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Y S"WYDn:Fl\.




f!iNIi!JIU)~ME, - T fi:M NSP'CI'i'ff

,R I!H,m.IN·S'

The BuUdiiingl Reglul,ations 19B1

Access and 'facilities, flor di,salblled people

The Stati,cnerry Office


This ediUoo 0' the A,pprO\lled Document M. Access and fadHties ter d!:sabred people repleu:;tiSi the 1992 IBdition. The rnaln changes are:

Ill. Part M "'DW applie,s, to rillew IdWleHll'iIg~s,: The ~Imfts en appl catilD~ crf the requirements hav·e been ch,Bnged so ~hat. requirame-nt:sl M1 ro M3 ,apply to nlaw dwelHllQ:!!i, as well as to other buHdlngs, The Quld,ance (jill performance and where tnerequ~rementsapp~y has been 8)1pandled 'tOI addr-ess new dwelllnl9ls, IrlcJw:lilil!:j IL>laJi1tYlng ltIe situaUon o",er sh.!!diElllt B\lingl aeccrnrnedanen.

tl. "The rlelatlonshliP between IFlal1 M and the Workpr.u:::e (Health, Safety anI:! We~f,aJe)

Regu lado ns i 992. thi e Dhi:EI biH1fy Disc .. 1 m inattin!'l Ac1 1995 fHldi the Di:sabmty D[scrim~naHDn (Employment~ Regulations 1996 has iDe.en clarified.

c. New secil::rDns S to Hl 'Df lha ApPFl::!\iled DocumGf1Itse~ Du1 'what the Departmerrt considers t~ lila reasonable provisiO-fl:sln new dwellings.

d. The references to srtar.daJdls end ether publica-lions been IIJpdaled.

e. This edRiOIl Qombfnes gLm:Janc:e' on dwellings and other loutldlngs. but ~'he guu:Janceon DlJlldmgs othtn" than dwellmgs rematns IJllchllnged from th'El! Hil$!2 ecUUoll, except for a note' re'fenr~ng to more recent gllJid'ance 011 the deSign Dr stadia






Wi1Ieml 'ti'le Irequfile:rnei'ilt$alp'p~lli' Ne:w b Y'~ldlhi1g s



&~eifJud featl!f,'e:s

What ileq1ulEnl e!l'lts, ,ap~,ly:

EducaUol'!laJ '~1:abiliiShnJII!1llJlts Defi niUD,l1s

SIi'C'If1IION:S '11 .. 5r. IBU,IIl!DIINI!S:S !1'l'lIHER 1'IHIA!NI DIWEL!1i..11NGS,

SecUOf;!l 1~ IMeill!,ns 'o~ ,g(lJ(H:I,siSt~' ilfrlJdilnto Ibl,i1ldil!l'ligS ,otrJ:lleJr than ,cilw'ellli'!if!~gls:

Ob,j;e otlY,Gifl

'ILJeli1el' ap'pr;oa,clh ~romll:h,el edg1e! of s~te, arn(iC),j,'l!!i paliking




IHaaar(is,on ,a}coe:~s fCillNes ,Access inlol1'Illi' bu[Jd~lli1g IP'dACipa1 ,eli1~r:an e'D ,doors:

IRevot'ltilng' doors EflJtl'a~,ee Ilabb~,"

SBIC~1I01ll' 2~ MeS!f:ls ,olf iiI'CICiEISS wJrtliil~n Ibul h:Un 9:51, ,~t:her Ulllni ,cilw1e:IillII!ii!!g!S:

Ob']SC'U!'!8 ~ S

H:oriiZernal c.lroulaiUo:l1 withillili thel building: ~S

In'tarmal do,ors 15

Corn,d]QI1$. a:nd pa~&iilg!!ll!\:y\a'1s ~ ,5

hlllE!l'flai lobbies ~ 6

\l'iell1ical cireLlI lanOlli1withifl~h;e, bu liI:ilin!gl ~ 6

Pass!€! "OlE! r 1'1">5 1'6

'~",tneel'c:hillir stalil1 iftJS1 1 7'

Plactf~ rMI lifts, 11'

hil!t!emiSi~ stairs: 18

Sa,etiio:n S:IIU:!;ie, ,till 'btlllif,dlrny,s. Di~tieiifthafl: diwlUiln,gs


lileS'taurants and b~:

Hotel an dI f!1t~tIG~ badroo!iil'ls Changi "D' f'a,e[l~t i{lis

Aids: ~o (loromunfoati.on


:hc~!l'Qn4~S:a nitaliY 'e!!llI:I1I""e:niences lin Ib!!.dl:diilng:$ 'QltIi!e,r'tlhi[!!11l1! diwG'lll'ng,s

Objec!tfiw~s 22

PflQ'",I:sloo:s, 'fef' wiIfII8i!'l:lct:iaiir users: '2:2

Visitorsl mnd

H o~e'~ amdl :m:!J,h~1 guest tu~d re O!m,s 22

St:a:ff 23

PrO'ol'i;s<krn:.s for amPliI.Mlifill 'clis,a,bl'ed peoph3' 23

SQcU:!'l:n 5::: Al!:di(!noo' ~lli' spe:etailo:!I' .i:!!iftat!lngl ~n l!;I'uU'i'n9iS: o~"'e.1i' tihanl dw,e'II'I'm!(lIS

O:b.iiee~j\ll~s 24

,SfI!C;UO.n 16,~ IMcliiUilS 'ild ,ac'cie'S'S,~10 1E!!lIiId 1~liltjQtlil,e ,diwe~llillng'

Q:.b,~ Ill~'tly,~

Ap'Pliloachto U"Hll' dwaU:i!l19 lll'¥ol ap~

Ra.m;ped .E:I.!)p,r(Ml!ch Sbi'pp,e~ ~p,!pmac:h .App!l'oaeh Il!Jsiing ;:I' dri'!!lllewa!!/ Access '1ICIto 't~,e' dWellli!iil,QI IErritmilloo dDOIl'S

lectliomfl7. 'Cilrcw'lBlliioli'il 'wii1Jliilinl~ihe ,enlh',aJIilII(iliEl' :SItofiEli, &:ftlhe ,C!lw·eUJin.g

!j:n:~jeet~'Yfl' 21

C'o,rrid Qrs, ~'a$sag'e:ways ali!ld IlntElmal d'oors witjh~1i!1 tifle '~ntranc,e StOfie'Y 21 V6'rtIfO-i!l!~ !¥iir,el!;!I~,[ion wl1hJiiI t'he ,~mfariu:,a s11O~y 21

SIC'Ili'QAI Eli:: Acce$sibl'e iSiwiitclh.e:9i rBllilId :SCdilltl!t 'OUj~WltiS Illl1ltlhel ,dwenlill1l~g


,SeetllOlfli s,: IP'.3Iss.elllllger' II ins: :& 'Clol'llllimJQ'lI1Isbi~rs, iJ~ b~I'!iI(l'k:sl oif~ilalts

'O:bJ,ecUves 'Gommon staJfS: uns


,SQ!cotiiQ:n 1101:: w,e p:rorVliS~(1I!ii!i!ii! the ift,!IUl!1'8rni!tO' Si~C! Ny lD'fti:lel dw,e!lllilill'g


19 HI 20 20 21


2. 3. 4,. 5.


7. ,8. 9. Ut H. '11.2. ts,

14. 15. G. 11.



2:0. 21.

22. 23. 24.


Ram ped 8,pproaclil wi ' cOll1npl@me,ntary s~'eiPs Tactile paving sJabs

Tactile Md !!iI,lsual 'wamings, S:tepped approach

H iillI1di!'C! I des ~glil

Exterlli'lal I1lloUards

En, raneG IdiocatySi E'ntra,fllce lobbae~

Il'II'larlnal Cf.i:lolfways

III'iI'ternal I,ob~ Ie-s

Lift, dlll1l1ll:! rlisiQ,n:s

II'II'tern,~ stairs

9 1D '10 11 1 12 13 14 Hi US,

f7 18

'OIl1E11 8';I(fUnpl'e CiI~! an ',a,ccenible' hotel

bedroo m an d e 1"1 sutta' bath room 2'01

Shower eOf'mli=!aJ1ment 211)

DJiesslnQ cl.lbid'e 21

Wne,elchmr we, compartmen 23

'WG cO'mpartment' 0' ,3mb ,Ian

disabled pe.op~e 23

DrS'pOiS'~ 100 of wheelchair spaees

Ina 'tnes'tta 24

'Vis i\iI~l\g pOS~ti!iJiil'S 'fol''' di,sabled

p'ElCpl'9' in alstad~lII:m1 me,s;2'iIl,

El!!tems,lls 'f:! fl pro I'res, 26 C,grl'ldc,rs" and

ilf'rt,sr,nal doors, 21

II-lola ghts: of switches. 50'0 ~ets. let(): 2S

Common st~jf:!l: I," bl'oo'ks ,of Hats 29

Clea r siP'ace 'for 'fftlntal access to 'we

Clear spa'oe 'fO'f obUque ,.n}~ess to we



Accau.nnd 2




- - - - - -- - - - _" - --" - - - -- _.-

Thils documen:~ is one of.<1I serieslil.i31.t has b'9iE!!1'!1 ap proved by the Secr~tary 'of State as Ipracti,cal 9 IJJ lidenoe on meH:!t~ ngl the !rI3!quil'iemeFllt:.s ,of Schedui'e' 1 andl'regUliati'I:H'nI"7 (lIthe Buildnng IReglula~i~n:~ 1991 (SI: '119·911 N,o'. 2'76B) .~~

ame rider::! bytl'il eEll.iJll'ldfilgl Fle9rul'atJl DI'!!S i(_Aimenldmenf'l Regul.ati,Of!i,s 19912 (S~ 19912 ,No, 1:180),~ha IEI~~hlirigl IRegUlI:ation~ lAm~$Idment) 'Re g,ulatio;n,$ 1994 (81 i19:9·4, NI~'.1 ,850) ,uhe, ·BlJi~.dkl gj Regy~ atl ens (An1lendme il1ltl Fi€!Q U!!oaitloll1s. 1995 (S11995 No. 1356), the IEIiL.lildi~.91 IReglui:aJtloln:s, tAmendm,en~) ,RegulaticH1S ~ '9917 rS~ "1991 No.H!04·) and the BUlUdbtgl Fle.g~llla:tlcms: (A!mGlfl.dmen~' .~e:.~IIlI!I:a.tH}ns 19198 (S~ 19919, 1!'Ik)'. 2:5S1}.

At~li1Ie baclk. !'Ji. tilt!lW& doc~.umelt~: is; Oil W~st 'mf itihtQ:se dl}:l;llJllifIl}fllt:SCI!J r!l'en·t~"" pl!!lbUs hedl I'll, the lD\e·par1me:n~ ollflhe EIii!~ii!i'lonmeL"lt~ llr:a1n,s,po!l't: ~iIld ~ih.e F!,egioflis, :aflld~ih:e '.e'l'slh, Il:lfficElWilillmclh, iIl.a,vEI Iileeln a:pp'~'iI,edf!lllI!l'~he III Uffl'OSElof Ullall Bu'illdiil!1l:9 Regllllllla:1!:iio'.li1ls19S,1.

the A,pprov.ed DUClIIJnH:ll1'ts .BEe initell'lCi'edtilill pifov,ld'il!gll,llda.fic:e 'fo~ s.(I'n'Ji!'ilI edithe' mc:m .. C!Ii)'m mron bl,!li~d:i !lglsitu~&:lolnrs. HoW\e'!!ii'~f, lhe!f''e .may well be altel'rliat]ive 'wiilI.ys of~.ohh~vlfl!91 c~mpUMC€!' W'~th the ,1'i9QLHf,ements. T:hl!iil:stih'e're is; Ino' IQbiiSla.tiLiln~Q' ad(l!pl "'l1l:r

IliHt lf1i:cula t so;lurfi:D·lilIco'liiIt,a:r~etd lnallr! .Ap;plr'Cli'!l'edl O,oet! i'IIiNl! flit: rtf yo U jlli;iltilferr ·tfi' fi'IIBlBtfhe ii'e l'i:!il'rt'<1lfi11 re'QlUi re:!'!i!IE!:llili n \s'o~,e !Lilthier way.

OiU;N~'1i f,e Ill! UI~reme:!'~lt'5;

lihe guhj~rtI(;,1; C'ol'!lta~n~d irn a.n AiPprov,ed

I)ODlI oo,E[!nt mla:tscS; on~y' ~oWlle par~icul;BI' req~,!]r~m€lnb o:~m:l1ie ~eglul<1li~!ons whlicil'lU1.i3I:t dO'GU"lTUent address·es, Tine builtdlin!g work willi a1,so have· to c'omply witirl~he f;&q;l.liiferrLl~lfnm of .any o~her 'relev~n't pa.r.agICapl'1ls l~nSclliiedl!.ille , te

Hle Regul ati.ons. .

TI1 alre! Aipp lio\l~ed [l,o.C'lJmen[swhirc:h g tve g:uidatH::e (an. each of the 'Q,ther requlremeats in Sch'eciIJ'hal 1 Qlfldon regul~.tiDn 1.


Ilf! a~(iOilrd~!'IQe with r:e!glJll~~'iOn 6,tih,e reQu~r,elriOel'lit!5; lilll Pans A,~a K .a!I1d 'N, of S(;'h e'iJ'ulie rto IhaBuildlng IRegulations. d'orliOit requh'Q anything! to be done -e~G)e,p"l ffortihe ~y~osaof' $!l'fCUri""lQ. r&asonabh!! standards of h~a1Ul ane sal1E;!ly~'~'r p!l;rsons in 01' ,iilboutthe bu~'ld~ng.

A1!'1I b~Udirilgl 'wo!l'k whiicih Is sl!.ilbjeC'~ te 'Ulle m:Quir,9m9\!'ii'U> Ilmposedl bySci1:edul!1;! 11 tnUu;:!

IB:und~n~ . Ila,tlol1ls should, in aOC(l)M8J1ICe

withrieglllJ:1 Fl7. bEl' earrled oUlwiU'n Pc'ropel!'

matel'iia1sand in a workmanlitkilli!' mannew.

You may 15!l1c·w hal you i1 a.VE Cicmp111,ed: with

I'f!'!ijlulattion 7 Ina numlbeJ" of Wtl,rys. Thl~S9 frncil'ud,CI ·ttJea\Ppro~riar,h!' USE!' o~ a PFl::II::1:u~t b~mililgl GE liIi1!aJ.kh1IQI ,~f'lI ii1liJCoordano"t!, withl til1e

C!O ~'S~tl!J~UollIProduct:s; OJf1El1ctiw (B9v1 (l16:JEEC)' as,jjTielrlldel!dl by th'eC.iE. w.['itddng IDirective {93tS8iEECY. or tal .product ·comp~'!ling ¥litirl a.~ ap:~:u~'priatl!l:tEldli!rn jca~ :sp ~Ciri[;:a~lo:n (as deJill1'1 EI dI in tl1tose Dir'e·ciives}.a. flritisrn Stall1d-awd, ,1:]1" i311i1 aitema;nv€ll!'!atl>o~eJ technlcal speclflca!tion of anl/ \S,late whi ch ls ;;Il.cHll'!tliaclinQl party 't!el' the EIIJ!i',an 'Ec,o'fliomi,c .Ara:a wtfilcll" in Use, is: e(juiiV.a.lelllit. or a. ,pmdu·etg,o~'!ll",ed. bl~ an

ag,rem Sflt certiflc~h[!I such as I\JlI1l8i~:lIIed by the iEll'Htish IB~~rd ~~ .Agj'\illmani~. You wi~1 findru rt.I'u!!r Qu~da:!loe ii!'1Uiilil! AI~provoo ID(l~!!Jmenlt supportinli:! regul,i!lI.ti<l!'fIi 1 on m a;lerliallsan,di w~H·kmalil,ship·,-

leI') hm i'(l!i!l111 :stpll;;l(;lOGlaJUoIl1lS

!3lJlh:illnQI iI''Sgul.atlclIiItSam m.lll:ie fi(u iSpec.ific Ptll!,"p~ses: I~e~!liil:h :Jl!fiId s~:fety:. energiY oonSSII'V'atioFli 3:li1d tile weU'al'ieal1ld C,Qri'ilOl'IIH'nlier'lce' off dis,ab1ed pe·o~'I€. StaJ'1IChilillds, andtsichnica~ appmva~s are [relevant 'gluidia~'Gem the~)(t)~flt ~attih,ey Hlffiat'e!ltiO' these'er;aUQns. Howe.ver, the, may als·ol .addwess oUriei" aSlPeds o~ pet'l'ormafH;,e sucn, ;00 seJ"!oiillir:,eatliHty. 01' ;;t8,pect;s: which ,aJ)thl ou gh~hE!ji tlel®Jte, to JiI€lladitih all,Qj rs.aJet.y an~' net GQvered by tin,ri;'! Fif;lg~~1;'lI~'ioniS ..

W~!'1jiJ an, ApP!T1o¥ed .Doc~ m ent makes

r,effemn:(;lel tD fa. rliam ed :siti3!l!'Idiard. tih;e ~~h~vla:!i)t ver,si,oif'il of 'the :sland!a.~dl'~s~ha, onelis~ed .at the end ~ifttl·~· piIJ bltcatlo'rIi. 14 QWe'!o!'er, ~~ '~h is, v'ers!l.of'll o~$Iu~ standard ha.:sbeeml I'eivise{~: ,cr ILJl!)d;a~ed by th'€ils~uing5'~a_ndafld$ b C!<dJ •. the li1I'ewIo!EI'fsio:n1

m a., II) e Lirs.ed as ·a. SCLJI:n;:a ,~f' gllli dan.c,e p'ro¥~ded It ,co\ll'l!nuas toadiereS1ii;.thiE!! mlevan~ r-equlrements o.the IRe!lui~a,tIO!n'S.

The S,ecl'iet:e;r)l ,ot Sta:t9h'as: :agreed W~thl tile Brii[]sh Bo'aml {l.f Agiie'1filIe~t Cloth ill' eJsPi!lcts of pe'nc'lf'l'flance' which it nee:ld!li t!Q' assess ~n p"e,~aring its· C'eirtificates. fn o,rderli:h!lll:tth,~ Boai'd m8iy ,l:IiemlonstralDe the' oDmlP11~l!'liCe ofa produot ,or sys·tem which h'HS an .Agf,emerd e!!lliftif1ic.S!,te: witiht~e' rsquir,emreflil:JS. (j,ft!ne Regulations.AI!"I Agiiemen'~ C,enifk:atei:ssYed by 'tf'leBoiilro under tlilei5e i:i:rrang'erneF1iS wlrU !:ilive as:E;:lI.r'am~e lha!~the pmdll.!'ot 'or syste'rn to !.1iI"i'n Ich 'the C~rtifuc:a.b'.!! mlaltel!!i, lif 'pir'QJH!Ffy u$Ied ~" ·~ooordlmru':i~ w i~11i1 the ·tI!:lffiflS Qf tllie Certi:liI0i3.19,

wi 1II1 meetthe ~\Ie.vallll~: lrequlr,e:rnenl~5:.

:Sumi1a:rly, tlhe: al!)pro~rl~~e use (If a ,prodll;ct 1i!I!hin'ch cDrnpfiesw';U1!r .~. clJJlropea!1 fiEl'c'nrfigail Approva~ as denn,~d tn 'the COi'istruc:Uon IP'mdlucts. iClr.El(lIl1VEl' w~111 ,3.1!~o, meet ·tlil~· re:IIl9iIJSnlt: feqllJlr,emel1l~.

Ai;" mplaMlilted 'by 'Iffil Carnilrudion IProdOC£s

A~BltirM"lS 199" IS~ , gg., '620)

~ As. mplememet:l by .~ CorlslnJalii:m PrOO~ ~r:b§n~ R8I,J1ati0fliS, 1994 {Sl1'004 10 3(51)

A,.~. ~~ r"'C'I'!i~~ 'rgw (!1~led ~!e 3

IMb1.e!l1l1 iUS·81 dQl~'If!II!opm QIi'!"

In rnlxe-dl lJJ'SiE! de\l\elDpmefll~: palrt oJ ,iii, building 'm;S!), be l!isedi ;as; ~ dW"IE!Ulrn,91 whiilEl ;ali'lQ1the,r pari

'n as, a;!is.te use .. In !!l>uen e·a~es,!, iffi th:e IreqllJiretflerwts o'f~hf's Pm Q,f the ,RelgllJla:ti 0'119 for dwemnQls ,arid nO!l~domas~iic lUi5l!l,~ c'iffer, the rElQuml'lemerU:s for n,Dn-do:li'JlesUe !lse sihould ,a:pply in ;arJysli'u:lIf1ed (1'1 'line Ibuilcnng.

