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0 Support
for vertical vessels

(A) Tall Cylindrical Process Columns

• Supported on cylindrical or conical shells (ski s)
• The support skirts are directly welded to the v ssel bottoms head or shell
• The skirt base is stiffened by a continuous sti ening ring, which consists of top and
bottom annulus plates with intermediate verti al stiffeners, to reduce localized
bending stresses.
• They are designed as cantilever beams

(B) Small and medium sized vertical v ssels

• Supported on legs or lugs (brackets)

• Provision of good access to the bottom dished end and any nozzles located there
• Minimum thermal stresses arising from shell- upport temperature gradient

Minimum diameter = 6"

Maximum HID = 5" ,
Maximum LID = 2" 'D
~--7 H
Number of legs: ,
N = 3 for D < 3' 6"
N = 4 (or more) for D > 3' 6"

Maximum operating temperature = 6500p

5.1 Leg Supports

• Supported on uniformly spaced leg supports

• Four legs are usually used
• Legs are normally fabricated from equal leg gle and T section shapes. They are
welded to the cylindrical shell wall, often usi g a reinforcing pad.
• Some manufacturers prefer to use supports m de from pipe that is then welded to
the dished end.

'-'-'-'-r-'-'-'-' .- ._.- .-r·- .-. - .- .


Two possible ways of welding the angled beam and I-beam to the vessel. The choice is between
"easy to weld" and "offering more flexural rigidity". Besides cold-formed beams, sometimes a round
pipe may be used as leg column, which has equal strength in all direction and has a high bending

Loads on the vessel

1. The wind load (Pw) is horizontal and acts at t e centroid of the projected exposed
2. The earthquake load (Pe) acts horizontally on he center of gravity of the vessel
3. Piping or other equipment loads are not consi ered

Stress Analysis (to determine design di ensions)

• Support-leg columns
• Base plate
• Leg-to-shell weld size
• Leg-to-plate weld size
• Stresses in the vessel shell at supports
• Size of anchor bolts

Support-Leg Columns

In the case of 4-leg support

Over-turning moment (MD) at the base is about the diametral axis A-A

Vertical reaction (due to dead load) = WIN

Vertical reaction (R) due to turning moment = Mg/D, MD R

~ 1
(Db = Base diameter)
J~( ~...::..b __ -7)1

In the case of 3-leg support

R '"",,---'-,

Db 3Db'
"" ,
, 120

MD =R(-+-sm30)=-RDb
224 .--.-~--


General expression:

Maximum load on the leeward side (compreSSioj side) is:

Co = Wo + 4Mb (Operating condition)


C =WT (Test condition, no win loading)

o N

Maximum axial load on the windward side (upli

Wo 4Mb
T =--+-- (operating condi ion)
o N ND b

T =_We + 4Mb (empty)

o N NDb

The eccentric loads P1 and P2 at the column top are:

11 = ~ +~ (operating condition)

11 = WT (test condition)

1- -__ Wo + 4M a ( operatmg
. con dition)
P2 =- We + 4M a (empty)

Lateral load (F) per column

It is derived based on equal deflection at the top edge of the leg support .

=> ·•··

For 4-column leg support, IIi = 2Ix + 2Iy

Column Stress (- designed in accordance with any structural codes)

Base plate

. C
CompresslOn stress = -
· 11(d/2)·(a/2) 11(d/2)
Ben dmg stress = -. = 2
ba~/12 ba 16

Compressive stress must be always greater than e bending stress.

1< d )1 1<
a )1

Weld Size
Shear stress = PI 1 (2L1 + h)

Bending moment on the weld joint

= C (d/2) + F (L/4)

Size of Anchor bolt

S a
·Ab = ( NDbb - WJ
Anchor bolts are designed to resist the uplift force.

If W > 4Mb, no uplift exists and the minimum bolt size % to 1 inch.

5.2 Bracket Supports (or Support Lug)

For vessels with small to medium diameters « 1 ft.) and height-to-diameter ratio 2.5

When the bracket or leg support is attached to th cylindrical shell, a longitudinal

moment arises. In each case the vessel wall is su ject to the extemallongitudinal
moment of 'Fd' where 'F' is the maximum react" on at the support and 'd' is the
distance from the centerline of the support to the shell outside surface.

The stresses in the shell induced by the

Bracket can be found by the local load method. Vessel
Wall ~

(d )

Forces and stresses on the bracket

: Top bar I
~------~I--------~~ ta R
T Gusset
Vplate ------

Base plate
F/2 d
F ( )

( b )
( )

F .d =R . d sin a R= F
2 2sina

Maximum compressive stress (Sg) on the gusset (regarded as an eccentrically loaded
plated) I I

s = R + 6Re i
g (bsina).tg £

where the force eccentricity, e = (d - b)sina !

Force and stress on the Top Bar

The top bar is assumed to be a simply-supported earn with uniformly distributed load

Maximum moment occurs at the mid-span

M =(Fd).~=Fda
max ha 8 8h

" 6M
Ben d mg stress = 2 (2":::;c:::;8ta)
fa . C

6.0 Saddle Supported Cylindrical Vess Is

The code design of saddle-supported horizontal ylindrical vessel follows the work of
L.P. Zick (1951, The Welding Journal Research upplement) who used a modified
beam and ring analysis so that the mathematical odel agrees with the experimental
results he had available.

Most recent work has indicated that Zick's appr ch gives reasonable agreement only
when a flexible saddle support is employed. Wh n the saddle is rigid the simple Zick's
analysis significantly underestimate the peak str s in the vessel by a factor as much as

6.1 General considerations

(a) Saddle supports should be located to cause minimum stress in shell and without
additional reinforcement

(b) Most vessels are supported on two saddle supports. The saddles have an
embracing angle between 120 and 150 degrees. Any relative settlement of the
supports does not change the support reactions, therefore, the stresses in the
shell remain quite the same.

(c) In the case of very long vessel that rested on more than two supports, the
support reactions are calculated based on continuous beam theory and increased
by 20 to 50% as a safety factor for relative support settlements.

(d) The support reactions are highly concentrated and they induce highly localized
stresses at the support regions. To reduce highly localized stresses, the saddle
must be designed to provide flexibility at the support-shell junctions. Extended
plates or wear plates may be used to provide a gradual transition of structural
rigidity between the support and the vessel's shell.

(e) One of the saddles should be designed at the base to provide free horizontal
movement, thereby avoiding restraint due to thermal expansion.

The Mathematical Model

4.: I ~


I Rorr

- I


< ) < )

L ,

WR2/4 2Hw/3 2Hw/3

w )WR2/4
~ ~/8 3H/8 ---. ~
< )1 L 1<

< >

Shear force diagram

Bending moment diagram

Points to note:

(1) The support reaction is Q - the total weigh is 2Q

(2) The dished head is replaced by equivalent ylindrical segment of length 2HJ3.
The weight of dished end is therefore = 2 w/3, acting at a distance 3HJ8 from
end of parallel
(3) The total length is = L + 4HJ3
(4) The uniform load has a intensity w = 2Q/( +4H/3)
(5) The hydrostatic pressure that acts normal t the dished end creates a couple
given by WR2/4

6.2 Longitudinal bending stresses in the she I

(a) The bending moment at the mid-span '

M} =--Hw (3H
-+- L) +---(-)+Q(--A)
wR2 wL L L
3 82 4 24 2
= QL [1 + 2(R2 - H2)/ L2 _ 4A]
4 1+(4HI3L) L

Bending stress at the mid-span:

The above expression assumes that the full vessel section is available in resisting
bending stresses and the cross section remains circular. For very thin vessels it is
found that the cross section does not remain circular especially so during filling with
liquid. Nevertheless, the expression gives satisfactory design dimensions for vessels
with D/t ratio up to 1250.

(b) The bending moment at the saddle-support

2 2
M2 =:": 2 (3H
) wR

2 2
= QA[I- 1- AI L + (R - H )/(2AL)]
1 + (4H /3L)

The top portion of shell above the saddle support would feform under load and is deemed ineffective
in resisting longitudinal moment. So the moment of inerti at this cross section is reduced to that of a
ring with its top portion removed.

The effective arc is assumed to be: 2i1 = 2(8/2 + ~ 1 )

yJ:---<J 0o

:: t, NA

.....- ~+ ~C_~

The position of the neutral axis, N.A. and the second moment of area I about this axis can be found.

_ rsini1
y= Cl = r (sini1
- cos A ,

3. sm A]
. 2 D.
I = r t i1 + sm i1cos i1 - 2 ~

Longitudinal bending stresses at the highest and lowest point of the effective cross section are:

(Highest point - tension)

. M)
SI =--- ·C) (Lowest point - compression)
I -

Allowable stress limits

The tensile stress combined with the pressure stress (pr/2t) should not exceed the
allowable tensile stress for the shell material.

6.3 Shear stresses in the plane of the saddle

The distribution and magnitude of the shear stresses in the shell in the plane of the
saddle depend a great deal on how the shell is reinforced.

The inner shear force, V=Q-w(A+ 2 H)= ~(L-2A)

3 f + 4H 13

The outer shear force, v = w(A + 2 H) = 2Q( i + 2H 13)

3 L 4H /3

Note: the inner shear force is greater then outer shear force when

Q(L - 2A) 2Q(A + 2H 13)

=-:'---~ < or L> 4A +4H13
L+4H13 L+4H13

(A) Shell is stiffened by a ring at support region

If the shell is made rigid, the whole section is effective in resisting load-induced shear

The shear flow (shear force per unit arc length) is: qo
v .
= -SIlly

(~ is measured from the top of the cross section)

The maximum stress flow is when ~ =90 degree.

