FC jc-031297
10. she sits with legs outstretched
FC jc-031297

0. they produce semen
FC - > jc-61096

0. it becomes round; it is rounded; it rolls
1. it becomes round; it is rounded; it rolls
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes round; it is rounded; it rolls
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it becomes round; it is rounded; it rolls
4. it becomes round; it is rounded; it rolls
<p54-mimilli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes round; it is rounded; it rolls
<p54-mimilli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is rolled
FC - > jc-61096
7. it becomes round; it is rounded; it rolls
FC jc-031297
8. it becomes round; it is rounded; it rolls
FC jc-031297

0. it is shot with an arrow

1. it is shot with an arrow

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is shot with an arrow

3. it is shot with an arrow

4. it is shot with an arrow; it is shot with arrows

FC jc-031297
5. it is shot with an arrow; it is shot with arrows
FC jc-031297

0. he died
1. he died
FC -> jc-72895
2. he died
3. he died
4. he died <p54-miqui-ben-prt1>
<p54-miqui-ben-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he died <p54-miqui-ben-prt1>
<p54-miqui-ben-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he died
FC jc-031297
7. he died
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. she (H) dies
<p54-miqui-ben H1>
1. she (h) dies
FC -> jc-72895
2. she (H) dies
<p54-miqui-ben H1>
3. she (H) dies
<p54-miqui-ben H1>
4. she (H) dies <p54-miqui-ben H1>
<p54-miqui-ben H1> FC - > jc-61096
5. she (H) dies <p54-miqui-ben H1>
<p54-miqui-ben H1> FC - > jc-61096
6. she (H) dies <p54-miqui-ben H1>
<p54-miqui-ben H1> FC - > jc-61096
7. she ( h ) dies
FC jc-031297
8. she ( h ) dies
FC jc-031297

0. he died [h]

1. he died [ h ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. he died [h]

3. he died [h]

4. he died [ h ]
FC jc-031297
5. he died [ h ]
FC jc-031297

0. your death
1. your death
FC -> jc-72895
2. your death
3. your death
4. your death <poss-miqui-liz>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-miqui-liz> FC - > jc-61096

5. your death
FC jc-031297
6. your death
FC jc-031297

0. it is given a skeleton

1. it is given a skeleton
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is given a skeleton

3. it is given a skeleton

4. it is given a skeleton; it is provided with a skeleton

FC jc-031297
5. it is given a skeleton; it is provided with a skeleton
FC jc-031297

0. popcorn

1. popcorn
FC -> jc-72895
2. popcorn

3. popcorn

4. popcorn
FC jc-031297
5. popcorn
FC jc-031297

0. Nicnelohtoc in atol nic in nonantzin momocoa Estoy moviendo
el atole porque mi mama esta' enferma I am stirring the
atole because my mother is sick
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
1. Nicnelohticah in atol nic in nonantzin momocoa Estoy
moviendo el atole porque mi mama esta' enferma I am
stirring the atole because my mother is sick
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. it wells up
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it billows, it seethes; it wells up
FC -> jc-72895
2. it wells up
3. it wells up
4. it wells up <dupl-molo:ni-ca7>
<dupl-molo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. it wells up <dupl-molo:ni-ca7>
<dupl-molo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. it wells up <dupl-molo:ni-ca7>
<dupl-molo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
7. it wells up <dupl-molo:ni-ca7>
<dupl-molo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
8. it billows, it seethes; it wells up
FC jc-031297
9. it billows, it seethes; it wells up
FC jc-031297

0. it spreads billowing; it spreads constantly billowing

1. it spreads billowing; it spreads constantly billowing

FC -> jc-72895
2. it spreads billowing; it spreads constantly billowing

3. it spreads billowing; it spreads constantly billowing

4. it spreads billowing; it spreads constantly billowing

FC jc-031297
5. it spreads billowing; it spreads constantly billowing
FC jc-031297

0. it constantly swirls

1. it constantly swirls
FC -> jc-72895
2. it constantly swirls

3. it constantly swirls

4. it constantly swirls
FC jc-031297
5. it constantly swirls
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it spreads billowing

1. it spreads billowing
FC -> jc-72895
2. it spreads billowing

3. it spreads billowing

4. it spreads billowing
FC jc-031297
5. it spreads billowing
FC jc-031297

0. it bubbles up
FC jc-031297

0. it is required

1. it is required
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is required

3. it is required

4. it is required
FC jc-031297
5. it is required
FC jc-031297

0. scratch, splinter, tear
1. (cf motzoloa) scratch, splinter, tear
2. (cf motzoloa) scratch, splinter, tear

0. there is scratching up
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. outspread
1. outspread
FC -> jc-72895
2. outspread
3. outspread
4. outspread <dupl-moya:hua-tic>
<dupl-moya:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. outspread <dupl-moya:hua-tic>
<dupl-moya:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. outspread <dupl-moya:hua-tic>
<dupl-moya:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. outspread <dupl-moya:hua-tic>
<dupl-moya:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. outspread <dupl-moya:hua-tic>
<dupl-moya:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. outspread
FC jc-031297
10. outspread
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes disordered; it scatters; it spreads; it
radiates; it spreads out; they scatter; they radiate; they
1. it becomes disordered; it scatters; it spreads; it spreads
out; it radiates; they disperse; they radiate; they scatter
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes disordered; it scatters; it spreads; it
radiates; it spreads out; they scatter; they radiate; they
3. it becomes disordered; it scatters; it spreads; it
radiates; it spreads out; they scatter; they radiate; they
4. it becomes disordered; it scatters; it spreads; it
radiates; it spreads out; they scatter; they radiate; they
disperse <dupl-moya:hua>
<dupl-moya:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes disordered; it scatters; it spreads; it
radiates; it spreads out; they scatter; they radiate; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

disperse <dupl-moya:hua>
<dupl-moya:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. it spreads, it radiates; they scatter; they radiate; they
disperse <dupl-moya:hua>
<dupl-moya:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. it spreads, it radiates; they scatter; they radiate; they
disperse <dupl-moya:hua>
<dupl-moya:hua> FC - > jc-61096
8. it becomes disordered; it scatters; it spreads; it spreads
out; it radiates; they disperse; they radiate; they scatter
FC jc-031297
9. it becomes disordered; it scatters; it spreads; it spreads
out; it radiates; they disperse; they radiate; they scatter
FC jc-031297

0. radiating, spread out
1. radiating, spread out
FC -> jc-72895
2. radiating, spread out
3. radiating, spread out
4. radiating, spread out <dupl-moya:hua-c1>
<dupl-moya:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. radiating, spread out <dupl-moya:hua-c1>
<dupl-moya:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. radiating, spread out <dupl-moya:hua-c1>
<dupl-moya:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. radiating, spread out <dupl-moya:hua-c1>
<dupl-moya:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. radiating, spread out
FC jc-031297
9. radiating, spread out
FC jc-031297

0. todos los di'as ( every day )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. todos los di'as ( every day; daily )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. todos los di'as; diario ( every day; daily )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. todos los di'as ( every day )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. todos los di'as ( every day; daily )

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
5. todos los di'as; diario ( every day; daily )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. each day
1. each day
FC -> jc-72895
2. each day
3. each day
4. each day <dupl-mo:ztla-eh??>
<dupl-mo:ztla-eh??> FC - > jc-61096
5. each day <dupl-mo:ztla-eh??>
<dupl-mo:ztla-eh??> FC - > jc-61096
6. each day <dupl-mo:ztla-eh??>
<dupl-mo:ztla-eh??> FC - > jc-61096
7. each day <dupl-mo:ztla-eh??>
<dupl-mo:ztla-eh??> FC - > jc-61096
8. each day
FC jc-031297
9. each day
FC jc-031297

0. altar
1. altar
FC -> jc-72895
2. altar
3. altar
4. altar
5. altar <momoztli>
<momoztli> FC - > jc-61096
6. altar <momoztli>
<momoztli> FC - > jc-61096
7. altar
FC jc-031297
8. altar
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. one who killed his mother
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. one who killed his mother
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. one who killed his mother
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who killed his mother
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your body

1. your body
FC -> jc-72895
2. your body

3. your body

4. your body
FC jc-031297
5. your body
FC jc-031297

0. your body
1. your body
FC -> jc-72895
2. your body
3. your body
4. your body <poss-nacatl-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-nacatl-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your body <poss-nacatl-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-nacatl-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your body <poss-nacatl-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-nacatl-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. your [ h ] body; your body
FC jc-031297
8. your [ h ] body; your body
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your ear
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your ear
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. your ear
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. in your ear
1. in your ear
FC -> jc-72895
2. in your ear
3. in your ear
4. in your ear <poss-nacaztli-co1>
<poss-nacaztli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. in your ear <poss-nacaztli-co1>
<poss-nacaztli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. in your ear
FC jc-031297
7. in your ear
FC jc-031297

0. your mothers
1. your mothers
FC -> jc-72895
2. your mothers
3. your mothers
4. your mothers <poss-na:ntli-plur04>
<poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. your mothers <poss-na:ntli-plur04>
<poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. your mothers
FC jc-031297
7. your mothers
FC jc-031297

0. he sits hugging himself
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he sits hugging himself

FC -> jc-72895
2. he sits hugging himself

3. he sits hugging himself

4. he sits hugging himself

FC jc-031297
5. he sits hugging himself
FC jc-031297

0. your (h) duty

1. your (h) duty

FC -> jc-72895
2. your (h) duty

3. your (h) duty

4. your ( h ) duty
FC jc-031297
5. your ( h ) duty
FC jc-031297

0. it is sold

1. it is sold
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is sold

3. it is sold

4. it is sold
FC jc-031297
5. it is sold
FC jc-031297

0. prostitute
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. he will be sold
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he will be sold
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be sold

3. he will be sold

4. he will be sold
FC jc-031297
5. he will be sold
FC jc-031297

0. your husband
1. your husband
FC -> jc-72895
2. your husband
3. your husband
4. your husband <poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2>
<poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. your husband <poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2>
<poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. your husband <poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2>
<poss-na:miqui-prt1-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. your husband
FC jc-031297
8. your husband
FC jc-031297

0. they came together
FC jc-031297

0. he is married, he gets married; it is added; it is joined;
it is joined with it; they are added; they are brought
1. he is married, he gets married; it is added; it is joined;
it is joined with it; they are added; they are brought
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is married, he gets married; it is added; it is joined;
it is joined with it; they are added; they are brought
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he is married, he gets married; it is added; it is joined;
it is joined with it; they are added; they are brought
4. he gets married
FC - > jc-61096
5. he is married, he gets married; it is added; it is joined;
it is joined with it; they are added; they are brought
together <p54-na:miqui-prt1-caus02>
<p54-na:miqui-prt1-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is married, he gets married; it is added; it is joined;
it is joined with it; they are added; they are brought
together <p54-na:miqui-prt1-caus02>
<p54-na:miqui-prt1-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is married, he gets married; it is added; it is joined;
it is joined with it; they are added; they are brought
FC jc-031297
8. he is married, he gets married; it is added; it is joined;
it is joined with it; they are added; they are brought
FC jc-031297

0. it is added
1. it is added
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is added
3. it is added
4. it is added <p54-na:miqui-prt1-caus02-prt1>
<p54-na:miqui-prt1-caus02-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is added <p54-na:miqui-prt1-caus02-prt1>
<p54-na:miqui-prt1-caus02-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is added
FC jc-031297
7. it is added
FC jc-031297

0. your mother
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. your mother
FC -> jc-72895
2. your mother
3. your mother
4. your mother <poss-na:ntli>
<poss-na:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
5. your mother <poss-na:ntli>
<poss-na:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
6. your mother
FC jc-031297
7. your mother
FC jc-031297

0. he mushrooms himself, he supplies himself with mushrooms

1. he mushrooms himself, he supplies himself with mushrooms

FC -> jc-72895
2. he mushrooms himself, he supplies himself with mushrooms

3. he mushrooms himself, he supplies himself with mushrooms

4. he mushrooms himself, he supplies himself with mushrooms

FC jc-031297
5. he mushrooms himself, he supplies himself with mushrooms
FC jc-031297

0. she sells herself

1. she sells herself

FC -> jc-72895
2. she sells herself

3. she sells herself

4. she sells herself

FC jc-031297
5. she sells herself
FC jc-031297

0. your mothers
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. your mothers
FC -> jc-72895
2. your mothers
3. your mothers
4. your mothers <poss-na:ntli-plur04>
<poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. your mothers <poss-na:ntli-plur04>
<poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. your mothers
FC jc-031297
7. your mothers
FC jc-031297

0. your mothers; your mother
1. your mother; your mothers
FC -> jc-72895
2. your mothers; your mother
3. your mothers; your mother
4. your mothers; your mother <poss-na:ntli-plur04>
<poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. your mothers; your mother <poss-na:ntli-plur04>
<poss-na:ntli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
6. your mother; your mothers
FC jc-031297
7. your mother; your mothers
FC jc-031297

0. it takes root

1. it takes root
FC -> jc-72895
2. it takes root

3. it takes root

4. it takes root
FC jc-031297
5. it takes root
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your mother
1. your mother; your mother [ h ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. your mother
3. your mother
4. your mother <poss-na:ntli-tzin>
<poss-na:ntli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your mother <poss-na:ntli-tzin>
<poss-na:ntli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your mother; your mother [ h ]
FC jc-031297
7. your mother; your mother [ h ]
FC jc-031297
8. Nicnelohtoc in atol nic in nonantzin momocoa Estoy moviendo
el atole porque mi mama esta' enferma I am stirring the
atole because my mother is sick
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. your mothers

1. your mothers
FC -> jc-72895
2. your mothers

3. your mothers

4. your mothers
FC jc-031297
5. your mothers
FC jc-031297

0. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
1. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
FC -> jc-72895
2. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
3. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness

<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. your (pl) motherhood, your (pl) motherliness
<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
8. your ( pl ) motherhood, your ( pl ) motherliness
FC jc-031297
9. your ( pl ) motherhood, your ( pl ) motherliness
FC jc-031297

0. motherliness; your motherliness
1. motherliness; your motherliness
FC -> jc-72895
2. motherliness; your motherliness
3. motherliness; your motherliness
4. motherliness; your motherliness <poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. motherliness; your motherliness <poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. motherliness; your motherliness <poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. motherliness; your motherliness <poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-na:ntli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
8. motherliness; your motherliness
FC jc-031297
9. motherliness; your motherliness
FC jc-031297

0. mother of the parents-in-law
1. mother of the parents-in-law
FC -> jc-72895
2. mother of the parents-in-law
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. mother of the parents-in-law

4. mother of the parents-in-law <mo:ntli-cihtli2>
<mo:ntli-cihtli2> FC - > jc-61096
5. mother of the parents-in-law <mo:ntli-cihtli2>
<mo:ntli-cihtli2> FC - > jc-61096
6. mother of the parents-in-law
FC jc-031297
7. mother of the parents-in-law
FC jc-031297

0. father of the parents-in-law
1. father of the parents-in-law
FC -> jc-72895
2. father of the parents-in-law
3. father of the parents-in-law
4. father of the parents-in-law <mo:ntli-co:lli>
<mo:ntli-co:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. father of the parents-in-law <mo:ntli-co:lli>
<mo:ntli-co:lli> FC - > jc-61096
6. father of the parents-in-law
FC jc-031297
7. father of the parents-in-law
FC jc-031297

0. one who has a son-in-law
1. one who has a son-in-law
FC -> jc-72895
2. one who has a son-in-law
3. one who has a son-in-law
4. one who has a son-in-law <mo:ntli-eh1>
<mo:ntli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. one who has a son-in-law <mo:ntli-eh1>
<mo:ntli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one who has a son-in-law <mo:ntli-eh1>
<mo:ntli-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. one who has a son-in-law
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. one who has a son-in-law

FC jc-031297

0. one who has a son-in-law
<mo:ntli-eh1>-| jc-10896

0. it was required

1. it was required
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was required

3. it was required

4. it was required
FC jc-031297
5. it was required
FC jc-031297

0. they come together, they assemble
1. they come together, they assemble
FC -> jc-72895
2. they come together, they assemble
3. they come together, they assemble
4. they come together, they assemble <p54-nechicoa:>
<p54-nechicoa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. they come together, they assemble <p54-nechicoa:>
<p54-nechicoa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. they come together, they assemble
FC jc-031297
7. they come together, they assemble
FC jc-031297

0. they were assembled
FC jc-031297

0. your return
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. your return
FC -> jc-72895
2. your return

3. your return

4. your return
FC jc-031297
5. your return
FC jc-031297

0. your return
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. your return
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. your return
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. your return
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your joy

0. one who has a son-in-law
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. it takes root
1. it takes root
FC -> jc-72895
2. it takes root
3. it takes root
4. it takes root <p54-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p54-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it takes root <p54-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p54-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
6. it takes root <p54-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p54-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
7. it takes root <p54-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p54-nelhuatl-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. it forms a root; it forms roots; it takes root

FC jc-031297
9. it forms a root; it forms roots; it takes root
FC jc-031297

0. it is stirred, it is mixed, it is beaten
1. it is mixed; it is stirred; it is beaten
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is stirred, it is mixed, it is beaten
3. it is stirred, it is mixed, it is beaten
4. it is mixed
FC - > jc-61096
5. it is stirred, it is mixed, it is beaten
<p54-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is stirred, it is mixed, it is beaten
<p54-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is mixed; it is stirred; it is beaten
FC jc-031297
8. it is mixed; it is stirred; it is beaten
FC jc-031297

0. it is to be stirred, it is to be mixed; it will be stirred;
it will be mixed
1. it is to be stirred, it is to be mixed; it will be stirred;
it will be mixed
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is to be stirred, it is to be mixed; it will be stirred;
it will be mixed
3. it is to be stirred, it is to be mixed; it will be stirred;
it will be mixed
4. it is to be stirred, it is to be mixed; it will be stirred;
it will be mixed <p54-nelihui-caus06-z>
<p54-nelihui-caus06-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is to be stirred, it is to be mixed; it will be stirred;
it will be mixed <p54-nelihui-caus06-z>
<p54-nelihui-caus06-z> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. it is to be stirred, it is to be mixed; it will be stirred;

it will be mixed
FC jc-031297
7. it is to be stirred, it is to be mixed; it will be stirred;
it will be mixed
FC jc-031297

0. yehica ca titechmomaquilia in moneltococatzin, inic huel
timitztiximachilizque: ihuan for thou offerest us thy
faith, that we may know thee (b1 f4 p66)

0. your gift
FC jc-031297

0. your live, your way of life; your life
1. your life; your way of life; your live
FC -> jc-72895
2. your live, your way of life; your life
3. your live, your way of life; your life
4. your live, your way of life; your life <poss-nemi-liz>
<poss-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. your live, your way of life; your life <poss-nemi-liz>
<poss-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. your life; your way of life; your live
FC jc-031297
7. your life; your way of life; your live
FC jc-031297

0. he changes his way of life
1. he changes his way of life
FC -> jc-72895
2. he changes his way of life
3. he changes his way of life
4. he changes his way of life <p54-nemi-liz-cuepa>
<p54-nemi-liz-cuepa> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he changes his way of life <p54-nemi-liz-cuepa>

<p54-nemi-liz-cuepa> FC - > jc-61096
6. he changes his way of life <p54-nemi-liz-cuepa>
<p54-nemi-liz-cuepa> FC - > jc-61096
7. he changes his way of life
FC jc-031297
8. he changes his way of life
FC jc-031297

0. he [ h ] will live
FC jc-031297

0. it is mixed in
1. it is mixed in
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is mixed in
3. it is mixed in
4. it is mixed in <p54-dupl-nelihui-caus06>
<p54-dupl-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is mixed in <p54-dupl-nelihui-caus06>
<p54-dupl-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is mixed in <p54-dupl-nelihui-caus06>
<p54-dupl-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is mixed in <p54-dupl-nelihui-caus06>
<p54-dupl-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
8. it is mixed in
FC jc-031297
9. it is mixed in
FC jc-031297

0. your gift
FC jc-031297

0. your traveling
1. your traveling
FC -> jc-72895
2. your traveling
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. your traveling
4. your traveling <poss-dupl-nemi-liz>
<poss-dupl-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. your traveling <poss-dupl-nemi-liz>
<poss-dupl-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. your traveling <poss-dupl-nemi-liz>
<poss-dupl-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. your traveling <poss-dupl-nemi-liz>
<poss-dupl-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
8. your traveling
FC jc-031297
9. your traveling
FC jc-031297

0. they join together

1. they join together

FC -> jc-72895
2. they join together

3. they join together

4. they join together

FC jc-031297
5. they join together
FC jc-031297

0. your tongue
1. your tongue
FC -> jc-72895
2. your tongue
3. your tongue
4. your tongue <poss-nenetl-pilli>
<poss-nenetl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
5. your tongue <poss-nenetl-pilli>
<poss-nenetl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
6. your tongue <poss-nenetl-pilli>
<poss-nenetl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
7. your tongue
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. your tongue
FC jc-031297

0. he is capricious, he is over-demanding; it is required; it
is needed; it is necessary; she is over-demanding
1. he is capricious, he is over-demanding; it is necessary; it
is needed; it is required; she is over-demanding
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is capricious, he is over-demanding; it is required; it
is needed; it is necessary; she is over-demanding
3. he is capricious, he is over-demanding; it is required; it
is needed; it is necessary; she is over-demanding
4. he is capricious, he is over-demanding; it is required; it
is needed; it is necessary; she is over-demanding
<p54-dupl-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is capricious, he is over-demanding; it is required; it
is needed; it is necessary; she is over-demanding
<p54-dupl-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is capricious, he is over-demanding; it is necessary; it
is needed; it is required; she is over-demanding
FC jc-031297
7. he is capricious, he is over-demanding; it is necessary; it
is needed; it is required; she is over-demanding
FC jc-031297

0. he will be demanding
1. he will be demanding
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be demanding
3. he will be demanding
4. he will be demanding <p54-dupl-nequi-z>
<p54-dupl-nequi-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will be demanding <p54-dupl-nequi-z>
<p54-dupl-nequi-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will be demanding <p54-dupl-nequi-z>
<p54-dupl-nequi-z> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. he will be demanding <p54-dupl-nequi-z>

<p54-dupl-nequi-z> FC - > jc-61096
8. he will be demanding
FC jc-031297
9. he will be demanding
FC jc-031297

0. auh in yehuantin in cuauhtlatoque ihuan pochtecatlatoque,
oc cenca omonepannahuatecque, cenca monepantlazotlaya: and
the governors [of tlatilulco] and the principal merchants
were especially friendly; they greatly esteemed one another
<p54-nepan-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b9 f2 c5 p23), 2 zan centetl
in inyeliz catca, cenca monepantlazotlaya alike were they
in mode of behavior; they loved one another greatly
<p54-nepan-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b9 f2 c5 p23)
1. they loved each other
FC -> jc-72895
2. they loved each other

3. auh in yehuantin in cuauhtlatoque ihuan pochtecatlatoque,

oc cenca omonepannahuatecque, cenca monepantlazotlaya: and
the governors [of tlatilulco] and the principal merchants
were especially friendly; they greatly esteemed one another
<p54-nepan-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b9 f2 c5 p23), 2 zan centetl
in inyeliz catca, cenca monepantlazotlaya alike were they
in mode of behavior; they loved one another greatly
<p54-nepan-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b9 f2 c5 p23)
4. they loved each other

5. auh in yehuantin in cuauhtlatoque ihuan pochtecatlatoque,

oc cenca omonepannahuatecque, cenca monepantlazotlaya: and
the governors [of tlatilulco] and the principal merchants
were especially friendly; they greatly esteemed one another
<p54-nepan-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> (b9 f2 c5 p23) JC-7/23/96
6. zan centetl in inyeliz catca, cenca monepantlazotlaya
alike were they in mode of behavior; they loved one another
<p54-nepan-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> (b9 f2 c5 p23) JC-7/23/96
7. they loved each other
FC jc-031297
8. they loved each other
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he is required, he is needed; it is necessary; it is
required; it is wanted; it is needed; it is useful; it is
desired; it is used; it necessary
1. he is required, he is needed; it is necessary; it is
required; it is wanted; it is needed; it is useful; it is
desired; it is used; it necessary
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are required, they are necessary; they are needed
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is required, he is needed; it is necessary; it is
required; it is wanted; it is needed; it is useful; it is
desired; it is used; it necessary
4. he is required, he is needed; it is necessary; it is
required; it is wanted; it is needed; it is useful; it is
desired; it is used; it necessary
5. it is required; it is necessary <p54-nequi>
<p54-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is required; it is necessary <p54-nequi>
<p54-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is required, he is needed; it is necessary; it is
required; it is wanted; it is needed; it is useful; it is
desired; it is used; it necessary
FC jc-031297
8. they are required, they are necessary; they are needed
FC jc-031297
9. he is required, he is needed; it is necessary; it is
required; it is wanted; it is needed; it is useful; it is
desired; it is used; it necessary
FC jc-031297
10. they are required, they are necessary; they are needed
FC jc-031297

0. it is required, it is needed; it was required; it was
needed; it was necessary; it was desired; they were needed;
they were required
1. it is required, it is needed; it was necessary; it was
desired; it was needed; it was required; they were needed;
they were required
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is required, it is needed; it was required; it was
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

needed; it was necessary; it was desired; they were needed;

they were required
3. it is required, it is needed; it was required; it was
needed; it was necessary; it was desired; they were needed;
they were required
4. it is required, it is needed; it was required; it was
needed; it was necessary; it was desired; they were needed;
they were required <p54-nequi-ya3>
<p54-nequi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is required, it is needed; it was required; it was
needed; it was necessary; it was desired; they were needed;
they were required <p54-nequi-ya3>
<p54-nequi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was required, it was needed <p54-nequi-ya3>
<p54-nequi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is required; it is needed; it was necessary; it was
desired; it was needed; it was required; they were needed;
they were required
FC jc-031297
8. it is required; it is needed; it was necessary; it was
desired; it was needed; it was required; they were needed;
they were required
FC jc-031297

0. he wills it

1. he wills it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he wills it

3. he wills it

4. he wills it
FC jc-031297
5. he wills it
FC jc-031297

0. it will be needed; it will be required; it will be necessary
1. it will be needed; it will be required; it will be necessary
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be needed; it will be required; it will be necessary
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it will be needed; it will be required; it will be necessary
4. it will be needed; it will be required; it will be
necessary <p54-nequi-z>
<p54-nequi-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be needed; it will be required; it will be
necessary <p54-nequi-z>
<p54-nequi-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. it will be needed; it will be required; it will be necessary
FC jc-031297
7. it will be needed; it will be required; it will be necessary
FC jc-031297

0. your anguish

1. your anguish
FC -> jc-72895
2. your anguish

3. your anguish

4. your anguish
FC jc-031297
5. your anguish
FC jc-031297

0. your vow
1. your vow
FC -> jc-72895
2. your vow
3. your vow
4. your vow <poss-p53-ihtoa:-l1>
<poss-p53-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. your vow <poss-p53-ihtoa:-l1>
<poss-p53-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. your vow
FC jc-031297
7. your vow
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. ihuic monetoltia, he maketh vows to him
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08 (b1 f3 cAp p57), 2 auh
cequintin ic monetoltia, in ehuatlatizque: ipampa ahzo
papalania, ahzo zazahuati, anozo ixcocoya: and some had
made vows to hide away the skins because perchance they
were covered with sores, perchance had a scabby skin, or
had maladies of the eyes <p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08 (b2
f2 c22 p58), 3 in aquin inhuicpa monetoltia: in
quinquentiz quintlaquentiz, quinchichihuilia in
innextlahual, in cihuatetehuitl amatl, tlaoolxahualli
oolpeyahuac, one who made a vow to them that he would
cover and wrap them, adorned their offerings, the paper
banners of the goddesses painted and spattered with liquid
rubber <p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08 (b4 f10 c33 p106), 4
auh in otlathuic in ie ilhuiuh ipan, in yoatzinco ie ic
quixtlapoa in ihuic monetoltia, and when dawn broke, when
it was already the feast day, when it was early morning,
already those who had made vows to him uncovered his face
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08 (b12 f4 c19 p53)
1. ihuic monetoltia, he maketh vows to him
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08> (b1 f3 cAp p57) JC-7/23/96
2. auh cequintin ic monetoltia, in ehuatlatizque: ipampa ahzo
papalania, ahzo zazahuati, anozo ixcocoya: and some had
made vows to hide away the skins because perchance they
were covered with sores, perchance had a scabby skin, or
had maladies of the eyes
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08> (b2 f2 c22 p58) JC-7/23/96
3. in aquin inhuicpa monetoltia: in quinquentiz
quintlaquentiz, quinchichihuilia in innextlahual, in
cihuatetehuitl amatl, tlaoolxahualli oolpeyahuac, one who
made a vow to them that he would cover and wrap them,
adorned their offerings, the paper banners of the goddesses
painted and spattered with liquid rubber
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08> (b4 f10 c33 p106) JC-7/23/96
4. auh in otlathuic in ie ilhuiuh ipan, in yoatzinco ie ic
quixtlapoa in ihuic monetoltia, and when dawn broke, when
it was already the feast day, when it was early morning,
already those who had made vows to him uncovered his face
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08> (b12 f4 c19 p53) JC-7/23/96

0. in aquin ihuicpa monetoltiaya, quintlaquentia in ihcuac in
intemoya, in intlapoalpan, in ipan tonalli temoya, he who
made a vow to them covered them at the time of their
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

descent, at the time of their day count, on the day sign of

their descent <p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3 (b4 f5 c11
p41), 2 ompa ihuic monetoltiaya inic quipatiz, there they
made vows to him so that he might cure them
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3 (b9 f6 c15 p71)
1. in aquin ipam mochihuaya, in, cocoliztli toquichti, ihuicpa
monetoltiaya, ihuicpa mitoaya: inic onmaquiz in iiehuayo,
when sickness befell one of us men, he made a vow to him,
he pledged him that he would put on the skin [of the god]:
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3 (b1 f2 c18 p39), 2 auh
in aquin coacihuiya, huahuapahuaya, cuacuauhtia,
cocototzaoya: anozo in aquin atlan miquiznequi, ehecatl
ipan moquetza atla: oncan monetoltiaya inic tepiquiz, in
quinpiquiz: quetzalcoatl, in chalchihuitl icue, in tlaloc:
popocatepetl, iztac tepetl, poyauhtecatl: ihuan in zazo
quezquitetl tepetl in quintenehuaz in quipiquiz and he who
was palsied, cramped, stiffened, paralyzed, or he who was
threatened with drowning, when the wind rose over the
water, would then vow that he would fashion images; that he
would mold representations of quetzalcoatl, chalchiuitl
ycue, tlaloc, popocatepetl, iztac tepetl, poiauhtecatl, and
any other mountain of which they would choose to make
representations <p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3 (b1 f2
c21 p47), 3 in aquin ipan mochihuaya in, in cocoliztli
toquichtin, ihuicpa mitoaya, monetoltiaya, inic ommaquiz
iehuayo totec whosoever of us men this befell---this
sickness --it was said, vowed that he would wear the skin
of totec <p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3 (b1 f5 cAp p73),
4 ihuan inhuic monetoltiaya, in coacihuia, inic
tepiquizque, etc and they made vows to them --those with
the palsy --that they would form them, etc
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3 (b1 f5 cAp p74), 5 auh
in cequintin macehualti, monetoltiaya inic tepiquizque:
and a number of the common folk made vows that they would
make figures of the mountain (gods]
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3 (b2 f9 c35 p150), 6
iuhquin ic monetoltiaya ihuic tonatiuh it was as if thus a
vow was made to the sun <p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3
(b2 f13 c38 p205), 7 ihuan in aquin ompa monetoltiaya,
yehuatl conilhuiaya in cihuacuacuilli iztac cihuatl, and
any who made vows there spoke to the ciuaquacuilli iztac
ciuatl <p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3 (b2 f13 c38 p211)
2. in aquin ihuicpa monetoltiaya, quintlaquentia in ihcuac in
intemoya, in intlapoalpan, in ipan tonalli temoya, he who
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

made a vow to them covered them at the time of their

descent, at the time of their day count, on the day sign of
their descent <p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3 (b4 f5 c11
p41), 2 ompa ihuic monetoltiaya inic quipatiz, there they
made vows to him so that he might cure them
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3 (b9 f6 c15 p71)
3. in aquin ipam mochihuaya, in, cocoliztli toquichti, ihuicpa
monetoltiaya, ihuicpa mitoaya: inic onmaquiz in iiehuayo,
when sickness befell one of us men, he made a vow to him,
he pledged him that he would put on the skin [of the god]:
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3 (b1 f2 c18 p39), 2 auh
in aquin coacihuiya, huahuapahuaya, cuacuauhtia,
cocototzaoya: anozo in aquin atlan miquiznequi, ehecatl
ipan moquetza atla: oncan monetoltiaya inic tepiquiz, in
quinpiquiz: quetzalcoatl, in chalchihuitl icue, in tlaloc:
popocatepetl, iztac tepetl, poyauhtecatl: ihuan in zazo
quezquitetl tepetl in quintenehuaz in quipiquiz and he who
was palsied, cramped, stiffened, paralyzed, or he who was
threatened with drowning, when the wind rose over the
water, would then vow that he would fashion images; that he
would mold representations of quetzalcoatl, chalchiuitl
ycue, tlaloc, popocatepetl, iztac tepetl, poiauhtecatl, and
any other mountain of which they would choose to make
representations <p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3 (b1 f2
c21 p47), 3 in aquin ipan mochihuaya in, in cocoliztli
toquichtin, ihuicpa mitoaya, monetoltiaya, inic ommaquiz
iehuayo totec whosoever of us men this befell---this
sickness --it was said, vowed that he would wear the skin
of totec <p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3 (b1 f5 cAp p73),
4 ihuan inhuic monetoltiaya, in coacihuia, inic
tepiquizque, etc and they made vows to them --those with
the palsy --that they would form them, etc
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3 (b1 f5 cAp p74), 5 auh
in cequintin macehualti, monetoltiaya inic tepiquizque:
and a number of the common folk made vows that they would
make figures of the mountain (gods]
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3 (b2 f9 c35 p150), 6
iuhquin ic monetoltiaya ihuic tonatiuh it was as if thus a
vow was made to the sun <p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3
(b2 f13 c38 p205), 7 ihuan in aquin ompa monetoltiaya,
yehuatl conilhuiaya in cihuacuacuilli iztac cihuatl, and
any who made vows there spoke to the ciuaquacuilli iztac
ciuatl <p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3 (b2 f13 c38 p211)
4. in aquin ipam mochihuaya, in, cocoliztli toquichti, ihuicpa
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

monetoltiaya, ihuicpa mitoaya: inic onmaquiz in iiehuayo,

when sickness befell one of us men, he made a vow to him,
he pledged him that he would put on the skin [of the god]:
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3> (b1 f2 c18 p39) JC-7/23/96
5. auh in aquin coacihuiya, huahuapahuaya, cuacuauhtia,
cocototzaoya: anozo in aquin atlan miquiznequi, ehecatl
ipan moquetza atla: oncan monetoltiaya inic tepiquiz, in
quinpiquiz: quetzalcoatl, in chalchihuitl icue, in tlaloc:
popocatepetl, iztac tepetl, poyauhtecatl: ihuan in zazo
quezquitetl tepetl in quintenehuaz in quipiquiz and he who
was palsied, cramped, stiffened, paralyzed, or he who was
threatened with drowning, when the wind rose over the
water, would then vow that he would fashion images; that he
would mold representations of quetzalcoatl, chalchiuitl
ycue, tlaloc, popocatepetl, iztac tepetl, poiauhtecatl, and
any other mountain of which they would choose to make
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3> (b1 f2 c21 p47) JC-7/23/96
6. in aquin ipan mochihuaya in, in cocoliztli toquichtin,
ihuicpa mitoaya, monetoltiaya, inic ommaquiz iehuayo totec
whosoever of us men this befell---this sickness --it was
said, vowed that he would wear the skin of totec
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3> (b1 f5 cAp p73) JC-7/23/96
7. ihuan inhuic monetoltiaya, in coacihuia, inic tepiquizque,
etc and they made vows to them --those with the palsy
--that they would form them, etc
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3> (b1 f5 cAp p74) JC-7/23/96
8. auh in cequintin macehualti, monetoltiaya inic tepiquizque:
and a number of the common folk made vows that they would
make figures of the mountain (gods]
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3> (b2 f9 c35 p150) JC-7/23/96
9. iuhquin ic monetoltiaya ihuic tonatiuh it was as if thus a
vow was made to the sun
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3> (b2 f13 c38 p205) JC-7/23/96
10. ihuan in aquin ompa monetoltiaya, yehuatl conilhuiaya in
cihuacuacuilli iztac cihuatl, and any who made vows there
spoke to the ciuaquacuilli iztac ciuatl
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3> (b2 f13 c38 p211) JC-7/23/96
11. in aquin ihuicpa monetoltiaya, quintlaquentia in ihcuac in
intemoya, in intlapoalpan, in ipan tonalli temoya, he who
made a vow to them covered them at the time of their
descent, at the time of their day count, on the day sign of
their descent
<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3> (b4 f5 c11 p41) JC-7/23/96
12. ompa ihuic monetoltiaya inic quipatiz, there they made
vows to him so that he might cure them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3> (b9 f6 c15 p71) JC-7/23/96

0. it produces honey
FC jc-031297

0. auh ma mitic titlato, ma itla mitic tiquito, ma
tichicotlato monexiuhtlatilco: ca cuahuitl, tetl iitic
tlachia, tlacaqui in toteucyo: and do not presume, do not
repeat something within thyself, do not blaspheme in thy
defiance; for our lord seeth, heareth within wood, within
stone (b6 f8 p91)

0. he showed himself

1. he showed himself
FC -> jc-72895
2. he showed himself

3. he showed himself

4. he showed himself
FC jc-031297
5. he showed himself
FC jc-031297

0. it shows itself
1. it is shown; it shows itself
FC -> jc-72895
2. it shows itself
3. it shows itself
4. he appears ( he causes himself to appear )
FC - > jc-61096
5. it shows itself <p54-neci-caus02>
<p54-neci-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. it shows itself <p54-neci-caus02>
<p54-neci-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is shown; it shows itself
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. it is shown; it shows itself

FC jc-031297

0. they showed themselves, they revealed themselves

1. they showed themselves, they revealed themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they showed themselves, they revealed themselves

3. they showed themselves, they revealed themselves

4. they showed themselves, they revealed themselves

FC jc-031297
5. they showed themselves, they revealed themselves
FC jc-031297

0. the fast is broken

1. the fast is broken

FC -> jc-72895
2. the fast is broken

3. the fast is broken

4. the fast is broken

FC jc-031297
5. the fast is broken
FC jc-031297

0. one who has a mother-in-law
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. mothers-in-law
1. mothers-in-law
FC -> jc-72895
2. mothers-in-law
3. mothers-in-law
4. mothers-in-law <mo:ntli-na:ntli-plur02>
<mo:ntli-na:ntli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. mothers-in-law <mo:ntli-na:ntli-plur02>
<mo:ntli-na:ntli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. mothers-in-law <mo:ntli-na:ntli-plur02>
<mo:ntli-na:ntli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
7. mothers-in-law <mo:ntli-na:ntli-plur02>
<mo:ntli-na:ntli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
8. mothers-in-law
FC jc-031297
9. mothers-in-law
FC jc-031297

0. converted, reprimanded
Adj Form jc-022897
1. converted
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. reprimanded
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. transformed

4. metamorphosed

5. remade

6. transfigured

7. transmuted

8. recreated

9. transmuted

10. recreated

11. transmogrified

12. changed

13. castigate

14. reprove

15. reproach

16. admonish
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

17. censure

18. criticize

19. chide

20. denounce

21. converted

22. reprimanded

0. they confer, they consult with one another
1. they confer, they consult with one another
FC -> jc-72895
2. they confer, they consult with one another
3. they confer, they consult with one another
4. they confer, they consult with one another <p54-dupl-no:tza>
<p54-dupl-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
5. they confer, they consult with one another <p54-dupl-no:tza>
<p54-dupl-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
6. they confer, they consult with one another <p54-dupl-no:tza>
<p54-dupl-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
7. they confer, they consult with one another <p54-dupl-no:tza>
<p54-dupl-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
8. they confer, they consult with one another; they consult
among themselves; they discuss; they consult
FC jc-031297
9. they confer, they consult with one another; they consult
among themselves; they discuss; they consult
FC jc-031297

0. they consulted among each other
1. they consulted among each other
FC -> jc-72895
2. they consulted among each other
3. they consulted among each other
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they consulted among each other

<p54-dupl-no:tza-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they consulted among each other
<p54-dupl-no:tza-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they consulted among each other
<p54-dupl-no:tza-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they consulted among each other
<p54-dupl-no:tza-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
8. they consulted among each other; they took counsel among
themselves; they talked to each other
FC jc-031297
9. they consulted among each other; they took counsel among
themselves; they talked to each other
FC jc-031297

0. they were taking counsel with each other

1. they were taking counsel with each other

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were taking counsel with each other

3. they were taking counsel with each other

4. they were taking counsel with each other

FC jc-031297
5. they were taking counsel with each other
FC jc-031297

0. he is advised; he takes heed; he thinks; he deliberates;
she takes heed; they deliberate; they are summoned; they
speak to each other; they converse
1. he is advised; he takes heed; he thinks; he deliberates
FC -> jc-72895
2. she takes heed; they are summoned; they converse; they
deliberate; they speak to each other
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is advised; he takes heed; he thinks; he deliberates;
she takes heed; they deliberate; they are summoned; they
speak to each other; they converse
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he is advised; he takes heed; he thinks; he deliberates;
she takes heed; they deliberate; they are summoned; they
speak to each other; they converse
5. he is advised; he takes heed; he thinks; he deliberates;
she takes heed; they deliberate; they are summoned; they
speak to each other; they converse <p54-no:tza>
<p54-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is advised; he takes heed; he thinks; he deliberates;
she takes heed; they deliberate; they are summoned; they
speak to each other; they converse <p54-no:tza>
<p54-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is advised; he takes heed; he thinks; he deliberates
FC jc-031297
8. she takes heed; they are summoned; they converse; they
deliberate; they speak to each other
FC jc-031297
9. he is advised; he takes heed; he thinks; he deliberates
FC jc-031297
10. she takes heed; they are summoned; they converse; they
deliberate; they speak to each other
FC jc-031297

0. thinker, one who thinks
1. thinker, one who thinks
FC -> jc-72895
2. thinker, one who thinks
3. thinker, one who thinks
4. thinker, one who thinks <p54-no:tza-ni1>
<p54-no:tza-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. thinker, one who thinks <p54-no:tza-ni1>
<p54-no:tza-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. thinker, one who thinks <p54-no:tza-ni1>
<p54-no:tza-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. thinker, one who thinks <p54-no:tza-ni1>
<p54-no:tza-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. thinker, one who thinks
FC jc-031297
9. thinker, one who thinks
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he reflected
1. he reflected
FC -> jc-72895
2. he reflected
3. he reflected
4. he reflected <p54-no:tza-ya3>
<p54-no:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he reflected <p54-no:tza-ya3>
<p54-no:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he reflected <p54-no:tza-ya3>
<p54-no:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he reflected
FC jc-031297
8. he reflected
FC jc-031297

0. he will take heed
1. he will take heed
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will take heed
3. he will take heed
4. he will take heed <p54-no:tza-z>
<p54-no:tza-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will take heed <p54-no:tza-z>
<p54-no:tza-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will take heed
FC jc-031297
7. he will take heed
FC jc-031297

0. in cualli machtli ateilhuiliztli, zan ce inacaz,
hamamachtiliztli, tlachixcatzintli, huel monotzcatzintli,
yolteotl, tlayolteohuia tlanemilia the good nephew (niece)
[is] obliging, willing, resourceful, judicious,
considerate, circumspect, farsighted, thoughtful (b10 f1 p4)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. one who has a father-in-law
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. fathers-in-law
1. fathers-in-law
FC -> jc-72895
2. fathers-in-law
3. fathers-in-law
4. fathers-in-law <mo:ntli-tahtli-plur02>
<mo:ntli-tahtli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. fathers-in-law <mo:ntli-tahtli-plur02>
<mo:ntli-tahtli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. fathers-in-law <mo:ntli-tahtli-plur02>
<mo:ntli-tahtli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
7. fathers-in-law
FC jc-031297
8. fathers-in-law
FC jc-031297

0. father-in-law
1. father-in-law
FC -> jc-72895
2. father-in-law
3. father-in-law
4. father-in-law <mo:ntli-tahtli>
<mo:ntli-tahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. father-in-law <mo:ntli-tahtli>
<mo:ntli-tahtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. father-in-law <mo:ntli-tahtli>
<mo:ntli-tahtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. father-in-law
FC jc-031297
8. father-in-law
FC jc-031297

0. son-in-law
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. son-in-law
FC - > jc-61096

0. they move

1. they move
FC -> jc-72895
2. they move

3. they move

4. they move
FC jc-031297
5. they move
FC jc-031297

0. they gird themselves

1. they gird themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they gird themselves

3. they gird themselves

4. they gird themselves

FC jc-031297
5. they gird themselves
FC jc-031297

0. he calls himself a warrior
1. he calls himself a warrior
FC -> jc-72895
2. he calls himself a warrior
3. he calls himself a warrior
4. he calls himself a warrior <p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:>
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he calls himself a warrior <p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:>
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he calls himself a warrior
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. he calls himself a warrior
FC jc-031297

0. it is dyed
FC jc-031297

0. it is washed; they are washed

1. it is washed; they are washed

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is washed; they are washed

3. it is washed; they are washed

4. it is washed; they are washed

FC jc-031297
5. it is washed; they are washed
FC jc-031297

0. it is washed
FC jc-031297

0. he sits down happily

1. he sits down happily

FC -> jc-72895
2. he sits down happily

3. he sits down happily

4. he sits down happily

FC jc-031297
5. he sits down happily
FC jc-031297

0. it is pressed; they press one another together

1. it is pressed; they press one another together

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is pressed; they press one another together
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it is pressed; they press one another together

4. it is pressed; they press one another together

FC jc-031297
5. it is pressed; they press one another together
FC jc-031297

0. it is continually washed
FC jc-031297

0. he will proceed washing himself
FC jc-031297

0. he excuses himself; it is cured

1. he excuses himself; it is cured

FC -> jc-72895
2. he excuses himself; it is cured

3. he excuses himself; it is cured

4. he excuses himself; it is cured

FC jc-031297
5. he excuses himself; it is cured
FC jc-031297

0. it is cooked in an olla
1. it is cooked in an olla
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is cooked in an olla
3. it is cooked in an olla
4. it is cooked in an olla <p54-pa:huaci>
<p54-pa:huaci> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is cooked; it is cooked in an olla; it is heated
FC jc-031297
6. it is cooked; it is cooked in an olla; it is heated
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. through you

1. through you
FC -> jc-72895
2. through you

3. through you

4. through you
FC jc-031297
5. through you
FC jc-031297

0. he helps himself

1. he helps himself
FC -> jc-72895
2. he helps himself

3. he helps himself

4. he helps himself; he is helped; it is alleviated; it is

FC jc-031297
5. he helps himself; he is helped; it is alleviated; it is
FC jc-031297

0. it is ground up wet
FC jc-031297

0. por usted ( because of you [ H ] )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. on you

1. on you
FC -> jc-72895
2. on you

3. on you
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. on you; at you; about you; for you; to you

FC jc-031297
5. on you; at you; about you; for you; to you
FC jc-031297

0. she washes herself
1. she washes herself
FC -> jc-72895
2. she washes herself
3. she washes herself
4. she washes herself <p54-dupl-pa:ca>
<p54-dupl-pa:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. she washes herself <p54-dupl-pa:ca>
<p54-dupl-pa:ca> FC - > jc-61096
6. she washes herself
FC jc-031297
7. she washes herself
FC jc-031297

0. he massages him; it is massaged

1. he massages him; it is massaged

FC -> jc-72895
2. he massages him; it is massaged

3. he massages him; it is massaged

4. he massages him; it is massaged

FC jc-031297
5. he massages him; it is massaged
FC jc-031297

0. he will be massaged

1. he will be massaged
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be massaged

3. he will be massaged
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he will be massaged
FC jc-031297
5. he will be massaged
FC jc-031297

0. it washes itself

1. it washes itself
FC -> jc-72895
2. it washes itself

3. it washes itself

4. it washes itself
FC jc-031297
5. it washes itself
FC jc-031297

0. it licks itself

1. it licks itself
FC -> jc-72895
2. it licks itself

3. it licks itself

4. it licks itself
FC jc-031297
5. it licks itself
FC jc-031297

0. they are cured
FC -> jc-72895
1. they are cured
FC jc-031297
2. they are cured
FC jc-031297

0. it is dissolved

1. it is dissolved
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is dissolved

3. it is dissolved

4. it is dissolved
FC jc-031297
5. it is dissolved
FC jc-031297

0. it ruffles its hair

1. it ruffles its hair

FC -> jc-72895
2. it ruffles its hair

3. it ruffles its hair

4. it ruffles its hair

FC jc-031297
5. it ruffles its hair
FC jc-031297

0. he bows

1. he bows
FC -> jc-72895
2. he bows

3. he bows

4. he bows; he bows in reverence

FC jc-031297
5. he bows; he bows in reverence
FC jc-031297

0. it is started
1. it is started
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is started
3. it is started
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it is started <p54-pe:hua-caus01>
<p54-pe:hua-caus01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they fight each other
FC - > jc-61096
6. it is started
FC jc-031297
7. it is started
FC jc-031297

0. it is gathered; it is selected; it is chosen
1. it is gathered; it is selected; it is chosen
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is gathered; it is selected; it is chosen
3. it is gathered; it is selected; it is chosen
4. it is gathered; it is selected; it is chosen <p54-pehpena>
<p54-pehpena> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is gathered; it is selected; it is chosen
FC jc-031297
6. it is gathered; it is selected; it is chosen
FC jc-031297

0. they were chosen
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes bare, it is stripped; it glistens; it is
polished; it is burnished; it shines
1. it becomes bare, it is stripped; it glistens; it is
polished; it is burnished; it shines
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes bare, it is stripped; it glistens; it is
polished; it is burnished; it shines
3. it becomes bare, it is stripped; it glistens; it is
polished; it is burnished; it shines
4. it is polished <p54-petla:hua>
<p54-petla:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes bare, it is stripped; it glistens; it is
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

polished; it is burnished; it shines

FC jc-031297
6. it becomes bare, it is stripped; it glistens; it is
polished; it is burnished; it shines
FC jc-031297

0. your reed mat

1. your reed mat

FC -> jc-72895
2. your reed mat

3. your reed mat

4. your reed mat

FC jc-031297
5. your reed mat
FC jc-031297

0. your reed mat

1. your reed mat

FC -> jc-72895
2. your reed mat

3. your reed mat

4. your reed mat

FC jc-031297
5. your reed mat
FC jc-031297

0. he is abstinent; it is held; it is kept; it is guarded; she
guards herself; they are guarded
1. he is abstinent; it is guarded; it is held; it is kept
FC -> jc-72895
2. she guards herself; they are guarded
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is abstinent; it is held; it is kept; it is guarded; she
guards herself; they are guarded
4. he is abstinent; it is held; it is kept; it is guarded; she
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

guards herself; they are guarded

5. he is abstinent; it is held; it is kept; it is guarded; she
guards herself; they are guarded <p54-piya>
<p54-piya> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is abstinent; it is guarded; it is held; it is kept
FC jc-031297
7. she guards herself; they are guarded
FC jc-031297
8. he is abstinent; it is guarded; it is held; it is kept
FC jc-031297
9. she guards herself; they are guarded
FC jc-031297

0. chaste
1. chaste
FC -> jc-72895
2. chaste
3. chaste
4. chaste <p54-piya-ni1>
<p54-piya-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. chaste <p54-piya-ni1>
<p54-piya-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. chaste <p54-piya-ni1>
<p54-piya-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. chaste
FC jc-031297
8. chaste
FC jc-031297

0. it was guarded; it was kept; it was observed; it was
stored; they guarded themselves; they were guarded
1. it was guarded; it was kept; it was observed; it was
stored; they guarded themselves; they were guarded
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was guarded; it was kept; it was observed; it was
stored; they guarded themselves; they were guarded
3. it was guarded; it was kept; it was observed; it was
stored; they guarded themselves; they were guarded
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it was kept; it was stored; it was guarded <p54-piya-ya3>
<p54-piya-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was observed, it was kept; it was stored; it was
guarded; they were guarded <p54-piya-ya3>
<p54-piya-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was guarded; it was kept; it was observed; it was
stored; they guarded themselves; they were guarded
FC jc-031297
7. it was guarded; it was kept; it was observed; it was
stored; they guarded themselves; they were guarded
FC jc-031297

0. it will be watched, it will cared for
1. it will be watched, it will cared for
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be watched, it will cared for
3. it will be watched, it will cared for
4. it will be watched, it will cared for <p54-piya-z>
<p54-piya-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be watched, it will cared for
FC jc-031297
6. it will be watched, it will cared for
FC jc-031297

0. they will keep themselves apart

1. they will keep themselves apart

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will keep themselves apart

3. they will keep themselves apart

4. they will keep themselves apart

FC jc-031297
5. they will keep themselves apart
FC jc-031297

0. it begets its young
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he begets sons; it bears its young; it raises its young; it
brings forth its young; it hatches its young; it produces
young; she bears children; suckers are produced; they rear
their young
1. he begets sons; it bears its young; it raises its young; it
brings forth its young; it hatches its young; it produces
young; she bears children; suckers are produced; they rear
their young
FC -> jc-72895
2. he begets-sons; it bears-its-young; it raises-its-young; it
brings-forth its-young; it hatches-its-young; it
produces-young; she bears-children; suckers are produced;
they rear their young
<p54-pilli-huah-caus02>-| jc-10896
3. he begets-sons; it bears-its-young; it raises-its-young; it
brings-forth its-young; it hatches-its-young; it
produces-young; she bears-children; suckers are produced;
they rear their young
<p54-pilli-huah-caus02>-| jc-10896
4. he begets sons; it bears its young; it raises its young; it
brings forth its young; it hatches its young; it produces
young; she bears children; suckers are produced; they rear
their young
5. he begets sons; it bears its young; it raises its young; it
brings forth its young; it hatches its young; it produces
young; she bears children; suckers are produced; they rear
their young
6. he begets sons; it bears its young; it raises its young; it
brings forth its young; it hatches its young; it produces
young; she bears children; suckers are produced; they rear
their young <p54-pilli-huah-caus02>
<p54-pilli-huah-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
7. he begets sons; it bears its young; it raises its young; it
brings forth its young; it hatches its young; it produces
young; she bears children; suckers are produced; they rear
their young <p54-pilli-huah-caus02>
<p54-pilli-huah-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
8. he begets sons; it bears its young; it raises its young; it
brings forth its young; it hatches its young; it produces
young; she bears children; suckers are produced; they rear
their young <p54-pilli-huah-caus02>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-pilli-huah-caus02> FC - > jc-61096

9. he begets-sons; it bears-its-young; it raises-its-young; it
brings-forth its-young; it hatches-its-young; it
produces-young; she bears-children; suckers are produced;
they rear their young
<p54-pilli-huah-caus02>-| jc-10896
10. he begets sons; it bears its young; it raises its young; it
brings forth its young; it hatches its young; it produces
young; she bears children; suckers are produced; they rear
their young
FC jc-031297
11. he begets sons; it bears its young; it raises its young; it
brings forth its young; it hatches its young; it produces
young; she bears children; suckers are produced; they rear
their young
FC jc-031297

0. bears children; suckers are produced; they rear their young

0. it hangs
FC -> jc-72895
1. it hangs
FC jc-031297
2. it hangs
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes inflamed; it blows; it flares up; it flared; it
is cast; it is blown; it is inflamed; they are cast
1. it becomes inflamed; it blows; it flared; it flares up; it
is blown; it is cast; it is inflamed; they are cast
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes inflamed; it blows; it flares up; it flared; it
is cast; it is blown; it is inflamed; they are cast
3. it becomes inflamed; it blows; it flares up; it flared; it
is cast; it is blown; it is inflamed; they are cast
4. it becomes inflamed; it blows; it flares up; it flared; it
is cast; it is blown; it is inflamed; they are cast
<p54-pi:tza> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it becomes inflamed; it blows; it flared; it flares up; it

is blown; it is cast; it is inflamed; they are cast
FC jc-031297
6. it becomes inflamed; it blows; it flared; it flares up; it
is blown; it is cast; it is inflamed; they are cast
FC jc-031297

0. it sucks
FC jc-031297

0. they are sown
1. it is sown; they are sown
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are sown
3. they are sown
4. it is sown
FC - > jc-61096
5. it is sown <p54-pixahui-caus06>
<p54-pixahui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. they are sown <p54-pixa:hui-caus06>
<p54-pixa:hui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is sown; they are sown
FC jc-031297
8. it is sown; they are sown
FC jc-031297

0. continent
1. continent
FC -> jc-72895
2. continent
3. continent
4. continent <p54-piya-prt1-qui1>
<p54-piya-prt1-qui1> FC - > jc-61096
5. continent <p54-piya-prt1-qui1>
<p54-piya-prt1-qui1> FC - > jc-61096
6. continent
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. continent
FC jc-031297

0. it is counted, it is tallied
FC jc-031297

0. he is haughty
1. he is haughty
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is haughty
3. he is haughty
4. he is haughty <p54-po:hua-ni1>
<p54-po:hua-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is haughty <p54-po:hua-ni1>
<p54-po:hua-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is haughty <p54-po:hua-ni1>
<p54-po:hua-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is haughty
FC jc-031297
8. he is haughty
FC jc-031297

0. one is fattened

1. one is fattened
FC -> jc-72895
2. one is fattened

3. one is fattened

4. one is fattened
FC jc-031297
5. one is fattened
FC jc-031297

0. energetic

1. energetic
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. energetic

3. energetic

4. energetic
FC jc-031297
5. energetic
FC jc-031297

0. it puffs up
FC jc-031297

0. he will be strangled
FC jc-031297

0. on your neck, about your neck
1. on your neck, about your neck
FC -> jc-72895
2. on your neck, about your neck
3. on your neck, about your neck
4. on your neck, about your neck <poss-quechtli-tlan>
<poss-quechtli-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
5. on your neck, about your neck <poss-quechtli-tlan>
<poss-quechtli-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
6. on your neck, about your neck
FC jc-031297
7. on your neck, about your neck
FC jc-031297

0. they will be provided with clothing

1. they will be provided with clothing

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will be provided with clothing

3. they will be provided with clothing

4. they will be provided with clothing

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they will be provided with clothing

FC jc-031297

0. he hesitates; he totters
1. he hesitates; he totters
FC -> jc-72895
2. he hesitates; he totters
3. he hesitates; he totters
4. he hesitates; he totters <p54-dupl-quetza>
<p54-dupl-quetza> FC - > jc-61096
5. he hesitates; he totters <p54-dupl-quetza>
<p54-dupl-quetza> FC - > jc-61096
6. he hesitates; he totters <p54-dupl-quetza>
<p54-dupl-quetza> FC - > jc-61096
7. he hesitates; he totters
FC jc-031297
8. he hesitates; he totters
FC jc-031297

0. loafer

1. loafer
FC -> jc-72895
2. loafer

3. loafer

4. loafer
FC jc-031297
5. loafer
FC jc-031297

0. they clap each other on the back
FC jc-031297

0. he stood up, he placed himself
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he arises, he gets up; it lights; it stands; it set in; it

sets in
1. he arises, he gets up; it lights; it stands; it set in; it
sets in
FC -> jc-72895
2. he arises, he gets up; it lights; it stands; it set in; it
sets in
3. he arises, he gets up; it lights; it stands; it set in; it
sets in
4. he arises, he gets up; it lights; it stands; it set in; it
sets in <p54-quetza>
<p54-quetza> FC - > jc-61096
5. he arises, he gets up; it lights; it stands; it set in; it
sets in
FC jc-031297
6. he arises, he gets up; it lights; it stands; it set in; it
sets in
FC jc-031297

0. he was set up; they grew
1. he was set up; they grew
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was set up; they grew
3. he was set up; they grew
4. he was set up; they grew <p54-quetza-ya3>
<p54-quetza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was set up; they grew <p54-quetza-ya3>
<p54-quetza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was set up; they grew
FC jc-031297
7. he was set up; they grew
FC jc-031297

0. it sets in (eg, rain)
1. it sets in ( eg, rain )
FC -> jc-72895
2. it sets in (eg, rain)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it sets in (eg, rain)
4. it sets in ( eg, rain ) <p54-quetza-z>
<p54-quetza-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it sets in ( eg, rain )
FC jc-031297
6. it sets in ( eg, rain )
FC jc-031297

0. they arose, they stood up
1. they arose, they stood up; they departed
FC -> jc-72895
2. they arose, they stood up
3. they arose, they stood up
4. they arose, they stood up <p54-quetza-prt1-plur01>
<p54-quetza-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they arose, they stood up; they departed
FC jc-031297
6. they arose, they stood up; they departed
FC jc-031297

0. it goes upright, it goes standing up
FC jc-031297

0. it is extracted
FC - > jc-61096

0. he became strong like a man

1. he became strong like a man

FC -> jc-72895
2. he became strong like a man

3. he became strong like a man

4. he became strong like a man

FC jc-031297
5. he became strong like a man
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. she marries

1. she marries
FC -> jc-72895
2. she marries

3. she marries

4. she marries
FC jc-031297
5. she marries
FC jc-031297

0. he boasts of his manly deeds; he boasts that he is a brave
1. he boasts of his manly deeds, he boasts that he is a brave
FC -> jc-72895
2. he boasts of his manly deeds; he boasts that he is a brave
3. he boasts of his manly deeds; he boasts that he is a brave
4. he boasts of his manly deeds; he boasts that he is a brave
warrior <p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:>
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he boasts of his manly deeds; he boasts that he is a brave
warrior <p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:>
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he boasts of his manly deeds, he boasts that he is a brave
FC jc-031297
7. he boasts of his manly deeds, he boasts that he is a brave
FC jc-031297

0. boaster, one who boasts of his manly deeds
1. boaster, one who boasts of his manly deeds
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. boaster, one who boasts of his manly deeds
3. boaster, one who boasts of his manly deeds
4. boaster, one who boasts of his manly deeds
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. boaster, one who boasts of his manly deeds
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. boaster, one who boasts of his manly deeds
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. boaster, one who boasts of his manly deeds
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. boaster, one who boasts of his manly deeds
FC jc-031297
9. boaster, one who boasts of his manly deeds
FC jc-031297

0. he goes boasting that he is a brave man
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. he goes boasting that he is a brave man
FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes boasting that he is a brave man
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. he goes boasting that he is a brave man
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. he goes boasting that he is a brave man
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes boasting that he is a brave man
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes boasting that he is a brave man
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes boasting that he is a brave man
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p54-oquichtli-ihtoa:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
8. he goes boasting that he is a brave man
FC jc-031297
9. he goes boasting that he is a brave man
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they play the part of men

1. they play the part of men

FC -> jc-72895
2. they play the part of men

3. they play the part of men

4. they play the part of men

FC jc-031297
5. they play the part of men
FC jc-031297

0. he pretends to be a brave warrior

1. he pretends to be a brave warrior

FC -> jc-72895
2. he pretends to be a brave warrior

3. he pretends to be a brave warrior

4. he pretends to be a brave warrior

FC jc-031297
5. he pretends to be a brave warrior
FC jc-031297

0. he stands as a man

1. he stands as a man
FC -> jc-72895
2. he stands as a man

3. he stands as a man

4. he stands as a man
FC jc-031297
5. they exalt their manhood
FC jc-031297
6. he stands as a man
FC jc-031297
7. they exalt their manhood
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. one who stands as a man

1. one who stands as a man

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who stands as a man

3. one who stands as a man

4. one who stands as a man

FC jc-031297
5. one who stands as a man
FC jc-031297

0. it sits up like a man

1. it sits up like a man

FC -> jc-72895
2. it sits up like a man

3. it sits up like a man

4. it sits up like a man

FC jc-031297
5. it sits up like a man
FC jc-031297

0. it sits like a man

1. it sits like a man

FC -> jc-72895
2. it sits like a man

3. it sits like a man

4. it sits like a man

FC jc-031297
5. it sits like a man
FC jc-031297

0. he frees himself; it is removed; it is taken; it stems
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he frees himself; it is removed; it is taken; it stems
FC -> jc-72895
2. he frees himself; it is removed; it is taken; it stems
3. he frees himself; it is removed; it is taken; it stems
4. he frees himself <p54-qui:za-caus02>
<p54-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. he escapes; he frees himself; it is removed; it is taken;
it stems
FC jc-031297
6. he escapes; he frees himself; it is removed; it is taken;
it stems
FC jc-031297

0. he freed himself; they freed themselves; they escaped

1. he freed himself; they freed themselves; they escaped

FC -> jc-72895
2. he freed himself; they freed themselves; they escaped

3. he freed himself; they freed themselves; they escaped

4. he freed himself; they freed themselves; they escaped

5. he freed himself; they freed themselves; they escaped

6. he freed himself; they freed themselves; they escaped
<p54-qui:za-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he freed himself; they freed themselves; they escaped
<p54-qui:za-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he freed himself; they freed themselves; they escaped
FC jc-031297
9. he freed himself; they freed themselves; they escaped
FC jc-031297

0. your father
1. your father
FC -> jc-72895
2. your father
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. your father
4. your father <poss-tahtli>
<poss-tahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. your father
FC jc-031297
6. your father
FC jc-031297

0. auh in nel otlatlan in motacatzin, in motlatocaya: for
verily thy provisions have ended--that with which one hath
traveled (b4 f6 p62)

0. it wanted to be first

1. it wanted to be first
FC -> jc-72895
2. it wanted to be first

3. it wanted to be first

4. it wanted to be first
FC jc-031297
5. it wanted to be first
FC jc-031297

0. one who killed his father
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. one who killed his father
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. one who killed his father
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who killed his father
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your father [ h ]
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your father [ h ]
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. your father [ h ]
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your fathers
1. your fathers
FC -> jc-72895
2. your fathers
3. your fathers
4. your fathers <poss-tahtli-plur04>
<poss-tahtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. your fathers
FC jc-031297
6. your fathers
FC jc-031297

0. your fathers
1. your fathers
FC -> jc-72895
2. your fathers
3. your fathers
4. your fathers <poss-tahtli-plur04>
<poss-tahtli-plur04> FC - > jc-61096
5. your fathers
FC jc-031297
6. your fathers
FC jc-031297

0. he sits rolls up like a ball; it crouches

1. he sits rolls up like a ball; it crouches

FC -> jc-72895
2. he sits rolls up like a ball; it crouches

3. he sits rolls up like a ball; it crouches

4. he sits rolls up like a ball; it crouches

FC jc-031297
5. he sits rolls up like a ball; it crouches
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. nest maker

1. nest maker
FC -> jc-72895
2. nest maker

3. nest maker

4. nest maker
FC jc-031297
5. nest maker
FC jc-031297

0. they are dug out
1. they are dug out
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are dug out
3. they are dug out
4. they are dug out <p54-tataca>
<p54-tataca> FC - > jc-61096
5. they are dug out
FC jc-031297
6. they are dug out
FC jc-031297

0. your father
1. your father; your father [ h ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. your father
3. your father
4. your father <poss-tahtli-tzin>
<poss-tahtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your father; your father [ h ]
FC jc-031297
6. your father; your father [ h ]
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. your fathers

1. your fathers
FC -> jc-72895
2. your fathers

3. your fathers

4. your fathers
FC jc-031297
5. your fathers
FC jc-031297

0. fatherliness; your fatherliness; your (pl) fatherhood; your
(pl) fatherliness
1. fatherliness; your (pl) fatherhood; your (pl) fatherliness;
your fatherliness
FC -> jc-72895
2. fatherliness; your fatherliness; your (pl) fatherhood; your
(pl) fatherliness
3. fatherliness; your fatherliness; your (pl) fatherhood; your
(pl) fatherliness
4. fatherliness; your fatherliness; your (pl) fatherhood; your
(pl) fatherliness <poss-tahtli-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-tahtli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. fatherliness; your fatherliness; your (pl) fatherhood; your
(pl) fatherliness <poss-tahtli-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-tahtli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. fatherliness; your fatherliness; your (pl) fatherhood; your
(pl) fatherliness <poss-tahtli-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-tahtli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. fatherliness; your ( pl ) fatherhood; your ( pl )
fatherliness; your fatherliness
FC jc-031297
8. fatherliness; your ( pl ) fatherhood; your ( pl )
fatherliness; your fatherliness
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your youth ( your son )

JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your youth ( your son )
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. your youth ( your son )
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your lip
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your lip* te:tlaxxi:nqui*adulterer
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. your lip* totlan*our tooth
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he is stretched out; he lies down; he stretches out; it
crouches; it extends; it is laid out; it is placed; it is
spread; it is poured; it is served; it is spread out; it is
stretched; it is stretched out; it lies flat; it rests; it
settles; it spreads; i
1. he is stretched out; he lies down; he stretches out; it
crouches; it extends; it is laid out; it is placed; it is
spread; it is poured; it is served; it is spread out; it is
stretched; it is stretched out; it lies flat; it rests; it
settles; it spreads; it spreads out; it stretches out
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are ranged about; they are spread; they settle; they
stretch out
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is stretched out; he lies down; he stretches out; it
crouches; it extends; it is laid out; it is placed; it is
spread; it is poured; it is served; it is spread out; it is
stretched; it is stretched out; it lies flat; it rests; it
settles; it spreads; i
4. he is stretched out; he lies down; he stretches out; it
crouches; it extends; it is laid out; it is placed; it is
spread; it is poured; it is served; it is spread out; it is
stretched; it is stretched out; it lies flat; it rests; it
settles; it spreads; i
5. he is stretched out; he lies down; he stretches out; it
crouches; it extends; it is stretched out; it is placed; it
is laid out; it is spread out; it is poured; it is served;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it is spread; it is stretched; it remains flat; it rests;

it settles; it spreads; it spreads out; it stretches out;
they are ranged about; they settle; they stretch out; they
are spread <p54-te:ca>
<p54-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is laid out <mo-te:ca>
<mo-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is stretched out; he lies down; he stretches out; it
crouches; it extends; it is laid out; it is placed; it is
spread; it is poured; it is served; it is spread out; it is
stretched; it is stretched out; it lies flat; it rests; it
settles; it spreads; it spreads out; it stretches out
FC jc-031297
8. they are ranged about; they are spread; they settle; they
stretch out
FC jc-031297
9. he is stretched out; he lies down; he stretches out; it
crouches; it extends; it is laid out; it is placed; it is
spread; it is poured; it is served; it is spread out; it is
stretched; it is stretched out; it lies flat; it rests; it
settles; it spreads; it spreads out; it stretches out
FC jc-031297
10. they are ranged about; they are spread; they settle; they
stretch out
FC jc-031297

0. it spread out
FC jc-031297

0. it is thinned, it is made slender
1. it is thinned, it is made slender
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is thinned, it is made slender
3. it is thinned, it is made slender
4. it is thinned, it is made slender
FC jc-031297
5. it is thinned, it is made slender
FC jc-031297

0. it spread; it was poured; it was served
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it spread; it was poured; it was served
FC -> jc-72895
2. it spread; it was poured; it was served
3. it spread; it was poured; it was served
4. it spread; it was poured; it was served <p54-te:ca-ya3>
<p54-te:ca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it spread; it was poured; it was served <p54-te:ca-ya3>
<p54-te:ca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it spread; it was poured; it was served
FC jc-031297
7. it spread; it was poured; it was served
FC jc-031297

0. it will be applied, it is to be applied, it will be spread
1. it will be applied, it is to be applied, it will be spread;
it will spread
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be applied, it is to be applied, it will be spread
3. it will be applied, it is to be applied, it will be spread
4. it will be applied, it is to be applied, it will be spread
<p54-te:ca-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be applied, it is to be applied, it will be spread;
it will spread
FC jc-031297
6. it will be applied, it is to be applied, it will be spread;
it will spread
FC jc-031297

0. they will extend
1. they will extend
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will extend
3. they will extend
4. they will extend <p54-te:ca-z-plur01>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-te:ca-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096

5. they will extend
FC jc-031297
6. they will extend
FC jc-031297

0. on you
FC jc-031297

0. from you

1. from you
FC -> jc-72895
2. from you

3. from you

4. from you
FC jc-031297
5. from you
FC jc-031297

0. your governor
FC jc-031297

0. from you

0. it is ground up; it is ground; they are ground up; they are
1. it is ground; it is ground up; they are ground; they are
ground up
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is ground up; it is ground; they are ground up; they are
3. it is ground up; it is ground; they are ground up; they are
4. it is ground up; it is ground; they are ground up; they are
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

ground <p54-teci>
<p54-teci> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is ground; it is ground up; they are ground; they are
ground up
FC jc-031297
6. it is ground; it is ground up; they are ground; they are
ground up
FC jc-031297

0. it will be ground, it is to be ground
1. it will be ground, it is to be ground
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be ground, it is to be ground
3. it will be ground, it is to be ground
4. it will be ground, it is to be ground <p54-teci-z>
<p54-teci-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be ground, it is to be ground
FC jc-031297
6. it will be ground, it is to be ground
FC jc-031297

0. they arrange themselves in order
1. they arrange themselves in order
FC -> jc-72895
2. they arrange themselves in order
3. they arrange themselves in order
4. they arrange themselves in order <p54-tecpa:na>
<p54-tecpa:na> FC - > jc-61096
5. they arrange themselves in order
FC jc-031297
6. they arrange themselves in order
FC jc-031297

0. they will be changed into fierce beasts

1. they will be changed into fierce beasts

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they will be changed into fierce beasts

3. they will be changed into fierce beasts

4. they will be changed into fierce beasts

FC jc-031297
5. they will be changed into fierce beasts
FC jc-031297

0. it coils itself
FC jc-031297

0. one who takes care of people
FC jc-031297

0. he danced a princely dance
FC jc-031297

0. it resembles crystal

1. it resembles crystal
FC -> jc-72895
2. it resembles crystal

3. it resembles crystal

4. it resembles crystal
FC jc-031297
5. it resembles crystal
FC jc-031297

0. maybe has something to do with telchihua = to despise, past
tense: some-one-who despises=tetelchiuh

0. it is placed, it is put; she bathes
1. it is placed, it is put; she bathes
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is placed, it is put; she bathes
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it is placed, it is put; she bathes
4. it is placed, it is put <p54-te:mi-caus09>
<p54-te:mi-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is placed, it is put <p54-te:mi-caus09>
<p54-te:mi-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is placed, it is put; it is put in; she bathes
FC jc-031297
7. it is placed, it is put; it is put in; she bathes
FC jc-031297

0. it is anointed

1. it is anointed
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is anointed

3. it is anointed

4. it is anointed
FC jc-031297
5. it is anointed
FC jc-031297

0. he will bathe

1. he will bathe
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will bathe

3. he will bathe

4. he will bathe
FC jc-031297
5. he will bathe
FC jc-031297

0. he licks his lips

1. he licks his lips

FC -> jc-72895
2. he licks his lips
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he licks his lips

4. he licks his lips

FC jc-031297
5. he licks his lips
FC jc-031297

0. it makes a smacking sound with its mouth

1. it makes a smacking sound with its mouth

FC -> jc-72895
2. it makes a smacking sound with its mouth

3. it makes a smacking sound with its mouth

4. it makes a smacking sound with its mouth

FC jc-031297
5. it makes a smacking sound with its mouth
FC jc-031297

0. he is called; he is named; he is renowned; he is known as;
it is said; it is stated; it is related; it is told; it is
expressed; it is determined; it is described; it is
proclaimed; it is called; it is known as; it is named; it
is mentioned; it is given e
1. he is called; he is known as; he is named; he is renowned;
it is called; it is described; it is told; it is
determined; it is expressed; it is known as; it is
mentioned; it is given expression; it is named; it is
proclaimed; it is related; it is said; it is stated; it was
called; it was known as; she are mentioned; she is named;
she is called; she is mentioned; they are called; they are
known as; they are mentioned; they are named; they are
recorded; they are told about
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is called; he is named; he is renowned; he is known as;
it is said; it is stated; it is related; it is told; it is
expressed; it is determined; it is described; it is
proclaimed; it is called; it is known as; it is named; it
is mentioned; it is given e
3. he is called; he is named; he is renowned; he is known as;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it is said; it is stated; it is related; it is told; it is

expressed; it is determined; it is described; it is
proclaimed; it is called; it is known as; it is named; it
is mentioned; it is given e
4. he is called; he is named; he is renowned; he is known as;
it is said; it is stated; it is related; it is told; it is
expressed; it is determined; it is described; it is
proclaimed; it is called; it is known as; it is named; it
is mentioned; it is given expression; it was called; it was
known as; she are mentioned; she is named; she is called;
she is mentioned; they are called; they are known as; they
are named; they are mentioned; they are recorded; they are
told about <p54-te:ntli-e:hua>
<p54-te:ntli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is called; he is named; it is said; it is related; it is
told; it is described; it is called; it is known as; it was
called; it was known as; they are called <p54-te:ntli-e:hua>
<p54-te:ntli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is called; he is named; it is said; it is related; it is
told; it is described; it is called; it is known as; it was
called; it was known as; they are called <p54-te:ntli-e:hua>
<p54-te:ntli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is called; he is known as; he is named; he is renowned;
it is called; it is described; it is told; it is
determined; it is expressed; it is known as; it is
mentioned; it is given expression; it is named; it is
proclaimed; it is related; it is said; it is stated; it was
called; it was known as; she are mentioned; she is named;
she is called; she is mentioned; they are called; they are
known as; they are mentioned; they are named; they are
recorded; they are told about
FC jc-031297
8. he is called; he is known as; he is named; he is renowned;
it is called; it is described; it is told; it is
determined; it is expressed; it is known as; it is
mentioned; it is given expression; it is named; it is
proclaimed; it is related; it is said; it is stated; it was
called; it was known as; she are mentioned; she is named;
she is called; she is mentioned; they are called; they are
known as; they are mentioned; they are named; they are
recorded; they are told about
FC jc-031297

0. he was called; it was said; it was known as; it was called;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it was named; it was affirmed; it was stated; she was known

as; she was called; they were known as; they were called;
they were named
1. he was called; it was called; it was known as; it was
named; it was said; it was affirmed; it was stated; she was
known as; she was called; they were called; they were known
as; they were named
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was called; it was said; it was known as; it was called;
it was named; it was affirmed; it was stated; she was known
as; she was called; they were known as; they were called;
they were named
3. he was called; it was said; it was known as; it was called;
it was named; it was affirmed; it was stated; she was known
as; she was called; they were known as; they were called;
they were named
4. he was called; it was said; it was known as; it was called;
it was named; it was affirmed; it was stated; she was known
as; she was called; they were known as; they were called;
they were named <p54-te:ntli-e:hua-ya3>
<p54-te:ntli-e:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was called; it was said; it was known as; it was called;
it was named; it was affirmed; it was stated; she was known
as; she was called; they were known as; they were called;
they were named <p54-te:ntli-e:hua-ya3>
<p54-te:ntli-e:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was called; it was said; it was known as; it was called;
it was named; it was affirmed; it was stated; she was known
as; she was called; they were known as; they were called;
they were named <p54-te:ntli-e:hua-ya3>
<p54-te:ntli-e:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. it was known as <p54-te:ntli-e:hua-ya3>
<p54-te:ntli-e:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he was called; it was called; it was known as; it was
named; it was said; it was affirmed; it was stated; she was
known as; she was called; they were called; they were known
as; they were named
FC jc-031297
9. he was called; it was called; it was known as; it was
named; it was said; it was affirmed; it was stated; she was
known as; she was called; they were called; they were known
as; they were named
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it will be published, it will be said; it will be told; it
will be mentioned; it will be called upon
1. it will be mentioned, it will be called upon; it will be
published; it will be said; it will be told
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be published, it will be said; it will be told; it
will be mentioned; it will be called upon
3. it will be published, it will be said; it will be told; it
will be mentioned; it will be called upon
4. it will be published, it will be said; it will be told; it
will be mentioned; it will be called upon
<p54-te:ntli-e:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be published, it will be said; it will be told; it
will be mentioned; it will be called upon
<p54-te:ntli-e:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. it will be published, it will be said; it will be told; it
will be mentioned; it will be called upon
<p54-te:ntli-e:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. it will be mentioned, it will be called upon; it will be
published; it will be said; it will be told
FC jc-031297
8. it will be mentioned, it will be called upon; it will be
published; it will be said; it will be told
FC jc-031297

0. it was named

1. it was named
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was named

3. it was named

4. it was named
FC jc-031297
5. it was named
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they were discovered
FC jc-031297

0. he shouted, striking his lips with his hand
1. he shouted, striking his lips with his hand
FC -> jc-72895
2. he shouted, striking his lips with his hand
3. he shouted, striking his lips with his hand
4. he shouted, striking his lips with his hand
<p54-te:ntli-hui:tequi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he shouted, striking his lips with his hand
<p54-te:ntli-hui:tequi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he shouted, striking his lips with his hand
FC jc-031297
7. he shouted, striking his lips with his hand
FC jc-031297

0. he wonders

1. he wonders
FC -> jc-72895
2. he wonders

3. he wonders

4. he wonders
FC jc-031297
5. he wonders
FC jc-031297

0. shouter

1. shouter
FC -> jc-72895
2. shouter
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. shouter

4. shouter
FC jc-031297
5. shouter
FC jc-031297

0. before your lips

1. before your lips

FC -> jc-72895
2. before your lips

3. before your lips

4. before your lips

FC jc-031297
5. before your lips
FC jc-031297

0. she is painted black on the lips
FC jc-031297

0. they were hurled from a temple
FC jc-031297

0. ca motencopatzinco, in motemachticahuan, quinnonotza in
tlatlacoani: auh in moteopixcatzitzinhuan, quinmaca in
sacramentos, inic huel quicuepazque in innemiliz, ihuan
inic huel motetzinco pachihuizque by thy words thy
preachers admonish sinners, and thy priests give them the
sacraments that they may change their lives and that they
may satisfy thee (b1 f4 p66)

0. it stalks one
FC jc-031297

0. stalker, one who stalks; ambusher
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he thinks himself better than others

1. he thinks himself better than others

FC -> jc-72895
2. he thinks himself better than others

3. he thinks himself better than others

4. he thinks himself better than others

FC jc-031297
5. he thinks himself better than others
FC jc-031297

0. they are crushed with a stone

1. they are crushed with a stone

FC -> jc-72895
2. they are crushed with a stone

3. they are crushed with a stone

4. they are crushed with a stone

FC jc-031297
5. they are crushed with a stone
FC jc-031297

0. your hill; your [H] hill
1. your [ h ] hill; your hill
FC -> jc-72895
2. your hill; your [H] hill
3. your hill; your [H] hill
4. your hill; your [H] hill <poss-tepe:tl-tzin>
<poss-tepe:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your hill; your [H] hill <poss-tepe:tl-tzin>
<poss-tepe:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your [ h ] hill; your hill
FC jc-031297
7. your [ h ] hill; your hill
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your hill
FC jc-031297

0. he hurls himself from a cliff, he throws himself from a
1. he hurls himself from a cliff, he throws himself from a
FC -> jc-72895
2. he hurls himself from a cliff, he throws himself from a
3. he hurls himself from a cliff, he throws himself from a
4. he hurls himself from a cliff, he throws himself from a
cliff <p54-tepexitl-v02>
<p54-tepexitl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
5. he hurls himself from a cliff, he throws himself from a
cliff <p54-tepexitl-v02>
<p54-tepexitl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
6. he hurls himself from a cliff, he throws himself from a
FC jc-031297
7. he hurls himself from a cliff, he throws himself from a
FC jc-031297

0. he will throw himself from a cliff

1. he will throw himself from a cliff

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will throw himself from a cliff

3. he will throw himself from a cliff

4. he will throw himself from a cliff

FC jc-031297
5. he will throw himself from a cliff
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. one who adopts grandchildren

1. one who adopts grandchildren

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who adopts grandchildren

3. one who adopts grandchildren

4. one who adopts grandchildren

FC jc-031297
5. one who adopts grandchildren
FC jc-031297

0. he sits down firmly, fast

1. he sits down firmly, fast

FC -> jc-72895
2. he sits down firmly, fast

3. he sits down firmly, fast

4. he sits down firmly, fast

FC jc-031297
5. he sits down firmly, fast
FC jc-031297

0. the hardness of your heart

1. the hardness of your heart

FC -> jc-72895
2. the hardness of your heart

3. the hardness of your heart

4. the hardness of your heart

FC jc-031297
5. the hardness of your heart
FC jc-031297

0. he stumbles
1. he stumbles
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he stumbles
3. he stumbles
4. he stumbles <p54-tepo:tlamia:>
<p54-tepo:tlamia:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he stumbles
FC jc-031297
6. he stumbles
FC jc-031297

0. he stumbled

1. he stumbled
FC -> jc-72895
2. he stumbled

3. he stumbled

4. he stumbled
FC jc-031297
5. he stumbled
FC jc-031297

0. it is chopped
FC jc-031297

0. it is cut
1. it is cut
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is cut
3. it is cut
4. it is cut <p54-tequi1>
<p54-tequi1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is cut
FC jc-031297
6. it is cut
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. she became sad

FC jc-031297

0. she becomes troubled

1. she becomes troubled

FC -> jc-72895
2. she becomes troubled

3. she becomes troubled

4. she becomes troubled

FC jc-031297
5. she becomes troubled
FC jc-031297

0. one who is troubled; sympathetic

1. one who is troubled; sympathetic

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who is troubled; sympathetic

3. one who is troubled; sympathetic

4. one who is troubled; sympathetic

FC jc-031297
5. one who is troubled; sympathetic
FC jc-031297

0. he is anguished

1. he is anguished
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is anguished

3. he is anguished

4. he is anguished
FC jc-031297
5. he is anguished
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your (h) task

1. your (h) task

FC -> jc-72895
2. your (h) task

3. your (h) task

4. your ( h ) task
FC jc-031297
5. your ( h ) task
FC jc-031297

0. your task
1. your task
FC -> jc-72895
2. your task
3. your task
4. your task <poss-tequitl-uh>
<poss-tequitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. your task
FC jc-031297
6. your task
FC jc-031297

0. it is spread diffusely; they are placed one by one
1. it is spread diffusely; they are placed one by one
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is spread diffusely; they are placed one by one
3. it is spread diffusely; they are placed one by one
4. it is spread diffusely <p54-dupl-te:ca>
<p54-dupl-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is spread diffusely; they are placed one by one
<p54-dupl-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is spread diffusely; they are placed one by one
<p54-dupl-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. it is spread diffusely; they are placed one by one

FC jc-031297
8. it is spread diffusely; they are placed one by one
FC jc-031297

0. they dispose themselves, they arrange themselves
FC jc-031297

0. they are cut up

1. they are cut up

FC -> jc-72895
2. they are cut up

3. they are cut up

4. they are cut up; they cut themselves up; they dismember
FC jc-031297
5. they are cut up; they cut themselves up; they dismember
FC jc-031297

0. he sits down firmly

1. he sits down firmly

FC -> jc-72895
2. he sits down firmly

3. he sits down firmly

4. he sits down firmly

FC jc-031297
5. he sits down firmly
FC jc-031297

0. it lays eggs; it lays its eggs
1. it lays eggs; it lays its eggs
FC -> jc-72895
2. it lays eggs; it lays its eggs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it lays eggs; it lays its eggs

4. it lays eggs; it lays its eggs <p54-tetl1-v04a>
<p54-tetl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it lays eggs; it lays its eggs <p54-tetl1-v04a>
<p54-tetl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
6. it lays eggs; it lays its eggs
FC jc-031297
7. it lays eggs; it lays its eggs
FC jc-031297

0. egg producer

1. egg producer
FC -> jc-72895
2. egg producer

3. egg producer

4. egg producer
FC jc-031297
5. egg producer
FC jc-031297

0. he took it as an omen
FC jc-031297

0. they took it as an omen
1. they took it as an omen
FC -> jc-72895
2. they took it as an omen
3. they took it as an omen
4. they took it as an omen <p54-te:tza:huitl-v05b-ya3>
<p54-te:tza:huitl-v05b-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they took it as an omen <p54-te:tza:huitl-v05b-ya3>
<p54-te:tza:huitl-v05b-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they took it as an omen <p54-te:tza:huitl-v05b-ya3>
<p54-te:tza:huitl-v05b-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they took it as an omen
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. they took it as an omen

FC jc-031297

0. he stores up for himself
FC jc-031297

0. it is pounded with a stone; it is crushed; they are
hammered with a stone
1. it is crushed; it is pounded with a stone; they are
hammered with a stone
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is pounded with a stone; it is crushed; they are
hammered with a stone
3. it is pounded with a stone; it is crushed; they are
hammered with a stone
4. it is pounded with a stone; it is crushed; they are
hammered with a stone <p54-tetl1-tzotzona>
<p54-tetl1-tzotzona> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is pounded with a stone; it is crushed; they are
hammered with a stone <p54-tetl1-tzotzona>
<p54-tetl1-tzotzona> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is crushed; it is pounded with a stone; they are
hammered with a stone
FC jc-031297
7. it is crushed; it is pounded with a stone; they are
hammered with a stone
FC jc-031297

0. !name=moteuczoma-tzin
1. !name=moteuczoma-tzin <!name=moteuczoma-tzin>
<!name=moteuczoma-tzin> FC - > jc-61096

0. your stone
1. your stone
FC -> jc-72895
2. your stone
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. your stone
4. your stone <poss-tetl1-uh>
<poss-tetl1-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. your stone
FC jc-031297
6. your stone
FC jc-031297

0. your act of governing
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. your act of governing
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. your act of governing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. your act of governing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your name

0. they look at themselves in the mirror

1. they look at themselves in the mirror

FC -> jc-72895
2. they look at themselves in the mirror

3. they look at themselves in the mirror

4. they look at themselves in the mirror

FC jc-031297
5. they look at themselves in the mirror
FC jc-031297

0. ma tlacahua in moyollotzin, ma xicmonequilti ma achitzin,
ma tepitzin, ma icpiticatzintli nicnopilti, nomacehualti in
mocotzin, in motlahuiltzin, in motezcatzin: inic temicteuh,
cochitleuhteuh achica cemilhuitl, may thou incline thy
heart; require that i deserve, that i merit a little, a
bit, a firefly-flash of thy torch, thy light, thy mirror,
in order that, as if in dreams, as if seeing in dreams, [i
endure] for a while, a day (b6 f4 p45)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. chipmunk
1. chipmunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. chipmunk
3. chipmunk
4. chipmunk <mo:tohtli>
<mo:tohtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. chipmunk <mo:tohtli>
<mo:tohtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. chipmunk
FC jc-031297
7. chipmunk
FC jc-031297

0. your older brother

1. your older brother

FC -> jc-72895
2. your older brother

3. your older brother

4. your older brother

FC jc-031297
5. your older brother
FC jc-031297

0. it extends itself; it stretches
1. it extends itself; it stretches
FC -> jc-72895
2. it extends itself; it stretches
3. it extends itself; it stretches
4. it extends itself; it stretches <p54-ti:li:ni-caus08>
<p54-ti:li:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. it extends itself; it stretches <p54-ti:li:ni-caus08>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-ti:li:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096

6. it extends itself; it stretches
FC jc-031297
7. it extends itself; it stretches
FC jc-031297

0. they will be provided with capes

1. they will be provided with capes

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will be provided with capes

3. they will be provided with capes

4. they will be provided with capes

FC jc-031297
5. they will be provided with capes
FC jc-031297

0. your [ h ] cape
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes stretched

1. it becomes stretched
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes stretched

3. it becomes stretched

4. it becomes stretched
FC jc-031297
5. it becomes stretched
FC jc-031297

0. it extends, it stretches out; it is stretched; it is
straightened; it stretches
FC jc-031297

0. to throw
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

motla-| tlamotlaliztli
0. act of throwing something

0. your torso
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your torso
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. Se esconde tu hermano en su casa cuando se asusta ?
Motla:tia in mocnih icha:n ihcuac momahtia ? Does your
brother hide in his house when he is scared ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. they buy people for themselves

1. they buy people for themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they buy people for themselves

3. they buy people for themselves

4. they buy people for themselves

FC jc-031297
5. they buy people for themselves
FC jc-031297

0. he abstains; he stops; she abstains

1. he abstains; he stops; she abstains

FC -> jc-72895
2. he abstains; he stops; she abstains

3. he abstains; he stops; she abstains

4. he abstains; he stops; she abstains

FC jc-031297
5. he abstains; he stops; she abstains
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they abstained

1. they abstained
FC -> jc-72895
2. they abstained

3. they abstained

4. they abstained
FC jc-031297
5. they abstained
FC jc-031297

0. he is regarded as a man; it is regarded; it is respected

1. he is regarded as a man; it is regarded; it is respected

FC -> jc-72895
2. he is regarded as a man; it is regarded; it is respected

3. he is regarded as a man; it is regarded; it is respected

4. he is regarded as a man; it is regarded; it is respected

FC jc-031297
5. he is regarded as a man; it is regarded; it is respected
FC jc-031297

0. he will prosper; she will prosper
1. he will prosper; she will prosper
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will prosper; she will prosper
3. he will prosper; she will prosper
4. he will prosper; she will prosper <p54-tla:catl-mati-z>
<p54-tla:catl-mati-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will prosper; she will prosper <p54-tla:catl-mati-z>
<p54-tla:catl-mati-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will prosper; she will prosper
FC jc-031297
7. he will prosper; she will prosper
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he rests well

1. he rests well
FC -> jc-72895
2. he rests well

3. he rests well

4. he rests well
FC jc-031297
5. he rests well
FC jc-031297

0. he was born (H); it was born (H); they were born (H)
<p54-tla:catl-v01-ben H>
1. he was born (h); it was born (h); they were born (h)
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was born (H); it was born (H); they were born (H)
<p54-tla:catl-v01-ben H>
3. he was born (H); it was born (H); they were born (H)
<p54-tla:catl-v01-ben H>
4. he was born (H); it was born (H); they were born (H)
<p54-tla:catl-v01-ben H>
<p54-tla:catl-v01-ben H> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was born (H); it was born (H); they were born (H)
<p54-tla:catl-v01-ben H>
<p54-tla:catl-v01-ben H> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was born (H); it was born (H); they were born (H)
<p54-tla:catl-v01-ben H>
<p54-tla:catl-v01-ben H> FC - > jc-61096
7. it was born (H) <p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
<p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1> FC - > jc-61096
8. they were born (H) <p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
<p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1> FC - > jc-61096
9. he was born ( h ); it was born ( h ); they were born ( h )
FC jc-031297
10. he was born ( h ); it was born ( h ); they were born ( h )
FC jc-031297

0. she will be born (H)
<mo-tlacatl-v01-z H?>
1. she will be born (h)
FC -> jc-72895
2. she will be born (H)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<mo-tlacatl-v01-z H?>
3. she will be born (H)
<mo-tlacatl-v01-z H?>
4. she will be born (H) <mo-tlacatl-v01-z H?>
<mo-tlacatl-v01-z H?> FC - > jc-61096
5. she will be born (H) <mo-tlacatl-v01-z H?>
<mo-tlacatl-v01-z H?> FC - > jc-61096
6. she will be born (H) <mo-tlacatl-v01-z H?>
<mo-tlacatl-v01-z H?> FC - > jc-61096
7. she will be born ( h )
FC jc-031297
8. she will be born ( h )
FC jc-031297

0. it is made in human form, it is placed in human form

1. it is made in human form, it is placed in human form

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is made in human form, it is placed in human form

3. it is made in human form, it is placed in human form

4. it is made in human form, it is placed in human form

FC jc-031297
5. it is made in human form, it is placed in human form
FC jc-031297

0. cencamatica nimitznotza, nimitztzatzilia: in ica in
ipampa, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli: in nentlacatl in
aquimatinemi, in nennemi, in nencochi, in nenmehua: in
quinenquixtia in motlacatzin, in moyohualtzin: in one word,
or two, i call to thee, i cry out to thee for -- on behalf
of--the vassals, the useless; the ignorant; the vagabonds;
those who sleep, who arise to no purpose; those who waste
thy day, thy night (b6 f1 p7)

0. your deed
1. your deed
FC -> jc-72895
2. your deed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. your deed
4. your deed <poss-p51-chi:hua-l1>
<poss-p51-chi:hua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. your deed
FC jc-031297
6. your deed
FC jc-031297

0. your creation

1. your creation
FC -> jc-72895
2. your creation

3. your creation

4. your creation
FC jc-031297
5. your creation
FC jc-031297

0. your creations
FC jc-031297

0. it falls into the pit

1. it falls into the pit

FC -> jc-72895
2. it falls into the pit

3. it falls into the pit

4. it falls into the pit

FC jc-031297
5. it falls into the pit
FC jc-031297

0. they [h] do their labor

1. they [ h ] do their labor

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they [h] do their labor

3. they [h] do their labor

4. they [ h ] do their labor

FC jc-031297
5. they [ h ] do their labor
FC jc-031297

0. your time of eating

0. your act of eating
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. your act of eating
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. your act of eating
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. your act of eating
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he rages over food, he gets angry about food

1. he rages over food, he gets angry about food

FC -> jc-72895
2. he rages over food, he gets angry about food

3. he rages over food, he gets angry about food

4. he rages over food, he gets angry about food

FC jc-031297
5. he rages over food, he gets angry about food
FC jc-031297

0. your time of eating
1. your time of eating
FC -> jc-72895
2. your time of eating
3. your time of eating
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. your time of eating <poss-p51-cua:-ya:n>

<poss-p51-cua:-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. your time of eating
FC jc-031297
6. your time of eating
FC jc-031297

0. he becomes nauseated
1. he becomes nauseated
FC -> jc-72895
2. he becomes nauseated
3. he becomes nauseated
4. he becomes nauseated <p54-tlahe:lli-v04-caus06>
<p54-tlahe:lli-v04-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. he becomes nauseated <p54-tlahe:lli-v04-caus06>
<p54-tlahe:lli-v04-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. he becomes nauseated
FC jc-031297
7. he becomes nauseated
FC jc-031297

0. he dares
FC - > jc-61096

0. it is snared
FC jc-031297

0. they vented their wrath

1. they vented their wrath

FC -> jc-72895
2. they vented their wrath

3. they vented their wrath

4. they vented their wrath

FC jc-031297
5. they vented their wrath
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your fury
1. your fury
FC -> jc-72895
2. your fury
3. your fury
4. your fury <poss-tlahue:lli-tzin>
<poss-tlahue:lli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your fury <poss-tlahue:lli-tzin>
<poss-tlahue:lli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your fury
FC jc-031297
7. your fury
FC jc-031297

0. your helpmate, your companion
1. your helpmate, your companion
FC -> jc-72895
2. your helpmate, your companion
3. your helpmate, your companion
4. your helpmate, your companion <poss-p51-hui:ca-l1>
<poss-p51-hui:ca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. your helpmate, your companion <poss-p51-hui:ca-l1>
<poss-p51-hui:ca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. your helpmate, your companion
FC jc-031297
7. your helpmate, your companion
FC jc-031297

0. it took effect; it settled, it sat down; it was laid ( eg;
fire )
FC -> jc-72895
1. it took effect; it settled, it sat down; it was laid ( eg
fire ) <p54-tla:lia-prt1>
<p54-tla:lia-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
2. it took effect; it settled, it sat down; it was laid ( eg;
fire )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
3. it took effect; it settled, it sat down; it was laid ( eg;
fire )
FC jc-031297

0. se pone ( it is placed; it is put )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. he sits; he sits down; it is formed; it is laid; it is set
[ ie; fire ]; it is made; it is placed; it is applied; it
is set; it occurs; it is located; it places itself; it sits
down; it settles; it sits; she sits; they are placed; they
settle; they sit down
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sits down; it is set; it is placed; it is laid; it is
set [ie; fire]; it is applied; it places itself; it sits
down; it settles; it sits; they sit down; they settle; they
are placed
3. he sits down; it is set; it is placed; it is laid; it is
set [ie; fire]; it is applied; it places itself; it sits
down; it settles; it sits; they sit down; they settle; they
are placed
4. he sits down; it is set; it is placed; it is laid; it is
set [ ie fire ]; it is applied; it places itself; it sits
down; it settles; it sits; they sit down; they settle; they
are placed <p54-tla:lia>
<p54-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
5. se pone ( it is placed; it is put )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. he sits; he sits down; it is formed; it is laid; it is set
[ ie; fire ]; it is made; it is placed; it is applied; it
is set; it occurs; it is located; it places itself; it sits
down; it settles; it sits; she sits; they are placed; they
settle; they sit; they sit down
FC jc-031297
7. he sits; he sits down; it is formed; it is laid; it is set
[ ie; fire ]; it is made; it is placed; it is applied; it
is set; it occurs; it is located; it places itself; it sits
down; it settles; it sits; she sits; they are placed; they
settle; they sit; they sit down
FC jc-031297

0. it is put on him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it is put on him
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is put on him

3. it is put on him

4. it is put on him
FC jc-031297
5. it is put on him
FC jc-031297

0. they sat down
1. they sat down
FC -> jc-72895
2. they sat down
3. they sat down
4. they sat down <p54-tla:lia-prt1-plur01>
<p54-tla:lia-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they sat down
FC jc-031297
6. they sat down
FC jc-031297

0. she went to sit

1. she went to sit

FC -> jc-72895
2. she went to sit

3. she went to sit

4. she went to sit

FC jc-031297
5. she went to sit
FC jc-031297

0. he runs; he runs away; it runs; it runs off; it flees; they
run; they run away; they flee
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he runs; he runs away; it runs; it runs off; it flees; they

run; they run away; they flee
FC -> jc-72895
2. he runs; he runs away; it runs; it runs off; it flees; they
run; they run away; they flee
3. he runs; he runs away; it runs; it runs off; it flees; they
run; they run away; they flee
4. it runs; they run <p54-tlaloa:>
<p54-tlaloa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he runs; he runs away; it runs; it runs off; it flees; they
run; they run away; they flee
FC jc-031297
6. he runs; he runs away; it runs; it runs off; it flees; they
run; they run away; they flee
FC jc-031297

0. there was flight, there was running

1. there was flight, there was running

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was flight, there was running

3. there was flight, there was running

4. there was flight, there was running

FC jc-031297
5. there was flight, there was running
FC jc-031297

0. he will run
1. he will run
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will run
3. he will run
4. he will run <p54-tlaloa:-z>
<p54-tlaloa:-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will run
FC jc-031297
6. he will run
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they want to flee, they want to run
FC jc-031297

0. they would flee, they would run
FC jc-031297

0. he will dress

1. he will dress
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will dress

3. he will dress

4. he will dress
FC jc-031297
5. he will dress
FC jc-031297

0. your world

1. your world
FC -> jc-72895
2. your world

3. your world

4. your world
FC jc-031297
5. your world
FC jc-031297

0. they take cover

1. they take cover

FC -> jc-72895
2. they take cover

3. they take cover
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they take cover

FC jc-031297
5. they take cover
FC jc-031297

0. it sits upright

1. it sits upright
FC -> jc-72895
2. it sits upright

3. it sits upright

4. it sits upright
FC jc-031297
5. it sits upright
FC jc-031297

0. her teeth are darkened; teeth are darkened; they darken
their teeth

1. her teeth are darkened; teeth are darkened; they darken

their teeth
FC -> jc-72895
2. her teeth are darkened; teeth are darkened; they darken
their teeth

3. her teeth are darkened; teeth are darkened; they darken

their teeth

4. her teeth are darkened; teeth are darkened; they darken

their teeth
FC jc-031297
5. her teeth are darkened; teeth are darkened; they darken
their teeth
FC jc-031297

0. the teeth will be darkened

1. the teeth will be darkened

FC -> jc-72895
2. the teeth will be darkened
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. the teeth will be darkened

4. the teeth will be darkened

FC jc-031297
5. the teeth will be darkened
FC jc-031297

0. it forms runners; it sends out runners

1. it forms runners; it sends out runners

FC -> jc-72895
2. it forms runners; it sends out runners

3. it forms runners; it sends out runners

4. it darts; it forms runners; it sends out runners

FC jc-031297
5. it darts; it forms runners; it sends out runners
FC jc-031297

0. one that darts
FC jc-031297

0. he will clean his teeth
1. he will clean his teeth
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will clean his teeth
3. he will clean his teeth
4. he will clean his teeth <p54-tlantli-pa:ca-z>
<p54-tlantli-pa:ca-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will clean his teeth <p54-tlantli-pa:ca-z>
<p54-tlantli-pa:ca-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will clean his teeth
FC jc-031297
7. he will clean his teeth
FC jc-031297

0. your teeth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. your teeth
FC -> jc-72895
2. your teeth
3. your teeth
4. your teeth <poss-tlantli>
<poss-tlantli> FC - > jc-61096
5. your teeth
FC jc-031297
6. your teeth
FC jc-031297

0. he falls on his knees

1. he falls on his knees

FC -> jc-72895
2. he falls on his knees

3. he falls on his knees

4. he falls on his knees

FC jc-031297
5. he falls on his knees
FC jc-031297

0. he skins his knees

1. he skins his knees

FC -> jc-72895
2. he skins his knees

3. he skins his knees

4. he skins his knees

FC jc-031297
5. he skins his knees
FC jc-031297

0. he is purged

1. he is purged
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he is purged

3. he is purged

4. he is purged
FC jc-031297
5. he is purged
FC jc-031297

0. the teeth will be washed
1. the teeth will be washed
FC -> jc-72895
2. the teeth will be washed
3. the teeth will be washed
4. the teeth will be washed <p54-tlantli-pa:ca-z>
<p54-tlantli-pa:ca-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. the teeth will be washed <p54-tlantli-pa:ca-z>
<p54-tlantli-pa:ca-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. the teeth will be washed
FC jc-031297
7. the teeth will be washed
FC jc-031297

0. they filed their teeth

1. they filed their teeth

FC -> jc-72895
2. they filed their teeth

3. they filed their teeth

4. they filed their teeth

FC jc-031297
5. they filed their teeth
FC jc-031297

0. your teeth
1. your teeth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. your teeth
3. your teeth
4. your teeth <poss-tlantli-tzin>
<poss-tlantli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your teeth <poss-tlantli-tzin>
<poss-tlantli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your teeth
FC jc-031297
7. your teeth
FC jc-031297

0. with you [h

1. with you [ h ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. with you [h

3. with you [h

4. with you [ h ]
FC jc-031297
5. with you [ h ]
FC jc-031297

0. your grief, your sadness
1. your grief, your sadness
FC -> jc-72895
2. your grief, your sadness
3. your grief, your sadness
4. your grief, your sadness <poss-tlao:coya-delya-l1>
<poss-tlao:coya-delya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. your grief, your sadness <poss-tlao:coya-delya-l1>
<poss-tlao:coya-delya-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. your grief, your sadness; your sorrow
FC jc-031297
7. your grief, your sadness; your sorrow
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. she is saddened
FC jc-031297

0. stalker, one who stalks; one who stalks someone
FC jc-031297

0. your force
1. your force
FC -> jc-72895
2. your force
3. your force
4. your force <poss-tlahpalli>
<poss-tlahpalli> FC - > jc-61096
5. your force; your strength
FC jc-031297
6. your force; your strength
FC jc-031297

0. huel ontlamiz in mihiyo in motlapalihuiz: indeed, thy
breath and courage will end <poss-tlahpalli-v0-liz (b4 f7
c17 p63)
1. huel ontlamiz in mihiyo in motlapalihuiz: indeed, thy
breath and courage will end
<poss-tlahpalli-v0-liz> (b4 f7 c17 p63) JC-7/23/96

0. he is daring; they dare
1. he is daring; they dare
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is daring; they dare
3. he is daring; they dare
4. he is daring; they dare <p54-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06>
<p54-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is daring; they dare <p54-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06>
<p54-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. he is daring; they dare

FC jc-031297
7. he is daring; they dare
FC jc-031297

0. he dared
FC jc-031297

0. they hatch
1. they hatch
FC -> jc-72895
2. they hatch
3. they hatch
4. they hatch <p54-tlapa:ni-caus09>
<p54-tlapa:ni-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. they hatch <p54-tlapa:ni-caus09>
<p54-tlapa:ni-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is broken up
FC jc-031297
7. they hatch
FC jc-031297
8. it is broken up
FC jc-031297
9. they hatch
FC jc-031297

0. that which breaks up

1. that which breaks up

FC -> jc-72895
2. that which breaks up

3. that which breaks up

4. that which breaks up

FC jc-031297
5. that which breaks up
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your sin

1. your sin
FC -> jc-72895
2. your sin

3. your sin

4. your sin
FC jc-031297
5. your sin
FC jc-031297

0. se conversan; se platican ( they chat with each other )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. se conversan; se platican ( they chat with each other )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. they clothe themselves; they are clothed

1. they clothe themselves; they are clothed

FC -> jc-72895
2. they clothe themselves; they are clothed

3. they clothe themselves; they are clothed

4. they clothe themselves, they are clothed

FC jc-031297
5. they clothe themselves, they are clothed
FC jc-031297

0. he will cover himself, he will clothe himself

1. he will cover himself, he will clothe himself

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will cover himself, he will clothe himself

3. he will cover himself, he will clothe himself

4. he will cover himself, he will clothe himself

FC jc-031297
5. he will cover himself, he will clothe himself
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they will be provided with clothing

1. they will be provided with clothing

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will be provided with clothing

3. they will be provided with clothing

4. they will be provided with clothing

FC jc-031297
5. they will be provided with clothing
FC jc-031297

0. it is fired, it is burned; they are burned
1. it is fired, it is burned; they are burned
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is fired, it is burned; they are burned
3. it is fired, it is burned; they are burned
4. it is fired, it is burned; they are burned <p54-tla5-v04a>
<p54-tla5-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is fired, it is burned; they are burned <p54-tla5-v04a>
<p54-tla5-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
6. it hides; it is fired; it is burned; they are burned
FC jc-031297
7. it hides; it is fired; it is burned; they are burned
FC jc-031297

0. he will be burned; he will burn himself

1. he will be burned; he will burn himself

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be burned; he will burn himself

3. he will be burned; he will burn himself

4. he will be burned; he will burn himself

FC jc-031297
5. he will be burned; he will burn himself
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they will hide themselves

1. they will hide themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will hide themselves

3. they will hide themselves

4. they will hide themselves

FC jc-031297
5. they will hide themselves
FC jc-031297

0. it looks repeatedly
FC jc-031297

0. your sin, your fault
1. your fault, your sin
FC -> jc-72895
2. your sin, your fault
3. your sin, your fault
4. your sin, your fault <poss-p51-ihtlacahui-caus06-l1>
<poss-p51-ihtlacahui-caus06-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. your fault, your sin
FC jc-031297
6. your fault, your sin
FC jc-031297

0. they incur sins, they do wrong

1. they incur sins, they do wrong

FC -> jc-72895
2. they incur sins, they do wrong

3. they incur sins, they do wrong

4. they incur sins, they do wrong

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they incur sins, they do wrong

FC jc-031297

0. they each one get drunk, intoxicated
1. they each one get drunk, intoxicated
FC -> jc-72895
2. they each one get drunk, intoxicated
3. they each one get drunk, intoxicated
4. they each one get drunk, intoxicated
<p54-dupl-tla:hua:na-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. they each one get drunk, intoxicated
<p54-dupl-tla:hua:na-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. they each one get drunk, intoxicated
<p54-dupl-tla:hua:na-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
7. they each one get drunk, intoxicated
FC jc-031297
8. they each one get drunk, intoxicated
FC jc-031297

0. he sits down; it formed; it is placed; it is set (ie;
fire); they are each set down; they each seated themselves
1. he sits down; it forms; it is placed; it is set ( ie; fire
); they are each set down; they each seated themselves
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sits down; it formed; it is placed; it is set (ie;
fire); they are each set down; they each seated themselves
3. he sits down; it formed; it is placed; it is set (ie;
fire); they are each set down; they each seated themselves
4. he sits down; it formed; it is placed; it is set ( ie fire
); they are each set down; they each seated themselves
<p54-dupl-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
5. he sits down; it formed; it is placed; it is set ( ie fire
); they are each set down; they each seated themselves
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-dupl-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096

6. he sits down; it formed; it is placed; it is set ( ie fire
); they are each set down; they each seated themselves
<p54-dupl-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
7. he sits down; it forms; it is placed; it is set ( ie; fire
); they are each set down; they each seated themselves
FC jc-031297
8. he sits down; it forms; it is placed; it is set ( ie; fire
); they are each set down; they each seated themselves
FC jc-031297

0. it runs
1. it flees, it runs; they each run off
FC -> jc-72895
2. it runs
3. it runs
4. it runs <p54-dupl-tlaloa>
<p54-dupl-tlaloa> FC - > jc-61096
5. it runs <p54-dupl-tlaloa>
<p54-dupl-tlaloa> FC - > jc-61096
6. it flees, it runs; they each run off
FC jc-031297
7. it flees, it runs; they each run off
FC jc-031297

0. she will run

1. she will run

FC -> jc-72895
2. she will run

3. she will run

4. she will run

FC jc-031297
5. she will run
FC jc-031297

0. your flute
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. your flute
FC -> jc-72895
2. your flute

3. your flute

4. your flute
FC jc-031297
5. your flute
FC jc-031297

0. one that stores things, one that hides things

1. one that stores things, one that hides things

FC -> jc-72895
2. one that stores things, one that hides things

3. one that stores things, one that hides things

4. one that stores things, one that hides things

FC jc-031297
5. one that stores things, one that hides things
FC jc-031297

0. your word; your words; your discourse; your speech; your
1. your speech; your statement; your words; your word; your
FC -> jc-72895
2. your word; your words; your discourse; your speech; your
3. your word; your words; your discourse; your speech; your
4. your word; your words; your discourse; your speech; your
statement <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. your speech; your statement; your words; your word; your
FC jc-031297
6. your speech; your statement; your words; your word; your
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. iztlactli, tencualactli, tetlaquicuanitinemi,
motlatolcuicuitlahuia, falsehood and deceit he went about
sowing here and there among the people
<p54-p51-ihtoa:-l1-cuitlatl-v05b (b4 f3 c8 p30)
1. iztlactli, tencualactli, tetlaquicuanitinemi,
motlatolcuicuitlahuia, falsehood and deceit he went about
sowing here and there among the people
<p54-p51-ihtoa:-l1-cuitlatl-v05b> (b4 f3 c8 p30) JC-7/23/96

0. he speaks

1. he speaks
FC -> jc-72895
2. he speaks

3. he speaks

4. he speaks
FC jc-031297
5. he speaks
FC jc-031297

0. your word; your [H] word
1. your [ h ] word; your word
FC -> jc-72895
2. your word; your [H] word
3. your word; your [H] word
4. your word; your [H] word <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-tzin>
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your word; your [H] word <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-tzin>
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your [ h ] word; your word
FC jc-031297
7. your [ h ] word; your word
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your possession, your property

1. your possession, your property

FC -> jc-72895
2. your possession, your property

3. your possession, your property

4. your possession, your property

FC jc-031297
5. your possession, your property
FC jc-031297

0. your property, your possession
1. your property, your possession
FC -> jc-72895
2. your property, your possession
3. your property, your possession
4. your property, your possession <poss-p51-itqui-l2-tzin>
<poss-p51-itqui-l2-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your property, your possession <poss-p51-itqui-l2-tzin>
<poss-p51-itqui-l2-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your property, your possession <poss-p51-itqui-l2-tzin>
<poss-p51-itqui-l2-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. your property, your possession
FC jc-031297
8. your property, your possession
FC jc-031297

0. he will throw himself into a chasm

1. he will throw himself into a chasm

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will throw himself into a chasm

3. he will throw himself into a chasm

4. he will throw himself into a chasm

FC jc-031297
5. he will throw himself into a chasm
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. motamaloa, motlaxcaloa tamales are made, tortillas are
made <p54-p51-ixca-l1-v05a (b11 f27 c13 p288)
1. motamaloa, motlaxcaloa tamales are made, tortillas are made
<p54-p51-ixca-l1-v05a> (b11 f27 c13 p288) JC-7/23/96

0. he roasts [something] for himself
1. he roasts [ something ] for himself
FC -> jc-72895
2. he roasts [something] for himself
3. he roasts [something] for himself
4. he roasts [ something ] for himself <p54-p51-ixca-ben>
<p54-p51-ixca-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. he roasts [ something ] for himself <p54-p51-ixca-ben>
<p54-p51-ixca-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. he roasts [ something ] for himself
FC jc-031297
7. he roasts [ something ] for himself
FC jc-031297

0. he gains a livelihood; he gains his livelihood; he earns
his living; he makes a living; it hunts food

1. he gains a livelihood; he gains his livelihood; he earns

his living; he makes a living; it hunts food
FC -> jc-72895
2. one who gains his livelihood, one who works; they gain
their livelihood
FC -> jc-72895
3. he gains a livelihood; he gains his livelihood; he earns
his living; he makes a living; it hunts food

4. one who gains his livelihood, one who works; they gain
their livelihood

5. he gains a livelihood; he gains his livelihood; he earns

his living; he makes a living; it hunts food
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. one who gains his livelihood, one who works; they gain
their livelihood

7. he gains a livelihood; he gains his livelihood; he earns

his living; he makes a living; it hunts food
FC jc-031297
8. one who gains his livelihood, one who works; they gain
their livelihood
FC jc-031297
9. he gains a livelihood; he gains his livelihood; he earns
his living; he makes a living; it hunts food
FC jc-031297
10. one who gains his livelihood, one who works; they gain
their livelihood
FC jc-031297

0. one that hunts food; one who gains a livelihood

1. one that hunts food; one who gains a livelihood

FC -> jc-72895
2. one that hunts food; one who gains a livelihood

3. one that hunts food; one who gains a livelihood

4. one that hunts food; one who gains a livelihood

FC jc-031297
5. one that hunts food; one who gains a livelihood
FC jc-031297

0. he will work
FC jc-031297

0. it is thrown away
1. it is thrown away
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is thrown away
3. it is thrown away
4. it is thrown away <p54-tla:za>
<p54-tla:za> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is cast, it is thrown; it is felled; it is thrown away;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it is tossed; it spreads out; she throws herself; she hurls

herself; they drop down; they are cast down
FC jc-031297
6. it is cast, it is thrown; it is felled; it is thrown away;
it is tossed; it spreads out; she throws herself; she hurls
herself; they drop down; they are cast down
FC jc-031297

0. it goes to be cast away
FC jc-031297

0. it grows rarely
FC jc-031297

0. expensive
Adj Form jc-022897
1. expensive
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. costly
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. high

4. precious

5. dear

6. valuable

7. high-priced

8. priceless

9. exorbitant

10. uneconomical

11. expensive

0. inin tlatolli: intechpa mitoa in pipilti, anozo tlatoque,
in monepanpalehuia, cenca motlazotla: this saying is said
of the noblemen or the rulers who help one another, who
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

love each other much <p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b6 f20 c43 p251),

2 auh in axcan ye no cuele za moche in iztac teocuitlatl
quinequi, in coztic ye huel motlazotla but today, on the
other hand, all is silver; they want gold; it is much
treasured <p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b9 f6 c16 p76), 3 mopia,
momalhuia motlazotla, ahmo quequeloloani she guards
herself, guards her honor; she is jealous of her virtue;
[she is] not to be ridiculed <p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b10 f1 c3
1. inin tlatolli: intechpa mitoa in pipilti, anozo tlatoque,
in monepanpalehuia, cenca motlazotla: this saying is said
of the noblemen or the rulers who help one another, who
love each other much
<p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a> (b6 f20 c43 p251) JC-7/23/96
2. auh in axcan ye no cuele za moche in iztac teocuitlatl
quinequi, in coztic ye huel motlazotla but today, on the
other hand, all is silver; they want gold; it is much
<p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a> (b9 f6 c16 p76) JC-7/23/96
3. mopia, momalhuia motlazotla, ahmo quequeloloani she guards
herself, guards her honor; she is jealous of her virtue;
[she is] not to be ridiculed
<p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a> (b10 f1 c3 p12) JC-7/23/96

0. in cualli iyollo ichpochtli mocuiliani, motlazotlani,
mopiani, mopixqui, yecnemilice, cualnemilice,
yollochipahuac, the virtuous maiden [is] reserved, jealous
of her virtue, chaste, continent, just, pious, pure of
heart <p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ni1 (b10 f1 c3 p12)
1. person who is jealous of her virtue
FC -> jc-72895
2. person who is jealous of her virtue
3. in cualli iyollo ichpochtli mocuiliani, motlazotlani,
mopiani, mopixqui, yecnemilice, cualnemilice,
yollochipahuac, the virtuous maiden [is] reserved, jealous
of her virtue, chaste, continent, just, pious, pure of
heart <p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ni1 (b10 f1 c3 p12)
4. person who is jealous of her virtue
5. person who is jealous of her virtue <p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ni1>
<p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. person who is jealous of her virtue <p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ni1>

<p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. person who is jealous of her virtue <p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ni1>
<p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. person who is jealous of her virtue <p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ni1>
<p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. person who is jealous of her virtue <p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ni1>
<p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
10. in cualli iyollo ichpochtli mocuiliani, motlazotlani,
mopiani, mopixqui, yecnemilice, cualnemilice,
yollochipahuac, the virtuous maiden [is] reserved, jealous
of her virtue, chaste, continent, just, pious, pure of heart
<p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ni1> (b10 f1 c3 p12) JC-7/23/96
11. person who is jealous of her virtue
FC jc-031297
12. person who is jealous of her virtue
FC jc-031297

0. huel motlazotlaya it was highly valued
<p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b9 f6 c16 p76)
1. huel motlazotlaya it was highly valued
<p54-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> (b9 f6 c16 p76) JC-7/23/96

0. it will roast

1. it will roast
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will roast

3. it will roast

4. it will roast
FC jc-031297
5. it will roast
FC jc-031297

0. he has fever; he has a fever; it has fever; they have fever
1. he has a fever; he has fever; it has fever; they have fever
FC -> jc-72895
2. he has fever; he has a fever; it has fever; they have fever
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he has fever; he has a fever; it has fever; they have fever

4. he has fever; he has a fever <p54-tletl-v02>
<p54-tletl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
5. he has fever; he has a fever <p54-tletl-v02>
<p54-tletl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
6. he has a fever; he has fever; it has fever; they have fever
FC jc-031297
7. he has a fever; he has fever; it has fever; they have fever
FC jc-031297

0. one is made famous
1. one is made famous
FC -> jc-72895
2. one is made famous
3. one is made famous
4. he is made famous
FC - > jc-61096
5. one is made famous <p54-tletl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08>
<p54-tletl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. one is made famous <p54-tletl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08>
<p54-tletl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. one is made famous <p54-tletl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08>
<p54-tletl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
8. one is made famous <p54-tletl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08>
<p54-tletl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
9. it becomes famous; one is made famous
FC jc-031297
10. it becomes famous; one is made famous
FC jc-031297

0. blotched with black; it is blotched with black; it was
spattered with black
1. blotched with black; it is blotched with black; it was
spattered with black
FC -> jc-72895
2. blotched with black; it is blotched with black; it was
spattered with black
3. blotched with black; it is blotched with black; it was
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

spattered with black

4. blotched with black; it is blotched with black; it was
FC - > jc-61096
5. blotched with black; it is blotched with black; it was
spattered with black <p54-tli:lli-dupl-chapa:ni-tza>
<p54-tli:lli-dupl-chapa:ni-tza> FC - > jc-61096
6. blotched with black; it is blotched with black; it was
spattered with black <p54-tli:lli-dupl-chapa:ni-tza>
<p54-tli:lli-dupl-chapa:ni-tza> FC - > jc-61096
7. blotched with black; it is blotched with black; it was
spattered with black <p54-tli:lli-dupl-chapa:ni-tza>
<p54-tli:lli-dupl-chapa:ni-tza> FC - > jc-61096
8. blotched with black; it is blotched with black; it was
spattered with black <p54-tli:lli-dupl-chapa:ni-tza>
<p54-tli:lli-dupl-chapa:ni-tza> FC - > jc-61096
9. blotched with black; it is blotched with black; it was
spattered with black
FC jc-031297
10. blotched with black; it is blotched with black; it was
spattered with black
FC jc-031297

0. he fast in black

1. he fast in black
FC -> jc-72895
2. he fast in black

3. he fast in black

4. he fast in black
FC jc-031297
5. he fast in black
FC jc-031297

0. your rabbit
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your rabbit
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it is planted; it is buried
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it is buried; it is planted
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is planted; it is buried
3. it is planted; it is buried
4. it is planted; it is buried <p54-to:ca1>
<p54-to:ca1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is buried; it is planted; it is sown
FC jc-031297
6. it is buried; it is planted; it is sown
FC jc-031297

0. niman motocatzahualquimiloa, then they cover themselves
with a web (b11 f23 p238)

0. they were buried
1. they were buried
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were buried
3. they were buried
4. they were buried <p54-to:ca1-ya3>
<p54-to:ca1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were buried <p54-to:ca1-ya3>
<p54-to:ca1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were buried
FC jc-031297
7. they were buried
FC jc-031297

0. he was named; it is named; it was called; it was named; it
was referred to

1. he was named; it is named; it was called; it was named; it

was referred to
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was named; it is named; it was called; it was named; it
was referred to
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he was named; it is named; it was called; it was named; it

was referred to

4. he was named; it is named; it was called; it was named; it

was referred to
FC jc-031297
5. he was named; it is named; it was called; it was named; it
was referred to
FC jc-031297

0. he is called, he is known as; he is named; he is given the
name; it is called; it is named; it is given the name; it
was named; it was called; she is named; they are called;
they are named; they call themselves
1. he is called, he is known as; he is named; he is given the
name; it is called; it is named; it is given the name; it
was named; it was called; she is named; they are called;
they are named; they call themselves
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is called, he is known as; he is named; he is given the
name; it is called; it is named; it is given the name; it
was named; it was called; she is named; they are called;
they are named; they call themselves
3. he is called, he is known as; he is named; he is given the
name; it is called; it is named; it is given the name; it
was named; it was called; she is named; they are called;
they are named; they call themselves
4. he is given the name
FC - > jc-61096
5. it is called, it is named <p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08>
<p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is called, it is named <p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08>
<p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is called; it is named; it was called; it was named;
they are called <p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
8. it is called; it is named; it was called; it was named;
they are called <p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
9. it is called; it was called; they are called
<p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. he is called, he is known as; he is named; he is given the

name; it is called; it is named; it is given the name; it
was named; it was called; she is named; they are called;
they are named; they call themselves
FC jc-031297
11. he is called, he is known as; he is named; he is given the
name; it is called; it is named; it is given the name; it
was named; it was called; she is named; they are called;
they are named; they call themselves
FC jc-031297

0. it was called; it was named; it was given the name; they
were called; they were given the names
<caus08> <p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3>
1. it was called; it was named; it was given the name; they
were called; they were given the names
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was called; it was named; it was given the name; they
were called; they were given the names
<caus08> <p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3>
3. it was called; it was named; it was given the name; they
were called; they were given the names
<caus08> <p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3>
4. it was called, it was named <p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-ya3>
<p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was called, it was named; they were called; they were
given the names <p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-ya3>
<p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was called, it was named; they were called; they were
given the names <p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-ya3>
<p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. it was called, it was named; they were called; they were
given the names <p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-ya3>
<p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they were called; they were given the names
<p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. they were called; they were given the names
<p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
10. he was called; it was called; it was named; it was given
the name; they were called; they were given the names
FC jc-031297
11. he was called; it was called; it was named; it was given
the name; they were called; they were given the names
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they were named, they were given the name; they were called

1. they were named, they were given the name; they were called
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were named, they were given the name; they were called

3. they were named, they were given the name; they were called

4. they were named, they were called; they were given the name
FC jc-031297
5. they were named, they were called; they were given the name
FC jc-031297

0. it will be called
1. it will be called
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be called
3. it will be called
4. it will be called <p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v03-z>
<p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v03-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be called <p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v03-z>
<p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v03-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. it will be called <p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v03-z>
<p54-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v03-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. it will be called
FC jc-031297
8. it will be called
FC jc-031297

0. he is poor; he suffers; he is unfortunate; she is poor; she
suffers; they are poor; they suffer; they are miserable;
they are afflicted; they are unfortunate
1. he is poor; he suffers; he is unfortunate; it suffers
FC -> jc-72895
2. she is poor; she suffers; they are afflicted; they suffer;
they are poor; they are unfortunate; they are miserable
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he is poor; he suffers; he is unfortunate; she is poor; she

suffers; they are poor; they suffer; they are miserable;
they are afflicted; they are unfortunate
4. he is poor; he suffers; he is unfortunate; she is poor; she
suffers; they are poor; they suffer; they are miserable;
they are afflicted; they are unfortunate
5. he is poor; he suffers; he is unfortunate; she is poor; she
suffers; they are poor; they suffer; they are miserable;
they are afflicted; they are unfortunate <p54-toli:nia:>
<p54-toli:nia:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is poor; he suffers; he is unfortunate; it suffers
FC jc-031297
7. she is poor; she suffers; they are afflicted; they suffer;
they are poor; they are unfortunate; they are miserable
FC jc-031297
8. he is poor; he suffers; he is unfortunate; it suffers
FC jc-031297
9. she is poor; she suffers; they are afflicted; they suffer;
they are poor; they are unfortunate; they are miserable
FC jc-031297

0. one who is poor
1. one who is poor
FC -> jc-72895
2. one who is poor
3. one who is poor
4. one who is poor <p54-toli:nia:-ni1>
<p54-toli:nia:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. one who is poor <p54-toli:nia:-ni1>
<p54-toli:nia:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one who is poor <p54-toli:nia:-ni1>
<p54-toli:nia:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. one who is poor
FC jc-031297
8. one who is poor
FC jc-031297

0. they were poor
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they were poor

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were poor
3. they were poor
4. they were poor <p54-toli:nia:-ya3>
<p54-toli:nia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were poor <p54-toli:nia:-ya3>
<p54-toli:nia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were poor
FC jc-031297
7. they were poor
FC jc-031297

0. motolinicatzintli, ahzo huel achi quitoctiz in atl, in
tepetl: the poor one--perhaps he will continue the city for
a while (b6 f5 p63), axcan ca otlacauhqui in iyollotzin
toteucyo: otechmocnelili, nican iixco, icpac titlachia, in
cozcatl, in quetzalli, in omecahui: motolinicatzintli,
motolinitzinoa: now that our lord hath conceded, hath shown
us mercy, we look into the face of the precious necklace,
the precious feather which hath arrived, a poor little
thing, a destitute little thing (b6 f14 p180)

0. he will suffer; she will suffer
1. he will suffer
FC -> jc-72895
2. she will suffer
FC -> jc-72895
3. he will suffer; she will suffer
4. he will suffer; she will suffer
5. he will suffer; she will suffer <p54-toli:nia:-z>
<p54-toli:nia:-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will be poor; he will suffer
FC jc-031297
7. she will suffer
FC jc-031297
8. he will be poor; he will suffer
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. she will suffer

FC jc-031297

0. they will be poor
1. they will be poor
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will be poor
3. they will be poor
4. they will be poor <p54-toli:nia:-z-plur01>
<p54-toli:nia:-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will be poor
FC jc-031297
6. they will be poor
FC jc-031297

0. your bowing of your head
FC jc-031297

0. it thickens

1. it thickens
FC -> jc-72895
2. it thickens

3. it thickens

4. it thickens
FC jc-031297
5. it thickens
FC jc-031297

0. it gushes

1. it gushes
FC -> jc-72895
2. it gushes

3. it gushes
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it gushes
FC jc-031297
5. it gushes
FC jc-031297

0. your sustenance, your food

1. your sustenance, your food

FC -> jc-72895
2. your sustenance, your food

3. your sustenance, your food

4. your sustenance, your food

FC jc-031297
5. your sustenance, your food
FC jc-031297

0. he sends forth rays of light, he supplies himself with rays
of light
FC jc-031297

0. it is swallowed

1. it is swallowed
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is swallowed

3. it is swallowed

4. it is swallowed
FC jc-031297
5. it is swallowed
FC jc-031297

0. they appear pompous

1. they appear pompous

FC -> jc-72895
2. they appear pompous

3. they appear pompous
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they appear pompous

FC jc-031297
5. they appear pompous
FC jc-031297

0. brown chipmunk
FC jc-031297

0. he is seen
1. he is seen; it is considered; it is seen; it is found
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is seen
3. he is seen
4. he is seen <p54-itta>
<p54-itta> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is considered, it is seen; it is found <p54-itta1>
<p54-itta1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is seen; it is considered; it is seen; it is found
FC jc-031297
7. he is seen; it is considered; it is seen; it is found
FC jc-031297

0. it was seen
1. it was seen
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was seen
3. it was seen
4. it was seen <p54-itta-prt2>
<p54-itta-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was seen
FC jc-031297
6. it was seen
FC jc-031297

0. it was seen
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it was seen
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was seen
3. it was seen
4. it was seen <p54-itta-ya3>
<p54-itta-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was seen <p54-itta-ya3>
<p54-itta-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was seen
FC jc-031297
7. it was seen
FC jc-031297

0. it is stopped up; it is stopped
1. it is closed up; it is stopped; it is stopped up
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is stopped up; it is stopped
3. it is stopped up; it is stopped
4. it is stopped up; it is stopped <p54-tzacua>
<p54-tzacua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is closed up; it is stopped; it is stopped up
FC jc-031297
6. it is closed up; it is stopped; it is stopped up
FC jc-031297

0. your shout
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. your shout
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. your shout
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. your shout
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it will be closed
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your dogs
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your dogs
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. your dogs
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. she brings herself to ruin like a dog

1. she brings herself to ruin like a dog

FC -> jc-72895
2. she brings herself to ruin like a dog

3. she brings herself to ruin like a dog

4. she brings herself to ruin like a dog

FC jc-031297
5. she brings herself to ruin like a dog
FC jc-031297

0. it keeps beating its wings

1. it keeps beating its wings

FC -> jc-72895
2. it keeps beating its wings

3. it keeps beating its wings

4. it keeps beating its wings

FC jc-031297
5. it keeps beating its wings
FC jc-031297

0. it beats its wings; it is scattered; it is shaken out; it
is sifted out; it is strained; it is sifted; it shakes
1. it beats its wings; it is scattered; it is shaken out; it
is sifted out; it is strained; it is sifted; it shakes
FC -> jc-72895
2. they beat [ ie, wings ]
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
3. it beats its wings; it is scattered; it is shaken out; it
is sifted out; it is strained; it is sifted; it shakes
4. it beats its wings; it is scattered; it is shaken out; it
is sifted out; it is strained; it is sifted; it shakes
5. it is strained, it is sifted; it shakes itself
<p54-dupl-tzelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is strained, it is sifted; it shakes itself
<p54-dupl-tzelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is strained, it is sifted; it shakes itself
<p54-dupl-tzelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
8. it beats its wings; it is scattered; it is shaken out; it
is sifted out; it is strained; it is sifted; it shakes
FC jc-031297
9. they beat [ ie, wings ]
FC jc-031297
10. it beats its wings; it is scattered; it is shaken out; it
is sifted out; it is strained; it is sifted; it shakes
FC jc-031297
11. they beat [ ie, wings ]
FC jc-031297

0. wing-beater

1. wing-beater
FC -> jc-72895
2. wing-beater

3. wing-beater

4. wing-beater
FC jc-031297
5. wing-beater
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. prostitute
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. prostitute
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. prostitute
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. prostitute
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. in oquimomacahuili, in oquihualmihuali, in cozcatl, in
quetzalli: in moneiximachiliz, in mezyotzin, in
motlapallotzin, in motzontzin, in moztitzin in
motzicueuhcatzin, in motlapanca he hath given, he hath sent
a precious necklace, a precious feather, thy image, thy
blood, thy color, thy hair, thy fingernail, thy chip, thy
flake (b6 f15 p187)

0. one who repeatedly sells herself
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. she backs away, she retreats
1. she backs away, she retreats
FC -> jc-72895
2. she backs away, she retreats
3. she backs away, she retreats
4. she backs away, she retreats <p54-tzi:ntli-e:hua>
<p54-tzi:ntli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. she backs away, she retreats <p54-tzi:ntli-e:hua>
<p54-tzi:ntli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. she backs away, she retreats <p54-tzi:ntli-e:hua>
<p54-tzi:ntli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. she backs away, she retreats
FC jc-031297
8. she backs away, she retreats
FC jc-031297

0. woman who sells herself
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they draw away, they withdraw, they retreat

1. they draw away, they withdraw, they retreat

FC -> jc-72895
2. they draw away, they withdraw, they retreat

3. they draw away, they withdraw, they retreat

4. they draw away, they withdraw, they retreat

FC jc-031297
5. they draw away, they withdraw, they retreat
FC jc-031297

0. she becomes a paramour, she practices prostitution

1. she becomes a paramour, she practices prostitution

FC -> jc-72895
2. she becomes a paramour, she practices prostitution

3. she becomes a paramour, she practices prostitution

4. she becomes a paramour, she practices prostitution

FC jc-031297
5. she becomes a paramour, she practices prostitution
FC jc-031297

0. your weaving beater
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your weaving beater
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. your weaving beater
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. your rags
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your rags
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. scratch, grasp
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. (cf momotziui) scratch, grasp

2. (cf momotziui) scratch, grasp

0. it will take vengeance
FC jc-031297

0. he falls head first

1. he falls head first

FC -> jc-72895
2. he falls head first

3. he falls head first

4. he falls head first

FC jc-031297
5. he falls head first
FC jc-031297

0. your [ h ] head
FC jc-031297

0. he grows hair
FC - > jc-61096
1. he grows hair
Verbing jc-030797
2. he grows hair
-tia jc-030797
3. he grows hair
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. he grows hair
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. he grows hair
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
6. he grows hair
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

0. it will be lanced, it is to be lanced
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your hair
FC jc-031297

0. it is beaten; she is beaten; she is pounded; they beat each
1. it is beaten; she is beaten; she is pounded; they beat each
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is beaten; she is beaten; she is pounded; they beat each
3. it is beaten; she is beaten; she is pounded; they beat each
4. it is beaten; she is beaten; she is pounded; they beat each
other <p54-tzotzona>
<p54-tzotzona> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is beaten; it is pounded; she is beaten; she is pounded;
they beat each other; they strike themselves
FC jc-031297
6. it is beaten; it is pounded; she is beaten; she is pounded;
they beat each other; they strike themselves
FC jc-031297

0. it is cooked
1. it is cooked
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is cooked
3. it is cooked
4. it is cooked
FC - > jc-61096
5. it is cooked <p54-tzoy:ni-caus08>
<p54-tzoy:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is cooked <p54-tzoy:ni-caus08>
<p54-tzoy:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is cooked
FC jc-031297
8. it is cooked
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it will be cooked
1. it will be cooked
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be cooked
3. it will be cooked
4. it will be cooked <p54-tzoy:ni-caus08-z>
<p54-tzoy:ni-caus08-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be cooked <p54-tzoy:ni-caus08-z>
<p54-tzoy:ni-caus08-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. it will be cooked
FC jc-031297
7. it will be cooked
FC jc-031297

0. they paint their faces
1. she paints her face; they paint their faces
FC -> jc-72895
2. they paint their faces
3. they paint their faces
4. they paint their faces <p54-xahua>
<p54-xahua> FC - > jc-61096
5. she paints her face; they paint their faces
FC jc-031297
6. she paints her face; they paint their faces
FC jc-031297

0. faces were smeared, faces were made up
1. faces were smeared, faces were made up
FC -> jc-72895
2. faces were smeared, faces were made up
3. faces were smeared, faces were made up
4. faces were smeared, faces were made up <p54-xahua-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-xahua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

5. faces were smeared, faces were made up <p54-xahua-ya3>
<p54-xahua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. faces were smeared, faces were made up
FC jc-031297
7. faces were smeared, faces were made up
FC jc-031297

0. adobe bricks are made

1. adobe bricks are made

FC -> jc-72895
2. adobe bricks are made

3. adobe bricks are made

4. adobe bricks are made

FC jc-031297
5. adobe bricks are made
FC jc-031297

0. it is molded into adobe bricks
1. it is molded into adobe bricks
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is molded into adobe bricks
3. it is molded into adobe bricks
4. it is molded into adobe bricks <p54-xa:mitl-copi:na>
<p54-xa:mitl-copi:na> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is molded into adobe bricks <p54-xa:mitl-copi:na>
<p54-xa:mitl-copi:na> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is molded into adobe bricks
FC jc-031297
7. it is molded into adobe bricks
FC jc-031297

0. she variously paints her face
1. she variously paints her face
FC -> jc-72895
2. she variously paints her face
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. she variously paints her face
4. she variously paints her face <p54-dupl-xa:hua>
<p54-dupl-xa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. she variously paints her face <p54-dupl-xa:hua>
<p54-dupl-xa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. she variously paints her face <p54-dupl-xa:hua>
<p54-dupl-xa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. she variously paints her face
FC jc-031297
8. she variously paints her face
FC jc-031297

0. your face

1. your face
FC -> jc-72895
2. your face

3. your face

4. your face
FC jc-031297
5. your face
FC jc-031297

0. it is fired, it is roasted; it is baked
1. it is baked; it is fired; it is roasted
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is fired, it is roasted; it is baked
3. it is fired, it is roasted; it is baked
4. it is fired, it is roasted; it is baked <p54-ixca>
<p54-ixca> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is baked; it is fired; it is roasted
FC jc-031297
6. it is baked; it is fired; it is roasted
FC jc-031297

0. it is split, divided
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096

0. they divide into groups
1. they divide into groups
FC -> jc-72895
2. they divide into groups
3. they divide into groups
4. they divide into groups <p54-dupl-xelihui-caus06>
<p54-dupl-xelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. they divide into groups <p54-dupl-xelihui-caus06>
<p54-dupl-xelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. they divide into groups <p54-dupl-xelihui-caus06>
<p54-dupl-xelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. they divide into groups
FC jc-031297
8. they divide into groups
FC jc-031297

0. it produces beeswax
FC jc-031297

0. he is shorn; his hair is cut; his hair is shorn; it is
carved; it is trimmed off; it is shaved; it is cut; it is
planed; it molts; they cut their hair; they preen
1. he is shorn; his hair is cut; his hair is shorn; it is
carved; it is shaved; it is cut; it is planed; it is
trimmed off; it molts; they cut their hair; they preen
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is shorn; his hair is cut; his hair is shorn; it is
carved; it is trimmed off; it is shaved; it is cut; it is
planed; it molts; they cut their hair; they preen
3. he is shorn; his hair is cut; his hair is shorn; it is
carved; it is trimmed off; it is shaved; it is cut; it is
planed; it molts; they cut their hair; they preen
4. he is shorn; his hair is cut; his hair is shorn; it is
carved; it is trimmed off; it is shaved; it is cut; it is
planed; it molts; they cut their hair; they preen
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-xi:ma> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is shorn; his hair is cut; his hair is shorn; it is
carved; it is shaved; it is cut; it is planed; it is
trimmed off; it molts; they cut their hair; they preen
FC jc-031297
6. he is shorn; his hair is cut; his hair is shorn; it is
carved; it is shaved; it is cut; it is planed; it is
trimmed off; it molts; they cut their hair; they preen
FC jc-031297

0. they did cut their hair
1. their hair was shorn, their hair was cut; they did cut
their hair
FC -> jc-72895
2. they did cut their hair
3. they did cut their hair
4. they did cut their hair <p54-xi:ma-ya3>
<p54-xi:ma-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they did cut their hair <p54-xi:ma-ya3>
<p54-xi:ma-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. their hair was shorn, their hair was cut; they did cut
their hair
FC jc-031297
7. their hair was shorn, their hair was cut; they did cut
their hair
FC jc-031297

0. it will be carved

1. it will be carved
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be carved

3. it will be carved

4. it will be carved
FC jc-031297
5. it will be carved
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. your seed
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. your seed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it forms seeds
1. it forms seeds
FC -> jc-72895
2. it forms seeds
3. it forms seeds
4. it forms seeds <p54-xina:chtli-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p54-xina:chtli-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it forms seeds <p54-xina:chtli-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p54-xina:chtli-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
6. it forms seeds
FC jc-031297
7. it forms seeds
FC jc-031297

0. it is propagated, it is engendered; seeds scatter; they
1. it is propagated; it is engendered; seeds scatter; they
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is propagated, it is engendered; seeds scatter; they
3. it is propagated, it is engendered; seeds scatter; they
4. it is propagated, it is engendered; seeds scatter; they
breed <p54-xina:chtli-v03a-caus06>
<p54-xina:chtli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is propagated, it is engendered; seeds scatter; they
breed <p54-xina:chtli-v03a-caus06>
<p54-xina:chtli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is propagated; it is engendered; seeds scatter; they
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. it is propagated; it is engendered; seeds scatter; they

FC jc-031297

0. it produces seed
1. it produces seed
FC -> jc-72895
2. it produces seed
3. it produces seed
4. it produces seed <p54-xina:chtli-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p54-xina:chtli-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it produces seed <p54-xina:chtli-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p54-xina:chtli-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
6. it produces seed
FC jc-031297
7. it produces seed
FC jc-031297

0. molted
1. molted
FC -> jc-72895
2. molted
3. molted
4. molted <p54-xi:ma-prt1-c2>
<p54-xi:ma-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. molted <p54-xi:ma-prt1-c2>
<p54-xi:ma-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. molted
FC jc-031297
7. molted
FC jc-031297

0. it is barked, it is peeled
1. it is barked, it is peeled
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is barked, it is peeled
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it is barked, it is peeled
4. it is barked, it is peeled <p54-xi:pe:hua>
<p54-xi:pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is barked, it is peeled
FC jc-031297
6. it is barked, it is peeled
FC jc-031297

0. it resembles turquoise

1. it resembles turquoise
FC -> jc-72895
2. it resembles turquoise

3. it resembles turquoise

4. it resembles turquoise
FC jc-031297
5. it resembles turquoise
FC jc-031297

0. in cualli tetzicuehuallo: motocani, mopopoloani,
moxiuhtlapachoa, amitollani the good noblewoman [is]
retiring, submissive, humble, desirous of no praise (b10 f3
1. in cualli tetzicuehuallo: motocani, mopopoloani,
moxiuhtlapachoa, amitollani the good noblewoman [is]
retiring, submissive, humble, desirous of no praise (b10 f3

0. huellayohualli quimotoctiaya, huel moxiuhtlapachoaya, inic
amo ittozque they hid themselves well in the dark; they
indeed crouched behind bushes in order not to be seen (b2
f9 p148)
1. huellayohualli quimotoctiaya, huel moxiuhtlapachoaya, inic
amo ittozque they hid themselves well in the dark; they
indeed crouched behind bushes in order not to be seen (b2
f9 p148)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. huihuixcatontli, moxiuhtlatiani, mellelaxitiani,
cianmiquini, mociaohcanequini, moxiuhtlatia, mopatla,
pinocui, mopinoquetza, pinonemi, extremely feeble,
impatient, chagrined, exhausted, fretful, she becomes
impatient, loses hope, becomes embarrassed -- chagrined
(b10 f3 p51)

0. huihuixcatontli, moxiuhtlatiani, mellelaxitiani,
cianmiquini, mociaohcanequini, moxiuhtlatia, mopatla,
pinocui, mopinoquetza, pinonemi, extremely feeble,
impatient, chagrined, exhausted, fretful, she becomes
impatient, loses hope, becomes embarrassed -- chagrined
(b10 f3 p51)

0. it defecates
1. it defecates
FC -> jc-72895
2. it defecates
3. it defecates
4. it defecates <p54-xi:xtli-v12>
<p54-xi:xtli-v12> FC - > jc-61096
5. it defecates <p54-xi:xtli-v12>
<p54-xi:xtli-v12> FC - > jc-61096
6. he urinates; it defecates
FC jc-031297
7. he urinates; it defecates
FC jc-031297

0. it is carved
1. it is carved
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is carved
3. it is carved
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it is carved <p54-dupl-xi:ma>
<p54-dupl-xi:ma> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is carved <p54-dupl-xi:ma>
<p54-dupl-xi:ma> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is carved <p54-dupl-xi:ma>
<p54-dupl-xi:ma> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is carved
FC jc-031297
8. it is carved
FC jc-031297

0. it was carved
1. it was carved
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was carved
3. it was carved
4. it was carved <p54-dupl-xi:ma-ya3>
<p54-dupl-xi:ma-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was carved <p54-dupl-xi:ma-ya3>
<p54-dupl-xi:ma-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was carved <p54-dupl-xi:ma-ya3>
<p54-dupl-xi:ma-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. it was carved <p54-dupl-xi:ma-ya3>
<p54-dupl-xi:ma-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. it was carved
FC jc-031297
9. it was carved
FC jc-031297

0. it blossoms; it forms blossoms
1. it blossoms; it forms blossoms
FC -> jc-72895
2. it blossoms; it forms blossoms
3. it blossoms; it forms blossoms
4. it blossoms; it forms blossoms
<p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it blossoms; it forms blossoms

<p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. it blossoms; it forms blossoms
<p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. it blossoms; it forms blossoms
<p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
8. it forms blossoms <p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08>
<p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
9. it blossoms; it forms blossoms
FC jc-031297
10. it blossoms; it forms blossoms
FC jc-031297

0. blossomer, bloomer
1. blossomer, bloomer; producer of blossoms
FC -> jc-72895
2. blossomer, bloomer
3. blossomer, bloomer
4. blossomer, bloomer <p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08-ni1>
<p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. blossomer, bloomer <p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08-ni1>
<p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. blossomer, bloomer <p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08-ni1>
<p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. blossomer, bloomer <p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08-ni1>
<p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. blossomer, bloomer <p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08-ni1>
<p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. blossomer, bloomer <p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08-ni1>
<p54-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
10. blossomer, bloomer; producer of blossoms
FC jc-031297
11. blossomer, bloomer; producer of blossoms
FC jc-031297

0. it sheds blossoms
1. it sheds blossoms
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it sheds blossoms
3. it sheds blossoms
4. it sheds blossoms <p54?-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-tla:za>
<p54?-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-tla:za> FC - > jc-61096
5. it sheds blossoms <p54?-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-tla:za>
<p54?-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-tla:za> FC - > jc-61096
6. it sheds blossoms <p54?-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-tla:za>
<p54?-xo:chitl-yo:tl1-tla:za> FC - > jc-61096
7. it sheds blossoms
FC jc-031297
8. it sheds blossoms
FC jc-031297

0. it blossoms
FC - > jc-61096

0. it forms fruit
1. it forms fruit
FC -> jc-72895
2. it forms fruit
3. it forms fruit
4. it forms fruit <p54-xocotl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08>
<p54-xocotl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. it forms fruit <p54-xocotl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08>
<p54-xocotl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. it forms fruit <p54-xocotl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08>
<p54-xocotl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. it forms fruit <p54-xocotl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08>
<p54-xocotl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
8. it forms fruit
FC jc-031297
9. it forms fruit
FC jc-031297

0. it is incised

1. it is incised
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is incised

3. it is incised

4. it is incised
FC jc-031297
5. it is incised
FC jc-031297

0. it is drunk uncooked

1. it is drunk uncooked
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is drunk uncooked

3. it is drunk uncooked

4. it is drunk uncooked
FC jc-031297
5. it is drunk uncooked
FC jc-031297

0. it is shelled

1. it is shelled
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is shelled

3. it is shelled

4. it is shelled
FC jc-031297
5. it is shelled
FC jc-031297

0. spread, scatter

0. scatter
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. st scattered or put to flight

0. your nasal mucous
1. your nasal mucous
FC -> jc-72895
2. your nasal mucous
3. your nasal mucous
4. your nasal mucous <poss-yacatl-cuitlatl>
<poss-yacatl-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. your nasal mucous
FC jc-031297
6. your nasal mucous
FC jc-031297

0. it sends out a shoot

1. it sends out a shoot

FC -> jc-72895
2. it sends out a shoot

3. it sends out a shoot

4. it sends out a shoot

FC jc-031297
5. it sends out a shoot
FC jc-031297

0. producer of runners
1. producer of runners
FC -> jc-72895
2. producer of runners
3. producer of runners
4. producer of runners <p54-yacatl-tla:za-ni1>
<p54-yacatl-tla:za-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. producer of runners <p54-yacatl-tla:za-ni1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-yacatl-tla:za-ni1> FC - > jc-61096

6. producer of runners <p54-yacatl-tla:za-ni1>
<p54-yacatl-tla:za-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. producer of runners <p54-yacatl-tla:za-ni1>
<p54-yacatl-tla:za-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. producer of runners
FC jc-031297
9. producer of runners
FC jc-031297

0. he falls on his nose

1. he falls on his nose

FC -> jc-72895
2. he falls on his nose

3. he falls on his nose

4. he falls on his nose

FC jc-031297
5. he falls on his nose
FC jc-031297

0. cuacualacatoc in cochi, cotalotoc, icotocatoc, iuhquin
moyacatzayana, iuhquin quitlamachtia cochiztli he
stretched out, rumbling as he slept, groaning, snoring, as
if he had torn off his nose, as if he enjoyed the sleep (b4
f2 p15)
1. he tears off his nose
FC -> jc-72895
2. he tears off his nose
3. cuacualacatoc in cochi, cotalotoc, icotocatoc, iuhquin
moyacatzayana, iuhquin quitlamachtia cochiztli he
stretched out, rumbling as he slept, groaning, snoring, as
if he had torn off his nose, as if he enjoyed the sleep (b4
f2 p15)
4. he tears off his nose
5. he tears off his nose <p54-yacatl-tzaya:ni-caus09>
<p54-yacatl-tzaya:ni-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. he tears off his nose <p54-yacatl-tzaya:ni-caus09>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-yacatl-tzaya:ni-caus09> FC - > jc-61096

7. he tears off his nose
FC jc-031297
8. he tears off his nose
FC jc-031297

0. it is disseminated, it spreads; it scatters

1. it is disseminated, it spreads; it scatters

FC -> jc-72895
2. they spread out
FC -> jc-72895
3. it is disseminated, it spreads; it scatters

4. it is disseminated, it spreads; it scatters

5. it is disseminated, it spreads; it scatters

FC jc-031297
6. they spread out
FC jc-031297
7. it is disseminated, it spreads; it scatters
FC jc-031297
8. they spread out
FC jc-031297

0. it coils itself
1. it coils itself
FC -> jc-72895
2. it coils itself
3. it coils itself
4. it coils itself <p51-yahualli-tla:lia>
<p51-yahualli-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
5. it coils itself <p51-yahualli-tla:lia>
<p51-yahualli-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
6. it coils itself
FC jc-031297
7. it coils itself
FC jc-031297

0. they are arranged in a circle
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096

0. it is placed around the edge
1. it is placed around the edge
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is placed around the edge
3. it is placed around the edge
4. it is placed around the edge <p54-yahualli-v03a-caus06-;
<p54-yahualli-v03a-caus06--> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is placed around the edge <p54-yahualli-v03a-caus06-;
<p54-yahualli-v03a-caus06--> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is encircled, it is surrounded; it is placed around the
FC jc-031297
7. it is encircled, it is surrounded; it is placed around the
FC jc-031297

0. it is relaxed
FC jc-031297

0. them arm themselves for war; they arm themselves for war;
they array themselves for war
1. them arm themselves for war; they arm themselves for war;
they array themselves for war
FC -> jc-72895
2. them arm themselves for war; they arm themselves for war;
they array themselves for war
3. them arm themselves for war; they arm themselves for war;
they array themselves for war
4. them arm themselves for war; they arm themselves for war
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. them arm themselves for war; they arm themselves for war;
they array themselves for war <p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua>
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. them arm themselves for war; they arm themselves for war;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

they array themselves for war <p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua>

<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. them arm themselves for war; they arm themselves for war;
they array themselves for war <p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua>
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
8. them arm themselves for war; they arm themselves for war;
they array themselves for war
FC jc-031297
9. them arm themselves for war; they arm themselves for war;
they array themselves for war
FC jc-031297

0. they arrayed themselves for battle; they armed themselves
for war
1. they armed themselves for war; they arrayed themselves for
FC -> jc-72895
2. they arrayed themselves for battle; they armed themselves
for war
3. they arrayed themselves for battle; they armed themselves
for war
4. they arrayed themselves for battle; they armed themselves
for war <p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-plur01>
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they arrayed themselves for battle; they armed themselves
for war <p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-plur01>
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they arrayed themselves for battle; they armed themselves
for war <p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-plur01>
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they arrayed themselves for battle; they armed themselves
for war <p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-plur01>
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
8. they armed themselves for war; they arrayed themselves for
FC jc-031297
9. they armed themselves for war; they arrayed themselves for
FC jc-031297

0. they come arrayed for war
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06>
1. they come arrayed for war
FC -> jc-72895
2. they come arrayed for war
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06>
3. they come arrayed for war
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06>
4. they come arrayed for war
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06>
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06> FC - > jc-61096
5. they come arrayed for war
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06>
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06> FC - > jc-61096
6. they come arrayed for war
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06>
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06> FC - > jc-61096
7. they come arrayed for war
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06>
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06> FC - > jc-61096
8. they come arrayed for war
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06>
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06> FC - > jc-61096
9. they come arrayed for war
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06>
<p54-ya:o:tl-dupl-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06> FC - > jc-61096
10. they come arrayed for war
FC jc-031297
11. they come arrayed for war
FC jc-031297

0. he [H] died in war
<p54-ya:o:tl-miqui-ben H1>
1. he [ h ] died in war
FC -> jc-72895
2. he [H] died in war
<p54-ya:o:tl-miqui-ben H1>
3. he [H] died in war
<p54-ya:o:tl-miqui-ben H1>
4. he [H] died in war <p54-ya:o:tl-miqui-ben H1>
<p54-ya:o:tl-miqui-ben H1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he [H] died in war <p54-ya:o:tl-miqui-ben H1>
<p54-ya:o:tl-miqui-ben H1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he [H] died in war <p54-ya:o:tl-miqui-ben H1>
<p54-ya:o:tl-miqui-ben H1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he [ h ] died in war
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. he [ h ] died in war
FC jc-031297

0. he is wise

1. he is wise
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is wise

3. he is wise

4. he is wise
FC jc-031297
5. he is wise
FC jc-031297

0. it cleans itself
1. it cleans itself; it grooms itself
FC -> jc-72895
2. it cleans itself
3. it cleans itself
4. it cleans itself <p54-yectli-v03>
<p54-yectli-v03> FC - > jc-61096
5. it cleans itself; it grooms itself
FC jc-031297
6. it cleans itself; it grooms itself
FC jc-031297

0. it is made good, it is perfected

1. it is made good, it is perfected

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is made good, it is perfected

3. it is made good, it is perfected

4. it is made good, it is perfected

FC jc-031297
5. it is made good, it is perfected
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it is made good, it is perfected

1. it is made good, it is perfected

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is made good, it is perfected

3. it is made good, it is perfected

4. it is made good, it is perfected

FC jc-031297
5. it is made good, it is perfected
FC jc-031297

0. he thinks himself superior

1. he thinks himself superior

FC -> jc-72895
2. he thinks himself superior

3. he thinks himself superior

4. he thinks himself superior

FC jc-031297
5. he thinks himself superior
FC jc-031297

0. it cleans itself
1. it cleans itself
FC -> jc-72895
2. it cleans itself
3. it cleans itself
4. it cleans itself <p54-dupl-yectli-v03>
<p54-dupl-yectli-v03> FC - > jc-61096
5. it cleans itself <p54-dupl-yectli-v03>
<p54-dupl-yectli-v03> FC - > jc-61096
6. it cleans itself <p54-dupl-yectli-v03>
<p54-dupl-yectli-v03> FC - > jc-61096
7. it cleans itself
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. it cleans itself
FC jc-031297

0. your being, your nature
1. your being, your nature
FC -> jc-72895
2. your being, your nature
3. your being, your nature
4. your being, your nature <poss-ca:1b-liz>
<poss-ca:1b-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. your being, your way of being
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
6. your being, your nature
FC jc-031297
7. your being, your nature
FC jc-031297
8. your being
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
9. your way of being
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
10. your being
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
11. your way of being

12. your being

13. your way of being

0. esta'n ( they are [ H ] )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. esta'n [ H ] ( they are [ H ] )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. esta'n ( they are [ H ] )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. esta'n [ H ] ( they are [ H ] )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. excited or in love
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Adj Form jc-022897

1. excited
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. or in love
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. stimulated

4. wild

5. agitated

6. trilled

7. agog

8. ecstatic

9. brisk

10. aflame

11. eager

12. excited or in love

0. confessed
Adj Form jc-022897
1. confessed
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. avowed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. declared

4. self-proclaimed

5. professed

6. admitted

7. acknowledged

8. announced

9. told
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. pledged

11. confessed

0. mosquito net

1. mosquito net
FC - > jc-61096
2. mosquito net
FC - > jc-61096

0. they are incited, they are stirred; they wish
FC jc-031297

0. he was stirred, he was affected
FC jc-031297

0. tla oc cenca moyolicatzin, "be especially welcomed (b6 f5
p51), auh in axcan nochpochtze, xocoyotle: ma oc cenca
moyolicatzin, "and now, o my beloved daughter, o youngest
one, be especially welcomed! (b6 f12 p142), auh inin ma oc
cenca tle ticmatcatzintli: ma oc cenca moyolicatzin, and of
this may thou take much heed; may thou be especially
welcomed (b6 f12 p143), manozo zan moyolicatzin
nochpochtzin, noxocoyouh: fare thee well, my beloved
maiden, my child (b6 f14 p164), omihiyotzinquiz,
nochpochtzin, cuauhcihuatl: ma oc moyolicatzin, thou hast
returned exhausted from battle, my beloved maiden, brave
woman; be welcome (b6 f14 p179), ma oc ihuian, ma oc
moyolicatzin xihualmimati, be calm, be tranquil, be prudent
(b6 f16 p195), conilhuia Nicauhtzine, moyolicatzin: they
said to him: "o my beloved younger brother, fare thee well
(b12 f6 p96)

0. compassionate
1. compassionate
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. compassionate
3. compassionate
4. compassionate <p54-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06-ni1>
<p54-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. compassionate <p54-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06-ni1>
<p54-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. compassionate <p54-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06-ni1>
<p54-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. compassionate <p54-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06-ni1>
<p54-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. compassionate
FC jc-031297
9. compassionate
FC jc-031297

0. he will be affronted, he will be offended

1. he will be affronted, he will be offended

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be affronted, he will be offended

3. he will be affronted, he will be offended

4. he will be affronted, he will be offended

FC jc-031297
5. he will be affronted, he will be offended
FC jc-031297

0. she was comforted
FC jc-031297

0. they are content
1. they are content
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are content
3. they are content
4. they are content <p54-yo:lli-tla:lia:>
<p54-yo:lli-tla:lia:> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they are content <p54-yo:lli-tla:lia:>

<p54-yo:lli-tla:lia:> FC - > jc-61096
6. they are content
FC jc-031297
7. they are content
FC jc-031297

0. he will be content, he will be consoled

1. he will be content, he will be consoled

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be content, he will be consoled

3. he will be content, he will be consoled

4. he will be content, he will be consoled

FC jc-031297
5. he will be content, he will be consoled
FC jc-031297

0. they will be comforted

1. they will be comforted

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will be comforted

3. they will be comforted

4. they will be comforted

FC jc-031297
5. they will be comforted
FC jc-031297

0. his heart; its heart; your heart
1. his heart; its heart
FC -> jc-72895
2. your heart
FC -> jc-72895
3. his heart; its heart; your heart
4. his heart; its heart; your heart
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. his heart; its heart; your heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1>

<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his heart; its heart; your heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. his heart; its heart
FC jc-031297
8. your heart
FC jc-031297
9. his heart; its heart
FC jc-031297
10. your heart
FC jc-031297

0. he steels himself

1. he steels himself
FC -> jc-72895
2. he steels himself

3. he steels himself

4. he steels himself
FC jc-031297
5. he steels himself
FC jc-031297

0. their heart; your heart
1. their heart; your [ h ] heart; your heart
FC -> jc-72895
2. their heart; your heart
3. their heart; your heart
4. their heart; your heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. their heart; your heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. their heart; your heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. their heart; your [ h ] heart; your heart
FC jc-031297
8. their heart; your [ h ] heart; your heart
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he consulted within his heart

1. he consulted within his heart

FC -> jc-72895
2. he consulted within his heart

3. he consulted within his heart

4. he consulted within his heart

FC jc-031297
5. he consulted within his heart
FC jc-031297

0. Mosquito, moyote
1. fly

2. Mosquito, moyote
3. fly

4. fly
FC - > jc-61096
5. mosqiuito
FC - > jc-61096

0. he fasts; they fast
1. he fasts
FC -> jc-72895
2. they fast
FC -> jc-72895
3. he fasts; they fast
4. he fasts; they fast
5. he fasts; they fast <p54-zahua>
<p54-zahua> FC - > jc-61096
6. he fasts
FC jc-031297
7. they fast
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. he fasts
FC jc-031297
9. they fast
FC jc-031297

0. one who fasts
1. one who fasts
FC -> jc-72895
2. one who fasts
3. one who fasts
4. one who fasts <p54-zahua-ni1>
<p54-zahua-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. one who fasts <p54-zahua-ni1>
<p54-zahua-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one who fasts <p54-zahua-ni1>
<p54-zahua-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. one who fasts
FC jc-031297
8. one who fasts
FC jc-031297

0. he fasted; they fasted
1. he fasted; she fasted; she should fast; they fasted; they
should fast
FC -> jc-72895
2. he fasted; they fasted
3. he fasted; they fasted
4. he fasted; she fasted; she should fast; they fasted
<p54-zahua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he fasted; she fasted; she should fast; they fasted
<p54-zahua1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he fasted; they fasted <p54-zahua-ya3>
<p54-zahua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he fasted; she fasted; she should fast; they fasted; they
should fast
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. he fasted; she fasted; she should fast; they fasted; they

should fast
FC jc-031297

0. they will fast, they will do penance
1. they will fast, they will do penance
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will fast, they will do penance
3. they will fast, they will do penance
4. they will fast, they will do penance <p54-zahua-z-plur01>
<p54-zahua-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will fast, they will do penance
FC jc-031297
6. they will fast, they will do penance
FC jc-031297

0. it was joined, it was glued
1. it was joined, it was glued
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was joined, it was glued
3. it was joined, it was glued
4. it was joined, it was glued <p54-za:lihui-caus06-prt1>
<p54-za:lihui-caus06-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was joined, it was glued
FC jc-031297
6. it was joined, it was glued
FC jc-031297

0. it is joined, it is glued; they are joined; they are glued
1. it is joined, it is glued; they are joined; they are glued
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is joined, it is glued; they are joined; they are glued
3. it is joined, it is glued; they are joined; they are glued
4. it is joined, it is glued; they are joined; they are glued
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p54-za:lihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is joined, it is glued; they are joined; they are glued
FC jc-031297
6. it is joined, it is glued; they are joined; they are glued
FC jc-031297

0. it is joined, it is glued
1. it is joined, it is glued
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is joined, it is glued
3. it is joined, it is glued
4. it is joined, it is glued <p54-za:lihui-caus06>
<p54-za:lihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is joined, it is glued <p54-za:lihui-caus06>
<p54-za:lihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is joined, it is glued
FC jc-031297
7. it is joined, it is glued
FC jc-031297

0. they fasted

1. they fasted
FC -> jc-72895
2. they fasted

3. they fasted

4. they fasted
FC jc-031297
5. they fasted
FC jc-031297

0. he will be anointed

1. he will be anointed
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be anointed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he will be anointed

4. he will be anointed
FC jc-031297
5. he will be anointed
FC jc-031297

0. he is instructed, he is trained; he is mature; he is
educated; he is discreet; he is skilled; he is prudent; he
is revived; he rouses himself; he revives himself; he comes
to his senses; it comes to life; it grows; it is discreet;
she is discreet; she is
1. he is discreet; he is educated; he is instructed; he is
trained; he is mature; he is prudent; he is revived; he is
skilled; he rouses himself; he revives himself; he comes to
his senses; it comes to life; it grows; it is discreet
FC -> jc-72895
2. she is discreet; she is reared; they are able; they revive
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is instructed, he is trained; he is mature; he is
educated; he is discreet; he is skilled; he is prudent; he
is revived; he rouses himself; he revives himself; he comes
to his senses; it comes to life; it grows; it is discreet;
she is discreet; she is
4. he is instructed, he is trained; he is mature; he is
educated; he is discreet; he is skilled; he is prudent; he
is revived; he rouses himself; he revives himself; he comes
to his senses; it comes to life; it grows; it is discreet;
she is discreet; she is
5. he is instructed, he is trained; he is mature; he is
educated; he is discreet; he is skilled; he is prudent; he
is revived; he rouses himself; he revives himself; he comes
to his senses; it comes to life; it grows; it is discreet;
she is discreet; she is reared; they are able; they revive
<p54-izcalia:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is discreet; he is educated; he is instructed; he is
trained; he is mature; he is prudent; he is revived; he is
skilled; he rouses himself; he revives himself; he comes to
his senses; it comes to life; it grows; it is discreet
FC jc-031297
7. she is discreet; she is reared; they are able; they revive
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. he is discreet; he is educated; he is instructed; he is
trained; he is mature; he is prudent; he is revived; he is
skilled; he rouses himself; he revives himself; he comes to
his senses; it comes to life; it grows; it is discreet
FC jc-031297
9. she is discreet; she is reared; they are able; they revive
FC jc-031297

0. he is able; one who is able; one who is trained; one who is
discreet; one who is prudent
1. he is able; one who is able; one who is discreet; one who
is prudent; one who is trained
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is able; one who is able; one who is trained; one who is
discreet; one who is prudent
3. he is able; one who is able; one who is trained; one who is
discreet; one who is prudent
4. he is able; one who is able; one who is trained; one who is
discreet; one who is prudent <p54-izcalia:-ni1>
<p54-izcalia:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is able; one who is able; one who is trained; one who is
discreet; one who is prudent <p54-izcalia:-ni1>
<p54-izcalia:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is able; one who is able; one who is trained; one who is
discreet; one who is prudent <p54-izcalia:-ni1>
<p54-izcalia:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is able; one who is able; one who is discreet; one who
is prudent; one who is trained
FC jc-031297
8. he is able; one who is able; one who is discreet; one who
is prudent; one who is trained
FC jc-031297
9. discreet person
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. they were trained
1. they were trained
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were trained
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they were trained
4. they were trained <p54-izcalia:-ya3>
<p54-izcalia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were trained <p54-izcalia:-ya3>
<p54-izcalia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were trained
FC jc-031297
7. they were trained
FC jc-031297

0. he will be instructed, he will be trained
1. he will be instructed, he will be trained
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be instructed, he will be trained
3. he will be instructed, he will be trained
4. he will be instructed, he will be trained <p54-izcalia:-z>
<p54-izcalia:-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will be instructed, he will be trained
FC jc-031297
6. he will be instructed, he will be trained
FC jc-031297

0. it grows; it grows bigger
1. it grows; it grows bigger
FC -> jc-72895
2. it grows; it grows bigger
3. it grows; it grows bigger
4. he is brought up, matured, educated
FC - > jc-61096
5. it grows; it grows bigger <p54-izcalli-v04b-caus08>
<p54-izcalli-v04b-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. it grows; it grows bigger <p54-izcalli-v04b-caus08>
<p54-izcalli-v04b-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. it grows; it grows bigger <p54-izcalli-v04b-caus08>
<p54-izcalli-v04b-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
8. it grows; it grows bigger
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
9. it grows; it grows bigger
FC jc-031297

0. they warm themselves

1. they warm themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they warm themselves

3. they warm themselves

4. they warm themselves

FC jc-031297
5. they warm themselves
FC jc-031297

0. she becomes enraged, she becomes angry
1. he is enraged, he becomes angry
FC -> jc-72895
2. she becomes enraged, she becomes angry
FC -> jc-72895
3. she becomes enraged, she becomes angry
4. she becomes enraged, she becomes angry
5. she becomes enraged, she becomes angry <p54-zo:ma>
<p54-zo:ma> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is enraged, he becomes angry
FC jc-031297
7. she becomes enraged, she becomes angry
FC jc-031297
8. he is enraged, he becomes angry
FC jc-031297
9. she becomes enraged, she becomes angry
FC jc-031297

0. your wrath, your anger
1. your wrath, your anger
FC -> jc-72895
2. your wrath, your anger
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. your wrath, your anger
4. your wrath, your anger <poss-zo:ma-l1-tzin>
<poss-zo:ma-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your wrath, your anger <poss-zo:ma-l1-tzin>
<poss-zo:ma-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your wrath, your anger <poss-zo:ma-l1-tzin>
<poss-zo:ma-l1-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. your wrath, your anger
FC jc-031297
8. your wrath, your anger
FC jc-031297

0. one who becomes enraged
1. one who becomes enraged
FC -> jc-72895
2. one who becomes enraged
3. one who becomes enraged
4. one who becomes enraged <p54-zo:ma-ni1>
<p54-zo:ma-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. one who becomes enraged <p54-zo:ma-ni1>
<p54-zo:ma-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one who becomes enraged <p54-zo:ma-ni1>
<p54-zo:ma-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. one who becomes enraged
FC jc-031297
8. one who becomes enraged
FC jc-031297

0. he will be wrathful, he will frown in anger; he will be
wroth; he will become angry
1. he will be wrathful, he will frown in anger; he will be
wroth; he will become angry
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be wrathful, he will frown in anger; he will be
wroth; he will become angry
3. he will be wrathful, he will frown in anger; he will be
wroth; he will become angry
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he will become angry <p54-zo:ma-z>
<p54-zo:ma-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will be wrathful, he will frown in anger; he will be
wroth; he will become angry
FC jc-031297
6. he will be wrathful, he will frown in anger; he will be
wroth; he will become angry
FC jc-031297

0. it bristles
1. it bristles
FC -> jc-72895
2. it bristles
3. it bristles
4. it bristles <p54-zo:ne:hua>
<p54-zo:ne:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it bristles
FC jc-031297
6. it bristles
FC jc-031297

0. they covered themselves with mud
FC jc-031297

0. it will be pierced; it is to be pierced
FC jc-031297

0. tzilacayometl, mocuicuicuilo, moztacatzitzicuitz the
tzilacayometl is varicolored, spattered with white (b11 f21

0. your claws
1. your claws
FC -> jc-72895
2. your claws
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. your claws
4. your claws <poss-iztitl>
<poss-iztitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. your claws
FC jc-031297
6. your claws
FC jc-031297

0. your claws
1. your claws
FC -> jc-72895
2. your claws
3. your claws
4. your claws <poss-iztitl-tzin>
<poss-iztitl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. your claws <poss-iztitl-tzin>
<poss-iztitl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. your claws
FC jc-031297
7. your claws
FC jc-031297

0. on the morrow, the next day; tomorrow
1. on the morrow, the next day; tomorrow; on the next day
FC -> jc-72895
2. on the morrow, the next day; tomorrow
3. on the morrow, the next day; tomorrow
4. on the morrow, the next day; tomorrow <mo:ztla>
<mo:ztla> FC - > jc-61096
5. on the morrow, the next day; tomorrow <mo:ztla>
<mo:ztla> FC - > jc-61096
6. on the morrow, the next day; tomorrow; on the next day
FC jc-031297
7. on the morrow, the next day; tomorrow; on the next day
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

moztla huiptla
0. for a little while; in a short time

1. for a little while; in a short time

FC -> jc-72895
2. for a little while; in a short time

3. for a little while; in a short time

4. for a little while; in a short time

FC jc-031297
5. for a little while; in a short time
FC jc-031297

0. they fool themselves, they deceive themselves

1. they fool themselves, they deceive themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they fool themselves, they deceive themselves

3. they fool themselves, they deceive themselves

4. they fool themselves, they deceive themselves

FC jc-031297
5. they fool themselves, they deceive themselves
FC jc-031297

0. to play a rattle

1. to play a rattle
FC - > jc-61096

0. to be a glutton

1. to be a glutton
FC - > jc-61096

0. to be reduced to nothing
FC - > jc-61096

0. be reduced to nothing
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to become covered with ants

1. to become covered with ants

FC - > jc-61096

0. to be careful and diligent
FC - > jc-61096

0. be careful and diligent

0. to get bloody

1. to get bloody
FC - > jc-61096

0. for a woman to become old

1. for a woman to become old

FC - > jc-61096

0. to have freckles on one's face

1. to have freckles on one's face

FC - > jc-61096

0. to become covered with dust

1. to become covered with dust

FC - > jc-61096

0. to lie

1. to lie
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to become covered with worms

1. to become covered with worms

FC - > jc-61096

0. to become thin
FC - > jc-61096

0. become thin

0. my reed
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my reed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. crafty, secret, hide
1. (cf nauatl) crafty, secret, hide
2. (cf nauatl) crafty, secret, hide

0. embrace

0. clear sound, order
1. clear sound
FC - > jc-61096
2. loud clear
FC - > jc-61096
3. (cf naua{1}) clear sound, order
4. (cf naua{1}) clear sound, order
5. clear sound
Noun jc-030797
6. loud clear sound
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Noun jc-030797
7. clear sound
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
8. loud clear
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
9. clear sound
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
10. loud clear
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

na:huatl (clear sound)nina:huati

0. I speak clearly

na:huatl (loud clearnimitzna:huatia

0. I give you orders sound)

0. my aunt
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my aunt
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. wall

0. married person, spouse
FC - > jc-61096
1. married person
JC-05-07-97 Patientive Nouns no1
2. spouse

0. find, meet, join

0. marriage
FC - > jc-61096
1. to marry
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he gets married

0. married person, spouse

0. I join it

0. he adds it, he mixes it in

0. my book
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my book
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. my book
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. steal
FC - > jc-61096

na:moya tlana:moxtli
0. st stolen

0. steal

0. pustule

0. she will be made a mother
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. she will be made a mother
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. she will be made a mother
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs

3. she will be made a mother
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. she will be made a mother
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. she will be made a mother
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. she will be made a mother
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. answer

0. mother
1. mother

2. mother
3. mother

4. mother
FC - > jc-61096
5. mother
JC-05-07-97 Noun StemsList A
6. madre

0. mother (H)

1. mother ( H)
FC - > jc-61096

0. carry, embrace

0. my possession
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my possession
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. turnip

1. turnip
FC -> jc-72895
2. turnip

3. turnip

0. meat

0. prudent person ( nacaztli = ear )

0. thin-fleshed
1. thin-fleshed
FC -> jc-72895
2. thin-fleshed
3. thin-fleshed
4. thin-fleshed <nacatl-cana:hua-c1>
<nacatl-cana:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. thin-fleshed <nacatl-cana:hua-c1>
<nacatl-cana:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. thin-fleshed <nacatl-cana:hua-c1>
<nacatl-cana:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. thin-fleshed
FC jc-031297
8. thin-fleshed
FC jc-031297

0. something that has an ear or corner
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. meat eater, flesh eater
1. meat eater, flesh eater
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. meat eater, flesh eater
3. meat eater, flesh eater
4. meat eater, flesh eater <nacatl-cua:-ni1>
<nacatl-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. meat eater, flesh eater <nacatl-cua:-ni1>
<nacatl-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. meat eater, flesh eater <nacatl-cua:-ni1>
<nacatl-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. meat eater, flesh eater <nacatl-cua:-ni1>
<nacatl-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. meat eater, flesh eater <nacatl-cua:-ni1>
<nacatl-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. meat eater, flesh eater
FC jc-031297
10. meat eater, flesh eater
FC jc-031297

0. meat owner

1. meat owner
FC -> jc-72895
2. meat owner

3. meat owner

4. meat owner
FC jc-031297
5. meat owner
FC jc-031297

0. meat seller

1. meat seller
FC -> jc-72895
2. meat seller

3. meat seller

4. meat seller
FC jc-031297
5. meat seller
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. meat seller
1. meat seller
FC -> jc-72895
2. meat seller
3. meat seller
4. meat seller <nacatl-namaca-qui2>
<nacatl-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
5. meat seller <nacatl-namaca-qui2>
<nacatl-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
6. meat seller <nacatl-namaca-qui2>
<nacatl-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
7. meat seller <nacatl-namaca-qui2>
<nacatl-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
8. meat seller <nacatl-namaca-qui2>
<nacatl-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
9. meat seller
FC jc-031297
10. meat seller
FC jc-031297
11. meat seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. meat seller
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. meat seller
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. meat seller
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. meat seller
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. meat shop
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. meat shop
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. meat shop
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. meat shop
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 -yan Locative Nouns

0. spoiled meat, rotten meat
FC jc-031297

0. tamal de carne ( meat tamal )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. meat tamale
FC -> jc-72895
2. meat tamale
3. meat tamale
4. meat tamale <nacatl-tamalli>
<nacatl-tamalli> FC - > jc-61096
5. meat tamale <nacatl-tamalli>
<nacatl-tamalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. meat tamale <nacatl-tamalli>
<nacatl-tamalli> FC - > jc-61096
7. tamal de carne ( meat tamal )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. meat tamale
FC jc-031297
9. meat tamale
FC jc-031297

0. one who carves meat
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. one who carves meat
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. one who carves meat
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who carves meat
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. very hard-fleshed, very firm-fleshed

1. very hard-fleshed, very firm-fleshed

FC -> jc-72895
2. very hard-fleshed, very firm-fleshed

3. very hard-fleshed, very firm-fleshed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. fleshy; very hard-fleshed; very firm-fleshed

FC jc-031297
5. fleshy; very hard-fleshed; very firm-fleshed
FC jc-031297

0. hard-fleshed, firm-fleshed
1. hard-fleshed, firm-fleshed
FC -> jc-72895
2. hard-fleshed, firm-fleshed
3. hard-fleshed, firm-fleshed
4. hard-fleshed, firm-fleshed <nacatl-tetl1-tic>
<nacatl-tetl1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. hard-fleshed, firm-fleshed <nacatl-tetl1-tic>
<nacatl-tetl1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. hard-fleshed, firm-fleshed <nacatl-tetl1-tic>
<nacatl-tetl1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. hard-fleshed, firm-fleshed
FC jc-031297
8. hard-fleshed, firm-fleshed
FC jc-031297

