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01: wills wireD tk~ lial: mmple. m9 dreo1m tempj~' l¥'& hcuill il1lJowl?tj$w<lFCJJ't'J Astira.m. Ihi'!1d ~11 to J'aJjyur l11ljJrelf ';llOl1(jMlh lew Or,hI!;'J' devol&§ to jy.r.i1:J~' idol 01 fl4.J.l'.cJI J(l:i~nri1 Bl:Jl;Jfjd'W'tLl1; ;;md {he 'l!1al~J'J11 ioWE' ~t1d Gl11pa fi1~ lbtli I experi§nCff!d th\f1!Pe~~ee.J!1 th@ idol.;l~d me, lnar)'.(;l{;:d Cm my .rr?i1.lFll ill fhis~~; lklt that wiJ'G 6'0 .::;>v.;;>r e'l1lrmsd tj,r:!< t~mplrif th<2!~/erwoP:JJd ietl1'H ib@ tru til liM StJf-ljd!~d;' tbro1¥J-h tj~ eyes vI f:h~ idailhst spoke i;;JJ;Jd

1 wth@Pf:J7S011 'Who consscz;a.ted th'e idoJ, MiJJdd mmlf1il1 :!lil.etd Swamfji)

WAren we leok inro the causes of disquietude and restlessness. around us, we, understand that the root of it is the sense of ego within ourselves. I t ~ s tbi s, sense of' ego or theidentification of the self 'with me body which creates all the misfortunes th.a'~ we suffer today, Egoism pollutes themind. n fills the mind with false notions and foul motives which result in thoughrless misdeeds and wrong actions. It mal-es us so partial, prejudiced, blind and irrational that: we can neither loot at ~he world as it is nor view life in its righr perspecrive. The faulty conelUS]O~lS, wrong inferences and err-oneous judgemenrs dUJ.[ result from it make our minds tD ueasy find restless. Arestlessman makes the WOf ld restless too.

He \-yh.o does not create agitatiun [:1.1 the worldand who is bjmse]f not disturbedby it, is ~1 true devotee who can have the vision of [he truth,

Therefore, a person who has; detached himself frnm the body, emptied h.in1seU'· of all notions and risen above utl passlons is. said to


have renounced his ego. Such a man ceases (0 see duality and discordance in me world find (hut> ends all his sorrow. Having sublimated the mind he rests in a S[;;Ite of perfect calmness and tranquility

Perfection is anained nor in a wink but by slow degn"les. Affliclion comes to us not to make us SHirl and sorry, but to make US wiser God tries our virtue by affliction and in deali ng bard wi th us, He has no purpose in view but to perfect His people, As in nature, 80 in art, it is rough treatment that gives souls as well as stones their lustre. 'fbe morethe diamond is C lit [he bri ghter i[ sparkles-

It was dawn. The rising SllTI spread out his golden rays brightening the world with his brillianoe" Satyakeerti felt endowed. with life, Dressed in silk. and fad] ant with youthful looks, he wal ked. towards the temple in thoughtful silence. Inthe warm g~O\\l,~ of the morning Sun, nature displayed a dazzling order of beauty that roused and stimulated his thoughts, and. <l.S he walked, his mind wa. s awakened. [0 the great truths thar nature revealed through her silent beauty and splendour. 1\£ the sky grew brighter, he discovered that igno-rance would. melt before wisdom as darkness before Sun. A flight ofbirds high in the sky sinkingly suggested that man. could soarto great heights inthe wake of wisdom. A.'i he crossed me stream he contemplared on its serenity, generosiry and the spontaneity of its flow. He thought [hat its dear blue water reflected the purity and tranquility of a saint's life.

Satyakeerti entered the temple and viewed the idol wi th veneration, He placed a lotus at the adorable feet of the de; ty arId joined his hands in salutation. He felt happy and b~es:sed,. and. as he gazed steadil y at the idol he lost himself in a reverie of admiratiun, "What a magnificent idol! How sacred and divine. Scores, of people come here everyday. They worship the idol wilh flowers, perfumes and incense adorn it with gorgeous clothes and valuable ornaments. What makes it ;~o'

(see pt1~f: . " • 2:5)



(ccmlimwd/rOf]! page __ .20)

adorable i n the eyes of the multi tud e?" He stood wondering. Suddenly he heard someone speak. Yes, it was the idol, "Shall I narrate my story:" 'TIle idol was asking him. Satyakeerf was struck dumb with strange surprise. A tale of an idol illdeed: It was. unbelievable, He nodded his con.


