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of M:idd'l'e-ea:rth
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inspir:a:tloiEi for generations

MW,~ llie WOEhl ,arwOOd,b;y J.R.R ToThlen ' in his tjme<less d~~cs The ,Hobbi:t.,,. T:11~'l...drd of the' Ril1g?S and The Sl1mat,iUiO'n" has be-en an

.~: imagmanen, 'TQ.l~ie.rl:~Wo,r,ld Includes paintingtJ bY' a r.t ists from all oV1er the 'w-odd, '~,SO~' ia..TI10tlSfor

NcnNJ :fol1ol'Ving th.e oe1]tena:!l)1' 0(. Tolkien's birth this beautiful 'volume of ~rMork is being published, eo Lele,bra-t,e the l,~;a(!y of.his'

,their' in'~'r.pretalio~s of 'f61~~n~s landscapes and .characters ""... €'.if 'i,;i',et "'-_,."i'---.~ fam ..... . m '_', us, IJ,,'"'"'&""", I~ From Ulle'pow,eJ'ful represenmtions of the
,_;!,l~ ...... G'.I,"", Ln,JI, 1!,.V !ilLL ,"'-'!IA>3",

darker side of Mldd]~arth


L to lL-J.Ievoeanve mysteries OJ.' Al an, '1' e .~,.• :.wee;rrom the. delightful ~in-ti~,gs by Michael ,HagU'i;' frorm, '1"he ,Hobbit to the ,s'b'ange and (lo,mpeUing vis-ion of Roger Ga:r-]and; Hom Ute engaging

by John, Howe,



SUl'ilplidfY' of :~n,gerEd~1fe1d-r work to the s

'iJo, iI'~d-dl-''To. ~v.u: ,_ e\-eariiIDl.

intricacy ~md dFmla:ft:I,(:'reelism of 1"00 Nasmith = Tolkieni s World spans the whole of

,', 'hem, m.H uenre upon t~;

J' , .'. .

j]Justr.a~"an:d th,€, book also includes; ~ sho\r.t, essa.y by eactrt of the artises about To,Ekiert s
I •..• ~, ,-.

Each paindng itS accempanled by' ,3, page of d' IE.. 'k- :~ ..a" :::~~-'I ", I ,,ex~•• arawn flam ;_'L ''W{!I'F e Joh' L" ,UlS'P'.l!iw ]t tne describffi:mLg tbe scene the artist has ChO$i;~ b)


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', Contents




i"" ~ , -~~~ T,E::I"I::. 'd" 'R' ,EA .• ~ I'

by 'Ted. N asmith
bY"O]U1 f"I-J~'i!. .owe

GO"Dr- l ,[",1' .: ,,'ul. i'\!

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by luge r Edelfeld
.D A. Nt J{,

by Michael Hagueby Michael Hague



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s by Michael Hague



by Michael Hague

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by Michael I-i:ague
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by Inger Edelfeldt




by Ted, Nasmith




by Roger Garland





ow- vv [G H,'r by Ted bv Alan Lee





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by Ted Nasmith

o A.N D A L F by John Howe




by Alan Lee


m by Alan Lee


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by Roger Garland


bv Ted N: smi t'D"

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by Ted Nasmitb



l'J.{']'NAS T1RITH

by John Howe by-John Howe


:]1 AT'TLE'





1"tzi,n S

by Alan Lee


M 0 R DO It

by Robert Goldsmi th by Alan Lee



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Howe by Inger Edelfeldt


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0 F 1r:HE 'W'A T E R. S

'by Roger 'G'2lLdand

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'by Roger Garland




oo N,D01.. N by John How'€ I



by Roger G'RrUand

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by Joh'n Howe by Roger Garland





T:[ I E ,13 R"AN':O 'YW' 1: N E

R 1: V:II R.

'by Roger Garland


-o:~n Ronald ,Re~,el Tolkien _w,asborn o-~ard,January 1892' at Blo;emfon~ein in the Orange Free State, but at the a,ge of four he was taken hy hIS mother, Mary S[tffield" together with his younger brother, Hilary ~ back, to England for 'home leave ~,.After his fa~her"g death from, rheumatic fever, the family made their horne at Sarehole, on the south-eastern edge of Birmingham. Ronald spen t a happ'y childhood in the Sarehole countryside, and his sensibility to the rural landscape can clearly be seen both ,i'n his writing and in. his pictures, After his mother's death, when Roeald was twelve, he and Hilary became wards of a ,k~ndm.y priest at the Birmingham Oratory, 'They' both attended King Edward's Sc'hCU)_) B'irmingha:m;whe'F'e Ronald. achieved distinction in C:~ass:ics; nd a also encountered Anglo-Saxon and Middle English" At this time also, he began to develop his linguistic abili ties by 'inventing languages 'which he' related to 'fai ry~ or 'e~vish!'people, After taking a First in EngUsh Language and U.teratnre at Exeter College, Oxford, Tolkien married Edith Bratt, with 'whom, he had fann.ed an attachmen t when ...1... 'L .,'i.... ]-' di h III d ,. h ., "B" ; , 'H al ' '.. IlU!ey 1100(11 I'Ve, 11],~,ie same ~O·gUl,g=_euse runmrmmg h- am, ,I ae was s 50' comnussroae d__ in the lancashire Fusiliers and served jn the battle of the' Somme, where two of his three closest friends were ki lled, After the war, 'he obtained a 'post on the New English Dictionary, and began to wri te' ~he mythologica1 and legendary cycle which he originally' called "The 'Book of Lost Tales' but which eventually became known, as Tk't Si_'lmarl.'llion.,. 'Ii' !b.. ;md., " h ,.In 1'9120 'T",n11-: kien, now' 'w~'h~ two C]-Il~,· •ren, was appointed ..ll as n ..JII • t\,.ea'uer in t, e

En,glish Language at the- University of Leeds, a 'po~n that was converted to a Professership four years later, He distinguished himself by his lively and imaginative: teaching, and in '[925 'was elected Rawlinson 'and Bosworth Professor of Anglo ... axon S at Oxford) 'where he worked with great skill and enthusiasm for :many yearn. Indeed he was one of the 'most accomplished philologists that has ever been. known, Meanwhile, 'his family, now numbering four children" encouraged Tolkien to use his mytho'~ogica~,'imagination. to deal 'with more homely topics. For them he wrote and Illustrated The ,Fa'iIw Christmas utWs~and to them he' '{old the story of 11~'t';Hobbit; , 1" - IU'Y b 'Ii.. d '!pH Ill"usnen some years later In 1937' 'Iii". :Stan ley,- 'U' .' W~~Qthen Mtii.:,e'd Co a , seque l' nwm, lib. lib _ lor ,,' At first, Tolkien applied himself only unwillingly to this task, but soon he was mspired, and what he had, meant to he another book for children grew into Vie' Lord t:if,t;/u;' Ri~Jl truly a sequel to 'T/te Silrn;arillwn 'man to The ,Hobbit. This huge Sb)f)l took twelve years to complete, and it was not published until Tolkien was approaching retirement, When it did 'reach print, its extraordinary popularity took him by surprise, A r:. .' T 0,_'l~l-~ an'. ms wife '-l+ d f rst in tne 'H iii' ngton area 0:: "If' , 'IL, ,-ea -J"U ref' retirement, .:__, itY,en d IE.. '. uvea ',' Oxford, then moved to Boumemouth but after his wife's death in, I97] Tolkien returned to 'Oxford and died after a very brief illness on znd September I'9t73" leaving his great m,ytbo'logi,caJ and legendary cycle Tkt Siltnarillion to be edited for pM blication by his son, 'Christopher"
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Ted JV (._,_-.. Ara.. ''_. .smult -' L it,__<_'

