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INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE BANGALORE = 560012 Braet TEST FOR ADMISSIONS - 2009 Program : Integrated Ph.D Entrance Paper : Biological Sciences Paper Code .:. BS f t ~. Day & Date SUNDAY, 26" APRIL 2009 oo Time!, 2,00-P.M,-TO'5.00 P.M. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS yore ee ‘This question paper consists of only multiple choice questions. Answers aré to be marked in OMR sheet provided. For each question darken the appropriate bubble to indicate your answer. Use only HB pencilé for bubbling answers. Mark only one bubble per question. If you mark more’than one bubble, the question will be evaluated as incorrect. ’ If you wish to change your ariswer, please erase the existing mark completely ‘before marking the other bubble, - There are 100 multiple choice questions, and each question caries,1 mark: (100 givestions X 1 mark per question = 100 marks) . ‘There is negative imarking. Bach incotrect answer will result ii subtraction of 0.25 marks from the total. ‘ BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES - . (There are 100 multiple choice questions. All the questions are compulsory. 1 mark for each correct answer and -0.25 marks for each incorrect answer). 1. Elevation in boiling point is best suited for molecular weight measurement of which of the following substances? (A) Sucrose B) Ribonuclease A (C)Plasmid pBR322 (D)Sodium chloride. 2. Urea’can form hydrogen-bonded dimers in solution: The’ equilibrium constant (K) for dimerization is measured in pure water and in 2 M sohition of methanol in water. The value of K j is. (A)Greater in water than in the methanol solution (B) Less in water.than in the methanol solution (C) Equal in both, (D)Not determinable since the temperature is not speed 3. The half life of a reaction is independent of the initial concentration of the reactiant(s) for (A)Zero order reaction (B)Fitstorder reaction _ (C) Second order reaction. (©) Any reaction composed ofa single stemextary step 4. Ia five residue-fong peptide, each amino acid can adopt three conformaticis The total mumber of conformations thatthe peptide can adopt is AE (B)243: Tee 8 (py 125 5. C4 plants are mere productive than C3 plans Because they” (A)Are élficient in photosynthes phiotorespiration ‘ 6. The oxygen-carrying protein of invertebrates is (A)Hemoglobin . ( B)Hemocyanin (Myoglobin {D)Ceruloplasmin “1. Which of the following is correct about enzymes? (A) They do not decrease the activation energy of the reaction (B) They do not bind molecules other than substrate molecules (C) They do not increase the rate of reaction . (D) They do not alter the equilibrium of the chemical reaction 8. For an enzyme reaction inhibited at a fixed concentration of a competitive inhibitor, increasing the concentration of the substrate would result in (A)No change in the inhibition - (B) An increase in the maximal rate (Vms.) of the reaction (C)A Gecréase in the inhibition \ @)An increase in Km 9. E. coli can synthesize a correct full length human B-globin chain when the cDNA corresponding to its mRNA is cloned into-an expression vector. However, it . cannot do so when the B-globin gene is cloned from the chromosomal DNA. This is because . (A) RNAs do not recognize the codons in the intervening sequences -(B)Bacteria, lack the enzymes necessary for splicing eukaryotic tRNA © precursors (©ylntervening sequence’ contain’ hairpin loops that block ribosomal function (D) Thé bacterium cannot process the precursor protein to-its mature form. 10, Under conditions-of decreased photorespiration and cfficiént photosynthtsis, C4 t plants (A)Reduce leaf temperature by decreasing stomatal openings. {B) Reduce water loss'by decreasing stomatal openings ~: (C)Increase loaf temperature by increasing stomatal operiings © {ylnerease tranepiation rates by increasing stomatal openings: Tes i. Compared to other algae, 1 red and brown algae:ate able: to ive! at greater’ opts i in the ocean because (A) Their accessory pigments absorb blue and green light (B) Theis accessory: pigments absorb red-light oe ~(©)Thiey’ can withstand cold temperaturés) : @)They‘are. heterotrophic : 5 . 12. The metabolic rate of mammals varies with body mass avcording o the following relationship (body mass)”* ‘Which of the following can be correctly inferred from the above relationship? (A)The metabolic rate will increase with decreasing: environmental temperatures . (B) Mass specific metabolic rate decreases as body mass increases © (©) Metabolic rate increases more rapidly than body mass ()Food intake is unrelated to body size _ 13. What is the maximum number of hydrogen’ bonds possible between a water molecule and a protein? : (Ajo @)1 ©2 ()3 14, What is the number of hydrogen bonds in a B-DNA of 1000 base pairs with the proportion of bases C, A, and T in one of the strands corresponding to 60%, 30% and 10% respectively? (A)2600 ' (B)2400 (€)2200 .