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Josh Mieritz

World His
Cornell Notes

The Cold War Ends

I. Détente- policy of lessened Cold War tensions- replaced brinkmanship after

A. US President Nixon followed realpolitik- flexible and practical foreign
policy between nations.
1. Visited Communist China and the Soviet Union.
2. Signed the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT I) to limit
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).
B. Mikhail Gorbachev brought “New Thinking” to the Soviet Union in 1985.
1. Perestroika- “restructuring” of economic policy for the beginning of a
free market economy and some private property ownership.
2. Glasnost- “openness” for Soviets to discuss publicly opinions about
the government.
a. Led to revolutionary attempts.
3. Soviet republics began to vote for independence.
a. Ukraine became the first independent nation of the Soviet Union,
b. Called the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
II. Reform in Poland began in the 1980s.
A. Started with Solidarity, a union for shipyard workers.
1. Led by Lech Walesa- gained world-wide attention for fight for the
right to unionize and strike in Poland.
B. Poland government banned Solidarity and declared martial law in Poland.
1. Poor economy led to dissent and walkouts among workers.
a. Demanded legalization of Solidarity and pay raises.
b. Led to agreement to host first free election since Communist
2. Voted against Communism and elected Lech Walesa as President in
a. Current President is Lech Kaczynski.
III. Hungary sought reforms to improve economy.
A. New constitution permitted a multiparty system with free parliamentary
1. Led to loss of power for the Communist Party.
2. Socialist and democratic parties formed a coalition.
B. Allowed vacationing East Germans to cross border in Austria.
1. Became a new escape route for many.
IV. Led to the fall of the Berlin Wall.
A. East Germany tried to close borders entirely.
1. Led to widespread protests.
2. Berlin Wall fell 11/9/1989.
a) Germany voted for reunification in 1990.

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