-'hey saw' a va]iey far below, They could hear the voice of hurrying water in a. rocky bed at the bottom; the scent of trees was in the air; and there was a light on the valley-side across the water, Bilbo never forgot the way they slithered and slipped in the dusk d . 'I' h '_own t h e steep Zig-,zag patn uno tie secret va']] or t\Jnven d]] ,. 'T1 air ,ey f no ~ 'e ne . grew 'warmer as they got lower and t~hesmell of the pi ne- trees made him drowsy ~ so that every now and again he nodded and nearly feli Off;il or bu roped his nose' on. fhe pony's neck. Their spirits rose ,a;s,they went down and down. The trees' changed to beech and oak, and there 'was a com forrable feeling in tlte twilight. "The last green had almost faded, out of the grass.~when they came at length to. an open glade not far above' the hanks ofthe st ream v. ~,a.,,,.
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he goblins chained, thei r han behi n d thei r backs and linked them , ::.all together in a line, and dragged them to th e far end the cave rn wi th little Bilbo tugging at the end of the row, The re in the shadows on a :1J,rge :Hal stone sal a treme ndous goblin a with a huge he ad, and armed go blins we're standing round him carrying the axes and 'the be nt swords that they. use ..,', ~ .. h,o are these miserable pe rsons? ~said the G're,at Goblin. W il=Dwa:rves and thisl ~said one of the' drive rs, pulling a t Bilbo' s chain so that: he fell fbnva.:rd on. 10 his knees, !'\1Ve found them sheltering in our 'F ronr- P 11] =r'orcn. ~VVhatdo you mean by it?; said the Gtoeat Goblin. turning to Thorin. ~ Up to no good, ~ I'll warrant' Spyi.n,g on the private business of :rny people, I guess! Murderers and friends of Elves, not unlikely!'




'The flohbit


In",~,,, er Edelf«... .'eldt

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eep do.. ,wn he re ~b~ rh e dm:k \,v(~te r lived ~)ld G ollurn, a srnal~ s]it~,y creature, I don'[ know where he "arne Irom, nor who Or what he was, 1.. 'vV~i:1;S ]c Collum - as dark as darkness, except COt two big round 'pale eves in his thin face. FIe had a little L-;'H) at. and he rowed about uitc uietlv on, the lake:~ for lake it was, wide and deep and, deadly cold, He J' ~,~ 'II d i wun 1 "n r· I~; U "J C'~ Lnut never a npple C'I'd ' n paoDle, :n iarge reet c.:a,ng~.l'ng: (JI\.I'tT tnc :51 .. t
q. q'


he was prow Hug abou

he make, Not he", He was ~,ool\dng out of his pale lamp-like eyes [or blind fish, which he grabbed with his long fingers as quick. as thinking. He liked meat 'too. Goblin he thought good, when he could get it but he took every care they never found him our, He just throttled them from behind, if thev ever carne down alone anvwhere near the edge of '~llJewater, while . .....,

Tlu: ilnhh£t



M'ilh i it unae ,ague

hinges, key" or lid" rreasu re inside: is hid, I::H~ asked to gain time, until he' could think. of ~ really hard one, This he though t a, dreadfully easy chestnu r, though 'he had not asked it in file usual words, Btu it proved a, nasty poser for GoHum, He hissed to himself, and, still he did not answer; he whispered and spluttered, A '(.', 'L'·'I .01 ,n'et;.ctLme irnpat '_"'i!"I.- ~-'A;rp;;l],'_what is ~,.,-::J;' heit. .j:aJ.J.U. j'bl!;t er some \.y]i], e fJ,'>'I'b- b ,tr ~"h'1I.1<C,~ ''If ~- --, : is n: : D'''',';...J
f',",,"-' 1',,",. " ,!L'1.IL

7t box without .rt.. BMt golden

'The answer's not a kettle boiling over, as. you. seem to thi nk from the noise you arc making.' 'Give us a chance; lett it .give- us a chance, l11.y precinuse-sa-ss.' ~W':eU said E.Hbo after glViJn,g him a long chance, 'w ha t ab au t YOLtf' i~'
guess? ,

nests to-,ng', -ag',,,,":Ii 5-[ Ui,ng under the river bank teachi rag his grandmother i teachi ng his
'~:JI'U'i" ,lD _ ... ;:3",

sud ld .... lv G"A,-ttLI "" rem ernh ered n'- - ,u" m "'''.,1'
11,.0 L. 1L.I,JlJ.,,-'L. L-

~'~11-]·'~'!~ d L-VU,.II.

'~lg', from



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to suck-v'Eggsesl'

he hissed, ..Eggses it, isl~



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E·'·--A·".· ....

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h,en Gandalf elimbed '[a. tbe top of his, tree 'The sudden splendour flashed from, his wand like lightning, as he ,gOl ready 10 spring down '1:'- , , on ~". 'b, ,__ b"L among rne",' . ,--' '--"",-:~, spears 00 f the .e blin Thnar W '. ]dl h V' ,-' wour - na _e "rom -, - Jugn ng tne gO __.L_S., been the end of h:IIl'1.; though he would 'probably have killed many of rh ,e', .. ,.' , he cam,e; h 1'-l-:-I'-rO"' 4,.,....'rl"'" ~·"~-'c thunderbolr JIP:"'-[ ,",..... 1"""""V""'f' leaped, . .; . 111 as ' (~ -- . ,..ur . b U.f..,· ~ d ILll, U .!ILl U. he u
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Just. at that moment the Lord of the :Eag]es swept down from above, · dI t, • d' seized him ]n ]!i.ES ta.-' I.o]llS~,,an•. 'witS gone The re was a, howl of ar!!ger and surprise from, the goh]ins., Loud cried the Lord of the Eagles, to whom Gandalf 'had now spoken, Back. swept the great birds that 'were with him, and down they carne like huge black shadows, The wolves yam me red and gnashed their teeth; the goblins yelled and stamped \-\~]dlrage ,and flung their flea \-')' ,s'pe.ars ]:1] the

au" m vam,



F, L".Y-"I·.·~-I' N.''-.·


W_ I 'r H''.'

IT' ,HI . E~' 'E...A,':,.~.- " 'L E' ,':S -- ~' G' .. <.' ,::

~i~ li~e he~~ra~. ,~Uowed ~o d.i-m~ on to, an e-,'~back and ding between

Th .. air rushed over him and he shut: IUS eyes. The dwarves were e

nying farewells and promising 'to repay the Lord or the 'Eag:~es,if ever they eould ~ as off rose fifteen gH:.~',~t. birds from the m ou ntain 's side. The Sun was Mil I dos'e

to, the eastern edge of things, The morning was cool, and mists were in the
valleys and hollows and rwi ned he re and there about the peaks and pinnacles of the hms. Bilbo opened an eye to peep and saw' that the birds 'were already higli, '~,panti the world was [3J:rawa rr and the mountains. were £3J.i:i ng back behind them into the distance.

: TH' ORIN.....

~.' .






'·hiael H.ague '.... ZCi ..... M

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'he king ~,ook~d $,t,en11y on ]~.hon.injwhen h~' was b~mug'~t b.eCOIIE. hi~:lj' and asked h trn TIn an)' questrons, But Thorin would only say that he was starving, ~',Vb'l;"id vou and you r (o[k three times try to attack mv p' eople at d l;'f' ~:h r merryrnakingj" asked the king. ei '·'VJ'e, did not attack them ,,"I answered Thorin; 'we caine to beg" because we were starving." "\·Vh,cre are you r friends n(H.. and wh 2I1t are they doing?' \l' ,[ don't knew, but I expect starving in the fbrest. I E'Vvhat were you doing in the forest?' Looking for food and d rink, because 'we were starving. ~ ~ But what brought you into '[he forest at aJI?' asked the king angrily. At that Thorin shut his mouth and would not say another word,









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'_.-·l '" u .,.- ery'" DLen' .·z·x· r-' Carot....E.:'".-nerv ruetux.