{D)2000 * 15:-Which of the following has the highest affinily for hemoglobin? (A) Carbon dioxide (B) Carbon monoxide (©) Oxygen (@)Hydrogen 16, Heb telishedral carbon fiom i ig “(@)iThie o-carbon of an amino acid “ (B) Carbon at the carboxyl group of an amino acid ~(€) Carbons in’the phenylalanine ting {D)Carbon in an adenine ring 17. & peptide containing 5 amino acids is synthesized by randomly choosing amino acids from a pool of 20 standard amino acids. What is the probability of synthesizing a peptide that has the following sequence? NH2~ Gly - Gly ~ Gly~ Gly -Gly- COOH (A)O (B)1420)° (120 (D)1420 x5) 18, With respect to the plane of ite orbit, if the'axis of the earth were not tilted, the earth would exhibit (A) Longer winier and shorter summer seasons (B) Longer spring and shorter fall seasons (C)An absence of latitudinal gradients (D) An absence of seasons 1 _ 19. Two cities on the same latitude (10° N) are located at 95° longitude and 115° longitude Bast of Greenwich respectively. The time difference between “these two cities is (A)4 hours (B)2 hours (C)8 houirs « (D)zero hours 20. A 22 m long python is just able to cur! itself around the trunk of a c¥findri¢al,tree. ‘The radius of the tree trunk is {A)7.00im , B)187m oo . 7 (C)350m oo @)3l4m cons : 21, An experiment to stidy-seed germination started with, 1000 seeds. Germination begins on'the. 11th day, arid the probability of germination is known io be ‘edhstant at 0:10 per day: between the 11th and 15th day: How many seeds a Likely to germinate on the 13th oa? \ 22. Four pieces of equal weight have to be formed from 1kg of iron. These then need to be painted. Which of the following options will need the maximum’ amount of paint? . (A)Four spheres (B) Two spheres and two cubes (C)Four cubes . (D)One cube, one dodecahedron, one icosahedron and one sphere - 23. One third of-a class of 360 students failed in mathematics, one fourth failed in physics, one fifth in chemistry:and one'sixth in biology.. If none of the students filed in more than one subject, how many students passed in all the four subjects? - (a)36 ()3 . (is . @)0. © 24, Wiien data from a million families with two children éach-was compiled, theie ‘were exactly one million boys and one million girls. The fraction of parents with ‘one son and one daughter is likely to be - (A)0.50 (B)0.25 : (©) Slightly tess that 0.50 (®)Siightly more than 0.50 25. Each of the five deparinients. from the’ division of biological ‘sciences of a ~ University deputes two members to serve on the. interview..ccmfnittee. If the committee can have only five members, and if eich of the-departments has to be ~tepreseated in the. comumittee, in how niany different ways can the.committee be “Gonstituted? (as a . > (B)32 (ost @)"e 26-Species A, B, Csand D lower every. alternate year, every five years, every three 1. Years. and. every four. years respectively, If-all of them: flowered -in 2001, how : huany times will all of them flower in the same year before 21802, 27. scientist added a. chemical (cyanide) to’ an animal cell to stop aerobic respiration. Which of the following is most likely to have been affected by this treatment? (A) Active transport of substances across the plasma membrane _() Passive transport of substances across the plasma membrane (C) Diffusion of substances across the plasma membrane (D) The size of the ribosomes in the cytoplasm 28. Unrelated rodent species fiom vatious deserts from around the world’ look strikiighy similar in their morphological characters. This is a case of (A) Convergént evolution (B)Parallel evolution (©)Disruptive selection (D)Stabilizinig selection 29.1n a population at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in which the frequency of A alleles (p) is 0.3, the expected frequency of'Aa individuals is (A)0.21 . . (B)0.42, - 0 (€) 0.63 {D)0.70 30. Which of the following markers are used in paternity analysis? (AYAllozymies © (B) Mitochondrial DNA (C)Microsatéllites (D)Kéozjries + 31. Which of the following is not a measure of genetic diversity? (A) Heterozygosity {B) Number of polymorphic loci (C)Number. of genotypes, : _, O)Nomber ofmitochondta i in ace "would you expect in 4 transiiiémbi (ays ° @)10 ‘ i. (C)20.* wae Pode Si bese O40 oS : 33. A nerve cell with’ myclinated axon is likely to have a (A)Relatively low rate of conduction of action potentials (B) Relatively low rate of conduction of synaptic potentials (C)Relatively high rite of conduction of action potentials (Relatively high rate of conduction of synaptic potentials 34. Sound pressure is measured in units called decibels (dB). Sound pressure level in dB = 20 log(p/p,ee) where Pet is a reference sound pressure level. If the sound pressure level of a source is increased hundted-fold, by how many decibels will the sound increase in magnitude? (10a (B)206B » (C)404B (D) 100 aB . 35. Which of the following sounds is ely to be detected by the human ear in air at the furthest distance from source? (A)The song of a humpback whale 12 (B) The song of a cricket (C)The alarm cail of a mouse (D) The alarni call of a langur ~ 36..A fighting fish is confined in a transparent glass aquarium. It is presented with two artificial, identical and stationary fish models one at a time, each suspended just outside the’ aquarium wall and the fish is. scored in, each. trial for. the occurrence of an aggressive response during. presentation of the. model. ‘The ‘models are of two different colors, red and biue: The fish responds aggressively to the blue mode! but not to the red one. Which one of the following interpretations + iscorrect?. 