=> Max. shear stress = qo = Q [ L- 2A ]

t nrt L + 4H 13

(B) Shell not stiffened by ring

When the shell is free to deform above the saddle, it is considered that the shear stress
acts on a reduced cross section. The upper portion of the shell is considered

The effective portion is assumed to be:

2~ = 2(e / 2 + jJ /20) = -19 ( J( --
20 2


As a result, the shears in the effective portion will be increased by a factor:

, qo(stiffenedshell) fsin2¢d¢
Factor C = qo(unstiffened shell) = sin ¢d¢ =


The shear flow, qo = C(


The shear stress, S2"qo

=- = c(Vsin¢)
t srt

The maximum shear is now at the tip of the saddle, i.e. ~ = a

(C) Shell stiffened by heads (A <Rl2)

If the saddle is close to the end closure the shell is stiffened on the side of the head. It
is assumed that the shell above the horn (tip of saddle) is stiffened by the end closure.
The shear distribution in this upper region is therefore similar to that for a stiffened

For the upper portion (0:::; ~:::; a): Shear stress = ~sin ~

For the lower portion - in the saddle region, (a::;!~::; n) , the shear distribution can be
found by summing the shears to one side of the saddle. The sum of vertical shear force
for the upper portion is equal to the sum of verticrl shear force in the lower portion.

---------------------------------J -------



Shear force near the enr closure

------------------------------1 -------

The vertical shear force,

V = 21iL(sin~)t(sin~)rd~ = Q (a - sinacosa)
o tirt n

The shear flow is assumed to be the same as that for the unstiffened shell, that is:

The shear flow, qo = c(Vsin~) = ~. Q (a - sin o.cosc.Isin e

nr nr n

qo Q a - smacosa
The shear stress, S =- =- . . . sin ~
t tcrt n - a + smacosa

The maximum shear occurs at ~ = a

Allowable stress limits:

The tangential stress should not exceed 0.8 of the allowable tensile stress.

6.4 Ring compression in the shell over the saddle

Assuming that the surface of the shell and saddle are in frictionless contact without
attachment. Ring compression is caused by shear forces.

The ring compression in the region a :s; ¢ :s; J[

The shear flow is:

q3 v . d.(
= -smlf' 1[
Jrr J[ - a + smacosa

The total shear force at any point on the shell arc above that point.

¢ Q(cos¢ - cosa)
Total shear force = fq3rd¢ = .
J[ - a + smacosa

The contact pressure between the saddle and shell would induce a tangential
compression force similar to the above. That is:
Tangential compression force due to saddle force = Q( cos¢ - cos fJ)
J[ - fJ + sin j3 cos j3

Therefore, the maximum tangential force is = _ Q(1 + cos fJ)

J[ - fJ + sin f3 cos f3

The contact pressure can be deduced from the tangential force:

1 Q(cos d. - cos /3)

Contact pressure = _. --='---'----'If'__ ~-'----
r J[ - fJ + sin fJ cos fJ

The maximum contact pressure occurs at ¢ = 7r

Max. contact force (at ¢ = 7r )

1 Q(l + cosb)
- - - . --=-'------'----'---
r n- 0 + sinbcosf

The width of shell that resists this force was considered by Zick to be '5t' on each side
plus the width of the saddle, i.e. width = b + -.

In a follow-up paper, he suggested width = b + 1.16-Jrl

The tangential stress can be calculated, S5 = shea~ force / width

The stress S5 is important when concrete saddle

diameter vessel.
JI used. It should be checked for large

Recent experimental and theoretical work on sad les welded to the vessel have found
that this tangential stress is very small, about 111 of that predicted by Zick's
approach. However, for the saddle not welded to he shell, the Zick's approach gives
the correct order of stresses.

The ring compression may be reduced by attaching a wea plate somewhat larger than the saddle
surface area directly over the saddle.

Allowable stress limits

The compressive stress S5 should not exceed 1/2 of S, and is not additive to the
pressure stress. If wear plate is used, the combined thickness of wear plate and the
shell can be used to calculate S5, provided the wear plate extends r/I 0 inch beyond the

Despite the limitations of Zick's approach it does provide a workable design method
that has been used extensively over many years. However, the very high
circumferential stresses known to exist at the saddle horn region when the vessel is
supported on a rigid saddle at not predicted adequately by the analysis. Although these
peak stresses do exist, they are very local to the saddle horn and are unlikely to cause
plastic collapse of the support. However, their existence does cause concern when the
vessel is subject to high cyclic stressing.

Local stresses in shell due to loads on attachment I

Types of attachments: Nozzles, supporting lugs,i lifting brackets, etc.

Main concerns - High concentrated stresses at tHe attachment due to combined
internal pressure and external loads applied through the attachment can be a source of
failure if proper reinforcement is not supplied. !
Design consideration:
• Opening in vessel shell must be reinforced or operating pressure
• Reinforcement is usually a rectangular or s uare pad welded to the shell
• Over-reinforcement may create 'hard spot' on the vessel and induce large
secondary stresses
• Reinforcement material should be close to he opening for effectiveness, of
which 2/3 of the required material should b. within a distance d/4 from the
opening, where d is the diameter of the opening.
• Sharp junctions should be avoided; fillets should be incorporated to reduce the
magnitudes of stresses at the junctions.

"The best arrangement is the so-called balanced reinforcement, which consists of about 35-40% of
the area on the inside and about 60-65% on the outside. On many designs, however, it is difficult to
place reinforcement on the inside. Balanced reinforcement is often used at manway and inspection
opening where no nozzle is attached"

Area Replacement for Nozzles

This method formed the basic design method in many design codes. The origin of the
area replacement idea is not entirely clear. Simply expressed one replaces the area cut
away by the cross section of the hole in the shell and relocates it around the hole close
to the cutout. Notice it is an area replacement rather than a volume replacement.

The disposition of the replaced area is important. To be effective it needs to be close to

the edge of the opening where the stress field is increased. The extent of the
reinforcement is preferably equal the die-out distance of the peak stresses at the edge
of the opening. That is why in some codes the extent of reinforcement is expressed as
a function of Jrl, the characteristic length parameter for the die-out distance of the
discontinuity stress. In any case one simply obeys the rules as stipulated and no
explanation is given. It should be noted that the distance for reinforcement is generally
quite shout.

Cylindrical vessel with local loads on a rectangular attachment

• Attachments are rectangular or square w th two edges parallel to the circular
• The radial force produces uniform press re over the attachment area
• The moment loading produces a triangul r pressure distribution

External loads
(a) Radialload, P
(b) Longitudinal moment, ML
(c) Tangential (or circumferential) moment,
(d) Torque, T
(e) Shears VL, Vt

The shear stress in shell due to the torque Tis:
- 2Jrrot - 2Jrr;t

Maximum shear due to VL or Vt is:

r'=_t_ or V
Jrrot Jrrj

The shear stresses rand t' are usually small enough to be disregarded.

Parameters for cylindrical shell:

Shell parameter: y =R I t or R I(t + tp)

Square attachment; ~ = cl R where 'c' is the half-length of the loaded area
Cylindrical attachment: ~ = O.875ro / R
Rectangular attachment: it can be converted into equivalent square loaded area. For
small side ratios with a I b ::;1.5 , the equivalent c = -Jab /2

General expression for stress in the shell

Circumferential (tangential) stress:

Longitudinal (axial) stress:

For different loadings, the circumferential and tlhe longitudinal stresses are expressed
in different parametric forms as follows: I
(1) Radial load, P

0. =(;'XcP~;)y 6;.] +
=Cp(Plt2) (outward force)

= C~ (P I t2) (inward force)

(2) Circumferential (tangential) moment, M,

u, {Nep 6Mep}
O"ep = t2 R~ (Mt I R2~)'Y + (M{ I R~)

= C (M
t t 1(2 R2B )

(3) Longitudinal moment, ML


Design considerations

(a) lfthe maximum stress at the attachment is too high, the shell must be reinforced
by a reinforcing pad or the thickness of the reinforcing pad required for internal
pressure must be increased. The width of the pad is such that stresses at the
edges of the pad are below the allowable stress.

(b) If two local loads are too close to each another, i.e. within the stress die-out
distance, then their influence on each other must be considered.

Note: The analysis presented above for local loads applied on cylindrical shell is too simplistic. More
detailed and accurate analyses for different types of attachments are available in the literature and
recommended by design codes, specifically for loads on the nozzle, and openings. For example, the
Welding Research Council Bulletins 107 & 297 (WRC 107 & 297).

Design by analysis

Essentially Design by Analysis is based on the dea that if a proper stress analysis can
be conducted then a better, less conservative, a sessment of the design can be made
compared to the usual approach of Design by le. The philosophy was originated in
the 1960's in the US. The motivation was drive by the sophisticated design work in
the nuclear industry. There were many design £ atures that were not covered directly
by the existing Design by Rule methods.

In the early years, all design by analysis ideas ere developed based on thin shell
analysis and in particular the analysis of discon inuity effects including thermal

It was suggested that different types of stress h d different degrees of importance and
this led to the idea of categorization of stress. T e stresses are cast in the form of
'stress intensities' to reflect the Tresca yield cri eria and then compared with specified
stress limits that are set at different levels for the different stress categories. This
methodology was first incorporated in ASME PV code Section III and Section VIII
Division 2 in 1968 and later into BS 5500 as Appendix A. Many countries have now
adopted the same basic approach.

