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Tom A33O0MRTT Maintenance Facility Planing MFP Version 1.0 05/2009 Tom A33OMRTT Maintenance Facility Planing MFP L.Installation in FSX 1) Unzip TOMA3MRT.ZIP to your desktop \- Date una rmerutgaben * cet eran 13 crrieperen X ete ben 2) Copy and paste the complete sound and soundai subfolder from your default Airbus_A321 folder into the new Tom_330-MRTT folder. Beto cconetngntonovsasvonaowe eee aie TaeeSeT 7S) Bh uectesinas 7 nl eee Soo | wrctrern See™ ponvibeete sass fad ‘ cee keen Sorter oe ae here: coed om 3 retin = Soon on =| = a 2 = rar: 15 ay 20, O seperti Cereal Date 0 Azaowdhte Elements ae = = © sungenshite erent Version 1.0 05/2009 Tom A33OMRTT Maintenance Facility Planing MFP 43) Copy and paste the following files from your default Airbus_A321/panel folder into the new ‘Tom_A330-MRTT/panel.330 folder. ‘ airbus_4321_panel_background.bmp airbus_a321_panel_background_night.bmp Do not copy ther files from this folde [Gxcrbohimente und Entel iroen\Tom\Desktop\Tom AISO-MRTT\parelS2D =] Bi wvecwein a: | ame = cre cexraer a tndoriherautgaben 4 Sha some Tsao otra ef panel cp Tes Reba! 2utefeo08 en oreher eacalien cher im Web ‘efersienen cher foigabon 1 Tranbe db FKE Doterbaridatsi 31/08/2007} copy/paste ere a nLASSCNRTT pre cateen rmereame Dokument oersplat ‘ewerkamgebung 30 ener ertam: stay 2008, 1D Ae Dasrow aig @ seouge oniretenaten sy Auge Bor ‘Scien ‘Au CD koperen Sartus_a323 panel background nighttime lperelcry Version 1.0 02/2009 Tom A33OMRTT Maintenance Facility Planing MFP 4) Copy and paste the following files from your default Airbus_A321/Texture folder into the new ‘Tom_A330-MRTTitexture.RAAF folder. ‘Airbus ‘Airbus" Do not copy other files from this folder !! 21D) z =] elwsteenas See EE, mmm CODY PASTE orm =e} there E= ae i eel S pesvermrgearg instar ose rr = Grrneyam, | hegre Son a 1) ausgewanite Elemente tose 9 sgn seen ee oot eon 2 naerganse Sen X ge ee ean er ee Bates A221 ss mace Bae ecceaet eas ee arena cas tom 5) Move the new folder Tom_A330-MRTT from your desktop to your FSX aireraft folder. Usualy "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes" 6) Dont forget to unzip all files from the lightefTects folder of the zip into your FSX/effects folder Version 1.0 05/2009 Tom A33OMRTT Maintenance Facility Planing MFP 3. KnownBugs D isapearimg or flashing lights: Try to increase the "NUM_LIGHTS" in the fsx.cfg from 8 to 10 2) Flight envelope proteetion (Fly by wire) I you want to activate the FSX fly by wire function, just open the aircraft. and remove the // in front of the entrie fly_by_wire=i of the [sirplane_geometry] section. 3) The flightmodel is not as good as it should be since i am not an FDE specialist, so this is alli can do for now. Feel free to change wahtever you want, 4) Multiplayer Mode: As for now, the aircraft is not multiplayer compatible. I dont have a solution yet, but theres a multiplayer compatible mdl in the model/multiplayer subfolder. Its identical to the normal mdl but does not have all of its animations. Version 1.0 05/2009

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