0. heavy fleshed
FC jc-031297

0. flesh-like; full bodied
1. flesh-like; full bodied
FC -> jc-72895
2. flesh-like; full bodied
3. flesh-like; full bodied
4. flesh-like; full bodied <nacatl-tic>
<nacatl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. flesh-like; full bodied <nacatl-tic>
<nacatl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. flesh-like; full bodied
FC jc-031297
7. flesh-like; full bodied
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. thick-fleshed
1. thick-fleshed
FC -> jc-72895
2. thick-fleshed
3. thick-fleshed
4. thick-fleshed <nacatl-tila:hua-c1>
<nacatl-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. thick-fleshed <nacatl-tila:hua-c1>
<nacatl-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. thick-fleshed <nacatl-tila:hua-c1>
<nacatl-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. thick-fleshed <nacatl-tila:hua-c1>
<nacatl-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. thick-fleshed
FC jc-031297
9. thick-fleshed
FC jc-031297

0. carne ( meat )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. flesh; meat
FC -> jc-72895
2. flesh, meat
3. flesh, meat
4. flesh, meat <nacatl>
<nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. flesh, meat <nacatl>
<nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. meat
FC - > jc-61096
7. meat
FC - > jc-61096
8. meat
FC - > jc-61096
9. carne ( meat )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
10. flesh; meat
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
11. flesh; meat
FC jc-031297

0. cuix xiniz, cuix moyahuaz in tlayehualli, in nacatzacualli
in noniccacalo, in oncan nictlatolchielia toteucyo, in
nayaxcayotica in cococayotica omoyecahuiti: the structure,
my reed enclosure, which i put together, where i await the
word of our lord, which was completed with difficulty, in
misery--will it perhaps crumble, fall apart? (b6 f7 p87)

0. anozo nonti, nononti, nacatzatzati, nacaztzatzaihui, anozo
tlancuaalahuiliztli, xochicihuiztli, cualocatl, or he
became dumb, speechless; or deaf, hard of hearing; or he
lost his teeth; he had hemorrhoids, or a cancer (b4 f3 p24)

0. oc cenca ye in nacatl, atle mocahuaz in totlanco, ca tetlan
nacatzitzitzalti, ca quitlatia quiccuixitia, quipalanaltia
in totlan especially is no meat to be left in the teeth,
for small particles of meat in the teeth consume them; they
cause the teeth to soften, to decay (b10 f8 p146)

0. raw meat
1. raw meat
FC -> jc-72895
2. raw meat
3. raw meat
4. raw meat <nacatl--dupl-xotl2-v0-c2>
<nacatl--dupl-xotl2-v0-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. raw meat <nacatl--dupl-xotl2-v0-c2>
<nacatl--dupl-xotl2-v0-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. raw meat <nacatl--dupl-xotl2-v0-c2>
<nacatl--dupl-xotl2-v0-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. raw meat <nacatl--dupl-xotl2-v0-c2>
<nacatl--dupl-xotl2-v0-c2> FC - > jc-61096
8. raw meat <nacatl--dupl-xotl2-v0-c2>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<nacatl--dupl-xotl2-v0-c2> FC - > jc-61096

9. raw meat <nacatl--dupl-xotl2-v0-c2>
<nacatl--dupl-xotl2-v0-c2> FC - > jc-61096
10. raw meat
FC jc-031297
11. raw meat
FC jc-031297

0. flesh
1. flesh; fleshy; having flesh
FC -> jc-72895
2. flesh
3. flesh
4. flesh <nacatl-yo:tl1>
<nacatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. fleshy; flesh; having flesh <nacatl-yo:tl1>
<nacatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. fleshy; flesh; having flesh <nacatl-yo:tl1>
<nacatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. flesh; fleshy; having flesh
FC jc-031297
8. flesh; fleshy; having flesh
FC jc-031297

0. thin-fleshed
1. thin-fleshed
FC -> jc-72895
2. thin-fleshed
3. thin-fleshed
4. thin-fleshed <nacatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1>
<nacatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. thin-fleshed <nacatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1>
<nacatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. thin-fleshed <nacatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1>
<nacatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. thin-fleshed <nacatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1>
<nacatl-yo:tl1-cana:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. thin-fleshed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
9. thin-fleshed
FC jc-031297

0. fleshiness
FC jc-031297

0. having droplet shaped ears; having ears like droplets
FC jc-031297

0. having droplet-shaped ears
FC jc-031297

0. having droplet-shaped ears
1. having droplet-shaped ears
FC -> jc-72895
2. having droplet-shaped ears
3. having droplet-shaped ears
4. having droplet-shaped ears <nacaz-dupl-chipi:ni-?-tic>
<nacaz-dupl-chipi:ni-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having droplet-shaped ears <nacaz-dupl-chipi:ni-?-tic>
<nacaz-dupl-chipi:ni-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having droplet-shaped ears <nacaz-dupl-chipi:ni-?-tic>
<nacaz-dupl-chipi:ni-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having droplet-shaped ears <nacaz-dupl-chipi:ni-?-tic>
<nacaz-dupl-chipi:ni-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. having droplet-shaped ears <nacaz-dupl-chipi:ni-?-tic>
<nacaz-dupl-chipi:ni-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. having droplet-shaped ears
FC jc-031297
10. having droplet-shaped ears
FC jc-031297

0. ear wax
1. ear wax
FC -> jc-72895
2. ear wax
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. ear wax
4. ear wax
FC - > jc-61096
5. ear wax
FC - > jc-61096
6. ear wax <nacaztli-cuitlatl>
<nacaztli-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. ear wax <nacaztli-cuitlatl>
<nacaztli-cuitlatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. ear wax
FC jc-031297
9. ear wax
FC jc-031297

0. long earred
Adj Form jc-022897
1. long earred
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. long earred
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. having long ears
1. having long ears
FC -> jc-72895
2. having long ears
3. having long ears
4. having long ears <nacaztli-dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<nacaztli-dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having long ears <nacaztli-dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<nacaztli-dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having long ears <nacaztli-dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<nacaztli-dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. having long ears <nacaztli-dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<nacaztli-dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. having long ears <nacaztli-dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<nacaztli-dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. having long ears <nacaztli-dupl-hue:i-v06-c1>
<nacaztli-dupl-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
10. having long ears
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
11. having long ears
FC jc-031297

0. having pointed ears
1. having pointed ears
FC -> jc-72895
2. having pointed ears
3. having pointed ears
4. having pointed ears <nacaztli-dupl-huitztli-tic>
<nacaztli-dupl-huitztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having pointed ears <nacaztli-dupl-huitztli-tic>
<nacaztli-dupl-huitztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having pointed ears <nacaztli-dupl-huitztli-tic>
<nacaztli-dupl-huitztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having pointed ears <nacaztli-dupl-huitztli-tic>
<nacaztli-dupl-huitztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. having pointed ears <nacaztli-dupl-huitztli-tic>
<nacaztli-dupl-huitztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. having pointed ears; pointed-earred
FC jc-031297
10. having pointed ears; pointed-earred
FC jc-031297

0. small and having pointed ears
FC jc-031297

nacazilpia ( mo- )
0. se amarra por las puntas ( it is tied by the corners )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. se amarra por las puntas ( it is tied by the corners )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. ear ulcer
1. ear ulcer
FC -> jc-72895
2. ear ulcer
3. ear ulcer
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. ear ulcer <nacaztli-pala:ni-liz>
<nacaztli-pala:ni-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. ear ulcer <nacaztli-pala:ni-liz>
<nacaztli-pala:ni-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. ear ulcer <nacaztli-pala:ni-liz>
<nacaztli-pala:ni-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. ear ulcer
FC jc-031297
8. ear ulcer
FC jc-031297

0. having a blunt snout, having a wide nose
1. having a blunt snout, having a wide nose
FC -> jc-72895
2. having a blunt snout, having a wide nose
3. having a blunt snout, having a wide nose
4. having a blunt snout, having a wide nose
<nacaztli-dupl-patla:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a blunt snout, having a wide nose
<nacaztli-dupl-patla:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a blunt snout, having a wide nose
<nacaztli-dupl-patla:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. having a blunt snout, having a wide nose
<nacaztli-dupl-patla:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. having a blunt snout, having a wide nose
<nacaztli-dupl-patla:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. having a blunt snout, having a wide nose
FC jc-031297
10. having a blunt snout, having a wide nose
FC jc-031297

0. ear
1. ear
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. ear

3. ear
4. ear

5. corner
FC - > jc-61096
6. ear
FC - > jc-61096
7. ear
FC - > jc-61096
8. ear
FC - > jc-61096
9. ear
FC jc-031297
10. ear
Noun jc-030797
11. ear
FC jc-031297
12. ear
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )
13. ear
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )

0. nose
JC-05-07-97 Noun StemsList A
1. nariz

nacaztli (ear)tinacazoa
0. you use your ears (ie listen)

0. hair of the ear
1. hair of the ear
FC -> jc-72895
2. hair of the ear
3. hair of the ear
4. hair of the ear <nacaztli-tzontli>
<nacaztli-tzontli> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. hair of the ear <nacaztli-tzontli>

<nacaztli-tzontli> FC - > jc-61096
6. hair of the ear
FC jc-031297
7. hair of the ear
FC jc-031297

0. my louse nits

1. my louse nits
FC -> jc-72895
2. my louse nits

3. my louse nits

4. my louse nits
FC jc-031297
5. my louse nits
FC jc-031297

0. i arrive

1. i arrive
FC -> jc-72895
2. i arrive

3. i arrive

4. i arrive
FC jc-031297
5. i arrive
FC jc-031297

0. i will reach

1. i will reach
FC -> jc-72895
2. i will reach

3. i will reach

4. i will reach, i will arrive

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. i will reach, i will arrive

FC jc-031297

0. ear plug
1. ear plug
FC -> jc-72895
2. ear plug
3. ear plug
4. ear plug <nacochtli>
<nacochtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. ear plug <nacochtli>
<nacochtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. ear pendant; ear plug
FC jc-031297
7. ear pendant; ear plug
FC jc-031297

0. i arrive

1. i arrive
FC -> jc-72895
2. i arrive

3. i arrive

4. i arrive
FC jc-031297
5. i arrive
FC jc-031297
6. I arrive
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

0. four fingers (e g, of a drink)

1. four fingers ( eg, of a drink )

FC -> jc-72895
2. four fingers (e g, of a drink)

3. four fingers (e g, of a drink)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. four fingers ( eg, of a drink )

FC jc-031297
5. four fingers ( eg, of a drink )
FC jc-031297

0. I become nothing
FC - > jc-61096
1. I become nothing
Verbing jc-030797
2. I become nothing
-ti jc-030797
3. I become nothing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I become nothing
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I become nothing
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. I become nothing
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

0. four boats

1. four boats
FC -> jc-72895
2. four boats

3. four boats

4. four boats
FC jc-031297
5. four boats
FC jc-031297

0. four reed
FC jc-031297

0. they entered in disguise

1. they entered in disguise

FC -> jc-72895
2. they entered in disguise
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they entered in disguise

4. they entered in disguise

FC jc-031297
5. they entered in disguise
FC jc-031297

0. sorcerer's staff

1. sorcerer's staff
FC -> jc-72895
2. sorcerer's staff

3. sorcerer's staff

4. sorcerer's staff
FC jc-031297
5. sorcerer's staff
FC jc-031297

0. hypocrite
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. sorcerer, sorceress

1. sorcerer, sorceress
FC -> jc-72895
2. sorcerer, sorceress

3. sorcerer, sorceress

4. sorcerer, sorceress
FC jc-031297
5. sorcerer, sorceress
FC jc-031297

0. sorcery
1. sorcery
FC -> jc-72895
2. sorcery
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. sorcery
4. sorcery <nahua1-l1-yo:tl1>
<nahua1-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. sorcery <nahua1-l1-yo:tl1>
<nahua1-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. sorcery <nahua1-l1-yo:tl1>
<nahua1-l1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. sorcery
FC jc-031297
8. sorcery
FC jc-031297

0. he spoke aloud

1. he spoke aloud
FC -> jc-72895
2. he spoke aloud

3. he spoke aloud

4. he spoke aloud
FC jc-031297
5. he spoke aloud
FC jc-031297

0. he speaks; he speaks aloud; it sounds clear; they speak;
they speak aloud

1. he speaks; he speaks aloud; it sounds clear; they speak;

they speak aloud
FC -> jc-72895
2. he speaks; he speaks aloud; it sounds clear; they speak;
they speak aloud

3. he speaks; he speaks aloud; it sounds clear; they speak;

they speak aloud

4. he speaks; he speaks aloud; it sounds clear

FC jc-031297
5. they speak; they speak aloud
FC jc-031297
6. he speaks; he speaks aloud; it sounds clear
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. they speak; they speak aloud

FC jc-031297

0. one who directs
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. she establishes rules
FC jc-031297

0. auh in ye iuhqui: in ocenquixoac, in ihcuac nahuatilli, in
pipilti, in teuctlatoque, in tiyachcauh tlayacatique, ihuan
achcacauhti, and at this time were brought together,
according to command, the noblemen, the lords, the masters
of the youths [who were] leaders, and great judges
<na:huatl-v04-ben-l1 (b8 f4 c18 p62)
1. auh in ye iuhqui: in ocenquixoac, in ihcuac nahuatilli, in
pipilti, in teuctlatoque, in tiyachcauh tlayacatique, ihuan
achcacauhti, and at this time were brought together,
according to command, the noblemen, the lords, the masters
of the youths [who were] leaders, and great judges
<na:huatl-v04-ben-l1> (b8 f4 c18 p62) JC-7/23/96

0. one who utters clear sounds
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. clear sound, order (cf nahua{1})

1. clear sound, order (cf nahua1 )

FC - > jc-61096

0. they speak nahuatl

1. they speak nahuatl

FC -> jc-72895
2. they speak nahuatl

3. they speak nahuatl

4. they speak nahuatl
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. they speak nahuatl
FC jc-031297
6. in ixquichtin nahuatlaca: in ** nahuatlatoa **
( b10 f10 p170 ) JC-05-08-97 FC Sentences
7. in amo popoloca: ca innecauhcayohuan in tolteca
( b10 f10 p171 ) JC-05-08-97 FC Sentences
8. ca yehuantin in mocacauhtiaque
( b10 f11 p182 ) JC-05-08-97 FC Sentences
9. in aoc huel yaque in at huehuentzitzin
( b10 f11 p184 ) JC-05-08-97 FC Sentences
10. at ilamatzitzin
( b10 f11 p186 ) JC-05-08-97 FC Sentences
11. at cocoxque
( b10 f11 p187 ) JC-05-08-97 FC Sentences
12. at mixiuhque
( b10 f12 p188 ) JC-05-08-97 FC Sentences
13. in at zazan noz all the nahua

14. those who speak clearly

15. not the speakers of a barbarous tongue

16. are the descendants of the tolteca

17. for they are those who remained

18. those who could no longer migrate; perhaps the old men

19. perchance the old women

20. the sick

21. the recently delivered

22. those who perhaps for some reason remained of their own will

23. oncan quihualcaqui in nahuatlatolli

24. achi ** nahuatlatoa **

25. anozo otontlatoa: ihuan oncan tetech quihualitta

26. in tlacanemilizyotl there they heard the nahuatl language

27. they spoke a little nahuatl or otomi
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

28. and in a measure they there learned a civilized way of

life from them

29. inique in toloque inihuan intoca matlatzinca

30. ca popoloca

31. tel oncate in ** nahuatlatoa ** these toloque -- along

with them those named matlatzinca --spoke a barbarous tongue

32. but there were those who spoke nahuatl

33. in intlatol popoloca

34. tel cequin otontlatoa

35. cequintin ** nahuatlatoa **

36. cequintin no quicaqui in cuexteca tlatolli: their language

was a barbarous tongue

37. although some spoke otomi

38. some spoke nahuatl

39. some spoke also the huaxteca language

40. in ** nahuatlatoa **

41. nahuatlatolli inic tlatoa: they speak nahuatl; they speak

the nahuatl language

42. in amo popoloca

43. in ** nahuatlatoa **

44. they are not speakers of a barbarous tongue; they speak


45. inique in

46. miequintin in ** nahuatlatoa ** many of these spoke

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. Nahuatl language; clear words
1. clear words; nahuatl language
FC -> jc-72895
2. Nahuatl language; clear words
3. Nahuatl language; clear words
4. Nahuatl language; clear words <na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. Nahuatl language; clear words <na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. Nahuatl language; clear words <na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. Nahuatl language; clear words <na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. clear words; nahuatl language
FC jc-031297
9. clear words; nahuatl language
FC jc-031297
10. in intlatol ** nahuatlatolli ** : their words [ were ]
clear words
( b10 f10 p169 ) JC-05-08-97 FC Sentences
11. oncan quihualcaqui in ** nahuatlatolli **
( b10 f10 p171 ) JC-05-08-97 FC Sentences
12. achi nahuatlatoa
( b10 f10 p175 ) JC-05-08-97 FC Sentences
13. anozo otontlatoa: ihuan oncan tetech quihualitta
( b10 f10 p175 ) JC-05-08-97 FC Sentences
14. in tlacanemilizyotl there they heard the nahuatl language
( b10 f11 p186 ) JC-05-08-97 FC Sentences
15. they spoke a little nahuatl or otomi

16. and in a measure they there learned a civilized way of life

from them

17. no oncate in nahuachichimeca: yehuantin in quicaqui in no

ic tlatoa ** nahuatlatolli **

18. ihuan popoloca: there were also the nahuachichimeca

19. those who understood

20. who also therefore spoke
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

21. the nahuatl language and a barbarous tongue

22. in nahua: yehuantin in ** nahuatlatolli ** ic tlatoa

23. they are the ones who speak the Nahuatl language

24. in nahuatlatoa

25. ** nahuatlatolli ** inic tlatoa: they speak nahuatl; they

speak the nahuatl language

0. in the Nahuatl language
1. in the nahuatl language
FC -> jc-72895
2. in the Nahuatl language
3. in the Nahuatl language
4. in the Nahuatl language <na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-pan>
<na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. in the Nahuatl language <na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-pan>
<na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. in the Nahuatl language <na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-pan>
<na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-pan> FC - > jc-61096
7. in the Nahuatl language <na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-pan>
<na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-pan> FC - > jc-61096
8. in the Nahuatl language <na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-pan>
<na:huatl-p51-ihtoa:-l1-pan> FC - > jc-61096
9. in the nahuatl language
FC jc-031297
10. in the nahuatl language
FC jc-031297
11. yehuatl in ** nahuatlatolpan ** mitoa
( b10 f12 p189 ) JC-05-08-97 FC Sentences
12. michhuacatl: this taras is called michoacatl in the
nahuatl language

0. cuatro ( four )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. cuatro ( four )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. cuatro ( four )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. four
FC -> jc-72895
4. my aunt
FC -> jc-72895
5. four; my aunt
6. four; my aunt
7. four <na:hui>
<na:hui> FC - > jc-61096
8. four <na:hui>
<na:hui> FC - > jc-61096
9. cuatro ( four )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
10. cuatro ( four )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
11. cuatro ( four )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
12. four
FC jc-031297
13. my aunt
FC jc-031297
14. four
FC jc-031297
15. my aunt
FC jc-031297

0. four days
1. four days
FC -> jc-72895
2. four days
3. four days
4. four days <na:hui-ilhuitl>
<na:hui-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. four days <na:hui-ilhuitl>
<na:hui-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. four days <na:hui-ilhuitl>
<na:hui-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. four days
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. four days
FC jc-031297

0. four days
FC -> jc-72895
1. four days
FC jc-031297
2. four days
FC jc-031297

0. four
1. four
FC -> jc-72895
2. four
3. four
4. four <na:hui-in>
<na:hui-in> FC - > jc-61096
5. four <na:hui-plur11>
<na:hui-plur11> FC - > jc-61096
6. four <na:hui-plur11>
<na:hui-plur11> FC - > jc-61096
7. four
FC jc-031297
8. four
FC jc-031297

0. four
1. four
FC -> jc-72895
2. four
3. four
4. four <na:hui-plur11-plur02>
<na:hui-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. four <na:hui-plur11-plur02>
<na:hui-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. four
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. four
FC jc-031297

0. four
1. four
FC -> jc-72895
2. four
3. four
4. four <na:hui-plur11-plur02>
<na:hui-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. four <na:hui-plur11-plur02>
<na:hui-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. four
FC jc-031297
7. four
FC jc-031297

0. four

1. four
FC -> jc-72895
2. four

3. four

4. four
FC jc-031297
5. four
FC jc-031297

0. four

1. four
FC -> jc-72895
2. four

3. four

4. four
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. four
FC jc-031297

0. mi pueblo ( my town )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. translucent
1. translucent
FC -> jc-72895
2. translucent
3. translucent
4. translucent <na:l-tic>
<na:l-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. translucent <na:l-tic>
<na:l-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. translucent <na:l-tic>
<na:l-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. translucent
FC jc-031297
8. translucent
FC jc-031297

0. translucent

1. translucent
FC -> jc-72895
2. translucent

3. translucent

4. translucent
FC jc-031297
5. translucent
FC jc-031297

0. sell
1. sell
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

namaca ( mo- )
0. se vende ( it is sold )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. i eat mulberries

1. i eat mulberries
FC -> jc-72895
2. i eat mulberries

3. i eat mulberries

4. i eat mulberries
FC jc-031297
5. i eat mulberries
FC jc-031297

0. st sold

namacaz ( mo- )
0. se va a vender ( it will be sold )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. it is sold
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it is sold
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it is sold
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. it is sold
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
4. it is sold
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
5. it is sold
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
6. it is sold
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
7. it is sold
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
8. it is sold
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. it is sold
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
10. it is sold
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
11. it is sold
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. round stone

0. I bathe y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I bathe y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I will scold y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will scold y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I hear it from y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I will anger ya'll
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will anger ya'll
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I grab it from y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I will get y'all up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will get y'all up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I will tie y'all up
VRNo1 jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. I will tie y'all up

JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. i want to see you [ pl ]
FC jc-031297

0. I pay it for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. i will take you [ pl, h ]; i will take you [ h; pl ]
FC jc-031297

0. i will guard for you [pl]

1. i will guard for you [ pl ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. i will guard for you [pl]

3. i will guard for you [pl]

4. i will guard for you [ pl ]

FC jc-031297
5. i will guard for you [ pl ]
FC jc-031297

0. Namechtenehuilihtoqueh tlen onanquicuahqueh yeyala Les
esta'n reprochando lo que comieron ayer They are being
reproached for what they ate yesterday
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. I cut for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I will inform y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will inform y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. i want to test you [ pl ]

FC jc-031297

namic ( no- )
0. mi marido; mi esposo ( my husband )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

namic ( onimo- )
0. me encontre' ( I found myself [ I met up ( with ) ] )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

namictic ( otimo- )
0. te casaste ( you got married )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. marido; esposo ( husband )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. he has a spouse
1. he has a spouse
FC -> jc-72895
2. he has a spouse
3. he has a spouse
4. he has a spouse <na:miqui-l2-plur01>
<na:miqui-l2-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he has a spouse <na:miqui-l2-plur01>
<na:miqui-l2-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he has a spouse <na:miqui-l2-plur01>
<na:miqui-l2-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. he has a spouse
FC jc-031297
8. he has a spouse
FC jc-031297
9. one who has a spouse
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. who has a spouse
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. those who are married

JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. married persons

1. married persons
FC -> jc-72895
2. married persons

3. married persons

4. married persons
FC jc-031297
5. married persons
FC jc-031297
6. those who have spouses
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives
7. those who have spouses
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. wall

1. wall
FC - > jc-61096

0. i am your [pl] mother

1. i am your [ pl ] mother
FC -> jc-72895
2. i am your [pl] mother

3. i am your [pl] mother

4. i am your [ pl ] mother
FC jc-031297
5. i am your [ pl ] mother
FC jc-031297

0. i am your [pl] father

1. i am your [ pl ] father
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. i am your [pl] father

3. i am your [pl] father

4. i am your [ pl ] father
FC jc-031297
5. i am your [ pl ] father
FC jc-031297

0. there is stealing
FC jc-031297

nan ( no- )
0. mi madre ( my mother )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. mama, mother

0. mushroom

1. mushroom
FC -> jc-72895
2. mushroom

3. mushroom

4. mushroom
FC jc-031297
5. mushroom
FC jc-031297

0. one who has ear plugs
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. pustule medicine

1. pustule medicine
FC -> jc-72895
2. pustule medicine
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. pustule medicine

4. pustule medicine
FC jc-031297
5. pustule medicine
FC jc-031297

0. pustule

1. pustule; pustules
FC -> jc-72895
2. pustule

3. pustule

4. pustule
FC - > jc-61096
5. pustule; pustules
FC jc-031297
6. pustule; pustules
FC jc-031297

0. bark, animal sound
1. it snarls
FC -> jc-72895
2. it snarls

3. bark, animal sound

4. it snarls

5. it snarls
FC jc-031297
6. it snarls
FC jc-031297

0. it is snarling

1. it is snarling
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is snarling
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it is snarling

4. it is snarling
FC jc-031297
5. it is snarling
FC jc-031297

0. ever translucent

1. ever translucent
FC -> jc-72895
2. ever translucent

3. ever translucent

4. ever translucent
FC jc-031297
5. ever translucent
FC jc-031297

0. stretch, press, grind
1. it becomes fat
FC jc-031297
2. it becomes fat
FC jc-031297

0. merchandise

0. ustedes son fuertes ( y'all are strong )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he becomes a mother
1. he becomes a mother
FC -> jc-72895
2. he becomes a mother
3. he becomes a mother
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he becomes a mother <na:ntli-chi:hua-lo:1>

<na:ntli-chi:hua-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he becomes a mother <na:ntli-chi:hua-lo:1>
<na:ntli-chi:hua-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he becomes a mother <na:ntli-chi:hua-lo:1>
<na:ntli-chi:hua-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he becomes a mother
FC jc-031297
8. he becomes a mother
FC jc-031297

0. one who has a mother
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. ustedes difuntos [ H ] ( you [ H ] dead people )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. ustedes difuntos [ H ] ( you [ H ] dead people )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. todos ustedes [ H ] ( all of you [ H ] )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. ustedes esta'n [ H ] ( y'all [ H ] are )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. ustedes van a ayudarme ( y'all will go to help me )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

nanquili ( ohual- )
0. contesto' ( she answered )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

nanquilih ( oqui- )
0. le contesto' ( he answered him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. le contesto'; le respondio' ( he answered him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. le contesto' ( he answered him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. le contesto'; le respondio' ( he answered him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. ustedes los tienen ( y'all have them )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. ustedes los van a mandar ( y'all will send them )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. duty of motherhood

1. duty of motherhood
FC -> jc-72895
2. duty of motherhood

3. duty of motherhood

4. duty of motherhood
FC jc-031297
5. duty of motherhood
FC jc-031297

0. mothers
1. mothers
FC -> jc-72895
2. mothers
3. mothers
4. mothers <na:ntli-plur02>
<na:ntli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. mothers <na:ntli-plur02>
<na:ntli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. mothers
FC jc-031297
7. mothers
FC jc-031297

0. madre ( mother )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. mother
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. madre ( mother )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. mother
FC jc-031297
4. mother
FC jc-031297

nantzin ( no- )
0. mi madre [ H ] ( my mother [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. mi madre ( my mother [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. mi madre [ H ] ( my mother [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. mi madre ( my mother [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. four times

1. four times
FC -> jc-72895
2. four times

3. four times

4. four times
FC jc-031297
5. four times
FC jc-031297

0. i make basins

1. i make basins
FC -> jc-72895
2. i make basins

3. i make basins

4. i make basins
FC jc-031297
5. i make basins
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. i make water jars

1. i make water jars

FC -> jc-72895
2. i make water jars

3. i make water jars

4. i make water jars

FC jc-031297
5. i make water jars
FC jc-031297

0. I am dying of hunger, I am starving
1. i am dying of hunger, i am starving
FC -> jc-72895
2. I am dying of hunger, I am starving
3. I am dying of hunger, I am starving
4. I am dying of hunger, I am starving <p11-a:pi:ztli-miqui>
<p11-a:pi:ztli-miqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. I am dying of hunger, I am starving <p11-a:pi:ztli-miqui>
<p11-a:pi:ztli-miqui> FC - > jc-61096
6. i am dying of hunger, i am starving
FC jc-031297
7. i am dying of hunger, i am starving
FC jc-031297

0. four times
1. four times
FC -> jc-72895
2. four times
3. four times
4. four times <na:hui-pa2>
<na:hui-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
5. four times <na:hui-pa2>
<na:hui-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
6. four times <na:hui-pa2>
<na:hui-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. four times
FC jc-031297
8. four times
FC jc-031297

0. four times

1. four times
FC -> jc-72895
2. four times

3. four times

4. four times
FC jc-031297
5. four times
FC jc-031297

0. eighty days
1. eighty days
FC -> jc-72895
2. eighty days
3. eighty days
4. eighty days <ilhuitl;
<ilhuitl-> FC - > jc-61096
5. eighty days
FC jc-031297
6. eighty days
FC jc-031297

0. who has meat
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. my louse
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my lice
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. my louse
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. my lice

0. four mouthfuls

1. four mouthfuls
FC -> jc-72895
2. four mouthfuls

3. four mouthfuls

4. four mouthfuls
FC jc-031297
5. four mouthfuls
FC jc-031297

0. at four places; four places; in four directions; in four
places; on four sides

1. at four places; four places; in four directions; in four

places; on four sides
FC -> jc-72895
2. at four places; four places; in four directions; in four
places; on four sides

3. at four places; four places; in four directions; in four

places; on four sides

4. at four places; four places; in four directions; in four

places; on four sides
FC jc-031297
5. at four places; four places; in four directions; in four
places; on four sides
FC jc-031297

0. four parts
1. four parts
FC -> jc-72895
2. four parts
3. four parts
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. four parts <na:hui-ca:n>

<na:hui-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. four parts <na:hui-ca:n>
<na:hui-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. four parts <na:hui-ca:n>
<na:hui-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. four parts
FC jc-031297
8. four parts
FC jc-031297

0. four days

1. four days
FC -> jc-72895
2. four days

3. four days

4. four days
FC jc-031297
5. four days
FC jc-031297

0. four
1. four
FC -> jc-72895
2. four
3. four
4. four <na:hui-tetl2>
<na:hui-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
5. four <na:hui-tetl2>
<na:hui-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
6. four <na:hui-tetl2>
<na:hui-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
7. four
FC jc-031297
8. four
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. sixteen hundred

1. sixteen hundred
FC -> jc-72895
2. sixteen hundred

3. sixteen hundred

4. sixteen hundred
FC jc-031297
5. sixteen hundred
FC jc-031297

0. four years
1. four years
FC -> jc-72895
2. four years
3. four years
4. four years <na:hui-xihuitl>
<na:hui-xihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. four years <na:hui-xihuitl>
<na:hui-xihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. four years <na:hui-xihuitl>
<na:hui-xihuitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. four years
FC jc-031297
8. four years
FC jc-031297

0. every four years
1. every four years
FC -> jc-72895
2. every four years
3. every four years
4. every four years <na:hui-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2>
<na:hui-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. every four years <na:hui-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2>
<na:hui-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. every four years <na:hui-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2>

<na:hui-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
7. every four years
FC jc-031297
8. every four years
FC jc-031297

0. Fourness

0. four nights
FC jc-031297

0. my property
1. my property
FC -> jc-72895
2. my property
3. my property
4. my property <poss-a:xca:itl>
<poss-a:xca:itl> FC - > jc-61096
5. my property
FC jc-031297
6. my property
FC jc-031297

0. i eat gourd seeds or squash seeds

1. i eat gourd seeds or squash seeds

FC -> jc-72895
2. i eat gourd seeds or squash seeds

3. i eat gourd seeds or squash seeds

4. i eat gourd seeds or squash seeds

FC jc-031297
5. i eat gourd seeds or squash seeds
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. i eat gourd seeds or squash seeds

1. i eat gourd seeds or squash seeds

FC -> jc-72895
2. i eat gourd seeds or squash seeds

3. i eat gourd seeds or squash seeds

4. i eat gourd seeds or squash seeds

FC jc-031297
5. i eat gourd seeds or squash seeds
FC jc-031297

0. i parch gourd seeds or squash seeds

1. i parch gourd seeds or squash seeds

FC -> jc-72895
2. i parch gourd seeds or squash seeds

3. i parch gourd seeds or squash seeds

4. i parch gourd seeds or squash seeds

FC jc-031297
5. i parch gourd seeds or squash seeds
FC jc-031297

0. i remove the gourd seeds

1. i remove the gourd seeds

FC -> jc-72895
2. i remove the gourd seeds

3. i remove the gourd seeds

4. i remove the gourd seeds

FC jc-031297
5. i remove the gourd seeds
FC jc-031297

0. motherhood
1. motherhood
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. motherhood
3. motherhood
4. motherhood <na:ntli-yo:tl1>
<na:ntli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. motherhood <na:ntli-yo:tl1>
<na:ntli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. motherhood
FC jc-031297
7. motherhood
FC jc-031297

0. I break the gourd open; i break the turtle open
1. i break the gourd open; i break the turtle open
FC -> jc-72895
2. I break the gourd open; i break the turtle open
3. I break the gourd open; i break the turtle open
4. I break the gourd open <p11-ayohtli-tlapa:ni-caus09>
<p11-ayohtli-tlapa:ni-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. I break the gourd open <p11-ayohtli-tlapa:ni-caus09>
<p11-ayohtli-tlapa:ni-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. I break the gourd open <p11-ayohtli-tlapa:ni-caus09>
<p11-ayohtli-tlapa:ni-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
7. i break the gourd open; i break the turtle open
FC jc-031297
8. i break the gourd open; i break the turtle open
FC jc-031297

0. alli' ( there )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. i, me
FC -> jc-72895
2. I, me
3. I, me
4. I, me <p711-eh3>
<p711-eh3> FC - > jc-61096
5. I, me <p711-eh3>
<p711-eh3> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. I, me <p711-eh3>
<p711-eh3> FC - > jc-61096
7. alli' ( there )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
8. i; me
FC jc-031297
9. i; me
FC jc-031297

0. there is fasting

1. there is fasting
FC - > jc-61096

0. appear

0. they will come to bathe me
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. they will come to dance with me
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. he will kill me
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. he will kill me
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they make me believe it
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. they make me believe it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he assigns me work
FC - > jc-61096
1. he assigns me work
Verbing jc-030797
2. he assigns me work
-tia jc-030797
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he assigns me work
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. he assigns me work
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. he assigns me work
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
6. he assigns me work
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

0. appear
FC - > jc-61096
1. seem
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems
2. appear

0. appear

1. there is appearing
FC - > jc-61096
2. so appears
Imp Verb jc-022897
3. so appears
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
4. so appears
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
5. so appears
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. so appears
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. there is merry-making
FC - > jc-61096

0. people bathe
FC - > jc-61096

0. place where they bathe
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. place where they bathe
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. place where they bathe

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. everyone will bathe
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. everyone will bathe
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. everyone will bathe
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. everyone will bathe
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. everyone will bathe
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. act of bathing
FC - > jc-61096
1. act of bathing
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. act of bathing
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. act of bathing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. diarrhea
FC - > jc-61096
1. diarrhea
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. diarrhea
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. diarrhea
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. there is falling into the river
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. there is falling into the river
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. there is falling into the river
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. there is falling into the river
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. there is falling into the river
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. fall into a river

1. people fall into a river

FC - > jc-61096

0. place where they urinate
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. place where they urinate
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. place where they urinate
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. place where people urinate
JC-05-07-97 -yan Locative Nouns

0. auh in cequin zan huel cocochmiqui, tlacotalihui,
tlacuacualaca, iuhquin neacatzayanalocochihua, and some of
them were in a deep sleep, snoring and rumbling; there was
sleeping as if one nose were broken (b4 f10 p103)

0. there is disquiet, people are disquieted

1. there is disquiet, people are disquieted

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is disquiet, people are disquieted

3. there is disquiet, people are disquieted

4. there is disquiet, people are disquieted

FC jc-031297
5. there is disquiet, people are disquieted
FC jc-031297

0. then
1. then
FC -> jc-72895
2. then
3. then
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. then <mec>
<mec> FC - > jc-61096
5. then
FC jc-031297
6. then
FC jc-031297

nec ( oqui- )
0. lo quiso ( he wanted it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. ese ( that )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. remain

1. people remain
FC - > jc-61096

0. people will remain
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. people will remain
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. people will remain
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. people will remain
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. people will remain
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. there is dispersal
1. there is dispersal
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is dispersal
3. there is dispersal
4. there is dispersal <p53-dupl-ca:hua-lo:2>
<p53-dupl-ca:hua-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is dispersal <p53-dupl-ca:hua-lo:2>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p53-dupl-ca:hua-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096

6. there is dispersal <p53-dupl-ca:hua-lo:2>
<p53-dupl-ca:hua-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is dispersal
FC jc-031297
8. there is dispersal
FC jc-031297

0. there is repeated entering

1. there is repeated entering

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is repeated entering

3. there is repeated entering

4. there is repeated entering

FC jc-031297
5. there is repeated entering
FC jc-031297

0. hear each other

1. people hear themselves

Imp Verb jc-022897
2. people hear themselves
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
3. people hear themselves
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
4. people hear themselves
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
5. people hear themselves
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. people hear each other
FC - > jc-61096

0. it ceased, it stopped
1. it ceased, it stopped
FC -> jc-72895
2. it ceased, it stopped
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it ceased, it stopped
4. it ceased, it stopped <p53-ca:hua-lo:2-ya3>
<p53-ca:hua-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it ceased, it stopped <p53-ca:hua-lo:2-ya3>
<p53-ca:hua-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it ceased, it stopped
FC jc-031297
7. it ceased, it stopped
FC jc-031297

0. there is fighting
FC jc-031297

0. there was fighting
1. there was fighting
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was fighting
3. there was fighting
4. there was fighting <p53-ihcali-hua2-prt2>
<p53-ihcali-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was fighting <p53-ihcali-hua2-prt2>
<p53-ihcali-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was fighting <p53-ihcali-hua2-prt2>
<p53-ihcali-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was fighting
FC jc-031297
8. there was fighting
FC jc-031297

0. esos; esas ( those )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. cecuappitzoa, necuappitzolo, necuacuapitzolo,
necatzmelahualo, there are cramps, the stiffening of the
body, the constant stiffening, the stretching out prone
(b11 f11 p106)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. place for resting
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. place for resting
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. place for resting
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. there was gathering together on the part of each one
1. there was gathering together on the part of each one
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was gathering together on the part of each one
3. there was gathering together on the part of each one
4. there was gathering together on the part of each one
<p53-dupl-cem-tla:lia-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was gathering together on the part of each one
<p53-dupl-cem-tla:lia-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was gathering together on the part of each one
<p53-dupl-cem-tla:lia-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was gathering together on the part of each one
<p53-dupl-cem-tla:lia-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
8. there was gathering together on the part of each one
<p53-dupl-cem-tla:lia-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
9. there was gathering together on the part of each one
FC jc-031297
10. there was gathering together on the part of each one
FC jc-031297

0. itlan necacalaquilo, itlan necehualhuilo: there is
constant entering into its shade; under it one is shaded
<p53-ce:hui-caus09-l1-v05b-lo:2 (b11 f11 c6 p108), 2 itlan
necehualhuilo: under it, one is shaded
<p53-ce:hui-caus09-l1-v05b-lo:2 (b11 f11 c6 p108)
1. itlan necacalaquilo, itlan necehualhuilo: there is
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

constant entering into its shade; under it one is shaded

<p53-ce:hui-caus09-l1-v05b-lo:2> (b11 f11 c6 p108) JC-7/23/96
2. itlan necehualhuilo: under it, one is shaded
<p53-ce:hui-caus09-l1-v05b-lo:2> (b11 f11 c6 p108) JC-7/23/96

0. rest, act of resting
FC jc-031297

0. there is assembling, there is gathering together
1. there is assembling, there is gathering together
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is assembling, there is gathering together
3. there is assembling, there is gathering together
4. there is assembling, there is gathering together
<p53-cem-tla:lia-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is assembling, there is gathering together
<p53-cem-tla:lia-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is assembling, there is gathering together
<p53-cem-tla:lia-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is assembling, there is gathering together
FC jc-031297
8. there is assembling, there is gathering together
FC jc-031297

0. they will bathe me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will bathe me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. Nechahhuatoc in notahtzin nic nimahuiltihtoc Me esta'
regan~ando mi papa porque estoy jugando My father is
scolding me because I am playing
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. she will scold me
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she will scold me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he chides me, he scolds me

1. he chides me, he scolds me

FC -> jc-72895
2. he chides me, he scolds me

3. he chides me, he scolds me

4. he chides me, he scolds me

FC jc-031297
5. he chides me, he scolds me
FC jc-031297

0. me van a recibir ( they will receive me )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he will hear me, listen to me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he will hear me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
2. listen to me

0. they will do it for me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. she will put me to sleep
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she will put me to sleep
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she angers me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she angers me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it will want to eat me

1. it will want to eat me

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will want to eat me

3. it will want to eat me

4. it will want to eat me

FC jc-031297
5. it will want to eat me
FC jc-031297

0. he gets me up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he gets me up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. it will bark at me
FC jc-031297

0. they will whip me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will whip me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. <tbd>

0. one who is arrayed
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. adornment
FC jc-031297

0. there is arraying, people array themselves
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

nechicoa ( qui- )
0. lo juntan ( they gather it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. gather

nechicohua ( mo- )
0. se reunen ( they get together )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. he speaks ill of me, he gossips about me
1. he speaks ill of me, he gossips about me
FC -> jc-72895
2. he speaks ill of me, he gossips about me
3. he speaks ill of me, he gossips about me
4. he speaks ill of me, he gossips about me <p31-chico-ihtoa:>
<p31-chico-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he speaks ill of me, he gossips about me <p31-chico-ihtoa:>
<p31-chico-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he speaks ill of me, he gossips about me
FC jc-031297
7. he speaks ill of me, he gossips about me
FC jc-031297

nechicozque ( mo- )
0. se reunira'n ( they will gather )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. act of arranging one's self and dressing
FC - > jc-61096
1. act of arranging one's self and dressing
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. act of arranging one's self and dressing
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. act of arranging one's self and dressing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they dance with me
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they dance with me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he sends me away

1. he sends me away
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sends me away

3. he sends me away

4. he sends me away
FC jc-031297
5. he sends me away
FC jc-031297

0. they will forget me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will forget me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he tells it to me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he tells it to me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. In nomontah nechilpilihtoc in pitzotl nic omotohton Mi
suegro me esta' amarrando el puerco porque se desato My
father-in-law is tying the pig because it got loose
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. In nomontah nechilpilihticah in pitzotl nic omotohton Mi
suegro me esta' amarrando el puerco porque se desato My
father-in-law is tying the pig because it got loose
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. they will tie me up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they will tie me up
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. place where people are purified
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. place where people are purified
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. place where people are purified
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. place where people are purified
JC-05-07-97 -yan Locative Nouns

0. he will break open my entrails
1. he will break open my entrails
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will break open my entrails
3. he will break open my entrails
4. he will break open my entrails
<p31-ihtitl-tzaya:ni-caus09-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will break open my entrails
<p31-ihtitl-tzaya:ni-caus09-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will break open my entrails
<p31-ihtitl-tzaya:ni-caus09-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will break open my entrails
FC jc-031297
8. he will break open my entrails
FC jc-031297

0. they look askance at me

1. they look askance at me

FC -> jc-72895
2. they look askance at me

3. they look askance at me

4. they look askance at me

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they look askance at me

FC jc-031297

0. they will pay it to me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they give it to me

1. they give it to me
FC -> jc-72895
2. they give it to me

3. they give it to me

4. they give it to me
FC jc-031297
5. they give it to me
FC jc-031297

0. it will frighten me, it will menace me
FC jc-031297

0. it frightens me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. it frightens me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they will mangle me
FC jc-031297

0. there are tearful songs

1. there are tearful songs

FC - > jc-61096
2. there were songs of tears
Imp Verb jc-022897
3. there were songs of tears
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
4. there were songs of tears
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. there are songs of tears

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. there were songs of tears
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it will wait for me on the road
FC jc-031297

0. there is weeping
1. there is weeping
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is weeping
3. there is weeping
4. there is weeping <p53-cho:ca-ben-lo:2>
<p53-cho:ca-ben-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is weeping <p53-cho:ca-ben-lo:2>
<p53-cho:ca-ben-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is weeping <p53-cho:ca-ben-lo:2>
<p53-cho:ca-ben-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is weeping
FC jc-031297
8. there is weeping
FC jc-031297

0. there are tearful greetings; people greet each other

1. there are tearful greetings; people greet each other

FC -> jc-72895
2. there are tearful greetings; people greet each other

3. there are tearful greetings; people greet each other


4. there are tearful greetings; people greet each other

FC jc-031297
5. there are tearful greetings; people greet each other
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it will make me happy
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. it will make me happy
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she feeds me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she feeds me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. Nechtlahtolmacatoc in nocihtzin nic amo nitlatlacatoca Me
esta' aconsejando mi abuelita porque no obedezco My
grandmother is giving me advice because I am disobidient
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. he should have valued me, he should have esteemed me

1. he should have valued me, he should have esteemed me

FC -> jc-72895
2. he should have valued me, he should have esteemed me

3. he should have valued me, he should have esteemed me

4. he should have valued me, he should have esteemed me

FC jc-031297
5. he should have valued me, he should have esteemed me
FC jc-031297

0. he abuses me, he causes me pain, he afflicts me
1. he abuses me, he causes me pain, he afflicts me
FC -> jc-72895
2. he abuses me, he causes me pain, he afflicts me
3. he abuses me, he causes me pain, he afflicts me
4. he abuses me, he causes me pain, he afflicts me
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p31-toli:nia:> FC - > jc-61096

5. he abuses me, he causes me pain, he afflicts me
FC jc-031297
6. he abuses me, he causes me pain, he afflicts me
FC jc-031297

0. auh intlacayac noyolcauh nechohchiaz, nechyayacatzacuiliz,
nechhuahualtzaz iuhquin nechcuaznequiz, inic nechmamauhtiz:
and if i [should have] no animals, it will await me on the
road, confront me, bark at me as if it wished to eat me, to
menace me (b11 f1 p7)
1. it will confront me, it will cut off my path
FC jc-031297
2. it will confront me, it will cut off my path
FC jc-031297

0. parece ( it seems; it appears )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. he appears; it appears; it comes; it comes to light; it is
apparent; it is clear; it is evident; it is found; it is
seen; it looks; it presents itself; it resembles; it seems;
it shows; it is plain; they appear
FC -> jc-72895
2. he appears; it appears; it comes; it comes to light; it is
apparent; it is clear; it is evident; it is found; it is
seen; it looks; it presents itself; it resembles; it seems;
it shows; it is plain; they appear
3. he appears; it appears; it comes; it comes to light; it is
apparent; it is clear; it is evident; it is found; it is
seen; it looks; it presents itself; it resembles; it seems;
it shows; it is plain; they appear
4. he appears; it appears; it shows <ne:ci>
<ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
5. he appears; it appears; it shows <ne:ci>
<ne:ci> FC - > jc-61096
6. to appear
FC - > jc-61096
7. parece ( it seems; it appears )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
8. he appears; it appears; it comes; it comes to light; it is
apparent; it is clear; it is evident; it is found; it is
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

seen; it looks; it presents itself; it resembles; it seems;

it shows; it is plain; they appear
FC jc-031297
9. he appears; it appears; it comes; it comes to light; it is
apparent; it is clear; it is evident; it is found; it is
seen; it looks; it presents itself; it resembles; it seems;
it shows; it is plain; they appear
FC jc-031297

neci-| cuallinitlacualnextia
0. I embellish something

0. he appeared; it appeared; it came; it looked; they
appeared; they looked like
1. he appeared; it appeared; it came; it looked; they
appeared; they looked like
FC -> jc-72895
2. he appeared; it appeared; it came; it looked; they
appeared; they looked like
3. he appeared; it appeared; it came; it looked; they
appeared; they looked like
4. he appeared; it appeared; it came; it looked; they
appeared; they looked like <ne:ci-ya3>
<ne:ci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he appeared; it appeared; it came; it looked; they
appeared; they looked like <ne:ci-ya3>
<ne:ci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it appeared <ne:ci-ya3>
<ne:ci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he appeared; it appeared; it came; it looked; they
appeared; they looked like
FC jc-031297
8. he appeared; it appeared; it came; it looked; they
appeared; they looked like
FC jc-031297

necia ( o- )
0. apareci'a ( it appeared )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it came to appear

1. it came to appear
FC -> jc-72895
2. it came to appear

3. it came to appear

4. it came to appear
FC jc-031297
5. it came to appear
FC jc-031297

0. a man's act of marriage
FC - > jc-61096
1. a man's act of marriage
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. a man's act of marriage
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. a man's act of marriage
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he appears (he causes himself to appear)

0. he displays it, he shows it

0. he will appear; it will appear; it will be at hand; it will
be plain; it will be evident
1. he will appear; it will appear; it will be at hand; it will
be plain; it will be evident
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will appear; it will appear; it will be at hand; it will
be plain; it will be evident
3. he will appear; it will appear; it will be at hand; it will
be plain; it will be evident
4. he will appear; it will appear; it will be at hand; it will
be plain; it will be evident <ne:ci-z>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ne:ci-z> FC - > jc-61096

5. he will appear; it will appear; it will be at hand; it will
be plain; it will be evident <ne:ci-z>
<ne:ci-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will appear; it will appear; it will be at hand; it will
be plain; it will be evident
FC jc-031297
7. he will appear; it will appear; it will be at hand; it will
be plain; it will be evident
FC jc-031297

0. gratitude

1. gratitude
FC -> jc-72895
2. gratitude

3. gratitude

4. gratitude
FC jc-031297
5. gratitude
FC jc-031297

0. it is desired; they are desired
1. it is desired
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are desired
FC -> jc-72895
3. it is desired; they are desired
4. it is desired; they are desired
5. it is desired; they are desired <nequi-lo:1>
<nequi-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is desired; they are desired <nequi-lo:1>
<nequi-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is wanted
Passive Verb jc-022897
8. it is wanted
Passive Verb jc-022897
9. it is desired; it is required
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. they are desired

FC jc-031297
11. it is desired; it is required
FC jc-031297
12. they are desired
FC jc-031297
13. it is wanted
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
14. it is wanted
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
15. it is wanted
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
16. it is wanted
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
17. it is wanted
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
18. it is wanted
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
19. it is wanted
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
20. it is wanted
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
21. it is wanted
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
22. it is wanted
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
23. it is wanted
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. on both ends; on both sides; at both ends; in two ways;

1. at both ends; at each end

FC -> jc-72895
2. on both ends; on both sides; at both ends; in two ways;
FC -> jc-72895
3. on both ends; on both sides; at both ends; in two ways;

4. on both ends; on both sides; at both ends; in two ways;


5. at both ends; at each end

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. on both ends; on both sides; at both ends; in two ways;

FC jc-031297
7. at both ends; at each end
FC jc-031297
8. on both ends; on both sides; at both ends; in two ways;
FC jc-031297

necoc yaotl
0. traitor
<necoc ya:o:tl>
1. traitor
FC -> jc-72895
2. traitor
FC -> jc-72895
3. traitor
<necoc ya:o:tl>
4. traitor
<necoc ya:o:tl>
5. traitor <necoc ya:o:tl>
<necoc ya:o:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. traitor <necoc ya:o:tl>
<necoc ya:o:tl> FC - > jc-61096
7. traitor <necoc ya:o:tl>
<necoc ya:o:tl> FC - > jc-61096
8. traitor
FC jc-031297
9. traitor
FC jc-031297

0. on both sides
1. on both sides
FC -> jc-72895
2. on both sides
3. on both sides
4. on both sides <necoc-ca:n-pa1>
<necoc-ca:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
5. on both sides <necoc-ca:n-pa1>
<necoc-ca:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
6. on both sides <necoc-ca:n-pa1>
<necoc-ca:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. on both sides <necoc-ca:n-pa1>

<necoc-ca:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
8. on both sides
FC jc-031297
9. on both sides
FC jc-031297

0. on both sides, at both ends
1. on both sides; at both ends
FC -> jc-72895
2. on both sides, at both ends
3. on both sides, at both ends
4. on both sides, at both ends <necoc-ca:n-pa1>
<necoc-ca:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
5. on both sides, at both ends <necoc-ca:n-pa1>
<necoc-ca:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
6. on both sides, at both ends <necoc-ca:n-pa1>
<necoc-ca:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
7. on both sides, at both ends <necoc-ca:n-pa1>
<necoc-ca:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
8. on both sides; at both ends
FC jc-031297
9. on both sides; at both ends
FC jc-031297

0. they are put to sleep
FC - > jc-61096

0. he is two-faced

1. he is two-faced
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is two-faced

3. he is two-faced

4. he is two-faced
FC jc-031297
5. he is two-faced
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. someone who is two-faced
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. desirable; that which is useful; useful
1. desirable; that which is useful; useful
FC -> jc-72895
2. desirable; that which is useful; useful
3. desirable; that which is useful; useful
4. desirable; that which is useful; useful <nequi-lo:1-ni1>
<nequi-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. desirable; that which is useful; useful <nequi-lo:1-ni1>
<nequi-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. desirable; that which is useful; useful <nequi-lo:1-ni1>
<nequi-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. desirable; that which is useful; useful
FC jc-031297
8. desirable; that which is useful; useful
FC jc-031297

0. mixture of water and honey

1. mixture of water and honey

FC - > jc-61096
2. mixture of water and honey
FC - > jc-61096

0. atole with honey
1. atole with honey
FC -> jc-72895
2. atole with honey
3. atole with honey
4. atole with honey <neuctli-a:to:lli>
<neuctli-a:to:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. atole with honey <neuctli-a:to:lli>
<neuctli-a:to:lli> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. atole with honey

FC jc-031297
7. atole with honey
FC jc-031297

0. honey ant

1. honey ant
FC -> jc-72895
2. honey ant

3. honey ant

4. honey ant
FC jc-031297
5. honey ant
FC jc-031297

0. act of returning ( no projective object )
FC - > jc-61096
1. act of returning (no projective object)
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. act of returning ( no projective object )
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. act of returning ( no projective object )
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. hear each other

1. people return
FC - > jc-61096
2. everyone returns
Imp Verb jc-022897
3. everyone returns
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
4. everyone returns
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
5. everyone returns
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. everyone returns
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. there is singing

1. people sing
FC - > jc-61096

0. there was singing
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. there was singing
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. there was singing
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. there was singing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. there was singing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. kestrel

0. bend, deal, trade

0. wealth; riches; richness; prosperity
1. wealth; contentment; prosperity; riches; richness
FC -> jc-72895
2. wealth; riches; richness; prosperity
3. wealth; riches; richness; prosperity
4. wealth; riches; contentment <p53-cuilto:noa-l1>
<p53-cuilto:noa-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. wealth; riches; richness; prosperity <p53-cuilto:noa:-l1>
<p53-cuilto:noa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. wealth; riches; richness; prosperity <p53-cuilto:noa:-l1>
<p53-cuilto:noa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. wealth; contentment; prosperity; riches; richness
FC jc-031297
8. wealth; contentment; prosperity; riches; richness
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. land of wealth; rich place

1. land of wealth; rich place
FC -> jc-72895
2. land of wealth; rich place
3. land of wealth; rich place
4. land of wealth; rich place <p53-cuilto:noa:-lo:2-ya3>
<p53-cuilto:noa:-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. land of wealth; rich place <p53-cuilto:noa:-lo:2-ya3>
<p53-cuilto:noa:-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. land of wealth; rich place <p53-cuilto:noa:-lo:2-ya3>
<p53-cuilto:noa:-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. land of wealth; rich place
FC jc-031297
8. land of wealth; rich place
FC jc-031297

0. there is arising, people get up

1. there is arising, people get up

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is arising, people get up

3. there is arising, people get up

4. there is arising, people get up

FC jc-031297
5. there is arising, people get up
FC jc-031297

0. yo ( I )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. esteemed place

1. esteemed place
FC -> jc-72895
2. esteemed place

3. esteemed place
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. esteemed place
FC jc-031297
5. esteemed place
FC jc-031297

0. it travels, it runs about
FC jc-031297
1. walk
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

0. walker
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. walker
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. walker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. walker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it stands ash-colored

1. it stands ash-colored
FC -> jc-72895
2. it stands ash-colored

3. it stands ash-colored

4. it stands ash-colored
FC jc-031297
5. it stands ash-colored
FC jc-031297

0. people dance

1. people dance
FC - > jc-61096
2. there is dancing
Imp Verb jc-022897
3. there is dancing
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
4. there is dancing
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. there is dancing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. there is dancing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. place where they dance
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. place where they dance
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. place where they dance
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. act of dancing
FC - > jc-61096
1. dance, act of dancing
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. dance
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. act of dancing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. dance

5. act of dancing

0. there was dancing

1. there was dancing

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was dancing

3. there was dancing

4. there was dancing

FC jc-031297
5. there was dancing
FC jc-031297

0. yo ( I )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. education; growing up; upbringing; rearing

1. education; growing up; upbringing; rearing
FC -> jc-72895
2. education; growing up; upbringing; rearing
3. education; growing up; upbringing; rearing
4. education; growing up; upbringing; rearing
<p53-huapa:hua-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. education; growing up; upbringing; rearing
<p53-huapa:hua-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. education; growing up; upbringing; rearing
FC jc-031297
7. education; growing up; upbringing; rearing
FC jc-031297

0. I, me
1. i, me
FC -> jc-72895
2. I, me
3. I, me
4. I, me <p11-eh3-hua:tl-po:l>
<p11-eh3-hua:tl-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
5. I, me <p11-eh3-hua:tl-po:l>
<p11-eh3-hua:tl-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
6. I, me <p11-eh3-hua:tl-po:l>
<p11-eh3-hua:tl-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
7. I, me <p11-eh3-hua:tl-po:l>
<p11-eh3-hua:tl-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
8. I, me <p11-eh3-hua:tl-po:l>
<p11-eh3-hua:tl-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
9. i, me
FC jc-031297
10. i, me
FC jc-031297

0. yo ( I )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. yo ( I )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. i; me; me i
FC -> jc-72895
3. I; me; me I
4. I; me; me I
5. I; me; me I <p11-eh3-hua:tl>
<p11-eh3-hua:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. I; me; me I <p11-eh3-hua:tl>
<p11-eh3-hua:tl> FC - > jc-61096
7. I; me; me I <p11-eh3-hua:tl>
<p11-eh3-hua:tl> FC - > jc-61096
8. I; me; me I <p11-eh3-hua:tl>
<p11-eh3-hua:tl> FC - > jc-61096
9. yo ( I )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
10. yo ( I )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
11. i; me
FC jc-031297
12. i; me
FC jc-031297

0. delay, act of delaying
FC - > jc-61096
1. delay, act of delaying
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. delay
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. act of delaying
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. delay

5. act of delaying

0. resemble, equal, rent

0. own, of one's self
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they will be taken, they will be carried
FC jc-031297

0. offering of thorns
1. offering of thorns
FC -> jc-72895
2. offering of thorns
3. offering of thorns
4. offering of thorns <p53-huitztli-mani-caus09-liz>
<p53-huitztli-mani-caus09-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. offering of thorns <p53-huitztli-mani-caus09-liz>
<p53-huitztli-mani-caus09-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. offering of thorns <p53-huitztli-mani-caus09-liz>
<p53-huitztli-mani-caus09-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. offering of thorns
FC jc-031297
8. offering of thorns
FC jc-031297

0. there is vomiting

1. there is vomiting
FC - > jc-61096
2. there will be vomiting
Imp Verb jc-022897
3. there will be vomiting
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
4. there will be vomiting
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
5. there will be vomiting
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. there will be vomiting
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. intoxication, drunkenness

1. intoxication, drunkenness
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. intoxication, drunkenness

3. intoxication, drunkenness

4. intoxication, drunkenness
FC jc-031297
5. intoxication, drunkenness
FC jc-031297

0. there was fear
FC jc-031297

0. in truth, truly; really
1. in truth; truly; verily
FC -> jc-72895
2. really, in truth, truly
FC -> jc-72895
3. in truth, truly; really
4. in truth, truly; really
5. in truth, truly; really <nelli>
<nelli> FC - > jc-61096
6. in truth, truly; really <nelli>
<nelli> FC - > jc-61096
7. in truth; truly; verily
FC jc-031297
8. really, in truth, truly
FC jc-031297
9. truly, in truth; indeed
FC jc-031297
10. in truth; truly; verily
FC jc-031297
11. really, in truth, truly
FC jc-031297
12. truly, in truth; indeed
FC jc-031297

0. act of forgetting something
FC - > jc-61096
1. act of forgetting something
-liz nom Jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. act of forgetting something

JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. act of forgetting something
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. root
1. root

2. root
3. root

4. root
FC - > jc-61096

0. for a tree to sprout roots

1. for a tree to sprout roots

FC - > jc-61096

0. it originated

1. it originated
FC -> jc-72895
2. it originated

3. it originated

4. it originated
FC jc-031297
5. it originated
FC jc-031297

0. having slender roots
1. having slender roots
FC -> jc-72895
2. having slender roots
3. having slender roots
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. having slender roots <nelhuatl-yo:tl1-pitza:hua-c1>

<nelhuatl-yo:tl1-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having slender roots <nelhuatl-yo:tl1-pitza:hua-c1>
<nelhuatl-yo:tl1-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having slender roots <nelhuatl-yo:tl1-pitza:hua-c1>
<nelhuatl-yo:tl1-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. having slender roots <nelhuatl-yo:tl1-pitza:hua-c1>
<nelhuatl-yo:tl1-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. having slender roots <nelhuatl-yo:tl1-pitza:hua-c1>
<nelhuatl-yo:tl1-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. having slender roots
FC jc-031297
10. having slender roots
FC jc-031297

0. thick-rooted, having thick roots
1. thick-rooted, having thick roots
FC -> jc-72895
2. thick-rooted, having thick roots
3. thick-rooted, having thick roots
4. thick-rooted, having thick roots
<nelhuatl-yo:tl1-toma:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. thick-rooted, having thick roots
<nelhuatl-yo:tl1-toma:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. thick-rooted, having thick roots
<nelhuatl-yo:tl1-toma:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. thick-rooted, having thick roots
<nelhuatl-yo:tl1-toma:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. thick-rooted, having thick roots
<nelhuatl-yo:tl1-toma:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. thick-rooted, having thick roots
FC jc-031297
10. thick-rooted, having thick roots
FC jc-031297

0. move, stir
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. to mix
FC - > jc-61096

nelihui moneloa
0. it is mixed

0. something that has very human hands
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. true
1. in truth, truly; true; truth
FC -> jc-72895
2. in truth, truly; true; truth
3. true
4. in truth, truly; true; truth
5. in truth, truly; true; truth <nelli>
<nelli> FC - > jc-61096
6. in truth, truly; true; truth <nelli>
<nelli> FC - > jc-61096
7. in truth, truly; true; truth
FC jc-031297
8. in truth, truly; true; truth
FC jc-031297

nelli te:tlaneltoquitia
0. he gives so faith in st
FC - > jc-61096

0. truth

0. to stir
FC - > jc-61096
1. stir
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

neloa-| tlaneloliztli
0. act of stirring something

0. people wrap themselves up

1. people wrap themselves up

FC -> jc-72895
2. people wrap themselves up

3. people wrap themselves up

4. people wrap themselves up

FC jc-031297
5. people wrap themselves up
FC jc-031297

0. sash seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. to become truth
FC - > jc-61096

nelti quineltilia
0. he fulfills it; he testifies it

0. it was realized, it became true
FC jc-031297

0. 1

1. true
FC -> jc-72895
2. 1

3. 1

4. true
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. true
FC jc-031297

0. word of truth

1. word of truth
FC -> jc-72895
2. word of truth

3. word of truth

4. word of truth
FC jc-031297
5. word of truth
FC jc-031297

0. truth

1. truth
FC -> jc-72895
2. truth

3. truth

4. truth
FC jc-031297
5. truth
FC jc-031297

0. it will be the truth, it will be realized; it will become

1. it will be the truth, it will be realized; it will become

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be the truth, it will be realized; it will become

3. it will be the truth, it will be realized; it will become


4. it will be realized, it will become true; it will be the
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

truth; it will be verified; it will come to pass

FC jc-031297
5. it will be realized, it will become true; it will be the
truth; it will be verified; it will come to pass
FC jc-031297

neltoca ( nic- )
0. lo creo ( I believe it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

neltoca ( tic- )
0. lo crees ( you believe it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

neltocaz ( nic- )
0. lo voy a creer ( I will believe it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. believable, deserving of credibility; it is believed
FC jc-031297

0. live

0. place of refuge
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. place of refuge
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. place of refuge
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. act of divorce
FC - > jc-61096
1. divorce
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. divorce
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. divorce
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. school or place for learning
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Loc Noun jc-022897

1. school or place for learning
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. school or place for learning
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. there was teaching
FC jc-031297

0. desert, merit, fortune, favor; gift
FC jc-031297

0. one takes care

1. one takes care

FC - > jc-61096

0. one will take care
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. one will take care
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. one will take care
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. one will take care
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. one will take care
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. there is confinement, there is captive taking

1. there is confinement, there is captive taking

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is confinement, there is captive taking

3. there is confinement, there is captive taking

4. there is confinement, there is captive taking

FC jc-031297
5. there is confinement, there is captive taking
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. there is constant fear, there is constant fright
1. there is constant fear, there is constant fright
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is constant fear, there is constant fright
3. there is constant fear, there is constant fright
4. there is constant fear, there is constant fright
<p53-dupl-mahui-caus02-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is constant fear, there is constant fright
<p53-dupl-mahui-caus02-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is constant fear, there is constant fright
<p53-dupl-mahui-caus02-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is constant fear, there is constant fright
FC jc-031297
8. there is constant fear, there is constant fright
FC jc-031297

0. act of placing, act of laying out

1. act of placing, act of laying out

FC -> jc-72895
2. act of placing, act of laying out

3. act of placing, act of laying out

4. act of placing, act of laying out

FC jc-031297
5. act of placing, act of laying out
FC jc-031297

0. one who has a gift
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. those who are favored
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. courtesy

1. courtesy
FC -> jc-72895
2. courtesy

3. courtesy

4. courtesy
FC jc-031297
5. courtesy
FC jc-031297

0. prudence

1. prudence
FC -> jc-72895
2. prudence

3. prudence

4. prudence
FC jc-031297
5. prudence
FC jc-031297

0. there is fear, everyone is frightened; there is fright;
there is awe
1. there is awe; there is fear; everyone is frightened; there
is fright
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is fear, everyone is frightened; there is fright;
there is awe
3. there is fear, everyone is frightened; there is fright;
there is awe
4. there is fear, everyone is frightened
<p53-mahui-caus02-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is fear, everyone is frightened; there is fright;
there is awe <p53-mahui-caus02-lo:2>
<p53-mahui-caus02-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. there is awe; there is fear; everyone is frightened; there

is fright
FC jc-031297
7. there is awe; there is fear; everyone is frightened; there
is fright
FC jc-031297

0. there was fear
1. there was fear
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was fear
3. there was fear
4. there was fear <p53-mahui-caus02-lo:2-ya3>
<p53-mahui-caus02-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was fear <p53-mahui-caus02-lo:2-ya3>
<p53-mahui-caus02-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was fear <p53-mahui-caus02-lo:2-ya3>
<p53-mahui-caus02-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was fear
FC jc-031297
8. there was fear
FC jc-031297

0. concubinage

1. concubinage
FC -> jc-72895
2. concubinage

3. concubinage

4. concubinage
FC jc-031297
5. concubinage
FC jc-031297

0. he goes, he walks; he lives; it lives; it nemi; it walks;
they live; they walk
1. he goes, he walks; he lives; it lives; it grows; it nemi;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it walks
FC -> jc-72895
2. they dwell, they live; they walk
FC -> jc-72895
3. he goes, he walks; he lives; it lives; it nemi; it walks;
they live; they walk
4. he goes, he walks; he lives; it lives; it nemi; it walks;
they live; they walk
5. he goes, he walks; he lives; it lives; it nemi; it walks;
they live; they walk <nemi>
<nemi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes, he walks; he lives; it lives; it nemi; it walks;
they live; they walk <nemi>
<nemi> FC - > jc-61096
7. to live
FC - > jc-61096
8. to live
FC - > jc-61096
9. he goes, he walks; he lives; it lives; it grows; it nemi;
it travels; it walks
FC jc-031297
10. they dwell, they live; they walk
FC jc-031297
11. he goes, he walks; he lives; it lives; it grows; it nemi;
it travels; it walks
FC jc-031297
12. they dwell, they live; they walk
FC jc-031297
13. live
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

nemi-| itzcuintlioitzcuinnemiti
0. he bred dogs

0. he lived; he walked; they lived
1. he lived; he walked; they lived
FC -> jc-72895
2. he lived; he walked; they lived
3. he lived; he walked; they lived
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he lived; he walked; they lived <nemi-ya3>

<nemi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he lived; he walked; they lived <nemi-ya3>
<nemi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he lived; he walked; they lived <nemi-ya3>
<nemi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he lived; he walked; they lived
FC jc-031297
8. he lived; he walked; they lived
FC jc-031297

0. he came to live, he came to settle

1. he came to live, he came to settle

FC -> jc-72895
2. he came to live, he came to settle

3. he came to live, he came to settle

4. he came to live, he came to settle; they came to live

FC jc-031297
5. he came to live, he came to settle; they came to live
FC jc-031297

0. murder
1. murder
FC -> jc-72895
2. murder
3. murder
4. murder <p53-miqui-caus02-liz>
<p53-miqui-caus02-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. murder
FC jc-031297
6. murder
FC jc-031297

nemilia ( mo- )
0. se piensa ( one thinks )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

nemiliz ( no- )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. mi vida ( my life )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. historian or chronicler
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. historian or chronicler
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. historian or chronicler
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. historian or chronicler
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. life; way of life; conduct
1. life; conduct; way of life
FC -> jc-72895
2. life; way of life; conduct
3. life; way of life; conduct
4. life; way of life; conduct <nemi-liz>
<nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. life; way of life; conduct <nemi-liz>
<nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. life; conduct; way of life
FC jc-031297
7. life; conduct; way of life
FC jc-031297

0. conduct
1. conduct
FC -> jc-72895
2. conduct
3. conduct
4. conduct <nemi-liz-yo:tl1>
<nemi-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. conduct <nemi-liz-yo:tl1>
<nemi-liz-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. conduct
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. conduct
FC jc-031297

0. dweller, one who lives
1. dweller; one who lives; traveler
FC -> jc-72895
2. dweller, one who lives
3. dweller, one who lives
4. dweller, one who lives <nemi-ni1>
<nemi-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. dweller, one who lives <nemi-ni1>
<nemi-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. dweller, one who lives <nemi-ni1>
<nemi-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. dweller, one who lives <nemi-ni1>
<nemi-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. dweller; one who lives; traveler
FC jc-031297
9. dweller; one who lives; traveler
FC jc-031297

nemiti ( omo- )
0. vivio' [ H ] ( he lived [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. breedable
1. breedable
FC -> jc-72895
2. breedable
3. breedable
4. breedable <nemi-caus02-lo:1-ni1>
<nemi-caus02-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. breedable <nemi-caus02-lo:1-ni1>
<nemi-caus02-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. breedable <nemi-caus02-lo:1-ni1>
<nemi-caus02-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. breedable <nemi-caus02-lo:1-ni1>
<nemi-caus02-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. breedable <nemi-caus02-lo:1-ni1>
<nemi-caus02-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. breedable
FC jc-031297
10. breedable
FC jc-031297

0. they went to live
1. they went to live
FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to live
3. they went to live
4. they went to live <nemi-dir2b>
<nemi-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
5. they went to live <nemi-dir2b>
<nemi-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
6. they went to live <nemi-dir2b>
<nemi-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
7. they went to live <nemi-dir2b>
<nemi-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
8. they went to live
FC jc-031297
9. they went to live
FC jc-031297

0. he will live; he is to live; she will life; she will live
1. he will live; he is to live
FC -> jc-72895
2. she will life; she will live
FC -> jc-72895
3. he will live; he is to live; she will life; she will live
4. he will live; he is to live; she will life; she will live
5. he will live; he is to live; she will life; she will live
<nemi-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will live; he is to live; she will life; she will live
<nemi-z> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. he will live; he is to live

FC jc-031297
8. she will life; she will live
FC jc-031297
9. he will live; he is to live
FC jc-031297
10. she will life; she will live
FC jc-031297

0. he wants to live

1. he wants to live
FC -> jc-72895
2. he wants to live

3. he wants to live

4. he wants to live
FC jc-031297
5. he wants to live
FC jc-031297

0. they will live
1. they will live
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will live
3. they will live
4. they will live <nemi-z-plur01>
<nemi-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will live <nemi-z-plur01>
<nemi-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they will live
FC jc-031297
7. they will live
FC jc-031297

0. one lives, people live

1. one lives, people live

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. one lives, people live

3. one lives, people live

4. one lives, people live

FC jc-031297
5. one lives, people live
FC jc-031297

0. they live

0. appear

1. there is living
FC - > jc-61096

0. people will live
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. people will live
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. people will live
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. people will live
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. people will live
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. in vain
1. in vain
FC -> jc-72895
2. in vain
3. in vain
4. in vain
FC jc-031297
5. in vain
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. place where weddings are performed

Loc Noun jc-022897
1. place where weddings are performed
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. place where weddings are performed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. ear cleaner
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. ear cleaner
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. ear cleaner
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. ear cleaner
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. ear cleaner
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. ear cleaner
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. there is ear-cutting
FC jc-031297

0. he is made a mother
1. he is made a mother
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is made a mother
3. he is made a mother
4. he is made a mother <p53-na:ntli-v01a-;
<p53-na:ntli-v01a--> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is made a mother <p53-na:ntli-v01a-;
<p53-na:ntli-v01a--> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is made a mother <p53-na:ntli-v01a-;
<p53-na:ntli-v01a--> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is made a mother
FC jc-031297
8. he is made a mother
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it had lived
1. it had lived; she had lived
FC -> jc-72895
2. it had lived
3. it had lived
4. it had lived <nemi-prt1-ca9>
<nemi-prt1-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
5. it had lived <nemi-prt1-ca9>
<nemi-prt1-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
6. it had lived <nemi-prt1-ca9>
<nemi-prt1-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
7. it had lived; she had lived
FC jc-031297
8. it had lived; she had lived
FC jc-031297

0. profitless woman
1. profitless woman
FC -> jc-72895
2. profitless woman
3. profitless woman
4. profitless woman <ne:n-cihua:tl>
<ne:n-cihua:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. profitless woman <ne:n-cihua:tl>
<ne:n-cihua:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. profitless woman <ne:n-cihua:tl>
<ne:n-cihua:tl> FC - > jc-61096
7. profitless woman
FC jc-031297
8. profitless woman
FC jc-031297

0. it will repeatedly appear
1. it will repeatedly appear
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. it will repeatedly appear

3. it will repeatedly appear
4. it will repeatedly appear <dupl-ne:ci-z>
<dupl-ne:ci-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will repeatedly appear <dupl-ne:ci-z>
<dupl-ne:ci-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. it will repeatedly appear <dupl-ne:ci-z>
<dupl-ne:ci-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. it will repeatedly appear <dupl-ne:ci-z>
<dupl-ne:ci-z> FC - > jc-61096
8. it will repeatedly appear
FC jc-031297
9. it will repeatedly appear
FC jc-031297

0. at both ends; on both sides; on each side
1. at both ends; on both sides; on each side
FC -> jc-72895
2. at both ends; on both sides; on each side
3. at both ends; on both sides; on each side
4. at both ends; on both sides <dupl-necoc>
<dupl-necoc> FC - > jc-61096
5. at both ends; on both sides <dupl-necoc>
<dupl-necoc> FC - > jc-61096
6. at both ends; on both sides; on each side
FC jc-031297
7. at both ends; on both sides; on each side
FC jc-031297

0. twisted

1. twisted
FC -> jc-72895
2. twisted

3. twisted

4. twisted
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. twisted
FC jc-031297

0. mixed; mixed together; stirred
FC jc-031297

0. it travels; it walks; she walks
1. it travels; it walks
FC -> jc-72895
2. she walks
FC -> jc-72895
3. it travels; it walks; she walks
4. it travels; it walks; she walks
5. it travels; it walks; she walks <dupl-nemi>
<dupl-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
6. it travels; it walks; she walks <dupl-nemi>
<dupl-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
7. it travels; it walks; she walks <dupl-nemi>
<dupl-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
8. it travels; it walks; she walks <dupl-nemi>
<dupl-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
9. it travels; it walks
FC jc-031297
10. she walks
FC jc-031297
11. it travels; it walks
FC jc-031297
12. she walks
FC jc-031297

0. life
1. life
FC -> jc-72895
2. life
3. life
4. life <dupl-nemi-liz>
<dupl-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. life <dupl-nemi-liz>
<dupl-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. life <dupl-nemi-liz>
<dupl-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. life <dupl-nemi-liz>
<dupl-nemi-liz> FC - > jc-61096
8. life
FC jc-031297
9. life
FC jc-031297

0. he will walk; she will walk
1. he will walk
FC -> jc-72895
2. she will walk
FC -> jc-72895
3. he will walk; she will walk
4. he will walk; she will walk
5. he will walk; she will walk <dupl-nemi-z>
<dupl-nemi-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will walk; she will walk <dupl-nemi-z>
<dupl-nemi-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will walk; she will walk <dupl-nemi-z>
<dupl-nemi-z> FC - > jc-61096
8. he will walk; she will walk <dupl-nemi-z>
<dupl-nemi-z> FC - > jc-61096
9. he will walk
FC jc-031297
10. she will walk
FC jc-031297
11. he will walk
FC jc-031297
12. she will walk
FC jc-031297

0. she wishes to walk

1. she wishes to walk

FC -> jc-72895
2. she wishes to walk
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. she wishes to walk

4. she wishes to walk

FC jc-031297
5. she wishes to walk
FC jc-031297

0. injury to the tongue
FC - > jc-61096

0. travelers

1. travelers
FC -> jc-72895
2. travelers

3. travelers

4. travelers
FC jc-031297
5. travelers
FC jc-031297

0. union

1. union
FC -> jc-72895
2. union

3. union

4. union
FC jc-031297
5. union
FC jc-031297

0. having a spiny tongue
FC jc-031297

0. something that has a tongue
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. tongue
1. tongue
FC -> jc-72895
2. tongue
3. tongue
4. tongue
FC - > jc-61096
5. tongue <nenetl-pilli>
<nenetl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
6. tongue <nenetl-pilli>
<nenetl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
7. tongue <nenetl-pilli>
<nenetl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
8. tongue
FC jc-031297
9. tongue
FC jc-031297

0. having a forked tongue

1. having a forked tongue

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a forked tongue

3. having a forked tongue

4. having a forked tongue

FC jc-031297
5. having a forked tongue
FC jc-031297

0. coating on the tongue

1. coating on the tongue

FC -> jc-72895
2. coating on the tongue

3. coating on the tongue
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. coating on the tongue

FC jc-031297
5. coating on the tongue
FC jc-031297

0. doll

0. ihuicpa nehtoloa, nenetoltiloya, inic quicehuiz, inic
quicuaniz, inic quicaxahuaz, cocoliztli therefore vows were
made to him, vows were repeated, to quiet, remove, abate
the sickness <p53-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-lo:2-ya3 (b1 f2
c14 p31), 2 ic tetech quitlaliaya, in xochicihuiztli, in
menexoaliztli, in tlapalanaltiliztli, in quexilihuiliztli
in ipampa hi, ihuic nenetoltiloya, inic quicehuiz, inic
quicuaniz in cocoliztli: wherefore he would visit them
with piles, with hemorrhoids, suppurating genitals, disease
of the groin, wherefore they made vows to him in order to
quiet, to remove the sickness
<dupl-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-lo:2-ya3 (b1 f5 cAp p72), 3
iuhquinma ic nenetoltiloya, it was as if there were
supplication because of it
<dupl-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-lo:2-ya3 (b2 f13 c38 p205)
1. ihuicpa nehtoloa, nenetoltiloya, inic quicehuiz, inic
quicuaniz, inic quicaxahuaz, cocoliztli therefore vows were
made to him, vows were repeated, to quiet, remove, abate
the sickness
<p53-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-lo:2-ya3> (b1 f2 c14 p31) JC-7/23/96
2. ic tetech quitlaliaya, in xochicihuiztli, in menexoaliztli,
in tlapalanaltiliztli, in quexilihuiliztli in ipampa hi,
ihuic nenetoltiloya, inic quicehuiz, inic quicuaniz in
cocoliztli: wherefore he would visit them with piles, with
hemorrhoids, suppurating genitals, disease of the groin,
wherefore they made vows to him in order to quiet, to
remove the sickness
<dupl-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-lo:2-ya3> (b1 f5 cAp p72) JC-7/23/96
3. iuhquinma ic nenetoltiloya, it was as if there were
supplication because of it
<dupl-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-lo:2-ya3> (b2 f13 c38 p205) JC-7/23/96

0. extremely sweet; sweet
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. extremely sweet; sweet

FC -> jc-72895
2. extremely sweet; sweet
3. extremely sweet; sweet
4. extremely sweet; sweet <dupl-neuctli-tic>
<dupl-neuctli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. extremely sweet; sweet <dupl-neuctli-tic>
<dupl-neuctli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. extremely sweet; sweet <dupl-neuctli-tic>
<dupl-neuctli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. extremely sweet; sweet <dupl-neuctli-tic>
<dupl-neuctli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. extremely sweet; sweet <dupl-neuctli-tic>
<dupl-neuctli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. extremely sweet; sweet
FC jc-031297
10. extremely sweet; sweet
FC jc-031297

0. there is preparing of ashes
1. there is preparing of ashes
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is preparing of ashes
3. there is preparing of ashes
4. there is preparing of ashes <p53-nextli-quetza-lo:2>
<p53-nextli-quetza-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is preparing of ashes <p53-nextli-quetza-lo:2>
<p53-nextli-quetza-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is preparing of ashes <p53-nextli-quetza-lo:2>
<p53-nextli-quetza-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is preparing of ashes
FC jc-031297
8. there is preparing of ashes
FC jc-031297

0. caminara' ( she will walk )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. parlor, or place for assembly

Loc Noun jc-022897
1. parlor
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. or place for assembly
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. parlor
JC-05-07-97 -yan Locative Nouns
4. or place for assembly

5. parlor

6. or place for assembly

0. one who breaks a treaty
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. one who breaks a treaty
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. one who breaks a treaty
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who breaks a treaty
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. one who is advised
1. one who is advised
FC -> jc-72895
2. one who is advised
3. one who is advised
4. one who is advised <p53-dupl-notza-l1-eh1>
<p53-dupl-notza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. one who is advised <p53-dupl-notza-l1-eh1>
<p53-dupl-notza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one who is advised <p53-dupl-notza-l1-eh1>
<p53-dupl-notza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. one who is advised <p53-dupl-notza-l1-eh1>
<p53-dupl-notza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
8. one who is advised <p53-dupl-notza-l1-eh1>
<p53-dupl-notza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
9. one who is advised
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. one who is advised

FC jc-031297

0. one who is advised
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. those who are wise
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. account; common opinion; consensus; counsel; legend;
1. account; common opinion; consensus; counsel; fable; legend;
FC -> jc-72895
2. account; common opinion; consensus; counsel; legend;
3. account; common opinion; consensus; counsel; legend;
4. account; common opinion; consensus; counsel; fable; legend;
tradition <p53-dupl-no:tza-l1>
<p53-dupl-no:tza-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. account; common opinion; consensus; counsel; fable; legend;
tradition <p53-dupl-no:tza-l1>
<p53-dupl-no:tza-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. account; common opinion; consensus; counsel; fable; legend;
tradition <p53-dupl-no:tza-l1>
<p53-dupl-no:tza-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. account; common opinion; consensus; counsel; fable; legend;
tradition <p53-dupl-no:tza-l1>
<p53-dupl-no:tza-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. account; common opinion; consensus; counsel; legend;
tradition <p53-dupl-no:tza-l1>
<p53-dupl-no:tza-l1> FC - > jc-61096
9. account; common opinion; consensus; counsel; fable; legend;
FC jc-031297
10. account; common opinion; consensus; counsel; fable; legend;
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. there is conversing, there is discussion; there is
1. there is consultation; there is deliberation; there is
consulting; council is held; there is conversing; there is
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is conversing, there is discussion; there is
3. there is conversing, there is discussion; there is
4. there is consulting, council is held; there is conversing;
there is discussion; there is consultation; there is
deliberation <p53-dupl-no:tza-lo:2>
<p53-dupl-no:tza-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is consulting, council is held; there is conversing;
there is discussion; there is consultation; there is
deliberation <p53-dupl-no:tza-lo:2>
<p53-dupl-no:tza-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is consulting, council is held; there is conversing;
there is discussion; there is consultation; there is
deliberation <p53-dupl-no:tza-lo:2>
<p53-dupl-no:tza-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is consulting, council is held; there is conversing;
there is discussion; there is consultation; there is
deliberation <p53-dupl-no:tza-lo:2>
<p53-dupl-no:tza-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
8. there is conversing, there is discussion; there is
deliberation <p53-dupl-no:tza-lo:1>
<p53-dupl-no:tza-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
9. there is consultation; there is deliberation; there is
consulting; council is held; there is conversing; there is
FC jc-031297
10. there is consultation; there is deliberation; there is
consulting; council is held; there is conversing; there is
FC jc-031297

0. there was consultation
FC -> jc-72895
1. there was consultation
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
2. there was consultation
FC jc-031297

0. there was consultation, there was plotting
1. there was consultation, there was plotting
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was consultation, there was plotting
3. there was consultation, there was plotting
4. there was consultation, there was plotting
<p53-dupl-no:tza-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was consultation, there was plotting
<p53-dupl-no:tza-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was consultation, there was plotting
<p53-dupl-no:tza-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was consultation, there was plotting
<p53-dupl-no:tza-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. there was consultation, there was plotting
<p53-dupl-no:tza-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. there was consultation, there was plotting
FC jc-031297
10. there was consultation, there was plotting
FC jc-031297

0. profitless man

1. profitless man
FC -> jc-72895
2. profitless man

3. profitless man

4. profitless man
FC jc-031297
5. profitless man
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. auh tel in ica innezcaliliz, in huel nenotzalizpatia: but,
nevertheless, he who showed prudence might well be saved
through forethought; <p53-notza-liz-pahtli-v04-ya3 (b4 f1
c2 p5)
1. auh tel in ica innezcaliliz, in huel nenotzalizpatia: but,
nevertheless, he who showed prudence might well be saved
through forethought;
<p53-notza-liz-pahtli-v04-ya3> (b4 f1 c2 p5) JC-7/23/96

0. he starts in vain
1. he starts in vain
FC -> jc-72895
2. he starts in vain
3. he starts in vain
4. he starts in vain <ne:n-pe:hua>
<ne:n-pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he starts in vain <ne:n-pe:hua>
<ne:n-pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. he starts in vain
FC jc-031297
7. he starts in vain
FC jc-031297

0. they lived

1. they lived
FC -> jc-72895
2. they lived

3. they lived

4. they lived
FC jc-031297
5. they lived
FC jc-031297

0. dweller
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Agentive -qui jc-022897

1. dweller
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. dweller
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. dweller
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he will not go forth in vain

1. he will not go forth in vain

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will not go forth in vain

3. he will not go forth in vain

4. he will not go forth in vain

FC jc-031297
5. he will not go forth in vain
FC jc-031297

0. worthless, useless

1. worthless, useless
FC -> jc-72895
2. worthless, useless

3. worthless, useless

4. worthless, useless
FC jc-031297
5. worthless, useless
FC jc-031297

0. he fails

1. he fails
FC -> jc-72895
2. he fails

3. he fails

4. he fails
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. he fails
FC jc-031297

0. useless; useless person; useless man; worthless person
1. useless; useless man; useless person; worthless person;
FC -> jc-72895
2. useless; useless person; useless man; worthless person
3. useless; useless person; useless man; worthless person
4. useless; useless person; useless man; worthless person
<ne:n-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
5. useless; useless person; useless man; worthless person
<ne:n-tla:catl> FC - > jc-61096
6. useless; useless man; useless person; worthless person;
FC jc-031297
7. useless; useless man; useless person; worthless person;
FC jc-031297

0. uselessness
1. uselessness
FC -> jc-72895
2. uselessness
3. uselessness
4. uselessness <ne:n-tla:catl-yo:tl1>
<ne:n-tla:catl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. uselessness <ne:n-tla:catl-yo:tl1>
<ne:n-tla:catl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. uselessness <ne:n-tla:catl-yo:tl1>
<ne:n-tla:catl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. uselessness
FC jc-031297
8. uselessness
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he is anguished
1. he is anguished
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is anguished
3. he is anguished
4. he is anguished <ne:n-p51-mati>
<ne:n-p51-mati> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is anguished <ne:n-p51-mati>
<ne:n-p51-mati> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is anguished <ne:n-p51-mati>
<ne:n-p51-mati> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is anguished
FC jc-031297
8. he is anguished
FC jc-031297

0. he was in torment, he was in distress
FC jc-031297

0. useless discussion
1. useless discussion
FC -> jc-72895
2. useless discussion
3. useless discussion
4. useless discussion <ne:n-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<ne:n-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. useless discussion <ne:n-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<ne:n-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. useless discussion <ne:n-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<ne:n-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. useless discussion <ne:n-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<ne:n-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. useless discussion <ne:n-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<ne:n-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
9. useless discussion <ne:n-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<ne:n-dupl-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. useless discussion

FC jc-031297
11. useless discussion
FC jc-031297

0. a woman's act of marriage
FC - > jc-61096
1. a woman's act of marriage
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. a woman's act of marriage
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. a woman's act of marriage
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. there, yonder
FC jc-031297

0. there is pressing together of one another

1. there is pressing together of one another

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is pressing together of one another

3. there is pressing together of one another

4. there is pressing together of one another

FC jc-031297
5. there is pressing together of one another
FC jc-031297

0. a mutual thing

1. a mutual thing
FC -> jc-72895
2. a mutual thing

3. a mutual thing

4. a mutual thing
FC jc-031297
5. a mutual thing
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. en medio ( in the middle )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. in the middle of it, in the midst of it; middle
FC jc-031297
2. in the middle of it, in the midst of it; middle
FC jc-031297

nepantla tonatiuh
0. noon; midday, middle of the day; at midday
<poss-pan-tlah2 to:natiuh>
1. at midday; noon
FC -> jc-72895
2. at midday; noon
FC -> jc-72895
3. noon; midday, middle of the day; at midday
<poss-pan-tlah2 to:natiuh>
4. noon; midday, middle of the day; at midday
<poss-pan-tlah2 to:natiuh>
5. at midday <nepan-tlah2 to:natiuh>
<nepan-tlah2 to:natiuh> FC - > jc-61096
6. at midday <nepan-tlah2 to:natiuh>
<nepan-tlah2 to:natiuh> FC - > jc-61096
7. at midday; noon <nepan-tlah2 to:natiuh>
<nepan-tlah2 to:natiuh> FC - > jc-61096
8. at midday; noon <nepan-tlah2 to:natiuh>
<nepan-tlah2 to:natiuh> FC - > jc-61096
9. noon <poss-pan-tlah2 to:natiuh>
<poss-pan-tlah2 to:natiuh> FC - > jc-61096
10. at midday; noon
FC jc-031297
11. at midday; noon
FC jc-031297

0. massage
FC jc-031297

0. there is washing

1. there is washing
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is washing
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. there is washing

4. there is washing
FC jc-031297
5. there is washing
FC jc-031297

0. different, various; different kinds

1. different, various; different kinds

FC -> jc-72895
2. different, various; different kinds

3. different, various; different kinds

4. different, various; different kinds

FC jc-031297
5. different, various; different kinds
FC jc-031297

0. chastity
1. chastity
FC -> jc-72895
2. chastity
3. chastity
4. chastity <p53-piya-liz>
<p53-piya-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. chastity
FC jc-031297
6. chastity
FC jc-031297

0. cross

0. act of self-destruction
-liz nom Jc-022897
1. act of self-destruction
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. act of self-destruction
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. act of burping
FC - > jc-61096
1. burp, act of burping
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. burp
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. act of burping
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. burp

5. act of burping

0. want

0. there is jostling

1. there is jostling
FC - > jc-61096

0. people wrap themselves in mantles

1. people wrap themselves in mantles

FC -> jc-72895
2. people wrap themselves in mantles

3. people wrap themselves in mantles

4. people wrap themselves in mantles

FC jc-031297
5. people wrap themselves in mantles
FC jc-031297

0. something for clothing one's self

1. something for clothing one's self

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. something for clothing one's self

3. something for clothing one's self

4. something for clothing one's self

FC jc-031297
5. something for clothing one's self
FC jc-031297

0. there was wearing

1. there was wearing

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was wearing

3. there was wearing

4. there was wearing

FC jc-031297
5. there was wearing
FC jc-031297

0. stand up

1. people stand-up
FC - > jc-61096

0. pulque ( pulque )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. to want
FC - > jc-61096

nequi ( itech mo- )

0. esta' obligado ( he is required )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

nequi ( mo- )
0. es necesario ( it is necessary )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. se quiere ( it is wanted )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. se quiere ( it is wanted; it is required )

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. se quiere; se necesita ( it is wanted; it is needed )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
4. es necesario ( it is necessary )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
5. se quiere ( it is wanted )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. se quiere ( it is wanted; it is required )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. se quiere; se necesita ( it is wanted; it is needed )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

nequi ( nic- )
0. lo quiero ( I want it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

nequi ( qui- )
0. lo quiere ( he wants it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

nequi ( tic- )
0. lo quieres ( you want it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

nequi quitenectia
0. he makes it desirable to others

nequia ( oqui- )
0. lo queri'a ( he wanted it; he was wanting it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. lo queri'a ( he was wanting it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. lo queri'a ( he wanted it; he was wanting it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. lo queri'a ( he was wanting it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

nequih ( qui- )
0. lo quieren ( they want it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

nequiltih ( oquimo- )
0. lo quiso [ H ] ( he wanted it [ H ] )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

nequiz ( mo- )
0. se va a querer ( it will be wanted; it will be needed )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. se va a querer ( it will be wanted; it will be needed
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

nequiz ( tic- )
0. lo vas a querer ( you will want it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. act of scratching one's self
FC - > jc-61096
1. act of scratching one's self
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. act of scratching one's self
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. act of scratching one's self
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he is made a father
1. he is made a father
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is made a father
3. he is made a father
4. he is made a father <p53-tahtli-v01a-;
<p53-tahtli-v01a--> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is made a father <p53-tahtli-v01a-;
<p53-tahtli-v01a--> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is made a father
FC jc-031297
7. he is made a father
FC jc-031297

nete( n )huitequiliztli
0. act of shouting
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
1. act of shouting
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. act of shouting
FC - > jc-61096
1. act of shouting
-liz nom Jc-022897

0. napkin
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. napkin
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. napkin
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. there is stretching out, there is lying down
1. there is stretching out, there is lying down
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is stretching out, there is lying down
3. there is stretching out, there is lying down
4. there is stretching out, there is lying down
<p53-te:ca-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is stretching out, there is lying down
<p53-te:ca-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is stretching out, there is lying down
FC jc-031297
7. there is stretching out, there is lying down
FC jc-031297

0. un se va a ban~ar ( one is going to bathe )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. uno se ban~ara' ( one will bathe )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. un se va a ban~ar ( one is going to bathe )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. uno se ban~ara' ( one will bathe )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. there was the striking of the hand against the mouth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. there was the striking of the hand against the mouth

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was the striking of the hand against the mouth
3. there was the striking of the hand against the mouth
4. there was the striking of the hand against the mouth
<p53-te:ntli-hui:tequi-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was the striking of the hand against the mouth
<p53-te:ntli-hui:tequi-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was the striking of the hand against the mouth
<p53-te:ntli-hui:tequi-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was the striking of the hand against the mouth
<p53-te:ntli-hui:tequi-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. there was the striking of the hand against the mouth
FC jc-031297
9. there was the striking of the hand against the mouth
FC jc-031297

0. he was worshipped
FC jc-031297

0. fall from a crag

1. fall from a crag

FC - > jc-61096
2. there is falling from a crag
Imp Verb jc-022897
3. there is falling from a crag
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
4. there is falling from a crag
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
5. there is falling from a crag
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. there is falling from a crag
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. there is stumbling, people stumble
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. there is stumbling, people stumble

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is stumbling, people stumble

3. there is stumbling, people stumble

4. there is stumbling, people stumble

FC jc-031297
5. there is stumbling, people stumble
FC jc-031297

0. cut, wound

1. cut, wound
FC -> jc-72895
2. cut, wound

3. cut, wound

4. cut, wound
FC jc-031297
5. cut, wound
FC jc-031297

0. torment, affliction

1. torment, affliction
FC -> jc-72895
2. torment, affliction

3. torment, affliction

4. torment, affliction
FC jc-031297
5. torment, affliction
FC jc-031297

0. chair
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. chair
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. chair
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. place where they sit down
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. place where they sit down
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. place where they sit down
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. people sit-down
FC - > jc-61096

0. hiding place
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. hiding place
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. hiding place
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. ailment
FC jc-031297

0. there is sitting down
1. there is sitting down
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is sitting down
3. there is sitting down
4. there is sitting down <p53-tla:lia-lo:2>
<p53-tla:lia-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is sitting down
FC jc-031297
6. there is sitting down
FC jc-031297

0. act of running
FC - > jc-61096
1. act of running
-liz nom Jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. act of running
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. act of running
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. running

1. running
FC -> jc-72895
2. running

3. running

4. running
FC jc-031297
5. running
FC jc-031297

0. there is flight, there is running

1. there is flight, there is running

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is flight, there is running

3. there is flight, there is running

4. there is flight, people flee; there is running

FC jc-031297
5. there is flight, people flee; there is running
FC jc-031297

0. there was flight, there was running

1. there was flight, there was running

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was flight, there was running

3. there was flight, there was running

4. there was flight, there was running

FC jc-031297
5. there was flight, there was running
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. tlacatle totecue: totonque, iamanque, tzopelique, ahuiaque,
necuiltonolle, netlamachtille: manozo xicmocnoittili, ma
xicmotlaocolili, ca momacehualtzin: "o master, o our lord,
o master of the necessities of life, who hast sweetness,
fragrance, riches, wealth: show mercy, have compassion for
thy common folk <p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1-eh1 (b6 f1
c2 p8)
1. tlacatle totecue: totonque, iamanque, tzopelique, ahuiaque,
necuiltonolle, netlamachtille: manozo xicmocnoittili, ma
xicmotlaocolili, ca momacehualtzin: "o master, o our lord,
o master of the necessities of life, who hast sweetness,
fragrance, riches, wealth: show mercy, have compassion for
thy common folk
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1-eh1> (b6 f1 c2 p8) JC-7/23/96

0. ca in aquin paqui, motlamachtia, in quitta in quimahuizoa
in itzopelica, in iahuiyaca in toteucyo, in necuiltonolli,
in netlamachtilli: inic tzonquiza huei netoliniliztli: for
he who rejoiced, who possessed riches, who sought, who
esteemed our lord's sweetness, his fragrance - richness,
prosperity -thus ended in great misery
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1 (b2 f3 c24 p71), 2 ca iuh
mitoa, ayac quitlamitiuh in tlalticpac, paquiliztli,
necuiltonolli, netlamachtilli indeed it was said: "no one
on earth went exhausting happiness, riches, wealth
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1 (b2 f3 c24 p71), 3 ihuan
huel quimocuitia, in ca yehuatl, quitemaca in
necuiltonoliztli, in necehuiliztli: ihuan in
neyollaliliztli, ihuan in papaquiliztli: ca yehuatl
quitemaca in ixquich in netlamachtilli and they indeed
acknowledged that it was he who gave one riches, repose,
and consolation, and happiness; for he gave one all wealth
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1 (b6 f1 c2 p7), 4 ma tlapohui
in necuiltonolli, in netlamachtilli may the wealth, the
riches be opened up <p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1 (b6 f4
c8 p39), 5 auh in ihcuac cualli: ihcuac intla aca cenca
mahuiztililoni, motlamachtiani, in mochipa quipia in
netlamachtilli in necuiltonolli: manozo in tlatocayotl in
nican tlalticpac: mitoaya oacic in imiyahuayocan, in
ixiloyocan: cenca mahuiztililo yectenehualo: and as for
the time when it is good: at a time if someone is very
estimable, wealthy -- who always watches his wealth, his
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

riches, or his rulership here on earth, it was said: "he

hath reached his season of the green maize ear, of his
maize tassel; he is much esteemed, he is praised"
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1 (b6 f19 c41 p235)
1. prosperity; riches
FC -> jc-72895
2. riches
3. ca in aquin paqui, motlamachtia, in quitta in quimahuizoa
in itzopelica, in iahuiyaca in toteucyo, in necuiltonolli,
in netlamachtilli: inic tzonquiza huei netoliniliztli: for
he who rejoiced, who possessed riches, who sought, who
esteemed our lord's sweetness, his fragrance - richness,
prosperity -thus ended in great misery
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1 (b2 f3 c24 p71), 2 ca iuh
mitoa, ayac quitlamitiuh in tlalticpac, paquiliztli,
necuiltonolli, netlamachtilli indeed it was said: "no one
on earth went exhausting happiness, riches, wealth
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1 (b2 f3 c24 p71), 3 ihuan
huel quimocuitia, in ca yehuatl, quitemaca in
necuiltonoliztli, in necehuiliztli: ihuan in
neyollaliliztli, ihuan in papaquiliztli: ca yehuatl
quitemaca in ixquich in netlamachtilli and they indeed
acknowledged that it was he who gave one riches, repose,
and consolation, and happiness; for he gave one all wealth
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1 (b6 f1 c2 p7), 4 ma tlapohui
in necuiltonolli, in netlamachtilli may the wealth, the
riches be opened up <p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1 (b6 f4
c8 p39), 5 auh in ihcuac cualli: ihcuac intla aca cenca
mahuiztililoni, motlamachtiani, in mochipa quipia in
netlamachtilli in necuiltonolli: manozo in tlatocayotl in
nican tlalticpac: mitoaya oacic in imiyahuayocan, in
ixiloyocan: cenca mahuiztililo yectenehualo: and as for
the time when it is good: at a time if someone is very
estimable, wealthy -- who always watches his wealth, his
riches, or his rulership here on earth, it was said: "he
hath reached his season of the green maize ear, of his
maize tassel; he is much esteemed, he is praised"
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1 (b6 f19 c41 p235)
4. riches
5. riches <p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1>
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. riches <p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1> FC - > jc-61096

7. riches <p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1>
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. riches <p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1>
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1> FC - > jc-61096
9. ca in aquin paqui, motlamachtia, in quitta in quimahuizoa
in itzopelica, in iahuiyaca in toteucyo, in necuiltonolli,
in netlamachtilli: inic tzonquiza huei netoliniliztli: for
he who rejoiced, who possessed riches, who sought, who
esteemed our lord's sweetness, his fragrance -richness,
prosperity -thus ended in great misery
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1> (b2 f3 c24 p71) JC-7/23/96
10. ca iuh mitoa, ayac quitlamitiuh in tlalticpac, paquiliztli,
necuiltonolli, netlamachtilli indeed it was said: "no one
on earth went exhausting happiness, riches, wealth
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1> (b2 f3 c24 p71) JC-7/23/96
11. ihuan huel quimocuitia, in ca yehuatl, quitemaca in
necuiltonoliztli, in necehuiliztli: ihuan in
neyollaliliztli, ihuan in papaquiliztli: ca yehuatl
quitemaca in ixquich in netlamachtilli and they indeed
acknowledged that it was he who gave one riches, repose,
and consolation, and happiness; for he gave one all wealth
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1> (b6 f1 c2 p7) JC-7/23/96
12. ma tlapohui in necuiltonolli, in netlamachtilli may the
wealth, the riches be opened up
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1> (b6 f4 c8 p39) JC-7/23/96
13. auh in ihcuac cualli: ihcuac intla aca cenca
mahuiztililoni, motlamachtiani, in mochipa quipia in
netlamachtilli in necuiltonolli: manozo in tlatocayotl in
nican tlalticpac: mitoaya oacic in imiyahuayocan, in
ixiloyocan: cenca mahuiztililo yectenehualo: and as for
the time when it is good: at a time if someone is very
estimable, wealthy----who always watches his wealth, his
riches, or his rulership here on earth, it was said: "he
hath reached his season of the green maize ear, of his
maize tassel; he is much esteemed, he is praised"
<p53-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1> (b6 f19 c41 p235) JC-7/23/96
14. prosperity; riches
FC jc-031297
15. prosperity; riches
FC jc-031297

0. land of riches

1. land of riches
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. land of riches

3. land of riches

4. land of riches
FC jc-031297
5. land of riches
FC jc-031297

0. ca nel tonatiuh ichan in nemi, ca necuiltonoltitlan,
netlamachtiltitlan for verily he liveth in the house of
the sun, which is a place of wealth, a place of joy
<p54-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1-ti1-tlan (b6 f10 c21 p114)
1. ca nel tonatiuh ichan in nemi, ca necuiltonoltitlan,
netlamachtiltitlan for verily he liveth in the house of
the sun, which is a place of wealth, a place of joy
<p54-tlahmachtli-v04-caus08-l1-ti1-tlan> (b6 f10 c21 p114) JC-7/23/96

0. there was carrying on their backs
FC - > jc-61096

0. toothbrush
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. toothbrush
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. toothbrush
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. garter
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. garter
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. garter
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. there will be tooth cleaning, people will clean their teeth

1. there will be tooth cleaning, people will clean their teeth

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. there will be tooth cleaning, people will clean their teeth

3. there will be tooth cleaning, people will clean their teeth

4. there will be tooth cleaning, people will clean their teeth

FC jc-031297
5. there will be tooth cleaning, people will clean their teeth
FC jc-031297

0. brothel
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. brothel
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. brothel
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. toothpick
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. toothpick
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. toothpick
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. there is dressing, people clothe themselves

1. there is dressing, people clothe themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is dressing, people clothe themselves

3. there is dressing, people clothe themselves

4. there is dressing, people clothe themselves

FC jc-031297
5. there is dressing, people clothe themselves
FC jc-031297

0. confusion; folly

1. confusion; folly
FC -> jc-72895
2. confusion; folly
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. confusion; folly

4. confusion; folly
FC jc-031297
5. confusion; folly
FC jc-031297

0. there was the seating of each one
1. there was the seating of each one
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was the seating of each one
3. there was the seating of each one
4. there was the seating of each one <p53-dupl-tla:lia-lo:2>
<p53-dupl-tla:lia-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was the seating of each one <p53-dupl-tla:lia-lo:2>
<p53-dupl-tla:lia-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was the seating of each one <p53-dupl-tla:lia-lo:2>
<p53-dupl-tla:lia-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was the seating of each one
FC jc-031297
8. there was the seating of each one
FC jc-031297

0. there is flight, there is running; there is running on the
part of each one

1. there is flight, there is running; there is running on the

part of each one
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is flight, there is running; there is running on the
part of each one

3. there is flight, there is running; there is running on the

part of each one

4. there is flight, there is running; there is running on the

part of each one
FC jc-031297
5. there is flight, there is running; there is running on the
part of each one
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. profession

1. profession
FC -> jc-72895
2. profession

3. profession

4. profession
FC jc-031297
5. profession
FC jc-031297

0. self-esteem

1. self-esteem
FC -> jc-72895
2. self-esteem

3. self-esteem

4. self-esteem
FC jc-031297
5. self-esteem
FC jc-031297

0. those who have a vow
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. place of poverty and misery
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. place of poverty and misery
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. place of poverty and misery
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. poverty, misery, suffering
1. poverty, misery; affliction; suffering
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. poverty, misery, suffering

3. poverty, misery, suffering
4. poverty, misery, suffering <p53-tolinia-liz>
<p53-tolinia-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. poverty, misery <p53-toli:nia-liz>
<p53-toli:nia-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. poverty, misery; affliction <p53-toli:nia:-liz>
<p53-toli:nia:-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. poverty, misery; affliction; suffering
FC jc-031297
8. poverty, misery; affliction; suffering
FC jc-031297

0. place of misery
1. place of misery
FC -> jc-72895
2. place of misery
3. place of misery
4. place of misery <p53-toli:nia:-lo:2-ya:n>
<p53-toli:nia:-lo:2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. place of misery <p53-toli:nia:-lo:2-ya:n>
<p53-toli:nia:-lo:2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. place of misery <p53-toli:nia:-lo:2-ya:n>
<p53-toli:nia:-lo:2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. place of misery
FC jc-031297
8. place of misery
FC jc-031297

0. auh inic aquilo piltontli in teopan, in ihcuac netoltilo:
ilhuitl quiza, and for the baby to be introduced into the
temple when it was promised, a feast day was celebrated;
<p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-lo:1 (b6 f17 c39 p209)
1. auh inic aquilo piltontli in teopan, in ihcuac netoltilo:
ilhuitl quiza, and for the baby to be introduced into the
temple when it was promised, a feast day was celebrated;
<p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-lo:1> (b6 f17 c39 p209) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. there is fasting for the sun

1. there is fasting for the sun

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is fasting for the sun

3. there is fasting for the sun

4. there is fasting for the sun

FC jc-031297
5. there is fasting for the sun
FC jc-031297

0. dance, dancing
1. dance, dancing
FC -> jc-72895
2. dance, dancing
3. dance, dancing
4. dance, dancing <p53-ihto:tia:-liz>
<p53-ihto:tia:-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. dance, dancing
FC jc-031297
6. dance, dancing
FC jc-031297

0. there is dancing, people dance
1. there is dancing; people dance
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is dancing, people dance
3. there is dancing, people dance
4. there is dancing, people dance <p53-ihto:tia:-lo:2>
<p53-ihto:tia:-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is dancing, people dance <p53-ihto:tia:-lo:2>
<p53-ihto:tia:-lo:2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is dancing; people dance
FC jc-031297
7. there is dancing; people dance
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. there was dancing
1. there was dancing
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was dancing
3. there was dancing
4. there was dancing <p53-ihto:tia:-lo:2-ya3>
<p53-ihto:tia:-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was dancing <p53-ihto:tia:-lo:2-ya3>
<p53-ihto:tia:-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was dancing <p53-ihto:tia:-lo:2-ya3>
<p53-ihto:tia:-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was dancing; people danced
FC jc-031297
8. there was dancing; people danced
FC jc-031297

0. place for dancing
FC jc-031297

0. there will be dancing, people are to dance
1. there will be dancing, people are to dance
FC -> jc-72895
2. there will be dancing, people are to dance
3. there will be dancing, people are to dance
4. there will be dancing, people are to dance
<p53-ihto:tia:-lo:2-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. there will be dancing, people are to dance
<p53-ihto:tia:-lo:2-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. there will be dancing, people are to dance
FC jc-031297
7. there will be dancing, people are to dance
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. mirror

1. mirror
FC -> jc-72895
2. mirror

3. mirror

4. mirror
FC jc-031297
5. mirror
FC jc-031297

0. there is shouting at each other

1. there is shouting at each other

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is shouting at each other

3. there is shouting at each other

4. there is shouting at each other

FC jc-031297
5. there is shouting at each other
FC jc-031297

0. brothel
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. brothel
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. brothel
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. brothel
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. brothel
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. brothel
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. brothel
JC-05-07-97 -yan Locative Nouns
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. nasal mucus

1. nasal mucus
FC -> jc-72895
2. nasal mucus

3. nasal mucus

4. nasal mucus
FC jc-031297
5. nasal mucus
FC jc-031297

0. maguey syrup seller
1. maguey syrup seller
FC -> jc-72895
2. maguey syrup seller
3. maguey syrup seller
4. maguey syrup seller <neuctli-namaca-qui2>
<neuctli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
5. maguey syrup seller <neuctli-namaca-qui2>
<neuctli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
6. maguey syrup seller <neuctli-namaca-qui2>
<neuctli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
7. maguey syrup seller <neuctli-namaca-qui2>
<neuctli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
8. maguey syrup seller <neuctli-namaca-qui2>
<neuctli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
9. maguey syrup seller
FC jc-031297
10. maguey syrup seller
FC jc-031297
11. maguey syrup seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. tamal made with honey
1. tamal made with honey
FC -> jc-72895
2. tamal made with honey
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. tamal made with honey
4. tamal made with honey <neuctli-tamalli>
<neuctli-tamalli> FC - > jc-61096
5. tamal made with honey <neuctli-tamalli>
<neuctli-tamalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. tamal made with honey <neuctli-tamalli>
<neuctli-tamalli> FC - > jc-61096
7. tamal made with honey
FC jc-031297
8. tamal made with honey
FC jc-031297

0. thick syrup
1. thick syrup
FC -> jc-72895
2. thick syrup
3. thick syrup
4. thick syrup <neuctli-tetza:hua-c1>
<neuctli-tetza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. thick syrup <neuctli-tetza:hua-c1>
<neuctli-tetza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. thick syrup <neuctli-tetza:hua-c1>
<neuctli-tetza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. thick syrup <neuctli-tetza:hua-c1>
<neuctli-tetza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. thick syrup
FC jc-031297
9. thick syrup
FC jc-031297

0. honeyed, sweet; syrupy
1. honey-like; honeyed; sweet; syrupy; like honey
FC -> jc-72895
2. honeyed, sweet; syrupy
3. honeyed, sweet; syrupy
4. honeyed, sweet; syrupy <neuctli-tic>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<neuctli-tic> FC - > jc-61096

5. honey-like; honeyed; sweet; syrupy; like honey <neuctli-tic>
<neuctli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. honey-like; honeyed; sweet; syrupy; like honey <neuctli-tic>
<neuctli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. sweet
Adj Form jc-022897
8. honey-like; honeyed; sweet; syrupy; like honey
FC jc-031297
9. honey-like; honeyed; sweet; syrupy; like honey
FC jc-031297
10. sweet
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
11. sweetened
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
12. sugary

13. honeyed

14. candy-coated

15. syrupy

16. luscious

17. saccharine

18. sweet

0. sweet; with honey; by means of honey
1. sweet; with honey; by means of honey
FC -> jc-72895
2. sweet; with honey; by means of honey
3. sweet; with honey; by means of honey
4. sweet; with honey; by means of honey <neuctli-ti1-ca2>
<neuctli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. sweet; with honey; by means of honey <neuctli-ti1-ca2>
<neuctli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. sweet; with honey; by means of honey
FC jc-031297
7. sweet; with honey; by means of honey
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. in honey

1. in honey
FC -> jc-72895
2. in honey

3. in honey

4. in honey
FC jc-031297
5. in honey
FC jc-031297

0. in cualli neucnamacac: in iuhqui neuctli, zan iuhqui
quinamaca in cuauhneuctli, in neuctlatlatilli, in
neuctetzahuac, iztac neuctli, tliltic neuctli the good
syrup seller sells what [is] like honey, just like wild bee
honey, syrup the color of boiled honey, thick syrup, white
syrup, dark maguey syrup <neuctli-tla5-v04-caus08-l1 (b10
f4 c20 p74)
1. in cualli neucnamacac: in iuhqui neuctli, zan iuhqui
quinamaca in cuauhneuctli, in neuctlatlatilli, in
neuctetzahuac, iztac neuctli, tliltic neuctli the good
syrup seller sells what [is] like honey, just like wild bee
honey, syrup the color of boiled honey, thick syrup, white
syrup, dark maguey syrup
<neuctli-tla5-v04-caus08-l1> (b10 f4 c20 p74) JC-7/23/96

0. tortilla made with honey
1. tortilla made with honey
FC -> jc-72895
2. tortilla made with honey
3. tortilla made with honey
4. tortilla made with honey <neuctli-p51-ixca-l1>
<neuctli-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. tortilla made with honey <neuctli-p51-ixca-l1>
<neuctli-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. tortilla made with honey <neuctli-p51-ixca-l1>

<neuctli-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. tortilla made with honey <neuctli-p51-ixca-l1>
<neuctli-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. tortilla made with honey
FC jc-031297
9. tortilla made with honey
FC jc-031297

0. nectar, honey
1. honey; maguey syrup; nectar; syrup
FC -> jc-72895
2. honey; maguey syrup; nectar; syrup
3. nectar, honey
4. honey; maguey syrup; nectar; syrup
5. honey
FC - > jc-61096
6. honey
FC - > jc-61096
7. maguey syrup <neuc>
<neuc> FC - > jc-61096
8. maguey syrup <neuc>
<neuc> FC - > jc-61096
9. honey; maguey syrup; nectar; syrup
FC jc-031297
10. honey; maguey syrup; nectar; syrup
FC jc-031297

0. very sweet

1. very sweet
FC -> jc-72895
2. very sweet

3. very sweet

4. very sweet
FC jc-031297
5. very sweet
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. very sweet
1. very honey-like; very sweet
FC -> jc-72895
2. very sweet
3. very sweet
4. very sweet <neuctli-tzo?-pah4-tic>
<neuctli-tzo?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very sweet <neuctli-tzo?-pah4-tic>
<neuctli-tzo?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very sweet <neuctli-tzo?-pah4-tic>
<neuctli-tzo?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very honey-like; very sweet
FC jc-031297
8. very honey-like; very sweet
FC jc-031297

0. very sweet

1. very sweet
FC -> jc-72895
2. very sweet

3. very sweet

4. very sweet
FC jc-031297
5. very sweet
FC jc-031297

0. honeyed, honey-like
1. honeyed, honey-like; maguey syrup
FC -> jc-72895
2. honeyed, honey-like
3. honeyed, honey-like
4. honeyed, honey-like <neuctli-yo:tl1>
<neuctli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. honeyed, honey-like; maguey syrup <neuctli-yo:tl1>

<neuctli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. honeyed, honey-like; maguey syrup <neuctli-yo:tl1>
<neuctli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. honeyed, honey-like; maguey syrup; sweetened; having honey
FC jc-031297
8. honeyed, honey-like; maguey syrup; sweetened; having honey
FC jc-031297

0. pulque ( pulque )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. dinero del pulque ( pulque money )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. lye

1. lye
FC - > jc-61096
2. lye
FC - > jc-61096

0. ashen and scant

1. ashen and scant

FC -> jc-72895
2. ashen and scant

3. ashen and scant

4. ashen and scant

FC jc-031297
5. ashen and scant
FC jc-031297

0. having a taste like ashes; tasting of ashes; tasting of lime

1. having a taste like ashes; tasting of ashes; tasting of lime

FC -> jc-72895
2. having a taste like ashes; tasting of ashes; tasting of lime
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. having a taste like ashes; tasting of ashes; tasting of lime

4. having a taste like ashes; tasting of ashes; tasting of lime

FC jc-031297
5. having a taste like ashes; tasting of ashes; tasting of lime
FC jc-031297

0. coyotes ( coyotes )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. lobos ( wolves )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. coyotes ( coyotes )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. lobos ( wolves )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. ashen, ash-colored
1. ashen, ash-colored
FC -> jc-72895
2. ashen, ash-colored
3. ashen, ash-colored
4. ashen, ash-colored <nextli-e:hua-tic>
<nextli-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. ashen, ash-colored <nextli-e:hua-tic>
<nextli-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. ashen, ash-colored <nextli-e:hua-tic>
<nextli-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. ashen, ash-colored <nextli-e:hua-tic>
<nextli-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. dark, ash-colored
Adj Form jc-022897
9. ashen, ash-colored
FC jc-031297
10. ashen, ash-colored
FC jc-031297
11. dark
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
12. ash-colored
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
13. ltic
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

14. black

15. dark

16. raven

17. ebony

18. coal-black

19. jet-black

20. inky

21. ebon

22. sable

23. sooty

24. dark

25. ash-colored

0. ashen, ash-colored; it becomes ashen
1. ashen, ash-colored
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes ashen
FC -> jc-72895
3. ashen, ash-colored; it becomes ashen
4. ashen, ash-colored; it becomes ashen
5. ashen, ash-colored; it becomes ashen <nextli-e:hua>
<nextli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. ashen, ash-colored; it becomes ashen <nextli-e:hua>
<nextli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. ashen, ash-colored; it becomes ashen <nextli-e:hua>
<nextli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
8. ashen, ash-colored; it becomes ashen <nextli-e:hua>
<nextli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
9. ashen, ash-colored
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. it becomes ashen

FC jc-031297
11. ashen, ash-colored
FC jc-031297
12. it becomes ashen
FC jc-031297

0. ash-colored, gray; ashen; grey
1. ash-colored; gray; ashen; grey
FC -> jc-72895
2. ash-colored, gray; ashen; grey
3. ash-colored, gray; ashen; grey
4. ash-colored, gray; ashen <nextli-e:hua-c1>
<nextli-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. ash-colored, gray; ashen; grey <nextli-e:hua-c1>
<nextli-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. ash-colored, gray; ashen; grey <nextli-e:hua-c1>
<nextli-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. ash-colored, gray; ashen; grey <nextli-e:hua-c1>
<nextli-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. ash-colored, gray; ashen; grey <nextli-e:hua-c1>
<nextli-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
9. ash-colored; gray; ashen; grey
FC jc-031297
10. ash-colored; gray; ashen; grey
FC jc-031297

0. chalky-ashen
1. chalky-ashen
FC -> jc-72895
2. chalky-ashen
3. chalky-ashen
4. chalky-ashen <nextli-e:hua-ca:5-ti:zatl?-e:hua-tic>
<nextli-e:hua-ca:5-ti:zatl?-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. chalky-ashen <nextli-e:hua-ca:5-ti:zatl?-e:hua-tic>
<nextli-e:hua-ca:5-ti:zatl?-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. chalky-ashen <nextli-e:hua-ca:5-ti:zatl?-e:hua-tic>
<nextli-e:hua-ca:5-ti:zatl?-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. chalky-ashen <nextli-e:hua-ca:5-ti:zatl?-e:hua-tic>
<nextli-e:hua-ca:5-ti:zatl?-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. chalky-ashen <nextli-e:hua-ca:5-ti:zatl?-e:hua-tic>
<nextli-e:hua-ca:5-ti:zatl?-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. chalky-ashen
FC jc-031297
10. chalky-ashen
FC jc-031297

0. ashen

1. ashen
FC -> jc-72895
2. ashen

3. ashen

4. ashen
FC jc-031297
5. ashen
FC jc-031297

0. gray amaranth seed
1. gray amaranth seed
FC -> jc-72895
2. gray amaranth seed
3. gray amaranth seed
4. gray amaranth seed <nextli-hua:uhtli>
<nextli-hua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. gray amaranth seed <nextli-hua:uhtli>
<nextli-hua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. gray amaranth seed <nextli-hua:uhtli>
<nextli-hua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. gray amaranth seed <nextli-hua:uhtli>
<nextli-hua:uhtli> FC - > jc-61096
8. gray amaranth seed
FC jc-031297
9. gray amaranth seed
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. there is shaving

1. there is shaving
FC - > jc-61096
2. there is shaving
Imp Verb jc-022897
3. there is shaving
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
4. there is shaving
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
5. there is shaving
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. there is shaving
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. shaving razor
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. shaving razor
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. shaving razor
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. obsidian razor; razor
FC -> jc-72895
1. obsidian razor; razor
FC jc-031297
2. obsidian razor; razor
FC jc-031297

0. act of trimming hair; obsidian razor; razor
1. act of trimming hair
FC -> jc-72895
2. act of trimming hair; obsidian razor; razor
3. act of trimming hair; obsidian razor; razor
4. act of shaving one's self
FC - > jc-61096
5. act of trimming hair <p53-xi:ma-liz>
<p53-xi:ma-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. act of shaving one's self
-liz nom Jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. act of trimming hair

FC jc-031297
8. act of trimming hair
FC jc-031297
9. act of shaving one's self
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
10. act of shaving one's self
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. razor

1. razor
FC -> jc-72895
2. razor

3. razor

4. razor
FC jc-031297
5. razor
FC jc-031297

0. there is flower fasting

1. there is flower fasting

FC -> jc-72895
2. there is flower fasting

3. there is flower fasting

4. there is flower fasting

FC jc-031297
5. there is flower fasting
FC jc-031297

0. burn

1. burn
FC -> jc-72895
2. burn

3. burn
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. burn
FC jc-031297
5. burn
FC jc-031297

0. in ashes

1. in ashes
FC -> jc-72895
2. in ashes

3. in ashes

4. in ashes
FC jc-031297
5. in ashes
FC jc-031297

0. ashes are scattered

1. ashes are scattered

FC -> jc-72895
2. ashes are scattered

3. ashes are scattered

4. ashes are scattered

FC jc-031297
5. ashes are scattered
FC jc-031297

0. like doughy excrement
FC jc-031297

0. ashen
1. ashen; ash-colored; gray
FC -> jc-72895
2. ashen
3. ashen
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. ashen, gray; ash-colored <nextli-tic>

<nextli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. ashen, gray; ash-colored <nextli-tic>
<nextli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. ashen <nextic-tic>
<nextic-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. ashen <nextic-tic>
<nextic-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. ashen <nextli-tic>
<nextli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. dark, ash-colored
Adj Form jc-022897
10. ashen; ash-colored; gray
FC jc-031297
11. ashen; ash-colored; gray
FC jc-031297
12. dark
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
13. ash-colored
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
14. unlit

15. dirty

16. black

17. caliginous

18. Cimmerian

19. dun

20. dim

21. dusk

22. dusky

23. dark

24. ash-colored

0. ashen
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. ashen
FC -> jc-72895
2. ashen

3. ashen

4. ashen
FC jc-031297
5. ashen
FC jc-031297

0. in the ashes

1. in the ashes
FC -> jc-72895
2. in the ashes

3. in the ashes

4. in the ashes
FC jc-031297
5. in the ashes
FC jc-031297

0. debt payment; debt-payment

1. debt payment; debt-payment

FC -> jc-72895
2. debt payment; debt-payment

3. debt payment; debt-payment

4. debt payment; debt-payment

FC jc-031297
5. debt payment; debt-payment
FC jc-031297

0. offering

1. offering
FC -> jc-72895
2. offering
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. offering

4. offering
FC jc-031297
5. offering
FC jc-031297

0. there was paying of the debt

1. there was paying of the debt

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was paying of the debt

3. there was paying of the debt

4. there was paying of the debt

FC jc-031297
5. there was paying of the debt
FC jc-031297

0. ashen land
1. ashen land; ashen soil
FC -> jc-72895
2. ashen land
3. ashen land
4. ashen land <nextli-tla:lli>
<nextli-tla:lli> FC - > jc-61096
5. ashen land; ashen soil <nextli-tla:lli>
<nextli-tla:lli> FC - > jc-61096
6. ashen land; ashen soil <nextli-tla:lli>
<nextli-tla:lli> FC - > jc-61096
7. ashen land; ashen soil
FC jc-031297
8. ashen land; ashen soil
FC jc-031297

0. ashen mound

1. ashen mound
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. ashen mound

3. ashen mound

4. ashen mound
FC jc-031297
5. ashen mound
FC jc-031297

0. embers

1. embers
FC - > jc-61096
2. embers
FC - > jc-61096

0. embers
FC - > jc-61096

0. ash
1. ash; ashes
FC -> jc-72895
2. ash; ashes
3. ash
4. ash; ashes
5. ash
FC - > jc-61096
6. ash
FC - > jc-61096
7. ash <nextli>
<nextli> FC - > jc-61096
8. ash <nextli>
<nextli> FC - > jc-61096
9. lime
FC - > jc-61096
10. ash; ashes
FC jc-031297
11. ash
Noun jc-030797
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

12. ash; ashes

FC jc-031297
13. ash
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
14. ash
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

nextli (ash)quinexhuiz
0. he will put ashes on it

0. rather ashen
1. rather ashen
FC -> jc-72895
2. rather ashen
3. rather ashen
4. rather ashen <nextli-to:n>
<nextli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. rather ashen <nextli-to:n>
<nextli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. rather ashen <nextli-to:n>
<nextli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. rather ashen
FC jc-031297
8. rather ashen
FC jc-031297

0. ashen; dark ashen
1. ashen; dark ashen
FC -> jc-72895
2. ashen; dark ashen
3. ashen; dark ashen
4. ashen <nextli-dupl-yahuitl-tic>
<nextli-dupl-yahuitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. ashen <nextli-dupl-yahuitl-tic>
<nextli-dupl-yahuitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. ashen <nextli-dupl-yahuitl-tic>
<nextli-dupl-yahuitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. ashen <nextli-dupl-yahuitl-tic>
<nextli-dupl-yahuitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. ashen <nextli-dupl-yahuitl-tic>
<nextli-dupl-yahuitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. ashen; dark ashen
FC jc-031297
10. ashen; dark ashen
FC jc-031297

0. handkerchief
Instr Noun jc-022897
1. handkerchief
JC-05-07-97 Instrumental Nouns
2. handkerchief
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. the act of confession
FC - > jc-61096
1. confession
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. confession
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. confession
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. act of meditation
FC - > jc-61096
1. meditation
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. meditation
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. meditation
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. confession

1. confession
FC -> jc-72895
2. confession

3. confession
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. confession
FC jc-031297
5. confession
FC jc-031297

0. he appeared; it appeared
1. he appeared; it appeared
FC -> jc-72895
2. he appeared; it appeared
3. he appeared; it appeared
4. he appeared; it appeared <ne:ci-prt1>
<ne:ci-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he appeared; it appeared <ne:ci-prt1>
<ne:ci-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he appeared; it appeared
FC jc-031297
7. he appeared; it appeared
FC jc-031297

0. fasting cape
1. fasting cape
FC -> jc-72895
2. fasting cape
3. fasting cape
4. fasting cape <p53-zahua1-l1-cua:chtli>
<p53-zahua1-l1-cua:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. fasting cape <p53-zahua1-l1-cua:chtli>
<p53-zahua1-l1-cua:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. fasting cape <p53-zahua1-l1-cua:chtli>
<p53-zahua1-l1-cua:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. fasting cape
FC jc-031297
8. fasting cape
FC jc-031297

0. abstinence, fasting
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. abstinence, fasting
FC -> jc-72895
2. abstinence, fasting
3. abstinence, fasting
4. abstinence, fasting <p53-zahua-liz>
<p53-zahua-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. abstinence, fasting
FC jc-031297
6. abstinence, fasting
FC jc-031297

0. there is fasting
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. there is fasting
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. there is fasting
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. there is fasting
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. there is fasting
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. there was fasting; there was abstaining
1. everyone fasted, there was fasting; there was abstaining
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was fasting; there was abstaining
3. there was fasting; there was abstaining
4. there was fasting; there was abstaining <p53-zahua-lo:2-ya3>
<p53-zahua-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was fasting; there was abstaining <p53-zahua-lo:2-ya3>
<p53-zahua-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was fasting; there was abstaining <p53-zahua-lo:2-ya3>
<p53-zahua-lo:2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. everyone fasted, there was fasting; there was abstaining
FC jc-031297
8. everyone fasted, there was fasting; there was abstaining
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. nezahualiztli=fasting, and quentia=cover with a plaid) ???


0. there was fasting
FC jc-031297

0. school

1. school
FC -> jc-72895
2. school

3. school

4. school
FC jc-031297
5. school
FC jc-031297

0. words of training

1. words of training
FC -> jc-72895
2. words of training

3. words of training

4. words of training
FC jc-031297
5. words of training
FC jc-031297

0. rearing

1. rearing
FC -> jc-72895
2. rearing

3. rearing

4. rearing
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. rearing
FC jc-031297

0. they were trained

1. they were trained

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were trained

3. they were trained

4. they were trained

FC jc-031297
5. they were trained
FC jc-031297

0. there is [ ear ] piercing; there is piercing; bloodletting
FC jc-031297

0. there was drawing of blood

1. there was drawing of blood

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was drawing of blood

3. there was drawing of blood

4. there was drawing of blood

FC jc-031297
5. there was drawing of blood
FC jc-031297

0. vomiting
1. vomiting
FC -> jc-72895
2. vomiting
3. vomiting
4. vomiting <p53-ihzo:tla-liz>
<p53-ihzo:tla-liz> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. vomiting
FC jc-031297
6. vomiting
FC jc-031297

0. there is vomiting

1. there is vomiting
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is vomiting

3. there is vomiting

4. there is vomiting
FC jc-031297
5. there is vomiting
FC jc-031297

0. there will be vomiting, there is to be vomiting
1. there will be vomiting, there is to be vomiting
FC -> jc-72895
2. there will be vomiting, there is to be vomiting
3. there will be vomiting, there is to be vomiting
4. there will be vomiting, there is to be vomiting
<p53-ihzo:tla-lo:2-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. there will be vomiting, there is to be vomiting
<p53-ihzo:tla-lo:2-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. there will be vomiting, there is to be vomiting
FC jc-031297
7. there will be vomiting, there is to be vomiting
FC jc-031297

0. it appeared
1. it appeared
FC -> jc-72895
2. it appeared
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it appeared
4. it appeared <ne:ci-prt2-plur01>
<ne:ci-prt2-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. it appeared <ne:ci-prt2-plur01>
<ne:ci-prt2-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. it appeared
FC jc-031297
7. it appeared
FC jc-031297

0. to be someone's servant

1. to be someone's servant
FC - > jc-61096

0. to tell jokes or witticisms

1. to tell jokes or witticisms

FC - > jc-61096

0. to sound good

1. to sound good
FC - > jc-61096

0. to be a glutton

1. to be a glutton
FC - > jc-61096

0. to get covered with excrement

1. to get covered with excrement

FC - > jc-61096

0. to become old

1. to become old
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to be esteemed

1. to be esteemed
FC - > jc-61096

0. to have one's hands covered with filth and sweat

1. to have one's hands covered with filth and sweat

FC - > jc-61096

0. for a man to become an animal

1. for a man to become an animal

FC - > jc-61096

0. to become mute
FC - > jc-61096

0. become mute

0. for a merchant to practise his trade

1. for a merchant to practise his trade

FC - > jc-61096

0. to make tamales

1. to make tamales
FC - > jc-61096

0. to become young
FC - > jc-61096

0. become young
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to become covered with dust

1. to become covered with dust

FC - > jc-61096

0. to be a doctor

1. to be a doctor
FC - > jc-61096

0. to be born
FC - > jc-61096

0. be born

0. to have a banquet in honor of my wedding

1. to have a banquet in honor of my wedding

FC - > jc-61096

0. to confer

1. to confer
FC - > jc-61096

0. to become covered with trash

1. to become covered with trash

FC - > jc-61096

0. to become covered with dirt or earth

1. to become covered with dirt or earth

FC - > jc-61096

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to turn into earth

1. to turn into earth

FC - > jc-61096

0. to make tortillas

1. to make tortillas
FC - > jc-61096

0. to become covered with soot or ink

1. to become covered with soot or ink

FC - > jc-61096

0. to become famous

1. to become famous
FC - > jc-61096
2. to become famous
FC - > jc-61096

0. become famous

0. to become covered with ants

1. to become covered with ants

FC - > jc-61096

0. to have a beginning of being

1. to have a beginning of being

FC - > jc-61096

0. to become covered with nettles

1. to become covered with nettles

FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to become covered with filth and sweat

1. to become covered with filth and sweat

FC - > jc-61096

0. to get covered with hair (eg a barber)

1. to get covered with hair ( eg a barber )

FC - > jc-61096

0. to become covered with filth

1. to become covered with filth

FC - > jc-61096

0. to become hardened and persist in badness
FC - > jc-61096

0. become hardened and persist in badness

0. to become covered with flies

1. to become covered with flies

FC - > jc-61096

0. to get muddy or soaked
FC - > jc-61096

0. get muddy or soaked

0. to get muddy

1. to get muddy
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. my eyes will be torn out (removed)
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. my eyes will be torn out ( removed )
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. my eyes will be torn out ( removed )
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. my eyes will be torn out ( removed )
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. my eyes will be torn out ( removed )
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. my eyes will be torn out ( removed )
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. my eyes will be torn out ( removed )
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I Nezahualcoyotl

0. i go

1. i go
FC -> jc-72895
2. i go

3. i go

4. i go
FC jc-031297
5. i go
FC jc-031297

0. voy ( I am going )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. aqui' ( here )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. ni ( nor; neither )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. aqui' ( here )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. ni ( nor; neither )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

nian noihqui
0. tampoco ( neither )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. voy ( I go; I am going )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. voy ( I go; I am going )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. i go
FC -> jc-72895
3. i go

4. i go

5. voy ( I go; I am going )

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
6. voy ( I go; I am going )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. i go
FC jc-031297
8. i go
FC jc-031297

0. voy a ir ( I will go )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. ire' ( I will go )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. i will go
FC -> jc-72895
3. i will go

4. i will go

5. voy a ir ( I will go )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
6. ire' ( I will go )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. i will go
FC jc-031297
8. i will go
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. porque ( because )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. para ( in order that; so that )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. porque ( because )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. para ( in order that; so that )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. Niquihtotihtoc in xochitelpochtli nic nipactoc Estoy
bailando al joven flor porque estoy contento I am dancing
for the young-flor youth because I am content
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
5. Tleca pozonticah in atol ? Nic cemi tlatla ? Porque esta'
hirviendo el atole ? porque arde mucho ? Why is the atole
boiling ? Because it is burning
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
6. Nictemohticah in noamox nic onicpoloh Estoy buscando mi
libro porque lo perdi I am looking for my book because I
have lost it
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
7. Nictohtonticah in axno nic yaz cuahtlan Estoy desatando el
burro porque va ir al campo I am untying the donkey because
it is going to the field
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
8. In nomontah nechilpilihticah in pitzotl nic omotohton Mi
suegro me esta' amarrando el puerco porque se desato My
father-in-law is tying the pig because it got loose
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. i am

1. i am
FC -> jc-72895
2. i am

3. i am

4. i am
FC jc-031297
5. i am
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I will bathe him

VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will bathe him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I make bowls
1. i make bowls
FC -> jc-72895
2. I make bowls
3. I make bowls
4. I make bowls <p11-caxitl-chi:hua>
<p11-caxitl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. i make bowls
FC jc-031297
6. i make bowls
FC jc-031297

0. I catch it
1. i catch it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I catch it
3. I catch it
4. I catch it <p11-p33-ahci>
<p11-p33-ahci> FC - > jc-61096
5. i catch it
FC jc-031297
6. i catch it
FC jc-031297

0. I am
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. i remove its wings

1. i remove its wings

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. i remove its wings

3. i remove its wings

4. i remove its wings

FC jc-031297
5. i remove its wings
FC jc-031297

0. I came to grab it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. I will come to grab it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. I go to grab it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. I scold her
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I scold her
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I came to scold him
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. i scold him, i quarrel with him

1. i scold him, i quarrel with him

FC -> jc-72895
2. i scold him, i quarrel with him

3. i scold him, i quarrel with him

4. i scold him, i quarrel with him

FC jc-031297
5. i scold him, i quarrel with him
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. i put unguent on it, i anoint it

FC jc-031297

0. i enter

1. i enter
FC -> jc-72895
2. i enter

3. i enter

4. i enter
FC jc-031297
5. i enter
FC jc-031297

0. I go to enter
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. I jest
FC - > jc-61096
1. I jest
Verbing jc-030797
2. I jest
-oa jc-030797
3. I jest
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I jest
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I jest
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )
6. I jest
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )

0. aqui' ( here )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. aqui' ( here )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. here; in this place; native
FC -> jc-72895
3. here; in this place; native
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. here; in this place; native

5. here <nica:n>
<nica:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. here <nica:n>
<nica:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. aqui' ( here )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
8. aqui' ( here )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. here; in this place; native
FC jc-031297
10. here; in this place; native
FC jc-031297

nican tlaca
0. natives; local people
<nica:n tla:catl-plur06>
1. natives; local people
FC -> jc-72895
2. natives; local people
FC -> jc-72895
3. natives; local people
<nica:n tla:catl-plur06>
4. natives; local people
<nica:n tla:catl-plur06>
5. natives; local people <nica:n tla:catl-plur06>
<nica:n tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
6. natives; local people <nica:n tla:catl-plur06>
<nica:n tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
7. natives; local people <nica:n tla:catl-plur06>
<nica:n tla:catl-plur06> FC - > jc-61096
8. natives; local people
FC jc-031297
9. natives; local people
FC jc-031297

0. i take it, i seize it

1. i take it, i seize it

FC -> jc-72895
2. i take it, i seize it

3. i take it, i seize it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. i take it, i seize it

FC jc-031297
5. i take it, i seize it
FC jc-031297

0. i eat cherries

1. i eat cherries
FC -> jc-72895
2. i eat cherries

3. i eat cherries

4. i eat cherries
FC jc-031297
5. i eat cherries
FC jc-031297

0. i sell cherries

1. i sell cherries
FC -> jc-72895
2. i sell cherries

3. i sell cherries

4. i sell cherries
FC jc-031297
5. i sell cherries
FC jc-031297

0. i shake the cherry tree

1. i shake the cherry tree

FC -> jc-72895
2. i shake the cherry tree

3. i shake the cherry tree

4. i shake the cherry tree

FC jc-031297
5. i shake the cherry tree
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. i melt

1. i melt
FC -> jc-72895
2. i melt

3. i melt

4. i melt
FC jc-031297
5. i melt
FC jc-031297

0. i make bowls

1. i make bowls
FC -> jc-72895
2. i make bowls

3. i make bowls

4. i make bowls
FC jc-031297
5. i make bowls
FC jc-031297

0. I will leave it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will leave it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I leave it for her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. i will introduce him, i will put him inside

1. i will introduce him, i will put him inside

FC -> jc-72895
2. i will introduce him, i will put him inside
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. i will introduce him, i will put him inside

4. i will introduce him, i will put him inside

FC jc-031297
5. i will introduce him, i will put him inside
FC jc-031297

0. I thin it
1. i thin it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I thin it
3. I thin it
4. i thin it
FC jc-031297
5. i thin it
FC jc-031297

0. i will hear it

1. i will hear it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i will hear it

3. i will hear it

4. i will hear it
FC jc-031297
5. i will hear it
FC jc-031297

0. I do it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I do it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I will come to make it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I put chile water in it ( chile-water )

FC - > jc-61096
1. I put chile water in it
Verbing jc-030797
2. I put chile water in it
-huia jc-030797
3. I put chile water in it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I put chile water in it
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I put chile water in it
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
6. I put chile water in it
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

0. I will wait for him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will wait for him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. i plane it, i scrape it

1. i plane it, i scrape it

FC -> jc-72895
2. i plane it, i scrape it

3. i plane it, i scrape it

4. i plane it, i scrape it

FC jc-031297
5. i plane it, i scrape it
FC jc-031297

0. I do it; I make it
1. i do it; i work it; i make it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I do it; I make it
3. I do it; I make it
4. I do it; I make it <p11-p33-chi:hua>
<p11-p33-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. i do it; i work it; i make it

FC jc-031297
6. i do it; i work it; i make it
FC jc-031297

0. I will do it
1. i will do it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I will do it
3. I will do it
4. I will do it <p11-p33-chi:hua-z>
<p11-p33-chi:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. i will do it
FC jc-031297
6. i will do it
FC jc-031297

0. I will carry it under my arm
FC - > jc-61096
1. I will carry it under my arm
Verbing jc-030797
2. I will carry it under my arm
-huia jc-030797
3. I will carry it under my arm
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I will carry it under my arm
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I will carry it under my arm
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
6. I will carry it under my arm
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

0. I buy it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I buy it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I buy it from him
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. i see it in dreams

1. i see it in dreams
FC -> jc-72895
2. i see it in dreams

3. i see it in dreams

4. i see it in dreams
FC jc-031297
5. i see it in dreams
FC jc-031297

0. I drill it, I perforate it
FC - > jc-61096
1. I put a hole in it
VRNo1 jc-022897
2. I put a hole in it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. i form it into a necklace

1. i form it into a necklace

FC -> jc-72895
2. i form it into a necklace

3. i form it into a necklace

4. i form it into a necklace

FC jc-031297
5. i form it into a necklace
FC jc-031297

0. I eat it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. i eat it
FC jc-031297
2. i eat it
FC jc-031297
3. I eat it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. lo estoy comiendo ( I am eating it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. I will anger her
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will anger her
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. i beautify it

1. i beautify it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i beautify it

3. i beautify it

4. i beautify it
FC jc-031297
5. i beautify it
FC jc-031297

0. i will eat it

1. i will eat it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i will eat it

3. i will eat it

4. i will eat it
FC jc-031297
5. i will eat it
FC jc-031297

0. I came to return it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. I will return it
VRNo1 jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. I will return it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I grab it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I grab it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. voy a agarrarlo ( I go to grab it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. I fertilize it with manure
FC - > jc-61096
1. I fertilize it with manure
Verbing jc-030797
2. I fertilize it with manure
-huia jc-030797
3. I fertilize it with manure
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I fertilize it with manure
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I fertilize it with manure
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
6. I fertilize it with manure
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

0. I pluck its tail
1. i pluck its tail
FC -> jc-72895
2. I pluck its tail
3. I pluck its tail
4. I pluck its tail <p11-cuitlatl-pilli-huihuitla>
<p11-cuitlatl-pilli-huihuitla> FC - > jc-61096
5. I pluck its tail <p11-cuitlatl-pilli-huihuitla>
<p11-cuitlatl-pilli-huihuitla> FC - > jc-61096
6. I pluck its tail <p11-cuitlatl-pilli-huihuitla>
<p11-cuitlatl-pilli-huihuitla> FC - > jc-61096
7. I pluck its tail <p11-cuitlatl-pilli-huihuitla>
<p11-cuitlatl-pilli-huihuitla> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. i pluck its tail

FC jc-031297
9. i pluck its tail
FC jc-031297

0. i will take it, i will seize it
FC jc-031297

0. I go to dwell
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. soy fuerte ( I am strong )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. i rub chia in my hands
FC jc-031297

0. i uproot chia
FC jc-031297

0. I came to weep
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. I go to weep
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. I take it, I carry it
1. i take it, i carry it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I take it, I carry it
3. I take it, I carry it
4. I take it, I carry it <p11-p33-hui:ca>
<p11-p33-hui:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. i take it, i carry it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. i take it, i carry it

FC jc-031297

0. I will bring it
1. i will bring it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I will bring it
3. I will bring it
4. I will bring it <p11-p33-hui:ca-z>
<p11-p33-hui:ca-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. i will bring it
FC jc-031297
6. i will bring it
FC jc-031297

0. i knew, i realized

1. i knew, i realized
FC -> jc-72895
2. i knew, i realized

3. i knew, i realized

4. i knew, i realized
FC jc-031297
5. i knew, i realized
FC jc-031297

0. I carry it for her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I give it to him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I give it to him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I teach it ( eg, animal )
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. nicmahuizoa, I honor it <p11-p33-mahui-liz-v03b-caus06
(b11 f27 c13 p280)
1. nicmahuizoa, I honor it
<p11-p33-mahui-liz-v03b-caus06> (b11 f27 c13 p280) JC-7/23/96

0. i wish to marvel at it

1. i wish to marvel at it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i wish to marvel at it

3. i wish to marvel at it

4. i wish to marvel at it
FC jc-031297
5. i wish to marvel at it
FC jc-031297

0. nicmahuiztilia, nictlazotla, I venerate it, esteem it
<p11-p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04 (b11 f27 c13 p280)
1. nicmahuiztilia, nictlazotla, I venerate it, esteem it
<p11-p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04> (b11 f27 c13 p280) JC-7/23/96

0. i will perforate it, i will make a hole in it

1. i will perforate it, i will make a hole in it

FC -> jc-72895
2. i will perforate it, i will make a hole in it

3. i will perforate it, i will make a hole in it

4. i will perforate it, i will make a hole in it

FC jc-031297
5. i will perforate it, i will make a hole in it
FC jc-031297

0. i point at it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. i point at it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i point at it

3. i point at it

4. i point at it
FC jc-031297
5. i point at it
FC jc-031297

0. lo se' ( I know it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. i know it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I know it
3. I know it
4. I know it <p11-p33-mati>
<p11-p33-mati> FC - > jc-61096
5. lo se' ( I know it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
6. i know it
FC jc-031297
7. i know it
FC jc-031297

0. I will frighten her
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. I will frighten her
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I tie it, put cords on it
FC - > jc-61096
1. I tie it, put cords on it
Verbing jc-030797
2. I tie it, put cords on it
-yo:tl jc-030797
3. I tie it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. put cords on it
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. I tie it
JC-05-07-97 -yo:tl ( -ness )
6. put cords on it
JC-05-07-97 -yo:tl ( -ness )
7. I tie it

8. put cords on it

9. I tie it

10. put cords on it

0. I will straighten it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will straighten it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. i will explain it, i will spread it out

1. i will explain it, i will spread it out

FC -> jc-72895
2. i will explain it, i will spread it out

3. i will explain it, i will spread it out

4. i will explain it, i will spread it out

FC jc-031297
5. i will explain it, i will spread it out
FC jc-031297

0. I will kill him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will kill him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I join it
FC - > jc-61096

0. I find it
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. I make it appear
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
2. I find it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. I make it appear
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I find it

5. I make it appear

6. I find it

7. I make it appear

0. Nicnelohticah in atol nic in nonantzin momocoa Estoy
moviendo el atole porque mi mama esta' enferma I am
stirring the atole because my mother is sick
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. Nicnelohtoc in atol nic in nonantzin momocoa Estoy moviendo
el atole porque mi mama esta' enferma I am stirring the
atole because my mother is sick
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. I breed them; I raise it
1. i breed them; i raise it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I breed them; I raise it
3. I breed them; I raise it
4. I breed them; I raise it <ni2-p33-nemi-caus02>
<ni2-p33-nemi-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. I breed them; I raise it <ni2-p33-nemi-caus02>
<ni2-p33-nemi-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. I breed them; I raise it <ni2-p33-nemi-caus02>
<ni2-p33-nemi-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
7. I breed them; I raise it <ni2-p33-nemi-caus02>
<ni2-p33-nemi-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
8. i breed them; i raise it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. i breed them; i raise it

FC jc-031297

0. i eat it in vain

1. i eat it in vain
FC -> jc-72895
2. i eat it in vain

3. i eat it in vain

4. i eat it in vain
FC jc-031297
5. i eat it in vain
FC jc-031297

0. i gain from it

1. i gain from it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i gain from it

3. i gain from it

4. i gain from it
FC jc-031297
5. i gain from it
FC jc-031297

0. to take someone as a father

1. to take someone as a father

FC - > jc-61096

0. I will call him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will call him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I provide myself a necklace of it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. i provide myself a necklace of it

FC -> jc-72895
2. I provide myself a necklace of it
3. I provide myself a necklace of it
4. I provide myself a necklace of it
<p11-p33-p54-co:zcatl-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. I provide myself a necklace of it
<p11-p33-p54-co:zcatl-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. I provide myself a necklace of it
<p11-p33-p54-co:zcatl-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. i provide myself a necklace of it
FC jc-031297
8. i provide myself a necklace of it
FC jc-031297

0. I provide myself a bracelet of it
1. i provide myself a bracelet of it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I provide myself a bracelet of it
3. I provide myself a bracelet of it
4. I provide myself a bracelet of it
<p11-p33-p54-ma:itl-cuextli-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. I provide myself a bracelet of it
<p11-p33-p54-ma:itl-cuextli-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. I provide myself a bracelet of it
<p11-p33-p54-ma:itl-cuextli-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. I provide myself a bracelet of it
<p11-p33-p54-ma:itl-cuextli-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
8. i provide myself a bracelet of it
FC jc-031297
9. i provide myself a bracelet of it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. i sell it [ h ]
FC jc-031297

0. I grieve

0. I grieve

0. i begin it for myself

1. i begin it for myself

FC -> jc-72895
2. i begin it for myself

3. i begin it for myself

4. i begin it for myself

FC jc-031297
5. i begin it for myself
FC jc-031297

0. I will see him [H]
<p11-p33-p54-itta-ben-z H1>
1. i will see him [ h ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. I will see him [H]
<p11-p33-p54-itta-ben-z H1>
3. I will see him [H]
<p11-p33-p54-itta-ben-z H1>
4. I will see him [H] <p11-p33-p54-itta-ben-z H1>
<p11-p33-p54-itta-ben-z H1> FC - > jc-61096
5. I will see him [H] <p11-p33-p54-itta-ben-z H1>
<p11-p33-p54-itta-ben-z H1> FC - > jc-61096
6. i will see him [ h ]
FC jc-031297
7. i will see him [ h ]
FC jc-031297

0. i make myself a hut
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. i make myself a hut

FC -> jc-72895
2. i make myself a hut

3. i make myself a hut

4. i make myself a hut

FC jc-031297
5. i make myself a hut
FC jc-031297

0. I sleep
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

0. i see in dreams
FC jc-031297

0. i shall see in dreams

1. i shall see in dreams

FC -> jc-72895
2. i shall see in dreams

3. i shall see in dreams

4. i shall see in dreams

FC jc-031297
5. i shall see in dreams
FC jc-031297

0. i will sleep

1. i will sleep
FC -> jc-72895
2. i will sleep

3. i will sleep

4. i will sleep
FC jc-031297
5. i will sleep
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. I sweep the road
1. i sweep the road
FC -> jc-72895
2. I sweep the road
3. I sweep the road
4. I sweep the road <p11-p33-ohtli-ichpa:na>
<p11-p33-ohtli-ichpa:na> FC - > jc-61096
5. I sweep the road <p11-p33-ohtli-ichpa:na>
<p11-p33-ohtli-ichpa:na> FC - > jc-61096
6. i sweep the road
FC jc-031297
7. i sweep the road
FC jc-031297

0. I put pinepitch on it
FC - > jc-61096
1. I put pinepitch on it
Verbing jc-030797
2. I put pinepitch on it
-huia jc-030797
3. I put pinepitch on it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I put pinepitch on it
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I put pinepitch on it
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
6. I put pinepitch on it
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

0. I make griddles
1. i make griddles
FC -> jc-72895
2. I make griddles
3. I make griddles
4. I make griddles <p11-p33-coma:lli-chi:hua>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p11-p33-coma:lli-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096

5. i make griddles
FC jc-031297
6. i make griddles
FC jc-031297

0. I fire griddles
1. i fire griddles
FC -> jc-72895
2. I fire griddles
3. I fire griddles
4. I fire griddles <p11-p33-coma:lli-ixca>
<p11-p33-coma:lli-ixca> FC - > jc-61096
5. i fire griddles
FC jc-031297
6. i fire griddles
FC jc-031297

0. I am a coyote; I become a coyote
1. i am a coyote; i become a coyote
FC -> jc-72895
2. I am a coyote; I become a coyote
3. I am a coyote; I become a coyote
4. I am a coyote; I become a coyote <p11-coyo:tl>
<p11-coyo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. i am a coyote; i become a coyote
FC jc-031297
6. i am a coyote; i become a coyote
FC jc-031297

0. I will make her be happy
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. I will make her be happy
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. i suck it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. i suck it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i suck it

3. i suck it

4. i suck it
FC jc-031297
5. i suck it
FC jc-031297

0. i press it
FC jc-031297

0. I widen it
1. i widen it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I widen it
3. I widen it
4. I widen it <p11-p33-patla:hua>
<p11-p33-patla:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. i widen it
FC jc-031297
6. i widen it
FC jc-031297

0. i shine it

1. i shine it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i shine it

3. i shine it

4. i shine it
FC jc-031297
5. i shine it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I guard it
1. i guard it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I guard it
3. I guard it
4. I guard it <p11-p33-piya>
<p11-p33-piya> FC - > jc-61096
5. i guard it
FC jc-031297
6. i guard it
FC jc-031297

0. I will hang it up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will hang it up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I shame him
1. i shame him
FC -> jc-72895
2. I shame him
3. I shame him
4. I shame him
FC - > jc-61096
5. I shame him <p11-p33-pi:na:hua-caus02>
<p11-p33-pi:na:hua-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. i shame him
FC jc-031297
7. i shame him
FC jc-031297

0. I blow it
1. i blow it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I blow it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. I blow it
4. I blow it <p11-p33-pi:tza>
<p11-p33-pi:tza> FC - > jc-61096
5. i blow it; i cast it
FC jc-031297
6. i blow it; i cast it
FC jc-031297

0. I will boil it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will boil it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I set it up
1. i set it up
FC -> jc-72895
2. I set it up
3. I set it up
4. I set it up <p11-p33-quetza>
<p11-p33-quetza> FC - > jc-61096
5. I stand it up
VRNo1 jc-022897
6. i set it up
FC jc-031297
7. i set it up
FC jc-031297
8. I stand it up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I get him to leave
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. emerge
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
2. I take it out
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. I get him to leave
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. emerge
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. I take it out

0. i bring it forth

1. i bring it forth
FC -> jc-72895
2. i bring it forth

3. i bring it forth

4. i bring it forth
FC jc-031297
5. i bring it forth
FC jc-031297

0. I will take it out, I will remove it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will take it out
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
2. I will remove it

0. to give possession of something to someone

1. to give possession of something to someone

FC - > jc-61096

0. i put a bridle on it
FC - > jc-61096
1. I put a bridle on it
Verbing jc-030797
2. i put a bridle on it
-yo:tl jc-030797
3. I put a bridle on it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I put a bridle on it
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. i put a bridle on it
JC-05-07-97 -yo:tl ( -ness )
6. i put a bridle on it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 -yo:tl ( -ness )

0. i spread it
FC jc-031297

0. lo propongo ( I propose it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. I dream it
1. i dream it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I dream it
3. I dream it
4. I dream it <p11-p33-te:miqui>
<p11-p33-te:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. i dream it
FC jc-031297
6. i dream it
FC jc-031297

0. Nictemohticah in noamox nic onicpoloh Estoy buscando mi
libro porque lo perdi I am looking for my book because I
have lost it
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. Nictemohtoc in noamox nic onicpoloh Estoy buscando mi
libro porque lo perdi I am looking for my book because I
lost it
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. I remove its bill
1. i remove its bill
FC -> jc-72895
2. I remove its bill
3. I remove its bill
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. I remove its bill <p11-p33-te:ntli-copi:na>
<p11-p33-te:ntli-copi:na> FC - > jc-61096
5. I remove its bill <p11-p33-te:ntli-copi:na>
<p11-p33-te:ntli-copi:na> FC - > jc-61096
6. i remove its bill
FC jc-031297
7. i remove its bill
FC jc-031297

0. I burn it to make lime
1. i burn it to make lime
FC -> jc-72895
2. I burn it to make lime
3. I burn it to make lime
4. I burn it to make lime <p11-p33-tetl1-nextli-tlatia:1>
<p11-p33-tetl1-nextli-tlatia:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. I burn it to make lime <p11-p33-tetl1-nextli-tlatia:1>
<p11-p33-tetl1-nextli-tlatia:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. I burn it to make lime <p11-p33-tetl1-nextli-tlatia:1>
<p11-p33-tetl1-nextli-tlatia:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. I burn it to make lime <p11-p33-tetl1-nextli-tlatia:1>
<p11-p33-tetl1-nextli-tlatia:1> FC - > jc-61096
8. i burn it to make lime
FC jc-031297
9. i burn it to make lime
FC jc-031297

0. I straighten the edge
1. i straighten the edge
FC -> jc-72895
2. I straighten the edge
3. I straighten the edge
4. I straighten the edge <p11-p33-te:ntli-mela:hua>
<p11-p33-te:ntli-mela:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. I straighten the edge <p11-p33-te:ntli-mela:hua>
<p11-p33-te:ntli-mela:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. i straighten the edge
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. i straighten the edge
FC jc-031297

0. I shoe it ( ie horse )
FC - > jc-61096
1. I shoe it ( ie horse )
Verbing jc-030797
2. I shoe it ( ie horse )
-tia jc-030797
3. I shoe it ( ie horse )
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I shoe it ( ie horse )
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I shoe it ( ie horse )
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
6. I shoe it ( ie horse )
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

0. I cut it
1. i cut it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I cut it
3. I cut it
4. I cut it <p11-p33-tequi1>
<p11-p33-tequi1> FC - > jc-61096
5. i cut it
FC jc-031297
6. i cut it
FC jc-031297

0. I will place it for him, I will lay it for him
1. i will place it for him, i will lay it for him
FC -> jc-72895
2. I will place it for him, I will lay it for him
3. I will place it for him, I will lay it for him
4. I will place it for him, I will lay it for him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p11-p33-te:ca-ben-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. I will place it for him, I will lay it for him
<p11-p33-te:ca-ben-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. i will place it for him, i will lay it for him
FC jc-031297
7. i will place it for him, i will lay it for him
FC jc-031297

0. i exalt it

1. i exalt it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i exalt it

3. i exalt it

4. i exalt it
FC jc-031297
5. i exalt it
FC jc-031297

0. I tame it, I domesticate it
1. i tame it, i domesticate it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I tame it, I domesticate it
3. I tame it, I domesticate it
4. I tame it, I domesticate it <ni2-p33-tlacatl-ihcihui-caus02>
<ni2-p33-tlacatl-ihcihui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. I tame it, I domesticate it <ni2-p33-tlacatl-ihcihui-caus02>
<ni2-p33-tlacatl-ihcihui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. I tame it, I domesticate it <ni2-p33-tlacatl-ihcihui-caus02>
<ni2-p33-tlacatl-ihcihui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
7. I tame it, I domesticate it <ni2-p33-tlacatl-ihcihui-caus02>
<ni2-p33-tlacatl-ihcihui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
8. i tame it, i domesticate it
FC jc-031297
9. i tame it, i domesticate it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I tame it, I domesticate it
FC - > jc-61096

0. I clean it up
1. i clean it up
FC -> jc-72895
2. I clean it up
3. I clean it up
4. I clean it up <p11-p33-p51-dupl-cui-ben>
<p11-p33-p51-dupl-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. I clean it up <p11-p33-p51-dupl-cui-ben>
<p11-p33-p51-dupl-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. I clean it up <p11-p33-p51-dupl-cui-ben>
<p11-p33-p51-dupl-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
7. i clean it up
FC jc-031297
8. i clean it up
FC jc-031297

0. nictlahpaloz in nin tlatlallancaltzin Le dire' un saludo a
la buena cuevita I will greet the good cave
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. I form it, I put it, i place it
1. i form it, i put it; i place it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I form it, I put it, i place it
3. I form it, I put it, i place it
4. I form it, I put it <p11-p33-tla:lia>
<p11-p33-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
5. i form it, i put it; i place it
FC jc-031297
6. i form it, i put it; i place it
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I make it straight
FC - > jc-61096

0. i will help it, i will have compassion for it
FC jc-031297

0. i await his word

1. i await his word

FC -> jc-72895
2. i await his word

3. i await his word

4. i await his word

FC jc-031297
5. i await his word
FC jc-031297

0. I await his word
1. i await his word
FC -> jc-72895
2. I await his word
3. I await his word
4. I await his word <p11-p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-chiya-ben>
<p11-p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-chiya-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. I await his word <p11-p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-chiya-ben>
<p11-p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-chiya-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. I await his word <p11-p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-chiya-ben>
<p11-p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-chiya-ben> FC - > jc-61096
7. i await his word
FC jc-031297
8. i await his word
FC jc-031297

0. i stake it

1. i stake it
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. i stake it

3. i stake it

4. i stake it
FC jc-031297
5. i stake it
FC jc-031297

0. ihcuac mitoa: intla aca nictlazotla, ahzo itla ic
onechyolitlaco, cenca nicahua, nicpinauhtia: it is said at
this time: if someone whom i esteem perhaps offended me in
something, i quarrel violently with him; i shame him
<p11-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b6 f18 c41 p222), 2
nicmahuiztilia, nictlazotla, I venerate it, esteem it
<p11-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b11 f27 c13 p280)
1. i esteem him
FC -> jc-72895
2. I esteem him
3. ihcuac mitoa: intla aca nictlazotla, ahzo itla ic
onechyolitlaco, cenca nicahua, nicpinauhtia: it is said at
this time: if someone whom i esteem perhaps offended me in
something, i quarrel violently with him; i shame him
<p11-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b6 f18 c41 p222), 2
nicmahuiztilia, nictlazotla, I venerate it, esteem it
<p11-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b11 f27 c13 p280)
4. I esteem him
5. I esteem him <p11-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a>
<p11-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a> FC - > jc-61096
6. I esteem him <p11-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a>
<p11-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a> FC - > jc-61096
7. I esteem him <p11-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a>
<p11-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a> FC - > jc-61096
8. ihcuac mitoa: intla aca nictlazotla, ahzo itla ic
onechyolitlaco, cenca nicahua, nicpinauhtia: it is said at
this time: if someone whom i esteem perhaps offended me in
something, i quarrel violently with him; i shame him
<p11-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a> (b6 f18 c41 p222) JC-7/23/96
9. nicmahuiztilia, nictlazotla, I venerate it, esteem it
<p11-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a> (b11 f27 c13 p280) JC-7/23/96
10. i esteem him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
11. i esteem him
FC jc-031297

0. I follow it
1. i follow it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I follow it
3. I follow it
4. I follow it <p11-p33-toca2>
<p11-p33-toca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. i follow it
FC jc-031297
6. i follow it
FC jc-031297

0. Nictohtonticah in axno nic yaz cuahtlan Estoy desatando el
burro porque va ir al campo I am untying the donkey
because it is going to the field
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. Nictohtontoc in axno nic yaz cuahtlan Estoy desatando el
burro porque va a ir al campo I am untying the donkey
because it is going to the field
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. i temper it with reed stem fibers

1. i temper it with reed stem fibers

FC -> jc-72895
2. i temper it with reed stem fibers

3. i temper it with reed stem fibers

4. i temper it with reed stem fibers

FC jc-031297
5. i temper it with reed stem fibers
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I will abuse him, I will cause him pain
1. i will abuse him, i will cause him pain
FC -> jc-72895
2. I will abuse him, I will cause him pain
3. I will abuse him, I will cause him pain
4. I will abuse him, I will cause him pain
<p11-p33-toli:nia:-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. i will abuse him, i will cause him pain
FC jc-031297
6. i will abuse him, i will cause him pain
FC jc-031297

0. I shout at him
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. nictzauchuia i glue it <p11-p33-tzacua-l2-v05b (b11 f19 c7
1. nictzauchuia i glue it
<p11-p33-tzacua-l2-v05b> (b11 f19 c7 p197) JC-7/23/96

0. I shred it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I shred it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. i shake it

1. i shake it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i shake it

3. i shake it

4. i shake it
FC jc-031297
5. i shake it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. I beat it, I pound it
1. i beat it, i pound it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I beat it, I pound it
3. I beat it, I pound it
4. I beat it, I pound it <p11-p33-tzontzona>
<p11-p33-tzontzona> FC - > jc-61096
5. i beat it, i pound it; i hammer it
FC jc-031297
6. i beat it, i pound it; i hammer it
FC jc-031297

0. I will pound it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will pound it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. Nictzoyonilihtoc in quilitl in nochpoch nic amo maxilia Le
estoy friendo los quelites a mi hija porque no le da tiempo
I am frying my daughter's vegetables because she does not
have time
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. i am angry
FC jc-031297

0. I took it, I seized it
1. i took it, i seized it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I took it, I seized it
3. I took it, I seized it
4. I took it, I seized it <p11-cui-prt2>
<p11-cui-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. i took it, i seized it

FC jc-031297
6. i took it, i seized it
FC jc-031297

0. i knead it

1. i knead it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i knead it

3. i knead it

4. i knead it
FC jc-031297
5. i knead it
FC jc-031297

0. i polish it with sand

1. i polish it with sand

FC -> jc-72895
2. i polish it with sand

3. i polish it with sand

4. i polish it with sand

FC jc-031297
5. i polish it with sand
FC jc-031297

0. I make it crackle
1. i make it crackle
FC -> jc-72895
2. I make it crackle
3. I make it crackle
4. I make it crackle <p11-p33-dupl-xama:ni-caus08>
<p11-p33-dupl-xama:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. I make it crackle <p11-p33-dupl-xama:ni-caus08>
<p11-p33-dupl-xama:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. I make it crackle <p11-p33-dupl-xama:ni-caus08>

<p11-p33-dupl-xama:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. i make it crackle
FC jc-031297
8. i make it crackle
FC jc-031297

0. I make it crunch
1. i make it crunch
FC -> jc-72895
2. I make it crunch
3. I make it crunch
4. I make it crunch <p11-p33-dupl-xama:ni-tza>
<p11-p33-dupl-xama:ni-tza> FC - > jc-61096
5. I make it crunch <p11-p33-dupl-xama:ni-tza>
<p11-p33-dupl-xama:ni-tza> FC - > jc-61096
6. I make it crunch <p11-p33-dupl-xama:ni-tza>
<p11-p33-dupl-xama:ni-tza> FC - > jc-61096
7. i make it crunch
FC jc-031297
8. i make it crunch
FC jc-031297

0. I split it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I split it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I wax it
FC - > jc-61096
1. I wax it
Verbing jc-030797
2. I wax it
-yo:tl jc-030797
3. I wax it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I wax it
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I wax it
JC-05-07-97 -yo:tl ( -ness )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. I wax it
JC-05-07-97 -yo:tl ( -ness )

0. i smooth it

1. i smooth it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i smooth it

3. i smooth it

4. i smooth it
FC jc-031297
5. i smooth it
FC jc-031297

0. i affix turquoise to it

1. i affix turquoise to it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i affix turquoise to it

3. i affix turquoise to it

4. i affix turquoise to it
FC jc-031297
5. i affix turquoise to it
FC jc-031297

0. i eat it raw

1. i eat it raw
FC -> jc-72895
2. i eat it raw

3. i eat it raw

4. i eat it raw
FC jc-031297
5. i eat it raw
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I sharpen it
FC - > jc-61096
1. I sharpen it
Verbing jc-030797
2. I sharpen it
-tia jc-030797
3. I sharpen it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I sharpen it
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I sharpen it
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
6. I sharpen it
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

0. i improve it

1. i improve it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i improve it

3. i improve it

4. i improve it
FC jc-031297
5. i improve it
FC jc-031297

0. i form it

1. i form it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i form it

3. i form it

4. i form it
FC jc-031297
5. i form it
FC jc-031297

0. i incite him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. i incite him
FC -> jc-72895
2. i incite him

3. i incite him

4. i incite him
FC jc-031297
5. i incite him
FC jc-031297

0. I will put mud on it
FC - > jc-61096
1. I will put mud on it
Verbing jc-030797
2. I will put mud on it
-huia jc-030797
3. I will put mud on it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I will put mud on it
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I will put mud on it
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
6. I will put mud on it
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

0. tambie'n ( also )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. i am sent

1. i am sent
FC -> jc-72895
2. i am sent

3. i am sent

4. i am sent
FC jc-031297
5. i am sent
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I will come
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. I come
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. I have become saddened

0. I am grieving

0. I have come to remain saddened

0. i arrived here
FC jc-031297

0. i will come

1. i will come
FC -> jc-72895
2. i will come

3. i will come

4. i will come
FC jc-031297
5. i will come
FC jc-031297

0. I rub amaranth in my hands
1. i rub amaranth in my hands
FC -> jc-72895
2. I rub amaranth in my hands
3. I rub amaranth in my hands
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. I rub amaranth in my hands <ni2-hua:uhtli-ma:itl-teloa>

<ni2-hua:uhtli-ma:itl-teloa> FC - > jc-61096
5. I rub amaranth in my hands <ni2-hua:uhtli-ma:itl-teloa>
<ni2-hua:uhtli-ma:itl-teloa> FC - > jc-61096
6. I rub amaranth in my hands <ni2-hua:uhtli-ma:itl-teloa>
<ni2-hua:uhtli-ma:itl-teloa> FC - > jc-61096
7. I rub amaranth in my hands <ni2-hua:uhtli-ma:itl-teloa>
<ni2-hua:uhtli-ma:itl-teloa> FC - > jc-61096
8. I rub amaranth in my hands <ni2-hua:uhtli-ma:itl-teloa>
<ni2-hua:uhtli-ma:itl-teloa> FC - > jc-61096
9. i rub amaranth in my hands
FC jc-031297
10. i rub amaranth in my hands
FC jc-031297

0. i sow amaranth

1. i sow amaranth
FC -> jc-72895
2. i sow amaranth

3. i sow amaranth

4. i sow amaranth
FC jc-031297
5. i sow amaranth
FC jc-031297

0. i thresh amaranth

1. i thresh amaranth
FC -> jc-72895
2. i thresh amaranth

3. i thresh amaranth

4. i thresh amaranth
FC jc-031297
5. i thresh amaranth
FC jc-031297

0. i plant amaranth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. i plant amaranth
FC -> jc-72895
2. i plant amaranth

3. i plant amaranth

4. i plant amaranth
FC jc-031297
5. i plant amaranth
FC jc-031297

0. i clean amaranth

1. i clean amaranth
FC -> jc-72895
2. i clean amaranth

3. I clean amaranth
4. i clean amaranth

5. I clean amaranth
6. I clean amaranth <p11-hua:uhtli-;
<p11-hua:uhtli--> FC - > jc-61096
7. I clean amaranth <p11-hua:uhtli-;
<p11-hua:uhtli--> FC - > jc-61096
8. i clean amaranth
FC jc-031297
9. i clean amaranth
FC jc-031297

0. i will tarry, i will delay

1. i will tarry, i will delay

FC -> jc-72895
2. i will tarry, i will delay

3. i will tarry, i will delay

4. i will tarry, i will delay

FC jc-031297
5. i will tarry, i will delay
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. i am an old man

1. i am an old man
FC -> jc-72895
2. i am an old man

3. i am an old man

4. i am an old man
FC jc-031297
5. i am an old man
FC jc-031297

0. I will become an old man
FC - > jc-61096
1. I will become an old man
Verbing jc-030797
2. I will become an old man
-ti jc-030797
3. I will become an old man
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I will become an old man
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I will become an old man
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. I will become an old man
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

0. I will come to laugh
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. i fall

1. i fall
FC -> jc-72895
2. i fall

3. i fall

4. i fall
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. i fall
FC jc-031297

0. I come
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. I am drunk
1. i am drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. I am drunk
3. I am drunk
4. I am drunk <ni2-i:huinti-c1>
<ni2-i:huinti-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. I am drunk <ni2-i:huinti-c1>
<ni2-i:huinti-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. I am drunk <ni2-i:huinti-c1>
<ni2-i:huinti-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. i am drunk
FC jc-031297
8. i am drunk
FC jc-031297

0. i am an old woman

1. i am an old woman
FC -> jc-72895
2. i am an old woman

3. i am an old woman

4. i am an old woman
FC jc-031297
5. i am an old woman
FC jc-031297

0. I become an old woman
FC - > jc-61096
1. I become an old woman
Verbing jc-030797
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. I become an old woman

-ti jc-030797
3. I become an old woman
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I become an old woman
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I become an old woman
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. I become an old woman
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

0. i make things dirty

1. i make things dirty

FC -> jc-72895
2. i make things dirty

3. i make things dirty

4. i make things dirty

FC jc-031297
5. i make things dirty
FC jc-031297

0. then, whereupon
FC jc-031297

0. I will be hunted
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I will be hunted
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I will be hunted
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i will be hunted
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i will be hunted
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I will be hunted
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I will be hunted
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I am a commoner
1. i am a commoner
FC -> jc-72895
2. I am a commoner
3. I am a commoner
4. I am a commoner <p11-ma:ce:hualli>
<p11-ma:ce:hualli> FC - > jc-61096
5. i am a commoner
FC jc-031297
6. i am a commoner
FC jc-031297

0. I will be taught
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I will be taught
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I will be taught
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i will be taught
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i will be taught
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I will be taught
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I will be taught
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

nimaco in a:matl
0. I am given the paper
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I am given the paper
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I am given the paper
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i am given the paper
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i am given the paper
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I am given the paper
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I am given the paper
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. Nechahhuatoc in notahtzin nic nimahuiltihtoc Me esta'
regan~ando mi papa porque estoy jugando My father is
scolding me because I am playing
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. I get slandered
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I get slandered
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I get slandered
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i get slandered
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i get slandered
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I get slandered
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I get slandered
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I will become a captive
FC - > jc-61096
1. I will become a captive
Verbing jc-030797
2. I will become a captive
-ti jc-030797
3. I will become a captive
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I will become a captive
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I will become a captive
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. I will become a captive
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

0. luego ( then )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. luego; entonces ( then )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. absolutely; extremely; really; completely; forthwith; then;
at once; immediately; now; soon; thereupon; whereupon
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
3. absolutely; extremely; really; completely; forthwith; then;
at once; immediately; now; soon; thereupon; whereupon
4. absolutely; extremely; really; completely; forthwith; then;
at once; immediately; now; soon; thereupon; whereupon
5. then; immediately; thereupon; forthwith <niman>
<niman> FC - > jc-61096
6. then; immediately; thereupon; forthwith <niman>
<niman> FC - > jc-61096
7. luego ( then )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
8. luego; entonces ( then )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
9. absolutely; extremely; really; completely; forthwith; then;
at once; immediately; now; soon; thereupon; whereupon
FC jc-031297
10. absolutely; extremely; really; completely; forthwith; then;
at once; immediately; now; soon; thereupon; whereupon
FC jc-031297

niman oncan
0. right there
<niman o:n-ca:n>
1. right there
FC -> jc-72895
2. right there
FC -> jc-72895
3. right there
<niman o:n-ca:n>
4. right there
<niman o:n-ca:n>
5. right there <niman o:n-ca:n>
<niman o:n-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. right there <niman o:n-ca:n>
<niman o:n-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. right there <niman o:n-ca:n>
<niman o:n-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. right there
FC jc-031297
9. right there
FC jc-031297

0. i transplant maguey
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. i transplant maguey
FC -> jc-72895
2. i transplant maguey

3. i transplant maguey

4. i transplant maguey
FC jc-031297
5. i transplant maguey
FC jc-031297

0. i press the maguey in

1. i press the maguey in

FC -> jc-72895
2. i press the maguey in

3. i press the maguey in

4. i press the maguey in

FC jc-031297
5. i press the maguey in
FC jc-031297

0. i sow maguey

1. i sow maguey
FC -> jc-72895
2. i sow maguey

3. i sow maguey

4. i sow maguey
FC jc-031297
5. i sow maguey
FC jc-031297

0. i plant maguey

1. i plant maguey
FC -> jc-72895
2. i plant maguey
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. i plant maguey

4. i plant maguey
FC jc-031297
5. i plant maguey
FC jc-031297

0. i set out maguey, i plant maguey

1. i set out maguey, i plant maguey

FC -> jc-72895
2. i set out maguey, i plant maguey

3. i set out maguey, i plant maguey

4. i set out maguey, i plant maguey

FC jc-031297
5. i set out maguey, i plant maguey
FC jc-031297

0. i break up the maguey

1. i break up the maguey

FC -> jc-72895
2. i break up the maguey

3. i break up the maguey

4. i break up the maguey

FC jc-031297
5. i break up the maguey
FC jc-031297

0. I die
1. i die
FC -> jc-72895
2. I die
3. I die
4. I die <p11-miqui>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p11-miqui> FC - > jc-61096

5. i die
FC jc-031297
6. i die
FC jc-031297

0. I came to die
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. i will die
FC jc-031297

0. I will come to bathe you
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. I put a paper cap on you paper cap
FC - > jc-61096
1. I put a paper cap on you
Verbing jc-030797
2. I put a paper cap on you
-tia jc-030797
3. I put a paper cap on you
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I put a paper cap on you
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I put a paper cap on you paper cap )
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
6. I put a paper cap on you paper cap
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

0. I go to scold you
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. i will break a hole in your house

1. i will break a hole in your house

FC -> jc-72895
2. i will break a hole in your house

3. i will break a hole in your house
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. i will break a hole in your house

FC jc-031297
5. i will break a hole in your house
FC jc-031297

0. i cause you to hear it, i inform you of it

1. i cause you to hear it, i inform you of it

FC -> jc-72895
2. i cause you to hear it, i inform you of it

3. i cause you to hear it, i inform you of it

4. i cause you to hear it, i inform you of it

FC jc-031297
5. i cause you to hear it, i inform you of it
FC jc-031297

0. I will receive it from you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I make you do it
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. I make you do it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. I make you do it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I will wait for you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will wait for you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I will come to wait for you
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. she will chase you
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. she will chase you
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I grab it away from you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I will get you up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will get you up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I will make you laugh
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. I will make you laugh
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I will stick you with a thorn
FC - > jc-61096
1. I will stick you with a thorn
Verbing jc-030797
2. I will stick you with a thorn
-huia jc-030797
3. I will stick you with a thorn
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I will stick you with a thorn
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I will stick you with a thorn
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
6. I will stick you with a thorn
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

0. I will frighten you
1. i will frighten you
FC -> jc-72895
2. I will frighten you
3. I will frighten you
4. I will frighten you <p11-p32-dupl-izahui-caus08=0-z>
<p11-p32-dupl-izahui-caus08=0-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. I will frighten you <p11-p32-dupl-izahui-caus08=0-z>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p11-p32-dupl-izahui-caus08=0-z> FC - > jc-61096

6. I will frighten you <p11-p32-dupl-izahui-caus08=0-z>
<p11-p32-dupl-izahui-caus08=0-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. I will frighten you <p11-p32-dupl-izahui-caus08=0-z>
<p11-p32-dupl-izahui-caus08=0-z> FC - > jc-61096
8. i will frighten you
FC jc-031297
9. i will frighten you
FC jc-031297

0. auh inic axcan **nimitzilhuia**, cuix cenca aya
ticmocaquitia and so now i say to thee: dost thou
perchance not yet take much heed?
(b6 f8 p94) jc-022297
1. auh izcatqui ic oncamatl, nimitzmaca, **nimitzilhuia**
noconetzin, tepitzin: and behold a second word which i
give thee, which i say to thee, my child, little one
(b6 f8 p100) jc-022297
2. I tell it to you
VRNo1 jc-022897
3. I tell it to you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. quipohuili, quilhui ca inic oninozcali **nimitzilhuico** ca
ye ixquich ca tehuatl she informed and said to him: "for
this reason have i returned to life: i have come to tell
thee that thou art come to the end
(b8 f1 p3) jc-022297