Multiaxial Stress States

In real world, all stresses are three-dimensional. It is the simplifying assumptions that
reduce the 3-D stresses into 2-D and I-D. Yielding in the presence of multiaxial stress
states is not governed by the individual component but by some combination of all the
stress components. The two commonly used yield criteria are the Von-Mises criterion
and the Tresca criterion.

Von Mises criterion (distortion energy theory) states that yielding will take place

Tresca criterion (maximum shear stress theory);

= +0"
- y /2

Although it is generally agreed that the Mises criterion is better for common pressure
steel, ASME chose to use the Tresca criterion as a framework for the Design by
Analysis procedure. The reason is that Tresca is the more conservative and it is easier
to apply. The later is longer true now since computer can perform complex
calculations at ease.

In order to avoid the unfamiliar (and unnecessary) operation of dividing both

calculated and yield stress by two, a new term called 'stress intensity' was defined.
The stress differences of the principal stresses are as follows:

The STRESS INTENSITY, S is the maximum absolute value of the stress difference.

That is:

So the Tresca criterion reduces to: S=(J'


Throughout Design by Analysis procedure stress intensities are to be used.

Stress Categories

Certain types of stresses are more important than others and that these should be
assigned to different categories with different levels of importance having different
stress limits. ASME chooses the following categories:

(A) Primary Stress

(i) General Primary Membrane Stress, Pm
(ii) Local Primary Membrane Stress, PL
(iii) Primary Bending Stress, P,

(B) Secondary Stress, Q

(C) Peak Stress, F

Primary stress is a stress developed by the imposed loading that is necessary to

satisfy the law of equilibrium between external and internal forces and moments. The
basic characteristic of a primary stress is that it is not self-limiting.

Note: A stressed region may by considered as 'local' if the distance over which the stress intensity
exceed 1.1 Sm does not extend in the meridional direction more than 1.O-JRt . Local primary
membrane sources must be 2.5-J Rt apart. Examples of primary membrane sources are nozzle and

Secondary stress is stress developed by the self-constraint of a structure. It must
satisfy an imposed strain pattern rather than being in equilibrium with an external
load. The secondary stress is self-limiting, its may cause local yielding and minor
distortion resulting from discontinuity condition or thermal expansion.

Peak stress is the highest stress in the region under consideration. The basic
characteristic of a peak stress is that it causes no significant distortion and is
objectionable mostly as a possible source of fatigue failure.

Failure modes
1. Excessive elastic deformation incl ding elastic instability
2. Excessive plastic deformation
3. Brittle fracture
4. Stress rupture and creep deformati n
5. Plastic instability - incremental co lapse
6. High strain - low cycle fatigue
7. Stress corrosion
8. Corrosion fatigue

In setting the stress limits, however, attention is concentrated in 3 areas. They are:
(a) Avoidance of gross distortion or bursting, Pill' PL and P,
(b) Avoidance of ratcheting, PL + P,
(c) Avoidance of fatigue, P+ Q

Relationship between stress limits to the various categories

Stress Intensity Allowable Stress Equivalent Yield

General primary membrane, Pm Sm
3 y
Local primary membrane, PL 1.5 Sm Sy

Primary membrane + bending, 1.5 Sm Sy

(Pm + Pb) or (PL + Pb)
Primary + secondary 3Sm 2Sy
(PL + P, + Q) or (Pm + P, + Q)
Fatigue, 2Sa -
(PL + Pb + Q + F) or (Pm + Pb + Q + F) (allowable fatigue stress range)

The above limits are not always applicable; there are a number of special cases. In the
case of nuclear vessels the service loadings are classified into normal, upset,
emergency and faulted conditions. This is formalized in ASME with k-factors applied
to the limits. For example, for earthquake loading, k = 1.2, for hydraulic test k =1.25,

For attachments and supports the limits are:

The membrane stress intensity :S 1.2 Sm(0.8 Sy)

Membrane + bending stress intensity s Sm(1.33 Sy)

For nozzles and openings:

Membrane + bending stress intensity s .25 Sm(1.5 Sy)


Some cautionary words are necessary for the u wary. The manner in which the
symbolism is used can lead to confusion. For e ample a stress limit on some
combination of stress categories denoted as CPL + P, + Q) needs to be clearly
understood. It is the stress intensity evaluated om the principal stresses after the
stresses for each category have been added tog ther in the appropriate way. It should
not be interpreted as the combination of stress ~ntensity from each category.
In summary: ONLY add stresses, DO NOT add stress intensities.

A trivial example of the wrong way of summing the stresses in given below:

Stresses Pm Q Pm+Q
Sx = S] 10 25 35
Sy = S2 10 -5 5
Sz = S3 -2 0 -2

The maximum stress intensity for Pm = 12

The maximum stress intensity for Q = 30
The maximum stress intensity for (Pm+ Q) = 37 (from [Pm+ Q] column)
It is wrong to add stress intensities of Pm and Q, that would give (12 + 30) = 42

When we add stresses, of course, they need to be in the same directions and at the
appropriate locations for the identified combination of loads. The approach is to
evaluate all the stresses for the different types of loading. These should be assigned to
categories as necessary. Then the stresses in the various categories should be summed
and finally the stress intensities calculated for the particular combination of categories

FE Analysis for Pressure Vessel Desig

The Design by Analysis is closely rooted in thi shell discontinuity analyses. When
FE (finite element) method is used, some diffi ulties in stress categorization occur.
The FE gives accurate stress information for c mplex geometries. These stresses may
vary nonlinearly through the thickness. For ass ssment purposes it is necessary to
linearize the stress distribution and separate membrane and bending effects. In a
simple case the procedure would be straightforward and membrane, bending and peak
elements of the stress could be identifies. Unfo unately things are not always so
simple. Firstly the Linearization procedure is it elf subject to a number of
uncertainties. Secondly the bending componen in general may include primary
bending as well as secondary bending.

In practice it tends to assume the membrane str ss intensity as primary and the
bending stress intensity as secondary (which m y not be conservative). In critical
situation the designer may wish to impose his dwn conservatism at this point.

Until today no entirely satisfactory solution has been found for the stress linearization.
However, alterative methods may be forthcoming that would by-pass the
categorization problem or at least simplify its interpretation. The Standards allow the
design to be based on limit load analysis with a suitable factor where the factor has to
be the same as the main shell (i.e. 1.5). Design may proceed directly with a factor on
load without detailed consideration of the stresses. The approach seems promising if it
can be extended to complex loading situations it could provide a relatively simple
alternative to the current classification route.

ASME identifies 8 modes of failure "which confront the pressure vessel designer."
The evaluation of failure modes requires the computation of membrane and bending
stresses and their classification into certain categories - primary, secondary and peak -
to which different design allowable stresses applied.

The original techniques for evaluating the stress limits were based on shell theory by
which membrane and bending stresses are determined directly - so there is no much
confusion in the classification of stresses.

With the advent of finite element (FE) techniques, the transition from the stress
distribution to the failure mode requires a different path.

The results of axisymmetric or 3-D solid FE analysis are not immediately in a form
suitable for the extraction of shell type membrane and bending stresses. Difficulties
are associated with linearization procedure used to obtain membrane and bending

Unless we are dealing with well established ca es, as listed or referenced in codes,
there has always been a problem with the cate orization of stresses into primary and

The problems of assessing primary and second ry stress failure modes and their
relationship to stress results from axisymmetri and 3D geometries were first
addresses by Hechmer and Hollinger in 1986.

"3D stress criteria - a weak link in vessel design and a lysis", PVP Vo1.109, A Symposium on
ASME Codes and Recent Advances in PVP and Valve Technology including a Survey of
Operational Research Methods in Engineering, July 19 6, ASME, New York, NY.

Three approaches for determining the membra e and bending stresses were discussed:
(i) stress-at-a-point
(ii) stress-along-a-line, and
(iii) stress-on-a-plane.

A quantitative comparison of the three approaches was presented in:

3D stress criteria - application of Code rules, "PVP Vo1.120, Design and Analysis of Piping, Pressure
Vessels, and Components, July 1987, ASME, New York, NY.

The study shows that the 3 approaches can give substantially different results. The
most complex of the three approaches is stress-on-a-plane. The definition of the plane
for 3D geometries is subjective and the resultant stresses and conclusions are merely
engineering judgement.

Some issues:

It should be emphasized that these issues actually arise from the nature of the Code
rules, rather from any deficiency in the finite element solution.

In 2D axisymmetric analyses, the bending stress can be calculated using component

normal and/or shear stresses or principal stresses. The distinction is that for a given
set of geometric reference axes, component stress directions remain constant with
location and load application whereas principal stress directions vary with location and
load application. This distinction is important when considering the pros and cons of
using component versus principal stresses.

Which stresses are consistent with bending theory? Code implies that bending is
applicable only to normal stress components, because the Code links bending to
bending moments. Mathematically, one can calculate linearized shear stresses and call
it a bending stress. However, it is difficult to conceptualize a bending moment for any
shear stress in the realm of traditional engineering mechanics.

For 3D geometries, the issue is evaluation of s I esses along lines versus on planes.
The code implies evaluation along a line. H01ever, the code does not preclude the
use of planes.