The W!!lllfkp'l!l,~e ~lH'e'aWtlh~ :Safert,y ;lE!II!i!Id! We~I1',a!fe;)1 Flieglullatlon,s H!!J92:

The Wo~kpl'~c~ O-l'6'altill. :s ~.fl~ty and Walfa ~e) Fhi!g~~atiol'1is 992 'COr'il~DIUI1ll soi1llle mquir,emelfi~ wil1~c:h 1lliH"liElct: lb:uUdlngl de,slgn. The' main

l'iequ il'lemeMS ;~!I'1!;!i Il'IQ~W eO!il'eriedl rbyt1h,Si B'ui1ldilli1g A,egtl'IJa:tiom!, bu~fo,~~tlJI't~ef il1['OrmatJ on ~3'!3Ie:

Wb,~p!alc~ Il'€'wth .. S!!iI'fett a!l'Mj' wellkilfi!i1!. The Wo,~pla(;e' (Hooltl1', Safe'fyand WeJlfeJ'le) ,R,eYi:Jlah·oticS 199,2. Appr(Jved ClOds IrJfP:r.iiC~flCie and IGuldance: The, Health ;!l.!l"id: :8,1lI1&t, Ccmml:s:sion •. L.24'; IP'y' by IH M SO 1992~ IlsraN 1Q!~11-886383-9'.,

ltJt:li Workp.laciB (Healtl1i. Safeny ,MId WeUare) l~eg,ulaitflO!ns, 1919:2' apply bil' ttl,!;), oommon p,(JIril:s 1Oi~ flail'S andsimil'!;!'t blllldl,ngs ,If p'ac;pl'~SU1Ch :lfiIs, cl,sa,flIe:l'S, warde'i"lis land cai'\etak~f,s .m-e li9mplo'Y'9d to wo ~k In 'tb~e CIO m me n parts, WI"!0re,~1l e . re'Ciui'tlll'm1E!:I1ts of 'the ,Build ing Aeg,u 113J~I~OfliB,~:ha:t 8fi@' OOVG!fiOO by this Part dCI not :app~!I' 't1l) dw;elling~.flle pH)l!r]siOf'lS may s,t)U be required

.~fiII tl1!:1li 6ibJi'i:l,tllo~IS described ,alio'll'e fin lorder tOI g,aUsfyUn el WOl"ikpl'a:oe RreQul!:lti ons.

1!)~~ul,b:iIIH, 1!)~:S:Cil'hllilhllai~~'DII'iI .Ac~: ~ '995 :a!'l!dI11h!il' .ll)is,!1!lb'i'IU" IDiselfh:w~lnlatilloJi! I[E~lplo~lmelflit~ ReSi,iE~l!i'DIIIi'S. "11'996:

Folmowing HalB g!;Jl:danc,e i"Hllis: Approv,edl D'IOCI!illllll€lfiIi~ is nQl~ a ooQt!Tir,elm,el'1rtr 'fQr satlrlsfying dutlas tl!fI!de.r SelOUcns 16 i!I~d 2" c;f~lI'Ie D'is:iflI!:J~lit~ lJisQl'imilfilatiioR A<et '~g91!5" 110 make adJurstUi'iUilnts to. IP I'lemise:s. Iitshoul d b-e rl! affiied, h oweV1~r;lh~t IIndar IRe;glllllaltlon a O~'UU!I l[;Ij,sa_bl nty

Ciscri mirila,t~Oflll I(EMplo"m eli'll) Fh~lgllllaIUOM '1 '9EJllSi an, empki~ver W'illliilot be Irequ~r,!l;!d tO, aliter 81'i1!r' phy~lcal 'ct1Q1racteri:S:li C i nt:rnlJlided wi·thi!l'll a. b'uilldingwi"n~oh wa:s ,adlopted witha,'oI'iew tiOI SBl~bfyi I'Ig 'the requl r"emen,t:s 'Of Part MI o~ the IlBlJn'~hl~ AI;!,glJllla!tiQ,~$ and mettIllO$t3 reqluireme:nis ,a,t ~he time 'the building works w,em ca~!'iied out tl1I"Id co:ntinul;!!5:~O s'!.lbs~:aJltiaJly meet thO'se ~eQwi'remen!t:s:.

,_~= and 'f3!CIIDti_IQI" di'!I~d l~p1!eI 4



The Requilr:ements

This Approved IDucume_ t. wh ohates ,effect 011'1 2S Och)ber 11999', Id'eah; w lhe'~oIlQ~ill'ig requl~me'r1ts inl.m PartM of SCI~'N3dlJile t to the BI.! ill dililQI Re.gulations Ul'En SiS ,Il!'m,ardad by the IBioflil'dm 91 R'agu~;a,ti ons (Arne n dlme'nlt) R e'!;l iI.II ~aUons· 19~U3, •

• 'IIInpn!hlHtrn

: In, dI~i'iIn.· _:ll ~I~ '[J:]!t'lID5 ji'£M:~l'C: 10; hi- •

• It .III WtJWtm '""him L~rm~ W!,BwDk" or ii.hl Ii

rrqmiR':!i ilrenl Iu 'Li3e ... l:i~lcbJllir IOTlmt;l~til)r. ..


(h~ ,.Rrl·b:r; d~

a:rXIlln~ ~rpnr.<

110 ~ ID aJiIe lim

(hl III ~:I;].cn~l~ Q::I, ~, dl!:le:[It:t!~_ O£ IIIij ml!Ml CJli~a!:!i~fI will - Bkio u. JUI;!!: i1.,~~i!iI !ililii'q'~

till kiln", .... b di ~ lH!:!d sdd)' io ~~ u- 1111)] if! dill:

P«"oOJI. rtp.'llrd ma.i!llJinc;ll

·j]·1 IT~ , _ c~. mliQ:1mbb:


,At1ientlhiillnl illS ,dlf.a,W,i'i1 bi:l tne 'ItUsablility

IDII:!icli'\lm ifililtJI0!11 I~Emiphl)~m,e"tl' IR!i!JSI!lullatiimil'is '~'9 11161 iIJ!"Id er R:efJ u:laitjDn 13: o;f'lhe lilisa~'ilUy 1n:)I'$edmilfl~ioo ~Empl'oymenO IReglUilail:ioill"l$ "996 Bin empiloyef will mi. be "eql.llilred lo aJrter any physi(lal!'1I' sic neluded _ till_" iii Ibull·ding which w,as adop~ed wliU, a view tg utlsfyh\g .u,'!i j',eqUir,em'ents of Part M of the IBulllding R'egtlila:tions andl met ",rmse

lreql,l r1emenits ,iU tbe '1llme the' builclrn.g wo:rks W8J'€i' ca"iI~,d1loi'Jit: €lin.d QOniUnUes t'o 51l[.lbs'l:antiaJly mee~ thos'e ,require.m'enUI.

AUc!Ii!tJQr!I hi. ,!drawllii ,to 'Ihe 'W'o:l'kplaCIEi' i[H,e;'aIUl'l' Safety land WeU'alT'G) IR·'Ei,gglatih!;ns. 1'992 Co!1l'!lp~iamca with Elu ,Idlng Reglllli\!1tioill requ'il'i1;lmBnl M2'. in conjunctton Wii~h, part 1<. Whe!:i8: it re1ati8i5to .sj,airs iIInd r;!i!mps woul:d. in acool'danoe with :S-eel"':)n: 23(3) of -the Bealth Elll'd Sa.hJty at Work. et,c Ac, 1914, prelolenr UII ~ service 0'" an ~mpi'ovemeri'll't "o{i{ice wHn reo'ard ~o tihe II'IflIq'Urr,~rrlJi~nts 'of R:e:gulatJo1ll17 'D,'f tll,e' WQMp:IBlCi131 '(He1!:ll1t1h, Saf,ety and W'e'lfa:!I'e, iR:e,gulaUons,,9i92' whk;h re'lab;l '1,'0 'P.nm~Jtlejin slal~~, Wa.~deffi· and r.amps on pedesUI~n~r:affic II'QI,iU!$ within tha wOfpl'a.ce !p!',empse-,s.


AlltlaJEI,iUofll!s: P',a_rt 1M is, mferriedtQ ill lFe:gL:illaU,on 3~2)[b)1 whW,li;lh define,s 'maItllE!lI'1I,a:I,al:t'e-l"~tl()'i'1I,s·. Regulationl 41(2J' stipula.te.s 'Uha1 a 1i!iI::a;tJeFlall

a 'emUOl! stn:uu'ld not r(jsul~ ~n 3f1a1tiHed

tll • .lilding being ~ess, SSi~isfactoillY in, respect of access ,a:niI!Jmcinies~'or disabled ~e~plelihfn'i It w,as bef,Qire.

M,ea!li!s, QI' esc,sp'EIi' ~n c:a'f;i'Q gf filie'. the scope 0" Part M is Urn ite dl ,to ma~,lers of acce;s,s to, 'nib), and use o·t, a building. U ,d,oes not extend to means, (I:f e,Sle,ape flOr disabled pe.aple in the, ewel1it of 1ire.W,or which r,ef'8rence stlould b,s' maJde 'bJ' A:pproiV'iIH~1 DIC'ctI ml~nt e" iNrEl' satiet~.

S"airs; and, raiiii'ij!:liSt ApPf'O"",,ed ,[)OC.uii1'lGIl' 1<. IProt.eclion ~lI'om fallll1gl" 'o(}ltisioll'l and impact contains geneI'm 'Qlu1dlsnce on sE,ai r and ramp design. IPan M cc·n:talns more sp-eci'fi,e Ipr'oYisi,cH15 'r'Or sta rs ,and r:amps thea - need 0 be 5ultablle 'flDr use by disabled Ipeopfe'"

IUId XiITlies'lN' aJ~ I ~ Ii


1111 th€ Secretary of State's view th~ requlir,ements of Part M will be met by making it r@a$olil~bly s[l!fe and convenient for dis;aloled peopla to:

a gain aceess to and within, bU!l~dh"lgl$ other th an dlwemngs and to use the m, The prov! :811 ons for access and faCillitlie'saJre for the benerfit o'f ciisablE:a people who are visitiDW to the building or wl"llQI.i!,Nuk iln it.

b. vlslt new diwelll~ngsarnrj to use the

prl nel pall sterey, The pmvi sli ons are ex peote dI m enable- occupaots to cope cetiler with reducing mobiliity ati!d ~Q 'stay Plllt' longe!' lin the'r own homes, althQugh not nece,gsar1illy toraclill,itate fully indlepenlcent living for all cilsabl,ed peQlph~"

Where the requirements applly New building,s

0.1 The reqLJIiremerllt5 apply if a bu~lding i:;l newly erected, Of has been substantially dernollehed to leave only external walls.

0.2 If. as part o:f the reconstruotio,n ,olf <it building, other than a dwalling, it is impl'aJcHca!1 to make adjiustments to tM lsvel of the exusUng princip,al €:l1trance: ,orilny othE:r apprepriats existing entrarnce, to permit independent a.ocass for whee.lchallr users, or to proviide a naw er!'trance which is suitable, the oth,sr

reqllJ i remlents. of Part M s.h oul d sf i II 11 pp I y."


0.3 If an 'Eixisting bu~lding, other than ,i3J dwelliing (notEl' €:xt€:il.fliom. to dwelillings a.m ,excluded from Part M), ~~ extended, the Flllquinilments of Part M appiy to the exterJsion provldedthat lit ccntainsa groundstotrl3Y.

0.4 WIil!!:i'l 01l! btul~di'nig 11$ 0xte.n(jed, there 1$ no obligatiotll to ea.rry out ~mprovemelllt$ w,ith~n the .e!xiist i i'i g bui I dung to I'll ake it mori acce,seA b I Ei to ,and usable by dilsatl·l·ed people than lit was berore. Howeve,r the exte'filsion shoulld net!y affiect the ex~sting building wlith respect to tns pmvlislions of '~ha Building RegulaUons for access to. anduse or, the buillding by disabled p6ople,.

0,,5 An€lxt€lnsion shoulld OQ at least as

I3iCC@$S ulb I fij, to 311 d us able by d lsab led' P Bopl e as th~ building bein'Q extemjed_ Wh'~lre ~;III:::ceS$ to the extensrcn is aCWlieveCl Qrliy mmugli1l tine existing bu~ldlill1lglj it will be subject to the llrnltatlcns of the existing bulldlnq, and it would! be unreasnnable to require h~gher standards within the Gxta!'1slorl. On th~ other Mndl, II~ is r-e,aSOtnl:eJ)IQ mat an extension wtliCtl is independenlIly .8Jppn)ac.h1@d and entefleCl from

the boundary 011 theslte should be tr€a.ted lil1 tihe same manner aSIil! new b~llding,

0.6 Wh'en a building is ,aJi'te;l'ed tlhere lis no obllqatlen to iimprove access and faciHties for

d i~ab I ed peo pie. H OW€lver tha 11$\1'91 of p revlsl 0 n after alteration should not be any worse. Fi3clillitiies may be meved but their 5uitabiiiity and access to them sheLillo not be reduced,

Extern.a.1 feat Ul1f88

0.7 Part M applnes to those reatures, outsrde the builcHng, which are n,aaded to provide aC'CeS;,6- to the buikHng from the edge of the site and from car parlking within the site.

Wlhat ~eqll!ir'emellfll$ app'ly

'0.8 ~f Part M appl~es, ,reasonabl,e prcl'l/hs~Qn should be Imade 111"1:

il Buildiings otibef' than dWellingls

a, SOO that disab!~d pillioplti oan I(eac~ tll19

pr,incipa.1 entranes to the bl!llilldingalFldc'ther entrances dlescrioed ln this Approved

[l,o cum e nt, trorn t h,~ €:dg,e of it he s I'te ow rtlll ag e, and from car p a rkii tll·g wi tn i n th Ii;1-CUIt1I! !Iage;

lb. eothat elements of 'the building do, net

consti!tute a hazard 'for a person with an ~mpairment of sight;

c. for access for disaole(j perMnIS into and witti'i!"!any s'torey- of the bui~dill1gl and to My raolilliUes provkied tD comply V!J~th Part M; .

d. so that dis,ableci people can use the blJildlirgg"s facilities;

®:. tor san~t.ary accommocatlon ~ar disabled peopl@;

f. for slillitab~e accemmodanonfer disabled people in alw:liefilce er speetator S'lilaJing; andl

g. for a,i d:s to com rn Win lcati 0 n for pec pi e with

a.n impairment ofr h,earing or sight in 8uLiit!oria, rn eeti n 9 rc em $" reo e pUo n areaaand tic ket

offices.. .

iii) Dwelillings (inch.ldili'lg MY putrpOSI3~built student Iliv~ng aceemmcdetlon, ether than a uadlt~onal naus of restdence providlirlg mainly bedrooms and not @qll!lppediills seilF·col1talined ace Om moo at ion)

a, sa th at d i sab led pe op I e can reach 'U"h~

prmotpat, or i!jultablle alterna .. tiviEI" 8tiitralt1lCa to the dwe!ling from the point of access:

b. for access tor dlsalbled persons; into and w~thlrl the prlrncllpail storey of the dlwemn,g; and

c. tor sanitary accommodation at no' hiigher

!>tor~y tlhian t:11 e pri n 0 i pal st,o tley.

.Access ar.dI1'il.t:1IIiiQS fur disabled pcopl{) 6


Ed uca:tii'OIfHl~ 8!StiSlb'l i:sh.meilil~s

10.:9 I rn $~hoGI:s, OIi'OUliGiI educatll oll'lal ,~tab'llls'hme.,ts. Requilements M2+ M3{3jimd Mol .111 be Sa:~i5fh:l!dl j-r.he prowSiOflS comply wUh pamgll'Sphs 2.11214/6. 3.11, 4,.11:2/4/6, and 5.1 in Design Note 1,8, ;984 'AcCM:S; fot Dlaalbled Perse'lils to EducaU(m,a:~ !wll!i:ilngsl ~ p~lbl slll_ dI by thel S'eJcr,etary ,of ,Stait€l ftur EdlUca 'on andll!mp:loYI'Il,em Gar J'Ie l!'elevanrt palrts 0: any upda,te 0" 'tilJIa O'Bsign Note!", The'tiol1li ,o't p:rov.lslons 'for people :ltll rmpailred heil!rihllg or ~ight mfl,illinsUla.t

'Flequi r1emENlIit M2 m'a/y need ~o bEll satiS'fi ad 'CIol" f'lIc'i:li'porating Inh::l' the:se buUdingls s,giffie (ii,'til'le fe's'turn de!Soribed n lDesigln ot:e 1 B ,ns glen,era] dlu'gn consldeli'1ations_

10.11 D'The 'fo~le\fllif'i 9 meanings apply to' EHIfl1'S. 'Um:i I.Ig hour II:hl,& ApproVled OGctImerllil:.

,Ac;Ge:ssi ,a,ppm2ch Q:r 8.ntlrJ.

ACClsslibl'iGll" 'WIll In IrEl'5pee:t, 0 'buUdlng:s!, Dr pam of bUill d !'l,gs, means that: dlsalbleod paophi:jare, ab~e to glajn aeeess.

S,ldYblle" with respec te miI1eans 10 access and "Rt,n ties. rlIlI&8JIi'lS, that mh ey a,e d,es ,gned '~(lr use by ,cUsebl e d :pe op'~e.

Prhil'c:l,pall enilr·ancl8 storey" the: s Q.I'~~ wlfiiCh cOlli ains the prlncipall e-nf!ranee or en'h'ane,es, 0 -;h,e' bl.l~ldlng. Ilf an ,altemllliiva accessibl~e entrance is to be provh:l'iiid by virtue Olf' paragralph '~. 31 fb) I the !li,t~ rey 'CII)IiIUi 11I11i'i9 IIlh,at entlran08' is the !Pri mdpal iliH'lih~aJ' ce a,lorey.

IEtJiiil'diln'!:!h in this ,ApP'raY,ad! D,!)c'lJImerlt. means·8, tl~ildil'llgl 01' a pari: of a building which Im,ay' comprise IndiVi dual p'flemn:s9.s: a shol~. an office. ,lEI 'fac!t,o ry,a wail'eh OUS'Li!I.Ol'I. s-ehoc II er OItih'lEIf edu.llI!::atlcmaJ establlshmenl: ~naluding stlildol'lit living acco:mmoda:Uon inb'ad' icma' halls of 'rGs'idEilnGe, ani instl utitHI" er any premis'es ~o wl1tc'hhe lP'ul:il c is a.dmittedi 'wmoe ,S'f on ImiiTIed~a;tQ Ipayment, fee, sA!.IbscrllP'tmon. o~ CltMrnls,e"

'0'.1111 lilil I t'oUQ,wng liIU!!laJnings, appJly 'Iin~!I"to 1(1'!I'ifllii!"lused En ~1h8 secU~ns en dlwoU'i"ngl!'li' Ilnl iIlhis, ,Ap,plf'o¥ed IDo,e;ulment.

IC'D:mntC!l.1'11~ :SeNirig l'lI"Io:r:e than [I'llil!!' dwenJl,ngl, IH1abUab,I'e ro'cm" ~o,r 'the IPurpos,e' of ,d1e'fining Ithe principal store". means a room used, o'r _ot'en,de{ll to b,e used, 'Of dw~lIin:g 1l!.!ITl,OSes, Including a ki'tchen but not .8i baffhr()ofl'ill or a ldll~ty l!'Oom.

M,aiSOl'l'tte, a serr,'~con~ainad dwellilng,. bUi: not a d""alllhng:-li'IeUS(i', -I'liielrl occupies, mO!!'EI' -hanl one storey In 8i bu.II'drng.

P',o:ilnt 01 ae'Ciess'I' the: poi n a't. ,,-vnich ,ill p'eli$Q ill Viisli "9 a dwellt'OOI wOIIJI'd norm:all~!!, an~!;I'h't' rom a \Il,eh ,e~9 wlllich rna, be within or o'utsi!de th~ Iplat', prIor iljil) a:pproaohlng ~h.e dwe.llingl.

IPri:nclipa~ eni!NllfnlC'8 'the 'en ranee whiCh a viSU'C::!rInOit farn~"ljiar witfil '~fi.e dwelling would

ra Drn'll'llill,y lexpect to approacitn 011' the· common IEiilltrance, to 3, b~oc'k o~ 'fl~ts:<

Ph~tg ra dlie:n~t;,.h e' gradJiefiii' measured between '~he ~nls'hedl noor 'level 'of thel diw,elllng indlthe point of ,a,{lG-G'55.

S.tltepIIY'51'QJllillil'gl ph:lt:i• I, pl'fII't: gi!'ad'ie!il~: o'f more 'h,l;!.n'll 1 In 15.