0. auh in ihcuac ye tilpitiuh, cuix huel oc ompa itla
**nimitzilhuitiuh**, but when already thou goest bound,
can i perhaps yet then be able to tell thee something?
(b6 f19 p242) jc-022297

0. tlein oc **nimitzilhuiz**: what more shall i tell thee?
(b6 f8 p99) jc-022297

0. i see you
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I will come to see you

JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. I will see you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will see you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I will make you see it
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. I will show it to you
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. I will make you see it

3. I will show it to you

0. I show it to you, I make you see it
FC - > jc-61096

0. I will show it to you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will show it to you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I pay it to you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I give it to you
1. i give it to you
FC -> jc-72895
2. I give it to you
3. I give it to you
4. I give it to you <p11-p32-maca>
<p11-p32-maca> FC - > jc-61096
5. i give it to you
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. i give it to you
FC jc-031297

0. I will give it to you
1. i will give it to you
FC -> jc-72895
2. I will give it to you
3. I will give it to you
4. I will give it to you <p11-p32-maca-z>
<p11-p32-maca-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. i will give it to you
FC jc-031297
6. i will give it to you
FC jc-031297

0. I will terrify you
1. i will terrify you
FC -> jc-72895
2. I will terrify you
3. I will terrify you
4. I will terrify you <p11-p32-dupl-mahui-caus02-z>
<p11-p32-dupl-mahui-caus02-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. I will terrify you <p11-p32-dupl-mahui-caus02-z>
<p11-p32-dupl-mahui-caus02-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. I will terrify you <p11-p32-dupl-mahui-caus02-z>
<p11-p32-dupl-mahui-caus02-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. i will terrify you
FC jc-031297
8. i will terrify you
FC jc-031297

0. i know you, i know about you
FC jc-031297

0. se lo pongo a usted ( I place it for you )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I give you orders sound
FC - > jc-61096
1. I give you orders
Verbing jc-030797
2. I give you orders
-tia jc-030797
3. I give you orders
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I give you orders
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I give you orders sound
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
6. I give you orders sound
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

0. Que vas a hacer cuando te conteste ? Tlen ticchihuaz
ihcuac nimitznanquiliz ? What did you do when not answered ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. i pray to you [ h ]
FC jc-031297

0. i await your command

1. i await your command

FC -> jc-72895
2. i await your command

3. i await your command

4. i await your command

FC jc-031297
5. i await your command
FC jc-031297

0. i address you, i call out to you; i call to you

1. i address you, i call out to you; i call to you

FC -> jc-72895
2. i address you, i call out to you; i call to you
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. I address you, I call out to you; I call to you

4. i address you, i call out to you; i call to you

5. I address you, I call out to you; I call to you

6. I address you, I call out to you; I call to you
<p11-p32-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
7. I address you, I call out to you; I call to you
<p11-p32-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
8. i address you; i call out to you; i call to you
FC jc-031297
9. i address you; i call out to you; i call to you
FC jc-031297

0. i will seize you
FC jc-031297

0. I cure you
FC - > jc-61096

0. I will give you a cure
FC - > jc-61096
1. I will give you a cure
Verbing jc-030797
2. I will give you a cure
-tia jc-030797
3. I will give you a cure
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I will give you a cure
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I will give you a cure
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
6. I will give you a cure
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

0. I cut it for you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. Nimitztetequilotoc in cuahuitl ompa tlacuitlapan Te estoy
cortando la len~a alla atras I am cutting your firewood
back there
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. I will do something for you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I will sew something for you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I will carry something for you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I cry out to you, I shout to you
1. i cry out to you; i shout to you
FC -> jc-72895
2. I cry out to you, I shout to you
3. I cry out to you, I shout to you
4. I cry out to you, I shout to you <p11-p32-tzahtzi-ben>
<p11-p32-tzahtzi-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. I cry out to you, I shout to you <p11-p32-tzahtzi-ben>
<p11-p32-tzahtzi-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. i cry out to you; i shout to you
FC jc-031297
7. i cry out to you; i shout to you
FC jc-031297

0. i eat mesquite

1. i eat mesquite
FC -> jc-72895
2. i eat mesquite

3. i eat mesquite

4. i eat mesquite
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. i eat mesquite
FC jc-031297

0. estoy descansando ( I am resting )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. I am your mother
1. i am your mother
FC -> jc-72895
2. I am your mother
3. I am your mother
4. I am your mother <p11-poss-na:ntli>
<p11-poss-na:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
5. I am your mother <p11-poss-na:ntli>
<p11-poss-na:ntli> FC - > jc-61096
6. i am your mother
FC jc-031297
7. i am your mother
FC jc-031297

0. i am moteuczoma

1. i am moteuczoma
FC -> jc-72895
2. i am moteuczoma

3. i am moteuczoma

4. i am moteuczoma
FC jc-031297
5. i am moteuczoma
FC jc-031297

0. i am your tooth

1. i am your tooth
FC -> jc-72895
2. i am your tooth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. i am your tooth

4. i am your tooth
FC jc-031297
5. i am your tooth
FC jc-031297

0. i am your fingernail

1. i am your fingernail
FC -> jc-72895
2. i am your fingernail

3. i am your fingernail

4. i am your fingernail
FC jc-031297
5. i am your fingernail
FC jc-031297

0. este; esta ( this )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. este ( this )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. e'ste ( this ( one ) )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. este; esta ( this )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. este ( this )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. e'ste ( this ( one ) )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. I speak clearly
FC - > jc-61096
1. I speak clearly
Verbing jc-030797
2. I speak clearly
-ti jc-030797
3. I speak clearly
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I speak clearly
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I speak clearly
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. I speak clearly
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

0. I am met
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I am met
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I am met
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i am met
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i am met
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I am met
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I am met
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. i pick mushroooms

1. i pick mushroooms
FC -> jc-72895
2. i pick mushroooms

3. i pick mushroooms

4. i pick mushroooms
FC jc-031297
5. i pick mushroooms
FC jc-031297

0. I have an ear ailment
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I have an ear ailment
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I have an ear ailment
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i have an ear ailment
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i have an ear ailment
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1

5. I have an ear ailment
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I have an ear ailment
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I wash myself with soap
FC - > jc-61096
1. I wash myself with soap
Verbing jc-030797
2. I wash myself with soap
-huia jc-030797
3. I wash myself with soap
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I wash myself with soap
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I wash myself with soap
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
6. I wash myself with soap
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

0. i slip

1. i slip
FC -> jc-72895
2. i slip

3. i slip

4. i slip
FC jc-031297
5. i slip
FC jc-031297

0. i eat mushrooms

1. i eat mushrooms
FC -> jc-72895
2. i eat mushrooms

3. i eat mushrooms

4. i eat mushrooms
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. i eat mushrooms
FC jc-031297

0. i gather mushrooms

1. i gather mushrooms
FC -> jc-72895
2. i gather mushrooms

3. i gather mushrooms

4. i gather mushrooms
FC jc-031297
5. i gather mushrooms
FC jc-031297

0. I remove the maguey syrup
1. i remove the maguey syrup
FC -> jc-72895
2. I remove the maguey syrup
3. I remove the maguey syrup
4. I remove the maguey syrup <p11-neuctli-e:hua>
<p11-neuctli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. I remove the maguey syrup <p11-neuctli-e:hua>
<p11-neuctli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. I remove the maguey syrup <p11-neuctli-e:hua>
<p11-neuctli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. I remove the maguey syrup <p11-neuctli-e:hua>
<p11-neuctli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
8. i remove the maguey syrup
FC jc-031297
9. i remove the maguey syrup
FC jc-031297

0. i will arise, i will get up

1. i will arise, i will get up

FC -> jc-72895
2. i will arise, i will get up
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. i will arise, i will get up

4. i will arise, i will get up

FC jc-031297
5. i will arise, i will get up
FC jc-031297

0. I live
1. i live
FC -> jc-72895
2. I live
3. I live
4. I live <p11-nemi>
<p11-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
5. I live <p11-nemi>
<p11-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
6. i live
FC jc-031297
7. i live
FC jc-031297

0. i remove the maguey syrup from each one

1. i remove the maguey syrup from each one

FC -> jc-72895
2. i remove the maguey syrup from each one

3. i remove the maguey syrup from each one

4. i remove the maguey syrup from each one

FC jc-031297
5. i remove the maguey syrup from each one
FC jc-031297

0. empty wisdom had I

0. i heat the maguey syrup
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. i heat the maguey syrup

FC -> jc-72895
2. i heat the maguey syrup

3. i heat the maguey syrup

4. i heat the maguey syrup

FC jc-031297
5. i heat the maguey syrup
FC jc-031297

0. quitoznequi: motlatoltia in dios in aquin nechneltocaz,
ihuan notech motemachiz, nicpalehuiz, ipan ninilacatzoz:
that is, god saith, "he who will believe in me and have
faith in me I shall aid, I shall take his side (b1 f4 p70)

0. to throw one's self into a river

1. to throw one's self into a river

FC - > jc-61096

0. to build one's self a house

1. to build one's self a house

FC - > jc-61096

0. to make a shield for one's self
FC - > jc-61096

0. make a shield for one's self

0. to adorn one's self with jewels

1. to adorn one's self with jewels

FC - > jc-61096

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to provide one's self with cords

1. to provide one's self with cords

FC - > jc-61096

0. to look at one's self in the mirror

1. to look at one's self in the mirror

FC - > jc-61096

0. to burn or be very hot

1. to burn or be very hot

FC - > jc-61096

0. for one's hair to grow

1. for one's hair to grow

FC - > jc-61096

0. I make a house for myself
FC - > jc-61096
1. I make a house for myself
Verbing jc-030797
2. I make a house for myself
-tia jc-030797
3. I make a house for myself
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I make a house for myself
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I make a house for myself
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
6. I make a house for myself
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

0. ninocheztlaxcaloa I form cochineal into tortillas
<p11-no:chtli-eztli-p51-ixca-l1-v05a (b11 f23 c11 p238)
1. ninocheztlaxcaloa I form cochineal into tortillas
<p11-no:chtli-eztli-p51-ixca-l1-v05a> (b11 f23 c11 p238) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. i arrayed myself

1. i arrayed myself
FC -> jc-72895
2. i arrayed myself

3. i arrayed myself

4. i arrayed myself
FC jc-031297
5. i arrayed myself
FC jc-031297

0. i make myself
FC jc-031297

0. i am sick
FC jc-031297

0. i will eat myself

1. i will eat myself

FC -> jc-72895
2. i will eat myself

3. i will eat myself

4. i will eat myself

FC jc-031297
5. i will eat myself
FC jc-031297

0. i become big, i grow

1. i become big, i grow

FC -> jc-72895
2. i become big, i grow

3. i become big, i grow

4. i become big, i grow
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. i become big, i grow
FC jc-031297

0. i consider myself; i regard myself

1. i consider myself; i regard myself

FC -> jc-72895
2. i consider myself; i regard myself

3. I consider myself; I regard myself

4. i consider myself; i regard myself

5. I consider myself; I regard myself

6. I consider myself; I regard myself <p11-p54-mati>
<p11-p54-mati> FC - > jc-61096
7. i consider myself; i regard myself
FC jc-031297
8. i consider myself; i regard myself
FC jc-031297

0. i throw myself, i cast myself

1. i throw myself, i cast myself

FC -> jc-72895
2. i throw myself, i cast myself

3. i throw myself, i cast myself

4. i throw myself, i cast myself

FC jc-031297
5. i throw myself, i cast myself
FC jc-031297

0. i take jimsonweed

1. i take jimsonweed
FC -> jc-72895
2. i take jimsonweed

3. i take jimsonweed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. i take jimsonweed
FC jc-031297
5. i take jimsonweed
FC jc-031297

0. i take mushrooms, i supply myself with mushrooms

1. i take mushrooms, i supply myself with mushrooms

FC -> jc-72895
2. i take mushrooms, i supply myself with mushrooms

3. i take mushrooms, i supply myself with mushrooms

4. i take mushrooms, i supply myself with mushrooms

FC jc-031297
5. i take mushrooms, i supply myself with mushrooms
FC jc-031297

0. i take off my clothing

1. i take off my clothing

FC -> jc-72895
2. i take off my clothing

3. i take off my clothing

4. i take off my clothing

FC jc-031297
5. i take off my clothing
FC jc-031297

0. i arise, i stand

1. i arise, i stand
FC -> jc-72895
2. i arise, i stand

3. i arise, i stand

4. i arise, i stand
FC jc-031297
5. i arise, i stand
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. i trip

1. i trip
FC -> jc-72895
2. i trip

3. i trip

4. i stumble; i trip
FC jc-031297
5. i stumble; i trip
FC jc-031297

0. i apply chalk to myself
FC jc-031297

0. i wash my teeth

1. i wash my teeth
FC -> jc-72895
2. i wash my teeth

3. I wash my teeth
4. i wash my teeth

5. I wash my teeth
6. I wash my teeth <p11-p54-tlantli-pa:ca>
<p11-p54-tlantli-pa:ca> FC - > jc-61096
7. i wash my teeth
FC jc-031297
8. i wash my teeth
FC jc-031297

0. i pick my teeth

1. i pick my teeth
FC -> jc-72895
2. i pick my teeth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. i pick my teeth

4. i pick my teeth
FC jc-031297
5. i pick my teeth
FC jc-031297

0. i throw myself, i cast myself

1. i throw myself, i cast myself

FC -> jc-72895
2. i throw myself, i cast myself

3. i throw myself, i cast myself

4. i throw myself, i cast myself

FC jc-031297
5. i throw myself, i cast myself
FC jc-031297

0. i enlarge

1. i enlarge
FC -> jc-72895
2. i enlarge

3. i enlarge

4. i enlarge
FC jc-031297
5. i enlarge
FC jc-031297

0. i will comfort myself, i will be comforted

1. i will comfort myself, i will be comforted

FC -> jc-72895
2. i will comfort myself, i will be comforted

3. i will comfort myself, i will be comforted

4. i will comfort myself, i will be comforted
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. i will comfort myself, i will be comforted
FC jc-031297

0. i place myself in a cave

1. i place myself in a cave

FC -> jc-72895
2. i place myself in a cave

3. i place myself in a cave

4. i place myself in a cave

FC jc-031297
5. i place myself in a cave
FC jc-031297

0. estos ( these )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. estos ( these )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. there, at a distance
FC jc-031297

0. Niquihtotihtoc in xochitelpochtli nic nipactoc Estoy
bailando al joven flor porque estoy contento I am dancing
for the young-flor youth because I am content
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. I become well
FC - > jc-61096
1. I become well
Verbing jc-030797
2. I become well
-ti jc-030797
3. I become well
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I become well
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I become well
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. I become well
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

0. I will be chosen
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I will be chosen
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I will be chosen
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i will be chosen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i will be chosen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I will be chosen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I will be chosen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I will be chosen
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I will be chosen
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I will be chosen
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i will be chosen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i will be chosen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I will be chosen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I will be chosen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I glisten
1. i glisten
FC -> jc-72895
2. I glisten
3. I glisten
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. I glisten <p11-dupl-petla:ni-ca7>
<p11-dupl-petla:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. I glisten <p11-dupl-petla:ni-ca7>
<p11-dupl-petla:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. I glisten <p11-dupl-petla:ni-ca7>
<p11-dupl-petla:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
7. i glisten
FC jc-031297
8. i glisten
FC jc-031297

0. i am a coati
FC jc-031297

0. I will raise it; I will get him up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will raise it; I will get him up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. [ for tiquetzalco:a:tl ] you Quetzalco:a:tl

0. i drink it

1. i drink it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i drink it

3. i drink it

4. I drink it
VRNo1 jc-022897
5. i drink it
FC jc-031297
6. i drink it
FC jc-031297
7. I drink it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I will write it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will write it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I cause him to smell it
FC - > jc-61096

0. I will request it of her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I will come to dance with her
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. I go to dance with her
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. Niquihtotihtoc in xochitelpochtli nic nipactoc Estoy
bailando al joven flor porque estoy contento I am dancing
for the young-flor youth because I am content
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. I will dance with her
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will dance with her
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I will say it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will say it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. nicnanquilia, **niquilhuia** patlachilpitica: i answer
him, i say to him: "it is loosely bound
(b6 f18 p231) jc-022297

0. I will tell it to her
VRNo1 jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. I will tell it to her

JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I think about it, I remember it
1. i think about it, i remember it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I think about it, I remember it
3. I think about it, I remember it
4. I think about it, I remember it <p11-p33-illi-na:miqui>
<p11-p33-illi-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. I think about it, I remember it <p11-p33-illi-na:miqui>
<p11-p33-illi-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
6. I think about it, I remember it <p11-p33-illi-na:miqui>
<p11-p33-illi-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
7. i think about it, i remember it
FC jc-031297
8. i think about it, i remember it
FC jc-031297

0. I will bathe them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will bathe them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I take it in hand
1. i take it in hand
FC -> jc-72895
2. I take it in hand
3. I take it in hand
4. I take it in hand <p11-p33-ma:itl-cui>
<p11-p33-ma:itl-cui> FC - > jc-61096
5. i take it in hand
FC jc-031297
6. i take it in hand
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I will scold them

VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will scold them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. i become a mouse

1. i become a mouse
FC -> jc-72895
2. i become a mouse

3. i become a mouse

4. i become a mouse
FC jc-031297
5. i become a mouse
FC jc-031297

0. I tell it to them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I tell it to them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I remember

0. I see them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I see them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I go to give them
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. I will kill them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will kill them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. take them

0. I will receive it from them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. i peck at them

1. i peck at them
FC -> jc-72895
2. i peck at them

3. i peck at them

4. i peck at them
FC jc-031297
5. i peck at them
FC jc-031297

0. I get them to go to sleep
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. I put them to sleep
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. I get them to go to sleep

3. I put them to sleep

0. I will like them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will like them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I will grab them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will grab them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. i smell it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. i smell it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i smell it

3. i smell it

4. i smell it
FC jc-031297
5. i smell it
FC jc-031297

0. los voy a esperar ( I will go to wait for them )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. los voy a esperar ( I will go to wait for them
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. los voy a estar viendo ( I will be watching them )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. les voy a informar ( I will inform them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. I make them hate each other
FC - > jc-61096

0. I will stand it up for them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I will inform them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will inform them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I might follow
1. I follow them
VRNo1 jc-022897
2. I follow them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. i will become a slave

1. i will become a slave

FC -> jc-72895
2. i will become a slave

3. i will become a slave

4. i will become a slave

FC jc-031297
5. i will become a slave
FC jc-031297

0. I said it
1. i said it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I said it
3. I said it
4. I said it <p11-p33-ihtoa:-prt1>
<p11-p33-ihtoa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. i said it
FC jc-031297
6. i said it
FC jc-031297

0. I say; I say it; I repeat it
1. i say; i say it; i repeat it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I say; I say it; I repeat it
3. I say; I say it; I repeat it
4. I say; I say it; I repeat it <p11-p33-ihtoa:>
<p11-p33-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. i say; i say it; i repeat it
FC jc-031297
6. i say; i say it; i repeat it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. i go carrying it
FC jc-031297

0. lo veo ( I see it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. i see it; i discover it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I see it
3. I see it
4. I see it <p11-p33-itta>
<p11-p33-itta> FC - > jc-61096
5. lo veo ( I see it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
6. i see it; i discover it
FC jc-031297
7. i see it; i discover it
FC jc-031297

0. I saw it, I came upon it
1. i saw it, i came upon it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I saw it, I came upon it
3. I saw it, I came upon it
4. I saw it, I came upon it <p11-p33-itta-prt2>
<p11-p33-itta-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. i saw it, i came upon it
FC jc-031297
6. i saw it, i came upon it
FC jc-031297

0. I will see him
1. i will see him
FC -> jc-72895
2. I will see him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. I will see him

4. I will see him <p11-p33-itta-z>
<p11-p33-itta-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. I will see it
VRNo1 jc-022897
6. i will see him
FC jc-031297
7. i will see him
FC jc-031297
8. I will see it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. i wish to see it

1. i wish to see it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i wish to see it

3. i wish to see it

4. i wish to see it
FC jc-031297
5. i wish to see it
FC jc-031297

0. I will show it to her
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I will show it to her
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. lo estoy viendo ( I am seeing it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. lo cuidare' ( I will take care of it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. i smash it in the eye

1. i smash it in the eye

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. i smash it in the eye

3. i smash it in the eye

4. i smash it in the eye

FC jc-031297
5. i smash it in the eye
FC jc-031297

0. i smash it in the eyeball

1. i smash it in the eyeball

FC -> jc-72895
2. i smash it in the eyeball

3. i smash it in the eyeball

4. i smash it in the eyeball

FC jc-031297
5. i smash it in the eyeball
FC jc-031297

0. I remove its eyeball
1. i remove its eyeball
FC -> jc-72895
2. I remove its eyeball
3. I remove its eyeball
4. I remove its eyeball
<ni2-p33-i:xtli-tetl1-ololoa-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. I remove its eyeball
<ni2-p33-i:xtli-tetl1-ololoa-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. I remove its eyeball
<ni2-p33-i:xtli-tetl1-ololoa-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
7. I remove its eyeball
<ni2-p33-i:xtli-tetl1-ololoa-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
8. I remove its eyeball
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ni2-p33-i:xtli-tetl1-ololoa-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096

9. I remove its eyeball
<ni2-p33-i:xtli-tetl1-ololoa-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
10. i remove its eyeball
FC jc-031297
11. i remove its eyeball
FC jc-031297

0. i will drink it

1. i will drink it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i will drink it

3. i will drink it

4. I will drink it
VRNo1 jc-022897
5. i will drink it
FC jc-031297
6. i will drink it
FC jc-031297
7. I will drink it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I will blow a trumpet
FC - > jc-61096
1. I will blow a trumpet
Verbing jc-030797
2. I will blow a trumpet
-oa jc-030797
3. I will blow a trumpet
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I will blow a trumpet
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I will blow a trumpet
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )
6. I will blow a trumpet
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )

0. I put salt in it
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. I put salt in it
Verbing jc-030797
2. I put salt in it
-huia jc-030797
3. I put salt in it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I put salt in it
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I put salt in it
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
6. I put salt in it
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

0. to put shoes on someone

1. to put shoes on someone

FC - > jc-61096

0. to flatter someone or to say witticisms

1. to flatter someone or to say witticisms

FC - > jc-61096

0. to give music to others

1. to give music to others

FC - > jc-61096

0. to provide someone with food for the road

1. to provide someone with food for the road

FC - > jc-61096

0. to hit someone with a rod

1. to hit someone with a rod

FC - > jc-61096

0. to make a bed for someone
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. to make a bed for someone

FC - > jc-61096

0. to put a mask on someone

1. to put a mask on someone

FC - > jc-61096

0. I give possession of it to so
FC - > jc-61096
1. I give possession of it to so
Verbing jc-030797
2. I give possession of it to so
-tia jc-030797
3. I give possession of it to so
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I give possession of it to so
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I give possession of it to so
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
6. I give possession of it to so
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

0. I leave something for someone
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I will eat something ( of someone's )
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I will keep something for someone
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I will carry something for someone
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. i make pots

1. i make pots
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. i make pots

3. i make pots

4. i make pots
FC jc-031297
5. i make pots
FC jc-031297

0. I am despised
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I am despised
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I am despised
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i am despised
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i am despised
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I am despised
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I am despised
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I purify lead
1. i purify lead
FC -> jc-72895
2. I purify lead
3. I purify lead
4. I purify lead <p11-tetl1-me:tztli-chipa:hua>
<p11-tetl1-me:tztli-chipa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. I purify lead <p11-tetl1-me:tztli-chipa:hua>
<p11-tetl1-me:tztli-chipa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. i purify lead
FC jc-031297
7. i purify lead
FC jc-031297

0. I wash lead
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. i wash lead
FC -> jc-72895
2. I wash lead
3. I wash lead
4. I wash lead <p11-tetl1-me:tztli-pa:ca>
<p11-tetl1-me:tztli-pa:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. I wash lead <p11-tetl1-me:tztli-pa:ca>
<p11-tetl1-me:tztli-pa:ca> FC - > jc-61096
6. i wash lead
FC jc-031297
7. i wash lead
FC jc-031297

0. I search for lead
1. i search for lead
FC -> jc-72895
2. I search for lead
3. I search for lead
4. I search for lead <p11-tetl1-me:tztli-te:moa:>
<p11-tetl1-me:tztli-te:moa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. I search for lead <p11-tetl1-me:tztli-te:moa:>
<p11-tetl1-me:tztli-te:moa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. i search for lead
FC jc-031297
7. i search for lead
FC jc-031297

0. I gather pulverized lead
1. i gather pulverized lead
FC -> jc-72895
2. I gather pulverized lead
3. I gather pulverized lead
4. I gather pulverized lead <p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-cui>
<p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-cui> FC - > jc-61096
5. I gather pulverized lead <p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-cui>
<p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-cui> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. I gather pulverized lead <p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-cui>

<p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-cui> FC - > jc-61096
7. i gather pulverized lead
FC jc-031297
8. i gather pulverized lead
FC jc-031297

0. I heat pulverized lead
1. i heat pulverized lead
FC -> jc-72895
2. I heat pulverized lead
3. I heat pulverized lead
4. I heat pulverized lead <p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-tlatia1>
<p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-tlatia1> FC - > jc-61096
5. I heat pulverized lead <p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-tlatia1>
<p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-tlatia1> FC - > jc-61096
6. I heat pulverized lead <p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-tlatia1>
<p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-tlatia1> FC - > jc-61096
7. i heat pulverized lead
FC jc-031297
8. i heat pulverized lead
FC jc-031297

0. I fire pulverized lead
1. i fire pulverized lead
FC -> jc-72895
2. I fire pulverized lead
3. I fire pulverized lead
4. I fire pulverized lead
<p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-tlatia1-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. I fire pulverized lead
<p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-tlatia1-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. I fire pulverized lead
<p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-tlatia1-ben> FC - > jc-61096
7. I fire pulverized lead
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-tlatia1-ben> FC - > jc-61096
8. i fire pulverized lead
FC jc-031297
9. i fire pulverized lead
FC jc-031297

0. I excavate pulverized lead
1. i excavate pulverized lead
FC -> jc-72895
2. I excavate pulverized lead
3. I excavate pulverized lead
4. I excavate pulverized lead
<p11-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-tataca> FC - > jc-61096
5. I excavate pulverized lead
<p11-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-tataca> FC - > jc-61096
6. I excavate pulverized lead
<p11-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:lli-tataca> FC - > jc-61096
7. i excavate pulverized lead
FC jc-031297
8. i excavate pulverized lead
FC jc-031297

0. I remove lead
1. i remove lead
FC -> jc-72895
2. I remove lead
3. I remove lead
4. I remove lead <p11-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:za>
<p11-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:za> FC - > jc-61096
5. I remove lead <p11-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:za>
<p11-tetl1-me:tztli-tla:za> FC - > jc-61096
6. i remove lead
FC jc-031297
7. i remove lead
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. i dream

1. i dream
FC -> jc-72895
2. i dream

3. i dream

4. i dream
FC jc-031297
5. i dream
FC jc-031297

0. i shall dream

1. i shall dream
FC -> jc-72895
2. i shall dream

3. i shall dream

4. i shall dream
FC jc-031297
5. i shall dream
FC jc-031297

0. i give jimsonweed to someone

1. i give jimsonweed to someone

FC -> jc-72895
2. i give jimsonweed to someone

3. i give jimsonweed to someone

4. i give jimsonweed to someone

FC jc-031297
5. i give jimsonweed to someone
FC jc-031297

0. i came down, i descended; i was born
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. i came down, i descended; i was born

FC -> jc-72895
2. i came down, i descended; i was born

3. i came down, i descended; i was born

4. i came down, i descended; i was born

FC jc-031297
5. i came down, i descended; i was born
FC jc-031297

0. i wash gold

1. i wash gold
FC -> jc-72895
2. i wash gold

3. i wash gold

4. i wash gold
FC jc-031297
5. i wash gold
FC jc-031297

0. i cast gold
FC jc-031297

0. i dig gold, i excavate gold
FC jc-031297

0. i climb the mountain

1. i climb the mountain

FC -> jc-72895
2. i climb the mountain

3. I climb the mountain

4. i climb the mountain

5. I climb the mountain
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. I climb the mountain <p11-tepe:tl-tlehco>
<p11-tepe:tl-tlehco> FC - > jc-61096
7. i climb the mountain
FC jc-031297
8. i climb the mountain
FC jc-031297

0. I, lord

0. I cast copper
1. i cast copper
FC -> jc-72895
2. I cast copper
3. I cast copper
4. I cast copper <p11-tepoztli-pi:tza>
<p11-tepoztli-pi:tza> FC - > jc-61096
5. I cast copper <p11-tepoztli-pi:tza>
<p11-tepoztli-pi:tza> FC - > jc-61096
6. i cast copper
FC jc-031297
7. i cast copper
FC jc-031297

0. i liquefy copper

1. i liquefy copper
FC -> jc-72895
2. i liquefy copper

3. i liquefy copper

4. i liquefy copper
FC jc-031297
5. i liquefy copper
FC jc-031297

0. to point something out to someone
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. to point something out to someone

FC - > jc-61096

0. I cool the oven
1. i cool the oven
FC -> jc-72895
2. I cool the oven
3. I cool the oven
4. I cool the oven <p11-texcalli1-ce:hui-caus08>
<p11-texcalli1-ce:hui-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. I cool the oven <p11-texcalli1-ce:hui-caus08>
<p11-texcalli1-ce:hui-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. I cool the oven <p11-texcalli1-ce:hui-caus08>
<p11-texcalli1-ce:hui-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. i cool the oven
FC jc-031297
8. i cool the oven
FC jc-031297

0. feriar assi [ tianquizytztiuh, ni; nitlaotlatoctia ] M163123

0. within me
1. within me
FC -> jc-72895
2. within me
3. within me
4. within me <poss-ihtitl-co2>
<poss-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. within me <poss-ihtitl-co2>
<poss-ihtitl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. within me
FC jc-031297
7. within me
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I am a midwife
1. i am a midwife
FC -> jc-72895
2. I am a midwife
3. I am a midwife
4. I am a midwife <p11-ti:citl>
<p11-ti:citl> FC - > jc-61096
5. i am a midwife
FC jc-031297
6. i am a midwife
FC jc-031297

0. to carry something in a boat

1. to carry something in a boat

FC - > jc-61096

0. to wrap something in paper

1. to wrap something in paper

FC - > jc-61096

0. to tin something

1. to tin something
FC - > jc-61096

0. to soap something

1. to soap something
FC - > jc-61096

0. to pour chile pepper water into something

1. to pour chile pepper water into something

FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to put chile pepper into food

1. to put chile pepper into food

FC - > jc-61096

0. to carry something in a basket

1. to carry something in a basket

FC - > jc-61096

0. to put something under one's arm

1. to put something under one's arm

FC - > jc-61096

0. to coat something with copal

1. to coat something with copal

FC - > jc-61096

0. to fertilize the earth with manure

1. to fertilize the earth with manure

FC - > jc-61096

0. to get something bloody

1. to get something bloody

FC - > jc-61096

0. to walk on foot

1. to walk on foot
FC - > jc-61096

0. to put arms on statues

1. to put arms on statues
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096

0. to hunt with nets

1. to hunt with nets

FC - > jc-61096

0. to tie something with cords

1. to tie something with cords

FC - > jc-61096

0. to put maguey juice on something

1. to put maguey juice on something

FC - > jc-61096

0. to smear something with pinepitch

1. to smear something with pinepitch

FC - > jc-61096

0. to do something with one's left hand

1. to do something with one's left hand

FC - > jc-61096

0. to suffer something with manly courage

1. to suffer something with manly courage

FC - > jc-61096

0. to blacken something with charcoal

1. to blacken something with charcoal

FC - > jc-61096

0. to beat something with a stone
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. to beat something with a stone

FC - > jc-61096

0. to goldplate something

1. to goldplate something
FC - > jc-61096

0. to mash something with a stone pestle

1. to mash something with a stone pestle

FC - > jc-61096

0. to varnish something with white varnish

1. to varnish something with white varnish

FC - > jc-61096

0. to put earth on something

1. to put earth on something

FC - > jc-61096

0. to blacken or smear something

1. to blacken or smear something

FC - > jc-61096

0. to put something in the heat of the sun

1. to put something in the heat of the sun

FC - > jc-61096

0. to begin or introduce something

1. to begin or introduce something

FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to pour something with a gourd

1. to pour something with a gourd

FC - > jc-61096

0. to wax something

1. to wax something
FC - > jc-61096

0. to take something out with a spoon

1. to take something out with a spoon

FC - > jc-61096

0. to sharpen something

1. to sharpen something
FC - > jc-61096

0. to put mud on something

1. to put mud on something

FC - > jc-61096

0. I have good repute
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I have good repute
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I have good repute
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i have good repute
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i have good repute
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I have good repute
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I have good repute
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I will become a slave
FC - > jc-61096
1. I will become a slave
Verbing jc-030797
2. I will become a slave
-ti jc-030797
3. I will become a slave
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I will become a slave
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I will become a slave
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. I will become a slave
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

0. i melt something
FC jc-031297

0. i put urinated soil on something
FC jc-031297

0. i form myself, i am born
FC jc-031297

0. [ for titlacatla ] you are the lord

0. nitlacatzahua I darken something (b11 f23 p243)

0. I make something chili-red
FC - > jc-61096

0. I behold
1. i behold
FC -> jc-72895
2. I behold
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. I behold
4. I behold <p11-tlachiya>
<p11-tlachiya> FC - > jc-61096
5. i behold
FC jc-031297
6. i behold
FC jc-031297

0. I make something clean
1. i make something clean
FC -> jc-72895
2. I make something clean
3. I make something clean
4. I make something clean <p11-p51-chipa:hua>
<p11-p51-chipa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. i make something clean
FC jc-031297
6. i make something clean
FC jc-031297

0. I abrade something, I scrape something; I scrape
1. i abrade something, i scrape something; i scrape
FC -> jc-72895
2. I abrade something, I scrape something; I scrape
3. I abrade something, I scrape something; I scrape
4. I abrade something, I scrape something; I scrape
<p11-p51-ihchiqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. i abrade something, i scrape something; i scrape
FC jc-031297
6. i abrade something, i scrape something; i scrape
FC jc-031297

0. I beheld
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. i beheld
FC -> jc-72895
2. I beheld
3. I beheld
4. I beheld <p11-tlachiya-prt1>
<p11-tlachiya-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. i beheld
FC jc-031297
6. i beheld
FC jc-031297

0. I mold things
1. i mold things
FC -> jc-72895
2. I mold things
3. I mold things
4. I mold things <p11-p51-copi:na>
<p11-p51-copi:na> FC - > jc-61096
5. i mold things
FC jc-031297
6. i mold things
FC jc-031297

0. I make things with molds
1. i make things with molds
FC -> jc-72895
2. I make things with molds
3. I make things with molds
4. I make things with molds <p11-p51-copi:na-l1-chi:hua>
<p11-p51-copi:na-l1-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. I make things with molds <p11-p51-copi:na-l1-chi:hua>
<p11-p51-copi:na-l1-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. I make things with molds <p11-p51-copi:na-l1-chi:hua>
<p11-p51-copi:na-l1-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. i make things with molds
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. i make things with molds

FC jc-031297

0. I eat
1. i eat
FC -> jc-72895
2. I eat
3. I eat
4. I eat <p11-p51-cua:>
<p11-p51-cua:> FC - > jc-61096
5. i eat
FC jc-031297
6. i eat
FC jc-031297

0. i will eat

0. I embellish something; I make things beautiful
1. i embellish something; i make things beautiful
FC -> jc-72895
2. I embellish something; I make things beautiful
3. I embellish something; I make things beautiful
4. I embellish something; I make things beautiful
<p11-p51-cualli-ne:ci-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. I embellish something; I make things beautiful
<p11-p51-cualli-ne:ci-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. I embellish something; I make things beautiful
<p11-p51-cualli-ne:ci-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
7. i embellish something; i make things beautiful
FC jc-031297
8. i embellish something; i make things beautiful
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. i pry something

1. i pry something
FC -> jc-72895
2. i pry something

3. i pry something

4. i pry something
FC jc-031297
5. i pry something
FC jc-031297

0. I eat hurriedly
<ni2-p51-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03>
1. i eat hurriedly
FC -> jc-72895
2. I eat hurriedly
<ni2-p51-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03>
3. I eat hurriedly
<ni2-p51-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03>
4. I eat hurriedly <ni2-p51-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<ni2-p51-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. I eat hurriedly <ni2-p51-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<ni2-p51-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
6. I eat hurriedly <ni2-p51-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<ni2-p51-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
7. I eat hurriedly <ni2-p51-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<ni2-p51-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
8. i eat hurriedly
FC jc-031297
9. i eat hurriedly
FC jc-031297

0. i will eat
FC -> jc-72895
1. i will eat
FC jc-031297
2. i will eat
FC jc-031297

0. i paint
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. i paint
FC -> jc-72895
2. i paint

3. i paint

4. i paint
FC jc-031297
5. i paint
FC jc-031297

0. i carry something, i carry things

1. i carry something, i carry things

FC -> jc-72895
2. i carry something, i carry things

3. i carry something, i carry things

4. i carry something, i carry things

FC jc-031297
5. i carry something, i carry things
FC jc-031297

0. I clean the surface of something
1. i clean the surface of something
FC -> jc-72895
2. I clean the surface of something
3. I clean the surface of something
4. I clean the surface of something <p11-p51-i:xtli-chipa:hua>
<p11-p51-i:xtli-chipa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. i clean the surface of something
FC jc-031297
6. i clean the surface of something
FC jc-031297

0. i improve the surface of something

1. i improve the surface of something
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. i improve the surface of something

3. i improve the surface of something

4. i improve the surface of something

FC jc-031297
5. i improve the surface of something
FC jc-031297

0. I am a captor, I am a taker of captives
1. i am a captor, i am a taker of captives
FC -> jc-72895
2. I am a captor, I am a taker of captives
3. I am a captor, I am a taker of captives
4. I am a captor, I am a taker of captives <p11-p51-ma1-ni1>
<p11-p51-ma1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. I am a captor, I am a taker of captives <p11-p51-ma1-ni1>
<p11-p51-ma1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. I am a captor, I am a taker of captives <p11-p51-ma1-ni1>
<p11-p51-ma1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. i am a captor, i am a taker of captives
FC jc-031297
8. i am a captor, i am a taker of captives
FC jc-031297

0. i give commands
FC jc-031297

0. i break my teeth

1. i break my teeth
FC -> jc-72895
2. i break my teeth

3. i break my teeth

4. i break my teeth
FC jc-031297
5. i break my teeth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. i smell something

1. i smell something
FC -> jc-72895
2. i smell something

3. i smell something

4. i smell something
FC jc-031297
5. i smell something
FC jc-031297

0. i was overwrought

1. i was overwrought
FC -> jc-72895
2. i was overwrought

3. i was overwrought

4. i was overwrought
FC jc-031297
5. i was overwrought
FC jc-031297

0. I whistle through my teeth
1. i whistle through my teeth
FC -> jc-72895
2. I whistle through my teeth
3. I whistle through my teeth
4. I whistle through my teeth <p11-tlantli-quiquiztli-v11>
<p11-tlantli-quiquiztli-v11> FC - > jc-61096
5. I whistle through my teeth <p11-tlantli-quiquiztli-v11>
<p11-tlantli-quiquiztli-v11> FC - > jc-61096
6. I whistle through my teeth <p11-tlantli-quiquiztli-v11>
<p11-tlantli-quiquiztli-v11> FC - > jc-61096
7. i whistle through my teeth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. i whistle through my teeth
FC jc-031297

0. I will have my teeth cleaned
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I will have my teeth cleaned
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I will have my teeth cleaned
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i will have my teeth cleaned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i will have my teeth cleaned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I will have my teeth cleaned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I will have my teeth cleaned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I am a field hand
1. i am a field hand
FC -> jc-72895
2. I am a field hand
3. I am a field hand
4. I am a field hand <p11-tlahpalli-v03a>
<p11-tlahpalli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
5. I am a field hand <p11-tlahpalli-v03a>
<p11-tlahpalli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
6. i am a field hand
FC jc-031297
7. i am a field hand
FC jc-031297

0. i smooth the terrace

1. i smooth the terrace

FC -> jc-72895
2. i smooth the terrace

3. i smooth the terrace
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. i smooth the terrace

FC jc-031297
5. i smooth the terrace
FC jc-031297

0. i gather the terrace earth

1. i gather the terrace earth

FC -> jc-72895
2. i gather the terrace earth

3. i gather the terrace earth

4. i gather the terrace earth

FC jc-031297
5. i gather the terrace earth
FC jc-031297

0. i remove the terrace earth

1. i remove the terrace earth

FC -> jc-72895
2. i remove the terrace earth

3. i remove the terrace earth

4. i remove the terrace earth

FC jc-031297
5. i remove the terrace earth
FC jc-031297

0. i raise up the terrace earth

1. i raise up the terrace earth

FC -> jc-72895
2. i raise up the terrace earth

3. i raise up the terrace earth

4. i raise up the terrace earth

FC jc-031297
5. i raise up the terrace earth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. i polish something

1. i polish something
FC -> jc-72895
2. i polish something

3. i polish something

4. i polish something
FC jc-031297
5. i polish something
FC jc-031297

0. I pronounce something
FC - > jc-61096

0. i gild something
FC jc-031297

0. i apply limestone to something
FC jc-031297

0. I fire things in an over
1. i fire things in an over
FC -> jc-72895
2. I fire things in an over
3. I fire things in an over
4. I fire things in an over <p11-p51-texcalli1-te:mi-caus09>
<p11-p51-texcalli1-te:mi-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. I fire things in an over <p11-p51-texcalli1-te:mi-caus09>
<p11-p51-texcalli1-te:mi-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. I fire things in an over <p11-p51-texcalli1-te:mi-caus09>
<p11-p51-texcalli1-te:mi-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
7. i fire things in an over
FC jc-031297
8. i fire things in an over
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. i apply chalk to something
FC jc-031297

0. Nechtlahtolmacatoc in nocihtzin nic amo nitlatlacatoca Me
esta' aconsejando mi abuelita porque no obedezco My
grandmother is giving me advice because I am disobidient
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. I redden something
1. i redden something
FC -> jc-72895
2. I redden something
3. I redden something
4. I redden something <p11-p51-tla:huitl-v06>
<p11-p51-tla:huitl-v06> FC - > jc-61096
5. I redden something <p11-p51-tla:huitl-v06>
<p11-p51-tla:huitl-v06> FC - > jc-61096
6. i redden something
FC jc-031297
7. i redden something
FC jc-031297

0. nitlatlaltzauchuia I apply tlaltzacutli to something
<p11-tla:lli-tzacua-l2-v05b (b11 f25 c12 p258)
1. nitlatlaltzauchuia I apply tlaltzacutli to something
<p11-tla:lli-tzacua-l2-v05b> (b11 f25 c12 p258) JC-7/23/96

0. i provide the roof

1. i provide the roof

FC -> jc-72895
2. i provide the roof

3. i provide the roof
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. i provide the roof

FC jc-031297
5. i provide the roof
FC jc-031297

0. nitlatlapalnexhuia, I apply tlapalnextli to something
<p11--p51-pa:3-l1-nextli-v05b (b11 f23 c11 p240)
1. nitlatlapalnexhuia, I apply tlapalnextli to something
<p11--p51-pa:3-l1-nextli-v05b> (b11 f23 c11 p240) JC-7/23/96

0. i break something up

1. i break something up
FC -> jc-72895
2. i break something up

3. i break something up

4. i break something up
FC jc-031297
5. i break something up
FC jc-031297

0. i am ruler

1. i am ruler
FC -> jc-72895
2. i am ruler

3. i am ruler

4. i am ruler
FC jc-031297
5. i am ruler
FC jc-031297

0. i snare something

1. i snare something
FC -> jc-72895
2. i snare something
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. i snare something

4. i snare something
FC jc-031297
5. i snare something
FC jc-031297

0. i take off the roof

1. i take off the roof

FC -> jc-72895
2. i take off the roof

3. i take off the roof

4. i take off the roof

FC jc-031297
5. i take off the roof
FC jc-031297

0. I Am Sad
1. I am sad
2. I Am Sad
3. I am sad
4. I Am Sad
5. I am sad

0. I am darkness
1. i am darkness
FC -> jc-72895
2. I am darkness
3. I am darkness
4. I am darkness <p11-tla6-yohua-l1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p11-tla6-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096

5. I am darkness <p11-tla6-yohua-l1>
<p11-tla6-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. I am darkness <p11-tla6-yohua-l1>
<p11-tla6-yohua-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. i am darkness
FC jc-031297
8. i am darkness
FC jc-031297

0. I will be buried
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I will be buried
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I will be buried
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i will be buried
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i will be buried
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I will be buried
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I will be buried
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. i am tormented, i am caused to suffer

1. i am tormented, i am caused to suffer

FC -> jc-72895
2. i am tormented, i am caused to suffer

3. i am tormented, i am caused to suffer

4. i am tormented, i am caused to suffer

FC jc-031297
5. i am tormented, i am caused to suffer
FC jc-031297

0. i will be abused, i will be afflicted

1. i will be abused, i will be afflicted

FC -> jc-72895
2. i will be abused, i will be afflicted
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. i will be abused, i will be afflicted

4. i will be abused, i will be afflicted

FC jc-031297
5. i will be abused, i will be afflicted
FC jc-031297

0. i am a turkey caretaker

1. i am a turkey caretaker
FC -> jc-72895
2. i am a turkey caretaker

3. i am a turkey caretaker

4. i am a turkey caretaker
FC jc-031297
5. i am a turkey caretaker
FC jc-031297

0. I will be seen
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I will be seen
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I will be seen
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i will be seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i will be seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I will be seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I will be seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I will be seen
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I will be seen
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I will be seen
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i will be seen
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1

4. i will be seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I will be seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I will be seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I make amaranth seed dough
1. i make amaranth seed dough
FC -> jc-72895
2. I make amaranth seed dough
3. I make amaranth seed dough
4. I make amaranth seed dough <p11-tzoalli-v05a>
<p11-tzoalli-v05a> FC - > jc-61096
5. I make amaranth seed dough <p11-tzoalli-v05a>
<p11-tzoalli-v05a> FC - > jc-61096
6. i make amaranth seed dough
FC jc-031297
7. i make amaranth seed dough
FC jc-031297

0. i make large water jars

1. i make large water jars

FC -> jc-72895
2. i make large water jars

3. i make large water jars

4. i make large water jars

FC jc-031297
5. i make large water jars
FC jc-031297

0. i wash sand

1. i wash sand
FC -> jc-72895
2. i wash sand
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. i wash sand

4. i wash sand
FC jc-031297
5. i wash sand
FC jc-031297

0. I blow sand
1. i blow sand
FC -> jc-72895
2. I blow sand
3. I blow sand
4. I blow sand <p11-xa:lli-pi:tza>
<p11-xa:lli-pi:tza> FC - > jc-61096
5. I blow sand <p11-xa:lli-pi:tza>
<p11-xa:lli-pi:tza> FC - > jc-61096
6. i blow sand
FC jc-031297
7. i blow sand
FC jc-031297

0. i pulverize sand

1. i pulverize sand
FC -> jc-72895
2. i pulverize sand

3. i pulverize sand

4. i pulverize sand
FC jc-031297
5. i pulverize sand
FC jc-031297

0. i purify sand, i clean sand

1. i purify sand, i clean sand

FC -> jc-72895
2. i purify sand, i clean sand
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. i purify sand, i clean sand

4. i purify sand, i clean sand

FC jc-031297
5. i purify sand, i clean sand
FC jc-031297

0. i remove adobe bricks

1. i remove adobe bricks

FC -> jc-72895
2. i remove adobe bricks

3. i remove adobe bricks

4. i remove adobe bricks

FC jc-031297
5. i remove adobe bricks
FC jc-031297

0. I make adobe bricks
1. i make adobe bricks
FC -> jc-72895
2. I make adobe bricks
3. I make adobe bricks
4. I make adobe bricks <p11-xa:mitl-copi:na>
<p11-xa:mitl-copi:na> FC - > jc-61096
5. I make adobe bricks <p11-xa:mitl-copi:na>
<p11-xa:mitl-copi:na> FC - > jc-61096
6. i make adobe bricks
FC jc-031297
7. i make adobe bricks
FC jc-031297

0. I lay adobe bricks
1. i lay adobe bricks
FC -> jc-72895
2. I lay adobe bricks
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. I lay adobe bricks
4. I lay adobe bricks <p11-xa:mitl-tla:za>
<p11-xa:mitl-tla:za> FC - > jc-61096
5. i lay adobe bricks
FC jc-031297
6. i lay adobe bricks
FC jc-031297

0. my tears
1. my tears
FC -> jc-72895
2. my tears
3. my tears
4. my tears <poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1>
<poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. my tears <poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1>
<poss-i:xtli-a:tl1-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. my tears
FC jc-031297
7. my tears
FC jc-031297

0. myself, on my own responsibility

1. myself, on my own responsibility

FC -> jc-72895
2. myself, on my own responsibility

3. myself, on my own responsibility

4. myself, on my own responsibility

FC jc-031297
5. myself, on my own responsibility
FC jc-031297

0. i am an ear of green maize

1. i am an ear of green maize
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. i am an ear of green maize

3. i am an ear of green maize

4. i am an ear of green maize

FC jc-031297
5. i am an ear of green maize
FC jc-031297

0. i glue turquoise

1. i glue turquoise
FC -> jc-72895
2. i glue turquoise

3. i glue turquoise

4. i glue turquoise
FC jc-031297
5. i glue turquoise
FC jc-031297

0. i gorge myself, i eat like a glutton
FC jc-031297

0. i make flowers

1. i make flowers
FC -> jc-72895
2. i make flowers

3. I make flowers
4. i make flowers

5. I make flowers
6. I make flowers <p11-xo:chitl-chi:hua>
<p11-xo:chitl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. i make flowers
FC jc-031297
8. i make flowers
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. i remove flowers

1. i remove flowers
FC -> jc-72895
2. i remove flowers

3. i remove flowers

4. i remove flowers
FC jc-031297
5. i remove flowers
FC jc-031297

0. I offer flowers, I lay flowers on the ground
1. i offer flowers; i lay flowers on the ground
FC -> jc-72895
2. I offer flowers, I lay flowers on the ground
3. I offer flowers, I lay flowers on the ground
4. I offer flowers, I lay flowers on the ground
<p11-xo:chitl-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. I offer flowers, I lay flowers on the ground
<p11-xo:chitl-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. I offer flowers <p11-xo:chitl-mani-caus09>
<p11-xo:chitl-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
7. i offer flowers; i lay flowers on the ground
FC jc-031297
8. i offer flowers; i lay flowers on the ground
FC jc-031297

0. i sow flowers

1. i sow flowers
FC -> jc-72895
2. i sow flowers

3. i sow flowers
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. i sow flowers
FC jc-031297
5. i sow flowers
FC jc-031297

0. i seek flowers, i look for flowers

1. i seek flowers, i look for flowers

FC -> jc-72895
2. i seek flowers, i look for flowers

3. i seek flowers, i look for flowers

4. i seek flowers, i look for flowers

FC jc-031297
5. i seek flowers, i look for flowers
FC jc-031297

0. I pick flowers, I cut flowers
1. i pick flowers, i cut flowers
FC -> jc-72895
2. I pick flowers, I cut flowers
3. I pick flowers, I cut flowers
4. I pick flowers, I cut flowers <p33-xo:chitl-tequi1>
<p33-xo:chitl-tequi1> FC - > jc-61096
5. I pick flowers, I cut flowers <p33-xo:chitl-tequi1>
<p33-xo:chitl-tequi1> FC - > jc-61096
6. i pick flowers, i cut flowers
FC jc-031297
7. i pick flowers, i cut flowers
FC jc-031297

0. i continue to cut flowers; i pick different flowers; i cut
different flowers
1. i continue to cut flowers; i pick different flowers; i cut
different flowers
FC -> jc-72895
2. i continue to cut flowers; i pick different flowers; i cut
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

different flowers
3. i continue to cut flowers; i pick different flowers; i cut
different flowers
4. I continue to cut flowers <p11-xo:chitl-dupl-tequi1>
<p11-xo:chitl-dupl-tequi1> FC - > jc-61096
5. I continue to cut flowers <p11-xo:chitl-dupl-tequi1>
<p11-xo:chitl-dupl-tequi1> FC - > jc-61096
6. I continue to cut flowers <p11-xo:chitl-dupl-tequi1>
<p11-xo:chitl-dupl-tequi1> FC - > jc-61096
7. i continue to cut flowers; i pick different flowers; i cut
different flowers
FC jc-031297
8. i continue to cut flowers; i pick different flowers; i cut
different flowers
FC jc-031297

0. I assemble flowers
1. i assemble flowers
FC -> jc-72895
2. I assemble flowers
3. I assemble flowers
4. I assemble flowers <p11-xo:chitl-p51-dupl-cui-ben>
<p11-xo:chitl-p51-dupl-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. I assemble flowers <p11-xo:chitl-p51-dupl-cui-ben>
<p11-xo:chitl-p51-dupl-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. I assemble flowers <p11-xo:chitl-p51-dupl-cui-ben>
<p11-xo:chitl-p51-dupl-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
7. I assemble flowers <p11-xo:chitl-p51-dupl-cui-ben>
<p11-xo:chitl-p51-dupl-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
8. i assemble flowers
FC jc-031297
9. i assemble flowers
FC jc-031297

0. I arrange flowers; I arrange blossoms
1. i arrange flowers; i arrange blossoms
FC -> jc-72895
2. I arrange flowers; I arrange blossoms
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. I arrange flowers; I arrange blossoms
4. I arrange flowers; I arrange blossoms <p11-xo:chitl-tla:lia>
<p11-xo:chitl-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
5. i arrange flowers; i arrange blossoms
FC jc-031297
6. i arrange flowers; i arrange blossoms
FC jc-031297

0. i plant flowers

1. i plant flowers
FC -> jc-72895
2. i plant flowers

3. i plant flowers

4. i plant flowers
FC jc-031297
5. i plant flowers
FC jc-031297

0. I thread a flower
1. i thread a flower
FC -> jc-72895
2. I thread a flower
3. I thread a flower
4. I thread a flower <p11-xo:chitl-zo:1>
<p11-xo:chitl-zo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. I thread a flower <p11-xo:chitl-zo:1>
<p11-xo:chitl-zo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. i thread a flower
FC jc-031297
7. i thread a flower
FC jc-031297

0. I thread flowers
1. i thread flowers
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. I thread flowers
3. I thread flowers
4. I thread flowers <p11-xo:chitl-dupl-zo:1>
<p11-xo:chitl-dupl-zo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. I thread flowers <p11-xo:chitl-dupl-zo:1>
<p11-xo:chitl-dupl-zo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. I thread flowers <p11-xo:chitl-dupl-zo:1>
<p11-xo:chitl-dupl-zo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. I thread flowers <p11-xo:chitl-dupl-zo:1>
<p11-xo:chitl-dupl-zo:1> FC - > jc-61096
8. i thread flowers
FC jc-031297
9. i thread flowers
FC jc-031297

0. my teeth are set on edge

1. my teeth are set on edge

FC -> jc-72895
2. my teeth are set on edge

3. my teeth are set on edge

4. my teeth are set on edge

FC jc-031297
5. my teeth are set on edge
FC jc-031297

0. in my presence

1. in my presence
FC -> jc-72895
2. in my presence

3. in my presence

4. in my presence
FC jc-031297
5. in my presence
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. i am wise

1. i am wise
FC -> jc-72895
2. i am wise

3. i am wise

4. i am wise
FC jc-031297
5. i am wise
FC jc-031297

0. I go
1. i go
FC -> jc-72895
2. I go
3. I go
4. I go <p11-yauh1>
<p11-yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. i go
FC jc-031297
6. i go
FC jc-031297

0. I will go
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. I go
1. i go
FC -> jc-72895
2. I go
3. I go
4. I go <p11-yauh1>
<p11-yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. i go
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. i go
FC jc-031297
7. I go
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. i will go

1. i will go
FC -> jc-72895
2. i will go

3. i will go

4. i will go
FC jc-031297
5. i will go
FC jc-031297

0. I will become good
FC - > jc-61096
1. I will become good
Verbing jc-030797
2. I will become good
-ti jc-030797
3. I will become good
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I will become good
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. I will become good
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. I will become good
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

0. I will be
1. i will be
FC -> jc-72895
2. I will be
3. I will be
4. I will be <p11-ca:1b-z>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p11-ca:1b-z> FC - > jc-61096

5. i will be
FC jc-031297
6. i will be
FC jc-031297
7. I will be
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. I faint
1. i faint
FC -> jc-72895
2. I faint
3. I faint
4. I faint <p11-yo:lli-miqui>
<p11-yo:lli-miqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. I faint <p11-yo:lli-miqui>
<p11-yo:lli-miqui> FC - > jc-61096
6. i faint
FC jc-031297
7. i faint
FC jc-031297

0. my heart is delighted
1. my heart is delighted
FC -> jc-72895
2. my heart is delighted
3. my heart is delighted
4. my heart is delighted <p11-yo:lli-pa:qui>
<p11-yo:lli-pa:qui> FC - > jc-61096
5. my heart is delighted
FC jc-031297
6. my heart is delighted
FC jc-031297

0. i am troubled

1. i am troubled
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. i am troubled

3. i am troubled

4. i am troubled
FC jc-031297
5. i am troubled
FC jc-031297

0. i make it out of clay

1. i make it out of clay

FC -> jc-72895
2. i make it out of clay

3. i make it out of clay

4. i make it out of clay

FC jc-031297
5. i make it out of clay
FC jc-031297

0. i leach the alkaline soil

1. i leach the alkaline soil

FC -> jc-72895
2. i leach the alkaline soil

3. i leach the alkaline soil

4. i leach the alkaline soil

FC jc-031297
5. i leach the alkaline soil
FC jc-031297

0. i heap up alkaline soil

1. i heap up alkaline soil

FC -> jc-72895
2. i heap up alkaline soil

3. i heap up alkaline soil
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. i heap up alkaline soil

FC jc-031297
5. i heap up alkaline soil
FC jc-031297

0. i make salt

1. i make salt
FC -> jc-72895
2. i make salt

3. i make salt

4. i make salt
FC jc-031297
5. i make salt
FC jc-031297

0. i make brine, i make salt water

1. i make brine, i make salt water

FC -> jc-72895
2. i make brine, i make salt water

3. i make brine, i make salt water

4. i make brine, i make salt water

FC jc-031297
5. i make brine, i make salt water
FC jc-031297

0. tambie'n ( also )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. also; also same; as well as; likewise; too
FC -> jc-72895
2. also; also same; as well as; likewise; too
3. also; also same; as well as; likewise; too
4. also <no:>
<no:> FC - > jc-61096
5. also <no:>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<no:> FC - > jc-61096

6. tambie'n ( also )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. also; also same; as well as; likewise; too
FC jc-031297
8. also; also same; as well as; likewise; too
FC jc-031297
9. no ihuan in ihcuac otztli cihuatl
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
10. in ihcuac cualo tonatiuh

11. anozo metztli: amo huel quittaya

12. likewise

13. when a woman was with child during an eclipse of the sun or

14. she might might not look at it

no ce
0. another
<no: ce:>
1. another
FC -> jc-72895
2. another
FC -> jc-72895
3. another
<no: ce:>
4. another
<no: ce:>
5. another <no: ce:>
<no: ce:> FC - > jc-61096
6. another <no: ce:>
<no: ce:> FC - > jc-61096
7. another <no: ce:>
<no: ce:> FC - > jc-61096
8. another
FC jc-031297
9. another
FC jc-031297

no cenca
0. especially
<no: -->
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. especially
FC -> jc-72895
2. especially
FC -> jc-72895
3. especially
<no: -->
4. especially
<no: -->
5. especially <no: -;
<no: --> FC - > jc-61096
6. especially <no: -;
<no: --> FC - > jc-61096
7. especially
FC jc-031297
8. especially
FC jc-031297

no ceppa
0. once again
<no: ce:-pa2>
1. once again
FC -> jc-72895
2. once again
FC -> jc-72895
3. once again
<no: ce:-pa2>
4. once again
<no: ce:-pa2>
5. once again <no: ce:-pa2>
<no: ce:-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
6. once again <no: ce:-pa2>
<no: ce:-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
7. once again <no: ce:-pa2>
<no: ce:-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
8. once again
FC jc-031297
9. once again
FC jc-031297

no ihcuac
0. at the same time
<no: ihcua:c>
1. at the same time
FC -> jc-72895
2. at the same time
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. at the same time

<no: ihcua:c>
4. at the same time
<no: ihcua:c>
5. at the same time <no: ihcua:c>
<no: ihcua:c> FC - > jc-61096
6. at the same time <no: ihcua:c>
<no: ihcua:c> FC - > jc-61096
7. at the same time
FC jc-031297
8. at the same time
FC jc-031297

no iuhqui
0. adema's; tambie'n ( besides; also )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. same
FC -> jc-72895
2. same

3. same

4. adema's; tambie'n ( besides; also )

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
5. same
FC jc-031297
6. same
FC jc-031297

0. prickly pear fruit

0. mute

0. pour, spill

0. speak notza

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they are called

Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they are called
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they are called
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. they are called
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they are called
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they are called
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. they are called
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. Nictemohtoc in noamox nic onicpoloh Estoy buscando mi
libro porque lo perdi I am looking for my book because I
lost it
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
1. Nictemohticah in noamox nic onicpoloh Estoy buscando mi
libro porque lo perdi I am looking for my book because I
have lost it
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. mientras ( while )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. about me
FC jc-031297
2. about me
FC jc-031297

0. my duck
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my duck
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. my duck
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my bowl
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my bowl
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. mi casa ( my home )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. mi casa ( my house )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. my home; my house
FC -> jc-72895
3. my home; my house

4. my home; my house

5. mi casa ( my home )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
6. mi casa ( my house )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. my home; my house
FC jc-031297
8. my home; my house
FC jc-031297

0. it goes about eating prickly pears
FC jc-031297

0. prickly pear peeling

1. prickly pear peeling

FC - > jc-61096

0. todo ( all )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. todo ( all )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. todo ( all; everything )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. todo ( all; whole )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. todo ( all )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. todo ( all )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
6. todo ( all; everything )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. todo ( all; whole )

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. siempre ( always )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. prickly pear wine

1. prickly pear wine

FC - > jc-61096

0. Nictzoyonilihtoc in quilitl in nochpoch nic amo maxilia Le
estoy friendo los quelites a mi hija porque no le da tiempo
I am frying my daughter's vegetables because she does not
have time
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. o my maiden

1. o my maiden
FC -> jc-72895
2. o my maiden

3. o my maiden

4. o my daughter; o my maiden
FC jc-031297
5. o my daughter; o my maiden
FC jc-031297

0. my daughter
1. my daughter
FC -> jc-72895
2. my daughter
3. my daughter
4. my daughter <poss-ichpo:chtli-tzin>
<poss-ichpo:chtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. my daughter <poss-ichpo:chtli-tzin>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-ichpo:chtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096

6. my daughter; my beloved maiden
FC jc-031297
7. my daughter; my beloved maiden
FC jc-031297

0. my dear daughter
1. my dear daughter
FC -> jc-72895
2. my dear daughter
3. my dear daughter
4. my dear daughter <poss-ichpo:chtli-tzin>
<poss-ichpo:chtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. my dear daughter <poss-ichpo:chtli-tzin>
<poss-ichpo:chtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. my dear daughter
FC jc-031297
7. my dear daughter
FC jc-031297

0. todos ( all )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. todos ( all )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. todos ( all; every )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. todos ( all )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. todos ( all )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
5. todos ( all; every )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
6. Tlapacatoqueh nochtin atlahco Esta'n lavando todas en la
barranca They are all washing by the cliff
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
7. Tlapacaticateh [ tlapacatcateh ] nochtin atlahco Esta'n
lavando todas en la barranca They are all washing by the
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

nochtin ( ti- )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. todos nosotros ( all of us; we all )

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. todo el mundo ( all people; everybody )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. todo el mundo ( everybody )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. todas las personas; todo el mundo ( everybody )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. todo el mundo ( all people; everybody )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
4. todo el mundo ( everybody )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
5. todas las personas; todo el mundo ( everybody )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. tortilla made with tuna cactus fruit
1. tortilla made with tuna cactus fruit
FC -> jc-72895
2. tortilla made with tuna cactus fruit
3. tortilla made with tuna cactus fruit
4. tortilla made with tuna cactus fruit <no:chtli-p51-ixca-l1>
<no:chtli-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. tortilla made with tuna cactus fruit <no:chtli-p51-ixca-l1>
<no:chtli-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. tortilla made with tuna cactus fruit <no:chtli-p51-ixca-l1>
<no:chtli-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. tortilla made with tuna cactus fruit <no:chtli-p51-ixca-l1>
<no:chtli-p51-ixca-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. tortilla made with tuna cactus fruit
FC jc-031297
9. tortilla made with tuna cactus fruit
FC jc-031297

0. prickly pear

1. prickly pear
FC - > jc-61096
2. prickly pear; tuna cactus fruit; tuna
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. prickly pear; tuna cactus fruit; tuna

FC jc-031297

0. Nechtlahtolmacatoc in nocihtzin nic amo nitlatlacatoca Me
esta' aconsejando mi abuelita porque no obedezco My
grandmother is giving me advice because I am disobidient
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. my beloved noblewoman; my noblewoman; my young noblewoman

1. my beloved noblewoman; my noblewoman; my young noblewoman

FC -> jc-72895
2. my beloved noblewoman; my noblewoman; my young noblewoman

3. my beloved noblewoman; my noblewoman; my young noblewoman

4. my beloved noblewoman; my noblewoman; my young noblewoman

FC jc-031297
5. my beloved noblewoman; my noblewoman; my young noblewoman
FC jc-031297

0. mis hermanos ( my brothers; sisters; siblings )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. mis hermanos ( my siblings )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. mis hermanos ( my brothers; sisters; siblings )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. mis hermanos ( my siblings )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. In nocnih quicanhuihtoc in axnoh Mi hermano esta'
siguiendo al burro My brother is following the donkey
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
1. In nocnih quicanhuihticah in axnoh Mi hermano esta'
siguiendo al burro My brother is following the donkey
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. my calf ( of the leg )
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my calf ( of the leg )
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. my calf ( of the leg )

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my sickness
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. my sickness
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. my sickness
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. my sickness
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. Vas a llegar a la casa de mi abuelito ? Tahciz ichan in
nocohcoltzin ? Are you going to arrive at my grandfather's
house ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. i grasp it

1. i grasp it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i grasp it

3. i grasp it

4. i grasp it
FC jc-031297
5. i grasp it
FC jc-031297

0. i grasp it

1. i grasp it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i grasp it

3. i grasp it

4. i grasp it
FC jc-031297
5. i grasp it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. with eagerness have I longed for them

0. my beloved child
1. my beloved child
FC -> jc-72895
2. my beloved child
3. my beloved child
4. my beloved child <poss-cone:tl-tzin>
<poss-cone:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. my beloved child <poss-cone:tl-tzin>
<poss-cone:tl-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. my beloved child; my child
FC jc-031297
7. my beloved child; my child
FC jc-031297

0. ihcuac mitoa: intla aca nechcocolia, nechteixpaoya in ma
nitolinilo, in ma cana altepetl ipan nitotoco: zan amo huel
mochihua, amo tle huel ic nitolinilo, amo no nitotoco: ic
**noconilhuia** in notecocolicauh: campa mixco it is said
at this time: if one who hates me, who accuses me so that i
may be tormented, so that i may be persecuted somewhere in
the city, but it cannot be done, i cannot be so tormented
nor can i be persecuted, for that reason i say to my
tormentor: "where is it in thy face?"
(b6 f18 p223) jc-022297

0. i declare him
FC jc-031297

0. i raise him in dedication, i raise him in offering, i offer

1. i raise him in dedication, i raise him in offering, i offer

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. i raise him in dedication, i raise him in offering, i offer


3. i raise him in dedication, i raise him in offering, i offer


4. i raise him in dedication, i raise him in offering, i offer

FC jc-031297
5. i raise him in dedication, i raise him in offering, i offer
FC jc-031297

0. i will taste it

1. i will taste it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i will taste it

3. i will taste it

4. i will taste it
FC jc-031297
5. i will taste it
FC jc-031297

0. i commend him
FC jc-031297

0. i make pulque, wine

1. i make pulque, wine

FC -> jc-72895
2. i make pulque, wine

3. i make pulque, wine

4. i make pulque, wine

FC jc-031297
5. i make pulque, wine
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. my song

1. my song
FC -> jc-72895
2. my song

3. my song

4. my song
FC jc-031297
5. my song
FC jc-031297

0. en todas partes ( everywhere )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. en todas partes ( everywhere )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. each one curved

1. each one curved

FC -> jc-72895
2. each one curved

3. each one curved

4. each one curved

FC jc-031297
5. each one curved
FC jc-031297

0. I become thin and bony
FC - > jc-61096
1. I become thin and bony
Verbing jc-030797
2. I become thin and bony
-ti jc-030797
3. I become thin and bony
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. I become thin and bony
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. I become thin and bony

JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. I become thin and bony
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

0. prickly pear cactus, nopal

0. i travel the road

1. i travel the road

FC -> jc-72895
2. i travel the road

3. i travel the road

4. i travel the road

FC jc-031297
5. i travel the road
FC jc-031297

0. everywhere

1. everywhere
FC -> jc-72895
2. everywhere

3. everywhere
4. everywhere

5. everywhere
6. everywhere <no:huiya:n>
<no:huiya:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. everywhere <no:huiya:n>
<no:huiya:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. everywhere
FC jc-031297
9. everywhere
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to everywhere, in all directions

1. in all directions, everywhere
FC -> jc-72895
2. to everywhere, in all directions
3. to everywhere, in all directions
4. to everywhere <no:huiya:n-pa1>
<no:huiya:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
5. to everywhere <no:huiya:n-pa1>
<no:huiya:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
6. to everywhere <no:huiya:n-pa1>
<no:huiya:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
7. everywhere; in all directions
FC jc-031297
8. everywhere; in all directions
FC jc-031297

0. everywhere; all about; all around; all over; all places; in
all parts; in all places; wherever

1. everywhere; all about; all around; all over; all places; in

all parts; in all places; wherever
FC -> jc-72895
2. everywhere; all about; all around; all over; all places; in
all parts; in all places; wherever

3. everywhere
4. everywhere; all about; all around; all over; all places; in
all parts; in all places; wherever

5. everywhere
6. everywhere <no:huiya:n>
<no:huiya:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. everywhere <no:huiya:n>
<no:huiya:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. everywhere; all about; all around; all over; all places; in
all parts; in all places; wherever
FC jc-031297
9. everywhere; all about; all around; all over; all places; in
all parts; in all places; wherever
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. everywhere, in all directions

1. everywhere, in all directions

FC -> jc-72895
2. everywhere, in all directions

3. everywhere, in all directions

4. everywhere, in all directions

FC jc-031297
5. everywhere, in all directions
FC jc-031297

0. my hoe
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my hoe
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. my hoe
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. hacia mi' ( towards me )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. everywhere
1. everywhere
FC -> jc-72895
2. everywhere
3. everywhere
4. everywhere <no:huiya:n>
<no:huiya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. everywhere <no:huiya:n>
<no:huiya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. everywhere
FC jc-031297
7. everywhere
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. everywhere, in all parts; from everywhere; from all parts;

to everywhere
1. everywhere; in all parts; from everywhere; from all parts;
to everywhere
FC -> jc-72895
2. everywhere, in all parts; from everywhere; from all parts;
to everywhere
3. everywhere, in all parts; from everywhere; from all parts;
to everywhere
4. everywhere, in all parts; from everywhere; from all parts;
to everywhere <no:huiya:n-pa1>
<no:huiya:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
5. everywhere, in all parts; from everywhere; from all parts;
to everywhere <no:huiya:n-pa1>
<no:huiya:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
6. everywhere, in all parts; from everywhere; from all parts;
to everywhere <no:huiya:n-pa1>
<no:huiya:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
7. everywhere; in all parts; from everywhere; from all parts;
to everywhere
FC jc-031297
8. everywhere; in all parts; from everywhere; from all parts;
to everywhere
FC jc-031297

0. everywhere, in all parts
1. everywhere; all about; in all directions; in all parts; in
all places
FC -> jc-72895
2. everywhere, in all parts
3. everywhere, in all parts
4. everywhere, in all parts <no:huiya:n>
<no:huiya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. everywhere, in all parts <no:huiya:n>
<no:huiya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. everywhere; all about; in all directions; in all parts; in
all places
FC jc-031297
7. everywhere; all about; in all directions; in all parts; in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

all places
FC jc-031297

0. tambie'n ( also )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. bend
1. they become curved
FC -> jc-72895
2. they become curved
3. bend
4. they become curved
5. they become curved <nolihui>
<nolihui> FC - > jc-61096
6. they become curved <nolihui>
<nolihui> FC - > jc-61096
7. they become curved
FC jc-031297
8. they become curved
FC jc-031297

0. twisted
1. twisted
FC -> jc-72895
2. twisted
3. twisted
4. twisted <nolihui-c2>
<nolihui-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. twisted <nolihui-c2>
<nolihui-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. twisted <nolihui-c2>
<nolihui-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. twisted
FC jc-031297
8. twisted
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. curved; twisted; wrinkled

1. curved; twisted; wrinkled

FC -> jc-72895
2. curved; twisted; wrinkled

3. curved; twisted; wrinkled

4. curved; twisted; wrinkled

FC jc-031297
5. curved; twisted; wrinkled
FC jc-031297

0. in my hand
1. in my hand
FC -> jc-72895
2. in my hand
3. in my hand
4. in my hand <poss-ma:itl-co2>
<poss-ma:itl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in my hand <poss-ma:itl-co2>
<poss-ma:itl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in my hand
FC jc-031297
7. in my hand
FC jc-031297

0. my captive
1. my captive
FC -> jc-72895
2. my captive
3. my captive
4. my captive <poss-ma:1-l1>
<poss-ma:1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. my captive <poss-ma:1-l1>
<poss-ma:1-l1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. my captive
FC jc-031297
7. my captive
FC jc-031297

0. ic nichoca ic nitlaocoya ic ninentlamati in niquilnamiqui
ac ye in nomamiccatzin, ac ye in notenhuacauh thus i weep,
i am saddened, i am discontent when i reflect upon which
one is my sluggard, which one my incoherent one (b6 f7 p87)

0. my death
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. my death
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. my death
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. my death
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my arrow, my dart
1. my arrow; my dart
FC -> jc-72895
2. my arrow, my dart
3. my arrow, my dart
4. my arrow, my dart <poss-mi:tl-uh>
<poss-mi:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. my arrow, my dart <poss-mi:tl-uh>
<poss-mi:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. my arrow; my dart
FC jc-031297
7. my arrow; my dart
FC jc-031297

0. In nomontah nechilpilihtoc in pitzotl nic omotohton Mi
suegro me esta' amarrando el puerco porque se desato My
father-in-law is tying the pig because it got loose
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
1. In nomontah nechilpilihticah in pitzotl nic omotohton Mi
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

suegro me esta' amarrando el puerco porque se desato My

father-in-law is tying the pig because it got loose
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. eso ( that )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. ese; esa ( that )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. ese ( that )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. eso ( that )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. eso ( that )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. ese; esa ( that )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
6. ese ( that )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. eso ( that )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. my body
1. my body
FC -> jc-72895
2. my body
3. my body
4. my body <poss-nacatl-yo:tl1>
<poss-nacatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. my body <poss-nacatl-yo:tl1>
<poss-nacatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. my own flesh
7. my body
FC jc-031297
8. my body
FC jc-031297

0. my ear
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my ear
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. make mine

0. my wife
1. my wife
FC -> jc-72895
2. my wife
3. my wife
4. my wife <poss-na:miqui-l2>
<poss-na:miqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. my wife <poss-na:miqui-l2>
<poss-na:miqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. my wife
FC jc-031297
7. my wife
FC jc-031297

0. mi madre [ H ] ( my mother [ H ] )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. Nicnelohticah in atol nic in nonantzin momocoa Estoy
moviendo el atole porque mi mama esta' enferma I am
stirring the atole because my mother is sick
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. apart, separately; alone; aside
1. apart, separately; alone; aside
FC -> jc-72895
2. apart, separately; alone; aside
3. apart, separately; alone; aside
4. apart, separately; alone; aside <no:ncuah>
<no:ncuah> FC - > jc-61096
5. apart, separately; alone; aside <no:ncuah>
<no:ncuah> FC - > jc-61096
6. apart, separately; alone; aside
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. apart, separately; alone; aside
FC jc-031297

0. apart, separately
1. apart, separately
FC -> jc-72895
2. apart, separately
3. apart, separately
4. apart, separately <no:ncuah>
<no:ncuah> FC - > jc-61096
5. apart, separately <no:ncuah>
<no:ncuah> FC - > jc-61096
6. apart, separately
FC jc-031297
7. apart, separately
FC jc-031297

0. my duty; my obligation

1. my duty; my obligation
FC -> jc-72895
2. my duty; my obligation

3. my duty; my obligation

4. my duty; my obligation
FC jc-031297
5. my duty; my obligation
FC jc-031297

0. I fall
1. i fall
FC -> jc-72895
2. I fall
3. I fall
4. I fall <p11-o:n-huetzi>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p11-o:n-huetzi> FC - > jc-61096

5. i fall
FC jc-031297
6. i fall
FC jc-031297

0. i appear

1. i appear
FC -> jc-72895
2. i appear

3. i appear

4. i appear
FC jc-031297
5. i appear
FC jc-031297

0. i beat myself

1. i beat myself
FC -> jc-72895
2. i beat myself

3. i beat myself

4. i beat myself
FC jc-031297
5. i beat myself
FC jc-031297

0. i see myself

1. i see myself
FC -> jc-72895
2. i see myself

3. i see myself

4. i see myself
FC jc-031297
5. i see myself
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. I lie, I rest
1. i lie, i rest
FC -> jc-72895
2. I lie, I rest
3. I lie, I rest
4. I lie, I rest <p11-on-o-prt2>
<p11-on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. I lie, I rest <p11-on-o-prt2>
<p11-on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. I lie, I rest <p11-on-o-prt2>
<p11-on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. i lie, i rest
FC jc-031297
8. i lie, i rest
FC jc-031297

0. apart, separately; individually; each one alone
1. apart, separately; each one alone; individually
FC -> jc-72895
2. apart, separately; individually; each one alone
3. apart, separately; individually; each one alone
4. apart, separately; individually; each one alone
<dupl-no:ncuah> FC - > jc-61096
5. apart, separately; individually; each one alone
<dupl-no:ncuah> FC - > jc-61096
6. apart, separately; individually; each one alone
<dupl-no:ncuah> FC - > jc-61096
7. apart, separately; individually; each one alone
<dupl-no:ncuah> FC - > jc-61096
8. apart, separately; each one alone; individually
FC jc-031297
9. apart, separately; each one alone; individually
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. my beloved sons; my sons

1. my beloved sons; my sons

FC -> jc-72895
2. my beloved sons; my sons

3. my beloved sons; my sons

4. my beloved sons; my sons

FC jc-031297
5. my beloved sons; my sons
FC jc-031297

0. counselor; one who has wisdom; one who is advised
1. counselor; one who has wisdom; one who is advised
FC -> jc-72895
2. counselor
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1>-| jc-10896
3. counselor
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1>-| jc-10896
4. counselor; one who has wisdom; one who is advised
5. counselor; one who has wisdom; one who is advised
6. counselor <dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1>
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. counselor <dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1>
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
8. counselor; one who has wisdom <dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1>
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
9. counselor; one who has wisdom <dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1>
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
10. counselor; one who has wisdom; one who is advised
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
11. counselor; one who has wisdom; one who is advised
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
12. counselor; one who has wisdom; one who is advised
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

13. one who is advised <dupl-notza-l1-eh1>

<dupl-notza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
14. one who is advised <dupl-notza-l1-eh1>
<dupl-notza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
15. counselor
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1>-| jc-10896
16. counselor; one who has wisdom; one who is advised
FC jc-031297
17. counselor; one who has wisdom; one who is advised
FC jc-031297

0. one who has advice or wisdom
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. those who are magicians
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )
1. who are advised

0. conjurers
1. conjurers
FC -> jc-72895
2. conjurers
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh>-| jc-10896
3. conjurers
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh>-| jc-10896
4. conjurers
5. conjurers
6. conjurers <dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh>
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh> FC - > jc-61096
7. conjurers <dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh>
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh> FC - > jc-61096
8. conjurers <dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh>
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh> FC - > jc-61096
9. conjurers <dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh>
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh> FC - > jc-61096
10. conjurers <dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh>
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh> FC - > jc-61096
11. conjurers <dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh>
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

12. conjurers <dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh>

<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh> FC - > jc-61096
13. conjurers <dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh>
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh> FC - > jc-61096
14. conjurers
<dupl-no:tza-l1-eh1-queh>-| jc-10896
15. conjurers
FC jc-031297
16. conjurers
FC jc-031297

0. he is admonished
1. he is admonished
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is admonished
3. he is admonished
4. he is admonished <dupl-no:tza-lo:1>
<dupl-no:tza-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is admonished <dupl-no:tza-lo:1>
<dupl-no:tza-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is admonished <dupl-no:tza-lo:1>
<dupl-no:tza-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is admonished <dupl-no:tza-lo:1>
<dupl-no:tza-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
8. he is admonished <dupl-no:tza-lo:1>
<dupl-no:tza-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
9. he is admonished
FC jc-031297
10. he is admonished
FC jc-031297

0. it was announced
1. it was announced
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was announced
3. it was announced
4. it was announced <dupl-no:tza-lo:1-prt2>
<dupl-no:tza-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it was announced <dupl-no:tza-lo:1-prt2>

<dupl-no:tza-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was announced <dupl-no:tza-lo:1-prt2>
<dupl-no:tza-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. it was announced <dupl-no:tza-lo:1-prt2>
<dupl-no:tza-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
8. it was announced <dupl-no:tza-lo:1-prt2>
<dupl-no:tza-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
9. it was announced
FC jc-031297
10. it was announced
FC jc-031297

0. he was admonished
1. he was admonished
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was admonished
3. he was admonished
4. he was admonished <dupl-no:tza-lo:1-ya3>
<dupl-no:tza-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was admonished <dupl-no:tza-lo:1-ya3>
<dupl-no:tza-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was admonished <dupl-no:tza-lo:1-ya3>
<dupl-no:tza-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he was admonished <dupl-no:tza-lo:1-ya3>
<dupl-no:tza-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he was admonished <dupl-no:tza-lo:1-ya3>
<dupl-no:tza-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. he was admonished
FC jc-031297
10. he was admonished
FC jc-031297

nonotzaya ( otech- )
0. nos ensen~aban ( he taught us )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

nonotzaz ( nitla- )
0. voy a contar ( I will chat; recount )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

nonotzazque ( mo- )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. se platicara'n ( they will chat )

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. esos ( those )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. e'sos ( those )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. esos ( those )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. e'sos ( those )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. esos ( those )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. I withdraw

0. i speak

1. i speak
FC -> jc-72895
2. i speak

3. i speak

4. i speak
FC jc-031297
5. i speak
FC jc-031297

0. dumb, speechless

1. dumb, speechless
FC -> jc-72895
2. dumb, speechless

3. dumb, speechless

4. dumb, speechless
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. dumb, speechless
FC jc-031297

0. nopal patch

1. nopal patch
FC -> jc-72895
2. nopal patch

3. nopal patch

4. nopal patch
FC jc-031297
5. nopal patch
FC jc-031297

0. it climbs pricky pear cactuses
FC jc-031297

0. tuna cactus

1. tuna cactus
FC -> jc-72895
2. tuna cactus

3. tuna cactus

4. tuna cactus
FC jc-031297
5. tuna cactus
FC jc-031297

0. on me; to me

1. on me; to me
FC -> jc-72895
2. on me; to me

3. on me; to me

4. on me; to me
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. on me; to me
FC jc-031297

0. mis hijos ( my children )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. o my sons
1. o my sons
FC -> jc-72895
2. o my sons
3. o my sons
4. o my sons <poss-pilli-plur04-e2>
<poss-pilli-plur04-e2> FC - > jc-61096
5. o my sons <poss-pilli-plur04-e2>
<poss-pilli-plur04-e2> FC - > jc-61096
6. o my sons <poss-pilli-plur04-e2>
<poss-pilli-plur04-e2> FC - > jc-61096
7. o my sons
FC jc-031297
8. o my sons
FC jc-031297

0. my beloved children; my children; my sons
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin plur10a>
1. my beloved children; my children; my sons
FC -> jc-72895
2. my beloved children; my children; my sons
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin plur10a>
3. my beloved children; my children; my sons
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin plur10a>
4. my beloved children; my children; my sons
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin plur10a>
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
5. my beloved children; my children; my sons
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin plur10a>
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
6. my beloved children; my children; my sons
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin plur10a>
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
7. my beloved children; my children; my sons
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin plur10a>
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
8. my beloved children; my children; my sons
FC jc-031297
9. my beloved children; my children; my sons
FC jc-031297

0. o my sons
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin-e2 plur10a>
1. o my beloved sons; o my sons
FC -> jc-72895
2. o my sons
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin-e2 plur10a>
3. o my sons
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin-e2 plur10a>
4. o my sons <poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin-e2 plur10a>
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin-e2 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
5. o my sons <poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin-e2 plur10a>
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin-e2 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
6. o my sons <poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin-e2 plur10a>
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin-e2 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
7. o my sons <poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin-e2 plur10a>
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin-e2 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
8. o my sons <poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin-e2 plur10a>
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin-e2 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
9. o my sons <poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin-e2 plur10a>
<poss-pilli-plur04-dupl-tzin-e2 plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
10. o my beloved sons; o my sons
FC jc-031297
11. o my beloved sons; o my sons
FC jc-031297

0. o my child
FC jc-031297

0. O my lord
1. my beloved son
FC jc-031297
2. my beloved son
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. o my sons; o my beloved son; o my nobleman

1. o my beloved son; o my nobleman; o my sons
FC -> jc-72895
2. o my sons; o my beloved son; o my nobleman
3. o my sons; o my beloved son; o my nobleman
4. o my sons; o my beloved son; o my nobleman
<poss-pilli-dupl-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
5. o my sons; o my beloved son; o my nobleman
<poss-pilli-dupl-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
6. o my sons; o my beloved son; o my nobleman
<poss-pilli-dupl-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
7. o my sons; o my beloved son; o my nobleman
<poss-pilli-dupl-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
8. o my sons; o my beloved son; o my nobleman
<poss-pilli-dupl-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
9. o my sons; o my beloved son; o my nobleman
<poss-pilli-dupl-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
10. o my beloved son; o my nobleman; o my sons
FC jc-031297
11. o my beloved son; o my nobleman; o my sons
FC jc-031297

0. mis pollos ( my chickens )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. my destruction

1. my destruction
FC -> jc-72895
2. my destruction

3. my destruction

4. my destruction
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. my destruction
FC jc-031297

0. my beloved boy

1. my beloved boy
FC -> jc-72895
2. my beloved boy

3. my beloved boy

4. my beloved boy
FC jc-031297
5. my beloved boy
FC jc-031297

0. my older brothers

1. my older brothers
FC -> jc-72895
2. my older brothers

3. my older brothers

4. my older brothers
FC jc-031297
5. my older brothers
FC jc-031297

0. my basket
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my basket
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. my basket
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. Nechahhuatoc in notahtzin nic nimahuiltihtoc Me esta'
regan~ando mi papa porque estoy jugando My father is
scolding me because I am playing
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. my beloved father
FC jc-031297

0. my beloved father
1. my beloved father
FC -> jc-72895
2. my beloved father
3. my beloved father
4. my beloved father <poss-tahtli-tzin>
<poss-tahtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. my beloved father
FC jc-031297
6. my beloved father
FC jc-031297

0. my brother-in-law
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my brother-in-law
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. on me

1. on me
FC -> jc-72895
2. on me

3. on me

4. on me
FC jc-031297
5. on me
FC jc-031297

0. en el caso mi'o ( in my case )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. notechiuhcatzitzinhuan, toteucyohuan, tlazotitlaca: ma
namechnotlaxili, ma namechnotecuinili, ma namechnococolhui:
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

"my progenitors, my lords, precious persons, i have caused

you to fall, to falter on the road; i have caused you
torment (b6 f12 p146)

0. intla telpochtli tlatlatlauhtia: quimilhuia
notechiuhcatzitzinhuane if a youth entreated, he said to
them: "o my forefathers" (b6 f16 p195)

0. my beloved youth
1. my beloved youth
FC -> jc-72895
2. my beloved youth
3. my beloved youth
4. my beloved youth <poss-te:lpo:chtli-tzin>
<poss-te:lpo:chtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. my beloved youth <poss-te:lpo:chtli-tzin>
<poss-te:lpo:chtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. my beloved youth
FC jc-031297
7. my beloved youth
FC jc-031297

0. o my youth, o my noble youth
1. o my youth, o my noble youth
FC -> jc-72895
2. o my youth, o my noble youth
3. o my youth, o my noble youth
4. o my youth, o my noble youth <poss-te:lpo:chtli-tzin-e2>
<poss-te:lpo:chtli-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
5. o my youth, o my noble youth <poss-te:lpo:chtli-tzin-e2>
<poss-te:lpo:chtli-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
6. o my youth, o my noble youth <poss-te:lpo:chtli-tzin-e2>
<poss-te:lpo:chtli-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
7. o my youth, o my noble youth <poss-te:lpo:chtli-tzin-e2>
<poss-te:lpo:chtli-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. o my youth, o my noble youth

FC jc-031297
9. o my youth, o my noble youth
FC jc-031297

0. my commandment

1. my commandment
FC -> jc-72895
2. my commandment

3. my commandment

4. my commandment
FC jc-031297
5. my commandment
FC jc-031297

0. my moan
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. my moan
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. my moan
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. my moan
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my god
1. my god
FC -> jc-72895
2. my god
3. my god
4. my god <poss-teo:tl-uh>
<poss-teo:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. my god
FC jc-031297
6. my god
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. my iron
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my iron
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my burden, my task
1. my burden; my task
FC -> jc-72895
2. my burden, my task
3. my burden, my task
4. my burden, my task <poss-tequitl-uh>
<poss-tequitl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. my burden; my task
FC jc-031297
6. my burden; my task
FC jc-031297

0. my lord
1. my lord
FC -> jc-72895
2. my lord
3. my lord
4. my lord <poss-te:uctli-yo:tl1>
<poss-te:uctli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. my lord <poss-te:uctli-yo:tl1>
<poss-te:uctli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. my lady; my lord; my noble woman
FC jc-031297
7. my lady; my lord; my noble woman
FC jc-031297

0. my act of governing
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. my act of governing
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. my act of governing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. my act of governing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my birth
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. my birth
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. my birth
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. my birth
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my purchase, act of buying something
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. my purchase
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. act of buying something
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. my purchase
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. act of buying something

5. my purchase

6. act of buying something

0. my act of removing or copying something
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. my act of removing or copying something
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. my act of removing or copying something
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. my act of removing or copying something
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my food
1. my food
FC -> jc-72895
2. my food
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. my food
4. my food <poss-p51-cua:-l1>
<poss-p51-cua:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. my food <poss-p51-cua:-l1>
<poss-p51-cua:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. my food
FC jc-031297
7. my food
FC jc-031297

0. my act of grabbing, seizing something
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. my act of grabbing
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. seizing something
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. my act of grabbing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. seizing something

5. my act of grabbing

6. seizing something

0. my uncle
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my uncle
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my act of straightening something
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. my act of straightening something
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. my act of straightening something
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. my act of straightening something
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my tooth
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. my tooth
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my act of coughing
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. my act of coughing
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. my act of coughing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. my act of coughing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my talk, my speech, my word; my words
1. my talk, my speech, my word; my words
FC -> jc-72895
2. my talk, my speech, my word; my words
3. my talk, my speech, my word; my words
4. my talk, my speech, my word; my words <poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<poss-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. my talk, my speech, my word; my words
FC jc-031297
6. my talk, my speech, my word; my words
FC jc-031297

0. my goods, my possession
1. my goods, my possession
FC -> jc-72895
2. my goods, my possession
3. my goods, my possession
4. my goods, my possession <poss-p51-itqui>
<poss-p51-itqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. my goods, my possession
FC jc-031297
6. my goods, my possession
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. my tortilla

1. my tortilla
FC -> jc-72895
2. my tortilla

3. my tortilla

4. my tortilla
FC jc-031297
5. my tortilla
FC jc-031297

0. my act of gluing something
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
1. my act of gluing something
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
2. my act of gluing something
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. my act of gluing something
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my precious maiden, my precious daughter
FC jc-031297

0. ma oc tictotlatolchialican in toteucyo, notlazopilticatzin
my beloved child, may we await the word of our lord" (b6
f14 p169)

0. my precious noble one; my precious son
1. my precious noble one; my precious son
FC -> jc-72895
2. my precious noble one; my precious son
3. my precious noble one; my precious son
4. my precious noble one; my precious son
<poss-tlazoa:-l2-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. my precious noble one; my precious son
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<poss-tlazoa:-l2-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. my precious noble one; my precious son
<poss-tlazoa:-l2-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
7. my precious noble one; my precious son
<poss-tlazoa:-l2-pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
8. my precious noble one; my precious son
FC jc-031297
9. my precious noble one; my precious son
FC jc-031297

0. ipampa ca oquixima, in notocatzin: for he knew my name (b1
f4 p70)
1. my name
FC -> jc-72895
2. my name

3. ipampa ca oquixima, in notocatzin: for he knew my name (b1

f4 p70)
4. my name

5. my name
FC jc-031297
6. my name
FC jc-031297

0. my sun

1. my sun
FC -> jc-72895
2. my sun

3. my sun

4. my sun
FC jc-031297
5. my sun
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. my staff

1. my staff
FC -> jc-72895
2. my staff

3. my staff

4. my staff
FC jc-031297
5. my staff
FC jc-031297

notz ( oqui- )
0. lo llamo' ( he called him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

notza ( mo- )
0. se llama; lo llaman ( he is called )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. se invoca ( he is invoked; he is called )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. se llama; lo llaman ( he is called )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. se invoca ( he is invoked; he is called )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

notza ( qui- )
0. lo llaman ( they call it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. he is addressed; he is summoned; they are summoned
1. he is addressed; he is summoned
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are summoned
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is addressed; he is summoned; they are summoned
4. he is addressed; he is summoned; they are summoned
5. he is addressed; he is summoned; they are summoned
<no:tza-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is addressed; he is summoned; they are summoned
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<no:tza-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is addressed; they are summoned <no:tza-lo:1>
<no:tza-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
8. he is addressed; he is summoned
FC jc-031297
9. they are summoned
FC jc-031297
10. he is addressed; he is summoned
FC jc-031297
11. they are summoned
FC jc-031297

0. he was called, he was addressed
FC jc-031297

0. tractable
1. tractable
FC -> jc-72895
2. tractable
3. tractable
4. tractable <no:tza-lo:1-ni1>
<no:tza-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. tractable <no:tza-lo:1-ni1>
<no:tza-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. tractable <no:tza-lo:1-ni1>
<no:tza-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. tractable <no:tza-lo:1-ni1>
<no:tza-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. tractable <no:tza-lo:1-ni1>
<no:tza-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. tractable
FC jc-031297
10. tractable
FC jc-031297

0. they were called

1. they were called

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they were called

3. they were called

4. they were called

FC jc-031297
5. they were called
FC jc-031297

0. he is called to
1. he is called to
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is called to
3. he is called to
4. he is called to <no:tza-lo:1-toc>
<no:tza-lo:1-toc> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is called to <no:tza-lo:1-toc>
<no:tza-lo:1-toc> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is called to <no:tza-lo:1-toc>
<no:tza-lo:1-toc> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is called to
FC jc-031297
8. he is called to
FC jc-031297

0. they were called
1. they were called
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were called
3. they were called
4. they were called <no:tza-lo:1-ya3>
<no:tza-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were called <no:tza-lo:1-ya3>
<no:tza-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were called <no:tza-lo:1-ya3>
<no:tza-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they were called
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. they were called

FC jc-031297

0. he will be called

1. he will be called
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be called

3. he will be called

4. he will be called
FC jc-031297
5. he will be called
FC jc-031297

notzaz ( qui- )
0. lo llamara' ( she will call him )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. my dog
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my dog
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. my dog
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my weaving beater
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my weaving beater
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my hair
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. my hair
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. my rags
1. my rags
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. my rags
3. my rags
4. my rags <poss-tzohtzomahtli>
<poss-tzohtzomahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. my rags
FC jc-031297
6. my rags
FC jc-031297

0. my hair
FC jc-031297

0. i am pregnant

1. i am pregnant
FC -> jc-72895
2. i am pregnant

3. i am pregnant

4. i am pregnant
FC jc-031297
5. i am pregnant
FC jc-031297

0. my face

1. my face
FC -> jc-72895
2. my face

3. my face
4. my face

5. my face
6. my face <poss-xa:yacatl>
<poss-xa:yacatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. my face
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. my face
FC jc-031297

0. quilhuia noxhuiuhticatzine, tlacatle totecue, tlazotzintle,
tlazotitlacatle, chalchiuhtle, maquiztle, teoxihuitle,
quetzalle, tzontle, iztitle: he said to him: "o my
grandson, o master, o our lord, o precious one, o precious
person, o precious green stone, o bracelet, o precious
turquoise, o precious feather, o hair, o fingernail, (b6
f15 p183), quinotza: quilhuia tlacatle totecue,
noxhuiuhticatzine, tlazotitlacatle: nimitznococolhuiz,
nimitznotlaxiliz: ah ihuan nimitznotlalcahualtiliz: ca
titlacoti, ca titequiti: he addressed him; he said to him:
"o lord, o our lord, o my grandson, o precious person, i
shall offend thee, i shall reject thee, and i shall confuse
thee, as thou workest, as thou laborest (b6 f15 p187),
ixquichtzin ic nictlapaloa in moteucyotzin in
motlatocayotzin noxhuiuhticatzine, tlazotitlacatle this is
all with which i salute thy lordship, thy rulership, o my
grandson, o precious person" (b6 f15 p188),
noxhuiuhticatzine, tlacatle, totecue: ca timotlacotilia, ca
timotequitilia: "o my grandson, o master, o our lord, thou
workest, thou laborest" (b6 f15 p189)
1. o my grandson
FC -> jc-72895
2. o my grandson

3. quilhuia noxhuiuhticatzine, tlacatle totecue, tlazotzintle,

tlazotitlacatle, chalchiuhtle, maquiztle, teoxihuitle,
quetzalle, tzontle, iztitle: he said to him: "o my
grandson, o master, o our lord, o precious one, o precious
person, o precious green stone, o bracelet, o precious
turquoise, o precious feather, o hair, o fingernail, (b6
f15 p183), quinotza: quilhuia tlacatle totecue,
noxhuiuhticatzine, tlazotitlacatle: nimitznococolhuiz,
nimitznotlaxiliz: ah ihuan nimitznotlalcahualtiliz: ca
titlacoti, ca titequiti: he addressed him; he said to him:
"o lord, o our lord, o my grandson, o precious person, i
shall offend thee, i shall reject thee, and i shall confuse
thee, as thou workest, as thou laborest (b6 f15 p187),
ixquichtzin ic nictlapaloa in moteucyotzin in
motlatocayotzin noxhuiuhticatzine, tlazotitlacatle this is
all with which i salute thy lordship, thy rulership, o my
grandson, o precious person" (b6 f15 p188),
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

noxhuiuhticatzine, tlacatle, totecue: ca timotlacotilia, ca

timotequitilia: "o my grandson, o master, o our lord, thou
workest, thou laborest" (b6 f15 p189)
4. o my grandson

5. o my grandson
FC jc-031297
6. o my grandson
FC jc-031297

0. my beloved grandson
1. my beloved grandson
FC -> jc-72895
2. my beloved grandson
3. my beloved grandson
4. my beloved grandson <poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2>
<poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
5. my beloved grandson <poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2>
<poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
6. my beloved grandson <poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2>
<poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
7. my beloved grandson <poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2>
<poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
8. my beloved grandson
FC jc-031297
9. my beloved grandson
FC jc-031297

0. o my grandson
1. o my grandson
FC -> jc-72895
2. o my grandson
3. o my grandson
4. o my grandson <poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2>
<poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
5. o my grandson <poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2>
<poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. o my grandson <poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2>
<poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
7. o my grandson <poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2>
<poss-ixhui:uhtli-tzin-e2> FC - > jc-61096
8. o my grandson
FC jc-031297
9. o my grandson
FC jc-031297

0. o my youngest child
1. o my youngest child
FC -> jc-72895
2. o my youngest child
3. o my youngest child
4. o my youngest child <poss-xo:coyo:tl-uh-e2>
<poss-xo:coyo:tl-uh-e2> FC - > jc-61096
5. o my youngest child <poss-xo:coyo:tl-uh-e2>
<poss-xo:coyo:tl-uh-e2> FC - > jc-61096
6. o my youngest child <poss-xo:coyo:tl-uh-e2>
<poss-xo:coyo:tl-uh-e2> FC - > jc-61096
7. o my youngest child <poss-xo:coyo:tl-uh-e2>
<poss-xo:coyo:tl-uh-e2> FC - > jc-61096
8. o my youngest child
FC jc-031297
9. o my youngest child
FC jc-031297

0. my youngest child
1. my youngest child
FC -> jc-72895
2. my youngest child
3. my youngest child
4. my youngest child <poss-xo:coyo:tl-uh>
<poss-xo:coyo:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. my youngest child <poss-xo:coyo:tl-uh>
<poss-xo:coyo:tl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
6. my youngest child
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. my youngest child
FC jc-031297

0. noxoyohticatzine, tlazotitlacatle: maquiztle, chalchiuhtle,
teoxihuitle, tzontle, iztitle "o my beloved granddaughter,
o precious person, o precious bracelet, o precious green
stone, o precious turquoise, o hair, o fingernail: (b6 f12

0. my nose
1. my nose
FC -> jc-72895
2. my nose
3. my nose
4. my nose <poss-yacatl-uh>
<poss-yacatl-uh> FC - > jc-61096
5. my nose
FC jc-031297
6. my nose
FC jc-031297

0. i will go

1. i will go
FC -> jc-72895
2. i will go

3. i will go

4. i will go
FC jc-031297
5. i will go
FC jc-031297

0. my animal

1. my animal
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. my animal

3. my animal

4. my animal
FC jc-031297
5. my animal
FC jc-031297

0. my heart
1. my heart
FC -> jc-72895
2. my heart
3. my heart
4. my heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. my heart <poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1>
<poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. my heart
FC jc-031297
7. my heart
FC jc-031297

0. tambie'n ( also )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. o ( or )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. o ( or )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. o ( or )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. o ( or; maybe )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. or
FC -> jc-72895
5. or
6. or
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. or <no:-zo2>
<no:-zo2> FC - > jc-61096
8. or <no:-zo2>
<no:-zo2> FC - > jc-61096
9. or <no:-zo2>
<no:-zo2> FC - > jc-61096
10. o ( or )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
11. o ( or )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
12. o ( or )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
13. o ( or; maybe )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
14. or
FC jc-031297
15. or
FC jc-031297

0. In nozoah quihtzomilihtoc in icue ce ichpocaton Mi esposa
le esta' cosiendo su falda a una muchacha My wife is
sewing the girls' skirt
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. o ( or )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he was bathed
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. he was bathed
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. he was bathed
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. he was bathed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. he was bathed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. he was bathed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. he was bathed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. cuac oahcito inahuac in tlallancal

JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. achto otetlahpaloh Cuando llego' a la cueva lo ( primero )
que hizo fue saludar When he go to the cave the first thing
he did was greet
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. Que hizo cuando llego ? Tlen oquichih ihcuac oahcito ?
What did he do when he arrived ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
3. Junto a que llego ? Tlen inahuac oahcito ? Next to what
did he arrive ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
4. Quien llego junto a la cueva ? Aquin oahcito in tlallancal
? Who arrived near the cave ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
5. Quien saludo cuando llego ? Aquin otetlahpaloh ihcuac
oahcito ? Who greeted when he arrived ?

0. they were seized
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they were seized
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they were seized
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. they were seized
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they were seized
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they were seized
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. they were seized
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he scolded y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he scolded y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he heard y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he heard y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. she wept for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they laughed at y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he forgot y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he forgot y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she saw y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she saw y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he ordered y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he called y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he called y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he hung y'all up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he hung y'all up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they laid y'all down
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they laid y'all down
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I made y'all stare
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. I made y'all stare

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. she carried it for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all were
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. y'all were coming
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. y'all came
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. y'all angered me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all angered me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all grabbed it away from me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all got me up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all got me up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all laid me down
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all laid me down
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all shouted at me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. y'all heard it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all heard it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all waited for him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all waited for him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all grabbed it away from her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all gave it to him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all gave it to him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all told it to them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all told it to them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all hung them up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all hung them up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all laid it out
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all laid it out
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all looked for it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all looked for it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. y'all cut it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all cut it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all grabbed something away from her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all kept it for her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all grabbed it away from us
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all waited for us
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. y'all waited for us
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. y'all laughed at us
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. y'all were going
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. y'all went
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. he grabbed it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he grabbed it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they grabbed it away from her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they went to grab it

JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. Quien entro a tu casa no mas porque si ? Aquin ocalac
mochan zan ihcon ? Where does one enter just for the heck
of it ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. they went to enter
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. Que habia adentro ? Tlen ocatca tlahtec ? What was inside ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. Donde estaba la culebra ? Canin ocatca in coatl ? Where
was the snake ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. he was
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. they were
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. ocelot ocelotl

0. she went to dwell
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. it was done
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it was done
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it was done
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it was done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it was done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it was done
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

6. it was done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it was being done
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it was being done
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it was being done
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it was being done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it was being done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it was being done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it was being done
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. she went to weep
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. they went to weep
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. he was chased
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. he was chased
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. he was chased
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. he was chased
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. he was chased
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. he was chased
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. he was chased
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. ocualnanquilih in pitzocoatl: cualli
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

1. huel miec tlazohcamati

2. xipano totochtzin Contesto'le la malvada Culebra: --Bien

3. muchas gracias

4. pasa

5. buen Conejito; The mean spirited snake answered

6. "Fine

7. thank you

8. come in

9. good little rabbit;"

0. it was eaten
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it was eaten
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it was eaten
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it was eaten
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it was eaten
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it was eaten
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it was eaten
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they were coming
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. she came
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. they came
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. ? Que' fue lo que hizo ? Que venia cuando estaba comiendo
zacate ? Tlen ohuallaya ihcuac oquicuahtoya zacatl ? W hat
was coming when it was eating grass ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. Donde estabas cuando viste que venia un aguacero ? Canin
otiyeya ihcuac otiquittac ohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl ?
Where were you when you saw that a big rainfall was coming ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. people laughed
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. people laughed
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. people laughed
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. people laughed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. people laughed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it was said
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it was said
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it was said
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it was said
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it was said
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it was said
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it was said
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they were carried
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they were carried
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they were carried
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs

3. they were carried
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they were carried
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they were carried
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. they were carried
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it was seen
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it was seen
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it was seen
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it was seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it was seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it was seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it was seen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. move

0. cob

0. people died
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. people died
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. people died
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. people died
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. people died
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they went to die
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. he bathed you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he bathed you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they left you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they left you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she heard you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she heard you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he made you do it
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. he made you do it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they did it for you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they went to wait for you
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. she angered you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she angered you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they grabbed it away from you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he whipped you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he whipped you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they forgot you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they forgot you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he told it to you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he told it to you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he saw you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he saw you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they saw you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they saw you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they paid it to you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they cut it for you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. we fed you
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. we fed you
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. Por donde se fue a esconder el conejito ? Canic
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

omotla:tito in totochtzin ? Where did the little rabbit go

to hide ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. Quien se fue a esconder dentro de una cueva ? Aquin
omotla:tito ihtec ce tlallancal ? Who went to hide inside a
cave ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. omotlatito ihtec ce tlallancal Se fue a esconder dentro de
una cueva It went to hide inside a cave
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. In nomontah nechilpilihtoc in pitzotl nic omotohton Mi
suegro me esta' amarrando el puerco porque se desato My
father-in-law is tying the pig because it got loose
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
1. In nomontah nechilpilihticah in pitzotl nic omotohton Mi
suegro me esta' amarrando el puerco porque se desato My
father-in-law is tying the pig because it got loose
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. it was mended, it was stuck together
FC - > jc-61096

0. I wept for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I carried it for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I found y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I found y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I was being carried away by the wind
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I was being carried away by the wind
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. I was being carried away by the wind

JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i was being carried away by the wind
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i was being carried away by the wind
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I was being carried away by the wind
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I was being carried away by the wind
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. she made me do it
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. she made me do it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he frightened me
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. he frightened me
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. it made me stare
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. it made me stare
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they left it for me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they bought it from me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. she got me up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she got me up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she whipped me
VRNo1 jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. she whipped me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they danced with me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they danced with me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he sewed it for me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. she forgot me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she forgot me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he frightened me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he frightened me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he found me
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he found me
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she kept it for me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. there was jostling
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. there was jostling
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. there was jostling
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. there was jostling
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. there was jostling
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. people stood up
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. people stood up
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. people stood up
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. people stood up
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. people stood up
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. people sat down
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. people sat down
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. people sat down
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. people sat down
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. people sat down
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I was being heard
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I was being heard
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I was being heard
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i was being heard
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i was being heard
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I was being heard
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I was being heard
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I was imprisoned
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I was imprisoned
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. I was imprisoned
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i was imprisoned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i was imprisoned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I was imprisoned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I was imprisoned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I was notified
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I was notified
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I was notified
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i was notified
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i was notified
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I was notified
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I was notified
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I was
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. I left it for her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I made her cry
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. I made her cry
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I made her cry
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. I made her cry
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I carried it for her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I killed him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I killed him
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
2. I killed him
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. I killed him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I sold it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I sold it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. Nictemohticah in noamox nic onicpoloh Estoy buscando mi
libro porque lo perdi I am looking for my book because I
have lost it
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. I ground it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I ground it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I placed it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I placed it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I pounded it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I pounded it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I fried it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I fried it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I was captured
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I was captured
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I was captured
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i was captured
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i was captured
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I was captured
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I was captured
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I was coming
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. I came
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. I went to laugh
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. I was given
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I was given
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I was given
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. i was given
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i was given
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I was given
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. I was given
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I went to bathe you
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. I received it from you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I waited for you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I waited for you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I saw you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I saw you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I paid it to you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. Que hiciste cuando no te conteste ? Tlen oticchih ihcuac
amo onimitznanquilih ? What did you do when not answered ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. I called you, I summoned you
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I called you
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
2. I summoned you

0. I laid you down
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I laid you down
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I made something for you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I carried something for you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I drank it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I drank it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I went to dance with her
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. I said it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I said it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I told it to him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I told it to him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I saw them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I saw them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I killed them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I killed them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I kept it for them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. I laughed at them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I took them out, I removed them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I took them out
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
2. I removed them

0. I shredded them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I shredded them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. I saw it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. I saw it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. axin was applied to my lips
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. axin was applied to my lips
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. axin was applied to my lips
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. axin was applied to my lips
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. axin was applied to my lips
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. axin was applied to my lips
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. axin was applied to my lips
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I was bribed
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. I was bribed
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. I was bribed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs

3. i was bribed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. i was bribed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. I was bribed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. I was bribed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. I left something for someone
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I kept something for someone
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. I went
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. I was
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. he rules; he speaks; they talk; they speak

0. it was chosen
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it was chosen
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it was chosen
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it was chosen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it was chosen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it was chosen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it was chosen
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. left

0. Quien salio del agujero ? Aquin oqui:z den coyoctli ? Who
came out off the hole ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. he drank it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he drank it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she went to leave him
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. they went to make it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. oquicuahtoya zacatl huan ihcuac oquimomacac cuentah
yohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. tlen oquichih ? Estaba comiendo pasto y cuando advirtio'
ya veni'a un buen aguacero It was eating grass and when it
noticed a big rainfall was coming

0. Que hizo cuando llego ? Tlen oquichih ihcuac oahcito ?
What did he do when he arrived ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. she waited for him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she waited for him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they waited for her
VRNo1 jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they waited for her

JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they wept for her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they bought it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they bought it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they got him to go to sleep
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. they put him to sleep
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. they got him to go to sleep

3. they put him to sleep

0. they went to eat it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. oquicuahtoya zacatl huan ihcuac oquimomacac cuentah
yohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. tlen oquichih ? Estaba comiendo pasto y cuando advirtio'
ya veni'a un buen aguacero It was eating grass and when it
noticed a big rainfall was coming
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. ? Que' fue lo que hizo ? Que venia cuando estaba comiendo
zacate ? Tlen ohuallaya ihcuac oquicuahtoya zacatl ? What
was coming when it was eating grass ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
3. Quien estaba comiendo zacate ? Aquin oquicuahtoya zacatl ?
Who was eating grass ?

0. she angered him
VRNo1 jc-022897
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. she angered him

JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they angered her
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they angered her
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they returned it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they returned it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he wrote it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he wrote it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he said it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he said it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. Quien le dijo a cueva " como amaneciste " ? Aquin oquilih
quen otixton in tlallancal ? Who greet the cave with
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. " How did you wake this morning ? "
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. Que le dijo la culebra al conejito ? Tlen oquilih in coatl
in totochtzin ? What did the snake say to the little rabbit

0. they honored him
FC - > jc-61096

0. Quien no sabia que la culebra estaba adentro ? Aquin amo
oquimatia cox tlahtec ocatca in coatl ? Who did not know
that the snake was inside ?
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

1. oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. quemah
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
3. que ihcuac ce quiyequizcaltiah

4. aic ce calaqui zan ihcon ihtec ce calli Sabi'a

5. si'

6. que cuando uno tiene buena educacio'n

7. nunca se mete uno sin ma's ni ma's en una casa

8. He knew

9. yes

10. that when one has education

11. one never enters a house without asking for permission

12. Que sabia el conejito ? Tlen oquimatia in totochtzin ?

What did the little rabbit know ?

0. she killed him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she killed him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they killed him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they killed him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they sewed it for them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he woke them
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he made them see it
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. he showed it to them
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. he made them see it

3. he showed it to them

0. he killed them
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. he killed them
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. oquicuahtoya zacatl huan ihcuac oquimomacac cuentah
yohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. tlen oquichih ? Estaba comiendo pasto y cuando advirtio'
ya veni'a un buen aguacero It was eating grass and when it
noticed a big rainfall was coming

0. Quien le contesto al conejito ? Aquin oquinanquilih in
totochtzin ? Who asnwered the little rabbit ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. he made them do it
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. he made them do it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he went to make them
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. he waited for them
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he waited for them
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they ate it ( of them )
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. she found it
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. she made it appear
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. she found it

3. she made it appear

0. he called her, he summoned her
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he called her
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
2. he summoned her

0. they received something from them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they cut something for them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. it made her be happy
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. it made her be happy
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he removed it
FC - > jc-61096

0. they got it out
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. they removed it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they got it out

3. they removed it

0. she took it out, she removed it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she took it out
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
2. she removed it

0. they took it out, they removed it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they took it out
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
2. they removed it

0. she cut it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she cut it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he laid it out
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he laid it out
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they laid it out
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they laid it out
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they cut it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they cut it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they left something for her

JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. she placed it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she placed it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they taught him
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. they taught him
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they cut something for him
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they saw it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they saw it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. he shaved it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he shaved it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they shaved it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they shaved it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. A quien educaron correctamente ? Aquin
oquiyecquizcaltihqueh ? Who was educated well ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. they glued it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they glued it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. we heard it from y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. we sewed it for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. we tied y'all up
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. we tied y'all up
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. we saw y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. we saw y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. we showed it to y'all
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. we showed it to y'all
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they made us cry
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. they made us cry
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he chased us
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. he chased us
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they made us laugh
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. they made us laugh
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they made me laugh
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. they made me laugh
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. she informed me of st
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. she complained to me
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. she informed me of st

3. she complained to me

0. she grabbed it from us
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he heard us
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. he heard us
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she waited for us
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. she waited for us
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. she wept for us
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they angered us
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. they angered us
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. they laughed at us
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they carried it for us
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they shouted at us
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they were cut
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they were cut
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they were cut
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. they were cut
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they were cut
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they were cut
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. they were cut
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they were despised
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they were despised
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they were despised
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. they were despised
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they were despised
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they were despised
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. they were despised
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. cuac oahcito inahuac in tlallancal
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. achto otetlahpaloh Cuando llego' a la cueva lo ( primero )
que hizo fue saludar When he go to the cave the first thing
he did was greet
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

2. Quien saludo cuando llego ? Aquin otetlahpaloh ihcuac
oahcito ? Who greeted when he arrived ?

0. you bathed him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. you bathed him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. we bathed him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. we bathed him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. we grabbed him
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. we grabbed him
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. you went to scold him
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. you were
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. we were
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. you left it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. you left it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. you heard it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. you heard it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. we heard it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. we heard it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. we received it from her
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. Que hiciste cuando no te conteste ? Tlen oticchih ihcuac
amo onimitznanquilih ? What did you do when not answered ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. we cut it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. we cut it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. you ate it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. you ate it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. we ate it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. we ate it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. we went to return it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. you grabbed it
VRNo1 jc-022897
1. you grabbed it
JC-05-07-97 Verb Review No 1

0. you grabbed it from her
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. you went to give it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. we went to sell it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. we found it
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. we made it appear
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. we found it

3. we made it appear

0. we stood it up for him
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. you took it out
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. you took it out
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. A quien viniste a saludar ? Aquin otictlahpaloco ? Who did
you come to greet ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. you were coming
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. quen otiquilnamic huan otihuallah otinechtlahpaloco ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. xihuiqui ? co'mo es que te acordaste de venir a saludarme
? ! en ! How is it that you remembered to come and greet ?
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1
2. you came
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. we came
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. you were being slandered
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. you were being slandered
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. you were being slandered
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. you were being slandered
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. you were being slandered
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. you were being slandered
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. you were being slandered
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. we did it for you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. we went to see you
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. we carried it for you
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. you made me laugh
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. you made me laugh
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. you made me believe it
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. you made me believe it
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. quen otiquilnamic huan otihuallah otinechtlahpaloco ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. xihuiqui ? co'mo es que te acordaste de venir a saludarme
? ! en ! How is it that you remembered to come and greet ?

0. you received it from me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. you carried it for me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. you bought something from me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. you carried something for me
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. we were being called
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. we were being called
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. we were being called
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. we were being called
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. we were being called
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. we were being called
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. we were being called
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. quilia: quen otipanoc cualli tlatlallancaltzin ? quen
otixton ? Le dice: ? Co'mo lo has pasado
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. buena Cuevita

2. co'mo amaneciste ? He says: How are you fairing
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. good cave

4. how did you rise this morning ?

0. quen otiquilnamic huan otihuallah otinechtlahpaloco ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. xihuiqui ? co'mo es que te acordaste de venir a saludarme
? ! en ! How is it that you remembered to come and greet ?

0. we carried it for them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. we grabbed it from them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. Donde estabas cuando viste que venia un aguacero ? Canin
otiyeya ihcuac otiquittac ohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl ?
Where were you when you saw that a big rainfall was coming ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. you paid it to him
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. you pointed st out to us
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. you pointed st out to us
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. you grabbed it from us
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. you shouted at us
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. you were bidden to drink

Passive Verb jc-022897
1. you were bidden to drink
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. you were bidden to drink
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. you were bidden to drink
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. you were bidden to drink
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. you were bidden to drink
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. you were bidden to drink
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. you caused laughter
FC - > jc-61096

0. quilia: quen otipanoc cualli tlatlallancaltzin ? quen
otixton ? Le dice: ? Co'mo lo has pasado
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. buena Cuevita
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. co'mo amaneciste ? He says: How are you fairing

3. good cave

4. how did you rise this morning ?

5. Quien le dijo a cueva " como amaneciste " ? Aquin oquilih

quen otixton in tlallancal ? Who greet the cave with

6. " How did you wake this morning ? "

0. you were going
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. we were going
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. you went
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. Donde estabas cuando viste que venia un aguacero ? Canin
otiyeya ihcuac otiquittac ohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl ?
Where were you when you saw that a big rainfall was coming ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. you were
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. we were
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. it was hidden
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it was hidden
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it was hidden
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it was hidden
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it was hidden
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it was hidden
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it was hidden
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they were thrown
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they were thrown
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they were thrown
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. they were thrown
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they were thrown
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they were thrown
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. they were thrown
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they were thrown
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they were thrown
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they were thrown
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. they were thrown
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they were thrown
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they were thrown
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. they were thrown
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. pipitzca

2. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana

3. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

4. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

5. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

6. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

0. he was snared
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. he was snared
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. he was snared
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. he was snared
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. he was snared
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1

5. he was snared
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. he was snared
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. pregnant

0. pregnant woman

0. shell (corn)
1. (cf =tlayolli) shell (corn)
2. (cf =tlayolli) shell (corn)

0. oyaya quitemotih in itlacual ic zacamanal se iba en busca
de su comida por el llano It would leave in search for its
food through the field
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. Que iba buscando por el llano ? Tlen oyaya quitemotih ic
zacamanal ? What was it looking for through the field ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. Por donde iba buscando su comida ? Canic oyaya quitemotih
in itlacual ? Where was it looking for its food ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
3. he was going
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. they were going
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. he went
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. they went
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. she was
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. they were
JC-05-07-97 Irregular Verbs No 1

0. merchant

0. cave

0. a little, a little bit

1. a little, a little bit

FC -> jc-72895
2. a little, a little bit

3. a little, a little bit

4. a little, a little bit

FC jc-031297
5. a little, a little bit
FC jc-031297

0. first

1. first
FC -> jc-72895
2. first

3. first

4. first
FC jc-031297
5. first
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he arrived, he reached; it arrived; it reached; it
finished; it reach
1. he arrived; he reached; it arrived; it finished; it reach;
it reached
FC -> jc-72895
2. he arrived, he reached; it arrived; it reached; it
finished; it reach
3. he arrived, he reached; it arrived; it reached; it
finished; it reach
4. he arrived, he reached; it arrived; it reached; it
finished; it reach <o:-ahci-prt2>
<o:-ahci-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he arrived; he reached; it arrived; it finished; it reach;
it reached
FC jc-031297
6. he arrived; he reached; it arrived; it finished; it reach;
it reached
FC jc-031297

0. he came to arrive, he came to reach; it came to arrive;
they came to arrive; they came to reach
1. he came to arrive; he came to reach; it came to arrive;
they came to arrive; they came to reach
FC -> jc-72895
2. he came to arrive, he came to reach; it came to arrive;
they came to arrive; they came to reach
3. he came to arrive, he came to reach; it came to arrive;
they came to arrive; they came to reach
4. he came to arrive, he came to reach; it came to arrive;
they came to arrive; they came to reach <o:-ahci-dir1b>
<o:-ahci-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
5. it came to arrive; they came to arrive <o:-ahci-dir1b>
<o:-ahci-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
6. it came to arrive; they came to arrive <o:-ahci-dir1b>
<o:-ahci-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
7. he came to arrive; he came to reach; it came to arrive;
they came to arrive; they came to reach
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. he came to arrive; he came to reach; it came to arrive;

they came to arrive; they came to reach
FC jc-031297

0. they arrived
1. they arrived
FC -> jc-72895
2. they arrived
3. they arrived
4. they arrived <o:-ahci-plur01>
<o:-ahci-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they arrived; they reached
FC jc-031297
6. they arrived; they reached
FC jc-031297

0. he arrived, he went to reach [there]; he went to arrive; it
arrived; it reached [him]; they arrived; they went; they
reached [there]; they went to reach [there]; they reach
[there]; they went to arrive [there]; they went to arrive
1. he arrived, he went to arrive; he went to reach [ there ];
it arrived; it reached [ him ]; they arrived; they reach [
there ]; they reached [ there ]; they went; they went to
arrive [ there ]; they went to arrive; they went to reach [
there ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. he arrived, he went to reach [there]; he went to arrive; it
arrived; it reached [him]; they arrived; they went; they
reached [there]; they went to reach [there]; they reach
[there]; they went to arrive [there]; they went to arrive
3. he arrived, he went to reach [there]; he went to arrive; it
arrived; it reached [him]; they arrived; they went; they
reached [there]; they went to reach [there]; they reach
[there]; they went to arrive [there]; they went to arrive
4. he arrived, he went to reach [ there ]; he went to arrive;
it arrived; it reached [ him ]; they arrived; they went;
they reached [ there ]; they went to reach [ there ]; they
reach [ there ]; they went to arrive [ there ]; they went
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

to arrive <o:-ahci-dir2b>
<o:-ahci-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
5. he arrived, he went to reach [ there ]; he went to arrive;
it arrived; it reached [ him ]; they arrived; they went;
they reached [ there ]; they went to reach [ there ]; they
reach [ there ]; they went to arrive [ there ]; they went
to arrive <o:-ahci-dir2b>
<o:-ahci-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
6. he arrived, he went to reach [ there ]; he went to arrive;
it arrived; it reached [ him ]; they arrived; they went;
they reached [ there ]; they went to reach [ there ]; they
reach [ there ]; they went to arrive [ there ]; they went
to arrive <o:-ahci-dir2b>
<o:-ahci-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
7. he arrived, he went to arrive; he went to reach [ there ];
it arrived; it reached [ him ]; they arrived; they reach [
there ]; they reached [ there ]; they went; they went to
arrive; they went to arrive [ there ]; they went to reach [
there ]
FC jc-031297
8. he arrived, he went to arrive; he went to reach [ there ];
it arrived; it reached [ him ]; they arrived; they reach [
there ]; they reached [ there ]; they went; they went to
arrive; they went to arrive [ there ]; they went to reach [
there ]
FC jc-031297

0. you (pl) came

1. you (pl) came

FC -> jc-72895
2. you (pl) came

3. you (pl) came

4. you ( pl ) came; you [ pl ] came

FC jc-031297
5. you ( pl ) came; you [ pl ] came
FC jc-031297

0. you [ pl ] were good to me, you [ pl ] treated me kindly
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he was seized, he was captured

1. he was chosen, he was picked; he was seized; he was captured
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was seized, he was captured
3. he was seized, he was captured
4. he was seized, he was captured <o:-a:na1-lo:1-prt2>
<o:-a:na1-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was seized, he was captured <o:-a:na1-lo:1-prt2>
<o:-a:na1-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was chosen, he was picked; he was seized; he was captured
FC jc-031297
7. he was chosen, he was picked; he was seized; he was captured
FC jc-031297

0. you [ pl ] became exhausted
FC jc-031297

0. you [ pl ] suffered fatigue
FC jc-031297

0. you (pl) killed him
1. you (pl) killed him
FC -> jc-72895
2. you (pl) killed him
3. you (pl) killed him
4. you (pl) killed him <o:-p22-p33-miqui-caus02-prt1-plur01>
<o:-p22-p33-miqui-caus02-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. you ( pl ) killed him
FC jc-031297
6. you ( pl ) killed him
FC jc-031297

0. it melted, it became molten
1. it melted, it became molten
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. it melted, it became molten

3. it melted, it became molten
4. it melted, it became molten <o:-a:tl1-v01a-v01b-prt1>
<o:-a:tl1-v01a-v01b-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it melted, it became molten <o:-a:tl1-v01a-v01b-prt1>
<o:-a:tl1-v01a-v01b-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it melted, it became molten <o:-a:tl1-v01a-v01b-prt1>
<o:-a:tl1-v01a-v01b-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it melted, it became molten
FC jc-031297
8. it melted, it became molten
FC jc-031297

0. there was drinking
FC jc-031297

0. he did

1. he did
FC -> jc-72895
2. he did

3. he did

4. he did
FC jc-031297
5. he did
FC jc-031297

0. he was seized, he was captured
1. he was seized, he was captured
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was seized, he was captured
3. he was seized, he was captured
4. he was seized, he was captured <o:-ahci-hua2-prt2>
<o:-ahci-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was seized, he was captured <o:-ahci-hua2-prt2>
<o:-ahci-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. he was seized, he was captured <o:-ahci-hua2-prt2>

<o:-ahci-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. he was seized, he was captured
FC jc-031297
8. he was seized, he was captured
FC jc-031297

0. bishop's clothing

1. bishop's clothing
FC - > jc-61096

0. todavi'a ( still )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. other; still; yet
FC -> jc-72895
2. still, yet; besides; first; more
FC -> jc-72895
3. yet, still
FC -> jc-72895
4. still, yet; besides; first; more; other
5. still, yet; besides; first; more; other
6. other, still, yet <oc>
<oc> FC - > jc-61096
7. todavi'a ( still )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. other; still; yet
FC jc-031297
9. still, yet; besides; first; more
FC jc-031297
10. yet, still
FC jc-031297
11. other; still; yet
FC jc-031297
12. still, yet; besides; first; more
FC jc-031297
13. yet, still
FC jc-031297

oc cenca
0. especially
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. especially
FC -> jc-72895
2. especially
FC -> jc-72895
3. especially

4. especially

5. especially
FC jc-031297
6. especially
FC jc-031297

oc cepa
0. again
<oc ce:-pa2>
1. again
FC -> jc-72895
2. again
FC -> jc-72895
3. again
<oc ce:-pa2>
4. again
<oc ce:-pa2>
5. again <oc ce:-pa2>
<oc ce:-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
6. again <oc ce:-pa2>
<oc ce:-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
7. again
FC jc-031297
8. again
FC jc-031297

oc ceppa
0. again; once again
<oc ce:-pa2>
1. again; once again
FC -> jc-72895
2. again; once again
FC -> jc-72895
3. again; once again
<oc ce:-pa2>
4. again; once again
<oc ce:-pa2>
5. again; once again <oc ce:-pa2>
<oc ce:-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. again; once again <oc ce:-pa2>

<oc ce:-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
7. again; once again
FC jc-031297
8. again; once again
FC jc-031297

oc cequi
0. others, even more; the rest; still others
<oc ce:-qui4>
1. others, even more; the rest; still others
FC -> jc-72895
2. others, even more; the rest; still others
FC -> jc-72895
3. others, even more; the rest; still others
<oc ce:-qui4>
4. others, even more; the rest; still others
<oc ce:-qui4>
5. others, even more; the rest; still others <oc ce:-qui4>
<oc ce:-qui4> FC - > jc-61096
6. others, even more; the rest; still others <oc ce:-qui4>
<oc ce:-qui4> FC - > jc-61096
7. others, even more; the rest; still others <oc ce:-qui4>
<oc ce:-qui4> FC - > jc-61096
8. others, even more; the rest; still others
FC jc-031297
9. others, even more; the rest; still others
FC jc-031297

0. ma's ( more )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. ma's ( more )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. ma's ( more )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. ma's ( more )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. they prepared drink for him, they prepared chocolate for him

1. they prepared drink for him, they prepared chocolate for him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they prepared drink for him, they prepared chocolate for him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they prepared drink for him, they prepared chocolate for him

4. they prepared drink for him, they prepared chocolate for him
FC jc-031297
5. they prepared drink for him, they prepared chocolate for him
FC jc-031297

0. he captured it; she captured him
1. he captured it; she captured him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he captured it; she captured him
3. he captured it; she captured him
4. he captured it; she captured him <o:-p33-ahci-prt2>
<o:-p33-ahci-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he captured it; she captured him
FC jc-031297
6. he captured it; she captured him
FC jc-031297

0. they captured him; they seized him

1. they captured him; they seized him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they captured him; they seized him

3. they captured him; they seized him

4. they captured him; they seized him

FC jc-031297
5. they captured him; they seized him
FC jc-031297

0. it was heard
FC jc-031297

0. he entered
1. he entered
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he entered
3. he entered
4. he entered
FC jc-031297
5. he entered
FC jc-031297

0. he came to enter, he came to go in; they came to enter
1. he came to enter, he came to go in; they came to enter
FC -> jc-72895
2. he came to enter, he came to go in; they came to enter
3. he came to enter, he came to go in; they came to enter
4. he came to enter, he came to go in; they came to enter
<o:-calaqui-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
5. he came to enter, he came to go in; they came to enter
<o:-calaqui-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
6. he came to enter, he came to go in; they came to enter
FC jc-031297
7. he came to enter, he came to go in; they came to enter
FC jc-031297

0. he went to enter; it went to enter; it went to set; they
went to enter
1. he went to enter; it went to enter; it went to set; they
went to enter
FC -> jc-72895
2. he went to enter; it went to enter; it went to set; they
went to enter
3. he went to enter; it went to enter; it went to set; they
went to enter
4. he went to enter; they went to enter <o:-calaqui-dir2b>
<o:-calaqui-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
5. he went to enter; they went to enter <o:-calaqui-dir2b>
<o:-calaqui-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. it went to enter, it went to set; they went to enter

<o:-calaqui-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
7. it went to enter, it went to set; they went to enter
<o:-calaqui-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
8. he went to enter; it went to enter; it went to set; they
went to enter
FC jc-031297
9. he went to enter; it went to enter; it went to set; they
went to enter
FC jc-031297

0. she bathed him

1. she bathed him

FC -> jc-72895
2. she bathed him

3. she bathed him

4. she bathed him

FC jc-031297
5. she bathed him
FC jc-031297

0. she went to get him

1. she went to get him

FC -> jc-72895
2. she went to get him

3. she went to get him

4. she went to get him

FC jc-031297
5. she went to get him
FC jc-031297

0. fue ( it was )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. habi'a; estaba ( there was )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he was; it had been; it was; they were

FC -> jc-72895
3. he was; it had been; it was; they were
4. he was; it had been; it was; they were
5. he was; it had been; it was; they were <o:-ca:1a-ca9>
<o:-ca:1a-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was; it had been; it was; they were <o:-ca:1a-ca9>
<o:-ca:1a-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
7. fue ( it was )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. habi'a; estaba ( there was )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
9. he was; it had been; it was; they were
FC jc-031297
10. he was; it had been; it was; they were
FC jc-031297

0. habi'a ( there were )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. two places
1. two places
FC -> jc-72895
2. two places
3. two places
4. two places <o:me-ca:n>
<o:me-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. two places <o:me-ca:n>
<o:me-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. another place; two places
FC jc-031297
7. another place; two places
FC jc-031297

0. otro ( another )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. otro ( another )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. otro ( another )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. otro ( other )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. otro ( other; another )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. otro ( another )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
6. otro ( another )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. otro ( another )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. otro ( other )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
9. otro ( other; another )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. otros lugares ( other places )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. otra vez ( again )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. otros ( other; others )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. otros; los dema's ( other; others )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. otros ( other; others )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. otros ( others )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
4. otros ( other; others )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. otros; los dema's ( other; others )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
6. otros ( other; others )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. otros ( others )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. otros ( others )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. marry

0. ocelots, ocelot warriors

1. ocelots, ocelot warriors

FC -> jc-72895
2. ocelots, ocelot warriors

3. ocelots, ocelot warriors

4. ocelots, ocelot warriors

FC jc-031297
5. ocelots, ocelot warriors
FC jc-031297

0. peaked ocelot skin cap
FC jc-031297

0. ocelot skirt

1. ocelot skirt
FC -> jc-72895
2. ocelot skirt

3. ocelot skirt

4. ocelot skirt
FC jc-031297
5. ocelot skirt
FC jc-031297

0. spotted like an ocelot
FC jc-031297

0. spotted like an ocelot
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. varicolored like an ocelot

1. varicolored like an ocelot

FC -> jc-72895
2. varicolored like an ocelot

3. varicolored like an ocelot

4. varicolored like an ocelot

FC jc-031297
5. varicolored like an ocelot
FC jc-031297

0. o ocelot warriors

1. o ocelot warriors
FC -> jc-72895
2. o ocelot warriors

3. o ocelot warriors

4. o ocelot warriors
FC jc-031297
5. o ocelot warriors
FC jc-031297

0. ocelot skin sandal

1. ocelot skin sandal

FC -> jc-72895
2. ocelot skin sandal

3. ocelot skin sandal

4. ocelot skin sandal

FC jc-031297
5. ocelot skin sandal
FC jc-031297

0. ocelot skin seat

1. ocelot skin seat

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. ocelot skin seat

3. ocelot skin seat

4. ocelot skin seat

FC jc-031297
5. ocelot skin seat
FC jc-031297

0. ocelot skin seat with a back rest

1. ocelot skin seat with a back rest

FC -> jc-72895
2. ocelot skin seat with a back rest

3. ocelot skin seat with a back rest

4. ocelot skin seat with a back rest

FC jc-031297
5. ocelot skin seat with a back rest
FC jc-031297

0. ocelot skin
1. ocelot skin
FC -> jc-72895
2. ocelot skin
3. ocelot skin
4. ocelot skin <o:ce:lo:tl-e:huatl>
<o:ce:lo:tl-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. ocelot skin <o:ce:lo:tl-e:huatl>
<o:ce:lo:tl-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. ocelot skin <o:ce:lo:tl-e:huatl>
<o:ce:lo:tl-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. ocelot skin <oce:lo:tl-e:huatl>
<oce:lo:tl-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. ocelot skin <o:ce:lo:tl-e:huatl>
<o:ce:lo:tl-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
9. ocelot skin
FC jc-031297
10. ocelot skin
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. ocelot drum

1. ocelot drum
FC -> jc-72895
2. ocelot drum

3. ocelot drum

4. ocelot drum
FC jc-031297
5. ocelot drum
FC jc-031297

0. ocelots
1. ocelots
FC -> jc-72895
2. ocelots
3. ocelots
4. ocelots <oce:lo:tl-plur03>
<oce:lo:tl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
5. ocelots
FC jc-031297
6. ocelots
FC jc-031297

0. on the ocelot mat

1. on the ocelot mat

FC -> jc-72895
2. on the ocelot mat

3. on the ocelot mat

4. on the ocelot mat

FC jc-031297
5. on the ocelot mat
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. ocelot mat

1. ocelot mat
FC -> jc-72895
2. ocelot mat

3. ocelot mat

4. ocelot mat
FC jc-031297
5. ocelot mat
FC jc-031297

0. spotted tamale

1. spotted tamale
FC -> jc-72895
2. spotted tamale

3. spotted tamale

4. spotted tamale
FC jc-031297
5. spotted tamale
FC jc-031297

0. ocelot skin seat

1. ocelot skin seat

FC -> jc-72895
2. ocelot skin seat

3. ocelot skin seat

4. ocelot skin seat

FC jc-031297
5. ocelot skin seat
FC jc-031297

0. having an ocelot claw design

1. having an ocelot claw design

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. having an ocelot claw design

3. having an ocelot claw design

4. having an ocelot claw design

FC jc-031297
5. having an ocelot claw design
FC jc-031297

0. like an ocelot
1. like an ocelot
FC -> jc-72895
2. like an ocelot
3. like an ocelot
4. like an ocelot <o:ce:lo:tl-tic>
<o:ce:lo:tl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. like an ocelot
FC jc-031297
6. like an ocelot
FC jc-031297

0. ocelot cape
1. ocelot cape; cape with an ocelot design
FC -> jc-72895
2. ocelot cape
3. ocelot cape
4. ocelot cape <oce:lo:tl-tilmahtli>
<oce:lo:tl-tilmahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. ocelot cape <oce:lo:tl-tilmahtli>
<oce:lo:tl-tilmahtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. ocelot cape; cape with an ocelot design
FC jc-031297
7. ocelot cape; cape with an ocelot design
FC jc-031297

0. he will be an ocelot warrior
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he will be an ocelot warrior

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be an ocelot warrior

3. he will be an ocelot warrior

4. he will be an ocelot warrior

FC jc-031297
5. he will be an ocelot warrior
FC jc-031297

0. ocelot; ocelot warrior
1. ocelot; ocelot warrior
FC -> jc-72895
2. ocelot; ocelot warrior
3. ocelot; ocelot warrior
4. ocelot; ocelot warrior <oce:lo:tl>
<oce:lo:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. ocelot; ocelot warrior
FC jc-031297
6. ocelot; ocelot warrior
FC jc-031297

0. ocelot wine jar

1. ocelot wine jar

FC -> jc-72895
2. ocelot wine jar

3. ocelot wine jar

4. ocelot wine jar

FC jc-031297
5. ocelot wine jar
FC jc-031297

0. ocelot gate

1. ocelot gate
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. ocelot gate

3. ocelot gate

4. ocelot gate
FC jc-031297
5. ocelot gate
FC jc-031297

0. o ocelot warrior

1. o ocelot warrior
FC -> jc-72895
2. o ocelot warrior

3. o ocelot warrior

4. o ocelot warrior
FC jc-031297
5. o ocelot warrior
FC jc-031297

0. having an ocelot head

1. having an ocelot head

FC -> jc-72895
2. having an ocelot head

3. having an ocelot head

4. having an ocelot head

FC jc-031297
5. having an ocelot head
FC jc-031297

0. bravery; ocelot warriorhood; status of the ocelot warrior

1. bravery; ocelot warriorhood; status of the ocelot warrior

FC -> jc-72895
2. bravery; ocelot warriorhood; status of the ocelot warrior

3. bravery; ocelot warriorhood; status of the ocelot warrior
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. bravery; ocelot warriorhood; status of the ocelot warrior

FC jc-031297
5. bravery; ocelot warriorhood; status of the ocelot warrior
FC jc-031297

0. for a day
1. for a day
FC -> jc-72895
2. for a day
3. for a day
4. for a day <ilhuitl;
<ilhuitl-> FC - > jc-61096
5. for a day
FC jc-031297
6. for a day
FC jc-031297

0. it calmed; it went out; it was extinguished

1. it calmed; it went out; it was extinguished

FC -> jc-72895
2. it calmed; it went out; it was extinguished

3. it calmed
4. it calmed; it went out; it was extinguished

5. it calmed
6. it calmed <o:-ce:hui-prt1>
<o:-ce:hui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it calmed; it cooled; it went out; it was extinguished
FC jc-031297
8. it calmed; it cooled; it went out; it was extinguished
FC jc-031297

0. it became firm

1. it became firm
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. it became firm

3. it became firm

4. it became firm
FC jc-031297
5. it became firm
FC jc-031297

0. paths are adorned, paths are prepared
FC jc-031297

0. it was made
1. it was made
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was made
3. it was made
4. it was made <o:-chi:hua-lo:1-prt2>
<o:-chi:hua-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was made <o:-chi:hua-lo:1-prt2>
<o:-chi:hua-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was made
FC jc-031297
7. it was made
FC jc-031297

0. it cried out
FC jc-031297

0. weeping

1. weeping
FC -> jc-72895
2. weeping

3. weeping

4. weeping
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. weeping
FC jc-031297

0. sweep

0. wide road
FC - > jc-61096
1. wide road
JC-05-07-97 Patientive Nouns no1

0. sweeping
FC - > jc-61096

ochpana-| tlachpanaliztli
0. sweeping, act of sweeping

0. sweeping
FC jc-031297

0. highway; main road
1. highway; main road
FC -> jc-72895
2. highway; main road
3. highway; main road
4. highway; main road <ohtli-ichpa:na-l2>
<ohtli-ichpa:na-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. highway; main road <ohtli-ichpa:na-l2>
<ohtli-ichpa:na-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. highway; main road <ohtli-ichpa:na-l2>
<ohtli-ichpa:na-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. highway; main road
FC jc-031297
8. highway; main road
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. old main road

1. old main road
FC -> jc-72895
2. old main road
3. old main road
4. old main road <ohtli-ichpa:na-l2-ihzolihui-l1>
<ohtli-ichpa:na-l2-ihzolihui-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. old main road <ohtli-ichpa:na-l2-ihzolihui-l1>
<ohtli-ichpa:na-l2-ihzolihui-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. old main road <ohtli-ichpa:na-l2-ihzolihui-l1>
<ohtli-ichpa:na-l2-ihzolihui-l1> FC - > jc-61096
7. old main road <ohtli-ichpa:na-l2-ihzolihui-l1>
<ohtli-ichpa:na-l2-ihzolihui-l1> FC - > jc-61096
8. old main road
FC jc-031297
9. old main road
FC jc-031297

0. he slept with a woman
1. he slept with a woman
FC -> jc-72895
2. he slept with a woman
3. he slept with a woman
4. he slept with a woman <o:-cihua:tl-cochi-prt1>
<o:-cihua:tl-cochi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he slept with a woman <o:-cihua:tl-cochi-prt1>
<o:-cihua:tl-cochi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he slept with a woman
FC jc-031297
7. he slept with a woman
FC jc-031297

0. his wife died
1. his wife died
FC -> jc-72895
2. his wife died
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. his wife died

4. his wife died <o:-cihua:tl-miqui-prt1>
<o:-cihua:tl-miqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his wife died <o:-cihua:tl-miqui-prt1>
<o:-cihua:tl-miqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his wife died
FC jc-031297
7. his wife died
FC jc-031297

0. tavern, pulqueri'a
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. tavern
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. pulqueri'a
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. tavern
JC-05-07-97 -yan Locative Nouns
4. pulquere'a

5. tavern

0. pine nut skirt
1. pine nut skirt
FC -> jc-72895
2. pine nut skirt
3. pine nut skirt
4. pine nut skirt <ocotl-calli-cue:itl>
<ocotl-calli-cue:itl> FC - > jc-61096
5. pine nut skirt <ocotl-calli-cue:itl>
<ocotl-calli-cue:itl> FC - > jc-61096
6. pine nut skirt
FC jc-031297
7. pine nut skirt
FC jc-031297

0. pine wood cage
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. pine wood cage

FC -> jc-72895
2. pine wood cage

3. pine wood cage

4. pine wood cage

FC jc-031297
5. pine wood cage
FC jc-031297

0. pine cone

1. pine-cone
FC - > jc-61096

0. pine seed

1. pine seed
FC - > jc-61096

0. fue a dormir ( he went to sleep [ literal movement ] )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. pine nut
1. pine nut
FC -> jc-72895
2. pine nut
3. pine nut
4. pine nut <ocotl-centli>
<ocotl-centli> FC - > jc-61096
5. pine nut <ocotl-centli>
<ocotl-centli> FC - > jc-61096
6. pine nut
FC jc-031297
7. pine nut
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. len~a de ocote ( pine wood )

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. pine branch; pine log; pine tree; pine stave; pine wood
FC -> jc-72895
2. pine log, pine tree; pine wood; pine branch; pine stave
3. pine log, pine tree; pine wood; pine branch; pine stave
4. pine log, pine tree; pine wood; pine branch; pine stave
<ocotl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. pine log, pine tree; pine wood; pine branch; pine stave
<ocotl-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. pine tree
FC - > jc-61096
7. pine tree
FC - > jc-61096
8. len~a de ocote ( pine wood )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. pine branch; pine log; pine tree; pine stave; pine wood
FC jc-031297
10. pine branch; pine log; pine tree; pine stave; pine wood
FC jc-031297

0. with pine boughs, using pine boughs; with pine staves; by
means of pine staves
1. with pine boughs, using pine boughs; with pine staves; by
means of pine staves
FC -> jc-72895
2. with pine boughs, using pine boughs; with pine staves; by
means of pine staves
3. with pine boughs, using pine boughs; with pine staves; by
means of pine staves
4. with pine boughs, using pine boughs; with pine staves; by
means of pine staves <ocotl-cuahuitl-ti1-ca2>
<ocotl-cuahuitl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with pine boughs, using pine boughs; with pine staves; by
means of pine staves <ocotl-cuahuitl-ti1-ca2>
<ocotl-cuahuitl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. with pine boughs, using pine boughs; with pine staves; by
means of pine staves
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. with pine boughs, using pine boughs; with pine staves; by
means of pine staves
FC jc-031297

0. they circled about it
FC jc-031297

0. pine sticks, torches
1. pine sticks, torches
FC -> jc-72895
2. pine sticks, torches
3. pine sticks, torches
4. pine sticks, torches <ocotl-plur03>
<ocotl-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
5. pine sticks, torches
FC jc-031297
6. pine sticks, torches
FC jc-031297

0. they bathed him

1. they bathed him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they bathed him

3. they bathed him

4. they bathed him

FC jc-031297
5. they bathed him
FC jc-031297

0. he bathed it
1. he bathed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he bathed it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he bathed it
4. he bathed it <o:-p33-o:n-a:ltia:-prt1>
<o:-p33-o:n-a:ltia:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he bathed it
FC jc-031297
6. he bathed it
FC jc-031297

0. he came to leave it
FC jc-031297

0. he went to leave him; they went to leave him
1. he went to leave him; they went to leave him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he went to leave him; they went to leave him
3. he went to leave him; they went to leave him
4. he went to leave him; they went to leave him
<o:-p33-o:n-ca:hua-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
5. he went to leave him; they went to leave him
<o:-p33-o:n-ca:hua-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
6. he went to leave him; they went to leave him
<o:-p33-o:n-ca:hua-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
7. he went to leave him; they went to leave him
FC jc-031297
8. he went to leave him; they went to leave him
FC jc-031297

0. she informed him of it

1. she informed him of it

FC -> jc-72895
2. she informed him of it

3. she informed him of it

4. she informed him of it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. she informed him of it
FC jc-031297

0. he abandoned it, he left it

1. he abandoned it, he left it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he abandoned it, he left it

3. he abandoned it, he left it

4. he abandoned it, he left it

FC jc-031297
5. he abandoned it, he left it
FC jc-031297

0. he did it, he performed it

1. he did it, he performed it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he did it, he performed it

3. he did it, he performed it

4. he did it, he performed it

FC jc-031297
5. he did it, he performed it
FC jc-031297

0. he came to take it; they came to take it

1. he came to take it; they came to take it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he came to take it; they came to take it

3. he came to take it; they came to take it

4. he came to take it; they came to take it

FC jc-031297
5. he came to take it; they came to take it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they took it
FC jc-031297

0. they went to take it
1. they went to take it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to take it
3. they went to take it
4. they went to take it <o:-p33-o:n-cui-dir2b>
<o:-p33-o:n-cui-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
5. they went to take it <o:-p33-o:n-cui-dir2b>
<o:-p33-o:n-cui-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
6. they went to take it <o:-p33-o:n-cui-dir2b>
<o:-p33-o:n-cui-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
7. they went to take it
FC jc-031297
8. they went to take it
FC jc-031297

0. he drank it

1. he drank it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he drank it

3. he drank it

4. he drank it
FC jc-031297
5. he drank it
FC jc-031297

0. auh in **oconilhuito**: niman quihualito Amo nican
niccaquiz, ompa niccaquiz in coacalco, but when they went
to tell him, he then said: "I shall not hear it here; i
shall hear it there in the coacalli
(b12 f1 p18) jc-022297
1. they went to tell it to him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they went to tell it to him

FC jc-031297

0. he found it, he saw it

1. he found it, he saw it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he found it, he saw it

3. he found it, he saw it

4. he found it, he saw it

FC jc-031297
5. he found it, he saw it
FC jc-031297

0. they [ h ] saw it
FC jc-031297

0. auh in oconnetoltito in cihuapiltontli niman ic quihuica:
and when she had gone to dedicate the little girl, then she
took her [away] <o:-p33-o:n-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-dir2b
(b2 f14 c38 p245)
1. auh in oconnetoltito in cihuapiltontli niman ic quihuica:
and when she had gone to dedicate the little girl, then she
took her [away]
<o:-p33-o:n-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-dir2b> (b2 f14 c38 p245) JC-7/23/96

0. he tasted it

1. he tasted it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he tasted it

3. he tasted it

4. he tasted it
FC jc-031297
5. he tasted it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it abated it, it destroyed it
FC jc-031297

0. they beheaded it

1. they beheaded it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they beheaded it

3. they beheaded it

4. they beheaded it
FC jc-031297
5. they beheaded it
FC jc-031297

0. he brought it forth, he made it flow out

1. he brought it forth, he made it flow out

FC -> jc-72895
2. he brought it forth, he made it flow out

3. he brought it forth, he made it flow out

4. he brought it forth, he made it flow out

FC jc-031297
5. he brought it forth, he made it flow out
FC jc-031297

0. he spread it out

1. he spread it out
FC -> jc-72895
2. he spread it out

3. he spread it out
4. he spread it out

5. he spread it out
6. he spread it out <o:-p33-o:n-te:ca-prt2>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<o:-p33-o:n-te:ca-prt2> FC - > jc-61096

7. he spread it out
FC jc-031297
8. he spread it out
FC jc-031297

0. he placed it
1. he placed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he placed it
3. he placed it
4. he placed it <o:-p33-o:n-tla:lia-prt1>
<o:-p33-o:n-tla:lia-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he placed it
FC jc-031297
6. he placed it
FC jc-031297

0. they went to place it; they went to set it
1. they went to place it; they went to set it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to place it; they went to set it
3. they went to place it; they went to set it
4. they went to place it, they went to set it
<o:-p33-o:n-tla:lia-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
5. they went to place it, they went to set it
<o:-p33-o:n-tla:lia-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
6. they went to place it; they went to set it
<o:-p33-tla:lia-prt1-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
7. they went to place it; they went to set it
FC jc-031297
8. they went to place it; they went to set it
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he cast it, he threw it

FC jc-031297

0. he poured it

1. he poured it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he poured it

3. he poured it

4. he poured it
FC jc-031297
5. he poured it
FC jc-031297

0. he ended it

1. he ended it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he ended it

3. he ended it

4. he ended it
FC jc-031297
5. he ended it
FC jc-031297

0. they flayed her

1. they flayed her

FC -> jc-72895
2. they flayed her

3. they flayed her

4. they flayed her

FC jc-031297
5. they flayed her
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they encircled it, they surrounded it

1. they encircled it, they surrounded it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they encircled it, they surrounded it

3. they encircled it, they surrounded it

4. they encircled it, they surrounded it

FC jc-031297
5. they encircled it, they surrounded it
FC jc-031297

0. pine box

1. pine box
FC - > jc-61096
2. pine box
FC - > jc-61096
3. pine box
FC - > jc-61096

0. pine fire brand; pine torch; torch
1. pine fire brand; pine torch; torch
FC -> jc-72895
2. pine fire brand; pine torch; torch
3. pine fire brand; pine torch; torch
4. pine faggot
FC - > jc-61096
5. pine faggot
FC - > jc-61096
6. pine fire brand; pine torch; torch <ocotl-pilli>
<ocotl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
7. pine fire brand; pine torch; torch <ocotl-pilli>
<ocotl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
8. pine fire brand; pine firebrand; pine torch; torch
FC jc-031297
9. pine fire brand; pine firebrand; pine torch; torch
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. faggot

0. pine tree, pine wood, ocote
1. pine
2. pine; pine ( resin ); pine stick; pine wood; torch
FC -> jc-72895
3. pine; pine (resin); pine stick; pine wood; torch
4. pine tree, pine wood, ocote
5. pine
6. pine; pine (resin); pine stick; pine wood; torch
7. pine
FC - > jc-61096
8. pine
FC - > jc-61096
9. pine; pine ( resin ); pine stick; pine wood; torch <ocotl>
<ocotl> FC - > jc-61096
10. pine; pine ( resin ); pine stick; pine wood; torch
FC jc-031297
11. pine; pine ( resin ); pine stick; pine wood; torch
FC jc-031297

0. black stain from pine smoke

1. black stain from pine smoke

FC - > jc-61096
2. black stain from pine smoke
FC - > jc-61096

0. lynx skin; bobcat skin

1. lynx skin; bobcat skin

FC -> jc-72895
2. lynx skin; bobcat skin

3. lynx skin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. lynx skin; bobcat skin

5. lynx skin
6. lynx skin <ocotl-to:chtli-e:huatl>
<ocotl-to:chtli-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. lynx skin <ocotl-to:chtli-e:huatl>
<ocotl-to:chtli-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. lynx skin <ocotl-to:chtli-e:huatl>
<ocotl-to:chtli-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
9. lynx skin <ocotl-to:chtli-e:huatl>
<ocotl-to:chtli-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
10. lynx skin; bobcat skin
FC jc-031297
11. lynx skin; bobcat skin
FC jc-031297

0. bobcat
1. bobcat
FC -> jc-72895
2. bobcat
3. bobcat
4. bobcat <oco:tl-to:chtli>
<oco:tl-to:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. bobcat <oco:tl-to:chtli>
<oco:tl-to:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. bobcat
FC jc-031297
7. bobcat
FC jc-031297

0. cape made from martens' hides

1. cape made from martens' hides

FC - > jc-61096
2. cape made from martens' hides
FC - > jc-61096
3. cape made from martens' hides
FC - > jc-61096

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. bobcat
1. bobcat; mountain cat
FC -> jc-72895
2. bobcat
3. bobcat
4. bobcat <oco:tl-to:chtli>
<oco:tl-to:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. bobcat <oco:tl-to:chtli>
<oco:tl-to:chtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. mountain cat or marten
FC - > jc-61096
7. mountain cat or marten
FC - > jc-61096
8. bobcat; mountain cat
FC jc-031297
9. bobcat; mountain cat
FC jc-031297

0. cat or marten

0. ocotitos; pedacitos de ocote ( pine splinters )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. possessor of pine resin trees
1. possessor of pine resin trees
FC -> jc-72895
2. possessor of pine resin trees
<ocotl-tzotl-cuahuitl-eh1>-| jc-10896
3. possessor of pine resin trees
<ocotl-tzotl-cuahuitl-eh1>-| jc-10896
4. possessor of pine resin trees
5. possessor of pine resin trees
6. possessor of pine resin trees <ocotl-tzotl-cuahuitl-eh1>
<ocotl-tzotl-cuahuitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. possessor of pine resin trees <ocotl-tzotl-cuahuitl-eh1>
<ocotl-tzotl-cuahuitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. possessor of pine resin trees <ocotl-tzotl-cuahuitl-eh1>

<ocotl-tzotl-cuahuitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
9. possessor of pine resin trees <ocotl-tzotl-cuahuitl-eh1>
<ocotl-tzotl-cuahuitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
10. possessor of pine resin trees <ocotl-tzotl-cuahuitl-eh1>
<ocotl-tzotl-cuahuitl-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
11. possessor of pine resin trees
<ocotl-tzotl-cuahuitl-eh1>-| jc-10896
12. possessor of pine resin trees
FC jc-031297
13. possessor of pine resin trees
FC jc-031297

0. he collects pine resin
1. he collects pine resin
FC -> jc-72895
2. he collects pine resin
3. he collects pine resin
4. he collects pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui>
<ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui> FC - > jc-61096
5. he collects pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui>
<ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui> FC - > jc-61096
6. he collects pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui>
<ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui> FC - > jc-61096
7. he collects pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui>
<ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui> FC - > jc-61096
8. he collects pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui>
<ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui> FC - > jc-61096
9. he collects pine resin
FC jc-031297
10. he collects pine resin
FC jc-031297

0. collector of pine resin
1. collector of pine resin
FC -> jc-72895
2. collector of pine resin
3. collector of pine resin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. collector of pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui-ni1>

<ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. collector of pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui-ni1>
<ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. collector of pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui-ni1>
<ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. collector of pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui-ni1>
<ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. collector of pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui-ni1>
<ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. collector of pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui-ni1>
<ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
10. collector of pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui-ni1>
<ocotl-tzotl-dupl-cui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
11. collector of pine resin
FC jc-031297
12. collector of pine resin
FC jc-031297

0. possessor of pine resin
1. possessor of pine resin
FC -> jc-72895
2. possessor of pine resin
<ocotl-tzotl-huah>-| jc-10896
3. possessor of pine resin
<ocotl-tzotl-huah>-| jc-10896
4. possessor of pine resin
5. possessor of pine resin
6. possessor of pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-huah>
<ocotl-tzotl-huah> FC - > jc-61096
7. possessor of pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-huah>
<ocotl-tzotl-huah> FC - > jc-61096
8. possessor of pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-huah>
<ocotl-tzotl-huah> FC - > jc-61096
9. possessor of pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-huah>
<ocotl-tzotl-huah> FC - > jc-61096
10. possessor of pine resin
<ocotl-tzotl-huah>-| jc-10896
11. possessor of pine resin
FC jc-031297
12. possessor of pine resin
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he sells pine resin
1. he sells pine resin
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sells pine resin
3. he sells pine resin
4. he sells pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-namaca>
<ocotl-tzotl-namaca> FC - > jc-61096
5. he sells pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-namaca>
<ocotl-tzotl-namaca> FC - > jc-61096
6. he sells pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-namaca>
<ocotl-tzotl-namaca> FC - > jc-61096
7. he sells pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-namaca>
<ocotl-tzotl-namaca> FC - > jc-61096
8. he sells pine resin
FC jc-031297
9. he sells pine resin
FC jc-031297

0. pine resin seller
1. pine resin seller
FC -> jc-72895
2. pine resin seller
3. pine resin seller
4. pine resin seller <ocotl-tzotl-namaca-qui2>
<ocotl-tzotl-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
5. pine resin seller <ocotl-tzotl-namaca-qui2>
<ocotl-tzotl-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
6. pine resin seller <ocotl-tzotl-namaca-qui2>
<ocotl-tzotl-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
7. pine resin seller <ocotl-tzotl-namaca-qui2>
<ocotl-tzotl-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
8. pine resin seller <ocotl-tzotl-namaca-qui2>
<ocotl-tzotl-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
9. pine resin seller
FC jc-031297
10. pine resin seller
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

11. pine resin seller

JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. pitch or tar

1. pitch or tar
FC - > jc-61096
2. pitch or tar
FC - > jc-61096

0. with pine resin, using pine resin
1. with pine resin, by means of pine resin; using pine resin
FC -> jc-72895
2. with pine resin, using pine resin
3. with pine resin, using pine resin
4. with pine resin, using pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-ti1-ca2>
<ocotl-tzotl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with pine resin, using pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-ti1-ca2>
<ocotl-tzotl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. with pine resin, using pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-ti1-ca2>
<ocotl-tzotl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
7. with pine resin, by means of pine resin; using pine resin
FC jc-031297
8. with pine resin, by means of pine resin; using pine resin
FC jc-031297

0. pine resin; resin

1. pine resin; resin

FC -> jc-72895
2. pine resin; resin

3. pine resin; resin

4. pine resin; resin

5. pine resin; resin

6. pine resin
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. pine resin; resin <ocotl-tzotl>

<ocotl-tzotl> FC - > jc-61096
8. pine resin; resin <ocotl-tzotl>
<ocotl-tzotl> FC - > jc-61096
9. pinepitch
FC - > jc-61096
10. pine resin; resin
FC jc-031297
11. pinepitch
Noun jc-030797
12. pine resin; resin
FC jc-031297
13. pinepitch
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
14. pinepitch
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

ocotzotl (pinepitch)nicocotzohuia
0. I put pinepitch on it

0. having pine resin
1. having pine resin
FC -> jc-72895
2. having pine resin
3. having pine resin
4. having pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-yo:tl1>
<ocotl-tzotl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-yo:tl1>
<ocotl-tzotl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having pine resin <ocotl-tzotl-yo:tl1>
<ocotl-tzotl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. having pine resin
FC jc-031297
8. having pine resin
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes a resin
FC - > jc-61096

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it forms a resin

0. he got her with child, he got her pregnant
FC jc-031297

0. pine flower
1. pine flower
FC -> jc-72895
2. pine flower
3. pine flower
4. pine flower <ocotl-xo:chitl>
<ocotl-xo:chitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. pine flower <ocotl-xo:chitl>
<ocotl-xo:chitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. pine flower
FC jc-031297
7. pine flower
FC jc-031297

0. pine-tree grass
1. pine-tree grass
FC -> jc-72895
2. pine-tree grass
3. pine-tree grass
4. pine-tree grass <ocotl-zacatl>
<ocotl-zacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. pine-tree grass <ocotl-zacatl>
<ocotl-zacatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. pine needle; pine-tree grass
FC jc-031297
7. pine needle; pine-tree grass
FC jc-031297

0. measure, model
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. measure, model

2. measure, model
3. measure, model

4. measure, model
FC - > jc-61096

0. wine-maker
1. wine-maker
FC -> jc-72895
2. wine-maker
3. wine-maker
4. wine-maker <octli-tla:lia-prt1>
<octli-tla:lia-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. wine-maker <octli-tla:lia-prt1>
<octli-tla:lia-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. wine-maker
FC jc-031297
7. wine-maker
FC jc-031297

0. wine shop
1. wine shop
FC -> jc-72895
2. wine shop
3. wine shop
4. wine shop <octli-tla:lia-lo:1-ya:n>
<octli-tla:lia-lo:1-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. wine shop <octli-tla:lia-lo:1-ya:n>
<octli-tla:lia-lo:1-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. wine shop <octli-tla:lia-lo:1-ya:n>
<octli-tla:lia-lo:1-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. wine shop <octli-tla:lia-lo:1-ya:n>
<octli-tla:lia-lo:1-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. wine shop
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. wine shop
FC jc-031297

0. wine
1. maguey wine; pulque; wine
FC -> jc-72895
2. maguey wine; wine
3. wine
4. maguey wine; wine
5. maguey wine; wine <octli>
<octli> FC - > jc-61096
6. wine
FC - > jc-61096
7. maguey wine; pulque; wine
FC jc-031297
8. maguey wine; pulque; wine
FC jc-031297

0. ma's ( more )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. lo cargaban ( they were carrying it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he was seen to be suitable

1. he was seen to be suitable

FC -> jc-72895
2. he was seen to be suitable

3. he was seen to be suitable

4. he was seen to be suitable

FC jc-031297
5. he was seen to be suitable
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it was eaten
1. it was eaten
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was eaten
3. it was eaten
4. it was eaten <o:-cua:-lo:1-prt2>
<o:-cua:-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was eaten <o:-cua:-lo:1-prt2>
<o:-cua:-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was eaten
FC jc-031297
7. it was eaten
FC jc-031297

0. otra vez ( again )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. it bloomed; it blossomed; it burst out
1. it bloomed; it blossomed; it burst out
FC -> jc-72895
2. it bloomed; it blossomed; it burst out
3. it bloomed; it blossomed; it burst out
4. it bloomed; it blossomed; it burst out <o:-cuepo:ni-prt1>
<o:-cuepo:ni-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it bloomed; it blossomed; it burst out
FC jc-031297
6. it bloomed; it blossomed; it burst out
FC jc-031297

0. decayed, worm-eaten

1. decayed, worm-eaten
FC -> jc-72895
2. decayed, worm-eaten

3. decayed, worm-eaten
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. decayed, worm-eaten
FC jc-031297
5. decayed, worm-eaten
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes worm-eaten
1. it becomes worm-eaten
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes worm-eaten
3. it becomes worm-eaten
4. it becomes worm-eaten <ocuilin-cua:-lo:1>
<ocuilin-cua:-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes worm-eaten <ocuilin-cua:-lo:1>
<ocuilin-cua:-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it becomes worm-eaten
FC jc-031297
7. it becomes worm-eaten
FC jc-031297

0. they were being eaten by worms
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they were being eaten by worms
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they were being eaten by worms
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. they were being eaten by worms
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they were being eaten by worms
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they were being eaten by worms
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. they were being eaten by worms
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. worm; worms
1. worm; worms
FC -> jc-72895
2. worm; worms
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. worm; worms
4. worm; worms <ocuilin>
<ocuilin> FC - > jc-61096
5. worm; worms
FC jc-031297
6. worm; worms
FC jc-031297

0. worm
1. worm; worms
FC -> jc-72895
2. worm
3. worm
4. worm
5. worm
FC - > jc-61096
6. worm
FC - > jc-61096
7. worm <ocuilin>
<ocuilin> FC - > jc-61096
8. worm; worms
FC jc-031297
9. worm; worms
FC jc-031297

0. worms
1. worms
FC -> jc-72895
2. worms
3. worms
4. worms <ocuilin-plur02>
<ocuilin-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. worms
FC jc-031297
6. worms
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. worms
1. worms
FC -> jc-72895
2. worms
3. worms
4. worms <ocuilin-plur02>
<ocuilin-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. worms
FC jc-031297
6. worms
FC jc-031297

0. little worm; small worm
1. little worm; small worm
FC -> jc-72895
2. little worm; small worm
3. little worm; small worm
4. little worm; small worm <ocuilin-to:n>
<ocuilin-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. little worm; small worm <ocuilin-to:n>
<ocuilin-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. little worm; small worm
FC jc-031297
7. little worm; small worm
FC jc-031297

0. little worms
<ocuilin-dupl-to:n plur10b>
1. little worms
FC -> jc-72895
2. little worms
<ocuilin-dupl-to:n plur10b>
3. little worms
<ocuilin-dupl-to:n plur10b>
4. little worms <ocuilin-dupl-to:n plur10b>
<ocuilin-dupl-to:n plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. little worms <ocuilin-dupl-to:n plur10b>

<ocuilin-dupl-to:n plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
6. little worms <ocuilin-dupl-to:n plur10b>
<ocuilin-dupl-to:n plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
7. little worms <ocuilin-dupl-to:n plur10b>
<ocuilin-dupl-to:n plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
8. little worms
FC jc-031297
9. little worms
FC jc-031297

0. se lo llevaban ( they were carrying it to him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. road, path, way, trail

0. they arrived

1. they arrived
FC -> jc-72895
2. they arrived

3. they arrived

4. they arrived
FC jc-031297
5. they arrived
FC jc-031297

0. he knows the road, he is famililar with the road

1. he knows the road, he is famililar with the road

FC -> jc-72895
2. he knows the road, he is famililar with the road

3. he knows the road, he is famililar with the road

4. he knows the road, he is famililar with the road

FC jc-031297
5. he knows the road, he is famililar with the road
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he knows the road

1. he knows the road

FC -> jc-72895
2. he knows the road

3. he knows the road

4. he knows the road

FC jc-031297
5. he knows the road
FC jc-031297

0. in the middle of the road

0. bony and thin
Adj Form jc-022897
1. bony and thin
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. emaciated
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. skinny

4. thin

5. scrawny

6. osseous

7. cartilaginous

8. slender

9. slim

10. lean

11. skinny

12. gaunt
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

13. lank

14. scrawny

15. emaciated

16. poor

17. scarce

18. scanty

19. meager

20. insufficient

21. inadequate

22. scarce

23. bony and thin

0. it lies, it extends
1. it lies, it extends
FC -> jc-72895
2. it lies, it extends
3. it lies, it extends
4. it lies, it extends <dupl-on-o-prt2>
<dupl-on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it lies, it extends <dupl-on-o-prt2>
<dupl-on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. it lies, it extends <dupl-on-o-prt2>
<dupl-on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. it lies, it extends <dupl-on-o-prt2>
<dupl-on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
8. it lies, it extends <dupl-on-o-prt2>
<dupl-on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
9. it lies, it extends
FC jc-031297
10. it lies, it extends
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. two
1. two
FC -> jc-72895
2. two
3. two
4. two <dupl-o:me-tetl2>
<dupl-o:me-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
5. two <dupl-o:me-tetl2>
<dupl-o:me-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
6. two <dupl-o:me-tetl2>
<dupl-o:me-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
7. two <dupl-o:me-tetl2>
<dupl-o:me-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
8. two
FC jc-031297
9. two
FC jc-031297

0. trail, path; narrow road
1. trail, narrow road; path
FC -> jc-72895
2. trail, path; narrow road
3. trail, path; narrow road
4. trail, path; narrow road <ohtli-pitza:hua-l2>
<ohtli-pitza:hua-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. trail, path; narrow road <ohtli-pitza:hua-l2>
<ohtli-pitza:hua-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. trail, path; narrow road <ohtli-pitza:hua-l2>
<ohtli-pitza:hua-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. trail, narrow road; path
FC jc-031297
8. trail, narrow road; path
FC jc-031297

0. camino ( road )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. camino ( road )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. calle ( street )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. road
4. road
FC -> jc-72895
5. road; path; street; way
6. road
7. road; path; street; way
8. road
FC - > jc-61096
9. road
FC - > jc-61096
10. road <ohtli>
<ohtli> FC - > jc-61096
11. camino ( road )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
12. camino ( road )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
13. calle ( street )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
14. road
FC jc-031297
15. road
FC jc-031297

0. along the road; on the road; by the road; on the way; on
the ground; in the street; in the road

0. trail, little road

0. it dried out; it dried
1. it dried; it dried out
FC -> jc-72895
2. it dried out; it dried
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it dried out; it dried
4. it dried out; it dried <o:-hua:qui-prt1>
<o:-hua:qui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it dried out; it dried <o:-hua:qui-prt1>
<o:-hua:qui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it dried; it dried out
FC jc-031297
7. it dried; it dried out
FC jc-031297

0. vino ( he came )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he arrived

1. he arrived
FC -> jc-72895
2. he arrived

3. he arrived

4. he arrived
FC jc-031297
5. he arrived
FC jc-031297

0. it broke out

1. it broke out
FC -> jc-72895
2. it broke out

3. it broke out

4. it broke out
FC jc-031297
5. it broke out
FC jc-031297

0. it fell off
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. there was going forth

1. there was going forth

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was going forth

3. there was going forth

4. there was going forth

FC jc-031297
5. there was going forth
FC jc-031297

0. he came
1. he came; it came
FC -> jc-72895
2. he came
3. he came
4. he came <o:-hua:l-yauh1>
<o:-hua:l-yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he came <o:-hua:l-yauh1>
<o:-hua:l-yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he came <o:-hua:l-yauh1>
<o:-hua:l-yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he came; it came
FC jc-031297
8. he came; it came
FC jc-031297

0. it was born

1. it was born
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was born

3. it was born

4. it was born
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. it was born
FC jc-031297

0. they came
1. they came
FC -> jc-72895
2. they came
3. they came
4. they came <o:-hua:l-yauh1-plur01>
<o:-hua:l-yauh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they came <o:-hua:l-yauh1-plur01>
<o:-hua:l-yauh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they came <o:-hua:l-yauh1-plur01>
<o:-hua:l-yauh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they came
FC jc-031297
8. they came
FC jc-031297

0. it dawned, day broke

1. it dawned, day broke

FC -> jc-72895
2. it dawned, day broke

3. it dawned, day broke

4. it dawned, day broke

FC jc-031297
5. it dawned, day broke
FC jc-031297

0. they each proceeded on their way, they each traveled
FC jc-031297

0. auh intla **ohualmihto** yaoyotl niman cemolini i ye
ixtlacatl mexicatl and if war were proclaimed, then set
forth together the assembled men of mexico
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

(b8 f5 p88) jc-022297

0. he returned

1. he returned
FC -> jc-72895
2. he returned

3. he returned

4. he returned
FC jc-031297
5. he returned
FC jc-031297

0. he came forth; it arose [ie; sun]; it came out; it emerged;
it came forth; she came forth
1. he came forth; it arose [ ie; sun ]; it came out; it
emerged; it came forth; she came forth
FC -> jc-72895
2. he came forth; it arose [ie; sun]; it came out; it emerged;
it came forth; she came forth
3. he came forth; it arose [ie; sun]; it came out; it emerged;
it came forth; she came forth
4. he came forth; it arose [ ie sun ]; it came out; it
emerged; it came forth; she came forth
<o:-hua:l-qui:za-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he came forth; it arose [ ie sun ]; it came out; it
emerged; it came forth; she came forth
<o:-hua:l-qui:za-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he came forth; it arose [ ie sun ]; it came out; it
emerged; it came forth; she came forth
<o:-hua:l-qui:za-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he came forth; it arose [ ie; sun ]; it came out; it
emerged; it came forth; she came forth
FC jc-031297
8. he came forth; it arose [ ie; sun ]; it came out; it
emerged; it came forth; she came forth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he descended
1. he descended
FC -> jc-72895
2. he descended
3. he descended
4. he descended <o:-hua:l-temo:-prt2>
<o:-hua:l-temo:-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he descended <o:-hua:l-temo:-prt2>
<o:-hua:l-temo:-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. he descended <o:-hua:l-temo:-prt2>
<o:-hua:l-temo:-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. he descended
FC jc-031297
8. he descended
FC jc-031297

0. they climbed down, they descended
1. they climbed down, they descended
FC -> jc-72895
2. they climbed down, they descended
3. they climbed down, they descended
4. they climbed down, they descended <o:-hua:l-temo:-plur01>
<o:-hua:l-temo:-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they climbed down, they descended <o:-hua:l-temo:-plur01>
<o:-hua:l-temo:-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they climbed down, they descended <o:-hua:l-temo:-plur01>
<o:-hua:l-temo:-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they climbed down, they descended
FC jc-031297
8. they climbed down, they descended
FC jc-031297

0. he matured
1. he matured
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he matured
3. he matured
4. he matured <o:-huapa:hua-c1>
<o:-huapa:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he matured <o:-huapa:hua-c1>
<o:-huapa:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he matured <o:-huapa:hua-c1>
<o:-huapa:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he matured
FC jc-031297
8. he matured
FC jc-031297

0. can~a ( sugarcane )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. cornstalk
2. green corn stalk; green maize stalk
FC -> jc-72895
3. green corn stalk; green maize stalk

4. cornstalk
5. green corn stalk; green maize stalk

6. cornstalk
FC - > jc-61096
7. can~a ( sugarcane )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. green corn stalk; green maize stalk; green cornstalk
FC jc-031297
9. green corn stalk; green maize stalk; green cornstalk
FC jc-031297

0. <tbd>

0. they grew large

1. they grew large
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they grew large

3. they grew large

4. they grew large

FC jc-031297
5. they grew large
FC jc-031297

0. it became like an old man

1. it became like an old man

FC -> jc-72895
2. it became like an old man

3. it became like an old man

4. it became like an old man

FC jc-031297
5. it became like an old man
FC jc-031297

0. it grew

1. it grew
FC -> jc-72895
2. it grew

3. it grew

4. it grew
FC jc-031297
5. it grew
FC jc-031297

0. well

1. well
FC -> jc-72895
2. well

3. well
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. well; very; fully

FC jc-031297
5. well; very; fully
FC jc-031297

0. it arrived

1. it arrived
FC -> jc-72895
2. it arrived

3. it arrived

4. he completely arrived; it arrived

FC jc-031297
5. he completely arrived; it arrived
FC jc-031297

0. he grew very old
1. he grew very old
FC -> jc-72895
2. he grew very old
3. he grew very old
4. he grew very old <o:-huel1-hue:hueh-v01a-prt2>
<o:-huel1-hue:hueh-v01a-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he grew very old <o:-huel1-hue:hueh-v01a-prt2>
<o:-huel1-hue:hueh-v01a-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. he grew very old <o:-huel1-hue:hueh-v01a-prt2>
<o:-huel1-hue:hueh-v01a-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. he grew very old
FC jc-031297
8. he grew very old
FC jc-031297

0. he fell

1. he fell
FC -> jc-72895
2. he fell
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he fell

4. he fell
FC jc-031297
5. he fell
FC jc-031297

0. it became very dark

1. it became very dark

FC -> jc-72895
2. it became very dark

3. it became very dark

4. it became very dark

FC jc-031297
5. it became very dark
FC jc-031297

0. he fell; it fell
1. he fell
FC -> jc-72895
2. it fell
FC -> jc-72895
3. he fell; it fell
4. he fell; it fell
5. he fell; it fell <o:-huetzi-prt1>
<o:-huetzi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he fell
FC jc-031297
7. it fell
FC jc-031297
8. he fell
FC jc-031297
9. it fell
FC jc-031297

0. rei'an ( they were laughing )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. it came to fall
1. it came to fall
FC -> jc-72895
2. it came to fall
3. it came to fall
4. it came to fall <o:-huetzi-dir1b>
<o:-huetzi-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
5. it came to fall <o:-huetzi-dir1b>
<o:-huetzi-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
6. it came to fall <o:-huetzi-dir1b>
<o:-huetzi-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
7. it came to fall
FC jc-031297
8. it came to fall
FC jc-031297

0. crecio' ( he grew )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. it is difficult
1. it is difficult
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is difficult
3. it is difficult
4. it is difficult <ohuih>
<ohuih> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is difficult
FC jc-031297
6. it is difficult
FC jc-031297

0. difficult place; inaccessible place
1. dangerous place; difficult place; inaccessible place;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

difficult time
FC -> jc-72895
2. difficult place; inaccessible place
3. difficult place; inaccessible place
4. difficult place; inaccessible place <ohuih-ca:n>
<ohuih-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. difficult place; inaccessible place <ohuih-ca:n>
<ohuih-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. dangerous place; difficult place; inaccessible place;
difficult time
FC jc-031297
7. dangerous place; difficult place; inaccessible place;
difficult time
FC jc-031297

ohuican quizaz
0. he will come to a bad end

1. he will come to a bad end

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will come to a bad end

3. he will come to a bad end

4. he will come to a bad end

FC jc-031297
5. he will come to a bad end
FC jc-031297

0. grave, difficult

1. grave, difficult
FC -> jc-72895
2. grave, difficult

3. grave, difficult

4. grave, difficult
FC jc-031297
5. grave, difficult
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. difi'cil ( difficult )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. there was going on the part of each one

1. there was going on the part of each one

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was going on the part of each one

3. there was going on the part of each one

4. there was going on the part of each one

FC jc-031297
5. there was going on the part of each one
FC jc-031297

0. there will be going
FC jc-031297

0. he was struck

1. he was struck
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was struck

3. he was struck

4. he was struck
FC jc-031297
5. he was struck
FC jc-031297

0. insinuation
1. insinuation
FC -> jc-72895
2. insinuation
3. insinuation
4. insinuation <ohui??-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<ohui??-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. insinuation <ohui??-p51-ihtoa:-l1>
<ohui??-p51-ihtoa:-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. insinuation
FC jc-031297
7. insinuation
FC jc-031297