Two PVRC grants were established to investigate and document the need to update the
ASME B&PV and Piping Code criteria and re~uirements for relating 3D stress
distributions to failure criteria. The findings ar1 presented in the following paper.

J.,L. Hechmer and G.L. Hollinger, 3D Stress Criteria, JvP-Vol. 210-2, Codes and Standards and
Applications for Design and Analysis of Pressure vess~l and Piping Components, ASME 1991.

Recommendations I

• The stresses for Pmcan and should be calculated by simple equilibrium equations.
The same is true for Pb if Pm is small (for example, the plate structures). Stresses
for Pmneed only be evaluated in basic structural elements. Designer should apply
his ingenuity to calculate equilibrium stresses, not to extract stresses from a general
FE model.

• It is appropriate to calculate PL stresses in the vicinity of all discontinuities. There

are discontinuities where PL stress exists, but need not be evaluated. Because code
rule reinforcing rules ensure that PL limit is met.
o Nozzle-shell junctions
o Formed heads to shells
o Cones to shells
o Tapered cylinders to shells

• Linearization algorithm calculates the net force distribution on the cross section.
The average net force can be calculated from the total net force. The average net
force is then subtracted from the net force distribution that is used to calculate the
bending moment. The bending moment is computed relative to the neutral axis.

• Calculate (PL + Pb) and (P + Q) in the basic structural elements (and not in the
transition elements). The reason is that plastic collapse and gross strain
concentration will not occur in the stiff transition elements. They will occur in the
more flexible shell element.

If a fatigue analysis is to be performed within a transition elements due to high

stress concentration, it may be appropriate to consider the (P + Q) in the adjacent
structural elements.

• For assessing the membrane stress limits (Pm + Pb), all the stress components (3
normal + 3 shear components) should be included. The average principal stresses
must be computed from the average stress components through the thickness and
NOT from average principal stresses. That is: compute the average stress
components first then compute the principal stresses.
44 Page 2 of24

Conventional bolts are usually made to the specific project requirements by steel fabricators or they may be
purchased in standard sizes (diameters and lengths) from steel suppliers. The availability and cost of
conventional bolts are generally based on demand and fabrication requirements. The types of conventional
anchor bolts most often used are discussed below.

Headed Bolts. Square or hex-headed ASTM A 307 bolts are frequently used as anchor bolts due to their
wide availability and relatively low cost (see Figure 1). Higher strength bolts, such as ASTM A 325 bolts, are
available and can be used, but are more expensive. A washer placed against the bolt head is often used
with the intention of increasing the bearing area and thus increasing the anchor strength. However, the
actual strength increase obtained by adding a washer is small, if any, and under certain conditions (small
edge distances), may actually decrease the tensile strength.


Headed Bolts

FIG. 1

Bent Bar Anchors. Bent bar anchors, frequently used in masonry construction, are usually made in "J" or
"L" shapes (see Fig. 2). Even though the "J" and "L" shapes are the more popular, a variety of shapes (see
Fig. 3) is available since there currently is no standard governing the geometric properties of bent bar
anchors. These anchors are usually made from ASTM A 36 bar stock and are shop-threaded. 3115/2008
44 Page 3 of24

~ .,-_,,/_~ 1h TO 1% D ~

~ ,_~ ~IaI~ 0

~ _I T


"L" and "J" Bent Bar Anchors





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44 Page 40f24

Other Bent Bar Anchors


Plate Anchors. Plate anchors are usually made by welding a square of circular steel plate perpendicular to
the axis of a steel bar that is threaded on the opposite end (see Fig. 4). There are no standards governing
the dimensions (length, width or diameter) of the plate. The American Institute of Steel Construction does
limit the fillet weld size based on the plate thickness (see Table 1). Both the plate and bar are usually made
from ASTM A 36 steel.

~~\ ~

~) ~'-- -"'Im



Plate Anchors

FIG. 4

Through Bolts. As the name implies, through bolts extend completely through the thickness of the
masonry and are composed of a threaded rod or bar with a bearing plate located on the surface opposite
the attachment (see Fig. 5). In the early 1900's, through bolts were used in loadbearing masonry structures
to tie floor and wall systems together. Often decorative cast bearing plates were used since through bolts
were visible on the exterior masonry surfaces (see Fig. 6). Today, through bolts are primarily used in
industrial construction where aesthetics are not a principal concern, or in retrofitting existing structures.
Through bolt rods are usually made from ASTM A 307 threaded rod or threaded ASTM A 36 bar stock.
Bearing plates are typically made from ASTM A 36 steel plate. 311512008
44 Page 5 of24

Through Bolt

FIG. 5

Decorative Through Bolt Bearing Plate

FIG.6 3115/2008
44 Page 60f24

-----_._--_.- ._--- --- .._--- - - .- --

* American Institute of Steel Construction

Proprietary Anchor Bolts

Proprietary anchors are available through a number of manufacturers under numerous brand names.
Although the style and physical appearance of the anchors differ between manufacturers, the basic theories
behind the anchors are very similar. For this reason, proprietary anchors can be divided into two generic
categories: expansion-type anchors and adhesive or chemical-type anchors.

Expansion Anchors. Two different types of expansion anchors are generally recommended by their
manufacturers for use in brick masonry: the wedge anchor and the sleeve anchor (see Fig 7). These
anchors develop their strength by means of expansion into the base material. Wedge anchors develop their
hold by means of a wedge or wedges that are forced into the base material when the bolt is tightened. The
wedges create large point bearing stresses within the hole; therefore, this anchor requires a solid base
material to develop its full capacity. For this reason, voids formed by brick cores and partially filled mortar
joints in some brick masonry may make the construction unsuitable for wedge anchor installation.


Proprietary Expansion Anchors

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FIG. 7

Sleeve anchors develop their strength by the expansion of a cylindrical metal sleeve or shield into the base
material as the bolt is tightened. The expansion of the sleeve along the length of the anchor provides a
larger bearing surface than the wedge anchor, and is less affected by irregularities and voids in the base
material than is the wedge anchor. For this reason, sleeve tnChors are recommended by their
manufacturers for use in brick masonry more often than we ge anchors.

Drop-in and self-drilling anchors (see Fig. 8) are two other t. pes of expansion anchors available, but are
typically not recommended by their manufacturers for use i i masonry. The reason for this is due to the
embedment and setting characteristics of the two anchors. Both anchors are produced to allow shallow
embedment depths and are expanded or set by an impact setting tool. The combination of shallow
embedment and high stresses imparted by the expansion tend to cause cracking or splitting in masonry.
Depending on the extent of cracking or splitting, the anchor could experience a reduction in load-carrying
capacity or undergo complete failure during installation.


Other Proprietary Expansion Anchors

FIG. 8

There are several considerations that should be examined when contemplating the use of expansion-type
anchors in brick masonry. These are: 1) Expansion anchors should not be used to resist vibratory loads.
Vibratory loads tend to loosen expansion anchors. 2) Specific torques are required to set expansion
anchors. Excessive torque can reduce anchor strength or may lead to failure as excessive torque is
applied. 3) Expansion anchors require solid, hard embedment material to develop their maximum
capacities. Some brick construction may not provide a good embedment material due to voids formed by
brick cores and partially filled mortar joints.

Adhesive Anchors. Two basic types of adhesive anchors are currently available. The major difference
between the two is that one anchor is manufactured as a pre-mixed, self-contained system, whereas the
second type requires measurement and mixing of the epoxy materials at the time of installation. The more
popular self-contained types use a double glass vial system (see Fig 9) to contain the epoxy. The outer vial
contains a resin and the inner vial contains a hardener and aggregate The glass vial is placed in a pre-
drilled hole and a threaded rod or bar is driven into the hole with a rotary hammer drill, breaking the vials 3115/2008
44 Page 13 of24

In hollow brick construction, the units are laid so that the cells are aligned and provide continuous channels
for reinforcing steel placement and for grouting. Depending on the design, every cell or intermittent cells
may be reinforced and grouted (see Technical Notes 41 Revised). The anchor embedment detail will
depend on the reinforcing pattern used in the construction. Figure 15 shows typical embedment details for
conventional anchors embedded between reinforcing cells. The anchor should be solidly surrounded
vertically and horizontally by grout for a minimum distance of twice the embedment depth (1b) (Figs. 14 and
15) for full tension cone development. The tension cone theory is discussed in following sections. This may
require that some cells be partially grouted. A wire mesh screen can be placed in the bed joint across cells
that are to be partially grouted to restrict the grout flow beyond a certain point. Figure 16 shows typical
embedment details for conventional anchors embedded in reinforced cells. In this detail, the anchor may be
tied with wire to the reinforcing to secure the anchor during the grouting process Again, the anchor should
be solidly surrounded by grout to a minimum distance of tWife the actual anchor embedment depth, both
vertically and horizontally. I



P;; "L" socr s, ",I" SOLT CI HEA.OED ;BOLT O)PlA15 ANCHOR

Conventional Anchors in Reinforced Hollow Brick

FIG.15 3/15/2008
44 Page 14 of24

0) P~JE P.fl-cHOR

Conventional Anchors in Partially Grouted Hollow Brick


Two typical embedment details for conventionally embedded anchor bolts installed in composite brick and
concrete block construction are shown in Fig. 17. As shown, anchor bolts may be placed in the collar joint
between the brick and block wythes or placed into cells in the concrete block wythe and grouted into place.
In details similar to Fig. 17(a), the anchor bolt type and diameter may be controlled by the width of the collar
joint. Collar joints should be a minimum of 1 in. (25 mm) wide when fine grout is used, or a minimum of 2 in.
(50 mm) wide when coarse grout is used (see Technical Notes 7A Revised). When the collar joint
dimension is in the 1 in. (25 mm) range, it may become difficult to position anchor bolts in the collar joint
and maintain the recommended clear distance between the masonry and the anchor (Fig. 17). The practice
of using soaps to accommodate anchors larger than the collar joint is not recommended because the
reduction in the brick masonry thickness around the anchor could lead to strength reductions. If the anchor
dimensions required are larger than the collar joint, a detail similar to that shown in Fig 17(b) should be
considered. 3115/2008
44 Page 15 of24



Conventional Anchors in Composite Brick/Block Masonry

FIG. 17

Through bolts are typically installed after construction and grouting by drilling through the completed
masonry work. When through bolts are to be installed after construction in reinforced brick masonry, care
should be taken during installation to avoid cutting or damaging reinforcement while drilling the through bolt
holes. Reinforcing bar locations can be identified by specially tooled joints or other marks made during

Proprietary Anchors

Proprietary expansion and adhesive anchors typically require special installation procedures and
equipment. The manufacturer should be contacted to determine the appropriate anchor for a particular
application, the correct installation procedure and if any special installation equipment is required. Improper
application and installation of proprietary anchors may lead to less than satisfactory structural performance.

