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No. 223,898. tig Ke T. A. EDISON. Electric-Lamp. Patented Jan. 27, 1880. a notin Samus. Cdisor Fo Leu Ferrett) — or OD ay, UNITED STaTEs BEST AVAILABLE Cor PaTENT OFFICE. THOMAS A. EDIEON, OF MENLO PARK, NEW JHRSEY ELECTRIC LAMP. SPRCIFICATION forming part of Lottore Patent Mo. 233,090, duted January 27,1500, Agotieton ted Boremaer «14m, Te all whom Us may conaern: Beit Koown thar, Cacxas ALA Komon, of Menlo’ Park, in the Biate of New Joreey, Waited Gonten of’ Amerien, have Investanl 28 5 Improvement in Bletne Lamps, and in the ‘method of mannfsctaring the ame, (Case No. 186,) of which the following {sa specification. object of this invention is to produce lectrio lempa giving lirht by incoadesoence, 0 which latpe niall bave high reaistance 96 ak to allow af the prectical subdivision of Ure Sectrio light. ‘The invention consists ine light-giving body of carhon wire or aheets coiled or arranged in tg such a manoer as toler greet renianca to the pemage ofthe eerie erent nad a he sane lime present bat © slignt surioce frors which ealetion! can-take place. favention further conaalé. in. placing 0 much buruer of great reaicance toa bearige Pires secuom, fo prevent oration nad jary to the conductor by the aimenphere. ‘Toe fcarreat la conducted Toto’ the weceun-bale hrough platins wires sealed into the glans. 8§ The iavention forther consistein the method of manutaciariog carbou conductors o! high reaistanve, 20 a3 to be eaitable for giving light ‘by Inenndescence, and in the manner of secur- {ng perfect contace betweea the metalic coo: | 3p ductors or lending-wireo tod tbe carbon cou. sneer jeretofore light by incandescance haa been peneaioad from Sods at carbon of one to foor ums resistance, placed in closed veosels, in 35 Which ihe atsopherc ar hau been replaced een that do bot combing chemically with the carbon, u 40 fog wires and the carbon haa Sern obtnind 9 Gempteg the carbon to tho metal.” To) toca wires have always been large, oo that their Feslatanoo shall bo toany thoes iow than the Varner, and, in genors, the attempts of pre 45 7ious porsont bave been to reduoe the resistance ofthe carbon red. ‘The disadvantages of follow. fog this prectice are, that s lamp having Da: ‘006 to foar obma resisinace cannot be worked in reat nambere in maltiploare withont the em- § Ployment of main conductors of enormous di- ; thas, owing to the low renistance of the lamp, the leading-wirea must be of largn @imensions and good condactors, and a globe cannot be kept tigat at the place where the wires pass in aud are comented; bepce the 55 ‘carbon {8 consamed, becanse there mast be al- ‘miost w perfect vacuum to reader, the carboo stable, specially wheneach carboa iaamall fa mase sod bigh iu electrical resistance. ‘The use of a gua in the reoviver at the st- 60 mnoapheric pressure, although act stacking te carbon, serves to dentrcy it intima by ‘alr- washing,"” or the attrition produced by the rapid of the air over the alightiy-co- herent highly-heated anrface of the carbon. I 65 have reversed thin practice. I bave discovered that even a cotton thread properly carbonized ‘and placed ina sealed giase bolb exhausted to ‘ove millionth of an atmosphere offers (rom ome hundred to five bandred olims renistanve to the pasaage of the current, and that st lsabsolutely stable at very bigh teaperatares; ther if the thread be coiled as a spiral and carbonized, or if any fibrous vegetable substance which will leave s carbon residue after heating in» clesed chamber be bo coiled, as moch as two 7s ! thousand hme resistance may be obtained face greater without presenting a radiating. j than three-sixteeaths of an inch; that if euch Abrous material be rabbed with