here h~ l~y, a vast red-~olde!l dr~go! a~leqJ; a tI:rumming came from ,11 J aws and nostrils and 'W.lSpS, of smoke, but his fires. were: low ts in slumber, Beneath him, under all his limbs and his huge coned tail, and about him on aU sides. stretching ~rw.ay, across the unseen floors, lav ' cou ntless piles of precious things." gold 'wrought and unwrought, gems and .... ',,'" .s, "d' '. ,"", .,' m th " rill uy, 19] II [,. .lewe"1' .an, SJ"lver ,',re d.-stame 'd' ~ u e '.: dd- 'I' 't..~,
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II S[~~:v:~~:~~;~~;:~J.s~i;hn~~~~:;n;!~d
e ~h;nh~~;i~~rld ~~:~~
'first carne to the Moun tain ~ His, :rage passes de;scnpti.,on _, the sort of' rage that is only seen when rich folk. that have more' than they can. enjoy suddenly lose something that. they have long had but have never before used or wanted, 'His fire belched forth, the hall smoked, he shoal, the mountain-roots, He thrust his head in vain. at the little hole, and, then ,h t ' - - __ ,'J, e 'Ii.. , , . -- ,- --,. '.' d h ~'. '", COl·]t Ulg' 1L is lengtn toge th .IlU5 rier, roanng'-- l'"k' tnun der un d erg.r()un, ",'e spe d £: " " -- - , " .... .".".. '. tne h .' passages '. !lJr'o,m hi , d ,eep ~I' t hi__-,-.''" 11.. 'Its great d nor, O'tU. In~O "iL..... "uge- '.'. . .' . 0 'f' ,15 - --- wall' rougn .. the' mountain-palace and up towards the Front 'Gate"

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,M'''h t i:a,uue lc,ae. .




_-, .






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udden])! out Oof the dark something fluttered to his shoulder. H'e started but It was only an old thrush. U nafraid it perched by his ear and it brought him news, Marvelling he found he could understand. its tongue, for hewas of the race of Dale. "W,f~:it! 'WaitP :it said to. him, 'The moon is rising, Look £:ar the hollow of the lefi breast as he fHes and turns above y,Ol!,l.~ And 'while Hard paused in wonder it told him of tidings up in the

Mountai 11 and of all that it' had heard. Then Il:t1i.rd drew his bo,w'~:Sltri:ng to his, ear. The dragon was ,drCling back, flying low and as he' carne the moon rose' above the eastern shore

and silvered his ,o.~ ereat "'~Ing~. .: v~,~,__

'!J--=....J~.~~,~ ...
I ~ __ ~ ,&"I~ l .>~~

,I rrQW,! ~ said the A


I'Black arrow] I have saved you. to the

last. You have neve'[ failed me and always. I have recovered you. I had you from my father and he' from of old. If ever you. came from. the forges of the true king under the Mountain!" go now and speed welll ~



'l,:r,:e' leaped from ~he ?rag,on's jaws. H,e circled for a,·.while high in ~e _ arr above 'them hghtrung all the lake; (he trees by the shores, shone Iike copper and llke' blood 'M!h leaping shadows, of dense black at their feet,; Then d d straight IltQUg,: tn e arrow-storm, rec_~ m L hh kltess nown h ~\yoope strai h t h ne ~dS :rag,e" taking no heed to turn his scaly sides towards his fQes~seeking Ol'JJy to set eheir town alight, Fire leaped. from thatched roofs .and wooden beam-ends as he hurtled down and [past.and round again, though all had been drenched with water before ]1~ came. Once more water was flung bya hundred hands wherever a spark appeared, Back swirled the dragon, ,A, sweep of his tail and the roof of the Grear House crumbled and smashed down, Flames unquenchable sprang high into the night
+ +







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·h-' ""··l- ti.ague r . ·. M

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, 'I -

, , e drew Iorth the Arkenstone, and threw awa.y the wrapping, _' -'- The Elvenking himself whose eyes were 'Used to thing'S of 'wonder and beauty, stood up in amazement, ,!Even B,ard ,gazed marvelling at it in ·'l 11's if - one had aeen 'fi'~l~ - ith id ionlisht and HUt!Lg Sl ence, it was as 11 a g lobe na. bee - riuec 'VVI.'I., moon 1,g'l.!I.(., an, 'I!.. --,"-.j h _,qre tern m a net. woven, 0,f tne g]. 0 f" .fl' rosry stars, ItU be E" t h "This is the Arkenstone of Tbrain,' said Bilbo, "the Heart of the Mountain; and it is also the heart of Thorin. He values it above a river of gold, I give it to you.. It '~~]_ Y'Olll in your bargrunlng,. l1Jen B]lbo~ aid not without a shudder, not without a glance of longing', handed the marvellous stone to- Hard, and he held it in his hand; 'as though dazed.
, •. -",-. -: ,--: Il-'



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l Inger Ea.e,e;·.·.·t ·.·. Ifi·:d"

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"fl': t: ~egan ,J,.' ",,! y aear r:evpa~, 1!-.,-- " -- Bilb eel, . ",' - ,--,." 1.'., ",'Iace, ¢H'· I . "ear. - ean,p nSlng 'In ms p. -', "ean ,_ they shouted, and kept on repeating it in chorus, seeming reluctant to follow' their own advice'. Bilbo ~enhis, place and. went and stood on a




-H' --,.

chair under the' illuminated tree. The ]i:ght of the' lanterns fell on his beaming face; ~he golden buttons shone on, his embroidered silk waistcoat, 'They could all see him standing, waving one hand, ,in. the air" the other 'was in his trouse r..pocket. 14' .1"" D .. - ," .' -.,J '0",,0;.-,. h" .eg,an , .,." ....• ,~J ~:~. .1. OOM an 1 ,i¥:!}' ,~ear ,,Da, ana ,D\UJP1tS,. ne be --, agaln, tmu -: Tooks and. Br.arubbucks, lJJ}'d Gtubb~, and Clmbh:f~and Buneoses; and' Romb-toWNs:} and -,,/ _ ... ~-·..,.)'Lc,~ ....,..·"J'~:..o'iL::~.1!" -"l·.,_..~'D..l'1I"'~·Jfulf1,~~, A L.. ·m·lil.l' ~on;O;j...J' B·O~~", J" B"q-il.lJL.egI~aU::5,. 'lLl\uiIJUUl'fUt',J" ". ,UP M'I!}.\[;bJi~"".. !l;Ii,,",W I. fv,[.,!.~.JIL'V"'." ,,'-liv,:." ~ .. PIJU, ,_i!;-.,.--"N-,_D"'oi'i'.....;,j;I,'-c;(', ;iI.i!:...,...IiI/·,·7.,.,i\i:Ii1.....-;,'iM.i:ii .1..-'].",,1.., atlas: :1-.., Bee 17:t1,.,i1' ~~,..!'~11' 1'(,' ml''V -i.nn-!"""'.1 S'acsmu« .LN;i;SSu,~:f€:" ",m, " ;tI~l-.n.. 'i}v '~ . .tC.:.\r~U+ l .rhll'f.~:UrIl.;iU
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"'t:JIoL';' Iif\!"~'"

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"," _'.dTl'hJ_,""'fl .... to -!'1\1'1' lL',fU'UUU ........





