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Saturday March 14, 2009

Science Chapter 7 Review: Geology

Fill in the blanks with the correct number.

Matching: (Each answer can be used more than once if necessary.)

1. The warmest ocean = _____ A. The Pacific Ocean

2. The deepest ocean = _____ B. The Atlantic Ocean
3. The largest ocean = _____ C. The Indian Ocean
4. The smallest ocean = _____ D. The Arctic Ocean
5. The second largest ocean = _____
6. The saltiest ocean = _____
7. The coldest ocean = _____
8. The ocean with the best fishing = _____
9. The ocean with big icebergs = _____
Saturday March 14, 2009

Write each answer in the correct box below.

A. North Pole
B. South Pole
C. Axis
D. Northern Hemisphere
E. Southern Hemisphere
F. Equator
Saturday March 14, 2009

Fill in the blanks:

1. How long does it take the Earth to rotate (spin) one time? ___________________
2. How long does it take the Earth to orbit around the sun one time? ______________
3. The Earth rotates (spins) on its ___________ , which is an imaginary (picture in your
mind) line that runs through the center of the Earth.
4. The Earth’s Axis is not straight up and down, it is ________________ at an angle.

NO (Straight up and down) YES

5. The pathway (like a road) the Earth travels around the sun is called the Earth’s


______ 1. The layer of soil (labeled I. in picture A. Topsoil

below) that supports plant life (lets plants grow) B. Subsoil
______ 2. Something that is helpful to people C. Natural Resource
which is found on the Earth. D. Erosion
______ 3. Little pieces of dirt and rocks that E. Conservation
settles to the bottom of water F. Sediment
______ 4. The hard layer that is under topsoil
(labeled II. in picture below)
______ 5. The wearing away (or slowly
disappearing) of topsoil by water and wind
______ 6. Saving and using natural resources
wisely (for example, showering for 5 minutes
instead of 15)
Saturday March 14, 2009



Write one special characteristic about each of these types of rocks:









Saturday March 14, 2009

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