The idolwas silent fOI" awhile. I~ wore a pensi ve J oak as if recollecti ng the past. S lcm fy it began 10 speak. "0 riginally I '1'.'115 only a piece of stone encrusted with soil, rugged and unshapely, lyillg burried in the ground. Of i.:01I1R. it was a privilege bestowed on me by nature. For several years. ] slept there pl!aC'dllilJy until one dfly someone began to dig me out I experienced a thrill of fear and begged him to stop, IbULl. in vain. He bear and battered me mercilessly cin I could bear no more, l shrieked, screamed <tndv.'ai i ed WI th pain. bill he did not stOp. How broken and miser .. able I feh, AtlastI WJ' .llt# up and thrown on the ground, I W(!!S [here unsheltered. despised by pedestrains <IID,d trampled upon by children. 6uI: inspire of all thr~ my joy knew no bounds. Everywhere there was life, beauty and \·inlcit)',

I feasted roy eyes on the beauty of natural surroundings. 'After .[1[1" m~' suffering was not without 11 FLLl~)OSI;;; ]l was a blessing in disguise', l thought looking back with contemrncnt at the pain and torture [ had sltff'e.led, BUl alas, itwas a short lived happiness. SQIJIl I 'lias. pur LTIII(II

a cart and carded away, ( knew not where. At the end of our journey,

1 realized Lh",( it was a workshop, l\oifwy 11101l:' blocks ur ~IOF1e like me lay scattered ~III over the place. ShDJ'tly nn,er. another mnn ,"':.:LIllI; [0 me will1 :;t chisdi]l hi~ hamil and 6~lpcd 0PCIlIlr"Ji}' Il~arl. It wu~ hi0 tum now


perhaps to torture me. He began to strike cruel Mows 'With his hammer all over mybody to scrape off my deformed and, disproporti onate limbs and also my ace ret]{'I n , He Gut and wounded every inch 0,[ me wil~h his chisel. The diverse sides of my body got chopped and began to drop eff .. O my Lord! m suffered excruciating plain the-n. This went on for a. few months which seemed to me an eternity, At Iast the hEl!.lJ1!I1I'lerblows stopped. I was now transformed into a beautiful statue: a mass of splendour. Then I looked. TF.IllCh brighter than before. ill was absolutely in goad snap€: and EOI'm .. Oh~ I was very pretty them. Tbe silent suffering added to the joy of being Jed immediately into the sanctum sanctomm, M was inspired and elated by my good. fertune. Troubles enrich us, I thought, as the plough r;l1rieli}.es~me field.

My master putme 'Up for sale. I liN as €In ~.isplay and many p;€;op·l e carne to see, me. They scrutinized m.€: from top te toe. It was all very embarrassing; forme. Some strtl!cik my delicate body with their fingers 'to see, if I could produce musical sounds, Some thou~l~t I wag nat very

beautiful while ochers thought ~ was. Some said ] "\Ii!.as, g'o@d but not worth my price. These who wished to buy me ba~~jn8d wi~l~ [f:JJY mas(er- I felt sad and hUI'll~hated. "Vlhy wasn't ~ [lot Le.ft to lmysdf'? Why was 1 dislodgedfrom my place? Is: there no end te my suffering?" ] lamemed,

At last a. gen tleman came forwardto buy me, He seemed tohave liked me but he too bargained for [I. while. I was deeply hurl. Finally. be bought me at the, fi xed price. Vilhen left alene with my l1£W master I asked rum. "Why did you bargain? Am I not worthmy prke?" I-Ie answered gently, "0 beautitul one! U was not to estimate YOlU value but nnly to show you my humble status."] was greatly impressed by his modesty, He paid some money in advance an d. ordered them to give my body OJ: smooth finish .. The workmen got busy once again, They la .. id me

on the ground and drenched me with water. They rubbed my body with stones. The torture again was beyond my endurance. It seemed as if my body was on. fire. Lastly, they painted my body wi tJl beautiful colours.

My master was immensely pleased with me.

He ordered them to pack me up for the journey, I was placed in a wooden box and covered with hay. Owe of the men stamped .my face with his foot while others lied me up with strong ropes. I could not stir auineh. The gentler nan who had invariably been providing me with. light and life, was distressed to see me in such a sad! plight. He was deeply moved with sympathy. Tears rolled down his cheeks, He wept silently for me,

We tookupjourney the next day My master put me in a carriage.

He boarded the carriage and sat beside me, He was a good singer and an orator, He sang meJodioili!sly and COliLVe][SOO sweetly. Ourjourney was a pleasant one. On reaching home he rested me, in a dark mom. One fine morning he brought ]lJ.1C out and at an auspicious moment eonsccrated me here in this temple, Now, ] am. no morea piece of stone or a mere statue buran idol. I have been transfigured into a deity. Thousands ffiroong IUY temple to worship me and be blessed, He worships and adores me in all thosemultitudinous forms , II Salynkeer[j was listening w~~.h. rapt au[ent:iou,

"Did youIisten ~o my tale of woe? Do you realize how many hardships I had to f2l!ce and what sacrifices I had tOl!!11 .... ke W reach this glorious and exalted state?" The idol askedand fell silent, Satyakeerti startedtlrinking .. His ,eye:.~ filled with tears of joy and his heart overflowed with admiration andhumele gratitude.



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U fiCasy Lies the head that wears the crown

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