Ala.. Le e in e







Ne; ::r:;:!~d~::f~~:a::~.":·~~:l~fi;eas~:t~; ;;hh::~~:

b ut me sun- was warm, ann the wine WaS,]D t~ 'S~:'-·'rh '. 'E-very "].,,. . ,-,'],. ked ~" ,,:,1l... " " . : ,-11 [_ . " ,- trnng 00. ,;C .. -e -.,. ",1" '," ";. re .., ut 'o i, fresh, and the: new green of Spring was shimmering j n the fields and on the tips of she trees' 'fingers. Gandalf 'was thinking of a spring'~ ,nearly ejghty years, before, when ,Bi]bo had run out of Bag .End 'without a handkerchief, HIs hair was perhaps whiter than it: had been then and his beard and eyebrows 'were; perhaps longer, and his face more lined with care and wisdom; bot his eyes 'were as bright as ever" and 'he smoked and blew smoke-rings with .' .'",eL]g~A, th,1;;; same 'V1g--our'an:d delizh He was sn"10khllg ]I1O,"V :in 5~]e-n-ce') for. Frodo was s~uiJ]g still, deep in ...t."., ,'~h,,,t , 'B',ven m tt., ]',,' or rnornmg 'h,_,e U:: It tt. r ar.~ .S_,_a d. ow 0. ···fi the ~ . ,If: _ me ds L, 'h-".. ..... I!,Uoug_~., _s '_ IJ"Ue 19";h-·,t "'f' '~. e


I -,



-'I -~

ddIngs, that Gandalf had brought,




he day's march promised to be warm and tiring work. After some I ..-. -:. ", miles. however" due, road ceased to ro]], u.p and-I down,. It clImbed to the top of a. steep bank in a. weary zig:",z~ggin.gsort, of way, and. then. prepared to go down for the last time In front of them they saw the lower lands dotted with small clumps of trees that melted away in the distance: to. a brown 'woodland haze. They were looking across the 'Woody End . " ",~~..l, ,-, ~ow~,os the "B"·,,··- ·d·' .', n,~,:,-. "'lr~ " roan woun ,a.way'. b,emre '. II: iem I[~k'" t ie oranc ,ywu1Le ,fiJJVe.r., .Ii. ne ........JI '.' '.' md - ," ·f .'.,- th 1 e. a. piece of string. 'The road goes, on for ever,' said Pipp:ln~" but I C3n t without at rest, " ,:l.g~ -" t: tmcn, I 1, lS ,hi 1-.~ nme ror ]- h ;
- . '~I'
=; . :,. '."
'1' I









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, -

he 'leaves of the rre~s were glistenIng, an~ every twig was dripping; [he grass was, grey '\'\[1 th cold de'w. EVt~,rylhH1g was still, and far-awe y

"..., .... '~I;:;,~(" ;,. ,i ~U, ;].....

seemed !l,lL '1_'_'' """;11 .... and 1' ~'U

;;J!L-"_' ,_~' 'I;..-'!;I!,,~


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a door of a" distant house ~ In their shed [hey found the ponies; sturdy [ittle beasts of the kind loved by hobbits, not speedy, but good lor a long' day'~s work, 'They ' • -, h," mo u n te d'~ an'd soon r h v,.CI,en.''do ,ey r'"Ing 0,[-r""" to (11- .e ,IUll.S!) \-\1, ic 'b " seerne ed".to In open reluctantly be fore them and close forbiddingly behind the m, After ri ding' for about an hou r, slowly and without talki ag', they sav.. '[he Hedge , looming sudde nly ahead" I l 'was tall and netted eve r with silver cobwebs,
"' ',' ,. -. I" " I '1'1 . ' . .'.' • ••




'. i;







R.oger G l d ··c-arian..
..•.... -t ' . .' :
." ••• " ••••• • ••• : •• J" •

,]1'" -, nd rooo an -, S-'''-:- stood --' ,1, e net iantec,,'J,. The Wl.i1,CI, miffed Q u L Tb am s [OCK as ";'['. ,',-It '-1"· , IL ie ",,"(-] p ILU,II.C (--,- ne leaves 11 lilllg sile ntly again on stiff branches" The re was, another burst d ld },~'I ' '" h o f so ng, 3JL, r ]len sue", en 1 ,lopplng ana'I d ",~,nC]ng a lo,ng (he pa []1, tr ere appeared above' the reeds an old. battered '11t with a MdJ crown and a a long blue feather stuck in the band, '\-\lith another hop and a bound there carne into view a man, or so it seemed, At any rate he 'was, too 'large and he avy' for ,aJ, hobbit, if not' quite tall enough for one of the Big People" though he made enough noise' fOF one l' stumping along '\;\.-1. th great vellow hoots on his thick ]e,gs'-,and charging through and rushes Eke a cow .. ."' ,- d own ,~,,- l-nn k rrc t d ,a, bhn coat an a ong rown brear ' ~-, '1..,",". rd !l.HS gomg --- ,-- ,,0 d .~-- ,. H,', nac i . ILUC ,.-.- nd .-] - . ,'--'b' ,eyes we re blue and bright, and his face 'was red as a ripe apple, but creased into a hundred wrinkles of laughter. In his hands he carried on a, large: leaf as on a tray a small pile of w hite water-lilies.
.: ", ~ "'I~ ",-.







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a song began; a cold murmur, rising and fallil1g."

Cold be hand and heart and bone,

and cold he sleep under stone: neve'( more to wake on Slto:nry bed" riever, till the' Sun fails and the 1\100'0 is dead, I'll the hi ack wi nd the stan: shall die, and still on. gold he re let them lie til! the dark lord :liHs his hand over dead sea and withered [and.

He heard behind his head a cr-e,a'king and scraping sound. Raising himsel r on one arm he looked, and sa w' [lOW' in the pale light that they were in a kind of paJ;ssage wh ich behind them turned a corner. Round the corner a 'long ann was groping, wanting on irs flng-e'fS, towards Sam, who W.2L1il lying nearest! and towards the hilt of the sword that lay upon



LU"'T"-:H" (I' E:·,N:·

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TI' N":'U"" V-:,'·· E:··· 'I L'

•• ", .' • ... L' ••••

Alan Le e e





he leases were Jm<g; the !!"(JS.:s ~as gr.eel,~,> The hen;~i()Ck-umbel;![ lall and jmr, AtM! in ihe glade a ligbt was st:m OJ'S/MS in .shadow shimme.rbz.g. Tinu[Jiel was dat~dng lh'ert TO' music oj~.ap~/)e unseen, A~d ligh.t,qf stars was in her hair, And in hsr ,m:iment ,glifrrm~.ring;

1: t~



.P~[~r.ill ... ,..;.;.; .n';¥.l.,jo Lm,..... [L-~i!,rilJ[;..J ';&j"J",... I V~.r~l

Wi.'!l1'1'1r:i ~ .... [r~,[,U'U~iI;!IJ~4r~'bJ'

-;',:I'I' ""




And' lost he 't.J)(JJtdered tinder leases, lInd where tfur ,l!.1ven-nuu 'lolled ,fIe uJt;;/ked olone and J1e prtertd /)'t.tween tlie hemlolk-Ietwts
A rut Jaw in :ro"Onder jio,ti£."er$ Q{gold

Upo» her , ami her sleeses, ,A.nd .het hair lih! J,}Wdowfollowing.





l~~e~~~z; ~~~~::e ~:~~::dEt:~ ~~:~; e~er~~7;n~I:!~~ b~!O::~. ~::;~

black wrappings,. There were five tall figures: two standing on the lip of the del], three advancing, In their white faces burned keen and merciless eyes.; under their mantles were long grey robes; upon their grey hairs were helms of silver; in their ·hagg.ard hands were swords of steel, Their eyes; fell on hi U1 and pie reed him as they rushed towards him. D'e$perate~ he drew his own sword, and, it seemed to him that it Bickered red, as if

it was a firebrand. Two of the figures hal ted, TIle third wag, talle r than the others; his hai r was long and gleami ug and 011 hi s helm W(JJ:5 a crown. I'll one- h and he held a long sword, and in 'the other ,2lL knife; both the knife and the hand that held :i t gte,wed with it pale 1ight, ~I,e sprang forward and bore down on :F redo,






~·t':h: ooert .',"·"smz· ,'. o






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III~~~ ~~.~ll:yfi~e;:a~;~:Id~: mS~i~i;~c~: t s;~~:ri~:Co~l~i:~

appeared bctwee 11 them. The 'wind was, shifting again. They did not start early", Immediately after their cold and comfortless breakfast Strider went off alone, telli ng '[he:others to remain under the shelter of the cliff, until he carne back, He 'was going to elim b up;; if he could and get a" look at the lie of the land, '\Vhen he returned he was not reassuri ag. ~:We' ave come too far to h the nuir~ '~ 4,,,;:;,, sa ld 'a nd ,Y'I' "-" -th ,~,110.::; ....a "e; <:!.. fin • some W'"Ji v r.... irn h2LC.:k. ~;-n nh ward l II. IIJL '!.v 'U







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again", If we keep on as we are going we shall get up Into the .Ettendale s far north of RivenddL That is troll-country ~and, little known [,0 me, 'We could pe:rh~.p.sHod our w,;ay through and come round to Rive ndell from the north; bu l: it would take too [ong For I do not know that 'wa,y,) and our frond 'would not last. So' somehow or 0 ther we' must find the Ford.