0. ointment

0. old road
1. old road
FC -> jc-72895
2. old road
3. old road
4. old road <ohtli-ihzolihui-l1>
<ohtli-ihzolihui-l1> FC - > jc-61096
5. old road <ohtli-ihzolihui-l1>
<ohtli-ihzolihui-l1> FC - > jc-61096
6. old road
FC jc-031297
7. old road
FC jc-031297

0. in its mouth
1. in its mouth
FC -> jc-72895
2. in its mouth
3. in its mouth
4. in its mouth <o:-poss-camatl-co2>
<o:-poss-camatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in its mouth
FC jc-031297
6. in its mouth
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he stole

1. he stole
FC -> jc-72895
2. he stole

3. he stole

4. he stole
FC jc-031297
5. he stole
FC jc-031297

0. when

1. when
FC -> jc-72895
2. when

3. when

4. when
FC jc-031297
5. when
FC jc-031297

0. it became corrupted

1. it became corrupted
FC -> jc-72895
2. it became corrupted

3. it became corrupted

4. it became corrupted
FC jc-031297
5. it became corrupted
FC jc-031297

0. they were sent

1. they were sent

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they were sent

3. they were sent

4. they were sent

FC jc-031297
5. they were sent
FC jc-031297

0. she was drunk
1. she was drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. she was drunk
3. she was drunk
4. she was drunk <o:-i:huinti-c1>
<o:-i:huinti-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. she was drunk
FC jc-031297
6. she was drunk
FC jc-031297

0. they were drunk
FC jc-031297

0. desperto' ( he awoke )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. it became like an old woman
1. it became like an old woman
FC -> jc-72895
2. it became like an old woman
3. it became like an old woman
4. it became like an old woman <o:-ilamatl-tic>
<o:-ilamatl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. it became like an old woman
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. it became like an old woman

FC jc-031297

0. in its claws, in its paws; in their hands
1. in its claws, in its paws; in their hands
FC -> jc-72895
2. in its claws, in its paws; in their hands
3. in its claws, in its paws; in their hands
4. in its claws, in its paws; in their hands
<o:-poss-ma:itl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in their hands <o:-poss-ma:itl-co2>
<o:-poss-ma:itl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in its claws, in its paws; in their hands
FC jc-031297
7. in its claws, in its paws; in their hands
FC jc-031297

0. they were feared

1. they were feared

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were feared

3. they were feared

4. they were feared

FC jc-031297
5. they were feared
FC jc-031297

0. on them

1. on them
FC -> jc-72895
2. on them

3. on them

4. on them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. on them
FC jc-031297

0. in their hands
1. in their hands
FC -> jc-72895
2. in their hands
3. in their hands
4. in their hands <o:-poss-ma:itl-co2>
<o:-poss-ma:itl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in their hands <o:-poss-ma:itl-co2>
<o:-poss-ma:itl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. in their hands
FC jc-031297
7. in their hands
FC jc-031297

0. near them
FC jc-031297

0. among them
1. among them
FC -> jc-72895
2. among them
3. among them
4. among them <o:-poss-tlan>
<o:-poss-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
5. among them
FC jc-031297
6. among them
FC jc-031297

0. their heart
1. their heart
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. their heart
3. their heart
4. their heart <o:-poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1>
<o:-poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. their heart <o:-poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1>
<o:-poss-yo:lli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. their heart
FC jc-031297
7. their heart
FC jc-031297

0. they were satisfied
FC jc-031297

0. on it
FC jc-031297

0. on its neck
1. on its neck
FC -> jc-72895
2. on its neck
3. on its neck
4. on its neck <o:-poss-quechtli-tlan>
<o:-poss-quechtli-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
5. on its neck <o:-poss-quechtli-tlan>
<o:-poss-quechtli-tlan> FC - > jc-61096
6. on its neck
FC jc-031297
7. on its neck
FC jc-031297

0. to it, in contact with it
FC jc-031297

0. it was damaged
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it was damaged
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was damaged
3. it was damaged
4. it was damaged <o:-ihtlacahui-prt1>
<o:-ihtlacahui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was damaged
FC jc-031297
6. it was damaged
FC jc-031297

0. near it, about it, around it
FC jc-031297

0. it was ordained, it was said; it was determined
1. it was ordained, it was said; it was determined
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was ordained, it was said; it was determined
3. it was ordained, it was said; it was determined
4. it was ordained, it was said; it was determined
<o:-ihtoa:-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was ordained, it was said; it was determined
<o:-ihtoa:-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was ordained, it was said; it was determined
FC jc-031297
7. it was ordained, it was said; it was determined
FC jc-031297

0. they were seen

1. they were seen

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were seen

3. they were seen
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they were seen

FC jc-031297
5. they were seen
FC jc-031297

0. he was seen; it was seen
1. he was seen; it was seen
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was seen; it was seen
3. he was seen; it was seen
4. he was seen; it was seen <o:-itta-lo:1-prt2>
<o:-itta-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was seen; it was seen <o:-itta-lo:1-prt2>
<o:-itta-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was seen; it was seen
FC jc-031297
7. he was seen; it was seen
FC jc-031297

0. they were seen; they were noted
1. they were seen; they were noted
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were seen; they were noted
3. they were seen; they were noted
4. they were seen; they were noted <o:-itta-lo:1-plur01>
<o:-itta-lo:1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were seen; they were noted <o:-itta-lo:1-plur01>
<o:-itta-lo:1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were seen; they were noted
FC jc-031297
7. they were seen; they were noted
FC jc-031297

0. it cooked; it got heated; ripened
1. it cooked; it got heated; ripened
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it cooked; it got heated; ripened
3. it cooked; it got heated; ripened
4. it cooked; it got heated; ripened <o:-iucci-prt2>
<o:-iucci-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it cooked; it got heated; ripened
FC jc-031297
6. it cooked; it got heated; ripened
FC jc-031297

0. they cooked

1. they cooked
FC -> jc-72895
2. they cooked

3. they cooked

4. they cooked
FC jc-031297
5. they cooked
FC jc-031297

0. it looked, it seemed; thus; so
FC jc-031297

0. it filled up, it became satiated
FC jc-031297

0. he appeared [before people]

1. he appeared [ before people ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. he appeared [before people]

3. he appeared [before people]

4. he appeared [ before people ]

FC jc-031297
5. he appeared [ before people ]
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they lied
1. they lied
FC -> jc-72895
2. they lied
3. they lied
4. they lied <o:-iztlacatl-v04b---plur01>
<o:-iztlacatl-v04b---plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they lied <o:-iztlacatl-v04b---plur01>
<o:-iztlacatl-v04b---plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they lied
FC jc-031297
7. they lied
FC jc-031297

0. rubber sandal

1. rubber sandal
FC -> jc-72895
2. rubber sandal

3. rubber sandal

4. rubber sandal
FC jc-031297
5. rubber sandal
FC jc-031297

0. rubber grasshopper

1. rubber grasshopper
FC -> jc-72895
2. rubber grasshopper

3. rubber grasshopper

4. rubber grasshopper
FC jc-031297
5. rubber grasshopper
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. one who has a rubber tree
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. one who has rubber
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. it trembles

1. it trembles
FC -> jc-72895
2. it trembles

3. it trembles

4. it trembles
FC jc-031297
5. it trembles
FC jc-031297

0. movement

1. movement
FC -> jc-72895
2. movement

3. movement

4. movement
FC jc-031297
5. movement
FC jc-031297

0. it moves
1. it moves
FC -> jc-72895
2. it moves
3. it moves
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it moves <o:li:ni>
<o:li:ni> FC - > jc-61096
5. to move
FC - > jc-61096
6. it moves
FC jc-031297
7. it moves
FC jc-031297

olini molinia
0. it moves

0. green branch
1. green branch
FC -> jc-72895
2. green branch
3. green branch
4. green branch <ol?-tlaco:tl>
<ol?-tlaco:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. green branch
FC jc-031297
6. green branch
FC jc-031297

0. ulli rubber, hule
1. tree gum
2. rubber
FC -> jc-72895
3. rubber
4. ulli rubber, hule
5. tree gum
6. rubber
7. rubber <o:lli>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<o:lli> FC - > jc-61096

8. rubber <olli>
<olli> FC - > jc-61096
9. rubber
FC jc-031297
10. rubber
FC jc-031297

0. rubber hammer
FC jc-031297

0. rubber seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. ball

0. roundish
1. round; roundish
FC -> jc-72895
2. roundish
3. roundish
4. round <olo:lli-v03b-prt1-c2>
<olo:lli-v03b-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. roundish <olo:lli-v04b-prt1-c2>
<olo:lli-v04b-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. roundish; round <olo:lli-v04b-prt1-c2>
<olo:lli-v04b-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. roundish; round <olo:lli-v04b-prt1-c2>
<olo:lli-v04b-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
8. round; roundish
FC jc-031297
9. round; roundish
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes round
1. it becomes round
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes round
3. it becomes round
4. it becomes round <olo:lli-v03a>
<olo:lli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes round <olo:lli-v03a>
<olo:lli-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
6. to pile
FC - > jc-61096
7. it becomes round
FC jc-031297
8. it becomes round
FC jc-031297

0. he piles it up

0. round; rounded
1. round; rounded
FC -> jc-72895
2. round; rounded
3. round; rounded
4. round; rounded <olo:lli-v03a-prt1-c2>
<olo:lli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. round; rounded <olo:lli-v03a-prt1-c2>
<olo:lli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. round; rounded <olo:lli-v03a-prt1-c2>
<olo:lli-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. round; rounded
FC jc-031297
8. round; rounded
FC jc-031297

0. roll up

0. very round
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. very round
FC -> jc-72895
2. very round

3. very round

4. very round
FC jc-031297
5. very round
FC jc-031297

0. small and round
<olo:lli-dupl-pilli plur10c>
1. small and round
FC -> jc-72895
2. small and round
<olo:lli-dupl-pilli plur10c>
3. small and round
<olo:lli-dupl-pilli plur10c>
4. small and round <olo:lli-dupl-pilli plur10c>
<olo:lli-dupl-pilli plur10c> FC - > jc-61096
5. small and round <olo:lli-dupl-pilli plur10c>
<olo:lli-dupl-pilli plur10c> FC - > jc-61096
6. small and round <olo:lli-dupl-pilli plur10c>
<olo:lli-dupl-pilli plur10c> FC - > jc-61096
7. small and round <olo:lli-dupl-pilli plur10c>
<olo:lli-dupl-pilli plur10c> FC - > jc-61096
8. small and round
FC jc-031297
9. small and round
FC jc-031297

0. round

1. round
FC -> jc-72895
2. round

3. round

4. round
FC jc-031297
5. round
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. round
1. round
FC -> jc-72895
2. round
3. round
4. round <olo:lli-tic>
<olo:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. round <olo:lli-tic>
<olo:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. round
FC jc-031297
7. round
FC jc-031297

0. small and round
1. small and round
FC -> jc-72895
2. small and round
3. small and round
4. small and round <olo:lli-to:n>
<olo:lli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. small and round <olo:lli-to:n>
<olo:lli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. small and round
FC jc-031297
7. small and round
FC jc-031297

0. having a slender cob
1. having a slender cob
FC -> jc-72895
2. having a slender cob
3. having a slender cob
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. having a slender cob <o:lo:tl-pitza:hua-c1>
<o:lo:tl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a slender cob <o:lo:tl-pitza:hua-c1>
<o:lo:tl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a slender cob
FC jc-031297
7. having a slender cob
FC jc-031297

0. corn cob, olote
1. corncob
FC -> jc-72895
2. corncob

3. corn cob, olote

4. corncob

5. corncob
FC jc-031297
6. corncob
FC jc-031297

0. rubber gods

1. rubber gods
FC -> jc-72895
2. rubber gods

3. rubber gods

4. rubber gods
FC jc-031297
5. rubber gods
FC jc-031297

0. it is resilient
1. it is resilient
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is resilient
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it is resilient
4. it is resilient <o:lli-v01>
<o:lli-v01> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is resilient <o:lli-v01>
<o:lli-v01> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is resilient
FC jc-031297
7. it is resilient
FC jc-031297

0. resilient, rubbery; rubber-like; rubber-colored; yielding
1. resilient; rubbery; rubber-colored; rubber-like; yielding
FC -> jc-72895
2. resilient, rubbery; rubber-like; rubber-colored; yielding
3. resilient, rubbery; rubber-like; rubber-colored; yielding
4. resilient, rubbery; rubber-like; rubber-colored; yielding
<o:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. resilient, rubbery; rubber-like; rubber-colored; yielding
<o:lli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. resilient; rubbery; rubber-colored; rubber-like; yielding
FC jc-031297
7. resilient; rubbery; rubber-colored; rubber-like; yielding
FC jc-031297

0. on two hands, on two sides

1. on two hands, on two sides

FC -> jc-72895
2. on two hands, on two sides

3. on two hands, on two sides

4. on two hands, on two sides

FC jc-031297
5. on two hands, on two sides
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it went to become known
FC jc-031297

0. it was known, it was found out

1. it was known, it was found out

FC -> jc-72895
2. it was known, it was found out

3. it was known, it was found out

4. it was known, it was found out

FC jc-031297
5. it was known, it was found out
FC jc-031297

0. he matured; mature
1. he matured; mature
FC -> jc-72895
2. he matured; mature
3. he matured; mature
4. he matured; mature <o:-p54-ahci-prt2>
<o:-p54-ahci-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he matured; mature
FC jc-031297
6. he matured; mature
FC jc-031297

0. it was given
FC jc-031297

0. he became round

1. he became round
FC -> jc-72895
2. he became round

3. he became round
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he became round
FC jc-031297
5. he became round
FC jc-031297

0. he was taken captive, he became a captive
1. he was taken captive, he became a captive
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was taken captive, he became a captive
3. he was taken captive, he became a captive
4. he was taken captive, he became a captive <o:-ma:1-l1-tic>
<o:-ma:1-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was taken captive, he became a captive <o:-ma:1-l1-tic>
<o:-ma:1-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was taken captive, he became a captive
FC jc-031297
7. he was taken captive, he became a captive
FC jc-031297

0. they bathed themselves
1. they bathed themselves
FC -> jc-72895
2. they bathed themselves
3. they bathed themselves
4. they bathed themselves <o:-p54-a:ltia:-prt1-plur01>
<o:-p54-a:ltia:-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they bathed themselves
FC jc-031297
6. they bathed themselves
FC jc-031297

0. at the crossroads; corssroads

1. at the crossroads; corssroads

FC -> jc-72895
2. at the crossroads; corssroads
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. at the crossroads; corssroads

4. at the crossroads; corssroads

FC jc-031297
5. at the crossroads; corssroads
FC jc-031297

0. he [ h ] came to arrive
FC jc-031297

0. he urinated
1. he urinated
FC -> jc-72895
2. he urinated
3. he urinated
4. he urinated <o:-p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-prt1>
<o:-p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he urinated <o:-p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-prt1>
<o:-p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he urinated <o:-p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-prt1>
<o:-p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-v12-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he urinated
FC jc-031297
8. he urinated
FC jc-031297

0. his urine was blocked
1. his urine was blocked
FC -> jc-72895
2. his urine was blocked
3. his urine was blocked
4. his urine was blocked <o:-p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-tzacua-prt1>
<o:-p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-tzacua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. his urine was blocked <o:-p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-tzacua-prt1>
<o:-p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-tzacua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. his urine was blocked <o:-p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-tzacua-prt1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<o:-p54-a:tl1-xi:xtli-tzacua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096

7. his urine was blocked
FC jc-031297
8. his urine was blocked
FC jc-031297

0. dos ( two )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. dos ( two )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. two; both; couple
FC -> jc-72895
3. two; couple
4. two; couple
5. two; couple <o:me>
<o:me> FC - > jc-61096
6. dos ( two )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
7. dos ( two )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
8. two; both; couple
FC jc-031297
9. two; both; couple
FC jc-031297

0. two

1. two
FC -> jc-72895
2. two

3. two

4. two
FC jc-031297
5. two
FC jc-031297

0. two

1. two
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. two

3. two

4. two
FC jc-031297
5. two
FC jc-031297

0. two; both
1. two; both
FC -> jc-72895
2. two; both
3. two; both
4. two; both <o:me-plur11-plur02>
<o:me-plur11-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. two; both
FC jc-031297
6. two; both
FC jc-031297

0. two-rabbit basin
1. two-rabbit basin
FC -> jc-72895
2. two-rabbit basin
3. two-rabbit basin
4. two-rabbit basin <o:me-to:chtli-tecomatl>
<o:me-to:chtli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. two-rabbit basin <o:me-to:chtli-tecomatl>
<o:me-to:chtli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. two-rabbit basin <o:me-to:chtli-tecomatl>
<o:me-to:chtli-tecomatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. two-rabbit basin
FC jc-031297
8. two-rabbit basin
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. two
1. two
FC -> jc-72895
2. two
3. two
4. two <o:me-tzin>
<o:me-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. two <o:me-tzin>
<o:me-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. two
FC jc-031297
7. two
FC jc-031297

0. habi'a ( there was )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. two, both

1. two, both
FC -> jc-72895
2. two, both

3. two, both

4. two, both
FC jc-031297
5. two, both
FC jc-031297

0. two; both

1. two; both
FC -> jc-72895
2. two; both

3. two; both

4. two; both
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. two; both
FC jc-031297

0. place of duality

1. place of duality
FC -> jc-72895
2. place of duality

3. place of duality

4. place of duality
FC jc-031297
5. place of duality
FC jc-031297

0. he died; it died; she died
1. he died
FC -> jc-72895
2. it died
FC -> jc-72895
3. she died
FC -> jc-72895
4. he died; it died; she died
5. he died; it died; she died
6. he died; it died; she died <o:-miqui-prt1>
<o:-miqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he died
FC jc-031297
8. it died
FC jc-031297
9. she died
FC jc-031297
10. he died
FC jc-031297
11. it died
FC jc-031297
12. she died
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. ossuary or place to put bones

1. ossuary or place to put bones

FC - > jc-61096
2. ossuary or place to put bones
FC - > jc-61096

0. opening in a bone
1. opening in a bone
FC -> jc-72895
2. opening in a bone
3. opening in a bone
4. opening in a bone <omitl-camatl-co2>
<omitl-camatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. opening in a bone <omitl-camatl-co2>
<omitl-camatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. opening in a bone
FC jc-031297
7. opening in a bone
FC jc-031297

0. bone dish

1. bone dish
FC - > jc-61096
2. bone dish
FC - > jc-61096

0. like tender bone

1. like tender bone

FC -> jc-72895
2. like tender bone

3. like tender bone

4. like tender bone

FC jc-031297
5. like tender bone
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. ossurary or place where bones are collected
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. ossurary or place where bones are collected
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. ossurary or place where bones are collected
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. semen

1. semen
FC -> jc-72895
2. semen

3. semen

4. semen
FC jc-031297
5. semen
FC jc-031297

0. bone rasp

1. bone rasp
FC -> jc-72895
2. bone rasp

3. bone rasp

4. bone rasp
FC jc-031297
5. bone rasp
FC jc-031297

0. there was death, people died

1. there was death, people died

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was death, people died

3. there was death, people died
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. there was death, people died

FC jc-031297
5. there was death, people died
FC jc-031297

0. there was death, people died
1. there was death, people died
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was death, people died
3. there was death, people died
4. there was death, people died <o:-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2>
<o:-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was death, people died <o:-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2>
<o:-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was death, people died <o:-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2>
<o:-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was death, people died <o:-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2>
<o:-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
8. there was death, people died
FC jc-031297
9. there was death, people died
FC jc-031297

0. they died
1. they died
FC -> jc-72895
2. they died
3. they died
4. they died <o:-miqui-prt1-plur01>
<o:-miqui-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they died
FC jc-031297
6. they died
FC jc-031297

0. they died
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they died
FC -> jc-72895
2. they died
3. they died
4. they died <o:-miqui-prt1-plur01>
<o:-miqui-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they died
FC jc-031297
6. they died
FC jc-031297

0. collar bone

1. collar bone
FC -> jc-72895
2. collar bone

3. collar bone

4. collar bone
FC jc-031297
5. collar bone
FC jc-031297

0. he loosed an odor, he broke wind

1. he loosed an odor, he broke wind

FC -> jc-72895
2. he loosed an odor, he broke wind

3. he loosed an odor, he broke wind

4. he loosed an odor, he broke wind

FC jc-031297
5. he loosed an odor, he broke wind
FC jc-031297

0. with a bone blade, by means of a bone blade
1. with a bone blade, by means of a bone blade
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. with a bone blade, by means of a bone blade
3. with a bone blade, by means of a bone blade
4. with a bone blade, by means of a bone blade
<omitl-huictli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with a bone blade, by means of a bone blade
<omitl-huictli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. with a bone blade, by means of a bone blade
<omitl-huictli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
7. with a bone blade, by means of a bone blade
FC jc-031297
8. with a bone blade, by means of a bone blade
FC jc-031297

0. bone blade
1. bone blade
FC -> jc-72895
2. bone blade
3. bone blade
4. bone blade <omitl-huictli>
<omitl-huictli> FC - > jc-61096
5. bone blade
FC jc-031297
6. bone blade
FC jc-031297

0. two days
1. two days
FC -> jc-72895
2. two days
3. two days
4. two days <o:me-ilhuitl>
<o:me-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. two days <o:me-ilhuitl>

<o:me-ilhuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. two days
FC jc-031297
7. two days
FC jc-031297

0. it was shot

1. it was shot
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was shot

3. it was shot

4. it was shot
FC jc-031297
5. it was shot
FC jc-031297

0. bone; bony
1. bone; bony
FC -> jc-72895
2. bone; bony
3. bone; bony
4. bone; bony <omitl-yo:tl1>
<omitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. bone; bony <omitl-yo:tl1>
<omitl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. bone; bony
FC jc-031297
7. bone; bony
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes bony
1. it becomes bony
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes bony
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it becomes bony
4. it becomes bony <omitl-yo:tl1-v09>
<omitl-yo:tl1-v09> FC - > jc-61096
5. it becomes bony <omitl-yo:tl1-v09>
<omitl-yo:tl1-v09> FC - > jc-61096
6. it becomes bony <omitl-yo:tl1-v09>
<omitl-yo:tl1-v09> FC - > jc-61096
7. it becomes bony
FC jc-031297
8. it becomes bony
FC jc-031297

0. rotten bone

1. rotten bone
FC -> jc-72895
2. rotten bone

3. rotten bone

4. rotten bone
FC jc-031297
5. rotten bone
FC jc-031297

0. use for counting paper and tortillas

0. he would have died

1. he would have died

FC -> jc-72895
2. he would have died

3. he would have died

4. he would have died

FC jc-031297
5. he would have died
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. with a bone awl, by means of a bone awl

1. with a bone awl, by means of a bone awl
FC -> jc-72895
2. with a bone awl, by means of a bone awl
3. with a bone awl, by means of a bone awl
4. with a bone awl, by means of a bone awl <omitl-ti1-ca2>
<omitl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with a bone awl, by means of a bone awl <omitl-ti1-ca2>
<omitl-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. with a bone awl, by means of a bone awl
FC jc-031297
7. with a bone awl, by means of a bone awl
FC jc-031297

0. bone
1. bone; bone awl
FC -> jc-72895
2. bone; bone awl
3. bone
4. bone; bone awl
5. bone
FC - > jc-61096
6. bone
FC - > jc-61096
7. bone
FC - > jc-61096
8. bone
FC - > jc-61096
9. bone; bone awl <omitl>
<omitl> FC - > jc-61096
10. bone; bone awl
FC jc-031297
11. bone
Noun jc-030797
12. bone; bone awl
FC jc-031297
13. bone
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

14. bone
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

omitl (bone)nohomiti
0. I become thin and bony

0. he harmed himself
1. he harmed himself
FC -> jc-72895
2. he harmed himself
3. he harmed himself
4. he harmed himself <o:-p54-ihtlacahui-caus06-prt1>
<o:-p54-ihtlacahui-caus06-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he harmed himself <o:-p54-ihtlacahui-caus06-prt1>
<o:-p54-ihtlacahui-caus06-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he harmed himself
FC jc-031297
7. he harmed himself
FC jc-031297

0. it was mentioned; it was said; it was described; it was
told; it was related; it was declared
1. it was mentioned; it was said; it was described; it was
told; it was related; it was declared
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was mentioned; it was said; it was described; it was
told; it was related; it was declared
3. it was mentioned; it was said; it was described; it was
told; it was related; it was declared
4. it was told, it was said; it was declared; it was
mentioned; it was described <o:-p54-ihtoa:-prt1>
<o:-p54-ihtoa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was mentioned; it was said; it was described; it was
told; it was related; it was declared
FC jc-031297
6. it was mentioned; it was said; it was described; it was
told; it was related; it was declared
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they came to be called
FC jc-031297

0. they were mentioned

1. they were mentioned

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were mentioned

3. they were mentioned

4. they were mentioned

FC jc-031297
5. they were mentioned
FC jc-031297

0. he danced
FC jc-031297

0. he sent you

1. he sent you
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sent you

3. he sent you

4. he sent you
FC jc-031297
5. he sent you
FC jc-031297

0. he favored you, he looked upon you kindly
FC jc-031297

0. ca omitztlamamacac, ca omitzmahuizyoti ca omocoatlan, ca
mozti omitztlatlalili he hath given thee gifts, he hath
given thee honor, he hath provided thee thy fangs, thy
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

claws <o:-p32-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08 (b6 f5 c10 p52)

1. he gave you honor
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gave you honor
3. ca omitztlamamacac, ca omitzmahuizyoti ca omocoatlan, ca
mozti omitztlatlalili he hath given thee gifts, he hath
given thee honor, he hath provided thee thy fangs, thy
claws <o:-p32-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08 (b6 f5 c10 p52)
4. he gave you honor
5. he gave you honor <o:-p32-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04a>
<o:-p32-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
6. he gave you honor <o:-p32-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04a>
<o:-p32-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
7. he gave you honor <o:-p32-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04a>
<o:-p32-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
8. ca omitztlamamacac, ca omitzmahuizyoti ca omocoatlan, ca
mozti omitztlatlalili he hath given thee gifts, he hath
given thee honor, he hath provided thee thy fangs, thy claws
<o:-p32-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> (b6 f5 c10 p52) JC-7/23/96
9. he gave you honor
FC jc-031297
10. he gave you honor
FC jc-031297

0. he (h) washed your face

1. he (h) washed your face

FC -> jc-72895
2. he (h) washed your face

3. he (h) washed your face

4. he ( h ) washed your face

FC jc-031297
5. he ( h ) washed your face
FC jc-031297

0. he offended you [ h ]
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they made you mother

1. they made you mother

FC -> jc-72895
2. they made you mother

3. they made you mother

4. they made you mother

FC jc-031297
5. they made you mother
FC jc-031297

0. he came to call out to you in sadness
1. he came to call out to you in sadness
FC -> jc-72895
2. he came to call out to you in sadness
3. he came to call out to you in sadness
4. he came to call out to you in sadness
<o:-p32-o:n-tlao:coya-delya-l1-dupl-no:tza-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
5. he came to call out to you in sadness
<o:-p32-o:n-tlao:coya-delya-l1-dupl-no:tza-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
6. he came to call out to you in sadness
<o:-p32-o:n-tlao:coya-delya-l1-dupl-no:tza-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
7. he came to call out to you in sadness
<o:-p32-o:n-tlao:coya-delya-l1-dupl-no:tza-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
8. he came to call out to you in sadness
<o:-p32-o:n-tlao:coya-delya-l1-dupl-no:tza-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
9. he came to call out to you in sadness
<o:-p32-o:n-tlao:coya-delya-l1-dupl-no:tza-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
10. he came to call out to you in sadness
<o:-p32-o:n-tlao:coya-delya-l1-dupl-no:tza-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
11. he came to call out to you in sadness
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<o:-p32-o:n-tlao:coya-delya-l1-dupl-no:tza-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096

12. he came to call out to you in sadness
FC jc-031297
13. he came to call out to you in sadness
FC jc-031297

0. in amo timotlacayocox in omitztlatolti, in
omitzcamachalolti in toteucyo, in tloque, nahuaque thou
hast not been formed as a man; our lord, the lord of the
near, of the nigh, hath made thee speak, hath made thee
open thy mouth <o:-p32-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-prt1 (b6 f7
c16 p85)
1. he made you speak
FC -> jc-72895
2. he made you speak
3. in amo timotlacayocox in omitztlatolti, in
omitzcamachalolti in toteucyo, in tloque, nahuaque thou
hast not been formed as a man; our lord, the lord of the
near, of the nigh, hath made thee speak, hath made thee
open thy mouth <o:-p32-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-prt1 (b6 f7
c16 p85)
4. he made you speak
5. he made you speak <o:-p32-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-prt1>
<o:-p32-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he made you speak <o:-p32-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-prt1>
<o:-p32-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he made you speak <o:-p32-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-prt1>
<o:-p32-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
8. he made you speak <o:-p32-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-prt1>
<o:-p32-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
9. in amo timotlacayocox in omitztlatolti, in
omitzcamachalolti in toteucyo, in tloque, nahuaque thou
hast not been formed as a man; our lord, the lord of the
near, of the nigh, hath made thee speak, hath made thee
open thy mouth
<o:-p32-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-prt1> (b6 f7 c16 p85) JC-7/23/96
10. he made you speak
FC jc-031297
11. he made you speak
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. white amaryllis
1. white amaryllis
FC -> jc-72895
2. white amaryllis
3. white amaryllis
4. lily
FC - > jc-61096
5. lily
FC - > jc-61096
6. white amaryllis <omitl-xo:chitl>
<omitl-xo:chitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. white amaryllis <omitl-xo:chitl>
<omitl-xo:chitl> FC - > jc-61096
8. white amaryllis
FC jc-031297
9. white amaryllis
FC jc-031297

0. before you [h], in your [h] presence

1. before you [ h ], in your [ h ] presence

FC -> jc-72895
2. before you [h], in your [h] presence

3. before you [h], in your [h] presence

4. before you [ h ], in your [ h ] presence

FC jc-031297
5. before you [ h ], in your [ h ] presence
FC jc-031297

0. they entered the boats
FC jc-031297

0. ic quimati in zan oquitetzahui yoaltepoztli, zan ica
onmocacayauh, ica ommahuilti: so he knew that the night
axe was an omen to him, only making sport and fun of him
<o:n-p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04-caus08-prt1 (b5 f1 c3 p159)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. ic quimati in zan oquitetzahui yoaltepoztli, zan ica

onmocacayauh, ica ommahuilti: so he knew that the night
axe was an omen to him, only making sport and fun of him
<o:n-p54-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04-caus08-prt1> (b5 f1 c3 p159) JC-7/23/96

0. she bathes
1. she bathes
FC -> jc-72895
2. she bathes
3. she bathes
4. she bathes <o:n-p54-a:ltia:>
<o:n-p54-a:ltia:> FC - > jc-61096
5. she bathes
FC jc-031297
6. she bathes
FC jc-031297

0. they bathed
1. they bathed
FC -> jc-72895
2. they bathed
3. they bathed
4. they bathed <o:n-p54-a:ltia:-ya3>
<o:n-p54-a:ltia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they bathed <o:n-p54-a:ltia:-ya3>
<o:n-p54-a:ltia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they bathed
FC jc-031297
7. they bathed
FC jc-031297

0. they bathed

1. they bathed
FC -> jc-72895
2. they bathed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they bathed

4. they bathed
FC jc-031297
5. they bathed
FC jc-031297

0. they escaped
FC jc-031297

0. it is drunk

1. it is drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is drunk

3. it is drunk

4. it is drunk
FC jc-031297
5. it is drunk
FC jc-031297

0. he died; it died
1. he died; it died
FC -> jc-72895
2. he died; it died
3. he died; it died
4. he died; it died <o:n-miqui-prt1>
<o:n-miqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he died; it died
FC jc-031297
6. he died; it died
FC jc-031297

0. there was dying
1. there was dying
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. there was dying

3. there was dying
4. there was dying <o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was dying <o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was dying <o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was dying <o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. there was dying <o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3>
<o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. there was dying
FC jc-031297
10. there was dying
FC jc-031297

0. they died
1. they died
FC -> jc-72895
2. they died
3. they died
4. they died <o:n-miqui-prt1-plur01>
<o:n-miqui-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they died
FC jc-031297
6. they died
FC jc-031297

0. it is drunk

1. it is drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is drunk

3. it is drunk

4. it is drunk
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it is drunk
FC jc-031297

0. it dies

1. it dies
FC -> jc-72895
2. it dies

3. it dies

4. it dies
FC jc-031297
5. it dies
FC jc-031297

0. she died; they died
1. she died; they died
FC -> jc-72895
2. she died; they died
3. she died; they died
4. she died; they died <o:n-miqui-ya3>
<o:n-miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. she died; they died <o:n-miqui-ya3>
<o:n-miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. she died; they died
FC jc-031297
7. she died; they died
FC jc-031297

0. they came to die
FC jc-031297

0. it is said

1. it is said
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is said
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it is said
4. it is said

5. it is said
6. it is said <o:n-p54-ihtoa:>
<o:n-p54-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is said
FC jc-031297
8. it is said
FC jc-031297

0. it will be drunk, it is to be drunk
1. it will be drunk, it is to be drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be drunk, it is to be drunk
3. it will be drunk, it is to be drunk
4. it will be drunk, it is to be drunk <o:n-p54-i:1-z>
<o:n-p54-i:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be drunk, it is to be drunk
FC jc-031297
6. it will be drunk, it is to be drunk
FC jc-031297

0. they are left
1. they are left; they remain
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are left
3. they are left
4. they are left <o:n-p54-ca:hua>
<o:n-p54-ca:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. they are left; they remain
FC jc-031297
6. they are left; they remain
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it remained; it stopped

1. it remained; it stopped
FC -> jc-72895
2. it remained; it stopped

3. it remained; it stopped

4. it remained; it stopped
FC jc-031297
5. it remained; it stopped
FC jc-031297

0. it will befall, it will happen; it will be; it will become
1. it will be, it will become; it will befall; it will happen
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will befall, it will happen; it will be; it will become
3. it will befall, it will happen; it will be; it will become
4. it will befall, it will happen; it will be; it will become
<o:n-p54-chi:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be, it will become; it will befall; it will happen
FC jc-031297
6. it will be, it will become; it will befall; it will happen
FC jc-031297

0. they will become
1. they will become
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will become
3. they will become
4. they will become <o:n-p54-chi:hua-z-plur01>
<o:n-p54-chi:hua-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will become
FC jc-031297
6. they will become
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it is dripped on him

1. it is dripped on him
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is dripped on him

3. it is dripped on him

4. it is dripped on him
FC jc-031297
5. it is dripped on him
FC jc-031297

0. it became; it was done
1. it became; it was done
FC -> jc-72895
2. it became; it was done
3. it became; it was done
4. it became; it was done <o:n-p54-chi:hua-prt1>
<o:n-p54-chi:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it became; it was done
FC jc-031297
6. it became; it was done
FC jc-031297

0. it is eaten

1. it is eaten
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is eaten

3. it is eaten

4. it is eaten
FC jc-031297
5. it is eaten
FC jc-031297

0. it is quieted, it settles down
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it is quieted, it settles down

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is quieted, it settles down

3. it is quieted, it settles down

4. it is quieted, it settles down

FC jc-031297
5. it is quieted, it settles down
FC jc-031297

0. they marry

1. they marry
FC -> jc-72895
2. they marry

3. they marry

4. they marry
FC jc-031297
5. they marry
FC jc-031297

0. it is pressed

1. it is pressed
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is pressed

3. it is pressed

4. it is pressed
FC jc-031297
5. it is pressed
FC jc-031297

0. it is sown
FC jc-031297

0. they came to stand
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they came to stand

FC -> jc-72895
2. they came to stand

3. they came to stand

4. they came to stand

FC jc-031297
5. they came to stand
FC jc-031297

0. he stretches out; it is placed; it is spread; it is
applied; it settles; it spreads out
1. he stretches out; it is placed; it is spread; it is
applied; it settles; it spreads out
FC -> jc-72895
2. he stretches out; it is placed; it is spread; it is
applied; it settles; it spreads out
3. he stretches out; it is placed; it is spread; it is
applied; it settles; it spreads out
4. he stretches out; it is placed; it is spread; it is
applied; it settles; it spreads out <o:n-p54-te:ca>
<o:n-p54-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. he stretches out; it is placed; it is spread; it is
applied; it settles; it spreads out
FC jc-031297
6. he stretches out; it is placed; it is spread; it is
applied; it settles; it spreads out
FC jc-031297

0. it was spread
1. it was spread
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was spread
3. it was spread
4. it was spread <o:n-p54-te:ca-prt2>
<o:n-p54-te:ca-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it was spread
FC jc-031297
6. it was spread
FC jc-031297

0. they went to establish themselves
1. they went to establish themselves
FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to establish themselves
3. they went to establish themselves
4. they went to establish themselves <o:n-p54-te:ca-dir2b>
<o:n-p54-te:ca-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
5. they went to establish themselves <o:n-p54-te:ca-dir2b>
<o:n-p54-te:ca-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
6. they went to establish themselves <o:n-p54-te:ca-dir2b>
<o:n-p54-te:ca-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
7. they went to establish themselves
FC jc-031297
8. they went to establish themselves
FC jc-031297

0. it was mentioned
1. it was mentioned
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was mentioned
3. it was mentioned
4. it was mentioned <o:n-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1>
<o:n-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was mentioned <o:n-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1>
<o:n-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was mentioned <o:n-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1>
<o:n-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it was mentioned
FC jc-031297
8. it was mentioned
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they sit down; they repose

1. he seats himself, he sits down; it is placed; they repose;
they sit down
FC -> jc-72895
2. they sit down; they repose
3. they sit down; they repose
4. they sit down; they repose <o:n-p54-tla:lia>
<o:n-p54-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
5. he seats himself, he sits down; it is placed; they repose;
they sit down
FC jc-031297
6. he seats himself, he sits down; it is placed; they repose;
they sit down
FC jc-031297

0. they came to settle themselves
FC jc-031297

0. it throws itself

1. it throws itself
FC -> jc-72895
2. it throws itself

3. it throws itself

4. he throws himself down; it throws itself

FC jc-031297
5. he throws himself down; it throws itself
FC jc-031297

0. he looks at himself, he sees himself

1. he looks at himself, he sees himself

FC -> jc-72895
2. he looks at himself, he sees himself

3. he looks at himself, he sees himself

4. he looks at himself, he sees himself
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. he looks at himself, he sees himself
FC jc-031297

0. it was heard

1. it was heard
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was heard

3. it was heard

4. it was heard
FC jc-031297
5. it was heard
FC jc-031297

0. auh anozo omocatzinco ommahuiltico, anozo mixpantzinco
otlahuiltequico, oontlacoloco: but perhaps he hath come
ridiculing thee, or he hath come going amiss, going astray
in thy presence (b6 f3 p29)

0. it remained

1. it remained
FC -> jc-72895
2. it remained

3. it remained

4. it remained
FC jc-031297
5. it remained
FC jc-031297

0. it was prepared
1. it was prepared
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was prepared
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it was prepared
4. it was prepared <o:-p54-cem-ca:hua-prt1>
<o:-p54-cem-ca:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was prepared <o:-p54-cem-ca:hua-prt1>
<o:-p54-cem-ca:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was prepared
FC jc-031297
7. it was prepared
FC jc-031297

0. they assembled, they gathered

1. they assembled, they gathered

FC -> jc-72895
2. they assembled, they gathered

3. they assembled, they gathered

4. they assembled, they gathered

FC jc-031297
5. they assembled, they gathered
FC jc-031297

0. vivi'an [ H ] ( they lived [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. all, everything
1. all, everything
FC -> jc-72895
2. all, everything
3. all, everything
4. all, everything <o:-mochi>
<o:-mochi> FC - > jc-61096
5. all, everything <o:-mochi>
<o:-mochi> FC - > jc-61096
6. all, everything
FC jc-031297
7. all, everything
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he was adorned
1. he was adorned
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was adorned
3. he was adorned
4. he was adorned <o:-p54-dupl-chi:hua-ya3>
<o:-p54-dupl-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was adorned <o:-p54-dupl-chi:hua-ya3>
<o:-p54-dupl-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was adorned <o:-p54-dupl-chi:hua-ya3>
<o:-p54-dupl-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he was adorned <o:-p54-dupl-chi:hua-ya3>
<o:-p54-dupl-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he was adorned
FC jc-031297
9. he was adorned
FC jc-031297

0. he was arrayed
FC jc-031297

0. he became; it became; it came to pass; it happened; it was
done; it occurred; it was made
1. he became; it became; it came to pass; it happened; it was
done; it occurred; it was made
FC -> jc-72895
2. he became; it became; it came to pass; it happened; it was
done; it occurred; it was made
3. he became; it became; it came to pass; it happened; it was
done; it occurred; it was made
4. he became; it came to pass; it happened; it was done; it
occurred; it was made <o:-p54-chi:hua-prt1>
<o:-p54-chi:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he became; it became; it came to pass; it happened; it was
done; it occurred; it was made
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. he became; it became; it came to pass; it happened; it was

done; it occurred; it was made
FC jc-031297

0. it had happened, it had occurred

1. it had happened, it had occurred

FC -> jc-72895
2. it had happened, it had occurred

3. it had happened, it had occurred

4. it had happened, it had occurred

FC jc-031297
5. it had happened, it had occurred
FC jc-031297

0. he became sick; he was sick
FC jc-031297

0. it is eaten

1. it is eaten
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is eaten

3. it is eaten

4. it is eaten
FC jc-031297
5. it is eaten
FC jc-031297

0. they became angry
FC jc-031297

0. he enjoyed himself
1. he enjoyed himself
FC -> jc-72895
2. he enjoyed himself
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he enjoyed himself
4. he enjoyed himself <o:-p54-cuilto:noa:-prt1>
<o:-p54-cuilto:noa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he enjoyed himself
FC jc-031297
6. he enjoyed himself
FC jc-031297

0. se movio' ( he moved )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. use for counting corn-cobs, and pine-cones

0. it came to come forth, it came to emerge
FC jc-031297

0. they thought, they took [something] to be

1. they thought, they took [ something ] to be

FC -> jc-72895
2. they thought, they took [something] to be

3. they thought, they took [something] to be

4. they thought, they took [ something ] to be

FC jc-031297
5. they thought, they took [ something ] to be
FC jc-031297

0. he took a concubine, he provided himself with a concubine;
he took a paramour

1. he took a concubine, he provided himself with a concubine;

he took a paramour
FC -> jc-72895
2. he took a concubine, he provided himself with a concubine;
he took a paramour
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he took a concubine, he provided himself with a concubine;

he took a paramour

4. he took a concubine, he provided himself with a concubine;

he took a paramour
FC jc-031297
5. he took a concubine, he provided himself with a concubine;
he took a paramour
FC jc-031297

0. murio' [ H ] ( she died [ H ] )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. he [ h ] died
FC -> jc-72895
2. he [h] died

3. he [h] died

4. murio' [ H ] ( she died [ H ] )

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
5. he [ h ] died
FC jc-031297
6. he [ h ] died
FC jc-031297

0. they [h] died

1. they [ h ] died
FC -> jc-72895
2. they [h] died

3. they [h] died

4. they [ h ] died
FC jc-031297
5. they [ h ] died
FC jc-031297

0. vivieron [ H ] ( they lived )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. Mictoc in conetl nic omonenec Esta' desmayado el muchacho
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

porque hizo berrinche The fainted because he had a fit

JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. ompa quinhuica in incalpolco, in ompa omotlatlalili, omito,
omonetolti male: they took them there to their calpulco,
where the taker of the captive had made his undertaking,
had said his say, had made his vow
<o:-p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-prt1 (b2 f1 c21 p49)
1. ompa quinhuica in incalpolco, in ompa omotlatlalili, omito,
omonetolti male: they took them there to their calpulco,
where the taker of the captive had made his undertaking,
had said his say, had made his vow
<o:-p54-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-prt1> (b2 f1 c21 p49) JC-7/23/96

0. on you
FC jc-031297

0. it was burnished, it was polished

1. it was burnished, it was polished

FC -> jc-72895
2. it was burnished, it was polished

3. it was burnished, it was polished

4. it was burnished, it was polished

FC jc-031297
5. it was burnished, it was polished
FC jc-031297

0. it was guarded
1. it was guarded
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was guarded
3. it was guarded
4. it was guarded <o:-p54-piya-ya3>
<o:-p54-piya-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was guarded <o:-p54-piya-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<o:-p54-piya-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

6. it was guarded
FC jc-031297
7. it was guarded
FC jc-031297

0. it bears its young, it raises its young

1. it bears its young, it raises its young

FC -> jc-72895
2. it bears its young, it raises its young

3. it bears its young, it raises its young

4. it bears its young, it raises its young

FC jc-031297
5. it bears its young, it raises its young
FC jc-031297

0. it came to set in
1. it came to establish itself; it came to set in
FC -> jc-72895
2. it came to set in
3. it came to set in
4. it came to set in <o:-p54-quetza-dir1b>
<o:-p54-quetza-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
5. it came to establish itself; it came to set in
FC jc-031297
6. it came to establish itself; it came to set in
FC jc-031297

0. se vio ( it was seen; it was realized )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. fue a acostarse ( he went to lie down )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. it settled
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it settled
FC -> jc-72895
2. it settled
3. it settled
4. it settled <o:-p54-te:ca-prt2>
<o:-p54-te:ca-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it settled
FC jc-031297
6. it settled
FC jc-031297

0. they established themselves
1. they assembled; they established themselves
FC -> jc-72895
2. they established themselves
3. they established themselves
4. they established themselves <o:-p54-te:ca-plur01>
<o:-p54-te:ca-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they assembled; they established themselves
FC jc-031297
6. they assembled; they established themselves
FC jc-031297

0. they went to rest, they went to lie; they went to assemble
1. they went to assemble; they went to rest; they went to lie
FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to rest, they went to lie; they went to assemble
3. they went to rest, they went to lie; they went to assemble
4. they went to rest, they went to lie; they went to assemble
<o:-p54-te:ca-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
5. they went to rest, they went to lie; they went to assemble
<o:-p54-te:ca-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
6. they went to rest, they went to lie; they went to assemble
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<o:-p54-te:ca-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
7. they went to assemble; they went to rest; they went to lie
FC jc-031297
8. they went to assemble; they went to rest; they went to lie
FC jc-031297

0. they met him

1. they met him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they met him

3. they met him

4. they met him

FC jc-031297
5. they met him
FC jc-031297

0. it was said; it was told; it was called; it was mentioned;
it was named; it was made known; it was published
1. it was called; it was made known; it was mentioned; it was
named; it was said; it was published; it was told
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was said; it was told; it was called; it was mentioned;
it was named; it was made known; it was published
3. it was said; it was told; it was called; it was mentioned;
it was named; it was made known; it was published
4. it was said; it was told; it was called; it was mentioned;
it was named; it was made known; it was published
<o:-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was said; it was told; it was called; it was mentioned;
it was named; it was made known; it was published
<o:-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was said; it was told; it was called; it was mentioned;
it was named; it was made known; it was published
<o:-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. it was called; it was made known; it was mentioned; it was

named; it was said; it was published; it was told
FC jc-031297
8. it was called; it was made known; it was mentioned; it was
named; it was said; it was published; it was told
FC jc-031297

0. they were called; they were mentioned; they were named
1. they were called; they were mentioned; they were named
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were called; they were mentioned; they were named
3. they were called; they were mentioned; they were named
4. they were called; they were mentioned; they were named
<o:-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were called; they were mentioned; they were named
<o:-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were called; they were mentioned; they were named
<o:-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. they were called; they were mentioned; they were named
FC jc-031297
8. they were called; they were mentioned; they were named
FC jc-031297

0. he fell from a precipice, a crag

1. he fell from a precipice, a crag

FC -> jc-72895
2. he fell from a precipice, a crag

3. he fell from a precipice, a crag

4. he fell from a precipice, a crag

FC jc-031297
5. he fell from a precipice, a crag
FC jc-031297

0. it coiled itself
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it was ground

1. it was ground
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was ground

3. it was ground

4. it was ground
FC jc-031297
5. it was ground
FC jc-031297

0. it was stretched
FC jc-031297

0. he was born (H); he was born [H]
<o:-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
1. he was born (h); he was born [ h ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was born (H); he was born [H]
<o:-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
3. he was born (H); he was born [H]
<o:-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
4. he was born (H) <o:-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
<o:-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>FC - > jc-61096
5. he was born (H); he was born [H]
<o:-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
<o:-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was born (H); he was born [H]
<o:-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
<o:-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he was born (H); he was born [H]
<o:-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
<o:-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1> FC - > jc-61096
8. he was born ( h ); he was born [ h ]
FC jc-031297
9. he was born ( h ); he was born [ h ]
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he tripped

1. he tripped
FC -> jc-72895
2. he tripped

3. he tripped

4. he tripped
FC jc-031297
5. he tripped
FC jc-031297

0. it settled

1. it settled
FC -> jc-72895
2. it settled

3. it settled

4. it settled; it was laid; it was placed

FC jc-031297
5. it settled; it was laid; it was placed
FC jc-031297

0. they sat down

1. they sat down

FC -> jc-72895
2. they sat down

3. they sat down

4. they sat down

FC jc-031297
5. they sat down
FC jc-031297

0. they were confused

1. they were confused

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they were confused

3. they were confused

4. they were confused

FC jc-031297
5. they were confused
FC jc-031297

0. se platicaron ( they chatted )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he was made ruler
1. he was made ruler
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was made ruler
3. he was made ruler
4. he was made ruler <o:-p54-tlahtoca:-tla:lia-prt1>
<o:-p54-tlahtoca:-tla:lia-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was made ruler <o:-p54-tlahtoca:-tla:lia-prt1>
<o:-p54-tlahtoca:-tla:lia-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was made ruler
FC jc-031297
7. he was made ruler
FC jc-031297

0. he was affected by the wine gods

1. he was affected by the wine gods

FC -> jc-72895
2. he was affected by the wine gods

3. he was affected by the wine gods

4. he was affected by the wine gods

FC jc-031297
5. he was affected by the wine gods
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he was unfortunate
1. he was unfortunate
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was unfortunate
3. he was unfortunate
4. he was unfortunate <o:-p54-toli:nia:>
<o:-p54-toli:nia:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was unfortunate
FC jc-031297
6. he was unfortunate
FC jc-031297

0. it was seen
1. it was seen
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was seen
3. it was seen
4. it was seen <o:-p54-itta-prt2>
<o:-p54-itta-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was seen
FC jc-031297
6. it was seen
FC jc-031297

0. he became constipated
FC -> jc-72895
1. he became constipated <o:-p54-tzi:ntli-tzacua-prt1>
<o:-p54-tzi:ntli-tzacua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
2. he became constipated <o:-p54-tzi:ntli-tzacua-prt1>
<o:-p54-tzi:ntli-tzacua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
3. he became constipated
FC jc-031297
4. he became constipated
FC jc-031297

0. he became constipated
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he became constipated
FC -> jc-72895
2. he became constipated
3. he became constipated
4. he became constipated <o:-p54-tzi:ntli-tzacua-prt1>
<o:-p54-tzi:ntli-tzacua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he became constipated <o:-p54-tzi:ntli-tzacua-prt1>
<o:-p54-tzi:ntli-tzacua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he became constipated
FC jc-031297
7. he became constipated
FC jc-031297

0. se apartaron ( they separated themselves; they drew apart )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. in omoxiuhtlati ayac cana, in ayac quilaquia timacehualti,
in caco: iuhquin conetontli choca when it was annoyed
--had caught no one, had drowned none of us commoners
--then was heard as if a small child wept (b11 f7 p69)

0. auh in omoxiuhtlatique in acan quitta, niman ic
quinonotzaco in tlatoani, in ca acan quitta, and as they
tired themselves out, as they saw no one, then they went to
inform the ruler that nowhere had they seen him (b3 f2
p20), auh in omoxiuhtlatique in espa±oles, in ahuel
quinchihua, in ahuel quinpetla in mexica: niman ic yaque,
and when the spaniards were tired, when they could do
nothing against, when they could not break the mexicans,
they then went (b12 f6 p93)
1. auh in omoxiuhtlatique in acan quitta, niman ic
quinonotzaco in tlatoani, in ca acan quitta, and as they
tired themselves out, as they saw no one, then they went to
inform the ruler that nowhere had they seen him (b3 f2
p20), auh in omoxiuhtlatique in espa±oles, in ahuel
quinchihua, in ahuel quinpetla in mexica: niman ic yaque,
and when the spaniards were tired, when they could do
nothing against, when they could not break the mexicans,
they then went (b12 f6 p93)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. in omoxixiuhtlati in aluarado, niman ic mocuep, motlalito
in tlacoban: when alvarado continued to tire himself, he
then turned back; he went to establish himself in tlacopan
(b12 f6 p89)
1. in omoxixiuhtlati in aluarado, niman ic mocuep, motlalito
in tlacoban: when alvarado continued to tire himself, he
then turned back; he went to establish himself in tlacopan
(b12 f6 p89)

0. they consulted among themselves

1. they consulted among themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they consulted among themselves

3. they consulted among themselves

4. they consulted among themselves

FC jc-031297
5. they consulted among themselves
FC jc-031297

0. it was joined, it was glued
1. it was joined, it was glued
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was joined, it was glued
3. it was joined, it was glued
4. it was joined, it was glued <o:-p54-za:lihui-caus06-prt1>
<o:-p54-za:lihui-caus06-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was joined, it was glued <o:-p54-za:lihui-caus06-prt1>
<o:-p54-za:lihui-caus06-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was joined, it was glued
FC jc-031297
7. it was joined, it was glued
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it revived
FC jc-031297

0. they revived
1. they revived
FC -> jc-72895
2. they revived
3. they revived
4. they revived <o:-p54-izcalia:-prt1-plur01>
<o:-p54-izcalia:-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they revived
FC jc-031297
6. they revived
FC jc-031297

0. he became angry
FC jc-031297

0. alla' ( there )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. alli' ( there )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. alla' ( there )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. alli' ( there )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
4. ahi' ( there )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
5. alla' ( there )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. alli'; ahi' ( there )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. alli' ( there )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. alla' ( there )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. alli' ( there; over there )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
10. alla' ( there; over there )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

11. ahi' ( there; over there )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
12. alla' ( there; over there )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
13. alli' ( there; over there )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
14. there; there there; at that time; at this time; then;
where; to where
FC -> jc-72895
15. there; there there; at that time; at this time; then;
where; to where
16. there; there there; at that time; at this time; then;
where; to where
17. there <o:n-pa>
<o:n-pa> FC - > jc-61096
18. there <o:n-pa1>
<o:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
19. alla' ( there )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
20. alli' ( there )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
21. alla' ( there )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
22. alli' ( there )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
23. ahi' ( there )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
24. alla' ( there )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
25. alli'; ahi' ( there )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
26. alli' ( there )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
27. alla' ( there )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
28. alli' ( there; over there )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
29. alla' ( there; over there )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
30. ahi' ( there; over there )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
31. alla' ( there; over there )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

32. alli' ( there; over there )

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
33. there; there there; at that time; at this time; then;
where; to where
FC jc-031297
34. there; there there; at that time; at this time; then;
where; to where
FC jc-031297
35. Ompa yehuatoc alla esta' sentado He/she is sitting over
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
36. Nimitztetequilotoc in cuahuitl ompa tlacuitlapan Te estoy
cortando la len~a alla atras I am cutting your firewood
back there
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
37. Ompa yehuaticah alla esta' sentado He/she is sitting over
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
38. in yeh amo oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
39. cox ompa tlahtec yocatca ce coatl; E'l no sabi'a que ahi'
dentro ya estaba una culebra He did not know that inside
there was already a snake

ompa onquizaz
0. he will be destitute

1. he will be destitute
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be destitute

3. he will be destitute

4. he will be destitute
FC jc-031297
5. he will be destitute
FC jc-031297

0. there
FC -> jc-72895
1. there
FC jc-031297
2. there
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he is happy, he rejoices

1. he is happy, he rejoices
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is happy, he rejoices

3. he is happy, he rejoices

4. he is happy, he rejoices
FC jc-031297
5. he is happy, he rejoices
FC jc-031297

0. it was remedied, it was cured

1. it was remedied, it was cured

FC -> jc-72895
2. it was remedied, it was cured

3. it was remedied, it was cured

4. it was remedied, it was cured

FC jc-031297
5. it was remedied, it was cured
FC jc-031297

0. he begins; he departs; he leaves; he sets forth; it begins;
it starts; they begin; they depart; they set forth; they
start; they leave
1. he begins; he departs; he leaves; he sets forth; it begins;
it starts; they begin; they start; they set forth; they
depart; they leave
FC -> jc-72895
2. he begins; he departs; he leaves; he sets forth; it begins;
it starts; they begin; they depart; they set forth; they
start; they leave
3. he begins; he departs; he leaves; he sets forth; it begins;
it starts; they begin; they depart; they set forth; they
start; they leave
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he begins; he departs; he leaves; he sets forth; it begins;

it starts; they begin; they depart; they set forth; they
start; they leave <o:n-pe:hua>
<o:n-pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he begins; he departs; he leaves; he sets forth; it begins;
it starts; they begin; they start; they set forth; they
depart; they leave
FC jc-031297
6. he begins; he departs; he leaves; he sets forth; it begins;
it starts; they begin; they start; they set forth; they
depart; they leave
FC jc-031297

0. he departed, he set forth
1. he departed, he set forth
FC -> jc-72895
2. he departed, he set forth
3. he departed, he set forth
4. he departed, he set forth <o:n-pe:hua-ya3>
<o:n-pe:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he departed, he set forth <o:n-pe:hua-ya3>
<o:n-pe:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he departed, he set forth
FC jc-031297
7. he departed, he set forth
FC jc-031297

0. he will depart, he will set forth; it will begin
1. he will depart, he will set forth; it will begin
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will depart, he will set forth; it will begin
3. he will depart, he will set forth; it will begin
4. he will depart, he will set forth; it will begin
<o:n-pe:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will depart, he will set forth; it will begin
FC jc-031297
6. he will depart, he will set forth; it will begin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they wish to depart, they wish to set forth
1. they wish to depart, they wish to set forth
FC -> jc-72895
2. they wish to depart, they wish to set forth
3. they wish to depart, they wish to set forth
4. they wish to depart, they wish to set forth
<o:n-pe:hua-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. they wish to depart, they wish to set forth
FC jc-031297
6. they wish to depart, they wish to set forth
FC jc-031297

0. they will set forth
1. they will set forth
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will set forth
3. they will set forth
4. they will set forth <o:n-pe:hua-z-plur01>
<o:n-pe:hua-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will set forth; they will start
FC jc-031297
6. they will set forth; they will start
FC jc-031297

0. he set forth, he started
1. he set forth, he started
FC -> jc-72895
2. he set forth, he started
3. he set forth, he started
4. he set forth, he started <o:n-pe:hua-prt1>
<o:n-pe:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he set forth, he started

FC jc-031297
6. he set forth, he started
FC jc-031297

0. por alli' ( thereabouts )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. forty days
1. forty days
FC -> jc-72895
2. forty days
3. forty days
4. forty days <ilhuitl;
<ilhuitl-> FC - > jc-61096
5. forty days
FC jc-031297
6. forty days
FC jc-031297

0. forty years
1. forty years
FC -> jc-72895
2. forty years
3. forty years
4. forty years <o:me-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1>
<o:me-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. forty years <o:me-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1>
<o:me-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. forty years <o:me-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1>
<o:me-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1> FC - > jc-61096
7. forty years <o:me-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1>
<o:me-po:hua1-l1-xihuitl1> FC - > jc-61096
8. forty years
FC jc-031297
9. forty years
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. there will be destruction
FC jc-031297

0. perish

0. he disappeared
1. he disappeared
FC -> jc-72895
2. he disappeared
3. he disappeared
4. he disappeared <o:n-polihui-prt1>
<o:n-polihui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he disappeared
FC jc-031297
6. he disappeared
FC jc-031297

0. alli' ( there )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. it ends

1. it ends
FC -> jc-72895
2. it ends

3. it ends

4. it ends
FC jc-031297
5. it ends
FC jc-031297

0. eso ( that )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. esos ( that; those )

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. eso ( that )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
3. esos ( that; those )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he entered

1. he entered
FC -> jc-72895
2. he entered

3. he entered

4. he entered
FC jc-031297
5. he entered
FC jc-031297

0. he arrives; he approaches; he reaches; it arrives; it
arrives at; it reaches; it approaches; it finishes
1. he arrives; he approaches; he reaches; it arrives; it
arrives at; it reaches; it approaches; it finishes
FC -> jc-72895
2. she arrives, she approaches; they arrive; they reach; they
arrived; they reached
FC -> jc-72895
3. he arrives; he approaches; he reaches; it arrives; it
arrives at; it reaches; it approaches; it finishes
4. he arrives; he approaches; he reaches; it arrives; it
arrives at; it reaches; it approaches; it finishes
5. it arrives, it reaches; it approaches; they arrive
<o:n-ahci> FC - > jc-61096
6. he arrives; he approaches; he reaches; it arrives; it
arrives at; it reaches; it approaches; it finishes
FC jc-031297
7. she arrives, she approaches; they arrive; they reach; they
arrived; they reached
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. he arrives; he approaches; he reaches; it arrives; it

arrives at; it reaches; it approaches; it finishes
FC jc-031297
9. she arrives, she approaches; they arrive; they reach; they
arrived; they reached
FC jc-031297

0. he arrived, he reached, he came; it arrived
1. he arrived; he reached; he came; it arrived
FC -> jc-72895
2. he arrived, he reached, he came; it arrived
3. he arrived, he reached, he came; it arrived
4. he arrived, he reached, he came; it arrived <o:n-ahci-prt2>
<o:n-ahci-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he arrived; he reached; he came; it arrived
FC jc-031297
6. he arrived; he reached; he came; it arrived
FC jc-031297

0. they came to arrive, they came to reach; they came to
1. they came to arrive, they came to reach; they came to
FC -> jc-72895
2. they came to arrive, they came to reach; they came to
3. they came to arrive, they came to reach; they came to
4. they came to arrive, they came to reach; they came to
arrivie <o:n-ahci-dir1b>
<o:n-ahci-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
5. they came to arrive, they came to reach; they came to
arrivie <o:n-ahci-dir1b>
<o:n-ahci-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
6. they came to arrive, they came to reach; they came to
arrivie <o:n-ahci-dir1b>
<o:n-ahci-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
7. they came to arrive, they came to reach; they came to
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. they came to arrive, they came to reach; they came to
FC jc-031297

0. they arrived, they reached
1. they arrived; they reached
FC -> jc-72895
2. they arrived, they reached
3. they arrived, they reached
4. they arrived, they reached <o:n-ahci-plur01>
<o:n-ahci-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they arrived; they reached
FC jc-031297
6. they arrived; they reached
FC jc-031297

0. he went to arrive; they went to arrive; they went to reach
1. he went to arrive; they went to arrive; they went to reach
FC -> jc-72895
2. he went to arrive; they went to arrive; they went to reach
3. he went to arrive; they went to arrive; they went to reach
4. he went to arrive; they went to arrive; they went to reach
<o:n-ahci-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
5. he went to arrive; they went to arrive; they went to arrive
there; they went to reach
FC jc-031297
6. he went to arrive; they went to arrive; they went to arrive
there; they went to reach
FC jc-031297

0. cf aqui

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they go along looking up

FC jc-031297

0. arrive there
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

0. they begin in fun

1. they begin in fun

FC -> jc-72895
2. they begin in fun

3. they begin in fun

4. they begin in fun

FC jc-031297
5. they begin in fun
FC jc-031297

0. he will do

1. he will do
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will do

3. he will do

4. he will do
FC jc-031297
5. he will do
FC jc-031297

onamechtaco ( onamechittaco )
0. los vine a ver ( I came to see y'all )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. los vine a ver ( I came to see y'all
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he is taken, he is seized

1. he is taken, he is seized
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he is taken, he is seized

3. he is taken, he is seized

4. he is taken, he is seized
FC jc-031297
5. he is taken, he is seized
FC jc-031297

0. Namechtenehuilihtoqueh tlen onanquicuahqueh yeyala Les
esta'n reprochando lo que comieron ayer They are being
reproached for what they ate yesterday
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. he is starved, he is hungry

1. he is starved, he is hungry
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is starved, he is hungry

3. he is starved, he is hungry

4. he is starved, he is hungry
FC jc-031297
5. he is starved, he is hungry
FC jc-031297

0. in four directions

1. in four directions
FC -> jc-72895
2. in four directions

3. in four directions

4. in four directions
FC jc-031297
5. in four directions
FC jc-031297

0. he is seized, he is detained; there is arrival; people
arrive; there is arriving
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he is seized, he is detained; there is arrival; people

arrive; there is arriving
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is seized, he is detained; there is arrival; people
arrive; there is arriving

3. he is seized, he is detained; there is arriving; people

arrive; there is arrival
4. he is seized, he is detained; there is arrival; people
arrive; there is arriving

5. he is seized, he is detained; there is arriving; people

arrive; there is arrival
6. he is seized, he is detained; there is arriving; people
arrive; there is arrival <o:n-ahci-hua2>
<o:n-ahci-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is seized, he is detained; there is arrival; people
arrive; there is arriving
FC jc-031297
8. he is seized, he is detained; there is arrival; people
arrive; there is arriving
FC jc-031297

0. there; there is

1. there; there is
FC -> jc-72895
2. there; there is

3. there; there is

4. there; there is
FC jc-031297
5. there; there is
FC jc-031297

0. it enters from place to place

1. it enters from place to place

FC -> jc-72895
2. it enters from place to place
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it enters from place to place

4. it enters from place to place

FC jc-031297
5. it enters from place to place
FC jc-031297

0. they were left

1. they were left

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were left

3. they were left

4. they were left

FC jc-031297
5. they were left
FC jc-031297

0. it set, it entered
1. he entered, he set; it set; it entered
FC -> jc-72895
2. it set, it entered
3. it set, it entered
4. he entered, he set; it set; it entered
FC jc-031297
5. he entered, he set; it set; it entered
FC jc-031297

0. they entered, they went in; they submitted
1. they entered; they went in; they submitted
FC -> jc-72895
2. they entered, they went in; they submitted
3. they entered, they went in; they submitted
4. they entered; they went in; they submitted
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. they entered; they went in; they submitted
FC jc-031297

0. he goes entering
<o:n-calaqui-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. he goes entering
FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes entering
<o:n-calaqui-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. he goes entering
<o:n-calaqui-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. he goes entering <o:n-calaqui-ti1-nemi aux01>
<o:n-calaqui-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes entering <o:n-calaqui-ti1-nemi aux01>
<o:n-calaqui-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes entering
FC jc-031297
7. he goes entering
FC jc-031297

0. he enters; it enters; it sets [ie; sun]; it sets; it goes
down; they enter
1. he enters; it enters; it sets [ ie; sun ]; the sun ]; it
sets; it goes down; they enter
FC -> jc-72895
2. he enters; it enters; it sets [ie; sun]; it sets; it goes
down; they enter
3. he enters; it enters; it sets [ie; sun]; it sets; it goes
down; they enter
4. he enters; it enters; it sets [ ie; sun ]; the sun ]; it
sets; it goes down; they enter
FC jc-031297
5. he enters; it enters; it sets [ ie; sun ]; the sun ]; it
sets; it goes down; they enter
FC jc-031297

0. they went to enter

1. they went to enter
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to enter

3. they went to enter

4. they went to enter

FC jc-031297
5. they went to enter
FC jc-031297

0. it will set, it will enter

1. it will set, it will enter

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will set, it will enter

3. it will set, it will enter

4. it will set, it will enter

FC jc-031297
5. it will set, it will enter
FC jc-031297

0. he wishes to enter

1. he wishes to enter
FC -> jc-72895
2. he wishes to enter

3. he wishes to enter

4. he wishes to enter
FC jc-031297
5. he wishes to enter
FC jc-031297

0. ce xihuitl ontlaxillacalli in quicua no **oncalpoltin** in
calpoloehueton one year two tlaxilacallis ate it as well
as, in two calpullis, the old men of the calpulli
(b3 f1 p6) jc-030197

0. here; then; there; where; on that point; at this time; at
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

that time; when

1. he sits; here; then; there; at that time; at this time; on
that point; when; where
FC -> jc-72895
2. here; then; there; where; on that point; at this time; at
that time; when
3. here; then; there; where; on that point; at this time; at
that time; when
4. here; then; there; where; on that point; at this time; at
that time; when <o:n-ca:n>
<o:n-ca:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. he sits; here; then; at that time; there; at this time; on
that point; when; where
FC jc-031297
6. he sits; here; then; at that time; there; at this time; on
that point; when; where
FC jc-031297
7. oncan ano
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
8. quitzoncui
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
9. then he was seized

10. and they cut hair from the crown of his head; entonces el
era tomoda

11. y le cortaban el pelo de la corona de la cabeza

12. oncan miqui

13. in tlaminqui: oncan cualo there dies the hunter; there he

is eaten

0. it was; there was; they were
1. it was; there was; they were
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was; there was; they were
3. it was; there was; they were
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it was; there was; they were <o:n-ca:1a-ca9>

<o:n-ca:1a-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was; there was; they were <o:n-ca:1a-ca9>
<o:n-ca:1a-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was; there was; they were
FC jc-031297
7. it was; there was; they were
FC jc-031297

0. hay ( there are )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. there are, they are; there were
FC -> jc-72895
2. there are, they are; there were
3. there are, they are; there were
4. there are, they are; there were <o:n-ca:1a-plur13>
<o:n-ca:1a-plur13> FC - > jc-61096
5. hay ( there are )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. there are, they are; there were
FC jc-031297
7. there are, they are; there were
FC jc-031297

0. he will spit

1. he will spit
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will spit

3. he will spit

4. he will spit
FC jc-031297
5. he will spit
FC jc-031297

0. they will spit

1. they will spit

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they will spit

3. they will spit

4. they will spit

FC jc-031297
5. they will spit
FC jc-031297

0. he wept, he cried

0. he wept, he cried
FC -> jc-72895
1. he wept, he cried
FC jc-031297
2. he wept, he cried
FC jc-031297

0. he leaped
1. he leaped
FC -> jc-72895
2. he leaped
3. he leaped
4. he leaped <o:n-choloa:-prt1>
<o:n-choloa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he leaped
FC jc-031297
6. he leaped
FC jc-031297

0. it will spring, it will jump
1. it will spring, it will jump
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will spring, it will jump
3. it will spring, it will jump
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it will spring, it will jump <o:n-choloa:-z>

<o:n-choloa:-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will spring, it will jump
FC jc-031297
6. it will spring, it will jump
FC jc-031297

0. he slept
1. he slept
FC -> jc-72895
2. he slept
3. he slept
4. he slept <o:n-cochi-ya3>
<o:n-cochi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he slept <o:n-cochi-ya3>
<o:n-cochi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he slept
FC jc-031297
7. he slept
FC jc-031297

0. they slept
FC jc-031297

0. they each sleep

1. they each sleep

FC -> jc-72895
2. they each sleep

3. they each sleep

4. they each sleep

FC jc-031297
5. they each sleep
FC jc-031297

0. it was eaten
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it was eaten
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was eaten
3. it was eaten
4. it was eaten <o:n-cua:-lo:1-prt2>
<o:n-cua:-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was eaten <o:n-cua:-lo:1-prt2>
<o:n-cua:-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was eaten
FC jc-031297
7. it was eaten
FC jc-031297

0. they each crackle
1. they each crackle
FC -> jc-72895
2. they each crackle
3. they each crackle
4. they each crackle <o:n-dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7>
<o:n-dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. they each crackle <o:n-dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7>
<o:n-dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. they each crackle <o:n-dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7>
<o:n-dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
7. they each crackle <o:n-dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7>
<o:n-dupl-cuepo:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
8. they each crackle
FC jc-031297
9. they each crackle
FC jc-031297

0. they each explode
1. they each explode
FC -> jc-72895
2. they each explode
3. they each explode
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they each explode <o:n-dupl-cuepo:ni>

<o:n-dupl-cuepo:ni> FC - > jc-61096
5. they each explode <o:n-dupl-cuepo:ni>
<o:n-dupl-cuepo:ni> FC - > jc-61096
6. they each explode
FC jc-031297
7. they each explode
FC jc-031297

0. ellos [ H ] me llevaron ( they carried me; they took me )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. ellos [ H ] me llevaron ( they carried me; they took me
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he was good to me, he favored me
FC jc-031297

0. he abused me, he caused me pain
1. he abused me, he caused me pain
FC -> jc-72895
2. he abused me, he caused me pain
3. he abused me, he caused me pain
4. he abused me, he caused me pain <o:-p31-toli:nia:-prt1>
<o:-p31-toli:nia:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he abused me, he caused me pain
FC jc-031297
6. he abused me, he caused me pain
FC jc-031297

0. he offended me
1. he offended me
FC -> jc-72895
2. he offended me
3. he offended me
4. he offended me <o:-p31-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06-prt1>
<o:-p31-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he offended me <o:-p31-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06-prt1>
<o:-p31-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he offended me <o:-p31-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06-prt1>
<o:-p31-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he offended me
FC jc-031297
8. he offended me
FC jc-031297

0. he arises
FC jc-031297

0. they departed
FC jc-031297

0. they will set forth
FC jc-031297

0. (may) they sigh

1. ( may ) they sigh

FC -> jc-72895
2. (may) they sigh

3. (may) they sigh

4. ( may ) they sigh

FC jc-031297
5. ( may ) they sigh
FC jc-031297

0. he will sigh

1. he will sigh
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will sigh

3. he will sigh

4. he will sigh
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he will sigh
FC jc-031297

0. it came to be verified, it came to become true
FC jc-031297

0. he lived
1. he lived
FC -> jc-72895
2. he lived
3. he lived
4. he lived <o:-nemi-prt1>
<o:-nemi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he lived <o:-nemi-prt1>
<o:-nemi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he lived
FC jc-031297
7. he lived
FC jc-031297

0. in the middle of the road
FC -> jc-72895
1. in the middle of the road
FC jc-031297
2. in the middle of the road
FC jc-031297

0. auh intla onexiuhtlatiloc, in zan niman ahuellacati in
piltzintli: niman quitzacua in cihuatzintli, and if she was
despaired of, if she could in no wise give birth to the
baby, then they enclosed the woman (b6 f13 p160)

0. it was evident, it appeared

1. it was evident, it appeared

FC -> jc-72895
2. it was evident, it appeared
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it was evident, it appeared

4. it was evident, it appeared

FC jc-031297
5. it was evident, it appeared
FC jc-031297

0. it dries, it hardens

1. it dries, it hardens
FC -> jc-72895
2. it dries, it hardens

3. it dries, it hardens

4. it dries, it hardens
FC jc-031297
5. it dries, it hardens
FC jc-031297

0. he fell
1. he fell
FC -> jc-72895
2. he fell
3. he fell
4. he fell <o:n-huetzi-prt1>
<o:n-huetzi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he fell
FC jc-031297
6. he fell
FC jc-031297

0. he falls
1. he falls; it is dropped; it falls
FC -> jc-72895
2. he falls
3. he falls
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he falls <o:n-huetzi>
<o:n-huetzi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he falls; it drops; it falls; it is dropped
FC jc-031297
6. he falls; it drops; it falls; it is dropped
FC jc-031297

0. he will fall; it will fall
1. he will fall; it will fall
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will fall; it will fall
3. he will fall; it will fall
4. he will fall; it will fall <o:n-huetzi-z>
<o:n-huetzi-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will fall; it will fall
FC jc-031297
6. he will fall; it will fall
FC jc-031297

0. they fell
1. they fell
FC -> jc-72895
2. they fell
3. they fell
4. they fell <o:n-huetzi-prt1-plur01>
<o:n-huetzi-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they fell
FC jc-031297
6. they fell
FC jc-031297

0. they will be captured
1. they will be captured
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will be captured
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they will be captured
4. they will be captured <o:n-hui:ca-lo:1-z-plur01>
<o:n-hui:ca-lo:1-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will be captured <o:n-hui:ca-lo:1-z-plur01>
<o:n-hui:ca-lo:1-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they will be captured
FC jc-031297
7. they will be captured
FC jc-031297

0. there was going on the part of each one

1. there was going on the part of each one

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was going on the part of each one

3. there was going on the part of each one

4. there was going on the part of each one

FC jc-031297
5. there was going on the part of each one
FC jc-031297

0. there will be going, people will go

1. there will be going, people will go

FC -> jc-72895
2. there will be going, people will go

3. there will be going, people will go

4. there will be going, people will go

FC jc-031297
5. there will be going, people will go
FC jc-031297

0. fui ( I went )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. here
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. here
FC -> jc-72895
2. here

3. here

4. here
FC jc-031297
5. here
FC jc-031297

0. I was
1. i was
FC -> jc-72895
2. I was
3. I was
4. I was <o:-p11-ca:1a-ca9>
<o:-p11-ca:1a-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
5. i was
FC jc-031297
6. i was
FC jc-031297

0. i threw him into the river, i cast him into the torrent

1. i threw him into the river, i cast him into the torrent
FC -> jc-72895
2. i threw him into the river, i cast him into the torrent

3. i threw him into the river, i cast him into the torrent

4. i threw him into the river, i cast him into the torrent
FC jc-031297
5. i threw him into the river, i cast him into the torrent
FC jc-031297

0. i heard it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. i left him asleep

1. i left him asleep

FC -> jc-72895
2. i left him asleep

3. i left him asleep

4. i left him asleep

FC jc-031297
5. i left him asleep
FC jc-031297

0. i ate it

1. i ate it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i ate it

3. i ate it

4. i ate it
FC jc-031297
5. i ate it
FC jc-031297

0. fue a comerlo ( I went to eat it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. i took it from him
FC jc-031297

0. yo lloraba ( I cried )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he secretly enters repeatedly

1. he secretly enters repeatedly

FC -> jc-72895
2. he secretly enters repeatedly
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he secretly enters repeatedly

4. he secretly enters repeatedly

FC jc-031297
5. he secretly enters repeatedly
FC jc-031297

0. i learned it

1. i learned it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i learned it

3. i learned it

4. i knew it, i found it out; i learned it

FC jc-031297
5. i knew it, i found it out; i learned it
FC jc-031297

0. yo lo queri'a ( I wanted it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. i produced it, i discovered it

1. i produced it, i discovered it

FC -> jc-72895
2. i produced it, i discovered it

3. i produced it, i discovered it

4. i produced it, i discovered it

FC jc-031297
5. i produced it, i discovered it
FC jc-031297

0. i made him my son-in-law

1. i made him my son-in-law

FC -> jc-72895
2. i made him my son-in-law
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. i made him my son-in-law

4. i made him my son-in-law

FC jc-031297
5. i made him my son-in-law
FC jc-031297

0. i gladly left him

1. i gladly left him

FC -> jc-72895
2. i gladly left him

3. i gladly left him

4. i gladly left him

FC jc-031297
5. i gladly left him
FC jc-031297

0. Nictemohtoc in noamox nic onicpoloh Estoy buscando mi
libro porque lo perdi I am looking for my book because I
lost it
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. i threw him from a crag, i cast him from a crag

1. i threw him from a crag, i cast him from a crag

FC -> jc-72895
2. i threw him from a crag, i cast him from a crag

3. i threw him from a crag, i cast him from a crag

4. i threw him from a crag, i cast him from a crag

FC jc-031297
5. i threw him from a crag, i cast him from a crag
FC jc-031297

0. i made him drop it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. i ruined it

1. i ruined it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i ruined it

3. i ruined it

4. i ruined it
FC jc-031297
5. i ruined it
FC jc-031297

0. it is said to him
1. it is said to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is said to him
3. it is said to him
4. it is said to him <on??-ilhuia:-lo:1>
<on??-ilhuia:-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. auh in mache quinotzaz, ahzo za caltenpan in connamiqui,
ahzo ye ocuel hualla, ic **onilhuilo** omotlatzihuiz ehuac
and perhaps he meets him whom he was especially to call,
perhaps just outside the house--perhaps he had left some
time ago--then it is said to him: "it arose from thy
(b6 f19 p233) jc-022297
6. it is said to him
FC jc-031297
7. it is said to him
FC jc-031297

0. auh in ontlalpoliuh tecoac, in tlaxcalteca in oconcacque in
oconmatque, in **onilhuiloto**, cenca mauhcazonecque, and
when tecoac perished, the tlaxcallans, when they heard of
it, when they knew of it, when they were told, could not
control themselves for fear
(b12 f2 p27) jc-022297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they celebrated the feast day

1. they celebrated the feast day
FC -> jc-72895
2. they celebrated the feast day
3. they celebrated the feast day
4. they celebrated the feast day <ilhuitl;
<ilhuitl-> FC - > jc-61096
5. they celebrated the feast day
FC jc-031297
6. they celebrated the feast day
FC jc-031297

0. i saw it

1. i saw it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i saw it

3. i saw it

4. i saw it
FC jc-031297
5. i saw it
FC jc-031297

0. hable' ( I spoke )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. it will be said
1. it will be said
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be said
3. it will be said
4. it will be said <o:n-ihtoa:-lo:1-z>
<o:n-ihtoa:-lo:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be said <o:n-ihtoa:-lo:1-z>
<o:n-ihtoa:-lo:1-z> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. it will be said
FC jc-031297
7. it will be said
FC jc-031297

0. it dries on the surface

1. it dries on the surface

FC -> jc-72895
2. it dries on the surface

3. it dries on the surface

4. it dries on the surface

FC jc-031297
5. it dries on the surface
FC jc-031297

0. they appeared, they came into view
1. they appeared, they came into view
FC -> jc-72895
2. they appeared, they came into view
3. they appeared, they came into view
4. they appeared, they came into view <o:n-i:xtli-ne:ci-ya3>
<o:n-i:xtli-ne:ci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they appeared, they came into view <o:n-i:xtli-ne:ci-ya3>
<o:n-i:xtli-ne:ci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they appeared, they came into view <o:n-i:xtli-ne:ci-ya3>
<o:n-i:xtli-ne:ci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they appeared, they came into view <o:n-i:xtli-ne:ci-ya3>
<o:n-i:xtli-ne:ci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they appeared, they came into view
FC jc-031297
9. they appeared, they came into view
FC jc-031297

0. they perished

1. they perished
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they perished

3. they perished

4. they perished
FC jc-031297
5. they perished
FC jc-031297

0. he will be stupid

1. he will be stupid
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be stupid

3. he will be stupid

4. he will be stupid
FC jc-031297
5. he will be stupid
FC jc-031297

0. it was put in a boat
FC jc-031297

0. he embarked in a boat

1. he embarked in a boat
FC -> jc-72895
2. he embarked in a boat

3. he embarked in a boat

4. he embarked in a boat
FC jc-031297
5. he embarked in a boat
FC jc-031297

0. they will embark

1. they will embark

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they will embark

3. they will embark

4. they will embark

FC jc-031297
5. they will embark
FC jc-031297

0. it was loaded in a boat
FC jc-031297

0. it was known

1. it was known
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was known

3. it was known

4. it was known
FC jc-031297
5. it was known
FC jc-031297

0. he bathes; it is bathed
1. he bathes; it is bathed
FC -> jc-72895
2. he bathes; it is bathed
3. he bathes; it is bathed
4. he bathes; it is bathed <o:n-p54-a:ltia:>
<o:n-p54-a:ltia:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he bathes; it is bathed
FC jc-031297
6. he bathes; it is bathed
FC jc-031297

0. it was put on
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it was put on
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was put on
3. it was put on
4. it was put on <o:n-p54-aqui-caus08-ya3>
<o:n-p54-aqui-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was put on <o:n-p54-aqui-caus08-ya3>
<o:n-p54-aqui-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was put on <o:n-p54-aqui-caus08-ya3>
<o:n-p54-aqui-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. it was put on
FC jc-031297
8. it was put on
FC jc-031297

0. he was hanged

1. he was hanged
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was hanged

3. he was hanged

4. he was hanged
FC jc-031297
5. he was hanged
FC jc-031297

0. he died; she died
1. he died
FC -> jc-72895
2. she died
FC -> jc-72895
3. he died; she died
4. he died; she died
5. he died; she died <o:n-miqui-prt1>
<o:n-miqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he died
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. she died
FC jc-031297
8. he died
FC jc-031297
9. she died
FC jc-031297

0. it is grated, it is scraped

1. it is grated, it is scraped
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is grated, it is scraped

3. it is grated, it is scraped

4. it is grated, it is scraped
FC jc-031297
5. it is grated, it is scraped
FC jc-031297

0. there was dying, there was death
1. there was dying; there was death
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was dying, there was death
3. there was dying, there was death
4. there was dying, there was death <o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2>
<o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was dying, there was death <o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2>
<o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was dying, there was death <o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2>
<o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was dying, there was death <o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2>
<o:n-miqui-lo:2-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
8. there was dying; there was death
FC jc-031297
9. there was dying; there was death
FC jc-031297

0. there will be dying
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they died
1. they died
FC -> jc-72895
2. they died
3. they died
4. they died <o:n-miqui-prt1-plur01>
<o:n-miqui-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they died
FC jc-031297
6. they died
FC jc-031297

0. it is told; it is said

0. it is inhaled

1. it is inhaled
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is inhaled

3. it is inhaled

4. it is inhaled
FC jc-031297
5. it is inhaled
FC jc-031297

0. he dies
1. he dies
FC -> jc-72895
2. he dies
3. he dies
4. he dies <o:n-miqui>
<o:n-miqui> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he dies
FC jc-031297
6. he dies
FC jc-031297

0. he died; she died
1. he died; she died
FC -> jc-72895
2. he died; she died
3. he died; she died
4. he died; she died <o:n-miqui-ya3>
<o:n-miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he died; she died <o:n-miqui-ya3>
<o:n-miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he died; she died
FC jc-031297
7. he died; she died
FC jc-031297

0. it is said; it is told
FC -> jc-72895
1. it is said <on-p54-ihtoa:>
<on-p54-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
2. it is told; it is said <o:n-p54-ihtoa:>
<o:n-p54-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
3. it is said; it is told
FC jc-031297
4. it is said; it is told
FC jc-031297

0. in ihcuac omocuicuilo metl: niman ic onmitzauchuia, ipan
onmochcahuia, ic motzauchuapahua, in ichcatlahuapahualli,
in ichcatl when the maguey had been painted, then it was
covered with glue; cotton was applied to it; thereby the
[second] reinforcement of cotton was strengthened with glue
<o:n-i:xtli-tzacua-l2-v05b (b9 f7 c21 p94)
1. in ihcuac omocuicuilo metl: niman ic onmitzauchuia, ipan
onmochcahuia, ic motzauchuapahua, in ichcatlahuapahualli,
in ichcatl when the maguey had been painted, then it was
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

covered with glue; cotton was applied to it; thereby the

[second] reinforcement of cotton was strengthened with glue
<o:n-i:xtli-tzacua-l2-v05b> (b9 f7 c21 p94) JC-7/23/96

0. it will be drunk; it is to be drunk

1. it will be drunk; it is to be drunk

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be drunk; it is to be drunk

3. it will be drunk; it is to be drunk

4. it will be drunk; it is to be drunk

FC jc-031297
5. it will be drunk; it is to be drunk
FC jc-031297

0. they remain, they are left
1. they remain, they are left
FC -> jc-72895
2. they remain, they are left
3. they remain, they are left
4. they remain, they are left <o:n-p54-ca:hua>
<o:n-p54-ca:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. they remain, they are left
FC jc-031297
6. they remain, they are left
FC jc-031297

0. he entered
1. he entered
FC -> jc-72895
2. he entered
3. he entered
4. he entered
FC jc-031297
5. he entered
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it is amassed, it is gathered

1. it is amassed, it is gathered
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is amassed, it is gathered

3. it is amassed, it is gathered

4. it is amassed, it is gathered
FC jc-031297
5. it is amassed, it is gathered
FC jc-031297

0. it will be made; it will become; it will happen; it will
result; it will occur
1. it will be made; it will become; it will happen; it will
result; it will occur
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be made; it will become; it will happen; it will
result; it will occur
3. it will be made; it will become; it will happen; it will
result; it will occur
4. it will be made; it will become <o:n-p54-chi:hua-z>
<o:n-p54-chi:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be made; it will become; it will happen; it will
result; it will occur
FC jc-031297
6. it will be made; it will become; it will happen; it will
result; it will occur
FC jc-031297

0. it is dripped
1. it is dripped
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is dripped
3. it is dripped
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it is dripped <o:n-p54-chipi:ni-caus08>
<o:n-p54-chipi:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is dripped <o:n-p54-chipi:ni-caus08>
<o:n-p54-chipi:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is dripped
FC jc-031297
7. it is dripped
FC jc-031297

0. it became
1. it became
FC -> jc-72895
2. it became
3. it became
4. it became <o:n-p54-chi:hua-prt1>
<o:n-p54-chi:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it became
FC jc-031297
6. it became
FC jc-031297

0. it is chewed
FC -> jc-72895
1. it is chewed
FC jc-031297
2. it is chewed
FC jc-031297

0. he combs it

1. he combs it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he combs it

3. he combs it

4. he combs it
FC jc-031297
5. he combs it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he rejoiced
1. he rejoiced
FC -> jc-72895
2. he rejoiced
3. he rejoiced
4. he rejoiced <o:n-p54-cuilto:noa:-prt1>
<o:n-p54-cuilto:noa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he rejoiced
FC jc-031297
6. he rejoiced
FC jc-031297

0. they rub themselves

1. they rub themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they rub themselves

3. they rub themselves

4. they rub themselves

FC jc-031297
5. they rub themselves
FC jc-031297

0. it was spread
FC jc-031297

0. he tends it with his hands

1. he tends it with his hands

FC -> jc-72895
2. he tends it with his hands

3. he tends it with his hands

4. he tends it with his hands
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. he tends it with his hands
FC jc-031297

0. she died [h]

1. she died [ h ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. she died [h]

3. she died [h]

4. she died [ h ]
FC jc-031297
5. she died [ h ]
FC jc-031297

0. it is divulged, it is made known

1. it is divulged, it is made known

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is divulged, it is made known

3. it is divulged, it is made known

4. it is divulged, it is made known

FC jc-031297
5. it is divulged, it is made known
FC jc-031297

0. they are pressed

1. they are pressed

FC -> jc-72895
2. they are pressed

3. they are pressed

4. they are pressed

FC jc-031297
5. they are pressed
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it is squeezed

1. it is squeezed
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is squeezed

3. it is squeezed

4. it is squeezed
FC jc-031297
5. it is squeezed
FC jc-031297

0. he combs it

1. he combs it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he combs it

3. he combs it

4. he combs it
FC jc-031297
5. he combs it
FC jc-031297

0. it gushes, it spurts
1. it gushes, it spurts
FC -> jc-72895
2. it gushes, it spurts
3. it gushes, it spurts
4. it gushes, it spurts <o:n-p54-piya:ztli-v03-caus06>
<o:n-p54-piya:ztli-v03-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. it gushes, it spurts <o:n-p54-piya:ztli-v03-caus06>
<o:n-p54-piya:ztli-v03-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. it gushes, it spurts <o:n-p54-piya:ztli-v03-caus06>
<o:n-p54-piya:ztli-v03-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. it gushes, it spurts
FC jc-031297
8. it gushes, it spurts
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it gushes up, it spurts
FC - > jc-61096

0. he places himself
1. he places himself
FC -> jc-72895
2. he places himself
3. he places himself
4. he places himself <o:n-p54-quetza>
<o:n-p54-quetza> FC - > jc-61096
5. he places himself
FC jc-031297
6. he places himself
FC jc-031297

0. he casts himself, he stretches out; it is spread on; it is
set out; it is spread out; it is placed; it is spread
1. he casts himself, he stretches out; it is placed; it is set
out; it is spread out; it is spread; it is spread on
FC -> jc-72895
2. he casts himself, he stretches out; it is spread on; it is
set out; it is spread out; it is placed; it is spread
3. he casts himself, he stretches out; it is spread on; it is
set out; it is spread out; it is placed; it is spread
4. he casts himself, he stretches out; it is spread on; it is
set out; it is spread out; it is placed; it is spread
<o:n-p54-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. he casts himself, he stretches out; it is placed; it is set
out; it is spread out; it is spread; it is spread on
FC jc-031297
6. he casts himself, he stretches out; it is placed; it is set
out; it is spread out; it is spread; it is spread on
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it was placed
1. it was placed
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was placed
3. it was placed
4. it was placed <o:n-p54-te:ca>
<o:n-p54-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was placed
FC jc-031297
6. it was placed
FC jc-031297

0. it will be placed, it is to be placed; it will be spread;
it is to be spread
1. it will be placed, it is to be placed; it will be spread;
it is to be spread
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will be placed, it is to be placed; it will be spread;
it is to be spread
3. it will be placed, it is to be placed; it will be spread;
it is to be spread
4. it will be placed, it is to be placed; it will be spread;
it is to be spread <o:n-p54-te:ca-z>
<o:n-p54-te:ca-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will be placed, it is to be placed; it will be spread;
it is to be spread
FC jc-031297
6. it will be placed, it is to be placed; it will be spread;
it is to be spread
FC jc-031297

0. it is ground
1. it is ground
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is ground
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it is ground
4. it is ground <o:n-p54-teci>
<o:n-p54-teci> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is ground
FC jc-031297
6. it is ground
FC jc-031297

0. it was mentioned
1. it was mentioned
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was mentioned
3. it was mentioned
4. it was mentioned <o:n-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1>
<o:n-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was mentioned <o:n-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1>
<o:n-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was mentioned <o:n-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1>
<o:n-p54-te:ntli-e:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it was mentioned
FC jc-031297
8. it was mentioned
FC jc-031297

0. they hurl themselves

1. they hurl themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they hurl themselves

3. they hurl themselves

4. they hurl themselves

FC jc-031297
5. they hurl themselves
FC jc-031297

0. they were cast, they were scattered
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they were cast, they were scattered

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were cast, they were scattered

3. they were cast, they were scattered

4. they were cast, they were scattered

FC jc-031297
5. they were cast, they were scattered
FC jc-031297

0. he sits down
1. he sits down
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sits down
3. he sits down
4. he sits down <o:n-p54-tla:lia>
<o:n-p54-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
5. he seats himself, he sits down
FC jc-031297
6. he seats himself, he sits down
FC jc-031297

0. he runs; he runs up

1. he runs; he runs up
FC -> jc-72895
2. he runs; he runs up

3. he runs; he runs up

4. he runs; he runs up
FC jc-031297
5. he runs; he runs up
FC jc-031297

0. they put ashes on their knees

1. they put ashes on their knees

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they put ashes on their knees

3. they put ashes on their knees

4. they put ashes on their knees

FC jc-031297
5. they put ashes on their knees
FC jc-031297

0. it is joined, it is glued; they are glued
1. it is joined, it is glued; they are glued
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is joined, it is glued; they are glued
3. it is joined, it is glued; they are glued
4. it is joined, it is glued; they are glued
<o:n-p54-za:lihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is joined, it is glued; they are glued
<o:n-p54-za:lihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is joined, it is glued; they are glued
FC jc-031297
7. it is joined, it is glued; they are glued
FC jc-031297

0. they became four
FC jc-031297

0. it appears, it is visible

1. it appears, it is visible
FC -> jc-72895
2. it appears, it is visible

3. it appears, it is visible

4. it appears, it is visible
FC jc-031297
5. it appears, it is visible
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it appeared
1. it appeared
FC -> jc-72895
2. it appeared
3. it appeared
4. it appeared <o:n-ne:ci-ya3>
<o:n-ne:ci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it appeared <o:n-ne:ci-ya3>
<o:n-ne:ci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it appeared <o:n-ne:ci-ya3>
<o:n-ne:ci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. it appeared
FC jc-031297
8. it appeared
FC jc-031297

0. he lives
1. he lives
FC -> jc-72895
2. he lives
3. he lives
4. he lives <o:n-nemi>
<o:n-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he lives <o:n-nemi>
<o:n-nemi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he lives
FC jc-031297
7. he lives
FC jc-031297

0. there is scattering, people scatter
FC jc-031297

0. there was dancing, people danced
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. there was paying of the debt

1. there was paying of the debt

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was paying of the debt

3. there was paying of the debt

4. there was paying of the debt

FC jc-031297
5. there was paying of the debt
FC jc-031297

0. the fasting stopped
1. the fasting stopped
FC -> jc-72895
2. the fasting stopped
3. the fasting stopped
4. the fasting stopped <o:n-p53-zahua1-lo:2-prt2>
<o:n-p53-zahua1-lo:2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. the fasting stopped <o:n-p53-zahua1-lo:2-prt2>
<o:n-p53-zahua1-lo:2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. the fasting stopped
FC jc-031297
7. the fasting stopped
FC jc-031297

0. <on-o-c> lying down
1. he is, he lies; he rests; he stays; he resides; it exists;
it rests; it is laid out; it is; it lies; it occurs; it
lay; it was; it is located; it located; it remains; it
spreads; it lives; it prevails; it resides; it stands
FC -> jc-72895
2. she is, she stays; there is; it lies
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is, he lies; he rests; he stays; he resides; it exists;
it rests; it is; it lies; it occurs; it is laid out; it
lay; it was; it lives; it is located; it located; it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

remains; it spreads; it prevails; it resides; it stands;

there is
4. <on-o-c> lying down
5. he is, he lies; he rests; he stays; he resides; it exists;
it rests; it is; it lies; it occurs; it is laid out; it
lay; it was; it lives; it is located; it located; it
remains; it spreads; it prevails; it resides; it stands;
there is
6. he is, he lies; he rests; he stays; he resides; it exists;
it rests; it is; it lies; it occurs; it is laid out; it
lay; it was; it lives; it is located; it located; it
remains; it spreads; it prevails; it resides; it stands;
there is <on-o-prt2>
<on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is, he lies; he rests; he stays; he resides; it exists;
it rests; it is; it lies; it occurs; it is laid out; it
lay; it was; it lives; it is located; it located; it
remains; it spreads; it prevails; it resides; it stands;
there is <on-o-prt2>
<on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
8. he is, he lies; he rests; he stays; he resides; it exists;
it rests; it is; it lies; it occurs; it is laid out; it
lay; it was; it lives; it is located; it located; it
remains; it spreads; it prevails; it resides; it stands;
there is <on-o-prt2>
<on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
9. he is, he lies; he rests; he stays; he resides; it exists;
it rests; it is laid out; it is; it lies; it occurs; it
lay; it was; it is located; it located; it remains; it
spreads; it lives; it prevails; it resides; it stands
FC jc-031297
10. she is, she stays; there is; it lies
FC jc-031297
11. he is, he lies; he rests; he stays; he resides; it exists;
it rests; it is laid out; it is; it lies; it occurs; it
lay; it was; it is located; it located; it remains; it
spreads; it lives; it prevails; it resides; it stands
FC jc-031297
12. she is, she stays; there is; it lies
FC jc-031297

0. he dwelled; he lay; he was; it lay; it rested; it was; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

were; they dwelled; they stayed; they lived; they resided;

they lay
1. he dwelled; he lay; he was; it lay; it rested; it was; they
lay; they lived; they stayed; they resided; they were; they
FC -> jc-72895
2. he dwelled; he lay; he was; it lay; it rested; it was; they
were; they dwelled; they stayed; they lived; they resided;
they lay
3. he dwelled; he lay; he was; it lay; it rested; it was; they
were; they dwelled; they stayed; they lived; they resided;
they lay
4. he dwelled; he lay; he was; it lay; it rested; it was; they
were; they dwelled; they stayed; they lived; they resided;
they lay <on-o-ca9>
<on-o-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
5. he dwelled; he lay; he was; it lay; it rested; it was; they
were; they dwelled; they stayed; they lived; they resided;
they lay <on-o-ca9>
<on-o-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
6. he dwelled; he lay; he was; it lay; it rested; it was; they
were; they dwelled; they stayed; they lived; they resided;
they lay <on-o-ca9>
<on-o-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
7. he dwelled; he lay; he was; it lay; it rested; it was; they
were; they dwelled; they stayed; they lived; they resided;
they lay <on-o-ca9>
<on-o-ca9> FC - > jc-61096
8. he dwelled; he lay; he was; it lay; it rested; it was; they
lay; they lived; they stayed; they resided; they were; they
FC jc-031297
9. he dwelled; he lay; he was; it lay; it rested; it was; they
lay; they lived; they stayed; they resided; they were; they
FC jc-031297

0. I took it
1. i took it
FC -> jc-72895
2. I took it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. I took it
4. I took it <o:-p11-p33-on-cui-prt2>
<o:-p11-p33-on-cui-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. I took it <o:-p11-p33-on-cui-prt2>
<o:-p11-p33-on-cui-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. i took it
FC jc-031297
7. i took it
FC jc-031297

0. he drank it

1. he drank it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he drank it

3. he drank it

4. he drank it
FC jc-031297
5. he drank it
FC jc-031297

0. i saw it

1. i saw it
FC -> jc-72895
2. i saw it

3. i saw it

4. i saw it
FC jc-031297
5. i saw it
FC jc-031297

0. there has been resting
1. there has been resting
FC -> jc-72895
2. there has been resting
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. there has been resting
4. there has been resting <on-o-hua2-prt2>
<on-o-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there has been resting <on-o-hua2-prt2>
<on-o-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there has been resting <on-o-hua2-prt2>
<on-o-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there has been resting <on-o-hua2-prt2>
<on-o-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
8. there has been resting <on-o-hua2-prt2>
<on-o-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
9. there has been resting
FC jc-031297
10. there has been resting
FC jc-031297

0. everywhere, in all parts
1. everywhere; in all parts
FC -> jc-72895
2. everywhere, in all parts
3. everywhere, in all parts
4. everywhere, in all parts <o:-no:huiya:n>
<o:-no:huiya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. everywhere, in all parts <o:-no:huiya:n>
<o:-no:huiya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. everywhere; in all parts
FC jc-031297
7. everywhere; in all parts
FC jc-031297

0. everywhere; all over; in all parts

1. everywhere; all over; in all parts

FC -> jc-72895
2. everywhere; all over; in all parts

3. everywhere; all over; in all parts

4. everywhere; all over; in all parts
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. everywhere; all over; in all parts
FC jc-031297

0. i saw
FC jc-031297

0. on me

1. on me
FC -> jc-72895
2. on me

3. on me

4. on me
FC jc-031297
5. on me
FC jc-031297

0. there are, they lie; they are; they remain; they dwell;
they live; they stay; they dwelled; they stayed; they
extended; they lay
1. there are, they lie; they are; they exist; they remain;
they dwell; they dwelled; they stayed; they extend; they
extended; they lay; they rest; they spread out; they live;
they stay; they reside; they settle
FC -> jc-72895
2. there are, they lie; they are; they remain; they dwell;
they live; they stay; they dwelled; they stayed; they
extended; they lay
3. there are, they lie; they are; they remain; they dwell;
they live; they stay; they dwelled; they stayed; they
extended; they lay
4. there are, they lie; they are; they remain; they dwell;
they live; they stay; they dwelled; they stayed; they
extended; they lay <on-o-plur01>
<on-o-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. there are, they lie; they are; they remain; they dwell;
they live; they stay; they dwelled; they stayed; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

extended; they lay <on-o-plur01>

<on-o-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. there are, they lie; they are; they remain; they dwell;
they live; they stay; they dwelled; they stayed; they
extended; they lay <on-o-plur01>
<on-o-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. there are, they lie; they are; they exist; they remain;
they dwell; they dwelled; they stayed; they extend; they
extended; they lay; they rest; they spread out; they live;
they stay; they reside; they settle
FC jc-031297
8. there are, they lie; they are; they exist; they remain;
they dwell; they dwelled; they stayed; they extend; they
extended; they lay; they rest; they spread out; they live;
they stay; they reside; they settle
FC jc-031297

0. she became a good warrior

1. she became a good warrior

FC -> jc-72895
2. she became a good warrior

3. she became a good warrior

4. she became a good warrior

FC jc-031297
5. she became a good warrior
FC jc-031297

0. it lies, it rests
1. it lies, it rests
FC -> jc-72895
2. it lies, it rests
3. it lies, it rests
4. it lies, it rests <on-o-dir2a>
<on-o-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
5. it lies, it rests <on-o-dir2a>
<on-o-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
6. it lies, it rests <on-o-dir2a>
<on-o-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. it lies, it rests
FC jc-031297
8. it lies, it rests
FC jc-031297

0. lightning

1. lightning
FC -> jc-72895
2. lightning

3. lightning

4. lightning
FC jc-031297
5. lightning
FC jc-031297

0. thunder

1. thunder
FC -> jc-72895
2. thunder

3. thunder

4. thunder
FC jc-031297
5. thunder
FC jc-031297

0. they will remain
1. they will remain
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will remain
3. they will remain
4. they will remain <on-o-z-plur01>
<on-o-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will remain <on-o-z-plur01>
<on-o-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. they will remain <on-o-z-plur01>

<on-o-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they will remain
FC jc-031297
8. they will remain
FC jc-031297

0. there
1. there
FC -> jc-72895
2. there
3. there
4. there <o:n-pa1>
<o:n-pa1> FC - > jc-61096
5. there
FC jc-031297
6. there
FC jc-031297

0. it starts
1. it starts
FC -> jc-72895
2. it starts
3. it starts
4. it starts <o:n-pe:hua>
<o:n-pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it starts; they start; they set out
FC jc-031297
6. it starts; they start; they set out
FC jc-031297

0. it came forth
FC jc-031297

0. it issues
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it issues
FC -> jc-72895
2. it issues

3. it issues

4. it issues
FC jc-031297
5. they go forth
FC jc-031297
6. it issues
FC jc-031297
7. they go forth
FC jc-031297

0. they come emerging
FC jc-031297

0. there was adorning of people, there was arraying of people

1. there was adorning of people, there was arraying of people

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was adorning of people, there was arraying of people

3. there was adorning of people, there was arraying of people

4. there was adorning of people, there was arraying of people

FC jc-031297
5. there was adorning of people, there was arraying of people
FC jc-031297

0. two
FC jc-031297

0. they came to kill people
FC jc-031297

0. there was piercing of ear [lobes]

1. there was piercing of ear [ lobes ]

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. there was piercing of ear [lobes]

3. there was piercing of ear [lobes]

4. there was piercing of ear [ lobes ]

FC jc-031297
5. there was piercing of ear [ lobes ]
FC jc-031297

0. there will be plundering of people
1. there will be plundering of people
FC -> jc-72895
2. there will be plundering of people
3. there will be plundering of people
4. there will be plundering of people <o:n-p52-na:moya:-lo:2-z>
<o:n-p52-na:moya:-lo:2-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. there will be plundering of people <o:n-p52-na:moya:-lo:2-z>
<o:n-p52-na:moya:-lo:2-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. there will be plundering of people <o:n-p52-na:moya:-lo:2-z>
<o:n-p52-na:moya:-lo:2-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. there will be plundering of people
FC jc-031297
8. there will be plundering of people
FC jc-031297

0. it goes filling up
FC jc-031297

0. sacred pulque was drunk, there was drinking of sacred pulque

1. sacred pulque was drunk, there was drinking of sacred pulque

FC -> jc-72895
2. sacred pulque was drunk, there was drinking of sacred pulque

3. sacred pulque was drunk, there was drinking of sacred pulque

4. sacred pulque was drunk, there was drinking of sacred pulque

FC jc-031297
5. sacred pulque was drunk, there was drinking of sacred pulque
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. two
1. two
FC -> jc-72895
2. two
3. two
4. two <o:me-tetl2>
<o:me-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
5. two <o:me-tetl2>
<o:me-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
6. two
FC jc-031297
7. two
FC jc-031297

0. he cries out to people, he shouts to people

1. he cries out to people, he shouts to people

FC -> jc-72895
2. he cries out to people, he shouts to people

3. he cries out to people, he shouts to people

4. he cries out to people, he shouts to people

FC jc-031297
5. he cries out to people, he shouts to people
FC jc-031297

0. he will cry out to people, he will shout at people

1. he will cry out to people, he will shout at people

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will cry out to people, he will shout at people

3. he will cry out to people, he will shout at people

4. he will cry out to people, he will shout at people

FC jc-031297
5. he will cry out to people, he will shout at people
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. there was loading into a boat
FC jc-031297

0. he looks, he gazes
1. he looks, he gazes; they look
FC -> jc-72895
2. he looks, he gazes
3. he looks, he gazes
4. he looks, he gazes <o:n-tlachiya>
<o:n-tlachiya> FC - > jc-61096
5. he looks, he gazes; they look
FC jc-031297
6. he looks, he gazes; they look
FC jc-031297

0. he looked, he gazed
FC jc-031297

0. they eat

1. they eat
FC -> jc-72895
2. they eat

3. they eat

4. they eat
FC jc-031297
5. they eat
FC jc-031297

0. there was eating; people ate
1. there was eating; people ate
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was eating; people ate
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. there was eating; people ate

4. there was eating; people ate <o:n-p51-cua:-lo:2-prt2>
<o:n-p51-cua:-lo:2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was eating; people ate <o:n-p51-cua:-lo:2-prt2>
<o:n-p51-cua:-lo:2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was eating; people ate
FC jc-031297
7. there was eating; people ate
FC jc-031297

0. it will appear attractive

1. it will appear attractive

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will appear attractive

3. it will appear attractive

4. it will appear attractive

FC jc-031297
5. it will appear attractive
FC jc-031297

0. he raised something in dedication, he raised something in

1. he raised something in dedication, he raised something in

FC -> jc-72895
2. he raised something in dedication, he raised something in

3. he raised something in dedication, he raised something in


4. he raised something in dedication, he raised something in

FC jc-031297
5. he raised something in dedication, he raised something in
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they ate earth, they performed the earth-eating ceremony

FC jc-031297

0. they bind something, they tie something

1. they bind something, they tie something

FC -> jc-72895
2. they bind something, they tie something

3. they bind something, they tie something

4. they bind something, they tie something

FC jc-031297
5. they bind something, they tie something
FC jc-031297

0. they laid an offering down

1. they laid an offering down

FC -> jc-72895
2. they laid an offering down

3. they laid an offering down

4. they laid an offering down

FC jc-031297
5. they laid an offering down
FC jc-031297

0. two kinds
1. two kinds
FC -> jc-72895
2. two kinds
3. two kinds
4. two kinds <o:me-tlamantli>
<o:me-tlamantli> FC - > jc-61096
5. two kinds <o:me-tlamantli>
<o:me-tlamantli> FC - > jc-61096
6. two kinds
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. two kinds
FC jc-031297

0. they took captives

1. they took captives

FC -> jc-72895
2. they took captives

3. they took captives

4. they took captives

FC jc-031297
5. they took captives
FC jc-031297

0. it ends; it is used up

1. it ends; it is used up
FC -> jc-72895
2. it ends; it is used up

3. it ends; it is used up

4. it ends; it is used up
FC jc-031297
5. it ends; it is used up
FC jc-031297

0. it will end
FC jc-031297

0. they finished
1. they came to their end, they finished
FC -> jc-72895
2. they finished
3. they finished
4. they finished <o:n-tlami-prt1-plur01>
<o:n-tlami-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they came to their end, they finished

FC jc-031297
6. they came to their end, they finished
FC jc-031297

0. she whistles
1. she whistles
FC -> jc-72895
2. she whistles
3. she whistles
4. she whistles <o:n-tlantli-quiquiztli-v11>
<o:n-tlantli-quiquiztli-v11> FC - > jc-61096
5. she whistles <o:n-tlantli-quiquiztli-v11>
<o:n-tlantli-quiquiztli-v11> FC - > jc-61096
6. she whistles <o:n-tlantli-quiquiztli-v11>
<o:n-tlantli-quiquiztli-v11> FC - > jc-61096
7. she whistles
FC jc-031297
8. she whistles
FC jc-031297

0. they keep watch, they keep guard
1. they keep watch, they keep guard
FC -> jc-72895
2. they keep watch, they keep guard
3. they keep watch, they keep guard
4. they keep watch, they keep guard <o:n-p51-piya>
<o:n-p51-piya> FC - > jc-61096
5. they keep watch, they keep guard
FC jc-031297
6. they keep watch, they keep guard
FC jc-031297

0. they kept guard, they kept watch
1. they kept guard, they kept watch
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they kept guard, they kept watch

3. they kept guard, they kept watch
4. they kept guard, they kept watch <o:n-p51-piya-ya3>
<o:n-p51-piya-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they kept guard, they kept watch <o:n-p51-piya-ya3>
<o:n-p51-piya-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they kept guard, they kept watch
FC jc-031297
7. they kept guard, they kept watch
FC jc-031297

0. shell trumpets were blown

1. shell trumpets were blown

FC -> jc-72895
2. shell trumpets were blown

3. shell trumpets were blown

4. shell trumpets were blown

FC jc-031297
5. shell trumpets were blown
FC jc-031297

0. people made various offerings

1. people made various offerings

FC -> jc-72895
2. people made various offerings

3. people made various offerings

4. people made various offerings

FC jc-031297
5. people made various offerings
FC jc-031297

0. they sample, they sip, they taste

1. they sample, they sip, they taste

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they sample, they sip, they taste

3. they sample, they sip, they taste

4. they sample, they sip, they taste

FC jc-031297
5. they sample, they sip, they taste
FC jc-031297

0. they repeatedly cast it, they repeatedly throw it

1. they repeatedly cast it, they repeatedly throw it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they repeatedly cast it, they repeatedly throw it

3. they repeatedly cast it, they repeatedly throw it

4. they repeatedly cast it, they repeatedly throw it

FC jc-031297
5. they repeatedly cast it, they repeatedly throw it
FC jc-031297

0. he rules; he speaks; they speak; they talk
FC -> jc-72895
1. he rules; he speaks; they talk; they speak <o:n-p51-ihtoa:>
<o:n-p51-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
2. he rules; he speaks; they speak; they talk
FC jc-031297
3. he rules; he speaks; they speak; they talk
FC jc-031297

0. they ascend, they climb
1. they ascend, they climb
FC -> jc-72895
2. they ascend, they climb
3. they ascend, they climb
4. they ascend, they climb <o:n-tlehco>
<o:n-tlehco> FC - > jc-61096
5. they ascend, they climb
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. they ascend, they climb

FC jc-031297

0. he ascended, he climbed

1. he ascended, he climbed
FC -> jc-72895
2. he ascended, he climbed

3. he ascended, he climbed

4. he ascended, he climbed
FC jc-031297
5. he ascended, he climbed
FC jc-031297

0. they climbed up

1. they climbed up
FC -> jc-72895
2. they climbed up

3. they climbed up

4. they climbed up
FC jc-031297
5. they climbed up
FC jc-031297

0. he offered incense
FC jc-031297

0. it is sown

1. it is sown
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is sown

3. it is sown

4. it is sown
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it is sown
FC jc-031297

0. it begins
1. it begins
FC -> jc-72895
2. it begins
3. it begins
4. it begins <o:n-tzi:ntli-v04>
<o:n-tzi:ntli-v04> FC - > jc-61096
5. it begins
FC jc-031297
6. it begins
FC jc-031297

0. it ended
FC jc-031297

0. eight hundred
1. eight hundred
FC -> jc-72895
2. eight hundred
3. eight hundred
4. eight hundred <o:me-tzontli>
<o:me-tzontli> FC - > jc-61096
5. eight hundred <o:me-tzontli>
<o:me-tzontli> FC - > jc-61096
6. eight hundred
FC jc-031297
7. eight hundred
FC jc-031297

0. two years

1. two years
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. two years

3. two years

4. two years
FC jc-031297
5. two years
FC jc-031297

0. it goes repeatedly

1. it goes repeatedly
FC -> jc-72895
2. it goes repeatedly

3. it goes repeatedly

4. it goes repeatedly
FC jc-031297
5. it goes repeatedly
FC jc-031297

0. there will be
1. he will be; there will be
FC -> jc-72895
2. there will be
3. there will be
4. there will be <o:n-ca:1b-z>
<o:n-ca:1b-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will be
FC jc-031297
6. there will be
FC jc-031297
7. he will be
FC jc-031297
8. there will be
FC jc-031297

0. they will be, there will be
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. in two places

1. in two places
FC -> jc-72895
2. in two places

3. in two places

4. in two places
FC jc-031297
5. in two places
FC jc-031297

0. ocelots, ocelot warriors

1. ocelots, ocelot warriors

FC -> jc-72895
2. ocelots, ocelot warriors

3. ocelots, ocelot warriors

4. ocelots, ocelot warriors

FC jc-031297
5. ocelots, ocelot warriors
FC jc-031297

0. they become wine

1. they become wine

FC -> jc-72895
2. they become wine

3. they become wine

4. they become wine

FC jc-031297
5. they become wine
FC jc-031297

0. calles; caminos ( streets; roads )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. she died

1. she died
FC -> jc-72895
2. she died

3. she died
4. she died

5. she died
6. she died <o:-o:n-miqui-prt1>
<o:-o:n-miqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. she died
FC jc-031297
8. she died
FC jc-031297

0. he came to stand

1. he came to stand
FC -> jc-72895
2. he came to stand

3. he came to stand

4. he came to stand
FC jc-031297
5. he came to stand
FC jc-031297

0. there

1. there
FC -> jc-72895
2. there

3. there

4. there
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. there
FC jc-031297

0. he arrived

1. he arrived
FC -> jc-72895
2. he arrived

3. he arrived

4. he arrived
FC jc-031297
5. he arrived
FC jc-031297

0. he came to sigh

1. he came to sigh
FC -> jc-72895
2. he came to sigh

3. he came to sigh

4. he came to sigh
FC jc-031297
5. he came to sigh
FC jc-031297

0. he had come

1. he had come
FC -> jc-72895
2. he had come

3. he had come

4. he had come
FC jc-031297
5. he had come
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he died; she died

1. he died; she died
FC -> jc-72895
2. he died; she died
3. he died; she died
4. he died; she died <o:-o:n-miqui-prt1>
<o:-o:n-miqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he died; she died
FC jc-031297
6. he died; she died
FC jc-031297

0. it prevails; it reigns; there is
1. it prevails; it reigns; there is
FC -> jc-72895
2. it prevails; it reigns; there is
3. it prevails; it reigns; there is
4. it prevails; it reigns; there is <dupl-on-o-prt2>
<dupl-on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it prevails; it reigns; there is <dupl-on-o-prt2>
<dupl-on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. it prevails; it reigns; there is <dupl-on-o-prt2>
<dupl-on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. it prevails; it reigns; there is <dupl-on-o-prt2>
<dupl-on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
8. it prevails; it reigns; there is <dupl-on-o-prt2>
<dupl-on-o-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
9. it prevails; it reigns; there is
FC jc-031297
10. it prevails; it reigns; there is
FC jc-031297

0. it passed

1. it passed
FC -> jc-72895
2. it passed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it passed

4. it passed
FC jc-031297
5. it passed
FC jc-031297

0. she became a goddess

1. she became a goddess

FC -> jc-72895
2. she became a goddess

3. she became a goddess

4. she became a goddess

FC jc-031297
5. she became a goddess
FC jc-031297

0. two
1. two
FC -> jc-72895
2. two
3. two
4. two <dupl-o:me-tetl2>
<dupl-o:me-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
5. two <dupl-o:me-tetl2>
<dupl-o:me-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
6. two <dupl-o:me-tetl2>
<dupl-o:me-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
7. two <dupl-o:me-tetl2>
<dupl-o:me-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
8. two
FC jc-031297
9. two
FC jc-031297

0. it ended
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. she slept with a man
1. she slept with a man
FC -> jc-72895
2. she slept with a man
3. she slept with a man
4. she slept with a man <o:-oquichtli-cochi-prt1>
<o:-oquichtli-cochi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. she slept with a man <o:-oquichtli-cochi-prt1>
<o:-oquichtli-cochi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. she slept with a man
FC jc-031297
7. she slept with a man
FC jc-031297

0. twice, two times

1. twice, two times

FC -> jc-72895
2. twice, two times

3. twice, two times

4. twice, two times

FC jc-031297
5. twice, two times
FC jc-031297

0. it corrupted, it rotted; it decayed
1. it corrupted, it rotted; it decayed; it festered
FC -> jc-72895
2. it corrupted, it rotted; it decayed
3. it corrupted, it rotted; it decayed
4. it corrupted, it rotted; it decayed <o:-pala:ni-prt1>
<o:-pala:ni-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it corrupted, it rotted; it decayed; it festered
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. it corrupted, it rotted; it decayed; it festered

FC jc-031297

0. pasaba ( he was passing )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. paso'; ha pasado ( it passed )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. pasaron ( they passed )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he got well, he was cured; he recovered

1. he got well, he was cured; he recovered

FC -> jc-72895
2. he got well, he was cured; he recovered

3. he got well, he was cured; he recovered

4. he got well, he was cured; he recovered

FC jc-031297
5. he got well, he was cured; he recovered
FC jc-031297

0. he was cured

1. he was cured
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was cured

3. he was cured

4. he was cured
FC jc-031297
5. he was cured
FC jc-031297

0. vino a pasearse ( he came to walk around )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. empezaron; comenzaron ( they began )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. it began
1. it began
FC -> jc-72895
2. it began
3. it began
4. it began <o:-pe:hua-lo:1-prt2>
<o:-pe:hua-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it began <o:-pe:hua-lo:1-prt2>
<o:-pe:hua-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. it began
FC jc-031297
7. it began
FC jc-031297

0. he was selected, he was elected
FC jc-031297

0. he began, he started; it began
1. he began, he started; it began
FC -> jc-72895
2. he began, he started; it began
3. he began, he started; it began
4. he began, he started; it began <o:-pe:hua-prt1>
<o:-pe:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he began, he started; it began
FC jc-031297
6. he began, he started; it began
FC jc-031297

0. left-handed person
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. left-handed person
FC -> jc-72895
2. left-handed person

3. left-handed person

4. left-handed person
FC jc-031297
5. left-handed person
FC jc-031297

0. he vanished; he perished; it vanished; it disappeared
1. he vanished; he perished; it disappeared; it vanished; it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he vanished; he perished; it vanished; it disappeared
3. he vanished; he perished; it vanished; it disappeared
4. he vanished; he perished; it vanished <o:-polihui-prt1>
<o:-polihui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he vanished; he perished; it disappeared; it vanished; it
FC jc-031297
6. he vanished; he perished; it disappeared; it vanished; it
FC jc-031297

0. it swelled

1. it swelled
FC -> jc-72895
2. it swelled

3. it swelled

4. it swelled
FC jc-031297
5. it swelled
FC jc-031297

0. two times, twice
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. two times, twice
FC -> jc-72895
2. two times, twice
3. two times, twice
4. two times, twice <o:me-pa2>
<o:me-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
5. two times, twice <o:me-pa2>
<o:me-pa2> FC - > jc-61096
6. two times, twice
FC jc-031297
7. two times, twice
FC jc-031297

0. De donde salio el conejito ? Canic oqui:z in totochtzin ?
Where did the little rabbit come from ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. he drank it
1. he drank it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he drank it
3. he drank it
4. he drank it <oc-i:c2>
<oc-i:c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he drank it <oc-i:c2>
<oc-i:c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. he drank it
FC jc-031297
7. he drank it
FC jc-031297

0. he heard it; it heard it
1. he heard it; it heard it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he heard it; it heard it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he heard it; it heard it

4. he heard it; it heard it
FC jc-031297
5. she heard it
FC jc-031297
6. he heard it; it heard it
FC jc-031297
7. she heard it
FC jc-031297

0. they heard it

1. they heard it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they heard it

3. they heard it

4. they heard it
FC jc-031297
5. they heard it
FC jc-031297

0. she received it

1. she received it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she received it

3. she received it

4. she received it
FC jc-031297
5. she received it
FC jc-031297

0. she prepared it
1. she prepared it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she prepared it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. she prepared it
4. she prepared it <o:-p33-cem-ca:hua-prt1>
<o:-p33-cem-ca:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. she prepared it <o:-p33-cem-ca:hua-prt1>
<o:-p33-cem-ca:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. she prepared it
FC jc-031297
7. she prepared it
FC jc-031297

0. they brought it together, they put it together

1. they brought it together, they put it together

FC -> jc-72895
2. they brought it together, they put it together

3. they brought it together, they put it together

4. they brought it together, they put it together

FC jc-031297
5. they brought it together, they put it together
FC jc-031297

0. she sleeps with a man
1. she sleeps with a man
FC -> jc-72895
2. she sleeps with a man
3. she sleeps with a man
4. she sleeps with a man <oquichtli-cochi>
<oquichtli-cochi> FC - > jc-61096
5. she sleeps with a man
FC jc-031297
6. she sleeps with a man
FC jc-031297

0. she lay with a man
1. she lay with a man
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. she lay with a man

3. she lay with a man
4. she lay with a man <oquichtli-cochi-ya3>
<oquichtli-cochi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. she lay with a man <oquichtli-cochi-ya3>
<oquichtli-cochi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. she lay with a man <oquichtli-cochi-ya3>
<oquichtli-cochi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. she lay with a man
FC jc-031297
8. she lay with a man
FC jc-031297

0. she will sleep with a man
1. she will sleep with a man
FC -> jc-72895
2. she will sleep with a man
3. she will sleep with a man
4. she will sleep with a man <oquichtli-cochi-z>
<oquichtli-cochi-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. she will sleep with a man <oquichtli-cochi-z>
<oquichtli-cochi-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. she will sleep with a man
FC jc-031297
7. she will sleep with a man
FC jc-031297

0. to marry a man
FC - > jc-61096

oquichhuahtia-| neoquichhuahtiliztli
0. a woman's act of marriage

0. male dove
FC - > jc-61096

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. male dove

1. male dove
FC - > jc-61096

0. he did it to her
1. he did it to her
FC -> jc-72895
2. he did it to her
3. he did it to her
4. he did it to her <o:-p33-chi:hua-ben-prt1>
<o:-p33-chi:hua-ben-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he did it to her <o:-p33-chi:hua-ben-prt1>
<o:-p33-chi:hua-ben-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he did it to her
FC jc-031297
7. he did it to her
FC jc-031297

0. he did it, he made it, he begat, he fathered him; she did
it; she made it
1. he did it, he made it; he begat; he fathered him
FC -> jc-72895
2. she did it, she made it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he did it, he made it, he begat, he fathered him; she did
it; she made it
4. he did it, he made it, he begat, he fathered him; she did
it; she made it
5. he did it, he made it, he begat, he fathered him; she did
it; she made it <o:-p33-chi:hua-prt1>
<o:-p33-chi:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he did it, he made it; he begat; he fathered him
FC jc-031297
7. she did it, she made it
FC jc-031297
8. he did it, he made it; he begat; he fathered him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. she did it, she made it

FC jc-031297

0. they did it, they made it; they fulfilled it
1. they did it, they fulfilled it; they made it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they did it, they made it; they fulfilled it
3. they did it, they made it; they fulfilled it
4. they did it, they made it; they fulfilled it
<o:-p33-chi:hua-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they did it, they fulfilled it; they made it
FC jc-031297
6. they did it, they fulfilled it; they made it
FC jc-031297

0. they proceeded to do it

1. they proceeded to do it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they proceeded to do it

3. they proceeded to do it

4. they proceeded to do it
FC jc-031297
5. they proceeded to do it
FC jc-031297

0. having masculine mode of address
1. having masculine mode of address
FC -> jc-72895
2. having masculine mode of address, manly-voice
<oquichtli-no:tza-l1-eh1>-| jc-10896
3. having masculine mode of address, manly-voice
<oquichtli-no:tza-l1-eh1>-| jc-10896
4. having masculine mode of address
5. having masculine mode of address
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. having masculine mode of address <oquichtli-no:tza-l1-eh1>
<oquichtli-no:tza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
7. having masculine mode of address <oquichtli-no:tza-l1-eh1>
<oquichtli-no:tza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
8. having masculine mode of address <oquichtli-no:tza-l1-eh1>
<oquichtli-no:tza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
9. having masculine mode of address <oquichtli-no:tza-l1-eh1>
<oquichtli-no:tza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
10. having masculine mode of address <oquichtli-no:tza-l1-eh1>
<oquichtli-no:tza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
11. having masculine mode of address <oquichtli-no:tza-l1-eh1>
<oquichtli-no:tza-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
12. having masculine mode of address, manly-voice
<oquichtli-no:tza-l1-eh1>-| jc-10896
13. having masculine mode of address
FC jc-031297
14. having masculine mode of address
FC jc-031297

0. one who has masculine mode of address
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. he set him free, he let him run

1. he set him free, he let him run

FC -> jc-72895
2. he set him free, he let him run

3. he set him free, he let him run

4. he set him free, he let him run

FC jc-031297
5. he set him free, he let him run
FC jc-031297

0. she holds a husband

1. she holds a husband

FC -> jc-72895
2. she holds a husband

3. she holds a husband
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. she holds a husband

FC jc-031297
5. she holds a husband
FC jc-031297

0. young boys
<oquichtli-dupl-pilli plur10a>
1. young boys
FC -> jc-72895
2. young boys
<oquichtli-dupl-pilli plur10a>
3. young boys
<oquichtli-dupl-pilli plur10a>
4. young boys <oquichtli-dupl-pilli plur10a>
<oquichtli-dupl-pilli plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
5. young boys <oquichtli-dupl-pilli plur10a>
<oquichtli-dupl-pilli plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
6. young boys <oquichtli-dupl-pilli plur10a>
<oquichtli-dupl-pilli plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
7. young boys <oquichtli-dupl-pilli plur10a>
<oquichtli-dupl-pilli plur10a> FC - > jc-61096
8. young boys
FC jc-031297
9. young boys
FC jc-031297

0. baby boy, male chile; boy; male child; noble boy; small boy
1. baby boy; male chile; boy; male child; noble boy; small boy
FC -> jc-72895
2. baby boy, male chile; boy; male child; noble boy; small boy
3. baby boy, male chile; boy; male child; noble boy; small boy
4. baby boy, male chile; boy; male child; noble boy; small boy
<oquichtli-pilli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. baby boy, male chile; boy; male child; noble boy; small boy
<oquichtli-pilli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. baby boy, male chile; boy; male child; noble boy; small boy
<oquichtli-pilli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. baby boy; male chile; boy; male child; noble boy; small boy
FC jc-031297
8. baby boy; male chile; boy; male child; noble boy; small boy
FC jc-031297

0. boys; small boys; young boys

1. boys; small boys; young boys

FC -> jc-72895
2. boys; small boys; young boys

3. boys; small boys; young boys

4. boys; small boys; young boys

FC jc-031297
5. boys; small boys; young boys
FC jc-031297

0. he ate it in stealth

1. he ate it in stealth
FC -> jc-72895
2. he ate it in stealth

3. he ate it in stealth

4. he ate it in stealth
FC jc-031297
5. he ate it in stealth
FC jc-031297

0. he came to steal it

1. he came to steal it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he came to steal it

3. he came to steal it

4. he came to steal it
FC jc-031297
5. he came to steal it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he becomes a man; he becomes a warrior; men; males; they
are men; they become men
1. he becomes a man; he becomes a warrior; men; males
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are men, they become men
FC -> jc-72895
3. he becomes a man; he becomes a warrior; men; males; they
are men; they become men
4. he becomes a man; he becomes a warrior; men; males; they
are men; they become men
5. he becomes a man; he becomes a warrior; men; males; they
are men; they become men <oquichtli-plur02>
<oquichtli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
6. he becomes a warrior <oquichtli-v01>
<oquichtli-v01> FC - > jc-61096
7. he becomes a man; he becomes a warrior; men; males
FC jc-031297
8. they are men, they become men
FC jc-031297
9. he becomes a man; he becomes a warrior; men; males
FC jc-031297
10. they are men, they become men
FC jc-031297

0. he became a warrior, he became a man
1. he became a warrior, he became a man
FC -> jc-72895
2. he became a warrior, he became a man
3. he became a warrior, he became a man
4. he became a warrior, he became a man <oquichtli-v01>
<oquichtli-v01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he became a warrior, he became a man <oquichtli-v01>
<oquichtli-v01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he became a warrior, he became a man
FC jc-031297
7. he became a warrior, he became a man
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. quinezcayotia in atlatl, in anozo tlatzontectli, in
yaotlatquitl, in oquichtiliztli this denoted the spear
thrower or the spear; war equipment; valor
<oquichtli-v01-liz (b9 f3 c7 p34)
1. quinezcayotia in atlatl, in anozo tlatzontectli, in
yaotlatquitl, in oquichtiliztli this denoted the spear
thrower or the spear; war equipment; valor
<oquichtli-v01-liz> (b9 f3 c7 p34) JC-7/23/96

0. machos ( males )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. men; males; brave warriors; warriors
FC -> jc-72895
2. men; males; brave warriors; warriors
3. men; males; brave warriors; warriors
4. men; males; brave warriors; warriors <oquichtli-plur02>
<oquichtli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. machos ( males )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
6. men; males; brave warriors; warriors
FC jc-031297
7. men; males; brave warriors; warriors
FC jc-031297

0. one who is brave
1. one who is brave
FC -> jc-72895
2. one who is brave
3. one who is brave
4. one who is brave <oquichtli-v01-ni1>
<oquichtli-v01-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. one who is brave <oquichtli-v01-ni1>
<oquichtli-v01-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one who is brave <oquichtli-v01-ni1>
<oquichtli-v01-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. one who is brave <oquichtli-v01-ni1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<oquichtli-v01-ni1> FC - > jc-61096

8. one who is brave
FC jc-031297
9. one who is brave
FC jc-031297

0. he will become a warrior, he will become a man; he will be
brave; he will become a brave warrior
1. he will be brave; he will become a brave warrior; he will
become a warrior; he will become a man
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will become a warrior, he will become a man; he will be
brave; he will become a brave warrior
3. he will become a warrior, he will become a man; he will be
brave; he will become a brave warrior
4. he will become a warrior, he will become a man; he will be
brave; he will become a brave warrior <oquichtli-v01-z>
<oquichtli-v01-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will become a warrior, he will become a man; he will be
brave; he will become a brave warrior <oquichtli-v01-z>
<oquichtli-v01-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will be brave; he will become a brave warrior; he will
become a warrior; he will become a man
FC jc-031297
7. he will be brave; he will become a brave warrior; he will
become a warrior; he will become a man
FC jc-031297

0. they will be valiant, they will be brave

1. they will be valiant, they will be brave

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will be valiant, they will be brave

3. they will be valiant, they will be brave

4. they will be valiant, they will be brave

FC jc-031297
5. they will be valiant, they will be brave
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. she speaks man's talk

0. having masculine speech

0. one who has the body of a male
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. she speaks man's talk
FC -> jc-72895
1. she speaks man's talk <oquichtli-p51-ihtoa:>
<oquichtli-p51-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
2. she speaks man's talk <oquichtli-p51-ihtoa:>
<oquichtli-p51-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
3. she speaks man's talk
FC jc-031297
4. she speaks man's talk
FC jc-031297

0. having masculine speech
FC -> jc-72895
1. having masculine speech <oquichtli-p51-ihtoa:-l1-eh1>
<oquichtli-p51-ihtoa:-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
2. having masculine speech <oquichtli-p51-ihtoa:-l1-eh1>
<oquichtli-p51-ihtoa:-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
3. having masculine speech <oquichtli-p51-ihtoa:-l1-eh1>
<oquichtli-p51-ihtoa:-l1-eh1> FC - > jc-61096
4. having masculine speech
FC jc-031297
5. having masculine speech
FC jc-031297

0. one who has masculine speech
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. men's array
1. men's array
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. men's array
3. men's array
4. men's array <oquichtli-p51-itqui-l2>
<oquichtli-p51-itqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. men's array <oquichtli-p51-itqui-l2>
<oquichtli-p51-itqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. men's array <oquichtli-p51-itqui-l2>
<oquichtli-p51-itqui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. men's array
FC jc-031297
8. men's array
FC jc-031297

0. male
1. boy, male; cockerel; man; manly; brave man; brave warrior;
courageous person; husband; valiant; warrior; man of war;
men; males; middle-aged man
FC -> jc-72895
2. boy, male; man; cockerel; manly; brave man; man of war;
husband; valiant; brave warrior; warrior; courageous
person; men; males; middle-aged man
3. male
4. boy, male; man; cockerel; manly; brave man; man of war;
husband; valiant; brave warrior; warrior; courageous
person; men; males; middle-aged man
5. boy, male; man; cockerel; manly; brave man; man of war;
husband; valiant; brave warrior; warrior; courageous
person; men; males; middle-aged man <oquichtli>
<oquichtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. man
FC - > jc-61096
7. boy, male; cockerel; man; manly; brave man; brave warrior;
courageous person; husband; valiant; warrior; man of war;
men; males; middle-aged man
FC jc-031297
8. boy, male; cockerel; man; manly; brave man; brave warrior;
courageous person; husband; valiant; warrior; man of war;
men; males; middle-aged man
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. male turkey
1. male turkey
FC -> jc-72895
2. male turkey
3. male turkey
4. male turkey <oquichtli-to:tolin>
<oquichtli-to:tolin> FC - > jc-61096
5. male turkey <oquichtli-to:tolin>
<oquichtli-to:tolin> FC - > jc-61096
6. male turkey
FC jc-031297
7. male turkey
FC jc-031297

0. heroism, valor; manliness; exploits; status of the warrior
1. heroism; manliness; valor; exploits; status of the warrior;
FC -> jc-72895
2. heroism, valor; manliness; exploits; status of the warrior
3. heroism, valor; manliness; exploits; status of the warrior
4. heroism, valor; manliness; exploits; status of the warrior
<oquichtli-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. heroism; manliness; valor; exploits; status of the warrior;
FC jc-031297
6. heroism; manliness; valor; exploits; status of the warrior;
FC jc-031297

0. he cut it out of it

1. he cut it out of it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he cut it out of it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he cut it out of it

4. he cut it out of it
FC jc-031297
5. he cut it out of it
FC jc-031297

0. he bought him
1. he bought him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he bought him
3. he bought him
4. he bought him <o:-p33-co:hua-prt1>
<o:-p33-co:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he bought him
FC jc-031297
6. he bought him
FC jc-031297

0. he ate it; it bites him
1. he ate it; it bit him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he ate it; it bites him
3. he ate it; it bites him
4. he ate it; it bites him <o:-p33-cua:>
<o:-p33-cua:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he ate it; it bit him
FC jc-031297
6. he ate it; it bit him
FC jc-031297

0. he chewed it

1. he chewed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he chewed it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he chewed it

4. he chewed it
FC jc-031297
5. he chewed it
FC jc-031297

0. they ate it

1. they ate it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they ate it

3. they ate it

4. they ate it
FC jc-031297
5. they ate it
FC jc-031297

0. they went eating it

1. they went eating it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they went eating it

3. they went eating it

4. they went eating it

FC jc-031297
5. they went eating it
FC jc-031297

0. Donde comia zacate el conejito ? Canin oquicuaya zacatl in
totochtzin ? Where was the little rabbit eating grass ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. he took it, he assumed it; it took him; it seized him; she
accepted it; she took it
1. he took it, he assumed it; it took him; it seized him; she
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

accepted it; she took it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he took it, he assumed it; it took him; it seized him; she
accepted it; she took it
3. he took it, he assumed it; it took him; it seized him; she
accepted it; she took it
4. he took it, he assumed it <o:-p33-cui-prt2>
<o:-p33-cui-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he took it, he assumed it; it took him; it seized him; she
accepted it; she took it
FC jc-031297
6. he took it, he assumed it; it took him; it seized him; she
accepted it; she took it
FC jc-031297

0. they went to receive it
FC jc-031297

0. they carried it here
FC jc-031297

0. they received her, they confronted her

1. they received her, they confronted her

FC -> jc-72895
2. they received her, they confronted her

3. they received her, they confronted her

4. they received her, they confronted her

FC jc-031297
5. they received her, they confronted her
FC jc-031297

0. they had brought it

1. they had brought it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they had brought it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they had brought it

4. they had brought it

FC jc-031297
5. they had brought it
FC jc-031297

0. le dijo ( he said it to him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. se lo dijo ( he said it to him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. le dijo ( he said it to him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. se lo dijo ( he said it to him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he knew it, he found it out
FC jc-031297
1. she learned of it
FC jc-031297
2. he knew it, he found it out
FC jc-031297
3. she learned of it
FC jc-031297

0. it gave it to him
1. it gave it to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. it gave it to him
3. it gave it to him
4. it gave it to him <o:-p33-maca-prt2>
<o:-p33-maca-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it gave it to him
FC jc-031297
6. it gave it to him
FC jc-031297

0. they gave it to him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they gave it to him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they gave it to him

3. they gave it to him

4. they gave it to him

FC jc-031297
5. they gave it to him
FC jc-031297

0. he permitted it

1. he permitted it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he permitted it

3. he permitted it

4. he permitted it
FC jc-031297
5. he permitted it
FC jc-031297

0. ic quinextia, in zan icnoyotl, netoliniliztli,
oquimacehualti thus it indicated that his reward had
become only poverty and misery
<o:-p33-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08-prt1 (b5 f1 c p158)
1. ic quinextia, in zan icnoyotl, netoliniliztli,
oquimacehualti thus it indicated that his reward had
become only poverty and misery
<o:-p33-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08-prt1> (b5 f1 c p158) JC-7/23/96

0. he seized it with his paws, grabbed it with his paws

1. he seized it with his paws, grabbed it with his paws

FC -> jc-72895
2. he seized it with his paws, grabbed it with his paws

3. he seized it with his paws, grabbed it with his paws

4. he seized it with his paws, grabbed it with his paws
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. he seized it with his paws, grabbed it with his paws
FC jc-031297

0. auh inic huel quineltiliaya in tlatoani in teneteilhuil
anozo tetlatlacol quimixquetzaya, quinpepenaya in
iteuctlatocahuan: yehuantin in tlazopipilti, in
tlayecoltilo in oncan in quini, in quicuani, in
mocuiltonoa, ihuan tiacahuan, oquichti, in yaoc
omozcaltique, miyec tlamantli tecoco netoliniliztli,
oquimahuizoque: and in order that the ruler might verify
one's accusations and guilt, there were placed in office,
and [the ruler] chose, as his judges, the princes, those
who were endowed with the necessities of life, those
provided with drink and food---the rich; and the brave
warriors and men [at arms], who had been reared in war and
had gloried in all kinds of suffering and misery
<o:-p33-mahui-liz-v03b-caus08-prt1-plur01 (b8 f3 c17 p54),
2 auh zan no iuhqui, inic quinpepenaya tlatoani, inic
quimixquetzaya in teuctlatoque, in mexica, in amo pipilti
yehuantin in cualli yectli, innehuapahualiz, innezcaltiliz,
in yaoc omohuapauhque, in tiacahuan in oquichti, in miyec
tlamantli oquimahuizoque, iteicneliliz tlatoani, and
likewise the ruler thus chose and placed in office judges
of the mexicans who were not noblemen---those of sound and
righteous upbringing, who had been reared in war: brave
warriors and men [at arms] who in many ways had won glory
by the favor of the ruler
<o:-p33-mahui-liz-v03b-caus08-prt1-plur01 (b8 f3 c17 p54),
3 in intlatquia, in intlamamaya, in intlacazcaltiaya, in
intlacahuapahuaya, inic otlamahuizoque, in iuhcan in
cuauhtla, in zacatla: this they have carried and borne; it
tutored and trained, so that they benefited in such places
as the mountains and the deserts
<o:-p51-mahui-liz-v03b-caus06-prt1-plur01 (b4 f6 c17 p60)
1. auh inic huel quineltiliaya in tlatoani in teneteilhuil
anozo tetlatlacol quimixquetzaya, quinpepenaya in
iteuctlatocahuan: yehuantin in tlazopipilti, in
tlayecoltilo in oncan in quini, in quicuani, in
mocuiltonoa, ihuan tiacahuan, oquichti, in yaoc
omozcaltique, miyec tlamantli tecoco netoliniliztli,
oquimahuizoque: and in order that the ruler might verify
one's accusations and guilt, there were placed in office,
and [the ruler] chose, as his judges, the princes, those
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

who were endowed with the necessities of life, those

provided with drink and food---the rich; and the brave
warriors and men [at arms], who had been reared in war and
had gloried in all kinds of suffering and misery
<o:-p33-mahui-liz-v03b-caus08-prt1-plur01> (b8 f3 c17 p54) JC-7/23/96
2. auh zan no iuhqui, inic quinpepenaya tlatoani, inic
quimixquetzaya in teuctlatoque, in mexica, in amo pipilti
yehuantin in cualli yectli, innehuapahualiz, innezcaltiliz,
in yaoc omohuapauhque, in tiacahuan in oquichti, in miyec
tlamantli oquimahuizoque, iteicneliliz tlatoani, and
likewise the ruler thus chose and placed in office judges
of the mexicans who were not noblemen---those of sound and
righteous upbringing, who had been reared in war: brave
warriors and men [at arms] who in many ways had won glory
by the favor of the ruler
<o:-p33-mahui-liz-v03b-caus08-prt1-plur01> (b8 f3 c17 p54) JC-7/23/96

0. inic otlamanitiaya, inic oquimahuiztiliaya,
oquitlaecoltiaya, hence they made offerings to him; hence
they honored him, they exerted themselves for him
<o:-p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b3 f1 c1 p5)
1. they paid honor to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they paid honor to him
3. inic otlamanitiaya, inic oquimahuiztiliaya,
oquitlaecoltiaya, hence they made offerings to him; hence
they honored him, they exerted themselves for him
<o:-p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b3 f1 c1 p5)
4. they paid honor to him
5. they paid honor to him <o:-p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3>
<o:-p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they paid honor to him <o:-p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3>
<o:-p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they paid honor to him <o:-p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3>
<o:-p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. inic otlamanitiaya, inic oquimahuiztiliaya,
oquitlaecoltiaya, hence they made offerings to him; hence
they honored him, they exerted themselves for him
<o:-p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b3 f1 c1 p5) JC-7/23/96
9. they paid honor to him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

10. they paid honor to him

FC jc-031297

0. he placed it

1. he placed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he placed it

3. he placed it

4. he placed it
FC jc-031297
5. he placed it
FC jc-031297

0. in yeh amo oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. cox ompa tlahtec yocatca ce coatl; E'l no sabi'a que ahi'
dentro ya estaba una culebra He did not know that inside
there was already a snake

0. they came to know it
FC jc-031297

0. they went learning it, they went knowing it

1. they went learning it, they went knowing it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they went learning it, they went knowing it

3. they went learning it, they went knowing it

4. they went learning it, they went knowing it

FC jc-031297
5. they went learning it, they went knowing it
FC jc-031297

0. lo cargaban ( they were carrying it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he [ h ] suffered fatigue
FC jc-031297

0. les deci'an ( they said it to them )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. fue a deci'rselos ( he went to say it to them )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he made it roll

1. he made it roll
FC -> jc-72895
2. he made it roll

3. he made it roll

4. he made it roll
FC jc-031297
5. he made it roll
FC jc-031297

0. he beheld them, he saw them; he looked upon them
1. he beheld them, he saw them; he looked upon them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he beheld them, he saw them; he looked upon them
3. he beheld them, he saw them; he looked upon them
4. he beheld them, he saw them; he looked upon them
<o:-p43-itta-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he beheld them, he saw them; he looked upon them
FC jc-031297
6. he beheld them, he saw them; he looked upon them
FC jc-031297

0. they saw them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they saw them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they saw them
3. they saw them
4. they saw them <p43-itta-plur01>
<p43-itta-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they saw them
FC jc-031297
6. they saw them
FC jc-031297

0. he [h] made it

1. he [ h ] made it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he [h] made it

3. he [h] made it

4. he [ h ] made it
FC jc-031297
5. he [ h ] made it
FC jc-031297

0. he [ h ] became weary
FC jc-031297

0. they took care of him

1. they took care of him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they took care of him

3. they took care of him

4. they took care of him

FC jc-031297
5. they took care of him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. se dijo a si' mismo ( he said it to himself )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. le dijo [ H ] ( she said to him [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. se [ H ] lo dijo ( she said it to him; she told him [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. se [ H ] lo dijo ( she said it to him; she told him [ H ]
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he rescued it
FC jc-031297

0. he willed it; he determined it

1. he willed it; he determined it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he willed it; he determined it

3. he willed it; he determined it

4. he willed it; he determined it

FC jc-031297
5. he willed it; he determined it
FC jc-031297

0. they went to strike each one of them

1. they went to strike each one of them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to strike each one of them

3. they went to strike each one of them

4. they went to strike each one of them

FC jc-031297
5. they went to strike each one of them
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they killed them, they slayed them

1. they killed them, they slayed them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they killed them, they slayed them

3. they killed them, they slayed them

4. they killed them, they slayed them

FC jc-031297
5. they killed them, they slayed them
FC jc-031297

0. he lost them
FC jc-031297

0. le gustaba [ H ] ( he [ H ] liked it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. lo [ H ] ayudaron ( they helped him [ H ] )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. he offended him [h]

1. he offended him [ h ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. he offended him [h]

3. he offended him [h]

4. he offended him [ h ]
FC jc-031297
5. he offended him [ h ]
FC jc-031297

0. they offended him

1. they offended him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they offended him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they offended him

4. they offended him

FC jc-031297
5. they offended him
FC jc-031297

0. los teni'a ( he had them )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he carried it, he embraced it
1. he carried it, he embraced it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he carried it, he embraced it
3. he carried it, he embraced it
4. he carried it, he embraced it <o:-p33-na:paloa:-prt1>
<o:-p33-na:paloa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he carried it, he embraced it <o:-p33-na:paloa:-prt1>
<o:-p33-na:paloa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he carried it, he embraced it
FC jc-031297
7. he carried it, he embraced it
FC jc-031297

0. it left them
FC jc-031297

0. they assembled them
FC jc-031297

0. they made them

1. they made them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they made them

3. they made them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they made them

FC jc-031297
5. they made them
FC jc-031297

0. he wished it, he wanted it
1. he wished it, he wanted it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he wished it, he wanted it
3. he wished it, he wanted it
4. he wished it, he wanted it <o:-p33-nequi-prt1>
<o:-p33-nequi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he wished it, he wanted it <o:-p33-nequi-prt1>
<o:-p33-nequi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he wished it, he wanted it
FC jc-031297
7. he wished it, he wanted it
FC jc-031297

0. they deliberated about it, they considered it

1. they deliberated about it, they considered it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they deliberated about it, they considered it

3. they deliberated about it, they considered it

4. they deliberated about it, they considered it

FC jc-031297
5. they deliberated about it, they considered it
FC jc-031297

0. lo queri'an ( they wanted it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he smelled it; they smelled it

1. he smelled it; they smelled it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he smelled it; they smelled it

3. he smelled it; they smelled it

4. he smelled it; they smelled it

FC jc-031297
5. he smelled it; they smelled it
FC jc-031297

0. they found it

1. they found it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they found it

3. they found it

4. they found it
FC jc-031297
5. they found it
FC jc-031297

0. los llevaban ( they were carrying them )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he saw them

1. he saw them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he saw them

3. he saw them

4. he saw them
FC jc-031297
5. he saw them
FC jc-031297

0. he gave it to them

1. he gave it to them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he gave it to them

3. he gave it to them

4. he gave it to them
FC jc-031297
5. he gave it to them
FC jc-031297

0. les gustaba ( they liked it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. he placed them in a reed chest

1. he placed them in a reed chest

FC -> jc-72895
2. he placed them in a reed chest

3. he placed them in a reed chest

4. he placed them in a reed chest

FC jc-031297
5. he placed them in a reed chest
FC jc-031297

0. he destroyed them

1. he destroyed them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he destroyed them

3. he destroyed them

4. he destroyed them
FC jc-031297
5. he destroyed them
FC jc-031297

0. he hid them
<o:-p43-p54-tla:tia:2-ben-prt1 H1>
1. he hid them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he hid them
<o:-p43-p54-tla:tia:2-ben-prt1 H1>
3. he hid them
<o:-p43-p54-tla:tia:2-ben-prt1 H1>
4. he hid them <o:-p43-p54-tla:tia:2-ben-prt1 H1>
<o:-p43-p54-tla:tia:2-ben-prt1 H1>FC - > jc-61096
5. he hid them <o:-p43-p54-tla:tia:2-ben-prt1 H1>
<o:-p43-p54-tla:tia:2-ben-prt1 H1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he hid them <o:-p43-p54-tla:tia:2-ben-prt1 H1>
<o:-p43-p54-tla:tia:2-ben-prt1 H1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he hid them
FC jc-031297
8. he hid them
FC jc-031297

0. they came upon them, they found them
FC jc-031297

0. they formed them

1. they formed them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they formed them

3. they formed them

4. they formed them

FC jc-031297
5. they formed them
FC jc-031297

0. he destroyed them

1. he destroyed them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he destroyed them

3. he destroyed them

4. he destroyed them
FC jc-031297
5. he destroyed them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they went to drive them out

1. they went to drive them out

FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to drive them out

3. they went to drive them out

4. they went to drive them out

FC jc-031297
5. they went to drive them out
FC jc-031297

0. she gave birth to them
1. she gave birth to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. she gave birth to them
3. she gave birth to them
4. she gave birth to them <o:-p43-tla:catl-v01a-caus04>
<o:-p43-tla:catl-v01a-caus04> FC - > jc-61096
5. she gave birth to them <o:-p43-tla:catl-v01a-caus04>
<o:-p43-tla:catl-v01a-caus04> FC - > jc-61096
6. she gave birth to them
FC jc-031297
7. she gave birth to them
FC jc-031297

0. he hid them

1. he hid them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he hid them

3. he hid them

4. he hid them
FC jc-031297
5. he hid them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he made them speak

1. he made them speak

FC -> jc-72895
2. he made them speak

3. he made them speak

4. he made them speak

FC jc-031297
5. he made them speak
FC jc-031297

0. they took them up
FC jc-031297

0. they came to govern it

1. they came to govern it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they came to govern it

3. they came to govern it

4. they came to govern it

FC jc-031297
5. they came to govern it
FC jc-031297

0. they began it

1. they began it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they began it

3. they began it

4. they began it
FC jc-031297
5. they began it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he guarded it
1. he guarded it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he guarded it
3. he guarded it
4. he guarded it <o:-p33-piya-ya3>
<o:-p33-piya-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he guarded it <o:-p33-piya-ya3>
<o:-p33-piya-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he guarded it
FC jc-031297
7. he guarded it
FC jc-031297

0. lo teni'an ( they had it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. lo tuvo ( she had it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. they drank it

1. they drank it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they drank it

3. they drank it

4. they drank it
FC jc-031297
5. they drank it
FC jc-031297

0. he brought it forth

1. he brought it forth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he brought it forth

3. he brought it forth

4. he brought it forth
FC jc-031297
5. he brought it forth
FC jc-031297

0. he saw her, he looked upon her

1. he saw her, he looked upon her

FC -> jc-72895
2. he saw her, he looked upon her

3. he saw her, he looked upon her

4. he saw her, he looked upon her

FC jc-031297
5. he saw her, he looked upon her
FC jc-031297

0. la vieron ( they saw her )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. they dug it
1. they dug it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they dug it
3. they dug it
4. they dug it <o:-p33-tataca-plur01>
<o:-p33-tataca-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they dug it
FC jc-031297
6. they dug it
FC jc-031297

0. lo vei'a ( she saw it )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he laid her down, he misused her
1. he laid her down, he misused her
FC -> jc-72895
2. he laid her down, he misused her
3. he laid her down, he misused her
4. he laid her down, he misused her <o:-p33-te:ca-prt2>
<o:-p33-te:ca-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he laid her down, he misused her
FC jc-031297
6. he laid her down, he misused her
FC jc-031297

0. he gave it to someone
1. he gave it to someone
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gave it to someone
3. he gave it to someone
4. he gave it to someone <o:-p33-p52-maca-prt2>
<o:-p33-p52-maca-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he gave it to someone
FC jc-031297
6. he gave it to someone
FC jc-031297

0. he said it, he stated it
FC jc-031297

0. he troubled him

1. he troubled him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he troubled him

3. he troubled him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he troubled him
FC jc-031297
5. he troubled him
FC jc-031297

0. they ground it up

1. they ground it up
FC -> jc-72895
2. they ground it up

3. they ground it up

4. they ground it up
FC jc-031297
5. they ground it up
FC jc-031297

0. they prepared food for him

1. they prepared food for him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they prepared food for him

3. they prepared food for him

4. they prepared food for him

FC jc-031297
5. they prepared food for him
FC jc-031297

0. he placed it, he put it
1. he placed it, he put it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he placed it, he put it
3. he placed it, he put it
4. he placed it, he put it <o:-p33-tla:lia-prt1>
<o:-p33-tla:lia-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he placed it, he put it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. he placed it, he put it
FC jc-031297

0. inic amo oquitlazotlaque in intzontecon, in imelchiquiuh,
ca amo cacuique quinencuique inic oquittaque in
tachcauhyotl, in huehueyotl, inic ye petlati, ye icpalti,
inic ye contlanehui in inpetl, in imicpal in pochteca for
not without reason did the merchants take and find
leadership and the wisdom of old age, become leaders, and
receive their authority in exchange
<o:-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-plur01 (b4 f7 c17 p62)
1. inic amo oquitlazotlaque in intzontecon, in imelchiquiuh,
ca amo cacuique quinencuique inic oquittaque in
tachcauhyotl, in huehueyotl, inic ye petlati, ye icpalti,
inic ye contlanehui in inpetl, in imicpal in pochteca for
not without reason did the merchants take and find
leadership and the wisdom of old age, become leaders, and
receive their authority in exchange
<o:-p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-plur01> (b4 f7 c17 p62) JC-7/23/96

0. he said it

1. he said it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he said it

3. he said it

4. he said it
FC jc-031297
5. he said it
FC jc-031297

0. lo deci'an ( they were saying it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. they buried him

1. they buried him

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they buried him

3. they buried him

4. they buried him

FC jc-031297
5. they buried him
FC jc-031297

0. they had gone following him

1. they had gone following him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they had gone following him

3. they had gone following him

4. they had gone following him

FC jc-031297
5. they had gone following him
FC jc-031297

0. they called him, they named him; they named it; they gave
it a name
FC jc-031297

0. he knocked him down

1. he knocked him down

FC -> jc-72895
2. he knocked him down

3. he knocked him down

4. he knocked him down

FC jc-031297
5. he knocked him down
FC jc-031297

0. he saw it; he found it; he saw her; he sought it; it saw
it; she saw him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he saw her; he saw it; he found it; he sought it; it saw it

FC -> jc-72895
2. she saw him
FC -> jc-72895
3. he saw it; he found it; he saw her; he sought it; it saw
it; she saw him
4. he saw it; he found it; he saw her; he sought it; it saw
it; she saw him
5. he saw it; he found it; he saw her; he sought it; it saw
it; she saw him <o:-p33-itta-prt2>
<o:-p33-itta-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. he saw her; he saw it; he found it; he sought it; it saw it
FC jc-031297
7. she saw him
FC jc-031297
8. he saw her; he saw it; he found it; he sought it; it saw it
FC jc-031297
9. she saw him
FC jc-031297

0. he came to see it, he came to seek it
1. he came to see it, he came to seek it; they came to see him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he came to see it, he came to seek it
3. he came to see it, he came to seek it
4. he came to see it, he came to seek it <o:-p33-itta-dir1b>
<o:-p33-itta-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
5. he came to see it, he came to seek it <o:-p33-itta-dir1b>
<o:-p33-itta-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
6. he came to see it, he came to seek it <o:-p33-itta-dir1b>
<o:-p33-itta-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
7. he came to see it, he came to seek it; they came to see him
FC jc-031297
8. he came to see it, he came to seek it; they came to see him
FC jc-031297

0. they saw it; they discovered it; they found it; they saw him
1. they saw him; they saw it; they discovered it; they found it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they saw it; they discovered it; they found it; they saw him
3. they saw it; they discovered it; they found it; they saw him
4. they saw it; they discovered it; they found it; they saw
him <o:-p33-itta-plur01>
<o:-p33-itta-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they saw him; they saw it; they discovered it; they found it
FC jc-031297
6. they saw him; they saw it; they discovered it; they found it
FC jc-031297

0. they saw it

1. they saw it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they saw it

3. they saw it

4. they saw it
FC jc-031297
5. they saw it
FC jc-031297

0. fue a verlo ( he went to see him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. they blocked it
FC jc-031297

0. they introduced it, they began it

1. they introduced it, they began it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they introduced it, they began it

3. they introduced it, they began it

4. they introduced it, they began it

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they introduced it, they began it

FC jc-031297

0. they knew, they realized
1. they knew, they realized
FC -> jc-72895
2. they knew, they realized
3. they knew, they realized
4. they knew, they realized <o:-p33-i:xtli-mati-prt1-plur01>
<o:-p33-i:xtli-mati-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they knew, they realized <o:-p33-i:xtli-mati-prt1-plur01>
<o:-p33-i:xtli-mati-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they knew, they realized
FC jc-031297
7. they knew, they realized
FC jc-031297

0. they flayed her

1. they flayed her

FC -> jc-72895
2. they flayed her

3. they flayed her

4. they flayed her

FC jc-031297
5. they flayed her
FC jc-031297

0. there was coming to go forth
FC jc-031297

0. he came forth; he emerged; he issued; it came; it came
forth; it came out; it departed; it left; it ended; it
passed; it went away; it went out; it emerged
1. he came forth; he emerged; he issued; it came; it came
forth; it came out; it departed; it left; it ended; it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

passed; it went away; it went out; it emerged

FC -> jc-72895
2. he came forth; he emerged; he issued; it came; it came
forth; it came out; it departed; it left; it ended; it
passed; it went away; it went out; it emerged
3. he came forth; he emerged; he issued; it came; it came
forth; it came out; it departed; it left; it ended; it
passed; it went away; it went out; it emerged
4. it came forth, it came out; it departed; it left; it went
out; it emerged; it passed <o:-qui:za-prt1>
<o:-qui:za-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he came forth; he emerged; he issued; he went out; it came;
it came forth; it came out; it emerged; it departed; it
left; it ended; it passed; it went away; it went out
FC jc-031297
6. he came forth; he emerged; he issued; he went out; it came;
it came forth; it came out; it emerged; it departed; it
left; it ended; it passed; it went away; it went out
FC jc-031297
7. ceppa ce totochtzin oquiz den icoyoc; Una vez un conejito
salio' de su agujero; Once a little rabbit came out of its
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. they came to emerge

1. they came to emerge

FC -> jc-72895
2. they came to emerge

3. they came to emerge

4. he came to emerge, he came to land; it came to rise; it

came to emerge; they came to emerge
FC jc-031297
5. he came to emerge, he came to land; it came to rise; it
came to emerge; they came to emerge
FC jc-031297

0. they went to go out
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he spewed it, he vomited it

1. he spewed it, he vomited it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he spewed it, he vomited it

3. he spewed it, he vomited it

4. he spewed it, he vomited it

FC jc-031297
5. he spewed it, he vomited it
FC jc-031297

0. it made him swoon, it made him faint
FC jc-031297

0. they went forth; they left; they set forth
1. they came out; they left; they set forth; they went forth;
they went out
FC -> jc-72895
2. they went forth; they left; they set forth
3. they went forth; they left; they set forth
4. they went forth; they left; they set forth
<o:-qui:za-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they came out; they left; they set forth; they went forth;
they went out
FC jc-031297
6. they came out; they left; they set forth; they went forth;
they went out
FC jc-031297

0. salieron ( they went out )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. ahorita ( right now )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. there was arranging of people, there was adorning of
people; there was ornamenting of people

1. there was arranging of people, there was adorning of

people; there was ornamenting of people
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was arranging of people, there was adorning of
people; there was ornamenting of people

3. there was arranging of people, there was adorning of

people; there was ornamenting of people

4. there was arranging of people, there was adorning of

people; there was ornamenting of people
FC jc-031297
5. there was arranging of people, there was adorning of
people; there was ornamenting of people
FC jc-031297

0. he sent us
FC jc-031297

0. it did put us

1. it did put us
FC -> jc-72895
2. it did put us

3. it did put us

4. it did put us
FC jc-031297
5. it did put us
FC jc-031297

0. nos dio alegri'a ( it pleased us; we liked it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. nos dio alegri'a ( it pleased us; we liked it
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. he shamed us
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. with others, with people

1. with others, with people

FC -> jc-72895
2. with others, with people

3. with others, with people

4. with others, with people

5. with others, with people

6. with others, with people <o:-poss-hua:n1>
<o:-poss-hua:n1> FC - > jc-61096
7. with others, with people <o:-poss-hua:n1>
<o:-poss-hua:n1> FC - > jc-61096
8. with others, with people
FC jc-031297
9. with others, with people
FC jc-031297

0. he was an impersonator

1. he was an impersonator
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was an impersonator

3. he was an impersonator

4. he was an impersonator
FC jc-031297
5. he was an impersonator
FC jc-031297

0. he descended

1. he descended
FC -> jc-72895
2. he descended

3. he descended
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he descended
FC jc-031297
5. he descended
FC jc-031297

0. at the edge of the road
FC jc-031297

0. llamaba a la gente ( he called people )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. edge of the road
FC jc-031297

0. they spoke divinely
1. they spoke divinely
FC -> jc-72895
2. they spoke divinely
3. they spoke divinely
4. they spoke divinely <o:-teo:tl-p51-ihtoa:-prt1-plur01>
<o:-teo:tl-p51-ihtoa:-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they spoke divinely <o:-teo:tl-p51-ihtoa:-prt1-plur01>
<o:-teo:tl-p51-ihtoa:-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they spoke divinely
FC jc-031297
7. they spoke divinely
FC jc-031297

0. they were aiding people
1. they were aiding people
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were aiding people
3. they were aiding people
4. they were aiding people <o:-p52-pale:huia:-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<o:-p52-pale:huia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

5. they were aiding people <o:-p52-pale:huia:-ya3>
<o:-p52-pale:huia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were aiding people
FC jc-031297
7. they were aiding people
FC jc-031297

0. he fulfilled his task, his did his work
1. he fulfilled his task, his did his work; she worked; she
FC -> jc-72895
2. he fulfilled his task, his did his work
3. he fulfilled his task, his did his work
4. he fulfilled his task, his did his work
<o:-tequitl-v04b-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he fulfilled his task, his did his work
<o:-tequitl-v04b-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he fulfilled his task, his did his work; he worked; she
worked; she labored
FC jc-031297
7. he fulfilled his task, his did his work; he worked; she
worked; she labored
FC jc-031297

0. trabajaba ( he was working )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he committed adultery

1. he committed adultery
FC -> jc-72895
2. he committed adultery

3. he committed adultery

4. he committed adultery
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he committed adultery
FC jc-031297

0. they tempted people

1. they tempted people

FC -> jc-72895
2. they tempted people

3. they tempted people

4. they tempted people

FC jc-031297
5. they tempted people
FC jc-031297

0. you went

1. you went
FC -> jc-72895
2. you went

3. you went

4. you went
FC jc-031297
5. you went
FC jc-031297

0. you left it behind, you left it

1. you left it behind, you left it

FC -> jc-72895
2. you left it behind, you left it

3. you left it behind, you left it

4. you left it behind, you left it

FC jc-031297
5. you left it behind, you left it
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. you did it

1. you did it
FC -> jc-72895
2. you did it

3. you did it
4. you did it

5. you did it
6. you did it <o:-p12-p33-chi:hua-prt1>
<o:-p12-p33-chi:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. you did it
FC jc-031297
8. you did it
FC jc-031297

0. we did it
FC jc-031297

0. you ate it

1. you ate it
FC -> jc-72895
2. you ate it

3. you ate it

4. you ate it
FC jc-031297
5. you ate it
FC jc-031297

0. you wept
FC jc-031297

0. we marveled at it
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. you suffered exhaustion; you suffered fatigue

1. you suffered exhaustion; you suffered fatigue

FC -> jc-72895
2. you suffered exhaustion; you suffered fatigue

3. you suffered exhaustion; you suffered fatigue

4. you suffered exhaustion; you suffered fatigue

FC jc-031297
5. you suffered exhaustion; you suffered fatigue
FC jc-031297

0. you [H] made it
<o:-p12-p54-chi:hua-ben-H5 H1>
1. you [ h ] made it
FC -> jc-72895
2. you [H] made it
<o:-p12-p54-chi:hua-ben-H5 H1>
3. you [H] made it
<o:-p12-p54-chi:hua-ben-H5 H1>
4. you [H] made it <o:-p12-p54-chi:hua-ben-H5 H1>
<o:-p12-p54-chi:hua-ben-H5 H1> FC - > jc-61096
5. you [H] made it <o:-p12-p54-chi:hua-ben-H5 H1>
<o:-p12-p54-chi:hua-ben-H5 H1> FC - > jc-61096
6. you [H] made it <o:-p12-p54-chi:hua-ben-H5 H1>
<o:-p12-p54-chi:hua-ben-H5 H1> FC - > jc-61096
7. you [H] made it <o:-p12-p54-chi:hua-ben-H5 H1>
<o:-p12-p54-chi:hua-ben-H5 H1> FC - > jc-61096
8. you [ h ] made it
FC jc-031297
9. you [ h ] made it
FC jc-031297

0. you suffered fatigue

1. you suffered fatigue

FC -> jc-72895
2. you suffered fatigue

3. you suffered fatigue

4. you suffered fatigue

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. you suffered fatigue

FC jc-031297

0. you filched it from her

1. you filched it from her

FC -> jc-72895
2. you filched it from her

3. you filched it from her

4. you filched it from her

FC jc-031297
5. you filched it from her
FC jc-031297

0. you were sent
FC jc-031297

0. you came

1. you came
FC -> jc-72895
2. you came

3. you came

4. you came
FC jc-031297
5. you came
FC jc-031297

0. we came
1. we came
FC -> jc-72895
2. we came
3. we came
4. we came <o:-p21-hua:l-yauh1-plur01>
<o:-p21-hua:l-yauh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. we came <o:-p21-hua:l-yauh1-plur01>
<o:-p21-hua:l-yauh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. we came <o:-p21-hua:l-yauh1-plur01>
<o:-p21-hua:l-yauh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. we came
FC jc-031297
8. we came
FC jc-031297

0. you [h] came

1. you [ h ] came
FC -> jc-72895
2. you [h] came

3. you [h] came

4. you [ h ] came
FC jc-031297
5. you [ h ] came
FC jc-031297

0. usted vino ( you [ H ] came )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. you were forsaken

1. you were forsaken

FC -> jc-72895
2. you were forsaken

3. you were forsaken

4. you were forsaken

FC jc-031297
5. you were forsaken
FC jc-031297

0. you matured

1. you matured
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. you matured

3. you matured

4. you matured
FC jc-031297
5. you matured
FC jc-031297

0. you made yourself into a deer, you became a deer

1. you made yourself into a deer, you became a deer

FC -> jc-72895
2. you made yourself into a deer, you became a deer

3. you made yourself into a deer, you became a deer

4. you made yourself into a deer, you became a deer

FC jc-031297
5. you made yourself into a deer, you became a deer
FC jc-031297

0. Te asustaste ayer ? Otimomahtih yalla ? Were you scared
yesterday ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. you came to stand

1. you came to stand

FC -> jc-72895
2. you came to stand

3. you came to stand

4. you came to stand

FC jc-031297
5. you came to stand
FC jc-031297

0. you were born (H)
<o:-p12-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
1. you were born (h)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. you were born (H)
<o:-p12-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
3. you were born (H)
<o:-p12-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
4. you were born (H) <o:-p12-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
<o:-p12-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1> FC - > jc-61096
5. you were born (H) <o:-p12-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
<o:-p12-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1> FC - > jc-61096
6. you were born (H) <o:-p12-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
<o:-p12-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1> FC - > jc-61096
7. you were born (H) <o:-p12-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1>
<o:-p12-p54-tla:catl-v01-ben-prt1 H1> FC - > jc-61096
8. you were born ( h )
FC jc-031297
9. you were born ( h )
FC jc-031297

0. you cast yourself, you threw yourself
1. you cast yourself, you threw yourself
FC -> jc-72895
2. you cast yourself, you threw yourself
3. you cast yourself, you threw yourself
4. you cast yourself, you threw yourself
<o:-p12-p54-tla:za-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. you cast yourself, you threw yourself
FC jc-031297
6. you cast yourself, you threw yourself
FC jc-031297

0. you drank it

1. you drank it
FC -> jc-72895
2. you drank it

3. you drank it

4. you drank it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. you drank it
FC jc-031297

0. we went to see them
FC jc-031297

0. we went to give it to them

1. we went to give it to them

FC -> jc-72895
2. we went to give it to them

3. we went to give it to them

4. we went to give it to them

FC jc-031297
5. we went to give it to them
FC jc-031297

0. you destroyed them

1. you destroyed them

FC -> jc-72895
2. you destroyed them

3. you destroyed them

4. you destroyed them

FC jc-031297
5. you destroyed them
FC jc-031297

0. we said it

1. we said it
FC -> jc-72895
2. we said it

3. we said it

4. we said it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. we said it
FC jc-031297

0. you saw it, you witnessed it
1. you saw him; you saw it; you witnessed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. you saw it, you witnessed it
3. you saw it, you witnessed it
4. you saw it, you witnessed it <o:-p12-p33-itta-prt2>
<o:-p12-p33-itta-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. you saw him; you saw it; you witnessed it
FC jc-031297
6. you saw him; you saw it; you witnessed it
FC jc-031297

0. we saw it

1. we saw it
FC -> jc-72895
2. we saw it

3. we saw it

4. we saw it
FC jc-031297
5. we saw it
FC jc-031297

0. you saw him

1. you saw him

FC -> jc-72895
2. you saw him

3. you saw him

4. you saw him

FC jc-031297
5. you saw him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. usted vino a vernos ( you [ H ] came to see us )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. you worked, you labored

1. you worked, you labored

FC -> jc-72895
2. you worked, you labored

3. you worked, you labored

4. you worked, you labored

FC jc-031297
5. you worked, you labored
FC jc-031297

0. you worked, you labored

1. you worked, you labored

FC -> jc-72895
2. you worked, you labored

3. you worked, you labored

4. you worked, you labored

FC jc-031297
5. you worked, you labored
FC jc-031297

0. you ate

1. you ate
FC -> jc-72895
2. you ate

3. you ate

4. you ate
FC jc-031297
5. you ate
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. you made yourself into a rabbit, you became a rabbit

1. you made yourself into a rabbit, you became a rabbit

FC -> jc-72895
2. you made yourself into a rabbit, you became a rabbit

3. you made yourself into a rabbit, you became a rabbit

4. you made yourself into a rabbit, you became a rabbit

FC jc-031297
5. you made yourself into a rabbit, you became a rabbit
FC jc-031297

0. it was said of us
1. it was said of us
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was said of us
3. it was said of us
4. it was said of us <o:-p21-ihtoa:-lo1-plur01>
<o:-p21-ihtoa:-lo1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was said of us <o:-p21-ihtoa:-lo1-plur01>
<o:-p21-ihtoa:-lo1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was said of us
FC jc-031297
7. it was said of us
FC jc-031297

0. she gave birth

1. she gave birth

FC -> jc-72895
2. she gave birth

3. she gave birth

4. she gave birth

FC jc-031297
5. she gave birth
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he was born; it became a man in form; it was born; it was
formed; it formed; she was born
1. he was born; it became a man in form; it was born; it
formed; it was formed
FC -> jc-72895
2. she was born
FC -> jc-72895
3. he was born; it became a man in form; it was born; it was
formed; it formed; she was born
4. he was born; it became a man in form; it was born; it was
formed; it formed; she was born
5. he was born; it became a man in form; it was born; it was
formed; it formed; she was born <o:-tla:catl-v01-prt1>
<o:-tla:catl-v01-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was born; it became a man in form; it was formed; it was
born; it formed <o:-tla:catl-v01-prt1>
<o:-tla:catl-v01-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it was born <o:-tla:catl-v01a-prt1>
<o:-tla:catl-v01a-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
8. he was born; it became a man in form; it was born; it
formed; it was formed
FC jc-031297
9. she was born
FC jc-031297
10. he was born; it became a man in form; it was born; it
formed; it was formed
FC jc-031297
11. she was born
FC jc-031297

0. nacieron ( they were born )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. they were born
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were born
3. they were born
4. they were born <o:-tla:catl-v01-plur01>
<o:-tla:catl-v01-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they were born <o:-tla:catl-v01-plur01>

<o:-tla:catl-v01-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. nacieron ( they were born )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. they were born
FC jc-031297
8. they were born
FC jc-031297

0. there was arranging

1. there was arranging

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was arranging

3. there was arranging

4. there was arranging

FC jc-031297
5. there was arranging
FC jc-031297

0. habi'a helado ( it had frozen; there had been a freeze )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. shield made of reeds
FC jc-031297

0. solid reed basket

1. solid reed basket

FC -> jc-72895
2. solid reed basket

3. solid reed basket

4. solid reed basket

FC jc-031297
5. solid reed basket
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. weaver of stout cane baskets

JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. seller of stout cane carrying basrets
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. she performed her service; she worked; she labored

1. she performed her service; she worked; she labored

FC -> jc-72895
2. she performed her service; she worked; she labored

3. she performed her service; she worked; she labored

4. he labored
FC jc-031297
5. she performed her service; she worked; she labored
FC jc-031297
6. he labored
FC jc-031297
7. she performed her service; she worked; she labored
FC jc-031297

0. they came to serve

1. they came to serve

FC -> jc-72895
2. they came to serve

3. they came to serve

4. they came to serve

FC jc-031297
5. they came to serve
FC jc-031297

0. he ate; it ate; it fed
1. he ate
FC -> jc-72895
2. it ate; it fed
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he ate; it ate; it fed

4. he ate; it ate; it fed
5. he ate; it ate; it fed <o:-p51-cua:>
<o:-p51-cua:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he ate
FC jc-031297
7. it ate; it fed
FC jc-031297
8. he ate
FC jc-031297
9. it ate; it fed
FC jc-031297

0. it hardened
1. it hardened
FC -> jc-72895
2. it hardened
3. it hardened
4. it hardened <o:-tlacua:hua-prt2>
<o:-tlacua:hua-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it hardened
FC jc-031297
6. it hardened
FC jc-031297

0. there was eating, there has been eating; people ate
1. there was eating, people ate; there has been eating
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was eating, there has been eating; people ate
3. there was eating, there has been eating; people ate
4. there was eating, there has been eating; people ate
<o:-p51-cua:-lo:2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was eating, there has been eating; people ate
<o:-p51-cua:-lo:2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. there was eating; people ate; there has been eating

FC jc-031297
7. there was eating; people ate; there has been eating
FC jc-031297

0. place of eating
1. place of eating
FC -> jc-72895
2. place of eating
3. place of eating
4. place of eating <o:-p51-cua:-lo:2-ya:n>
<o:-p51-cua:-lo:2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. place of eating <o:-p51-cua:-lo:2-ya:n>
<o:-p51-cua:-lo:2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. place of eating <o:-p51-cua:-lo:2-ya:n>
<o:-p51-cua:-lo:2-ya:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. place of eating
FC jc-031297
8. place of eating
FC jc-031297

0. they drank pulque, they got drunk

1. they drank pulque, they got drunk

FC -> jc-72895
2. they drank pulque, they got drunk

3. they drank pulque, they got drunk

4. they drank pulque, they got drunk

FC jc-031297
5. they drank pulque, they got drunk
FC jc-031297

0. he was abandoned to evil

1. he was abandoned to evil

FC -> jc-72895
2. he was abandoned to evil
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he was abandoned to evil

4. he was abandoned to evil

FC jc-031297
5. he was abandoned to evil
FC jc-031297

0. he hit the target, he found the right spot

1. he hit the target, he found the right spot

FC -> jc-72895
2. he hit the target, he found the right spot

3. he hit the target, he found the right spot

4. he hit the target, he found the right spot

FC jc-031297
5. he hit the target, he found the right spot
FC jc-031297

0. dry land
FC jc-031297

0. he was put
1. he was placed
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was put
3. he was put
4. he was put <o:-tla:lia-lo:1-prt2>
<o:-tla:lia-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was put <o:-tla:lia-lo:1-prt2>
<o:-tla:lia-lo:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was placed
FC jc-031297
7. he was placed
FC jc-031297

0. he died on the ground
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he died on the ground

FC -> jc-72895
2. he died on the ground

3. he died on the ground

4. he died on the ground

FC jc-031297
5. he died on the ground
FC jc-031297

0. it became dust
1. it became dust
FC -> jc-72895
2. it became dust
3. it became dust
4. it became dust <o:-tla:lli-v01-prt1>
<o:-tla:lli-v01-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it became dust <o:-tla:lli-v01-prt1>
<o:-tla:lli-v01-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it became dust <o:-tla:lli-v01a-prt1>
<o:-tla:lli-v01a-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it became dust
FC jc-031297
8. it became dust
FC jc-031297

0. on earth

1. on earth
FC -> jc-72895
2. on earth

3. on earth

4. on earth
FC jc-031297
5. on earth
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he came forth on earth

1. he came forth on earth

FC -> jc-72895
2. he came forth on earth

3. he came forth on earth

4. he came forth on earth

FC jc-031297
5. he came forth on earth
FC jc-031297

0. he came to reach the ground

1. he came to reach the ground

FC -> jc-72895
2. he came to reach the ground

3. he came to reach the ground

4. he came to reach the ground

FC jc-031297
5. he came to reach the ground
FC jc-031297

0. she took a captive

1. she took a captive

FC -> jc-72895
2. she took a captive

3. she took a captive

4. it made a catch
FC jc-031297
5. she took a captive
FC jc-031297
6. it made a catch
FC jc-031297
7. she took a captive
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. in intlatquia, in intlamamaya, in intlacazcaltiaya, in

intlacahuapahuaya, inic otlamahuizoque, in iuhcan in
cuauhtla, in zacatla: this they have carried and borne; it
tutored and trained, so that they benefited in such places
as the mountains and the deserts
<o:-p51-mahui-liz-v03b-caus06-prt1-plur01> (b4 f6 c17 p60) JC-7/23/96

0. it was offered

1. it was offered
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was offered