Typical proprietary anchor details are shown in Fig. 18. It is suggested that proprietary anchors be
embedded in head joints when facing or building brick are used. This reduces the possibility of placing
anchors in brick cores that occur within the thickness of the brick and adjacent to the bed joint surfaces.
Anchors set in grouted hollow brick should be placed in holes drilled in the bed joints so that they intersect
grouted cells, or should be placed in holes drilled through the faces of the units into the grouted cells. As
with conventional anchors, proprietary anchors should be solidly surrounded vertically and horizontally by
grout for a minimum distance of twice their embedment depth. 3115/2008
44 Page 16 of24

n "/

] u

J u

! l

J ~ ~


II ~;;J [

II -. 'v

Typical Proprietary Anchor Details



Anchor bolts are used as a means of tying structural elements together in construction and therefore,
provide continuity in the overall structure. In virtually all applications, anchor bolts are required to resist a
combination of tension and shear loads acting simultaneously due to combinations of imposed dead loads,
live loads, wind loads, seismic loads, thermal loads and impact loads. For this reason, and also to insure
safety, anchor bolt details should receive the same design considerations as would any other structural
connection. However, due to a lack of available research and design guides, anchor bolt designs are based
largely on past experience with very little engineering backup. This situation may lead to conservative,
uneconomical designs at one extreme, or nonconservative designs at the other.

Recently, however, research investigating the strength of conventional and proprietary anchors in masonry
has been completed. Reports have been issued that evaluate anchor performance and suggest equations
to predict ultimate anchor strengths. By combining the research findings with design practices currently
used in concrete design, equations for allowable tension, shear and combined tension/shear loads for plate
anchors, headed bolts and bent bar anchors are under consideration for adoption in the proposed "Building
Code Requirements for Masonry Structures" (ACIIASCE 530). These equations are outlined below.


The tensile capacity of an anchor is governed either by the strength of the masonry or by the strength of the
anchor material. For example, if the embedded depth of an anchor is small relative to its diameter, a tension
cone failure of the masonry is likely to occur. However, if the embedded depth of the anchor is large relative
to its diameter, failure of the anchor material is likely. For these reasons, the allowable tensile load is based 3115/2008
44 Page 11 of24


--V-:;"Cr~.r-r-r;!;~:},-",... r-r-~"TT""

B) .~•• BOLT

~~.~~~ ....~.~


Conventional Anchors in Grouted Collar Joints


Typical embedment details of conventional anchors in multi-wythe brick construction are shown in Fig. 13.
A brick, or portion of a brick, is left out of the inner wythe to form a cell for the embedded anchor (Fig. 14).
After the anchor is placed, the cell is filled with mortar or grout prior to placement of the next course.

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aThe manufacturer should always be consulted when adhesive anchors are to be used in areas where contact with chemicals is likely.



" ~rl ""t4_._-r--r-.-rl

'1"1 'I T,'1-'--'---' -rf "--.",,,,, ,..r"Tf""f·T'"f~r"1'I,I_._i " T,'I"-'-"--'--'-'-TI "'"""!
50 100 150 200 25G


Effect of Temperature on Ultimate Tensile Capacity



Conventional Anchor Bolts

Typical embedment details for each type of conventional anchor used in grouted collar joint construction are
shown in Fig_ 12_The conventional embedded anchors (headed bolts, bent bar and plate anchors) are
usually placed at the intersection of a head joint and bed joint. By using this location, the brick units
adjacent to the anchor can be chipped or cut to accept the anchor without altering the joint thickness.

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44 Page 12 of24



B) '~" BOLI


Conventional Anchors in Multi-Wythe Brick Masonry



Plan View of Grout Cell in Multi-Wythe Brick Masonry

FIG. 14 3/15/2008
44 Page 9 of24




Site-Mixed Adhesive Anchor

FIG. '10

There are special requirements and limitations. that should be considered when contemplating the use of
adhesive anchors in brick masonry. They are: 1) Specially designed mixing and/or setting equipment may
be required 2) Dust and debris must be removed from the pre-drilled holes to insure proper bond between
the adhesive and base material. 3) The adhesive mixture tends to fill small voids and irregularities in the
base material. 4) Large voids (due to brick cores, intentional air spaces and partially filled joints) may cause
reductions in anchor capacities. This is especially true with the self-contained adhesive anchors since a
limited volume of epoxy is available to fill the voids and provide a bond to the anchor. 5) The adhesive bond
strength is reduced at elevated temperatures and may also be adversely affected by some chemicals (see
Table 2 and Fig. 11). 3115/2008
44 Page 8 of24

and mixing the adhesive components. The other type of adhesive anchor requires that the epoxy
components be hand-measured and mixed before the epoxy is placed into a pre-drilled hole. A threaded
rod or bar is then set into the epoxy mixture, as shown in Fig. 10. Adhesive epoxies usually vary slightly
between manufacturers, but the steel rods or bars are typically ASTM A 307 or ASTM A 325 threaded rod,
or ASTM A 36 shop-threaded bar.




Self-Contained Adhesive Anchor

FIG.9 3115/2008
44 Page 22 of24

Allowable Shear on Anchor Bolts - l-rcrn use
1985 Edition"


Tot<lI Allowable
Diameter Elllbedmenf Shear3
(inches) (inches) fibs}
1/4 4 270
:3/8 4 41D
1(2 4 550

- 5/B


I 18504
1-1 fa 0
u 22504
'P',n anchor bo~ is eIbolt that h;",,, eIright elngle extension of elt leelst three dierneters.
,f!., standard machine bo~ i:::oacceptable.

"Of the total required embedment, a minimum of five bolt diameters must be
perpendicular to the masonrv surface.

1--10reduction in value" required for uninspected mesonrv.

",f!.,pplicable for unit:; ha"iing a net area strength of 2500 psi or more.

(b) ,A.LLOVVABLE ~:HE.A.R IJr\j EiOLn:; FOR D ...1F'1F.~ICALLY DE::::IC;r\JED

MA,Sm',JF~Y EXCEF'T Ur'"JBURf\JED cu~.,,( U~',JlTS
Solid Grouted
Diameter Embedment' Masonry Masonry
Bolt (inches) (Shear in (Shear in
(inches) Pounds! Pounds)
112 4 350 550
5/8 4 500 750
3/4 5 750 1100
na f3 1000 1500
7 1250 113502
1-1/8 e 1500 22502
',f!.,nadditional 2 inches of embedment shall be provided for anchor bolts located
in the top of columns: for buildinqs located in Seis:mic Zones: ~,los:.2, 3, and 4.

2Pennitted onl'i with not less than 2500 pounds per sq in. units

* Reproduced from the Uniform Building Code, 1985 Edition, Copyright 1985 with permission of the publisher, The
International Conference of Building Officials."

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44 Page 17 of24

on the smaller of the two loads calculated for the masonry and anchor material. Thus, the allowable load in
tension is the lesser of:

(Eq.l )


(Eq. 2)

where: TA= Allowable tensile load, Ib,

Ap = Projected area of the masonry tension cone, in2, fm = Masonry prism compression strength (In
composite construction, when the masonry cone intersects different materials, fm should be based
on the weaker material), psi,

AB = Anchor gross cross-sectional area, in2,

fy = Anchor steel yield strength, psi.

The value of Ap in Eq. 1 is the area of a circle formed by a failure surface (masonry cone) assumed to
radiate at an angle of 45° (see Fig. 19) from the anchor base. When an anchor is embedded close to a free
edge, as shown in Fig 20, a full masonry cone cannot be developed and the area Ap must be reduced so
as not to over-estimate the masonry capacity. Thus, the area Ap, in Eq. 1 will be the lesser of:

(Eq 3)


(Eq. 4)

where: Ap = Projected area of the masonry tension cone, in.2,

1b = Effective embedded anchor length, in.,

1be = Distance to a free edge, in.