2+ - a, . (A) The fig ng fish is unable to-paceive.the colo re model (C) Aggression. in. the fighting fish is released more etetvey ‘by the color blue than red (D}Red models will never be able to elicit aggressive responses in the fighting fish. ~ pho: hoy alt, (AGIn . not - rt ®)His m . (OTs. - mS @)Arg _(B) The fighting fish can perceive the color red but chooses to i ignore the red lentify: the Side. chai | from. the, following. ist. ofa amino, oe that,.could “be? ~ 38. Adult fruit flies are positively phototactic and will approach sources of light. In a two-choice, Y-maze experiment, individual flies prefer ultraviolet to visible light. A single-gene mutation renders all flies in the population blind. Eac the mutant population is tested in four trials in the Y-maze, between ultraviolet and visible light.. What is the probability that an individual mutant fly will approach the ultraviolet source in all four trials? (Aas B)0.25 (C0 , (D)0.0625 39. If 16% of newboms in a.population have sickle cell anemia, what percentage of the population will be more resistant to malaria? (A)84% (B)36% - (C)24% (D) 48% 40. In an experiment, honeybecs were trained to visit a feeder with a bluc label kept 100 m away from their nest. The label on the feeder was then changed to yellow, * and another feeder labeled with a blue tag was kept on the opposite side of the nest, 100 m away. What would you expect to see? (A)Most honeybees will keep visiting the original feeder, but there will also be a few bees at the new feeder. . {B) All honeybecs will now g6 to the new feeder. (C) The honeybees will split equally between the two feeders, (D)AII honeybees will go only to the first feeder. . 41. Phenyiketonuria is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. A man affected with phenylketonuria marries a woman who is heterozygous at that locus. What is the probability that their first child will have phenylketonuria? wus - @) 12 : (vs (D)3/4 42, Familial polydactyly is a rare atitosomal dominant trait: If an individual receives the allele for polydaciyly, it will-be expressed 80% of the time arid it will not be expressed’ 20% of the time. What is the probability that a womai’ with familial polydactyly will have a normal child? (A) 25 @®) 12 (C) 9/10 : @Oyys | . . 10 “43. A crass betiveen two true breeding lines one with dark blue flowers and the other with bright white flowers produces F1 offspring that are light blue. When the Fl progeny are selfed a 1:2:1 ratio of dark blue to light blue to white flowers is observed. What genetic phenomenon is consistent with these results? . (A)Epistasis . (B) Incomplete dominance (C)Codominance . (D) Inbreeding depression . se - 4. The likelihood of an individual in a population carrying two specific alictes of human DNA marker, each of which has a frequency of 0.2, will be: (Ao4 . (0.32. . . (0.16 @)0.08 es 45. The following genotypes are found in a population AA: Aa: aa: 60:20:20, "What are the allele fequencies of A and ¢? . 46. The recurrent Tisk of a genetic disorder is the probability that the ext child bom in a family will be affected, given that oné or more previous children is affected. ‘What is the recurrent risk for a dominant trait in which one parent is affected? (a2 Ba oe, - : : Ow. LP. - mo cone 47. The mambér of nucleoli inoreasés- in yolky cass during ‘their formation as they participate in the syrithesis of = (A)rRNA ne {B)IRNA (C)mRNA (D) hnRNA. 48. Genetic drif is higherin | a \(A) Non migrating populations - : (B) Large popillations : . foe (©)Small populations. . : (@)Migrating popilations: 49. If all the sons of a couple are color blind then the (A) Mother is color blind (B) Mother is normal and father is color blind - {C) Mother is a carrier and father is color blind (D)Mother is a carrier and father is normal. 50. The presence of differences in height among humans is due to (A) Incomplete dominance (B) Co-dominance (C) Semi-dominance (D)Maltipte genes 51. Populations undergoing selection can remain in equilibrium because - . (A) Of balance between mulation and selection (B) Selection does not affect equilibrium (C) Equilibrium is a property of all populations ~ (D)Selection is necessary for maintaining equilibrium, 52. An individual performs a certain task correctly 90% of the time (i.e., 10% is the - failure rate on each performance). What is the probability that if there are two ‘such individuals who function independently,-at least one of them will perform the task correctly? (A)99.99% ~ ~(B} 99.9% {C)}99% (D)90% 7 53. Often the identical found in many children born to the same parents. Neither parent carrics-the mutation. A likely explanation is that the mutation occurred in 4 (A)'The germ fine of both parents after meiosis, (B) The soma of both parents (C) The germ line of one parent before meiosis ” (D)All the affected zygotes . 