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Physically Insignificant - Lucy Beck was young and small and mousecoloured, easily overlooked (Page 9) 2. Underachiever - She had a lonely O level and typing speed that would make a tortoise laugh (Page 9)

3. Low Self-Esteem - Whoever will want to employ me? (Page 9) - If I get a job Trouble was that there were hundreds after every vacancy, brighter than Lucy, better qualified than Lucy, wearing strings of O levels round their necks like pearls. (Page 10) 6. Courageous - She went back and sat down in front of the typewriter and glared at it. (Page 20) - She might be young and shy and a little slow, but she was not, no, she was not a coward! (Page 20)

4. Punctual - She was early. She smoothed down her windy hair and waited. (Page 12)

5. Clever - You catch on quick youre not the timid mouse you look, Miss Beck. Youre a right little lion. (Page 25)

7. Compassionate - I went along last night and left you flowers (Lucy places flowers at Miss Broomes grave). (Page 28) - They only asked you to go because they were worried about your health. (Lucy tells Miss Broome that Mr Bannister forced her to leave out of concern.) (Page 29) 8. Determined - Lucy wants a job to overcome her poverty and move out of the house. Lucy wanted the job. More than anyone, more than anything, she wanted a job. She was too tired of being poor. (Page 9) - Lucy is determined to complete her letters although she is constantly challenged by the ghost of Miss Broome. For an hour, she battled with the machine. (Page 22)

9. Sympathetic - After forty-three years? Lucy said, shocked into sympathy. (Page 25) - Sorry for her, are you? Harry Darke asked, watching her face. (Page 26) - No! No, it isnt! We want you, she said. (Page 28) (Lucy persuades Uncle Bert to stay with them)

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