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44 Page 18 of24

Full Masonry Tension Cone

FIG. 19

. '~"


44 Page 19 of24

Reduced Masonry Tension Cone



Reduced Masonry Tension Cone


The effective anchor embedded length (1b) is the length of embedment measured perpendicular from the
surface of the masonry to the plate or head for plate anchors or headed bolts. The effective embedded
length of bent bar bolts (1b) is the length of embedment measured perpendicular from the surface of the
masonry to the bearing surface of the bent end minus one bolt diameter. Where the projected areas of
adjacent anchors overlap, Ap of each bolt is reduced by one-half of the overlap area. Also, any portion of
the projected cone falling across an opening in the masonry (i.e., holes for pipes or conduits) should be
deducted from the value of Ap calculated in Eqs. 3 or 4.


The allowable shear load is based on the same logic as the allowable tension load. That is, the anchor
capacity is governed by either the masonry strength or the anchor material strength. The distance between
an anchor and a free masonry edge has an effect on the masonry shear capacity. Calculations have shown
that for edge distances less than twelve times the anchor diameter, the masonry shear strength controls the
anchor capacity. (C. I ations based on masonry with f'm = 1000 psi and anchor steel yield strength with f .
= 60 ksi. Therefore, where the edge IS ance u or exceeds 12 anc or diameters. the allowable shear
lOad is the lesser of: ..-

'i A. - ",01 ~J rn' A '8 (Eq 5)

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44 Page 20 of24


(Eq. G)

where: VA = Allowable shear load, lb.

When anchors are located less than 12 anchor diameters fro! a free edge, the allowable shear load is
determined by linear interpolation from a value of VA obtained in Eq. 5 at an edge distance of 12 anchor
diameters to an assumed value of zero at an edge distance 0 1 in. (25 mm). This takes into consideration
the reduction in the masonry shear capacity due to the edge d,istance.

Combined Tension and Shear

Allowable combinations of tensile and shear loads are based on a linear interaction equation between the
allowable pure tension and pure shear loads calculated in Eqs. 1, 2, 5 and 6. Anchors subjected to
combinations of tension and shear are designed to satisfy the following equation:

T / TA + V / VA ~ 1.0 (Eq. 7)

where: T = Applied tensile load, lb..

V = Applied shear load, lb.

Proprietary Anchor Bolts

The allowable load equations previously presented are intended for use with plate anchors, headed bolts
and bent bar anchors and have been proposed to the ACIIASCE 530 Committee on Masonry Structures.
However, when the allowables from these equations are compared to test results for proprietary anchors,
they appear to produce acceptable safety factors.

Allowable Loads. Average factors of safety are 4.0 for tensile tests and 5.0 for shear tests on proprietary
anchors. The combined tension/shear interaction equation produced an average safety factor of 7.0 when
compared to test results on proprietary anchors. Therefore, based on comparison to test results, the
allowable load equations proposed in this Technical Notes are suggested for use in the design of
proprietary anchors in brick masonry. The embedment depth used to calculate the allowable load values
should be equal to the embedded depth of the proprietary anchor.

Edge Distance. Edge distance is of particular concern when expansion anchors are used in brick masonry,
due to lateral expansion forces produced when the anchors are tightened. These forces are often large
enough to cause cracking or spelling of the brick when edge distances become small. To date, no research
has been conducted in this area. Therefore, due to the lack of information, it is suggested that a minimum
edge distance of 12 in. (300 mm) be maintained when expansion anchors are installed in brick masonry. 3/15/2008
44 Page 21 0[24

Through Bolts

There are no known published reports available addressing the strength characteristics of through bolts in
brick masonry. However, based on the conservatism in the allowables for bent bar anchors and proprietary
anchors, the allowable load equations should provide acceptable allowable load values for through bolts
used in brick masonry. The embedment depth used to calculate the allowable load values should be taken
as equal to the actual thickness of the masonry.

Current Codes and Standards i

At the present time, one model code and one design standard contain provisions for anchor bolt design in
brick masonry. The BIA Standard, Building Code Requirements for Engineered Brick Masonry, and the
Uniform Building Code cover design allowables and embedment depths for anchors loaded in shear. There
are no provisions for axial tensile loads or combined tension/shear loads in these documents. Tables 3 and
4 show the allowable shear loads and minimum embedment depths from the two documents. The values in
Table 4(a) are based on rational analysis and in Table 4(b) on empirical analysis. As can be seen, the
tables are very similar and are generally more conservative than the allowable shear loads obtained from
Eqs. 5 and 6 for the same embedment depths (Table 5).

! L:J

• From Building Code Requirements for Engineered Brick Masonry, Brick

Institute of America, August 1969.

'In determining the stresses on brick masonry, the eccentricity due to loaded
bolts and anchors shall be considered.

280lts and anchors shall be solidly embedded in mortar or grout

3No engineering or architectural inspection of construction and workmanship.

4Construction and workmanship inspected by engineer, architect or competent

representative. 3/15/2008
44 Page 23 of24

'American Concrete Institute/American Society Of Civil Engineers Committee 530 on

Masonry Structures.

1Assuming fm = 2,000 psi

ASTM A36 steel fy = 36 ksi

Edge Distance = 12 Bolt Diameters


This Technical Notes is the first in a series on brick masonry anchors, fasteners and ties, It covers anchor
bolt types, detailing and allowable loads for anchor bolts in brick masonry. Other Technical Notes in this
series will address brick masonry fasteners and ties.

The information and suggestions contained in this Technical Notes are based on the available data and the
experience of the technical staff of the Brick Institute of America. The information and recommendations
contained herein should be used along with good technical judgment and an understanding of the
properties of brick masonry. Final decisions on the use of the information discussed in this Technical Notes
are not within the purview of the Brick Institute of America and must rest with the project designer, owner or


1. Manual of Steel Construction, 8th Edition, American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc., Chicago,
Illinois, 1980.

2. Whitlock, A.R. and Brown, R.H., Strength of Anchor Bolts in Masonry, NSF Award No, PRF-
7806095, "Cyclic Response of Masonry Anchor Bolts", August 1983,

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44 Page 24 of24

3. Brown, R.H. and Dalrymple, GA, Performance of Retrofit Embedments in Brick Masonry, NSF
Award No. CEE-8217638, "Static and Cyclic Behavior of Masonry Retrofit Embedments (Earthquake
Engineering)", Report No.1, April 1985.

4. Hatzinikolas, M.; Lee, R.; Longworth, J. and Warwaruk, J., "Drilled-In Inserts in Masonry
Construction", Alberta Masonry Institute, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, October 1983.

5. Building Code Requirements for Engineered Brick Masonry, Brick Institute of America, McLean,
Virginia, August 1969.

6. Uniform Building Code, International Conference of Building Officials, Whittier, California, 1985.

7. Technical Notes on Brick Construction 17 Revised, "Reinforced Brick Masonry, Part I of IV", Brick
Institute of America, McLean, Virginia, October 1981.

8. Technical Notes on Brick Construction 41 Revised, "Hollow Brick Masonry-Introduction", Brick

Institute of America, McLean, Virginia, 1983.

9. Specification for the Design and Construction of Load-Bearing Concrete Masonry, National
Concrete Masonry Association, McLean, Virginia, April 1971.

10. The BOCA Basic/National Building Code, 9th Edition, Building Officials and Code Administrators,
International, Country Club Hills, Illinois, 1984.

11. Standard Building Code, Southern Building Code Congress, International, Inc .. Birmingham,
Alabama, 1985.

12. Technical Notes on Brick Construction 7A Revised, "Water Resistance of Brick Masonry-
Materials, Part 1\ of III", Brick Institute of America, Reston, Virginia, 1985.

http://www.bia.orgIBIA/technotes/t44.htm 311512008
ATS-AB anchor bolts are pre-assembled anchor bolts that have been designed for
use with the ATS system. They are available in 18", 24" and 36" lengths and match the
strength and material grade of the corresponding Strong-Rod connecting rods. The
heavy hex nuts are pressed onto the bolt to keep them in place.
Material: Standard (Model ABJ - ASTM A307, Grade A
High strength (Model AB_H) - ASTM A449 or ASTM A193, Grade B7
Higher strength (Model AB- H150) - ASTM A434, Class BD or ASTM A354, Claks
Finish: None i

Naming Scheme:
=::J T Diameter
L Length

Bolt and Grade

* Units in Va" Increments
(Ex: 9 = 'fa" or 1%")

Anchor Bolt Bolt Diameter Plate Washer Size 1, Component Color

Model No. - (in) (in) i. (in) Cod'e

ATS-AB5 S/s 3fsxl'hxlY, 1v. Blue

ATS-AB7 1's 3fs x 2v.. x2.'A ..... r 3reen·,> ...

ATS-AB9 1% 3/8 x 23iA x 2% PiA Orange

ATS-AB5H s/s 3/S xl 'h x 1'/2 . 1'.4 Blue Anchor Boll
ATS-AB7H 'Is 3,4, X 2'.4 x 2V. 1'h Green

. '.'
j3iA .•...Orange
ATS-AS9H 11/8 ....

ATS-AB9H150 1% 'hx3x3 1'/8 Orange

ATS-AB10H150 1% 1 x3'hx3'h 2'h Purple

1. Anchor rods are available in 18",24" and 36" lengths.

2. Standard Anchor bolts are based on minimum Fu = 60,000 psi and Fy = 43,000 psi.
3. High strenqtn anchor bolts are based on minimum Fu = 120,000 psi and Fy = 92,000 psi.
4. H150 anchor bolts are based on minimum Fu = 150,000 psi and Fy = 130,000 psi.