54. A rare X-linked allele is present in the human population at a frequency of 1 in » 10°. Among those who carry, the allele, the proportion of males is about _. (A) Lina (B)1 in (Clina @)1ins 12 55. Metabolism of a mole of acetoacetate results in net production of the following number of moles of ATP a2 B)12 (C)23 @)4 56. When a solution containing 2x10°M of a weak acid with pKa of 3.5 is mixed with 210° M of its conjugate base, the pH of the resulting solution is (A)3 (B)7 35 (ys 57. Ascorbic acid plays the following role in collagen synthesis (A)Binds to the transcription factor to activate transcription °* (B) Serves as a cofactor for glycosylation of prolines (C)Serves as a reducing agent in the process of establishing correct cross links (D)Serves as a cofactor for hydroxylation of prolines 58. If patient is deficient in pyruvate kinase, how many net moles of ATP would be generated upon conversion of 1 mole of glucose to pyruvate? (Ayo {B)1 (C)2 (D)4 $9. Pyruvate dehydrogenase (A)Produces glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate fom pyruvate (B)Is induced by the presence of NADH (C)Requires pyridoxal phosphate as cofactor _ (D)Requires thiamine pyrophosphate as cofactor 60. Photoautotrophs tequire which of the following to sustain their growth? (A) Light and simple carbohydrates (B) Light and oxygen (C)Simple carbohydrates and oxygen ; (D) Light and tarbon dioxide 13 61. Ifa chemical compound binds to the allosteric site of an enzyme it will (A)Competitively inhibit enzyme activity (B) Lower the energy of activation (C)Not affect enzyme activity (D)Reduce the enzyme reaction rate 62. What do the pentose phosphate pathway, the Entner-Doudoroff pathway, and the glycolytic pathway have in common? (A) They are all anabolic pathways (B) They all occur in all species of bacteria (©) They are all fermentation pathways (D) They all oxidize glucose to pyruvate 63. A competitive inhibitor of an enzyme will lead to (A) Change in Viuix and Ky, value : (B) An increase in Ky, but no change in Vix (C)A decrease in Vmax but no change in Kn, (D)An increase in Kyy and a decrease in Vinx 64. Which of the following is incorrect about mammalian mitochondria? {A)Mitochondria posses DNA and functional transcriptional as well as translational machinery. {B) Some of the mitochondrial proteins are coded by nuclear genes “(C) Except for the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases most other proteins are coded by nuiclear genes ~ (D)Mitochondria of maternal origin are the only mitochondria. that are passed downto the progeny 65. Ainino acids exhibit optical isomerism. This is due to the presence of (A) An o-amino group (B) An asymmetric carbon atom - (C)An a-carboxyl group (D)An a-carbon atom 66: If all the four bases occur randomly in a eukaryotic genome, which amino acids will occur least frequently? s (A) Glycine and Proline (B) Methionine and Tryptophan (C) Arginine and Leucine (D) Aspartic acid and Glutamic acid 14 67. Which of the following statement on the “chikungunya” virus is not correct? (A)Chikungunya means “that which bends up" ‘ (B)It is an insect-bore DNA virus of the genus Aiphavirus (C)Itis transmitted to humans by virus-carrying Aedes mosquitoes. (D)Chikungunya causes joint pain, 68. Which of the following is not a common property of retroviruses? (A) They are enveloped (B) They undergo RNA splicing (C) They possess two copies of RNA. (D) They integrate into host DNA 69. Which of the following viruses are © known for, ‘cap-snatching? from host cell mRNA? (A)Poliovirus (B) Influenza virus, (HIV (D) Hepatitis B virus 70. What will be the pH of 0.1 M solution of sodium acetate? (A) Above 7 (@)52 (C)Below 7 @)7.0 TI.If a secretory IgA is subjected to SDS-PAGE under’ reduicing conditions, the following number of bands can be visualized after staining ()L @)2 (3 4 72. A class 1 MHC molecule consists of the following number of polypeptide chains (A)One (B) Two! (C) Three . (D)Four 73, Which one of the following cell types produces antibodies? © (A)Macrophages {B) T-lymphocytes (©)Plasma cells, (D) Astrocytes 1S 74. During bacterial cell wall synthesis, D-alanine is (A)Directly incorporated-into the cell wall from the cellular pool of amino acids (B) Initially ‘incorporated in the L-form and then converted to D-form by racemase (©) Incorporated by the ribosome (D)Generated from D-glutamate 75. When a eukaryotic cell culture is grown in the presence of tritiated thymidine, the label would be incorporated into (A)DNA in the nucleus (B)DNA in the nucleus and into mitochondtia (C)DNA and RNA in the nucleus * (D)RNA in the nucleus ¢ ‘76. Dead cells in aduit plants occur in (A) Xylem 4 (B) Cambium (C) Leaf mesophyil (D)Parenchyma 77. The following plant hormone is synthesized from an amino acid precursor (A) Ethylene ~ @B) Avxin (©)Cytokinin (D) Abscissic acid “78, When a mix of a 50-mer oligonucleotide and free nucleotides is added to a gel- filtration columa-with exclusion volume of 10,000.Da, the following result can be expected (A) The oligonucleotide and the nucleotides would be retained in the column ___ and they both can bind the resin (B) The oligomicieotide would chite'and the nucleotides would be retained in ‘the. column (C)Both of them would elute in the void volume (0) The column matrix wold collapse on addition of DNA 79. A patient with type I diabetes mellitus would have (A) Increased. production. of fatty atids from glucose in liver (B)Deéieased conversion of fatty acids'to ketone bodies 2 (© Increased stores of triacylglycerol ia adipose tissue (D) Increased production of acetone ~ 16 80. The sugar whose structure is shown below (A)Is a substrate for B-galactosidase (B) Contains a beta 1, 2 linkage’ (C) Contains two hexose sugars (D) Contains one hexose and one pentose sugar 81. A system is at equilibrium when AG is * (A) Negative (B)Positive (C)Zero (D) Equal to AH 82. Interaction between side chains of phenylalanine and valine is dorainated by (A)Electrostatic interaction . - (B) van der Waal’s interaction (C) Hydrogen bond interaction (D)Cation-x interaction 83. Fatty acids are not degraded immediately after their synthesis, because (A)Newly synthesized fatty acids cannot be converted into their coenzyme A. __ CoA) derivatives (B)High NAD" levels present after the fatty acid synthesis degradation ; (C) Transport of fatty acids to mitochondria, the power house of the cell, is inhibited under the conditions of fatty acid synthesis (D) Fatty acids need to mature into LDL before they can be utilized bit their . 