3. it was offered

4. it was offered
FC jc-031297
5. it was offered
FC jc-031297

0. they pointed

1. they pointed
FC -> jc-72895
2. they pointed

3. they pointed

4. they pointed
FC jc-031297
5. they pointed
FC jc-031297

0. terminaron ( they finished )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. he rolled something

1. he rolled something
FC -> jc-72895
2. he rolled something
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he rolled something

4. he rolled something
FC jc-031297
5. he rolled something
FC jc-031297

0. it ended, it came to an end; it finished; it was over

1. it ended, it came to an end; it finished; it was over

FC -> jc-72895
2. it ended, it came to an end; it finished; it was over

3. it ended, it came to an end; it finished; it was over

4. it ended, it came to an end; it finished; it was over

FC jc-031297
5. it ended, it came to an end; it finished; it was over
FC jc-031297

0. contesto' ( he answered )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he grieved, he sorrowed
1. he grieved, he sorrowed
FC -> jc-72895
2. he grieved, he sorrowed
3. he grieved, he sorrowed
4. he grieved, he sorrowed <o:-tlao:coya-prt1>
<o:-tlao:coya-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he grieved, he sorrowed; it was sad
FC jc-031297
6. he grieved, he sorrowed; it was sad
FC jc-031297

0. she created an affront
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. trumpets were blown

1. trumpets were blown

FC -> jc-72895
2. trumpets were blown

3. trumpets were blown

4. trumpets were blown

FC jc-031297
5. trumpets were blown
FC jc-031297

0. it opened

1. it opened
FC -> jc-72895
2. it opened

3. it opened

4. it opened
FC jc-031297
5. it opened
FC jc-031297

0. they were despoiled, they had something taken away from them

1. they were despoiled, they had something taken away from them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were despoiled, they had something taken away from them

3. they were despoiled, they had something taken away from them

4. they were despoiled, they had something taken away from them
FC jc-031297
5. they were despoiled, they had something taken away from them
FC jc-031297

0. it dawned, day broke
1. it dawned, day broke
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. it dawned, day broke

3. it dawned, day broke
4. it dawned, day broke <o:-tlathui-prt2>
<o:-tlathui-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it dawned, day broke
FC jc-031297
6. it dawned, day broke
FC jc-031297

0. it dawned on him, dawn came to him

1. it dawned on him, dawn came to him

FC -> jc-72895
2. it dawned on him, dawn came to him

3. it dawned on him, dawn came to him

4. it dawned on him, dawn came to him

FC jc-031297
5. it dawned on him, dawn came to him
FC jc-031297

0. cane, reed
1. cane stalk
FC -> jc-72895
2. cane stalk, reed
3. cane, reed
4. cane stalk, reed
5. cane stalk <otlatl>
<otlatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. cane, reed
FC - > jc-61096
7. cane stalk; reed; cane
FC jc-031297
8. cane stalk; reed; cane
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it burned
FC jc-031297

0. he committed a fault, he did wrong; he erred; he did evil;
she did evil; she did wrong; she erred
1. he committed a fault, he did wrong; he did evil; he erred;
she did evil; she did wrong; she erred
FC -> jc-72895
2. he committed a fault, he did wrong; he erred; he did evil;
she did evil; she did wrong; she erred
3. he committed a fault, he did wrong; he erred; he did evil;
she did evil; she did wrong; she erred
4. he committed a fault, he did wrong; he erred; he did evil;
she did evil; she did wrong; she erred
<o:-p51-ihtlacahui-caus06-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he committed a fault, he did wrong; he erred; he did evil;
she did evil; she did wrong; she erred
<o:-p51-ihtlacahui-caus06-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he committed a fault, he did wrong; he did evil; he erred;
she did evil; she did wrong; she erred
FC jc-031297
7. he committed a fault, he did wrong; he did evil; he erred;
she did evil; she did wrong; she erred
FC jc-031297

0. preguntaron ( they asked )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he spoke
1. he spoke
FC -> jc-72895
2. he spoke
3. he spoke
4. he spoke <o:-p51-ihtoa:-prt1>
<o:-p51-ihtoa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he spoke
FC jc-031297
6. he spoke
FC jc-031297

0. it travels

1. it travels
FC -> jc-72895
2. it travels

3. it travels

4. he follows a road; he follows his course; he follows his

path; he travels; he goes on his way; it advances on its
course; it travels
FC jc-031297
5. they follow a road; they follow along; they follow their
path; they travel; they travel a road
FC jc-031297
6. he follows a road; he follows his course; he follows his
path; he travels; he goes on his way; it advances on its
course; it travels
FC jc-031297
7. they follow a road; they follow along; they follow their
path; they travel; they travel a road
FC jc-031297

0. he followed his path
FC jc-031297

0. he ruled, he reigned, he governed
1. he ruled, he reigned, he governed
FC -> jc-72895
2. he ruled, he reigned, he governed
3. he ruled, he reigned, he governed
4. he ruled, he reigned, he governed <o:-tlahtoca:-v01a-prt1>
<o:-tlahtoca:-v01a-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he ruled, he reigned, he governed <o:-tlahtoca:-v01a-prt1>
<o:-tlahtoca:-v01a-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. he ruled, he reigned, he governed

FC jc-031297
7. he ruled, he reigned, he governed
FC jc-031297

0. they ruled, they reigned
1. they ruled, they reigned
FC -> jc-72895
2. they ruled, they reigned
3. they ruled, they reigned
4. they ruled, they reigned <o:-tlahtoca:-v01a-prt1-plur01>
<o:-tlahtoca:-v01a-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they ruled, they reigned <o:-tlahtoca:-v01a-prt1-plur01>
<o:-tlahtoca:-v01a-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they ruled, they reigned
FC jc-031297
7. they ruled, they reigned
FC jc-031297

0. he followed his path, he traveled; they traveled a road
FC jc-031297

0. they will follow a path, they will travel
FC jc-031297

0. one who carries a stout cane staff
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. stout traveling cane
FC jc-031297

0. they decreed, they ruled
1. they decreed, they ruled; they spoke
FC -> jc-72895
2. they decreed, they ruled
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they decreed, they ruled

4. they decreed, they ruled <o:-p51-ihtoa:-prt1-plur01>
<o:-p51-ihtoa:-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they decreed, they ruled; they spoke
FC jc-031297
6. they decreed, they ruled; they spoke
FC jc-031297

0. it became filth
1. it became filth
FC -> jc-72895
2. it became filth
3. it became filth
4. it became filth <o:-tlazo:lli-v01a-prt2>
<o:-tlazo:lli-v01a-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it became filth <o:-tlazo:lli-v01a-prt2>
<o:-tlazo:lli-v01a-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. it became filth
FC jc-031297
7. it became filth
FC jc-031297

0. he ascended, he climbed, he went up
1. he ascended, he climbed, he went up
FC -> jc-72895
2. he ascended, he climbed, he went up
3. he ascended, he climbed, he went up
4. he ascended, he climbed, he went up <o:-tlehco-prt2>
<o:-tlehco-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he ascended, he climbed, he went up
FC jc-031297
6. he ascended, he climbed, he went up
FC jc-031297

0. they ascended, they climbed up
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they ascended, they climbed up

FC -> jc-72895
2. they ascended, they climbed up
3. they ascended, they climbed up
4. they ascended, they climbed up <o:-tlehco-plur01>
<o:-tlehco-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they ascended, they climbed up
FC jc-031297
6. they ascended, they climbed up
FC jc-031297

0. he went to ascend, he went to climb; they went to climb up
1. he went to ascend, he went to climb; they went to climb up
FC -> jc-72895
2. he went to ascend, he went to climb; they went to climb up
3. he went to ascend, he went to climb; they went to climb up
4. he went to ascend, he went to climb; they went to climb up
<o:-tlehco-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
5. they went to climb up <o:-tlehco-dir2b>
<o:-tlehco-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
6. they went to climb up <o:-tlehco-dir2b>
<o:-tlehco-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
7. he went to ascend, he went to climb; they went to climb up
FC jc-031297
8. he went to ascend, he went to climb; they went to climb up
FC jc-031297

0. se subio' ( he climbed up )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. camino ( road )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. road; path; street; way
FC -> jc-72895
2. road <ohtli>
<ohtli> FC - > jc-61096
3. camino ( road )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

4. road; path; street; way
FC jc-031297
5. road; path; street; way
FC jc-031297

0. along the road; on the road; by the road; in the road; in
the street; on the ground; on the way
FC -> jc-72895
1. along the road; on the road; by the road; on the way; on
the ground; in the street; in the road <ohtli-ca2>
<ohtli-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
2. along the road; on the road; by the road; on the way; on
the ground; in the street; in the road <ohtli-ca2>
<ohtli-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
3. along the road; on the road; by the road; in the road; in
the street; on the ground; on the way
FC jc-031297
4. along the road; on the road; by the road; in the road; in
the street; on the ground; on the way
FC jc-031297

0. along the road
1. along the road
FC -> jc-72895
2. along the road
3. along the road
4. along the road <ohtli-pan>
<ohtli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. along the road <ohtli-pan>
<ohtli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. along the road
FC jc-031297
7. along the road
FC jc-031297

0. we took it, we grasped it

1. we took it, we grasped it

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. we took it, we grasped it

3. we took it, we grasped it

4. we took it, we grasped it

FC jc-031297
5. we took it, we grasped it
FC jc-031297

0. you heard it

1. you heard it
FC -> jc-72895
2. you heard it

3. you heard it

4. you heard it
FC jc-031297
5. you heard it
FC jc-031297

0. we ate it
FC jc-031297

0. you took it, you seized it

1. you took it, you seized it

FC -> jc-72895
2. you took it, you seized it

3. you took it, you seized it

4. you took it, you seized it

FC jc-031297
5. you took it, you seized it
FC jc-031297

0. we accepted it, we took it
1. we accepted it, we took it
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. we accepted it, we took it

3. we accepted it, we took it
4. we accepted it, we took it <o:-p21-p33-o:n-cui-prt1-plur01>
<o:-p21-p33-o:n-cui-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. we accepted it, we took it
FC jc-031297
6. we accepted it, we took it
FC jc-031297

0. we drank it
FC jc-031297

0. you had come

1. you had come

FC -> jc-72895
2. you had come

3. you had come

4. you had come

FC jc-031297
5. you had come
FC jc-031297

0. we heard it

1. we heard it
FC -> jc-72895
2. we heard it

3. we heard it

4. we heard it
FC jc-031297
5. we heard it
FC jc-031297

0. ommotlalito, **otoncalpolco**, cuauhtenaniotoc,
cuauhtenametoc in ithualli: they went to rest themselves at
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

otoncalpulco [where] about the courtyard lay wooden

barriers, wooden palisades
(b12 f5 p69) jc-030197
1. In teocalhuiacan oncalacque onmocacaltemato in
**otoncalpolco**, when they entered teocalhueyacan, they
went to settle themselves in the various buildings of the
otomi calpulli
(b12 f5 p73) jc-030197

0. otomA1 women

1. otomi' women
FC -> jc-72895
2. otomA1 women

3. otomA1 women

4. otom=A1 women
FC jc-031297
5. otom=A1 women
FC jc-031297

0. otomi song

1. otomi song
FC -> jc-72895
2. otomi song

3. otomi song

4. otomi song
FC jc-031297
5. otomi song
FC jc-031297

0. you became wealthy, you became prosperous
1. you became wealthy, you became prosperous
FC -> jc-72895
2. you became wealthy, you became prosperous
3. you became wealthy, you became prosperous
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. you became wealthy, you became prosperous

<o:-p12-o:n-p54-cuilto:noa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. you became wealthy, you became prosperous
FC jc-031297
6. you became wealthy, you became prosperous
FC jc-031297

0. otomA1 temple

1. otomi' temple
FC -> jc-72895
2. otomA1 temple

3. otomA1 temple

4. otom=A1 temple
FC jc-031297
5. otom=A1 temple
FC jc-031297

0. trail, little road
FC -> jc-72895
1. trail, little road <ohtli-to:n>
<ohtli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
2. trail, little road <ohtli-to:n>
<ohtli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
3. trail, little road
FC jc-031297
4. trail, little road
FC jc-031297

0. on us; upon us
1. above us
FC -> jc-72895
2. on us; upon us
FC -> jc-72895
3. on us; upon us
4. on us; upon us
5. on us <o:-poss-pan>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<o:-poss-pan> FC - > jc-61096

6. above us
FC jc-031297
7. on us; upon us
FC jc-031297
8. above us
FC jc-031297
9. on us; upon us
FC jc-031297

0. it befell us, it happened to us

1. it befell us, it happened to us

FC -> jc-72895
2. it befell us, it happened to us

3. it befell us, it happened to us

4. it befell us, it happened to us

FC jc-031297
5. it befell us, it happened to us
FC jc-031297

0. our heart

1. our heart
FC -> jc-72895
2. our heart

3. our heart

4. our heart
FC jc-031297
5. our heart
FC jc-031297

0. he cried out, he shouted; it screeched; it cried out
1. he cried out, he shouted; it screeched; it cried out
FC -> jc-72895
2. he cried out, he shouted; it screeched; it cried out
3. he cried out, he shouted; it screeched; it cried out
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he cried out, he shouted; it screeched; it cried out
<o:-tzahtzi-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he cried out, he shouted; it screeched; it cried out
FC jc-031297
6. he cried out, he shouted; it screeched; it cried out
FC jc-031297

0. there was shouting
1. there was shouting
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was shouting
3. there was shouting
4. there was shouting <o:-tzahtzi-hua2-prt2>
<o:-tzahtzi-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was shouting <o:-tzahtzi-hua2-prt2>
<o:-tzahtzi-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was shouting <o:-tzahtzi-hua2-prt2>
<o:-tzahtzi-hua2-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was shouting
FC jc-031297
8. there was shouting
FC jc-031297

0. it began
1. it began
FC -> jc-72895
2. it began
3. it began
4. it began <o:-tzi:ntli-v01-prt2>
<o:-tzi:ntli-v01-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it began <o:-tzi:ntli-v01-prt2>
<o:-tzi:ntli-v01-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. it began
FC jc-031297
7. it began
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it came to an end; it concluded; it passed; it ended
1. it came to an end; it concluded; it passed; it ended
FC -> jc-72895
2. it came to an end; it concluded; it passed; it ended
3. it came to an end; it concluded; it passed; it ended
4. it came to an end; it concluded; it passed; it ended
<o:-tzontli-qui:za-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it came to an end; it concluded; it passed; it ended
<o:-tzontli-qui:za-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it came to an end; it concluded; it passed; it ended
FC jc-031297
7. it came to an end; it concluded; it passed; it ended
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes pregnant

1. it becomes pregnant
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes pregnant

3. it becomes pregnant

4. it becomes pregnant
FC jc-031297
5. it becomes pregnant
FC jc-031297

0. she conceived, she became pregnant
FC jc-031297

0. pregnant woman
1. pregnant woman
FC -> jc-72895
2. pregnant woman
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. pregnant woman
4. pregnant woman <o:tztli>
<o:tztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. pregnant woman
FC jc-031297
6. pregnant woman
FC jc-031297
7. no ihuan in ihcuac otztli cihuatl
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
8. in ihcuac cualo tonatiuh

9. anozo metztli: amo huel quittaya

10. likewise

11. when a woman was with child during an eclipse of the sun or

12. she might might not look at it

0. two years
1. two years
FC -> jc-72895
2. two years
3. two years
4. two years <o:me-xihuitl1>
<o:me-xihuitl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. two years <o:me-xihuitl1>
<o:me-xihuitl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. two years
FC jc-031297
7. two years
FC jc-031297

0. resin exudes, resin flows out

1. resin exudes, resin flows out

FC -> jc-72895
2. resin exudes, resin flows out
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. resin exudes, resin flows out

4. resin exudes, resin flows out

FC jc-031297
5. resin exudes, resin flows out
FC jc-031297

0. ointment, resin

1. resin
FC -> jc-72895
2. ointment, resin

3. ointment, resin

4. ointment
FC - > jc-61096
5. resin
FC jc-031297
6. resin
FC jc-031297

0. two years

1. two years
FC -> jc-72895
2. two years

3. two years

4. two years
FC jc-031297
5. two years
FC jc-031297

0. at the end of two years
1. at the end of two years
FC -> jc-72895
2. at the end of two years
3. at the end of two years
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. at the end of two years <o:me-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2>
<o:me-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. at the end of two years <o:me-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2>
<o:me-xihuitl1-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. at the end of two years
FC jc-031297
7. at the end of two years
FC jc-031297

0. it soured

1. it soured
FC -> jc-72895
2. it soured

3. it soured

4. it soured
FC jc-031297
5. it soured
FC jc-031297

0. it budded
1. it budded
FC -> jc-72895
2. it budded
3. it budded
4. it budded <o:-xo:tla1-prt2>
<o:-xo:tla1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it budded
FC jc-031297
6. it budded
FC jc-031297

0. he went, he left; they went
1. he went; he left; it went
FC -> jc-72895
2. they went
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
3. he went, he left; they went
4. he went, he left; they went
5. he went, he left; they went <o:-yauh1>
<o:-yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he went; he left; it went
FC jc-031297
7. they went
FC jc-031297
8. he went; he left; it went
FC jc-031297
9. they went
FC jc-031297

0. fir tree
1. fir
FC -> jc-72895
2. fir

3. fir tree
4. fir

5. fir
FC jc-031297
6. fir
FC jc-031297

0. he died in battle
1. he died in battle
FC -> jc-72895
2. he died in battle
3. he died in battle
4. he died in battle <o:-ya:o:tl-miqui-prt1>
<o:-ya:o:tl-miqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he died in battle <o:-ya:o:tl-miqui-prt1>
<o:-ya:o:tl-miqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he died in battle
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. he died in battle
FC jc-031297

0. they went, they have gone; they departed
1. they departed, they went; they have gone
FC -> jc-72895
2. went away
3. went away
4. they went, they have gone; they departed
5. they went, they have gone; they departed
6. they went, they have gone; they departed <o:-yauh1-plur01>
<o:-yauh1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. went away
8. they departed, they went; they have gone
FC jc-031297
9. they departed, they went; they have gone
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes long

1. it becomes long
FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes long

3. it becomes long

4. it becomes long
FC jc-031297
5. it becomes long
FC jc-031297

0. he went
1. he went
FC -> jc-72895
2. he went
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he went
4. he went <o:-yauh1>
<o:-yauh1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he went
FC jc-031297
6. he went
FC jc-031297

0. he finished
1. he finished
FC -> jc-72895
2. he finished
3. he finished
4. he finished <o:-ye:ctli-v03b-prt1>
<o:-ye:ctli-v03b-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he finished <o:-ye:ctli-v03b-prt1>
<o:-ye:ctli-v03b-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he finished
FC jc-031297
7. he finished
FC jc-031297

0. night fell, it got dark

1. night fell, it got dark

FC -> jc-72895
2. night fell, it got dark

3. night fell, it got dark

4. it grew dark; night fell; it got dark

FC jc-031297
5. it grew dark; night fell; it got dark
FC jc-031297

0. it darkened, it got dark; it was night
1. it darkened, it got dark; it was night
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it darkened, it got dark; it was night
3. it darkened, it got dark; it was night
4. it darkened, it got dark; it was night <o:-yohua-prt2>
<o:-yohua-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. it darkened, it got dark; it was night; night fell; it
became dark
FC jc-031297
6. it darkened, it got dark; it was night; night fell; it
became dark
FC jc-031297

0. little bells
1. bell, shell rattle
FC jc-031297
2. bell, shell rattle
FC jc-031297

0. he goes howling
<oy?-yo?-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. he goes howling
FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes howling
<oy?-yo?-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. he goes howling
<oy?-yo?-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. he goes howling <oy?-yo?-ti1-nemi aux01>
<oy?-yo?-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes howling <oy?-yo?-ti1-nemi aux01>
<oy?-yo?-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes howling
FC jc-031297
7. he goes howling
FC jc-031297

0. warm

0. young monkeys
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<ozomahtli-dupl-cone:tl plur07>
1. young monkeys
FC -> jc-72895
2. young monkeys
<ozomahtli-dupl-cone:tl plur07>
3. young monkeys
<ozomahtli-dupl-cone:tl plur07>
4. young monkeys <ozomahtli-dupl-cone:tl plur07>
<ozomahtli-dupl-cone:tl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. young monkeys <ozomahtli-dupl-cone:tl plur07>
<ozomahtli-dupl-cone:tl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. young monkeys <ozomahtli-dupl-cone:tl plur07>
<ozomahtli-dupl-cone:tl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. young monkeys <ozomahtli-dupl-cone:tl plur07>
<ozomahtli-dupl-cone:tl plur07> FC - > jc-61096
8. young monkeys
FC jc-031297
9. young monkeys
FC jc-031297

0. monkey
1. monkey
FC -> jc-72895
2. monkey
3. monkey
4. monkey
5. monkey <ozomahtli>
<ozomahtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. monkey
FC jc-031297
7. monkey
FC jc-031297

0. monkeys
1. monkeys
FC -> jc-72895
2. monkeys
3. monkeys
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. monkeys <ozomahtli-plur02>
<ozomahtli-plur02> FC - > jc-61096
5. monkeys
FC jc-031297
6. monkeys
FC jc-031297

0. monkey
FC -> jc-72895
1. monkey <ozomahtli>
<ozomahtli> FC - > jc-61096
2. monkey
FC jc-031297
3. monkey
FC jc-031297

0. monkey

1. monkey
FC -> jc-72895
2. monkey

3. monkey

4. monkey
FC jc-031297
5. monkey
FC jc-031297

0. in a cave; in the cave; into the cave
1. in a cave; at a cave; from a cave; into a cave; in the
cave; into the cave
FC -> jc-72895
2. in a cave; in the cave; into the cave
3. in a cave; in the cave; into the cave
4. in a cave; in the cave; into the cave <o:zto:tl-co2>
<o:zto:tl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. in a cave; in the cave; into the cave <o:zto:tl-co2>
<o:zto:tl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. in a cave; at a cave; from a cave; into a cave; in the

cave; into the cave
FC jc-031297
7. in a cave; at a cave; from a cave; into a cave; in the
cave; into the cave
FC jc-031297

0. fox skin
1. fox skin
FC -> jc-72895
2. fox skin
3. fox skin
4. fox skin <o:zto:tl-e:huatl>
<o:zto:tl-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. fox skin <o:zto:tl-e:huatl>
<o:zto:tl-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. fox skin <o:zto:tl-e:huatl>
<o:zto:tl-e:huatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. fox skin
FC jc-031297
8. fox skin
FC jc-031297

0. grey fox; cave-dweller

1. grey fox; cave-dweller

FC -> jc-72895
2. grey fox, cave-dweller
<o:zto:tl-huah>-| jc-10896
3. grey fox, cave-dweller
<o:zto:tl-huah>-| jc-10896
4. grey fox; cave-dweller

5. grey fox; cave-dweller

6. grey fox, cave-dweller

<o:zto:tl-huah>-| jc-10896
7. grey fox; cave-dweller
FC jc-031297
8. grey fox; cave-dweller
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. vanguard merchants

1. vanguard merchants
FC -> jc-72895
2. vanguard merchants

3. vanguard merchants

4. vanguard merchants
FC jc-031297
5. vanguard merchants
FC jc-031297

0. large wooden stave
1. large wooden stave
FC -> jc-72895
2. large wooden stave
3. large wooden stave
4. large wooden stave <o:zto:tl-pilli-cuahuitl>
<o:zto:tl-pilli-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. large wooden stave <o:zto:tl-pilli-cuahuitl>
<o:zto:tl-pilli-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
6. large wooden stave <o:zto:tl-pilli-cuahuitl>
<o:zto:tl-pilli-cuahuitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. large wooden stave
FC jc-031297
8. large wooden stave
FC jc-031297

0. cave; spring
1. cave; spring
FC -> jc-72895
2. cave; spring
3. cave; spring
4. cave <o:zto:tl>
<o:zto:tl> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. cave; spring
FC jc-031297
6. cave; spring
FC jc-031297

0. grey fox skin

1. grey fox skin

FC -> jc-72895
2. grey fox skin

3. grey fox skin

4. grey fox skin

FC jc-031297
5. grey fox skin
FC jc-031297

0. grey fox skin

1. grey fox skin

FC -> jc-72895
2. grey fox skin

3. grey fox skin

4. grey fox skin

FC jc-031297
5. grey fox skin
FC jc-031297

0. having caves

1. having caves
FC -> jc-72895
2. having caves

3. having caves

4. having caves
FC jc-031297
5. having caves
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to
1. to dye
FC - > jc-61096

pa-| tlapaliztli
0. act of dying something

0. dye, color

0. wash

0. to wash, laudry
FC - > jc-61096

pa:ca tlapa:ctli
0. laundry, st washed
st washed

0. make so happy

1. to be content
FC - > jc-61096

0. there was rejoicing going on
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. there was rejoicing going on
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. there was rejoicing going on
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. there was rejoicing going on
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. there was rejoicing going on
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it will be washed
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it will be washed
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it will be washed
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it will be washed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it will be washed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it will be washed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it will be washed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. they will be washed
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they will be washed
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they will be washed
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. they will be washed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. they will be washed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they will be washed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. they will be washed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. cook

0. cook
FC - > jc-61096

0. st which is cooked

0. run
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. flag

0. row, wall

0. butterfly

0. happy

0. content
FC - > jc-61096
1. to be happy
FC - > jc-61096
2. rejoice
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems
3. be happy

pa:qui-| pa:quiliztli
0. happiness

0. she came to rejoice
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. happiness
FC - > jc-61096
1. happiness
-liz nom Jc-022897
2. happiness, act of rejoicing
-liztli nom (abs And poss) No 1 jc-022897
3. happiness
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
4. happiness
JC-05-07-97 -liztli nominalization ( abs and poss ) no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. act of rejoicing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
6. happiness
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
7. act of rejoicing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
8. happiness

9. act of rejoicing

10. happiness

0. make so happy
FC - > jc-61096

0. they will come to rejoice
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. he gives them contentment

0. dissolve, melt

0. melt, dissolve

0. squeeze, mash, deflate
1. (cf patzca) squeeze, mash, deflate
2. (cf patzca) squeeze, mash, deflate

0. squeeze
1. (cf patz) squeeze
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. (cf patz) squeeze


0. fuzzy worm

pacaya ( tla- )
0. lavaba ( she washed clothes )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

pacazque ( mo- )
0. se van a ban~ar ( they are going to bathe )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. peaceful life

1. peaceful life
FC -> jc-72895
2. peaceful life

3. peaceful life

4. peaceful life
FC jc-031297
5. peaceful life
FC jc-031297

0. press

0. to press
FC - > jc-61096

0. they press it

0. it wants to be satisfied
FC jc-031297

pachoc ( omo- )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. se acerco' ( he approached )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

pachoh ( omo- )
0. se acerco' ( he approached )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. low, squat

1. low, squat
FC -> jc-72895
2. low, squat

3. low, squat

4. flattened; low; squat

FC jc-031297
5. flattened; low; squat
FC jc-031297

0. wide and thick

1. wide and thick

FC -> jc-72895
2. wide and thick

3. wide and thick

4. wide and thick

FC jc-031297
5. wide and thick
FC jc-031297

0. kind of plant

0. rather squat; squat

1. rather squat; squat

FC -> jc-72895
2. rather squat; squat
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. rather squat; squat

4. rather squat; small and squat; squat

FC jc-031297
5. rather squat; small and squat; squat
FC jc-031297

pacmacato ( omo- )
0. fueron a darse placer ( they went to give themselves
pleasure )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. pleasurable
1. pleasurable
FC -> jc-72895
2. pleasurable
3. pleasurable
4. pleasurable <pa:qui-lo:2-hua2>
<pa:qui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. pleasurable <pa:qui-lo:2-hua2>
<pa:qui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
6. pleasurable <pa:qui-lo:2-hua2>
<pa:qui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
7. pleasurable <pa:qui-lo:2-hua2>
<pa:qui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
8. pleasurable
FC jc-031297
9. pleasurable
FC jc-031297

0. something that can be washed
1. something that can be washed
FC -> jc-72895
2. something that can be washed
3. something that can be washed
4. something that can be washed <pa:ca-lo:1-ni1>
<pa:ca-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. something that can be washed <pa:ca-lo:1-ni1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<pa:ca-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096

6. something that can be washed <pa:ca-lo:1-ni1>
<pa:ca-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. something that can be washed <pa:ca-lo:1-ni1>
<pa:ca-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. something that can be washed
FC jc-031297
9. something that can be washed
FC jc-031297
10. auh inin paconi
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
11. pitzaloni

12. atililoni

13. atiani

14. and this is that which can be washed

15. can be cast

16. can be liquefied; that which melts

0. happy
Adj Form jc-022897
1. happy
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. glad
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. blissful

4. blithe

5. cheerful

6. contented

7. delighted

8. gay

9. gladdened

10. joyful
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

11. happy

0. make ( so ) happy
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

pactiaya ( quin- )
0. les gustaba ( they liked it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. it is happy

1. it is happy
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is happy

3. it is happy

4. it is happy
FC jc-031297
5. it is happy
FC jc-031297

0. they were happy

1. they were happy

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were happy

3. they were happy

4. they were happy

FC jc-031297
5. they were happy
FC jc-031297

0. testicle

1. testicle
FC -> jc-72895
2. testicle
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. testicle

4. testicle
FC jc-031297
5. testicle
FC jc-031297

0. kind of bird

0. drugstore

1. drugstore
FC - > jc-61096
2. drugstore
FC - > jc-61096

0. medicine maker
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. medicine maker
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. medicine maker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. medicine maker
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. chewing motion

0. medicine
FC - > jc-61096

pahmaca tlapahmactli
0. st purged with medicine

0. medicine seller
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. medicine seller
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni

2. medicine seller
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. medicine seller
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. medicine store
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. medicine store
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. medicine store
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. medicine store
JC-05-07-97 -yan Locative Nouns

pahpaquizque ( ti- )
0. seremos felices ( we will be happy )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. place where medicine is kept
Loc Noun jc-022897
1. place where medicine is kept
JC-05-07-97 Location Nouns
2. place where medicine is kept
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. place where medicine is kept
JC-05-07-97 -yan Locative Nouns

0. one who keeps medicines
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. one who keeps medicines
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. one who keeps medicines
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. one who keeps medicines
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. to cure
FC - > jc-61096

pahti nimitzpahtia
0. I cure you
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. to heal so
FC - > jc-61096

pahtia-| tepahtiliztli
0. act of curing someone

0. cured
Adj Form jc-022897
1. cured
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. conserved
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. pickled

4. preserved

5. smoked

6. dehydrated

7. canned

8. bottled

9. dried

10. freeze-dried

11. cured

0. medicine, potion, cure
1. medicine; remedy; potion
2. potion

3. medicine, potion, cure

4. medicine; remedy; potion
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. potion

6. medicine
FC - > jc-61096
7. potion
FC - > jc-61096
8. potion
FC - > jc-61096
9. potion
FC - > jc-61096
10. potion
Noun jc-030797
11. potion
Noun jc-030797
12. potion
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
13. potion
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
14. potion
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
15. potion
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

pahtli (potion) nimitzpahtiz

0. I will give you a cure

pahtli (potion) nipahti

0. I become well

0. kind of fruit
1. kind of fruit

2. kind of fruit
3. kind of fruit

4. kind of fruit
FC - > jc-61096

0. cookable in an olla; cookable; it can be cooked in a pot;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it can be cooked
1. cookable in an olla; cookable; it can be cooked in a pot;
it can be cooked
FC -> jc-72895
2. cookable in an olla; cookable; it can be cooked in a pot;
it can be cooked
3. cookable in an olla; cookable; it can be cooked in a pot;
it can be cooked
4. cookable in an olla <pa:huaci-lo:1-ni1>
<pa:huaci-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. cookable in an olla <pa:huaci-lo:1-ni1>
<pa:huaci-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. cookable in an olla <pa:huaci-lo:1-ni1>
<pa:huaci-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. cookable in an olla <pa:huaci-lo:1-ni1>
<pa:huaci-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. cookable in an olla; cookable; it can be cooked in a pot;
it can be cooked
FC jc-031297
9. cookable in an olla; cookable; it can be cooked in a pot;
it can be cooked
FC jc-031297

0. fluffy

1. fluffy
FC -> jc-72895
2. fluffy

3. fluffy

4. fluffy
FC jc-031297
5. fluffy
FC jc-031297

0. tangled, snarled

1. tangled, snarled
FC -> jc-72895
2. tangled, snarled
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. tangled, snarled

4. tangled, snarled
FC jc-031297
5. tangled, snarled
FC jc-031297

0. matted; tangled; snarled

1. matted; tangled; snarled

FC -> jc-72895
2. matted; tangled; snarled

3. matted; tangled; snarled

4. matted; tangled; snarled

FC jc-031297
5. matted; tangled; snarled
FC jc-031297

0. they run, they hasten

1. they run, they hasten

FC -> jc-72895
2. they run, they hasten

3. they run, they hasten

4. they run, they hasten

FC jc-031297
5. they run, they hasten
FC jc-031297

0. rot, mange

0. festering; rottenness; suppuration
1. festering; rottenness; putrefaction; suppuration
FC -> jc-72895
2. festering; rottenness; suppuration
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. festering; rottenness; suppuration
4. festering; rottenness; suppuration <pala:ni-caus09-liz>
<pala:ni-caus09-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. festering; rottenness; suppuration <pala:ni-caus09-liz>
<pala:ni-caus09-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. festering; rottenness; putrefaction; suppuration
FC jc-031297
7. festering; rottenness; putrefaction; suppuration
FC jc-031297

0. cure for festering; medicine for festering; medicine for
1. cure for festering; medicine for festering; medicine for
FC -> jc-72895
2. cure for festering; medicine for festering; medicine for
3. cure for festering; medicine for festering; medicine for
4. medicine for infection <pala:ni-prt1-ca:5-pahtli>
<pala:ni-prt1-ca:5-pahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. medicine for infection <pala:ni-prt1-ca:5-pahtli>
<pala:ni-prt1-ca:5-pahtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. medicine for infection <pala:ni-prt1-ca:5-pahtli>
<pala:ni-prt1-ca:5-pahtli> FC - > jc-61096
7. cure for festering; medicine for festering; medicine for
FC jc-031297
8. cure for festering; medicine for festering; medicine for
FC jc-031297

0. it discharges pus; it festers; it rots; it putrefies; it

1. it discharges pus; it festers; it rots; it putrefies; it

FC -> jc-72895
2. it discharges pus; it festers; it rots; it putrefies; it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


3. it discharges pus; it festers; it rots; it putrefies; it


4. to rot
FC - > jc-61096
5. it discharges pus; it festers; it rots; it putrefies; it
FC jc-031297
6. it discharges pus; it festers; it rots; it putrefies; it
FC jc-031297

0. festering; infection; rottenness
1. festering; infection; rottenness
FC -> jc-72895
2. festering; infection; rottenness
3. festering; infection; rottenness
4. festering; infection; rottenness <pala:ni-liz>
<pala:ni-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. infection <palani-liz>
<palani-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. festering; infection; rottenness
FC jc-031297
7. festering; infection; rottenness
FC jc-031297

0. it rots it

0. pus; rotten; festered; rottenness
1. festered; pus; rottenness; rotten
FC -> jc-72895
2. pus; rotten; festered; rottenness
3. pus; rotten; festered; rottenness
4. pus; rotten <pala:ni-prt1-c2>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<pala:ni-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096

5. pus; rotten <pala:ni-prt1-c2>
<pala:ni-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. rotten
Adj Form jc-022897
7. festered; pus; rottenness; rotten
FC jc-031297
8. festered; pus; rottenness; rotten
FC jc-031297
9. rotten
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
10. decayed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
11. decomposed

12. putrid

13. fetid

14. rank

15. putrefied

16. foul

17. putrescent

18. miasmatic

19. corrupt

20. dishonest

21. deceitful

22. debauched

23. contaminated

24. disgusting

25. unwholesome

26. contemptible

27. treacherous
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

28. rotten

0. it rots

1. it rots
FC -> jc-72895
2. it rots

3. it rots

4. it rots, it goes rotting

FC jc-031297
5. it rots, it goes rotting
FC jc-031297

0. mange
1. festering
FC -> jc-72895
2. festering

3. mange
4. festering

5. festering
FC jc-031297
6. festering
FC jc-031297

0. help

0. it is helped
FC jc-031297

palehuiz ( mitz- )
0. te ayudara' ( he will help you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. brown bean; purple bean

1. brown bean; purple bean

FC -> jc-72895
2. brown bean; purple bean

3. brown bean; purple bean

4. brown bean; purple bean

FC jc-031297
5. brown bean; purple bean
FC jc-031297

0. taste, dip food, lick
1. taste
FC - > jc-61096

0. she makes him taste it

0. wet, damp

0. auh in onmozoc, onmotlaliz in omito xihuitl: auh in ye
ixpalani, paltic, and the herbs mentioned are to be placed
where it has been lanced, as well as when the infected
surface reddens <pa:3-l1-v01a-c1 (b10 f9 c28 p152)
1. wet; moist
FC -> jc-72895
2. wet; moist
3. auh in onmozoc, onmotlaliz in omito xihuitl: auh in ye
ixpalani, paltic, and the herbs mentioned are to be placed
where it has been lanced, as well as when the infected
surface reddens <pa:3-l1-v01a-c1 (b10 f9 c28 p152)
4. wet; moist
5. wet; moist <palti-c1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<palti-c1> FC - > jc-61096

6. wet; moist <palti-c1>
<palti-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. auh in onmozoc, onmotlaliz in omito xihuitl: auh in ye
ixpalani, paltic, and the herbs mentioned are to be placed
where it has been lanced, as well as when the infected
surface reddens
<pa:3-l1-v01a-c1> (b10 f9 c28 p152) JC-7/23/96
8. wet; moist
FC jc-031297
9. wet; moist
FC jc-031297

0. flag

1. flag
FC - > jc-61096

0. pass ahead
1. (cf =panoa) pass ahead
2. (cf =panoa) pass ahead

0. medicine seller
1. medicine seller
FC -> jc-72895
2. medicine seller
3. medicine seller
4. medicine seller <pahtli-namaca-qui2>
<pahtli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
5. medicine seller <pahtli-namaca-qui2>
<pahtli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
6. medicine seller <pahtli-namaca-qui2>
<pahtli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
7. medicine seller
FC jc-031297
8. medicine seller
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. medicine seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. on top; over it; upwards

1. on top; over it; upwards

FC -> jc-72895
2. on top; over it; upwards

3. on top; over it; upwards

4. on top; over it; upwards

FC jc-031297
5. on top; over it; upwards
FC jc-031297

0. flag

1. flag
FC - > jc-61096

0. to cross over
1. to cross
FC - > jc-61096

panoa ( mitz- )
0. te pasa ( it happens to you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. <pano> pass, carry
1. (cf panauia) <pano> pass, carry
2. (cf panauia) <pano> pass, carry

panoaya ( o- )
0. pasaba ( he was passing )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

panoayah ( o- )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. pasaban ( they were passing )

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

panoc ( o- )
0. paso'; sucedio' ( it passed; it happened )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

panoc ( omitz- )
0. te paso' ( it happened to you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

panoc ( oqui- )
0. le paso' ( it happened to him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

panoltiaya ( omo- )
0. vivi'an [ H ] ( they lived; they got by )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

panoque ( yo- )
0. pasaron; han pasado ( they passed )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

panotaya ( o- )
0. iba pasando ( he was going along passing )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. pasaba ( he was passing )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. iba pasando ( he was going along passing )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. pasaba ( he was passing )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he carries someone across the river

0. reveal

0. pasaban ( they passed )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. se mantendra' ( she will pass; get along; she will

maintain herself )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

panoz ( mitz- )
0. te va a pasar ( it will happen to you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. flag=pantli-between=titlan, between-flags It was a sewer (
gully gutter ) which existed by the laguna de Mexico, near
Tepetzingo, today called "Pen~on de los Ban~os"

0. pan ( bread )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. cloth
FC jc-031297

0. he rejoiced
1. he rejoiced
FC -> jc-72895
2. he rejoiced
3. he rejoiced
4. he rejoiced <dupl-paqui-prt1>
<dupl-paqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he rejoiced <dupl-paqui-prt1>
<dupl-paqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he rejoiced <dupl-paqui-prt1>
<dupl-paqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he rejoiced
FC jc-031297
8. he rejoiced
FC jc-031297

0. curdle
1. it coagulates, it curdles
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it coagulates, it curdles

3. curdle
4. it coagulates, it curdles

5. it coagulates, it curdles
FC jc-031297
6. it coagulates, it curdles
FC jc-031297

0. there is rejoicing
1. there is rejoicing
FC -> jc-72895
2. there is rejoicing
3. there is rejoicing
4. there is rejoicing <dupl-pa:qui-lo:2-hua2>
<dupl-pa:qui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
5. there is rejoicing <dupl-pa:qui-lo:2-hua2>
<dupl-pa:qui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
6. there is rejoicing <dupl-pa:qui-lo:2-hua2>
<dupl-pa:qui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
7. there is rejoicing <dupl-pa:qui-lo:2-hua2>
<dupl-pa:qui-lo:2-hua2> FC - > jc-61096
8. there is rejoicing
FC jc-031297
9. there is rejoicing
FC jc-031297

0. there was contentment, there was happiness
1. there was contentment, there was happiness
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was contentment, there was happiness
3. there was contentment, there was happiness
4. there was contentment, there was happiness
<dupl-pa:qui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. there was contentment, there was happiness

<dupl-pa:qui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was contentment, there was happiness
<dupl-pa:qui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was contentment, there was happiness
<dupl-pa:qui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. there was contentment, there was happiness
<dupl-pa:qui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. there was contentment, there was happiness
<dupl-pa:qui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
10. there was contentment, there was happiness
<dupl-pa:qui-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
11. there was contentment, there was happiness
FC jc-031297
12. there was contentment, there was happiness
FC jc-031297

0. lock of hair

0. it discharges pus; it festers; it rots; it is full of sores
1. it discharges pus; it festers; it rots; it is full of sores
FC -> jc-72895
2. it discharges pus; it festers; it rots; it is full of sores
3. it discharges pus; it festers; it rots; it is full of sores
4. it festers, it rots <dupl-pala:ni>
<dupl-pala:ni> FC - > jc-61096
5. it festers, it rots <dupl-pala:ni>
<dupl-pala:ni> FC - > jc-61096
6. it discharges pus; it festers; it rots; it is full of sores
FC jc-031297
7. it discharges pus; it festers; it rots; it is full of sores
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. festering
1. festering
FC -> jc-72895
2. festering
3. festering
4. festering <dupl-pala:ni-liz>
<dupl-pala:ni-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. festering <dupl-pala:ni-liz>
<dupl-pala:ni-liz> FC - > jc-61096
6. festering <dupl-pala:ni-liz>
<dupl-pala:ni-liz> FC - > jc-61096
7. festering
FC jc-031297
8. festering
FC jc-031297

0. butterfly net

1. butterfly net
FC -> jc-72895
2. butterfly net

3. butterfly net

4. butterfly net
FC jc-031297
5. butterfly net
FC jc-031297

0. kite and windmill, papalote, paper-kite, butterfly
1. butterfly
FC -> jc-72895
2. butterfly

3. kite and windmill, papalote, paper-kite, butterfly

4. butterfly

5. butterfly
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. butterfly
FC jc-031297

0. it rejoices; they take their pleasure; they rejoice
1. he is happy, he rejoices; it rejoices
FC -> jc-72895
2. they take their pleasure, they rejoice
FC -> jc-72895
3. it rejoices; they take their pleasure; they rejoice
4. it rejoices; they take their pleasure; they rejoice
5. it rejoices; they take their pleasure; they rejoice
FC - > jc-61096
6. it rejoices; they take their pleasure; they rejoice
<dupl-pa:qui> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is happy, he rejoices; it rejoices
FC jc-031297
8. they take their pleasure, they rejoice
FC jc-031297
9. he is happy, he rejoices; it rejoices
FC jc-031297
10. they take their pleasure, they rejoice
FC jc-031297

0. happy; happy person

1. happy; happy person

FC -> jc-72895
2. happy; happy person

3. happy; happy person

4. happy; happy person

FC jc-031297
5. happy; happy person
FC jc-031297

0. it gives way, it comes apart
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. (may) it flutter; he shakes; it flutters; it quivers
1. ( may ) it flutter; he shakes; it flutters; it quivers
FC -> jc-72895
2. (may) it flutter; he shakes; it flutters; it quivers
3. (may) it flutter; he shakes; it flutters; it quivers
4. ( may ) it flutter; he shakes; it flutters; it quivers
<patla:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. ( may ) it flutter; he shakes; it flutters; it quivers
FC jc-031297
6. ( may ) it flutter; he shakes; it flutters; it quivers
FC jc-031297

0. flutterer
1. flutterer
FC -> jc-72895
2. flutterer
3. flutterer
4. flutterer <dupl-patla:ni-ca7-ni1>
<dupl-patla:ni-ca7-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. flutterer <dupl-patla:ni-ca7-ni1>
<dupl-patla:ni-ca7-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. flutterer <dupl-patla:ni-ca7-ni1>
<dupl-patla:ni-ca7-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. flutterer <dupl-patla:ni-ca7-ni1>
<dupl-patla:ni-ca7-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. flutterer
FC jc-031297
9. flutterer
FC jc-031297

0. it goes fluttering

1. it goes fluttering
FC -> jc-72895
2. it goes fluttering
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it goes fluttering

4. it goes fluttering
FC jc-031297
5. it goes fluttering
FC jc-031297

0. very flat

1. very flat
FC -> jc-72895
2. very flat

3. very flat

4. very flat
FC jc-031297
5. very flat
FC jc-031297

0. broad, wide
FC -> jc-72895
1. broad, wide
FC jc-031297
2. broad, wide
FC jc-031297

0. broad, wide
1. broad; wide
FC -> jc-72895
2. broad, wide
3. broad, wide
4. broad, wide <dupl-patla:hua-c1>
<dupl-patla:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. broad, wide <dupl-patla:hua-c1>
<dupl-patla:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. broad, wide <dupl-patla:hua-c1>
<dupl-patla:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. broad, wide <dupl-patla:hua-c1>
<dupl-patla:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. broad; wide
FC jc-031297
9. broad; wide
FC jc-031297

0. it flies constantly

1. it flies constantly
FC -> jc-72895
2. it flies constantly

3. it flies constantly

4. it flies constantly
FC jc-031297
5. it flies constantly
FC jc-031297

0. constant flyer
1. constant flyer
FC -> jc-72895
2. constant flyer
3. constant flyer
4. constant flyer <dupl-patla:ni-ni1>
<dupl-patla:ni-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. constant flyer <dupl-patla:ni-ni1>
<dupl-patla:ni-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. constant flyer <dupl-patla:ni-ni1>
<dupl-patla:ni-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. constant flyer
FC jc-031297
8. constant flyer
FC jc-031297

0. it crumbles
1. it crumbles
FC -> jc-72895
2. it crumbles
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it crumbles
4. it crumbles <paya:na-ca7>
<paya:na-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. it crumbles
FC jc-031297
6. it crumbles
FC jc-031297

0. woolly

1. woolly
FC -> jc-72895
2. woolly

3. woolly

4. woolly
FC jc-031297
5. woolly
FC jc-031297

0. it brings delight; it brings pleasure; they rejoice
1. it brings delight; it brings pleasure
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are happy; they rejoice
FC -> jc-72895
3. it brings delight; it brings pleasure; they rejoice
4. it brings delight; it brings pleasure; they rejoice
5. content
FC - > jc-61096
6. it brings delight; it brings pleasure; they rejoice <pa:qui>
<pa:qui> FC - > jc-61096
7. it brings delight; it brings pleasure
FC jc-031297
8. they are happy; they rejoice
FC jc-031297
9. it brings delight; it brings pleasure
FC jc-031297
10. they are happy; they rejoice
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they were happy, they rejoiced
1. they were happy, they rejoiced
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were happy, they rejoiced
3. they were happy, they rejoiced
4. they were happy, they rejoiced <pa:qui-ya3>
<pa:qui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were happy, they rejoiced <pa:qui-ya3>
<pa:qui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were happy, they rejoiced
FC jc-031297
7. they were happy, they rejoiced
FC jc-031297

0. happiness
1. happiness
FC -> jc-72895
2. happiness
3. happiness
4. happiness <pa:qui-liz>
<pa:qui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. happiness
FC jc-031297
6. happiness
FC jc-031297

0. bringer of pleasure
1. bringer of pleasure
FC -> jc-72895
2. bringer of pleasure
3. bringer of pleasure
4. bringer of pleasure <pa:qui-ni1>
<pa:qui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. bringer of pleasure <pa:qui-ni1>

<pa:qui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. bringer of pleasure <pa:qui-ni1>
<pa:qui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. bringer of pleasure
FC jc-031297
8. bringer of pleasure
FC jc-031297

0. delight
1. delight
FC -> jc-72895
2. delight
3. delight
4. delight <pa:qui-liz>
<pa:qui-liz> FC - > jc-61096
5. delight
FC jc-031297
6. delight
FC jc-031297

0. para ( in order to )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he gets well, he is cured; he recovers; it cures; it
becomes cured; she recovers; she gets well
1. he gets well; he is cured; he recovers; it cures; it
becomes cured; it disintegrates; it dissolves; it falls
apart; it falls to pieces; it gets well; it heals; it
recovers; it is cured; it is healthful
FC -> jc-72895
2. she gets well; she recovers; they get well; they heal; they
FC -> jc-72895
3. he gets well, he is cured; he recovers; it cures; it
becomes cured; she recovers; she gets well
4. he gets well, he is cured; he recovers; it cures; it
becomes cured; she recovers; she gets well
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he gets well, he is cured; he recovers; it cures; it
becomes cured; she recovers; she gets well <pahtli-v04b>
<pahtli-v04b> FC - > jc-61096
6. he gets well, he is cured; he recovers; it cures; it
becomes cured <pahtli-v04b>
<pahtli-v04b> FC - > jc-61096
7. she recovers, she gets well <pahtli-v04>
<pahtli-v04> FC - > jc-61096
8. he gets well; he is cured; he recovers; it cures; it
becomes cured; it disintegrates; it dissolves; it falls
apart; it falls to pieces; it gets well; it heals; it
recovers; it is cured; it is healthful
FC jc-031297
9. she gets well; she recovers; they get well; they heal; they
FC jc-031297
10. he gets well; he is cured; he recovers; it cures; it
becomes cured; it disintegrates; it dissolves; it falls
apart; it falls to pieces; it gets well; it heals; it
recovers; it is cured; it is healthful
FC jc-031297
11. she gets well; she recovers; they get well; they heal; they
FC jc-031297

0. she got well, she recovered
1. healthful; she got well; she recovered
FC -> jc-72895
2. she got well, she recovered
3. she got well, she recovered
4. healthful; she got well; she recovered <pahtli-tic>
<pahtli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. she got well, she recovered <pahtli-v01a-prt2>
<pahtli-v01a-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. healthful; she got well; she recovered
FC jc-031297
7. healthful; she got well; she recovered
FC jc-031297

0. dislocate
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. it is a remedy

1. it is a remedy
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is a remedy

3. it is a remedy

4. it is a remedy
FC jc-031297
5. it is a remedy
FC jc-031297

0. valuable

1. valuable
FC -> jc-72895
2. valuable

3. valuable

4. valuable
FC jc-031297
5. valuable
FC jc-031297

0. cost, price, value

0. he will be cured, he will recover; he will get well; it
will recover; it will heal
1. he will be cured, he will recover; he will get well; it
will recover; it will heal
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will be cured, he will recover; he will get well; it
will recover; it will heal
3. he will be cured, he will recover; he will get well; it
will recover; it will heal
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he will recover, he will get well <pahtli-v04-z>
<pahtli-v04-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will recover, he will get well; he will be cured
<pahtli-v04-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will recover, he will get well; he will be cured
<pahtli-v04b-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will be cured, he will recover; he will get well; it
will recover; it will heal
FC jc-031297
8. he will be cured, he will recover; he will get well; it
will recover; it will heal
FC jc-031297

0. change, exchange

0. wide
1. wide
FC - > jc-61096

patla:hua tepatlactli
0. wide flat stone
FC - > jc-61096

patla:hua tlapatla:uhtli
0. st widened

0. wide
Adj Form jc-022897
1. wide
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. broad
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. spacious

4. extensive

5. extended
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. wide

0. fly

0. patlachihui it broadens <patla:hua-l2-v03a (b10 f6 c27
p99a), 2 patlachihui it widens <patla:hua-l2-v03a (b10 f7
c27 p119b), 3 patlachihui it becomes broad
<patla:hua-l2-v03a (b10 f7 c27 p120b), 4 patlachihui it
broadens <patla:hua-l2-v03a (b10 f7 c27 p124b), 6
patlachihui it becomes wide <patla:hua-l2-v03a (b10 f7 c27
p126b), 7 patlachihui it broadens <patla:hua-l2-v03a (b10
f7 c27 p128b), 8 motoma, motomahua hueya, mimilihui,
patlachihui, huacalihui, it enlarges, it thickens, it
grows large, it becomes cylindrical, it widens, it becomes
concave <patla:hua-l2-v03a (b11 f11 c6 p113), 9
patlachihui, ololihui, ticehua, it becomes flat, it
becomes round, it becomes pale <patla:hua-l2-v03a (b11 f22
c8 p224)
1. it widens
FC -> jc-72895
2. it widens
3. patlachihui it broadens <patla:hua-l2-v03a (b10 f6 c27
p99a), 2 patlachihui it widens <patla:hua-l2-v03a (b10 f7
c27 p119b), 3 patlachihui it becomes broad
<patla:hua-l2-v03a (b10 f7 c27 p120b), 4 patlachihui it
broadens <patla:hua-l2-v03a (b10 f7 c27 p124b), 6
patlachihui it becomes wide <patla:hua-l2-v03a (b10 f7 c27
p126b), 7 patlachihui it broadens <patla:hua-l2-v03a (b10
f7 c27 p128b), 8 motoma, motomahua hueya, mimilihui,
patlachihui, huacalihui, it enlarges, it thickens, it
grows large, it becomes cylindrical, it widens, it becomes
concave <patla:hua-l2-v03a (b11 f11 c6 p113), 9
patlachihui, ololihui, ticehua, it becomes flat, it
becomes round, it becomes pale <patla:hua-l2-v03a (b11 f22
c8 p224)
4. it widens
5. it widens <patla:hua-l2-v03a>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<patla:hua-l2-v03a> FC - > jc-61096

6. it widens <patla:hua-l2-v03a>
<patla:hua-l2-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
7. it widens <patla:hua-l2-v03a>
<patla:hua-l2-v03a> FC - > jc-61096
8. patlachihui it broadens
<patla:hua-l2-v03a> (b10 f6 c27 p99a) JC-7/23/96
9. patlachihui it widens
<patla:hua-l2-v03a> (b10 f7 c27 p119b) JC-7/23/96
10. patlachihui it becomes broad
<patla:hua-l2-v03a> (b10 f7 c27 p120b) JC-7/23/96
11. patlachihui it broadens
<patla:hua-l2-v03a> (b10 f7 c27 p124b) JC-7/23/96
12. patlachihui it becomes wide
<patla:hua-l2-v03a> (b10 f7 c27 p126b) JC-7/23/96
13. patlachihui it broadens
<patla:hua-l2-v03a> (b10 f7 c27 p128b) JC-7/23/96
14. motoma, motomahua hueya, mimilihui, patlachihui,
huacalihui, it enlarges, it thickens, it grows large, it
becomes cylindrical, it widens, it becomes concave
<patla:hua-l2-v03a> (b11 f11 c6 p113) JC-7/23/96
15. patlachihui, ololihui, ticehua, it becomes flat, it
becomes round, it becomes pale
<patla:hua-l2-v03a> (b11 f22 c8 p224) JC-7/23/96
16. it becomes broad, it broadens; it widens
FC jc-031297
17. it becomes broad, it broadens; it widens
FC jc-031297

0. patlachiuhqui wide <patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2 (b10 f6 c27
p110a), 2 patlachiuhqui wide <patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2
(b10 f7 c27 p119b), 3 tlatlapantli, tlatlapancuahuitl,
tlatlapanalli, mimiltic, patlachtic, patlachiuhqui,
patlachtilahuac: that which is broken up, the tree which
is broken up, that which is broken up is cylindrical, wide;
it is wide, thick and wide <patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2 (b11
f12 c6 p114), 4 cuauhacatl, tilahuac, canahuac,
patlachtic, patlachiuhqui, huiac, tepiton, tetepontic,
tetepontontli, teteponauhqui: the small plank is thick,
thin, wide; it is wide, long, small, in short pieces, in
small short pieces, in pieces which are short
<patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2 (b11 f12 c6 p115)
1. wide
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. wide
3. patlachiuhqui wide <patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2 (b10 f6 c27
p110a), 2 patlachiuhqui wide <patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2
(b10 f7 c27 p119b), 3 tlatlapantli, tlatlapancuahuitl,
tlatlapanalli, mimiltic, patlachtic, patlachiuhqui,
patlachtilahuac: that which is broken up, the tree which
is broken up, that which is broken up is cylindrical, wide;
it is wide, thick and wide <patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2 (b11
f12 c6 p114), 4 cuauhacatl, tilahuac, canahuac,
patlachtic, patlachiuhqui, huiac, tepiton, tetepontic,
tetepontontli, teteponauhqui: the small plank is thick,
thin, wide; it is wide, long, small, in short pieces, in
small short pieces, in pieces which are short
<patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2 (b11 f12 c6 p115)
4. wide
5. wide <patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2>
<patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. wide <patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2>
<patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
7. wide <patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2>
<patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
8. wide <patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2>
<patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
9. patlachiuhqui wide
<patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2> (b10 f6 c27 p110a) JC-7/23/96
10. patlachiuhqui wide
<patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2> (b10 f7 c27 p119b) JC-7/23/96
11. tlatlapantli, tlatlapancuahuitl, tlatlapanalli, mimiltic,
patlachtic, patlachiuhqui, patlachtilahuac: that which is
broken up, the tree which is broken up, that which is
broken up is cylindrical, wide; it is wide, thick and wide
<patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2> (b11 f12 c6 p114) JC-7/23/96
12. cuauhacatl, tilahuac, canahuac, patlachtic, patlachiuhqui,
huiac, tepiton, tetepontic, tetepontontli, teteponauhqui:
the small plank is thick, thin, wide; it is wide, long,
small, in short pieces, in small short pieces, in pieces
which are short
<patla:hua-l2-v03a-prt1-c2> (b11 f12 c6 p115) JC-7/23/96
13. wide
FC jc-031297
14. wide
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. broad; flat; wide
1. broad; wide; flat
FC -> jc-72895
2. broad; flat; wide
3. broad; flat; wide
4. broad, wide; flat <patla:hua-tic>
<patla:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. broad; flat; wide <patla:hua-l2-tic>
<patla:hua-l2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. broad; flat; wide <patla:hua-l2-tic>
<patla:hua-l2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. broad; wide; flat
FC jc-031297
8. broad; wide; flat
FC jc-031297

0. broad and thick; long and thick
1. broad and thick; long and flat; long and thick
FC -> jc-72895
2. broad and thick; long and thick
3. broad and thick; long and thick
4. broad and thick <tila:hua-c1>
<tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. broad and thick; long and thick <tila:hua-c1>
<tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. long and thick <tila:hua-v1>
<tila:hua-v1> FC - > jc-61096
7. broad and thick; long and flat; long and thick
FC jc-031297
8. broad and thick; long and flat; long and thick
FC jc-031297

0. excessively wide
1. excessively wide
FC -> jc-72895
2. excessively wide
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. excessively wide
4. excessively wide <patla:hua-po:l>
<patla:hua-po:l> FC - > jc-61096
5. excessively wide
FC jc-031297
6. excessively wide
FC jc-031297

0. broad; wide
1. broad; wide
FC -> jc-72895
2. broad; wide
3. broad; wide
4. broad <patla:hua-l2-tic>
<patla:hua-l2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. broad; wide <patla:hua-l2-tic>
<patla:hua-l2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. broad; wide
FC jc-031297
7. broad; wide
FC jc-031297

0. small and wide
1. small and wide
FC -> jc-72895
2. small and wide
3. small and wide
4. small and wide <patla:hua-dupl-to:n-;
<patla:hua-dupl-to:n--> FC - > jc-61096
5. small and wide <patla:hua-dupl-to:n-;
<patla:hua-dupl-to:n--> FC - > jc-61096
6. small and wide <patla:hua-dupl-to:n-;
<patla:hua-dupl-to:n--> FC - > jc-61096
7. small and wide <patla:hua-dupl-to:n-;
<patla:hua-dupl-to:n--> FC - > jc-61096
8. small and wide
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
9. small and wide
FC jc-031297

0. it broadens; it widens

1. it broadens; it widens
FC -> jc-72895
2. it broadens; it widens

3. it broadens; it widens

4. it broadens; it widens
FC jc-031297
5. it broadens; it widens
FC jc-031297

0. large, wide; spreading; broad
1. large; wide; spreading; broad
FC -> jc-72895
2. large, wide; spreading; broad
3. large, wide; spreading; broad
4. large, wide; spreading; broad <patla:hua-c1>
<patla:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. large; wide; spreading; broad
FC jc-031297
6. large; wide; spreading; broad
FC jc-031297

0. broad and thick
<patla:hua- ->
1. broad and thick
FC -> jc-72895
2. broad and thick
<patla:hua- ->
3. broad and thick
<patla:hua- ->
4. broad and thick <patla:hua-;
<patla:hua- -> FC - > jc-61096
5. broad and thick
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. broad and thick
FC jc-031297

0. it flies
1. it flies
FC -> jc-72895
2. they fly
FC -> jc-72895
3. it flies
4. it flies
5. it flies <patla:ni>
<patla:ni> FC - > jc-61096
6. it flies
FC jc-031297
7. they fly
FC jc-031297
8. it flies
FC jc-031297
9. they fly
FC jc-031297

0. flyer
1. flyer
FC -> jc-72895
2. flyer
3. flyer
4. flyer <patla:ni-ni1>
<patla:ni-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. flier; flyer; one who flies
FC jc-031297
6. flier; flyer; one who flies
FC jc-031297

0. wide, broad

1. wide, broad
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. wide, broad

3. wide, broad

4. wide, broad
FC jc-031297
5. wide, broad
FC jc-031297

0. it flies constantly; it goes flying
<patla:ni-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. it flies constantly; it goes flying
FC -> jc-72895
2. it flies constantly; it goes flying
<patla:ni-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. it flies constantly; it goes flying
<patla:ni-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. it flies constantly; it goes flying <patla:ni-ti1-nemi
<patla:ni-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. it flies constantly; it goes flying <patla:ni-ti1-nemi
<patla:ni-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. it flies constantly; it goes flying <patla:ni-ti1-nemi
<patla:ni-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. it flies constantly; it goes flying
FC jc-031297
8. it flies constantly; it goes flying
FC jc-031297

0. medicine; remedy; potion
FC -> jc-72895
1. medicine; remedy; potion <pahtli>
<pahtli> FC - > jc-61096
2. medicine; remedy; potion
FC jc-031297
3. medicine; remedy; potion
FC jc-031297

0. play
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. one who knows the language and rules of patolli
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. duck-egg
1. duck-egg
FC -> jc-72895
2. duck-egg
3. duck-egg
4. duck-egg <patox-tetl1>
<patox-tetl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. duck-egg
FC jc-031297
6. duck-egg
FC jc-031297

patza:hua tlai:xpatza:uhtli
0. person whose eye is put out
FC - > jc-61096

0. blight

0. depressed, deflated

1. depressed, deflated
FC -> jc-72895
2. depressed, deflated

3. depressed, deflated

4. depressed, deflated
FC jc-031297
5. depressed, deflated
FC jc-031297

0. it softens
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it softens
FC -> jc-72895
2. it softens

3. it softens

4. it shrinks; it softens
FC jc-031297
5. it shrinks; it softens
FC jc-031297

0. it is in torment
FC jc-031297

0. they died crushed

1. they died crushed

FC -> jc-72895
2. they died crushed

3. they died crushed

4. they died crushed

FC jc-031297
5. they died crushed
FC jc-031297

0. soft

1. soft
FC -> jc-72895
2. soft

3. soft

4. soft
FC jc-031297
5. soft
FC jc-031297

0. grind, crumble
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. (cf payaui) grind, crumble

2. (cf payaui) grind, crumble

0. sprinkle
1. (cf payana) sprinkle
2. (cf payana) sprinkle

0. fuzzy worm

1. fuzzy worm
FC - > jc-61096

0. fray, bristle
1. (cf tapazoloa) fray, bristle
2. (cf tapazoloa) fray, bristle

0. bushy; fleecy; matted; matter

1. bushy; fleecy; matted; matter

FC -> jc-72895
2. bushy; fleecy; matted; matter

3. bushy; fleecy; matted; matter

4. bushy; fleecy; matted; matter; shaggy

FC jc-031297
5. bushy; fleecy; matted; matter; shaggy
FC jc-031297

0. straggly

1. straggly
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. straggly

3. straggly

4. fleecy; straggly
FC jc-031297
5. fleecy; straggly
FC jc-031297

0. bristly; shaggy; wooly

1. bristly; shaggy; wooly

FC -> jc-72895
2. bristly; shaggy; wooly

3. bristly; shaggy; wooly

4. bristly; shaggy; tangle-haired; having tangled hair; wooly

FC jc-031297
5. bristly; shaggy; tangle-haired; having tangled hair; wooly
FC jc-031297

0. start, push
1. (cf tepeui, topeua) start, push
2. (cf tepeui, topeua) start, push

0. it begins; they begin; they start; they leave; they start
1. to begin
FC - > jc-61096

pe:hua compehualti
0. he caused it to begin (began it)

pe:hua mopehualtia
0. they fight each other
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. begin

1. begin
FC - > jc-61096
2. there is beginning
Imp Verb jc-022897
3. there is beginning
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
4. there is beginning
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
5. there is beginning
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. there is beginning
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. badger

0. flat surface

peh ( o- )
0. empezo'; comenzo' ( he began; started )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. choose

0. pick, choose, elect
FC - > jc-61096

pehpena tlapehpentli
0. st which is chosen

pehpenazquia ( oquin- )
0. los escogeri'a ( he would choose them )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. it is shiny; it shines constantly; it shines
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it is shiny; it shines; it shines constantly
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is shiny; it shines constantly; it shines
3. it is shiny; it shines constantly; it shines
4. it is shiny; it shines constantly; it shines
<dupl-dupl-petla:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is shiny; it shines constantly; it shines
<dupl-dupl-petla:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is shiny; it shines constantly; it shines
<dupl-dupl-petla:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is shiny; it shines; it shines constantly
FC jc-031297
8. it is shiny; it shines; it shines constantly
FC jc-031297

0. empieza; comienza ( it begins )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. empiezan ( they begin )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. begins; he begins; it begins; it starts
FC -> jc-72895
3. she begins; they begin; they start; they leave; they start
FC -> jc-72895
4. begin
5. it begins; they begin <pe:hua>
<pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. start
FC - > jc-61096
7. begin
8. empieza; comienza ( it begins )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
9. empiezan ( they begin )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. begins; he begins; it begins; it starts
FC jc-031297
11. she begins; they begin; they start; they leave; they start
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
12. begins; he begins; it begins; it starts
FC jc-031297
13. she begins; they begin; they start; they leave; they start
FC jc-031297

pehua ( ti- )
0. empiezas ( you begin )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. it is begun; they are conquered
1. it is begun
FC -> jc-72895
2. they are conquered
FC -> jc-72895
3. it is begun; they are conquered
4. it is begun; they are conquered
5. it is begun <pe:hua-lo:1>
<pe:hua-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is begun; they are conquered <pe:hua-lo:1>
<pe:hua-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
7. it is begun
FC jc-031297
8. they are conquered
FC jc-031297
9. it is begun
FC jc-031297
10. they are conquered
FC jc-031297

0. they were conquered
1. they were conquered
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were conquered
3. they were conquered
4. they were conquered <pe:hua-lo:1-plur01>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<pe:hua-lo:1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096

5. they were conquered <pe:hua-lo:1-plur01>
<pe:hua-lo:1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they were conquered
FC jc-031297
7. they were conquered
FC jc-031297

0. it was begun
1. it was begun
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was begun
3. it was begun
4. it was begun <pe:hua-lo:1-ya3>
<pe:hua-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was begun <pe:hua-lo:1-ya3>
<pe:hua-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was begun
FC jc-031297
7. it was begun
FC jc-031297

0. it begins

1. it begins
FC -> jc-72895
2. it begins

3. it begins

4. it begins
FC jc-031297
5. it begins
FC jc-031297

0. it began; it started
1. it began; it started
FC -> jc-72895
2. it began; it started
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it began; it started
4. it began; it started <pe:hua-ya3>
<pe:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it began; it started <pe:hua-ya3>
<pe:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it began; it started
FC jc-031297
7. it began; it started
FC jc-031297

0. va a empezar ( it will begin )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. he will begin
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will begin
3. he will begin
4. he will begin <pe:hua-z>
<pe:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. va a empezar ( it will begin )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. he will begin
FC jc-031297
7. he will begin
FC jc-031297

0. they will begin

1. they will begin

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will begin

3. they will begin

4. they will begin

FC jc-031297
5. they will begin
FC jc-031297

0. empieza ( he begins )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. it begins (successively)
1. it begins ( successively )
FC -> jc-72895
2. it begins (successively)
3. it begins (successively)
4. it begins ( successively ) <dupl-pe:hua>
<dupl-pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it begins ( successively ) <dupl-pe:hua>
<dupl-pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. it begins ( successively )
FC jc-031297
7. it begins ( successively )
FC jc-031297

0. election
FC - > jc-61096

pepena-| tepepenaliztli,
0. election, act of choosing someone

0. he is chosen, he is selected
1. he is chosen; he is selected
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is chosen, he is selected
3. he is chosen, he is selected
4. he is chosen, he is selected <pehpena-lo:1>
<pehpena-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is chosen; he is selected
FC jc-031297
6. he is chosen; he is selected
FC jc-031297

0. he was chosen
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he was chosen; they were chosen
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was chosen
3. he was chosen
4. he was chosen <pehpena-lo:1-ya3>
<pehpena-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he was chosen <pehpena-lo:1-ya3>
<pehpena-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he was chosen; they were chosen
FC jc-031297
7. he was chosen; they were chosen
FC jc-031297

0. they flash, they shine
1. they flash, they shine
FC -> jc-72895
2. they flash, they shine
3. they flash, they shine
4. they flash, they shine <dupl-dupl-petla:ni-ca7>
<dupl-dupl-petla:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. they flash, they shine <dupl-dupl-petla:ni-ca7>
<dupl-dupl-petla:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. they flash, they shine <dupl-dupl-petla:ni-ca7>
<dupl-dupl-petla:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
7. they flash, they shine
FC jc-031297
8. they flash, they shine
FC jc-031297

0. it glistens

1. it glistens
FC -> jc-72895
2. it glistens

3. it glistens

4. it glistens
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. it glistens
FC jc-031297

0. he gives illumination; he illuminates; it gleams; it
shines; it glistens; it is resplendent; resplendent;
glistening; they glisten; they are resplendent; they shine;
they glitter; they gleam
1. he gives illumination; he illuminates; it gleams; it
shines; it glistens; it is resplendent; resplendent;
glistening; they gleam; they shine; they glisten; they are
resplendent; they glitter
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gives illumination; he illuminates; it gleams; it
shines; it glistens; it is resplendent; resplendent;
glistening; they glisten; they are resplendent; they shine;
they glitter; they gleam
3. he gives illumination; he illuminates; it gleams; it
shines; it glistens; it is resplendent; resplendent;
glistening; they glisten; they are resplendent; they shine;
they glitter; they gleam
4. he gives illumination; he illuminates; it gleams; it
shines; it glistens; it is resplendent; resplendent;
glistening; they glisten; they are resplendent; they shine;
they glitter; they gleam <dupl-petla:ni-ca7>
<dupl-petla:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
5. he gives illumination; he illuminates; it gleams; it
shines; it glistens; it is resplendent; resplendent;
glistening; they glisten; they are resplendent; they shine;
they glitter; they gleam <dupl-petla:ni-ca7>
<dupl-petla:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
6. he gives illumination; he illuminates; it gleams; it
shines; it glistens; it is resplendent; resplendent;
glistening; they glisten; they are resplendent; they shine;
they glitter; they gleam <dupl-petla:ni-ca7>
<dupl-petla:ni-ca7> FC - > jc-61096
7. he gives illumination; he illuminates; it gleams; it
shines; it glistens; it is resplendent; resplendent;
glistening; they gleam; they shine; they glisten; they are
resplendent; they glitter
FC jc-031297
8. he gives illumination; he illuminates; it gleams; it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

shines; it glistens; it is resplendent; resplendent;

glistening; they gleam; they shine; they glisten; they are
resplendent; they glitter
FC jc-031297

0. they come gleaming
FC jc-031297

0. it glistens constantly
1. it glistens constantly
FC -> jc-72895
2. it glistens constantly
3. it glistens constantly
4. it glistens constantly <dupl-petla:ni>
<dupl-petla:ni> FC - > jc-61096
5. it glistens constantly <dupl-petla:ni>
<dupl-petla:ni> FC - > jc-61096
6. it glistens constantly <dupl-petla:ni>
<dupl-petla:ni> FC - > jc-61096
7. it glistens constantly
FC jc-031297
8. it glistens constantly
FC jc-031297

0. child's top

0. it glistens; resplendent

1. it glistens; resplendent
FC -> jc-72895
2. it glistens; resplendent

3. it glistens; resplendent

4. it glistens; resplendent
FC jc-031297
5. it glistens; resplendent
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. Quitztoc quenin pepeyoni in citlalin Esta' viendo como
titila la estrella I am watching how the star twinkles
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
1. Quitzticah quenin pepeyoni in citlalin Esta' viendo como
titila la estrella He/she is looking at how the stars
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. pero ( but )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. a suitcase, petaca

0. mat

0. break, pierce

0. comb

0. uncover, undress

0. spill, polish, flat, smooth

0. in the granary; in the reed chest
1. in the granary; in the reed chest
FC -> jc-72895
2. in the granary; in the reed chest
3. in the granary; in the reed chest
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. in the granary; in the reed chest <petlatl-calli-co1>
<petlatl-calli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
5. in the reed chest <petlatl-calli-co1>
<petlatl-calli-co1> FC - > jc-61096
6. in the granary; in the reed chest
FC jc-031297
7. in the granary; in the reed chest
FC jc-031297

0. reed chest; woven reed chest
1. reed chest; woven reed chest
FC -> jc-72895
2. reed chest; woven reed chest
3. reed chest; woven reed chest
4. reed chest
FC - > jc-61096
5. reed chest
FC - > jc-61096
6. reed chest; woven reed chest <petlatl-calli>
<petlatl-calli> FC - > jc-61096
7. reed chest; woven reed chest
FC jc-031297
8. reed chest; woven reed chest
FC jc-031297

0. spinet, stringed instrument with keys

1. spinet, stringed instrument with keys

FC - > jc-61096
2. spinet, stringed instrument with keys
FC - > jc-61096
3. spinet, stringed instrument with keys
FC - > jc-61096

0. he weaves reed mats

1. he weaves reed mats

FC -> jc-72895
2. he weaves reed mats
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he weaves reed mats

4. he weaves reed mats

FC jc-031297
5. he weaves reed mats
FC jc-031297

0. mat maker; reed mat weaver

1. mat maker; reed mat weaver

FC -> jc-72895
2. mat maker; reed mat weaver

3. mat maker; reed mat weaver

4. mat maker; reed mat weaver

FC jc-031297
5. mat maker; reed mat weaver
FC jc-031297
6. reed mat weaver
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. polishable

1. polishable
FC -> jc-72895
2. polishable

3. polishable

4. polishable
FC jc-031297
5. polishable
FC jc-031297

0. mat cord

1. mat cord
FC -> jc-72895
2. mat cord

3. mat cord
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. mat cord
FC jc-031297
5. mat cord
FC jc-031297

0. radiating mat

1. radiating mat
FC -> jc-72895
2. radiating mat

3. radiating mat

4. radiating mat
FC jc-031297
5. radiating mat
FC jc-031297

0. reed mat seller

1. reed mat seller

FC -> jc-72895
2. reed mat seller

3. reed mat seller

4. reed mat seller

FC jc-031297
5. reed mat seller
FC jc-031297
6. reed mat seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. it glistens; it shines
1. it glistens; it shines
FC -> jc-72895
2. it glistens; it shines
3. it glistens; it shines
4. it glistens; it shines <petla:ni>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<petla:ni> FC - > jc-61096

5. it glistens; it shines
FC jc-031297
6. it glistens; it shines
FC jc-031297

0. rotten mat

1. rotten mat
FC -> jc-72895
2. rotten mat

3. rotten mat

4. rotten mat
FC jc-031297
5. rotten mat
FC jc-031297

0. on a reed mat
1. on a reed mat
FC -> jc-72895
2. on a reed mat
3. on a reed mat
4. on a reed mat <petlatl-pan>
<petlatl-pan> FC - > jc-61096
5. on a reed mat <petlatl-pan>
<petlatl-pan> FC - > jc-61096
6. on a reed mat
FC jc-031297
7. on a reed mat
FC jc-031297

0. narrow mat

1. narrow mat
FC -> jc-72895
2. narrow mat

3. narrow mat
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. narrow mat
FC jc-031297
5. narrow mat
FC jc-031297

0. he will have a reed mat

1. he will have a reed mat

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will have a reed mat

3. he will have a reed mat

4. he will have a reed mat

FC jc-031297
5. he will have a reed mat
FC jc-031297

petlatiz icpaltiz
0. he will govern

1. he will govern
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will govern

3. he will govern

4. he will govern
FC jc-031297
5. he will govern
FC jc-031297

0. mat; petate, reed mat
1. mat; reed mat
FC -> jc-72895
2. mat; petate, reed mat
3. mat; petate, reed mat
4. mat
FC - > jc-61096
5. mat
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096
6. mat, reed mat
FC - > jc-61096
7. mat <petlatl>
<petlatl> FC - > jc-61096
8. reed mat, petate
FC - > jc-61096
9. mat; reed mat
FC jc-031297
10. mat; reed mat
FC jc-031297

petlatl icpalli
0. realm; rulership

1. realm; rulership
FC -> jc-72895
2. realm; rulership

3. realm; rulership

4. realm; rulership
FC jc-031297
5. realm; rulership
FC jc-031297

0. suitcase (reed mat-house/container), petaca

0. painted reed mat

1. painted reed mat

FC -> jc-72895
2. painted reed mat

3. painted reed mat

4. painted reed mat

FC jc-031297
5. painted reed mat
FC jc-031297

0. mat=petlatl, to strip=petlahua, stripped-mat
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. frayed mat

1. frayed mat
FC -> jc-72895
2. frayed mat

3. frayed mat

4. frayed mat
FC jc-031297
5. frayed mat
FC jc-031297

0. round mat

1. round mat
FC -> jc-72895
2. round mat

3. round mat

4. round mat
FC jc-031297
5. round mat
FC jc-031297

0. old, worn reed mat

1. old, worn reed mat

FC -> jc-72895
2. old, worn reed mat

3. old, worn reed mat

4. old, worn reed mat

FC jc-031297
5. old, worn reed mat
FC jc-031297

0. dislocate
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. dislocated
Adj Form jc-022897
1. dislocated
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. displaced
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. misplaced

4. disordered

5. disorganized

6. deranged

7. dislocated

0. slip
1. (cf petztli) slip
2. (cf petztli) slip

0. slick; slippery

1. slick; slippery
FC -> jc-72895
2. slick; slippery

3. slick; slippery

4. slick; slippery
FC jc-031297
5. slick; slippery
FC jc-031297

0. it became slippery
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. shiny
1. (cf petzcaui) shiny
2. (cf petzcaui) shiny

0. it began
1. it began
FC -> jc-72895
2. it began
3. it began
4. it began <pe:hua-prt1>
<pe:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it began
FC jc-031297
6. it began
FC jc-031297

peuh ( o- )
0. empezo' ( he began )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. comenzo'; empezo' ( it began )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. empezo' ( he began )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. comenzo'; empezo' ( it began )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

peuhqueh ( oti- )
0. empezamos ( we began )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. beginning, starting
1. beginning, starting
FC -> jc-72895
2. beginning, starting
3. beginning, starting
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. beginning, starting <pe:hua-prt1-tica>
<pe:hua-prt1-tica> FC - > jc-61096
5. beginning, starting
FC jc-031297
6. beginning, starting
FC jc-031297

0. fill, overflow
1. (cf peyaua) fill, overflow
2. (cf peyaua) fill, overflow

0. it is full to the brim
<pexo:ni-ti1-mani aux04>
1. it is full to the brim
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is full to the brim
<pexo:ni-ti1-mani aux04>
3. it is full to the brim
<pexo:ni-ti1-mani aux04>
4. it is full to the brim <pexo:ni-ti1-mani aux04>
<pexo:ni-ti1-mani aux04> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is full to the brim <pexo:ni-ti1-mani aux04>
<pexo:ni-ti1-mani aux04> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is full to the brim
FC jc-031297
7. it is full to the brim
FC jc-031297

0. measuire
FC - > jc-61096

0. measure which is full of liquid

peya:hui e:capeyactli
0. cool and gentle breeze
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. flowed (eg water)
Adj Form jc-022897
1. flowed ( eg water )
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. current
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. course

4. tide

5. drift

6. flood

7. ebb

8. flux

9. stream

10. rush

11. discharge

12. rush

13. gush

14. whirl

15. jet

16. surge

17. spout

18. spurt

19. stream

20. flowed ( eg water )

0. overflow
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. (cf pexoni) overflow
2. (cf pexoni) overflow

0. glisten

0. silkworm cocoon, peyote

0. coati
FC jc-031297

0. pick
1. (cf pixca) pick
2. (cf pixca) pick

0. increase

0. shame
1. shame
FC - > jc-61096
2. be embarrassed
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

pi:na:hua nicpinauhtia
0. I shame him

0. beetle
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. invent, imagine, lie

0. create, invent
FC - > jc-61096

0. close, hold

0. st created or invented

0. blow

0. fruit pit, hard

pia ( nic- )
0. lo tengo ( I have it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. lo tengo ( I have it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. lo tengo ( I have it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. lo tengo ( I have it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

pia ( qui- )
0. lo tiene ( he has it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. lo tiene ( she has it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
2. lo tiene ( he has it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. lo tiene ( she has it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

piah ( qui- )
0. lo tienen ( they have it )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. person of trust
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1
1. guardian

0. those who trusted
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. ones who have something in their charge, in their care

1. ones who have something in their charge, in their care

FC -> jc-72895
2. ones who have something in their charge, in their care

3. ones who have something in their charge, in their care

4. ones who have something in their charge, in their care

FC jc-031297
5. ones who have something in their charge, in their care
FC jc-031297

0. it is saved, it is taken care of

1. it is saved, it is taken care of

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is saved, it is taken care of

3. it is saved, it is taken care of

4. it is saved, it is taken care of

FC jc-031297
5. it is saved, it is taken care of
FC jc-031297

0. entrusted word

1. entrusted word
FC -> jc-72895
2. entrusted word
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. entrusted word

4. entrusted word
FC jc-031297
5. entrusted word
FC jc-031297

0. she is guarded
1. she is guarded
FC -> jc-72895
2. she is guarded
3. she is guarded
4. she is guarded <piya-lo:1>
<piya-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. she is guarded <piya-lo:1>
<piya-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. she is guarded
FC jc-031297
7. she is guarded
FC jc-031297

0. cherishable, worthy of being guarded; something that can be
guarded; something that can be cared for; worthy of being
1. cherishable, worthy of being guarded; something that can be
guarded; something that can be cared for; worthy of being
FC -> jc-72895
2. cherishable, worthy of being guarded; something that can be
guarded; something that can be cared for; worthy of being
3. cherishable, worthy of being guarded; something that can be
guarded; something that can be cared for; worthy of being
4. cherishable, worthy of being guarded; something that can be
guarded; something that can be cared for; worthy of being
kept <piya-lo:1-ni1>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<piya-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096

5. cherishable, worthy of being guarded; something that can be
guarded; something that can be cared for; worthy of being
kept <piya-lo:1-ni1>
<piya-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. cherishable, worthy of being guarded; something that can be
guarded; something that can be cared for; worthy of being
kept <piya-lo:1-ni1>
<piya-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. cherishable, worthy of being guarded; something that can be
guarded; something that can be cared for; worthy of being
kept <piya-lo:1-ni1>
<piya-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. cherishable, worthy of being guarded; something that can be
guarded; something that can be cared for; worthy of being
FC jc-031297
9. cherishable, worthy of being guarded; something that can be
guarded; something that can be cared for; worthy of being
FC jc-031297

0. it was guarded; they were guarded
1. it was guarded; they were guarded
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was guarded; they were guarded
3. it was guarded; they were guarded
4. it was guarded; they were guarded <piya-lo:1-ya3>
<piya-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was guarded; they were guarded <piya-lo:1-ya3>
<piya-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was guarded; they were guarded
FC jc-031297
7. it was guarded; they were guarded
FC jc-031297

piaya ( omo- )
0. se teni'a; se usaba ( it was had; it was used )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

piaya ( yoqui- )
0. ya lo teni'a ( he already had it )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

piaz ( qui- )
0. lo tendra' ( she will have it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. slender; thin; tube-like
1. slender; thin; tube-like
FC -> jc-72895
2. slender; thin; tube-like
3. slender; thin; tube-like
4. slender; thin <pia:ztli-tic>
<pia:ztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. slender; thin; tube-like <pia:ztli-tic>
<pia:ztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. slender; tube-like <piya:ztli-tic>
<piya:ztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. long and thin
Adj Form jc-022897
8. long, slender; thin; tube-like
FC jc-031297
9. long, slender; thin; tube-like
FC jc-031297
10. long and thin
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
11. lengthy
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
12. extensive

13. prolonged

14. drawn-out

15. extended

16. dragging

17. emaciated

18. skinny

19. thin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

20. scrawny

21. osseous

22. cartilaginous

23. slender

24. slim

25. lean

26. skinny

27. gaunt

28. lank

29. scrawny

30. emaciated

31. poor

32. scarce

33. scanty

34. meager

35. insufficient

36. inadequate

37. scarce

38. long and thin

0. with a long hollow cane, with a drinking tube; with a
hollow cane; by means of a hollow cane; by means of a drink
1. with a drinking tube, by means of a drink tube; with a
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

hollow cane; by means of a hollow cane; with a long hollow

FC -> jc-72895
2. with a long hollow cane, with a drinking tube; with a
hollow cane; by means of a hollow cane; by means of a drink
3. with a long hollow cane, with a drinking tube; with a
hollow cane; by means of a hollow cane; by means of a drink
4. with a long hollow cane, with a drinking tube; with a
hollow cane; by means of a hollow cane; by means of a drink
tube <piya:ztli-ti1-ca2>
<piya:ztli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with a drinking tube, by means of a drink tube; with a
hollow cane; by means of a hollow cane; with a long hollow
FC jc-031297
6. with a drinking tube, by means of a drink tube; with a
hollow cane; by means of a hollow cane; with a long hollow
FC jc-031297

0. hollow cane, drinking tube; tube
1. drinking tube; hollow cane; sucking tube; tube
FC -> jc-72895
2. hollow cane, drinking tube; tube
3. hollow cane, drinking tube; tube
4. drinking tube; sucking tube; hollow cane; tube <pia:ztli>
<pia:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. hollow cane, drinking tube; tube <piya:ztli>
<piya:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
6. drinking tube; hollow cane; sucking tube; tube
FC jc-031297
7. drinking tube; hollow cane; sucking tube; tube
FC jc-031297

0. spikelet

1. spikelet
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. spikelet

3. spikelet

4. spikelet
FC jc-031297
5. spikelet
FC jc-031297

0. arch

0. fine tobacco; small tobacco

1. fine tobacco; small tobacco

FC -> jc-72895
2. fine tobacco; small tobacco

3. fine tobacco; small tobacco

4. fine tobacco; small tobacco

FC jc-031297
5. fine tobacco; small tobacco
FC jc-031297

0. granule

0. minute, tiny, small; shrunken; fragmented
1. minute, tiny; shrunken; small; fragmented
FC -> jc-72895
2. minute, tiny, small; shrunken; fragmented
3. minute, tiny, small; shrunken; fragmented
4. minute, tiny, small; shrunken; fragmented <picilli-tic>
<picilli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. minute, tiny, small; shrunken; fragmented <picilli-tic>
<picilli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. minute, tiny; shrunken; small; fragmented
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. minute, tiny; shrunken; small; fragmented
FC jc-031297

0. minute, tiny
1. minute, tiny
FC -> jc-72895
2. minute, tiny
3. minute, tiny
4. minute, tiny <picilli-to:n>
<picilli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. minute, tiny <picilli-to:n>
<picilli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. minute, tiny
FC jc-031297
7. minute, tiny
FC jc-031297

0. solid
1. solid
FC -> jc-72895
2. solid
3. solid
4. solid <pi:qui2-prt1-c2>
<pi:qui2-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. solid <pi:qui2-prt1-c2>
<pi:qui2-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. solid
FC jc-031297
7. solid
FC jc-031297

0. joint

0. it was guarded, it was kept
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it was guarded, it was kept
FC -> jc-72895
2. it was guarded, it was kept
3. it was guarded, it was kept
4. it was guarded, it was kept <piya-lo:1-ya3>
<piya-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. it was guarded, it was kept <piya-lo:1-ya3>
<piya-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. it was guarded, it was kept
FC jc-031297
7. it was guarded, it was kept
FC jc-031297

0. older sister

0. he hung

1. he hung
FC -> jc-72895
2. he hung

3. he hung

4. he hung
FC jc-031297
5. he hung
FC jc-031297

0. it is hanging
FC jc-031297

0. parent; she has children
1. parent
FC -> jc-72895
2. she has children
FC -> jc-72895
3. parent; she has children
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<pilli-huah>-| jc-10896
4. parent; she has children
<pilli-huah>-| jc-10896
5. parent; she has children
6. parent; she has children
7. parent; she has children <pilli-huah>
<pilli-huah> FC - > jc-61096
8. parent; she has children <pilli-huah>
<pilli-huah> FC - > jc-61096
9. parent; she has children <pilli-huah>
<pilli-huah> FC - > jc-61096
10. parent; she has children
<pilli-huah>-| jc-10896
11. parent
FC jc-031297
12. she has children
FC jc-031297
13. parent
FC jc-031297
14. she has children
FC jc-031297

0. in monantzin, in motatzin in mache pilhuacatzintli: and
oh, we who are parents, are we perchance worthy of thee?
(b6 f14 p169), auh manozo tipilhuaque, cuix
timitztomactoca: ahzo tixquichtzin mitzalmonochiliz,
mitzalmotzatzililiz in pilhuacatzintli: ahzo tixtlan
otonmoquixtico, ahzo otixcopa timitzontohottilique: it may
be that thou art finished: the revered parent will summon
thee, will call thee; it may be that thou hast come [only]
to pass before our eyes; it may be that we catch [but] a
glimpse of thee (b6 f14 p169), anoce zan ixquichtzin
quihualmonochiliz, quihualmotzatzililiz, in
pilhuacatzintli: or perhaps he who created the baby will
just summon it, small as it is, will call it for himself
(b6 f14 p179), cuix ixquichtzin quihualmotzatzililiz,
conmaniliquiuh in pilhuacatzintli perhaps the maker will
summon it, small as it is--will come to take it (b6 f15
p181), tlazotitlacatzintle maquiztle, quetzalle,
teoxihuitle totecue: ahzo tixquichtzin mitzonmaniliquiuh in
motatzin, in pilhuacatzintli, o precious person, o
bracelet, o precious feather, o precious turquoise, o our
lord, perhaps small as thou art, thy father, thy maker,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

will come to take thee (b6 f15 p184), ahzo

techonmocuililiquiuh, ahzo techonmanililiquiuh in
pilhuacatzintli: perhaps he who made the child will come to
take it from us, will come to seize it from us (b6 f15
p185), ah ma oc nelle axcan tictotemachilican: ma
tictochialilican in quen moztla, huiptla:
quihualmonequiltiz in pilhuacatzintli, in axcahuacatzintli:
yet verily let us have faith, let us await how it will be
in a day, in two days--how the maker, the owner of the
baby, will determine (b6 f15 p186), auh cuix nozo zan cuel
quihualmonochiliz, cuix zan cuel quihualmotzatzatzililiz in
axcahuacatzintli, in pilhuacatzintli "and perhaps,
moreover, soon the owner, the child maker, will summon it;
perhaps he will soon cry out for it (b6 f15 p189), macace
motlatoltia, macace monahuatilia: ca yehuatzin
ticmomaquilia, ticmononochilia, ticmotlatlauhtilia in
toteucyo, in tloque, nahuaque in mache pilhuacatzintli, in
axcaocatzintli: although it cannot talk, although it cannot
speak, for him thou confidest in, thou appealest to, thou
entreatest our lord, the lord of the near, of the nigh, who
is above all, the maker, the owner of the baby (b6 f15
p190), auh in axcan quen quimitalhuia in pilhuacatzintli:
and now in what manner will the maker speak? (b6 f16 p194),
cuix no amo, cuix tictemiqui, cuix ticcochitlehua, cuix
conmaniliquiuh in pilhuacatzintli: perhaps, also, it is not
so; perhaps we dream of it, perhaps we see it in dreams;
perhaps the maker will come to take him (b6 f16 p194), anca
ye imactzinco in pilhuacatzintli: it is already in the
hands of the maker (b6 f16 p196)
1. your maker
FC -> jc-72895
2. your-maker
<pilli-huah-tzin>-| jc-10896
3. your-maker
<pilli-huah-tzin>-| jc-10896
4. your maker
5. in monantzin, in motatzin in mache pilhuacatzintli: and
oh, we who are parents, are we perchance worthy of thee?
(b6 f14 p169), auh manozo tipilhuaque, cuix
timitztomactoca: ahzo tixquichtzin mitzalmonochiliz,
mitzalmotzatzililiz in pilhuacatzintli: ahzo tixtlan
otonmoquixtico, ahzo otixcopa timitzontohottilique: it may
be that thou art finished: the revered parent will summon
thee, will call thee; it may be that thou hast come [only]
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

to pass before our eyes; it may be that we catch [but] a

glimpse of thee (b6 f14 p169), anoce zan ixquichtzin
quihualmonochiliz, quihualmotzatzililiz, in
pilhuacatzintli: or perhaps he who created the baby will
just summon it, small as it is, will call it for himself
(b6 f14 p179), cuix ixquichtzin quihualmotzatzililiz,
conmaniliquiuh in pilhuacatzintli perhaps the maker will
summon it, small as it is--will come to take it (b6 f15
p181), tlazotitlacatzintle maquiztle, quetzalle,
teoxihuitle totecue: ahzo tixquichtzin mitzonmaniliquiuh in
motatzin, in pilhuacatzintli, o precious person, o
bracelet, o precious feather, o precious turquoise, o our
lord, perhaps small as thou art, thy father, thy maker,
will come to take thee (b6 f15 p184), ahzo
techonmocuililiquiuh, ahzo techonmanililiquiuh in
pilhuacatzintli: perhaps he who made the child will come to
take it from us, will come to seize it from us (b6 f15
p185), ah ma oc nelle axcan tictotemachilican: ma
tictochialilican in quen moztla, huiptla:
quihualmonequiltiz in pilhuacatzintli, in axcahuacatzintli:
yet verily let us have faith, let us await how it will be
in a day, in two days--how the maker, the owner of the
baby, will determine (b6 f15 p186), auh cuix nozo zan cuel
quihualmonochiliz, cuix zan cuel quihualmotzatzatzililiz in
axcahuacatzintli, in pilhuacatzintli "and perhaps,
moreover, soon the owner, the child maker, will summon it;
perhaps he will soon cry out for it (b6 f15 p189), macace
motlatoltia, macace monahuatilia: ca yehuatzin
ticmomaquilia, ticmononochilia, ticmotlatlauhtilia in
toteucyo, in tloque, nahuaque in mache pilhuacatzintli, in
axcaocatzintli: although it cannot talk, although it cannot
speak, for him thou confidest in, thou appealest to, thou
entreatest our lord, the lord of the near, of the nigh, who
is above all, the maker, the owner of the baby (b6 f15
p190), auh in axcan quen quimitalhuia in pilhuacatzintli:
and now in what manner will the maker speak? (b6 f16 p194),
cuix no amo, cuix tictemiqui, cuix ticcochitlehua, cuix
conmaniliquiuh in pilhuacatzintli: perhaps, also, it is not
so; perhaps we dream of it, perhaps we see it in dreams;
perhaps the maker will come to take him (b6 f16 p194), anca
ye imactzinco in pilhuacatzintli: it is already in the
hands of the maker (b6 f16 p196)
6. your maker
7. your maker <pilli-huah-tzin>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<pilli-huah-tzin> FC - > jc-61096

8. your maker <pilli-huah-tzin>
<pilli-huah-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
9. your maker <pilli-huah-tzin>
<pilli-huah-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
10. your maker <pilli-huah-tzin>
<pilli-huah-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
11. your-maker
<pilli-huah-tzin>-| jc-10896
12. your maker
FC jc-031297
13. your maker
FC jc-031297

0. ma quicui, ma quiximati, in amonanyotzin, in amotayotzin:
ca nican monoltitoque in pilhuacatzitzinti, in cozqueque,
in quetzaleque: may she take, may she know of your
motherhood, your fatherhood, for here present are the
parents, the possessors of these precious necklaces, the
possessors of these precious feathers (b6 f12 p149)

0. to beget
FC - > jc-61096

pilhuahti mopilhuahtia
0. it begets its young

0. parents
1. parents
FC -> jc-72895
2. parents; those who have children
<pilli-huah-queh>-| jc-10896
3. parents; those who have children
<pilli-huah-queh>-| jc-10896
4. parents
5. parents
6. parents <pilli-huah-queh>
<pilli-huah-queh> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. parents <pilli-huah-queh>
<pilli-huah-queh> FC - > jc-61096
8. parents <pilli-huah-queh>
<pilli-huah-queh> FC - > jc-61096
9. parents <pilli-huah-queh>
<pilli-huah-queh> FC - > jc-61096
10. parents; those who have children
<pilli-huah-queh>-| jc-10896
11. parents; those who have children
FC jc-031297
12. parents; those who have children
FC jc-031297
13. those who have children
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

piliaya ( omo- )
0. teni'a [ H ] ( he had [ H ] [ calque ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. wrinkle
1. (cf piliui) wrinkle
2. (cf piliui) wrinkle

0. wither
1. (cf pilichaui) wither
2. (cf pilichaui) wither

0. it withers

1. it withers
FC -> jc-72895
2. it withers

3. it withers

4. it withers
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it withers
FC jc-031297

0. noble, child
1. noble; nobleman
FC -> jc-72895
2. nobleman; noble; child; son; daughter
3. noble, child
4. nobleman; noble; child; son; daughter
5. child
FC - > jc-61096
6. child, son, daughter
FC - > jc-61096
7. nobleman; noble <pilli>
<pilli> FC - > jc-61096
8. child; noble; nobleman
FC jc-031297
9. child; noble; nobleman
FC jc-031297
10. child
JC-05-07-97 Noun StemsList A
11. lord

12. nin~o

13. nin~a

14. sen~or

15. sen~ara

pilmama pilli-mama
0. nursemaid (child-carry)

0. it hangs

1. it hangs
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. it hangs

3. it hangs

4. to hang so
FC - > jc-61096
5. it hangs
FC jc-031297
6. it hangs
FC jc-031297

piloa-| tepiloliztli
0. act of hanging someone

0. hang

0. child
1. child
FC -> jc-72895
2. child
3. child
4. child <dupl-pilli>
<dupl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
5. child <dupl-pilli>
<dupl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
6. child <dupl-pilli>
<dupl-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
7. child
FC jc-031297
8. child
FC jc-031297

0. noble
Adj Form jc-022897
1. noble
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. aristocratic
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. high-born

4. courtly

5. titled

6. patrician

7. wellborn

8. blue-blooded

9. noble

0. baby; child; baby boy; boy; small boy; girl; poult; puppy;
small child; small one; young boy; young son
1. baby; baby boy; child; boy; girl; small boy; poult; puppy;
small child; small one; young; young boy; young son
FC -> jc-72895
2. baby; child; baby boy; boy; small boy; girl; poult; puppy;
small child; small one; young boy; young son
3. baby; child; baby boy; boy; small boy; girl; poult; puppy;
small child; small one; young boy; young son
4. baby; child; baby boy; boy; small boy; girl; poult; puppy;
small child; small one; young boy; young son; young
<pilli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. baby; child; baby boy; boy; small boy; girl; poult; puppy;
small child; small one; young boy; young son <pilli-to:n>
<pilli-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. baby; baby boy; child; boy; girl; small boy; poult; puppy;
small child; small one; young; young boy; young son
FC jc-031297
7. baby; baby boy; child; boy; girl; small boy; poult; puppy;
small child; small one; young; young boy; young son
FC jc-031297

0. nin~o ( child )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. babies; baby; boy; child; small child
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. babies; baby; boy; child; small child
3. babies; baby; boy; child; small child
4. babies; baby; boy; child; small child <pilli-tzin>
<pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. babies; baby; boy; child; small child <pilli-tzin>
<pilli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. nin~o ( child )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
7. babies; baby; boy; child; small child
FC jc-031297
8. babies; baby; boy; child; small child
FC jc-031297

0. dampen

0. ashamed
Adj Form jc-022897
1. ashamed
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. abashed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. contrite

4. sheepish

5. repentant

6. chagrined

7. embarrassed

8. confused

9. shamed

10. mortified

11. ashamed
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. black beetle
1. black beetle
FC -> jc-72895
2. black beetle
3. black beetle
4. beetle
FC - > jc-61096
5. black beetle <pi:nacatl>
<pi:nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. black beetle
FC jc-031297
7. black beetle
FC jc-031297

0. he is ashamed

1. he is ashamed
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is ashamed

3. he is ashamed

4. he is ashamed
FC jc-031297
5. he is ashamed
FC jc-031297

0. he was ashamed

1. he was ashamed
FC -> jc-72895
2. he was ashamed

3. he was ashamed

4. he was ashamed
FC jc-031297
5. he was ashamed
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. one who feels shame; modest person

1. one who feels shame; modest person

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who feels shame; modest person

3. one who feels shame; modest person

4. one who feels shame; modest person

FC jc-031297
5. one who feels shame; modest person
FC jc-031297

0. shame

1. shame
FC -> jc-72895
2. shame

3. shame

4. shame
FC jc-031297
5. shame
FC jc-031297

0. pale

1. pale
FC -> jc-72895
2. pale

3. pale

4. pale
FC jc-031297
5. pale
FC jc-031297

0. to be stiff from cold
1. it becomes pale
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes pale

3. to be stiff from cold

4. it becomes pale

5. it becomes pale
FC jc-031297
6. it becomes pale
FC jc-031297

0. pale, pallid
1. pale; pallid
FC -> jc-72895
2. pale, pallid
3. pale, pallid
4. pale, pallid <pin?-e:hua-c1>
<pin?-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. pale, pallid <pin?-e:hua-c1>
<pin?-e:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. pale; pallid
FC jc-031297
7. pale; pallid
FC jc-031297

0. chia meal

0. foreigner, savage

0. pollos ( chickens )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. long and slender; long and thin; slender; slender and thin;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. long and slender; long and thin; slender; slender and thin;
FC -> jc-72895
2. long and slender; long and thin; slender; slender and thin;
3. long and slender; long and thin; slender; slender and thin;
4. long and slender; long and thin; slender; slender and thin
<dupl-pia:ztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. long and slender; long and thin; slender; slender and thin;
thin <dupl-pia:ztli-tic>
<dupl-pia:ztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. long and slender; long and thin; slender; slender and thin;
thin <dupl-pia:ztli-tic>
<dupl-pia:ztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. long and slender; long and thin; slender; slender and thin;
thin <dupl-pia:ztli-tic>
<dupl-pia:ztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. slender; thin <dupl-piya:ztli-tic>
<dupl-piya:ztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
9. long and slender; long and thin; slender; slender and thin;
FC jc-031297
10. long and slender; long and thin; slender; slender and thin;
FC jc-031297

0. flatter

0. very compact

1. very compact
FC -> jc-72895
2. very compact

3. very compact

4. very compact
FC jc-031297
5. very compact
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. compact

1. compact
FC -> jc-72895
2. compact

3. compact

4. compact
FC jc-031297
5. compact
FC jc-031297

0. it goes suspended
FC jc-031297

0. edible by children

1. edible by children
FC -> jc-72895
2. edible by children

3. edible by children

4. edible by children
FC jc-031297
5. edible by children
FC jc-031297

0. childishness, puerility

1. childishness, puerility
FC -> jc-72895
2. childishness, puerility

3. childishness, puerility

4. childishness, puerility
FC jc-031297
5. childishness, puerility
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. noblemen, nobles
<dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07>
1. noblemen; nobles
FC -> jc-72895
2. noblemen, nobles
<dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07>
3. noblemen, nobles
<dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07>
4. noblemen, nobles <dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. noblemen, nobles <dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. noblemen, nobles <dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. noblemen; nobles
FC jc-031297
8. noblemen; nobles
FC jc-031297

0. noblemen
<dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07>
1. noblemen
FC -> jc-72895
2. noblemen
<dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07>
3. noblemen
<dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07>
4. noblemen <dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. noblemen <dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. noblemen <dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-pilli-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. noblemen
FC jc-031297
8. noblemen
FC jc-031297

0. nin~os ( children )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. babies; boys; children; little children; small boys; small
children; small childen; young boys
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
1. babies; boys; children; little children
FC -> jc-72895
2. small boys; small childen; small children; young boys
FC -> jc-72895
3. babies; boys; children; little children; small boys; small
children; small childen; young boys
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
4. babies; boys; children; little children; small boys; small
children; small childen; young boys
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
5. babies; boys; children; little children; small boys; small
children; small childen; young boys
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
6. babies; boys; children; little children; small boys; small
children; small childen; young boys
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
7. babies; boys; children; little children; small boys; small
children; small childen; young boys
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
8. babies; boys; children; little children; small boys; small
children; small childen; young boys
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
9. babies; boys; children; little children
FC jc-031297
10. small boys; small childen; small children; young boys
FC jc-031297
11. babies; boys; children; little children
FC jc-031297
12. small boys; small childen; small children; young boys
FC jc-031297

0. small children
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
1. small children
FC -> jc-72895
2. small children
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. small children
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
4. small children <dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
5. small children <dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
6. small children <dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
7. small children <dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b>
<dupl-pilli-dupl-to:n-plur02 plur10b> FC - > jc-61096
8. small children
FC jc-031297
9. small children
FC jc-031297

0. children
<dupl-pilli-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a plur07>
1. children
FC -> jc-72895
2. small children; babies; children
FC -> jc-72895
3. children
<dupl-pilli-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a plur07>
4. children
<dupl-pilli-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a plur07>
5. children <dupl-pilli-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a plur07>
<dupl-pilli-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. children <dupl-pilli-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a plur07>
<dupl-pilli-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. children <dupl-pilli-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a plur07>
<dupl-pilli-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a plur07> FC - > jc-61096
8. children <dupl-pilli-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a plur07>
<dupl-pilli-dupl-tzin-plur02 plur10a plur07> FC - > jc-61096
9. children
FC jc-031297
10. small children; babies; children
FC jc-031297
11. children
FC jc-031297
12. small children; babies; children
FC jc-031297
13. in pipiltzitzinti temamamalo
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
14. the little children were each carried on people's backs
Los pequen~os heran cargados en las espaldas de la gente
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. small children

1. small children
FC -> jc-72895
2. small children

3. small children

4. small children
FC jc-031297
5. small children
FC jc-031297

0. old, strong

0. compact; lean

1. compact; lean
FC -> jc-72895
2. compact; lean

3. compact; lean

4. compact; lean; strong

FC jc-031297
5. compact; lean; strong
FC jc-031297

0. pollito ( chick; little chicken )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. slender; thin
1. slender; thin
FC -> jc-72895
2. slender; thin
3. slender; thin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. slender; thin <dupl-pitza:hua-c1>
<dupl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. slender; thin <dupl-pitza:hua-c1>
<dupl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. slender; thin <dupl-pitza:hua-c1>
<dupl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. slender; thin <dupl-pitza:hua-c1>
<dupl-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. slender; thin
FC jc-031297
9. slender; thin
FC jc-031297

0. it chatters; it shrieks; it squeals; it whistles shrilly

1. it chatters; it shrieks; it squeals; it whistles shrilly

FC -> jc-72895
2. they neigh
FC -> jc-72895
3. it chatters; it shrieks; it squeals; it whistles shrilly

4. it chatters; it shrieks; it squeals; it whistles shrilly

5. it chatters; it shrieks; it squeals; it whistles shrilly

FC jc-031297
6. they neigh
FC jc-031297
7. it chatters; it shrieks; it squeals; it whistles shrilly
FC jc-031297
8. they neigh
FC jc-031297
9. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
10. pipitzca

11. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana

12. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

13. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

14. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

15. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

0. screamer

1. screamer
FC -> jc-72895
2. screamer

3. screamer

4. screamer
FC jc-031297
5. screamer
FC jc-031297

0. they speak like gulls

0. they speak like gulls
FC -> jc-72895
1. they speak like gulls
FC jc-031297
2. they speak like gulls
FC jc-031297

0. it goes showering, it goes drizzling
FC jc-031297

0. gull

1. gull
FC -> jc-72895
2. gull

3. gull

4. gull
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. gull
FC jc-031297

0. franklin gulls

1. franklin gulls
FC -> jc-72895
2. franklin gulls

3. franklin gulls

4. franklin gulls
FC jc-031297
5. franklin gulls
FC jc-031297

0. wild bee

0. he becomes a wild bee

1. he becomes a wild bee

FC -> jc-72895
2. he becomes a wild bee

3. he becomes a wild bee

4. he becomes a wild bee

FC jc-031297
5. he becomes a wild bee
FC jc-031297

0. to blow
FC - > jc-61096

pitza-| tlapitzaliztli
0. act of blowing (ie, a flute, or a fire)

0. thin, slender
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. trim, thinned
FC - > jc-61096

pitza:hua pitzactli
0. st slender and long

1. st slender and long

FC - > jc-61096

pitza:hua tlapitza:uhtli
0. st which trimmed, made thin

0. thin
Adj Form jc-022897
1. thin
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. slender
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. slim

4. lean

5. skinny

6. gaunt

7. lank

8. scrawny

9. emaciated

10. thin

0. slender and long
Adj Form jc-022897
1. slender and long
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. thin
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. slender
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. slim

5. lean

6. skinny

7. gaunt

8. lank

9. scrawny

10. emaciated

11. poor

12. sparse

13. scanty

14. meager

15. scarce

16. slender and long

0. st slender and long
JC-05-07-97 Patientive Nouns no1

0. rather thin; small and slender
1. rather thin; small and slender
FC -> jc-72895
2. rather thin; small and slender
3. rather thin; small and slender
4. rather thin; small and slender <pitza:hua-l2=0-to:n>
<pitza:hua-l2=0-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. rather thin; small and slender <pitza:hua-l2=0-to:n>
<pitza:hua-l2=0-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. rather thin; small and slender <pitza:hua-l2=0-to:n>
<pitza:hua-l2=0-to:n> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. rather thin; small and slender

FC jc-031297
8. rather thin; small and slender
FC jc-031297

0. it becomes slender; it becomes thin; they become slender

1. it becomes slender; it becomes thin; they become slender

FC -> jc-72895
2. it becomes slender; it becomes thin; they become slender

3. it becomes slender; it becomes thin; they become slender

4. it becomes slender; it becomes thin; they become slender

FC jc-031297
5. it becomes slender; it becomes thin; they become slender
FC jc-031297

0. fine; flaked; high-pitched; long and thin; long and
slender; minute; narrow; slender; small; thin and long; thin
1. fine; flaked; high-pitched; long and slender; long and
thin; minute; narrow; slender; small; thin; thin and long
FC -> jc-72895
2. fine; flaked; high-pitched; long and thin; long and
slender; minute; narrow; slender; small; thin and long; thin
3. fine; flaked; high-pitched; long and thin; long and
slender; minute; narrow; slender; small; thin and long; thin
4. fine; flaked; high-pitched; long and thin; long and
slender; minute; narrow; slender; small; thin and long;
thin <pitza:hua-c1>
<pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. slender; thin <pitza:hua-c1>
<pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. fine; flaked; high-pitched; long and slender; long and
thin; minute; narrow; slender; small; thin; thin and long
FC jc-031297
7. fine; flaked; high-pitched; long and slender; long and
thin; minute; narrow; slender; small; thin; thin and long
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. something that can be cast; something that can be blown

1. something that can be blown; something that can be cast
FC -> jc-72895
2. something that can be cast; something that can be blown
3. something that can be cast; something that can be blown
4. something that can be cast <pi:tza-lo:1-ni1>
<pi:tza-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. something that can be cast <pi:tza-lo:1-ni1>
<pi:tza-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. something that can be cast; something that can be blown
<pi:tza-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. something that can be cast; something that can be blown
<pi:tza-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. something that can be blown; something that can be cast
FC jc-031297
9. something that can be blown; something that can be cast
FC jc-031297
10. auh inin paconi
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
11. pitzaloni

12. atililoni

13. atiani

14. and this is that which can be washed

15. can be cast

16. can be liquefied; that which melts

0. small and thin

1. small and thin

FC -> jc-72895
2. small and thin

3. small and thin
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. small and thin

FC jc-031297
5. small and thin
FC jc-031297

0. slender

1. slender
FC -> jc-72895
2. slender

3. slender

4. slender
FC jc-031297
5. slender
FC jc-031297

0. narrow (eg hole)
Adj Form jc-022897
1. narrow ( eg hole )
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. confined
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. cramped

4. constricted

5. close

6. small

7. tight

8. compressed

9. slender

10. thin

11. tapering

12. tight
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

13. tapered

14. slim

15. fine

16. spare

17. threadlike

18. narrow ( eg hole )

0. burst

0. it bursts open
FC jc-031297

0. suck, gnaw

0. pigsty

1. pigsty
FC - > jc-61096

0. ocualnanquilih in pitzocoatl: cualli
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. huel miec tlazohcamati

2. xipano totochtzin Contesto'le la malvada Culebra: --Bien

3. muchas gracias

4. pasa

5. buen Conejito; The mean spirited snake answered

6. " Fine
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. thank you

8. come in

9. good little rabbit; "

0. flesh of pig, pork
1. flesh of pig, pork
FC -> jc-72895
2. flesh of pig, pork
3. flesh of pig, pork
4. flesh of pig, pork <pitzotl-nacatl>
<pitzotl-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
5. flesh of pig, pork <pitzotl-nacatl>
<pitzotl-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. flesh of pig, pork <pitzotl-nacatl>
<pitzotl-nacatl> FC - > jc-61096
7. flesh of pig, pork
FC jc-031297
8. flesh of pig, pork
FC jc-031297

0. pig
1. pig
FC -> jc-72895
2. pig

3. pig
4. pig

5. pig
FC - > jc-61096
6. pig
FC - > jc-61096
7. pig
FC jc-031297
8. pig
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. In nomontah nechilpilihtoc in pitzotl nic omotohton Mi

suegro me esta' amarrando el puerco porque se desato My
father-in-law is tying the pig because it got loose
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
10. In nomontah nechilpilihticah in pitzotl nic omotohton Mi
suegro me esta' amarrando el puerco porque se desato My
father-in-law is tying the pig because it got loose
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. thin

1. thin
FC -> jc-72895
2. thin

3. thin

4. thin
FC jc-031297
5. thin
FC jc-031297

0. drizzle
1. they fall, they sprinkle; they shower down
FC -> jc-72895
2. they shower down; they fall; they sprinkle
3. drizzle
4. they shower down; they fall; they sprinkle
5. they shower down; they fall; they sprinkle <pixahui>
<pixahui> FC - > jc-61096
6. to sow
FC - > jc-61096
7. they fall, they sprinkle; they shower down
FC jc-031297
8. they fall, they sprinkle; they shower down
FC jc-031297

pixahui mopixoa
0. it is sown
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

pixahui-| xinachtlihualxinachpixoah
0. they scatter seeds

0. pick, harvest
1. (cf pi) pick, harvest
2. (cf pi) pick, harvest

0. harvesters
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. there will be harvesting
FC jc-031297

0. guardians of tradition
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. guardians of tradition

1. guardians of tradition
FC -> jc-72895
2. guardians of tradition

3. guardians of tradition

4. guardians of tradition
FC jc-031297
5. guardians of tradition
FC jc-031297

pixoa ( mo- )
0. se esparcen ( they are scattered )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. crop, harvest
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. crop, harvest
FC -> jc-72895
2. crop, harvest

3. crop, harvest

4. crop, harvest
FC jc-031297
5. crop, harvest
FC jc-031297

0. have, guard, keep

0. to have
FC - > jc-61096

piya-| tlapiyaliztli
0. act of keeping and guarding something

0. siphon, tube

0. to gush, spurt, squirt
FC - > jc-61096

piyazihui onmopiyazoa
0. it gushes up, it spurts

plur07 plur10a>

0. smoke
FC - > jc-61096

0. st smoked up

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. tax collector
Agentive -qui jc-022897
1. tax collector
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -qui
2. tax collector
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. tax collector
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. merchant

0. smoke
1. (cf poctli) smoke
2. (cf poctli) smoke

0. smoke
1. (cf pochtli) smoke
2. (cf pochtli) smoke

0. dedicate, belong, esteem, fade

0. count
FC - > jc-61096

0. stiff, numb
1. (cf teopoa) stiff, numb
2. (cf teopoa) stiff, numb

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. st counted

0. knead

0. burp
1. (cf potzoa) burp
2. (cf potzoa) burp

0. dark yellow, smoky yellow
FC -> jc-72895
1. dark yellow, smoky yellow <po:ctli-coztli-tic>
<po:ctli-coztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
2. dark yellow, smoky yellow <po:ctli-coztli-tic>
<po:ctli-coztli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
3. dark yellow, smoky yellow
FC jc-031297
4. dark yellow, smoky yellow
FC jc-031297

0. smoked up
Adj Form jc-022897
1. smoked up
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. semitransparent
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. cloudly

4. frosted

5. filmy

6. smoky

7. gray

8. tinted
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. semi-opaque

10. darkened

11. smoked up

0. smoky
1. smoky; smoked up
FC -> jc-72895
2. smoky
3. smoky
4. smoky <po:chtli-e:hua-tic>
<po:chtli-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. smoky <po:chtli-e:hua-tic>
<po:chtli-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. smoky <po:chtli-e:hua-tic>
<po:chtli-e:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. smoked up
Adj Form jc-022897
8. smoky; smoked up
FC jc-031297
9. smoky; smoked up
FC jc-031297
10. smoked up
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
11. smoked up
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. smoky (pl

1. smoky (pl)
FC -> jc-72895
2. smoky (pl

3. smoky (pl

4. smoky ( pl )
FC jc-031297
5. smoky ( pl )
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it smokes, it becomes smoked
FC jc-031297

0. smoked
FC jc-031297

0. card (wool), tease

0. card
FC - > jc-61096

0. st which is carded

0. teased, inflated
Adj Form jc-022897
1. teased
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. inflated
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. teased

4. inflated

0. silk cotton tree
1. silk cotton tree
FC -> jc-72895
2. silk cotton tree
3. silk cotton tree
4. silk cotton tree <po:cho:tl>
<po:cho:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. silk cotton tree
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. silk cotton tree

FC jc-031297

0. fat

1. fat
FC -> jc-72895
2. fat

3. fat

4. fat
FC jc-031297
5. fat
FC jc-031297

0. fat dissolves

1. fat dissolves
FC -> jc-72895
2. fat dissolves

3. fat dissolves

4. fat dissolves
FC jc-031297
5. fat dissolves
FC jc-031297

0. merchants

1. merchants
FC -> jc-72895
2. merchants

3. merchants

4. merchants
FC jc-031297
5. merchants
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he becomes a merchant
FC - > jc-61096
1. he becomes a merchant
Verbing jc-030797
2. he becomes a merchant
-ti jc-030797
3. he becomes a merchant
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. he becomes a merchant
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. he becomes a merchant
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. he becomes a merchant
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

0. merchant
1. merchant
FC -> jc-72895
2. merchant
3. merchant
4. merchant
FC - > jc-61096
5. merchant
FC - > jc-61096
6. merchant <po:chte:catl>
<po:chte:catl> FC - > jc-61096
7. merchant
FC jc-031297
8. merchant
Noun jc-030797
9. merchant
FC jc-031297
10. merchant
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3
11. merchant
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
12. merchant
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

pochtecatl (merchant) pochtecatihe

0. becomes a merchant
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. principal merchants

1. principal merchants
FC -> jc-72895
2. principal merchants

3. principal merchants

4. principal merchants
FC jc-031297
5. principal merchants
FC jc-031297

0. pochtecatzintli pochteca tlailotlac, acxoteca the head
merchant, the principal merchant in foreign parts, the
distinguished trader (b10 f3 p59), in pochtecatzintli ihuan
in oc cequi tocaitl: ca pochtla, ca pochtecapan, acxotla
teuctli tlato, pochtecayacatl, pochtecatlatoani, the head
merchant --and the other titles --is a ruler of
merchandising, of trading; a leader of merchants, a ruling
merchant (b10 f3 p59)

0. smoky
FC jc-031297

0. smoky
1. smoky
FC -> jc-72895
2. smoky
3. smoky
4. smoky <po:ctli-tic>
<po:ctli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. smoky <po:ctli-tic>
<po:ctli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. smoky
FC jc-031297
7. smoky
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. with smoke, by means of smoke
1. with smoke, by means of smoke
FC -> jc-72895
2. with smoke, by means of smoke
3. with smoke, by means of smoke
4. with smoke, by means of smoke <po:ctli-ti1-ca2>
<po:ctli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. with smoke, by means of smoke <po:ctli-ti1-ca2>
<po:ctli-ti1-ca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. with smoke, by means of smoke
FC jc-031297
7. with smoke, by means of smoke
FC jc-031297

0. humo ( smoke )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. smoke
FC -> jc-72895
2. smoke
3. smoke
4. smoke
FC - > jc-61096
5. smoke <po:ctli>
<po:ctli> FC - > jc-61096
6. humo ( smoke )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. smoke
FC jc-031297
8. smoke
FC jc-031297

0. it smokes

1. it smokes
FC -> jc-72895
2. it smokes
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it smokes

4. it smokes
FC jc-031297
5. it smokes
FC jc-031297

0. salty
1. salty
FC -> jc-72895
2. salty
3. salty
4. salty <poyec>
<poyec> FC - > jc-61096
5. salty
FC jc-031297
6. salty
FC jc-031297

0. very salty
1. very salty
FC -> jc-72895
2. very salty
3. very salty
4. very salty <poyec-?-pah4-tic>
<poyec-?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very salty <poyec-?-pah4-tic>
<poyec-?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very salty <poyec-?-pah4-tic>
<poyec-?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very salty
FC jc-031297
8. very salty
FC jc-031297

0. salty
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. salty
FC -> jc-72895
2. salty
3. salty
4. salty <poyec-?-tic>
<poyec-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. salty <poyec-?-tic>
<poyec-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. salty
FC jc-031297
7. salty
FC jc-031297

0. st that gives off smoke
Agentive -ni jc-022897
1. st that gives off smoke
JC-05-07-97 Agentive -ni
2. st that gives off smoke
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
3. st that gives off smoke
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. clean

0. clean, scrub
FC - > jc-61096

pohpo:hua tlapohpo:uhtli
0. st cleaned or scrubbed

0. rail (kind of bird)

1. rail ( kind of bird )

FC -> jc-72895
2. rail (kind of bird)

3. rail (kind of bird)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. rail ( kind of bird )

FC jc-031297
5. rail ( kind of bird )
FC jc-031297

0. companion

0. to count
FC - > jc-61096

pohua-| tlapohualiztli
0. act of counting something

0. it corresponded, it belonged
FC jc-031297

0. they sank
FC jc-031297

0. submerge

0. it sinks

1. it sinks
FC -> jc-72895
2. it sinks

3. it sinks

4. it sinks
FC jc-031297
5. it sinks
FC jc-031297

0. perish
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. falta ( it is lacking; it is necessary )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. he is absent; he perishes; he disappears; it disappears; it
ends; it vanishes; it fails; it perishes; it is consumed;
it is destroyed
FC -> jc-72895
2. they perish
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is absent; he perishes; he disappears; it disappears; it
ends; it vanishes; it fails; it perishes; it is consumed;
it is destroyed
4. he is absent; he perishes; he disappears; it disappears; it
ends; it vanishes; it fails; it perishes; it is consumed;
it is destroyed
5. it vanishes <polihui>
<polihui> FC - > jc-61096
6. to destroy
FC - > jc-61096
7. falta ( it is lacking; it is necessary )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
8. he is absent; he perishes; he disappears; he vanishes; he
wanes; it disappears; it ends; it vanishes; it fails; it
perishes; it is consumed; it is destroyed
FC jc-031297
9. they perish
FC jc-031297
10. he is absent; he perishes; he disappears; he vanishes; he
wanes; it disappears; it ends; it vanishes; it fails; it
perishes; it is consumed; it is destroyed
FC jc-031297
11. they perish
FC jc-031297

polihui anquipoloah
0. y'all destroy it

0. he was absent

1. he was absent
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he was absent

3. he was absent

4. he was absent; they vanished; they disappeared

FC jc-031297
5. he was absent; they vanished; they disappeared
FC jc-031297

polihuia ( o- )
0. faltaba ( it was lacking )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. worthy of destruction
1. worthy of destruction
FC -> jc-72895
2. worthy of destruction
3. worthy of destruction
4. worthy of destruction <polihui-ni1>
<polihui-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. worthy of destruction
FC jc-031297
6. worthy of destruction
FC jc-031297

0. it will perish
1. he will perish; it will perish
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will perish
3. it will perish
4. it will perish <polihui-z>
<polihui-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will perish; it will perish
FC jc-031297
6. he will perish; it will perish
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he vanished
1. he vanished; it vanished
FC -> jc-72895
2. he vanished
3. he vanished
4. he vanished <polihui-prt1>
<polihui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he vanished; it vanished
FC jc-031297
6. he vanished; it vanished
FC jc-031297

0. they perished
1. they perished
FC -> jc-72895
2. they perished
3. they perished
4. they perished <polihui-prt1-plur01>
<polihui-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they perished
FC jc-031297
6. they perished
FC jc-031297

0. lost
Adj Form jc-022897
1. lost
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. missing
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. forfeited

4. absent

5. gone

6. lacking
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. missed

8. passed

9. irrevocable

10. lost

0. he proceeds to vanish, he goes vanishing
FC jc-031297

polo ( otech- )
0. nos falto' ( it was lacking to us; we needed )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. it will be destroyed
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. it will be destroyed
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. it will be destroyed
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. it will be destroyed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. it will be destroyed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. it will be destroyed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. it will be destroyed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. stutter

0. destroy
FC - > jc-61096
1. nepololiztli, act of self-destruction
FC - > jc-61096

poloa-| nepololiztli
0. act of self-destruction
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. mud (for adobes)

1. mud ( for adobes )

FC -> jc-72895
2. mud (for adobes)

3. mud (for adobes)

4. mud ( for adobes )

FC jc-031297
5. mud ( for adobes )
FC jc-031297

popoazque ( to- )
0. nos limpiaremos ( we will clean ourselves )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. humea ( it smokes )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. it smokes
FC -> jc-72895
2. it smokes
3. it smokes
4. it smokes <dupl-po:ctli-v12>
<dupl-po:ctli-v12> FC - > jc-61096
5. it smokes <dupl-po:ctli-v12>
<dupl-po:ctli-v12> FC - > jc-61096
6. it smokes <dupl-po:ctli-v12>
<dupl-po:ctli-v12> FC - > jc-61096
7. it smokes <dupl-po:ctli-v12>
<dupl-po:ctli-v12> FC - > jc-61096
8. humea ( it smokes )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. it smokes
FC jc-031297
10. it smokes
FC jc-031297

0. tlatzauctica iopicatl, popocatzin, pilli: last was yopicatl
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

popocatzin, a nobleman (b12 f8 p123)


0. incensario ( incense burner )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. incienso ( incense )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. incense is offered

1. incense is offered
FC -> jc-72895
2. incense is offered

3. incense is offered

4. incense is offered
FC jc-031297
5. incense is offered
FC jc-031297

0. it perished, it was consumed

1. it perished, it was consumed

FC -> jc-72895
2. it perished, it was consumed

3. it perished, it was consumed

4. it perished, it was consumed

FC jc-031297
5. it perished, it was consumed
FC jc-031297

0. it went to disappear

1. it went to disappear
FC -> jc-72895
2. it went to disappear
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it went to disappear

4. it went to disappear
FC jc-031297
5. it went to disappear
FC jc-031297

0. he will perish, he will meet destruction
1. he will perish, he will meet destruction
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will perish, he will meet destruction
3. he will perish, he will meet destruction
4. he will perish, he will meet destruction <dupl-polihui-z>
<dupl-polihui-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will perish, he will meet destruction <dupl-polihui-z>
<dupl-polihui-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will perish, he will meet destruction <dupl-polihui-z>
<dupl-polihui-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will perish, he will meet destruction
FC jc-031297
8. he will perish, he will meet destruction
FC jc-031297

0. he gibbers, he mumbles; they speak a barbarous tongue

1. he gibbers, he mumbles; they speak a barbarous tongue

FC -> jc-72895
2. he gibbers, he mumbles; they speak a barbarous tongue

3. he gibbers, he mumbles; they speak a barbarous tongue

4. he gibbers, he mumbles; they speak a barbarous tongue

FC jc-031297
5. he gibbers, he mumbles; they speak a barbarous tongue
FC jc-031297

0. he mumbles

1. he mumbles
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he mumbles

3. he mumbles

4. he mumbles
FC jc-031297
5. he mumbles
FC jc-031297

0. they spoke a barbarous tongue, they mumbled

1. they spoke a barbarous tongue, they mumbled

FC -> jc-72895
2. they spoke a barbarous tongue, they mumbled

3. they spoke a barbarous tongue, they mumbled

4. they spoke a barbarous tongue, they mumbled

FC jc-031297
5. they spoke a barbarous tongue, they mumbled
FC jc-031297

0. he sells brooms

1. he sells brooms
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sells brooms

3. he sells brooms

4. he sells brooms
FC jc-031297
5. he sells brooms
FC jc-031297

popote -- popotl
0. drinking straw

0. energetic
FC -> jc-72895
1. energetic
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. energetic
FC jc-031297

0. energetic

1. energetic
FC -> jc-72895
2. energetic

3. energetic

4. energetic
FC jc-031297
5. energetic
FC jc-031297

0. dark
FC jc-031297

0. very salty
1. very salty
FC -> jc-72895
2. very salty
3. very salty
4. very salty <dupl-poyec>
<dupl-poyec> FC - > jc-61096
5. very salty <dupl-poyec>
<dupl-poyec> FC - > jc-61096
6. very salty <dupl-poyec>
<dupl-poyec> FC - > jc-61096
7. very salty
FC jc-031297
8. very salty
FC jc-031297

0. he swells up; it swells up
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it boils
FC jc-031297

0. it lies fluffed up

1. it lies fluffed up
FC -> jc-72895
2. it lies fluffed up

3. it lies fluffed up

4. it lies fluffed up
FC jc-031297
5. it lies fluffed up
FC jc-031297

0. stink

0. potoncatzahua she spins a loose, thick thread (b10 f3 p52)

0. to burp
FC - > jc-61096

potza-| nepotzaliztli
0. burp, act of burping

0. something that has a hill or mound
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. swell, anger
1. (cf potza) swell, anger
2. (cf potza) swell, anger

poxa:hua tepoxactli
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. light stone, pumice

FC - > jc-61096

0. woodcock
1. woodcock

2. woodcock
3. woodcock

4. woodcock
FC - > jc-61096

0. very spongy

1. very spongy
FC -> jc-72895
2. very spongy

3. very spongy

4. very spongy
FC jc-031297
5. very spongy
FC jc-031297

0. porous; soft; spongy
1. porous; soft; spongy
FC -> jc-72895
2. porous; soft; spongy
3. porous; soft; spongy
4. porous; soft; spongy <poxahui-l2-tic>
<poxahui-l2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. porous; soft; spongy <poxahui-l2-tic>
<poxahui-l2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. porous; soft; spongy <poxahui-l2-tic>
<poxahui-l2-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. spongy <poxa:hua-tic>
<poxa:hua-tic> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. soft, spongy
Adj Form jc-022897
9. porous; soft; spongy
FC jc-031297
10. porous; soft; spongy
FC jc-031297
11. soft
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
12. spongy
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
13. soft

14. spongy

0. nocturnal bird
1. whip-poor-will
FC -> jc-72895
2. nocturnal bird

3. nocturnal bird
4. nocturnal bird

5. nocturnal bird
FC - > jc-61096
6. whip-poor-will
FC jc-031297
7. whip-poor-will
FC jc-031297

0. it swells; they become soft
1. it swells; they become soft
FC -> jc-72895
2. it swells; they become soft
3. it swells; they become soft
4. it swells <poxa:hua-c1>
<poxa:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. it swells; they become soft <poxa:hua-c1>
<poxa:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. it swells; they become soft

FC jc-031297
7. it swells; they become soft
FC jc-031297

0. loose; porous; soft; spongy
1. loose; porous; soft; spongy
FC -> jc-72895
2. loose; porous; soft; spongy
3. loose; porous; soft; spongy
4. loose; porous; soft; spongy <poxa:hua-c1>
<poxa:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. loose; porous; soft; spongy <poxa:hua-c1>
<poxa:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. loose; porous; soft; spongy
FC jc-031297
7. loose; porous; soft; spongy
FC jc-031297

0. soft

0. rust, mold

0. moldy
1. moldy
FC -> jc-72895
2. moldy
3. moldy
4. moldy <poxcahui-prt1-c2>
<poxcahui-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. moldy <poxcahui-prt1-c2>
<poxcahui-prt1-c2> FC - > jc-61096
6. moldy
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. moldy
FC jc-031297

0. darken
1. (cf poyotl) darken
2. (cf poyotl) darken

poya:hua tlai:xpoya:uhtli
0. so dazzled or deceived
FC - > jc-61096

0. dark, painted
Adj Form jc-022897
1. dark
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. painted
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. unlit

4. dirty

5. black

6. caliginous

7. Cimmerian

8. dun

9. dim

10. dusk

11. dusky

12. tinted

13. dyed

14. colored
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

15. stained

16. stippled

17. tinged

18. treated

19. shaded

20. dark

21. painted

0. dark
FC jc-031297

0. dark
FC jc-031297

0. salty
1. salty
FC -> jc-72895
2. salty
3. salty
4. salty <poyec>
<poyec> FC - > jc-61096
5. salty
FC jc-031297
6. salty
FC jc-031297

0. very salty
1. very salty
FC -> jc-72895
2. very salty
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. very salty
4. very salty <poyec-?-pah4-tic>
<poyec-?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. very salty <poyec-?-pah4-tic>
<poyec-?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. very salty <poyec-?-pah4-tic>
<poyec-?-pah4-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. very salty
FC jc-031297
8. very salty
FC jc-031297

0. blight
1. (cf poyaui) blight
2. (cf poyaui) blight

0. swell

0. swollen
Adj Form jc-022897
1. swollen
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. enlarged
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. distended

4. inflated

5. expanded

6. bulging

7. swelled

8. bloated

9. swollen
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. swollen
FC -> jc-72895
1. swollen <poza:hua-?-tic>
<poza:hua-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
2. swollen <poza:hua-?-tic>
<poza:hua-?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
3. swollen; distended
FC jc-031297
4. swollen; distended
FC jc-031297

0. it swells up; it swells
1. it swells; it swells up; she swells up
FC -> jc-72895
2. it swells up; it swells
3. it swells up; it swells
4. it swells up; it swells <poza:hua>
<poza:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he swells up; it swells; it swells up
FC jc-031297
6. she swells up
FC jc-031297
7. he swells up; it swells; it swells up
FC jc-031297
8. she swells up
FC jc-031297

0. swollen, distended
FC jc-031297

0. swelling
FC jc-031297

0. it proceeds to swell
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it will swell
FC jc-031297

0. boil

0. it boils; it foams; it is boiled

0. fox

0. one who has foam sandals
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

pozole - pozolli
0. hominy-soup, pozole

0. it foamed, it boiled
FC jc-031297

0. it boils; it foams; it is boiled; they swell
FC -> jc-72895
1. it boils; it foams; it is boiled <pozo:ni>
<pozo:ni> FC - > jc-61096
2. to boil
FC - > jc-61096
3. it boils; it foams; it is boiled
FC jc-031297
4. they swell
FC jc-031297
5. it boils; it foams; it is boiled
FC jc-031297
6. they swell
FC jc-031297

pozoniliz ( mo- )
0. lo hervira' [ H ] ( he will boil it [ H ] )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he boils it

0. angry, irritated
Adj Form jc-022897
1. angry
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. irritated
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. incensed

4. irate

5. enraged

6. mad

7. acrimonious

8. irritated

9. upset

10. furious

11. choleric

12. angry

13. irritated

0. Tleca pozonticah in atol ? Nic cemi tlatla ? Porque esta'
hirviendo el atole ? porque arde mucho ? Why is the atole
boiling ? Because it is burning
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. Tleca pozontoc in atol ? Nic cemi tlatla ? Porque esta'
hirviendo el atole ? porque arde mucho ? Why is the atole
boiling ? Because it has a lot of heat ?
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. broken, cut
Adj Form jc-022897
1. broken
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
2. cut
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. smashed

4. shattered

5. cracked

6. burst

7. damaged

8. split

9. collapsed

10. crushed

11. dismembered

12. incision

13. rent

14. channel

15. stab

16. gash

17. pierce

18. nip

19. passage

20. trim

21. broken
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

22. cut

0. st broken
FC - > jc-61096
1. st broken
JC-05-07-97 Patientive Nouns no1

0. break

0. break
FC - > jc-61096
1. break
JC-05-07-97 Transitive Verb Stems List A

0. st broken

0. st which is broken

0. que ( that )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. que ( that; who )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. que ( that )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. que ( that; who )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
5. quemah

6. que ihcuac ce quiyequizcaltiah

7. aic ce calaqui zan ihcon ihtec ce calli Sabi'a

8. si'
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. que cuando uno tiene buena educacio'n

10. nunca se mete uno sin ma's ni ma's en una casa

11. He knew

12. yes

13. that when one has education

14. one never enters a house without asking for permission

0. he covers it with leather
FC - > jc-61096
1. he covers it with leather
Verbing jc-030797
2. he covers it with leather
-huia jc-030797
3. he covers it with leather
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. he covers it with leather
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. he covers it with leather
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
6. he covers it with leather
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

0. clothing, covering

0. to put on
1. to dress
FC - > jc-61096

0. he is dressed
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. he is dressed
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. he is dressed
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he is dressed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. he is dressed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. he is dressed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. he is dressed
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he dresses so in something

0. stiff-necked
1. stiff-necked
FC -> jc-72895
2. stiff-necked
3. stiff-necked
4. stiff-necked <quechtli--c2>
<quechtli--c2> FC - > jc-61096
5. stiff-necked
FC jc-031297
6. stiff-necked
FC jc-031297

0. a little long-necked
1. a little long-necked
FC -> jc-72895
2. a little long-necked
3. a little long-necked
4. a little long-necked <quechtli--to:n>
<quechtli--to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. a little long-necked
FC jc-031297
6. a little long-necked
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. numbed neck
1. numbed neck
FC -> jc-72895
2. numbed neck
3. numbed neck
4. numbed neck <quechtli-;
<quechtli--> FC - > jc-61096
5. numbed neck
FC jc-031297
6. numbed neck
FC jc-031297

0. having a long neck
1. having a long neck
FC -> jc-72895
2. having a long neck
3. having a long neck
4. having a long neck <quechtli-hue:i-v06-c1>
<quechtli-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a long neck <quechtli-hue:i-v06-c1>
<quechtli-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a long neck <quechtli-hue:i-v06-c1>
<quechtli-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. having a long neck <quechtli-hue:i-v06-c1>
<quechtli-hue:i-v06-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. having a long neck
FC jc-031297
9. having a long neck
FC jc-031297

0. having a rather long neck
1. having a rather long neck
FC -> jc-72895
2. having a rather long neck
3. having a rather long neck
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. having a rather long neck <quechtli-hue:i-v06--to:n>

<quechtli-hue:i-v06--to:n> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a rather long neck <quechtli-hue:i-v06--to:n>
<quechtli-hue:i-v06--to:n> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a rather long neck <quechtli-hue:i-v06--to:n>
<quechtli-hue:i-v06--to:n> FC - > jc-61096
7. having a rather long neck <quechtli-hue:i-v06--to:n>
<quechtli-hue:i-v06--to:n> FC - > jc-61096
8. having a rather long neck
FC jc-031297
9. having a rather long neck
FC jc-031297

0. flesh of the neck

1. flesh of the neck

FC -> jc-72895
2. flesh of the neck

3. flesh of the neck

4. flesh of the neck

FC jc-031297
5. flesh of the neck
FC jc-031297

0. having a fat neck
1. having a fat neck
FC -> jc-72895
2. having a fat neck
3. having a fat neck
4. having a fat neck <quechtli-nanatz?-tic>
<quechtli-nanatz?-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a fat neck
FC jc-031297
6. having a fat neck
FC jc-031297

0. stiff neck
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. stiff neck
FC -> jc-72895
2. stiff neck
3. stiff neck
4. stiff neck <quechtli-;
<quechtli--> FC - > jc-61096
5. stiff neck
FC jc-031297
6. stiff neck
FC jc-031297

0. bird

0. neck bone
1. neck bone
FC -> jc-72895
2. neck bone
3. neck bone
4. neck bone <quechtli-omitl>
<quechtli-omitl> FC - > jc-61096
5. neck bone
FC jc-031297
6. neck bone
FC jc-031297

quechpanoa ( mo- )
0. se pone sobre los hombros ( it is put on one's shoulders )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

quechpatzmiquia ( yo- )
0. se ahogaba ( he was already suffocating )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. having a slender neck
1. having a slender neck
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. having a slender neck

3. having a slender neck
4. having a slender neck <quechtli-pitza:hua-c1>
<quechtli-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a slender neck <quechtli-pitza:hua-c1>
<quechtli-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a slender neck <quechtli-pitza:hua-c1>
<quechtli-pitza:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. having a slender neck
FC jc-031297
8. having a slender neck
FC jc-031297

0. his neck swells
FC jc-031297

0. swelling of the throat
FC jc-031297

0. one who has a triangular shoulder shawl
JC-05-07-97 -eh embeddings no 1

0. those who have shoulder shawls
JC-05-07-97 -ehqueh ( plural of -eh )

0. those who have shoulder shawls
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

quechquitzquia ( tic- )
0. lo agarras del pescuezo ( you grab him by the neck )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. behead
FC - > jc-61096

quechtequi-| tequechtequiliztli
0. act of beheading someone
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. so who is beheaded

0. nerves of the neck

1. nerves of the neck

FC - > jc-61096
2. nerves of the neck
FC - > jc-61096

0. neck
1. neck
FC -> jc-72895
2. neck

3. neck
4. neck

5. neck
FC - > jc-61096
6. neck
FC - > jc-61096
7. neck
FC jc-031297
8. neck
FC jc-031297

0. the neck becomes thick
1. the neck becomes thick
FC -> jc-72895
2. the neck becomes thick
3. the neck becomes thick
4. the neck becomes thick <quechtli-toma:hua>
<quechtli-toma:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. the neck becomes thick
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. the neck becomes thick

FC jc-031297

0. having a thick neck
1. having a thick neck
FC -> jc-72895
2. having a thick neck
3. having a thick neck
4. having a thick neck <quechtli-toma:hua-c1>
<quechtli-toma:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having a thick neck <quechtli-toma:hua-c1>
<quechtli-toma:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a thick neck
FC jc-031297
7. having a thick neck
FC jc-031297

0. como ( like; as )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. bite

0. they raise it
FC jc-031297

0. they intoned it [ie, song] for her
1. they intoned it [ ie, song ] for her
FC -> jc-72895
2. they intoned it [ie, song] for her
3. they intoned it [ie, song] for her
4. they intoned it [ ie song ] for her <p33-e:hua-ben>
<p33-e:hua-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. they intoned it [ ie song ] for her <p33-e:hua-ben>
<p33-e:hua-ben> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. they intoned it [ ie song ] for her <p33-e:hua-ben>

<p33-e:hua-ben> FC - > jc-61096
7. they intoned it [ ie, song ] for her
FC jc-031297
8. they intoned it [ ie, song ] for her
FC jc-031297

0. they sighed

1. they sighed
FC -> jc-72895
2. they sighed

3. they sighed

4. they sighed
FC jc-031297
5. they sighed
FC jc-031297

0. they long for it
1. they long for it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they long for it
3. they long for it
4. they long for it <p33-e:le:huia:>
<p33-e:le:huia:> FC - > jc-61096
5. they long for it <p33-e:le:huia:>
<p33-e:le:huia:> FC - > jc-61096
6. they long for it
FC jc-031297
7. they long for it
FC jc-031297

0. deceive, mock, play

0. wither
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. dislocate

0. yes

1. yes
FC -> jc-72895
2. yes

3. yes

4. yes
FC jc-031297
5. yes
FC jc-031297

0. si' ( yes )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. quemah

3. que ihcuac ce quiyequizcaltiah

4. aic ce calaqui zan ihcon ihtec ce calli Sabi'a

5. si'

6. que cuando uno tiene buena educacio'n

7. nunca se mete uno sin ma's ni ma's en una casa

8. He knew

9. yes

10. that when one has education

11. one never enters a house without asking for permission

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. sometimes

1. sometimes
FC -> jc-72895
2. sometimes

3. sometimes

4. sometimes
FC jc-031297
5. sometimes
FC jc-031297

0. a veces ( sometimes; at times )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. como ( like; as )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. como ( as )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. como ( like; as )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. como ( like; such as )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. como ( as )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. como ( like; as )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. como ( like; such as )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. to dress
FC - > jc-61096

0. clothing; vestment

1. clothing; vestment
FC -> jc-72895
2. clothing; vestment
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. clothing, covering

4. clothing; vestment

5. clothing, covering

6. clothing, covering
FC - > jc-61096
7. clothing; vestment
FC jc-031297
8. clothing; vestment
FC jc-031297

0. en ocasiones ( at times )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. a veces ( sometimes )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. a veces; otras veces ( sometimes )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. a veces ( sometimes )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
4. en ocasiones ( at times )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
5. a veces ( sometimes )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. a veces; otras veces ( sometimes )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. a veces ( sometimes )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. co'mo ( how )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. como ( how )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. como ( like )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. co'mo ( like; as )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
4. como ( like; as )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
5. como ( like; as )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. como ( like; as; how )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. how; in what manner

FC -> jc-72895
8. how; in what manner
9. how; in what manner
10. how <que:n1>
<que:n1> FC - > jc-61096
11. co'mo ( how )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
12. como ( how )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
13. como ( like )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
14. co'mo ( like; as )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
15. como ( like; as )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
16. como ( like; as )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
17. como ( like; as; how )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
18. how; in what manner
FC jc-031297
19. how; in what manner
FC jc-031297
20. quilia: quen otipanoc cualli tlatlallancaltzin ? quen
otixton ? Le dice: ? Co'mo lo has pasado
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
21. buena Cuevita
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
22. co'mo amaneciste ? He says: How are you fairing
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
23. good cave

24. how did you rise this morning ?

25. Quien le dijo a cueva " como amaneciste " ? Aquin oquilih
quen otixton in tlallancal ? Who greet the cave with

26. " How did you wake this morning ? "

27. quen otiquilnamic huan otihuallah otinechtlahpaloco ?

28. xihuiqui ? co'mo es que te acordaste de venir a saludarme?

! en ! How is it that you remembered to come and greet ?
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. what kind; what sort; what manner; what way; whatever kind;
1. all kinds
FC -> jc-72895
2. what kind; what sort; what manner; what way; whatever kind;
FC -> jc-72895
3. what kind; what sort; what manner; what way; whatever kind;
4. what kind; what sort; what manner; what way; whatever kind;
5. whatsoever, what sort <que:n-amih3>
<que:n-amih3> FC - > jc-61096
6. all kinds
FC jc-031297
7. what kind; what sort; what manner; what way; whatever kind;
FC jc-031297
8. all kinds
FC jc-031297
9. what kind; what sort; what manner; what way; whatever kind;
FC jc-031297

0. in quenamicatzintli in at huel ihicac, in at nozo zan
quenamicatzintli: ma ticmaxopeuh, ma yehuatl, ca
itlaihualtzin in toteucyo: howsoever they may be--perhaps
truly upstanding or perhaps only in any manner--do not
reject the one sent of our lord (b6 f8 p98), in
quenamicatzintli in at huel ihicac, in at nozo zan
quenamicatzintli: ma ticmaxopeuh, ma yehuatl, ca
itlaihualtzin in toteucyo: howsoever they may be--perhaps
truly upstanding or perhaps only in any manner--do not
reject the one sent of our lord (b6 f8 p98)
1. what kind, what sort
FC -> jc-72895
2. what kind, what sort
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. in quenamicatzintli in at huel ihicac, in at nozo zan

quenamicatzintli: ma ticmaxopeuh, ma yehuatl, ca
itlaihualtzin in toteucyo: howsoever they may be--perhaps
truly upstanding or perhaps only in any manner--do not
reject the one sent of our lord (b6 f8 p98), in
quenamicatzintli in at huel ihicac, in at nozo zan
quenamicatzintli: ma ticmaxopeuh, ma yehuatl, ca
itlaihualtzin in toteucyo: howsoever they may be--perhaps
truly upstanding or perhaps only in any manner--do not
reject the one sent of our lord (b6 f8 p98)
4. what kind, what sort

5. what kind, what sort

FC jc-031297
6. what kind, what sort
FC jc-031297

0. how, in what manner or condition
1. how, in what manner or condition; whatever kinds
FC -> jc-72895
2. how, in what manner or condition
3. how, in what manner or condition
4. how, in what manner or condition <que:n-amih-plur01>
<que:n-amih-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. how, in what manner or condition <que:n-amih-plur01>
<que:n-amih-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. how, in what manner or condition; whatever kinds
FC jc-031297
7. how, in what manner or condition; whatever kinds
FC jc-031297

0. como ( how )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. co'mo ( how [ what ] )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. how; as; in what manner
FC -> jc-72895
3. how
4. how
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. how <que:n1-in>
<que:n1-in> FC - > jc-61096
6. how <que:n1-in>
<que:n1-in> FC - > jc-61096
7. como ( how )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. co'mo ( how [ what ] )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
9. how; as; in what manner; in what way
FC jc-031297
10. how; as; in what manner; in what way
FC jc-031297
11. Quitztoc quenin pepeyoni in citlalin Esta' viendo como
titila la estrella I am watching how the star twinkles
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast
12. Quitzticah quenin pepeyoni in citlalin Esta' viendo como
titila la estrella He/she is looking at how the stars
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. however
1. however
FC -> jc-72895
2. however
3. however
4. however <que:n1-mach>
<que:n1-mach> FC - > jc-61096
5. however <que:n1-mach>
<que:n1-mach> FC - > jc-61096
6. however
FC jc-031297
7. however
FC jc-031297

0. sometime; sometimes; at times; when; at what; at what time

1. sometime; sometimes; at times; when; at what; at what time

FC -> jc-72895
2. sometime; sometimes; at times; when; at what; at what time
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. sometime; sometimes; at times; when; at what; at what time

4. sometime; sometimes; at times; when; at what; at what time

FC jc-031297
5. sometime; sometimes; at times; when; at what; at what time
FC jc-031297

0. sometimes; at times; on some occasions; sometime

1. sometimes; at times; on some occasions; sometime

FC -> jc-72895
2. but in the region Where-In-Some-Way-One-Exists
3. sometimes; at times; on some occasions; sometime

4. sometimes; at times; on some occasions; sometime

5. but in the region Where-In-Some-Way-One-Exists

6. sometimes; at times; on some occasions; sometime
FC jc-031297
7. sometimes; at times; on some occasions; sometime
FC jc-031297

0. how else
1. how else
FC -> jc-72895
2. how else
3. how else
4. how else <que:n1-nelli?>
<que:n1-nelli?> FC - > jc-61096
5. how else
FC jc-031297
6. how else
FC jc-031297

0. there Where-in-Someway-One-Exists?

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it twists its neck repeatedly

1. it twists its neck repeatedly

FC -> jc-72895
2. it twists its neck repeatedly

3. it twists its neck repeatedly

4. it twists its neck repeatedly

FC jc-031297
5. it twists its neck repeatedly
FC jc-031297

0. ankle
1. ankle bone; wrist bone
FC -> jc-72895
2. ankle bone; wrist bone

3. ankle
4. ankle bone; wrist bone

5. ankle bone; wrist bone

FC jc-031297
6. ankle bone; wrist bone
FC jc-031297

0. flesh of the ankle

1. flesh of the ankle

FC -> jc-72895
2. flesh of the ankle

3. flesh of the ankle

4. flesh of the ankle

FC jc-031297
5. flesh of the ankle
FC jc-031297

0. step, kick
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. gums

0. stand

0. !name=quetzalcoatl
<!name=quetzalcoatl quetzalli-co:a:tl>
1. !name=quetzalcoatl <!name=quetzalcoatl quetzalli-co:a:tl>
<!name=quetzalcoatl quetzalli-co:a:tl> FC - > jc-61096
2. !name=quetzalcoatl <!name=quetzalcoatl quetzalli-co:a:tl>
<!name=quetzalcoatl quetzalli-co:a:tl> FC - > jc-61096

0. pheasant

1. pheasant
FC -> jc-72895
2. pheasant

3. pheasant

4. pheasant
FC jc-031297
5. pheasant
FC jc-031297

0. quetzal feather fan

1. quetzal feather fan

FC -> jc-72895
2. quetzal feather fan

3. quetzal feather fan

4. quetzal feather fan

FC jc-031297
5. quetzal feather fan
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. those who have quetzal feathers

JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. broad-tailed hummingbird

1. broad-tailed hummingbird
FC -> jc-72895
2. broad-tailed hummingbird

3. broad-tailed hummingbird

4. broad-tailed hummingbird
FC jc-031297
5. broad-tailed hummingbird
FC jc-031297

0. emerald-green jade
1. emerald-green jade
FC -> jc-72895
2. emerald-green jade
3. emerald-green jade
4. emerald-green jade <quetzalli-i:tztli>
<quetzalli-i:tztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. emerald-green jade <quetzalli-i:tztli>
<quetzalli-i:tztli> FC - > jc-61096
6. emerald-green jade
FC jc-031297
7. emerald-green jade
FC jc-031297

0. precious cypress tree

1. precious cypress tree

FC -> jc-72895
2. precious cypress tree

3. precious cypress tree

4. precious cypress tree

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. precious cypress tree

FC jc-031297

0. green feather
1. precious feather; quetzal feather
FC -> jc-72895
2. quetzal feather
3. green feather
4. quetzal feather
5. quetzal feather <quetzalli>
<quetzalli> FC - > jc-61096
6. precious feather; quetzal feather; quetzal tailfeather;
quetzalli tailfeather
FC jc-031297
7. precious feather; quetzal feather; quetzal tailfeather;
quetzalli tailfeather
FC jc-031297

0. having quetzal feathers

1. having quetzal feathers

FC -> jc-72895
2. having quetzal feathers

3. having quetzal feathers

4. having quetzal feathers

FC jc-031297
5. having quetzal feathers
FC jc-031297

0. they are stood up
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. they are stood up
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. they are stood up
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. they are stood up
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they are stood up

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. they are stood up
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. they are stood up
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. having quetzal feathers on the rim
FC jc-031297

0. common teal
FC jc-031297

0. resplendent trogon
1. resplendent trogon
FC -> jc-72895
2. resplendent trogon
3. resplendent trogon
4. resplendent trogon <quetzalli-to:to:tl>
<quetzalli-to:to:tl> FC - > jc-61096
5. resplendent trogon <quetzalli-to:to:tl>
<quetzalli-to:to:tl> FC - > jc-61096
6. resplendent trogon
FC jc-031297
7. resplendent trogon
FC jc-031297

0. bird with rich green feathers
FC - > jc-61096

0. long hair on the back of the head

1. long hair on the back of the head

FC - > jc-61096
2. long hair on the back of the head
FC - > jc-61096

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. groin

0. ihuan in aquin mocxipoztequi, anozo momapoztequi, anozo aca
motlahuitequi: anozo aca tlaxoa, anozo quexilihuiliztli:
oncan ommoteca, and he who breaks a foot or a hand
-perhaps someone is struck, or someone is hurled to the
ground -or there are slivers [in his foot], it is spread on
there <quexilli?-v0?-liz (b11 f15 c7 p151), 2 ihuan no ic
pati in quexilihuiliztli: ihuan xochicihuiztli and also
with it are cured the disease of the groin and hemorrhoids
<quexilli-v0-liz (b11 f18 c7 p185)
1. ihuan in aquin mocxipoztequi, anozo momapoztequi, anozo aca
motlahuitequi: anozo aca tlaxoa, anozo quexilihuiliztli:
oncan ommoteca, and he who breaks a foot or a hand
-perhaps someone is struck, or someone is hurled to the
ground -or there are slivers [in his foot], it is spread on
<quexilli?-v0?-liz> (b11 f15 c7 p151) JC-7/23/96
2. ihuan no ic pati in quexilihuiliztli: ihuan xochicihuiztli
and also with it are cured the disease of the groin and
<quexilli-v0-liz> (b11 f18 c7 p185) JC-7/23/96
3. disease of the groin
FC jc-031297
4. disease of the groin
FC jc-031297

0. as many as, so many; as much as; so much; as much; much

1. as many as, so many; as much as; so much; as much; much

FC -> jc-72895
2. as many as, so many; as much as; so much; as much; much

3. as many as, so many; as much as; so much; as much; much

0. as many as, so many

1. as many as, so many

FC -> jc-72895
2. as many as, so many
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. as many as, so many

4. as many as, so many; much

FC jc-031297
5. as many as, so many; much
FC jc-031297

0. itch
1. (cf quequexqui) itch
2. (cf quequexqui) itch

0. skin of the hip
FC jc-031297

0. he covered it with blood, he bloodied it
FC jc-031297

0. cua'ntos ( how many )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. a little; howsoever many
FC -> jc-72895
2. a little; howsoever many
3. a little; howsoever many
4. a little; howsoever many <que:zqui>
<que:zqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. cua'ntos ( how many )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
6. a little; howsoever many
FC jc-031297
7. a little; howsoever many
FC jc-031297

0. a few days

1. a few days
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. a few days

3. a few days

4. a few days
FC jc-031297
5. a few days
FC jc-031297

0. several
1. several
FC -> jc-72895
2. several
3. several
4. several <que:zqui-tetl2>
<que:zqui-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
5. several <que:zqui-tetl2>
<que:zqui-tetl2> FC - > jc-61096
6. how many, as many; several
FC jc-031297
7. how many, as many; several
FC jc-031297

0. many things

1. many things
FC -> jc-72895
2. many things

3. many things

4. many things
FC jc-031297
5. many things
FC jc-031297

0. hip
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he drinks it; they drink it
1. he drinks it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she drinks it
FC -> jc-72895
3. they drink it
FC -> jc-72895
4. he drinks it; they drink it
5. he drinks it; they drink it
6. he drinks it <p33-i:>
<p33-i:> FC - > jc-61096
7. he drinks it; they drink it <p33-i:1>
<p33-i:1> FC - > jc-61096
8. he drinks it
FC jc-031297
9. she drinks it
FC jc-031297
10. they drink it
FC jc-031297
11. he drinks it
FC jc-031297
12. she drinks it
FC jc-031297
13. they drink it
FC jc-031297

0. there is leaving, people leave

1. there is leaving, people leave

FC - > jc-61096

0. people will go out
Imp Verb jc-022897
1. people will go out
JC-05-07-97 Impersonal Verbs
2. people will go out
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
3. people will go out
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. people will go out
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. dig
FC - > jc-61096

qui:xtia-| tequi:xtiliztli
0. act of digging stones

0. emerge
1. (cf tequixquitl) emerge
2. (cf tequixquitl) emerge

0. leave
FC - > jc-61096
1. to leave
FC - > jc-61096
2. to leave, to exit
FC - > jc-61096
3. go out
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems
4. come out

qui:za-| a:tla:qui:xtia
0. he presses out water

qui:za-| ma:itlmoma:qui:xtiqueh
0. they escaped

qui:za-| qui:zaliztli
0. act of leaving, exiting

0. act of leaving, exiting
FC - > jc-61096
1. act of leaving, exiting
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

-liz nom Jc-022897

2. act of leaving
JC-05-07-97 -liz nominalization
3. exiting
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. act of leaving

5. exiting

0. it is extracted

0. I pronounce something

0. he removed it

0. they drank it
1. he drank it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they drank it
FC -> jc-72895
3. they drank it
4. they drank it
5. they drank it <p33-i:1-ya3>
<p33-i:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they drank it <p33-i:1-ya3>
<p33-i:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he drank it
FC jc-031297
8. they drank it
FC jc-031297
9. he drank it
FC jc-031297
10. they drank it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. entrance, window

0. rain

0. entrance, window

1. entrance, window
FC - > jc-61096

0. it rains; she rains

1. it rains; she rains

FC -> jc-72895
2. it rains; she rains

3. it rains; she rains

4. it rains; she rains

5. it rains; she rains

6. it rains; she rains <quiahui>
<quiahui> FC - > jc-61096
7. it rains; she rains
FC jc-031297
8. it rains; she rains
FC jc-031297

0. rain
1. rain
FC -> jc-72895
2. rain
3. rain
4. rain
5. rain
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096
6. rain <quiahui-l2>
<quiahui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
7. rain <quiahui-l2>
<quiahui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
8. rain
FC jc-031297
9. rain
FC jc-031297
10. oquicuahtoya zacatl huan ihcuac oquimomacac cuentah
yohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
11. tlen oquichih ? Estaba comiendo pasto y cuando advirtio'
ya veni'a un buen aguacero It was eating grass and when it
noticed a big rainfall was coming
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
12. Donde estabas cuando viste que venia un aguacero ? Canin
otiyeya ihcuac otiquittac ohuallaya ce huei quiahuitl ?
Where were you when you saw that a big rainfall was coming ?