Anrnor bolts shall be specified by the Designer. 1 - 2x4 or 1 - 2x6 = 4 Vi
1 - 3x4 or 1 - 3x6 = 5 W ~ COMPRESSION
2 - 2x4 or 2 - 2x6 = 6'
1-2x4or1-2x6=4'fl 2 - 3x4 or 2 ' 3x6 = 8'
1 - 3x4 or 1 - 3x6 = 5 'h" 1 - 4x6 or 1 - 6x6 = 8Y,
2 - 2x4 or 2 - 2x6 = 6' 1 - 4x8 or 1 - 6x8 = lOW
2 - 3x4 or 2 - 3x6 = 8' 1 - 4x10 or 1 . 6x10 = 12'1.
1 - 4x6 or 1 - 6x6 = 8'h"
1 - 4x8or 1 - 6x8 = 10Y,
1 - 4x10 or 1 - 6xl0 = 12Y; Perpendicular-To-Wall
-- 4Yi' -- 1 - 2x4 or 1 - 2x6
--- 5W -- 1 - 3x4 or 1 - 3x6
---- 6" -- 2 - 2x4 or 2 . 2x6
8" -- 2 - 3x4 or 2 . 3x6
---- 8Yi -- 1 - 4x6 or 1 - 6x6
_10W __ 1-4x8orl-6x8
12Y4_ 1 - 4xl0 or 1 - 6x10

Corner Installation MEMBERS
16 Mid-Wall Installation
ATS: Anchor Bolts Page 4 of 4

Anchor Rod
f.'odel No.




1. IBC calculations are based on ACI 3113,Appendix D

2. For UBC and IBC wind design, embedment de, is based on the design strength of the anchor per AISC. Embedment and
edge distances are calculated in order to attain a ductile steel failure mode.
3. For IBC seismic design, concrete strength is reduced by a factor of 0.75 per ACI 318, Section D.3.3.3. Steel strength is based
on AISC calculations and does not include an 0.75 reduction factor. Embedment and edge distances meet the ductile
requirements of ACI 318, Section D.3.3.4.
4. For UBC design anchor design for 2500 psi minimum concrete assumes no special inspection and a multiplier of 2.0 on the
concrete per section 1923.3.2. For 3000 psi and 4500 psi concrete, special inspection is assumed and a multiplier of 1.3 is
5. Plate washers have been designed for plate bending.
6. Alternate anchor bolt solutions may be provided by the Designer.
7. Foundation dimensions are for anchorage only. The Designer is responsible for the foundation size and reinforcement for all
load conditions.

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ATS: Anchor Bolts Page 3 of 4

Anchor Rod
Model Nu.

•• See footnotes below

Wind and Seismic Design 97 USC without Supplementary Reinforcing:

Anchor Rod
Model No.



• See footnotes below

Seismic Design All IBC Codes:

Anchor Rod
IWodel No.


•• See footnoles below

Wind Design All IBC Codes: 3/15/2008
15 Vessel On Beams Ver2.24 27-Apr-07 Page 22 of 25

17 Sample Vessel 8 <- Vessel NBC-95

19 Vessel Dimensions (Inch and Lbs):

20 130.000 <- H, height
21 80.000 <- L, center of gravity
22 26.500 <- Is, leg free length
23 42.000 <- Do, shell outside diameter
24 44.500 <- ds, leg pitch diameter Fv
25 0.750 <- t, shell corroded thickness
26 0.250 <- ws - leg weld size
~ __ +_ Fh \iiiJ Fh
27 13.500 <- Iw - length of leg to shell weld Fv
28 16.000 <- Iwf - length of weld on foot
29 12,300 <- W, Weight Ibs
30 353.9 <- Pr, Pressure f3

32 Site Specific Seismic Information per NBC-95:

35 1.000 <- I, occupation importance factor
44 0.400 <- v, zonal velocity ratio
45 6.000 <- Za, acceleration-related seismic zone
46 5.000 <- Zv, velocity-related seismic zone
47 1.300 <- Foundation Factor (F) v

52 Leg Supports:
53 Angles 4" x 5/8" <- Structural Description
54 4 <- n, number of legs
55 6.660 <- lx, for one leg
56 6.660 <- Iy, for one leg
57 1.200 <- fFactor, Least radius of Gyration o
58 4.610 <- A, Leg Cross Sectional Area
59 4.000 <- 2cx, Beam Depth
---.u AI.. -:\.

4.000 <- 2cy, Beam Width
0.800 <- K1, Leg Anchor Factor
--------- ...
- x

63 Material Properties: RECTANGULAR ATTACHMENT

64 17,100 <- maximum leg bending stress (Sb)
65 16,200 <- maximum shell stress (Sa)
67 Attachment Dimensions:
68 5.657 <- 2C1, Width of rectangular loading
69 13.500 <- 2C2, Length of rectangular loading
71 Static Deflection
72 E = 30,000,000
73 bc = 12.0 leg boundary condition based on fixed or loose leg
74 y = (2*W*ls"3)/(bc*n*E*(lx + Iy» y = 0.024
75 (2*12300*26.5"3)/(12*4*30000000*(6.66 + 6.66»

77 Period of Vibration
78 g = 386
79 T = 2*pi*sqrt(y/g) =2 * 3.14 * sqrt(0.02/386) T = 0.049

84 Base Shear
103 U = 0.6
104 R = r-=4__-:-::--::-;:-,
105 I 4.2001<- Seismic Response Factor (S)
106 Ve = v*S*I*F*W = 0.4*4.2*1*1.3*12300/ Ve = 26863
107 V = (Ve/R)*U = (26863.2/4)*0.6 . V = 14029
115 Sample Vessel 8 Vessel On Beams 27-Apr-07 Page 23 of 25
117 Horizontal Seismic Force at Top of Vessel
118 Ftmax = 0.25*V = 0.25 * 4029 Ftmax = 1007
119 Ftp = 0.07 * T * V = 0.07 * 0.049 * 4029 Ftp = 13.94
120 Ft = if (T < 0.7, 0, min(O.07*T*V, Ftmax)) Ft= 1L...:...9 __
122 Horizontal Seismic Force at cg
123 Fh = V - Ft = 4029 - 0 Fh = 14,029
125 Vertical force at cg
126 Fv = W Fv = 112,300
128 Overturning Moment at Base
129 Mb=L*Fh+H*Ft = 80 * 4029 + 130 * 0 Mb = 322,358

131 Overturning Moment at Bottom Tangent Line

132 Mt = (L-ls)*Fh + (H-ls)*Ft = (80 - 26.5) * 4029 + (130 - 26.5) * 0 Mt = 215,577

134 Maximum eccentric load

135 f1 = Fv/n + 4*Mto/(n*Do) = 12300/4 + 4*215577/(4 * 42) f1 = 8,208

137 Axial Load

138 f2 = Fv/n + 4*Mb/(n*ds) = 12300/4 + 4*322358/(4 * 44.5) f2 = 10,319

140 Leg Loads

141 f3x = 0.5*V*lx/(lx+ly) =0.5* 4029*6.66 I( 6.66+6.66) f3x = 1,007
142 f3y = 0.5*V*ly/(lx+ly) =0.5* 4029*6.66 /( 6.66+6.66) f3y = 1,007

144 Leg Bending Moments

145 e= (ds-Do)/2 =(44.5-42)/2 e = 1.25
146 Mx = f1 *e + f3x*ls =8208*1.25 + 1007*26.5 Mx = 36,955
147 My = t1 "e + t3y~ls =tl2otn.25 + 1UUr20.5 My = 30,955

149 Leg Bending Stress

150 Sbmax = Sb * 1.25 =17100 * 1.25 Sbmaxfx == ,...,.,....,:-,.-........,......,
151 fx = Mx*cx/lx =36955 * 2 f 6.66 Acceptable
152 fy = My*cy/ly =36955 * 2 f 6.66 Acceptable fy = ~'"'--"---'
154 Leg axial stress
155 K1*Is/r = =0.8 * 26.5 I 1.2 K1 *Islr = 17.667
''156 Fa max = AISC code lookup based on K1 *Islr Fa max = 25,675
~57 fa = f2/A =10319 14.61 Acceptable fa = 12,.23$

159 Maximum Euler Stress

160 Fe = 12*piA2*E/(23*(K1 *L1r)"2)
161 = 12*piA2*30000000/(23*17.667A2) Fe = 494,954

163 Combined Stress

164 Fc1 = fa/Famax + O.85*fxl«1-fafFe)*Sbmax) Acceptable
165 2238/25675 + 0.85*11098/«1-2238/494954)*21375) Fe1 = 10.53
166 Fe2 = fa/Famax + 0.85*fy/«1-fa/Fe)*Sbmax) Acceptable
167 2238/25675 + 0.85*11098/«1-2238/494954)*21375) Fc2 = 10.53
171 Sample Vessel 8 Vessel On Beams 27-Apr-07 Page 24 of 25
173 Beam to Shell Attachment Stresses
175 Beam Dimensions
176 ex = 2cx/2 ex = 2.000
177 ey = 2cy/2 cy = 2.000
: IV1x

181 C dimensions for weld stress

182 weld area = ws*lw wa = 3.375
183 wex = Iw/2 wex = 6.750
184 wez = ey + ws wez = 2.250
185 wey = sqrt(wex"2 + wey"2) = sqrt(6. 5"2 + 7.115"2) wey= 7.115
187 Shear Force Distribution
188 Vx = (V*lx)/( (n/2) "(Ix+ly) = (4029. 8*6.66)/«4/2)*(6 Vx = 1,007
189 Vy= (V*ly)/( (n/2)*(lx+ly» = (4029 .. 8*6.66)/«4/2)*(6 Vy= 1,007
190 Vg = Win gravity = 12300/4 Vg = 3,075

