Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

normal - 320 x 240 - FLV

javascript:isIE=/*@cc_on!@*/false;isIE ? swfHTML=document.getElementById('movie_
"movie_player").getAttribute("flashvars");w=swfHTML.split("&"); for(i=0;i<=w.len
gth-1;i++) if(w[i].split("=")[0] == "fmt_url_map"){links=unescape(w[i].split("="
)[1]);break;}abc = links.split(",");for(i=0;i<=abc.length-1;i++){fmt=abc[i].spli
t("|")[0];if(fmt==5){url = abc[i].split("|")[1];window.location.href = url;}}
hq - 480 x 360 - MP4
javascript:isIE=/*@cc_on!@*/false;isIE ? swfHTML=document.getElementById('movie_
"movie_player").getAttribute("flashvars");w=swfHTML.split("&"); for(i=0;i<=w.len
gth-1;i++) if(w[i].split("=")[0] == "fmt_url_map"){links=unescape(w[i].split("="
)[1]);break;}abc = links.split(",");for(i=0;i<=abc.length-1;i++){fmt=abc[i].spli
t("|")[0];if(fmt==18){url = abc[i].split("|")[1];window.location.href = url;}}
javascript:isIE=/*@cc_on!@*/false;isIE ? swfHTML=document.getElementById('movie_
"movie_player").getAttribute("flashvars");w=swfHTML.split("&"); for(i=0;i<=w.len
gth-1;i++) if(w[i].split("=")[0] == "fmt_url_map"){links=unescape(w[i].split("="
)[1]);break;}abc = links.split(",");for(i=0;i<=abc.length-1;i++){fmt=abc[i].spli
t("|")[0];if(fmt==22){url = abc[i].split("|")[1];window.location.href = url;}}
javascript:isIE=/*@cc_on!@*/false;isIE ? swfHTML=document.getElementById('movie_
"movie_player").getAttribute("flashvars");w=swfHTML.split("&"); for(i=0;i<=w.len
gth-1;i++) if(w[i].split("=")[0] == "fmt_url_map"){links=unescape(w[i].split("="
)[1]);break;}abc = links.split(",");for(i=0;i<=abc.length-1;i++){fmt=abc[i].spli
t("|")[0];if(fmt==37){url = abc[i].split("|")[1];window.location.href = url;}}

fmt=? HQ FLV 480x320 1.5:1 3:2 H.263 MP3

fmt=6 HQ FLV 480x360 1.3:1 4:3 H.263 MP3
fmt=18 HQ MP4 480x270 1.7:1 16:9 AVC AAC
fmt=? HQ FLV 534x360 1.4:1 6:4 AVC AAC
fmt=22 HQ MP4 1280x720 1.7:1 16:9 AVC AAC
fmt=35 HQ MP4 640x360 1.7:1 16:9 AVC AAC
fmt=5 I think this is the default YouTube setting.
- Sound: Mono, 22KHz
- Max Best Resolution: 320×240
- Video Output Format: FLV
- Sound Output Format: FLV/MP3
- Video Download Format: FLV
- Sound: Mono, 8KHz
- Max Best Resolution: 176×144
- Video Output Format: 3GP
- Sound Output Format: H263/SAMR
- Video Download Format: 3GP
- Sound: Mono, 22KHz
- Max Best Resolution: 176×144
- Video Output Format: 3GP
- Sound Output Format: MPEG4/AAC
- Video Download Format: 3GP
fmt=0 fmt 5/0 show up the same to me, but they must be slightly different.
- Sound: Mono, 22KHz
- Max Best Resolution: 320×240
- Video Output Format: FLV
- Sound Output Format: FLV/MP3
- Video Download Format: FLV
- Sound: Mono, 44KHz
- Max Best Resolution: 480×360
- Video Output Format: FLV
- Sound Output Format: FLV/MP3
- Video Download Format: FLV
- Sound: Stereo, 22KHz
- Max Best Resolution: 320×240
- Video Output Format: FLV
- Sound Output Format: H264/AAC
- Video Download Format: FLV
- Sound: Stereo, 44KHz
- Max Best Resolution: 640×480
- Video Output Format: FLV
- Sound Output Format: H264/AAC
- Video Download Format: FLV
- Sound: Stereo, 44KHz
- Max Best Resolution: 480×360
- Video Output Format: FLV
- Sound Output Format: H264/AAC
- Video Download Format: MP4
- Sound: Stereo, 44KHz
- Max Best Resolution: 1280×720
- Video Output Format: MP4
- Sound Output Format: H264/AAC
- Video Download Format: MP4

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