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Year 13 OCR Media Studies

Putting it into words…

Learning Objectives

1. To be able to construct a coherent and fluent

argument about PoMo videogames and films

What is

How do we identify PoMo media?
List all of the key elements below; use your case study, lesson notes and experiences

Films Videogames
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
Media Industries Studied
Which 2 industries have you studied? List all institutions studied for both industries below
Media Texts Studied
List all of your examples below; use your case study, lesson notes and own experiences

Films Videogames
Media Theorists Studied
List all of the key theories below; use your case study, lesson notes and extended reading
Media Terminology Studied
List all of the key terms below; use your case study, lesson notes and extended reading
PoMo Debates Studied
List all of the debates below; use your case study, lesson notes and own experiences

Films Videogames
The for and against arguments that
some media texts are PoMo?
List all of your points below; use your case study, lesson notes and own experiences

Films Videogames
Putting it into words…

TASK: Look at your essay feedback, mark

and suggested area for revision.

What activity could you do to improve your

mark for the Section B answer?
What makes a videogame
Fragmentation of representations
- characters, settings, events

Intertextuality and extra-textual references

- genre hybridity, media interdependence, immersion and rabbit holes

Lack of Verisimilitude
- machinima, shifting contexts, temporal mastery

- micro-narratives, sandbox style vs. linearity

- player agency and emergent gameplay

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