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BASIC ROUTING OPTIONAL PARAMETERS REDIRECTION NAMED ROUTES RACK ROUTING CONSTRAINTS LEGACY ROUTE SCOPE RAILS 3 @ ROUTING API NESTED ROUTES YourApp: Application. routes.draw do esources :posts fateh "/all' => ‘posts#index' oot sto => "honebindex* end! natch */posts(/:yy(/:am))" => "poststindex” class Postscontrolter < Applicationcontrotter ‘def index # parans{¥y] parans (mn) end atch */sign_cut* fateh */users/nane’ natch */googte" redirect(*/signout") redirect {jparans| "/e{paranstsnane]}"> redirect ‘http://go0gle-com") namespace :api do Manespace ‘internal do Tesources accounts ¢o rember 6 get :sumary ost suspend ent post :contirn, ion => :menber Eoilection 30 get :pending end get :blocked, end on => collection + Gives you sign in_path helper a get */netto® Get ‘rack endpoint get */rack-ap" proc {Jenv| 200, (2, *Hetto Rack"I> PostsControtler-action(:index) CustomRackape mmateh */:year* posterindex, year => Adta)/, constraints shost = /locathost/) do constraints IpRestrictor get “adnin/accounts" => "queenbeetaccounts end atch */:controtler(/:action(/:id(.:format)))" = Ap => /192\,168\.1\.\441,3)/ Gives reset password path'key’) Responds to selfimatches?(request) [~ ‘Commented out by default scope *:token', token = wish do resources Foon do Tesourees incetings end end scope *(:tocate)", Fesources. :posts Foot sto => "poststindex’ locate = /en|p/ do —— Requires token parameter to get to resources and must be § alphanumeric characters [— Locale is optional for these routes sina 1S RAILS 3 BUNDLER BUNDLER $ bundle $ bundle show [gen_nane] COMMANDS | Sicsicctiteytereraalie goinlthon epancenc igor gen, owe wheel sda < > requied $ bundle —-without { Teptonal ] reas eveything exept geme incade in (Opens the gem source inthe deft eo. $ bundle ~—deploynent olates al gems ito vendo/ound, raques upto date $ bundle update [gen_nane] Gemfle lac use gem in vendorcache fay exit. 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