41iX:e"li!!l lind ~ lhlin Itif dl:l.ab!ed peoplU' 7


1,.1 Th!! aiJm is to proVide, ,s. Sii.i ta'bl'iiI means of aocess fiOf d(:salbled pee'!) Ill' to the building korn 'th] pofli'lt. D~ entrance '.aNte sHe' CiUr1ilag,e ,Elllnd fl'OJ1il1 CEll' I!li'lrthng v. hllOh Is, III 1"O¥,ld~ed mil h in tih-e bll.lliidili!iliSi~le. lit is alsHli il'llillpiiul:'an~ th~l allt'ternm C'IIi'ClIIIBtiCll!1 wll'n c;li ~s proposed between d~l'efl;lnil pan's a' the building IlcSsuftab EI.

1.2 In desi,gnlng thlel appr,oach ~oaJ!i'l BnUFanee" It'shoul'd bel lI'etOQli'illi.sed 'lihalt 'Mle.e'1clilair I.ISSJ-:S Rnd ,ambylaR:' d isab'l@d pec;plie, tDJav'91 dilieult, in neg,oUfilliiing 'chang,ss 0' . ervel. People with impalr,sd! sight may be' Ufilla\VB_Ii1e' 0: Ule ,onse- (I'r ,abrupt ch~ngles in level.

1.3 Ther d'eslg" 0 ·the ap,prna(;it11 wUI als'GI Ineed to ~ateaJooo IlJI nt of oVlell':aJll C onstl'D ints en S;p:EliC e ,

1.,,4 It ~ hnpcrtalll to r,ed'u:c,e, ~h,e' risks ,0 disabled people. partlcularl,v 'hose wi h mpaJiredsig!I1IE. 0,' being' njum:dwli'!,em passing cl'lllSe iliotinrl!ll bui Idlng. 111 is, I'iilIElflli1S ~:hait paris 0 '~tthe, !bullcllln!! rs:i'Jc,tJildl nc't: r:uresenl hEWS en cllrClIl.IQln r,ou··es, ifflmediaitely ~dJ.ace'nl to I't.

1.5 IDisabled people' shoul!d be able to lfiS9 tl'l19 p:l'Iin,oipill entrance IProIJided fol" vlsUors 'Of

c u sEam Or'S olildan lenlfa,lIu::e wlnh:'h is iln~e:nde.d" exch,.I&~lii'OI,. fOIi" membeirs (lif' slta'r.

1.:6 The; 1I'1'I.i!eds Q disabl,edi IPeop e vary. Arern&tllv9 meafl,S ,at BOC'~SS: ar,e, he,lpfull.OI aU amblUl~,it d seb,lled people 'fIIntllt as, 'eals!!"tQ lI'IeQOiUa,te I, rampa:s, th6i~ do a stair.

ID'9S j'!iJrfli Clon sJlde:r.:dio:ns,

1.1' ,Gradients slhou~d be as 1I'8i!!1fe' as the circuITIstBflces: {alloW. T1r1'!;!Y wi I then be more oonv~nian~: for wheelchair u.s~ers and ,Dither people VI(i·:11 W,a'llk I'lltgJ dilifif culties.· he,e' pOimible" a ',leiJel' aplProach sho1l.dd be proli!ill:1ed.

1 "S P"opla ho use whe's,lellalrs, S olk en r ci'iu'c'hes, Oli' whOlaffllblilnd Oil!' partially S Q!ht,ed. ,llIlnd thos,ew ho ma){ a,CC(;lImpW'l'l them. n eedl :ade~ua.te spao-e when appfQa,chin,glt~e lbull~d~llgl. iher,i!i shouh::I ,ghliiO' be space 'hJ'r peo,pl'l [passingl n I he [llpposLe ,dir(lc 10'1'1.


'~.91 .14. -fOr'le' ,approach" 'IN III satusfy Requimrnont

M2 if I, li'Ias, a, 51lJ!Jiila,ce WlId'h 0 a~' lfeu: 102m and its ljlradie:nt is 1il0··' s~eepet than In 2()_

"11.'1'1 [~ an,!!!, constraints neoessi~ate an aJp",prloaeli'l :sr,eeper tharl1 in ~U)', a ramped, appr,ooch sh.oUh!lllb Ipro\lid~d.

11.11 Where a pElde.s,'t, an reuta 'to, thel bulldingl I,s, ~1'II~eii"ldedi f'a'r liIse by dlsab'led pi!3oiPl,e:

Si. a laclU~e 'Iair.nJngl dlould Ibe provided k!.r peo,ple' with Impaired .is~on 'wh,B'roi 'the route CrQs~H:ls, a, cal. ageway and a~ 'the t<;r~ QIi &teps,; Sind

tI,. ,Cll'I'rO,ppedi kerbs; ShC1Uld be IPtiO,vidl1ldr(Jr

w,h eel,chai r users,

Diagram ,2 'lIuslrates paVilmg slabs Wi Un 'lac'_] Ie w,amililgservice:;i. ThiEl blisterlype ,P8\l'1 1'1 gl 118 eon side red S,U r'abl,e . '0 ~ use at. ~ ed e:SIiNan ,er'Q$$I~g l~oilnt:s:" iJlhe' ecrdur'oytype' pav,ing Is considered s'U~ ':able foil' lUiSe a,'t'llle top, 0" 'eldernal stairs.

,k , kI ;u-d lnto buIII:fInss a~' ~ d-:l 1Ig!ll S



Des~g'J'\! C,onside!l'atij,j)nrs

~ .• 12 n may not always, be possibl,e to armngle a 'level' ap,proaclh. Wher,e a ramped appmaoh is, rnecessary, the' gradi~.nt. shouldstUl be as g.ernHe sa pelS/sible. Steep '!;!lul,di'eiilts, ~re:wre, dU1I'IculUes, fgrsQme whe,!§lchla!rr' IIJS'EUi',S; who l,allCk.~e sttengrth to pirQ[ptel' themse,lv,es, Up' a. :sLope or Ih.aV9 di'cultylin ,silow:lngl down ,g,1' st,oppTlng dgsc'~ndln9, Noli' ar,EI flley as ,sarlI! or (;ol1!;1sni,ell'li: f'ar' a-mbL!lI,Elll'lt peDpJ,re with d:is,!:litililliitie.s,. ,A.S well as ,addiing~)Q1 pmbl'em5, of unsteadlill1e~ i rn gdvlers 81 weatliler conditions. ~hey IiIcrease the rnisk of slipping. .

1.1 a Some elisa/bled ,people" of'thei helpen, need to be ab"Ell to stop firfH~UeJllltlly:t(lir ~nlS!ta.I'1Ce" ~o regla-im str,en~gth 01" br-aatha1 er te e,B:s:e paiin'll ..

1."" Whee "C;!lla:i r IliJs'ers nee:d a.dequ8!t e ,space to .~tt'lP, o!!1lancljngs,. to open and to 11la5!O through doors withGutlhe n,a·ad to f'El,Ven,El' Into,

c rctlla:tJlon I\fUUres or te f~:o\\li 'the: rls! ,of f'o,lIinrg bac' ~ ,drown :s,lo,pe s, -

1..15 Oes'ign consi deraUons· '~>O I' the wld~h 0,1 rramped appr,Q;act!e:s af,asimilar t'OI those for level ,applI'oatches. . . . ..

l.,n;, S,ome' dis·ablad peDpl'e' have, a weakne'ss 'Ein Qlile sid'e er '~e' other and that l'Eiad5,to l~,e need 'feu' S'UlPport a.t 'e,Bch side! 0', 'r.arnlped ap'IJI1()a,ches.

'11.117 Thili, risk of w'n,e,eI'ctJah' IkIs'ers ca.tchlng their ',oot beneathl or between ballJstiJrade' raifcS 'sht'luld

be mnnimilsed. This: can be,aclh e.ved by prov,idJIiI:g kerbs, or so[l~d balu;;;~b'ade!S 0:1"1 ops'n ::si,d'es.

t;UI ~Wh:eiie pracl!icabl'l2. ealSV ,g,gling :s:~eps slilouldi,compl,eme1n.t ramped' ap,proacl'les.


1. UJI A ramped' ;BIP'pma(ih wi'li sau's:fy 'R~!::Iuir'emel1t M2 if it!

3. iha\!'i, a surial}e wli1linh redu,ces ,'he risk ,of


l\i). Ill-as, rU'gtns whCliseslJ!fa~e w~d~l"Is , :B.t

~·~st ,t" zm :~nd whos,e urn obst li'uuted width!!!, srt!' &if' laaat 1t.Om;

c. iSi not steeper 'than 1 in 15, Ilf individuall

iIiIighlts, at'e !lot hmg,er thaJil 1D"Om; Of not .stisept!if tlihliml~n 12', I~f individl!1ta.l fUig:hts; alia n.o~: Itang,er IIlhaJt'I !:i.,(lm:;

d. has ",op ,and bOUC)I1il I~ndringsi each crr WhIQISe I eng1tl1S is n 0" I ess Ulan 1.2m and . ri nec.essary,intlel'mediiatlEl landlrngs,. each, of WIt'lOiSiEii Ilengths ls net le:slii; than 11.5rnl" in all' !1:as~ clear 0·1' rulV' dO,Or <5;w,ing:

e. has a raised I-oelib a~ le.i:U5:t 1 OOmmhi,g'h Of! any Opei" side. o~· :a 'fUrght 'or a lancUng; and

t. has a cent miOussuitable lI1amdrail on €i'ach ,l]iide' gf fliglhtsand Ilisnolings. If t Lie lelllgtt'li Df~he lramp, 6Ji1;ce'!l!!,gls. ,2"OIlllil.

mB~9nllt'l"l1 ilhJstratl9S ~he gu dai"lcel ClI1 n!!!1II1p'ed ,~p proa,ehes,

1l!..1en;;i. o! r::~ CCL I;'!MOl!J~'

Hlirn 'Cr a ~15 . !il1.lO sltJJl9 -

:imler,;! :12'10 : '~~'

l' oiramps .

sl,J!1soe 1""lit;1'I _ I i_st ~ 2i'T' LJ.II!!II!lSIr;.r!lI'CI .., ad: lear' 1 Om

C iatiliiling .Bn~

III - an.1ll bDt.'!om ,~E<lE;t .:2m ~iA~Eda~!3·~I. tM!'t .. ~ II ts. ataEt 'uml

Ae~ 11lI' ami:! [i'U'D r~U[ldi:J;'J~ u:Jthef tnlll'l dMllinss 9


D'EN:iii'gm (N,nslidelratii Oll'liS

'1.:21 WhilsisimUiar d,esilgn (Hi)fIISidel',atioIilS a:pp!lly tiC. s:b~~p,ped a.s do '~o If,amp,e d :Slipproaeh!?S, 11'h'E!re are ,add~tional on as .

iI.,2~ l~~OlPliIil! wWthl imipiC!!i'li8d s'ight are a~ l!'1isk 01' tr,ip,ping OJ losing 'tlh,elr ba~alil,~'e 'w(h,ell1 me,eUng suddenl changes ,ot I Elv,e!!. Tlile dillllg:ellf is at its gll'l~!!;!te<~t when ~p'Proac Ii ing '~he, head] 'o~ a mgh~ o~ s,teplS .. nUll eXlrs:~er'llOe ,o:fin~ividl!la'l S~ieiPs. on th€lir 'I!)WiI1 or wi~hi!l1 a fU:ght" sl'ilotll'dI also, tle m'a-die apparellllt.

iI .. :2:2 l~~ol~I~",lrN) Io'-!I'€'a!I" oa_UlperlS, or l!vho ha.v,e s~iffness iill hi,l) er I!<nee' ,~ohMs alne p,i!lir!l:iculalr~iya.t ris'k oW~lI'iII'P~liIgl or cSl~ch~l'iIg~hei'f 'fe,et bene-'ath nosifilgls or treads. Flnysisal we,a_kr'u3tSS om (me side er the ,ottlerandi sl'ght tmpalrrnents neCe$Siitate head dlimen:sions which aillow lbO/ttl f,eet to be plla.ced $~l,Ila!fie 'Oll"lih'l it

iI.23 T1li'1~$e design CNlnsider,a:tiorMS aipply 'tiO a steplfU!id :alPpmaeh whi,oh ls pfiQvided to sa.tisfy Uil €I objectliv'8S iln paragraphs 1 . iI ., 1.6.


ft .!~ A stepped a,pproacl1l wijllil satis~ Ae~lyilrem!€ I'll M:2 if~

a. ~~ 'top !~n.dI!!1Ig has 13' suri·aJce.tlo

gi,'ol'8 advance w'all'tlll'iltal ,of ~he Clila_l'Iogle in: ~e'Vem;

b. all .!;i~e,p I!'IQsif'l~IS ,Bira distinguishable,

~hfOU:glh ee ntrasti fI,gl ibri'ghlttfi"l,ess,;

G. ID~ li'la!s.~light:s who:$le IJnQbiS~fiU(lted 'wl~dths.

ar,a at I,east .~ .,OM:

d. the Irise '0' a mOli'll betweenl Ilan~ili1gis is nloi mo~e tha!'1l 1 .2'm;

8_ ff~ hals top, aRd b()Uom 2nd, if fII@cessary.

i WIlt;ermedri"ate h:!!l"1rdunlgls, eac III of whOSE! h:3ngths is not h~ss th'<1UII 1 .,2m clear OifaJilY (jioow swing

oate it:

ff. the rlse ,of each step is, unif'o rm an d Iii! O"~

more than ~ S{I m m;

g. 'ttle: 'QloinQI 'Cllfi each S'~ep ,is mot ~ess 'titian 2S01mm. w~iohl fOlrt:apE:'l'led tr'eacisSlil.ould be measured ,at ,a. point :27l(1mmfilcHfi the! 'ifillslide' o~

the stair: "

h. nsers are not ,open; .8J·lilj

l- 'tlh,e:ra is ,a. s!lJU,able centrnucus h,an~fail on

'eaQlh s~,de 'o~~h Ill' ni gh~ mnd hil'ndings 'f ~h!€!' riSiEl ofU'i,e ste',llped a~lpr,.Qac'h CQfili'ipri~~$lwtl, or IlilHlIre Iflise~s.

D] :2 sliioW's 'COrdUf'O)!' 'ttla~ wi II pr1(livide at:a.o~ih;ll wa!1ning at: tho top oiflihe steplSi., Iliagram 3 shews. ~hle I oeati onl of Vi~'!HJ,d amd tactile w'arningls. OlagrraRl4 i'lllllllls~ratestihe' guid<;lll1ce ~m s:t~ppeda.pp:rr:oiQohQs a.

Diagram 2 'I-adlle parving sllaba,

tea !B'BI .~ _1 'I ,t ~ _2\i!,


@' ~, il' ae e

a IDIl!>fIlf. i:ili~~ I)~~ ~on; ~O'~~1~~1

D" ~UI'Q\! I~ MJ;IiOO!It 'tCo ~

IDia.gram 3 Yadi Ie and visualll waml!!1g~1

mon ...,q_..n

b8i-,...., ~l1Ii"iL,l!> I nmlDll

Aa:eS"5l, ~o 8M ~nlo bwkiing!l olhllr Ihiln dw>etllngs 10




IDlagram 4 steppedl a,pproaeh




12Ulmtfi w..m_


ID,e,s'gn c,onstde,ratr,on

11.251 For those 'll1iO Ih,Elve phY51cai dl Gulty In na9lotia.tilil9 changes 0' I'evel, 'grJp,pab~e a;nd w,ell fS'lJ.lppm'ted handraills e're ill'l'lportant~

11.:2i6 Fh~ql!J1rremel1lt M2 'willi be sarUsned U:

a, 'h,e top d}' a l'i.iu'Idr,ai,1 is: '900nufl abOl\r,i the

surtaes of a. I' or thel pi 'chi IIrn,e of 8 fUghit of s:~eIPs and 100lflmm above' he Sl.IrfQG-E!I ()f ;iii landinQr.

b ~h e han d!rai II 'exl,end,s a,t Iii~:ast 300mlffi

beyond! 'the top ,and bOUom 'o,f a ramp, orh,e '[IO,p ,3 Ii1d boUom rII,o;si'I!'l.QlS:of a 5't~lPtPe'd iiI.PIP:r'(Je!lCt\i"EI!!Id tel'rflin,afs's: IIIiI a, c:~oS'!3dl end "',1(111elil Id'oe,s 'in o~ p r,o]ec't ilnto 6 milJte ,o'f tna''''el; amd

c. the profiflla Oli( ,:'Jie handnilij~ ,and its

P!l"O]e:ctio~ mom ,Oli. w,aill is, sJut~aJcl,e.

Diagr,am S ,contains guidance' on a handll<ilill de:5ign that would s.Q.tisfV' ReQjuireffiJsn'l M2'_

Dlagram 5 Ha ndnlil des.ign

~ Iii) !iO'nm r. ~!EII' BI'KI ramp!llP;['"

~·5lR1l * I ),

Access 0 ,lind [11- Ii! lkIil'l!j'5 atIJU llialll dwell:ltigs "


, 11-'


1 ~27 Featmes; (If the bui~dli1lgtlha,t iQ'ccaJsionany ,ob:srtruc~: I3l roiIJtill, i~n:l]aOQn~ 'h~, ~hl;! bUlildill1!l)! mE!!Y be anazardi tlO' pec,p~,e' w,ith s;lglht.impalrm:enlbJ" pariiicu!arly if th~ ,ob~,e-ot Is piar~ial~yltr:al1s,pafent

arndthe ne ~r,~ ,ind i$:Urll:il" .-


1,.,;m 'Wwnd ~iW:S 0" dOQrs 11:"1 gJe'n €l,ral] 1"I:s,e w't! ich (lrper:ll iIJ Uh'IM!'U'ld1S ,sJii;oUlldnoit, C::I,us:e! an (lIi:)G,tflJcUon o'nl a p:a:Ul w~jCih I~I!,,!S al:cmg the tace ,of a

bui~dl n QI" '

1,.:2:9' I),iaglfarn. 6 ~)~'fI!tal!l'1is g~ldaJ1iGe ,onthel I~edl!l.!'c~ioll'i o~ the,sa rilslo!s,

,~ ;~
I , /\ il
l........- V r-, ~
_' , _!
: , II - -=- I

1E)'ls;i,9Inl 'C'~n sii,de:!1a'UOtnls,

1.S()i ihe:l''9 sihouldl be lEI COiilV,ei"i~e'filit access in'to, tlnel b!JIi!d~n§for di,~:i!:bled peH)plle wtilietfher' 'tliH~Y' an!' vtilsitam, to~:h,e' pll:,Irldilng or work in it arl!d wlilsrtlher 'ttley a:H'ilil'9! '~:m 'toot or in a. wliJeeI1c'h,Blir.


1,.a,1ReQu~flearillelll'~ IM:2wUI be 3ar~w'sfll3d I'r:

a, tile ,prlnclpalentmflce, for' ylsitors Of CUls~omers '9 ,acc,e,*s~bh1l1 and suitable:

b.~fillthe ,ev,il!nt a~~ns 81P,ae'e Cll,iliE)$lde the entrance beitll<g sev,ereiy res;t;~lic;~i€!d •. cr ~M' sltie, bei!1l91 C'!Il! ;:;;~oping giFQUnd,. an a.iternaUv€! el"1li~,rance [llteru:i!1!!d foW g!ener-all u&e is accesslblle arnd suit!ilb;lel and there is S'lJwtaible inlemali aDce~~. awaBable'~Q ,a!ill !Io~h Or Imay !.!Ise 'tine bullding, 'fflom 'tille am~ew,rHli,tlv8r el1limran~e tn,il:hie priil'lloipg~ entral1cle~

e. whem call' sp~.cesam provf<dedadtacsrU te

M.d ser'!olin,gl 'thei bullldirnQI. bl!.!t~lrH!li'e i~S nil!) sullal101le means o~ access fll'lom thElmlto~he pdnciIP~I; 'Oliltrarnc,e. an additlloFIIl11 eii'ii'brancle. irll't!illncJ,ad for ,g,em~:Jf:.1'li1 L1S'B, Is, pm,vl(J,ed gliving slUi:li:alble il"l~!9ma'll ,access 1(1, ~liIe: principal erm~Jrr<i!lf!ce: ;and

d. am entrance whioh lis p~o~,~ded spec~~ic:ajly ~or mel!flbefS, of s:lal is a,l::lce,sslb[e' an:ds,""its:ble.

Prineiipall e:n~ralnc:e dOQlfS:

ID,es.i'gnl 'C,Orl i!ll!idolrnti:om.

'1.3i2. SuffJ (l,[ie'l'iIlt "",idth sh~]J~d be :fIiVaU'a boi'efior '!t,!'l\s,e!:ci!hiai r mafilOeiJI 'iJr"el.TIie CliP PO:l1i;1nity shouldl be'tak'Glnfior mere :glen~ml!..!s pISfillillh"l.!;I1 thai'll

might: be, 3i'llan~ble lin~ema'llh(. .

