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Stack Every Bit of Criticism Between Two Layers of

For those of you riding through the roller-coaster of criticism and defamation, be more concerned with
what God thinks about you rather than what people think about you. For he who kneels before God can
stand before anything.

Gossip, slander, disgruntled, and mischievous people do nothing but cause division, dissection, and
disunion. Let’s recall the story of Korah and what happens to those who try to usurp and overthrow
God’s authority and leadership; read Numbers 16 to get a vivid and detailed picture of what took place.

The “Korah spirit” refers to negative attitude regarding leadership. The “Korah spirit” always feels more
qualified, is greedy for authority, and seeks to sit in high places. People who flow in the “Korah spirit”
are usually envious, jealous, prideful, and the desire and lust for power and position is the driving force.
They seek to empower their own position by criticism, scheming, fault-finding, and deception.

You will always find opposition when you are called to lead. But although opposition is inevitable,
remember, an opposing wind makes the kite fly higher. God has given us Biblical and historical accounts
to remind us of the victory that awaits those who trust and hope in God and the unrewarding and
fruitless end of those who oppose God’s chosen. Know your assignment, stay focused, and keep
trusting in the Lord. Render not evil for evil, but overcome evil with good. For although many enemies
may compass about you, God promises to deliver you, anoint you, and set a table for you even in the
presence of your enemies.

Never flinch or lose sight of the vision God has placed in your heart. You’re obligation is to do the right
thing and the rest is in God’s hands. When you are faced with opposition, take your position; for you are
never so high as when you are on your knees.

Tilt your hearts toward the Son!

Pastor Narda Goodson

First Lady of Whitewright, Texas

Narda Goodson Ministries

CEO/Founder Narda Goodson Ministries, CEO/Founder Christian Women Predestined by God™
CEO/Founder First Ladies of the Round® Table, CEO/Founder Damsels in Virtuous Attire™
P.O. Box 624 * Whitewright, TX 75491 * (903) 357-0492
Official Website:

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