84. Proteins serve as buffers because (A) They possess a large number of highly stable peptide bonds (B) The N-terminal amino group can establish’ intramolecular or intermolecular interactions with the C-terminal carboxyl group {C) They possess polar side chains ~ (D) They possess cysteines which can be either oxidized or reduced 7 - 85. Maximum level of DNA replication in mammalian cell occurs during (A)G1 phase (B)M phase (O)S phase (D)G2 phase 86. As the blood sugar rises, the liver metabolizes it by glucokinase and hexokinase, If the K,, of glucokinase is 10 mM and that of hexokinase is 1 mM for glucose, which of the following statements is correct? - (A)Hexokinase will metabolize 100 times more giucose than glucokinase (B) Hexokinase will have a higher Vinag than the glucokinase (C) Glucose will be utilized by glucokinase only after hexokinase is inactivated (D) Affinity of glucose for hexokinase is better than its affinity for glucokinase 87. Ifthe, Keg of a reaction in the forward direction is 10, then the Key for the reverse reaction is (ayo @)I (04 (D)0.01 88. Chargafi’s rule is applicable (A)To all DNA and RNA molecules (®)To DNA and RNA hybrids (C)Only to segments of DNA that constitute genes (D) Only to bacterial DNAs 89, The enzyme lactate dehydrogenase converts pyruvate to lactic acid. (see reaction below). Of the methods listed below which metliod will be most specific-to follow the ‘cours¢ of the reaction? (A)Raman spectroscopy (B) Fluorescence spectroscopy (C) isothermal calorimetry (D)Cireular dichroism we 18 90. Three polypeptides (A, B and C) whose masses were 55 kDa, 50 kDa and 75 kDa with pI of 6.5, 7.0, and 8.0 respectively were subjected to standard reducing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The order of heir separation from top to bottom would be (A)A,B, and C (B)B, A, and C (C)A,C, and B @)C, A, and B 91. Match the related terms in the following two columns a)carotene , i) betel mut b) lycopene ii) chilli ©) capsaicin iii) carrot > d)ricin iv) castor. e)arecain —~ v) tomato » and identify the correct combination of matches from the following options (Ajadi sb &igc Riis d ive &Y B)a&iiisb&vjckii,d&ivje&i Cakiidb&vjchii;d&ise&iv Dai b&isc&iisd&ivc&v 92. The possible genotypes of endosperms borne’on a heterozygous (Rr) plant will be (A)RRR, RRr, FPR, rir 7 @)RRAR ° (C)RR, Ry, OR 93, Match the related terms in the following two columns oy a)radish =“) underground fruit ‘b) potato ii) modified root ©) peanut iii) modified stem @) cauliflower - iv) modified meristem and identify the correct combiriation of matches from the following options 19 . - 94. The side chains of the amino acids serine, asparagine, and glutamine are all (A)Normally negatively charged at pH 7.0 (B) Normally positively charged at pH7.0 {C) Able to interact with water (D) Indifferent to their environment 95, Inositol triphosphate-gated calcium channels are located in the (A)Plasma membrane (8) Smooth BR (C)Inner mitochondrial membrane ()Exocytotic vesicles 96. In Gram negative bacteria, the periplasmic space is where~ (A)Plasmid DNA is located {B) All proteins fold {C) Secretory proteins acquire their disulfides {D) Membrane proteins acquite their transmembrarie domains. 97. Methylation of glutamate residues is typically associated with (A)Chemotaxis in bacteria (B) Nuclear translocation in eukaryotes (C) Restriction in bacteria (D)Inter-cellular transport in plants 98. DEAE cellulose is an example of an anion exchanger which preferentially binds to (A) Proteins with basic isoelectric points (B) Proteins with acidic isoelectric points (C)Proteins with neutral charge (D)Proteins with abundance of apolar residues 99. Gluconeogenesis is not capable of making glucose from Le (A) Alanine (B) Lactate (C)Glyceral - {D)Palmitate ‘ 100. Which of the following is true about gluconedigentsis? ‘ (A)It is stimulated by glucagon - (B) It occurs in adipose tissue (C) It is inhibited by glucagon (D)Itis stimulated by insulin END OF THE QUESTION PAPER 20, , INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE BANGALORE - 560012 ENTRANCE TEST FOR ADMISSIONS - 2009 Program: : Integrated Ph.D Entrance Paper : Chemical Sciences Paper.Code : CS; : . « Day &-Date . ‘SUNDAY, 26™ APRIL 2009 * Time -2.00 ‘P.M. TO 5.00 P.M. (NSTRUCTIONS yawn 2 ‘This question paper consists of only multiple-choice questions. Ail questions carry one mark each, ‘Answers are to be marked in the OMR sheet provided, For each question, darken the appropriate bubble to indicate your answer. Use only HB pencils for bubbling answers. . Mark only one bubble per question. [f you mark more than onc bubble, the answer will bbe evaluated as incorrect. “ 1 you wish to change your answer, please erase the existing mark completely before ‘marking the other bubble. ‘There will be NEGATIVE marking. NEGATIVE marking for cach wrong answer will Noe 13." Es ‘Some useful physicat constants: (A), Universal gas constant R = 831451] mol! Kt . x ° 0.08206 L ati mol 1K* (B) Planck’s constant, h = 6$26x10™)s- (C) Acceleration due'to gravity g = 98ms?” (D) Speed of light in vacuum c¢ = 2.998x10'ms" (E) Avogadro's number N = 6.023 x10" mol! 4F) Boltzmann constant k= 1380x107 IK" G) Electicn charge e 1.602 x 107°C (H) Electron mass im, = 9.109 x 107! Kg Q) Permittivity of the vacuum & = 8854x107 Fm" (Q) Faraday constant F = 965x 10°C mo!" (Ky | Catorie™ 4.184 ) | atm . = 760Tom (M)-1eV ‘ = 16022107) . ®) Latm : - = 101 kPa ae ‘Chemical Sciences For the hydrolysis of adenosine triphophate (ATP), AH? = -21.0 kifmol and “AG*= -30.6 ki/mol at 298K. The AS” for this reaction is: (A) -32.2 Smol.K (B) 32.2 Vol K (C) -70.0 J/mol.K (D) 70.0 mol. 2.The number of modes of vibration possessed by acetylene molecule 1 - . {B)7 (6 « (D)3 3:The pH of 0.048 M solutién of hypochlorous acid (HCIO) is 4.42. The K, of the acid is: * (A)3.0x10* (B) 3.0x10" (C) 3.0x107 {D) 3.0x10° 4.Which of the following is NOT true about ihe effect of an increase in temperature onthe distribution of molecular speeds in a gas? (A) The average speed shifts to higher values (B) The most probable speed increases” (C) The fraction of the molecules with the most probable speed increases (D) The area under the distribution curve remains the same. ‘ balloon filled with He has a volume of 1.0 x 10° litres at 1 atmosphere and 30° C. Itrises to an altitude at which the pressure drops'to 0.6 atmospheres and the’ temperature is - 30°C. What would-be the volume of the balloon? Assume that the pressure inside the balloon is nearly the same as outside. {A)2.8 x 10° litres (B) 1.34 x 10' litres . . (C) 2.0.x 10° litres - - (D)4.0 x 10° litres 6.Carbon disulfide burns in the presence of oxygen according to the following equation: CS2 (g) +202 (g) —* COs(g) + 280: (2) ‘When the reaction was carried out7 L of products were formed, The volume of SOr formed at the same T and P is: (A) ML (8) 3.5L. (C) 4.67 L, (D)233 L 7.The phase diagram of a fwo-component system of substances X and Y is shown below. ‘Temperature Mol Percent A eutcetic point is represented by which of the following? (ApLonly . (B) IM only (C) Land V only (D) Wand:tV only 8.Lithium reaets'with molecular nitrogen as follows. : 6Li (9) +N (2) > 2LENG) How many grams of lithium nitride can be prepared from 45 gof lithium metal and 9.5 g of molecular nitrogen? (Take the atomic masses of Li and N to be 7-and 14, respestively) Ase (B)23.75¢ O752 , G (D)36.5.g + ~ 9:The role of copper in hemocyanin i (A)CO fixation and transport ion of olefins . 10.Which one of the following is the strongest oxidizing agent in an acidic medium? (A)KMn0, (B)Ch, (C) zn" (D)KaFe(CN)s LL.Which one of the following pair is isoelectronic: (A)BsHy and CoHs (B}CN“and BN" (C)CNand BN’ (D)B2H.” and C2Hy, 12.The erystal field stabilization energy of [FeF«]* is: (A) 0g (8)-20 Dq {C19 Dq ~ (D)20Dq . : - 13.Which one of the following complexes displays antiferromagnetic behavior? (AK:PICL (B)HgICo(NCS).] (C) MnCl; 630 (D)Cu(CH3CO2);.H;0_ \4.Which one of the following eléctronic configurations gives a kinetically inert 3d-metal octahedral complex? (aye? - Be ()a* (yd 15. Which one of the following molecules does not obey the 18-electron rule? (AYMn(CO),)” ~ (B)[CKCO}ST™ (C)IMn(CO),.Ch} ()Fe(CO}s 16.The pair of elements that are related by a diagonal relationship is: (A)Pand S (B)Si and C . (C)Mg and Li (D)Al and Ga 17.An example’of the complex having a quadruple bond is: (A)Fgn(CHCOO)2 (B)CoxCO}s (O)RexCly D)Cr:07"" ” 18.1n nature, the noble gases exist as: ) (A) monatomic gaseous atoms (B) the gaseous fluorides (C) the sulfides _ (DYalkali metal salts 19.The two main isotopes of potassium are °K and ‘'K. The atomic.mass of potassium is ~ 39.1. The aburidances of the isotopes are: (AY10% 39K and 90% "'K: (B)90% 9K and 10% *"K (CY5% PK and 95% *'K (2)95%,"*K-and 5% "'K 20.1n which of the following pairs, the ions/molecules have similar shape? ~ (A)CO¥and 10 (B) BF and HC” (©)CClyand PtCl, (D)NHG and BF; 21.How many a-particles and (particles are, emitted in passing from soTh™ to s)Pd?* 2 (A)4aand 48 {B) Ga. and 6B (C)4c and 88 (D) 6a: and 4p, ‘22.The pair of compounds containing peroxy (-O-O-) bond is: (A) 280s and PbO: (B) HCIO, and H2S30 (C) P10; and MnO; (D) SOs and FaS:0, 23.Which one of the following high-spin complexes has the highest CFSE? (A) [Mn(H0)5]* (B) [CeFO)s) + (©) IMnctsO}5)* (©) [CrC#O)s} 24.The bond angle in XeOs is: (A) 60°" ‘ B) 90" (©) 109.5° -(D) 120° 25:The order-of increasitig E~O (E = halogen) bond length is: (A) CIOs" < BrOy" <10" (B) BrOy<105- < ClO (C) 10s CIOs (B)Na,CO} (€) CaCO; {D) BeCOs ’ 27:The pair of metal carbonyl complexes that are isoelectronic is (A) INi(CO),} and [V{CO)g) (B) [Co(CO)sy and [Ni(CO).) (C) {Cr(CO)s] and [V(CO}e} (D) [Fe(CO)s] and [Cr(CO)e} 28. Which of the following statements about [CoF¢]" is correct? (A) weak field coniplex, diamagnetic (B) strong field complex, diamagnetic (C) weak field complex, paramagnetic {D) strong field complex, paramagnetic 29 How many orbitals are there in the stiell with a principle quantum number. n= 3? (Aya (B)9 ©i6 (0)3 30.Addi of SbF; to HF will cause its acidity to: (A) Increase (B) Decrease (C) Remain the same (D) First increase and then decrease : : 31-The fraction: of the volume occupied by AJ atomts in an fc.c lattice is: (A) 0.633 (B) 0.740 . 