'1.33, A s:pace ,provi:d:ed aJlQflgish::le the leaJdin'!)l e:dge o~ a door reduClesi the llfl.Sk effa wheel~;£hairr user being' IOl1e'l,l'G!i'~edlf!'Orm r,eaching~he' door hruil,d~e, asa res.~.M l[l,f t.he w~ealloffi'lalll' footre.~t c:oUldii ng with HH:! rennin wa It

".34 :P190 pie w h~h mo.oHi.ty d ifflcul ue:s 'cannot lI~act quh:::ki~y" '~() ,il1!lf,oidi ccdUsi OfIIS81r11~" WIl'!!A! ifeaLsibl:l1l, they Ishould be able to s'ee peopltal ap\P,f,o.acl"ling 'the JO:t'ilElIF SIde oE enitiialillCeliS ;;IlfId sihould. themselV!9s. be' seen.

Ac;:t;OUr U) ,i!1Id in'!l;lli!gU'd~'!i (ilUHU 'UiWI'I! ,lfweUin!lJ;li' 12


1.:35 R,eql!.!llfemenrt M2 will be sa'HS'l'Ied I'Fa Ipri10cipal !~Hltr:fiiJ!'iICe door~

8. ~HtiI I'l'talns: a. ~eatl' wiIl]O'h provid~:s:a minIm u m

cleBf ~penilng wid'lih cf' flI'Cli~ h1l's5: tlhBI'! ,BGO,tmrm;

b. has an '~IIl(ilbs1ruG~~d sp~oeonithe :sirdr€ n!e)!.t~othe leaJdh191 edg,e ~~r iiEII!t IhlN3St 30i(ll1ll!rr1', Ifunh:liSS ttle doer ls ~Ipel'led by' a :8uiita:ble aut·omait~c. !':lontr.oll); ~f'iild

c. Is provided wUih a g~_ed 'panel: :gi'V11l9 s

:<!)[HlIEl· at !ltrsibi~~tyfrmm B.Irn,e[glh~ Q.f '9[lQmm~o 1500mm~romlih efrill'lisn eIC:!If!r[lor l'eve'll wil1erevl!i!n' the opeming action IOifi~h,€ d100r O'O!J I'd C'I!O!f'lis'€, a, haian::l ..

DiiaglHI,m 7 IIlu~'traJ.te!S,thfl guidanoe lO'n diD Drs. 'NI!O!le: Clear 'openingl 'widths ~n exoec!;i,S of 8lJQ,mm c,a,~ bej!JchieverJ byseleclffing B. 10(lOmm ;s,ill:gle h1!'ar dCO]'8!@1~ (8,!:i'[I.m!l'!l clear opel1liing width '0If' le'aJf} lor a 11.6!1111 double Ile'Eif doom et (8 '1: 10 m m eleer '@pel'J'liing width of 00(: n leaf) .~. 'a:5sll'@lwrlll in table 2 'til ~S 47·117: ,t~fi:efnafand~flerffal wood doo!"'~et,s~ dOQrlea'II',i1/,t and' f\r.l;lm~ Part 1 : "19IM) ('19fl.S), SpecjYica:~.i'c'l!1 J@:r ,d'im@n:s:ilona/ mquimm'M'I's'.

Diagram 7 Enmn1ce doorways

II, '~rWM ~AFI OF'ElI>l~G $i~",,~:;,;M ~Gm:d.1J ~

sl'!cUlg ~id:!! ~8"~ltnL<", Gg Oi~~i;l

r, r'l

1SJlw"", ~ I I I

--:;;1',- - ~~-II~IFr---~'----

I IIII1 =~~

Yi:iQro;p : I I II ~~

----,,- ~'~~I~: -rr---r-- ---

L.J lJ


~.~3 fIli;l!Jil!tlol'll'lJt>lll!.!>Sltouia !~ "'iSO!lI~ ~il'lg

AI;;~5S fg' snd k,~g tiYildi:t!!!fi5' g!!il!1l!!i!:WflIUR!!!:si 13



Desig!rI consideralions

1,.36 Ely therneelves, small revolving doors are not suitable for use by d!isabledl people. liming of 9!i1try and ~~)(It may Cflf)·ata dlUllcultlM for [pEliople· with s~ghtt iimpairments or witn ambulatory problema, In addl!ition, there may be i ns ufflclent space with inU, e co nTi nes of tne door to accornrncdate a wlheelohair or there may be too mile· t!imefOI" manoeuvre.

'11.37 Some larger types cl,iI revolving dloms are coMici€!.ro!l!(i suitable on their (iWtil, They shoul'd be cElpa,blea~ ,aecommodlatHng sQvar:a~ peoplle at the same timle. They revolve very a.lowly a~d1 are ~quipped with meehanlsrns to 510w them down further !!I!nd to stop,··1t:nem as soon 1;15 they 11eal resistance.

lP!r,o'll isio",::5

1.38 An entrance fitted witlh a emalill revolvingl door would besuitablle if it. also ccntatneca OQQra.$ de~oribed ilill paralgraph 11_35 and Dis.gram 7.

1.39 Some large types >of feivolvilii'lg' door are eensldersd suitiiJIble on their own, ~see· pi3Jragraph

Entrance lolbb les

Design cons,ider:ati!OnS

1 .40 A wi'll eel a h El.i r usersh Qui d be ab I €I to move 01 etll!r or c ne d eo r beTon,~ u::;~ng the n ext 'on e. Th·~!t"€I SJliOUIlld also be space tor Mme,oril!~iO :assistit'lg the wtneellchair user andfer someone p assl n gin tn e 0 PD 08!it'9 d i rectli on"


1.41 ReqUlirement M.2 w.ilI'1 b~ satisiiied i·f an entrance lobby Is (j,e:sligne(j on m,e t:Ht'I.s.~~ of tne examples shown ill! Diagram 8.

Diagram 8 Entrance lobbies

Aooes:.o wand i nta '~u~h::Iln~s o~her thal'l, diW-emngs 1'1


sctlon ,2


IBUILD,IN:GS, QI1' HIE R, TrHAN O,iagmm 9 Imetr'Uil d'aotways;

DWELlllN'GS $e~' il'~f<l2'.4


2.11 Tltu!lI obje(l'ti'V~ i,5o ,~in1llar 'ml ~haJl r,e~atinglt!IJ' the, ap:prilJ<i!ch t.~1 blii~dlil1gls .. lIilhe liiI,eed is: to faci'litate I'f'lOlff!l!mefiiit wlthi~ t:lll!lIdl!'1>g!S. MUlch has to do, ljvith the pmyi~km of' SUrfl(;iiel1ll~; s;pacef'or wtlil;!eIIGlha~ r maJfiloeUl,i're,. con",eni ~:nt w,ays of ti''a~re'IIU"g fimm one stiorey '~:Ol aJ"lctl'ie'r allid~he ~fiLC'~lIIISl,ol1l (j,rfeartJi!Jtes Wifill ell wI[! help tho=:JliEl 'Wrr~11 1m pai red hSlai!'il!1!:gl Of' :sight.t'(l' find theilrway :saf~y and! 'GOmtv''';lniternl~iy~

2.2 Whihd th:e gr.u~daInGe ~Inllllldecl hlillillis Ap,~n()¥ed I)~,cilllmenlt Is I"IO~ 'focllIsedl entllr,Eiily en H'ie Ineeds, g,fwlri$elchalf' lI!,sers. UIl'!3 mol'!~ gliliH'I!emus spaoe criteria, onen 're~,ate!t'Q' iltf.'ne sp,aCB lr&quired~o maII'lI@BiU""I!'!€! a,w:h@alchaif.

IHo:riz:t:H'IIltall,c.ilf(CII:.darti!on wiUlin ·the bui'ldin.g

ID,e's:i'9Ilfll c!Dns~,deIr01'tiolifl s

:!~3, CorH.idera-.tio,flS,si m U art:o 'tiho;se) set c ytirl 1P0lIfaglf",ap,h:s1 .. 32 to iI"M ,apll!yt~~ilie d·B'stign ·o~

i !iI.t,r~n:Jn,~1 d ~t'lrs, . .


:2:.41 Heql!J1!1eme!:'llt M2 wil:1 be satisfied if.: iil.ia!iI1 imtemal d'i)DrCQ'!'ltailrls, a leaf wlhlicffil IPro"'ld~a I'f!li'!iI~mil111i11 ,~lei3if 'Dp,eniraQI '[)ffilO~ tass tharn75'1lmm.

b.Un,e Slf}acllil! ~nto w!1icl1~!I1Hll! door'oprrms is IUfHi:)biStructled 'Oln the ~ide nex,~ to U~e lead~ng ed'g~ f!:iir a:l leas~: 300lmm, Ulnl,escs, the, ci:oor rCaJIfi be opef'lE!:d byaf1l ,aUftomatli~C: control. or is: ~n ~. ,Sit1U;~~io I"! wh ere .r.t 11'll3Y be IreasDnabl!e ta ail1lt~olpl!i!.hl) ~s$ii,stam;:fl. fl'.g. wtlen I,eaving a

'kl~ Igw'g,YI,e's:tls In'olt:l:d tJe dirDom.

c. eac!h duorwayaom$sanaccessiib!le

Dorritior IOf passagew'ay fs lprl)vided 'With a, g'la:zJed p!iHl,el. 'givi'ng a :lone of!,lbi'i:J,ility~rom a height D'~ 9C1Dmmlto 1500mm 'from the 'fij"iSh~d 'fh')'OIJ h~Y'illL

NOI,ta! Cle,illIl" t)'p,aniill g \li!ldth S in ill'xcess of' 16!Omm '~a!"l beaIGhi'eved lbYi::.isinga 900rnm slingl1e leaf c:hrHorset: (110mm C'IEI'3,1i' Oll~l'!;!:nifi:t!! wtdth of lea.1) or ene lear~ of ;~1Il 1S0@mm' double leaf dloOl'llNilt 1(620mlllTI clear openling wld:tl'l of d!ooli" ~eaij ,~ as Sh[)'Wll ira Iable1 OIW as 4161: P~rt t.,

8~ ~ NIMOM ,E:1J5;!..RO[!lEiNlNlCli S~'E~.IIl,~,~O'ii~'~.

5!'Wl:l ~\drVlD ilWIimi,rnilillE!~(Ipi!Hng

r, r1

15!X1mm ~ II I I I

~i\-- -- ' __ I.d,~ r r- --F -'~--

I 11'11' ~

. I _!i'oI'

'9OOrr.l'l'l I I ~ I ~!.

~'r'-- I ,--,~:-~'·~r~--1~'~~"~'

lJ. I lJ


I~ ~ O<'eUl'aU!on !\IiKil~ut.oO!M haJo'!!< ~imh'iI' !Iii'atms

l!Das~gn '¢Qn$ld:e~ail:iQl'lIs

2.5 ln ~oc!l'Uons ~<!Iu;ired~Q bea.ec19!Ss:ible te whee'~Clilla.~r useJS,. [;,o,rMd ers andpaJss ag,ewa,ys ne:eid~o be wideellilO!!li·g,h te aU'QW tor wheeH:;hailF' ma!ll'lC6lIU\i'~ ,!lInclfol: o~h:~r Preo.pll;l~1l pass. Na.l1'Qwer ·~~rlT'id!1:m:; w'GHi~d be fB'a:5JO'mi:able i!li'l ,OU'nElIf I'DcaUoM"suc:h asthosie ·t·o, which lir~l iii;c'cess is not pro1j,Id~dI Oli' lii'lI $J()im:e enellrsi [l,n,s.

Pir'O~~sliCl ~s

.2.6 Requiremsn:t iM2 wi:! I b~saUsfj,~d ff a cO'ITid.o!"or paSs:i1lige.wa.y;

s. to wlhllcht 1IliIheeichair liVsers ~a\ii'e aCGeS!!i.

has an Ulfllobstru~ted widtll1 of 12,[)Omm: or

til, whi~h is aOGe!55ible by stailrway ia'iionaor lis: il'll an e.)(tyeiFl~~OI'l app'ro,ached~hl'o.uglh an §I(is~il'!ig bulldhii gfriJ as, alii '~~~;b~,tJ!!Jr;e(~1 wiidth, a· at: reast

1 (DOOmrl'1!1.

tleee:515 wilihm lIuit1E1'.!ngS oUl8r tl'I1<1ll1 dwl!lllings Hi


'Des;~g n ,C'G:r!nsl Cile:rat:1 (ilr!iS

:2'.,7 hwternal robbie,s. ,8fiI Iless, Ukely til' be in dl~'lf1~lI!iId by several peopr'e atth~! -sW1ill~tim~. ~i lis 'theftj:foI'9 FeIllS,Cili'I'abie 't'D adopt less; gen:eJ'Ous spa;cN~ shlLndiltm:s 'than 'fo:l" p,fi~n C ips' ellil'h';S!'nce ~olbbi es, ;Ne\l'el1:i'n;e~I'EliSS. a wheie~cbaj;r use;Jisho:u ~d oel ab~le' to 'move el,e,aJt Qi~' one dloiIJ:r b:efOrtlll' IJiSh191 the II'l,OOI"t one,. P~o:vldled 'tilrles'8 prac;'Ucal oQ!i1~iicleraUons am mat, SMl:Sli]er rntiei!i1fl;!:!~ fab'bhilS malt be used: and wHi impo\$'e, less oOl'llstrla,in~ ,on tlhe II!'IIit>emal planrning cd th~ bullldl!'1lg.


2'.8 R:equi!',omen~ 1M.2 wi~1 bill sSlt:'Isfied if ,an ~I1H!Mal I Gilby lis, des~.gnedon tll1e' b~si.s l{l1!f th (I' e,)!,ampJes ,s,h,own In ID~3!g, o,

Verl;i:c'a~ 'Ci'mlll~do'lil wirlhin 'Hille blWl~itd~ng'

,£)Ie:siigln ,CH:!IlniSil,do'F'aUon:s,

2:;91 The mO:::lt5uitl!i1lll'h~1 maal'1!'s of !1!,[l>C€,S~ r!©!' ~jUSalDled peol~le 'whe" .passtinglfrom '@·FJe, storny to ,BIi1IO'tth'lr lSi! !passenger Ilifm. HO'!l\l"~\IIar. 'gl\l\ill'l1 til1e ;i:l!dde'd t'o$~: ~!'lId in'trij~i:on int(ll !,II,saJbh;l' $paoe i[it ls: I~e:t f6S1sonable 'h) I''e"-quitre ;iii! IUtto ;IbB pPOl!lidled 1!iiI ie:v,sry rnstance.

IOlagmm 110 Iln:tamal I'obllies

a::lOO;rn mniI'T'I'Jn .. ~~ ~5h!:rM be·~ ~~; :v.Ilti"il-~~o!'~ ~

2 .• 11 (lIU 'til1,er:e' ij s· no passel1lQIsr ~in re p'fovld e I!i'IGliil:loal access. 9 ~t:~Kr s'hlJ,uldlltle de'Signed to :s;a~lsfyMle fiJJEe~IS 'rJ~ atffllb'IIJ!lanldtisab~ed peoiil1e. in ,any e\ler~t :8, stair should bs,d"ignedto Ibe s'Ulutalble f'OIi people wW~h if!i1'paf:red sffight

2~1111 It would' be r~a;slij.rH1I~bl·e~'O base the decl:s,IQ:Ji1with ragardil:o lfIeprovl.,si CJiI'llI e;f mec'h2lflic:iilIIl m@-afll~ 'oF ver1'ieal ,aCCE!·sSJ on tih,e neU n,OOtl" ar,es ICUt!e ,stOI''e:'y 'to Ibe, reached.

ID,e'sl'91n l~il!I",s,l,detrath;lIt1'!,~

2.11:2 A whee~c.ha~r user n€:€dis .suffiChit!ilt SP:!.I,08' and time to' man~e U !j['r'e into a. nr~ and, on ee In. sl!'!ou'ld not 'be iI'1QsUic·ted~or space.

lHe iQF !9'he· silo1JJmd alsJD be al;i1e to j'is;ach litis oOl'i¥tr,01ls which SUl'Rmon :ai!'!d di,mct 'Ule Iii'. Pleo~le wirth $'ens{llry il'Ji'llp!iil!irrneiilts, shou'~d. ~1'lI scme, e irc·um s·~alllf::eLs. be .advised 'O~i the flo 0 r tlla:lth e· I in h'M Irreaciltl,ad, Meas'l!.!loossho1lJrd be ~dQpted 'whi~h grrve ;S! di,sabll'ed parSOIil Urn. ·tIIl' eflii~et~e lift~1O Im(:h;j,ce tine IlikeHtii.ood 10:' COflilt:aC~ with c~osi~n:gl 'doc r'S.


2 .• 11 S Fleql!l.! Ilr'G'men~ M:2 wi II b I!!!' st!lUs:fj,oo li~ a

.sIU t.Qlble p:a!ssenger liff ~s pfOvl(hlH.lI: to· set\lo :!lIl1'1y s'lofe~alt::u)1;Ie ,or ,below ttl e· pl[ncipSI.i ,e:ntrancie' sta~~y. an dtiha~ Sfor'€lY GC!lI"i~i[lil'ils nI~;tt~IOIO:r areas as 'fc:II'D'WS:

a. in iI. lWQ :sbiUE!!' bru~ldhilg'., nu,r~~barn12'eOm" e'f lfIe't~ 'fie c r :area; Of

b. Ina bun'~in~1 Of mOfll!fhl'!;Iflh!l,O :storeys". more than 2'OOm~ of net'll: nO~H a.!'ea: and

C::. ,a,su[·le means of !aioJcess is pFo",~ded'

from thle IIHt: to tlMIa r~rn~il"!der (l:i'the store'}!,_

:No'te~ The flOor' ;area, o'~a storey in a buildingl cO'!!f'iilIl'ed by the'lH:eiquirilllmeli!~ sih'ol.!llid be' meaSlJIIfiet'J1 ,~~io,llows:-

Th e area ef aJIl pans I)~ a sh:ney whi'eh !.JIlse the same enifMlct'lfrom '~ih6 street or ,alii! Itn,dlOCT malll Should! be added! 'bil.gietlhe,~ wb~thar they ,a.oo ~n mo'~fj tJ:l9Ji1'Qiile' pan 'D~Uii~: same :Si~o .. ·ey, gr u$led for di'ffii@ire:nl jJUlI'tPDSes,.file a198 Clf Siny ",e rUesl' oi fCul~tiGI"!I. san i~a.l'J' ~Ocl).mlllUoda:Uon and mailrrltel1a,nc>e ,alli"'E!a,s; in tine! sloUlill snould Ino~: be Ill!o1uded.,

2'.114 Requinllrneillt M2 wilill be satisfied If aJ passeng,el' lin;

a.. has, ~ cle~r land'lng ~~: l~cQist ~SOCllmml 'wide

!;lind a!lle'~st t!)QOmm ~,6ng in~r'Ql1t of IIts ,en~Jimce;

lb. hss a dO:G) II' 10:1' doom wh Ich IProvJd,sa cleat O,llefil iflg width crf at lea;S't SOOmm:

e.n as. a. CM Win.giSe wi{!l~ ~s at ',eas': 111ilOmm an.d who's€! fengith ts ,at least '14.00fil1ffl~

A~1ii5 'lVI,Ullt! bi»!'<linp Cl'lhI: r tliOin .m~m~ 1,6



d. h as: land ing an d ,c;\\lifc~rrtrol's wh~c hi 6J"1e n:ot

~iilS.S tihaif1li90Cmfl1 and rlc:lit more til1an 1'200mrn ab ClVIlI the! tanding lain d~:i"I t:!IC31 noo r ail' is! di:s;tafM~e of at taast ,400mmfrom thefr(()!nlit wall;

lB.. is a[;(;oml~arll$d by sl!J.littable 'tacUle

ind~c:a,ti,oJ1l on the II,arndlllilg ilJind acl~a!Z:;erllt toU,e lift c;alll bl.lUa I1~O idEMltifY tlH:l 5'1;Qmy' in 'C1ilXesUon;

'f. whh:h seNes m.ore!thall'i! thlfE!!;E! 'f',hJors'l U'S

pro"'fd~d w:ith SI,l ittab~ 8! t8!cti lie! ln t:I~ oo~i(m on or ;B.dja,c:e'nUhJ 111ft: t)~Uons wi'thi~ ttle! oar to '(:(l'l'nifirm 'U1€ 'fioor sele()b;!d;

Diagram 11 Uft dimensil:ons;

t~!I!l.~ill.:-mtl!:!i'I ,~ lbIr 1oN&l ~I_


g'. wlhicl1 sef\i'€:s more th~l"Qlhrlee!li[otllI,rey5i~is 'prO'vidiec!i ~iH~ ",~sual IndiiGtlJ~iO:lfi and! wiUli \fe,ice indlcatio!il of tlhefhJolr reachedl: i:I!i'!C

h. ineotnporafes 2, s~gflalln'rl,gsy'S1lej.j:'n Which

'9 i\i'e~ 5S,BCO nes notifica:Uof'lUI Sit ttlelift ~s ,ansr'\!!'eriUilg a I:;ancllngl (lalllaill1G a 'd'i'$el~ tlrne 015 :se'oG,ndis be~\' its, dour::. begin t:o ,cWose ,anier 'the~ !l!iJ8fiLiII~ O~~ii'!; the :system may be loverridden bya door re-aC1ij'llaflng device wh[ch r'elies on photo~e've a:r ilnrtra-red tmethods. but I1I,O~ a chl(Jir edg~' preSS\lre s:ysil)6m. Ipr()ivj,(f,edtlllat t~e' minl'mU:ITi!tim~fclf~. ~~'h: d'DO.f~!O r€H'ri'ia.ln f'ul!y open I~ 3 sec,onds.