. 'he sun was now h[gh~and ]t shone down '~h:rou.g'h the half-stripped

branches of the, trees, and lit the dearing with bright patches of light. Th hranee su d..· .en) on, rr e e dge,) an d' peere, d u rQug h u e tree-tram kg'.~ 'I' d dr h h "b . "ley, . holding their breath, There stood the- trolls: three large trolls, One was stooping, and the other twn stood staring at him, Strider walked forward unconcernedly, 'Oet UP:) 'Old stone!' he said, and broke his stick upon, the st04)ping troll. ,Nothing happened. There was a, gasp of astonishmen t frotYJ. the hobbi ts, and then even Frodo laughed, "'VeUP he said, ~'¥ are forgetling e our family history! T1:1I!'semust be the very three that. were caugh l by Gandalf, q uarrelling over the right way to cook thirteen dwarves and one .
. ." "'.' ."_ .. I" [.' '. .


:, -














Ted"Naism__·t·:·'·h" "z' I, .... Vt<, J


,,"< '~'.,"

"B'.'·.·' Y E. "Jb~reth
_: . .' I

and .Luthien .the .Fair ~'.said F.rodo. with a last effort, Bfting up h:1;S; sword, 'you shan have neither the Ring nor mer Then the leader ~ who was now half across the Ford, stood up' menacing in his stirrups, and raised up his hand, Frodo 'was, stricken dumb. He- felt his tongue cleave to his mouth, and. his heart labouring. The sword broke and fen out or his shaking hand. The elf-horse reared and snorted. The foremost of the' black horses had almost set: foot illpon the shore, ,At that moment there carne a. roan I1g' and a rushing: a noise of loud
waters ro]1ing many stones, Dimly Frodo saw the river below' him rise, and down along its COline there carnic a plumed cavalry of waves, White flames seemed to. Frodo ro flicker on their crests, and he half fancied that he saw amid the' water white riders upon white horses with frothing


SA- R--U'-M'AN'
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he Nine ha\i1, come fo',r th '--00' , 'i I answe red 'They have- crossed the e a,pralin I I\.J!Ver" _0 "a; --,- -id -,' _ no:::- - 'S' R d agast sal", ~Q me. "~'R'da " tne .D rowru ta u,gr H~', 'S" ·aD an, an' 'Ine RO ,_.onge'F n, ,--p Lo ,o-t., d --,--' -- d "], ca agast urn , concealed his scorn. 'Radag'dst the Bird-tamer' Radagast the Simple! Radagast the 'Fool! YI; t he had j USl. 'the wit to play the part. that I[ set him. 'For you have. come) and that was, all the purpose of my message, And he-re you 'MU stay, Gandalf the Grey ~ and rest Irom journeys, For- I am ,- --- -,L " ~ ,I. -,C,_ earuma , "~,an}' Sarumau , t-h' "w" 'lse] s aruman R'cmg-maser,'~ :s'-, - -' -- , "n 0._'f' MI ,- C,0 ]ours. P
" , ',' ,,' "", ,' ,li1__ IL,!,_
jI , ",,', , ,','. ", ,,-"',', - _,


-- -






hey 'passed throuzh the lane ~ but ground when. a deep rumble there .,- -, it nar s ]'·'-h"Icnng - snow._ TiL- ..,. spr.a}r '0..'r' " 1_ 1l... ,il'f' It.. - "- ", .ne ".,- _.
~ ~ L

hardly had Frodo touched rolled down J, fall of stones b]-1' td_..e ,-'II '0--.ornpany - as d L1e", " ,',' s ,In

the and fh ..· u ,ey

crnuched against the diff, and when the air had cleared again they saw the path was blocked behind them. IE 'L t, i' ". G- . I· ¢w" ,. "'ncnlgllL.) CIlOUg'u~ cnecd ','!m,_L.e are deoart '.epartmg as quickly as we

'mao And indeed with that last stroke the malice of the [noun tain seemed y! 'to be expended, as if Caradhras was satisfied that the invaders had been

beaten off and would not dare


ret urn.


they came upon ho]]y tree s. Stumps and de ad boughs were ro lung in the shadow S" []1C remains it seemed of old thickets, or of a hedge that had once lined the 'I.-.. d sed 'B" -, ''''-1''' "'.oJ d sd , roao across t~re orowne vat'Il ey. ,U 1L c. ,OSe"," uncer,,- j,IL., ell]" th,rre SdJO, '~,'~;']] me ,T":IJ' ',-",
..: __ -._ f.:', "'
'I'" '


mne southwards

along the shore

I ',,,. " {. "" -"'


" j'.


_'I ,':'



", '.





:- oj .



II. .


strong' and living, two ta]] trees, ]arg;e:r than a fly trees of holly that Frodo had ever seen or hrtagined. 'Their great room spread from the wall 1.0 '[he -, ," nider ,e 'I' -:,-".-, 1. .s ['ley nan 00. d use r ousnes, vhen , water. -U~ ter th "C)omu!Lg- c~rff' ,.,],- had look ec lik mere 'I 'l " wne __ seen far off front the top of' the Stair; but new they' rowe red overhead, :stiff~, dark, and sile nt, throwing deep night -ahadows about their feet, lll f"" re stan dilng.e lik sen tmei 'f;i{;ar.s, at t h e en d: G', t h roard ," ~"Veltjhere we are at last!' said Gandalf 'Here the Elvcn-way from Hollin ended, ,J-:lIoUy 'was, the Loken of the people of tha 1. land, and they planted it here to mark the' ,end of their domain; for the "West-door 'was made chi,leHy for their use in their traffic with the Lords of Moria", Those were happier days, when there was stil! dose fri endship at rimes between folk of different race, even between 'Dwarves and Elves.'
'r 1-


.,.' ,···o,we ]'h'ol,_n" R

, "



'w.;' ,-., "hen in the Shirt Wa.$' grf!Y I..'". , .' ", ,Ii'll flo/j,t.ep.s Ott the H~ll were heard; oe.fou the ,d(lw.n hs U,N!:tlt dWa) Q'rt jouffl9 lO1ig witlwut' a tsord.
" "I, :.: .'~I'1 e ,,'_ • ~.,' -'", _






From :Wildrrla:mi 10 Wes,lem shore, from l1'fJrtiu17:1'llJ(JSle' to :!lOl:dht:m Idll~ I!.. L ,J' l' .J lnroug;i; ,(n-(~1lifl-r.atr ana;}'1 maaen U.;oor and darkling woo,d.rr he ~valk:e:d at wiN.


GA'-LA' 'D'RI' IEL'S.- :- _. . >--,-,~ •. ,' --;-,

,I. I.. '. 'Ml"RRO'

__ . 'R

'a,n Le··· •. ··.e Al r...



own a. long :Right of steps the Lady we nt into a. deep .green hollow, through which tan rnurmuring the $n~te'rstream that issued from the fountain on the hill. At the bottom", upon a. low pedestal carved. like a db" jJ' II. ~l ..Ji' .de .branc hi tree, stooo a _asm 0.'f .5, ver, \\<1."• de an d, shallow, ann be'!5i\l" It lUg stood a silver ewer" 'W: i.I~. wall·er- .c;r +-st -- -.- .. a!l.a. ne-l ', ,.e -';. 1k . -_:th . lrom, .~l_ S, ream, G'·, ·-d~·~i,~fi""[1 d·· t~ b . 8i:SJtl ., ... tncn,m" !U,.I!e 1":: ' ..'. to 1-.. - brim
"1 r. . !

and breathed on it, and when "[he water ·W.~S still again she spoke, 'Here is,the' Mirro·:r of Gahudri.eJ ~ ~she said. '1 have brought Y0il.Jt here so that you
n m<:ly look 1":, h,. ,.
:ji.~, ~ Y"""U u." 1f' - ·.·o·\"IIl

-~Ll •.'~

TI~e air 'W,t3IS very still, and the dell 'was dark, and the E1:[': ..]ady beside him. was tall and pale. ~Wha.t shall we look. for ~ and what shall 'WE' see ?, '"sked Fi ToO' _ d"'"'.j f lled > ith ..,. '.' .... MJI. '\iVl awe,
. (;lO .._,.