7 (©) 0.950 - ~ (D) 0.50 32\Using the 18-electron ruléasa guide, the predicted number of carbonyl ligands (n) in [¢n-CsH3)Rh(CO),] would be: . (Al (B)2 ©3 (0)4 33.Arrange the following in terms of increasing melting point: Ar, NaCl, HCI and SiO»: (A) Ar 37.The gas that wilt get evolved at the anode when K2SOu (aqueous) is electrolyzed is: (A) oxygen {B) hydrogen (©) sulphur (D) sulphur trioxide 38, An electrolyte with specific conductivity of 0.001 Ohm'' em “has a resistance of 500, Ohms, when measured using a Pt conductivity cell with each electrode area of 1.2 ct ‘What is the distance between the Pt clectrodes ? (A)2mm ®)4mm (©) 6mm (D) 8mm 39.Passage of 30 A current for 70.2 minutes corresponds to: (A) 131 (8) 131F (@)2100¢ (0)2100F 40.3A+B > 2P ‘The following data about the initial rates were obtained for the stoichiometric reaction above. Experiment iM [BLM Initial rate = df AVdr 1 0.20 12x 103M s" 2 020 0.60 “12x 10% Ms! For a third experiment, a plot of I/[A] versus time was found to be linear. The order of ._ the reaction With respect to the concentrations of A and B, respectively is: - Ay3 and 6 (B)2and 1 (C)3and1 (D)2and.0 “41.How many electrons per minute pass through a copper wire cariying a eurrent of 1 x 10" 16 A? - (aya7sxi04 (B) 3.75 10° (©) 3.75 x10? (D)3.75 x 10" “10 ° Braggs law: 2dsin@ = af, that describes X-ray diffraction, @ represents (A) The distance between the atoms in the crystal {B) The distance between the X-Ray source and the crystal (C) The inter-planar distance in the crystal lattice (D) The distance between the two molecules in the crystal of the 43. During the titration of aqueous acetic acid with aqucous NaOH solution, whi following statements is true? (A) conductance decreases up to equivalent point and then increases (B) conductance increases up to equivalent point and then decreases. (C) conductance slowly increases up to equivalent point and then rapidly decreases (D) conductance slowly increases up to equivalent point and then rapidly increases 444. Which one of the following statements is correct? (A) 2s atomic orbital has no nodes. (B) 3p_orbital has only the XY plane as the node. (C) 3d_, orbital has two nodes (D) The wave function for 1s atomic orbital vanishes at the nucleus. 45. The electronic transitions of the conjugated molecule — octatetraene, may be modelled using the particle in a box model. If thie x electrons are assimed to be confined to a box of length L, then the wave number ofthe longest wavelength absorption of the molecule may be estimated using the formula “ ate , c 8) aa . «© 28 9h — ane ome iE 46.The heat from the combustion of 1.00 g of benzene in the liquid state (For which the standard enthalpy of combustion is -3268 kJ mol") is absorbed by 100 g of water at 0° C. The final temperature of the water is (A) 453°C (B) 62 ©818C {D) 100°C 47-The osmotic: pressure of an aqueous solution of a protein, containing 0.25 g of the protein in 50 ml. of the solution, was found to be 1.52 kPa at 25°C. The molar mass of the protein is therefore about (A) 400 g mot" (B) 4000 g mol" (©) 800 g mol" (D) 8000 g mor! the reaction 3Ha(g) +. Ne(g) #® 2NE5 (g) all ofthe following will lead to the production of more ammonia, EXCEPT (A)a decrease in the volume of the container . (B)addition of hyérogen (C)removal of NHs (D)addition of a non-reactive gas 49.A four component system is found to coexist in 3 phases. All of the following statements about this are true. EXCEPT. (A) The system has 3 independent intensive variables : {B) The temperature and pressure of the system and the mole-fraction of the ‘components-are capable of independent variation. _ {C) The system has 3 degrees of freedom. (D) The moie-fractions of two ofthe components, along withthe temperature and pressure of the system can be varied independently. 50.At25° C, the vapour pressure of benzené and toluene are, respectively, 94.6 Torr and 29.1 Tor, In a mixture ofthe two liquids in which the mole-faction of benzeneis 0.65, the corresponding vapour pressure 3t 25° Cis: (A) 124 Torr. (B) 80.4 Torr (C) 52 Torr (D) 71.7. Torr 12 51. Which of the following compounds are optically active? se Oe Nee ee, atl me oS q uw m SrOCH, beNHCOCI,¢#Cilnd = CIKCI, (A)Lonly (B)I only (©)land tt (OU and 52.Predict the major product in the following reaction: Ne ‘ayaa * ‘ Choices: : . yO sAN An Ay (A}L @)ll . (C)UT - DIV 53.Predict the major product in the following reaction: Choices: - gooue coer, : Oo Qa oO t n tr wo. (AL (By (ut @iv 54,Predict the major product in the following reaction: aC Choices: . Seek wi (Bu (Cpu (D)IV- 58.Choose the reaction condition which will enable phenylacetaldehyde to be converted to an asymmetric compound. 2 me" enrmai compains - (A)NaBHs / MeOD (B)NaBD, / MeOH <- ©)Ph-NH, / MeOD / reflux ~. “(D)Ph-ND: / MeOH / reflux 56.Predict.the major product in the following reaction: 4 57.Prediet the major product in the following reaction: « Q . Ore Choices: 6 o& tn tn AL @al ju @iv 38.Predict the major product in the following reaction: neracon - tenet ae Choices: Ww w (Ayl (yu Cull Ov 59. Major product in the réaction of 2-bromoanisole with sodaimide is: (A) Aniline (B) Anisole oy (C) 4-methoxy anitine . : a (D) 3-methoxy aniline 15 ‘60,Predict the major product in the following reaction: oe" Ct e- Choices: ov OO @l ® om ov 61.Resetion of anisole with lithium in fiquid ammonia in presence of tert-butanol yields: (A) Phenol (B) Aniline . (C) 3-methoxycyclohexa-t.4-diene (D) |-riethoxycyclohexa-1,4-diene 62.Which