[liii;lg,r:tl!1l"l 1:· ~ n ustr,a:te3 ,illI ::nJ~Ulble passenger ~ift.

N'~lie~ Detalls I~f som~ (lIT these' provisions, :atl'l€! cOfd:ain&dl In as 56:5:5: jp,all1s '1 :sIl!'Id 2a~s,~, ir!! P~rt 5: 1989 Specific,a;tion ,fOf (jiffle!f1sions ,of stan,c!ard.rlft ,<ilfrange.ffl<efits and Pam 7: 1983 SjD;9cUi',ca'tion far maniooic oon,(irol de'Ii"'/OeiS. ,tridk~tors:a'IJ'd adi(J,itio"iJj~ fi'm:ng~. ~t is, ,;j p'~en'lqulsite o:f BS5655 that a,u'tomatic do·o'!':s 'to, ~,aSiS!lingi!i$)i" lift:s, sl'H~lIIldi be! e,ql!J~pped 'WIUU~ ~'eo,pe!'l!ililgaC'tKvat(l.r:!]i. lhlfl;se Imal), be opefa!~iEldi ttlmugllfl, lbJ;eam Of contaet withl tilililil tperson.

Des~g IiII cQ;liIIsider.atio,ms

:2,,'15 lin ii'!i bliJtldiflg (lontauning sma11 aJieaS wlith a uV1!iqllJe!il!JrlctiCln, u~ may be I',easanabla to e:xtpeot. :a.cce,ss 'h)'F wtu!ellctla~f l!S'eilf'S ~o I1Jpp"er al'!!d k)lli;\'er s,'to!",eY5 bu~ Ib~ fmpr-aclfucaJto FHc'IIide' a paSS9T1Q'Ellr II1n. Ill'll ~!!llll,c:h c:i'relirl'H?i~anC€!s. a w~eelclilalr stab"! ift b) as ,:r77'5~" 1996 Sp,ocrfwoatlon (0., ,P'Qwered ,st,airlitr:sw,ol!lld

C onst:itwue' a. rleasolflab~ealtem~tl~le"

Po. uni(!lll1lE'li facilUty wl1lk:haJlyone IJsing U'IIBI i),tllil'dinil,gl ,s'tlDlI.ldreasonab~ '~''I!1.p~;Q~tQ use m,a.y cOlI"Isl:gt ,tOil" illilS'~;am::le!" ,~f a smailllluluaY'Y gailiery. a. slD8i.U rest I'Q em 'Qr a~T:aifiiiilg foom, tin th e abi5,eFH::e ,O'F a, practical "ltarnarUve. it. 'wo,uld be' rea:';l;Qnabil,e!tQim"taill'a, wh'ee~cfuah' s'taillfl,j'R.


:2:.11'15: ~f a s,tcrey., wUh a neU:fronr ana:<ll i~XiC1;led]n,g lIU(limr, CC,rI,tairHl, ,11:1. Ui't'liqu,e lacmty ibt.!t is, f10t laftgel snoughto warr,a,nt pas,'9:e;.l'lgF,;!{j' I Hit ,acoe'ss descrilbed ill'l pi91ragraph .:2.14. it st:UJ'l.:JM be ,aGoe5si/bI'e tlQ' whee:Ic;i'n'itJr U5eflS_

D,e;sij'glillil C,(!!lII'Isii,llietral:iens

2.111 The ~rovi:sl 0r10f a tr,llIffllPto ~fflec:~: a '~~:Ei!!nQe Jill ~'e!\le:ll \!IIIIUlfn 8, S~Of~'Y would b~ reasamfabl'El. iolJl't m,ay h,a,v'e. serk~1J5 ph~lnnil1!l1 ~W1p~h;;aitic'll$., lhle plFQb,iem ,coM~d be' mli'ligt~ted by using ~ plaiH'O rm II ift though not at the e:x:pH;lnSIE! crl a. s,t,air f,or use by eJllilbllJllan{ peup~e'.


2:.'~:8 F!,equif€lmi!!.nt M2' willi be :sa.ti~5~ied by instaliling a:. pla;Unrm II ift tif it. 15 i mprac;U c aJ! to ,effect a ramped; Ch~,U1 gle fA Ilevel W']thirlas,tl~ rey li:'ICQGss:ibl,e '~OI wheek:ttt<l~r Ulsers. Such pnJv~si(l1i1! should '[;(lrnp~,em'Bn~ lStair .aJC)CiElSSto et1iiea~tlhe sarns ehiltngl!li! In I,l'il·\f!illll, Guidall'loE!' relarting~oun'9 de5i~fI of I'i~atform Ilifts is c;;ontainad ln IB:S M40; 19,83· P{;,wemd Uftltlg p~aitrofms :fOf ,~~' by Idl.sal;!ecf. people.

c~~ wlUihl tI;jlllllll!1l~ QlliWIf 'IMn, dWlillll'l!J:I!i 1,



Desli" n Ic'onHsi;de:raliQ:n,s,

:2.,1'!;Hhe ae$ugill ~iOrl!sldel".a1IollS 'for internal ~s,Utili':S, fill ;i!li bu~ldilnQ in w~lch 9 Iftt lis not pl'C!!¥kled are siMilar 'to those fol' S~G:PI=Hld approa ehes, Hcw!!ll¥€'!', d~sig n constmints ,airs Wikel,,' 1)0 bel mora C:IH1II'OUS, ~6t llIi~efJnall staiq ,Wild 'they ma.y filJeedto, be 'CiOfll's~n.rcte.d at: steepe'l' ,pitohe:s, :a!l'l!:dlo lh.a.jj!'~'less ~'~crUQjili~ :~:a,nding!s. For ~1'1I~ielTinal stairs, It Is Hot consi~EH'ied mas,DnaJ)re to IreQuh',sthe prol,i'llsiO'rT! lO;f 'Uillc'tUe w,afn~ngs ortli'!i81 I~HlS et o~' ell a:nges (If Itovet The n~;i ng of leac-h, :Si'~,Sli]' shoLl~d~ howe've~. be d~sti'n:gw611lM:lle for tha bl1llefi~ i(l,f peQJ11'h;1 ~itin impail"ed yis;hJII1.

:I'.IO'n 'tllh,e 'Is no I~M ,aCCI!!s.:s In .3 bulhJling .. a :s':air suit~ble fgll" p:eople w~ttJ walldrng diifirn,Jllies shouldl be pro'V~chJd. 111'1 any '(!V@li'It. a ~nalr shou~d ,bill su~ttlib~e 'for peop,io ~~jlh ImlPalf'€ aI sig.h't.


2.,21 An :1~h2!:rIIl,~1 m:alil" wIHsa'~:isfy FIi,equlreM'elil~ 'M,2. U~

a. It hasnlg'l1'ts, whose ~.rI1'obs:tIi1JCh~d widths are, 911: least 1IIDOOmrn;

b. ~U s1.ep nl}sir!Os arB dlstingllli!;hal1llle thf(l,ughcanUastin;Q b rlgll'ltr'lI~S;S;

e. the ntse o:f aflleh~ between I almling:s, is not

:mora than 1IBODI"I'u'll"l~

d., i~: has NlIop'and !:;iQUQi'Mll ,and. i~ ne€;lI1!SSIfl,l)'.

i .,.terms ell ate Iran o::IIn g,s. each 'Df 'Nih 000 ~Eu,gltihs i~s not less M1 ~III' "t20Clmm chlar cf any docfswing' h'iL'tlIl It:

e. tho rii!S8 of ei31.chs;te,~ !5 u~ihlifm and net mo'rE' thlilUl11C1mm:

f., the going' 0" le~e'h, :step' iSi unirfor:!'i1 and net

~ GlSS than 250Rlm. wt! Ichl for 'l!ilpllllGdlr1eads slh~ul(:l be ,11iI.easumd a:1 a lI)oln't2:10I1illm 'from the "inside" 100f~lIe sta~r:

9 .lTilsEllrs are nc't OP en: and

h. tfier'e is tal slilitabl'ei continllous hancbai~ 'OI!J each si·ce of 'flights and laiicUiiigs I" 'the ,j",is,e of tI'~€!, s:tair ciOmpr~seslwo or ,mClr,61 rl~~l;!l.

:2~:I2 .. ~ceptfQ!1!ally,U1'9i prov:isjo~SJ 'o~~he rise of' a 11 [gh~ may tt.e:. ''Ialiad UparUe ular ~5'~lOr~y heights of the need ~!O Q,aJfII' :8!<::c!l!Mlibel1lee1h an hliterfifiiledhde tan dill'Ql dlcta:te. 'or if the addn~ona'J ~e'Ji'lgth o~ ~he iSitah" na$ unre,asDrnab~E!' eil~,eet;$ om usab]e "~Ioor :atreu- 11'1'1 Sl.!lch cases lit wo:u~d be rea:s,onable tlO prt}videl the, "umbeli' of Ir~:s~'I""s whlelll wCI!J~,d sat1isfy the reQuimment K1 (see A,PPiFOved Oocu!liIent iK, S,tab'S. r:amps ,and Q'ilJil!rl:i!5) •

m!1!g'lram~:2 ill IJ s:~ra'te's 'the QIl!iidanO€! 'Otn ~liIihl),malll stairs,.

lDiagmm 1.2 I'ntemal 'sm-lm

18InJn mal!i~


II ),r(

l I

e EJo:;!.~FUSOF a1"~L€~NOS!I~"G~

I!.!iUjfr UTI , llt111Tr1

'..-~ g;II'Ig ~

~ wathll:l bU.I~, othur '11"1,31'1 dWoIin5Is, ,8

I f1Irmrnall ir-a'miPS Di!liSii!gl~· ~onsideratJili)f!::l!,

2.:23·fiJ,e clesaQln 'C(msuj &.ratio fie: 'foil' i ntemal raJ!lI)!li are silmUsf tJ!) thCti5!E'l'~cr fsmpedi

apPc roactuHli.

2.:24 'Requi r,ament M2wiU be :5aiUsfleci ~f ,1:1" r!1JT1p oDm'pHas iN Ir~h tJhe provli si(llll Si IQ'O rltal Mlli 1111 p!l1! 1.19.


Section 3



3.1 ln designing buildings,. it ~s lmportent that disabled pecpleare able -to reach the' facilliities that are provlded within them a.nd to, use them.

3.2 DI'Ilfan9lnt types of buildings contain unique facilities. lit is nQu the aim of this Ap'prov,~d IDocurn(1I1lt to Include an exh,austivelist oft SllJcin facilHies and to, provide gluliclanoe ,011 thom.TIh'G! scale and nature of such thin'gsas saniltary aeccmrnodatton and the p,l"m!~suon of whselci'na,ir .sp.ace un theatres and auditorila are, anlyway, sublect to ether reQulll!"@m€rJI~s wliil:~iln Part M. Nevert;helles6, the QPPQrI:'Ulnity has be.e'l1 taken to incllucie guidance on a, few faC:lillit~e9,. One tmportsntann Is to G'nabh~ people' witin hearing impairments to I:)G atlle to play a fulll p~rt lin nonferenues, committee, meetings: and the Hka,

3 .. 3 Common faclilnii~s. e.g. canteens and clo,akra,om::;, doctors' and dentiets' QOlisLiltlnlg rooms or oth@r health faeillitlies, should be

10 catted i til a stomy to whh:: h wlheel chali 11" us e rs have access"

Restaurants and bars

Desi g I'll co nsideratioln s,

3.4 The design of restaurants and bars ,should refllect the f,~ct that diisablled p@,opl€ should be able to vlSI11 them. Indapende·rn1li or with cornaanlcne. It is important that bars and $Qlf!;>enJlice counters are a.ecessiblll! and that U'iere lis sl.!Iltablle access from them to' seating areas. Where, premjses eontaln both self- servlce and waiter service" it would be reasonable for' dlsacled people to have accees to Doth .. ,

3.5, Changes of floor level within seating areas create dlifficylties ror some,ed peoplle. Nevertheless, nt would be unreasonable to Iregulate against. all changes lin Ilevai which may b~ II not Iii: n d ed to i n c raasa the visu al impact of

i nta ri 0 r d esig 11; p rovlld ® d that they can be kept to is. reasoFi abl!:i scels at"I CI tn ey remain ao:c:ess~blie to ambulant ,di·satlilad paop~~,

Pr-ovi 9 i Q ns

3.6, IR~qUlirr.\1ment M2~ will be satis,fiedl If:

,!iii, suitable accasa Is avallable to the full II

rang'e of services 'offeredl;

b. all bars and self ssrviea eeunters and at

least hallf the area wlhere ss,atlng Is: provided are B:[;ceiSsiblla to wheelchair user'S; ano

Q. in elrcurnstances in whli'oilu the nature of

t h,e 8,e1'V I cas va rl 9'S an dI as a resu'lt Ii s d i v i dad into different areas in the, same or different storeys, at least Ihalf of each area is accessible 't 0' wheel chan r IUS ers,

Use of buildings otlfll~r than dweUln!l5 19


De:s~g AC:OnS:i;oh:!i 1"3'11:0:",9,

:3.1 Dlisab1e!d peoJ!le Wl10i !..!1~e wIi191;!l'h,,,,h,a]fS niB'9':d a tJed'",oom whfcll'l Is, ac!c,es:SiltMe and i,s :S;l:Itil1lo~erfiUysp~ch~l!!$ and 8!rrang&dltol allow'

om flIno,euvri n9 Dfa, w~ e 1;11 G~al r wlthhfll it e n d Iinto ,:an 'en s'iJJ~e' oo,throOIiTi, ~f pi'ovld~d.

3.,8 Wh,eelehalw users rna)! meed '~O' g,iilijn aceess to b edreo me: cth,er thanbtlel r own W!hen .f~ r lill!Ma_l'u:el" ,aUending OOf'!feT9!i1C'BS Of on hioltday with 'theirfamUi5, Bearing' rnl mirU:~~lhe naedto ~Oill'lSlQNe :spaoe, U may be reuol"labre rn~;he.u' Il"llstaflCi&S 'hl I imitllil1E!' prrovhli'on 'to th:a:t nre·eded to paise ~hm!iJghth:el ,d)oo;rs, to Ulose! rooms Mid 'loa'!;l,Slillm'9~na:l~ha o'l:h~1' g~Hl!S:t w~111 ,open and

cl o'se~he m.

lP'ro\llll:s~o fillS

3i,'9' RequU-(lmre'l1It M2w,iII b(;l saUsied if:

~. Qn III 9ues~ b~~ro(lm 'OU~ o:f every tW'Eilliliyol"

,aifil: 'tirlel'etilif 'o~' guest ibl1!droQ,Ii1'I'S, l~ss!Jltab~e' In, te!'ilTls of size. layout ,and tacm~ie.sf'O:l' use by a ~e~:50n who ~!ies a w~~elchair;

Diagram 1:3: Ono'DX;ample' ,ot an, 'accessIbJe· holelbed'fl'Qom and en :S\IIIe, ball1mO'II1

1:'QIml rn ~rmt

d~~1 Qlijl!!n"!lI ltV! Wlilli'

WCIIM'~101~a1l"~~'~ ~ iII,Jim r~. :t; ~ ~ D:agr~ Ie

~~ WC~~I

b.t~e ,Mtfl:iiflCiI door 'to II glN;l5t bedroom whioh Is, designedi'Of use by a person in a whu1ldi,iiJiir cmmplle:s wUh~ihe'guh;[la"Cie in pa:uaglFaILth 2.4,{a) :arlO (b)~IUI~

c, the ,eilltran tie doo r I~oa~y O'tlher 'gjues~

bed'room has {lj c~eaF ,openi111 QI Wlidth lD'f 750111!'lm: t;)1JjI t, with the '[l!pHO n to dl sp ansa 'w~tlil tilt€! 30Clmm :spa(;lela~, ~1iI~1 ~h;h;l 'of' thle dO(lIl'.

lD~a.gram 1:3, isa sij"~lh~1 !IN(s.mpnll of an accessiiibme ho'tsl bedmom.

'Chang in 9 fac;i'liifiis'8,

D'B'Slij'gll1l' cu",s~!(ile!l'3~~,ons,

3.110 One' of 'tiherea:tuwes whli'ch roili'taies agiElin,s~ p,OQ\p,I,a \!I,I',I'tili'l di$abmti'as t:a1king !part in i'ecfelati(i~311I!llCi!i\fEUas is U·U;l' al;}it:M~lJil{N;1 rofsyH:abla c-Ih a.l"Ig~l1igfaon itie:s,.1ih e proV'!si on oil' marHloeuv,l'ing 's~\ace fora wli;ea!lchallr. for ~'l',aJl'ISfel entna S,E!!;:!ilt" ilJTHj or se:a:t;s:, ta~. Si'l!:OW8 r haads. mhr1"OWS QIU:i clothes h 001<l:5i rn DLI "tied ail: suitab1e. h~IQhits,. are all cnUca] iSSUM.


3.1111 1F!:e·qul~eme~t. M2 w~1I be :sat~sfied l'f ohangfngl TOOI1H3: in !;!lo,';!imlrTIi!ill gl poo~s arid othilll!" ~ecrea'tioliilall buil.c![n,gls COIlMiltfli 'tlhe 'fa:c;imis,$ showfil, rn Diaglrani!S -14 Et!il d 15.


,~ _"_I, V


. ;tz

~lliIto:::, "i"iIrnI_

~1.~ '102' z,..dtOTi noof~



,~uI! !nlM~

'~OP\Jp.~ ~!ooIa



IUR 'iii' bLllJ'cfms;ll, tather !han illVi' _ J.!'IP' :::10



Ciag ram ,.5 Dressil'll,g cubIcle

II!!oCtJ' .~ rv iL_'_, ._

.---.----- ---- -'-1

3Z",1.~ Vl~

1~'2 ';'~2'

" ~~,~O'tld ~~


~ 1

i 1 InIH!l'v.t:I'i'

_~ .. '~


De si!!)IP C,OIl1 slldIQr:a~}I'c!llIis

13:.12, ~In ,order to have ij'Je 'full bement oi al1.ei'idrng fI, plI'bliic; performance 0:1' p1a,iil'lg a pro;pe'r palI't. in dlsCiuss:'ons. a IPI!e1rson wi~h impaired hearingl floods, to' l',en::ely,I!!' a :signal ·so'm€l :20d1B albovEJ tirlat ifeO!l~,lI,Ie-d b, IS pemon \'Vlth 'normal' heaJilng. Wh cl:'!ever Sys.tem Irs s~leG~ed I~ !5h Quid also be ,abl EItel suppress llei'l,!'stbara:U on" and ilJUdlence' arnd oth€! r e'!"!l'viT"On mell'!tal n,015:O'.

3,,13, The- ,two systems IITI'IRt commcm1l!1' liIlsed am rgap ~nchuef:loll1l aftd Infra-mdfivs'tJ!lIIiil'lS. TIl e h;:.rmar dep6r1lds ana !S~glilal ~rom a mlCiI'i~ph,(J:I1e Ibeing FiI~Sl5'ed to a:namp,~lrie:r which dimct:Sl, 11\ CUlfJi'iEl'lIlt Un fa tJ Q,hl!ll, ICU:l'P'ilfO ~Hl1d UI'B' rfa~eva'l1t ~,p~c,e. ,A mag11'1!€!iUC 'fI<aldl wli'il,ol1l i ~ '!)I~ ~~1f,i!li!~_ed hi, pi~~edl u~ b:;{a listener'! he,aIl1in,gald arhd is converted tnto ~,amUI81 seund, The ~nfra,~rn·d system n,uiish3S il.l'r~isibh~ ngn't which iiS Iplc,ked lIlf) by apers-anal fie o,el\!' e:~, demo cilLJllate:d aiill dI

'co ";ve rtad i nto 'famUI:8!l" :sound ..

