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Simon Sinding Engelsk – Grom 1f - OTG

A tidal wave destroys New York

I the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”, a storm surge floods New York, and destroys almost nothing. That
is unrealistic, because a storm surge couldn’t gain that height of ca. 50 meters, it needs more energy to gain
that height. The highest storm surge ever recorded was 13 meter high, so that’s impossible and won´t
happen. When the storm surge reaches New York, it just floods the streets and buildings, but the buildings
are still intact. The storm surge of that size in the movie, would have, not only destroyed but crushed, the
buildings´. The wave wouldn’t have ran that slowly throw the streets like in the movie, it would have much
more force, and destroyed everything in its way.
The ship that floats throw the streets of New York, would also have been destroyed by the wave.
Also the water in the streets, wouldn’t stay but would slowly disappear back out in the ocean again.
The only type of wave that would come close to that massive wave in the film, is a tsunami. But a tsunami is
formed by a underwater earthquake, but in the movie there wasn’t any earthquake. Plus a massive ice
chunk wouldn’t create earthquakes.

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