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Cooper Pranks

By: Sydney Parrish
Based on Arthur Tricks the Tooth Fairy by Marc
Zeke ran into the living room. “Look, Cooper,” he said.
“Santa left presents under the tree!”
“Why?” asked Cooper. “Because it’s Christmas!” said Zeke.
“That’s dumb! Why would he give us all his toys?” asked Cooper.
“Maybe he likes sharing,” Zeke thought. “How does he go around the
WHOLE world in ONE night?” Cooper asked. “Stop asking
annoying questions!” Zeke replied.
Two weeks later, Cooper ran into Zeke’s bedroom. “It’s Christmas!” he
yelled. “No it isn’t,” Zeke snapped. “Is too,” Cooper replied. “Nope.
Christmas only comes once a year,” said Zeke. “No fair!” Cooper
When Zeke came home from school, the house was very loud. The
stereo was all the way up blaring “JINGLE BELLS, JINGLE BELLS,
“What are you doing?” Zeke yelled over the music. “I’m making Santa
think that it is Christmas again!” Cooper replied. “You can’t do that!”
said Zeke. “Santa knows when Christmas is!”
The next day, Cooper made a list of everything he wanted for Christmas.
He hopped into his chair in the dining room and started writing.
Dad came in and sat next to him, asking “Why do you think tomorrow is
Christmas?” Zeke ran through the room saying, “See, I told you!”
Cooper walked through the house sadly. Everywhere he looked he saw
remains of their happy Christmas. - Zeke’s new
skateboard. -Mom’s new pots
and pans. -Dad’s new tie and shoes.
Cooper could not stop thinking about Christmas!
Cooper wandered into the kitchen where Mom and Zeke were making
dinner. Mom turned to them and said, “You both need to go through
your old toys and clothes and get rid of some.”
Zeke looked through all his toys and clothes carefully. But Cooper knew
just what he wanted to do. “I am going to get rid of ALL of my old
toys and just keep a few of the new ones,” he thought out loud.
That night, Cooper could not wait to go to sleep. “Zeke, Santa is coming
tonight! I will tell you how I know if you don’t tell anyone!” said
Cooper. “I promise,” Zeke replied. “Now tell me!”
“I am tricking Santa by getting rid of all my old toys to make him think
we need more now.” Cooper said. “I hope so,” said Zeke. “Because
I’m sick of hearing you whine.”
That night Cooper dreamed about Santa. Zeke decided that Santa may
need a little help giving Cooper two Christmases.
Early the next morning, Cooper ran into Zeke’s room and jumped on his
bed. “Look!” Cooper shouted. “Santa came!” Zeke sleepily sat up.
“I tricked Santa! I did!” Cooper sang.
“I have to start planning to do it again!” Cooper
shouted running out of the room.
Works Cited

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