3.1,4 A loop, i~dUlc'Uon :system may allow ~oLlod ,to i$i,pm blil:yol'1!d thel ibGlI!,ndary of 'the Ilm~,il. ~JH:ID ~hell~w're" l<cr thos,e U'IlIlit '1lIM!!d U', cOlrl'fi,t:illen'tJlali'ty is mote dIHifcu'l~ tOI acih]ev9. That poss~bmty is _ ~,ar m.oliS I'll mot!e~ilh the iMi~r,a:·'refli sy:steml" bu~ ltU:ll Ilste.rller lSi reQiu~ried 'Itt) !USaf a. s:tlstl1l,os>co:pe' for- f1Sclaption.


3: •. 1!i, Aequ'irement M2' wm be satisfied ti~ aid~ to co:mmuliIlGaililon a!f'E!' pm,vlded a.t I:ItJokln91 ;and ti~~e1 'offiee,sw~B~'re' 'Hilie customer :is,separa~eliJl 'from 'the 'I!IIEltndoi" b, it1I glazed SCr'M" and ~n ~~rg'!:I r:~c~pti,on :!l!!r,eas. ~I'I a~dito~l~a af!l:d ml!'stin 91 m ij'lTl $ ~n ,e~cess elr , II] IJm~ 1'1111 lID'ea.

3:.,1,6i$UCtl!1 sys,uems shoUlI~ ~nc:orpclr,ate "ea:tJ!I,!!I'£l:S '~hi en aiFfiordlD a p@r,sen weari Iii.!) a he,aring Hid, tiI1(i;l b~ru~fU of raCiE!! ,vi n!:ll siound wi'thout ~o!S~, 10 r d~ S:~Ql1iiorn 'ttIOlil:9Ih bad .sciou's~lc:s, or ex~r3_neiO!J:S l'!Iois.~.

3.1,1 n ~sf'Orthe bUiI'ldin91 'owne:r' ~o deci(J'e'

which sy.stem belts'f StirttiS 'tM laycutlilu1Id U:t>B ,o,'f Ulle buildiilll'!S and ee p~aliil sccardingliy:.

u or ltluJldIin;lI ati:'!lIf' i!'nUlI dw~W!1~ 21




4. t In pl'~rll(:::lD'le.sarritary con¥etl~t!.l1c~.s shol!J~d bo' !'IDO less. aivailalbleh)'f disabled p!iople ttlan for 3hle-,bo(Jjedp,eopi~. The aim is prolil,tde soh:lUon's ~hlch w~l~ Im(l~t lI'e'a:SioM.b~y satisWy lh'a:t p:riinc·~p~e. whUs1 bearing 11'1 m!l1d ·the; fHlIturtl' 3ll1ld sca'~e of ·til1e buillding lin which ·the prol,fllsiolil is, to be mase,

Ole,S! _gl!i1!, cOf;!s~de!i'aJtt~Q;n~,

4.2 Some disabled pE!op'lei need ~b Ga'l 'h;ll a we C1IU1lckl~. lli'Svel dr~s·tallc~S, sfhol!.!~d rlenect: 'ltilal ''aieL

4·.3 The numbe;1"' and loc,atlon of WCs 'fow di'sabl'e'CIl people !lIiiIiiiy dep'end on 'lth,e sb::s iOftli'll'~i !:)lm~:;!lin9 is!ind 10111 tIMe lQ'f aCC6n ·t:otihe h~lcility.-A wheelchair use·r s~oLl!lld not ha.'Ioi'ebl t1ravel more '~1'I8n cn,e .s;orey 'bl' fEMBCt11 a sui!l:;alb'le we.,

,41·,14 Th0 de~:i!i1n of U'II€l1 we compartmenit,s ~hoUlldl m~lact lease '1iJ~'a:r:c.ess, and !J15,6i ail ~ny time'.

_i.5SanUs!I'J :accommJ}daUCiiI If'Qr whei1!~(lh<a~r users ean be PfOVje! ed (I!i'II a ; un iiS)e~' 10f

',jniecg ra,~· bals~ s.

ft, A 'u lil.is8X.' ·facmt.V ~S8,pprofliCIii e ell :~H:!ipalJ'lli~e'l;y "liorm O'thers~nl'tary ftC oamfflO dla;Uo!1l. It has· p:ractlcal aiCIivan~:es:. lit lis morel Ii!'!ilsily i.d~I'1iU~I:~" n I~; II'fIQ~ .llkely ~obeaya~lab~e when needie'lfila'ndi I~~: IPfIH'mi~s .i3Is,$i~Uanoei bty a. eOl'il':!pankl,n or ,eiith,ew selil. Ol;l'e!\an~ li~ _~s. leslS d:em3tfUHFlQ of Sf;l'6iifie than !lntEl!'llral' r.m:",ris'~on which wourd hava~o be IIilIliIp'liiCa~edl 'to aChieve th e OOfli1le' 1'6V\eW of p'rov~sJorn 'fe.l' boUl Sg)lElS,.

b. Ail!'! 'iJ1lteglraj' faciill~ty ]8 co~~a[!1;edl w[tllin iltN:l

u·~diU[)i'iI'!l!II,separ:atepr'QVI sic n tor m ~n an d 'WOfl1ll!Hn. [E)I,~gtlrng custom WQI!,iI~d l~ri!eh:Jl!Ci}e als.sist:8IIoc:e· 'Iroml a member of the CPPOSUI9 SI!l\IC: ~o tt'lalt ~\@'r whownnu~ prD\ilis~on Is made.

lio' ,!l!cl11leve "I~)tib.mty. a Ii'Ilft!ll~ure' of each can bel pffi\!'ided If the i::1IJ1l1d ing is mafge ,O,I'B1Uglh t.o

Wilrrarrt. several. .

·4.8 Whether the we compai1m~flll:s forr 'wtleeleh'aar iU!SElTS afie desiglr'!€ld om ,3 'un~sex' lor 'Integral" ba8~s,,~1~8y slnc!J.!lld loe slmillar rrl! ~'a;vout ,anld con~e!l1tal1d :S;1':I:ouhjsatiisfy the !l.Md'S!

a, 'h) achieve neoessary 1Ir;i'1i'lleelcl'lha.ilr man061l11'1!1're;· alloW' 'fol'·ti'Ont:ol'l. I.atei'.s). d~agQjj;Ji.I;md loa,ok;w9rd 'tirafllsf~r (I:nto ~heWC an d ~o II'H~v,e 'fac~ IIlties: 'for IhS'Ji'ldi \lloJishirlgl and Mand drying' wl'thin rE!!£'!ch 'froM tine we. pl'ior' to tran,sf',ew

bO':lc ollfl~o~howilleel,[;fu8iIIr,: and •

e. ·t·1!) ha1!fesp;8lOeJto allow a he'~pe~'to assist

~n ttle transfer.

41;7' Wh ere :!;:ardtW')' accommodation f,s~o be pr,oyide:d In upper 0:11' loweIT' S10reY11i wilho!Jl'~ ~Ht aOClElS;S •. 'the :a,~m should be to make feasOn,ifilble. IPf!O\l'i'!'i.ic:n ~~r [penp'E!'wh,oar~ 'Lmst'ehe!dyon theilt" f'iB·et or who f1ieeC :some SUpPO" to .stand up or' is It (iIOWI1I,

·4.1: ~:r_ ~ml1ll~ consd d er'Sl~'iQns ap'ply 'tOI SID'lit:aty· ac'commodaith::l3l1f,(u' (Hsalbl€lci peoph':l' WhliO woIik In ill bun(Urng~rrom~l1\iU pfO'¥luded' for dws<libl:ed Y[SIIO:II'$ and- c!J,5~OrililerS~ Someone 11'1 em,pl'Qymen:E: mi.gll1l.~ be I'es.s. ~Ikely to n~d assi,stance than is ~lsl'l'Oli" Oil'S custerns r, W~,{!re us~s:t,;me!1ll ~!ii!1eededl by ani ,emr;lloYE1ldi person I't is ma:m 1!I'kely tl1i:a'l itwm be provli died by ;8, PGlfSJOlI'n Qithe :sa:me Sli:l!l. where!aJsa. di~abled ~islta:r Qr(;us~~!O.rriU;l:i 1$ mora Ukel.y 'to' be a:ccomp:al'l,led by tal com,panion 01 the (!jp,~s'i~ie SEll)!!.

¥11$~~!Qf~: f!Jnd 1!;:l!Ii!j:llilImQf1S

4.'9 Requlmme;nt Ml3 willi be sa:Us~led if MlJI ita ry con",1t!:I"Ii e'lI1~e,s prQviided for Ul:se by' ¥Islil:ors ,!:!J~d custemsrs cons[~n IOlf ~ulnijs6Ix' ec:m,.amTH;:lnIt5.

Ili1Ilole~laJ~d !lIiIQtiE!ll: 'g!WI.(ls.' lbedf(1!or,ll5;

41.110 A'eQuireme:nt M3 willilibe saUs,l1ied if:

01. sUlltab~je ',en suil:e'sanUary

leC-(Hn,n:u~d~~iOf!I is included wjth those' glUes1. bedrO(!MS which .EIIli9 ,CD1esl!lJiied '1Q' be s'I!J~mbllel fior' ,a disab1ed perso:n. wher,stha.t is. tllle!

arran gamaWltfofU'lIa reSi~. of 'the b~d r,o om S: er

b. '!.1In l!i1ilE!illt" S~ ~ta ry accommodation ~s pro·viaed !fiIearby. rf 'the gerlal'811 S;W1i:t,~ arrangem~ln~ fall' QIU!&st Ibedroo·ms ts fIIOi~ 'ell :!iUII'tlit.

4.11 11 Th'es efa.oi~itl 19:5, 1'01\" 'ttoil:e'll IO!' mGh!j~ 9 u:e~t:t are iill add itil!) Ili tom'hose prlo!,!j ded in (Dftl'ler Ic·c.!ilJtlolrliS lin the premlaes by ,Inue elf paragraphs 4.9' and ·4.13 '~)a 4·.17.

4,.12 Salll'lit,ary aClcommodallo:n for ¥,1lS,itor~ illfn.d C'I.ISf.Qnill,U:S,. lil1cluding that p.!1Qivided by vIrtue of pSifa;Qlraphs ,~., 0 and 4.'11 wm be sU'itab'I'e if' des~glnlad ilr.t ac~o:rdar!ce wiltih l[)[a!gr,am16.

s:.&nilalry lCOmIenf~n~~ if'llllnl.fllitni;l:l O!:lildU ttmn I~WilInlJtg~ ~


,4 .. 11 il :AeQuiremeDlt Ma 'WliU be: saU:sfile,dj ~f WC p,rclOvis,tol"!l 'fOil" d~saib~'ed peep I:e i:s ; integral' within Ui,(l!~!,~dmDrii'.U :Silip:::iij'all:hl f:a:cn~tlesror mEilnl and WOntlEIn. or is 'ulili.s,e·x'.

,4.114 lRequrl'@ml!illl1l~ M3 wll~ ~ be !s';~re [!I by p~o/lfj!'isron f'of'IMhfi;'Hl=ilOhllli:r usars O'f bpt'ih salta's. on o;liltremaleifiloQl!'s,: IP r(!!lvid!Eidllll,~t the ICUffiU~ alive, ha:riiliOfi1lfa'ltl"a!'I;.I''SI(Hst;JifiCeS~rom a work s,ta'tiO:l'l ~o 't~e we ~s nCl~ !mO Mtrh,SJ!'lI 40 m and. J!Ii! a

blJJl Rdli !!'RIg, pm~ided 'wllti1l: lift aJGcess. 'the general p~lo,vis~orlfoll' sanitary C>IJlfilv€)li"Iie;, ts .in aIr'!'}!;!S hJ w:hleh aoyoll'1e~$inQ thel tm:ildllin91 has !J.Ifll'll':J,t:ric:tedl ac:ceS3i.

4L 151 Ill1I B. bui I dllil;glw(hile'!1 has :sh:11 r ace6S:S !o liiIly. s!JJita bllElsan ~tary ace ommod:ati(]nfo'r ",hee:~c.h<afr tlS'eF!;l shO'!Jlld be pmvtded in the iprinil;ipa! lelll~raFll,ca storey uflIles!S tha:E; stOFe'!iI' 'co:ntalns

ICilIIiiI iyt~ ii' p]fii!'il,c~p,all len~ra:i! c<e ,!;lInd v.eM:il~~1

ci I!1~Yllali()'rr! ~i'il;la,s.

4.1161 A we s,t,! u~a bhi~fo:!l' whee~cllhai r users shouh:l hi3ive· at Ileasll thEl! dimi8F1siiol'li8, equfpme,nt ill],d I'i'ltings s,h own in '[;Ii 8.g ram '16.

,41,.'111' I~ a buildh'li;li >co:ntain~, mon th~Uill ()liiIe WC Iclomlpartm'!;;!l"!It T.,,!-, '!NtIere;!chair IJsers,. '~ile IOPPDrtlHl~~ ShDUiII~ D!€lilak,!!!1'11 o~ providJng b·oltirl l>eft-l'iIa:nci ,andi r~!illh~~lh.~nd tri!ll1S'f~r h;!!yollrts-

DiamralfMl 16 WheefGhair w,e lcompa tbll,enl'

IP'fOiVis.iol'u; f'O.F iElmbullant rdlisabl;e·d peolp~e

4.'11 lR.eqll,ilir-~mernt M:3 wU ~ be s;atiis~ued if SOmBI plroV1isljIOI1I, in storeys 't:c' which 'Ul e only aeeess is Ibyas;~airwa:Yi~s sunable fOIi peoplewifr:h ,t!i I'umited;Jity to waJ ka.n d I[c &'IJ PPOlrt

Ua Bms,el:l;re~.

,4.HII A;t lea~: I~ma we ICemp~'Ii!ii'it de-S~g!iiH9d1 'for ambulant' d:(sabTe d peop,le snould be ~d witihfn lea.G~ ram:,gE! M we QOmparllJifil!lMl'ts inchH'ied in' .stOfeYs which alfflj not dresllg~ed 'tm be iilIJiCessibl'e to wh'e:el~hai'r users. lhils us in ach::!UtiDfi! t'O iJ,rovis~oninclll.H:lled undeii" paraQiraph 4. t 5.

'4.2.D' ,[)l~a~ ram 11 II IUS,tMtE!:S, a. We: 'foil" ambulMt d~500~ed peo!p,le:.