a plastic com- posed of lamp- black and tar, ite resistance may be made high or low, according to the amount of larop-bleck placed apon it; thatear bon flamenta may be, sade by a combicaticn of tar and lamp-bleck, the latter being pre- viously ignited in a closed crocible for several hours end afterward moistened and kneaded ‘antil it assamen the consistency of thick pot ty. Small pieces of this material my be roiled out in the form of wire aa small aa seven cue-thoumndibe of a inch in diameter aad overs foct in Teogth, and the s5 Gad with avon crudaeting now carbons ‘sat.cance and wound ou « bobbia, or aa.8 spt ral, and the tar carbonized in s closed cham, bet by subjecting it to bigh beat tbe spiral ser carbonization retaining ita form “Ail these formas are fragile and cannot be clamped to the leading wires with suficie foron to insure good contact and prevent beat ing. [have discovered that if platinam wires fare used and the plastic lamp-black and tar raatorial be woldert arouad it im the act of car- Donization there in au intimate mnion by com- 9s 108 s 3° 3s 40 material be molded around it in the act of oar- bonization there ia an intimate union by com- on anil by Dreaaure between the carbon and nearly perfect contact is ob- atthe nesaity of clamps; enon the burner and the leading-wiren are connec ceil to the carbon rendy to be placed in the vac: om-balb. ‘When alrous material is aved the plastic lamp-black and tarare used toneoure it to the plating before carbo ‘By using’ the carbon wire of sixtance Tam enabled to Ge fin wires for lealing-wires, an the) aruall resistance compared to tho burve hence will not heat aud erick the sealed vse- unm Prat ly De ned, an ite expmmsion in nearly the mame ae tbat of pias. By sing» considerable. length of carbou wire aund coiling it the exterior, whi a ainall portion of its entire sarface, w tho prutcipal radiating -surfa09;, bene Tam fic heat of the whole of ‘ixappeacance of the light, which of wlicial, as it abows the ering of th light; but i€ the enrrent ie atendy the defect doer not show. T bave carbonized! nud twsed cotton and Tinew thread, wood aplints, papers coiled in various ways, also lamp-bluck, plambago, and carbon in vations fornts, mixed with tar aud kneaded 0 that the eame may be rolled ont into wines Of various leagthe and diameters. Each wire, however, ix to be 1 size throughout. Ie tue carbou threail is liable to be distorted luring carbonization it into be ooiled betwesn © belix of capper wire. ‘The ends of the car- bon or filament aro secured to the platinn leading-wires by plastic carbonizuble mater ‘the whole placed in the earbonizing-h 1c. ‘The copper, which has served to prevent distortion of the carbou thread, ie afterward eaten away by nitrioacid,and the spiral soaked in water, and theu dried and pluoed on the glass bolder, and glasa bulb blown over tbe hole, with a leading-tabo for exhanation by merary.pamp. tabe, when a high 8 EST AVAILAgl¢ Copy vacanm hae been reached, Ia hermetically 50 sealed. ‘With substances which are not dis. torted in oarbouizing, they may bo coated with nov-conduoting nos-carbonizable wabatance, ‘hich allows one coll or tara of the aarbon to Feat apon and be supported by the other. In the drawings, Figare 1 shows the lamp sectionally. a is.the carbon spiral or thread. €¢ ure the thickened ends of the spiral, formed of the plastic compound of lamp-biack and tar. 4 dare the platina wires. 