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HANDS-ONLY CPR American Red Cross FOR WITNESSED SUDDEN COLLAPSE CHECK and CALL 1. CHECK the scene, then CHECK the person. 2. Tapon the shoulder and shout, “Are you okay? ‘and quickly look for breathing, 3. CALL 9-1-1 ifno response. {If unresponsive and not breathing, BEGIN CHEST COMPRESSIONS. Tips: + Whenever possible use disposable gloves when alvina care, "+ Occasional gasps are not breathing. [PA civecHestcompressions—_si 1. Place the heel of one hand onthe center ofthe chest. | | | | \ | 2. Place the heel of the other hand on top of the first hang, lacing your fingers together. 3. Keep your arms straight, position your shoulders directly ‘over your hands. 4. Push hard, push fast, + Compress the chest at least 2 inches. + Compress at least 100 times per minute. + Let the chest rise completely before pushing down again. 5. Continue chest compressions. FEA |_Do not stor 7 Except in one of these situations: ~ You see an obvious sign of life (breathing). = You are too exhausted to continue, ~ Another trained responder arrives and takes over. - An AED is ready to use. ~ EMS personnel arrive and take over. = The scene becomes unsafe, [Automate EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR If an AED is available: i 1. Turon AED. ib ‘5, Make sure no one is touching the individual. 2. Wipe chest dry. 6 Push the *Analyze” button, if necessary. 3, Aitach the pads. 7, Ifa shock is advised, push the “Shock” button. 4 Plug in connector, if necessary. 8. Perform compressions and fellow AED prompts. The Gabrielle Giffords Honorary Save-a-Life Saturday Sponsoredty Whadgrecsa. and SAFEWAY CY apt 011 The Arnon Rd Come CONTROLLING American EXTERNAL BLEEDING Red Cross ‘TIP: Use disposable gloves and ather personal protective equipment and obtain consent when giving care. After checking the scene and the injured or ill person: COVER THE WOUND Cover the wound with a sterile dressing, UNTIL BLEEDING STOPS APPLY DIRECT PRESSURE A BANDAGE COVER THE DRESSING WITH Check for circulation beyond the injury (check for feeling, warmth and color). APPLY MORE PRESSURE AND CALL 9-1-1 | If the bleeding does not stap: » Apply more dressings and bandages. * ‘Take steps ta minimize shock. = Continue to apply additional pressure. * CALL 9-1-1 or the local emergency number if nat already done. TIP: Wash hands wit ‘soap and water after giving care. CARING FOR SHOCK _ Severe bleeding can lead to shock. Look for these signals and follow these care steps. “WHAT TO LOOK FOR: = Resilessness or irita * Pale, ashen or grayish, cool, moist skin « Altered level of consciousness ‘+ Rapid breathing and pulse ‘= Nausea or vomiting + Excessive thirst WHAT TO DO: ‘ i + Have the person lie down. * Do not give anything to eat or drink. ¢ Helping the person rest in a more » The person's condition may require surgery. comfortable position maylessen —._Reaggure the person. any pain. ‘= Monitor breathing and for any changes In condition. + Keep the person from getting chilled. eee sere * Care for the conditions you find. + Ifthe person is cool, cover him or her‘with a blanket or clathing to avoid chilling. The Gabrielle Gitfords Honorary Save-o-Life Saturday Sponsored by Whbgrecus and SAFEWAY G9, Cane © 201 The Amann Nts Cone

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