Sie sind auf Seite 1von 4

Question Variable

1 IF ever taken a home loan

2 The loan has been taken from

3 The amount of loan

4 NA

5 Experience with the borrower bank

6.1 Behaviour of employees

6.2 Services provided

6.3 Quality of service

6.4 Speed of process

7 Time of repayment
8 How much the increase in int. rate will affect you?

9 How would you respond to the increase in int. rate?

10 Possibility of borrowing a loan in near future

11 Would take a loan if int. rate increases

12 from where will borrow the loan

13 how much loan will you borrow

14 Time of repayment (with increased int. rates)

Category code

yes 0
no 1

nationalise bank 1
co-operative bank 2
private bank 3

x<=500000 1
500000<x<=1000000 2
1000000<x<=1500000 3
1500000<x 4


Good 1
Average 2
Bad 3

Best 1
Good 2
Average 3
Bad 4
Worst 5

Best 1
Good 2
Average 3
Bad 4
Worst 5

Best 1
Good 2
Average 3
Bad 4
Worst 5

Best 1
Good 2
Average 3
Bad 4
Worst 5

x<=1 yr 1
1 yr <x<= 3 yr 2
3 yr <x<= 5 yr 3
5 yr <x<= 7 yr 4
7 yr <x<= 10 yr 5
10 yr <x 6

not at all 1
a little bit 2
considerably 3
a lot 4
don't know 5

no response 1
shift the bank 2
repay the loan as earlier as possible 3
sell the house and repay the loan 4
other 19

yes 1
Probably 2
no 3
don't know 4

yes 1
may be 2
no 3

nationalise bank 1
co-operative bank 2
private bank 3

x<=500000 1
500000<x<=1000000 2
1000000<x<=1500000 3
1500000<x 4

x<=1 yr 1
1 yr <x<= 3 yr 2
3 yr <x<= 5 yr 3
5 yr <x<= 7 yr 4
7 yr <x<= 10 yr 5
10 yr <x 6

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