4 A are the olampe, which serve to convect the plation wires, ce: mented iu the carbon, with the leading. wis 2, scaled in tho glass vacanm-balb. ‘copper wires, counecter! jnst outside the balb 65 to the wires 2. m ix tho tube (shown by dotted lines) leading to the vacama-pamp, ‘which, after exbauntion, i hermetically sealed and the aurplus removed. Fig. 2 reprosonts the plastic material before 7° beiug wound into a spiral. Fig. 3 shows the spiral after carbonisation, ready to have a balb blown over it. Lclaint as my invention— 1, Au electric lamp for giving light by in: caudescence, eovsisting of » filament of carbon of high renjetasice, mado as described, aud 00- cared to metallic wires, as set forth. 2. The combination of carbon Slamenta with 1 receiver made entirely of glass and conduct: ora passing throagh the glass, and from which receiver the sir ia exbansted, for the parposes set forth. 3. A carbou filament or atrip oolled and connected to electric couductors #0 that only 8s & portion of the surfues of such carbon con: ductors shall be exposed for radiating light, fas oot forth. 4. Tho method herein desoribed of secaring the platiua contact wires to the carbon fila: ment and carbouixing of the whole in a closed chamnbor, substantially ae sot forth. by me this let day of November, A. D. 1878. THOMAS A. EDISON. Witenes: 8. L. Gurrrmr, Jour F. Raxpoura. 55 15 Ps Tete found that the following coctifionte bas been attocbed to Letters Patent granted to Thomas A. Bdlsoa for improvemeat in “ Blectrie Lampa” Wo. 288,806, duted Jasinary 3, 1880: DEPARTMENT OF TAB INTERIOB, ‘UNFFED STATES PATENT OFFICR, ‘Wasmineror, D. 0, December 18, 1663. Tn compllauce with the request of the party in in:sreat Letiere Pateut No, 333,898, granted Janoary 27, 1880, 0 Thomas A. Bdlaon, of Moalo Park, Now Jorwa, for 08 {inprovemeut in“ Biectric’ Lampe,’ is hereby limited oo ae to expire at the same ume ‘with the patent of the following-nemed, baving the shortest time to ras, vis.: Brit tect, dated November 10,1870, ¥o 6516; Oasudiaa petoat dated November 17, 18 Fo‘Torese; Belgian pateot, dated November Sy, 1879, No. 49,084; Italian paraot, dated Deoeetber @, 1879, ata Freaeh patent, dated January 20, 1880, Ko, 185,708, __ ‘Tele hereby oertifed that the proper eatriee and corrections have been made in the ‘Ales aud records of the Patent Office, ‘This smendment is made that the United States patent may conform to the provis- tone of section 4887 of the Revised Statates. (ema.) BRNJ. BUTTHBWOBTE, Ormmisioner of Approved: ‘ML. Josurn, Acting Sacretery of the Interior, Now, in compliance with the request of the parties In taterest, sald certifioate Is hereby canceled and proper entries and corrections bare been made fn the files and reoords of the Patent Offa, Tn testimony whereof I bave hereanto set my hand and ceased the seal of the Putent Oftice to be affixed, this 15th day of March, 1903, W. B SIMONDS, Cowaniertoner of Potente. Approved: (Pravs Bosasr, Assistant Boorstary of the Interior, Order of Cancellation of Certificate of Correction of Letters Patent No. 223,898. DEPARTMENT OF THE INFERIOR, UNrrap avarss Pavan? orrias, ‘Wasummcron, D. 0, Descader 18, 1888. lo. 223,898, Ie with the request of the ‘fn interest, Letters No, 233,808, & | granted Toncary a, 1650; 6) Thomas A.” Bdloe, of Hecio, ‘Sermy, at Efproreneat is’ Elects Lampey” la hereby Ulted wo an to expire sf the. mute tase F | withthe patna o toe flowin Caving the shertak cee wo rany vis: Betas E | Patent dated November 10, 18 ‘No. 4,518; Canadian Patent dated November 17, 1878, No. 10,656; Belgian Pateat dated Noveaber 39, 1870, No. ‘taliea Aoad Deocmvet Leto7by aad Frewsh Patant daled Janveary 30, 180, Wa. Sa ae rted tat the rap eats Sod corecGoen ar esa mae tha les sod records of the Patent ‘Toin anondment ls mede thas the Unite? States Pacant may conform to the provis- ous of Section 4887 of the Bavised Statutes, 5 BENS. BUTTERWORTH, Comanlastoner of Patents, Correction in Letter

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