0. llovera' ( it will rain )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. it will rain
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will rain

3. it will rain
4. it will rain

5. it will rain
6. it will rain <quiahui-z>
<quiahui-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. llovera' ( it will rain )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
8. it will rain
FC jc-031297
9. it will rain
FC jc-031297

0. he drank it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he drank it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he drank it
3. he drank it
4. he drank it <p33-i:1-prt2>
<p33-i:1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he drank it
FC jc-031297
6. he drank it
FC jc-031297

0. they caused him to abandon it
FC - > jc-61096

0. he goes to leave it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. he heard him
1. he heard him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he heard him
3. he heard him
4. he heard him; he heard it
FC jc-031297
5. he heard him; he heard it
FC jc-031297

0. quipopotzaquiaya, quicacacatztzaya: they stuffed and
crammed it in (b4 f5 p45)

0. he rattles it
FC jc-031297

0. he went along rattling it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he went along rattling it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he went along rattling it
3. he went along rattling it
4. he went along rattling it <p33-dupl-cala:ni-tza-dir2a>
<p33-dupl-cala:ni-tza-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
5. he went along rattling it <p33-dupl-cala:ni-tza-dir2a>
<p33-dupl-cala:ni-tza-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
6. he went along rattling it <p33-dupl-cala:ni-tza-dir2a>
<p33-dupl-cala:ni-tza-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
7. he went along rattling it
FC jc-031297
8. he went along rattling it
FC jc-031297

0. he refrains from saying it

1. he refrains from saying it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he refrains from saying it

3. he refrains from saying it

4. he refrains from saying it

FC jc-031297
5. he refrains from saying it
FC jc-031297

0. in amatl quipochina, quipopochina, in iitic quicacatza:
they shredded paper; they shredded it fine; they bound it
inside [of the nets] (b2 f9 p157)

0. itech quilpia, quicacatzilpia, quiteteuhilpia, they bound
it to [the serpent bench]; they bound it tightly, they
bound it firmly (b2 f3 p73), niman ye ic quiquiquimiloa,
quiteteuhquimiloa, quiteteuhilpia, quicacatzilpia in micqui
thereupon they wrapped the dead one well, they wrapped him
thoroughly, they bound him thoroughly, they bound him
closely (b3 f3 p43)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they bind it tightly, they tie it tightly
FC -> jc-72895
2. they bind it tightly, they tie it tightly

3. itech quilpia, quicacatzilpia, quiteteuhilpia, they bound

it to [the serpent bench]; they bound it tightly, they
bound it firmly (b2 f3 p73), niman ye ic quiquiquimiloa,
quiteteuhquimiloa, quiteteuhilpia, quicacatzilpia in micqui
thereupon they wrapped the dead one well, they wrapped him
thoroughly, they bound him thoroughly, they bound him
closely (b3 f3 p43)
4. they bind it tightly, they tie it tightly

5. they bind it tightly, they tie it tightly

FC jc-031297
6. they bind it tightly, they tie it tightly
FC jc-031297

0. quicuicuitlalpiaya, quicacatzilpiaya, quitetehuilpiaya,
quimecatetecoyayaya, quimecatitlan tlaliaya they bound them
each in the middle; they bound them firmly, they bound them
tightly; they wrapped them in cords; they placed cords
about them (b2 f9 p149)

0. they arranged him on a carrying frame

1. they arranged him on a carrying frame

FC -> jc-72895
2. they arranged him on a carrying frame

3. they arranged him on a carrying frame

4. they arranged him on a carrying frame

FC jc-031297
5. they arranged him on a carrying frame
FC jc-031297

0. she puts a shoe on him
FC - > jc-61096
1. she puts a shoe on him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Verbing jc-030797
2. she puts a shoe on him
-tia jc-030797
3. she puts a shoe on him
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. she puts a shoe on him
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. she puts a shoe on him
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
6. she puts a shoe on him
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

0. he dispels it, he leaves it behind; he gives it up; he
leaves it; he lets it go; it leaves it alone; they leave
him; they cease it; they leave it
1. he dispels it, he leaves it behind; he gives it up; he
leaves it; he lets it go; it leaves it alone; they cease
it; they leave it; they leave her; they leave him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he dispels it, he leaves it behind; he gives it up; he
leaves it; he lets it go; it leaves it alone; they leave
him; they cease it; they leave it
3. he dispels it, he leaves it behind; he gives it up; he
leaves it; he lets it go; it leaves it alone; they leave
him; they cease it; they leave it
4. he dispels it, he leaves it behind; he gives it up; he
leaves it; he lets it go; it leaves it alone; they leave
him; they cease it; they leave it <p33-ca:hua>
<p33-ca:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he dispels it, he leaves it behind; he gives it up; he
leaves it; he lets it go; it leaves it alone; they cease
it; they leave it; they leave her; they leave him
FC jc-031297
6. he dispels it, he leaves it behind; he gives it up; he
leaves it; he lets it go; it leaves it alone; they cease
it; they leave it; they leave her; they leave him
FC jc-031297

0. she went to leave it

1. she went to leave it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. she went to leave it

3. she went to leave it

4. she went to leave it

FC jc-031297
5. she went to leave it
FC jc-031297

0. he will abstain from it; he will leave it
1. he will abstain from it; he will leave it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will abstain from it; he will leave it
3. he will abstain from it; he will leave it
4. he will abstain from it; he will leave it <p33-ca:hua-z>
<p33-ca:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will abstain from it; he will leave it
FC jc-031297
6. he will abstain from it; he will leave it
FC jc-031297

0. they will leave it, they will stop it
1. they will leave it; they will stop it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will leave it, they will stop it
3. they will leave it, they will stop it
4. they will leave it, they will stop it <p33-ca:hua-z-plur01>
<p33-ca:hua-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will leave it; they will stop it
FC jc-031297
6. they will leave it; they will stop it
FC jc-031297

0. he brings it in, he puts it in; she puts her in; she puts
it inside; she puts it in; she inserts it; they placed him;
they put him in; they put it in; they bring him in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he brings it in, he puts it in; it puts it in; she puts her
in; she puts it in; she inserts it; she puts it inside;
they place him; they put him in; they placed him; they
bring him in; they put it in
FC -> jc-72895
2. he brings it in, he puts it in; she puts her in; she puts
it inside; she puts it in; she inserts it; they placed him;
they put him in; they put it in; they bring him in
3. he brings it in, he puts it in; she puts her in; she puts
it inside; she puts it in; she inserts it; they placed him;
they put him in; they put it in; they bring him in
4. he brings it in, he puts it in; she puts her in; she puts
it inside; she puts it in; she inserts it; they placed him;
they put him in; they put it in; they bring him in
<p33-calaqui-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. they place him, they put him in <p33-calaqui-ya3>
<p33-calaqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he brings it in, he puts it in; it puts it in; she puts her
in; she puts it in; she inserts it; she puts it inside;
they place him; they put him in; they placed him; they
bring him in; they put it in
FC jc-031297
7. he brings it in, he puts it in; it puts it in; she puts her
in; she puts it in; she inserts it; she puts it inside;
they place him; they put him in; they placed him; they
bring him in; they put it in
FC jc-031297

0. they placed him, they put him in; they carried it in; they
put it in; they took it in
1. they carried it in, they put it in; they placed him; they
put him in; they took it in
FC -> jc-72895
2. they placed him, they put him in; they carried it in; they
put it in; they took it in
3. they placed him, they put him in; they carried it in; they
put it in; they took it in
4. they placed him, they put him in; they carried it in; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

put it in; they took it in <p33-calaqui-caus08-ya3>

<p33-calaqui-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they placed him, they put him in; they carried it in; they
put it in; they took it in <p33-calaqui-caus08-ya3>
<p33-calaqui-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they carried it in, they put it in; they placed him; they
put him in; they took it in
FC jc-031297
7. they carried it in, they put it in; they placed him; they
put him in; they took it in
FC jc-031297

0. they did put it in, they intruded it
1. they did put it in, they intruded it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they did put it in, they intruded it
3. they did put it in, they intruded it
4. they did put it in, they intruded it
<p33-calaqui-caus08-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they did put it in, they intruded it
FC jc-031297
6. they did put it in, they intruded it
FC jc-031297

0. they quickly place her
<p33-calaqui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
1. they quickly place her
FC -> jc-72895
2. they quickly place her
<p33-calaqui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
3. they quickly place her
<p33-calaqui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
4. they quickly place her <p33-calaqui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<p33-calaqui-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. they quickly place her <p33-calaqui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<p33-calaqui-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
6. they quickly place her
FC jc-031297
7. they quickly place her
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they place him, they put him in

0. he blackens it with soot
FC - > jc-61096
1. he blackens it with soot
Verbing jc-030797
2. he blackens it with soot
-huia jc-030797
3. he blackens it with soot
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. he blackens it with soot
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. he blackens it with soot
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
6. he blackens it with soot
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

0. he builds a house for it
1. he builds a house for it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he builds a house for it
3. he builds a house for it
4. he builds a house for him
FC - > jc-61096
5. he builds a house for it <p33-calli-v04-caus08>
<p33-calli-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. he builds a house for it
FC jc-031297
7. he builds a house for it
FC jc-031297

0. she jokes with him
1. she jokes with him
FC -> jc-72895
2. she jokes with him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. she jokes with him

4. she jokes with him <p33-camana:lli-v02>
<p33-camana:lli-v02> FC - > jc-61096
5. she jokes with him
FC jc-031297
6. she jokes with him
FC jc-031297

0. she washes her [ someone else's ] mouth
FC jc-031297

0. they give it a mouth

1. they give it a mouth

FC -> jc-72895
2. they give it a mouth

3. they give it a mouth

4. they give it a mouth

FC jc-031297
5. they give it a mouth
FC jc-031297

0. they thin it
1. they thin it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they thin it
3. they thin it
4. they thin it <p3-cana:hua>
<p3-cana:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. they thin it; they thin it out
FC jc-031297
6. they thin it; they thin it out
FC jc-031297

0. they flattened it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they flattened it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they flattened it
3. they flattened it
4. they flattened it <p33-cana:hua-ya3>
<p33-cana:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they flattened it
FC jc-031297
6. they flattened it
FC jc-031297

0. In nocnih quicanhuihticah in axnoh Mi hermano esta'
siguiendo al burro My brother is following the donkey
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. In nocnih quicanhuihtoc in axnoh Mi hermano esta'
siguiendo al burro My brother is following the donkey
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. he hears; he hears it
1. he hears; he hears it; he listens it; he listens to it;
they hear it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he hears; he hears it
3. he hears; he hears it
4. he hears; he hears it; he listens it; he listens to it
FC jc-031297
5. they hear it
FC jc-031297
6. he hears; he hears it; he listens it; he listens to it
FC jc-031297
7. they hear it
FC jc-031297

0. he heard it; they heard it
1. he heard it; they heard it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he heard it; they heard it
3. he heard it; they heard it
4. he heard it; they heard it
FC jc-031297
5. he heard it; they heard it
FC jc-031297

0. they hear it from him
FC jc-031297

0. he informs him of it
FC - > jc-61096

0. they came to notify him
FC jc-031297

0. he will hear it; listen to it
1. he will hear it; listen to it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will hear it; listen to it
3. he will hear it; listen to it
4. he will hear it; listen to it
FC jc-031297
5. he will hear it; listen to it
FC jc-031297

0. imixpan quitlaliaya, quimittitiaya in pillotl, in
tlatocayotl, in mahuizyotl: in ma itla ic quitlilloti, ic
quicatzauhti, ic quizoloti in tlacamecayotl: they placed
before them, revealed to them, the nobility, the
government, the honor, that they should in no way blacken,
dirty, discredit the lineage (b6 f8 p93)

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they left it, they abandoned it

1. they left it, they abandoned it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they left it, they abandoned it
3. they left it, they abandoned it
4. they left it, they abandoned it <p33-ca:hua-prt1-plur01>
<p33-ca:hua-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they left it, they abandoned it
FC jc-031297
6. they left it, they abandoned it
FC jc-031297

0. they quickly leave him

1. they quickly leave him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they quickly leave him

3. they quickly leave him

4. they quickly leave him

FC jc-031297
5. they quickly leave him
FC jc-031297

0. they adorn it
1. they adorn it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they adorn it
3. they adorn it
4. they adorn it <p33-dupl-cem-ca:hua>
<p33-dupl-cem-ca:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. they adorn it <p33-dupl-cem-ca:hua>
<p33-dupl-cem-ca:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. they adorn it <p33-dupl-cem-ca:hua>
<p33-dupl-cem-ca:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. they adorn it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. they adorn it
FC jc-031297

0. it alleviates it, it calms it; it relieves it; it cools it;
it lessens it; it quiets it
1. it alleviates it, it calms it; it relieves it; it cools it;
it lessens it; it quiets it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it alleviates it, it calms it; it relieves it; it cools it;
it lessens it; it quiets it
3. it alleviates it, it calms it; it relieves it; it cools it;
it lessens it; it quiets it
4. it alleviates it, it calms it <p33-ce:hui-caus08>
<p33-ce:hui-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. it relieves it, it cools it
FC - > jc-61096
6. it alleviates it, it calms it; it relieves it; it cools it;
it lessens it; it quiets it
FC jc-031297
7. it alleviates it, it calms it; it relieves it; it cools it;
it lessens it; it quiets it
FC jc-031297

0. he will quiet them, he will calm them down
1. he will quiet them, he will calm them down
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will quiet them, he will calm them down
3. he will quiet them, he will calm them down
4. he will quiet them, he will calm them down <p33-ce:hui-z>
<p33-ce:hui-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will quiet them, he will calm them down; it will quiet
it; it will abate it
FC jc-031297
6. he will quiet them, he will calm them down; it will quiet
it; it will abate it
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they tried to put it out, they to extinguish it

FC jc-031297

0. it makes her bloom

1. it makes her bloom

FC -> jc-72895
2. it makes her bloom

3. it makes her bloom

4. it makes her bloom

FC jc-031297
5. it makes her bloom
FC jc-031297

0. he adorns him; he arranges it; he prepares it; they finish
it off; they put it in order; they arrange it; they
ornament him; they adorn him; they prepare it; they array
it; they finish it; they array her
1. he adorns him; he arranges it; he prepares it; they array
her; they array it; they prepare it; they finish it; they
finish it off; they ornament him; they adorn him; they put
it in order; they arrange it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he adorns him; he arranges it; he prepares it; they finish
it off; they put it in order; they arrange it; they
ornament him; they adorn him; they prepare it; they array
it; they finish it; they array her
3. he adorns him; he arranges it; he prepares it; they finish
it off; they put it in order; they arrange it; they
ornament him; they adorn him; they prepare it; they array
it; they finish it; they array her
4. he adorns him; he arranges it; he prepares it; they finish
it off; they put it in order; they arrange it; they
ornament him; they adorn him; they prepare it; they array
it; they finish it; they array her <p33-cem-ca:hua>
<p33-cem-ca:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he adorns him; he arranges it; he prepares it; they array
her; they array it; they prepare it; they finish it; they
finish it off; they ornament him; they adorn him; they put
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it in order; they arrange it

FC jc-031297
6. he adorns him; he arranges it; he prepares it; they array
her; they array it; they prepare it; they finish it; they
finish it off; they ornament him; they adorn him; they put
it in order; they arrange it
FC jc-031297

0. they ornamented her, they adorned her; they arrayed him;
they adorned him
1. they arrayed him, they adorned him; they ornamented her;
they adorned her
FC -> jc-72895
2. they ornamented her, they adorned her; they arrayed him;
they adorned him
3. they ornamented her, they adorned her; they arrayed him;
they adorned him
4. they ornamented her, they adorned her; they arrayed him;
they adorned him <p33-cem-ca:hua-ya3>
<p33-cem-ca:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they ornamented her, they adorned her; they arrayed him;
they adorned him <p33-cem-ca:hua-ya3>
<p33-cem-ca:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they arrayed him, they adorned him; they ornamented her;
they adorned her
FC jc-031297
7. they arrayed him, they adorned him; they ornamented her;
they adorned her
FC jc-031297

0. they prepare it for him
1. they prepare it for him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they prepare it for him
3. they prepare it for him
4. they prepare it for him <p33-cem-ca:hua-ben>
<p33-cem-ca:hua-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. they prepare it for him <p33-cem-ca:hua-ben>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-cem-ca:hua-ben> FC - > jc-61096

6. they prepare it for him
FC jc-031297
7. they prepare it for him
FC jc-031297

0. it eats it completely
FC jc-031297

0. auh quicenmacehualtia in toteucyo, in totonqui in iamanqui,
in tzopelic, in ahuiac: and our lord provideth all merit,
the warm, the soft, the sweet, the fragrant
<p33-cem-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08 (b6 f6 c14 p73)
1. auh quicenmacehualtia in toteucyo, in totonqui in iamanqui,
in tzopelic, in ahuiac: and our lord provideth all merit,
the warm, the soft, the sweet, the fragrant
<p33-cem-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08> (b6 f6 c14 p73) JC-7/23/96

0. he mixes it in; he mingles it
1. he mixes it in; he mingles it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he mixes it in; he mingles it
3. he mixes it in; he mingles it
4. he mixes it in; he mingles it <p33-cem-nelihui-caus06>
<p33-cem-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. he mixes it in; he mingles it <p33-cem-nelihui-caus06>
<p33-cem-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. he mixes it in; he mingles it <p33-cem-nelihui-caus06>
<p33-cem-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. he mixes it in; he mingles it <p33-cem-nelihui-caus06>
<p33-cem-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
8. he mixes it in; he mingles it
FC jc-031297
9. he mixes it in; he mingles it
FC jc-031297

0. they boil it together
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they arranged it, they gathered it

1. they arranged it, they gathered it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they arranged it, they gathered it

3. they arranged it, they gathered it

4. they arranged it, they gathered it

FC jc-031297
5. they arranged it, they gathered it
FC jc-031297

0. he mixes it in
1. he mixes it in
FC -> jc-72895
2. he mixes it in
3. he mixes it in
4. he mixes it in <p33-ce:-pan-nelihui-caus06>
<p33-ce:-pan-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. he mixes it in <p33-ce:-pan-nelihui-caus06>
<p33-ce:-pan-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. he mixes it in <p33-ce:-pan-nelihui-caus06>
<p33-ce:-pan-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. he mixes it in <p33-ce:-pan-nelihui-caus06>
<p33-ce:-pan-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
8. he mixes it in <p33-ce:-pan-nelihui-caus06>
<p33-ce:-pan-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
9. he mixes it in
FC jc-031297
10. he mixes it in
FC jc-031297

0. he praises it, he fills it out
1. he praises it, he fills it out
FC -> jc-72895
2. he praises it, he fills it out
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he praises it, he fills it out

4. he praises it, he fills it out <p51-dupl-chama:hua>
<p51-dupl-chama:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he praises it, he fills it out <p51-dupl-chama:hua>
<p51-dupl-chama:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. he praises it, he fills it out <p51-dupl-chama:hua>
<p51-dupl-chama:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. he praises it, he fills it out
FC jc-031297
8. he praises it, he fills it out
FC jc-031297

0. he raises it in price, he increases it, he fills it out
1. he raises it in price, he increases it, he fills it out
FC -> jc-72895
2. he raises it in price, he increases it, he fills it out
3. he raises it in price, he increases it, he fills it out
4. he raises it in price, he increases it, he fills it out
<p33-chama:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he raises it in price, he increases it, he fills it out
FC jc-031297
6. he raises it in price, he increases it, he fills it out
FC jc-031297

0. they will come to make it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. they wait for it
1. they wait for it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they wait for it
3. they wait for it
4. they wait for it <p33-chiya>
<p33-chiya> FC - > jc-61096
5. they wait for it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. they wait for it
FC jc-031297

0. he spits it

1. he spits it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he spits it

3. he spits it

4. he spits it
FC jc-031297
5. he spits it
FC jc-031297

0. he will spit it
FC jc-031297

0. he adorns him; they adorn her; they prepare her; they adorn
1. he adorns him; they adorn her; they prepare her; they adorn
FC -> jc-72895
2. he adorns him; they adorn her; they prepare her; they adorn
3. he adorns him; they adorn her; they prepare her; they adorn
4. he adorns him; they adorn her; they prepare her; they adorn
it <p33-dupl-chi:hua>
<p33-dupl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he adorns him; they adorn her; they prepare her; they adorn
it <p33-dupl-chi:hua>
<p33-dupl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. they adorn her, they prepare her; they adorn it
<p33-dupl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. he adorns him; they adorn her; they prepare her; they adorn
it; they array him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. he adorns him; they adorn her; they prepare her; they adorn
it; they array him
FC jc-031297

0. they arrayed him; they adorned him; they adorned it; they
made it; they prepared it
1. they adorned it; they arrayed her; they arrayed him; they
adorned him; they made it; they prepared it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they arrayed him; they adorned him; they adorned it; they
made it; they prepared it
3. they arrayed him; they adorned him; they adorned it; they
made it; they prepared it
4. they arrayed him; they adorned him; they adorned it; they
made it; they prepared it <p33-dupl-chi:hua-ya3>
<p33-dupl-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they arrayed him; they adorned him; they adorned it; they
made it; they prepared it <p33-dupl-chi:hua-ya3>
<p33-dupl-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they arrayed him; they adorned him; they adorned it; they
made it; they prepared it <p33-dupl-chi:hua-ya3>
<p33-dupl-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they arrayed him; they adorned him; they adorned it; they
made it; they prepared it <p33-dupl-chi:hua-ya3>
<p33-dupl-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they adorned it; they arrayed her; they arrayed him; they
adorned him; they made it; they prepared it
FC jc-031297
9. they adorned it; they arrayed her; they arrayed him; they
adorned him; they made it; they prepared it
FC jc-031297

0. they adorned it for him
1. they adorned it for him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they adorned it for him
3. they adorned it for him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they adorned it for him <p33-dupl-chi:hua-ben-ya3>

<p33-dupl-chi:hua-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they adorned it for him <p33-dupl-chi:hua-ben-ya3>
<p33-dupl-chi:hua-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they adorned it for him <p33-dupl-chi:hua-ben-ya3>
<p33-dupl-chi:hua-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they adorned it for him <p33-dupl-chi:hua-ben-ya3>
<p33-dupl-chi:hua-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they adorned it for him
FC jc-031297
9. they adorned it for him
FC jc-031297

0. he makes something bitter
FC - > jc-61096

0. he smokes it; it sucks it

1. he smokes it; it sucks it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they suck it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he smokes it; it sucks it

4. he smokes it; it sucks it

5. he smokes it; it sucks it

FC jc-031297
6. they suck it
FC jc-031297
7. he smokes it; it sucks it
FC jc-031297
8. they suck it
FC jc-031297

0. sucker

1. sucker
FC -> jc-72895
2. sucker

3. sucker
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. sucker
FC jc-031297
5. sucker
FC jc-031297

0. they shave it
1. they shave it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they shave it
3. they shave it
4. they shave it <p33-dupl-ihchiqui>
<p33-dupl-ihchiqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. they shave it <p33-dupl-ihchiqui>
<p33-dupl-ihchiqui> FC - > jc-61096
6. they shave it <p33-dupl-ihchiqui>
<p33-dupl-ihchiqui> FC - > jc-61096
7. they shave it
FC jc-031297
8. they shave it
FC jc-031297

0. he provides him with chia
FC jc-031297

0. he did it, he dealt it; he does it; he performs it; he
carries it out; he makes it; he arranges it; he makes him;
it does it; it brings it about; it makes it; it makes it
[the sound]; she does it; they do it; they make it
1. he did it, he dealt it; he does it; he brings it about; he
carries it out; he performs it; he makes him; he makes it;
he arranges it; it does it; it brings it about; it makes
it; it makes it [ the sound ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. she does it; they do it; they work it; they make it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he did it, he dealt it; he does it; he performs it; he
carries it out; he makes it; he arranges it; he makes him;
it does it; it brings it about; it makes it; it makes it
[the sound]; she does it; they do it; they make it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he did it, he dealt it; he does it; he performs it; he
carries it out; he makes it; he arranges it; he makes him;
it does it; it brings it about; it makes it; it makes it
[the sound]; she does it; they do it; they make it
5. he did it, he dealt it; he does it; he performs it; he
carries it out; he makes it; he arranges it; he makes him;
it does it; it brings it about; it makes it; it makes it [
the sound ]; she does it; they do it; they make it
<p33-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. he did it, he dealt it; he does it; he brings it about; he
carries it out; he performs it; he makes him; he makes it;
he arranges it; it does it; it brings it about; it makes
it; it makes it [ the sound ]; it causes it; it produces it
FC jc-031297
7. she does it; she makes it; they do it; they make it; they
create it; they prepare it; they produce it; they work it
FC jc-031297
8. he did it, he dealt it; he does it; he brings it about; he
carries it out; he performs it; he makes him; he makes it;
he arranges it; it does it; it brings it about; it makes
it; it makes it [ the sound ]; it causes it; it produces it
FC jc-031297
9. she does it; she makes it; they do it; they make it; they
create it; they prepare it; they produce it; they work it
FC jc-031297
10. Que hace uno si es que le contestan ? Tlen ce quichihua in
tla ce cualnanquiliah ? What does one do if asnwered ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. Que hace uno primero ? Tlen ce quichihua achto ? What does
one do first ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. Que hace uno si no le responden ? Tlen ce quichihua in tla
amo ce cualnanquiliah ? What does one do if not responded ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. they practise it, they do it, they are accustomed to doing

1. they practise it, they do it, they are accustomed to doing

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they practise it, they do it, they are accustomed to doing

3. they practise it, they do it, they are accustomed to doing


4. they practise it, they do it, they are accustomed to doing

FC jc-031297
5. they practise it, they do it, they are accustomed to doing
FC jc-031297

0. they come doing it

1. they come doing it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they come doing it

3. they come doing it

4. they come doing it

FC jc-031297
5. they come doing it
FC jc-031297

0. he went to do it
FC jc-031297

0. he did it; he made it; he committed it; he made iti; she
did it; they made it; they performed it; they did it; they
committed it; they celebrated it; they rendered it; they
observed it; they performed
1. he did it; he committed it; he made it; he made iti; she
did it; they did it; they celebrated it; they committed it;
they observed it; they performed it; they performed; they
rendered it; they made it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he did it; he made it; he committed it; he made iti; she
did it; they made it; they performed it; they did it; they
committed it; they celebrated it; they rendered it; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

observed it; they performed

3. he did it; he made it; he committed it; he made iti; she
did it; they made it; they performed it; they did it; they
committed it; they celebrated it; they rendered it; they
observed it; they performed
4. he did it; he made it; he committed it; he made iti; she
did it; they made it; they performed it; they did it; they
committed it; they celebrated it; they rendered it; they
observed it; they performed <p33-chi:hua-ya3>
<p33-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he did it; they made it; they performed it; they did it
<p33-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he did it; he committed it; he made it; she did it; they
did it; they celebrated it; they committed it; they
observed it; they performed it; they performed; they
rendered it; they made it
FC jc-031297
7. he did it; he committed it; he made it; she did it; they
did it; they celebrated it; they committed it; they
observed it; they performed it; they performed; they
rendered it; they made it
FC jc-031297

0. he will do it; he will perform it; he will it
1. he will do it; he will perform it; he will it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will do it; he will perform it; he will it
3. he will do it; he will perform it; he will it
4. he will do it; he will perform it; he will it
<p33-chi:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will do it; he will perform it; he will it
FC jc-031297
6. he will do it; he will perform it; he will it
FC jc-031297

0. he wants to do it; he wants to make it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he wants to do it; he wants to make it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he wants to do it; he wants to make it
3. he wants to do it; he wants to make it
4. he wants to do it; he wants to make it <p33-chi:hua-z-nequi>
<p33-chi:hua-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he wants to do it; he wants to make it <p33-chi:hua-z-nequi>
<p33-chi:hua-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he wants to do it; he wants to make it <p33-chi:hua-z-nequi>
<p33-chi:hua-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
7. he wants to do it; he wants to make it
FC jc-031297
8. he wants to do it; he wants to make it
FC jc-031297

0. they will do it; they will make it; they will perform it
1. they will do it; they will perform it; they will make it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will do it; they will make it; they will perform it
3. they will do it; they will make it; they will perform it
4. they will do it; they will make it; they will perform it
<p33-chi:hua-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will do it; they will perform it; they will make it
FC jc-031297
6. they will do it; they will perform it; they will make it
FC jc-031297

0. they would do it
FC jc-031297

0. they made it for him
1. they made it for him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they made it for him
3. they made it for him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they made it for him <p33-chi:hua-ben-ya3>
<p33-chi:hua-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they made it for him <p33-chi:hua-ben-ya3>
<p33-chi:hua-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they made it for him <p33-chi:hua-ben-ya3>
<p33-chi:hua-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they made it for him
FC jc-031297
8. they made it for him
FC jc-031297

0. it cleanses it
1. it cleanses it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it cleanses it
3. it cleanses it
4. it cleanses it <p33-chipa:hua>
<p33-chipa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. it cleanses it
FC jc-031297
6. it cleanses it
FC jc-031297

0. it will purify it
1. it will purify it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will purify it
3. it will purify it
4. it will purify it <p33-chipa:hua-z>
<p33-chipa:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will purify it
FC jc-031297
6. it will purify it
FC jc-031297

0. he spills it; it drips it; it spills it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he spills it; it drips it; it spills it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he spills it; it drips it; it spills it
3. he spills it; it drips it; it spills it
4. he drips it
FC - > jc-61096
5. he spills it; it drips it; it spills it
<p33-chipi:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. he spills it; it drips it; it spills it
<p33-chipi:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. he spills it; it drips it; it spills it
FC jc-031297
8. he spills it; it drips it; it spills it
FC jc-031297

0. they abrade it, they scrape it

1. they abrade it, they scrape it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they abrade it, they scrape it

3. they abrade it, they scrape it

4. they abrade it, they scrape it

FC jc-031297
5. they abrade it, they scrape it
FC jc-031297

0. they will lose it
FC jc-031297

0. he did it; he committed it; he made it

1. he did it; he committed it; he made it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he did it; he committed it; he made it

3. he did it; he made it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he did it; he committed it; he made it

5. he did it; he made it

6. he did it; he made it <p33-chi:hua-prt1>
<p33-chi:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he did it; he committed it; he made it
FC jc-031297
8. she did it
FC jc-031297
9. he did it; he committed it; he made it
FC jc-031297
10. she did it
FC jc-031297

0. they did it; they made it
1. they did it; they made it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they did it; they made it
3. they did it; they made it
4. they did it; they made it <p33-chi:hua-prt1-plur01>
<p33-chi:hua-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they did it; they made it
FC jc-031297
6. they did it; they made it
FC jc-031297

0. they did it, they celebrated it

1. they did it, they celebrated it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they did it, they celebrated it

3. they did it, they celebrated it

4. they did it, they celebrated it

FC jc-031297
5. they did it, they celebrated it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. in tlein chihualo
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. tehuan quichiuhtihuetzi in whatsoever is being done

2. he throws himself among the others to do it

0. he will weep for it

0. he will weep for it
FC -> jc-72895
1. he will weep for it
FC jc-031297
2. he will weep for it
FC jc-031297

0. it [eg snake] strikes him; it strikes him

1. it [ eg, snake ] strikes him; it strikes him

FC -> jc-72895
2. it [eg snake] strikes him; it strikes him

3. it [eg snake] strikes him; it strikes him

4. it [ eg, snake ] strikes him; it strikes him

FC jc-031297
5. it [ eg, snake ] strikes him; it strikes him
FC jc-031297

0. he calls out to him with weeping

1. he calls out to him with weeping

FC -> jc-72895
2. he calls out to him with weeping

3. he calls out to him with weeping

4. he calls out to him with weeping

FC jc-031297
5. he calls out to him with weeping
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they greet him with tears
1. they greet him with tears
FC -> jc-72895
2. they greet him with tears
3. they greet him with tears
4. they greet him with tears <p33-cho:ca-liz;
<p33-cho:ca-liz-> FC - > jc-61096
5. they greet him with tears
FC jc-031297
6. they greet him with tears
FC jc-031297

0. it drinks it

1. it drinks it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it drinks it

3. it drinks it

4. it drinks it
FC jc-031297
5. it drinks it
FC jc-031297

0. it waters it

1. it waters it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it waters it

3. it waters it

4. it waters it
FC jc-031297
5. it waters it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he shows him compassion, he has pity on him
1. he shows him compassion, he has pity on him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he shows him compassion, he has pity on him
3. he shows him compassion, he has pity on him
4. he shows him compassion, he has pity on him
<p33-icno:tl-itta> FC - > jc-61096
5. he shows him compassion, he has pity on him
<p33-icno:tl-itta> FC - > jc-61096
6. he shows him compassion, he has pity on him
FC jc-031297
7. he shows him compassion, he has pity on him
FC jc-031297

0. he buys it

1. he buys it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he buys it

3. he buys it

4. he buys it
FC jc-031297
5. he buys it
FC jc-031297

0. he bought it; they bought it
1. he bought it; they bought her; they bought it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he bought it; they bought it
3. he bought it; they bought it
4. he bought it; they bought it <p33-co:hua-ya3>
<p33-co:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he bought it; they bought it <p33-co:hua-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-co:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

6. he bought it; they bought her; they bought it
FC jc-031297
7. he bought it; they bought her; they bought it
FC jc-031297

0. they cut him with a knife

1. they cut him with a knife

FC -> jc-72895
2. they cut him with a knife

3. they cut him with a knife

4. they cut him with a knife

FC jc-031297
5. they cut him with a knife
FC jc-031297

0. he will see it in dreams

1. he will see it in dreams

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will see it in dreams

3. he will see it in dreams

4. he will see it in dreams

FC jc-031297
5. he will see it in dreams
FC jc-031297

0. it makes him sick; it sickens; it gets sick
1. it makes him sick; it sickens; it gets sick
FC -> jc-72895
2. it makes him sick; it sickens; it gets sick
3. it makes him sick; it sickens; it gets sick
4. it makes him sick; it sickens; it gets sick <p33-coco:ya>
<p33-coco:ya> FC - > jc-61096
5. it makes him sick; it sickens; it gets sick
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. it makes him sick; it sickens; it gets sick
FC jc-031297

0. he troubles him
1. he troubles him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he troubles him
3. he troubles him
4. he troubles him <p33-dupl-como:ni-caus08>
<p33-dupl-como:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. he troubles him <p33-dupl-como:ni-caus08>
<p33-dupl-como:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. he troubles him <p33-dupl-como:ni-caus08>
<p33-dupl-como:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. he troubles him <p33-dupl-como:ni-caus08>
<p33-dupl-como:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
8. he troubles him
FC jc-031297
9. he troubles him
FC jc-031297

0. they trouble him
FC - > jc-61096

0. it breaks it up, it cuts it up

1. it breaks it up, it cuts it up

FC -> jc-72895
2. it breaks it up, it cuts it up

3. it breaks it up, it cuts it up

4. it breaks it up, it cuts it up

FC jc-031297
5. it breaks it up, it cuts it up
FC jc-031297

0. they buy it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they buy it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they buy it
3. they buy it
4. they buy it <p33-co:hua>
<p33-co:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. they buy it
FC jc-031297
6. they buy it
FC jc-031297

0. he draws it off, he takes it off
1. he draws it off, he takes it off
FC -> jc-72895
2. he draws it off, he takes it off
3. he draws it off, he takes it off
4. he draws it off, he takes it off <p33-copi:na>
<p33-copi:na> FC - > jc-61096
5. he draws it off, he takes it off
FC jc-031297
6. he draws it off, he takes it off
FC jc-031297

0. they put a crown on him
FC - > jc-61096
1. they put a crown on him
Verbing jc-030797
2. they put a crown on him
-tia jc-030797
3. they put a crown on him
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. they put a crown on him
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. they put a crown on him
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
6. they put a crown on him
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it bores it; it bores a hole in it; it makes a hole in it;
they drill it
1. it bores a hole in it; it bores it; it makes a hole in it;
they drill it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it bores it; it bores a hole in it; it makes a hole in it;
they drill it
3. it bores it; it bores a hole in it; it makes a hole in it;
they drill it
4. it bores it; it bores a hole in it; it makes a hole in it;
they drill it <p33-coyo:ni-caus08>
<p33-coyo:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. it bores it; it bores a hole in it; it makes a hole in it;
they drill it <p33-coyo:ni-caus08>
<p33-coyo:ni-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. it bores a hole in it; it bores it; it makes a hole in it;
they drill it
FC jc-031297
7. it bores a hole in it; it bores it; it makes a hole in it;
they drill it
FC jc-031297

0. they give him a neck band
1. they give him a neck band
FC -> jc-72895
2. they give him a neck band
3. they give him a neck band
4. they give him a neck band <p33-co:zcatl-v04-caus08>
<p33-co:zcatl-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. they give him a neck band <p33-co:zcatl-v04-caus08>
<p33-co:zcatl-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. they give him a neck band <p33-co:zcatl-v04-caus08>
<p33-co:zcatl-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. they give him a neck band
FC jc-031297
8. they give him a neck band
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they give her a necklace
FC - > jc-61096

0. he eats him; he eats it; he chews it; he gnaws on it

1. he eats him; he eats it; he chews it; he gnaws on it

FC -> jc-72895
2. it bites him; it bites it; it consumes it; it eats it; its
eats it
FC -> jc-72895
3. she eats it; they eat it
FC -> jc-72895
4. he eats him; he eats it; he chews it; he gnaws on it

5. he eats it, he gnaws on it; it bites him; it consumes it;

it eats it; its eats it; they eat it
6. he eats him; he eats it; he chews it; he gnaws on it

7. he eats it, he gnaws on it; it bites him; it consumes it;

it eats it; its eats it; they eat it
8. he eats it, he gnaws on it; it bites him; it consumes it;
it eats it; its eats it; they eat it <p33-cua:>
<p33-cua:> FC - > jc-61096
9. he eats him; he eats it; he chews it; he gnaws on it
FC jc-031297
10. it bites him; it bites it; it consumes it; it eats it; its
eats it
FC jc-031297
11. she eats it; they eat it
FC jc-031297
12. he eats him; he eats it; he chews it; he gnaws on it
FC jc-031297
13. it bites him; it bites it; it consumes it; it eats it; its
eats it
FC jc-031297
14. she eats it; they eat it
FC jc-031297

0. he will come to eat it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he chews it; they chew it
1. he chews it; they chew it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he chews it; they chew it
3. he chews it; they chew it
4. he chews it; they chew it <p33-dupl-cua:>
<p33-dupl-cua:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he chews it; they chew it <p33-dupl-cua:>
<p33-dupl-cua:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he chews it; they chew it <p33-dupl-cua:>
<p33-dupl-cua:> FC - > jc-61096
7. he chews it; they chew it
FC jc-031297
8. he chews it; they chew it
FC jc-031297

0. they sat eating it

1. they sat eating it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they sat eating it

3. they sat eating it

4. they sat eating it

FC jc-031297
5. they sat eating it
FC jc-031297

0. he will eat it; he will chew it; she chews it
1. he will chew it; he will eat it; she chews it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will eat it; he will chew it; she chews it
3. he will eat it; he will chew it; she chews it
4. he will eat it; he will chew it; she chews it
<p33-dupl-cua:-z> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he will eat it; he will chew it; she chews it

<p33-dupl-cua:-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will eat it; he will chew it; she chews it
<p33-dupl-cua:-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will chew it; he will eat it; she chews it
FC jc-031297
8. he will chew it; he will eat it; she chews it
FC jc-031297

0. it bites him

1. it bites him
FC -> jc-72895
2. it bites him

3. it bites him

4. it bites him
FC jc-031297
5. it bites him
FC jc-031297

0. le esta' picando ( he is biting him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. they saw it as good, they liked it

1. they saw it as good, they liked it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they saw it as good, they liked it

3. they saw it as good, they liked it

4. they saw it as good, they liked it

FC jc-031297
5. they saw it as good, they liked it
FC jc-031297

0. they considered it favorable; they made it good; they
regarded it as good; they regarded him as good; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

considered him favored; they regarded him favorably; they

regarded it as favorable; they liked it; they regarded it
as benevolent
FC -> jc-72895
1. they made it good, they regarded it as good; they
considered it favorable; they regarded it as favorable;
they regarded him favorably; they liked it; they regarded
it as benevolent; they regarded him as good; they
considered him favored <p33-cualli-itta-ya3>
<p33-cualli-itta-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
2. they made it good, they regarded it as good; they
considered it favorable; they regarded it as favorable;
they regarded him favorably; they liked it; they regarded
it as benevolent; they regarded him as good; they
considered him favored <p33-cualli-itta-ya3>
<p33-cualli-itta-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
3. they made it good, they regarded it as good; they
considered it favorable; they regarded it as favorable;
they regarded him favorably; they liked it; they regarded
it as benevolent; they regarded him as good; they
considered him favored <p33-cualli-itta-ya3>
<p33-cualli-itta-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
4. they considered it favorable; they made it good; they
regarded it as good; they regarded him as good; they
considered him favored; they regarded him favorably; they
regarded it as favorable; they liked it; they regarded it
as benevolent
FC jc-031297
5. they considered it favorable; they made it good; they
regarded it as good; they regarded him as good; they
considered him favored; they regarded him favorably; they
regarded it as favorable; they liked it; they regarded it
as benevolent
FC jc-031297

0. they regarded him favorably; they regarded it as good; they
considered it favorable; they sought to make it good

1. they regarded him favorably; they regarded it as good; they

considered it favorable; they sought to make it good
FC -> jc-72895
2. they regarded him favorably; they regarded it as good; they
considered it favorable; they sought to make it good

3. they regarded him favorably; they regarded it as good; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

considered it favorable; they sought to make it good

4. they regarded him favorably; they regarded it as good; they

considered it favorable; they sought to make it good
FC jc-031297
5. they regarded him favorably; they regarded it as good; they
considered it favorable; they sought to make it good
FC jc-031297

0. she feeds it to him

1. she feeds it to him

FC -> jc-72895
2. she feeds it to him

3. she feeds it to him

4. she feeds it to him

FC jc-031297
5. she feeds it to him
FC jc-031297

0. it benefits her; they make it good
1. it benefits her; it improves it; it makes it good; they
make it good
FC -> jc-72895
2. it benefits her; they make it good
3. it benefits her; they make it good
4. he cleanses it, he makes it good
FC - > jc-61096
5. it benefits her; they make it good <p33-cualli-v01-caus04>
<p33-cualli-v01-caus04> FC - > jc-61096
6. it benefits her; they make it good <p33-cualli-v01-caus04>
<p33-cualli-v01-caus04> FC - > jc-61096
7. it benefits her; it improves it; it makes it good; they
make it good
FC jc-031297
8. it benefits her; it improves it; it makes it good; they
make it good
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it eats it
1. it eats it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it eats it
3. it eats it
4. it eats it <p33-cua:-;
<p33-cua:--> FC - > jc-61096
5. it eats it
FC jc-031297
6. it eats it
FC jc-031297

0. he is accustomed to eating it
1. eater; he is accustomed to eating it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they customarily eat it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he is accustomed to eating it
4. he is accustomed to eating it
5. he is accustomed to eating it <p33-cua:-ni1>
<p33-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he is accustomed to eating it <p33-cua:-ni1>
<p33-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he is accustomed to eating it <p33-cua:-ni1>
<p33-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. eater; he is accustomed to eating it
FC jc-031297
9. they customarily eat it
FC jc-031297
10. eater; he is accustomed to eating it
FC jc-031297
11. they customarily eat it
FC jc-031297

0. they take it away; they remove it
1. it removes it; they remove it; they take it away
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they take it away; they remove it
3. they take it away; they remove it
4. they take it away; they remove it <p33-ihcuania:>
<p33-ihcuania:> FC - > jc-61096
5. it removes it; they remove it; they take it away
FC jc-031297
6. it removes it; they remove it; they take it away
FC jc-031297

0. it will remove it
FC jc-031297

0. they come to eat him

1. they come to eat him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they come to eat him

3. they come to eat him

4. they come to eat him

FC jc-031297
5. they come to eat him
FC jc-031297

0. he bolts it down, he eats it hurriedly
<p33-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03>
1. he bolts it down, he eats it hurriedly
FC -> jc-72895
2. he bolts it down, he eats it hurriedly
<p33-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03>
3. he bolts it down, he eats it hurriedly
<p33-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03>
4. he bolts it down, he eats it hurriedly <p33-cua:-ti1-huetzi
<p33-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. he bolts it down, he eats it hurriedly <p33-cua:-ti1-huetzi
<p33-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
6. he bolts it down, he eats it hurriedly <p33-cua:-ti1-huetzi
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-cua:-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
7. he bolts it down, he eats it hurriedly
FC jc-031297
8. he bolts it down, he eats it hurriedly
FC jc-031297

0. it quickly went to eat it

1. it quickly went to eat it

FC -> jc-72895
2. it quickly went to eat it

3. it quickly went to eat it

4. it quickly went to eat it

FC jc-031297
5. it quickly went to eat it
FC jc-031297

0. he goes about eating it; it continues eating it

1. he goes about eating it; it continues eating it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes about eating it; it continues eating it

3. he goes about eating it; it continues eating it

4. he goes about eating it; it continues eating it

FC jc-031297
5. he goes about eating it; it continues eating it
FC jc-031297

0. it eats it lying down; it lies eating it

1. it eats it lying down; it lies eating it

FC -> jc-72895
2. it eats it lying down; it lies eating it

3. it eats it lying down; it lies eating it

4. it eats it lying down; it lies eating it

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it eats it lying down; it lies eating it

FC jc-031297

0. they wound someone on the head, they smash someone's head

1. they wound someone on the head, they smash someone's head

FC -> jc-72895
2. they wound someone on the head, they smash someone's head

3. they wound someone on the head, they smash someone's head

4. they wound someone on the head, they smash someone's head

FC jc-031297
5. they wound someone on the head, they smash someone's head
FC jc-031297

0. they pan it [sand]

1. they pan it [ sand ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. they pan it [sand]

3. they pan it [sand]

4. they pan it [ sand ]

FC jc-031297
5. they pan it [ sand ]
FC jc-031297

0. he ate it; they ate it
1. he ate it; they ate it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he ate it; they ate it
3. he ate it; they ate it
4. he ate it; they ate it <p33-cua:-ya3>
<p33-cua:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he ate it; they ate it <p33-cua:-ya3>
<p33-cua:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he ate it; they ate it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. he ate it; they ate it

FC jc-031297

0. he will eat it; he is to eat it; it will eat it; she will
eat it; she is to eat it
1. he will eat it; he is to eat it; it will eat it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she will eat it; she is to eat it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he will eat it; he is to eat it; it will eat it; she will
eat it; she is to eat it
4. he will eat it; he is to eat it; it will eat it; she will
eat it; she is to eat it
5. he will eat it; he is to eat it; it will eat it; she will
eat it; she is to eat it <p33-cua:-z>
<p33-cua:-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will eat it; he is to eat it; it will eat it
FC jc-031297
7. she will eat it; she is to eat it
FC jc-031297
8. he will eat it; he is to eat it; it will eat it
FC jc-031297
9. she will eat it; she is to eat it
FC jc-031297

0. it wants to eat it
1. it wants to eat it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it wants to eat it
3. it wants to eat it
4. it wants to eat it <p33-cua:-z-nequi>
<p33-cua:-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. it wants to eat it <p33-cua:-z-nequi>
<p33-cua:-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. it wants to eat it <p33-cua:-z-nequi>
<p33-cua:-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
7. it wants to eat it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. it wants to eat it
FC jc-031297

0. they will eat it; they are to eat it; they will eat him
1. they will eat him; they will eat it; they are to eat it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will eat it; they are to eat it; they will eat him
3. they will eat it; they are to eat it; they will eat him
4. they will eat it; they are to eat it; they will eat him
<p33-cua:-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will eat him; they will eat it; they are to eat it
FC jc-031297
6. they will eat him; they will eat it; they are to eat it
FC jc-031297

0. they pulverize it

1. they pulverize it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they pulverize it

3. they pulverize it

4. they pulverize it
FC jc-031297
5. they pulverize it
FC jc-031297

0. they powder it, they pulverize it

1. they powder it, they pulverize it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they powder it, they pulverize it

3. they powder it, they pulverize it

4. they powder it, they pulverize it

FC jc-031297
5. they powder it, they pulverize it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they arrange it in rows

1. they arrange it in rows

FC -> jc-72895
2. they arrange it in rows

3. they arrange it in rows

4. they arrange it in rows

FC jc-031297
5. they arrange it in rows
FC jc-031297

0. he threatens him, he waves it

1. he threatens him, he waves it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he threatens him, he waves it

3. he threatens him, he waves it

4. he threatens him, he waves it

FC jc-031297
5. he threatens him, he waves it
FC jc-031297

0. she turns it over; they respond to it

1. she turns it over; they respond to it

FC -> jc-72895
2. she turns it over; they respond to it

3. she turns it over; they respond to it

4. she turns it over; they respond to it

FC jc-031297
5. she turns it over; they respond to it
FC jc-031297

0. he will come to return it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. he will return it

1. he will return it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will return it

3. he will return it
4. he will return it

5. he will return it
6. he will return it <p33-cuepa-z>
<p33-cuepa-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will return it; it will return it
FC jc-031297
8. he will return it; it will return it
FC jc-031297

0. they will change it
1. they will change it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will change it
3. they will change it
4. they will change it <p33-cuepa-z-plur01>
<p33-cuepa-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will change it
FC jc-031297
6. they will change it
FC jc-031297

0. they make it bloom
FC - > jc-61096

0. he caused it to bloom; they make it flare up

1. he caused it to bloom; they make it flare up
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he caused it to bloom; they make it flare up

3. he caused it to bloom; they make it flare up

4. he caused it to bloom; they make it flare up

FC jc-031297
5. he caused it to bloom; they make it flare up
FC jc-031297

0. he acquires it, he gets it; he takes it; he assumes it; he
grabs it; it seizes him; it takes it; she participates in
it; they gather it; they take it
1. he acquires it, he gets it; he takes it; he assumes it; he
grabs it; he receives it; it seizes him; it takes it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she participates in it; they gather it; they take it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he acquires it, he gets it; he takes it; he assumes it; he
grabs it; it seizes him; it takes it; she participates in
it; they gather it; they take it
4. he acquires it, he gets it; he takes it; he assumes it; he
grabs it; it seizes him; it takes it; she participates in
it; they gather it; they take it
5. he acquires it, he gets it; he takes it; he assumes it; he
grabs it; it seizes him; it takes it; she participates in
it; they gather it; they take it <p33-cui>
<p33-cui> FC - > jc-61096
6. he acquires it, he gets it; he takes it; he assumes it; he
grabs it; he receives it; it seizes him; it takes it
FC jc-031297
7. she participates in it; they gather it; they take it
FC jc-031297
8. he acquires it, he gets it; he takes it; he assumes it; he
grabs it; he receives it; it seizes him; it takes it
FC jc-031297
9. she participates in it; they gather it; they take it
FC jc-031297

0. they took it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they took it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they took it
3. they took it
4. they took it <p33-cui-ya3>
<p33-cui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they took it <p33-cui-ya3>
<p33-cui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they took it
FC jc-031297
7. they took it
FC jc-031297

0. he took it

1. he took it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he took it

3. he took it
4. he took it

5. he took it
6. he took it <p33-cui-prt2>
<p33-cui-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
7. he took it
FC jc-031297
8. he took it
FC jc-031297

0. quitlatzotzoniliaya in huehuetque, in cuicanime,
quicuicatia, quehuilia in icuic the old men beat the drums
for her; the singers sang for her; they intoned her song
<p33-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben (b2 f9 c36 p156)
1. they sing for her; they sing to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they sing to him; they sing for her
3. quitlatzotzoniliaya in huehuetque, in cuicanime,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

quicuicatia, quehuilia in icuic the old men beat the drums

for her; the singers sang for her; they intoned her song
<p33-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben (b2 f9 c36 p156)
4. they sing to him; they sing for her
5. they sing for her <p33-cui:ca-l2-v04b-ben>
<p33-cui:ca-l2-v04b-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. they sing to him; they sing for her <p33-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben>
<p33-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben> FC - > jc-61096
7. they sing to him; they sing for her <p33-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben>
<p33-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben> FC - > jc-61096
8. they sing to him; they sing for her <p33-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben>
<p33-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben> FC - > jc-61096
9. they sing to him; they sing for her <p33-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben>
<p33-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben> FC - > jc-61096
10. quitlatzotzoniliaya in huehuetque, in cuicanime,
quicuicatia, quehuilia in icuic the old men beat the drums
for her; the singers sang for her; they intoned her song
<p33-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben> (b2 f9 c36 p156) JC-7/23/96
11. they sing for her; they sing to him
FC jc-031297
12. they sing for her; they sing to him
FC jc-031297

0. quitlatzotzoniliaya, quicuicatiaya: they beat the drum and
sang for him <p33-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben-ya3 (b1 f2 c14 p31), 2
no ihuan quicuicatiaya, in ihuehueyohuan, in ilamayohuan,
calpoleque and also his old men, his old women, the elders
of the calpulli, made music for him
<p33-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben-ya3 (b1 f2 c17 p37), 3
quicuicatiaya in calpoleque, ic tetlatlacualtia in chane,
tlatlacualo, aatlihua, in ichan: the old men of the tribal
district accompanied it with song; the [new] householder
served food to the people; there was feasting and drinking
in his home <p33-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben-ya3 (b4 f6 c15 p56)
1. quitlatzotzoniliaya, quicuicatiaya: they beat the drum and
sang for him
<p33-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben-ya3> (b1 f2 c14 p31) JC-7/23/96
2. no ihuan quicuicatiaya, in ihuehueyohuan, in ilamayohuan,
calpoleque and also his old men, his old women, the elders
of the calpulli, made music for him
<p33-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben-ya3> (b1 f2 c17 p37) JC-7/23/96
3. quicuicatiaya in calpoleque, ic tetlatlacualtia in chane,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

tlatlacualo, aatlihua, in ichan: the old men of the tribal

district accompanied it with song; the [new] householder
served food to the people; there was feasting and drinking
in his home
<p33-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben-ya3> (b4 f6 c15 p56) JC-7/23/96

0. they painted it
1. they painted it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they painted it
3. they painted it
4. they painted it <p33-dupl-ihcuiloa:-ya3>
<p33-dupl-ihcuiloa:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they painted it <p33-dupl-ihcuiloa:-ya3>
<p33-dupl-ihcuiloa:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they painted it <p33-dupl-ihcuiloa:-ya3>
<p33-dupl-ihcuiloa:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they painted it
FC jc-031297
8. they painted it
FC jc-031297

0. it caused him terror
<p33-dupl-cui-ti1-huetzi-caus02 aux03>
1. it caused him terror
FC -> jc-72895
2. it caused him terror
<p33-dupl-cui-ti1-huetzi-caus02 aux03>
3. it caused him terror
<p33-dupl-cui-ti1-huetzi-caus02 aux03>
4. it caused him terror <p33-dupl-cui-ti1-huetzi-caus02 aux03>
<p33-dupl-cui-ti1-huetzi-caus02 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. it caused him terror <p33-dupl-cui-ti1-huetzi-caus02 aux03>
<p33-dupl-cui-ti1-huetzi-caus02 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
6. it caused him terror <p33-dupl-cui-ti1-huetzi-caus02 aux03>
<p33-dupl-cui-ti1-huetzi-caus02 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
7. it caused him terror <p33-dupl-cui-ti1-huetzi-caus02 aux03>
<p33-dupl-cui-ti1-huetzi-caus02 aux03> FC - > jc-61096
8. it caused him terror
FC jc-031297
9. it caused him terror
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he keeps turning away

1. he keeps turning away

FC -> jc-72895
2. he keeps turning away

3. he keeps turning away

4. he keeps turning away

FC jc-031297
5. he keeps turning away
FC jc-031297

0. he takes it away from him, he seizes it from him
1. he takes it away from him, he seizes it from him; they take
it off her
FC -> jc-72895
2. he takes it away from him, he seizes it from him
3. he takes it away from him, he seizes it from him
4. he takes it away from him, he seizes it from him
<p33-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. he takes it away from him, he seizes it from him
<p33-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. he takes it away from him, he seizes it from him; they take
it off her
FC jc-031297
7. he takes it away from him, he seizes it from him; they take
it off her
FC jc-031297

0. they took it from him
1. they took it from him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they took it from him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they took it from him

4. they took it from him <p33-cui-ben-ya3>
<p33-cui-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they took it from him <p33-cui-ben-ya3>
<p33-cui-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they took it from him <p33-cui-ben-ya3>
<p33-cui-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they took it from him
FC jc-031297
8. they took it from him
FC jc-031297

0. he will take it from him
1. he will take it from him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will take it from him
3. he will take it from him
4. he will take it from him <p33-cui-ben-z>
<p33-cui-ben-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will take it from him <p33-cui-ben-z>
<p33-cui-ben-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will take it from him
FC jc-031297
7. he will take it from him
FC jc-031297

0. they draw it; they paint it
1. they draw it; they paint it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they draw it; they paint it
3. they draw it; they paint it
4. they draw it; they paint it <p33-ihcuiloa:>
<p33-ihcuiloa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. they draw it; they paint it
FC jc-031297
6. they draw it; they paint it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they painted her
1. they painted her
FC -> jc-72895
2. they painted her
3. they painted her
4. they painted her <p33-ihcuiloa:-ya3>
<p33-ihcuiloa:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they painted her
FC jc-031297
6. they painted her
FC jc-031297

0. he will write it, he will record it

1. he will write it, he will record it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will write it, he will record it

3. he will write it, he will record it

4. he will write it, he will record it

FC jc-031297
5. he will write it, he will record it
FC jc-031297

0. he is accustomed to taking it; one who takes it
FC jc-031297

0. they picked it; they took it

1. they picked it; they took it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they picked it; they took it

3. they picked it
4. they picked it; they took it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they picked it
6. they picked it <p33-cui-plur01>
<p33-cui-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they grasped it; they picked it; they took it
FC jc-031297
8. they grasped it; they picked it; they took it
FC jc-031297

0. she seized it quickly
<p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
1. she seized it quickly
FC -> jc-72895
2. she seized it quickly
<p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
3. she seized it quickly
<p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
4. she seized it quickly <p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. she seized it quickly <p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
6. he seized it quickly
FC jc-031297
7. she seized it quickly
FC jc-031297
8. he seized it quickly
FC jc-031297
9. she seized it quickly
FC jc-031297

0. he hurriedly seizes it; he quickly grabs him; he quickly
seizes him; he quickly seizes it; he seizes it quickly; it
pounces on it; they quickly seize him; they snatch it
quickly; they grab him quickly
<p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
1. he hurriedly seizes it; he quickly grabs him; he quickly
seizes him; he quickly seizes it; he seizes it quickly; it
pounces on it; they grab him quickly; they quickly seize
him; they snatch it quickly
FC -> jc-72895
2. he hurriedly seizes it; he quickly grabs him; he quickly
seizes him; he quickly seizes it; he seizes it quickly; it
pounces on it; they quickly seize him; they snatch it
quickly; they grab him quickly
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
3. he hurriedly seizes it; he quickly grabs him; he quickly
seizes him; he quickly seizes it; he seizes it quickly; it
pounces on it; they quickly seize him; they snatch it
quickly; they grab him quickly
<p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
4. he hurriedly seizes it; he quickly grabs him; he quickly
seizes him; he quickly seizes it; he seizes it quickly; it
pounces on it; they quickly seize him; they snatch it
quickly; they grab him quickly <p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. he hurriedly seizes it; he quickly grabs him; he quickly
seizes him; he quickly seizes it; he seizes it quickly; it
pounces on it; they quickly seize him; they snatch it
quickly; they grab him quickly <p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
6. he quickly grabs him, he quickly seizes him; he seizes it
quickly; they quickly seize him; they snatch it quickly;
they grab him quickly <p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<p33-cui-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
7. he hurriedly seizes it; he quickly grabs him; he quickly
seizes him; he quickly seizes it; he seizes it quickly; it
pounces on it; it quickly grabs it; they grab him quickly;
they quickly seize him; they snatch it quickly
FC jc-031297
8. he hurriedly seizes it; he quickly grabs him; he quickly
seizes him; he quickly seizes it; he seizes it quickly; it
pounces on it; it quickly grabs it; they grab him quickly;
they quickly seize him; they snatch it quickly
FC jc-031297

0. it goes to seize him
FC jc-031297

0. it gives her a big abdomen

1. it gives her a big abdomen

FC -> jc-72895
2. it gives her a big abdomen

3. it gives her a big abdomen

4. it gives her a big abdomen

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it gives her a big abdomen

FC jc-031297

0. he will gain it, he will get it; he will take it; he will
take; he will undertake it; he will seize it; it will carry
him off
1. he will gain it, he will get it; he will seize it; he will
take it; he will take; he will undertake it; it will carry
him off
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will gain it, he will get it; he will take it; he will
take; he will undertake it; he will seize it; it will carry
him off
3. he will gain it, he will get it; he will take it; he will
take; he will undertake it; he will seize it; it will carry
him off
4. he will gain it, he will get it; he will take it; he will
take; he will undertake it; he will seize it; it will carry
him off <p33-cui-z>
<p33-cui-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will gain it, he will get it; he will seize it; he will
take it; he will take; he will undertake it; it will carry
him off
FC jc-031297
6. he will gain it, he will get it; he will seize it; he will
take it; he will take; he will undertake it; it will carry
him off
FC jc-031297

0. they will take it
1. they will take it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will take it
3. they will take it
4. they will take it <p33-cui-z-plur01>
<p33-cui-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will take it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. they will take it

FC jc-031297

0. they tie his feet, they bind his feet

1. they tie his feet, they bind his feet

FC -> jc-72895
2. they tie his feet, they bind his feet

3. they tie his feet, they bind his feet

4. they tie his feet, they bind his feet

FC jc-031297
5. they tie his feet, they bind his feet
FC jc-031297

0. they bathe his feet
FC jc-031297

0. he gives it feet

1. he gives it feet
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gives it feet

3. he gives it feet

4. he gives it feet
FC jc-031297
5. he gives it feet
FC jc-031297

0. they kept on binding it, they kept on tying it

1. they kept on binding it, they kept on tying it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they kept on binding it, they kept on tying it

3. they kept on binding it, they kept on tying it

4. they kept on binding it, they kept on tying it

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they kept on binding it, they kept on tying it

FC jc-031297

0. he lives in want, he suffers; they suffer; they suffer
1. he lives in want, he suffers; they suffer; they suffer
FC -> jc-72895
2. he lives in want, he suffers; they suffer; they suffer
3. he lives in want, he suffers; they suffer; they suffer
4. he lives in want, he suffers; they suffer; they suffer
exhaustion <p33-ihi:yo:tl-v02>
<p33-ihi:yo:tl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
5. he lives in want, he suffers; they suffer; they suffer
exhaustion <p33-ihi:yo:tl-v02>
<p33-ihi:yo:tl-v02> FC - > jc-61096
6. he lives in want, he suffers; they suffer; they suffer
FC jc-031297
7. he lives in want, he suffers; they suffer; they suffer
FC jc-031297

0. she will suffer
1. she will suffer
FC -> jc-72895
2. she will suffer
3. she will suffer
4. she will suffer <p33-ihi:yo:tl-v02-z>
<p33-ihi:yo:tl-v02-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. she will suffer <p33-ihi:yo:tl-v02-z>
<p33-ihi:yo:tl-v02-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. she will suffer
FC jc-031297
7. she will suffer
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it hisses at him

1. it hisses at him
FC -> jc-72895
2. it hisses at him

3. it hisses at him

4. it hisses at him
FC jc-031297
5. it hisses at him
FC jc-031297

0. plucker of herbs
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. lo piden ( they ask for it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. quitoa in ihcuac in cacoya
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. quinextia miquiztli: cocoliztli

2. miquiztetzahuitl: they said that when it was heard

3. it signified death or sickness; it was an omen of death

0. **quihtohuaya** itlahtocahua mochihua in tonatiuh they
said that they had become lords of the sun
(b8 f5 p87) jc-022297
1. they said it
FC jc-031297
2. they said it
FC jc-031297

0. they make her dance
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he made him dance

0. quiere decir ( it means )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. In nozoah quihtzomilihtoc in icue ce ichpocaton Mi esposa
le esta' cosiendo su falda a una muchacha My wife is sewing
the girls' skirt
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. he stripes him
1. he stripes him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he stripes him
3. he stripes him
4. he stripes him <p33-huahuana>
<p33-huahuana> FC - > jc-61096
5. he stripes him <p33-huahuana>
<p33-huahuana> FC - > jc-61096
6. he stripes him
FC jc-031297
7. he stripes him
FC jc-031297

0. they scold him, they chide him
1. they scold him, they chide him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they scold him, they chide him
3. they scold him, they chide him
4. they scold him, they chide him <p33-hua:l-ahhua>
<p33-hua:l-ahhua> FC - > jc-61096
5. they scold him, they chide him <p33-hua:l-ahhua>
<p33-hua:l-ahhua> FC - > jc-61096
6. they scold him, they chide him <p33-hua:l-ahhua>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-hua:l-ahhua> FC - > jc-61096

7. they scold him, they chide him
FC jc-031297
8. they scold him, they chide him
FC jc-031297

0. it grabs him; they grasp her; they grab her; they seize
her; they seize him; they grab him
1. it grabs him; they grasp her; they grab her; they seize
her; they seize him; they grab him
FC -> jc-72895
2. it grabs him; they grasp her; they grab her; they seize
her; they seize him; they grab him
3. it grabs him; they grasp her; they grab her; they seize
her; they seize him; they grab him
4. they seize her <p33-hua:l-a:na1>
<p33-hua:l-a:na1> FC - > jc-61096
5. they seize her <p33-hua:l-a:na1>
<p33-hua:l-a:na1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it grabs him; they grasp her; they grab her; they seize
her; they seize him; they grab him
FC jc-031297
7. it grabs him; they grasp her; they grab her; they seize
her; they seize him; they grab him
FC jc-031297

0. he drew him, he pulled him

1. he drew him, he pulled him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he drew him, he pulled him

3. he drew him, he pulled him

4. he drew him, he pulled him

FC jc-031297
5. he drew him, he pulled him
FC jc-031297

0. they will grab him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they will grab him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will grab him

3. they will grab him

4. they will grab him

FC jc-031297
5. they will grab him
FC jc-031297

0. they drew him forth, they pulled him out

1. they drew him forth, they pulled him out

FC -> jc-72895
2. they drew him forth, they pulled him out

3. they drew him forth, they pulled him out

4. they drew him forth, they pulled him out

FC jc-031297
5. they drew him forth, they pulled him out
FC jc-031297

0. they ended it, they left it
FC jc-031297

0. they hear it
1. they hear it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they hear it
3. they hear it
4. they hear it <p33-hua:l-caqui>
<p33-hua:l-caqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. they hear it <p33-hua:l-caqui>
<p33-hua:l-caqui> FC - > jc-61096
6. they hear it
FC jc-031297
7. they hear it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he will wait for him

1. he will wait for him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will wait for him

3. he will wait for him

4. he will wait for him

FC jc-031297
5. he will wait for him
FC jc-031297

0. they will do it
FC jc-031297

0. they brought it
FC jc-031297

0. they carry each of them
FC jc-031297

0. he said it to him
1. he said it to her; he said it to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he said it to him
3. he said it to him
4. he said it to him <p33-hua:l-ilhuia:-prt1>
<p33-hua:l-ilhuia:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he said it to him <p33-hua:l-ilhuia:-prt1>
<p33-hua:l-ilhuia:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he said it to him <p33-hua:l-ilhuia:-prt1>
<p33-hua:l-ilhuia:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he said it to her; he said it to him
FC jc-031297
8. he said it to her; he said it to him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. **quihualilhuia**: one said to him:
(b2 f2 p63) jc-022297
1. ye no ceppa **quihualilhuia** in huitzilobochtli, can ye
huitze, again uitzilopochtli spoke forth to him: "where
now do they come?"
(b3 f1 p3) jc-022297
2. auh **quihualilhuia**, otiquihiyohui, oticciauh, xolotze:
and [the other] said to him in return: "thou hast suffered,
thou hast become fatigued, o servant
(b9 f3 p27) jc-022297

0. auh in huitzilobochtli: **quihualilhuiaya** in cuahuitl
icac: cenca tle ticmomachitia notlatzine, huel
xonmotlacaquilti and uitzilopochtli said to quauitl icac:
"pay careful heed, my dear uncle; listen carefully
(b3 f1 p3) jc-022297
1. auh in ixquich mochihuaya, mochi quihualmacaya,
**quihualilhuiaya**, quihualcaquitiaya in tlatolli in
moteuczoma and of all which had come to pass, they gave,
told, related all the account to moctezuma
(b12 f2 p30) jc-022297

0. they smell it

1. they smell it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they smell it

3. they smell it

4. they smell it
FC jc-031297
5. they smell it
FC jc-031297

0. he said it; she said it; she says it
1. he said it; she said it; she says it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he said it; she said it; she says it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he said it; she said it; she says it
4. he said it; she said it; she says it <p33-hua:l-ihtoa:-prt1>
<p33-hua:l-ihtoa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he said it; she said it; she says it <p33-hua:l-ihtoa:-prt1>
<p33-hua:l-ihtoa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he said it; she said it; she says it <p33-hua:l-ihtoa:-prt1>
<p33-hua:l-ihtoa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he said it; she said it; she says it
FC jc-031297
8. he said it; she said it; she says it
FC jc-031297

0. he says it
1. he says it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he says it
3. he says it
4. he says it <p33-hua:l-ihtoa:>
<p33-hua:l-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he says it <p33-hua:l-ihtoa:>
<p33-hua:l-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he says it
FC jc-031297
7. he says it
FC jc-031297

0. they bear it here, they bring it
1. they bear it here, they bring it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they bear it here, they bring it
3. they bear it here, they bring it
4. they bear it here, they bring it <p33-hua:l-itqui>
<p33-hua:l-itqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. they bear it here, they bring it <p33-hua:l-itqui>
<p33-hua:l-itqui> FC - > jc-61096
6. they bear it here, they bring it <p33-hua:l-itqui>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-hua:l-itqui> FC - > jc-61096

7. they bear it here, they bring it
FC jc-031297
8. they bear it here, they bring it
FC jc-031297

0. they learn it, they see it

1. they learn it, they see it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they learn it, they see it

3. they learn it, they see it

4. they learn it, they see it

FC jc-031297
5. they learn it, they see it
FC jc-031297

0. she saw him
FC jc-031297

0. he wants to see it

1. he wants to see it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he wants to see it

3. he wants to see it

4. he wants to see it
FC jc-031297
5. he wants to see it
FC jc-031297

0. they went poling it
FC jc-031297

0. they throw it; they throw him
1. they throw him; they throw it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they throw it; they throw him
3. they throw it; they throw him
4. they throw it; they throw him <p33-hua:l-tla:za>
<p33-hua:l-tla:za> FC - > jc-61096
5. they throw it; they throw him <p33-hua:l-tla:za>
<p33-hua:l-tla:za> FC - > jc-61096
6. they throw it; they throw him <p33-hua:l-tla:za>
<p33-hua:l-tla:za> FC - > jc-61096
7. they cast it, they throw it; they throw him
FC jc-031297
8. they cast it, they throw it; they throw him
FC jc-031297

0. he will throw it
1. he will throw it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will throw it
3. he will throw it
4. he will throw it <p33-hua:l-tla:za-z>
<p33-hua:l-tla:za-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will throw it <p33-hua:l-tla:za-z>
<p33-hua:l-tla:za-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will throw it <p33-hua:l-tla:za-z>
<p33-hua:l-tla:za-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will throw it
FC jc-031297
8. he will throw it
FC jc-031297

0. they give it to him
1. they give it to him; they give it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they give it to him
3. they give it to him
4. they give it to him <p33-hua:l-maca>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-hua:l-maca> FC - > jc-61096

5. they give it to them; they give it to him <p33-hua:l-maca>
<p33-hua:l-maca> FC - > jc-61096
6. they give it to them; they give it to him <p33-hua:l-maca>
<p33-hua:l-maca> FC - > jc-61096
7. they give it to him; they give it to them
FC jc-031297
8. they give it to him; they give it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they pour it out
1. he sets it out; they pour it out
FC -> jc-72895
2. they pour it out
3. they pour it out
4. they pour it out <p33-hua:l-mani-caus09>
<p33-hua:l-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. they pour it out <p33-hua:l-mani-caus09>
<p33-hua:l-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. they pour it out <p33-hua:l-mani-caus09>
<p33-hua:l-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
7. they pour it out <p33-hua:l-mani-caus09>
<p33-hua:l-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
8. he sets it out; they pour it out
FC jc-031297
9. he sets it out; they pour it out
FC jc-031297

0. it beckons to him
FC jc-031297

0. they pushed him, they shoved him

1. they pushed him, they shoved him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they pushed him, they shoved him

3. they pushed him, they shoved him

4. they pushed him, they shoved him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. they pushed him, they shoved him
FC jc-031297

0. he will require it; he will wish it on you

1. he will require it; he will wish it on you

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will require it; he will wish it on you

3. he will require it; he will wish it on you

4. he [ h ] will wish it; he will require it

FC jc-031297
5. he [ h ] will wish it; he will require it
FC jc-031297

0. he prays to him [ h ], he implores him [ h ]
FC jc-031297

0. they grasp it at the corner
FC jc-031297

0. he confronts him; he receives her; he confronts her; he
receives him; they meet it; they receive her; they confront
1. he confronts him; he receives her; he confronts her; he
receives him; they meet it; they receive her; they confront
FC -> jc-72895
2. he confronts him; he receives her; he confronts her; he
receives him; they meet it; they receive her; they confront
3. he confronts him; he receives her; he confronts her; he
receives him; they meet it; they receive her; they confront
4. he confronts him; he receives her; he confronts her; he
receives him; they meet it; they receive her; they confront
her <p33-hua:l-na:miqui>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-hua:l-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096

5. he confronts him; he receives her; he confronts her; he
receives him; they meet it; they receive her; they confront
her <p33-hua:l-na:miqui>
<p33-hua:l-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
6. he confronts him; he receives her; he confronts her; he
receives him; they meet it; they receive her; they confront
her <p33-hua:l-na:miqui>
<p33-hua:l-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
7. he confronts him; he receives her; he confronts her; he
receives him; they meet it; they receive her; they confront
her <p33-hua:l-na:miqui>
<p33-hua:l-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
8. he confronts him; he receives her; he confronts her; he
receives him; they meet it; they receive her; they confront
FC jc-031297
9. he confronts him; he receives her; he confronts her; he
receives him; they meet it; they receive her; they confront
FC jc-031297

0. they found it, they encountered it
1. they found it, they encountered it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they found it, they encountered it
3. they found it, they encountered it
4. they found it, they encountered it <p33-hua:l-na:miqui-ya3>
<p33-hua:l-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they found it, they encountered it <p33-hua:l-na:miqui-ya3>
<p33-hua:l-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they found it, they encountered it <p33-hua:l-na:miqui-ya3>
<p33-hua:l-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they found it, they encountered it <p33-hua:l-na:miqui-ya3>
<p33-hua:l-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they found it, they encountered it <p33-hua:l-na:miqui-ya3>
<p33-hua:l-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. they found it, they encountered it
FC jc-031297
10. they found it, they encountered it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they take her in their arms, they embrace her

1. they take her in their arms, they embrace her

FC -> jc-72895
2. they take her in their arms, they embrace her

3. they take her in their arms, they embrace her

4. they take her in their arms, they embrace her

FC jc-031297
5. they take her in their arms, they embrace her
FC jc-031297

0. it exposes it

1. it exposes it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it exposes it

3. it exposes it

4. it exposes it
FC jc-031297
5. it exposes it
FC jc-031297

0. they call to it
1. they call to it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they call to it
3. they call to it
4. they call to it <p33-hua:l-no:tza>
<p33-hua:l-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
5. they call to it <p33-hua:l-no:tza>
<p33-hua:l-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
6. they call to it <p33-hua:l-no:tza>
<p33-hua:l-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
7. they call to it <p33-hua:l-no:tza>
<p33-hua:l-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
8. they call to it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
9. they call to it
FC jc-031297

0. he called to her
FC jc-031297

0. he destroyed it

1. he destroyed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he destroyed it

3. he destroyed it

4. he destroyed it
FC jc-031297
5. he destroyed it
FC jc-031297

0. they quickly cut off her head
<p33-hua:l-quechtli-coto:ni-caus09-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>
1. they quickly cut off her head
FC -> jc-72895
2. they quickly cut off her head
<p33-hua:l-quechtli-coto:ni-caus09-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>
3. they quickly cut off her head
<p33-hua:l-quechtli-coto:ni-caus09-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>
4. they quickly cut off her head
<p33-hua:l-quechtli-coto:ni-caus09-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<p33-hua:l-quechtli-coto:ni-caus09-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
5. they quickly cut off her head
<p33-hua:l-quechtli-coto:ni-caus09-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<p33-hua:l-quechtli-coto:ni-caus09-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
6. they quickly cut off her head
<p33-hua:l-quechtli-coto:ni-caus09-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<p33-hua:l-quechtli-coto:ni-caus09-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
7. they quickly cut off her head
<p33-hua:l-quechtli-coto:ni-caus09-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<p33-hua:l-quechtli-coto:ni-caus09-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
8. they quickly cut off her head
<p33-hua:l-quechtli-coto:ni-caus09-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<p33-hua:l-quechtli-coto:ni-caus09-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. they quickly cut off her head

<p33-hua:l-quechtli-coto:ni-caus09-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>
<p33-hua:l-quechtli-coto:ni-caus09-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03> FC - > jc-61096
10. they quickly cut off her head
FC jc-031297
11. they quickly cut off her head
FC jc-031297

0. they set it up
FC jc-031297

0. he brings it forth; it brings it out; it removes it; they
draw it forth; they remove it; they bring it forth; they
bring her out
1. he brings it forth; it brings it out; it removes it; they
bring her out; they bring it forth; they draw it forth;
they remove it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he brings it forth; it brings it out; it removes it; they
draw it forth; they remove it; they bring it forth; they
bring her out
3. he brings it forth; it brings it out; it removes it; they
draw it forth; they remove it; they bring it forth; they
bring her out
4. he brings it forth; it brings it out; it removes it; they
draw it forth; they remove it; they bring it forth; they
bring her out <p33-hua:l-qui:za-caus02>
<p33-hua:l-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. he brings it forth; it brings it out; it removes it; they
draw it forth; they remove it; they bring it forth; they
bring her out <p33-hua:l-qui:za-caus02>
<p33-hua:l-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. he brings it forth; it brings it out; it removes it; they
draw it forth; they remove it; they bring it forth; they
bring her out <p33-hua:l-qui:za-caus02>
<p33-hua:l-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
7. he brings it forth; it brings it out; it removes it; they
bring her out; they bring it forth; they draw it forth;
they remove it
FC jc-031297
8. he brings it forth; it brings it out; it removes it; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

bring her out; they bring it forth; they draw it forth;

they remove it
FC jc-031297

0. they observed it [ie, feast day]; they took it out; they
removed it

1. they observed it [ ie, feast day ]; they took it out; they

removed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they observed it [ie, feast day]; they took it out; they
removed it

3. they observed it [ie, feast day]; they took it out; they

removed it

4. they observed it [ ie, feast day ]; they took it out; they

removed it
FC jc-031297
5. they observed it [ ie, feast day ]; they took it out; they
removed it
FC jc-031297

0. they take it out of it; they took it out of it

1. they take it out of it; they took it out of it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they take it out of it; they took it out of it

3. they take it out of it; they took it out of it

4. they take it out of it; they took it out of it

FC jc-031297
5. they take it out of it; they took it out of it
FC jc-031297

0. it will bring it out, it will expel it
1. it will bring it out, it will expel it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will bring it out, it will expel it
3. it will bring it out, it will expel it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it will bring it out, it will expel it
<p33-hua:l-qui:za-caus02-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will bring it out, it will expel it
<p33-hua:l-qui:za-caus02-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. it will bring it out, it will expel it
<p33-hua:l-qui:za-caus02-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. it will bring it out, it will expel it
FC jc-031297
8. it will bring it out, it will expel it
FC jc-031297

0. they place it
1. they place it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they place it
3. they place it
4. they place it <p33-hua:l-te:ca>
<p33-hua:l-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. they place it <p33-hua:l-te:ca>
<p33-hua:l-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
6. they place it
FC jc-031297
7. they place it
FC jc-031297

0. he brings him down
1. he brings him down; they brought it down
FC -> jc-72895
2. he brings him down
3. he brings him down
4. he brings him down <p33-hua:l-temo:-caus10>
<p33-hua:l-temo:-caus10> FC - > jc-61096
5. he brings him down <p33-hua:l-temo:-caus10>
<p33-hua:l-temo:-caus10> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. he brings him down <p33-hua:l-temo:-caus10>

<p33-hua:l-temo:-caus10> FC - > jc-61096
7. he brings him down <p33-hua:l-temo:-caus10>
<p33-hua:l-temo:-caus10> FC - > jc-61096
8. he brings him down; he brought it down; they brought it down
FC jc-031297
9. he brings him down; he brought it down; they brought it down
FC jc-031297

0. he scatters it
1. he scatters it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he scatters it
3. he scatters it
4. he scatters it <p33-hua:l-tepe:hui-caus09>
<p33-hua:l-tepe:hui-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. he scatters it <p33-hua:l-tepe:hui-caus09>
<p33-hua:l-tepe:hui-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. he scatters it <p33-hua:l-tepe:hui-caus09>
<p33-hua:l-tepe:hui-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
7. he scatters it <p33-hua:l-tepe:hui-caus09>
<p33-hua:l-tepe:hui-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
8. he scatters it
FC jc-031297
9. he scatters it
FC jc-031297

0. it follows it
1. it follows it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it follows it
3. it follows it
4. it follows it <p33-hua:l-toca2-ben>
<p33-hua:l-toca2-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. it follows it <p33-hua:l-toca2-ben>
<p33-hua:l-toca2-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. it follows it <p33-hua:l-toca2-ben>
<p33-hua:l-toca2-ben> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. it follows it <p33-hua:l-toca2-ben>
<p33-hua:l-toca2-ben> FC - > jc-61096
8. it follows it; they follow him
FC jc-031297
9. it follows it; they follow him
FC jc-031297

0. they come following him
FC jc-031297

0. auh in ohuel iyollo macic, in oinyollopachiuh niman ic
quihualyacatzopinique in acalli, tepoztopiltica, ic
quinhualtilinique: but when they were assured, when they
were satisfied, then they hooked the prow of the boat with
an iron pole, in order to draw [the messengers] toward them
(b12 f1 p13)
1. they hooked it in the prow
FC jc-031297
2. they hooked it in the prow
FC jc-031297

0. they reinforce it, they strengthen it
1. they reinforce it, they strengthen it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they reinforce it, they strengthen it
3. they reinforce it, they strengthen it
4. they reinforce it, they strengthen it <p33-huapa:hua>
<p33-huapa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. they reinforce it, they strengthen it <p33-huapa:hua>
<p33-huapa:hua> FC - > jc-61096
6. they reinforce it, they strengthen it
FC jc-031297
7. they reinforce it, they strengthen it
FC jc-031297

0. he will bring them up, he will rear them

1. he will bring them up, he will rear them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will bring them up, he will rear them

3. he will bring them up, he will rear them

4. he will bring them up, he will rear them

FC jc-031297
5. he will bring them up, he will rear them
FC jc-031297

0. they dry it up

1. they dry it up
FC -> jc-72895
2. they dry it up

3. they dry it up

4. they dry it up
FC jc-031297
5. they dry it up
FC jc-031297

0. they enlarge it
FC - > jc-61096

0. they consider it big

1. they consider it big

FC -> jc-72895
2. they consider it big

3. they consider it big

4. they consider it big

FC jc-031297
5. they consider it big
FC jc-031297

0. he declares it to be costly

1. he declares it to be costly
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he declares it to be costly

3. he declares it to be costly

4. he declares it to be costly
FC jc-031297
5. he declares it to be costly
FC jc-031297

0. they regarded him as favored

1. they regarded him as favored

FC -> jc-72895
2. they regarded him as favored

3. they regarded him as favored

4. they regarded him as favored

FC jc-031297
5. they regarded him as favored
FC jc-031297

0. he will make an offering
1. he will make an offering
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will make an offering
3. he will make an offering
4. he will make an offering <p33-huentli-mani-caus09-z>
<p33-huentli-mani-caus09-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will make an offering <p33-huentli-mani-caus09-z>
<p33-huentli-mani-caus09-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will make an offering <p33-huentli-mani-caus09-z>
<p33-huentli-mani-caus09-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will make an offering
FC jc-031297
8. he will make an offering
FC jc-031297

0. they make him take it with him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC - > jc-61096

0. they go to whip her
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. he brings him; he carries him off; he carries it; he takes
her; he takes him; he takes it; he takes them; it bears him
away; it bears it; it carries it; it carries him; it takes
it away; it transports it; it brings it
1. he brings him; he carries him off; he carries it; he takes
her; he takes him; he takes it; he takes them; it bears him
away; it bears it; it carries it; it carries him; it takes
it away; it transports it; it brings it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she carries off, she destroys; she takes her; they
accompany her; they bear her; they bear him; they take him;
they bear it; they carry it; they carry her; they carry
him; they bear him away; they take her; they take it; they
take them; they carry them
FC -> jc-72895
3. he brings him; he carries him off; he carries it; he takes
her; he takes him; he takes it; he takes them; it bears him
away; it bears it; it carries it; it carries him; it takes
it away; it transports it; it brings it
4. they take him
5. he brings him; he carries him off; he carries it; he takes
her; he takes him; he takes it; he takes them; it bears him
away; it bears it; it carries it; it carries him; it takes
it away; it transports it; it brings it
6. they take him
7. they carry it, they bear it; they take him; they take it
<p33-hui:ca> FC - > jc-61096
8. they take him <p33-hui:ca-ya3>
<p33-hui:ca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. he brings him; he carries him off; he carries it; he takes
her; he takes him; he takes it; he takes them; it bears him
away; it bears it; it carries it; it carries him; it takes
it away; it transports it; it brings it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
10. she carries it; she transports it; she carries off; she
destroys; she takes her; they accompany her; they bear her;
they bear him; they take him; they bear it; they carry it;
they carry her; they carry him; they bear him away; they
take her; they take it; they take them; they carry them
FC jc-031297
11. he brings him; he carries him off; he carries it; he takes
her; he takes him; he takes it; he takes them; it bears him
away; it bears it; it carries it; it carries him; it takes
it away; it transports it; it brings it
FC jc-031297
12. she carries it; she transports it; she carries off; she
destroys; she takes her; they accompany her; they bear her;
they bear him; they take him; they bear it; they carry it;
they carry her; they carry him; they bear him away; they
take her; they take it; they take them; they carry them
FC jc-031297

0. in oquittac i cenca mimati: in cenca huel cuica: in
quihuicaltia, inetotiliz teponaztli: ihuan in cualli
ixayac, in cualli inacayo, in cenca chipahuac, in acan
quenami, in acan titiquiltic, xixipochtic, cocomotztic,
cuaxiquipiltic, cuatatacaltic, etx he sought one who was
of good understanding; who sang well; who made his dance
accompany [the beat of] the two-toned drum; and who was
pleasing of countenance, of sound body, very clean, without
blemish; nowhere scarred [nor] swollen with bruises, [nor]
of shuffling feet, afflicted by wens [or] depressions on
the forehead, etc; <p33-hui:ca-l1-v04b-caus08 (b9 f4 c10
p46), 2 quihuicaltia amapatlachtli quitotocaticac
quetzalyacahuitztli, chichilicpatica, in
quicuicuitlalpiaya, in conaquiaya innacazco: he added
crushed paper which they had sown with fine, pointed
quetzal feathers, bound about with red cord to place them
in their ears <p33-hui:ca-l1-v04b-caus08 (b9 f5 c13 p59)
1. in oquittac i cenca mimati: in cenca huel cuica: in
quihuicaltia, inetotiliz teponaztli: ihuan in cualli
ixayac, in cualli inacayo, in cenca chipahuac, in acan
quenami, in acan titiquiltic, xixipochtic, cocomotztic,
cuaxiquipiltic, cuatatacaltic, etx he sought one who was
of good understanding; who sang well; who made his dance
accompany [the beat of] the two-toned drum; and who was
pleasing of countenance, of sound body, very clean, without
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

blemish; nowhere scarred [nor] swollen with bruises, [nor]

of shuffling feet, afflicted by wens [or] depressions on
the forehead, etc;
<p33-hui:ca-l1-v04b-caus08> (b9 f4 c10 p46) JC-7/23/96
2. quihuicaltia amapatlachtli quitotocaticac
quetzalyacahuitztli, chichilicpatica, in
quicuicuitlalpiaya, in conaquiaya innacazco: he added
crushed paper which they had sown with fine, pointed
quetzal feathers, bound about with red cord to place them
in their ears
<p33-hui:ca-l1-v04b-caus08> (b9 f5 c13 p59) JC-7/23/96

0. in miquia quihuicaltiaya in totolin in ipan tetlamacaya,
tlani quitlaliaya molcaxic in chichinacatl, za pani
quitlaliaya in totolnacatl, in tetech monequia when they
died, they put them with the turkeys which they served; at
the bottom of the sauce dish they placed the dog meat, on
top they placed the turkey as required
<p33-hui:ca-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3 (b9 f4 c10 p48), 2
quihuicaltiaya cuetlaxnacochtli, itipepeyocio, anozo
tezzacanecuilli, he added leather ear plugs with their
pendants, or long, curved labrets
<p33-hui:ca-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3 (b9 f5 c13 p59)
1. in miquia quihuicaltiaya in totolin in ipan tetlamacaya,
tlani quitlaliaya molcaxic in chichinacatl, za pani
quitlaliaya in totolnacatl, in tetech monequia when they
died, they put them with the turkeys which they served; at
the bottom of the sauce dish they placed the dog meat, on
top they placed the turkey as required
<p33-hui:ca-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3> (b9 f4 c10 p48) JC-7/23/96
2. quihuicaltiaya cuetlaxnacochtli, itipepeyocio, anozo
tezzacanecuilli, he added leather ear plugs with their
pendants, or long, curved labrets
<p33-hui:ca-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3> (b9 f5 c13 p59) JC-7/23/96

0. zan quihuicaltitiquiza, inic tetzoncuitiquiza, intla ome
intla ei, intla nahui tlaaltilli, izquipa iuh quichihua:
he came with it only in order that they swiftly proceed to
remove hair from the crown of one's head: if [there were]
two, if three, if four bathed ones, as many times did he do
so <p33-hui:ca-l1-v04b-caus08-prt1-ti1-qui:za aux07 (b9 f5
c14 p63)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. zan quihuicaltitiquiza, inic tetzoncuitiquiza, intla ome

intla ei, intla nahui tlaaltilli, izquipa iuh quichihua:
he came with it only in order that they swiftly proceed to
remove hair from the crown of one's head: if [there were]
two, if three, if four bathed ones, as many times did he do
<p33-hui:ca-l1-v04b-caus08-prt1-ti1-qui:za aux07> (b9 f5 c14 p63) JC-7/23/96

0. they brought him
1. they brought him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they brought him
3. they brought him
4. they brought him <p33-hui:ca-plur01>
<p33-hui:ca-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they brought him
FC jc-031297
6. they brought him
FC jc-031297

0. lo van llevando ( they go along carrying it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. he swiftly takes it away

1. he swiftly takes it away

FC -> jc-72895
2. he swiftly takes it away

3. he swiftly takes it away

4. he swiftly takes it away

FC jc-031297
5. he swiftly takes it away
FC jc-031297

0. he goes leading him; he goes carrying it; she goes to bring
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he goes carrying it; he goes leading him; she goes to bring

FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes leading him; he goes carrying it; she goes to bring
3. he goes leading him; he goes carrying it; she goes to bring
4. he goes leading him; he goes carrying it; she goes to bring
him <p33-hui:ca-dir2a>
<p33-hui:ca-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes leading him; he goes carrying it; she goes to bring
him <p33-hui:ca-dir2a>
<p33-hui:ca-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes leading him; he goes carrying it; she goes to bring
him <p33-hui:ca-dir2a>
<p33-hui:ca-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes carrying it; he goes leading him; she goes to bring
FC jc-031297
8. he goes carrying it; he goes leading him; she goes to bring
FC jc-031297

0. ompa hualehua in teocalticpac, metl quihuicatz, pantontli
itech icatihuitz he departed from the summit of the
temple; he came bringing a maguey leaf; a small banner came
standing on it (b2 f9 p157)

0. they accompanied him; they carried him; they took him; they
took it
1. they accompanied him; they carried him; they took him; they
took it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they accompanied him; they carried him; they took him; they
took it
3. they accompanied him; they carried him; they took him; they
took it
4. they accompanied him; they carried him; they took him; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

took it <p33-hui:ca-ya3>
<p33-hui:ca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they accompanied him; they carried him; they took him; they
took it <p33-hui:ca-ya3>
<p33-hui:ca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they accompanied him; they carried him; they escorted it;
they carried it; they took him; they took it
FC jc-031297
7. they accompanied him; they carried him; they escorted it;
they carried it; they took him; they took it
FC jc-031297

0. they place it in order

1. they place it in order

FC -> jc-72895
2. they place it in order

3. they place it in order

4. they place it in order

FC jc-031297
5. they place it in order
FC jc-031297

0. he keeps beating it; they repeatedly strike him
1. he keeps beating it; they repeatedly strike him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he keeps beating it; they repeatedly strike him
3. he keeps beating it; they repeatedly strike him
4. he keeps beating it; they repeatedly strike him
<p33-dupl-hui:tequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he keeps beating it; they repeatedly strike him
<p33-dupl-hui:tequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he keeps beating it; they repeatedly strike him
<p33-dupl-hui:tequi> FC - > jc-61096
7. he beat it repeatedly; he keeps beating it; they repeatedly
strike him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. he beat it repeatedly; he keeps beating it; they repeatedly
strike him
FC jc-031297

0. it plucks it
1. it plucks it; they pluck it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it plucks it
3. it plucks it
4. it plucks it <p33-huihuitla>
<p33-huihuitla> FC - > jc-61096
5. it plucks it; they pluck it
FC jc-031297
6. it plucks it; they pluck it
FC jc-031297

0. it drags it; they drag him away; they pull at it; they drag
1. he drags it; it drags it; they drag him away; they pull at
it; they drag it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it drags it; they drag him away; they pull at it; they drag
3. it drags it; they drag him away; they pull at it; they drag
4. it drags it; they drag him away; they pull at it; they drag
it <p33-huila:na>
<p33-huila:na> FC - > jc-61096
5. he drags it; it drags it; they drag him away; they pull at
it; they drag it
FC jc-031297
6. he drags it; it drags it; they drag him away; they pull at
it; they drag it
FC jc-031297

0. he struck him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he struck him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he struck him
3. he struck him
4. he struck him <p33-hui:tequi-prt1>
<p33-hui:tequi-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he struck him
FC jc-031297
6. he struck him
FC jc-031297

0. they beat it; they strike him
1. he beats it, he threshes it; they beat it; they strike him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they beat it; they strike him
3. they beat it; they strike him
4. they beat it; they strike him <p33-hui:tequi>
<p33-hui:tequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he beats it, he threshes it; they beat it; they strike him
FC jc-031297
6. he beats it, he threshes it; they beat it; they strike him
FC jc-031297

0. it will injure it
1. it will injure it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will injure it
3. it will injure it
4. it will injure it <p33-hui:tequi-z>
<p33-hui:tequi-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will injure it
FC jc-031297
6. it will injure it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. <tbd>

0. it attracts him with its breath
FC jc-031297

0. quiilacatzoa, quiyahuac quihualmamana; they rolled them up,
they set them each down at the entrance (b2 f9 p144)

0. they string it together, they tie it; they bind it
1. they bind it, they tie it; they string it together
FC -> jc-72895
2. they string it together, they tie it; they bind it
3. they string it together, they tie it; they bind it
4. they string it together, they tie it; they bind it
<p33-dupl-ilpia:> FC - > jc-61096
5. they string it together, they tie it; they bind it
<p33-dupl-ilpia:> FC - > jc-61096
6. they string it together, they tie it; they bind it
<p33-dupl-ilpia:> FC - > jc-61096
7. they bind it, they tie it; they string it together
FC jc-031297
8. they bind it, they tie it; they string it together
FC jc-031297

0. they look at him prolongedly
FC jc-031297

0. tlaeyecotihuitze, tlatlayeecotihuitze, quiixcatzitztihuitze
they went testing them, they went wielding them, they went
testing them (b12 f3 p40)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it is said, they say; it is said that; it is said that
1. it is said that; it is said that; it is said; they say
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is said, they say; it is said that; it is said that
3. it is said, they say; it is said that; it is said that
4. it is said, they say; it is said that; it is said that
<quil> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is said that; it is said that; it is said; they say
FC jc-031297
6. it is said that; it is said that; it is said; they say
FC jc-031297

0. edible plant

0. auh in ye mochintin, in intzonipilhuaz, tlatlatlapalpoalli,
ihhuitica quilacatzoaya their hair strands were braided
with varicolored [strips of cloth] wrapped with feathers
(b10 f11 p184)

0. quilacatzotihui, quicuixtihui, quitecuia, quitecuixtihui:
in iamamaxtli they went rolling the breechclout up; they
went reeling it; they reeled it; they went reeling it up
(b2 f3 p73)

0. anahuatl quixacualotinemi, anahuatl quilacatzotinemi, they
went traversing, encircling the coast lands (b1 f2 p41), ic
quichiuhtinemi, inic quilacatzotinemi anahuatl, inic
ixtlahuatl quinamictinemi, inic atlauhtli quitemohuitinemi,
in nohuiyan calactinemi, in ohuica, in yaotitlan
quiztinemi: so they had gone to perform their labors and to
circle about the surrounding provinces, to encounter the
waste lands, to descend into the gorges--everywhere
entering places of danger and drawing fields of battle (b4
f5 p47)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995


0. it drowns him

1. it drowns him
FC -> jc-72895
2. it drowns him

3. it drowns him

4. it drowns him
FC jc-031297
5. it drowns him
FC jc-031297

0. they will forget it
1. they will forget it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will forget it
3. they will forget it
4. they will forget it <p33-illi-ca:hua-z-plur01>
<p33-illi-ca:hua-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will forget it <p33-illi-ca:hua-z-plur01>
<p33-illi-ca:hua-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they will forget it
FC jc-031297
7. they will forget it
FC jc-031297

0. producer of herbs
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3
1. horticulturist
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. edible as greens
1. edible as greens
FC -> jc-72895
2. edible as greens
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. edible as greens
4. edible as greens <quilitl-cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<quilitl-cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. edible as greens <quilitl-cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<quilitl-cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. edible as greens <quilitl-cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<quilitl-cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. edible as greens <quilitl-cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<quilitl-cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. edible as greens <quilitl-cua:-lo:1-ni1>
<quilitl-cua:-lo:1-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
9. edible as greens
FC jc-031297
10. edible as greens
FC jc-031297

0. he said it to him
1. he said it to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he said it to him
3. he said it to him
4. he said it to him <p33-ilhuia:-prt1>
<p33-ilhuia:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. **quilhui** ca ye huitze, he said to him: "already they are
(b3 f1 p3) jc-022297
6. auh in huitzilobochtli: ye no ceppa quihualilhui, in
cuahuitl icac **quilhui** tla xontlachia can ye huitze and
uitzilopochtli again spoke forth to quauitl icac; he said
to him: "watch where they now come"
(b3 f1 p3) jc-022297
7. **quilhui** noxhuiuhtzine, tlacatle, quen ticmomachitia in
monacayotzin, he said: "my grandson, my lord, how dost
thou feel as to thy body?
(b3 f2 p17) jc-022297
8. auh niman **quilhui** in huehuento, noxhuiuhtzine quen huel
ticmomachitia, in monacayotzin, and then the little old
man said to him: "my grandson, how indeed dost thou feel as
to thy body?"
(b3 f2 p18) jc-022297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. niman **quilhui** in quetzalcoatl: ca cenca nohuian

ninococohua then quetzalcoatl said to him: "much do I ail
(b3 f2 p18) jc-022297
10. auh niman **quilhui** in huehuento, ca nican catqui, in
patli and then the little old man said to him: "here is
the potion
(b3 f2 p18) jc-022297
11. niman **quilhui** in huehuento, ca za tiaz in ompa tollan
tlapalan: then the little old man said to him: "thou wilt
just go there to tollan-tlapallan
(b3 f2 p18) jc-022297
12. auh in huehuento ye no ceppa **quilhui**, tlaoque and the
little old man once again said to him: "be of good cheer"
(b3 f2 p18) jc-022297
13. niman **quilhui** in huehuento, ma za xoconmiti then the
little old man said to him: "just drink of it"
(b3 f2 p18) jc-022297
14. niman **quilhui** in huehuento, ca oc ce xoconi ca cualli
in patli then the little old man said to him: "drink of it
once again; the potion is good
(b3 f2 p18) jc-022297
15. niman ic **quilhui** ca nitohuenio, then [the other] said
to him: "i am a huaxtec"
(b3 f2 p20) jc-022297
16. niman **quilhui** in tlatohuani, canin mach tinemi
tohuenioye, then the ruler said to him: "where hast thou
gone, huaxtec?
(b3f2 p20) jc-022297
17. niman **quilhui** ca zan ye tiuhque: then [the other] said
to him: "but this is the way we are"
(b3 f2 p20) jc-022297
18. auh in tlatohuani niman **quilhui** ca otictlatolini in
nochpotzin and the ruler then said to him: "thou hast
tormented my daughter
(b3 f2 p20) jc-022297
19. auh niman **quilhui** nohueniotzin, nopiltzi ca amo
huelitiz, and then [the huaxtec] said to him: "my noble old
man, my nobleman, this may not be
(b3 f2 p20) jc-022297
20. auh zatepan **quilhui** in huemac in imon, ca axcan
pachihui in inyollo tolteca, inic tinomon otitlacnelli,
and then uemac said to his son-in-law: "now are the hearts
of the tolteca satisfied that thou art my son-in-law
(b3 f2 p22) jc-022297
21. **quilhui** can tiyauh, he said to him: "whither goest
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

(b3 f3 p36) jc-022297
22. niman oc ceppa **quilhui** in tlacatecolotl, camono
huelitiz, in macamo tiquiz, in maca titlapaloz then once
again the demon said to him: "neither can it be that thou
shouldst not drink it, that thou shouldst not taste it
(b3 f3 p36) jc-022297
23. quipohuili, **quilhui** ca inic oninozcali nimitzilhuico
Ca ye ixquich ca tehuatl she informed and said to him: "for
this reason have i returned to life: i have come to tell
thee that thou art come to the end
(b8 f1 p3) jc-022297
24. inic contlatlauhti, **quilhui** toteucyoe oticmihiohuilti,
oticmociahuilti, thus he besought him: he said to him: "o
our lord, thou hast suffered fatigue, thou hast endured
(b12 f3 p44) jc-022297
25. niman **quilhui** in coyohuehuetzin nachcauhtzine, tla ce
xicualquetza in tachcahuan in huel tzatzi, in
tlatolchicahuac, in tozcachicahuac: then he said to
coyoueuetzin: "o my elder brother, set forth one of our
brave warriors who can shout, one of strong speech, of
strong voice
(b12 f7 p110) jc-022297
26. he said it to him
FC jc-031297
27. he said it to him
FC jc-031297

0. se lo dice ( he says it to him )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. le dicen ( they say to it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. he says it to her; he says it to him; he says it to it; he
says to him; he says to it; it says it to him; she says it
to her; she says it to him; she says to her; they call it;
they say it; they say it to her; they say it to him; they
call him; they tell it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he says it to him; he says to it; she says it to her; she
says it to him; they say it to him
4. he says it to him; he says to it; she says it to her; she
says it to him; they say it to him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he says it to him; he says to it; she says it to her; she

says it to him; they say it to him <p33-ilhuia:>
<p33-ilhuia:> FC - > jc-61096
6. they say it to him, they call him; they call it <p33-ilhuia>
<p33-ilhuia> FC - > jc-61096
7. in moyolmelahuaz in tlapilchihuale; achto quitlacaquitia,
in tlapouhqui, **quilhuia** ca itechtzinco ninaxitiznequi,
in tlacatl, in toteucyo, in tloque nahuaque: in toteucyo,
yoalli, in ehecatl, the penitent who would confess first
explained to the soothsayer; he said unto him: "i wish to
go to the master, our lord of the near, the nigh, our lord
the night, the wind"
(b1 f1 p24) jc-022297
8. **quilhuia** in tlapouhqui: otimotlacnelili: the soothsayer
said: "thou has done a favor
(b1 f1 p24) jc-022297
9. quinotza in tletl; **quilhuia** he addressed the fire; he
(b1 f1 p24) jc-022297
10. niman quinotza, in moyolmelauhqui, in yehuatl tlapouhqui:
**quilhuia** tihualmohuicatia ihuictzinco, iixpantzinco, in
tloque nahuaque; then the soothsayer spoke unto him who
would confess; he said unto him:"thou hast brought thyself
into the presence of him of the near, the nigh"
(b1 f1 p25) jc-022297
11. **quilhuia**, inic tehuihuiti, inic tepatiloti, inic
teixiptla he spoke as to a lieutenant, a deputy, a
(b1 f1 p25) jc-022297
12. **quilhuia** he said unto him:
(b1 f1 p26) jc-022297
13. auh intla zan xicca, in itlapilchihual, tlamaceuhqui:
**quilhuia**, timotenhuatzaz, titlacatlacuaz,
timocuitlaxcolzahuaz, nahuilhuitl: and if the sins of the
penitent were only light [the soothsayer] said unto
him:"thou shalt parch thy lips, thou shalt fast, thou shalt
starve thy entrails for four days
(b1 f1 p26) jc-022297
14. anozo **quilhuia** titlatotiz, timoteteuhcahuaz,
titepiquiz: or else he said to him:"thou shalt sing and
dance; thou shalt hang rubber-spotted papers and fashion
(b1 f1 p26) jc-022297
15. anozo **quilhuia** ca nel octli, in ipan otitlanezomalti,
tiquinquixtiz in totochtin or else he said unto him:"verily
thou art at enmity with wine; thou shalt satisfy the
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

(b1 f1 p26) jc-022297
16. auh **quilhuia**, inic quinahuatia: in icuac tiaz, in
titlamacehuaz ihualtica, atle motech huetztiaz, and he said
unto him; he thus commanded him:"when thou goest, when thou
does thy penance at night, thou shalt wear nothing
(b1 f1 p27) jc-022297
17. **quilhuia** in cihua: cuauhtitin, cuauhchachalan,
citlalmaololo: the women said to him "tall fellow;
tree-shaker; star-gatherer"
(b2 f2 p65) jc-022297
18. **quilhuia**, xiyauh nocne ahzo toquichtli, ahzo
titiyacauh, they said unto him: "go, rascal! perchance thou
art a man, perchance thou art a brave warrior
(b2 f5 p103) jc-022297
19. **quilhuia** nochpotzin, ca yequene axcan motetzinco aciz
in tlatoani moteuczoma, they said unto her: "my dear
daughter, now at last the ruler moctezuma will sleep with
(b2 f7 p119) jc-022297
20. **quilhuia**, chichicuatzin, tonantze, they said to her:
"it is a little bag, our mother!
(b2 f10 p158) jc-022297
21. in aticpac: onca quintonaltiaya in cihuateteo: ihcuac in
**quilhuia** chicomecohuatonalli aticpac: there [priests]
offered sacrifices to the ciuateteo when they observed the
feast of the day sign seven serpent
(b2 f12 p189) jc-022297
22. **quilhuia** titlacahuane, ma oc xinechmocaxahuili, he said
to him: "o titlacauan, abate [my suffering] for me!
(b3 f1 p12) jc-022297
23. **quilhuia**, nopiltzintzine, aquin ohualla huehuento
mitzmotilico they said to him: "my prince, some little old
man hath come to see thee"
(b3 f2 p17) jc-022297
24. auh in oconhuicaque niman ye ic **quilhuia** in tlatoani,
can mochan, and when they had brought him, thereupon the
ruler said to him: "where is thy home?"
(b3 f2 p20) jc-022297
25. auh in oc ocencauhque, niman ye ic **quilhuia** in
tlatohuani xiquitta in nochpotzi, in ompa pialo and while
they arrayed him, thereupon the ruler said to him: "look
upon my daughter there where she is guarded"
(b3 f2 p20) jc-022297
26. **quilhuia** izcatqui in oticmotlamachtico in oic tinenca
tlalticpac they said to him: "here is what thou hast come
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

enjoying, what thou hast lived by on earth"

(b3 f3 p42) jc-022297
27. **quilhuia** izcatqui inic tonotlatocaz, they said to him:
"here is wherewith thou wilt travel"
(b3 f3 p43) jc-022297
28. **quilhuia** izcatqui inic tonquizaz in oncan tepetl
imonamiquia they said to him: "here is wherewith thou wilt
pass where the mountains come together"
(b3 f3 p43) jc-022297
29. quimamaltia, in **quilhuia** mimiliuhqui cuahuitl, ahzo zan
oc centetl, anozo niman oncan ontetl they had him bear upon
his back what they called logs of wood, perchance yet only
one, or then, there, two
(b3 f4 p55) jc-022297
30. auh no oncan quiza, in **quilhuia** achcauhtli, in axcan
ipan pohui, ipan momati in alguacil, in topile, ca no
intotopil catca, ihuan in za ye yehuantin in onteilpiaya,
in cuauhcalco ontetlaliaya, and also from there issued the
one they called achcauhtli (constable), who today is the
equal, the equivalent, of the alguacil, the staff-bearer,
for also [in times past] there were there staves, and it
was just these who arrested one, who confined one
(b3 f4 p55) jc-022297
31. ca in oc pipiltotonti, oncan cencochi in **quilhuia**
telpochcali when yet small boys, there they slept together
in what they called the young men's house
(b3 f4 p56) jc-022297
32. concui, conmama in **quilhuia** cuicatlahuilli: they took,
they carried on their backs what they called torches for
the singing
(b3 f4 p56) jc-022297
33. achtopa mahaltia, niman mohza, amo no **quilhuia** in
inxayac first they bathed themselves; then they rubbed
[black] on themselves--not also, they say, on their faces
(b3 f4 p56) jc-022297
34. in ihcuac ye onaqui tonatiuh niman tleteca in **quilhuia**
cuicacalco, when the sun had already set, then they laid a
fire [at the place] which they called the song house
(b3 f4 p56) jc-022297
35. auh in ihcuac **quilhuia** motelpochtlali, tlaxtlahua and
when, they said, youth was laid down, he paid his debt
(b3 f4 p59) jc-022297
36. in onpehua cuauhtla huih, in cuahuitl concui conmama, in
**quilhuia** mimiliuhqui, in ceyohual quitlatia calmecac
inic tlapia tlamacazque they started to go to the forest;
they took the wood; they carried on their backs what they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

called logs which they burned at the calmecac all night as

the priests kept watch
(b3 f4 p65) jc-022297
37. auh in ihcuac oncatca nezahualiztli in **quilhuia**
atamalcualo, niman amo tlapaloa, but when it was the time
of fasting they called atamalqualo, they tasted nothing at
(b3 f4 p66) jc-022297
38. inic 14 huel nemachtiloya in cuicatl in **quilhuia**
teocuicatl, amoxxotoca fourteenth: especially was there
teaching of songs which they called the gods' songs
inscribed in books
(b3 f4 p67) jc-022297
39. in azaca zan conitta, ye cuel **quilhuia**: tle ic
tiquixnotza in nonamic: if anyone only looked at her, he
then said to him: "why dost thou make eyes at my wife?"
(b4 f2 p16) jc-022297
40. auh in itzcuine, in ye onmiqui itzcuin, icpatl concozcatia,
conpepetla, conmapepetla, **quilhuia**: xinechalmochieli,
and the owner of a dog which had died put a cotton cord
about its neck, stroked and caressed it with his hand, and
said to it: "stand guard for me there!"
(b4 f2 p20) jc-022297
41. an yeh quimati, an yeh **quilhuia**, in tlein inenca, he
was ignorant and uninformed as to his livelihood
(b4 f3 p31) jc-022297
42. **quilhuia** tezcatlipoca, tecuiltonoa, ihuan ic temotla in
cococ, in teopouhqui, they said tezcatlipoca enriched one,
and thereby visited him with pain and affliction
(b4 f4 p35) jc-022297
43. ic oncan in aca quicuilonahua, itoneuhcacopa, aoc
yatlamatian in **quilhuia**: titlacahuane, cuilonpole,
cuilontepole, then if someone out of his torment cursed him
as a sodomite, it was no longer his time of pride when he
said to him: "o titlacauan, thou sodomite# thou wretched
(b4 f4 p35) jc-022297
44. auh in ixquich nepapan ihhuitl, in quetzalli in huel yaque
in huel huitolihui, in patlahuac, in huiyac, in
**quilhuia** cezciacatl izan moteca: and all the different
kinds of feathers--quetzal tail feathers: the well-pointed
ones, the well-curved ones, the wide ones, the long ones,
which, they said, indeed extended a fathom
(b4 f5 p46) jc-022297
45. ihuan in **quilhuia** quetzaliacatl, in zan tepitoton, in
chilchotic, ihuan in tzinitzcan, in teoquechol: in axcan
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

mitoa tlauhquechol, ihuan in xiuhtototl, in ayopal, in

toztli, in tozcuicuil, in zacuan and those they called down
feathers, the very small ones, the chili-green ones and the
crest feathers of the quetzal; and feathers of the red
spoonbill [teoquechol], which is now called tlauhquechol;
and the blue cotinga, the amethyst-colored ones, the yellow
parrot, the multicolored parrot, the trupial, the red and
yellow parrot, the scarlet parrot, the blue parrot, the
dove; and aquamarine feathers, etc
(b4 f5 p46) jc-022297
46. **quilhuia** ca nican tonca nopiltze, nopiltzine,
telpochtle, notelpotze, they said to him: "thou art here, o
my son, my beloved son; o youth, my beloved youth!
(b4 f6 p60) jc-022297
47. auh in aquin ye miyecpa iloti, ye miyecpa mocuepa, in ye
onitztica in iuhcan inentla, inemia, in ohuican, in
temamauhtian, in tlayihuuiliztitlan: za quexquich in
**quilhuia**, and [as for] him who already many times had
returned and come back from there and who already had
beheld such [distant] places as the inhabited and populated
areas, dangerous and ominous places, places of torment,
they said little to him;
(b4 f7 p64) jc-022297
48. za ixquich in **quilhuia** ca nican tonca telpochtle: only
this did they say to him: "here thou art, o youth
(b4 f7 p64) jc-022297
49. no ihuan huellachictic in inacayo, pipinqui, tepitztic,
chicahuac, chicactic, **quilhuia** tlahtlalhua tlahpalihui,
tlahpaltic, popoxtli, ihuan huel motlayecoltia, yehel
likewise very solid was his body--firm, hard, stout,
robust, they said; lithe, mature, hardy, vigorous; and he
was a good worker and diligent
(b4 f8 p82) jc-022297
50. **quilhuia** they said:
(b4 f11 p114) jc-022297
51. **quilhuia**: he said to him:
(b5 f1 p152) jc-022297
52. auh intla ye quinotza, **quilhuia**: tocniuhtze, huitzitle,
yaotle: and if it spoke to him, it said: "o our friend, o
humming bird, o warrior"
(b5 f1 p158) jc-022297
53. auh **quilhuia** in macehualli, in oquimottiti: amo
nimitzcahuaz, ca onimitzan and the vassal to whom it had
appeared said to it: "i shall not let thee go, for i have
taken thee"
(b5 f1 p158) jc-022297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

54. ic oncan **quilhuia**, izca ce huitztli: nimitzmaca, then

it said to him: "behold one thorn; i give it to thee"
(b5 f1 p158) jc-022297
55. niman ye ic quitlatoltia, **quilhuia** tlen ic otihualla,
thereupon he exhorted it; he said to it: "wherefore didst
thou come?"
(b5 f2 p169) jc-022297
56. **quilhuia**: ac tehuatl in nocne? he said to it: "who art
thou, o rogue?
(b5 f2 p177) jc-022297
57. ihcuac quinotza, quinanquilia intla ye caamana: in ace ipan
tlathuiznequi, in ace quitlathuiltia, **quilhuia**:
xinechcahua when it spoke to and answered him, if now he
vexed it, when, perhaps, it was about to dawn and morning
to break, it said to him: "loose me now!"
(b5 f2 p177) jc-022297
58. **quilhuia**, izca nimitzmaca, ce huitztli: it said: "take
it i give thee a thorn"
(b5 f2 p177) jc-022297
59. quinicuac in oquiyolpachihuiti, in oquiyolpachiuhcayoti in
ie **quilhuia**: mochi nimitzmaca in necuiltonolli, later,
when it gratified and satisfied him, it now said: "i give
thee all prosperity"
(b5 f2 p178) jc-022297
60. in ihcuac tla aca melahuatoc piltontli, necuiliuhtoc: intla
aca oconcuencholhui, niman cahua in aquin otecuencholhui,
**quilhuia** tle ipampa in ticcuencholhuia: when some child
lay stretched out across one's path, if someone stepped
over him, then they chid him who passed over him, saying to
him: "why dost thou step over him?"
(b5 f2 p184) jc-022297
61. **quilhuia**: tle ipampa in achto tatliznequi, he said to
him: "why dost thou wish to drink first?"
(b5 f2 p185) jc-022297
62. **quilhuia**: macamo xocco xontlatlapalo, oncan
tiquimoncahua in momalhuan: they said to him: "do not dip
into the cooking pot; there [in war] thou wilt leave thy
(b5 f2 p185) jc-022297
63. **quilhuia**: ayocmo huel nenemiz, ayocmo huel motlaloz in
yaopan: they said to him that now he would not be able to
walk or run in time of battle
(b5 f3 p187) jc-022297
64. quinotza in tlapouhqui, in teyolmelauhqui: in omoyolmelauh,
**quilhuia** ha ca nican, tihuallatia, timoquetzaco
tiquizaco, in anemiuhcan, in temamauhtican: in oncan iicac
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

in atoyatl, in tepexitl the soothsayer, the confessor,

addressed the one who confessed; he said to him: "here thou
dost hide, thou hast come to place thyself, thou hast come
to pass the uninhabitable place, the place of fright, where
stand the torrent, the crag
(b6 f3 p30) jc-022297
65. connanquilia, **quilhuia** totecue, tlazotitlacatle;
timococotzinoz [the orator] replied; he said to him: "o our
lord, o precious person, thou wilt be pained
(b6 f5 p62) jc-022297
66. **quilhuia**: ca nican tica in tinotelpochtzin, [the
father] said to him: "thou art here, thou who art my youth
(b6 f11 p127) jc-022297
67. **quilhuia** nochpochtze ca nican timoyetztica, they said
to her: "o my daughter, thou art here"
(b6 f11 p130) jc-022297
68. **quilhuia** nochpochtzin: ca nican mitzellacuahua, in
monanhuan, in motahuan: they said to her: "my daughter, thy
mothers, thy fathers encourage thee here"
(b6 f11 p132) jc-022297
69. niman ic no **quilhuia** in tlapalihui, in cihuatl inan: in
imonnan then also the woman's mother, his mother-in-law,
spoke to the groom
(b6 f11 p133) jc-022297
70. intla pilli; **quilhuia** if she were a noblewoman, he said
to her:
(b6 f12 p139) jc-022297
71. **quilhuia** in ticitl she said to the midwife:
(b6 f12 p151) jc-022297
72. **quilhuia** chamotzin, noxocoyouh, cuauhcihuatl, tepitzin,
cocotzin, nochpochtzin: otitlacotic, otitequit, she said to
her: "chamotzin, my youngest one, quauhciuatl, little one,
little dove, my beloved maiden, thou hast performed thy
office, thou hast done thy work
(b6 f14 p164) jc-022297
73. intla oquichtli **quilhuia** otimotlalticpacquixti,
noxocoyouh, noquichpiltzin, notelpochtzin: if it was a
male, she said to it: "thou hast arrived on earth, my
youngest one, my beloved boy, my beloved youth"
(b6 f14 p167) jc-022297
74. intla cihuatl, **quilhuia**: nochpochtzin noxocoyouh,
cihuapilli: oticmihiyohuilti, oticmociahuilti, if it was a
female, she said to it: "my beloved maiden, my youngest
one, noblewoman, thou hast suffered exhaustion, thou hast
become fatigued
(b6 f14 p167) jc-022297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

75. auh quitlaxilia in **quilhuia** inantzin, inic mapantihuitz

piltzintli, inic hualquimiliuhtiuh: and she removed that
which is called its afterbirth in which the baby came
wrapped, in which it came enveloped
(b6 f14 p169) jc-022297
76. auh intla cihuatl: **quilhuia** in ticitl, in ihcuac
quixictequi nochpochtzin, nocihuapiltzin: oticmihiyohuilti,
and if it were a female, the midwife said to her when she
cut her umbilical cord: "my beloved maiden, my beloved
noblewoman, thou hast endured fatigue!
(b6 f14 p172) jc-022297
77. **quilhuia**, intla oquichtli ma itech ximaxiti in
monantzin in chalchihuitl icue, in chalchiuhtlatonac: she
said to him, if male: "approach thy mother chalchiuhtli
icue, chalchiuhtlatonac!"
(b6 f14 p175) jc-022297
78. **quilhuia** in ticitl tlacatl toteucyo, chalchihuitl icue,
chalchiuhtlatonac: ca oyecoc in macehualli, she said to
her: "lady, our lady chalchiuitl icue, chalchiuhtlatonac,
the commoner hath arrived"
(b6 f14 p175) jc-022297
79. **quilhuia** toteucyo, chalchiuhtli icue,
chalchiuhtlatonac: ca oyecoc in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli,
in macehualli: she said to her: "our lady, chalchiuitl
icue, chalchiuhtlatonac, the tail feather, the wing
feather, the commoner hath arrived!"
(b6 f14 p176) jc-022297
80. quinotztinemi in piltontli: **quilhuia** noxocoyouh,
notelpochtzin, she proceeded addressing the baby; she said
to it: "my youngest one, my beloved youth,"
(b6 f14 p176) jc-022297
81. anozo **quilhuia**: nochpochtzin: ma itech ximaxiti in
monan, in mota, in chalchiuhtli icue, in chalchiuhtlatonac:
or she said, "my beloved maiden, approach thy mother, thy
father, chalchiuitl icue, chalchiuhtlatonac!"
(b6 f14 p176) jc-022297
82. niman ye ic caltia, **quilhuia** in piltontli ma
ximocalaqui, ma xontemo in matlalac, in toxpalac: thereupon
she bathed the baby; she said to him: "enter, descend into
the blue water, the yellow water"
(b6 f14 p176) jc-022297
83. quinotztinemi: **quilhuia** cozcatl, quetzalli,
chalchihuitl, maquiztli, teoxihuitl: otiyocoloc in omeyocan
in chiucnauhnepaniuhcan: she proceeded addressing him; she
said to him: "precious necklace, precious feather, precious
green stone, precious bracelet, precious turquoise, thou
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

wert created in the place of duality, the place [above] the

nine heavens
(b6 f14 p176) jc-022297
84. auh niman nahuati, tlacuauhtlatoa: quinotza, quitzatzilia
in mixiuhqui: **quilhuia** but then she spoke aloud, she
spoke vigorously; she addressed, she shouted to the woman
lately delivered she said to her:
(b6 f14 p177) jc-022297
85. ce huehue, ilama hualmotlalia: quitlatlauhtia in
temixihuitiani, in imac tlacatihuani, **quilhuia**: one old
woman seated herself; she besought the midwife, the one in
charge of childbirth; she addressed her
(b6 f14 p179) jc-022297
86. **quilhuia** noxhuiuhticatzine, tlacatle totecue,
tlazotzintle, tlazotitlacatle, chalchiuhtle, maquiztle,
teoxihuitle, quetzalle, tzontle, iztitle: he said to him:
"o my grandson, o master, o our lord, o precious one, o
precious person, o precious green stone, o bracelet, o
precious turquoise, o precious feather, o hair, o
(b6 f15 p183) jc-022297
87. **quilhuia** he said to her:
(b6 f15 p184) jc-022297
88. quinotza: **quilhuia** tlacatle totecue, noxhuiuhticatzine,
tlazotitlacatle: nimitznococolhuiz, nimitznotlaxiliz: ah
ihuan nimitznotlalcahualtiliz: ca titlacoti, ca titequiti:
he addressed him; he said to him: "o lord, o our lord, o my
grandson, o precious person, i shall offend thee, i shall
reject thee, and i shall confuse thee, as thou workest, as
thou laborest
(b6 f15 p187) jc-022297
89. **quilhuia** oticmihiyohuilti, oticmociahuilti noxocoyohue
notelpochtze, anoco, nochpochtze: [the speaker] said: "thou
hast suffered, thou hast endured fatigue, o my youngest
son, o my youth, or o my maiden
(b6 f16 p192) jc-022297
90. **quilhuia** nochpochtze, cihuapille: otitlacotic,
otitequit, oticnanamic in monantzin in cihuacoatl in
cihuapilli in quilaztli: he said: "o my maiden, o
noblewoman, thou hast worked, thou hast toiled, thou hast
accompanied thy mother, ciuacoatl, the noblewoman quilaztli"
(b6 f16 p194) jc-022297
91. **quilhuia** cuauhtli, ocelotl, tiacauh, telpochtli,
noxocoyouh: otimaxitico in tlalticpac, she said to him:
"eagle warrior, ocelot warrior, valiant warrior, youth, my
youngest son, thou hast come to arrive on earth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

(b6 f16 p202) jc-022297

92. **quilhuia** xicmocuili, xicmocelili: she said to him:
"take it, receive it"
(b6 f16 p202) jc-022297
93. **quilhuia** izca, in matlalatl, in toxpalatl: in quipaca,
in chipahua in toyollo, in catoctia in catzahualiztli: she
said to him: "here is the blue water, the yellow water,
which cleanseth our hearts, so that they be purified; which
washeth away our filthiness
(b6 f16 p202) jc-022297
94. **quilhuia** noxocoyouh notelpochtzin: ma xicmocuili, ma
xicmocelili in iatzin tlalticpaque, in tonenca, in toyolca,
in tocelica: in techipahuani, in teahaltiani, she said to
him: "my youngest son, my youth, take, receive the water of
the lord of the earth, our sustenance, our refreshment,
which is that which cleanseth one, that which batheth one
(b6 f16 p202) jc-022297
95. **quilhuia**: yaotle, yaotle xoconcui in mochimal,
xoconcui in tlacochtli, in tehuehuelli, in iahuiltiloca
tonatiuh: she said to him: "o yaotl, o yaotl, take thy take
thy shield take the speak, the little shield which is for
the gladness of the sun"
(b6 f17 p204) jc-022297
96. in ihcuac quipaloltia atl in ticitl, in piltontli:
**quilhuia** izcatqui in monantzin, in tocennan, in
chalchiuhtli icue: when the midwife made the baby taste the
water, she said to it: "here is thy mother, the mother of
all of us, chalchiuhtli icue"
(b6 f17 p205) jc-022297
97. in ihcuac iyelpan, iyollopan quitlalilia atl, in ticitl, in
piltontli: **quilhuia** xicmocuili, xicmocelili: when the
midwife placed the water on the chest, on the heart of the
baby, she said to it: "take it, receive it
(b6 f17 p205) jc-022297
98. auh in ihcuac icuanepantla quitequilia atl: **quilhuia**
izcatqui in itztic, in celic in chalchiuhtlicue, in cemicac
itztica: and when she poured water on the crown of its
head, she said to it: "here is the coolness, the tenderness
of chalchiuhtli icue, who is eternally awake"
(b6 f17 p206) jc-022297
99. quinotza in cozolli in ticitl **quilhuia** in titocennan,
in tiyohualticitl in timacoche, in ticuexane: ca omecahui
in piltzintli, the midwife addressed the cradle; she said
to it: "thou who art mother of all of us, thou who art
yoalticitl, thou who possessest cradling arms, thou who
possessest a lap, the baby hath arrived"
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

(b6 f17 p206) jc-022297

100. **quilhuia** inantzin: ma xicualmanili, she said to it:
"[thou who art] its mother, receive it!
(b6 f17 p206) jc-022297
101. **quilhuia** tlacatle, toteucyoe, tloquee, nahuaquee: a ca
izcatqui in mocuitlapiltzin, in matlapaltzin in macehualli:
they said to him: "o master, o our lord, o lord of the
near, of the nigh, here is thy vassal, the commoner"
(b6 f17 p210) jc-022297
102. **quilhuia** nochpochtzin, cocotzin, tepetzin, xocoyotl: ca
otoconmocuili, ca otoconmanili in imihiyotzin in
motechiuhcahuan in monoltitoque: [the old woman] said to
her: "my daughter, dove, little one, youngest one, thou
hast grasped, thou hast taken the discourse of thy
progenitors, those who are here"
(b6 f17 p216) jc-022297
103. **quilhuia** onimitzpanti, onimitzteteuhti one says to him:
"i have given thee thy banner; i have given thee thy
spotted paper"
(b6 f19 p242) jc-022297
104. **quilhuia**, xihualmohuica nocoltzine, ma nimitznotlaxili:
he said: "come hither, my beloved grandfather; let me bow
before thee
(b8 f4 p71) jc-022297
105. auh in yehuatl oquitlapalo huehuentzin niman **quilhuia**
noxhuiuhtzine cozcatle quetzalle otinechmocnelili and the
old one who had been greeted then said: "o my beloved
grandson, o precious stone, o precious feather, thou has
shown me favor
(b8 f4 p71) jc-022297
106. auh in oacico tequipan titlanti, niman ic iciuhca
calactihuetzi ipan in moteuczoma **quilhuia** Toteucyoe
notelpotzine, ma ximotlacotili, ma ximotequitili, ca
oicnopiltic, onmacehualtic, in tetzahuitl in
huitzilobochtli, and when the victory messengers had come
to arrive, then they quickly entered into the presence of
moctezuma and said to him: "o our lord, o my youth, pay thy
debt and thy service [to the god]; for the omen of evil,
uitzilopochtli, hath shown favor and been gracious"
(b8 f5 p72) jc-022297
107. **quilhuia** noxhuiuhtze omitzmixamili in tonatiuh, in
tlalteuctli he said to him: "my beloved grandson, the sun,
the lord of the earth, hath washed thy face
(b8 f5 p75) jc-022297
108. **quilhuia** inic quinotza ma ximehuiltitie moceloquichtle,
tlalxictenticae, nauhyoteuctle: he spoke to it; he
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

addressed it thus: "may it be well with thee, o thou ocelot

warrior, o tlalxictentica, o lord of the four quarters!
(b9 f1 p11) jc-022297
109. auh in yehuatl in huel teyacantica in pochtecatlato,
yacattiuh in quitlatlauhtia, **quilhuia** ca ye cualli, ca
nican tica, and the one who was in the very leading
position, the principal merchant, came out ahead; he
besought, he said to [the host]: "it is well that thou art
(b9 f2 p13) jc-022297
110. **quilhuia** ca nican tica nopiltze, notelpochtze,
nocenteconetzine: they said to him: "here thou art, o my
son, my beloved youth, my only child
(b9 f2 p14) jc-022297
111. **quilhuia** toteucyoe, tlatoanie: ca izcatqui in ompa
mochihua tzinacantla, they said to him: "o our lord, o
ruler, behold that which happened there at tzinacantlan"
(b9 f2 p22) jc-022297
112. **quilhuia** ma ximehuiltitie moceloquichtle: he said to
him: "may it be well with thee, o thou brave man!
(b9 f3 p27) jc-022297
113. auh niman ye ic quicuepilia in itlatol, **quilhuia** Ca
nican tica: and thereupon they replied, they said to him:
"here art thou"
(b9 f3 p29) jc-022297
114. auh in oconquixti tlacahuapahualoni tlacazcaltiloni zatepan
quitlatlauhtia, **quilhuia** ca nican tica and when they
had set forth the means by which they reared [and]
instructed, then they besought him; they said to him: "here
thou art"
(b9 f4 p42) jc-022297
115. niman ye ic quitlatlauhtia: **quilhuia** telpochtle, ca
nican tica: ac tehuantin, ac titomati: in nican tictlapoa,
in itop, in ipetlacal, in tlacatl, toteucyo, in tetzahuitl
in huitzilobochtli: ca nican ticcaqui in mochoq thereupon
they besought him; they said to him: "o youth, thou who art
here, who are we? who do we think we are that thou shouldst
reveal the secrets of the master, our lord, the portent,
uitzilopochtli, that here we have heard thy weeping, thy
(b9 f5 p55) jc-022297
116. in oinyollo, ompachiuh niman ye ic **quilhuia** telpochtle:
ca otocontlachielique, in tloque nahuaque, when their
doubts had been satisfied, they thereupon said to him: "o
youth, thou hast made preparations for the protector of all"
(b9 f5 p56) jc-022297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

117. niman ic **quilhuia**, ca ye cualli xole: then they said to

him: "it is well, o child"
(b9 f5 p56) jc-022297
118. **quilhuia** nopiltze, xole: ca otoyollo ompachiuh, they
said to him: "o my son, o child, we have been satisfied
(b9 f5 p56) jc-022297
119. inin amo zan mixcahuia inic mopahtia cohuacihuiztli:
moneloain **quilhuia** colotzitzicaztli this is not used
alone as a cure for gout; it is mixed with the herb called
(b10 f5 p90) jc-022297
120. onca in intlamatiniuh, in **quilhuia** in quitocayotia
tlaciuhqui, there was their wise man, whom they called,
whom they named, tlaciuhqui
(b10 f11 p177) jc-022297
121. quilhuiaya, intla monequi yaoquizazque in otomi,
quilhuiaya, in ahzo yaomiquizque, **quilhuia** in ahzo huel
quiahuiz ce xihuitl, in acanozomo, quilhuiaya mayanaliztli,
in ahzo cocoliztli quizaquiuh, momanaquiuh: the otomi
inquired of [the sorcerer], if it were necessary to go to
war, whether perchance they would die in war; they inquired
of him whether there would be rain during the year, of
whether, perhaps, there would be no [rain]; they inquired
[if ] famine, if perhaps sickness might come --might spread
(b10 f11 p177) jc-022297
122. auh mimati in intlacual, ompa huitz (in **quilhuia**)
tlapictli, nacatamalli, and they were skilled in their
food; from there came (what they called) tamales, meat
(b10 f11 p184) jc-022297
123. inique i, quititlani in mitl, in pitzahuac, in tlahuitolli:
ihuan **quilhuia** tzaptopilli, these used the slender
arrow, the bow; and they called it the tipped arrow
(b10 f11 p185) jc-022297
124. ompa mochihua in **quilhuia**: centzontilmatli, in
centzoncuachtli, in tlatlatlapalcuachtli: there were made
those called capes of many colors, large capes of many
colors, large varicolored capes
(b10 f11 p186) jc-022297
125. in aquin amozcalia, **quilhuia**: cuix titlalhuicatl, cuix
titotonac, they say to one who is untrained, "art thou
indeed a totonac?
(b10 f11 p186) jc-022297
126. ihuan **quilhuia**, cuextecapol, totonacapol,
tlalhuiccapol: and they say to one, "crude cuextecatl,
crude totonac, crude tlalhuicatl!"
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

(b10 f11 p186) jc-022297

127. inic quinotzaya micqui: in ihcuac oonmic, intla oquichtli
ca **quilhuia** in quiteonotza cuecuextzin: ln this manner
they spoke to the dead when one had died;, if [it were] a
man they spoke to him --they addressed him --as the god
(b10 f12 p192) jc-022297
128. auh intla cihuatl ca **quilhuia** chamotzi ma xiza ca
otlacuezalehuac, ca otlahuizcalli moquetz, and if [it were]
a woman, her they addressed as chamotzin: "awaken! it hath
reddened; the dawn hath set in
(b10 f12 p192) jc-022297
129. auh in oquiquiz (**quilhuia**) teoyotl: niman ica
necentlaliloc, and since (they said) he showed no respect
for divinity, then a conference was held about him
(b10 f12 p193) jc-022297
130. in aquin amo quiteimachiltia teahua, anozo itla ic
techalania, in ahzo oncan pacoatoc **quilhuia** xiauh,
xiquiza iuhquin tichiquimoli otonepantla tommotecaco when
he whom they distrust shouts at one or contends with one,
where perhaps they sit rejoicing, they say, "go --leave!
Like a chiquimolin you come sowing discord among us"
(b11 f6 p52) jc-022297
131. **quilhuia** xommotlalo, zan xommotlalo yuin tamazoli
motecotitlani: they say to him "run, just run! he is like
the toad carrying the ruler's message"
(b11 f8 p73) jc-022297
132. in aca quitlazocamati: **quilhuia** otinechmocnelili: cuix
timotlacayocoya, niman concuatlatzinia if one were
appreciative of it, he said to it, "thou hast shown me
favor hast thou made thyself humane?" then it buzzed him
(b11 f9 p89) jc-022297
133. inin tezcatl, cequi yahualtic, cequi xopiltic: **quilhuia**
acaltezcatl, of these mirrors, one is round; one is long:
they call it acaltezcatl
(b11 f22 p228) jc-022297
134. in pani iuhquin tetlaelli, iuhquin **quilhuia**
tepopozoctli chachacuachtic, quiquiztic, nextic, iuhquinma
omipalan: on the surface it is like something revolting,
like [the stone] called tepepe'octli: rough, perforated,
ashen; like a rotten bone
(b11 f23 p231) jc-022297
135. nec quinahuatia in mayehuatzin: **quilhuia** tla xoniauh,
tla xiquimonilhui in cuitlahuaca: cuitlahuacae,
onechhualihua in amotlatocauh in mayehuatzin, then
mayeuatzin commanded him; he said to him: "go there; tell
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

the cuitlauacans, "o cuitlauacans, your ruler mayeuatzin

sent me!
(b12 f7 p111) jc-022297
136. se lo dice ( he says it to him )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
137. le dicen ( they say to it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
138. he says it to her; he says it to him; he says it to it; he
says to him; he says to it; it says it to him; she says it
to her; she says it to him; she says to her; they call it;
they say it; they say it to her; they say it to him; they
call him; they tell it
FC jc-031297
139. he says it to her; he says it to him; he says it to it; he
says to him; he says to it; it says it to him; she says it
to her; she says it to him; she says to her; they call it;
they say it; they say it to her; they say it to him; they
call him; they tell it
FC jc-031297

0. he said it to her; he said it to him; she said it to her;
she said it to him; they called it; they said it to him
1. he said it to her; he said it to him; she said it to her;
she said it to him; they called it; they said it to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he said it to her; he said it to him; she said it to her;
she said it to him; they called it; they said it to him
3. he said it to her; he said it to him; she said it to her;
she said it to him; they called it; they said it to him
4. he said it to her; he said it to him; she said it to her;
she said it to him; they called it; they said it to him
<p33-ilhuia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he said it to her; he said it to him; she said it to her;
she said it to him; they called it; they said it to him
<p33-ilhuia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they said it to him <p33-ilhuia-ya3>
<p33-ilhuia-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. tecochpa, anozo tecochizpan, teahuaya, **quilhuiaya**, in
aquin quitemiqui in tehuatl tleica in amo tinechmahuizmati;
he chided one in his sleep or in a dream; he said to him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

who dreamed: "thou! why dost thou not esteem me?

(b1 f2 p33) jc-022297
8. ihuan in tlatolli **quilhuiaya**, huel oc miec and these
were the words which they said unto him; indeed much else
(b2 f5 p103) jc-022297
9. auh in aquin motepotlamiaya: **quilhuiaya** otimonemohui,
ocenticcuic, and to one who stumbled they said: "thou hast
been affected by the nemontemi; thou hast gotten it all
(b2 f11 p172) jc-022297
10. oncan conteca in macuiloctli in **quilhuiaya** teooctli,
there he filled them with [ceremonial] five[fold] pulque,
which they called sacred pulque
(b2 f13 p207) jc-022297
11. niman ye ic tlamana acacuauhcaxtica, oncan contlalia in
huentli in **quilhuiaya**, tlacatlacualli thereupon they
set forth the offerings in a reed vessel; there they placed
the gifts which they called fast foods
(b2 f14p247) jc-022297
12. quihualnotzaya **quilhuiaya**, maca ximomauhti he called to
her; he said to her: "have no fear"
(b3 f1 p2) jc-022297
13. **quilhuiaya** ma ixquich they said to him: "let this be
(b3 f1 p4) jc-022297
14. **quilhuiaya** titlacahuane, cuilonpole: he said to him: "o
titlacauan, o wretched sodomite!
(b3 f1p12) jc-022297
15. auh in ihcuac miquia in oquichtli, anozo cihuatl, anozo
piltontli auh inic quitlatlauhtiaya in miquia, in
momiquiliaya, **quilhuiaya**, in zan oc huetztoc, in zan oc
acantoc and when one died---man, or woman, or child--and
when they prayed to him who had died, who died honored,
they said to him as he still only was lying, as he still
only was stretched out:
(b3 f3 p41) jc-022297
16. n caxtolli capitulo: oncan mitoa in tlein mochihuaya, in
ihcuac quimaltiaya impilhuan, ihuan inic tlacualoya in
ihcuac quintocamacaya: ihuan in tlatolli in quitoaya
huehuetque, in **quilhuiaya**, piltontli: ihuan in tenan
thirty-fifth chapter here is told what was done when they
bathed their children, and how food was eaten when they
gave them their names; and the discourse which the old
people gave when they addressed the child and the mother
(b4 f11 p109) jc-022297
17. **quilhuiaya**: macamo xictilizatia in tenamaztli they said
to him: "do not kick the hearth stones
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

(b5 f3 p187) jc-022297

18. auh cenca yamancatlatoltica **quilhuiaya** in imichpoch,
inic huel quipiaz, inic huel iitic quitlaliz, in itlatol in
itatzin: huellazotli necuiltonolli ipan quimatiz and with
very tender words she told her daughter to guard well, to
place well within her, the words of her father; to consider
them as precious, as costly
(b6 f8 p99) jc-022297
19. auh **quilhuiaya** in quenin huel nemiz, in quenin
moquetzaz, in quenin tlatoz, in quenin teittaz, in quenin
nenemiz: auh in quenin amo quimocuitlahuiz in tenemiliz:
ihuan in quenin amo techicoihtozand she told her how to
live well, how to present herself, how to speak, how to
look at one, how to walk, and how not to interfere in
another's life, and how not to abuse another
(b6 f8 p99) jc-022297
20. ihuan **quilhuiaya** inic quintlazocamatiz in teteo, in
ipampa in inteicneliliz: auh inic mopiaz in ma itla ic oli,
in omotlali piltzintli: and they told her to thank the
gods for their blessings; and to guard herself that nothing
abort the conceived baby
(b6 f12 p141) jc-022297
21. auh niman ye yehuatl, in izquitlamantli **quilhuiaya** in
otztli: inic amo cenca quitoliniz in piltontli in ihcuac
tlacatiz, inic huel iciuhca mixihuiz: and then [are told]
those various things which she said to the pregnant woman,
in order that she should not much hurt the baby when it was
born, in order that she should be quickly delivered
(b6 f12 p151) jc-022297
22. ic cempoalli onmatlactli capitulo, oncan mitoa: in quenin
ticitl quitlatlauhtiaya, in piltzintli in ohuallacat: ihuan
in tlein **quilhuiaya**, moch tetlazotlaliztlatolli:
thirtieth chapter here it is told how the midwife exhorted
the baby who had been born, and what she said to it: all
the loving words
(b6 f14 p167) jc-022297
23. ic cempoalli onmatlactli oce capitulo, oncan mitoa in
tlatolli, in **quilhuiaya** ticitl in piltzintli: in ihcuac
quixictequia: thirty-first chapter here are told the words
which the midwife said to the baby boy when she cut the
unbilical cord
(b6 f14 p171) jc-022297
24. iuh **quilhuiaya** in ca mochi tetolini, tecoco, in ipan
mochihuaz tlalticpac: auh ca yaoc momiquiliz, anoce
teomiquiz: thus she told him that it was all affliction,
travail, that would befall him on earth, and that he would
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

die in war, or would die in sacrifice to the gods

(b6 f14 p171) jc-022297
25. iuh **quilhuiaya** in ca nohuian huel yaoquizaz so she told
him he might issue forth in war in all parts
(b6 f14 p171) jc-022297
26. ihuan **quilhuiaya** in quenin huel nemiz and they told him
how he was to live
(b6 f17 p213) jc-022297
27. **quilhuiaya**, intla monequi yaoquizazque in otomi,
quilhuiaya, in ahzo yaomiquizque, quilhuia in ahzo huel
quiahuiz ce xihuitl, in acanozomo, quilhuiaya mayanaliztli,
in ahzo cocoliztli quizaqui the otomi inquired of [the
sorcerer], if it were necessary to go to war, whether
perchance they would die in war; they inquired of him
whether there would be rain during the year, of whether,
perhaps, there would be no [rain]; they inquired [if]
famine, if perhaps sickness might come --might spread
(b10 f11 p177) jc-022297
28. quilhuiaya, intla monequi yaoquizazque in otomi,
**quilhuiaya**, in ahzo yaomiquizque, quilhuia in ahzo huel
quiahuiz ce xihuitl, in acanozomo, quilhuiaya mayanaliztli,
in ahzo cocoliztli quizaquiuh, momanaquiuh: the otomi
inquired of [the sorcerer], if it were necessary to go to
war, whether perchance they would die in war; they inquired
of him whether there would be rain during the year, of
whether, perhaps, there would be no [rain]; they inquired
[if] famine, if perhaps sickness might come --might spread
(b10 f11 p177) jc-022297
29. quilhuiaya, intla monequi yaoquizazque in otomi,
quilhuiaya, in ahzo yaomiquizque, quilhuia in ahzo huel
quiahuiz ce xihuitl, in acanozomo, **quilhuiaya**
mayanaliztli, in ahzo cocoliztli quizaquiuh, momanaquiuh:
the otomi inquired of [the sorcerer], if it were necessary
to go to war, whether perchance they would die in war; they
inquired of him whether there would be rain during the
year, of whether, perhaps, there would be no [rain]; they
inquired [if] famine, if perhaps sickness might come
--might spread
(b10 f11 p177) jc-022297
30. miec tlamantli in **quilhuiaya** tlaciuhqui, they asked
many things of the sorcerer
(b10 f11 p177) jc-022297
31. aoc ye **quilhuiaya** no one spoke more to him
(b12 f1 p17) jc-022297
32. he said it to her; he said it to him; she said it to her;
she said it to him; they called it; they said it to him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
33. he said it to her; he said it to him; she said it to her;
she said it to him; they called it; they said it to him
FC jc-031297

0. they observed a feast for him

1. they observed a feast for him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they observed a feast for him

3. they observed a feast for him

4. they observed a feast for him

FC jc-031297
5. they observed a feast for him
FC jc-031297

0. cecemilhuitl, ceceyoal in hualnenenque, inic quinonotzaco
in moteuczoma, in melahuac in ihueliaca **quilhuico**,
quicaquitico: day by day, night by night they traveled in
order to come to warn moctezuma, in order to come to tell
him exactly of its circumstances; they came to notify him
(b12 f1 p6) jc-022297
1. **quilhuico** in moteuczoma in quittaque they came to
relate to moctezuma that which they had seen
(b12f1 p17) jc-022297
2. they came to tell it to him
FC jc-031297
3. they came to tell it to him
FC jc-031297

0. they said it to her; they said it to him; they said it to it
1. they said it to her; they said it to him; they said it to it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they said it to her; they said it to him; they said it to it
3. they said it to her; they said it to him; they said it to it
4. they said it to her; they said it to him; they said it to
it <p33-ilhuia:-prt1-plur01>
<p33-ilhuia:-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. auh in ixpopoyome, in tlateotocanime, quitocayotique, in

tetl, **quilhuique**: ca tinoteouh, but the blind idolaters
gave the name to stone; they said, "thou art my god"
(b1 f4 p69) jc-022297
6. **quilhuique**, in cuahuitl, ca tinoteouh, tinotlatocauh to
wood they said, "thou art my god, thou art my lord"
(b1 f4 p69) jc-022297
7. niman **quilhuique**, nepa xiauh huehuentone, then they
said to him: "go hence, little old man
(b3 f2 p17) jc-022297
8. **quilhuique**, ca ye cualli oc xicchia, tla oc
tictolhuiliti, they said to him: "it is well wait yet let
us tell him"
(b3 f2 p17) jc-022297
9. niman **quilhuique** in cihua in quipiaya, ca ye in
tohuenio chilchonamacac, then the women who guarded her
said to him: "it is he, the huaxtec, the seller of green
(b3 f2 p19) jc-022297
10. **quilhuique**, ca onez in tohuenio, they said to him: "the
huaxtec hath appeared"
(b3 f2 p20) jc-022297
11. **quilhuique**, ca otoconcahuato in tohuenio, in momontzin
ocatca they said to him: "we have gone, abandoning the
huaxtec, who was thy beloved son-in-law"
(b3 f2 p21) jc-022297
12. **quilhuique** can tiyauh, can titztiuh, they said to him:
"where dost thou go? where art thou bound?
(b3 f3 p35) jc-022297
13. niman **quilhuique** in quetzalcoatl in tlatlacatecolo
canin tiaz then the demons said to quetzalcoatl: "whither
goest thou?"
(b3 f3 p35) jc-022297
14. niman **quilhuique** ca ye cualli then they said to him:
"It is well
(b3 f3 p35) jc-022297
15. **quilhuique** tacatl, tlatoani, toteucyo: ma xicmocuili,
ma xicmocaquiti: they said to him: master, ruler, our lord,
receive it, hear it
(b6 f10 p118) jc-022297
16. **quilhuique** tehuatl tiyez, nanahuatze they said to him:
"thou shalt be the one, o nanauatzin"
(b7 f1 p4) jc-022297
17. **quilhuique** in teucciztecatl o tlacuelle teucciztecatle,
xonhuetzi, xonmomayahui in tleco: they said to
tecuciztecatl: "take courage, o tecuciztecatl; fall cast
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

thyself--into the fire!

(b7 f1 p5) jc-022297
18. **quilhuique** in teteo oc tehuatl, oc cuel tehuatl
nanahuatze, ma ye cuel the gods said to him: "onward, thou,
o nanauatzin! take heart!"
(b7 f1 p5) jc-022297
19. niman ye ic quitlatlauhtia, **quilhuique** toteucyoe, ma
ximehuititie: thereupon they addressed him; they said to
him: "o our lord, may it be well with thee
(b9 f1 p5) jc-022297
20. **quilhuique** in moteuczoma toteucyoe, oticmociahuilti,
oticmihiyohuilti, they said to moctezuma: "o our lord, thou
hast tired thyself; thou hast suffered fatigue
(b9 f1 p6) jc-022297
21. auh inic huilotl: quil **quilhuique**, in oc cequintin
totome:ma tihuian, tatatacazque, in oncan tatlizque: and of
the uilotl it is said that the rest of the birds said to
it, "come on, let us scratch for water so that we may drink
(b11 f6 p51) jc-022297
22. **quilhuique** in ilamatzin, in ca otlatlaco, they told the
little old woman she had done evil
(b11 f7 p70) jc-022297
23. moch iuh **quilhuique**, in iuh quimilhuique atl itic thus
they told him all of how [the spaniards] had spoken to them
in the midst of the water
(b12 f1 p6) jc-022297
24. niman ye ic contlatlauhtia: **quilhuique**: thereupon they
prayed to him; they said to him:
(b12 f1 p15) jc-022297
25. quinanquilique in capitan: **quilhuique** tla quimocaquitin
tlacatl, achcamo ic technahuati in itechiuhcauh in
moteuczoma; they replied to the captain; they said to him:
"may the lord hear: his governor moctezuma hath by no means
commanded us to do this
(b12 f1 p16) jc-022297
26. auh **quilhuique**, ca amo ca zan ticiuhtihui but they said
to him: "no, we shall only go hastening on"
(b12f1 p17) jc-022297
27. auh in ie iuhqui, niman ie ic quinonotza in moteuczoma iuh
**quilhuique** in iuhqui oquimahuizoto, ihuan quittitique
in iuhqui intlacual and when this was done, they thereupon
reported to moctezuma; so they told him how they had gone
marveling, and they showed him what [the spaniards'] food
was like
(b12 f2 p19) jc-022297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

28. **quilhuique** cuix ie te in timoteuczoma? [the spaniards]

said to him: "art thou perchance moctezuma?"
(b12 f2 p31) jc-022297
29. auh niman **quilhuique** Nepa xiauh, and then these said to
him: "go thou hence
(b12 f2 p31) jc-022297
30. niman **quilhuique** ma quimocaquiti in toteucyo: they then
said to her: "let our lord hear"
(b12 f5 p69) jc-022297
31. they said it to her; they said it to him; they said it to
it; they told it to him
FC jc-031297
32. they said it to her; they said it to him; they said it to
it; they told it to him
FC jc-031297

0. they celebrated a feast for him; they observed his feast day
1. they celebrated a feast for him; they observed his feast day
FC -> jc-72895
2. they celebrated a feast for him; they observed his feast day
3. they celebrated a feast for him; they observed his feast day
4. they celebrated a feast for him; they observed his feast
day <p33-ilhuitl-qui:za-caus02-ben-ya3>
<p33-ilhuitl-qui:za-caus02-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they celebrated a feast for him; they observed his feast
day <p33-ilhuitl-qui:za-caus02-ben-ya3>
<p33-ilhuitl-qui:za-caus02-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they celebrated a feast for him; they observed his feast
day <p33-ilhuitl-qui:za-caus02-ben-ya3>
<p33-ilhuitl-qui:za-caus02-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they celebrated a feast for him; they observed his feast
day <p33-ilhuitl-qui:za-caus02-ben-ya3>
<p33-ilhuitl-qui:za-caus02-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they celebrated a feast for him; they observed his feast day
FC jc-031297
9. they celebrated a feast for him; they observed his feast day
FC jc-031297

0. they go saying it to him
1. they go saying it to him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they go saying it to him
3. they go saying it to him
4. they go saying it to him <p33-ilhuia:-dir2a>
<p33-ilhuia:-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
5. they go saying it to him <p33-ilhuia:-dir2a>
<p33-ilhuia:-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
6. they go saying it to him <p33-ilhuia:-dir2a>
<p33-ilhuia:-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
7. intla yaotl **quilhuitihui** yaotle, yaotle, xontlamati in
ixtlahuatl iitic, in ixtlahuatl inepantla, in tehuatenpan,
in tlachinoltenpan: if [his name were] yaotl, they went
saying to him: "o yaotl, o yaotl, know the interior of the
plains, the middle of the plains, the battlefield
(b6 f17 p204) jc-022297
8. they go saying it to him
FC jc-031297
9. they go saying it to him
FC jc-031297

0. she proceeds saying it to him
<p33-ilhuia:-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. she proceeds saying it to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. she proceeds saying it to him
<p33-ilhuia:-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. she proceeds saying it to him
<p33-ilhuia:-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. she proceeds saying it to him <p33-ilhuia:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-ilhuia:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. she proceeds saying it to him <p33-ilhuia:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-ilhuia:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. she proceeds saying it to him <p33-ilhuia:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-ilhuia:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. **quilhuitinemi** nochpochtzin, ca moyaouh, she said to
her: "my beloved daughter, exert thyself!
(b6 f13 p160) jc-022297
8. quinotztinemi in piltontli in yehuatl
ticitl:**quilhuitinemi** ma itech ximaxiti, ma xicmocelili
inmonantzin in chalchiuhtli icue: the midwife proceeded
addressing the baby; she proceeded saying to it: "attain,
receive thy mother chalchiuhtli icue"
(b6 f17 p205) jc-022297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. she proceeds saying it to him

FC jc-031297
10. she proceeds saying it to him
FC jc-031297

0. auh in yehuatl cihuatl in oiuh mozcali, niman quinonotzato,
**quilhuito** in moteuczoma in tlein quittac and this
woman, after she had returned to life, then went to
converse and speak with moctezuma about what she had seen
(b8 f1 p3) jc-022297

0. onteme in totolme, huexolome in quinhuica, iixpan
quimontlazato, quintentopeuhtinemi ach iuhquinma
**quilhuiznequi** xiccui it brought him two turkey cocks,
went on to throw them down, proceeded to push them on with
its muzzle almost as if to say to him 'take them'
(b11 f1 p7) jc-022297
1. it wants to say it to him
FC jc-031297
2. it wants to say it to him
FC jc-031297

0. le dice; se lo dice ( he says to him; he tells him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. le dice ( she says to him; she tells him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. le dice; se lo dice ( he says to him; he tells him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. le dice ( she says to him; she tells him )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. quilia: quen otipanoc cualli tlatlallancaltzin ? quen
otixton ? Le dice: ? Co'mo lo has pasado
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. buena Cuevita

2. co'mo amaneciste ? He says: How are you fairing

3. good cave

4. how did you rise this morning ?
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. edible-greens, quelite
1. herb, greens; plant
FC -> jc-72895
2. herb, greens; plant
3. edible-greens, quelite
4. herb, greens; plant
5. edible plant
FC - > jc-61096
6. herb, greens; plant <quilitl>
<quilitl> FC - > jc-61096
7. plant
FC - > jc-61096
8. herb, greens; plant
FC jc-031297
9. herb, greens; plant
FC jc-031297
10. Nictzoyonilihtoc in quilitl in nochpoch nic amo maxilia Le
estoy friendo los quelites a mi hija porque no le da tiempo
I am frying my daughter's vegetables because she does not
have time
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. having thick foliage
1. having thick foliage
FC -> jc-72895
2. having thick foliage
3. having thick foliage
4. having thick foliage <quilitl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1>
<quilitl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having thick foliage <quilitl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1>
<quilitl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having thick foliage <quilitl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1>
<quilitl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
7. having thick foliage <quilitl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1>
<quilitl-yo:tl1-tila:hua-c1> FC - > jc-61096
8. having thick foliage
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
9. having thick foliage
FC jc-031297

0. it is said that, so-called
1. it is said that; so-called
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is said that, so-called
3. it is said that, so-called
4. it is said that <quil-mach>
<quil-mach> FC - > jc-61096
5. it is said that, so-called <quil-mach>
<quil-mach> FC - > jc-61096
6. it is said that; so-called
FC jc-031297
7. it is said that; so-called
FC jc-031297

0. herb seller
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. it makes him remember it
1. it makes him remember it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it makes him remember it
3. it makes him remember it
4. it makes him remember it <p33-illi-na:miqui-caus03>
<p33-illi-na:miqui-caus03> FC - > jc-61096
5. it makes him remember it <p33-illi-na:miqui-caus03>
<p33-illi-na:miqui-caus03> FC - > jc-61096
6. it makes him remember it <p33-illi-na:miqui-caus03>
<p33-illi-na:miqui-caus03> FC - > jc-61096
7. it makes him remember it
FC jc-031297
8. it makes him remember it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. (may) he brood over it, (may) he think about it; he intends
it; he thinks it; he plans it; he remembers it; he thinks
of it; they remember it; they imagine it; they think it
1. ( may ) he brood over it, ( may ) he think about it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he intends it, he thinks it; he plans it; he remembers it;
he thinks of it; they imagine it; they think it; they
remember it
FC -> jc-72895
3. (may) he brood over it, (may) he think about it; he intends
it; he thinks it; he plans it; he remembers it; he thinks
of it; they remember it; they imagine it; they think it
4. (may) he brood over it, (may) he think about it; he intends
it; he thinks it; he plans it; he remembers it; he thinks
of it; they remember it; they imagine it; they think it
5. ( may ) he brood over it, ( may ) he think about it; he
intends it; he thinks it; he plans it; he remembers it; he
thinks of it; they remember it; they imagine it; they think
it <p33-illi-na:miqui>
<p33-illi-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
6. ( may ) he brood over it, ( may ) he think about it; he
intends it; he thinks it; he remembers it; he thinks of it;
they remember it; they imagine it; they think it
<p33-illi-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
7. ( may ) he brood over it, ( may ) he think about it; he
intends it; he thinks it; he remembers it; he thinks of it;
they remember it; they imagine it; they think it
<p33-illi-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
8. ( may ) he brood over it, ( may ) he think about it
FC jc-031297
9. he intends it, he thinks it; he plans it; he remembers it;
he thinks of it; they imagine it; they think it; they
remember it
FC jc-031297
10. ( may ) he brood over it, ( may ) he think about it
FC jc-031297
11. he intends it, he thinks it; he plans it; he remembers it;
he thinks of it; they imagine it; they think it; they
remember it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he remembered him; he remembered it; it recalled it; they
determined it; they decided it; they remembered it; they
knew it from memory; they thought it; they bethought it
1. he remembered him; he remembered it; it recalled it; they
determined it; they decided it; they remembered it; they
knew it from memory; they bethought it; they thought it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he remembered him; he remembered it; it recalled it; they
determined it; they decided it; they remembered it; they
knew it from memory; they thought it; they bethought it
3. he remembered him; he remembered it; it recalled it; they
determined it; they decided it; they remembered it; they
knew it from memory; they thought it; they bethought it
4. he remembered him; he remembered it; it recalled it; they
determined it; they decided it; they remembered it; they
knew it from memory; they thought it; they bethought it
<p33-illi-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he remembered him; he remembered it; it recalled it; they
determined it; they decided it; they remembered it; they
knew it from memory; they thought it; they bethought it
<p33-illi-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he remembered him; he remembered it; it recalled it; they
determined it; they decided it; they remembered it; they
knew it from memory; they thought it; they bethought it
<p33-illi-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he remembered him; he remembered it; it recalled it; they
determined it; they decided it; they remembered it; they
knew it from memory; they thought it; they bethought it
<p33-illi-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he remembered him; he remembered it; it recalled it; they
determined it; they decided it; they remembered it; they
knew it from memory; they bethought it; they thought it
FC jc-031297
9. he remembered him; he remembered it; it recalled it; they
determined it; they decided it; they remembered it; they
knew it from memory; they bethought it; they thought it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. quilpaltia it becomes blue-green
<quilitl-pa:3-l1-v01a-v01b (b10 f6 c27 p97a)
1. quilpaltia it becomes blue-green
<quilitl-pa:3-l1-v01a-v01b> (b10 f6 c27 p97a) JC-7/23/96
2. it becomes blue-green
FC jc-031297
3. it becomes blue-green
FC jc-031297

0. herb-green
1. herb-green
FC -> jc-72895
2. herb-green
3. herb-green
4. herb-green <quilitl-pa:3-l1-tic>
<quilitl-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. herb-green <quilitl-pa:3-l1-tic>
<quilitl-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. herb-green <quilitl-pa:3-l1-tic>
<quilitl-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
7. herb-green <quilitl-pa:3-l1-tic>
<quilitl-pa:3-l1-tic> FC - > jc-61096
8. herb-green
FC jc-031297
9. herb-green
FC jc-031297

0. its foliage falls to pieces

1. its foliage falls to pieces

FC -> jc-72895
2. its foliage falls to pieces

3. its foliage falls to pieces

4. its foliage falls to pieces

FC jc-031297
5. its foliage falls to pieces
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he binds it, he ties it; they bind it; they tie it

1. he binds it, he ties it; they bind it; they tie it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he binds it, he ties it; they bind it; they tie it

3. he binds it, he ties it; they bind it; they tie it

4. he binds it, he ties it; they bind it; they tie it

5. he binds it, he ties it; they bind it; they tie it

6. he binds it, he ties it; they bind it; they tie it
<p33-ilpia:> FC - > jc-61096
7. he binds it, he ties it; they bind it; they tie it
FC jc-031297
8. he binds it, he ties it; they bind it; they tie it
FC jc-031297

0. they bound it, they tied it up
FC jc-031297

0. he gulps it, he sips it

1. he gulps it, he sips it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he gulps it, he sips it

3. he gulps it, he sips it

4. he gulps it, he sips it

FC jc-031297
5. he gulps it, he sips it
FC jc-031297

0. he sipped it
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. herb green
1. herb green; dark green; herb-green
FC -> jc-72895
2. herb green
3. herb green
4. herb green <quilitl-tic>
<quilitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. herb green; dark green; herb-green <quilitl-tic>
<quilitl-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. green
Adj Form jc-022897
7. herb green; dark green; herb-green
FC jc-031297
8. herb green; dark green; herb-green
FC jc-031297
9. green
JC-05-07-97 Adjective Formation
10. greenish
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
11. verdant

12. emerald

13. lime-colored

14. olive

15. green

0. he knew it
1. he knew it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he knew it
3. he knew it
4. he knew it <p33-mati-prt1>
<p33-mati-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he knew it; he thought
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. he knew it; he thought

FC jc-031297

0. they will come to bathe them
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. they let him carry it on his back
FC - > jc-61096

0. they took them

0. he has them drink
FC - > jc-61096

0. a veces ( at times; some times )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. he gives it to her; he gives it to him; it gives it to him;
it offers it to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they give it to him
FC -> jc-72895
3. he gives it to her; he gives it to him; it gives it to him;
it offers it to him

4. he gives it to her; he gives it to him; it gives it to him;

it offers it to him

5. a veces ( at times; some times )

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
6. he gives it; he gives it to her; he gives it to him; it
gives it to him; it offers it to him
FC jc-031297
7. they give it to him
FC jc-031297
8. he gives it; he gives it to her; he gives it to him; it
gives it to him; it offers it to him
FC jc-031297
9. they give it to him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he gave it to him; he gave her to him; it gave it to him
1. he gave her to him; he gave it to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. it gave it to him
FC -> jc-72895
3. he gave it to him; he gave her to him; it gave it to him
4. he gave it to him; he gave her to him; it gave it to him
5. he gave it to him; he gave her to him; it gave it to him
<p33-maca-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
6. he gave her to him; he gave it to him
FC jc-031297
7. it gave it to him
FC jc-031297
8. he gave her to him; he gave it to him
FC jc-031297
9. it gave it to him
FC jc-031297

0. he fears him; he fears it; they fear it
1. he fears him; he fears it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they fear it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he fears him; he fears it; they fear it
4. he fears him; he fears it; they fear it
5. he fears him; he fears it; they fear it <p33-i:macaci>
<p33-i:macaci> FC - > jc-61096
6. he fears him; he fears it
FC jc-031297
7. they fear it
FC jc-031297
8. he fears him; he fears it
FC jc-031297
9. they fear it
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they feared him; they feared it; they dreaded it

1. they dreaded it, they feared it; they feared him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they feared him; they feared it; they dreaded it
3. they feared him; they feared it; they dreaded it
4. they feared him; they feared it; they dreaded it
<p33-i:macaci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they feared him; they feared it; they dreaded it
<p33-i:macaci-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they dreaded it, they feared it; they feared him
FC jc-031297
7. they dreaded it, they feared it; they feared him
FC jc-031297

0. they will fear it

1. they will fear it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will fear it

3. they will fear it

4. they will fear it

FC jc-031297
5. they will fear it
FC jc-031297

0. they filled their boats with them
FC jc-031297

0. they gave it to him; they offered it to him

1. they gave it to him; they offered it to him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they gave it to him; they offered it to him

3. they gave it to him; they offered it to him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they gave it to him; they offered it to him

FC jc-031297
5. they gave it to him; they offered it to him
FC jc-031297

0. they went to give it to him
FC jc-031297

0. he gave it to her; she gave it to her; they gave it to him
1. he gave it to her; he gave it to him; she gave it to her;
they gave it to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gave it to her; she gave it to her; they gave it to him
3. he gave it to her; she gave it to her; they gave it to him
4. he gave it to her; she gave it to her; they gave it to him
<p33-maca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he gave it to her; she gave it to her; they gave it to him
<p33-maca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he gave it to her; he gave it to him; she gave it to her;
they gave it; they gave it to him
FC jc-031297
7. he gave it to her; he gave it to him; she gave it to her;
they gave it; they gave it to him
FC jc-031297

0. he feared it; he will give it to him; it will give it to
him; she will give it to him
1. he feared it; he will give it to him; it will give it to
him; she will give it to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he feared it; he will give it to him; it will give it to
him; she will give it to him
3. he feared it; he will give it to him; it will give it to
him; she will give it to him
4. he feared it; he will give it to him; it will give it to
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

him; she will give it to him <p33-maca-z>

<p33-maca-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he feared it; he will give it to him; it will give it to
him; she will give it to him
FC jc-031297
6. he feared it; he will give it to him; it will give it to
him; she will give it to him
FC jc-031297

0. they go fearing it

1. they go fearing it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go fearing it

3. they go fearing it

4. they go fearing it
FC jc-031297
5. they go fearing it
FC jc-031297

0. he merits it, he deserves it; she merits it; she deserves it
1. he merits it, he deserves it; she merits it; she deserves it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he merits it, he deserves it; she merits it; she deserves it
3. he merits it, he deserves it; she merits it; she deserves it
4. he merits it, he deserves it; she merits it; she deserves
it <p33-mahce:hua>
<p33-mahce:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he merits it, he deserves it; she merits it; she deserves it
FC jc-031297
6. he merits it, he deserves it; she merits it; she deserves it
FC jc-031297

0. ic moch oncan, quimacehualtia in tlalticpac paquiliztli,
neyollaliliztli: in xochitl, in iyetl, in netlamachtilli:
in tilmatli, in tenzacatl, in tlalpiloni thus he then
received as reward all earthly happiness and
contentment--flowers, tobacco, riches; capes, lip pendants,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

head bands <p33-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08 (b5 f1 c3 p158), 2

auh at itla icnopetlatzintli, icpaltzintli quimacehualtia,
inic motlatecpanilia tenan, teta quichihua, tlacamacho,
acohuic, tlalchihuic itto and perhaps he giveth him some
humble position of rule as merit, according as the
positions are arranged in order; he maketh him one mother,
o father, [positions] for which he is respected, revered
<p33-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08 (b6 f7 c17 p89), 3 auh anoce
in zan tlazohuitz, in zan tlazoca in quilhuiltia, in
quimacehualtia in teucyotl, in tlatocayotl: in axcan
nictemiqui, niccochitlehua, in anolhuil, in anomacehual,
and perhaps he giveth him as desert, as merited, something
which is quite precious, choice, of the rulership, of the
government, such as what I now dream, what I see in dreams,
which is not my desert, not my merit
<p33-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08 (b6 f7 c17 p89)
1. ic moch oncan, quimacehualtia in tlalticpac paquiliztli,
neyollaliliztli: in xochitl, in iyetl, in netlamachtilli:
in tilmatli, in tenzacatl, in tlalpiloni thus he then
received as reward all earthly happiness and
contentment--flowers, tobacco, riches; capes, lip pendants,
head bands
<p33-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08> (b5 f1 c3 p158) JC-7/23/96
2. auh at itla icnopetlatzintli, icpaltzintli quimacehualtia,
inic motlatecpanilia tenan, teta quichihua, tlacamacho,
acohuic, tlalchihuic itto and perhaps he giveth him some
humble position of rule as merit, according as the
positions are arranged in order; he maketh him one mother,
o father, [positions] for which he is respected, revered
<p33-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08> (b6 f7 c17 p89) JC-7/23/96
3. auh anoce in zan tlazohuitz, in zan tlazoca in quilhuiltia,
in quimacehualtia in teucyotl, in tlatocayotl: in axcan
nictemiqui, niccochitlehua, in anolhuil, in anomacehual,
and perhaps he giveth him as desert, as merited, something
which is quite precious, choice, of the rulership, of the
government, such as what I now dream, what I see in dreams,
which is not my desert, not my merit
<p33-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08> (b6 f7 c17 p89) JC-7/23/96

0. ic quitlaitlanilia, in tlein quimacaz, in tlen quinemactiz,
in tlein quimacehualtiz: ahzo necuiltonolli, ahzo
tlamaliztli, ahzo oquichyotl: anozo netoliniliztli, ahzo
huictli, ahzo mecapalli: so he demanded what it would
give, grant, or award him--perhaps riches, perhaps the
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

taking of captives, perhaps valor; or poverty--perhaps the

hoe or the tump line <p33-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08-z (b5 f1
c3 p158)
1. ic quitlaitlanilia, in tlein quimacaz, in tlen quinemactiz,
in tlein quimacehualtiz: ahzo necuiltonolli, ahzo
tlamaliztli, ahzo oquichyotl: anozo netoliniliztli, ahzo
huictli, ahzo mecapalli: so he demanded what it would
give, grant, or award him--perhaps riches, perhaps the
taking of captives, perhaps valor; or poverty--perhaps the
hoe or the tump line
<p33-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08-z> (b5 f1 c3 p158) JC-7/23/96

0. he deserved it

1. he deserved it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he deserved it

3. he deserved it

4. he deserved it
FC jc-031297
5. he deserved it
FC jc-031297

0. he knew it about him; he knew something about him

1. he knew it about him; he knew something about him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he knew it about him; he knew something about him

3. he knew it about him; he knew something about him

4. he knew it about him; he knew something about him

FC jc-031297
5. he knew it about him; he knew something about him
FC jc-031297

0. it hunts them; they capture them

1. it hunts them; they capture them

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. it hunts them; they capture them

3. it hunts them; they capture them

4. it hunts them
FC jc-031297
5. they capture them
FC jc-031297
6. it hunts them
FC jc-031297
7. they capture them
FC jc-031297

0. they captured them, they seized them; they took them captive
FC jc-031297

0. he will take them, he will capture them
1. he will take them, he will capture them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will take them, he will capture them
3. he will take them, he will capture them
4. he will take them, he will capture them <p43-ahci-z>
<p43-ahci-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will take them, he will capture them
FC jc-031297
6. he will take them, he will capture them
FC jc-031297

0. they will seize them
1. they will seize them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will seize them
3. they will seize them
4. they will seize them <p43-ahci-z-plur01>
<p43-ahci-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will seize them
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. they will seize them

FC jc-031297

0. it catches it with its paws
1. he seizes it; it catches it with its paws
FC -> jc-72895
2. it catches it with its paws
3. it catches it with its paws
4. it catches it with its paws <p33-ma:itl-cui>
<p33-ma:itl-cui> FC - > jc-61096
5. he seizes it; it catches it with its paws
FC jc-031297
6. he seizes it; it catches it with its paws
FC jc-031297

0. they go to grab them
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. he scolds them, he chides them

1. he scolds them, he chides them

FC -> jc-72895
2. he scolds them, he chides them

3. he scolds them, he chides them

4. he scolds them, he chides them

FC jc-031297
5. he scolds them, he chides them
FC jc-031297

0. they scolded them

1. they scolded them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they scolded them

3. they scolded them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they scolded them

FC jc-031297
5. they scolded them
FC jc-031297

0. acualli, ayectli quimahuiltia, she goes about in shame;
she persists in evil <p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04-caus08 (b10
f3 c14 p51)
1. acualli, ayectli quimahuiltia, she goes about in shame;
she persists in evil
<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04-caus08> (b10 f3 c14 p51) JC-7/23/96

0. in tlamachchiuhqui: ca icpatl quimahuiltiani, icpachiuhqui
the weaver of designs is one who concerns herself with
using thread, who works with tnread
<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04-caus08-ni1 (b10 f3 c14 p51)
1. in tlamachchiuhqui: ca icpatl quimahuiltiani, icpachiuhqui
the weaver of designs is one who concerns herself with
using thread, who works with tnread
<p33-a:huiya-delya-l1-v04-caus08-ni1> (b10 f3 c14 p51) JC-7/23/96

0. they struck his arms

1. they struck his arms

FC -> jc-72895
2. they struck his arms

3. they struck his arms

4. they struck his arms

FC jc-031297
5. they struck his arms
FC jc-031297

0. it caused him fear
1. it caused him fear
FC -> jc-72895
2. it caused him fear
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it caused him fear

4. it caused him fear <p33-mahui-liz-cui-caus02>
<p33-mahui-liz-cui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. it caused him fear <p33-mahui-liz-cui-caus02>
<p33-mahui-liz-cui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. it caused him fear
FC jc-031297
7. it caused him fear
FC jc-031297

0. inic quimahuizoaya, thus he honored him
<p33-mahui-liz-v03b-caus06-ya3 (b4 f4 c9 p36)
1. inic quimahuizoaya, thus he honored him
<p33-mahui-liz-v03b-caus06-ya3> (b4 f4 c9 p36) JC-7/23/96

0. mochi quitztihui in ioztoyo, in apozonalli, in tehuilotl,
in tlapaltehuilotl: mochi quimahuizotihui in epyollotli, in
huitzitziltetl, they went to seek all the mines of amber,
of rock crystal, of amethyst; they went to marvel at the
pearls, the opals <p33-mahui-liz-v03-caus06-dir2a (b10 f10
c29 p168)
1. mochi quitztihui in ioztoyo, in apozonalli, in tehuilotl,
in tlapaltehuilotl: mochi quimahuizotihui in epyollotli, in
huitzitziltetl, they went to seek all the mines of amber,
of rock crystal, of amethyst; they went to marvel at the
pearls, the opals
<p33-mahui-liz-v03-caus06-dir2a> (b10 f10 c29 p168) JC-7/23/96

0. he will marvel at it
FC jc-031297

0. they guard it with honor
1. they guard it with honor
FC -> jc-72895
2. they guard it with honor
3. they guard it with honor
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they guard it with honor <p33-mahui-liz-piya>

<p33-mahui-liz-piya> FC - > jc-61096
5. they guard it with honor <p33-mahui-liz-piya>
<p33-mahui-liz-piya> FC - > jc-61096
6. they guard it with honor
FC jc-031297
7. they guard it with honor
FC jc-031297

0. auh inic quitoca, cenca quimahuiztilia, omilhuitl, eilhuitl
in miccahuati, mitotia, cuica: and when they buried him,
they paid him great honor; two days, three days, they
mourned; there was dancing, there was singing
<p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04 (b10 f10 c29 p174)
1. auh inic quitoca, cenca quimahuiztilia, omilhuitl, eilhuitl
in miccahuati, mitotia, cuica: and when they buried him,
they paid him great honor; two days, three days, they
mourned; there was dancing, there was singing
<p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04> (b10 f10 c29 p174) JC-7/23/96

0. oc miec tlamantli, inic quimahuiztiliaya i, in yehuatl
tzapotla tena there were many other ways by which they
paid honor to this tzapotlan tenan
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b1 f5 cAp p71), 2
quimahuiztiliaya miec tlamantli inic quimahuiztiliaya, in
zan nen, in zan innetlapololtilizpan with many such acts
they honored her; it was in vain, it was only their
confusion <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b1 f5 cAp p71), 2
miequintin tlatlacoti, ixpan quimictiaya: ihuan miec
tlamantli, inic quimahuiztiliaya, they slew many slaves
before him, and in many ways they thus paid him honor
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b1 f5 cAp p74), 3 oc cenca
yehuanti quimahuiztiliaya in coateca, in coatlan calpolli
itech pohuia: especially the coateca, they who belonged to
the calpulli of coatlan, venerated [this feast day]
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b2 f2 c22 p56), 4 auh ipampa
i, cenca quimahuiztiliaya in iztapaneca, in iztapantlaca
and on this account, greatly did the salt flats people
honor her <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b2 f4 c26 p90), 5
auh cenca tlamahuiztililoya, cenca quimahuiztiliaya in
nezahualiztli: and it was much admired; much was the
fasting respected <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b2 f8 c34
p143), 6 quimahuiztiliaya cenca quimahuiztiliaya, ihuan
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

quinezahuiliaya inic tepiquizque, ihuan tequentizque: they

paid great honors to [the mountain gods], and they did
penances so that they might make the figures and cover them
[with paper] <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b2 f9 c35
p150), 7 nican mitoa, in huel nelli tlamanaliztli, in
quichihuaya, inic quimahuiztiliaya tlatecolotl here are
told, in very truth, the offerings which they made, with
which they paid honor to the devil
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b2 f12 c38 p200), 8
imelahuaca in oc cequi tlamanaliztli in zan no ic
quimahuiztiliaya diablo a declaration of still other
offerings with which similarly they paid honor to the devil
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b2 f13 c38 p202), 9 inic
mochihuaya mexicatl teohuatzin ixicol, itlema, ixiquipil
inic quimahuiztiliaya diablo, thus did the keeper of the
god of the mexicans adorn himself: he had his sleeveless
jacket, his incense ladle, his pouch; with them he paid
honor to the devil <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b2 f13
c38 p205), 10 in huitzilopochtli, in cenca
quimahuiztiliaya in mexica to uitzilopochtli the mexicans
paid great honor <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b3 f1 c1
p1), 11 inic ome parrapho oncan motenehua in quenin
quimahuiztiliaya huitzilobochtli, inic quimoteotiaya
second paragraph in which it is told how they honored
uitzilopochtli when they worshiped him
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b3 f1 c1 p5), 12 inic
mitoa: quitonaltiaya, cenca quimahuiztiliaya, in oncan
iteopan icalpolco in itocayocan catca tlacatecco, thus it
is said they made offerings and paid great honor [to
uitzilopochtli] there at his temple, in his tribal
district, at the place whose name was tlacatecco
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b4 f8 c21 p75), 13
cexiuhtica in quilhuiquixtiliaya, in quimahuiztiliaya, in
ompa iteopan, itocayocan iopico: ipan in tlacaxipehualiztli
each year they observed his feast day; they paid him honor
there at his temple, a place called yopico, in [the month
of] tlacaxipeualiztli <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b9 f5
c15 p69), 14 mochi achtopa ixpan quizaya inic
quimahuiztiliaya all this passed first before him to pay
him honor <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b9 f5 c15 p70), 15
miec tlamantli inic quimahuiztiliaya, they showed him
honor in many ways <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b10 f11
c29 p183), 16 in intlatocauh catca: huel quicemittaya,
huel quimahuiztiliaya, to him who was their ruler, they
paid heed; they paid honor <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3
(b10 f12 c29 p189)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he paid honor to him; he paid honor to it; they esteemed
her; they paid honor to her; they esteemed him; they
esteemed it; they paid honor to it; they honored her; they
honored it; they venerated it; they paid him honor; they
paid honor to him; they paid honors to them; they respected
FC -> jc-72895
2. he paid honor to him; they esteemed her; they paid honor to
her; they esteemed him; they paid honors to them; they
honored her; they honored it; they venerated it; they
respected it; they paid him honor; they paid honor to him;
they esteemed it; they paid
3. oc miec tlamantli, inic quimahuiztiliaya i, in yehuatl
tzapotla tena there were many other ways by which they
paid honor to this tzapotlan tenan
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b1 f5 cAp p71), 2
quimahuiztiliaya miec tlamantli inic quimahuiztiliaya, in
zan nen, in zan innetlapololtilizpan with many such acts
they honored her; it was in vain, it was only their
confusion <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b1 f5 cAp p71), 2
miequintin tlatlacoti, ixpan quimictiaya: ihuan miec
tlamantli, inic quimahuiztiliaya, they slew many slaves
before him, and in many ways they thus paid him honor
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b1 f5 cAp p74), 3 oc cenca
yehuanti quimahuiztiliaya in coateca, in coatlan calpolli
itech pohuia: especially the coateca, they who belonged to
the calpulli of coatlan, venerated [this feast day]
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b2 f2 c22 p56), 4 auh ipampa
i, cenca quimahuiztiliaya in iztapaneca, in iztapantlaca
and on this account, greatly did the salt flats people
honor her <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b2 f4 c26 p90), 5
auh cenca tlamahuiztililoya, cenca quimahuiztiliaya in
nezahualiztli: and it was much admired; much was the
fasting respected <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b2 f8 c34
p143), 6 quimahuiztiliaya cenca quimahuiztiliaya, ihuan
quinezahuiliaya inic tepiquizque, ihuan tequentizque: they
paid great honors to [the mountain gods], and they did
penances so that they might make the figures and cover them
[with paper] <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b2 f9 c35
p150), 7 nican mitoa, in huel nelli tlamanaliztli, in
quichihuaya, inic quimahuiztiliaya tlatecolotl here are
told, in very truth, the offerings which they made, with
which they paid honor to the devil
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b2 f12 c38 p200), 8
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

imelahuaca in oc cequi tlamanaliztli in zan no ic

quimahuiztiliaya diablo a declaration of still other
offerings with which similarly they paid honor to the devil
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b2 f13 c38 p202), 9 inic
mochihuaya mexicatl teohuatzin ixicol, itlema, ixiquipil
inic quimahuiztiliaya diablo, thus did the keeper of the
god of the mexicans adorn himself: he had his sleeveless
jacket, his incense ladle, his pouch; with them he paid
honor to the devil <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b2 f13
c38 p205), 10 in huitzilopochtli, in cenca
quimahuiztiliaya in mexica to uitzilopochtli the mexicans
paid great honor <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b3 f1 c1
p1), 11 inic ome parrapho oncan motenehua in quenin
quimahuiztiliaya huitzilobochtli, inic quimoteotiaya
second paragraph in which it is told how they honored
uitzilopochtli when they worshiped him
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b3 f1 c1 p5), 12 inic
mitoa: quitonaltiaya, cenca quimahuiztiliaya, in oncan
iteopan icalpolco in itocayocan catca tlacatecco, thus it
is said they made offerings and paid great honor [to
uitzilopochtli] there at his temple, in his tribal
district, at the place whose name was tlacatecco
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b4 f8 c21 p75), 13
cexiuhtica in quilhuiquixtiliaya, in quimahuiztiliaya, in
ompa iteopan, itocayocan iopico: ipan in tlacaxipehualiztli
each year they observed his feast day; they paid him honor
there at his temple, a place called yopico, in [the month
of] tlacaxipeualiztli <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b9 f5
c15 p69), 14 mochi achtopa ixpan quizaya inic
quimahuiztiliaya all this passed first before him to pay
him honor <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b9 f5 c15 p70), 15
miec tlamantli inic quimahuiztiliaya, they showed him
honor in many ways <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b10 f11
c29 p183), 16 in intlatocauh catca: huel quicemittaya,
huel quimahuiztiliaya, to him who was their ruler, they
paid heed; they paid honor <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3
(b10 f12 c29 p189)
4. cenca quimahuiztiliaya, greatly they esteemed him
<p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3 (b1 f2 c19 p41)
5. cenca quimahuiztiliaya in itopil, in itlaczaya
yiacateuctli: they paid great honor to the cane, to the
walking staff, of yiacatecutli
<p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3 (b1 f2 c19 p43), 2 cenca
quimahuiztiliaya in moteuczoma: moctezuma paid great honor
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

to it <p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3 (b4 f1 c2 p6), 3 auh

miec in huentli, in nextlahualli inic quimahuiztiliaya,
and many were the offerings and blood sacrifices with which
they did him honor <p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3 (b4 f4 c9
p33), 4 auh in yehuantin pochteca, in motenehua: acxoteca,
in oztomeca, in motlacamati, yeh quihueimatia,
quimahuiztiliaya, but the merchants, those known as
distinguished traders and vanguard merchants, who were
rich, greatly esteemed and honored this [day sign]
<p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3 (b4 f5 c12 p45), 5 inic
quimahuiztiliaya, tlatlacualoya, aatlihuaya, thus they did
him honor: food and drink were provided
<p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3 (b4 f9 c25 p82), 6 ic cenca
quimahuiztiliaya inic conanaya, in miqui: hence they
accorded the dead one much honor as they took him
<p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3 (b11 f7 c4 p68)
6. he paid honor to him; they esteemed her; they paid honor to
her; they esteemed him; they paid honors to them; they
honored her; they honored it; they venerated it; they
respected it; they paid him honor; they paid honor to him;
they esteemed it; they paid
7. he paid honor to him; he paid honor to it; they esteemed
her; they paid honor to her; they esteemed him; they paid
honors to them; they honored her; they honored it; they
venerated it; they respected it; they paid him honor; they
paid honor to him; they esteemed it; they paid honor to it
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he paid honor to him; he paid honor to it; they esteemed
her; they paid honor to her; they esteemed him; they paid
honors to them; they honored her; they honored it; they
venerated it; they respected it; they paid him honor; they
paid honor to him; they esteemed it; they paid honor to it
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. he paid honor to him; they esteemed her; they paid honor to
her; they esteemed him; they paid honors to them; they
honored her; they honored it; they venerated it; they
respected it; they paid him honor; they paid honor to him;
they esteemed it; they paid honor to it
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
10. he paid honor to it; they honored it; they paid him honor;
they paid honor to him <p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

11. oc miec tlamantli, inic quimahuiztiliaya i, in yehuatl
tzapotla tena there were many other ways by which they
paid honor to this tzapotlan tenan
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b1 f5 cAp p71) JC-7/23/96
12. miec tlamantli inic quimahuiztiliaya, in zan nen, in zan
innetlapololtilizpan with many such acts they honored her;
it was in vain, it was only their confusion
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b1 f5 cAp p71) JC-7/23/96
13. miequintin tlatlacoti, ixpan quimictiaya: ihuan miec
tlamantli, inic quimahuiztiliaya, they slew many slaves
before him, and in many ways they thus paid him honor
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b1 f5 cAp p74) JC-7/23/96
14. oc cenca yehuanti quimahuiztiliaya in coateca, in coatlan
calpolli itech pohuia: especially the coateca, they who
belonged to the calpulli of coatlan, venerated [this feast
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b2 f2 c22 p56) JC-7/23/96
15. auh ipampa i, cenca quimahuiztiliaya in iztapaneca, in
iztapantlaca and on this account, greatly did the salt
flats people honor her
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b2 f4 c26 p90) JC-7/23/96
16. auh cenca tlamahuiztililoya, cenca quimahuiztiliaya in
nezahualiztli: and it was much admired; much was the
fasting respected
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b2 f8 c34 p143) JC-7/23/96
17. cenca quimahuiztiliaya, ihuan quinezahuiliaya inic
tepiquizque, ihuan tequentizque: they paid great honors to
[the mountain gods], and they did penances so that they
might make the figures and cover them [with paper]
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b2 f9 c35 p150) JC-7/23/96
18. nican mitoa, in huel nelli tlamanaliztli, in quichihuaya,
inic quimahuiztiliaya tlatecolotl here are told, in very
truth, the offerings which they made, with which they paid
honor to the devil
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b2 f12 c38 p200) JC-7/23/96
19. imelahuaca in oc cequi tlamanaliztli in zan no ic
quimahuiztiliaya diablo a declaration of still other
offerings with which similarly they paid honor to the devil
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b2 f13 c38 p202) JC-7/23/96
20. inic mochihuaya mexicatl teohuatzin ixicol, itlema,
ixiquipil inic quimahuiztiliaya diablo, thus did the
keeper of the god of the mexicans adorn himself: he had his
sleeveless jacket, his incense ladle, his pouch; with them
he paid honor to the devil
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b2 f13 c38 p205) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

21. in huitzilopochtli, in cenca quimahuiztiliaya in mexica to

uitzilopochtli the mexicans paid great honor
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b3 f1 c1 p1) JC-7/23/96
22. inic ome parrapho oncan motenehua in quenin
quimahuiztiliaya huitzilobochtli, inic quimoteotiaya
second paragraph in which it is told how they honored
uitzilopochtli when they worshiped him
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b3 f1 c1 p5) JC-7/23/96
23. inic mitoa: quitonaltiaya, cenca quimahuiztiliaya, in oncan
iteopan icalpolco in itocayocan catca tlacatecco, thus it
is said they made offerings and paid great honor [to
uitzilopochtli] there at his temple, in his tribal
district, at the place whose name was tlacatecco
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b4 f8 c21 p75) JC-7/23/96
24. cexiuhtica in quilhuiquixtiliaya, in quimahuiztiliaya, in
ompa iteopan, itocayocan iopico: ipan in tlacaxipehualiztli
each year they observed his feast day; they paid him honor
there at his temple, a place called yopico, in [the month
of] tlacaxipeualiztli
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b9 f5 c15 p69) JC-7/23/96
25. mochi achtopa ixpan quizaya inic quimahuiztiliaya all this
passed first before him to pay him honor
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b9 f5 c15 p70) JC-7/23/96
26. miec tlamantli inic quimahuiztiliaya, they showed him
honor in many ways
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b10 f11 c29 p183) JC-7/23/96
27. in intlatocauh catca: huel quicemittaya, huel
quimahuiztiliaya, to him who was their ruler, they paid
heed; they paid honor
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b10 f12 c29 p189) JC-7/23/96
28. cenca quimahuiztiliaya, greatly they esteemed him
<p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3> (b1 f2 c19 p41) JC-7/23/96
29. cenca quimahuiztiliaya in itopil, in itlaczaya
yiacateuctli: they paid great honor to the cane, to the
walking staff, of yiacatecutli
<p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3> (b1 f2 c19 p43) JC-7/23/96
30. cenca quimahuiztiliaya in moteuczoma: moctezuma paid great
honor to it
<p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3> (b4 f1 c2 p6) JC-7/23/96
31. auh miec in huentli, in nextlahualli inic quimahuiztiliaya,
and many were the offerings and blood sacrifices with
which they did him honor
<p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3> (b4 f4 c9 p33) JC-7/23/96
32. auh in yehuantin pochteca, in motenehua: acxoteca, in
oztomeca, in motlacamati, yeh quihueimatia,
quimahuiztiliaya, but the merchants, those known as
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

distinguished traders and vanguard merchants, who were

rich, greatly esteemed and honored this [day sign]
<p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3> (b4 f5 c12 p45) JC-7/23/96
33. inic quimahuiztiliaya, tlatlacualoya, aatlihuaya, thus
they did him honor: food and drink were provided
<p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3> (b4 f9 c25 p82) JC-7/23/96
34. ic cenca quimahuiztiliaya inic conanaya, in miqui: hence
they accorded the dead one much honor as they took him
<p33-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3> (b11 f7 c4 p68) JC-7/23/96
35. he paid honor to him; he paid honor to it; they esteemed
her; they paid honor to her; they esteemed him; they
esteemed it; they paid honor to it; they honored her; they
honored it; they venerated it; they paid him honor; they
paid honor to him; they paid honors to them; they respected
FC jc-031297
36. he paid honor to him; he paid honor to it; they esteemed
her; they paid honor to her; they esteemed him; they
esteemed it; they paid honor to it; they honored her; they
honored it; they venerated it; they paid him honor; they
paid honor to him; they paid honors to them; they respected
FC jc-031297

0. quil quitlacanotzaya in diablo: ic cenca quimahuiztilique,
ihuan mochintin quitlacamatque, in yacanaloni: it is said
that he spoke personally with the devil, wherefore they
revered him greatly; and all obeyed the one by whom they
were led <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-prt1-plur01 (b10 f12 c29
1. they honored him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they honored him

3. quil quitlacanotzaya in diablo: ic cenca quimahuiztilique,

ihuan mochintin quitlacamatque, in yacanaloni: it is said
that he spoke personally with the devil, wherefore they
revered him greatly; and all obeyed the one by whom they
were led <p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-prt1-plur01 (b10 f12 c29
4. they honored him

5. quil quitlacanotzaya in diablo: ic cenca quimahuiztilique,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

ihuan mochintin quitlacamatque, in yacanaloni: it is said

that he spoke personally with the devil, wherefore they
revered him greatly; and all obeyed the one by whom they
were led
<p33-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-prt1-plur01> (b10 f12 c29 p189) JC-7/23/96
6. they honored him
FC jc-031297
7. they honored him
FC jc-031297

0. ic quimahuizyotia, ic quinezcayotia, in tiyacauh, thereby
he did him honor, he singled him out as a valiant warrior
<p33-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08 (b1 f2 c19 p42)
1. ic quimahuizyotia, ic quinezcayotia, in tiyacauh, thereby
he did him honor, he singled him out as a valiant warrior
<p33-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> (b1 f2 c19 p42) JC-7/23/96

0. he praised it

1. he praised it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he praised it

3. he praised it

4. he praised it
FC jc-031297
5. he praised it
FC jc-031297

0. they bathed them
1. they bathed them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they bathed them
3. they bathed them
4. they bathed them <p43-a:ltia:-ya3>
<p43-a:ltia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they bathed them <p43-a:ltia:-ya3>
<p43-a:ltia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. they bathed them

FC jc-031297
7. they bathed them
FC jc-031297

0. he bears her on his back; he carries it; he bears it on his
back; they carry it on their backs
1. he bears her on his back; he carries it on his back; he
carries it; he bears it on his back; he carryies it on his
FC -> jc-72895
2. they carry it on their back; they carry it on their backs
FC -> jc-72895
3. he bears her on his back; he carries it; he bears it on his
back; they carry it on their backs
4. he bears her on his back; he carries it; he bears it on his
back; they carry it on their backs
5. he bears her on his back; he carries it; he bears it on his
back; they carry it on their backs <p33-ma:ma:>
<p33-ma:ma:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he bears her on his back; he carries it on his back; he
carries it; he bears it on his back; he carryies it on his
FC jc-031297
7. they carry it on their back; they carry it on their backs
FC jc-031297
8. he bears her on his back; he carries it on his back; he
carries it; he bears it on his back; he carryies it on his
FC jc-031297
9. they carry it on their back; they carry it on their backs
FC jc-031297

0. they give it to him [repeatedly]
1. they give it to him [ repeatedly ]
FC -> jc-72895
2. they give it to him [repeatedly]
3. they give it to him [repeatedly]
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they give it to him [ repeatedly ] <p33-dupl-maca>

<p33-dupl-maca> FC - > jc-61096
5. they give it to him [ repeatedly ] <p33-dupl-maca>
<p33-dupl-maca> FC - > jc-61096
6. they give it to him [ repeatedly ] <p33-dupl-maca>
<p33-dupl-maca> FC - > jc-61096
7. they give it to him [ repeatedly ]
FC jc-031297
8. they give it to him [ repeatedly ]
FC jc-031297

0. they gave it to him

1. they gave it to him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they gave it to him

3. they gave it to him

4. they gave it to him

FC jc-031297
5. they gave it to him
FC jc-031297

0. they bore it
1. they bore it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they bore it
3. they bore it
4. they bore it <p33-mamali>
<p33-mamali> FC - > jc-61096
5. they bore it
FC jc-031297
6. they bore it
FC jc-031297

0. they each carried it
1. they each carried it
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they each carried it

3. they each carried it
4. they each carried it <p33-dupl-ma:ma:>
<p33-dupl-ma:ma:> FC - > jc-61096
5. they each carried it <p33-dupl-ma:ma:>
<p33-dupl-ma:ma:> FC - > jc-61096
6. they each carried it <p33-dupl-ma:ma:>
<p33-dupl-ma:ma:> FC - > jc-61096
7. they each carried it
FC jc-031297
8. they each carried it
FC jc-031297

0. it continually offers it; they place it; they set it
1. it continually offers it; they arrange it; they place it;
they set it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it continually offers it; they place it; they set it
3. it continually offers it; they place it; they set it
4. it continually offers it; they place it; they set it
<p33-dupl-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. it continually offers it; they place it; they set it
<p33-dupl-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. it continually offers it; they place it; they set it
<p33-dupl-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
7. it continually offers it; they place it; they set it
<p33-dupl-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
8. it continually offers it; they arrange it; they place it;
they set it
FC jc-031297
9. it continually offers it; they arrange it; they place it;
they set it
FC jc-031297

0. they offered it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they offered it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they offered it
3. they offered it
4. they offered it <p33-dupl-mani-caus09-ya3>
<p33-dupl-mani-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they offered it <p33-dupl-mani-caus09-ya3>
<p33-dupl-mani-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they offered it <p33-dupl-mani-caus09-ya3>
<p33-dupl-mani-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they offered it <p33-dupl-mani-caus09-ya3>
<p33-dupl-mani-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they offered it <p33-dupl-mani-caus09-ya3>
<p33-dupl-mani-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. they offered it
FC jc-031297
10. they offered it
FC jc-031297

0. he is aware of it

1. he is aware of it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is aware of it

3. he is aware of it

4. he is aware of it
FC jc-031297
5. he is aware of it
FC jc-031297

0. she massages him
1. she massages him
FC -> jc-72895
2. she massages him
3. she massages him
4. she massages him <p33-dupl-ma:itl-teloa>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-dupl-ma:itl-teloa> FC - > jc-61096

5. she massages him <p33-dupl-ma:itl-teloa>
<p33-dupl-ma:itl-teloa> FC - > jc-61096
6. she massages him <p33-dupl-ma:itl-teloa>
<p33-dupl-ma:itl-teloa> FC - > jc-61096
7. she massages him <p33-dupl-ma:itl-teloa>
<p33-dupl-ma:itl-teloa> FC - > jc-61096
8. she massages him
FC jc-031297
9. she massages him
FC jc-031297

0. he goes carrying it on his back

1. he goes carrying it on his back

FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes carrying it on his back

3. he goes carrying it on his back

4. he goes carrying it on his back

FC jc-031297
5. he goes carrying it on his back
FC jc-031297

0. they carried it on their backs
1. he carries it on his back; they carried it on their backs
FC -> jc-72895
2. they carried it on their backs
3. they carried it on their backs
4. they carried it on their backs <p33-ma:ma:-ya3>
<p33-ma:ma:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they carried it on their backs <p33-ma:ma:-ya3>
<p33-ma:ma:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he carries it on his back; they carried it on their backs
FC jc-031297
7. he carries it on his back; they carried it on their backs
FC jc-031297

0. they soaped them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they soaped them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they soaped them