J. '..





__ ",.",<e , Al an· Le
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l'T'Tande'ring aimlessly at first in the wood, Fro do, found that his H;',et W were lea.ding him, up towards tI:~H~lopes of the- hill, He came to a s path, the dMnd]i:ng ruins of a. road of long :ago., In steep places stairs of stone had been hewn, but now they were cracked and worn ,. and split by th roots of trees 'F.... ,;]" • '....._" ~"'" e climbed not caring which ,-,\' h"" h ray u' r some wh] went, until he carne to a. gra'5Sy place', Rowan- trees grew ab out it, and in the: midst was a flat wide' stone". The little upland lawn was open upon '~he:East and :11]]ednow' with tile: earl y stlnllgh L Frodo halted and [0 okcd out over the River, far below him, '[.01':"01 B,randb-"and the birds, wheeling
',1'0 , ' ....... ,!U,



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in the great ,gulf lof air between him and the un trodden isle, '~[he'voice of Raun)s was a mighty roaring mingled with a deep throbbing boom.

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•.• '

'Bi-" nst 'Minas 'Tirith was set another fortress, greate r and more , " ",.,," strong" Thither, eastward, unwilling his, eye \\i'3S .drawn, It passed the
'';J ". , ,," ,_ ~ _-_ -

,,' ""·":1 [~C '.' ,'.' se. ,~VJ.!!,oun,~ oom was b_,.lI.lrnmlgl, arm a. gre.;:~.!L,ree n~ll.n.g,., '~,~~. D'", 1-- i·'· ".' '~"~ ek ,-~,-i ,-' · anne ,-'I' " smo, 'k .__ ',,,,' ,','.~' Then at 'Iast his gaze was hdd~wall upon, 'wa]], ba ttlement upon ba ttlemen t,~black, immeasurabl y strong, m.. ountai n of iron, gate- of steel, tower of adaman t., he saw it: Barad -d ur, Fortress of San ron. AU hope 'left him.
.? ~,'I':'''''''~' ',-

'ned bridzes of O~W'HiaJ(h the g' ~dnning:'gates of Minas Morsul and the ::::.'~'" b~'" 'i:5 hau 11 ted Mou ntains, and i looked upon Gorgoroth~ the valley of terror 1: in the Land of Mordor, Darkness ]ay 'there uncle r the Sun. Fire gJo:w,ed
1'1 rUl, i' -, -, _.





'O"~' tusrud R'· ~~e"':'r"':"Gar lia'n."":,:










'T'O'll cannot pass ~)he said. The ores stood still, and a dead silence fell. .J. l am, a servant of [he Secret Fire, wiel del' of the flame of Anor . 'You
cannot pass, The dark fire win nor avail YOu; flame of Udun .. IGo back. to the Shadow: You canno t. pass.' The Balrog made no an S\Ve r, The fire in it seemed to die but the darkness _gre'w'.It stepped fonvard slowly on '~O the bridge, and suddenly it drew itself up to a. great he'[ght, and its wings 'were spread from wall '[.0 wall; bu t still G andal f could be seen, glimmeri ng i11 the gloom; he seemed small, and altogether alone: grey and bent; like a wizened tree before the onset of a storm. From out of the shadow a red sword leapt flaming", G larndring glittered white in answer, There was a ringing dash and a stab of white fire. The Balrog feU back and its, sword flew up in molte n fragmen ts, The wizard swayed on the bridge, stepped back, a pa,ee and then ,agaIn stood stm.
j j'



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'W-'/--"ith, a ~oul~d the B2IJrog leaped fuU upon the bridge, ,~ts whip \Yflirled

,':Ii:n~ ~'L~l ,~~


_1 I~'I:'''''~ , __,~~ ~lL..

~H,e can not' stand alone!' cried Ar,ago:rn sudden1y and ran iba[;k 'Iong tne -b id,ge. ';E] dill' he SJ! HJU tied 'J am 'W].hi you,' .an d lfu' .h ·n!· L. ,~1Ik ,.,. endi !,,',,, iain
'I!,. 'G'

~GQndo:dJ cried Bo romir and leaped after him. At that moment Gandalf lined, his :staff., and crying aloud he S1TIO'lie the bridge before him. Th e staff broke asunder and fell, from his hand. A 'bli,nding sheet of white flame spran,g' up. "The bridge cracked. Right ail: the Bal rOif s it broke" and the stone upon. which it stood crashed in [,0 the gulf, while' tbe rest remained, .poised, quivering like a tongue of rock thrust out into emptiness.


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if he was resting, But Aragorn saw' that 11(~was, pierced. with :many blackfea thered arrows; his sword was still in his hand, but h. was broken near the hilt; his horn cloven i1"1 L"'.... was at his side. N[a;rIJY Orcs lay ~J O ain, piled all ab 0'1.] t hiJTI. and at his feet.. Aragorn knelt beside him" Boromi r opened his eyes and strove to sp eak, ,A;[last slow words carne. ~..L tried to' take the' from Frodo,' he said, ~ am 'sorry. I have paid.' His g'lance strayed to l1i~fal~,en enemi es; ~ twenty at least lay there. "They have gone~' the l-I~~I.fJings: Orcs have the taken them, I think they are not dead, Orcs bound them, He paused and his eyes dosed wearil y. After at mornen t he spoke :again. ':Farevvell) Arago:r.nJ: Oo to Minas Tiriih and save nu.y people! I have failed. ' ~:N said Aragorn, t21L!d:n.g his hand and ,kiSiSing his brow. 'You have conquered, ,few' have- gained such a victory, Be at peacel Minas Tirith


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T.H,E U'RU:K.... H.AI

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Ihe]"'{:~los. "lo time n , " on this trip.'



them. properly/ said one, 'No 'lime for play

F ~

'That can't be helped,' said anothe r. 'But whv not kill them 0 uick, ~l kill the m now? They're .~ cursed ]1uisance, and 'we"re in a hurry ~ Evening~s corning on) and we ough t to get a move on,' ~Ol'dc:r,s,]iaid a third voice in a deep growl, 'Kill all but :NOT' the s Halflmgs; they are 'to be brought back AL IV'E as q uickl Y' as possible .. Th ats lny orners.' ,..:a!' ~~ ~What are they wanted Jor?' asked several. voices, 'Wh.y ali ve? Do they give good sport?' ~No! l heard that one of them has got something, something that's wan ted foT' the 'War, S(nIi:C elvish plot or other. An yvv.ay they'll both be questioned ..; 'Is that all you know? ''''hy don't we se arch 'them and find Quit? v'Ve migh t find something that we could use: ourselves, ~ "Tha t is a. very interesting remark, l' sneered a voice, softer than the others b ut more evil. ~ m,ay have ·[0 report that, The prisoners, are .N' 0 T I to be searched or plundered: those' are [uy orders

