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Wave Energy

Ben Hait-Campbell
Emily Howard
Sydney Lane
Austin Schader
Concept Statement

Create an accessible, interactive, learning experience for an alternative renewable energy.

Wave Energy

Wave power, previously an unharnessed energy source, de-

rives it’s energy directly from the motion of surface waves in the
ocean. This capture of energy can be used for electricity gen-
eration, water desalination, or the pumping of water into reser-
voirs. It is a new method of energy generation and is therefore
not yet a widely employed commercial technology. There are
many different types of wave power systems and methods of
collections differ because the field is so young that new ap-
proaches are constantly appearing. It’s particularly advanta-
geous because the energy is free-no fuel needed, no waste
produced, it’s not expensive to operate and maintain, and it
can produce a great deal of energy---the PowerBuoy system
from Ocean Power Technology in particular estimates that a 10
Megawatt station occupies only 4 acres of open ocean.
STEM Criteria
Potential Indicator
Visitors will increase their knowledge of renewable wave energy

Evidence of Impact
Children will be more likely to know how wave energy is harnessed
Children will be more likely to recognize wave energy as a renewable


Potential Indicator
Visitors will increase their interest I renewable wave energy

Evidence of Impact
Children will talk to their parents about waves/science/renewable energy
Children will be more interested in different methods of renewable energy

Potential Indicator
Children will show excitement in STEM learning

Evidence of Impact
Parents will notice increased enthusiasm towards science related topics

Potential Indicator
Children will show long term-increased interest in STEM related fields

Evidence of Impact
High school graduates from SLO will be more likely that the national aver-
age to pursue STEM careers

Potential Indicator
Pattern and reasoning skill building

Evidence of Impact
Children will draw conclusions from exhibit and tell parents
Site - SLO Library
Exhibit Design

Water Level



Van De Graf Generator


Hand Lever

Exhibit Design
Visitor Experience
Next Steps?

electrical detailing

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