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Computational Heat Transfer 2011

Prof. Dr.-Ing. E. Specht
Dr.-Ing. N. Ashok Kumar
Assignment.1. Submission Date 26–04–2011
Part 2 Tensor Algebra
1. Let a = aiei , b = bj ej , and c = ckek . Find (i). a · b, (ii). a × b, (iii). a × b · c, (iv). a × b × c,
(v). a ⊗ b. where e1 , e2 , and e3 are the unit orthogonal basis vectors along the rectangular Cartesian
Coordinates x1 , x2 , and x3 respectively.

2. Simplify and perform the indicated summations over the range 1,2,3 : (a). δij δij , (b). δij δjn δni ,
(c). ijk δjk , and (d). Ai Bj δji − Bm An δmn . where δij = ei · ej is Kronecker delta, and ijk = (ei × ej ) · ek
is a permutation symbol.

3. Prove that ijk ijk = 6.

4. A, and B are two second order tensors and are given as A = 3 e1 ⊗e1 + 2 e2 ⊗e2 −e2 ⊗e3 + 5 e3 ⊗e3 ,
and B = 4 e1 ⊗e3 +6 e2 ⊗e2 −3 e3 ⊗e2 +e3⎡⊗e3 . Also consider
⎤ the⎡vector u = ⎤2e1 −3 e2 +4e3 . ⎧ ⎫
This also
3 0 0 0 0 4 ⎨ 2 ⎬
can be represented in matrix form as [A] = ⎣ 0 2 −1 ⎦, [B] = ⎣ 0 6 0 ⎦, and {u} = −3 .
⎩ ⎭
0 0 5 0 −3 1 4
Compute the following: (a). A · B, (b). A : B, (c). A · u, (d). u · B, (e). u · A · u, (g). u · u, (g). u × u.

5. Any arbitrary second order tensor A can be represented by a matrix [A]. Prove that detA = ijk A1i A2j A3k ,
where ijk is a permutation symbol. Hint: use the scalar triple product of three vectors.

6. Consider a vector u = 15e1 − 4 e2 + 7e3 and an another unit vector a = √1 e1 + √2 e2 + 0 e3 .
5 5
Find the parallel projector and perpendicular projector P⊥
Pa , a associated with the unit vector 
a. Further
find the projections of u along the direction of a and perpendicular to a.
⎡ ⎤
4 1 3
7. Let A be a tensor whose matrix is [A] = ⎣ 2 5 7 ⎦. Find the symmetric and skew symmet-
4 8 6
ric parts of A.
⎡ ⎤
1 1 1
8. Let A be a tensor whose matrix is [A] = ⎣ 1 1 1 ⎦. Find the spherical and deviatoric parts
1 1 1
of A.

9. If u = u(x) = x1 x2 x3e1 + x1 x2e2 + x1e3 . determine divu, curlu, gradu, and ∇2u respectively.

10. Prove the following:

(a). grad(φu) = u ⊗ gradφ + φ gradu
(b). grad(u · v )= gradT u · v + gradTv · u, where gradT (–) = ei ⊗ ∂xi

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