Diagram 1'1 WC, com,partnlenl for 911i1'btldanl disabled people



ijf" 4_:s£IiImI

'1:0 '!OJ) o! ~ at

~~~~~~ ~I~ __ mL __

SaritaI}' COlly nienca Imlill 'I~'r!:g;:i gl.liJerlhiln dweUin!l'5 23





5.11 The a~m5are 'to 1i!iiI~k:'e Ilfearsona!b:le' pf'(!lvisl.or:l5,~U,~ will slerlJinair users In U>n E!,;:J:l:r'e:s<,

cl nl$m'e;s. concert hit1lls,• SIPOIi:S s.tadJa andU1e

like,. -

l:iIesij'g!ml eGim~5~d1ell'a!~i~;1'Ii1l:5

5.2, Wh!t!Je~ch:;:lur usera neled to be PIfiQ:vided Witih .3 :Sp;'u:~,e illi~D w~fc:n ~liey C.3fiil manaeUvtfl leas,im~' an d 'Wlh[c'1'I all'ows them :81, c:-h~ air vIe'w oiith e event. WI'1l;:J.'d!dJiit!rol'll, tUne" :S~'Duld ha!il'aitlli1ecli'!Q~Cie af Ilu;eJnQlOilIDle 'lo,sri~ f1@l!Il tOil di:s;aJl.J,led ar abl'e~ bodi~d companions.

5.3 lflher,aqutrem,9lI"lfts IOit Pan: 1M wm be s<lItis,fied by the pmlllisions i~ par,aglr~IP'hs 5.4-

5.6. -

5~4 O~ Une~llDtall cffixecl aud~leli1ce er SipeCI!1l!tar seats, alo!a~i,alJlle tcme pli! ene IS, Oli' U~ OCrU.,. wl'Diooev;er is glr'BiEI.tJelr, ,sh.ould be "wli1l~elch!i!I,jr space's". Inr :Eli.l8iflge s·tadf!JJiITl' Uwoul(J1 be !'i~.sQ:n;ab I'e! to pi"ov1de a srnal hn proponih::Jofill IOlf

w i'neel(;h.drsp:aoei5<. . .

5.5 ~In ,aUil~atl"leJ;'whe;,rc,hatr spaoes' arel

II!:,) G;Bjj)l;!i[] ~f1! a sl mil,at!' ma!l1I!'N;lrtiQI thal Shl@iV!I'lri! in lDli3JgrOlli'lI 1,6,. Iln a stadN urn, 'w h@eh::ha:llIFspac@ls" are ~de~ig!i1led In a simtlar nH'l't1iner 00' thOSfll ,shawn in rlillag f,am 19.

5.6 A 'w'~,eeIGhai!,!;iiIP;;I}~e" (:.aI1!l be prQvid<ed by a C~Qa!l' ,SIP'!:liCe with :!!I. wlld~h of at least: 9C10mm, :31ii'1d 8 (i.ep1lh of ~n 1400mm. ,a.c(}~~iblE! '[11)1 a Wlhle!illl(;~a~r IUS19'f ariU::I p:~\I~.dirllg a clear \il'iew of ~h~ '8'1119!111. The space ma:y !be, ofJIe wh~otn rs .kept ,(;~eil!li or be ~Iile, w'~I(l:h !Gan readH1I' be pl'Q\llided fa r .1'1 III eeeas lien by remlOving a s.e'i!i:t. =rheSi~1

.sp aCIl!~ s'lII 0 u~d t!1ill d'PsIP€!f~e-d: :among the !"l'lmail!1dl'lI!:' tdthe pliil!!c:es, !i;'r:lItha!i dis~lbh;)!d

peop~8 mary sit filexltoatdle~tlDdHooor ci:sablled c'om,panJoll1$, •.

NOTE~Guldlaf1ce OFi access fOf tlisabJed. people' ~p!lpor'l:$ staditll is Inc:ludj~d it'll the' hjlllov;I'ing:

G~tda to Serrafy ilU' Sp Or1'S. Iur-ounds .t;)'e::ngi"lfng for speCr.1tofs with dls'rlbJrl as:

Access ('Of djs.abJed peap4e

Oiagtam 1,8 o-~ 'WIil eelchair sllNIees in a ilhe8:be








Diagram 19 Vi!awingposmOns,fO,' disaWed people In, a stadiUM! area

M!l~:$.5 IP.LA.'II

" I.


'9Mmm :

'!m1 -~- -.~.;oo-

~=4t r--

~dle'fU;:e ~ra~e~ur 5e5UIl!iII!n bui!ding5 ott! If than r:!wJl!Jl[ng;!!. 2.ii




6.11 The Qb]ective ts 't1@! mak'e !,\fi!'asonablle

iF',rovis rDn w~~:h iA the DIUlU rl,dlarl# of '~e p~lot otftlli'Jtl~ chlll',s:Ulng !~Oi" :31, cnsab~Eidl'per;soi'ih:i' appfaactiand gai'lr1 acc~ss ir'lto' tli:~, dw~~li:n'g fr'~H" th~ !pointof alii 9h~~ng from a v,elili G:: ~e whiJCi!11 m:a:y bel withi n Q:r ol!Jtsrde ttNll pl'ot., lin mQsltc:~rc!l.!m:s:tanCi~;s. rt !5~ulJ'~d be p~Ji5:si'Ol,e ttl' pl'ioivi,d,e a IIElvel or rnmipedl aplpro1lil,ch.

18.2: On plloM: whje:11 ate r'i!asoi1ialb'~~ h!Yel, wnu~chail' lJiSerssho!.!~d liio!'mal:l~ be, ab,I€lIO ap,pm,ach tihe pri~ c:ipElI E!fllfr,;l;!;ICe,' 8!,oeptiDnal~y" f'Of more Si~eep'~y si1op'il1QI pliJ,ts:. it Is cOfilsi,cillE!inl1!d il,€la:Siom!!bl'~tiO' pr,o,~itd~€ f,or sUok or ceuteh iIJ:S~:rs, (s'ee :parag~.a!p h 6,,!9).

161.3: On pl,~tsc whel"'e' '1!'llI'Hli~,~lchaill' users ,Iii a\il',~ :i!li~'I:Utoa(;h~U'ile enilrahGIfl', they should a:l:so be ab h~I' to !gis]n ,0000Jcoe s:s ~ntotlh;e dwe'IHng-houe~

an d eirtlbl"a!ru::iel I'ev:,e~ naris. .

!De,siiln c,orl,sideltati!Clln,s

6.4 The! p~ov1sion '~fan ;eIlPipl"'o~oh whioh ean Ii) e used by d is,ab~eCl FH~o:ple., i'i"ichidi n:QI whu,1cil"lair WlN3!'S. wl'll ol'blll'l be ,;3 RiI:!il.'tter ,o:r ~Ha~jcabi liLy', Variati CN'IlS intio'po,g ~l!.!iphy. aJvai~a.ble ptet ,ilHiea, olrllfne cHst:a~ceo~~he dW'91111I.l1!Q, vr,om the point of aJ.cces:s:, milllll~1I imitl!J emie' ti"U:[Ii tYfI'€' ('If :aJl)"miil!c'h that I)aln bl1l lP'f,o'viced.

13.5, I\!Clrma'lly, thlB provi,sil(!!fII's wm apply to th'ElI appr,os,ch ,to 'the iprlnci,pal ellltlml"1:ce. !"I'OIw,9l!i!,sr,iff ithat i:s !'let p()~'sibll~ in ,lEI: panij(lu~'ar sttiIJa.t~,o.ri!. iii: would! be, li'eai$onlable~DaiPplly tlrl'8m b) the iii1ip:proach 't~1 a! :s:uitab'le aU~matmv\€i ,entrMc~.

IIUi Til Iii' aplP'r'tcH1!clil :should be as ·saIf,e ,and as Qon"'\e:l'ilien~ fol" dU!la:blled ~eop,~e :SiS is r:easJ@iJ1!abltf;). and, ~[lealllly" be I~e've'li OF r,ampe~ .. How-elVer; G'n !Steeply lS~opin!g pl!ots a stle-PP&diajpp.l'Oa:Cihi would b~1 Irea~onla:bl'e'

1IS.1 If a ste;pped .app~oaclh to t h,€! dwe IIHng is umllvQI dab:l'e, tihe :aim sin o'u Id be' ior tine 5[e,p1S t:o ~e des1tgfl!edtio sl!.Jji~: 'the l'iJeeds of ,arnlboUilafil~ d,~s8lbled preD~'le (s;e,e p~raglra.phl G.'~ 7.~-

6.B, A]itl~'~fi!aNv'il!'I:y, the pr@J!i!~\I10~ efa d!'ilv~way might !provide a IDe1t~r opp©lrtun~ty 10ill CfitlaUng a16'l!l'G~ er ramlpedl approac'h, ,parl:itclIJl!:arly lif it also :!)fiO'~ide!3:the50ie rn!Jeaml:£;: (1)lf appwoac'h for 'i!,rJS~l~r'iS whoa.1Ie dlls:abled .. Tile dri~eW"iilY li~:S€l,~~ could be ,cj!e1Siigned' as 'flile aplprc!'!lCh 'from 'ttl,e ItNllv,emaliit o'r foO'tpe!t~ 01' IIWhlj1 b@ 'the plaice

IINil ere vis i'tOfS, ~arll(. ~n suctrn cas~s. a ~6've'l or ramped .appro3iCh rna be' pOlssH:d'e' tromtlil,e car ~,alrtjflg5!pa(le. p:Biriti(;:!,!III;S!Mly 'O'I'!! stleep~!f 5:lo,pingl p,llcts,.

16.9 :~'tt i~ i'm,POn8I1ltUl'att the, ~'lJlila(;e of an

a;PIP r(),i1,t@h :av,a:tlab leto a whee'loh air ill! ser sneu lei belirlllil enlougn ,to :support the w'f:ligh~ of ttH~i liI'ser ,and' Ihfs 'or lJh,erw~\H!!el,chajw il1iFu;l smlO,o,'Uh fHI'!iOolq;!llh 'tiO' IP!lH'mflt e~sy maneeuvre, ,I,t ShCilJh:l1 a~S'!l taka ,accounl~ c,fb1i1e neH~!d:s: o~ s~il~k :and cw:t'Ch usses. Loo:8!~' laid ITHltel'iaJlls.slJlc~as 91f:sll;!fil'lor shilil:gle, !;!.re' unS:JJltab~e for tIMe

a:PIP roach" .

16.11 ml Tne' \IV idtll1 off 'the, lap !Jl"'o.;u::ih, >extC:11 m::lil fI.!;I1 S1:i'i9ce for parked lil,eihilcI1es. ,sihould l.:lka ;IliIC'CC!lIfi1t ofth!Ei needs of';!;I! wll1erelch~Ji'" ys~r. Dr I!!! stick Oli" c:~~tclll USBI' t:see par~gra.plil c.t3,),.


Account will also rlssd to be taken of ~1,l3.nnin9 requl!'iements. s~ch as 'for new tlY~rding within conservation areas, L!J1}i!tiDI"I and arrang,emellt of dwaillng:::i, an 'ti''1e sJte is tal marrt-e:r for p~anning, whereas the il1hi~rnal',ollll. and constmc~ion of the dweHlnss is a maner fm tll.lIjdlmQ control.

P\ro,:vmslQ !'liS

'1.1I11'h,e' RleqlJlire'ment wU,1 be :s,aUs~l:ed if, wfthin U1!e! F,llla1 ,of:th'e dwel1li!:'ltgl,.a suft1i!ble :~pprl):E!:ch ii!;l, ~roviGl 8-01 'ff\omIMe po:1 flit of :aCCBS'6 tl[) tllje, e'riltili"ance. The P-O'irnt 'or ac,ooS!s,s!hou~d be reIOO~.W1!;ably l,ev·i:l!J allild the appw'o a cifrl sh@~ld not. have cr,os~.fa~lls 'gr,eQj~;ef it:113111 in 4,0.,

16.112: The,wJml,B. or pru1l, ,~F~~e'appr,oa:ell rna" liJe a ci flve~iI'ay ..

Il.ei~e'l apJHiil)3Cihl

6.113, Ai. "h!['I;!',j;!!I" approach wm6a'Nsfy the R,equl!"ernellit n Jts ,gr~dj(9nt is, not steep€lr' ~h'an 1 in .20, Ui1tS 8UIBHCEl is firm and ti2iVen ,and iIi::s wh:irl"i is 111'lJt 1913:$, than

IR:~nl'!!pedi ,IlI1lPIIIO'§!ch

1.14, ~fthe t:opogr.apny i;:; such tha:t the ! firrom '~he pojlil't o~ :Iiil!CQ'es5 towardsUl'El e~tl!~nC6 hasa plotgradie:nl 'e:>:;oe,eciing 1 In .20 bu;~ na,t e:<ceedll'j"j'g1 In 15. 'the' HequiMment won! be

sa tis,fi.tlldl J~ a ltialm~,e~. ,approac:h ts provl:d'eld.

S.11!S A romped approach wi'll satis,fytli!~

~:eqjUli I"JE!l'iIi'!lent Hit:

~. h:as, a sl!.H·fac!llw~i(lh :is f,i1rml ,alJlldl iElV6f1;

tit, !hasf,lli:Q lilts who::1i'i~' unobs~ cited widllS, are

Bit ~.e.i3!st '9 Q Om m;:

e:. h:!;!.s i'~,dividl,Jla:lfHghts not lo,ratge!'~haJn

1O.0mOCl'f gr~r['jief1ltsli'ilot 3te9!pef 'lilhan m Ifill 1.5. lOr 5o.lOm 'f'o~9Ira,{jri,el"!it5: notst.'EH;:p,er t:han '1 i nil.2; ,and

d. ,Il,astop ooel bOlttom iafldhnQs and. if necl{is,S1ar.y,i!"l!te rm ~(;i'i,B!te 1!\l,lldiIl1Q S" ii)' or

wn ose lengU~ s is ntH les8~1i'a:n '1 .2'm, ex'cdlllSht6 of'tifle :swlll'ilQ o~ any dOlor cr g,ate whrch OPiIlIfi'lS onto it.

M~ !'Jf al{;~1!: l:$aliKl iUilto [heil dWi!trln g .25

Sb1!:p,p,od ap,p:II'OiE!:ch,

'fi,,16i If the tcpog:l'aphy i~s such thaJIU18' rol.Jl~i (~OO 'P~,rii!ig!'''il!ph5 i.16~16 .• e~ f110ml Uile point o~ access ~cdil'le '!il!lI1tranc"e has ;a.plo~ g:radierru~ ,ex,CQ&dlingI1 in '1S.tbe FI'eq,u:iIFsment WI I111 bel ~H!"is;fted ~ a S,'EGPiped :f.Ippmac),h ~s 'pro'l;!ided.

6,,:'1'1 A s:tsppedl a,pprnl!c:h will salisf)! tihe' R€:qui r;eme 1'It tf~

a. ~~. tI:e!shig:Iil'ts wh oare '1iJ1I'!'lObsiruo~ied w!d~hs aral art I'east '9 ij Omm:

i).tlhe rise 'lOt a. Aig.hil be'tw.eefl 1,sJl'1dil"lg~ j:~ flOlt mom '[hanl 1 .sm:

e. ~~ has to,p a,~d tlotti:omJ6ill'ld, if n'BcB'5'Sa.fl(,

~l'1it,armedill,ate Ilandings. e,ach o~ wllose!'eng'fns ils n(lt lessth aifl 90iOmlililll;

d, !It has steps 'WMh su~table 'tire ad nosing:

Iprofules. (~;'(l:el O.~agil'·rum 20') a:ndl~",e risa of eaa'" s~:ep is !lll.n~form iand lis beiweetfil ji!"Smm;mel 15011'100':

llil. ti"i~ g.(!Illi1g o'r !ea,GI'i step is ",rII,. ha:sstlluan 280mm •. w"hl chi ~or·tapere[ltfElads,shoiIJ~d be ffll1!;!3sured i!I~ a ,iJo~nlt 210!1ilfli'l '~r:,om the 'jirniiide,' of 'tho tread: and

t. whefia, Ule'~ig'l1t oompwt:5:iHi tinee 011' fIIlIQI'iE!' ~jjse rs, 'thel,E!' Is a. sult!E!ib~jel oontili'll!Jo us harndlCaIl fl'n ona side· Q~ Uile 'fllrg'tlii~ .. AI :SlJi~able handri;!;im shCllu~d have a 'glriIPp8b~e pro'ffl@; be tJelwee'n 850mm :E!I!1!::! 1000mm :StlOVG 'Uile pitch Ih1 eJ' C( the n~gltru~: and exUH'I!d 3,OilUnm bey'on:1 the' tQP and b o,Uom n OS11,.

Diagram 20 Extemal .step promes

.ApIPfD,acllilliJl!smn,g <II ,(:Il'ii¥iewa,

ItiI.1S, Wli'lefie a d:riv,ewat!l 'Pml;!'~des ,i:! means Cif .a,ppro' '~lil'W~3:Unl8 el'll'mlJ':sncs, It wUII sa.ti!My ~he' A:eqYililremer!t if the d~€lw~,y p~oy~des an appi'Oileh pa,s~ any p:aJrkiecd !!;lars in aooo'rcdanoe 'With, ipara,gr,ap!1,s 'Il; 1-rS,.17·.fllbovs.

,ACCESS Ill'i4it'O, 'l"HIE: Dr~NEL!UN1G,

Des~~gl;\ll tl'!)lilsiidler.:aI~ih)ns.

'8.119 WhtH\i1! '~i'lie apfH'C'i':ii.cI1I~' the ent:ranc;ie consis:l:s oita le\i'e~, cr rafmped ap;pr,IO,8;ch (see fr)araglraplns 6 .. 13=6.15). ;:J.I1i acoossit),h!! 'tinlmshol,aI a't~l1ie l8'n~l'anCel :s'I1!l:l'!I;lld 110181 priOl,vided. lin

,o,ecessi bile Ulresh,~id in;ti~]i emranee level' ,~atcs slhO:I[Jld ,;1]80' ltHl' p'rnv'icied ,.

11.:2,Olln 'e',x,cie;p:~icnaJ cimumstli!1JiOI!;l$ wher9 tl1e ,apIllroac:h 'to the Bfilltr,iliID1Ce IC!CillllS Ists, of as~epped a p,ro'acl"ll (see p,a~gra,ph ,6i .. 16). itWGldd ~;tH~ be f.I:!8sorlable tg pn'G1~lcle! an at;oe$sllbl,e 'til1l'!Qshcmct ~€'a s;tep Ili'lo' the d:wemng l[iS l.!lrI!avoidab~e, 'the riSB' shoiIiJmd be no rn oreth a,tn150nThm.


!6.2:11 Il'f ~he ii;!p,proa:ch ·~o t;h~ dWIl1Uing or' b~ock of 'nlits: consists '0" a le'l!I'e'~ or r,iilJlliflped i:I:ClP~oach.

,ttl 0' Fleqiu1rem,€!W!t wl~111 ,ba :s:a.ti::i ~€d if ,liri

lU:iliEM3!SI bh,l' ~hr\~ ~m Id lis pl'O\l'ild~d I n'to tho E!'liltfane:,e'.TiIle, desr9l0 o~ an aeOilss,llble 't'hreshold :SIi'lO!l!'Jd aJlso satl;s:ty the feClwfrements of IPan C:i!: Denge'mus and G;ffi;Insive s[j'bs,~.ajI'Jces end PaFt ,et;.: R'e,sJsrs'fI,ce Ill' we.a',thef amjgro.r.u1d mots 'ure.

'NOlE: Gell'l,eralgllidsfilice on des,igln conSrderaUCiI!'l!S~or ,aJcc:e,5;sj,olle thr'esholds wi~1 be pl.1l bHs!I'H~d sepruca:le ~y.

ICI'EI'Sli'glllill C'OIi1l!s~dBr,atlh)n s

'6.22 The proYisi,on ~fa:fl appriOpri;:d'e! door openli'llig wi:dth w~111 enab~B a. "I,dleelchaii' user ,to rmanOGU'iI!'Ie Into~lhe dwel~illlg!.

Pi!'O!l.!I'mS~~ ns

16.:23 Thle Fi:eq,uiJ'e.m.e'liit wiH be s8tis;i&CII I" an 8_xtemal door iP'M,¥i.diliTlg a;CC,!l!SS for disabl!ed people has .. 81 rfIunil1lUm clear @l)leninQIli!li'~~:11 iQif 7'75mlllil.

Meafli!il. oJ ,DCC'eSS. ~~ ~nd l!!Ito ~1iI1' dWl\lIln~ 26





'1.'1 l~na oojlecti.v€! ~8 1fof!5l(l1 [U,atea,OCEH3iS within tne ent~antGe Sh:Hi6y iiJF the prir1clpa.!~;ilore'y >(lif the dwel,lj:f!I'!i:i, ~nto h;;tbr't.lbl,~ fOOnlS,i3ilnd ,a. room containing B we, \i,V1n~c:h may DB a bathroornon tl,at lieNiflil.

C!l)'rf.I,d·,eolr~'i' p~ssaigeWay5 ,a'ndiritlef'ti!,al,d!')oI:'S wiithiinthia arlt!:"E!I!ilQa ,5,tCI'I:e,

De sig:n "Dn5'ide ratl:ol1!!5

'1,1 0 o,n'lid orsa~ d p!1li~~ag~W'ays In the ~n't~3n,() e stl:! rey SlhrCi IiJ Id OG oSU'fI'ilCi'€Int;ly wld'e to aHa\!\! oonveni Bnt circulatilon b!if a w M!€!Gi C hail' user, ConsldJerat:klil'1i sl10uld be glivel"l to· ~he, ,effects; of local obst:rnJeHon by red iactof:san d oth e rnx:tures ..

7.3 It wIIH be !'1!;!ces:n,fy to eOf'is~de,r 'the Ia.yo~t >of: a (o,om $,!1lN~~1 byalrl ~it~rl!'l>rJ-,ti\i!etD 'thel . prime i p al eFl'~raI'lC€! ,IF! Orlel:el' t Ifliat a wh,€!€! Ichallr uS·S'f' can ~a5sU'ilrouglfl ltto 1'1ll'!:lchths fePfl'Qin(j'er '[j·ftbH'2' ientr~r:1Ii:::,e5tQ roy.

'7,4 II ntl:!ifnal (j ~lor8 need to b'@ QV ,8. 5uitabl'9' woidtlh 'to 'f'~oiHtate whee,lohajlf manoeuvria. A Wilder do~i' ~~h~[iI 9ari>i~!rally p'fcvided would ~~IOW '®9isl.e,r m~!'lIMuvrfl'iiig whenl it is necessary' FOil' ,3 w!haelcha~r U:8!llr to turn mto a. deaf ope1ni:ng. as <appo€; ~Ia t;o, 8IPP:roachi n.glt h ~ !;!d~ 0'1"'1.


7.,5 The ReCilulif,emant wm b61 satiafh;!,dljf~

a, !il'cQl'ridil:J.r Qr Qth~'r ,i!liLlCieSS rou:te 'intlhe

,entrane9 ~tO!,6y lor porllii!oipmlli' ,sll:orey se'Jr'virn'g habi't'8i:t:;)'la rQ{i)ms and ;t! room cQntalnllngl a. we {which m.ay be, a. bathroom) on th;€IJ11 II~vel, has an ~nobst,flL.icted width iF! accoroa:flice wirthl 'l'aib,1 e 1;:

b. a :short lelflg11h (f1I!!1 more than 2m) Off I oeml permanent '[;i,b,stFU ct~of'ilin a QQrr~(j.Qr, ~u:orna.s .e:. I'[lcliltor, wauidi:J,e acotlptab1le provi.dedihattlha lmobs;tn;l~ttled wldfth of the, I;l~;lfrideir ls not lees than 750mm faii'ti1~t i,9lflgth, tl'!:!"Id'the l'Oc,all p,I]rrTlan.en't ,o,b,siitr~ r:rt!j,on ls net IP lac!E! ell QifJ'positQO'! d,o·!)!' to ~ Foam ~f it would preVEmlta. whe'ElI:ch's.iir user 1l1!lmirlg Into or (I ut of the !r,[;lom,; and

0" dOIDrs ~;t:ll n ;[to'lablle rnoms and a r'oom

(H]F1lt~~nirlga WCha'!te rnfi"limum eleer Q:p',ening widthls·51hoWI!1 hi Tabla 1 ,wiben ar;ce;:S5!edl by e:orrldo reer P~$$~:g8W,~y~, whe,sii!1 wldth,s aile tn :aec,o'rdianCQI \.vlith '~hG::H3 Ij,stEl(i Ii'll Talole4.