3. they soaped them

4. they soaped them

FC jc-031297
5. they soaped them
FC jc-031297

0. he offers it; he places it; he lays it down; he sets it
out; they offer it; they lay it down; they set it out
1. he offers it; he places it; he lays it down; he sets it
out; they offer it; they lay it down; they set it out
FC -> jc-72895
2. he offers it; he places it; he lays it down; he sets it
out; they offer it; they lay it down; they set it out
3. he offers it; he places it; he lays it down; he sets it
out; they offer it; they lay it down; they set it out
4. he offers it; he places it; he lays it down; he sets it
out; they offer it; they lay it down <p33-mani-caus09>
<p33-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. he offers it; he places it; he lays it down; he sets it
out; they offer it; they lay it down; they set it out
<p33-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. he puts it
FC - > jc-61096
7. he offers it; he places it; he lays it down; he sets it
out; they offer it; they lay it down; they set it out
FC jc-031297
8. he offers it; he places it; he lays it down; he sets it
out; they offer it; they lay it down; they set it out
FC jc-031297
9. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
10. pipitzca

11. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

12. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

13. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

14. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

15. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

0. they laid it; they laid it down; they lay it out; they set
it out; they placed it; they took them
1. they laid it; they laid it down; they lay it out; they set
it out; they placed it; they took them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they laid it; they laid it down; they lay it out; they set
it out; they placed it; they took them
3. they laid it; they laid it down; they lay it out; they set
it out; they placed it; they took them
4. they laid it down; they set it out; they placed it; they
lay it out <p33-mani-caus09-ya3>
<p33-mani-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they laid it down; they set it out; they placed it; they
lay it out <p33-mani-caus09-ya3>
<p33-mani-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they laid it down; they took them; they set it out; they
placed it; they lay it out <p33-mani-caus09-ya3>
<p33-mani-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they took them <p43-a:na1-ya3>
<p43-a:na1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he laid it out; they laid it; they laid it down; they lay
it out; they set it out; they placed it; they took them
FC jc-031297
9. he laid it out; they laid it; they laid it down; they lay
it out; they set it out; they placed it; they took them
FC jc-031297

0. he will take them, he will capture them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he will take them, he will capture them

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will take them, he will capture them

3. he will take them, he will capture them

4. he will take them, he will capture them

FC jc-031297
5. he will take them, he will capture them
FC jc-031297

0. he wants to catch them, grab them
1. he wants to catch them, grab them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he wants to catch them, grab them
3. he wants to catch them, grab them
4. he wants to catch them, grab them <p43-a:na1-z-nequi>
<p43-a:na1-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he wants to catch them, grab them
FC jc-031297
6. he wants to catch them, grab them
FC jc-031297

0. they will off it, they will lay it down
1. they will off it, they will lay it down
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will off it, they will lay it down
3. they will off it, they will lay it down
4. they will off it, they will lay it down
<p33-mani-caus09-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will off it, they will lay it down
<p33-mani-caus09-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they will off it, they will lay it down
FC jc-031297
7. they will off it, they will lay it down
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he offers it to him; he places it for him
1. he offers it to him; he places it for him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he offers it to him; he places it for him
3. he offers it to him; he places it for him
4. he offers it to him; he places it for him
<p33-mani-caus09-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. he offers it to him; he places it for him
<p33-mani-caus09-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. he offers it to him; he places it for him
<p33-mani-caus09-ben> FC - > jc-61096
7. he offers it to him; he places it for him
FC jc-031297
8. he offers it to him; he places it for him
FC jc-031297

0. he holds fast to it

1. he holds fast to it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he holds fast to it

3. he holds fast to it

4. he holds fast to it
FC jc-031297
5. he holds fast to it
FC jc-031297

0. he puts it on
FC - > jc-61096

0. they saved it, they rescued it

1. they saved it, they rescued it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they saved it, they rescued it

3. they saved it, they rescued it

4. they saved it, they rescued it

FC jc-031297
5. they saved it, they rescued it
FC jc-031297

0. they seek it diligently

1. they seek it diligently

FC -> jc-72895
2. they seek it diligently

3. they seek it diligently

4. they seek it diligently

FC jc-031297
5. they seek it diligently
FC jc-031297

0. he cuts off its branches; they prune its branches

1. he cuts off its branches; they prune its branches

FC -> jc-72895
2. he cuts off its branches; they prune its branches

3. he cuts off its branches; they prune its branches

4. he cuts off its branches; they prune its branches

FC jc-031297
5. he cuts off its branches; they prune its branches
FC jc-031297

0. he heeds it, he pays attention to it; he knows it; he
learns of it; he experiences it; it knows it; they know it
1. he feels it, he senses it; he heeds it; he pays attention
to it; he knows it; he experiences it; he is concerned with
it; he knows of it; he learns of it; he masters it; he
takes heed; it knows it; she feels it; she is rational; she
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

heeds it; they esteem it; they know it; they think it; they
know of it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he heeds it, he pays attention to it; he knows it; he
learns of it; he experiences it; it knows it; they know it
3. he heeds it, he pays attention to it; he knows it; he
learns of it; he experiences it; it knows it; they know it
4. he heeds it, he pays attention to it; he knows it; he
learns of it; he experiences it; it knows it; they know it
<p33-mati> FC - > jc-61096
5. he feels it, he senses it; he heeds it; he pays attention
to it; he knows it; he experiences it; he is concerned with
it; he knows of it; he learns of it; he masters it; he
takes heed; it knows it; she feels it; she is rational; she
heeds it; they esteem it; they know it; they feel it; they
think it; they know of it
FC jc-031297
6. he feels it, he senses it; he heeds it; he pays attention
to it; he knows it; he experiences it; he is concerned with
it; he knows of it; he learns of it; he masters it; he
takes heed; it knows it; she feels it; she is rational; she
heeds it; they esteem it; they know it; they feel it; they
think it; they know of it
FC jc-031297

0. he decided it; he knew it; they knew it; they felt it; they
sensed it; they supposed it; they thought it; they knew;
they believed
1. he decided it; he gives it hands; he knew it; they knew it;
they felt it; they sensed it; they supposed it; they knew;
they believed; they thought it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he decided it; he knew it; they knew it; they felt it; they
sensed it; they supposed it; they thought it; they knew;
they believed
3. he decided it; he knew it; they knew it; they felt it; they
sensed it; they supposed it; they thought it; they knew;
they believed
4. he decided it; he knew it; they knew it; they felt it; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

sensed it; they supposed it; they thought it; they knew;
they believed <p33-mati-ya3>
<p33-mati-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he decided it; he knew it; they knew it; they felt it; they
sensed it; they supposed it; they thought it; they knew;
they believed <p33-mati-ya3>
<p33-mati-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he decided it; he gives it hands; he knew it; he felt it;
they knew it; they felt it; they sensed it; they supposed
it; they knew; they believed; they thought it
FC jc-031297
7. he decided it; he gives it hands; he knew it; he felt it;
they knew it; they felt it; they sensed it; they supposed
it; they knew; they believed; they thought it
FC jc-031297

0. he will know it, he will know of it
1. he will know it; he will know of it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she will consider it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he will know it, he will know of it
4. he will know it, he will know of it
5. he will know it, he will know of it <p33-mati-z>
<p33-mati-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will know it; he will know of it
FC jc-031297
7. she will consider it
FC jc-031297
8. he will know it; he will know of it
FC jc-031297
9. she will consider it
FC jc-031297

0. they would know it

1. they would know it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they would know it

3. they would know it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they would know it

FC jc-031297
5. they would know it
FC jc-031297

0. he knocks off its branches

1. he knocks off its branches

FC -> jc-72895
2. he knocks off its branches

3. he knocks off its branches

4. he knocks off its branches

FC jc-031297
5. he knocks off its branches
FC jc-031297

0. he gives them drink
1. he gives them drink; they give them drink
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gives them drink
3. he gives them drink
4. he gives them drink <p43-a:tl1-i:1-caus01>
<p43-a:tl1-i:1-caus01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he gives them drink <p43-a:tl1-i:1-caus01>
<p43-a:tl1-i:1-caus01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he gives them drink; they give them drink
FC jc-031297
7. he gives them drink; they give them drink
FC jc-031297

0. they realized it
1. they realized it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they realized it
3. they realized it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they realized it <p33-mati-prt1-plur01>
<p33-mati-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they knew it; they realized it
FC jc-031297
6. they knew it; they realized it
FC jc-031297

0. he respects him; they treat him with reserve; they look at
him fearfully
1. he respects him; they treat him with reserve; they look at
him fearfully
FC -> jc-72895
2. he respects him; they treat him with reserve; they look at
him fearfully
3. he respects him; they treat him with reserve; they look at
him fearfully
4. he respects him <p33-mahui-prt1-ca:6-itta>
<p33-mahui-prt1-ca:6-itta> FC - > jc-61096
5. he respects him <p33-mahui-prt1-ca:6-itta>
<p33-mahui-prt1-ca:6-itta> FC - > jc-61096
6. he respects him <p33-mahui-prt1-ca:6-itta>
<p33-mahui-prt1-ca:6-itta> FC - > jc-61096
7. he respects him; they treat him with reserve; they look at
him fearfully
FC jc-031297
8. he respects him; they treat him with reserve; they look at
him fearfully
FC jc-031297

0. he regarded it with terror, he looked at it fearfully

1. he regarded it with terror, he looked at it fearfully

FC -> jc-72895
2. he regarded it with terror, he looked at it fearfully

3. he regarded it with terror, he looked at it fearfully

4. he regarded it with terror, he looked at it fearfully

FC jc-031297
5. he regarded it with terror, he looked at it fearfully
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it frightens him

1. it frightens him
FC -> jc-72895
2. it frightens him

3. it frightens him

4. it frightens him
FC jc-031297
5. it frightens him
FC jc-031297

0. they frightened him
FC jc-031297

0. they knock it down

1. they knock it down

FC -> jc-72895
2. they knock it down

3. they knock it down

4. they knock it down

FC jc-031297
5. they knock it down
FC jc-031297

0. they rub [bathe] him with ground up maguey thorns

1. they rub [ bathe ] him with ground up maguey thorns

FC -> jc-72895
2. they rub [bathe] him with ground up maguey thorns

3. they rub [bathe] him with ground up maguey thorns

4. they rub [ bathe ] him with ground up maguey thorns

FC jc-031297
5. they rub [ bathe ] him with ground up maguey thorns
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they will whip him

1. they will whip him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will whip him

3. they will whip him

4. they will whip him

FC jc-031297
5. they will whip him
FC jc-031297

0. in cords

1. in cords
FC -> jc-72895
2. in cords

3. in cords

4. in cords
FC jc-031297
5. in cords
FC jc-031297

0. they put rope on it

1. they put rope on it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they put rope on it

3. they put rope on it

4. they put rope on it

FC jc-031297
5. they put rope on it
FC jc-031297

0. they set each one in a sitting position
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they raised each one of them
FC jc-031297

0. they cut their chests

1. they cut their chests

FC -> jc-72895
2. they cut their chests

3. they cut their chests

4. they cut their chests

FC jc-031297
5. they cut their chests
FC jc-031297

0. she cuts open their breasts; they cut their chests open
FC jc-031297

0. they put a rope on him, they fasten him with a rope

1. they put a rope on him, they fasten him with a rope

FC -> jc-72895
2. they put a rope on him, they fasten him with a rope

3. they put a rope on him, they fasten him with a rope

4. they put a rope on him, they fasten him with a rope

FC jc-031297
5. they put a rope on him, they fasten him with a rope
FC jc-031297

0. they planted it with magueys
FC jc-031297

0. they had blocked it with a wall of maguey plants
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. eater of mice; mouse eater
1. eater of mice; mouse eater
FC -> jc-72895
2. eater of mice; mouse eater
3. eater of mice; mouse eater
4. eater of mice; mouse eater <quimichin-cua:-ni1>
<quimichin-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. eater of mice; mouse eater <quimichin-cua:-ni1>
<quimichin-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. eater of mice; mouse eater <quimichin-cua:-ni1>
<quimichin-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. eater of mice; mouse eater <quimichin-cua:-ni1>
<quimichin-cua:-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
8. eater of mice; mouse eater
FC jc-031297
9. eater of mice; mouse eater
FC jc-031297

0. mouse bean

1. mouse bean
FC -> jc-72895
2. mouse bean

3. mouse bean

4. mouse bean
FC jc-031297
5. mouse bean
FC jc-031297

0. mouse
FC -> jc-72895
1. mouse <quimichin>
<quimichin> FC - > jc-61096
2. mouse
FC jc-031297
3. mouse
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. mouse
1. mouse
FC -> jc-72895
2. mouse
3. mouse
4. mouse
5. mouse <quimichin>
<quimichin> FC - > jc-61096
6. mouse
FC jc-031297
7. mouse
FC jc-031297

0. mice
1. mice
FC -> jc-72895
2. mice
3. mice
4. mice <quimichin-plur03>
<quimichin-plur03> FC - > jc-61096
5. mice
FC jc-031297
6. mice
FC jc-031297

0. little mouse
1. little mouse
FC -> jc-72895
2. little mouse
3. little mouse
4. little mouse <quimichin-pilli>
<quimichin-pilli> FC - > jc-61096
5. little mouse <quimichin-pilli>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<quimichin-pilli> FC - > jc-61096

6. little mouse
FC jc-031297
7. little mouse
FC jc-031297

0. mouse-gnawed maize or corn

1. mouse-gnawed maize or corn

FC -> jc-72895
2. mouse-gnawed maize or corn

3. mouse-gnawed maize or corn

4. mouse-gnawed maize or corn

FC jc-031297
5. mouse-gnawed maize or corn
FC jc-031297

0. he kills him; he kills them; he kills it; she kills him;
they kill him; they kill them
1. he kills him; he kills it; he kills them; she kills him;
they kill him; they kill them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he kills him; he kills them; he kills it; she kills him;
they kill him; they kill them
3. he kills him; he kills them; he kills it; she kills him;
they kill him; they kill them
4. he kills him
FC - > jc-61096
5. he kills him; he kills them; he kills it; she kills him;
they kill him; they kill them <p33-miqui-caus02>
<p33-miqui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. he kills him; he kills it; he kills them; she kills him;
they kill him; they kill them
FC jc-031297
7. he kills him; he kills it; he kills them; she kills him;
they kill him; they kill them
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they kill him

JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. they kill her
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
2. they make her die
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
3. they kill her
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. they make her die

5. they kill him

0. he killed him; they killed him; they killed it
1. he killed him; they killed him; they killed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he killed him; they killed him; they killed it
3. he killed him; they killed him; they killed it
4. he killed him; they killed him; they killed it
<p33-miqui-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he killed him; they killed him; they killed it
<p33-miqui-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he killed him; they killed him; they killed it
FC jc-031297
7. he killed him; they killed him; they killed it
FC jc-031297

0. they will kill her
1. they will kill her
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will kill her
3. they will kill her
4. they will kill her <p33-miqui-caus02-z-plur01>
<p33-miqui-caus02-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will kill her; they will kill him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. they will kill her; they will kill him

FC jc-031297

0. he bound it on them, he tied it on them

1. he bound it on them, he tied it on them

FC -> jc-72895
2. he bound it on them, he tied it on them

3. he bound it on them, he tied it on them

4. he bound it on them, he tied it on them

FC jc-031297
5. he bound it on them, he tied it on them
FC jc-031297

0. they will sew it for them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he sends them
FC jc-031297

0. they tied them
1. they tied them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they tied them
3. they tied them
4. they tied them <p43-ilpia:-ya3>
<p43-ilpia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they tied them <p43-ilpia:-ya3>
<p43-ilpia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they tied them
FC jc-031297
7. they tied them
FC jc-031297

0. he terrifies them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he terrifies them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he terrifies them

3. he terrifies them

4. he terrifies them
FC jc-031297
5. he terrifies them
FC jc-031297

0. he said it to them; she said it to them
1. he said it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. she said it to them
FC -> jc-72895
3. he said it to them; she said it to them
4. he said it to them; she said it to them
5. he said it to them; she said it to them <p43-ilhuia:-prt1>
<p43-ilhuia:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. auh in inhueltiuh in coyolxauh: **quimilhui** noquichtihuan
techahuilquixtia and their elder sister, coyolxauhqui, said
to them: "my elder brothers, she hath dishonored us"
(b3 f1 p2) jc-022297
7. **quimilhui** in cihua in quipia tle oax tle ai, he said to
the women who guarded her: "what hath she done? what is she
(b3 f2 p19) jc-022297
8. **quimilhui**, ca oniccac in ye noca camanalolo, in ye noca
huetzco, in tohuenio onicnomonti: he said to them: "i have
heard that already jests are made of me, that already I am
laughed at [because] I have made the huaxtec my son-in-law
(b3 f2 p21) jc-022297
9. auh in yehuatl in tohuenio in ompa quicahuato yaopan, in
ihcuac ie huitze in inyaohuan, in coatepeca, in zacatepeca
niman ye ic quinnahuatia in tzapame, in tepotzome,
**quimilhui** cenca tle anquimati, but this huaxtec, whom
they had gone abandoning in battle, when their foes the
coatepeca, the cacatepeca came up, thereupon commanded the
dwarfs, the hunchbacks; he said to them: "pay good heed!"
(b3 f2 p21) jc-022297
10. **quimilhui**, ma ticnamiquiti, in amomontzin: he said to
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

them: "let us meet our beloved son-in-law"

(b3 f2 p22) jc-022297
11. auh in ihcuac ye miec tlacatl ic miqui in iyaca, niman ye
ic **quimilhui** in tolteca, zan ye no ye tlacatecolotl
quito, inin micqui ma huetzi, ma motlaza and when already
many people had died of the stench, thereupon to the
tolteca this same demon said: "let this corpse be castaway;
let it be thrown out"
(b3 f2 p27) jc-022297
12. niman **quimilhui** in quetzalcoatl in tlatlacatecolo, ca
zan niman amo huelitiz then quetzalcoatl said to the
demons: "in no way will it be possible [to stop me]"
(b3 f3 p35) jc-022297
13. niman **quimilhui** in quetzalcoatl ca ompa in tlapallan
niyauh in nitlamattiuh, then quetzalcoatl said to them: "i
go there to tlapallan; i go to learn [my fate]"
(b3 f3 p35) jc-022297
14. quintlatlani in tlatoani nezahualcoyotzin: **quimilhui**
the ruler nezahualcoyotzin inquired of them; he said to
them: our grandmothers, listen!
(b6 f10 p118) jc-022297
15. **quimilhui** in teteo macamo nimiqui teteoye he said to
the gods: "let me not die, o gods"
(b7 f1 p8) jc-022297
16. auh niman quinnotz in tlaciuhque in tlamatinime
**quimilhui** amo anquimati, in tlein onoconittac iuhquin
acame moquequetztihuitze and then he summoned the
astrologers and the wise men, and said to them: "do you not
know what i have seen there, like a number of people coming
(b8 f1 p18) jc-022297
17. **quimilhui** notlatzitzihuane, pochtecae, oztomecae:
oanquimihiyohuiltique, he said to them: [o my beloved
uncles, o merchants, o vanguard merchants, you have
suffered fatigue
(b9 f1 p5) jc-022297
18. auh niman **quimilhui** notlatzitzihuane: oanquihiyohuique,
huanquiciauhque: and then he said to them: "o my beloved
uncles, you have suffered fatigue; you are spent"
(b9 f1 p5) jc-022297
19. auh in ihcuac oiuh **quimilhui**: niman ye ic quicuepilia
in itlatol, in pochteca, tlatoque in izquipetlame, inic
cecencalpopan teyacana pochtlan, ahuachtlan, atlauhco,
acxotla tepetitlan, itztolco, tzommolco: in c and when he
had thus spoken to them, thereupon the principal merchants
of all the calpulli, the leaders of each calpulli:
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

pochtlan, auachtlan, atlauhco, acxotla, tepetitlan,

itztolco, [and] tzonmolco, the six calpulli leaders, who
each ruled [and] governed, responded to his words
(b9 f2 p12) jc-022297
20. amo quitlacoaya, ca **quimilhui**, quinnonotz: ca za cen
teotl itoca quetzalcoatl, they did not err, for he said to
them, he admonished them: "there is only one god; [he is]
named cuetzalcoatl"
(b10 f10 p169) jc-022297
21. **quimilhui** ximocuepaca, he said to them: "turn back"
(b10 f12 p195) jc-022297
22. auh in mexica quinnotz in inteouh **quimilhui**: oc nachcan
tihui: and the god of the mexica spoke to them; he said to
them: "we go still farther"
(b10 f12 p195) jc-022297
23. quinnotz in inteouh, **quimilhui**: xihuia, their god
addressed them; he said to them: "go"
(b10 f12 p196) jc-022297
24. **quimilhui**: Amo anquimati in tlein onoconittac, iuhquin
acame moquequetztihuitze: he said to them: "do you not know
what i have seen there like people coming massed?"
(b12 f1 p3) jc-022297
25. auh in moteuczoma **quimilhui**, oanquihiohuique,
oanquiciauhque: and moctezuma said to them: "you have
suffered fatigue; you have become exhausted
(b12 f1 p6) jc-022297
26. **quimilhui** xitlanahuatican, ma tlapielo, in nohuian
atenco; inic mitoa nauhtlan toztlan, mictlancuauhtla: in
campa ye quizaquihui: he said to them: "command that watch
be kept everywhere at the water's edge [at the places] thus
named: nauhtlan, toztlan, mictlanquauhtla --wheresoever
[the strangers] would come to land
(b12 f1 p7) jc-022297
27. **quimilhui** Ca oticmahuizoque in matlalteoxihuitl, he
said to them: "we have marveled at the fine, blue
(b12 f1 p7) jc-022297
28. **quimilhui** tla xihualhuian moceloquichtle, tla
xihualhuian he said to them: "come, o ye brave ocelot
warriors, come!
(b12 f1 p10) jc-022297
29. auh in omoteneuhque macuiltin; niman ye ic quinnahuatia in
moteuczoma: **quimilhui** tla xihuian, and moctezuma
thereupon commanded the five [messengers] mentioned; he
said to them: "go!"
(b12 f1 p13) jc-022297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

30. auh in ye iuhqui, **quimilhui** in capitan cuix ye ixquich

in, in amotenamiquia, in amotetechacia? and when this had
been done, the captain said to them: "are these all your
[gifts of] greeting, your [gifts for] approaching one?"
(b12 f1 p15) jc-022297
31. auh in ye iuhqui in, niman **quimilhui** in capitan Tla
xiccaquican, onicma, oniccac, quilmach in yehuantin mexica
cenca chicahuaque, cenca tiacahuan, cenca m ayahuini, and
when this had come to pass, then the captain said to them:
"hear! i have known, i have heard that it is said that
these mexicans are very strong, very brave, great
(b12 f1 p16) jc-022297
32. auh in cuetlaxtecatl **quimilhui** ma oc cemilhuitzintli
ximocehuican and the ruler of cuetlaxtlan said to them:
"rest yet but a brief day!"
(b12 f1 p17) jc-022297
33. **quimilhui** tle noma amaxtihuitze in nican? he said:
"what have you still come to gain here?"
(b12 f2 p33) jc-022297
34. **quimilhui** he said to them:
(b12 f2 p34) jc-022297
35. he said it to them
FC jc-031297
36. she said it to them
FC jc-031297
37. he said it to them
FC jc-031297
38. she said it to them
FC jc-031297

0. he addresses them, he says it to them; he says to them; she
says it to them; they say it to them
1. he addresses them, he says it to them; he says to them; she
says it to them; they say it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he addresses them, he says it to them; he says to them; she
says it to them; they say it to them
3. he addresses them, he says it to them; he says to them; she
says it to them; they say it to them
4. he addresses them, he says it to them; she says it to them;
they say it to them <p43-ilhuia:>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p43-ilhuia:> FC - > jc-61096

5. **quimilhuia**: ca oncan tlamacehualo, oncan ilhuitlalo
they said to them: "indeed there penance is done; there a
feast day is celebrated
(b2 f3 p76) jc-022297
6. auh in tohuenio **quimilhuia** in ixquichtin tzapame, in
huilame, macamo ximomauhtica, and the huaxtec said to all
the dwarfs, the cripples: "have no fear"
(b3 f2 p21) jc-022297
7. niman ye ic icahuaca in tolteca, **quimilhuia** toltecaye
macuele, ma tlatilinilo thereupon the tolteca raised a
cry; they said to themselves: "o tolteca! along with it!
let it be pulled!"
(b3 f2 p28) jc-022297
8. auh in ihcuac in zan niman ahuel colinia in ahuel itlan
aqui, niman ye ic **quimilhuia**, in tolteca in
tlacatecolotl toltecaye icuic quinequi, and when they
could in no way move it, when they could not face it,
thereupon the demon said to the tolteca: "o tolteca, he
hath need of his song"
(b3 f2 p28) jc-022297
9. **quimilhuia** toteucyohuane, tlamacazquee, nican
anhualmohuicatiaque amocxitzin anquihualmanilique, ahzo
tlacotl, zacatl cana oanquihualmocxinamiquilique, ahzo cana
amocxitzin oanquihualmocuelhu they said to them: "o our
lords, o priests, you have come to come here; you have used
your feet; perhaps straws, grass you have somewhere touched
with your feet; perhaps somewhere you have injured your
feet; you have stumbled against something"
(b3 f4 p61) jc-022297
10. in otli ipan quimixtlamachtia, **quimilhuia** along the
way he instructed them and said to them:
(b5 f1 p154) jc-022297
11. in ihcuac huetzi intlan pipiltotonti: in tenanhuan
itlacoyocco contlaza in quimichin, anoce inpilhuan,
**quimilhuia**: itlacoyocco xictlali in quimichin: when the
teeth of small children dropped out, the mothers cast them
into a mouse-hole, or they said to their children: "place
it in the mouse-hole"
(b5 f3 p195) jc-022297
12. niman ye ic **quimilhuia** in telpocheque ma oc
xicmocehuilican in amonacayotzin: then they said to the
parents of the youth: "rest your bodies
(b6 f11 p129) jc-022297
13. **quimilhuia** in ichpocheque ca ihcuac yez in: yehuatl
ipan in tonalli: they told the maiden's parents when this
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

would be: the proper day

(b6 f11 p129) jc-022297
14. **quimilhuia** noteco, tlazotitlaca, oannechmocnelilique,
otlacauhqui in amoyollotzin: she said [to the one who had
spoken]: "my lord, precious persons, ye have shown me
favor, ye have inclined your hearts"
(b6 f11 p130) jc-022297
15. auh in cequintin **quimilhuia** in imichpochhuan o quenmach
ami i, in ichpochtli: and some said to their daughters:
"oh, blessed is the maiden!"
(b6 f11 p131) jc-022297
16. in oc ce tlacatl huehuetlacatl, tlatoa: quitoa,
**quimilhuia** in huexiuhti the other old man talked; he
spoke to, he addressed those who had become in-laws
(b6 f11 p136) jc-022297
17. in yehuatl tlatlatlauhtia, **quimilhuia** he supplicated
them; he said to them:
(b6 f12 p143) jc-022297
18. **quimilhuia** ca nican anmonoltitoque ah ca nican
tlacauhtica in amoyollotzin, in itloc, in inahuac in
toxuiuhtzin in cozcatl, in quetzalli: in omecahui, in
omotlalticpacquixti he said to them: "ye who are here
present, here ye are inclining your hearts to our grandson,
the precious necklace, the precious feather, who hath
arrived, who hath appeared on earth"
(b6 f15 p185) jc-022297
19. **quimilhuia** ca nican anmonoltitoque nopilhuane: auh noce
in antenanhuan, in amilamatlaca, in antzoniztaque, in
ancuaiztaque: nican tlacauhtica in amoyollotzin, in
amonacayotzin, he said to them: "o my sons, ye who are here
present and also ye who are mothers, ye who are old women,
ye who are the white-haired ones, ye who are the
white-headed ones, here ye are inclining your hearts, your
(b6 f16 p195) jc-022297
20. intla telpochtli tlatlatlauhtia: **quimilhuia**
notechiuhcatzitzinhuane if a youth entreated, he said to
them: "o my forefathers"
(b6 f16 p195) jc-022297
21. niman quinnonotza in pilhuaque in huehuetque, in ilamatque:
**quimilhuia** cualtzin in ipan omotlacatili, then he
consulted the parents, the old men, the old women; he said
to them: "good is [the day sign] on which he was born
(b6 f16 p198) jc-022297
22. **quimilhuia** ca tecuantonalpan in omotlacatili
piltzintli, ca amo cualcan: he said to them: "it is in the
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

time of an evil day sign that the baby was born, for it is
a time of evil
(b6 f16 p198) jc-022297
23. noce **quimilhuia**, mixitl, tlapatl ilhuil, itequiuh yez,
or he said to them: "jimson weed will be his desert, his
(b6 f16 p198) jc-022297
24. noce **quimilhuia**, amo huecahuaz, or he said to them: "he
will not grow old"
(b6 f16 p198) jc-022297
25. quintlatlauhtia, **quimilhuia** oanquimociahuiltique,
oanquimihiyohuiltique : he besought them; he said to them:
"ye have spent yourselves; ye have suffered fatigue"
(b9 f2 p12) jc-022297
26. auh niman ye ic quincuepilia in intlatol, **quimilhuia** Ca
ye cualli, and [the old men and women] thereupon answered
their words; they said to them: "it is well"
(b9 f2 p15) jc-022297
27. **quimilhuia** ca nican anmoetzticate: he said to them:
"here you are"
(b9 f3 p28) jc-022297
28. quinchoquiznanquilia, **quimilhuia** pillitzine:
oannechmocnelilique, otlacauhqui in amoyollotzin, he
answered them weeping; he said to them: "o beloved
noblemen, I thank you for the favor you have shown me; you
have left me consolation"
(b9 f3 p30) jc-022297
29. zan quitoa **quimilhuia** in quintlapieltia: nican ca he
only said, speaking to those whom he charged with guarding
them: "here it is"
(b9 f3 p31) jc-022297
30. **quimilhuia** pillitzine: namechnotlalcahualtiliz,
namechnotlapololtiliz, he said to them: "o noblemen, you
will pardon me that I trouble you
(b9 f5 p55) jc-022297
31. ye no ceppa **quimilhuia** pillitzine: oannechmocnelilique,
once again he said to them: "o noblemen, you have shown me
(b9 f5 p56) jc-022297
32. in quihualnotza, **quimilhuia** ma huiloa; amo nel ye
huiloa when they called to it, it said to them, "let all go
really, all do not go
(b11 f6 p51) jc-022297
33. **quimilhuia** Tle amai mexicae, he said to them: "what do
you do, o mexicans?"
(b12 f4 p59) jc-022297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

34. auh in ie iuhqui in oconitoque in intlatol, in

ontlanonotzque niman ie ic **quimilhuia** Ca ye cualli, and
when this was done, when [the messengers] had said their
say, when [the mexicans] had consulted over the matter,
thereupon they answered them: "it is well"
(b12 f6 p93) jc-022297
35. niman ie ic **quimilhuia** tlacuelehuatl, tla tlayeyecahui
tiacahuane, thereupon they said to them: "courage! let it
be attempted, o brave warriors!"
(b12 f6 p93) jc-022297
36. **quimilhuia** catli in teocuitlatl? he said to them: "what
of the gold?"
(b12 f8 p123) jc-022297
37. he addresses them, he says it to them; he says to them; she
says it to them; they say it to them
FC jc-031297
38. he addresses them, he says it to them; he says to them; she
says it to them; they say it to them
FC jc-031297

0. he said it to them, he ordered them; they said it to them
1. he said it to them, he ordered them; they said it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he said it to them, he ordered them; they said it to them
3. he said it to them, he ordered them; they said it to them
4. he said it to them, he ordered them; they said it to them
<p43-ilhuia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he said it to them, he ordered them; they said it to them
<p43-ilhuia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. ipampa i in tetahua, anozo tenahua, **quimilhuiaya** in
inpilhuan; maca xonquiza, tlalpan aci, temo in cihuapipilti
wherefore fathers or mothers told their children: "go not
forth; the ciuapipiltin arrive on earth; they descend
(b1 f1 p19) jc-022297
7. in oncan in, oncan miquia in tetlanenque: in
**quimilhuiaya** tetzauhtlatoque, in amo nican chaneque, in
tlaxcalteca, anozo huexotzinca, anozo chololteca, in
hualyaocalaquia nican mexico: in quihualcuia tlatolli
there in that place there died the informers, those who
imparted secret information to those who were not dwellers
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

here -the tlaxcalteca, or the uexotzinca, or the cholulteca

who entered here in mexico during war time; who took forth
(b2 f11 p180) jc-022297
8. ihuan no yehuatl tlanahuatiaya in nohuiyan teteopan
**quimilhuiaya** in tlein quichihuazque teteohuatzitzin,
and also this one commanded in the temples everywhere; he
told the [lesser] keepers of the gods what they might do
(b2 f13 p205) jc-022297
9. iuh **quimilhuiaya** maca xonquizaca, thus did they speak
to them: "go not forth"
(b4 f4 p41) jc-022297
10. inic caxtolli omome capitulo: itechpa tlatoa, in
intenonotzaliz pochteca, in huehuetque, in **quimilhuiaya**
inpilhuan, in ihcuac ye onehuazque, in hueca
motlayecoltizque, in quin yiopa yaznequi, ompehuaznequi
the seventeenth chapter telleth of the admonitions of the
old merchants when they counseled their sons as they were
about to depart and gain their livelihoods in distant
places, when for the first time they wished to go and set
(b4 f6 p60) jc-022297
11. inic caxtolli omei capitulo: oncan motenehua in tlatolli,
in intenonotzaliz catca, in zan ye no yehuantin, pochteca
huehuetque, in **quimilhuiaya** in inpilhuan in ye onmatia
hueca eighteenth chapter here are told [what] the talk and
discourse were of these same old merchants which they
repeated to their sons who already knew distant lands
(b4 f7 p64) jc-022297
12. auh ipanpa in tenanhuan quintlacahualtiaya, quimahuaya in
imichpochhuan, **quimilhuiaya**: macamo xiquinecuican, ma
ipan ancholoti inin xochitl, amotech momanaz and hence
mothers restrained and scolded their doughters; they said
to them: "do not smell it; do not jump over this flower;
[the sickness] will be settled upon you"
(b5 f2 p180) jc-022297
13. **quimilhuiaya**: macamo xicpapalocan in metlatl, ic
iciuhca cocotoniz, iciuhca huehuetziz in amotlan saying to
them: "do not lick the grinding stone; your teeth will thus
quickly break and fall out"
(b5 f3 p188) jc-022297
14. **quimilhuiaya**: macamo itech ximotlaztica in
tlaquetzalli, ihiztlacati: they said to them: "do not lean
against the pillar; it is a liar"
(b5 f3 p188) jc-022297
15. **quimilhuiaya**: macamo ximoquetztica in titlacua, they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

said to them: "eat not while thou art standing"

(b5 f3 p188) jc-022297
16. **quimilhuiaya**: macamo xoconittacan in metztli, they said
to them: "do not look at the moon!
(b5 f3 p190) jc-022297
17. **quimilhuiaya** amixpan nicquetza in iuhqui ocotl, in
iuhqui tlahuilli, he said to them: "before you i set up
that which is like a torch, like a light"
(b6 f19 p246) jc-022297
18. in amo tle **quimilhuiaya** in inanhuan, in intahuan: their
mothers, their fathers advised them in nothing
(b6 f19 p247) jc-022297
19. auh **quimilhuiaya** in moteuczoma, oanquiciauhque,
oanquihiyohuique in oceloquichtle: and moctezuma said to
them: "you have tired yourselves; you have suffered
affliction, o men dexterous in war"
(b8 f5 p73) jc-022297
20. in tlein **quimilhuiaya** in teopixque, in quetzalcoatl,
huel quichihuaya, that which the priest of quetzalcoatl
required of them, they did well
(b10 f10 p169) jc-022297
21. he said it to them, he ordered them; they said it to them
FC jc-031297
22. he said it to them, he ordered them; they said it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they came to say it to them
1. they came to say it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they came to say it to them
3. they came to say it to them
4. they came to say it to them <p43-ilhuia:-prt1-dir1b>
<p43-ilhuia:-prt1-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
5. they came to say it to them <p43-ilhuia:-prt1-dir1b>
<p43-ilhuia:-prt1-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
6. they came to say it to them <p43-ilhuia:-prt1-dir1b>
<p43-ilhuia:-prt1-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
7. **quimilhuico** Nopiltzintzine ca achitzin ic ticpalehuico
in atl, in tepetl, they came saying to them: "o my beloved
noblemen, with a little we have come to help the city"
(b12 f6 p93) jc-022297
8. they came to say it to them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
9. they came to say it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they said it to them
1. they said it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they said it to them
3. they said it to them
4. they said it to them <p43-ilhuia:-prt1-plur01>
<p43-ilhuia:-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. auh in ihcuac onpeuhque, quinnonotztiaque in ixquichtin
quincauhtiaque, **quimilhuique** and when they departed,
they summoned all those they left behind
(b10 f12 p190) jc-022297
6. quinhualnotzque in espan~oles: **quimilhuique** Acamique
the spaniards called out to them: they said to them: "who
are you?"
(b12 f1 p3) jc-022297
7. moch iuh quilhuique, in iuh **quimilhuique** atl itic thus
they told him all of how [the spaniards] had spoken to them
in the midst of the water
(b12 f1 p6) jc-022297
8. **quimilhuique** oanquimihiohuiltique toteucyohuane: they
said to them: "you have suffered fatigue, o our lords"
(b12 f2 p28) jc-022297
9. **quimilhuique** ca cenca tlahueliloc, they said to them:
"they are very wicked"
(b12 f2 p29) jc-022297
10. **quimilhuique**, in intlan mantihuitze in intlachixcahuan,
in tlaxcalteca, cempoalteca, they spoke to those who were
among them, their watchers, the tlaxcallans, the cempoallans
(b12 f2 p31) jc-022297
11. zan ie no ihui in **quimilhuique**, in iuh quimilhuique
chalcatlatoque they spoke to them in just the same way
that they had spoken to the chalcan rulers
(b12 f3 p35) jc-022297
12. zan ie no ihui in quimilhuique, in iuh **quimilhuique**
chalcatlatoque they spoke to them in just the same way
that they had spoken to the chalcan rulers
(b12 f3 p35) jc-022297
13. zan ie no ie in **quimilhuique**, inic quintlatoltique (in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

oiuh mito) in just the same manner as they had spoken to

[the floating gardens peoples' rulers), so they interviewed
them, as hath been told
(b12 f3 p35) jc-022297
14. they said it to them; they spoke to them
FC jc-031297
15. they said it to them; they spoke to them
FC jc-031297

0. he will say it to them
1. he will say it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will say it to them
3. he will say it to them
4. he will say it to them <p43-ilhuia:-z>
<p43-ilhuia:-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. anozo **quimilhuiz** amo cualcan in omecahui piltzintli,
tecuantonalpan: or he would say to them: "the baby hath
arrived at a bad time, in the time of an evil day sign"
(b6 f16 p198) jc-022297
6. he will say it to them
FC jc-031297
7. he will say it to them
FC jc-031297

0. he is wrapped up
1. he is wrapped up
FC -> jc-72895
2. he is wrapped up
3. he is wrapped up
4. he is wrapped up <quimilli-v0?-prt1-toc>
<quimilli-v0?-prt1-toc> FC - > jc-61096
5. he is wrapped up
FC jc-031297
6. he is wrapped up
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. bundle
1. bundle
FC -> jc-72895
2. bundle
3. bundle
4. bundle
5. bundle <quimilli>
<quimilli> FC - > jc-61096
6. bundle
FC jc-031297
7. bundle
FC jc-031297

0. he ties them

1. he ties them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he ties them

3. he ties them

4. he ties them
FC jc-031297
5. he ties them
FC jc-031297

0. they tied them
1. they tied them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they tied them
3. they tied them
4. they tied them <p43-ilpia:-ya3>
<p43-ilpia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they tied them <p43-ilpia:-ya3>
<p43-ilpia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they tied them
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. they tied them

FC jc-031297

0. it deadens it

1. it deadens it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it deadens it

3. it deadens it

4. it deadens it
FC jc-031297
5. it deadens it
FC jc-031297

0. it goes rolling it along

1. it goes rolling it along

FC -> jc-72895
2. it goes rolling it along

3. it goes rolling it along

4. it goes rolling it along

FC jc-031297
5. it goes rolling it along
FC jc-031297

0. he shot it with an arrow

1. he shot it with an arrow

FC -> jc-72895
2. he shot it with an arrow

3. he shot it with an arrow

4. he shot it with an arrow

FC jc-031297
5. he shot it with an arrow
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he shoots arrows at it; he shoots it; it shoots him with an

arrow; it stings him; they spear it

1. he shoots arrows at it; he shoots it; it shoots him with an

arrow; it stings him; they spear it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he shoots arrows at it; he shoots it; it shoots him with an
arrow; it stings him; they spear it

3. he shoots arrows at it; he shoots it; it shoots him with an

arrow; it stings him; they spear it

4. he shoots arrows at it; he shoots it; it shoots him with an

arrow; it stings him; they shoot it with an arrow; they
spear it
FC jc-031297
5. he shoots arrows at it; he shoots it; it shoots him with an
arrow; it stings him; they shoot it with an arrow; they
spear it
FC jc-031297

0. they want to spear it, they are about to spear it

1. they want to spear it, they are about to spear it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they want to spear it, they are about to spear it

3. they want to spear it, they are about to spear it

4. they want to spear it, they are about to spear it

FC jc-031297
5. they want to spear it, they are about to spear it
FC jc-031297

0. it hisses at them
FC jc-031297

0. they made them drink it

1. they made them drink it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they made them drink it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they made them drink it

4. they made them drink it

FC jc-031297
5. they made them drink it
FC jc-031297

0. they had them dance, they made them dance

1. they had them dance, they made them dance

FC -> jc-72895
2. they had them dance, they made them dance

3. they had them dance, they made them dance

4. they had them dance, they made them dance

FC jc-031297
5. they had them dance, they made them dance
FC jc-031297

0. he sees them; it seeks them out; it sees them; they see them
1. he sees them; it seeks them out; it sees them; they see them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sees them; it seeks them out; it sees them; they see them
3. he sees them; it seeks them out; it sees them; they see them
4. he sees them; it seeks them out; it sees them; they see
them <p43-itta>
<p43-itta> FC - > jc-61096
5. he sees them; it seeks them out; it sees them; they see
them; they look at them
FC jc-031297
6. he sees them; it seeks them out; it sees them; they see
them; they look at them
FC jc-031297

0. he saw them; she saw them
1. he saw them; she saw them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he saw them; she saw them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he saw them; she saw them
4. he saw them; she saw them <p43-itta>
<p43-itta> FC - > jc-61096
5. he saw them; she saw them
FC jc-031297
6. he saw them; she saw them
FC jc-031297

0. they went to see them
FC jc-031297

0. he saw them; they saw them; they say them
1. he saw them; he beheld them; they saw them; they say them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he saw them; they saw them; they say them
3. he saw them; they saw them; they say them
4. he saw them; they saw them; they say them <p43-itta-ya3>
<p43-itta-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he saw them; they saw them; they say them <p43-itta-ya3>
<p43-itta-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he saw them; he beheld them; they saw them; they say them
FC jc-031297
7. he saw them; he beheld them; they saw them; they say them
FC jc-031297

0. he will see them
FC jc-031297

0. they will see them

1. they will see them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will see them

3. they will see them

4. they will see them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. they will see them
FC jc-031297

0. he showed it to them
FC jc-031297

0. he brings it to them, he shows it to them

1. he brings it to them, he shows it to them

FC -> jc-72895
2. he brings it to them, he shows it to them

3. he brings it to them, he shows it to them

4. he brings it to them, he shows it to them

FC jc-031297
5. he brings it to them, he shows it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they knew it, they understood it

1. they knew it, they understood it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they knew it, they understood it

3. they knew it, they understood it

4. they knew it, they understood it

FC jc-031297
5. they knew it, they understood it
FC jc-031297

0. he made their image; he represented him; he made himself
into his likeness; she represented it; they represented them
1. he made their image; he represented him; he made himself
into his likeness; she represented it; they represented them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he made their image; he represented him; he made himself
into his likeness; she represented it; they represented them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he made their image; he represented him; he made himself

into his likeness; she represented it; they represented them
4. he made their image; he represented him; he made himself
into his likeness; she represented it; they represented
them <p43-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3>
<p43-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he made their image; he represented him; he made himself
into his likeness; she represented it; they represented
them <p43-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3>
<p43-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he made their image; he represented him; he made himself
into his likeness; she represented it; they represented
them <p43-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3>
<p43-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he made their image; he represented him; he made himself
into his likeness; she represented it; they represented
them <p43-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3>
<p43-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he made their image; he represented him; he made himself
into his likeness; she represented it; they represented them
FC jc-031297
9. he made their image; he represented him; he made himself
into his likeness; she represented it; they represented them
FC jc-031297

0. they made them in its image
1. they made them in its image
FC -> jc-72895
2. they made them in its image
3. they made them in its image
4. they made them in its image
<p43-i:xi:ptlatl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they made them in its image
<p43-i:xi:ptlatl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they made them in its image
<p43-i:xi:ptlatl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they made them in its image
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p43-i:xi:ptlatl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

8. they made them in its image
<p43-i:xi:ptlatl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. they made them in its image
FC jc-031297
10. they made them in its image
FC jc-031297

0. se despide de los ellos ( they say farewell to them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. se despiden de ellos ( they say goodbye to them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. se despide de los ellos ( they say farewell to them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. se despiden de ellos ( they say goodbye to them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. it comes upon him
1. it comes upon him
FC -> jc-72895
2. it comes upon him
3. it comes upon him
4. it comes upon him <p43-i:xtli-namiqui-caus02>
<p43-i:xtli-namiqui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. it comes upon him <p43-i:xtli-namiqui-caus02>
<p43-i:xtli-namiqui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. it comes upon him <p43-i:xtli-namiqui-caus02>
<p43-i:xtli-namiqui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
7. it comes upon him
FC jc-031297
8. it comes upon him
FC jc-031297

0. la esta' cuidando ( he is taking care of her )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. he laid it before them, he put it before them
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they destroyed them

1. they destroyed them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they destroyed them

3. they destroyed them

4. they destroyed them

FC jc-031297
5. they destroyed them
FC jc-031297

0. they annihilated them

1. they annihilated them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they annihilated them

3. they annihilated them

4. they annihilated them

FC jc-031297
5. they annihilated them
FC jc-031297

0. they rear them
1. they rear them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they rear them
3. they rear them
4. they rear them <p43-izcalli-v01-caus08>
<p43-izcalli-v01-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. they rear them <p43-izcalli-v01-caus08>
<p43-izcalli-v01-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. they rear them <p43-izcalli-v01-caus08>
<p43-izcalli-v01-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. they rear them
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. they rear them

FC jc-031297

0. he will train them
1. he will train them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will train them
3. he will train them
4. he will train them <p43-izcalli-v01-caus02-z>
<p43-izcalli-v01-caus02-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will train them <p43-izcalli-v01-caus02-z>
<p43-izcalli-v01-caus02-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will train them
FC jc-031297
7. he will train them
FC jc-031297

0. auh intla hualmitoz yaoyotl in atlixco, ahzo huexotzinco,
intla oc ceppa ompa tlamazque, cenca ic huel panhuetzi, ic
cenca huel quimmahuiztilia in moteuczoma: and if war
should be proclaimed against atlixco, or uexotzinco, and if
there once again they took captives, they won much glory
thereby; moctezuma accorded them great honor for it
<p43-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04 (b8 f5 c20 p73)
1. auh intla hualmitoz yaoyotl in atlixco, ahzo huexotzinco,
intla oc ceppa ompa tlamazque, cenca ic huel panhuetzi, ic
cenca huel quimmahuiztilia in moteuczoma: and if war
should be proclaimed against atlixco, or uexotzinco, and if
there once again they took captives, they won much glory
thereby; moctezuma accorded them great honor for it
<p43-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04> (b8 f5 c20 p73) JC-7/23/96

0. they abstained from it

1. they abstained from it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they abstained from it

3. they abstained from it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they abstained from it

FC jc-031297
5. they abstained from it
FC jc-031297

0. he will be informed
FC jc-031297

0. he [H] did it
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-prt1 H1>
1. he [ h ] did it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he [H] did it
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-prt1 H1>
3. he [H] did it
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-prt1 H1>
4. he [H] did it <p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-prt1 H1>
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-prt1 H1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he [H] did it <p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-prt1 H1>
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-prt1 H1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he [H] did it <p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-prt1 H1>
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-prt1 H1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he [ h ] did it
FC jc-031297
8. he [ h ] did it
FC jc-031297

0. he [H] does it, he [H] brings it about; he [H] causes it
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben H1>
1. he [ h ] does it, he [ h ] brings it about; he [ h ] causes
FC -> jc-72895
2. he [H] does it, he [H] brings it about; he [H] causes it
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben H1>
3. he [H] does it, he [H] brings it about; he [H] causes it
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben H1>
4. he [H] does it, he [H] brings it about; he [H] causes it
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben H1>
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben H1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he [H] does it, he [H] brings it about; he [H] causes it
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben H1>
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben H1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. he [H] does it, he [H] brings it about; he [H] causes it

<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben H1>
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben H1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he [ h ] does it, he [ h ] brings it about; he [ h ] causes
FC jc-031297
8. he [ h ] does it, he [ h ] brings it about; he [ h ] causes
FC jc-031297

0. he [H] will do it, he [H] will bring it about; he [H] will
do it to him; he [H] will cause him; he [H] will cause it
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-z H1>
1. he [ h ] will do it; he [ h ] will do it to him; he [ h ]
will cause him; he [ h ] will bring it about; he [ h ] will
cause it; he [ h ] will bring it to pass; he [ h ] will
dispose it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he [H] will do it, he [H] will bring it about; he [H] will
do it to him; he [H] will cause him; he [H] will cause it
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-z H1>
3. he [H] will do it, he [H] will bring it about; he [H] will
do it to him; he [H] will cause him; he [H] will cause it
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-z H1>
4. he [H] will do it, he [H] will bring it about; he [H] will
do it to him; he [H] will cause him; he [H] will cause it
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-z H1>
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-z H1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he [H] will do it, he [H] will bring it about; he [H] will
do it to him; he [H] will cause him; he [H] will cause it
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-z H1>
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-z H1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he [H] will do it, he [H] will bring it about; he [H] will
do it to him; he [H] will cause him; he [H] will cause it
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-z H1>
<p33-p54-chi:hua-ben-z H1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he [ h ] will do it; he [ h ] will do it to him; he [ h ]
will cause him; he [ h ] will bring it to pass; he [ h ]
will cause it; he [ h ] will dispose it; he [ h ] will
bring it about
FC jc-031297
8. he [ h ] will do it; he [ h ] will do it to him; he [ h ]
will cause him; he [ h ] will bring it to pass; he [ h ]
will cause it; he [ h ] will dispose it; he [ h ] will
bring it about
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they take it for themselves

1. they take it for themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they take it for themselves

3. they take it for themselves

4. they take it for themselves

FC jc-031297
5. they take it for themselves
FC jc-031297

0. they enjoy it
1. they enjoy it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they enjoy it
3. they enjoy it
4. they enjoy it <p33-p54-cuilto:noa:>
<p33-p54-cuilto:noa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. they enjoy it
FC jc-031297
6. they enjoy it
FC jc-031297

0. he takes it as applying to him

1. he takes it as applying to him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he takes it as applying to him

3. he takes it as applying to him

4. he takes it as applying to him

FC jc-031297
5. he takes it as applying to him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they take care of it, they take pains with it

1. they take care of it, they take pains with it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they take care of it, they take pains with it

3. they take care of it, they take pains with it

4. they take care of it, they take pains with it

FC jc-031297
5. they take care of it, they take pains with it
FC jc-031297

0. they will take care of it
FC jc-031297

0. they say to each other; they tell it to each other
FC jc-031297

0. they said to each other

1. they said to each other

FC -> jc-72895
2. they said to each other

3. they said to each other

4. they said to each other

FC jc-031297
5. they said to each other
FC jc-031297

0. le dice [ H ] ( he says it to her; he tells her )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. they said it among themselves

1. they said it among themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they said it among themselves
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they said it among themselves

4. they said it among themselves

FC jc-031297
5. they said it among themselves
FC jc-031297

0. he rolls them up
FC jc-031297

0. they make 15mole15 of it

1. they make mole of it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they make 15mole15 of it

3. they make 15mole15 of it

4. they make =mole= of it

FC jc-031297
5. they make =mole= of it
FC jc-031297

0. they hunt them

1. they hunt them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they hunt them

3. they hunt them

4. they hunt them

FC jc-031297
5. they hunt them
FC jc-031297

0. he disguised himself

1. he disguised himself
FC -> jc-72895
2. he disguised himself
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he disguised himself

4. he disguised himself
FC jc-031297
5. he disguised himself
FC jc-031297

0. he embraces it, he marries it
1. he embraces it, he marries it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he embraces it, he marries it
3. he embraces it, he marries it
4. he embraces it, he marries it <p33-mo-na:miqui-caus02>
<p33-mo-na:miqui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. he embraces it, he marries it <p33-mo-na:miqui-caus02>
<p33-mo-na:miqui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. he embraces it, he marries it <p33-mo-na:miqui-caus02>
<p33-mo-na:miqui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
7. he embraces it, he marries it
FC jc-031297
8. he embraces it, he marries it
FC jc-031297

0. they make him their mother

1. they make him their mother

FC -> jc-72895
2. they make him their mother

3. they make him their mother

4. they make him their mother

FC jc-031297
5. they make him their mother
FC jc-031297

0. they sprinkled them
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they went to leave them

1. they went to leave them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to leave them

3. they went to leave them

4. they went to leave them

FC jc-031297
5. they went to leave them
FC jc-031297

0. they left them
1. they left them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they left them
3. they left them
4. they left them <p43-o:n-ca:hua-ya3>
<p43-o:n-ca:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they left them
FC jc-031297
6. they left them
FC jc-031297

0. they bought him
1. they bought him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they bought him
3. they bought him
4. they bought him <p43-o:n-co:hua-ya3>
<p43-o:n-co:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they bought him
FC jc-031297
6. they bought him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he requires it of him; he requires it of it

1. he requires it of him; he requires it of it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he requires it of him; he requires it of it

3. he requires it of him; he requires it of it

4. he requires it of him; he requires it of it

FC jc-031297
5. he requires it of him; he requires it of it
FC jc-031297

0. he wills it; he determines it

1. he wills it; he determines it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he wills it; he determines it

3. he wills it; he determines it

4. he [ h ] requires it, he [ h ] wants it; he wills it; he

determines it
FC jc-031297
5. he [ h ] requires it, he [ h ] wants it; he wills it; he
determines it
FC jc-031297

0. they took them, they carried them
FC jc-031297

0. they took them, they carried them
FC jc-031297

0. they went to strike each one of them

1. they went to strike each one of them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to strike each one of them

3. they went to strike each one of them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they went to strike each one of them

FC jc-031297
5. they went to strike each one of them
FC jc-031297

0. they made each one drink it
FC jc-031297

0. he says it to them

1. he says it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he says it to them

3. he says it to them

4. nec **quimonilhuia** Ca amo miqui, then he said to them:

"he is not dead!
(b12 f7 p111) jc-022297
5. he says it to them
FC jc-031297
6. he says it to them
FC jc-031297

0. tel in pipilti, **quimonilhuiaya** in cihua tlayacanque,
inic cequintin quincahuatihui, tecahuatihui: none the less,
the noblemen addressed the matrons that they might go
releasing some [of the women], might go releasing one
(b2 f5 p102) jc-022297

0. **quimonilhuique** toteucyohuane ca moteuczoma itoca they
said to [the spaniards]: "o our lords, his name is
(b12 f1 p6) jc-022297
1. niman quimonnahuatique in quipia in itzontlan tlapia
**quimonilhuique** intla mocochitia xicmolhuilican ca
ohuallaque in tiquinmotitlani atl itic then [the
messengers] demanded of those who guarded; they said to
those who stood watch over his principal possessions: "even
if he sleepeth, tell him: 'they whom thou hast sent into
the midst of the water have come'"
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

(b12 f1 p18) jc-022297

2. they said it to them
FC jc-031297
3. they said it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they tie it to them, they bind it to them

1. they tie it to them, they bind it to them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they tie it to them, they bind it to them

3. they tie it to them, they bind it to them

4. they tie it to them, they bind it to them

FC jc-031297
5. they tie it to them, they bind it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they give it to them

1. they give it to them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they give it to them

3. they give it to them

4. they give it to them

FC jc-031297
5. they give it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they gave it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they demanded it of them, they commanded them
FC jc-031297

0. they ferried them across
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they put them to bed, they lay them down

1. they put them to bed, they lay them down

FC -> jc-72895
2. they put them to bed, they lay them down

3. they put them to bed, they lay them down

4. they put them to bed, they lay them down

FC jc-031297
5. they put them to bed, they lay them down
FC jc-031297

0. it deposits it, it puts it

1. it deposits it, it puts it

FC -> jc-72895
2. it deposits it, it puts it

3. it deposits it, it puts it

4. it deposits it, it puts it

FC jc-031297
5. it deposits it, it puts it
FC jc-031297

0. they place in on them

1. they place in on them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they place in on them

3. they place in on them

4. they place in on them

FC jc-031297
5. they place in on them
FC jc-031297

0. they put ashes on their [someone else] knees

1. they put ashes on their [ someone else ] knees
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they put ashes on their [someone else] knees

3. they put ashes on their [someone else] knees

4. they put ashes on their [ someone else ] knees

FC jc-031297
5. they put ashes on their [ someone else ] knees
FC jc-031297

0. they greet them; they greets them

1. they greet them; they greets them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they greet them; they greets them

3. they greet them; they greets them

4. they greet them

FC jc-031297
5. they greet them
FC jc-031297

0. they visited them

1. they visited them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they visited them

3. they visited them

4. they visited them

FC jc-031297
5. they visited them
FC jc-031297

0. it went to throw them down
FC jc-031297

0. they follow them

1. they follow them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they follow them

3. they follow them

4. they follow them

FC jc-031297
5. they follow them
FC jc-031297

0. he pulls it off them

1. he pulls it off them

FC -> jc-72895
2. he pulls it off them

3. he pulls it off them

4. he pulls it off them

FC jc-031297
5. he pulls it off them
FC jc-031297

0. they pinch their navels

1. they pinch their navels

FC -> jc-72895
2. they pinch their navels

3. they pinch their navels

4. they pinch their navels

FC jc-031297
5. they pinch their navels
FC jc-031297

0. they snatch at their navels

1. they snatch at their navels

FC -> jc-72895
2. they snatch at their navels

3. they snatch at their navels
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they snatch at their navels

FC jc-031297
5. they snatch at their navels
FC jc-031297

0. they snatched at their navels

1. they snatched at their navels

FC -> jc-72895
2. they snatched at their navels

3. they snatched at their navels

4. they snatched at their navels

FC jc-031297
5. they snatched at their navels
FC jc-031297

0. it is crouching
FC jc-031297

0. it is bedded
FC jc-031297

0. he kept it for himself

1. he kept it for himself

FC -> jc-72895
2. he kept it for himself

3. he kept it for himself

4. he kept it for himself

FC jc-031297
5. he kept it for himself
FC jc-031297

0. they imagine it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he keeps it for himself, he guards it for himself

1. he keeps it for himself, he guards it for himself

FC -> jc-72895
2. he keeps it for himself, he guards it for himself

3. he keeps it for himself, he guards it for himself

4. he keeps it for himself, he guards it for himself

FC jc-031297
5. he keeps it for himself, he guards it for himself
FC jc-031297

0. he overcomes it

1. he overcomes it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he overcomes it

3. he overcomes it

4. he overcomes it
FC jc-031297
5. he overcomes it
FC jc-031297

0. he clothes himself; he wraps himself in it; he clothes
himself in it; it wraps himself in it

1. he clothes himself; he wraps himself in it; he clothes

himself in it; it wraps himself in it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he clothes himself; he wraps himself in it; he clothes
himself in it; it wraps himself in it

3. he clothes himself; he wraps himself in it; he clothes

himself in it; it wraps himself in it

4. he clothes himself; he wraps himself in it; he clothes

himself in it; it wraps himself in it
FC jc-031297
5. he clothes himself; he wraps himself in it; he clothes
himself in it; it wraps himself in it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they make him their father

1. they make him their father

FC -> jc-72895
2. they make him their father

3. they make him their father

4. they make him their father

FC jc-031297
5. they make him their father
FC jc-031297

0. they worship him

1. they worship him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they worship him

3. they worship him

4. they worship him

FC jc-031297
5. they worship him
FC jc-031297

0. they worshipped him; they worshipped it
1. they worshipped her; they worshipped him; they worshipped it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they worshipped him; they worshipped it
3. they worshipped him; they worshipped it
4. they worshipped him; they worshipped it
<p33-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they worshipped him; they worshipped it
<p33-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they worshipped him; they worshipped it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they worshipped him; they worshipped it
<p33-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they worshipped her; they worshipped him; they worshipped it
FC jc-031297
9. they worshipped her; they worshipped him; they worshipped it
FC jc-031297

0. they will worship it

1. they will worship it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will worship it

3. they will worship it

4. they will worship it

FC jc-031297
5. they will worship it
FC jc-031297

0. he gives himself to it excessively

1. he gives himself to it excessively

FC -> jc-72895
2. he gives himself to it excessively

3. he gives himself to it excessively

4. he gives himself to it excessively

FC jc-031297
5. he gives himself to it excessively
FC jc-031297

0. he dedicates himself to it

1. he dedicates himself to it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he dedicates himself to it

3. he dedicates himself to it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he dedicates himself to it
FC jc-031297
5. he dedicates himself to it
FC jc-031297

0. he took it as an evil omen
FC jc-031297

0. they regard it as an omen

1. they regard it as an omen

FC -> jc-72895
2. they regard it as an omen

3. they regard it as an omen

4. they regard it as an omen

FC jc-031297
5. they regard it as an omen
FC jc-031297

0. they ruined it

1. they ruined it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they ruined it

3. they ruined it

4. they ruined it
FC jc-031297
5. they ruined it
FC jc-031297

0. they obey him

1. they obey him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they obey him

3. they obey him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they obey him

FC jc-031297
5. they obey him
FC jc-031297

0. he overindulges himself in it
1. he overindulges himself in it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he overindulges himself in it
3. he overindulges himself in it
4. he overindulges himself in it <p33-p54-tlahe:lli-maca>
<p33-p54-tlahe:lli-maca> FC - > jc-61096
5. he overindulges himself in it <p33-p54-tlahe:lli-maca>
<p33-p54-tlahe:lli-maca> FC - > jc-61096
6. he overindulges himself in it
FC jc-031297
7. he overindulges himself in it
FC jc-031297

0. they seat her [h]

1. they seat her [ h ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. they seat her [h]

3. they seat her [h]

4. they seat her [ h ]

FC jc-031297
5. they seat her [ h ]
FC jc-031297

0. he prays to god

1. he prays to god
FC -> jc-72895
2. he prays to god

3. he prays to god
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he prays to god
FC jc-031297
5. he prays to god
FC jc-031297

0. he took it upon himself to talk

1. he took it upon himself to talk

FC -> jc-72895
2. he took it upon himself to talk

3. he took it upon himself to talk

4. he took it upon himself to talk

FC jc-031297
5. he took it upon himself to talk
FC jc-031297

0. it quickly hides itself, it quickly gets undercover
FC jc-031297

0. they call themselves

1. they call themselves

FC -> jc-72895
2. they call themselves

3. they call themselves

4. they are called, they give themselves a name; they call

FC jc-031297
5. they are called, they give themselves a name; they call
FC jc-031297

0. huel motlalia, hatle quimotoctia: inin ocelotl it places
itself well; it hides itself not at all, this ocelot
<p33-p54-to:ca1-l2?-v04-- (b11 f1 c1 p2)
1. huel motlalia, hatle quimotoctia: inin ocelotl it places
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

itself well; it hides itself not at all, this ocelot

<p33-p54-to:ca1-l2?-v04--> (b11 f1 c1 p2) JC-7/23/96
2. it hides
FC jc-031297
3. it hides
FC jc-031297

0. it tormented her
FC jc-031297

0. mohuillana, tlaltech moteca, motlatlachteca: quimototoctia
in ima, in inacaz: huel motlatlachialia, ahuic tlachia: it
creeps; it crouches on the ground; it crouches spying; it
hides it feet [and] its ears; it looks with caution; it
looks from one side to another
<p33-p54-dupl-to:ca1-l2?-v04-- (b11 f1 c1 p7)
1. mohuillana, tlaltech moteca, motlatlachteca: quimototoctia
in ima, in inacaz: huel motlatlachialia, ahuic tlachia: it
creeps; it crouches on the ground; it crouches spying; it
hides it feet [and] its ears; it looks with caution; it
looks from one side to another
<p33-p54-dupl-to:ca1-l2?-v04--> (b11 f1 c1 p7) JC-7/23/96

0. he finds it for himself, he shows it to himself; it appears
to him; it shows itself to him
1. he finds it for himself, he shows it to himself; it appears
to him; it shows itself to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he finds it for himself, he shows it to himself; it appears
to him; it shows itself to him
3. he finds it for himself, he shows it to himself; it appears
to him; it shows itself to him
4. he finds it for himself, he shows it to himself; it appears
to him; it shows itself to him <p33-p54-itta-caus03>
<p33-p54-itta-caus03> FC - > jc-61096
5. he finds it for himself, he shows it to himself; it appears
to him; it shows itself to him
FC jc-031297
6. he finds it for himself, he shows it to himself; it appears
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

to him; it shows itself to him

FC jc-031297

0. he uses it as a face, it shows on his face

1. he uses it as a face, it shows on his face

FC -> jc-72895
2. he uses it as a face, it shows on his face

3. he uses it as a face, it shows on his face

4. he uses it as a face, it shows on his face

FC jc-031297
5. he uses it as a face, it shows on his face
FC jc-031297

0. spread

0. they prey on it

1. they prey on it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they prey on it

3. they prey on it

4. they prey on it
FC jc-031297
5. they prey on it
FC jc-031297

0. they warm them

1. they warm them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they warm them

3. they warm them

4. they warm them

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they warm them

FC jc-031297

0. he gives them contentment
FC - > jc-61096

0. it suspends them, it hangs them up; it hangs them

1. it suspends them, it hangs them up; it hangs them

FC -> jc-72895
2. it suspends them, it hangs them up; it hangs them

3. it suspends them, it hangs them up; it hangs them

4. it suspends them, it hangs them; it hangs them up

FC jc-031297
5. it suspends them, it hangs them; it hangs them up
FC jc-031297

0. then, later

1. later
FC -> jc-72895
2. then, later
FC -> jc-72895
3. then, later

4. then, later

5. just now; later; then

FC jc-031297
6. then, later
FC jc-031297
7. just now; later; then
FC jc-031297
8. then, later
FC jc-031297

quin izqui
0. a short time ago
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he adds it, he mixes it in

FC - > jc-61096

0. they cut his ears

1. they cut his ears

FC -> jc-72895
2. they cut his ears

3. they cut his ears

4. they cut his ears

5. they cut his ears

6. they cut his ears <p33-nacaztli-tequi1>
<p33-nacaztli-tequi1> FC - > jc-61096
7. they cut his ears <p33-nacaztli-tequi1>
<p33-nacaztli-tequi1> FC - > jc-61096
8. they cut his ears
FC jc-031297
9. they cut his ears
FC jc-031297

0. he sells him; he sells it; they sell it
1. he sells him; he sells it; she sells it; they sell it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sells him; he sells it; they sell it
3. he sells him; he sells it; they sell it
4. he sells him; he sells it; they sell it <p33-namaca>
<p33-namaca> FC - > jc-61096
5. he sells him; he sells it; they sell it <p33-namaca>
<p33-namaca> FC - > jc-61096
6. he sells him; he sells it; she sells it; they sell it
FC jc-031297
7. he sells him; he sells it; she sells it; they sell it
FC jc-031297
8. iciuhca mochi cohualo in tlein quinamaca: soon all which
they sold was bought
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they will come to sell it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. he met him
1. he met him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he met him
3. he met him
4. he met him <p33-na:miqui-prt1>
<p33-na:miqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he met him <p33-na:miqui-prt1>
<p33-na:miqui-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he met him
FC jc-031297
7. he met him
FC jc-031297

0. he adds it to it; they add it
1. he adds it to it; they add it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he adds it to it; they add it
3. he adds it to it; they add it
4. he adds it to it; they add it <p33-na:miqui-caus02>
<p33-na:miqui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. he adds it to it; they add it <p33-na:miqui-caus02>
<p33-na:miqui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. he adds it to it; they add it
FC jc-031297
7. he adds it to it; they add it
FC jc-031297

0. they go encountering it

1. they go encountering it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go encountering it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they go encountering it

4. they go encountering it
FC jc-031297
5. they go encountering it
FC jc-031297

0. he adds it; he attains it; he comes upon it; he encounters
it; he understands it; it counteracts it; it remedies it;
it meets him; it remedies him; it touches it; it reaches
it; they come upon her; they find her; they add it; they
receive him; they encoun
1. he adds it; he attains it; he comes upon it; he encounters
it; he meets him; he understands it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it counteracts it; it remedies it; it meets him; it
remedies him; it touches it; it reaches it; they add it;
they come upon her; they find her; they encounter it; they
meet him; they receive him
FC -> jc-72895
3. he adds it; he attains it; he comes upon it; he encounters
it; he understands it; it counteracts it; it remedies it;
it meets him; it remedies him; it touches it; it reaches
it; they come upon her; they find her; they add it; they
receive him; they encoun
4. he adds it; he attains it; he comes upon it; he encounters
it; he understands it; it counteracts it; it remedies it;
it meets him; it remedies him; it touches it; it reaches
it; they come upon her; they find her; they add it; they
receive him; they encoun
5. he adds it; he attains it; he comes upon it; he encounters
it; he understands it; it counteracts it; it remedies it;
it meets him; it remedies him; it touches it; it reaches
it; they come upon her; they find her; they add it; they
receive him; they encounter it; they meet him <p33-na:miqui>
<p33-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
6. he adds it; he attains it; he comes upon it; he encounters
it; he understands it; it counteracts it; it remedies it;
it meets him; it remedies him; it touches it; it reaches
it; they come upon her; they find her; they add it; they
receive him; they encounter it; they meet him <p33-na:miqui>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096

7. he adds it; he attains it; he comes upon it; he encounters
it; he meets him; he understands it
FC jc-031297
8. it counteracts it; it remedies it; it meets him; it
remedies him; it touches it; it reaches it; they add it;
they come upon her; they find her; they encounter it; they
meet him; they receive him
FC jc-031297
9. he adds it; he attains it; he comes upon it; he encounters
it; he meets him; he understands it
FC jc-031297
10. it counteracts it; it remedies it; it meets him; it
remedies him; it touches it; it reaches it; they add it;
they come upon her; they find her; they encounter it; they
meet him; they receive him
FC jc-031297

0. they met him
1. they met him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they met him
3. they met him
4. they met him <p33-na:miqui-ya3>
<p33-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they met him <p33-na:miqui-ya3>
<p33-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they met him <p33-na:miqui-ya3>
<p33-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they met him
FC jc-031297
8. they met him
FC jc-031297

0. they meet him
1. they meet him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they meet him
3. they meet him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they meet him <p33-na:miqui-;
<p33-na:miqui--> FC - > jc-61096
5. they meet him <p33-na:miqui-;
<p33-na:miqui--> FC - > jc-61096
6. they meet him
FC jc-031297
7. they meet him
FC jc-031297

0. they go to meet him
FC jc-031297

0. he will encounter her, he will find her; he will add it; he
will meet her; he will meet him
1. he will add it; he will encounter her; he will find her; he
will meet her; he will meet him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will encounter her, he will find her; he will add it; he
will meet her; he will meet him
3. he will encounter her, he will find her; he will add it; he
will meet her; he will meet him
4. he will encounter her, he will find her; he will add it; he
will meet her; he will meet him <p33-na:miqui-z>
<p33-na:miqui-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will encounter her, he will find her; he will add it; he
will meet her; he will meet him <p33-na:miqui-z>
<p33-na:miqui-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will add it; he will encounter her; he will find her; he
will meet her; he will meet him
FC jc-031297
7. he will add it; he will encounter her; he will find her; he
will meet her; he will meet him
FC jc-031297

0. they will challenge him
1. they will challenge him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will challenge him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they will challenge him
4. they will challenge him <p33-na:miqui-z-plur01>
<p33-na:miqui-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will challenge him <p33-na:miqui-z-plur01>
<p33-na:miqui-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they will challenge him
FC jc-031297
7. they will challenge him
FC jc-031297

0. they steal it

1. they steal it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they steal it

3. they steal it

4. they steal it
FC jc-031297
5. they steal it
FC jc-031297

0. they welcomed him, they received him
1. they welcomed him, they received him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they welcomed him, they received him
3. they welcomed him, they received him
4. they welcomed him, they received him <p33-dupl-na:miqui-ya3>
<p33-dupl-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they welcomed him, they received him <p33-dupl-na:miqui-ya3>
<p33-dupl-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they welcomed him, they received him <p33-dupl-na:miqui-ya3>
<p33-dupl-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they welcomed him, they received him <p33-dupl-na:miqui-ya3>
<p33-dupl-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they welcomed him, they received him
FC jc-031297
9. they welcomed him, they received him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they each go carrying it in their arms
FC jc-031297

0. it fattens her

1. it fattens her
FC -> jc-72895
2. it fattens her

3. it fattens her

4. it fattens her
FC jc-031297
5. it fattens her
FC jc-031297

0. he answers it; they answer him; they answer it

1. he answers it; they answer him; they answer it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he answers it; they answer him; they answer it

3. he answers it; they answer him; they answer it

4. he answers it; they answer him; they answer it

5. he answers it; they answer him; they answer it

6. he answers it; they answer him; they answer it
<p33-na:nquilia:> FC - > jc-61096
7. he answers it; they answer him; they answer it
<p33-na:nquilia:> FC - > jc-61096
8. he answers it; they answer him; they answer it
FC jc-031297
9. he answers it; they answer him; they answer it
FC jc-031297

0. they answered him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. to answer

0. they would answer him
FC jc-031297

0. he carries it in his arms, he embraces it; they carry it in
their arms

1. he carries it in his arms, he embraces it; they carry it in

their arms
FC -> jc-72895
2. he carries it in his arms, he embraces it; they carry it in
their arms

3. he carries it in his arms, he embraces it; they carry it in

their arms

4. he carries it in his arms, he embraces it; they carry it in

their arms
FC jc-031297
5. he carries it in his arms, he embraces it; they carry it in
their arms
FC jc-031297

0. he conceals it, he hides it
1. he conceals it, he hides it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he conceals it, he hides it
3. he conceals it, he hides it
4. he conceals it, he hides it <p33-i:na:ya>
<p33-i:na:ya> FC - > jc-61096
5. he conceals it, he hides it
FC jc-031297
6. he conceals it, he hides it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he leaves it for them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he provides them with sandals; they provide them with
1. he provides them with sandals; they provide them with
FC -> jc-72895
2. he provides them with sandals; they provide them with
3. he provides them with sandals; they provide them with
4. he provides them with sandals; they provide them with
sandals <p43-cactli-v04a>
<p43-cactli-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
5. he provides them with sandals; they provide them with
FC jc-031297
6. he provides them with sandals; they provide them with
FC jc-031297

0. they put them in
1. they put them in
FC -> jc-72895
2. they put them in
3. they put them in
4. they put them in
FC jc-031297
5. they put them in
FC jc-031297

0. they did put them in
1. they did put them in
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they did put them in

3. they did put them in
4. they did put them in <p43-calaqui-caus08-ya3>
<p43-calaqui-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they did put them in; they took them in
FC jc-031297
6. they did put them in; they took them in
FC jc-031297

0. they went to quarter them, they went to put them in

1. they went to quarter them, they went to put them in

FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to quarter them, they went to put them in

3. they went to quarter them, they went to put them in

4. they went to quarter them, they went to put them in

FC jc-031297
5. they went to quarter them, they went to put them in
FC jc-031297

0. they will put them in, they will introduce them
1. they will put them in, they will introduce them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will put them in, they will introduce them
3. they will put them in, they will introduce them
4. they will put them in, they will introduce them
<p43-calaqui-caus08-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will put them in, they will introduce them
FC jc-031297
6. they will put them in, they will introduce them
FC jc-031297

0. he housed them

1. he housed them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he housed them

3. he housed them

4. he housed them
FC jc-031297
5. he housed them
FC jc-031297

0. he jokes with them; it teases them; it jests with them
1. he jokes with them; it teases them; it jests with them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he jokes with them; it teases them; it jests with them
3. he jokes with them; it teases them; it jests with them
4. he jokes with them; it teases them; it jests with them
FC jc-031297
5. he jokes with them; it teases them; it jests with them
FC jc-031297

0. he hears it from them
FC jc-031297

0. he informed them of it
FC jc-031297

0. he left them
FC jc-031297

0. they left them
FC jc-031297

0. he scatters them
1. he scatters them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he scatters them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he scatters them
4. he scatters them <p43-dupl-cem-mani-caus09>
<p43-dupl-cem-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. he scatters them <p43-dupl-cem-mani-caus09>
<p43-dupl-cem-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. he scatters them <p43-dupl-cem-mani-caus09>
<p43-dupl-cem-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
7. he scatters them <p43-dupl-cem-mani-caus09>
<p43-dupl-cem-mani-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
8. he scatters them
FC jc-031297
9. he scatters them
FC jc-031297

0. they remembered all of them
1. they remembered all of them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they remembered all of them
3. they remembered all of them
4. they remembered all of them <p43-cem-illi-na:miqui-ya3>
<p43-cem-illi-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they remembered all of them <p43-cem-illi-na:miqui-ya3>
<p43-cem-illi-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they remembered all of them <p43-cem-illi-na:miqui-ya3>
<p43-cem-illi-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they remembered all of them <p43-cem-illi-na:miqui-ya3>
<p43-cem-illi-na:miqui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they remembered all of them
FC jc-031297
9. they remembered all of them
FC jc-031297

0. they adorn them, they ready them
FC jc-031297

0. he scatters them

1. he scatters them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he scatters them

3. he scatters them

4. he scatters them
FC jc-031297
5. he scatters them
FC jc-031297

0. he governs them all

1. he governs them all

FC -> jc-72895
2. he governs them all

3. he governs them all

4. he governs them all

FC jc-031297
5. he governs them all
FC jc-031297

0. she destroyed them completely
1. she destroyed them completely
FC -> jc-72895
2. she destroyed them completely
3. she destroyed them completely
4. she destroyed them completely
<p43-cem-dupl-polihui-caus06-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. she destroyed them completely
<p43-cem-dupl-polihui-caus06-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. she destroyed them completely
<p43-cem-dupl-polihui-caus06-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. she destroyed them completely
<p43-cem-dupl-polihui-caus06-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. she destroyed them completely
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p43-cem-dupl-polihui-caus06-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. she destroyed them completely
FC jc-031297
10. she destroyed them completely
FC jc-031297

0. they gather them

1. they gather them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they gather them

3. they gather them

4. they gather them

FC jc-031297
5. they gather them
FC jc-031297

0. he assembled them
FC jc-031297

0. he gathers them together
1. he gathers them together
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gathers them together
3. he gathers them together
4. he gathers them together <p43-cem-tla:lia>
<p43-cem-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
5. he gathers them together <p43-cem-tla:lia>
<p43-cem-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
6. he gathers them together
FC jc-031297
7. he gathers them together
FC jc-031297

0. they do it for them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he arrays them, he arranges them; they adorn them; they
array them

1. he arrays them, he arranges them; they adorn them; they

array them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he arrays them, he arranges them; they adorn them; they
array them

3. he arrays them, he arranges them; they adorn them

4. he arrays them, he arranges them; they adorn them; they
array them

5. he arrays them, he arranges them; they adorn them

6. he arrays them, he arranges them; they adorn them
<p43-dupl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
7. he arrays them, he arranges them; they adorn them
<p43-dupl-chi:hua> FC - > jc-61096
8. he arrays them, he arranges them; they adorn them; they
array them
FC jc-031297
9. he arrays them, he arranges them; they adorn them; they
array them
FC jc-031297

0. he arrayed them; they arrayed them; they adorned them; they
prepared them
1. he arrayed them; they adorned them; they prepared them;
they arrayed them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he arrayed them; they arrayed them; they adorned them; they
prepared them
3. he arrayed them; they arrayed them; they adorned them; they
prepared them
4. he arrayed them; they arrayed them; they adorned them; they
prepared them <p43-dupl-chi:hua-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p43-dupl-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

5. he arrayed them; they arrayed them; they adorned them; they
prepared them <p43-dupl-chi:hua-ya3>
<p43-dupl-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he arrayed them; they arrayed them; they adorned them; they
prepared them <p43-dupl-chi:hua-ya3>
<p43-dupl-chi:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he arrayed them; they adorned them; they prepared them;
they arrayed them
FC jc-031297
8. he arrayed them; they adorned them; they prepared them;
they arrayed them
FC jc-031297

0. he adorns it for them
1. he adorns it for them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he adorns it for them
3. he adorns it for them
4. he adorns it for them <p43-dupl-chi:hua-ben>
<p43-dupl-chi:hua-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. he adorns it for them <p43-dupl-chi:hua-ben>
<p43-dupl-chi:hua-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. he adorns it for them <p43-dupl-chi:hua-ben>
<p43-dupl-chi:hua-ben> FC - > jc-61096
7. he adorns it for them
FC jc-031297
8. he adorns it for them
FC jc-031297

0. they will singe them
FC jc-031297

0. it makes them, it produces them

1. it makes them, it produces them

FC -> jc-72895
2. it makes them, it produces them

3. it makes them, it produces them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it makes them, it produces them

FC jc-031297
5. it makes them, it produces them
FC jc-031297

0. he will do it for them

1. he will do it for them

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will do it for them

3. he will do it for them

4. he will do it for them

FC jc-031297
5. he will do it for them
FC jc-031297

0. they chase them
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. they make them flee
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. they chase them

3. they make them flee

0. it weeps for them, it cries for them

1. it weeps for them, it cries for them

FC -> jc-72895
2. it weeps for them, it cries for them

3. it weeps for them, it cries for them

4. it weeps for them, it cries for them

FC jc-031297
5. it weeps for them, it cries for them
FC jc-031297

0. he greets them with tears
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he greets them with tears

FC -> jc-72895
2. he greets them with tears

3. he greets them with tears

4. he greets them with tears

FC jc-031297
5. he greets them with tears
FC jc-031297

0. they made them angry

1. they made them angry

FC -> jc-72895
2. they made them angry

3. they made them angry

4. they made them angry

FC jc-031297
5. they made them angry
FC jc-031297

0. they cut them, they decapitate them
1. they cut them, they decapitate them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they cut them, they decapitate them
3. they cut them, they decapitate them
4. they cut them, they decapitate them <p43-coto:ni-caus09>
<p43-coto:ni-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. they cut them, they decapitate them <p43-coto:ni-caus09>
<p43-coto:ni-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. they cut them, they decapitate them
FC jc-031297
7. they cut them, they decapitate them
FC jc-031297

0. they placed them in the cradle
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they placed them in the cradle

FC -> jc-72895
2. they placed them in the cradle

3. they placed them in the cradle

4. they placed them in the cradle

FC jc-031297
5. they placed them in the cradle
FC jc-031297

0. she places them in the cradle

1. she places them in the cradle

FC -> jc-72895
2. she places them in the cradle

3. she places them in the cradle

4. she places them in the cradle

FC jc-031297
5. she places them in the cradle
FC jc-031297

0. it eats them

1. it eats them
FC -> jc-72895
2. it eats them

3. it eats them

4. it eats them
FC jc-031297
5. it eats them
FC jc-031297

0. they will it ( on them )
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. it goes about eating them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p43-dupl-cua:-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. it goes about eating them
FC -> jc-72895
2. it goes about eating them
<p43-dupl-cua:-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. it goes about eating them
<p43-dupl-cua:-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. it goes about eating them <p43-dupl-cua:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p43-dupl-cua:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. it goes about eating them <p43-dupl-cua:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p43-dupl-cua:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. it goes about eating them <p43-dupl-cua:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p43-dupl-cua:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. it goes about eating them <p43-dupl-cua:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p43-dupl-cua:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
8. it goes about eating them <p43-dupl-cua:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p43-dupl-cua:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
9. it goes about eating them
FC jc-031297
10. it goes about eating them
FC jc-031297

0. they feed it to them; they make them eat it

1. they feed it to them; they make them eat it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they feed it to them; they make them eat it

3. they feed it to them; they make them eat it

4. they feed it to them; they make them eat it

FC jc-031297
5. they feed it to them; they make them eat it
FC jc-031297

0. they fed it to them

1. they fed it to them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they fed it to them

3. they fed it to them

4. they fed it to them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. they fed it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they ate them

1. they ate them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they ate them

3. they ate them

4. they ate them

FC jc-031297
5. they ate them
FC jc-031297

0. they strike them on the back of the head

1. they strike them on the back of the head

FC -> jc-72895
2. they strike them on the back of the head

3. they strike them on the back of the head

4. they strike them on the back of the head

FC jc-031297
5. they strike them on the back of the head
FC jc-031297

0. quincuicatia: in ceyohual they sang for them all during
the night <p43-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben (b1 f2 c21 p48)
1. they sing for them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they sing for them
3. quincuicatia: in ceyohual they sang for them all during
the night <p43-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben (b1 f2 c21 p48)
4. they sing for them
5. they sing for them <p43-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p43-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben> FC - > jc-61096

6. they sing for them <p43-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben>
<p43-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben> FC - > jc-61096
7. they sing for them <p43-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben>
<p43-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben> FC - > jc-61096
8. they sing for them <p43-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben>
<p43-cui:ca-l3-v04b-ben> FC - > jc-61096
9. quincuicatia: in ceyohual they sang for them all during
the night
<p43-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben> (b1 f2 c21 p48) JC-7/23/96
10. they sing for them
FC jc-031297
11. they sing for them
FC jc-031297

0. niman ye ic motlalia in huehuetque calpoleque, cuicanime,
in ithualco in quincuicatiaya, thereupon the old men, of
the calpulli, the singers sat in the courtyard while they
sang for [the children] <p43-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben-ya3 (b2 f11
c38 p170), 2 in macuilmalinal iteopan, ihuan in
topantlacaqui iteopan: oncan quincuicatiaya, ihuan oncan
quintonaltiaya in yehuantin macuilmalinal, ihuan
topantlacaqui: the temple of macuilmalinalli and of
topatlacaqui: there [priests] sang for and offered
sacrifices to these [gods], macuilmalinalli and
topantlacaqui <p43-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben-ya3 (b2 f12 c38 p189),
3 auh in ihcuac, i, in imilhuiuh quizaya: in
ihuehueyohuan, in ixquichtin tolteca tlatecque, yoaltica
quincuicatiaya quintozzahuiaya in ye huallathui miquizque,
in izquintin teixiptlahuan and at that time, when their
feast day arrived, [their] old men, all the master
lapidaries, provided song [and] held vigil during the night
for those who were to die at dawn--all the likenesses [for
these gods] <p43-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben-ya3 (b9 f6 c17 p80)
1. they sang for them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they sang for them

3. niman ye ic motlalia in huehuetque calpoleque, cuicanime,

in ithualco in quincuicatiaya, thereupon the old men, of
the calpulli, the singers sat in the courtyard while they
sang for [the children] <p43-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben-ya3 (b2 f11
c38 p170), 2 in macuilmalinal iteopan, ihuan in
topantlacaqui iteopan: oncan quincuicatiaya, ihuan oncan
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

quintonaltiaya in yehuantin macuilmalinal, ihuan

topantlacaqui: the temple of macuilmalinalli and of
topatlacaqui: there [priests] sang for and offered
sacrifices to these [gods], macuilmalinalli and
topantlacaqui <p43-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben-ya3 (b2 f12 c38 p189),
3 auh in ihcuac, i, in imilhuiuh quizaya: in
ihuehueyohuan, in ixquichtin tolteca tlatecque, yoaltica
quincuicatiaya quintozzahuiaya in ye huallathui miquizque,
in izquintin teixiptlahuan and at that time, when their
feast day arrived, [their] old men, all the master
lapidaries, provided song [and] held vigil during the night
for those who were to die at dawn--all the likenesses [for
these gods] <p43-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben-ya3 (b9 f6 c17 p80)
4. they sang for them

5. niman ye ic motlalia in huehuetque calpoleque, cuicanime,

in ithualco in quincuicatiaya, thereupon the old men, of
the calpulli, the singers sat in the courtyard while they
sang for [the children]
<p43-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben-ya3> (b2 f11 c38 p170) JC-7/23/96
6. in macuilmalinal iteopan, ihuan in topantlacaqui iteopan:
oncan quincuicatiaya, ihuan oncan quintonaltiaya in
yehuantin macuilmalinal, ihuan topantlacaqui: the temple of
macuilmalinalli and of topatlacaqui: there [priests] sang
for and offered sacrifices to these [gods], macuilmalinalli
and topantlacaqui
<p43-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben-ya3> (b2 f12 c38 p189) JC-7/23/96
7. auh in ihcuac, i, in imilhuiuh quizaya: in ihuehueyohuan,
in ixquichtin tolteca tlatecque, yoaltica quincuicatiaya
quintozzahuiaya in ye huallathui miquizque, in izquintin
teixiptlahuan and at that time, when their feast day
arrived, [their] old men, all the master lapidaries,
provided song [and] held vigil during the night for those
who were to die at dawn--all the likenesses [for these gods]
<p43-cui:ca-l2-v04-ben-ya3> (b9 f6 c17 p80) JC-7/23/96
8. they sang for them
FC jc-031297
9. they sang for them
FC jc-031297

0. they go singing for them, they go providing them with a song

1. they go singing for them, they go providing them with a song

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they go singing for them, they go providing them with a song

3. they go singing for them, they go providing them with a song

4. they go singing for them, they go providing them with a song

FC jc-031297
5. they go singing for them, they go providing them with a song
FC jc-031297

0. he takes it away from them, he seizes it from them
1. he takes it away from them, he seizes it from them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he takes it away from them, he seizes it from them
3. he takes it away from them, he seizes it from them
4. he takes it away from them, he seizes it from them
<p43-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. he takes it away from them, he seizes it from them
<p43-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. he takes it away from them, he seizes it from them
FC jc-031297
7. he takes it away from them, he seizes it from them
FC jc-031297

0. they took it from them
FC jc-031297

0. they beat their backs repeatedly

1. they beat their backs repeatedly

FC -> jc-72895
2. they beat their backs repeatedly

3. they beat their backs repeatedly

4. they beat their backs repeatedly

FC jc-031297
5. they beat their backs repeatedly
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they will find it
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. they will make it appear
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. they will find it

3. they will make it appear

0. he gathers it

1. he gathers it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gathers it

3. he gathers it

4. he gathers it
FC jc-031297
5. he gathers it
FC jc-031297

0. they go gathering it

1. they go gathering it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go gathering it

3. they go gathering it

4. they go gathering it
FC jc-031297
5. they go gathering it
FC jc-031297

0. he smells it

1. he smells it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he smells it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he smells it

4. he smells it
FC jc-031297
5. he smells it
FC jc-031297

0. it equals it
FC jc-031297

0. he mixes it in; he stirs it; they mix it; they stir it
1. he mixes it in; he stirs it; they mix it; they stir it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he mixes it in; he stirs it; they mix it; they stir it
3. he mixes it in; he stirs it; they mix it; they stir it
4. he mixes it in; he stirs it; they mix it; they stir it
<p33-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. he mixes it in; he stirs it; they mix it; they stir it
<p33-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. he stirs it <p33-nelihui-caus06>
<p33-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. he mixes it in; he stirs it; they mix it; they stir it
FC jc-031297
8. he mixes it in; he stirs it; they mix it; they stir it
FC jc-031297

0. he fulfills it; he testifies it
FC - > jc-61096

0. he verified it
FC jc-031297

0. they believe it
1. they believe it
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they believe it
3. they believe it
4. they believe it <p33-nelli-toca2>
<p33-nelli-toca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. they believe it <p33-nelli-toca2>
<p33-nelli-toca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. they believe it <p33-nelli-toca2>
<p33-nelli-toca2> FC - > jc-61096
7. they believe it
FC jc-031297
8. they believe it
FC jc-031297

0. they believed him, they had faith in him
FC jc-031297

0. they believed him, they had faith in him; they believed it;
they thought it
FC jc-031297

0. they consider it
FC jc-031297

0. they considered it
FC jc-031297

0. they gathered it
FC jc-031297

0. it is the same as it, it resembles it

1. it is the same as it, it resembles it

FC -> jc-72895
2. it is the same as it, it resembles it

3. it is the same as it, it resembles it

4. it is the same as it, it resembles it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. it is the same as it, it resembles it
FC jc-031297

0. he mixes it
1. he mixes it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he mixes it
3. he mixes it
4. he mixes it <p33-dupl-nelihui-caus06>
<p33-dupl-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. he mixes it <p33-dupl-nelihui-caus06>
<p33-dupl-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. he mixes it <p33-dupl-nelihui-caus06>
<p33-dupl-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. he mixes it <p33-dupl-nelihui-caus06>
<p33-dupl-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
8. he mixes it <p33-dupl-nelihui-caus06>
<p33-dupl-nelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
9. he mixes it
FC jc-031297
10. he mixes it
FC jc-031297

0. they give it a tongue
1. they give it a tongue
FC -> jc-72895
2. they give it a tongue
3. they give it a tongue
4. they give it a tongue <p33-nenetl-pilli-v04a>
<p33-nenetl-pilli-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
5. they give it a tongue <p33-nenetl-pilli-v04a>
<p33-nenetl-pilli-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
6. they give it a tongue <p33-nenetl-pilli-v04a>
<p33-nenetl-pilli-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
7. they give it a tongue <p33-nenetl-pilli-v04a>
<p33-nenetl-pilli-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
8. they give it a tongue
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
9. they give it a tongue
FC jc-031297

0. he longs for her; he uses it; he wants it; he wishes it; it
wants it; it desires it; it wishes it; she wants it; she
wishes it; they want it; they desire it; they wish it

1. he longs for her; he uses it; he wants it; he wishes it; it

wants it; it desires it; it wishes it; she wants it; she
wishes it; they want it; they desire it; they wish it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he longs for her; he uses it; he wants it; he wishes it; it
wants it; it desires it; it wishes it; she wants it; she
wishes it; they want it; they desire it; they wish it

3. he longs for her; he uses it; he wants it; he wishes it; it

wants it; it desires it; it wishes it; she wants it; she
wishes it; they want it; they desire it; they wish it

4. he longs for her; he uses it; he wants it; he wishes it; it

wants it; it desires it; it wishes it; she wants it; she
wishes it; they want it; they desire it; they wish it
FC jc-031297
5. he longs for her; he uses it; he wants it; he wishes it; it
wants it; it desires it; it wishes it; she wants it; she
wishes it; they want it; they desire it; they wish it
FC jc-031297

0. they wanted it
1. they wanted it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they wanted it
3. they wanted it
4. they wanted it <p33-nequi-ya3>
<p33-nequi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they wanted it <p33-nequi-ya3>
<p33-nequi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they wanted it <p33-nequi-ya3>
<p33-nequi-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they wanted it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. they wanted it
FC jc-031297

0. lo va a querer ( he will want it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. he will want it, he will will it; it will want it; it will
wish it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will want it, it will wish it
3. it will want it, it will wish it
4. it will want it, it will wish it <p33-nequi-z>
<p33-nequi-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will want it, it will wish it <p33-nequi-z>
<p33-nequi-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. lo va a querer ( he will want it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. he will want it, he will will it; it will want it; it will
wish it
FC jc-031297
8. he will want it, he will will it; it will want it; it will
wish it
FC jc-031297

0. they will wish it, they will want it

1. they will wish it, they will want it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will wish it, they will want it

3. they will wish it, they will want it

4. they will wish it, they will want it

FC jc-031297
5. they will wish it, they will want it
FC jc-031297

0. niman ompa quihuica in piltontli in teopan, in ompa caquia,
in ompa quipoa, in ompa quinetoltia, thereupon they
carried the girl to the temple; they took her in where she
was assigned, where she was promised
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08 (b6 f17 c39 p210)

1. he promises him; he promises it; he swears it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he promises him; he promises it; he swears it

3. niman ompa quihuica in piltontli in teopan, in ompa caquia,

in ompa quipoa, in ompa quinetoltia, thereupon they
carried the girl to the temple; they took her in where she
was assigned, where she was promised
<p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08 (b6 f17 c39 p210)
4. in ihcuac mochihuaya juramento in ihcuac aca quinetoltia
iconeuh ihuicpa diablome, ahzo occan, anozo excan
quinetoltia, in tlein quinchihuiliz diablome, when an oath
was taken, when someone promised his child to the devils,
in perchance two [temples] or in three he promised what he
would do for the devils <p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08 (b2
f14 c38 p219), 2 in ihcuac mochihuaya juramento in ihcuac
aca quinetoltia iconeuh ihuicpa diablome, ahzo occan, anozo
excan quinetoltia, in tlein quinchihuiliz diablome, when
an oath was taken, when someone promised his child to the
devils, in perchance two [temples] or in three he promised
what he would do for the devils
<p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08 (b2 f14 c38 p219), 3
quitoznequi, quinetoltia, ompa quihuenchihua, quihuenmana
in teopan in calmecac inic tlamacazqui yez, in anozo
telpochtli that is to say, [the parents] promised him,
gave him as a gift, made an offering of him in the temple,
in the calmecac in order that [the boy] would become a
priest or a young [warrior] <p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08
(b3 f3 cap4 p51), 4 intla telpochcali caquia, quinetoltia
quicencahua, in atl in tlacualli, if they put him in the
young men's house, they promised him [to it], they prepared
drink, food <p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08 (b3 f3 cap4 p51),
5 in tlatoani, pilli, teuctli, in anozo aca mocuiltonoa in
ihcuac quinetoltia in caquia inpiltzin quicencahua in atl,
in tlacualli, the ruler, nobleman, lord, or anyone who was
rich, when he vowed that he would put his son [in the
calmecac] prepared drink, food
<p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08 (b3 f4 cap7 p61)
5. he promises him; he promises it; he swears it

6. in ihcuac mochihuaya juramento in ihcuac aca quinetoltia

iconeuh ihuicpa diablome, ahzo occan, anozo excan
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

quinetoltia, in tlein quinchihuiliz diablome, when an oath

was taken, when someone promised his child to the devils,
in perchance two [temples] or in three he promised what he
would do for the devils
<p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08> (b2 f14 c38 p219) JC-7/23/96
7. in ihcuac mochihuaya juramento in ihcuac aca quinetoltia
iconeuh ihuicpa diablome, ahzo occan, anozo excan
quinetoltia, in tlein quinchihuiliz diablome, when an oath
was taken, when someone promised his child to the devils,
in perchance two [temples] or in three he promised what he
would do for the devils
<p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08> (b2 f14 c38 p219) JC-7/23/96
8. quitoznequi, quinetoltia, ompa quihuenchihua, quihuenmana
in teopan in calmecac inic tlamacazqui yez, in anozo
telpochtli that is to say, [the parents] promised him,
gave him as a gift, made an offering of him in the temple,
in the calmecac in order that [the boy] would become a
priest or a young [warrior]
<p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08> (b3 f3 cap4 p51) JC-7/23/96
9. intla telpochcali caquia, quinetoltia quicencahua, in atl
in tlacualli, if they put him in the young men's house,
they promised him [to it], they prepared drink, food
<p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08> (b3 f3 cap4 p51) JC-7/23/96
10. in tlatoani, pilli, teuctli, in anozo aca mocuiltonoa in
ihcuac quinetoltia in caquia inpiltzin quicencahua in atl,
in tlacualli, the ruler, nobleman, lord, or anyone who was
rich, when he vowed that he would put his son [in the
calmecac] prepared drink, food
<p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08> (b3 f4 cap7 p61) JC-7/23/96
11. niman ompa quihuica in piltontli in teopan, in ompa caquia,
in ompa quipoa, in ompa quinetoltia, thereupon they
carried the girl to the temple; they took her in where she
was assigned, where she was promised
<p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08> (b6 f17 c39 p210) JC-7/23/96
12. he promises him; he promises it; he swears it
FC jc-031297
13. he promises him; he promises it; he swears it
FC jc-031297

0. ahzo motlahuitequi piltontli, anozo tlein ipan mochihua,
ihcuac quinetoltiaya, inic ihuicpa tlamacehuaz perhaps
[because] his young son had been struck or for whatever had
befallen him, at that time he promised that he would
perform penances to them <p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3
(b2 f14 c38 p219)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. ahzo motlahuitequi piltontli, anozo tlein ipan mochihua,
ihcuac quinetoltiaya, inic ihuicpa tlamacehuaz perhaps
[because] his young son had been struck or for whatever had
befallen him, at that time he promised that he would
perform penances to them
<p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3> (b2 f14 c38 p219) JC-7/23/96

0. ihuan quinonotzaya in oquichpiltontli, in anozo
cihuapiltontli: quicaquitia in netolli inic quinetoltique,
ihuan in canin quinetoltique: and they advised the boy or
the girl; they informed [the child] of the vow whereby they
had promised him, and of the place where they had promised
him <p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-prt1-plur01 (b6 f17 c40
p213), 2 ihuan quinonotzaya in oquichpiltontli, in anozo
cihuapiltontli: quicaquitia in netolli inic quinetoltique,
ihuan in canin quinetoltique: and they advised the boy or
the girl; they informed [the child] of the vow whereby they
had promised him, and of the place where they had promised
him <p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-prt1-plur01 (b6 f17 c40
1. ihuan quinonotzaya in oquichpiltontli, in anozo
cihuapiltontli: quicaquitia in netolli inic quinetoltique,
ihuan in canin quinetoltique: and they advised the boy or
the girl; they informed [the child] of the vow whereby they
had promised him, and of the place where they had promised
<p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-prt1-plur01> (b6 f17 c40 p213) JC-7/23/96
2. ihuan quinonotzaya in oquichpiltontli, in anozo
cihuapiltontli: quicaquitia in netolli inic quinetoltique,
ihuan in canin quinetoltique: and they advised the boy or
the girl; they informed [the child] of the vow whereby they
had promised him, and of the place where they had promised
<p33-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-prt1-plur01> (b6 f17 c40 p213) JC-7/23/96

0. he will put ashes on it
FC - > jc-61096
1. he will put ashes on it
Verbing jc-030797
2. he will put ashes on it
-huia jc-030797
3. he will put ashes on it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

4. he will put ashes on it
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. he will put ashes on it
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
6. he will put ashes on it
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

0. he displays it; he gains it; he discovers it; he makes it
clear; he reveals it; he provides it; it bodes it; it
signifies it; it indicates it; it causes it to appear; it
displays it; it shows it; it maifests it; it reveals it; it
foretells it; she shows i

1. he displays it; he gains it; he discovers it; he makes it

clear; he reveals it; he provides it; it bodes it; it
signifies it; it indicates it; it causes it to appear; it
displays it; it shows it; it maifests it; it reveals it; it
foretells it; she shows it; they display her; they display
it; they show it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he displays it; he gains it; he discovers it; he makes it
clear; he reveals it; he provides it; it bodes it; it
signifies it; it indicates it; it causes it to appear; it
displays it; it shows it; it maifests it; it reveals it; it
foretells it; she shows i

3. he displays it; he gains it; he discovers it; he makes it

clear; he reveals it; he provides it; it bodes it; it
signifies it; it indicates it; it causes it to appear; it
displays it; it shows it; it maifests it; it reveals it; it
foretells it; she shows i

4. he displays it, he shows it

FC - > jc-61096
5. he displays it; he gains it; he discovers it; he makes it
clear; he reveals it; he provides it; it bodes it; it
signifies it; it indicates it; it causes it to appear; it
displays it; it shows it; it maifests it; it reveals it; it
foretells it; she shows it; they display her; they display
it; they show it
FC jc-031297
6. he displays it; he gains it; he discovers it; he makes it
clear; he reveals it; he provides it; it bodes it; it
signifies it; it indicates it; it causes it to appear; it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

displays it; it shows it; it maifests it; it reveals it; it

foretells it; she shows it; they display her; they display
it; they show it
FC jc-031297

0. quitoa in ihcuac in cacoya
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. quinextia miquiztli: cocoliztli

2. miquiztetzahuitl: they said that when it was heard

3. it signified death or sickness; it was an omen of death

0. he provided it; it indicated it; it signified it; it
revealed it; they revealed it

1. he provided it; it indicated it; it signified it; it

revealed it; they revealed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he provided it; it indicated it; it signified it; it
revealed it; they revealed it

3. he provided it; it indicated it; it signified it; it

revealed it; they revealed it

4. he provided it; it indicated it; it signified it; it

revealed it; they brought it forth; they showed it; they
revealed it
FC jc-031297
5. he provided it; it indicated it; it signified it; it
revealed it; they brought it forth; they showed it; they
revealed it
FC jc-031297

0. he discloses it to him, he shows it to him
1. he disclosed it to him, he showed it to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he discloses it to him, he shows it to him
3. he discloses it to him, he shows it to him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he discloses it to him, he shows it to him

<p33-ne:ci-caus02-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he discloses it to him, he shows it to him
<p33-ne:ci-caus02-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he discloses it to him, he shows it to him
<p33-ne:ci-caus02-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he discloses it to him, he shows it to him
<p33-ne:ci-caus02-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he disclosed it to him, he showed it to him
FC jc-031297
9. he disclosed it to him, he showed it to him
FC jc-031297

0. they discovered it
1. they discovered it; they invented it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they discovered it
3. they discovered it
4. they discovered it <p33-ne:ci-caus02-prt1-plur01>
<p33-ne:ci-caus02-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they discovered it <p33-ne:ci-caus02-prt1-plur01>
<p33-ne:ci-caus02-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they discovered it; they invented it
FC jc-031297
7. they discovered it; they invented it
FC jc-031297

0. they go displaying it

1. they go displaying it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go displaying it

3. they go displaying it

4. they go displaying it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they go displaying it
FC jc-031297

0. she signifies it, it denotes it, it makes it evident, it
shows it
1. it denotes it, it makes it evident; it shows it; she
signifies it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she signifies it, it denotes it, it makes it evident, it
shows it
3. she signifies it, it denotes it, it makes it evident, it
shows it
4. she signifies it <p33-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08>
<p33-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. she signifies it <p33-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08>
<p33-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. she signifies it <p33-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08>
<p33-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. she signifies it <p33-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08>
<p33-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
8. she signifies it <p33-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08>
<p33-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
9. she signifies it <p33-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08>
<p33-ne:ci-prt1-ca:5-yo:tl1-v04b-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
10. it denotes it, it makes it evident; it shows it; she
signifies it
FC jc-031297
11. it denotes it, it makes it evident; it shows it; she
signifies it
FC jc-031297

0. it eats them up
FC jc-031297

0. he brought them

1. he brought them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he brought them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he brought them

4. he brought them
FC jc-031297
5. he brought them
FC jc-031297

0. they accompanied them

1. they accompanied them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they accompanied them

3. they accompanied them

4. them brought them in; they accompanied them

FC jc-031297
5. them brought them in; they accompanied them
FC jc-031297

0. they brought them, they carried them here

1. they brought them, they carried them here

FC -> jc-72895
2. they brought them, they carried them here

3. they brought them, they carried them here

4. they brought them, they carried them here

FC jc-031297
5. they brought them, they carried them here
FC jc-031297

0. they take each of them
FC jc-031297

0. he sends them

1. he sends them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sends them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he sends them

4. he sends them
FC jc-031297
5. he sends them
FC jc-031297

0. he said to them
1. he said to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he said to them
3. he said to them
4. he said to them <p43-hua:l-ilhuia:-prt1>
<p43-hua:l-ilhuia:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he said to them <p43-hua:l-ilhuia:-prt1>
<p43-hua:l-ilhuia:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he said to them <p43-hua:l-ilhuia:-prt1>
<p43-hua:l-ilhuia:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. za ixquich inic quinhualnanquili: **quinhualilhui** Quennel
mocechtle he only answered them in this way; he said to
them: "what now, o my warriors?
(b12 f2 p34) jc-022297
8. he said to them
FC jc-031297
9. he said to them
FC jc-031297

0. auh in ye ic nahuilhuitl, **quinhualilhuia**:
amechmotolinilia in ichpochtontli: and when it was already
the fourth day, [the parents of the maiden] said to them:
"the maiden hath caused you trouble"
(b6 f11 p128) jc-022297
1. auh in mayehuatzin, **quinhualilhuia** in antlapalpopol and
mayeuatzin replied to them: "you vagabonds!
(b12 f6 p96) jc-022297

0. ihuan quinhualnahuatique **quinhualilhuique**: xihuian and
[the spaniards] addressed them; they said to them: "go!
(b12 f1 p6) jc-022297
1. niman **quinhualilhuique** Ac amehuan? then [the spaniards]
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

addressed them: "who are you?

(b12 f1 p13) jc-022297
2. oc ceppa **quinhualilhuique** Acazomo, again [the
spaniards] addressed them: "perhaps not"
(b12 f1 p13) jc-022297
3. they said it to them
FC jc-031297
4. they said it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they lay watching them
FC jc-031297

0. they followed pursuing them
FC jc-031297

0. he gave it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they gave it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they laid them out

1. they laid them out

FC -> jc-72895
2. they laid them out

3. they laid them out

4. they laid them out

FC jc-031297
5. they laid them out
FC jc-031297

0. they shoot them with arrows

1. they shoot them with arrows

FC -> jc-72895
2. they shoot them with arrows
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they shoot them with arrows

4. they shoot them with arrows

FC jc-031297
5. they shoot them with arrows
FC jc-031297

0. they addressed them, they commanded them
FC jc-031297

0. they meet them, they contend against them
FC -> jc-72895
1. they meet them, they contend against them
FC jc-031297
2. they meet them, they contend against them
FC jc-031297

0. he answered them
1. he answered them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he answered them
3. he answered them
4. he answered them <p43-hua:l-na:nquilia:-prt1>
<p43-hua:l-na:nquilia:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he answered them <p43-hua:l-na:nquilia:-prt1>
<p43-hua:l-na:nquilia:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he answered them <p43-hua:l-na:nquilia:-prt1>
<p43-hua:l-na:nquilia:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he answered them <p43-hua:l-na:nquilia:-prt1>
<p43-hua:l-na:nquilia:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
8. he answered them
FC jc-031297
9. he answered them
FC jc-031297

0. they answered them
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they called out to them
FC jc-031297

0. it takes them out, it removes them
1. it takes them out, it removes them
FC -> jc-72895
2. it takes them out, it removes them
3. it takes them out, it removes them
4. it takes them out, it removes them
<p43-hua:l-dupl-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. it takes them out, it removes them
<p43-hua:l-dupl-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. it takes them out, it removes them
<p43-hua:l-dupl-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
7. it takes them out, it removes them
<p43-hua:l-dupl-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
8. it takes them out, it removes them
<p43-hua:l-dupl-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
9. it takes them out, it removes them
FC jc-031297
10. it takes them out, it removes them
FC jc-031297

0. he led them out

1. he led them out

FC -> jc-72895
2. he led them out

3. he led them out

4. he led them out

FC jc-031297
5. he led them out
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it brings them out

1. it brings them out

FC -> jc-72895
2. it brings them out

3. it brings them out

4. it brings them out

FC jc-031297
5. it brings them out
FC jc-031297

0. they let them come out, they brought them out

1. they let them come out, they brought them out

FC -> jc-72895
2. they let them come out, they brought them out

3. they let them come out, they brought them out

4. they let them come out, they brought them out

FC jc-031297
5. they let them come out, they brought them out
FC jc-031297

0. he makes them go down, he makes them descend

1. he makes them go down, he makes them descend

FC -> jc-72895
2. he makes them go down, he makes them descend

3. he makes them go down, he makes them descend

4. he makes them go down, he makes them descend

FC jc-031297
5. he makes them go down, he makes them descend
FC jc-031297

0. they let them descend, they allowed them to go down
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he scatters them

1. he scatters them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he scatters them

3. he scatters them

4. he scatters them
FC jc-031297
5. he scatters them
FC jc-031297

0. he leads them, he guides them
FC jc-031297

0. they guided them

1. they guided them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they guided them

3. they guided them

4. they guided them

FC jc-031297
5. they guided them
FC jc-031297

0. they beat the drums for them
FC jc-031297

0. it brings them; it takes them; it carries them along; they
take them; they carry them; they accompany them; they
conduct them
1. it brings them; it takes them; it carries them along
FC -> jc-72895
2. they take them; they accompany them; they carry them; they
conduct them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
3. it brings them; it takes them; it carries them along; they
take them; they carry them; they accompany them; they
conduct them
4. it brings them; it takes them; it carries them along; they
take them; they carry them; they accompany them; they
conduct them
5. it brings them; it takes them; it carries them along; they
take them; they carry them; they accompany them; they
conduct them <p43-hui:ca>
<p43-hui:ca> FC - > jc-61096
6. it brings them; it takes them; it carries them along
FC jc-031297
7. they accompany them; they take them; they carry them; they
conduct them
FC jc-031297
8. it brings them; it takes them; it carries them along
FC jc-031297
9. they accompany them; they take them; they carry them; they
conduct them
FC jc-031297

0. he took them, he carried them
FC jc-031297

0. they took them, they escorted them

1. they took them, they escorted them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they took them, they escorted them

3. they took them, they escorted them

4. they took them, they escorted them

5. they took them, they escorted them

6. they took them, they escorted them <p43-hui:ca-plur01>
<p43-hui:ca-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they took them, they carried them; they escorted them
FC jc-031297
8. they took them, they carried them; they escorted them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. auh in ye iuhqui: niman ye ic quinhuicatze,
quinyacantihuitze, in ixquichtin otenamiquito,
motecpantihuitze, and when this had taken place, thereupon
all who had gone to meet them proceeded accompanying them,
guiding them; came formed in rows (b9 f1 p4), in oconique
niman ye ic quinhuicatze: when they had drunk, then they
brought them away (b9 f5 p63)

0. they took them, they carried them

1. they took them, they carried them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they took them, they carried them

3. they took them, they carried them

4. they took them; they carried them

FC jc-031297
5. they took them; they carried them
FC jc-031297

0. he will carry them off; he will take them

1. he will carry them off; he will take them

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will carry them off; he will take them

3. he will carry them off

4. he will take them
5. he will carry them off; he will take them

6. he will carry them off

7. he will take them
8. he will carry them off <p43-qui:ca-z>
<p43-qui:ca-z> FC - > jc-61096
9. he will take them <p43-hui:ca-z>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p43-hui:ca-z> FC - > jc-61096

10. he will carry them off; he will take them
FC jc-031297
11. he will carry them off; he will take them
FC jc-031297

0. they will bring them
FC jc-031297

0. they carry them
1. they carry them; they take each of them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they carry them
3. they carry them
4. they carry them <p43-dupl-hui:ca>
<p43-dupl-hui:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. they carry them <p43-dupl-hui:ca>
<p43-dupl-hui:ca> FC - > jc-61096
6. they carry them <p43-dupl-hui:ca>
<p43-dupl-hui:ca> FC - > jc-61096
7. they carry them; they take each of them; they accompany
each of them; they take them
FC jc-031297
8. they carry them; they take each of them; they accompany
each of them; they take them
FC jc-031297

0. auh in toquichtin quinhuihuicatze in incicihuahuan in aca
quiquechpanoa in ipiltzin: and as for us men, each one took
his woman; one or another carried his child upon his
shoulders (b12 f6 p89)

0. they beat them

1. they beat them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they beat them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they beat them

4. they beat them

FC jc-031297
5. they beat them
FC jc-031297

0. he provides them with blouses

1. he provides them with blouses

FC -> jc-72895
2. he provides them with blouses

3. he provides them with blouses

4. he provides them with blouses

FC jc-031297
5. he provides them with blouses
FC jc-031297

0. niman ie ic tenamoyelo: auh cequintin nipa
quiniacatzacuilico in tiyacahuan thereupon the people were
robbed, but some of the brave warriors came from a distance
to cut off [the foe] (b12 f8 p115)

0. in time, at that time
1. in time, at that time
FC -> jc-72895
2. in time, at that time
3. in time, at that time
4. in time, at that time <quin-ihcua:c>
<quin-ihcua:c> FC - > jc-61096
5. in time, at that time
FC jc-031297
6. in time, at that time
FC jc-031297

0. afterwards, then; later; at that time
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. afterwards, later; then; at that time
FC -> jc-72895
2. afterwards, then; later; at that time
3. afterwards, then; later; at that time
4. afterwards, then; at that time <quin-ihcua:c>
<quin-ihcua:c> FC - > jc-61096
5. afterwards, then; later; at that time <quin-ihcua:c>
<quin-ihcua:c> FC - > jc-61096
6. afterwards, later; then; at that time
FC jc-031297
7. afterwards, later; then; at that time
FC jc-031297

0. he carries it for them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they give it to them
1. he gives it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they give it to them; they offer it to them
FC -> jc-72895
3. they give it to them
4. they give it to them
5. they give it to them <p43-maca>
<p43-maca> FC - > jc-61096
6. he gives it to them
FC jc-031297
7. they give it to them; they offer it to them
FC jc-031297
8. he gives it to them
FC jc-031297
9. they give it to them; they offer it to them
FC jc-031297

0. he gave it to them
1. he gave it to them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he gave it to them
3. he gave it to them
4. he gave it to them <p43-maca-prt2>
<p43-maca-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he gave it to them
FC jc-031297
6. he gave it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they gave it to them, they offered it to them; they gave
them to them
1. they gave it to them; they offered it to them; they gave
them to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they gave it to them, they offered it to them; they gave
them to them
3. they gave it to them, they offered it to them; they gave
them to them
4. they gave it to them, they offered it to them; they gave
them to them <p43-maca-plur01>
<p43-maca-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they gave it to them; they offered it to them; they gave
them to them
FC jc-031297
6. they gave it to them; they offered it to them; they gave
them to them
FC jc-031297

0. they went to give it to them, they went to offer it to them
1. they went to give it to them, they went to offer it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to give it to them, they went to offer it to them
3. they went to give it to them, they went to offer it to them
4. they went to give it to them, they went to offer it to them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p43-maca-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096

5. they went to give it to them, they went to offer it to them
FC jc-031297
6. they went to give it to them, they went to offer it to them
FC jc-031297

0. he gave it to them; he offered it to them; they gave it to
them; they served it to them
1. he gave it to them; he offered it to them; they gave it to
them; they served it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gave it to them; he offered it to them; they gave it to
them; they served it to them
3. he gave it to them; he offered it to them; they gave it to
them; they served it to them
4. he gave it to them; he offered it to them; they gave it to
them; they served it to them <p43-maca-ya3>
<p43-maca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he gave it to them; he offered it to them; they gave it to
them; they served it to them
FC jc-031297
6. he gave it to them; he offered it to them; they gave it to
them; they served it to them
FC jc-031297

0. se lo va a dar ( he will give it to them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. he will give it to them, he will offer it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will give it to them, he will offer it to them
3. he will give it to them, he will offer it to them
4. he will give it to them, he will offer it to them
<p43-maca-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. se lo va a dar ( he will give it to them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
6. he will give it to them, he will offer it to them
FC jc-031297
7. he will give it to them, he will offer it to them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they placed a sign on them
FC jc-031297

0. it informs them
FC jc-031297

0. he receives it from them
1. he receives it from them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he receives it from them
3. he receives it from them
4. he receives it from them <p43-ma:itl-cui-ben>
<p43-ma:itl-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. he receives it from them <p43-ma:itl-cui-ben>
<p43-ma:itl-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. he receives it from them <p43-ma:itl-cui-ben>
<p43-ma:itl-cui-ben> FC - > jc-61096
7. he receives it from them
FC jc-031297
8. he receives it from them
FC jc-031297

0. they gave aunts to them
FC jc-031297

0. quintlatlattilia, quimiipantia, quinpapantia,
quinpapanitia, in quenami quinmacazque altepetl ipan
tlatoque: inic nononcua quinmahuiztilia, quinhuecapano,
intetlahuicalhuan what each thought best, or sought out, or
what was fitting for him, or suited his liking, or his
rank, they gave the lords over the cities; [the ruler]
servants thus honored and gave preference to each [of the
lords] individually <p43-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04 (b4 f9 c25
1. quintlatlattilia, quimiipantia, quinpapantia,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

quinpapanitia, in quenami quinmacazque altepetl ipan

tlatoque: inic nononcua quinmahuiztilia, quinhuecapano,
intetlahuicalhuan what each thought best, or sought out, or
what was fitting for him, or suited his liking, or his
rank, they gave the lords over the cities; [the ruler]
servants thus honored and gave preference to each [of the
lords] individually
<p43-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04> (b4 f9 c25 p88) JC-7/23/96

0. ihuan quinmahuiztiliaya, ihuan ixpan tlamanaya, ahzo
tlatoani, anozo cihuapilli and they paid them honor, and
either the ruler or a noblewoman laid offerings before them
<p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b1 f3 cAp p59), 2 in iuh
quichihuaya hi, ca ic quinmahuiztiliaya in inyaohuan, in
intecocolicahuan, in intetolinicahua: in atle intech
monequi mahuizzotl, in atle intech momonequi
tetlazotlaliztli: such they did in order to pay honor to
their adversaries, their enemies, those who ill-treated
them --who required no honor, who required no love
<p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b1 f4 cAp p64), 3 auh in
oquinpicque, niman, imixpan tlamanaya, imixpan cuicuicaya,
miec tlamantli, imixpan quichihuaya; inic
quinmahuiztiliaya: and when they had formed them, then
they laid offerings before them, they sang before them,
they did many things in their presence in order to pay them
honor <p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b1 f5 cAp p74), 4 b
izcatqui no quichihuaya, in huehuetque, inic
quinmahuiztiliaya in tetepe: quinchihuaya tepicme,
iuhquinma titlaca, b behold also [what] the ancients did
in order to pay honor to the mountains: they made tepicme
like men <p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b1 f5 cAp p75), 5
auh no ihuan in icpac, oncan mamanca tetl yahualtic, cenca
huehuei, quitocayotiaya techcatl, in ipan tlamictiaya: inic
quinmahuiztiliaya inteohuan: and also at the top [of the
pyramid] were circular stones, very large, called techcatl
[sacrificial stones], upon which they slew victims in order
to pay honor to their gods <p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3
(b2 f11 c38 p178), 6 auh cenca quinmahuiztiliaya in
moteuczoma, and greatly did moctezuma honor them
<p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b2 f12 c38 p191), 7 auh
inic cenca quinmahuiztiliaya in oncan inchielpan in
izquican cicihuateocalco, and therefore they paid them
great honor there in the places where they were awaited,
there in the different goddesses temples
<p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b4 f10 c33 p106), 8
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

yehuatl in: inic quinmahuiztiliaya in tlatoque: these were

to pay honor to the lords <p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b9
f3 c7 p35), 9 oppa in quinmahuiztiliaya: ihcuac in
motenehua panquetzaliztli: inic oppa ihcuac in mitoa
tlaxochimaco, cihua moxochimaca they paid honor to them
twice: when it was [the month] called panquetzaliztli;
secondly, when it was [the month] called tlaxochimaco--when
the women gave one another flowers
<p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b9 f7 c19 p87), 10 za
mixcahuiaya in quinmahuiztiliaya omentin cihua in xiuhtlati
ihuan xilo: tel ic quincenmahuiztiliaya in inteohuan: they
concerned themselves only with paying honor to the two
women, xiuhtlati and xilo, although in doing so they did
honor to all their gods <p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3 (b9
f7 c19 p88)
1. in yehuan titici, oc cenca yehuan quinmahuiztiliaya,
cecenyaca quintlamaniliaya in inchachan, the midwives
especially paid them honor; each one individually made
offerings to them in her own home
<p43-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3 (b4 f9 c27 p92)
2. ihuan quinmahuiztiliaya, ihuan ixpan tlamanaya, ahzo
tlatoani, anozo cihuapilli and they paid them honor, and
either the ruler or a noblewoman laid offerings before them
<p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b1 f3 cAp p59) JC-7/23/96
3. in iuh quichihuaya hi, ca ic quinmahuiztiliaya in
inyaohuan, in intecocolicahuan, in intetolinicahua: in atle
intech monequi mahuizzotl, in atle intech momonequi
tetlazotlaliztli: such they did in order to pay honor to
their adversaries, their enemies, those who ill-treated
them --who required no honor, who required no love
<p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b1 f4 cAp p64) JC-7/23/96
4. auh in oquinpicque, niman, imixpan tlamanaya, imixpan
cuicuicaya, miec tlamantli, imixpan quichihuaya; inic
quinmahuiztiliaya: and when they had formed them, then
they laid offerings before them, they sang before them,
they did many things in their presence in order to pay them
<p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b1 f5 cAp p74) JC-7/23/96
5. b izcatqui no quichihuaya, in huehuetque, inic
quinmahuiztiliaya in tetepe: quinchihuaya tepicme,
iuhquinma titlaca, b behold also [what] the ancients did
in order to pay honor to the mountains: they made tepicme
like men
<p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b1 f5 cAp p75) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. auh no ihuan in icpac, oncan mamanca tetl yahualtic, cenca

huehuei, quitocayotiaya techcatl, in ipan tlamictiaya: inic
quinmahuiztiliaya inteohuan: and also at the top [of the
pyramid] were circular stones, very large, called techcatl
[sacrificial stones], upon which they slew victims in order
to pay honor to their gods
<p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b2 f11 c38 p178) JC-7/23/96
7. auh cenca quinmahuiztiliaya in moteuczoma, and greatly did
moctezuma honor them
<p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b2 f12 c38 p191) JC-7/23/96
8. auh inic cenca quinmahuiztiliaya in oncan inchielpan in
izquican cicihuateocalco, and therefore they paid them
great honor there in the places where they were awaited,
there in the different goddesses temples
<p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b4 f10 c33 p106) JC-7/23/96
9. yehuatl in: inic quinmahuiztiliaya in tlatoque: these were
to pay honor to the lords
<p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b9 f3 c7 p35) JC-7/23/96
10. oppa in quinmahuiztiliaya: ihcuac in motenehua
panquetzaliztli: inic oppa ihcuac in mitoa tlaxochimaco,
cihua moxochimaca they paid honor to them twice: when it
was [the month] called panquetzaliztli; secondly, when it
was [the month] called tlaxochimaco--when the women gave
one another flowers
<p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b9 f7 c19 p87) JC-7/23/96
11. za mixcahuiaya in quinmahuiztiliaya omentin cihua in
xiuhtlati ihuan xilo: tel ic quincenmahuiztiliaya in
inteohuan: they concerned themselves only with paying
honor to the two women, xiuhtlati and xilo, although in
doing so they did honor to all their gods
<p43-mahui-liz-v01-caus04-ya3> (b9 f7 c19 p88) JC-7/23/96
12. in yehuan titici, oc cenca yehuan quinmahuiztiliaya,
cecenyaca quintlamaniliaya in inchachan, the midwives
especially paid them honor; each one individually made
offerings to them in her own home
<p43-mahui-liz-v01a-caus04-ya3> (b4 f9 c27 p92) JC-7/23/96

0. auh in ixquichtin tiacahuan, tlamanime, quinmahuizyotia,
miyec tlamantli inic quimicnelia, and he accorded honor to
all the brave warriors and captors; with many things did he
favor them <p43-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08 (b8 f4 c18 p65)
1. auh in ixquichtin tiacahuan, tlamanime, quinmahuizyotia,
miyec tlamantli inic quimicnelia, and he accorded honor to
all the brave warriors and captors; with many things did he
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

favor them
<p43-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> (b8 f4 c18 p65) JC-7/23/96

0. ipampa ca quixtoca, ipan mixpoa, quimototoquilia in iauh,
in itlacual, in itilma, inic ipal nemizque,
ipallaquemizque, quinmahuizzotiz, etx this was because in
this way they sought, dedicated themselves to, and gained
their drink and food, and their capes, through the help of
which they would live and have raiment; and he would honor
them, etc <p43-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-z (b4 f9 c26 p89)
1. ipampa ca quixtoca, ipan mixpoa, quimototoquilia in iauh,
in itlacual, in itilma, inic ipal nemizque,
ipallaquemizque, quinmahuizzotiz, etx this was because in
this way they sought, dedicated themselves to, and gained
their drink and food, and their capes, through the help of
which they would live and have raiment; and he would honor
them, etc
<p43-mahui-liz-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-z> (b4 f9 c26 p89) JC-7/23/96

0. they bears them
1. they bears them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they bears them
3. they bears them
4. they bears them <p43-ma:ma:>
<p43-ma:ma:> FC - > jc-61096
5. they bear them on their backs, they carry them; they bears
FC jc-031297
6. they bear them on their backs, they carry them; they bears
FC jc-031297

0. they give it to them
1. they give it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they give it to them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they give it to them

4. they give it to them <p43-dupl-maca>
<p43-dupl-maca> FC - > jc-61096
5. they give it to them <p43-dupl-maca>
<p43-dupl-maca> FC - > jc-61096
6. they give it to them <p43-dupl-maca>
<p43-dupl-maca> FC - > jc-61096
7. they give it to them
FC jc-031297
8. they give it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they carry them on their backs
FC -> jc-72895
1. they carry them on their backs <p43-ma:ma:-caus02>
<p43-ma:ma:-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
2. they carry them on their backs
FC jc-031297
3. they carry them on their backs
FC jc-031297

0. they carry them on their backs

1. they carry them on their backs

FC -> jc-72895
2. they carry them on their backs

3. they carry them on their backs

4. they carry them on their backs

FC jc-031297
5. they carry them on their backs
FC jc-031297

0. he frightens them, he causes them fear

1. he frightens them, he causes them fear

FC -> jc-72895
2. he frightens them, he causes them fear

3. he frightens them, he causes them fear
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he frightens them, he causes them fear

FC jc-031297
5. he frightens them, he causes them fear
FC jc-031297

0. they quickly throw them aside
<p43-dupl-ma:yahui-ti1-e:hua aux05>
1. they quickly throw them aside
FC -> jc-72895
2. they quickly throw them aside
<p43-dupl-ma:yahui-ti1-e:hua aux05>
3. they quickly throw them aside
<p43-dupl-ma:yahui-ti1-e:hua aux05>
4. they quickly throw them aside <p43-dupl-ma:yahui-ti1-e:hua
<p43-dupl-ma:yahui-ti1-e:hua aux05> FC - > jc-61096
5. they quickly throw them aside <p43-dupl-ma:yahui-ti1-e:hua
<p43-dupl-ma:yahui-ti1-e:hua aux05> FC - > jc-61096
6. they quickly throw them aside <p43-dupl-ma:yahui-ti1-e:hua
<p43-dupl-ma:yahui-ti1-e:hua aux05> FC - > jc-61096
7. they quickly throw them aside <p43-dupl-ma:yahui-ti1-e:hua
<p43-dupl-ma:yahui-ti1-e:hua aux05> FC - > jc-61096
8. they quickly throw them aside <p43-dupl-ma:yahui-ti1-e:hua
<p43-dupl-ma:yahui-ti1-e:hua aux05> FC - > jc-61096
9. they quickly throw them aside
FC jc-031297
10. they quickly throw them aside
FC jc-031297

0. he placed them, he grouped them
FC jc-031297

0. they offer it to them
1. they offer it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they offer it to them
3. they offer it to them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they offer it to them <p43-mani-caus09-ben>
<p43-mani-caus09-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. they offer it to them <p43-mani-caus09-ben>
<p43-mani-caus09-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. they offer it to them <p43-mani-caus09-ben>
<p43-mani-caus09-ben> FC - > jc-61096
7. they offer it to them
FC jc-031297
8. they offer it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they offered it to them
1. they offered it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they offered it to them
3. they offered it to them
4. they offered it to them <p43-mani-caus09-ben-ya3>
<p43-mani-caus09-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they offered it to them <p43-mani-caus09-ben-ya3>
<p43-mani-caus09-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they offered it to them <p43-mani-caus09-ben-ya3>
<p43-mani-caus09-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they offered it to them <p43-mani-caus09-ben-ya3>
<p43-mani-caus09-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they offered it to them
FC jc-031297
9. they offered it to them
FC jc-031297

0. he knows of them; it knows them; it feels them
FC jc-031297

0. he provides them with breechcloths

1. he provides them with breechcloths

FC -> jc-72895
2. he provides them with breechcloths

3. he provides them with breechcloths
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he provides them with breechcloths

FC jc-031297
5. he provides them with breechcloths
FC jc-031297

0. he killed them
1. he killed them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he killed them
3. he killed them
4. he killed them <p43-miqui-caus02-prt1>
<p43-miqui-caus02-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he killed them
FC jc-031297
6. he killed them
FC jc-031297

0. he kills them; it kills them; they abuse them; they kill
1. he kills them; it kills them; they abuse them; they kill
FC -> jc-72895
2. he kills them; it kills them; they abuse them; they kill
3. he kills them; it kills them; they abuse them; they kill
4. he kills them; it kills them; they abuse them; they kill
them <p43-miqui-caus02>
<p43-miqui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. he kills them; it kills them; they abuse them; they kill
FC jc-031297
6. he kills them; it kills them; they abuse them; they kill
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they punished them; they killed them

1. she killed them; they killed them; they punished them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they punished them; they killed them
3. they punished them; they killed them
4. she killed them; they punished them; they killed them
<p43-miqui-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they punished them; they killed them <p43-miqui-caus02-ya3>
<p43-miqui-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. she killed them; they killed them; they punished them
FC jc-031297
7. she killed them; they killed them; they punished them
FC jc-031297

0. they killed them
1. they killed them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they killed them
3. they killed them
4. they killed them <p43-miqui-caus02-prt1-plur01>
<p43-miqui-caus02-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they killed them
FC jc-031297
6. they killed them
FC jc-031297

0. they will slay them, they will kill them
1. they will slay them, they will kill them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will slay them, they will kill them
3. they will slay them, they will kill them
4. they will slay them, they will kill them
<p43-miqui-caus02-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they will slay them, they will kill them

FC jc-031297
6. they will slay them, they will kill them
FC jc-031297

0. they represented them

1. they represented them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they represented them

3. they represented them

4. they represented them

FC jc-031297
5. they represented them
FC jc-031297

0. he will give himself to them
FC jc-031297

0. he [h] selected them, he pointed his finger at them

1. he [ h ] selected them, he pointed his finger at them

FC -> jc-72895
2. he [h] selected them, he pointed his finger at them

3. he [h] selected them, he pointed his finger at them

4. he [ h ] selected them, he pointed his finger at them

FC jc-031297
5. he [ h ] selected them, he pointed his finger at them
FC jc-031297

0. he [h] draws them forth

1. he [ h ] draws them forth

FC -> jc-72895
2. he [h] draws them forth

3. he [h] draws them forth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he [ h ] draws them forth

FC jc-031297
5. he [ h ] draws them forth
FC jc-031297

0. they worshipped them
1. they worshipped them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they worshipped them
3. they worshipped them
4. they worshipped them <p43-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08-ya3>
<p43-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they worshipped them <p43-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08-ya3>
<p43-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they worshipped them <p43-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08-ya3>
<p43-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they worshipped them <p43-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08-ya3>
<p43-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they worshipped them
FC jc-031297
9. they worshipped them
FC jc-031297

0. they worshipped them
1. they worshipped them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they worshipped them
3. they worshipped them
4. they worshipped them <p43-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08--plur01>
<p43-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08--plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they worshipped them <p43-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08--plur01>
<p43-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08--plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they worshipped them <p43-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08--plur01>
<p43-p54-teo:tl-v04b-caus08--plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they worshipped them
FC jc-031297
8. they worshipped them
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it will engage them, it will hire them
FC jc-031297

0. he threw [stones] at them; they threw [stones] at them

1. he threw [ stones ] at them; they threw [ stones ] at them

FC -> jc-72895
2. he threw [stones] at them; they threw [stones] at them

3. he threw [stones] at them; they threw [stones] at them

4. he threw [ stones ] at them; they threw [ stones ] at them

FC jc-031297
5. he threw [ stones ] at them; they threw [ stones ] at them
FC jc-031297

0. it preys on them

1. it preys on them
FC -> jc-72895
2. it preys on them

3. it preys on them

4. it preys on them
FC jc-031297
5. it preys on them
FC jc-031297

0. they pierced their ears

1. they pierced their ears

FC -> jc-72895
2. they pierced their ears

3. they pierced their ears

4. they pierced their ears

FC jc-031297
5. they pierced their ears
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he cuts their ears with a flint knife
FC jc-031297

0. they did cut their ears

1. they did cut their ears

FC -> jc-72895
2. they did cut their ears

3. they did cut their ears

4. they did cut their ears

FC jc-031297
5. they did cut their ears
FC jc-031297

0. they perforated their ears

1. they perforated their ears

FC -> jc-72895
2. they perforated their ears

3. they perforated their ears

4. they perforated their ears

FC jc-031297
5. they perforated their ears
FC jc-031297

0. they went to spy on them
FC jc-031297

0. he commands them
FC jc-031297

0. he commanded them
1. he commanded them
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he commanded them
3. he commanded them
4. he commanded them <p43-na:huatl-v04a-ben-ya3>
<p43-na:huatl-v04a-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he commanded them <p43-na:huatl-v04a-ben-ya3>
<p43-na:huatl-v04a-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he commanded them <p43-na:huatl-v04a-ben-ya3>
<p43-na:huatl-v04a-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he commanded them <p43-na:huatl-v04a-ben-ya3>
<p43-na:huatl-v04a-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he commanded them <p43-na:huatl-v04a-ben-ya3>
<p43-na:huatl-v04a-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. he commanded them
FC jc-031297
10. he commanded them
FC jc-031297

0. they embraced them

1. they embraced them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they embraced them

3. they embraced them

4. they embraced them

FC jc-031297
5. they embraced them
FC jc-031297

0. he sells them

1. he sells them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sells them

3. he sells them

4. he sells them
FC jc-031297
5. he sells them
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they sold them
1. they sold them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they sold them
3. they sold them
4. they sold them <p43-namaca-ya3>
<p43-namaca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they sold them <p43-namaca-ya3>
<p43-namaca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they sold them <p43-namaca-ya3>
<p43-namaca-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they sold them
FC jc-031297
8. they sold them
FC jc-031297

0. he confronts them, he meets them; they met them; they meet
them; they contend against them; they confront them; they
encounter them [in battle]
1. he confronts them, he meets them; they confront them; they
encounter them [ in battle ]; they meet them; they contend
against them; they met them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he confronts them, he meets them; they met them; they meet
them; they contend against them; they confront them; they
encounter them [in battle]
3. he confronts them, he meets them; they met them; they meet
them; they contend against them; they confront them; they
encounter them [in battle]
4. he confronts them, he meets them; they met them; they meet
them; they contend against them; they confront them; they
encounter them [ in battle ] <p43-na:miqui>
<p43-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
5. he confronts them, he meets them; they met them; they meet
them; they contend against them; they confront them; they
encounter them [ in battle ] <p43-na:miqui>
<p43-na:miqui> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. he confronts them, he meets them; they confront them; they

encounter them [ in battle ]; they meet them; they contend
against them; they met them
FC jc-031297
7. he confronts them, he meets them; they confront them; they
encounter them [ in battle ]; they meet them; they contend
against them; they met them
FC jc-031297

0. he went to meet them; they went to contend with them; they
went to meet them

1. he went to meet them; they went to contend with them; they

went to meet them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he went to meet them; they went to contend with them; they
went to meet them

3. he went to meet them; they went to contend with them; they

went to meet them

4. he went to meet them; they went to contend with them; they

went to meet them
FC jc-031297
5. he went to meet them; they went to contend with them; they
went to meet them
FC jc-031297

0. he will meet them; he will contend with them

1. he will meet them; he will contend with them

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will meet them; he will contend with them

3. he will meet them; he will contend with them

4. he will meet them; he will contend with them

FC jc-031297
5. he will meet them; he will contend with them
FC jc-031297

0. they answered them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they answered them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they answered them
3. they answered them
4. they answered them <p43-na:nquilia:-ya3>
<p43-na:nquilia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they answered them <p43-na:nquilia:-ya3>
<p43-na:nquilia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they answered them <p43-na:nquilia:-ya3>
<p43-na:nquilia:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they answered them
FC jc-031297
8. they answered them
FC jc-031297

0. they answered them
1. they answered them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they answered them
3. they answered them
4. they answered them <p43-na:nquilia:-prt1-plur01>
<p43-na:nquilia:-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they answered them <p43-na:nquilia:-prt1-plur01>
<p43-na:nquilia:-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they answered them
FC jc-031297
7. they answered them
FC jc-031297

0. they maintained them
1. they let them live; they maintained them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they maintained them
3. they maintained them
4. they let them live; they maintained them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p43-nemi-caus03-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

5. they let them live; they maintained them
<p43-nemi-caus03-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they maintained them <p43-nemi-caus02-ya3>
<p43-nemi-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they let them live; they maintained them
FC jc-031297
8. they let them live; they maintained them
FC jc-031297

0. in tlatoque in pipilti, ihuan in oc cequintin huel nanti,
huel tati, zan yen ompa in quimaquia in quinnetoltia in
inpilhuan, in calmecac: ihuan in oc cequintin in aquin
quinequi, rulers, noblemen, and still others, well
mothered, well sired, these same entered their children,
promised them, there in the calmecac; and still others [did
so] who wished it <p43-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08 (b3 f4 cap7
1. in tlatoque in pipilti, ihuan in oc cequintin huel nanti,
huel tati, zan yen ompa in quimaquia in quinnetoltia in
inpilhuan, in calmecac: ihuan in oc cequintin in aquin
quinequi, rulers, noblemen, and still others, well
mothered, well sired, these same entered their children,
promised them, there in the calmecac; and still others [did
so] who wished it
<p43-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08> (b3 f4 cap7 p61) JC-7/23/96

0. ic cempoalli oncaxtolli onnahui capitulo, oncan mitoa: in
quenin tenanhuan, tetahuan, quinnetoltiaya in
oquichpipiltotonti, in cihuapipiltotonti: inic calmecac
nemizque, in ihcuac ye cualtoton, in ye achi ixtlamati
thirty-ninth chapter here it is told how the mothers [and]
the fathers promised that the boys [and] girls would live
in the calmecac when they were already partly grown,
already somewhat experienced
<p43-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3 (b6 f17 c39 p209), 2 ic
oncan quinnetoltiaya in ixquichtin impilhuan amanteca: on
this occasion the inhabitants of amantlan pledged all their
children as offering <p43-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3 (b9
f7 c19 p88), 3 auh in quitoquilia, ome acatl tonalli
quitoaya huel cualli in tonalli: ipampa ca no oncan
quitonaltiaya in tezcatlipoca, titlacahua, inic quitlaliaya
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

ixiptla itoca omacatl: and the day sign two reed, which
followed, they said was a very good day sign; because also
at that time they honored tezcatlipoca titlacauan by
placing the image of [a god] called omacatl
<p33-to:na-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3 (b4 f6 c15 p56), 4 inin ce
tecpatl, in ihcuac tlacemilhuitiltiaya, oncan
quitonaltiaya, itonalpan catca in huitzilopochtli, ihuan in
camaxtle, huexotzinca intehuuch, on this one flint knife,
when it tarried for a day, they then made offerings to
uitzilopochtli, whose day sign it was, and to camaxtli, god
of the uexotzinca <p33-to:na-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3 (b4 f8 c21
p75), 5 inic mitoa: quitonaltiaya, cenca quimahuiztiliaya,
in oncan iteopan icalpolco in itocayocan catca tlacatecco,
thus it is said they made offerings and paid great honor
[to uitzilopochtli] there at his temple, in his tribal
district, at the place whose name was tlacatecco
<p33-to:na-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3 (b4 f8 c21 p75), 6 oncan
quitonaltiaya in tletl, in itoca xiuhteuctli: at this
time, they dedicated the day to [the god of] fire, called
xiuhtecutli <p33-to:na-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3 (b4 f8 c25 p82),
7 oncan quitonaltiaya: in itoca chalchiuhtli icue, in ipan
mixehuaya atl: at this time they made offerings to the one
named chalchiuhtli icue, who represented the water
<p33-to:na-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3 (b4 f10 c30 p96), 8 oncan
quitonaltiaya, in motenehua quetzalcoatl, in ixiptla catca
ecatl, hecamalacotl: at this time they made offerings to
the one called quetzalcoatl, who was the representative of
the wind, the whirlwind <p33-to:na-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3 (b4
f10 c31 p100), 9 huel cualli in iteocal quiquechiliaya,
quitonaltiaya, in tetezauhqui xacalli: in motocayotia
otonteocalli, very good [was] his temple, which they had
erected for him, had dedicated to him --the straw hut of
trimmed and smoothed straw called the temple of oton
<p33-to:na-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3 (b10 f11 c29 p177)
1. izcatqui, in innemiliz in cihuatlamacazque, inic
quinnetoltiaya in ompa huei teopan behold the life of the
priestesses when [their mothers] vowed them [to service]
there in the great temple <p43-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3
(b2 f14 c38 p245)
2. izcatqui, in innemiliz in cihuatlamacazque, inic
quinnetoltiaya in ompa huei teopan behold the life of the
priestesses when [their mothers] vowed them [to service]
there in the great temple
<p43-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08-ya3> (b2 f14 c38 p245) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. ic cempoalli oncaxtolli onnahui capitulo, oncan mitoa: in

quenin tenanhuan, tetahuan, quinnetoltiaya in
oquichpipiltotonti, in cihuapipiltotonti: inic calmecac
nemizque, in ihcuac ye cualtoton, in ye achi ixtlamati
thirty-ninth chapter here it is told how the mothers [and]
the fathers promised that the boys [and] girls would live
in the calmecac when they were already partly grown,
already somewhat experienced
<p43-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3> (b6 f17 c39 p209) JC-7/23/96
4. ic oncan quinnetoltiaya in ixquichtin impilhuan amanteca:
on this occasion the inhabitants of amantlan pledged all
their children as offering
<p43-p53-ihtoa:-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3> (b9 f7 c19 p88) JC-7/23/96

0. he admonished them
FC jc-031297

0. he spoke to them; he summoned them; he called to them
1. he spoke to them; he summoned them; he called to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he spoke to them; he summoned them; he called to them
3. he spoke to them; he summoned them; he called to them
4. he spoke to them; he summoned them; he called to them
<p43-no:tza-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he spoke to them; he summoned them; he called to them
<p43-no:tza-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he spoke to them; he summoned them; he called to them
FC jc-031297
7. he spoke to them; he summoned them; he called to them
FC jc-031297

0. he calls them; it calls them; they call them
1. he calls them; it calls them; they call them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he calls them; it calls them; they call them
3. he calls them; it calls them; they call them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he calls them; it calls them; they call them <p43-no:tza>
<p43-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
5. he calls them; it calls them; they call them <p43-no:tza>
<p43-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
6. he calls them; it calls them; they call them; they summon
FC jc-031297
7. he calls them; it calls them; they call them; they summon
FC jc-031297

0. they summoned them
1. he addressed them; they summoned them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they summoned them
3. they summoned them
4. they summoned them <p43-no:tza-ya3>
<p43-no:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they summoned them <p43-no:tza-ya3>
<p43-no:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they summoned them <p43-no:tza-ya3>
<p43-no:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he addressed them; they summoned them
FC jc-031297
8. he addressed them; they summoned them
FC jc-031297

0. he goes speaking to them

1. he goes speaking to them

FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes speaking to them

3. he goes speaking to them

4. he goes speaking to them

FC jc-031297
5. he goes speaking to them
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they advise her; they inform him; they report it to him;
they address him
1. they address him; they advise her; they inform him; they
report it to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they advise her; they inform him; they report it to him;
they address him
3. they advise her; they inform him; they report it to him;
they address him
4. they advise her; they inform him; they report it to him;
they address him <p33-dupl-no:tza>
<p33-dupl-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
5. they advise her; they inform him; they report it to him;
they address him <p33-dupl-no:tza>
<p33-dupl-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
6. they advise her; they inform him; they report it to him;
they address him <p33-dupl-no:tza>
<p33-dupl-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
7. they advise her; they inform him; they report it to him;
they address him <p33-dupl-no:tza>
<p33-dupl-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
8. they address him; they advise her; they inform him; they
report it to him
FC jc-031297
9. they address him; they advise her; they inform him; they
report it to him
FC jc-031297

0. they came to consult with him; they came to inform him;
they came to warn him; they to tell it to him; they came to
report it to him; they came to notify him
1. they came to consult with him; they came to inform him;
they came to notify him; they came to warn him; they to
tell it to him; they came to report it to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they came to consult with him; they came to inform him;
they came to warn him; they to tell it to him; they came to
report it to him; they came to notify him
3. they came to consult with him; they came to inform him;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

they came to warn him; they to tell it to him; they came to

report it to him; they came to notify him
4. they came to consult with him; they came to inform him;
they came to warn him; they to tell it to him; they came to
report it to him; they came to notify him
<p33-dupl-no:tza-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
5. they came to consult with him; they came to inform him;
they came to warn him; they to tell it to him; they came to
report it to him; they came to notify him
<p33-dupl-no:tza-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
6. they came to consult with him; they came to inform him;
they came to warn him; they to tell it to him; they came to
report it to him; they came to notify him
<p33-dupl-no:tza-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
7. they came to consult with him; they came to inform him;
they came to warn him; they to tell it to him; they came to
report it to him; they came to notify him
<p33-dupl-no:tza-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
8. they came to consult with him; they came to inform him;
they came to warn him; they to tell it to him; they came to
report it to him; they came to notify him
<p33-dupl-no:tza-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
9. they came to consult with him; they came to inform him;
they came to warn him; they to tell it to him; they came to
report it to him; they came to notify him
<p33-dupl-no:tza-dir1b> FC - > jc-61096
10. they came to consult with him; they came to inform him;
they came to notify him; they came to warn him; they to
tell it to him; they came to report it to him
FC jc-031297
11. they came to consult with him; they came to inform him;
they came to notify him; they came to warn him; they to
tell it to him; they came to report it to him
FC jc-031297

0. they went to report to him, they went to consult with him;
they went to report it to him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they went to report it to him; they went to report to him;

they went to consult with him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they went to report to him, they went to consult with him;
they went to report it to him
3. they went to report to him, they went to consult with him;
they went to report it to him
4. they went to report to him, they went to consult with him;
they went to report it to him <p33-dupl-no:tza-dir2b>
<p33-dupl-no:tza-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
5. they went to report to him, they went to consult with him;
they went to report it to him <p33-dupl-no:tza-dir2b>
<p33-dupl-no:tza-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
6. they went to report to him, they went to consult with him;
they went to report it to him <p33-dupl-no:tza-dir2b>
<p33-dupl-no:tza-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
7. they went to report to him, they went to consult with him;
they went to report it to him <p33-dupl-no:tza-dir2b>
<p33-dupl-no:tza-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
8. they went to report to him, they went to consult with him;
they went to report it to him <p33-dupl-no:tza-dir2b>
<p33-dupl-no:tza-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
9. they went to report to him, they went to consult with him;
they went to report it to him <p33-dupl-no:tza-dir2b>
<p33-dupl-no:tza-dir2b> FC - > jc-61096
10. they went to report it to him; they went to report to him;
they went to consult with him
FC jc-031297
11. they went to report it to him; they went to report to him;
they went to consult with him
FC jc-031297

0. he admonished him; he addressed him; he counseled him; he
exhorted him; he summoned them; she entreated her; they
admonished her; they advised him
1. he addressed him; he admonished him; he counseled him; he
exhorted him; he summoned them; she entreated her; they
admonished her; they advised him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he admonished him; he addressed him; he counseled him; he
exhorted him; he summoned them; she entreated her; they
admonished her; they advised him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he admonished him; he addressed him; he counseled him; he
exhorted him; he summoned them; she entreated her; they
admonished her; they advised him
4. he admonished him; he addressed him; he counseled him; he
exhorted him; he summoned them; she entreated her; they
admonished her; they advised him <p33-dupl-no:tza-ya3>
<p33-dupl-no:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he admonished him; he addressed him; he counseled him; he
exhorted him; he summoned them; she entreated her; they
admonished her; they advised him <p33-dupl-no:tza-ya3>
<p33-dupl-no:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he admonished him; he addressed him; he counseled him; he
exhorted him; he summoned them; she entreated her; they
admonished her; they advised him <p33-dupl-no:tza-ya3>
<p33-dupl-no:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he admonished him; he addressed him; he counseled him; he
exhorted him; he summoned them; she entreated her; they
admonished her; they advised him <p33-dupl-no:tza-ya3>
<p33-dupl-no:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he admonished him; he addressed him; he counseled him; he
exhorted him; he summoned them; she entreated her; they
admonished her; they advised him <p33-dupl-no:tza-ya3>
<p33-dupl-no:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. he addressed him; he admonished him; he counseled him ; he
exhorted him; he summoned them; she entreated her; they
admonished her; they advised him
FC jc-031297
10. he addressed him; he admonished him; he counseled him; he
exhorted him; he summoned them; she entreated her; they
admonished her; they advised him
FC jc-031297

0. they will inform him
1. they will inform him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will inform him
3. they will inform him
4. they will inform him <p33-dupl-no:tza-z-plur01>
<p33-dupl-no:tza-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will inform him <p33-dupl-no:tza-z-plur01>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-dupl-no:tza-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096

6. they will inform him <p33-dupl-no:tza-z-plur01>
<p33-dupl-no:tza-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they will inform him <p33-dupl-no:tza-z-plur01>
<p33-dupl-no:tza-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
8. they will inform him
FC jc-031297
9. they will inform him
FC jc-031297

0. they hurriedly came to inform him
FC jc-031297

0. he has diarrhea; he passes it; he empties it; he pours it;
he issues it; he pours it out; he purges it; he sheds it;
it expels it; it purges it
1. he has diarrhea; he passes it; he empties it; he pours it
out; he pours it; he issues it; he purges it; he sheds it;
it expels it; it purges it; they pour it out
FC -> jc-72895
2. he has diarrhea; he passes it; he empties it; he pours it;
he issues it; he pours it out; he purges it; he sheds it;
it expels it; it purges it
3. he has diarrhea; he passes it; he empties it; he pours it;
he issues it; he pours it out; he purges it; he sheds it;
it expels it; it purges it
4. he has diarrhea; he passes it; he empties it; he pours it;
he issues it; he pours it out; he purges it; he sheds it;
it expels it; it purges it <p33-no:quia>
<p33-no:quia> FC - > jc-61096
5. he has diarrhea; he passes it; he empties it; he pours it;
he issues it; he pours it out; he purges it; he sheds it;
it expels it; it purges it <p33-no:quia>
<p33-no:quia> FC - > jc-61096
6. he has diarrhea; he passes it; he empties it; he pours it
out; he pours it; he issues it; he purges it; he sheds it;
it expels it; it purges it; they pour it out
FC jc-031297
7. he has diarrhea; he passes it; he empties it; he pours it
out; he pours it; he issues it; he purges it; he sheds it;
it expels it; it purges it; they pour it out
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he addresses it, he speaks to it; he calls out to him; he
calls him; he summons him; it speaks to him; it summons it;
she addresses him
1. he addresses it, he speaks to it; he calls him; he summons
him; he calls out to him; he speaks to him; it speaks to
him; it summons it; she addresses him; they call forth to
FC -> jc-72895
2. he addresses it, he speaks to it; he calls out to him; he
calls him; he summons him; it speaks to him; it summons it;
she addresses him
3. he addresses it, he speaks to it; he calls out to him; he
calls him; he summons him; it speaks to him; it summons it;
she addresses him
4. he addresses it, he speaks to it; he calls out to him; he
calls him; he summons him; it speaks to him; it summons it;
she addresses him <p33-no:tza>
<p33-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
5. he addresses it, he speaks to it; he calls out to him; he
calls him; he summons him; it speaks to him; it summons it;
she addresses him <p33-no:tza>
<p33-no:tza> FC - > jc-61096
6. he addresses it, he speaks to it; he calls him; he summons
him; he calls out to him; he speaks to him; it speaks to
him; it summons it; she addresses him; she addresses it;
she calls out to it; they call forth to him; they summon her
FC jc-031297
7. he addresses it, he speaks to it; he calls him; he summons
him; he calls out to him; he speaks to him; it speaks to
him; it summons it; she addresses him; she addresses it;
she calls out to it; they call forth to him; they summon her
FC jc-031297

0. he called out to him; he spoke to him; they summoned him;
they called him; they addressed it
1. he called out to him; he spoke to him; they addressed it;
they called him; they called upon him; they summoned him
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he called out to him; he spoke to him; they summoned him;

they called him; they addressed it
3. he called out to him; he spoke to him; they summoned him;
they called him; they addressed it
4. he called out to him; he spoke to him; they summoned him;
they called him; they addressed it; they called upon him
<p33-no:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he called out to him; he spoke to him; they summoned him;
they called him; they addressed it; they called upon him
<p33-no:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he called out to him; he spoke to him; they summoned him;
they called him; they addressed it <p33-no:tza-ya3>
<p33-no:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he called out to him; he spoke to him; they addressed it;
they called him; they called upon him; they summoned him
FC jc-031297
8. he called out to him; he spoke to him; they addressed it;
they called him; they called upon him; they summoned him
FC jc-031297

0. she proceeds addressing him, she goes along addressing him
FC jc-031297

0. he sits on them [ie, eggs]

1. he sits on them [ ie, eggs ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. he sits on them [ie, eggs]

3. he sits on them [ie, eggs]

4. he sits on them [ ie, eggs ]

FC jc-031297
5. he sits on them [ ie, eggs ]
FC jc-031297

0. he helps them; he distributes to them; it helps them
1. he helps them; he distributes to them; it helps them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he helps them; he distributes to them; it helps them
3. he helps them; he distributes to them; it helps them
4. he helps them; he distributes to them; it helps them
<p43-pale:huia:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he helps them; he distributes to them; it helps them
FC jc-031297
6. he helps them; he distributes to them; it helps them
FC jc-031297

0. they provided them pleasure

1. they provided them pleasure

FC -> jc-72895
2. they provided them pleasure

3. they provided them pleasure

4. they provided them pleasure

FC jc-031297
5. they provided them pleasure
FC jc-031297

0. he healed them, he cured them

1. he healed them, he cured them

FC -> jc-72895
2. he healed them, he cured them

3. he healed them, he cured them

4. he healed them, he cured them

FC jc-031297
5. he healed them, he cured them
FC jc-031297

0. they crushed them to death

1. they crushed them to death

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they crushed them to death

3. they crushed them to death

4. they crushed them to death

FC jc-031297
5. they crushed them to death
FC jc-031297

0. they choose them
FC jc-031297

0. he chose them
1. he chose them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he chose them
3. he chose them
4. he chose them <p43-pehpena-ya3>
<p43-pehpena-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he chose them; they chose them
FC jc-031297
6. he chose them; they chose them
FC jc-031297

0. they strip them
FC jc-031297

0. they guard them
1. they guard them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they guard them
3. they guard them
4. they guard them <p43-piya>
<p43-piya> FC - > jc-61096
5. they guard them
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. they guard them

FC jc-031297

0. they guarded them; they were guarding them; they kept them
1. they guarded them; they kept them; they were guarding them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they guarded them; they were guarding them; they kept them
3. they guarded them; they were guarding them; they kept them
4. they guarded them; they were guarding them; they kept them
<p43-piya-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they guarded them; they were guarding them; they kept them
<p43-piya-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they guarded them; they kept them; they were guarding them
FC jc-031297
7. they guarded them; they kept them; they were guarding them
FC jc-031297

0. they hang each of them; they hang them
1. they hang each of them; they hang them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they hang each of them; they hang them
3. they hang each of them; they hang them
4. they hang each of them; they hang them <p43-dupl-piloa:>
<p43-dupl-piloa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. they hang each of them; they hang them <p43-dupl-piloa:>
<p43-dupl-piloa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. they hang each of them; they hang them <p43-dupl-piloa:>
<p43-dupl-piloa:> FC - > jc-61096
7. they hang each of them; they hang them
FC jc-031297
8. they hang each of them; they hang them
FC jc-031297

0. it squeals for them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it squeals for them

FC -> jc-72895
2. it squeals for them

3. it squeals for them

4. it squeals for them

FC jc-031297
5. it squeals for them
FC jc-031297

0. they formed them
FC -> jc-72895
1. they formed them
FC jc-031297
2. they formed them
FC jc-031297

0. they formed them
1. they formed them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they formed them
3. they formed them
4. they formed them <p43-pi:qui1-ya3>
<p43-pi:qui1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they formed them <p43-pi:qui1-ya3>
<p43-pi:qui1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they formed them
FC jc-031297
7. they formed them
FC jc-031297

0. auh in otlathuic niman quinmictia in tepicme,
quinquechcotona, quinquechcui, quinquechilacatzoa, and when
it had dawned then they slew the tepicme; they beheaded
them, twisted their heads off, wrung their necks (b1 f2 p48)

0. they stand them up
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they stand them up

FC -> jc-72895
2. they stand them up

3. they stand them up

4. they stand them up

FC jc-031297
5. they stand them up
FC jc-031297

0. he casts them out, he removes them

1. he casts them out, he removes them

FC -> jc-72895
2. he casts them out, he removes them

3. he casts them out, he removes them

4. he casts them out, he removes them

FC jc-031297
5. he casts them out, he removes them
FC jc-031297

0. they take it away from them

1. they take it away from them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they take it away from them

3. they take it away from them

4. they take it away from them

FC jc-031297
5. they take it away from them
FC jc-031297

0. they drove them out

1. they drove them out

FC -> jc-72895
2. they drove them out
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they drove them out

4. they drove them out

FC jc-031297
5. they drove them out
FC jc-031297

0. he settled them

1. he settled them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he settled them

3. he settled them

4. he settled them
FC jc-031297
5. he settled them
FC jc-031297

0. they bathe them
1. they bathe them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they bathe them
3. they bathe them
4. they bathe them <p43-te:mi-caus09>
<p43-te:mi-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. they bathe them <p43-te:mi-caus09>
<p43-te:mi-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. they bathe them
FC jc-031297
7. they bathe them
FC jc-031297

0. it hunts for them, it searches for them; they search for
1. it hunts for them, it searches for them; they search for
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it hunts for them, it searches for them; they search for
3. it hunts for them, it searches for them; they search for
4. it hunts for them, it searches for them; they search for
them <p43-te:moa:>
<p43-te:moa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. it hunts for them, it searches for them; they search for
FC jc-031297
6. it hunts for them, it searches for them; they search for
FC jc-031297

0. they looked for them, they sought them out

1. they looked for them, they sought them out

FC -> jc-72895
2. they looked for them, they sought them out

3. they looked for them, they sought them out

4. they looked for them, they sought them out

FC jc-031297
5. they looked for them, they sought them out
FC jc-031297

0. it goes about hunting them
<p43-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. it goes about hunting them
FC -> jc-72895
2. it goes about hunting them
<p43-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. it goes about hunting them
<p43-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. it goes about hunting them <p43-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p43-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. it goes about hunting them <p43-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p43-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. it goes about hunting them <p43-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p43-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. it goes about hunting them

FC jc-031297
8. it goes about hunting them
FC jc-031297

0. they mention them

1. they mention them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they mention them

3. they mention them

4. they mention them

FC jc-031297
5. they mention them
FC jc-031297

0. it is pushing them with its muzzle
FC jc-031297

0. they hurled them from a temple
FC jc-031297

0. they came to scatter them

1. they came to scatter them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they came to scatter them

3. they came to scatter them

4. they came to scatter them

FC jc-031297
5. they came to scatter them
FC jc-031297

0. they disrobed them
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he went to drive them, he went to scatter them

1. he went to drive them, he went to scatter them

FC -> jc-72895
2. he went to drive them, he went to scatter them

3. he went to drive them, he went to scatter them

4. he went to drive them, he went to scatter them

FC jc-031297
5. he went to drive them, he went to scatter them
FC jc-031297

0. he will turn them back
FC jc-031297

0. they shot them with iron bolts

1. they shot them with iron bolts

FC -> jc-72895
2. they shot them with iron bolts

3. they shot them with iron bolts

4. they shot them with iron bolts

FC jc-031297
5. they shot them with iron bolts
FC jc-031297

0. they cut it for them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they pole them vigorously, they row them vigorously; they
pole them strongly
FC jc-031297

0. they stone them

1. they stone them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they stone them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they stone them

4. they stone them

FC jc-031297
5. they stone them
FC jc-031297

0. they beat them with stones
1. they beat them with stones
FC -> jc-72895
2. they beat them with stones
3. they beat them with stones
4. they beat them with stones <p43-tetl1-tzotzona>
<p43-tetl1-tzotzona> FC - > jc-61096
5. they beat them with stones <p43-tetl1-tzotzona>
<p43-tetl1-tzotzona> FC - > jc-61096
6. they beat them with stones
FC jc-031297
7. they beat them with stones
FC jc-031297

0. they warn them

1. they warn them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they warn them

3. they warn them

4. they warn them

FC jc-031297
5. they warn them
FC jc-031297

0. they restrained them; they prevented them

1. they restrained them; they prevented them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they restrained them; they prevented them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they restrained them; they prevented them

4. they restrained them; they prevented them

FC jc-031297
5. they restrained them; they prevented them
FC jc-031297

0. they give them human form
FC - > jc-61096

0. they will receive it from them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he gives them food; they give them food; they feed them
1. he gives them food; they give them food; they feed them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gives them food; they give them food; they feed them
3. he gives them food; they give them food; they feed them
4. he gives them food; they give them food; they feed them
<p43-p51-cua:-caus01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he provides them food
FC - > jc-61096
6. he gives them food; they give them food; they feed them
FC jc-031297
7. he gives them food; they give them food; they feed them
FC jc-031297

0. they made them eat, they fed them
FC jc-031297

0. se lo da ( he gives it to them )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. they grab something from them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they make them drink
FC -> jc-72895
1. they make them drink
FC jc-031297
2. they make them drink
FC jc-031297

0. they make them drunk; they give them pulque
1. they give them pulque, they make them drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. they make them drunk; they give them pulque
3. they make them drunk; they give them pulque
4. they make them drunk; they give them pulque
<p43-tla:hua:na-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. they give them pulque, they make them drunk
FC jc-031297
6. they give them pulque, they make them drunk
FC jc-031297

0. they were giving pulque to them, they were making them drunk
1. they made them drunk; they were giving pulque to them; they
were making them drunk
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were giving pulque to them, they were making them drunk
3. they were giving pulque to them, they were making them drunk
4. they were giving pulque to them, they were making them
drunk <p43-tla:hua:na-caus02-ya3>
<p43-tla:hua:na-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were giving pulque to them, they were making them
drunk <p43-tla:hua:na-caus02-ya3>
<p43-tla:hua:na-caus02-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they made them drunk; they were giving pulque to them; they
were making them drunk
FC jc-031297
7. they made them drunk; they were giving pulque to them; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

were making them drunk

FC jc-031297

0. they betrayed them, they committed adultery on them

1. they betrayed them, they committed adultery on them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they betrayed them, they committed adultery on them

3. they betrayed them, they committed adultery on them

4. they betrayed them, they committed adultery on them

FC jc-031297
5. they betrayed them, they committed adultery on them
FC jc-031297

0. he places them; they place them
1. he places them; they place them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he places them; they place them
3. he places them; they place them
4. he places them; they place them <p43-tla:lia>
<p43-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
5. he places them; they place them
FC jc-031297
6. he places them; they place them
FC jc-031297

0. they placed them
1. they placed them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they placed them
3. they placed them
4. they placed them <p43-tla:lia-ya3>
<p43-tla:lia-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they placed them <p43-tla:lia-ya3>
<p43-tla:lia-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. they placed them

FC jc-031297
7. they placed them
FC jc-031297

0. they did put it on them

1. they did put it on them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they did put it on them

3. they did put it on them

4. they did put it on them

FC jc-031297
5. they did put it on them
FC jc-031297

0. they serve [food] to them
1. they serve [ food ] to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they serve [food] to them
3. they serve [food] to them
4. they serve [ food ] to them <p43-p51-maca>
<p43-p51-maca> FC - > jc-61096
5. they give them ( food ); they serve [ food ] to them
FC jc-031297
6. they give them ( food ); they serve [ food ] to them
FC jc-031297

0. they offer them food
1. they offer them food
FC -> jc-72895
2. they offer them food
3. they offer them food
4. they offer them food <p43-p51-dupl-maca>
<p43-p51-dupl-maca> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they offer them food <p43-p51-dupl-maca>

<p43-p51-dupl-maca> FC - > jc-61096
6. they offer them food <p43-p51-dupl-maca>
<p43-p51-dupl-maca> FC - > jc-61096
7. they give something to them; they offer them food
FC jc-031297
8. they give something to them; they offer them food
FC jc-031297

0. they lay something for them, they offer something to them
1. they lay out offerings for them; they lay something for
them; they offer something to them; they offer it to them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they lay something for them, they offer something to them
3. they lay something for them, they offer something to them
4. they lay something for them, they offer something to them
<p43-p51-mani-caus09-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. they lay something for them, they offer something to them
<p43-p51-mani-caus09-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. they lay something for them, they offer something to them
<p43-p51-mani-caus09-ben> FC - > jc-61096
7. they lay out offerings for them; they lay something for
them; they offer something to them; they offer it to them
FC jc-031297
8. they lay out offerings for them; they lay something for
them; they offer something to them; they offer it to them
FC jc-031297

0. they made offerings to them, they laid something before them
1. they made offerings to them, they laid something before them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they made offerings to them, they laid something before them
3. they made offerings to them, they laid something before them
4. they made offerings to them, they laid something before
them <p43-p51-mani-caus09-ben-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p43-p51-mani-caus09-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

5. they made offerings to them, they laid something before
them <p43-p51-mani-caus09-ben-ya3>
<p43-p51-mani-caus09-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they made offerings to them, they laid something before
them <p43-p51-mani-caus09-ben-ya3>
<p43-p51-mani-caus09-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they made offerings to them, they laid something before
them <p43-p51-mani-caus09-ben-ya3>
<p43-p51-mani-caus09-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they made offerings to them, they laid something before them
FC jc-031297
9. they made offerings to them, they laid something before them
FC jc-031297

0. it finishes them, it consumes them
FC jc-031297

0. they went to sell something to them
FC jc-031297

0. he responds for them, he answers for them
1. he responds for them, he answers for them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he responds for them, he answers for them
3. he responds for them, he answers for them
4. he responds for them, he answers for them
<p43-p51-na:nquilia:-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. he responds for them, he answers for them
<p43-p51-na:nquilia:-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. he responds for them, he answers for them
<p43-p51-na:nquilia:-ben> FC - > jc-61096
7. he responds for them, he answers for them
FC jc-031297
8. he responds for them, he answers for them
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they pole them, they row them
FC jc-031297

0. they rowed for them
FC jc-031297

0. in dios tetatzin, in tepiltzin, in espiritu sancto,
quimomaquili, quimopialtili, in tonantzin sancta iglesia,
inic quintlanextilia, quinmachtia, in ixquichtin ipilhuan
god the father, the son, the holy ghost hath given, hath
guarded our mother, the holy church, that she may give
light to, may teach all her children
<p43-tla6-ne:ci-l2-v04-caus08-ben (b1 f4 cAp p63)
1. in dios tetatzin, in tepiltzin, in espiritu sancto,
quimomaquili, quimopialtili, in tonantzin sancta iglesia,
inic quintlanextilia, quinmachtia, in ixquichtin ipilhuan
god the father, the son, the holy ghost hath given, hath
guarded our mother, the holy church, that she may give
light to, may teach all her children
<p43-tla6-ne:ci-l2-v04-caus08-ben> (b1 f4 cAp p63) JC-7/23/96

0. inic quimictia cocoxqui, manozo huehue, quil ic
quitlaocolia, quil ipampa in amo motoliniz tlalticpac:
ihuan inic amo quintlaocoltiz: as for their killing the
sick, the aged, it was said that thus they showed him
mercy; it is said [that it was] in order that he would not
suffer on earth, and so they would not feel sorry for him
<p43-tlao:coya-delya-l1-v04-caus08-z (b10 f10 c29 p174)
1. he will make them sad, they will feel sorry for him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will make them sad, they will feel sorry for him

3. inic quimictia cocoxqui, manozo huehue, quil ic

quitlaocolia, quil ipampa in amo motoliniz tlalticpac:
ihuan inic amo quintlaocoltiz: as for their killing the
sick, the aged, it was said that thus they showed him
mercy; it is said [that it was] in order that he would not
suffer on earth, and so they would not feel sorry for him
<p43-tlao:coya-delya-l1-v04-caus08-z (b10 f10 c29 p174)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he will make them sad, they will feel sorry for him

5. inic quimictia cocoxqui, manozo huehue, quil ic

quitlaocolia, quil ipampa in amo motoliniz tlalticpac:
ihuan inic amo quintlaocoltiz: as for their killing the
sick, the aged, it was said that thus they showed him
mercy; it is said [that it was] in order that he would not
suffer on earth, and so they would not feel sorry for him
<p43-tlao:coya-delya-l1-v04-caus08-z> (b10 f10 c29 p174) JC-7/23/96
6. he will make them sad, they will feel sorry for him
FC jc-031297
7. he will make them sad, they will feel sorry for him
FC jc-031297

0. he keeps something for them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. they array them; they dress them; they clothe them

1. they array them; they dress them; they clothe them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they array them; they dress them; they clothe them

3. they array them; they dress them; they clothe them

4. they array them; they dress them; they clothe them

FC jc-031297
5. they array them; they dress them; they clothe them
FC jc-031297

0. they clothed them

1. they clothed them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they clothed them

3. they clothed them

4. they clothed them

FC jc-031297
5. they clothed them
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they gave uncles to them
FC jc-031297

0. they burned them
FC jc-031297

0. they offered it to each of them

1. they offered it to each of them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they offered it to each of them

3. they offered it to each of them

4. they offered it to each of them

FC jc-031297
5. they offered it to each of them
FC jc-031297

0. they asked them

1. they asked them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they asked them

3. they asked them

4. they asked them

FC jc-031297
5. they asked them
FC jc-031297

0. they interviewed them
FC jc-031297

0. they pour something for them

1. they pour something for them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they pour something for them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they pour something for them

4. they pour something for them

FC jc-031297
5. they pour something for them
FC jc-031297

0. they carry something for them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. he sentences them

1. he sentences them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sentences them

3. he sentences them

4. he sentences them
FC jc-031297
5. he sentences them
FC jc-031297

0. they beat the drums for them
FC jc-031297

0. they roasted them

1. they roasted them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they roasted them

3. they roasted them

4. they roasted them

FC jc-031297
5. they roasted them
FC jc-031297

0. se lo agradece ( he thanks them for it )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. he kills them through filth

1. he kills them through filth

FC -> jc-72895
2. he kills them through filth

3. he kills them through filth

4. he kills them through filth

FC jc-031297
5. he kills them through filth
FC jc-031297

0. oncan quitoa, ca in teteo, cenca quinmocniuhtia,
quintlazotla in huel mopia: here he said that the gods
befriend, love much those who can be abstinent
<p43-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b6 f9 c21 p113)
1. oncan quitoa, ca in teteo, cenca quinmocniuhtia,
quintlazotla in huel mopia: here he said that the gods
befriend, love much those who can be abstinent
<p43-tlazoa-l2-v08a> (b6 f9 c21 p113) JC-7/23/96

0. niman ic quimamohuiaya, quimaltiaya, cenca quintlazotlaya,
quinxoxocoyomatia, then they soaped them and bathed them,
and made much of and flattered them <p43-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3
(b4 f4 c9 p34), 2 auh ipampa in cenca quintlazotlaya in
ahuitzotzin: and for that reason auitzotzin valued them
highly <p43-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b9 f2 c4 p19), 3 ipampa ca
ye yehuatl moteuczoma: ye omoteneuh, in oc cenca
quintlazotlaya in pochteca huehuetque, in nahualoztomeca,
in tealtianime, in tecohuanime: it was for this reason
that moctezuma, as hath been told, especially esteemed the
old merchants, the disguised merchants, those who
ceremonially bathed slaves, the slave dealers
<p43-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b9 f3 c6 p32)
1. niman ic quimamohuiaya, quimaltiaya, cenca quintlazotlaya,
quinxoxocoyomatia, then they soaped them and bathed them,
and made much of and flattered them
<p43-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> (b4 f4 c9 p34) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. auh ipampa in cenca quintlazotlaya in ahuitzotzin: and for

that reason auitzotzin valued them highly
<p43-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> (b9 f2 c4 p19) JC-7/23/96
3. ipampa ca ye yehuatl moteuczoma: ye omoteneuh, in oc cenca
quintlazotlaya in pochteca huehuetque, in nahualoztomeca,
in tealtianime, in tecohuanime: it was for this reason
that moctezuma, as hath been told, especially esteemed the
old merchants, the disguised merchants, those who
ceremonially bathed slaves, the slave dealers
<p43-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> (b9 f3 c6 p32) JC-7/23/96

0. they quickly abandon them
<p43-tla:za-ti1-e:hua aux05>
1. they quickly abandon them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they quickly abandon them
<p43-tla:za-ti1-e:hua aux05>
3. they quickly abandon them
<p43-tla:za-ti1-e:hua aux05>
4. they quickly abandon them <p43-tla:za-ti1-e:hua aux05>
<p43-tla:za-ti1-e:hua aux05> FC - > jc-61096
5. they quickly abandon them <p43-tla:za-ti1-e:hua aux05>
<p43-tla:za-ti1-e:hua aux05> FC - > jc-61096
6. they quickly abandon them <p43-tla:za-ti1-e:hua aux05>
<p43-tla:za-ti1-e:hua aux05> FC - > jc-61096
7. they quickly abandon them
FC jc-031297
8. they quickly abandon them
FC jc-031297

0. they shot them with their guns

1. they shot them with their guns

FC -> jc-72895
2. they shot them with their guns

3. they shot them with their guns

4. they shot them with their guns

FC jc-031297
5. they shot them with their guns
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he follows them, he pursues them; they pursue them; they

follow them
1. he follows them, he pursues them; they bury them; they
pursue them; they follow them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he follows them, he pursues them; they pursue them; they
follow them
3. he follows them, he pursues them; they pursue them; they
follow them
4. he follows them, he pursues them; they pursue them; they
follow them <p43-toca2>
<p43-toca2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he follows them, he pursues them; they bury them; they
follow them; they pursue them
FC jc-031297
6. he follows them, he pursues them; they bury them; they
follow them; they pursue them
FC jc-031297

0. motetiani: in itehuan quintocatzahualquimiloa, quimpiloa:
it is an egg-layer; it envelops its eggs in spider-web; it
suspends them (b11 f9 p88)
1. it wraps them up in spider-web
FC -> jc-72895
2. it wraps them up in spider-web

3. motetiani: in itehuan quintocatzahualquimiloa, quimpiloa:

it is an egg-layer; it envelops its eggs in spider-web; it
suspends them (b11 f9 p88)
4. it wraps them up in spider-web

5. it wraps them up in spider-web

FC jc-031297
6. it wraps them up in spider-web
FC jc-031297

0. they buried them
1. they buried them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they buried them
3. they buried them
4. they buried them <p43-to:ca1-ya3>
<p43-to:ca1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they buried them <p43-to:ca1-ya3>
<p43-to:ca1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they buried them
FC jc-031297
7. they buried them
FC jc-031297

0. they name them
1. they name them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they name them
3. they name them
4. they name them <p43-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p43-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
5. they name them <p43-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p43-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
6. they name them <p43-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p43-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
7. he calls them, he names them; they call it; they name it;
they name them
FC jc-031297
8. he calls them, he names them; they call it; they name it;
they name them
FC jc-031297

0. they called them

1. they called them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they called them

3. they called them

4. they called them; they named them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. they called them; they named them
FC jc-031297

0. they called them, they named them
FC jc-031297

0. he will pursue them
FC jc-031297

0. he made them swallow it

1. he made them swallow it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he made them swallow it

3. he made them swallow it

4. he made them swallow it

FC jc-031297
5. he made them swallow it
FC jc-031297

0. he will overcome them
FC jc-031297

0. he named them

1. he named them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he named them

3. he named them

4. he named them
FC jc-031297
5. he named them
FC jc-031297

0. they heat them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they heat them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they heat them

3. they heat them

4. they heat them

FC jc-031297
5. they heat them
FC jc-031297

0. they blocked them, they prevented them, they impeded them
FC jc-031297

0. he screeches at them; she cries out to them; she shouts to
1. he screeches at them; she cries out to them; she shouts to
FC -> jc-72895
2. he screeches at them; she cries out to them; she shouts to
3. he screeches at them; she cries out to them; she shouts to
4. he screeches at them; she cries out to them; she shouts to
them <p43-tzahtzi-ben>
<p43-tzahtzi-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. he screeches at them; she cries out to them; she shouts to
them <p43-tzahtzi-ben>
<p43-tzahtzi-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. he screeches at them; she cries out to them; she shouts to
FC jc-031297
7. he screeches at them; she cries out to them; she shouts to
FC jc-031297

0. they shake them off
1. they shake them off
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they shake them off
3. they shake them off
4. they shake them off <p43-dupl-tzelihui-caus06>
<p43-dupl-tzelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. they shake them off <p43-dupl-tzelihui-caus06>
<p43-dupl-tzelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. they shake them off <p43-dupl-tzelihui-caus06>
<p43-dupl-tzelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. they shake them off <p43-dupl-tzelihui-caus06>
<p43-dupl-tzelihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
8. they shake them off
FC jc-031297
9. they shake them off
FC jc-031297