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Tree bieard -- breaking '. 'hie: long . '1;'1]e. nee. ~1Ij have Jl. }~ _ ~ , t. 'brought you about seventy thousand ent-strides, but what that comes. to in the measurement of your- land. I. do not know, Anyhow 'we are. near the roots of the Last M,ountain., Part of the name of this place --'mho, ,-t ,,'e .,e - - 'h..--'I 'elli .-'" '-,'" . id into -... -- ,ango,age,. " 1. e. _[ ml,~l, b 'W·:'· ~ng,illJ ,"f'·-· ,',' "were turned "-- " your la: --, " -.- I like "t-, '\,Are It t.1 '( "':~lns stav iere H' _',iIi" -'. dov (In ae "., :_' betwi VV1.~"ay her '1:.0 nl5~1IL~'" C'. set thiern '.'own ,-'" ,t"l, gr,a:~s. e cell (' ttl!.;-re .aisles !l.Ji ais es of the erees, and they followed him towards the great arch; .. For at moment Treebeard stood under the rain of the faJ]i:ng' spring, ] '" . ie, an d too',k a d "cep brean h t hen 'I ]ii1Ugh ed , an. d P a:5SCC,II -.' siid " ,1C '. m A sreat ~,t .....:tf1i,..,. table stood 1'there, but 'no"chairs, Ar the back of the - __ . _~] _ ~~I. bay It 'was already quite dark. T reebeard Btled two' gIieat. vessels and stood then) CH'l '[he ta ble, They seemed to be filled w,hh. water; but he held 111;,,;:;, ov,c'-r m'. and im med iately Il~lLI." bega n to gl.... ·n"'"- -;,~ .... 1.L.. """iJ' t.. ],.a!., h ands WlI;lLJl golden and the othe r with ,a rich green 1i.ght; and the blending of the two ~ightslit the bay" as if the' sun of summer was shIning through a roof of
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plu.nged in,to tile forest ~ F~~gorn. i.e',g,'o]asand Gimli left the tracking to Aragorn, There. :as Jude for hi see, T·'lL... noor 0 'f' ,·11 iorest was d ry an..dl·coverend W]Cl. 3.' drill -' f -.. - - - , ne a-, ,r:'..., -. ',.. '-'·-'1 . rut 0_, [.111e: ... , .. leaves; but guessing that the- fugitives 'would stay near the water; he returned often to the banks of the stream, So it. was that he' came upon the place "where Merry and Pippin had drunk and bathed their feet, The '"0-"" ..... l l '!!'C"" 'W' ere' the .c....o tp rims of bbits " ere p]-':!I.,i'N l~·.·;Ij. (..,lL_ I 1.J ,~Iv.· ,>'~~,~~iJ.' ~:./._ \";1'0' h..... ~_Vl_.;}U,~w,~·~!t one somewhat smaller than the other ~ "This is good tidings,' said Aragorn. 'Yet the marks are '[WO days aid. And it seems thar at this point (he hobbits [en the water-side.' ~Then \vhat shall we do no,w?io said Gi:m]i," ~\~'e ca.nnotpl!1tsue them through tile- fastness -of .Fango:rn., 'W'e-have come ill supplied, If we do not ,c ·d· tnern .- .', .-. ._.", shall .' -':" ,,-.0 :t'~l,. 'I" beside nnn 1 ,.. 'L.. - soon, we s, ,3_L. bee o 'f". no"" use t, tnern, excep" ro sn oown .' CSLC iC:"'" ':-'~1 u'h,- -: '. amd s ow 01J.rtrren d is,Ih"lp'. 'I,' starving togern eir.~ em ",,-- ·-h··· .Jy : -. ..,: ~ that is all we can do, then 'we must do that,' said Aragorn, 'Let If ~h that the t~re: hu~ters

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Inger Edelfeldt


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Td' .ivasmun At' -- - .it·"h':' 1ec

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and crystals and veins of precious ore glint in the polished ".....,....walls; and the light glows through (bIded marbles, shell-like, .

a's the Uv1i hands of Queen G'alacineL Th ere are col umns rig of white and. saffron and dawn-rose, Legolas, fluted and twisted into dreamlike forms; they spring up from many-coloured floors to meet the glistening pe ndants of the roof wings, ropes~ C urtains fine as frozen clouds; spears, banners, pinnacles of su spended palaces! SdU hikes mirror 'I . ...J knool wi 1 tnern: a gli mcnng wortld lon k up :[-' un ,S .rom dark po Q S covere d wn]Ji clear 'l~ ;, as th- ,.,' ",,,,,,' "",' g aS5~ cmes, sue"h'' as tne rmna·'I·,f·D·-'-"·',- cotua scarce'.1J....nave irnagmesed..Ul h" 0 ... urm .. ·,-~".l ". -is
o -.· . ,.

sleep, stretch on th rough avenues and pillared courts, on, into the dark recesses 'where' no llgh t Can come, And plinkl a silver drop falls, and the' rou nd wrinkles in the glass make all the towers bend and waver Eke '\.de. ed co 1Y'II,...:a co:" r~QI'1 n "" . -~ct,o' ....,r S-c;:t,.
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I. ~ook__ ban and looked '" it,' stammered Pi.ppi_n;"~nd I saw,thirlgs t~e' . ,dla t frightened me. And. I warned. to go away but l couldn't, And '[hen, he carne and questioned me; and he looked .81t me, and, and (hat is T . m ember ai111 r rerr ,ir;:;, .>iGT. ~, "That won' l. do," said Gandalf sternly, ~:\.vhatdid you sec, and 'what did you. say?', .illn a low heslta.'[]ng voice Pippin began again, and s]o\-v]y his words ,grew stronger and clearer. '~Isaw a dark S:ky,~ and tall battlements, ~ he said, 'And tiny stars, It seemed very far away and .long ago~ yet hard and clear, Then (he stars went in. and ou t - they were cut olT by things with .' 'V' \-Y]ngs.,ery bi 'I fh" k rea '1'1 'U~ m tt-b g,'Iass t'I:l.'ey 1 'I •. ~~ ut C nats . 'lgj' , I'll ..y;, nut e ooxen Iik wheeling round the tower. I thought there were nine of them, One began . .. · ~ to 'Hy straig h t towar d me, getting !!)]ggef'ann bi ,-,:;; Jgger " .:
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Inaer Edelfileldt
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w~~~:::~c h~:!a;7~g~U~e~~ ~~:e5b:::~h:eW:~:'?~ebs:~~ ::t~h~r~Z:

;;. Dead faces!'

G,oihu.m, laughed, "The Dead Marshes, yes ~yes: that is thei r names,'
he cackled. 'You should not look in when the candles are lit.' ~Wh(J are they? What are they?) asked Sam shudde ring', turning "[0 Fro do, 'who was now behind him. ~~' uon '~, ~. d id 'ir." -..J - '- - d - .. ' I' k- voice. ':'BU t '1.Ill.r'I II.... - seen -. -ill 1[, Know" ,S3J••,.I." rono In a aream 1 nave , ,-, them, too. In the pools when me candles were lit They lie in all the pools, pale faces deep deep under the dark water, I saw them: grim faces, and evil, and noble- faces and sad, But all foul; an. rotting ~all dead ..''
Ie: I',


Inger Edelfeldt

.. "···· I
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his astonishment and terror, and lasting delight, Sam saw a vast I . ,_ .... _. __..... '.' . __ ... . . shape '.crash our of '. the trees and, come care down the slope. Blg' a' a hn . : S "" ~ rouse, mucl b""" ", " "",,'1.,,. ~ ucu "]ggef .nan a h·· .'"., ,'. 11. 11.00.·k···d to mm, a. grey-c :1· d" ,'~ ouse, e .'.. It·,' '. " '";" ",', ,a", movins hill 'F,.r""""r' wo nder ,-) "rnavbe .,.n]a~g ...d him in ;'~l~ ~_ ...._..~}_ ""''il~"",~ and ·_:J!~~jl:L. the '110'b'b~'['~'1!' !u·_- ::, c._I.~'. :.. but the Mtunak of Harad was, indeed a beast of vast. bulk, and the like of him does not 'wruk. '[],QW in Middle-earth; his kin that live 5:(11] ill latter d a· are 'b ." memories 0'f' ] us gu tn ane m,iljesty .. O··_. "be carrie, ,st.ralg,'h't ". ," . 1 d . . ..ys r but ',n , towards the watchers, and then swerved aside in the nick of time passing 'Only a few yards away rocking the ground beneath their feet:' his ,greatlegs Hkc'trees, enormous sail ..Iike ears spread O'IJ'tj ~ong snout upraised like a. huge serpent about to strike, his small red eyes raging," His upturned hornlike tusks, were bound with bands of gold and dripped with blood. His trappings of scarlet and gold Ilapp ed about him in heavy tatters, The ruins of 'what seemed a very war- tower lay upon his heaving back, iri 'p""s"'<:i '.' it.... .,lJ.."" upon ""u.~~ shed ;;')""1. '11'1" c~ ,n rr. , ,I·. a "",Cl,b,ethroe zh tb T uU.;i:;., ' te won ·d"l.. an d. [I,~gl~, . . ~ ,,$, ILlS
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neck still desperately dl1:Ulg' a tiny figure _. t-he body of a :mighty warrior a ... - t among tJle S'rwerungs. . '"'gian
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A'N-'-"D 8HEL,OB L ,I .',