TeJ)11 El' 1 Sil'! Q'W:S tih~ m i nl.mlUlm 'wi,r,::Mh s !:)f and pa<S8,fjJgElW~t'1l$ fhli'lt: WQuid b,e nece::S!5ary t~ enable cw:h>e!2l!,ohair 618161f8 to turn Into and 'ouit of a ra!1l El'a 'elf d tiHlII"Wa;,l( widths.

fahle 1 MJniimlJJ1m Wtlatliil:sal~ ~crri,d.or.i eind pa~!>ag~w':!!:!i'l! ,1'Cr !I. F!llloQe or ~QQ.Ml'iy wlGltllii

D~ON.!ayo~!!ar Cmrnil'Cir/!piEliSsageWEilt Io'!..jdtlr! (mfl~

(] fJlI;'J~~f!g wJ~~h! ~mmll I


Diagram 2'11 ill~u(1ltJr'9te,s the g,uh.1,an'elQ on dGlors" [;orrid ers an d passageways.

f'-'- -- -- -_._,--,_ -- --'--"--"_----;

,',;, •.•••••••• ~ •• ' "'. J

~LJJAjn:r"l11I11:1 Gq!l1I~ 'tim

Vertlcall cllf~ul.IOIil wl:thilii!it:he ,entrance sto,rey

D.e:si,Qnco nside rati 0 ns

1.8 I tl ,ex:oe:p1 iio'na I G ire!ij m:S1tan el'as! where, se\l',erei:y :e;io,pi.n9polots are involved, aSit~pped otnat"!!9~ of l~v,e'll wi;l:irnilri the' entlrante! ,s*,or,ey may be um~vnldable. I~\n ·:tho;!lE! lrretancea, thr:iJ alrn sh'Dula be to :pr,ovid,~ a stair c,f' r~,a}lm"ablle

wkH:h fror amlolJliQrrl:: disilibl:Qd p9o.p19 tel n9.gotl~t,~ the ,5~'61p'SWmli Sis,sistance andtor ha~}d'wQHs on both :sld~~- The Apprnv's:di [)iQoUl'mefil[ to P·alrt K1 of t,M !B,llJil'Cliing Reg,ula.tians contains gu~d'araoe ontha dliN~ign of private sl;a!rs II!'! dilNe~HhEI'!>.


"7.1 Astailr I:;lr:ovll(jlfil~i ve"'I:I!C'~1 .(lln;r~h':lfUon!wa:hiFl the entrance stiQ'l!'ey of the' dWEI'lllinlg wl1ll satisfy th~ ReqilJulremefil[ ,[f:

·81. it h a9~1 ig ~1Jt:s wh~)~~1 cl0'~V' wid! n'sQ,re !lit I.eiilst 900rn m:

b. the~~ Is a SilUa~bl'e GOntinUDI!.J5 hnndlraH 01:11 each :side, of th BflJ>I ghta:t!ld any II!"lLbi: rm iii'd i ate Ilan dln:gs wh ere the ri,se o:f the fliglht C()I'I'H;l r~M; thrn:€ii' lor !mO'III!;! rises; and

c. ttHe rise afi!,d gO;ll'19 m..a In acc(J~dleliee w:111h

the guidance in t'heAp~lI'oved IJ.OCllIn1l3l!':!t for Part Ii< fair pri vate ~ta~ ~S.

C!reu!aijol'l wilihllllwth!! eiI'Ihiimi!! ~OI"iB!Ii' ,iliff 11I'IIe dW!Wl~nII!Il 27





8.,'t Thel aim is to usls,t those pegp,le whose reach is lim'eel. to IJS9 -he dwe'lll fig ,more' 'B,aslly by loeat A9 wall-mourned sw:ilches and socket C I1Ue't$ atSl!!lita.b1e harg hrts.

ID'esrgn c'Dnsid!I'i:lr~~iQns

8.2 g,wit(lhe'$ ,land soc at, outlets, fer Iigihjl1g and other equipment shcllltd be locat,edi so 'tllfiat tl'1lEl}ll' ar,o €uu9111)' maehab~e'.


8.3 A way of' satisfy ng 'the requirements wou1d bEl'w provide! s --itt eS~jlld socket 'ou :Iret:s or ~ighiUng ,allld other equipment in habitable I'Q;OI1lS ~t ,ap~m,prlate hel>gl1ttsi b.;lweel! 4 ~Omm and 12DDmm 'from' n ishad 'ncor level (~;u~,e QiiagrSnill 22).

DIagram 2-2 IHeights of switches" :socJkets etc



91.'1 For .bUildings ,oonm8l11illng lfIaitS, t e obje:ctll!lB should be 'to, make I~asof'!ab"e, Ipnll''ofi$,iof! . 01" d sati~ed peop le ttl, 'fi<sit 'QcGUpa1'!lts who IlIlI'e' on ani., $~!Croy.

11,.2 Tn e l"IiI-os't su I ab~e mea ns (I'r aeeass 'Foil' d'is,abled pe:opt:el 'from' CI1!l! staAl')' to ani) heli' is a lP'a:SiSeng'~f lift. Howe'llell':. a Ilift may no ,ahvays

be prQ'Vldled. -

Ille Sigillil '~QllliIs~dillllr,aIU(U~S

'9.3 ~ .. 'thorn is 1110 passenger 111ft pl'iovlding acoess be-e n storeys., a salr should e' desi!l)!U!ld tosutl1he' needs '0 ambu !i!'II1't disabled p.eople. ~1iII an, s1oIBl1d. a ~s~:air in a commo:l'l aI-eSI. shol!Jl.d be de.signed to be

Sld itatll.g 'fo'r p eo pl,e We ~ Ii m paiMd Si glh:t

9'.4 Where a lifts provic;led. i· s,ho,uld be s,l!Jrable for an unaccompanied whaeichilllil" user; Suulable pr,Ol,l'llsicns,n,o.utd als.fiD9 mad,e 'Ell' pS'Dpl,9' w,l,th s,Elnsory ~fIiiI1palrmBnts. Measurr,es, s'h(al~d also be' adopt,ed whiCh gl,",6' a disabl1ed

Ipernon su clent time- '1:0 ,enter the Iii t 'to' n:.Hj~(le' the risk 0' ICCil'I'3e't with o:losin.g dC.o'fS.

If'!i",I)\I'tsions 'fmr C~Hli1IlmDIliI s;ta~fi~'

9,.5 The Reqlulmm,1ii nt will be safsfled l'f;8 building containing 'fi.a"s. In which II passelilQiel L t Is nOll .0 Ibe inS~"'![id. is, prevltl'ed with a

su iabls si'air, which has:

B. alii slep II'i'oolngs dis; '~nguJ'5ha:bl e,mh rlrl'u,glh

oOnitr,liIs:Ung bri ghrk!ess;

b. top, and bottom landings _'/hose lengths

iirlll1 In ·BCcordancer with Pal1 111<,,;

c. ste'ps with Sl.Ii~ab~'B'trlead nosing prof JIles:

(:$:ee DI;aJQII"am ,23), and un~'foWim rise, of each step. 'whfch is no,. more th'~m 1'10mn1;

d. uni ,orm '910;in'Oi 01' 'each s,ep, wll ch s nol

'ecSs titian .250mrn, whiclil "Of tap<oed -treads, sl'i@;uldl be mea5l!lred a~ ,eI PGitll~ 2 ['!Drum flroffl U~9 jJil'sidie o'f ' he . Jread;

8. risers w'lhr,ch ~re' nc)'t 'op'en; IIRd

f. ,I sultabl~e con' i'iatidi":ioIil On ea!~t!

sh;'Je r:)f m~g Itts, and lall1d ings 1 t tl1 el' cf1l'le staii" C4m p . 'ses:two Q[ m ere rtsas,


Diagram 2S Common ,stairs In blocks of flats

- - - -

IP'lflil1V:lision:~ for Iffts

91.16; The Reqll f'Srnal1t lI'-Ilinl be e<dI n~ a bul'ldlnlg. Of EI, prt ,of iii, bu Id'ing 'N Jch ,c,o!'il.a ns: f1'ats .abov·el~h,e' entrance ::;;Ecrey' and ill1 which [passenger ~ift access lis ·to Ibe linstal edll. Is [provided with 91 SU: leble paiSS'8Vilger 1:1' wltll e, milllwmum food ,c:Elpacilty of ~ODkg.

9.7 Onel wary 0.' sal.i&'IYingl the· Beq,ulrnm,omt w,ollllid be to prolV de' a passenger iIif-t which:

B. hes a landing at I'east HrOQmml wide

Mel at I'Mst ';,,s'iUlmm 11.01'IIg Inll'rOlil't: of !its en'tril;ln~e;

b. has a door or de.OfS¥~hh:::h pro'\! dea clear

(l,peningl width, cd at leasl :BOOmm;

(I. bas a cer whose Width is at I'oost 900mff'll

,~uldl whosls, lang'th is Q~ 1:1~l'',5Dmm '(ot:llslr dim.IiUil:li icnns l!il'i'a~~$a.liI$fythe, Ritu!:Illi!iir&JJiliG iI'l't. ¥il'l e~'e shown Iby test evide·n.ce eu" ,e~periel'!i(;e in U,S!!. er O''heMi~e. to be' suLable fQ'r an

unaCCOQ1ipen ed who,olc1Fua!f iUiS!8,r):

d,. has. I,aflciing aJnci car eon~l'iols ~'llrhlich are not

1135:5 than :iHii:'imm and not mOf,e' than. 12aOmm i:llbOive hs, landlngl itli!d the caff.oall:al a dlst~l1ol} Q at IIea.S;I. 400mm mlrom " GJ 11"0"'-. w,s I;

Ie. Is ac·companled by suit·c b~el tac'IHle

mndh;!;I,ti;oflli ,fin lli'I@ land[~ng .8lnd ,adj~.Qenlt~'Q '~tJe Iliff!: calli bUH:c'A to Ide'liI'~iif!l tli'I€I stOrie, in Qiues:rJoil1;

f. has: swabIDe lBc:tlle indicii!iJ:on en er

.adJacent to Ili'ft bu . ions 'W, ~'hin 'U'n~ ear to con';!m'iI, 'P1e JloQ:r sere!C~,ed=

g.. III'IIC10,rpo'~,atN as~gnaJrlng :s.y.S;Eiem which

gi.ves~isil!Jli;d nli()t~t1ca,tllQm 't'hattilr1e lit!: is

ans· 9roiRg aJ II aridll.ngl ICaJlllatld a. Jdwel] t mel' 0;' 'fi\l'€! .~~cond:s befor;e ut::S coors beg,in til cli:ose after ·th~y are '&dly c.p&m 'U1e sysllill!'fl J1iI a, be e,verrid'8i11 b" a do~ I!f~ac~i\l'a.tlngl ~!'e\lice wh:et! looUe'SJ ,~nl ~,prop I'ia~e' elecim:nlc methods. bu[ I",ot a dioor edg B' p ressulfEI svste·!1\I. IpmW ded tJ!iIM 'the minimum timlil'(or a IiJIt ,door to r,emaln 1 unit lopen is 3seGonds; andi

h. whefi!,ihe un -s·eNe6. mOil'S 'th,8iA :3 lS;t1areys,

ill1,corpoliilililiifj, visual arnd ·aud:lbf a ~ndio;iiI.t:j,on ef th IiII 0001' reached.

III '.1'F'i..fll, m= S .... I!! l£ m~' NilSING, °FlOOLfS

.... illllm riSB 1111rnm

M I'!Imwm gdflg25 -;

IP,~ hfls and! ~;nlta!;ri; h'i bAiN.· Ill' 'b'~~ 29

.M3(1:) DWIElUNIG8



lU:;lI,,1 The, IPfilmary ~bjeetiv,e lste p,rov.lde a we in 'III Ie ,em1irSTI es ,St:o.r1e1ii' of ttle '~wellIngali1d to locartl8i its!O th>i!i~ the~e sho~!ld be [no' lJ!l€lladto

n e'QQIUa:te ,ast:airtu mach i~ from ttl,e 'h\8bltalb~'e, rooms [In tt.ait, !Storey. WheN 'the efl~r.afilc'e' s~orey ItO!!'l'tail!!'lS, no habltab~e lI't'Io:mn~., i~ ih~i I'easenab.~e'to provide a W[':, rn 1e!llltli9:J1'tihe' 13'ntrartce stQ~er, e,f t~e :prln(lipaJ S\lorely.

l)e:s~9 ~ 'Ci:IQ!ls,1 d!elr~'liQ:!'II!;!i

110,~2: The' aim is to proVtfde' it we I!li~thlrl~he· emrance :StiO "'!;Ill ortili'ue prinei~ aJ S't(lrillY' of a ,OIwe~Hn9. Wh iii Ill! t~ef,e is: a ballrc I}mrntlhat: .ofey,lh:e we may be located in 'that battllJrecm. lit wm n,~t alwHliB be p",a,etica~ IfOI" 'tinQ w,I'U!@·h::tMlil" to tis 'fiu~ly acc~mmod:ai~!eci1 wUil1.ln 'tin€! we com~'anm~rnt


'1'1)1,;3 fi1te'~€!q!lJr!'(lmerilt !NIH b~ S,aitn'SI~ile'd if':

a, ill we is p.rovid'ed in 'the '!l!i!iItranC1G'stDfey (lif a dwaUing wh li;lh eOiiltaiili'ls a haIMm't)Ir!l, l'Ioom;or wli1@Jle'~!he eI~elrlflg is s,ucill Ullat tibere are, IiiIIO lhiabital:il's' r,ooms 111'1 Ul &. enlr.anee, stOIl''eY. If Ii we is, prov,idad in leither tb~ 'e:ntrarUle s~ofle:y It Hil'e'

pl'inillip:a11 storery. .

b. 'U'li9 ,cI(}or ('tithe' we ,cJ(limp<aril!I1'H~iI1t lopens

olJtwards, M.d I:;, IPo.SU ~onerJ~,o lenab'~e wh,e,EI,"olilaiir userste ai~~e5i~rhe' we ,and: lhas a clie'ar opeli"l~ng widlUI' IlfII ,aCG1lJl'd~ncf!wi~h Tsb!le· 1 (doo'r ope.nfl1!g[s wnd~l"i!iha'n '~:he' I' ~rn Tab'la 1aU O'VI,!' ~~ier !I1UJnOel,llVIIrl,rn 91 and aeeeas tlO the we by wl'iI:E!,elc hal r IUSEllI'sl; :fmd

Ic.l~e, we clom,partwnel1l~ tPr:o'!l!'idesa, c~ear spa08' flGr whlee~chwr l!1$'~~Sj ~o jacoeiSsl~ull we '(51\) EI' IDiagrMl1's :24 &. :2:5) and the wool'iltlasn ]s pCiSj~io:n<$ds:e, Ul,;;d: It dOes [iiotimpede aeeess,

Diagm.m 24 Clsa:r spacefOir' 'fml'Hal access ID we:

··5IX11"111'11~1~ ,[~:50mF""f1i!l(l

W'C; ~io!ilmliliin ei'l~nee :lii.lml;y ~ .. ~~ dwllllJnl)l 30


~" ,,!:!Ii!!;!:Oilltie5 kif ~bled PHP~D 3t

Sta,ndards ,refer~ed to

SSt 4181: ,tntemal ;mid @'.:dernal wood doornem, doo(" tea ves and frnm§.,"

Part 1': 1 '!nlO ( SH55) Sp~ cJtir;;;Uien for d.fmef'uJianalreqw~(em€iI1'ts

BS 5,&55: lif;f$ and SefVj'Ce lifts;

Part t ~ 1 986 ,safely mtes or 'he ool,nst~lJ,CIlOn ,and in~tall:l'tlon ,of electric lift's'

A,m-endme!"l~ :s~lp

1: AJMlJ' 5,aA 01

(,P:aR 1tCJ1 be' na"p~a.ce!'l::l tI'Ji' 18,5 EN 81-'1, wlben P IJ blf,shed)

Part 2~ 19Ba~ S.8ifety rule's 'o.r the ,cons-truer/on ,ana jnstal'atj,r;:m ot hydr.aunc ,flits

Amell dmen :. 31 ip

t: AMI[l,6,,22C

(Pari: 2: t() b~ fie~lacedl by BS lEN ,B~-2, when

p ubllshe CI) -

Pa 5: 119&9 SpecJtications for dimensions for s'tand¢jm 1m 91'mngemen'ts

Part?': 11:983;:~,tJon for manus1 control 113'elftc,e's. Iftri~',C8tiOn.: arn1 ad'dltitJ.nm fitt.ill'gs Amendment .Slllp

1: AMI) 4912'

as 517716,: 199 6, SpecUic~,tionfo, po wai"ed ,srt,'alrnftS

ISS 'f! 4-4'1): '19,63 Code of pra.cfic,e' fer pD'w,erl~d lifting plfJtforms for use by dffiooled pe:r,s,ons (Amandmenl d'ue 19199'

G~.l]d-ancle ontihe use o· Tactile' Pa'l.I'h'l{D1 ,Syl1aces,. Deplialli1msnt: of the EnViifll Ii! m:e·flt. Tr,E!l1l1Siport ,Bnd ~he IAegic'l1ls. 1'9~".

Copies of his dm::umemt ma", be lobt~lned ~rom;

The MoblHty Unit

Department of tlile IEnvifionmenI" l"ral'lsp,ort BOld th~ R~Qi 0'1'19)

Zone 11/1 U

Gni'at Minstelr Bousel (IS M:a:rnham S,treat LONDo.N SW11 P 40n

GUli(!\e'~Q S,afety' et Sj)!I,')":$I G rca IlJ n,d's

ILand ofile The SUiitiofH'i!r)! Qrfijc,e, 1991

DesigiillrligfDr Sp,erctat!Drs with Disabimit4es Football S adia .AdlIls.ory Design Council. ii99S tava,plalble friom the S,ports, CO'I.!.l"!'o.lI)

Aoc'E!s;!;O for dl:sabled IP 6:() 1':11',9'

English s.pons COlUfllGii i3uh:larillOij Notes

ACl:iie55 ,imd rac:[I]tics ror dls8l:iled ~iIII;IrtI 32

The ollowlng Approved Documen' has baen aplP oved for th-e purposes of the Building Regulations, 1991 las amended) by the Build IiIgl Regu.latlons (AmendmQnt~ Regulations; 99B

an d w ill take ertec-t CI n :2 5 ,Oct Ob-Bii 199 $I •

IMI Access and facilities for disabled pe.ople, 1999 ediltion

The, rail ow ng Approved Documenw eonunue 0 be approved or the' purposes of e Building Reguh.'l,tiltll"ls t ~91 Cas ameod,ed.I.

A S'tl!'fl.!ctl.!re, '992. edlcn (4th lmprasslort ,with ,tummdmBnts) 1 grg~~

IS, Ftlre Safety" 1992 edition (2nd ~mpl"F.ssroJ"l ~wlttlamend'mentsJ 19r92)

C Site IP reparatJPon '& IRes ista..ncel ~o MOJ stu reo 1992 edition (:2nd impress on (wYh amendments) , 992)

D To,xic Sul:u.tmlrn:es. "985 edlrion (amended U192)

IE, Reslstance to ,he IPassage 0 Sound,1992 diillon '12nd lmpression (WI'r, sI'I'IElndi'll'i&n' sl 99,2)

IF Yern Ilation. " 995 edlho

GJ HYOIt9nu. 1992 ,edition (21~HJ 'imprreMlon {vnth ametu:jment~) 1992~

H 8. Waste :Olsposal, 1990 edition (amended 1992)

J Heat Pf.oduclng Appliances 1990 ,edition (an ended 982 .•

II( Protection from Famng. CoHlsion Ilmpae. 1998 edUlon

L Conserv.attioi'ii or F el s Power. 199'5 1001 ten N Glazing - Safety In RelalCi 'to Irnpac.

Opol'llng &. Chtarningl, 19ge edi 'on RSllllliJ'I.i:di:on 7 Mate sis Md WOrkl"1Ulnshu.:J.

902 edition (2nd ~mpres'si~UII (with amS;=l'1cmerw'ls) 1 9,92~

Timber Intermediat9 f,loorsfJor Dwellings (excluding ~mpartment floors) IB,a.sementsfcH DWreHlngs

0' e'tha' the Manu,,1 to the BUlldmg IRegula1ions 1985 ha's been WI l1t1mwn.

PIItn'*«!11'I .. ,' ,,~. ~ I'Qt 'M 11'.'1101 Ql!;j'.MiI 'IDJiiil

tilci~ fm' ~~I IlfIOI)I 33

TJ.,,, I


Pt.iliGs~ cyme. ,Slation.aty on!ee !Olm·~v,~~I~ Th~, ~SIl~liO:iiU~il'Df.liliie,

1(!Ml~,te::eIPI'i!~"a:nd. ~!;g. c'rn~:!i Gr:IIy)

PO 180::(, :liil. No~n. Nrrla ;16N

T.ale:ph~' .~ ~n~faJ~ll'lri~ II)B1f) 'GlXI.!5522 i~ orllil'-!['S 1J8i7~IIf'lKl~a,tliie5:lallRiilnymrJ~tlQm

'~Sl:a!!.lil!'.~e!iY JQflleg,IBg!ll'klilliio,ps,

~ 23, ~I)IgSWBY. btoodUll WC2B ~ffi (W' n4:l! IQJ:OO. FwI Qfil :iJl;2426~t2 OOeS'9ISuJJ SU'ieel, 13i~~ ~. 6,A/[) (JI1,211-2ilm 9006 Fax 0'121 .~ 9m

sa Wlrile SIr-I. 8mlQI E~ 2910

(l1117 826 4lOO FM o~n' 929 o'!5'l S

9;.,2'~ f~ Stl1l(j~. I~ror MOO aAs OHl"'! ~. J'201 Fa 011311 ,~'OG34

~ tli lirilli!:ur S~'eit, Beif~81rl ,04GO

02a 90:231 a;.:IIi51 F~ Q1H, ~54011

"I'I'M S~ otrlCi9 01['91 BDcJ.~p

18;.-1191 i91iJllh mI~ot. ClIIdtii CF1! 2BZ ~292.oiJ!i' ~Il: 1Fm: 029' =:008 4M"

7'1 LQ.'hIan, Roeltll, Edlrtblil'9'h EH~ !3'Q ~lJ:;(jIM!ltii,~5Q, r'lPI Q~j!,@ ~ 5~

The SlaU!llNl:ry iOmGII'S ,~eli'll'dlt:~d ,i!!.gonJs ~:56 ~[I\!oI' P~D

Biilatliliul:l£ptl~' ~:

rs B N 10 " 1 7!5':H6'1l l


C Orlllll\!llllOOP~hl l'99B. Pu~ IlJrh! i~aritJ'nei11o:fUne, 5f11lilUtJrnen\ lr~port a:adihe :Regloos UlMer 11eer11i:ie r~ Ills C~[!6f Clr Ha- 'Wlites~!sSiffii(:<ilery OOi~ .

A:flIPI1cffiKl:flskJr r~tlQrl shiN'd be ~ iif! \\i1'TliGiI!!j t~ Th~, CeP~~Ii1t U\lil:. H~M~~tT~ ,S!aliQ[iJer)I ,,~;r: .. e. mOlefWIe~ HW;$~. ':::-1 5 Ctll¥t~, ~jch lN~fe ~BQ,

fijmi p~h;od ~gsa:

(R!epI!aW:!i, Awowel~ern til 1!J'~ iedlwn,~ f',!jth Irn.p~~ ~I

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