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5.3 Intercept
y The intercept is the value when the straight line passes
through the x – axis and y – axis.
y - intercept
b The x – intercept of a straight line is the x – coordinate
where the straight line crosses the x –axis.

The y – intercept of a straight line is the y – coordinate

x- intercept where the straight line crosses the y – axis.

0 a
1. Draw the straight lines that passes through the following pairs of points on a Cartesian Plane.
Then, determine the x – intercept and the y – intercept of each straight line.

(a) T ( 6, 3 ), U (1-, -3) (b) C (-4, 3), D (-3, 5)

Gradient and Intercept

b The figure on the left shows a straight line intersecting the x – axis at
the point (a,0) and the y – axis at the point (0,b).

1. Find the gradient of the straight line RT.

Gradient of line RT = y2 – y1
x2 – x1
0 aT
= =

2. Determine the x – intercept and y – intercept of line RT.

y – axis = x – axis =

3. Compare the equations obtained in steps 1 and 2. Write the formula for the gradient in terms of
the intercepts.

Gradient, m = - y - intercept
x- intercept

Exercise 4: Calculate the gradient of the straight lines of each intercept given below.
(a) x – intercept = 4, y –intercept = 12 (b) x – intercept = 3, y –intercept = 15

(c) x – intercept = -2, y –intercept = 4 (d) x – intercept = -28, y –intercept = -7

Exercise 3: Determine the y – intercept and x – intercept of each of the following gradient below.

(a) m = 3 (b) m = -2
(2,0) x

(0,k) x

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