Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

# This is _getargs, a Perl/CGI argument reader capable of retrieving RFC1867 fil

e uploads
# as well as "normal" URL-encoded input.
# (c) Vivtek 2000. Licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License.
# Documentation at
# You may freely use and copy this code for any purpose, as long as this comment
# remains attached exactly as it is. Modified forms of this code must clearly s
tate the
# fact that they're modified. This code is distributed with no warranty at all
-- if it
# breaks, it's not my problem. If it breaks your system, it's still not my prob
sub getargs {
my $input = $ENV{QUERY_STRING};
if (lc($ENV{CONTENT_TYPE}) eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') {
$input .= "&" if $input ne '';
while (<>) {
$input .= $_;
my $i;
my @t;
my %tagset;
foreach $i (split /&/, $input) {
@t = split /=/, $i, 2;
$t[1] =~ tr/+/ /;
$t[1]=~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$tagset{$t[0]} = $t[1];
return \%tagset if (lc($ENV{CONTENT_TYPE}) !~ m'multipart/form-data;');
my $line;
my $lines;
my $name;
my $type;
my $filename;
my $file = 0;
my $localname;
my $uploads = shift @_;
my ($junk,$boundary) = split /=/, $ENV{CONTENT_TYPE}, 2;
$boundary =~ s/\n//;
$boundary = "--$boundary";
LINE: while (<>) {
last if ($_ eq "${boundary}--\r\n");
if ($_ eq "$boundary\r\n") {
$line=<>; # Get first line of headers.
$line =~ s/.*?; //; # Chop off the Content-Disposition part, we don't need it.
($name, $filename) = split /; /, $line, 2;
($junk, $name) = split /"/, $name;
$file = 0;
$lines = 0;
if ($filename ne "") {
$file = 1;
($junk, $filename) = split /"/, $filename;
$tagset{"_details_$name"} = $filename;
chomp $line;
($junk, $type) = split ": ", $line;
$type =~ s/\r*//g;
$tagset{"_details_$name"} .= "|" . $type;
$ext = $$uploads{mime}{$type};
if ($ext eq '') {
$ext = $filename;
$ext =~ s/^.*\.//;
$tagset{$name} = getargs_makefilename ($$uploads{file}, \%tagset, $name);
if ($ext ne '') { $tagset{$name} .= ".$ext"; }
$localname = "$$uploads{base}/$tagset{$name}";
if ($localname ne '') {
if (open _GETARGS_TEMP, ">$localname") {
$tagset{"_details_$name"} .= "|" . $localname;
while ($line=<>) { next LINE if $line == "\n"; }
if ($file) {
# Write the line to the temp file.
print _GETARGS_TEMP $_;
} else {
if ($lines > 0) {$tagset{$name} .= "\n"; }
$tagset{$name} .= $_;
$lines ++;
return \%tagset;
sub getargs_makefilename {
my $spec = shift(@_);
my $object = shift(@_);
my $field = shift(@_);
while ($spec =~ /\[(.*?)\]/) {
$tag = $1;
if ($tag eq '(field)') {
$val = $field;
} else {
$val = $$object{$tag};
$val =~ tr/ /_/;
$val =~ s/[&!"'*;]//g;
$tag =~ s/\(/\\(/g;
$tag =~ s/\)/\\)/g;
$spec =~ s/\[$tag\]/$val/g;
return $spec;

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