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o,'" the miserable creatu re was right under her, for the momen tout I -.",. -1: . of [he reach of her sung and of her claws. Her vast belly '. was above ~. wu its iPU'I.,f'Ji";d l"i ]"!' and rt'he srencn 0, it amos,,{'. SU'-lO,t"e :t.... -, do rn, It· r' of n , I' , -, rum " ith ~]g an 'L 1:~~ rum , (iiV'!. SdU his filry' held for one more blow r and before she could si nk u.pOl"l him, smothering him and his little impude nee cou rage 'he slashed thebright elve n-blade across her with desperate strength ... She yielded to, the stroke; and then heaved uip the great bag- of her belly high above' Sauls head. ,Poison frothed and bubbled from the wound. Now splaying her legs she drove her great bulk down. IOn him agai n, Too so on. :F Sam still stood upon his feet, and dropping his own or sword, with both hands. he held (he elven -hlade point upwards, FendirJ;g' off' that ghasdy roof; and so Shelob, with the dri ving force of her own cruel will, with strensth ~,[iea than an V warrin r's hand, • thrust herself ter 5~ ~ •
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~, nd the re where the '\'V'lu1.te Mountains. of E:rcd Nimrais carne to their en-d, he saw, as Gandalf had P remised, the dark mass of Mount rvlindoHuin~ [he deep purple shadows of its high ,g~,en5~and its tan face whitening in the risi ng day. And upon its, out-thrust knee was the Guarde,d_ City, with its seven walls of sto ne so strong and old 'that it seemed to ha V{: bee n not builded but carven by ,gjants. out of the bones of the earth. Eve 11 as Pippin g,8i.'Z'Icd:i I) wonder the walls passed from looming ,grey to 'wh]te, blushing faindy in the dawn; and sudden Iy the sun clim bed over the eastern shadow and sent forth a shaft that smote the face' of the City. Then Plippin cried aloud, for the Tower of Ecthelion, standing high within the topm nst walls, shone ou t aga] nst the sky ,gl,inl~,TIeri,ng like a spike of pearl and :!:ii]]ve tam and fair and shapel y} and i-~spinnacle r~ glittered as if it were wrought of crystals; and white banners broke and fluttered from the battlements in the morning breeze, and, high and far he heard a clear ringing as, ofsilver trumpets,



R oger Gld »ananc






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T:e~~;~s:;:=:r::e~~e~l~:' ~::n g~~:~~ a ~~oa:d'a:!h~~h~!~~~,t ::~

in was naked, and nei rhcr quill not feather did it bear, and its vast pinions, were as webs of hide between horned fingers; and it stank. A, creatu re of all older world maybe' it was, whose kind, lingering in Korgotten mountains ('QEdbeneath the Moo 0., outsta yed, their day, and in hideous, eyrie bred this last un timely broo d, apl to evil And the: Da rk 'Lord took it, and, nursed il~ with fen meats], until it g-re:w' beyond the measure of
down i carne ,and 1.
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:am things that :By:; and he gaV1e it to his servant to be his steed, Do\.vn)

then, folding its f ngered webs, it gave a croaking c:ry'~ and settle d upon the body of Sno"\ digging in its cla ws, , • • '-I '-k_ stooping Its "lOng naxe d-_ ne ck ,., Upon it sat a shape, black-man tled, h llge and threatening, A, crown of steel he bote, but between rim and robe naught was there to' see, save only a deadly gleam of eyes::: tile Lord of the N'azgiH"
i .'
I" .








'O'F T'H:E,




I was s moodj,_,~~]d IUS.mind agaln. H.e.l,el blow _ the horns to rally all men to his banner that cot • come thit her; for Id he thought to make a great :shidd-·\-vaJ] at the last, and stand, and t1gh t there om foot till all fell i and do deeds, of song on [he fields of Pelennor, though :[10 man should be len in the West to re mernb er the ]a.:st ~K]ngof the Mark. S~ he rode to a gre-en hillock and there ret his banner, and





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h '--'. · lI.ngin t ]11C' wino, • ']1 t,e_ 'W-,,]'" H orse ran npp. -t' uteI:

Out rif doubt, out: ,ql.dar.k ,to the ,day~s risiitg


. ,;, oJ',r. .e: I came stngmg 'm tne sun!i £zuor~ lift.Sfl,(](l.uung." To hope~$ end 1rode (uut' lo hean's breaking:" NO'[I)'for ,w,ratn, .now1jot ruin and a ted nighJfollf

These staves he spoke, yet he- laughed. as he said them, For once more Iust of battle was 0'[[1 him; and he was st]]j un scathed] and he was YOUl1gj; and he 'was king: the lord of a fell people. And 10! even, as he laughed at despair he- looked out agai.n. on the black ships, and. he lined 1,Ji~ his ;S,WCHid to defy them,
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a,m looked up towa rds the ore-rowe r; and sudd:enly from its narrow windows [igh ts stared ();'I,Jt like small red eyes. He wondered if they were SOUle signal, His fear of the orcs, forgotten for it while in his wrath and despc radon ~ now returned. As fat as he cou]d see, '[here 'was only on e possible course fOF him to take; he :0-1ust go on and try to :l1nd. the .eadf .maIn t_ n l,ranee '~'O' the d TL c '. ill!I] tov "C'-r· b-li!L his k ....c""'·;:; .f'elt -. ""a''k and" . l~.... u .. , . ",-e; ."..'1;.'\1., ., .'. I'" I,J ]'L.l. V'!. Lu.
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found that he 'was trembling" Drawing his eye-sodown from the (ower and '[he horns of the ,0 le n. be fore him 'he forced his unwill i,n.g fee t to obey him i and slowly, listeni ng with all his ears, pee ring into the dense shadows of the rocks beside the way., he retraced his steps, past the place where FElda fell, and still the stench of Shelo b lingered, and then on and on, until he stood again in the very clefi where he had pta on the Ring and seen Shagrat's compa.ny go by.


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nthat dreadful light Sam ~t~od aghas~. for ?OW, IOQk~ri~ to his IeIi, he ,could see th,€:T ower of Cu:uh. U ngol 1:0 all 1'[S str.-·en,gth" Fh e h a rn dun he had seen from the other side was on]y its topmost turret, Its eastern face stood up in three great tiers frOI1l1. a, shelf in th e mou nrain-wall far below;' its back was tf) "~I great cliff be hind] froro wh ich :i l: j utrcd out in • . '-I h .1 pointed....:1 t, ,. nasnons, one. atbrove the otth er, dirnin hi i.lmrnlS_:, as tley rose, wtt 1 sheer sides of cunning masonry that looked north-east and south-cast. About [he lowest tier, t'1,,-¥O ]-a undred feet below w he re Sam, now' SlOO d, tb ere was a battlemen ted wall enclosing a n arrow call rt - Its ~5'" .' ~ upon , care .' " the near sou th-eastern side, op ened on, a broad. road, '[he ou tel' para pet of which Tau upon the brink of a precipice, until it turned sou thward and went winding down into the darkness to join the road that carne over [he MOrg1.d Pass,
~.. ~ •••. .'. . • I. , ,. • ,'" ,_ ~. '" ," ' ,"",. _ "f _. '. '.. . ,. -'_ , ~.

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