192 Weld Moments of Inertias

193 Iwx = (ws*lw"3/12)*2 = (0.25*13.5"3/12)*2 Iwx = 102.5
194 Iwz = (lw*ws"3/12 + wa*(cy+ws/2)"2)*2 Iwz= 30.5
195 (13.5*0.251\3/12 + 3.375*(2+0.25/2)1\2)*2
196 Iwy = Iwx + Iwz = 103 + 31 Iwy= 133.0
198 Weld Moments
199 Mx = Vx*(ls+lw/2) + Vg*(ds-Do)/2 Mx = 37,339
200 1007*(26.5+13.5/2) + 3075*(44.5-42)/2
201 My1 = Vy*(ls+lw/2) = 1007*(26.5+13.5/2) My1 = 33,495
202 Mz= Vy*(ds-Do)/2 = 1007*(44.5-42)/2 Mz = 1,259

204 Weld Stresses

205 Sx = Mx*wcx/lwx Bending = 36955*6.75/102.5 Sx = 2,433
200 Sy = My1 *wcy/lwy Twisting = 33495*7.115/133 Sy = 1,791
207 Sz = Mz*wcz/lwz Torision = 1259*2.25/30.5 Sz = 93
208 Sg = Vg/(wa*2) Gravity = 3075/(3.375*2) S9 = 456
210 Stress Limits and Ratios
211 Slim = min(Sb,Sa)*OA9 = min(17100,16200)*0.49 Slim = 7,938

213 SxR = Sx/Slim = 2433/7938 SxR = 0.307

214 SyR = Sy/Slim = 1791/7938 SyR = 0.226
215 SzR = SzlSlim = 93/7938 SzR= 0.012
216 SgR = Sg/Slim = 456/7938 SgR = 0.057
217 Acceptable total «1) 0.601
218 Foot Plate Attachment Stresses
219 waf = ws*lwf weld area in foot = 0.25*16 waf = 4.000
220 Vv= V/n = 4029/4 Vv = 1,007

222 Sv = Vv/waf = 1007/4 Sv = 252

223 Sgf = Vg/waf = 3075/4 Sgf = 769

225 SvRf= Sv/Slim = 252/7938 SvRf = 0.032

226 SgRf= Sgf/Slim = 768.75/7938 SgRf = 0.097
227 Acceptable total «1) O~129
27-Apr-07 Page 25 of 25
WRC 107 - shell local stress at support
'" Loads (psi and Ib)
1,007,4 <- P, Axial Load (=vx)
10,319.0 <- VL, Lon9itudinalload(=f2)
0.0 <- Ve, Circumferential load
'" 36,955.0 <- ML, Moment (=My)
0.0 <- Me, Moment
0.0 -c, MT, T orisional

242 Parameters
MaxSPm;:;; Sa for Pm stresses Pm - primary membrance stress MaxSPm = 16,200
MaxSPmb:: 1.5*Sa for Pm + Pb stresses Pb - primary bending stress MaxSPmb = 24,300 0" '--1-"'--4>f-=':
MaxSPmbQ = 3·Sa for Pm + Pb + a stresses o - secondary stress MaxSPmbO = 48,600 0L
Ri = (00-2'T)/2 Ri = 20.25 -~
= r
RmlT = 20.625/0.75
Rm =
20.625 ----
r?7<n'I A.
-1 --"-,...

Beta 1 = 2C 1/2/Rm = 5.65712120.625 Beta t = 0137--------- --- .•.•--

Beta2 = 2C2/2/Rm = 13.512/20.625 Bela2 = 0:327. CL :
SL = (Ri-OA'T)'Pr/(2'T) = (20.25-0.4'0.75)'353.898/(2'0.75) SL = 4,707 "tCT4HGULAR ATTACHMt •• r
Sc = (Ri+0.6'T)'PrlT = (20.25+0.6'0.75)'353.898/0,75 Sc = 9,768
"" Stress concentration factors Kb = 1 Kn = 1
283 Shell Combined Stresses'
Lookup A Curve A Value A Value Equation Cat Au AL Bu BL Cu CL Du DL
Pressure Stress VIII-1 Code 4C 3C SC Pm 9768 9768 9768 9768 9768 9768 9768 9768
No/(P/Rm) 3C or 4C 3,74796 1.88561 Kn'A'P/(Rm'T) Pm -244 -244 -244 -244 -123 -123 -123 -123
Mo/P 1C or 2C-1 0,08088 0,04871 Kb'A'6'PfTA2 Pb -523

see No/(Mc/(Rm'2'beta» 3A 1.05302 Kn'A'Mc/(RmA2'beta'T) Pm
Mo/(MC/(Rm"'bela» 1A 0.08268 Kb' A '6'McI(Rm'beta'TA2) Q o 0 0 0
No/(MLJ(Rm"2'beta» 38 2.75635 Kn'A'MU(RmA2'beta-T) Pm -1304 ,1304 1304 1304
, Mo/(MU(Rm"beta» 18 or 18-1 0.01754 Kb·A*S*MU(Rm·beta'"TA2) Q -1086 1086 1086 -1086
Pm So 8220 8220 10827 10827 9645 9645 9645 9645
Pm+Pb So 7696 8743 10304 11351 8776 10514 8776 10514
Pm+Pb+Q So 6610 9829 11390 10265 8776 10514 8776 10514
Pressure Stress VIII-1 Code SL Pm 4707 4707 4707 4707 4707 4707 4707 4707
Nxf(P/Rm) 3C or 4C 3.74796 1.88561 Kn'A'P/(Rm'T) Pm -123 -123 -123 -123 -244 ,244 -244 -244
Mx/P 1C-1 or 2C 0.03139 0.05870 Kb'A'6-PfT'2 Pb -631

Nx/(McJ(Rm"2°bela» 4A 1.71344 Kn' A 'McI(RmA2'beta'T) Pm
Mx'(Mc/(Rm~beta) 2A 0.03430 Kb'A-6'McI(Rm'beta'TA2) Q •.... 0 0 0 0
Nx/(MLI(Rm"2'beta)) 4B 1.12882 Kn'A-MU(RmA2'beta'T) Pm -534 -534 534 534 .
Mx/(MLI(Rm'beta ) 28 or 28-1 0.03569 Kb'A'6'MU(Rm'beta'P2) 0 ,2556 2556 2556 -2556
Pm Sx 4050 4050 5118 5118 4463 4463 4463 4463
Pm+Pb Sx 3419 4681 4487 5749 4125 4800 4125 4800
Pm+Pb+Q Sx 864 7236 7043 3193 4125 4800 4125 4800
Shear VL VU(Pi'sqrt(cl'c2)"T) f",'.ne -1002 ,1002 1002 1002
Shear vc VC/(Pi'sqrt(c1'c2)'T) 0 0 0 0 )~.£%
, Tolal Shear Sum of shears Txo 0 0 0 0 -1002 ·1002 1002 1002
S1m ( Sx+So)/2)+SQRT«(Sx-So)/2)A2+ T xc-z) 8,220 8,220 10,827 10,827 9,832 9,832 9.832 9.832
S2m «Sx+So)/2),SQRT«(Sx-So)/2)'2+ Txo'2) 4.050 4,050 5,118 5,118 4,276 4,276 4,276 4,276
S12 abstS'lm- S2m) 4,170 4,170 5,709 5,709 5,556 5,556 5,556 5,556
823 abs(S2m-O) 4.050 4,050 5.118 5.118 4,276 4.276 4,276 4,276
, 831 abs(0-S1m) 8.220 8,220 10,827 10.827 9,832 9,832 9,832 9,832
, Sm<= MaxSPmb max(S12,S23,S31) Acceptable 8,220 8,220 10,827 10,827 9,832 9,832 9,832 9,832
S1m+b ( Sx+So)/2)+SQRT«(Sx-So)/2)A2+ rxc-z) 7,696 8,743 10,304 11,351 8.983 10.685 8,983 10,685
S2m+b (Sx+So)/2)-SQRT« Sx-So)/2 A2+ Txo'2) 3.419 4,681 4.487 5,749 3.919 4.629 3,919 4,629
S12 abs(S1 m, S2m) 4.277 4.062 5,817 5,602 5,064 6,055 5,064 6,055
, S23 abs S2m-0) 3,419 4,681 4,487 5,749 3,919 4,629 3.919 4.629
a S31 abs(0-S1m) 7,696 8,743 10,304 11,351 8,983 10,685 8,983 10,685
, 5mb<= MaxSPmb max(S12,S23,S31 ) Acceptable 7,696 8,743 10,304 11,351 8,983 10,685 8,983 10,685
S1m-rb-rQ «sx-se /2 +SQRT(((Sx-So)/2 '2+ Txo'2 6,610 9,829 11,390 10,265 8,983 10,685 8,983 10,685
, S2m+b+Q «Sx+So)/2 -SQRT«(Sx-So)/2)A2+ rxc-z) 864 7,236 7,043 3,193 3,919 4,629 3,919 4,629
S12 abs(S1m, S2m) 5,746 2.593 4,347 7,071 5,064 6,055 5,064 6,055

. Smbce
abs O,S1m)
max(S12,S23,S31) Acceptable

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