0. it sucks them from below
FC jc-031297

0. he pulls them down

1. he pulls them down

FC -> jc-72895
2. he pulls them down

3. he pulls them down

4. he pulls them down

FC jc-031297
5. he pulls them down
FC jc-031297

0. they were cutting the umbilical cord

1. they were cutting the umbilical cord

FC -> jc-72895
2. they were cutting the umbilical cord

3. they were cutting the umbilical cord

4. they were cutting the umbilical cord
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. they were cutting the umbilical cord
FC jc-031297

0. they carved them

1. they carved them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they carved them

3. they carved them

4. they carved them

FC jc-031297
5. they carved them
FC jc-031297

0. they flayed them
1. they flayed them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they flayed them
3. they flayed them
4. they flayed them <p43-xi:pe:hua-ya3>
<p43-xi:pe:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they flayed them <p43-xi:pe:hua-ya3>
<p43-xi:pe:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they flayed them
FC jc-031297
7. they flayed them
FC jc-031297

0. they go lancing them

1. they go lancing them

FC -> jc-72895
2. they go lancing them

3. they go lancing them

4. they go lancing them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. they go lancing them
FC jc-031297

0. he will cause them to sprout
FC - > jc-61096

0. they will cut them off, they will head them off
FC jc-031297

0. they lead them
1. they lead them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they lead them
3. they lead them
4. they lead them <p43-yacatl-a:na1>
<p43-yacatl-a:na1> FC - > jc-61096
5. they lead them <p43-yacatl-a:na1>
<p43-yacatl-a:na1> FC - > jc-61096
6. it guides them, it leads them; they lead them
FC jc-031297
7. it guides them, it leads them; they lead them
FC jc-031297

0. he led them
1. he led them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he led them
3. he led them
4. he led them <p43-yacatl-a:na1-ya3>
<p43-yacatl-a:na1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he led them <p43-yacatl-a:na1-ya3>
<p43-yacatl-a:na1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he led them <p43-yacatl-a:na1-ya3>
<p43-yacatl-a:na1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he led them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
8. he led them
FC jc-031297

0. they came to cut them off, they came to intercept them
FC jc-031297

0. ca amo ichihuil, ca zan ineixcahuil quichiuh in
tlatilolcatl, in acaltica tlayecoque, in quinyacatzacuilito
in toteucyohuan it is not their accomplishment; it is only
the attribute of the tlatilulcans, who combat in boats, who
went to stop our lords (b12 f8 p123)
1. they went to cut them off, they went to stop them
FC jc-031297
2. they went to cut them off, they went to stop them
FC jc-031297

0. auh in ihcuac ye no hualtetoca in cahuallosme, in ye no
quinxopiloznequi, in ye quinyacatzacuiliznequi: ompa
cacalactihuetzi in tiacahuan and when the horse[men]
followed after one, when they tried to kick them, when they
tried to get ahead of them, the brave warriors each quickly
entered (b12 f7 p108)

0. quinyacatzacuilizquia: [there] they would stop the rout
(b12 f5 p66), No huel ihcuac in onacito mexica in
quinyacatzacuilizquia: also at this very time the mexicans
came arriving that they might intercept [the spaniards]
(b12 f5 p78)

0. they surround them
1. they surround them
FC -> jc-72895
2. they surround them
3. they surround them
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they surround them <p43-yahualli-v03a-caus06>

<p43-yahualli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. they surround them <p43-yahualli-v03a-caus06>
<p43-yahualli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. they surround them
FC jc-031297
7. they surround them
FC jc-031297

0. he will make war against them
FC jc-031297

0. she incited them
FC jc-031297

0. he carries it for them
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. it cleans it
1. it cleans it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it cleans it
3. it cleans it
4. it cleans it <p33-pa:ca>
<p33-pa:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. it cleans it
FC jc-031297
6. it cleans it
FC jc-031297

0. he accepted it gladly
FC jc-031297

0. he governs him; it grips it; it sits on it [ie; egg]; she
massages her; she massages it; they govern it; they impress
it; they protect it; they sit on it [ie quipachoaya they
governed it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he governs him; it grips it; it sits on it [ ie; egg ]; she
massages her; she massages it; they govern it; they impress
it; they protect it; they sit on it [ ie
FC -> jc-72895
2. he governs him; it grips it; it sits on it [ie; egg]; she
massages her; she massages it; they govern it; they impress
it; they protect it; they sit on it [ie quipachoaya they
governed it
3. he governs him; it grips it; it sits on it [ie; egg]; she
massages her; she massages it; they govern it; they impress
it; they protect it; they sit on it [ie quipachoaya they
governed it
4. it grips it <p33-pachihui-caus06>
<p33-pachihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. it grips it <p33-pachihui-caus06>
<p33-pachihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. he governs him; it grips it; it sits on it [ ie; egg ]; she
massages her; she massages it; they govern it; they impress
it; they protect it; they sit on it [ ie
FC jc-031297
7. he governs him; it grips it; it sits on it [ ie; egg ]; she
massages her; she massages it; they govern it; they impress
it; they protect it; they sit on it [ ie
FC jc-031297

0. they governed it
FC -> jc-72895
1. they governed it
FC jc-031297
2. they governed it
FC jc-031297

0. they will govern it

1. they will govern it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will govern it

3. they will govern it

4. they will govern it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. they will govern it
FC jc-031297

0. they boil it
1. they boil it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they boil it
3. they boil it
4. they boil it <p33-pa:huaci>
<p33-pa:huaci> FC - > jc-61096
5. they boil it
FC jc-031297
6. they boil it
FC jc-031297

0. they soften it

1. they soften it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they soften it

3. they soften it

4. they soften it
FC jc-031297
5. they soften it
FC jc-031297

0. it rots it
FC - > jc-61096

0. it helps him
1. it helps him; it helps it; they help him
FC -> jc-72895
2. it helps him
3. it helps him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it helps him <p33-pale:huia>
<p33-pale:huia> FC - > jc-61096
5. they help him <p33-pale:huia:>
<p33-pale:huia:> FC - > jc-61096
6. it helps him; it helps it; they help him
FC jc-031297
7. it helps him; it helps it; they help him
FC jc-031297

0. he will help him
1. he will help him; it will help him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will help him
3. he will help him
4. he will help him <p33-pale:huia:-z>
<p33-pale:huia:-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will help him <p33-pale:huia-z>
<p33-pale:huia-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will help him; it will help him
FC jc-031297
7. he will help him; it will help him
FC jc-031297

0. he tastes it; they sample it; they taste it

1. he tastes it; they sample it; they taste it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he tastes it; they sample it; they taste it

3. he tastes it; they sample it; they taste it

4. he tastes it; they sample it; they taste it

FC jc-031297
5. he tastes it; they sample it; they taste it
FC jc-031297

0. he tasted it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it exceeds it,

1. it exceeds it,
FC -> jc-72895
2. it exceeds it,

3. it exceeds it,

4. it exceeds it,

5. it exceeds it,

0. they find it, they come upon it

1. they find it, they come upon it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they find it, they come upon it

3. they find it, they come upon it

4. they find it, they come upon it

FC jc-031297
5. they find it, they come upon it
FC jc-031297

0. she washes it; they wash her
1. she washes it; they wash her
FC -> jc-72895
2. she washes it; they wash her
3. she washes it; they wash her
4. she washes it; they wash her <p33-dupl-pa:ca>
<p33-dupl-pa:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. she washes it; they wash her <p33-dupl-pa:ca>
<p33-dupl-pa:ca> FC - > jc-61096
6. she washes it; they wash her <p33-dupl-pa:ca>
<p33-dupl-pa:ca> FC - > jc-61096
7. she washes it; they wash her
FC jc-031297
8. she washes it; they wash her
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he will wash him

1. he will wash him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will wash him

3. he will wash him

4. he will wash him

FC jc-031297
5. he will wash him
FC jc-031297

0. they suck it
FC jc-031297

0. they keep changing it

1. they keep changing it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they keep changing it

3. they keep changing it

4. they keep changing it

FC jc-031297
5. they keep changing it
FC jc-031297

0. it cures it

1. it cures it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it cures it

3. it cures it

4. it cures it
FC jc-031297
5. it cures it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it cures him; they cure it

1. it cures him; they cure it

FC -> jc-72895
2. it cures him; they cure it

3. it cures him; they cure it

4. it cures him; they cure it

FC jc-031297
5. it cures him; they cure it
FC jc-031297

0. they will exchange it

1. they will exchange it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will exchange it

3. they will exchange it

4. they will exchange it

FC jc-031297
5. they will exchange it
FC jc-031297

0. she wanted to cure it

1. she wanted to cure it

FC -> jc-72895
2. she wanted to cure it

3. she wanted to cure it

4. she wanted to cure it

FC jc-031297
5. she wanted to cure it
FC jc-031297

0. they change it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they change it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they change it

3. they change it

4. they change it
FC jc-031297
5. they change it
FC jc-031297

0. they flatten it, they widen it
FC jc-031297

0. she will dye it

1. she will dye it

FC -> jc-72895
2. she will dye it

3. she will dye it

4. she will dye it

FC jc-031297
5. she will dye it
FC jc-031297

0. he begins it; he gives rise to it; he starts it; it begins
it; they begin it; they undertake it
1. he begins it; he gives rise to it; he starts it; it begins
it; they begin it; they undertake it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he begins it; he gives rise to it; he starts it; it begins
it; they begin it; they undertake it
3. he begins it; he gives rise to it; he starts it; it begins
it; they begin it; they undertake it
4. he begins it; he gives rise to it; he starts it; it begins
it; they begin it; they undertake it <p33-pe:hua-caus01>
<p33-pe:hua-caus01> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. it begins it <p33-pehua-caus01>
<p33-pehua-caus01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he begins it; he gives rise to it; he starts it; it begins
it; they begin it; they undertake it
FC jc-031297
7. he begins it; he gives rise to it; he starts it; it begins
it; they begin it; they undertake it
FC jc-031297

0. they began it
FC jc-031297

0. he goes to bed

1. he goes to bed
FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes to bed

3. he goes to bed

4. he goes to bed
FC jc-031297
5. he goes to bed
FC jc-031297

0. he chooses it; they pick it up
1. he chooses it; they elect him; they choose him; they pick
it up
FC -> jc-72895
2. he chooses it; they pick it up
3. he chooses it; they pick it up
4. he chooses it; they pick it up <p33-pehpena>
<p33-pehpena> FC - > jc-61096
5. he chooses it; they collect it; they elect him; they choose
him; they pick it up
FC jc-031297
6. he chooses it; they collect it; they elect him; they choose
him; they pick it up
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he polishes it; they polish it

1. he polishes it; they polish it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he polishes it; they polish it

3. he polishes it; they polish it

4. he polishes it; they polish it

FC jc-031297
5. he polishes it; they polish it
FC jc-031297

0. they will leave him bard
<p33- -ca:hua-z-plur01>
1. they will leave him bard
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will leave him bard
<p33- -ca:hua-z-plur01>
3. they will leave him bard
<p33- -ca:hua-z-plur01>
4. they will leave him bard <p33- -ca:hua-z-plur01>
<p33- -ca:hua-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will leave him bard
FC jc-031297
6. they will leave him bard
FC jc-031297

0. he conquered it
1. he conquered it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he conquered it
3. he conquered it
4. he conquered it <p33-pe:hua-prt1>
<p33-pe:hua-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he conquered it
FC jc-031297
6. he conquered it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he guards it; he cherishes it; he guards her; he has it; he
keeps her; he watches it; it guards it; she protects her;
they guard it; they watch it; they guard her; they guard
him; they keep it; they take charge of it; they watch over
it; they care for it
1. he guards her; he guards it; he cherishes it; he has it; he
possesses it; he keeps her; he watches it; it guards it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she protects her; they guard her; they guard him; they
guard it; they watch it; they keep it; they take charge of
it; they watch over it; they care for it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he guards it; he cherishes it; he guards her; he has it; he
keeps her; he watches it; it guards it; she protects her;
they guard it; they watch it; they guard her; they guard
him; they keep it; they take charge of it; they watch over
it; they care for it
4. he guards it; he cherishes it; he guards her; he has it; he
keeps her; he watches it; it guards it; she protects her;
they guard it; they watch it; they guard her; they guard
him; they keep it; they take charge of it; they watch over
it; they care for it
5. he guards it; he cherishes it; he guards her; he has it; he
keeps her; he watches it; it guards it; she protects her;
they guard it; they watch it; they guard her; they guard
him; they keep it; they take charge of it; they watch over
it; they care for it <p33-piya>
<p33-piya> FC - > jc-61096
6. he guards her; he guards it; he cherishes it; he has it; he
possesses it; he keeps her; he watches it; it guards it
FC jc-031297
7. she protects her; they guard her; they guard him; they
guard it; they watch it; they keep it; they take charge of
it; they watch over it; they care for it
FC jc-031297
8. he guards her; he guards it; he cherishes it; he has it; he
possesses it; he keeps her; he watches it; it guards it
FC jc-031297
9. she protects her; they guard her; they guard him; they
guard it; they watch it; they keep it; they take charge of
it; they watch over it; they care for it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they guarded it for him
1. they guarded it for him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they guarded it for him
3. they guarded it for him
4. they guarded it for him <p33-piya-ben-ya3>
<p33-piya-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they guarded it for him <p33-piya-ben-ya3>
<p33-piya-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they guarded it for him <p33-piya-ben-ya3>
<p33-piya-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they guarded it for him
FC jc-031297
8. they guarded it for him
FC jc-031297

0. he guarded it; he kept it; they guarded her; they kept it;
they guarded it; they kept watch; they tended it (eg;
fire); they observed it; they stored it; they maintained it
1. he guarded it; he kept it; they guarded her; they guarded
it; they kept it; they kept watch; they maintained it; they
observed it; they stored it; they tended it ( eg; fire )
FC -> jc-72895
2. he guarded it; he kept it; they guarded her; they kept it;
they guarded it; they kept watch; they tended it (eg;
fire); they observed it; they stored it; they maintained it
3. he guarded it; he kept it; they guarded her; they kept it;
they guarded it; they kept watch; they tended it (eg;
fire); they observed it; they stored it; they maintained it
4. he guarded it; he kept it; they guarded her; they kept it;
they guarded it; they kept watch; they tended it ( eg; fire
); they observed it; they stored it; they maintained it
<p33-piya-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he guarded it; he kept it; they guarded her; they kept it;
they guarded it; they kept watch; they tended it ( eg; fire
); they observed it; they stored it; they maintained it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-piya-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he guarded it; he kept it; they guarded her; they guarded
it; they kept it; they kept watch; they maintained it; they
observed it; they stored it; they tended it ( eg; fire )
FC jc-031297
7. he guarded it; he kept it; they guarded her; they guarded
it; they kept it; they kept watch; they maintained it; they
observed it; they stored it; they tended it ( eg; fire )
FC jc-031297

0. he will take charge of it; he will guard it; she will guard
it; she will take care of it
1. he will guard it; he will take charge of it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she will guard it, she will take care of it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he will take charge of it; he will guard it; she will guard
it; she will take care of it
4. he will take charge of it; he will guard it; she will guard
it; she will take care of it
5. he will take charge of it; he will guard it; she will guard
it; she will take care of it <p33-piya-z>
<p33-piya-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will guard it; he will take charge of it
FC jc-031297
7. she will guard it, she will take care of it
FC jc-031297
8. he will guard it; he will take charge of it
FC jc-031297
9. she will guard it, she will take care of it
FC jc-031297

0. they will watch it, they will care for it
1. they will watch it, they will care for it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will watch it, they will care for it
3. they will watch it, they will care for it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they will watch it, they will care for it

<p33-piya-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will watch it, they will care for it
FC jc-031297
6. they will watch it, they will care for it
FC jc-031297

0. he stores it, he takes care of it

1. he stores it, he takes care of it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he stores it, he takes care of it

3. he stores it, he takes care of it

4. he stores it, he takes care of it

FC jc-031297
5. he stores it, he takes care of it
FC jc-031297

0. he hangs it

1. he hangs it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he hangs it

3. he hangs it

4. he hangs it
FC jc-031297
5. he hangs it
FC jc-031297

0. he shames him, he embarrasses him

1. he shames him, he embarrasses him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he shames him, he embarrasses him

3. he shames him, he embarrasses him

4. he shames him, he embarrasses him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
5. he shames him, he embarrasses him
FC jc-031297

0. they shut him in, they guard him
1. they shut him in, they guard him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they shut him in, they guard him
3. they shut him in, they guard him
4. they shut him in, they guard him <p33-dupl-piya>
<p33-dupl-piya> FC - > jc-61096
5. they shut him in, they guard him <p33-dupl-piya>
<p33-dupl-piya> FC - > jc-61096
6. they shut him in, they guard him
FC jc-031297
7. they shut him in, they guard him
FC jc-031297

0. they hang it
1. they hang it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they hang it
3. they hang it
4. they hang it <p33-dupl-piloa:>
<p33-dupl-piloa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. they hang it <p33-dupl-piloa:>
<p33-dupl-piloa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. they hang it <p33-dupl-piloa:>
<p33-dupl-piloa:> FC - > jc-61096
7. they hang it
FC jc-031297
8. they hang it
FC jc-031297

0. they produced it, they made it
1. they composed it, they invented it; they produced it; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

made it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they produced it, they made it
3. they produced it, they made it
4. they produced it, they made it <p33-pi:qui1-ya3>
<p33-pi:qui1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they produced it, they made it <p33-pi:qui1-ya3>
<p33-pi:qui1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they composed it, they invented it; they produced it; they
made it
FC jc-031297
7. they composed it, they invented it; they produced it; they
made it
FC jc-031297

0. he blows it; it blows on him; she blows it; she casts him;
they blow it; they cast it; they blow it off
1. he blows it; it blows on him; she blows it; she casts him;
they blow it; they blow it off; they cast it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he blows it; it blows on him; she blows it; she casts him;
they blow it; they cast it; they blow it off
3. he blows it; it blows on him; she blows it; she casts him;
they blow it; they cast it; they blow it off
4. he blows it; it blows on him; she blows it; she casts him;
they blow it; they cast it; they blow it off <p33-pi:tza>
<p33-pi:tza> FC - > jc-61096
5. he blows it; it blows on him; she blows it; she casts him;
they blow it; they blow it off; they cast it
FC jc-031297
6. he blows it; it blows on him; she blows it; she casts him;
they blow it; they blow it off; they cast it
FC jc-031297

0. they cast it
1. they cast it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they cast it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they cast it
4. they cast it <p33-pi:tza-ya3>
<p33-pi:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they cast it <p33-pi:tza-ya3>
<p33-pi:tza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they cast it
FC jc-031297
7. they cast it
FC jc-031297

0. he uses it like a pig, he uses it excessively; they lust

1. he uses it like a pig, he uses it excessively; they lust

for it like pigs
FC -> jc-72895
2. he uses it like a pig, he uses it excessively; they lust

3. he uses it like a pig, he uses it excessively; they lust

4. he uses it like a pig, he uses it excessively; they lust

for it like pigs <p33-pitzotl-nequi>
<p33-pitzotl-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he uses it like a pig, he uses it excessively; they lust
for it like pigs <p33-pitzotl-nequi>
<p33-pitzotl-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he uses it like a pig, he uses it excessively; they lust
for it like pigs <p33-pitzotl-nequi>
<p33-pitzotl-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
7. he uses it like a pig, he uses it excessively; they lust
for it like pigs
FC jc-031297
8. he uses it like a pig, he uses it excessively; they lust
for it like pigs
FC jc-031297

0. they harvest it
1. they harvest it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they harvest it
3. they harvest it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they harvest it <p33-pixca>
<p33-pixca> FC - > jc-61096
5. they harvest it
FC jc-031297
6. they harvest it
FC jc-031297

0. they spread it
1. they spread it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they spread it
3. they spread it
4. they spread it <p33-pixahui-caus06>
<p33-pixahui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. they spread it <p33-pixahui-caus06>
<p33-pixahui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. they spread it
FC jc-031297
7. they spread it
FC jc-031297

0. they recounted it

1. they recounted it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they recounted it

3. they recounted it

4. they recounted it
FC jc-031297
5. they recounted it
FC jc-031297

0. they shred it; they card it
1. they card it; they shred it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they shred it; they card it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they shred it; they card it
4. they shred it; they card it <p33-pochi:na>
<p33-pochi:na> FC - > jc-61096
5. they card it; they shred it
FC jc-031297
6. they card it; they shred it
FC jc-031297

0. he consumes it; it destroys it
1. he consumes it; he destroys it; he loses it; he mars it; he
spoils it; it destroys it; it drives it away; they dispel
it; they knead it; they set upon him; they attack him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he consumes it; it destroys it
3. he consumes it; it destroys it
4. he consumes it; it destroys it <p33-polihui-caus06>
<p33-polihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. he consumes it; it destroys it <p33-polihui-caus06>
<p33-polihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. he consumes it; he destroys it; he loses it; he mars it; he
spoils it; it destroys it; it drives it away; they dispel
it; they knead it; they set upon him; they attack him
FC jc-031297
7. he consumes it; he destroys it; he loses it; he mars it; he
spoils it; it destroys it; it drives it away; they dispel
it; they knead it; they set upon him; they attack him
FC jc-031297

0. they destroyed it; they lost it
1. they destroyed it; they lost it; they moistened it; they
kneaded it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they destroyed it; they lost it
3. they destroyed it; they lost it
4. they destroyed it; they lost it <p33-polihui-caus06-ya3>
<p33-polihui-caus06-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they destroyed it; they lost it <p33-polihui-caus06-ya3>

<p33-polihui-caus06-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they lost it <p33-polihui-caus06-ya3>
<p33-polihui-caus06-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they destroyed it; they lost it; they moistened it; they
kneaded it
FC jc-031297
8. they destroyed it; they lost it; they moistened it; they
kneaded it
FC jc-031297

0. he will destroy it

1. he will destroy it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will destroy it

3. he will destroy it

4. he will destroy it
FC jc-031297
5. he will destroy it
FC jc-031297

0. they shred it fine
1. they shred it fine
FC -> jc-72895
2. they shred it fine
3. they shred it fine
4. they shred it fine <p33-dupl-pochi:na>
<p33-dupl-pochi:na> FC - > jc-61096
5. they shred it fine <p33-dupl-pochi:na>
<p33-dupl-pochi:na> FC - > jc-61096
6. they shred it fine <p33-dupl-pochi:na>
<p33-dupl-pochi:na> FC - > jc-61096
7. they shred it fine
FC jc-031297
8. they shred it fine
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he will destroy it

1. he will destroy it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will destroy it

3. he will destroy it

4. he will destroy it
FC jc-031297
5. he will destroy it
FC jc-031297

0. it causes it to swell
FC jc-031297

0. it made it foam up
FC jc-031297

0. he boils it
FC - > jc-61096

0. they drank it

1. they drank it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they drank it

3. they drank it

4. they drank it
FC jc-031297
5. they drank it
FC jc-031297

0. they raised it for him, they erecte it for him
FC jc-031297

0. he carries it on his shoulders
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he carries it on his shoulders

FC -> jc-72895
2. he carries it on his shoulders

3. he carries it on his shoulders

4. he carries it on his shoulders

FC jc-031297
5. he carries it on his shoulders
FC jc-031297

0. they give it a neck

1. they give it a neck

FC -> jc-72895
2. they give it a neck

3. they give it a neck

4. they give it a neck

5. they give it a neck

6. they give it a neck <p33-quechtli-v04a>
<p33-quechtli-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
7. they give it a neck
FC jc-031297
8. they give it a neck
FC jc-031297

0. he rips its neck
FC jc-031297

0. he puts it on, he wears it
FC jc-031297

0. it forms a mantle on her, it dresses her

1. it forms a mantle on her, it dresses her

FC -> jc-72895
2. it forms a mantle on her, it dresses her
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it forms a mantle on her, it dresses her

4. it forms a mantle on her, it dresses her

FC jc-031297
5. it forms a mantle on her, it dresses her
FC jc-031297

0. they set it up

1. they set it up
FC -> jc-72895
2. they set it up

3. they set it up

4. they set it up
FC jc-031297
5. they set it up
FC jc-031297

0. they erected it
1. they erected it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they erected it
3. they erected it
4. they erected it <p33-dupl-quetza-ya3>
<p33-dupl-quetza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they erected it <p33-dupl-quetza-ya3>
<p33-dupl-quetza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they erected it <p33-dupl-quetza-ya3>
<p33-dupl-quetza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they erected it
FC jc-031297
8. they erected it
FC jc-031297

0. he tramples on it, he steps on it

1. he tramples on it, he steps on it

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he tramples on it, he steps on it

3. he tramples on it, he steps on it

4. he tramples on it, he steps on it

FC jc-031297
5. he tramples on it, he steps on it
FC jc-031297

0. he places it, he sets it; he sets it up; he stands it up;
they set it; they place it
1. he places it, he sets it; he sets it up; he stands it up;
they set it; they place it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he places it, he sets it; he sets it up; he stands it up;
they set it; they place it
3. he places it, he sets it; he sets it up; he stands it up;
they set it; they place it
4. he places it, he sets it; he sets it up; he stands it up;
they set it; they place it <p33-quetza>
<p33-quetza> FC - > jc-61096
5. he places it, he sets it; he sets it up; he stands it up;
they set it; they place it
FC jc-031297
6. he places it, he sets it; he sets it up; he stands it up;
they set it; they place it
FC jc-031297
7. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
8. pipitzca

9. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana

10. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

11. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

12. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

13. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

la cabeza

0. he stood him up
1. he stood him up
FC -> jc-72895
2. he stood him up
3. he stood him up
4. he stood him up <p33-quetza-ya3>
<p33-quetza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he stood him up <p33-quetza-ya3>
<p33-quetza-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he stood him up
FC jc-031297
7. he stood him up
FC jc-031297

0. they will take it out
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. they will take it out
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. mice
<dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07>
1. mice
FC -> jc-72895
2. mice
<dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07>
3. mice
<dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07>
4. mice <dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. mice <dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. mice <dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. mice
FC jc-031297
8. mice
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. mice
<dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07>
1. mice
FC -> jc-72895
2. mice
<dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07>
3. mice
<dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07>
4. mice <dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
5. mice <dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
6. mice <dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07>
<dupl-quimichin-plur02 plur07> FC - > jc-61096
7. mice
FC jc-031297
8. mice
FC jc-031297

0. he covers it over; he wraps it up; she swaddles him; she
wraps him up; they bind it up; they wrap it up; they wrap it

1. he covers it over; he wraps it up; she swaddles him; she

wraps him up; they bind it up; they wrap it up; they wrap it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he covers it over; he wraps it up; she swaddles him; she
wraps him up; they bind it up; they wrap it up; they wrap it

3. he covers it over; he wraps it up; she swaddles him; she

wraps him up; they bind it up; they wrap it up; they wrap it

4. he covers it over; he wraps it up; she swaddles him; she

wraps him up; they bind it up; they wrap it up; they wrap it
FC jc-031297
5. he covers it over; he wraps it up; she swaddles him; she
wraps him up; they bind it up; they wrap it up; they wrap it
FC jc-031297

0. they wrapped it

1. they wrapped it
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they wrapped it

3. they wrapped it

4. they wrapped it
FC jc-031297
5. they wrapped it
FC jc-031297

0. it growls

1. it growls
FC -> jc-72895
2. it growls

3. it growls

4. it growls
FC jc-031297
5. it growls
FC jc-031297

0. buzzer; something that groans

1. buzzer; something that groans

FC -> jc-72895
2. buzzer; something that groans

3. buzzer; something that groans

4. buzzer; something that groans

FC jc-031297
5. buzzer; something that groans
FC jc-031297

0. it is growling

1. it is growling
FC -> jc-72895
2. it is growling

3. it is growling
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it is growling
FC jc-031297
5. it is growling
FC jc-031297

0. moan, snuffle, buzz

0. they wrap him well

1. they wrap him well

FC -> jc-72895
2. they wrap him well

3. they wrap him well

4. they wrap him well

FC jc-031297
5. they wrap him well
FC jc-031297

0. they weave it
FC jc-031297

0. he took it away, he removed it

1. he took it away, he removed it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he took it away, he removed it

3. he took it away, he removed it

4. he took it away, he removed it

FC jc-031297
5. he took it away, he removed it
FC jc-031297

0. lo gastan; lo sacan ( they spend it; they take it out )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. he brings it forth; he causes it to grow; he provides it;
he saves him; he rescues him; it brings it out; it causes
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it to flow out; it removes it; it draws it out; it expels

it; it extracts it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she takes it out, she removes it; they cause it to flow
out; they issue it; they bring it forth; they present it;
they remove her; they bring her out; they take it away;
they take it out; they remove it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he brings it forth; he causes it to grow; he provides it;
he saves him; he rescues him; it brings it out; it causes
it to flow out; it removes it; it draws it out; it expels
it; it extracts it
4. he brings it forth; he causes it to grow; he provides it;
he saves him; he rescues him; it brings it out; it causes
it to flow out; it removes it; it draws it out; it expels
it; it extracts it
5. it brings it out, it removes it; she takes it out; she
removes it <p33-qui:za-caus02>
<p33-qui:za-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. lo gastan; lo sacan ( they spend it; they take it out )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. he brings it forth; he causes it to grow; he provides it;
he saves him; he rescues him; it brings it out; it causes
it to flow out; it removes it; it draws it out; it expels
it; it extracts it
FC jc-031297
8. she takes it out, she removes it; they cause it to flow
out; they issue it; they bring it forth; they present it;
they remove her; they bring her out; they take it away;
they take it out; they remove it
FC jc-031297
9. he brings it forth; he causes it to grow; he provides it;
he saves him; he rescues him; it brings it out; it causes
it to flow out; it removes it; it draws it out; it expels
it; it extracts it
FC jc-031297
10. she takes it out, she removes it; they cause it to flow
out; they issue it; they bring it forth; they present it;
they remove her; they bring her out; they take it away;
they take it out; they remove it
FC jc-031297

0. it drives it out, it removes it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. it drives it out, it removes it

FC -> jc-72895
2. it drives it out, it removes it

3. it drives it out, it removes it

4. it drives it out, it removes it

FC jc-031297
5. it drives it out, it removes it
FC jc-031297

0. he drew it out, he pulled it out; they did set him aside

1. he drew it out, he pulled it out; they did set him aside

FC -> jc-72895
2. he drew it out, he pulled it out; they did set him aside

3. he drew it out, he pulled it out; they did set him aside

4. he drew it out, he pulled it out; they did set him aside

FC jc-031297
5. he drew it out, he pulled it out; they did set him aside
FC jc-031297

0. it goes removing it

1. it goes removing it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it goes removing it

3. it goes removing it

4. it goes removing it
FC jc-031297
5. it goes removing it
FC jc-031297

0. he will ransom him, he will bring him out; it will expel
it; it will remove it

1. he will ransom him, he will bring him out; it will expel

it; it will remove it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will ransom him, he will bring him out; it will expel
it; it will remove it

3. he will ransom him, he will bring him out; it will expel

it; it will remove it

4. he will ransom him, he will bring him out; it will expel

it; it will remove it
FC jc-031297
5. he will ransom him, he will bring him out; it will expel
it; it will remove it
FC jc-031297

0. it issues, it comes out
FC jc-031297

0. it emerges, it goes emerging
FC jc-031297

0. trumpet
1. large seashell
FC -> jc-72895
2. trumpet

3. trumpet
4. trumpet

5. trumpet
FC - > jc-61096
6. large seashell
FC jc-031297
7. large seashell
FC jc-031297

0. it measures it

1. it measures it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it measures it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it measures it

4. he measures it; it measures it

FC jc-031297
5. he measures it; it measures it
FC jc-031297

0. they dig her up; they dig it
1. they dig her up; they dig it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they dig her up; they dig it
3. they dig her up; they dig it
4. they dig her up; they dig it <p33-tataca>
<p33-tataca> FC - > jc-61096
5. they dig her up; they dig it
FC jc-031297
6. they dig her up; they dig it
FC jc-031297

0. he fills it
FC - > jc-61096

0. he sharpens it ( eg knife )
FC - > jc-61096
1. he sharpens it ( eg knife )
Verbing jc-030797
2. he sharpens it ( eg knife
-tia jc-030797
3. he sharpens it ( eg knife )
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. he sharpens it ( eg knife )
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. he sharpens it ( eg knife )
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
6. he sharpens it ( eg knife )
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

0. he sets it out for him; they cut it off of her; they place
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it before him; they place it for him


0. they smooth it

1. they smooth it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they smooth it

3. they smooth it

4. they smooth it
FC jc-031297
5. they smooth it
FC jc-031297

0. he pours it; he spreads it; he lays it out; she places it;
she pours it
1. he places it; he pours it; he spreads it; he lays it out
FC -> jc-72895
2. she places it, she pours it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he pours it; he spreads it; he lays it out; she places it;
she pours it
4. he pours it; he spreads it; he lays it out; she places it;
she pours it
5. he pours it; he spreads it; he lays it out; she places it;
she pours it <p33-te:ca>
<p33-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
6. he implants it; he places it; he pours it; he sets it down;
he spreads it; he lays it out
FC jc-031297
7. she places it, she pours it; she sets it; they laid it
down; they lay it out; they place it; they spread it
FC jc-031297
8. he implants it; he places it; he pours it; he sets it down;
he spreads it; he lays it out
FC jc-031297
9. she places it, she pours it; she sets it; they laid it
down; they lay it out; they place it; they spread it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he built it, he set it up; he laid it down
1. he built it, he set it up; he laid it down
FC -> jc-72895
2. he built it, he set it up; he laid it down
3. he built it, he set it up; he laid it down
4. he built it, he set it up; he laid it down <p33-te:ca-prt2>
<p33-te:ca-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he built it, he set it up; he laid it down
FC jc-031297
6. he built it, he set it up; he laid it down
FC jc-031297

0. they placed it

1. they placed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they placed it

3. they placed it

4. they laid it out; they placed it

FC jc-031297
5. they laid it out; they placed it
FC jc-031297

0. they laid it out

1. they laid it out

FC -> jc-72895
2. they laid it out

3. they laid it out

4. he laid it; they laid it out

FC jc-031297
5. he laid it; they laid it out
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it grinds it up; they grind it

1. he grinds it; it grinds it up; they grind it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it grinds it up; they grind it
3. it grinds it up; they grind it
4. it grinds it up; they grind it <p33-teci>
<p33-teci> FC - > jc-61096
5. he grinds it; it grinds it; it grinds it up; they grind it
FC jc-031297
6. he grinds it; it grinds it; it grinds it up; they grind it
FC jc-031297

0. he notes the pain

1. he notes the pain

FC -> jc-72895
2. he notes the pain

3. he notes the pain

4. he notes the pain

FC jc-031297
5. he notes the pain
FC jc-031297

0. he gives it to someone to eat

1. he gives it to someone to eat

FC -> jc-72895
2. he gives it to someone to eat

3. he gives it to someone to eat

4. he gives it to someone to eat

FC jc-031297
5. he gives it to someone to eat
FC jc-031297

0. he took it away from someone
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he took it away from someone

FC -> jc-72895
2. he took it away from someone

3. he took it away from someone

4. he took it away from someone

FC jc-031297
5. he took it away from someone
FC jc-031297

0. they pound it with a rock
FC - > jc-61096
1. they pound it with a rock
Verbing jc-030797
2. they pound it with a rock
-huia jc-030797
3. they pound it with a rock
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. they pound it with a rock
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. they pound it with a rock
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
6. they pound it with a rock
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

0. he gives it to someone to drink

1. he gives it to someone to drink

FC -> jc-72895
2. he gives it to someone to drink

3. he gives it to someone to drink

4. he gives it to someone to drink

FC jc-031297
5. he gives it to someone to drink
FC jc-031297

0. it reveals it, it makes it evident

1. it reveals it, it makes it evident

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. it reveals it, it makes it evident

3. it reveals it, it makes it evident

4. it reveals it, it makes it evident; she shows it to people

FC jc-031297
5. it reveals it, it makes it evident; she shows it to people
FC jc-031297

0. it places it

1. it places it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it places it

3. it places it

4. it places it
FC jc-031297
5. it places it
FC jc-031297

0. he gives it to someone

1. he gives it to someone
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gives it to someone

3. he gives it to someone

4. he gives it to someone
FC jc-031297
5. he gives it to someone
FC jc-031297

0. he is accustomed to giving it to someone

1. he is accustomed to giving it to someone

FC -> jc-72895
2. he is accustomed to giving it to someone

3. he is accustomed to giving it to someone
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he is accustomed to giving it to someone

FC jc-031297
5. he is accustomed to giving it to someone
FC jc-031297

0. he bestowed it, he gave it to someone

1. he bestowed it, he gave it to someone

FC -> jc-72895
2. he bestowed it, he gave it to someone

3. he bestowed it, he gave it to someone

4. he bestowed it, he gave it to someone

FC jc-031297
5. he bestowed it, he gave it to someone
FC jc-031297

0. ahzo oquichyotl, cuauhyotl, oceloyotl quiteilhuiltia,
quitemacehualtia; perhaps he giveth one as desert, as
merit, warriorhood--the eagle warriorhood, the ocelot
warriorhood <p33-p52-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08 (b6 f7 c17 p88)
1. ahzo oquichyotl, cuauhyotl, oceloyotl quiteilhuiltia,
quitemacehualtia; perhaps he giveth one as desert, as
merit, warriorhood--the eagle warriorhood, the ocelot
<p33-p52-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08> (b6 f7 c17 p88) JC-7/23/96

0. iuh mitoa, ca moch ye quitemacehualtiaya, itenamac
mochihuaya so was it said that all which it thus awarded
him became his gift <p33-p52-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08-ya3
(b5 f1 c3 p158)
1. iuh mitoa, ca moch ye quitemacehualtiaya, itenamac
mochihuaya so was it said that all which it thus awarded
him became his gift
<p33-p52-mahce:hua-l1-v04-caus08-ya3> (b5 f1 c3 p158) JC-7/23/96

0. they make it known

1. they make it known
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they make it known

3. they make it known

4. they make it known

FC jc-031297
5. they make it known
FC jc-031297

0. they give it a metallic luster
FC jc-031297

0. he will dream of it
1. he will dream of it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will dream of it
3. he will dream of it
4. he will dream of it <p33-te:miqui-z>
<p33-te:miqui-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will dream of it
FC jc-031297
6. he will dream of it
FC jc-031297

0. he looks for her, he seeks her; he looks for it; he seeks
him out; he seeks it; it searches for it; it seeks it; it
looks for it
1. he looks for her, he seeks her; he looks for it; he seeks
him out; he seeks it; it searches for it; it seeks it; it
looks for it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they look for it, they seek it out; they seek it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he looks for her, he seeks her; he looks for it; he seeks
him out; he seeks it; it searches for it; it seeks it; it
looks for it
4. he looks for her, he seeks her; he looks for it; he seeks
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

him out; he seeks it; it searches for it; it seeks it; it

looks for it
5. it searches for it <p33-te:moa:>
<p33-te:moa:> FC - > jc-61096
6. he looks for her, he seeks her; he looks for it; he seeks
him out; he seeks it; it searches for it; it seeks it; it
looks for it
FC jc-031297
7. they look for it, they seek it out; they seek it
FC jc-031297
8. he looks for her, he seeks her; he looks for it; he seeks
him out; he seeks it; it searches for it; it seeks it; it
looks for it
FC jc-031297
9. they look for it, they seek it out; they seek it
FC jc-031297

0. one who seeks it

1. one who seeks it

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who seeks it

3. one who seeks it

4. one who seeks it

FC jc-031297
5. one who seeks it
FC jc-031297

0. they sought it, they looked for it

1. they sought it, they looked for it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they sought it, they looked for it

3. they sought it, they looked for it

4. they sought it, they looked for it

FC jc-031297
5. they sought it, they looked for it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they lower it, they bring it down
1. they lower it, they bring it down
FC -> jc-72895
2. they lower it, they bring it down
3. they lower it, they bring it down
4. they lower it, they bring it down <p33-temo:-caus10>
<p33-temo:-caus10> FC - > jc-61096
5. they lower it, they bring it down <p33-temo:-caus10>
<p33-temo:-caus10> FC - > jc-61096
6. they lower it, they bring it down
FC jc-031297
7. they lower it, they bring it down
FC jc-031297

0. he will lower it, he will pass it through
1. he will lower it, he will pass it through
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will lower it, he will pass it through
3. he will lower it, he will pass it through
4. he will lower it, he will pass it through
<p33-temo:-caus10-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will lower it, he will pass it through
<p33-temo:-caus10-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will lower it, he will pass it through
FC jc-031297
7. he will lower it, he will pass it through
FC jc-031297

0. he seeks of it

1. he seeks of it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he seeks of it

3. he seeks of it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he seeks of it
FC jc-031297
5. he seeks of it
FC jc-031297

0. oyaya quitemotih in itlacual ic zacamanal se iba en busca
de su comida por el llano It would leave in search for its
food through the field
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. Que iba buscando por el llano ? Tlen oyaya quitemotih ic
zacamanal ? What was it looking for through the field ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
2. Por donde iba buscando su comida ? Canic oyaya quitemotih
in itlacual ? Where was it looking for its food ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. they go searching for it
<p33-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. they go along looking for it; they go searching for it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go searching for it
<p33-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. they go searching for it
<p33-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. they go searching for it <p33-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they go searching for it <p33-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they go searching for it <p33-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-te:moa:-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. it goes about looking for it; they go along looking for it;
they go searching for it
FC jc-031297
8. it goes about looking for it; they go along looking for it;
they go searching for it
FC jc-031297

0. they will seek it, they will look for it

1. they will seek it, they will look for it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will seek it, they will look for it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they will seek it, they will look for it

4. they will seek it, they will look for it

FC jc-031297
5. they will seek it, they will look for it
FC jc-031297

0. he makes it desirable to others
FC - > jc-61096

0. lo recitan ( they recite it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. he mentions it; he divulges it; it mentions it; they call
it; they call upon it; they mention it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he mentions it; he divulges it; it mentions it; they call
it; they call upon it; they mention it
3. he mentions it; he divulges it; it mentions it; they call
it; they call upon it; they mention it
4. he mentions it, he divulges it <p33-te:ntli-ehua>
<p33-te:ntli-ehua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he mentions it, he divulges it <p33-te:ntli-ehua>
<p33-te:ntli-ehua> FC - > jc-61096
6. he mentions it, he divulges it; they call upon it; they
mention it <p33-te:ntli-ehua>
<p33-te:ntli-ehua> FC - > jc-61096
7. they call upon it, they mention it <p33-te:ntli-e:hua>
<p33-te:ntli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
8. they call upon it, they mention it <p33-te:ntli-e:hua>
<p33-te:ntli-e:hua> FC - > jc-61096
9. lo recitan ( they recite it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. he mentions it; he divulges it; it mentions it; they call
it; they call upon it; they mention it
FC jc-031297
11. he mentions it; he divulges it; it mentions it; they call
it; they call upon it; they mention it
FC jc-031297

0. they told of it, they pronounced it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they told of it, they pronounced it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they told of it, they pronounced it
3. they told of it, they pronounced it
4. they told of it, they pronounced it <p33-te:ntli-ehua-ya3>
<p33-te:ntli-ehua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they told of it, they pronounced it <p33-te:ntli-ehua-ya3>
<p33-te:ntli-ehua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they told of it, they pronounced it <p33-te:ntli-ehua-ya3>
<p33-te:ntli-ehua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they told of it, they pronounced it <p33-te:ntli-ehua-ya3>
<p33-te:ntli-ehua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they told of it, they pronounced it
FC jc-031297
9. they told of it, they pronounced it
FC jc-031297

0. he will mention it
1. he will mention it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will mention it
3. he will mention it
4. he will mention it <p33-te:ntli-ehua-z>
<p33-te:ntli-ehua-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will mention it <p33-te:ntli-ehua-z>
<p33-te:ntli-ehua-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will mention it <p33-te:ntli-ehua-z>
<p33-te:ntli-ehua-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will mention it
FC jc-031297
8. he will mention it
FC jc-031297

0. they speak to him as a god

1. they speak to him as a god

FC -> jc-72895
2. they speak to him as a god
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they speak to him as a god

4. they speak to him as a god

FC jc-031297
5. they speak to him as a god
FC jc-031297

0. they cast it, they scatter it
1. they cast it, they scatter it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they cast it, they scatter it
3. they cast it, they scatter it
4. they cast it, they scatter it <p33-tepe:hui-caus09>
<p33-tepe:hui-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. they cast it, they scatter it <p33-tepe:hui-caus09>
<p33-tepe:hui-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. they cast it, they scatter it
FC jc-031297
7. they cast it, they scatter it
FC jc-031297

0. he shed it, he scattered it; they scattered it
1. he shed it, he scattered it; they scattered it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he shed it, he scattered it; they scattered it
3. he shed it, he scattered it; they scattered it
4. he shed it, he scattered it; they scattered it
<p33-tepe:hui-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he shed it, he scattered it; they scattered it
<p33-tepe:hui-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he shed it, he scattered it; they scattered it
<p33-tepe:hui-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he shed it, he scattered it; they scattered it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. he shed it, he scattered it; they scattered it

FC jc-031297

0. they scattered it in haste
FC jc-031297

0. it heaps it up

1. it heaps it up
FC -> jc-72895
2. it heaps it up

3. it heaps it up

4. it heaps it up
FC jc-031297
5. it heaps it up
FC jc-031297

0. cana quitlatia, huel quiquiquimiloa, quitepitzilacatzoa:
quinicuac in otlathuic quittac, in quiteittitia, intla
cualli, intla yectli: he buried it somewhere: he wrapped it
up thoroughly and tightly, and later, when it had dawned,
he looked at it, and then it showed him whether [his
fortune were] good and propitious (b5 f1 p158)

0. he shoots it with an arrow
FC - > jc-61096
1. he shoots it with an arrow
Verbing jc-030797
2. he shoots it with an arrow
-huia jc-030797
3. he shoots it with an arrow
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. he shoots it with an arrow
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. he shoots it with an arrow
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
6. he shoots it with an arrow
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they cut it

1. he cuts it up
FC -> jc-72895
2. they cut it
FC -> jc-72895
3. they cut it

4. they cut it

5. he cuts it up
FC jc-031297
6. they cut it
FC jc-031297
7. he cuts it up
FC jc-031297
8. they cut it
FC jc-031297

0. they did cut it; they (did) cut it
1. they ( did ) cut it; they did cut it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they did cut it; they (did) cut it
3. they did cut it; they (did) cut it
4. they did cut it; they ( did ) cut it <p33-tequi1-ya3>
<p33-tequi1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they did cut it; they ( did ) cut it <p33-tequi1-ya3>
<p33-tequi1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they ( did ) cut it; they did cut it
FC jc-031297
7. they ( did ) cut it; they did cut it
FC jc-031297

0. it eats it gluttonously

1. it eats it gluttonously
FC -> jc-72895
2. it eats it gluttonously

3. it eats it gluttonously
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. it eats it gluttonously
FC jc-031297
5. it eats it gluttonously
FC jc-031297

0. they cut it off of her
1. he sets it out for him; they cut it off of her; they place
it before him; they place it for him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they cut it off of her
3. they cut it off of her
4. he sets it out for him; they place it before him; they
place it for him <p33-te:ca-ben>
<p33-te:ca-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. they cut it off of her <p33-tequi1-ben>
<p33-tequi1-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. he sets it out for him; they cut it off of her; they place
it before him; they place it for him
FC jc-031297
7. he sets it out for him; they cut it off of her; they place
it before him; they place it for him
FC jc-031297

0. it displeases him, it troubles him

1. it displeases him, it troubles him

FC -> jc-72895
2. it displeases him, it troubles him

3. it displeases him, it troubles him

4. it displeases him, it troubles him

FC jc-031297
5. it displeases him, it troubles him
FC jc-031297

0. she will come to cut it
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they spread it
1. they spread it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they spread it
3. they spread it
4. they spread it <p33-dupl-te:ca>
<p33-dupl-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
5. they spread it <p33-dupl-te:ca>
<p33-dupl-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
6. they spread it <p33-dupl-te:ca>
<p33-dupl-te:ca> FC - > jc-61096
7. they spread it
FC jc-031297
8. they spread it
FC jc-031297

0. they stone him

1. they stone him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they stone him

3. they stone him

4. they stone him

FC jc-031297
5. they stone him
FC jc-031297

0. they stoned him

1. they stoned him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they stoned him

3. they stoned him

4. they stoned him

FC jc-031297
5. they stoned him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they will stone him to death

1. they will stone him to death

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will stone him to death

3. they will stone him to death

4. they will stone him to death

FC jc-031297
5. they will stone him to death
FC jc-031297

0. they scatter it repeatedly
1. they scatter it repeatedly
FC -> jc-72895
2. they scatter it repeatedly
3. they scatter it repeatedly
4. they scatter it repeatedly <p33-dupl-tepe:hui-caus09>
<p33-dupl-tepe:hui-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
5. they scatter it repeatedly <p33-dupl-tepe:hui-caus09>
<p33-dupl-tepe:hui-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
6. they scatter it repeatedly <p33-dupl-tepe:hui-caus09>
<p33-dupl-tepe:hui-caus09> FC - > jc-61096
7. they scatter it repeatedly
FC jc-031297
8. they scatter it repeatedly
FC jc-031297

0. it cuts it up; she dismembers it; she cuts it up; they cut
him up

1. it cuts it up; she dismembers it; she cuts it up; they cut
him up
FC -> jc-72895
2. it cuts it up; she dismembers it; she cuts it up; they cut
him up
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. it cuts it up; she dismembers it; she cuts it up; they cut
him up

4. it cuts it up; she dismembers it; she cuts it up; they cut
him up
FC jc-031297
5. it cuts it up; she dismembers it; she cuts it up; they cut
him up
FC jc-031297

0. they bind him thoroughly, they tie him firmly; they bind it
firmly; they tie it firmly

1. they bind him thoroughly, they tie him firmly; they bind it
firmly; they tie it firmly
FC -> jc-72895
2. they bind him thoroughly, they tie him firmly; they bind it
firmly; they tie it firmly

3. they bind him thoroughly, they tie him firmly; they bind it
firmly; they tie it firmly

4. they bind him thoroughly, they tie him firmly; they bind it
firmly; they tie it firmly
FC jc-031297
5. they bind him thoroughly, they tie him firmly; they bind it
firmly; they tie it firmly
FC jc-031297

0. they wrap him thoroughly, tightly

1. they wrap him thoroughly, tightly

FC -> jc-72895
2. they wrap him thoroughly, tightly

3. they wrap him thoroughly, tightly

4. they wrap him thoroughly, tightly

FC jc-031297
5. they wrap him thoroughly, tightly
FC jc-031297

0. he causes someone to swallow it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he causes someone to swallow it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he causes someone to swallow it

3. he causes someone to swallow it

4. he causes someone to swallow it

FC jc-031297
5. he causes someone to swallow it
FC jc-031297

0. they took it as a portent
1. they took it as a portent
FC -> jc-72895
2. they took it as a portent
3. they took it as a portent
4. they took it as a portent <p33-te:tza:huitl-mati-ya3>
<p33-te:tza:huitl-mati-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they took it as a portent <p33-te:tza:huitl-mati-ya3>
<p33-te:tza:huitl-mati-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they took it as a portent <p33-te:tza:huitl-mati-ya3>
<p33-te:tza:huitl-mati-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they took it as a portent
FC jc-031297
8. they took it as a portent
FC jc-031297

0. they considered it an evil omen

1. they considered it an evil omen

FC -> jc-72895
2. they considered it an evil omen

3. they considered it an evil omen

4. they considered it an evil omen

FC jc-031297
5. they considered it an evil omen
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he grinds it with a pestle
FC - > jc-61096
1. he grinds it with a pestle
Verbing jc-030797
2. he grinds it with a pestle
-huia jc-030797
3. he grinds it with a pestle
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. he grinds it with a pestle
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. he grinds it with a pestle
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
6. he grinds it with a pestle
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

0. he will go on drinking it, he is to go on drinking it
<p33-i:1-ti1-nemi-z aux01>
1. he will go on drinking it, he is to go on drinking it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will go on drinking it, he is to go on drinking it
<p33-i:1-ti1-nemi-z aux01>
3. he will go on drinking it, he is to go on drinking it
<p33-i:1-ti1-nemi-z aux01>
4. he will go on drinking it, he is to go on drinking it
<p33-i:1-ti1-nemi-z aux01>
<p33-i:1-ti1-nemi-z aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will go on drinking it, he is to go on drinking it
<p33-i:1-ti1-nemi-z aux01>
<p33-i:1-ti1-nemi-z aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will go on drinking it, he is to go on drinking it
<p33-i:1-ti1-nemi-z aux01>
<p33-i:1-ti1-nemi-z aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will go on drinking it, he is to go on drinking it
<p33-i:1-ti1-nemi-z aux01>
<p33-i:1-ti1-nemi-z aux01> FC - > jc-61096
8. he will go on drinking it, he is to go on drinking it
FC jc-031297
9. he will go on drinking it, he is to go on drinking it
FC jc-031297

0. he rips its belly
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they restrained him

1. they restrained him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they restrained him

3. they restrained him

4. they restrained him

FC jc-031297
5. they restrained him
FC jc-031297

0. he obeys him; it obeys it; it responds to it
1. he obeys him; it obeys it; it responds to it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he obeys him; it obeys it; it responds to it
3. he obeys him; it obeys it; it responds to it
4. he obeys him; it obeys it; it responds to it
<p33-tla:catl-mati-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he obeys him; it obeys it; it responds to it
<p33-tla:catl-mati-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he obeys him; it obeys it; it responds to it
FC jc-031297
7. he obeys him; it obeys it; it responds to it
FC jc-031297

0. he explains it to him, he informs him of it

1. he explains it to him, he informs him of it

FC -> jc-72895
2. he explains it to him, he informs him of it

3. he explains it to him, he informs him of it

4. he explains it to him, he informs him of it

FC jc-031297
5. he explains it to him, he informs him of it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they produce it
1. they produce it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they produce it
3. they produce it
4. they produce it <p33-tla:catl-v01a-caus04>
<p33-tla:catl-v01a-caus04> FC - > jc-61096
5. they produce it <p33-tla:catl-v01a-caus04>
<p33-tla:catl-v01a-caus04> FC - > jc-61096
6. they produce it
FC jc-031297
7. they produce it
FC jc-031297

0. they gave it form, they formed it

1. they gave it form, they formed it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they gave it form, they formed it

3. they gave it form, they formed it

4. they gave it form, they formed it

FC jc-031297
5. they gave it form, they formed it
FC jc-031297

0. he gives the name of a man (of respect)
1. he gives the name of a man ( of respect )
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gives the name of a man (of respect)
3. he gives the name of a man (of respect)
4. he gives the name of a man ( of respect )
<p33-tlacatl-toca2> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he gives the name of a man ( of respect )

FC jc-031297
6. he gives the name of a man ( of respect )
FC jc-031297

0. it called him by his name as a man
FC jc-031297

0. they will rob him, they will plunder him

1. they will rob him, they will plunder him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will rob him, they will plunder him

3. they will rob him, they will plunder him

4. they will rob him, they will plunder him

FC jc-031297
5. they will rob him, they will plunder him
FC jc-031297

0. they made him look at it

1. they made him look at it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they made him look at it

3. they made him look at it

4. they made him look at it

FC jc-031297
5. they made him look at it
FC jc-031297

0. they will make him stare
JC-05-07-97 Causative Verbs no1
1. they will make him stare
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. he damages it, he harms it; he spoils it; he sins; it
damages it; it harms it; it defiles it; it harms him; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

damage it; they err in it

1. he damages it, he harms it; he spoils it; he sins; it
damages it; it harms it; it defiles it; it harms him; they
damage it; they err in it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he damages it, he harms it; he spoils it; he sins; it
damages it; it harms it; it defiles it; it harms him; they
damage it; they err in it
3. he damages it, he harms it; he spoils it; he sins; it
damages it; it harms it; it defiles it; it harms him; they
damage it; they err in it
4. he damages it, he harms it; he spoils it; he sins; it
damages it; it harms it; it defiles it; it harms him; they
damage it; they err in it <p33-ihtlacahui-caus06>
<p33-ihtlacahui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. he damages it, he harms it; he spoils it; he sins; it
damages it; it harms it; it defiles it; it harms him; they
damage it; they err in it
FC jc-031297
6. he damages it, he harms it; he spoils it; he sins; it
damages it; it harms it; it defiles it; it harms him; they
damage it; they err in it
FC jc-031297

0. they erred in it, they damaged it
1. they erred in it, they damaged it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they erred in it, they damaged it
3. they erred in it, they damaged it
4. they erred in it, they damaged it
<p33-ihtlacahui-caus06-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they erred in it, they damaged it
<p33-ihtlacahui-caus06-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they erred in it, they damaged it
FC jc-031297
7. they erred in it, they damaged it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they make it fall into a pit

1. they make it fall into a pit

FC -> jc-72895
2. they make it fall into a pit

3. they make it fall into a pit

4. they make it fall into a pit

FC jc-031297
5. they make it fall into a pit
FC jc-031297

0. he will rule it

1. he will rule it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will rule it

3. he will rule it

4. he will rule it
FC jc-031297
5. he will rule it
FC jc-031297

0. they behead quail for her; they cut something for her
1. they behead quail for her; they cut something for her
FC -> jc-72895
2. they behead quail for her; they cut something for her
3. they behead quail for her; they cut something for her
4. they behead quail for her; they cut something for her
<p33-p51-coto:ni-caus09-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. they behead quail for her; they cut something for her
<p33-p51-coto:ni-caus09-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. they behead quail for her; they cut something for her
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-p51-coto:ni-caus09-ben> FC - > jc-61096

7. they behead quail for her; they cut something for her
FC jc-031297
8. they behead quail for her; they cut something for her
FC jc-031297

0. they will damage it, they will err in it; they will harm
it; they will ruin it

1. they will damage it, they will err in it; they will harm
it; they will ruin it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will damage it, they will err in it; they will harm
it; they will ruin it

3. they will damage it, they will err in it; they will harm
it; they will ruin it

4. they will damage it, they will err in it; they will harm
it; they will ruin it
FC jc-031297
5. they will damage it, they will err in it; they will harm
it; they will ruin it
FC jc-031297

0. he gives it a body

1. he gives it a body
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gives it a body

3. he gives it a body

4. he gives it a body
FC jc-031297
5. he gives it a body
FC jc-031297

0. he takes food, he eats

1. he takes food, he eats

FC -> jc-72895
2. he takes food, he eats
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he takes food, he eats

4. he takes food, he eats

FC jc-031297
5. he takes food, he eats
FC jc-031297

0. they will rob him

1. they will rob him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will rob him

3. they will rob him

4. they will rob him

FC jc-031297
5. they will rob him
FC jc-031297

0. he needs it immoderately
1. he needs it immoderately
FC -> jc-72895
2. he needs it immoderately
3. he needs it immoderately
4. he needs it immoderately <p33-tlahe:lli-nequi>
<p33-tlahe:lli-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he needs it immoderately <p33-tlahe:lli-nequi>
<p33-tlahe:lli-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he needs it immoderately <p33-tlahe:lli-nequi>
<p33-tlahe:lli-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
7. he needs it immoderately
FC jc-031297
8. he needs it immoderately
FC jc-031297

0. it nauseates him, it disgusts him
1. it nauseates him, it disgusts him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it nauseates him, it disgusts him
3. it nauseates him, it disgusts him
4. it nauseates him, it disgusts him <p33-tlahe:lli-v04-caus08>
<p33-tlahe:lli-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. it nauseates him, it disgusts him <p33-tlahe:lli-v04-caus08>
<p33-tlahe:lli-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. it nauseates him, it disgusts him <p33-tlahe:lli-v04-caus08>
<p33-tlahe:lli-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. it nauseates him, it disgusts him
FC jc-031297
8. it nauseates him, it disgusts him
FC jc-031297

0. it mocks it

1. it mocks it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it mocks it

3. it mocks it

4. it mocks it
FC jc-031297
5. it mocks it
FC jc-031297

0. A quien va a saludar el conejito ? Aquin quitlahpaloz in
totochtzin ? Who is the little rabbit going to greet ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. he burns it
FC jc-031297

0. it makes him drunk
FC - > jc-61096

0. he harmed it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he harmed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he harmed it

3. he harmed it

4. he harmed it
FC jc-031297
5. he harmed it
FC jc-031297

0. it causes him irritation

1. it causes him irritation

FC -> jc-72895
2. it causes him irritation

3. it causes him irritation

4. it causes him irritation

FC jc-031297
5. it causes him irritation
FC jc-031297

0. he begs him

1. he begs him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he begs him

3. he begs him

4. he begs him
FC jc-031297
5. he begs him
FC jc-031297

0. they place her in the earth

1. they place her in the earth

FC -> jc-72895
2. they place her in the earth
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they place her in the earth

4. they place her in the earth

FC jc-031297
5. they place her in the earth
FC jc-031297

0. he put it, he set it in place
1. he put it, he set it in place
FC -> jc-72895
2. he put it, he set it in place
3. he put it, he set it in place
4. he put it, he set it in place <p33-tla:lia-prt1>
<p33-tla:lia-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he put it, he set it in place
FC jc-031297
6. he put it, he set it in place
FC jc-031297

0. he places it; he places him; he puts it; it places it; it
implants it; they place it; they place him; they lay it out
1. he places him; he places it; he puts it; it places it; it
implants it; they lay it down; they place it; they lay it
out; they place him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he places it; he places him; he puts it; it places it; it
implants it; they place it; they place him; they lay it out
3. he places it; he places him; he puts it; it places it; it
implants it; they place it; they place him; they lay it out
4. he places it; he places him; he puts it; it places it; it
implants it; they place it; they place him; they lay it out
<p33-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
5. he places him; he places it; he puts it; it places it; it
implants it; they lay it ( ie; fire ); they lay it down;
they place it; they lay it out; they place him
FC jc-031297
6. he places him; he places it; he puts it; it places it; it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

implants it; they lay it ( ie; fire ); they lay it down;

they place it; they lay it out; they place him
FC jc-031297

0. they formed it; they placed it; they laid it; they set it
up; they put it
1. they formed it; they placed it; they laid it; they set it
up; they put it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they formed it; they placed it; they laid it; they set it
up; they put it
3. they formed it; they placed it; they laid it; they set it
up; they put it
4. they formed it; they placed it; they laid it; they set it
up; they put it <p33-tla:lia-ya3>
<p33-tla:lia-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they formed it; they placed it; they laid it; they set it
up; they put it <p33-tla:lia-ya3>
<p33-tla:lia-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they formed it; they placed it; they laid it; they set it
up; they put it
FC jc-031297
7. they formed it; they placed it; they laid it; they set it
up; they put it
FC jc-031297

0. she places it on him; they place it on him
1. she places it on him; they place it on him
FC -> jc-72895
2. she places it on him; they place it on him
3. she places it on him; they place it on him
4. she places it on him; they place it on him <p33-tla:lia-ben>
<p33-tla:lia-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. she places it on him; they place it on him <p33-tla:lia-ben>
<p33-tla:lia-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. she places it on him; they place it on him
FC jc-031297
7. she places it on him; they place it on him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they prepared it; they placed it; they built it
1. they built it; they placed it; they prepared it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they prepared it; they placed it; they built it
3. they prepared it; they placed it; they built it
4. they prepared it; they placed it; they built it
<p33-tla:lia-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they built it; they placed it; they prepared it
FC jc-031297
6. they built it; they placed it; they prepared it
FC jc-031297

0. he will put it
1. he will put it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will put it
3. he will put it
4. he will put it <p33-tla:lia-z>
<p33-tla:lia-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will put it
FC jc-031297
6. he will put it
FC jc-031297

0. they will make it, they will put it

1. they will make it, they will put it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will make it, they will put it

3. they will make it, they will put it

4. they will make it, they will put it

FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they will make it, they will put it

FC jc-031297

0. he recalls it, remembers it
1. he recalls it, remembers it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he recalls it, remembers it
3. he recalls it, remembers it
4. he recalls it, remembers it <p33-p51-illi-na:miqui-caus02>
<p33-p51-illi-na:miqui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
5. he recalls it, remembers it <p33-p51-illi-na:miqui-caus02>
<p33-p51-illi-na:miqui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
6. he recalls it, remembers it <p33-p51-illi-na:miqui-caus02>
<p33-p51-illi-na:miqui-caus02> FC - > jc-61096
7. he recalls it, remembers it
FC jc-031297
8. he recalls it, remembers it
FC jc-031297

0. he will provide food for him

1. he will provide food for him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will provide food for him

3. he will provide food for him

4. he will provide food for him

FC jc-031297
5. he will provide food for him
FC jc-031297

0. he enjoys it

1. he enjoys it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he enjoys it

3. he enjoys it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he enjoys it
FC jc-031297
5. he enjoys it
FC jc-031297

0. they make offerings to him

1. they make offerings to him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they make offerings to him

3. they make offerings to him

4. they make offerings to him

FC jc-031297
5. they make offerings to him
FC jc-031297

0. they go to give him ( gifts )
FC jc-031297

0. they lay gifts before him, they put something for him
1. they lay gifts before him, they put something for him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they lay gifts before him, they put something for him
3. they lay gifts before him, they put something for him
4. they lay gifts before him, they put something for him
<p33-p54-mani-caus09-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. they lay gifts before him, they put something for him
<p33-p54-mani-caus09-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. they lay gifts before him, they put something for him
<p33-p54-mani-caus09-ben> FC - > jc-61096
7. they lay gifts before him, they put something for him
FC jc-031297
8. they lay gifts before him, they put something for him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they laid offerings before him; they made offerings to it
1. they laid offerings before him; they made offerings to it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they laid offerings before him; they made offerings to it
3. they laid offerings before him; they made offerings to it
4. they laid offerings before him; they made offerings to it
<p33-p51-mani-caus09-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they laid offerings before him; they made offerings to it
<p33-p51-mani-caus09-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they laid offerings before him; they made offerings to it
<p33-p51-mani-caus09-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they laid offerings before him; they made offerings to it
<p33-p51-mani-caus09-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they gave him offerings; they laid offerings before him;
they made offerings to it
FC jc-031297
9. they gave him offerings; they laid offerings before him;
they made offerings to it
FC jc-031297

0. it consumes it; it finishes it; they finish it; they
conclude it

1. it consumes it; it finishes it; they finish it; they

conclude it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it consumes it; it finishes it; they finish it; they
conclude it

3. it consumes it; it finishes it; they finish it; they

conclude it

4. it consumes it; it finishes it; they finish it; they

conclude it
FC jc-031297
5. it consumes it; it finishes it; they finish it; they
conclude it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he finished it

1. he finished it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he finished it

3. he finished it

4. he finished it
FC jc-031297
5. he finished it
FC jc-031297

0. they will rob him, they will despoil him
FC -> jc-72895
1. they will rob him, they will despoil him
<p33-p51-namoya-ben-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
2. they will rob him, they will despoil him
<p33-p51-namoya-ben-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
3. they will rob him, they will despoil him
<p33-p51-namoya-ben-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
4. they will rob him, they will despoil him
FC jc-031297
5. they will rob him, they will despoil him
FC jc-031297

0. they will rob him, they will despoil him

0. they come poling it
FC jc-031297

0. it shatters it with its teeth

1. it shatters it with its teeth

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. it shatters it with its teeth

3. it shatters it with its teeth

4. it shatters it with its teeth

FC jc-031297
5. it shatters it with its teeth
FC jc-031297

0. he calls out to him in sadness

1. he calls out to him in sadness

FC -> jc-72895
2. he calls out to him in sadness

3. he calls out to him in sadness

4. he calls out to him in sadness

FC jc-031297
5. he calls out to him in sadness
FC jc-031297

0. he greets her; he greets him; she greets him; they greet him
1. he greets her; he greets him; she greets him; they greet him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he greets her; he greets him; she greets him; they greet him
3. he greets her; he greets him; she greets him; they greet him
4. he greets her; he greets him; she greets him; they greet
him <p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06>
<p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. he greets her; he greets him; she greets him; they greet
him <p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06>
<p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. he greets her; he greets him; she greets him; they greet
him <p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06>
<p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. he greets her; he greets him; she greets him; they greet him
FC jc-031297
8. he greets her; he greets him; she greets him; they greet him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he greeted him; they greeted him
1. he greeted him; they greeted him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he greeted him; they greeted him
3. he greeted him; they greeted him
4. he greeted him; they greeted him
<p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he greeted him; they greeted him
<p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he greeted him; they greeted him
<p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he greeted him; they greeted him
<p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he greeted him; they greeted him
FC jc-031297
9. he greeted him; they greeted him
FC jc-031297

0. he will greet him, he is to greet him
1. he will greet him, he is to greet him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will greet him, he is to greet him
3. he will greet him, he is to greet him
4. he will greet him, he is to greet him
<p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will greet him, he is to greet him
<p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will greet him, he is to greet him
<p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will greet him, he is to greet him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. he will greet him, he is to greet him

FC jc-031297

0. they will visit him
1. they will visit him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will visit him
3. they will visit him
4. they will visit him <p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06-z-plur01>
<p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will visit him <p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06-z-plur01>
<p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they will visit him <p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06-z-plur01>
<p33-tlahpalli-v03a-caus06-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they will visit him
FC jc-031297
8. they will visit him
FC jc-031297

0. they provide music for him

1. they provide music for him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they provide music for him

3. they provide music for him

4. they provide music for him

FC jc-031297
5. they provide music for him
FC jc-031297

0. he uncovers it
FC jc-031297

0. they uncovered it

1. they uncovered it
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they uncovered it

3. they uncovered it

4. they uncovered it
FC jc-031297
5. they uncovered it
FC jc-031297

0. he conceals it, he hides it; it burns it; she burns it
1. he conceals it, he hides it; it burns it; she burns it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he conceals it, he hides it; it burns it; she burns it
3. he conceals it, he hides it; it burns it; she burns it
4. she burns it <p33-tla5-v04a-caus08>
<p33-tla5-v04a-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. she burns it <p33-tla5-v04a-caus08>
<p33-tla5-v04a-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. she burns it <p33-tla5-v04a-caus08>
<p33-tla5-v04a-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. he conceals it, he hides it; it burns it; she burns it
FC jc-031297
8. he conceals it, he hides it; it burns it; she burns it
FC jc-031297

0. they burned it
1. they burned it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they burned it
3. they burned it
4. they burned it <p33-tlatia:1-ya3>
<p33-tlatia:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they burned it <p33-tlatia:1-ya3>
<p33-tlatia:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they burned it
FC jc-031297
7. they burned it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they burned it
FC -> jc-72895
1. they burned it
FC jc-031297
2. they burned it
FC jc-031297

0. it fixes it, it places it; they place it successively; they
place it; they set it in place
1. it fixes it, it places it; they place it successively; they
place it; they set it in place
FC -> jc-72895
2. it fixes it, it places it; they place it successively; they
place it; they set it in place
3. it fixes it, it places it; they place it successively; they
place it; they set it in place
4. it fixes it, it places it; they place it successively
<p33-dupl-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
5. it fixes it, it places it; they place it successively; they
place it; they set it in place <p33-dupl-tla:lia>
<p33-dupl-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
6. it fixes it, it places it; they place it successively; they
place it; they set it in place <p33-dupl-tla:lia>
<p33-dupl-tla:lia> FC - > jc-61096
7. it fixes it, it places it; they place it successively; they
place it; they set it in place
FC jc-031297
8. it fixes it, it places it; they place it successively; they
place it; they set it in place
FC jc-031297

0. they repeatedly placed it
1. they repeatedly placed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they repeatedly placed it
3. they repeatedly placed it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they repeatedly placed it <p33-dupl-tla:lia-ya3>
<p33-dupl-tla:lia-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they repeatedly placed it <p33-dupl-tla:lia-ya3>
<p33-dupl-tla:lia-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they repeatedly placed it <p33-dupl-tla:lia-ya3>
<p33-dupl-tla:lia-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they repeatedly placed it <p33-dupl-tla:lia-ya3>
<p33-dupl-tla:lia-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they repeatedly placed it
FC jc-031297
9. they repeatedly placed it
FC jc-031297

0. they offer it separately

1. they offer it separately

FC -> jc-72895
2. they offer it separately

3. they offer it separately

4. they offer it separately

FC jc-031297
5. they offer it separately
FC jc-031297

0. he prays to him; she prays to him
1. he prays to him; she prays to him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he prays to him; she prays to him
3. he prays to him; she prays to him
4. he prays to him; she prays to him <p33-dupl-tlauhtia>
<p33-dupl-tlauhtia> FC - > jc-61096
5. he prays to him; she prays to him <p33-dupl-tlauhtia>
<p33-dupl-tlauhtia> FC - > jc-61096
6. he prays to him; she prays to him <p33-dupl-tlauhtia>
<p33-dupl-tlauhtia> FC - > jc-61096
7. he prays to him; she prays to him
FC jc-031297
8. he prays to him; she prays to him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they exhorted her, they asked her
1. they exhorted her, they asked her
FC -> jc-72895
2. they exhorted her, they asked her
3. they exhorted her, they asked her
4. they exhorted her, they asked her <p33-dupl-tlauhtia-ya3>
<p33-dupl-tlauhtia-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they exhorted her, they asked her <p33-dupl-tlauhtia-ya3>
<p33-dupl-tlauhtia-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they exhorted her, they asked her <p33-dupl-tlauhtia-ya3>
<p33-dupl-tlauhtia-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they exhorted her, they asked her <p33-dupl-tlauhtia-ya3>
<p33-dupl-tlauhtia-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they exhorted her, they asked her
FC jc-031297
9. they exhorted her, they asked her
FC jc-031297

0. they awaited his word

1. they awaited his word

FC -> jc-72895
2. they awaited his word

3. they awaited his word

4. they awaited his word

FC jc-031297
5. they awaited his word
FC jc-031297

0. he forces him to recant
1. he forces him to recant
FC -> jc-72895
2. he forces him to recant
3. he forces him to recant
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he forces him to recant <p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-iloa-???>
<p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-iloa-???> FC - > jc-61096
5. he forces him to recant <p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-iloa-???>
<p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-iloa-???> FC - > jc-61096
6. he forces him to recant <p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-iloa-???>
<p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-iloa-???> FC - > jc-61096
7. he forces him to recant
FC jc-031297
8. he forces him to recant
FC jc-031297

0. they dread his words, they fear his words

1. they dread his words, they fear his words

FC -> jc-72895
2. they dread his words, they fear his words

3. they dread his words, they fear his words

4. they dread his words, they fear his words

FC jc-031297
5. they dread his words, they fear his words
FC jc-031297

0. niman ye ic quitlatoltia, quilhuia tlen ic otihualla,
thereupon he exhorted it; he said to it: "wherefore didst
thou come?" <p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08 (b5 f2 c8 p169),
2 aocmo quicahua quitlatoltia, not now did he let it go;
he tortured it <p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08 (b5 f2 c12
p177), 3 huecauhtica quinemitia, in quitlatoltia: for a
long time he persisted in torturing it
<p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08 (b5 f2 c12 p177)
1. niman ye ic quitlatoltia, quilhuia tlen ic otihualla,
thereupon he exhorted it; he said to it: "wherefore didst
thou come?"
<p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08> (b5 f2 c8 p169) JC-7/23/96
2. aocmo quicahua quitlatoltia, not now did he let it go; he
tortured it
<p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08> (b5 f2 c12 p177) JC-7/23/96
3. huecauhtica quinemitia, in quitlatoltia: for a long time
he persisted in torturing it
<p33-p51-ihtoa:-l1-v04-caus08> (b5 f2 c12 p177) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he pronounces judgement on him

1. he pronounces judgement on him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he pronounces judgement on him

3. he pronounces judgement on him

4. he pronounces judgement on him

FC jc-031297
5. he pronounces judgement on him
FC jc-031297

0. she makes tortillas for him
FC - > jc-61096
1. she makes tortillas for him
Verbing jc-030797
2. she makes tortillas for him
-huia jc-030797
3. she makes tortillas for him
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. she makes tortillas for him
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. she makes tortillas for him
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )
6. she makes tortillas for him
JC-05-07-97 -huia ( to apply )

0. he shoots it at him; he shoots at it; it casts it at it; it
throws it at it
1. he shoots at it; he shoots it at him; it casts it at it; it
throws it at it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he shoots it at him; he shoots at it; it casts it at it; it
throws it at it
3. he shoots it at him; he shoots at it; it casts it at it; it
throws it at it
4. he shoots it at him; he shoots at it; it casts it at it; it
throws it at it <p33-tla:za-ben>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-tla:za-ben> FC - > jc-61096

5. he shoots it at him; he shoots at it; it casts it at it; it
throws it at it <p33-tla:za-ben>
<p33-tla:za-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. he shoots at it; he shoots it at him; it casts it at it; it
throws it at it
FC jc-031297
7. he shoots at it; he shoots it at him; it casts it at it; it
throws it at it
FC jc-031297

0. he cast it away, he threw it down

1. he cast it away, he threw it down

FC -> jc-72895
2. she cast it forth, she threw it out
FC -> jc-72895
3. he cast it away, he threw it down

4. he cast it away, he threw it down; she cast it forth; she

threw it out
5. he cast it away, he threw it down

6. he cast it away, he threw it down; she cast it forth; she

threw it out
7. he cast it away, he threw it down; she cast it forth; she
threw it out <p33-tla:za-prt1>
<p33-tla:za-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
8. he cast it away, he threw it down; he cast it forth; he
expelled it
FC jc-031297
9. she cast it forth, she threw it out
FC jc-031297
10. he cast it away, he threw it down; he cast it forth; he
expelled it
FC jc-031297
11. she cast it forth, she threw it out
FC jc-031297

0. he casts it down, he fells it [eg, tree]; he casts it; he
throws it; he expels it; he coughs it up; he spends it (eg;
night); he throws it away; he tosses it; they scatter it;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

they pass it; they throw it; they shoot it; they cast it
1. he casts it down, he fells it [ eg, tree ]; he casts it; he
throws it; he expels it; he coughs it up; he spends it (
eg; night ); he throws it away; he tosses it; they cast it;
they throw it; they pass it; they scatter it; they shoot it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he casts it down, he fells it [eg, tree]; he casts it; he
throws it; he expels it; he coughs it up; he spends it (eg;
night); he throws it away; he tosses it; they scatter it;
they pass it; they throw it; they shoot it; they cast it
3. he casts it down, he fells it [eg, tree]; he casts it; he
throws it; he expels it; he coughs it up; he spends it (eg;
night); he throws it away; he tosses it; they scatter it;
they pass it; they throw it; they shoot it; they cast it
4. he casts it down, he fells it [ eg, tree ]; he casts it; he
throws it; he expels it; he coughs it up; he spends it (
eg; night ); he throws it away; he tosses it; they scatter
it; they pass it; they throw it; they shoot it; they cast
it <p33-tla:za>
<p33-tla:za> FC - > jc-61096
5. he casts it down, he fells it [ eg, tree ]; he casts it
forth; he expels it; he casts it; he causes it; he throws
it; he coughs it up; he makes it ( ie; a fire ); he passes
it; he spends it ( ie; time ); he spends it ( eg; night );
he spreads it; he throws it away; he tosses it; he voids
it; it casts it forth; it dislodges it; it expels it; it
lays it ( ie; egg ); she spreads it; they cast it; they
throw it; they pass it; they scatter it; they shoot it
FC jc-031297
6. he casts it down, he fells it [ eg, tree ]; he casts it
forth; he expels it; he casts it; he causes it; he throws
it; he coughs it up; he makes it ( ie; a fire ); he passes
it; he spends it ( ie; time ); he spends it ( eg; night );
he spreads it; he throws it away; he tosses it; he voids
it; it casts it forth; it dislodges it; it expels it; it
lays it ( ie; egg ); she spreads it; they cast it; they
throw it; they pass it; they scatter it; they shoot it
FC jc-031297

0. atle quitlazaloltia, atle quitlatzicoltia, nothing could he
retain, nothing could he keep
<p33-p51-zalihui-caus06-l1-v04-caus08 (b4 f1 c2 p8)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. atle quitlazaloltia, atle quitlatzicoltia, nothing could he
retain, nothing could he keep
<p33-p51-zalihui-caus06-l1-v04-caus08> (b4 f1 c2 p8) JC-7/23/96

0. it went to throw it down
FC jc-031297

0. they passed it; they threw it
FC jc-031297

0. they will throw it, they will turn it loose
FC jc-031297

0. niman ic cenquixoa in tiacahuan, in ixquichtin
cuacuachictin, in cuacuauhyaca, in tlatlacochcalca, in
tlatlacatecca: ihuan in ye ixquichtin tequihuaque, in
tlatzonanti, in ohuelittoque in tiacahuan, in iyolloco
chicahuaque, in amo quitlazotla in intzontecon, in
imelchiquiuh, in amo miquizmauhque, in huel in ca momotla
in toyaohuan then there was an assembling of the brave
warriors, all the shorn ones, the leading warriors, the
generals, the commanding generals, and all the seasoned
warriors, the chosen ones, the respected brave warriors
those valiant of their own will, who set no value upon
their heads, their breasts, the fearless of death who in
truth hurled themselves upon our foes <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a
(b2 f7 c30 p123), 2 in ye ixquich nepapan cuauhtli
ocelotl: in tonehua, in chichinaca in iyollo, in nentlamati
in mitzmonochilia, in mitzmotzatzililia: in amo quitlazotla
in itzontecon in ielchiquiuh, in teca quimotla, in teca
quitepachoa in miquiznequi: manozo achitzin xicmottitili in
quinequi, in quelehuia, in tizatl, in ihhuitl: all the
different eagle warriors, the ocelot warriors, those who
suffer pain, who suffer torment in their hearts, who are
anguished, those who call upon thee, who cry out to thee,
those who put no value upon their heads, upon their
breasts, those who hurl missiles against, who press upon
[the enemy] as they wish for death: concede them the little
that they desire, that they long for, the chalk, the down
feathers <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b6 f1 c3 p13), 3 no itechpa
mitoa in aquin cenca tetoliniani: in anozo tlatlacatzintli,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

in mochi tlacatl quitlazotla: macihui in amo tlahuanqui, no

mitoaya ye iuhqui itoch, quitoznequi: ye iuhqui iyeliz
also it is said of one who much afflicts others or of a
pious person whom everyone loves, even if he is not drunk;
it also was said: "he is like his rabbit"; that is, "so is
his way of life" <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b6 f18 c41 p230), 4
inin tlatolli, itechpa mitoa: in aquin aic cenca
moteicniuhtia tlatoltica: ihuan cenca quitlazotla in
itlatol, this saying was said of him who was not much in
making friends by talking, and who treasured his words
exceedingly <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b6 f19 c43 p248)
1. he loves it; they love him; they love it; they value it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they value it
3. he loves it; they love him; they love it; they value it
4. niman ic cenquixoa in tiacahuan, in ixquichtin
cuacuachictin, in cuacuauhyaca, in tlatlacochcalca, in
tlatlacatecca: ihuan in ye ixquichtin tequihuaque, in
tlatzonanti, in ohuelittoque in tiacahuan, in iyolloco
chicahuaque, in amo quitlazotla in intzontecon, in
imelchiquiuh, in amo miquizmauhque, in huel in ca momotla
in toyaohuan then there was an assembling of the brave
warriors, all the shorn ones, the leading warriors, the
generals, the commanding generals, and all the seasoned
warriors, the chosen ones, the respected brave warriors
those valiant of their own will, who set no value upon
their heads, their breasts, the fearless of death who in
truth hurled themselves upon our foes <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a
(b2 f7 c30 p123), 2 in ye ixquich nepapan cuauhtli
ocelotl: in tonehua, in chichinaca in iyollo, in nentlamati
in mitzmonochilia, in mitzmotzatzililia: in amo quitlazotla
in itzontecon in ielchiquiuh, in teca quimotla, in teca
quitepachoa in miquiznequi: manozo achitzin xicmottitili in
quinequi, in quelehuia, in tizatl, in ihhuitl: all the
different eagle warriors, the ocelot warriors, those who
suffer pain, who suffer torment in their hearts, who are
anguished, those who call upon thee, who cry out to thee,
those who put no value upon their heads, upon their
breasts, those who hurl missiles against, who press upon
[the enemy] as they wish for death: concede them the little
that they desire, that they long for, the chalk, the down
feathers <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b6 f1 c3 p13), 3 no itechpa
mitoa in aquin cenca tetoliniani: in anozo tlatlacatzintli,
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

in mochi tlacatl quitlazotla: macihui in amo tlahuanqui, no

mitoaya ye iuhqui itoch, quitoznequi: ye iuhqui iyeliz
also it is said of one who much afflicts others or of a
pious person whom everyone loves, even if he is not drunk;
it also was said: "he is like his rabbit"; that is, "so is
his way of life" <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b6 f18 c41 p230), 4
inin tlatolli, itechpa mitoa: in aquin aic cenca
moteicniuhtia tlatoltica: ihuan cenca quitlazotla in
itlatol, this saying was said of him who was not much in
making friends by talking, and who treasured his words
exceedingly <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a (b6 f19 c43 p248)
5. they value it
6. he loves it; they love him; they love it; they value it
7. he loves it; they love him; they love it; they value it
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a> FC - > jc-61096
8. he loves it; they love him; they love it; they value it
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a> FC - > jc-61096
9. he loves it; they love him; they love it; they value it
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a> FC - > jc-61096
10. they value it <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3>
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
11. niman ic cenquixoa in tiacahuan, in ixquichtin
cuacuachictin, in cuacuauhyaca, in tlatlacochcalca, in
tlatlacatecca: ihuan in ye ixquichtin tequihuaque, in
tlatzonanti, in ohuelittoque in tiacahuan, in iyolloco
chicahuaque, in amo quitlazotla in intzontecon, in
imelchiquiuh, in amo miquizmauhque, in huel in ca momotla
in toyaohuan then there was an assembling of the brave
warriors, all the shorn ones, the leading warriors, the
generals, the commanding generals, and all the seasoned
warriors, the chosen ones, the respected brave warriors
those valiant of their own will, who set no value upon
their heads, their breasts, the fearless of death who in
truth hurled themselves upon our foes
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a> (b2 f7 c30 p123) JC-7/23/96
12. in ye ixquich nepapan cuauhtli ocelotl: in tonehua, in
chichinaca in iyollo, in nentlamati in mitzmonochilia, in
mitzmotzatzililia: in amo quitlazotla in itzontecon in
ielchiquiuh, in teca quimotla, in teca quitepachoa in
miquiznequi: manozo achitzin xicmottitili in quinequi, in
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

quelehuia, in tizatl, in ihhuitl: all the different eagle

warriors, the ocelot warriors, those who suffer pain, who
suffer torment in their hearts, who are anguished, those
who call upon thee, who cry out to thee, those who put no
value upon their heads, upon their breasts, those who hurl
missiles against, who press upon [the enemy] as they wish
for death: concede them the little that they desire, that
they long for, the chalk, the down feathers
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a> (b6 f1 c3 p13) JC-7/23/96
13. no itechpa mitoa in aquin cenca tetoliniani: in anozo
tlatlacatzintli, in mochi tlacatl quitlazotla: macihui in
amo tlahuanqui, no mitoaya ye iuhqui itoch, quitoznequi: ye
iuhqui iyeliz also it is said of one who much afflicts
others or of a pious person whom everyone loves, even if he
is not drunk; it also was said: "he is like his rabbit";
that is, "so is his way of life"
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a> (b6 f18 c41 p230) JC-7/23/96
14. inin tlatolli, itechpa mitoa: in aquin aic cenca
moteicniuhtia tlatoltica: ihuan cenca quitlazotla in
itlatol, this saying was said of him who was not much in
making friends by talking, and who treasured his words
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a> (b6 f19 c43 p248) JC-7/23/96
15. quintenehuaya in ixquichtin tlazopipilti, in tlatoque
impilhuan, in oquichti, in tiacahuan in yaoc matini, in amo
quitlazotla in intzontecon, in imelchiquiuh, in amo
quiximati in octli, in amo tlahuanani, in amo quimotequitia
mixitl, tlapatl, in mimatini, in mozcaliani, in tlamatini,
in cualli yectli innezcaliliz, innehuapahualiz, in
huellatoa, in huellacaqui, in tetlazotlani, in ixe in yollo
they cast votes for all the princes who were sons of
lords; men [at arms]; brave warriors, experienced in war,
who shrank not from the enemy; who knew not wine---who were
not drunkards, who became not stupefied; the prudent, able,
wise; of sound and righteous rearing and upbringing; who
spoke well and were obedient, benevolent, discreet, and
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> (b8 f4 c18 p61) JC-7/23/96
16. he loves it; they love him; they love it; they value it
FC jc-031297
17. he loves it; they love him; they love it; they value it
FC jc-031297

0. quintenehuaya in ixquichtin tlazopipilti, in tlatoque
impilhuan, in oquichti, in tiacahuan in yaoc matini, in amo
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

quitlazotla in intzontecon, in imelchiquiuh, in amo

quiximati in octli, in amo tlahuanani, in amo quimotequitia
mixitl, tlapatl, in mimatini, in mozcaliani, in tlamatini,
in cualli yectli innezcaliliz, innehuapahualiz, in
huellatoa, in huellacaqui, in tetlazotlani, in ixe in yollo
they cast votes for all the princes who were sons of
lords; men [at arms]; brave warriors, experienced in war,
who shrank not from the enemy; who knew not wine---who were
not drunkards, who became not stupefied; the prudent, able,
wise; of sound and righteous rearing and upbringing; who
spoke well and were obedient, benevolent, discreet, and
intelligent <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b8 f4 c18 p61), 2 ce
tlacatl tlatoani onnenca ipiltzin, zan huel icel ipiltzin,
itelpoch, in cenca quitlazotlaya: there lived the son of a
man who was ruler, his only son, his youth, whom he loved
much <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b1 f3 cAp p58), 3 cenca
quitlazotlaya: they esteemed them highly
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b9 f3 c6 p30), 4 cenca
quitlazotlaya, quimimacaxiltiaya in tlacohuanotzalti, in
ahzo aca teuhyotihuitz, tlazollotihuitz, the guests showed
much concern; they feared that someone of vicious life
might come <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b9 f4 c9 p41), 5 zan
omen in huehuei tiacahuan in amo mitzacuiliani, in atle
impan quimitta in inyaohuan catca, in amo quitlazotlaya in
innacayo there were only two great brave warriors who
turned not their faces away, who altogether despised those
who were their foes, who did not value their bodies
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b12 f6 c32 p92)
1. he loved him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he loved him
3. quintenehuaya in ixquichtin tlazopipilti, in tlatoque
impilhuan, in oquichti, in tiacahuan in yaoc matini, in amo
quitlazotla in intzontecon, in imelchiquiuh, in amo
quiximati in octli, in amo tlahuanani, in amo quimotequitia
mixitl, tlapatl, in mimatini, in mozcaliani, in tlamatini,
in cualli yectli innezcaliliz, innehuapahualiz, in
huellatoa, in huellacaqui, in tetlazotlani, in ixe in yollo
they cast votes for all the princes who were sons of
lords; men [at arms]; brave warriors, experienced in war,
who shrank not from the enemy; who knew not wine---who were
not drunkards, who became not stupefied; the prudent, able,
wise; of sound and righteous rearing and upbringing; who
spoke well and were obedient, benevolent, discreet, and
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

intelligent <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b8 f4 c18 p61), 2 ce

tlacatl tlatoani onnenca ipiltzin, zan huel icel ipiltzin,
itelpoch, in cenca quitlazotlaya: there lived the son of a
man who was ruler, his only son, his youth, whom he loved
much <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b1 f3 cAp p58), 3 cenca
quitlazotlaya: they esteemed them highly
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b9 f3 c6 p30), 4 cenca
quitlazotlaya, quimimacaxiltiaya in tlacohuanotzalti, in
ahzo aca teuhyotihuitz, tlazollotihuitz, the guests showed
much concern; they feared that someone of vicious life
might come <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b9 f4 c9 p41), 5 zan
omen in huehuei tiacahuan in amo mitzacuiliani, in atle
impan quimitta in inyaohuan catca, in amo quitlazotlaya in
innacayo there were only two great brave warriors who
turned not their faces away, who altogether despised those
who were their foes, who did not value their bodies
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3 (b12 f6 c32 p92)
4. he loved him
5. he loved him <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3>
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he loved him <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3>
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he loved him <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3>
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he loved him <p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3>
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. ce tlacatl tlatoani onnenca ipiltzin, zan huel icel
ipiltzin, itelpoch, in cenca quitlazotlaya: there lived
the son of a man who was ruler, his only son, his youth,
whom he loved much
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> (b1 f3 cAp p58) JC-7/23/96
10. cenca quitlazotlaya: they esteemed them highly
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> (b9 f3 c6 p30) JC-7/23/96
11. cenca quitlazotlaya, quimimacaxiltiaya in tlacohuanotzalti,
in ahzo aca teuhyotihuitz, tlazollotihuitz, the guests
showed much concern; they feared that someone of vicious
life might come
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> (b9 f4 c9 p41) JC-7/23/96
12. zan omen in huehuei tiacahuan in amo mitzacuiliani, in atle
impan quimitta in inyaohuan catca, in amo quitlazotlaya in
innacayo there were only two great brave warriors who
turned not their faces away, who altogether despised those
who were their foes, who did not value their bodies
<p33-tlazoa-l2-v08a-ya3> (b12 f6 c32 p92) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

13. he loved him

FC jc-031297
14. he loved him
FC jc-031297

0. they laid it [ie, egg]

1. they laid it [ ie, egg ]

FC -> jc-72895
2. they laid it [ie, egg]

3. they laid it [ie, egg]

4. they laid it [ ie, egg ]; they shot it; they fired it

FC jc-031297
5. they laid it [ ie, egg ]; they shot it; they fired it
FC jc-031297

0. they take him up

1. they take him up

FC -> jc-72895
2. they take him up

3. they take him up

4. they take him up

FC jc-031297
5. they take him up
FC jc-031297

0. he lifts it
FC - > jc-61096

0. they will shoot him with a gun

1. they will shoot him with a gun

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will shoot him with a gun

3. they will shoot him with a gun
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they will shoot him with a gun

FC jc-031297
5. they will shoot him with a gun
FC jc-031297

0. it turns it black, it blackens it

1. it turns it black, it blackens it

FC -> jc-72895
2. it turns it black, it blackens it

3. it turns it black, it blackens it

4. it turns it black, it blackens it

FC jc-031297
5. it turns it black, it blackens it
FC jc-031297

0. he called it; he said it; he told it; it said it; she said
1. he called it; he said it; he told it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it said it
FC -> jc-72895
3. she said it
FC -> jc-72895
4. he called it; he said it; he told it; it said it; she said
5. he called it; he said it; he told it; it said it; she said
6. he called it; he said it; he told it; it said it; she said
it <p33-ihtoa:-prt1>
<p33-ihtoa:-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he called it; he said it; he told it
FC jc-031297
8. it said it
FC jc-031297
9. she said it
FC jc-031297
10. he called it; he said it; he told it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

11. it said it
FC jc-031297
12. she said it
FC jc-031297

0. she buried it

0. lo dicen ( they say it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. he says it; he speaks; it says it; it speaks; it spoke; she
says it; she talks; they call it; they say it; they tell it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he says it; he speaks; it says it; it speaks; it spoke; she
says it; she talks; they call it; they say it; they tell it
3. he says it; he speaks; it says it; it speaks; it spoke; she
says it; she talks; they call it; they say it; they tell it
4. he says it; they say it <p33-ihtoa:>
<p33-ihtoa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. lo dicen ( they say it )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
6. he says it; he speaks; it says it; it speaks; it spoke; she
says it; she talks; they call it; they say it; they tell it
FC jc-031297
7. he says it; he speaks; it says it; it speaks; it spoke; she
says it; she talks; they call it; they say it; they tell it
FC jc-031297

0. he said it; he used to say it; it said it; they called him;
they said it; they told it; they called it; they named it
1. he said it; he mentioned it; he used to say it; it said it;
she said it; they called him; they named him; they called
it; they named it; they said it; they told it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he said it; he used to say it; it said it; they called him;
they said it; they told it; they called it; they named it
3. he said it; he used to say it; it said it; they called him;
they said it; they told it; they called it; they named it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. he said it; he mentioned it; he used to say it; it said it;

she said it; they called him; they named him; they said it;
they told it; they called it; they named it <p33-ihtoa:-ya3>
<p33-ihtoa:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he said it; he used to say it; it said it; they called him;
they said it; they told it; they called it; they named it
<p33-ihtoa:-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he said it; he mentioned it; he used to say it; it said it;
she said it; they called him; they named him; they called
it; they named it; they said it; they told it
FC jc-031297
7. he said it; he mentioned it; he used to say it; it said it;
she said it; they called him; they named him; they called
it; they named it; they said it; they told it
FC jc-031297

0. he plants it, he sows it; it buries him; she buries it;
they sow it; they bury it; they bury her; they bury him
1. he follows her, he pursues her; he follows it; he chases
it; he goes along it; he pursues it; he plants it; he sows
it; he travels it ( ie; road ); it buries him; it
continues; it follows along it; it follows him; it pursues
him; it proceeds through it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she buries it; she follows him; she pursues him; she
follows it; they bury her; they bury him; they bury it;
they continue it; they follow him; they follow it; they
take it ( ie; road ); they sow it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he plants it, he sows it; it buries him; she buries it;
they sow it; they bury it; they bury her; they bury him
4. he plants it, he sows it; it buries him; she buries it;
they sow it; they bury it; they bury her; they bury him
5. he follows it, he pursues it; he chases it; he goes along
it; he follows her; he pursues her; he travels it ( ie
road ); it continues; it follows along it; it follows him;
it pursues him; it proceeds through it; she follows him;
she pursues him; she follows it; they follow it; they take
it ( ie they follow him <p33-toca2>
<p33-toca2> FC - > jc-61096
6. he plants it, he sows it; it buries him; she buries it;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

they sow it; they bury it; they bury her; they bury him
<p33-to:ca1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he follows her, he pursues her; he follows it; he chases
it; he goes along it; he pursues it; he plants it; he sows
it; he travels it ( ie; road ); it buries him; it
continues; it follows along it; it follows him; it pursues
him; it proceeds through it
FC jc-031297
8. she buries it; she follows him; she pursues him; she
follows it; they bury her; they bury him; they bury it;
they continue it; they follow him; they follow it; they
take it ( ie; road ); they sow it
FC jc-031297
9. he follows her, he pursues her; he follows it; he chases
it; he goes along it; he pursues it; he plants it; he sows
it; he travels it ( ie; road ); it buries him; it
continues; it follows along it; it follows him; it pursues
him; it proceeds through it
FC jc-031297
10. she buries it; she follows him; she pursues him; she
follows it; they bury her; they bury him; they bury it;
they continue it; they follow him; they follow it; they
take it ( ie; road ); they sow it
FC jc-031297

0. he buried it
1. he buried it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he buried it
3. he buried it
4. he buried it <p33-to:ca1-prt2>
<p33-to:ca1-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he buried it
FC jc-031297
6. he buried it
FC jc-031297

0. they give him a name
1. they give him a name
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. they give him a name
3. they give him a name
4. they give him a name <p33-to:ca:itl-maca>
<p33-to:ca:itl-maca> FC - > jc-61096
5. they give him a name <p33-to:ca:itl-maca>
<p33-to:ca:itl-maca> FC - > jc-61096
6. they give him a name
FC jc-031297
7. they give him a name
FC jc-031297

0. they gave him a name
FC jc-031297

0. they will give him a name
FC jc-031297

0. one who follows it

1. one who follows it

FC -> jc-72895
2. one who follows it

3. one who follows it

4. one who follows it

FC jc-031297
5. one who follows it
FC jc-031297

0. they go to bury her
1. they go to bury her
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go to bury her
3. they go to bury her
4. they go to bury her <p33-to:ca1-dir2a>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-to:ca1-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096

5. they go to bury her <p33-to:ca1-dir2a>
<p33-to:ca1-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
6. they go to bury her <p33-to:ca1-dir2a>
<p33-to:ca1-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
7. they go to bury her
FC jc-031297
8. they go to bury her
FC jc-031297

0. he goes following along it; he goes along it; they go
following him
<p33-toca2-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. he goes along it; he goes following along it; they go
following him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes following along it; he goes along it; they go
following him
<p33-toca2-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. he goes following along it; he goes along it; they go
following him
<p33-toca2-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. he goes following along it; he goes along it; they go
following him <p33-toca2-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-toca2-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes following along it; he goes along it; they go
following him <p33-toca2-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-toca2-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes following along it; he goes along it; they go
following him <p33-toca2-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-toca2-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes along it; he goes following along it; they go
following him
FC jc-031297
8. he goes along it; he goes following along it; they go
following him
FC jc-031297

0. he goes to follow it
FC jc-031297

0. he followed it; she burid it; they followed him; they
followed it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he followed it; she burid it; they followed him; they

followed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he followed it; she burid it; they followed him; they
followed it

3. he followed it; they followed it

4. he followed it; she burid it; they followed him; they
followed it

5. he followed it; they followed it

6. he followed it; they followed it <p33-toca2-ya3>
<p33-toca2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. she burid it <p33-to:ca1-ya3>
<p33-to:ca1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. she burid it <p33-to:ca1-ya3>
<p33-to:ca1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. he followed it; she burid it; they followed him; they
followed it
FC jc-031297
10. he followed it; she burid it; they followed him; they
followed it
FC jc-031297

0. he names it, he calls it
1. he named it, he called it, he gave it a name
FC -> jc-72895
2. he names it, he calls it
3. he names it, he calls it
4. he names it, he calls it <p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-prt1>
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he names it, he calls it <p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-prt1>
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he names it, he calls it <p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-prt1>
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he named it, he called it, he gave it a name
FC jc-031297
8. he named it, he called it, he gave it a name
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he calls it, he gives it a name; they call him; they call
it; they give it a name; they give a name; they name it;
they called it; they name him
1. he calls it, he gives it a name; they call him; they call
it; they give it a name; they give a name; they name it;
they called it; they name him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he calls it, he gives it a name; they call him; they call
it; they give it a name; they give a name; they name it;
they called it; they name him
3. he calls it, he gives it a name; they call him; they call
it; they give it a name; they give a name; they name it;
they called it; they name him
4. he calls it; they name him; they called it; they call him;
they call it; they name it <p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
5. he calls it; they name him; they called it; they call him;
they call it; they name it <p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
6. he calls it; they name him; they called it; they call him;
they call it; they name it <p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a>
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
7. they call him; they name it; they call it
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
8. they call him; they name it; they call it
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
9. he calls it, he gives it a name; they call him; they call
it; they give it a name; they give a name; they name it;
they called it; they name him
FC jc-031297
10. he calls it, he gives it a name; they call him; they call
it; they give it a name; they give a name; they name it;
they called it; they name him
FC jc-031297

0. they named her; they called it; they named it
1. they called it; they named it; they gave it the name; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

named her
FC -> jc-72895
2. they named her; they called it; they named it
3. they named her; they called it; they named it
4. they named her; they called it; they named it
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they named her; they called it; they named it
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they named her; they called it; they named it
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they named her; they called it; they named it
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they named her; they called it; they named it
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. they named it; they called it
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
10. they called her, they gave her a name; they called him;
they named him; they gave him a name; they called it; they
named it; they gave it the name; they named her
FC jc-031297
11. they called her, they gave her a name; they called him;
they named him; they gave him a name; they called it; they
named it; they gave it the name; they named her
FC jc-031297

0. they named it, they gave it a name; they named him
1. they called it, they gave it a name; they named him; they
named it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they named it, they gave it a name; they named him
3. they named it, they gave it a name; they named him
4. they named it, they gave it a name; they named him
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. they named it, they gave it a name; they named him

<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they named it, they gave it a name; they named him
<p33-to:ca:itl-yo:tl1-v04a-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
7. they called him, they named him; they called it; they named
it; they gave it a name
FC jc-031297
8. they called him, they named him; they called it; they named
it; they gave it a name
FC jc-031297

0. they go calling it, they go naming it
FC jc-031297

0. he will follow it
1. he will follow it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will follow it
3. he will follow it
4. he will follow it <p33-toca2-z>
<p33-toca2-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will follow it
FC jc-031297
6. he will follow it
FC jc-031297

0. they will bury it; they will bury her; they will bury him
1. they will bury her; they will bury him; they will bury it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will bury it; they will bury her; they will bury him
3. they will bury it; they will bury her; they will bury him
4. they will bury it; they will bury her; they will bury him
<p33-to:ca1-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will bury her; they will bury him; they will bury it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
6. they will bury her; they will bury him; they will bury it
FC jc-031297

0. they said it

1. they said it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they said it

3. they said it

4. they said it
FC jc-031297
5. they said it
FC jc-031297

0. they harass it

1. they harass it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they harass it

3. they harass it

4. they harass it
FC jc-031297
5. they harass it
FC jc-031297

0. she will hurt it, she will cause it pain
1. she will hurt it, she will cause it pain
FC -> jc-72895
2. she will hurt it, she will cause it pain
3. she will hurt it, she will cause it pain
4. she will hurt it, she will cause it pain <p33-toli:nia:-z>
<p33-toli:nia:-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. she will hurt it, she will cause it pain
FC jc-031297
6. she will hurt it, she will cause it pain
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. he swallowed it

1. he swallowed it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he swallowed it

3. he swallowed it

4. he swallowed it
FC jc-031297
5. he swallowed it
FC jc-031297

0. he swallows it; it swallows it
1. he swallows it; it swallows it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he swallows it; it swallows it
3. he swallows it; it swallows it
4. he swallows it; it swallows it <p33-to:loa:>
<p33-to:loa:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he swallows it; it swallows it
FC jc-031297
6. he swallows it; it swallows it
FC jc-031297

0. it opens her

1. it opens her
FC -> jc-72895
2. it opens her

3. it opens her

4. he loosens it
FC - > jc-61096
5. it opens her
FC jc-031297
6. it opens her
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they damage his day sign for him

1. they damage his day sign for him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they damage his day sign for him

3. they damage his day sign for him

4. they damage his day sign for him

FC jc-031297
5. they damage his day sign for him
FC jc-031297

0. auh in naolin quitonaltiaya: and they venerated four
movement as a day sign <p33-to:na-l1-v04-caus08-ya3 (b4 f1
c2 p6), 2 ca mitoa in ihcuac, i, oncan quitonaltiaya in
tezcatlipoca, for it was said that when this occurred,
then they honored tezcatlipoca <p33-to:na-l1-v04-caus08-ya3
(b4 f4 c9 p33), 3 oncan quitonaltiaya, in mictlan teuctli,
itonalpan catca then they celebrated the day sign of
mictlan tecutli; it was his day sign
<p33-to:na-l1-v04-caus08-ya3 (b4 f4 c10 p38)
1. auh in naolin quitonaltiaya: and they venerated four
movement as a day sign
<p33-to:na-l1-v04-caus08-ya3> (b4 f1 c2 p6) JC-7/23/96
2. ca mitoa in ihcuac, i, oncan quitonaltiaya in tezcatlipoca,
for it was said that when this occurred, then they honored
<p33-to:na-l1-v04-caus08-ya3> (b4 f4 c9 p33) JC-7/23/96
3. oncan quitonaltiaya, in mictlan teuctli, itonalpan catca
then they celebrated the day sign of mictlan tecutli; it
was his day sign
<p33-to:na-l1-v04-caus08-ya3> (b4 f4 c10 p38) JC-7/23/96
4. auh in quitoquilia, ome acatl tonalli quitoaya huel cualli
in tonalli: ipampa ca no oncan quitonaltiaya in
tezcatlipoca, titlacahua, inic quitlaliaya ixiptla itoca
omacatl: and the day sign two reed, which followed, they
said was a very good day sign; because also at that time
they honored tezcatlipoca titlacauan by placing the image
of [a god] called omacatl
<p33-to:na-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3> (b4 f6 c15 p56) JC-7/23/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. inin ce tecpatl, in ihcuac tlacemilhuitiltiaya, oncan

quitonaltiaya, itonalpan catca in huitzilopochtli, ihuan in
camaxtle, huexotzinca intehuuch, on this one flint knife,
when it tarried for a day, they then made offerings to
uitzilopochtli, whose day sign it was, and to camaxtli, god
of the uexotzinca
<p33-to:na-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3> (b4 f8 c21 p75) JC-7/23/96
6. inic mitoa: quitonaltiaya, cenca quimahuiztiliaya, in oncan
iteopan icalpolco in itocayocan catca tlacatecco, thus it
is said they made offerings and paid great honor [to
uitzilopochtli] there at his temple, in his tribal
district, at the place whose name was tlacatecco
<p33-to:na-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3> (b4 f8 c21 p75) JC-7/23/96
7. oncan quitonaltiaya in tletl, in itoca xiuhteuctli: at
this time, they dedicated the day to [the god of] fire,
called xiuhtecutli
<p33-to:na-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3> (b4 f8 c25 p82) JC-7/23/96
8. oncan quitonaltiaya: in itoca chalchiuhtli icue, in ipan
mixehuaya atl: at this time they made offerings to the one
named chalchiuhtli icue, who represented the water
<p33-to:na-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3> (b4 f10 c30 p96) JC-7/23/96
9. oncan quitonaltiaya, in motenehua quetzalcoatl, in ixiptla
catca ecatl, hecamalacotl: at this time they made
offerings to the one called quetzalcoatl, who was the
representative of the wind, the whirlwind
<p33-to:na-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3> (b4 f10 c31 p100) JC-7/23/96
10. huel cualli in iteocal quiquechiliaya, quitonaltiaya, in
tetezauhqui xacalli: in motocayotia otonteocalli, very
good [was] his temple, which they had erected for him, had
dedicated to him --the straw hut of trimmed and smoothed
straw called the temple of oton
<p33-to:na-l1-v04b-caus08-ya3> (b10 f11 c29 p177) JC-7/23/96

0. it drives it away

1. it drives it away
FC -> jc-72895
2. it drives it away

3. it drives it away

4. it drives it away
FC jc-031297
5. it drives it away
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they said it; they spoke
1. they said it; they spoke
FC -> jc-72895
2. they said it; they spoke
3. they said it; they spoke
4. they said it; they spoke <p33-ihtoa:-prt1-plur01>
<p33-ihtoa:-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they said it; they spoke
FC jc-031297
6. they said it; they spoke
FC jc-031297

0. it comes after it; it proceeds out of it; it continues from

1. it comes after it; it proceeds out of it; it continues from

FC -> jc-72895
2. it comes after it; it proceeds out of it; it continues from

3. it comes after it; it proceeds out of it; it continues from


4. it comes after it; it proceeds out of it; it continues from

FC jc-031297
5. it comes after it; it proceeds out of it; it continues from
FC jc-031297

0. they make her dance
1. they make her dance
FC -> jc-72895
2. they make her dance
3. they make her dance
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. they make her dance <p33-ihto:tia:>

<p33-ihto:tia:> FC - > jc-61096
5. they make her dance
FC jc-031297
6. they make her dance
FC jc-031297

0. he made him dance

1. he made him dance

FC -> jc-72895
2. he made him dance

3. he made him dance

4. he made him dance

FC jc-031297
5. he made him dance
FC jc-031297

0. they go saying it
FC jc-031297

0. she goes about saying it

1. she goes about saying it

FC -> jc-72895
2. she goes about saying it

3. she goes about saying it

4. he goes about saying it; she goes about saying it; she
proceeds saying it
FC jc-031297
5. he goes about saying it; she goes about saying it; she
proceeds saying it
FC jc-031297

0. they are dancing
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they chase it

1. they chase it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they chase it

3. they chase it

4. they chase it
FC jc-031297
5. they chase it
FC jc-031297

0. they wrap the groups of reeds up

1. they wrap the groups of reeds up

FC -> jc-72895
2. they wrap the groups of reeds up

3. they wrap the groups of reeds up

4. they wrap the groups of reeds up

FC jc-031297
5. they wrap the groups of reeds up
FC jc-031297

0. he unwraps it, he loosens it
FC jc-031297

0. he heats it

1. he heats it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he heats it

3. he heats it

4. he heats it
FC jc-031297
5. he heats it
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they make him hot

1. they make him hot

FC -> jc-72895
2. they make him hot

3. they make him hot

4. they make him hot

FC jc-031297
5. they make him hot
FC jc-031297

0. he will say it
1. he will say it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will say it
3. he will say it
4. he will say it <p33-ihtoa:-z>
<p33-ihtoa:-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will say it
FC jc-031297
6. he will say it
FC jc-031297

0. it means; it means it; as if to say; that is to say; that
is; they want to say it
1. it means; it means it; as if to say; that is to say; that
is; they want to say it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it means; it means it; as if to say; that is to say; that
is; they want to say it
3. it means; it means it; as if to say; that is to say; that
is; they want to say it
4. it means, that is to say <p33-ihtoa:-z-nequi>
<p33-ihtoa:-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. it means, that is to say <p33-ihtoa:-z-nequi>
<p33-ihtoa:-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. it means, that is to say; it means it; as if to say; that

is; they want to say it <p33-ihtoa:-z-nequi>
<p33-ihtoa:-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
7. it means; it means it; as if to say; that is to say; that
is; they want to say it
FC jc-031297
8. it means; it means it; as if to say; that is to say; that
is; they want to say it
FC jc-031297

0. he carries it, he takes it; she takes it; she carries it;
they carry it
1. he carries it; he carries it off; he takes it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she takes it, she carries it; they carry it; they take it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he carries it, he takes it; she takes it; she carries it;
they carry it
4. he carries it, he takes it; she takes it; she carries it;
they carry it
5. he carries it, he takes it; she takes it; she carries it;
they carry it <p33-itqui>
<p33-itqui> FC - > jc-61096
6. he carries it; he carries it off; he takes it
FC jc-031297
7. she takes it, she carries it; they carry it; they take it
FC jc-031297
8. he carries it; he carries it off; he takes it
FC jc-031297
9. she takes it, she carries it; they carry it; they take it
FC jc-031297

0. they took it
1. they took it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they took it
3. they took it
4. they took it <p33-itqui-plur01>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-itqui-plur01> FC - > jc-61096

5. they bore it, they carried it; they took it
FC jc-031297
6. they bore it, they carried it; they took it
FC jc-031297

0. they go bearing it, they go carrying it
FC jc-031297

0. they go about carrying it
<p33-itqui-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. they go about carrying it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go about carrying it
<p33-itqui-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. they go about carrying it
<p33-itqui-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. they go about carrying it <p33-itqui-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-itqui-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they go about carrying it <p33-itqui-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-itqui-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they go about carrying it <p33-itqui-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-itqui-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes bearing it, he goes carrying it; they go about
carrying it
FC jc-031297
8. he goes bearing it, he goes carrying it; they go about
carrying it
FC jc-031297

0. he attains it, he sees it; he beholds it; he beholds him;
he sees him; he consults it; he saw it; he looked at it; he
saw him; he looks at it; he finds it; he witnesses it; he
studies it; he seeks it; he looks at him; he will see it;
it sees him; it sees
1. he attains it, he sees it; he beholds him; he sees him; he
beholds it; he consults it; he notes it; he saw him; he saw
it; he looked at it; he looks at him; he finds it; he looks
at it; he seeks it; he studies it; he witnesses it; he will
see it; it sees him; it sees it; it finds it; it realizes it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she considers it, she sees it; they saw him; they see her;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

they look at her; they see him; they look upon him; they
see it; they encounter it; they find it; they look for it;
they seek it; they watch for it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he attains it, he sees it; he beholds it; he beholds him;
he sees him; he consults it; he saw it; he looked at it; he
saw him; he looks at it; he finds it; he witnesses it; he
studies it; he seeks it; he looks at him; he will see it;
it sees him; it sees
4. he attains it, he sees it; he beholds it; he beholds him;
he sees him; he consults it; he saw it; he looked at it; he
saw him; he looks at it; he finds it; he witnesses it; he
studies it; he seeks it; he looks at him; he will see it;
it sees him; it sees
5. he attains it, he sees it; he beholds it; he beholds him;
he sees him; he consults it; he saw it; he looked at it; he
saw him; he looks at it; he finds it; he witnesses it; he
studies it; he seeks it; he looks at him; he will see it;
it sees him; it sees it; it finds it; it realizes it; she
considers it; she sees it; they see him; they see it; they
encounter it; they look upon him; they find it; they watch
for it; they look for it; they seek it; they see her; they
look at her; they saw him <p33-itta>
<p33-itta> FC - > jc-61096
6. he attains it, he sees it; he beholds him; he sees him; he
beholds it; he consults it; he notes it; he saw him; he saw
it; he looked at it; he looks at him; he finds it; he looks
at it; he seeks it; he studies it; he witnesses it; he will
see it; it sees him; it sees it; it finds it; it realizes it
FC jc-031297
7. she considers it, she sees it; they see her; they look at
her; they see him; they look upon him; they see it; they
encounter it; they find it; they look for it; they seek it;
they watch for it
FC jc-031297
8. he attains it, he sees it; he beholds him; he sees him; he
beholds it; he consults it; he notes it; he saw him; he saw
it; he looked at it; he looks at him; he finds it; he looks
at it; he seeks it; he studies it; he witnesses it; he will
see it; it sees him; it sees it; it finds it; it realizes it
FC jc-031297
9. she considers it, she sees it; they see her; they look at
her; they see him; they look upon him; they see it; they
encounter it; they find it; they look for it; they seek it;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

they watch for it

FC jc-031297

0. he saw it, he looked at it
1. he saw it; he looked at it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he saw it, he looked at it
3. he saw it, he looked at it
4. he saw it, he looked at it <p33-itta-prt2>
<p33-itta-prt2> FC - > jc-61096
5. he saw it; he looked at it; she saw it
FC jc-031297
6. he saw it; he looked at it; she saw it
FC jc-031297

0. one who is accustomed to seeing it
1. one who is accustomed to seeing it
FC -> jc-72895
2. one who is accustomed to seeing it
3. one who is accustomed to seeing it
4. one who is accustomed to seeing it <p33-itta-ni1>
<p33-itta-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
5. one who is accustomed to seeing it <p33-itta-ni1>
<p33-itta-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
6. one who is accustomed to seeing it <p33-itta-ni1>
<p33-itta-ni1> FC - > jc-61096
7. one who is accustomed to seeing it
FC jc-031297
8. one who is accustomed to seeing it
FC jc-031297

0. they saw it, they looked at it; they found it; they saw him
1. they found it, they saw it; they saw him; they looked at it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they saw it, they looked at it; they found it; they saw him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they saw it, they looked at it; they found it; they saw him
4. they saw it, they looked at it; they found it; they saw him
<p33-itta-prt2-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they found it, they saw it; they saw him; they beheld him;
they beheld it; they looked at it
FC jc-031297
6. they found it, they saw it; they saw him; they beheld him;
they beheld it; they looked at it
FC jc-031297

0. she goes to see him
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. he went to see it; they went to see the land
FC jc-031297

0. he beheld it, he saw it; he found it; he observed it; he
looked upon it; he saw her; he looked at her; he saw him;
she saw it; she looked at it; they saw it; they looked at
it; they studied it; they discovered it; they sought it;
they found it; they saw h
1. he beheld it, he saw it; he found it; he observed it; he
saw her; he looked at her; he saw him; he looked upon it;
she saw it; she looked at it; they discovered it; they saw
it; they found it; they saw him; they looked at it; they
studied it; they were seeing it; they sought it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he beheld it, he saw it; he found it; he observed it; he
looked upon it; he saw her; he looked at her; he saw him;
she saw it; she looked at it; they saw it; they looked at
it; they studied it; they discovered it; they sought it;
they found it; they saw h
3. he beheld it, he saw it; he found it; he observed it; he
looked upon it; he saw her; he looked at her; he saw him;
she saw it; she looked at it; they saw it; they looked at
it; they studied it; they discovered it; they sought it;
they found it; they saw h
4. he beheld it, he saw it; he found it; he observed it; he
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

looked upon it; he saw her; he looked at her; he saw him;

she saw it; she looked at it; they saw it; they looked at
it; they studied it; they discovered it; they sought it;
they found it; they were seeing it; they saw him
<p33-itta-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he beheld it, he saw it; he found it; he observed it; he
looked upon it; he saw her; he looked at her; he saw him;
she saw it; she looked at it; they saw it; they looked at
it; they studied it; they discovered it; they sought it;
they found it; they saw him <p33-itta-ya3>
<p33-itta-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he beheld it, he saw it; he found it; he observed it; he
saw her; he looked at her; he saw him; he looked upon it;
she saw it; she looked at it; they discovered it; they saw
it; they found it; they saw him; they looked at it; they
studied it; they were seeing it; they sought it
FC jc-031297
7. he beheld it, he saw it; he found it; he observed it; he
saw her; he looked at her; he saw him; he looked upon it;
she saw it; she looked at it; they discovered it; they saw
it; they found it; they saw him; they looked at it; they
studied it; they were seeing it; they sought it
FC jc-031297
8. no ihuan in ihcuac otztli cihuatl
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
9. in ihcuac cualo tonatiuh

10. anozo metztli: amo huel quittaya

11. likewise

12. when a woman was with child during an eclipse of the sun or

13. she might might not look at it

0. he will see him; he will seek it; he will see it; he will
find it; he will look for it; it will see it; she will see
it; she will look to it; she will see him; she will look at
1. he will find it, he will see it; he will see him; he will
look for it; he will seek it; it will see it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. she will look to it, she will see it; she will see him; she
will look at him
FC -> jc-72895
3. he will see him; he will seek it; he will see it; he will
find it; he will look for it; it will see it; she will see
it; she will look to it; she will see him; she will look at
4. he will see him; he will seek it; he will see it; he will
find it; he will look for it; it will see it; she will see
it; she will look to it; she will see him; she will look at
5. he will see him; he will seek it; he will see it; he will
find it; he will look for it; it will see it; she will see
it; she will look to it; she will see him; she will look at
him <p33-itta-z>
<p33-itta-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will find it, he will see it; he will see him; he will
look for it; he will seek it; it will see it
FC jc-031297
7. she will look to it, she will see it; she will see him; she
will look at him
FC jc-031297
8. he will find it, he will see it; he will see him; he will
look for it; he will seek it; it will see it
FC jc-031297
9. she will look to it, she will see it; she will see him; she
will look at him
FC jc-031297

0. he wants to see it
1. he wants to see it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he wants to see it
3. he wants to see it
4. he wants to see it <p33-itta-z-nequi>
<p33-itta-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he wants to see it <p33-itta-z-nequi>
<p33-itta-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he wants to see it <p33-itta-z-nequi>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-itta-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096

7. he wants to see it
FC jc-031297
8. he wants to see it
FC jc-031297

0. they will see her; they will see him; they will see it
1. they will see her; they will see him; they will see it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they will see her; they will see him; they will see it
3. they will see her; they will see him; they will see it
4. they will see her; they will see him; they will see it
<p33-itta-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will see her; they will see him; they will see it
FC jc-031297
6. they will see her; they will see him; they will see it
FC jc-031297

0. they went to show it to him
FC jc-031297

0. he will show it to him

1. he will show it to him

FC -> jc-72895
2. he will show it to him

3. he will show it to him

4. he will show it to him

FC jc-031297
5. he will show it to him
FC jc-031297

0. they go dancing
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they cover it
1. they cover it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they cover it
3. they cover it
4. they cover it <p33-tzacua>
<p33-tzacua> FC - > jc-61096
5. they cover it
FC jc-031297
6. they cover it
FC jc-031297

0. they will close it
FC jc-031297

0. they make him cry out, they make him shout
FC jc-031297

0. he goes blocking it
<p33-dupl-tzacua-ti1-nemi aux01>
1. he goes blocking it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he goes blocking it
<p33-dupl-tzacua-ti1-nemi aux01>
3. he goes blocking it
<p33-dupl-tzacua-ti1-nemi aux01>
4. he goes blocking it <p33-dupl-tzacua-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-dupl-tzacua-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
5. he goes blocking it <p33-dupl-tzacua-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-dupl-tzacua-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
6. he goes blocking it <p33-dupl-tzacua-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-dupl-tzacua-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
7. he goes blocking it <p33-dupl-tzacua-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-dupl-tzacua-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
8. he goes blocking it <p33-dupl-tzacua-ti1-nemi aux01>
<p33-dupl-tzacua-ti1-nemi aux01> FC - > jc-61096
9. he goes blocking it
FC jc-031297
10. he goes blocking it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they tear it to pieces, they rip it to shreds

1. they tear it to pieces, they rip it to shreds

FC -> jc-72895
2. they tear it to pieces, they rip it to shreds

3. they tear it to pieces, they rip it to shreds

4. they tear it to pieces, they rip it to shreds

FC jc-031297
5. they tear it to pieces, they rip it to shreds
FC jc-031297

0. they split it up
1. they split it up
FC -> jc-72895
2. they split it up
3. they split it up
4. they split it up <p33-dupl-tzaya:ni-caus09-ya3>
<p33-dupl-tzaya:ni-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they split it up <p33-dupl-tzaya:ni-caus09-ya3>
<p33-dupl-tzaya:ni-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they split it up <p33-dupl-tzaya:ni-caus09-ya3>
<p33-dupl-tzaya:ni-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they split it up <p33-dupl-tzaya:ni-caus09-ya3>
<p33-dupl-tzaya:ni-caus09-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they split it up
FC jc-031297
9. they split it up
FC jc-031297

0. he cries out to him, he shouts to him; she cries out to
her; she shouts to her; she cries out to him; she cries out
to it
1. he cries out to him; he shouts to him; she cries out to
her; she shouts to her; she cries out to him; she cries out
to it
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he cries out to him, he shouts to him; she cries out to

her; she shouts to her; she cries out to him; she cries out
to it
3. he cries out to him, he shouts to him; she cries out to
her; she shouts to her; she cries out to him; she cries out
to it
4. he cries out to him, he shouts to him; she cries out to
her; she shouts to her; she cries out to him; she cries out
to it <p33-tzahtzi-ben>
<p33-tzahtzi-ben> FC - > jc-61096
5. he cries out to him, he shouts to him; she cries out to
her; she shouts to her; she cries out to him; she cries out
to it <p33-tzahtzi-ben>
<p33-tzahtzi-ben> FC - > jc-61096
6. he cries out to him; he shouts to him; she cries out to
her; she shouts to her; she cries out to him; she cries out
to it
FC jc-031297
7. he cries out to him; he shouts to him; she cries out to
her; she shouts to her; she cries out to him; she cries out
to it
FC jc-031297

0. he shouted to them, he summoned them
1. he shouted to them, he summoned them
FC -> jc-72895
2. he shouted to them, he summoned them
3. he shouted to them, he summoned them
4. he shouted to them, he summoned them <p33-tzahtzi-ben-ya3>
<p33-tzahtzi-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he shouted to them, he summoned them <p33-tzahtzi-ben-ya3>
<p33-tzahtzi-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he shouted to them, he summoned them <p33-tzahtzi-ben-ya3>
<p33-tzahtzi-ben-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he shouted to them, he summoned them
FC jc-031297
8. he shouted to them, he summoned them
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they go shouting at him

1. they go shouting at him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go shouting at him
3. they go shouting at him
4. they go shouting at him <p33-tzahtzi-ben-dir2a>
<p33-tzahtzi-ben-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
5. they go shouting at him <p33-tzahtzi-ben-dir2a>
<p33-tzahtzi-ben-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
6. they go shouting at him <p33-tzahtzi-ben-dir2a>
<p33-tzahtzi-ben-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
7. they go shouting at him <p33-tzahtzi-ben-dir2a>
<p33-tzahtzi-ben-dir2a> FC - > jc-61096
8. they go shouting at him
FC jc-031297
9. they go shouting at him
FC jc-031297

0. she tears it; they pound him

1. she tears it; they pound him

FC -> jc-72895
2. she tears it; they pound him

3. she tears it; they pound him

4. she tears it; they pound him

FC jc-031297
5. she tears it; they pound him
FC jc-031297

0. he shakes it; they shake it out

1. he shakes it; they shake it out

FC -> jc-72895
2. he shakes it; they shake it out

3. he shakes it; they shake it out

4. he sprinkles it
FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he shakes it; they shake it out

FC jc-031297
6. he shakes it; they shake it out
FC jc-031297

0. it sucks it from below

1. it sucks it from below

FC -> jc-72895
2. it sucks it from below

3. it sucks it from below

4. it sucks it from below

FC jc-031297
5. it sucks it from below
FC jc-031297

0. it covers it at the back

1. it covers it at the back

FC -> jc-72895
2. it covers it at the back

3. it covers it at the back

4. it covers it at the back

FC jc-031297
5. it covers it at the back
FC jc-031297

0. they withdraw it

1. they withdraw it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they withdraw it

3. they withdraw it

4. they withdraw it
FC jc-031297
5. they withdraw it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they withdrew it

1. they withdrew it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they withdrew it

3. they withdrew it

4. they withdrew it
FC jc-031297
5. they withdrew it
FC jc-031297

0. it cuts them at the root, it cuts them at the bottom
FC jc-031297

0. it introduces it, it begins it; they begin in

1. it introduces it, it begins it; they begin in

FC -> jc-72895
2. it introduces it, it begins it; they begin in

3. they begin in
4. it introduces it, it begins it; they begin in

5. they begin in
6. they begin in <p33-tzi:ntli-v04a>
<p33-tzi:ntli-v04a> FC - > jc-61096
7. it introduces it, it begins it; they begin in
FC jc-031297
8. it introduces it, it begins it; they begin in
FC jc-031297

0. they began it, they founded it

1. they began it, they founded it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they began it, they founded it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they began it, they founded it

4. they began it, they founded it

FC jc-031297
5. they began it, they founded it
FC jc-031297

0. she holds it, she grasps it
1. he holds it, he grasps it; she holds it; she grasps it;
they seize it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she holds it, she grasps it
3. she holds it, she grasps it
4. she holds it, she grasps it <p33-tzi:tzquia:>
<p33-tzi:tzquia:> FC - > jc-61096
5. he grasps it; he holds it; she holds it; she grasps it;
they seize it
FC jc-031297
6. he grasps it; he holds it; she holds it; she grasps it;
they seize it
FC jc-031297

0. he caused it to sprout

1. he caused it to sprout
FC -> jc-72895
2. he caused it to sprout

3. he caused it to sprout

4. he caused it to sprout
FC jc-031297
5. he caused it to sprout
FC jc-031297

0. he seizes his hair, he plucks hair from him; he takes hair;
he plucks hair; they cut his hair
1. he seizes his hair, he plucks hair from him; he takes hair;
he plucks hair; they cut his hair
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. he seizes his hair, he plucks hair from him; he takes hair;
he plucks hair; they cut his hair
3. he seizes his hair, he plucks hair from him; he takes hair;
he plucks hair; they cut his hair
4. he seizes his hair, he plucks hair from him; he takes hair;
he plucks hair; they cut his hair <p33-tzontli-cui>
<p33-tzontli-cui> FC - > jc-61096
5. he seizes his hair, he plucks hair from him; he takes hair;
he plucks hair; they cut his hair <p33-tzontli-cui>
<p33-tzontli-cui> FC - > jc-61096
6. he seizes his hair, he plucks hair from him; he takes hair;
he plucks hair; they cut his hair
FC jc-031297
7. he seizes his hair, he plucks hair from him; he takes hair;
he plucks hair; they cut his hair
FC jc-031297
8. oncan ano
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
9. quitzoncui

10. then he was seized

11. and they cut hair from the crown of his head; entonces el
era tomoda

12. y le cortaban el pelo de la corona de la cabeza

0. he took hair, he plucked hair
1. he took hair, he plucked hair
FC -> jc-72895
2. he took hair, he plucked hair
3. he took hair, he plucked hair
4. he took hair, he plucked hair <p33-tzontli-cui-ya3>
<p33-tzontli-cui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he took hair, he plucked hair <p33-tzontli-cui-ya3>
<p33-tzontli-cui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he took hair, he plucked hair <p33-tzontli-cui-ya3>
<p33-tzontli-cui-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. he took hair, he plucked hair

FC jc-031297
8. he took hair, he plucked hair
FC jc-031297

0. it makes his head ache

1. it makes his head ache

FC -> jc-72895
2. it makes his head ache

3. it makes his head ache

4. it makes his head ache

FC jc-031297
5. it makes his head ache
FC jc-031297

0. he gives it a head

1. he gives it a head
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gives it a head

3. he gives it a head

4. he gives it a head
FC jc-031297
5. he gives it a head
FC jc-031297

0. she wraps it in cloth

1. she wraps it in cloth

FC -> jc-72895
2. she wraps it in cloth

3. she wraps it in cloth

4. she wraps it in cloth

FC jc-031297
5. she wraps it in cloth
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. she beats it, she pounds it; they beat it; they pound it
1. she beats it, she pounds it; they beat it; they pound it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she beats it, she pounds it; they beat it; they pound it
3. she beats it, she pounds it; they beat it; they pound it
4. they beat it <p33-tzotzona>
<p33-tzotzona> FC - > jc-61096
5. he beats it; he strikes it; she beats it; she pounds it;
they beat it; they pound it; they caress him; they pat him
FC jc-031297
6. he beats it; he strikes it; she beats it; she pounds it;
they beat it; they pound it; they caress him; they pat him
FC jc-031297

0. they hammered it, they pounded it
1. they hammered it, they pounded it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they hammered it, they pounded it
3. they hammered it, they pounded it
4. they hammered it, they pounded it <p33-tzotzona-ya3>
<p33-tzotzona-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they hammered it, they pounded it <p33-tzotzona-ya3>
<p33-tzotzona-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they beat it, they hammered it; they pounded it
FC jc-031297
7. they beat it, they hammered it; they pounded it
FC jc-031297

quitzquih ( oqui- )
0. lo cogio'; lo agarro' ( he grabbed it; he took it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

quitzquihqueh ( oqui- )
0. lo agarraron ( they grabbed it )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

quitzquiz ( tic- )
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. lo vas a agarrar ( you will grab it )

San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. Quitzticah quenin pepeyoni in citlalin Esta' viendo como
titila la estrella He/she is looking at how the stars
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. he stands watching it
FC jc-031297

0. Quitztoc quenin pepeyoni in citlalin Esta' viendo como
titila la estrella I am watching how the star twinkles
JC-10-06-96 Nahuatl Radio Broadcast

0. she pricks it

1. she pricks it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she pricks it

3. she pricks it

4. she pricks it
FC jc-031297
5. she pricks it
FC jc-031297

0. he puts a mask on her
FC - > jc-61096
1. he puts a mask on her
Verbing jc-030797
2. he puts a mask on her
-tia jc-030797
3. he puts a mask on her
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. he puts a mask on her
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. he puts a mask on her
JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )
6. he puts a mask on her
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

JC-05-07-97 -tia ( supply )

0. he gives it a face

1. he gives it a face
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gives it a face

3. he gives it a face

4. he gives it a face
FC jc-031297
5. he gives it a face
FC jc-031297

0. they provided it with a mask

1. they provided it with a mask

FC -> jc-72895
2. they provided it with a mask

3. they provided it with a mask

4. they provided it with a mask

FC jc-031297
5. they provided it with a mask
FC jc-031297

0. he looses tears

1. he looses tears
FC -> jc-72895
2. he looses tears

3. he looses tears

4. he looses tears
FC jc-031297
5. he looses tears
FC jc-031297

0. they roast it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they roast it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they roast it

3. they roast it

4. they roast it
FC jc-031297
5. they roast it
FC jc-031297

0. in tlatepoztlahuitolhuiani, huel quixcatzitta in mitl, huel
ipan quitlachialtia in mitl in aquin quiminaz: the
crossbowman aimed the bolt well; well did he aim the bolt
at the one whom he would shoot (b12 f4 p62)

0. she tears her face
FC -> jc-72895
1. she tears her face
FC jc-031297
2. she tears her face
FC jc-031297

0. she hacks her face

1. she hacks her face

FC -> jc-72895
2. she hacks her face

3. she hacks her face

4. she hacks her face

FC jc-031297
5. she hacks her face
FC jc-031297

0. he causes it to sprout

1. he causes it to sprout
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he causes it to sprout

3. he causes it to sprout

4. he causes it to sprout
FC - > jc-61096
5. he causes it to sprout
FC jc-031297
6. he causes it to sprout
FC jc-031297

0. they abandoned her
FC jc-031297

0. he carves it; he cuts it; they cut it [ie; her hair]; his
hair]; they cut it; they shave it; they smooth it; they
plane it; they work it
1. he carves it; he cuts it; they cut it [ ie; her hair ]; his
hair ]; they cut it; they shave it; they smooth it; they
plane it; they work it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he carves it; he cuts it; they cut it [ie; her hair]; his
hair]; they cut it; they shave it; they smooth it; they
plane it; they work it
3. he carves it; he cuts it; they cut it [ie; her hair]; his
hair]; they cut it; they shave it; they smooth it; they
plane it; they work it
4. he carves it <p33-xi:ma>
<p33-xi:ma> FC - > jc-61096
5. he carves it; he cuts it; they cut it [ ie; her hair ]; his
hair ]; they cut it; they shave it; they smooth it; they
plane it; they work it
FC jc-031297
6. he carves it; he cuts it; they cut it [ ie; her hair ]; his
hair ]; they cut it; they shave it; they smooth it; they
plane it; they work it
FC jc-031297

0. he knows it, he is familiar with it, he identifies it; they
know of it; they are familiar with it; they know it; they
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

understand it; they know about it; they give heed to it;
they recognize it
1. he knows it; he is familiar with it; he identifies it; they
give heed to it; they know about it; they are familiar with
it; they know it; they understand it; they know of it; they
recognize it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he knows it, he is familiar with it, he identifies it; they
know of it; they are familiar with it; they know it; they
understand it; they know about it; they give heed to it;
they recognize it
3. he knows it, he is familiar with it, he identifies it; they
know of it; they are familiar with it; they know it; they
understand it; they know about it; they give heed to it;
they recognize it
4. he knows it, he is familiar with it, he identifies it; they
know of it; they are familiar with it; they know it; they
understand it; they know about it; they give heed to it;
they recognize it <p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati>
<p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati> FC - > jc-61096
5. he knows it, he is familiar with it, he identifies it; they
know of it; they are familiar with it; they know it; they
understand it; they know about it; they recognize it
<p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati> FC - > jc-61096
6. he knows it, he is familiar with it, he identifies it; they
know of it; they are familiar with it; they know it; they
understand it; they know about it; they give heed to it;
they recognize it <p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati>
<p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati> FC - > jc-61096
7. he knows it; he is familiar with it; he identifies it; they
give heed to it; they know about it; they are familiar with
it; they know it; they understand it; they know of it; they
recognize it
FC jc-031297
8. he knows it; he is familiar with it; he identifies it; they
give heed to it; they know about it; they are familiar with
it; they know it; they understand it; they know of it; they
recognize it
FC jc-031297

0. they knew it, they understood it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they knew it, they understood it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they knew it, they understood it
3. they knew it, they understood it
4. they knew it, they understood it <p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ya3>
<p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they knew it, they understood it <p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ya3>
<p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they knew it, they understood it <p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ya3>
<p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they knew it, they understood it <p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ya3>
<p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they knew it, they understood it
FC jc-031297
9. they knew it, they understood it
FC jc-031297

0. he will know it, he will be familiar with it
1. he will know it, he will be familiar with it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will know it, he will be familiar with it
3. he will know it, he will be familiar with it
4. he will know it, he will be familiar with it
<p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. he will know it, he will be familiar with it
<p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati-z> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will know it, he will be familiar with it
<p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. he will know it, he will be familiar with it
FC jc-031297
8. he will know it, he will be familiar with it
FC jc-031297

0. they will know him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they will know him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they will know him
3. they will know him
4. they will know him <p33-i:xtli-mati-z-plur01>
<p33-i:xtli-mati-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will know him <p33-i:xtli-mati-z-plur01>
<p33-i:xtli-mati-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they will know him
FC jc-031297
7. they will know him
FC jc-031297

0. they would have known him

1. they would have known him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they would have known him

3. they would have known him

4. they would have known him

FC jc-031297
5. they would have known him
FC jc-031297

0. they knew it, they learned about it
1. they knew it, they learned about it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they knew it, they learned about it
3. they knew it, they learned about it
4. they knew it, they learned about it
<p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they knew it, they learned about it
<p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they knew it, they learned about it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-i:xtli-ih2-mati-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096

7. they knew it, they learned about it
FC jc-031297
8. they knew it, they learned about it
FC jc-031297

0. they flay her; they flay him
1. they flay her; they flay him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they flay her; they flay him
3. they flay her; they flay him
4. they flay her; they flay him <p33-xi:pe:hua>
<p33-xi:pe:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. they flay her; they flay him
FC jc-031297
6. they flay her; they flay him
FC jc-031297

0. they flayed her; they flayed him
1. they flayed her; they flayed him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they flayed her; they flayed him
3. they flayed her; they flayed him
4. they flayed her; they flayed him <p33-xi:pe:hua-ya3>
<p33-xi:pe:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they flayed her; they flayed him <p33-xi:pe:hua-ya3>
<p33-xi:pe:hua-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they flayed her; they flayed him
FC jc-031297
7. they flayed her; they flayed him
FC jc-031297

0. he flayed him

1. he flayed him
FC -> jc-72895
2. he flayed him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. he flayed him

4. he flayed him
FC jc-031297
5. he flayed him
FC jc-031297

0. they quickly flay it

1. they quickly flay it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they quickly flay it

3. they quickly flay it

4. they quickly flay it

FC jc-031297
5. they quickly flay it
FC jc-031297

0. they formed her image; they made an image of him; they
represented her
1. they formed her image; they made an image of him; they
represented her
FC -> jc-72895
2. they formed her image; they made an image of him; they
represented her
3. they formed her image; they made an image of him; they
represented her
4. they formed her image <p33-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3>
<p33-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they formed her image <p33-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3>
<p33-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. they formed her image <p33-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3>
<p33-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. they formed her image <p33-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3>
<p33-i:xi:ptlatl-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. they formed her image; they made an image of him; they
represented her
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

9. they formed her image; they made an image of him; they

represented her
FC jc-031297

0. they made his image

1. they made his image

FC -> jc-72895
2. they made his image

3. they made his image

4. they made his image

FC jc-031297
5. they made his image
FC jc-031297

0. he represented him; he was his likeness
1. he represented him; he was his likeness
FC -> jc-72895
2. he represented him; he was his likeness
3. he represented him; he was his likeness
4. he represented him; he was his likeness
<p33-i:xi:ptlatl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he represented him; he was his likeness
<p33-i:xi:ptlatl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he represented him; he was his likeness
<p33-i:xi:ptlatl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he represented him; he was his likeness
<p33-i:xi:ptlatl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. he represented him; he was his likeness
<p33-i:xi:ptlatl-yo:tl1-v04-caus08-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
9. he represented him; he was his likeness
FC jc-031297
10. he represented him; he was his likeness
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. they spear

1. they spear
FC -> jc-72895
2. they spear

3. they spear

4. they spear
FC jc-031297
5. they spear
FC jc-031297

0. they keep packing it down

1. they keep packing it down

FC -> jc-72895
2. they keep packing it down

3. they keep packing it down

4. they keep packing it down

FC jc-031297
5. they keep packing it down
FC jc-031297

0. he keeps carving it

1. he keeps carving it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he keeps carving it

3. he keeps carving it

4. he keeps carving it
FC jc-031297
5. he keeps carving it
FC jc-031297

0. it goes about peeling it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it settles down to face him

1. it settles down to face him

FC -> jc-72895
2. it settles down to face him

3. it settles down to face him

4. it settles down to face him

FC jc-031297
5. it settles down to face him
FC jc-031297

0. they contend with it

1. they contend with it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they contend with it

3. they contend with it

4. they contend with it

FC jc-031297
5. they contend with it
FC jc-031297

0. salen ( they come out )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. there was leaving, there was going out
1. there was leaving, there was going out
FC -> jc-72895
2. there was leaving, there was going out
3. there was leaving, there was going out
4. there was leaving, there was going out
<qui:za-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. there was leaving, there was going out
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<qui:za-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. there was leaving, there was going out
<qui:za-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. there was leaving, there was going out
<qui:za-lo:2-hua2-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
8. there was leaving, there was going out
FC jc-031297
9. there was leaving, there was going out
FC jc-031297

0. there was going forth

1. there was going forth

FC -> jc-72895
2. there was going forth

3. there was going forth

4. there was going forth

FC jc-031297
5. there was going forth
FC jc-031297

0. he caused it to blossom

1. he caused it to blossom
FC -> jc-72895
2. he caused it to blossom

3. he caused it to blossom

4. he caused it to blossom
FC jc-031297
5. he caused it to blossom
FC jc-031297

0. they (did) cut it

1. they ( did ) cut it

FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. they (did) cut it

3. they (did) cut it

4. they ( did ) cut it

FC jc-031297
5. they ( did ) cut it
FC jc-031297

0. they bewitch him
1. they bewitch him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they bewitch him
3. they bewitch him
4. they bewitch him <p33-xo:xa>
<p33-xo:xa> FC - > jc-61096
5. they bewitch him
FC jc-031297
6. they bewitch him
FC jc-031297

0. he caused it to leaf out

1. he caused it to leaf out

FC -> jc-72895
2. he caused it to leaf out

3. he caused it to leaf out

4. he caused it to leaf out

FC jc-031297
5. he caused it to leaf out
FC jc-031297

0. she massages her raw

1. she massages her raw

FC -> jc-72895
2. she massages her raw
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. she massages her raw

4. she massages her raw

FC jc-031297
5. she massages her raw
FC jc-031297

0. it licks his eyes, it passes its tongue over his eyes
FC jc-031297

0. it distracts him

1. it distracts him
FC -> jc-72895
2. it distracts him

3. it distracts him

4. it distracts him
FC jc-031297
5. it distracts him
FC jc-031297

0. it destroys it
FC jc-031297

0. he gives it eyes

1. he gives it eyes
FC -> jc-72895
2. he gives it eyes

3. he gives it eyes

4. he gives it eyes
FC jc-031297
5. he gives it eyes
FC jc-031297

quixtia ( mo- )
0. sale ( ie; sol ) ( he comes out ( ie; sun ) )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. sale ( ie; sol ) ( he comes out ( ie; sun ) )

Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

quixtia ( qui- )
0. lo saca ( he takes it out; he removes it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. cristiano ( christian )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

quixtiaya ( oqui- )
0. lo sacaba ( he took it out )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

quixtili ( xinech- )
0. qui'tamelo ( remove it from me )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. qui'tamelo ( take it off me; remove it from me )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. qui'tamelo ( remove it from me )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. qui'tamelo ( take it off me; remove it from me )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

quixtilih ( onimitz- )
0. te lo quite' ( I took it off you; I removed it from you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

quixtiliz ( nimitz- )
0. te lo quitare' ( I will take it off you; I will remove it
from you )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. they were released, they were freed
1. she was set aside; they were released; they were freed
FC -> jc-72895
2. they were released, they were freed
3. they were released, they were freed
4. they were released, they were freed <qui:za-caus02-lo:1-ya3>
<qui:za-caus02-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. they were released, they were freed <qui:za-caus02-lo:1-ya3>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<qui:za-caus02-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096

6. they were released, they were freed <qui:za-caus02-lo:1-ya3>
<qui:za-caus02-lo:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. she was set aside; they were released; they were freed
FC jc-031297
8. she was set aside; they were released; they were freed
FC jc-031297

quixtiz ( qui- )
0. lo va a sacar ( he will remove it; he will take it out )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. lo va a sacar ( he will take it out )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
2. lo va a sacar ( he will remove it; he will take it out )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
3. lo va a sacar ( he will take it out )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

quixtizque ( tic- )
0. lo sacaremos ( we will take it out )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96

0. she turns it upside down

1. she turns it upside down

FC -> jc-72895
2. she turns it upside down

3. she turns it upside down

4. she turns it upside down

FC jc-031297
5. she turns it upside down
FC jc-031297

0. they uncover his face
FC jc-031297

0. he drank it; they drank it
1. he drank it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they drank it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
3. he drank it; they drank it
4. he drank it; they drank it
5. he drank it; they drank it <p33-i:1-ya3>
<p33-i:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he drank it; they drank it <p33-i:1-ya3>
<p33-i:1-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
7. he drank it
FC jc-031297
8. they drank it
FC jc-031297
9. he drank it
FC jc-031297
10. they drank it
FC jc-031297

0. he leads it; they go before him; they go in front of him
1. he leads it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they go before him, they go in front of him
FC -> jc-72895
3. he leads it; they go before him; they go in front of him
4. he leads it; they go before him; they go in front of him
5. he leads it; they go before him; they go in front of him
<p33-yacatl-a:na1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he leads it; they go before him; they go in front of him
<p33-yacatl-a:na1> FC - > jc-61096
7. he leads it
FC jc-031297
8. they go before him, they go in front of him
FC jc-031297
9. he leads it
FC jc-031297
10. they go before him, they go in front of him
FC jc-031297

0. he intercepts it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he intercepts it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he intercepts it

3. he intercepts it

4. he intercepts it
FC jc-031297
5. he intercepts it
FC jc-031297

0. <tbd>
1. ic queleltia, ic quilochtia, ic quiyacatzacuilia, in
itenotzaliz: inic amo impan neltiz, ic quintzatzilia thus
they hindered, reversed, and headed off its warning, so
that what he screeched at them would not befall them (b5 f1

0. quihualilochtizquia, quiyacatzacuilizquia, they would send
him back; they would stop him (b3 f3 p35)

0. she raises it in dedication, she raises it in offering, she
offers it

1. she raises it in dedication, she raises it in offering, she

offers it
FC -> jc-72895
2. she raises it in dedication, she raises it in offering, she
offers it

3. she raises it in dedication, she raises it in offering, she

offers it

4. she raises it in dedication, she raises it in offering, she

offers it
FC jc-031297
5. she raises it in dedication, she raises it in offering, she
offers it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. outside; out of doors

1. outside; out of doors

FC -> jc-72895
2. outside; out of doors

3. outside, out of doors

4. outside; out of doors

5. outside, out of doors

6. outside, out of doors <quiya:huatl-co2>
<quiya:huatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
7. outside, out of doors <quiya:huatl-co2>
<quiya:huatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
8. outside; out of doors
FC jc-031297
9. outside; out of doors
FC jc-031297

0. lo rodean ( they surround it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. they encircle it, they surround it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they encircle it, they surround it
3. they encircle it, they surround it
4. they encircle it, they surround it
<p33-yahualli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. they encircle it, they surround it
<p33-yahualli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. they encircle it, they surround it
<p33-yahualli-v03a-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. lo rodean ( they surround it )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. they encircle it, they surround it
FC jc-031297
9. they encircle it, they surround it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. they encircled it
FC jc-031297

0. water, rainwater
1. water, rainwater
FC -> jc-72895
2. water, rainwater
3. water, rainwater
4. water, rainwater <quiya:huatl-co2>
<quiya:huatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
5. water, rainwater <quiya:huatl-co2>
<quiya:huatl-co2> FC - > jc-61096
6. water, rainwater
FC jc-031297
7. water, rainwater
FC jc-031297

0. it rains, it is rainy

1. it rains, it is rainy
FC -> jc-72895
2. it rains, it is rainy

3. it rains, it is rainy

4. it rains, it is rainy
FC jc-031297
5. it rains, it is rainy
FC jc-031297

0. rain
1. rain
FC -> jc-72895
2. rain
3. rain
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. rain <quiahui-l2>
<quiahui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. rain <quiahui-l2>
<quiahui-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. rain
FC jc-031297
7. rain
FC jc-031297

0. it will rain
1. it will rain
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will rain
3. it will rain
4. it will rain <quiahui-z>
<quiahui-z> FC - > jc-61096
5. it will rain
FC jc-031297
6. it will rain
FC jc-031297

0. it soothes it; they tan it; they soften it
1. it soothes it; they tan it; they soften it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it soothes it; they tan it; they soften it
3. it soothes it; they tan it; they soften it
4. it soothes it <p33-yama:ni-v01-;
<p33-yama:ni-v01--> FC - > jc-61096
5. it soothes it <p33-yama:ni-v01-;
<p33-yama:ni-v01--> FC - > jc-61096
6. it soothes it; they tan it; they soften it
FC jc-031297
7. it soothes it; they tan it; they soften it
FC jc-031297

0. they arrange it well
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. they arrange it well

FC -> jc-72895
2. they arrange it well

3. they arrange it well

4. they arrange it well

FC jc-031297
5. they arrange it well
FC jc-031297

0. oquimatia
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )
1. quemah

2. que ihcuac ce quiyequizcaltiah

3. aic ce calaqui zan ihcon ihtec ce calli Sabi'a

4. si'

5. que cuando uno tiene buena educacio'n

6. nunca se mete uno sin ma's ni ma's en una casa

7. He knew

8. yes

9. that when one has education

10. one never enters a house without asking for permission

0. it animates it

0. he quickened it, he gave it life

0. he will put life into it, he will cause it to live
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. he will put life into it

FC - > jc-61096

0. he created it

1. he created it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he created it

3. he created it

4. he created it
FC jc-031297
5. he created it
FC jc-031297

0. they devised it, they created it; they invented it

1. they devised it, they created it; they invented it

FC -> jc-72895
2. they devised it, they created it; they invented it

3. they devised it, they created it; they invented it

4. they devised it, they created it; they invented it

FC jc-031297
5. they devised it, they created it; they invented it
FC jc-031297

0. he created it
1. he created it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he created it
3. he created it
4. he created it <p33-yo:coya-ya3>
<p33-yo:coya-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
5. he created it <p33-yo:coya-ya3>
<p33-yo:coya-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he created it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297
7. he created it
FC jc-031297

0. he will create it

1. he will create it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he will create it

3. he will create it

4. he will create it
FC jc-031297
5. he will create it
FC jc-031297

0. it animates it
1. it animates it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it animates it
3. it animates it
4. it animates it <p33-yo:lli-v11-caus08>
<p33-yo:lli-v11-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
5. it animates it <p33-yo:lli-v11-caus08>
<p33-yo:lli-v11-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
6. it animates it <p33-yo:lli-v11-caus08>
<p33-yo:lli-v11-caus08> FC - > jc-61096
7. it animates it
FC jc-031297
8. it animates it
FC jc-031297

0. he quickened it, he gave it life
FC -> jc-72895
1. he quickened it, he gave it life
FC jc-031297
2. he quickened it, he gave it life
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he will put life into it, he will cause it to live
FC -> jc-72895
1. he will put life into it, he will cause it to live
FC jc-031297
2. he will put life into it, he will cause it to live
FC jc-031297

0. compassionate
1. compassionate; he hates it
FC -> jc-72895
2. compassionate
3. compassionate
4. compassionate <p33-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06>
<p33-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. compassionate <p33-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06>
<p33-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
6. compassionate <p33-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06>
<p33-yo:lli-ihtlacahui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
7. he hates it
FC jc-031297
8. he hates it
FC jc-031297

0. he comforted her
FC jc-031297

0. it will terrify him

1. it will terrify him

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will terrify him

3. it will terrify him

4. it will terrify him

FC jc-031297
5. it will terrify him
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it forms a stem
1. it forms a stem
FC -> jc-72895
2. it forms a stem
3. it forms a stem
4. it forms a stem <quiyotl-v04>
<quiyotl-v04> FC - > jc-61096
5. it forms a stem <quiyotl-v04>
<quiyotl-v04> FC - > jc-61096
6. it forms a stem
FC jc-031297
7. it forms a stem
FC jc-031297

0. shoot of a plant

0. he will drink it, he is to drink it; he will drink; he is
to drink; she will drink it; she is to drink it; they will
drink it; they are to drink it
1. he arrived; he will drink it; he is to drink it; he will
drink; he is to drink; it came out; it emerged
FC -> jc-72895
2. she will drink it; she is to drink it
FC -> jc-72895
3. he will drink it, he is to drink it; he will drink; he is
to drink; she will drink it; she is to drink it; they will
drink it; they are to drink it
4. he will drink it, he is to drink it; he will drink; he is
to drink; she will drink it; she is to drink it; they will
drink it; they are to drink it
5. he arrived; it came out; it emerged; she will drink it; she
is to drink it <qui:za-prt1>
<qui:za-prt1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he will drink it, he is to drink it; he will drink; he is
to drink; she will drink it; she is to drink it; they will
drink it; they are to drink it <p33-i:1-z>
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

<p33-i:1-z> FC - > jc-61096

7. he will drink, he is to drink <p33-i:>
<p33-i:> FC - > jc-61096
8. he arrived; he will drink it; he is to drink it; he will
drink; he is to drink; it came out; it emerged; it left; it
went out
FC jc-031297
9. she will drink it; she is to drink it
FC jc-031297
10. he arrived; he will drink it; he is to drink it; he will
drink; he is to drink; it came out; it emerged; it left; it
went out
FC jc-031297
11. she will drink it; she is to drink it
FC jc-031297

quiz ( o- )
0. salio' ( he went out; he emerged )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. sale ( he comes out )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
1. he comes forth, he comes out; he escapes; he goes out; he
goes forth
FC -> jc-72895
2. it comes; it comes out; it emerges; it issues; it erupts;
it goes out; it leaves; it goes away; it shows; they come
out; they emerge
FC -> jc-72895
3. he comes forth, he comes out; he escapes; he goes out; he
goes forth

4. he comes forth, he comes out; he escapes; he goes out; he

goes forth; it comes out; it emerges; it comes; it issues;
it erupts; it goes out; they come out; they emerge
5. he comes forth, he comes out; he escapes; he goes out; he
goes forth

6. he comes forth, he comes out; he escapes; he goes out; he

goes forth; it comes out; it emerges; it comes; it issues;
it erupts; it goes out; they come out; they emerge
7. he comes forth, he comes out; he escapes; he goes out; he
goes forth; it comes out; it emerges; it comes; it issues;
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

it erupts; it goes out; they come out; they emerge <qui:za>

<qui:za> FC - > jc-61096
8. sale ( he comes out )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96
9. he comes forth, he comes out; he emerges; he escapes; he
goes out; he goes forth
FC jc-031297
10. it appears; it comes; it comes out; it emerges; it issues;
it erupts; it goes forth; it goes out; it leaves; it goes
away; it shows
FC jc-031297
11. they come out; they emerge; they go forth; they set forth
FC jc-031297
12. he comes forth, he comes out; he emerges; he escapes; he
goes out; he goes forth
FC jc-031297
13. it appears; it comes; it comes out; it emerges; it issues;
it erupts; it goes forth; it goes out; it leaves; it goes
away; it shows
FC jc-031297
14. they come out; they emerge; they go forth; they set forth
FC jc-031297

0. auh in ihcuac axihua: choca
JC-03-04-97 PRS FC Sentences No 1
1. pipitzca

2. huel quiza imixayo: auh inic quimana

3. inic ano inpilhuan: tonpiatli

4. anozo otlachiquihuitl in icpac quiquetza in anqui and they

hunt them in this way: so that their young may be taken

5. the hunter places a palm-leaf or solid reed basket on his

head Y de es modo los cazan: para quitarles los pequen~os

6. el cazador le pone una hoja de palma o una chiquihuite en

la cabeza

0. it carries it off

1. it carries it off
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it carries it off

3. it carries it off

4. it carries it off
FC jc-031297
5. it carries it off
FC jc-031297

0. they cover it with grass

1. they cover it with grass

FC -> jc-72895
2. they cover it with grass

3. they cover it with grass

4. they cover it with grass

FC jc-031297
5. they cover it with grass
FC jc-031297

0. it will carry it off

1. it will carry it off

FC -> jc-72895
2. it will carry it off

3. it will carry it off

4. it will carry it off

FC jc-031297
5. it will carry it off
FC jc-031297

0. he came to set forth; they came to emerge; they came to land
FC jc-031297

0. it frightened him

1. it frightened him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC -> jc-72895
2. it frightened him

3. it frightened him

4. it frightened him
FC jc-031297
5. it frightened him
FC jc-031297

0. he glues it
FC - > jc-61096
1. they glue it
FC jc-031297
2. they glue it
FC jc-031297

0. they glued it
FC jc-031297

0. they come to emerge, they come to land
FC jc-031297

0. he comes to emerge, he comes to land
FC jc-031297

0. he went to go out
FC jc-031297

0. he went out, he fared forth; it came out; they passed
1. he went out, he fared forth; it came out; they passed
FC -> jc-72895
2. he went out, he fared forth; it came out; they passed
3. he went out, he fared forth; it came out; they passed
4. he went out, he fared forth; it came out; they passed
<qui:za-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. he went out, he fared forth; it came out; they passed

<qui:za-ya3> FC - > jc-61096
6. he went out, he fared forth; it came forth; it came out;
they came forth; they passed
FC jc-031297
7. he went out, he fared forth; it came forth; it came out;
they came forth; they passed
FC jc-031297

0. saldra' ( it will come out )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
1. saldra' ( it will come out )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. saldra' ( it will go out )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
3. saldra' ( it will go out; it will get out )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
4. he will come out; he will escape; he will go out; it will
come out; it will emerge; it will pass out
FC -> jc-72895
5. he will come out; he will escape; he will go out; it will
come out; it will emerge; it will pass out
6. he will come out; he will escape; he will go out; it will
come out; it will emerge; it will pass out
7. he will escape; it will pass out; it will emerge; it will
come out <qui:za-z>
<qui:za-z> FC - > jc-61096
8. saldra' ( it will come out )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96
9. saldra' ( it will come out )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
10. saldra' ( it will go out )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
11. saldra' ( it will go out; it will get out )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
12. he will come out; he will escape; he will go out; it will
come out; it will emerge; it will pass out
FC jc-031297
13. he will come out; he will escape; he will go out; it will
come out; it will emerge; it will pass out
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

quizaz ( ti- )
0. saldra's ( you will go out )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he tries to leave, he wants to leave; he tries to go out;
he wants to go out
1. he tries to go out, he wants to go out; he tries to leave;
he wants to leave
FC -> jc-72895
2. he tries to leave, he wants to leave; he tries to go out;
he wants to go out
3. he tries to leave, he wants to leave; he tries to go out;
he wants to go out
4. he tries to leave, he wants to leave; he tries to go out;
he wants to go out <qui:za-z-nequi>
<qui:za-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
5. he tries to leave, he wants to leave; he tries to go out;
he wants to go out <qui:za-z-nequi>
<qui:za-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
6. he tries to leave, he wants to leave; he tries to go out;
he wants to go out <qui:za-z-nequi>
<qui:za-z-nequi> FC - > jc-61096
7. he tries to go out, he wants to go out; he tries to leave;
he wants to leave
FC jc-031297
8. he tries to go out, he wants to go out; he tries to leave;
he wants to leave
FC jc-031297

0. they will leave
FC jc-031297

quizazquia ( o- )
0. saldri'a ( he would go out )
San Miguel Canoa jc->11/5/96

0. he caused it to grow

1. he caused it to grow
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. he caused it to grow

3. he caused it to grow

4. he caused it to grow
FC jc-031297
5. he caused it to grow
FC jc-031297

0. he pierces it

1. he pierces it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he pierces it

3. he pierces it

4. he pierces it
FC jc-031297
5. he pierces it
FC jc-031297

0. he opens it out, he spreads it out; it spreads it; it opens
1. he opens it out, he spreads it out; it spreads it; it opens
FC -> jc-72895
2. he opens it out, he spreads it out; it spreads it; it opens
3. he opens it out, he spreads it out; it spreads it; it opens
4. he opens it out, he spreads it out; it spreads it; it opens
it <p33-zo:hua>
<p33-zo:hua> FC - > jc-61096
5. he opens it out, he spreads it out; it spreads it; it opens
FC jc-031297
6. he opens it out, he spreads it out; it spreads it; it opens
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. he bled it
FC jc-031297

0. it ruins it
1. it ruins it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it ruins it
3. it ruins it
4. it ruins it <p33-ihzolihui-caus06>
<p33-ihzolihui-caus06> FC - > jc-61096
5. it ruins it
FC jc-031297
6. it ruins it
FC jc-031297

0. he sucks it in

1. he sucks it in
FC -> jc-72895
2. he sucks it in

3. he sucks it in

4. he sucks it in
FC jc-031297
5. he sucks it in
FC jc-031297

0. it irritates him, it angers him

1. it irritates him, it angers him

FC -> jc-72895
2. it irritates him, it angers him

3. it irritates him, it angers him

4. it irritates him, it angers him

FC jc-031297
5. it irritates him, it angers him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it disturbs it

1. it disturbs it
FC -> jc-72895
2. it disturbs it

3. it disturbs it

4. it disturbs it
FC jc-031297
5. it disturbs it
FC jc-031297

0. it makes him vomit

1. it makes him vomit

FC -> jc-72895
2. it makes him vomit

3. it makes him vomit

4. it makes him vomit

FC jc-031297
5. it makes him vomit
FC jc-031297

0. it paralyzes him

1. it paralyzes him
FC -> jc-72895
2. it paralyzes him

3. it paralyzes him

4. it paralyzes him
FC jc-031297
5. it paralyzes him
FC jc-031297

0. it terrifies it, it makes it faint
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

FC jc-031297

0. it will make him faint
1. it will make him faint
FC -> jc-72895
2. it will make him faint
3. it will make him faint

4. it will make him faint

5. it will make him faint

6. it will make him faint <p33-zotla:hua-z>

<p33-zotla:hua-z> FC - > jc-61096
7. it will make him faint
FC jc-031297
8. it will make him faint
FC jc-031297

0. they draw blood from him
1. they draw blood from him
FC -> jc-72895
2. they draw blood from him
3. they draw blood from him
4. they draw blood from him <p33-dupl-zo:1>
<p33-dupl-zo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. they draw blood from him <p33-dupl-zo:1>
<p33-dupl-zo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. they draw blood from him
FC jc-031297
7. they draw blood from him
FC jc-031297

0. they bled him

1. they bled him

FC -> jc-72895
2. they bled him
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. they bled him

4. he bleeds it, he pierces it; they bled him

FC jc-031297
5. he bleeds it, he pierces it; they bled him
FC jc-031297

0. they escaped, they went out; they left; they traveled; they
will drink it
1. they escaped, they went out; they left; they traveled; they
will drink it
FC -> jc-72895
2. they escaped, they went out; they left; they traveled; they
will drink it
3. they escaped, they went out; they left; they traveled; they
will drink it
4. they left; they traveled; they went out; they escaped
<qui:za-prt1-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
5. they will drink it <p33-i:1-z-plur01>
<p33-i:1-z-plur01> FC - > jc-61096
6. they escaped, they went out; they left; they set forth;
they traveled; they went forth; they will drink it
FC jc-031297
7. they escaped, they went out; they left; they set forth;
they traveled; they went forth; they will drink it
FC jc-031297

0. trumpet
FC - > jc-61096
1. trumpet
Noun jc-030797
2. trumpet
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )
3. trumpet
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )

quizquiztli (trumpet) niquizquizoz

0. I will blow a trumpet
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it quickly flies apart

1. it quickly flies apart

FC -> jc-72895
2. it quickly flies apart

3. it quickly flies apart

4. it quickly flies apart

FC jc-031297
5. it quickly flies apart
FC jc-031297

0. they travel
FC jc-031297

0. it (ie, snake) strikes him

1. it ( ie, snake ) strikes him

FC -> jc-72895
2. it (ie, snake) strikes him

3. it (ie, snake) strikes him

4. it ( ie, snake ) strikes him

FC jc-031297
5. it ( ie, snake ) strikes him
FC jc-031297

0. he lusts for it

1. he lusts for it
FC -> jc-72895
2. he lusts for it

3. he lusts for it

4. he lusts for it
FC jc-031297
5. he lusts for it
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. it is protruding, it is emerging
FC jc-031297

0. <tbd>

0. <tbd>

0. <tbd>

0. <tbd>

0. <tbd>

0. <tbd>

righteous-life-| life: righteous life

0. <ye:ctli-nemi-liz-eh1>, jc-10896

0. sacraments

1. sacraments
FC -> jc-72895
2. sacraments

3. sacraments

4. sacraments
FC jc-031297
5. sacraments
FC jc-031297
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

ta ( no- )
0. mi padre ( my father )
Milpa Alta jc->11/5/96

0. our aunt
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. our aunt
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. you will be given a book
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. you will be given a book
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. you will be given a book
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. you will be given a book
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. you will be given a book
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. you will be given a book
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. you will be given a book
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. basket

0. we will be drowned
Passive Verb jc-022897
1. we will be drowned
JC-05-07-97 Passive and Impersonal Verbs
2. we will be drowned
JC-05-07-97 Passive Verbs
3. we will be drowned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
4. we will be drowned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
5. we will be drowned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
6. we will be drowned
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. scrape

0. plant, bush, clump
1. plant, bush, clump

2. plant, bush, clump

3. plant, bush, clump

4. plant, bush, clump

FC - > jc-61096

0. hole (for a tree)

0. he becomes a father
1. he becomes a father
FC -> jc-72895
2. he becomes a father
3. he becomes a father
4. he becomes a father <tahtli-chi:hua-lo:1>
<tahtli-chi:hua-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
5. he becomes a father <tahtli-chi:hua-lo:1>
<tahtli-chi:hua-lo:1> FC - > jc-61096
6. he becomes a father
FC jc-031297
7. he becomes a father
FC jc-031297

0. we go arriving
FC jc-031297

0. you will reach
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. you will reach

FC -> jc-72895
2. you will reach

3. you will reach

4. you will reach

FC jc-031297
5. you will reach
FC jc-031297

0. we will reach, we will arrive

1. we will reach, we will arrive

FC -> jc-72895
2. we will reach, we will arrive

3. we will reach, we will arrive

4. we will reach, we will arrive

FC jc-031297
5. we will reach, we will arrive
FC jc-031297

0. on our shoulder

1. on our shoulder
FC -> jc-72895
2. on our shoulder

3. on our shoulder
4. on our shoulder

5. on our shoulder
6. on our shoulder <poss-ahcolli-pan>
<poss-ahcolli-pan> FC - > jc-61096
7. on our shoulder
FC jc-031297
8. on our shoulder
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. you arrive
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

0. we arrive
JC-05-07-97 Intransitive Verb Stems

0. Vas a llegar a la casa de mi abuelito ? Tahciz ichan in
nocohcoltzin ? Are you going to arrive at my grandfather's
house ?
JC-10-06-96 Pablo Gonzalez Casanova's Cuentos Indigenas ( SMCanoa )

0. you are thorny

1. you are thorny

FC -> jc-72895
2. you are thorny

3. you are thorny

4. you are thorny

FC jc-031297
5. you are thorny
FC jc-031297

0. our bowls
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. our bowls
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 1
2. our bowls
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2

0. padre ( father )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
1. padre ( parent; father )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. father
3. father

4. father
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

5. father

6. father
FC - > jc-61096
7. padre ( father )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
8. padre ( parent; father )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
9. tahtli
JC-05-07-97 Noun StemsList A
10. padre

0. you are the owner of water

1. you are the owner of water

FC -> jc-72895
2. you are the owner of water

3. you are the owner of water

4. you are the owner of water

FC jc-031297
5. you are the owner of water
FC jc-031297

0. you are the owner-of-water, water; owner of water
<p12-a:tl1-huah>-| jc-10896

tahua titepehua
0. you are the inhabitant of a city

1. you are the inhabitant of a city

FC -> jc-72895
2. you are the inhabitant of a city, city-dweller
<p12-tepe:tl-huah>-| jc-10896
3. you are the inhabitant of a city, city-dweller
<p12-tepe:tl-huah>-| jc-10896
4. you are the inhabitant of a city

5. you are the inhabitant of a city

6. you are the inhabitant of a city, city-dweller

<p12-tepe:tl-huah>-| jc-10896
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

7. you are the inhabitant of a city

FC jc-031297
8. you are the inhabitant of a city
FC jc-031297

0. you are a cypress tree

1. you are a cypress tree

FC -> jc-72895
2. you are a cypress tree

3. you are a cypress tree

4. you are a cypress tree

FC jc-031297
5. you are a cypress tree
FC jc-031297

0. you will become a prostitute
FC - > jc-61096
1. you will become a prostitute
Verbing jc-030797
2. you will become a prostitute
-ti jc-030797
3. you will become a prostitute
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
4. you will become a prostitute
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
5. you will become a prostitute
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )
6. you will become a prostitute
JC-05-07-97 -ti ( become )

0. fatherhood

0. you do it

1. you do it
FC -> jc-72895
2. you do it
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. you do it

4. you do it
FC jc-031297
5. you do it
FC jc-031297

0. you will do

1. you will do
FC -> jc-72895
2. you will do

3. you will do

4. you will do
FC jc-031297
5. you will do
FC jc-031297

0. cuix a ticmocualtiz, in tlaxcalcuappitztli, in
tlaxcaltotopochtli, in totopochtzintli, in
tamaliyacatzintli: perhaps thou shalt chew dry
tortillas--parched tortillas, wretched, tough-cooked
things, ill-smelling tamales (b4 f6 p62)

0. tamale, tamal
1. tamal ( tamalli )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
2. tamal
3. tamale, tamal
4. tamal
5. tamale
FC - > jc-61096
6. tamal ( tamalli )
Santa Ana Tlacotenco jc->11/5/96
7. tamale
Noun jc-030797
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

8. tamale
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )
9. tamale
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )

tamalli (tamale)tamaloa
0. she makes tamales

0. they make tamales
1. they make tamales
FC -> jc-72895
2. they make tamales
3. they make tamales
4. she makes tamales
FC - > jc-61096
5. they make tamales <tamalli-v05a>
<tamalli-v05a> FC - > jc-61096
6. they make tamales <tamalli-v05a>
<tamalli-v05a> FC - > jc-61096
7. they make tamales
FC jc-031297
8. she makes tamales
Verbing jc-030797
9. she makes tamales
-oa jc-030797
10. they make tamales
FC jc-031297
11. she makes tamales
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
12. she makes tamales
JC-05-07-97 Verbing No 1
13. she makes tamales
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )
14. she makes tamales
JC-05-07-97 -oa ( to use or apply or to produce )

0. like a tamal
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. toad
1. toad
FC -> jc-72895
2. toad
3. toad
4. toad <tamazolin>
<tamazolin> FC - > jc-61096
5. toad
FC jc-031297
6. toad
FC jc-031297

0. toad

0. we will come to wait for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. we came to dance with y'all
JC-05-07-97 Dirc/Purposive Verbs no1

0. we will receive it from y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. we grab it from y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. we pay it to y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. we cut it for y'all
JC-05-07-97 Ben/Appl Verbs no 1

0. we will console you (pl)
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. we will console you ( pl )

FC -> jc-72895
2. we will console you (pl)

3. we will console you (pl)

4. we will console you ( pl )

FC jc-031297
5. we will console you ( pl )
FC jc-031297

0. makers of small baskets
JC-05-07-97 Plural Agentives

0. straight basket
1. straight basket
FC -> jc-72895
2. straight basket
3. straight basket
4. straight basket <ta:nahtli-mela:hua-l2>
<ta:nahtli-mela:hua-l2> FC - > jc-61096
5. straight basket <ta:nahtli-mela:hua-l2>
<ta:nahtli-mela:hua-l2> FC - > jc-61096
6. straight basket
FC jc-031297
7. straight basket
FC jc-031297

0. cylindrical basket
1. cylindrical basket
FC -> jc-72895
2. cylindrical basket
3. cylindrical basket
4. cylindrical basket <ta:nahtli-mimilli>
<ta:nahtli-mimilli> FC - > jc-61096
5. cylindrical basket <ta:nahtli-mimilli>
<ta:nahtli-mimilli> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. cylindrical basket
FC jc-031297
7. cylindrical basket
FC jc-031297

0. basket seller
1. basket seller
FC -> jc-72895
2. basket seller
3. basket seller
4. basket seller <ta:nahtli-namaca-qui2>
<ta:nahtli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
5. basket seller <ta:nahtli-namaca-qui2>
<ta:nahtli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
6. basket seller <ta:nahtli-namaca-qui2>
<ta:nahtli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
7. basket seller <ta:nahtli-namaca-qui2>
<ta:nahtli-namaca-qui2> FC - > jc-61096
8. basket seller
FC jc-031297
9. basket seller
FC jc-031297
10. seller of small baskets
JC-05-07-97 Agent Nouns no 3

0. basket

1. basket
FC -> jc-72895
2. basket

3. basket

4. basket
FC jc-031297
5. basket
FC jc-031297

0. reed basket
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

1. reed basket
FC -> jc-72895
2. reed basket
3. reed basket
4. reed basket <ta:nahtli>
<ta:nahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. reed basket
FC jc-031297
6. reed basket
FC jc-031297

0. small round basket
1. small round basket
FC -> jc-72895
2. small round basket
3. small round basket
4. small round basket <ta:nahtli-yahualli>
<ta:nahtli-yahualli> FC - > jc-61096
5. small round basket <ta:nahtli-yahualli>
<ta:nahtli-yahualli> FC - > jc-61096
6. small round basket
FC jc-031297
7. small round basket
FC jc-031297

0. our souls (from spanish anima)

1. our souls
FC -> jc-72895
2. our souls (from spanish anima)

3. our souls (from spanish anima)

4. our souls
FC jc-031297
5. our souls
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. coral, fish scale

1. seashell
FC -> jc-72895
2. seashell
3. coral, fish scale
4. seashell
5. seashell <tapachtli>
<tapachtli> FC - > jc-61096
6. coral; seashell
FC jc-031297
7. coral; seashell
FC jc-031297

0. tangle, birds' nest
1. (cf pazoliui) tangle, birds' nest
2. (cf pazoliui) tangle, birds' nest

0. sherd
1. potsherd; sherd
FC -> jc-72895
2. potsherd, sherd
3. sherd
4. potsherd, sherd
5. potsherd, sherd <tapalcatl>
<tapalcatl> FC - > jc-61096
6. sherd
FC - > jc-61096
7. potsherd; sherd
FC jc-031297
8. potsherd; sherd
FC jc-031297

Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. tapalcatzotzonqui: tapalcatzotzonqui (b11 f5 p47), ic

motocayotia tapalcatzotzonqui: in itlatol, ca iuhquinma
haca tapalcatl, quitzotzona: in manoce quicacalatza, it is
named tapalcatzotzonqui because its call is as if one
struck potsherds, or rattled them (b11 f5 p47)

0. having tile-shaped scales; having a shell; sherd-like;
having a sherd; tile-like
1. having a shell; having tile-shaped scales; sherd-like;
having a sherd; tile-like
FC -> jc-72895
2. having tile-shaped scales; having a shell; sherd-like;
having a sherd; tile-like
3. having tile-shaped scales; having a shell; sherd-like;
having a sherd; tile-like
4. having a shell; sherd-like; having a sherd; tile-like
<tapalcatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. having tile-shaped scales; having a shell; sherd-like;
having a sherd; tile-like <tapalcatl-yo:tl1>
<tapalcatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
6. having a shell; having tile-shaped scales; sherd-like;
having a sherd; tile-like
FC jc-031297
7. having a shell; having tile-shaped scales; sherd-like;
having a sherd; tile-like
FC jc-031297

0. shell
1. shell
FC -> jc-72895
2. shell
3. shell
4. shell <tapalcatl-yo:tl1>
<tapalcatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
5. shell <tapalcatl-yo:tl1>
<tapalcatl-yo:tl1> FC - > jc-61096
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

6. shell
FC jc-031297
7. shell
FC jc-031297

0. bruise

0. lizard
1. salamander
FC -> jc-72895
2. salamander

3. lizard
4. salamander

5. salamander
FC jc-031297
6. salamander
FC jc-031297

0. salamanders
FC jc-031297

0. he is rolled up like a ball

1. he is rolled up like a ball

FC -> jc-72895
2. he is rolled up like a ball

3. he is rolled up like a ball

4. he is rolled up like a ball

FC jc-031297
5. he is rolled up like a ball
FC jc-031297

0. round, ball
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

0. round, ball

0. ball-like; like a ball

1. ball-like; like a ball

FC -> jc-72895
2. ball-like; like a ball

3. ball-like; like a ball

4. ball-like; like a ball

FC jc-031297
5. ball-like; like a ball
FC jc-031297

0. bushy
1. bushy
FC -> jc-72895
2. bushy
3. bushy
4. bushy <tapahzolli-tic>
<tapahzolli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
5. bushy <tapahzolli-tic>
<tapahzolli-tic> FC - > jc-61096
6. bushy
FC jc-031297
7. bushy
FC jc-031297

0. small and tangled; tangled; interlaced
FC jc-031297

0. our hunger
1. our hunger
FC -> jc-72895
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

2. our hunger
3. our hunger
4. our hunger <poss-a:pi:ztli>
<poss-a:pi:ztli> FC - > jc-61096
5. our hunger
FC jc-031297
6. our hunger
FC jc-031297

0. dig, scrape
1. dig
FC - > jc-61096
2. dig, excavate, tomb
FC - > jc-61096
3. to scratch
FC - > jc-61096

tataca-| netatacaliztli
0. act of scratching one's self

tataca-| tetatacaliztli
0. act of digging stones or scratching someone

0. st dug up, an excavation or tomb

0. rough, coarse

0. rag, tatters
1. rag, tatters
FC -> jc-72895
2. rag, tatters
3. rag, tatters
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

4. rag, tatters <tatapahtli>

<tatapahtli> FC - > jc-61096
5. rag, tatters
FC jc-031297
6. rag, tatters
FC jc-031297

0. rag, tatters
1. rag, tatters
FC -> jc-72895
2. rag, tatters
3. rag, tatters
4. rag, tatters <tatapahtli-tzin>
<tatapahtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
5. rag, tatters <tatapahtli-tzin>
<tatapahtli-tzin> FC - > jc-61096
6. rag, tatters
FC jc-031297
7. rag, tatters
FC jc-031297

0. round like a ball

1. round like a ball

FC -> jc-72895
2. round like a ball

3. round like a ball

4. round like a ball

FC jc-031297
5. round like a ball
FC jc-031297

0. let's scratch for water

1. let's scratch for water

FC -> jc-72895
2. let's scratch for water
Nahuatl Word List Compiled from Nahuatl-l List by Tezozomoc © 1995

3. let's scratch for water

4. let's scratch for water

FC jc-031297
5. let's scratch for water
FC jc-031297

0. our louse
JC-05-07-97 Possessed Nouns
1. our lice
JC-05-07-97 General Review No 2
2. our louse

3. our lice

0. duty of fatherhood


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