of the following reagent is suitable for the transformation of benzaldchyde to " 2-phenyl2-amino acetonitrile? (A) NH/KCN ° (B) HaSOYKCN {C) NaN3/KCN- (D) Lifliq.. NHS 63.Reaction of triphenyimethanol with benzene in the presence of AICIs yields: (A) Chlorotriphenyimethane (B) Tetraphenylmethiane (C) Triphenylmethane (D) Benzophenone 64.Among 2-heptanol, 3-heptanol, 4-heptanol, which of them can exhibit optical activity? (A) all'three {B) 4-heptariol only (C) 2-heptanol and 3-heptanot (D) P-heptanot and 4-heptaiols 65.Arrange the following organic acids in their decreasing order of aci CHCOH —HCORH ——CICHCOsH | MexC-COLH ' w o w (A)L> Vo (B)t> > tv>1 (QtV>t> i> (D) > M>T>1V ‘66.For the compounds given below, fo oo uf which one of the following statements is true: (A) Il and IV are aromatic and I and If are antiaromatic (B) If and IV are aromatic and I and If arc antiaromatic (C) Tang Il are aromatic and [and IV are antiaromatic {D) 1 and U1 are aromatic and IL and IV are antiaromatic 67.The major product formed in the following reaction 9° Heat Gr is: * a . * Ss @ d, / “o 68.Predict the major product in the following reaction: dooms = Choices: Ae Je Ae 1 69.The major product of the following reaction Pi _ Cone HeS04 ‘ee ” © . . 18 70.1n which of the following name reactions an isocyante’is oblained? _ (A) Favorskii rearrangement {B) Curtins rearrangement (C)Bayer-Villiger rearrangement (D) Wulff rearrangement ‘71.Thé major product of the reaction ny, THE © Cree ‘72.The major product of the reaction 3 NatiCO, OH Ag, —— is: MeOH, hest a OL "Sm 9 73.The major product of the reaction D Nes HOHE is w 74.The product of the reaction OQ NaoMentoot ist ° > ® OK . " 20 75.Ldentify the major product formed in the reaction . 76. An electron moves witha velocity at an angle 0 to a uniform magnetic field B. The ‘electron will traverse the field (A)ina straight line without any change of di ({B) making a circular orbit (C)in an elliptical orbit {D)in afielical path T7.In an imaginary world, light travels at a speed of 30 misec, instead of 3 x 10° mises. In this world, a rod.of length | meter is placed in a train pointing in the directién of motion and the train is traveling at a speed of 72 km/h, For'a person on the ground, the rod will now appear to have a fength: - . (A134 @)1.0m (€)0.74m (D)5 mm 78.A train is moving away from-an observer ata speed of 36 kwh. I.sounds a whistle whose Trequeney is-1 kHz. ' Given that the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s. the apparent frequency of the whistle heard by a stationary observer - (A) | RZ” * (BY) 520 He, (290K (0) 970 Hz 2 79.The energy of the first excited state of the hydroget atom is: (6) -13.6eV ©) -6.8 ev G)-34ev (Hjoev 80.In a reversible adiabatic process, the entropy of the system (A)inereases (B) Decreases, (©)Remains unchanged (D)is not defined 81.The position versus time of a car along a straight road is shown in the graph. From the ‘graph it is clear that the car is: - Position Time (A) speeding up - B)slowing down (©) moving at constant velocity : (©) speeding up for some time and slowing down for part ofthe time * 82.A ferromagnetic’material has a Curie temperature of 100K. Ifthe temperature of the * material is decréased from 300K to 200K, its magnetic susceptibility wil roughly (A) increase by a factor 3/2 es (B) increase by a factor 2 : (C)stay.the same - (D)decreasé by ai factor 3/2’ 83.Choose the correct Heisenberg uncertainty relation: (A) p34) (B)ap, At {C) Ap, - O)Apx- BB 2 84.The frequency of a parallel resonance circuit made up of an inductor of value 4 4H and a capacitor 25 pfis given by (choose the nearest value) (A) 10°Hz (B)6.25 MHz (©) 159 MHz (D)53 GHz 85.A spectral line of wave number 3000 cin! corresponds to a frequency (A)3000 Hz. (B)1 x 10" Hz (C)9x 10" Hz (D)10 kHz 86.There are 10 apple trees in an orchard, each tree produces 8000 apples. For each additional tree planted in the orchard, the output per tree drops by 100 apples. How many trees should be added to the orchard in order to maximize the total output of apples? (ays (8)35 45 (D)55 87.1f p= In (In cos x), then dy/de is: _{A)HanG)/in(cos(x)y (B)—sin(x)cos(x}/In(cos(x) () In(cos(x))sin(xV/oos(x) ~ (D)= In(cos(x))cos(x)/sin(x) 88.A basket contains 3 white and'4 red balls. A ball is randomly chosen and put back into the, "basket. What is the approximate probability that the first 5 balls chosen will contain exactly 2 white balls? _ : (A)0.35 © (B)0.70 ’ (0.18 (D)0.65. 39. The 120 derivative of the determinant D is =/0 22 Or 3 (ay28 Bo (2, (D)6-° 90:The eigen-values of the mattix M given below are o10 M=|1 0-1 . 010 (A) V2, 0, V2 4 (B)-1, 0.0 (©) 20,2 (0)-1.0,1 91.As.a part of celebrating the festival Hol, a parabolic hill was constructed (Fig. A). Ils thown in figure B, The parabolic part in Fig. B is described by the - 16 —x/4 for [x] < B and y= 0 for |x| > 8. y =0 is the ground level. Iris the shadow (for example if one puts it at point N (see figure B). the region SD will be in the shadow). The minimum height from the ground, at which the light has to be placed. ? is: . (Ay32, (B16 (C)48 (0)24 92The moment of inertia of thin circular disc about an axis perpendicular to ‘it, and passing through its centre is [. Its moment of inertia, about an axis passing through its centre and lying if its plane is: ll Ley (B) 12 (Cy DIB

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